YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE ENGLISHMAN'S HEBREW AND CHALDEE CONCORDANCE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT BEING AN ATTEMPT AT A VERBAL CONNEXION BETWEEN THE ORIGINAL AND THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH INDEXES A LIST OF THE PKOPER NAMES AND THEIR OCCURRENCES VOL. I. LONDON : LONGMAN, GREEN, BROWN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC. XLIII. THE ENGLISHMAN'S HEBREW AND CHALDEE CONCORDANCE OLD TESTAMENT. VOL. I. INTRODUCTION. APPELLATIVES K 0. THE INTRODUCTION CONTAINS AN ACCOUNT OF THIS WORK IN I. ITS OBJECT AND PLAN. II. ITS ORIGIN. III. THE FIRST ATTEMPTS AT REVISION. IV. ITS NEED OF FURTHER REVISION. V. THE FORMATION OF A STANDARD OF COMPARISON. VI. THE ACTUAL REVISION PREVIOUS TO PRINTING. VII. REVISION WHILE PASSING THROUGH THE PRESS. VIII. MEMORABILIA AS TO DETAILS OF THE PLAN. INTRODUCTION. 1st, The) The chief object proposed by this work is a very simple one. In and Plan, j the present state of lexicography it seemed, in a peculiar way, desirable to lead each student to deduce his "meaning and definition of words" (so far as possible), from the use made of them by the Holy Ghost. That those acquainted with English will by this book, at once, find both the extent to which this can be done placed before them, and the difficulties of so doing greatly diminished, is not too much to assume ; and if so, the chief end proposed will have been attained. It is also confidently believed, that those who have used the similar Concordance for the Greek New Testament, will anticipate that other and important advantages are likely to result. To explain very briefly the plan adopted, the work is divided into three parts: Part I. contains in alphabetical succession all the Appel latives in the Hebrew and Chaldee Bible. Immediately after each Hebrew or Chaldee word, follows the series of passages in which it occurs: with the quotations in the language of the authorised English translation, and in its order of books. Italic letters mark the word or words in English which correspond to the Hebrew or Chaldee word. The citations are sufficiently full, to enable any one moderately acquainted with the English Old Testament to recall the context. Part II. Is an Index showing, under each Hebrew and Chaldee word, the variations of the English translation. Part III. Is an Index, to enable the English reader to turn any English word into that which corresponds to it in Hebrew. Then follow a few Indexes of inferior importance. Before proceeding further, however, I must distinctly state as to this ( iv ) publication, that I am not the originator of its plan, the executor of it, or even the reviser ; but simply its proprietor. The credit of applying to the English language the principle on which Trom and Kircher formed their works for the Hebrew and Greek, appears in some sort to be due to Taylor. His Preface, indeed, shows that he con sidered the Hebraeo- Anglic character of his Concordance to be one of its recommendations. To any one, however, who knows that work, I need not say, that this is not, in any way, an imitation of it ; while, at the same time, all that is valuable in Taylor for an Englishman, is found to much greater advantage in this. The plan here adopted originated from, and was drawn up by s'" \ Mr. Win. Burgh,* a clergyman, of Dublin, about the year 1830. 2d, Ori- {: The rough copy in manuscript likewise was executed under his direc tion, without any remuneration for his time or superintendence, but at my expense as regards those employed by him in the manual labour ; the MS. being considered his property, so long as he might proceed in it without delay. Other occupation, however, arising to him when the rough copy was finished, it was made over to me (in 1832), whose connection with it up to that point was thus only of a pecuniary nature. The method pursued in making the rough draft, was much the same as that described in " The Englishman's Greek Concordance." But the sub divisions in Taylor's work, of the references according to the forms of the words in Hebrew, necessitated, of course, a re-arrangement of all the refer ences according to the order of the books and chapters in the Bible ; which was not needful in the use of Schmid's work for the New Testament; moreover, the citation in Schmid commonly of three Greek words, and in Taylor of only one Hebrew word, increased the difficulty of preparing this work for the Old Testament, greatly beyond that of making the other for the New Testament. As the value of a work like this must depend very much upon the quan tity of patient labour bestowed upon it, I would state, that no time, labor, or expense have been spared in bringing it to perfection. The rough MS. was finished more than ten years since, and much of the interval has been occupied in different kinds of revision. * To his instruction I owe all the knowledge of Hebrew I may possess : I would here, especially, include whatever is of real value in my Chart Grammars of the Hebrew. Having studied Hebrew under Mr. Burgh, all his thoughts, principles, and ideas, as to the gram mar of that language, of course passed through my mind. The charts were the result of an attempt made, some time after having so learned Hebrew, to give a digest of part of Professor Lee's Hebrew Grammar. ( v ) 3d, First At- ) If my reader's patience will permit, I will endeavour to lead tempts tL " ( d, First At- ) vision. j him through these labors. And, first, the following quotation from a Prospectus (issued June 1836), will at once explain the difficulties to be contended with, and present an interesting scale as to the value of other more ancient Concordances. Extract from a Prospectus, dated June 1836. " The whole of this has twice been verified with Vanderhooght's Hebrew Bible. The process pursued was this : — The MS. was read through, and each word in the various places referred to in it, found in the Bible, and there crossed out. The first of these comparisons was instituted in the Autumn of 1833, and finished in the Spring of 1834, a red chalk pencil being used to cancel the passages in the Bible. On account of the indistinctness arising from the chalk, and for other reasons, this comparison was deemed insufficient. A second similar revision there fore commenced in June, 1834; and a fresh Bible having been prepared for the purpose, interleaved with tissue paper, red ink was substituted for the chalk, and the indistinctness avoided. By these means, as no words were marked in the Bible but those found in the .manuscript, of course the words not marked with red ink in the Bible, when the whole comparison was ended, were all the words which had been omitted in the manuscript. Each quotation also has been carefully com pared with a Hebrew and English Bible. It is not feared, therefore, if a comparison be instituted between the present and any former Concordance, but that this will be found, both as to the correctness and the number of the references, by far the most perfect. And in order to insure this, — at once to prevent the omission of any quotations found in any former Concordance, and to ascertain how many new references have been given, — arrangements have been made to compare each sheet with the works of Buxtorf, of Marius de Calasio, as edited by W. Romaine, and of Taylor. " The aid of all these very valuable books, as also of Trom, Conrad Kircher, Noldius on the Particles, and many other of the best printed, as well as living, authorities, has been largely used ; and but for the assistance ministered by them (but especially by Buxtorf and Noldius), the present work would have failed of much of that accuracy which has been attained. " That the present edition will be found ' complete' or ' faultless,' is not sug gested : but that it will be found, as to matter far more full and accurate, as to arrangement more simple and perspicuous, and as to price more accessible than any former work of a similar nature, is confidently believed, to say nothing of superior portability, type, paper, &c. " P. S. The first sheet of the present work was originally set up by the printer in a larger type, and somewhat different form, so as to contain about one-eighth less matter than at present. The result of its comparison with the other Concordances, was the following report of omissions, &c. In Buxtorf, Printed in 1632. "nsrvi 2Ki. 11: 1. PUS 1 Ch. 11:19. »3X1 Gen. 11:29. — Josh. 24: 2. 13X 2 Ki. 5:13. — 1 Ch. 8:29. — 2Ch. 10:14., 16: 3. V3X Gen. 9:22. ,28: 8. — Deu. 21:19. — 1 Ki. 22:51. — 2 Ch. 33:23., 34: 3. f1>3X Nu. 30: 5. — Jud. 19: 3. rVDN 2 Ch. 25: 4. nnxn 1 ch. 9:34. — Ezr. 10:16. IVrVDX — 35. 1WI3X1 Jer. 3:25. DDTlUXD 2 Ch. 30: 7. VJIUX 21: 1., 26:23. DDUN Exod. 6:14. DnTmx 2Ch. isms. *|13X Dan. 5:11. D»J3X Deu. 10: 3. — 2 Sa. 18:17. pX! Gen. 2:12. — 1 Ki. 10:10. Within the space of eight pages and two columns, besides mis takes regarding the respective books, 4 ; — chapters, 17 ; — verses, 92; — quotations, 5 ;— in all 118. I find also that in j$ there are 380 omissions, and 1 100 errata. 12. 8:29. 9:34. (Vi ) In Marios by Romaine, 1747. H3X 2 Ki. 21 : 3. 13X* Eccl. 9:18. 113X* Jer. 10:11. H3K 1 Ch. 11:18. V3X Gen. 9:22., 28: 8. — Deu. 21:19. 13TI13K Nu. 36: 4. DiTOX — 6. UTI13X — 7,8. JV3X jrvax •OK 1 Ch. rvnxn DrVTVaX 2Ch. 1 3 : 1 8. Vri12X 21: 1., 26:23. V3K 33: 23., 34: 3. UTTDXl Jer. 3:25. 3X1 Eze. 18:20. D'OSX Deu. 10: 3. _ 2 Sa. 18:17. J3X1 Gen. 2:12. _ I Ki. 10:10. — Dan. 6:17(18). Within the space of fifteen pages, besides a few mistakes in books, chapters, verses, quotations ; — in all under twenty. Rabbi Nathan's work, second edition, Basil, 1581, has fewer mistakes though more omissions than Buxtorf's. In Kircher, I found one, and in Trom about four references not found else where. In this work 3 has 1 45 omissions. In Taylor, Printed in 1754. 13X111 2Ki. 11: 1. 13X 1 Ch. 4:21 bis leg. — 8:29. *3X 2Ki. 5:13. — 2Ch. 16: 3. TOX Gen. 9:22. _ Deu. 21:19. — 27:16. _ 1 Ki. 22:50(51). — 2 Ch. 33:23. _ 34: 3. rT>3X Jud. 19: 3. V3&6 Gen. 27:31. ni3Xn 1 Ch. 9:34. — Ezr. 10:16. Vn3X 2 Ki. 14:20. Dri3X Ex. 6:14. orvrrax 2Ch. i3:is. _ 30: 7. "J13X Dan. 5:11 ter leg. J3X1 Gen. 2:12. — Pro. 11: 1. )3Xn Gen. 28:18. D»33K Deu. 10: 3. — 2 Sa. 18:17. Taylor, in his preface, says, " I have added all the words I could find that Buxtorf hath omitted, which amount to 121 ;'' (he cer tainly added many more, but) ob serve, our first sheet alone, less than one eightieth part of the whole work, adds 25 more. In this work 3 has 250 omissions. " The preparation of this work for the press has been the labour of many. To Dr. Bialloblotzky, especially, I am indebted more largely than 1 can here state, as also to his assistant, Mr. Davidson." 4th, Further ) But all this labour was abortive, and further delay occurred : needful. j for that no superstructure, reared upon or formed out of such materials as had been found ready to our hands, could be made to approach to the measure of accuracy desired, became apparent soon after the publication of the prospectus out of which the above is quoted. The only prospect of success seemed to be in commencing de novo, and forming something which would be in itself a perfect standard of com parison. From this period, indeed, I date the commencement of the revi sion of the work : and we have reason to believe, that if instead of merely making a standard of comparison, we had also re-written the manuscript from that standard, much trouble and delay would have been saved us. For the rough copy (originally made upon the basis of Taylor's Concord ance by those who were employed under Mr. Burgh, and who were wholly ( vii ) incompetent to the task of executing his plan), had come into my hand so replete with inaccuracies, that the corrections, and attempts at corrections, had made any proper revision of it difficult. To re-write the MS., however, did not occur to us till a later period, or else much trouble might have been spared. The formation of such a standard of comparison was, however, undertaken and carried through by the kind aid of many ; among the rest, of S. P. Tregelles, on whom the responsibility of the correction of the MS. now also devolved ; of B. Davidson, a converted Hebrew (already men tioned) ; and of W. Chalk, with whom the correction of the press has chiefly rested, &c. &c. &c. : as also, Mr. G. W. Pieritz, Mr. A. Levi, and Mr. N. Davis, afterwards connected with the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. I cannot explain this portion of our toil more simply, than by reprinting an — "ACCOUNT OF THE HEBRAIST'S VADE MECUM ; OR, STANDARD OF COMPARISON. 5th, Formation ) " The supposed inaccuracies, and known omissions in existing of a Standard of '- rr ' ° comparison. J Hebrew Concordances, first suggested, 28th October 1836, the idea of the present attempt. In revising the second sheet of the English man's Hebrew Concordance, it alone was found to contain 300 citations not in the works of Rabbi Nathan, Buxtorf, Marius, Taylor, Trom, or Kircher. Confessedly, then, none of these works were complete ; perhaps also, none had been made directly from the Hebrew Language, and if so, then none of them could justly be looked upon as ' A Standard.' Complete Hebrew Con cordance, presenting a complete balance as to the extent of its contents with that of the Hebrew Bible, there was none. Could such a thing be pro duced ? The plan on which the attempt has been made is a very simple one, namely, that on which catalogues to libraries are usually formed. The thought to be carried into execution, was to 'distribute' (as the printer would say) the Hebrew Bible from Genesis to 2nd Chronicles, the last book according to the Hebrew order, placing each word as it recurs, with those like it which had occurred in the preceding parts of the Bible. In order to effect this, — " I. The first step taken was to make a census of the words in the Bible, so as to be able to say how many words each respective verse in each chapter and book throughout the whole Bible contained. This was easily accom plished, — the number of words in each verse being counted in a copy of Athias's Bible by one person, and this checked by a second, who counted in Vanderhooght's Bible. Specimen of the Report. Genesis, Chap. 1 verse 1, contains words 7 ¦^5 55 55 " •% 5, „ 6 4, „ „ 12&c.,&c. ( viii ) " II. According to this census, tables were prepared for each word in each verse, on pages containing 3 columns in width and 27 lines in depth. " The directions to the writers were these : — " Write the name of the book, and the figures representing chapter and verse, as often as the census says there are words in the verse. Specimen of the Tables. Gen. 1:1. \ Gen. 1 : 1. Gen. 1:1. , . . 7 . c 1 • 1 I 7 times, because Gen. 1 : 1. has 7 words (see above). Gen. 1:1. Gen. 1:1. Gen. 1 : 1. " Thus labels were prepared for each word in each verse in the Bible, of such a nature, as that if the Hebrew word were firmly appended to it, its place in the Bible would be manifest. " III. Two copies of Vanderhooght's Bible were taken, and by tracing a carmine line through the alternate pages of the two, there was left but one clean Bible. " IV. Each page was then pared to the edge of the letterpress on every side except the left ; each line with its accents and points was divided with scissors from that above and that below it, from right to left, yet not cut off, but allowed to adhere to the white edge which remained on the left side, so that all the lines of each page were bound together in one. " V. A paster having run his brush down the left side of a column in the Table (described above, see II.), tore off a line of letterpress, and observing to keep that side uppermost which had no carmine line drawn through the words, separated each word from that which followed, with scissors, into the paste. Each word had then to be laid straight and pressed. " N.B. As a sooph passuk (:) ends each verse in the Bible, if the report and the table were correct, the last label of each verse would have sooph passuk : — this was a check to the paster. " VI. The whole was then read carefully with the Bible to see that no thing was lost; — thus: first one person held the MS., and a second read aloud from the Hebrew Bible, tapping on the table when he came to a word beginning, in the simple form of it, with N, which the other marked + in the MS.; and then the MS. was carefully read again, to be sure that all the alephs were marked and were correct as to accents, &c, &c. " VII. The alephs were then cut out with a penknife, divided into ap pellatives and proper names, — the former sorted, first according to the roots whence derived, then into separate words and forms, — and then pasted. " For sorting the roots and words we had the use of 1100 lozenge boxes, and used trays for the forms. ( « ) " VIIL The pasted boohs of aleph were read, and the contents of each article carefully compared with Buxtorf and with Taylor, — the leading forms compared with Taylor, and again with Buxtorf. " The order of books, of chapters, and of verses, in each article, severally and separately examined by one person ; the words in each article read ver batim by one person, and letter by letter by a second, to prevent there being in any article more than one form. " IX. A copy of Vanderhooght interleaved was then taken, and each word in the pasted books found in this, the accents compared, and then a line drawn in the Bible over the word, and it ticked in the pasted book. The Bible thus marked was then compared and examined by another, which had been twice carefully revised by competent persons. " [There was a two-fold object, in thus proceeding as to N : — first, it brought the whole work again and again under inspection ; and, secondly, enabled us to proceed in the use of aleph in a much shorter space of time than we could, had we waited till the whole Bible was distributed.] " X. Having thus disposed of aleph, each page in the tables was read down by the marker, who placed the initial letter of the simple form after each word, except where it happened to stand without any prefix ; and p. n. was in addition added to each proper name. " XL A box rising from 8 inches depth in the front, to 14 inches depth at the back was provided : it contained 24 departments, each in area about 4 inches. These were labelled with the letters of the alphabet according to their supposed frequency, the less frequent being placed in the less accessi ble, and the more frequent in the more accessible parts: — 21 letters, one place for proper names, and one for \& (usually considered in the alphabet under £>), left us but one for waste scraps. " The tables were pared and the columns separated : and then the dis tributor proceeded, a column in the left hand and scissors in the right, to distribute. He read as he proceeded, and snipped into its department each labelled word according to the letter after it (see X.), except when his judgment differed from that of the marker; in which case Buxtorf and Gesenius were immediately resorted to. " XII. When the whole was thus distributed, the contents of each de partment of the box were examined, and all the labels which had not upon them the same letter as marked the department under examination, were set aside for the second judgment of the distributer, and then put by the sorter into bags. " XIII. The proper names were distributed, and in like manner looked through. " XIV. The marker then distributed the respective letters into roots, which of course brought under his eye the corrections of his former work by the distributer. ( X ) " XV. Each word was divided into simple forms, and pasted according to dictionary matter made by the distributer, and for the most part agreed to by the marker. « XVI. The order of books, of chapters, and of verses, of each article in the pasted books was then severally and separately examined, and the words read verbatim by one and literatim by a second person (see VII). " XVII. Every citation in the pasted books was found in the interleaved Vanderhooght, and the words there marked and the pasted books ticked. "N.B. In marking this interleaved Vanderhooght, different marks and various coloured inks were used for the different letters. In exa mining this Bible when the whole was thus verified, it was found that most of the words in it which had no mark over them, were not ticked in the pasted books. I think I may say that not six words out of 400,000 were missing in the pasted books. " XVIII. The whole contents of the pasted books were then compared with Buxtorf's Hebrew Concordance, to see that our dictionary arrangement had not wandered altogether from the old school, &c, and then all the forms with Fiirst's new and valuable edition of that work. " XIX. And, lastly, it has been twice compared with the Englishman's Hebrew Concordance. " With reference to the printed specimen on the opposite page, it may be well to notice that the dictionary matter is added only and solely for the sake of convenience and comfort to the reader, that he may have a sea neither of Hebrew nor of figures before him, but at least some words which he knows. It was thought to put as dictionary matter, just the translation, of the versions in the respective languages, of the first citation of each word: but upon the whole it is perhaps better as it is. It is new; — in some respects a compilation from Gesenius' Thesaurus, and tyipn ]Vlh ISMi, referred to above as the new and valuable edition of Buxtorf, corrected by Fiirst, which has been lately published by Tauchnitz, Leipsic* It will not be found bad, considering how concise it is; yet we set no value or store upon it, introducing it chiefly for convenience. " Note. — The Hebrew type is a new fount, cut expressly for this work by Alexander Wilson and Sons." * Excellent and well corrected as this work is, the Vade Mecum discovered no fewer than seven corrigenda, and at least ten omissions, in the course of its eight first pages. ( xi ) [specimen op heeraist's vade mecum.] 3X (2) 3X lix v. ^ I- T * KAL. * amisaum esse, perire ; to be lost, to perish ; etre perdu, perir ; oerlorcu j.tH'n, Ulns lommen. Pret. 3. m. Nu. 21:30— Jer.48:46 — Joel 1:11— Mio. 7:2— Ps.9:7#142: 5— Job 11:20 #18: 17 #30:2— Lam.3: 18 13X1 (-t : 2K.9:8 — Jer.25:35# 48:8— Eze. 12:22— Am. 2:14— Zee. 9: 5— Ps. 41:6— Ecc. 5:13 #26:2, 55 §-34: 14, 14— Deu. 29:24 — 1 Ki. 9:9 #14:22— 2 Ki. 17:41 #21.15 — Isa. 14:21 — Ezr. 2:59 #10: 16— Neh. 7:61 Jer.fl.15— Eze.2:3 Dpi383 Ps. 78:8, 57 Jos. 5:6 # 21:41, 42 —1 Ki. 8:34, 48— 2 Ki. 21:8 — Jer. 16: 15 #32:22 T5¥ Isa. 57:1— Jon. 4: 10— Mic. 4:9— Job 4:7 Nu. 14:23— Deu. 10: 11 #31:7 — Jos. 1: 6— Jer. 30:3— 2 Ch. 6:38 np'nxp Jud. 2:19-^Jer."7:26 —Job 15:18 f. rmx It: |t Ex. 10:7— Jer. 7:28 # 9:11 #49:7 — Eze. 19:5 rmxi |t : |t : Isa. 29:14— Jer.40:15 Eze. 37: 11 desiderium ; desire souhait ; 9Bunfd&. suf. 53JJ Job 34:36 rmx tXtt Pro. 11:7— Ecc. 9:6 2.m. Nu.21:29Eze 26:17 I.e. IJVpX Ps. 119:92— Est. 4:16 vmx • :att Est. 4:16 P1.3.m. .1-J3X Ps. 10:16#146:4 •113X1 I : |t: Am. 1:8 #3:15 •mx AT T ¦113X1 at t : Jer. 48: 36 ("IP) Jer. 6:21 2.m. 0^13X1 Lev. 26:38— Deu. 'll: 17— Jos.23:16— Jer. 27:10,15I.e. Nu. 17:27 •13"PK »T3¥ Nu. 17:27 Inf. -|3K Deu. 4:26 # 8:19 # 30:18 &p'ux> -II. m. Ch. 3$ i-q-3Xi.' T suff. 13X Dan.5:13 Dan. 5:11, 11. 11,18 1} Dan. 5:2 PI. suff. Dan. 2:23 Ezr. 4:15 wrimx TlT TIT ~: m. 2N viror ; greenness; ver dure ; bat ©tun, suf. iaxa Job 8:12 Pl.c. 13K3 Cant.6:Il m. Ch. 2J$ fructus ; fruit; fruit ; grud)t. suff. Dan. 4:11 Dan. 4: 9, 18 333X1 D3TI3K3 iv •• I —.r 2 Ch. 30:7 D3>rn3&£ Jer. 7:7 # 11:5— Eze. 20:42 Qynhvb iv •• i -:r Deu. 1:8, 35 #7:8 # 8:1 #11:9,21— Jud. 2:1 — Eze. 36:28 # 47:14—2 Ch. 33:8 D3iri3X^1 Jer.7:14#23:39#25: 5 #35:15 nainbxp Jer. 16:12 Qp^nnx Jer. 50:7—1 Ch.4:38 # 5:13 # 23:24 — 2Ch.ll:16 #13:18 # 14:3 # 15:12 # 17:14 # 19:4 # 24:18, 24 #30:7, 22 #31:17 #34:32,33 DjTri'3X Ezr. 8:1— Neh. 9:2— 1 Ch.5:25 # 9:9 # 24v30 # 29:20 — 2 Ch. 7.22 # 20:33 #36:15 nrvn'nxi Jer. 19:4 ' Dninhxi 1 Ch.9:19' rj:rni3_x) IKi. 14:15 Djrr)'3&£ Neh. 9:23—1 Ch. 6:4 Dn'niax^ Jer.24:10 Divrib}6i 2Ch. 6:25 Dp'ms Nu. 1:16 # 17:18 — Jos. 4:21 # 22:14 —Jud. 2:12, 17, 20, 22 # 3-4 #21:22 — 2 Ki. 17:14, 15 — Jer. 9:13 # 11:10, 10 # 16:3 # 23:27 # 31:32 — Eze. 5: 10 #20:4, 24— Am. 2:4 — Mai. 3:24 — Ps. 78:12 — Pro 17:6— Job8:8#30i 1— lCh.5:15,24,24 # 7:2,4,9#9.13 # 12:30#24:4#26:13 — 2Ch.i28:6 Dp3X Ex. 4:5 #6: 14— Lev. 26:39,40— Nu. 1.2, 18,20,22,24,26,28. 30,32,34,36,38,40.42,45, 47 # 2:2,32 #3:15,20#4:2, " 29, 34, 38, 40, 42, 46 # 7:2 # 17:17, 21 M'friaS Gen.47:3— Jos 22:28 — Jud.6:13— Jer.3: 24 # 14:20 # 16:19 — Ps. 44:2 # 78: 5 #106:6, 7— 1 Ch. 12:17 #29:15, 18— 2 Ch. 29:9 #34:21 «7j38 Gen.46:34— Nu.20:15 #36:3, 4— Deu 5:3 #26:7— Jos.24:17— 1 Ki. 8:21, 53, 57, 58— 2K.22:13— Isa. 64:10— Mai. 2:10 — Ps. 22:5 — Lam. 5: 7— Dan. 9:16— Ezr. 7:27 #9:7— Neh.9: 9 #10:35— 2Ch.20: 6 # 29:6 •lj'rfDXl. Jer. 3:25 wpbxi. Jer. 44: 17— Ps78:3— Dan. 9:6— Neh. 9: 16, 34 •lypbx? Deu. 6:23 # 26:3, 15 —1 Ki. 8:40— Mic. 7:20— Neh. 9:36— 2Ch.6:31 ¦lj'pbxbi Nu. 20:15— Dan. 9-:8 —Neh. 9:32 D^D'nx Ex. 3:13— Jos. 18:3 # 24:2, 6, 6, 14, 15— 1 Sa. 12:6, 8— Isa. 65:7— Jer. 2:5 #3: 18 #7:22,25 #11: 4#16:11 #17:22# 34:13, 14 # 44:9, 10— Eze. 20:18, 27. 30,36 #37:25— Hos. 9:10— Zee. 1:2,5— Ps. 95:9—2 Ch. 28. 9 #29:5 Gen. 48:21 — Ex. 3: 15, 16 — Nu. 32:8, 14 #33: 54— Deu.4: 1 #32:17— 1 Sa.12: 7,8—2 Ki. 17:13- Joel 1:2— Zee. 1:6 #8:14— Mai. 3:7— Ezr. 8:28#10:11— Neh. 13:18—2 Ch. 13:12 #35:4 D3ni3x Deu. 1:11 D^nnxs Jer. 11:7 D3'nbx3-1 1 Sa. 12:15 ds/nnxi Jer. 44:21 D3TI3X1 iv ¦¦ i -:r Jer. 16:13 #44:3 D3Tri3X3 iv •• i-:r Zec. 1:4—2 Ch. 30:8 *P3X Gen.47:9, 30 #48:15, 16— lKi.21-:3-Neh 2:3,5 'pinxi 2Ch. 32:13 ?n'nx /.t -: IKi. 21:4 — Ps. 39:13 — 2Ch. 32:15 inbx Gen. 49:29 IKi. 19:4 TDKD at -:|- Gen. 31:3— Jer. 34:5 —Pro. 22:28 Tp^x Gen. 15:15— Ex,10:6, 6— Deu. 1:21 #4: 31,37 # 6:3 #8:3, 16 # 10:22 # 12:1 27:3#30:5,9#31: 16— 2Sa.7:12— IKi. 13:22—2 Ki. 20:17 #22:20— Isa 39:6— Ps.45:17— ICh. 17: 11— 2 Ch. 34: 28 Deu. 10:15 Tp3K1 Deu.l3:7# 28:36, 64 Ex. 13:5— Deu. 6:10, 18#7:12,13#8:18#9:5#13:18#19: 8, 8 # 28:11 #29; 12 #30:20 Tp'2^i. Ex. 13:11 Deu 30:5 vn'nx it -: Jud. 2:10— Ps, 49:20 — 2 Ch. 30:19 vnbx it -: Lev. 25:41— Nu. 1:4, 44 # 2:34 # 13:2 # 36:7,8—1 Ki. 1:21 # 2:10 # 11:21,43 # 14:20, 31, 31 # 15:8, 12, 24, 24 # 16:6, 28 #22:40,51, 51—2 Ki.8:24, 24 # 9:28#10:35 # 12: 19, 22 # 13:9, 13 # 14:16, 20, 22,29 #15:7,7,9,22, 38, 38 #16:20, 20 #20: 21 #21:18, 22 #23: 32, 37 # 24:6— Ps. 109:14— Dan.ll:24 24, 37, 38— 2 Ch. 9: 31 #12:16 # 13:23 # 16:13 #21:1, 1, 10, 19 #25:28 #26: 2, 23, 23 # 27:9 # 28:25, 27 # 32:33 # 33:12, 20 #35:24 l'flbX^ Nu 11:12— Deu. 31: 20 ( xii ) Having thus briefly explained the object and plan of this Concordance ; the method of forming both the MS. and its standard of comparison, I pro ceed to give a more detailed account of its revision for the press, and correc tion while passing through it, with a few explanatory remarks upon some of the minutiae, which may as well be noticed to the reader as left for his observation to discover. Account of the Revision of the Manuscript. eth, Actual Re-, 1st. With the Hebrew and English Bible.— Each line of the toSprninUng"°us j MS. was read with an interleaved Hebrew and English Bible; in doing this attention was to be paid to three questions. First, Is that part of the verse cited which really corresponds to the Hebrew word? For in the Prophets and those Scriptures which are written in parallel members, the danger is frequent of citing in English a part of the sentence nearly coinciding in sense with the Hebrew word, but which actually is the transla tion of the parallel member. Second, Is the English citation so full as to comprehend all that which really translates the Hebrew word, and have such words been selected as best exhibit the sense and connection ? Third, As to the words underlined, is there neither more nor less underlined than what exactly answers to the Hebrew word ? 2nd. With the English Bible. — After this examination of every line with the Hebrew and English, another individual examined the MS. with an English Bible. The object herein was to correct the spelling, and verify the references, stops, &c. During this revision, memoranda were kept of every particular which appeared doubtful to the reviser. 3rd. To avoid omissions, and revise the general arrangement, — The whole of the citations were then carefully examined with the pasted books (which form the copy of the Hebraist's Vade Mecum). This was done by two persons, one holding the MS., the other, the pasted books. A check was thus obtained upon the accuracy of the MS. in three particulars. First, As to the insertion of all the occurrences of each word. Second, As to the arrangement and division of the verbs. And third, As to the corre spondence of the English citations underlined with the Hebrew words : fully to secure this last object, the underlined portions of the English were read aloud by one reviser to the other, who held the pasted books before him. Memoranda were kept with respect to any of the above particulars, in which it was judged that the MS. needed correction. 4th. Use made of the Memoranda. — They were put into the hands of the reviser, who had read the MS. with the Hebrew and English texts : - ( xni ) and if he coincided in judgment with those who had made the suggestions, the MS. was at once corrected. In case of difference of opinion, the point was examined afresh with the Hebraist who had conducted the comparison of the MS. with the pasted books. 7th, Revi- 1 Thus prepared, we ventured to go to press ; but in order to sion while f . . at Press. J insure as much accuracy as possible, great and unusual care has been bestowed in correction while passing through the press. After being carefully read at the printing office, each page was — 1st. Compared by one person with the MS. His directions were to read from the MS. to the letter-press, ticking in the latter each line as he saw that it contained the matter in the MS. which his left hand traced down, — especial care being taken as to the italics. 2nd. The same parts were then read from the pasted books of the Vade Mecum into the letter-press, ticking in both the one and the other as he proceeded. 3rd. A comparison then took place between the marks on the letter-press, which were in black, with the marks in the MS., made in red when the MS. was compared with the pasted books, previous to being set up in type. 4th. The whole letter-press was then carefully read with an Oxford Bible (Small Pica Octavo, 1836) ; the same as that used in the correcting of the Englishman's Greek Concordance. 5th. The order of books, chapters, and verses were then separately examined to avoid needless duplicates— each separately, and the order of the species of the verbs, Kai, Niphal, &c. with their subordinate divisions into tenses ; and lastly, a comparison with the copy for italics alone. 6th. The proof sheets, after being thus corrected by the English reviser, were submitted to another reviser, thoroughly acquainted with Hebrew, who, first, read them through, marking and correcting whatever appeared necessary : second, he compared the headings, &c. with the pasted books, taking notice of whatever queries the first reviser had made: third, he read through the italics separately, making frequent reference both to a Hebrew and English Bible, and to the pasted books. 7th. After the stereotype plates were cast, the italics had another revision, in order, if possible, to allow nothing to pass which differed from the principles and arrangement of the work. More labour should have ( xiv ) been bestowed, if any thing had suggested itself as possible to have added accuracy. sth, concluding > I conclude with the notice of a few details which the reader Remarks as to J . , details of pian. S will need to retain in mind : — As to headings and order.— The Hebrew and Chaldee will be found under one alphabet; but observe, when any variation in the mode of spelling words exists, we have taken either the form fullest in letters, or (when such forms were evidently irregular), the one most frequently occurring. When the word does not occur in Scripture in the form given in the heading, the pronunciation is included within brackets, see p. 8 \ehr\ and p. 9 [avad\ &c. A pronunciation is added, that those who know nothing of Hebrew, may be able to affix a name to the words. The system of pronunciation* adopted requires little explanation : the simple English letters have been used so far as their sounds express those of the original. The gutturals are thus represented, H by gh ; ^ by ch ; y by g. The following Tables exhibit the system pursued with regard to the vowels. - ah — a combined with a consonant, or ah. — eh 7 e „ „ „ or eh. » : ee . 1 ), 5) » ¦ — 5 1 oh — o „ „ „ or oh. ¦1 OOj— 00 „ „ „ The imperfect vowels are similarly expressed, and distinguished by a short mark, thus - a followed by a consonant. e » JJ j? T: 0 >: V) >7 Sh'va, when moveable, is represented by an apostrophe being inserted between two letters. * Hebrew is frequently represented in English by the Italian vowel sounds, which differ in some respects from those we have adopted : the h which follows some of them here is added simply to avoid mispronunciation. The syllabification is according to the rules of Hebrew orthography; each complete syllable being separated by a hyphen (-). The English reader must be told, that in Hebrew an imperfect vowel ("•, '•", T;) never constitutes a syllable. The accented syllable of the Hebrew is also marked in the pronunciation. In the verbs, it has been deemed expedient to make — 1st, divisions according to the seven more common species, Kai, Niphal, &c. At the commencement of each such species, a double asterisk is used (* KAL. — Preterite* ; see p. 8, ah-vad' ; the more rare forms, as Hothpael, &c, being pointed out, as they occur) ; — and 2dly, subdivisions of each of these heads into Preterite, Future, &c. When the Hebrew and English differ as to verse and chapter, the latter is placed tirst, and the former immediately after, in parentheses —thus 13X Numbers 17 : 12(27) is found to be verse 12 in the English, but verse 27 in the Hebrew. I xv ) The word (or words) by which, in the citations from the English ver sion, the Hebrew word is translated appears in italics. In preparing the MS. for this, whatever was combined with the word itself, whether prefix or suffix, was underlined as well as the word itself; so that the English reader might see at once the circumstances of the Hebrew word. In the verbs this has a peculiar importance, because of the influence which the copulative T exercises in the change of the tenses. Had this been neglected, the English reader would often have been surprised at the use of Futures for Preterites, and vice versa. When the personal pronouns were implied in the verb, and not expressed by separate words, they were put in italics. When the copu lative i prefixed to the Hebrew word is combined in translation with a negative (such as nor or neither), the combined negative was put in italics; not as indicating that such a negative is implied in the Hebrew word with its prefix, but as shewing the combination of the copulative with the He brew word. This is often important, especially (as has just been remarked) in the case of verbs. When two or more passages occur in immediate succession, or within the same chapter, which read exactly alike both in Hebrew and in the English translation, the quotation is only given once after the references. The marginal renderings of the English version have been carefully inserted, and also occasionally a literal rendering. As to the particles a few words must be said. The separable particles which form in Hebrew so extensive a class of words, could scarcely, as it is obvious, be inserted in such a Concordance. To say the truth, their occurrences had never been gathered together previously to the making of the Hebraist's Vade Mecum. That they might not, however, be neglected, the following plan was adopted. When the occurrences of any particle did not exceed twenty, the whole were inserted in the same manner as other words. When the occurrences were above twenty in number, a selection was made of a few passages, which might serve as specimens of the varied use of the particle ; in which cases, " &c. &c," will be found at the end of the series. For this purpose, the whole series of each particle was examined with the Hebrew and English Bible, the translation of the word being written down through the whole series of places in which they occurred. Sufficient specimens were chosen of every variety of meaning or of translation, which were written out and adopted into the MS. When a particle had any peculiar combinations with other words, selections were in the same manner made from them. When the particle is omitted in the translation, its place is pointed out by paren thesis marks placed thus )( ; the same mark is used with the same purpose, occasionally, with regard to other words. ( xvi ) As every one that knows Taylor and his Concordance, must be aware how its headings are tinged and tainted with his peculiar views, I would only say, passingly, that there being no headings or explanations in this work (nothing but the Hebrew and Chaldee words followed by citations from the English Bible), there is no room for any such taint here ; and there fore the reader need not be anxious to know the sentiments and thoughts of any of the many who have been employed in it. The only cautionary remark I would add is this, that without faith, and the Spirit's aid (never withheld from the humble and prayerful Christian), AND A PATIENT EXAMINATION OF the contexts, no one can profit aright from this Concordance. To mete out to each labourer his measure of praise, I know not how : but having thus publicly (as also constantly in private), mentioned whose is the ap^tTeKToviKt] (ppovrjCLi; of the plan ; and being assured, moreover, that for the last ten years he has been known to upwards of a hundred of the clergy of the Establishment in England and Ireland, as the author; and having referred to the arduous labour, indefatigable patience, accuracy, learning and talent of the many who have laboured at it through the last eight years, under my direction, I sign my name to this preface, confessing that, with the excellencies of the work I desire to claim little connection, beyond that which has resulted from money having passed through my hands for the prosecution of it. And now may God, even the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, vouchsafe His Holy Spirit's blessing hereon. GEORGE V. WIGRAM. London, September 22nd, 1843. THE ENGLISHMAN'S HEBREW AND CHALDEE CONCORDANCE. N ahf-leph. The first letter of the Alphabet. IX ahv, m. Gen 2:24. 4:20. 21. 9:18. 22. 23. 10:21.11:28. 29. 12. 1. 15:15.17: 4. 5. 19:31. 32. 33, 34. 36.37.38. 20:12. 13. 22: 7. 21. 24: 7. 23. 38. 40. 26: 3. 15. is' 24. 27: 6.9. 22. 26. 30. 31. 32. 34. 38. 39. 41. leave Ms father and his mother, the father of such, as dwell in the father o/all such as handle the father of Canaan. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the naked ness of his father, nakedness of their father ; saw not their father* s nakedness. Shem also, the father of all Haran died before his father the father o/Milcah, and the father of and from thy father's house, shalt go to thy fathers in peace; a father of many nations. a father o/many nations have I made thee. Our father (is) old, let us make our father drink wine, 34. preserve seed of our father. 35. made their father drink wine lay with her father ; yesternight with my father : with child by their father. the father of the Moabites the father of the children of Amnion she (is) the daughter of my father, to wander from my father's house, Abraham his father, and said, My father : Kemuel the father of Aram, took me from my father's house, room (in) thy father's house go unto my father's house, of my kindred, and of my father's house : sware unto Abraham thy father; which his father's servants had digged 18. days or Abraham his father, his father had called them. God of Abraham thy father : Behold, I heard thy father speak savoury meat for thy father, bring (it) to thy father, My father peradventure will feel me, such as his father loved. came unto his father, and said, My father: Jacob said unto Ids father, went near unto Isaac his father; his father Isaac said unto him, from the presence of Isaac his father, brought it unto his father, and said unto hit father, Let my father arise, And Isaac his father said unto him, when Esau heard the words of Ms father, and said unto his father, Bless me, (even) me also, O my father. Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father ? bless me, (even) me also, O my father. And Isaac his father answered wherewith his father blessed him: The days of mourning for my father Gen28: 2. the house of Bethuel thy mother's father; 7. Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, 8. pleased not Isaac his father ; 13.I(am)theLord God of Abraham thy father, 21. 1 come again to my father's house 29 : 9. Rachel came with her father's sheep : 12. told Rachel that he (was) her father's bro., — she ran and told her father. 31: 1. all that (was) our father's; and of (that) which (was) our father's hath he gotten 3. Return unto the land of thy fathers, 5.1 see your father's countenance, — but the God of my father 6. 1 have served your father. 7. And your father hath deceived me, 9. taken away the cattle of your father, 14. inheritance for us in our father's house? 16. which God hath taken from our father, 18. for to go to Isaac Ms father 19. stolen the images that (were) her father's. 29. God of your father spake unto me 30.1ongedst after thy father's house, 35. And she said to her father, 42. Except the God of my father, 53. the God of their father, judge betwixt us. — by the fear of Ms father Isaac. 32: 9(10). O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, 33:19. the children of Hamor, Shechem's/a^er, 34: 4. Shechem spake unto his father 6. Hamor the father of Shechem 11. Shechem said unto her father 13. Shechem and Hamor his father 19. than all the house of Ms father. 35: 18. hut his father called him Benjamin. 22. with Bilhah Ms father's concubine: 27. Jacob came unto Isaac Ms father 36 : 9, 43 . Esau the father of the Edomites 24. wilderness, as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father. 37 : i . the land wherein Ms father was a stranger, 2. sons of Zilpah, Ms father's wives: — brought unto his father (lit. their father) 4. saw that their father loved him 10. And he told (it) to his father, — and Ms father rebuked him, 11. but Ms father observed the saying. 12. went to feed their father's flock 22. deliver him to Ms father again. 32. they brought (it) to their father; 35. Thus his father wept for him. 38:11. Remain a widow at thy father's house, — Tamarwent and dwelt in herf.'s house. 41:51. and all my father's house. 42:13. the youngest (is) this day with our father, 29. they came unto Jacob their father 32. twelve brethren, sons of our father; — the youngest (is) this day with our father 35. they and their father saw the bundles 36. their father said unto them, 37. Reuben spake unto his father, 43: 2. their father said unto them, Go again, 7. (Is) your father yet alive? 8. Judah said unto Israel Ms father, 11. their father Israel said unto them. 2N ( 2 ) 2tf Gen 43: 23. the God of your father, 27. and said, (Is) your father well, 28. Thy servant our father (is) in good health, 44:17. get you up in peace unto your father. 19. Have ye a father, or a brother? 20. We have a father, an old man, — and his father loveth him. 22. The lad cannot leave his father: for (if) he should leave his father, 24. came up unto thy servant my father, 25. And our father said, 27. And thy servant my father said 30. come to thy servant my father, 31. the gray hairs of thy servant our father 32. became surety for the lad unto my father, — I shall bear the blame to my father 34. shall I go up to my father, — the evil that shall come on my father. 45: 3. 1 (am) Joseph; doth my father yet live? 8. hath made me a father to Pharaoh, 9. Haste ye, and go up to my father, 13. tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, — bringdown my father hither. 18. take your father and your housholds, 19. and bring your father, and come. 23. And to his father he sent aft. this(manner); — meat for his father by the way. 25. unto Jacob their father, 27. the spirit of Jacob their father revived : 46; 1. unto the God of Ms father Isaac. 3. 1 (am) God, the God of thy father: 5. carried Jacob their father, 29. went up to meet Israel his father, 31. and unto his father's house, — My brethren, and my father's house, 34. both we, (and) also our fathers : 47: 1. told Pharaoh, and said, My father 3. we, (and) also our fathers. 5. Thy father and thy brethren are come 6. make thy father and brethren to dwell ; 7. Joseph brought in Jacob Ms father, 9- the years of the life of my fathers 11. Joseph placed Ms father 12, Joseph nourished his father, and his breth ren, and all Ms father's houshold, 30. 1 will lie with my fathers, 48: 1. Behold, thy father (is) sick: 9. Joseph said unto his father, 15. before whom my fathers Abraham and 16. the name of my fathers Abraham and 17. Joseph saw that his father laid — he held up his father's hand, 18. said unto his father, Not so, my father : 19. And his father refused, 21. unto the land of your fathers. 49: 2. hearken unto Israel your father. 4. wentest up to thy father's bed ; 8. thy father's children shall bow down 25. (Even) by the God of thy father, 26. blessings of thy father have prevailed 28. their father spake unto them, 29. bury me with my fathers 50: 1. fell upon his father's face, 2. to embalm Ms father.- 5. My father made me swear, — and bury my father, 6. Go up, and bury thy father, 7. Joseph went up to bury his father: 8. his brethren, and Ms father's house . 10. a mourning for his father seven days. 14. went up with him to bury his father, after he had buried his father. 15. saw that their father was dead, 16. Thy father did command before 17. the servants of the God of thy father. 22. he, and his father's house : Ex. 2: 16. to water their father's flock. 18. when they came to Reuel their father, 3. 6. 1 (am) the God of thy father, 13. The God of your fathers hath sent me 15, 16. The Lord God of your fathers, 4: 5. the Lord God of their fathers, 6 ; 14. These(be)the heads of their fathers' houses : 25. the heads of the fathers of the Levites 10 : 6. thy fathers, nor thy fathers' fs. have seen, 12: 3. according to the house of (their)/a?Aers, 13: 5. which he sware unto thy fathers Ex. 13.11- sware unto thee andto thy fathers^ 15 : 2. my father's God, and I will exalt him 18: 4. for the God of my father, 20: 5. visiting the iniquity of the fathers 12. Honour thy father and thy mother: 21 : 15. he that smiteth his father, 17. And he that curseth his father, 22:17(16). If her father utterly refuse to give 34: 7. visiting the iniquity of the fathers 40 : 15. as thou didst anoint their father, Lev.l6:32. in the priest's office in his father's stead, 18: 7. The nakedness of thy father, 8. The nakedness of thy father's wife — it (is) thy father's nakedness. 9. the daughter of thy father, 11. nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father, 12. the nakedness of thy father's sister: she (is) thy father's near kinswoman. 14. the nakedness of thy father's brother, 19: 3. fear every man his mother, and Ms father, 20: 9. every one that curseth Ms father — he hath cursed his father 11. the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered Ms father's nakedness : 17. take his sister, his father's daughter, 19. nor of thy father's sister: 21 : 2. for his mother, and for his father, 9. she profaneth her father; 11. nor defile himself for his father, 22 : 13. is returned unto her father's house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's meat. 25:41. unto the possession of Ms fathers 26:39. the iniquities of their fathers 40. and the iniquity of their fathers, Nu. 1 : 2. families, by the house of their fathers, 4. head of the house of his fathers. 16. princes of the tribes of their fathers, 1 8, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45. by the house of their fathers, 44. each one was for the house of his fathers. 47. after the tribe of their fathers 2: 2. with the ensign of their fathers' house: 32. by the house of their fathers: 34. according to the house of their fathers. 3: 4. in the sight of Aaron their father. 15. after the house of their fathers, 20. according to the house of their fathers. 24. chief of the house of the father 30. the father of the families of the Kohathites 35. the father of the families of Merari 4: 2, 29, 38, 40, 42. by the house of their fathers, 22. throughout the houses of their fathers, 34,46. after the house of their fathers, 6: 7. not make himself unclean for Ms father, 7: 2. heads of the house of their fathers, 11:12. land which thou swarest unto their fathers ? 12:14. If her father had but spit in her face, 13 : 2. every tribe of their fathers 14:18. visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon 23. which I sware unto their fathers, 17: 2(17). according to the house of (their) fathers, of all their princes according to the house of their fathers 3(18\ the head of the house of their fathers. 6(21). according to their fathers' houses, 18: 1. thy sons and t/iy father's house 2. the tribe of thy father, 20 : 15. our fathers went down into Egypt, — the Egyptians vexed us, and our fathers: 25:14. princeofac/ii'efhouse(marg.houseofa/) 15. acfo'e/houseinMidian^lit. house of af.) 26; 2. throughout their fathers' house, 55. names of the tribes of their fathers 27: 3. Our father died in the wilderness, 4. the name of our father be done away — among the brethren of our father. 7. among their father's brethren; — inheritance of their father to pass unto 10. his inheritance unto his father's brethren. 11. if Ms father have no brethren, 30: 3(4\ (being) in her father's house 4(5). And her father hear her vow, — (-). her father shall hold his peace 5 (6). if her father disallow her — (-). because her father disallowed her. 16(17). between the father and his daughter, n** ( 3 ) a** Nu. 30:16(17). in her youth in her father's house. 31 :26. chief fathers of the congregation : 32: 8. Thus did your fathers, 14. ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, 28. the chief fathers of the tribes 33:54. according to the tribes of your fathers 34: 14, 14, according to the house of their fathers, 36 : 1 . chief fathers of the families of — chief fathers of the children of Israel: 3. the inheritance of our fathers, 4. the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers. 6. the tribe of their father shall they marry, 7. inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. 8. the family of the tribe of her father, — the inheritance of his fathers. 12. the tribe of the family of their father. Deu. 1 : 8. which the Lord sware unto your fathers, 11. The Lord God of your fathers 21. the Lord God of thy fathers 35. which I sware to give unto your fathers, 4: 1. which the Lord God of your fathers 31. nor forget the covenant of thy fathers 37. because he loved thy fathers, 5: 3. covenant with our fathers, 9. visiting the iniquity of the fathers 16. Honour thy father and thy mother, 6: 3. as the Lord God of thy fathers 10. which he sware unto thy fathers, 18. which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, 23. which he sware unto our fathers. 7: 8. which he had sworn unto your fathers, 12, 13. which he sware unto thy fathers : 8: 1. which the Lord sware unto your fathers. 3. neither did thy fathers know ; 16. which thy fathers knew not, 18. which he sware unto thy fathers, 9 : 5. which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, 10: 11. which I sware unto their fathers 15. the Lord had a delight in thy fathers 22. Thy fathers went down into Egypt 11 : 9, 21. the Lord sware unto your fathers 12: 1. the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers 13: 6(7). hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; 17(18). as he hath sworn unto thy fathers ; 18 : 8. which cometb of the sale of his patrimony. (marg. his sales by the fathers') 19: 8. as he hath sworn unto thy fathers^ — he promised to give unto thy fathers ; 21 : 13. and bewail her father and her mother 18. not obey the voice of Ms father, 19. shall his father and his mother lay hold on 22:15. Then shall the father of the damsel, 16. And the damsel's father shall say 19. give (them) unto the father of the damsel, 21. the damsel to the door of her father's house, — to play the whore in her father's house ; 29. shall give unto the damsel's father 30. (23:1). shall not take his father's wife, nor discover Ms father's skirt. 24:16. The fathers shall not be put to death — children be put to death for the fathers : 26: 3. which the Lord sware unto our fathers 5. A Syrian ready to perish (was) my father, 7. Lord God of our fathers, 15. as thou swarest unto our fathers, 27: 3. the Lord God of thy fathers 16. that setteth light by Ms father 20. Cursed (b&yhe that lieth with his father's — he uncovereth his father's skirt. 22. with his sister, the daughter of his father, 28:11. sware unto thy fathers to give thee. 36, 64. thou nor thy fathers have known ; 29 : 13 ( 12). as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, 25(24). covenant of the Lord God of their fs., 30 : 5. the land which thy fathers possessed, — multiply thee above thy fathers. 9. as he rejoiced over thy fathers : 20. the Lord sware unto thy fathers, 31 ; 7. the Lord hath sworn unto their fathers 16. thou shalt sleep with thy fathers; 20. the land which I sware unto their fathers, 32: 6. (is) not he thy father (that) hath bought 7. ask thy father, and he will shew thee; 17. whom your fathers feared not. 33 : 9. Who said unto his father and to his mother, Jos. 1 : 6. sware unto their fathers to give them. 2:12. shew kindness unto my father's house, Jos. 2:13. (that) ye will save alive my father, 18. thou shalt bring thy father, and — all thy father's houshold, home 4:21. shall ask their fathers in time to come, 5: 6. land, which the Lord sware unto their fs. 6.23. brought out Rahab, and her father, 25. Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's hd., 14: 1. the heads of the fathers of the tribes 15 : 13. the city of Arba the father of Anak, 18. to ask of her father a field: 17: 1. Manasseh, the father of Gilead: 4. among the brethren of their father. 18: 3. which the Lord God of your fathers 19:47. after the name of Dan their father. 51. the heads of the fathers of the tribes 21 : 1. the heads of the fathers of the Levites — unto the heads of the fathers of 11. the city of Arba the father of Anak, 43 (41 ). he sware to give unto their fathers ; 44(42). all that he sware unto their fathers: 22: 14. each chief house (marg. house of the f. ) . — head of the house of their fathers 28. which our fathers made, 24: 2. Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the — Terah, the father of Abraham,and the father o/Nachor: 3. 1 took your father Abraham from the other 6. brought your fathers out of Egypt : — the Egyptians pursued after your fathers 14, 15. the gods which your fathers served 17. our fathers out of the land of Egypt, 32. of Hamor the father of Shechem Jud. 1 : 14. she moved him to ask of her father a field: 2 : 1 . which I sware unto your fathers ; 10. were gathered unto their fathers : 12. forsook the Lord God of their fathers, 17. which their fathers walked in, 19. corrupted (themselves) more thantheir fs. , 20. which I commanded their fathers, 22. as their fathers did keep (it), or not. 3: 4. which he commanded their fathers 6:11. that (pertained) unto Joash the ^oi-ezrite : 13. which our fathers told us of, 15. 1 (am ) the least in my father's house. 24. it (is) yet in Ophrah of the Abi-ezxites. 25. Tskethy father's young bullock,(lit. which (is) to thy father) — the altar oi" Baal that thy father hath, (lit. which (is) to thy father) 27. because he feared his father's houshold, 8 : 32. Joash Ms father, inOphrah of t heAbi-ezrites. 9 : 1 . the house of his mother's father, 5. he went unto his father's house 17. For my father fought for you, 18. risen up against my father's house 28. Hamor the father of Shechem: 56. which he d id unto his father, 11 : 2. shalt not inherit in our father's house ; 7. expel me out of my father's house? 36. she said unto him, My father, 37. And she said unto her father, 39. she returned unto her father, 14: 2. told Ms father and his mother, 3. his father and his mother said unto him, — Samson said unto his father, 4. But Ms father and his mother knew not 5. went Samson down, and Ms father and his 6. he told not his father or his mother 9. came to Ms father and mother, 10. So his father went down 15. burn thee and thy father's house 16. 1 have not told (it) my father 19. he went up to his father's house. 15: 1. her father would not suffer him to go in. 2. And her father said, I verily thought 6. burnt her and her father with fire. 1 6 : 31 . his brethren and all the house of his father — the burying-place of Manoah his father. 17: 10. be unto me a father and a priest, 18:19. be to us a father and a priest: 29. after the name of Dan their father, 19 : 2. away from him unto her father's house 3, she brought him into her father's house: and when the father of the damsel saw 4. the damsel's father, retained him ; 5. and the damsel's father said 6. the damsel's father had said unto the man. 3N Jud. 19:8. and the damsel's father said, Comfort 9. his father-in-law, the damsel's father, 21 :22. when their fathers or their brethren Ruth 2: 11. thou hast left thy father and thy mother, 4:17. the father of ^ Jesse, the father of David. 1 Sa. 2 ; 25. unto the voice of their father, 27. appear unto the house of thy father, 28. did I give unto the house of thy father 30. and the house of thy father, 31. the arm of thy father's house, 9: 3. the asses of Kish Saul's father 5. lest my father leave (caring) for the asses, 20. and on all thy father's house? 10: 2. thy father hath left the care of the asses, 12. But who (is) their father? 12: 6. that brought your fathers up 7. did to you and to your fathers. 8. and your fathers cried unto the Lord, — brought forth your fathers out of Egypt, 15. as (it was) against your fathers. 14: 1. But he told not Ms father. 27. Jonathan heard not when hisf. charged 28. Thy father straitly charged 29. My father hath troubled the land: 51. Kish (was) the father of Saul ; and Ner the father of Abner (was) the son of Abiel. 17:15. to feed his father's sheep 25. make Ms father's house free in Israel. 34. Thy servant kept Ms father's sheep, 18 : 2. go no more home to his father's house. 18. (or) my father's family in Israel, 19; 2. Saul my father seeketh to kill thee : 3. stand beside my father in the field — I will commune with my father of thee ; 4. spake good of David unto Saul his father, 20: 1. what (is) my sin before thy father, 2. behold, my father will do nothing — why should my father hide this 3. Thy father certainly knoweth 6. If thy father at all miss me, 8. why shouldest thou bring me to thy father? 9. determined by my father 10. (if) thy father answer thee roughly? 12. when I have sounded my father 13. if it please my father (to do) thee evil, — as he hath been with my father. 32. Jonathan answered Saul Ms father, 33. it was determined of his father to slay 34. because his father had done him shame. 22 : 1 . his brethren and all his father's house 3. Let my father and my mother, 11. the son of Ahitub, andallAis^/afcWshouse, 15. the house of my father .- 16. thou, and all thy father's house. 22. all the persons oi thy father's house. 23:17. the hand of Saul my father — that also Saul my father knoweth, 24:11 (12). Moreover, my father, see, 21 (22). destroy my nameout of my father's h. 2Sa. 2:32. in the sepulchre of his father, 3: 7. gone in unto my father's concubine? 8. unto the house of Saul thy father, 29. and on all his father's house ; 6 : 21 . which chose me before thy father, 7:12. thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, 14. Iwillbehis/ertAer, (lit. for a father to him,) 9; 7. for Jonathan thy father's sake, — all the land of Saul thy father ; 10: 2. as Ms father shewed kindness unto me, — by the hand of his servants for his father. 3. that David doth honour thy father, 13: 5. when thy father cometh to see thee, 14: 9. the iniquity (be) on me, and on my father's 15:34. (as) I (have been) thy father's servant 16: 3. restore me the kingdom of my father. 19. 1 have served in thy father's presence, 21. Go in unto thy father's concubines, — thou art abhorred of thy father .- 22. unto Ms father's concubines 17 : 8. thou knowest thy father and his men, — and thy father (is) a man of war, 10. thy father (is) a mighty man, 23. in the sepulchre of his father. 19:28^29). all (of) my father's house 37 (38). (be buried) by the grave of my father 21 : 14. the sepulchre of Kish his father: 24:17. and against my father's house. ( 4 ) a» IK. 1:6. his father had not displeased him 21. the king shall sleep with his fathers, 2: 10. David slept with his fathers, 12. the throne of David his father ; 24. the throne of David my father, 26. ark of the Lord God before David my f, — in all wherein my father was afflicted. 31. and from the house of my father. 32. my father David not knowing (thereof), 44. that thou didst to David my father: 3. 3. the statutes of David his father: 6. unto thy servant David my father great m. , 7. king instead of David my father: 14. as thy father David did walk, 5: 1 (15). king in the room of his father: 3(17). Thou knowest how that David my f. 5(19). the Lord spake unto David my father, 6:12. which I spake unto David thy father: 7 : 14. and his father (was) a man of Tyre, 51. the things which David his father 8 : 1 . the chief of the fathers 15. spake with his mouth unto David my father, 17. in the heart of David my father 18. the Lord said unto David my father, 20. in the room of David my father, 21. which he made with our fathers, 24. hast kept with thy servant David my father 2b. keep with thy servant David my father 26. unto thy servant David my father. 34,48. which thou gavest unto their fathers. 40. land which thou gavest unto our fathers. 53. broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, 57. as he was with our fathers: 5^. which he commanded our fathers. 9; 4. as David thy father walked, 5. as I promised to David thy father, 9. who brought forth their fathers 11 : 4. as (was) the heart of David his father. 6, 33. as (did) David his father. 12. 1 will not do it for David thy father's sake: (but) I will 17. Edomites ofhis father's servants 21. David slept with Ms fathers, 27- the city of David his father. 43. Solomon slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David his father: 12; 4. Thy father made our yoke grievous: — the grievous service of thy father, 6. that stood before Solomon his father 9. Make the yoke which thy father did put 10. Thy father made our yoke heavy, — shall be thicker than my father's loins. 11. whereas my father did lade you — my father hath chastised you with whips, 14. My father made your yoke heavy, — my father (also) chastised you 13:11. they told also to their father. 12. their father said unto them, 22. unto the sepulchre of thy fathers. 14: 15. which he gave to their fathers, 20. he slept with his fathers, 22. above all that their fathers had done. 31. Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers 15 : 3. walked in all the sins of his father, — as the heart of David his father. 8. Abijam slept with his fathers ; 11. as (did) David his father. 12. all the idols that his fathers had made. 15. the things which his father had dedicated, 19. between my father and thy father: 24. Asa slept with his fathers, and was buried with hisfs. in the city of David hisf. : 26. walked in the way of his father, 16: 6. Baasha slept with his fathers, 28. Omri slept with his fathers, 18; 18. but thou, and thy father's house, 19: 4. I (am) not better than my fathers.. 20. kiss my father and my mother, 20 ; 34. The cities, which my father took from thyf, — as my father made in Samaria. 21 : 3. the inheritance of my fathers 4. thee the inheritance of* my fathers. 22:40. Ahab slept with his fathers; 43. the ways of Asa his father ; 46(47). remained in the days of his father nx ( 5 V 2K 2K. 2; 3 15 IK. 22:50(51). Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: 52 (53*). walked in the way of Ms father, 53 (54). according to all that his father had 12. he cried, My father, my father, the cha riot of Israel, , 2. but not like his father, — the image of Baal that his father had made. 13. get thee to the prophets of thy father, 18. he went out to his father 19. he said unto Ms father, My head, my head. 13. My father, (if) the prophet had bid 21. My father, shall I smite (them)? 24. Joram slept with Ms fathers, and was buried with Ms fathers 25. rode together after Ahab Ms father, 28. in his sepulchre with Ms fathers ; 3. set (him) on his father's throne, 35. Jehu slept with his fathers.- .18(19). his fathers, kings of Judah, 21 (22). buried him with his fathers : 9, Jehoahaz slept with Ms fathers; 13. Joash slept with his fathers ; 14. said, 0 my father , my father, 25. hand of Jehoahaz his father by war, : 3. yet not like David his father : — all things as Joash Ms father did. 5. which had slain the king Ms father. 6. The fathers shall not be put to death — be put to death for the fathers ; 16. Jehoash slept with Ms fathers, 20. buried at Jerusalem with Ms fathers, 21. king instead of his father Araaziah. 22. the king slept with his fathers. 29. Jeroboam slept with Ms fathers, 3. according to all that his father Amaziah 7. Azariah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with Ms fathers 9. as his fathers had done ; 22. Menahem slept with his fathers; 34. all that his father Uzziah had done. 38. Jotham slept with Ms fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David Ms father : : 2. like David Ms father. 20. Ahaz slept with Ms fathers, and was buried with his fathers :13. 1 commanded your fathers, 14. like to the neck of their fathers, 15. covenant that he made with their fathers, 41. as did their fathers, so do they : 3. all that David his father did. : 12. which my fathers have destroyed ; : 5. the God of David thy father, 17. that which thy fathers have laid up 21. Hezekiah slept with his fathers: : 3. Hezekiah his father had destroyed; 8. the land which I gave their fathers ; 15. since the day their fathers came forth 18. Manasseh slept with his fathers, 20. as his father Manasseh did. 21. all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, 22. the Lord God of his fathers, : 2. in all the way of David his father, 13. our fathers have not hearkened 20. 1 will gather thee unto thy fathers, :30. made him king in his father's stead. 32, 37 accordingto all that his fathers had done. 34. in the room of Josiah Ms father, : 6. Jehoiakim slept with his fathers: 9. according to all that Ms father had done. : 17. and the father of Amasa (was) Jether 21,23. Machir the father of Gilead, 24. Ashur the father of Tekoa. 42. which (was) the father of Ziph ; and the sons of Mareshah the father of Hebron. 44. Shemabegat Raham, the father of 45. Maon (was) the father of Beth-zur. 49. Shaaph the father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of 'Machbenah, and the father of 50,52. Shobal the father of Kirjathjearim, 51. Salma the father of Bethlehem, Hareph the father of Bethgader. 55. the father of the house of Rechab. : 3. these (were of) the father o/Etam ; 2223 24 ICh. 2 ICh. 4: 4. Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father o/Hushah. — Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem. 5. Ashur the father of Tekoa 11. Mehir, which (was) the father of Eshton. 12. Tehinnah the father of Ir-nahash. 14. Joab, the father of the valley of Charashim, 17. Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa. 18. Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the fa ther of Socho, andJekuthiel the father of 19. Naham, the father of Keilah 21. Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of Mareshah, 38. the house of their fathers increased 5: 1. forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, 1 3. of the house of their fathers 15. chief of the house of their fathers. 24. the heads of the house of their fathers, — (and) heads of the house of their fathers. 25. the God of their fathers, 6: 19 (4). of the Levites according to their fathers. 7: 2. heads of their fathers' house, 4. after the house of their fathers, 7. heads of the house of ( their ) fathers, 9. heads of the house of their fathers, 11. by the heads of their fathers, 14. Machir the father of Gilead: 22. Ephraim their father mourned 31. Malchiel, who (is) the father of Birzavith. 40. heads of (their) father's house, 8: 6. these are the heads of the fathers 10. These (were) his sons, heads of the fathers. 13. who (were) heads of the fathers of 28. These (were) heads of the fathers, 29. at Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon 9: 9. chief of the fathers in the house of their fs. 13. heads of the house of their fathers, 19. of the house of his father, — and their fathers, (being) over the host 33. chief of the fathers of the Levites, 34. These chief fathers of the Levites (were) 35. in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, 12:17. the God of our fathers look (thereon), 28. of his father's house twenty and two capts. 30. throughout the house of their fathers. 15:12. chief of the fathers of the Levites: 17:11. thou must go (to be) with thy fathers, 13. I will be his father, and he shall be 19: 2. because Ms father shewed kindness to me. — to comfort him concerning his father. 3. that David doth honour thy father, . 21 : 17. be on me, and on my father's house ; 22:10. 1 (will be) his father; 23: 9. the chief of the fathers of Laadan. 11. according to (their) father's house. 24. after the house of their fathers j (even) the chief of the fathers, 24: 2. Nadab and Abihu died before their father, 4. of the house of (their ) fathers, — according to the house of their fathers. 6. (before) the chief of the fathers of the pr. — oneprincipalhoush. (marg.house of 'thef. ) 19. under Aaron their father, 30. after the house of their fathers. 31. and the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites, even the principal fathers 25 ; 3, 6. under the hands of their father 26: 6. that ruled throughout the house of their father : 10. yet his father made him the chief; 13. according to the house of their fathers, 21. of the Gershonite Laadan, chief, fathers, 26. David the king, and the chief fathers, 31. accordingto the generations of his fathers. 32. two thousand and seven hundred chieffs. , 27: 1. the chief fathers and captains of thousands 28 : 4. chose me before all the house of my father — house of Judah, the house of my father; and among the sons of my father he liked me 6. (to be) my son, and I will be hisfather. 9. know thou the God of thy father, 29: 6. Then the chief of the fathers 10. Lord God of Israel our father, 15. sojourners, as (were) all our fathers- 18. of1 Abraham, Isaac, & of Israel, our fathers, 20. the Lord God of their fathers, 23. as king instead of David Ms father, IN ( 6 ) 2X 2Ch. I 2 10 25 26 2. in all Israel, the chief of the fathers. 8. shewed great mercy unto David my father, 9. thy promise unto David my father be 3(2). As thou didst deal with David myf. , 7(6). whom David my father did provide. 13(12). of Huram my father's, 14(13). and his father (was) a man of Tyre, — ( — ). men of my lord David thy father. 17(16). David his father had numbered them ; : 1. (the Lord) appeared unto David his father, : 16. all their instruments, did Huram his father : 1. the things that David his father had 2. the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, : 4. with his mouth to my father David, 7. in the heart of David my father 8. the Lord said to David my father, 10. in the room of David my father, 15. with thy servant David my father 16. keep with thy servant David my father 25. thou gavest to them and to their fathers. 31. the land which thou gavest unto our fathers. 38. which thou gavest unto their fathers, : 1 7. as David thy father walked, 18. covenanted with David thy father, 22. forsook the Lord God of their fathers, : 14. the order of David his father, :31. Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: : 4. Thy father made our yoke grievous: — the grievous servitude of 'thy father, 6. stood before Solomon his father 9. the yoke that thy father did put 10. Thy father made our yoke heavy, — shall be thicker than my father's loins. 11. whereas my father put a heavy yoke — , 14. my father chastised you with whips, 14. My father made your yoke heavy, 16. unto the Lord God of their fathers. :16. Rehoboam slept with his fathers, 12. the Lord God of your fathers ; 18. they relied upon the L. God of their fs. 1. (13:23). Abijah slept with his fathers, 4(3). toseektheLordGodof their fathers, 12. to seek the Lord God of their fathers 18. the things that his father had dedicated, 3. between my father and thy father: 13. Asa slept with his fathers, 2. which Asa his father had taken. 3. in the first ways of his father David, 4. sought to the (Lord) God of his father, 14. accordingto the house of their fathers : 4. unto the Lord God of their fathers. 8. the chief of the fathers of Israel, 6. O Lord God of our fathers, 32. walked in the way of Asa his father, 33. hearts unto the God of their fathers. 1. Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers 3. their father gave them great gifts 4. the kingdom of his father, 10. had forsaken the Lord God of his fathers. 12. the Lord God of David thy father, — in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, 13. thy brethren of thy father's house, 19. like the burning of his fathers. 4. after the death of his father 2. the chief of the fathers of Israel, 18. the house of the Lord God of their fathers, 22. Jehoiada his father had done 24. forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. 3. that had killed the king his father. 4. Hie fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fs., 5. according to the houses of (their) fathers, 28. buried him with his fathers 1. in the room of his father Amaziah. 2. after that the king slept with his fathers. 4. according to all that his father Amaziah 12. number of the chief of the fathers 23. Uzziah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers 2. according to all that his father Uzziah did : 9. Jotham slept with his fathers, l.like David his father: 6 . had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. 9. because the Lord God of your fathers 2Ch.28 29 30 33 34 35 36 Ezr. 1 234 7: Neh. 1 2 13 Est. 2. 4 Job. 8 15 1729 30 31 3438 42 Ps. 22 , 25. to anger the Lord God of his fathers. 27. Ahaz slept with his fathers, 2. according to all that David his father 5. the Lord God of your fathers, 6. For our fathers have trespassed, 9. lo, our fathers have fallen 7. be not ye like your fathers, — against the Lord God of their fathers, 8. be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers 19. the Lord God of his fathers, 22. confession to the Lord God of their fathers. : 17. the priests by the house of their fathers, •A3, what I and my fathers have done 14. that my fathers utterly destroyed, 15. out of the hand of my fathers : 33. Hezekiah slept with his fathers, 3. Hezekiah his father had broken down, 8. the land wh. Ihaveappointed/oryoar/s.j 12. before the God of his fathers, 20. Manasseh slept with his fathers, 22. as did Manasseh his father : — images wh. Manasseh his father had made, 23. as Manasseh hisf. had humbled himself ; : 2. walked in the ways of David his father, 3. began to seek after the God of David hisf. : 21. our fathers have not kept the word 28. 1 will gather thee to thy fathers, 32. covenant of God, the God of their fathers. 33. followingtheLord,the God of their fathers. 4. by the houses of your fathers, 5. the families of the fathers of your brethren — the families of the Levites. (lit. house of a father of the Levites) 12. divisions of the families (lit. house of fs.) 24. the sepulchres of his fathers. 1. made him king in his father's stead 15. the Lord God of their fathers sent to them 5. Then rose up the chief of tlie fathers 59. they could not shew their fathers' house, 68. (some) of the chief of the fathers, 12. chief of the fathers, (who were) ancient 2. Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the fathers, 3. the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, :27. Blessed (be) the Lord God of our fathers, 1. These (are) now the chief of their fathers, 28. unto the Lord God of your fathers. 29. chief of tlie fathers of Israel, 7. Since the days of our fathers (have) we 11. confession unto the L. God of your fathers, 16. the priest, (with) certain chief of the fathers, after the house of their fathers, : 6. both I and my father's house have sinned. 3. the place of my fatliers' sepulchres, 5. unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres, 61. but they could not shew their fathers' 70. the chief of the fathers gave unto the 71. the chief of the fathers gave to the treas. 13. were gathered together the chief of thefs. 2. and the iniquities of their fathers. 9. didst see the affliction of our fathers 16. they and our fathers dealt proudly, 23. which thou hadst promised to their fathers, 32. and on our fathers, and on all thy people, 34. nor our fathers, kept thy law, 36. the land that thou gavest unto our fathers 34(35). after the houses of our fathers, 13. And his brethren, chief of the fathers, 12. priests, the chief of the fathers, 22. (were) recorded chief of the fathers: 23. the chief of the fathers, 18. Did not your fathers thus, 7. for she had neither father nor mother ; — when her father and mother were dead, : 14. thou and thy father's house shall be : 8. prepare thyself to the search of 'their fs. : : 10. much elder than thy father. 18. Which wise menhave told/rom their fs., 14. corruption, Thou (art) my father: 16. 1 (was) a father to the poor : I. whose fathers I would have disdained 18. brought up with me, as (with) a father, 36. My desire (is that) Job may be tried (See 2N wish.) 28. Hath the rain a father ? 15. their father gave them inheritance 4(5). Our fathers trusted in thee: n» Ps. 27 : 10. When my father and my mother forsake 39: 12(13). a sojourner, as all my fathers (were. ) 44 : 1 (2). O God, our fathers have told us, 45:10(11). thine own people, and thy father's 16(17). Instead of thy fathers shall be thy 49:19(20). shall go to the generation of hisfs.; 68: 5(6). AfatJierof the fatherless, 78: 3. and our fathers have told us. 5. which he commanded our fathers, 8. might not be as their fattier s, 12. did he in the sight of their fathers, 57- dealt unfaithfully like their fathers : 89:26(27). He shallcryuntome,Thou(art)my/, 95 . 9. When your fathers tempted me, 103:13. Like as a father pitieth (his) children, 106: 6. We have sinned with our fathers, 7. Our fathers understood not thy wonders 109 : 14. Let the iniquity of his fathers be Pro. 1: 8. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, 3:12. even as a father the son (in whom) he 4; 1. Hear, ye children, the instruction of af., 3. 1 was my father's son, tender and 6:20. My son, keep/Ay/atfAer's commandment, 10: 1. A wise son maketh a glad father: 13: 1. A wise son (heareth) his/.'s instruction: 15 : 5. A fool despiseth Ms father's instruction ; 20. A wise son maketh a gladfather : 17 : 6. the glory of children (are) their fathers. 21. the father of a fool hath no joy. 25. A foolish son (is) a grief to his father, 19:13. A foolish son (is) the calamity of hisf: 14. and riches (are) the inheritance of fathers: 26. He that wasteth (his) father, 20:20. Whoso curseth Ms father or his mother, 22:28. which thy fathers have set. 23.22. Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, 24. TJiefatlier of the righteous shall greatly 25. Thy father and thy mother shall 27:10. thy father's friend, forsake not; 28: 7. of riotous (men) shameth his father. 24. Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, 29 : 3. Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his fatlter: 30; 11. a generation (that) curseth their father, 17. The eye (that) mocketh at (his) father, Isa. 3 : 6. his brother of the house of his father, 7:17. upon thy people, and upon thy father's 8 : 4. My father, and my mother, 9: 6(5). The everlasting Father, The Prince of 14:21. for the iniquity of their fathers ; 22 ; 21 . he shall be a father to the inhabitants 23. a glorious throne to Ms father's house. 24. all the glory of his father's house, 37: 12. which my fathers have destroyed, 38; 5. the God of David thy fatlter, 19. the father to the children shall 39: 6. (that) which thy fathers have laid up 43 : 27. Thy first father hath sinned, 45:10. that saith unto (his) father, What 51 ; 2. Look unto Abraham your father, 58 : 14. the heritage of Jacob thy father : 63:16. Doubtless thou (art) our father, — thou, O Lord, (art) our father, 64: 8(7). But now, O Lord, thou (art) our F.; 11 (10). where our fathers praised thee, 65: 7. the iniquities of your fathers together, Jer. 2: 5. What iniquity have your fathers found. 27. Saying to a stock, Thou (art) my father ; 3: 4. My father, thou (art) the guide of my 18. given for an inheritance unto your fathers. 19. Thou shalt call me, My father; 24. shame hath devoured the labour of our fs. 25. against the Lord our God, we and ourfs., 6:21. thefathers and the sons together 7: 7. the land that I gave to your fathers, 14. which I gave to you and to your fathers, 18. and the fathers kindle the fire, 22. 1 spake not unto your fathers, 25. Since the day that your fathers came 26. they did worse than their fathers. 9:14(13). after Baalim, which their fs. taught 16 (15). whom neither they nor their fathers { l : 4. Which I commanded your fathers 5. which I have sworn unto your fathers, 7. 1 earnestly protested unto your fathers 10. the iniquities of their forefathers, — which I made with their fathers. 12: 6. thy brethren, and the house of thy father, , ( 7 ) IN even thefathers and the sons together, (and) the iniquity of our fathers: concerning their fathers that begat them to drink for their f. or for their mother. your fathers have forsaken me, ye have done worse than your fathers ; ye know not, (neither) ye nor your fathers; land that I gave unto their fathers. Surely ourfatliers have inherited lies, as I commanded your fathers. neither they nor their fathers have known, the man who brought tidings to my father, which reigned instead of Josiah his father, did not thy fatlter eat and drink, as tlieir fathers have forgotten my name the city that I gave you and your fathers, that I gave unto them and to their fathers. hath given unto you and to your fathers the land that I gave to their fathers, for I am a father to Israel, Thefathers have eaten a sour grape, the covenant that I made with their fathers recompensest the iniquity of thefathers which thou didst swear to their fathers with the burnings of thy fathers, I made a covenant with your fathers but your fathers hearkened not 8. Jonadab the son of Rechab our father all that Jonadab our father commanded us. but obey their father's commandment: given to you and to your fathers : performed the commandment of their f. , the commandment of Jonadab your father, knew not, (neither) they, ye, nor your fs., forgotten the wickedness of yourfs. , thatl set before you,3Lndbeforeyour fathers. as we have done, we, and our fathers, ye, and your fathers, your kings, tlie fathers shall not look back to (their) even the Lord, the hope of their fathers. We are orphans and/a^Aerless, (lit. no/ ) Our fathers have sinned, (and are) not; . they and their fathers have transgressed Therefore thefathers shall eat the sons and the sons shall eat their fathers; thy father (was) an Amorite, and your father an Amorite. La. 47: 50: 5: Jer. 13:14. 14.20. 16: 3. 7. 11. 12.13.15. 19. 17:22. 19: 4. 20:15.22:11. 15. 23:27. 39. 24:10.25: 5. 30: 3. 31: 9. 29. 32. 32:18. 22. 34: 5. 13. 14. 35: 6, 10. 14. 15. 16.18. 44: 3. 9. 10. 17.21. 3. 7. 3.7. Eze. 2: 3 5:10, 16: 3. 45. 18: 2. 4. 14. 17.18.19. 20. 20: 4. 18. 22: 7. 10.11. 36:28. 37:25. 44:25. 47:14. Dan. 9: 6. 8. 16. 11:24. 37. 38. Hos. 9:10. Joel 1: 2. Am. 2: 4. 7. Mic. 7: 6. 20. Zee. 1: 2. 4.5. 6. 8:14. Thefathers have eaten sour grapes, all souls are mine ; as the soul of the f that seeth all his father's sins shall not die for the iniquity of his father, (As for) his father, because he cruelly bear the iniquity of the father? son shall not bear the iniquity of thefather neitJier shall thefather bear the iniquity to know the abominations of their fathers. Walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, their eyes were after their fathers' idols. Yet in this your fatliers have blasphemed Are ye polluted after the manner of yourfs. ? Like as I pleaded with your fatliers in lifted up mine hand to give it to your fs. have they set light by father and mother . they discovered (their)/arAer's nakedness : hath humbled his sister, hisfs daughter. the land that I gave to your fathers ; wherein your fathers have dwelt; but for father, or for mother, or for son, lifted up mine hand to give it untoyourfs. : to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, to our princes, and to our fathers, for the iniquities of our fathers, which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fatliers ; Neither shall he regard the God of hisfs., a god whom his fathers knew not I saw your fathers as the firstripe or even in the days of your fathers ? after the which their fathers have walked: a man and his father will go in For the son dishonoureth tlie father, hast sworn unto ourfatliers from the days hath been sore displeased with yourfs. Be ye not as your fathers, Your fathers, where (are) they? did they not take hold of your fathers ? when your fathers provoked me to wrath,. n« ( 8 ) -un Zec.13: 3. then his father and his mother that begat and his father and his mother Mai. 1: 6. A son honoureth (his) father, — if then I (be) a father, 2:10. Have we not all one father ? ( by profaning the covenant of our fathers : 3: 7. Even from the days of your fathers 4 . 6( 3 : 24) . turn the heart of thefathers to the _(_:_). the heart of the children to their fs., Iii ahv, m. Job 34:36. ilfy desire (is that) Job may be tried (marg. My father, let Job be tried) 2K av, m. Ch. Ezr. 4: 15. the book of the records of thy fathers. 5: 12. after that our fathers had provoked Dan. 2 : 23. 0 thou God of my fathers, 5: 2. the golden and silver vessels which hisf. 11. and in the days of thy father the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, (I say), thy father, 13. whom theking myf. brought out ot Jewry > 18. God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father 2X \_ehv~] m. Job 8 : 12. Whilst it (is) yet in his greenness, Cant.6:ll.to see the fruits of the valley, iX [ehv~] m. Ch. Dan.4: 12(9), 21(18). and the fruit thereof 'much, 14(11). and scatter his fruit: 72H ah-vad'. - T *KAL Preterite.* Ex. 10: 7. knowest thou not yet that Egypt is de stroyed ? Lev.26:38. And ye shall perish among the heathen, Nu. 17:12(27). Behold, we die, we perish, we all p. 21 :29. thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: 30. Heshbon is perished even unto Dibon, Deull:17. awd (lest) yeperish quickly from offthe Jos. 23 : 16. and ye shall perish quickly from off the 2K. 9: 8. For the whole house of Ahab shallperish : Est. 4:16. and if I perish, I perish. Job 4: 7. who (ever) perished, being innocent? 11:20. they shall not escape (lit. flight perished from them; marg. shallperish), 18: 17. His remembrance shallperish 30: 2. in whom old age was perished? Ps. 9: 6(7). their memori'al is perished with them. 10.16. the heathen are perished out ofhis land. 41 : 5(6). When shall he die, andhis nameperish? 119:92. lsliould then haveperished in mine afflict. 142: 4(5). refuge failedme; (marg.^eris/iedfrom) 146 : 4. in that very day his thoughts perish. Pro.ll: 7. the hope of unjust (men) perisheth. Ecc. 5 : 14( 13). But those riches perish by evil travail : 9: 6. their envy, is now peiished ; Iia. 29:14./or the wisdom of their wise (men) shall perish, 57 : 1 . The righteous perisheth, and no man Jer. 6:21. and his friend shall perish. 7: 28. truth is perished, and is cut off 9:12(11). the land perisheth (and) is burned up 25:35. And the shepherds shallhave no way to flee, (marg. and flight shall perish from) 27 : 10. drive you out, and ye should perish. 15. and that ye might perish, 40 : 15. and the remnant in Judah perish ? 48 : 8 . the valley also shall perish, 36. riches (that) he hath gotten are perished. 46. the people of Chemosh perisheth: 49 : 7 . is counsel perished from the prudent ? Lam.3:18.my hope is perished from the Lord: Eze.l2:22.rznd every vision faileth? Eze.19; 5. her hope was lost, 26 : 17. How art thou destroyed, 37 : 1 1 . Our bones are dried, and our hope 2S lost: Joel 1 : 1 1 . the harvest of the field is perished. Am. 1: 8. and the remnant of the Philistines sluW perish, 2:14. Therefore the flight shallperish from 3:15. and the houses of ivory shall perish, Jon. 4:10. came up ina night, andperished in a night: Mic. 4: 9. is thy counsellor perished? 7 : 2. The good(man )is perished out of the earth : Zee. 9: 5. and the king shallperish from Gaza, KAL Infinitive. Deu 4:26. ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land 7 : 20. hide themselves from thee, be destroyed. 8:19. that ye shall surely perish. 28 : 20. and until thou perish quickly ; 22. they shall pursue thee until thou perish. . 30: 18. that ye shall surely perish, (and that) Jos. 23 : 13. until ye perish from off this good land Pro.l 1 . 10. and when the wicked perish, (there is) 28:28.£«< when they perish, the righteous Obad. 12. of Judah in the day of their destruction; KAL. — Future. Nu. 16 : 33. and they perished from among the congreg. Deu 4: 26. ye shall soon utterly perish from offthe 8:19. that ye shall surely perish. 20. so shall ye perish ; 22: 3. of thy brother's, which he hath lost, 30:18. ye shall surely perish, Jud. 5:31. So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: 1 Sa. 9 : 3. And the asses of Kish Saul's f. were lost. 2Sa. l:27.arcdthe weapons of war perished! Est. 4: 14. and thy father's house shall be destroyed: Job 3: 3. Let the day perish wherein I was born, 4: 9, By the blast of God they perish, 20. they perish for ever without any regarding 6: IS. they goto nothing, andperish. 8:13. the hypocrite's hope shallperish: 20: 7. he shallperish for ever Ps. 1 : 6. the way of the ungodly shall perish. 2:12. lest he be angry, and ye perish (from) the 9: 3(4). they shall fall andperish at thy pres. . 18(19). the expectation ol the poor sliall (not) perish 37 : 20. But the wicked shallperish, 49:10(11). the fool and the brutish person perish, 68: 2(3). as wax melteth before the fire, (so) let the wicked perish 73:27. they that are far from thee shallperish : 80 : 16( 17 ). they perish at the rebuke of thy 83:17(18). let them be put to shame, andperish: 92: 9(10). lo, thine enemies shallperish; 102:26(27). They shall perish,hut thou shaltendu.: 1 12: 10. the desire of the wicked shall perish. Pro.l0:28.the expectation of the wicked shallperish. 11: 7. a wicked man dieth, (his) expectation shall perish : 19: 9. (he that) speaketh lies shallperish. 21 : 28. A false witness shallperish: Isa. 41:11. and they that strive with thee shallperish. 60: 12. that will not serve thee shallperish; Jer. 4: 9. the heart of the king shallperish, 10:15. time of their visitation they shallperish. 18: 18. the law shall not perish from the priest, 51 : 18. time of their visitation they shall perish. Eze, 7:26. the law shallperish from the priest, Jon. 1: 6. Godwill think upon us, that we perish not 14. let us not perish for this man's life, 3: 9. from his fierce anger, that we perish not? KAL. — Participle. Poel. Deu26: 5. A Syrian ready to perish (was) my father, 32:28. they (are) a nation void o/ counsel, ISa. 9: 20. as for thine asses that were lost Job 4:11. The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, 29 : 1 3 . The blessi ngs of him that was ready to perish 31 : 19. If I have seen any perish for want of Ps. 31:12(13). I am like a broken vessel, (marg. that perisheth) 119: 176. 1 have gone astray like a lost sheep; Pro.31 : 6. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, Ecc. 7: 15. there is a just (man) that perisheth in his Isa. 27 : 13. they shall come which were ready to perish 12X ( 9 ) niM Jer.50: 6. My people hath been lost sheep: Eze.34: 4. neither Have ye sought that which was lost ; 16. 1 will seek that which was lost, * PIEL.— Preterite. * Nu. 33 :52. and destroy all their pictures, Deul2: 3. and destroy the names of them 2K. 13; 7. the king of Syria had destroyed them, 21 : 3. Hezekiah his father had destroyed ; Ps. 9: 5(6). thou hast destroyed the wicked, Jer. 15 : 1.1 will destroy my people, 51 :55. spoiled B. , and destroyed out of her the Lam 2 : 9. he hath destroyed and broken her bars : Eze. 6: 3. and I will destroy your high places. PIEL. — Infinitive. Deul2: 2. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, Est. 3: 9. let it be written that they may be destroyed: (marg. to destroy them) 13. to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, 4: 7. for the Jews, to destroy them. 7 : 4. to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. 8 : 5. which he wrote to destroy the Jews 11. to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, 9: 6. slew and destroyed five hundred men. (lit. and to destroy ) 12. The Jews have slain and destroyed 24. devised against the Jews to destroy them, — to consume them, and to destroy them; Ps. 119 ;95. wicked have waited for me to destroy me: Ecc. 3; 6. A time to get, and a time to lose; Jer. 12:17.1 will utterly pluck up and destroy Eze.22:27.to shed blood, (and) to destroy souls, PIEL Future. Nu. 33:52. and destroy all their molten images, Deull : A.and (how) the Lord hath destroyed them 12; 2. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, 2K. 11 : Land destroyed all the seed royal. 19: 18. therefore they have destroyed them. Job 12:23. He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: Ps. 5; 6(7). Thou shalt destroy them that speaklea.: 21 : 10(11). Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the Pro. 1 :32. the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 29: 3. he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth (his) substance. Ecc. 7: 7. and a gift destroyeth the heart. 9: 18. one sinner destroyeth much good. Isa. 26:14. and made all their memory to perish. 37 : 19. therefore they have destroyed them. Eze.28;16.and Iwilldestroy thee,0 covering cherub, Zep. 2:13. against the north, and destroy Assyria ; PIEL Participle. Jer. 23: I. Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Lev.23:30.the same soul wiU Idestroy Nu. 24: 19. and shall destroy him that remaineth Deu 7 : 24. and thou shalt destroy their name 9 : 3. thou drive them out, and destroy them Job 14:19.rAow destroyest the hope of man. Ps. 143 : 12. and destroy all them that afflict my soul : Jer. 25 : 10. Moreover I will take from them the voice (marg. cause to perish) 49:38. awe? will destroy from thence the king Eze.25 : 7. and I will cause thee to perish out of the 16. and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 30 : 13. / will also destroy the idols, 32:13. 1 will destroy also all the beasts Obad. 8. Shall /not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy Mic.5:10(9).a«tZ Iwilldestroy thy chariots: Zep. 2: 5. 0 Canaan,.../ will even destroy thee, HIPHIL Infinitive. Deu 7 : 10. repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: 23:51. until he have destroyed thee. 63. the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy Jos. 7 : 7 . the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us 9 2K. 10: 19. to the intent that he might destroy the 24: 2. sent them against Judah to destroy it, Jer. 1 : 10. to pull down, and to destroy, 18: 7. to pull down, and to destroy (it) ; 31:28. to throw down, and to destroy, HIPHIL. —Future. Jer. 46: 8. / toill destroy the city and the inhabitants HIPHIL.— Participle. Deu 8: 20. the nations which the Lord destroyeth "&$ \avad~] Ch. *P'AL Future. * Jer. 10:11. they shall perish from the earth, * APHEL Infinitive. * Dan. 2:12. to destroy all the wise (men) of Babylon. 24. to destroy the wise (men) of Babylon- 7 : 26. to consume and to destroy (it) unto the APHEL Future. Dan. 2:18. Daniel and his fellows should not perish 24. Destroy not the wise (men) of Babylon : * HOPHAL Preterite. * Dan. 7:11. the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, l^it oh-vehd' \ m. Nu. 24: 20. end (shallbe) that heperish for ever. (marg. even to destruction) 24. he also shallperish for ever, (to destruction) rni^? avad-doh', f. Pro.27 :20. (3*ro) Hell anddestructionare never full ; HliK aveh-dah' ', f. t" -: ? Ex. 22: 9(8). for any manner of lost thing, Lev. 6: 3(5:22). have found that which was lost, 4(-:23). the lost thing which he found, Deu22: 3. with all lost thing of thy brother's, filZtt iivad-dokn' 9 m. Job 26: 6. and destruction hath no covering. 28 -.22. Destruction and death say, We have heard 31:12.it(is)a fire (that) consumeth to destruction, Ps . 88:11(12). (or) thy faithfulness in destruction ? Pro. 15 :11. Hell and destruction (are) before the Lord: 27:20. (np) Hell and destruction are never full; p3K av-dahn', m. Est. 9: 5. slaughter, and destruction, p_5N ov-danr , m. [Const, of 1"pM.] Est. 8 ; 6. how can I endure to see the destruction of PQK ah-vah'. T T Note.— Except Is. 1:19. and Job 39:9. it is always accompanied by a negation. * KAL Preterite. * Ex.10Deu. 1 2 10 23 25 Jos. 24 Jud. 11 19 27. he would not let them go. 26. Notwithstanding ye would not go up, :30. Sihon king of H. would not let us pass : 10. the Lord would not destroy thee. : 5(6). the Lord thy God would not hearken 7.Ae will not perform the duty 10. But / would not hearken unto Balaam ; 17. the king ofMoab: but he would not : 10. the man would not tarry that night, 25. the men would not hearken to him : 20: 13. the children of B. would not hearken 1 Sa. 1 5 : 9. and would not utterly destroy them : 22 : 17. the servants of the king would not 26 : 23. 1 would not stretch forth mine hand rua ( 10) UN 1 Sa. 31 : 4. his armourbearer would not ; 2Sa. 2:21. Asahel would not turn aside 6: 1Q. David would not remove the ark 12 : 1 7 . he would not, neither did he eat bread 13:14. he would not hearken unto her voice: 16. he would not hearken unto her. 25. he pressed him : howbeit he would not go, 14:29. he would not come to him; and when he sent again the second time, he would not 23: 16. nevertheless he would not drink thereof, 1 7 . therefore he would not drink it. 1 K. 22 : 49(50). But Jehoshaphat would not. 2K. 8 : 19. the Lord would not destroy Judah 13: 23. and would not destroy them, 24: 4. which the Lord would notpardon. ICh 10: 4. his armourbearer would not ; 11 -.18. David ivould not drink (of) it, but poured 19. Therefore he would not drink it. 19: 19. neither would the Syrians help 2Ch 21 : 7. the Lord would not destroy the house of Ps. 81: 11 (12). Israel would none of me. Pro. 1 : 25. and ivould none of my reproof: 30. They would none of my counsel; Isa. 28:12. they would not hear. 30; 9. children (that) willnotheox 15. and ye would not. 42:24. they would not walk in his ways, Eze.20: 8. they rebelled against me, and would not KAL.— Future. Gen24: 5. Peradventure the woman willnot be willing 8. if the woman will not be willing Lev. 26 : 2 1 . if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not Deu 13: 8(9). Thou shalt not consent unto him, 29:20(19). The Lord will not spare him, IK. 20: 8. Hearken not (unto him), nor consent. Job 39 : 9. Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, Pro. 1:10. if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 6: 35. neither will he rest content, Isa. 1 : 19. If ye be willing and obedient, Eze. 3: 7. the house of Israel will not hearken KAL. —Participle. Poel . Eze. 3: 1. they will not hearken unto me: }1*5*? ev-yohnr, adj. E x . 23 : 6 . shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor 1 1 . that the poor of thy people may eat : Deu 15 : 4. when there shall be no poor among you ; 7. If there be among you a poor man — nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother : 9. thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, 1 1 . the poor shall never cease out of the land : — to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 24: 14. not oppress an hired servant (that is) poor and needy, 1 Sa. 2: 8.1iftethup£Ae beggar from the dunghill, Est. 9: 22. portions one to another, and gifts to the poor. Job 5 : 15. he saveth the poor from the sword, 24: 4. They turn the needy out of the way: 14. rising with the light killeth the poor and 29 30 31 Ps. 9 12 3537 404969 7072 !"QX eh-veh', m. Job 9:26. They are passed away as the swift ships: (marg. Ships "of desire," or "of Ebeh") *1SX avohy. Pro. 23 : 29. Who hath woe ? who hath sorrow 9 DUX eh-voos' \ m. Job 39: 9. to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Pro. 14: 4. Where no oxen (are), the crib (is) clean: Isa. 1 : 3. the ass his master's crib : nnriK iv-giwth', f. [Const, of nrpN.] Eze.21:15(20).I have set the point of the sword (marg. "glittering," or "'fear") DTlt?^ avat-tee-'gheem' ', m. pi. Nu . 11: 5 . the melons, and the leeks, S^X ah-veev' , m. Ex. 9:31. the barley ( was ) in the ear, 13: 4. This day came ye out in the month Abib. 23 : 15. in the time appointed of the month Abib ; 34: 18. in the time of the month Abib : for in the month Abib thou earnest out Lev. 2:14. of thy firstfruits green ears of corn Deul6 : 1 . Observe the month of Abib, — in the month of Abib the Lord thy God Eze. 3:15. came to them of the captivity at Tel-abib, 74 8286 107 109 112113132 140 Pro.] 4 3031 Isa. 14 25 2932 41 Jer. 2; 5 2022 Eze. 16 18 22 Am. 2 4; 5: 16. 1 (was) a father to thepoor: 25. was (not) my soul grieved for the poor? :19. or any poor without covering; (lit. no covering to the poor) 18H9). the needy shall not alway be 5(6). forthe sighing of the needy, 10. the poor and the needy from him that spoi. 14. to cast down the poor and needy, :17(18).ButI (am) poor and needy ; : 2(3). low and high, rich and poor, together. : 33(34). the Lord heareth thepoor, 5(6). But I (am) poor andneedy: 4. he shall save the children of the needy, 12. he shall deliver the needy when he crieth ; 13. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. :21.1et the poor and needy praise thy name. : 4. Deliver the poor and needy: ; 1. for I (am) poor andneedy. :41.setteth he the poor on high from affliction, : 16. persecuted the poor and needy man, 22. For I (am) poor andneedy, 31 . he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, : 9. hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; 7. (and) l\fte*hthe needy out of the dunghill; 15.1 will satisfy her poor with bread. 1 2(13). will maintain... the right of tlie poor. 31 . honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. 14. and the needy from (among) men. 9. plead the cause of the poor and needy. 20. she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. 30. and the needy shall lie down in safety: 4. a strength to the needy in his distress, 19. and the poor among men shall rejoice in 7. even when the needy speaketh right. 17. (When) the poor and needy seek water, 34. the blood of the souls of the poor 28. the right of the needy do they not judge. 13. he hath delivered the soul of the poor 16. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; 49. neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 12. Hath oppressed the poor and needy, 29. and have vexed the poor andneedy: 6. and the poor for a pair of shoes; 1. oppress thepoor, which crush the needy, 1 2. and they turn aside the poor in the gate 4. O ye that swallow up the needy, 6. and the needy for a pair of shoes ; nJV^ aveey-yoh-nali ', f. Ecc.12: 5. and desire shall fail: VZXab-beer', adj. Jud. 5:22.pransings of their (lit. his) mighty ones. 1 Sa.21 : 7(8). the chiefest of the herdmen Job 24 : 22. He draweth also the mighty with his Ps. 34:20. the mighty shall be taken away 22 : 12( 13 ) . strong ( bulls ) of Bashan have beset 50: 13. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink 68: 30(31). the multitude of the bulls, 76: 5(6). The stouthearted are spoiled, 78:25. Man did eat angels' food: (marg. the bread of tlie mighty) »:m < n > \2H Isa. 10:13. put down theinhab. like a valiant (man): (marg: many people) see T,23- 34: 7. the bullocks with the bulls ; 46: 12. Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, Jer. 8 : 16. sound of the neighing of his strong ones; 46 : 15. Why are thy valiant (men) swept away? 47 : 3. of the hoofs of his strong (horses), 50 : 1 1 . as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls ; Lam. 1 : 15. trodden under foot all my mighty (men) TilX aveer' , m. [Const, of T^S-] Gen49:24.made strong by the hands of the mighty ( God) of Jacob ; Ps.132: 2. vowed unto the mighty (God) of Jacob; 5. an habitation for the mighty (God)o/ Isa. 1 : 24. Lord of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, 49:26 & 60:16. thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Isa. * HITHPAEL Future.* 9:18(17). anrf they shall mount up (like) the lifting up of smoke. hi* ah-val' - T * KAL Preterite.* Isa. 3 : 26. her gates shall lament and mourn ; 19: 8. that cast angle into the brooks shaUlament, 24: 4. The earth mourneth (and) fadeth away, 7. The new wine mourneth, 33: 9. The earth mourneth (and) languisheth: Jer. 12:11. (being) desolate it mourneth unto me; 14: 2. Judah mourneth, and the gates 23: 10. because of swearing the land mourneth; HoslO: 5.forthe people thereof shall mourn over it, Joel 1 : 9. the priests, the Lord's ministers, mourn. 10. The field is wasted, the land mourneth; Am. 1 : 2. and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, 8 : 8. and every one mourn that dwelleth 9: 5. and all that dwell therein shall mourn : KAL. — Future. Job 14: 22. his soul within him shedl mourn. Jer., 4:28. For this shall the earth mown, 12: 4. How long shaUthe landmourn, Hos. 4: 3. Therefore shall the land mourn, * HIPHIL Preterite.* Eze.31:15.when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning .• HIPHIL Future. Lam. 2: 8. therefore he made the rampart and the wall to lament; , * HITHPAEL Preterite.* 1 Sa. 15 : 35. Samuel mourned for Saul : HITHPAEL Imperative. 2Sa.l4: 2.feignthyself tobe a mourner, HITHPAEL.— Future. Gen37 Ex. 33: Nu.14: ISa. 6: 2Sa.l3 19 ICh. 7 Neh. 1 8 Eze. 7 34. and mourned for his son many days. 4. heard these evil tidings, they mourned 39. and the people mourned greatly. 19. and the people lamented, because 37. And (David) mourned for his son every 1(2). the king weepeth and mourneth 22. And Ephraim their father mourned many 4. 1.. .wept, and mourned (certain) days, : 9. mourn not, nor weep. 12. the buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn : 27. The king shall mourn, and the prince HITHPAEL Participle. ISa. 16: I. How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, 2Sa. 14 : 2. that had a long time mourned for the 2Ch 35 : 24. all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Ezr. 10: 6. he moro-medbecause of the transgression Isa. 66: 10. all ye that mourn for her: Dan.10 : 2.1 Daniel ivas mourning three full weeks. 7?X ah-vehl', adj. Gen37:35. into the grave unto my son mourning. Est. 6:12. Haman hasted to his house mourning, Job 29:25. as one (that) comforteth the mourners. Ps. 35 : 14. as one that mourneth {for his) mother. Isa. 57 : 18. comforls unto him and to his mourners. 61 : 2. to comfort all that mourn ; 3. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, Lam. 1 : 4. The ways of Zion do mourn, ^X ah-vehl', f. Jud.ll:33.unto the plain of the vineyards, (marg. or, Abel) Note In like manner, Jud. 7:22. &c. Abel- meholah, might be rendered the plain of dancing, &c.&c. b. SK avahl, conj. Genl7: 42 2Sa.l4 IK. 1 2K. 4 2Ch.l 19 33 Ezr. 10 Dan 10 19. thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; 21 . We (are) verily guilty concerning our 5. 1 (am) indeed a widow woman, 43. Verily our lord king David hath made 14. Verily she hath no child, : 4. But the ark of God had David brought 3. Nevertheless there are good things found :17. Nevertheless the people did sacrifice 13. But the people (are) many, : 7. but a great quaking fell upon them, 21 . But I will shew thee that which is noted ?5X eh'-vel, m. Gen27: 50 Deu34 2Sall 14 19 Est. 49 Job 30 Ecc. 7 Isa. 60: 61 Jer. 6 16 31 Lam. 5 Eze.24 Am. 5 Mic. 1 41. The days of mourning for my father 10. he made a mourning for his father 11 . saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This (is) a grievous mourning 8. the days of weeping (and) mourning for 27. And when the mourning was past, 2. put on now mourning apparel, : 2(3). that day was (turned^) into mourning : 3. (there was) great mourning among the : 22 . and from mourning intoa goodday: 31. My harp also is (turned) to mourning, 2. better to go to the house of mourning, 4. of the wise (is) in the house of mourning • 20. the days of thy mourning shall be ended. 3. the oil of joy for mourning, 26. make thee mourning, (as for) an only son, 7. tear (themselves) for them in mourning, 13. 1 will turn their mourning into joy, 15. our dance is turned into mourning. 17. make no mourning for the dead, : 16. they shall call the husbandman to mourning, : 10. 1 will turn your feasts into mourning, — I will make it as the mourning of an only : 8. and mourning as the owls. SlK see •»«• JIN eh'-ven, f. Gen. 2: 12. bdellium and the onyx stone. 11: 3. And they had brick for stone, 28: 11. he took of the stones of 'that place, 18. the stone that he had put (for) his pillows, 22. And this stone, wh. I have set(for)api!lar, 29 : 2. and a great stone (was) upon the well's m. 3. rolled the stone from the well's mouth, put the stone again upon the well's mouth 8. (till) they roll thestonefr. the well'smouth ; 10. and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, 31 :45. Jacobtook astone, andsetitup(for)apillar. 46. said unto his brethren, Gather stones; and they took stones, and made an heap ; Gen35;I4.(even) a pillar of stone: 49:24. thence (is) the shepherd, the stone of Isr. : Ex. 7: 19. (vessels of) wood, and in (vessels of) stone. 15: 5. they sank into the bottom as a stone. 16. they shall be (as) still as a stone; 17:12. they took a stone, and put (it) under him, 20:25. if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, 21 : 18. one smite another with a stone, 24:12.1 will give thee tables of stone, 25: 7. Onyx stones, and stones to be set in 28: 9. thou shalt take two onyx stones, 10. names on one stone, and (the other) six names of the rest on the other stone, 11. the work of an engraver in stone, ¦ — shalt thou engrave the two stones 12. thou shalt put the two stories — srforees o/memorial unto the children of Is. : 17. set in it settings of stones, (even) four rows of stones : 21. And the stones shall be with the names 31: 5. And in cutting of stones, to set (them), 18. tables of stone, written with the finger of 34: 1 . Hew thee two tables of stone 4. And he hewed two tables of stone ¦ — took in his hand the two tables of stone. 35: 9. And onyx stones, and stones to be set for 27. the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones 33. And in the cutting of stones, 39: 6. And they wrought onyx stones 7 . stones for a memorial to the children of Is. ; 10. And they set in it four rows of stones: 14. And the stones (were) according to Lev, 14 : 40 . take away the sto?ies in which the plague 42. they shall take other stones, and put (them) in the place of those stones ; 43. he hath taken away the stones, 45. break down the house, the stones of it, 19 : 36. Just balances, just weights, (marg. stones) 20: 2. stone him with stones. 27. they shall stone them with stones: 24:23. and. stone him with stones. 26: 1 . neither shall ye set up (any) image of stone Nu. 14: 10. stone them with stones. 15:35. stone him with stones without the camp. 36. stoned him with stones, and he died; 35:17. if he smite him with throwing a stone, 23. any stone, wherewith a man may die, Deu 4:13. he wrote them upon two tables of stone. 28. the work of men's hands, wood and stone, 5:22(19). he wrote them in two tables of stone, 8: 9. a land whose stones (are) iron, 9: 9. to receive the tables of stone, 10. the Lord delivered unto me two tables of s. 1 1 . the Lord gave me the two tables of stone, 10: l.Hew thee two tables of stone 3. hewed two tables of stone 13: 10(11). thou shalt stone him with stones, 17: 5. and shalt stone them with stones, 21: 21. shall stone him with stones, 22:21. shall stone her with stones 24. ye shall stone them with stones 25: 13. Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, (marg. a stone and a stone) 15. thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, 27: 2, thou shalt set thee up great stones, 4. ye shall set up these stones, 5. unto the Lord thy God, an altar of stones : 6. altar of the Lord thy God of whole stones . ¦ 8. write upon the stones all the words of this 28: 36. serve other gods, wood and stone. 64. (even) wood and stone. 29:17(16). and their idols, wood and stone, Jos. 4: 3. where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, 5. take you up every man of you a stone 6. What (mean) ye by these stones ? 7. these stones shall be for a memorial 8. took up twelve stones out of the midst 9. Joshua set up twelve stones 20. those twelve stones, which they took 21. What (mean) these stones? 7: 25. all Israel stoned him with stones, — after they had stoned them with stones. 26. raised over him a great heap of stones 8: 29. raise thereon a great heap of stones, 31 . an altar of whole stones, 32. he wrote there upon the stones a copy l 12 ) ]2H Jos. 10: 11. the Lord cast down great stones from — more which died with hailstones 18. Roll great stones upon the mouth of the 27. laid great stones in the cave's mouth, 15: 6. the border went up to the stone of Bohan 18:17. descended to the stoneof Bohan 24:26. took a great stone, and set it up there 27: Behold, this stone shall be a witness Jud. 9: 5, 18. threescore and ten persons, upon one stone : 20: 16. every one could sling stones at an hair ISa. 6: 14. where (there was) a great stone : 15. put (them) on the great stone: 7: 12. Then Samuel took a stone, — called the name of it Eben-ezer, 14:33. roll a great stone unto me this day. 17:40. chose him five smooth stones 49. took thence a stone, and slang (it), — the stone sunk into his forehead; 50. with a sling and with a stone, 20: 19. and shalt remain by the stone Ezel. 25: 37. he became {as) a stone. 2Sa, 5:11. carpenters, and masons : (marg. hewers of the stone of the wall) 12: 30. a talent of gold with the precious stones: 14:26. after the king's weight. 16: 6. And he cast stones at David, (lit. he stoned... with stones) 13. threw stones at him, 18:17. laid a very great h eap of stones upon him : 20: 8. When they (were) at the great stone IK. 1: 9. by the stone of Zoheleth, 5: 17(31). brought great stones, costly stones, (and) hewed stones, to lay thefoimdation 18(32). they prepared timber and stones 6 : 7 . was built of stone made ready 18. all (was) cedar; there was no stone seen. 7: 9. All these (were of) costly stones, 10. the foundation (was of) costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and, stones of eight 11. And above (were) costly stones, 8 : 9. save the two tables of stone, 10; 2. very much gold, and precious stones : 10. of spices very great store, and precious stones : 11 . plenty of almug trees, and precious stones. 27. made silver (to be) in Jerusalem as stones, 12: 18. all Israel stoned him with stones, 15:22. they took away the stones of Ramah, 18:31. Elijah took twelve stones, according to 32. with the stones he built an altar 38. the wood, and the stones, and the dust, 21 : 13. stoned him with stones, that he died. 2 K. 3:19. mar every good piece of land- with stones. 25. cast every man his stone, and filled it; — left they the stones thereof; 12:12(13). And to masons, and hewers of stone, and to buy timber and hewed stone 16:17. put it upon a pavement of stones. 19: 18. the work of men's hands, wood and stone ; 22: 6. to buy timber and hewn stone to repair v ICh. 12: 2. hand and the left in (hurling) stones 20: 2. (there were) precious stones in it; 22: 2. he set masons to hew wrought stones 14. timber also and stone have I prepared; 15. workers of stone and timber, 2. onyx stoties, and (stones) to be set, glister ing stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stoiies, and marble sto?ies in abundance. 8. they with whom (precious) stones were 15. gold at Jerusalem (as plenteous) as stones, : 14(13). in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, 6. with precious stones for beauty: l.gold in abundance, and precious stones: 9. of spices great abundance, and precious stones : 10. brought algum trees and precious stones. 27. made silver in Jerusalem as stones, 10: 18. stoned him with stones, that he died. 16: 6. they carried away the stones of Ramah, 24:21. and stoned him with stones 26: 14. and slings (to cast) stones, (marg. and for stones of slings) 15. to shoot arrows and great stones 32:27. treasuries.. .for gold, and for precious ss.t 29 2Ch. 1 239 p» V 13 ) "QN 2Ch 34 : 1 1 . to buy hewn stone, Neh. 4: 2(3: 34). will they revive the stones out of 3(-; 35). break down their stone wall. 9:11. as a stone into the mighty waters. Job 5:23. be in league with the stones of the field: 6 : 1 2. ( Is ) my strength the strength of stones ? 8: 17. seeth the place of stones. 14:19. The waters wear the stones: 28: 2. and brass (is) molten (out of) the stone. 3. the stones of darkness, and the shadow of 6. The stones of it (are ) the place of sapphires : 38 : 6. or who laid the corner stone thereof; 30. The waters are hid as (with) a stone, 41 : 24(16). His heart is as firm as a stone; 28(20). slingstones are turned with him into Ps. 91 ; 12.1est thou dash thy foot against a stone. 102 : 14( 15 ) . thy servants take pleasure in her ss. , 118:22. The stone (which) the builders refused Pro. 11 : 1 . but a just weight (is) his delight, (marg. a perfect stone) 16: 11. all the weights of the bag (marg. stones) 17 : 8. A gift (is as) a precious stone in the eyes 20:10. Divers weights, (and) divers measures, (marg. A stone and a stone) 23. Divers weights (are) an abomination (lit. a stone and a stone) 24:31.iAe stone wall thereof was broken down. 26: 8. As he thatbindeth a stone in a sling, 27. he that rolleth a stone, it will return 27: 3. A stone (is) heavy, and the sand weighty; Ecc. 3: 5. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together ; 10: 9. Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt Isa. 8 : 14. but for a stone of stumbling 14: 19. that go down to the stones of the pit; 27; 9. when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, 28: 16. in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, 30:30. scattering, and tempest, and hailstones. 34:11. and the stones of emptiness. 37:19. work of men's hands, wood and stone: 54:11.1 will lay thy stones with fair colours, 12. thy gates of carbuncles (lit. stones of a sparkling gem), and all thy borders of pleasant stones. 60:17. for wood brass, and for stones iron: 62 : 10. gather out the stones ; Jer. 2 : 27. and to a stone, Thou hast brought me 3: 9. committed adultery with stones and 43: 9. Take great stones in thine hand, 10. will set his throne upon these stones 51: 26. a stone for a corner, nor a stone for found.; 63. thou shalt bind a stone to it, Lam. 3:53. cast a stone upon me, 4: I. the stones of the sanctuary are poured out Eze. 1:26. as the appearance of a sapphire stone: 10: 1. there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, 9. of the wheels (was) as the colour of a beryl stone. 11:19.1 will take the stony heart out of their flesh, (lit. heart of stone) 13:11, ye,0 great hailstones, shall fall; 13. and great hailstones in (my) fury 16:40. they shall stone thee with stones, 20: 32. to serve wood and stone. 23:47. the company shall stone them with stones, 26;12. and they shall lay thy stones 27: 22. with all precious stones, and gold. 28:13. every precious stone (was) thy covering, 14. walked up and down in the midst of Me stones of fire. 16. from the midst of the stones of fire. 36:26. 1 will take away the stony heart 38:22. and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. 40:42. the four tables (were) of hewn stone Danll:38.gold, and silver, and with precious stones, Mic. 1 : 6. 1 will pour down the stones thereof 6:11. and with the bag of deceitful weights ? Hab . 2:11. For the stone shall cry out of the wall, 19. to (Aedumb stone, Arise, Hag. 2: 15. before a stone was laid upona stone Zee. 3: 9. For behold the stone that I have laid — upon one stone (shall be) seven eyes: 4: 7. he shall bring forth the headstone 10. shall- see the plummet in the hand of Zeruhbabel (marg. stone of tin) Zee. 5: 4. the timber thereof and the stones thereof 8. he cast the weight of 'lead upon the 9:15. shall devour, and subdue with sling stones; 16. (they shall be as) the stones of a crown, 12: 3. a burdensome stone for all people: \$$ eh'-ven, f. Ch. Ezr. 5: 8. which is builded with great stones, 6 ; 4. three rows of great stones, Dan. 2:34. Thou sawest till that a stone 35. and the stone that smote the image 45. thou sawest that Me stone 5 : 4. of iron, of wood, and of stone. 23. of brass, iron, wood, andstone, 6:17(18). And a stone was brought, tD3?M av-nehtf, m. Ex 28 : 4. a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle : 39. and thou shalt make the girdle 40. thou shalt make for them girdles, 29: 9. thou shalt gird them with girdles, 39 : 29. a girdle ( of) fine twined linen, Lev. 8: 7. girded him with the girdle, 13. girded them with girdles, 16 : 4. and shall be girded with a linen girdle, Isa, 22:21. and strengthen him with thy girdle, b^5^ ov-nahr-yim, f. [Dual, in pause, of *J5W-1 Ex. 1 : 16. see (them) upon the stools; if it (be) a Jer. 18: 3. behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. ' (marg. frames, or, seats) MN [ah-vas']. * KAL. —Participle. Paul.* 1 K. 4:23(5:3). fallowdeer, and/attetffowl. Pro. 15: 17. than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. riySJ^ avag-boo gothr, f.pl, Ex. 9 : 9, 10. a boil breaking forth (with) blains MX ah-vahk' \ m. Ex. 9: 9. And it shall become small dust Deu 28: 24. shall make the rain of thy land powder Isa. 5. 24. their blossom shall go up as dust: 29: 5. strangers shall be like small dust, Eze.26 : 10. their dust shall cover thee : Nah. 1 : 3. the clouds (are) the dust ofhis feet. pnx [ah-vak']. * NIPHAL Infinitive. * Gen32:25( 26). as he wrestled with him. NIPHAL Future. Gen32:24(25). and there wrestled a man with him n[53N av-kath', f. [Const, of n|72W.] Cant.3: 6. with all powders of the merchant? 1?X \ah-var'\ * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 39:26. Doth the hawk/y by thy wisdom, 15$> th'-ver, m. Ps. 55: 6(7). O that I had wings like a dove ! Isa. 40: 31. they shall mount up with wings Eze 17: 3. long-winged, full of feathers, ( 14 ) m Pn^N ev-rah', f. Deu32:ll.beareth them on her wings: Job 39: 13. or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? (marg. feathers of the stork) Ps. 68: 13(14). and her feathers with yellow gold. 91 : 4. He shall cover thee with his feathers, av-reh'ch'. Gen41: 43. cried before him, Bow the knee: (marg. or, Tender father) Note E.T.-takes it for Hiph. Tp"l2N I will cause to bow the knee. mJlX agud-dati , f. Ex. 12:22. ye shall take a bunch of 'hyssop, 2Sa. 2: 25. after Abner, and became one troop, Isa. 58 : 6. to undo the heavy burdens, (marg. bundles of 'the yoke) Am. 9: 6. and hath founded his troop in the earth ; (marg. bundle) fi*i&* egohz, m. Cant. 6:11.1 went down into the garden of nuts WltoN agoh-rath', f [Const, of rning.] ISa. 2:36. crouch to him for apiece of silver '?^ tg-lty' , m. [PI. const, of baw.] Job 38:28. who hath begotten the drops of dew? D3N agahm, m. Ex. 7 : 19. upon their rivers, and upon rte'r ponds, 8 : 5( 1 ). over the rivers, and over ut{\t)inbasons; Cant.7: 2(3). Thy navel (is like) a round goblet, Isa. 22:24. from the vessels of cups, even to all D^BJX [agap-peem'], m. pi. Eze- 12: 14. to help him, and all his bands; 17 : 21 . fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the 38: 6. Gomer, and all his bands; — . the north quarters, and all his bands: 9. cover the land, thou, ana all thy bands, 22. 1 will rain upon him, and upon his bands, 39: 4. fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, "1JN [ah-gar'] * KAL Preterite. * Pro. 6: 8. gathereth her food in the harvest. KAL. — Future. Deu28:39. nor gather (the grapes); KAL Participle. Poel. Pro.10: 5. /?er/iai5'az7Zye love simplicity ; 12. whom the Lord loveth he correcteth ; 17. Hove them that love me ; 8. rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. > 9.Ae loveth him that folio weth after 12. A scorner loveth not one that reproveth "13. they love him that speaketh right, (littAe shall love) 13. Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty ; ; 1 . then I loved Mm, and called my son 4(5). / will love them freely: 17. love no false oath: . 2. yet I loved Jacob, Gen24 2529 34 Jud. 16 lSa.16 ltf 2Sa.I3 IK. 3 2Ch.ll 19 Est. 2 Ps. 4 109 119 Pro. 13 89 15 16 20 Hos. 11 14 Zee. 8; Mai. 1 KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen25:28.but Rebekah loved Jacob. Ex. 20: 6. unto thousands of them that love me, Deu 5: 10. unto thousands of them that love me' 7 : 9. mercy with them that love Mm 10: 18. and widow, and loveth the stranger, 13: 3(4). whether ye love the Lord your God Jud. b;3l.but (let) *Aem thatlove him (be) as the sun ISa. 18: 16. But all Israel and Judah loved David, 2Sa.l3: 4. Amnon said unto him, I ZoueTamar, 19: 6(7).hatest thy friends. IK. 5: 1(15). Hiram was ever a lover of David. 2Ch.20: 7. Abraham thy friend for ever ? 26: 10. for he loved husbandry. Neh. 1 : 5. mercy for them that love him Est. 5 : 10. he sent and called for his friends, nna ( 26 ) TTN Est. 5:14. Zeresh his wife and all his friends 6: 13. told Zeresh his wife and all his friends Ps. 5 : 1 1 ( 1 2) . let them also that love thy name 11: 5. the wicked and Mm that loveth violence, his soul hateth. 33: 5. He loveth righteousness and judgment: 34:12(l3).desirethlife, (and) loveth (many) 37 : 28. For the Lord loveth judgment, 38 : 1 1 fl 2) . My lovers and my friends 40: 16(17). let sucA as love thy salvation 69:36(37). and they that love his name shall 70: 4(5). let such as love thy salvation 87 : 2. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion 88; 18(19). Loner and friend hast thou put far 97: 10. Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: 119:132.usest to do unto those that love thy name. 165. Great peace have they which love thy law: (lit. to them that love) 122 : 6. they shall prosper that love thee. 145:20. preserveth all them that love him: 146: 8. the Lord loveth the righteous: Pro. 8:17.1 love them that love me ; 21 . That I may cause those that love me 12 : I . Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge : 13:24. but he that loveth him chasteneth 14:20. but the rich (hath) many friends, (marg. many are the lovers of the rich ) 17: 17. A friend loveth at all times, 19. He loveth transgression that loveth strife* 18:21. and they that love it shall eat the fruit 24. there isa friend (that) sticketh closer than 19: S.getteth wisdom, loveth his own soul: 21: 17. He that loveth pleasure (shall be)apoor man: Ae that loveth wine and oil shall 22: 11. He that loveth pureness of heart, 27: 6. Faithful (are) the wounds of a friend; 29: 3. Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth Ecc. 5:10(9). He that loveth silver shall not be satis fied with silver ; nor he that loveth Isa. 1 :23. every one loveth gifts, 41 : 8. the seed of Abraham my friend. 56: 10. lying down, loving to slumber. 61 : 8. For I the Lord love judgment, 66: 10. all ye that love her: Jer. 20: 4. terror to thyself, and to all thy friends: 6. be buried there, thou, and all thy friends, Lam. 1 : 2. among all Aer lovers Dan. 9: 4. mercy to them that love him, Hos. 3: Land hve flagons of wine. ' 10:11. loveth to tread out (the corn); Mic. 3: 2. Who hate the good, and love the evil ; KAL Participle. Paul. Deu21 : 15. one beloved, and another hated, — (both) the beloved and the hated; 16. not make the son of the beloved firstborn Neh 13: 26. and who was beloved of his God, Hos. 3: l.love a woman behved of (her) friend, * NIPHAL— Participle. * 2Sa. 1:23. Saul and Jonathan (were) lovely vf PIEL.— Participle. * Jer. 22:20.for all *Ay lovers are destroyed. 22. and thy lovers shall go into captivity: 30: 14. All thy lovers have forgotten thee ; Lam. 1 : 19. 1 called for my lovers, Eze.l6:33.givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, 36. thy whoredoms with thy lovers, 37.1 will gather all thy lovers, 23: 5. she doted on Aer lovers, 9. delivered her into the hand of her fevers, 22. 1 will raise up thy lovers against Hos. 2: 5(7). I will go after my lovers, 7(9). she shall follow after herlovers, 10(12). in the sight of her lovers, 12(14). rewards that myhvers have given 13( 15). she went after Aer lovers, Zec.13: 6. wounded (in) the house of my friends. rftPlX ah-hdvah' f. t -: - . > Gen29:20./or the love he had to her. (lit. in his love) Deu. 7: 8. But because the Lord loved you, (lit. be cause of the Lord's love to) 1 Sa.18 : 3. because he loved him as his own soul. 20:17. because he loved him (marg. by his love toward him): for he loved him as he loved (lit. the hve of) his own soul. 2Sa. 1:26. thy love tome was wonderful, passing the love of women. 13 : 15. greater than the love wherewith IK. 10: 9. because the Lord loved Israel, (lit. in the Lord's love to) 2Ch. 2:11(10). i^ecawse the Lord hath loved his people, 9: 8. because thy God loved Israel, Ps. 109: 4. For my love they are my adversaries: 5. hatred for my love. Pro. 5 : 19. be thou ravished always with her love. 10: 12. but love covereth all sins. 15: 17. Better (is) a dinner of herbs where love (is), (lit. and love there) 17 : 9. covereth a transgression seeketb love ; 27 : 5. Open rebuke (is) better than secret love. Ecc. 9: 1. no man knoweth either hve or hatred S. Also their hve, and their hatred, Cant.2: 4. his banner over me (was) love. 5. 1 (am) sick of love. 7, & 3 :5. nor awake (my) love, till he please. (lit. the love) 3: 10. midst thereof being paved (with) hve, 5: 8. that I (am) sick of love. 7: 6(7). how pleasant art thou, O hve, for 8: 4. nor awake (my) love, until he please. (lit. 'Ae hve) 6. for love (is) strong as death ; 7. Many waters cannot quench love, — all the substance ofhis house for love, Isa. 63 : 9. in Ms hve and in his pity he redeemed Jer. 2: 2. the loveof thine espousals, 33. trimmest thou thy way to seek hve? 31 : 3. Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love ; Hos. 3: I. according to the hve of the Lord 9: 15. 1 will love them no more: 11: 4. with bands of love: Mic. 6: 8. and to love mercy, (lit. and hve of) Zep. 3:17. he will rest in Aw love, D^O^? ahah-veemf , m. [pi. of nnw.] Pro. 5: 9. the loving hind (lit. hind of loves) Hos. 8: 9.Ephraim hath hired lovers, (marg.loves) Pro. D^H^ okah-veem', m. [pi. of nnk] : 18. let us solace ourselves with loves. W7K dhah, interj. Jos. 7: 7. Joshua said, Alas, O Lord Jud. 6:22. Gideon said, Alas, O Lord Godl 11 :3b. Alas, my daughter ! 2K. 3: 10. the king of Israel said, Alas! 6 : 5. Alas, master ! for it was borrowed. 15. Alas, my master ! how shall we do ? Jer. 1: 6 & 4: 10 & 14:13. Then said I, Ah, Lord G. I 32 : 17. Ah Lord God ! behold thou hast Eze. 4: 14. Then said I, Ah Lord God I 9: 8. cried, and said, Ah Lord God ! 11 : 13. and said, Ah Lord God ! 20:49(21:5). Then said I, Ah Lord God! Joel 1 : 15. Alas for the day ! ^$ ihee, adv. Hos.13 : 10. 1 will be thy king : (or, where is thy king ?) 14.0 death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy destruction: (or, where?.- where?) Note — The English translation renders it as if an apocopated future of rPn. The margin of the modern Bibles (v. 10) is, however, correct, for v. i4: biNitf ^ptpi? ti^ rnn Tl?1 T^. LXX. no5 »/ JiK7) .9. hasty of spirit exalteth/c%. 15: 2. mouth of fools poureth out foolishness 14. the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness. 21. Folly (is) joy (to him that is) destitute of 16:22. the instruction of fools (is) folly. 17:12. rather than a fool In his folly. 18; 13. matter before he heareth (it), it (is)/o% 19: 3. The foolishness o/manperverteth his way: 22: 15. Foolishness (is) bound in the heart of a 24: 9. The thought of foolishness (is) sin : 26: 4. Answer not a fool according to his folly, 5. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest 11. a fool returneth to his folly. 27:22. (yet) will not his foolishness depart from <£«HvV - JJN ah'-ven, m. e,\>i£ Gen35: 18. called his name 'Ben-oni: Nu. 23: 21. not beheld iniquity in Jacob, Deu26: 14. eaten thereof in mymourning, 1 Sa 15 : 23. and stubbornness (is as) iniquity and Job 4: 8. they that plow iniquity, PK Job. 5 11 15 21 22 3134 36 Ps.' 5: 6; 7 10 14; 2836 : 6. affliction cometh not forth of the dust, 1 1 . he seeth wickedness also ; 1 4. If iniquity (be) in thine hand, 35. and bring forth vanity, fmarg. iniquity) 19. God layeth up Ais iniquity for his children. (marg. the punishment ofhis iniquity) 15. the old way which wicked men 3. (punishment) to the workers of iniquity? 8. company with the workers of iniquity, 22. where the workers of iniquity may hide 36. because of (his) answers for wicked men, 10. commandeth that they return from iniquity. 21. Take heed, regard not iniquity: 5(6). thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 8(9) . from me, all ye workers of iniquity; 14(15). Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, 7. under his tongue (is) mischief and vanity. 4. all the workers of iniquity no knowledge ? 3. with the workers of iniquity, 3(4). The words ofhis mouth (are) iniquity 4(5). He deviseth mischief upon his bed; (marg. vanity) 12(13). are the workers of iniquity fallen: 6(7). his heart gathereth iniquity to itself; 4(5). the workers of iniquity no knowledge? 3(4). for they cast iniquity upon me, 10(11). mischief also and sorrow (are) in 7(8). Shall they escape by iniquity? 2(3). Deliver me from the workers of ini quity, 5(6). merciful to any wicked transgressors. 2(3). insurrection of the workers of iniquity : 18. If I regard iniquity in my heart, : 10. their strength labour and sorrow; 7(8). when all the workers of iniquity 9(10) . all the workers of iniquity shall : 4. all the workers of iniquity boast 16. against the workers of iniquity? 23. shall bring upon them their own iniquity, : 8. that I may cut off all wicked doers :133.1etnot any iniquity have dominion 5. forth with the workers of iniquity : 4. with men that work iniquity. 9. the gins of the workers of iniquity. 12. A naughty person, a wicked man, 18. deviseth wicked imaginations, 29. (shall be) to the workers of iniquity. 7. the hope of unjust (men) perisheth. :21.no evil happen to the just: 4. giveth heed to false lips ; 28. the wicked devoureth iniquity. : 15. to the workers of iniquity. : 8. soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: :20. 1 have done no wickedness. : 13. iniquity, even the solemn (marg. grief) . l.them that decree unrighteous decrees, . 20. all that watch for iniquity are ; 2. them that work iniquity. : 6. his heart will work iniquity, :29. Behold, they (are) all vanity; : 7. the um-ighteous man his thoughts: (marg. man of iniquity ) 9. and speaking vanity; 4. and bring forth iniquity. 6. their works (are) works of iniquity, 7. their thoughts (are) thoughts of iniquity ; 66: 3.burneth incense, (as if) he blessed an idol. Jer. 4:14.shall (Ay vain thoughtslodge within thee? 15. publisheth affliction from mount Ephraim. Eze 11 : 2. these (are) the men that devise mischief, 30:17. The young men of Aven Hos. 4:15. neither go ye up to Beth-aven (lit. house of iniquity) 5: 8. cry aloud (at) Beth-aven, 6: 8. Gilead (is) a city of them that work ini quity, 9: 4. as the bread of mourners; 10: 5. fear because of the calves of Beth- aven: 8. The high places also of Aven, 12:11(12). (Is there) iniquity (in) Gilead ? Am. 1 : 5. off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, 5: 5. Beth-el shall come to nought. Mic. 2: 1 . Woe to them that devise iniquity, Hab. 1 : 3. Why dost thou shew me iniquity, 3: 7.1 saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: (marg. vanity) Zee 10: 2. For the idols have spoken vanity, ( 31 ) KIN f\H ohn, m. a-uirit*r 'cton Gen49: 3. the beginning of my strength, Deu21:17.for he (is) the beginning of his strength; Job 18: 7. The steps of Ais strength shall be 12. His strength shall be hungerbitten, 20: 10. his hands shall restore (Aeir goods. 40:16. and his force (is) in the navel Ps. 78:51. the chief of (their) strength 105: 36. the chief of all (Aeir strength. Isa. 40:26. by the greatness of (his) might, 29. no miyA( he increaseth strength. Hos 12: 3(4). and by Ms s. he had power with God: 8(9). I have found me out substance: ql^ql yi/y t£' 6466 9092 94 101119125 141; Pro. 6 10 11 *. 12 17 19 21 22 30 Isa. 1 10 29 31; 32 4155 58 59 Jl1*iiN oh-neey-yohth' ', f. pi. :rro for nVDW. ¦ t: 2Ch. 8: 18. Huram sent him, by the hand of his ser vants ships, jlpitf oh-plian1, m. Ex. IK. 14:25. 7:30 32. 33. Pro. 20: 26 25:11. Isa. 28:27 Eze. 1:15. 16. 10 20 3:13! 10: 6 9. 13.16.19 11:22, Nah. 3: 2. took off their chariot wheels, every base had four brasen wheels, under the borders (were) four wheels; and the axletrees of the wheels (were joined) to the base ; and the height of a wheel the work of the wheels (was) like the work of a chariot wheel : bringeth the wheel over them. A word fitly spoken (marg. spoken upon his wheels) [See D"aSS.] neither is a cart wheel turned behold one wheel upon the earth The appearance of the wheels a wheel in the middle of a wheel. , the wheels went by them : 21. the wheels were lifted up. , and the wheels were lifted up ,21 . creature (was) in the wheels. , the noise of the wheels over against them, . and stood beside the wheels. behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub : and the ap pearance of the wheels if a wheel had been in the midst of a wkeel. and the wheels (were) full of eyes round about, (even) the wheels that they four had. (lit. their wheels to &c. ) As for the wheels, the wheels went by them: the same wheels also turned not the wheels also (were) beside them, tlie wheels beside them ; of the rattling of the wheels, (Heb.afAeeZ) p« [ootz,] Jos. 1017 Jer. 17: Ex. 5: Pro.19; 212829 Genl9 Isa. 22 *KAL Preterite.* ; 13. hasted not to go down about a whole day. ; 15. if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee. 16. 1 have not hastened from (being) a pastor KAL Participle. 13. the taskmasters hasted (them), 2. and he that hasteth with (his) feet sinneth. ; 5. of every one (that is) hasty only to want. ; 20. but he that maketh haste to be rich ,20. Seest thou a man (that is) hasty in his words ? * HIPHIL Future. * 15. then the angels hastened Lot, 4. labour not to comfort me, "fiiH oh-tza.hr', m. Deu28:12.open unto thee his good treasure, 32:34. sealed up among my treasures? Jos. 6:19. come into the treasury of the Lord. rw Jos. 6 IK. 7 14 15 2K.12: 14 ICh. 9 26 24. they put into the treasury of 51. he put among the treasures of 26. he took away (Ae treasures of the house of the Lord, and (Ae treasures of the king's house ; 18. in (Ae treasures of the house of the Lord, and (Ae treasures of the king's house, 18(19). found in thetreasures of 14&16:8&18:15. and in the treasures of the king's house, 13. all that was found in his treasures : 15. there is nothing among my treasures ; 13. all (Ae treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house, .26. treasuries of the house of God. ; 20. over (Ae treasures of the house of God, and over the treasures of the dedicated 22. over (Ae treasures of the house of 24. ruler of the treasures. 26. over all (Ae treasures of the : 25. over (Ae king's treasures — over (Ae storehouses in the fields, 27. for the wine cellars 28. over (Ae cellars of oil 12.o/(Ae treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the dedicated 8.(o (Ae treasure of the house of : l.put he among the treasures of : 15. any matter, or concerning the treasures, :11. and store of victual, 9. took away (Ae treasures of the house of the Lord, and (Ae treasures of the king's 2. out of the treasures of the house :24. and (Ae treasures of the king's house, 27. and he made himself treasuries 18. and the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king, 69. unto the treasure of the work 70. gave to the treasure a thousand 71. gave to the treasure of the work : 38(39). into (Ae treasure house. :44. over the chambers_/or the treasures, : 12. the oil unto the treasuries, (marg. store houses ) 13. made treasurers over the treasuries, 22. Hast thou entered into (Ae treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, Ps. 33: 7. he layeth up the depth in storehouses. 135: 7.bringeth the wind out ofhis treasuries. Pro. 8:21. and I will fill Meir treasures. 10: 2. Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: 15:16.(Aa7t great treasure and trouble 21 : 6. The getting of treasures 20. (There is) treasure to be desired Isa. 2: 7. (is there any) end of their treasures; 30: 6, and (Aeir treasures upon the 33: 6. the fear of the Lord (is) Ais treasure. 39: 2. all that was found in his treasures: 4. there is nothing among my treasures 45; 3. 1 will give thee the treasures of Jer. 10: 13. forth the wind out of Ms treasures. 15:13. Thy substance and thy treasures 17: 3. all thy treasures to the spoil, 20: 5. all (Ae treasures of the kings 38:11. house of the king under thetreasury, 48: 7. in thy works and in thy treasures, 49 : 4. that trusted in her treasures, 50:25. The Lord hath opened his armoury, 37. a sword (is) upon Aer treasures ; 51 : 13. abundant in treasures, thineendis come, 16. the wind out ofhis treasures. Eze 28 : 4. gold and silver into thy treasures : Dan. 1 : 2. into the (reasnrehouse of his god. Hos 13:15. he shall spoil (Ae treasure of Joel 1:17. (Ae garners are laid desolate, Mic. 6 : 10. Are there yet (Ae treasures of Mai. 3: 10. all the tithes into (Ae s(orehouse, ( 32 ; TIN , KAL, — Imperative. Isa. 60: 1. Arise, sAine; for thy light is come, (marg. be enlightened) KAL.— Future. 27 28: 29 2Ch.5 8 11 1216 253236 Ezr. 2: Neh. 7: 1012 13 Job 38 *VlN ohr, * KAL Preterite. * Gen44: 3. As soon as the morning was light, lSa.l4:29.how mine eyes have been enlightened, 29; 10. early in the morning, and have light, Pro. 4:18. (Aa( shineth more and more unto the per fect day. (lit. that goethon, and shineth ) lSa,14:27.(np) and his eyes were enlightened. # NIPHAL.— Infinitive. * Job 33:30.(0 be enlightened with the light of the NIPHAL.— Future. 2Sa. 2:32. came to Hebron at break of day. (lit.ana* it became light to them) NIPHAL Participle. Ps. 76: 4(5). Thou (art) more glorious (and) ex cellent # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Ex. 25:37. (Aa( (Aey may give light over against it. Ps. 77: 18(19). the lightnings lightened the world: 97: 4. His lightnings enlightened the world; Eze 43: 2. the earth shined with his glory. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Gen. 1:15, 17. to give light upon the earth: Ex. 13:21. pillar of fire, to give them light ; Ezr. 9: 8. that our God .may lighten our eyes, Neh. 9:12. to give them light in the way 19. fire by night, to shew them light, Ps. 105 : 39. fire to give light in the night. HIPHIL. — Imperative. Ps. 13: 3(4). lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep 31:16(17). Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: 80: 3(4), 7 (8). and cause thy facetfosAine; and 19(20). eawsethy face to shine; 119:135. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; Dan. 9:17. and cause thy face to shine upon thy sane. HIPHIL— Future. Ex. 14 : 20. but it gave light by night Nu. 6:25. The Lord make his face sAine upon thee, 8: 2. the seven lamps sliall give light Job 41 :32(24).maAe(A a path to shine after him ; Ps. 18:28(29).For(Aowu;iZ(ZiaA(my candle: 67 : 1(2). cause his face to shine upon us. 1 1 8 : 27 . which hath shewed us ZioA(.- 119:130. The entrance of thy words giveth light ; 139: 12. but the night skineth as the day; Ecc. 8: 1. wisdom maketh his face to shine, Isa. 60:19.sAaZZ the moon give light unto thee: Eze 32: 7. the moon shall not give her light, (lit. cause her light to shine) Mai. 1 : 10. neither do ye kindle (fire) on mine altar HIPHIL.— Participle. Ps. 19: 8(9). enlightening the eyes. Pro. 29: 13. the Lord lighteneth both their eyes. Isa. 27 : 1 1 . the women come, (and) set them on fire: 11K ohr, m. Once f. Job 36:32. Compare Is. 18:4 with mis. Gen. i : 3. Let there be light: and there was light. 4. God saw (Ae light, that (it was) good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5. God called (Ae light Day, ' 18. divide (Ae light from the darkness: Ex. 10: 23. the children of Israel had light Jud. 16: 2. In the morning, when it is day, (lit. until (Ae light of the morning) 19:26. till it was light lSa.l4:36. until the morning light, 25:22. by (Ae morning light 34. unto Nabal by (Ae morning light 36. until the morning light, 2Sa.l7:22.by (Ae morning light there lacked not 23: 4. And (he shall be) as the light of 2K. 7 : 9. if we tarry till (Ae morning light, Neh. 8: 3. from (Ae morning until midday, (marg. light) Job 3: 9. let it look for light, but (have) none; 16. as infants (which) never saw light. 20. Wherefore is light given to him 12:22. bringeth out to light the shadow 25. They grope in the dark without light, 7:12.(Ae light (is) short because of darkness. 18 : 5. (Ae light of the wicked shall be nut out, -na ( 33 ) Job 18: 6. Tlie light shall be dark in his tabernacle, 18. He shall be driven from light into darkness, 22 : 28. the light shall shine upon thy ways. 24: 13. those that rebel against *Ae ZiyA(; 14. The murderer rising with the light 16. they know not the kght. 25 : 3. upon whom doth not Ais light arise ? 26:10. until (Ae day and night come to an end. (marg. the end of light with darkness) 28 : 1 1. bringeth he forth to light. 29: 3. by his light I walked (through) darkness ; 24. and the light of my countenance 30:26. when I waited for light, 31:26. If I beheld (Ae sun when it shined, (marg. (Ae light) 33:28. his life shall see (Ae light. 30. to be enlightened with theligkt of the living. 36 : 30. he spreadeth Ais ZiyAr upon it, 32. With clouds he covereth the light ; 37: 3. and Ais lightning unto the ends of the earth, (marg. light) 11. he scattereth Ais bright cloud: (marg. cloud of Ais ZiyA() 15. caused (Ae light ofhis cloud to shine? 21. (men) see not Me bright light 38:15. from the wicked (Aeir light is withholden, 19. the way (where) ZiyA( dwelleth ? 24. By what way is (Ae light parted, 41 : 18(10). By his neesings a light doth shine, Ps. 4: 6(7). the light of thy countenance 27 : 1. The Lord (is) my light and my salvation ; 36: 9(10). i?i thy light shall we see ZiyA(. 37 : 6. bring forth thy righteousness as the light, 38:10(11). as for the light of mine eyes, 43 : 3. O send out (Ay light and thy truth : 44: 3(4). the light of thy countenance, 49:19(20). they shall never see ZiyA(. 56:13(14). walk before God in the light of the 78:14. all the night with a light of hre. 89:15(16). in the light of thy countenance. 97:11. Light is sown for the righteous, 104: 2. Who coverest (thyself) with light 112 : 4. Unto the upright there ariseth ZiyA( 1 1 9 : 1 05. and a light unto my path. 136: 7. To him that made great ZiyA(s . • 139:11. even the night shall be light about me. 148 : 3. praise him, all ye stars of ZiyA(. Pro. 4:18. the just (is) as the shining ZiyA(, 6:23. and the law (is) ZiyA(; 13: 9. The light of the righteous rejoiceth: 16 : lb. In the light of the king's countenance Ecc. 2 : 13. as far as ZiyA( excelleth darkness. 11 : 7. Truly the light (is) sweet, 12: 2. While the sun, or the light, Isa. 2: 5. walk in the light of the Lord. 5 : 20. put darkness/or ZiyA(, andlight for darkness; 30. and the light is darkened in the heavens 9 : 2(1). have seen a great ZiyA( .- — (-) upon them hath (Ae ZiyA( shined. 10: 17. the light of Israel shall be for a fire, 13 : 10. shall not give their light : — moon shall not cause Aer ZiyA( to shine. 18: 4. like a clear heat upon herbs, {lit. light; marg. after rain) 30:26. Moreover (Ae light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, 42: 6. for a light of the Gentiles; 16. 1 will make darkness ZiyA( before them, 45 : 7. 1 form (Ae ZiyA(, and create darkness : 49: 6. give thee for a light to the Gentiles, 51 : 4. to rest for a light of the people. 58: 8. Then shall (Ay ZiyA( break forth 10. then shall (Ay ZiyA( rise in obscurity, 59: 9. we wait for light, but behold obscurity ; 60: 1. Arise, shine ; for (Ay ZiyA( is come, 3. the Gentiles shall come to thy light, 19. The sun shall be no more thy light — unto thee an everlasting light, 20. shall be thine everlasting light, Jer. 4:23. the heavens, and (Aey (had) no light, (lit. not (Aeir ZiyA() 13: 16. while ye look for light, 25: 10. and the light of the candle. 31 :35. which giveth the sun for a light by day, — the stars for a light by night, Lam 3 2. Eze. 32 7. 8. Hos. 6. 5. Am. 5- 18. 20. 8: 8.9. Mic. 2 1. 7 8. 9. Hab 3 4. 11. Zep. 3 5. Zee. 14 6. 7. but not (into) light. the moon shall not give Aer light. All the oriyAdightsof heaven (marg. lights of (Ae light in heaven) thy judgments (are as) (Ae light day of the Lord ( is ) darkness, and not light. of the Lord (be) darkness, and not light ? it shall rise up wholly as a flood ; I will darken the earth in tlie clear day : (lit. day of light) when the morning is light, the Lord (shall be) a light unto me. he will bring me forth to the light, (his) brightness was as the light; at the light of thine arrows they went, doth he bring his judgment to light, the light shall not be clear, (nor) dark: at evening time it shall be ZiyA(. *fiN oor, m. The pi. Is. 24 : 15, is D'HN, elsewhere it is Ex. 28:30. putinthebreastplateofjudgment(Ae Urim Lev. 8 : 8. he put in the breastplate (Ae Urim Nu. 27:21. after the judgment of Urim Deu 33 : 8. thy Thummim and thy Urim (be) with ISa. 28: 6. neither by dreams, nor by Urim, Ezr. 2: 63. till there stood up a priest with Urim Neh. 7 :65. till there stood (up) a priest with Urim Isa. 24 : 15. glorify ye the Ld. in the fires, (marg, valleys) 31 : 9. the Lord, whose fire (is) in Zion, 44: 16. 1 have seen the fire: 47:14. (nor) fire to sit before it. 50:11. walk in the light of your fire, Eze. 5 : 2. Thou shalt burn with fire a third part mix oh-rah', f. PI. rhiS herbs ;— compare *liW Is. 18:4. 2K. 4: 39. went out into the field to gather Aer&s, Est. 8 : 16. The Jews had ZiyA(, and gladness, Ps,139:12. the darkness and (Ae light (are) both alike (lit. as darkness as light) Isa. 26: 19. thy dew (is as) the dew of Aer&s, nitlK aveh-rdth', f. pi. for niVTJ$. 2Ch32:28.and cotes for flocks, (lit. and flocks for MX av-vath', f. [Const, of ?T1S-] Deul2:15,20,21. whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, (lit. in all the desire of 'thy soul) 18 : 6. come with all the desire ofhis mind ISa 23:20. according to all the desire of thy soul Jer. 2:24. snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; (marg. the desire of her heart) Hos. 10 : 10. ( It is) in my desire that I should chastise nix ohth, c. Gen 1 : 14. let them be for signs, and for seasons, 4: 15. the Lord set a mark upon Cain, 9:12,17. This (is) the token of the covenant 13. it shall he for a token of a covenant 17:11. it shall be a token of the covenant Ex. 3:12. this (shall be) a token unto thee, 4: 8. the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. 9. will not believe also these two signs, 17. wherewith thou shalt do signs. 28. all the signs which he had commanded 30. did the signs in the sight of the people. 7 : 3. multiply my signs and my wonders 8:23(19). to morrow shall this sign be. 10: 1. 1 might shew these my signs before him: nit* ( 34 ) 3tN Ex. 10: 2. my signs which I have done 12:13. blood shall be to you for a token 13 : 9. for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, 16. shall he for a token upon thine hand, 31 : 13. for it (is) a sign between me and you 17. a sign between me and the children of Is. Nu. 2 : 2. with the ensign of their father's house ; 14:11. all (Ae signs which I have shewed 22. my miracles, which I did in Egypt 16:38(17:3). they shall be a sign 17: 10(25). kept for a token against the rebels ; Deu. 4:34. by signs, and by wonders, 6 ; 8. bind them for a sign upon thine hand, 22. the Lord shewed signs and wonders, 7 : 19 and the signs, and the wonders, and the 11 : 3. Ais miracles, and his acts, which he did 18. bind them for asign upon your hand, 13: 1(2). giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2(3). (Ae sign or the wonder come to pass, 26 : 8. and with signs, and with wonders : 28 :46. they shall be upon thee for a sign 29: 3(2). (Ae signs, and those great miracles: 34 : 1 1 . In all (Ae signs and the wonders, Jos. 2:12. give me a true token: 4: 6. That this may be a sign among you, 24: 17. which did those great signs in our sight, Jud. 6 ; 1 7. shew me a sign that thou talkest with me. ISa. 2.34. this (shall be) a sign unto thee, 10: 7. when these signs are come unto thee, 9. all those signs came to pass that day. 14:10. this (shall be) a sign unto us. 2K. 19:29. And this (shall be) a sign unto thee, 20: 8. What (shall be) (Ae sign that the Lord 9. This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, Neh. 9:10. shewedstsiynsand wonders uponPharaoh, Job 21 :29. and do ye not know (Aeir tokens, Ps. 65: 8(9). uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens : 74: 4. they set up (Aeir ensigns (for) signs. 9. We see not our signs : 78:43. How he had wrought Ais signs in Egypt, 86 . 1 7. Shew me a token for good ; 105:27. They shewed Ais signs among them, (marg. words of Ms signs) 135 : 9. sent tokens and wonders into the midst of Isa. 7:11- Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God ; 14. the Lord himself shall give you a sign; 8:18. for signs and for wonders in Israel 19:20. it shall be for a sign and for a witness 20 : 3. a sign and wonder upon Egypt 37:30&38:7. this (shall be)a sign unto thee, 38:22. What (is) the sign that I shall go 44:25. frustrateth (Ae tokens of the liars, 55 : 13. for an everlasting sign 66:19.1 will set a sign among them, Jer. 10: 2. ano*benotdismayeda((Aesiyns of heaven; 32:20. Which hast set signs and wonders 21. out of the land or Egypt with signs, 44:29. this (shall be) a sign unto you, Eze. 4: 3. This (shall be) a sign to the house of Is. 14: 8. will make him a sign and a proverb, 20 ; 1 2. my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and 20. they shall be a sign between me and you, nix [dhth]. * NIPHAL. —Future. * Gen34: 15. But in this will we consent 22. Only herein will the men consent 23. only let us consent unto them, 2K. 12: 8 (9). And the priests consented to receive ¦X ahz, adv. T ' Genl2; 6. the Canaanite (was) then in the land. Ex. 15.15. Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed ; Jos. 22:31. now ye have delivered the children (marg. then) IK. 9:11. that then king Solomon gave Hiram 2K. 5: 3. for he would recover him of his leprosy. lCh.20: 4. at which time Sibbechai the Hushathite' Job 9:31. Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, Ecc. 2 ; 15. why was I rAen more wise ? Sec. &c. With prefix T«n- Gen39 : 5. from the time (that) he had made Ex. 4:10. neither heretofore, nor since Jos. 14:10. even since the Lord spake this word Ruth 2 : 7. even from the morning until now, 2Sa.l5 :34. thy father's servant hitherto, Ps. 76: 7 (8). thy sight when once thou art angry? 93 : 2. Thy throne (is ) established of old : Isa. 16: 13. concerning Moab since that time. 44: 8. have not I told thee from that time, 48 : 3. the former things from the beginning ; 5. 1 have even from the beginning declared &c. &c. It is supposed to be understood in Ps. 39: 3 ( 4 ). ( cAen ) spake I with my tongue, Jer. 28: 9. (then) shall the prophet be known, 51 :53. (yet) from me shall spoilers come &c. &c. &c. XJX & HTX [azah] Ch. ¦5"- P'AL. — Infinitive. ¦*£ Dan. 3 : 19. commanded (Aa( (Aey should heat the fur nace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated. P'AL. — Participle Passive. Dan, 3:22. and the furnace exceeding hot, niX [azad] Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan. 2 : 5. The thing is gone from me : 8. ye see the thing is gone from me. 21IX eh-zohv', m. Ex. 12 : 22. ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, Lev. 14: 4, 49. cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: 6. cedar wood, and the scarlet, and tlie hyssop, 51. take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and 52. with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, Nu. 19: 6. take cedar wood, andhyssop, 18. a clean person shall take hyssop, 1 K. 4:33(5:13). the hyssop that springeth out of the Ps. 51 : 7(9). Purge me with hyssop, "liTX ch-zohr', m. 2 K. 1 : 8. and girt with a girdle of leather Job 12:18. girdeth their loins with a girdle. Isa, 5:27. shall (Ae yira7e of their loins beloosed, 11: 5. righteousness shall be (Ae girdle of his loins, and faithfulness (Ae girdle of his reins. Jer. 13: 1. Go and get thee a linengirdle, 2. So I got a girdle 4. Take (Ae girdle that thou hast got, 6. take (Ae girdle from thence, 7- took (Ae girdle from the place — behold, (Ae girdle was marred, 10. shall even be as this girdle, 11. as (Ae girdle cleaveth to the loins Eze.23:15. with girdles upon their loins, ^ azahy, adv. Ps.124: 3. Tlien they had swallowed us up 4, Then the waters had overwhelmed us, 5. Then the proud waters had gone over PPDTK az-hah-rah', f. tt : - ' Lev. 2: 2, 16. the priest shall burn (Ae memorialofiU 9. the meat offering a memorial thereof, 5 : 12. a memorial thereof, and burn (it) 6; 15 (8). the memorial of it, unto the Lord. 24: 7. it may be on the bread for a memoriaU Nu. 5 : 26. tlie memorial thereof, and burn blti ah-zal'. ( 35 ) Isa. 42 im *KAL Preterite. * Deu 32:36. he seeth that (their) power is gone, 1 Sa. 9: 7. the bread is spent in our vessels, (marg. gone out of) Job 14: 11. (As) the waters fail from the sea, KAL Future. Jer. 2 : 36. Why gaddest thou about so much KAL Participle. Pro. 20 : 14. but when he is gone his way, *PUAL. —Participle. * Eze. 27 : 19. and Javan going to and fro h\# azaU Ch. # P'AL.— Preterite. ¦# Ezr. 4:23. (Aey went up in haste to Jerusalem 5 : 8. we went into the province of Judea, Dan. 2:17. Then Daniel went to his house, 24. Daniel went in unto Arioch, 6:18 (19). Then the king went to his palace, 19(20). and went in haste unto the den of P'AL. — Imperative. Ezr. 5 : 15. go, carry them into the temple bin ah'-zel. V T In pause for vTS- ISa. 20; 19. shalt remain by the stone Ezel. (marg. that sheweth the way) \ Ecc. 12 a Ex. 15- Deu. 1 2Ch24 :i Neh. 9 Ps. 77 Isa. 64 Gen. 4 Nu. 23 Deu32Jud. 5 f Job 33 " 3437 5 17 1 3949 54 55 78 i 8084 86 140 141143 sa. 1 2832 51 'er. 13 fos. 5 loel 1 Tob 9 32 fts.135 jTX [ah-zan']. * PIEL Preterite. * : 9. yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, * HIPHIL Preterite. * 26, and wilt give ear to his commandments, ;45. nor give ear unto you. 19. but they would not give ear. 30. yet would they not give ear: 1 (2). and he gave ear unto me. 4 ( 3 ). nor perceived by the ear, HIPHIL Imperative. 23. hearken unto my speech: 18. hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor: : 1 . Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak : 3. give ear, O ye princes ; : 1. hearken to all my words. : 2. give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. 16. hearken to the voice of my words. . 14. Hearken unto this, O Job: ; 1(2) Give ear to my words, O Lord, ; l.^zweearunto my prayer, .12(13). give ear unto my cry ; : 1 (2). give ear, all (ye) inhabitants ; 2 (4). give ear to the words of my mouth. : 1(2). Give ear to my prayer, O God ; : 1. Giveear, Omy people, (to) my law: : 1(2). Giveear, 0 Shepherd of Israel, ; 8(9). giveear, O Godof Jacob. : 6. Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer ; . 6(7). hear the voice of my supplications, ; 1. give ear unto my voice, when I cry . 1 . give ear to my supplications : ; 2. Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: 10. give ear unto the law of our God, : 9. and give ear, all ye of far countries : ; 23. Give ye ear, and hear my voice ; ; 9. give ear unto my speech. ; 4. give ear unto me, O my nation: :15. Hear ye, and give car; be not proud: ; l.give ye ear, O house of the king ; ; 2. Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, HIPHIL Future. 16. he had hearkened unto my voice. ill. I gave ear to your reasons, ; 1 7. They have ears, but they hear not ; 23. Who among you will give ear to this? HIPHIL Participle. Pro. 17 :4. a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. fl.X [ah'-zehri] m. Deu 23:13(14). shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; JTX oh'-zen, m. Gen20: 23; 35 4450 Ex. 10 1117 21 24 2932 Lev. 8 14 Nu. 11 14 Deu. 5 15 2931 32 Jos. 20 Jud. 7 9 17 Ruth 4 ISa. 3 22 25 2Sa. 3 2K.18 19 2123 lCh.17 8. told all these things in their ears : 10. in the audience (lit. in the ears) of the chil dren of Heth, 13. in the audience of the people 16. named in the audience of the sons of Heth, 4. earrings which (were) in their ears; 18. speak a word in my lord's ears, 4. speak, I pray you, in the ears o/Pharaoh, 2. thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and 2. Speak now in the ears of the people, 14. rehearse (it) in the ears of Joshua: 6. his master shall bore his ear through 7. read in the audience of the people : 20. upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear ofhis sons, 2. which (are) in the ears of your wives, 3. the golden earrings which (were) in their ears, 23. upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, 24. upon the tip of their right ear, 14, 17, 25, 28. upon the tip of the right ear of 1. it displeased the Lord; (marg. it was evil in the ears of the Lord) 1 8. ye have wept in the ears of the Lord, 28. as ye have spoken in mine ears, 1. 1 speak in your ears this day, 17. through his ear unto the door, 4(3). eyes to see, andears to hear, unto this 1 1 . before all Israel in their hearing. 28. 1 may speak these words in their ears, 30. Moses spake in the ears of 44. this song in the ears of the people, 4. declare his cause in the ears of the elders 3. proclaim in the ears of the people, 2, 3. in the ears of all the men of Shechem, 2. spakest of also in mine ears, 4. 1 thought to advertise thee, (marg. I said I will reveal (in) thine ear) ll.bothfAe ears of every one thatheareth 21. rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord. 15. told Samuel in his ear (marg. revealed the ear of Samuel) . 4. the tidings in the ears of the people : 14. this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, : 23. those words in the ears of David. . 2. but that he will shew it me : (marg. un cover mine ear) 12. and shew it thee ; (lit. uncover thy ear) 13. then I will shew it thee, (marg. uncover thine ear) 8. sheweth me that my son (marg. uncovereth mine ear) — sheweth unto me that my son (lit. un covereth mine ear) 17. did not shew it to me. (lit. uncover mine ear) ;24. speak in thine audience, (marg. ears) . 19. Abner also spake in the ears o/Benjamint — speak in the ears of David .22. all that we have heard with our ears. 27. hast revealed to thy servant, (marg. hast opened tlie ear of) ; 12. in our hearing the king charged thee ; 7. my cry (did enter) into his ears. 45. as soon as they hear, (lit. at the hearing of the ear) 26. in the ears of 'the people that (are) on the : 16. Lord, bow down thine ear, 28. is come up into mine ears, : 12. both his ears shall tingle, : 2. read in their ears all the words of the book :20. all that we have heard with our ears. 25. O my God, hast told thy servant (marg, hast revealed the ear o/thy servant) m lCh.28: 8. and in the audience of our God, 2Ch. 6:40. and {let) thine ears (be) attent unto the 7 : 15. and mine ears attent unto the prayer 34 : 30. read in their ears all the words of the book Neh. 1: 6. Let (Aine ear now be attentive, 11. let now (Aine ear be attentive to the prayer 8: 3. and the ears of all the people 13: 1. in the audience of the people; (marg. ears) Job 4:12. mine ear received a little thereof. 12:11. Doth not (Ae ear try words ? 13: 1. mine ear hath heard and understood it. 17. my declaration with your ears. 15:21. A dreadful sound (is) in his ears: 28 : 22. heard the fame thereof with our ears. 29:11. When (Ae ear heard (me), 33; 8. thou hast spoken in mine hearing, (marg. ears) 16. Then he openeth (Ae ears of men, 34: 3. For (Ae ear trieth words, 36:10. He openeth also (Aeir ear to discipline, 15. openeth (Aeir ears in oppression. 42: 5. by the hearing of (Ae ear: Ps. 10:17.thou wilt cause (Aine ear to hear: 17 : 6. incline (Aine ear unto me, 18: 6(7). came before him, (even) into Ms ears. 44(45). As soon as they hear of me, (marg. At the hearing of (Ae ear) 31: 2(3). Bow down (Aine ear to me; 34 ; 15 ( 16 ). and his ears ( are open ) unto their cry. 40: 6(7). mine ears hast thou opened: 44: 1(2). We have heard with our ears, 45:10(11). consider, and incline (Aine ear; 49 : 4 (5 ). I will incline mine ear to a parable : 58: 4(5). thedeafadder (that) stoppeth Aer ear; 71 : 2. incline (Aine ear unto me, 78 : 1 . incline your ears to the words of my mouth. 86: 1. Bow down (Aine ear, O Lord, 88: 2(3). incline (Aine ear unto my cry; 92:11(12). mine ears shall hear (my desire) 94; 9. He that planted (Ae ear, shall he 102 : 2(3). incline thine ear unto me ; 115: 6. They have ears, but they hear not: 116: 2. he hath inclined Ais ear unto me, 130: 2. let (Aine ears be attentive to the voice of 135: 17. They have ears, but they hear not ; Pro. 2: 2. incline (Aine ear unto wisdom, 4:20. incline (Aine ear unto my sayings. 5 : 1 . bow (Aine ear to my understanding : 13. nor inclined mine ear to them 15:31. TAe ear that heareth the reproof of life 18:15. and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. 20 : 12. The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, 21 : 13. Whoso stoppeth Ais ears at the cry of the 22 : 17. Bow down (Aine ear, and hear 23: 9. Speak not in the ears of a fool: 12. and thine ears to the words of knowledge. 25 . 12. a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. 26:17. one thattaketh adog by theears. 28 ; 9. He that turneth away Ais ear Ecc. 1 : 8. nor (Ae ear filled with hearing. Isa. 5: 9. In mine ears (said) the Lord of hosts, 6 : 10. and make (Aeir ears heavy, — and hear with their ears, 11:3. reprove after the hearing of Ais ears : 22:14. it was revealed in mine ears 30:21. And thine ears shall hear a word 32: 3. ancZ(Aeears qfthemthathear shall hearken. 33.15. stoppeth Ais ears from hearing of blood, 35 : 5. and (Ae ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 36; 11. in the ears of the people 37:17. Incline (Aine ear, O Lord, and hear; 29. is come up into mine ears, 42:20. opening the ears, but he heareth not. 43 : 8. and the deaf (Aa( have ears. 48: 8. (Aine ear was not opened: 49:20. shall say again in thine ears, 50 : 4. wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. 5. The Lord God hath opened mine ear, 55 : 3. Incline your ear, and come unto me ; 59: 1. neither Ais ear heavy, that it cannot hear: Jer. 2: 2. cry in the ears of Jerusalem, 5:21. which have ears, and hear not: 6.10. (Aeir ear (is) uncircumcised, 7 : 24, 26. nor inclined (Aeir ear, 9 : 20 ( 19). let your ear receive the word 11:8. nor inclined (Aeir ear, 17:23. neither inclined (Aeir ear, < 36 > -im Jer. 19: 3. whosoever heareth, Ais ears shall tingle. 25 : 4. nor inclined your ear to hear. 26 ; 1 1 . as ye have heard with your ears. lb. speak all these words in your ears. 28 : 7. that I speak in thine ears, and in the ears of all the people ; 29 : 29. read this letter in the ears of Jeremiah 34:14. neither inclined (Aeir ear. 35 : 15. ye have not inclined your ear, 36 : 6. in the ears of the people in the Lord's house — in the ears of all Judah 10. in the ears of all the people. 13. read the book in the ears of the people. 14. thou hast read in the ears of the people, 15. read it in our ears. So Baruch read (it) in their ears. 20. told all the words in the ears of the king. 21. Jehudi read it in the ears of the king, and in the ears of all the princes 44 : 5. nor inclined (Aeir ear to turn Lam. 3 ; 56. hide not (Aine ear at my breathing, Eze. 3 . 10. and hear with thine ears. 8:18. though they cry in mine ears 9: 1. He cried also in mine ears 5. to the others he said in mine hearing, 10:13. it was cried unto them in my hearing, 12: 2. they have ears to hear, andhearnot. 16:12. earrings in (Aine ears, 23:25. shall take away thy nose and thine ears • 24:26. cause (thee) to hear (it) with (thine) ears? 40 ; 4 & 44 : 5. and hear wi(A (Aine ears, Dan. 9; 18. O my God, incline (Aine ear, and hear; Am. 3 : 12. or a piece of an ear; Mic. 7 : 16. (Aeir ears shall be deaf. Zee. 7:11. and stopped their ears, D*j?!K [azik-keemf~\ m. pi. i. q. D^T- Jer. 40: 1. being bound in chains among all (marg. manicles) 4. 1 loose thee this day from (Ae chains "1?X [ah-zar']. ISa. 2: Job 38: 40: Job 30 Jer. 1 2K. 1 Ps. 65 2Sa.22Ps. 18 30 Isa. 45 Ps. 18 Isa. 50 Ps. 93 Isa. 8 * KAL Preterite. * 4. they that stumbled aregirdedwith strength KAL. — Imperative. 3. Gird up now thy loins like a man ; 7. Gird up thy loins now like a man. KAL. — Future. 18. it bindeth me about as the collar 17. therefore gird up thy loins, KAL.—Parti'cipZe. Paul. 8. girt with a girdle of leather * NIPHAL Participle. * 6(7). (being) girded with power: * PIEL.— Future. * 40. For thou hast girded me with strength 39(40). For thou hast girded me with strength 11 (12). and girded me with gladness ; 5. 1 girded thee, though thou hast not PIEL Participle. 32(33). God thatgirdeth me with strength, 1 1 . tliat compass{ yourselves )about with sparks. * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * 1. (wherewith) he hathgirded himself: HITHPAEL Imperative. 9, 9. gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken i( pieces; roh' yilTX ez-roti ' i. q. Slit ag, f. Job 31 :22. and mine arm be broken Jer. 32 : 21 . and with a stretched out arm. ira ( 37 ) PRTiJ ez-rahg}/, m. a stranger, or born in the land. be as one that is born in the land: One law shall be to him that is h&meborn, (whether it be) one of your own country, one of your own country, any of your own nation, be unto you as one born among you, all (Aa( are Israelites born as he that is born in the land, as for one of your own country: and for him that was born in All (Aa( are bo?-n of the country him that is born among the 6orn in the land, or a stranger, as he that was born among them ; like a green 6ay tree, (marg. a green tree that growetk in Ms own soil) Eze. 47 .22. shall be unto you as born in the country nt* Ex. 12 19. 48. 49. Lev. 16 29. 17 15. 18 26. 19 .34. 23:42. 24 16. Nu 9 14. 15 13. 29. 30. Jos . 8:33. Ps. 37 .35. HX ahgh, m. VnN'-'ttPH The one .. the other. ¦ r Gen 4? 2. And she again bare Ais brother Abel. 8. And Cain talked with Abel Ais brother: — Cain rose up against Abel Ais brother, 9. Where (is) Abel (Ay brother ? — (Am) I my brother's keeper? 1 0. the voice of (Ay brother's blood crieth 11. her mouth to receive (Ay brother's blood 21. And Ais brother's name (was) Jubal: 9 : 5. at the hand of every man's brother 22. and told Ais two brethren without. 25. a servant — shall he be unto Ms brethren. 10:21. (Ae oro(Aer of Japheth the elder, 25. and Ais brother's name (was) Joktan. 12: 5.Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, 13: 8. for we (be) brethren. 1 1 . separated themselves the one from (Ae other. 14: 12. And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, 13. brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: 14. when Abram heard that Ais brother was 16. also brought again Ais brother Lot, 16:12. in the presence of all Ais brethren. 19: 7. 1 pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. 20: 5. she herself said, He (is) my brother: 13. say of me, He (is) my brother 16. Behold, I have given (Ay brother 22:20. born children unto (Ay brother Nahor; 21. Huz his firstborn, and Buz Ais brother, 23. did bear to Nahor, Abraham's brother. 24: 15. the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, 27. led me to the house of my master's Are(Aren. 29. Rebekah had a brother, 48. to take my master's brother's daughter 53. he gave also to her brother 55. Aer brother and her mother said, 25: 18. died in the presence of all Ais brethren. 26. after that came Ms brother out, 26:31. sware one to another: 27 : 6. thy father speak unto Esau (Ay brother, 11. Esau my brother (is) a hairy man, 23. as Ais brother Esau's hands : 29. be lord over thy brethren, 30. Esau Ais brother came in from his hunting. 35. Thy brother came with subtilty, 37. all Ais brethren have I given to him 40. shalt serve (Ay brother; 41. then will I slay my brother Jacob. 42. Behold, (Ay brother Esau, 43. flee thou to Laban my brother 44. until (Ay brother's fury turn away ; 45. Until (Ay brother's anger turn away 28: 2. the daughters of Laban thy mother's 6ro(Aer. 5. Bethuel the Syrian, (Ae brother of Rebekah, 29: 4. My brethren, whence (be) ye? 1 0. the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's 6ro(Aer, — the flock of Laban, his mother's brother. 1 2. Rachel that he (was) her father's brother, Gen29:15, Because thou (art) my brother, 31:23. he took Ais 6re(Aren with him, 25. Laban with Ais brethren pitched 32. before our brethren discern thou what 37. set (it) here before my brethren and thy brethren, 46. Jacob said unto his brethren, 54. called Ais brethren to eat bread: 32: 3(4). messengers before him to Esau his brother 6(7). We came to (Ay &ro(AerEsau, 11 (12). from the hand of my brother, 13(14). a present for Esau Ais brother; 17 ( 18). When Esau my brother meeteth thee, 33: 3. until he came near to Ais brother. 9. Esau said, I have enough, my brother ; 34: 11. said unto her father and unto Aer brethren, 25. Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, 35: l.thou fleddest from the face of Esau (Ay 6ro(Aer. 7. when he fled from the face of his brother. 36: 6. from the face of Ais brother Jacob. 37: 2. feeding the flock with Ais brethren; 4. Ais brethren saw that their father loved him more than all Ais brethren, 5. dreamed a dream, and he told (it) Ais brethren : 8. Ais brethren said to him, 9. another dream, and told it Ais brethren, 10. told (it) to his father, and to his brethren; — Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren 11. Ais brethren envied him ; 12. Ais brethren went to feed their 13. Do not (Ay brethren feed (the flock) 14. whether it be well with (Ay brethren, 16. he said, I seek my brethren : 17. Joseph went after Ais brethren, 19. they said one to another, 23. Joseph was come unto Ais brethren, 26. Judah said unto Ais brethren, What profit (is it) if we slay our brother, 27. for he (is) our brother (and) our flesh. And Ais brethren were content. 30. he returned unto Ais brethren, 38 : 1 . Judah went down from Ais brethren, 8. Go in unto (Ay brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9. he went in unto Ais brother's wife, — lest that he should give seed to his brother. 1 1 . peradventure he die also, as his brethren 29. behold, Ais brother came out: 30. afterward came out Ais brother, 42 : 3. Joseph's ten brethren went down 4. But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with Ais brethren; 6. Joseph's brethren came, 7. Joseph saw Ais brethren, 8. Joseph knew Ais brethren, 13. Thy servants (are) twelve 6re(Aren, 15. except your youngest brother come hither. 16. let him fetch your brother, 19. let one of your brethren be bound 20. bring your youngest brother unto me ; 21. they said one to another, We (are) verily guilty concerning our brother, 28. he said unto Ais brethren, — saying one to another, 32. We (be) twelve brethren, 33. leave one of your brethren (here) with me, 34. bring your youngest brother unto me : — I deliver you your brother, 38. for Ais brother is dead, 43 : 3, 5. except your brother (be) with you. 4. If thou wilt send our brother with us, 6. whether ye had yet a brother ? 7. have ye (another) brother? ¦ — Bring your brother down ? 13. Take also your brother, 14. that he may send away your other brother, 29. saw Ais brother Benjamin, — (Is) this yowr younger brother, 30. his bowels did yern upon Ais brother: 44:14. Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's h.; 19. Have ye a father, or a brother? 20. and his brother is dead, 23. Except your youngest brother come 26. if our youngest brother be with us, na ( 38 ) m* 48: 49: 50: Ex. 1; Gen44: 26. except our youngest brother (be) with us. 33. let the lad go up with Ais brethren. 45: 1. Joseph made himself known unto Ais brethren. 3, 4. Joseph said unto Ais brethren, Ais brethren could not answer him ; 4. he said, I (am) Joseph your brother, 12. the eyes of my brother Benjamin, 14. he fell upon Ais brother Benjamin's neck, 15. Moreover he kissed all Ais brethren, _ after that Ais brethren talked with him. 16. Joseph's brethren are come; 17. Say unto (Ay brethren, 24. So he sent Ais brethren away, 46.31. Joseph said unto Ais brethren, — My brethren, and my father's house, 47: ]. MyfatherancZmy&re(Aren,andtheirflocks, 2. he took some of Ais brethren, 3. Pharaoh said unto Ais brethren, 5. Thy father and thy brethren are come 6. thy father and brethren to dwell ; 11. Joseph placed his father and his brethren, 12. Joseph nourished his father, and Ais brethren, 6. name of their brethren in their inheritance. 19. Ais younger brother shall be greater than he, 22. 1 have given to thee one portion above thy brethren, 5. Simeon and Levi (are) brethren; 8. Judah, thou (art he) whom (Ay brethren 26. him that was separate from Ms brethren, : 8. all the house cf Joseph, and Ms brethren, 14. returned into Egypt, he, and his brethren, 15. when Joseph's brethren saw that their 17. the trespass of (Ay brethren, 18. Ais brethren also went and fell down 24. Joseph said unto Ais brethren, ; 6. And Joseph died, and all Ais brethren, 2:11. that he went out unto Ais brethren, — an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. 4: 14. (Is) not Aaron the Levite (Ay brother? 18. return unto my brethren 7 ; 1. Aaron (Ay brother shall be thy prophet. 2. Aaron (Ay brother shall speakunto Pharaoh, 10:23. They saw not one another, 16:15. they said one to another, 25:20. their faces (shall look) one to another; 28 ; 1. take thou unto thee Aaron (Ay brother, 2, 4. holy garments for Aaron (Ay brother 41. put them upon Aaron thy brother, 32:27. slay every man Ais brother, 29. upon his son, and upon his brother; 37 ; 9. with their faces one to another; Lev. 7 : 10. one (as much) as another. 10: 4. carry your brethren from before the 6. builetyour brethren, the whole house of Is. , 16 : 2. Speak unto Aaron (Ay brother, 18: 14. the nakedness of thy father's brother, 16. the nakedness of (Ay brother's wife: it (is) (Ay brothers nakedness. 19:17. Thou shalt not hate thy brother 20 : 21 . if a man shall take Ais brother's wife, — he hath uncovered Ais brother's nakedness ; 21 : 2. for his daughter, and for his brother, 10. the high priest among Ms brethren, 25:14. ye shall not oppress one another: 25, 35. If thy brother be waxen poor, — redeem that which Ais brother sold. 36. that (Ay brother may live with thee. 39. if (Ay brother (that dwelleth) by thee 46. but over your brethren the children of Is rael, ye shall not rule one over another 47. thy brother (that dwelleth) by him 48. one of his brethren may redeem him : 26:37. they shall fall one upon another, Nu. 6 : 7. for his brother, or for his sister, 8; 26. But shall minister with (Aeir brethren 14: 4. they said one to another, 16; 10. all (Ay brethren the sons of Levi with thee: 18: 2. thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, 6. 1 have taken your brethren the Levites 20: 3. when our brethren died before the Lord ! 8. thou, and Aaron thy brother, 14. Thus saith thy brother Israel, 25: 6. brought unto Ais brethren 27: 4. possessionamong(Aeore(Aren of ourfather. Nu. 27 : 7. inheritance among their father's brethren, 9. ye shall give his inheritance unto las brethren. 10. if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his father's brethren. 11. if his father have no brethren, 13. as Aaron (Ay brother was gathered. 32; 6. Shall your brethren go to war, 36. 2. Zelophehad our 6ro(Aeruntohisdaughters, Deu. 1 : 16. Hear (the causes) between your brethren, — between (every) man and Ais brother, 28. our brethren have discouraged our heart, 2 ; 4. pass through the coast cf your brethren 8. when we passed by from our brethren 3 : 18. pass over armed before your brethren 20. the Lord have given rest unto your bre thren, 10: 9. no part nor inheritance with Ais brethren; 13: 6 ( 7 ). If thy brother, the son of thy mother, 15 : 2. of his neighbour, or of Ais brother; 3. (that) which is thine with (Ay brother 7. a poor man of one of (Ay brethren — shut thine hand^rom (Ay poor brother: 9. eye be evil against thy poor brother, 11. open thine hand wide unto thy brother, 12. if (Ay brother, an Hebrew man, 17:15. from among thy brethren shalt thou set — which (is) not (Ay brother. 20. That his heart be not lifted up above kit brethren, 18; 2. no inheritance among their brethren : 7. as all Ais brethren the Levites 15. a Prophet from the midst of thee, of (% brethren, 18. a Prophet from among (Aeir brethren, 19:18. hath testified falsely against Ms brother; 19. to have done unto his brother : 20: 8. lest Ais brethren's heart faint 22: 1. Thou shalt not see (Ay brother's ox — bring them again unto thy brother. 2. if (Ay brother (be) not nigh unto — until (Ay fcro(Aerseek after it, 3. with all lost thing of (Ay brother's, 4. Thou shalt not see (Ay brother's ass 23: 7 (8). for he (is) thy brother: 19(20). lend upon usury to thy brother ; 20 ( 21 ). but unto thy brotherthou shalt not lend 24: 7. any of Ms brethren of the children of 14. (whether he be) of thy brethren, 25 : 3. (Ay brother should seem vile unto thee. 5. If brethren dwell together, 6. shall succeed in the name of Ais brother 7. refuseth to raise up unto his brother 9. will not build up Ais brother's house. 11. men strive together one with another, 28 : 54. his eye shall be evil toward his brother, 32:50. as Aaron (Ay brother died 33 : 9. neither did he acknowledge Ais brethren, 16. (that was) separated from Ais brethren, 24. let him be acceptable to Ms brethren, Jos. 1 , 14. ye shall passbefore your brethren 15. Until the Lord have given your brethren 2:13. my father, and my mother, and my brethren, 18. and (Ay brethren, and all thy father's 6 : 23. her father, and hermother, and herbrethrw, 14. 8. Nevertheless my brethren that went up 15 : 17. son of Kenaz, (Ae brother of Caleb, 17: 4. an inheritance among our brethren . — among (Ae brethren of their father, 22: 3. Ye have not left your brethren 4. God hath given rest unto your brethren, 7. gave Joshua among (Aeir brethren 8, spoil of your enemies with your brethren. Jud. 1 : 3. Judah said unto Simeon Ais brother, 13. son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, 17. Judah went with Simeon Ais brother, 3: 9. son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. 8 : 19. They (were) my brethren, 9 : 1 . to Shechem unto his mother's brethren, 3. his mother's brethren spake of him — for they said, He (is) our brother. 5. slew Ais brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, 18. because he (is) your brother; 21. for fear of Abimelech hisbrother. 24. upon Abimelech (Aeir brother, — aided him in the killing of Ais brethren, 26. son of Ebed came with his brethren, TO ( 39 ) TO Jud. 9 ; 31 . son of Ebed and Ms brethren i 41. Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren, 56. in slaying Ais seventy brethren .- 11:3. Jephthah fled from Ais brethren, 14: 3. among the daughters of thy brethren, 16:31. Then hisbrethren and all the house 18: 8. they came unto (Aeir brethren — (Aeir brethren said unto them, 14. said unto (Aeir brethren, 19.23. said unto them, Nay, my brethren, 20. 13. hearken to the voice of (Aeir brethren 23, 28. the children of Benjamin my brother? 21 : 6. repented them for Benjamin (Aeir brother, 22. (Aeir brethren come unto us to complain, Ruth 4: 3. which (was) our brother Elimelech's : 10. not cut off' from among Ais brethren, lSa.14: 3. Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, I-chabod's 6ro., 16 : 13. anointed him in the midst of Ais brethren : 17;17. Take now for thy brethren — run to the camp to thy brethren; 18. look how (Ay brethren fare, 22. came and saluted Ais brethren. 28. Eliab his eldest brother heard 20:29. my brother, he hath commanded me — let me get away, I pray thee, and see my brethren. 22; 1. when Ais brethren and all his father's house 26: 6. Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brotherto Joab, 30 : 23. Ye shall not do so, my brethren, 2Sa. 1:26. lam distressed for thee, my brother 2 : 22. 1 hold up my face to Joab (Ay brother 9 26. return from following (Aeir brethren ? 27. every one from following Ais brother. 3; 8. to Ais brethren, and to his friends, 27. for the blood of Asahel Ais brother. 30. Joab and Abishai Ais brother slew Abner, because he had slain (Aeir brother 4: 6. Rechab and Baanah Ais brother 9. David answered Rechab and Baanah Ais oro(Aer, 10*10. into the hand of Abishai Ais brother, 13; 3. Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David's bro. : 4. 1 love Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister. 7- Go now to (Ay brother Amnon's house, 8. Tamar went to Aer brother Amnon's 10. into the chamber to Amnon Aer brother. 12. she answered him, Nay, my brother, 20. Absalom Aer brother said unto her, Hath Amnon (Ay brother been with thee? — peace, my sister: he (is) (Ay brother; — desolate in Aer brother Absalom's house. 26. let my brother Amnon go with us. 32. the son of Shimeah David's brother, 14: 7. Deliver him that smote Ais brother, — for the life of Ais brother whom he slew ; 15 ; 20. take back (Ay brethren : 18: 2. the son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, 19:12(13). Ye (are) my brethren, ye (are)my 41 (42). Why have our brethren the men of 20: 9. (Art) thou in health, my brother? 10. Joab and Abishai Ais brother pursued after 21 :21. (Ae brother of David slew him. 23: 18. Abishai, (Ae brother of Joab, 24. Asahel (Ae brother of Joab IK. 1:9. called all Ais brethren the king's sons, 10. Solomon Ais brother, he called not. 2: 7. 1 fled because of Absalom (Ay brother. lb. is turned about, and isbecome my brother's: 21. given to Adonijah (Ay brother to wife. 22. for he (is) mine elder brother ; 9 ; 13. which thou hast given me, my brother ? 12:24. nor fight against your brethren 13:30. mourned over him, (saying), Alas, my brother I 20:32. (Is) he yet alive? he (is) my brother. 33. Thy brother Ben-hadad. 2 K. 7: 6. they said one to another, 9 : 2. make him arise up from among Ais brethren., 10. 13. Jehu met with the brethren of . — We (are) (Ae ftre'Aren of Ahaziah; 23 : 9. unleavened bread among (Aeir brethren. ICh. 1.19. Ais brother's name (was) Joktan. 2 ; 32. the sons of Jada (Ae brother of Shammai ; 42. sons of Caleb (Ae brother of Jerahmeel 4 : 9. Jabez was more honourable (Aan Ais brethren : 11. Chelub the brother o/Shuah Ch 4 : 27. but his brethren had not many children, 5 : 2. Judah prevailed above his brethren, 7. And his brethren by their families, 13. And their brethren of the house of 6:39(24). And Ms brother Asaph, 44(29). And (Aeir 6re(Arenthe sons of Merari 48(33). Their brethren also the Levites 7: 5. Andtheir brethren among all the families 16. the name of Ais brother (was) Sheresh ; 22. Ais brethren came to comfort him. 35. the sons of Ais brother Helem ; 8:32. dwelt with (Aeir brethren in Jerusalem, over against them. (lit. their brethren) 39. the sons of Eshek Ais brother 9: 6. sons of Zerah ; 3 euel, and their brethren, 9. And their brethren, according to their 13. And their brethren, heads of the house of 17. Ahiman, and their brethren : 19. the son of Koran, and his brethren, 25. And their brethren, (which were) in 32. (Aeir brethren, of the sons of the Kohathites, 38. And they also dwelt with (Aeir brethren at Jerusalem, over against (Aeir brethren. 11 :20. Abishai (Ae brother of Joab, 26. Asahel (Ae brother of Joab, 38. Joel (Ae brother of Nathan, 45. Joha Ais brother, the Tizite, 12: 2. (even) of Saul's brethren of Benjamin. 29. children of Benjamin, (Ae kindred of Saul, (marg. brethren) 32. (Aeir brethren (were ) at their commandm. 39. for (Aeir brethren had prepared for them. 13 : 2. let us send abroad unto our brethren 15: 5. and his brethren an hundred and twenty: (marg. kinsmen) 6. and Ms brethren two hundred and twenty : 7. and his brethren an hundred and thirty: 8. and his brethren two hundred: 9. and his brethren fourscore: 10. and his brethren an hundred and twelve. 12. (both) ye and your brethren, 16. to appoint (Aeir brethren (to be) the singers 17. Hernan the son of Joel; and of hisbrethren, — of the sons of Merari (Aeir bretliren, 18. with them (Aeir brethren 16 : 7. into the hand of Asaph and Ais brethren. 37. Asaph and his brethren, to minister 38. Obed-edom with their brethren, 39. Zadok the priest, and his brethren 19:11. the hand of Abishai his brother, 15. fled before Abishai Ais brother, 20: 5. Jair slew Lahmi (Ae brother of Goliath 7. son of Shimea David's brother 23:22. their brethren the sons of Kish (marg. kinsmen) 32. the charge of the sons of Aaron their brethren, 24:25. The brother of Michah (was) Isshiah: 31. cast lots over against (Aeir brethren — over against (Aeir younger brethren. 25 : 7. their brethren that were instructed 9. wi(A Ais brethren and sons 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. his sons, and Ms brethren, (were) twelve: 26: 7. whose brethren (were) strong men, 8. they and their sons and their brethren, 9. Meshelemiah had sons andbrethren, 11. all the sons andbrethren of Hosah 12. (having) wards one against another, (lit. opposite (Aeir brethren) 22. Zetham, and Joel Ais brother, 25. And Ms brethrenhy Eliezer ; 26. Shelomith and his brethren 28. under the hand of Shelomith, and of Ais 6re(Arera. 30. Hashabiah and his brethren, 32. And his brethren, men of valour, 27 ; 7. Asahel (Ae brother of Joab, 18. Elihu, (one) of thebrethren of David: 28 1 2, Hear me, my brethren, and my people . 9CI). 5 ; 1 2. with their sons and their brethren, 11:4. nor fight against your brethren : 22, (to be) ruler among his brethren: 19:lo! shall come to you of your brethren upon your brethren: 21 ; 2. he had brethren the sons of JchoshaphaU TO ( 40 ) TO 2Ch 21 ¦ 4. all his brethren with the sword, 1 3. slain thy brethren of thy father's house, 22: 8. the sons of the brethren o/Ahaziah, 28- 8. carried away captive of their brethren ' 11. which ye have taken captive of your brethren : 15. city of palm trees, to their brethren : 29:15. they gathered their brethren, 34. their brethren the Levites did help 30; 7. and like your brethren, which trespassed 9. your brethren and your children 31:12. Shimei his brother (was) the next. 13. Cononiah and Shimei his brother, 15. to give to their brethren by courses, 35 : 5. the families of the fathers of your brethren 6. prepare your brethren, 9. Shemaiah and Nethaneel, his brethren, 15. for their brethren the Levites prepared for 36 : 4. Eliakim his brother king over Judah Necho took Jehoahaz his brother, 10. Zedekiah his brother king over Judah Ezr 3: 2. and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, 8. their brethren the priests and the Levites, 9. Jeshua (with) his sons and his brethren, their sons and their brethren the Levites. 6 : 20. and for their brethren the priests, 8:17. to his brethren the Nethinims, 18. with his sons and his brethren, 19. his brethren and their sons, 24. ten of their brethren with them, 1 0 : 18. son of Jozadak, and his brethren ; Neh 1: 2. That Hanani, one of my brethren, 3: 1. with his brethren the priests, 18. After him repaired their brethren, 4 : 2 (3 : 34). he spake before his brethren 14(8). fight for your brethren, 19 (13). one far from another. 23 (17). So neither I, nor my brethren, 5 : 1 . against their brethren the Jews. 5. our flesh (is) as the flesh of our brethren, 7. usury, everyone ofhis brother. 8. have redeemed our brethren the Jews, will ye even sell your brethren ? 10. 1 likewise, (and) my brethren, 14. 1 and my brethren have not eaten 7 : 2. That I gave my brother Hanani, 10:10(11). And their brethren, Shebaniah, 29(30). They clave to their brethren, 11:12. And their brethren that did the work 13. Andhis brethren, chief of thefathers, 14. Andtheirbrethren,mighty men 17. Bakbukiah the second among his brethren, 19. and their brethren that kept the gates, 12 ; 7. and of their brethren in the days of 8. over the thanksgiving, he and his brethren. 9. Bakbukiah and XJnni, theirbrethren, (were) 24. with their brethren over against them, 36. And his brethren, Shemaiah, 13: 13. to distribute unto their brethren. Est. 10: 3. accepted of the multitude of his brethren, Job. 1 : 13, 18. drinking wine in their eldest brother's 6:15. My brethren have dealt deceitfully 19 : 13. He hath put my brethren far from me, 22 : 6. thou hast taken a pledge from thy brother 30 : 29. 1 am a brother to dragons, 41 : 17(9). They are joined one to another, 42 : 1 1. Then came there unto him all his brethren, 15. gave them inheritance among their bre thren. Ps. 22:22(23). I will declare thy name unto my bre thren : 35:14. as though (he had been) my friend (or) brother : 49 ; 7(8). can by any means redeem his brother, 50:20. Thou sittest (and) speakest against thy brother ; 69: 8(9). become a stranger unto my brethren, 1 22 : 8. For my brethren and companions' sakes, 133: 1. for brethren to dwell together in unity ! Pro. 6 . 19. he that soweth discord among brethren. 17 : 2. part of the inheritance among the brethren. 17. and a brother is born for adversity. 18:9. brother to him that is a great waster. 19. A brother offended ( is harder to be won) 24. a friend (that) sticketh closer than a brother; Pro. 19 : 7 ¦ AH the brethren of the poor do hate him : 27 : 10. neither go into thy brother's house in the leiUiei J"U inuu uiy ui .if ... . a uuuoc in me day ofthy calamity: (for) better (is) a neighbour (that is) near than a brother far off. Ecc. 4: 8. neither child nor brother : Cant.8: 1. O that thou (wert) as my brother, Isa. 3: 6. When a man shall take hold of his brother 9:19(18). no man shall spare hisbrother. 19 : 2. fight every one against his brother, 41:6. and ( every one ) said to his brother, 66 : 5. Your brethren that hated you, 20. they shall bring all your brethren Jer. 7 : 15. 1 have cast out all your brethren, 9: 4(3)- trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, 12: 6. For even thy brethren, and the house of 13:14.1 will dash them one against another, (marg. a man against his brother J 22:18. Ah my brother I or, Ah sister! 23 : 35. every one to his brother, 25 : 26. far and near, one with another, 29 ; 16. your brethren that are not gone forth 31:34. every man his brother, 34: 9. (to wit), of a Jew his brother. 14. let ye go every man his brother 17. proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, 35 : 3. son of Habaziniah, and his brethren, 41 : 8. slew them not among their brethren. 49 : 10. and his brethren, and his neighbours, Eze. 4:17. be astoniedone with another, 11:15. Son of man, thy brethren, (even) thy bre thren, the men ofthy kindred, 18 : 10. doeth the like to (any) one of these (marg. to his brother besides) 18. spoiled his brother by violence, 24:23. mourn one toward another. 33 : 30. every one to Ais brother, 38:21. every man's sword shall be against his brother. 44: 25. for son, or for daughter, for brother, 47 : 14. inherit it, one as well as another: Hos. 2: 1(3). Say ye unto your brethren, 12:3 (4). He took his brother by the heel 13:15. Though he be fruitful among (his) bre thren, Joel 2: 8. Neither shall one thrust anoiAer; Am. 1: 9. remembered not the brotherly covenant: (marg. covenant of brethren) 11. because he did pursue his brother Obad. 10. For (thy) violence against thy brotlier Jacob 12. have looked on the day of thy brother Mic. 5: 3 (2). the remnant of hisbrethren 7 : 2. they hunt every man his brother Hag. 2 : 22. every one by the sword of his brother. Zee. 7 : 9. compassions every man to Ais brother: 10. against Ais brother in your heart. Mai. 1: 2. (Was) not Esau Jacob's brother? _ 2:10. treacherously every man against brother, ItX ahgh, interj. Eze. 6:11. Alas for all the evil abominations 21:15 (20). ah! (it is) made bright, Ms MX ahgh, f. prob. Jer. 36:22. (a fire) on the hearth burning 23. the fire that (was) on rAe hearth, — in the fire that (was) on rAe hearth. m [agh] Ch. m. Ezr. 7: 18. whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to (Ay brethren, to do -!PIX [ah-ghad']. * HITHPAEL Imperative.* Eze.21 : 16 (21 ). Go thee one way or other, (either) on m» (41 ) -rrm "TH8J eh-ghahd', adj. Gen. 1 : 2: 37 42 444849 Ex. 1 26 5. and the morning were the first day. 9. be gathered together unto one place, 11. The name of the first (is) Pison ; 21. and he took one ofhis ribs, 24. and they shall be one flesh. 22. Behold, the man is become as one of us, 19. the name of the one (was) Adah, 5. on the first (day) of the month, 13. in (Ae six hundredth and first year, in the first (month), thefirst(day) of themonth, 25. the name of one (was) Peleg ; 1 . the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 6. Behold, the people (is) one, and they have all one language ; 9. This one (fellow) came in to sojourn, 15. she cast the child under one of the shrubs. 2. upon one of the mountains which I will lO.one of the people might lightly have lien 38. Hast thou but one blessing, my father ? 44. tarry with him a few days, 45. deprived also of you both in one day? 20. they seemed unto him (but) a few days, 8 (9). If Esau come to (Ae one company, 22 (23). and his eleven sons, (lit. one-ten) 13. if men should overdrive them one day, 16. and we will become one people. 22. to be one people, if every male 9. the moon and the eleven (lit. and one- ten) 20. let us slay him, and cast him in(o some pit, 5. each man his dream in one night, 5. seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, 11. And we dreamed a dream in one night, 22. behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, 25. The dream of Pharaoh (is) one : 26. the dream (is) one. 11. We (are) all one man's sons; 13, the sons of one man in the land of — this day with our father, and one (is) not. 16. Send one of you, and let him fetch 19. let one of your brethren be bound 27. And as one of them opened his sack 32. brethren,, sons of our father ; one ( is) not, 33. leave one of your brethren (here) with me, 28. And (Ae one went out from me, 22. 1 have given to thee one portion above 16. Dan shall judge his people, as one of the ,15. the name of the one (was) Shiphrah, 31 (27). there remained not one. 6 . cattle of the children of Israel died not one. 7. there was not one of the cattle of the ; 19. there remained not one locust ; 1 . will I bring one plague (more) .18. until (Ae one and twentieth day of the 46. In one house shall it be eaten ; 49. One law shall be to him that is 28. remained not so much as one of them. 22. two omers for one (man) : 33. Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, 12. (Ae one on the one side, and (Ae o(Aer on 3. the name of the one (was) Gershom ; 4. And the name of (Ae o(Aer (was) Eliezer ; 29. drive them out from before thee in one 3. the people answered with one voice, 12. two rings (shall be) in the one side of it, 19. And make one cherub on the one end, and (Ae o(Aer cherub on the other end : 32. branches of the candlestick out of (Ae one 33. a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in (Ae o(Aer branch, 36. all of it (shall be) one beaten work 2, 8. The length of one curtain (shall be) — , — . the breadth of one curtain four cubits : — the curtains shall have one measure. 4. blue upon the edge of (Ae one curtain 5. shalt thou make in (Ae one curtain, 6. and it shall be one tabernacle. 8. and the eleven curtains (shall be all) of one measure. 10. fifty loops on the edge of (Ae one 11. couple the tent together, that it maybe one. 16. a cubit and a half (shall be) the breadth of one board. 17. Two tenons (shall there be) in one board, Ex. 26:19, 21, 25. two sockets under one board — , — , — . and two sockets under another board 24. above the head of it unto one ring: 26. for the boards of (Ae one side 27: 9. an hundred cubits long for one side: 28:10. Six of their names on one stone, 17. (this shall be) thefirstrow. 29 : 1 . Take one young bullock, 3. thou shalt put them into one basket, 15. Thou shalt also take one ram ; 23. And one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer 39. The one lamb thou shalt offer in the 40. And with (Ae one lamb a tenth deal of flour 30: 10. upon the horns of it once in — once in the year shall he make atonement 33: 5.uu into the midst of thee in a moment, 36; 9. of one curtain (was) twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: the curtains (were) all of one size. 10. curtains one unto another: and (the other) five curtains he coupled one unto another. 11. loops of blue on the edge of one curtain 12. Fifty loops made he in one curtain, ¦ — the loops held one (curtain) to another. 13. the curtains one unto another with the taches: so it became one tabernacle. 15. The length of one curtain (was) thirty cubits, and four cubits (was ) the breadth of one curtain: the eleven curtains (were) of one size. 18. the tent together, that it might be one. 21. and the breadth of a board one cubit and 22. One board had two tenons, equally distant one from another: 24, 26. two sockets under one board • — , — . and two sockets under another board 29. together at the head thereof, to one 30. under every board two sockets. 31. the boards of the one side of the tabernacle, 37 : 3. two rings upon (Ae one side of it, 8. One cherub on the end on this side, and another cherub on the (other) end .8. branches of the candlestick out of (Ae one 19. after the fashion of almonds in one branch, — made like almonds in another branch, 22. all of it (was) one beaten work 39:10. this (was) the^rs( row. 40: 2. On the first day of the first month 17. on the first (day) of the month, Lev. 4: 2. shall do against any of them: 13. they have done (somewhat against) any 22. through ignorance (against) any 27. if any one of the common people sin (marg. any soul) — while he doeth (somewhat against) any 5: 4,5. he shall be guilty in one of these. 7. one for a sin offering, and the other for a 13. he hath sinned in one of these, 17. a soul sin, and commit any of these 6 : 3, ( 5 : 22 ) . any of all these that a man doeth , 7, (-:26). shall be forgiven himfor any thing 7: 7. (there is) one law for them: 14. he shall offer one out of the whole oblation 8: 26. he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, 12: 8. the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: 13: 2. the priest, or unto one ofhis sons 14: 5. that one of the birds be killed 10. one ewe lamb of the first year — and one log of oil. 12. And the priest shall take one he lamb, 21. shall take one lamb (for) a trespass — and one tenth deal of fine flour 22. the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering. 30. he shall offer (Ae one of the turtledoves, 31. (Ae one (for) a sin offering, and (Ae o(Aer 50. he shall kill (Ae one of the birds 15:15.(Ae one (for) a sin offering, and the other (for) a burnt offering; 30. (Ae one (for) a sin offering, and (Ae o(Aer 16: 5. one ram for a burnt offering. 8. one lot for the Lord, and (Ae o(Aer lot for nna ( 42 ) nna 24:25 26 Nu. 1 Lev. 16:34.for all their sins once a year. 22:28. shall not kill it and her young both in one 23:18. one young bullock, and two rams: 19. ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats 24. In the seventh month, in the first (day) 5. two tenth deals shall be in one cake. 22. Ye shall have one manner of law, 48. one ofhis brethren may redeem him: 26. ten women shall bake your bread in one : 1, 18. on the first (day) of the second month, 41 . tribe of Asher, ( were ) 40 & one th. & 500. 44. each one was for the house ofhis fathers. 16. the camp of R. (were) 100 th. & 50 8; one 28. that were numbered of them, (were) 40 & one th. & 500. 11. (Ae one for a sin offering, and the other for 14. one he lamb of the first year — one ewe lamb of the first year — one ram without blemish 19. and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, 3. and for each one an ox: IL each prince on his day, (lit. one prince in a day, one prince in a day) 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73, 79. one silver charger, one silver bowl 14. One spoon often (shekels) of gold, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57,63, 69, 75, 81. One young bullock, one rani) one lamb 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82. One kid of the goats 20. One spoon of gold of ten (shekels), 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 6^, 68, 74, 80. One golden spoon often (shekels), 43. one silver charger a silver bowl 85. Each charger of silver (weighing) an hundred and thirty (shekels), eacA bowl seventy: 12. the one (for) a sin offering, and (Ae o(Aer 14. ye shall have one ordinance, 4. if they blow (but) with one (trumpet), 19. Ye shall not eat one day, 26. the name of (Ae one (was) Eldad, 2. of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, (lit. one man, one man for a tribe) 23. a branch with one cluster of grapes, 15. kill (all) this people as one man, 5. burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb. 11, Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, 1 2. so shall ye do to every one 15. One ordinance (shall be both) for you 16. One law and one manner shall be for you, 24. one young bullock for a burnt offering, — and one kid of the goats for a sin offering. 27. if any soul sin through ignorance, 29. Ye shall have one law for him that : 15. 1 have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them. 22. shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth ; 3(18). one rod (shall be) for the head of 6(21). every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece, for each prince one, (marg. a rod for one prince, a rod for one prince) : 4. The one lamb shalt thou offer in the 7. fourth (part) of an hin for (Ae one lamb : 11, 19. two young bullocks, and one ram, 12. for one bullock; — for one ram ; 13. unto one lamb ; 15. one kid of the goats for a sin offering 21. shalt thou offer for every lamb, 22. owe goat (for) a sin offering, 27. two young bullocks, one ram, 28. three tenth deals unto one bullock, two tenth deals unto one ram, 29. A several tenth deal unto one lamb, 30. one kid of the goats, to make an atonement 29: l.in the seventh month, on the first (day) of 2, 8. one young bullock, one ram, 4. one tomb, deal for one lamb, 5. one kid of the goats (for) a sin offering, 9. two tenth deals to one ram, 10. A several tenth deal for one lamb, 11, 16, 19,25. One kid of the goats (for) a sin 28 Nu. 29 : 14. three tenth deals unto every bullock — two tenth deals to eacA ram 15. a several tenth deal to each lamb 22, 28, 31, 34, 38. one goat (for) a sin offering • 36. one bullock, one ram, 31 : 28. one soul of five hundred, 30. thou shalt take one portion of fifty, 34. threescore and one thousand asses, 39. Lord's tribute (was) threescore and one. 47. Moses took one portion of fifty, 33:38. in the first (day) of the fifth month. 34: 18. ye shall take one prince of every tribe, (lit.oneprince, one prince) 35:30. one witness shall not testify against any 36; 3. be married (o any of the sons of the (other) 8. shall be wife unto one of the family of Deu. 1 : 2. eleven days' (journey) from (lit. one-ten) 3 . on the first ( day ) of the month, 23. 1 took twelve men of you, one of a tribe: 4:42. that fleeing unto one of these cities 6: 4. The Lord our God (is) one Lord: 12:14. the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes, 13: 12( 13). If thou shalt hear (say) in one ofthy 15 : 7. a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates 16 : 5. not sacrifice the passover within any of 17 ; 2. among you, within any of thy gates 6. at the mouth of one witness he shall not 18: 6. if aLevite come from any of thy gates 19: 5. he shall flee unto one of those cities, 11. and fleeth into one of these cities: 15. One witness shall not rise up 21 : 15. two wives, one beloved, andanother hated, 23:16(17). which he shall choose in one of thy 24: 5. he shall be free at home one year, 25: 5. If brethren dwell together, and one of 11. the wife of (Ae one draweth near 28: 7. they shall come out against thee one-way, 25. shalt go out one way against them, 55. will not give to any of them of the flesh 32:30. How should one chase a thousand, Jos. 3: 12. out of every tribe a man. (lit. one man,07ie man for a tribe) 13. and they shall stand upon an heap. 16. stood (and) rose up upon an heap 4 i 2, 4. out of every tribe a man, (lit. one man, one man for a tribe) 5. take you up every man of you a stone 6: 3. go round about the city once. (lit. one time) 11. compassed the city, going about (it) once: (lit. one time) 14. the second day they compassed the city once, (lit, one time) 7:21.1 saw among the spoils a goodly B. gar ment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold 9: 2. with Joshua and with Israel, with one 10: 2. a great city, as one of the royal cities, 42. did Joshua take at one time, 12: 9, 10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, 22, 23. The king of ... one; thekingof ... one; 24. The king of Tirzah, one: all the kings thirty and one. 15:51. eleven cities with their (lit. one-ten) 17:14. thou given me (but) one lot and one portion 17. thou shalt not have one lot (only): 20: 4. he that doth flee unto one of those cities 22: 14. of each chief house a prince (lit. ontf prince, one prince for a chief house) 20. that man perished not alone (lit. and he one man perisheth not) 23; 10. One man of you shall chase a thousand: 14. not one thing hath failed of all — not one thing hath failed thereof. Jud. 4:16. there was not a man left. (marg. unto one) 6:16. shalt smite the Midianites as one man. 8 : 18. each one resembled the children of aking. 9: 2. or that one reign over you ? 5, 18. threescore and ten persons, upon owe 37. another company come along(lit. one head) 63. a certain woman cast a piece of a 13: 2. a certain man (lit. one man) of Zorah, 15: 4. put a firebrand in the midst 16: 7, 11. I be weak, and be as another man- irm Jud. 16: 28. that I may be at once avenged of the 29. of (Ae one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. 17: 5. and consecrated one ofhis sons, 11. was unto him as one of his sons. 18: 19. a priest unto the house of one man, 19:13. let us draw near toone of these places 20 : 1 . congregation was gathered together as one 8. all the people arose as one man, 1 1 . knit together as one man. 31. one goeth up to the house of God, and the other to Gibeah in the field, 21: 3. that there should be to day one tribe 6. There is one tribe cut off from Israel 8. What one (is there) of the tribes of Israel Ruth 1 : 4. the name of (Ae one (was) Orpah, 2:13. though I be not like unto one of thine 1 Sa. 1 : 1 . there was a certain man 2. the name of (Ae one (was) Hannah, 5. unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion ; 24. three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, 2:34. in one day they shall die both of them. 36. 1 pray thee, into one of the priest's offices, 6: 4. for one plague (was) on you all, 7. Now therefore make a new cart, 12. the highway, (lit. in one path) 17. for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Askelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one ; 7: 9. And Samuel took a sucking Iamb, 12. Then Samuel took a stone, 9: 3. Take now one of the servants 15. told Samuel in his ear a day before 10: 3. one carrying three kids, and another carry ing three loaves of bread, and a?toiher carrying a bottle of wine: 11: 7. came out with one consent (marg. as one man) 13:17. one company turned unto the way (that) 18. And another company turned the way (to) Beth-horon: and another company 14: 4. the name of the one (was) Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh, 5. The forefront of (Ae one (was) situate — and the other southward 40. Be ye on one side, and I and Jonathan my son will be on (Ae o(Acr 16:18. Then answered one of the servants, 20. a bottle of wine, and a kid, 17:36. uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one 22:20. one of the sons of Ahimelech 24: 14 (15). after a dead dog, after a flea. 25 : 1 4. one of the young men told Abigail, 26: 8. with the spear even to the earth at once, (lit. one time) 15. there came one of the people in to destroy 20. is come out to seek a flea, 22. let one of the young men come over 27 : I . I shal 1 now perish one day 5. give me a place in some town 2Sa. 1:15. And David called one of the young men, 2: 1. Shall I go up into any of the cities 18. Asahel (was as) light of' foot as a wild roe. (marg. as one of the roes) 21 . lay thee hold on one of the young men, 25. and became one troop, and stood on the top of an hill. 3: 13. one thing I require of thee, 4: 2. the name of (Ae one (was) Baanah, 6: 19. to everyone a cake of bread, and a good piece (of flesh), and a flagon (of wine). 20. as one of the vain fellows shamelessly 7: 7. spake I a word with any of the tribes of 23. what one nation in the earth (is) like 9; 11. at my table, as one of theking's sons. 12: 1. There were two men in one city ; (Ae one rich, and the other poor. 3. had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, 13: 13. thou shalt be as one of the fools 30. all the king's sons, and there is not one of 14: 6. but (Ae one smote (Ae o(Aer, 27. one daughter, whose name (was) Tamar: 15: 2. Thy servant (is) of one of the tribes of 17: 9. he is hid now in some pit, or in some (other) 12. So shall we come upon him in some place — there shall not be left so much as one. 22. there lacked not one of them that was not 18; 10. a certain man saw (it), and told Joab, 2Sa.l8 11 19 14 23 8 24 12 IK. 2 16. 20. 3 17. 25. 4 7 19 22 6 24 25 26 27 34 38 7 :15 16 17 18 27 30 32 34 37 ( 43 ) ina given thee ten (shekels) of silver, and a (15). even as (the heart of) one man ; eight hundred, whom he slew at one time. three (things) ; choose thee one of them, now I ask one petition of thee, I desire one small petition of Lhee; And the one woman said, O my lord, I and this woman dwell in one house ; Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other. ¦ each man his month in a year (Ae only officer which (was) in the land. (5:2). Solomon's provision for one day five cubits (was) (Ae one wing of the the cherubims (were) of one measure and one size. . height of (Ae one cherub (was) ten cubits, ,the wing of the one touched two leaves of(Ae one door (were) folding, ,in the eleventh year, (lit. one-tenth) .eighteen cubits high apiece: (lit. 18 cubits was the height of one pillar) , the height of (Ae one chapiter (was) five . seven for (Ae one chapiter, . round about upon (Ae one network, . four cubits (was) the length of one base, , And every base had four brasen wheels, .the height of a wheel (was) a cubit and . undersetters to the four corners of one , all of them had one casting, one measure, (and) one size. 38. one laver contained forty baths: (and) every laver was four cubits, (and) upon every one of the ten bases one laver. 42. two rows of pomegranates for one netw., 44. one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea ; 8: 56. there hath not failed one word of all 10: 14. that came to Solomon in one year 16. (shekels) of gold went to one target. 17. pound of gold went to one shield: 22. once in three years came the navy 11:13. will give one tribe to thy son 32, he shall have one tribe for my servant 36. unto his son will I give one tribe, 12 : 29. he set (Ae one in Beth-el, and (Ae o(Aer put 30. the people went (to worship ) before (Ae one, 13: 11. there dwelt an old prophet in Beth-el; 14:21. Rehoboam (was) forty and one years old 15: 10. forty and one years reigned he in Jerusa. 16:23. In the thirty and first year of Asa 18: 6.Ahab went one way by himself, and Oba- diah went another way by himself. 23. let them choose one bullock for themselves, — and I will dress (Ae o(Aer bullock, 25. Choose you one bullock for yourselves, 19: 2. thy life as the life of one of them 4. came and sat down under a juniper tree ; 5. as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, 20: 13. there came a prophet unto Ahab 29. an hundred thousand footmen in one day. 35. a certain man of the sons of the prophets 22; 8. (There is) yet one man, Micaiah the son of 9. Then the king of Israel called an officer, 13. with one mouth : let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of one of them, 2K. 2; 16. cast him upon some mountain, (marg. one of the mountains) or into some valley. 3: 11. one of the king of Israel's servants 4. 1, there cried a certain woman of 22. one of the young men, and one of the asses, 35. walked in the house to and fro; (lit. once hither, and once thither) 39. And one went out into the field 6: 2. and take thence every man a beam, 3. And one said, Be content, I pray thee, 5. But as one was felling a beam, 10. saved himself there, not once nor twice. 12. And one ofhis servants said, 7: 8. they went into one tent, and did eat and 13. And one ofhis servants answered and said, 8; 6. unto her a certain officer, 26. he reigned one year in Jerusalem. 9; 1. Elishatheproplietcalledoneof thechildren 29. the eleventh year of (lit. one-tenth) 12 ; 9(10). Jehoiada the priest took a chest, 14:23. (and reigned) forty and one years. 1 5 , 20. of each man fifty shekels of silver, in** ( 44 ) "in** 2 K. 17 :27. Carry thither one of the priests, 28. one of the priests whom they had 18:24. thou turn away the face of one captain of 22: l.he reigned thirty and. one years in 23:36. and he reigned eleven years (lit. and one- ten) : 18. Zedekiah (was) twenty and one years old — and he reigned eleven years (lit. and one- ten) : 16, one sea, and the bases which Solomon (marg.(Ae one sea) 17. The height of (Ae one pillar (was) eighteen 19. out of the city he took an officer 19. the name of Me one (was) Peleg; 1 1 . three hundred slain ( by him ) at one time. 14. one of the least(was) over an hundred, 38. the rest also of Israel (were) of one heart : 6. spake I a word to any of the judges of 21. what one nation in the earth (is) like : 10. three (things): choose thee one of them, 11. therefore they were in one reckoning, 6. one principal houshold being taken ] 7. The one and twentieth to Jachin, 28. The one and twentieth to Hothir, 1. of every course (were) twenty and four 1 .my son, whom alone God hath chosen, 11. one wing (of the one cherub was) five 12. And (one) wing of the o(Aer cherub 17. one on the right hand, and the other on the : 13. two rows of pomegranates on eacA wreath, 15, One sea, and twelve oxen under it. : 13. as the trumpeters and singers (were) as one, to make one sound to be heard : 13. that came to Solomon in one year 15. (shekels) of beaten gold went to one targ. 16. (shekels) of gold went to one shield. 21. every three years once came the ships ; 13. Rehoboam (was) one and forty years old : 13. and died in the one and fortieth year : 7. (There is) yet one man, by whom we may 8. the king of Israel called for one (of his) 12. with one assent ; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, : 2. he reigned one year in Jerusalem. i 8. at the king's commandment they made a chest, : 6. an hundred and twenty thousand in one 17- they be^an on the first (day) of the first 12. hand of God was to give them one heart 12. Ye shall worship before one altar, 1. in Jerusalem one and thirty years. 5. and he reigned eleven years (lit. and one- ten) 11. Zedekiah (was) one and twenty years — ana" reigned eleven (lit. and one-ten) 22. the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, 1. the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, 26. Gaba, six hundred twenty and one. 64. The whole congregation together (lit. as one) Leathered themselves together as one man 6. From the first day of the seventh month 9. the sons of Judah, together, (marg. as one) 20. the Levites were purified together, 9. upon the first (day) of the first month — and on the first (day) of the fifth 13. (is this) a work of one day or two: 16. in the first day of the tenth 17. by the first day of the first month. 2. Hanani, one of my brethren, 17 (11). with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with (Ae o(Aer (hand) held a weapon. 18. prepared (for me) daily (lit. one day) (was) one ox 30. Gaba, six hundred twenty and one. 37. and Ono, seven hundred twenty andone. 66. The whole congregation together 1 . gathered themselves together as one man 2. upon the^rs( day of the seventh month. 1 . cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell 8. There is a certain people 13. in one day, 11. (there is) one law of his to put (him) to 9. Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, 1 2. Upon one day in all the provinces 1 0. Thou speakest as one of the foolish women 24 25 ICh. 1 11 1217 21 23 2425 27 29 2Ch.3 2224 28 29 3032 34 36 Ezra 1 2 Neh. 1 4 11: Est. 3: 4: 7; 8: Job 2 Job 9: 3. he cannot answer him one of a thousand. 22. This (is) one (thing), therefore I said (it), 14: 4. clean ( thing ) out of an unclean ? not one. 23:13. he (is) in one (mind), and who can turn 31 ; 15. did not one fashion us in the womb ? 33:14. For God speaketh once, 23. an interpreter, one among a thousand, 40: 5. Once have I spoken ; but I will not 41 : 16 (8). One is so near to another, 42; 11. every man also gave him a piece of mo ney, and every one an earring of gold. 14. And he called the name of the first, Ps. 14: 3. none that doeth good, no, not one. 27: 4. One (thing) have I desired of the Lord, 34:20(21). Hekeepeth all his bones: not one of 53: 3 (4). none that doeth good, no, not one. 62:11 (12). God hath spoken once; 82: 7. like men, and fall like one of the princes. 89:35 (36). Once have I sworn by my holiness 106 : 1 1. there was not one of them left. 139: 16. (as yet there was) none (lit. not one) Pro. 1 ; 14. thy lot among us; let us all have one 28 : 18. shall fall at once. Ecc. 2 : 14. one event happeneth to them all. 3: 19. even one thing befalleth them; — yea, they have all one breath ; 20. All go unto one place; 4: 8. There is one (alone), and (there is) not a 9. Two (are) better than one ; 10. (Ae one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him (that is) alone 11. but how can one be warm (alone)? 12. if one prevail against him, 6 : 6. do not all go to one place ? 7:27. (counting) one by one, to find out the (marg. one thing after another) 28. one man among a thousand have I 9: 2. (there is) one event to the righteous, 3. (there is) one event unto all; 18. but one sinner destroyeth much good. 11 : 6. whether they both (shall be) alike good. 12: 11. are given from one shepherd. Cant. 4: 9. hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain ofthy neck. 6: 9. My dove, my undefiled is (but) one; she (is) the (only) one of her mother, Isa. 4: 1 . seven women shall take hold of one man, 5 : 10. ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, 6: 2. each one had six wings ; (lit. to one) 6. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, 9:14 (13). branch and rush, in one day. 10: 17. his thorns and his briers in one day; 19:18. one shall be called, The city of destruction. 23: 15. according to the days of one king: 27 : 12. ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye 30:17. One thousand (shall flee) at the rebuke of one ; 34: 16. no one of these shall fail, 36 : 9. turn away the face of one captain of 47 ; 9. shall come to thee in a moment in one day, 51 : 2. 1 called him alone, and blessed him, 65 : 25. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, 66: 8. Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? (or) shall a nation be born at once? (lit. onetime) 17. themselves in the gardens behind one (tree) Jer. 3 : 14. 1 will take you one of a city, 10: 8. But they are altogether brutish andfoolish: (marg. in one, or, at once) 24: 2. One basket (had) very good figs, — and (Ae o(Aer basket (had) very naughty 32: 39. will give them one heart, andone way, 35 : 2. house of the Lord, into one of the 51 ; 60. Jeremiah wrote in a book 52 : 1. Zedekiah (was) one and twenty years old — and he reigned eleven (lit. and one-ten) 20. one sea, and twelve brasen bulls 21 . the height of one pillar (was) eighteen 22. the height of one chapiter (was) five 25. He took also out of the city an eunuch, : 6. every one had four faces,' and every one had four wings. 15. behold one wheel upon the earth 16. and they four had one likeness: 9. and put them in one vessel, 5. An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. 7. 1 looked, behold a hole in the wall. Eze. 1 ina ( 45 ) in« Eze. 8: 8. had digged in the wall, behold a door. 9: 2. one man among them (was) clothed with 10: 9. one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub : 10. they four had one likeness, 14. And every one had four faces : the first face (was) the face of a cherub, 21. Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings ; 11:19. And I will give them one heart, 16: 5. None eye pitied thee, to do any of these 17 : 7- There was also another great eagle 18: 10. (that) doeth the like to (any) one of these 19: 3. And she brought up one of her whelps: 5. she took another of her whelps, 21 : 19 (24). twain shall come forth out of one 23: 2. two women, the daughters of one mother: 13. they (took) both one way, 26: l&29:17.in(Aei/zrs((day) ofthemonth, 30:20. in the eleventh year, (lit. in (Ae one-tenth) 31: 1. in the eleventh year, (lit. in (Ae one-tenth) — & 32.1. in thefirst (day) of the month, 33 ; 2. if the people of the land take a man 24. Abraham was one, and he inherited 30. and speak one to another, 34:23. 1 will set up one shepherd over them, 37 : 16. son of man, take thee one stick, — then take another stick, 17. join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one 19. and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. 22. And I will make them one nation — one king shall be king to them all: 24. and they all shall have one shepherd: 40: 5. the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed. 6. (which was) one reed broad; and the other threshold (of the gate, which was) one reed 7. (every) little chamber (was) one reed long, and one reed broad ; — by the porch of the gate within (was) one reed. 8. the porch of the gate within, one reed. 10. they three (were) of one measure: and the posts had one measure 12. before the little chambers (was) one cubit (on this side), and the space (was) one 26, 49. one on this side, and another on that 42. of a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high: 43. And within (were) hooks, an hand broad, 44. one at the side of the east gate 41 : 1 1 . one door toward the north, and another 24. two (leaves) for the one door, 42: 4. a way of one cubit ; 43: 13. thereof round about (shall be)aspan: 14. and the breadth one cubit ; 45: 7. (shall be) over against one of the portions, 11. The ephah and the bath shall be of one 15. one lamb out of the flock, 18. in thefirst (day) of the month, 46:17. his inheritance to one ofhis servants, 22. these four corners (were) of one measure. 1. a (portion for) Dan. (lit. Dan one) 2. a (portion for) Asher. 3. a (portion for) Naphtali. 4. a (portion for) Manasseh. 5. a (portion for) Ephraim. 6. a (portion for) Reuben. 7. a (portion for) Judah. 8. (in) length as one of the (other) parts, 23. Benjamin (shall have) a (portion). (marg. one) 24. Simeon (shall have) a (portion). 25. Issachar a (portion). 26. Zebulun a (portion). 27. Gad a (portion). 31. one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi. 32. one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan. 33. one gate of Simeon, one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun. 34. one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali. 48; 11: 12: Dan. 1 :2l. continued (even) unto the first year of 8: 3. there stood before the river a ram — but one (was) higher than the other, 9. out of one of them came forth a little 13. 1 heard one saint speaking, and another 9 : 1 . In the first year of Darius 2. In the first year ofhis reign 27. the covenant with many for one week: 10; 5. behold a certain man (marg. one man) 13. withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came (marg. thefirst) 21. none (lit. not one) that holdeth with me l.Also I in thefirstyear of Darius 20. within few days he shall be destroyed, 27. they shall speak lies at one table ; 5. one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side Hos. 1:11 (2:2). and appoint themselves one head, Am. 4: 7.1 caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, 8. three cities wandered unto one city, 6: 9. if there remain ten men in one house, Obad. 1 1 . thou (wast) as one of them. Jon. 3: 4. a day's journey, Zep. 3: 9. to serve him with one consent. Hag. 1 : 1. in the first day of the month, 2: l.in the one and twentieth (day) 6. Yet once, it (is) a little while, Zee. 3: 9. upon one stone (shall be) seven eyes; — remove the iniquity of that land in one 4: 3. one upon the right (side) of the bowl, and the other upon the left 5; 7. this (is) a woman that sitteth in the 8:21. inhabitants of one (city) shall go to ano(/ier, 11: 7.(Ae one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands ; 8. Three shepherds also I cut off in one 14: 7. it shall be one day which shall be known 9. in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. Mai. 2: 10. Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? 15. And did not he make one ? — And wherefore one ? ^HX ahf-ghoo, m. Gen41 . 2, 18. they fed in a meadow. Job. 8:11. can (Ae flag grow without water ? mnx [agh-vah'] f. Job 13:17. and my declaration with your ears. rnnx ah-ghavah' , f. Zec.ll: 14. break the brotherhood between Judah and rVT!X ah-ghavah-yath' , Ch. [Const, of n^ins] Dan 5:12. and shewing of hard sentences, *Tl!"IX ah-ghor', m. Gen49:17.so that his rider shall fall backward. Ex. 26:12.overcAe backside of the tabernacle. 33:23. thou shalt see my back parts: 2Sa. 1 : 22. the bow of Jonathan turned not back, 10: 9. battle was against him before and behind, 1 K. 7: 25. all their hinder parts (were) inward. lCh.l9:10. was set against him before and behind, 2Ch. 4: i.all their hinder parts (were) inward. 13:14. the battle (was) before and behind: Job 23: 8. and backward, but I cannot perceive Ps. 9: 3 (4). When mine enemies are turned back 35 : 4. let them be turned back and brought Ps. 40:14 (15). let them be driven backward 44:10 (ll).Thoumakest us to turn back 18 (19). Our heart is not turned back, 56: 9 (10). then shall mine enemies turn back: 70: 2 (3). let them be turned backward, 78 . 66. his enemies in tlie hinder part: 114. 3. The sea saw (it), and fled: Jordan was driven back. 5. Jordan, (that) thou wast driven back ? 129: 5. Let them all be confounded and turned back 139; 5. hast beset me behind and before, Pro. 29: 11. a wise (man) keepeth it in till afterwards. Isa. 1 : 4. they are gone away backward. 9:12 (11 ). The Syrians before, and the Philis tines behind; 28:13. that they might go, and fall backward, 41 :23. Shew the things that are to come hereaft., 42; 17. They shall be turned back, 23. hear for the time to come? (marg. for the after (time) 44:25. that turneth wise (men) backward, 50: 5. rebellious, neither turned away 6acA. 59, 14. judgment is turned away backward, Jer. 7 : 24. went backward, and not forward. 15: 6. thou art gone backward: 38 : 22. they are turned away 6acA. 46: 5. dismayed (and) turned away back ? Lam. 1 ; 8. she sigheth, and turneth backward. 13. he hath turned me back: 2, 3. hath drawn back his right hand Eze. 2:10. it (was) written within and zvithout; 8: 16, with (Aeir backs toward the temple mi-lN ah-'zhoth', f. T O • nt#H • ¦ • nnhN , one. . .another. Gen. 4: 12 .36 46: Ex. 2: 6 17. Lev. IE : 9 11 12 13 IS 20 17 19 21 3 Nu 6 7 25 18. and the sister of Tubal-cain (was) Say, I pray thee, thou (art) my sister: Why saidst thou, She (is) my sister? said of Sarah his wife, She (is) my sister: Said he not unto me, She (is) my sister? yet indeed (she is) my sister ,• bracelets upon his sister's hands, and when he heard the words of Rebekah Ais sister, they sent away Rebekah their sister, said unto her, Thou (art) our sister, the sister to Laban the Syrian. he said, She (is) my sister: how saidst thou, She (is) my sister? the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife. heard the tidings of Jacob his sister's son, Rachel envied Iter sister ; have I wrestled with my sister, he had defiled Dinah their sister: our sister to one that is uncircumcised ; because they had defiled their sister. Should he deal with our sister as with Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth. and Lotan's sister (was) Ti'mna. Isui, and Beriah, and Serah their sister: his sister stood afar off, Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, sister of Naashon, to wife ; tlie prophetess, the sister of Aaron, coupled together one to another; Hve curtains (shall be) coupled one to another. that the loops may take hold one of another. couple the curtains together set in order one against another: . The nakedness of thy sister, begotten ofthy father, she (is) thy sister, the nakedness ofthy father's sister : the nakedness of thy mother's sister : shalt thou take a wife to her sister, if a man shall take Ais sister, hath uncovered A;'s sister's nakedness ; the nakedness of thy mother's sister, nor ofthy father's sister : And for his sister a virgin, for his brother, or for his sister, daughter of a prince of Midian, fAet'r sister, ( 46 ) ?rm Nu. 26: 59. Miriam their sister. Deu 27 : 22. Cursed (be) he that lieth with Ais sister, Josh. 2: 13.my brethren, and my sisters, Jud. 15 ; 2. ( is ) not her younger sister fairer 2Sa.l3 ; 1 . Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, 2. that he fell sick for Ais sister Tamar ; 4. 1 love Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister. 5. let my sister Tamar come, and give 6. let Tamar my sister come, and make me 11. Come lie with me, my sister. 20. but hold now thy peace, my sister : 22. because he had forced Ais sister Tamar. 32. from the day that he forced Ais sister 17:25. sister to Zeruiah Joab's mother. IK. 11: 19. gave him to wife (Ae sister of his own wife, (Ae sister of Tahpenes the queen. 20. (Ae sister of Tahpenes bare him 2K.11; 2. sister of Ahaziah, took Joash 1 Ch. 1 :39. and Timna (was) Lotan's sister. 2:16. Whose sisters ( were) Zeruiah, and Abigail. 3: 9. Tamar (Aeir sister. 19. Shelomith (Aeir sister: 4: 3. the name of (Aeir sister (was) Hazelelponi: 1 9. Hodiah (Ae sister of Naham, 7;15.n?Aose sister's name (was) Maachah; 18. And his sister Hammoleketh 30. Beriah, and Serah (Aeir sister. 32. Hctham, and Shua (Aeir sister. 2 Ch22 : 1 ( . for she was (Ae sister of Ahaziah, Job. 1; 4. sent and called for (Aeir three sisters 17:14. (Thou art) my mother, and my sistei: 42: 11. all his brethren, and ali Ais sisters, Pro. 7; 4. Say unto wisdom, Thou (art) my sister; Cant.4: 9. Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, 10. How fair is thy love, my sister, 12. A garden inclosed (is) my sister, 5 : 1 . 1 am come into my garden, my sister, 2. Open to me, my sister, 8: 8. We have a little sister, — what shall we do for our sister Jer. 3: 7. Aer treacherous sister Judah saw (it). 8. Aer treacherous sister Judah feared not, 10. Aer treacherous sister Judah hath not 22:18. Ah my brother 1 or, Ah sister! Eze. 1: 9. Their wings (were) joined one to another; 23. the one toward (Ae other : 3: 13. living creatures that touched one another, 16: 45. and thou (art) (Ae sister ofthy sisters, 46. And thine elder sister (is) Samaria, — and thy younger sister, that dwelleth 48. Sodom (Ay sister hath not done, 49. was the iniquity ofthy sister Sodom, 51 . hast justified thy sisters in all 52. Thou also, which hast judged (Ay sisters, — in that thou hast justified thy sisters. 55. When thy sisters, Sodom andherdaughters, 56. (Ay sister Sodom was not mentioned 61 . when thou shalt receive thy sisters, 22: 11. another in thee hath humbled Ais sister, 23: 4. Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister : 11. when her sister Aholibah saw (this), — more than her sister in (her) whoredoms. 18. like as my mind was alienated from Aer sister. 31 . Thou hast walked in the way of (Ay sister; 32. Thou shalt drink of (Ay sisters cup 33. with the cup of thy sister Samaria. 44: 25 .for sister thai hath had no husband, Hos. 2. 1 (3) . and to your sisters, Ruhamah. THK ah-shaz'. - T O ¦ Note.— 1 Ch. 24:6. TflS ?nS"t ; 7 MSS. read tpin -rrW ' •-. T tv: * KAL. — Preterite. * Ex. 15:14. sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants (lit. Aas taken hold) 2 Sa. 1 : 9. for anguish is come upon mc, (marg. mj coat of mail, &c. hindereth me) 1 K. l:bl. he hath caught hold on the horns Job. 16:12. Ae hath also taken (me) by my neck, 18: 20. they that went before were affrighted. (marg. laid hold on horror) 21 : 6. and trembling taketh hold on my flesh. iro* Job 23 : 1 1 . My foot hath held his steps, Ps. 48: 6(7). Fear took hold upon them there, 73:23. thou hast holden (me) bymy right hand. 77 : 4 (5). Thou holdest mine eyes waking : 1 19 : 53. Horror Aa(A taken hold upon me Cant.3. 4. Iheldkim, and would not let him go, Isa. 21 : 3. pangs have taken hold upon me, 33 : 14. tearfulness Aa(A surprised the hypocrites. Jer. 49: 24. anguish and sorrows have taken her, KAL. — Infinitive. 1 K. 6: 6. should not be fastened in the walls !Chl3: 9. put forth his hand to hold the ark; Job.38. 13. That it might take hold of the ends of the Ps. 56: [title] ( 1 ). when the Philistines took him Eccl.2. 3. and to lay hold on folly, KAL. — Imperative. Ex. 4: 4. and ta ke it by the tail. Ruth3; 15. the vail that (thou hast) upon thee, and hold it. 2Sa. 2: 21. and lay thee hold on one of the young Neh. 7: 3. let them shut the doors, and bar (them): Cant.2:15. Take us the foxes, the little foxes, KAL.— Future. Ex. 15: 15. trembling shall take hold upon them ; Deu.32: 41. and mine hand take hold on judgment ; Jud. 1; 6. pursued after him, and caught him, 12: 6. 2'Aen (Aey (ooA him, and slew him 16. 3. and took the doors of the gate 21. But the Philistines took Mm, 20: 6. And I took my concubine, Ruth 3:15. And when she held it, 2Sa. 4.10. 1 took hold of him, and slew (lit. and 7&c.) 6: 6. and took hold of it ; for the oxen 20. 9. And Joab took Amasa by the beard 1 K. 6 : 10. and they rested on the house with timber Job.l 7 : 9. The righteous also shall hold on his way, 18: 9. The gin shall take (him) by the heel, 30; 16. days of affliction have taken hold upon me. Ps. 137: 9. Happy (shall he be), that taketh and 139: 10. and thy right hand shall hold me. Eccl. 7. 18. (It is) good that thou shouldest take hold of Cant.7. 8 (9). I will take hold of the boughs thereof. Isai. 5 ; 29. and lay hold of the prey, 13: 8 . pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them ; er. 13:21. shalt not sorrows take thee, KAL.— Participle. Poel. , his hand took hold on Esau's heel ; . (Aa( coidd handle spear and shield. KAL. — Participle. Paul. . thou shalt take one portion of fifty, , Moses took one portion of fifty, . principal houshold 6einy taken for Eleazar and (one) (aAen for Ithamar. (lit. and taken, taken for Ithamar) .fastened with cords of fine linen .birds (Aa( are caught in the snare; , Tiiey all hold swords, (bei ng) expert in that they might Aaue hold, (marg. holden) but they had not hold in the * NIPHAL.— Preterite.* they shall have possessions among you whereof (Aey were possessed, NIPHAL. — Imperative. andget you possessions therein. and take possession among us: NIPHAL Future. and they had possessions therein, NIPHAL Participle. a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: the fishes (Aa( are taken in an evil net, * PIEL . —Participle . * He holdeth back the face of his throne, #HOPHAL._Par(icipZe. * (which were) fastened to the throne, Gen25. 2Ch.25 Nu. 31 lCh.24 Est.lEccl. 9; Cant.3 : Eze.4I : Nu.32: Jos.22: Gen34: Jos. 22, 6. be Gen47:27 Gen22: Eccl. 9; Job. 26: 2Ch.9: Gen23 36 47 4849 Lev. 14 ( 47 ) ™ 9, 20./or a possession of a buryingplace :43. in the land of their possession : ; 1 1 . them a possession in the land of Egypt, ¦ 4. (for) an everlasting possession. 30 & 50; 13. for a possession of a buryingp. 34. which I give to you for a possession, — in a house of the land of your possession ,- 25 : 10. return every man unto Ais possession, 13. return every man unto Ais possession. 24. in all the land of your possession 25. hath sold away (some) ofhis possession, 27. that he may return unto his possession. 28. he shall return unto his possession. 32. the houses of the cities of their possession, 33. the city of his possession, — their possession among the children of 34. for it (is) their perpetual possession. 41. unto the possession ofhis fathers shall he 45. they shall be your possession, (lit. to you for a possession ) 46. to inherit (them for) a possession ; 27 : 16. unto the Lord (some part) of a field of Ais possession, 21. the possession thereof shall be the priest's. 22. which (is) not of* the fields of Ais pos session ; 24. whom (Ae possession of the land 28. the field of Ais possession, Nu. 27 : 4. Give unto us (therefore) a possession 7. shalt surely give them a possession of 32 : 5. be given unto thy servants/or a possession, 22. this land shall be your possession 29. give them the land of Gilead for a pos session : 32. that the possession of our inheritance 35: 2. the inheritance of their possession 8. of the possession of the children of Israel- 28. return into tlie land of his possession. Deu32:49.unto the children of Israel ybr apossession.- Jos. 21; 12. Caleb the son of Jephunneh for Ms pos session. 41 (39). the possession of the children of 22: 4. unto the land of your possession, 9. to the land of their possession, 19. if the land of your possession — the land of the possession of the Lord, 1 L/h. 7 : 28. And their possessions and habitations 9; 2. that (dwelt) in their possessions 2Chil :14. Levites left their suburbs and their pos session, 31 : 1 . every man to his possession, Neh 11: 3. every one in Ms possession Ps. 2: 8. and the uttermost parts of the earth (for) (Ay possession. Eze.44:28. and ye shall give them no possession in Israel: I (am) their possession. 45: b.for apossession for twenty chambers. 6. And ye shall appoint (Ae possession of 7. and of the possession of the city, — before (Ae possession of the city, 8. In the land shall be his possession 46:16. it (shall be) (Aeir possession by inheritance. 18. to thrust them out of their possession ; — sons inheritance out ofhis own jwssession : that my people be not scattered every man from his possession. 48:20. with (Ae possession of the city. 21 . and of the possession of the city, 22. Moreover from the possession of the Le vites, and from the possession oy*the city, Genl7: 23; rffllN aHuz-zah', f. t \ -: O * ' 8. for an everlasting possession ; 4 .a possession of a buryingplace JTHiS; aghee-dahn', Ch. [PI. of HTTO] Dan 5:12. and shewing of hard sentences, DTIX oh-gheem', m. [Pi. of n'W] Is. 13:21. their houses shall be full of doleful crea tures; (marg.Ochim) sL?^ah-'ghaley',Sih^ ah-ghalay', interj . 2Ki.5: 3. Would God my lord Ps. 119: 5. 0 that my ways were directed PlD/PlK a'gh-lah-mah' ', f. t t : - o • Ex. 28 : 19 & 39: 12. the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst, XnpriN agh-mthah', Ch. Ezra 6: 2. And there was found at Achmetha, (marg. Ecbatana, or, in a coffer) nnN \Jth-ghar'\ * KAL Future. * Gen 32: 4 (b).and stayed there until now: 2Sa.20:5.(',"ip) ow( Ae tarried longer than the set time #¦ PIEL.— Preterite. # Gen34: 19. the young man deferred not to do the Jud. 5:28. why tarry the wheels ofhis chariots ? PIEL.— Jw(nre. Gen24 Ex. 22; Deu. 7 23 Ps. 40 70 Ecc. 5 Isa. 46 Dan 9 Hab. 2 56. he said unto them, Hinder me not, 29 (28). TAok sAa(( not delay (to offer) the 10. Ae will not be slack to him that hateth 21 (22). (Aom sAa/( not s/acA to pay it: :17 (18).maAeno tarrying, O my God. 5 (6). O Lord, make no tarrying. 4 (3). defer not to pay it ; : 13. my salvation shall not tarry : 19. defer not, for thine own sake, 3. it will surely come, it will not tarry. PIEL.— Participle. Ps.127: 2. vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, Pro.23:30. They that tarry long at the wine ; Isa. 5:ll.(Aa( continue until night, ^lIlK ah-gharf,m. Gen. 5- 4. 7. 10. 13. 16. 19. 22. 26. 30. 6 4. 9 9. 28. 10 1. 18. 32. 11 .10. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 13 -.14. 14 :17. 15 : 1. 14. 16 -.13. 17 : 7. after he had begotten Seth after he begat Enos after he begat Cainan after he begat Mahalaleel after he begat Jared after he begat Enoch eight hundred after he begat Methuselah after he begat Lamech after he begat Noah also after that, when the sons of God with your seed after you ,¦ Noah lived after the flood three hundred unto them were sons born after the flood. and afterward were the families of the divided in the earth after the flood. , begat Arphaxad two years after the flood: . Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah Salah lived after he begat Eber Eber lived after he begat Peleg Peleg lived after he begat Reu . Reu lived after he begat Serug . Serug lived after he begat Nahor . Nahor lived after he begat Terah . after that Lot was separated from him, . after his return from the slaughter . After these things the word of the Lord and afterward shall they come out . I also here looked after him that seeth me ? between me and thee and thy seed after thee a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. . to thy seed after thee, .thy seed after thee in their generations. . between me and you and thy seed after thee; ( 48 ) -inN Genl7 .19. with his seed after him. 18: 5. after that ye shall pass on: 10. the tent door, which (was) behind him. 12. After I am waxed old shall I have 19. his children and his houshold after him, 19: 6. shut the door after him, 17. look not behind, thee, 26. his wife looked back from behind him, 22: 1. it came to pass after these things 13. behind (him) a ram caught in a thicket 20.it came to pass after these things, 23:19. And after this, Abraham buried Sarah 24: 5. will not be willing to follow me (lit. go after me) 8. not be willing to follow thee, (lit. go after thee) 36. son to my master when she was old: 39. the woman will not follow me. (lit. go after me) 55. after that she shall go. 61. the camels, and followed the man: (lit, went after) 67. Isaac was comforted after his mother's 25: 11. it came to pass after the death of 26. And after that came his brother out, 26 :18. had stopped them after the death of 30:21. And afterwards she bare a daughter, 31. 23. pursued after him seven days' journey ; 36. thou hast so hotly pursued after me ? 32:18 (19). behold, also he (is) behindus. 19 (20). all that followed the droves, (lit. going after) 20 (21). Behold, thy servant Jacob (is) be hind us. . — ( — ) and afterward I will see his face ; 33: 7. and after came Joseph near 35 : 5. they did not pursue after the sons of 12. to thy seed after thee will I give the land. 37 : 1 7 . Joseph went after his brethren, 38 : 30. And afterward came out his brother, 39 : 7 & 40 : 1 . it cam e to pass after these things, 41: 3, 19. seven other kine came up after them 6, 23. with the east wind sprung up after them. 27. that came up after them (are) seven years; 30. there shall arise after them seven years 31. by reason of that famine following ; (lit. after that) 39. Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee 44: 4. Up, follow after the men ; 45: 15. and after that his brethren talked with 46 : 30. since I have seen thy face, 48: 1 . it came to pass after these things, 4. will give this land to thy seed after thee 6. which thou begettest after them, 50 : 14. after he had buried his father. Ex. 3: 1 . led the flock to the backside of the desert, 20. and after that he will let you go. 5 : 1 . And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, 7 : 25. after that the Lord had smitten the river, 10:14. neither after them shall be such. 11: 1 . afterwards he will let you go hence : 5. the maidservant that (is) behind the mill; 8. and after that I will go out. 14: 4. that he shall follow after them ; 8. he pursued after the children of Israel: 9. But the Egyptians pursued after them, 10. the Egyptians marched after them; 17. they shall follow them: (lit. come after them) 19. removed and went behind them ; — stood behind them : 23. went in after them to the midst of the sea, 28. that came into the sea after them ; 15:20. all the women went out after her 18: 2. after he had sent her back, 23: 2. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to (do) evil; (lit.be after) — to decline after many to wrest 28:43. his seed after him. 29:29. Aaron shall be his sons' after him, 33 : 8. looked after Moses, until he was gone 34: 15. they go a whoring after their gods, 16. go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods. 32. And afterward all the children of Israel Lev.13: 7. after that he hath been seen ina Lev,13;35.in the skin after his cleansing; 55. after tliat it is washed: 56. somewhat dark after the washing 14: 8. and after that he shall come into 19. and afterward he shall kill tlie burnt off.: 36. and afterward the priest shall go in to see 43. after that he hath taken away the stones, and after he hath scraped the house, and after it is plaistered ; 48. after the house was plaistered: 15 : 28. and after that she shall be clean. 16 : 1 . after the death of the two sons of Aaron, 26. and afterward come into the camp. 28. and afterward he shall come into the 17: 7. after whom they have gone a whoring. (lit. that... after them) 20: 5. all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, 6. to go a whoring after them, 22 : 7 . and shall afterward eat of the holy things ; 25: 15. number of years after thejubile 46. inheritance for your children after you, 48. After that he is sold he may be redeemed 33. will draw out a sword after you : 18. if he sanctify his field after the jubile, 23. pitch behind the tabernacle westward. 15.a/rerthat, the sons of Kohath shall come 26. and afterward shall cause the woman 19. after (the hair of) his separation is 20. and after tliat the Nazarite may drink ;88. after that it was anointed. 15. And after that shall the Levites go in 22. And after that went the Levites in 11. then after that the children of Israel 14. and after that let her be received in 16. And afterward the people removed 24. hath followed me fully, (lit. fulfilled after me) 43. ye are turned away from the Lord, 39. seek not after your own heart and (lit. and after) your own eyes, after which 25. the elders of Israel followed him. (lit. went after him) 7. and afterward he shall come into the 8. he went after the man of Israel 13. he shall have it, and his seed after him, 1 (25: 19). it came to pass after the plague, 15 ^16). make them void after that he hath 2. afterward shalt thou be gathered 24. and afterward ye shall come into the 11. they have not wholly followed me: (marg. fulfilled after me) 12. for they have wholly followed the Lord. (lit. fulfilled after, &c.) 15. if ye turn away from after him, 22. then afterward ye shall return, 28. after the death of the high priest 4. After he had slain Sihon the king 8. to their seed after them. 36. because he hath wholly followed the Lord. (marg. fulfilled (to go) after) the men that followed'Baal-neor, (lit. went after) therefore he chose their seed after them, with thy children after tliee, Ye shall not go after other gods, turn away thy son from following me, and walk after other gods, he chose their seed after them, as they pursued after you, to go after other gods, which ye have by the way where the sun goeth down, 28. with thy children after thee, he not snared by following them, (marg. after them) after that they be destroyed (3). Let us go after other gods, ^5). Ye shall walk after the Lord your of the blood pursue the slayer, (lit. pursue after the &c.) and after that thou shalt go in unto her, (15). turn away from thee. after that she is defiled ; thou shalt not go over the boughs again : (marg. bough (it) after thee) thou shalt not glean (it) afterward: (marg. after thee) 25: 18. all (that were) feeble behind thee, 2627 Nu. 3 4 56 9 1214 15:16: 19: 25: 26 30: 31: 32: 35 Deu.l: 4; 3. 12 13: 19: 21:23:24: 46 1.3. 14 4. 20.21. (. 49 ) Tra Deu28:14.to go after other gods to serve them. 29:22(21). that shall rise up after you, 31 : 16. go a whoring after the gods of the 27. how much more after my death ? 29. 1 know that after my death ye will Jos. 1 : 1. Now after the death of Moses 2 : 5. pursue after them quickly ; 7. the men pursued after them — as soon as they which pursued after them 16. and afterward may ye go your way. 3: 3. remove from your place, and go after it. 6 : 8. the Lord followed them. (lit. going after them) 9, 13. the rereward came after the ark, 7: 8. when Israel turneth their backs (lit. after that) 8 : 2. lay thee an ambush for tlie city behind it. 4. behind the city : go not very far 6. For they will come out after us 14. ambush against him behind the city. 16. were called together to pursue after them: and they pursued after Joshua, 17. that went not out after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued after 20. when the men of Ai looked behind them, 34. And afterward he read all the words 9: 16. after they had made a league with them, 10: 14. was no day like that before it or after it, 19. stay ye not, (but) pursue after your 26. afterward Joshua smote them, and slew 14: 8.1 wholly followed the Lord my God. (lit. fulfilled after) 9. thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God. (lit. fulfilled after) 14. he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel, (lit. after) 20 : 5. avenger of blood pursue after him, 22:16, 18, 29. this day from following the Lord, 23. an altar to turn from following the Lord, 27. our generations after us, 23: 1. it came to pass a long time after 24: b.and afterward I brought you out. 6. the Egyptians pursued after your fathers 20. consume you, after that he hath done 29. it came to pass after these things, 31 . all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, (marg. prolonged their days after Joshua) Jud. 1 : 1. Now after the death of Joshua 6. fled ; and they pursued after him, 9. And afterward the children of Judah 2; 7. ail the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, (marg. prolonged days after) 10. arose another generation after them, 12. followed other gods, (lit. went after) 17. they went a whoring after other gods, 19. in following other gods to serve them, (lit. going after) 3:22. the haft also went in after the blade ; 28. he said unto them, Follow after me : — they went down after him, 31 . And after him was Shamgar 4: 14. ten thousand men after him. 16. Barak pursued after the chariots, and after the host, 5:14. after thee, Benjamin, among thy people ; 6:34. Abi-ezer was gathered after him. 35. who also was gathered after him : 7:11. and afterward shall thi ne hands 23. pursued after the Midianites. 8 ; 5.1 am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, 12. he pursued after them, and took the two 27. went thither a whoring after it : 33. went a whoring after Baalim, 9: 3. their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech; (marg. after) 4. persons, which followed him. (lit. went after) 49. followed Abimelech, (lit. went after) 10: 1. after Abimelech there arose 3. after him arose Jair, ll:36../brasmwcA as the Lord hath taken 12 : 8. after him Ibzan of Beth-lehem 11. after him Elon, a Zebulonite, 13. after him Abdon the son of Hillel, 13:ll.Manoah arose, and went after his wife, 15: 7. and after that I will cease. in» (50) "iiiN 20 Ruthl 2 4 ISa. 1 56 Jud.16: 4. it came to pass afterward, 18: 12. behold, (it is) oeAina* Kirjath-jearim. 19: 3. her husband arose, and went after her b.and afterward go your way. 23. seeing that this man is come into 40. the Benjamites looked behind them, 45. pursued hard after them unto Gidom, : ]5.return thou after thy sister in law. 16. to return from following after thee: 2. glean ears of corn after (him) 3. gleaned in the field after the reapers: 7. let me glean and gather after the reapers 9. they do reap, and go thou after them : 1 1 . since the death of thine husband : 10. thou followedst not young men, (lit. to go after) 4. 1 (am) after thee. And he said, I will : 9. after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after ; 9. after they had carried it about, ; 7. bring their calves home from them: 12. the lords of the Philistines went after them \ 2. house of Israel lamented after the Lord. ; 3. but turned aside after lucre, ; 13. afterwards they eat that be bidden. : 5. After that thou shalt come to the hill ; 5. Saul came after the herd out of the field ; 7. Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul and after Samuel, : 14. continue following the Lord your God: (marg. be after) 20. turn not aside from following the Lord, 21. for (then should ye go) after vain ; 4. were called together after Saul to Gilgal. 7. all the people followed him trembling. (marg. trembled after Mm) 12. Come up after me : 13. his armourbearer after Mm : — his armourbearer slew after him. 22. they also followed hard after them 36. Let us go down after the Philistines 37. Shall I go down after the Philistines ? 46. went up from following the Philistines: 11. for he is turned back from following me, 31. So Samuel turned again after Saul; 13. followed Saul to the (lit. went after) 14. the three eldest followed (lit. went after') 35. 1 went out after him, 53. returned from chasing after the 37, 38. Jonathan cried after the lad, 9 (10). wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod: 20. Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. 25. he pursued after David in the wilderness 28. Saul returned from pursuing after David, 1 (2). returned from following the Philis tines, (marg. after) 5 (6). it came to pass afterward, 8 (9). David also arose af(erward, and went out of the cave, and cried after Saul, — when Saul looked behind him, 14 (15). After whom is the king of Israel come out? after whom dost thou pur sue ? after a dead dog, after a flea. 21 (22). not cut off my seed after me, 25: 13. there went up after David 19. behold, I come after you. 42. and she went after the messengers of 26: 3. Saul came after Aim into the wilderness. 18. my lord thus pursue after his servant? 30: 8. Shall I pursue after this troop? 21. that they could not follow (lit. go after) 2Sd. 1 : 1. Now it came to pass after the death of 7. when he looked behind him, 10. he could not live after that he was fallen: 2: 1. it came to pass after this, 10. of Judah followed David, (lit. were after) 19. Asahel pursued after Abner ; — right hand nor to the left from following 20. Then Abner looked behind him, 21 . not turn aside from following of Mm. 22. Turn thee aside from following me : 23. Abner with the hinder end of the spear • — the spear came out behind him; 24. Joab also and Abishai pursued after 25. gathered themselves together after Abner, 26. return from following their brethren ? I 27. every one from following his brother. 1517: 21: 23: 2Sa. 2 : 28. pursued after Israel no more, 30. Joab returned from following Abner: 3:16. weeping oeAina* Aerto Bahurim. 26. he sent messengers after Abner, 28. afterward when David heard (it), 31. followed the bier. (lit. went after) 5:13. after he was come from Hebron: 23. fetch a compass behind them, 7: 8. from following the sheep, (marg. from after) 12. 1 will set up thy seed after thee, 8 : 1 . after this it came to pass, 10 : Lit came to pass after this, 11: 8. followed him (marg. went out after him) 15. retire ye from (litftrom after) him, that he 13 : 1 . it came to pass after this, 17. bolt the door after her. 18. bolted the door after her. 34. by the way of the hill side behind Mm. 15: 1 . it came to pass after this, 13. tlie men of Israel are after Absalom. 17. 1 . 1 will arise and pursue after David 9. the people that follow Absalom. 21. it came to pass, after they were departed, 18: 16. returned from pursuing after Israel: 22. let me, I pray thee, also run after Cushi. 19:30 (31). forasmuch as my lord the king is 20: 2. every man of Israel went up from after David, (and) followed Sheba the son of 6. pursue a/(er Aim, lest he get him fenced 7. there went out after Mm Joab's men, — , 13. pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri. 10. pursued after Sheba the son of Bichri. 11. he that (is) for David, (let him go) after 13. all the people went on after Joab, 14. gathered together, and went also afterhim. 1. three years, year after year; 14. after that God was intreated for the land. 18. it came to pass after this, 9. And after him (was) Eleazar the son 10. the people returned after him only 11. And after him (was) Shammah 24: 10. David's heart smote him after that IK. 1 : 6. (his mother) bare him after Absalom. 7. they following Adonijah helped (him). (marg. helped after Adonijah) 13,17, 30. Solomon thy son shall reign after me, 14. 1 also will come in after thee, 20, 27. throne of my lord the king after him. 24. Adonijah shall reign after me, 35. Then ye shall come up after him, 40. all the people came up after him, 2: 28. for Joab had turned after Adonijah, though he turned not after Absalom. 3:12. neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. (lit. and after thee shall not) 9: 6. turn from following me, ye or your 21. Their children that were left after them 10: 19. the top of the throne (was) round be hind : (marg. on the hinder part thereof) 11: 2. turn away your heart after their gods: 4. turned away his heart after other gods: 5. Solomon went after Ashtoreth — and after Milcom the abomination 6. went not fully after the Lord, 10. that he should not go after other gods: 12:20.none that followed the house of David, 13:14. went after the man of God, 23. it came to pass, after he had eaten bread, and after he had drunk, 31 . it came to pass, after he had buried him, 33. After this thing Jeroboam returned not 14: 8. who followed me with all his heart, (lit. went after me) 9. hast cast me behind thy back: 10. take away (Ae remnant of the house 15: 4. to set up his son after Mm, 16: 3.1 will take away (Ae posterity of Baasha, and the posterity of his house ; 21 . of the people followed Tibni (lit. was after) — halfifo#oa;ea'Omri. 22. the people that followed Omri prevailed against the people that followed Tibni 1 7 : J 7 . it came to pass after these things, 18: 18.. thou hast followed (lit. walked after) Baalim. nnx 1 K. 18:21. if the Lord (be) God, follow him (lit. go after him): but if Baal, (then) follow him. (lit. go after him) \9: 11. and after the wind an earthquake ; 12. And after the earthquake a fire ; — and after the fire a still small voice. 20. he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, — I will follow (Aee.(lit. come after thee) 21. he returned back from him, — Then he arose, and went after Elijah, 20 : 15. and after them he numbered all 19. the army which followed them. 21 : 1. it came to pass after these things, 21 . will take away (Ay posterity, 26. he did very abominably in following idols, (lit. going after) 22: 33. they turned back from pursuing him. 2 K. 1 : 1. against Israel after the death of Ahab. 2: 24. he turned back, and looked on them, 4.30. he arose, and followed her. (lit. went after her) 5:20. (as) the Lord liveth, I will run after Mm, 21. So Gehazi followed after Naaman. And when Naaman saw (him) running after him, 6:19. follow me, (marg. come ye after me) 24.it came to pass after this, 32. sound of his master's feet behind him 9 7 : 14. the king sent after the host of the Syrians, 15. they went after them unto Jordan: 9 : 18, 19. turn thee behind me. 25. 1 and thou rode together after Ahab 27. Jehu followed after him, 10:29. Jehu departed not from after them, 11: 6. a third part at the gate behind the guard: 15. that followeth her (lit. goeth after her) 13: 2. followed the sins of Jeroboam (marg. walked after) 14:17. Joash king of Judah lived after the 19. they sent after Mm to Lachish, 22. after that the king slept with" 17: 15. they followed vanity, (lit. went after) — and went after the heathen 21.drave Israel from following the Lord, 18: 5. so that after him was none like 6. departed not from following him, (marg. from after him) 19:21. Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee. 23: 3. to walk after the Lord, 2b. neither after him arose there (any) 25: 5. the Chaldees pursued after the king, LCh. 2:21. And afterward Hezron went in to the 24. And after that Hezron was dead 5: 25. went a whoring after the gods 10: 2. the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons ; 11 :12. Andafter Mm (was) Eleazar 14:14. God said unto him, Go not up after them ; 17: 7 .from following the sheep, (marg. after) 11. 1 will raise up thy seed after thee, 18: l.Now after this it came to pass, 19: l.Now it came to pass after this, 20: 4. it came to pass after this, 27 : 7 . Zebadiah his son after him : 34. And after Ahithophel (was) Jehoiada 28 : 8. inheritance for your children after you !Ch. 1:12. neither shall there any after thee have the like. (lit. andafter thee shall not) 2:17 (16). after the numbering wherewith 8: 8. who were left after them in the land, 11:16. And after them out of all the tribes 20. And after her he took Maachah 13:13. an ambushment to come about behind them: — the ambushment (was) behind them. 19. Abijah pursued after Jeroboam, 18: 32. turned back again from pursuing Mm. (marg. from after him) 20: 1 . It came to pass after this also, 35. And after this did Jehoshaphat 21 : 18. And after all this the Lord 22: 4. after the death of his father 23: 14. whoso followeth her, (lit. goeth after her) 24: 4. it came to pass after this, 17. Now after the death of Jehoiada 25 : 14. Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah ( 5i ) -m 2 Ch25:25. lived after the death of Joash 27. did turn away from following the Lord — they sent to Lachish after him, 26 : 2. after that the king slept with 17. Azariah the priest went in after Mm, 32: 1. After these things, and the establishment 9 . After this did Sennacherib king 23. in the sight of all nations/rom (Aenceforth. 33 ; 14. Now after this he built a wall 34: 31. to walk after the Lord, 33. departed not from following the Lord, ( marg . from after ) 35 : 14. And afterward they made ready 20. After all this, when Josiah had Ezr. 3: 5. And afterward (offered) the continual 7 : 1 . Now after these things, 9 : 10. what shall we say after this ? 13. Andafter all that is come upon us Neh. 3; 16. After Mm repaired Nehemiah 17. After Mm repaired the Levites, 18. After him repaired their brethren, 20. After kirn Baruch the son of Zabbai 21 . After Mm repaired Meremoth 22. And after him repaired the priests, 23. After him repaired Benjamin — After him repaired Azariah 24. After Mm repaired Binnui 25. After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh. 27- After them the Tekoites repaired (lit. after him) 29. After them repaired Zadok(lit. after Mm) — After him repaired also Shemaiah 30. After him repaired Hananiah — - After him repaired Meshullam 31. After him repaired Malchiah 4:13 (7). the lower places behind the wall, 16 (10). the rulers (were) behind all the 23 (17). nor the men of the guard which followed me, 5 : 15, beside forty shekels of silver ; 9: 26. cast thy law behind their backs, 11 : 8. -^na7 after Mm Gabbai, Sallai, 12: 32. after them went Hoshaiah, 38. went over against (them), and I after them, 13: 19. not be opened till after the sabbath: Esth.2. I, After these things, when the wrath 3 : 1 . After these things did king Ahasuerus Job. 3: 1. After this opened Job his mouth, 18: 2. and afterwards we will speak. 19:26. And (though) after my skin (worms) 21 : 3. and after that I have spoken, mock on. 21. in his house after Mm, 33. and every man shall draw after him, 29 : 22. After my words they spake not again ; 31 : 7. and mine heart walked after mine eyes, 34:27. Because they turned back from him, (marg. from after him) 37 : 4. After it a voice roareth : 39: 8. and he searcheth after every green thing. 10. or will he harrow the vallies after thee ? 41 :32 (24). He maketh a path to shine after Mm; 42: 7. after the Lord had spoken these words 16. After this lived Job an hundred and Ps. 45:14 (15). the virgins her companions (Aa( follow her 49: 13 (14). yet their posterity approve their 17 (18). his glory shall not descend after him. 50: 17. castest my words behind thee. 63: 8 (9). My soul followeth hard after thee: 68:25 (26). players on instruments (followed) after ; 73:24. and afterward receive me (to) glory. 78:71. From following the ewes great (marg. From after) 94:15. and all the upright in heart shall follow it. (marg. (shall be) after it) Pro. 7 : 22. He goeth after her straightway, 20: 7. his children (are) blessed after him. 17. but afterwards his mouth shall be 2b. and after vows to make enquiry. 24: 27. afterwards build thine house. 28:23. He that rebuketh a man afterwards Eccl. 2: 12. the man (do) that cometh after the king? 18. unto the man that shall be after me. 3 : 22. bring him to see what shall be after Mm ? 6:12. who can tell a man what shall be after him 7 : 14. that man should find nothing after him. -irm ( 52 ) TIN Eccl. 9: 3. and after that (they go) to the dead. 10:14. what shall be after him, 12: 2. nor the clouds return after the rain : Cant. 1 : 4. Draw me, we will run after thee : 2 : 9. he standeth behind our wall, Isai. 1 : 26. afterward thou shalt be called, 30: 21. shall hear a word behind thee, 37:22. Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee. 38 : 1 7 . thou hast cast all my sins behind 43: 10. no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 45 : 14. they shall come after thee ; 57 : 8. Behind the doors also and the posts 59: 13. departing away from our God, 65: 2. after their own thoughts ; 66:17. behind one (tree) in the midst, (marg. one after another) Jer. 2 : 2. when thou wentest after me 5. have walked after vanity, 8. and walked after (things that) do not 23. 1 have not gone after Baalim ? 25. and after them will I go. 3: 7. after she had done all these (things), 17. after the imagination of their evil heart. 19. and shalt not turn away from me. (marg. from after me) 7 : 6. neither walk after other gods to your 9. walk after other gods whom ye know 8 : 2. after whom they have walked, 9:14 (13). have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, 16 (15). I will send a sword after them, 22 (21 ). as the handful after the harvestman, 11 : 10. they went after other gods 12 : 6. have called a multitude after thee : 15. after that I have plucked them out 13:10. walk after other gods, to serve them, 27. when ( shall it) once be ? (marg. after when yet?) 16: 11. have walked after other gods, 12. after the imagination of his evil heart, 16. and after will I send for many 17:16. from (being) a pastor to follow thee: (marg. after thee) 1 8 : 1 2. we will walk after our own devices, 21 : 7. And afterward, saith the Lord, 24 : 1 . after mat Nebuchadrezzar king of 25: 6. go not after other gods to serve them, 26. of Sheshach shall drink after them. 28:12. after that Hananiah the prophet 29: 2. After that Jeconiah the king, 18. 1 will persecute them with the sword, (lit. pursue after them) 31 :19. after that I was turned, I repented; and after that I was instructed. 33. After those days, saith the Lord. 32:16. when I had delivered the evidence 18. into the bosom of their children after them : 39. of their children after them : 40. I will not turn away from them, (marg. from after them) 34 : 8. after that the king Zedekiah 11. a/(erward they turned, 35: 15. go not after other gods to serve them, 36:27. afterthat the king had burned 39; 5. the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, 40: 1. after that Nebuzar-adan the captain 41.16. after (that) he had slain Gcdaliah 42: 16. shall follow close after you 46:26. and afterward it shall be inhabited, 48: 2. the sword shall pursue thee. (marg. go after thee) 49: 6. And afterward I will bring again 37. 1 will send the sword after them, 50:21. waste and utterly destroy after them, 51 :46. and after that in (another) year 52: 8. the Chaldeans pursued after the king, Eze. 3:12. 1 heard behind me a voice of a great 5: 2, 12. I will draw out a sword after them. 6: 9. which go a whoring after their idols; 9: 5. Go ye after him through the city, 10:11. they followed it; (lit. went after it) 1 2 : 14. 1 will draw out the sword after them. 13: 3. that follow their own spirit, (marg. walk after) 14: 7. which separateth himself from me, Eze. 14: 1 1. Israel may go no more astray from me 16:23. it came to pass after all thy wickedness, 34. whereas none followeth thee 16. for their heart went after their idols. 24. and their eyes were after their father; 30. after their abominations ? 39. and hereafter (also), if ye will not 30. thou hast gone a whoring after the 35. and cast me behind thy back, 16. when they shall look after them : 31. their heart goeth after their covetousness 1 . fourteenth year after that the city was 15. the separate place which (was) behind it 10. astray away from me after their idols; 26. And after he is cleansed, 12. after his going forth (one) shall 1. after that which appeared unto me 26. And after threescore and two weeks 2. (departing) from the Lord. 5 (7). I will go after my lovers, 13 ( 15). she went after her lovers, 5. Afterward shall the children of Israel 8. after thee, O Benjamin. 11. walked after the commandment. 10. They shall walk after the Lord: ; 2. neither shall be any more after it, 3. and behind them a flame burneth: — and behind them a desolate wilderness; 14. leave a blessing behind him; 28 (3 : 1 ). come to pass afterward, Am. 2: 4. after the which their fathers have (lit, which— -after them) 7: 1. latter growth after the king's mowings. 15. took me as I followed the flock, (marg, from behind) Zep. 1 ; 6. them that are turned back from Zee. 1 : 8. and behindhim (were there) red 2: 8 (12). After the glory hath he sent me 6: 6. the white go forth after them; 7 : 14. Thus the land was desolate after them, 20 2329 33404144 46 Dan. 8 9 Hos. 1 2 3 5 11 Joel 2 Gen. 4: 25. 8 10, 17 21. 26 21. 22. 29 19. 27. 30. 30 24. 37 9. 41 3, 43 14. 22. Ex. 20 3. 21 10. 22 5 23 13. 34 14. Lev. 6 11 14:42. 27 20. Nu. 14 24. 23 13. 27. 36 9. Deu. 5 7. 6 14. 7 4. 8 19. 11 16. 28. 13 2 6 17 3. 18 20. 20 5. 6. 7. 24 2 28 14 30. 32. TJX ah-ghehr' ', adj. appointed me another seed instead 12. he stayed yet otAer seven days ; at this set time in the next year. And they digged another well, and digged another well ; I should give her to another man: serve with me yet seven o^Aer years. with him yet seven otAer years. . Lord shall add to me another son. he dreamed yet another dream, 19. seven orAer kine came up after them , he may send away your otAer brother, otAe?- money have we brought down Thou shalt have no otAer gods before me, If he take him another (wife) ; (4). shall feed in another man's field; make no mention of the name of other . thou shalt worship no otAer god: (4). put on otAer garments, they shall take other stones, and he shall take other morter, if he have sold the field to arcot/ier man, . because he had another spirit with me unto another place, I will bring thee unto another place) remove from ( one) tribe to another Thou shalt have none otAer gods before . Ye shall not go after otAer gods, that they may serve other gods: walk after otAer gods, and serve them, . ye turn aside, and serve otAer gods, . to go after other gods, which ye have ml ' 3 ) . saying, Let us go after other god), 7), 13 (14). Let us go and serve other . . hath gone and served other gods, ' ; . that shall speak in the name of other f/m . in the battle, and another man dedicate* . in the battle, and another man eat of it' . in the battle, and another man take 1* . she may go and be another man's (v^r . to go after otAer gods to serve them. . another man shall lie with her: (shall be) given unto another people. TH* Deu28:36. there shalt thou serve otAer gods, 64. and there thou shalt serve oiAer gods, 29:26 (25). they went and served otAer gods. 28 (27). cast therninto another land, 30: 17. worship otAer gods, and serve them ; 31: 18. in that they are turned unto otAer gods. 20. then will they turn unto otAer gods, Jos. 23:16. have gone and served otAer gods, 24: 2. and they served otAer gods. 16. forsake the Lord, to serve otAer gods ; Jud. 2: 10. there arose another generation 12. and followed o*Aer gods, 17. they went a whoring after otAer gods, 19. in following otAer gods to serve them, 13. ye have forsaken me, and served otAer 2. for thou (art) the son of a strange woman. 8. Go not to glean in another field, 22. they meet thee not in any otAer field. 8. served other gods, so do they also 6. shalt be turned into another man. 9. God gave him another heart: 30. he turned from him toward another, 21. he sent orAer messengers, 9 (10). for (there is) no otAer save that here. 19. saying, Go, serve otAer gods. 8. disguised himself, and put on otAer 16. greater than the other that thou didst 20. thou shalt bear tidings another day: 26. the watchman saw another man 22. the otAer woman said, Nay ; 8. (had) another court within the porch, 6. but go and serve otAer gods, 9. have taken hold upon other gods, 4. turned away his heart after orAer gods: 10. that he should not go after o^Aer gods : 10. So he went another way, 9. thou hast gone and made thee other gods, :37. Then he found another man, and said, 11. he sent unto him another captain 17. burnt offering nor sacrifice unto otAer :29. 1 said unto her on the next day, (marg. otAer) 8. entered into another tent, 7. had feared orAer gods, 35, 37. Ye shall not fear otAer gods, 38. neither shall ye fear otAer gods. : 17. burned incense unto otAer gods, :26. Jerahmeel had also another wife, : 20. from (one) kingdom to another people ; : 17. Eliezer had none otAer sons ; 11, 12. to the wing of tAe other cherub. — tAe other wing (was likewise ) five 12. the otAer wing (was) five cubits ; 19. shall go and serve other gods, 22. laid hold on other gods, : 25. to burn incense unto otAer gods, : 23. took counsel to keep otAer seven days: 5. another wall without, 25. have burned incense unto otAer gods, : 10. o^Aer vessels a thousand. 31 . The children of the otAer Elam, 5. oiAer men have our lands and vineyards. (lit. are to other men) :33. The men of the other Nebo, 34. The children of the other Elam, : 14. arise to the Jews from another place ; :19. out of the earth shall others grow. : 8. let me sow, arao! let ano^Aer eat ; 10. let my wife grind unto another, and let others bow down upon her. : 24. set others in their stead. 4. multiplied (that) hasten (after) another : 10 ( 1 1 ). leave their wealth to others. : 13. from (one) kingdom to anot her people ; 8. let another take his office. 13. in the generation following 9. Lest thou give thine honour unto others, 9. discover not a secret to another : : 22. thou thyself likewise hast cursed others. ; 1 1 . with stammering lips and anotlter tongue : 8. my glory will I not give to another, ill. I will not give my glory unto another. 15. call his servants by another name : 22. not build, and another inhabit ; they shall not plant, and another eat: er. 1 : 16. have burned incense unto other gods, 3 : 1 . become another man's, 10 11 Ruth 2 ISa. 8 10 17 19 21 2628 2Sa.l3 18 IK. 3 7 11:1314 20 2K. 1 5 67 17 22 1 Ch.2 16 23 2Ch.3 (I 2s 3032 34 Ezr. 1 2 '.Neh. 5 Est. 4 'Job. 8 31 34 's. 16 49 105 109 'ro. 5 25 !ccl.7 sa. 28 42 4865 ( 53 ) T?N Jer. 6: 12. their houses shall be turned unto others, 7 ; 6. neither walk after o(Aer gods to your hurt ; 9. walk after other gods whom ye know not, 18. pour out drink offerings unto other gods, 8 : 10. will I give their wives unto others, 11;10. they went after other gods to serve 13 ; 10. walk after other gods, to serve them, 16:11. have walked after other gods, 13. there shall ye serve o(Aer gods 18: 4. so he made it again another vessel, 19 ; 4. burned incense in it unto other gods, 13. poured out drink offerings unto other 22: 9. worshipped other gods, and served them. 26. into another country, where ye were not 25: 6. go not after other gods to serve them, 32: 29. poured out drink offerings unto other 35 : 15. go not after other gods to serve them, 36 ; 28. Take thee again another roll, 32. Then took Jeremiah another roll, 44: 3. to serve other gods, whom they knew not, 5. burn no incense unto other gods. 8. burning incense unto other gods 15. had burned incense unto other gods, Eze.12: 3. remove from thy place to another place 40:40. the other side, which (was) at the porch 41 :24.two leaves for the other (door). 42: 14. shall put on other garments, 44 : 1 9. they shall put on o(Aer garments ; Dan 11 : 4. even for others beside those. 12: 5. there stood other two, Hos. 3: 1. who look to other gods, Joel 1 : 3. their children another generation. Zee. 2; 3 (7). another angel went out to meet him, fnn# ah-gharohn1 , adj. Gen 33: 2. Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph Mndermost. Ex. 4: 8. will believe the voice of the latter sign. Nu. 2:31. go hindmost with their standards. Deu.ll:24. even unto the uttermost sea 13: 9 (10). afterwards the hand of all the people. 17 : 7. afterward the hands of all the people. 24: 3. (if) the latter husband hate her, — or if (Ae latter husband die, 29:22 (21). So that the generation to come 34: 2. all the land of Judah, unto (Ae utmost sea, Ruth 3: 10. hast shewed more kindness in (Ae latter 1 Sa. 29: 2. passed on in the rereward with Achish. 2 Sa. 2 : 26. it will be bitterness in the latter end ? 19: 11 (12). Why are ye the last to bring the 12 (13). are ye (Ae last to bring back the 23: 1. Now these (be) (Ae last words of David. 1 K.17:13. affer make for thee and for thy son. lCh.23:27. £or by (Ae last words of David 29:29. acts of David the king, first and last, 2 Ch. 9:29. rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, 12:15. Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last, 16:11. the acts of Asa, first and last, 20:34. the acts of Jehoshaphat, first and last, 25:26. the acts of Amaziah, first and last, 26 : 22. rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, 28:26. rest of his acts and of all his ways, first and last, 35:27. his deeds, first and last, Ezr. 8 : 13. (Ae last sons of Adonikam, Neh. 8:18. from the first day unto thekest day, Job. 18: 20. TAey that come after (Mm) shall be 19:25. and (that) he shall stand at the latter Ps. 48:13 (14). may tell (it)to the generation fol lowing. 78: 4. shewing to the generation to come 6. That the generation to come might know 102: 18(19). be written for the generation (o come. ¦ Pro. 31 :25. she shall rejoice in time to come. Eccl. 1:11. remembrance of (things) that are to come with (those) that shall come after. 4: 16. they also (Aa( come after shall not rejoice Isa. 9: 1 (8:23). and afterward did more grievously 30: 8. may be for the time to come (marg. the latter day.) 41 ; 4. 1 the Lord, the first, and with (Ae last ; 44: 6. 1 (am) the first, and I (am) thelast ,¦ 48:12.1 (am) he; I (am) the first, I also (am) thelast. Jer. 50: 17. and last this Nebuchadrezzar TIN ( 54 ) •TON Dan. 8 : 3. the other, and the higher came up last. 1 1 : 29. it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. Joel 2 : 20. his hinder part toward the utmost sea, Hag. 2: 9. The glory of this latter house Zee. 14: 8. half of them toward the hinder sea: *1D^ ah-gharty' , Ch. prep. Dan. 2:29. what should come to pass hereafter : 45. what shall come to pass hereafter . (marg. after this) 7 : 24. and another shall rise after them ; iTNt oh-'ghoree'; Ch. adj. Dan. 2:39. shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom 7 : 5. And behold another beast, 6. I beheld, and lo another, 8. among them another little horn, 20. and (of) the other which came up, }'10t* oh-ghdrehn' , Ch. adv. at last. [Preceded by IV]- Dan. 4: 8 (5). But at tAe last Daniel came in fViriN ah-ghdreeth' ', f. : 1. which shall befall you in the last days. (lit. end of the days) 10. let my last end be like his ! 14. shall do to thy people in the latter days. 20. but his latter end ( shall be) that he perish :30. (even) in the latter days, 16. to do thee good at thy latter end ; 12. even unto the end of the year. 29. evil will befall you in the latter days ; 20. 1 will see what their end (shall be) : 29. (that) they would consider their bitter endl 7. yetthy latter end should greatly increase. 12. So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job 37. for *Ae end of (that) man (is)peace. 38. the end of 'the wicked shall be cut off. 17. (then) understood I rAez'r end. 13. Let his posterity be cut off; 9. dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea ; 4. Put her end is bitter as wormwood, 11. And thou mourn at the last, (lit. at thy last) 12. but the end thereof '(are) the ways of death. 13. and the end of that mirth is heaviness. 25. but the end thereof (are) the ways of death. 20. that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. 21 . but the end thereof shall not be blessed. 18. For surely there is an end; 32. At the last it biteth like a serpent, 14. then there shall be areward, 20. there shall be no reward to the evil (man); : 8. what to do in the end thereof, :21. him become (his) son at the length. : 8. Better(is) theendofa thing . 13. and the end ofhis talk (is) mischievous : 2. it shall come to pass in the last days, : 22. know the latter end of them ; 10. Declaring the end from the beginning, : 7. didst remember the latter end of it. 31. will ye do in the end thereof? 4. He shall not see our last end. 11. andat his end shall be a fool. 20. in the latter days ye shall consider it 11. to give you an expected end. . 24. in the latter davs ye shall consider it. 17. there is hope in thine end, 47. the captivity of Moab in tlie latter days, 39. But it shall come to pass in the latter days, 12. the hindermost of the nations 9. she remembereth not her last end; :25. and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: — and thy residue shall be devoured by the fire. 38 : 8. in the latter years thou shalt come into Gen 49 Nu. 23 24. Deu. 4 8 11 3132 Job. 8 42 Ps. 3773 109139 Pro. 5 14 1619 202324: 25 29 Eccl. 7 10 Isa. 2 41 4647 Jer. 5 12 17 23293031484950 Lam. 1 Eze. 23 Eze.38: 16. it shall be in the latter days, Dan. 8:19. what shall be in the last end of the 23. And in the latter time of their kingdom, 10 : 14. what shall befall thy people in the latter 11: 4. and not to his posterity, nor according 12: 8. what (shall be) the end of these (things)? Hos. 3: 5. fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days. Am. 4: 2. and your posterity with fishhooks. 8:10. and the end thereof as a bitter day. 9: 1. and I will slay tAe last of them with the Mic. 4: 1. in tAe last days it shall come to pass, nnriM ah-ghdreeth', Ch. f. Dan. 2:28. what shall be in the latter days. pTH^ oh-ghtirahn' \ Ch. adj. Dan. 2:11. and there is none o(Aer that can shew it 44. shall not be left to o(Aer people, 3:29. because there is no other God 5:17. give thy rewards to another; 7 : 24. and another shall rise after them ; nirjN see prjN- fVinhX aghoh-ran-neeth' , adv. Gen. 9 : 23. both their shoulders, and went backward, — their faces (were) backward, 1 Sa. 4: 18. he fell from off the seat backward 1 K. 18 : 37. hast turned their heart back again. 2 K.20: 10. shadow return backward ten degrees. 11. brought theshadow ten degrees backward, Isa. 38 : 8. sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. NOS^B^N aghash-dar-p> nay-yak ', Ch, m. pi. emph. Dan. 3: 2. the king sentto gather together(Ae^nncefi,, 3. Then (Ae princes, the governors, 27. And the princes, governors, 6: 1 (2). an hundred and twenty princes, 2 (3 V that (Ae princes might give accounts 3 (4). above the presidents and princes, 4 (5). Then the presidents and princes 6 (7). Then these presidents and princes 7 (8). the governors, and the princes, oisrtwm m agkash-dar-p'neem' , pi. Ezr.Est. 36.wn(o (Ae king's lieutenants, 12. unto (Ae king's lieutenants, 9. and to (Ae lieutenants, 3. and the lieutenants, ^yy^ptl^dghash-frah-neem', ia.fi Est. 8:10. camels, (and) young dromedaries: 14. rode upon mules (and) camels went out, ION at, adv. [7 is prefixed, except in 1 Kings.] 2Sa. 18 : 5. (Deal) gently for my sake 1 K.21 :27. lay in sackcloth, and went softly. Job 15 : 1 1 . is there any secret thing with thee ? Isa. 8: 6. the waters of Shiloah that go softly, ItiX ah-tdhd', m. Gen50:10. they came to the threshingfloor of Aid, "TON ( 55 ) :tn Gen50:ll. saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, Jud. 9:14. Then said all the trees unto tAe bramble, (marg. thistle) 15. tlie bramble said unto the trees, — . let fire eome out of tAe bramble, Ps. 58: 9 (10). Before your pots can feel tlie thorns, pl&N eh-toon', m. Pro. 7 : 16. with carved (works), with fine linen of ^ it-tee', adv. [With b prefixed.] Gen 33: 14. 1 will lead on softly, d^tSX it-teem', m. pi. Isa. 19: 3. seek to the idols, and to tAe charmers, DfcX [uh-tam']. * KAL Participle. * IK. 6: 4. he made windows of narrow lights. (marg. broad (within, and) narrow (without): or, skewed (and) closed) Pro. 17: 28. Ae thatshutteth his lips (is esteemed) 21 : 13. Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry Isa. 33 . 15. that stoppeth his ears from hearing Eze. 40: 16. narrow windows to the little chambers. (marg. closed) 41 : 16. The door posts, and the narrow windows, "26. narrow windows and palm trees * HIPHIL Future. * Ps. 58: 4 (5). like the deaf adder (that) stoppeth •with n-ta Genl6: 8. wlience earnest thou ? 2Sa.l5: 2. Of what city (art) thou ? Job 2 : 2. From whence comest thou ? &c. &c. See also PPM, T^N, H^S, riD-N, flEW, &c. GenlO: Est. 10: Job 22: Ps. 72: 97: Isa. 11 : 20: 2324 40 41 42 49 51 59 60 66 Jer. 2 2531 47 50 Eze.26 Ps. TDK [dh-tar']. * KAL Future. * 9:15 (16). let not the pit shut her mouth upon ItSX it-tehr', adj. Jud. 3 : 15. a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: (marg. shut of his right hand) 20:16. seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; (lit. shutof his right hand) *X eh, adv. Gen 4: 9. Where (is) Abel thy brother? Pro.31: 4. (s"ip) nor for princes strong drink; ^lit. (to be) where is strong drink) &c. &c. "With suff. rt3sN- TlV- Gen 3: 9. Where (art) thou? . JP7iere (is) Ae? &c. &c. T - 12. Wliere (are) they? 17. is not known a>Aere they (are). Observe its meaning in 7. How shall I pardon thee for this? It is used in combination ; with PIT ISa, 9: 18. where the seer's house (is). i K. 13 : 12. What way went he ? 22 : 24. Which way went the Spirit of the Lord 2Ch.l8 : 23. Wliich way went the Spirit of the Lord Job 38:24. By what way is the light parted, Ecc.ll: 6. thou knowest not wliether shall prosper, &C.&C. Job 20: Isa. 19 Nan, 3 Jer. 5: 27 39 Dan 11 Zeph2 5.By these were the isles of the Gentiles 1. and (upon) (Ae isles of the sea. 30. He shall deliver (Ae island of the innocent: 10. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles 1. let the multitude of isles be glad 11. and from the islands of the sea. 6. inhabitant of this isle shall (marg. country) : 2. Be still, ye inhabitants of (Ae isle ; 6. howl, ye inhabitants of (Ae isle. 15. the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the \ 15. he taketh up (Ae isles as a very little ; 1. Keep silence before me, O islands; 5. TAe isles saw (it), and feared; : 4. (Ae isles shall wait for his law. 10. (Ae isles, and the inhabitants thereof. 12. declare his praise in the islands. 15. 1 will make the rivers islands, : 1. Listen, O isles, unto me ; : 5. the isles shall wait upon me, :18. to the islands he will repay recompence. 9. Surely (Ae isles shall wait for me, 19. Tubal, and Javan, (to) (Ae isles afar off, : 10. pass over (Ae isles of Chittim, 22. the isles which (are) beyond the sea, (marg. region by the sea side) 10. declare (it) in the isles afar off, 4. the remnant of (Ae country of Caphtor. (marg. isle) :39. with the wild beasts of (Ae islands 15. Shall not (Ae isles shake at the sound 18. Now shall (Ae isles tremble — (Ae isles that (are) in the sea : 3. a merchant of the people for many isles, 6. (brought) out of the isles of Chittim. 7. blue and purple from the isles q/Elishah 15. many isles (were) the merchandise 35. All the inhabitants of (Ae isles : 6. them that dwell carelessly in (Ae isles: : 18. turn his face unto the isles, : 11. (even) all (Ae isles of the heathen. *N ee, interj. Ecc.l0:16. Woe to thee, O land, when thy king With suff. lV»W Ecc. 4: 10. but woe to Mm (that is) alone INK \dh-yav'\ Ex. 23:22. Gen22:17. 49: 8. Ex. 15: 6.9. 23: 4. 22. 27. Lev.26: 7.8. 16.17. 25. 41,44. Nu.10: 9, 35. * KAL. —Preterite. * then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, Participle. Poel. shall possess the gate ofhis enemies; (shall be) in the neck of thine enemies ; hath dashed in pieces the enemy. The enemy said, I will pursue, If thou meet thine enemy's ox or I will be an enemy unto tAirae enemies, I will make all tAme enemies turn their ye shall chase your enemies, your enemies shall fall before you for your enemies shall eat it. ye shall be slain before your enemies : delivered into the hand of the enemy. your enemies which dwell therein ye (be) in your enemies' land; in the lands of their enemies ; no power to stand before your enemies. the land of your enemies shall eat you up. their iniquity in your enemies' lands ; . them into the land of their enemies ; , when they be in the land of tAeir enemies, ye shall be saved from your enemies. .let thine enemies be scattered; an* ( 56 ) n^ Nu. 14 23 24 3235 Deu.l 6 12 20 33 Jos. 7: 10 21 22: 23: Jud. 2: 3 5 8 11 16 ISa. 2 4 12 14 18 26 29 30 2Sa. 345 7 42. that ye be not smitten before your enemies. 11,1 took thee to curse mine enemies, 10. 1 called thee to curse mine enemies, 18. Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies ; 21. he hath driven out Ais enemies 23. that he die, and (was) not his enemy, 42. lest ye be smitten before your enemies. ; 19. To cast out all thine enemies from before : 10. he giveth you rest from all your enemies . 1 . out to battle against (Aine enemies, 3. this day unto battle against your enemies : 4. to fight for you against your enemies, 14. thou shalt eat the spoil of (Aine enemies, : 10. goest forth to war against (Aine enemies, • : 9 (10). goeth forth against (Aine enemies, 14 (15). to give up thine enemies before thee; • : 19- given thee rest from all thine enemies i: 7. The Lord shall cause (Aine enemies 25. thee to be smitten before (Aine enemies : 31. sheep (shall be) given unto thine enemies, 48. Therefore shalt thou serve (Aine enemies 53. wherewith (Aine enemies shall distress thee: 55. wherewith (Aine enemies shall distress 57. wherewith (Aine enemy shall distress 68. ye shall be sold unto your enemies '; 7. put all these curses upon (Aine enemies, 1:27. 1 feared the wrath of the enemy, 31. even our enemies themselves (being) judges. 42. beginning of revenges upon (Ae enemy. 27. he shall thrust out (Ae enemy 29. (Aine enemies shall be found liars : 8. turneth their backs before (Aeir enemies ! 12. Israel could not stand before (Aeir ene mies, (but) turned (their) backs before (Aeir enemies, 13. thou canst not stand before (Aine enemies, ;13. avenged themselves upon (Aeir enemies. 19. pursue after your enemies, 25. thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies .44 (42). stood not a man of all (Aeir enemies — ( — ) delivered all (Aeir enemies into their 8. divide the spoil of your enemies 1. rest unto Israel from all (Aeir enemies 14. them into the hands of their enemies — any longer stand before (Aeir enemies. 18. out of the hand of their enemies ;28, the Lord hath delivered your enemies .31. So let all (Aine enemies perish, :34. out of the hands of all (Aeir enemies : 36. taken vengeance for thee of thine enemies, :23. hath delivered Samson 07^r enemy 24. hath delivered into our hands our enemy, : 1. my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; ; 3. save us out of the hand of our enemies. . 10. deliver us out of the hand of our enemies, 11. out of the hand of your enemies ;24. 1 may be avenged on mine enemies. 30. the spoil of their enemies 47. fought against all Ais enemies :2b. to be avenged of the king's enemies. 29. Saul became David's enemy continually. : 1 7 . sent away mine enemy, ; 1 5. the Lord hath cut off (Ae enemies of 16. require (it) at the hand of David's enemies, : 4 (5). I will deliver thine enemy into thine 19 (20). For if a man find Ais enemy, :22. more also do God unto the enemies of 26. now let thine enemies, and they that seek 29. the souls of (Aine enemies, : 8. God hath delivered thine enemy ; 8. 1 may not go fight against the enemies of .26. the spoil of the enemies of the Lord; : 18. out of the hand of all (Aeir enemies. ; 8. Ish-bosheth the son of Saul (Aine enemy, :20. hath broken forth upon mine enemies ; 1 . rest round about from all Ais enemies ; 9. have cut off all (Aine enemies 11. caused thee to rest from all (Aine enemies, 14. given great occasion to (Ae enemies of 19. the Lord hath avenged him of Ais enemies, 32. Tlie enemies of my lord the king, 9 (_ 10). out of the hand of our enemies, 1. out of the hand of all Ais enemies, 4. so shall I be saved from mine enemies. 18. delivered mefrommy strong enemy, 38. 1 have pursued mine enemies, 2Sa. 22 : 41 . also given me the necks of mine enemies, 49. bringeth me forth from mine enemies: 1 K. 3:11. nor hastasked the life of (Aine enemies; 8 : 33. Israel be smitten down before (Ae enemy, 37. if (Aeir enemy besiege them in the land 44. go out to battle against (Aeir enemy, 46. deliver them to (Ae enemy, — captives unto the land of* (Ae enemy, 48. in the land of their enemies, 21 :20. Hast thou found me, O mine enemy ? 2 K. 17 : 39. you out of the hand of all your enemies. 21 : 14. deliver them into the hand of (Aeir enemies; — a prey and a spoil to all (Aeir enemies ; ICh. 14:11. God hath brokenin upon mine enemies 17: 8. have cut off all (Aine enemies 10. 1 will subdue all (Aine enemies. 21 : 12. while that the sword of (Aine enemies 22: 9. 1 will give him rest from all Ais enemies 2Ch.6.24.be put to the worse before (Ae enemy, 28. if their enemies besiege them 34. go out to war against (Aeir enemies 36. deliver them over before (their) enemies, 20 : 27. had made them to rejoice oyer (Aeir enemies. 29. the Lord fought against (Ae enemies of 25 : 8 . God shall make thee fall before (Ae enemy : 26: 13. to help the king against (Ae enemy. Ezra 8:22. help us against the enemy in the way: 31 . delivered us from the hand of (Ae enemy, Neh. 4:15(9). when our enemies heard that 5 : 9. reproach of the heathen our enemies ? 6: 1. Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, 16. that when all our enemies heard 9:28. them in the hand of their enemies Est. 7 : 6. The adversary and enemy 8 : 13. to avenge themselves on their enemies. 9 : 1 . the day that (Ae enemies of the Jews 5. Thus the Jews smote all (Aeir enemies 16. had rest from their enemies, 22. the Jews rested from their enemies. Job 13:24. holdest me for thine enemy? 27 : 7. Let mine enemy be as the wicked, 33:10. he counteth me for his enemy, Ps. 3: 7 (8). thou hast smitten all mine enemies 6:10 (11). Let all mine enemieshe ashamed 7: 5 (6). Let (Ae enemy persecute my soul, 8: 2 (3). that thou mightest still (Ae enemy 9: 3 (4). When mine enemies are turned 6(7). 0 thou enemy, destructions are come 13: 2 (3) how long shall mine enemy be exalted 4 (5). Lest mine enemy say, 17 : 9. my deadly enemies, (who) compass me 18: [title] (1). from the hand of all Ais enemies, 3 (4). so shall I be saved from mine enemies. 17 (18). delivered me from my strong enemy, 37 (38). I have pursued mine enemies, 40 (41). also given me the necks of mine enemies ; 48 (49). He delivereth me from mine enemies: 21 : 8(9). shall find out all (Aine enemies : 25: 2. let not mine enemies triumph over 19. Considermine enemies ; 27 : 2. wicked, (even) mine enemies andmyfoef, 6. mine head be lifted up above mine enemies 30: 1 (2). hast not made my foes to rejoice 31: 8 (9). into the hand of the enemy: 15 ( 16). me from the hand of mine enemies, 35 : 19. Let not them that are mine enemies 37:20. and the enemies of the Lord (shall be) as 38: 19 (20). But mine enemies (are) lively, 41 : 2 (3). him unto the will of Ais enemies, 5 (6). Mine enemies speak evil of me, 11 ( 12). mine enemy doth not triumph 42: 9 (10), 43:2. because of the oppression of the enemy ? 44: 16 (17). by reason of (Ae enemy and avenger. 45: 5 (6). in the heart of the king's enemies; 54; 7 (9). and mine eye hath seen (his desire) upon mine enemies. 55 : 3 (4). Because of the voice of (Ae enemy, 12 (13\ For (it was) not an enemy (that) 56: 9 (10). then shall mine enemies turn back: 59: 1 (2). Deliver mefrom mine enemies, 61 : 3 (4). a strong tower from (Ae enemy. 64: 1 (2). preserve my life from fear of the enemy. 66 ; 3. shall (Aine enemies submit a^N ( 57 ) D^N ?s. 68: 1(2). let/iis enemies be scattered: 21(22). God shall wound the head of Ais enemies, 23(24). dippedinthe blood of( thine) enemies, 69: 4(5). (being) mine enemies wrongfully, 18(19). deliver me because of mine enemies. 71 : 10. For mine enemies speak against me ; 72: 9. and his enemies shall lick the dust. 74: 3. all (that) (Ae enemy hath done 10. shall (Ae enemy blaspheme thy name 18. (Ae enemy hath reproached, 78:53. but the sea overwhelmed (Aeir enemies. 80: 6(7). our enemies laugh among themselves. 81:14(15). I should soon have subdued (Aeir enemies, 83: 2(3). For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: 89 : 10( 11). thou hast scattered (Aine enemies 22(23 ). TAe enemy shall not exact upon him ; 42(43). thou hast made all Ais enemies to 51(52). Wherewith (Aine enemies have 92: 9(10). For, lo, (Aine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, (Aine enemies shall perish ; 102: 8(9). Mine enemies reproach me all the day ; 106:10. redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 42. 2%eir enemies also oppressed them, 110: 1. until I make (Aine enemies thy footstool. 2. rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 119:98. hast made me wiser (Aan mine enemies : 127: 5. but they shall speak with (Ae enemies 132: 18. His enemies will I clothe with shame : 138 : 7- against the wrath of mine enemies, 139:22. 1 count them mine enemies. 143 . 3. For (Ae enemy hath persecuted my soul ; 9- Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies : 12. ofthy mercy cut off mine enemies, Pro. 16: 7. he maketh even Ais enemies to be at peace 24:17. Rejoice not when (Aine enemy falleth, Isa. 1 : 24. avenge me of mine enemies : 9:11(10). join Ais enemies together ; 42: 13. he shall prevail against Ais enemies. 59:18. recompence to his enemies; 62: 8. give thy corn (to be) meat for thine enemies ; 63 : 10. therefore he was turned to be their enemy, 66: 6. the Lord that rendereth recompence to Ms enemies. Mic. 2 : 8. my people is risen up as an enemy : 4:10. redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. 5 : 9 ( 8 ). all (Aine enemies shall be cut off. 7 : 6. a man's enemies (are) the men of his own 8. Rejoice not against me, 0 mine enemy : 10. Then (she that is) mine enemy shall see Nah. 1; 2. he reserveth (wrath) for his enemies. 8. and darkness shall pursue Ais enemies. 3:11. seek strength because of the enemy. 13. shall be set wide open unto thine enemies : Zep. 3 : 15. he hath cast out (Aine enemy : Jer. 14. (his) indignation toward Ais enemies. 6:25.fort* 20: 21: the sword of the enemy 12: 7. into the hand of her enemies. lb: 9. 1 deliver to the sword before (Aeir enemies, 11. 1 will cause (Ae enemy to entreat thee 14.1 will make (thee) to pass with thine enemies 17 : 4. 1 will cause thee to serve (Aine enemies 18 : 17. as with an east wind before (Ae enemy ; 19: 7. to fall by the sword before their enemies, 9. straitness, wherewith (Aeir enemies, 4. shall fall by the sword of (Aeir enemies, 5. 1 give into the hand of their enemies, 7. into the hand of their enemies, 30: 14. with the wound of an enemy, 31 : 16. come again from the land of the enemy. 34:20. give them into the hand of (Aeir enemies, 21. 1 give into the hand of their enemies, 44:30. king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, — Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, his ene., 49:37. Elam to be dismayed before (Aeir enemies, Lam. 1 : 2. they are become her enemies. 5. Aer enemies prosper ; 9. for (Ae enemy hath magnified (himself). 16. bepause the enemy prevailed. 21. all mine enemies have heard 2: 3- his right hand from before (Ae enemy, 4, He hath bent his bow like an enemy: 5. The Lord was as an enemy: 7. given up into the hand of (Ae enemy 16, AH (Aine enemies have opened their mouth 17. he hath caused (thine) enemy to rejoice 22, hath mine enemy cpnsumed. 3 : 46. All our enemies have opened their mouths 52. Mine enemies chased me sore, 4: 12. and the enemy should have entered Eze.36: 2. Because (Ae enemy hath said 39: 27. gathered them out of their enemies' lands, Hos. 8: 3.(Ae enemy shall pursue him. Am. 9: 4. they go into captivity before their enemies, r\ya u-vdh', f. T " ' Gen. 3:15. Andl will put enmity between thee Nu. 35:21. Or in enmity smite him with his hand. 22. he thrust him suddenly without enmity, Eze.25:I5. to destroy (it) for the old hatred; 35: 5. thou hast had a perpetual hatred, TN ehd, m. Deu32:35. the day of their calamity (is) at hand, 2Sa.22: 19. prevented me in the day of my calamity: Job 18:12. and destruction (shall be) ready at his 21 : 17. (how oft) cometh (Aeir destruction upon 30. the wicked is reserved to the day of cZe- stnuction ? 30:12. against me the ways of their destruction. 31 : 3. (Is) not destruction to the wicked? 23. destruction (from) God (was) a terror to Ps. 18:18 (19). in the day of my calamity : Pro. 1 :26. 1 also will laugh at your calamity; 27. and your destruction cometh as a 6: 15. Therefore shall Ais calamity come 17: 5. he that is glad at calamities shall not 24.22. For (Aeir calamity shall rise suddenly; 27 : 10. brother's house in the day of (Ay calamity: Jer. 18:17. in the day of their calamity. 46 : 21. because the day of (Aeir calamity was 48:16. The calamity of Moah (is) near 49: 8. 1 will bring (Ae calamity of Esau 32. 1 will bring (Aeir calamity from all Eze. 35: 5. the sword in the time of their calamity, Obad. 13, 13, 13. in the day of their calamity; n*X ahy-yahf, f. Lev. 11 : 14. (Ae kite after his kind; Deu. 14: 13. the glede, and(Ae kite, Job. 28; 7. which (Ae vulture's eye hath not seen: Pl*N! ahy-ytk \ adv. Genl8: 9- Where (is) Sarah thy wife? Jer. 37: 19. Wliere (are) now your prophets &c. &c. D^K eey-yi?nf,m. Isa. 13:22. (Ae wild beasts of the islands shall cry (marg. Iim) 34:14. (Ae wild beasts of the island, (marg. Ijim) Jer. 50 : 39. with (Ae wild beasts of the islands r\r$ eh-zeh'. Job 38: 19, 24. i. q. n? ''S "?p&$ eh'ch, adv. Gen44:34. For how shall I go up to my father, Jud.l6:15. How canst thou say, I love thee, 2ChlO: 6. saying JJ7iirfcounselgiveve (me) to return &c. &c. r\ya eh-chah' ', adv. T " ¦ J Deu 1:12. How can I myself alone bear 7:17. how can I dispossess them ? D'-N ( 58 ) "?'N But observe its meaning, in Cant.1 : 7. Tell me,...wliere thou feedest, where thou makest (thy flock) to rest &c. &c. ribNSt for 13^ (np) eh-choh', adv. 2 K. 6:13. Go and spy where he (is), H33K ch-chah-chah, adv. T T •" Vj/brj in Cant, jnbo in Est. Est. 8: 6. For how can I endure to see — or how can I endure to see Cant.5: 3. how shall I put it on? — Aozo shall I defile them ? 7*K ahy-yahl' \ com. Deul2:15. ana* as of the hart. 22. as the roebuck and (Ae Aar(is eaten, 14: 5. The hart, and the roebuck, 15:22. as the roebuck, and as the hart. 1 K. 4:23 (5:3)o- anhundredsheep, beside harts, (lit. beside of the hart) Ps. 42: 1 (2). As the hart panteth after the water Cant.2: 9, 17. a young Aar(: (lit. the fawn of harts) 8: 14. or to a young A«r( upon the mountains Isa. 35: 6. Thenshallthe lame (man) leapas«nAar(, Lam. 1 : 6. her princes are become like harts ?]N> ah! -yiU m. In Ezekiel it occurs in const, and pi. without (**). Gen 15: 9. and a ram of three years old, 22:13. behind (him) a ram caught — Abraham went and took (Ae ram, 31 : 38. and the rams of thy flock 32: 14(15). two hundred ewes, and twenty rams, Ex. 25: 5. And rams' skins dyed red, 26:14. covering for the tent (of) rams'1 skins 29: 1. and two rams without 3. with the bullock and the two rami. 15. Thou shalt also take one ram ; — put their hands upon the head of (Ae ram. 16. thou shalt slay (Ae ram, 17. thou shalt cut (Ae ram in pieces, 18. burn (Ae whole ram upon the altar: 19. thou shalt take (Ae other ram ; — put their hands upon the head of (Ae ram. 20. Then shalt thou kill the ram, 22. Also thou shalt take of the ram — for it (is) a ram of consecration: 26. the breast of the ram of Aaron's 27. of the ram of the consecration, 31 . thou shalt take the ram of the consecration, , 32. shall eat the flesh of the ram, 35: 7. And rams' skins dyed red, 23. and red skins of rams, 36 : 1 9. covering for the tent ( of) rams'" skins 39:34. the covering of rams' skins dyed red, Lev. 5: 15, 18. a ram without blemish 16. with the ram of the trespass offering, 6: 6 (5:25). a ram without blemish 8: 2. bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, 18. brought (Ae ram for the burnt offering ; — hands upon the head of (Ae ram. 20. he cut the ram into pieces; 21. Moses burnt (Ae whole raw, 22. he brought (Ae other ram, the ram of con secration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of (Ae ram. 29. of (Ae ram of consecration 9 : 2. and a ram for a burnt offering, 4. and a ram for peace offerings, 18. slew also the bullock and(Ae ram 19. the fat of the bullock andof (Ae ram, 16: 3. and a ram for a burnt offering. 5. anoJ one ram for a burnt offering. 19:21. a ram for a trespass offering. 22. with the ram of the trespass offering 23: 18. one voung bullock, and two rams : Nu. 5: 8. beside (Ae ram of the atonement, 6 : 14. and one ram without blemish 17. offer (Ae ram (for) a sacrifice 19. take the sodden shoulder of (Ae ram, 7:15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. One young bullock, one ram, 17,23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83. peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, 87. twelve bullocks, (Ae rams twelve, 88. four bullocks, (Ae rams sixty, Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare or for one ram, or for a lamb, prepare me here seven oxen and seven rams. 4. (every) altar a bullock and a ram. 30. offered a bullock and a ram on (every) seven bullocks and seven rams. two young bullocks, andone ram, mingled with oil, for one ram; the third (part ) of an hin unto a ram, two young bullocks, and one ram, two tenth deals for a ram; two young bullocks, one ram, two tenth deals unto one ram, 8. one young bullock, one ram, two tenth deals for a ram, two tenth deals to one ram, 17. young bullocks, two 7-ams, two tenth deals to each ram of the two rams, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33. for the bullocks, for the rams, eleven bullocks, two rams, ten bullocks, two rams, nine bullocks, two rams, eight bullocks, two rams, seven bullocks, two rams, one bullock, one ram, for the bullock, for the ram, and rams of the breed of Bashan, to hearken than the fat of rams. the lintel (and) side posts an hundred thousand rams, offered seven bullocks and seven rams. a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, a young bullock and seven rams, seven thousand and seven hundred rams, seven bullocks, and seven rams, when they had killed (Ae rams, an hundred rams, (and) two hundred ninety and six rams, (they offered) a ram of the flock seven bullocks and seven rams, with the incense of rams; The mountains skipped like rams, Ye mountains, (that)ye skipped like rem; I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, the fat of the kidneys of rams : the rams of Nebaioth like rams with he goats. occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, between the rams and the he goats. of rams, of lambs, and of goats, and the posts thereof, two cubits ; 10. the posts had one measure (lit. one mea sure to the posts) 14. He made also posts of threescore cubits, even unto the post of the court round 16. to their posts within the gate — upon (each) post( were) palm trees. 21, 29, 33. and the posts thereof and the arches 24. he measured (Ae posts thereof 26. upon the posts thereof. 31, 34. palm trees( were )upon the posts thereof: 36. (Ae posts thereof, and the arches 37. And the posts thereof (were) toward — palm trees (were) upon (Ae posts thereof, ¦ 38. (were) by the posts of the gates, ; 48. and measured ( each ) post of the porch, 49. (there were) pillars by the posts, : 1. measured the posts, 3. measured the post of the door, : 23, 25. and a ram out of the flock :23. seven bullocks and seven rams 24. an ephah for a ram, 4. and a ram without blemish. 5, 7. an cphah for a ram. 15 6. 11. 23 1. 2, 14, 29. 28 11. 12.14.19. 20. 27.28. 29 2, 3. 9. 13, 14. 18, 20. 23. 26. 29. 32.36. 37. Deu32 14. ISa .15 22. 1 Is .6 31. 2K . 3 4. lCh.15 26. 29 21. 2C1U.3 . 9. 17 11. 29 21.22. 32. Ezr . 8 35. 10 19. Job j.o 8. l's. 66 15. 114 4.0. Isa. 1 11. 34 6. 60 Jer 51 40. Eze .27 21. 34 17. 39 18. 4U 9. 46 *» ( 59 ) SW Eze. 46: 6. six lambs, and a ram: 1 1. an ephah to a ram, Dan. 8: 3. there stood before the river a ram 4. 1 saw (Ae ram pushing westward, 6. he came to (Ae ram that had two horns, 7. 1 saw him come closeunto (Ae ram, — smote (Ae ram, • — there was no power in the ram — none that could deliver (Ae ram 20. 27ie ram which thou sawest Mic. 6: 7. be pleased with thousands of rams, \7*M eh-lek,m. pi. [Const, of D^M.] Ez. 31 : 14. it is without (^) bW Ex. 15 : 15. (Ae mighty men of Moab, 2 K.24:15. (*"-p) themighty of the land, Job. 41 :25 (17). he raiseth up himself, (Ae mighty are Isa. 1 :29. they shall be ashamed o/(Ae oaks 61 : 3. that they might be called trees of Eze. 17:13. he hath also taken (Ae mighty of the land: 31 : 14. neither (Aeir trees stand up in their 7£$ eyakl, m. Ps. 88: 4 (5).Iam asaman (that hath) no s(ren» Ex. 18: 22. 10 14 16 25: 2. 20 28:2130:12 3338 32:33 3435 36 37 39 Lev. 7 1013 ye have left (Ae man ? dwell with (Ae man : I (am) not eloquent, (marg. a man of words) cast down every man his rod, They saw not one another, neither rose any let every man borrow (Ae man Moses (was) very great against man or beast; take to them every man a lamb, every man according to his eating none of you shall (lit. no man) But every man's servant The Lord (is) a man of war: they said one to another, Gather of it every man take ye every man for (them) gathered every man according Let no man leave of it every man according to his eating: every man in his place, let no man go out they asked eacA other one and another, (marg. a man and his fellow) whether (it be) beast or man, if a man sell his daughter He that smiteth a man, . if a man come presumptuously he that stealeth a man, . one smite another with a stone, fa man smite his servant, . if a man smite the eye . If an ox gore a man he hath killed a man . if a man shall open a pit, or if a man . if one man's ox hurt (21 :37). If a man shall steal an ox, (4). If a man shall cause a field (6). If a man shall deliver unto his (-). and it be stolen out of (Ae man's (9). If a man deliver unto his neighbour ( 13). if a man borrow(ought) ofhis ( 15 ). if a man entice a maid . of every man that giveth it their faces (shall look) one to another ; . every one with his name give every man a ransom Whosoeuer (lit. a man who) compoundeth . Whosoeuer (lit. a man who) shall make like unto that, , 23. (Ae man that brought us up .Put every m&n his sword slay every man his brother, and every ma.n his companion, and every man his about three thousand men. . ever.y man upon his son, » no man did put on him every man (at) his tent door, every man (in) his tent door. as a man speaketh unto his friend. And no man shall come up with thee, neither let any man be seen neither shall any man desire thy land, every one whose heart stirred and every man that offered every man, with whom was every man and woman, 2. every wise hearted man, came every man (lit. a man a man) neither man nor woman . with their faces one to another; . every one with his name, any man's burnt offering, .one (as much) as another. took ei(Aer of them his censer, . If a man or woman have . If a man also or a woman . And the man whose hair is fallen He is a leprous man, . shall present (Ae man When any man hath (lit. a man a. man) And whosoever toucheth his bed And if any man's seed of copulation with whom man shall lie if any man lie with her and of him that lieth with her ( 61 ) t£p» Lev. 16: 21. by the hand of a fit man 17; 3. What man soever (there be) of the house of Israel, (lit. a man a man) 4. be imputed unto that 'man s — 9, that man shall be cut off 8. Whatsoever man (there be) (lit. a man a man) 10. And whatsoever man (lit. and a man, a man) 13. whatsoever man (there be) of the children 18: 6. None of you shall (lit. a man, a man shall not) 19: 3. fear every man his mother, 11. neither lie one to another. 20. And whosoever lieth carnally — betrothed to an husband, 20: 2. Whosoever (he be) (lit. a man, a man) 3. 1 will set my face against that man. 4. hide their eyes from (Ae man, 5. set my face against that man, 9. every one that curseth (lit. a man a man) 10. And the man that committeth adultery with (another) mare's wife, 11. And the man that lieth with 12. And if a man lie with his daughter 13. If a man also lie 14. And if a man take a wife 15. And if a man lie with a beast, 17. And if a man shall take his sister, 18, 20. And if a man shall lie with 21 . And if a man shall take his brother's 27. A man also or woman 21 : 3. had no husband; (lit. was not unto a man) 7 . a woman put away from her husband : 9. the daughter of any priest, 17. Whosoever (he be) of thy seed 18. For whatsoever man (he be) — a blind man, or a lame, 19. Or a man that is brokenfooted, 21. No man that hath a blemish 22: 3. Wliosoever (he be) of all your 4. What man soever of the seed of Aaron (is) a leper, (lit. a man, aman) — ¦ oro man whose seed goeth 5. Or whosoeuer toucheth 12. (married) unto a stranger, (marg. a man a stranger) 14. And if a man «at (of) the holy thing 18. Whatsoever (he be) (lit. a man, a man) 21. And whosoever offereth a sacrifice 24:10.father (was) an Egyptian, (lit. an Egyptian man) • — and a man of Israel strove 15. Wliosoever curseth his God (lit. a man, u man) 17. And he that killeth any man 19. And if a man cause a blemish 25: 10. ye shall return every man unto his pos session, and ye shall return every man 13. ye shall return every man 14. ye shall not oppress one another: 17. not therefore oppress one another ; 26. And if the man have none to redeem it, 27 . restore the overplus unto the man 29. And if a man sell a dwelling house 46. shall not rule one over another 26:37. they shall fall one upon another, 27; 2. When a man shall make 14. And when a man shall sanctify 16. if a man shall sanctify 20. sold the field to another man, 26.no man shall sanctify it; 28. that a man shall devote 31 . if a man will at all redeem Nu. 1: 4. a man of every tribe (lit. aman, aman for a tribe) ; every one head of 44. princes of Israel, (being) twelve men: each one was for the house 52. every man by his own camp, and every man by his own standard, 2: 2. Every man of the children of Israel 17. every man in his place 34. every one after their families, 4: 19. appoint them every one (lit. aman, aman) 49. every one according (lit. a man, a man) 5 ; 6. When a man or woman shall 8. if (Ae man have no kinsman t^K ( 62 ) t^H Nu. 5 : 10. And every man's hallowed things — whatsoever any man giveth 12. If any man's wife (lit. a man, a man) 13. And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of Aer husband, 15. Then shall (Ae man bring 19. If no man have lain with thee, . 20. (another) instead of thy husband, 20. some man have lain with thee beside (Aine husband : 27. have done trespass against her husband, 29. instead of Aer husband, 30. Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh (lit. or of a man, when, &c.) 31. Then shall (Ae man be guiltless 6: 2. When either man or woman 7 : 5. to every man according to his service. 9:10. If any man (lit. a man, a man) 13. But the man that (is) clean, — that man shall bear his sin. 11:10. every man in the door of his tent: 16. Gather unto me seventy men 24. gathered the seventy men 25 unto the seventy elders: (lit. men the elders) 12: 3. Now the man Moses 13: 2. of every tribe.. .shall ye send a man, (lit. one man one man for a tribe) 14: 4. they said one to another, 15 . this people as one man, lb : 32. a man that gathered sticks 35. The man shall be surely put to death : J6 ; 7 . (Ae man whom the Lord doth choose, 17. take every man his censer, — before the Lord every man his censer, — eacA (of you) his censer. 18. they took every man his censer, 22. shall one man sin, 35. two hundred and fifty men 40(17:5). no stranger, (lit. a man a stranger) 17: 2 (17). write thou every man's name 5 (20). (Ae man's rod, whom I shall 9(24). took every man his rod. 19: 9. a man (that is) clean 18. a clean person shall take hyssop, 20. But the man that shall 21 : 9. serpent had bitten any man, 23:19. God (is) not a man, 25; 5. Slay ye every one his men 6. one of the children of Israel 8. he went after (Ae man of Israel — (Ae man of Israel, and the woman 14. the name of the Israelite (lit. man of Israel) 26: 10. two hundred and fifty men : 54. to every one shalL his inheritance 64. there was not a man 65. there was not left a man of them, 27 : 8 . If a man die, 16. set a man over the congregation, 18. a man in whom (is) the spirit, 30: 2 (3). If a man vow a vow 6 (7). if she had at all an husband, , 7 (8). Aer husband heard (it), 8 (9). But if Aer husband disallowed 10 (ll). vowed in Aer husband's house, 11 (12). Aer husband heard (it), 12(13). But if Aer husband hath — ( — ). Aer husband hath made them 13(14). Aer husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void. 14(15). But if Aer husband altogether hold 16(17). between a man and his wife, 31 : 1 7 . that hath known man 49. there lacketh not one man of us. 50. what every man hath gotten, 53. every man for himself. 32:18. every man his inheritance. 35: 8. every one shall give ofhis cities 36: 7. every one of the children of Israel 8. may enjoy every man the inheritance 9. but every one of the tribes Deu 1:16. between (every) man and his brother, 1 7. be afraid of the face of man ; 23. one of a tribe: (lit. one man) 31. as a man doth bear his son, 35. there shall not one of these men Deu. 1 :41. girded on every man his weapons 3:11. after the cubit of a man. 20. return every man unto his possession, 4 : 3. (Ae men that followed Baal-peor, 7 :24. there shall no man be able 8: 5. as a man chasteneth his son, 11 :25. There shall no man be able 12: 8. every man whatsoever (is) right 16:17. Every man (shall give) 17 ; 2. man or woman, that hath 5. bring forth that man . that man or that woman, 12. And the man that will do presumptuously, even that man shall die : 15. not set a stranger (lit. a man a stranger) 18; 19- whosoever will not hearken 19:11. if any man hate his neighbour, lb. against a man for any iniquity, 16. rise up against any man 20; 5. What man (is there) that hath and another man dedicate it, 6. what man (is he) that hath die in the battle, and another man eat of it. 7. what man (is there) that — and another man take her. 8. What man (is there that is) fearful 21 : 15. If a man have two wives, 18. If a man have a stubborn 22. if a man have committed a sin 22-13. If any man take a wife, 16. daughter unto this man to wife, 18. shall take tliat man and chastise him ; 22. If a man be found lying — (Ae man that lay with the 23. betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, 24. (Ae man, because he hath humbled 25. if a man find a betrothed damsel — and (Ae man force her, — then (Ae man only that lay with her 26. for as when a man riseth 28. If a man find a damsel 29. Then (Ae man that lay with her 30 (23: 1). A man shall not take his 23:10 (11). any man, that is not clean 24: 1 , 5. When a man hath taken 2. and be another mans (wife). 3. (if) (Ae latter husband hate her, . — or if (Ae latter husband die, 7. If a man be found stealing 1 1 . and the man to whom thou dost lend 12. And if (Ae man (be) poor, 16. every man shall be put 25: 5. shall not marry without unto a stranger, (lit. to a man a stranger) 7. if the man like not to take 9. be done unto that man 11. men strive together one with another, — for to deliver Aer husband 27 : 14. say unto all (Ae men of Israel 15. Cursed (be) (Ae man that maketh 28 : 30. and another man shall lie with her : 54. (Ae man (that is) tender among you, 56. toward the husband of her bosom, 29:10(9). (with) all (Ae men of Israel, 18 (17). should be among you man, 20 (19). smoke against that man, 32:25. with (Ae man of gray hairs. 33 : 1 . (Ae man of God blessed the children 8. with thy holy one, (lit. to the man of thy saints) 34 : 6 . but no man knoweth of his Josh. 1 : 5. There shall not any man be able 18. Whosoever (he be) that doth rebel (lit. every man who &c.) 2: 11. courage in any man, because 3:12. take you twelve men — out of every tribe a man. (lit. one man, one man for a tribe) 4:2, 4. out of every tribe a man, (lit. one man, one man for a tribe) 4. Joshua called (Ae twelve men, 5. take you up every man of you 5: 13. stood a man over against him 6: 5, 20. every man straight before him. 21 . both man and woman. Hit. from man »-»» ( 63 ) i^h tosh. 6 7 24 Jud. 1 10 13 23. Cursed (be) (Ae man before the 3. about two or three thousand men (marg. about two thousand men, (or), about three thousand men) 4. about three thousand men : 5. about thirty and six men : 3. Joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty m&n 12. he took about five thousand men, 17. there was not a man left 25. both of men and women, (lit. from man) 6. and to (Ae men of Israel, 7.(Ae men of Israel said unto the Hivites, 8. there shall not a man of them 14. hearkened unto the voice of a man: 21. against any of the children of Israel. 24. called for all (Ae men of Israel, 6. Moses (Ae man of God 1. because he was a man of war, ; 44 (42). there stood not a man 14. and each one (was) an head 20. that man perished not alone 9. no man hath been able to stand 10. One man of you snail chase 28. every man unto his inheritance. : 4. slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men. 2A. the spies saw a man come 25. let go (Ae man and all his family. 26. (Ae man went into the land : 6. every man unto his inheritance 21 . drive out any from before them :I5.a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: 17. Eglon (was) a very fat man. 28. suffered not a man to pass 29. about ten thousand men, — all men of valour ; and there escaped not a man. 31 . six hundred men with an ox goad: : 6. take with thee ten thousand men 10. with ten thousand men at his feet; 14. ten thousand men after him. 20. wAen any man doth come — Is there any man here ? 22. 1 will shew thee (Ae man : 8. Lord sent a prophet (marg. a man, a prophet) 16. the Midianites as one man. 29. they said one to another, : 6. were three hundred men: 7. By (Ae three hundred men ¦ — every man unto his place. 8. all (the rest of) Israel (lit. everyman of) every man unto his tent, and retained those three hundred men : 13. (there was) a man that told 14. Gideon the son of Joash, a man 16. divided (Ae three hundred men 19. Gideon, and the hundred men 21. stood every man in his place 22. every man's sword against his fellow, 23. (Ae men of Israel gathered 24. (Ae men of Ephraim gathered : 1 . (Ae men of Ephraim said 4. (Ae three hundred men 10. thousand men that drew (marg. everyone drawing) sword. 14. threescore and seventeen men. 21. for as the man (is, so is) his strength, 22. Then (Ae men of Israel 24. give me every man the earrings 25. cast therein every man the earrings : 2. threescore and ten persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? (lit. one man) 5, 18. threescore and ten persons, upon one 49. cut down every man his bough, — about a thousand men and women. 55. when (Ae men of Israel saw — departed every man unto his place. : I . a man of Issachar ; 18. princes of Gilead said one to another, What man (is he) that will : 39. and she knew no ma7i. ; I . (Ae men of Ephraim gathered 2. 1 and my people were at great strife (lit. a man of strife was I and my people) : 2. there was a certain man of Zorah, Jud. 13:6. came and told Aer husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, 8. (Ae man of God which thou didst send 9.Manoah her husband (was) not 10. shewed Aer husband, — (Ae man hath appeared 1 1 . came to (Ae man, — (Art) thou (Ae man that spakest 14: 15. Entice thy husband, 19. slew thirty men of them, 15:10. And (Ae men of Judah said, 11. three thousand men of Judah went 15. slew a thousand men therewith. 16. have I slain a thousand men. 16: 5. every one of us eleven hundred 19. she called for a man, 27. about three thousand men 17 : 1 . there was a man of mount Ephraim, 5. And the man Micah had an house 6. every man did (that which was) 8. (Ae man departed out 11. content to dwell with the man; 1 8 ; 1 1 . six hundred men 16. (Ae six hundred men appointed 17 .the six hundred men (that were) 19. priest unto the house of one man, 19: l.that there was a certain Levite 3. And Aer husband arose, 6. damsel's father had said unto (Ae man, 7, 9. when (Ae man rose up to depart, 10. (Ae man would not tarry 15. no man that took them into his house 16. there came an\plo\man t — which (was) also of mount Ephraim; (lit. and the man, &c.) 17. he saw a wayfaring man — , 20. and (Ae old man said, 18.no man that receiveth me 22. spake to the master (lit. (Ae man, the master) — Bring forth (Ae man that came 23. (Ae man, the master of the house, — seeing that this man is come 24. but unto this man do not so vile 25. so (Ae wan took his concubine, 26. at the door of (Ae man's house 28. Then (Ae man took her 20: 1. was gathered together as one man, 2. four hundred thousand footmen 4. the Levite, (marg. (Ae man the Levite) (Ae husband of the woman 8. people arose as one man, saying, We will not any. (of us) go to his tent, neither will we any (of us) turn 1 1 . (Ae men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man. 15. twenty and six thousand men — , 16. seven hundred chosen men. 17. And the men of Israel, — four hundred thousand men that drew sword: all these (were) men of war. 20. (Ae men of Israel went out — (Ae men of Israel put themselves 21. twenty and two thousand men. 22. the men of Israel encouraged 25, 44. eighteen thousand men; 31. about thirty men of Israel. 33. all (Ae men of Israel rose up 34. ten thousand chosen men 35. and five thousand and an hundred men: 36. the men of Israel gave place 38. between the men of Israel 39. when (Ae men of Israel retired — kill of (Ae men of Israel about thirty per- sons : 41 .when the men of Israel turned again, (Ae men of Benjamin were amazed: 42. before (Ae men of Israel 45. highways five thousand men; — slew two thousand men 46 twenty and five thousand men 47. But six hundred men turned and fled 48. And the men of Israel turned 21 : 1. Now the men of Israel had sworn — There shall not any of us give 8. there came none (lit. no man) 9. (there were) none (lit. no man) vrn Jud 21 ; 10. sent thither twelve thousand men 12. that had known no man 21. catch you every man his wife 22. each man his wifejn the war: 24. every man to his tribe — every man to his inheritance. 25. every man did (that which was) Ruth 1 : 1 . a certain man of Beth-lehem-judah 2. name of the man (was) Elimelech, 3.Elimelech Naomi's husband 5. of her two sons and her husband. 9. in the house of her husband. 12. 1 am too old to have an husband. — I should have an husband .for them from having husbands? .a kinsman of her husband's, a mighty man .since the death of thine husband: The man's name with whom . The man (is) near of kin unto us, thyself known unto the man, that (Ae man was afraid, .before one could know another. all that (Ae man had done . for (Ae man will not be in rest, .a man plucked off his shoe, .Now there was a certain man . this man went up out of his city . Then said Elkanah Aer husband to her, . And (Ae man Elkanah, and all his house, . for she said unto her husband, And Elkanah Aer husband said unto her, by strength shall no man prevail. when any man offered sacrifice, said to the man that sacrificed, (if) any man said unto him, when she came up with Aer husband If one man sin against another, but if a man sin against the Lord, there came a man of God And the man of thine, about four thousand men. fled every man into his tent: there ran a man of Benjamin when the man came intc* the city, And the man came in hastily, (Ae man said unto Eli, for he was an old man, 21. father in law and her husband fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: (lit. 70 men 50,000 men) Go ye every man unto his city. Now there was a man of Benjamin, — the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, (lit. the son of a man of Jemini,) 2. of Israel a goodlier person than he: 6. in this city a man of God, and (he is) an honourable man ; 7. what shall we bring (Ae man ? — to bring to the man of God: 8. 1 give to the man of God, 9. when a man went to enquire 10. where (Ae man of God (was). 16. 1 will send thee a man 17. Behold (Ae man whom I spake to thee of I 22. about thirty persons. 10: 6. shalt be turned into another man. 11. people said one to another, (marg. a man to his neighbour) 12. one of the same place answered 22. if (Ae man should yet come 2b. every man to his house. 11: 7.outwi(A one consent, (marg. as one man) 8. and the men of Judah thirty thousand. 9. Thus shall ye say unto the men of 13. There shall not a man be put 12: 4. taken ought of any man's hand. 13: 2. every man to his tent. 6. Wlien the men of Israel saw 14. a man after his own heart, 15. about six hundred men. 20. to sharpen every man his share, 4: 2. about six hundred men ; 14. was about twenty men, 20. every man's sword 22. Likewise all (Ae men of Israel 24. And the men of Israel were distressed 13 2: 1 11 19 20 3: 38 14 1618 4: 7 ISa. 1: 1 3 8 21 22 23 2: 9 13. 15. 16.19. 25. 27.33. 4: 2. 10. 12.13.14. 16. 18. 19, 6.19. 8:22.9: 1. ( 64 ) tew lSa.l4:24, 28. Cursed (be) (Ae man that eateth 28. Then answered one of the 34. Bring me hither every man his ox, and every man his sheep, brought every man his ox 36. let us not leave a man 52. when Saul saw any strong man, 15: 3. slay both man and woman, 4. ten thousand men of Judah. 16 : 16. seek out a man, 17. Provide me now a man 18. and a man of war, — and a comely person, 17; 2. Saul and the men of Israel were gathered 4. went out a champion (lit. a middle man) 8. choose you a man for you, 10. give me a man, 12. David (was) the son of that Ephrathite (lit. a man that Ephrathite) — and the man went among 19. all (Ae men of Israel, 23. came up (Ae champion, (lit. a middle man) 24. And all (Ae men of Israel, when they saw (Ae man, 25. And (Ae men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man — (Ae man who killeth him, 26. What shall be done to the man 27. So shall it be done to the man 33. a man of war from his youth. 41. and the man that bare the shield 18:23. 1 (am) a poor man, 27. of the Philistines two hundred men 20 : 15. every one from the face of the earth. 41 . they kissed one another, and wept one with another, 21 : 1(2). and no man with thee ? 2(3). Let no man know any thing 7(8). Now a certain man of the servants 14(15). ye see (Ae man is mad: 22: 2. every one (that was) in distress, ant every one that (was) in debt, and ever] one (that was) discontented, — about four hundred men. 18. fourscore and five persons 19. 6o(A men and women, 23:13. six hundred, (lit. 600 men) 24: 2(3). three thousand chosen men 19(20). if a man find his enemy, 25: 2. And (there was) a man in Maon, — and the man (was) very great, 3. the name of the man (was) Nabal ; — but the man (was) churlish and evil in his lO.euery man from his master. 13. Gird ye on every man his sword. And they girded on every man his sword; — about four hundred men ; 19. But she told not Aer husband 25. regard this man of Belial, 26 : 2. having three thousand chosen men 15. (Art) not thou a (valiant) man? 23. The Lord render to every man 27: 2. with (Ae six hundred men 3. every man with his houshold, 9. left neither man nor woman 11. And David saved neither man 28:14. An old man cometh up ; 29: 4. Make this fellow return, 30: 2. they slew not any, 6. every man for his sons 9. men that (were) with him, 10. four hundred men : for two hundred (lit- men) 11. found an Egyptian (lit. a man ail Egyptian) 13. to an Amalekite ; (lit. to a man an Ama- lekite ) 17. there escaped not a man — save four hundred young men, 22. all the wicked men — save to every man his wife 31 : 12. All (Ae valiant men arose, 2Sa. 1: 2. a man came out of the camp 13. son of a stranger, (lit. a man a stranger) 2: 3. every man with his houshold: 16. they caught every one his 27 . every one from following his brother. PW ( 65 ) WH 2Sa. 2: 30. of David's servants nineteen men 31 .three hundred and threescore men 3:15. took her from (her) husband, 16. Aer husband went with her 4:11. have slain a righteous person 6. 19. as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, — departed every one to his house. 8 : 4. twenty thousand footmen ; 5. two and twenty thousand men. 10. for Hadadezer had wars with (lit. was a man of wars with) 9: 3. (Is) there not yet any of the 10; 6. twenty thousand footmen, and of king Maacah a thousand men, and of Ish-toh 12,000 (lit. 12,000 men) 8. of Rehob, and Ish-toh, 11 :26.that Uriah Aer husband 12 : 4. a traveller unto the rich man, — took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that 5. was greatly kindled against the. man ; — (Ae man that hath done this 7. Thou (art) (Ae man. 13: 3. Jonadab (was) a very subtil man. 9. Have out all men from me. And they went out every man 29. every man gat him up 14: b. mine husband is dead. 7. shall not leave to my husband 16. out of the hand of (Ae man 19. none (lit. no man) can turn to the right 25. none (lit. no man) to be so much praised 15 : 1 . fifty men to run before him. 2. any man that had a controversy 4. every man which hath any suit 5. when any man came nigh 11. with Absalom went two hundred men 13. The hearts of (Ae men of Israel 18. six hundred men 30. covered every man his head, 16: 5. thence came out a man 7. thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial: 8. because thou (art) a bloody man. 15. (Ae men of Israel, came to Jerusalem, 1 8. all (Ae men of Israel, 23. (np) as if a man had enquired 17: 1. choose out twelve thousand men, 3. (Ae man whom thou seekest 8. thy father (is*) a man of war, 14. Absalom and all (Ae men of Israel 18. came to a man's house 24. he and all (Ae men of Israel 25. which Amasa (was) a man's son, 18:10. a certain man saw (it), 1 1 . Joab said unto (Ae man 12. the man said unto Joab, 17. Israel fled every one to his tent. 20. bear tidings (marg. be a man of tidings) 24. and behold a man running alone. 26. saw another man running: — Behold, (another) man running alone. 27. He (is) a good man, 19: 7(8). there will not tarry one (lit. aman) 8(9). every man to his tent. 14(15). the heart of all (Ae men of Judah, even as (the heart of) one man; 16(17). came down with (Ae men 17(18). (there were) a thousand men 22(23). shall there any man be 32(33). for he (was) a very great man. 41(42). all (Ae men of Israel came — ( — ). Why have our brethren (Ae men of 42(43). (Ae me?i of Judah answered (Ae men of Israel, 43(44). (Ae men of Israel answered (Ae men of Judah, — ( — ).the words of (Ae men of Judah were fiercer than the words of (Ae men of Is. 20: 1. there happened to be there aman — Bichri, a Benjamite: (lit. a man of Jemini) — every man to his tents, 2. every man of Israel went up — but the men of Judah clave 4. Assemble me (Ae men of Judah 1 1 . And one of Joab's men stood 2Sa.20; 12. when (Ae man saw 13. all the people went on 21. a man of mount Ephraim, 22. every man to his tent. 21: 4. shalt thou kill any man 5. TAe man that consumed us, 20. where was a man of (great) stature, 22: 49. delivered me from (Ae violent man. 23: 7. But the man (that) shall touch them 9. (Ae men of Israel were gone away: 20. the son of a valiant man, 21. he slew an Egyptian, (lit. a man an Egyptian) (**ip) a goodly man: 24: 9. eight hundred thousand valiant men — and the men of Judah (were) five hundred thousand men. 15. seventy thousand men. IK. 1: 5. fifty men to run before him. 42. for thou (art) a valiant man, 49. went every man his way. 2; 2. shew thyself a man; 4. a man on the throne of Israel. 9. thou (art) a wise man, 26. (art) worthy of death: (marg. a man of death) 3: 13. there shall not be any among the kings 4:25(5:5). every man under his vine 27(5:7). every man in his month: 28(5:8). (the officers) were, every man ac cordingto his charge. 5: 6(20). (there is) not among us any 13(27). the levy was thirty thousand men. 7:14. his father (was) aman of Tyre, 30. at the side of every addition. 36. the proportion of every one, 8 : 2 . all (Ae men of Israel 25. There shall not fail thee a man 31. If any man trespass against 33. which shall know every man 39. give to every man according 9: 5. There shall not fail thee a man 10:25. brought every man his present, 11 :28. And the man Jeroboam 12:22. Shemaiah (Ae man of God, 24. return every man to his 13: 1. there came a man of God 4. the saying of (Ae man of God, 5. which (Ae man of God had 6, 7. unto (Ae man of God, — (Ae man of God besought the Lord 8.(Ae man of God said 1 1 . (Ae man of God had done 12. what way (Ae man of God 14. went after (Ae man of God, — (Art) thou (Ae man of God 21 . he cried unto (Ae man of God 26. It (is) (Ae man of God, 29. the carcase of the man of God, 31. wherein (Ae man of God (is) buried ; 17:18. 0 thou man of God? 24. thou (art) a man of God, 18: 4.hid them by fifty (lit. men) in a cave, 13. hid an hundred men of the Lord's prophets by fifty (lit. fifty men) in a cave, 22. four hundred and fifty men. 40. let not one of them escape, (lit. a man) 44. like a man's hand. 20:20. they slew every one his man: 2A. every man out ofhis place, 28. there came a man of God, 30. twenty and seven thousand of the men 35. And a certain man of the sons — (Ae man refused to smite him. 37- Then he found another man, — (Ae man smote him, 39. a man turned aside, and brought a man unto me, and said, Keep this man : 42. let go out of (thy) hand a man 22: 6. about four hundred men, 8. (There is) yet one man, 10. sat eacA on his throne, 17. let them return every man 34. And a (certain) man drew a bow 36. Every man to his city, and every man to 2 K. 1 : 6. There came a man iip 7 . What manner of man (was he) 8. (He was) an hairy man, »*» (66) < ty»» 2K 1: 9. Thou man of God, 10. If I (be) a man of God, 11. 0 man of God, thus hath 12. If I (be) a man of God, 13. 0 man of God, I pray 2: 7. fifty men of the sons of the 17. They sent therefore fifty men ; 3 . 23. they have smitten one another : 25. cast every man his stone, 26. took with him seven hundred men 4 : 1 . Thy servant my husband is dead ; 7. she came and told (Ae man o/God. 9. she said unto Aer husband, — this (is) an holy man of God, 14. and her husband is old. 16. Nay, my lord, (thou) man of God, 21. on the bed of (Ae man of God, 22. she called unto Aer husband, — that I may run to (Ae man of 25. came unto (Ae man of God — . when (Ae man of God. saw her 26. (is it) well with thy husband? 27. when she came to (Ae man of — (Ae man of God said, 29. if thou meet any man, — if any salute thee, 40. 0 (thou) man of God, 42. And there came a man from Baal-shalisha, and brought (Ae man of God bread 43. set this before an hundred men ? 5 : 1 . was a great man with his master, — he was also a mighty man 7. unto me to recover a man 8, 20. Elisha (Ae man of God 14. according to the saying of (Ae man of 15. he returned to the man of God, 26. when (Ae man turned 6: 2. take thence every man 6. the man of God said, 9. (Ae man of God sent 10. which (Ae man of God lb. the servant of (Ae man of God 19. 1 will bring you to (Ae man 32. sent a man from before him: 7 ; 2. answered (Ae man of God, 3, 9. they said one to another, 5, 10. (there was) no man there. 6. they said one to another, 17. as (Ae man of God had said, 18. as (Ae man of God had spoken 19. answered (Ae man of God, 8: 2. did after the saying of the man of God: 4. Gehazi the servant of (Ae man of God, 7. The man of God is come hither. 8. and go, meet (Ae man of God, 11. and (Ae man of God wept. 9 : 1 1 . Ye know (Ae man, 13. took every man his garment, 21. each in his chariot, 10: 5.makeany king:(lit. cause a man to reign) 6. (being) seventy persons, 7. slew seventy persons, 14. two and forty men; neither left he any 19. let none be wanting: (lit. let a man not) 21. there was not a man left 24. appointed fourscoTe men — (If) any of the men 25. let none come forth, (lit. let a man not) 11; 8, 1 1 . every man with his weapons 9. they took every man 12: 4(5). money that every man is set at, — (-).that cometh into any man's heart 5(6). every man ofhis acquaintance: 9(l0) as one cometh 13 : 19. (Ae man of God was wroth 21 . as they were burying a man, — they cast (Ae man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when (Ae man was let down, 14: 6. but every man shall be 12. fled every man to their tents. 15 : 20. of each man fifty shekels 25. with him fifty men of the Gileadites: 18:21. on which if aman lean, 31. every man of his own vine, and every one of his fig tree, and drink ye every one 33. Hath any of the gods 22: 15. Tell (Ae man that sent you 2K. 23: 2. all the men 0/ Judah 8. which (were) on a man's left hand 10. that no man might make 16. which (Ae man of God proclaimed, 17. the sepulchre of (Ae man of God, 18. let no man move his bones. 35. every one according 25: 19. threescore mew of the people lCh.10: 1 . (Ae men of Israel fled 7. all the men of Israel 12. arose, all the valiant men, 11:22. the son of a valiant man 23. slew an Egyptian (lit. aman an Egyp tian), a man of (great) stature, 16: 3. dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf 21. He suffered no man to do them wrong. £3. every man to his house: 18: 4. twenty thousand footmen : 5. two and twenty thousand men. 10. Hadarezer had war (marg. was the man of wars ) 19:18. forty thousand footmen, 20 : 6. where was a man of( great) stature, 21 : 5 . an hundred thousand men — ten thousand men 14. seventy thousand men. 22: 9. who shall be a man of rest ; 23 : 14. Moses (Ae man of God, 26: 8. able men for strength 27 : 32. a wise man, and a scribe : 28: 3.thou (hast been) amanofwar, 2Ch. 2: 2(1). threescore and ten thousand men — ( — ). fourscore thousand (lit. 80 000 men) 7(6). Send me now therefore a man 13( 12). now I have sent a cunning man, 14(13). his father (was) aman of 'Tyre, 5 : 3. all (Ae men of Israel assembled 6 : 5. neither chose I any man 16. shall not fail thee a man 22. If a man sin against his 29. every one shall know his own 30. render unto every man according 7: 18. shall not fail thee aman 8: 14. David the man of God commanded. 9: 24. brought every man his present, 10:16. every man to your tents, 11: 2. to Shemaiah (Ae man of God, 4. return every man to his house: 13: 3. four hundred thousand chosen men: — eight hundred thousand chosen men, 15. the men of Judah gave a shout: and as Me men of Judah shouted, 17. five hundred thousand chosen men. 15:13. whether man or woman, (lit. from man unto woman) 18 : 5. four hundred men, 7. (There is) yet one man, 9. sat ei(Aer of them on histhrone, 16. every man to his house 33. And a (certain) man drew a bow 20:23.euery one helped to destroy 27. they returned, everyman 23: 7 .every man with his weapons 8. took everyman his men 10. every man having his weapon (lit. and every man his weapon) 25 : 4. but every man shall die for his own sin. 7. But there came a man of God to him, 9. Amaziah said to the man of God, — the man of God answered," 22. every man to his tent. 30 : 16. Moses (Ae man of God: 31 : 1 . every man to his possession, 2, every man according 34 : 23 . Tell ye (Ae man that sent you 30. all (Ae men of Judah, Ezr. 2: 1 . every one unto his city ; 3 : Las one man to Jerusalem . 2. law of Moses (Ae man of God. 8: 18. brought us a man of understanding, Neh. 1:11. mercy in the sight of this man. 3 : 28. every one over against his house. 4: 15(9). every one unto his work. 18(12"). every one had his sword 19(13). one far from another. 22(16). Let every one with his servant tEPN Neh. 4:23(17). every one put them off 5 . 7 . every one of his brother. 13. every man from his house, 17. an hundred and fifty (lit. 150 men) 6:11. Should such a man as I flee ? 7: 2. for he, (was) a faithful man, 3. every one in his watch, and every one 6. every one unto his city ; 8: 1. as one man into the street 2. oo(A of men and women, (lit. ^om man) 16. every one upon the roof 11 : 3. every one in his possession 20. every one in his inheritance. 12 : 24, 36. of David (Ae man of God, 13 : 10. every one to his field. 30. every one in his business ; Est. 1: 8. every man's pleasure. (lit. of manandman) 22. that every man should bear rule 2: 5. a certain Jew, (lit. a man, a Jew) — of Kish, a Benjamite ; (lit. a man of Jemini ) 4:11. whether man or woman, 6: 6. What shall be done wn(o (Ae man 7. the man whom the king delighteth 9. delivered to the hand of one — they may array (Ae man — 11. Thus shall it be done to the man 7 : 6. The adversary (marg. The man adversary) 9: 2. and no man could withstand them; 4. (Ais man Mordecai waxed 6, 12. destroyed five hundred men. 15. slew three hundred men 19, 22. sending portions one to another. Job 1 : 1 . There was a man in the land — and that man was perfect 3. so that this man was the greatest 4. every one his day ; 8 & 2 : 3. a perfect and an upright man, 2 : 4. all that a man hath 11. they came every one from his own place ; 12. they rent every one his mantle, 9:32. For (he is) not a man, as 11: 2. should a man full of talk 12. For vain man would be wise, 12 : 10. breath of all mankind, (marg. flesh of man) 14. he shutteth up a man, 14:12. So man lieth down, 15; 16. abominable and filthy (is) man^ 22: 8. But (as for) the mighty man, 31:35. mine adversary had written a book. (lit. (Ae man of ray quarrel ) 32: 13. God thrusteth him down, not man. 21. accept any man's person, 34 : 1 1 . and cause every man 21. eyes (are) upon the ways of man, 23. he will not lay upon man 8. Thy wickedness (may hurt) a man : 20. if a man speak, :26.onthe earth, (where) noman(is) ; :17(9). They are joined one to another, : 1 1 . every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring 1 . Blessed (is) (Ae man 2(3). O ye sons of men, : 6(7). the bloody and deceitful man. 2(3). They speak vanity every one ; 48(49). delivered me from (Ae violent man. Ps. 353738 41 42 1 4 5 12 18222531 34373839 41 43 49 6(7). 1 (am) a worm, and no man ; Wh vhat man (is) he that feareth »(2n.from the pride of man ; !( 13). What man (is he that) desireth ;12, 20( :12|. ; 7. because of the man who bringeth 37. for the end of (that) man (is) peace. 114(15). Thus 1 was as a man that heareth : 6(7). every man walketh in a vainshew: 11(12). dost correct man for iniquity, 9(l0). mine own familiar friend^ (marg. (Ae man of my peace) l.from the deceitful and unjust man. 2(3). both low and high, (sons of CHS, sonsoStt^N) 7(8 ). None (of them) can (lit. a man not) 16(17).afraid when one (lit. a man) 3(4) imagine mischief against a man ? 9(10). men of high degree(\it. sons of man) 12(13). to every man according : 6(7). (thought) of every one (of them), ( 67 ) tcr»N Ps. 78 : 25. Man did eat (marg. Every one did eat) 80:17 (18). upon (Ae man ofthy right hand, 87: 5. This and that man was born (lit. a man and a man) 90 : [title] ( 1 ) , A Prayer of Moses (Ae man of God. 92: 6(7). A brutish man knoweth not ; 105:17. He sent aman before them, 109: 16. the poor and needy man, 112: 1. Blessed (is) (Ae man (that) feareth 5. A good man sheweth favour, 140: 1(2), 4(5). me from the violent man ; 11(12). Let not an evil speaker be established (marg. a man o/tongue) — ( — ) . evil shall hunt the violent man (marg. a wicked man of violence) 141: 4. with men that work iniquity: 147 : 10. pleasure in the legs of a man. Pro. 2 : 12./rom (Ae man that speaketh froward 3:31. Envy thou not the oppressor, (marg. a man of violence) 5: 21. For the ways of man (are) before 6:11. thy want as an arm ed man . 12. a wicked man, walketh with a 26. the adulteress (marg: woman of aman, or, a man's wife) will hunt for 27. Can aman take fire in his bosom, 28. Can one go upon hot coals, (lit. a man) 7 : 19. For (Ae goodman (is) not 8: 4. Unto you, 0 men, I call ; 10:23. butaman ofunderstanding Aa(A wisdom. 11 : 12. but a man ofunderstanding 1 7 . TAe merciful man doeth good 12: 2. but a man of wicked devices 8. A man shall be commended 14. A man shall be satisfied 25. Heaviness in the heart of man 13 ; 2. A man shall eat good by the fruit 8. The ransom of a man's life 14: 7. Go from the presence of a foolish man, 12. which seemeth right unto a man, 14. a good man (shall be satisfied) 17. and a man of wicked devices is hated. 15:18.^4 wrathful man stirreth up strife: 21. but a man ofunderstanding 23. A man hath joy by the answer 16; 2. All the ways of a man (are) clean 7. When a man's ways please the Lord, 14. but a wise man will pacify it. 25. that seemeth right unto a man, 27 . An ungodly man diggeth up 28. A froward man soweth strife : 29. A violent man enticeth his 17 : 12. robbed of her whelps meet a man, 27. a man of understanding 18: 4. The words of a man's mouth 12. the heart of man is haughty, 14. The spirit of a man will sustain 20. A man's belly shall be satisfied 24. A man (that hath) friends J9: 6. a friend to him that giveth gifts, (marg. a man of gifts) 21 . many devices in a man's heart i 22. a poor man (is) better than a liar. (lit. (Aan a man of lies) 20: 3. an honour /or a man to cease from strife: 5 . the heart of man ( i s like ) deep water ; but a man ofunderstanding 6. every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find ? 17. Bread of deceit (is) sweet toaman; 21; 2. Every way of aman (is)right in 8. The way of man (is) froward 17. pleasure (shall be) a poor man. 28. but the man that heareth 29. A wicked man hardeneth 22: 7. the borrower (is) servant to the lender (marg. to the man that lendeth) 24. with a furious man thou shalt not go: 29. Seest thou a man diligent 24: b.yea, aman o/knowledge increaseth 29. 1 will render to the man according 30, the field of the slothful, (lit. slothful man) 34. thy want as an armed man. 25:14. Whoso boasteth himself 18. A man that beareth false witness 28. He that (hath) no rule 26: 12. Seest thou a man wise in his 19. the man (that) deceiveth his WW ( 68 ) ^» Pro. 26 27 28 29 30 Ecc. 1 4 6 7 9 Cant.3 Isa. 23 13 40 414244 464750 52 53 555657596366 Jer. 1 2 3 : 21 . so (is ) a contentious man to kindle 8. so (is) a man that wandereth from 17. so a man sharpeneth the countenance 21. so (is) a man to his praise. 11. The rich man (is) wise in his own 20. A faithful man shall abound 22. He that hasteth to be rich 24. companion of a destroyer, (marg. aman destroying) : LHe, that being often reproved (marg. A man of reproofs) 3. Wiioso loveth wisdom 4. but he that receiveth gifts (marg. a man of oblations ) 6. In the transgression of an evil man 9. (If) a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, 13. The poor and the deceitful man 20. Seest thou a man (that is) hasty 22. An angry man stirreth up strife, 26. but (every) man's judgment 27. An unjust man (is) an abomination ; 2. 1 (am) more brutish (Aan (any) man, , 8. man cannot utter (it): ; 4. for this a man is envied ; 2. A man to whom God hath given — a stranger (lit. a strange man) eateth it: 3. If a man beget an hundred (children), 5. than for a man to hear the song : 15. found in it a poor wise man, — that same poor man. : 8. every man ( hath) his sword upon his ; 7. if a man would give all the substance 11. every one for the fruit thereof : 9. (Ae great man humble th himself: ; 2. The mighty man, and the man of war, b. every one, by another, and every one by 6. a man shall take hold of his brother ; 1 . shall take hold of one man, ; 3. and mere of Judah, judge, 7. and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: 15. (Ae mighty man shall be humbled, : 5. 1 (am) a man of unclean lips, . 2 1 . a man shall nourish a young cow, 19(18). no man shall spare his brother. 20(19). eat every man the flesh of his own 8. shall be amazed one at another ; (marg. every man at his neighbour) 14. every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. 16. (Ae man that made the earth to tremble, xS.eyerw one in his own house. 2. every one against his brother, and every one 9. here cometh a chariot of men, 7. every man shall cast away 8. not of a mighty man ; 2. a man shall be as an hiding place 6. whereon if a man lean, 16. eat ye every one of his vine, and every one of his fig tree, and drink ye every one 18. Hath any of the gods of the nations 13. his counsellor (marg. and man of his counsel ) 26. not one failetli. 6. helped every one his neighbour; 28. 1 beheld, and (there was) no man; .13. jealousy like a man of war : 13. maketh it after the figure of a man, 11 . (Ae man that executeth my counsel 15. they shall wander every one 2. when I came, ( was there ) no man ? 14. was so marred more than any man, 3. rejected of men; aman of sorrows, 6. we have turned every one to his own . 7 . and the unrighteous man his thoughts : .11. every one for his gain, , 1. no man layeth (it) to heart: 16. he saw that (there was) no man, -, 3. (there was) none withme: (lit.notaman) i 3. (is as if) he slew a man,- 13. As one whom his mother comforteth, 15, shall set every one his throne ; 6. a land that no man passed through, l.If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, 3. thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah 4. ye men of Judah Jer. 4:29. not aman dwell therein. 5: 1 . if ye can find a man, 8. every one neighed after his 6 : 3. they shall feed every one 11. for even (Ae husband with the wife 23. set in array as men for war 7 : 5. between a man and his neighbour ; 8 : 6. no man repented him 9: 4(3). Take ye heed every one 5(4). And they will deceive every one 10(9). that none can pass (lit. withoutaman) 12(11). Who ( is ) (Ae wise man, 10:23. (it is) not in man that walketh 11: 2. speak unto (Ae men of Judah, 3. Cursed (be) (Ae man that obeyeth not W.but walked every one in the 9. is found among the men 12:11. because no man layeth (it) to heart. lb. every man to his heritage, and every man to 13:11. cleaveth to the loins of a man, 14.1 will dash them one against another, (marg. a man against his brother) 14: 9. Why shouldest thou be as a man . 15: 10. thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth 16 : 12. every one after the imagination 17; 10. to give every man according 25. their princes, (Ae men of Judah, 18: 11. speak to the men of Judah, — return ye now every one from his 12. and we will every one do the 19 : 9. and they shall eat every one the flesh 20: 15. Cursed (be) (Ae man 16. let that man be as the cities 22: 7. every one with his weapons: 8. say every man to his neighhour, 28. this man Coniah a despised broken idol? 30. Write ye this man childless, — no man of his seed shall prosper, 23: 9. like a man whom wine hath overcome, 14. none doth return (lit. not a man) 24. Can any hide himself 27. they tell every man to his neighbour, 30. exiery one from his neighbour. 34. punish that man and his house. 35. ye say every one to his neighbour, and every one to his brother, 36. every man's word shall be his burden ; 25: 5. Turn ye again now every one 26. one with another, 26: 3. turn every man from his evil way, 11. This man (is) worthy to die; 16. This man (is) not worthy to die. 20. was also a man that prophesied 29:26.fore«ery man (that is) mad, 32. he shall not have a man 31 : 30. every one shall die for his own 34. teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, 32: 19. to give every one according to his ways, 32. and the men of Judah, 33 : 17. David shall never want a man 18. a man before me to offer 34 : 9. That every man should let his manservant," and every man his maidservant, — none should serve (lit. not a man) 10. that every one should let his manservant, : and every one his maidservant, go free, . 14. let ye go every man his brother 15. every man to his neighbour; 16. every man his servant, and every man his ; 17 .every one to his brother, and every inan to , 35: 4. the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, 13. tell (Ae men of Judah 15. Return ye now every man from his evil j 19. shall not want a man to stand 36: 3. return every man from his evil way; 7. return every one from his evil way: 16. were afraid both one and other, 19. and let no man know where 31. and upon (Ae men qfJudah, alltheevil 37 : 10. rise up every man in his tent, 38. 4. let this man be put to death; — this man seeketh not the welfare 7. one of the eunuchs which was 24. Let no man know of these words, 40: 15. and no man shall know (it): BW Jer. 41 : 44 50 52 Lam. 3 Eze. 1 47 Dan. 9 4. and no man knew (it), 5. from Samaria, (even) fourscore men, 7 . from you man and woman, 26. in themouth of any man 27. all (Ae men of Judah that (are) , 16. one fell upon another : ; 5. ye shall be driven out every man 18. no man shall abide there, 33. there shall no man abide there, 16. shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one 40. (so) shall no man abide there, 42. (iAe a man to the battle, 6. deliver every man his soul: 9. go every one into his own country: 22. man and woman ; 43. a land wherein no man dwelleth, 45. deliver ye every man his soul .25. threescore men of tlie people :33. nor grieve the children of men. ; 9. went every one straightforward. 11. (wings) of every one (were) joined one to another, 1 2. And they went every one straight forward: 23. every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, 3: 26. shalt not be to them a reprover: (lit. for a man reproving) be astonied one with another, neither (lit. and not) shall any everyone for his iniquity. stood before them seventy men with every man his censer, everyman in the chambers ofhis about five and twenty men, even every man (with) his destroying and every man a slaughter weapon and one man among them (was) he called to (Ae man clothed but come not near any man the man clothed with linen, he spake unto the man when (Ae man went in ; commanded (Ae man clothed they went every one straight forward. five and twenty men ; Every man of the house of (lit. man, man) every one cf the house of ( lit. man, man) I will set my face against that man, . strangers instead of Aer husband ! that lotheth Aer husband . But if a manhe just, And hath not oppressed any, true judgment between man and man, . Neither hath oppressed any, .everyone according to his ways, . Cast ye away every man they did not every man cast . Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, every one were in thee And one hath committed abomination (marg. everyone) — and another hath lewdly defiled (marg. every one) — and another in thee hath humbled 30.1 sought for a man among them, 23. mourn one toward another. ; 10. every man for his own life, ; 2. take a man of their coasts, 20. 1 will judge you every one 26. and ye defile everyone his 30. every one to his brother, : 21. every man's sword shall be agains ; 20. and with all men of war, ; 3. behold, (there was) a man, 4. (Ae man said unt o me, 5. in (Ae man's hand a measuring reed ; 6. and the man stood by me. : 2. and no man shall enter in 25. that hath had no husband, (lit. that hath not been to a man) 20. for every one that erreth, 16. give a gift unto any ofhis sons, 18. every man from his possession. 3.theman that had the line 14. one as well as another: 7.(o (Ae men of Judah, 21. even theman Gabriel, 10 ( 69 ) IV8 Dan 10: 5. a certain maw clothed in linen, 11.0 Daniel, a man greatly beloved, 19. 0 man greatly beloved, 12: 6. said to the man clothed in linen, 7. 1 heard (Ae man clothed in linen, Hos. 2: 2(4). my wife, neither (am) 1 her husband : 7(9). will go and return to my first husband; 10(12). and none shall deliver her (lit. and not a man) 16(18). shalt call me Ishi (i. e. my husband); 3: 3. thou shalt not hefor (another) man: 4 : 4. Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another. 6: 9. as troops of robbers wait for a man, 9 : 7. (is) a fool, the spiritual man (is) mad, 11 : 9. for I (am) God, and not man ; Joel 2: 7. and they shall march every one on his 8. Neither shall one thrust another ; Am. 2: 7. and a man and his father will go 5 : 19. As if a man did flee from a lion, Obad. 9. every one of the mountof Esau Jon. 1: 5. cried every man unto his god, 7. they said every one to his fellow, 14. not perish for this man's life, 3 : 8. let them turn every one Mic. 2: 2. even a man and his heritage. 1 1 . If a man walking in the spirit 4: 4. sit every man under his vine 5. every one in the name ofhis god, 5: 7(6). that tarrieth not for man, 6: 10. (marg.) is there yet unto every man an 7 ; 2. they hunt every man his brother 6. a man's enemies (are) the Zep. 2:11. every one from his place, 3 : 6. so that there is no man, Hag. 1 : 9. ye run every man unto his own 2:12. If one bear holy flesh 22. every one by the sword of his Zee. 1 : 8. a man riding upon a red horse, 10. (Ae man that stood among 21(2:4). so that no man did lift up 2: 1(5). a man with a measuring line 5: 10. call every man his neighbour 4: 1. as a man that is wakened 6:12.(Ae man whose name (is) The BRANCH; 7 : 9. every man to his brother: 10. let none of you imagine (lit. a man not) 8 : 4. and every man with his staff 10. every one against his neighbour. 16. Speak ye every man the truth 17. And let none of you imagine evil (lit. and aman — not) 23. Aim (Aa( is a Jew, (lit. a Jewish man) 10: l.(o every one grass in the field. 11:6. every one into his neighbour's hand, 13 : 3. when any shall yet prophesy, 4. every one of his vision, 5.1 (am) an husbandman; 14:13. every one on the hand ofhis neighbour, Mai. 2 : 10. why do we deal treacherously every-man 12. The Lord will cut off (Ae man 3: 16. spake often one to another: 17. as a man spareth his own son Isa. 46; B>'N [eesh]. * HITHPALEL Imperative.* 8. and shew yourselves men : flB*« ee-shohn', m. Deu 32; 10. kept him as the apple of his eye. Ps. 17: 8. Keep me as the apple of the eye, (lit. as the apple, the daughter of, &c. ) Pro. 7: 2. ray law as the appleof thine eye. 9. in the black and dark night: 20:20. (np)be put out in obscure darkness. jirVK ee-lhohnl, m. Eze.40:15.(^p) the gate of the entrance WK ee-thahy', part. Ch. Ezr. 4:16. thou sAa/( have no portion on this side (IJt. (Aere shall be to thee) rw ( 70 ) "73N Ezr. 5 : 17. whether it be (so ), that a decree Dan. 2: 10. There is not a man upon the earth 1 1 . there is none other that can shew it whose dwelling is not with flesh. 26. Art thou able to make known 28. there is a God in heaven that 30. wisdom that I have (lit. is in me) 3:12. There are certain Jews 14. do not ye serve my gods, 15. Now if ye be ready that at what 17. our God whom we serve is able 18. we wiU[noiiser\e thy gods, "' , 25. and they have no hurt; (marg. there is no hurt in them) 29. there is no other God that can 4:35(32). and none can stay his hand, 5:11. There is a man in thy kingdom, |n\K & \T\& eh-thahn', m. Gen49: 24. But his bow abode in strength, Exo.14: 27. the sea returned to his strength Nu. 24:21. Strong is thy dwellingplace, Deu21 : 4. the heifer unto a rough valley, 1 K. 8: 2. at the feast in the month Ethanim, Job. 12:19. and overthroweth the mighty. 33. 19. multitude of his bones with strong (pain) : Psa.74:15.driedst up mighty rivers, (marg. rivers of strength) Pro. 13: 15. the way of transgressors (is) hard. Jer. 5:15. it (is) a mighty nation, 49: 19. against the habitation of the strong : 50 ; 44. unto the habitation of the strong : Am. 5:24. righteousness as amighty stream. Mic. 6: 2. and ye strong foundations of the earth : "JJK a'ch, part. 23. the earth: and Noah only remained 4. But flesh with the life thereof, (which is) 32. and I will speak yet but this once : 9. Behold, of a surety she (is) thy wife: 30. and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from 14. Surely thou (art) my bone and my flesh. 15. even the first day ye shall put away leaven 16. in them, save (that) which every man 21 . Notwithstanding, if he continue a day 13. Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: 4. Nevertheless these shall ye not eat 21. Also on the tenth (day) of this seventh lS.andthey had but newly setthewatch: 9. hearken unto their voice: hoivbeit yet 4(5). have kept themselves at least from 8. fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 19. but I said, Truly this (is) a grief, 16. certainly this (is) the day that we looked &c. &c. &c. It occurs three times TJS1: Gen. 9: 5. And surely your blood of your lives will I Nu. 22:20. but yet the word which I shall say unto Jos. 22:19. Notwithstanding, if the land of your And once TJN ""S: 5: 7. leprosy? wherefore consider, I pray you, Gen. 7 9 18: 26 27 29 Ex. 12 21 31: Lev. 11 23 Jud. 7 1 Sa.8: 21 Ps. 37 Jer. 10: Lam. 2 2K. 1\^ a'ch-zahv' , adj. Jer. 15 : 18. wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, Mic. 1 : li. a lie to the kings of Israel. "O* dch-zahi-' , adj. Deu32:33.the cruel venom of asps. Job 30:21. Thou art become cruel 41 : 10(2). None (is so) fierce that dare Lam 4; 3. daughter of my people (is become) cruel, ,k*)*3NI ach-zah-ree' , adj. rxo. 5 : 9. and thy years unto the cruel: 11: 17. (he that is) cruel troubleth his own flesh. Pro.l2:10.mercies of the wicked (are) cruel. 17 : 11. a cruel messenger shall be sent Isa. 13: 9. the day of the Lord cometh, cruel Jer. 6 : 23. they (are) cruel, and have no mercy ; 30 : 14. the chastisement of a cruel one, 50 :42. they (are) cruel, and will not shew mercy. fWlTIJN a'ch-zreey-yooth,' f. Pro. 27: 4. Wrath (is) cruel, (marg. cruelty) rhm achee-lah', f. IK. 19: 8. and went in the strength of that meat t, Gen 3 14 27 3137 40 47 Ex. 101216 2329 34 Lev. 7 10 26 Nu.ll: 18 21 Deu 2; 6 7 89 11 12 14 16 202326 27 23 29 31 Ruth 2 ?5it ah-chal'. * KAL Preterite. * 1 1 . Hast thou eaten of the tree, IS. and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 22. take also of the tree of life, and eat, 24. that which the young men have eaten, 10. that he may eat, and that he may 38. the rams of thy flock have I not eaten. 40. in the day the drought consumed me, 20, 33. evil beast hath devouredhim: 19. and the birds shall eat thy flesh 22. and did eat their portion which 5. and they shall eat the residue — and shall eat every tree which groweth 8. And they shall eat the flesh 1 1 . and ye shall eat it in haste: 35. the children of Israel did eat manna — they did eat manna, until 1 1 . that the poor of thy people may eat: 32. And Aaron and his sons shall eat 33. And they shall eat those things 15. and thou eat of his sacrifice ; 28. he did neither eat bread, 21 . and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice 13. And ye shall eat it in the holy place, 17. Wherefore have ye not eaten 19. and (if) I had eaten the sin offering 9. and they shall eat it in the holy place: 19. and ye shall eat your fill, 22. and eat (yet) of old fruit 5. and ye shall eat your bread 10. And ye shall eat old store, 16. for jour enemies shall eat it. 26. and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. 29. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, 38 . and the land of your enemies shall eat you 18. andye shaU eat flesh: — give you flesh, and ye shaU eat. 21. that they may eat a whole month. 31 . And ye shall eat it in every place, 28. it hath consumed Ar of Moab, 6. for money, that ye may eat ; 28. meat for money, that J may eat ; 1 1 . when thou shalt have eaten 16. And thou shalt consume all the people 10. When thou hast eaten and art full, 9. 1 neither did eat bread 18. 1 did neither eat bread, nor drink 15. thatthou mayest eat and be full. : 7. And there ye shall eat 15. thou mayest kill and eat flesh 21 . and thou shalt eat in thy gates :21.in thy gates, that he may eat it; 23. And thou shalt ear before the Lord 26. and thou shalt eat there before the Lord 29. and shall eat and be satisfied ; 7. And thou shalt roast and eat (it) : 14. and thou shaU eat the spoil :24(2b).then thou mayest eat grapes : 12. that they may eat, within thy gates, 14. 1 have not eaten thereof Land shalt eat there, and rejoice 51. And he shaU eat the fruit 53. And thou slialt eat the fruit 6(5). Ye have not eaten bread, 20. and they shall have eaten 1 4. and eat of thp bread. •»» ( 71 ) SOK 1 Sa. 9 : 19./or ye shaU eat with me to day, 14:30. if haply the people had eaten freely 34. slay (them) here, and eat ,- 20:34. did eat no meat the second day 28:20 & 30: 12. for Ae had eaten no bread 2Sa. 9 : 10. that thy master's son may have food to eat : (lit. and he may eat it) 13; 5. that I may see (it), and eat (it) 18: 8. than the sword devoured. 19:42(43). have we eaten at all of the king's 1 K. 1 3 : 28 . the lion Aaa" not eaten the carcase, 17 : 12. that we may eatit, and die. 21 : 4. and would eat no bread. 2K. 23 : 9. but they did eat of the unleavened bread 25 ; 29. and he did eat bread continually before 2Ch30: 18. yet did they eat the passover Ezra 9 : 12. and eat the good of the land, 10: 6 . Ae a*ioJ eat no bread, Neh. 5: 14. hare not eaten the bread Job 13:28. as a garment that is moth eaten, (lit, the moth Aa(A eaten it) 15: 34. and fire shall consume the tabernacles 21 :25. never eateth with pleasure. 22: 20. the remnant of them the fire consumeth. 31 : 17. the fatherless hath not eaten thereof; 39. If / have eaten the fruits thereof Ps. 14: 4. eat up my people (as) they eat bread, 22:29(30). upon earth shall ea(and worship 53: 4(5). (as) (Aey eat bread: 69: 9(10). of thine house hath eaten me up; 78 : 25 . Man did eat angels' food : 63. The fire consumed their young men ; 79: 7. For (Aey have devoured Jacob, 102: 9( 10). For I have eaten ashes like bread, Pro. 23: 8. The morsel (which) thou hast eaten shalt 30:20. sAe eateth, and wipeth her mouth, Cant 5: 1. 1 have eaten my honeycomb Isa. 10: 17. and it shall burn and devour 24: 6. Aa(A the curse devoured the earth, 65 : 21 . and eat the fruit of them. Jer. 2 : 30. your own sword Aa(A devoured 3:24. shame Aa(A devoured the labour 5:14. and it shaU devour them. 17. And they shall eat up thine harvest, 10:25. for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, 17 : 27. and it shall devour the palaces 21 : 14. and it shall devour all things 22:15. did not thy father ea(and drink, 31 ;29. The fathers have eaten a sour grape, 46 : 10. and the sword shall devour, 14. for the sword shall devour 49:27. and it shall consume the palaces 50: 7. All that found them have devoured them: 17. king of Assyria Aa(A devoured him; 32. and it shall devour all round 51 :34. the king of Babylon Aa(A devoured me, 52 : 33. and he did continually ea( bread Lam 2: 3. (which) devoureth round about. Eze. 4;14.Aaue I not eaten of that 16. and they shall eat bread by weight, 15: 4. the fire devoureth both the ends 5. when the fire Aa(A devoured it, 16 : 13. (Aom didst eat fine flour, 18: 6. hath not eaten upon the mountains, 11. hath eaten upon the mountains, 15. Aa(A not eaten upon the mountains, 19: 3. to catch the prey ; it devoured men. 6. to catch the prey, (and) devoured men. 12. the fire consumed them. 14. (which) hath devoured her fruit, 20:47(21 :3).ana"i( shalldevour every green 22: 9. in thee they eat upon the mountains: 25. they have devoured souls ; 28 : 1 8 . it shall devour thee, 39: 17. that ye may eat flesh, 19. And ye shall eat fat till ye Dan 10; 3. late no pleasant bread, Hos. 2: 12(14). and the beasts of the field shall eat them. 4: 10. For they shall eat, and not have 7 : 7. and have devoured their judges ; 9. Strangers have devoured his strength, 8 : 14. and it shall devour the palaces 10: 13. ye have eaten the fruit of lies : 11; 6. and devour (them), Joel 1 4. — 19, 2 3. 25. 26. Am. 1 4,7, 14. 2 2, 5 6. 7 4. 9 14. Obad. 18. Mic 3 3. Nah 3 13. Zee 9 15. 12 6. Gen. 2: 3743 47 Ex. 16 18 32 Lev. 7 10 22 25 Nu. 1526 Deu 12 31 Jos. 5 Jud. 14 Ruth 3 ISa. 1 29 14 20 2Sa.ll 13 16 17 18 19 IK. 1: 13 18: 2K. 4 18 19 2Ch.7 31: Neh. 8 9 Job 1 : 34: Ps. 27: hath the locust eaten ; hath the cankerworm eaten ,- hath the caterpiller eaten. 20. the fire Aa(A devoured the pastures A fire devoureth before them ; that the locust hath eaten, And ye shall eat in plenty, 12. which shall devour the palaces of 10. which shall devour the palaces and it shall devour the palaces thereof, 5. and it shall devour the palaces of in the house of Joseph, and devour (it), and did eat up a part. and eat the fruit of them. and devour them ; also eat the flesh of my people, the fire shall devour thy bars. and they shall devour, and subdue and they shall devour all the people KAL. — Infinitive. 16. every tree of the garden thou mayestjreely eat: (marg. eating thou shalt eat) 1 7 . the day that (Aon eatest thereof : 5. in the day ye eat thereof, 1 1 . thee that thou shouldest not eat ? :33. set (meat) before him to eat : : 20. will give me bread to eat, : 15. hath quite devoured also our money. (lit. hath eaten even by eating) 54. called his brethren to eat : 25. they sat down to eat bread: 2. when they had eaten up the corn 32. might not eat bread with the :24. and for food for your little ones. : 3. when we did eat bread to the full ; 8. in the evening flesh to eat, 12. to eat bread with Moses' father in law : 6. the people sat down to eat 24. but ye shall in no wise eat of it. (lit. but eating ye shall not eat) 18. ye should indeed have eaten it : 16. when they eat their holy things: : 7. the increase thereof be meat. (lit. to eat) :\9.whenye eat of the bread of the land, 10. what time the fire devoured : 1 7. Thou mayest not eat within thy gates 20. thy soul longeth to eat flesh ; 23.be sure that thou ea(not the blood: : 17. shall be devoured, (lit. he for devouring) .12. after they had eaten of the old corn : 9. went on eating, and came to his father : 3. until he shall have done eating 9. rose up after they had eaten -.36. that I may eat apiece of bread. 13. he go up to the high place to eat : :30. if haply the people had. eaten freely 33. in tliat they eat with the blood. 34. sin not against the Lord in eating : 5. to sit with the king at meat : 24. the king sat him down to eat meat. : 11 . to eat and to drink, : 9. but he refused to eat. 11. brought (them) unto him(o eat, : 2. for the young men to eat ; : 29.(o eat: for they said, The people ; 8. the wooddevoured more (marg. multiplied to devour) : 42(43). have we eaten at all of the king's .41 . as they had made an end of eating. :23.it came to pass, after Ae had eaten 42. Ahab went up to eat and to drink. ; 8. she constrained him to eat — he turned in thither to eat bread. 40. they poured out for the men to eat. — as they were eating of the pottage, — they could not eat (thereof). 43. Theyshalleat, and shallleave : 27. that they may eat their own dung, 29. Te shall eat this year 13.1 command the locusts to devour the laud, 10. we have had enough to eat, 12. the people went their way to eat, 36. to ea(the fruit thereof 4. to eat and to drink with them. 3. the mouth tasteth meat. 2. came upon me to eat up my flesh, Ps. 59: 78: 102: Pro. 25 30: Ecc. 5 6: 8: Isa, 5 : 2122:23:36:37: 56. Jer. 2: 1516 Eze.16: 3344 Joel 2 Am. 7 Mic. 7 Hab. 1 3 Hag. 1 Gen27: 45 Ex. 16 Lev. 10 ISa. 9 28 IK. 15(16). wander up and down for meat, (marg. to cat) 24. down manna upon them to eat, 4(5). so that I forget to eat my bread. : 27 . not good to eat much honey : 14. to devour the poor 18(17). comely (for one) to eat and to drink, 19(18). hath givenhim power toeat 2. God giveth him not power to eat 15. than co eat, and to drink, 24, as the fire devoureth the stubble, 5. watch in the watchtower, eat, drink: 13. eating flesh, and drinking wine : let us eat 18. to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing. 12. that they may eat their own dung, 30. Ye shall eat (this) year 9. ye beasts of the field, come to devour, 7 . to eat the fruit thereof 3. to devour and destroy. 8. to sit with them to eat 20. thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. (marg. to devour) 27. will I give to the beasts to be devoured, (marg. to devour him) 3. he shall sit in it to eat bread : 26. ye shall eat in plenty, : 2. when they had made an end of eating 1 . (there is ) no cluster to eat : 8. eagle (that) hasteth to eat. 14. as to devour the poor secretly. : 6. ye eat, but ye have not enough ; KAL Imperative. 19. sit and eat of my venison, 18. and ye shall eat the fat of the land. .:iu. Moses said, Eat that to day; . 12. and eat it without leaven 24. set (it) before thee, (and) eat: •22. and eat, that thou mayest have strength, 15. Come home with me, and eat 41. Get thee up, eat and drink ; 5, 7. Arise (and) eat. : 7. arise, (and) eat bread, :31. eat ye every man of his own vine, 29. and eat the fruits thereof. .10. eat tile fat, and drink the sweet, 7. Eat and drink, saith he to thee ; 13. My son, eat thou honey, : 16. eat so much as is sufficient 7. ear thy bread with joy, : 1. eat, O friends ; drink, yea, : 16. and eat ye every one of his vine, ; 30. and eat the fruit thereof. l.come ye, buy, and eat; 2. and eat ye (that which is) good, : 21. your sacrifices, and ear flesh. : 5. and eat the fruit of them ; 28. plant gardens, and eat the fruit 8. open tiiy mouth, and eat that : 1. Son of man, eat that thou findest ; eat this roll, and go speak 12. and there eat bread, and prophesy there: KAL. — Future. Gen. 2:16. thou mayest freely eat : (marg. eating thou shalt eat) 11 .thou shalt not eat of it: 3 : 1. Ye shall not eat of every tree 2. We may eat of the fruit 3. God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, 6. and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her ; and he did eat. 12. of the tree, and J did eat. 13. beguiled me, and I did eat. 14. dust shalt thou eat all the days 17. and hast eaten of the tree, of which I com manded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat — in sorrow shalt thou eat (of) it 19. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat 4. shall ye not eat. 8. under the tree, and they did eat. 3. unleavened bread, and they did eat. 24: 33. but he said, 1 will not eat, 54, And they did eat and drink, 25:34. and he did eat and drink, 26:30. made them afeast, and they did eat 27: 4. bring (it) to me, that Imayeat; 7. savoury meat, that I may cat, .13: 18:19: 21: 2K.1S: 19: Neb. 8: Pro.23: 24:25: Ecc. 9; Cant. 5: Isa. 36: 37: 55: Jer. 7: 29: Eze. 2: 3: Am. 7 9. 18:19: ( 72 ) ^2H Gen27 : 25. and I will eat of my son's venison, — near to him, and he did eat : 31. and eat ofhis son's venison, S3, and I have eaten of all before thou 31:15. andhath quite devoured also our money. 46. and they did eat there upon the heap. 54. and they did eat bread, 32:32(33). the children of Israel ear not 41: 4, 20. And thc.kine dideat up 43:16. (these) men shall dine with me (marg. eat) 25. they heard that they should eat 49:27. in the morning he slialldevour Ex. 2 : 20. call him, that lie may eat bread. 1 0: 12. and eat every herb of the land, 15. and they did eat every herb 12: 7. -wherein they shall eat it. 8. with bitter (herbs) they shall eat it. 9 . Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all 11. And thus shall ye eat it ; 15. Seven days shallye ear unleavened 18. ye shall eat unleavened bread, 20. Ye shall eat nothing leavened; . — shall ye eat unleavened bread. 43. There shall no stranger eat thereof: 44. then shall he eat thereof. 45. an hired servant shall not eat thereof. 48 . no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. 13: 6. Seven days thou shalt eat 15 : 7 . consumed them as stubble. 1 6 : 1 2. At even ye shall eat flesh, 22:31(30). neither shallye eat (any) flesh 23 : 1 1 . the beasts of the field shall, eat. 15. thou shalt eat unleavened bread 24:11. they saw God, anddid eat and drink. 29 : 33 . but a stranger shall not eat (thereof), 34: 18. Seven days thou shalt eat Lev. 3: 17. that ye eat neitherfat nor blood. 6: 10(3). which the fire hath consumed 16(9). shall Aaron and his sons eat: — (-) the congregation they shalleatit. 18(11). the children of Aaron shall eat of it. 26(19). that offerethit for sin shaU eat it : 29(22). the priests shall eat thereof: 7 : 6. the priests shall eat thereof: 19. all that be clean shall eat thereof. 20. But the soul that eateth (of) the flesh 23. Ye shall eat no manner of fat, 24. but ye. shallin no wise eat of it. 26. ye shall eat no manner of blood, 27. Whatsoever soul (it be) that eateth 8: 31. and there eat it with the bread — Aaron and his sons shall eat it. 9:24. and consumed upon the altar 10: 2. and devoured them, and they died 1 4. breast and heave shoulder shallye eat 18. ye should indeed have eaten it 11: 2. which ye shall eat among all the beasts 3. among the beasts, that shall ye eat. 4. these shallye not eat 8. Of their flesh shall ye not ear, 9. These shallye eat of all that — and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. 11. ye shaU not eat of their flesh, 21 . Yet these may ye eat 22. these of them ye mayeatj 42 . them ye shall not cat ; 17:10. that eateth any manner of blood ; 1 2. No soul of you shall eat blood, neither iU' any stranger... among you eat blood. 14. Ye shall eat the blood of no 15. every soul that eateth that 19:25. in the fifth year shall ye eat 26. Ye shall not eat (any thing) 21 ; 22 . He shall eat the bread ofhis God, 22 : 4. he shall not eat of the holy thi ngs, 6. shall not eat of the holy things, 7. shall after ward eat of the holy things; 8. he shall not eat to defile himself 10. There shall no stranger eat — shall not eat (of) the holy thing. 1 1 . he shall eat of it, — they shall eat of his meat. 12. she may not eat of an offering 13.s«e shall eat of her father'smeat: but there shall no stranger eat thereof. 14. if aman eat (of) the holy thing >3K (73) bix Lev. 23 25 26 Nu. 6 2324 25 Deu. 4; 5 12 14:14:15: 3618 20 28 32: 38.42. Jos. 5:11. 12. :21. :15 20. Jud. 6: 9: 13 Ruth.2 i 3 1 Sa.l : 6. seven days ye must eat unleavened 14. And ye shall eat neither bread, 12. ye shall eat the increase thereof 20. What shallwe eat the seventh year? 22. ye shalleat (of) the old (store). 29. the flesh of your daughters shallye eat. : 3. nor eat moist grapes, 4. shall he eat nothing 11. eat it with unleavened bread Land consumed (them that were) 5. We remember the fish, which we did eat 13. Give us flesh, (Aa( we may eat. 19. Ye shall not eat one day, 35. and consumed the two hundred 10. In the most holy (place) shall thou eat it; every male shall eat it : 1 1 . in thy house shall eat of it. 13. clean in thine house shall eat (of) it. 24. until he eat (of) the prey, 8. Ae shall eat up the nations 2. and the people did eat, 28. nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. 25 (22). this great fire will consume us : 9. A land wherein (Aon sAaZ( eat bread 12. Lest (when) thou Aas( eaten 15. the unclean and the clean may eat thereof, 16. Only ye shall not eat the blood ; 18. But thou must eat them before 20. thou shalt say, 1 will eat — (Aon mayest eat flesh, 22. so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat (of) (Aem 23. (Aon mayest not eat the life 24, 25. Thou shalt not eat it ; 27. and thou shalt eat the flesh. 3. Thou shalt not eat any 4. These (are) the beasts which ye shalleat: 6. among the beasts, that ye shall eat. 7. these ye shall not eat ye shall not eat of their flesh, These ye shall eat of all that have fins and scales shall ye eat : not fins and scales ye may not eat; (Of) all clean birds ye shall eat. (are they) of which ye shall not eat : (But of) all clean fowls ye may eat. Ye shall not eat (of) any thing that Thou shall eat it before the Lord Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: thou shalt not eat the blood Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it ; seven days sAa (( thou eat Six days (Aom shall eat they shall eat the offerings of the Lord They shall have like portions to eat, for (Aom mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not eat thereof: shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up ; for the worms shaU eat them. his children whom he shalleat: she shall eat them for want (Aa( Ae might eat the increase of the fields; and shall consume the earth (marg. Aa(A consumed) did eat the fat of their sacrifices, my sword shall devour flesh ; And they did eat of the old corn but they did eat of the fruit and consumed the flesh .and devour the cedars of Lebanon. and devour the men of Shechem, and devour Abimelech. and did eat and drink, and eat not any unclean (thing) : neither ea( any unclean (thing) : She may not eat of any (thing) that nor eat any unclean (thing): / will not eat of thy bread ¦ he gave them, and they did eat : so they did eat and drink, they sat down, and did eat and they did eat both of them. and did eat and drink. and she did eat, and was sufficed, when Boaz had eaten and drunk, therefore she wept, and did not ea(. 1 Sa.l 9 14 28 30 2 Sa.2 9 11 12 19 IK. 13 21 2K. 1 4 lCh.29 2Ch. 7 30 Ezra 2: 6 Neh. 5: 7 9 Est. 4 Job 15 18 31: 40 42 Ps. 1821 22 50 78 105106128 Pro. 1: 13 18 8. and why eatest thou not? 1 8 . the woman went her way, and did cat, 13. will not eat until he come, — afterwards (Aey eat that be bidden. 24. So Saul did eat with Samuel 24, 28. Cursed (be) the man that eateth 32. and the people did ea((them) 23. he refused, and said, I will not eat. 25. before his servants ; and they did eat. 1 1 . gave him bread, and he did eat ; 12. and when he had eaten, 26. Shall the sword devour for ever? 7- (Aom sAa/( eat bread at my table 10. Mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat 13. And.. .he dideat and drink 25. the sword devoureth one as well as 3. it did eat of his own meat, 20. they set bread before him, and Ae did eat 21. thou didst rise and eat bread. 35(36). taste what I eat or what I drink? 9. fire out of his mouth devoured : 8, 16. neither will I eat bread 9. Eat no bread, nor drink water, 17. 2tAom sAaZ( eat no bread 18.(Aa( hemay eat bread and drink water. 19. and did eat bread in his house, 22. and hast eaten bread and drunk water — Eat no bread, and drink no water ; ill & 16 : 4. in the city sAa (Z the dogs eat ; — & — : - sAaZZ the fowls of the air eat: : 15. and she, and he, and her house, did eat ; 38. and consumed the burnt sacrifice, : 6. And lie did eat and drink, 8. he arose, anddid eat and drink, 21. gave unto the people, and they did eat. : 23. The dogs shall eat Jezebel 24. Ahab in the city the dogs shalleat; — shall the fowls of the air eat. : 10, 12. and consume thee and thy fifty. — , — and consumed him and his fifty. 14. and burnt up the two captains : 41. for the people, that they may eat. 42. Give unto the people, that they may eat. 43. Give the people, (Aa( they may eat: 44. before them, and they did eat, :22. that they may eat and drink, 23. when they had eaten and drunk, 28. (Aa( we may eat him to day, and. ive will eat 29. we boiled my son, and did eat him: — Give thy son, (Aa( we may eat him: : 2, 19. but sAaZ( not eat thereof. 8. and did eat and drink, : 10. the dogs shall eat Jezebel 34. Ae did eat and drink, 36. portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat :22. Anddid eat and drink before the Lord 1 . and consumed the burnt offering 22. and they did eat throughout 63. should not eat of the most holy things, 21. to seek the Lord God of Israel, did eat, 2. that we may eat, and live. 6b. should not eat of the most holy things, 25. so they did eat, and were filled, : 16. neither eat nor drink three days, : 16. sheep, and the servants, and consumed them ; : 5. the hungry eateth up, . 13. /( shall devour the strength — shaU devour his strength. 8.Ze( another eat; 12. a fire (that) consumeth to destruction, 17. Or have eaten my morsel 15. Ae eateth grass as an ox. : 11 . and did eat bread with him 8(9). fire out of his mouth devoured: 9(10). and the fire shall devour them. 26(27 ). The meek shall eat and be satisfied: 3. a fire shall devour before him, 13. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, 29. So (Aey did eat, and were well filled: 45. flies among them, zoAicA devoured them ; :3b. And did eat up all the herbs in their land, and devoured the fruit of their 28. and ate the sacrifices of the dead. 2. (Aom sAa?( eat the labour of thine 31 . Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of 2. A man shall eat good by the 21. they that love it shalleat the fruit *»» (74) »M Pro. 27 30;31 Ecc. 2: 23 5 6 10 Cant. 4 Isa. 1 34 5 7 Jer. 5 1519 41 48 Lam. 2 4 Eze. 34 44 Dan 1 Hos. 4 5 8 9 13 Am. 4 7 Mic. 6 Nah 2 3 1 8 . the fig tree shall eat the fruit ll.and the young eagles s/iaH eat it. 27 . and eateth not the bread of 24. that he should eat and drink, 25. For who can eat, or who else 13. that every man should eat and drink, 12(11). whether he eat little or much: 17(16). All his days also he eateth 2. but a stranger eateth it: 16. thy princes eat in the morning ! 17. thy princes eat in due season, : 16. and eat his pleasant fruits. :19.ye shall eat the good of the land: : 10. for they shall eat the fruit : 1. We will eat our own bread, : 17. the fat ones shall strangers eat. : 15. Butter and honey shall lie eat, 22. he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one eat : 12(11). and they shall devour Israel 18(17). it shall devour the briers and thorns, 20( 19). and he shall eat on the left — ( — ).they shall eat every man : 7. the lion shall eat straw like the ox. : 1 1 . thine enemies shall devour them. :24. shall eat clean provender, : 8. not of amean man, shall devour him: : 1 1 . your breath, (as) fire, shall devour you. 16. with part thereof Ae eateth 19. 1 have roasted flesh, and eaten (it): 9. the moth shall eat them up. 8. For the moth shall eat them up — the worm shall eat them like wool: G.ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, 9. have gathered it shall eat it, 13. Behold, my servants shall eat, 22. they shall not plant, and another eat: 25. the lion shall eat straw like the bullock : 17. (which) thy sons and thy daughters should eat : they shall eat up thy flocks and thine herds: they shall eat up thy 16. and have devoured the land, 16. were found, and I did eat them; 9. they shall eat every one 1 . and there they did eat bread together 45. and shall devour the corner of iVIoab, 20. Shall the women eat their fruit, 1 1 . and it hath devoured the foundations 3. Then did I eat (it) ; 9. three hundred and ninety days slialt thou eat thereof. 10. thy meat which thou shalt eat — from time to time shalt thou eat it. 12. thou shalt eat it (as) barley cakes, 13. Even thus shall the children of Israel eat 10. Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons — the sons shall eat their fathers ; 15. and pestilence shall devour him. 18. eat thy bread with quaking, 19. They shall eat their bread with 7. and (another) fire shall devour them ; 2. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, :17.'and eat not the bread of men. 22. nor eat the bread of men. 4. they shall eat thy fruit, 25. Ye eat with the blood, 3. Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe 28. shall the beast of the land devour them ; 14. thou shalt devour men no more, 18. Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, 5. were higher than these, (marg. did eat of these) 13. shall eat the most holy things: : 29. They shall eat the meat offering, 31. The priests shall not eat 12. pulse to eat, (marg. that we may cat) 8. They eat up the sin of my people, 7. now shall a month devour them :13.of mine offerings, and eat (it); 3. they shall eat unclean (things) 8. and there ivill 1 devour them like a lion: 9. the palmerworm devoured 4. and it devoured the great deep, 14. Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied ; 13(14). the sword shall devour thy 15. There shall the fire devour thee; — it shall eat thee up 6. when ye did eat, and when ye Zec.l 1 : 1 . that the fire may devour thy cedars. 9. let the rest eat every one the flesh 16. Ae shaU eat the flesh of the fat, Gen 39 4043 Ex. 12 24 Lev. 7 11 1417 19 Nu. 13 Deu. 4 9 Jos. 24 Jud. 14 ISa. 30 2Sa. 9 19 IK. 1 2 4 18 21 ICh 12 Job 1. Ps. 14 4153 106127 Pro. 13 Ecc. 4 5: Isa. 1 3033 55 5965 66 Jer. 2: 12 30 31 Lam. 4 Eze. 36 Dan. 1 11: Hos. 9 Joel 2 Am. 6 Nah. 3 Zee. 7: Mai. 3: KAL, — Participle. Poel. : 6. save the bread which he did eat. 11. the birds did eat them 32. the Egyptians, whichdideat 15. whosoever eateth leavened bread 19. whosoever eateth that 17. like devouring fire on the top 18. the soul that eateth of it shall bear 25. For whosoever eateth the fat — even the soul that eateth (it) shall 40. And he that eateth of the carcase 47. and he that eateth in the house 10. against that soul tliat eateth blood, 14. whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. 8. Therefore (every one) that eateth it 32. eateth up the inhabitants thereof; 24. the Lord thy God (is) a consuming fire, 3. (as) a consuming fire he shall destroy 13. which ye planted not do ye eat. 14. Out of the eater came forth meat, 16. eating and drinking, and dancing, 1 1 . Ae shall eatatmytable, 13. for he did eat continually at the 28 ( 29 ) . among them that did eat at thine own 25. they eat and drink before him, 7. of those that eat at thy table . 20. eating and drinking, and making merry. 19. which eat at Jezebel's table. 5. that thou eatest no bread ? 39. eating and drinking: 13, 18. eating and drinking wine 4. who eat up my people 9(10). which did eat o/my bread, 4(5).whoeatup my people 20. the similitude of an ox tAat eateth grass. 2. to eat the bread of sorrows : 25. The righteous eateth to the 5. and eateth his own flesh. 1 1 ( 10 ) . they are increased that eat them : 7. strangers devour it in your presence, 6. and the flame of devouring fire . 8. dreameth, and, behold, Ae eateth ; 27. his tongue as a devouring fire: 30 (with) the flame of a devouring fire, 14. shall dwell with the devouring fire ? 10. and bread to the eater: 5. Ae that eateth of their eggs dieth, 4. which eat swine's flesh, 17. eating swine's flesh, 3. all that devour him shall offend ; 1 2. the sword of the Lord shall devour 16. Therefore all they that devour thee 30. every man tAat eatetA the sour grape, 5. Tliey that did feed delicately 13. Thou (land) devourest up men, 13. thateat of the portion of the king's meat: 15. which dideat the portion of theking's 26. J'ea, they that feed of the portion ofhis 4. all that eat thereof 5. fire tAat devoureth tlie stubble, 4. and eat the lambs out of the flock, 12. fall into the mouth of tAe eater. 6. when ye did eat, 11 . 1 will rebuke tAe devourer * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ex. 22. 6(5). or the field, be consumed NIPHAL.— Infinitive. Lev. 7 : 18. his peace offerings be eaten at aU 19: 7. if it be eaten at all on the third day, (111- being eaten be eaten) NIPHAL Future. Gen 6 . 21 . unto thee of all food that is eaten, Ex. 12: 16. which everyman must eat, 46. In one house shall it be eaten ; 13: 3. shall no leavened bread be eaten. 7. Unleavened bread shall be eaten 21 : 28. his flesh shall not be eaten ; 29:34. it shall not be eaten, Lev. 6 : 16(9). unleavened bread shall it be eaten 23(16). it shall not beeaten. 26(19). in the holy place sliall.it be eaten, •an/ oi\ „„ „:. -7._77 J.- f„„. t>DN ( 75 ) P» 22 Nu.12: 28 Deul2: 14 Job 6 Jer. 24 Lev.ll: Job 20 Neh 2 Nah 1: Isa. 1 Ex. 3 Ex. 16 Ps. 80 Isa. 49: 58 Jer. 19 Eze.16 Eze.21 IK. 22 2Chl8; Pro.25: Nu. 11 Deu 8 2Ch23Ps. 81 Eze. 3 Hos.ll Lev. 7 : 6. it shaU be eaten in the holy place: 15. sAaS be eaten the same day 16.it shall be eaten the same day — the remainder of it .shall be eaten: 1 8 . his peace offerings be eaten at all 19. any unclean (thing) shall not be eaten; 11:13. they shall not be eaten, 34. Of all meat which may be eaten, 41 . it shall not be eaten. 47 . the beast that may not be eaten. 17. 13. fowl that may be eaten ; 19: 6. It shall be eaten tlie same day 7. if it be eaten at all on the 23. it shall not be eaten of. 30. same day it shall be eaten 12. the flesh is half consumed 17. shall unleavened bread be eaten. 22. the roebuck and the hart is eaten, .19. they shall not be eaten. 6. Can that which is unsavoury Ae eaten 2. which could not be eaten, 3. that cannot Ae eaten, 8. which cannot be eaten, 29: 17. that cannot be eaten, 30: 16. they tliat devour thee shall be devoured; Eze.23:25.thy residue shall be devoured 45: 21. unleavened bread shall be eaten. Zep. 1.18. shall be devoured by the fire 3: 8. shall be devoured with the fire Zee. 9: 4. she shall be devoured with fire. NIPHAL— Participle. 47. the beast tAat may be eaten ¦S PIEL Future. * 26. a fire not blown shall consume him; * PUAL. -^Preterite. # 3. the gates thereof are consumed with fire ? 13. the gates thereof were consumed with fire. 10. they shall be devoured as stubble PUAL Future. 20. ye shall be devoured with the sword: PUAL. —Participle. . 2. the bush (was) not consumed. * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * :32.wherea:itA I have fed you 5(6). Thou feedest them with the bread 26. And I will feed them that oppress thee with : 14. and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob : 9. And I will cause th-em to eat : 19. (wherewith) I fed thee, HIPHIL Infinitive. ;28(33). to consume because of the glittering: HIPHIL. — Imperative. 27. and feed him with bread of affliction 26. and feed him with bread 21. give him bread to eat; HIPHIL Future. . 4, 18. Who shall give us flesh to <>at ? . 3. and fed thee with manna, 15. and gave them to eat and to drink, 16( 17 ). He should have fed them also (lit. fed him) 2. and he caused me to eat that roll. 3. cause thy belly to eat, : 4. / laid meat unto them. HIPHIL.— Participle. Deu 8:16. Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, Jer. 9:15(14). I will feed them, (even) this people, with 23: 15. 1 will yeed them u;itA wormwood, P'AL Future. Dan 4:33(30). did eat grass as oxen, 7: 23. and shall devour the whole earth, P'AL Participle. Dan 7: 7 .it devoured and brake in pieces, 19. (which) devoured, brake in pieces, «* 42: 43: 5^ oh!-chd> m. Genl4: 11. all (Aeir victuals, and went 41 :35. let them gather all the food — let them keep food in the cities. 36. that food shall be for store 48. he gathered up all the food — laid up the food in the cities: the food of 7. From the land of Canaan to buy food. 10. but to buy food are thy servants come. 2. Go again, buy us a little food. 4. we will go down and buy thee food: 20. at the first time to buy food: 22, in our hands to buy food: 44; 1. Fill the men's sacks (with) food, 25. Go again, (and) buy us a little food. 47:24. seed of the field, and for your food, Ex. 12: 4 & 16:16, 18. every man according to Ais eating 16:21. every man according to Ais eating: Lev. 1 1 : 34. Of all meat which may be eaten, 25:37. nor lend him (Ay victuals for Deu 2: 6. Ye shall buy meat of them 28. Thou shalt sell me meat 23:19(20). usury of money, usury of victuals, Ruth 2 : 14. At meaZtime come thou hither, Job 9;26.as the eagle (that) hasteth to the prey. 12:11. the mouth taste his meat ? 20:21. There shall none of Ms meat be left ; 36:31. he giveth meat in abundance. 38: 41. they wander for lack of meat. 39; 29. thence she seeketh the prey, Ps. 78:18. by asking meat for their lust. 30. while (Aeir meat (was) yet 104:21. seek (Aeir meat from God. 27. give (them) (Aeir meat in due season. 107:18.abhorreth all manner of meat ; 145: 15. thou givest them (Aeir meat Pro.13: 23. Much food (is in) the tillage Lam 1:11. given their pleasant things for meat 19. while they sought their meat Joel 1 : 16. Is not (Ae meat cut off Hab 3:17. the fields shall yield no meat; Mai. 1.12. Ais meat, (is) contemptible. •»$ achal, Ch. * P'AL Preterite. * Dan 3; 8. and accused the Jews. (lit. and ate their pieces of the Jews) 6: 24(25). those men which Aad accused Daniel, P'AL Imperative. Dan 7: 5. Arise, devour much flesh. Tha& och-lah', f. t : t • > Gen 1:69 Ex. 16: Lev.ll: 25 Jer. 12: Eze.15 21 23 2934 29. to you it shall he for meat. 30. every green herb for meat: .21. and it shall he for food for thee, 3. shall be meat for you ; 15. the Lord hath given you to eat. 39. of which ye may eat, (lit. which is to you for food) : 6. the sabbath of the land shall be meat 9. all the beasts of the field, come to devour. 4. it is cast into the fire for fuel; 6.1 have given to the fire for fuel, : 32(37). Thou shalt be for fuel : 37 . to pass for them through ( the fire ), to devour ; 5.1 have given thee for meat : 5. became meat to all the beasts 8. my flock became meat to every beast 10. that they may not be meat : 12. they are given us to consume. : 4. the" beasts of the field to be devoured. (marg. to devour) pX ah-'ekehn', part. Gen28 : 16. Surely the Lord is in this place ; Ex. 2:14. Surely this thing is known. 1 Sa.15 : 32. Surely the bitterness of death is past, I K. 1 1 : 2. surely they will turn away Job.32: 8. But (there is) a spirit in man: Ps. 31 : 22 (23). nevertheless thou heardest the voice pa ( 76 ) Ps. 66:19. (But) verily God hath heard (me) ; 82: 7. But ye shall die like men, Isa. 40: 7 .surely the people (is) grass. 45:15. Verity thou (art) a God 49: 4. surely my judgment (is) with the Lord, 53: 4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, Jer. 3:20. Surely (as) a wife treacherously 23. Truly in vain (is salvation hoped for) — truly in the Lord our God 4: 10. surely thou hast greatly deceived 8 : 8. Lo, certainly in vain made he (it) ; Zep. 3: 7. but they rose early, (and) corrupted all !?M f)3X ah-chaph'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Pro.l6:26.for his mouth craveth it of him. boweth unto him) (marg. S]3K [eh'-'chepK] m. Job 33: 7. neither shall m^ hand be heavy *"l|& ik-kahr' , m. 2Ch.26: 10. husbandmen (also), and vine dressers Isa. 61 : 5. of the alien (shall be) your plowmen Jer. 14: 4. tAe -plowmen were ashamed, 31 : 24. cities thereof together, husbandmen, 51 : 23. will I break in pieces the husbandman Joel 1 : 1 1 . Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen ; Am. 5:16. they shall call tAe husbandman 7$ al, adv. Gen 13: 8. Let there be no strife, I pray thee 19: 8. only unto these men do nothing; Ex. 34: 3. neither let any man be seen throughout all the mount; neither let the flocks Jos. 22: 19. against the Lord, nor rebel against us, Jud.19-.23. and said unto them, Nay, my brethren, 1 Sa.27: 10. Whither have ye made a road to day? (marg. Did you not make a road, &c.) 2 K. 9:15. Jet none go forth (nor) escape out Ps. 57&58 &59& 75: [title] (1). To the chief Mu sician, ^i-taschith (lit. destroy not), Vro.17 -.12. rather than a fool (lit. and not) Dan. 9: 19. defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: &c. &c. Once b«b Job 24:25. make my speech nothing worth (lit. of nought) ? with nbi?b. t : Psa. 31 : 1 (2). let me never be ashamed: deliver me 71: 1 . let me never be put to confusion. h. N al, adv. Ch. Dan. 2:24.Destroy not the wise (men) of Babylon: 4:19 (16). not the dream, or the interpretation 5:10. let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed: 72$ eh I, m. Compare with "b^S. Gen 14:18. he (was) the priest of the most high God. 19. Blessed (be) Abram of the most high God, 20. blessed be the most high God, 22. unto the Lord, tAe most high God, 16: 13. Thou God seest me. 17: 1 . 1 ( am ) tAe Almighty God ; 21 : 33. the everlasting God. 28: 3. And God Almighty bless thee, 31 : 13. 1 (am) the God of Beth-el, 29. It is in the power of my hand 33:20. called it K-elohe-Israel. (marg. God the God of Israel) Gen35: l.make there an altar unto God, 35 : 3.1 will make there an altar unto God, 7. called the place Ui-beth-e'; (marg. God ofBeth-ei) 11. God said unto him, I (am) God 43:14. And God Almighty give you mercy 46: 3.1 (am) God, the God ofthy father: 48 : 3. God Almighty appeared unto me 49:25. (Even) by the God of thy father, Ex. 6: 3. by (the name of) God Almighty, 15: 2. become my salvation: he (is) my God, 11. Who (is) like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? (marg. mighty ones) 20: 5. a jealous God, visiting the iniquity 34: 6. The Lord God, merciful and gracious, 14. For thou shalt worship no other <7od .* — name (is) Jealous, (is) a jealous God: Nu. 12: 13. Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee. 16 : 22. fell upon their faces, and said, 0 God, 23: 8. How shall I curse, whom God hath not ] 9. God ( is ) not a man, that he should lie ; 22. God Drought them out of Egypt; 23. What hath God wrought ! 24: 4, 16. which heard the words of God, 8. Godbrought him forth out of Egypt; 23. who shall live when God doeth this ! Deu. 3:24. what God(is there) in heaven or in 4:24. aconsuming fire, (even) a jealous God.' 31. the Lord thy God (is) amerciful God; 5 : 9. 1 the Lord thy God (am) a jealous God, 6:15. the Lord thy God (is) a jealous God 7: 9. he (is) God, tAe faithful God, 21. a mighty God and terrible. 10: 17. a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, 28: 32. (there shall be) no might in thine hand. 32: 4. a God of truth and without iniquity, 12. (there was) no strange god with him. 18. hast forgotten God that formed thee. 21 . to jealousy with (that which is) not God; 3.3 :26. none lilte unto the God o/Jeshurun, Jos. 3:10. know that tAe living God(is)among 22: 22. Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, 24:19. he (is) ajealous God; Jud. 9:46. the house of the <7odBerith. ISa. 2: 3. the Lord(is) a God of knowledge, 2Sa. 22:31. (As for) God, his way (is) perfect; 32. For who(is) God, save the Lord ? 3.3. God (is) my strength (and) power: 48. It (is) God that avengeth me, 23: 5. Although my house (be) not so with God; Neh. 1: 5. tAe great and terrible God, 5: 5. neither (is it) in our power (lit. inthepower o/'our hand) 9 : 3 1 . thou ( art ) a gracious and merciful God. 32. the terrible God, who keepest covenant Job. 5: 8.1 would seek unto God, 8: 3. Doth God pervert judgment ? 5. If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes, 13. So (are) the paths of all that forget God; 20. God will not cast away a perfect (man), 9 : 2. how should man be just with God ? 12: 6. they that provoke God are secure ; 13: 3. 1 desire to reason with God. 7. Will ye speak wickedly for God ? 8. will ye contend for God? 15 : 4. restrainest prayer before God. 11. (Are) the consolations of God small 13. That thou turnest thy spirit against God, 25. he stretcheth out his hand against God, 16:11. God hath delivered me to the ungodly, 18:21. the place (of him that) knoweth not God. 19:22. Why do ye persecute me as God, 20:15. God shall cast them out ofhis belly. 29. appointed unto him by God. 21 : 14. Therefore they say unto God, 22. Shall (any) teach God knowledge? " 22 . 2. Can a man be profitable unto God, 13. thou sayest, How doth God know? 17. Which said unto God, 23: 16. For God maketh my heart soft, 25: 4. can man be justified with God? 27: 2(As) God liveth, (who) hath taken 9. Will God hear his cry U . I will teach you by the hand of God: 13. the portion of a wicked man with God, 31 : 14. What then shall I do when God riseth up? 23. destruction (from) God (was) a terror to .10 T .U...U i ., — f_j „._ f,.j',.u.,;,l bx 32: 13. God thrusteth him down, not man. 33: 4. The Spirit of God hath made me, 6. (am) according to thy wish in God's stead: 14. For God speaketh once, yea twice, 29. worketh God oftentimes with man, 34: 5. and God hath taken away myjudgment. 10. far be it from God, 12. surely God will not do wickedly, 23. should enter into judgment with God. 31.it is meet to be said unto God, 37.multiplieth his words against God. 35: 2.My righteousness (is) more than God's? 13. Surely God will not hear vanity, 36: 5. God (is) mighty, and despiseth not (any): 22. Behold, God exalteth by his power : 26. God (is) great, and we know (him) not, 37 : 5. God thundereth marvellously with his 10. By the breath of God frost is given: 14. consider the wondrous works of God. 38: 41. when his young ones cry unto God, 40: 9. Hast thou an arm like God? 19. He (is) the chief of the ways of God: 5: 4(5). (art) not a God that hath pleasure in 7:11(12). and God is angry (with the wicked) 10 : 1 1 . said in his heart, God hath forgotten : 12. 0 God, lift up thine hand: 16: 1. Preserve me, O God: 17: 6. for thou wilt hear me, O God: 18: 2(3). my God, my strength, in whom I will 30(31). (As for) God, his way (is) perfect: 32(33). (It is) God that girdeth me with 47(48). (It is) God that avengeth me, 19: 1(2). The heavens declare the glory of God; 22: 1(2). My God, my God, why hast thou 10(11). thou ( art ) my God from my mother's 29: 1. Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, (marg. sons of tAe mighty) 3. the God o/ glory thundereth: 31: 5(6). thou hast redeemed me, O Lord Godof 36: 6(7). like the great mountains; (marg. mountains of God) 42: 2(3)./or tAe living God: 8(9j.my prayer unto the God of my life. 9(10). I will say unto God my rock, 43: 4. unto Godmy exceeding joy: 44:20(21). stretched out our hands to a strange god; 50: 1 . The mighty God, (even) the Lord, 5i: 1(3). the goodness of God 5(7). God shall likewise destroy thee 55:19(20). God shall hear, and afflict them, 57 : 2(3). unto God that performeth 63: 1(2). thou (art) my God; 68:19(20). (even) tAe God of our salvation. 20(21 ). (He that is) our God (is) tAe God of 24(25). (even) the goings of my Crod, 35(36). tAe God of Israel (is) he that giveth 73 ; 1 1 . they say, How doth God know*1 17.1 went into the sanctuary of God; 74 : 8. burned up all the synagogues of God 77: 9(10). Hath God forgotten to be gracious? 13(14). who (is so) great a God 14(15). Thou (art) tAe God that doest 78: 7. and not forget the works of God, 8. whose spirit was not stedfast with God. 18. they tempted God in their heart 19. Can God furnish a table in the 34. returned and enquired early after God. 35. and the high God their redeemer. 41. Yea, they turned back and tempted God, 80:10(11). the boughs thereof (were like) the goodly cedars, (marg. cedars of God) 81 : 9(10). There shall no strange god be in thee ; neither shalt thou worship any strange god. 82: l.God standeth in the congregation of the mighty (lit. of God) ; 83: l(2).be not still, O God. 84: 2(3). my flesh crieth out for the living God. 85: 8(9). 1 will hear what God the Lord 86 : 15. (art) a God full of compassion, 89: 6(7).(who)amongthe sons of tliemzghty 7(8). God is greatly to be feared 26(27). Thou (art) my father, my God, 90: 2.from everlasting to everlasting, thou (art) God. ( 77 ) b$ Ps. 94: 1. O Lord God, to whom vengeance be longeth ; O God, to whom vengeance 95: 3. For the Lord (is) a great God, 99: 8. thou wast a God that forgavest them, 102:24(25). O my God, take me not away 104: 21. seek their meat from God. 103 : 14. tempted God in the desert. 21. They forgat God their saviour, 107:11. they rebelled against the words of God, 118:27. God (is) the Lord, which hath shewed us 28. (art) my God, and I will praise thee: 136:26. 0 give thanks unto the God of heaven: 139: 17. are thy thoughts unto me, 0 God! 23. Search me, 0 God, and know my heart: 140: 6(7). said unto the Lord, Thou (art) my God: 146: 5. Happy (is he} (Aa( (hath) (Ae God of 149; 6. high (praises; of God (he) in their 150: 1. Praise God in his sanctuary: Pro. 3:27. in (Ae power of thine hand to do (it). Isa. 5 : 16. and God that is holy 7:14. call his name Immanue?. ( lit. God with us ) 8: 8. fill the'breadth ofthy land, O ImmanueZ. 10. it shall not stand; for God (is) with us. 9; 6(5). The mighty God, The everlasting 10:21. remnant of Jacob, unto(/je mighty God, 12: 2. Behold, God (is) my salvation ; 14: 13. exalt my throne above the stars of God: 31 : 3. the Egyptians (are) men, and not God; 40; 18. To whom then will ye liken God ? 42: 5. Thus saith God the Lord, he that created 43: 10. before me there was no God formed, 12. witnesses, saith the Lord, that I (am) God. 44 . 10. Who hath formed a god, 15. maketh a god, and worshippeth (it) ; 17. the residue thereof he maketh a god, — Deliver me ; for thou (art) my god. 45; 14. Surely God (is) in thee ; 15. Verily thou (art) a God 20. pray unto a aoo*(that) cannot save. 21. a just God and a Saviour ; 22. 1 (am) God, and (there is) none else. 46 : 6 . he maketh i t a god : y. for I (am) God, and (there is) none else ; 57: 5.Enflaming yourselves with idols (marg. among the oahs ) Jer. 32: 18. the Great, (Ae Mighty God, 48 : 13. Israel was ashamed of Beth-eZ their 51: 56. for the Lord God o/recompences Lam. 3:41. our heart with (our) hands unto God Eze. 10: 5. as the voice of (Ae Almighty God 28: 2.thouhast said, I(am)a God, — thou (art) a man, and not God, 9. thou (shalt be) aman, and no God, 31 : 11. into the hand of the mighty one of the 32:21. The strong among the mighty shall speak Dan . 9 : 4. (Ae great and dreadful God, 1 1 : 36. magnify himself above every god, and shall ' speak marvellous things against (Ae God of gods, Hos. 1:10(2:1) (Ye are) the sons of (Ae living God. 11: 9. for I (am) God, and not man ; 12 (12:1) but Judah yet ruleth with God, Jon. 4: 2.1knew that thou (art) a gracious God, Mic. 2: 1. because it is in the power of their hand. 7:18. "Who (is)aGorflike unto thee, IVah. 1: 2. God (is) jealous, and the Lord (marg. The Lord (is) a jealous God) Zee. 7: 2. sent unto the house of God Mai. 1 : 9. beseech God that he will be gracious 2: 10. hath not one God created us? 1 1 . married the daughter of a strange god. 7K eh I, pron. pi. Genl9: 8. only unto (Aese men do nothing ; 25. And he overthrew (Aose cities, 26: 3.1 will give all these countries, 4. give unto thy seed all (Aese countries ; Lev.l8:27. For all (Aese abominations Deu. 4:42. fleeing unto one of (Aese cities 7 ; 22. put out (Aose nations before thee 19:11. fleeth into one of these cities: lCh.20: 8. These were born unto the giant bH ( 78 ) 7X ehl, pron. pi. Ch. Ezr. 5:15.(^P) said unto him, TaketAese vessels, aba 75£ el, prep. Gen. 1 4 12: 14: 20 22 24:30:47 8: 19 2936 Lev. 4 20 26 Nu.25 Jos. 8 1315 ISa. 3: 4 Ex. 2Sa. 2: 3 14 2K. 11: 2Ch34: Job. 5: Jer. 22: 3640 Eze.21 44 9. be gathered together unto one place, 8. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: Cain rose up against Abel his brother, 6. and it grieved him at his heart. 18. and thou shalt come into the ark, 21 . and the Lord said in his heart, 15. saw her, and commended her before 7. they returned, and came to En-mishpat, 2. said of Sarah his wife, She (is) my sister : 12. Lay not thine hand upon the lad, 11 . to kneel down withoutthe city by a well 40. faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, 18. my lord also hath our herds of cattle ; 25(21). Pharaoh called for Moses and for 20. upon mount Sinai, on the top 12. the blood beside the bottom of the altar. 22. two tenons, equally distant one from 12. clean place, where the ashes are poured 6. the soul that turneth after such as have 25. gathered together within your cities, 8. and the woman through her belly 33. half of them over against mount Gerizim, 22. slay with the sword among them that were 13. according to the commandment of the 12. which I have spoken concerning his house : 19. when she heard the tidings tAat the ark 21 . because the ark of God was taken, 23. the spear smote him under the fifth (rib), 27. Joab took him aside in the gate 30. Joab's field is near mine, and he hath 7. of the house of the Lord about the king. 26. And as for the king of Judah, 5. and taketh it even out of the thorns, 1 1 . For thus saith the Lord touching Shallum . 16. both one and other, and said unto Baruch, : 4. whither it seemeth good and convenient : 12(17). terrors by reason of the sword shall : 7 . covenant because of all your abominations. &c. &c. E*P!?!$ el-gah-veesh' , m. Eze.l3:ll. O great hailstones, shall fall; 13. and great hailstones in (my) fury 38: 22. and great hailstones, tire, D^iPN al-goom-meem' , m. pi. See also D^abN. 2Ch.2: 8(7).anda?owmtrees, out of Lebanon : 9:10. algum trees and precious stones. 1 l.the king made (of) tAe algum trees rbi PK [ah-lah'] 3f KAL. — Imperative. ¦$*¦ Joel. 1 : 8. Lament like a virgin girded with rbt ?N [ah-lah'. } * KAL Preterite.* Jud. 17: 2. about which thou cursedst, KAL. — Infinitive. Hos. 4: 2. By swearing, and lying, and killing, 10: 4. swearing falsely in making a covenant: * HIPHIL Infinitive. * 1 K. 8 : 31 . laid upon him to cause him to swear, 2 Ch. 6 : 22. laid upon him to malie him swear, HIPHIL Future. ISa. 14:24. for Saul had adjured the people, ¦ha ah-lah', f. Gen 24 26 Lev. 5: Nu. 5 Deu29 30 I K. 8 2Ch.6 34 Neh 10 Job. 31 Ps. 10 59 Pro. 29 Isa. 24 Jer. 23 29 42 44 Eze.16 17 Dan. 9- Zee. 5: :41.be clear from (this) my oath, — thou shalt be clear from my oath. 28. Let there be now an oatA betwixt us, 1 . hear the voice of swearing, : 21 . the w oman with an oath of cursing, — The Lord make thee a curse 23. the priest shall write these curses 27. shall be a curse among her people. 12(11). and into his oath, whichthe Lord 14( 13). I make this covenant and this oath ; 19(18). he heareth the words of this curse, 20(1 9). all tAe curses that are written 21(20). according to all tAe curses 7. put all these curses upon thine enemies, 31 . an oath be laid upon him — tAe oatA come before thine altar 22. an oath be laid upon him — tAe oatA come before thine altar 24. all tAe curses that are written 29(30). entered into a curse, 30. by wishing a curse to his soul. 7. His mouth is full of cursing 12(13). and for cursing and lying 24. he heareth cursing, 6. Therefore hath tAe enrse devoured : 10. because of swearing the land mourneth ; (marg. cursing) 18.tobea curse, and an astonishment, (marg. for a curse) 18. ye shall be an execration, 12. they shall be an execration, 59. which hast despised tAe oatA 13. hath taken an oath of him: 16. whose oath he despised, 18. Seeing he despised tAe oatA 19. mine oatA'that he hath despised, 1 1 . therefore tAe curse is poured upon us, 3. This (is) tAe curse that goeth forth n?K al-lah', f. Jos.24:26.set it up there under an oak, PI7K lh-lah', f. Gen35: Jud. 6: lSa.17: 21 2Sa.l8 IK. 13 lCh.10Isa. 1 6 Eze. 6 Hos. 4 4. Jacob hid them under tAe oak 11. sat under an oah which (was) 19. out unto him under the oak, 2. pitched by the valley of Elah, 19 (were) in the valley of Elah, 9 (10). thou slewest in the valley of Elali, 9. under the thick boughs of a great oah, and his head caught hold of the oak, 10. € saw Absalom hanged in an oak. 14. alive in the midst of tAe oak. 14. found him sitting under an oak: 12. buried their bones under tAe oak 30. shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth, 13. as a teil tree, and as an oak, 13. under every thick oak, 13. under oaks and poplars and elms, and terebinth) (lit. rhtt elah', m. Ch. Ezr. 4: 24. the work of the house of God 5: 1. in the name of tAe God of 2. and began to build the house of God — with them (were) the prophets of God 5. But the eye of tAeir God was upon 8. to the house of tAe great God, 1 1 . are the servants of tAe God of heaven 12. our fathers had provoked tAe God of 13. to build this house of God. 14. gold and silver of the house of God, 15. let the house of God be builded 16. laid the foundation of the house of God 17. to build this house of God at Jerusalem) 6: 3. (concerning) the house of God 5. vessels of the house of God, — and nlace (them') in the house of God. nbx ( 79 ) ribs Ezr. 6: 7. Let the work of this house of God alone; — build this house of God 8. for the building of this house of God: 9. burnt offerings of the Godof heaven, 10. sweet savours unto the Godof heaven, 12. And the God that hath caused his name — to destroy this house of God 14. commandment of tAe God of 'Israel, 16. dedication of this house of God with joy, 17. at the dedication of this house of God 18. for the service of God, 7 : 12, 21 . scribe of the law of tAe God of heaven, 14. according to the law of thy God 15. freely offered unto the God of Israel, 16. willingly for the house of their God 1 7. the altar of the house of your God 18. that do after the will of your God. 19. the service of the house of thy God, (those) deliver thou before tAe God p/Jerusalem. 20. needful for the house of thy God, 23. commanded by tAe Godo/heaven, — for the house of the God of 'heaven: 24. ministers of this house of God, 25. after the wisdom of thy God, — such as know the laws of thy God; 26. will not do the law of thy God, er. 10 : 1 1 . TAe gods that have not made the >au . 2 : 1 1 . except tAe gods, whose dwelling 18. desire mercies of tAe God of heaven 19. Daniel blessed tAe God of heaven. 20. Blessed be the name of God 23. 0 thou God of my fathers, 28. there is a God in heaven that revealeth 37. the God of heaven hath given thee 44. shall tAe God of heaven set up a kingdom, 45. tAe great God hath made known 47. your God (is) a God of gods, 3:12. they serve not thy gods, nor worship 14. do not ye serve my gods, nor worship 15. who (is) that God that shall deliveryou 17. our God whom we serve is able 18. that we will not serve tAy gods, 25. is like the Son of God. 26. ye servants of tAe most high God, 28. Blessed (be) tAe God of Shadrach, — worship any god, except tAeir own God. 29. against tAe God of Shadrach, (lit. against their God) — there is no other God that can 4: 2(3: 32). and wonders that tAe high God 8(5). according to the name of my god, and in whom (is) the spirit of tAe holy gods : 9(6), 18(15). the spirit of tAe holy^rods (is) 5: 3. of the temple of the house of God 4. and praised tAe gods o/gold, 11. in whom (is) the spirit of tAe holy gods ; — like the wisdom of tAe gods, 14. that the spirit of tAe gods ( is) in thee, 18. tAe most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar 21 . till he knew that tAe most high God ruled 23. and thou hast praised tAe gods of silver, — and the God in whose hand thy breath (is), 26. God hath numbered thy kingdom, 6: 5(6). concerning the law of Ais God. 7(8). shall ask a petition of any God 10(11). gave thanks before Ais God, 11(12). making supplication before Ais God. 12(13). that shall ask (a petition) of any God 16(17),20(21). Thy God whom thou servest 20(21 ). servant of the living God, 22(23). My God hath sent his angel, 23( 24) . because he believed in Ais God. 26(27). and fear before the God of Daniel: for he (is) tAe living God, Jos . 8 : 22. some on this side, and some on that ISa. 17:23. according to the same words: 1 K. 20; 29. they pitched one over against tAe otAer 1 Ch 23 : 4. Of which, twenty and four thousand 24: 5. divided by lot, one sort with another; Ezr. 2:65. of whom (there were) seven thousand Isa. 28: 7. But they also have erred through wine, Eze. 4: 6. when thou hast accomplished them, 9: 5. to the others he said in mine hearing, &c. &c. H^S ehl'-leh, pron. Ch. Jer. 10:11. and from under tAese heavens. PPN see fiPN. en 2 3344 x. 38 2V.18: u.10 eu 5: 22: 25: "$8 ehl'-leh, pron. pi. 4. TAese (are) the generations of the 5. and said, Who (are) tAose with thee ? 6. he spake unto them tAese same words. 21. TAis is the sum of the tabernacle, 24. yourselves in any of these things: 28. TAus(were) the journeyings of the 3. (even) us, who (are) all of us here 5. for all that do so (are) abomination 16. For all that do such things, (and) all D^rpX eloh-heem' , m. pi. Gen 1 : I. God created the heaven and the earth. 2. Spirit of God moved upon the face of 3. God said, Let there be light: 4. And God saw the light, that (it was) good: and God divided the light 5. God called the light Day, 6. And God said, Let there be a firmament 7. God made the firmament, 8. And God called the firmament Heaven. 9. God said, Let the waters under 10. And God called the dry (land) Earth ; — 12, 18, 21, 25. and God saw that (it was) 11. God said, Let the earth bring forth 14. And God said, Let there be lights 16. God made two great lights ; 17. And God set them in the firmament 20. God said, Let the waters bring forth 21 . And God created great whales, 22. God blessed them, saying, 24. And God said, Let the earth bring forth 25. God made the beast of the earth 26. And God said, Let us make man 27. So God created man in his (own) image, in the image of God created he him ; 28. God blessed them, and God said unto 29. And God said, Behold, I have given 31 . God saw every thing that he 2: 2. on the seventh day God ended 3. God blessed the seventh day, — which God created and made. 4. the Lord God made the earth 5. for the Lord God had not caused 7. And the Lord God formed man 8. the Lord God planted a garden 9. the Lord God to grow every tree 15. the Lord God took the man, 16. the Lord God commanded the man, 18. And the Lord God said, 19. the Lord God formed every beast 21 . And the Lord God caused a deep sleep 22. the Lord God had taken from man, 3: 1. which the Lord God had made. — God said, Ye shall not eat of 3. God hath said, Ye shall not eat of 5. For God doth know — ye shall be as gods, 8. heard the voice of the Lord God ¦ — from the presence of the Lord God 9. the Lord God called unto Adam, 13. God said unto the woman, 14. the Lord God said unto the serpent, 21. the Lord God make coats of skins, 22. the Lord God said, Behold, the man 23. Therefore the Lord God sent 4:25. God, (said she), hath appointed me 5: l.In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made 22, 24. Enoch walked with God 24. for God took him. 6 : 2. the sons of God saw the 4. when the sons of God came in 9. Noah walked with God. 11. also was corrupt before God, 12. God looked upon the earth, 13. God said unto Noah, nbx ( 80 ) nbx Gen 6 :22. according to all that God commanded 7 : 9. as God had commanded Noah . 16. as God had commanded him: 8: 1 . God remembered Noah, — God made a wind to pass over 15. God spake unto Noah, 9: l.Godblessed Noah and his sons, 6. in the image of God made he man. 8. God spake unto Noah, 12. God said, This (is) the token 16. between God and every living creature 17. God said unto Noah, 26. Blessed (be) the Lord God of Shem ; 27. God shall enlarge Japheth, 17: 3. God talked with him, 7. to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed 8. 1 will be their God. 9, 15. God said unto Abraham, 18. Abraham said unto God, 19. God said, Sarah thy wife 22. God went up from Abraham. 23. as God had said unto him. 19:29. when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered 20 : 3. God came to Abimelech 6. God said unto him in a dream, 11. the fear of God (is) not in this place ; 13. God caused me to wander 17. So Abraham prayed unto God : and God 21: 2. time of which God had spoken to him. 4. as God had commanded him. 6. God hath made me to laugh, 12. And God said unto Abraham, 17. God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar...fear not ; for God hath heard the voice of the lad 19. God opened her eyes, 20. God was with the lad ; 22. God (is) with thee in all 23. swear unto me here by God 22: l.that God did tempt Abraham, 3. the place of which God had told him. 8. God will provide himself a lamb 9. the place which God had told him 12. 1 know that thou fearest God, 23: 6. a mighty prince (marg. a'prince of God) 24: 3. swear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, 7. The Lord Godo/heaven, 12, 42. O Lord God of my master Abraham, 27, 48. the Lord God of my master 25 : 1 1 . that God blessed his son Isaac ; 26:24. 1 (am) the God of Abraham 27: 20. the Lord thy God'brought (it) to me. 28. God give thee of thedew of heaven, 28: 4. which God gave unto Abraham. 12. the angels of God ascending 13. said, I (am) the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac : 17. this (is) none other but the house of God, 20. If God will be with me, 21 . then shall the Lord be my God: 22. shall be God's house : 30: 2. he said, (Am) I in God's stead, 6. Rachel said, God hath judged me, 8. With great wrestlings (marg. wrestlings of God) 17. God hearkened unto Leah, 18. God hath given me my hire, 20. God hath endued me 22. God remembered Rachel, and God 23. God hath taken away my reproach : 31 : 5. but the God of my father hath been 7. God suffered him not to hurt me. 9. Thus God hath taken away 1 1 . the angel of God spake 16. all the riches which God hath — whatsoever God hath said 24. God came to Laban the Syrian 29. but the God of your father spake 30. hast thou stolen my gods ? 32. With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, 42. Except tAe God of my father, tAe God of — God hath seen mine affliction 50. God (is) witness betwixt me and thee. 53. TAe God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, Gen32: 1(2). the angelsof God met him. 2(3). he said, This (is) God's host: 9(10). O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, 28(29). a prince hast thou power with God 30(31 ). I have seen God face to face, 33: 5. The children which God hath 10. as though I had seen the face of God, 11. God hath dealt graciously with me, 20. called it El-etoAe- Israel, (marg. God tAe God of Israel) 35: I. God said unto Jacob, Arise, 2. Put away tAe strange gods 4. they gave unto Jacob all tAe strange gods 5. the terror of God was upon the cities 7. there God appeared unto him, 9. God appeared unto Jacob again 1 0, 1 1 . God said unto him, 13. God went up from him 15. the place where God spake with him, 39: 9. great wickedness, and sin against God? 40: 8. interpretations (belong) to God? 41 : 16. God shall give Pharaoh an answer 25. God hath shewed Pharaoh what he 28. What God (is) about to do 32. the thing (is) established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. 38. a man in whom the Spirit of God (is)? 39. God hath shewed thee all this, 51. the firstborn Manasseh: For God, 52. God hath caused me to be fruitful 42: 18. This do, and live ; (for) I fear God : 28. What (is) this (that) God hath done 43 : 23. your God, and the God of 'your father, 29. God he gracious unto thee, 44: 16. God hath found out the initmity 45 : 5. God did send me before you 7. God sent'me before you 8. not you (that) sent me hither, but God: 9. God hath made me lord of all Egypt: 46 : 1 . unto the God of his father Isaac. 2. God spake unto Israel 3.1 (am) God, tAe God of thy father: 48 : 9. whom God hath given me 1 1 . God hath shewed me also 15. God, before whom my fathers — God which fed me all my life 20. God make thee as Ephraim 21 . but God shall be with you, 50: 17. the servants of tAe God of thy father. 19. for (am) I in the place of God? 20. God meant it unto good, 24. and God will surely visit you, 25. Godwin surely visit you, Ex. 1:17. But the midwives feared God, 20. God dealt well with the midwives: 21. because the midwives feared God, 2:23. their cry came up unto God 24. God beard their groaning, and Goo1 25. God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto (them). 3 : 1 . came to the mountain of God, 4. God called unto him 6.1 (am) the God of thy father, the Godof Abraham, tAe Cod of Isaac, and ite God of Jacob. — for he was afraid to look upon God. 11, 13. Moses said unto God, 12. ye shall serve God upon this mountain. ¦ 13. TAe God of your fathers hath sent ine 14. God said unto Moses, 15. God said moreover unto Moses, — The Lord God of your fathers, the Gdcj Abraham, tAe God of Isaac, and M God of Jacob, . 16. The Lord God o/your fathers, the Gei: 2. God spake unto Moses, 7. be tpyou a God: and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord your God, 7 : 1 . 1 have made thee a god to Pharaoh : 16. The Lord God of the Hebrews 8:10(6). none like unto the Lord our God. 19(15). This (is) the finger of God ; 25(21 ). sacrifice to your God in the land. 28(22). the Egyptians to the Lord our God ; 27(23). sacrifice to the Lord our God, 28(24). sacrifice to the Lord your God 9: 1, 13. Thus saith the Lord God of the 28. mighty thunderings (marg. voices of God) 30. ye will not yet fear the Lord Goa". 10: 3. Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, 7 . that they may serve the Lord their God : 8. serve the Lord your God .- 16. 1 have sinned against the Lord your God, 17. intreat the Lord your God, 25. sacrifice unto the Lord our God. 26. to serve the Lord our God ; 12: 12. all the gods of Egypt (marg.prmces) 13: 17. God led them not (through) the way — God said. Lest peradventure 18. But God led the people about, 19. God will surely visit you ; 14:19. the angel of God, which went 15 : 2. my father's Goo", and I will exalt him. 26. to the voice of the Lord thy God, 16:12. know that I (am) the Lord your God. 17 : 9. with the rod of God in mine hand. 18: 1. heard of all that God had done 4. for the God of my father, 5. he encamped at the mount of God: 11. the Lord (is) greater than all gods : 12. burnt offering and sacrifices/or God: — with Moses' rather in law before God. 15. come unto me to enquire of God : 16. make (them) know the statutes of God, 19. God shall be with thee: Be thou for the penple to Gorf-ward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God : 21 . able men, such as fear God, 23. do this thing, and God command 19: 3. Moses went up unto Goo", 17. out of the camp to meet with God; 19. and God answered him by a voice. 20: 1. God spake all these words, 2. 1 (am) the Lord thy God, 3. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 5.1 the Lord thy God 7. the name of the Lord thy God 10. the sabbath of the Lord thy God : 12. which the Lord (Ay GotZgiveth thee. 19. but let not God speak with us, 20. God is come to prove you, 21. the thick darkness where God (was). 23. not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto yougods of gold. 21 : 6. shall bring him unto the judges ,- 13. but God deliver (him) into his hand; 22: 8(7). shall be broughtunto the judges, 9(8). both parties shall come before the judges; (and) whom the judges shall 20(19). He that sacrificeth unto (any) god, 28(27). Thou shalt not revile the gods, (marg. judges) 23: 13. mention of the name of other gods, 19. into the house of the Lord thy God. 24. Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, 25. ye shall serve the Lord your God, 32. with them, nor with their gods. 33. for if thou serve their gods, 24: 10. they saw(Ae God of Israel : 11. they saw God, and did eat and drink. 13. Moses wentupinto the mount of God. 29: 45. and will be their God. 46. know that I (am) the Lord their God, — I (am) the Lord their God. 31: 3. filled him with the spirit of God, 18. written with the finger of God. 32: 1, 23. make us gods, which shall go before 4, 8. These (be) thy gods, O Israel, 11. Moses besought the Lord Ais God, 16. the tables (were) the work of God, and the writing (was) the writing of God, Ex. 32:27. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 31. have made them gods of gold. 34:15. they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, 16. go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods. 17. Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. 23. the Lord God, (Ae God of Israel. 24. appear before the Lord thy God 26. bring unto the house of the Lord thy God. 35:31. he hath filled him with the spirit of God, Lev. 2:13.thesalt of the covenant of (Ay God 4: 22. the commandments of the Lord Ais God 11:44. For I (am) the Lord your God : 45. out of the land of Egypt, to be your God.- 18: 2, 4, 30. 1 (am) the Lord your God. 21. shalt thou profane the name ofthy God: 19: 2. 1 the Lord your God (am) holy. 3, 4, 10, 25, 31, 34, 36. the Lord your God. 4. nor make to yourselves molten gods : 1 2. shalt thou profane the name of (Ay God : 14. but shalt fear thy God : 32. fear thy God: I (am) the Lord. 20: 7,24.1 (am) the Lord your God. 21 : 6. They shall be holy unto their God, and not profane the name of (Aeir God : — the bread of (Aeir God, 7. for he (is) holy unto his God. 8. for he offereth the bread ofthy God : 12. the sanctuary of Ais God; for the crown of the anointing oil of Ais God 17. approach to offer the bread of Ais God. 21 . nigh to offer the bread of Ais God. 22. He shall eat Ihe bread of Ais God, 22:25. shall ye offer the bread of your God 33 . the land of Egypt, to be your God : 23 : 14. have brought an offering unto your God : 22, 43. 1 (am) the Lord your God. 28. for you before the Lord your God. 40. rejoice before the Lord your God "24: 15. Whosoever curseth Ais God shall 22. for I (am) the Lord your God. 25. 17. but thou shalt fear thy God: for I (am) the Lord your God. 36. but fear thy God ; 38,55. 1 (am) the Lord your God, — (and) to be your God. 43. but shalt fear thy God. 26: 1, 13.1 (am) the Lord yowr God. 12. walk among you, and will be your God, 44. for I (am) the Lord (Aeir God. 45. that I might be their God : Nil. 6. 7. consecration of MsGod (is)uponhis 10: 9. be remembered before the Lord your God, 10. for a memorial before your God : I (am) the Lord your God. 15 : 40. be holy unto your God. 41 . the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I (am) the Lord your God. 16 : 9. (Ae God of Israel hath separated 22. (Ae God of the spirits of all flesh, 21 : 5. the people spake against God, 22: 9, 20. God came unto Balaam, 10. Balaam said unto God, 12. Godsaid unto Balaam, 18. beyond the word of the Lord my God, 22. Goa"s anger was kindled 38 . word that God putteth in my mouth, 23: 4. And Gorfmet Balaam: 21. the Lord Ais Goc*(is) with him, 27. peradventure it will please God 24: 2.thespiritof God came upon him. 25 : 2. unto the sacrifices of their gods : — and bowed down to their gods. 13. because he was zealous for his God, 27:16. the God of the spirits of all flesh, 33 : 4. upon their gods also the Lord executed Deu. 1:6. The Lord our God spake unto us 10. The Lord your God hath multiplied 1 1 . The Lord God of your fathers 17. for the judgment (is) God's : 19. as the Lord our God commanded us; 20. the Lord our God doth give 21. the Lord thy God hath set the land Lord God ofthy fathers hath said 25. which the Lord our God doth give us, G rr>a ( 82 ) H7N Deu. 3 : 26. the commandment of the Lord your God : 30. The Lord your God 31. the Lord thy God bare thee, 32. ye did not believe the Lord your God, 41. all that the Lord our God commanded 2 : 7. the Lord thy God hath blessed thee — the Lord thy God (hath been) with thee ; 29. which the Lord our God giveth us. 30. the Lord thy God hardened his spirit, 33. the Lord our God delivered him 36. the Lord our God delivered all unto us : 37. whatsoever the Lord our God forbad us. 3: 3. So the Lord our God delivered 18. The Lord your God hath given you 20. which the Lord your God hath given them 21. that the Lord your God hath done 22. Lord your God he shall fight for you. 4: 1. which the Lord God of your fathers 2. the commandments of the Lord your God 3. the Lord thy God hath destroyed them 4. did cleave unto the Lord your God 5. as the Lord my God commanded 7. who (hath) God (so) nigh unto them, as the Lord our God (is) in all 10. stoodest before the Lord thy God in Horeb, 19. which the Lord thy God hath divided 21,40. which the Lord thy God giveth thee 23. the covenant of the Lord your God, — which the Lord thy God hathforbidden thee. 24. Lord thy God (is) a consuming fire, 25. in the sight of the Lord thy God, 28. there ye shall serve gods, 29. thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, 30. if thou turn to the Lord thy God, 31. For the Lord thy God 32. since the day that God created man 33. Did (ever) people hear the voice of God 34. Or hath God assayed to go — all that the Lord your God did 35. know that the Lord he (is) God; 39. Lord he (is) God in heaven above, 5 : 2. The Lord our God made a covenant 6. 1 (am) the Lord thy God, 7. Thou shalt have none other gods 9. for I the Lord thy God 11. name of the Lord thy God in vain: 12, 16. as the Lord thy God hath commanded 14. the sabbath of the Lord thy God: 15. the Lord thy God brought thee out — the Lord thy God commanded thee 16. which the Lord tAy God giveth thee. 24(21 ). the Lord our God hath shewed us — ( — ).that God doth talk with man, 25(22). hear the voice of the Lord our God 26(23 ). hath heard the voice of tAe living God 27(24). hear all that the Lord our God — all that the Lord our God shall speak 32(29),33(30)LordyonrGodhath commanded 6: 1. which the Lord your God commanded 2. thou mightest fear the Lord thy God, 3. the Lord God ofthy fathers hath promised 4. The Lord our God (is) one Lord: 5. thou shalt love the Lord thy God 10. when the Lord thy God shall have 13. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, 14. Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which (are) round 15. For the Lord thy God (is) a jealous — lest the anger of the Lord thy God 16. Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God, 17. the commandments of the Lord your God, 20. the Lord our God hath commanded you? 24. to fear the Lord our God, 25. commandments before the Lord our God, 7: 1 . When the Lord thy God shall bring thee 2,23. Lord thy God shall deliver them 4. that they may serve other gods : 6. an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee 9. Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he (is) God, 12. that the Lord thy God shall keep 16. which the Lord tAy God shall deliver thee ; — neither shalt thou serve tAeir gods; 18. the Lord tAy God did unto Pharaoh, 19. whereby the Lord tAy God brought thee out : so shall the Lord tAy God do Deu. 7 : 20. the Lord thy God will send the hornet 21. for the Lord thy God (is) among you, 22. the Lord thy God will put out those 25. The graven images of tAeir gods — an abomination to the Lord tAy God. 8 : 2. the way which the Lord tAy God led 5. the Lord tAy God chasteneth thee. 6. the commandments of the Lord thy God, 7. the Lord tAy God bringeth thee 10. thou shalt bless the Lord tAy God 11. thou forget not the Lord tAy God, 14. and thou forget the Lord tAy God, 18. thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: 19. at all forget the Lord tAy God, and walk after other gods, 20. the voice of the Lord yowr God. 9: 3. the Lord tAy God (is) he 4. after that the Lord tAy God 5. the Lord tAy God doth drive them out 6. the Lord tAy God giveth thee not 7. how thou provokedst the Lord tAy God. 10. written with the finger of God; 16. sinned against the Lord your God, 23. the commandment of the Lord your God, 10: 9. as the Lord tAy God promised him. 12. what doth the Lord tAy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord tAy God, — to serve the Lord tAy God 14. the heaven of heavens (is) the Lord's thy God, ' 17. For the Lord your God (is) God of gods, and Lord of lords, 20. Thou shalt fear the Lord (Ay God; 21. He (is) thy praise, and he (is) tAy God, 22. the Lord tAy God hath made thee 11 : 1. thou shalt love the Lord tAy God, 2. the chastisement of the Lord your God, 12. the Lord tAy God carethfor: the eyes of the Lord tAy God (are) 13, 22. to love the Lord your God, 16. serve other gods, and worship them ; 25. the Lord your God shall lay the fear 27, 28. the commandments of the Lord your God, 28. to go after other gods, 29. when the Lord tAy God hath brought 31. which the Lord your God giveth 12: 1. which the Lord God of thy fathers 2. shall possess served tAeir gods, 3. the graven images of tAeir gods, 4. not do so unto the Lord your God. 5. the place which the Lord your God 7. ye shall eat before the Lord your God, — the Lord tAy God hath blessed thee. 9. Lord your God giveth (lit. tAy God) 10. which the Lord yowr God giveth 11. the Lord your God shall choose 12. rejoice before the Lord your God, 15. the blessing of the Lord tAy God 18. eat them before the Lord tAy God in the place which the Lord tAy God — reioice before the Lord tAy God 20. When the Lord tAy God shall 21. which tlie Lord tAy God hath chosen 27. upon the altar of the Lord tAy God: — out upon the altar of the Lord thy God, 28. in the sight of the Lord tAy God. 29. the Lord tAy God shall cut off 30. enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve tAeir gods ? 31 . Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: — have they done unto their gods ; — they have burnt in the fire to their gods. 13: 2(3). Let us go after other gods, 3(4). the Lordyowr Godprovethyou, to know whether ye love the Lord your God 4(5). walk after the Lord your God, 5(6). to turn (you) away from the Lo™ your God, — ( — ). the way which the Lord tAy God 6( 7 ), 13( 14). Letus go and serve other gods, . 7(8). of tlie gods of the people which 10(11). thee away from the Lord thy God, j 12(131. which the Lord tAy God hath given 16(17). every whit, for the Lord tAy God: j 18(19). to the voice of the Lord tAy God, — ( — )• right in the eyes of the Lord thy Goi. r6» ( 83 ) nbx Deul4: 1. Ye(are)thechildrenoftheLordyoarGod.' 2, 21 . an holy people unto the Lord tAy God, 23. shalt eat before the Lord tAy God, — learn to fear the Lord tAy God 24, 25. which the Lord tAy God shall choose . — when the Lord tAy God hath blessed thee : 26. shalt eat there before the Lord tAy God, 29. that the Lord tAy God may bless thee 15: 4, 7. which the Lord tAy God giveth thee 5. hearken unto the voice of theiord tAy God, 6. the Lord tAy God blesseth thee, 10, 18. the Lord tAy God shall bless thee 14. the Lord tAy God hath blessed thee 15. the Lord tAy God redeemed thee: 19. sanctify unto the Lord tAy God.- 20. eat (it) before the Lord tAy God 21. saciifice it unto the Lord tAy God. 16: 1,2. passover unto the Lord tAy God : — the Lord tAy God brought thee 5, 18, 20. which the Lord tAy God giveth thee : 6, 7. which the Lord tAy God shall choose 8. solemn assembly to the Lord tAy God.- 10. feast of weeks unto the Lord tAy God — according as the Lord tAy God hath blessed 11. rejoice before the Lord tAy God, — which the Lord tAy God hath chosen 15. solemn feast unto the Lord tAy God — the Lord tAy God shall bless thee 16. appear before the Lord thy God 17. the blessing of the Lord tAy God 21. unto the altar of the Lord tAy God, 22. which the Lord tAy God hateth. 17: 1. sacrifice unto the Lord tAy God — an abomination unto the Lord tAy God. 2. which the Lord tAy God giveth — in the sight of the Lord tAy God, 3. hath gone and served other gods, 8, 15. the Lord tAy God shall choose; 12. there before the Lord tAy God, 14. land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, 19. learn to fear the Lord Ais God, 18: 5. Lord tAy God hath chosen him 7. in the name of the Lord Ais God, 9. the Lord tAy God giveth thee, 12. the Lord tAy God doth drive them 13. perfect with the Lord tAy God. 14. the Lord tAy God hath not suffered 15. The Lord tAy God will raise up 16. thou desiredst of the Lord tAy God — again the voice of the Lord my God, 20. speak in the name of other gods, 19: 1. When the Lord tAy God hath cut off the nations, whose land the Lord tAy God giveth - 2, 10. thy land, which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee 3. which the Lord tAy God giveth thee 8. if the Lord tAy God enlarge 9. to love the Lord tAy God, 14. the land that the Lord thy Godgiveth 20: l.the Lord tAy God (is) with thee, 4. the Lord your God (is) he that goeth 13. when the Lord tAy God hath delivered 14. which the Lord tAy God hath given 16. which the Lord tAy God doth give 17. as the Lord tAy God hath 18. they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the Lord yonr God. 21 : 1, 23. which the Lord tAy God giveth 5. them the Lord thy God hath chosen 10. the Lord tAy God hath delivered 23. he that is hanged (is) accursed of God; 22: 5. abomination unto the Lord tAy God. 23: 5(6). Nevertheless the Lord tAy God — ( — ).the Lord tAy God turned the curse — ( — ). because the Lord tAy God loved thee. 14( 15). For the Lord tAy God walketh 18(19). the house of the Lord tAy God — ( — ). abomination unto the Lord tAy God. 20(21 ). that the Lord tAy God may bless thee 21(22). a vow unto the Lord tAy God, — ( — ). the Lord tAy God will surely require it 23(24). hast vowed unto the Lord tAy God, 24: 4. which the Lord tAy God giveth 9. Remember what the Lord tAy God did 13. before the Lord tAy God. 18. the Lord tAy God redeemed thee Deu 24: 19. that the Lord tAy God may bless thee 25 : 15, 19. the land which the Lord tAy God giveth 16. an abomination unto the Lord tAy God. 18. he feared not God. 19. the Lord tAy God hath given thee 26 : 1 . the land which the Lord tAy God giveth 2. tliat the Lord tAy God giveth thee, — the Lord tAy God shall choose 3. this day unto the Lord tAy God, 4. before the altar of the Lord tAy God. 5, 13. say before the Lord tAy God, 7. the Lord God of our fathers, 10. set it before the Lord tAy God, and worship before the Lord tAy God : 11. which the Lord tAy God hath given 14. to the voice of the Lord my God, 16. the Lord tAy God hath commanded thee 17. the Lord this day to be thy God, 19. an holy people unto the Lord tAy God, 27: 2, 3. which the Lord tAy God giveth thee, 3. as the Lord God ofthy fathers 5. build an altar unto the Lord tAy God, 6. build the altar of the Lord tAy God — thereon unto the Lord tAy God : 7. rejoice before the Lord tAy God. 9. become the people of the Lord tAy God. 10. obey the voice of the Lord thy God, 28 : 1, 2, 15, 45. unto the voice of the Lord tAy God, — the Lord tAy God will set thee en high 8. which the Lord tAy God giveth 9, 13. commandments of the Lord tAy God, 14. to go after other gods to serve them. 36. there shalt thou serve other gods, 47. servedst not the Lord tAy God 52, 53. which the Lord tAy God hath given 58. and fearful name, The Lord TAy God; 62. obey the voice of the Lord tAy God. 64. there thou shalt serve other gods, 29; 6(5). I (am) the Lord your God. 10(9). all of you before the Lord your God; 12(11). covenant with the Lord tAy God, — ( — ). which the Lord tAy God maketh 13(12). he may be unto thee a God, 15(14). this day before the Lord our God, 18(17). away this day from the Lord our God, to go(and)serve thegods of these nations ; 25(24). covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, 26(25). they went and served other gods, — ( — ). gods whom they knew not, 29(28). secret (things belong) unto the Lord owr God : 30 : 1 . whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee5 2. return unto the Lord tAy God, 3. the Lord tAy God will turn thy — whither the Lord tAy God hath scattered 4. will the Lord tAy God gather thee, 5. the Lord tAy God will bring thee 6. the Lord tAy God will circumcise — , 16. to love the Lord tAy God 7. the Lord tAy God will put all 9. the Lord tAy God will make 10. unto the voice of the Lord tAy God, — if thou turn unto the Lord tAy God 16. the Lord tAy God shall bless thee 17. worship other gods, and serve them ; 20. thou mayest love the Lord tAy God, 31 : 3. The Lord tAy God, he will go 6. Lord tAy God, he (it is) that doth go 11. to appear before the Lord tAy God 12. fear the Lord your God, 13. learn to fear the Lord your God, 16. go a whoring after tAe gods of 17. because our God (is) not among us? 18. they are turned unto other gods. 20. then will they turn unto other gods, 26. the covenant of the Lord your God, 32: 3. ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 17. to gods whom they knew not, 37. he shall say, Where (are) tAeir gods, 39. and (there is) no god with me : 33: 1. Moses the man of God 27. TAe eternal God (is thy) refuge, Jos. 1: 9. for the Lord tAy God (is) with thee 11, 16. which the Lord your God giveth 13. The Lord your God hath given you 17. the Lord tAy God be with thee, nba ( 84 ) r6» 18; Jos. 2:11. for the Lord your God, he (is) God in 3: 3. the covenant of the Lord your God, 9. hear the words of the Lord your God. 4: 5. before the ark of the Lord your God 23. the Lord your God dried up the waters — Lord your God did to the Red sea, 24. fear the Lord your God for ever. 7 : 13. thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 19. glory to the Lord God of Israel, 20. sinned against the Lord God of Israel, 8: 7. the Lord your GW will deliver it 30. unto the Lord God of Israel 9: 9. the name of the Lord thy God: 18. sworn unto them by the Lord God of^ 19. sworn unto them by the Lord God of 23. for the house of my God. 24. how that the Lord thy God 10:19. the Lord your God hath delivered 40. as the Lord God of Israel commanded. 42. Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. 13:14. sacrifices of* the Lord Godof Israel 33. the Lord God of Israel (was) their 14: 6. Moses the man of Goo* 8. 1 wholly followed the Lord my God. 9. wholly followed the Lord my God. 14 wholly followed the Lord God of which the Lord God of your fathers for you here before the Lord our God. the commandment of the Lord your God. now the Lord your God hath given to love the Lord your God, committed against the God of Israel, the altar of the Lord our God. The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, to do with the Lord God of Israel? beside the altar of the Lord our God the children of Israel blessed God, between us that the Lord (is) God. all that the Lord your God hath done the Lord your God (is) he the Lord your God, he shall expel as the Lord your God hath promised make mention of the name of their gods, cleave unto the Lord your God, the Lord your God, he (it is) that that ye love the Lord your God. the Lord your God will no more 15. which the Lord your God hath given which the Lord your God spake which the Lord your God promised the covenant of the Lord your God, — have gone and served other gods, 24: 1. they presented themselves before God. 2. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, — and they served other gods. 14. put away (Ae gods which your 15. (Ae gods which your fathers served — or (Ae gods of the Amorites, 16. forsake the Lord, to serve other gods ; 17. For the Lord our God, 18. serve the Lord; for he (is) our God. 19. for he (is) an holy God; 20. and serve strange gods, 23. the strange gods which (are) among — heart unto the Lord God of Israel. 24. The Lord our God will we serve, 26. in the book of the law of God, 27. lest ye deny your God. Jud. 1 : 7. so God hath requited me. 2: 3. and their gods shall be a snare 12. forsook the Lord God of their fathers, — followed other gods, of the gods of the 17. they went a whoring after other gods, 19. in following other gods to serve them, 3 : 6. and served (Aeir gods. 7. forgat the Lord their God, 20. a message from God unto thee. 4: 6. Hath not the Lord God of Israel 23. So God subdued on that day Jabin 5: 3. 1 will sing (praise) to the Lord God of 5. before the Lord God of Israel. 8. They chose new gods ; 6: 8. Thus . aith the Lord God of Israel, 10. 1 (am) the Lord your God; fear not the pods of the Amorites, 20. the angel of God said unto him, 26. build an altar unto the Lord thy God 3. 6. 22: 3.4.5. 16. 19. 22.24.29. 33. 34. 23: 3. Jud. 6:31. 36, 40. 7:14. 8: 3. 33. 34. 9: 7. 9. 13. 23. 27. 5(i. 57. 10: 6. 10. 13. 14. 16. 11:21. 23. 24. 13: 5. 6. 22. 15 19. 16 17. 23. 2-1. 28. 17 5. 18 5. 10. 24. 31. £0 2. 18. 27. 21 o. 3. Ru. 1 15. 16. o 12. ISa. 1 17. 2 2. 2J. 27. 311. 3 3. 17. 4 4. 7. 8. 11. 13. 17, 18. 19, 5 I, 7. 10. 6: 3 5 20 7: 3 if he (be) a god, let him plead 39. Gideon said unto God, God did so that night: his hand hath God delivered Midian, God hath delivered into your hands made Baalberith their god. Israel remembered not the Lord (Aeir God, that God may hearken unto you. wherewith by me they honour God which cheereth God and man, Then God sent an evil spirit went into the house of their god, God rendered the wickedness did God render upon their heads: (Ae gods of Syria, & the gods of Zidon, & (Ae gods of Moab, & (Ae godz of the children of Ammon, & (Ae gods of the because we have forsaken our God, served other gods: cry unto the gods which ye have they put away (Ae strange gods the Lord God of Israel delivered So now the Lord God of Israel Chemosh thy god giveth thee the Lord our God shall drive out a Nazarite unto God from the womb: A man of God came unto me, the countenance of an angel of God, a Nazarite to God from the womb let the man of God which thou God hearkened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again because we have seen God. God clave an hollow place a Nazarite unto God from my a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, Our god hath delivered Samson praised (Aeir god: for they said, Our god only this once, O God, the man Mi can had an house of gods, Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God, God hath given it into your Ye have taken away my gods all the time that the house of God' in the assembly of the people of God, and asked counsel of God, the ark of the covenant of God abode there till even before God, And said, O Lord God of Israel, unto her people, and unto her gods: and thy God my God: of the Lord God of Israel, and the God of Israel grant (thee) thy neither (is there) any rock like our God. the judge shall judge him : there came a man of God unto Eli, Wherefore the Lord God of Israel ere the lamp of God went out where the ark of God (was), God do so to thee, and more also, with the ark of the covenant of God. God is come into the camp. out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these (are) (Ae Gods that smote the ark of God was taken ; his heart trembled for the ark of Gad. 22. the ark of God is taken. he made mention of the ark of God, 21. the ark of God was taken, 2. the Philistines took the ark of God, ark of (Ae God of Israel shall not upon Dagon our god. with the ark of (Ae God of Israel? Let the ark of (Ae God of Israel carried the ark of (Ae God of Israel they sent the ark of God as the ark of God came to Ekron, brought about the ark of (Ae Godof Send away the ark of the God of the hand of God was very heavy there. away the ark of (Ae God of Israel, ye shall give glory unto the God of and from off your gods, to stand before this holy Lord God9 put away (Ae strange gods to cry unto the Lord our God forsaken me, and served other gods} nba (85 ) r^a ISa. 9: 6. in this city a man of God, 7. to bring to the man of God: 8. will I give to the man of God, 9. when a man went to enquire of God, 10. the city where the man of God 27. that I may shew thee the word of God. 10: 3. meet thee three men going up to God 5. thou shalt come to the hill of God, 7. for God (is) with thee. 9. God gave him another heart : 10. the Spirit of God came upon him, 18. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 19. ye have this day rejected your God, 26. whose hearts God had touched. 11: 6. the Spirit of God came upon Saul 12: 9. when they forgat the Lord tAeir God, 12. the Lord your God (was) your king. 14. continue following the Lord your God: 19. thy servants unto the Lord (Ay God, 13: 13. the commandment of the Lord tAy God, 14: 15. a ueryyreattrernbling. (marg.a trembling of God) 18. Bring hither the ark of God. For tlie ark of God was at that time 35. Let us draw near hither unto God 37. Saul asked counsel of God, 41 . Saul said unto the Lord God oj 44. God do so and more also: 45. he hath wrought with God 15:15, 21. sacrifice unto the Lord tAy God; 30. that I may worship the Lord thy God. 16: 15. an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. 16. when the evil spirit from God 23. spirit from God was upon Saul, 17:26. defy the armies of tAe living God? 36. defied the armies of tAe living God. 43. the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 45. tAe God of the armies of Israel, 46. know that there is a God in Israel. 18:10. the evil spirit from God came 19: 20. the Spirit of God was upon the messengers 23. the Spirit of God was upon him 20: 12. O Lord God of Israel, 22: 3. till I know what God will do 13. hast enquired of God for him, 15. begin to enquire of God for him? 23 : 7. God hath delivered him 10. Then said David, O Lord God of 11 . 0 Lord God of Israel, I beseech thee, 14. God delivered him not into his hand. 16. strengthened his hand in God. 26:22. do God unto the enemies of David, 29. with the Lord thy God; 32. Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel, 34. the Lord God of Israel liveth, 26: 8. God hath delivered thine enemy 19. saying, Go, serve other gods. 28 : 13. 1 saw gods ascending out of the earth. 15. and God is departed from me, 29: 9. as an angel of God: 30 : 6. encouraged himself in the Lord Ais God. 15. Swear unto me by God, Sa. 2:27. Joab said, (As) God liveth, 3: 9. So do God to Abner, and more also, 35. So do God to me, and more also, 5:10. the Lord God of hosts (was) with him. 6 : 2. bring up from thence the ark of God, 3. they set the ark of God upon 4. accompanying the ark of God: 6. put forth (his hand) to the ark of God, 7. God smote him there for (his) error; and there he died by the ark of God. 12. because of the ark of God. — brought up the ark of God 7: 2. but the ark of God dwelleth 22. Wherefore thou art great, O Lord God: — neither (is there any) God beside thee, 23. whom God went to redeem — the nations and their gods ? 24. thou, Lord, art become their God. 25. 0 Lord God, the word that thou 26. The Lord of hosts (is) tAe God 27. thou, O Lord of hosts, God o/Israel, 28. thou (art) that God, 9: 3. may shew the kindness of God 10:12. for the cities of our God: 12: 7. Thus saith the Lord God of 23: 24: 2Sa.l2: 16. David therefore besought God 14:11. remember the Lord tAy God, 13. a thing against the people of God ? 14. neither doth God respect (any) person: 16. out of the inheritance of God. 17. for as an angel of God, — therefore the Lord tAy God will be 20. to the wisdom of an angel of God, 15. 24. bearing the ark of the covenant of God, and they set down the ark of God; 25. Carry back the ark of God 29. carried the ark of God again 32. where he worshipped God, 16: 23. had enquired at the oracle of God: 18:28. Blessed (be)the Lord tAy God, 19: 13(14). God do so to me, and more also, 27(28). the king (is) as an angel of God: 21 : 14. God was intreated for the land. 22: 3. TAe God of my rock; 7. and cried to my God: 22. not wickedly departed from my God. 30. by my God have I leaped over a wall. 32. who (is) a rock, save our God? 47. tAe Godof the rock of my salvation. 1 . the anointed of tAe God of Jacob, 3. TAe God cf Israel said, — ruling in the fear of God. 3. Now the Lord tAy God add • 23. The Lord tAy God accept thee. 24. unto the Lord my God IK. 1 : 17. thou swarest by the Lord thy God 30. 1 sware unto thee by the Lord God of 36. the Lord God of my lord the king 47. God make the name of Solomon 48. Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel, 2 : 3 . keep the charge of the Lord thy God, 23. God do so to me, and more also, 3: 5. God said, Ask what I shall give 7. O Lord my God, thou hast made 1 1 . And God said unto him, 28. they saw that the wisdom of God 4:29(5:9). God gave Solomon wisdom 5: 3(171. the name of the Lord his God 4( 18) . the Lord my God hath given 5( 1 9 ) . unto the name of the Lord my God, 8: 15. Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel, 17, 20. for the name of the Lord Godof 23. he said, Lord God of Israel, (there is) no God like thee, 25. Lord God of Israel, 26. O God of Israel, let thy word, 27. will God indeed dwell on the earth ? 28. to his supplication, O Lord my God, 57. The Lord our Godbe with us, 59.be nigh unto the Lord our God 60. may know that the Lord (is) God, 61.be perfect with the Lord our God, 65. before the Lord our God, 9 : 6. serve other gods, and worship them : 9. Because they forsook the Lord tAeir God, — have taken hold upon other gods, 9. Blessed be the Lord tAy God, 24. which God had put in his heart. 2. turn away your heart after (Aeir gods: 4. heart after other pods.- and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, 5, 33. Ashtoreth (Ae goddess of the Zidonians, 8. and sacrificed unto their gods. 9. turned from the Lord God of Israel, 10. that he should not go after other gods: 23. God stirred him up (another) adversary, 31. thus saith the Lord, tAe God of Israel, 33. Chemosh tAe god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the children of 12 : 22. But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, 28. tAy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up 13 : 1 . there came a man of God 4. heard the saying of the man of God, 5. which the man of God had given 6. said unto the man of God, Intreat now the face of the Lord tAy God, And the man of God besought the Lord, 7. the king said unto the man of God, 8. the man of God said unto the king, 1 1 . works that the man of God had 12. what way the man of God went, 10: 11: nbx ( 86 ) nba 14: 15: 17: IK. 13: 14. went after the man of God, ¦ — the man of God that earnest from 21 . he cried unto the man of God — which the Lord tAy God commanded 26. he said, It (is) the man of God, 29. the carcase of the man of God, 31 . wherein the man of God (is ) buried ; 7. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 9. gone and made thee other gods, 13. toward the Lord God of Israel 3. was not perfect with the Lord his God, 4. for David's sake did the Lord Ais God 30. he provoked the Lord God of 16: 13. in provoking the Lord God o/Israel 26, 33. to provoke the Lord God of Israel 1. the Lord God of Israel liveth, 12 . the Lord tAy God liveth, 14. thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 18. to do with thee, O thou man of God ? 20. unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, 21 . said, 0 Lord my God, I pray thee, 24. 1 know that thou (art) a man of God, 18:10. the Lord tAy God liveth, 21. if the Lord (be) God, follow him: 24. call ye on the name of your gods, — . tAe God that answereth by fire, let him be God. 25. call on the name of your gods, 27. Cry aloud: for he (is) a god; 36. Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, &c. — known this day that thou (art) God 37. may know that thou (art) the Lord God, 39. they said, The Lord, he (is) the God; the Lord, he (is) tAe God. 19: 2. So let tAe gods do (to me), and more 8. unto Horeb the mount of God. 10, 14. veryjealous for the Lord God o/hosts : 20 : 10. TAe gods do so unto me, and more also, 23. TAeir gods (are) gods of the hills ; 28. there came a man of God, — The Lord (is) God of 'the hills, but he (is) not God of the vallies, 21 : 10. Thou didst blaspheme God 13. Naboth did blaspheme God 22:53(34). provoked to anger the Lord God of 2K. 1: 2. enquire of Baal-zebub tAe god of 3. not a God in Israel, (that) ye go to en quire of Baal-zebub tAe god o/Ekron? 6. not a God in Israel, (that) thou sendest to enquire of Baal-zebub tAe god of 9. he spake unto him, Thou man of God, 10. If I (be) a man of God, 1 1, 13. said unto him, O man of God, 12. If I (be) aman of God, — the fire of God came down from heaven, 16. Baal-zebub the god of Ekron, (is it) not because (there is) no God in Israel 2: 14. Where (is) the Lord God o/Elijah? 4: 7. she came and told the man of God. 9. that this (is) an holy man of God, 16. Nay, my lord, (thou) man of God, 21 . on the bed of the man of God, 22. that I may run to the man of God, 25. came unto the man of God — when the man of God saw her 27. she came to the man of God — the man of God said, 40. 0 (thou) man of God, 42. brought the man of God bread 5: 7. God, to kill and to make alive, 8. Elisha the man of God had heard 1 1 . call on the name of the Lord Ais God, 14. to the saying of the man of God: 15. he returned to the man of God, — I know that (there is) no God 17. nor sacrifice unto other gods, 20. the servant of Elisha the man of God, 6 : 6 . the man of God said, 9. the man of God sent 10. the place which the man of God 15. the servant of the man of God 31. God do so and more also to me, 7 : 2,19. answered the man of God, 17. as the man of God had said, 18. as the man of God had spoken 8 : 2. after the saying of the man of God: 4. the servant of the man of God, 2K. 8: 7. The man of God is come hither. 8. meet the man of God, 11. the man of God wept. 9: 6. Thus saith the Lord God o/Israel, 10:31. the law of the Lord God of Israel 13 : 19. the man of God was wroth 14: 25. to the word of the Lord God of 16: 2. in the sight of the Lord Ais God, 17 : 7. sinned against the Lord tAeir God, — and had feared other gods, 9. against the Lord tAeir God, 14. did not believe in the Lord tAeir God. 16, 19. commandments of the Lord tAeir God, 26, 26, 27. the manner of tAe God of the land, 29. every nation made gods of their own, 31. the gods of Sepharvaim. 33. served tAeir own gods, 35, 37. Ye shall not fear other gods, 38. neither shall ye fear other gods. 39. the Lord your God ye shall fear ; 18: 5. He trusted in the Lord God o/Israel, 12. the voice of the Lord tAeir God, 22. We trust in the Lord our God: 33. Hath any of tAe gods of the nations 34. Where (are) tAe gods of Hamath, and of Arpad? where (are) the gods of 35. among all tAe gods of the countries, 19: 4. It may be the Lord tAy God — sent to reproach tAe living God ; ¦ — the words which the Lord tAy God 10. Let not tAy God in whom 12. Have tAe gods of the nations 15. O Lord God of Israel, — thou art tAe God, (even) thou alone, 16. sent him to reproach the living God. 18. have cast tAeir gods into the fire: for they (were) no gods, 19. Now therefore, O Lord our God, — thou (art) the Lord God, (even) thou 20. Thus saith the Lord God o/Israel, 37. in the house of Nisroch Ais god, 20 : 5. tAe God of David thy father, 21 :12.thus saith the Lord God o/Israel, 22. he forsook the Lord God o/his fathers, 22: 15, 18. Thus saith the Lord God o/Israel, 17. have burned incense unto other gods, 23 : 16. which the man of God proclaimed, 17. the sepulchre of the man of God, 21 . the passover unto the Lord your God, ICh. 4:10. Jabez called on tAe God o/Israel, — God granted him that 5 ; 20. they cried to God in the battle, 22. because the war (was) of God. 25. against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after tAe gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed 26. tAe God of Israel stirred up 6:48(331. the tabernacle of the house of God. 49(34). the servant of God had commanded. 9 : 1 1 . the ruler of the house of God; 13. the service of the house of God. 26. treasuries of the house of God. 27. lodged round about the house of God, 10: 10. in the house of tAeir gods, 11 : 2. the Lord tAy God said unto thee, 19. My God forbid it me, 12: 17. the God of our fathers look 18. for tAy God helpeth thee. 22: a great host, like the host of God. 13: 2. (that it be) of the Lord our God, 3. bring again the ark of our God 5. bring the ark of God from Kirjath-jearim. 6. bring up thence the ark of God 7. they carried the ark of God 8. David and all Israel played before God 10. there he died before God. 12. David was afraid of God — How shall I bring the ark of God 14. the ark of God remained with 14: 10. David enquired of God, 1 1 . God hath broken in upon 12. And when they had left tAeir gods there, 14. David enquired again of God; and God said unto him, 15. God is gone forth before thee 16. therefore did as God commanded 15- 1 rii-orarorf a nlare for tbp art nf r,(I0*, r6** ICh. 15: 2. None ought to carry the ark of God — chosen to carry the ark of God, 12, 14. the ark of the Lord God o/Israel 13. the Lord our God made a breach 15. the Levites bare the ark of God 24. the trumpets before the ark of God; 26. when God helped the Levites 16: 1. So they brought the ark of God, — peace offerings before God. 4. praise the Lord God o/Israel: 6. before the ark of the covenant of God. 14. He (is) the Lord our God; 25. (is) to be feared above all gods. 26. For all tAe gods of the people 35. Save us, O God of our salvation, 36. Blessed (be) the Lord God 42. with musical instruments of God. 17 : 2. for God (is) with thee. 3. the word of God came to Nathan, 16. Who (am) I, O Lord God, 17. a small thing in thine eyes, 0 God; — a man of high degree, O Lord God. 20. neither (is there any) God beside 21 . whom God went to redeem 22 thou, Lord, becamest their God. 24. The Lord of hosts (is) tAe God of Israel, (even) a God to Israel: 25. For thou, O my God, hast told 26. now, Lord, thou art God, 19: 13. for the cities of our God : 21: 7. God was displeased with this 8, 17. David said unto God, 15. God sent an angel unto Jerusalem 17. 1 pray thee, O Lord my God, 30. not go before it to enquire of God: 22: 1. This (is) the house of the Lord God, 2. wrought stones to build the house of God. 6. for the Lord God o/Israel. 7 . unto the name of the Lord my God : 11. the house of the Lord tAy God, 12. keep the law of the Lord tAy God. 18. (Is) not the Lord your God 19. to seek the Lord your God; — the sanctuary of the Lord God, — the holy vessels of God, 23 : 14. Moses the man of God, 25. The Lord God o/Israel hath 28 . the service of the house of God ; 24: 5. governors (of the house) of God, 19. as the Lord God of Israel had 25 : 5. the king's seer in the words of God, — God gave to Hernan 6. for the service of the house of God, 26: 5. for God blessed him. 20. over the treasures of the house of God, 32. for every matter pertaining to God, 28 : 2. for the footstool of our God, 3. But God said unto me, 4. Howbeit the Lord God of Israel 8. in the audience of our God, — commandments of the Lord yourGod: 9. know thou tAe God of thy father, 12. the treasuries of the house of God, 20. nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, (even) my God, (will be) with thee; 21 . for all the service of the house of God: 29: 1 . whom alone God hath chosen, — but for the Lord God. 2. my might for the house of my God 3. my affection to the house of my God, — have given to the house of my God, 7. for the service of the house of God 10. Blessed (be) thou, Lord God o/Israel 13. Now therefore, our God, 16. 0 Lord our God, all this store 17.1 know also, my God, 18. 0 Lord God of Abraham, 20. Now bless the Lord your God. — the Lord God of their fathers, 2Ch. : l.the Lord Ais God (was) with him, 3. of the congregation of God, 4. the ark of God had David brought 7. In that night did God appear 8. Solomon said unto God, 9. 0 Lord God, let thy promise 11. God said to Solomon, 2: 4(3). to the name of the Lord my God, ( 87 ) nte 2 Ch. 2:4(3). the solemn feasts of the Lord our God. 5(4). which I build (is) great: for great (is) our God above all gods. 12(11). Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel, 3 : 3. for the building of the house of God. 4 : 1 1 . for king Solomon for the house of God ; 19. vessels that (were for) the house of God, 5 : 1 . the treasures of the house of God. 14. the Lord had filled the house of God. 6: 4. Blessed (be) the Lord God o/Israel, 7, 10. the name of the Lord God o/Israel. 14. God o/Israel, (there is) no God like thee 16, 17. 0 Lord God of Israel, 18. But will God in very deed 19. to his supplication, O Lord my God, 40. Now, my God, let, I beseech thee, 41 . therefore arise, O Lord God, — let thy priests, O Lord God, 42. 0 Lord God, turn not away 7 : 5. the people dedicated the house of God. 19. shall go and serve other gods, 22. Because they forsook the Lord God of — laid hold on other gods, 8 : 14. David the man of God commanded. 9:8. Blessed be the Lord tAy God, — for the Lord tAy God : because tAy God 23. that God had put in his heart. 1 0 : 15 . for the cause was of God, 11: 2 . to Shemaiah the man of God, 16. to seek the Lord God o/Israel — unto the Lord God of their fathers. 13: 5. to know that the Lord God o/Israel 8. which Jeroboam made you for gods. 9. be a priest of (them that are) no gods. 10. But as for us, the Lord (is) our God, 1 1 . keep the charge of the Lord our God ; 12. God himself (is) with us — fight ye not against the Lord Godof 15. it came to pass, tAat God smote 16. God delivered them into their hand. 18. they relied upon the Lord Godof 14: 2(1). in the eyes of the Lord bis God: 4(3). to seek the Lord God of their fathers, 7(6). we have sought the Lord our God, 11(10). Asa cried unto the Lord Ais God, — (• — ).helpus, OLordonrGod; — ( — ). O Lord, thou (art) our God; 15 : 1 . the Spirit of God came upon 3. Israel (hath been) without tAe true God, 4. did turn unto the Lord God of 6. God did vex them with all 9. that the Lord Ais God (was) with him. 12. a covenant to seek the Lord Godof 13. would not seek the Lord God of 18. he brought into the house of God 16 : 7. not relied on the Lord tAy God, 17: 4. sought to the (Lord) God ofhis father, 18: 5. God will deliver (it) into theking's 13. even what my God saith, 31. God moved them (to depart) from 19 : 3. hast prepared thine heart to seek God. 4. unto the Lord God of their fathers. 7. no iniquity with the Lord our God, 20 : 6.0 Lord God of our fathers, (art) not thou God in heaven? 7. (Art) notthou our God, 12. 0 our God, wilt thou not judge 15. the battle (is) not your's, but God's. 19. to praise the Lord God of Israel 20. Believe in the Lord your God, 29. the fear of God was on all the 30. for Ais God gave him rest round about. 33. unto the Godof their fathers. 21 : 10. forsaken the Lord God of his fathers. 12. Thus saith the Lord God of David 22: 7. Andthe destruction of Ahaziah was of God 12. hid in the house of God six years : 23: 3. with the king in the house of God. 9. which (were) in the house of God. 24: 5. repair the house of your God 7. had broken up the house of God ; 9. Moses the servant of God 13. set the house of God in his state, 16. both toward God, and toward his house. 18. the Lord God of their fathers, 20. the Spirit of God came upon — Thus saith God, Why transgress ye nba (88) nbx 2Ch24:24. 27 25: 7 9. 14 1516 20 24 26: 5. 7. 16.18. 27: 6. 28: 5. 6. 9. 10. 23 24, 25, 29: 5.6. 7. 10. 36. 30: 1, 12.16.19. 22. 31: 6. 13.14. 20. 21. 32: 8. 11. 13. 14.15. 16. 17. 19 21 29 31. 33: 7 12. 1315 16. 17.18. 34: 3 8,9. 23,25. 27, 32,33! 35; 3, forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. the repairing of the house of God, there came a man of God to him, God shall make thee fall befoi 3 the enemy : for God hath power to help, Amaziah said to the man of God, the man of God answered, he brought tAe gods of the chi Idren of Seir, and set them up (to be) his gods, sought after the gods of the people, I know that God hath determined would not hear ; for it (came) of God, they sought after the gods of Edom. found in the house of God he sought God in the days of understanding in the visions of God : God made him to prosper. God helped him against the transgressed against the Lord Ais God, for thine honour from the Lord God. his ways before the Lord Ais God. the Lord Ais God delivered him they had forsaken the Lord God of because the Lord God o/your fathers sins against the Lord your God? , he sacrificed unto the gods of the gods of the kings of Syria help 24. the vessels of the house of God, to burn incense unto other gods, and pro voked to anger the Lord God of sanctify the house of the Lord God o/your fathers evil in the eyes of the Lord our God, unto the Godof Israel. a covenant with the Lord God of that God had prepared the people: 5. passover unto the Lord God o/Israel. turn again unto the Lord Godof trespassed against the Lord God of serve the Lord your God, for the Lord your God (is) graoious the hand of God was to give them the law of Moses the man of God : prepareth his heart to seek God, the Lord God 0/ his fathers, confession to the Lord God of consecrated unto the Lord tlieir God, the ruler of the house cf God. over the freewill offerings of God, before the Lord Ais God. in the service of the house of God, the commandments, to seek Ais God, but with us (is) the Lord our God The Lord our God shall deliver were the gods of the nations Who (was there) among all the gods of that your God should be able how much less shall your God spake yet (more) against the Lord God, to rail onthe Lord God of Israel, As the gods of the nations so shall not tAe God of Hezekiah they spake against tAe God of Jerusalem, as against tAe gods of was come into the house of Ais god, for God had given him God left him, to try him, in the house of God, of which Gjd 1 ad he besought the Lord Ais God, before the God o/his fathers, Manasseh knew that the Lord he (wasl God. he took away tAe strange gods, to serve the Lord God of Israel. unto the Lord their God only. his prayer unto Ais God, in the name of the Lord God of began to seek after the God of repair the house of the Lord Ais God. brought into the house of God, 26. Thus saith the Lord God of 'Israel, have burned incense unto other gods, didst humble thyself before God, according to the covenant of God, 33, tAe God of their fathers. to serve the Lord tAeir God. serve now the Lord your God, 36: Ezr. 2Ch.35 : 8. rulers of the house of God, 21 .fur God commanded me to make haste : forbear thee from (meddling with) God 22. from the mouth of God, 5, 12. evil in the sight of the Lord Ais God 13. who had made him swear by God : — from turning unto the Lord Godof 15. the Lord God of their fathers 16. they mocked the messengers of God, 18. all the vessels of the house of God, 19. they burnt the house of God, 23. hath the Lord God o/heaven given me ; — The Lord Ais God (he) withhim, 1: 2. The Lord God o/heaven hath given 3. Ais God be with him, — build the house of the Lord Godo/Israel, he (is) tAe God, 4. freewill offering for the house of God 5. all (them) whose spirit God had 7. had put them in the house of Ais gods ; 2 :68. offered freely for the house of God 3: 2. builded the altar of tAe God of — in the law of Moses the man of God. 8. their coming unto the house of God 9. the workmen in the house of God: 4 : 1 . the temple unto the Lord God of 2. for we seek your God, 3. to build an house unto our God ; — will build unto the Lord God of 6 : 21 . to seek the Lord God of Israel, 22. the work of the houseof God,the Godof 7: 6. the Lord Godo/Israel had given; — to the hand of the Lord Ais God 9. according to the good hand of Ais God 27. Blessed (be) the Lord God of 28. as the hand of the Lord my God 8:17. ministers forthe house of our God. 18. by the good hand of our God 21. afflict ourselves before our God, 22. The hand of our God (is) upon all 23. besought our God for this: 25. the offering of the house of our God, 28. unto the Lord God of your fathers. 30. unto the house of our God. 31. the hand of our God was upon us, 33. weighed in the house of our God 35. burnt offerings unto the God of 36. and the house of God. 4. at the words of (Ae God of 'Israel, 5. my hands unto the Lord my God, 6. O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God : 8. been (shewed) from the Lord our God, — that our God may lighten our eyes, 9. yet our God hath not forsaken us — to set up the house of our God, 10. our God, what shall we say 13. seeing that thou our God 15. O Lord God o/Israel, 1,6. before the house of God, 2. We have trespassed against our God, 3. make a covenant with our God — the commandment of our God; 9. in the street of the house of God, 11. make confession unto the Lord Godof 14. until the fierce wrath of our God 4. prayed before tAe God of 'heaven, 5. 1 beseech thee, O Lord 'God of heaven, 2: 4. 1 prayed to (Ae God of 'heaven. 8. according to the good hand of my God 12. what my God had put in my heart 18. 1 told them of the hand of my God 20. TAe God of heaven, he will prosper us; 4: 4(3:36). O our God; for we are despised: 9(3). we made our prayer unto our God, 15(9). God had brought their counsel 20(14). our God shall fight for us. 5: 9. walk in the fear of oar God 13. So God shake out every man 15. because of the fear of God. 19, Think upon me, my God, for good, 6 : 10. meet together in the house of God, 12. 1 perceived that God had not sent him 14. My God, think thou upon Tobiah 16. this work was wrought of our God. 7 . 2. a faithful man, and feared God above 9: 10: Neh. 1: nba ( 89 ) ribx Neh. 8 : 6. Ezra bless ed the Lord, tAe great God. 8. read in the book in the law of God 9. holy unto the Lord your God; 16. in the courts of the house of God, 18. he read in the book of the law of God. 9 : 3. the book of the law of the Lord (Aeir God — worshipped the Lord (Aeir God. 4. aloud voice unto the Lord tAeir God. 5. bless the Lord your God for ever 7. Thou (art) the Lord tAe God, 18. This (is) tAy God that brought thee up 32. our God, the great, the mighty, 10:28(291. of the lands unto the law of God, 29(30). to walk in God's law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, 32(33). the service of the house of our God; 33(34). all the work of the house of our God. 34(35). bring (it) into the house of our God, — ( — ). upon the altar of the Lord our God, 36(37). the house of our God, unto the priests that minister in the house of our God: 37(38). the chambers of the house of our God; 38(39). the tithes unto the house of our God, 39(40). will not forsake the house of our God. 11:11. the ruler of the house of God. 16. outward business of the house of God. 22. over the business of the house of God. 12:24. commandment of David the man of God, 36. instruments of David the man of God, 40. thanks in the house of God, 43. God had made them rejoice 45. the porters kept the ward of tAeir God, 46. praise and thanksgiving unto God. 13: 1. into the congregation of God for ever ; 2. howbeit our God turned the curse 4. the chamber of the house of our God, 7. in the courts of the house of God. 9. the vessels of the house of God, 11. Why is the house of God forsaken? 14, 22,31. Remember me, 0 my God, — I have done for the house of my God, 18. did not our God bring all this 25. made them swear by God, 26. who was beloved ofhis God, and God made him king over all 27. to transgress against our God 29. Remember them, 0 my God, Job 1 : 1. one that feared God, 5. cursed God in their hearts. 6. when the sons of God came 8. one that feareth God, 9. Doth Job fear God for nought? 16. The fire of God is fallen from heaven, 22. nor charged God foolishly, 2 : 1 . a day when the sons of God came 3. one that feareth God, 9. retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. 10. we receive good at the hand of God, 5: 8. and unto God would I commit 20:29. the portion of a wicked man from God, 28:23. God understandeth the way 32: 2. justified himself rather than God. 34: 9. he should delight himself with God. 38: 7. all the sons of God shouted Ps. 3: 2(31. no help for him in God. 7(8). Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God: 4: 1(2). O God of my righteousness : 6: 2(3). my King, and my God: for unto thee 10(11). Destroy thou them, O God; 7 : 1(2). O Lord my God, in thee do I put 3(4). O Lord my God, if I have done 9(10). the righteous God trieth the hearts 10(11). My defence (is) of God, 11(12). God judgeth the righteous, 8 : 5(6). made him a little lower than the angels, 9: 17(18). all the nations that forget God. 10: 4. God (is) not in all his thoughts. 13. doth the wicked contemn God? 13: 3(4). (and) hear me, O Lord my God: 14: l.said in his heart, (There is) no God. 2. did understand, (and) seek God. 5. God (is) in the generation of the 18: 6(7). cried unto my God: 21(22). not wickedly departed from my God. 28(29). the Lord my God will enlighten 29( 30). and by my God have I leaped over 31(32). who (is) a rock save our God? Ps. 18:46(47). let tAe God of my salvation be 20: 1(2). name of (Ae God of Jacob 5(6). in the name of our God we will 7(8). the name of the Lord our God. 22: 2(3). 0 my God, I cry in the daytime, 24: 5. righteousness from the God ofhis 25: 2. O my God, I trust in thee : 5. for thou (art) (Ae God of my salvation ; 22. Redeem Israel, 0 God, out of all 27: 9. neither forsake me, O God ofmy salvation. 30: 2(3). O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, 12(13). O Lord my God, I will give thanks 31:14(15). I said, Thou (art) my God. 33: 12. Blessed (is) the nation whose God 35. 23. unto my cause, my God and my Lord. 24. Judge me, O Lord my God, 36: 1(2). no fear of God before his eyes. 7(8). excellent (is) thy lovingkindness, O God! 37:31. The law of Ais God 38 : 15( 16). thou wilt hear, O Lord my God. 21(22). 0 my God, be not far from me. 40: 3(4). praise unto our God: 5(6). Many, O Lord my God, 8(9). I delight to do thy will, O my God: 17(18). make no tarrying, 0 my God. 41:13(14). Blessed (be) the Lord God of Israel 42: 1(2). so panteth my soul after thee, O God. 2(3). My soul thirsteth for God, — (-). I come and appear before God? 3(4). say unto me, Where (is) (Ay God? 4(5). with them to the house of God, 6(61, 11(12). hope thou in God: 6(7). 0 my God, my soul is cast down 10( 1 1 ). daily unto me, Where (is) (Ay God ? 11(12). of my countenance, andmy God. 1 . Judge me, O God, and plead my cause 2. thou (art) (Ae God ofmy strength: 4. will I go unto the altar of God, — upon the harp will I praise thee, 0 God my God. 5. hope in God: for I shall yet praise — ofmy countenance, and my God. 1(2). "V\re have heard with our ears, O God, 4(51. Thou art my King, O God: 8(9) . In God we boast all the day 20( 21 ). forgotten the name of our God, 21(22). Shall notGod search this out? 45: 2(3). therefore God hath blessed thee 6(7). Thy throne, 0 God, (is) for ever 7(8).hatest wickedness : therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee 46: 1(21. God (is) our refuge and strength, 4(5). shall make glad the city of God, 5(6). God (is) in the midstof her; she shall not be moved : God shall help her, 7(8), 11(12). (Ae Godo/Jacob(is)ourrcfuge. 10(11). know that I ( am ) God .- 47 : 1(2). shout unto God with the voice 5(6). God is gone up with a shout, 6(71. Sing praises to God, sing praises : 7(81. God (is) the King of all the earth : 8(9). God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne 9(10). the people of (Ae God o/Abraham : fo the shields of the earth(belong)«n(o Goo 48: 1(21, 8(9). in the city of our God, 3(4). God is known in her palaces 8(9). Godwill establish it for ever. 9(10). thy lovingkindness, O God, 10( 11 j. According to thy name, O God, 14(15). For this God (is) our God 49 ; 7( 8 ) . nor give to God a ransom for him : 15(1 6). But God will redeem my soul 50: 1. TAe mighty God, (even) the Lord, 2. perfection of beauty, God hath shined, 3. Our God shall come, 6. for God (is) judge himself. 7.1 (am) God, (even) (Ay God. 14. Offer unto God thanksgiving; 16. But unto the wicked God saith, 23. will I shew the salvation of God. 51: 1(3). Have mercy upon me, O God, 10( 12). Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; 14(16). Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God ofmy salvation : 17(19). The sacrifices of God (are) a broken 43 44 Ps. 51 :17(19).a contrite heart, 0 God, thou wilt not despise. 52: 7(9). man (that) made not Godhis strength; 8(10). olive treein the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever 53: 1(2). said in his heart, (There is) no God. 2(3). God looked down from heaven (_).did understand, that did seek God". 4(5). they have not called upon God. 5(6). for God hath scattered the bones — (-1. because God hath despised them. 6(71. When God bringeth back the captivity 54: 1(31 . Save me, 0 God, by thy name, 2(41 . Hear my prayer, 0 God; 3(5). they have not set God before them. 4(6). Behold, God (is) mine helper : 55: 1(2). Give ear to my prayer, 0 God; 14(15). walked unto the house of God 16( 17). As for me, I will call upon God; 19(20). therefore they fear not God. 23(24). But thou, 0 God, shalt bring 56 : 1 ( 2 ) . Be merciful unto me, 0 God : 4(5). In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; 7( 8). cast down the people, 0 God. 9(10). this I know; for God (is) for me. 10(11). in Godwill I praise (his) word: 11(12). In God have I put my trust : 12(13). Thy vows (are) upon me, 0 God: 13(14). that I may walk before God 1(2), Be merciful unto me, 0 God, . I will cry unto God most high ; ). God shall send forth his mercy , 11(12). Be thou exalted, 0 God, above . My heart is fixed, 0 God, . Break their teeth, 0 God, 11(12). verily he isa God that judgeth 59: 1(2). from mine enemies, 0 my God: 5(6). Thou therefore, O Lord God of hosts, (Ae God of Israel, 9(10), 17(18). for God (is) my defence. 10(11). TAe Godof my mercy shall prevent me : God shall let me see 13(141. let them know that God ruleth 17(18). tAe God of my mercy. 60: 1(3). O God, thou hast cast us off, 6(8). God hath spoken in his holiness; 10(12). (Wilt) not thou, O God, — ( — 1. 0 God, (which) didst not go out 12(14). Through God we shall do valiantly: 61: 1(2). Hear my cry, O God; 5(6). For thou, O God, hast heard 7(8). He shall abide before God for ever : 62: 1 (2). Truly my soul waiteth upon God: 5(6) My soul, wait thou only upon God; 7(81. In God (is) my salvation — (-).my refuge, (is) in God. 8(9). God (is) a refuge for us. 11(121. God hath spoken once; — ( — ).that power (belongeth) unto God. 63: 1(2). O God, thou (art) my God; 11(12). But the king shall rejoice in God; 64: 1(2). Hear my voice, OGod, in my prayer: 7(8). But God shall shoot at them 9(10). shall declare the work of God; 65: 1(2). Praise waiteth for thee, OGod, 5(6). wilt thou answer us, 0 God of our 9(10). enrichest it with the river of God, 66: 1. Make a joyful noise unto God, 3. Say nnto God, How terrible (art thou) 5. Come and see the works of God : 8. O bless our God, ye people, 10. For thou, O God, hast proved us : 16. hear, all ye that fear God, 19. verily God hath heard (me) ; 20. Blessed (be) God, which hath 67 : 1(2). God be merciful unto us, 3(4), 5(6). people praise thee, 0 God; 6(7). God, (even) our own God, shall bless 7( 81. God shall bless us; and all the 68: 1(2). Let God arise, let his enemies be 2(31. wicked perish at the presence of God. 3(4). let them rejoice before God: 4(51. Sing unto God, sing praises 5(6). God in his holy habitation. 6(7). God setteth the solitary in families: 7(8). 0 God, when thou wentest forth ( 90 ) TlbX Ps, 68: 8(9). droppedatthepresenceof God: (even) Sinai itself (was moved) at the presence of God, the God of Israel. 9(10). Thou, 0 God, didst send a plentiful 10(111. thou, O God, hast prepared 15(16). The hill of God (is as) the hill of 16(171. the hill (which) God desireth 17(18). The chariots of God (are) 18(19). that the Lord God might dwell 21(221. God shall wound the head of his 24( 25 ). They have seen thy goings, O God ¦ 26(27). Bless ye God in the congregations, ' 28(29). TAy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, 0 God, that 31(32). soon stretch out her hands unto God. 32(33). Sing unto God, ye kingdoms 34(351. Ascribe ye strength nnto God: 35(36). 0 God, (thou art) terrible — ( — ). Blessed (be) God. 69: 1(21. Save me, O God; for the waters 3(4). fail while I wait for my God. 5(6). O God, thou knowest my foolishness; 6(7). for my sake, O God of Israel. 13(14). 0 God, in the multitude of 29(30). O God, set me up on high. 30(31). I will praise the name of God 32(33). your heart shall live that seek God. 35(36). For God will save Zion, 70: 1(2). (Make haste), O God, to deliver 4(5). say continually, Let God be magnified, 5(6). make haste unto me, O God: 71: 4. Deliver me, 0 my God, out of the hand II. Saying, God hath forsaken him: 12. O God, be not far from me: 0 my God, 17. O God, thou hast taught me 18. O God, forsake me not; 19. Thy righteousness also, O God, — O God, who (is) like unto thee! 22. (even) thy truth, O my God: 72: 1. Give the king thy judgments, OGod, 18. Blessed (be) the Lord God, the Godof 73: 1. Truly God (is) good to Israel, 26. God ( is) the strength of my heart, 28. good for me to draw near to God: 74: 1.0 God; why hast thou cast (us) off 10. O God, how long shall the adversary 12. For God (is) my King of old, 22. Arise, O God, plead thine own cause: 75: 1(2). Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, 7(8). But God (is) the judge: 9(10). I will sing praises to the Godoj 76: 1(2). In Judah (is) Godknown: 6(7). At thy rebuke, 0 Godof Jacob, 9(10). When God arose to judgment, 11(12). pay unto the Lord your God: 77: 1(2). God with my voice, (even) unto God 3(4). I remembered God, and was troubled; 13(14). way, O God, (is) in the sanctuary: who (is so) great a God as (our) Goal 16(17). The waters saw thee, 0 God, 78 : 7. they might set their hope in God, 10. They kept not the covenant of God, 19. Yea, they spake against God; 22. Because they believed not in God, 31. The wrath of God came upon them, 35. they remembered that God 56. and provoked the most high God, 59. When God heard (this), he was wroth, 79: 1. O God, the heathen are come 9. Help us, O God of our salvation, 10. the heathen say, Where (is) (Aeir God? 80: 3(4). Turn us again, OGod, 4(51. O Lord God of hosts, how long 7( 8). Turn us again, O God of hosts, 14( 15). Return, we beseech thee, O God of 19(20). Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, 81 : 1(2). Sing aloud nnto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the Godof 4(5). a law of the God of Jacob. 10(11). I (am) the Lord tAy God, 82: 1. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among tAe gods. 6. 1 have said, Ye (are) gods; 8. Arise, O God, judge the earth: 83: 1(2). Keep not thou silence, O God: 12(131. the houses of God in possession. 13(141. O mu God. make ti1PIr, ifta a wheel; n1?** ( 91 ) nba Ps. 84. 3(4). Lord of hosts, mv King, and my God, 7(8). in Zion appearetn before God. 8(9). O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, 0 God of Jacob. 9(10). Behold, 0 God our shield, 10(11). doorkeeper in tlie house ofmy God, 11(12). For the Lord God (is) a sun So: 4(5). Turn us, 0 God of our salvation, 86: 2. O thou my God, save thy servant 8. Among the gods (there is) none 10. thou (art) God alone. 12. 1 will praise thee, O Lord my God? 14. O God, the proud are risen 87 : 3. are spoken of thee, O city of Goa\ 8S : 1(2). O Lord God ofmy salvation, 89: 8(9). O Lord God of hosts, 90: [title](l). Prayer of Moses the man of God. 1 7. the beauty of the Lord our God 91 : 2. my God ; in him will I trust. 92 : 13( 14). flourish in the courts of our God. 94: 7. neither shall the God of Jacob 22. and my God (is) the rock of 23. the Lord our God shall cut them off. 95 : 3. a great King above all gods. 7. For he (is) our God; 96: 4. he (is) to be feared above all gods. 5. For all the gods of the nations 97: 7. worship him, all (ye") gods. 9. thou art exalted far above all gods. 98: 3. have seen the salvation of our Goa\ 99: 5. Exalt ye the Lord otar God, 8. Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God: 9. Exalt the Lord our God., — for the Lord our God (is) holy. 100: 3. Know ye that the Lord he (is) God: 304: 1.0 Lord my God, thou art very great; 33. 1 will sing praise to my God while 105: 7. He (is) the Lord our God; 106:47. Save us. O Lord our God-, 48. Blessed (be) the Lord God o/Israel 10S: 1(2). O God, my heart is fixed; 5(6). Be thou exalted. 0 God, above 7(8). Gorf hath spoken in his holiness; 11(12). 0 God, (who) hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with 13(14). Through God we shall do valiantly: 109: 1. Hold not thy peace, OGod of 26. Help me, O Lord my God : 113: 5. Who (is) like unto the Lord our God, 115: 2. Where (is) now tAeir God? 3. But our God (is) in the heavens: 116: 5. yea, our God (is) merciful. 1 1 8 : 28. my God, I will exalt thee. 119:115. keep the commandments of my God. 122 ; 9. the house of the Lord our God 123: 2. our eyes (wait) upon the Lord our God-, 135: 2, in the courts of the house of our God, 5. and (that) our Lord (is) above all Gods. 136: 2. O give thanks unto the God of gods : 13S : 1. before the gods will I sing praise 143:10. for thou (art) my God: 144: 9. a new song unto thee, O God: 15. tchose God (is) the Lord. 145; 1. 1 will extol thee, my God, l4o" : 2. 1 will sing praises unto my God 5. whose hope (is) in the Lord his God: 10. thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. 147: 1. good to sing praises unto our God; 7. sing praise upon the harp unto our God : 12. praise thy God, O Zion. Pro. 2: 5. and find the knowledge of God, 17.forgetteth the covenant of Aer God, 3: 4. in the sight of God and man. 25: 2. the glory of God to conceal a thing: v 30: 9. take the name of my God Ecc. 1 : 13. this sore travail hath God given 2:24. that it (was) from the hand of God. 26. good before God, 3:10. Goo! hath given to the sons of men 11. the work that God maketh 13. all his labour, it (is) the gift of God, 14. whatsoever God doeth, it shall be — and God doeth (it). that(men)shouldfear 15. and God requireth that which is past. 1 7. God shall judge the righteous 18. that God might manifest them, 5: l(4:17).whenthougoesttothehouseof God, 9: 11: 12. Isa. 1: 13. 17. Ecc. 5: 2(1). utter (any) thing before God: for God 4(3). When thou vowest a vow unto God, 6(5). wherefore should Goal be angry 7(6). but fear thou God. 18(17). which God giveth him: 19(18). to whom God hath siven riches — f— ). this (is) the gift of *&od. 20(19). God answereth (him) in the joy of 6: 2. A man to whom God hath given riches, • — yet God giveth him not power 7 : 13. Consider the work of God: 14. God also hath set the one over 18. he that feareth God shall come 26. whoso pleaseth God shall escape 29. that God hath made man 8: 2. in regard of the oath of God. 12. be well with them that fear God, 13. because he feareth not before God, 15. which God giveth him under 17.1 beheld all the work of God, 1. their works, (are) in the hand of God: 7- for God now accepteth thy works. 5. knowest not the works of God 9. God will bring thee into judgment. 7. shall return unto God who gave it. 13. Fear God, and keep his commandments: 1 4. For God shall bring every work 10. give ear unto the law- of our God, 3. to the house of the God of Jacob ; 11. Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God; 13. but will ye weary my God also ? 19. not a people seek unto their God? 21. curse their king and their God, 19. shall be as when God overthrew 6. saith the Lord God o/Israel. 10. thou hast forgotten the God ofthy 9. all the graven images of her gods 10. the Lord of hosts, the Godof Israel, 1 7 . for the Lord God of Israel hath 15. the name of the Lord God o/Israel : 1. O Lord, thou (art) my God; 9. in that day, Lo, this (is) our God; :13. O Lord our God, (other) lords : 26. For Ais God doth instruct him : 23. shall fear the God of Israel. : 18. for the Lord (is) a God of judgment: 2. the excellency of our God, 4. your God will come (with) vengeance, (even) God (with) a recompence; : 7. We trust in the Lord our God: 1 8. Hath any of the gods of the nations 19. Where (are) the god* of Hamath and Arphad ? where (are) the gods of 20. among all the gods of these lands, 4. It may be the Lord thy God — hath sent to reproach the living God, — which the Lord thy God hath heard: 10. Let not thy God, in whom thou 12. Have the gods of the nations 16. O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, — thou (arO the God, (even) thou 1 7. hath sent to reproach the living God, 19. have cast their gods into the fire: for they (were1) no gods, 20. Now therefore, O Lord our God, 21. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 38. in the house of Nisroch Ais god, 5. the God of David thy father, 1. comfort ye my people, saith your God\ 3. in the desert a highway for our God, 8. but the word of our God shall 9. the cities of Judah, Behold your God! 27. cuid mv judgment is passed over from my God? 28. the everlasting God, 10.be not dismayed; for I (am) thy God: 13- 1 the Lord thy God will hold 1 7. ( I) the God of Israel will not 23. that we mayknow that ye (are) gods: 1 7. the molten images. Ye (are> our gods. : 3. For I (am) theTLord thy God, : 6. beside me (there is) no God. : 3. by thy name, (am) the God o/Israel. 5. (there is") no God beside me: 14. (there is) no God, 15. O God of Israel, the Saviour. 18. God himself that formed the earth 21; 24: 26:28:29:30:35: 36: 40: 41: 42: 43:44:45: rfrtt ( 92 ) Isa. 45 4648 49 52 5354 5557 58 59 60 6162 6465: 66 Jer. 1 2 5: 13 19 23 21 . and (there is) no God else beside : 9. ( I am ) God, and ( there is 1 none like me, Land make mention of the Godof 'Israel, 2. stay themselves upon the God of Israel ; 17.1 (am) the Lord thy God 4. my work with my God. 5. and my God shall be my strength. : 10. and stay upon his God. : 15. But I (am) the Lord thy God, 20. the rebuke ofthy God. 22. and thy God (that) pleadeth the cause : 7. that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth ! 10. shall see the salvation of our God. 12. the God of 'Israel (will be) your : 4. smitten of God, and afflicted. ; 5. The God of the whole earth 6. thou wast refused, saith thy God. : 5. because of the Lord thy God, 7. to our God, for he will abundantly : 21 . no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. : 2. the ordinance of their God : — take delight in approaching to God. : 2. separated between you and your God, 13. departing away from our God, : 9. unto the name of tlie Lord thy God, 19. and thy God thy glory. : 2. the day of vengeance of our God; 6. call you the Ministers of our God: 10. my soul shall be joyful in my God : 3. a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. 5. shall thy God rejoice over thee. 4(3). neither hath the eye seen, O God, 16. shall bless himself in the God of truth ; — shall swear by the God of truth ; 9. and shut (the womb)? saith thy God. 16. have burned incense unto other gods, 11. (their) gods, which (are) yet no gods ? 17, 19. thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, 28. But where (are) thy gods — the number ofthy cities are thy gods, 13. transgressed against the Lord thy God, 21 . have forgotten the Lord their God. 22. for thou (art) the Lord our God. 23. our God (is) the salvation of Israel. 25. sinned against the Lord our God, — obeyed the voice of the Lord our God. 4, 5. the judgment of their God. 7. sworn by (them that are) no <7ods: 14. thus saith the Lord God of hosts, 19. "Wherefore doeth the Lord our God all — served strange gods in your land, 24. Let us now fear the Lord owr God, 3, 21 . saith the Lord of hosts, the God of 6. walk after other gods to your hurt: 9. after other gods whom ye know not ; 18. dririk offerings unto other gods, 23. my voice, and I will be your God, 28. not the voice of the Lord their God, 14. for the Lord our God hath put us 15(14). the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; .10. the Lord (is) the true God, he (is) the living God, and an everlasting king: 3. Thus saith the Lord God o/Israel; 4. my people, and I will be your God: 10. went after other gods to serve them: 12. go, and cry unto the gods 13. the number of thy cities were thy gods, 10. walk after other gods, 12. Thus saith the Lord God o/Israel, 16. Give glory to the Lord your God, 22. (art) not thou he, O Lord our God? 16. by thy name, O Lord God (/hosts. 9. the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; 10. committed against the Lord our God ? 11 . have walked after other gods, 13. there shall ye serve other gods 20. Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they (are) no gods ? 3, 15. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel ; 4. have burned incense in it unto other gods, 13. drink offerings unto other gods. 4. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel ; 9. forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, 2. thus saith the Lord God of Israel 23. (Am) I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Jar. 23 24252627 28 3031 32 43 511 51 Eze. 1 8 36. perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts our God. 5. Thus saith the Lord, the Godof 7. and I will be their God: 6. go not after other gods 15. thus saith the Lord God o/Israel 27. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel ; : 13. obey the voice of the Lord your God; 16. in the name of the Lord our God. : 4, 21 . the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel ¦ : 2, 14 & 29 : 4, 8, 21, 25. the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, : 2. Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, 9. they shall serve the Lord their God, 22. my people, and I will be your God. : 1. will I be the God of all the families 6. go up to Zion unto the Lord our God. IS.ior thou (art) the Lord my God. 23. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel ; 33. and will be their God, and they shall be : 14, 15. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel; 27. 1 (am) the Lord, the God of all flesh: 29. poured out drink offerings nnto other gods, 36. thus saith the Lord, the Godof Israel, 38. my people, and I will be their God: : 4 & 34:2, 13. thus saith the Lord, theGodof : 4. the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, 13, 18, 19.theLordofhosts,tAe God o/Israel; 15. go not after other gods to serve 17. thus saith the Lord Godof hosts, the God of Israel ; 3. Pray now unto the Lord our God for us. 7. Thus saith the Lord, the Godof Israel; 17. Thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; 16. the Lord or1 hosts, the God o/Israel; ' > 2. The Lord thy God hath pronounced this 2. pray for us unto the Lord thy God, 3. That the Lord thy God may shew us 4.1 will pray unto the Lord your God 5. the Lord thy God shall send thee 6, 6. the voice of the Lord our God, 9. Thus saith the Lord, the God o/Israel, 13. obey the voice of the Lord your God, 15, 18. the Lord of hosts, iht God o/ Israel; 20. ye sent me unto the Lord your Ged, say ing, Pray for us unto the Lord our G"d ; and according unto all tliat the Lord our God 21. obeyed the voice of the Lord your God, l.all the words of the Lord their Godjoi which the Lord their God had sent him 2. the Lord our God hath not sent thee 10. the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; 12. in the houses of the godsof Egypt; 13. the houses of the gods of the Egyptians 2, 11, 25. saith the Lord of hosts, tlicGoduf 3. to serve other gods, 5. to burn no incense unto other gods. 7. thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, * God of Israel ; 8. burning incense unto other gods 15. had burned incense unto other gods, 2. Thus saith the Lord, the God o/Israel, 25. The Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel, — Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, l.theLoid of hosts, the God of 'Israel; 35. him that burnetii incense to his gods. 4. shall go, and seek the Lord their God. 18. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel; 28. the vengeance of the Lord our God, 40. God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah 5. nor Judah ofhis God, 10. in Zion the work of the Lord onr God. 33. the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; 1. opened, and I saw visions of God. 3. brought me in the visions of God 4. glory of the God of Israel (was) there, 3. glory of the Godof Israel was gone 19. glory of the God of Israel (was) over 20.1 saw under the Godof Israel 20. my people, and I will be their God. 22. the glory of the God of Israel 24. in a vision by the Spirit of God 1 1 . 1 may be their God, 5, 7, 19, 20. 1 (am) the Lord your God; 2.1 sit (in) the seat of God, nbx Eze. 28 31 34 36 37394043 44 Dan.l Hos. 1 3: 12 13 14 Joel 1 Am. 2 3 4 2. set thine heart as the heart Of God: 6. thine heart as the heart of God; 9. before him that slayeth thee, I (am) God? 13. hast been in Eden the garden of God; 14. upon the holy mountain of God; 16. as profane out of the mountain of God: 26. know that I (am) the Lord their God. 8. The cedars in the garden of God — nor any tree in the garden of God 9. that (were) in the garden of God, 24. 1 the Lord will be their God, 30. they know that I the Lord their God 31.1 (am) your God, saith the Lord 28. 1 will be your God. 23, 27. 1 will be their God. 22, 28. 1 (am) the Lord their God 2. In the visions of God brought he me 2. the glory of the God of Israel 2. because the Lord, the God of Israel, 2. the vessels of the house of God: — to the house of his god; — into the treasure house of his god. 9. God had brought Daniel into favour 17. God gave them knowledge and skill : 3. 1 set my face unto the Lord God, 4. 1 prayed unto the Lord my God, 9. To the Lord our God (belong) mercies 10. obeyed the voice of the Lord our God. 1 1 . law of Moses the servant of God, 13. prayer before the Lord our God, 14. the Lord our God (is) righteous 15. now, O Lord our God, 17. Now therefore, 0 our God, 18. 0 my God, incline thine ear, 19.fof*tnine own sake, 0 my God: 20. my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God ,- :12.to chasten thyself before thy God, : 8. carry captives into Egypt their gods, 32. do know their God shall be strong, 37. Neither shall he regard the Godof 7. will save them by the Lord their God, 23(25). they shall say, (Thou avt)my God. l.who look to other gods, 5. seek the Lord their God, 1 . nor knowledge of God in the land. 6. thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, 12. gone a whoring from under their God. 4. doings to turn unto their God: 6. the knowledge of God more than 10. return to the Lord their God, 2. Israel shall cry unto me, My God, 6. therefore it (is) not God: 1. hast gone a whoring from thy God, 8. of Ephraim (was) with my God: — hatred in the house of his God. 17. My God will cast them away,# : 3(4). he had power with God: 5(6). Even the Lord God of hosts ; 6(7). Therefore turn thou to thy God: — (-).wait on thy God continually. 9(10). I (that am) the Lord thy God 4. Yet I (am) the Lord thy God — and thou shalt know no god but me : 16(14: 1). she hath rebelled against her God: 1(2). return unto the Lord thy God; 3(4). work of our hands, (Yeare) our gods: 13. ye ministers ofmy God: — from the house of your God. 14. the house of the Lord your God, 16. gladness from the house of our God? 13. turn unto the Lord your God: 14. drink offering unto the Lord your God? 17. among the people, Where (is) their God? 23. rejoice in the Lord your God: 26. praise the name of the Lordyowr God, 27 & 3: 17(4: 17). I (am) the Lord your God, 8. the condemned (in) the house of their god. A3, the God of hosts, 11. as God overthrew Sodom 12. prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. 13. The Godof hosts, (is) his name. 14. the God of hosts, shall be with you, 15. the Lord God o/hosts will be gracious 16. Therefore the Lord, the God of hosts, 26. the star of your god, 2',. whose name (is) The Godof hosts. ( 93 ) I^K Am. 6: 8. saith the Lord the God o/hosts, 14. saith the Lord the God o/hosts ; 8 ;14. and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth ; 9: 15. given them, saith the Lord thy God. Jon. 1 : 5. cried every man unto his god, 6. call upon thy God, if so be that God will 9. 1 fear the Lord, the Godof heaven, 2: 1(2). Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God 6(7). from corruption, O Lord my God. 3: 3. was an exceeding great city (marg. of God) 5. the people of Nineveh believed God, 8. cry mightily unto God,- 9. Who can tell (if) God will turn 10. God saw their works, — God repented of the evil, that he 4: 6. the Lord God prepared a gourd, 7 . But God prepared a worm 8. God prepared a vehement east wind ; 9. God said to Jonah, Mic. 3: 7. for (there is) no answer of God. 4: 2. to the house of the God of Jacob ; 5. the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God 5: 4(3). the name of the Lord his God; 6: 6. bow myself before the high God? 8. to walk humbly with thy God ? 7: 7.1 will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 10. Where is the Lord thy God? 17. shall be afraid of the Lord our God, Nah, 1:14. out of the house of thy gods Kab. 1:12. from everlasting, O Lord my God, 3. 18. joy in the God ofmy salvation. Zep. 2: 7. Lord their God shall visit them, 9. the Lord of hosts, the God o/Israel, 11. will famish all the gods of the earth; 3: 2. she drew not near to her God. 17. The Lord thy God in the midst Hag. 1 : 12. obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, — as the Lord their God had sent 14. the house of the Lord of hosts, their God, Zee. 6:15. obey the voice of the Lord your God. 8: 8. 1 will be their God, 23. we have heard (that) God (is) with you. 9: 7. even he, (shall he) for our God, 16. the Lord their God shall save them 10: 6.1 (am) the Lord their God, 11 : 4. Thus saiih the Lord my God; 12: 5. in the Lord of hosts their God. 8. the house of David (shall be) as God, 13: 9. The Lord (is) my God. 14: 5. the Lord my God shall come, Mai. 2:15. That he might seek a godly seed. (marg. seed of God) 16. For the Lord, the Godof Israel, 17. Where (is) the God of judgment? 3: 8. Will a man rob God? 14. It (is) vain to serve God: 15. tempt God are even delivered. 18.bztween him that serveth God &$ Moo, Ch. Dan . 2:31. and behold a great image. 4 :10(7). and behold a tree in the midst 13(10). and, behold, a watcher 7: 8. and, behold, there came up — and, behold, in this horn fat il-loo'. Est. 7 : 4. But if we had been sold for Ecc. 6: 6. Yea, though he live a thousand years tfbt '$ eloh'ah, m. [For pi. see Cribs.] Deu32:15.he forsook God (which) made him, 17. They sacrificed unto devils, not, to God; 2Ch32:15.for no god of any nation or kingdom Neh. 9:17. thou (art)a God ready to pardon, Job 3 : 4. let not God regard it 1b» ( 94 ) Job 34 12 151619 21 22 242729 31.33:35: 36:37:39:40: Ps. 18: 50: 114:139: Pro. 30: Isa. 44: Danll. Hab. 1 3 : 23. whom God hath hedged in ? : 9. By the b'last of God they perish, 17. man be more just than God ? : 17. the man whom God correcteth: : 4. the terrors of God do set themselves 8. that God would grant (me) the 9. Even that it would please God : 13. God will not withdraw his anger, : 2. 1 will say unto God, : 5. But oh that God would speak, 6. Know therefore that God exacteth 7. Canst thou by searching find out God? : 4. who calleth upon God, 6. into whose hand God bringeth : 8. Hast thou heard the secret of God? :20.mine eye poureth out (tears) unto God. 21 . might plead for a man with God, : 6. Know now that God hath 21 . the hand of God hath touched me. 26. yet in my flesh shall I see God: : 9. neither (is) the rod of God upon them. 19. God layeth up his iniquity : 12. (Is) not God in the height of heaven ? 26. shalt lift up thy face unto God. : 12. yet God layeth not folly ; 3. the spirit of God (is) in my 8. when God taketh away his soul ? 10. will he always call upon God 9 : 2. the days (when) God preserved me ; 4.thesecret of God(was) upon my : 2. what portion of God (is there) from 6. that God may know mine integrity. 12. that God is greater than man. 26. He shall pray unto God, : 10. Where (is) God my maker, 2. (I have) yet to speak on God's behalf. 15. Dost thou know when God 22. with God (is) terrible majesty. 17. God hath deprived her of wisdom, 2. he that reproveth God, 31 (32) . For who (is) God save the Lord? 22. ye that forget God, 7. at the presence of the God of Jacob ; 19. thou wilt slay the wicked, O God : : 5. Every word of God (is) pure: 8. Is there a God beside me? 37. nor regard any god : 38. honour the God of forces : and a god 39. the most strong holds with a strange god, 11 . this his power unto his god. 3. God came from Teman, 7Y?ii elool, m. Neh. 6: 15. twenty and fifth(day)of (the month)jEZnZ, fbii al-lohn', m. Gen 35: 8. buried beneath Beth-el under an oah: and the name of it was called AUon~ bachuth. (marg. The oah of weeping) Isa. 2 : 13 . upon all the oaks of Bashan, 6 : 13. as a teil tree, and as an oah, 44: 14. taketh the cypress and the oak, Eze.27 : 6. the oaks of Bashan have they Hos. 4:13. upon the hills, under oaAs Am. 2; 9. he (was) strong as the oaks; Zee. 11 : 2. howl, O ye oaks of Bashan ; |fc X eh'-lohn, m. \. nbs. T ¦* Genl2 : 6. unto the plain o/Moreh. 13: 18. came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, (marg. plains) 14:13. he dwelt in theplain Of Mamre 18: 1 . unto him in the plains of Mamre : Deu 1 1 : 30. beside the plains o/Moreh ? Jud. 4:11. pitched his tent unto the plain of 9: 6. made Abimelech king, by the plain of (marg. oak) 37. by theplain o/Meonenim. 1 Sa. 10 : 3. thou shalt come to the plain of Tabor, Gen36 Ex. 15 ICh. 1 Ps. 55 144: Pro. 2: 16:17: Jer. 3: 11:13: Mic. 7; Zee. 9 12 tfhit & *f?K ul-looph', m. ; 15. These (were) dukes of the sons — duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho duke Kenaz, 16. Duke Koran, duke Gatam, (and) duke Amalek: these (are) the dukes (that came) o/Eliphaz 17. duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah duke Mizzah: these (are) the duke* (that came) o/Reuel 18. duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah: these (were) the dukes (that came) of 19. these (are) their dukes. 21. these (are) the dukes of the Horites, 29. These (are) the dukes (that came) of the Horites ; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah, 30. Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these (are) the dukes (that came) of Hori, among their dukes in the land of 40. these (are) the names of the dukes (that came) of Esau, — duke Timnah, duke Alvah, duke Jetheth, 41 . Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 42. Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, 43. Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these (be) the dukes o/Edom, :15. thedukes o/Edom shall be amazed; 51. the dukes of Edom wrere ; duke Thnnah, duke AHah, duke Jetheth, 52. Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 53. Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, tfwAeMibzar, 54. Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. These (are) the dukes o/Edom. 13( 14). my guide, and mine acquaintance. 14. our oxen (maybe) strong to labour; 17. Which forsaketh the guideof 'her youth, 28. a whisperer separateth chief friends. 9. a matter separateth (very) friends. 4. thou (art) the guide ofmy youth? 19. 1 (was) like a lamb (or) an ox 21 . bast taught them (to be ) captains, 5. put ye not confidence in a guide. : 7. he shall be as a governor 5. the governors 0/ Judah shall say 6. will I make the governors of Judah rbit [ah-lagk'] Ps. * NIPHAL Preterite. # 14: 3. they are (all) together become filthy: (marg. stinking) 53 : 3(4). they are altogether become filthy ; NIPHAL.— Participle. Job 15: 16. much more abominable and filthy (is) irSx al-yah', f. Ex. 29:22. of the ram the fat and the rump, Lev. 3: 9. the fat thereof, (and) tlie whole rump, 7 : 3. all the fat thereof; the rump, and 8: 25. he took the fat, and tAe rump, 9:19. of the bullock and of the ram, the rump, hh* tied, m. Job 13:4 is without (¦>). Lev.19: 4. Turn ye not unto idols, 26: 1. Ye shall make you no idols 1 Ch.16 : 26. the gods of the people (are) idols : Job 13: 4. ye (are) all physicians of no value. Ps. 96: 5. all the gods of the nations (are) idols: 97 : 7 . that boast themselves of idols : 2:8. Their land also is full of idols ; 18. And the idols he shall utterly abolish. , 20. a man shall cast his idols of silver, and ha idols of gold, 10: 10. hath found the kingdoms of the idiM, (lit. idol) 11. done unto Samaria and her idols, 19 : l.the idols of Egypt shall be moved Isa. •>>» (95 ) Tsa. 19 : 3. and they shall seek to the idols, 31: 7. every man shall cast away his idols silver, andhis idolsof gold, Jer. 14: 14. divination, and a thing of nought, Eze.30: 13. 1 will also destroy the idols, Hab. 2:18. to make dumb idols? Zec.ll : 17. Woe to the idol shepherd of P?K il-lehn', pron. pi. Ch. In ch. 6 : 6(7). it is ]•?«. Dan. 2: 40. and as iron that breaketh all these, 44. and consume all these kingdoms, 6: 2(3). that the princes might give accounts 6(7). Then these presidents 7:17. These great beasts, which are four, ^m U-lech, Ch. Ezr. Dan 4 : 21 . cause these men to cease, 5: 9. Then asked we those elders, 6: 8. shall do to the elders of these Jews — expences be given unto these men, 3:12. these men, O king, have not regarded 13. Then they brought these men 21. Then these men were bound 22. the flame of the fire slew those men 23. And these three men, 27- saw these men, upon whose bodies 6: 5(6). Then said these men, 11(12), 15(16). Then thesemen assembled, 24(25). and they brought those men bhx see hfat- v?X al-le-lahy', interj. Job 10: 15. If I be wicked, woe unto me ; Mic. 7 : 1. Woe is me ! for I am as when tba ah-lam' . - T * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ps. 39: 2(3). I was dumb with silence, 9(10). I was dumb, I opened not my Isa. 53 : 7. as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, Eze. 3 : 26. that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be 33:22. 1 was no more dumb. DanlO; 15. toward the ground, and I became dumb. NIPHAL— Future. Ps. 31: 18(19). Let the lying lips be put to silence ; Eze. 24: 27. thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: * PIEL.— Participle. # Gen37: 7. For, behold, we (were) binding nh X ehf-lem, m. Ps. 56:[title] (l)upon Jonath-e?em-rechokim, (lit. dove of silence (among) strangers) 58: 1(2). Do ye indeed speak righteousness, 0 congregation ? DpN il-lehmr, adj . Ex. 4 : 1 1 . or who maketh the dumb, Ps. 38:13(14). and (I was) as a dumb man Pro. 31: 8. Open thy mouth for the dumb Isa. 35 : 6. the tongue of the dumb sing : 56:10. they (are) all dumb dogs, Hab. 2:18. to make dumb idols? dW see D^K- 'HO'jM al- vbi* moog-geem See also D^BWbS. m. pi. 1 K. 10 : 1 1 . great plenty of almug trees, 12. the king made of the almug trees pillars, — there came no such almug trees, !"Ih?N [dlum-mah'] f. Gen37: 7. we (were) binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright ; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my Ps.126: 6. bringing his sheaves (with him). niB7X eh-larn-moth' , f. pi. See also ff'ipV'H. Eze 40 : 16. likewise to the arches : 30. And the arches round about flfo 3?X al-mahnl ' , adj . Jer. 51 : 5. For Israel (hath) not (been)/orsaAen, $fa> Nt al-mohn' ', m. Isa. 47 : 9. the loss of children, and widowhood: 24 26 MJO^N al-mah-nah' , f. t t : - ' Gen38 : 1 1 . Remain a widow at thy father's house Ex. 22:22(21). Ye shall not afflict any widow, 24(23). your wives shall be widows, Lev. 21 : 14. A widow, or a divorced woman, 22:13. if the priest's daughter be a widow, Nu. 30: 9(10). But every vow of a widow, Deul0:18.of tb;e fatherless and widow, 14:29 & 16:11, 14. the stranger, and the father less, and the widow, 17. nor take the widow's raiment to pledge : 19, 20, 21. for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the ividow : 12. the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, 13. to the fatherless, and to the widow, 27: 19. the stranger, fatherless, and widow. 2 Sa.14: 5.1 (am) indeed a widow woman, 1 K. 7 . 14. He (was) a widow's son of the tribe 11:26. whose mother's name (was) Zeruah, a widow 17 : 9.1 have commanded a widow woman 10. Me widow woman (was) there 20. brought evil upon the widow Job 22: 9. Thou hast sent widows away 24: 3. they take the widow's ox 21 , and doeth not good to the widow. 27 : 15. and Ms widows shall not weep. 29: 13. 1 caused the widow's heart to sing 31 : 16. caused the eyes of the widow to fail ; Ps. 68: 5(6). a judge of the widows, 78 :64. and their widows made no lamentation. 94: 6. They slay the widow and the stranger, 109: 9. his wife a widow. 146: 9. he relieveth the fatherless and widow: Pro. 15: 25. establish the border of the widow. Isa. 1:17. plead for the widow. 23. neither doth the cause of the widow 9: 17(16). mercy on their fatherless and widows: 10: 2. that widows may be their prey, 47 : 8.1 shall not sit (as) a widow, Jer. 7 : 6 . the fatherless, and the widow, 15: 8. Their widows are increased to me 18:21. bereaved of their children, and (he)widows; 22: 3. the fatherless, nor the widow, 49 : 1 1 . and let thy widows trust in me. Lam. 1: Lis she become as a widow/ 5: 3. our mothers (are) as widows: Eze 22: 7. they vexed the fatherless and the widow. 25. they have made her many widows J?H ( 96 ) ^re Eze.44: 22. Neither (lit. and.. .not) shall they take for their wives a widow, — or a widow that had a priest before, (lit. or a widow who shall be a widow from a priest) Zee. 7.10. And oppress not the widow, Mai. 3: 5.tAe widow, and the fatherless, fiiJO^N al-mnotlt, f. pi. [const, of n-faabw.] Isa. 13: 22. shall cry in their desolate houses, (marg. palaces) Eze 19: 7. he knew their desolate palaces, (marg. their widows) n^N al-ninooth\ f. [Const, of rVDttbH.] jlen 38 : 1 4. she put her widow's garments off 19. put on the garments of her widowhood. Sa.20. 3. living in widowhood. ia. 54: 4. the reproach ofthy widowhood Ruth 4: ISa. 21: 2K. 6: syy?b$ al-??ioh-neer, m. Always joined to "0/53. 1. Ho, such a one! turn aside, 2(3). to such and such a place. 8. In such and such a place j!?« see |^N- *fc ?K [uh-lnph'] -X- KAL.—Fntnre. * Pro. 22 .25. Lest t/ion fcarre his ways, * PIEL.— Future. *. lob 15: 5. thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, (marg. teacheth ) 33 .33. and 1 shall teach thee wisdom. PIEL.— Pa»tOT>&. ob 35:11. ^7io teacheth us more than the beasts *JX ?« [u/i-lap/i'] * HIPHIL.— Participle. * ?s. 144: 13. our sheep may bring forth thousands C)7N eli'-leph, m. Gen20:16. 24:60. Ex. 12:37 18:21. 25. 20: 6. 32:28.34: 7, 38:25. Nu. 2829 1:16 21 23 25272931 33 35 37 39•I! thy brother a thousand (pieces) of silver. thou (the mother) o/r/io«j,a„dso/millions, about 600 thousand on foot (to be) rulers of thousands, (and) rulers rulers of thousands, rulers of shewing mercy unto thousands the people that day about three thousand Keeping mercy for thousands, and a thousand 775 shekels, thousand and three thousand and 550 of the thousand 775 (shekels) he made and two thousand and 400 shekels. heads of thousands in Israel . of Reuben, (were) 46 thousand and 500. of Simeon, (were) 59 thousand and 300. of Gad, (were) 45 thousand 650. of Judah, (were) 74 thousandand 600. of Issachar, (were) 54 thousand and 400. of Zebulun, (were) 57 thousand and 400. of Ephraim, (were) 40 thousand and 500. of Manasseh, (were) 32 thousand and 200. cf Benjamin, (were) 35 thousand and 400. of Dan, (were)62 thousandand 700. of Asher, (were) 41 thousand and 500. Nu. 1 : 43. of Naphtali, (were) 53 thousand and 400. 46. they that were numbered were 600 thou. sand and three thousandand 550. 2: 4. numbered of them, (were) 74 thousand 6. numbered thereof, (were) 54 thousand 8. numbered thereof, (were) 57 thousand 9. of Judah (were) 100 thousand and 80 thousand and six thousand and 400, 11. numbered thereof, (were) 46 thousand 13. numbered of them, (were) 59thousund 15. numbered of them, (were) 45 thousand l6.Reuben(were)100thousandand51thousand19. numbered of them, (were) 40 thousand 21 . numbered of them, (were) 32 thousand 23. numbered of them, (were) 35 thousand 24. of Ephraim (were) 100 thousand and eight thousand and 1 00, 26. numbered of them, (were) 62 thousand 28. numbered of them, (were) 41 thousand 30. numbered of them, (were) 53 thousand 31. Dan (were) 100 thousand, and 57 thousand 32. their hosts (were) 600 thousand and three thousandand 550. 3 : 22. numbered of them (were) seven thousand 28. old and upward, (were) eight thousand 34. old and upward, (were) six thousand and 39. old and upward, (were) 22 thousand. 43. numbered of them, were 22 thousand 50. the money ; a thousand 365 (shekels), 4: 36. by their families were two thousand 7 HO. 40. of their fathers, were two thousand and 44. families, were three thousand and 200. 48. numbered of them, were eight thousand 7: 85. silver vessels (weighed) two thousand and 10: 4. (which are) heads of tAe thousands of 36. unto the many thousands o/Israel. 11:21. six hundred thousand footmen; 16:49(17: 14). in the plague were 14 thousand 25 : 9. died in the plague were 24 tlwusand. 26 : 7. numbered of them were 43 thousand and 14. the Simeonites, 22 thousand and 200. 18. numbered of them, 40 tftonsandand 500. 22. numbered of them, 76 thousand and 500. 25. numbered of them, 64 thousand and 300. 27. numbered of them, 60 thousand and 500. 34. numbered of them, 52 tlwusand and 700. 37. numbered of them, 32 thousand and 500. 41. numbered of them (were) 45 thousand and 43. numbered of them, (were) 64 thousand 47. of them ; (who were) 53 tlwusandma 50. of them (were) 45 thousand and 400. 51 . of Israel, 600 thousand and a thousand 62. numbered of them were 23 thousand, 31. 4. Of every tribe a thousand, (marg. A thr.usand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe) 5. out of the thousands of Israel, a thovsavdol (every) tribe, 12 thousand armed for 6. to the war, a thousand of (every) tribe, ] 4. the captains over thousands, and captains 32. had caught, was 600 thousand and (0 thousand and five thousand sheep, 33. And 72 thousand beeves, 34. And 61 thousand asses, 35. And 32 thousand persons in all, 36. thousand and 37 thousand (lit. 30 tlm- sand and 7 thousands) and 500 38. And the beeves (were) 36 thousand; 39. And the asses (were) 30 thousand and 40. And the persons (were) 16 thousand; 43. (unto) the congregation was 300 thovsmi and 30 thousand (and) seven thousand •14. And 36 thousand beeves, 45. And 30 thousand asses and 500, 46. And 16 thousand persons ; 48. tlie officers which (were) over thousands; the host, the captains of thousands, 52. the captains of thousands, and of the cap tains of hundreds, was 16 thousand 750 54. the gold of the captains of thousands 35 : 4. outward a thousand cubits round about. 5. the east side two thousand cubits, and o» the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand Deu. 1:11. make you a thousand times so many 15. heads over you, captains over thousand *pH ( 97 ) t\bn Deu. 5 : 10. shewing mercy unto thousands 7 -. 9. his commandments to a thousand 1 3 & 28 ; 4, 1 8, 51 . the increase of thy kine, 32:30. How should one chase a thousand, 33: 17. they (are) the thousands of 'Manasseh. Jos. 3 : 4. about two thousand cubits by measure : 4:13. About40 thousand prepared for war 7: 3. but let about two or three thousand men (marg. about two thousand men, or, about three thousand) 4. of the people about three thousand men: 8 : 3. Joshua chose out 30 thousand mighty 12. he took about five thousand men, 25. 12 thousand, (even) all the men of Ai. 18:28. Zelah, Eleph, and Jebusi, 22 ; 14. among the thousands o/Israel. 21, 30. heads of the thousands of 'Israel, 23:10. man of you shall chase athousand: Jud. 1 : 4. of them in Bezek ten thousand men. 3 : 29. of Moab at that time about ten thousand 4: 6. and take with thee ten thousand men 10. he went up with ten thousand men 14. from mount Tabor, and ten thousand 5: 8. or spear seen among forty thousand 6 :1b. my family (is) poor in Manasseh, (marg. my thousand) 7: 3. of the people twenty and two thousand; and there remained ten thousand. 8. 10. hosts with them, about fifteen thousand — ¦ an hundred and twenty thousand men 26. a thousand and seven hundred (shekels) 9:49. about a thousand men and women. 12 : 6. of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand. 15:11. Then three thousand men of Judah 15. slew a thousand men therewith. 16. have Islain a thousand men. 16: 5. eleven hundred (pieces) of silver, (lit. a thousand and a hundred) 27. about three thousand men and women, 17: 2, 3. The eleven hundred (shekels) (lit. a thousand and a hundred) 20: 2. four hundred thousand footmen 10. and an hundred of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, 15. out of the cities 26 thousand men 17. were numbered 400 thousand men that 21. of the Israelites that day 22 thousand 25. of the children of Israel again 18 thousand 34. against Gibeah 10 thousand chosen men 35. of the Benjamites that day 25 thousand 44. there fell of Benjamin 18 thousand men ; 45. in the highways five thousand men ; — unto Gidom, and slew two thousand men 46. that day of Benjamin were 25 thousand : 10. thither 12 thousand men of the valiantest, 2. in the field about four thousand men. 10. there fell of Israel 30 thousand footmen. : 19. smote of the people 50 thousand and 70 : 12. will appoint him captains over thousands, : 1 9. by your tribes, and by your thousands . : 8. the children of Israel were 300 thousand. and the men of Judah 30 thousand. : 2. Saul chose him three thousand (men) of Israel; (whereof) two thousand were — and a thousand were with Jonathan 5. to fight with Israel, 30 thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, 4. numbered them in Telaim, 200 thousand footmen, and 10 thousandmen of Judah. 5. weight of the coat (was) five thousand 18. unto the captain of (their) thousand, 7. Saul hath slain his thousands, 8. to me they have ascribed (but) thousands: 13. made him his captain over a thousand ; : 11(12). Saul hath slain his thousands, : 7 . ( and ) make you all captai ns of thousands, : 23. throughout all the thousands of Judah. 2(3). Saul took three thousand chosen men 2. had three thousand sheep, and a thousand 2. having three thousand chosen men 2. by hundreds, and by thousands: 5. Saul slew his thousands, 2Sa. 6: 1. (the) chosen (men) of Israel, 30 thousand. r 8:4. took from him a thousand (chariots), — and 20 thousand footmen : 5. David slew of the Syrians 22 thousand 13. valley of salt, (being) 18 thousand (men). 21 ISa. 4 17:18: 19: 24: 1 K. 3:4: 2Sa. 10: 6. and the Syrians of Zoba, 20 thousand foot men, and of king Maacah a thousand men, and of Ish-tob 1 2 thousand men. 18, of the Syrians, and LOthousand horsemen, 1. Let me now choose out 12 thousandmen, 1 . and set captains of thousands and captains 3. (thou art) worth 10 thousand of us: 4. came out by hundreds and by thousands. 7 . a great slaughter that day of 20 thousand 12.1 should receive a thousand (shekels) of 17(18). ^4wo* (there were) a thousandmen of 9. and. there were in Israel 800 thousand — the men of Judah (were) 500 thousand 15. from Dan even to Beer-sheba 70 thousand 4. a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon 26(5:6). had 40 thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and 12 thousand horsemen. 32(5:12). spake three thousand proverbs : and his songs were a thousand and five. -.11(25). Solomon gave Hiram 20 thousand 13(27). and the levy was 30 thousandmen. 14( 28 ). 10 thousand a month by courses : 15(29). And Solomon had 70 thousand that bare burdens, and 80 thousand hewers in 16(30). three thousand and 300, which ruled : 26. of lilies : it contained two thousand baths. :63. offered unto the Lord, 22 thousand oxen, and 120 thousand sheep. : 26. and he had a thousand and 400 chariots, and 12 thousand horsemen, :21 . 180 thousand chosen men, which were :18. Yet I have left (me) 7 thousand in Israel, : 15. the children of Israel, (being) 7 thousand. 29. Israel slew of the Syrians 100 thousand 30. and (there) a wall fell upon 27 thousand 4. 100 thousand lambs, and 100 thousand rams, 5. and six thousand (pieces) of gold, 7. ten chariots, and 10 thousand footmen ; 7. in the valley of salt lOthousand, 19. gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, 23. and I will deliver thee two thousand horses, 35. in the camp of the Assyrians 185 thousand: : 14. men of valour, (even) lOthousand 16- seven thousand, and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, : 18. thousand 760, that went out to the war. 21. of their camels 50 thousand, and of sheep 250 thousand, and of asses two thousand, and of men 100 thousand. . 2. in the days of David 22 thousand and 600. 4. bands of soldiers for war, 36 thousand 5. in all by their genealogies 87 thousand. 7. by their genealogies 22 thousand and 34 9. mighty men of valour, (was) 20 thousand 1 1 . men of valour, (were) 17 thousandand 40. the war (and) to battle (was) 26 thousand .13. a thousand and 760 ; very able men for the ; 14. and the greatest over a thousand. 20. captains of the thousands that (were) of 24. shield and spear (were) 6 thousand and 25. valour for the war, 7 thousand and 100. 26. children of Levi 4 thousand and 600. 27. Aaronites, and with him (were) 3 thousand 29. the kindred of Saul, 3 thousand : 30. children of Ephraim 20 thousand and 800, 31. the half tribe of Manasseh 18 thousand, 33. thousand, which could keep rank: 34. of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear 37 thousand. 35. The Danites expert in war 28 thousand 36. to battle, expert in war, 40 thousand. 37. of war for the battle, 120 thousand. 1 . consulted with the captains of thousands 25. and the captains over thousands, went to 15. (which) he commanded to a thousand 4. David took from him a thousand chariots, and 7 thousand-horsemen, and 20 thousand 5. David slew of the Syrians 22 thousandmen. 12. Edomites in the valley of salt 18 thousand. 6. of Ammon sent a thousand talents of 7. So they hired 32 thousand chariots, 18. slew of the Syrians 7 thousand (men which fought in) chariots, and 40 thousand 5. all (they of) Israel were a thousand thou sand and 100 thousand men that drew sword: and Judah (was) 470 thousand 14. and there fell of Israel 70 thousand men. 2 K. 3: 5 13 14 15 18 19 24 ICh 19 21 *]b» 27: 28: 29: 2Ch 1: \Ch22:M. thousand talents of gold, and a thousand thousand talents of silver ; 23: 3. their polls, man by man, was 38 thousand. 4. thousand (were ) to set forward the work of the house of the Lord ; and 6 thousand 5. thousand (were) porters; and 4 thousand 26:26. the captains over thousands and hundreds, 30. brethren, men of valour, a thousandand 32. men of valour, (were) two thousand and : 1 . the chief fathers and captains of thousands — of every course (were) 24 thousand. 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. and in his course (were) 24 thousand. 4. in his course likewise (were) 24 thousand. Land the captains over the thousands, 4. thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and 7 thousand talents of 6. and the captains of thousands 7. thousand talents and 10 thousand drams, and of silver 10 thousand talents, and of brass, 18 thousand talents, and 100 thou sand talents of iron. 21. (even) a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, (and) a thousand lambs, 2. to the captains of thousands and of 6. and offered a thousand burnt offerings 14. and he had a thousand and 400 chariots, and 12 thousand horsemen, 2\ 2(1). thousand men to bear burdens, and 80 thousand to hew in the mountain, and 3 thousand and 600 to oversee them. 10(9). thousand measures of beaten wheat, and 20 thousand measures of barley, and 20 thousand baths of wine, and 20 thou sand baths of oil. 17(16). found IbOthousand, and3 thousand and 18(17). thousand of them (to be) bearers of burdens, and 80 thousand (to be) hewers in the mountain, and 3 thousand and 600 4 : 5. (and) it received and held 3 thousand baths. 7: 5. of 2% thousand oxen, and 120 thousand 9:25. had 4 thousand stalls for horses and cha riots, and 12 thousand horsemen ; 1. 180 thousand chosen (men), which were 3. With 1200 (lit. a thousand and 200) cha riots, and 60 thousand horsemen: 3. of war, (even) 400 thousand chosen men : — with 800 thousand chosen men, (being) 17. slain of Israel 500 thousand chosen men. 8(7). out of Judah 300 thousand; and outcf Benjamin, that bare shields and drew bows, 280 thousand : 9(8). with an host of a thousand thousand. 15:11. oxen and 7 thousand sheep. 17: 11. thousand and 700 rams, and 7 thousand 14. Of Judah, the captains of thousands ; — mighty men of valour 300 thousand. 15. the captain, and with him 280 thousand. 16. 200 thousand mighty men of valour. 17. men with bow and shield 200 thousand. 18. 180 thousand ready prepared for the war. 25: 5. made them captains over thousands, — and found them 300 Mowsawo*choice(men \ 6. He hired also 100 thousand mighty men 11. smote of the children of Seir 10 thousand. 12. And (other) 10 thousand (left) alive 13. three thousand of them, and took much 26:12. men of valour (were) two thousand and 13. an army, 300 thousand, and 7 thousand and 27: 5. ten thousand measures of wheat, and 10 thousand 28: 6. slew in Judah 120 thousand in one day, 8. captive of their brethren 200 thousand, 29:33. six hundred oxen, and 3 thousand sheep. 30 : 24. a thousand bullocks and 7 thousand sheep ; — a thousand bullocks and 10 thousand 35: 7 .of 30 thousand, and 3 thousand bullocks: 8. passover offerings two thousand and 600 9. for passover offerings 5 thousand (small) 1 : 9. a thousand chargers of silver, 10. (and) other vessels a thousand. 11. of gold and of silver (were) 5 thousand : 3. The children of Parosh, two thousand and 172 6. of Jeshua (and) Joab, two thousand 7. The children of Elam, a thousand 254. 12. The children of Azgad, a thousand 222. 11: 12: 13: 14: Ezr. ( 98 ) epK Ezr. 2 : 14. The children of Bigvai, two thousand 5fi. 31 . children of the other Elam, a thousand 254, 35. The children of Senaah, 3 thousand 630. 37. The children of Immer, a thousand 52. 38. The children of Pashur, a thousand 247. 39. The children of Harim, a thousand 17. 64. together (was) forty two thousand 360, 65. of whom (there were) 7 thousand 337 : 67. (their) asses, 6 thousand 720. 69. treasure of the work 60 and one thousand drams of gold, and 5 thousand pound of 8:27. basons of gold, of a thousand drams ; Neh 3 ; 13. and a thousand cubits on the wall unto 7: 8. The children of Parosh, two thousand 172. 1 1 . of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand 818. 12. The children of Elam, a thousand 254. 17. The children of Azgad, two thousand 322. 19. The children of Bigvai, two thousand®!, 34. children of the other Elam, a thousand 254. 38. The children of Senaah, 3 thousand 930. 40. The children of Immer, a thousand 52. 41. The children of Pashur, a thousand 247. 42. the children of Harim, a thousand 17. 66. together (was) forty two thousand 360, 67. of whom (there were) 7 thousand 337: 69. six thousand 720 asses. 70. Tirshatha gave to the treasure a thousand 71 . and two thousand and 200 pound of silver, 72. and two thousand pound of silver, Est. 3: 9.1 will pay 10 thousand talents of silver 9: 16. and slew of their foes 75 thousand, Job 1 : 3. was 7 thousand sheep, and 3 thousand 9: 3. cannot answer him one of a thousand, 33: 23. one among a thousand, 42:12. thousand sheep, and 6 thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. Ps. 8: 7(8). All sheep and oxen, 50: 10. the cattle upon a thousand hills. 60: [title] (2). in the valley of salt 12 thousand. 68: 17(18). (are) 20 thousand, (even) thousandsqf 84; 10( 1 1 ). thy courts (is) better than a thousand. 90: 4. For a thousand years in thy sight 91 : 7. A thousand shall fall at thy side, 105 : 8. he commanded to a thousand generations, 119:72. better unto me than thousands of 'gold Pro. 14: 4. Where no oxen (are), the crib (is) clean: Ecc. 6: 6. though he live a thousand years 7 ;28. one man among a thousand Cant.4; 4. whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, 8:11. the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand 1 2. thou, O Solomon, (must have ) a thousand, 7 : 23 . were a thousand vines at a thousand 30: 17. thousand (shall flee) at the rebuke of one; 24. The oxen likewise and the young asses 8. and I will give thee two thousand horses, 36. the camp of the Assyrians 185 thousand: 22. A little one shall become a thousand, 18. shewest lovingkindness unto thousands, 28. in the seventh year, 3 thousand Jews 30. all the persons (were) 4 thousand and : l.the length of 25 thousand (reeds), andthe breadth (shall be) 10 thousand. 3. thousand, and the breadth of lOthousand: 5. thousand of length, and the 10 thousand 6. city 5 thousand broad, and 25 thousand 47 : 3. he measured a thousand cubits, 4, 4. Again he measured a thousand, 5. Afterward he measured a thousand; 48: 8. offer of 25 thousand (reeds in) breadth, 9, thousand in length, and of 10 thousand 10. toward the north 25 thousand (in length), and toward the west 10 thousand in breadth, and toward the east 10 thousand in breadth, and toward the south 23 thousand in length ; 13. thousand in length, and 10 thousand in breadth: all the length (shall be) 25 thousand, and the breadth 10 thousand. 15. the 5 thousand, that are left in the breadth over against the 25 thousand, 16. the north side 4 thousand and 500, andthe south side 4 thousand and 500, and on the east side 4 thousand and 500, and the west side 4 thousand and 500. 18. ten thousand eastward, and 10 thousand 20. (shall be) 25 thousand by 25 thousand: Isa. 3637 60 Jer. 32 52 Eze.45 *f?x Eze. 48 : 21 . over against the 25 thousand of the oblation — and westward over against the 25 thousand 30, 33. four thousand and 500 measures. 32. at the east side 4 tlwusand and 500 : 34. At the west side 4 thousand and 500, 35. (It was) round about 18 thousand Dan. 8; 14. unto me, Unto two thousand and 300 days ; 12:11. (there shall be) a thousand 290 days. 12. and cometh to the thousand 335 days. Am. 5: 3. The city that went out (by) a thousand Mic. 5: 2(1), thou be little among the thousands of 6 : 7 . "Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Deu] 4 21 22 S^X eh'-leph & rf?$ alaph, Ch. m. Dan 5: l.a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand. 7 : 10. thousand thousands ministered r^ ?X [ah-latz']. *PIEL Future. * Jud. 16:16. with her words, and urged him, DIP7X al-koom'. Pro. 30 -.31. against whom (there is) no rising up. Dtf ehm, f. cowl. Gen 2:24. a man leave his father and his mother, 3:20. she was the mother of all living. 20 : 12. but not the daughter of my mother ; 21 ; 21 . his mother took him a wife 24:28. told (them of ) her mother's house these 53. and to her mother precious things. 55. her brother and her mother said, 67. into his mother Sarah's tent, — Isaac was comforted after his mother's 27:11. Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, 13. And his mother said unto him, 14. brought (them) to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, 29. let thy mother's sons bow down 28 : 2. the house of Bethuel thy mother's father ; — Laban thy mother's brother. 5. Jacob's and Esau's mother. 7. obeyed his father and his mother, 29: 10. the daughter of Laban his mother's brother. and the sheep of Laban his mother's — the flock of Laban his mother's brother. 30: 14. brought them unto his mother Leah. 32 : 1 1 ( 1 2) . the mother with the children. 37: 10. Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren 43 : 29. Benjamin, his mother's son, 44:20.he alone is left ofhis mother, Ex. 2: 8. called the child's mother. 20 : 12. Honour thy father and thy mother: 21 : 15. smiteth his father, or his mother, 17. curseth his father, or his mother, 22:30(29). seven days it shall be with his dam ; 23:19 &34:26. seethe a kid in Ais mother's milk. Lev.l 8 : 7. or the nakedness of thy mother, — she (is) thy mother ; 9. or daughter ofthy mother, 13. the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she (is) thymother's near kinswoman. 19: 3. Ye shall fear every man his mother, 20 : 9. curseth his father or his mother — cursed his father or his mother ; 14. if a -man take a wife and her mother, 17. or his mother's daughter, 19. the nakedness of tAy mother's sister, 21 : 2. for his mother, and for his father, 11. for his father, or for his mother; 22 : 27. shall be seven days under the dam ; 24:1 1. his mother's name (was) Shelomith, Nu. 6: 7. for his father, or for his mother, 12:12. cometh out of Ais motAer'swomb. Deu 5 : 16. Honour thy father and thy mother, 13: 6(7). the son of thy mother, ( 99 ) QN 21. not seethe a kid in Ais mother's milk. 13. bewail her father and Aer mother 18. or the voice of Ais mother, 19. and his mother lay hold on him, 6. and the dam sitting upon the young, — shalt not take the dam with the young: 7. thou shalt in any wise let tAe dam go, 15. of the damsel, and her mother, 27 : 16. setteth light by his father or his mother. 22. or the daughter of Ais mother. 33: 9. unto his father and to his mother, Jos. 2:13. save alive my father, and my mother, 18. bring thy father, and thy mother, 6:23. her father, and her mother, Jud. 5: 7. 1 arose a mother in Israel. 28. The mother o/Sisera looked out 8: 19.the sons ofmy mother: 9: 1. unto Ais mother's brethren, • - the house of Ais mother's father, 3. his mother's brethren spake 14: 2. told his father and his mother, 3. Then his father and his mother 4. But his father and his mother 5. his father and his mother, 6. told not his father or Ms mother 9. his father and mother (lit. and Ais m.other ) 16. not told (it) my father nor my mother, 16: 17. from my mother's womb: 17: 2. he said unto his mother, — And Ais mother said, Blessed 3. eleven hundred (shekels) of silver to his mother, his mother said, I had wholly 4. he restored the money unto his mother; and his mother took two hundred Ruth 1 : 8. return each to Aer mother's house : 2 : 1 1 . hast left thy father and thy mother, ISa. 2: 19. Ais motlier made him a little coat, 15:33. so shall thy mother be childless, 20:30. the confusion of thy mother's nakedness? 22 : 3. Let my father and my mother, 2Sa. 17:25. sister to Zeruiah Joab's mother. 19: 37(38). grave ofmy father and ofmy mother. 20: 19. destroy a city and a mother IK. 1 :ll&2:13.Bath-sheba the mother of Solomon, 2: 19. to be set for the king's mother ; 20. my mother: for I will not say thee nay. 22. said unto his mother, 3:27. she (is) the mother thereof . 11:26. whose mother's name (was) Zeruah, 14:21, 31. Ais mother's name (was) Naamah, 15: 2, 10. his mother's name (was) Maachah, 13. also Maachah Ais mother, even her he 17:23. delivered him unto his mother: 19:20.kiss my father and my mother, 22: 42. his mother's name (was) Azubah 52(53). in the way of Ais mother, 2 K . 3 : 2. not like his father, and lihe his mother: 13. to the prophets of thy mother. 4 ; 1 9. Carry him to Ais mother. 20. brought him to Ais mother, 30. tAe mother of the child said, 8:26. Ais mother's name (was) Athaliah, 9:22. so long as the whoredoms of thy mother 11: I . Athaliah tAe mother of Ahaziah 12 : 1(2). Ais mother's name (was) Zibiah 14: 2. Ais mother's name (was) Jehoaddan 15: 2. Ais mother's name (was) Jecholiah 33. Ais mother's name (was) Jerusha, 18: 2. His mother's name also (was) Abi, 21 : l.Ais mother's name (was) Hephzibah. 19. Ais mother's name (was) Meshullemeth, 22: l.Ais mother's name (was) Jedidah, 23:31. Ais mother's name (was) Hamutal, 36. Ais mother's name (was) Zebudah, 24: 8. Ais mother's name (was) Nehushta, 12. and his mother, and his servants, 15. and the king's mother, 18. Ais mother's name (was) Hamutal, ICh. 2.26. she (was) tAe mother o/Onam. 4 : 9. and his mother called his name Jabez, 2Ch 12: 13. Ais mother's name (was) Naamah 13: 2. His mother's name also (was) Michaiah 15 ; 16. the mother of Asa the king, 20:31. Ais mother's name (was) Azubah 22: 2. His mother's name also (was) Athaliah 3. for Ais mother was his counsellor 10. Athaliah tAe mother of Ahaziah DN 2Ch24: 25 2627 29 Est. 2 Job 1 17 31 Ps. 22 27 35505169 71 109113131 139 Pro. 1 46 10151!) 20232829 3031 Ecc. 5 Cant 1 3(ia Isa. 8 496066 Jer. 15 16 20225052 Lam. 2 5 Eze. 16 19 21 2223 44 Hos. 2 4 10 Mic. 7 Zec.13 1. His mothers name also (was) Zibiah l.Ais motlier's name (was) Jehoaddan 3. His mother's name also (was) Jecoliah I. His mother's name also (was) Jerushah, l.hismother's name (was) Abijah, 7. she had neither father nor mother, — when her father and mother were dead, 21 . Naked came I out of my mother's 14. to the worm, (Thou art) my mother, 18. from my mother's womb ; 9( 10). upon my mother's breasts. 10( 1 1 ). my God from my mother's belly. 10. my father and my mother forsake me, 14. one that mourneth (for his) mother. 20.slanderest thine own mother's son. 5(7). in sin did my motlier conceive 8(9). an alien unto my mother's children. 6. took me out ofmy mother's bowels: 14. let not the sin of Ais mother be blotted out. 9. a joyful mother of children. 2. a'child that is weaned of Ais motlier: 13. hast covered me in my mother's womb. 8. forsake not the law of thy mother: 3. in the sight ofmy mother. 20. forsake not the law of thy mother: 1 . the heaviness of Ais mother. 20. a foolish man despiseth Ais mother. 26. chaseth away (his) mother, 20. curseth his father or his mother, 22. despise not thy mother when 25. Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, 24. robbeth his father or his mother, 15. bringeth Ais mother to shame. 11. doth not bless their mother. 17. despiseth to obey (his) mother, 1 . the prophecy that his mother taught him. 15(14). came forth of Ais mother's womb, 6. my mother's children were angry 4. brought him into my mother's house, 1 1 . wherewith Ais mother crowned him 9. she (is) the (only) one if her mother, 1 . sucked the breasts of my mother! 2. bring thee into my mother's house, 5. there thy mother brought thee forth : 4. to cry, My father, and my mother, 1 . from the bowels of my mother l.the bill of your mother's divorcement, — is your mother put away. 13. one whom Ais mother comforteth, 8. th'i mother of the young men 10. Woe is me, my mother, 3. concerning tAeir mothers that bare them, 7. for their father or for their mother. 1 4. the day wherein my mother 17. that my mother might have been my grave, 26. and thy mother that bare thee, 12. Your mother shall be sore confounded ; l.Ais mother's name (was) Hamutal : 12. They say to their mothers, — poured out into their mothers' bosom. : 3. our mothers (are) as widows. 3. and thy mother an Hittite. 44. As (is) tAe mother, (so is) her daughter. 45. Thou (art) thy mother's daughter, that — your mother (was) an Hittite, 2. 'What (is) thy mother"? 10. Thy motlier (is) like a vine 21(26). stood at theparting of the way, (marg. at tAe mother of the way) : 7. they set light by father and mother: 2. the daughters of one mother: 25. but for father, or for mother, : 2(4). Plead «?iiA your mother, 5(7)For tAeir mother hath played 5. 1 will destroy thy mother. 14. tAe mother was dashed in pieces : 6. the daughter riseth up against her mother, : 3. then his father and his mother — iiis father and his mother (. 100 ) HQN Gen38: 9. when he went in unto his brother's Ex. 19: 13. whether (it be) beast or man, it shall Nu. 14:23. Surely they shall not see the land 30. Doubtless ye shall not come into 32 : 1 1 . Surely none of the men that came up Jud. 13 : 16. Though thou detain me, I will not eat ISa. 17 :55. soul liveth, Oking, I cannot tell. 19: 6. the Lord liveth, he shall not be slain. 20: 14. shalt not only while yet I live 24 : 21 ( 22 ) . tAat thou wilt not cut off my seed 28: 10. tAere shall no punishment happen 30: 15. that thou wilt neither kill me, nor 2Sa. 17:13. Moreover, if he be gotten into a 1 Ch 4: 10. Oh tliat thou wouldest bless me indeed, 21 : 12. Either three years' famine; or three months 2Ch33: 8. so that (lit. if only) they will take Job 14: 5. Seeing his days (are) determined, 22:20. Whereas our substance is not cut down, Isa. 62: 8. Surely I will no more give thy corn Jer. 23:38. But since ye say, The burden of Eze.14: 20. they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; 35: 6. sitA thou hast not hated blood, Joel 1 : 2. in your days, or even in the days &c. &c. Observe the meaning of DS",3. Gen32:26(27).lettheego, except thou bless me. 39: 6. save the bread which he did eat. Ex. 22:23(22). afflict them in any wise, and they cry Lev.22 : 6. eat of the holy things, unless he wash Nu. 24:22. Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, Jud. 15 : 7. yet will I be avenged of you, Ru. 3: 18. be in rest, untilhe have finished lSa.21 : 5(6). Of a truth women (have been) kept 2K. 9:35. no more of her tAan the scull, 2Ch 2: 6(5). save only to burn sacrifice before him Ecc. 5:ll(10).sawin^ the beholding (of them) &c. &c. Notice the meaning of N7"DM- Gen24:38. But thou shalt go unto my father's house, 43 : 9. if I bring him not unto thee, Nu. 14:35.1 will surely do it unto all this Jer. 15:11. Verily it shall be well with thy remnant; verily I will cause the enemy &c. &c. DK eem, part. Gen 4: 7. If thou doest well, shalt thou not 14:23. TAat I will not (take) from a thread — and that I will not take any thing 24. 21. made his journey prosperoui or not, ,xd nm Tih-mah', f. Gen20:17.his wife, and his maidservants ; 21 : 10. Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman 1 2. because of thy bondwoman ; 13. also of the son of tAe bondwoman 30: 3. Behold my maid Bilhah, 31 : 33. into the two maidservants' tents ; Ex. 2: 5. she sent Aer maid to fetch it. 20 : 10. thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, 17. nor his maidservant, nor his ox, 21 : 7. his daughter to be a maidservant, 20. smite his servant, or Ais maid, 26. or the eye of his maid, 27. or Ais maidservant's tooth; 32. a manservant or a maidservant; 23:12. the son of tAy handmaid, Lev.25: 6. for thy servant, and for thy maid, 44. bondmen, and thy bondmaids, — ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Deu 5:14. thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, — and thy maidservant may rest as well ¦. 21(18). or his maidservant, his ox, 12:12. menservants, and your maidservants, 18. thy manservant, and thy maidservant, 15:17. also unto thy maidservant 16:11, 14. thy manservant, and thy maidservant, Jud. 9:18. the son of Ais maidservant, 19: 19. also for me, andfn- thy handmaid, Ru. 3: 9.1 (am) Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over tAine handmaid; ISa. 1:11. the affliction of thine handmaid, and re member me, and not forget tAine hand maid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid 16. Count not tAine handmaid for 25 : 24. let tAine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience, and hear the words of hdn ( 101 ) r\m 1 Sa. 25: 25. but I thine handmaid saw not 28. forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: 31. then remember thine handmaid. 41. (let) thine handmaid (be) a servant 20. eyes of the handmaids ofhis servants, 22. of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, (marg. of the handmaids of my ser vants) 15. perform the request of Ms handmaid. 16. to deliver Ms handmaid out of the hand .17. Hear the words of thine handmaid. .13. 0 king, swear unto thine handmaid, 17-swarest by the Lord thy God unto thine handmaid, :20. while thine handmaid slept, : 65. Beside their servants and their maids, : 67. their manservants and their maidservants, 15. and my maids, count me for a stranger: 13. or ofmy maidservant, : 16. save the son of thine handmaid. 16. the son of thine handmaid: : 7(8). and her maids shall lead 2Sa. 6 14 20 IK. 1 3 Ezr. 2 Neh 7 Job 19 31 Ps. 86 116 Nah 2 nfi^ am-mah' \ f. Gen. 6: 15. the ark (shall be) three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. 16. in a cubit shalt thou finish it 7 : 20. Fifteen cubits upward did the Ex. 25:10. two cubits and a half (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height 17. two cubits and a half (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth 23. two cubits (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height 26: 2. eight and twenty cubits, — ,3. the breadth of one curtain four cubits: 8. thirty cubits, (lit.z'n cubit) 13. And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side 16. Ten cubits (shall be) the length of a board, and a cubit and a half (lit. and the half of a cubit) 27 ; 1 . five cubits long, and five cubits broad ; — height thereof (shall be) three cubits. 9, 18. an hundred cubits (lit. in cubit) 1 2. hangings of fifty cubits : 13. eastward (shall be) fifty cubits. 14. side (of the gate shall be) fifteen cubits: 16. an hanging of twenty cubits, 18. height five cubits (of) fine twined linen, 30: 2. A cubit (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof ; — and two cubits (shall be) the height 36: 9. twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: (lit. in cubit) 15. curtain (was) thirty cubits (lit. in cubit), and four cubits (was) the breadth 21. ten cubits, and the breadth of a board one cubit and a half. (lit. and half a cubit) 37: 1. two cubits and a half (was) the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height 6. two cubits and a half (was) the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the 10. two cubits (was) the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height 25. the length of it (was) a cubit, and the breadth of it a cubit ; — andtwo cubits (was) the height 38: l.five cubits (was) the length thereof, and five cubits — three cubits the height 9. fine twined linen, an hundred cubits : (lit. in cubit) 11. (the hangings were) an hundred cubits, (lit. in cubit) 12. hangings of fifty cubits, (lit. in cubit) 1 3. east side eastward fifty cubits. 14. one side (of the gate were) fifteen cubits ; 15. hangings of fifteen cubits ; Ex. 38: 18. twenty cubits (was) the length, — the breadth (was) five cubits, Nu. 11:31. and as it were two cubits 35: 4. a thousand cubits round about. 5. cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thou sand cubits; (lit. in cubit) Deu. 3:11. cubits (was) the length thereof, and four cubits — after the cubit of a man. Jos. 3: 4. about two thousand cubits lSa.17: 4. whose height {"was) six cubits and a span. 1 K. 6: 2. length thereof" (was) threescore cubits, — the height thereof thirty cubits. 3. twenty cubits (was) the length thereof, — ten cubits (was) the breadth 6. five cubits broad, andthe middle (was) six cubits broad, and the third (was) seven cubits (lit. in cubit) 10. against all the house, five cubits high: 16. he built twenty cubits on the 17. the temple before it, was forty cubits (lit. in cubit) 20. twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height 23. olive tree, (each) ten cubits 24. five cubits (was) the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing — of the other (were) ten cubits. 25. the other cherub (was) ten cubits: (lit. in cubit) 26. the one cherub (was) ten cubits, 7 : 2. an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, 6. the length thereof (was) fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: 10. ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits. 15. of eighteen cubits high apiece : — aline of twelve cubits 16. one chapiter (was) five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter (was) five cubits: 19. lily work in the porch, four cubits. 23. ten cubits from the one brim to the other: — his height (was) five cubits: and aline of thirty cubits (lit. in cubit) did compass it 24. compassing it, ten in a cubit, 27. four cubits (was) the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits (lit.m cubit) 31. within the chapiter and above (was) a cubit: (lit. in cubit) — the work of the base, a cubit and an half: (lit. a half a cubit) 32. the height of a wheel (was) a cubit and half a cubit. 35. a round compass of half a cubit * 38. every laver was four cubits: (lit. in cubit) 2K, 14: 13. unto the corner gate, four hundred cubits. 25:17. one pillar (was) eighteen cubits, — The height of the chapiter three cubits; lChll:23.of (great) stature, five cubits (lit. in cubit)high; 2Ch 3: 3. The length by cubits after the first mea sure (was) threescore cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits. 4, 8. breadth of the house, twenty cubits, 8. and the breadth thereof twenty cubits: 11. the cherubims (were) twenty cubits long: one wing (of the one cherub was) five cubits, ¦ — the other wing (was likewise) five cubits, 12. the other cherub (was) five cubits, — the other wing (was) five cubits 13. spread themselves forth twenty cubits: 15. pillars of thirty and five cubits — . each of them (was) iivecubits. 4: 1. twenty cubits the length thereof, and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof. 2. a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five cubits the height thereof ; and a lineo/thirty cubits (lit. in cubit) HDK ( 102 ) 1QN 2Ch.4: 6: 25: Neh. 3 Est. 5;7: Isa. 6: Jer. 51: 52: Eze.40. 41 42 43 45: 3. ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 13.abrasen scaffold, of five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high, 23. to the corner gate, four hundred cubits. 13. a thousand cubits on the wall 14. be made of fifty cubits high, 9. also, the gallows fifty cubits high, 4. tAe posts of the door moved 13. the measure o/thy covetousness. 21 . one pillar (was) eighteen cubits ; — a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it ; 22. one chapiter (was) five cubits, 5. of six cubits (long) by the cubit 7. the little chambers (were) five cubits ; 9. the porch of the gate, eight cubits ; and the posts thereof, two cubits ; 11. the entry of the gate, ten cubits ; (and) the length of the gate, thirteen cubits. 12. one cubit (on this side), and the space (was) one cubit • — six cubits on this side, and six cubits on 13. breadth (was) five and twenty cubits, 14. made also posts of threescore cubits, 15. the inner gate (were) fifty cubits. 19. an hundred cubits eastward 21. cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits, (lit.incubit) 23. from gate to gate an hundred cubits. 25, 36. the length (was) fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 27. toward the south an hundred cubits. 29. fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad. 30. five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits 33. cubits long, and five and twenty cubits 42. a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high ; 47. an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, 48. five cubits on this side, and five cubits on — three cubits on this side, and three cubits 49. of the porch (was) twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; 1 . six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other 2. the door (was) ten cubits ; and the sides of the door (were) five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on the other side: — and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits: and the breadth, twenty cubits. 3. two cubits, and the door, six cubits ; and the breadth of the door, seven cubits. 4. the length thereof, twenty cubits ,- and the breadth, twenty cubits, 5. the wall of the house, six cubits ; — of (every) side chamber, four cubits, 8. a full reed of six great cubits. 9. without, (was) five cubits: 10. the wideness of twenty raoifs 11. five cubits round about. 12. seventy cubits broad ; — five cubits thick round about, — the length thereof ninety cubits. 13, 13. an hundred cubits long ; 14. toward the east, an hundred cubits. 15. the other side, an hundred cubits, 22. three cubits high, andthe length thereof two cubits ; 2. the length of an hundred cubits — the breadth (was) fifty cubits. 4. a walk of ten cubits breadth inward, a way of one cubit; 7. the length thereof (was) fifty cubits. 8. in the utter court (was) fifty cubits : — the temple (were) an hundred cubits. 16. five hundred reeds, (n'ro five cubits of reeds) 13. altar after tAe cubits: The cubit (is) a cubit and an hand breadth ; even the bottom (shall be) a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, 14. two cubits, and the breadth one cubit ; — four cubits, andthe breadth '(one) cubit. 15. the altar (shall be) four cubits ; 17. about it (shall be) half a cubit; andthe bottom thereof (shall be) a cubit about; 2. fifty cubits round about for the suburb Eze.47: 3. he measured a thousand cubits, (lit. in cubit) Zee. 5: 2.the length thereof (is) twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. (lit. in cubit) n»N see n»»N. (LUA)l ryta^job, Ezr. Dan vyuok, T\f3H oom-mah' f. Ch. V'' \i T "• , , . Xpi.-iS 10. And the rest of the nations l 4. O people, nations, and languages, 7. all the people, tAe nations, and 29. That every people, nation, and language, 1(3:31) &5:19&6:25(26)&7:I4.all peo ple, nations, and languages, JifiX ah-mohn', Pro. 8:30. one brought up (with him): |iDX ah-mohn', m. Jer. 46:25. 1 will punish the multitude of No, (marg. Amon, or nourisher) 52: 15. the rest of tAe multitude. , Nah. 3 : 8. Art thou better than populous No, pOK eh- moon \ m. Deu 32; 20. children in whom (is) no faith. Pro. 13:17. a faithful ambassador (is) health. 14: 5. A faithful witness will not lie: 20: 6. a faithful man who can find? Isa. 26: 2. which keepeth the truth may enter in. (marg. truths) rt^OX emoo-nah\ also PlittDX, f. tv: ' t -. -.-; 7 Ex. 17:12. his hands were steady until Deu32: 4. a God of truth and without iniquity, ISa. 26:23. his righteousness and his faithfulness: 2K. 12:15(16). for they dealt faithfully. 22: 7. because they dealt faithfully. ICh 9: 22. did ordain in their set office, (marg. trust) 26. were in (their) set office, (marg. trust) 31 . had tAe set office over the things (marg. trust) 2Ch 19: 9. faithfully, and with a perfect heart. 31: 12. the dedicated (things ) faithfully. ¦ 15. in (their) set office, to give (marg. trMst) 18. in their set office they sanctified (marg. trust) 34; 12. the men did the work faithfully: Ps. 33: 4. all his works (are done) in truth. 36: 5(6). thy faithfulness (reachetli) unto the 37: 3. verily thou shalt (marg. in truth, or stable. ness) 40 : 10( 1 1 ). I have declared thy faithfulness 11( 12). tAy faithfulness in destruction ? 1(2). will I make known thy faithfulness 2(3). thy faithfulness shalt thou establish 5( 6). thy faithfulness also in the congregation 8(9). or to thy faithfulness round about 24(25). But my faithfulness and my mercy 33(34) . nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. 49(50) . swarest unto David in thy truth ? 92: 2(3) . and thy faithfulness every night, 96 : 13. and the people with his truth. 98: 3. his mercy and his truth 100: 5. Ais trutA (endureth) to all generations. 119:30.1 have chosen the way of trntA: 75. and (that) thou in faithfulness hast 86. All thy commandments (are) faithful: 90. Thy faithfulness (is) unto all 138. righteous and very faithful. 143 : 1 . in thy faithfulness answer me, Pro.l2:17.speaketh truth sheweth forth 23 &JS31MT y:k uesa. j-.-ias1 u;i"r ,*r ;::j..:ht. ION ( 103 ) p» Pro. 28 : 20. A faithful man (lit. a man of faithfulnesses) Isa. 11:5. and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. 25: 1. of old (are) faithfulness (and) truth. 33: 6. shall be the stability of thy times, 59; 4. nor (any) pleadeth for truth: Jer. 5: 1. that seeketh the truth; 3. 0 Lord, (are) not thine eyes upon the truth? 7:28. truth is perished, and is cut off 9: 3(2). for the truth upon the earth ; Lam 3:23. great (is) thy faithfulness. Hos. 2:20(22). betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: Hab. 2: 4. but the just shall live by his faith. max & wm oom m-motn , awyMtyrti.. 8c ' oom- meem', pi. f. & pi. m. Gen25:16. twelve princes according toiheir nations. Nu. 25 : 15. he (was) head over a people, Ps. 117 : 1 . praise him, all ye people. j^SNt am-meenf, pi. f. Ch. Ezr. 6: 3. threescore cm& 'is, (and) the breadth thereof threescore cubits ; Dan. 3: 1. image of gold, whose height (was) three score cubits, (and) the breadth thereof six cubits: ^SX & |*fiN am-meetzf, adj. 2Sa. 15 : 12. and the conspiracy was strong ; Job 9: 4. wise in heart, and mighty in strength: 19. If (I speak) of strength, lo, (he is) strong: Isa. 28: 2. the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, 40:26. for that (he is) strong in power; Am. 2:16. And (he that is) courageous (marg. strong of his heart) TOX ah-meerf, m. , 17 : 6. the top of the uppermost bough, 9. forsaken bough and an uppermost branch, Sfifr ?N [ah-mal'] * KAL Participle. Paul. * Eze.l6:30. How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord ¦» PULAL.— Preterite. * ISa. 2: 5. that hath many children is waxed feeble. Isa. 16: 8. For the fields of Heshbon languish, 19: 8. spread nets upon the waters shall languish. 24: 4. world languisheth (and) fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. 7. new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, 33: 9. The earth mourneth (and) languisheth: Jer. 14: 2. the gates thereof languish ; 15: 9. She that hath borne seven languisheth: Lam 2: 8. they languished together. Hos. 4: 3. and every one that dwelleth therein shall Joel 1:10. wine is dried up, the oil languisheth. 12. the fig tree languisheth; Nah 1: 4. Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth. 7$?*$ \ameh-lahl'~\9 adj. Neh . 4 : 2( 3 : 34 ) . What do these feeble Jews ? Ps. 7?£?X oom-lalr, adj. 6: 2(3). for I (am) weak: O Lord, heal me ; }DK [ah-man'], * KAL. —Participle. Poel. # Nu. 11:12. as a nursing father beareth the Ru. 4: 16. became nurse unto it. 2Sa. 4: 4. his nurse took him up, 2K. 10: l.them that brought up Ahab's (marg. 5. and the bringers up. Est. 2: 7. he brought up Hadassah (lit. was bringing up; marg. nourished) Isa. 49: 23. kings shall be thy nursing fathers, (marg. nourishers) KAL.- Paul. Participle. 2Sa.20:19. peaceable (and) faithful in Israel: Ps. 12: 1(2). for the faithful fail from among 31:23(24). the Lord preserveth the faithful, Lam 4: 5. brought up in scarlet * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # 2Sa. 7 : 16. and thy kingdom shall be established Ps. 78: 8. whose spirit was not stedfast with God. 37. neither were they stedfast in his covenant. 93: 5. Thy testimonies are very sure: Pro. 11:13. he that is of a faithful spirit Jer. 15: 18. waters (that) fail? (marg. be not sure?) mPKAL.— Future, Gen42 : 20. so shall your words be verified, 1 K. 8 : 26. let thy word, I pray thee, be verified, lCh,17:23.?e£ the thing.. .be established for ever, 24. Let it even oe established, that thy name 2Ch. 1 : 9. let thy promise. ..be established: 6:17. God of Israel, let thy word be verified, 20:20. so shallye be established ; believe Isa. 7: 9. ye shall not be established, (marg. (it is) because ye are not stable) 60: 4. daughters shall be nursed at (thy) side. .. u y NIPHAL.— Par ticiple. WXLtM^q^l Nu. 12: 7. who (is) faithful in all mine house. Deu 7: 9. he (is) God, the faithful God, 28:59. great plagues, andoflong continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. ISa. 2:35.1 will raise me up a faithful priest, — I will build him a sure house: 3:20.knewthat Samuel (was) established (to he) (marg. faithful) 22:14. who (is so ) faithful among all 25:28. certainly make my lord a sure house; IK. 11 :38. and build thee a sure house, Neh 9: 8. And foundest his heart faithful before 13; 13. for they were counted faithful, Job 12:20. the speech of the trusty, (marg. faithful) Ps. 19: 7(8). the testimony of the Lord (is) sure, 89:28(29). my covenant shall standfast 37(38). a faithful witness in heaven. 101 : 6. upon ike faithful of the land, 111: 7. all his commandments (are) sure. Pro. 25:13. a faithful messenger to them 27: 6. Faithful (are) the wounds of a Isa. 1 ; 21 . How is the faithful city become 26. the faithful city. 8: 2. 1 took unto me faithful witnesses 22:23. fasten him (as) a nail in a sure place; 25. fastened in the sure place be removed, 33: 16. his waters (shall be) sure. 49: 7. because of the Lord that is faithful, 55 : 3. the sure mercies of David. Jer. 42: 5. true and faithful witness between us, Hos. 5: 9. made known that which shall surely be. 1 1 : 12( 12 ; 1 ). and is faithful with the saints. X HIPHIL Preterite, tf Genl5: 6. And he believed in the Lord ; 45 : 26. for he believed them not. Ex. 4: 8. tlmt they will believe the voice Nu. 20 : 12. Because ye believed me not, Deu 9: 23. and ye believed him not, Jud. 11: 20. But Sihon trusted not Israel IK. 10: 7.Howbeit Ibelieved not the words, 2K. 1 7 : 14. that did not believe in the Lord 2Ch. 9: 6. Howbeit Ibelieved not their words, Ps. 27: 13. unless I had believed to see 78: 22. Because they believed not in God, 32.believed not for his wondrous works. 106:24. they believed not his word: 116:10. Ibelieved, therefore have I spoken: 119:66. / have believed thy commandments. Isa. 53: l.Who hath believed our report? Jer. 40: 14. the son of Ahikam believed them not. Lam 4:12. of the world, would not have believed HIPHIL. — Imperative. 2Ch20:20. Believe in the Lord your God, — believe his prophets, HIPHIL Future. ( 104 ) Ex. 4: 14 19 Nu.14: Deu28: ISa. 27 2Ch32 Job 4 9 15 2429;39: Ps.106;Pro.14: 26; Isa. 7: 43: Jer. 12: Jon. 3; Mic. 7: Hab. 1 : Deu 1: Isa. 28: 1 . tAey will not believe me, 5. That tAey may believe that 8. if they will not believe thee, 9. if they will notbelieve also these 31 . And the people believed: and when they 31 . and believed the Lord, and his servant 9. and believe thee for ever. 1 1 . long will it be ere tAey believe me, 66. shalt have none assurance of thy life : 12. And Achish believed David, 15. you on this manner, neither yet believe 18. Ae put no trust in his servants; 16. would I not believe that he had hearkened .15. he putteth no trust in his saints; 22. He believeth not that he shall 31. Let not Aim that is deceived trust ;22.no (man) is sure of life. ;24. 1 laughed on them, tAey believed (it) not ; : 12. Wilt thou believe him, 24. neither believeth he that (it is) the sound 12. Then believed they his words; 15. The simple believeth every word: :25. When he speaketh fair, believe him not: 9. If ye will not believe, (marg. do ye not believe) 10. that ye may know and believe me, 6. believe them not, though they speak 5. So the people of Nineveh believed 5. Trust ye not in a friend, 5. ye will not believe, HIPHIL.— Participle. 32. ye did not believe the Lord 16. Ae thai believeth shall not make haste. j£>& \_ah-man'\ tfHIPHIL.— Future.* Isa. 30 : 21 . when ye turn to the right |D$ [aman], Ch. * APHEL Preterite. * Dan. 6: 23(24). because Ae believed in his God. APHEL Participle. Dan:2:45. the interpretation thereof sure. 6: 4(5). forasmuch as he (was) faithful, |fi^t ah -mah n' , m. Cant 7 : 1(2). the hands of a cunning worhman. j£K ah-mehn' Nu. 5 Deu27 1 K. 1 ICh 16 Neh. 5 8 Ps. 41 7289 106 Isa. 65 Jer. 1128 : 22. And the woman shall say, Amen, amen. : 15. the people shall answer and say, Amen. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26. all the people shall say, Amen. :36. answered the king, and said, Amen: :36. And all the people said, Amen, : 13. all the congregation said, Amen, : 6. the people answered, Amen, Amen, .13(14). to everlasting. Amen, and Amen. 1 9. filled (with ) his glory ; Amen, and Amen: 52(53). for evermore. Amen, and Amen. 48. Amen. Praise ye the Lord. 16. bless himself in the God of truth; — shall swear by the God of truth ; 5. and said, So be it, O Lord. (marg. Amen) 6. the prophet Jeremiah said, Amen: JON oh' -men, Isa. 25: 1 . faithfulness (and) truth. )K see pfiK rtiON see M310N n^ON amah-nah', f. t t -: ' 2 K. 5:12. (Are) not Abana (*1p & marg. Amana) Neh. 9:38(10:1). because of all this we make a sure 11:23. that a certain portion should be (marg. to a sure ordinance) Cant.4 : 8 . look from the top of Amana, !"LpK om-nah', part. Gen20: 12. yet indeed (she is) my sister; Jos. 7 : 20. Indeed I have sinned against POCK om-nah' f. t : t Est. 2 : 20. as when she was brought up niJ)?N oh-ninoth, f. pi. 2K. 18:16. Tlie pillars which Hezekiah kingof Judah DOOX om-nahm', part. Ruth 3: 12. it is true that I (am thy) near kinsman: 2K. 19:17. Of a truth, Lord, the kings of Assyria Job 9: 2. 1 know (it is) so of a truth: 12: 2. No doubt but ye (are) the people, 19: 4. be it indeed (that) I have erred, 5. If indeed ye will magnify 34:12. surely God will not do wickedly, 36: 4. truly my words(shall) not(be) false: Isa. 37 ; 18. Of a truth, Lord, the kings of Assyria DJ0N oom-nahm' , part. Genl8: 13. Shall I of a surety bear a child, Nu. 22.37. am I not ableindeedto promote 1 K. 8:27. will God indeed dwell onthe earth? 2 Ch. 6 : 18. But will God in very deed dwell Ps. 58: 1(2). Do ye indeed speak righteousness, ym [ah-matz']. * KAL Preterite. * 2 Sa22 : 1 8 . for tAey were too strong for me. Ps. 18: 17(18). for tAey iceretoo strong forme. 142: 6(7). for they are stronger thanl. KAL Imperative . Deu31 : 6. Be strong, and of a good courage, 7, 23. Be strong, and of a good courage: Jos. 1: 6. Be strong, and ofa good courage: 7. be thou strong, and very courageous, 9, 18. Be strong, and of a good courage; 10:25. be strong, and of good courage: 1 Ch 22 : 1 3 & 28 : 20. be strong, and of good courage ; 2Ch32: 7. Be strong and courageous, he not afraid KAL. — Future. Gen25:23.sAaBoe stronger than (the other) 2Ch 13 : 18. and the children of Judali prevailed, * PIEL Preterite. * Deu 2:30. and made his heart obstinate, Ps. 80:15(16). tAow madest strong for thyself. 17(18). tAon madest strong for thyself. Isa. 41 : 10. 1 will strengthen thee ; PIEL Infinitive. Pro. 8 . 28. When he established the clouds PIEL Imperative. Deu. 3:28. encourage him, and strengthen him. Isa. 35: 3. confirm the feeble knees. Nah. 2: 1(2). fortify (thy) power mightily. PIEL Future. Deul5: 7. thou shalt not harden thine heart, 2Ch.ll : 17. and made Jiehohoam... strong, 24; 13. in his state, and strengthened it. 36 : 13. and hardened his heart from Job 4: 4. thou hast strengthened the feeble 16: 5. 1 would strengthen you with Ps. 89:21(22). mine arm also shall strengthen Mm. Pro.31 : 17. and strengthened her arms. Isa. 44: 14. which he strengthened for himself (marg. taketh courage) Am. 2:14. shall not strengthen his force, VXEL,— Participle. Pro.24: 5. man of knowledge increaseth strength. (marg. strengthened might) # HIPHIL.— Future.* Ps. 27 :14. and he shall strengthen thine heart: 31: 24(25). and he shall strengthen your heart, * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * IK. 12:18. made speed to get (marg. strengthened himself) 2Ch 10:18. made speed to get him (marg. strengthened himself) HITHPAEL Future. 2Ch 13: 7. and have strengthened themselves HITHPAEL— Participle. Ru. 1 : 18. she was stedfastly minded (marg. strength ened herself) ym see ym ytibt oh' -met z, m. Job 17: 9. shall be stronger and stronger, (marg. shall add strength) fn»K am-tzah', f. Zee 12; 5 . my strength in the Lord of hosts D*5ttDX, amootz-tzeem' . Zee. 6: 3. fourth chariot grisled and bay horses. (marg. strong) 7. And the bay went forth, (lit. the strong) 10K, ah-m,arr , * KAL.— Preterite. # Gen. 3: 1. Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat 3. God hath said, Ye shall not eat 16. Unto the woman he said, 17. And unto Adam he said, Because 12:12. that they shaU say, This (is) his wife: 19. Why saidst thou, She (is) my sister ? 13: 14. the Lord said unto Abram, 16: 13. for she said, Have I also here 18: 17. the Lord said, .Shall I hide from 20: 5. Said he not unto me, She (is) my sister? and she, even she herself said, 11 . Because I thought, Surely the fear of God 16. And unto Sarah he said, 21 : l.the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, 16. for she said, Let me not see the 22 : 3. the place of which God had told him. 9. which God had told him of; 24: 14. and she shall say, Drink, 43. and I say to her, Give me, 44. And she say to me, Both drink 26: 9.and how saidst thou, She (is) my sister? — Because / said, Lest I die for her. 27 : 6. Rebekah spake unto Jacob 29:32. for s/ie said, Surely the Lord 31 : 16. whatsoever God hath said unto thee, 29. the God of your father spake unto me 31. for I said, Peradventure thou wouldest 49. for he said, The Lord watch 32: 4(5). Thy servant Jacob saith thus, ] 2( 13). thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, < 105 ) 1DN Gen32: 18(19). Then thou shalt say, (They be) thy 20(21 J. And say ye moreover, Behold, — ( — ) he said, I will appease him 37:20.o:mo" we will say, Some evil beast 38: 11- for he said, Lest peradventure 22. also the men of the place said, 41 :54. according as Joseph had said: 42: 4. for he said, Lest peradventure 22. Spake I not unto you, 43: 5. for the man said unto us, 17. the man did as Joseph bade; 27. the old man of whom ye spake 9 29. of whom ye spake unto me ? 44: 4. Joseph said unto his steward, — overtake them, say (lit. and say) unto 45 : 9. and say unto him, Thus saith thy son 46 : 33. and shall say, "What ( is) your occupation ? 34. That ye shall say, Thy servants' trade Ex. 2:22. he said, I have been a stranger 3: 13. and shall say unto them, — and they shall say to me, 16. and say unto them, The Lord God 18. and ye shall say unto him, 4:22. thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith 26. So he let him go : then she said, 5 : 1 . Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 10. saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will 6: 26. to whom the Lord said, 7 : 9. then thou shalt say unto Aaron, 16. And thou shalt say unto him, 17. Thus saith the Lord, 8; 1(7:26), 20(16). and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, 9: 1. Thus saith the Lord God 13. and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord 10: 3 & 11 .4. Thus saith the Lord 12:27. That ye shall say, It (is) the sacrifice 33. they said, We (be) all dead 13: 14. that thou shalt say unto him, 17. for God said, Lest peradventure 14; 3. For Pharaoh will say of the 15: 9. The enemy said, I will pursue, 17 : 10. Joshua did as Moses had said 18 : 3. for he said, I have been an alien 24. did all that he had said. 23: 13. in all (things) that I have said 24: 1. And he said unto Moses, 14. he said unto the elders, 32:13. this land that I have spoken of 27. Thus saith the Lord God 33: 12. Yet thou hast said, I know thee Lev. 1: 2. Israel, and say unto them, 15 : 2 . Israel, and say unto them, 17. 2. and say unto them ; 12. 1 said unto the children of Israel, 18: 2 & 19:2 & 21:1 & 22:18 & 23:2, 10 & 25:2 & 27 : 2. and say unto them, Nu. 5:12. and say unto them, 19. and say unto the woman, 21 . and the priest shall say unto the woman, 22. And the woman shall say, 6: 2. Israel, and say unto them, 8: 2. Aaron, and say unto him, 10:29. the place of which the Lord said, 1 1 : 21 . thou hast said, I will give 13:31. the men that went up with him said, 14: 14. And they will tell (it) to the 15. then the nations... will speak, 31. which ye said should be a prey, 40. which the Lord hath promised: 15 : 2, 18. and say unto them, 38. and bid them that they make 16:34. fled at the cry of them: for they said, 18:24. therefore I have said unto them, 26. the Levites, and say unto them, 30. Therefore thou shalt say unto them, 20:14. Thus saith thy brother Israel, 21: 16. the well whereof the Lord spake unto 22:16. Thus saith Balak the son of Zippor, 23 ; 19. hath he said, and shall he not 30. Balak did as Balaam had said, 24:11. 1 thought to promote thee 26 : 65. For the Lord had said of them, 28 : 2. children of Israel, and say unto them, 3. And thou shalt say unto them, 33:51 8c 34:2 &, 35: 10. and say unto them, Deu. 1 :39. which ye said should be a prey, no** ( 106 ) -I0» Deu 4: 6 Jos. ] 456 7 9 11 22 24 Jud. 2 456 7 9 11 12 131516 17 19 2U21 Ru. 1 23 4 ISa. 1 2 6. and say, Surely this great nation :21. Then thou shalt say unto thy son, 17. And thou say in thine heart, 25. the Lord had said he would destroy 1 . the Lord said unto me, 20. and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, 14. and shall say, I will set a king 16. as the Lord hath said unto you, 3. And shall say unto them, 8. the people, and they shall say, 7. they shall answer and say, 20. And they shall say unto the elders 14. and say, I took this woman, 16. And the damsel's father shall say : 7. and say, My husband's brother 8. and say, I like not to take her; 9. and shall answer and say, 3. and say unto him, I profess 5. and say before the Lord thy God, 13. Then thou shalt say before the Lord 14. and say unto all the men of Israel 15. the people shall answer andsay, Amen. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. And all the people shall say, Amen. 68. by the way whereof / spake unto thee, 22(21). So that... shall say, when they see 24(23). Even all nations shall say, 25(24). Then men shall say, Because they 2. also the Lord hath said unto me, 17. so that they will say in that day, -.26. 1 said, I would scatter them 37. And he shall say, Where (are) 40. and say, I live for ever. ; 8. And of Levi he said, 12. (And) of Benjamin he said, 13. And of Joseph he said, 18. And of Zebulun he said, 20. And of Gad he said, 22. And of Dan he said, 23. And of Naphtali he said, 24. And of Asher he said, 12. spake Joshua, saying, : 7. Then ye shall answer them, 2. At that time the Lord said 22. Joshua had said unto the two 13. sanctify the people, and say, — thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 11. meet them, andsay unto them, 9. unto them as the Lord bade him: 16. Thus saith the whole congregation 28. that we may say (again), Behold 33. did not intend to go up against 2. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, . 3. Wherefore /also said, I will not 20. and say, Is there any man here ? that thou shalt say, No. 23. said the angel of the Lord, 8. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 18. and say, (The sword) of the Lord, 3. for they said, He (is) our brother. 15. Thus saith Jephthah, Israel took not away 4. because they said, Ye Gileadites 13. Of all that I said unto the woman 2. And her father said, /verily thought 24. for they said, Our god hath 2.spakest of also in mine ears, 30. that all that saw (it) said, 32. the children of Israel said, 39. for they said, Surely they are smitten 22. that we will say unto them, Be favourable 12. If I should say, I have hope, 21. He said unto me also, 17. for he said to me, Go not empty 4. 1 thought to advertise thee, (marg. I said) 22. she said unto her husband, 15. and said to the man that sacrificed, 16. then he would answer him, 20. and said, The Lord give thee seed 27. said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, — 30. 1 said indeed (that) thy house, 36. and shall say, Put me, I pray thee, 9. that thou shalt say, Speak, 7. for they said, God is come 7. they said, The ark of the God 6. when they said, Give us a king 5. Saul said to his servant 9. thus he spake, Come, and let us 18. say thou unto the people, 21 . And Moses said, The people, 27. told Moses, and said, Eldad and 28. answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid 29. And Moses said unto him, ; 2. And they said, Hath the Lord 4. And the Lord spake suddenly 6. And he said, Hear now my words : 11. And Aaron said unto JMoscs, Alas, 14. And the Lord said unto Moses, : 17. and said unto them, Get you up 27. and said, We came unto the land 30. and said, Let us go up at once, ; 2. and the whole congregation said unto them, 4. And they said one to another, Let us make 7 . And they spake unto all the company 10. But all the congregation bade stone 11. Andthe Lord said unto Moses, How long 13. And Moses said unto the Lord, 20. And the Lord said, I have pardoned 41. And Moses said, Wherefore now do ve :35. Andthe Lord said unto Moses, 37. And the Lord spake unto Moses, : 3. and said unto them, (Ye take) too much 8, 16. And Moses said unto Koran, 12. which said, We will not come up : 15. and said unto the Lord, Respect not 22. they fell upon their faces, and said, 28. And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know 46( 17 :ll). And Moses said unto Aaron, : 10(25). And the Lord said unto Moses, Bring 12(27). And the children of Israel spake unto Moses, : 1 . And the Lord said unto Aaron, 20. And the Lord spake unto Aaron, : 3. the people chode with Moses, and spake, 10. and, he said unto them, Hear now, 12, 23. And the Lord spake unto Moses 18. And Edom said unto him, 1 9. And the children of Israel said unto him, 20. Andhesaid, Thou shalt not go . 2. vowed a vow unto the Lord, and sai^ Nu. 21 : 7. the people came to Moses, and said, 8, 34. And the Lord said unto Moses, 27. they that speak in proverbs say, 22 : 4. And Moab said unto the elders of Midian, 8. And he said unto them, Lodge 9. And God came unto Balaam, and said, 10. And Balaam said unto God, 12. And God said unto Balaam, 13. and said unto the princes of Balak, 14. they went unto Balak, and said, 16. they came to Balaam, and said 17.1 will do whatsoever thou sayest 18. Balaam answered and said 20. unto Balaam at night, and said unto him, 28 . and she said unto Balaam, 29. And Balaam said unto the ass, 30. And the ass said unto Balaam, — to do so unto thee ? And he said, Nay. 32. And the angel of the Lord said unto 34. And Balaam said unto the angel 35. Andthe angel of the Lord saidunto 37. And Balak said unto Balaam, 38. And Balaam said unto Balak, 23 : 1, 3, 29. And Balaam said unto Balak, 4. and he saidunto him, I have prepared 5. and said, Return unto Balak, 7, 18. he took up his parable, and said, 11, 25. And Balak saidunto Balaam, 12. And he answered and said, 13. And Balak said unto him, Come, 15. Andhesaid unto Balak, Stand 16. and said, Go again unto Balak, 17..4radBalaksaidunto him, Whathath 26. But Balaam answered and said 27 . And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, 24: 3, 15,20, 21, 23. took up his parable, and said, 10. and Balak said unto Balaam, I called thee 12. And Balaam said unto Balak, Spake I 25: 4. And the Lord saidunto Moses, 5. And Moses said unto the judges 26 : 1 . that the Lord spake unto Moses 27: 6. And the Lord spake unto Moses, 12, 18. And the Lord said unto Moses, 29 : 40(30 : 1 ). And Moses told the children of 31 ; 15. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved 21 . And Eleazar the priest said unto the 25. And the Lord spake unto Moses, 49. And they said unto Moses, Thy servants 32: 2. came and spake unto Moses, 5. Wherefore, said they, if we have 6. And Moses said unto the children of Gad 16. they came near unto him, and said, 20. And Moses said unto them, If ye 25 . And. . .children of Reuben spake untoMoses. 29. And Moses said unto them, If the children 36: 2. And they said, The Lord commanded Deu 1 : 9. And I spake unto you at that time, 14. ye answered me, and said, 20. And I said unto you, Ye are come 22. unto me every one of you, a;id said, 25. and said, (It is) a good land 27. ye murmured in your tents, and said, 29. Then I said unto you, Dread not, 41. and saidunto me, We have sinned 42. And the Lord said unto me, 2: 2. And the Lord spake unto me, 9, 31 & 3 :2, 26. And the Lord said unto me, 5: Land said unto them, Hear, O Israel, 24(21). And ye said, Behold, the Lord 27f 24>. all that the Lord our God shall say: 28(25). and the Lord said unto me, I have 7; 17. If thou shalt say in thine heart, 9; 4. Speak not thou in thine heart, 12. And the Lord saidunto me, Arise, 13. Furthermore the Lord spake 26. 1 prayed therefore unto the Lord, andsaid, 28. whence thou broughtest us out say, 10: 11. Andthe Lord said unto me, 15: 16. it shall be, if he say unto thee, 17 : 11. the judgment which they shall tell thee, 18 -.17. And the Lord said unto me, 21. if thou say in thine heart, 28:67. In the morning thou shalt say, — at even thou shalt say, 29 : 2(1). and said unto them, Ye have seen 31; 2. Andhesaid unto them, I (am) 1 ««^^,-^.,«t„K:™ :„ ,k„ *::„¦./..(• nntf Deu31 : 32 33: 34 Jos. 1 2 14, 16. Andthe Lord saidunto Moses, 23. the son of Nun a charge, and said, 7. thy elders, and they will tell thee. 20. And he said, I will hide my face 27. lest they should say, Our hand 46. And he said unto them, Set your hearts 2. And he said, The Lord came from Sinai, 7. and he said, Hear, Lord, the voice 27. and shall say, Destroy (them). 4. Andthe Lord said unto him, This 1 . that the Lord spake unto Joshua 4. and said thus, There came men 9. And she said unto the men, 14. And the men answered her, Our life 16. And she said unto them, Get you 17. And the men said unto her, 21 . And she said, According unto your words, 24. And they saidunto Joshua, Truly 3 : 5. And Joshua said unto the people, 6. And Joshua spake unto the priests, 7. Andthe Lord said unto Joshua, 9. And Joshua said unto the children of 10. .And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know 4 : l.o ver Jordan , tliat the Lord spake unto 5. And Joshua said unto them, Pass 15. And the Lord spake unto Joshua, 21 . And he spake unto the children of 5: 9. And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day 13. and said unto him, (Art) thou for us, 14. And he said, Nay; but (as) captain — did worship, and said unto him, 15 . And the captain of the Lord's host said 6 : 2. And the Lord said unto Joshua, 6. and saidunto them, Take up the ark 7. And he said unto the people, Pass on, 16. u?Aen...Joshuasaiduntothepeople, Shout; 7 : 2. and spake unto them, saying, Go up 3. returned to Joshua, and said 7. And Joshua said, Alas, O Lord God, 8. 0 Lord, what shall I say, 10. And the Lord said unto Joshua, 19. And Joshua said unto Achan, 20. Achan answered Joshua, and said, 25. And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled 8 : 1,18. And the Lord said unto Joshua, 6. for they will say, They flee 9: 6. and said unto him, and to the men of 7 . And the men of Israel said unto the 8. And they saidunto Joshua, We (are) thy servants. And Joshua said 9. And they said unto him, From 11. Wherefore our elders.. .spake to us, 19. But all the princes said unto all 21 . And the princes said unto them, 24. they answered Joshua, and said, .And the Lord said unto Joshua, 12. and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, 18. And Joshua said, Roll great stones 22. Then said Joshua, Open the mouth 24. and said unto the captains 25. And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, 6. .Andthe Lord said unto Joshua, : Land the Lord said unto him, Thou 6. and Caleb the son of Jephunneh... said 16. and Caleb said, He thatsmiteth 18. and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest 19. Who answered, Give me a blessing; 15. And Joshua answered them, If thou 16. And the children of Joseph said, 17. And Joshua spake unto the house of 18: 3. And Joshua said unto the children of 22: 2. And said unto them, Ye have kept 8. And he spake unto them, saying, Return 24. your children might speak unto our 26. Therefore we said, Let us now prepare 27. that your children may not say to our 28. Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should (so) say 31 . And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said 23: 2. and said unto them, I am old 24: 2, 27. And Joshua said unto all the people, 16. And the people answered and said, 19, 22. And Joshua said unto the people, 21, 24. And tlie people said unto Joshua, 22. And they said, (We are) witnesses. Jud. 1 ; 2. And the Lord said, Judah shall go 10: 17 ( 121 ) nDK Jud. I: 3. And Judah saidunto Simeon 7. And Adoni-bezek said, Threescore 12. And Caleb said, He that smiteth 14. and Caleb said unto her, What wilt thou? 15. And she said unto him, Give me 24. and they said unto him, Shew us, 2 : 1 . and said, I made you to go up — and I said, I will never break 20. was hot against Israel ; and he said, 3 : 19. and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, 20. And Ehud said, I have a message 24. and. ..they said, Surely he covereth 28. And he said unto them, 4; 6. and said unto him, Hath not the Lord 8. And Barak saidunto her, 9. -And she said, I will surely go 14. And Deborah said unto Barak, 18. and said unto him, Turn in, 19. And he said unto her, Give me, 20. Again he said unto her, Stand in 22. and said unto him, Come, 6 : 8. unto the children of Israel, which said 10. And I said unto you, I (am) 12. and saidunto him, The Lord (is) with 13. .And Gideon said unto him, 14. and said, Go in this thy might, 15. And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, 16. And the Lord said unto him, Surely 17. And Ae saidunto him, If now 18. And he said, I will tarry 20. And the angel of God said unto him, 22. and.. .Gideon said, Alas, O Lord Godl 23. And the Lord said unto him, 25. that the Lord said unto him, Take 29. And they said one to another, — and., .they said, Gideon the son of Joash 30. Then the men of the city said unto Joash, 31. And Joash said unto all that stood 36, 39. And Gideon said unto God, 7 : 2, 4, 5, 7 . And the Lord said unto Gideon, 4. of whom / say unto thee, This shall go — of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall 9. that the Lord saidunto him, Arise, 13. and said, Behold, I dreamed 14. his fellow answered and said, 15. and said, Arise ; for the Lord. 17. And he said unto them, Look on me, 8: 1. And the men of Ephraim said 2 . And he said unto them, 5. And he said unto the men of 6. And the princes of Succoth said, 7. And Gideon said, Therefore when 9. And he spake also unto the men 15. and said, Behold Zebah and Zalmunna, 18. Then said he unto Zebah — And they answered, As thou (art), 19. And he said, They (were) my brethren, 20. And he said unto Jether his firstborn, 21. Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, 22. Then the men of Israel said 23, 24. And Gideon said unto them, 25. Andthey answered, We will 9: 7. and said unto them, Hearken 8. and they said unto the olive tree, 9. But the olive tree said unto them, 10. And the trees said to the fig tree, 1 1 . But the fig tree said unto them, 12. Then said the trees unto the vine, 13. And the vine said unto them, 14. Tlien said all the trees 15. And the bramble said unto the trees, 28. And Gaal the son of Ebed said, 29. And he said to Abimelech, 36. and.. .he said to Zebul, Behold, ¦ — And Zebul said unto him, 37. Gaal spake again and said, 38. Then said Zebul unto him, — wherewith thou saidst, Who (is) 48. and said unto the people 54. and said unto him, Draw thy sword, — that men say not of me, A woman 10:11. And the Lord said unto the children 15. And the children of Israel said 18. And the people (and) princes of Gilead said 11: 2. and said unto him, Thou shalt not 1DK ( 122 ) "ION Jud. 11: 6. And they said unto Jephthah, 7. And Jephthah said unto the elders 8, 10. And the elders of Gilead said 9. And Jephthah said unto the elders 13. Andthe king. ..of Amnion answered 15. And said unto him, Thus saith 19. and Israel said unto him, Let us pass 30. and said, If thou shalt without fail 35. and said, Alas, my daughter! 36. And she said unto him, 37. And she said unto her father, 38. And he said, Go. And he sent her 12: Land said unto Jephthah, 2. And Jephthah said unto them, 5.Ephraimites which were escaped said, — that said unto him, (Art) thou an Ephrai- mite? If he said, 6. Then said they unto him, — and he said Sibboleth ; 13: 3. appeared unto the woman, and said unto 6. came and told her husband, 7. But he said unto me, Behold, 8. intreated the Lord, and said, O my Lord, 10. and said unto him, Behold, 11. and said unto him, (Art) thou the man ¦ — And he said, I (am). 12. And Manoah said, Now let thy words 13, 16. And the angel of the Lord said 15, 17. And Manoah said unto the angel 18. Andthe angel of the Lord saidunto him, 22. And Manoah said unto his wife, 23. But his wife said unto him, 14; 2. and said, I have seen a woman 3. Then his father and his mother said — And Samson said unto his father, 12. And Samson said unto them, 13.-4nd they said unto him, Put forth 14. And he said unto them, Out of 15. that they saidunto Samson's wife 16. wept before him, and said, — And he said unto her, Behold, 18. And the men of the city said unto him — And he said unto them, If ye had not 15: 1. an d he said, I will go in 2. And her father said, I verily 3. And Samson said concerning them, 6. Tlien the Philistines said, Who — And they answered, Samson, 7, 12. And Samson said unto them, 10. And the men of Judah said, — And they answered, To bind Samson 1 1 . and said to Samson, Knowest thou not — And he saidunto them, As they did 12. And they said unto him, We are come 13. And they spake unto him, 16. And Samson said, With the jawbone 18. called on the Lord, and said, 16: 5. and said unto her, Entice him, 6, And Delilah said to Samson, 7. And Samson said unto her, If they bind 9. And she said unto him, 10, 13. And Delilah said unto Samson, 11. And he said unto her, If they bind 12, 14. and said unto him, The Philistines 13- And he said unto her, If thou weavest 15. Andshe said unto him, How canst thou say, 17. told her all his heart, andsaid unto her, 20. Andshe said, The Philistines — his sleep, and said, I will go out 23. for they said, Our god hath 25. that they said, Call for Samson, 26.-dwd Samson said unto the lad 28. and said, O Lord God, remember 30. And Samson said, Let me die 17: 2. And hesaid unto his mother, — And his mother said, Blessed. 3. And... his mother said, I had wholly 9, 10.A.nd Micah saidunto him, — And he said unto him, 13. Then said Micah, Now know 18: 2. and they saidunto them, Go, 3. and saidunto him, Who brought 4. And he said unto them, Thus 5. And they said unto him, Ask 6. Andthe priest said unto them, Go 8. and their brethren saidunto them, 9. And they said, Arise, that we Jud. 18 : 14. and said unto their brethren, 18. Then said the priest unto them, 19. And they said unto him, Hold 23. and said unto Micah, What aileth 24. And he said, Ye have taken away . — . what (is) this (that) ye say 25. And the children of Dan said 19: 5, 8. and the damsel's father said 6. for the damsel's father had said 9. And. ..the damsel's father, said unto him 11. and the servant said unto his master, 12. And his master said unto him, 13 . And he said unto his servant, 17. and the old man said, Whither 18. And he said unto him, We (are) passing 20. And the old man said, Peace 22. and spake to the master of the house, 23. and said unto them, Nay, 28. And he said unto her, Up, 20: 3. Thensaidthe children of Israel, 4. answered and said, I came 18. asked counsel of God, andsaid, — And the Lord said, Judah 23, 28. And the Lord said, Go up 32. And the children of Benjamin said, 21 : 3. And said, O Lord God of Israel, 5. And the children of Israel said, 6. and said, There is one tribe cut off 8. And they said, What one 16. Tlien the elders of the congregation said, 17 . And they said, (There must be) 19. Then they said, Behold, Ru. 1 : 8. And Naomi said unto her two daughters 10. And they said unto her, Surely 1 1 . And Naomi said, Turn again, 15. And she said, Behold, thy sister inlaw 16. And Ruth said, Intreat me not 19. and they said, (Is ) this Naomi ? 20. And she said unto them, Call 2; 2, 21. And Ruth the Moabitess said — Andshe said unto her, Go, my daughter, 4. and said unto the reapers, — And they answered him, The Lord 5. Then said Boaz unto his servant 6. answered and said, It (is) the Moabitish 7. And she said, I pray you, let me 8. Then said Boaz unto Ruth, 10. and saidunto him, Why have I 1 1 . Boaz answered and said unto her, 13. Then she said, Let me find 14. And Boaz said unto her, At 19. ^4nd her mother in law said — and said, The man's name 20. And Naomi said unto her daughter inlaw, — And Naomi saidunto her, 22. And Naomi saidunto Ruth 3: 1. Then Naomi her mother in law said 5. And she said unto her, All that 'Aom sokes' 9. And he said, Who (art) thou? Andshe answered, 10. And he said, Blessed (be) thou 11. do to thee all that thou requirest: 14. And he said, Let it not be known 15. Also he said, Bring the vail 16. And... she said, Who (art) thou, 1 7 . And she said, These six 18. Then said she, Sit still, 4; l.untowhom hesaid, Ho, 2. and said, Sit ye down here. 3. And he said unto the kinsman, 4. And he said, I will redeem (it). 5. Then said Boaz, What day thou buyest 6. And the kinsman said, I cannot 8. TVierefore the kinsman said 9. And Boaz saidunto the elders, 11. And all the people... said, (We are) 14. And the women saidunto Naomi, ISa. 1: 8. Tlien said Elkanah her husband 1 1 . she vowed a vow, and said, 14. And Eli said unto her, 15. Hannah answered and said, 17. Then Eli answered and said, 18. And she said, Let thine handmaid 23. And Elkanah her husband said 26. And she said, Oh my lord, 2 : 1 . Hannah prayed, and said, 16. And (if) any man said unto him, i»» ( 123 ) "»BK 1 Sa. 2:23. And he said unto them, 27. unto Eli, and said unto him, 3: 4. and he answered, Here (am) I. 5. he ran unto Eli, and said, — And he said, I called not ; 6, 8. went to Eli, and said, Here (am) I ; — And he answered, I called not, 9. Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, 10. Then Samuel answered, Speak ¦ 11. .Andthe Lord said to Samuel, 16. and said, Samuel, my son. And he an swered, 17. And he said, What (is) the thing IS. .And Ae said, It (is) the Lord: 4: 3. And... the elders of Israel said, 6. And.. .they said, What (meaneth) the 7. And they said, Woe unto us ! 14. And. ..he said, What (meaneth) the noise 16. Andthe man said unto Eli, — And he said, What is there done, 17. the messenger answered and said, 22. And she said, The glory is departed 5; 8. and said, What shall we do with the — And they answered, Let the ark 1 1 . and said, Send away the ark 6: 3. And they said, If ye send away 4. Then said they, What (shall be) — TAey (lit. and They) answered, Five golden 20. And the men of Beth-shemesh said, 7: 3. And Samuel spake unto all 5. And Samuel said. Gather all Israel 6. and said there, We have sinned 8. And the children of Israel said 12. saying, Hitherto hath the Lord 8: 5. And said unto him, Behold, thou ¦7. And the Lord saidunto Samuel, — in all that they say unto thee: 10. And Samuel told all the words 11. And he said, This will be the 19. and they said, Nay ; but we will have 22. And the Lord said to Samuel, — And Samuel saidunto the men 9: 3. And Kish said to Saul his son, 6. And he said unto him, Behold 7, 10. Then said Saul to his servant, 8. the servant answered Saul again, andsaid, 1 1 . and said unto them, Is the seer 12. they answered them, andsaid, He is ; 18. and said, Tell me, I pray thee, 19. Samuel answered Saul, and said, 21 . Saul answered and said, 23. And Samuel saidunto the cook, 24. And (Samuel) said, Behold that which is 10: 1 . and said, (Is it) not because the Lord I L then the people said one to another, 12. of the same place answered and said, 14. And Saul's uncle said unto him — And he said, To seek the asses: 15. And Saul's uncle said, Tell me, 16. And Saul saidunto his uncle, 18. And said unto the children of Israel, 19. and ye have said unto him, 22. And the Lord answered, Behold, 24. And Samuel said to all the people, — all the people shouted, and said, 11: 1 . and all the men of Jabesh said unto 2. And Nahash the Ammonite answered 3. And the elders of Jabesh saidunto him, 5. and Saul said, What (aileth) the people 9. And they said unto the messengers that came, Thus shall ye say unto the men 10. Therefore the men of Jabesh said, '• 12.Aredthe people sa.d unto Samuel, 1 3. And Saul said, There shall not a man 14. Then said Samuel to the people, 12: LAnd Samuel saidunto all Israel, 4. And they said, Thou hast not 5. .And he said unto them, The Lord (is) — And they answered, (He is) witness. 6, 20. And Samuel said unto the people, 10. and said, We have sinned, 12. And.. .ye said unto me, Nay; 19. And all the people saidunto Samuel, 13: 9. And Saul said, Bring hither a burnt II. And Samuel said, What hast thou done? And Saul said, Because I saw that 12. Therefore said I, The Philistines 1 Sal3:13. And Samuel said to Saul, 14 : 1 . that Jonathan the son of Saul said 6. And Jonathan said to the young 7. And his armourbearer saidunto him, 8. Then said Jonathan, Behold, we 9. If they say thus unto us, Tarry 10. if they say thus, Come up unto us ; 1 1 . and the Philistines said, Behold, 12. and said, Come up to us, — And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer, 17. Tlien said Saul unto the people 18. And Saul saidunto Ahiah, 19. and Saul said unto the priest, 28. answered one of the people, andsaid, 29. Then said Jonathan, My father 33. And he said, Ye have transgressed: 34. And Saul said, Disperse yourselves 36. And Saul said, Let us go down . — And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth — Then said the priest, Let us 38. And Saul said, Draw ye near 40. Then said he unto all Israel, — - And the people saidunto Saul, 41. Therefore Saul said unto the Lord 42. And Saul said, Cast (lots) between 43. Then Saul said to Jonathan, • — and said, I did but taste a little 44. And Saul answered, God do so 45. And the people saidunto Saul, 15 : 1 . Samuel also said unto Saul, 6. And Saul said unto the Kenites, 13. and Saul said unto him, 14. And Samuel said, What (meaneth) 15. And Saul said, They have brought 16. Then Samuel saidunto Saul, — And he saidunto him, Say on. 17. And Samuel said, When thou (wast) 18. sent thee on a journey, and said, 20, 24. And Saul saidunto Samuel, 22. And Samuel said, Hath the Lord 26. And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not 28. And Samuel saidunto him, 30. Thenhe said, I have sinned: 32. Then said Samuel, Bring ye — And Agag said, Surely the bitterness 33. And Samuel said, As thy sword 16 : 1 . And the Lord said unto Samuel, 2. And Samuel said, How can I go ? — Andthe Lord said, Take 3. whom I name unto thee. 4. and said, Comest thou peaceably? 5. And he said, Peaceably: I am come 6. and said, Surely the Lord's anointed 7. But the Lord said unto Samuel, 8, 9. And he said, Neither hath the Lord 10, 11, 11. And Samuel said unto Jesse, 11. And he said, There remaineth yet the 12. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: 15. And Saul's servants said unto him, 16. Let our lord now command 17. And Saul said unto his servants, 18. answered one of the servants, and said, 19. and said, Send me David thy son, 17 : 8. and said unto them, Why are ye come 10. And the Philistine said, I defy the 17. And Jesse said unto David his son, 25. And the men of Israel said, 26. And David spalie to the men 27. And the people answered him 28. and he said, Why earnest thou 29. And David said, What have I now done ? 30. toward another, and spake after the same 32. And David said to Saul, 33. And Saul said to David, 34, 39. And David said unto Saul, 37. David said moreover, The Lord — And Saul said unto David, 43. And the Philistine said unto David, 44. And the Philistine said to David, 45. Then said David to the Philistine, 55. And Abner said, (As) thy soul liveth, 56. And the king said, Enquire thou 58. And Saul said to him, Whose son And David answered, (I am) the son 18 : 7. and said, Saul hath slain 8. displeased him; andhesaid, 11. for he said, I will smite David nD& ( 124 ) 1»» !Sa.l8:l7. And Saul said to David, Behold 18. -And David said unto Saul, 21 .And Saul said, I will give him . Wherefore Saul said to David, 23. And David said, Seemeth it to you 25. And Saul said, Thus shallye say to David, 19: 4. and said unto him, Let not the king 14. And... to take David, she said, He (is) sick. 17. And Saul said unto Michal, Why . And Michal answered Saul, 22. he asked and said, Where (are) Samuel — And (one) said, Behold, (they be) 24. Wherefore they say, (Is) Saul also 20: 1. came and said before Jonathan, 2. And he said unto him, God forbid ; 3. David sware moreover, and said, and he saith, Let not Jonathan know 4. Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatso ever thy soul desireth, (marg. speaketh, or, thinketh) 5. And David said unto Jonathan, 7. If he say thus, ( It is ) well ; 9. And Jonathan said, Far be it from thee: 10. Then said David to Jonathan, 11, 12. And Jonathan said unto David, 18. Then Jonathan said to David, 21. If /expressly say unto the lad, 22. if I say thus unto the young man, 27. and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, 29. And he said, Let me go, 30. and he said unto him, Thou son 32. answered Saul his father, and said 36. And he said unto his lad, Run, 37. Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, 40. and said unto him, Go, carry 42. And Jonathan said to David, Go 21: 1(2). and said unto him, Why (art) thou 2(3), 8(9). And David said unto Ahimelech — (-). and hath said unto me, Let no man 4(5). the priest answered David, and said, 5(6). David answered the priest, and said 9(10). And the priest said, The sword of ¦ — ( — S.And David said, (There is) none 11(12). And the servants of Achish said 14(15). Then said Achish unto his 22. 3. and he said unto the king 5. .And the prophet Gad said unto David, 7. Then Saul said unto his servants 9. and said, I saw the son of Jesse 12. And Saul said, Hear.now, — And he answered, Here I (am), 13. And Saul said unto him, 14. answered the king, and said, 16. And the king said, Thou shalt 17. And the king said unto the footmen 18. And the king said to Doeg, 22. And David said unto Abiathar, 23: 2. .And the Lord said unto David, 3. And David's men said unto him, 4. the Lord answered him and said, 7. And Saul said, God hath delivered 9. and he said to Abiathar the priest, 10. TAen said David, O Lord God 11. And the Lord said, He will come down. 12. Then said David, Will the men — And the Lord said, They will 17. And he said unto him, Fear not: 21. And Saul said, Blessed (be) ye of the 24. 4(5). And the men of David said 6(7 ). And he said unto his men, 9(10). And David said to Saul, Wherefore lOfll). and I said, I will not put forth 13(14). As saith the proverb of the ancients, 16(l7). that Saul said, (Is) this thy voice, 17(18). And he saidto David, Thou (art) 25: 5. and David said unto the young men, 10. and said, Who (is) David? 13. And David said unto his men, 19. And she said unto her servants, 24 And fell at his feet, and said, 32. And David said to Abigail, 39. And. ..he said, Blessed (be) the Lord, 41. on (her) face to the earth, and said, 26: 6. and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, — And Abishai said, I will go down 8. Z7*en said Abishai to David, 9. And David said to Abishai, 1 Sa.26: 10. David said furthermore, (As) the Lord ' 14. Then Abner answered and said, 15. And David said to Abner, (Art) not thou 17 .and said, (Is) this thy voice, — And David said, (It is) my voice, 13. And he said, Wherefore doth 21. Then said Saul, I have sinned: 22. David answered and said, Behold 25. Then Saul said to David, Blessed 27: 1. And David said in his heart, 5. And David said unto Achish, 10. And Achish said, Whither have ye — And David said, Against the south 28 : 1 . And Achish said unto David, 2. .And David said to Achish, Surely — And Achish said to David, Therefore 7. Then said Saul unto his servants, — And his servants said to him, Behold, 8. and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me — whom I shall name unto thee. 9. And the woman said unto him, 11. Then said the woman, Whom . — And he said, Bring me up Samuel. 12. and the woman spake to Saul, 13. And the king said unto her, — And the woman said unto Saul, I saw 14. And he said unto her, What form — And she said, An old man cometh up ; 15. And Samuel said to Saul, — And Saul answered, I am sore 16. Then said Samuel, Wherefore 21. and said unto him, Behold, 23. But he refused, and said, I will not eat. 29: 3. Then said the princes of the Philistines, — And Achish said unto the princes 4. and the princes of the Philistines said 6. Achish called David, and said unto him, 8. And David said unto Achish, 9. Achish answered and said to David, 30: 7. And David said to Abiathar 8. And Ae answered him, Pursue : 13. And David said unto him, — And he said, I (am) a young man of 15. And David said to him, — And he said, Swear unto me 20. and said, This (is) David's spoil. 22. and said, Because they went not 23. Then said David, Ye shall not 31 ; 4. Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, 2Sa. 1 ; 3. And David said unto him, From whence — And he said unto him, Out of the camp 4, 14. And David said unto him, How — And he answered, That the people 5, 13. And David said unto the young man 6. And the young man that told him said, 7. And I answered, Heie (am) I. 8 . And he said unto me, Who (art) thou ? And I answered him, I (am) an Amalekite, 9. He said unto me again, Stand, 13. And he answered, I (am) the son 15. and said, Go near, (and) fall upon t 16. And David said unto him, Thy blood 18. Also he bade them teach 2 : 1 . And the Lord said unto him, Go up. And David said, — And he said, Unto Hebron. 5. and said unto them, Blessed (be) ye 14. And Abner said to Joab, Let the — And Joab said, Let them arise. 20. and said, (Art) thou Asahel? And he answered, 2 1 . And Abner said to him, Turn 26. Abner called to Joab, andsaid, — how long shall it be then, ere thou Ud 27. And Joab said, (As) God liveth, 3; 7. And (Ish-bosheth) said to Abner, 8. and said, (Am) I a dog's head, 13. And he said, Well; I will make 16. Then said Abner unto him, Go, return. 21. And Abner said unto David, I 24. and said, What hast thou done? 28. And.. .he said, I and my kingdom (are) 31. And David said to Joab, 33. and said, Died Abner as a fool 38. And the king said unto his servants, 4: 8. and said to the king, Behold the head Q nvuJ Aen they said : 7. who said, Rase (it), rase (it), :24. He that saith unto the wicked, 24. his father or his mother, and saith, : 19. Tliat say, Let him make speed, 20. that call evil good, (marg. say concerning) : 8. 1 heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 1 6. The voice said, Cry. : 7. saying, It (is) ready for the sodering: 13. saying unto thee, Fear not ; 17. that say to the molten images, 22. for a spoil, and none saith, Restore. 26. that saith to Jerusalem, 27. TAa( saith to the deep, 28. TAa( saith of Cyrus, (He is) my 10. Woe unto him that saith 10. saying, My counsel shall stand, 8. that sayest in thine heart, 7. that saith unto Zion, 5. Which say, Stand by thyself, 27. Saying to a stock, Thou (art) my 13. the prophets say unto them, 15. 1 sent them not, yet (Aey say, 15. Behold, they say unto me, 13. which say, Who shall come :14. That saith, I will build 17. They say still unto them 9. which speak unto you, saying, 14. that speak unto you, saying 36. concerning this city, whereof ye say, 43. whereof ye say, (It is) desolate : 10. which ye say (shall be) desolate 1 1 . the voice of (Aem that shall say, 22. shall say, Tljy friends have set 13. But if ye say, We will not 2. the proud men, saying unto Jeremiah, 26. saying, The Lord God liveth. 12. for they say, The Lord seeth us not ; 11: 3. Which say, (It is) not near; 12: 27. the house of Israel say, 13: 6. saying, The Lord saith: andthe Lord 7. whereas ye say, The Lord 20:32. that ye say, We will be as the heathen, 49(21: 5). they say of me, Doth he not 22:28. saying, Thus saith the Lord God, 33:24.soeaA, saying, Abraham was one, 36:13. Because they say unto you, 37:11. (Aey say, Our bones are dried, Hos 13: 2. they say of them, Let the men Am. 4: 1. which say to their masters, Bring, 6: 13. which say, Have we not taken 7: 16. Thou sayest, Prophesy not against 9: 10. which say, The evil shall not overtake Oba. 3. that saith in his heart, Who shall bring Mic. 4: 11 . that say, Let her be defiled, 6 : 1 . Hear ye now what the Lord saith ; 7 : 10. which said unto me, Where is Hab 2:19. Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Zep. 1:12. (Aa( say in their heart, The Lord 2: 15. that said in her heart, I (am), KAL Participle. Paul. Mic. 2; 7. 0 (thou that art) named the house of * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Dan 8:26. which was told (is) true: Job 9 22 Ps. 34 294045 70 122137 Pro. 24 28 Isa. 5 6 4041 4244 45 46475265 Jer. 2 14 17 212223 27 Eze. NIPHAL. — Infinitive. Job 34:31. Surely it is meet to be said unto God, NIPHAL.— Future. GenlO: 9. wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod 22: 14. as it is said (to) this day, In the mount : 28(29). Thy name sAaZZ be called no more : 14. Wherefore it is said in the book of : 23. it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, : 2. Audit was told the king of Jericho, : 5. And of Zion it shall be said, This : 3. shall be called holy, (even) everyone : 18. one sAaZZ be called, The city of destruction. : 5. nor the churl said (to be) bountiful. : 6. (men) shall call you the Ministers of our God: (lit. it shall be said to you) : 4. Thou sAaZ( no more be termed Forsaken ; neither sAaZZ thy land any more be termed : 1 1 . At that time shall it be said : 32. it shall no more be called Tophet, : 14. it shall no more be said, The Lord :\2.shall it not be said unto you, Where (is) ; 10(2: 1 ). where it was said unto them, Ye (are) not my people, (there) it shall be said Zep. 3 : 16. In that day it shall be said to * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Deu26: 17. Thou hast avouched the Lord 18. the Lord Aa(A avouched, thee # HITHPAEL Future. * Ps. 94: 4. workers of iniquity boast themselves ? 32 JNu 21 23 Jos 2 Ps. 87 Isa. 4 19 32 61 62 Jer 4 7 16 Eze. 13 Hos 1 "lft^ amar, Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Ezr. 5: 4. Then said we unto them after this 9. (and) said unto them thus, Who 15. And said unto him, Take these Dan 2: 12. and commanded to destroy all the wise 24, 25. and said thus unto him ; 46. commanded that they should offer 3: 13. in (his) rage and fury commanded 20. And Ae commanded the most mighty 4: 8(5). and before him Hold the dream, 26(23). whereas (Aey commanded 5: 2. commanded to bring the golden 10. the queen spake and said, 29. Then commanded Belshazzar, 6:16(17). Then the king commanded, 23(24). and commanded that they should take 24(25). And the king commanded, 7 : 1 . (and) told the sum of the matters. 16. So he told me, and made me know 23. Thus Ae said, The fourth beast P'AL. — Infinitive. Ezr. 5:11. they returned us answer, saying, Dan 2: 9. and corrupt words to speak before me, P'AL. — Imperative. Dan 2: 4.(eZZthy servants the dream, and we 9. therefore tell me the dream, 4: 9(6).(eZZme the visions ofmy dream 18(15). declare the interpretation P'AL.— Future. Jer. 10:11. Thus shall ye say unto them, Dan 2: 7. Let the king tell his servants the dreama 36. and we will tell the interpretation 3:29. which speak any thing amiss 4:35(32). or say unto him, What doest , P'AL. — Participle. Ezr. 5: 3. and said thus unto them, Who hath Dan 2: 5, 8, 26. The king answered andsaid 7. They answered again and said, 10. answered before the king, and said, 15. He answered and said to Arioch 20. Daniel answered and said, Blessed 27. answered in the presence of the king, and said, 47. The king answered unto Daniel, andsaid. 1DN c 134 ) -\m Dan 3: 4. To you it is commanded, O people, (marg they command) 9. They spake and said to the king 14. Nebuchadnezzar spake and said 16. answered and said to the king, 19. he spake, and commanded that they should 24. rose up in haste, (and) spake, andsaid — They answered and said unto the king, 25. He answered and said, Lo, I see four 26. (and) spake, and said, Shadrach, 28. Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, 4: 7( 4) . and / told the dream before them ; 14(11). He cried aloud, and said thus, 19(16), 30(27). The king spake, and said, _( — ). Belteshazzar answered and said, 23(20). and saying, Hew the tree down, 31(28). Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spohen , (lit. to thee (they are) speaking) 5: 7. the king spake, and said to the wise (men) 13. the king spake and said unto Daniel, 17. Daniel answered and said before the king, 6: 5(6). Then said these men, 6(7). to the king, and said thus unto him, 12(13). Then they came near, and spake — ( — ). The king answered and said, 13(14). Then answered they and said before 15(16). and said unto the king, 16(17). the king spake andsaid unto Daniel, 20(21 ). the king spake and said to Daniel, 7 : 2. Daniel spake and said, I saw in my 5. and they said thus unto it, Arise, IpX \_3N an-peen', Ch. [pi. of *)3N.] Dan.2:46.Nebuchadnezzar fell upon hisface, 3:19. the form of his visage was changed piK [ak-nak'.] * KAL. — Infinitive. * Eze.26:15.«jAe» the wounded cry, when the slaughter KAL.— Future. Jer. 51 : 52. all her land the wounded shaU groan. # NIPHAL.— Infinitive. * Eze.24: 17. Forbear to cry, make no mourning NIPHAL.— Participle. Eze. 9: 4. and (Aa( cry for all the abominations np3^ anah-kahf, f. Lev.ll :30. ^4nd the ferret, and the chameleon, Ps. 12: 5(6)./or (Ae sighing of the needy, 79: 11. Let (Ae sighing of the prisoner come 102:20(21). To hear (Ae groaning of the prisoner ; Mai. 2: 13. with weeping, and with crying out, ( 141 ) *]DN Dan 5:22. And thou his son, O Belshazzar, 23. and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, 6: 16(17), 20(21). Thy God whom (Aow servest m$ [ah-nashr.] *KAL Participle. Paul.* Job 34: 6. my wound (is) incurable without Isa. 17:11. in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow. Jer. 15: 18. my wound incurable, (which) refuseth 17: 9. above all (things), and desperately wicked: 16. neither have I desired the woeful day; 30:12, Thy bruise (is) incurable, (and) thy 15. thy sorrow (is) incurable for the Mic. 1: 9. For her wound (is) incurable; (marg. (she is) grievously sich of her wounds) * NIPHAL.— Future. # 2Sa.l2:15.unto David, and it was very sick. tiWJnahsh, Ch. Dan. 2 : 10. it is tt?3N. Ezr. 4:11. Thy servants the men on this side the 6: 11. that whosoever shall alter (lit. everyman who) Dan 2 : 10. There is not a man upon the earth 38. wheresoever the children of men dwell, 43. mingle themselves with the seed of men: 3:10. that every man that shall hear the sound 4:16(13). Let hisheart be changed from man's, 17(14), 25(22), 32(29). ruleth in thekingdom of men, — (— )setteth up over it the basest of men. 25( 22) . That they shall drive thee from men, 32(29). they shall drive thee from men, 33(30). and he was driven from men, 5: 5. came forth fingers of a man's hand, 7. Whosoever (lit. every man who) shall read this writing, 21. he was driven from the sons of men; — God ruled in the kingdom of men, 6: 7(8). a petition of any God or man 12(13). that every man that shall ask (a peti tion) of any God or man within thirty 1: 4. made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. 8. eyes like the eyes of man, 13. behold, (one) like the Son of man came D-SWK see tffoN- JjlJM ant, pron. Ch. Ezr. 7:25..4nd(Aow, Ezra, after the wisdom Dan 2:29. As for thee, O king, thy thoughts 31. Thou, O king, sawest, and behold 37. Thou, O king, (art) a king of kings: 38. Thou (art) this head of gold. 3:10. Thou, O king, hast made a decree, 4:18(15). Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare — ( — ).but thou (art) able; for the spirit 22(19). It (is) (Aom, O king, that art fi:13.(Art) (Aom that Daniel, which (art) 18. O thou king, the most high God gave Dan JWJK cm-toon' , Ch. pron. pi. 2 : 8. of certainty that ye would gain the time, 2K. tpDK ah-sodchf, m. 4: 2. any thing in the house, save a pot of oil. jiDK ak-sohn', m. Gen42: 4. Lest peradventure mischief befall 38. if mischief befall him by the way 44: 29. this also from me, and mischief befall him, Ex. 21:22. and yet no mischief follow: he shall 23. if (any) mischief follow, then TDK eh-soor\ m. Jud. 15: 14. and Ais bands loosed from off his hands. Ecc. 7 : 26. her hands (as) bands: Jer. 37: 15. put him in prison (lit. house of binding') TDK esoor, m. Ch. Ezr. 7:26. confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment. Dan 4: 15(12), 23(20). even with a band of iron and P)*DK & fc]DK ah-seeph', m. Ex. 23:16 & 34:22. the feast of ingathering, TDK ah-seerf, m. Gen 39: 20. where the king's prisoners (were) 22. all (Ae prisoners that (were) Job 3 . 18. (Ae prisoners rest together ; Ps. 68: 6(7 ). he bringeth out (Aose which are bound 69 : 33 (34) . despiseth not Ais prisoners. — - 79:11. Let the sighing of (Ae prisoner 102:20(21). To hear the groaning of (Ae prisoner ; 107:10.6o«nd in affliction and iron ; — Isa. 14:17. opened not the house of Ais prisoners 9 Lam. 3: 34. under his feet all (Ae prisoners of the earth, Zee . 9:11.1 have sent forth thy prisoners 12. ye prisoners of hope: TDK as-seer', m. Isa. 10: 4. bow down under (Ae prisoners, 24:22. prisoners are gathered, in the pit, 42: 7- to bring out (Ae prisoners D^DDK '[asah-meem',] m. pi. Deu28: 8. upon thee in thy storehouses, (marg. barns) Pro. 3 : 10. So shall thy barns be filled 6|DNt ah-saphf . * KAL Preterite. # Gen 6:21. and thou shalt gather (it) to thee ; 30:23. God Aa(A (aAen away my reproach: Ex. 3:16. Go, and gather the elders of Israel 23 : 10. and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: Lev.25: 3. and gather in the fruit thereof; Nu. 11 :32.he that gathered least gathered ten 19: 9. And a man (that is) clean shall gather Deu 11:14. (Aa( (Aom mayest gather in thy corn, 22: 2. then thou shalt bring it unto thine own Josh20: 4. they shall take him into the city Jud. 18:25. and thou lose thy life, with the lives Ru. 2: 7. let me glean and gather after the 2K. 5: 6. that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy, 11. over the place, and recover the leper. 22 : 4. have gathered of the people : S1DN 2Ch 34: 9. had gathered of the hand of Manasseh Ps. 85: 3(4). Thou hast taken away all thy wrath: Pro.30 : 4. who hath gathered the wind in his fists ? Isa. 10:14. (that are) left, have I gathered all the 11:12. and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, Jer. 16: 5. for I have taken away my peace from 21: 4. and I will assemble them into the Eze. 11:17. and assemble you out of the countries Dan 11:10. and shall assemble a multitude of Joel 2: 10 & 3: 15(4: 15). and the stars shall withdraw Zeph3:18. 1 will gather (them that are) sorrowful Zee. 1 4 : 2. For I will gather all nations against K AL . — Infinitive. Ex. 23: 16. when thou hast gathered in thy labours Lev. 23 :39. when ye have gathered in the fruit of Deu 16 : 13. after that thou hast gathered in thy corn 2K. 5: 7. to recover a man of his leprosy ? Ecc. 2 :26. to gather and to heap up, that he Isa. 10: 14. and as one gathereth eggs (that are) left, 17 : 5. as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, Jer. 8:13.1 will surely consume them, (marg. In gathering I will, &c. ) Mic. 2:12.1 will surely assemble, (lit. assembling I will assemble) Zephl: 2.1 will utterly consume (marg. By taking away I will make an end) 3: 8. to gather the nations, that I may KAL — Imperative. 16. Gather unto me seventy men of the 16. Gather the people together, and I will give 19. unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand. 28. gather the rest of the people together, 5. Gather my saints together unto me ; l.to take (marg. take thou) away our 17. Gather up thy wares out of the land, 9. assemble all the beasts of the field, 10. ye, gather ye wine, and summer fruits, 4. Gather the pieces thereof into it, 14. gatlier the elders (and) all the inhabitants 16. Gather the people, sanctify the congrega tion, assemble the elders, gather the Nu. 11: 21: ISa. 14: 2Sa.l2: Ps. 50; Isa. 4: Jer. 10. 12: 40: Eze.24: Joel 1: 2: Gen 29: 42:49: Ex. 4: Lev. 25: Nu. 11; 21; Deu 28; Jos. 2 24; Jud. 3 11 ISa. 5; 14; lo 17; 2Sa. 6 10;1112 21 IK. 10; 2K. 5: 23; ICh 15; 19; 23: 2Ch 1: 24:28: 29 34 Job 34:39: Ps. 26: 27 KAL Future. 22. And Laban gathered together all 17. And he put them all together (marg. gathered) 33. And when.../ie gathered up his feet 29. and gathered together all the elders of 20. shall not sow, nor gather in our increase: 24. and gathered the seventy men of the 32. and they gathered the quails : 23. but Sihon gathered all his people together, 38. shalt gather (but) little in; 18. thou shalt bring thy father, (marg. gather) I . And Joshua gathered all the tribes 13. Andhe gathered unto him the children 20. but Sihon gathered all his people together, 8. They sent therefore and gathered all 1 1 . they sent and gathered together all 52. and when Saul saw...Ae took him unto him. 6. lest I destroy you with them: l.Now the Philistines gathered together 1 . Again, David gathered together all 17. 4nd when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together, 27. David sent and fetched her to his house, 29. And David gathered all the people together, 13. and they gathered the bones of them 26. And Solomon gathered together chariots 3. Ae would recover (marg. gather in) him of Land they gathered unto him all 4. And David assembled the children of 17. and he gathered all Israel, and passed over 2. And he gathered together all the princes 14. And Solomon gathered chariots 1 1 . and gathered money in abundance. 24. And Ahaz gathered together the vessels 4. and gathered them together into 15. And they gathered their brethren, 20. and gathered the rulers of the city, 29. the king sent and gathered together 14. he gather unto himself his spirit 12. thy seed, and gather (it into) thy barn? 9. Gather not (marg. Take not away) my 10. Lord will take me up. (marg. gather me) (. 142 ) epa Ps. 104:29. thou tahest away their breath, Isa. 58: 8. the Lord shall be thy rereward'. (marg. gather thee up) Jer. 40 : 12. and gathered wine and summer fruits Mic. 2:12. 1 will surely assemble, O Jacob, 4: 6. will I assemble her that halteth, Hab 1 : 9. and they shall gather the captivity lb. and gather them in their drag: 2: 5. but gathereth unto him all nations, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Nu. 19:10. Ae that gathereth the ashes of 2K. 22 : 20. 1 will gather thee unto thy fathers, 2Ch34:28.I will gather thee to thy fathers, Ps. 39: 6(7). and knoweth notwho shall gatlierthem. KAL.— Participle. Paul. Eze.34:29.no more consumed with hunger (mar*. taken away) * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * : 3. And thither were all the flocks gathered: 30. and... they shall gather themselves together : 25 . and when ye are gathered together : 13. thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thy brother was gathered. 10. were gathered unto their fatliers: 33. were gathered together, and went over, 23. the Philistines gathered them together 5. the Philistines gathered themselves together 2. the men of Israel were gathered together, ; 9. were there gathered together to battle, 20. and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave 13. the Philistines were gathered together 7. of Ammon gathered themselves together 5. that were gathered together 3. had the people gathered themselves togetlier 28. and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave 13. on the second day were gathered together ; 1 . the children of Israel were assembled :1b. and gathered themselves together: (yea), the abjects gathered themselves together 9(10). the people are gathered together, 25. and herbs of' the mountains are gathered. 10. And gladness is taken away, . 1 . the righteous is taken away from the evil 33. And joy and gladness is taken 11 . many nations are gathered 3. though all the people of the earth be gathered together NIPHAL Infinitive. 7 . cattle should be gathered togetlier : 15. till Miriam was brought in ll.be generally gathered (lit. in gathering lie gathered) Gen 29: 34: Lev. 26 Nu. 27 Jud. 2: 6: 16; lSa.1.3: 17: 2Sa.23 2K. 22: ICh 11:19: 2Chl2: 30: 34: Neh 8; 9 Ps. 35: 47: Pro. 27: Isa. 16: 57: Jer. 48 : Mic. 4: Zec.12: Gen 29 Nu. 12 2Sa.l7 NIPHAL.— Imperative. Gen 49: I. Gather yourselves together, that I Deu32: 50. and be gathered unto thy people; Jer. 4: 5. and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us 8:14. do we sit still? assemble yourselves, 47: 6. put up thyself into thy (marg. gather) Eze. 39:17. gather yourselves on every side Am. 3: 9. Assemble yourselves upon the NIPHAL Future. Gen25 : 8. and was gathered to his people. 17. and was gathered unto his people. 29: 8. all the flocks be gathered together, 35 : 29 & 49 : 33 . and was gathered unto his people. Ex. 9 : 19. shall not be brought 32 : 26 . And., .gathered themselves togetherxmtohm. Nu. 11:22. s/ia« all the fish of the sea be gatlierei together 30. And Moses gat him into the camp, 12:14. let her be received in (again). 20:24, 26. Aaron shall be gathered 31 : 2. afterward shalt thou be gathered Deu32:50.a?/d was gathered unto his people: Jos. 10: 5. Therefore. ..gatheredthemselvestogethafitii Jud. 9: 6. And all the men of Shechem gothsii together, 10:17. And the children of Israel assembled urn- selves together, 20:11. So all the men of Israel were gathered 14. But the children of Benjamin gadte"* themselves C|DN ( 143 ) 1DH 1 Sa. 1 7 : Land were gathered together at Shochoh, 2Sa.lO:15.jlnd when the Syrians saw.. .tAey gathered themselves 14:14. which cannot be gathered up again; 17 : 1 1 . be generally gathered unto thee, 13. if Ae be gotten into a city, 23 : 1 1 . And the Philistines were gathered together 2Ch 30: 13. And there assembled at Jerusalem Ezr. 3 : 1. the people gathered themselves together 9: 4. Then were assembled unto me Neh 8: l.And all the people gathered themselves together 12:28. And the sonsof the singers gathered them selves together, Job 27 :19. but Ae shall not be gathered: Ps.l04:22.they gather themselves together, Isa. 43: 9. and let the people be as°smbled: 49: 5. Though Israel be not gatliered, (marg. That Israel may be gathered to him, &c. ) 60:20.sAa#thymoon withdraw itself: Jer. 8 ; 2. they shall not be gathered, 25:33. shall not be lamented, neither gathered, Eze. 29: 5. thou shalt not be brought together, Hos. 4: 3. of the sea also shall be taken away. NIP HAL Participle. Gen 49:29. 1 am to be gathered unto my ISa. 13: 11. the Philistines gathered themselves together Isa. 13: 4. kingdoms of nations gathered together : 57: 1. merciful men (are) taken away, * PIEL.— Participle. * Nu. 10:25. the rereward of all the camps Jos. 6: 9. and ffte rereward (marg. gathering (host)) 13. but the rereward came after Jud.l9:15. that took them into his house 18. that receiveth (marg. gathereth) me to Isa. 52: 12. and the God of Israel (will be) your rere ward. (marg. gather you up) 62: 9. But they that have gathered it Jer. 9:22(21). none shall gather (them). * PUAL.— Preterite. * N3"lSpN os-far' -nah, adv. Ch. Ezr. 5: 8. and this work goeth fast on, 6: 8.forthwith expences be given unto these 12. let it be done with speed. 13. the king had sent, so they did speedily. 7:17. That thou mayest buy speedily with this 21 . of you, it be done speedily, 26. let judgment be executed speedily Isa. 24 33 Hos.10 Zee. 14 -.22. And they shall begathered together, : 4. And your spoil shall be gathered :10. and the people shall be gathered : 14. and the wealth.. .shall be gathered together, PUAL.— Participle. Eze.38:12.upon the people (that are) gathered HITHPAEL.— Infinitive. Deu33: 5.wfcen...the tribes of Israel were gathered together. f)DX oh'-seph, m. La. 32:10. the gathering shall not come. 33: 4. the gathering of the caterpiller: Mic. 7: Las when they have gathered the summer fruits, (marg. the gatherings of summer) PlSDN aseh-phah', f. Isa. 24:22. they shall be gathered together, (lit. riiSDX asoop-poth', f. pi. Ecc. 12: 11. fastened (by) the masters of assemblies, D'SDK asoop-peem1 ', m. pi. !Ch26:15.the house of Asuppim. (marg. gatherings) 17. and toward Asuppim two (and) two. Nehl2:25.of the thresholds of the gates, (marg.rraz suries, or, X asaph- sooph1 ', m. Nu. 11: 4. And the mizt multitude that (v/as) among TDK [uh-sar'.} * KAL Preterite. * Nu. 30: 3(4). and bind (herself) by a bond, 4(5), 4(5), 5(6) . wherewith sAe hath bound 6(7), 7(8), 8(9), 11(12). wherewith shebound her soul ; 9(10). wherewith they havebound their souls, 10( 1 1 ). or bound her soul by a bond Jud.16: b.that we may bind him to afflict him: ISa. 6: 7. and tie the kine to thecart, Job 36 : 13. they cry not when Ae bindeth them Eze. 3:25. and shall bind thee with them, KAL — Infinitive. Nu. 30: 2(3). swear an oath to bind his soul Jud. 15: 10. To bind Samson are we come 12. We are come down to bind thee, 13. will bind thee fast, (lit. in binding bind) 16;11. If they bind me fast with new ropes Ps.105.22. To bind his princes at his pleasure; 149; 8. To bind their kings with chains, Hos.10: 10. wAen they shall bind themselves (marg. I shall bind them, ) KAL Imperative. IK. 18:44. unto Ahab, Prepare (marg. Tie, or, Bind) 2K. 9:21. And Joram said, Make ready, (marg. Bind) Ps. 1 18 : 27. bind the sacrifice with cords, Jer. 46: 4. Harness the horses ; and get up, KAL. — Future. Gen42: 24. and bound him before their eyes. 46:29. And Joseph made ready his chariot, Ex. 14: 6. And he made ready his chariot, Jud. 15: 13. but we will bind thee fast, — And tliey bound him with two new cords, 16: 7. If they bind me with seven green 8. and she bound him with them. 1 1 . If they bind me fast with new ropes 12. and bound him therewith, 21 . and bound him with fetters ISa. 6: 10. and tied them to the cart, IK. 20:14. Who shall order the battle? (marg. bind, or, tie) 2K. 9:21 . And his chariot was made ready. 17: 4. andbound him in prison. 23:33. And Pharaoh-nechoh put him in bands 25: 7. and bound him with fetters 2Ch 13: 3. And Abijah set the battle in array (marg. bound together) 33 : 1 1 . and bound him with fetters, 36: 6. and bound him in fetters, Job 12:18. and girdeth their loins Jer. 39: 7 .andbound him with chains, 52.11. and the king of Babylon bound him KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen49: 11. -Binding his foal unto the vine, KAL — Participle. Paul. Gen39:20.the king's prisoners (were) bound: 40: 3. the place where Joseph (was) bound. 5. which (were) bound in the prison. Jud.l6:21.the prison house, (lit. house of prisoners) 25. called for Samson out of the pnson house ; 2Sa. 3:34. Thy hands (.were) not bound, 2K. 7: 10. horses tied, and asses tied, and the tents Neh 4:18(12). every one had his sviora girded Job 36: 8. if (they be) bound in fetters, Ps. 146 : 7. The Lord looseth the prisoners : Ecc. 4: 14. out of prison (lit. house of prisoners) he Cant.7: 5(6). the king (is) AeZd (marg. bound) in the Isa. 49: 9. That thou mayest say to the prisoners, 61: Land.. .the prison to (them that are) bound; iva Jer. 40: Lbeing bound in chains # NIPHAL Imperative. * Gen42:16.!/e shallbe kept in prison, (marg. bound) NIPHAL.— Future. Gcn42 : 19. let one of your brethren be bound Jud. 16. 6, 10, 13. wherewith thou mightest be bound * PUAL Preterite. * Isa. 22: 3. they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound IpK esahr & 1DK is-sahr', m. Nu. 30: 2(3). to bind his soul with a bond; 3(4). bind (herself) by a bond, 4(5). and her bond wherewith . — (-). every bond wherewith she hath 5(6). or of her bonds wherewith she 7(8). and her bonds wherewith she bound 10(11). bound her soul by a bond 11(12). every bond wherewith she bound 12( 13). or concerning (Ae bond of her soul, 13(14). every binding oath to afflict 14(15). or all Aer bonds, *lDK esahr, m. Ch, t v: 7 Dan 6: 7(8). make a firm decree, (marg. interdict) 8(9). O king, establish (Ae decree, 9(10). signed the writing andthe decree. 12(13). concerning (Ae king's decree; Hast thou not signed a decree, 13(14). nor (Ae decree that thou 15(16). That no decree nor statute y$ ah'k, m. Ch. Ezr. 5: 8. and timber is laid in the walls, 6 : 4. and a row of new timber : 1 1 . let timber be pulled down Dan 5: 4. of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone. 23. of brass, iron, wood, and stone, t)K aph, conj. Ch. Ezr. 5:10. We asked their names also, 14. And the vessels also of gold and silver 6; 5. And also let the golden and silver Dan 6:22(23). and also before thee, O king, Gen40 Lev.26.Nu.16 Deu33 ISa. 2: ICh. 8; 2Ch.l2: Job 4 Ps. 44 &JK aph. part. 16. unto Joseph, I also (was) in my dream, 28. and I, even I, will chastise you 44. And yet for all that, when they be 14. Moreover thou hast not brought us 3. Yea, he loved the people ; 20. the arm w;i(A the crown of the head. 7. he bringeth low, and lifteth up. 32. And these also dwelt with their brethren 5. and therefore have I also left you in 19. How much less (in) them that dwell 9(10). But thou hast cast off, and put &c. &c. It is frequently followed by "O. Gen 3: l.the woman, Yea, hath Godsaid, 1 Sa.14: 30. How much more, if haply the people IK. 8:27. Aohj much less this house that I 2K. 5:13. how much rather then, when he saith Job 35:14. Although thou sayest thou shalt not see Eze.23; 40. And furthermore, that ye have sent &c. &c. £|K aph, m. Gen 2: 7. breathed into his nostrils 3; 19. In the sweat of thy face shalt 7: 22. in whose nostrils (was) the breath of 19: 1. with his face toward the ground; 24:47. earring upon Aer face, (lit. her nose) 27 : 45. Until thy brother's anger turn away ( 144 ) V\X Gen30: 2. Jacob's anger was kindled 39: 19. that Ais wrath was kindled. 42: 6. (with) their faces to the earth. 44: 18. let not (Aine a7iaer burn 48 : 1 2. bowed himself with Ms face to the 49: 6. in their anger they slew a man, 7. Cursed (be) their anger, Ex. 4:14. (Ae anger of the Lord was kindled 11: 8. went out from Pharaoh in a i 15 ; 8. with the blast of thy nostrils 22:24(23). my wrath shall wax hot, 32: 10. that my wrath may wax hot 1 1 . why doth thy wrath wax hot 12. Turn from thy fierce wrath, 1 9. Moses' anger waxed hot, 22. Let not (Ae anger of 'my lord 34: 6. gracious, longsw/ferin^r, Nil. 11 : 1. Ms anger was kindled; 10. (Ae anger of the Lord was kindled 20. until it come out at your nostrils, 33. (Ae wiath of the Lord was kindled 12: 9.(Aeant/er o/the Lord was kindled 14: 18. The Lord (is) longsuffering, 22:22. God's angerwas kindled 27. Balaam's anger was kindled, 31 . fell flat on his face. 24: 10. Balak's angerwas kindled 25: 3. the anger of the Lord was kindled 4. that tlie fierce anger of the Lord 32:10, 13. (Ae Lord's angerwas kindled 14. augment yet the fierce anger of the Lord Deu 6:I5.1est (Aean<7ero/ the Lord 7: 4. so wilKAeanoer o/theLord 9 ; 19. 1 was afraid of (Ae anger 11:17. (Ae Lord's wrath be kindled 13: 17( 18). turn from the fierceness of Ais anger, 29 : 20( 1 9) . but then (Ae anger of the Lord 23(22) . which the Lord overthrew in his anger, 24(23). the heat of this great anger? 27(26). (Ae anger of the Lord was kindled 28(27). rooted them out of their land in anger, 31 : 17. Then my anger shall be kindled 32 : 22. For a fire is kindled in mine anger, 33 : 10. shall put incense before thee, (marg. at thy nose) Jos. 7: 1. the anger of the Lord was kindled 26. turned from the fierceness of Ais anger. 23: 16. then shall (Ae anger of the Lord be Jud. 2:14,20, & 3:8. (Ae angerof the Lord was hot 6 ; 39. Let not (Aine anger be hot 9 : 30. Ais anger was kindled. 10: 7. (Ae anger of the Lord was hot 14: 19. Ais anger was kindled. ISa. 1: 5.ButuntoHannahhegaveaMJor(Ayportion; (marg, double lit. oneportionof twofam) 11 : 6. Ais anger was kindled greatly. 17:28. Eliab's angerwas kindled 20:30. Saul's anger was kindled 34. arose from the table in fierce angert 41 . fell on his face to the ground, 24: 8(9). David stooped with his/ace 25 ; 23. fell before David on her face, 41 . bowed herself on (her) face to the earth, 28: 14. stooped with (his) face to the ground, 18. nor executedst Ais fierce wrath 2Sa. 6; 7. the angerof the Lord was kindled 12: 5. David's an? pieces of shields) : 15(115). Then thecAannefe of waters ; 1 (2) . panteth after the water brooks, : 4. as the streams in the south. : 12. doves by the riv ers of waters, 7. he shall come up overall his cluinneU, 3. to the rivers, and to the vallies ; ; 12. broken by alKAe rivers of the land; : 6. and the rivers shall be full : 13. the mountains of Israel by the rivers, : 8. and in all thy rivers, : 4, 6. to the rivers, and to the valleys, (marg' bottoms, or, dales) ; 20. for the rivers of waters 18(4: 18) . and all '(Ae rivers of Judah 73N 75K ah-phehl', adj. Am. 5:20. even very dark, and no brightness 7$K oh'-pkel, m. Job 3: 6. 10:22. 23:17. 28: 3. 30:26. Ps. 11: 2. 91: 6. Isa. 29:18. let darkness seize upon it ; A land of darkness, as darkness and (where) the light (is) as darkness. (neither) hath he covered (Ae darkness the stones of darkness, for light, there came darkness. that they may privily shoot (marg. in ( 147 ) 13N Isa. 46: 9. and (there is) none like me, 52: 4. oppressed them without cause. 10. all (Ae ends of the earth shall see 54: 15. together, (but) not by me: Jer. 16: 19./rom (Ae ends of the earth, Eze.47: 3. the waters (were) to (Ae ancles. Dan 8:25. but he shall be broken without hand. Am. 6: 10. and he shall say, No. 9: 8. saving that I will not utterly Mic. 5; 4(3). unto (Ae ends of the earth. Zee. 9: 10. to (Ae ends of the earth. the pestilence (that) walketh in darkness; and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, rbm apheh-lah', f. Ex. 10:22. there was a (AicA darkness Deu28 : 29. as the blind gropeth in darkness, Pro. 4:19. The way of the wicked (is) as darkness • 7: 9. in the black and dark night: Isa. 8:22. and (they shall be) driven to darkness. 58: 10. and thy darkness (be) as the noon day: 59 : 9. we walk in darkness. Jer. 23 : 12. as slippery (ways) in the darkness: Joel 2: 2. A day of darkness and of gloominess, Zep. 1 : 15. a day of darkness and gloominess, D^SX [oph-neem1] m. Pro.25:lI.A word fitly spoken (is like) (marg. spoken upon his wheels) DSK ah-phehs' . *KAL Preterite. * Gen47:15.for the money faileth. 16. give you for your cattle, if money fail. Ps. 77: 8(9) . Is his mercy clean gone for ever ? Isa. 16: 4. the extortioner is ai an end, 29: 20. the terrible one is brought to nought, DSi$ eh'-phes, m. With the conj. ""S it is used as an adverb. Nu. 13:28. Nevertheless the people (be) strong 22: 35. but only the word that I shall 23 : 13. thou shalt see but the utmost part Deul5: 4. Save when there shall be no poor 32:36. and (there is) none shut up, or left. 33:17. to (Ae ends of the earth: Jud. 4: 9. notwithstanding the journey 1 Sa. 2:10. the Lord shall judge (Ae ends of 2Sa. 9: 3. (Is) (Acre noryet any of the house 12:14. Howbeit, because by this deed 2K. 14:26. for (there was) not any shut up, nor any left, Job 7: 6. are spent witliout hope. Ps. 2: 8. (Ae uttermost parts of the earth ' 22; 27(28). All (Ae ends of the world 59: 13(14). unto the ends of the earth. 67 : 7(8). all (Ae ends of the earth shall fear him . 72: 8. unto tlie ends of the earth. 98 : 3. all (Ae ends of the earth have Pro. 1 4 : 28 . but in the want of people 26:20. Where no wood is, 30: 4. established all (Ae ends of the earth ? Isa. 5: 8. till (there be) no place, 34: 12. all her princes shall be nothing. 40: 17. counted to him less than nothing, 41 : 12. and as a thing of nought. 29. their works (are) nothing: 45: 6. that (there is) none beside me. 14. and (there is) none else, (there is) no God. 22. saved, all (Ae ends of the earth: ¦•pSN aph -see' part. Isa. 47: 8, 10.1 (am), and none else besideme; Zep. 2:1b. and (there is) none beside me: pSX \_eh' -phag], m. Isa. 41: 24. your work of nought' (marg. (worse) (Aan of a viper) JSN eph-geh', m. Job 20:16. (Ae viper's tongue shall slay him. Isa. 30: 6.(Ae viper and fiery flying serpent, 59: 5. is crushed breaketh out into a viper. P|SK [ah-phaph']. * KAL.— Preterite. * 2Sa.22: 5. the waves of death compassed me, Ps, 18: 4(5) . The sorrows of death compassed me, 40: 12(13). innumerable evils have compassed 116: 3. The sorrows of death compassed me, Jon. 2: 5( 6). The waters compassed me pSX [ah-phak']. * HITHPAEL Preterite. * Isa. 63 : 15. toward me ? are they restrained ? HITHPAEL Infinitive. Gen45: 1. Joseph could not refrain himself HITHPAEL Future. Gen 43: 31. and refrained himself, and said, 1 Sa. 13 ; 12. 1 forced myself therefore, and offered Est. 5:10. Nevertheless Haman refrained himself: Isa. 42:14.1 have been still, (and) refrained myself: 64:12(11). Wilt thou refrain thyself for these 1SX ek'-pher, m. Genl8:27. which (am but) dust andashes: Nu. 19: 9. (Ae asAes of the heifer, 10. he that gathereth (Ae asAes of 2Sa.l3:19. Tamar put ashes on her head, Est. 4 : 1 . put on sackcloth with ashes, 3. many lay in sackcloth and ashes. Job 2: 8. he sat down among (Ae asAes. 13:12. Your remembrances (are) like unto asAes, 30: 19. 1 am become like dust and ashes. 42: 6. repent in dust and ashes. Ps.102: 9(10). For I have eaten asAes like bread, 147:16. he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. Isa. 44:20. He feedeth on ashes: 58 : 5. to spread sackcloth and ashes 61 : 3. to give unto them beauty for asAes, Jer. 6 : 26. wallow thyself in ashes: Lam.3:16.he hath covered me with ashes. Eze.27 :30. wallow themselves in the ashes: 28:18. 1 will bring thee to ashes Dan. 9: 3. with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes: Jon. 3: 6. and sat in as Aes. Mai. 4: 3(3:21). for they shall be asAes 131* 13X aphehr, m. (. 14o ; y zss IK. 20:38. disguised himself with ashesxrpon his face. 41. took (Ae asAes away from his face; D^rhSX eph-roh-'gheem' , m. [Pi. of nhs^]. Deu22 : 6. (whether they be) young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon (Ae young, Job 39: 30. .fferyouna ones also suck up blood: Ps. 84: 3(4). where she may lay Aer young, fH$K ap-pir-yohn' , m. Cant.3: 9. King Solomon made himself a chariot (marg. bed) Dh$N ap-pthohm', Ch. Ezr. 4: 13. and (so) thou shalt endamage (Ae revenue of the kings, (marg. strength) Ex. 8: 29: 31: Lev. 4: 3?# etz-bag', f. 16 Nu.19: Deu 9: 2Sa.21 : lCh.20 Ps. 8 144 Pro. 6 7 Cant.5 ; Isa. 2 17 58:59 Jer. 52 19(15). This (is) the finger of God: 12. the horns of the altar with thy finger, 18. written with the finger of God. 6, 17. the priest shall dip his finger in 25. blood of the sin offering with his finger, 30. take of the blood thereof with his finger, 34. blood of the sin offering with his finger, 15. of the altar round about with his finger, 9. he dipped his finger in the blood, 16. the priest shall dip Ats right finger — sprinkle of the oil with his finger 27. the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger 14. and sprinkle (it) with his finger — of the blood with his finger seven times. 19. blood upon it with his finger seven times, 4. shall take of her blood with his finger, 10. written with the finger of God ; 20. that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, (lit. and tlie fingers ofhis hands and the fingers of his feet, six and six) 6. whose fingers and toes (were) four and twenty, six (on each hand), and six (on each foot): (lit. and his fingers (were) twenty-four, six and six) 3(4) . the work of thy fingers, 1. teacheth my hands to war, (and) my fingers to fight: 13. he teacheth with his fingers; 3. Bind them upon thy fingers, 5. and my fingers (with) sweet smelling 8. that which (Aeir ownfingers have made: 8. (that) which his fingers have made, 9. the putting forth of the finger, 3. and your fingers with iniquity; 21. the thickness thereof (was) four fingers: vh^. [atzee-leem'], m. pi. \V$m etz-Vgahn' , f. pi. Ch. Dan 2:41. thou sawest the feet and toes, 42. And (as) (Ae toes of the feet 5 : 5. In the same hour came forth fingers hm [atz-tzeel']. Jer. 38: 12. rotten rags under thine armholes Eze.l3:18.sew pillows to all armAofes, (marg. el bows) 41: 8. a full reed of six great cubits. Ex. 24: 11. upon the nobles of the children Isa. 41 : 9. and, called thee from the chief men tliereof, bm \ah-tzal']. * KAL Preterite. * Gen27 : 36. Hast thou not reserved a blessing Nu. 11:17. and I will take of the spirit Ecc. 2: 10. / kept not from them, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Eze.42: 6. was straitened more than the * HIPHIL Future. * Nu.ll :25. and took of the spirit that (was) upon him, bvx eh' tzel. Gen39: 41 Lev. 1 6; 10 Deull: 16 Jud.19 ISa. 5 17 20 IK. 1 23 4 10 13 2021 2K. 12 2Ch 9 28 Neh 234 8 Pro. 7 Isa. 19 Jer. 3541 Eze. 1 9 10 33 394043 Dan 8 10 Am. 2 10. to lie by her, (or) to be with her. 15, 18. he left his garment with me, 16. she laid up his garment by her, ; 3. stood by the (other) kine 16. cast it beside the altar 10(3). he shall put them beside the altar. ; 12. eat it without leaven beside the altar: 30. beside the plains of Moreh ? : 21 . any trees near unto the altar 14. (when they were) by Gibeah, : 2. set it by Dagon. ;30. he turned from him toward : 19. shalt remain by the stone Eze]. 41 . out of (a place ) toward the south, : 9. which (is) by En-rogel, : 29. behold, (he is) by the altar. ;20.took my son from beside me, :12. which (is) by Zartanah ; 19. two lions stood beside the stays. :24. the ass stood by it, the lion also stood by 25. the lion standing by the carcase: 28. and the lion standing by the carcase: 31. lay my bones beside his bones: :36.as he was departed from him, : 1 . hard by the palace of Ahab 2. because it (is) near unto my house: : 9( 10). set it beside the altar, : 18. two lions standing by the stays: : 15.(o their brethren: then they returned : 6. the queen also sitting by him, :23.the son of Ananiah by his house. : 3(3 : 35 ). Tobiah the Ammonite (was) by him, 12(6). the Jews which dwelt by them 18(12). sounded the trumpet (was)6y me. : 4. beside him stood Mattithiah, 8. through the street near her corner; 12. and lieth in wait at every :30. Then I was by him, : 1 9. a pillar at the border thereof ; 4. which (was) by the chamber : 17. which is by Beth-lehem, : 1 5. by the living creatures, 19. the wheels went by them: : 2. stood beside the brasen altar. : 6. stood beside the wheels. 9. four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by 16. the wheels went by them: — turned not from beside them. : 30. against thee by the walls : 15. he set up a sign by it, : 7. by the porch of the gate 6. the man stood by me. 8. their post by my posts, 7. 1 saw him come close unto the ram, 17. So he came near where I stood: : 13. 1 remained there with the king's 8. laid to pledge by every altar, »TTS#$ etz-gah-dah' , f. Nu. 31:50. of gold, chains, and bracelets, 2Sa. 1 : 10. and the bracelet that (was) on his arm, TXK [ah-tzar1], * KAL Preterite. * 2K. 20: 17. thy fathers have Zat'd up in store Isa. 39 : 6. thy fathers have laid up in store KAL Future. Neh 13: 13. And I made treasurers over KAL Participle. Poel. Am. 3 : 10. who store up violence # NIPHAL.— Future. * Isa. 23:1B. it shall not be treasured ( 149 ) 2"Mi * HIPHIL Future. •» ISa. 15: 5. and laid wait in the valley, (marg. fought as if derived from 3,-l) S*}iS» [eh' -rev], m. Job 37 : 8. Then the beasts go into dens, 1 38:40. abide in the covert to lie in wait? fTlpK ek-dagh', m. Isa. 54: 12. and thy gates of carbuncles, (lit. stones of carbuncles) ipN ak-koh, m. Deul4: 5. fallow deer, and the wild goat, ^IK [er-e/z/'], m. Isa. 33: 7. their valiant ones fmarg. messengers) shall SIX ah-rav'. - T * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 19: 11 . and Zt'e in icai( for him, Jud. 2 1 : 20, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards ; Job 31 : 9. 1 have laid wait at my Ps. 59: 3(4) . (Ae^ lie in wait for my soul: Lam 4:19. they laid wait for us KAL Infinitive. Pro.12: 6. to lie in wait for blood: Hos. 7: 6. whiles they lie in wait : KAL Imperative. Jud. 9:32. and lie in wait in the field: S*J N [oh' -rev], m. Jer. 9: 8(7). in heart he layeth his wait. KAL Future. Jud. 9: 16 Ps. 10 Pro. 1 7 23 24 Mic. 7 Jos. 8 Jud. 16 20 M31N ar-beh' , m. isa.22 Ezr. 8 Jer. 51 Lam 3 Jud. 9 2Ch20 34. and they laid wait against 43. and laid wait in the field, 2. and laid wait for him 9. He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: Ae Zie(A in wait to catch 11. let us lay wait for blood, 18. they lay wait for their (own) blood ; 12. Zie(A in wait at every corner. 28. She also lieth in wait 15. Lay not wait, O wicked (man), 2. they all lie in wait for blood ; KAL Participle. Poel. 2. lay thee an ambush for the city 4. ye shall lie in wait 7. ye shall rise up from the ambush, 12. set them to lie in ambush 14. Hers in ambush against him 19. And the ambush arose quickly 21 . saw that (Ae ambush had taken . 9. Now (there were) men lying in wait, 12. And (there were) Hers in wait 29. Israel set Hers in wait 33. and the Hers in wait o/Israel 36. they trusted unto (Ae Hers in wait 37. And the Hers in wait hasted, and rushed upon Gibeah ; and (Ae Hers in wait drew 38. and (Ae liers in wait, : 8, 13. to lie in wait, as at this day ? : 31 . and cf such as lay in wait : 12. prepare (Ae ambushes : (marg. Hers in wait) :10. He (was) unto me (as) a bear lying in wait, * PIEL.— Participle. * :25. set Hers in wait for him 22. the Lord set ambushments. Ex. 10 Lev.ll: Deu 28 Jud. 67 IK. 8 2Ch 6: Job 39: Ps. 78 105109 Pro 30 Jer. 46 Joel 1 Nah. 3 4. will I bring (Ae locusts into thy 12. the land of Egypt for the locusts, 13. the east wind brought (Ae locusts. 14. (Ae locusts went up over — there were no such locusts 19. which took away (Ae locusts, — there remained not one locust 22. (Ae locust after his kind, . 38. for (Ae locust shall consume it. 5. they came as grasshoppers 12. lay along in the valley like grasshoppers 37. blasting, mildew, locust, 28. blasting, or mildew, locusts, 20. make him afraid as a grasshopper ? 46. their labour unto the locust. 34. He spake, and (Ae locusts came, :23.up and down as the locust. 27. The locusts have no king, 23. they are more than the grasshoppers, : 4. hath (Ae locust eaten ; and that which the locust hath left :25.that (Ae locust hath eaten, 15. make thyself many as the locusts. 17. Thy crowned (are) as the locusts, nri# aroob-bah', f. Gen 7:11. and the windows (marg. floodgates) of 8 : 2. and (Ae windows of heaven were stopped, 2K. 7: 2. (if) the Lord would make windows in 19. the Lord should make windows Ecc.12: 3. those that look out of the windmos Isa. 24: 18. for the windows from on high 60: 8. as the doves to (Ae«> windows ? Hos.13: 3. as the smoke out of the chimney. Mai. 3:10. open you (Ae windows of heaven, rfflnN or-bohth', f. : t ' Isa. 25 : 1 1 . with (Ae spoils of their hands, yanN ar-bag', f. njjaiV ' ar-bah-gah! ', m. Gen.2:10.and became into four heads. 11 ;13. after he begat Salah four hundred and 15. after he begat Eber four hundred and 16. Eber lived four and thirty years, 17. after he begat Peleg four hundred and 14: 5. And in the fourteenth year came 9. four kings with five. 15:13. they shall afflict them four hundred 23: 15, 16.four hundred shekels of silver ; 31:41.1 served thee/oarteen years 32: 6(7). and four hundred men with him. 33: Land with him four hundred men. 46:22. all the souls (were fourteen. 47:24.and/cOT parts shall be your own, Ex. 12: G.the/onrteenthday of the same month: 1 8. on the fourteenth day of the month 40, 41 .four hundred and thirty years. 22: 1(21: 37). four sheep for a sheep. *v 1.2. thou shalt cast/o«r rings 21K ( 150 ) ms 37 38 39 Lev.ll Nu. 1 Ex. 25: 12. put (them) in the four corners 26. thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, and put the rings in the four corners that (are) on the four feet 34. four bowls made like unto almonds, 26: 2, 8. the breadth of one curtain four cubits: 32. four pillars of shittim (wood) . — upon the four sockets of silver. 27: 2. the four corners thereof: 4. shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof. 16. their pillars (shall be) four, and their sockets four. 28:17. four rows of stones: 36 : 9. the breadth of one curtain four cubits : lb. four cubits (was) the breadth 36. four pillars (of) shittim (wood), . — four sockets of silver. 3, 13. he cast for it four rings of gold, — (to be set) by the four corners 13. put the rings upon the four corners that (were) in the four feet 20. four bowls made like almonds, 2. made the horns thereof on the four 5. he cast four rings for the four ends 19. their pillars (were) four, and their sockets (of) brass four; 29. two thousand and four hundred shekels : 10. four rows of stones: ;20. Allfowls that creep, goingupon (all) four, 21 . creeping thing that goeth upon ( all) four, 23. flying creeping things, which have four 27. all manner of beasts that go on (all) four, 42. whatsoever goeth upon (all) four, : 5. In the/wrteenth (day) of the first :27. threescore and fourteen thousand and six 29. fifty and four thousand and four hundred. 31 . fifty and seven thousand and four 37. thirty and five thousand and four hundred. 43. fifty and three thousand and four : 4. threescore and fourteen thousand and 600. 6. fifty and four thousand and four hundred. 8. fifty and seven thousand and four 9. 186 thousand and four hundred, 16. 151 thousand and four hundred and fifty, 23. thirty and five thousand and four 30. fifty and three thousand and four : 7. Two wagons and four oxen 8. four wagons and eight oxen 85. two thousand and four hundred (shekels), 88. twenty and four bullocks, : 3. In the fourteenth day of this month, 5. on the fourteenth day of the first month 11 . The/ourteenth day of the second month :49(17:14)./owrteen thousand and seven : 9. twenty and four thousand. : 25. threescore and four thousand and 300. 43. threescore and four thousand and four 47 . fifty and three thousand and four hundred. 50. forty and five thousand and four :16. in the fourteenth day of the first :13./owteen lambs of the first year; 15. each lamb of the fourteen lambs: 17, 20, 23,26, 29, 32./ourteen lambs of the : 1 1 . and four cubits the breadth : 12. the four quarters of thy vesture, : 10. kept the passover on the fourteenth day :36&18:28./b«rteen cities with their villages: : 7. four cities and their villages : : 18, 22, 24, 29, 31, 35, 39 (37). four cities. :34.waitagainst Shechem in /our companies. :40.to lament the daughter of J. ...four days : 2. and was there four whole months. : 2. four hundred thousand footmen 17. four hundred thousand men 47. abode in the rock Rimmon four months. :12. four hundred young virgins, : 2. in the field about four thousand men. ; 2. with him about four hundred men. : 13. after David about four hundred men ; : 7. a full year and four months. : 10. David pursued, he and four hundred 17 .four hundred young men, : 20. four and twenty in number ; 22. These four were born to the giant in 1 . in the/our hundred and eightieth yc.-r 2. four rows of cedar pillars, Deu. 3 22 Jos. 5 15 19 21 Jud. 9 II 19 20 21 ISa. 4 22: 2527 30 2Sa. 21 IK. 6; IK. 21: 23: 7;: 19. the chapiters... /onr cubits. 27. four cubits (was) the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, 30. And every base had four brasen wheels, — and the four corners thereof had 32. And under the borders (were) four wheels ; 34. And (there were) four undersetters to the four corners of one base: 38. every laver was four cubits: 42. four hundred pomegranates 8:65. seven days and seven days, (even) fouT~ teen days. 9: 28. gold, four hundred and twenty talents, 10:26. a thousand and four hundred chariots, 15: 33. twenty and four years. 18:19. the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, 22. Baal's prophets (are) four hundred and 33(34). Fill four barrels with water, 22: 6. about four hundred men, 41 . in the fourth year of Ahab 2K. 7: 3. And there were four leprous men 14:13. u nto the corner gate, four hundred cubits. 18: 13. Now in the/ourteenth year of king ICh. 3: 5.Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four, 5 : 18.four and forty thousand 760, 7 : 1 . Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimrom, four. 7. twenty and two thousandand thirty and four. 9:24. In four quarters were the porters, 26 . the fcnxr chief porters, 12:26. four thousand and six hundred. 20: 6. whose fingers and toes (were) four and b.four hundred threescore and ten thou sand men 20. and his four sons with him hid themselves. 4. twenty and four thousand (were) to set 5. Moreover four thousand (were) porters; and four thousand praised the Lord with the instruments 10. These four (were) the sons of Shimei. 12. Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel,/oar. 24:13. the fourteenth to Jeshebeab, 18. the four and twentieth to Maaziah. 25: 5. God gave to Hernan fourteen sons 21. rAe/onrteenth to Mattithiah, 31 . The/oar and twentieth to Romamti-ezer, 26:17. northward four a day, southward four a 18. four at the causeway, 27: 1, 2, 4, 5,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. twenty and four thousand. 2Ch. 1 ; 14. a thousand and four hundred chariots, 3 : 2. in the fourth year of his reign. 4:13. four hundred pomegranates 8: 18. four hundred and fifty talents 9:25. Solomon had four thousand stalls 13 ; 3. four hundred thousand chosen men: 21. Abijah... married fourteen wives, 18: 5. of prophets four hundredmen, 25:23. to the corner gate, four hundred cubits. 30: 15. killed the passover on the/onrteenth 35: l.on the/onrteenth (day) of the first Ezr. 1:10. silver basons. . .four hundred and ten, II. and of silver (were) five thousand and /bur hundred. Elam, 1250 andfour. 15. children of Adin, four hundred fifty and four. 31. of' the other Elam, 1250 andfour. 40. children of Hodaviah, seventy andfour. 64. forty and two thousand (lit. four ten thousands, &c. ) 67. Their camels, four hundred thirty and 6:19. kept the passover upon the fourteenth Neh . 6 : 4. they sent unto me four times 7: 12. of Elam, 1250 andfour. 23. of Bezai, three hundred twenty and font' 34. of the other Elam, 1250 andfour. 43.thechildren of Hodevah, seventy andfour- 66. congregation together (was) forty and two thousand (lit. four ten thousands, &c.) 69..?.-.rso!s. £-a- *".¦*•"¦¦ r™> *>.:-•¦.. «..J fivi" :n>* ( 151 ) Neh 11 Est. 9 Job 1 42 Pro. 30 Isa. 11: 17 36 Jer. 15 36 49 52 Eze. 1 48 Dan.l 8 10 11 Am. 1 Hag.l 2 Zee. 1 6. four hundred threescore and eight valiant . men. 18. in the holy city (were) 280 andfour. 15. on the fourteenth day also of the month 17. on the/barteenth day of the same 18. and on the/owrteenth thereof; 19, 21 . the/bwrteenth day of the month 19. smote the four corners of the house, 12. he had/owrteen thousand sheep, 16. and his sons' sons, (even) four ;15./our (things) say not, (It is) enough: lS.yea,four which t know not: 21. four (which) it cannot bear: 24.four (things which are) little 29. yea, four are comely in going: 12.j^*om the four corners of the earth. ; G.four (or) five in the outmost : Lin the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah, : 3. 1 will appoint over them four kinds, : 23. when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, :36.I bring the four winds from the four :21. the thickness thereof (was)/owr fingers: 30. the persons {were) four thousand and 600. : 5. the likeness of four living creatures. 6. ^wd every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. 8. four sides ; and they four had their faces 10. they four had the face of a man, — they four had the face of an ox — they four also Aad the face of an eagle. 15. with his four faces. 16. they four had one likeness: 17. they went upon their four sides: 18. full of eyes round about them four. : 2. the four corners of the land. : 9.thefour wheels by the cherubims, 10. they four had one likeness, 11. they went upon their four sides; 12. the wheels that they four had. lA.And every one had four faces: 21 . Every one had four faces apiece (lit. four, four faces to one), and every one four wings ; : 21. when I send my four sore judgments : 9- Come from the four winds, O breath, : Lin the fourteenth year 41. Four tables (were) on this side, andfour tables on that side, 4:2. And the four tables (were) of hewn : 5. the breadth of (every) side chamber, four ; : 20. He measured it by the four sides : <:14.to the greater settle (shall he) four 15. the altar (shall be) four cubits ; and from the altar and upward (shall be) four 16. square in the four squares thereof. 17. the settle (shall be) fourteen (cubits) long and fourteen broad in the four squares thereof; 20. on the four horns of it, and on the four •: 19. upon the four corners of the settle 21. in the/owrteenth day of the month, :2l.fhe four corners of the court; 22. In the four corners of the court — these four corners (were) of one measure. 23. round, about them four, : 16, 16, 16, 16, 30, 32, 33, 34. side four thou sand and five hundred, \11. these four children, : 8. came up four notable ones toward the four winds 22. whereas four stood up for it, four king doms shall stand up : 4. in the four and twentieth day : 4. toward the four winds of heaven; : 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 &2:1, 4, 6. For three trans gressions... and for four, : 15. In the four and twentieth day : 10, 20. the four and twentieth (day) of the 18. from the four and twentieth day : 7. Upon the four and twentieth day 18(2:1). saw, and behold four horns. 20(2 : 3). the Lord shewed me four carpenters, : 6(10). as the four winds of the heaven, : 1. there came four chariots 5. the four spirits of the heavens, : 1 . in the fourth year of king Darius, — in the fourth (day) of the ninth y51^ or -bag, nXttlX ar-bah-gahf9 m. Ch. Ezr. 6:17 .four hundred lambs ; Dan. 3:25. Lo, I see four men loose, walking 7 : 2. the four winds of the heaven strove 3. Andfour great beasts came up from 6. upon the back of it four wings of a fowl ; the beast had also four heads ; 17. great beasts, which are four, (are) four kings, D*X?2nM ar-bah-geemr. Gen 5:13. Cainan lived.. .eight hundred and forty 7: 4, 12. forty days and forty nights ; 17. the flood was forty days upon 8: 6. at the end of forty days, 18:28. If I find there forty andfive, 29. there shall he forty found there. — ¦ I will not do (it) for forty's sake. 25: 20. Isaac was forty years old 26:34. Esau was forty years old 32:15(16)./or(# kine, and ten bulls, 47: 28. of J. was an hundred forty and seven 50: 3. forty days were fulfilled Ex. 16:35. did eat mannaforty years, 24; 18. in the mount forty days and forty nights. 26; 19. thou shalt make forty sockets 21 . And their forty sockets (of) silver ; 34:28. there with the L. forty days and forty 36 : 24. And forty sockets of silver 26. And their forty sockets of silver ; Lev.25; 8. be unto thee forty and nine years. Nu. 1 : 21 .forty and six thousand and five hundred. 25. forty and five thousand six hundred and SS.foiiy thousand and five hundred. 41 .forty and one thousand and five hundred. 2: 11. ( were) forty and six thousandand 500. lb.forty and five thousand and 650. 19. forty thousand and five hundred. 28. forty and one thousand and five hundred. 13: 25. searching of the land after forty days. 14:33. wander in the wilderness forty years, 34. searched the land, (even) forty days, — bear your iniquities, (even)/or(y years, : 7. numbered of them were forty and three thousand and 730. 18.forty thousand and five hundred. 41. forty and five thousand and six hundred. 50. forty and five thousandand four hundred. : 13. wander in the wilderness forty years, -.38. and died there, in (Ae fortieth year 6. ye shall add foi-ty and two cities. 7. (shall he) forty and eight cities: 3. in the fortieth year, : 7. these forty years the Lord thy God : 2. led thee these forty years in the wilderness, 4. neither did thy foot swell, these forty : 9, 11, l&.forty days and forty nights, 25. forty days and forty nights, as I fell :10. forty days and forty nights; and the Lord : 3. Forty stripes he may give him, : 5(4). I have led you forty years : 13. About forty thousand prepared for war : 6. walked forty years in the wilderness, : 7. Forty years old (was) I 10. these forty and five years, : 41 (39). forty and eight cities : 1 1 . the land had rest forty years. : 8. among forty thousand in Israel? 31. the land had rest forty years. 8: 28. the country was in quietness/orty years 12: 6. of theEphraimites/or(yand two thousand. 14. forty sons and thirty nephews, 13 : 1 . into the hand of the Philistines/orfy years. ISa. 4:18. judged Israel forty years. 17: 16. and presented himself forty days. 2Sa. 2: 10. Ish-bosheth Saul's son (was) forty years 5: 4. he reigned forty years. 10:18. and forty thousand horsemen, 15: 7. it came to pass after forty years, IK. 2: 11. that David reigned over Israel (were) forty years: 26 Deu. 1 2 9 10 25 29 Jos. 4 5 14 21 Jud. 3 5 ma ( 152 ) -ns 1 K. 4 : 26(5 : 6) . Solomon had forty thousand stalls 6:17.^4ndthe house,... was forty cubits (long). 7: 3.that (lay) on forty five pillars, 38. one laver contained forty baths : 11:42. over all Israel (was) forty years. 14:21. Rehoboam (was) forty and one years old 15 : 10. And forty and one years reigned he in 19: 8. went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights 2K. 2:24. tare forty and two children 8 : 9. good thing of Damascus, forty camels' 10:14. two and forty men; 12 : 1(2). and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem. 14:23. (reigned) forty and one years. ICh. 5 : 18. four and forty thousand 760, 12:36. expert in war, forty thousand. 19:18. and forty thousand footmen, 26: 31. In the/ord'e(A year of the reign of David 29:27, the time that he reigned over Israel (was) forty years ; 2Ch. 9:30. in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years. 12:13. Rehoboam (was) one and/or^ years old 16: 13. Asa.. .died in the one and/or(z'e(A year 22: 2. Forty and two years old (was) Ahaziah 24: 1 . and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. Ezr. 2: 8.ofZattu, nine hundred forty and five. 10. of Bani, six hundred/>r(y and two. 24. The children of Azmaveth, forty and two. 25. seven hundred and forty and three. 34. of Jericho, three hundred forty and five. 38. of Pashur, a thousand two hundred forty and seven, 66. their mules, two hundred forty and five ; •.lb.forty shekels of silver ; : 13. of Zattu, eight hundred forty and five. 15. of Binnui, six hundred forty and eight. 28. The men of Beth-azmaveth, forty and 29. The men of K., ...seven hundred forty 36. of Jericho, three hundred forty and five. 41. of Pashur, 1200 forty and seven. 44. of Asaph, an hundred forty and eight. 62. the children of N., six hundred forty and 67. they had 200 forty and five singing men 68. their mules, two hundred forty and five : :21. Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them : 13. of the fathers, two hundred forty and two : ;16. lived Job an hundred and forty years, : 10. Forty years long was I grieved 30. seven hundred forty and five persons: 6. iniquity of the house of Judah forty days : ; 11. neither shall it be inhabited forty years. 12. shall be desolate forty years : 13. At the end of forty years ; 2. the length thereof, forty cubits: :22. courts joined of forty (cubits) long : 10. led you forty years 25. offerings in the wilderness forty years, 4. Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be Neh. 5 7 9 11 Job 42 Ps. 95 Jer. 52: Eze. 4: 29 4146 Am. 25 Jon. 3 DB?31K ar-bag-tah'-yim! . 2Sa.l2: 6. he shall restore the lamb fourfold, s see nr»t •SJTN \ah-racti] # KAL Preterite. # Gen26: 8. when he Aad been there a ?ono time, (lit. days were prolonged to him) KAL.— Future. Eze 12:22. The days are prolonged, 31 : 5. and his branches became long * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Deu 5:33(30). and (that) ye may prolong (your) days 22: 7. and (that) thou mayest prolong Jos. 24:31. that overlived (marg. prolonged their days after) Jud. 2: 7,thatoutlived (marg. prolonged days after) IK. 3 : 14. then I will lengthen thy days. Ps.129; 3. they made long their furrows. Pro. 19: 11. discretion of a man deferreth HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Nu. 9:19. And when the cloud tarried long (marg. prolonged) 22. that the cloud tarried HIPHIL.— Imperative. Isa. 54: 2. spare not, lengthen thy cords, HIPHIL.— Future. : 12. that thy days may be long :26. ye shall not prolong (your) days 40. that thou mayest prolong (thy) days :I6 &6;2.that thy days may be prolonged, : 9. that ye may prolong (your) days : 20. that Ae may prolong (his) days : 15. that thy days may be lengthened :18. ye shall not prolong (your) days ¦A7.ye shall prolong (your) days : 8. And they drew out the staves, : 9. And they drew out the staves : 1 1 . that I should prolong my life ? : 2. the state (thereof) shall be prolonged. 16.hateth covetousness shall prolong (his) 13. neither shall he prolong (his) days, 9. will I defer mine anger, 10. Ae shall prolong (his) days, 4. a wide mouth, (and ) draw out the tongue ? HIPHIL Participle. 15. a wicked (man) that prolongeth 12. and his (days) be prolonged, Ex. 20 Deu 4 5 11 17 25 30 32 IK. H 2C1 5 Job 6 Pro 28 Ecc . 8 Isa. 48 53 57 Ecc. 7: 'pX [«rac/>] Ch. P'AL Part. "Ezr. 4:14. it was not mee( for us to see the king's "=p£ ch'-re'ch, adj. Ex. 34: Nu. 14: Neh 9: Ps. 86: 103:145: Pro. 14:15: 16: Ecc. 7: Jer. 15: Eze. 17: Joel 2: Jon. 4: Nah 1: merciful and gracious, Zonosuffering, The Lord (is) Zonosuffering, slow to anger, and of great kindness, Zonosuffering, and plenteous in mercy sZoio to anger, and plenteous in mercy. slow to anger, and of great mercy. sZoto to wrath (is) of great understanding but (he that is) slow to anger (He that is) sZomj to anger the patient inspirit (is) better take me not away in thy Zonosuffering: Zonpwinged, full of feathers, slow to anger, and of great kindness, slow to anger, and of great kindness, The Lord (is) slow to anger, oh'-rech, m. n 6:15. Tlielength of the ark (shall be) 13:17. through the land in the length of it ( 156 ) TIN Ex. 25: 10. and a half (shall be) (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 17. and a half (shall be) (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 23. two cubits (shall be) (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 26: 2, 8. TAe length of one curtain 13. which remaineth in the length of the 16. Ten cubits (shall be) (Ae length o/a board, 27 : 1 . an altar (of) shittim wood, five cubits long, 9. of an hundred cubits long 1 1 . for the north side in length (there shall be) hangings of an hundred (cubits) long, 18. TAe length of the court 28:16. a span (shall be) (Ae length thereof, 30: 2. A cubit (shall be) (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 36: 9. 15. 77ie ZenoZA of one curtain 21. The length o/a board (was) ten cubits, 37: Land a half (was) (Ae length of it, 6. and a half (was) (Ae length thereof, 10. two cubits (was) (Ae length thereof, 25. (Ae ZenoZA of it (was) acubit, 38: 1. five cubits (was) (Ae length thereof, 18. twenty cubits (was) (Ae length, 39: 9. a span (was) (Ae ZenoZA thereof, Deu 3: 11. nine cubits (was) (Ae length thereof, 30:20. and the length ofthy days: Jud. 3:16. which had two edges, of a cubit length; IK. 6: 2. (Ae length thereof ( was) threescore cubits, 3. twenty cubits (was) (Ae length thereof, 20. the forepart (was) twenty cubits in length, 7 : 2. the length thereof ( was ) an hundred cubits, 6. (Ae ZenoZA thereof (was) fifty cubits, 27. four cubits (was) (Ae length of one base, 2Ch 3: 3. TAe length by cubits after the first 4. (Ae length (of it was) according 8. (Ae length whereof (was) according 1 1 . (were) twenty cubits long: (lit. (Aeir length) 15. thirty and five cubits high, (marg. long.) 4: 1 . of brass, twenty cubits (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 6: 13. brasen scaffold, o/five cubits long, (marg. the length thereof) Job 12: 12. and in length of days understanding. Ps. 2 J : 4(5). ZenoZA o/ days for ever and ever. 23: 6. 1 will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. (marg. to length of days) 91 : 16. With long (marg. length of days) life will 93: 5. holiness becometh thine house, 0 Lord, for ever. (marg. to length of days) Pro. 3: 2. length of days, and long life, 16. Length of days (is) in her right hand; 25 : 1 5. By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, Lam. 5:20. forsake us so long time ? (marg. for length of days) Eze.31 : 7. in the length of his branches: 40: 7. (every)little chamber (was) one reed Umg, 1 1 . the length of the gate, 18. over against (Ae length of the gates 20. he measured (Ae ZenoZA thereof, 21. the length thereof (was) fifty cubits, 25. (Ae length (was) fifty cubits, 29. (was) fifty cubits long, 30. five and twenty cubits long, 33. (it was) fifty cubits long, 36. the length (was) fifty cubits, 42. of a cubit and an half Zon<7, 47. an hundred cubits long, 49. TAe length o/the porch 41 : 2. measured (Ae length thereof, forty 4. he measured (Ae length thereof, twenty 12. and the length thereof 'ninety cubits. 13, 13. an hundred cubits long; 15. he measured (Ae length of the building 22. and the length thereof two cubits; — and the length thereof, and the walls 42: 2. (Ae length of an hundred cubits 7.(Ae length thereof (was) fifty cubits. 8. (Ae length of the chambers 1 1 . as long as they, (and) as broad as they: 20. five hundred (reeds) long, 43: 16. the altar (shall be) twelve (cubits) tone, 17. the settle (shall be) fourteen (cubits) taj 45 : 1 . (Ae length (shall be) (Ae ZenffZA of 3. (Ae length of Hve and twenty thousand, 5. five and twenty thousand of length, 6. and five and twenty thousand long, 7. and the length (shall be) over against one 46 : 22. courts joined of forty (cubits) long 48: 8. and (in) length as one of the (other) parts, 9, 10. five and twenty thousand in length Eze.48: 13. (shall have) five and twenty thousand in length, — all (Ae length (shall be) five and twenty thousand, 18. the residue in length Zee. 2: 2(6). what (is) the length thereof. 5 : 2. (Ae length thereof (is) twenty cubits, «|TM ar-kah', f. Ch. Dan. 4: 27(24). it maybe a lengthening of thy tran quillity, (marg. an healing of thine error) T\T\$ arook-kahf, f. adj. 2Sa. 3: l.Now there was long war Job 11: 9. The measure thereof (is) longer than the earth, Jer. 29:28. This (captivity is) long: build ye houses, nnK ar-chah', f. Ch. t : - • 7 Dan. 7:12.ye( their lives were prolonged (marg. a prolonging in life was given them) I 157 ) rw XJpK ar-£5A' (avts) Ch. jn'i$ tfrag-, f. Ch. Ezr. 5:11. servants of the God of heaven and earth, Jer. 10:11. they shall perish from the eartli, "Dan. 2:35. and filled (Zie whole eartA. 39. which shall bear rule over all (Ae car(A. — shall arise another kingdom inferior 4: 1(3:31). and languages, that dwell in all ZAc earth; 10(7). a tree in the midst of (Ae ear(A, 11 (8). thereof to the end of all (Ae earth: 15(12). the stump ofhis roots in the earth, — (— ). the beasts in the grass of (Ae earth: 20(17). and the sight thereof to all (Ae earth ; 22(19). thy dominion to the end of (Ae earZA. 23(20). of the roots thereof in the earth, 35(32) . And all the inhabitants of (Ae earth — ( — ) and (among) the inhabitants of (Ac ear(A. 6:25(26). and languages, that dwell in all (Ac eartA; 27(28). signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, 7 : 4. and it was lifted up from (Ae ear(A, 17. shall arise out of (Ae earth. 23. shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, — and shall devour (Ac whole earth, Jinx see PDFIK T\2T\K.ar-koo-vuh', f. Ch. Dan. 5: 6. and Ais knees smote one against another. r»T!N ar-geeth', f. Ch. Dan. 6: 24(25). ever they came a((Ae6o((omof theden. Jer. IK. 16; 2K. 15 2Ch.36 Ps. 48 122 Pro. 18 Isa. 23 2532 34 69 17 3049 Lam. 2 Hos. 8 Am. 1 6 Mic. 5 , jiDHX ar-mohn', m. With fem. pi. i"li. 18. he went into the palace o/the king's 25. in the palace o/the king's house, 19. burnt all the palaces thereof 3(4). God is known in her palaces 13(14). consider Aer palaces; 7. prosperity within thy palaces. 19. like the bars of a castle. 13. they raised up (Ae palaces thereof; : 2. a palace of strangers to be no city ; : 1 4. Because (Ae palaces shall be forsaken ; : 13. thorns shall come up in Aer palaces, : 5. let us destroy Aer palaces. 21(20) is entered into our palaces, 27. shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, 1 8. and the palace shall remain .27. shall consume the palaces o/Ben-hadad. : 5. he hath swallowed up all Aer palaces: 7. of the enemy the walls of her palaces ; 14. it shall devour the palaces thereof. : 4. shall devour (Ae palaces of Ben-hadad. 7, 10, 14. shall devour (Ae palaces thereof: 12. which shall devour the palaces o/Bozrah. : 2. it shall devour the palaces o/Kirioth: 5. shall devour (Ae palaces of Jerusalem. : 9. Publish in (Ae palaces at Ashdod, and in (Ae palaces in the land of Egypt, 10. robbery in their palaces. 11. thy palaces shall be spoiled. 8. and hate his palaces : 5(4) . when he shall tread in our palaces, p.fc oh'-ren, m. Isa. 44: 14. tje planteth an ash, and the rain doth n531N ar-neh'-veth, f. Lev.ll : 6. (Ae Aare, because he cheweth the cud, :Deul4: 7. the camel, and (Ae Aare, and the coney: flN eh'-retz, com. Gen. 1 : 1 . created the heaven and (Ae earth. 2. And the earth was without form 10. God called the dry (land) EartA; 11. Let the earth bring forth grass, — seed (is) in itself, upon (Ae earth: 12. (Ae ear(A brought forth grass, 15, 17. to give light upon (Ae earth: 20. fowl (that) may fly above (Ae ear(A 22. let fowl multiply in the earth. 24. Let (Ae eartA bring forth the living . — beast of (Ae ear(A after his kind: 25. God made the beast of (Ac earZA 26. over all (Ae ear(A, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon (Ae car(A. 28. multiply, and replenish the earth, — living thing that moveth upon (Ae ear(A. 29. which (is) upon the face of all (Ae earth, 30. to every beast of (Ae earth, — every thing that creepeth upon (Ae eartA, 2: 1. Thus the heavens and the earth 4. of the heavens and of the earth — the Lord God made (Ae eartA 5. before it was in the earth, — caused it to rain upon (Ae earth, 6. there went up a mist from (Ae eartA, ll.compasseth (Ae whole land o/Havilah, 12. the gold of that land (is) good: 13. compasseth (Zte whole land o/Ethiopia. 4: 12. a vagabond shalt thou be in (Ae earth. 14. a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; 16. dwelt in the land o/Nod, 6: 4. There were giants im(Ae eartA 5. wickedness of man (was) great in the earth, 6. that he had made man on the earth, 11. The earth also was corrupt before God, and (Ae eartA was filled with violence. 12. God looked upon (Ae eartA, had corrupted his way upon (Ae earth. 13. (Ae earth is filled with violence I will destroy them with (Ae eartA. 17. a flood of waters upon (Ae eartA, every thing that (is) in the earth 7: 3. alive upon the face of all (Ae earth. 4. will cause it to rain upon (Ae eartA 6. the flood of waters was upon the earth. 10. waters of the flood were upon (Ae eartA. 12. the rain was upon (Ae eartA Y"IN ( 158 ) Y"»N Gen 7 : 14. that creepeth upon (Ae earth 17. the flood was forty days upon (Ae earth ; — it was lift up above (Ae earth. 18. were increased greatly upon (Ae earth; 19. prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; 21. all flesh died that moved upon (Ae earth, — that creepeth upon (Ae ear(A, 23. they were destroyed from (Ae earth: 24. the waters prevailed upon (Ae ear(A 8 : 1 . God made a wind to pass over (Ae ear(A, 3. the waters returned from off (Ae ear(A 7 . were dried up from off (Ae ear(A . 9. on the face of (Ae whole earth: 11. were abated from off (Ae earth. 13. were dried up from offthe earth: 14. day of the month, was (Ae ear(A dried. 17. creepeth upon (Ae earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 19. whatsoever creepeth upon (Ae earth, 22. While (Ae ear(A remaineth, 9: 1. multiply, and replenish theearth. 2. be upon every beast of the earth, 7. bring forth abundantly in the earth, 10. every beast of (Ae ear(A with you ; — to every beast of theearth. 1 1 . a flood to destroy (Ae ear(A . 13. between me and (Ae earth. 14. when I bring a cloud over (Ae earth, 16, 17. all flesh that (is) upon theearth. 19. was (Ae whole ear(A overspread. 10: 5. divided in their lands; 8. to be a mighty one in the earth, 10. in the land of Shinar. 11. Out of that land went forth Asshur, 20. after their tongues, in their countries, 25. in his days was (Ae ear(A divided ; 31. after their tongues, in their lands, 32. were the nations divided in the earth 11 ; 1. (Ae whole earth was of one language, 2. they found a plain in the land of 4. upon the face of the whole earth. 8, 9. upon the face of all (Ae earth: 9. confound the language of all (Ae earth: 28. in the land ofhis nativity, 31 . to go into the land of Canaan ; 12 : 1 . Get thee out of thy country, — unto a land that I will shew thee: 5. to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. 6. Abram passed through the land — the Canaanite (was) then in the land. 7. Unto thy seed will I give (Ais land. 10. there was a famine in the land: — the famine (was) grievous in the land. 13: 6. theland was not able to bear 7. Perizzite dwelled then in the land. 9. (Is) not (Ae whole land before thee? 10. like the land of Egypt, 1 2. Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, 15. all (Ae land which thou seest, to thee 16. thy seed as the dust of (Ae earth: — can number the dust of (Ae ear(A, 17. Arise, walk through the land 14: 19, 22. possessor of heaven and earth: 15: 7. to give thee this land to inherit 13. seed shall be a stranger in a land 18. Unto thy seed have 1 given this land, 16 : 3. had dwelt ten years hi the land of 17: 8.(Ae land wherein thou art a stranger, all (Ae land of Canaan, 18: 2. bowed himself toward the ground, 18. all the nations of (Ae ear(A shall be 25. Shall not the Judge of all (Ae ear(A 19: 1. with his face toward the ground ; 23. The sun was risen upon (Ae ear(A 28. toward all (Ae land of the plain, — the smoke of (Ae country went up 31. not a man in the earth to come — after the manner of all (Ae earth: 20: 1. toward the south country, and dwelled 15. my land (is) before thee: dwell where "21:21. took him»a wife out of the land of Egypt. 23. to (Ae land wherein thou hast sojourned. 32. returned into (Ae land of the Philistines. 34. in the Philistines' land many days. 22: 2. get thee into (Ae land o/Moriah ; Gen22:18.all the nations of (Ae earth be blessed; 23: 2, 19. Hebron in the land of Canaan: 7. bowed himself to the people of (Ae land 12. before the people of (Ae land. 13. the audience of the people of the land, 15. (Ae land (is worth) four hundred 24: 3. of heaven, andthe God of (Ae earth, 4. But thou shalt go unto my country, 5. to follow me unto this land: — unto (Ae land from whence thou earnest? 7. awd from the land ofmy kindred, — Unto thy seed will I give this land; 37. the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell: 52. the Lord, (bowing himself) to the earth. 62. for he dwelt in the south country. 25: 6. eastward, unto (Ae east country. 26: 1 . there was a famine in the land, 2. dwell in the land which I shall 3. Sojourn in this land, and I will — I will give all these countries, 4. give unto thy seed all these countries; — all the nations of the earth be blessed; 12. Then Isaac sowed in that land, 22. we shall be fruitful in the land. 27 : 28. the fatness of (Ae ear(A, and plenty 39. shall be the fatness of (Ae ear(A, 46. of the daughters of (Ae land, 28 : 4. (Ae land wherein thou art a stranger, 12. behold a ladder set up on the earth, 13. (Ae land whereon thou liest, to thee 14. shall be as the dust of (Ae ear(A, 29: l.came into the land of the people 30:25. mine own place, andtomy country. 31 : 3. Return unto (Ae land of thy fathers, 13. get thee out from this land, and return unto (Ae land ofthy kindred. 18. his father in the land of Canaan. 32 : 3(4) . unto the land of Seir, the country of 9(10). Return unto thy country, and to thy 33 : 3. bowed himself to the ground seven 18. which (is) in the land of Canaan, 34: l.to see the daughters of (Ae land. 2. Hivite, prince of (Ae country, 10. and the land shall be before you ; 21. let them dwell in the land, and trade therein ; for the land, 30. among the inhabitants of (Ae land, 35 : 6. which (is ) in the land of Canaan, 12. (Ae land which I gave Abraham — after thee will I give (Ae land. 16. there was but a little way (marg. a little piece of ground) 22. when Israel dwelt in that Zand, 36: 5. born unto him in the land of Canaan. 6. he had got in the land o/Canaan ; and went into (Ae country from the face 7 . (Ae land wherein they were strangers 16. of Eliphaz in the land of Edom ; 17. of Reuel in the land of 'Edom; 20. of Seir the Horite, who inhabited theland; 21. children of Seir in the land o/Edom. 30. their dukes in the land of Seir. 31. that reigned in the land o/Edom, 34. Husham o/(Ae land of Temani 43.iw(Ae land of their possession: 37 : 1 . Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of 10. bow down ourselves to thee totheeartk? 38 : 9. he spilled (it) on the ground, 40: 1 5. out of the land of the Hebrews: 41 :19,44.in all (Ae land of Egypt 29, 46. throughout all (Ae land of Egypt: 30. shall be forgotten in the land of 'Egypt; and the famine shall consume theland; 31. plenty shall not be known in the land 33. set him over (Ae land of 'Egypt. 34. appoint officers over (Ae land, and take up the fifth part of (Ae land o/Egypt • 36. food shall be for store to the land — in the land of Egypt ; that (Ae land 41, 43. over all (Ae Zawd o/EgyptA 45. went out over (all) (Ae land of Egypt. 47. (Ae ear(A brought forth by handfuls. 48. which were in the land o/Egypt, 52.be fruitful in the landof my affliction. 53. plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, ¦pa ( 159 ) P» Gen4l : 54. the dearth was in all lands; but in all (Ae land of Egypt 55. when all (Ae land o/Egypt was famished, 56. over all the face of (Ae earth: — famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt. 57. And all countries came into Egypt — the famine was (so) sore in all hinds. 42: 5. the famine was in theland of 'Canaan. 6. Joseph (was) the governor over (Ae land, — sold to all the people of (Ae land : — . before him (with) their faces to the earth. 7. From the land of Canaan to buy food. 9. to see the nakedness of (Ae land 12. but to see the nakedness of (Ae land 13. sons of one man in the land of 29. their father unto the land of Canaan, 30. The man, (who is) the lord of (Ae land, — took us for spies of (Ae country. 32. with our father in the land of Canaan. 33. the man, the lord of the country, 34. ye shall traflick in (Ae land. 43: l.the famine (was) sore in the land. 11. take of the best fruits in (Ae land 26. bowed themselves to him to the earth. 44: 8. unto thee out of the land of Canaan: 1 1 . every man his sack to the ground, 14. they fell before him on the ground. 45: 6. years (hath) the famine (been) in (Ae land: 7. to preserve you a posterity in the earth, 8. throughout all (Ae land of Egypt. 10. thou shalt dweD in the land of Goshen, 17. get you unto the land of Canaan ; 18. the good of (Ae land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of (Ae land. 19. wagons out of the land of Egypt 20. for the good of all (Ae land of Egypt 25. came into (Ae land of Canaan 26. governor over all (Ae land o/Egypt. 46: 6. they had gotten in the land of Canaan, 12. Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. 20. unto Joseph in the land of 'Egypt 28. they came into the land of Goshen. 31. which (were) in the land of Canaan, 34. ye may dwell in the land of Goshen ; 47: 1 . come out of the land of Canaan ; and, be hold, they (are) in the land of Goshen. 4. For to sojourn in the land are we . — . famine (is) sore in the land of Canaan : — . let thy servants dwell in the land of 6. Tlie land of Egypt (is) before thee; in the best of (Ae land make thy father — in the land of Goshen let them dwell : II. possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of (Ae land, in the land of Rameses, 13. (there was) no bread in all (Ae land; — (Ae land o/Egypt and (all) (Ae land of 14. money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, 15. money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of 'Canaan, 20. so (Ae land became Pharaoh's. 27. Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Qoshen ; 28. Jacob lived in the land o/Egypt 48 : 3 . at Luz in the land of Canaan, 4. will give this land to thy seed 5. born unto thee in theland o/Egypt 7. Rachel died by me in the land of — when yet (there was) but a little way 12. bowed himself with his face to the earth. 16. a multitude in the midst of (Ae earth. 21. you again unto (Ae land of your fathers. 49:15. and (Ae land that (it was) pleasant ; 30. Mamre, in the land of Canaan, 50: 5. 1 have digged for me in the land of 7. all the elders of (Ae land of Egypt, 8. they left in the land of Goshen. 11. when the inhabitants of (Ae land, 13«carried him into the land of Canaan, 24. out of this land unto (Ae land which Ex. 1: 7. the land was filled with them. 10. get them up out of the land. 2:15. dwelt in the land o/Midian: 22. have been a stranger in a strange land. 3: 8. to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, Ex. 3:8, 17. unto a land flowing with milk 17. unto (Ae land of the Canaanites, 4 : 3. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, 20. he returned to the land of Egypt : 5 • 5. the people of (Ae land now (are) many, 12. throughout all (Ae land o/Egypt 6: 1 . shall he drive them out ofhis land. 4. to give them (Ae land of Canaan, (Ae land of their pilgrimage, 8. 1 will bring you in unto (Ae land, 11, children of Israel go out ofhis land. 13. Israel out of the land o/Egypt. 26. children of Israel from the land o/Egypt 28. unto Moses in the land o/Egypt, 7 : 2. the children of Israel out ofhis land. 3. my wonders in the land o/Egypt. 4. out of the land of Egypt by great 19, 21 . throughout all (Ae land of Egypt, 8: 5(1). frogs to come up upon (Ae land of 6(2). came up, and covered (Ae land of 7(3). brought up frogs upon (Ae land of 14(10). upon heaps: and (Ae land stank. 16(12). dust of (Ae land, that it may become lice throughout all (Ae land of 17(13). smote the dust of (Ae earth, — ( — ). all the dust of (Ae land became lice throughout all (Ae land of Egypt. 22(18). sever in that day (Ae land of Goshen, — ( — ). I (am) the Lord in the midst of (Ae earth. 24(20). into all (Ae land o/Egypt: (Ae land 25(21). sacrifice to your God in the land. 9: 5. the Lord shall do this thing in the land. 9. small dust in all (Ae land of Egypt, — upon beast, throughout all (Ae land of 14. none like me in all (Ae earth. 15. thou shalt be cut off from (Ae ear(A. 16. may be declared throughout all (Ae earth. 22.be hail in all (Ae land o/Egypt, — of the field, throughout the land o/Egypt. 23. the fire ran along upon the ground ; — rained hail upon theland o/Egypt. 24. none like it in all (Ae land of 25. smote throughout all (Ae land o/Egypt 26. Only in the land of Goshen, 29. how that (Ae ear(A (is) the Lord's. 33. rain was not poured upon the earth. 10: 5. they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see (Ae earth: 12, over (Ae land o/Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon (Ae land of Egypt, and eat every herb of (Ae land, 13. his rod over (Ae land o/Egypt, — brought an east wind upon the land 14. locusts went up over all (Ae land of 15. covered the face of (Ae whole earth, so that (Ae land was darkened ; and they did eat every herb of (Ae land, — through all (Ae land of Egypt. 21.be darkness over (Ae land of Egypt, 22. thick darkness in all (Ae land of Egypt 11 : 3. Moses (was) very great in the land of 5. all the firstborn in the land of Egypt 6. throughout all (Ac land o/Egypt, 9. may be multiplied in the land o/Egypt. 10. the children of Israel go out ofhis land. 12: I.Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 12.1 will pass through the land of Egypt — , 29. the firstborn in the land o/Egypt, 13. when 1 smite (Ae land o/Egypt. 17. your armies out of the land o/Egypt: 19.be a stranger, or born in (Ae land. 25. when ye be come to (Ae land which 33. send them out of (Ae land in haste ; 41 .went out from the land o/Egypt. 42. bringing them out from the land o/Egypt: 48. as one that is born in (Ae land: 51 . of Israel out o/(Ae land o/Egypt 13: 5, 11. shall bring thee into (Ae land o/the — a land flowing with milk and honey, 15. the firstborn in the land o/Egypt, 17. the way of (Ae land of the Philistines, 18. harnessed out of the land o/Egypt. 14: 3. They (are) entangled in the land, 15: 12. (Ae earth swallowed them. 16: 1. after their departing out of the land of Y"i» Ex. 16: 3.handof the Lord in theland o/Egypt, 6. brought you out from the land of Egypt: 14. small as the hoarfrost on (Ae ground. 32. brought you forth from the land of 'Egypt. 35. until they came to a land inhabited ; — the borders of the land of Canaan. 18: 3. been an alien in astrange land: 27. he went his way into Ais ownland. 19: l.gone forth outofthe land o/Egypt, 5.forall(Aeear(A (is) mine: 20: 2. brought thee outofthe land of 'Egypt, 4. or that (is) in the earth beneath, or that (is) in the water under (Ae earth: 11. six days the Lord made heaven and earth, 22:21(20) & 23:9. strangers in the land of Egypt. 23: 10. six years thou shalt sow thy land, 26. nor be barren, in thy land: 29. lest (Ae land become desolate, 30.be increased, and inherit (Ae land. 31. deliver the inhabitants of the land 33. They shall not dwell in thy land, 29:46. brought them forth out of the land of 31 : 17. the Lord made heaven and earth, 32: 1 , 23. brought us up out of the land of 4, 8. brought thee up out of the land of 7. which thou broughtest out of the land of 1 1 . hast brought forth out of the land of 13. all this land that I have spoken of 33: Lout of the land o/Egypt, unto (Ae land 3. a land flowing with milk and honey: 34: 8. bowed his head toward the earth, 10. as have not been done in all (Ae earth, 12, 15. with the inhabitants of the land 24. neither shall any man desire thy land, : 27. if any one of the common people (marg. people of (Ae land) : 2. the beasts that (are) on (Ae earth. 21. to leap withal upon (Ae earth; 29, 42. that creep upon (Ae earth; 41. that creepeth upon (Ae ear(A 44. thing that creepeth upon theearth. 45.bringeth you up out of "the land o/Egypt, 46. that creepeth upon (Ae earth: ;34.ye be come into(Ae land of Canaan, — in arouse of (Ae land of your possession ; 16 : 22. iniquities unto a land not inhabited : 18: 3. the doings of (Ae land o/Egypt, — the doings of (Ae land of Canaan, 25, 27. (Ae land is defiled: — (Ae land itself vomiteth out 27. abominations have the men of (Ae land 28. That (Ae land spue not you out 19: 9. when ye reap the harvest of your land, 23. when ye shall come into (Ae land, 29. lest (Ae land fall to whoredom, and (Ae land become full of wickedness. 33. sojourn with thee in your land, 34. ye were strangers in the land o/Egypt: 36. brought you out of the land of 20: 2. the people of (Ae land shall stone him 4. if the people of (Ae land do any 22. (Ae land, whither I bring you to dwell 24. a land that floweth with milk and honey: 22 : 24. neither (lit and not) shall ye make (any offering thereof) in your land. 33. That brought you out of the land of 23: 10. When ye be come into (Ae land which 22. when ye reap the harvest of your land, 39. gathered in the fruit of (Ae land, 43. 1 brought them out of the land of 25: 2. When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall (Ae land keep 4. be a sabbath of rest unto the land, 5. a year of rest unto the land. 6. the sabbath of (Ae land shall be meat 7. and for the beast that (are) in thy land, 9. throughout all your land. 10. liberty throughout (all ) (Ae land unto all 18. ye shall dwell in (Ae land 19. tlie land shall yield her fruit, 23. 2'Ae land shall not be sold for ever : for (Ae land (is) mine; 24. in all (Ae land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land. 31 , counted as the fields of the country: 38. brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you (Ae land of Canaan, Lev. 4 11 14 C 160 ) \1X Lev.25 : 42, 55 . brought forth out of the land o/Egypt: 45. which they begat in your land: 26 : 1 . image of stone in your land, 4. (Ae land shall yield her increase, 5. dwell in your land safely. 6. 1 will give peace in the land, — evil beasts out of (Ae land, neither shall the sword go through your land. 13. you forth out of the land of 'Egypt, 19. heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: 20. your land shall not yield her increase neither shall the trees of (Ae land 32. 1 will bring (Ae land into desolation: 33. your land shall be desolate, 34. Then shall (Ae land enjoy her sabbaths, — ye (be) in your enemies' land; (even) then shall (Ae land rest, and enjoy 36. in the lands of their enemies; 38. (Ae land of your enemies shall eat 39. in your enemies' lands ; 41. brought them into the land of their 42. and I will remember (Ae land. 43. TAe land also shall be left of them, 44. when they be in the land of their 45. brought forth out of the land o/Egypt 27: 24. to whom the possession of (Ae land (did belong). 30. all the tithe of (Ae land, (whether) of the seed of (Ae land, Nu. I ; 1 . they were come out of ike land o/Egypt, 3: 13. smote all the firstborn in thelandof 8; 17. smote every firstborn in thelandof 9: 1 . after they were come out of the land of 14. for him that was born in (Ae land. 10: 9. if ye go to war in your land 30. 1 will depart to mine own land, 11:31. upon the face of (Ae ear(A. 13 : 2. that they may search (Ae land of Canaan, 16. which Moses sent to spy out theland. 17. them to spy out the land of Canaan, 18. see (Ae land, what it (is) ; 19. what (Ae land (is) that they dwell 20. what (Ae land (is), whether it (be) — bring of the fruit of (Ae land. 21 . they went up, and searched (Ae land 25. returned from searching of (Ae land 26. shewed them the fruit of (Ae land. 27. We came unto (Ae land wnither thou 28. people (be) strong that dwell in the land, 29, Amalekites dwell in the land of 32. brought up an evil report of the land — TAe land, through which we have gone — a land that eateth up the inhabitants 14: 2. that we had died in the land of 3. the Lord brought us unto this land, 6. of them that searched theland, 7 . Theland, which we passed through to search it, (is) an exceeding good land, 8. then he will bring us into this land, — a land which floweth with milk 9. neither fear ye the people of (Ae land; 14. to the inhabitants of this land: 16. bring this people into (Ae land 21. all (Ae ear(A shall be filled 23. they shall not see (Ae land 24. him will I bring into (Ae land 30. ye shall not come into (Ae land, 31 . they shall know (Ae land 34. in which ye searched (Ae land, 36. which Moses sent to search (Ae land, — by bringing up a slander upon the land, 37. bring up the evil report upon (Ae land, 38. the men that went to search (Ae land. 15: 2. When ye be come into (Ae land of 18. When ye come into (Ae land 1 9. when ye eat of the bread of (Ae land, 4 1 . which brought you out of the land of 16:13. hast brought us up out of a land 14. hast not brought us into a land 32. the earth opened her mouth, 33. (Ae ear(A closed upon them : 34. Lest (Ae ear(A swallow us up 18: 13. first ripe in the (lit. in their) land, 20. have no inheritance in their land, 20:12. bring this congregation into (Ae land 17. us pass, I pray thee, through thy country; 23. by the coast of (Ae land o/Edom, Y"1N ( 161 ) y-ia Nu. 20:24. he shall not enter into (Ac land 21 : 4. to compass (Ac land of Edom : 22. Let me pass through thy land: 24. possessed his land from Arnon 26. taken all Ais land out of his hand, 31. Thus Israel dwelt in the land of 34. all his people, and his land; 35. they possessed his land. 22 : 5. the river of (Ae land of the children — they cover the face of (Ae earth, 6. 1 may drive them out of (Ae land : 11. which covereth the face of (Ae earth: 13. Get you into your land: 26 : 4. went forth out of the land o/Egypt. 10. (Ae eartA opened her mouth, 19. Er and Onan died in the land of 53. Unto these (Ae land shall be 55. (Ae land shall be divided by lot: 27 : 12. see (Ae land which I have given *32 : 1 . (Ae land of Jazer, and (Ae land of Gilead, 4. (Ae country which the Lord smote — a land for cattle, 5. let this land be given unto thy servants 7. from going over into (Ae land 8.from,Kadesh-barnea to see (Ae land. 9. and saw (Ae land, they discouraged — should not go into (Ae land because of the inhabitants of (Ae land. the land be subdued before the Lord: this Zand shall be your possession tlie land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them (Ae land of Gilead possessions among you in the land of before the Lord into (Ae land of Canaan, (Ae land, with the cities thereof the cities of (Ae country round about. which went forth out of the land of in the edge of (Ae land o/Edom. Israel were come out of the land of in the south in the land of Canaan, over Jordan into (Ae land of Canaan ; inhabitants of (Ae land from before you, dispossess (the inhabitants of) (Ae land, I have given you (Ae land ye shall divide (Ae land drive out the inhabitants of (Ae land shall vex you in (Ae land . When ye come into (Ae land of Canaan ; this (is) (Ae Zand that shall fall (even) (Ae land of Canaan . this shall be your land .This (is) (Ae land which ye shall inherit . which shall divide (Ae land . to divide the land by inheritance. . children of Israel in the land of Canaan. , over Jordan into the land of Canaan ; . shall ye give in the land of Canaan, . the slayer shall return into (Ae land of , should come again to dwell in the land, not pollute (Ae land wherein ye (are) : for blood it defileth (Ae land : and the land cannot 34. Defile not therefore (Ae land 36: 2. to give (Ae land for an inheritance Deu. 1 : 5. in the land of Moab, began Moses J. to (Ae land of the Canaanites, 8.1 have set (Ae land before you: go in and possess (Ae land 21. thy God hath set (Ae land before thee: 22. they shall search us out (Ae land, 25. they took of the fruit of (Ae land — a good Zand which the Lord our God 27. brought us forth out of the land of 35. see that good land, which I sware 36. to him will I give (Ae land 2: 5. 1 will not give you of their land, 9.1 will not give thee of their land 12. did unto the land o/his possession, 19.1 will not give thee o/(Ae land of 20. also was accounted a land of giants: 24. the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land : 27. Let me pass through thy land: 29. into (Ae land which the Lord 81. to give Sihon and his land _ that thou mayest inherit his land. 37. unto (Ae land of the children of Ammon 17.2229. 30. 32. 33. 33: 1. 37. 38. 40.51. 52.53, 54, 55, 34: 2 12,13 17,18 29 35:10 14 28 3233, Deu. 3: 2. all his people, and his land, 8. the land that (was) on this side 12. this land, (which) we possessed 13. which was called (Ae land of giants. 18. hath given you this land 90. they also possess ZAe land 24. what God (is there) in heaven or in earth, 25. go over, and see ZAe good land 28. he shall cause them to inherit (Ac land 4: 1. go in and possess (Ae land 5. that ye should do so in (Ae land 14. that ye might do them in the land 17. of any beast that (is) on the earth, 18. the waters beneath (Ae earth: 21 . go in unto that good land, 22. But I must die in this land, — possess that good land. 2b. ye shall have remained long in the land, 26. 1 call heaven and eartA to witness — utterly perish from off (Ae land 32. God created man upon (Ae earth, 36. upon eartA he shewed 38. to give thee (Aeir Zand(for) an inheritance, 39. upon the eartA beneath : 43. in the plain country, 46. in the land of Sihon king of the 47. possessed his land, and (Ae land ofOg 5 : 6 . brought thee out of th e land of Egypt, 8. or that(is) in the earth beneath, or that (is) in the waters beneath (Ae eartA .• 15. a servant in the land of Egypt, 31(28). in (Ae Zand which I give them 33(30). may prolong (your) days in (Ae land 6 : 1 . in the land whither ye go to possess 3. in (Ae land that floweth with milk 10. brought thee into (Ae Zand which he sware 12. out of the land of Egypt, 18. go in and possess (Ae good land 23. to give us (Ae Zand which he sware 7 : 1 . shall bring thee into (Ae land 8: 1 . go in and possess (Ae land 7. into a good land, a land o/brooks 8. A land of wheat and barley, — a land of oil olive, and honey ; 9. A land wherein thou shalt eat bread — a land whose stones (are) iron, 10. (Ae good land which he hath given thee. 14. thee forth out of the land of Egypt, 9: 4. brought me in to possess this land: 5. dost thou go to possess (Aeir land: 6. giveth thee not this good land to possess 7. didst depart out o/(Ae land o/Egypt, 23. Go up and possess (Ae land 28. Lest (Ae land whence thou broughtest us — to bring them into (Ae land 10: 7. a land of rivers of waters. 11. go in and possess (Ae land, 14. (Ae eartA (also), with all that therein (is). 19. ye were strangers in the land o/Egypt. 11: 3. king of Egypt, and unto all Ais land ; 6. the earth opened her mouth, 8. go in and possess (Ae land, 9. a land that floweth with milk 10. For (Ae land, whither thou goest — (is) not as the land o/Egypt, 1 1 . But the land, whither ye go — a land of hills and valleys, 12.^4 Zand which the Lord thy God 14. rain of your land in his due season, 17. quickly from off(Ae good land 21. as the days of heaven upon (Ae eartA. 25. dread of you upon all (Ac land that 29. unto (Ae land whither thou goest 30. in the land of the Canaanites, 31 . to go in to possess (Ae land 12: Lye shall observe to do in the land, 10. dwell in the land which 16. ye shall pour it upon (Ae eartA 24. thou shalt pour it upon (Ae eartA 29. dwellest in their land ; 13: 5(6) :brought you out o/(Ae land o/Egypt, 7(8). from the (one) end of the earth even unto the (other) end of (Ae eartA; 10(11). which brought thee out of the land of 15: 4. shall greatly bless thee in the land 7. within any of thy gates in thy land 11. the poor shall never cease out of theland: M Y"»N ( 162 ) Y"W Deu 15: 16 29 32 33 34 Jos 1 11. thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 15. wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, 23. pour it upon (Ae ground as water. 3. ou( o/(Ae land o/Egypt in haste: . — thou earnest forth out of the land o/Egypt 20. inherit (Ae land which the Lord thy God . 14. When thou art come unto (Ae land ¦, 9. When thou art come into (Ae land 1. whose land the Lord thy God giveth thee, 2. cities for thee in the midst of thy land, 3. divide the coasts ofthy land, 8. give thee all (Ae land which he 10. innocent blood be not shed in thy land, 14. which thou shalt inherit in the land \ 1. brought thee up out of the land o/Egypt. : 6. in any tree, or on (As ground, ; 7(8)thou wast a stranger in Ais land. 20(21). in (Ae land whither thou goest : 4. thou shalt not cause (Ae land to sin, 14. strangers that (are)iw thy land 22. a bondman in the land o/Egypt: ; 19. in tlie land which the Lord thy God : l.thou (art) come in unto (Ae land 2. shalt bring ofthy land that the Lord 3. that I am come unto (Ae country 9. hath given us this land, — , 15. a land that floweth with milk and ; 2. shall pass over Jordan unto (Ae land 3. that thou mayest go in unto (Ae land — a land that floweth with milk and honey ; ; 1 . above all nations of (Ae ear(A .• 8. he shall bless thee in the land 10. all people of (Ae ear(A shall see 12. unto thy land in his season, 23. and the earth that (is) under thee 24. the rain of thy land powder and dust: 25. into all the kingdoms of the earth. 26. unto the beasts of the earth, 49. from the end of (Ae earth, 52, b'l. throughout all thy land: 56. the sole of her foot upon (Ae ground 64. from the one end of (Ae ear(A even unto the other; (lit. from the end of (Ae ear(A and unto the end of (Ae earth) ; 1(28:69). of Israel in the land o/Moab, 2(1). before your eyes in the land o/Egypt — (-).unto all Ais land; 8( 7 ) . we took (Aeir land, 16 ( '5). how we have dwelt in the land of E.; 22(21). shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, 23(22). the whole land thereof (is) brimstone, 24(23). done thus unto this /a7*d? 25(24). them forth out of the land o/Egypt: 27(26). was kindled against this land, 28(27). and cast them into another land, ; 5. will bring thee into the land 16. God shall bless thee in the land 19. 1 call heaven and e«r(A to record ; 4. and unto the land of them, whom 7. must go with this people unto (Ae land 16. the gods of the strangers of (Ae land, 21. before I have brought them into (Ae land 23. into (Ae land which I sware unto them: 28. call heaven and ear(A to record ; l.hear, O earth, the words ofmy mouth. 10. He found him in a desert land, 13. ride on the high places of (Ae ear(A, 22. shall consume (Ae earth 49. which (is) in the land of Moab, — behold (Ae land of Canaan, 52. shalt see (Ae land before (thee); • — unto (Ae land which I give : 13. Blessed of the Lord (be) Ais land, 16. And for the precious things of (Ae ear(A 17. to the ends of (Ae ear(A .• 28. a land of corn and wine ; 1 . the Lord, shewed him all (Ae land of 2. (Ae land of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, 4. This (is) (Ae land which I sware 5. died there in the land o/Moab, 6. in a valley in the land o/"Moab, 11. sent him to do in the land of Egypt — all his servants, and to all Ais land, 2. unto (Ae land which I do give 4. all theland of the Hittites, Jos. 1 : 6. divide for an inheritance (Ae land, 11. to go in to possess (Ae land, 13. and hath given you this land. 14. shall remain in the land which Moses 15. they also have possessed (Ae land . — ye shall return unto the land of 2: 1. Go view (Ae land, even Jericho. 2.childrenof Israel to search out thecountru. 3. be come to search out all (Ae country. 9. the Lord hath given you (Ae land, — all the inhabitants of (Ae land faint 11. in heaven above, and in ear(A beneath. 14. when the Lord hath given us (Ae land, 18. we come into the land, thou shalt bind 24. into our hands all theland; for even all the inhabitants of (Ae country 3 : 1 1 , 1 3 . the Lord of all (Ae ear(A 4:24. That all the people of (Ae earth 5: 6. that he would not shew them (Ae land, — a land that floweth with milk and honey. 1 1 . eat of tlie old corn of (Ae land 12. eaten of the old corn of (Ae land; — did eat of the fruit of (Ae land of 14. fell on his face to the earth, 6:22. men that had spied out (Ae country, 27. throughout all (Ae country. 7: 2. Go up and view (Ae country. 6. fell tu the earth upon his face 9. all the inhabitants of (Ae land shall hear — cut oft' our name from (Ae ear(A ; 21. they (are) hid in the earth 8: Land his city, and Ais land: 9: 6. We be come from a far country : 9. From a very far country thy servants 11. and all the inhabitants of our country 24. to give you all (Ae land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of (Ae land 10 : 40. Joshua smote all (Ae country of the hills, 41. and all (Ae country of Goshen, 42. all these kings and (Aeir land 11; 3- in thelandof M\zpeh. 16. Joshua took all that land, — all (Ae land of Goshen, 22. none of the Anakims left in the land of 23. Joshua took (Ae whole land, — And the land rested from war. 12: 1. these (are) the kings of (Ae land, — possessed (Aeir land on the other 7. these (are) the kings of the country 13; Land there remaineth yet very much land 2. This (is) (Ae land that yet remaineth: 4. all (Ae land of the Canaanites, 5 . And the land of the Giblites, 7. divide this land for an inheritance 21. dukes of Sihon, dwelling in (Ae country. 25. half (Ae land of the children of Ammon, 14: 1. inherited in the land of Canaan, 4. no part unto the Levites in the land, 5, they divided (Ae land. 7. from Kadesh-barnea to espy out (Ae land; 9. the land whereon thy feet have trodden 15. And the land had rest from war. 15: 19. thou hast given me a south land; 17: 5. beside theland of Gilead 6. andthe rest of Manasseh's sons had the land of Gilead. 8. Manasseh had (Ae land of 12. the Canaanites would dwell in that land. 15. in thelandof the Perizzites 16. that dwell in the land o/the valley 18: l.And the land was subdued before them. 3. slack to go to possess (Ae land, 4. rise, and go through the land, 6. Ye shall therefore describe (Ae land 8. that went to describe (Ae land, saying, Go and walk through the land, 9. went and passed through the land, 10. there Joshua divided (Ae land 19:49. dividing (Ae land for inheritance 51, made an end of dividing (Ae country. 21 : 2. in the land of Canaan, 43(41). gave unto Israel all (Ae land which 22: 4. unto (Ae land of your possession, 9.iw (Ae land of Canaan, to go unto wt country of Gilead, to (Ae land of 10. that (are) in the land of Canaan, 11 nvpr arrainet ihc 1 nn J n-P Canaan. y-itf Jos. 22: 13 15 19 Jud. 1 13.1517. 18 2. 15. 26. 27.32, !: 1. 2.6. 12. 1:11. 25. 30. 1:21.>: 4. 31. i: 4. 5. 9. 10. 37. 39. 40. 3:28,):37,): 48, I: 3 5 1213 1517 18 10 14 17 30 19:30 20 1 21 21 12 21 Ru 1 1. 7 2 10 11 ISa . 2 8. 10 3 19 4 5 5 34 6 5 into (Ae land of Gilead, Phinehas unto (Ae land of Gilead, and they if (Ae land of your possession (be) un clean, (then) pass ye over unto (Ae land of out of the land of Gilead, unto (Ae land of to destroy (Ae land wherein ye shall possess (Aeir land, I (am) going the way of all (Ae earth: perish quickly from off (Ae good land led him throughout all (Ae land of brought you into (Ae land o/the Amorites, that ye might possess their land; a land for which ye did not labour, in whose land ye dwell: out of the land of Egypt, which dwelt in (Ae land: I have delivered (Ae land into his hand. thou hast given me a south land; the man went into (Ae land of the Canaanites would dwell in that land. 33. the inhabitants of (Ae land: have brought you unto (Ae land with the inhabitants of this land; his inheritance to possess (Ae land. brought them out of the land o/Egypt, (Ae land had rest forty years. fallen down dead on the earth. the land had rest fourscore years. fastened it into the ground: the earth trembled, and the heavens And (Ae land had rest forty years. destroyed the increase of (Ae earth, they entered into the land gave you (Aeir land; in whose land ye dwell: dry upon all the earth upon all (Ae ground let there be dew. there was dew on all (Ae ground. the country was in quietness forty people down by the middle of (Ae land, which (are) in the land of Gilead. in the land of the Amorites, . dwelt in the land of Tob : fetch Jephthah out of the land o/Tob: come against me to fight in my land ? Israel took away my land, Israel took not away (Ae land of Moab, nor the land of the children of Ammon: I pray thee, pass through thy land: compassed (Ae land of Edom, and (Ae land o/Moab, and came by the east side o/(Ae land o/Moab, . through thy land into my place. . Israel possessed all (Ae land of the Amo rites, the inhabitants of that country. in Aijalon in the country of Zebulun. . in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, fell on their faces to the ground. the destroyer of our country, . to spy out (Ae land, Go, search (Ae land: . no magistrate in the land, .for we have seen (Ae land, to enter to possess (Ae land. a people secure, and to a large land: any thing that (is) in the earth. .men that went to spy out (Ae country .men that went to spy out (Ae land . day of the captivity of (Ae land. . came up out of the land of Egypt . to Beer-sheba, with the land of Gilead, , 25. destroyed down to the ground . Shiloh, which (is) in the land of Canaan. .go to (Ae land of Benjamin. .there was a famine in the land. .to return unto (Ae land of Judah. . bowed herself to the ground, .andthe land of thy nativity, and art .the pillars of (Ae ear(A (are) the Lord's, . shall judge the ends of (Ae ear(A; . none of his words fall to the ground. . a great shout, so that (Ae earth rang .fallen upon his face to theearth . fallen upon his face to the ground . images of your mice that mar (Ae land; off your gods, and from off your land. ( 163 ) Y">** ISa. 9: 4. passed through the land o/Shalisha, — they passed through the land of Shalim, — passed through the land of the Benjamites, 5. they were come to the land o/Zuph, 16. thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, 12: 6. fathers up out of the land o/Egypt. 13 : 3. the trumpet throughout all (Ae land, 7. over Jordan to (Ae land o/Gad 1 7. unto (Ae land of Shual . 19. throughout all (Ae land of Israel: 14: 15. they also trembled, and (Ae ear(A quaked: 25. (they of) (Ae land came to a wood; 29. My father hath troubled (Ae land: 32. slew (them) on the ground: 45. hair of his head fall to the ground; 17:46. to the wild beasts of (Ae earth; that all (Ae ear(A may know 49. he fell upon his face to the earth. 20 : 41 . fell on his face to the ground, 21:11(12). David the king of theland? 22: 5.getthee into (Ae (and o/ Judah. 23:23. if he be in (Ae land, 27. the Philistines have invaded (Ae land. 24: 8(9). stooped with his face to the earth, 25:23. bowed herself to the ground, 41. bowed herself on (her) face to the earth, 26: 7. his spear stuck in the ground 8. the spear even to the earth at once, 20. let not my blood fall to the earth 27: 1. escape into (Ae landof 'the Philistines ; 8. of old the inhabitants of (Ae land, ¦ — even unto (Aefamdo/Egypt. 9. David smote (Ae land, and left neither 28: 3. and the wizards, out of the land. 9. the wizards, out of the land: 13. 1 saw gods ascending out of the earth. 14. stooped with (his) face to the ground, 20. straightway all along on the earth, 23. So he arose from the earth, 29:11. return into (Ae land of the Philistines. 30: 16. spread abroad upon all (Ae earth, — out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah. 31 : 9. sent into the land of the Philistines 2Sa. 1: 2. he fell to the earth, and did obeisance. 2:22. should I smite thee tothe ground? 3:12. Whose (is) theland? 4:11. take you away from (Ae ear(A ? 5: 6. Jebusites, the inhabitants of theland: 7: 9. the great (men) that (are) in the earth. 23. what one nation in the earth — great things and terrible, for thy land, 8: 2. casting them down to the ground; 10: 2. into (Ae land of the children of Ammon, 12:16. lay all night upon the earth. 17. to raise him up from (Ae earth: 20. Then David arose from the earth, 13:31. tare his garments, and lay ore (Ae earth; 14: 4. she fell on her face to the ground, 1 1 . hair of thy son fall to the earth. 14. as water spilt on the ground, 20. know all (things) that (are) in (Ae ear(A, 22. Joab fell to theground 33. bowed himself on his face to the ground 15: 4. that I were made judge in the land, 23. all (Ae country wept with a loud voice, 17:26. pitched in (Ae landof Gilead. 18 ; 8. scattered over the face of all (Ae country: 9. between the heaven and (Ae ear(A ,¦ 11. smite him there tothe ground? 28. he fell down to the earth 19: 9(10). he is fled out of (Ae land 20: 10. shed out his bowels tothe ground, 21 : 14. ire (Ae country o/Benjamin — God was intreated for the land. 22 : 8. Then (Ae ear(A shook and trembled ; 43. as small as the dust of (Ae ear(A, 23: 4. the tender grass (springing) outofthe earth 24: 6. to (Ae land of Tahtim-hodshi ; 8. when they had gone through all (Ae land, 13. come unto thee in thy land ? three days' pestilence in thy land? 20. on his face upon the ground. 25. the Lord was intreated for the land, IK. 1 : 23. the king with his face to the ground. 31. bowed with (her) face to (Ae earth, Y"»K IK. 1:40. so that theearth rent with the sound 52. not an hair of him fall to the earth: 2: 2. 1 go the way of all (Ae e** 2K. 17:26, 26, 27. the manner of the God of the land: 36. up out of the land o/Egypt 18:25. Go up against this land, 32. away to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of oil 33. gods of the nations delivered at all Ms land 35. among all the gods of (Ae countries, that have delivered (Aeir country 19: 7. shall return to his own land; — fall by the sword in his own land. 1 1 . have done to all lands, 15. of all the kingdoms of (Ae ear(A; thou hast made heaven and ear(A. 17. destroyed the nations and (Aeir lands, 19. that all the kingdoms of (Ae ear(A 37. they escaped into (Ae landof 20: 14. They are come from a far country, 21 : 24. the people of (Ae land slew all — the people of (Ae land made Josiah 23:24. that were spied in the land of Judah 30. the people of (Ae land took 33. Riblah in the land o/Hamath, — put (Ae land to a tribute 35. but he taxed (Ae land — the gold of the people of (Ae land, 24: 7. any more out ofhis land: 14. poorest sort of the people of theland. 15. the mighty of the land, 25 : 3. for the people of (Ae land. 12. left of the poor of (Ae land 19. mustered the people of (Ae land, and threescore men of the people of theland 21. Riblah ire (Ae land o/Hamath. 22. that remained ire (Ae land of Judah, 24. dwell in the land, and serve 1 Ch. 1 : 10. he began to be mighty upon the earth. 19. in his days (Ae ear(A was divided: 43. that reigned ire (Ae land o/Edom 45. of the land of the Temanites 2: 22. twenty cities in the landof Gilead. 4:40. and the land (was) wide, 5 : 9. multiplied in the land of Gilead. 1 1 . ire the land of Bashan 23. Manasseh dwelt in the land: 25. the gods of the people of (Ae land, 6:55(40). Hebron in the land of Judah, 7:21. (that were) born in (that) land 10: 9. sent into the land of the Philistines 11: 4. the inhabitants of (Ae land. - 13: 2. left in all (Ae land o/Israel, 14: 17. fame of David went out into all lands; 16: 14. his judgments (are) in all theearth. 18. Unto thee will I give (Ae land of 23. Sing unto the Lord, all (Ae ear(A; 30. Fear before him, all (Ae ear(A ; 31. let (Ae ear(A rejoice: 33. he cometh to judge (Ae ear(A. 17 : 8. the great men that (are) in the earth. 21. what one nation in the earth 19 ; 2. servants of David came into (Ae land of 3. to spy out (Ae land? 20 : 1 . wasted the country of 21 : 12. even the pestilence, in the land, 16. between (Ae ear(A and the heaven, 21. with (his) face to the ground. 22: 2. that (were) in the land o/Israel; 5. throughout all countries: 8. shed much blood upon the earth 18. given the inhabitants of (Ae land — (Ae land is subdued before the Lord, 28 : 8. ye may possess this good Zawd, 29; 11. in the heaven and in the earth 15. our days on (Ae ear(A (are) as a 30. all the kingdoms of (Ae countries. 2Ch. 1 : 9. like the dust of (Ae ear(A 2: 12(11). that made heaven and ear(A, 17(16). that (were) in the land o/Israel, 6: 5. out of the land of 'Egypt 14. nor in the earth; which keepest 18. very deed dwell with men on (Ae earthl 27- send rain upon thy land, 28. If there be dearth in the land, — in the cities of their land; 32. is come from a far country S3 that all Twmlct nf tho enrth 10: Est. 8 10 Job 1 Y"1N ( 165 ) 2Ch. 6: 36. away captives unto a land far off Neh. 9: 37. bethink themselves in the land — pray unto thee in the land of 38. in the land of their captivity, — pray toward (Aeir land, 7 : 3. with their faces to the ground 13. the locusts to devour the land, 14. will heal (Aeir land. 21 . the Lord done thus unto this land, 22. forth out of the land o/Egypt, 8 : 6. throughout all (Ae land cf 8. who were left after them in (Ae land, 17 .in the land of Edom . 9: 5. which I heard in mine own land 11. none such seen before in the land of 12. went away to her own land, 14. governors of (Ae country 22. passed all the kings of (Ae earth 23. all the kings of (Ae eartA sought 26. unto (Ae land o/the Philistines, 28. and out of all lands. 11 : 23. throughout all (Ae countries of 12: 8. the kingdoms of (Ae countries. 13: 9. the nations of (other) Zands ? 14: 1(13:23). In his days the land vias 6(5). for (Ae land had rest, 7(6). (Ae Zand(is) yet before us; 15: 5. the inhabitants of (Ae countries. 8. out of all (Ae land of Judah 16: 9. throughout (Ae whole eartA, 17; 2. set garrisons in the land of Judah, 10. all the kingdoms of the lands 19: 3 . taken away the groves out of (Ae land, 5. he set judges in the land 20: 7. drive out the inhabitants of this Zand 10. when they came out of the land of 18. with (his) face to the ground: 24. dead bodies fallen to the earth, 29. on all the kingdoms of (those) countries, 22 : 12. Athaliah reigned over (Ae land. 23 : 13, 20, 2 1 . all the people of (Ae land 26:21 .judging the people of (Ae land. 30: 9. they shall come again into this land: 10. through the country o/Ephraim 25. strangers that came out of the land of 32: 4. ran through the midst of (Ae land, 13. unto all the people of (other) lands ? — the nations of those lands any ways able to deliver (Aeir lands 17. the nations of (other) lands 19. gods of the people of (Ae earth, 21. with shame of face to his own land. 31. that was (done) in the land, 33:25. But the people of (Ae land — the people of (Ae land made 34: 7. throughout all (Ae land o/Israel, 8. when he had purged (Ae land, 33. abominations out of all (Ae countries 36: 1. the people of (Ae land took Jehoahaz 3. condemned (Ae land 21 .until (Ae land had enjoyed her sabbaths : 23. All the kingdoms of (Ae eartA Ezr. 1 : 2. all the kingdoms of (Ae eartA ; 3 : 3. because of the people of those countries: 4: 4. Then the people of (Ae land 6:21. nlthiness of the heathen of (Ae land, 9: 1 . from the people of (Ae lands, 2. with the people of (those) lands: 7. of the kings of (Ae lands, 11. The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the nlthiness of the people of (Ae lands, 12. eat the good of (Ae land, 10: 2 . strange wives of the people of (Ae land: 11. from the people of theland, 12 Neh. 4 : 4(3: 36) . a prey in the land of captivity : 1 6 5 : 14. governor in the land of Judah, 17 8: 6. with (their) faces to theground. 1 9: 6. (Ae eartA, and all (things) that (are) 19 8. to give (Ae Zand o/the Canaanites, 21 10. on all the people of Ais land: 22 15. go in to possess (Ae land 22. possessed (Ae land of Sihon, and (Ae land 24 of the king of Heshbon, and the land 25 of Og 27 23. broughtest them into (Ae land, 33 24. went in and possessed (Ae Zand, 38 42 Ps. 2 10 24. the inhabitants of (Ae land, — the people of (Ae land, 30. the hand of the people of (Ae lands. 35. in the large and fat land 36. and (for) (Ae land that thou gavest 28(29). from the people of (Ae lands 30(31 ). daughters unto the people of (Ae land, 31(32). the people of (Ae land bring ware 17. many of the people of (Ae land 1 . laid a tribute upon (Ae land, 1 . There was a man in the land of Uz, 7. From going to and fro in the earth, 8. none like him in the earth, 10. his substance is increased in the land. 20. fell down upon the ground, 2. From going to and fro in the earth, 3. none like him in the earth, 13. sat down with him upon the ground 14. kings and counsellors of (Ae earZA, 10. Who giveth rain upon (Ae earZA, 22. be afraid of the beasts of the earth. 25. as the grass of ZAe earth. 1. appointed time to man upon eartA / 9. our days upon earZA (are) a shadow: 6. shaketh (Ae eartA out of her place, 24. The earth is given into the 21. to (Ae land of darkness 22. A land of darkness, as darkness 9. measure thereof (is) longer (Aan (Ae earth, 8. Or speak to the earth, 15. they overturn (Ae earth. 24. the chief of the people of (Ae eartA, 8. root thereof wax old in the earth, 19. grow (out) of the dust of (Ae earth; 19. Unto whom alone (Ae ear(A was 29. the perfection thereof upon the earth. 13. poureth out my gall upon (Ae ground. 18. O earth, cover not thou my blood, 4. shall (Ae eartA be forsaken 10. snare (is) laid for him in the ground, 17. shall perish from (Ae eartA, 4. since man was placed upon eartA, 27. and the earth shall rise up 8. the mighty man, he had (Ae eartA; 4. the poor of (Ae eartA 18. their portion is cursed in the earth : 7. hangeth (Ae eartA upon nothing. 5. ( As for) the earth, out of it 13. neither is it found in the land of 24. he looketh to the ends of (Ae earth, : 8. they were viler than (Ae eartA. : 13. given him a charge over the earth ? : 1 1 . more than the beasts of (Ae earth, : 3. lightning unto the ends of (Ae eartA. 6. Be thou (on) ZAe earth; 12. the face of the world in the earth. 13. or for his land, or for mercy. 17. when he quieteth (Ae earZA : 4. when I laid the foundations of (Ae eartA ? 13. take hold of the ends of (Ae eartA, 18. perceived the breadth of (Ae eartA ? 24. scattereth the east wind upon (Ae eartA ? 26. To cause it to rain on (Ae eartA, 33. set the dominion thereof in the earth ? : 14. leaveth her eggs in the earth, 24. He swalloweth ZAe ground 15. in all (Ae Zand were no women 2. The kings of (Ae eartA 8. the uttermost parts of ZAe eartA 10. ye judges of (Ae eartA. 5(6). tread down my life upon the earth, 1(2), 9(10). thy name in all ZAe eartA / : 16. the heathen are perished out of his land. 18. that the man of (Ae eartA may 6(7). silver tried in a furnace of earth, 3. to the saints that (are) in (Ae eartA, : 1 1 . bowing down to the earth ; 7(8). Then (Ae eartA shook 4(5). gone out through all ZAe eartA, : 10( 1 1 ) . shalt thou destroy from theearth, 27(28). All the ends of ZAe world 29(30). All (they that be) fat upon eartA . l.ZTie eartA (is) the Lord's, : 13. his seed shall inherit (Ae eartA. 13. in (Ae Zand of the living. 5. (Ae eartA is full of the goodness 8. Let all (Ae eartA fear the Lord: Y")N ( 166 ) Y">N 33 : 1 4. upon all the inhabitants of (Ae ear(A. 34:16(17). remembrance of them from the earth. 3d : 20. ( them that are ) quiet in (Ae land. 37: 3. shalt thou dwell in (Ae Zand, 9. they shall inherit the earth. 1 1 . the meek shall inherit (Ae earth; 22. shall inherit (Ae earth; 29. The righteous shall inherit (Ae Zand, 34. shall exalt thee to inherit (Ae land : 41 : 2(3) . he shall be blessed upon the earth : 42: 6(7 ). from the land of Jordan, 44: 3(4). they got not the land in possession 25(26). our belly cleaveth unto the earth. 45:16(17). make princes in all the earth. 46; 2(3). though the earth be removed, 6(7 ). the earth melted. 8(9). desolations he hath made in the earth. 9(10). to cease unto the end of the earth; 10(11 ). I will be exalted in the earth. 47: 2(3). a great King over all (Ae ear(A. 7(8). God (is) the King of all the earth : 9(10). for the shields of the earth 48: 2(3). the joy of the whole e«r(A, 10(11). thy praise unto the ends of the earth: 50: 1. called (Ae earth from the rising 4. and to (Ae earth, 52: 5(7). root thee out of theland of the 57: 5(6), 11(12). thy glory (be) above all the earth. 58 : 2 (3) . violence of your hands in the earth. 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . a God that judgeth in the earth. 59:13(14). unto the ends of theearth. 60: 2(4). Thou hast made the earth to tremble ; 6 1 : 2(3 ) . From the end of the earth 63: l(2).inadry and thirsty land, 9(10). go into the lower parts of (Ae earth. 65: 5(6). confidence of all the ends of the earth, 9(10). Thou visitest the earth, 66: 1. noise unto God, all ye lands: (marg. (Ae ear(A) 4. All (Ae earth shall worship thee, 67: 2(3). That thy way may be known upon earth, 4(5). govern the nations upon earth. 6(7). shall (Ae earth yield her increase; 7(8). the ends of the earth shall fear 68: 8(9). The earth shook, 32(33}. ye kingdoms of theearth; 69:34(35). Let the heaven and earth praise him, 71 ; 20. from the depths of (Ae earth. 72: 6. as showers (that) water (Ae ear(A. 8. unto the ends of (Ae ear(A. 16. an handful of corn in the earth — flourish like grass of the earth. 19. let (Ae whole ear(A be filled 73: 9. their tongue walketh through the earth. 25. and (there is) none upon earth 74 : 7 . of thy name to the ground. 8. the synagogues of God in the land. 12. salvation in the midst of (Ae earth. 17. hast set all the borders of the earth: 20. the dark places of (Ae earth 75: 3(4). Theearth and all the inhabitants 8(9). all the wicked of the earth 76: 8(9 J. the earth feared, and was still, 9( 10^ . to save all the meek of (Ae earth. 12(13). terrible to the kings of the earth. 77; 18(19). (Aeear(A trembled and shook. 78: 12. in the land of Egypt, 69. like the earth which he hath 79: 2. unto the beasts of theearth. 80: 9(10). and it filled theland. 81 : 5(6). he went out through the land . 10(11 ). brought thee out of the land of 82 ; 5. all the foundations of the earth 8. Arise, O God, judge (Ae earth: 83: 18(19). the most high over all (Ae ear(A. 85: 1(2). hast been favourable unto thy land: 9(10). that glorv may dwell in our land. ll(12)Truth shall spring out of the earth ; 12(13). and our land shall yield her increase. 88:12(13). thy righteousness intheland of 89:ll(12).(Aeear(Aalso(is) thine: 27(28). higher than the kings of theearth. 39(40). (by casting it) to the ground, 44(45). cast his throne down to the ground. 90 : 2. or ever thou hadst formed (Ae earth 94: 2. thou judge of (Ae earth: 97: 99: 100: 101: Ps. 95: 4. the deep places of theearth: • 96 : 1 . sing unto the Lord, all (Ae ear(A. 9. fear before him, all the earth. 1 1 . let (Ae ear(A be glad ; 13. he cometh to judge the earth : I .let the earth rejoice; 4. (Ae earth saw, and trembled. 5. the Lord of (Ae whole earth. 9. high above all (Ae earth: 3. all the ends of (Ae earth 4. joyful noise unto the Lord, all (Ae earth: 9. he cometh to judge (Ae ear(A : l.let the earth be moved. 1 . a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. (marg. (Ae earth) 6. upon the faithful of (Ae land, 8. destroy all the wicked of the land; 102: 15(16). all the kings of the earth thy glory. ] 9(20) . did the Lord behold (Ae ear(A; 25(26). laid the foundation of theearth: 103; 11. the heaven is high above (Ae ear(A, 104 : 5. laid the foundations of (Ae ear(A, 9. turn not again to cover (Ae earth. 13. (Ae ear(A is satisfied with the fruit 14. bring forth food out of (Ae earth; 24. (Ae ear(A is full of thy riches. 32. He looketh on the earth, 35. be consumed out of (Ae ear(A, 105: 7. his judgments (are) in all(Aeear(A. 1 1 . thee will I give (Ae land of Canaan, 16. he called for a famine upon (Ae land : 23. Jacob sojourned in the land of 27. wonders in the land of Ham. 30. Their land brought forth frogs 32. naming fire in their land. 35. all the herbs in their land, 36. all the firstborn in their land, 44. gave them the lands of the heathen: 106:17. Theearth opened and swallowed 22. Wondrous works in the land of 24. they despised (Ae pleasant land, 27. to scatter them in the lands. 38. (Ae land was polluted with 3. And gathered them out of the lands, 34. A fruitful land into barrenness, 35. and dry ground into watersprings. 5(6). thy glory above all theearth; 109:15. the memory of them from theearth'. 110: 6. wound the heads over many countries. 112: 2. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: 113: 6. in heaven, and in the earth! 114: 7. Tremble, (Aom ear(A, 115:15. which made heaven andearth. 16. but the earth hath he given 116: 9. in the land of the living. 119:19.1 (am) a stranger in theearth: 64. TAe earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy: 87. had almost consumed me upon earth; 90. thou hast established (Ae earth, 119. away all the wicked of the earth 121: 2&124:8&134:3.made heaven and earth. 135: 6. did he in heaven, and in earth, 7. to ascend from the ends of (Ae earth; 12. gave iheir land (for) an heritage, 136: 6. To him that stretched out (Ae earth 21. gave (Aeir (and for an heritage: 138: 4. All the kings of (Ae ear(A 139: 15. in the lowest parts of the earth. 140:11(12). be established in the earth: 141 : 7. cleaveth (wood) upon the earth. 142: 5(6). in (Ae land of the living. 143: 3. smitten my life down to the ground; 6. after thee, as a thirsty land. 10. lead me into the land of uprightness. 146: 6. Which made heaven, and earth, 147 : 6. casteth the wicked down to (Ae ground. 8. who prepareth rain for the earth, 15. his commandment (upon) earth: 148 : 7. Praise the Lord from (Ae ear(A, 1 1 . Kings of (Ae earth, — all judges of (Ae ear(A ; 13. his glory (is) above (Ae ear(A Pro. 2:21. the upright shall dwell in (Ae land, 22. the wicked shall be cut off from the earth 3: 1 9. by wisdom hath founded (Ae ear(A; 8 : 16. ( even) all the judges of (Ae ear(A. 23. or PVPr thp pnrth icot 107: 103: Y"W Pro. 8 31 Ecc. 1 35 10 12 Cant.2Isa. 1 14 16 18: 19 :26.as yet he had not made (Ae earth, 29. appointed the foundations of the earth : 31. the habitable part of his earth; 30. the wicked shall not inhabit theearth. : 31 . shall be recompensed in the earth : : 24. in the ends of (Ae earth. : 19. in the wilderness, (marg. in the land of desert) 3. and the earth for depth, 25. so (is) good news from a far country. 2. For the transgression of a land 4. The king by judgment establisheth (Ae land : 4. established all the ends of (Ae ear(A ? 14. to devour the poor from offthe earth, 16. the earth (that) is not filled 21. For three (things) (Ae ear(A is disquieted, 24. (which are) little upon (Ae ear(A, :23.he sitteth among the elders of the land. : 4. but the earth abideth for ever. : 21. goeth downward (o(Ae earth? 2(1). and thou upon ear(A .- 9(8). the profit of theearth is for all: : 20. not a just man upon earth, : 14, 16. is done upon (Ae earth; 7. walking as servants upon (Ae ear(A. 16. Woe to thee, 0 land, 17. Blessed (art) thou, 0 land, : 2. what evil shall be upon (Ae ear(A. 3. empty (themselves) upon (Ae ear(A .- 7 . shall the dust return to (Ae ear(A : 12. The flowers appear on the earth; — the turtle is heard in our land; : 2. Hear, O heavens, and give ear, 0 earth : 7. Your country (is) desolate, 19. ye shall eat the good of (Ae land: : 7. Their land also is full of silver — their land is also full of horses, 8. TAeir land also is full of idols ; 19, 21. he ariseth to shake terribly (Ae ear(A. : 26. shall sit upon the ground. : 2. the fruit of (Ae earth : 8. placed alone in the midst of (Ae ear(A / 26. from the end of (Ae ear(A .- 30. if (one) look wn(o (Ae land, 3. the whole earth (is) full of his glory. 12. forsaking in the midst of the land. : 18. that (is) in the land of Assyria. 22. every one eat that is left in (Ae land. 24. because all (Ae land shall ; 8. shall fill the breadth of thy land, 9. all ye of far countries : 22. they shall look unto (Ae ear(A ; : 1(8:23). (Ae land of Zebulun and theland of 2( 1 ). they that dwell in the land of 19(18). is (Ae land darkened, : 14. have I gathered all (Ae ear(A ,- 23. in the midst of all (Ae land. . 4. for the meek of (Ae earth: and he shall smite (Ae earth 9- for (Ae ear(A shall be full 12. from the four corners of the earth. 16. came up outofthe land o/Egypt. 5. this (is) known in all (Ae ear(A. 5. They come from a far country, — to destroy (Ae whole land. 9. to lay (Ae land desolate: 13. and (Ae ear(A shall remove 14. flee every one into Ais own land. 7. The whole ear(A is at rest, 9. all the chief ones of (Ae earth; 12. art thou cut down to the ground, 16. the man that made (Ae e«r(A to tremble, 20. thou hast destroyed thy land, 21. nor possess (Ae land, 25. break the Assyrian in my land, 26. purposed upon (Ae whole ear(A .* 1 . the lamb to the ruler of (Ae land 4. are consumed out of (Ae land. 1 . Woe to (Ae land shadowing 2, 7. whose (lit. who his) land the rivers have 3. and dwellers on (Ae earth, 6. the beasts of the earth : and the fowls — ¦ all the beasts of (Ae ear(A shall winter 18. shall five cities in the land of 19. in the midst of (Ae land o/Egypt, 20. Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt : Isa. 19 21 23 24 ( 167 ) Y™ : 24. a blessing in the midst of (Ae land : : l.from a terrible land. 9. he hath broken unto the ground. 14. The inhabitants of (Ae land of :18. (like) a ball into a large country: 1 .from the land of Chittim it is revealed 8. traffickers (are) the honourable of (Ae ear(A ? 9. contempt all the honourable of (Ae earth. 10. Pass through thy land as a river, 13. (Ae land o/the Chaldeans ; 17. with all the kingdoms of (Ae world l.the Lord maketh (Ae ear(A empty, 3. The land shall be utterly emptied, 4. The earth mourneth — people of (Ae ear(A do languish. 5. TAe ear(A also is defiled 6. hath the curse devoured (Ae earth, — the inhabitants of (Ae ear(A 11. the mirth of (Ae land is gone. 13. shall be in the midst of (Ae land 16. From the uttermost part of (Ae ear(A 17. O inhabitant of (Ae earth. 18. the foundations of the earth do shake. 19. TAe ear(A is utterly broken down, (Ae car(A is clean dissolved, (Ae ear(A is moved exceedingly. 20. TAe ear(A shall reel to and fro : 8. take away from off all (Ae ear(A : 12. bring to theground, : l.be sung in the land of Judah ; 5. he layeth it low, (even) to the ground; 9. when thy judgments (are) in the earth, 10. ire (Ae land of uprightness 15. far (unto) all the ends of theearth. 18. wrought any deliverance in (Ae earth; 19. and the earth shall cast out the dead. 21. to punish the inhabitants of the earth — (Ae ear(A also shall disclose 13. were ready to perish ire (Ae land of Assyria, and the outcasts ire (Ae land o/Egypt, 2. shall cast down to the earth 22. determined upon (Ae whole earth. 4. shalt speak out of the ground, — familiar spirit, out of the ground, 6. into the land of trouble 2. a great rock in a weary land. 9. Tlie earth mourneth 17. (Ae land that is very far off. 1 . let (Ae ear(A hear, 6. a great slaughter in the land of 7. (Aeir land shall be soaked 9. and (Ae land thereof shall 10. against this land, to destroy it? . — Go up against this land, 17. take you away to a land like your own land, a landof corn and wine, a land o/bread 18. delivered Ais land out of the hand 20. among all the gods of these lands, that have delivered (Aeir land 37: 7. return to Ais own land ; — fall by the sword ire Ais own land. 11. have done to all Zands 16, 20. all the kingdoms of (Ae earth: — thou hast made heaven and earth. 18. the nations (marg. lands), and (Aeir coun tries, 38. they escaped into (Ae land of 38:11. in (Ae land of the living: 39: 3. They are come from a far country 40: 12. comprehended the dust of (Ae ear(A 21 . from the foundations of (Ae ear(A ? 22. sitteth upon the circle of (Ae ear(A, 23. he maketh the judges of the earth 24. shall not take root ire (Ae ear(A : 28. the Creator of the ends of (Ae ear(A, 41 : 5 the ends of (Ae ear(A were afraid, 9. have taken from the ends of (Ae ear(A, 18. and the dry land springs of water. 42: 4. till he have set judgment ire (Ae ear(A : 5. he that spread forth (Ac earth, 10. his praise from the end of (Ae ear(A„ 43: 6. my daughters from the ends of theearth^ 23. shout, ye lower parts of (Ae earth : 24. that spreadeth abroad (Ae eartA, 8. let (Ae ear(A open, 12. 1 have made (Ae earth, 27;28:29:30.32: 33: 34: 36 44. 45: Y"i» ( 168 ) Y"itf Isa. 45: 18. God himself that formed (Ae earth 19. secret, in a dark place of (Ae ear(A : 22. all the ends of (Ae earth: 46 : 1 1 . counsel from a far country : 47 : 1 . sit on the ground: 48: 13. laid the foundation of (Ae ear(A, 20.it (even) to the end of the earth; 49: 6. unto the end of (Ae ear(A. 8. to establish (Ae ear(A, 12. these ,/rom (Ae land of Sinim. 13. Sing, 0 heavens ; and be joyful, 0 earth; 19. and the land ofthy destruction, 23. with (their) face toward (Ae ear(A, 51: 6. look upon (Ae earth beneath: — and the earth shall wax old 13. laid the foundations of (Ae eartA ; 16. lay the foundations of (Ae eartA, 23. thou hast laid thy body as the ground, 52:10. all the ends of (Ae eartA shall see 53 : 2 . as a root out of a dry ground : 8. he was cut off out of the land 54: 5. The God of (Ae whole eartA 9. no more go over (Ae eartA ; 55: 9. the heavens are higher (Aan (Ae earth, 10. but watereth (Ae eartA, 57: 13. his trust in me shall possess (Ae land, 58:14. upon the high places of the earth, 60: 2. the darkness shall cover (Ae earth, 18. shall no more be heard in thy land, 21. they shall inherit (Ae land for ever, 61 : 7. in their land they shall possess II. as the earth bringeth forth 62: 4. neither shall thy land any more — and thy land Beulah: — and thy land shall be married. 7. he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. 1 1 . unto the end of (Ae world, 63: 6. bring down their strength to theearth. 65: 16. he who blesseth himself ire (Ae eartA — he that sweareth in the earth 17. create new heavens and a new earth: 66: Land the earth (is) my footstool: 8. Shall (Ae eartA be made to bring 22. the new heavens and the new earth, Jer. 1: 1. in the land of Benjamin: 14. upon all the inhabitants of (Ae land. 18. brazen walls against (Ae whole land, — against the people of (Ae land. 2 : 2. in a land ( that was) not sown. 6. brought us up out of the land of — through a land of deserts and of pits through a land of drought, — a land that no man passed through, 7. brought you into a plentiful country, — ye defiled my land, 15. they made Ais land waste: 31. a land of darkness? 3 : 1 . shall not that land be greatly 2. thou hast polluted (Ae land 9. that she defiled (Ae land, 16. increased in the land, l&.out of the land of the north to (Ae land 19. give thee a pleasant land, 4: 5. Blow ye the trumpet in theland: 7. to make thy land desolate ; 16. watchers come from a far country, 20. for (Ae whole land is spoiled: 23.1 beheld (Ae eartA, 27. TAe whole land shall be desolate; 28. For this shall (Ae eartA mourn. 5: 19. strange gods ire your land, so shall ye serve strangers ire a land 30. is committed ire the land; 6: 8. a land not inhabited. 12. upon the inhabitants of (Ae land, 19. Hear, 0 earth: behold I will 20. the sweet cane from a far country ? 22, cometh from the north country, — be raised from the sides of (Ae earth. 7 : 7. in the land that I gave 22, brought them out of the land of 25. came forth out of the land of 33. for the beasts of (Ae earth; 34. for (Ae land shall be desolate. 8:16. the whole land trembled — and have devoured (Ae land, 19. them that dwell in a far country: Jer. 9: 3(2). valiant for the truth upon the earth; 12( II). for what (Ae land perisheth 19(18). because we have forsaken (Ae land, * 24(23). righteousness, in the earth: 10: 10. at his wrath (Ae ear(A shall tremble, 1 2. He hath made (Ae eartA 13. from the ends of theearth; 17. Gather up thy wares out of the land, 18. sling out the inhabitants of (Ae land 22. commotion out of the north country, 11: 4. forth out of the land o/Egypt, 5. to give them a land flowing with 7. them up out of the land o/Egypt, 19. him off from the land of the living, 12: 4. How long shall (Ae land mourn, 5. and (if) in the land of peace, 1 1 . (Ae whole land is made desolate, 12. from the (one) end of (Ae land even to the (other) end of (Ae land: 15. every man to his land. 13: 13. fill all the inhabitants of this land, 14: 2. they are black unto the ground; 4. there was no rain in the earth, 8. be as a stranger in the land, 15. famine shall not be in this land; 18 . into a land that they know not. 15 : 3. the beasts of (Ae eartA, 4. into all kingdoms of (Ae eartA, 7. in the gates of (Ae land; 10. contention to the whole eartA / 14. pass with thine enemies into a land 16; 3. that begat them in this land; 4. for the beasts of (Ae eartA. 6. great and the small shall die in this land: 13. cast you out of this land into a land I4.ow( of theland o/Egypt ; 15./ro?n theland of the north, and from all (Ae lands 18. they have defiled my land, 19. from the ends of (Ae eartA, 17: 4. to serve thine enemies in theland 6. a salt land and not inhabited. 13. shall be written in the earth, 26. and from ike land o/Benjamin, 18:16. To make (Aeir land desoiate, 19 : 7 . for the beasts of (Ae eartA. 22: 10. no more, nor see his native country. 12, shall see this land no more. 26. another country, where ye were not 27. But to (Ae land whereunto they 28. are cast into a land which 29. O eartA, earth, earth, hear the word of 23 : 3. my flock out of all countries 5. judgment and justice in the earth. 7 . out of the land of Egypt ; 8.ok( of the north country , and from all countries whither I had 10. For (Ae land is full of adulterers ; for be cause of swearing (Ae land I5.profaneness gone forth into all (Ae land. 24. Do not I fill heaven and earth? 24: 5. into (Ae land of the Chaldeans 6. bring them again to this land: 8. that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt: 9. into all the kingdoms of (Ae eartA 25: 9. bring them against this land, 11. this whole land shall be a 12. and (Ae land of the Chaldeans, 13. 1 will bring upon that land 20. the kings of (Ae land of Uz, and all the kings of theland o/the Philistines, 26. and all the kingdoms of (Ae world, 29, 30. all the inhabitants of the earth, 31. to the ends of (Ae earth; 32. from the coasts of (Ae eartA. 33. from (one) end of (Ae eartA even unto the (other) end of (Ae earth: 38. for (Aeir land is desolate 26: 6. to all the nations of (Ae eartA. 17. certain of the elders of (Ae land, 20. against this land 27 : 5. 1 have made (Ae eartA, the man and the beast that (are) upon (Ae ground, 6. now have I given all these 'lands 7. until the very time of Ais land come: 2S : 8. both against many countries, Yna ( 169 ) Y^N Jer. 29: .30: 31 32 33 34: 43 44 18. to all the kingdoms of the earth, 3. cause them to return to (Ae land 10. and thy seed from the land of their 8. from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of (Ae earth, 16. shall come again from theland of 22. created a new thing in the earth, 23. use this speech in the land of Judah 32. out o/(Ae land of Egypt; 37. the foundations of (Ae eartA 8. which (is) iw (Ae country o/Benjamin; 15. be possessed again in this land. 17. made the heaven and (Ae* eartA 20. wonders in the land o/Egypt, 21. out of the land of Egypt 22. hast given them this land, — a land flowing with milk and 37. gather them out of all countries. 41.1 will plant them in this land 43. fields shall be bought in this land, 44. take witnesses in the land of : 9. before all the nations of (Ae eartA, 11. to return the captivity of (Ae land, 13. and in the land o/Benjamin, and 15. righteousness in the land. 25. ordinances of heaven and earth; 1, 17. all the kingdoms of (Ae eartA 13.ow( o/(Ae land o/Egypt, 19. all the people of (Ae land, 20. to the beasts of (Ae eartA. ill. came up into (Ae land, :29. certainly come and destroy this land, : 1 . made king in the landof Judah 2. nor the people of (Ae land, 7 . return to Egypt into their own land. 12. to go into (Ae land o/Benjamin, 19. nor against this land ? : 5. in the land of Hamath, 10. had nothing, in the land of Judah, : 4. all (Ae land (is) before thee: 6. that were left in the land. 7. Ahikam governor in the land, — of the poor of (Ae land, 9. dwell hi the land, 11. that (were) in all (Ae countries, 1 2. came to (Ae land of Judah, : 2. had made governor over the land. 18- made governor in the land. :10. If ye will still abide in this land, 13. We will not dwell in this land, 14. we will go into (Ae land o/Egypt, 16. overtake you there in the land of : 4. to dwell in the land of Judah. 5. to dwell in the land of Judah ; 7- they came into (Ae land o/Egypt: 11. he shall smite (Ae land o/Egypt, 12. array himself with (Ae land of Egypt, 13. that (is) in the land o/Egypt ; : 1, 13, 26. dwell i» (Ae land of Egypt, — and in the country of Pathros, 8. other gods ire (Ae land o/Egypt, — all the nations of (Ae eartA ? 9. committed in the land of Judah, 12. go into (Ae land of Egypt — fall in (Ae land o/Egypt; 14. which are gone into the land o/Egypt — should return into the land of Judah, 15. that dwelt in the land of Egypt, 2 1 . the people of (Ae land, 22. therefore is your land 24, 27. that (are) in the land o/Egypt: 26. in all (Ae landof Egypt, 28. shall return out of (Ae land o/ Egypt into (Ae land of Judah, — that are gone into the land of Egypt : 4. even this whole land. : 8. will cover (Ae eartA ; 10. hath a sacrifice in(Ae north country 12. thy cry hath filled (Ae land: 13. smite (Ae land o/Egypt. 16. to (Ae land of our nativity, 27. thy seed from (Ae land of : 2. shall overflow (Ae land, — all the inhabitants of (Ae land : 21. upon the plain country ; 24. all the cities of (Ae land o/Moab, 33. and pom the land o/Moab ; Jer. 49:21. TAe eartA is moved at the noise 50 : 1 . against (Ae land of the Chaldeans 3. shall make Aer land desolate, 8. and go forth out of the land of 9. from the north country: 16. flee every one to his own land. 18. the king of Babylon and Ais land, 21. Go up against (Ae land 22. A sound of battle (is) in the land, 23. (Ae whole eartA cut asunder 25. in the land of the Chaldeans. 28. escape out of the land o/Babylon, 34. that he may give rest to (Ae land, 38. for it (is) the land of graven images, 41. from the coasts of (Ae eartA. 45. against (Ae land o/the Chaldeans: 46. taking of Babylon (Ae eartA is moved, 51 : 2. shall empty Aer land : 4. the slain shall fall in the land of 5. though (Aeir land was filled 7. that made alKAe eartA drunken: 9. every one into his own country : 15. He hath made (Ae eartA 16. to ascend from the ends of (Ae eartA .- 25. which destroyest all (Ae eartA : 27. Set ye up a standard in the land, ^-28. all (Ae land o/his dominion. 29. (Ae land shall tremble — to make (Ae land o/Babylon a desolation 41 . the praise of (Ae whole eartA 43. a dry land, and a wilderness, a land where in no man dwelleth, 46. rumour that shall be heard in(Ae land; — violence in the land, 47. Aer whole land shall be confounded, 48. Then the heaven and the earth, 49. the slain of all (Ae ear(A. (marg. country) 52. through all Aer land 64.from the land of the Chaldeans: 52: 6. for the people of the land. 9, 27. in (Ae land of Hamath ; 16. left (certain) of the poor of the land 25. the people of theland; and threescore men of the people of (Ae land, Lam. 2 : 1 . cast down from heaven unto (Ae eartA 2. brought (them) down to the ground: 9. Her gates are sunk into the ground; 10. sit upon the ground, — hang down their heads to (Ae ground. 11. my liver is poured upon the earth, 15. The joy of (Ae whole eartA ? 21 . and the old lie on the ground 3 : 34. all the prisoners of (Ae earth, 4: 12. The kings of (Ae earth, 21. that dwellest in the land of Uz ; Eze. 1: 3. in the land o/the Chaldeans 15. behold one wheel upon the earth 19. creatures were lifted up from (Ae earth, 21 . those were lifted up from (Ae earth, 5: 5. the nations and countries 6. more than (Ae countries 6: 8. scattered through the countries. 14. and make (Ae land desolate, 7 : 2. come upon the four corners of (Ae land. 7. 0 thou that dwellest in (Ae land: 21. to the wicked of (Ae eartA 23. for (Ae land is full of bloody crimes, 27 . the hands of the people of (Ae land 8: 3. between the earth and the heaven, 12. the Lord hath forsaken (Ae earth. 17. have filled (Ae land with violence, 9: 9.(Ae landis full of blood, — The Lord hath forsaken (Ae eartA, 10:16. to mount up from (Ae ear(A, 19. mounted up from (Ae eartA 11:15. unto us is this land given 16. scattered them among the countries, as a little sanctuary in the countries 1 7. assemble you out of (Ae countries 12 : 6. that thou see not (Ae ground : - 12. that he see not (Ae ground 13. (Ae land of the Chaldeans ; 15. disperse them in the countries. 19. say unto the people of (Ae land, that Aer land may be desolate 20. and the land shall be desolate ; 13: 14. bring it down to the ground, Y")» ( 170 ) Y"W Eze. 14: 13. when the land sinneth 15. beasts to pass through tlie land, 16. but the land shall be 17. land, and say, Sword, go through the land ; 19. Or (if) I send a pestilence into that land, 15: 8. 1 will make (Ae land desolate, 16: 3. thy nativity (is) of the landof 29. multiplied thy fornication in thelandof 17: 4. carried it into a land o/traffick; 5. took also of the seed of (Ae land, 13. taken the mighty of the land : 19: 4. with chains unto theland of Egypt. 7 . and the land was desolate, 12. she was cast down to the ground, 13. in a dry and thirsty ground. 20: 5. in the land of 'Egypt, 6. bring them forth of the land o/Egypt into a land that I 15. which (is) the glory of all lands: 8. in the midst of (Ae land o/Egypt. 9. bringing them forth out of the land of 10. go forth out of the land o/Egypt, 15. would not bring them into (Ae land 23. disperse them through the countries; 28. when I had brought them into (Ae land, 32. as the families of (Ae countries, 34, 4i . gather you out of (Ae countries 36. the wilderness of (Ae land of Egypt, 38. bring them forth out of the country 40. all of them in the land, 42. into (Ae country (for) the which 21:19(24). shall come forth out of one land: 30(35). in theland ofthy nativity. 32(37). shall be in the midst of (Ae land; 22: 4. a mocking to all countries. 15. disperse thee in the countries, 24. Thou (art) (Ae land that is not 29. The people of (Ae land have used 30. in the gap before me for (Ae land, 23:15, (Ae land of their nativity: 19. played the harlot in tlie landof 27. from the land o/Egypt; 48. lewdness to cease out of the land, 24: 7. she poured it not upon (Ae ground, 25: 7. to perish out of (Ae countries: 9. the glory of (Ae country, 26 : 1 1 . shall go down to the ground. 16. they shall sit upon (Ae ground, 20. in the low parts of (Ae earth, — set glory in (Ae land o/the living ; 27:17. Judah, and the landof 'Israel, 29. they shall stand upon (Ae land; 33. enrich the kings of (Ae eartA 28 : 1 7 . 1 will cast thee to (Ae ground, 18. bring thee to ashes upon (Ae eartA 29: 5. to the beasts of the field 9. (Ae land o/Egypt shall be desolate 10. make (Ae land o/Egypt utterly waste 12. 1 will make (Ae land o/Egypt desolate — in the midst of (Ae countries — disperse them through the countries. 14. to return (into) (Ae land of Pathros, into (Ae land of their habitation; 19. 1 will give (Ae land o/Egypt 20. 1 have given him the land of Egypt 30: 5. men of theland that is in league, 7. in the midst of (Ae countries 1 1 . be brought to destroy the land : — fill theland with the slain. 12. sell the land into the hand — I will make (Ae land waste, 13. of the land of Egypt : and I will put a fear in the land o/Egypt, 23. disperse them through the countries. 25. shall stretch it out upon (Ae land of 26. disperse them among the countries ; 31: 12. by all the rivers of (Ae land; and all the people of theearth 14. to the nether parts of the earth, 16- comforted in the nether parts of (Ae earth. 18. unto the nether parts of (Ae eartA : 32: 4. will I leave thee upon the land, — the beasts of (Ae whole earth 6. the land wherein thou swimmest, 8. set darkness upon thy land, 9. into (Ae countries which thou Eze.32:15.Ishallmake(AeZando/Egyptdesolate,and (Ae country shall be destitute 1 8. unto the nether parts of (Ae eartA, 23. which caused terror in the land of 24. nether parts of (Ae earth, which caused their terror in tlie land of 25. was caused in the land o/the living, 26. they caused their terror in the land of 27. the mighty in the land o/the living. 32. have caused my terror in the land of 33 : 2. When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of (Ae land 3. seeth the sword come upon (Ae Zawd, 24. Abraham was one, and he inherited th land: but we (are) many; (Ae land is given us 25, 26. and shall ye possess (Ae land? 28. 1 will lay (Ae land most desolate, 29. when I have laid (Ae land 34 : 6- upon all the face of the earth, 13. gather them from (Ae countries, — inhabited places of (Ae country. 25. evil beasts to cease. out of (Ae land: 27. and the earth shall yield her increase, 28. neither shall the beast of theland 29. consumed with hunger in the land, 35; 10. two nations and these two countries 14. When (Ae whole eartA rejoiceth, 36; 5. which have appointed my land 18. they had shed upon (Ae land, 19. dispersed through the countries: 20. and are gone forth out of his land. 24. gather you out of all countries, 28. ye shall dwell in the land 34. And the desolate land shall be tilled, 35. This land that was desolate 37; 22. in (Ae land upon the mountains 25. they shall dwell in (Ae land 38 ; 2. the land of Magog, 8. thou shalt come into (Ae land 9. be like a cloud to cover (Ae land, 1 1 . 1 will go up to (Ae land of 12. that dwell in the midst of (Ae land. 16. as a cloud to cover (Ae land; — bring thee against my land, 20. every wall shall fall to the ground. 39:12. that they may cleanse theland. 13. all the people of (Ae land 14. passing through the land — upon the face of the earth, 15. passengers (that) pass through the land, 16. Thus shall they cleanse (Ae land. v 18. the princes of (Ae earth, 27. out 0/ their enemies' lands, 40: 2. brought he me into (Ae land 0/ Israel, 41 : 16. and from (Ae ground up 20. From the ground unto above the door 42 ; 6. the middlemost from the ground. 43: 2. and the earth shined with his glory. 14. from the bottom (upon) theground 45: l.ye shall divide by lot (Ae land ¦ — an holy portion of (Ae land : 4. The holy (portion) of (Ae land^ 8. Li the land shall be his possession — and ( the rest of) (Ac land shall they give 16. All the people of the land 22. for all the people of (Ae land 46: 3, 9. the people of (Ae land 47: 13. ye shall inherit (Ae land 14. and this land shall fall 15. this (shall be) the border of (Ae tod 18. from (Ae land of Israel 21. So shall ye divide this land 48:12. (this) oblation of (Ae land 14. alienate the firstfruits of (Ae land: 29. This (is) (Ae land which ye shall _ Dan. 1 : 2. which he carried into (Ae land °/®in"J , 8 : 5. on the face of (Ae whole eartA, and touched not (Ae ground: 7. he cast him down to the ground, 10. the host and of the stars to the ground, -j 12. it cast down the truth to the ground; 18. sleep on my face totvard the ground :- 9: 6. to all the people of (Ae land. 7. through all (Ae countries 15. forth out of the land o/Egypt Y*u* ( 171 ) -na Danll : 16. he shall stand in the glorious land, 19. toward the fort of his own land : 28. Then shall he return into Ais land — return to his own land. 40. he shall enter into (Ae countries, 41. enter also into the glorious land, 42. his hand also upon the countries: and the landof Egypt shall not Hos. 1 ; 2. for (Ae kind hath committed 11(2:2). shall come up out of (Ae land: 2: 3(5). set her like a dry land, 15(17). she came up out of theland of 18(20). the battle out of (Ae eartA, 21(23). they shall hear theearth; 22(24). And the earth shall hear the corn, 23(25) . sow her unto me in the earth ; 4: l.the inhabitants of (Ae land, — nor knowledge of God in the land. 3. Therefore shall (Ae land mourn, 6: 3. former rain unto (Ae eartA. 7 : 16. their derision in the land of 9: 3. shall not dwell in the Lord's land; 10: 1 . according to the goodness ofhis land 11 : 5. He shall not return into (Ae land of 1 1 . as a dove out of the land of 12: 9(10), & 13:4./rom (Ae land o/Egypt 13 : 5. in the land of great drought. Joel 1 : 2. all ye inhabitants of (Ae land. 6. a nation is come up upon my land, 14, & 2:1. all the inhabitants of (Ae land 2: 3.(Ae land (is) as the garden of Eden 10. The earth shall quake 18. the Lord be jealous for his land, 20. will drive him into a land barren 30(3: 3). in the heavens and in the earth, 3: 2(4:2). the nations, and parted my land. 16(4: 16). heavens and the earth shall shake: 19(4: 19). shed innocent blood in their land. 7. pant after the dust of (Ae eartA 10. 1 brought you up from the land of — to possess (Ae land of the Amorite. 1 . 1 brought up from the land of 5. bird fall in a snare upon (Ae earth, 9. in the palaces in the land of Egypt, 1 1 . even round about (Ae land ; 14. and fall to the ground. 4:13. upon the high places of (Ae earth, 5: 7. leave off righteousness in the earth, 8. them out upon the face of (Ae earth: 7 : 2. eating the grass of (Ae land, 10. (Ae land is not able to bear 12. flee thee away into (Ae land of Judah, 8: 4. make the poor of (Ae land to fail, 8- Shall not (Ae land tremble 9. will darken (Ae eartA in the clear day: 11. 1 will send a famine in the land, 9: 5. of hosts (is) he that toucheth (Ae land, 6. hath founded his troop in theearth; — them out upon the face of (Ae earth: 7. brought up Israel out of the land of 9. least grain fall upon (Ae earth. Obad. 3. bring me down to (Ae ground ? Jon. 1: 8. what (is) thy country? 2: 6(7). the earth with her bars Mic. 1: 2. Hear, all ye people; hearken, O earth, 3. the high places of the earth. 4; 13. the Lord of (Ae whole eartA. 5: 4(3). great unto the ends of the earth. 5(4). the Assyrian shall come into our land: 6(5). waste (Ae land of Assyria with the sword, and (Ae landof Nimrod — (-)he cometh into our land, 11 (10). will cut off the cities of (Ay land, 6: 2. ye strong foundations of the earth: 4. 1 brought thee up out of the land of 7: 2. good (man) is perished out of theearth: 13. Notwithstanding (Ae land shall be 15. coming out of the land o/Egypt 17. like worms of (Ae earth: Nah. 1 : 5. and (Ae eartA is burned at his presence, 2:13(14). cut off thy prey from the earth, 3:13. the gates of thy land Hab 1 : 6. through the breadth of (Ae land, 2: 8, 17- the violence of (Ae land, 14. For (Ae eartA shall be filled 20. let all (Ae eartA keep silence 3 : 3. and the earth was full of his praise. Am. 2 3 Hab. 3: 6. He stood, and measured (Ae earth: 7. ihe curtains of the fando/ Midian 9. Thou didst cleave the earth 12. Thou didst march through (Ae land Zephl;18.(Ae whole land shall be devoured — all them that dwell in theland. 2: 3. all ye meek of (Ae earth, 5. O Canaan, (Ae land o/the Philistines, 11. famish all the gods of the earth; 3: 8. all (Ae eartA shall be devoured 19. praise and fame in every land 20. among all people of (Ae earth, Hag. 1 : 10. and the earth is stayed 1 1 . 1 called for a drought upon (Ae land, 2 : 4. all ye people of (Ae land, 6, 21. will shake the heavens, and (Ae earth, Zee. 1.10. walk to and fro through the earth. 11. walked to and fro through the earth, ¦ — all (Ae eartA sitteth still, 21(2:4). over (Ae land of Judah 2: 6(IQ). nee from (Ae land of the north, 3 : 9. remove the iniquity of that land 4: 10. run to and fro through (Ae whole earth. 14. by the Lord of (Ae whole ea7'(A. 5: 3. over the face of (Ae whole earth: 6. resemblance through all (Ae earth. 9. between (Ae eartA and the heaven. 11. an house in the land o/Shinar: 6 : 5. before the Lord of all (Ae earth. 6. go forth into (Ae north country; — toward (Ae south country. 7, 7, 7. to and fro through the earth: 8. that go toward (Ae north country have quieted my spirit in the north country. 7; 5. Speak unto all the people of (Ae land, 14. Thus the land was desolate — they laid (Ae pleasant land 8: 7. save my people from the east country, and from the west country; 12. and the ground shall give her increase, 9: 1. in (Ae land of Hadrach, 10. to the ends of the earth. 10:10. bring them again also out of the land of — bring them into (Ae land of Gilead and 11 : 6. pity the inhabitants of (Ae land, — they shall smite (Ae land, 16. raise up a shepherd in the land, 12; 1. layeth the foundation of (Ae earth, 3. though all the people of (Ae eartA 12. (Ae land shall mourn, 13: 2. the idols out of the land, — to pass out of (Ae land. 8. in all (Ae land, saith the Lord, 14: 9. be king over all (Ae earth: 10. All the land shall be turned 17. the families of the earth Mai. 3:12. ye shall be a delightsome land, 4: 6(3:24). smite (Ae eartA with a curse. N|T]N ar-kah', f. eraph. Ch. Jer. 10: 11. have not made the heavens and the earth, TUjt [ah-rar'\ * KAL Preterite. * Mai. 2: 2. and Twill curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, KAL Infinitive. Jud. 5:23. curse ye bitterly the inhabitants (lit. cursing curse) KAL Imperative. Nu. 22: 6.carse me this people ; 23: 7. Come, curse me Jacob, Jud. 5:23. Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants KAL Future. Genl2: 3. and curse him that curseth thee: Ex. 22:28(27). nor curse the ruler of thy people. Nu. 22: 6. he whom thou cursest is cursed. 12. ZAok «AaZ( not curse the people: TIN KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen27: 29. cursed (be) every one that curseth thee, Nu. 24: 9. cursed (is) he (Aa( curseth thee. Job 3: 8. Let them curse it (Aat curse the day, KAL Participle. Paul. Gen 3:14. thou (art) cursed above all cattle, 17. cursed (is) the ground for thy sake ; 4:11. now (art) thou cursed from the earth, 9:25. he said, Cursed (he) Canaan; 27:29.rarsed(be) every one that curseth thee, 49: 7. Cursed (be) their anger, Nu. 24: 9. and cursed (is) he that curseth thee. Deu 27: 15. Cursed (he) the man that maketh 16. Cursed (he) he that setteth light 17. Cursed (be) he that removeth 18. Cursed (be) he that maketh 19. Cursed (he) he that perverteth 20,21,22,23. Cursed (be) he that lieth with 24. Cursed (be) he that smiteth 25. Cursed (be) he that taketh 26. Cursed (be) he that conflrmeth 28:16. Cursed (shalt) thou (be) in the city, and cursed (shalt) thou (be) in the field. 17. Cursed (shall be) thy basket and thy store. 18. Cursed (shall be) the fruit ofthy body, 19. CWsed(shalt) thou (be) when thou comest in, and cursed (shalt) thou (be) when Josh 6:26. Cursed (be) the man before the Lord, 9:23. Now therefore ye (are) cursed, Jud. 21 ; 18. Cursed (be) he that giveth lSa.l4:24,28. Cursed (be) the man that eateth 26 : 19. cursed (he) they before the Lord ; 2K. 9:34. see now this cursed (woman), Ps. 119: 21. rebuked the proud (that are) cursed, Jer. 11 : 3. Cursed (be) the man that obeyeth not 17: 5. Cursed (be) the man that tmsteth 20:14. Cursed (be) the day wherein 15. Cursed (he) the man who 48:10. Cursed (be) he that doeth — and cursed (be) he that keepeth Mai. 1:14. But cursed (be) the deceiver, * NIPHAL Participle. # Mai. 3: 9. Ye (are ) cursed with a curse: ¦» PIEL Preterite. * Gen 5 ; 29. which the Lord Aa(A cursed. PIEL.— Participle. Nu. 5 : 1 8, 1 9, 24. bitter water (Aa( causeth the curse : 22,24, 27. water (AaZ causeth the curse * HOPHAL.— Future. * Nu. 22 : 6. he whom thou cursest is cursed. ( 172 ) VH fen** [ah-ras'l * PIEL Preterite. * Deu20: 7. that hath betrothed a wife, 2Sa. 3:14. which I espoused to me Hos. 2:19(21). And I will betroth thee unto me for ever ; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in 20(22). / will even betroth thee unto me in PIEL Future. Deu 28: 30. 77ioa shalt betroth a wife, * PUAL Preterite. * Ex. 22: 16(15). that is not betrothed, Deu22:28. which is not betrothed, PU AL.— Participle. Deu 22: 23. Ae betrothed unto an husband, 25. But if a man find a betrothed 27. the betrothed damsel cried, n#T8 areh'-sheth, f. Ps. 21 : 2(3). and hast not withholden (Ae request of B'N ehsh, com. Genl5:17.a onnu'n^lamp that passed between (mare. lamp of fire) Genl9:24. brimstone and fire from the Lord 22: 6. he took the fire in his hand, 7. Behold tlie fire and the wood: Ex. 3: 2. appeared unto him in a flame of fire — the bush burned with fire, 9:23. the fire ran along upon the ground; 24. and fire mingled with the hail, 12: 8. roast with fire, and unleavened bread; 9. but roast (with) fire; his head with 10. ye shall burn with fire. 13:21 . by night in a pillar of fire, 22. nor the pillar of fire by night, 14:24. through the pillar of fire 19: 18. the Lord descended upon it in fire: 22: 6(5). If fire break out, and catch in thorns, 24:17 -like devouring^re on the top 29: 14. shalt thou burn with fire 34. burn the remainder with fire: 32: 20. burnt (it) in the fire, 24. then I cast it into the fire 35: 3. Ye shall kindle no fire 40:38. and fire was on it by night, Lev. 1: 7. shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon (Ae fire: 8,12. the wood that (is) on the fire 17. the wood that (is) upon the fire: 2 : 14. green ears of corn dried by the fire, 3: 5. the wood that (is) on the fire: 4: 12. burn him on the wood with fire: 6: 9(2). and the fire of the altar 10(3). which the fire hath consumed 12(5). And the fire upon the altar 13(6). The fire shall ever be burning 30(23) . it shall be burnt in the fire. 7: 17, 19. shall be burnt with fire. 8 : 1 7. burnt with fire without 32. the bread shall ye burn with fire. 9:11. burnt with fire without 24. there came afire out 10: 1. nut fire therein, — strange fire before the Lord, 2. there went out/re from the Lord, 13:24. in the skin whereof (there is) a Zu>( burn ing, (marg. burning of fire) 52. it shall be burnt in the fire. 55. thou shalt burn it in the fire ; 57. that wherein the plague (is) with fire. 16:12. full of burning coals of fire 13. put the incense upon(Ae/re 27. they shall burn in the fire 19: 6. it shall be burnt in the fire. 20:14. they shall be burnt with fire, 21: 9. she shall be burnt with fire. Nu. 3; 4. they offered strange fire 6: 18. and put (it) in the fire 9 : 15. as it were the appearance of fire, 16. the appearance of fire by night. 11: l.the fire of the Lord burnt 2. the fire was quenched. 3. because (Ae fire of the Lord burnt 14:14. in a pillar of fire by night. 16: 7. And put fire therein, 18. and put fire in them, 35.^4nd there came out afire 37(17:2). scatter thou the fire yonder; 46(17:11). put fire therein from offthe 18: 9. ( reserved) from the fire: 21 -.28. For there is afire gone out 26: 10. what time the fire devoured 61 . when they offered strange fire 31 : 10. all their goodly castles, with fire. 23. Every thing that may abide the fire, — make (it) go through the fire, — all that abideth not the fire Deu. 1: 33. in fire by night, 4:11. the mountain burned with fire 12, 15, 33, 36. out of the midst of the fin: 24. Lord thy God (is) a consuming fire, 36. he shewed thee his great fire; 5: 4, 22(19), 24(21),26 (23).out of themidst of the fire, 5. ye were afraid by reason of the fire, 23(20). the mountain did burn with fire, 25(22). for this great fire will consume us: 7: 5. burn their gravenimages with fire. 25. shall ve burn with fire: troy E/N Deu. 9:10. out of the midst of thefire 15. the mount burned with fire: 21 . burnt it with fire, 10: 4. out of the midst of the fire 12: 3. burn their groves with fire ; 31. they have burnt in the fire 13: 16(17). shalt burn withfire the city, 18: 10. to pass through the fire, 16. neither let me see this great fire 32:22. For afire is kindled in mine anger, 33: 2. his right hand (went) a fiery law for them. (marg. a fire of law) 24. they burnt the city withfire, 15. accursed thing shall be burnt withfire, 25. burned them withfire, 8. ye shall set the city on fire : 19. hasted and set the city on fire. 6. burn their chariots with fire. 9. burnt their chariots withfire. 11. he burnt Hazor withfire. 8. set the city on fire. 21. there rose up fire out of the rock, 15. let/re come out of the bramble, 20. let fire come out from Abimelech, — let fire come out from the men 49. set the hold on fire 52. the tower to burn it with fire. I. burn thine house upon thee withfire. 15. burn thee and thy father's house withfire: 5. when he had set the brands on fire, 6. burnt her and her father withfire. 14. as flax that was burnt withfire, 9. when it toucheth the fire. 27. burnt the city with fire. 48. they set on fire all the cities 1 . burned it with fire ; 3. behold, (it was) burned withfire ; 14. we burned Ziklag withfire. 30. go and set it cm fire. And Absalom's servants set the field on fire. 31. have thy servants set my field on fire? 9. and fire out ofhis mouth 13. were coals of fire kindled. 7. and they shall be utterly burned withfire 16. burnt it withfire, 18. the king's house over him with fire, 23. and put no fire (under) : — and put no fire (under): 24. the God that answereth by fire, 2b. but nut no fire (under). 38. Then the fire of the Lord fell, 12. afire; (but) the Lord (was) not in the fire: and after the fire a still small 10, 12. let fire come down from heaven, — there came down fire from heaven, 12. the fire o/God came down 14. there came fire down : 1 1 . a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, ;17.full of horses and chariots of fire 12. their strong holds wilt thou set on fire, 3. made his son to pass through the fire, 17. their daughters to pass through t/iefire, 31. burnt their children infire 18. And have cast their gods into the fire: 6. made his son pass through the fire, 10. to pass through the fire to Molech. 11. burned the chariots of the sun withfire. 9. great (man's) house burnt he withfire. : 12. they were burned withfire. 26. answered him from heaven by fire 1. Now. ..the fire came down 3. Israel saw how the fire came down, 3. burnt his children in the fire, 6. his children to pass through the fire :13.they roasted the passover withfire 19. all the palaces thereof withfire, 3. the gates thereof are burned withfire. : 3. gates thereof are consumed withfire? 13. gates thereof were consumed with fire. 17. the gates thereof are burned withfire: 9: 12. in the night by a pillar of fire, 19. neither the pillar of fire Job 1 : 16. The fire of God is fallen 15:34. andfire shall consume the tabernacles 18: 5. the spark of his fire shall not 20:26.a^Sre not blown shall consume him ; 22:20. the remnant of them thefire Jos. 6 7 11: Jud. 1 69 16 18 20 lSa.30; 2Sa.l4: 22:23 IK. 9 1618 19 2K. 1; 2 68 161719 2123 25 lCh.14 21 2Ch. 7 28 333536 Neh. 1 2 ( 173 ) WN Job 28: 5. it is turned up as it were fire. 31 : 12. For it (is) a fire (that) consumeth 41 :19(ll).sparksof\/zre leap out. Ps. 11: 6.fire and brimstone, 18: 8(9). andfire out of his mouth 12(13),13( 14). hail (stones) and coals of fire. 21: 9(10). shalt make them as a fiery oven (lit. oven of fire) — ( — ). the fire shall devour them. 29: 7. divideth the flames of fire. 39: 3(4). while I was musing (Ae fire 46: 9(10). he burneth the chariot in thefire. 50: 3. a fire shall devour before him, 66:12. we went through fire 68: 2(3). as wax melteth before thefire, 74: 7. They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, (marg. sent thy sanctuary into thefire) 78: 14. all the night with a light of fire. 21. so a fire was ki ndl ed 63. Thefire consumed their young men; 79: 5. shall thy jealousy burn like fire? 80: 16(17). (It is) burned withfire, 83:14(15). As thefire burneth a wood. 89:46(47). shall thy wrath burn like/re? 97 : 3- A fire goeth before him, 104: 4. his ministers a flaming/re.- 105:32. flaming/re in their land. 39. andfire to give light in the night. 106:18. afire was kindled in their company; 118:12. quenched as thefire of thorns: 140:10(11). let them be cast into thefire; 148: 8. Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours ; Pro. 6:27. Can a man take fire in his bosom, 16:27. in his lips (there is) as a burning fire. 26:20. the fire goeth out: 21. and wood to fire; 30:16. the fire (that) saith not, Cant.8 : 6. the coals thereof (are) coals of fire, Isa. 1: 7. your cities (are) burned with fire: 4: 5. the shining of a flaming fire 5:24. (Ae fire devoureth (marg. tongue of fire) 9: 5(4). burning (and) fuel of fire. 18(17). For wickedness burneth as thefire: 19(18). shall be as the fuel of thefire: 10: 16. a burning like the burning of a fire. 17. Israel shall he for afire, 26:11. thefire o/thine enemies shall 29: 6. the flame of devouring/re. 30:14. asherd to take/re from the hearth, 27. his tongue as a devouring fire: 30. the flame of a devouring fire, 33. the pile thereof (is)/re 33:11. your breath, (as)/re, shall devour 12. shall they be burned in thefire. 14. shall dwell with the devouring fire ? 37: 19. have cast their gods into the fire: 43: 2. when thou walkest through (Ae fire, 44 ; 16. He burneth part thereof in (Ae fire ; 19. 1 have burned part of it in thefire; 47 ; 14. thefire shall burn them ; 50:11. all ye that kindle afire. — walk in the light of your fire, 54: 16. that bloweth the coals in the fire, 64: 2(1). the melting fire burneth, (Ae fire causeth the waters to boil, 11(10). is burned up with fire: 65: 5. afire that burneth all the day. 66: 15. the Lord will come withfire, — his rebuke with flames of fire. 16. For by fire and by his sword 24. neither (lit. and not) shall their fire be Jer. 4: 4. lest my fury come forth ZiAe fire, 5: 14. make my words in thy mouth/re, 6:29. the lead is consumed of the fire; 7: 18. the fathers kindle thefire, 31. their sons and their daughters in thefire; 11:16. he hath kindled fire upon it, 15:14. afire is kindled in mineanger, 17: 4. ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, 27. then will I kindle afire in the gates 19: 5. to burn their sons with fire 20: 9. as a burning fire shut up 21:I0.he shall burn it withfire. 12. lest my fury go out ZiAe fire, 14. 1 will kindle a fire in the forest 22: 7. cast (them) into thefire. 23: 29. (Is) not my word like as a fire ? tttt* ( iV4 ) rro» Jer.29:22.the king of Babylon roasted in thefire; 32:29. shall come and set fire on this city, 34: 2. he shall burn it withfire: 22. and burn it withfire: 36: 23. cast (it) into the fire — the roll was consumed in thefire 32. Judah had burned in thefire : 37: 8. take it, and burn it withfire. 10. burn this city withfire. 38:17. this city shall not be burned withfire; 18. they shall burn it withfire, 23. cause this city to be burned withfire. 39: 8. the houses of the people, withfire, 43:12.1 will kindle afire in the houses 13. shall he burn withfire. 48:45. afire shall come forth out of Heshbon, 49: 2. her daughters shall be burned withfire: 27. 1 will kindle afire in the wall 50:32.1 will kindle afire in his cities, 51:32. the reeds they have burned withfire, 58. her high gates shall be burned withfire; — and the folk in thefire, 52:13. burned he withfire: Lam. 1:13. From above hath he sent/re 2: 3. against Jacob like a flaming fire, 4. he poured out his fury like fire. 4:11. hath kindled afire in Zion, Eze. 1: 4. and a fire infolding itself, — out of the midst of thefire. 13. (was) like burning coals of fire, — and thefire was bright, and out of thefire 27. as the appearance of fire — as it were the appearance of fire, 5: 4. into the midst of (Ae fire, and burn them in the fire; (for) thereof shall a fire 8; 2. a likeness as the appearance of fire : — even downward, fire; 10: 2. fill thine hand with coals of fire 6. Take fire from between the wheels, 7. the fire that (was) between 15: 4. into thefire for fuel ; the. fire devoureth 5. when thefirehath devoured it, 6. 1 have given to thefire for fuel, 7. shall go out from (one) fire, and (another) fire shall devour 16: 41. they shall burn thine houses zvithfire, 19: 1 2. (Ae fire consumed them. 14./re is gone out of a rod 20: 31. to pass through thefire, 47(21:3).I will kindle a/rein thee, 21: 31 (36). against thee in the fire ofmy wrath, 32(37). Thou shalt be for fuel to thefire; 22:20. to blow thefire upon it, 21 . blow upon you in thefire ofmy wrath, 31. consumed them with thefire of 23: 25. thy residue shall be devoured by thefire. 47. burn up their houses withfire. 24: 10. Heap on wood, kindle thefire, 12. her scum (shall be) in thefire. 28: 14. down in the midst of the stones of fire. 16. from the midst of the stones of fire. 18. therefore will I bring forth afire 30: 8. when I have set afire in Egypt, 14. will set fire in Zoan, 16. 1 will set fire in Egypt: 36: 5. Surely in thefire ofmy jealousy 38:19. in thefire ofmy wrath 22./re, and brimstone. 39; 6. 1 will send afire on Magog, 9. burn them with fire seven years: 10. they shall burn the weapons with fire : DanlO: 6. his eyes as lamps of fire, Hos. 7: 6. it burneth as a flaming fire. 8:14. but I will send afire upon his Joel. 1:19. for the fire hath devoured 20. and thefire hath devoured 2: 3. A fire devoureth before them ; 5. like the noise of a flame of fire 30(3:3). blood, andfire, and pillars of smoke. Am. 1 : 4. 1 will send afire into the house 7,10.1 will send, afire on the wall 12. 1 will send afire upon Teman, 14. 1 will kindle afire in the wall 2: 2.1 will send afire upon Moab, 5. 1 will send afire upon Judah, 5: 6. lest he break out like fire 7 : 4. the Lord God called to contend 6« fire. Obad. 18. the house of Jacob shall be afire, Mic. 1: 4. as wax before (Ae fire, 7. shall be burned with thefire, Nah. 1 : 6. his fury is poured out like fire, 2: 3(4). with flaming (marg. fiery, lit.withfire of) torches in the day 3:13. the fire shall devour thy bars. 15. There shall thefire devour thee; Hab 2:13. people shall labour in the very fire, Zep. 1:18. but the whole.. .devoured by thefire of 3: 8. shall be devoured with the fire Zee. 2: 5(9). will be unto her a wall of fire 3: 2. a brand plucked outofthe fire? 9: 4. she shall be devoured withfire. 11: l.that thefire may devour 12: 6. like an hearth of fire among the wood and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; 13: 9. bring the third part through thefire, Mai. 3: 2. for he (is) ZiAe a refiner's fire, m eesh. Mic. 6:10. Are there yet the treasures (marg. (Is there) yet unto every man) 2Sa.l4:19. none can turn to the right Xm esh-shah', f. emph. Ch. Dan 7: 11- and given to the burning/ame. im eh' -shed, m. Nu. 21 : 15. And at the stream o/the brooks nn£% iisheh-dohtti ', f. pi. const. ft)im ash-dohth'. Deu 3:17. under ^5Ado(A-pisgah eastward, (marg. (Ae springs o/Pisgah) 4:49. under (Ae springs o/Pisgah. Joshl0:40. and of (Ae springs, and all their kings: 12: 3. under ,4sAdo(A-pisgah: (marg. the springs o/Pisgah) 8. and in the springs, and in the wilderness, 13:20. Beth-peor, and Ashdoth-pisgah, (marg. springs o/Pisgah) T\m esh-shah', f. T V 3 Jer. 6:29. the lead is consumed of thefire; (lit. ac cording to 1TD, of their fire) See also under t£7N T\meesh-sheh',i Ex. 29:18, 25,41. an offering made by fire unto the 30:20. to burn offering made by fire Lev. 1: 9,13, 17&2:2,9.an offering madeoy./;re,of 2 : 3,10. of the offerings of the Lord made hypt. 1 1 . offering of the Lord made by fire. 16 & 3 ; 3, 9, 14. an offering made by fire unto 3: 5. an offering made by fire, of a sweet 11. ZAe offering made by fire unto the Lord. 16. the food of the offering made by fire 4:35 &5:12.(Ae offerings made by fire mto&e 6:17(10^. portion ofmy offerings made by fin; 18(11). concerning the offerings of the Lo™ made bi/ fire : 7 : 5, 25. an offering made by fire unto the Lord: 30. bring the offerings of the Lord made by fire, 3b. out of the offerings of the Lord made 1*1 fire, , 8 : 21 , 28 . an offering made by fire unto the Lord ; 10:12. of the offerings of the Lord made by fin, 13. of the sacrifices of the Lord made byfire: 15. with (Ae offerings made by fire of 21 : 6, 21 . ZAe offerings of the Lord made by fin, 22:22. nor make an offering by fire 27. for an offering made by fire . 23 : 8, 13, 25, 27, 36, 36, 37. an offering made lyf" 18. an offering made by fire, of sweet 24 : 7 . an otTerinn made by fire unto the Lord. ¦¦!i TON ( 175 ) TON Lev.24 9 Nu. 15 3 10 25 18 17 28 2 3 6, 8 19 24 29 6 13, Deu 18 1 Joshl3 14 ISa. 2:28 . of the offerings of the Lord made by fire .will make an offering by fire , 13, 14. an offering made by fire, of a sweet .a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord, .an offering made by fire, for a sweet .for my sacrifices made by fire, .This (is) (Ae offering made by fire , 13. a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord. .a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet . ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire . the meat of (Ae sacrifice made by fire, .a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord. ,36. a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet . (Ae offerings o/the Lord made by fire, . sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel made by fire . all the offerings made by fire of the T\m eesh-shah', f. Gen 2:22. made he (lit. built he into) a woman, 23. she shall be called Woman, 24. shall cleave unto his wife: 25. both naked, the man and his wife, 3: 1 . he said unto (Ae woman, 2. the woman said unto the serpent, 4. the serpent said unto (Ae woman, 6. when (Ae woman saw that 8. Adam and his wife hid themselves 12. The woman whom thou gavest 13. the Lord God said unto the woman, — And (Ae woman said, enmity between thee and (Ae woman, Unto (Ae woman he said, hearkened unto the voice ofthy wife, Adam called Ais wife's name Eve ; Unto Adam also and to his wife Adam knew Eve Ais wife; Cain knew Ais wife ; Adam knew Ais icife again; thy sons, and thy wife, 2. the male and his female: Noah went in, and his sons, andhis wife, sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, thou, arid thy wife, and thy sons, his sons, and his wife, the name of Abram's wife (was) Sarai ; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, ,his son Abram's wife; . Abram took Sarai Ais wife, , he said unto Sarai Ais wife, a fair woman to look upon: .This (is) his wife: . the Egyptians beheld (Ae woman the woman was taken into Pharaoh's because of Sarai Abram's wife. not tell me that she (was) thy wife? taken her to me to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take (her), they sent him away, and Ais wife, out of 'Egypt, he, andhis wife, Now Sarai Abram's wife Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her husband Abram to be his wife. (lit. for a wife to him) As for Sarai thy wife, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son Where (is) Sarah thy wife? Sarah thy wife shall have a son. take thy wife, and thy two daughters, upon the hand of Ais wife, But Ais wife looked back from behind him, and Abraham said of Sarah Ais wife, the woman which thou hast taken; therefore restore the man (his) wife; they will slay me for my wife's sake. she became my wife. restored him Sarah Ais wife. God healed Abimelech, and Ais wife, because of Sarah Abraham's wife. his mother took him a wife out Abraham buried Sarah Ais wife 37. thou shalt not take a wife take a wife unto my son Isaac. 15.16.17. 20. 21. 4: 1. 17. 25. 6:18. 7: 2,7. 13. 8:16. 18. 11:29. 31. 12: 5 11, 12 14,15. 17.IS. 19. 20. 13: 1. 16: 1. 3. 17:15. 19. 18: 9. 10. 19:15. 16. 26. 20: 2. 3. 7. 11.12. 14. 17. 18. 21:21. 23:19. 24: 3, 4. Gen24: 5. Peradventure (Ae woman will 7. thou shalt take a wife unto my son 8. if (Ae woman will not be willing 15. (Ae wife o/Nahor, Abraham's brother, 36. Sarah my master's wife bare a son 38. take a wife unto my son. 39. Peradventure (Ae woman will not follow 40. thou shalt take a wife for my son 44. (let) the same (be) (Ae woman 51. let her be thy master's son's wife, 67. and she became his wife; 25: l.Then again Abraham took a luife, 10. was Abraham buried, and Sarah Ais wife. 20. he took Rebekah to wife, 21. Isaac intreated the Lord for Ais wife, — Rebekah Ais wife conceived. 26: 7. men of the place asked (him) ofhis wife; — he feared to say, ( She is) my wife ; 8. Isaac (was) sporting with Rebekah his wife. 9. Behold, of a surety she (is) thy wife: 10. might lightly have lien with thy wife, 1 L He that toucheth this man or his wife 34. when he took to wife Judith 27:46. if Jacob take a wifeof the daughters 28 : 1,6. Thou shalt not take a wife 2. take thee a wife from thence 6. to take him a wife from thence ; 9. the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife. 29:21 .said unto Laban, Give (me) my wife, 28. gave him Rachel his daughter to wife 30: 4. Bilhah her handmaid to wife: 9. her maid, and gave her Jacob to wife. 34: 4. Get me this damsel to wife. 8. 1 pray you give her him to wife, 1 2. but give me the damsel to wife. 36: 10. of Adah (Ae wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath (Ae wife o/Esau. 12. the sons of Adah Esau's wife. 13, 17. the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife. 14. the daughter of Zibeon, Esau's wife: 18. the sons of Aholibamah Esau's wife; — the daughter of Anah, Esau's loife. 39. his wife's name (was) Mehetabel, 38: 6. Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, 8. Go in unto thy brother's wife, 9. he went in unto his brother's wife, 1 2. the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife 14. she was not given unto him to wife. 20. (his) pledge from (Ae woman's hand: 39: 7. his master's wife cast her eyes 8. said unto his master's wife, 9. because thou (art) Ais wife: 19. his master heard the words of his wife, 41 :45.he gave him to wife Asenath 44:27. Ye know that my wife bare me two (sons) : 46: 19. The sons of Rachel Jacob's wife; 49:31. Abraham and Sarah Ais wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah Ais wife; Ex. 2: 2. (Ae woman conceived, 7. Shall I go and call to thee a nurse (lit. nursing woman) 9. (Ae woman took the child, 3:22. But every woman shall borrow 4: 20. Moses took Ais wife and his sons, 6:20. Jochebed his father's sister to wife; 23. sister of Naashon, to wife ; 25. (one) of the daughters of Putiel to wife; 11: 2. and every woman of her neighbour, 18: 2. took Zipporah, Moses' icife, 5. came with his sons and his wife 6. come unto thee, and thy wife, 19: 15. come not at (your) wives. 20: 17. shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, 21: 3. if he were married (lit. the master of a wife), then Ais vnfe shall go out 4. have given him a wife, — (Ae wife and her children 5. 1 love my master, my wife, 22. hurt a woman with child, — according as (Ae womarfs husband 28. If an ox gore a man or a woman, 29. hath killed a man or a woman; 22:16(15). shall surely endow her to be his wife. 26: 3. shall be coupled together one to another; and (other) five curtains (shall be) coupled one to another. ntw* Ex. 26 3536 Lev. 1 2 13 15 18 21 24 Nu. 5 6 12 25 26 30 3136 Deu 5 13 17 22 5. may take hold one of another. _ 6. couple the curtains together (lit. a woman to her sister) 17. set in order one against another: 25. all (Ae women that were wise hearted 29. every man and woman, 6. Let neither man nor woman 2. If a woman have conceived seed, : 29. If a man or woman have a plague 38 . If a man also or a woman have :18. The woman also with whom 19. And if a woman have an issue, 25. And if a woman have an issue : 8. nakedness of thy father's wife shalt 11. nakedness ofthy father's wife's 14. thou shalt not approach to Ais wife: 15. she (is) thy son's wife; 16. the nakedness of thy'brother's wife: 17. uncover the nakedness of a woman 18. Neither shalt thou take a wife (lit. and a woman thou shalt not) 19. thou shalt not approach unto a woman 20. carnally with thy neighbour's wife, 22. with mankind, as with womankind: 23. neither (lit. and not) shall any woman :20.a ivomaii, that (is) a bondmaid, 10. adultery with (another) man's wife, — adultery with his neighbour's wife, 11 . the man that lieth with his father's wife 13. as he lieth with a woman, 14. if a man take a wife 16. And if a woman approach unto any beast, — thou shalt kill (Ae woman, 18. if a man shall lie with a woman 21 . if a man shall take his brother's wife, 27. A man also or woman 7. They shall not take a wife — neither shall they take a woman 13, he shall take a wife in her virginity. 14. a virgin ofhis own people to wife. : 10. the son of an Israelitish woman, II. the Israelitish woman's son 6. When a man or woman shall 12. If any man's wife go aside, 14, 14. he be jealous of Ais wife, 15. the man bring Ais wife 18. shall set (Ae woman before the Lord, and uncover (Ae woman's head, 19. say unto (Ae woman, 21. the priest shall charge the woman — ¦ the priest shall say unto the woman, 22. the woman shall say, Amen, 24. he shall cause (Ae woman to drink 25. jealousy offering out of (Ae woman's hand, 26. shall cause (Ae woman to drink 27. (Ae woman shall be a curse 28. if (Ae woman be not defiled, 29. when a wife goeth aside (to another) 30. he be jealous over Ais wife, and shall set (Ae woman before the Lord, 31. and this woman shall bear her iniquity. 2. When either man or woman 1 . because of (Ae Ethiopian woman — he had married are Ethiopian woman. 8. (Ae woman through her belly. 15. the name of (Ae Midianitish woman 59. the name of Amram's wife 3(4). If a woman also vow a vow 16(17). between a man and his wife, 17. kill every woman that hath known man 8. shall be wife unto one 21(l8)._shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, 6(7). or (Ae wife ofthy bosom, 2. man or woman, that hath wrought 5. bring forth that man or that woman, — (even) that man or that woman, 7. (is there) that hath betrothed a wife, 11, among. the captives a beautiful woman, — wouldest have her to thy wife; 13. she shall be thy wife. 5. The woman shall not wear — shall a man put on a woman's garment: 13. If any man take a wife, 14. 1 took this woman, 16. 1 gave my daughter unto this man to wife, 19,29. she shall be his wife; 15 Jud. 1 4 ( 176 ) rnw* Deu 22: 22. be found lying with a woman — (both) the man that lay with (Ae woman and the woman : 24. he hath humbled his neighbour's wife : 30(23:1). man shall not take his father'* wife, 24: l.Whena man hath takena wife, 3. took her (to be) his wife; 4. again to be his wife, 5. When a man hath taken a new wife, — shall cheer up Ais wife which 25: 5. (Ae wife of the dead shall not — . take her to him to wife, 11. the wife of the one draweth near 27: 20. he that lieth with his father's wife; 28:30. Thou shalt betroth a wife, 54. and toward the wife ofhis bosom, 29: 18(17). be among you man, or woman, Jos. 2 : 1 . came into an harlot's house, (lit. a woman an harlot) 4. (Ae woman took the two men, 6:21. both man and woman, 22. Go into the harlot's house (lit. (Ae woman the harlot), and bring out thence the woman, 8:25. both of men and women, : 16. will I give Achsah my daughter to wife. 17. he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife. 12. will I give Achsah my daughter to wife. 13. he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife, : 4. Deborah, a prophetess (lit. a woman a prophetess), (Ae wife o/Lapidoth, 9. sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. 1 7. to the tent of Jael (Ae wife o/Heber 21. Then Jael Heber's wife :2A. Jael (Ae wife of Heber the Kenite :49. a thousand men and women. 53. a certain woman cast a piece 54. A woman slew him. : l.he (was) the son of an harlot: (marg. a woman an harlot) 2. Gilead's wife bare him sons ; andhis wife's - thou (art) the son of a strange woman. 2. and his wife (was) barren, 3. appeared unto (Ae woman, 6. Then (Ae woman came and told 9. came again unto (Ae woman 10. (Ae woman made haste, and ran, 1 1 . Manoah arose, and went after Ais wife, — the man that spakest unto (Ae woman? 13. Of all that I said unto (Ae woman 19,20. Manoah and his wife looked on. 21 . appear to Manoah and to Ais wife. 22. Manoah said unto Ais wife, 23. But Ais wife said unto him, 24. And (Ae woman bare a son, 14; 1 . saw a icoman in Timnath 2. 1 have seen a woman in Timnath — now therefore get her for me to wife, 3. (Is there) never a woman among — thou goest to take a wife of the 7. talked with the woman; 10. his father went down unto (Ae woman: lb. they said unto Samson's wife, 16. Samson's wife wept before him, 20. Samson's wife was (given) to his 15: 1. Samson visited Ais wife with a kid; andhe said, I will go in to my wife 6. because he had taken Ais wife, 16: 1. Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, (marg. a woman an harlot) 4. that he loved a woman 27. three thousand men and women, 19: l.who took to him a concubine (marg. a woman a concubine, or, a wife aeon.) 26. Then came (Ae woman in 27 .the ivoman his concubine 20: 4. the husband of (Ae woman 21 : I . give his daughter unto Benjamin to wife, 1 1 . every woman that hath Iain by man. 16. seeing (Ae women are destroyed 18. he that giveth a wife to Benjamin. 21. catch you every man Ais wife 22. we reserved not to each man Ais vfifi Ru. 1 : l.he, and his wife, and his two sons. 2. the name of Ais wife Naomi, 5,(Ae woman was left of her two sons 8. return eacA to her mother's house: 11 13 TON Ruth 1 : 9. eacA (of you) in the house 3: 8. behold, a woman lay at his feet. 11. that thou (art) a virtuous woman, 14. Let it not be known that a woman 4: 5. (Ae wife o/the dead, 10. (Ae ujz/eo/Mahlon, have I purchased to be my wife, 1 1 . The Lord make (Ae woman 13. she was his wife: ISa. 1: 4. he gave to Peninnah Ais wife, 15. 1 (am) a woman of a sorrowful spirit: 18. So (Ae woman went her way, 19. Elkanah knew Hannah Ais wife; 23- So (Ae woman abode, 26.1 (am) (Ae woman that stood by 2:20. Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, — The Lord give thee seed of this woman 4:19. his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, 14:50. the name of Saul's wife (was) Ahinoam, 15: 3. slay both man and woman, 18 : 17. Merab, her will I give thee to wife : 19. unto Adriel the Meholathite to wife. 27. gave him Michal his daughter to wife. 19:11. Michal David's wife told him, 21 : 4(5). kept themselves at least from women. 5(6). Of a truth women (have been) 22: 19. both men and women, 25: 3. the name of Ais wife Abigail: and (she was) a woman of good understanding, 14. told Abigail, Nabal's wife, 37. his wife had told him these things, 39. to take her to him to wife. 40. to take thee to him to wife. 42. messengers of David, and became his wife. 44. Michal his daughter, David's wife, 27: 3. Abigail the Carmelitess, Nabal's wife. 9. left neither man nor woman 11. David saved neither man nor woman 28: 7,7. a woman that hath a familiar spirit, 8. they came to (Ae woman by night: 9. (Ae wonhan said unto him, 1 1. Then said (Ae woman, 12. when (Ae woman saw Samuel, — (Ae woman spake to Saul, 13. (Ae woman said unto Saul, 21. (Ae woman came unto Saul, 23. together with (Ae woman, 24. And the woman hud a fat calf 5. Abigail (Ae wife o/Nabal 22. save to every man Ais wife 2. Abigail Nabal's wife 3. Abigail (Ae wife o/Nabal 5. by Eglah David's wife. 8. with a fault concerning (Ais woman ? 14. Deliver (me) my wife Michal, 6: 19. as well to (Ae women 11 : 2. from the roof he saw a woman — and the woman (was) very beautiful 3. David sent and enquired after the woman. — the wife of Uriah the Hittite? 5. And (Ae woman conceived, 11. and to lie with my wife? 21. did not a woman cast a piece 26. when (Ae wife of Uriah heard 27. she became his wife, 12: 9.hast taken Ais wife (to be) thy wife, 10. hast taken (Ae wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 15. Uriah's wife bare unto David, 24. David comforted Bathsheba Ais wife, 14: 2. fetched thence a wise woman, — be as a woman that had 4. when (Ae woman of Tekoah spake 5.1 (am) indeed a widow woman, 8. the king said unto (Ae woman, 9. the woman of Tekoah said 12, Then (Ae woman said, let thine 13. And (Ae woman said, Wherefore then 18. answered and said unto (Ae woman, — And (Ae woman said, 19. (Ae woman answered and said, 27. she was a woman of a fair countenance. 17: 19. (Ae woman took and spread a covering 20. Absalom's servants came to (Ae woman — the woman said unto them, 20: 16. Then cried a wise woman 17. (Ae woman said, ( Art) thou Joab ? 21; 2Ki. 4 2S 30: 2 3 ( 177 ) mx 2Sa.20:21.(Ae woman said unto Joab, 22. Then (Ae woman went unto IKi. 2:17. give me Abishag the Shunammite(o wife. 21.be given to Adonijah thy brother to wife. 3:17 .(Ae one woman said, — I and this woman dwell in one house ; 18. that this woman was delivered 19. this woman's child died 22. (Ae other woman said, 26. Then spake (Ae woman 4:11. Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife : 15.Basmath the daughter of Solomon to wife : 7:14. He (was) a widow's son (marg. son of a widow woman) 9:16. unto his daughter, Solomon's wife. 11: 19. to wife the sister of his own wife, 26. name (was) Zeruah, a widow woman, 14: 2. Jeroboam said to his wife, — not known to be (Ae wife of Jeroboam ; 4. Jeroboam's wife did so, 5.(Ae wife of Jeroboam cometh 6. Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam; 17. Jeroboam's wife arose, 16:31. he took to wife Jezebel 17: 9. 1 have commanded a widow woman 10. the widow woman (was) there 17. (that) the son of (Ae woman, 24. (Ae woman said to Elijah, 5. But Jezebel Ais wife came 7. Jezebel Ais wife said 25. whom Jezebel Ais wife stirred up. 1. Now there cried a certain woman 8, where (was) a great woman; 17. the woman conceived, 5: 2. she waited on Naaman's wife. 6: 26. there cried a woman unto him, 28. This woman said unto me, 30. the king heard the words of (Ae woman, 8: 1. Then spake Elisha unto (Ae woman, 2. the woman arose, and did after 3. that (Ae woman returned 5. the woman, whose son he had — My lord, O king, this (is) (Ae woman, 6. when the king asked (Ae woman, 18. the daughter of Ahab was his wife: 14: 9. Give thy daughter to my son to wife: 22:14.(Ae wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, ICh. 1:50. Ais wife's name (was) Mehetabel, 2:18. begat (children) of Azubah (his) wife, 24. then Abiah Hezron's wife 26. Jerahmeel had also another wife, 29. the name of (Ae wife of Abishur 35. to Jarha his servant to wife; 3: 3. the sixth, Ithream by Eglah Ais wife. 4: 18. And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered 19. the sons of (his) wife Hodiah 7:15. Machir took to wife (the sister) of 16. Maachah (Ae wife of Machir 23. when he went in to his wife, 8: 9. he begat of Hodesh Ais wife, 29&9:35. whose wife's name (was) Maachah: 16: 3. both man and woman, 2Ch. 2:14(13). a woman of the daughters of Dan, 8:11. My wife shall not dwell 1 1 : 1 8. of Jerimoth the son of David to wife, 15: 13. whether man or woman. 21 : 6. he had the daughter of Ahab to wife: 22: 11. (Ae wife of Jehoiada the priest, 25:18. Give thy daughter to my son to wife: 34:22. (Ae wife of Shallum the son of Tikvath, Ezr. 2:61. which took a wife of the Neh. 7:63. daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife, 8: 2. both of men and women, Est. 4: 11. whether man or woman, 5 : 10. called for hi s friends, and Zeresh Ais wife. 14. Then said Zeresh Ais wife 6: 13. Haman told Zeresh Ais wife — and Zeresh Ais wife unto him, Job 2 : 9. Then said Ais wife unto him, 14: 1. Man (that is) born of a woman 15:14. (he which is) born of a woman, 19:17. My breath is strange to my wife, 25: 4. (that is) born of a woman? 31: 9. have been deceived by a woman, 10. let my wife grind unto another, TOtf ( 178 ) D10K Ps. 58 109128 Pro. 2 7: 12 18 19 21: 25 273031 Ecc, 7 9 Isa. 34 45 49 54 Jer. 3 56 9 1316 44 4851 Eze. 1 18 24 33 Hos. 1 23 12 Am. 4 7 Zee. 5 II Mai. 2 8(9). (like) the untimely birth of a woman, 9. and his wife a widow. 3. Thy wife (shall be) as a fruitful vine : 16. deliver thee from the strange woman, 18. rejoice with the wife ofthy youth. 24. To keep thee from the evil woman, 26. by means of a whorish woman — and the adulteress (marg. woman of a man, or, a man's wife) will hunt for the precious life. 29. he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; 32. whoso committeth adultery with a wo man 5. keep thee from the strange woman, 10. there met him a woman 13. A foolish woman (is) clamorous: 16. A gracious woman retaineth honour: 22. (so is) a fair woman which is without 4. A virtuous woman (is) a crown 22. (Whoso) findeth a wife findeth 13. the contentions of a wife (are) a 14. a prudent wife (is) from the Lord. 9. (Aan with a brawling woman 19. than with a contentious and an angry woman. 24. than with a brawling woman lb. and a contentious woman are alike. 20. the way of an adulterous woman ; 10. Who can find a virtuous woman? 30. a woman (that) feareth the Lord, 26. (Ae woman, whose heart (is) snares 28. but a woman among all 9. Live joyfully with (Ae wife 15. every one with her mate. 16. none (lit. no female) shall want her mate: : 10. or to the ivoman, What hast thou 15. Can a woman forget her sucking child, 6. called thee as a icoman forsaken — and a wife of youth, 1. If a man put away Ais wife, 3. thou hadst a whore's forehead, (lit. a woman a whore) 20. Surely (as) a wife treacherously 8. neighed after his neighbour's wife. IL the wife shall be taken, 20(19). and every one her neighbour 21 . sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail ? 2. Thou shalt not take thee a wife, 7 . to cut off from you man and woman, 41 & 49:22. as the heart of a woman in her 22. 1 break in pieces man and woman ; 9. Their wings(were)joined one to another; (lit. a woman to her sister) 23. (Ae one toward the other: 13. living creatures that touched one another, 30. the work of an imperious whorish woman, 32. (But as) a wife that committeth ; 6, 15. defiled his neighbour's wife, — come near to a menstruous woman, 11. defiled his neighbour's wife, 11. abomination with his neighbour's wife ; 44. they go in unto a woman that playeth — Aholah and unto Aholibah, (Ae lewd women. 1 8 . at even my wife died ; 26. ye defile every one his neighbour's wife : 2. take unto thee a wife of whoredoms 2(4). for she (is) not my wife, neither (am) l.Iove a woman beloved of (her) friend, 12(13). Israel served for a zoife, and for a wife he kept (sheep). 3. every (cow at that which is) before her; ; 17. Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city, 7- this (is) a woman that sitteth ; 9. let the rest eat every one the flesh . 14. between thee and (Ae ivife of thy youth, . — andthe wife ofthy covenant. 15. and let none deal treacherously against the wife ofhis youth. ]W$ eshoon, (np) Pro. 20: 20. shall be put out in obscure darkness. See ?iUm f»l*#K osh-ydhth', f. pi. (np) (T\^m runs) Jer. bO :1b. her foundations are fallen, p^K oosh-sheenf7 Ch. m. pi. From ttfN. Ezr. 4 : 12. and joined the foundations, 5 : 16. laid the foundation of the house of God 6 : 3. and let the foundations thereof he rrvBta see mete t *• -: t- -: Vftfa \ah-sheesh1 ',] m. Isa. 16: 7. for the foundations o/ Kir-hareseth n#*Bfc ashee-shah', f. t • -: ' 2Sa. 6:19. and a flagon (of wine). lChl6: 3. and a flagon (of wine). Cant.2: 5. Stay me with flagons, Hos. 3: 1. love flagons of wine. ^Wit [eh'-she'ch], m. In pause. Lev.21 :20. or hath his stones broken ; h^m & h'2m esh-kohl', m. Gen40 : 10. (Ae clusters thereof brought forth Nu. 13:23. came unto the brook of Eshcol, — . a branch with one cluster of grapes, 24. was called the brook Eshcol, because of (Ae cluster of grapes 32 : 9. went up unto the valley of Eshcol, Deu 1 : 24. came unto the valley of Eshcol, 32:32. their clusters (are) bitter; Cant. 1 : 14.My beloved (is) unto me (as) a cluster of 7: 7(8). thy breasts to clusters (of grapes). 8(9). thy breasts shall be as clusters of Isa. 65 : 8. new wine is found in the cluster, Mic. 7: 1. no cluster to eat: 130K esh-kahr', m. t : v ' Ps. 72: 10. kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Eze.27:15.they brought (Aec (for) a present hm eh' shel, in. Gen21:33.And (Abraham) planted a grove tree) ISa. 22: 6. in Gibeah under a tree (marg. or. 31 :13. buried (them) under a tree Um ah-sham' & D$K ah-shehm', * KAL Preterite. * Lev. 4: 13. should not be done, and are guilty; 22. should not be done, and is guilty; 27. ought not to be done, andbe guilty; 5: 2. he also shall be unclean, and guilty. 3, 4. (Aen Ae sAaZZ Ae guilty. 17. he wist (it) not, yet is heguilty, 19. Ae Aa(A certainly trespassed 6: 4(5:23). he hath sinned, and is guilty, Nu. 5: 6. and that person 6e guilty; 7. against whom Ae Aa(/t trespassed. Pro. 30:10. he curse thee, and thou be found guilty- DWN ( 179) 3W» Eze. 22: 4. XAou art become guilty in thy blood. Hab. 1 : 1 1 . he shall pass over, and offend, KAL Infinitive. Lev. 5 : 19. he hath certainly trespassed (lit. trespassing he hath trespassed) Eze.25:12.hath greatly offended, (lit. offending hath offended ) KAL. — Future. Lev. 5: 5. when Ae shall be guilty in one Jud.21 : 22. (that) ye should be guilty. 2Chl9:10.even warn them that (Aey trespass not — and ye shall not trespass. Ps. 34:21 (22). they that hate the righteous shall be desolate, (marg. guilty) 22(23). that trust in him shallbe desolate. Isa. 24: 6. and they that dwell therein are desolate: Jer. 2: 3. all that devour him shall offend; 50: 7. their adversaries said, We offend not, Eze. 6: 6. may be laid waste and made desolate, 25: 12. and hath greatly offended, Hos. 4 : 1 5 . let not Judah offend ; 5: 15. till (Aey acknowledge their offence, (marg. be guilty) 10: 2, now shall they be found faulty : 13: l.but when he offended in Baal, 16(14:1). Samaria shall become desolate ; Zec.ll : 5. hold themselves not guilty : * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Joel 1 : 18. flocks of sheep are made desolate. * HIPHIL Imperative.-* Ps. 5:10(11). Destroy thou them (marg. Make them guilty), O God; J D&^X ah-shahm\ m. T T Gen26:10.have brought guiltiness upon us. Lev. 5: 6. he shall bring Ais trespass offering 7. for Ais trespass, which he hath 15. he shall bring for Ais trespass —, 18. for a trespass offering: \/ 16. the ram of (Ae trespass offering, v 19. It (is) a trespass offering .v 6; 6(5:25). he shall bring his trespass offering — (-: — )./or a trespass offering, S 17(10) . and as the trespass offering. / 7 : 1. this (is) the law of (Ae trespass offering: 2. they kill (Ae trespass offering: • 5. it (is) a trespass offering. / _, 7. so (is) (Ae trespass offering:" 37 . and of the trespass offering, *"' 14:12. offer him for a trespass offering, 13. (Ae trespass offering : it (is) most holy:v 14, 17, 25, 28. the blood of (Xev trespass offer-^ ing, 21. take one Iamb (for) a trespass offerings 24, 25. the lamb of (Ae trespass offering, v 19:21. he shall bring his trespass offering ^ — a ram for a trespass offering. 22. the ram of (Ae trespass offering t Nu. 5: 7. he shall recompense his trespass" 8. to recompense (Ae trespass unto, let (Ae irespasshe recompensed 6:12. first year for a trespass offering :*v 18: 9. every trespass offering of their' s, - ISa. 6: 3. return him a trespass offering: 4. What (shall be) (Ae trespass offering 8. return him (for) a trespass offering, <¦ 17. returned (for) a trespass offering w 2K. 12:16(17). The trespass money Ps. 68: 21 (22). goeth on still in his trespasses. Pro. 14: 9. Fools make a mock at sim Isa. 53:10. make his soul an offering for sin, * Jer. 51 : 5. their land was filled with sin *' Eze.40;-3?&42:13&44j29.the sin offering and the trespass offering. 46 : 20. shall boil the trespass offering v H&Bta ash-mah', f. t : - * Lev. 4: . 3. according to the sin o/the people ; 6: 5(5:24). in the day of Ais trespass offering. (marg. Ais trespass, or, Ais being found 7 (5: 26). in trespassing therein. 22 : 16. bear the iniquity of trespass, ICh 21: 3. he be a cause of trespass 2Ch 24:18. Jerusalem for this their trespass. 28: 10. sins against the Lord your God? 13. we have offended against the Lord (lit. to the offence of the Lord is upon us) . — to our sins and to our trespass: for our trespass is great, 33 : 23. Amon trespassed more and more. (marg. multiplied trespass) Ezr. 9; 6. and our trespass (marg. guiltiness) is 7. we (been) in a great trespass 13. and for our great trespass, 15. we (are) before thee in our trespasses: 10:10. to increase the trespass o/Israel. 19. of the flock for (Aeir trespass. Ps. 69: 5(6). and my sins (marg. guiltiness) are not Am. 8: 14. that swear by the sin of Samaria, mW'K & firpfe ash-moo-rah' , f. Ex. 14:24. in (Ae morning watch the Lord looked Jud. 7: 19. the beginning of the middle watch; lSa.ll:ll.the host ire (Ae morning watch, Ps. 63: 6(7 ). meditate on thee in the (night) watches. 90: 4. and (as) a watch in the night. 119: 148. Mine eyes prevent (Ae (night) watches, Lam.2:19.the beginning of the watches D^fitPK ash-man-neem! , m. pi. Isa. 59 : 10. in desolate places as dead (men). rrpm see n^osta, 23K*NS esh-nahvf9 m. Jud. 5:28. and cried through (Ae lattice, Pro. 7: 6.1 looked through my casement, f|f'K ash-shahph', Ch. m. Dan 2:10. such things at any magician, or astrologer, 27. cannot the wise (men), (Ae astrologers, 4: 7(4). came in the magicians, (Ae astrologers, 5: 7. cried aloud to bring in (Ae astrologers, 1 1 . master of the magicians, astrologers, lb. the astrologers, have been brought in D#N dh-shehm', adj. ' Gen42:21.We (are) verily guilty concerning 2Sa. 14: 13. speak this thing as one which is faulty, Ezr. 10: 19. and (being) guilty, (they offered) r\%m ash-pah', f. Job 39:23. The quiver rattleth against him, Ps. 1 27 : 5. the man that hath his quiver Isa. 22: 6. Elam bare the quiver 49: 2. in his quiver hath he hid me ; Jer. 5:16. Their quiver (is) as an open sepulchre, Lam. 3:13. He hath caused the arrows of Ais quiver rfiSEW ash-pohth', m. ISa. 2: 8. (and) lifteth up the beggar from the dung hill, Neh. 2:13. and to (Ae dung port, 3: 13. the wall unto (Ae dung gate. 14. But (Ae dung gate repaired 12:3 l.the wall toward the dung gate: Ps.113: 7. the needy out of the dunghill; Lam. 4: 5. brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills. Bt£W DW ash-shah-pheem' , m. pi. Dan 1 : 20. astrologers that (were) in all his 2: 2. the magicians, and the astrologers, Ififc^X esh-pahr', m. 2Sa. 6:19. and a good piece (of flesh), lChl6: 3. and a goodpiece of flesh, HP* [ah-shar'], #¦ KAL. — Imperative. * Pro. 9: 6. and go in the way of understanding. * PIEL.— Preterite. * Gen30: 13. for the daughters will call me blessed : Mai. 3: 12. And all nations shall call you blessed : PIEL. — Imperative. Pro. 23: 19. and guide thine heart in the way. Isa. 1:17. seek judgment, relieve (marg. righten) the PIEL Future. Job 29:11. ear heard (me), (Aere itblessedme ; Ps. 72: 1 7. all nations shall call him blessed. Pro. 4:14.go not in the way of evil (men). 31 :28. children arise up, and caU her blessed ; Cant.6 : 9. saw her, and blessed her ; PIEL.— Participle. Isa. 3: 12. (Aey whichleadthee (marg. call thee blessed) 9:16(15). For (Ae leaders of this people (marg. (Aey (Aa( call them blessed) Mai. 3 : 15. now we call the proud happy ; * PUAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 41: 2(3). (and) heshaltbe blessed upon theearth: PUAL. — Participle. Pro. 3:18. happy (is every one) that retaineth Isa. 9: 16(15). and (they that are) led of them (marg. called blessed) *l£J*X asher, part, relative. Gen 1: 7. the waters which (were) under the firma ment from the waters which ( were ) above 31. every thing (Aa( he had made, 2: 8. the man whom he had formed. 3: 17. the tree, of which I commanded thee, 6: 4.K?Aen the sons of God II ; 7 .that they may not understand 13 : 16. so that if a man can number 14:24.(Aa( which the young men have eaten, 17:14.w;Aose flesh ofhis foreskin 18:17. Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which 19:21. this city, for the which thou hast spoken. 22:14. as it is said (to) this day, 24:15.«>Ao was born to Bethuel, 26: 18. the names by which his father had called 27:41. the blessing wherewith his father blessed 28:15. in all (places) whither thou goest, 30: 18. my hire, because I have given 31 :32. With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, 49. And Mizpah ; for he said, 38: 10. And (Ae thing which he did 42: 21. We (are) verily guilty... in that we saw 49:28. every one according to his blessing &c. &c. With prefix, as ~lt?N2- Gen39: 9. because thou (art) his wife: Jud. 5:27.wjAere he bowed, there he fell down dead. lSa.23:13.and went whithersoever they could go. 2Ki. 8 : 1 . sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn : Ecc. 3: 9. in that wherein he laboureth ? 7: 2./or that (is) the end of all men; Isa. 47:12.ioAerein thou hast laboured &c. &c. as nt»S3. Gen 7: 9. as God had commanded Noah. 12 : 1 1 . it came to pass, when he was co""1" ( 180 ) "Ml* Genl8:33. as soon as he had left 27 : 4. savoury meat, such as I love, 43:14. 7/1 be bereaved 44: 1 . as much as they can carry, Nu. 14: 17. according as thou hast spoken, Deu 4: 5. even as the Lord my God commanded Jos. 24: 5. according to that which I did Jud. 16:22. to grow again after he was shaven. 1 Sa.28 : 18. Because thou obeyedst not Neh. 6: 3. whilst I leave it, Ecc. 9: 2. All (things come) alike to all: Isa. 11:16. ZiAe as it was to Israel 24: 2. so with the giver of usury to him. 29: 8. as wAen an hungry (man) dreameth, 51 : 13. as if he were ready to destroy ? Zee. 10: 6.thev shall be as though I had not &c. &c. as -itpsb. Gen27: 8. according to that which I command Ex. 16: 16. every man for (them) wAicA (are) in Jud. 21 : 5. concerning him that came not lSa.30:27. To (them) toAZcA (were) in Beth-el, &c. &c. as -lt27Sa. Ex. 5:11. get you straw toAere ye can find it: 29:27.o/ (that) which (is) for Aaron, Lev.14: 30. young pigeons, sncA as he can get; Nu 6: 11. for that he sinned by the dead, Jos. 10: 11. (Aan (they) whom the children of Israel &c. &c. as -i??;sv Gen 7 : 23. and they that (were) with him in the ark, Ex. 20: 4. or that (is) in the earth beneath, or that &c. &c. The meaning of ")?pN is often influenced by i preceding word; as, I. preceded by 73- Genl9:12.toAa(soet>er thou hast in the city, Jos. 1 : 16. whithersoever thou sendest us, 2:19. whosoever shall go out of the doors Zep. 3: 7. howsoever I punished them: &c. &c. II. preceded by }?!?7- Genl8: 19. For I know him, (Aa( he will command Nu. 16:40(17:5). a memorial unto the children of Israel, (Aa( no stranger, &c. &c. III. preceded by yS\- Gen22:16.for because thou hast done this thing, Deu 1 : 36. because he hath wholly followed IKi. 8:18. Wliereas it was in thine heart &c. &c. IV. preceded by 3p.?- 18. Aecanse thou hast obeyed 6. because he did this thing, V. preceded by ~Q5?P Gen27: 10. and (Aa( he may bless thee VI. preceded by T3- 44. nnd'Z thy brother's fury turn away. 15.1 will not leave thee, until I have done &c. &c. VII. preceded by HS- 29. Thou knowest Aow I have served thee, ad Gen 22: 2Sa.l2: Gen27 28 Gen 30 2Sa.l9 how thy cattle was with me. 35(36). thy servant taste what I eatorwM" VIIL preceded by 7TO- Gen 38:18. What pledge shall I give thee? IX. preceded by v5?- Ex. 16: 5. it shall be twice as much as they ga*er 32: 35. plagued the people, because they made "TON ( 181 ) X. preceded by "OQti- Ex. 19: le.oeconse the Lord descended Jer. 44:23. Because ye have burned incense, XL preceded by B^N- Ex. 30:33. Whosoever compoundeth (any) like it, 38. Wliosoever shall make like XII. preceded by "'p. Ex. 32:33. Whosoever hath sinned against me, XIII. preceded by nnjj Nu. 25: 13. he shall have it,... because he was zealous Deu 21:14. because thou hast humbled her. 28:62. whereas ye were as the stars XIV. preceded by ~m b?. Deu22:24.the damsel, because she cried not, — the man, because he hath humbled XV. preceded by "H.nS- Jud.ll:36./orasnmcA as the Lord hath taken 2Sa.l9:30(31)./>rasmucA as my lord the king is XVI. preceded by b$2. Ecc. 8:17. because though a man labour "1B5S is sometimes combined with a following word in translation ; as I. nttf. T Gen 2:11. the whole land of Havilah, wAere ( there is) Deul2: 2. the places, wherein the nations 1 Ki. IS : 10. whither my lord hath not sent &c. &c. il nattf. T T Deu II : 8. the land, whither ye go &c. &c. III. nttfn. T * Jos. 20: 6. unto the city from whence he fled. &c. &c. Also, with pronominal suffixes to a following word, it forms the different cases of the relative ; as Gen l:ll.H>Aose seed (is) in itself, 44:16. with whom the cup is found. Ex. 35:29. every man and woman, whose heart Nu. 5: 3. in the midst whereof \ dwell. Deu 8: 9. a land, whose stones (are) iron, &c. &c. Followed by IDM &c, as Ex. 6: 5. whom the Egyptians keep in bondage ; 35 : 21 . every one whom his spirit made willing, Lev. 18: 5. judgments : which if a man do, &c. &c. "1E7S is very frequently followed by a preposition with a pronominal suffix, and it is generally combined with it in sense ; thus, Followed by 12- Gen 7:15. wherein (is) the breath of life. 41:38. a man in whom the Spirit of God (is)? Followed by VbV- t -: Ex. 3: 5. the place whereon thou standest Followed by Dilb. Ex. 6 : 26. Aaron and Moses, to whom the Lord said, It is similarly combined with -13E5H, PO.TQ, DrPiSp, DrJlD, &c the pronominal suffixes varying. I^K ashoor, f. *l£S>K ash-shoor', f. Job 31 : 7. If my step hath turned Ps. 17:11. compassed us in onr steps : Job 23 : 1 1 . My foot hath held Ais steps, Ps. 17: 5. Hold up my goings in thy paths, 37 : 31 . none of his steps (marg. goings ) shall slide. 40: 2(3). established my goings. 44: 18(19). neither have our steps (marg. goings') 73 : 2. my steps had well nigh slipped. Pro. 14: 15. looketh well (o his going. Eze.27: 6.(Ae Ashurites have made (prob. id. q. -nttz'sri) 1$H [oh'-sher], m. Gen30:13.Leah said, Happy am I, (marg. In my happiness) mm & JTY#M asheh-rah', f. Ex. 34; Deu 7: 1216 Jud. 3 6; IKi. 14 15 16 18 2KL13 17: 18 21: 23. 2Chl4 15 17 19 24313334 Isa. 17 27: Jer. 17 Mic. 5 13. their images, and cut down (Aeir groves: 5. and cut down their groves, 3. and burn their groves 21 . Thou shalt not plant thee a grove : 7. served Baalim and (Ae groves. 25. cut down (Ae grove that (is) by 26. with the wood of (Ae grove 28. and the grove was cut down 30. he hath cut down (Ae grove : 15. they have made their groves, 23. and groves, on every high hill, 13. she had made an idol in a grove ; 33. Ahab made a grove; 19. the prophets of (Ae groves : 6. there remained (Ae grove 10. and groves in every high hill, 16. and made a grove, 4. cut down (Ae groves, 3. and made a grove, as did Ahab 7. set a graven image of (Ae grove 4. for Baal, and for the grove, 6. he brought out (Ae grove 7. wove hangings for the grove. 14. the images, and cut down the groves, 15. burned (Ae grove. 3(2). cut down (Ae groves: 16. she had made an idol in a grove : 6. took away the high places and groves 3. thou hast taken away (Ae groves 18. served groves and idols : 1 . cut down (Ae groves, 3. and made groves, and worshipped 19. set up groves and graven images, 3, 4. and the groves, and the carved images, 7. the altars and (Ae groves, 8. either the groves, or the images, 9. (Ae groves and images shall not 2. their altars and their groves 14(13). I will pluck up thy groves 'I^N ash-rey' ', m. pi. const. Deu 33; IKi. 10 2Ch 9: Job 5: Ps. 1:2: 32:33: 34: 40:41:65: 84: 94 106112 119 29. Happy (art) (Aon, O Israel: 8. Happy (are) thy men, happy (are) these 7. Happy (are) thy men, and' happy (are) 17. happy (is) the man whom God 1 . Blessed (is) the man that 12. Blessed (are) all they 1. Blessed (is he whose) transgression 2. Blessed ( is) the man unto whom 12. Blessed (is) the nation whose God 8(9). blessed (is) the man (that) trusteth 4(5). Blessed (is) that man that maketh 1(2). Blessed (is) he- that considereth 4(5). Blessed (is the man whom) thou 4(5). Blessed (are) they that dwell 5(6) . Blessed (is) the man whose strength 12( 13). blessed (is) the man that trusteth 15(16). Blessed (is) the people that know 12. Blessed (is) the man whom thou 3. Blessed (are) they that keep 1. Blessed (is) the man (that) feareth 1 . Blessed (are) the undefiled 2. Blessed (are) they that keep "WN ( 182 ) Ps.127: 5. Happy (is) the man that hath 128: 1. Blessed (is) every one that feareth 2. happy (shalt) (Aom (be), 137: 8. happy (shall he be), that rewardeth 9. Happy (shall he be), that taketh : 15,15. Happy (is that) people, : 5. Happy (is he) that (hath) the God .13. Happy (is) the man (that) findeth 32. for blessed (are they that) keep 34. Blessed (is) the man that 21. hath mercy on the poor, happy (is) Ae. 20. trusteth in the Lord, happy (is) Ae. 7. his children (are) blessed after him. 14. Happy (is) the man that feareth 18. he that keepeth the law, happy (is) Ae. ; 17. Blessed (art) (Aow, O land, 18. blessed (are) all they that wait 20. Blessed (are) ye that sow 2. Blessed (is) the man (that) doeth 12. Blessed (is) he that waiteth, nnN 144146 Pro. 3 14 16 202829 Ecc. 10 Isa. 30 3256 Dan 12 &0*lK>tf oosh-shar-nah' , Ch. m. Ezr. 5: 3. this house, and to make up this wall? 9. this house, and to make up these walls ? &m see #?«• Dm see HBW- ynftm esh-tad-door', Ch. m. Ezr. 4: 15. and that they have moved sedition 19. and (that) rebellion and sedition Pttt at, particle, f. pron. Gen24:23. Whose daughter (art) thou? 60. Thou (art) our sister, 39; 9. because thou (art) his wife: &c. &c. P.K ehth, particle. N.B. The place of nS (when nothing is given in the English as its meaning) is marked thus, Y. Gen 1: l.Inthebeginning Godcreated)( theheaven and )( the earth. 4. And God saw )( the light, 4: l.And Adam knew )( Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare )( Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. 5:22. Enoch walked with God after hebegat)(M. 6: 13. 1 will destroy them with the earth. 14. rooms shalt thou make in the ark, 13: 5. Lot also, which went with Abram, 14: 2. (these) made war with Bera 4. Twelve years they served )( Chedorlaomer, 19:13. For we will destroy )( this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before 37:23. they stript )( Joseph out o/his coat, 49:25. and by the Almighty, Ex. 39: 3. And they did beat the gold into thin Lev. 5: 7. he shall bring for his trespass, Jud. 1 : 16. they went and dwelt among the people. IKi. 16:22. prevailed against the people ICh 2:18. Caleb.. .begat (children) of Azubah (his) Isa. 1 : 4. they have forsaken ) ( the Lord, they have provoked )( the Holy One 6: 1. 1 saw also )( the Lord sitting upon a his train filled )( the temple. 7: 12. neither will I tempt )( the Lord. 19: 4. And )( the Egyptians will I give over &c. he. passim. With pronominal suffixes ; i. o?ns, nnns, inns, vis, in's, ^ris, ins, nns, son's, nsnis, oris, &c. T t . : t Gen47:23.I have bought you this day Ex. I8:20.And thou shalt teach them Lev. 14: 40. cast them into an unclean place Nu. 14:22. have tempted me now these Deu 9:14. 1 will make of (Aee a nation Jos. 14: 12. if so be the Lord (will be) with me, IKi. 20:25. we will fight against them in the plain, Eze. 3: 27. when I speak with thee, Zee. 6: 8. Then cried he upon me, &c. &c. ii. •'ns, ?jns, Tjns, ins, nns, sorts, ' DDns, nns. v : ¦ t ¦ Genl4:24.the men which went with me, 26:24. fear not, for I (am) with thee, 34: 6. unto Jacob to commune with him, 21. These men (are) peaceable with us; 42:16. whether (there be any) truth in you: 43:16. Joseph saw Benjamin with them, Lev. 6: 4(5 : 23). that which was delivered him to Jud. 1 1 : 27 . thou doest me wrong to war &c. &c. fiX [ektk] m. ISa. 13: 20. his share, and Ais coulter, 21. and for the coulters, Isa. 2: 4. beat their swords into plowshares, Joel 3:10(4:10). Beat your plowshares into Mic. 4: 3. beat their swords into plowshares, nn« & am, dh-thdh'. * KAL Preterite. # Deu 33: 2. and Ae came with ten thousands Isa. 21 : 12. The morning cometh, Jer. 3:22. we come unto thee; Isa. 21 : Deu 33 Job 3 16 30 37 Ps. 68 Pro. 1 Isa. 41 Mic 4 Isa. 41 : 44: 45: Isa. 21 : Jer. 12: KAL Imperative. 12. enquire ye: return, come. 9. All ye beasts of the field, come 12. Come ye, (say they), I will fetch wine, KAL. — Future. 21. and he came with the heads 25. which I greatly feared is come upon me, 22. When a few years are come, 14. They came (upon me) as a wide 22. Fair weather cometh out of 31(32). Princes shall come out of Egypt; 27. destruction cometh as a whirlwind; 5. drew near, and came. 25. from the north, and he shall come: 8. unto thee sAaZZ it come, KAL Participle. Poel. 23. Shew (Ae things that are to come 7. and the things that are coming, 1 1 . Ask me of things to come * HIPHIL Preterite. * 14. brought water to him that was thirsty, (marg. bring ye) HIPHIL. — Imperative. 9. beasts of the field, come to devour, (marg. cause them to come) r\m & am dthdh, Ch. * P'AL Preterite. * Ezr. 4:12. are eome unto Jerusalem, 5: 3. At the same time came to them Tatnai, 16. Then came the same Sheshbazzar, Dan 7:22. Until the Ancient of days came, P'AL Infinitive. Dan 3: 2. to come to the dedication of the image P'AL — Imperative. Dan 3:26. come forth, and come (hither). P'AL Participle. Dan 7: 13. (one) like the Son of man came with the * APHEL Preterite. * Dan 5; 3. Thpil then hrmtnht flip ornlHpn vpccpjs nnK ( 183 ) in** Dan 5 : 1 3. my father brought out of Jewry ? 23. and they have brought the vessels 6 : 1 6(1 7) . and they brougntDamel, and cast ( him) 24(25). and (Aey brought those men which APHEL.— Infinitive. Dan 3: 13. Nebuchadnezzar in (his) rage and fury commanded to bring 5: 2. commanded to bring the golden and * HOPHAL Preterite. # Dan 3:13. Then they brought these men before the 6:17(18). Anda stone was brought, and laid HPlX, at-tah\ particle, m. pron. Gen 3: 14. (Aow (art) cursed above all cattle, 19. for dust (Aom (art), and unto dust 6:18. thou shalt come into the ark, (Aom, and &c. &c. pHX, ah-thohnr, f. Gen 12 3245 49 Nu. 22 Jud. 5 ISa. 9 10 2Ki. 4: ICh 27 Job 1 42 Zee 9 16. and she asses, and camels. 15(16). twenty sAe asses, 23. ten sAe asses laden with II. Ais ass's colt unto the choice 21. and saddled Ais ass, 22. Now he was riding upon Ais ass, 23, 25, 27. (Ae ass saw the angel of the Lord — (Ae ass turned aside — Balaam smote (Ae ass, 27. he smote (Ae ass with a staff. 28. the Lord opened the mouth of (Ae ass, 29. Balaam said unto the ass, 30. (Ae ass said unto Balaam, (Am) not I (Aine ass, 32. Wherefore hast thou smitten (Aine ass 33. And (Ae ass saw me, 10. that ride on white asses, 3. And (Ae asses of Kish ¦ — arise, go seek (Ae asses. 5. leave (caring) for (Ae asses, 20. And as for thine asses that were lost 2. TAe asses which thou wentest to seek — hath left the care of (Ae asses, 14. To seek (Ae asses: 16. He told us plainly that (Ae asses 22. and one of (Ae asses, 24. Then she saddled an ass, : 30. and over (Ae asses : 3. five hundred sAe asses, 14. and the asses feeding beside 12. a thousand sAe asses. 9. upon a colt the foal of an ass. pnx at-toori, Ch. c Dan 3: 6,11, 15. into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 17. deliver us from (Ae burning fiery furnace, 19. heat the furnace one seven times more 20. (and) to cast (them) in(o (Ae burning fiery furnace. 21, 23. the midst of (Ae burning fiery furnace. 22. and the furnace exceeding hot, 26. to the mouth of (Ae burning fiery furnace, Dan 4: 3(3:33). How great (are) Ais signs I 6:27(28). he worketh signs and wonders in pfiK at-teek', m. Eze.41: 15. and the galleries thereof on the one side (marg. several walks, or, walks with pil lars) 16. and the galleries round about 42.: 3. gallery against gallery 5. (Ae galleries were higher than D£)X at-temf, particle, m. pi. pron. Gen29: 4. My brethren, whence (be) ye ? 42: 9. said unto them, Ye (are) spies; 19. If ye (be) true (men), &c. &c. h)tim & hwr#$ eth-mohlf & eth- mool\ ISa. 4: 7. hath not been such a thing heretofore. (marg. yesterday, or the third day) 10: 11. when all that knew him beforetime (lit. from yesterday the third day) 14:21. with the Philistines before that time, (lit. as yesterday the third day) 19: 7. he was in his presence, as in times past. (marg. as yesterday, third day) 2Sa. 5: 2. Also in time past, (lit. also yesterday also the third day) Ps. 90: 4. in thy sight (are but) as yesterday (lit. the day of yesterday) Isa. 30:33. Tophet (is) ordained of old; (marg. from yesterday) Mic. 2: 8. Even of late my people is risen (marg. yesterday) \m see jrvx- jfiX & niftii at-tehri & at-teh-nah', particles, f. pi. pron. Gen31 : 6. And ye know that with all my power Eze. 13: 11. and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; 20. wherewith ye there hunt the souls 34:17. And (as for) you, O my flock, 31. And ye my flock, Pl3riK eth-nah', f. Hos 2:12(14). These (are) my rewards that my plftK at-took', m. Eze.41 : 15. (2>n3)and (Ae galleries thereof on the one side and (marg. several walks, or, walks with pillars) '•m at-ti' (pro for flK). \V\tt dh-theen', Ch. m. pi. Dan. 4: 2(3:32). I thought it good to shew (Ae signs pHK & \)W eth-ndhn' & eth-nan', m. Deu23: 18(19). shalt not bring (Ae Aire o/a whore, Isa. 23:17. Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, 18. and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord: Eze.l6:31 . in that thou scornest Aire; 34. in that thou givest a reward, and no reward is given unto thee, 41. thou also shalt give no Aire any more. Hos 9: l.thou hast loved a reward Mic. 1: 7. all (Ae Aires thereof shall be _ she gathered (it) of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to (Ae Aire of an harlot. im dthar, Ch. m. Ezr 5:15. let the house of God be builded in Ais place. 6- 3. (Ae place where they offered sacrifices, 5. (every one) to his place, and place (them) 7. build this house of God in Ais pZace. Dan 2:35. that no pZace was found for them: 39. And after thee shall arise -j/ik ( 184 ) 1)2 Dan 7: 6. After this I beheld, and lo another, 7. After this I saw in the night visions, CinN dthdh-reem', m. pi. Nu.21 : 1. Israel came by the way of (Ae spies; 3 behth, The second letter of the Alphabet. HN3 bee-dk', f. Eze. 8: 5. this image of jealousy in the entry. BhN3fee-oosA',Ch.adj. Ezr. 4 : 1 2. building the rebellious and the oad city, 1X3 [iflA-cr'] * PIEL Infinitive. * Deu 1 : 5. began Moses (o declare this law, PIEL. — Imperative. Deu 27: 8. all the words of this law very plainly, (lit. declare well) Hab 2 : 2. and maAe (it) plain upon tables, 1K3 3*cAr, f. Ex . 8 : 1 4( 1 0) . and the land stanA. 16:20. it bred worms, and stank: Isa. 50; 2. their fish stinketh, # NIPHAL.— Preterite. * lSa.13: 4. Israel also was had in abomination (marg. did stink) 2Sa. 10 : 6. Ammon saw that (Aey s(anA 16:21. (Aom art abhorred ofthy father: * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Ex. 5: 21. ye Aazie made our savour to be abhorred (marg. to stink) 16: 24. and it did not s(inA, ISa. 27: 12. He hath made his people Israel utterly to abhor him ; (marg. to stink) Ps. 38: 5(6). My wounds stink HIPHIL Infinitive. Gen34:30. troubled me to make me to stink lSa.27 : 12. He hath made his people Israel utterly to abhor him; (lit. in making himself stinkj he hath made himself stink) HIPHIL.— Future. Pro. 13: 5. a wicked (man) is loathsome, and cometh Ecc.10: 1. cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * ICh 19: 6. saw that (Aey had made themselves odious (marg. to stink) Gen 14 29 Ex. 2 Nu. 20 21 2Sa.l7 Ps. 55 69 Pro. 5 23 Cant.4, 10. Siddim (was full of) slimepits; (lit. pits pits) : 14. (Ae well was called Beer- lahai-roi ; : 1 9. she saw a well of water ; 25. because of a well of water, 30. that I have digged this well. : 1 1 . by a well of water 20. ran again unto (Ae well : 15. For all (Ae wells which his 18. Isaac digged again (Ae wells of water, 19. found there a well of springing water. 20. called the name of (Ae well Esek ; 21. they digged another well, 22. digged another well; 25. Isaac's servants digged a well. 32. told him concerning (Ae well : 2. behold a well in the field, — for out of that well — , 3. upon (Ae welVs mouth. 3, 8, 10. from (Ae welVs mouth, ; 15. he sat down by a well. : 17. the water of (Ae welts : : 16. from thence (they went) to Beer: that (is) (Ae loell whereof the Lord spake 17. Spring up, O well ; sing ye unto it: 18. The princes digged (Ae well, 22. the waters of (Ae well : ; 18. which had a well in his court ; 19. a covering over (Ae welVs mouth, 21 .they came up out of the well, ;23(24). them down into the pit of destruction; : 15(16). let not the pit shut her mouth ; 15. waters out of thine own well. ; 27. and a strange woman (is) a narrow pit. lb. a well of living waters, EJW3 Vehsh, Ch. P'AL Preterite. Dan 6:14(15). was sore displeased with himself, #N3 Vohsh, m. Isa. 34: 3. (Aeir s(inA shall come up Joel 2:20. his stink shall come up, Am. 4:10. made (Ae s(inA o/your camps M&W3 bo-shah', f. Job 31 : 40. cockle instead of ( marg. noisome weeds) D^M5 Voo-shztm' , m. pi. Isa. 5 : 2. it brought forth wild grapes. 4. brought it forth wild grapes? nr>x3 see mx- H33 [bdh-vdh',] f. Zee. 2: 8(12). toucheth (Ae apple ofhis eye. 1N3 b'ohr, m. (i. q. 113) Jer. 2:13. hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, B>N3 bdh-ash'. ~ T * KAL Preterite. « Ex. 7: 18. and the river shall stink; K AL Future. Ex. 7; 21. and the river stank, 33 bahg, m. (irns) Eze.25: 7, will deliver thee for a spoil (marg. meat, following the 2To) 133 bah -gad'. *KAL Preterite. * ISa. 14:33. he said, Ye have transgressed: Job 6 : 15. My brethren have dealt deceitfully Ps. 73:15. 1 should offend (against) the Isa. 24:16. have dealt treacherously ; — have dealt very treacherously. 33: l.they dealt not treacherously Jer. 3 : 20. a wife treacherously departeth — ye dealt treacherously with me, 5:11. have dealt very treacherously 12: 6. they have dealt treaeherimsht TQ ( 185 ) •m Lam 1: 2. have dealt treacherously Hos 5: 7. They Aaue dealt treacherously 6: 7. have they dealt treacherously against me. Mai 2:11. Judah Aa(A dealt treacherously, 14. thou hast dealt treacherously: KAL. — Infinitive. Ex, 21: 8.seeiny Ae Aa(A dealt deceitfully with her. Isa. 33 : 1 . an end to deal treacherously, 48: 8. thou wouldest deal very treacherously, (lit. dealing treacherously wouldest, &c. ) Jer. 5:11. have dealt very treacherously against me, KAL.— Future. Jud. 9:23. anoHhe men of Shechem dealt treacherously Ps, 78: 57. and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers; Isa. 33: 1. (Aey shall deal treacherously with thee. 48: 8. wouldest deal very treacherously, Mai 2: 10. why do we deal treacherously lb. let none deal treacherously (marg. mw- faithfully) 16. ye deal not treacherously. KAL— Participle. Poel. Ps. 25: 3. which transgress without cause. 59: 5(6). to any wicked transgressors. 119: 158. 1 beheld (Ae transgressors, Pro. 2:22. and the transgressors shall be 11 : 3. the perverseness of transgressors 6. transgressors shall be taken 13: 2. the soul of (Ae transgressors (shall eat) violence. 15. the way of transgressors (is) hard. 21:18. (Ae transgressor for the upright. 22: 12. the words of (Ae transgressor. 23:28. and increaseth (Ae transgressors 25:19. Confidence in an unfaithful man Isa. 21: 2. the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, 24: 16, 16. (Ae treacherous dealershave dealt 33 : 1 . and dealest treacherously, Jer. 3; 8. yet her treacherous sister Judah 11. more than treacherous Judah. 9: 2(1 ). an assembly of treacherous men. 12: I . that deal very treacherously ? Hab 1 : 13. upon (Aem that deal treacherously, 2: 5. Ae transgresseth (lit- is transgressing) 14: 15: "TJ3 beh'-ged, m. Ex Gen 24:53. jewels of gold, and raiment, 27 : 15. Rebekah took goodly raiment 27.sm«lled the smell of Ais raiment, 28 '20. and raiment to put on, 37 : 29. he rent Ais clothes. 38: 14. she put her widow's garments 1 9. put on (Ae garments of her widowhood. 39: 12. she caught him by his garment, — he left Ais garment in her hand, 13. saw that he had left Ais garment 15. that he left Ais garment 16. she laid up Ais garment by her, 18. he left Ais garment with me, 41: 42. arrayed him in vestures o/fine linen, 28: 2. thou shalt make holy garments 3. that they may make Aaron's garments 4. these (are) (Ae garments — they shall make holy garments 5. thou shalt take (Ae garments, 21 . and upon Ais garments, and upon his sons, and upon (Ae garments ofhis sons — he shall be hallowed, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with 29. And the holy garments 31:10. (Ae c?o(As of service, and (Ae holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of 35:19. The cloths of service, to do (Ae holy garments for Aaron the priest, and (Ae garments of his sons, 21 . and for the holy garments. 39: I. they made c/o(As of service, made (Ae holy garments 41, TAe cloths of service (Ae holy garments for Aaron the priest, and his sons' garments, 40: 13. put upon Aaron (Ae holy garments, 29: Lev. 6: 11(4). he shall put off Ais garments, and put on other garments, 27(20). thereof upon any garment, 8: 2. the garments, and the anointing oil, 30. upon Ais garments, and upon his sons, and upon his sons' garments — Aaron, (and) Ais garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with him, 10: 6.nei(Aer rend your clothes; 11 :25, 28, 40, 40. shall wash Ais clothes, 32. any vessel of wood, or raiment, 13: 6, 34. he shall wash Ais clothes, 4b. his clothes shall be rent, 47. The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in, (whether it be) a woollen garment, or a linen garment ; 49. or reddish in the garment, 51.be spread in the garment, 52. shall therefore burn that garment, 53.be not spread in the garment, 56. he shall rend it out of (Ae garment, 57. if it appear still in the garment, 58. And the garment, either warp, 59. in a garment of woollen or linen, 8. shall wash Ais clothes, 9. he shall wash Ais clothes, 47,47. shall wash Ais clothes; 55. for the leprosy of a garment, 5, 6, 7, 10, 21, 22. shall wash Ais clothes, 8, II, 13, 27. wash Ais clothes, and bathe 17. And every garment, 16: 4. these (are) holy garments; 23. shall put off (Ae linen garments, 24. put on Ais garments, 26, 28. shall wash Ais clothes, 32. shall put on (Ae linen clothes, (even) (Ae holy garments : 17:15. he shall both wash Ais clothes, 19:19. neither shall a garment 21 : 10. is consecrated to put on (Ae garments, — nor rend Ais clothes ; Nu. 4: 6. over (it) a cloth wholly of blue, 7, 1 1. they shall spread a cloth o/blue, 8. upon them a cloth of scarlet, 9. they shall take a cloth of blue, 12. put (them) in a cloth o/blue, 13. spread a purple cloth thereon: 8: 7. let them wash (Aeir clothes, 21. they washed (Aeir clothes ; 14: 6. that searched the land, rent (Aeir clothes: 15: 38. in the borders of their garments 19: 7. Then the priest shall wash Ais clothes, 8. he that burneth her shall wash Ais clothes 10. shall wash Ais clothes, and be 19. and wash Ais clothes, 21 . water of separation shall wash Ais clothes; 20: 26. strip Aaron of his garments, 28. Moses stripped Aaron of Ais garments, 31:20. purify all (your) raiment, 24. ye shall wash your clothes Deu 24: 17. nor take the widow's raiment Jud. 8 : 26 . and purple raiment II : 35. that he rent Ais clothes, 14: 12,13. thirty change of garments: 17:10.and a suit of apparel, (marg. an order of garments, or, a double suit) lSa.19: 13. covered (it)wi(A a cloth. 24. he stripped off Ais clothes 27: 9. the camels, and the apparel, 28: 8. put on other raiment, 2Sa. 1 : 2. with his clothes rent, 1 1 . David took hold on his clothes, 3:31. Rend your clothes, 13:31. the king arose, and tare Ais garments, — stood by with their cio(Aes rent. 14: 2. put on now mourning apparel, 19:24(25). nor washed Ais clothes, 20: 12. cast a cloth upon him, IK. 1: l.they covered him with clothes, 21:27. that herentAis clothes, 22: 10. having put on (their) robes, 30. but put thou on thy robes. 2K. 2:12.he took hold of his own clothes, 4: 39. wild gourds his lap full, 5; 5. ten changes of raiment. 7. that he rent Ais clothes, 8. the king of Israel had rent Ais clothes, ¦m ( 186) 12 2K. 5: 6; 7; 9; 11 18 19 22 25 2Chl8; 2334 Ezr. 9 Neh. 4: Est. 4 Job 13: 22:37; Ps. 2245 102109 Pro. 6 202527 Ecc. 9 Isa. 243337 505152 59 64 Jer. 12 36 414352 Eze. 16 232627 4244: Joel 2 Am. 2 Hag 2 Zee. 3 14: 8. hast thou rent thy clothes ? 22,23. two changes of garments. 26. to receive garments, 30. that he rent Ais clothes; 8. thence silver, and gold, and raiment, 15. all the way (was) full of garments 13. took every man his garment, 14. Athaliah rent Aer clothes, 37. with (their) clothes rent, 1 & 22 : 1 1 . tliat he rent Ais clothes, 14. keeper of ZAe wardrobe ; (marg. garments) 19. hast rent thy clothes, .29. changed his prison garments: 9. clothed in (their) robes, 29. but put thou on thy robes. ,13. Athaliah rent Aer clothes, : 19. that he rent Ais clothes. 22. keeper of the wardrobe; (marg. garments) 27. didst rend thy clothes, : 3. 1 rent my garment and my mantle, 5. having rent my garment 23(1 7). none of us put off our clothes, : 1 . Mordecai rent Ais clothes, 4. she sent raiment to clothe 28. as a garment that is moth eaten. : 6. and stripped the naked of their clothing. : 17. How thy garments (are) warm, : 18( 19). They part my garments : 8(9). All thy garments (smell) of : 26(27). shall wax old ZiAe a garment; : 1 9. Let it be unto him as the garment 27. and his clothes not be burned? 16. Take his garment that is surety 20. he that taketh away a garment 13. Take Ais garment that is surety 8. Let thy garments be always : 16. yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously, (lit. deceived deceit) 22. to Hezekiah with (their) clothes rent, 1. that he rent his clothes, 9. they all shall wax old as a garment ; 6. the earth shall wax old like a garment, 8. shall eat them up ZiAe a garment, 1 . put on thy beautiful garments, 6. Their webs shall not become garments, (lit. for a garment) 17. he put on the garments of 10. clothed me with the garments of I. with dyed garments from Bozrah? 2. and thy garments like him 3. shall be sprinkled upon my garments, 6(5). and all our righteousnesses (are) as filthy rags ; l.very treacherously? (lit. deceiving deceit) 24. afraid, nor rent (Aeir garments, 5. and their clothes rent, 12. as a shepherd putteth on his garment; 33. changed his prison garments: :16.of thy garments thou didst 18.tookest thy broidered garments, 39. strip thee also of thy ctothes, : 7. covered the naked with a garment ; 16. covered the naked with a garment', : 26. strip thee out of (Ay clothes, : 16. put off their broidered garments : :20. in precious clothes for chariots. : 14. there they shall lay (Aeir garments — shall put on other garments, 17. shall be clothed with linen garments; 19. they shall put off their garments — they shall put on other garments; — the people with their garments. 13. and not your garments, 8. lay (themselves) down upon clothes 12. flesh in the skirt of Ais garment, 3. was clothed with filthy garments, 4. Take away the filthy garments 5. clothed him with garments. 14. gold, and silver, and apparel, ni*L?3 bdh-gddhth' , f. pi. Zep. 3: 4. light (and) treacherous persons: (lit. men of treachery) "1133 bdh-gohd', adj. Jer. 3: 7,10. her treacherous sister Judah 13 bad, m. Ex. 30:34.0/ eacA shall there be a like (weiriitV [123 13] 6 ;' In all other occurrences of 13 in the singular, it is used with prefixes, as a part, adverbially. I. 13b as, Ex. 12: 37. men, beside children. Est. 4:11. except such to whom the king Ecc. 7 :29. Lo, this only have I found, Zee. 12: 12. mourn, every family apart; &c. &c. Also with suffixes, as ''IT? &c. Nu. 11 : 14. able to bear all this people alone, Deu 1 : 9. not able to bear you myself alone: 8: 3. man doth not live by bread only, 2Sa.l0: 8. by themselves in the field. &c. &c. II i3ba. Gen26 : 1 . beside the first famine Lev. 9: 17. beside the burnt-sacrifice &c. &c. With suffix iisba. Deu 4:35. none else beside him. Ex. 25:13. 1415 27 28 27: 6 30:35: 37: 38 39 40 Nu. 4 IK. 8 2Ch 5 Job 17:18; Eze.17: 19: Hos 11: C^IS pi. of the above. thou shalt make staves (of) thou shalt put (Ae staves The staves shall be in the rings for places of the staves thou shalt make (Ae staves . thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves (of) shittim wood, (Ae staves shall be put (lit. its staves) the staves shall be upon for the staves to bear it thou shalt make (Ae staves . and (Ae staves thereof, . table, and Ais staves, .the incense altar, and Ais staves, .his staves, and all his vessels, .he made staves (of) shittim wood, he put (Ae staves into the rings the places for the staves ,28. he made (Ae staves (of) shittim wood, . to be places for the staves . places for the staves. he made (Ae staves (of) shittim wood, he put (Ae staves into the rings (Ae staves thereof, his staves, and all his vessels, set (Ae staves on the ark, shall put in (Ae staves thereof. shall put in (Ae staves thereof. shall put to (Ae staves thereof: put to (Ae staves of it. .the staves thereof above. . they drew out (Ae staves, that the ends of (Ae staves were seen . (Ae staves thereof above. they drew out (Ae staves (of the ark), that the ends of ZAe staves were seen They shall go down to (Ae bars of devour (Ae strength of(marg.bars) death shall devour Ais strength. brought forth branches, is gone out of a rod of Aer branches, shall consume Ais orancAes, 13 bad, m. | Job 11: 3. (Ay lies make men hold (marg. devices). 12 ( 187 ) Job 41 : 12(4) . I will not conceal Ais parts, Isa. 16: 6. his lies (shall) not (be) so. 44:25.frustrateth the tokens of (Ae liars, Jer. 48:30. Ais lies shall not so effect (it), (marg. bars; or, (Aose on whom he stayeth) 50:36. A sword (is) upon (Ae liars; (marg. bars, or, chief stays) 13 bad, m. Ex. 28:42. thou shalt make them linen breeches 39:28. linen breeches (of) fine twined linen, Lev 6: 10f8). put on his linen garment, and his linen 16: 4. He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle, and with the linen mitre 23. shall put offthe linen garments, 32. shall put on the linen clothes, ISa. 2: 18. girded with a linen ephod. 22: 18. that did wear a linen ephod. 2Sa. 6:14. David (was) girded with a linen ephod. ICh 15:27. also (had) upon him an ephod of linen. Eze. 9: 2. among them (was) clothed with linen, 3. called to the man clothed with linen, 11. the man clothed with linen, 10: 2, 6. the man clothed with linen, 7. (him that was) clothed with linen: Dan 10: 5. a certain man clothed in linen, 12: 6. said to the man clothed in linen, 7.1 heard the man clothed in linen, *H3 bdh-ddh'. * KAL— Preterite. * IK. 12:33. in the month which Ae had devised KAL. — Participle. Poel. Neh 6: 8. but thou feignest them "713 [bdh-dad']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Ps. 102: 7(8). am as a sparrow alone Isa. 14:31. none (shall be) alone Hos 8 : 9. a wild ass alone by himself: 112 bah-dahd ', m. Lev.13: Nu. 23 Deu 32 33 Ps. 4 Isa. 27 Jer. 15: 49: Lam 1: 3 Mic 7: 46. he shall dwell alone; : 9. the people shall dwell alone, 12. the Lord alone did lead him, 28. Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: 8(9). for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell 10. the defenced city (shall be) desolate, 17.1 sat alone because of thy hand: 31. (which) dwell alone. 1. How doth the city sit solitary, 28. He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, 14. which dwell solitarily (in) the wood, hn$ VdeeL m. Nu. 31 :22.the brass, the iron, (Ae tin, Isa. 1 : 25. take away all (Ay tin: Eze.22:I8.all they (are)brass, andtin, 20. brass, and iron, and lead, andtin, 27: 12. with silver, iron, tin, Zee. 4: 10. shall see the plummet in the hand (marg. stone of tin) hra [bdh-dai'], « NIPHAL Preterite. * 1 Ch 12: 8. (Acre separated themselves unto David Ezr. 9: 1. have not separated themselves NIPHAL. — ¦ Imperative. Nu. 1 6 : 21 . Separate yourselves , Ezr. 10:11. ana separate yourselves NIPHAL. —Future, ICh 23: 13. anoT Aaron was separated, Ezr. 10: 8. and himself separated 16. and all of them by (their) names, were separated, Neh 9: 2. And the seed of Israel separated themselv,es NIPHAL.— Par(icipfe. Ezr. 6:21. all such as had separated themselves Neh 10:28(29). that had separated themselves * HIPHIL Preterite. # Ex. 26 Lev.20 Nu. 8 16 Deu 10 29 IK. 8 Eze. 22 Gen 1 Lev.10 11 Isa. 56 Eze. 42 ;33. and the vail shall divide unto you ;24. which have separated you 25. Ye shall therefore put difference — which I have separated :14. TAws sAa/( (Aom separate : 9. the God of Israel Aa(A separated : 8. the Lord separated the tribe of Levi, 21(20). And the Lord shall separate him 53. For (Aom didst separate them 26. they have put no difference HIPHIL Infinitive. 14. to divide the day from the night: 18. and to divide the light 10. And that ye may put difference 47. To make a difference between 3. The Lord hath utterly separated me (lit. separating hath separated) : 20. to make a separation HIPHIL Future. Gen 1 : 4. and God divided the light 7. and divided the waters 17 &5:8.sAaZ( not divide (it) asunder: 26. and have severed you 41. Then Moses severed three cities 2, 7. TAow sAai( separate three cities for thee 1 . Moreover David... separated 10. Then Amaziah separated them, 24. Then I separated twelve 3. that they separated from Israel 3. hath utterly separated me : 14. (Aey shall sever out men HIPHIL.— Participle. 6. let it divide the waters : 2. your iniquities have separated Lev. 1; 20 Deu 4 19 ICh 25 2Ch25:Ezr. 8; Neh 13 Isa. 56 Eze. 39 Gen 1 Isa. 59 713 bah-dahl' ' m. TT ' . Am. 3:12. or apiece of an ear; HTH2 b'doh-ldgh!, m. Gen 2:12. there (is) bdellium and the onyx stone. Nu. 11: 7. colour thereof as the colour or bdellium. p13 [bdh-dak']. * KAL.— Infinitive. * 2Ch 34:10.(0 repair and amend the house: p"l3 beh'-dek, m. 2K. 12: 5(6). let them repair (Ae breaches of the house, wheresoever any breach shall be 6(7).not repaired (Ae breaches of the house. 7(8 V repair ye not (Ae breaches of the house ? — (-).but deliver it for the breaches of 8(9). to repair (Ae breaches of the house. 12(13). stone to repair (Ae breaches of 22: 5. to repair (Ae breaches of the house, Eze.27: 9,27. thy calkers: (marg. stoppers of cAinAs) T[3 [b'dar], Ch. * PAEL. —Preterite. * Dan 4:14(11). and scatter his fruit: va ( 188 ) V13 boh'-hoo, m. Gen 1: 2. without form and void; Isa. 34: 1 1 . the stones of emptiness. Jer. 4:23. without form and void; oro &P13 bah' -hat, m. Est. 1: 6. of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble, (marg. porphyre) hr\2 Vhee-loo', Ch. f. Ezr. 4: 23. they went up in haste to Jerusalem TH3 bah-heer', adj. Job 37: 21. now (men) see not the bright light aJ3 or SrQ [bah-half or bah-hekl']. # NIPHAL— Preterite. # Gen45 : 3. for (Aey were troubled (marg. terrified) Ex. 15 : L5. of Edom sAa/( be amazed ; lSa.28:2l.saw that Ae was sore troubled, 2Sa. 4: 1. all the Israelites were troubled. Job 21 : 6. when I remember lam afraid, Ps. 6: 2(3). for my bones are vexed. 3(4). My soul is also sore we:reo! .* 48: 5(6). they were troubled, (and) hasted away. 90: 7. by thy wrath are we troubled. Isa. 13: 8. And they shall be afraid: pangs 21 : 3. 7 was dismayed at the seeing Jer. 51 :32. the men of war are affrighted. Eze.26: 18. yea, the isles that (are) in the sea shall be troubled NIPHAL Future. Jud. 20:41. the men of Benjamin were amazed: Job 4: 5. toucheth thee, and thou art troubled. 23: 15. Therefore am I troubled Ps. 6; 10(11). be ashamed and sore vexed: 83; 17(18). Let them be confounded and troubled 104:29.hidest thy face, (Aey are troubled: Ecc. 8 : 3- Be not Aas(y to go out Eze. 7 :27. the people of the land shall be troubled: NIPHAL.— Participle. Ps. 30: 7(8). hide thy face, (and) I was troubled. Pro.28:22. He that hasteth to be rich Zep 1 : 1 8. make even a speedy riddance * PIEL Infinitive. * 2Ch 32: 18. and to trouble them; 35:21. God commanded me to make haste: Est. 2 Job 22 Ps. 2 83 Ecc. 5 7 Dan 11 Ezr. 4 Est. 8 Pro. 20 Job 23 2Ch.26 Est. 6; PIEL Future. 9. and he speedily gave her 10. and sudden fear troubleth thee; b.vex them in his sore (marg. trouble) 15(16). and roaAe (Aem afraid ; 2( 1 ). Be not rasA with thy mouth, 9. Be not Aas(y in thy spirit .44. out of the north shall trouble him: PIEL.— Participle. 4. and troubled them in building, # PUAL.— Participle. # 14.&ein^7 hastened and pressed 21 . inheritance (may be) gotten hastily # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # 16. the Almighty troubleth me : HIPHIL.— Future. 20. and they thrust him out from thence ; 14. and hasted to bring Haman hl2 [b'hal], Ch. * PUAL Future. * Dan 4: 5(2). the visions of my head troubled me. Dan. 4:19(16). and his thoughts trmbledhim. — ( — ) the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. 5: 6. and his thoughts troubled him, 10. let not thy thoughts trouble thee, 7:15. and the visions of my head troubled me. 28. my cogitations much troubled me, * ITHP'AL.— Infinitive. # Dan. 2 : 25. brought in Daniel before the king in haste, 3 : 24. was astonied, and rose up in haste, 6 : 19(20). and went in haste unto the den of ITHP'AL Participle. Dan. 5: 9. was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, TD12 beh-hah-lah' , f. T T V 3 Lev.26:16.will even appoint over you terror, Ps. 78 : 33. their years in trouble. Isa. 65:23. nor bring forth for trouble; Jer. 15: 8. and terrors upon the city. !"lfiri3 Vheh-mah' , f. Gen 1: 9 343647 Ex. 8 10 20 22 Lev. 15 7 18 24. cattle, and creeping thing, 2b. cattle after their kind, 26. and over the cattle, and over :20. Adam gave names to all cattle, : 14. thou (art) cursed above all cattle, : 7 ¦ both man, and 6eas(, 20. cattle after their kind, : 2. Of every clean beast — of beasts that (are) not clean 8. Of clean beasts, and of 6eas(s that (are) not clean, 14. all (Ae cattle after their kind, 21 .of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, 23. both man, and cattle, : 1 . all (Ae cattle that (was) with him 17. of fowl, and of cattle, 20. took of every clean beast, 10. of the fowl, of the cattle, :23. every beast oftheir's (be) ours? 6. and all his beasts, :18.hath our herds of cattle; : 17(13). became lice in man, and in beast; 18(14). lice upon man, and upon beast. 9. blains upon man, and upon beast, 10. blains upon man, and upon beast. 19. every man and beast 22. upon man, and upon beast, 25. both man and beast; 5. all the firstborn of beasts. 7. against man or beast: 12. both man and beast; 29. all the firstborn of cattle. 2. of man and of beast: 12. that cometh of a beast 15. the firstborn of beast: : 13. whether (it be) beast or man, : 10. thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, : 10(9). or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast, 19(1 8 ). Whosoever lieth with a beast 2. bring your offering of (Ae cattle, ; 2. or a carcase of unclean cattle, ;21.or (any) unclean beast, 25. whosoever eateth the fat of (Ae beast, 26. of fowl or of beast, : 2. all (Ae beasts that (are) on 3. cheweth the cud, among the beasts, 26. every beast which divideth the hoof, 39. any beast, of which ye may 46. This (is) the law of (Ae beasts, 23. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast — shall any woman stand before a beast : 19. Thou shalt not let (Ay cattle ; 15. if a man lie with a beast, — ye shall slay (Ae beast. 16. if a woman approach unto any beast, — kill the woman, and (Ae beast: 25. between clean beasts and unclean, — your souls abominable by beast, 18. he that killeth a beast 21. he that killeth a beast, 7. And for thu cattle, and fnr ora ( 189) Lev.26 27 Nu. 3: 31: 32 35 Deu 2 3 4 5 7 111.314 30 32 Jos. 8 11 21: Jud. 20 ISa. 17 IK. 4 18 2K. 3 2Ch32 Ezr. 1 Neh 2 9 10 Job 12 1835 40 Ps. 8 364950 73 104 107135147148 Pro. 12 30 Ecc. 3 Isa. 1830 46 63 Jer. 7 22. and destroy your cattle, 9. And if (it be) a beast, 10. if he shall at all change least for beast, II. if (it be) any unclean beast, — he shall present (Ae beast 26. Only the firstling o/(Ae beasts, 27. if (it be) of an unclean beast, 28. of man and beast, 13. both man and beast : 41. (Ae cattle of the Levites — firstlings among (Ae cattle of 45. (Ae cattle of the Levites instead of (Aeir cattle ; 1 7 . ( both ) man and beast : 15. (whether it be) of men or beasts, — the firstling of unclean beasts 9. took the spoil of all (Aeir cattle, ll.ofmen and of beasts. 26. of man and of beast, 30. of all manner of beasts, 47. of man and of beast, 26. and all our cattle, 3. shall be for their cattle, 35. Only (Ae cattle we took 7. But all the cattle, 17. The likeness of any beast 14. nor any of thy cattle, 14. among you, or among your cattle. 15. send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, 15(16). and (Ae cattle thereof, 4. These (are) (Ae beasts 6. every beast that parteth the hoof, — cheweth the cud among the beasts, 14. the little ones, and the cattle, 21. that lieth with any manner of beast. 4. the fruit of thy cattle, 11. in the fruit ofthy cattle, 26. and unto the beasts of the earth, 51. he shall eat the fruit of (Ay cattle, 9. in the fruit ofthy cattle, 24. will also send the teeth of beasts 2. and the cattle thereof, shall ye take 27. Only (Ae cattle and the spoil 14. these cities, and the cattle, 2. the suburbs thereof for our cattle. :48.the men of (every) city, as (Ae beast, :44. and to the beasts of the field. : 33(5: 13). he spake also of beasts, : 5. that we lose not all the beasts, (marg. from the beasts) 9. and for the cattle that followed 17. your cattle, and your beasts. 28. stalls for all manner of beasts, (lit. and for every beast and beast) 4. with goods, and mi(A beasts, 6. with goods, and with beasts, :12. neither (was there any) beast with me, save (Ae beast that I rode upon. ]4.ybr (Ae beast (that was) under me 37. our bodies, and over our cattle, 36(37 ). and of our cattle, 7. But ask now (Ae beasts, 3. are we counted as beasts, 11. teacheth us more than the beasts of 15. Behold now behemoth, 7(8). oxen, yea, and (Ae beasts of the field ; 6(7). thou preservest man and beast. 12(13),20(21).is ZiAe (Ae beasts (that) perish. 10. (Ae cattle upon a thousand 22. 1 was (as) a beast before thee. 14. the grass to grow for the cattle, 38. and suffereth not (Aeir cattle 8. both of man and beast. 9. He giveth to the beast his food, : 10. Beasts, and all cattle; lO.regardeth the life of his beast: 30. A lion (which is) strongest among beasts, : 18. see that they themselves are beasts. 19. the sons of men befalleth beasts; — hath no preeminence above a beast: 21 .the spirit of (Ae beast 6. and to the beasts o/the earth: — all (Ae beasts o/the earth 6. The burden of (Ae beasts of the south: 1 . and upon the cattle : 14. As a beast goeth down 20. upon man, and upon beast, Jer. 7 9 121516 21 27 31 32 33 343650 51 Eze. 8 14 32: 3644 Joel 1 Jon, Mic. 5 Hab. 2: Zep. 1 Hag.l: Zee. 2: 8 14 33. and for the beasts of the earth ; 10(9). the fowl of the heavens and (Ae beast 4. the beasts are consumed, 3.(Ae beasts of the earth, 4 & 19: 7. and for the beasts of the earth. 6. both man and 6eas(: 5.(Ae beast that (are) upon the ground, 27. with the seed of beast. 43. desolate without man or beast; 10. without man and without 6eas(, — without inhabitant, and without beast, 12. without man and without 6eas(, 20. and to the beasts of the earth. 29. to cease from thence man and beast ? 3. both man and beast. 62. neither man nor 6eas(, 10. and abominable beasts, 13. will cut off man and beast 17. so that I cut off man and beast 19,21. to cut off from it man and beast. 13. will cut off man and beast 8. cut off man and beast 1 1 . nor foot of 6eas( 13. destroy also all (Ae beasts thereof — nor the hoofs of beasts 11. multiply upon you man and beast; 31. whether it be fowl or beast. 18. How do (Ae beasts groan 1 20. TAe beasts of the field 22. ye beasts o/the field: 7. Let neither man nor beast, 8. But let man and beast be 1 1 . and ( also ) much cattle ? 8(7). among the beasts. of the forest, 17. the spoil of beasts, 3. 1 will consume man and beast; 11. upon men, and upon cattle, 4(8). multitude of men and cattle 10. nor any hire for beast ; 15. all (Ae beasts that shall be ]Tf3, boh'-hen, m. Ex. 29: 20. upon (Ae thumb of their right hand, and upon (Ae great toe of their right foot, Lev. 8:23. upon (Ae (Amth& of his right hand, and upon (Ae great toe of his right foot. 24. upon (Ae thumbs of their right hands, and upon (Ae great toes of their right feet: 14 : 14, 1 7, 25, 28. upon (Ae thumb of his right hand, and upon (Ae great toe of his right foot: Jud. 1 : 6. cut off his (Anm&s and his great toes. (lit. thumbs ofhis hands and ofhis feet) 7. having their thumbs and their great toes (marg. (Ae thumbs of their hands and of their feet) pPlS bohf-hak, m. Lev.l3:39.it (is) a freckled spot IYVJ3 bah-hehf-reth, f. Lev.13: 2. a rising, a scab, or bright spot, 4. If (Ae oriyA( spot (be) white 19. or a bright spot, white, 23, 28. if (Ae 6riyA( spot stay 24. have a white bright spot, 25. the hair in the bright spot 26.no white hair in the bright spot, 38.in the skin of their flesh &riyA(spo(s,(even) white bright spots ; 39. (Ae 6riyA( spots in the skin 14:56. and for a bright spot : X13 boh;A/{oni,tf{> 4tU * KAL.— Preterite. * Gen. 6:13. The end of all flesh is come 18. and thou shalt come into the ark, 7: 9. TAerc went in two and two Kin ( 190 ) WQ Gen. 7:13. In the selfsame day entered Noah, 16.w>en( in male and female 14: 5. in the fourteenth year came 15: 17. when the sun went down, 16: 8. whence earnest tho?i? 19: 5. which came in to thee 8. for therefore came they 9. This one (fellow) came in to 23. when Lot entered into Zoar. 24: l.wellstrickenin age: (marg.yone into days) 62. Isaac came from the way 26:27- Wherefore come ye to me, 27:30. Esau his brother came in 35. Thy brother came with subtilty, 28; 11. because the sun was set ; 29: 9. Rachel came with her father's sheep: 30:11. And Leah said, A troop cometh: 32; 6(7). We came to thy brother Esau, 34; l.came out of the field when they heard 27. The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, 37:23. when Joseph was come 39 : 1 4. Ae came in unto me to lie 17. came in unto me to mock me: 41:21. that (Aey had eaten them ; (lit. were come to the inward parts of them) 57. all countries came into Egypt 42: 7. Whence come ye? 9, 12. nakedness of the land ye are come. 10. to buy food are thy servants come. 21. therefore is this distress come 43: 21. when we came to the inn, 23.1 had your money, (marg. your money came to me) 45: 18. Joseph's brethren are come : 19. bring your father, and come. 46 : 3 1 . are come unto me ; 47 : 1 . are come out of the land 4. to sojourn in the land are we come; 5. thy brethren are come unto thee: Ex. 1: l.man and his houshold came with Jacob. 3 : 9. the cry of the children of Israel is come 18. and thou shalt come, thou and the 5: 1. Moses and Aaron went in, 23. For since I came to Pharaoh 8: 3( 7 ; 28 ). and come into thine house, 15:19. For the horse of Pharaoh went in 19 : 1 . the same day came they 20: 20. for God is come to prove you, 22: 15(14). it came for his hire. Lev.l3:I6.Ae shall come unto the priest; (lit. and he, &.c. ) 14:3b. And he that owneth the house shall come 44. Then the priest shall come 15:14. and come before the Lord 16:23. And Aaron shall come into the tabernacle 22: 7. And when the sun is down, 25:25. and if any of his kin come Nu. 4; b.And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall come, 5:22. And this water that causeth the curse shall go 24. and the water that causeth the curse sAaZZ enter 27. that the water that causeth the curse shaU enter 8: 22. after that went the Levites 13:27. We came unto the land 14: 24. the land whereinto Ae went; 22:20. If the men come to call thee, 38. Lo, I am come unto thee: 32: 19. because our inheritance is fallen Deu. 1 :20. Ye are come unto the mountain 4: Land go in and possess the land 6: 18. and that thou mayest go in \ 8 : 1 & 1 1 : 8. and go in and possess the land 12: 5. and thither (Aom shalt come: 9. ye are not as yet come 26. and go unto the place 13: 2(3). And the sign or the wonder come to pass, 14:29. And the Levite,.. .shall come, and shall eat 17: 9. And thou shalt come unto the priests 18; 6. and come with all the desire ofhis 22:13. and go in unto her, 26: 3. And thou shalt go unto the priest — that I am come unto the country 28: 2. And all these blessings shall come lb. that all these curses shall come Deu.28:45. Aforeower all these curses shallcome 32: 17. to new (gods that) came newly up, 33: 2. The Lord came from Sinai, Jos. 2: 2. (Acre came men in hither 3. which are entered into thine house: forthey be come to search out all 4. There came men unto me, but 5 : 14. of the Lord am I now come. 9: 6. We be come from a far country: 9. thy servants are come 13: 1. Joshua was old (and) stricken (lit. gone) — (and) stricken in years, (lit. (Aom art gone) 20: 6. and come unto his own city, 21 : 45 (43 ) . all came to pass. 23: 1 . stricken in age. (marg. come into days) 2.1 am old (and) stricken (lit. I am gone) 12. and go in unto them, 14. all are come to pass unto you, 15. all good things are come upon you, Jud. 3:20. Ehud came unto him ; 24. his servants came ; and when they saw 5: 19. The kings came (and) fought, 23. because (Aey came not to the help 6 : 5. and they came as grasshoppers 19. Gideon went in, and made ready 9:37. another company come 11: 7. why are ye come unto me 12. that (Aom art come against me 18. but came not within the border 13: 6. A man of God came unto me, 10. that came unto me the (other) day. 15: 14. when Ae came unto Lehi, 16; 2. Samson is come hither. 18: 17. came in thither, 18. these went into Micah's house, 19;16.(Aere came an old man 22. the man that came into thine house, 23. this man is come into mine 20: 4. 1 came into Gibeah 21 : 8. (Aere came none to the camp Ru. 1 :22. (Aey came to Beth-lehem 2 : 12. under whose wings (Aom art come 3: 4. and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, 14. a woman came into the floor. ISa. 2:13.u?Aenany man offered sacrifice, the priest's servant came, 15. the priest's servant came, 4: 6. the ark of the Lord was come 7. God is come into the camp. 9: 5. when they were come 12. for Ae came to day to the city ; 16. their cry is come unto me. 10: 3. ana* (Aom shalt come to the plain 22. if the man should yet come 11 : 5. Saul came after the herd 12: 8. When Jacob was come into Egypt, 12. Ammon came against you, 13: 8. Samuel came not to Gilgal ; 11. (Aom earnest not within 14:25. all (they of) the land came 15:12. Saul came to Carmel, 16: 2. 1 am come to sacrifice to the Lord. 5. 1 am come to sacrifice unto the Lord: — and come with me to the sacrifice. 17: 12. and the man went among men 34. and there came a lion, 20 : 1 9. and come to the place where thou 27. Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse 29. Therefore Ae cometh not 22: 5. and get thee into the land of Judah. 23: 7. told Saul that David was come 27. (Aere came a messenger 25: b.and go to Nabal, 8. for we come in a good day: 26: 3. he saw that Saul came after 4. understood that Saul was come 15. for (Aere came one of the people 29:10. that are come with thee; 2Sa. 2:24. the sun went down when (Aey were come 3: 7. Wherefore Aas( (Aom gone in 23. that (was) with him were come, — Abner the son of Ner came 25. that Ae came to deceive thee, 4: 6. And they came thither 5; 18. The Philistines also came 23. and come upon them 12: 16. David fasted, and went in, Nil 2Sa.l3: 14 15:16: 17:19 24 IK. 1 10 1417 1819 2K. 4 5 78 ICh. 2 IL 12 5. and when thy father come(A 30. that tidings came to David, saying, 35. Behold, the king's sons come : 36. behold, the king's sons came, 3. And come to the king, 15. Now therefore that lam come 32. Wherefore am I come from 18. six hundred men which came 32. that (when) David was come b. And when king David came 15. the men of Israel, came 16. was come unto Absalom, 12. So shall we come upon him 24. David came to Mahanaim. 25. that went in to Abigail 7(8). all the evil that befell thee from thy 11(12). all Israel is come to the king, 15(16). Judah came to Gilgal, 20(21 ). I am come the first this day 24(25). until the day Ae came 25(26). when Ae was come to 30(31 ).as my lord the king is come 3. but went not in unto them, 8. Amasa went before them, 19.howbeit Ae attained not 23. Ae attained not to the (first) 21. is my lord the king come l.stricken in years; (marg. entered into days) 22. Nathan the prophet also came in. 35. that he may come and sit 42. Abiathar the priest came : 47. the king's servants came 28. Then tidings came to Joab: 31. and the oath come before 41 . but cometh out of a far country 42. a?Aen Ae shall come and pray 7.1 believed not the words, until I came, 10. there came no more such 12. (Aere came no such almug trees, 14. Now the weight of gold that came l.all Israel were come to Shechem ; 1 . (Aere came a man of God 10. returned not by the way that Ae came 12. which came from Judah. 14. that earnest from Judah ? 21. that came from Judah, : 3. and go to him: 12.(Aa( I may go in and dress it 18. art thou come unto me :l2.and (so) when I come and tell Ahab, 15. and when thou comest, anoint 1. the creditor is come to take 4. And w>Aen (Aom art come in, thou shalt 22. even now (Aere be come to me 10. We came to the camp : Lit shall also come upon the land 7. The man of God is come hither. ; 2. And «?Aen thou comest thither, — and go in, and make him arise up 11. wherefore came this 18. The messenger came to them, 20. He came even unto them, 31. as Jehu entered in at the gate, 21 . not a man left that came not. : 19. came against the land: 29. came Tiglath-pileser king of : 6. the Syrians came to Elath, 21. on which if a man lean, it will go into 3. for the children are come 28. by the way by which (Aom earnest. :14. TAey are come from a far country, 17. which came from Judah, 18. that came out of Samaria. : 1 . Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, 8. came Nebuzar-adan, 25. came, and ten men with him, 21. afterward Hezron went in 21 . howbeit Ae attained not 25. but attained not to the (first) 17. If ye be come peaceably 23. came to David to Hebron, 38. came with a perfect heart 9. the Philistines came 14. and come upon them 29. the ark of the covenant of the Lord came 33. because Ae cometh to judge 3. are not his servants come ( 191 ) an lCh.19: 9. the kings that were come 2Ch. 6:22. and the oath come before 32. but is come from a far country — if they come and pray 8:11. the ark of the Lord Aa(A come. 9: 6.1 believed not their words, until I came, 13. Now the weight of gold that came 10: l.to Shechem were all Israel come 11 : 16. came to Jerusalem, 12: 3. that came with him 5, Then came Shemaiah 11. the guard came and fetched them, 14:11(10). we go against this multitude. 16: 7. Hanani the seer came to Asa 20: l.came against Jehoshaphat to battle. 4. they came to seek the Lord. 24. Judah came toward the watch tower 24: 1 1 . and the high priest's officer came 17. came the princes of Judah, 24. came with a small company 25: 7. But (Aere came a man of God 10. the army that was come 27: 2. howbeit Ae entered not 28:17. again the Edomites Aad come 29: 17. came they to the porch of the Lord: 32: 1. Sennacherib king of Assyria came, 2. saw that Sennacherib was come, 26. the wrath of the Lord came not Ezr. 2: 2. Which came with Zerubbabel: 7 : 9. came he to Jerusalem, Neh. 2: 10. that (Aere was come a man 4: 12(6). the Jews which dwelt by them came, 6: 10. 1 came unto the house of Shemaiah 13: 6. came /unto the king, 21. came they no (more) on the sabbath. Est. 6: 4. Now Haman was come 8: l.Mordecai came before the king ; 9: 11. was brought before the king. Job 1:14. (Aere came a messenger 19. (Aere came a great wind 6:20. (Aey came thither, 38: 16. Hast thou entered into 22. Hast thou entered into Ps. 40: 7(8). Then said I, Lo, I come: 41: 6(7). if he come to see (me), 44: 17(18). All this is come upon us ; 51 [title] (2). after Ae had gone in to 52 [title] (2). David is come to the house 66:12.u>e went through fire 69: 1 (2) . for the waters are come in unto 2(3). lam come into deep waters, 79: l.O God, the heathen are come 96: 13. the Lord: for Ae cometh, for Ae cometh to 98: 9. Ae cometh to judge the earth: 102: 13(14). the set time, is come. 105: IS. he was laid in iron: (lit. came into) Pro. 6; 3. when (Aom art come into 11. So shall thy poverty come 11: 2. (When) pride cometh, 18: 3. (then) cometh also contempt, \7.but his neighbour cometh 24:34. So shall thy poverty come Ecc. 1 : 4. (another) generation cometh : b.and the sun goeth down, 5: 15(14). he return to go as he came, 16(15). in all points as he came, 6 : 4. For Ae cometh in with vanity, 8:10. who had come and gone 9:14. and there came a great king 11: 8. All (Aa( cometh (is) vanity. Cant.5: 1. 1 am come into my garden, Isa. 2:19. And they shall go into the holes 7: 17. days that Aaue not come, 19. And they shall come, 10;28-ife is come to Aiath, 13; 9. the day of the Lord cometh, 14:31 . for (Aere shall come from the north 16:12.(Aa( Ae shall come to his sanctuary 19: l.ana" shall come into Egypt; 23. and the Assyrian sAa/( come into Egypt, 27: 13. and they shall come which were ready 30: 27. the name of the Lord cometh 3b:l0.and come to Zion with songs 36: 6. if a man lean, it will go into his hand, 37: 3. the children are come to the birth, 29. the way by which (Aom earnest. 34. By the way that Ae came, N-Q ( 192 ) Kin Isa. 39 42 47 49 505159 6066 Jer. 1 4 7 9 12 14 51 52 Lam.l 4 Eze. 4 7 24 30 33 36: 38:39:41:43: 44: 46: 3. TAey are come from a far country 9. the former things are come to pass, 9. they shall come upon thee 11. Therefore shall evil come upon thee ; 18. gather themselves together, (and) come 2. when I came, (was there) no man? 1 1 . and come with singing :20. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, 1. Arise, shine ; for thy light is come, 4. they come to thee: 18. and they shall come, and see 15. and they shall come, and they : 29. (Aey shall go into thickets, : 10. And come and stand 21(20). is entered into our palaces, 12. The spoilers are come 3. they came to the pits, 18. if I enter into the city, : 9. her sun is gone down 25. TAen sAa(/ (Aere enter into the gates 26. And they shall come from the cities 4. then shall there enter in 31. A noise shall come (even) to the ends of the earth ; :18.yo not to Babylon. "2. Therefore they shall come and sing : 24. (Aey are come unto the city ~~. And the Chaldeans,. ..shall come and set : 10. which Aaa* entered into the covenant, 6. Therefore go thou, and read 4. Now Jeremiah came in 16. When Jeremiah was entered :2b. and they come unto thee, Lcame Nebuchadrezzar king of : 13. came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, 1 . came unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam : 15. and go to sojourn there ; 11. And when he cometh, :20. destruction cometh ; it cometh out of the 21. the day of their calamity was come 22. come against her with axes, 5. Baldness is come upon Gaza ; 21. judgment is come upon the plain 9. If grapegatherers come to thee, 33. and the time of her harvest shall come, 46. a rumour shall both come 51. for strangers are come 56. Because the spoiler is come 4. Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came, 12. came Nebuzar-adan, captain of 10. entered into her sanctuary, 18. for our end is come. : 14. neither came there : 2. the end is come upon the four 6. An end is come, the end is come : 7. The morning is come — the time is come, the day of trouble 12. The time is come, 22. for the robbers shall enter into it, 25. Destruction cometh; : 16. where (Aey shall come. 18. And they shall come thither, : 16. the heathen whither (Aey come ; : 4. and cometh to the prophet; I the Lord will answer him that cometh 7. and cometh to a prophet : 3. came unto Lebanon, ; 1. certain of the elders of Israel came ,25(30). whose day is come, 29(34). whose day is come, : 24. And they shall come 40. lo, (Aey came : for whom thou didst wash 44. so went they in unto Aholah 14. it shall come to pass, and I will do (it); 4. And the sword shall come 21. came unto me, saying, 20. whither (Aey went, 21 .whither (Aey went. 22. whither ye went. lb. And thou shalt come from thy place 8. Behold, it is come, 3. TAen went he inward, 2. the glory of the God of Israel came 4. the glory of the Lord came 2. hath entered in by it, 2. And the prince shall enter 9. whereby Ae came in, 10: 11: Eze. 47: 8. and go into the sea: 9. these waters sAa(( come thither: Dan 1 : l.came Nebuchadnezzar king of 9:13. all this evil is come upon us: 23. / am come to shew 3. neither came flesh nor wine 12. 1 am come for thy words. 13. came to help me ; 14. Now I am come to make 20. wherefore I come unto thee? — the prince of Grecia shall come. 9. So the king of the south shall come 10. and (one) shall certainly come, 21.Am( Ae shall come in peaceably, 29. and come toward the south ; 30. For the ships of Chittim shall come 40. and he shall enter into the 41. He shall enter also into the glorious land, 45. yet he shall come to his end, Hos. 9: 7. The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; 10. they went to Baal-peor, Joel 2: l.for the day of the Lord cometh, Am. 5:19. or went into the house, 6 : 1 . to whom the house of Israel came ! 8: 2. The end is come upon my people Obad. 5. If thieves came to thee, — if the grapegatherers came 11. foreigners entered into his gates, Mic. 1 : 9. for it is come unto Judah ; 3 : 6. and the sun shall go down 4: 8. even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come 10. and thou shalt go (even) to 7: 4. thy visitation cometh; Hag. 2: 7. and the desire of all nations shall come: 16. when (one) came to an heap — when (one) came to the pressfat Zee. 5: 4. and it shall enter into the 6: 10. which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house 8:22. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come 14: l.the day of the Lord cometh, b.and the Lord my God shall come, 18. go not up, and come not, 21 . and all they that sacrifice shall come Mai. 3: 1. behold, Ae shall come, saith the Lord KAL. — Infinitive. GenlO: 19. as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, 30. as thou goest, unto Sephar 12:11. was come near to enter into Egypt, 14. (Aa(, when Abram MJas come 13: 10. as (Aom comest unto Zoar. 15:12.MjAen the sun was going down, 19: 22. do any thing till (Aou be come 31. to come in unto us 24:62. Isaac came from the way of 2b: 18. as thou goest toward Assyria : 30:38. when (Aey came to drink. 31 : 18./or to go to Isaac his father 33: 18.MjAen Ae came from 34: 5. until (Aey were come. 35: 9. wAen Ae came out of Padan-aram, 16. a little way to come to Ephrath: 37: 10. Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come (lit. coming shall, &c.) 39: 16. until his lord came home. 41 ;54. seven years of dearth began to come, 42: 15. except your youngest brother come 43:25. against Joseph came at noon: 44:30. MjAen / come to thy servant 48: 5. before lcame unto thee 7. M?Aen / came from Padan, — but a little way to come Ex. 2: 18. How (is it that) ye are come 10:26. until we come thither. 12: 23. suffer the destroyer to come in 16:35. until (Aey came to a land inhabited; — until (Aey came unto the borders 17:12. until the going down of the sun. 22:26(25). by that the sun yoe(A down: 28:29, 35.u?Aen Ae yoe(A in unto the holy 30.wjAen Ae goeth in before the Lord: 43-iiihp.n the.it enme in unto the M12 Ex. 30:20. When they go into the tabernacle 33: 8. until Ae was gone 9. as Moses entered into the tabernacle, 34. But when Moses went in 35. until Ae went in to speak 32. When (Aey went into the tent 35. Moses was not able to enter 9. when ye go into the tabernacle 48. if the priest shall come in, (marg. in coming in, shall come in) ; 17. wAen Ae yoe(A in to make 23. when he went into the holy :22. until her fruits come in 89. And when Moses was gone 21. tabernacle against (Aey came. 21. as men come to Hamath. 18. When ye come into the land 9. that (Aey should not go 40. heard of (Ae coming of the 8. unto (Ae entrance o/Hamath; 31. until ye came into this place. 21. that I should not go in 34. Or hath God assayed to go l.(o go in to possess nations 7. until ye came unto this place, 5. until ye came into this place; 31. to go in to possess the land 6. at the going down o/the sun, 19.(0 employ (them) in the siege: (marg. to go from before thee) 11(12). and. when the sun is down, I3.when the sun yoe(A down, 6. token thou comest in, and blessed I9.wAen (Aow comest in, and cursed 18. over Jordan to go to possess it. 2. can no more go out and come in: 1 1 . When all Israel is come 1 1, to go in to possess the land, 8. When ye are come to the brink 15. And as they that bare the ark were come 29. and as soon as the sun was down, 13. hasted not to go down 19. suffer them not to enter 27. at the time of (Ae going down of 5. unto (Ae entering into Hamath. 11. both to go out, and to come in. : 18. as she came (unto him), 3. How long (are) ye slack to go 7. That ye come not among 14. when she came (to him), 3. unto (Ae entering in o/Hamath. 27. when Ae was come, : 28. Why is his chariot (so) long in coming? 4. till (Aom come unto Gaza, 1 8- until I come unto thee, : 24. sons of Jerubbaal miyA( come, :33. even till (Aom come to Minnith, : I. would not suffer him to go in. : 9. to enter to possess the land. 10. When ye go, ye shall come : 15. to go in (and) to lodge ;10. when they come to Gibeah ; 19. until (Aey came to Beth-lehem. ¦ — M»Aen (Aey were come to Beth-lehem, ; 5. when the ark. ..of the Lord came : 10. as the ark of God came to ; 13. they came no more (lit. they added no more to come) 6. cometh surely to pass: (lit. in coming shall come) 13. As soon as ye be come into the city, — will not eat until Ae come, lb. a day before Saul came, 5. wAen (Aom art come thither 8. till I come to thee, 7. thou comest to Shur, 4. Comest thou peaceably? 6. when they were come, that he II. sit down till Ae come hither. 52. until thou come to the valley, 6. it came to pass as they came, 23. until Ae came to Naioth 9. were determined by my father to come 7. by entering into a town 10. that Saul seeketh to come 26. withholden thee from coming 33. from coming to (shed) blood, 3440 Lev.10 14 16 25 Nu. 7 10 1315 3233 34 Deu 1 49 11 16 202324283031 Jos. 1 3 10: 1314 15 18 23 Jud. 1 569 1115 1819 20 Ru. 1 ISa. 4 5 7 10 ( 193 ) an lSa.27: 8. as (Aom goest to Shur, 29: 6. thy going out and thy coming in — since the day of (Ay coming 30: Lwhen David and his men were come 2Sa. 1 : 2. when he came to David, 3:\3. when (Aom comest to see my face. 35. till the sun be down. 4: 4. MiAen the tidings came of Saul 5: 13. after Ae was come from 25. until (Aom come to Gazer, 14:29, 29. he would not come 15: 2. came to the king for judgment, (marg. to come) 20. Whereas (Aom earnest 28. until (Aere come word 17: 17. not be seen to come into 27. when David was come 19: 3(4). gat them by stealth that day into (lit. stole to enter) IK. 2:13. Comest thou peaceably? 3: 7. to go out or come in. 8:65. from the entering in o/Hamath 1 1 : 1 7. to go into Egypt ; 13:16. nor go in with thee: 14: b.when she cometh in, that she 12. when thy feet enter into 28. the king went into the house 18:46. to (Ae entrance of Jezreel, (marg. till (Aom come to) 22:27. until I come in peace. 30. and enter into the battle; 36. about the going down of the sun, 2K. 4:10.u>Aen Ae cometh to us, 5: 6. when this letter is come 18. when my master yoe(A 6:20.M>Aen (Aey were come into Samaria, 23. came no more into the land ( lit. they added no more to come) 32. when the messenger cometh, 7: 5.(o go unto the camp of the Syrians: 6. the Egyptians, to come upon us. 9: 17. spied the company of Jehu as he came, 10: 2. as soon as this letter cometh 7. when the letter came to them, 11 : 8. as he goeth out and as he cometh in. 12: 9(10). on the right side as one cometh 14:25./rom (Ae entering of Hamath 16: 11. against king Ahaz came from Damascus. 18:32. Until I come and take you away 19:27. thy going out, and thy coming in, 23:ll.a( (Ae entering in of the house ICh 5: 9. unto (Ae entering in o/the wilderness 9;25.(o come after seven days 12:19. when he came with the 31 . to come and make David king. 13: 5. unto (Ae entering o/Hemath, 24: 19. to come into the house 2Ch 7 : 2. the priests could not enter 8. from the entering in of Hamath 12:11. when the ki ng entered 13:13.(o come about behind them: 18 : 29. and will go to the battle ; 34. the time of the sun going doum 20: 10. not let Israel invade, when they came out ll.(o come to cast us out 22: 7. by coming to Joram: for when he was come, 23: 7. with the king wAen Ae cometh in, 25: 14. Amaziah M?as come from the slaughter 26: 8. to (Ae entering in o/Egypt; 30 : 1 . (Aa( (Aey should come to the house 5. should come to keep the passover 33:14.eue« to the entering in at the fish gate, Ezr. 2:68. when they came to the house 3: 8. in the second year of their coming Neh 4: 8(2). to come (and) to fight 9:15,23.(Aa( (Aey should go in to possess Est. 1:12. Vashti refused to come 2:12. every maid's turn was come to go in 13. was given her to go with her 15. was come to go in unto the king, 4: 2. for none (might) enter 8. that she should go in unto the king, 11 . to come in unto the king 9:25.I?m( u?Aen (Esther) came (marg. sAe came) Job 2: 1 1. (o come to mourn with him 14; 14. till my change come. Ps. 51 : [title] (2). when Nathan the prophet came NO Ps. 52: [title] (2).wAen Doeg the Edomite came 54: [title] (2).ioAenthe Ziphims came 71 : 3. 1 may continually resort: 105: 19. Until the time that his word came: 121 : 8. and thy coming in from this time 126: 6. shall doubtless come again (lit. in coming shall come) Pro. 1 : 26. 1 will mock when your fear cometh ; 27. When your fear cometh as desolation, when distress and anguish cometh 18: 3. When the wicked cometh, Isa. 2:21. Togo into the clefts of the rocks, 13:22. her time (is) near to come, 14: 9. to meet (thee) at thy coming: 20: 1 . In the year (Aa( Tartan came 23: 1 .no entering in : (lit. from entering) 24: 10. (Aa( no man may come in. 30:29.(0 come into the mountain 36: 17. Until I come and take you away 37 : 28. and thy coming in, and thy rage 56: l.for my salvation (is) near to come, 59:14. equity cannot enter. Jer. 8: 7. observe the time of (Aeir coming; 17:27. even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem 22:23. when pangs come upon thee, 27 : 7. until the very time of his land come : 28 : 9. when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, 36 : 5.1 cannot go into the house 29. The king of Babylon shall certainly come 40: 4,4.(o come with me into Babylon, 4i : 7. when they came into the midst 17. to go to enter into Egypt, 42: 15. set your faces to enter into Egypt, 17. set their faces to go into Egypt lH.when ye shall enter into Egypt: 22. the place whither ye desire to go 44:12. have set their faces to go into 46: 13. Aon: Nebuchadrezzar... should come 48: 16. The calamity of Moab (is) near to come, 51:61. WAen (Aon comest to Babylon, Eze. 10: 3. when the man went in ,- 16:33. (Aa( tliey may come unto thee 21 : 19(24). (Aa( the sword of the king of Babylon may come : 20(25). that the sword may come 27(32). until he come whose right it is ; 22: 3. that her time may come, 23: 44. as they go in unto a woman that 24:24. and when this cometh, ye shall know 26 : 1 0. when he shall enter into thy gates, 33:22. afore he that was escaped came; — until Ae came to me 33. And when this cometh to pass, 36: 8. for they are at hand to come. 38:18. the same time when Gog sAaZZ come 42: 9. as one goeth into them (marg. Ae came) 12. as one entereth into them. 14. When the priests enter therein, 43 : 3. when I came to destroy 44: 17. when they enter in at the gates 21.w?Aen they enter into the inner 27. in the day (Aa( Ae goeth 46: 8. And when tlie prince A'AaZZ enter, 9. But when the people of the land sAaZZ come 10. when they go in, shall go in ; 47: 15. as men go to Zedad ; 20. till a man come over against 48: 1. as one goeth to Hamath, Dan 8:17. and when he came, I was afraid, 11 :10.and (one) shall certainly come, 13. shall certainly come after certain 17. He shall also set his face to enter Joel 2:31(3:4). the terrible day of the Lord come. Am. 6: 14. from the entering in of Hemath Jon. 1: 3.Zo go with them unto Tarshish 3: 4. Jonah began to enter into the city Hab. 2: 3. it will surely come, Hag. 1 : 2. The time is not come, Mai. 3: 2. who may abide the day ofhis coming 9 4: 5(3:23). before ZAe coming of the great KAL. — Imperative. Gen 7: 1 . Come thou and all thy house 16: 2.^o in unto my maid ; 19:34. and go thou in, (and) lie 24:31. Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; ( 194 ) NU Gen 30: 3. go in unto her ; 38: 8. Go in unto thy brother's wife, 45:17. get you unto the land 18. and come unto me: Ex. 6: 11. Go in, speak unto Pharaoh 8: 1(7:26). Go unto Pharaoh, 9: 1 & 10:1. Go in unto Pharaoh, Nu. 21 : 27. Come into Heshbon, Deu 1: 7. and go to the mount 8. go in and possess the land Jos. 6:22. Go into the harlot's house, Jud. 9: 15. come (and) put your trust 1 Sa. 20 : 21 . (Aen come thou : 2Sa.l3:ll. Come lie with me, 14:32. Come hither, that I may send 16:21. Go in unto thy father's concubines, IK. 1:13. and get thee in unto king David, 42. Come in ; for thou (art) a valiant man, 13: 7. Come home with me,' 14: 6. Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam ; 17:13. go (and) do as thou hast said: 20:33. Then he said, Go ye, bring him. 2K. 5: 5. Go to, go, and I will send 10: 6. and come to me to Jezreel by to morrow 25. Go in, (and) slay them; let none come 1 Ch 16 : 29. and come before him : 2Ch 25 : 8. But if thou wilt go, do (it), be strong 30: 8. and enter into his sanctuary, Est. 5:14. (Aen go thou in merrily Job 17:10. do ye return, and come now: Ps. 95: 6. O come, let us worship 96: B.and come into his courts. 100: 2. come before his presence 4. Enter into his gates Cant.4:16. and come, thou south; Isa. 2:10. Enter into the rock , 22: 15. Go, get thee unto this treasurer, 26:20. Come, my people, enter thou 30: 8. go, write it before them 45:20. Assemble yourselves and come; 47: 5. and get thee into darkness, Jer. 35 : 1 1 . Come, and let us go to Jerusalem 40: 4. come; and I will look well unto thee: 41 : 6. come to Gedaliah the son of 49: 14. and come against her, 50: 5. Come, and let us join ourselves 26. Come against her from the 51:10. come, and let us declare in Zion Eze. 3: 4. go, get thee unto the house 11. get thee to them of the captivity, 24. Go, shut thyself within thine house. 8: 9. Go in, and behold the wicked 10: 2. Go in between the wheels, 33:30. Come, I pray you, and hear 37 : 9. Come from the four winds, 39:17. Assemble yourselves, andcmne; Joel 1:13. come, lie all night in sackcloth, 3:11(4:11). Assemble yourselves, and come, 13(-: 13). come, get you down; Am. 4: 4. Come to Beth-el, and transgress; Nah. 3: 14.yo into clay, and tread the moi'ter, KAL Future. Gen. 6: 4. when the sons of God came in unto- 20. shall come unto thee, 7: 7 .And Noah went in, lb. And they went in unto Noah 8 : 1 1 . And the dove came in 11 : 31 . and they came unto Haran, 12: 5. and into the land of Canaan they came. 13:18. and came and dwelt in the plain 14: 7. and came to En-mishpat, 13. And there came one that had escaped, 15:15. thou sAaZ( go to thy fathers 16: 4. And he went in unto Hagar, 19 : 1 . And there came two angels to Sodom 3. and entered into his house ; 33. and the firstborn went in, 20: 3. But God came to Abimelech 13. every place whither we shall come, 22 : 9. And they came to the place 23: 2. and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, 24:30. (Aa( Ae came unto the man ; 32. And the man came into the house: 41 . when (Aon comest to my kindred ; 42. And I came this day 25:29. and Esau came from the field, Nil Gen26:32.(Aa( Isaac's servants came, 27:18. Andhe came unto his father, 33. eaten of all before (Aom earnest, 29: 21. that I may go in unto her. 23. and he went in unto her. 30. And lie went in also unto 30: 4. and Jacob went in unto her. 16. And Jacob came out of the field — Thou must come in unto me ; 33. when it shall come for my hire 38. when the flocks came to drink, 31 :24:. And God came to Laban 33. And Laban went into Jacob's — and entered into Rachel's tent. 32; 8(9). And said, If Esau come to 11(12). lest Ae will come and smite me, 33: 14. until I come unto my lord 18. And Jacob came to Shalem 34: 20. .Ana' Hamor and Shechem his son came 25. and came upon the city 35: 6. So Jacob came to Luz, 27. And Jacob came unto Isaac 37: 10. Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come 14. and he came to Shechem. 38: 2.andwentin unto her. 16. let me come in unto thee ; — that (Aom mayest come in unto me? 18. and came in unto her, 39:11. (Aa( (Joseph) went into the house 40: 6. And Joseph came in unto them 41 : 14. and came in unto Pharaoh. 21.AndM?Aen they Aad eaten them up, (marg. come to the inward parts of them) 50. before the years of famine came, 42: 5..4nd the sons of Israel came 6. and Joseph's brethren came, 29. And they came unto Jacob 43: 26. .4 rada; Aen Joseph came home, 30. and he entered into (his) chamber, 44:14. And Judah and his brethren came 45: 25. and came into the land 46 : 1 . and came to Beer-sheba, 6. and came into Egypt, 28. and they came into the land of 47: 1. TAen Joseph came and told Pharaoh, 15. the Egyptians came unto Joseph, 18. they came unto him the second year, 49: 6. come not (Aom into their secret ; 10. until Shiloh come; 50:10. And they came to the threshingfloor Ex. 1 : 19. ere the midwives come in 2:16. and they came and drew 17. And the shepherds came 18. And when they came to Reuel 3: 1 . and came to the mountain of God, 5:15. TAen the officers of the children of Israel came 7: 10. And Moses and Aaron went in 23. Pharaoh turned and went into 8:24(20). and there came a grievous swarm 10: 3. And Moses and Aaron came in 12: 25. when ye be come to the land 14:16. and the children of Israel shall go 17 . and they shall follow them: (lit. and they shall go after them) 20. .4ndi( came between the camp 22. And the children of Israel went into the 23. and went in after them 15: 23. And when they came to Marah, 27. And they came to Elim, 16: 1. Israel came unto the wilderness 22. and all the rulers of the congregation came 17: 8. Then came Amalek, 18: b.And Jethro, Moses' father in law, came 7 . and they came into the tent. 12. and Aaron came, and all the elders 15. the people come unto me to enquire 23. all this people shall also go 19: 2. and were come (to) the desert 7. And Moses came and called for the elders 20:24.1 will come unto thee, 21 : 3. If Ae came in by himself, 22: 9(8). the cause of both parties shall come 23: 27. to whom thou shalt come, 24: 3. And Moses came and told the people la. And Moses went into the midst ( 195 ) NU Ex. 29:30. when Ae cometh into the tabernacle 35: 10. every wise hearted among you shall come, 21. And they came, every one 22. And they came, both men and women, 36: 4. And all the wise men,.. .came Lev. 9:23. And Moses and Aaron went 11:34. on which (such) water cometh 12: 4. nor come into the sanctuary, 14: 8. after that Ae shall come 34. When ye be come into the land 36. before the priest go (into it) to see — the priest shall go in to see 48. if the priest shall come in, 16: 2. that Ae come not at all times 3. Thus shall Aaron come into 26. afterward come into the camp. 28. afterward Ae shall come 19:23. when ye shall come into the land, 21:1). Neither shall he go in 23. Only Ae shall not go in 23 : 10. When ye be come into the land 25: 2. When ye come into the land Nu. 4:15. shall come to bear (it); 19. Aaron and his sons shaU go in, 20. But they shall not go in to see 6 : 6. Ae shall come at no dead body. 8: 15. shall the Levites go in to do 24. (Aey shall go in to wait 10: 9. if ye go ta war in your land 13:22. and came unto Hebron ; 23. And they came unto the brook 26. they went and came to Moses, 14:30. Doubtless ye shall not come 15 : 2. When ye be come into the land 16:43(17:8). And Moses and Aaron came 17: 8(23). (Aa( on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle 19: 7. afterward Ae shall come into the camp, 20: I. TAen came the children 6.^4nd Moses and Aaron went 22. and came unto mount Hor. 24. Ae shall not enter 21 : 7. Therefore the people came 23. and he came to Jahaz, 22: 7. and they came unto Balaam, 9, 20. .4nd God came unto Balaam, 14. and they went unto Balak, 16. And they came to Balaam, 39. and they came unto Kirjath-huzoth. 23:17. And when he came to him, 25: 8. And he went after the man 27:17. which may go in before them, 21. at his word (Aey shall come in, 31:23. Every thing that may abide (lit. go into) the fire, — all that abideth not the fire 24. afterward ye shall come 32: 2. came and spake unto Moses, 6. ShaU your brethren go 33: 9. and came unto Elim: Deu 1 : 19. and we came to Kadesh-barnea. 22. into what cities we shall come. 24. and came unto the valley of Eshcol, 37. Thou also sAaZ( not go in thither. 38. Ae shall go in thither: 39. they shall go in thither, 10:11. (Aa( (Aey may go in and. possess 17:14. When (Aom art come 18 : 6. And if a Levite come from any of thy .22. follow not, nor come to pass, 19: 5. As when a manyoe(A 21 : 13. after that (Aom sAaZ( go in 23; I (2). shall not enter into the congregation 2(3). A bastard shall not enter — (-). shall Ae not enter into 3(4). Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter — (-).sAaZZ (Aey not enter 8(9). shall enter into the congregation 10(11). Ae sAaZZ not come within 11(12). Ae sAaZZ come into the camp 24(25), 25(26). When (Aou comest into 24:10. (Aom shalt not go into his house 15. neither shall the sun go down 25: 5. shall go in unto her, 26: 1. when (Aom (art) come 27 : 3. (Aom mayest go in unto the land 29; 7(6). And when ye came unto this o 2 NU ( 196 ) NU Deu 29 30 3132 33 Jos. 2 9 1011 18 22 24 Jud. 3 4 6 7 13 18 19 Ru. 1 2 22(21 ). the stranger that shall come 1 . all these things are come 7. thou must go with this people unto 44. And Moses came and spake 52. (Aom shalt not go thither 16.Ze( (the blessing) come 1 . and came into an harlot's house, 22. and came unto the mountain, 23. and came to Joshua the son of Nun, : 1 . and came to Jordan, •AL and they came into the camp, 19. (Aey shall come into the treasury 23. Andthe young men that were spies went in.t : 11. and came before the city, 19. and they entered into the city, : 8. from whence come ye ? 17. and came unto their cities 9. Joshua therefore came unto them 20. entered into fenced cities. 5. (Aey came and pitched together 7. So Joshua came, and all the people 21 . And at that time came Joshua, : 4. and they shall come 9. and came (again) to Joshua : 10. And when (Aey came 15. And they came unto the : 6. and ye came unto the sea ; 1 1 . and came unto Jericho : 22. And the haft also went in :20. when any man do(A come 21. and went softly unto him, 22. And when lie came into her (tent), : 5. (nTO) and they came as grasshoppers — and they entered into the land 1 1 . And there came an angel : 13. And when Gideon was come, — ¦ and came unto a tent, 19. So Gideon,. ..came unto the outside : 4. And Gideon came to Jordan, 15. And he came unto the men of Succoth, : b.And he went unto his father's house 26..4nd Gaal the son of Ebed came 27. and went into the house of their god, 46. (Aey entered into an hold 52. And Abimelech came unto 57. and upon them came the curse : 16. and came to Kadesh ; 18. and came by the east side 3i. And Jephthah came to Mizpeh : 6. Then the woman came 8. let the man of God. ..come again 9. and the angel of God came ] 1 . and came to the man, 12. Now let thy words come to pass. 17. that when thy sayings come to pass ; b.and came to the vineyards of Timnath: 18. before the sun went down, : LI will go in to my wife : Land went in unto her. : 8. and Ae came to mount Ephraim 9. Whence comest thou? : 2. who when they came to mount Ephraim, 7. and came to Laish, 8. And they came unto their brethren 10. ye sAaZZ come unto a people 13. and came unto the house of Micah. 15. and came to the house of the young man 20. and went in the midst 27. and came unto Laish, : 10. and came over against Jebus, 14. and the sun went down 15. and when he went in, he sat him down 17. whence comest thou? 26. TAen came the woman 29. And wlien he was come into : 26. and came unto the house of God, 34. And there came against Gibeah : 2. And the people came to the house 22. their brethren come unto us : 2. And they came into the : 3. she went, and came, 7. among the sheaves; so she came, 18. and went into the city: : 7.Ae went to lie down — and she came softly, 15. and she went into the city. 16. And when she came to her mother in law, Ru. 3:17. Go not empty unto thy mother in law, 4:13. and when he went in unto her, ISa, 1:19. and came to their house to Ramah: 2:27. And there came a man of God 34. that shalt come upon thy two sons, 36. shall come (and) crouch to him 3: 10. Andthe Lord came, and stood, 4: 3. And when the people were come — that, u>Aen it cometh among us, 12. and came to Shiloh the same day 13. And when he came, lo, Eli 14. And the man came in hastily, (lit. andth man hastened, and he came) 7: 1. And the men of Kirjath-jearim came, 8: 4. and came to Samuel unto Ramah, 9: 6. all that he saith cometh 10: 5. After that thou shalt come 7. when these signs are come 9. and all those signs came to pass 10. And when they came thither 13..4nd when he had made an end.. .Ae came 14. and when we saw.. .we came to Samuel. 11 : 4. Then came the messengers 9.-4nd the messengers came and shewed 1 1 . and they came into the midst 14: 20. and they came to the battle: 26.A?id when the people were come 15: 5. And Saul came to a city of Amalek, 13. And Samuel came to Saul: 16: 4. and came to Beth-lehem. 21. And David came to Saul, 17:20. and he came to the trench, 22. and came and saluted his brethren. 18: 13. and came in before the people. 19: 16. And MiAen the messengers were come 18. and came to Samuel 22. and came to a great well 20 : 1 . and came and said before Jonathan, 37. And when the lad was come 38. and came to his master. 21: 1(2). Then came David to Nob 10(11 ).and went to Achish 15( 16). shall this (fellow) come 22 : 5. and came into the forest of Hareth. 11 . and they came all of them 24: 3(4). And he came to the sheepcotes — (-).and Saul went in to cover his feet: 25: 9. And u;Aen David's young men came, 12. and came and told him all those sayings. 34. and come to meet me, 36. And Abigail came to Nabal ; 40. And M-Aen the servants of David were come 26: 1 . And the Ziphites came unto Saul 5. and -came to the place where Saul 7. So David and Abishai came 10. or his day shall come to die; . 27 : 9. and came to Achish. 28 : 4. and came and pitched in Shunera: 8. and they came to the woman 21 . And the woman came unto Saul, 29: 8. that Imay not go fight 30: 3. So David and his men came 9. and came to the brook Besor, 21. And David came to the two hundred 26. And when David came to Ziklag, 31: 4. lest these uncircumcised come 7. and the Philistines came 8. when the Philistines came 12. and came to Jabesh, 2Sa. 1 : 3. From whence comest thou ? 2: 4. And the men of Judah came, 29. and they came to Mahanaim. 3; 20. So Abner came to David 24. TAen Joab came to the king, 35. And M?Aen all the people came 4: 5. and came about the heat of the day 7. For when they came into the house, 5 : 1 . TAen came all the tribes of Israel 3. So all the elders of Israel came 6. thou shalt not come in , „ ~ David cannot come in hither. (marg.SM» not, &c.) 8. shall not come into the house. t 20. And David came to Baal-perazim, 6: 6. And when they came to Nachon's 9. How shall the ark of the Lord com 7 : 18. TAen ivent king David in, NU ( 197 ) NU 13: 2Sa. 8: 5. And w>Aen the Syrians of Damascus came 9: 6. Now when Mephibosheth, ...M>as come 10: 2. And David's servants came 14. and entered into the city. — and came. to Jerusalem. 16. and they came to Helam; 17. and came to Helam. 11 : 4. and she came in unto him, 7. And when Uriah was come 11. shall I thenyo into mine house, 22. and came and shewed David 12: 1. And he came unto him, 4. And there came a traveller unto the 20. and came into the house of the Lord, — (Aen Ae came to his own house ; 24. and went in unto her, 5.Ze( my sister Tamar come, 6. and when the king was come — let Tamar my sister come, 24. And Absalom came to the king, 14:31. and came to Absalom 33. So Joab came to the king, — and when he had called for Absalom, Ae ca7/ie to the king, 15: 4. suit or cause might come unto me, 6. all Israel that came to the king 13. And there came a messenger 37. So Hushai David's friend came into — Absalom came into Jerusalem. 16: 14. Andthe king,. ..came 22. and Absalom went in unto his father's 17: 2. And I will come upon him 6. And when Hushai was come 18. and came to a man's house 20. And when Absalom's servants came 18: 9. and the mule went under the thick 27. and cometh with good tidings. 19: 5(6). And Joab came into the house 8(9). And all the people came 15(16). returned, and came to Jordan. 20: 3..4nd David came to his house 14. and went also after him. 15. And they came and besieged him 22. TAen the woman went 23; 13. and came to David in the harvest time 24: 6. TAen (Aey came to Gilead, — and they came to Dan-jaan, 7. And came to the strong hold 8. So when they had gone. ..(Aey came to 13. So Gad came to David, — Shall seven years of famine come 18. And Gad came that day to David, IK. 1:14.1 also will come in after thee, lb. And Bath-sheba went in 23. And when Ae was come in before 28. And she came into the king's presence, 32. And they came before the king. 53. And he came and bowed himself 2:13. And Adonijah the son of Haggith came 19. Bath-sheba therefore went 30. And Benaiah came to the tabernacle 3: 15. And he came to Jerusalem, 16. Then came there two women, 4:34(5:14). .4nd there came of all people 7: 14. And he came to king Solomon, 8: 3. And all the elders of Israel came, 9:28. And they came to Ophir, 10: l.-^ndwhen the queen.. ..she came to prove 2. And sAe came to Jerusalem — and M?Aen sAe was come 22. once in three years came the 2. Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in 18. and came to Paran: — and they came to Egypt, 3. And Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel came, 12. So Jeroboam and all the people came 21 . And when Rehoboam was come 13: 8. 1 will not go in with thee, 11. and his sons came and told him 22. thy carcase sAaZZ not come 25. and they came and told (it) in the 29. and the old prophet came to the city, 14: 4. and came to the house 13. he only of Jeroboam shall come to the 17. arose, and departed, and came to Tirzah 11: 12: IK. 16: 10. And Zimri went in and smote him, 18.(Aa( Ae went into the palace 17:10. And whenhe came to the gate 19: 3. and came to Beer-sheba, 4. and came and sat down under a juniper 9. And he came thither unto a cave, 20:30. and came into the city, 32. and came to the king of Israel, 43. and came to Samaria. 21: 4. And Ahab came into his house 5. But Jezebel his wife came to him, 13. And there came in two men, 22: 15. So he came to the king. 25. when (Aom sAaZ( go into 30. and went into the battle. 37. and was brought to Samaria; 2K. 1 : 13. and came and fell on his knees 2: 4. So they came to Jericho. 15. And they came to meet him, 3 : 24. And when they came to the camp 4: 7. (nTD) TAen she came and told the man 11 . (Aa( Ae came thither, 25.sAe went and came unto the man 27. And when she came to the man 32. And when Elisha was come 33. He went in therefore, and shut 36.-4nd when she was come in unto him, 37. TAen sAe went in, and fell 39. and came and shred (them) into the pot 5: 4. And (one) went in, 8. let him come now to me, 9. So Naaman came with his horses 15. and came, and stood before him: 24. And wAen Ae came to the tower, 6 : 4. And when they came to Jordan, 14. and they came by night, 32. ere the messenger came 7: 4. we will enter into the city, 5. and when they were come to the 8. And when these lepers came to the utter most part of the camp, (Aey went into — and entered into another tent, 9. (Aa( we may go and tell 10. So they came and called 12. we shall catch them alive, and ye( into 8: 7. And Elisha came to Damascus; 9. and came and stood before him, 14. and came to his master; 9: 5. And when he came, behold, 6. and went into the house ; 19. on horseback, which came to them, 30. And when Jehu was come 34. And when he was come in, he did 10: 8. And there came a messenger, 1 2. he arose and departed, 17. And when he came to Samaria, 21 . and all the worshippers of Baal came, — And they came into the house of Baal ; 23. And Jehu M>en(, 24. And when they went in to offer 11: 9. and came to Jehoiada the priest. 13. .4nd when Athaliah heard.. .sAe came to the 16. and she went by the way 18. And all the people of the land went 19. and came by the way of the gate 13:20. And the bands of the Moabites inuaded 14: 13. and came to Jerusalem, 15 : 14. and came to Samaria, 16: 12. And when the king was come 17:28. TAen one of the priests... came 18:17 .and came to Jerusalem. And when they were come up, (Aey came and stood by 37. TAen came Eliakim 19; Land went into the house of the 5. So the servants of king Hezekiah came 23. and I will enter into the 32. He shall not come into this city, 33. By the way that Ae came, — shall not come into this city, 20: LAnd the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came 14. TAen came Isaiah the prophet — from whence came (Aey 22: 9. And Shaphan the scribe came 23:34. and he came to Egypt, 24: 10. and the city was besieged, (marg. and the city came into siege) Nil C 198 ) Nil 2K. 24:11. And Nebuchadnezzar king- of Babylon 25 ICh. 47 10 2Ch. 1 5 89 1011 1214 15; 18: 242526 2829303132 34 35 Ezr. 7 8 10 Neh. I ; 2; 2. And the city was besieged (lit. and the city came into siege) 23. (Aere came to Gedaliah 26. and came to Egypt: :41. And these written by name came 22. and his brethren came to comfort him. 23. And n:Aen Ae went in to his wife, 4. lest these uncircumcised come 7. and the Philistines cawAen Ae was come to the king, 24. that day when (Aon shalt go 29. and they went to the battle. : 10. what cause soever sAaZZ come : 2. Then there came some that told 9. If, (when) evil cometh upon us, 25. And when Jehoshaphat and his people came 28. And they came to Jerusalem : 12. And there came a writing to him : 2. and they came to Jerusalem. 6. let none come into the house — they shall go in, for they are holy: 12. Now when Athaliah heard. ..sAe came to 15. and &>Aere sAe was come to 17. TAen all the people went 19. any thing should enter in. 20. and they came through the high gate into : 23. and they came to Judah : 7. let not the army of Israel go : 16. and went into the temple 17. And Azariah the priest went in :20. And Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria came ' : 15. sanctified themselves, and came, 16. And the priests went into the inner 18. TAen they went in to Hezekiah : 1 1 . humbled themselves, and came to 27 .and their prayer came : 8. And when Hezekiah and the princes came : Land entered into Judah, and A. should the kings of Assyria come, 21. And when he was come into the house : 9. And mAen they came to Hilkiah ; 22. and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. : 8. And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth .32. And we came to Jerusalem, ; 8. that whosoever would not come 14. let all them.. .come at appointed times, 2. TAa( Hanani, one of my brethren, came, 7. till I come into Judah ; 8. for the house that I shall enter 9. TAen / came to the governors II. So I came to Jerusalem, 15. and entered by the gate Neh. 4:11(5). till we come in the midst 6:11. would go into the temple to save his life? / will not go in. 9:24. So the children went in 13: 1 . should not come into 7. And lcame to Jerusalem, 19. (Aere should no burden Ae brought Est. 1:19. That Vashti come no more 2:14. sAe came in unto the king no more, 4: 2. And came even before the king's 4. So Esther's maids and her chamberlains came 9. And Hatach came and told Esther H.sAaZZcome unto the king 16. so will I go in unto the king, 5: 4, 8. let the king and Haman come 5. So the king and Haman came 10. and when he came home, 6 : 5. And the king said, Let him come in. 6. So Haman came in. 7 : 1 . So the king and Haman came Job 1 : 6. a day when the sons of God came — and Satan came also among them. 7. "Whence comest thou ? 2: 1 . a day when the sons of God came — and Satan came also among them 2. From whence comest thou 9 11. Now when Job's three friends heard.. Mey came 3: 6. let it not come into the 7.Ze( no joyful voice come therein. 24. For my sighing cometh 25. which I was afraid of is come 26. yet trouble came. 4: 5. But now it is come upon thee, 5:21. afraid of destruction when it cometh. 26. TAou sAaZ( come to (thy) grave 6: 8. Oh that I might have my request; (lit. my request would come) 9:32. we should come together 13:16. an hypocrite shall not come 15:21. the destroyer shall come upon him. 19:12. His troops come together, 20: 22. the wicked shall come upon him. 21 : 17. and (how oft) cometh their 22: 4. will he enter with thee 21. thereby good sAaZZ come unto thee. 23: 3. 1 might come (even) to his seat! 27 : 9. when trouble cometh upon him ? 28 : 20. Whence then cometh wisdom ? 29: 13. that was ready to perish came 30:26. then evil came (unto me): ami when I waited for light, (Aere came darkness. 37 : 8. TAen the beasts go into dens, 9. Out of the south cometh 38 : 1 1 . Hitherto sAaZ( (Aon come, 41 :I3(5).who can come (to him) with 16(8) . no air can come between them. 42: 1 1 . TAen came there unto him Ps. 5: 7(8). i will come (into) thy house 18: 6(7). my cry came before him , 22:31(32). They shall come, and shall declare 24: 7, 9. and the King of glory shall come in. 26: 4. neither w;iZZ I go in with 35 : 8. Let destruction come upon him 36:11(12). Let not the foot of pride come agaimt me, 37 : 1 3. he seeth that his day is coming. 15. Their sword shall enter 42: 2(3). when shall I come and appear 43: 4. TAen will I go unto the altar 45: 15(16). (Aey shall enter into the king's palace. 49:19(20). He shall go to the generation ofhis (marg. (The soul) shall go) 50: 3. Our God sAaZZ come, 55: 5(6). trembling are come upon me, 63 : 9(10). shall go into the lower parts 65: 2(3). unto thee shall all flesh come. 66:13. 1 will go into thy house 69:27(28). let them not come 71 : 16. 1 will go in the strength of the Lord 18. to every one (that) is to come. 73:17. Until I went into the sanctuary 79 : 1 1 . Let the sighing of the prisoner eome 86: 9. whom thou hast made sZiaZZ come 88: 2(3). Let my prayer come before thee: NU ( 199 ) Nil Ps. 101 : 2. 0 when wilt thou come 102: 1(2). Ze( my cry come unto thee. 105: 23. Israel also came into Egypt ; 31. and there came divers sorts of flies, 34. He spake, and the locusts came, 109: 1 7. so let it come unto him : 18. so let it come into his bowels 118:19. Iwillgo into them, 20. into which the righteous shall enter. 119:41. Let thy mercies come also unto me, 77. Let thy tender mercies come unto me, 170. Let my supplication come 121: 1 . from whence cometh my help. 126: 6. shall doubtless come again 132; 3. Surely / M;iZZ not come into 7. We will go into his tabernacles: 143: 2. And enter not into judgment Pro. 2: 10. When wisdom entereth into 3 ; 25. desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. 4:14. Enter not into the path 6: 15. Therefore shall his calamity come 7:20. will come home at the day appointed. 22. as an ox goeth to the slaughter, 10:24.i( shall come upon him: 11 : 2. (Aen cometh shame: 8. and the wicked cometh in his 27 . it shall come unto him. 18; 6. A fool's lips enter into contention, 17.(3"n3) [The *ip reads in preterite, which the English follows ; the lit. of htd is, his neighbour shall come] 22 : 24. with a furious man thou sfealt not go : 23: 10. enter not into the fields 24:25. a good blessing shall come 26: 2. the curse causeless shall not come. 27 : 10. neither go into thy brother's house 23: 22. that poverty shall ceme upon him. Ecc. 2:12. that cometh after the king? 12: 1. while the evil days come not, Cant.4: 8. Come with me from Lebanon, 16. Let my beloved come Isa. 1 : 12. "When ye come to appear before 23. neither do(A the cause of the widow come 3: 14. The Lord will enter into judgment 5:19. Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, 26. they shall come with speed 7:24. with bows shall (men) come 25. there shall not come thither 10: 3. desolation (which) shall come from far? 13: 2. (Aa( (Aey may go into the gates 6.i( shall come as a destruction 26 : 2. which keepeth the truth may enter in. 28: 15. it shall not come unto us : 30:13. whose breaking cometh suddenly 32: 10. the gathering shall not come. 35: 4. your God will come (with) vengeance, — he MfiZZ come and save you. 36:22. Then came Eliakim, 37: Land went into the house 5.50 the servants of king Hezekiah came 24. and I will enter into the height 33. He shall not come into this city, 34. shall not come into this city, 38: LAnd Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, 39: 3. Then came Isaiah the prophet — from whence came they 40: 10. the Lord God will come 41: 3. Ae Aad not gone with his feet. 2b. and he shall come upon princes 44 : 7 . and shall come, 45; 24. to him shall (men) come; 47: 9. But these two (things) shall come 11. and desolation shall come 13. that shall come upon thee. 48: 3. suddenly, and they came to pass. 5. before it came to pass 49:12. these shall come from far: 52: 1. (Aere shall no more come into 57: 2.He shall enter into peace: (marg. go in peace) 59: 19. When the enemy sAaZZ come in like a flood, 60: 4. thy sons shall come from far, 5. the Gentiles shall come unto thee. 6. all they from Sheba shall come: 13. The glory of Lebanon sAaJZ come 20. Thy sun shall no more go down ; Isa. 66: 7. before her pain came, she was delivered 15. the Lord will come with fire, 23. shall all flesh come to worship Jer. 2: 3. evil shall come upon them, 7 . but when ye entered, 31.M?e MJiZZ come no more unto thee ? 3 : 18. and they shall come together 4: 5. and let us go into the defenced cities. 12. shall come unto me: 5 : 12. neither shall evil come 6: 3. their flocks shall come unto her ; 20. To what purpose cometh there 26. the spoiler shall suddenly come 8: 14. and let us enter into the \6.for they are come, and have 9: 17(16). mourning women, that they may come ; — ( — ). cunning (women), that they may come: 16: 5. Enter not into the house 8. TAom sAaZ( not also go into the house of feasting, 19. the Gentiles shall come 17: 6. shall not see when good cometh; 8. shall not see when heat cometh, 15- let it come now. 19. the kings of Judah come in, 19:14. TAen came Jeremiah 20: 6. (Aom sAaZ( come to Babylon, 21 :13.who shall enter into our 23 : 1 7. No evil shall come upon 26 : 2 1 . and went into Egypt ; 31 : 9. TAey shall come with weeping, 32: 8. So Hanameel mine uncle's son came to me 23. And they came in, and possessed 34: 3. (Aom shalt go to Babylon. 35 : 11 . and let us go to Jerusalem 36:14. and came unto them. 20. And they went in to the king 29. The king of Babylon shalt certainly come 37 : 19. The king of Babylon shall not come 38:11. and went into the house 27. TAen came all the princes 39 : 3. And all the princes of the king of Babylon came in, 40: 6. Tlien went Jeremiah 8. TAen (Aey came to Gedaliah 10. which MiiZZ come unto us: 12. and came to the land of Judah, 41 : 5. TAa( (Aere came certain 42: 14. but we will go into the land 19. Go ye not into Egypt: 43: 2. Go not into Egypt 7. So they came into the land — (Ams came they (even) to 46: 18. by the sea, (so) shall he come. 48 : 8. And the spoiler sAaZZ come 49; 4. Who shall come unto me ? 36. the outcasts of Elam shall not come. 50 : 4. the children of Israel shall come, they and 51 : 48. for the spoilers shall come 53. from me sAa# spoilers come 60. evil that should come upon Babylon, 52: 5. So the city was besieged (lit. and the city came into siege) Lam. 1:10. (Aey should not enter 22. Let all their wickedness come 4: 12. the enemy should have entered 5: 4. our wood is sold unto us. (marg. cometh for price) Eze. 2: 2. And the soirit entered 3:15. TAen i" came to them of the 24. TAen the spirit entered 7 : 26. Mischief shall come upon 8 : 10. So I went in and saw ; 9: 2. and (Aey M;en( in, and stood 10: 2. And he went in in my sight. 6. (Aen Ae went in, and stood 13 : 9. neither shall they enter 14: 1. Tlien came certain of the 16 : 7. and thou art come to 8. and entered into a covenant with thee, 20 : 38. (Aey shall not enter into the land of Israel : 22: 4. and art come (even) unto 23: 17. And the Babylonians came to her 39. (Aen (Aey came the same day into my 44. Yet they went in unto her, as they 24 : 16. neither shall thy tears run down. ( marg. go) 26. shall come unto thee, Nil Eze.32: 11. of Babylon shall come upon thee. 33: 4, 6. if the sword come, and take 31. And they come unto thee 36:20. And when they entered 37 : 10. and the breath came into them, 38: 8. thou shalt come into the land 9. Thou shalt ascend and come 11.7 will go to them 40: 6. Then came he unto the gate 44: 2. no man sAaZZ enter in 3. Ae sAaZZ enter by the way 9. shall enter into my sanctuary, 16. They shall enter into my sanctuary, 2b. they shall come at no dead 46: 8.Ae shall go in by the way 10. of them, when they go in, shall go in; 47: 9. whithersoever the rivers shall come, — whither the river cometh. Dan 2: 2. So they came and stood before the king. 8: 6. And he came to the ram 17. So he came near where I stood: 11: 6. shall come to the king of the 7. which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress 13. shall certainly come lb. So the king of the north shall come, 24. He shall enter peaceably Hos. 4: 15. come not ye unto Gilgal, 6 : 3. and he shall come unto us 7 : 1 . and tbe thief cometh in, 9: 4. shall not come into the house 10:12. till Ae come and rain 11: 9.1 will not enter into the city. 13: 13. shall come upon him: 15. an east wind sAaZZ come, Joel 1 : 15. from the Almighty shall it come. 2: 9. they shall enter in at the windows Am. 5: 5. nor enter into Gilgal, 9. so that the spoiled shall come Obad. 13. Thou shouldest not have entered Jon. 1: 8, and whence comest thou? 2: 7(8). and my prayer came in unto thee, Mic. 1 : 15. Ae shall come unto Adullam 3: 11. none evil can come upon us. 5: 5(4). when the Assyrian shall come 6(5). when Ae cometh into our 7 : 12. Ae sAaZZ come even to thee Hab. 1: 8. their horsemen sAaZZ come 9. TAey shall come all for violence: 2: 3. because it will surely come, 3: 3. God came from Teman, 16. rottenness entered into my bones, Zep. 2: 2. of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lord's anger come Hag. 1 : 14. and they came and did work Zee. 1 :21(2;4).&w( these are come to fray 6: 15. they (that are) far off shall come 8:20. that (Ae?*e shall come people, 9: 9. thy King cometh unto thee: Mai. 3: L shall suddenly come to his temple, 4: 6(3:24). lest / come and smite the earth KAL Participle. Poel. Gen 7: 16. And they that went in, went in 18:11. loell stricken in age ; 2l.iohich is come unto me; 23:10, 18. all (Aa( went in at the gate 24:63. the camels (were) coming. 29: 6. Rachel his daughter cometh 32: 13(14). took of that which came 33: I.Esau came, and with him four hundred 37: 19. this dreamer cometh. 2b. a company of Ishmeelites came 30. whither shall I go? 38: 9. when Ae went in unto his brother's wife, 41 :29. (Aere come seven years 35. food of those good years that come, 42: 5. among those that came : 46: 8. of the children of Israel, which came 26. All the souls that came with Jacob 21 .which came into Egypt, 48: 2. thy son Joseph cometh Ex. 1 : 1. of Israel, which came into Egypt; 3 : 13. 1 come unto the children of Israel, 14:28. the host of Pharaoh that came 18: 6.1 thy father in law Jethro am come 16. they come unto me; ( 200 ) Nil Ex. 19: 9.Lo, I come unto thee 34: 12. the land whither thou goest, Lev. .14: 46. Moreover he that goeth into the house Nu. 4: 3. all that enter into the host, 23. all that enter in to perform 30, 35, 39, 43. every one that entereth into the 47. every one that came to do 19: 14. all that come into the tent, 21 : 1 . heard tell that Israel came 22:36. Balak heard that Balaam was come, 2b: 6. one of the children of Israel came 31 : 14. which came from the battle. 21. unto the men of war which went 34; 2. When ye come into the land Deu 4; 5. the land whither ye go to possess 7: l.the land whither thou goest 9: 5. dost thou go to possess 11 : 10. the land, whither thou goest in 29. the land whither thou goest to 12:29. whither thou goest to possess 18: 9. When thou art come into the land 23:20(21 )& 28:21, 63& 30: 16. whither thou goest to possess it. 31 : 16. whither they go (to be) among them, Jos. 2 : 3. Bring forth the men that are come 18. we come into the land, 6: Land none came in. Jud. 7:17. when I come to the outside 9:31 . be come to Shechem ; Ru. 2; 4. Boaz came from Beth-lehem, 4:11. the woman that is come into ISa. 2: 14. all the Israelites that came 31. Behold, the days come, 4:13. And when the man came into the 16.1 (am) Ae that came out of the army, 5; 5. nor any (Aa( come into Dagon's 6:14. the cart came into the field 9: 14. when they xoere come 11: 9. the messengers that came, 13:10. behold, Samuel came; 1 7 : 43. that thou comest to me 45. Thou comest to me with a sword, — but I come to thee 18: 16. went out and came in 20:41. as soon as the lad was gone, 42(21 : 1) . Jonathan went into the city. > 22: 9.1 saw the son of Jesse coming 25:19. behold, I come after you. 30:23. the company that came 2Sa. 1: 2. behold, a man came out of the 2: 23. as many as came to the place 3:22. Joab came from (pursuing) a troop, 24. behold, Abner came unto thee; 6: 16. as the ark of the Lord came 11 :10. Camest thou not from (thy) journey? 12: 4. the wayfaring man (Aa( was come — dressed it for the man that was come 18: 31. And, behold, Cushi came; 19:41(42). all the men of Israel came 20: 12. every one that came by him stood 1 K. 14: 5. the wife of Jeroboam cometh 6. as she came in at the door, 17. (and) when she came to the threshold 15: 17. to go out or come in to Asa 2 K. 3 : 20. behold, (Aere came water 4: 42. there came a man 5:25. But he went in, and stood 11: b.that enter in on the sabbath 8. and he that cometh within the ranges, 9. that were to come in on the sabbath, lb. and him that followeth (lit. yoe(A after) her 13:20. invaded the land at the coming in o/the 20: 17. Behold, the days come, ICh 2:55. the Kenites that came of Hemath, 4:38. These mentioned (marg. coming) by (their) 12: 1. these (are) they (Aa( came to David . 27: I. which came in and went out month by 2Ch 7: 11. all that came into Solomon's heart 13 ; 9. so that whosoever cometh to consecrate 15: 5. nor to him that came in, 16: 1 . let none go out or come in 20: 2. There cometh a great multitude 12. this great company that cometh 22. which were come against Judah; 22: l.the band of men that came 23: 4. part of you entering on the sabbath, 7. and whosoever (else) cometh Nin 2Ch 23 : 8. his men (Aa( were to come in on the sabbath, 14. and whoso followeth her, (lit. goeth after) 28: 9, went out before the host (Aa( came 12. stood up against them (Aa( came 30:25. all the congregation (Aa( came out of Is rael, and the strangers (Aa( came 31 : 16. unto every one (Aa( entereth Ezr. 3 : 8. all (Aey (Aa( M?ere come 15. to the river (Aa( runneth 3b. which were come out of the captivity, 11. unto which ye go to possess 13. after all that is -come upon us 17. beside those that came unto us 10. for (Aey mjZZZ come to slay thee ; yea, in the night MjiZZ (Aey come 17. and (the letters) of Tobiah came unto them. 7. Wlio came with Zerubbabel, 33- in all that is brought upon us ; 29(30). and entered into a curse, 22. and (that) (Aey should come 17. but she came not. 13. Then thus came (every) maiden 14. In the evening she went, 16, 17, 18. there came also another, 11. all this evil (Aa( M?as come 26. Blessed (be) Ae that cometh in the name 19. None (Aa( go unto her return again, 29. So Ae (Aa( yoe(A in to his 12. but (when) the desire cometh, 30. (Aey (Aa( go to seek mixed wine. 4. (another) generation cometh: : 16. in the days to come 3(2). a dream cometh 8. he cometh leaping 5. TAey come from a far country, 1 . it cometh from the desert, 9. here cometh a chariot of men, 6. He shall cause (Aem that come 11. the women come, (and) set them on fire: 6. Behold, the days come, : 22. declare us things for to come. 11. thy salvation cometh; 1. Who (is) this (Aa( cometh from Edom, 4. the year of my redeemed is come. 18. their thoughts: it shall come, 16. watchers come from a far country, 22. a people cometh from the north 2. that enter in at these gates 32& 9:25(24). behold, the days come, : 22. the noise of the bruit is come, 20. them that come from the north: : 14. behold, the days come, saith the Lord, :20. (Aa( enter in by these gates: : 6. behold, the days come, saith the Lord, ; 2. thy people (Aa( enter in : 5, 7. Behold, the days come, 2. which come to worship 3. which come to Jerusalem 4. that went into Babylon, 3. For, lo, the days come, 27,31, 38.Behold, the days come, 7. thine uncle sAaZZ come unto thee, 5. TAey come to fight with the 14. Behold, the days come, 6. that come out of their cities. 9. to all the people (Aa( came 8. whither ye be gone 14. which are gone into the land 28. that are gone into the land 4. Because of the day that cometh 12 &49:2. behold, the days come, 27. for their day is come, 31 .for thy day is come, 41 . a people shall come from the north, 13. thine end is come, 47, 52. behold, the days come, 4. none come to the solemn feasts: 4. a whirlwind came out of the north, 5. an only evil, behold, is come. 6. behold, it is come. 7. the time is come, 10. Behold the day, behold, it is come: 2. six men came from the way 16. (the like things) sAaZZ not come, 12. the king of Babylon is come 3. Are ye come to enquire of me ? Neh 5 6 7 9 10 13 Est. 1 2 Job 12 Ps.118Pro. 26 13 23 Ecc. 1 2 5 Cant.2 Isa. 13 21 27 39 41 626366 Jer. 4 6 7 10 13 161719 222326 27 2830 31 3233 3644 51 Lam 1 Eze. 1 7 9: 16: 17: 20: ( 201 ) Kin Eze.20:29. the high place whereunto ye go ? 21 : 7(12). For the tidings ; because it cometh: — ( — ) welik (as) water: behold, it cometh, 23:40. sent for men to come (marg. coming) 30: 9. as in the day of Egypt: for, lo, it cometh. 33: 3. when he seeth the sword come 6. if the watchman see the sword eome, 33. lo, it mil come, 38: 13. Art thou come to take a spoil ? 41 : 6. and they entered into the wall 46: 9.Ae (Aa( entereth in by the way — and he that entereth by the way Dan 8: 5. an he goat came from the west 9:26. the prince (Aa( sAaZZ come 11:16. But Ae (Aa( cometh against Am. 4: 2. the days sAaZZ come upon you, 8:11 & 9:13. Behold, the days come, Jon. 1: 3. he found a ship going to Tarshish: Zee. 1:21(2:4). What come these to do? 2: 10(14). for, lo, I come, 8:10. to him that went out or came in 12: 9. nations ZAa( come against 14:16.w;AicA came against Mai 4: 1(3:19). the day cometh, that shall burn — (-: — ) the day (Aa( cometh shall burn * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Ae also brought of the firstlings (Aon Aas( brought on me and thou shouldest have brought And thou shalt bring (it) to and I shall bring a curse I brought not unto thee; Ae AaZA brought in an Hebrew which (Aom hast brought which they had brought out if I bring him not unto thee, brought he with him into Egypt. they have brought their flocks, And I will bring you that thou mayest bring and bnng thee in unto the Amorites, And thou shalt put the staves and put the taches into the loops, (AaZ (Aom mayest bring in thither that (Aom hast brought so great they brought the Lord's offering brought bracelets, and earrings, badgers' skins, brought (them). brought the Lord's offering; for any work of the service, brought (it). the rulers brought onyx stones, Israel brought a willing offering Israel had brought for the work they brought yet unto him And thou shall bnng in the table, and thou shalt bring in the candlestick, And he shall bring it to Aaron's sons .4ntZ thou shalt bring the meat offering And he shall bring the bullock and bring it to the tabernacle and bring him before the tabernacle And the priest that is anointed sAaZZ bring he shall bring his offering, (Aen Ae shall bring his offering, And he shall bring his trespass offering 15. (Aen Ae sAaZZ bring for his trespass, And he shall bring them unto the priest, ZAen Ae that sinned sAaZZ bring Then shall he bring it to the priest, And he shall bring a ram And he shall bnng them take other stones, and put (them) in and bnng them unto the priest, and bring (it) within the vail: and bring his blood within the vail, bringeth it not unto the door even that they may bring them unto And he shall bring his trespass offering then ye shall bring a sheaf And I will bring a sword upon you, I will send a faintness and have brought them into TAen shall the man bring and he shall bring her offering 6:12. and shall bring a lamb 14; 8. ZAen Ae will bring us Gen 4: 20: 26;27;31;3i>: 46: Ex. 6: IS 2325 26 32 35 4 9 10. 10.12. 39, 14. 17. 43: 2.9. 7. 32. 8. 19. 23. .14 11 33 .21:21 e chosen 14:21. which the Lord did choose 2K. 21 : 7. which I have chosen out of all 23:27. Jerusalem which I have chosen, ICh 15: 2. them hath the Lord chosen 28: 4. Ae Aa(A chosen Judah 6.1 have chosen him (to be) my son, 10. the Lord Aa(A chosen thee 29: l.whom alone God Aa(A chosen, 2Ch 6: 5. 1 chose no city among all — neither cAose J any man 34, 38. which (Aom Aas( chosen, 7:12. and have chosen this place 16. For now have I chosen 12:13. which the Lord Aad chosen 29: II. the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, 33 : 7. which I have chosen before all Neh 1 : 9. the place that I have chosen 9: 7. who didst choose Abram, Job 36: 21. this hast thou chosen Ps. 33:12. the people (whom) Ae Aa(A chosen 18:67. chose not the tribe of Ephraim: 84:10(11). I had rather be a doorkeeper 105:26. Aaron whom Ae Aad chosen. 119:30.7Aa»e chosen the way of truth: 173. for J Aatie chosen thy precepts. 132: 13. the Lord hath chosen Zion; 135: 4. the Lord Aa(A chosen Jacob Pro. 1 :29. did not choose the fear of the Lord: Isa. 1 : 29. the gardens that ye have chosen. 14 : 1 . and will yet cAoose Israel, 41 : 8. Jacob whom I have chosen, 9. J have chosen thee, and not cast 43:10. my servant whom I have chosen: 44: 1 . Israel, whom 7 have chosen : 2. Jesurun, whom 7 Aaue chosen. 48: 10. 7 Aa»e chosen thee in the furnace of afflic tion. 56: 4. and choose (the things) that please 65:12. did choose (that) wherein I delighted 66: 3. they have chosen their own ways, 4. and cAose (that) in which Jer. 33:24. which the Lord Aa(A chosen, Hag. 2: 23. for I have chosen thee, Zee. 1 : 17. and shall yet choose Jerusalem. 2: 12(16). and shall choose Jerusalem KAL Infinitive. 1 Sa. 2 : 28. And did I choose him Isa. 7:15,16. and choose the good. Eze. 20: 5. In the day when I chose Israel, KAL. — Imperative. Ex. 17: 9. Choose us out men, Jos. 24: 15. choose you this day 2Sa.24: 12. choose thee one of them, IK. 18:25. Choose you one bullock 1 Ch 21 : 10. choose tbee one of them, KAL. — Future. Genl3:ll. Then Lot cAose him all(the plain Ex. 18:25. And Moses cAose able men Nu. 16: 5. even (him) whom Ae AaZA chosen 7. the man whom the Lord doZA choose, 1 7 : 5(20). the man's rod, whom 7 shall choose, Deu 4:37. therefore lie chose their seed 7: 7. nor choose you, because 10: 15. and he chose their seed 12 : 5. the Lord your God sAaZZ choose 11. the Lord your God sAaZZ choose 14, 26. which the Lord sAaZZ choose 18. which the Lord thy God sAaZZ choose, 21. which the Lord thy God Aa(A chosen 14:23. the place which Ae shall choose 24. which the Lord thy God shall choose 25. the Lord thy God sAaZZ choose : 15:20 & 16:2.in the place which the Lord shall choose, 16: 6. which the Lord thy God shall choose 7. which the Lord thy God sAaZZ choose: 11. the Lord thy God AaZA chosen 15. which the Lord shall choose: 16. the place which Ae sAaZZ choose; 17: 8. which the Lord thy God shall choose; 10. which the Lord shall choose 15. whom the Lord thy God sAaZZ choose: 18 : 6. unto the place which the Lord shall choose; 23: 16(1 7). in that place which Ae shall choose 26: 2. the place which the Lord thy God shall choose 31 : II. the place which Ae shall choose, Jos. 8: 3. and Joshua cAose out 9: 27. the place which Ae should choose. Jud. 5: 8. TAey cAose new gods ; lSa.13: 2. Saul cAose him three thousand (men) 17:40. and chose him five smooth stones 2Sa.lO: 9.Ae cAose of all the choice (men) 15: 15. my lord the king shall appoint, (marg. choose) 17: 1 . 7,e( me now clioose out 19:38(39). whatsoever (Aom shalt require (marg. choose) IK. 8 : 1 6. but I chose David 18: 23. and let them choose one ICh 19:10.Ae cAose out of all the choice 28: 4. Howbeit the Lord God of Israel cAose 5.Ae Aa(A cAosen Solomon my son 2Ch 6: 6. But I have chosen Jerusalem, — and Aa»e chosen David to be over Job 7 : 15. So that my soul chooseth 9:14. shall I answer him, (and) choose out 15: 5. and thou choosest the tongue 29:25. 7 cAose out their way, 34: 4. 7.e( us choose to us judgment: 33. or whether (Aom choose; Ps. 25:12. the way (that) Ae sAaZZ choose. -inn ( 210 ) Ps. 47: 4(5). He shall choose our inheritance 65: 4(5). Blessed (is the man whom) thou choosest, 78:68. But chose the tribe of Judah, 70. 77e cAose David also his servant, Pro. 3:31. choose none of his ways. Isa. 40:20. he hath no oblation chooseth a tree 41: 24. an abomination (is he that) chooseth 49: 7. and he shall choose thee. 58: 5. Is it such a fast (Aa( I have chosen ? 6. (Is) not this the fast (Aa( I have chosen? 66: 4. 7 also loiZZ cAoose their delusions, KAL.— Participle. Poel. ISa. 20: 30. 1 know that thou AasZ cAosen Zee. 3: 2. the Lord ZAaZ ZiaZA chosen Jerusalem KAL Participle. Paul. Ex. 14: 7. he took six hundred chosen chariots, Jud. 20: 15,16. seven hundred chosen men. 34. ten thousand chosen men ISa. 2-1: 2(3). three thousand chosen men 26: 2. three thousand chosen men o/Israel 2Sa. 6: I. all (the) chosen (men) o/Israel, 10: 9. he chose of all the choice (men) of IK. 12: 21. fourscore thousand chosen men, 1 Ch 19 : 10. all ZAe choice of Israel, (marg. young men) 2Ch 11: 1 . fourscore thousand chosen (men), 13: 3. four hundred thousand chosen men : — eight hundred thousand chosen 17. five hundred thousand chosen 25: 5. three hundred thousand choice (men), Ps. 89: 19(20). exalted (one) chosen out of the people. Cant.5:15. excellent as the cedars. Jer. 49:19 & 50:44. who (is) a chosen (man), * NIPHAL Preterite. * Jer. 8: 3. And death shall be chosen NIPHAL. —Participle. Pro. 8:10. rather than cAoiee gold. 19. my revenue than choice silver. 10:20. The tongue of the just (is as) choice silver: 16:16. rather to be chosen than silver? 21 : 3. justice and judgment (is) more acceptable 22: 1. A (good) name (is) rather to be chosen *PUAL.— Future. * Ecc. 9: 4. (aTO) For to him that is joined D,-in3 [b'ghoo-reem']. m. pi. Nu. 11 : 28. servant of Moses, (one) of his young men, nt?3 & Xt33 [bah-t'ah']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. -K- Pi-o.12: 18. There is (Aa( speaketh like * PIEL Infinitive. * Lev. 5: 4. pronouncing with (his) lips PIEL Future. Lev. 5: 4. shall pronounce with an oath, Ps. 106: 33. so that he spahe unadvisedly Hb3 bah-tagh'. *KAL Preterite.* Jud.20:36. because they trusted unto the 2K. 18: 5. 77e trusted in the Lord God 19. wherein (Aom trustest ? 20. on whom dost thou trust, 21. thou trustest upon the staff 22. We trust in the Lord our God: 1 Ch. 5 : 20. because they put their trust in him. Job 6:20. because (Aey Aad hoped; 11:18. And thou shalt be secure, Ps. 13: 5(6). I have trusted in thy mercy ; 22: 4(5).Ourfathers(rns(edinthee: t/teytrusled, and thou didst 5(6). (Aey trusted in thee, Ps. 25; 26 28 31 334152 56 78 119143 Pro. 31 Isa. 36 Jer. 39 Eze.33Hos. 10 Hab. 2: Zep. 3 ntan 2. 0 my God, 7 (rns( in thee: 1 . 7 Aaue trusted also in the Lord ; 7. my heart trusted in him, 6(7). but I trust in' the Lord. 14(15). But I trusted in thee, 21. we Aa»e trusted in his holy name. 9(10). in whom I trusted, 8(10). I trust in the mercy of God 4(5). in God I haveputmy trust; 11(12). In God Aa»e Iputmy trust: 22. trusted not in his salvation: 42. for 7 trust in thy word. 8. for in thee do I trust : 11. her husband do(A safely (ras( in her, 4. wherein (Aom trustest? 5. on whom dost thou trust, 6. thou trustest in the staff 7. We trust in the Lord 18. (Aom Aas( put thy trust in me, 13. if Ae trust to his own righteousness, 13. thou didst trust in thy way, 18. the maker of his work trusteth 2. she trusted not in the Lord ; KAL . — Infinitive. Ps. 118: 8. than lo put confidence in man. 9. (Aan to put confidence in princes. Isa. 59: 4. they trust (lit. to trust) in vanity, and speak lies ; Jer. 48 : 7. because (Aom Aas( trusted Ps. K AL . — Imperative. 4: 5(6). and put your trust in the Lord. 37: 3. Trust in the Lord, 5. trust also in him ; 62: 8(9). Trust in him at all times ; 115: 9. (rns( (Aom in the Lord: 10,11. (rMs( in the Lord: Pro. 3: 5. TrMsZ in the Lord Isa. 26: 4. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: KAL Future. Jud. 9:26. and the men of Shechem put their con- fidence 2K. 18:24. and put thy trust on Egypt Job 39:11. Wilt thou trust him, 40:23. Ae trusteth that he can draw Ps. 9: 10(11). And they that know thy name will put their trust 40: 3(4) . and shall trust in the Lord. 44: 6(7). 7 will not trust in my bow, 52: 7(9). 6m( trusted in the abundance 55:23(24). but 7a>iZZ trust in thee. 56: 3Z4). 7n>iZZ (rns( in thee. 62:10(11). 7>ms( not in oppression, 91: 2. my God; in him aiiZZ I trust. 146: 3. Put not your trust in Pro. 28: 1 . but the righteous are bold Isa. 12: 2. 1 will trust, and not be afraid; 30: 12. and trust in oppression 31 : 1 . and trust in chariots, 36 : 9. and put thy trust on Egypt 47 : 10. For thou hast trusted 50 : 10. let him trust in the name Jer. 7 : 4. Trust ye not in lying words, 9: 4(3). (rns( ye not in any brother: 13: 25. and trusted in falsehood. 17: 5. the man that trusteth in man, 7. Blessed (is) the man that trusteth 49:11. let thy widows trust in me. Eze. 16:15. But thou didst trust in thine own Mic. 7: 5. put ye not confidence KAL — Participle. Poel. Deu 28: 52. wherein thou trustedst, Jud. 18: 7,27. quiet and secure ; 10. come unto a people secure, 2K. 18:21. all that trust on him. 19: 10. in whom thou trustest 2Ch 32 : 1 0. Whereon do ye trust, Ps. 21: 7(8). the king trusteth in the Lord, 27: 3. in this (will) I (be) confident. 32: 10. but he that trusteth in the Lord, 49: 617). TAey that trust in their wealth, 84: 12(13). blessed (is) the man that trusteth 86:. 2. save thy servant (Aa( trusteth 115: 8. every one that trusteth in them. na: ( 211 ) izan Ps.125: 1. 27jey (Aa( trust in the Lord 135: 18. every one (Aa( trusteth in them. Pro. 11 : 15. he that hateth suretiship is sure. 28. He that trusteth in his riches 14: 16. rageth, and is confident. 16:20. and whoso trusteth in the Lord, 28:25.Aa( Ae that putteth his trust in the Lord 26.ife (Aa( trusteth in his own heart 29:25. but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord Isa. 32: 9. ye careless daughters ; 10. ye be troubled, ye careless women: 1 1 . be troubled, ye careless ones : 36: 6. all (Aa( trust in him. 37:10. thy God, in whom thou trustest, 42:17. that trust in graven images, Jer. 5: 17. thy fenced cities, wherein thou trustedst, 7: 8. ye trust in lying words, 14. wherein ye trust, 12: 5. in the land of peace, (wherein) thou trustedst, 46: 25. (Aem (Aa( trust in him: 49: 4. (Aa( trusted in her treasures, Am. 6: Land trust in the mountain KAL. — Participle. Paul. Ps.112: 7. trusting in the Lord. Isa. 26: 3. because Ae trusteth in thee. * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Jer, 28: 15. (Aom mdkest this people to trust HIPHIL.— Future. 2K. 18:30.Neither let Hezekiah malieyoutrust in the Lord, Isa. 36: 15. Neither let Hezekiab maAe you trust in the Lord, Jer. 29:31. and he caused you to trust HIPHIL, —Participle. Ps. 22; 9(10). (Aom didst make me hope (marg: keptest me in safety) fflS3 behr-tagk, m. Gen34:25.came upon the city boldly, Lev.25: 18. dwell in the land in safety. 19. dwell therein hi safety. 26: 5. dwell in your land safely. Deul2:10.so that ye dwell in safety; 33: 12. of the Lord shall dwell in safety 28. Israel then shall dwell in safety Jud. 8: II. for the host was secnre. 18: 7. how they dwelt careless, ISa. 12:11. and ye dwelled safe. IK. 4:25(5:5). Judah and Israel dwelt safely, (marg. confidently) Job 11:18. thou shalt take thy rest in safety, 24: 23. it be given him (to be) in safety, Ps. 4: 8(9). only makest me dwell in safety. 16: 9.my flesh also shall rest in hope. (marg. dwell confidently) 78:53. he led them on safely, Pro. 1 :33. unto me shall dwell safely, 3:23. shalt thou walk in thy way safely, 29. seeing he dwelleth securely 10: 9. He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: Isa. 14:30. the needy shall lie down in safety: 32:17. quietness and assurance for ever. 47: 8. that dwellest carelessly, Jer. 23: 6. Israel shall dwell safely: 32:37.1 will cause them to dwell safely : 33:16. Jerusalem shall dwell safely: 49:31. that dwelleth without care, Eze.28:26.they shall dwell safely (marg. with con fidence) — they shall dwell with confidence, 30: 9. to make the careless Ethiopians afraid, 34:25. they shall dwell safely 27. they shall be safe in their land, 28. but they shall dwell safely, 38: 8. they shall dwell safely 1 1. that dwell safely, (marg. confidently) 14. my people of Israel dwelleth safely, 39: 6. among them that dwell carelessly (marg. confidently) 26. when they dwelt safely Hos. 2: 18(20). will make them to lie down safely. Mic. 2: 8. them that pass by securely Zep. 2:15. the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, Zee. 14: 1 1. Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. nn£?3 bit-ghah'. Isa. 30: 15. and in confidence shall be your strength: JiP1^3 bit-tah-ghohn' , m. 2K. 18:19. What confidence (is) this Ecc. 9: 4. to all the living there is Aqpe: Isa. 36: 4. What confidence (is) this Hints? bat-too- ghohth' ', f. pi. Job 12: 6. and they that provoke God are secure; 7&3 [bah-tal']. * KAL Preterite. * Ecc. 12: 3. and the grinders cease (marg. fail) hm [vtiu\ ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Ezr. 4:23. and made them to cease by force and 24. Then ceased the work of the house of God 6: 5. that (Aey could not cause them to cease, P'AL. — Infinitive. Ezr. 4: 21. commandment to cause these men to cease, 6 : 8. expences be given unto these men, (Aa( they be not Aindered. (marg. made to cease) P'AL. — Participle. Ezr. 4:24. So it ceased unto the second year (lit. was ceasing) |E>3 beh'-ten, f. Gen 25:23. Two nations (are) in thy womb, 24. twins in her -womb. 2. withheld from thee the fruit of (Ae womb ? .27. twins (were) in her womb. -.21. thy belly to swell ; 22. to make (thy) belly to swell, 27. her belly shall swell, : 13. bless the fruit of (Ay womb, 4. Blessed (shall be) the fruit of (Ay 6ody, 11. in the fruit of (Ay body, (marg. 6eZZy) 18. Cursed (shall be) the fruit of (Ay body, 53. the fruit of (Aine own body, (marg. belly) 30: 9. in the fruit of (Ay body, Jud. 3 : 2 1 . thrust it into his belly : 22. not draw the dagger out of his belly; 5. a Nazarite unto God from (Ae womb: 7. a Nazarite to God from (Ae womb : 17. from my mother's womb: 20. over against (Ae belly .21. Naked came I out of my mother's womb, 10. not up the doors of my (mother's) womb, 11. when I came ow( of the belly ? 19. carried from the womb to the grave. 2. fill Ais belly with the east wind ? 35. and their belly prepareth deceit. 17. of mine own body. (marg. my belly) ; 15. God shall cast them out of his belly. 20. shall not feel quietness in his belly, 23. he is about to fill Ais belly, 15. Did not he that made me in the womb 18. and I have guided her from my mother s womb; :18.the spirit within me (marg. of my belly) 19. my 6eZZy (is) as wine :29. Out of whose womb came ; 16. his force (is) in the navel of his belly. : 14. MiAose AeZZy thou fillest • 9(10). he that took me out of the womb: 10( 1 1 ). thou (art) my God from my mother's belly. r 2 30 38 Nu. 5 Deu 7 28 13: 16 IK. 7 Job 1 3 101519 20 31: 32: 3840 Ps. 1722 pn Ps. 3144 58 71 127132 139 Pro.13 18 20 22 26 31 Ecc. 5 11 Cant. 7 Isa. 13 44 464849 Jer. 1 Eze. 3 Hos 9 12 Jon. 2 Mic. 6 Hab 3 9(10). my soul and my belly. 25(26). our belly cleaveth unto the earth. : 3(4). they go astray as soon as they be born, (marg. from the belly) : 6. been holden up from the womb: : 3. the fruit of ZAe womb : 1 1 . fruit of ZAy body will I set (marg. belly) : 13. hast covered me in my mother's womb. :25. but the belly of the wicked : 8. the innermost parts of ZAe belly. 20. A man's AeZZy shall be satisfied 27,30. the inward parts of ZAe belly. 18. if thou keep them tciZAin ZAee,- (marg. in thy belly) : 22. the innermost parts of ZAe belly. : 2. the son of my ivomb ? : 15(14). he came forth of his mother's womb, ; 5. the bones (do grow) in ZAe womb of her •¦ 2(3). thy belly (is like) an heap . 18. on the fruit of (Ae womb ; : 2,24. formed thee from the womb, 3. borne (by me) from (Ae oeZZy, . 8. called a transgressor from the womb. : 1 . The Lord hath called me from the womb ; 5 . that formed me from the womb 15. compassion on the son of Aer womb? 5. Before I formed thee in the belly : 3. cause thy belly to eat, : 1 1 . from the birth, and from the womb, 16. the beloved (fruit) of (Aeir womb. 3(4). bv the heel in the womb, 2(3). out of the belly of hell 7. the fruit ofmy body (marg. belly) 16. my belly trembled ; c 212 ) ?n ]^b(once):_ Isa. 59: 2. between you and )( your God, T?5?, as, Ex. 25:22. from between the two cherubims Nu. 16:37(17:2). take up the censers out of the Ps.l04:12. (which) sing among the branches. Jer. 48:45. a flame from the midst of Sihon, Eze.37 : 21 . the children of Israel from among the 47 : 18. shall measure from (marg. from between) Hauran, and from Damascus, and Ji'mii Gilead, and from the &c. &c. With pronominal suffixes : as, Gen 23:15. what (is) that betwixt me andthee? 26 : 28. betwixt us and thee, &C.&C. ^2 is used in the plural n13',2. Eze.10: 2. Go in between the wheels, — coals of tire from between the cherubims, &c. &c. D*3t?3 bot-neem', m. pi. Gen 43: 11. myrrh, nuZs, and almonds: '3 bee, part, interj. Gen43:20. 0 sir, we came indeed down 44: 18. Ok my lord, let thv servant, Ex. 4:10. O my Lord, I (am) not eloquent, 13. O my Lord, send, I pray thee, Nu. 12:11. Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, Jos. 7: 8. O Lord, what shall I say, Jud. 6:13. Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, 15. Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save 13: 8. O my Lord, let the man of God 1 Sa. 1 :26. Oh my lord, (as) thy soul liveth, IK. 3: 17. the one woman said, O my lord, 26. O my lord, give her the living child, J*3 behn. part prep. [Properly constr. of T)21 Gen 15: 17. passed between those pieces. 31 : 37. that they may judge betwixt us both. Ex. 12: 6. shall kill it in the evening, (marg. between the two evenings) 16:12. At even ye shall eat Jud. 5: \6. among the sheepfolds, 2K. 2 : 1 1 . and parted them both asunder ; ¦ 2Ch 14: 11(10). whether with many, or with them Job 24:11. make oil within their walls, &c. &c. It is frequently doubled in a sentence, and the second is commonly omitted in translation. The place of the omitted ^2 is marked )(. Gen 1: 4. God divided )( the light from the dark ness, (marg. between the light and between the darkness) 9:16. covenant between God and )( every living 32: 16(17). a space betwixt drove and )( drove. Lev. 27 : 12. whether it be good or )( bad: &c. &c. It occurs with prefixes : as, ^22 (once) : Isa. 44: 4. they shall spring up (as) among the grass, |*3 behn, Ch. prep. Dan 7: 5. three ribs in the mouth of it between the 8. there came up among them another litile |*3 been. * KAL Preterite. * Ps. 139: 2. (Aon understandest my thought Dan 9. 2.1 Daniel understood by books 10: 1 . and he understood the thing, KAL. — Infinitive. Pro. 23: 1. consider diligently what (is) before thee: KAL. — Imperative. Deu 32 : 7 . consider the years of many Ps. 5: 1(2). consider my meditation. 50: 22. Now consider this, 94: 8. Understand, ye brutish among Dan. 9:23. therefore understand the matter, KAL & HIPHIL Future. Deu 32; ISa. 3: 2Sa.l2; 2Chll: Ezr. 8: Neh 8: 13: Job 6 9: 13.14 lo;18: 233236 3d 42 Ps. 19 28 49 68 73 829294 Pro. 27 1419 20 21 29. (Aey would consider their latter end I 8. And Eli perceived that the Lord 19. But when David saw... David perceived 23. And he dealt wisely, lb. and I viewed the people, 8. and caused (them) to understand 7. and understood of the evil 30. cannot my taste discern perverse things? 1 1 . but I perceive him not. 1 . ear hath heard and understood 21. but he perceiveth (it) not 9. understandest thou, which (is) not 2. mark, and afterwards we will speak. 5. and understand what he would 8. but I cannot perceive him: 8. giveth them understanding. 9. neither do the aged understand 29. Also can (any) understand 20. that ZAon shouldest know 3. 1 uttered that J understood not ; 12(13). Who can understand (his) errors? 5. ZAey regard not the works 20(21). and understandeth not, 9(10). your pots can feel the thorns, :17 .understood /their end. 5. neither will they understand ; 6(7). neither doZA a fool understand 7. neither sAaZZ the God of Jacob regard 5, 9. Then shalt thou understand 7. 1 discerned among the youths, : 15. the prudent (man ) looketh well 25. (and) Ae tciZZ understand knowledge. 24. how can a man then understand 29. Ae directeth his way. (marg. considereta. the text follows the 3'ro). 23: 1 . consider diligently what (is) before thee: 24: 12. he that pondereth the heart consider V2 ( 213 ) rn Pro. 28: 5. Evil men undwstand not — (Aey that seek the Lord understand 29: 7. the wicked regardeth not 19. though Ae understand he will not Isa. 6: 9. but understand not; 10. understand with their heart, 28: 9. whom shall he make to understand 32: 4. the rash shall understand 40: 14. and (who) instructed him, (marg. made him understand) 43:10. and understand that I (am) he: 44: 18. have not known nor understood: Ser. 9:12(11). (Aa( may understand this? Dan 9:22. And he informed (me), 11:30. and have intelligence with them 33. the people sAaZZ instruct many : 37. Neither shall he regard — nor regard any god : 12: 8. but J understood not: lO.none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise sAaZZ understand. Hos 4:14. doth not understand ¦ 14: 9(10). and he shall understand KAL Participle. Jer. 49 : 7 . perished from the prudent ? * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # Isa. 10:13. for Iamprudent: NIPHAL.— Participle. Gen41:33.1ook out a man discreet and wise, 39. none so discreet and wise as thou Deu 1:13. wise men, and understanding, 4: 6. wise and understanding people. lSa.l6:18. antZprad'enZ in matters, IK.. 3 : 12. a wise and an understanding heart ; Pro. 1 : 5. and a man of understanding 10:13. the lips of Aim that hath understanding 14: 6. easy unto him, that understandeth. 33. of him that hath understanding : 15:14. The heart of Ziim. that hath understanding 16:21. wise in heart shall be called prudent : 17:28. a man ofunderstanding. 18:15. The heart of the prudent 19: 25. reprove one that hath understanding, Ecc. 9:11. nor yet riches to men of understanding, Isa. 3: 3. and the eloquent orator, (marg. skilful of speech) 5:21. and prudent in their own sight ! 29 -.14. the understanding of their prudent (men) Jer. 4:22. they have none understanding: Hos 14: 9( 10). ^rudeni, and he shall know them? * POLEL Future. * Deu32:10.Ae instructed him, # HIPHIL Preterite. # Neh 8:12. because they had understood Job 28:23. God understandeth the way Isa. 29:16. He had no understanding? 40 : 2 1 . have ye not understood Dan 1 : 17. Daniel had understanding (marg. Ae made Daniel understand) Mic. 4:12. understand they his counsel. HIPHIL Infinitive. IK. 3: 9. that I may discern 1 1 . hast asked for thyself understanding Ps. 32: 9. have no understanding : Pro. 1: 2. to perceive the words of 6. To understand a proverb, 14: 8. to understand his way: Isa. 28:19. (to) understand the report. (marg. (when) Ae shall make (you) to understand) 56 : 1 1 . cannot understand: (lit. know not to under stand) Dan 10: 12. didst set thine heart to understand, 14. come to make thee understand HIPHIL. — Imperative. Job 6 : 24. cause me to understand Ps. 119:27. Make me to understand the way 34. Give me understanding, and I 73. give me understanding, that I 12b. give me understanding, that I 144.yiue me understanding, and I 169.yiue me understanding -according Pro. 8: 5.0 ye simple, understand wisdom : Pro. 8: b.be ye of an understanding heart. Dan 8: 16.maAe this (man) to understand 17. Understand, O son of man: 9; 23. the matter, and consider the vision. 10:1 1. understand the words HIPHIL.— Future. See under Kai. HIPHIL Participle. ICh 15:22. because he (was) skilful. 25: 7. all that were cunning, 8. the teacher as the scholar. 27 : 32. a wise man, and a scribe : 28: 9. and understandeth all 2Ch 26: 5. who had understanding 34: 12. all (Aa( could skill of 35: 3. (Aa( taught all Israel, Ezr. 8: 16. men of understanding. Neh 8: 2. all that could hear with understanding, (marg. (Aa( understood in hearing) 3. and those that could understand; 7. caused the people to understand 9. the Levites (Aa( taught the people, 10:28(29). having understanding ; Ps. 33: 15. Ae considereth all their works. 119:130. it giveth understanding unto the Pro. 8: 9. plain to him that understandeth, 17:10. A reproof entereth more into a wise man 24. him that hath understanding; 28: 2. by a man of understanding 7. Whoso keepeth the law (is) a wise son: 11. the poor (Aa( hath understanding Isa. 57 : 1 . none considering that the righteous Dan 1 : 4. and understanding science, 8: 5. as I was considering, 23. and understanding dark 27. but none understood # HITHPOLEL.— Preterite. # Job 38:18. Hast thou perceived the breadth Ps. 37: 10. yea, thou shalt diligently consider Isa. 1: 3. my people a*o(A not consider. 52: 15. they had. not heard shall they consider. HITHPOLEL— Imperative. Job 37:14. and consider the wondrous works Jer. 2: 10. and consider diligently, 9:17(16). Consider ye, and call for the HITHPOLEL.— Future. IK. 3:21. but when I had considered it Job 11:11. will he not then consider 23:15. when I consider, I am afraid 26:14. of his power who can understand? 30: 20. and thou regardest me 31 : I . why then should I think 32: 12. Yea, I attended unto you, Ps.l07:43.euen (Aey shall understand 119:95. 1 will consider thy testimonies. 100. 1 understand more than the 104. Through thy precepts I get understanding: Isa. 14: 16. look upon thee, (and) consider thee, 43 ; 18- neither consider the things of old. Jer. 23 -.20. ye shall consider it perfectly. 30 : 24. in the latter days ye shall consider TO*3 bee-nah' f. T ' ' Deu 4 ICh 12 22 2Ch 2 Job 20 28 39 Pro. 1 2 3 4 6. and your understanding in the sight : 32. that had understanding : 12. wisdom and understanding, : 1 2( 1 1 ) . prudence and understanding, 13(12). endued with understanding, : 3. the spirit of my understanding :12, 20. where (is) the place ofunderstanding? 28. to depart from evil (is) understanding. :16. If now (thou hast) understanding, : 4. declare, if thou hast understanding. 36. or who hath given understanding 17. hath he imparted to her understanding. 26. Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, : 2. to perceive the words of understanding ; : 3. if thou criest after knowledge, : 5. lean not unto (Aine own understanding. : 1 . attend to know understanding. rn ( 214 ) JTO Pro. 4: 5. Get wisdom, get understanding : 7. with all thy getting get understanding. 7: 4. call understanding (thy) kinswoman : 8:14.1 (am) understanding; I have strength. 9: 6. go in the way of understanding. 10. knowledge of the holy (is) understanding. 16:16. understanding rather to be chosen 23: 4. cease from thine own wisdom. 23. and instruction, and understanding. 30: 2. have not (Ae understanding of a man. Isa. 11: 2. wisdom and understanding, 27 : 1 1 . a people of no understanding: 29: 14. and (Ae understanding of their prudent 24. shall come to understanding, 33: 19. (that thou canst) not understand, (lit. (of which there is) no understanding) Jer. 23:20. ye shall consider it perfectly, (lit. ye shall understand it (with) understanding) Dan 1:20. wisdom (and) understanding, 8: 15. the vision, and sought for (Ae meaning, 9:22. to give thee skill and understanding. 10: Land had understanding of the vision. PW3 bee-nah', Ch. f. Dan 2:21 . wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge DT3 beh-tzeem', f. pi. Deu22: 6. young ones, or eggs, — ¦ or upon (Ae eggs, Job 39: 14. Which leaveth Aer eggs in the earth, Isa. 10: 14. as one gathereth eggs (that are) left, 59: 5. They hatch cockatrice' eggs, ¦ — he that eateth of their eggs dieth, *V3 bahf-yir, f. Jer. 6: 7. As a fountain casteth out her waters, m;3 bee-rah' f. ICh 29: 1. for the palace (is) not for man, 19. to build the palace, Neh 1 : 1 . as I was in Shushan (Ae palace, 2: 8. beams for the gates of (Ae palace 7: 2. the ruler of the palace, Est. 1: 2. which (was) in Shushan the palace, 5. present in Shushan (Ae palace, 2: 3. the fair young virgins unto Shushan (Ae palace, 5. in Shushan (Ae palace 8. together unto Shushan the palace, 3: 15. decree was given in Shushan (Ae palace. 8: 14. decree was given at Shushan the palace. 9: 6. And in Shushan (Ae palace 11. that were slain in Shushan (Ae palace 12. five hundred men in Shushan the palace, Dan 8: 2. that I (was) at Shushan (in) the palace, m;3 bee-rah' Ch. f. Ezr. 6: 2. in (Ae palace that (is) in the province of the Medes, nV7T3 bee-rah-neey-yoM ', f. pi. 2Ch 17: 12. castles, and cities of store. (marg.jmZaces) 27: 4. he built castles and towers. JV3 bah'-yith, m. Gen 6: 14. shall pitch it within and without with 7 : 1 . Come thou and all (Ay Aonse into the ark ; 12: 1 . and from thy father's house, lb. was taken into Pharaoh's house. 17. plagued Pharaoh and Ais house 14: 14. born in Ais own house, lb: 2. the steward of my house 3. one born in my house is mine 17; 12. he that is born in (Ae house, Gen 17:13. He that is born in (Ay Aowse, 23. all that were born in Ais house, — the men of Abraham's house ; 27. all the men of Ais Aowse, born in (Ae house, 18: 19. Ais houshold after him, 19: 2. into your servant's house, 3. and entered into Ais house; 4. compassed (Ae Aowse round, 10. pulled Lot into the house 1 1 . at the door of (Ae Aowse 20:13. to wander from my father's Aowse, 18. the wombs of the house of 24: 2. unto his eldest servant of Ais house, 7. took me from my father's house, 23. is there room (in) thy father's house 27. the Lord led me to (Ae house of 28. her mother's Aowse these things. 31 . for I have prepared (Ae house, 32. the man came into the house: 38. go unto my father's house, 40. of my kindred, and ofmy father's Aoase: 27:15. which (were) with her in the house, 28: 2. to the house of Bethuel 17. none other but (Ae Aowse of God, 21. come again to my father's Aouse 22. set (for) a pillar, shall be God's house: 29; 13. and brought him to Ais Aowse. 30 : 30. provide for mine own house 31 : 14. inheritance for us in our father's house? 30. thou sore longedst after thy father's house, 37. thou found of all (Ay houshold stuff ? 41. have I been twenty years in thy house; 33: 17. built him art house, 34: 19. than all (Ae Aowse of his father. 26. took Dinah out of Shechem's house, 29. even all that (was) in the house. 30. 1 shall be destroyed, I and my house. 35: 2. Jacob said unto Ais houshold, 36: 6. and all the persons of Ais Aowse, 38:11. Remain a widow at thy father's house, — went and dwelt in her father's house. 39: 2. he was in the house of his master 4. overseer over Ais house, 5. overseer in his house, — blessed the Egyptian's Aowse — all that he had in the house, 8. what (is) with me in the house, 9. none greater in this Aowse 11. that (Joseph) went into the house — none of the men of (Ae house there within. 14. called unto the men of her Aowse, 16. until his lord came Aome. 20. put him into the prison, (lit. Aowse o/the prison) — in the prison. (lit. in the house of theprison) 21, 22, 23. the keeper of the prison.(lit.Aowse of, &c. ) 22. the prisoners that (were) in the prison; (lit. house of, &c.) 40: 3. in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, (lit. Aoase o/the prison) 5. which (were) bound in the prison, (lit, in (Ae house of) 7. in the ward ofhis lord's house, 14. bring me out of this house: 41 : 10. in the captain of the guard's house, 40. Thou shalt be over my house, ¦ 51 . all my toil, and all my father's house. 42 : 19. in the house of your prison: go ye, carry corn for the famine of your houses: 33. the famine of your housholds, 43:16. he said to the ruler of Ais house, Bring (these) men home, 17,24. brought the men into Joseph's Aowse. 18. they were brought into Joseph's house; 19. the steward of Joseph's house, — at the door of (Ae house, 26. when Joseph came Aome, — in their hand into the house, 44 : 1 . commanded the steward of Ais house, 4. Joseph saidunto his steward, (lit. to(him) that (was) over Ais house) 8. out ofthy lord's Aowse 14. his brethren came to Joseph's house; 45: 2. (Ae Aowse o/Pharaoh heard. JV2 (215) JT3 Gen 45 46 4750 Ex. 1 236 7 38 3940 Lev. 10 14 1 1 . lest thou, and thy houshold, 16. was heard in Pharaoh's Aowse, 18. take your father and yowr housholds, 27. all the souls of the house of Jacob, 31. unto his brethren, and unto his father's house, — My brethren, and my father's house, 12. and all his father's houshold, 14. the money into Pharaoh's house. 24. and for them of your housholds, 4. spake unto (Ae Aowse o/Pharaoh, 7. the elders of Ais house, 8. all (Ae Aowse of Joseph, and his brethren, and his father's house: 22. dwelt in Egypt, he, and his father's Aowse : 1. every man and his houshold came 21. that he made them Aowses. 1. went a man o/(Ae Aowse of Levi, 22. that sojourneth in Aer house, 14. heads of their fathers' houses : 23. Pharaoh turned and went into Ais Aowse, 3(7:28). shall go up and come into thine house, — (-: — ).and into the house ofthy servants, 9(5). to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, 11(7). and from thy houses, and from 13(9). the frogs died out of the houses, 21(17). and into thy houses : and (Ae houses of the Egyptians 24(20). into the house of Pharaoh, and (into) his servants' houses, 19. shall not be brought Aome, 20. flee into (Ae houses : 6. they shall fill (Ay houses, and the houses of all thy servants, and the houses of all the 3. according to the house of (their) fathers, a lamb for an house : 4. if (Ae houshold be too little — his neighbour next unto Ais Aowse 7. door post of (Ae Aowses, 13. for a token upon (Ae houses lb. leaven out of your houses : I9.no leaven found in your houses: 22. shall go out at the door of his house 23. to come in unto yowr houses 27. over (Ae houses of the children of — . and delivered owr houses. 29. that (was) in the dungeon; (marg. Aowse o/the pit) 30. (there was) not a house 46. In one Aowse shall it be eaten ; — the flesh abroad out of (Ae Aowse ; : 3. out o/(Ae Aowse ofbondage; 14./rom (Ae Aowse of bondage: ;31. And (Ae Aowse o/Israel called : 3. Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, 2. out of the house of bondage. 17. shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, 7 (6). it be stolen ow( of the man's house; 8(7) . the master of (Ae Aowse shall be brought :I9. shalt bring into (Ae Aowse of the Lord :ll.w>i(Ain and without 27 .be for places of the staves : 29. places for the bars: 33. bring in thither within the :26.in the side of the ephod inward. : 4. they shall be for places :26. thou shalt bring unto (Ae Aowse :34. places for the bars, : 2. within and without, 14. the places for the staves 27.(o be places for the staves 5. places for the staves. :19. on the side of the ephod inward. :38. in the sight of all (Ae Aowse of Israel, 6. the whole Aowse o/Israel, bewail 34. the plague of leprosy in a house of 35. And he that owneth (Ae Aowse — as it were a plague in the house : 36. that they empty (Ae Aowse, — all that (is) in the house — shall go in to see (Ae house: 37. in the walls of (Ae Aowse 38. the priest shall go out of (Ae Aowse to the door of (Ae Aowse, and shut up (Ae Aowse seven days: Lev.14: 16 25: 27 Nu. 1 IS 32 34 Deu 5 39. spread in the walls of (Ae house; 41. cause (Ae Aowse to be scraped within 42. shall plaister (Ae house. 43. break out in the house, — and after he hath scraped (Ae house, 44. the plague be spread in the house, it (is) a fretting leprosy in the house: 45. he shall break down (Ae house, — all the morter of the house; 46. he that goeth into (Ae Aowse 47. he that lieth in the house — he that eateth in the house 48. plague hath not spread in the house, after (Ae Aowse was plaistered: — shall pronounce (Ae Aowse clean, 49. he shall take to cleanse (Ae Aowse 51. sprinkle (Ae Aowse seven times: 52. he shall cleanse (Ae Aowse 53. make an atonement for (Ae Aowse : 55. of a garment, and of a house, 2. within the vail before the 6, 11. an atonement for himself, and for Ais Aowse. 12. bring (it) within the vail: 15. bring his blood within the vail, 17. for himself, and for Ais houshold, 3, 8, 10. (there be) o/(Ae Aowse o/Israel, 9. born at home, or born abroad, ll.and he that is born in Ais house: 13. and is returned unto her father's house, 18. Whatsoever (he be) of the house of 29. if a man sell a dwelling Aowse 30. then (Ae Aowse that (is) in 31. But the houses of the villages 32,33. (Ae houses of the cities 33. then (Ae Aowse that was sold, : 14. when a man shall sanctify Ais 7iowse 15. that sanctified it will redeem Ais house, : 2, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45. by the house of their fathers, 4. every one head o/(Ae Aowse of 44. each one was for the house ofhis fathers. : 2. with the ensign of their fathers' house: 32. by the house of their fathers: 34. according to (Ae Aowse of -.15. after the house of their fathers, 20. according to the house of their fathers. 24, 30, 35. the chief of (Ae Aowse of the : 2, 29, 40, 42. by the house of their fathers, 22. throughout the houses of their fathers, 34, 46. and after the house of their fathers, 38. and* by the house of their fathers, : 2. heads of (Ae Aowse of their fathers, : 7. who (is) faithful in all mine house. ;32.and (Aeir houses, and all the men : 2(l7).accor«mo(o(AeAowseo/(their) fathers, -( — ). according to the house of their fathers 3(18). for the head of (Ae Aowse of 6(21). according to their fathers' houses, 8(23). the rod of Aaron for the house of 'Levi Land thy sons and thy lather's Aowse 7. and zoithin the vail ; 11 . every one that is clean in thy house 13. every one that is clean in thine house 31 . in every place, ye and your housholds: 29. (even) all (Ae Aowse o/Israel. :18&24; 13. If Balak would giveme Ais Aowse full 14. a chief Aowse among 15. of a chief Aowse in Midian. 2. throughout their fathers' house, 3(4). (being) in her father's Aowse in her youth ; 10(11). in her husband's house, 16(17). in her youth in her father's Aowse. 18. return unto owr houses, 14,14. according to the house of : 6.from the house of bondage. 21(18). covet thy neighbour's Aowse, : 7- when thou sittest in thine house, 9. write them upon the posts of (Ay house, 11. And houses full of all good 12./rom (Ae Aowse of bondage. 22. Pharaoh, and upon all Ais houshold, : 8. out of the house of bondmen, 26. an abomination into (Aine house, : 12. and hast built goodly houses, li.from the house of bondage ; JT3 Deu 11 : 6. and (Aeir housholds, and their tents, 19. when thou sittest in thine house, 20. upon the door posts of (Aine Aowse, 12: 7. and your housholds, wherein the Lord 13: b(6) . out of the house of bondage, 10(ll)./rom ZAe Aowse of bondage. 14:26. thou, and thine houshold, 15; 16. loveth thee and thine house, 20. shall choose, thou and thy houshold. 19: 1. in their cities, and in their houses; 20: 5. that hath built a new house, — let him go and return to his house, 6, 7, 8. go and return unto his house, 21 : 12. bring her home to thine house; 13. shall remain in thine house, 22: 2. bring it unto (Aine own house, 8. When thou buildest a new house, — bring not blood upon thine house, 21 . the damsel to thedoor of her father's house, — to play the whore in her father's house: 23: 18(19). into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord thy God 24 : 1 . and send her ow( of his house. 2. when she is departed owZ of his house, 3. and sendeth her out ofhis house; 5. he shall be free at home one year, 10. not go into Ais Aowse to fetch his pledge. 25: 9. build up his brother's Aowse. 10. The house of him that hath 14. Thou shalt not have in thine house 26 : 1 1 . and unto thine house, 13. the hallowed things out of (mine) house, 28: 30. thou shalt build an house, Jos. 2: Land came into an harlot's house, 3. which are entered into thine house: 12. shew kindness unto my father's house, 15. for Aer Aowse (was) upon the 18. and all thy father's houshold, home 19. shall go out of the doors ofthy house — shall be with thee in the house, 6: 17. all that (are) with her in the house, 22. Go into the harlot's Aowse, 24. into the treasury of the house o/the Lord. 25. the harlot alive, and her father's houshold, 14. shall come by housholds; and the houshold 18. brought Ais houshold man by man ; : 12. provision owZ of our houses 23. for the house ofmy God. : 17. Joshua spake unto ZAe Aowse of Joseph, : 5. and the house of Joseph shall abide : 27. toward the sunrising to i?e/A-dagon, — toward the north side of .BeZA-emek, 6. and unto Ais own house, 45(43). had spoken unto (Ae Aowse of Israel ; : 14. of each chief Aowse a prince — head of (Ae Aowse of their fathers : 15. but as for me and my house, we will 17. from the house of bondage, 22. (Ae Aowse of Joseph, they also went up 23. And the Aowse of Joseph sent to descry 35. the hand of (Ae Aowse of Joseph prevailed, 4:17. and (Ae Aowse of Heber 6 : 8. ow( of the house of bondage ; 15. and I (am) the least in my father's Aowse. 27. because he feared his father's houshold, 8:27. a snare unto Gideon, and to his house. 29. and dwelt in his own house. 35. shewed they kindness to (Ae Aowse of 9: 1. all the family of (Ae Aowse of 4. out of the house of Baal-berith, 5. he went unto his father's Aowse at Ophrah, 6. all (Ae Aowse o/Millo, 16. dealt well with Jerubbaal and Ais Aowse, 18. ye are risen up against my father's Aowse 19. with Jerubbaal and with Ais Aowse 20. and (Ae Aowse of Millo ; — and from the house o/Millo, 27. went into (Ae house of their god, 46. an hold of (Ae Aowse o/the god Berith. 10: 9. ana" against the house of Ephraim ; 11 : 2. shalt not inherit in our father's house; 7. expel me ow( ofmy father's house? 31. cometh forth of the doors ofmy house 34. Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, 12: 1. we will burn (Aine Aowse 14: 15. lest we burn thee and thy father's Aowse 19. and he went up to his father's Aowse. 16:21. he did grind in the prison Aowse. 79 17 18 19 20212224 Jud. 1 ( 216 ) nu Jud.l6:26.ow( o/(Ae prison Aowse, 26. whereupon ZAe house standeth, 27. Now the house was full 29. upon which (Ae Aowse stood, 30. and (Ae Aowse fell upon the lords, 31. and all (Ae Aowse ofhis father 17: 4. they were in the house of Micah. 5. the man Micah had an house of gods, 8. to (Ae Aowse o/Micah, 12. was in the house o/Micah. 18: 2. to the house o/Micah, 3. When they (were) by (Ae Aowse of 13. came unto (Ae Aowse o/Micah. 14. there is in these houses lb. came to (Ae Aowse of the young man the Levite, (even) unto the house o/Micah, 18. these went into Micah's Aowse, 19. to be a priest wn(o (Ae Aowse of 22. from the house of Micah, the men that (were) in (Ae houses near to Micah's house 25. thy life, with the lives of (Ay houshold. 26.be turned and went back unto Ais house. 31 .all the time that (Ae Aowse of God was in 19: 2. away from him unto her father's Aoufie 3. brought him into her father's Aowse: 15. no man that took them into his Aowse 18. going to (Ae Aowse o/the Lord; — no man that receiveth me to house. 21 . So he brought him into his house, 22. beset (Ae Aowse round about, — spake to the master of (Ae Aowse, — that came into (Aine house, 23. the man, the master of (Ae Aowse, — come into mine house, 26. at the door of the man's house 27. opened the doors of the house, — the door of (Ae house, 29. when he was come into Ais Aowse, 20: 5. beset (Ae Aowse round about 8. will we any (of us) turn into his house. Ru. 1 : 8. return each to her mother's Aowse: 9. each (of you) in (Ae Aowse of 2: 7. she tarried a little in (Ae Aowse. 4: 11. come into (Aine Aowse like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build (Ae Aouse of 1 2 . And let thy house be like the house o/Pharez, ISa. 1: 7. when she went up to the house of 19. came to (Aeir Aowse 21 . the man Elkanah, and all his house, 24. brought him unto (Ae Aowse of 2:11. Elkanah went to Ramah to Ais house. 27. appear unto (Ae Aowse o/thy father, — in Egypt in Pharaoh's house? 28. unto the house ofthy father 30. (Ay Aowse, and the house ofthy father, 31 . the arm of thy father's house, v — an old man in thine house. 32. an old man in thine house 33. the increase of thine house 35. 1 will build him a sure house; 36. every one that is left in thine house 3:12. which I have spoken concerning Ais haute: 13. that I will judge his house 14. 1 have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's Aowse 15. opened the doors of (Ae Aowse of 5: 2. brought it into (Ae Aowse of 5. that come into Dagon's house, 6: 7. bring their calves Aome 10. and shut up their calves at home: 7 : 1 . brought it into (Ae Aowse of 2. all the house o/Israel 3. Samuel spake unto all (Ae house of 17. for there (was) Ais house; 9: 18. where the seer's Aowse (is) 20. and on all thy father's liouse 9 10: 25. all the people away, every man to his house. 26. Saul also went Aome to Gibeah ; 15:34. Saul went up to Ais Aowse to Gibeah 17: 25. make his father's Aowse free in Israel. 18: 2. no more home to his father's Aowse. 10. in the midst of the house : 19: 9. as he sat in his house with his javelin 11. sent messengers unto David's house, 20: 15. cut off thy kindness from my house 16. made (a covenant) with (Ae house of 21 : 15(16). shall this (fellow) comeinto my house? nu K 217 ) nu lSa.22: l.when his brethren and all his father's Aowse heard 11. and all his father's house, 14. and is honourable in thine house ? 15. all (Ae Aowse ofmy father: 16. Ahimelech, thou, and all thy father's Aowse. 22. all the persons ofthy father's house. 23: 18. and Jonathan went "to his house. 24:21(22). out ofmy father's Aowse. 22(23). And Saul went Aome; 25; Land buried him in his house at Ramah. 6. both to thee, and peace (be) to thine house, 17. and against all Ais houshold: 28. make my lord a sure Aowse ; 35. Go up in peace to thine house ; 36. he held a feast in Ms house, 27: 3. and his men, every man with his houshold, 28:24. had a fat calf in the house; 31: 9. (in) (Ae Aowse of their idols, 10. put his armour in the house o/Ashtaroth: 2Sa. 1 : 12. and for (Ae Aowse of Israel ; 2: 3. bring up, every man with Ais houshold: 4. anointed David king over (Ae Aowse of Judah. 7.(Ae Aowse of Judah have anointed me 10. But the house of Judah followed David. 11. king in Hebron over (Ae house of Judah 3: l.(Ae house o/Saul and (Ae house of David : — and the house o/Saul waxed weaker 6. while there was war between (Ae house of Saul and (Ae Aowse of David, that Abner made himself strong/or the house of 8. unto (Ae Aowse o/Saul thy father, 10. from the house of Saul, 19. the whole Aowse o/Benjamin. 29. of Joab, and on all his father's house; — from the house of Joab 4: 5. to (Ae house o/Ish-bosheth, 6. into the midst of (Ae house, 7. when they came into (Ae Aowse, 11 .a righteous person in his own house 5: 8. shall not come into (Ae house. 9. from Millo and inward. 11. they built David an house. 6: 3,4. brought it ow( o/(Ae Aowse of 5,15. David and all (Ae Ao?*se of Israel 10. into (Ae house o/Obed-edom 11. continued in (Ae house of Obed-edom — blessed Obed-edom, and. all Ais houshold. 12. The Lord hath blessed (Ae house of — the arkof God/rom(Ae Aoi/seo/ Obed-edom 19. departed every one to his house, 20. returned to bless Ais houshold. 21 . and before all Ais house, 7 : 1 . when the king sat in his house, 2. 1 dwell in anhouse of cedar, 5. Shalt thou build me an house 6. 1 have not dwelt in (any) Aowse 7. Why build ye not me an house of cedar ? J l.he will make thee an house. 13. He shall build an house 16. And (Aine Aowse and thy kingdom 18. and what (is) my house, 19. hast spoken also of thy servant's Aowse 25. thy servant, and concerning Ais house, 26. and let (Ae Aowse ofthy servant David be 27.1 will build thee an house : 29. bless (Ae Aowse of thy servant, — let (Ae house ofthy servant be 9: L that is left of the house of Saul, 2. And (there was) o/(Ae Aowse o/Saul 3. not yet any of the house of Saul, 4. he (is) in (Ae Aowse of Machir, 5. fetched him ow( o/(Ae Aowse o/ Machir, 9. to Saul and to all Ais house. 12. all that dwelt in (Ae Aowse o/Ziba II: 2. walked upon the roof of the king's house: 4. she returned unto Aer house. 8. Go down to thy house, and wash — Uriah departed ow( of the king's house, 9. slept at the door of the king's Aowse — and went not down to Ais house. 10. Uriah went not down unto Ais Aow.se, — go down unto (Aine Aowse ? 11. shall I then go into mine house, 13. but went not down to Ais house. 27. David sent and fetched her to Ais house, 2Sa.l2: 8.1 gave thee thy master's Aowse, — gave thee (Ae house of Israel 10. shall never depart/ro?re (Aine house; 11. against thee out of thine own house, 15. Nathan departed unto Ais house. 17. the elders of Ais Aowse arose, 20. came into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and wor shipped: then he came to Ais own Aowse ; 13; 7. David sent Aome to Tamar, saying, Go now to thy brother Amnon's house, 8. Tamar went to her brother Amnon's Aowse; 20. in her brother Absalom's house. 14: 8. Go to thine house, 9. on me, and on my father's house: 24. Let him turn to Ais own house, — returned to Ais own house, 31. came to Absalom w?i(o (his) house, 15; 16. the king went forth, and all Ais houshold — concubines, to keep (Ae house. 17. tarried in a place that was far off. 3b. out of the king's house, 16: 2. The asses (be) for the king's houshold 3. To day shall (Ae house o/Israel 5. the family of (Ae house of Saul, 8. the blood of (Ae Aowse o/Saul, 21. he hath left to keep (Ae house ; 17:18. came to a man's house 20. came to the woman to the house, 23. and gat him home to Ais house, (lit. went to Ais house) — and put Ais houshold in order, (marg. gave charge concerning Ais house) 19: 5(6). Joab came into the house 11(12). to bring the king back to Ais house? — ( — ).(even) to Ais house. 17(18). Ziba the servant of the house of Saul, 18(19). boat to carryover theking's houshold, 20(21). the first this day of all (Ae Aowse of 28(29). all (of) my father's house were 30(31 ). in peace unto Ais own house. 41 (42). brought the king, and Ais houshold, 20: 3. David came to Ais Aowse at Jerusalem ; — left to keep (Ae house, and put them in ward, (marg. a house of ward) 21: Land for (his) bloody house, 4. of Saul, nor of Ais Aowse ; 23: 5. Although my house (be) not so 24 : 1 7 . and against my father's house. IK. 1 :53. Go to thine house. 2: 24. who hath made me an house, 27. spake concerning (Ae Aowse of 31. and from (Ae Aowse ofmy father. 33. and upon his house, and upon his throne, 34. he was buried in his own house 36. Build thee an house in Jerusalem, 3: 1. made an end of building his own house, and (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 2. because there was no Aowse 17. 1 and this woman dwell in one house; — with her in the house. 18.no stranger with us in the house, save we two in the house. 4: 6. Ahishar (was) over the houshold: 7. victuals for the king and Ais houshold: 5: 3(17). could not build an house 5(19). I purpose to build an house — ( — ). he shall build an house 9(23). in giving food for my houshold. 11(25). (for) food to his houshold, 14(28). two months at home : 17(31). to lay the foundation of the house. 18(32). and stones to build (Ae house. 6: l.he began to build (Ae Aowse 2. And tlie house which king Solomon 3. the temple of the house, ¦ — according to the breadth of (Ae house ; — the breadth thereof before (Ae Aowse. 4. And for the house he made 5. against the wall of (Ae Aowse — (against) the walls of (Ae house 6. without (in the wall) of the house . be fastened in the walls of (Ae house. 7. And the house, when it was in — heard in the house, 8. in the right side of the house: 9. So he built (Ae Aowse, and finished it; and covered (Ae Aowse n'u IK. 6:10.againstall (Ae Aowse, five cubits high: and they rested on (Ae Aowse 12. this Aowse which thou art in 14. So Solomon built (Ae Aowse, 15. he built the walls of (Ae Aowse within with boards of cedar, both the floor of (Ae Aowse, and the walls of the ceiling : (and ) he covered (them) on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of (Ae Aowse 16. on the sides of (Ae house, — built (them) for it within, 17. the house, that (is), the temple 18. the cedar of the house 19. the oracle he prepared in (Ae Aowse 21. Solomon overlaid (Ae Aowse 22. the whole Aowse he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all (Ae house: 27. the cherubims within (Ae inner house: — in the midst of the house. 29. he carved all the walls of (Ae Aowse 30. the floor of (Ae Aowse 37. was the foundation of (Ae house of 38. was (Ae Aowse finished 7: 1. was building Ais own house — and he finished all Ais house. 2. He built also (Ae Aowse of 8. And his house where he dwelt (had) another court within the porch, — Solomon made also an house 9. within and without, even from the 12. the inner court of the house o/the Lord, — for, the porch of (Ae house. 25. all their hinder parts (were) inward. 31. within the chapiter and above 39. on the right side of (Ae house, and five on the left side of (Ae Aowse : and he set the sea on the right side of the house 40, 45, 51. for (Ae Aowse of the Lord: 48. unto (Ae Aowse o/the Lord: 50. doors of the inner house, the most holy (place, and) for the doors of the house, 51. the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 8 : 6. into the oracle of (Ae house, 10. the cloud filled the house of the Lord, 1 1 . of the Lord had filled (Ae house of 13. surely built thee an house to dwell in, 16. the tribes of Israel to build an house, 17. David my father to build an house 18. to build an house unto my name, 19. thou shalt not build (Ae house; — he shall build (Ae Aowse 20. have built an house 27. how much less this Aowse 29.be open toward this house 31 . before thine altar in this house : 33. make supplication unto thee in this house: 38. spread forth his hands toward this Aowse : 42. shall come and pray toward this house; 43. this house, which I have builded, 44. and (toward) the house that I have built AH. and the house which I have built 63. dedicated (Ae Aowse of the Lord. 64. before (Ae house of the Lord: 9: Lhad finished the building of (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and the king^s house, 3.1 have hallowed this house, 7. and this house, which I have hallowed 8. And at this house, (which) is high. — unto this land, and to this Aowse ? 10. Solomon had built (Ae two houses, the house of the Lord, and (Ae king's Aowse, 15. (Ae house of the Lord, and Ais own house, 2\. unto Aer house which 25. So he finished (Ae house. 10: 4. and the house that he had built, 5. went up unto (Ae Aowse of the Lord ; 12. pillars for the house of the Lord, and for the king's house, 1 7. the king put them in (Ae Aowse of 21. all the vessels of (Ae Aowse of 11:18. which gave him an house, 20. weaned in Pharaoh's Aowse : and Genubath was in Pharaoh's houshold 28. over all the charge of (Ae Aowse of Joseph. 38. and build thee a sure house, 12: 16. now see to (Aine own house, 19. Israel rebelled against the house of David ( 218 ) jrn IK. 12: 20. none that followed (Ae Aowse of 21 . he assembled all (Ae Aowse of — to fight against (Ae Aowse o/Israel, 23. unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, 24. return every man to Ais house; 26. return to the house o/David: 27. sacrifice in the house o/the Lord 3 l.he made an house of high places, 13: 2. wn(o (Ae Aowse of David, 7. Come Aome with me, 8- If thou wilt give me half (Aine house, lb. Come Aome with me, 18. Bring him back with thee into (Aine Aowse, 19. and did eat bread in his house, 32. against all (Ae houses of 34. unto (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam, 14: 4. came to (Ae Aowse o/Ahijah. 8. from the house of David, 10. 1 will bring evil upon (Ae Aowse of — the remnant of (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam, 12. get thee to thine own house: 13. in (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam. 14. who shall cut off (Ae Aowse of 17. the threshold of (Ae door, 26. the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house ; 27. which kept the door of the king's Aoase, 28. when the king went into (Ae Aowse of 15: 15. into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 18. of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house, 27. of the house of Issachar, 29. he smote all (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam; 16: 3. the posterity of his house; and will make (Ay Aowse ZiAe (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam 7- and against Ais house, — in being ZiAe (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam; 9. in (Ae Aowse of Arza steward of (his) house 1 l.he slew all (Ae Aowse o/Baasha: 12. destroy all (Ae Aowse of 18. into the palace of the king's house, and burnt the king's Aowse over him 32. in (Ae Aowse of Baal, 17: 15. he, and her house, 17. the mistress of (Ae house, 23. out of the chamber into the Aowse, 18: 3. the governor of (his) house. 18. but thou, and thy father's Aowse, 32. as great as would contain two measures (lit. as the house of two measures) 20: 6. they shall search (Aine Aowse, and the houses ofthy servants ; 31. the kings of (Ae Aowse o/Israel (are) 43. the king of Israel went to Ais house heavy 21: 2. because it (is) near unto my house: 4. Ahab came into Ais Aowse heavy 22. And will make (Aine Aowse ZiAe (Ae house o/ Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha 29. will I bring the evil upon Ais house. 22: 17. let them return every man to his house 27. Put this (fellow) in the prison, (lit. house of the prison) 39. and the ivory Aowse which he made, 2K. 4; 2. what hast thou in the house ? — hath not any thing in the house, save 32. Elisha was come into the house, 35. walked in the house to and fro ; 5 : 9. stood at the door of (Ae Aowse 18. goeth into (Ae Aowse of Rimmon — I bow myself in (Ae Aowse of Rimmon. when I bow down myself in (Ae house of 24. bestowed (them) in the house : 6:30. (he had) sackcloth within upon his flesh. 32. But Elisha sat in his house, 7 ; 9. we may go and tell the king's houshold. 11. and they told (it) to the king's Aowse 8 : L go thou and thine houshold, 2. she went w;i(A Aer houshold, 3. to cry unto the king for Aer Aowse 5. cried to the king for Aer Aowse 18. as did (Ae Aowse o/Ahab: 27 . he walked in the way of (Ae house of — as (did) (Ae Aowse of Ahab: for he (was) the son in law of (Ae Aowse of 9 : 6. went into the house; 7. thou shalt smite (Ae Aowse o/Ahab jm (219) JV2 2K. 9: 8. For tlie whole Aowse o/Ahab 9.1 will make the house o/Ahab ZiAe the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha 27. he fled by the way of (Ae garden Aowse. 10: 3. fight for your master's Aowse. 5. he that (was) over (Ae house, 10. concerning (Ae house of Ahab: 11. Jehu slew all that remained o/(Ae Aowse of 12. as he (was) at (Ae shearing Aowse 14. slew them at the pit of (Ae shearing house, 21. they came into (Ae Aowse o/Baal ; and (Ae Aowse o/Baal was full 23. into (Ae Aowse o/Baal, and said 25. went to the city of the house o/Baal. 26. images out of (Ae Aowse of Baal, 27. brake down (Ae Aowse o/Baal, 30. hast done wn(o (Ae Aowse of Ahab 11 : 3. he was with her hid in (Ae house of 4. brought them to him into (Ae Aowse of — took an oath of them in the house of the Lord, 5. watch of theking's house; 6. keep the watch of the house, 7. even they shall keep the watch of (Ae Aowse of 10. that (were) in the temple o/the Lord. 11. from the right corner of (Ae temple to the left corner of (Ae temple, (along) by the altar and the temple. 13. she came to the people into (Ae temple of 15. Have her forth without the ranges: — Let her not be slain in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 16. horses came into the king's house: 18. went into (Ae Aowse o/Baal, — over (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 19. from the house of the Lord, — to the king's house. 20. with the sword (beside) the king's house. 12: 4(5), 16(17). brought into (Ae Aowse of the Lord, -(-).to bring into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 5(6). repair the breaches of (Ae house, 6( 7 ). repaired the breaches of (Ae house. 7(8). repair ye not the breaches of (Ae house? -(-). deliver it for the breaches of (Ae Aowse. 8( 9) . to repair the breaches of (Ae house. 9( 10). as one cometh into (Ae Aowse of _( — ), 13(14). brought into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 10(11). found in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 11(12). that had the oversight of (Ae Aowse of — ( — ).that wrought upon (Ae Aowse of 12(13). to repair the breaches of (Ae Aowse of — ( — ). that was laid out for (Ae Aowse 13(14). made for (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 14(15). repaired therewith (Ae Aowse of 18(19). found in the treasures of (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and in the king's house, 20(21). slew Joash in (Ae Aowse of Millo, (marg. Beth-millo) 13: 6. the sins of (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam, 14; lO.and tarry at home: (marg. at thy house) 14. that were found in (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and in the treasures of the king's Aowse, 15: 5. dwelt in a several house. And Jotham the king's son (was) over (Ae house, 25. in the palace of the king's Aowse, 35. He built the higher gate of (Ae Aowse of 16: 8. found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the king's house, 14. from the forefront of (Ae Aowse, from between the altar and (Ae Aowse of 18. that they had built in the house, — turned he from (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 17: 4. and bound him in prison, (lit. Aowse of prison) 21. he rent Israel from (Ae Aowse o/David ; 29. put (them) in the houses of 32. in the houses of the high places. 18: 15. found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of theking's Aowse. 18, 37. which (was) over (Ae houshold, 19: 1. went into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 2. which (was) over (Ae houshold, 14. Hezekiah went up into (Ae Aowse of 30. that is escaped of (Ae Aowse of Judah 2K. 19:37. as he was worshipping in (Ae Aowse of 20: 1. Set (Aine Aowse in order; (marg. Give charge concerning thine house) 5. go up unto (Ae house o/the Lord. 8. that I shall go up into (Ae Aowse of 13. shewed them all (Ae Aowse of — and (all) the house o/his armour, — there was nothing in his house, 15. What have they seen in thine house? — in mine house have they seen: 17. all that (is) in thine house, 21 : 4. he built altars in the house of 5. in the two courts of the house of 7. that he had made in the house, — In this house, and in Jerusalem, 13. the plummet of (Ae Aowse o/Ahab: 18. in the garden of his own house, 23. slew the king in his own house. 22; 3. to (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 4. brought into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 5. that have the oversight o/(Ae Aowse of — which (is) in the house of the Lord, to repair the breaches of (Ae house, 6. hewn stone to repair (Ae house. 8. found the book of the law in the house of 9. that was found in the house, — that have the oversight of the house of 23: 2. the king went up into (Ae Aowse of — found in the house o/the Lord. 6. from the house o/the Lord, 7. brake down (Ae houses of the sodomites, that (were) by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings (marg. ] 1 . at the entering in of (Ae Aowse of 12. in the two courts of (Ae Aowse of 19. all (Ae houses also o/the 24. found in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 27. and (Ae house of which I said, 24: 13. all the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house, 25: 9. he burnt (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and the king's house, and all (Ae houses of Jeru salem, and every great (man's) Aowse burnt he with fire. 13. that (were) in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, — that (was) in the house o/the Lord, 16. made for the house of the Lord; 27. Jehoiachin king of Judah ow( of prison; (lit. ow( o/(Ae Aowse of prison) ICh 2:54, Ataroth, (Ae house of Joab, 55. the father of the house of Rechab. 4:21. the families of (Ae Aowse of them that wrought fine linen, o/(Ae Aowse of 38. and the house of their fathers 5: 13. o/(Ae Aowse of their fathers 15. chief o/(Ae Aowse of their fathers. 24. the heads of the house of their fathers, — heads o/(Ae Aowse of their fathers. 6:10(5:36). in (Ae temple that Solomon (marg. Aowse) 31(16). in the house o/the Lord, 32(1 7). until Solomon had built (Ae Aowse of 48(33). the tabernacle of (Ae Aowse of 7: 2. heads of their father's house, 4. after the house of their fathers, 7. heads of (Ae Aowse of (their) fathers 9. heads of (Ae Aowse of their fathers, 23. because it went evil wi(A Ais house. 40. heads of (their) fathers' house, 9: 9.i7i (Ae Aowse of their fathers. 1 1 . the ruler of (Ae Aowse of God ; 13. heads o/(Ae Aowse of their fathers, ¦ — the work of the service of (Ae Aowse o/God. 19.o/(Ae house o/his father, 23. the gates o/(AeAowseo/theLord, (namely), (Ae Aowse o/the tabernacle, 26. and treasuries of (Ae Aowse of God. 27. round about (Ae Aowse o/God, 10: 6. and all Ais Aowse died together. 10. his armour in (Ae Aowse of their gods, and fastened his head in (Ae temple of 12:28. and of his father's Aowse twenty and two captains, 29. had kept the ward of (Ae Aowse of Saul. 30. famous throughout the house of 13: 7.ow( of the house o/Abinadab: nu ( 220 ) nu ICh 13: 13. carried it aside into (Ae house of 14. the ark of God remained with the family of Obed-edom in his house three months. And the Lord blessed (Ae house of 14: 1. to build him an house. 15: 1. (David) made him Aowses 25. out of (Ae Aowse of Obed-edom 1 (3:43. the people departed everyman to his house: and David returned to bless Ais house. 17: Lit came to pass, as David sat in his house, — Lo, 1 dwell in an house of cedars, 4. Thou shalt not build me an house 5. For I have not dwelt in an house 6. Why have ye not built me an house of 10. that the Lord will build thee an house. 12. He shall build me an house, 14. But I will settle him in mine house 16. what (is) mine house, 17. spoken ofthy servant's Aowse 23. thy servant and concerning Ais Aowse 24. and (let) (Ae Aowse of David thy servant 25. that thou wilt build him an house: 27. bless (Ae Aowse o/thy servant, 21 : 17. be on me, and on my father's house; 22: l.This (is) (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 2. to build (Ae house of God. b.and the house (that is) to be builded 6. charged him to build an house 7. it was in my mind to build an house 8. thou shalt not build an house 10. He shall build an house 11. build (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 14. 1 have prepared for the house of 19. into the house that is to be 23: 4. to set forward the work of (Ae Aowse of 11. according to (their) father's house. 24. after the house of their fathers; — 28, 32. service of (Ae Aouse o/the Lord, 28. work of the service of (Ae Aowse of God ; 24: 4. chief men o/(Ae Aowse of (their) fathers, — according to the house of their fathers. 6. one principal houshold (marg. house o/the father) 19. to come into the house of the Lord, 30. after the house of their fathers. 25: 6. song (in) (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, — for the service of (Ae house of 26: 6. that ruled throughout the house of 12. to minister in the house o/the Lord. 13. according to the house of their fathers, 15. to his sons (Ae Aowse of Asuppim. 20. Ahijah (was) over the treasures of (Ae house of 22. the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 27- to maintain (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 23; 2. in mine heart to build an house of rest 3. Thou shalt not build an house 4. before all (Ae Aowse ofmy father — and of the house of Judah, (Ae house ofmy father ; 6. Solomon thy son, he shall build my house 10. hath chosen thee to build an house ll.and of (Ae houses thereof, — and of the place of the mercy seat, 12. the courts of the house o/the Lord, • — ¦ the treasuries of the house of God, 13. the service of (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and for all the vessels of service in the house o/the Lord. 20. for the service of (Ae house of 21. all the service of (Ae Aowse o/God: 29: 2. for the house ofmy God 3. affection to the house ofmy God, — I have given to the house of — I have prepared for the holy house, 4. to overlay the walls of (Ae houses 7. gave for the service of (Ae Aowse o/God 8. the treasure of the house of the Lord, 16. we have prepared to build thee an house 2Ch 2: 1(1:18). Solomon determined to build an house — (_: — ).and an house for his kingdom. 3(2). to build him an house to dwell 4(3). build an house to the 5(4). And the Aowse which I build (is) great: 6(5). who is able to build him an house, — (-). that I should build him an house, 2Ch 2: 9(8). (Ae Aowse which I am about to build, 12(ll). that might build an house for the Lord, and an house for his kingdom. . 3: l.to build the house o/the Lord 3. instructed for the building of the house of God. J 4. according to the breadth of (Ae house, 5. (Ae greater Aowse he cieled 6. he garnished (Ae Aowse with 7. He overlaid also (Ae house, 8. ZAe most holy Aowse, the length whereof (was) according to the breadth of (Ae Aowse, 10. in (Ae most holy Aowse 1 1. reaching to the wall of (Ae house; 12. reaching to the wall of the house: 13. their faces (were) inward, (marg: or, toward the house) lb. Also he made before (Ae Aowse 4; 4. all their hinder parts (were) inward. 11. for king Solomon for the house of God; 16. to king Solomon for the house o/the Lord 1 9. the vessels that (were for) the house of God, 22. the entry of (Ae house, — the doors of (Ae Aowse 5 : 1 . made for the house of the Lord . — among the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/God. 7- to the oracle of (Ae Aowse, 13.(Aa( (then) the house was filled with a cloud, (even) (Ae Aowse o/the Lord; 14. glory of the Lord had filled the house of God. 6: 2. But I have built an house of 5. the tribes of Israel to build an house 7. David my father to build an house 8. to build an house for my name, 9. thou shalt not build (Ae house; — he shall build (Ae Aowse 10. have built (Ae Aowse for IS. how much less this house 20. may be open upon this Aowse 22. before thine altar in this house; 24. before thee in this house; 29. spread forth his hands in this Aouse: 32. if they come and pray in this Aowse; 33. may know that this Aowse 34. and the house which I have built 38. and toward the house which I have built 7: l.the glory of the Lord filled (Ae house. 2. could, not enter into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, — of the Lord had filled the Lord's Aowse. 3. the glory of the Lord upon (Ae house, 5. the people dedicated (Ae Aowse o/God. 7. the court that (was) before (Ae Aowse of the Lord: 11. Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord, and the king's house: and all that came into Solomon's heart to make « (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and in his own 12 16 20 21 8 1 11 16 9 3 4 11 16 20 10 16 19 11 1 4 12 9 10 11. 15 18 .for an house of sacrifice. . have I chosen and sanctified this house, .and this Aowse, which I have sanctified . And this house, which is high, thus unto this land, and unto this Aouse? . Solomon had built (Ae Aowse of the Lord and his own house, . unto the house that he had built shall not dwell in the house of . the foundation of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, ( So) (Ae Aowse of the Lord was perfected. . and the house that he had built, . by which he went up into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord ; .terraces to the house of the Lord, and to the king's palace, .the king put them in the house of .the vessels of (Ae Aouse of the forest . see to thine own house. . rebelled against the house of .he gathered of (Ae Aowse 0/ Judah . return every man to his house: ¦ the treasures of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, aim the treasures of theking's Aowse; .that kept the entrance of (Ae king's horn . when the king entered into (Ae house 0/ .he brought into (Ae Aowse o/God jvn 2Chl6: 2. of the treasures of (Ae Aowse of the Lord and o/the king's house, 10. put him in a prison house ; 17 : 14. according to the house of their 18;16. return (therefore) every man to his house 26. Put this (fellow) in the prison, (lit. Aowse o/the prison) 19: 1 . the king of Judah returned to Ais Aowse 11. the ruler of the house of Judah, 20: 5. in the house of the Lord, before the new 9. we stand before this Aowse, — for thy name (is) in this Aowse, harps and trumpets unto (Ae Aowse of the Lord. like as did (Ae Aowse o/Ahab: would not destroy (Ae Aowse of David, the whoredoms of (Ae Aowse of Ahab, slain thy brethren of thy father's house, substance that was found in the king's Aowse, in the ways of the house o/Ahab: ZiAe (Ae Aowse o/Ahab: to cut off (Ae Aowse of Ahab. upon (Ae Aowse o/Ahab, So (Ae Aowse of Ahaziah Aad no power (lit. power was not to the house of Aha ziah) seed royal o/(Ae Aowse of Judah. was with them hid in the house of God with the king in the house of God. a third part (shall be) at theking's house; in the courts of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. let none come into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, cometh into (Ae house, which (were) in (Ae Aowse o/God. from the right side of the temple (marg. Aowse) to the left side of (Ae temple, along by the altar and the temple, to the people into (Ae house of the Lord: . Have her/or(A o/(lit. to (Ae outside) Slay her not in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. . the horse gate by the king's house, ,went to the house o/Baal, ,the offices of the house of the Lord David had distributed in (Zie Aowse o/the Lord, .at the gates of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, .from the house of the Lord : and they came through the high gate into the king's Aowse, , 12. to repair (Ae Aowse of the Lord. . repair (Ae Aowse o/your God , had broken up (Ae Aowse of God ; and also all the dedicated things of (Ae Aowse of the Lord .at the gate of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. .the service of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, brass to mend (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. they set (Ae Aowse o/God in his state, vessels/or (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, burnt offerings in the house o/the Lord toward God, and toward Ais house. And they left (Ae Aowse o/the Lord in the court of the house o/the Lord. the repairing of (Ae Aowse of God, according to the houses o/( their) abide now at home ; in the house of God with Obed-edom, and the treasures of the king's house, before the priests in the house of the Lord, dwelt in a several house, (being) a leper; for he was cut off from the house of Jotham his son (was) over the king's Aowse, the high gate of the house o/the Lord, the governor of (Ae house, took away a portion (out) of (Ae house of the Lord, and (out) of (Ae house of the king, the vessels of the house of God, and cut in pieces the vessels of (Ae Aowse of God, and shut up the doors of (Ae Aowse o/(Ae Lord, opened the doors of the house o/the Lord, and sanctify (Ae Aowse o/the Lord God to cleanse (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. the inner part of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 28. 21: 6.7. 13. 17. 22; 3.4.7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 23: 3.5, 6. 7 9. 10. 24: 4. 5 7 12 131416.18. 21. 27, 25: 5, 19. 24. 26:19. 21. 27: 3 28: 7. 21, 24 9: 3 5 1516 2Ch29:16 17IS 202531 35 30: 1 15 31:10 ( 221 ) nu the court of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. .so they sanctified (Ae Aowse of We have cleansed all (Ae Aowse of went up to (Ae Aowse of he set the Levites in (Ae Aowse of thank offerings into the house o/the Lord. .the service of the house of the Lord they should come to the house of the Lord the burnt offerings into (Ae Aowse of the Lord . of the house of Zadok the offerings into (Ae Aowse of the Lord, 1 1 . chambers in the house of the Lord ; 13. Azariah the ruler of the house of God. 16. that entereth into the house of the Lord, 17. by the house of their fathers, 21. began in the service of the house of God, 32:21. he was come into (Ae Aowse o/his god, 33: 4. he built altars in the house of the Lord, 5. in the two courts of (Ae house of 7. in the house of God, of which God had — In this house, and in Jerusalem, 15.ow( o/(Ae Aowse o/the Lord, — the mount of (Ae house o/the Lord, 20. they buried him in Ais own house: 24. slew him in his own house. 34: 8. purged the land, and the house, — to repair (Ae house of the Lord 9. was brought into (Ae house of God, 10. that had the oversight o/(Ae Aowse of — the workmen that wrought in the house of the Lord, to repair and amend the house: II. to floor (Ae houses 14. that was brought into (Ae Aowse of 15. found the book of the law in the house of 17. the money that was found in the house of 30. king went up into (Ae house cf the Lord, that was found in (Ae house of the Lord. to the service of the house of the Lord, Put the holy ark in the house by the houses of your fathers, the divisions of the families o/the fathers (marg. house) the division of the families (lit. house of a father) rulers of (Ae Aowse of God, the divisions of the families of (lit. of a house of fathers) 20. Josiah had prepared (Ae temple, (marg. Aowse ) 21. but against (Ae house wherewith 36: 7. the vessels of the house of the Lord 10. goodly vessels of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 14, polluted (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 17. in. (Ae Aowse of their sanctuary, 18. all the vessels of (Ae Aowse o/God, — the treasures of the house o/the Lord, 19. And they burnt (Ae Aowse o/God, 23. to build him an house Ezr. 1: 2. charged me to build him an house 3. and build (Ae house of 4. freewill offering for the house of God 5. to go up to build (Ae house of 7. the vessels of the house o/the Lord, — had put them in the house ofhis gods ; 2:36.o/(Ae Aowse of Jeshua, 59. they could not shew their father's house, 68. when they came to the house of the Lord which (is) at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God 3: 8. of their coming unto (Ae Aowse o/God — the work of (Ae house of the Lord. 9. set forward the workmen in the house of God: 11. the foundation of the house of the Lord 12. that had seen (Ae first Aowse, when the foundation of this Aowse 4: 3. to do with us to build an house 6: 22. in the work of the house of God, 7:27. to beautify (Ae Aowse o/the Lord 8: 17. bring unto us ministers for the house of 25. (even) the offering of (Ae Aowse of 29. the chambers of (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 30. unto the house of our God. 33. weighed in the house of our God 36. furthered the people, and (Ae Aowse o/God. 9: 9. to set up (Ae Aowse o/our God, 35: 2 3 4 5 12 jrn ( 222 ) rvn Ezr. 10 Neh 12 Est. 1 2 1 . himself down before (Ae Aouse of God, 6. rose up from before (Ae Aouse of God, 9. the people sat in the street of (Ae Aowse of God, 16. after the house of their fathers, 6. both I and my father's Aouse have sinned. 3. the place ofmy fathers' sepulchres, 8. which (appertained) (o(Ae house, — and for the house that I shall 1: 10. even over against his house. 16. unto (Ae Aowse o/the mighty. 20. unto the door of (Ae Aouse of 2 1 . from the door of (Ae Aouse of Eliashib even to the end of (Ae house of 23. and Hashub over against (Aeir house. — the son of Ananiah by his house. 24. from the house of Azariah 25. from the king's high house, 28. every one over against his house. 29. the son of Immer over against his house. 31. unto (Ae place of the Nethinims, t:14(8).your wives, andyour houses. 16( 10). behind all (Ae Aouse of Judah. .: 3. our lands, vineyards, and houses, 11. their oliveyards, and their houses, 13. God shake out every man from his house, i : 10. Afterward I came unto (Ae house of — meet together in the house of God, ': 3. every one (to be) over against his house. 4. and (Ae houses (were) not builded. 39. of the house of Jeshua, 61. they could not shew their fathers' house, 1:16. and in the courts of (Ae Aouse of God, '•25. possessed houses full of all ». 32(33). for the service of (Ae Aouse of bur God ; 33(34). all the work of (Ae Aouse of our God. 34(35). to bring {it) into the house of our God, after the houses of our fathers, 35(36 ). year by year, unto the house of the Lord : 36(37). to bring to the house of our God, unto the priests that minister in the house of our God: 37 (38 ). to the chambers of (Ae Aowse of our God ; 38(39). of the tithes unto the house of our God, to the chambers, into the treasure house. 39(40). we will not forsake the house of our God. : 1 1 . the ruler of (Ae house of God. 12. that did the work of the house 16. the outward business o/(Ae Aowse o/God. 22. over the business of (Ae Aouse of God. :29. Also from the house of Gilgal, 37. above (Ae Aouse of David, 40. thanks in the house of God, : 4. of the chamber of (Ae Aowse o/our God, 7. in the courts of (Ae Aouse o/God. 8. 1 cast forth all the houshold stuff 9. again the vessels of (Ae Aouse o/God, 11. Why is (Ae Aouse o/God forsaken? 14. that I have done for the house of : 8. appointed to all the officers of Ais Aouse. 9. for the women (in) (Ae royal Aouse 22. should bear rule in his own house, : 3. to (Ae house of the women, 8. brought also unto the king's Aouse, 9. given her out of the king's house: — of the house of the women. 11. before the court of the women's Aouse, 13. of the house of the women unto the king's house. 14. into (Ae second Aouse 16. Ahasuerus into his Aowse royal : 13. that thou shalt escape in the king's Aouse. 14. thou and thy father's Aouse shall be destroyed: : 1. stood in the inner court of the king's Aouse, oyer against the king's Aouse .- and the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal Aowse, over against the gate of (Ae Aowse. 10. and when he came Aome, (lit. to his house) : 4. the outward court of the king's Aowse, 12. Haman hasted to Ais Aouse mourning, : 8. into (Ae place of the banquet — before me in the house ? 9. standeth in the house of Haman. : 1 . give (Ae Aouse of Haman Est. 8: 2. Esther set Mordecai over the house of 7. 1 have given Esther (Ae Aouse of 9: 4. Mordecai (was) great in the king's house Job 1: 4.hissons went and feasted (intheir)Aoasei' 10. an hedge about him, and about Az's house 13, 18. ire their eldest brother's Aouse: 19. smote the four corners of (Ae Aowse, 3: 15. who filled their houses with silver: 4:19. that dwell in houses o/clay, 7:10. He shall return no more to his house, 8:14. and whose trust (shall be) a spider's web. (marg. house) 15. He shall lean upon Ais Aouse, 17. seeth the place of stones. 15:28. in houses which no man 17:13. the grave (is) mine house: 19:15. They that dwell in mine house, 20: 19. violently taken away an Aowse 28. The increase of Ais Aouse shall depart, 21 : 9. TAeir houses (are) safe from fear, 21. pleasure (hath) he in his house after him, 28. Where (is) (Ae Aowse o/the prince? 22:18. Yet he filled (Aeir houses with good 24: 16. In the dark they dig through Aowses, 27: 18. He buildeth Ais Aouse as a moth, 30 : 23. and (to) (Ae Aouse appointed 38:20. the paths (to) (Ae Aowse thereof? 39: 6. Whose house I have made (lit. who, his house) 42: 11. did eat bread with him in his house: Ps. 5: 7(8). I will come (into) (Ay Aouse 23: 6.1 will dwell in the house of the 26 : 8.1 have loved the habitation of thy house, 27 : 4. 1 may dwell in the house of the Lord 30[title](i).the dedication of (Ae Aowse 31 : 2(3)./or an house of defence 36: 8(9). satisfied with the fatness of thy house; 42: 4(5). I went with them to (Ae Aouse o/God, 45:10(11). own people, and thy father's house ,- 49: 11(12). (Aeir houses (shall continue) forever, 16( 1 7 ). when the glory of Ais Aouse is 50: 9. 1 will take no bullock out ofthy house, 52[title](2). David is come to (Ae Aouse of 8(10). like a green olive tree in the house of 55:14(15). walked unto the house o/God 59[title](l). they watched (Ae Aowse to kill 65: 4(5). satisfied with the goodness of thy house, 66: 13. 1 will go into thy house with 68: 6(7). God setteth the solitary in families: 12(13). she that tarried at Aome divided 69: 9(10). For the zeal of (Airee Aowse 84: 3(4). the sparrow hath found an house, 4(5). Blessed (are) they that dwell in th) house : 10( 1 1 ) . a doorkeeper in the house cf 92: 13(14). that be planted in the house of the 93: 5. holiness becometh (Aine house, 98: 3. his truth toward the house of Israel: 101 : 2. 1 will walk within my house 7. deceit shall not dwell within my home: 104: 17. the fir trees (are) Aer house. 105:21. He made him lord ofhis house, 112: 3. Wealth and riches (shall be) in his house: 1 13: 9. the barren woman to keep Aouse, 114: l.the house of Jacob from a people 115:10. 0 house of Aaron, trust 12. he will bless (Ae Aouse of Israel; he will bless (Ae house of Aaron. 116:19. In the courts of (Ae Lord's house, 118: 3. Let (Ae Aouse of Aaron now say, 26.ou( o/(Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 119:54. ire (Ae Aouse o/my pilgrimage. 122: 1. Let us go into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 5. the thrones o/(Ae Aowse c/David. 9. Because of (Ae Aowse of the Lord 127: 1 . Except the Lord build (Ae Aowse, 128: 3. by the sides of thine house: 132: 3. into the tabernacle ofmy house, 134 : 1 . which by night stand in the house of the 135 : 2. Ye that stand in (Ae Aouse of the Lord, in the courts of (Ae Aouse o/our God, 19. Bless the Lord, 0 house of Israel: bless the Lord, O house of Aaron: 20. Bless the Lord, 0 house o/Levi: Pro. 1 : 13. we shall fill our houses with 2:18. For Aer Aowse inclineth unto death, 3:33. in the house nfthp wiptoH- rv2 { 223 ) jrn Pro. 5: 8. come not nigh the door of Aer Aowse ,* 10. thy labours ( be ) in the house of a stranger ; 6:31. he shall give all the substance of Ais Aowse. 7 : 6. For at the window of my house 8. he went the way to Aer house, 1 1 . her feet abide not in her house : 19. the goodman (is) not at home, 20. will come Aome at the day 27. Her Aowse (is) the way to hell, 8: 2. in (Ac places of the paths, (lit. Aowse of) 9: 1 . Wisdom hath builded Aer house, 14. she sitteth at the door of her house, 11 :29. He that troubleth Ais own house 12: 7. but the house o/the righteous 14: I. wise woman buildeth Aer house: 11. TAe Aowse o/the wicked shall be 15: 6. In (Ae Aowse o/the righteous 25. will destroy (Ae Aowse o/the proud: 27. troubleth Ais own house; 17: l.(Aan an house full of sacrifices 13. evil shall not depart from his house. 19:14. House and riches (are) the inheritance 21 : 9. in a wide house. 12.considereth (Ae house o/the 24: 3. Through wisdom is an house builded; 27. afterwards build (Aine Aowse. 25:17./rom thy neighbour's house; 24. and in a wide house. 27:10. neither (lit. and not) go into thy brother's house 27. for the food ofthy houshold, 30: 26. yet make they (Aeir houses 31: 15. giveth meat to her houshold, 21. of the snow for her houshold: for all Aer houshold (are) clothed 27.1ooketh well to the ways of her houshold, Ecc. 2: 4.1 builded me houses ; 7. and had servants born in my house ; 4: 14. For out of prison he cometh (lit. ow( of the house of prisoners) 5 : 1(4: 17). when thou goest to (Ae house of God, 7: 2. better to go to (Ae house of mourning, than to go to (Ae house of feasting: 4. the wise (is) in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools (is) in the house of 10: 18. of the hands (Ae Aowse droppeth through. 12: 3. the keepers of (Ae Aowse shall 5. man goeth to his long Aome, Cant. 1 : 17. The beams of owr Aowse 2: 4. He brought me to (Ae banqueting house, 3: 4. brought him into my mother's Aowse, 8: 2. bring thee into my mother's Aowse, 7. all the substance of Ais Aowse Isa. 2: 2. the mountain of the Lord's house 3. to the house of the God of Jacob ; 5. O house of Jacob, come ye, 6. hast forsaken thy people (Ae Aowse of 3: 6.of(Ae Aowse o/his father, 7./or in my house (is) neither bread 14. the poor (is) in your houses. 20. the headbands, and the tablets, (marg. and the houses o/the soul) 5: 7. the Lord of hosts (is) (Ae house of Israel, 8. them that join house to house, 9. Of a truth many houses shall 6: 4. and (Ae house was filled 11. andthe houses without man, 7: 2. it was told (Ae Aowse of David, 13. 0 house of David ; 17. and upon thy father's house, days 8:14. to both (Ae houses of Israel, 17./rom (Ae Aowse of Jacob, 10:20. such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, 32. the mount of (Ae daughter of Zion, (dtO Aowse of) 13:16. (Aeir houses shall be spoiled, 21. and (Aeir houses shall be full 14: l.they shall cleave to (Ae Aowse of Jacob. 2.(Ae Aowse o/Israel shall possess them 17. opened not the house of his prisoners? (marg. did not let his prisoners loose homeward) 18. every one in his own house. 22: 8.of(Ae Aowse o/the forest. 1 0. ye have numbered (Ae houses of Jerusalem, and (Ae houses have ye broken 15. which (is) over (Ae house, Isa. 22:18. (shall be) the shame ofthy lord's house, 21 . and to the house of Judah. 22. the key of (Ae Aowse of David 23. a glorious throne to his father's house. 24. all the glory ofhis father's house, 23: I. laid waste, so that there is no house, 24; 10. every Aowse is shut up, 29:22. concerning (Ae Aowse of Jacob, 31 : 2. will arise against the Aowse of 32:13. upon all (Ae houses of joy 36: 3. which was over (Ae house, 22. that (was) over (Ae houshold, 37: Land went into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 2.Eliakim, who (was) over (Ae houshold, 14. Hezekiah went up unto (Ae Aowse o/the 31 . escaped of (Ae Aowse of Judah 38. worshipping in (Ae Aowse of 38: l.Set (Aine Aowse in order: (marg. Give charge concerning thy house) 20. of our life in (Ae house of the Lord. 22. that I shall go up to (Ae Aowse of the Lord ? 39: 2. shewed them (Ae Aowse of his — and all (Ae Aowse of his armour, — there was nothing in his house, 4. What have they seen in thine house? — All that (is) in mine house 6. all that (is) in thine house, 42: 7.ow( o/(Ae prison house. 22. and they are hid in prison houses: 44; 13. that it may remain in the house. 46: 3. O Aowse of Jacob, and all the remnant of (Ae house of Israel, 48: l.Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, 56: 5. them will I give in mine house 7. and make them joyful in my Aowse of — for mine house shall be called an house of 58: Land (Ae Aowse of Jacob their sins. 7. the poor that are cast out to thy Aowse ? 60: 7. and I will glorify (Ae Aowse ofmy 63; 7. great goodness toward the house of Israel, 64:11(10). Our holy and our beautiful house, 65:21. And they shall build houses, 66: 1. where (is) (Ae house that ye 20. in a clean vessel into (Ae Aowse o/the Jer. 2: 4. O house of Jacob, and all the families of (Ae house of Israel: 14. (is) he a Aomeborn (slave) ? 26. so is (Ae Aowse of Israel ashamed; 3: 18. (Ae Aowse of Judah shall walk with (Ae Aowse of Israel, 20. dealt treacherously with me, O house of 5 : 7 . and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots* houses. 1 1 . For (Ae Aowse of Israel and the house of 15. O house of Israel, saith the Lord: 20. Declare this in the house of Jacob, 27. their houses full of deceit: 6: 12. (Aeir houses shall be turned 7 : 2. Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, 10. stand before me in this Aowse, II. Is this Aowse, which is called 14. will I do wn(o (this) Aowse, 30. in the house which is called 9:26(25). (Ae Aowse o/Israel (are) uncircumcised 10: l.the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of 1 1 : 10. (Ae Aowse of Israel and the house of Judah 15. my beloved to do in mine house, 17. the evil of (Ae Aowse of Israel and of (Ae house of Judah, 12: 6. and the house of thy father, 7. 1 have forsaken mine house, 14. pluck out (Ae Aowse of Judah 13:11. (Ae whole Aowse o/'lsrael and the whole house of Judah, 16; 5. Enter not into (Ae Aowse o/mourning, 8. not also go into (Ae house of feasting, 17:22.a burden ow( of your houses 26. sacrifices of praise, unto (Ae Aowse of the 18: 2. go down tothe potter's Aowse, 3. Then I went down tothe potter's Aowse, 6. O house of Israel, cannot I do with you _ so (are) ye in mine hand, O house o/Israel. 22. Let a cry be heard from their houses, 19: 13. And the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses o/the kings because of all (Ae houses 14. in the court of the Lord's house; Jer. 20: 1. governor in the house of the Lord, 2. which (was) by the house of the Lord. 6. all that dwell in (Aine Aowse 21 : 11. And touching the house of 12. 0 house of David, thus saith 22: 1. Go down to the house of the king 4. enter in by the gates of this Aowse 5. that this house shall become 6. unto the king's house of Judah ; 13.buildeth Ais Aowse by unrighteousness, 14. 1 will build me a wide Aowse 23: 8. led the seed of (Ae house o/Israel II... in my house have I found their 34. 1 will even punish that man and Ais house. 26 : 2. Stand in the court of the Lord's Aowse, — which come to worship in the Lord's Aowse, 6. Then will I make this Aowse 7. these words in the house of the Lord. 9. This Aowse shall be like Shiloh, — against Jeremiah in the house o/the Lord. 10. they came up from the king's Aowse unto (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 12. to prophesy against this house 18. (Ae house as the high places 27: 16. the vessels of (Ae Lord's Aowse 18. in the house of the Lord, and(in) thehouse of the king of Judah, 21. (in) (Ae Aowse of the Lord, and (in) (Ae house of the king of Judah 28: 1. spake unto me in the house o/the Lord, 3. all the vessels of the Lord's house, 5. the people that stood in the house of the Lord, 6. bring again the vessels of the Lord's Aowse, 29; 5, 28. Build ye houses, and dwell 26. officers in (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 31 :27.I will sow (Ae Aowse o/Israel and. (Ae Aowse of Judah 31. covenant with (Ae Aowse o/Israel, and with (Ae Aowse of Judah: 33. 1 will make with (Ae Aowse of Israel ; 32: 2. in the king of Judah's Aowse. 15. Houses and fields and vineyards 29. burn it with (Ae houses, 34. abominations in the house, 33: 4. concerning (Ae houses of this city, and concerning (Ae houses of the kings 1 1 . sacrifice of praise into (Ae houseof the Lord. 14. unto (Ae Aowse o/Israel and to (Ae houseof Judah. 17. upon the throne of (Ae Aowse o/Israel; 34: 13.ow( o/(Ae Aowse o/bondmen, 15. before me in the house 35: 2. Go unto (Ae Aowse o/the Rechabites, — bring them into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 3. and (Ae whole Aowse o/the Rechabites ; 4. brought them into (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 5. the sons of (Ae house of the Rechabites 7. Neither shall ye build Aowse, (lit. and a house ye shall not build) 9. Nor to build houses for us 18. And Jeremiah said wn(o (Ae Aowse of the 36: 3. It may be that (Ae house of Judah 5. 1 cannot go into (Ae Aowse of 6. in the Lord's Aowse upon the fasting day; 8. of the Lord in the Lord's Aowse. 10. words of Jeremiah in the Aowse o/the Lord, — the new gate of (Ae Lord's house, 12. he went down into the king's house, 22. the king sat in (Ae winter-Aowse 37: 4. they had not put him into prison, (lit. house of the prison) 15. and put him in prison (lit. Aowse of binding) in (Ae Aowse of Jonathan the scribe ; for they had made that the prison, (lit. Aowse o/the prison) 16. Jeremiah was entered into the dungeon, (lit. Aowse of the pit) 17. asked him secretly in his house, 18. that ye have put me in prison? (lit. Aowse of prison) 20. not to return to (Ae Aowse of Jonathan 38: 7. eunuchs which was in the king's house, 8. went forth ow( o/the king's house, 11. went into (Ae Aowse of 14. the third entry that (is) in the house of 17. thou shalt live, and thine house: Jer. 38 39 C 224 ) JT2 : 22. left in the king of Judah's Aouse 26. to return to Jonathan's house, 8. burned the king's Aowse, and (Ae Aowses of the people, 14. that he should carry him Aome: 41: 5. to bring (them) to (Ae Aowse o/the Lord. 43: 9. at the entry of Pharaoh's Aowse 12. 1 will kindle a fire in the houses of 13. break also the images of -Be(A-shemesh (marg. or, (Ae Aowse of the sun) — and (Ae houses of the gods 48:13. as (Ae Aowse o/Israel was ashamed 51 ;51.the sanctuaries of the Lord's Aowse. 52 ; 1 1 . and put him in prison (lit. in house of the wards) 1 3. burned (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, and theking's house; and all (Ae houses of Jerusalem and all (Ae Aowses o/the great 17. in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen sea that (was) in the house of 20. Solomon had made inthe house o/the Lord: 31. brought him forth out of prison, (lit. out of the house of the prison) Lam.l :20.a( Aome (there is) as death. 2: 7. made a noise in the house o/the Lord, 5; 2. owr Aowses to aliens. Eze. 1 : 27. of fire round about within it, 2: 5. for they (are) a rebellious Aowse, 6. though they (be) a rebellious Aowse. 8.2iAe,that rebellious house: 3: Lgo speak unto (Ae Aowse o/Israel. 4. get thee unto (Ae Aowse o/Israel, 5. (but) to (Ae Aowse o/Israel ; 7. But the house of Israel will not hearken — all (Ae Aowse o/Israel (are) impudent 9. though they (be) a rebellious house. 17. a watchman wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel: 24. shut thyself within (Aine house. 26, 27. for they (are) a rebellious Aowse. 4: 3- This (shall be) a sign (o(Ae Aowse o/Israel. 4, 5. the iniquity of (Ae Aowse o/Israel 6. the iniquity of (Ae Aowse of Judah 5: 4. fire come forth into all (Ae Aowse o/Israel. 6:11. abominations of (Ae Aowse of Israel ! 7: 15. pestilence and the famine within: 24. they shall possess (Aeir houses : 8: 1 . 1 sat in mine house, 6. great abominations that (Ae Aowse of 10. all the idols of (Ae Aowse of Israel, 11, 12. the ancients of (Ae Aowse of Israel, 14. of the gate of theLord's Aowse 16. the inner court of theLord's Aowse, 17. a light thing to the house of Judah 9: 3. to the threshold of (Ae Aowse. 6. which (were) before (Ae house. 7. Defile (Ae house, and fill 9. The i niquity of (Ae Aowse of Israel and 10: 3. on the right side o/(Ae Aowse, 4. over the threshold of (Ae Aowse; and the house was filled with the cloud, 18. from offthe threshold of (Ae Aowse, 19. of the east gate of theLord's Aowse; 11: 1 . unto the east gate of the Lord's house, 3. let us build houses : 5. Thus have ye said, O house of Israel: 15. and all (Ae Aowse of Israel wholly, 12: 2. in the midst of a rebellious Aowse, — for they (are) a rebellious Aowse. 3. though they (be) a rebellious Aowse. 6. (for) a sign wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel. 9. (Ae Aowse of Israel, (Ae rebellious liouse, 10. and all (Ae Aowse of Israel 24. divination within (Ae Aowse of Israel. 25. O rebellious house, 27. (they of) (Ae Aowse of Israel say, 13: 5. the hedge for (Ae Aowse of Israel 9. in the writing of (Ae Ao?^se o/Israel, 14: 4. Every man o/(Ae Aowse o/Israel 5. 1 may take (Ae Aowse of Israel 6. say unto (Ae Aowse of Israel, Thus saith 7. every one o/(Ae Aowse of Israel, 1 1 . That (Ae house of Israel may go no more 16:41. they shall burn (Aine houses 17: 2. speak a parable unto (Ae Aowse of Israel; 12. Say now to the rebellious Aowse, 18: 6, 15. the idols of (Ae Aowse of Israel, ra Eze. 18: 25. Hear now, O house of Israel; 29. Yet saith (Ae Aowse of Israel, — 0 house of Israel, are not my ways 30.1 will judge you, O house of Israel, 31. for why will ye die, O house of Israel? 20: 5. unto the seed of (Ae Aowse o/ Jacob, 13. But (Ae Aowse of Israel rebelled 27. speak unto (Ae Aowse of Israel, and say 30. Wherefore say unto (Ae Aowse of Israel, 31.be enquired of by you, 0 house of Israel? 39. As for you, 0 house of Israel, 40. there shall all (Ae Aowse of Israel, 44. your corrupt doings, O ye Aowse o/Israel, 22: 18. (Ae Aowse of Israel is to me become 23: 39. in the midst of mine house. 47. and burn up (Aeir houses with 24: 3. unto (Ae rebellious Aowse, 21. Speak wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel, 25: 3. against (Ae Aowse of Judah, 8.(Ae Aowse of Judah (is) like 12. against the house of Judah 26: 12. and destroy thy pleasant Aowses; 27 : 14. They of (Ae Aowse of Togarmah 28:24. a pricking brier wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel, 25. When I shall have gathered (Ae Aowse of 26. and shall build Aowses, 29: 6. a staff of reed to the house of Israel. 16. the confidence of the house of Israel, 21. the horn of the house of Israel to bud 33: 7. a watchman wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel; 10. speak unto (Ae Aowse of Israel; 11. for why will ye die, 0 house of Israel? 20. 0 ye Aowse of Israel, I will judge 30. in the doors of (Ae houses, 34:30. (Ae Aowse of Israel, (are) my people, 35:15. the inheritance of the house of Israel, 36; 10. all (Ae Aowse of Israel, (even) all of it: 17. when (Ae Aowse of Israel dwelt in 21. which (Ae Aowse of Israel had profaned 22. say wn(o (Ae Aowse of Israel, — I do not (this) for your sakes, O house of 32. for your own ways, O house of Israel. 37.be enquired of by the house o/Israel, 37: 11. these bones are (Ae whole Aowse of Israel: 16. all (Ae Aowse of Israel his companions: 38: 6. (Ae Aowse of Togarmah 39: 12. shall (Ae Aowse of Israel be burying 22. So (Ae Aowse of Israel shall know 23. (Ae Aowse of Israel went into captivity 25. mercy upon (Ae whole Aowse of Israel, 29. poured out my spirit upon (Ae Aowse of 40: 4. that thou seest to the house of Israel. 5. outside o/(Ae Aowse 7, 8. the porch of the gate within 9. and the porch of the gate (was) inward. 43. within (were) hooks, 45. of the charge of the house. 47. the altar (that was) before the Aowse. 48 . to the porch of (Ae house, 41 : 5. he measured the wall of (Ae Aowse, — round about (Ae Aowse 6. which (was) of the house — had not hold in the wall of (Ae Aowse. 7. the winding about of (Ae Aowse went still upward round a&ow( (Ae Aowse ; therefore the breadth of the house 8.1 saw also the height of the house 9. which (was) left (was) the place of the side chambers that (were) within* 10. round about (Ae Aowse 13. So he measured (Ae house, 14. the breadth of the face of (Ae house, 17. even unto (Ae inner Aowse, 19. all (Ae Aowse round about. 26. the side chambers of (Ae house, 42:15. an end of measuring (Ae inner house, 43: 4. of the Lord came into (Ae Aouse 5. of the Lord filled (Ae Aowse. 6. speaking unto me ow( of the house; 7. shall (Ae Aowse o/Israel no more defile, 10. shew (Ae Aowse to (Ae Aowse of Israel, 11. shew them the form of (Ae Aowse, 12, 12. This (is) the law of the house, 21. the appointed place of (Ae Aowse, 44: 4. the north gate before (Ae house: — filled the house of the Lord: 5. the ordinances of (Ae Aowse of the Lord, ( 225 ) rra Eze. 44: 5. the entering in of the house, 6. to (Ae Aowse o/Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; O ye house of Israel, 7. to pollute it, (even) my house, 11. of the house, and ministering to the house: 12. (Ae Aowse of Israel to fall into iniquity ; 14. of the charge of (Ae Aowse, 17. the inner court, and within. 22. of the seed of the house of Israel, 30. to rest in (Aine Aowse. 45 : 4. it shall be a place/or their houses, 5. the ministers of (Ae house, 6. it shall.be for (Ae whole Aowse o/Israel. 8. the land shall they give to (Ae Aowse of 17. all solemnities of (Ae Aowse of Israel: — reconciliation for (Ae Aowse o/Israel. 19. upon the posts of the house, 20. so shall ye reconcile (Ae house. 46: 24. These (are) (Ae places of — where the ministers of the house 47 : 1 . unto the door of (Ae Aowse ; — under the threshold of (Ae Aowse eastward : for the forefront of (Ae Aowse — from the right side of (Ae Aowse, 48:21. the sanctuary of the house Dan 1: 2. the vessels of (Ae Aowse o/God: — to (Ae Aowse of his god ; — into the treasure Aowse of his god, Hos 1: 4. upon (Ae Aowse of Jehu, — the kingdom of (Ae Aowse of Israel. 6. have mercy upon (Ae Aowse o/Israel; 7. have mercy upon (Ae Aowse of Judah, 5: 1. hearken, ye Aowse of Israel; and give ye ear, 0 house of the king; 12. and to the house of Judah 14. as a young lion to the house of 6: 10. an horrible thing in the house o/Israel: 8: Las an eagle against (Ae Aowse o/the Lord, 9: 4. shall not come into (Ae Aowse of 8. in the house of his God. 15. 1 will drive them out of mine house, 11:11.1 will place them in (Aeir Aowses, 12(12:1). and (Ae Aowse o/Israel with deceit: Joel 1 : 9. is cut off from the house of 13. from the house of your God. 14. (Ae Aouse o/the Lord your God, 16. joy and gladness from the house of 2: 9. they shall climb up upon the houses; 3:18(4:18). shall come forth of the house of Am. 1 : 4. send a fire into the house of b.from the house of Eden: (marg. or, from Beth-eden) 2: 8. (in) (Ae Aowse of their god. 3:13. and testify in the house of Jacob, 15.1 will smite (Ae winter Aouse with (Ae summer house; and (Ae houses of ivory shall perish, and (Ae great Aowses shall 5: 1. (even) a lamentation, 0 house of Israel, 3. shall leave ten, to the house of Israel. 4. thus saith the Lord wn(o (Ae Aowse of 6. break out like fire in (Ae Aouse of Joseph, 11. ye have built houses of hewn stone, 19. or went into (Ae house, 25. forty years, 0 house of Israel ? 6 : 1 . to whom (Ae Aouse of Israel came ! 9. remain ten men in one house, 10. bring out the bones out of the house, — by the sides of (Ae house, 1 1 . he will smite (Ae great Aowse with breaches, and the little Aowse with clefts. 14. against you a nation, 0 house of Israel, 7 : 9.1 will rise against (Ae Aowse of Jeroboam 10. in the midst of (Ae Aowse of Israel: 13. and it (is) the king's cowr(. (marg. and the house of the kingdom) 16. against (Ae Aouse o/ Isaac. 9: 8. not utterly destroy (Ae Aouse of Jacob, 9. 1 will sift (Ae Aouse o/Israel Obad, 17. and (Ae Aouse of Jacob shall possess 18. And (Ae Aowse of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house o/Esau for stubble, remaining o/(Ae Aouse o/Esau; Mic 1 : 5. for the sins of (Ae Aouse of Israel. 10. in the house of Aphrah 11. the mourning of 2?e(A-ezel; (marg. or, a place near) ft jrn (226 ) ran Mic. 1 : 14. (Ae houses of Achzib (shall be) a lie 2: 2.and houses, and take (them) away: so they oppress a man and his house, 7. (that art) named (Ae Aouse of Jacob, Q.from their pleasant houses ; 3 : 1 . ye princes of (Ae Aouse of Israel ; 9. ye heads of (Ae Aouse of Jacob, and princes of (Ae house o/Israel, 12. the mountain of the house 4: 1. the mountain of (Ae Aouse o/the Lord 2. to (Ae Aouse of the God of Jacob ; 6 : 4. and redeemed thee out of the house of 10. in the house of the wicked, 16. all the works of (Ae Aouse of 7: 6. the men of Ais own house. Nah. 1:14. out of the house ofthy gods Hab. 2: 9. an evil covetousness to his house, 10. hast consulted shame to thy house 3:13. out of the house of the wicked, Zep. 1: 9. fill their masters' houses 13. shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, 2: 7. the remnant of (Ae Aouse of Judah; — in the houses o/Ashkelon Hag. 1 : 2. that theLord's Aouse should be built. 4. to dwell in your cieled houses, and this house (lie) waste ? 8. and build (Ae house; 9. when ye brought (it) Aome, — Because of mine house that (is) waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. 14. did work in the house of the Lord 2: 3. among you that saw this Aouse 7. and I will fill this Aouse with glorys 9. The glory of this latter Aouse Zee. 1:16. my house shall be built in it, 3: 7. thou shalt also judge my house, 4: 9. have laid the foundation of this house; 5: 4. it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into (Ae Aouse of him that sweareth — and it shall remain in the midst of Ais house, 11. To build it an house in the land of Shinar 6:10. go into (Ae Aouse of Josiah 7: 2. When they had sent unto (Ae Aouse of 3. the priests which (were) in (Ae Aouse of the Lord 8: 9. the foundation of (Ae Aouse o/the Lord 13. 0 house of Judah, and house o/Israel ; 15. and to (Ae house of Judah: 19. shall be to the house of Judah 9: 8. 1 will encamp a6ou( mine house 10: 3. visited his flock (Ae Aouse of Judah, 6.1 will strengthen (Ae Aouse of Judah, and I will save (Ae Aouse of Joseph, 11: 13. to the potter in (Ae Aouse o/the Lord. 12 : 4. upon (Ae Aouse of Judah, 7. that the glory of (Ae Aouse of David 8. and the house of David 10. 1 will pour upon (Ae Aouse o/David, 12. the family of (Ae Aouse o/David — the family of (Ae Aouse of Nathan 13. The family of (Ae Aouse o/Levi apart, 13 : 1 . a fountain opened to the house of 6. 1 was wounded (in ) (Ae Aouse o/my friends. 14: 2. and (Ae houses rifled, 20. the pots in the Lord's Aouse 21 . Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. Mai. 3: 10. all the tithes into (Ae storeAouse, that there may be meat in mine house, Ezr. 5 : 15. and let (Ae Aouse of God be builded 16. the foundation of (Ae Aouse of God 17. search made in the king's treasure house — to build this Aouse of God at Jerusalem ' 6: Land search was made in the house of the rolls, 3. made a decree (concerning) (Ae house of God J — Let (Ae Aouse be builded, 4.expences be given out of the king's home: 5. and silver vessels of (Ae Aouse of God — and place (them) in the house of God'. 7 . Let the work of this Aouse of God alone • — elders of the Jews build this Aouse o/God 8. for the building of this Aouse of God: 1 1 . let timber be pulled down from Ais house — and let his house he made a dunghill 12. to destroy this Aouse of God 15. And this Aouse was finished on the third day 16. kept the dedication of this Aouse o/God 17. at the dedication of this Aouse o/God 7:16. offering willingly/or (Ae Aouse o/their God 17. offer them upon the altar of (Ae houseof your God J 9. for the service of (Ae Aouse ofthy God, 20. shall be needful for (Ae Aouse o/thy God, — bestow (it) out of theking's treasure Aouse. 23. let it be diligently done/or the house o/the God of heaven : 24. Nethinims, or ministers of this houseof God, Dan 2: 5. and your houses shall be made a dunghill. 17. Daniel went to his house, and made 3:29. and their houses shall be made a dunghill: 4: 4(1). I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine house, 30(27). that I have built for the house of the kingdom 5 : 3. taken out of the temple of (Ae house of 1 0. and his lords came into the banquet house: 23. they have brought the vessels of Ais house 6 : 10( 1 1). he went into his Iwuse; and his windows [JVn bee-thahn', m. Est. 1: 5. the garden of the king's palace; 7 : 7. into the palace garden: 8. returned out of the palace garden &03 bah-chah' , m. T T • 3 2Sa. 5:23. over against (Ae mulberry trees. 24. in the tops of (Ae mulberry trees, ICh 14: 14. over against (Ae mulberry trees. 15. in the tops of (Ae mulberry trees, Ps. 84: 6(7). through the valley of Baca (marg: mulberry t?'ees) T)\2 [bah'-yithl Ch. m. Ezr. 4 : 24. Then ceased the work of (Ae Aowse of God 5: 2. and began to, build (Ae Ao?«e o/God 3. Who hath commanded you to build this 8.(o (Ae Aouse o/the great God, 9. Who commanded you to build this Aouse, 11. and build (Ae Aouse that was builded 12. who destroyed this Aouse, 13. Cyrus made a decree to build this Aouse of God. J 14. of gold and silver of (Ae Aouse of God. T\22 bah-chah'. * KAL. —Preterite. * Gen45:14. Benjamin wept upon his neck. Nu. 11 : 18. ye have wept in the ears of Deu21 : 13. cud bewail her father and her mother 2Sa.l3:36.his servants wept very sore. Ezr. 10: l.for the people wept very sore. Job 30 : 25. Did not / weep Ps. 1 37 : 1 . we wept, when we remembered Zion. Eze. 27 : 31 . and they shall weep for thee Hos.12: 4(5). Ae wept, and made supplication KAL. — Infinitive. Gen23: 2. to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. 43:30. he sought (where) (o weep; ISa. 1:10. prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. (ht. and weeping she wept) 30: 4. had no more power to weep. 2Sa. 3:16. went with her along weeping 34. all the people wept again over him. ('''• added to wpen*l ran ( 227 ) ¦on 2Sa.l5:30.they went up, weeping Ps. 126: 6. He that goeth forth and weepeth, Ecc. 3 : 4. A time (o weep, and a time to laugh ; Isa. 30: 19. thou shalt weep no more: (lit. weeping thou shalt not weep) Jer. 22: 10. weep sore for him that goeth away: (lit. weeping weep) 50: 4. going and weeping : Lam.l; 2. She weepeth sore in the night, (lit. in weeping she weepeth) Mic. 1:10. weep ye not at all: (lit. weeping ye shall not weep) KAL. — Imperative. 2Sa. 1:24. Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, Jer. 22: 10. weep sore for him that goeth Joel 1: 5. Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; KAL Future. Gen21:16. lift up her voice, and wept. 27:38. Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. 29:11. and lifted up his voice, and wept. 33: 4. kissed him: and they wept. 37:35. TAus his father wept for him. 42:24. about from them, and wept; 43 : 30. entered into (his) chamber, and wept there. 45:14. his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; lb. and wept upon them: 46:29. and wept on his neck 50: 1 . and wept upon him, 3. and the Egyptians mourned (marg. wept) 17. And Joseph wept when they spake Lev.10: 6./e( your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail Nu. 11 : 4. Israel also wept again, 13. for they weep unto me, 20. and have wept before him, saying, 14: l.aud the people wept that night. 20:29. And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they mourned Deu 1 :45. and wept before the Lord ; 34: 8. And the children of Israel wept Jud 2: 4. lifted up their voice, and wept. 11:37. and bewail my virginity, 38. and-bewailed her virginity 14:16. And Samson's wife uiep( before him, 17. And she wept before him 20:23. and wept before the Lord 26. came unto the house of God, and wept, 21 : 2. lifted up their voices, and wept Ru. 1 : 9, 14. lifted up their voice, and wept. ISa. 1: 7. therefore she wept, and did not eat. 8. Hannah, why weepest thou? 10. prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. 11 : 4. lifted up their voices, and wept. 5. What (aileth) the people that they weep? 20:41. and wept one with another, 24: 16(1 7). Saul lifted up his voice, and wept. 30: 4. lifted up their voice and wept, 2Sa. 1:12. they mourned, and wept, 3:32. the king lifted up his voice, and wept — and all the people wept. 12:21. thou didst fast and weep 22. 1 fasted and wept: 13:36. lifted up their voice and wept: 18:33(19:1). to the chamber over the gate, and wept. 2K. 8:11. and the man of God wept. 13:14. and wept over his face, 20: 3. And Hezekiah wept sore. 22: 19, and wept before me ; 2Ch 34 : 27 . and weep before me ; Neh 1 : 4. 1 sat down and wept, 8: 9. mourn not, nor weep. Est. 8: 3. and besought him uii(A tears (marg: and she wept, and besought him) Job 2:12. they lifted up their voice, andwept; 27: 15. his widows shall not weep. 31:38. furrows likewise thereof complain; (marg. weep) Ps. 69:10(11). When I wept, (and chastened) 78:64. their widows made no lamentation. Isa. 16: 9. Therefore Iwillbewail 30: 19.(Aou sAai( uieep no more: 33: 7. ambassadors of peace sAaH weep 38: S.And Hezekiah wept sore. Jer. 9; J(8:23). that Imighi weep day and night Jer. 13:17. my soul shall weep in secret 22:10. Weep ye not for the dead, 48:32. 1 will weep for thee with the weeping of Jazer : Lam.l : 2. She weepeth sore in the night, Eze. 24: 16. neither shalt thou mourn nor weep, (lit. and thou shalt not weep) 23. ye shall not mourn nor weep; Joel 2:17. Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep Mic. 1 :10. weep ye not at all: Zee. 7: 3. Should I weep in the fifth month, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ex. 2: 6.behold, the babe wept. Nu. 1 1 : 10. Moses heard the people weep 25: 6. who (were) weeping (before) the door Jud 2: l.came up from Gilgal to Bochim, 5. called the name of that place Bochim: (marg. Weepers) 2Sa.l5:23.all the country wept 30. and wept as he went up, (marg. and weeping) 19: 1(2). Behold, the king weepeth 2K. 8:12. Why weepeth my lord ? Ezr. 3 : 12. wept with a loud voice; 10: 1. weeping and casting himself down Neh 8: 9. For all the people wept, Job 30:31. the voice of them (Aa( weep. Jer. 41: 6. weeping all along as he went: (marg. in going and weeping) Lam. 1 : 16. For these (things) I weep; •HPIEL Participle. * Jer. 31 : 15. Rahel weeping for her children Eze. 8 : 14. there sat women weeping i"Oil beh' -cheh , m. Ezr. 10: l.for the people wept very sore. (marg. a great weeping) Ex. "YD? b'ekohr, m. Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, Huz his firstborn, the firstborn of Ishmael, I (am) Esau thy firstborn; I (am) thy son, thy firstborn Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, the firstborn (son) o/Esau; Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, Er, Judah's firstborn, called the name of the firstborn the firstborn according to his birthright, Reuben, Jacob's firstborn. for Manasseh (was) the firstborn. for this (is) the firstborn ; Reuben, thou (art) my firstborn, Israel (is) my son, (even) my firstborn: I will slay thy son, (even) thy firstborn. the firstborn o/Israel ; all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that (is) behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts. will smite all the firstborn the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egvpt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that (was) in the dun geon ; and all the firstborn of cattle. Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, all tlie firstborn of man the Lord slew all (Ae firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: — all the firstborn ofmy children 22:29(28), &34:20.(Ae,/jrs(oorB o/thy sons «2 Genl0:15, 22:21 25:13 27:19 32 35:2336:15 38: 6 7 41:51 43:3346: 8 48:14. 18 49: 3 4:22 23. 6:14 11: 5 12:12. 29, 13: 2 1315 •on (marg. Lev.27^6-Only the firstling of the beasts firstborn) Nu. 1 : 20. Israel's eldest son, 3: 2.Nadab the firstborn, 12, 41, 45. instead of all the firstborn 13. all (Ae firstborn (are) mine ; (for) on the day that I smote all (Ae firstborn I hallowed unto me all the firstborn 40. Number all the firstborn of 41. instead of all the firstborn — instead of all the firstlings 42. all the/rs(oorn among the 43. all the firstborn males 45. instead of all the firstborn 46. of the firstborn of the children of bO. Of the firstborn of the children of 8:16. the firstborn of all the children 17 .the firstborn of the children of — ¦ I smote every firstborn in the land 18. the Levites for all the firstborn 18: 15. nevertheless the firstborn o/man — the firstling of unclean beasts 17. But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, 26: 5. Reuben, (Ae eldest son of Israel: 33: 4. the Egyptians buried all (their) firstborn, Deul5:19.All the firstling males that — with the firstling of thy bullock, nor shear (Ae firstling ofthy sheep. 21:15. the firstborn son be her's 16. (which is indeed) the firstborn: 17. the son of the hated (for) the firstborn, 25: 6. the firstborn which she beareth 33: 17- (like) the firstling o/his bullock, Jos. 6:26. the foundation thereof in his firstborn, 17: 1. he (was) the firstborn of Joseph ; — the firstborn of Manasseh, Jud. 8:20. he said unto Jether his firstborn, ISa. 8: 2. the name of his firstborn was Joel; 17:13. Eliab the firstborn, 2Sa. 3: 2. Ais firstborn was Amnon, IK. 16:34. in Abiram his firstborn, 2K. 3.27. Then he took his eldest son ICh 1:13. Canaan begat Zidon his firstborn, 29. The firstborn o/Ishmael, 2: 3. Er, (Ae firstborn of Judah, 13. Jesse begat his firstborn 25. the firstborn o/Hezron were, Ram the first born, 27 .the firstborn o/Jerahmeel 42. Jerahmeel (were), Mesha his firstborn, bO. the firstborn o/Ephratah; 3: l.the firstborn Amnon, lb .the firstborn Johanan, 4: 4. (Ae firstborn o/Ephratah, 5: 1. Reuben (Ae/rs(oorn o/Israel, for he (was) the firstborn ; 3. Reuben the firstborn o/Israel 6:28(13).(Ae/rs(6orn Vashni, 8: l.Benjamin begat Bela his firstborn, 30. his firstborn son Abdon, 39- Ulam his firstborn, 9: 5. Asaiah the firstborn, 31. who (was) the firstborn 36. his firstborn son Abdon, 26: 2. Zechariah the firstborn, 4. Shemaiah the firstborn, 10. he was not the firstborn, 2Ch21: 3. because he (was) the firstborn. Nehl0:36(37). Also the firstborn of our sons, Job 1:13, 18. in their eldest brother's house: 1 8 : 1 3 . (Ae firstborn of death Ps. 78:51.smote all the firstborn 89:27(28). I will make him (my) firstborn, 105:36. He smote also all the firstborn 135: 8. "Who smote the firstborn of 136: 10, that smote Egypt in their firstborn : Isa. 1 4: 30. (Ae firstborn of the poor Jer. 31 : 9. Ephraim (is) my firstborn. Mic. 6: 7. shall I give my firstborn Zee. 12:10. is in bitterness for (his)/rs(6orn. TI23 [bik-koor'], m. Ex. 23: 16. (7ie/rs(/rwi(s o/thy labours, ( 228 ) m Ex. 23:19. The first of the firstfruits of 34:22. (Ae firstfruits 0/ wheat harvest, 26. The first of the firstfruits of Lev. 2: 14. thy firstfruits unto the Lord, — the meat offering of thy firstfruits 23: 17. the firstfruits unto the Lord. 20. with the bread of the firstfruits Nu. 13:20. the time of the firstripe grapes. 18:13. whatsoever isfirst ripe in the land, 28:26. Also in the day of the firstfruits, 2K. 4:42. bread of the firstfruits, NehlO:35(36).And to bring (Ae firstfruits 0/ out ground, and the firstfruits of all fruit 13:31. and for the firstfruits. Isa. 28: 4. as (Ae hasty fruit before the summer; (lit. as her first fruit) Eze.44:30.the first of all the firstfruits of Nah. 3: 12. fig trees with the firstripe figs : TTi02 b'choh-rah', f. Gen 4: 4. he also brought of the firstlings o/his flock 25:31. Sell me this day thy birthright. 32. shall this birthright do to me? 33. he sold Ais birthright 34. thus Esau despised (his) birthright. 27; 36. he took away my birthright; 43:33. according to his birthright, Deul2: 6. and the firstlings o/your herds 17. or the firstlings ofthy herds 14:23. and the firstlings ofthy herds 21: 17. the right of the firstborn ICh 5: l.Ais birthright was given — to be reckoned after the birthright. 2. but the birthright (was) Joseph's: Nehl0:36(37). (Ae>rs(/in#s o/our herds n^33 bik-koo-rahf9 f. Hos. 9: 10. as the firstripe in the fig tree Mic. 7: 1. my soul desired the firstripe fruit. STIES \bak-koo-rah'\ f. Jer. 24: 2. like the figs (that are) firstripe: rVD3 bah-'chooth' , f. Gen35: 8. it was called Allon-6acAw(A. (marg. Tlie oak of weeping) *?3 b'chee, m. Gen45: 2. And he wept aloud: (marg. gave forth his voice in weeping) Deu34: 8. so the days of weeping Jud. 21: 2. and wept sore; (lit. a great weeping) 2Sa.l3:36.wept very sore. (marg. with a great weeping greatly) 2K. 20: 3. Hezekiah wept sore. (marg. with a great weeping) ; 13. from the noise of (Ae weeping of : 3. fasting, and weeping, and wailing; : 16. My face is foul with weeping, :ll.He bindeth the floods from overflovnng ; (marg. weeping) : 8(9). hath heard the voice of my weeping. : 5(6) . weeping may endure for a night, : 9(10). mingled my drink wi(A wetping, : 2. the high places, to weep : 3. every one shall howl, weeping abundantly. (marg. descending into weeping, or, coming down w>i(A weeping) 5. with weeping shall they go 16: 9. 1 will bewail w;i(A (Ae weeping of 22: 4.1 will weep bitterly, (marg. I will W bitter in weeping) 12. the Lord God of hosts call to weeping, 38: 3. Hezekiah wept sore. (marg. with great weeping) 6b : 19. the voice of weeping shall be no Ezr 3 Est . 4 Job 16 28 Ps. 6 30 02 Isa. IS ^nn ( 229 > Jer. 3:21 . weeping (and) supplications 9: 10(9). take up a weeping and wailing, 31 : 9. They shall come with weeping, 15. lamentation, (and) bitter weeping; 16. Refrain thy voice from weeping, ' 48: 5. continual weeping shall go up; (lit. weeping shall go up weeping) 32. with tlie weeping of Jazer: Joel 2: 12. with fasting, and with weeping, Mai. 2:13. with weeping, and with crying ITVnS b'chee-rah', adj. f. Genl9:31,34.(Ae.p>s(oorn said unto the younger, 33. the firstborn went in, 37, the firstborn bare a son, 29:26. to give the younger before the firstborn. ISa. 14:49. the name of the firstborn Merab, n'33 [b'cheeth], f. GenSO: 4. the days of Ais mourning were past, ^[bah-char']. *VIEL.— Infinitive. * Deu21 : 16. maAe the son of the beloved firstborn PIEL.— Future. Eze.47 : 12. it' shall bring forth new fruit (marg. prin cipal) *PUAL Future. * Lev.27 : 26. should be the Lord's firstling, * HIPHIL.— Participle. * Jer. 4:31. as of her that bringeth forth her first child, 153 [beh'-bher], m. & m33 bi'ch- rah, f. Isa. 60: 6.(Ae dromedaries o/Midiau and Ephah ; Jer. 2:23. a swift dromedary traversing h. 3 bal, part. Ps. 10: 15. seek out his wickedness (till) thou find none. 16: 4. of blood will I not offer, nor take up 32: 9. lest they come near unto thee. Pro. 9: 13. (she is) simple, and knoweth nothing, (lit. and knoweth not what) Isa. 14:21 . that they do not rise, 26:10. (yet) will he not learn righteousness: — and will not behold the majesty 18. we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth ; neither have the inhabitants 33: 21. wherein shall go no galley with oars, &c. &c. ^n Job 10:20.(Aa( I may take comfort a little, Ps. 39:13(14).(Aa( I may recover strength, before HIPHIL. —Participle. Am. 5: 9. TAa( strengthened the spoiled rb2 [bah-lah']. ^3 bahl, Ch. m. Dan 6:14(15).andset(his) Aearf on Daniel to deliver him: vh% [b'lah-j, Ch. * PAEL Future. * Dan. 7:25. and shall wear out the saints of the most High, &2 \bah-lag'\ * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 9:27.and comfort (myself): *PIEL Participle. * Ez. 4: 4. (3*n3) and troubled them in building, nS3 [bah-lah'}. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu. 8: 4. Thy raiment waxed not old 29: 5(4). your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old Jos. 9: 13.5ecome old by reason of the very long Neh 9 : 21. their clothes waxed not oid, Ps. 32 : 3. my bones waxed old through KAL Infinitive. Genl8: 12. After lam waxed old KAL. — Future. Job 13:28. as a rotten thing, consumeth, Ps.l02:26(27).all of them shall wax old Isa. 50: 9. they all sAai( wax old as a garment ; 51 : 6. the earth sAo(( wax old like a garment, * PIEL Preterite. # Lam. 3: 4. My flesh and my skin hath he made old; PIEL — Infinitive. 1 Ch 17 : 9. shall the children of wickedness waste them Ps. 49: 14(15) their beauty sAaZi consume PIEL Future. Job 21:13. (3TD) They spend their days in wealth, Isa. 65:22. shall long enjoy the work of their hands. (marg. make them continue long, or, wear out) TV)* [bah-leh'],a.dj. Jos. 9: 4. took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, 5.oid shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them ; Eze.23:43. Then said I un(o (her that was) old nn'pS bal-lah-hah' , f. Job 18:11. Terrors shall make him afraid 14. bring him to the king of terrors. 24:17. (Ae terrors o/the shadow of death. 27:20. Terrors take hold on him 30:15. Terrors are turned upon me: Ps. 73:19.are utterly consumed with terrors. Isa. 17:14. behold at eveningtide trouble; Eze.26:21.I will make thee a terror, and thou (shalt be) no (more): (marg. terrors) 27:36. thou shalt be a terror, (marg. terrors) 28:19. thou shalt be a terror, (marg. terrors) iSs Vloh, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:13. (then) will they not pay toll, tribute, and 20. and toll, tribute, and custom, was paid 7 : 24. not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or Ki^S \VloK\, m. Jer. 38: 11. took thence old cast cloifts and old rotten rags, 12. Put now (these) old cast clouts ^S blee, part. Gen31 : 20. in that he told him not that he fled. ( 230 ) yb2 Job 8:11. can the flag grow without water? Ps. 63: 1(2). thirsty land, where no water is; (marg. without water) Isa. 14: 6. is persecuted, (and)none hindereth, &c. &c. With prefixes ''bsa : as, Deu 4:42. should kill his neighbour Knawares, 19: 4. Whoso killeth his neighbour i^norantly, Jos. 20: 5. he smote his neighbour unwittingly, Job 35:16. he multiplieth words without knowledge. &c. &c. f?db: as, Job 38:41 .they wander for lack o/meat. 41:33(25). who is made without fear. •>baKi: as, Job 4: 1 1 .The old lion perisheth for lack of 'prey, 18 : 15. in his tabernacle, because (it is) none ofhis: Ecc. 3: 11. so (Aa( no man can find out &e. &c. It occurs once as a substantive. Isa. 38:17. from the pit of corruption: 7v3 Uleel, m. Job 6: 5. or loweth the ox over his fodder? 24: 6. They reap (every one) Ais corn (marg. mingled corn, or, dredge) Isa. 30:24. shall eat clean provender, Jlfi^S Vke-mah', f. Job 26: 7. hangeth the earth upon nothing. 7^3 Vleey-yah'-gal, m. Deul3:13(14). the children of Belial, (marg. naughty men) 15: 9. a thought in thy wicked heart, Jud 19: 22. certain sons of Belial, 20: 13. the children of Belial, ISa. 1 : 16. for a daughter of Belial: 2: 12. the sons of Eli (were) sons of Belial; 10:27. But the children of Belial said, 25: 17- for he (is such) a son of Belial, 25. regard this man of Belial, 30:22. and (men) of Belial, 2Sa.l6: 7. thou man of Belial: 20 : 1 . be there a man of Belial, 22: 5. the floods of ungodly men (marg. Belial) 23: 6. But (the sons) of Belial IK. 21: 10. set two men, sons of Belial, 13. two men, children of Belial, — the men of Belial witnessed 2Chl3: 7. vain men, the children of Belial, Job 34: 18. say to a king, (Thou art) wicked? Ps. 18: 4(5). the floods of ungodly men (marg. Belial) 41: 8(9). An evil disease, (say they), cleaveth fast (marg. A thing of Belial) 101: 3.1 will set no wicked thing before (marg. thing of Belial) Pro. 6:12. A naughty person, 16:27. An ungodly man diggeth up evil: (marg. A man of Belial) 19:28. An ungodly witness scorneth (marg. A witness of Belial) Nah. 1:11. a wicked counsellor, (marg. counsellor of Belial) 15(2: 1 ). (Ae wicked shall no more pass y» bah-lal'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Genii : 9. because the Lord did there confound Ps. 92: 10(1 1). I shall be anointed with fresh oil. KAL.— Future. Genl 1 : 7. and there confound their language, Jud 19:21. and gave provender unto the asses: Paul. Lev. Nu. KAL. — Participle. Ex. 29: 2. unleavened tempered with oil, 40. a tenth deal of flour mingled 2': 4. fine flour mingled with oil, 5. unleavened, mingled with oil. 7: 10. meat offering, mingled with oil, 12. unleavened cakes mingled with oil, — cakes mingled with oil, 9: 4 & 14: 10. a meat offering mingled with oil: 14: 21. deal of fine flour mingled with oil 23: 13. fine flour mingled with oil, 6:15. cakes of fine flour mingled 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73, 79 & 8:8. fine flour mingled with oil 15: 4. a tenth deal of flour mingled 6. two tenth deals of flour mingled 9. three tenth deals of flour mingled 5. mingled with the fourth (part) 9, 12, 12. a meat offering, mingled with oil, 13. tenth deal of flour mingled with oil 20, 28 & 29:3, 9, 14. flour mingled with oil: * HIPHIL.— Future. * Isa. 64: 6(5). and we all do fade as a leaf ; [perhaps from V23] # HITHPOEL.— Future. * Hos. 7: 8. he Aa(A mixed himself among the people; 0?3 [bah-lam']. * KAL. — Infinitive. # Ps. 32: 9. whose mouth must be held in 28: D^3 [bah-ias']. * KAL. —Participle. Poel. * Am. 7:14. and a gatherer o/sycomore fruit: y^3 bah-lag'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Nu. 16:30. and swallow them up, Job 20:15. He hath swallowed down riches, Ps. 124: 3. Then (Aey Aad swallowed us up Jer. 51 ;34. Ae Aa(A swallowed me up like a dragon, KAL. — Infinitive. Job 7:19. till J swallow down my spittle ? Jon. 1:17(2:1). a great fish to swallow up Jonah. KAL. — Future. Gen41: Ex. 7 15 Nu. 16 26 Deu 11 Job 20 Ps. 69 106 Pro. 1 Isa. 28 Hos. 8 7. And the seven thin ears devoured 24. And the thin ears devoured 12.Au( Aaron's rod swallowed up 12. the earth swallowed them. 32. and swallowed them up, 34. Lest the earth swallow us up 10. and swallowed them up : 6. and swallowed them up, : 18. sAaZZ not swallow (it) down: 15( 16) . neither let the deep swallow me up, 17. and swallowed up Dathan, : 12. Let us swallow them up alive : 4. yet in his hand Ae ea(e(A it up. (marg. swalloweth) : 7. the strangers shall swallow it up. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Isa. 28: 7 .they are swallowedup of wine, Hos. 8: 8. Israel is swallowed up : * PIEL Preterite. * Ps. 35:25. We have swallowed him up. Isa. 3; 12. destroy the way of thy paths. sujolhv: uv) (marg. tfo Isa, 25: 7. And he will destroy (marg. swallow up) 8. He wilt swallow up death Lam. 2: 2. The Lord hath sioallowed up 5. Ae hath swallowed up Israel, he hath swal lowed up all her 16. We have swallowed (her) up: PIEL. — Infinitive. Nu. 4:20. when the holy things are covered, Job 2: 3.(o destroy him without cause, (marg. swallow him up) Lam. 2: 8. withdrawn his hand from destroying: ( marg. swallowing up ) Hab 1 : 13. when the wicked devoureth ( 231 ) 7V22 Gen43: 3. except your brother (be) with you. Ex. 22:20(19). unto (any) god, save unto the Lord Nu. 11:6. nothing at all, beside this manna, 21 :35. until there was none left )Sa.20:26.he (is) not clean; Job 14:12. till the heavens (be) no more, Isa. 14: 6. with a continual stroke, (marg. a stroke without removing) Dan II: 18. u>i(Aou( his own reproach he shall cause Am. 3: 3. Can two walk together, except they be agreed ? 4. if he have taken nothing ? &c. &c. Ps. 55 2Sa.20:Job 8; 10 Ps. 21 Pro.19; 21 Ecc. 10 Isa. 19; Isa. 49 2Sa.l7Job 37 Isa. 9 Ps. 107:27 PIEL. — Imperative. : 9(10). Destroy, 0 Lord, (and) divide PIEL Future. 19. why ioiZ( (Aou swallow up 20. that I should swallow up 18. If Ae destroy him from his place, 8. round about ; yet thou dost destroy me. 9(10). the Lord shall swallow them up 28. the wicked devoureth iniquity. 20. a foolish man spendeth it up. 12. the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. 3. / will destroy the counsel thereof: (marg. swallow up) PIEL Participle. : 19. they that swallowed thee up *PUAL.— Future. * 16. lest the king be swallowed up, 20. surely Ae shall be swallowed up. PUAL Participle. 16(15). led of them (are) destroyed, (marg. swallowed up) * HITHPAEL.— Future. * 27. are at their wit's end. (marg. all their wisdom is swallowed up) j/?3 [beh'-lag], m. Ps. 52: 4(6). Thou lovest all devouring words, Jer. 51 : 44. (Aa( which he hath swallowed up : TS&3 bil-gadeh', & ^3 bal- gadeh', part. Genl4:24. Save only that which the young men 41 : 16. (It is) not in me: 44. and without thee shall no man Nu. 5:20. lain with thee beside thine husband: Jos. 22: 19. beside the altar of the Lord 2Sa.22:32.who (is) God, sai>e the Lord? and who (is ) a rock, save our God ? 2K. 18:25. Am I now come up without the Lord Job 34:32.1 see not teach thou me: Ps. 18:31(32). who (is) God saue the Lord? Isa. 36:10. am I now come up without 43:11. beside me (there is) no saviour. 44: 6. and beside me (there is) no God. 8. Is there a God beside me ? 45: 6. that (there is) none beside me. 21 . none beside me. Jer. 44: 19. without our men ? jia \bah-lah'\ * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Isa. 24: l.andmaheth it waste, and turneth * PUAL.— Participle. * Nah 2:10(11). She is empty, and void, and waste: *ri73 bil-tee', part. Gen21:26.yet heard I (of it) but to day. ''.IT721 is twice rendered as with a pronominal suffix of the first person : Isa. 10: 4. Without me they shall bow down Hos. 13: 4. for (there is) no saviour beside me. It once occurs with a suffix of the second person, ISa. 2: 2. for (there is) none beside thee: It occurs with prefixes : as, VI 757 Gen 3:11.1 commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? 4:15.Zes( any finding him should kill him. 38: 9. lest that he should give Ex. 8:22(18). (Aa( no swarms(offlies)shall be there; 29(25). in not letting the people go Lev.20: 4. and kill him not : Jos. 22: 25. cease from fearing the Lord. Jud. 2:23. left those nations, without driving them out Ru. 3:10.inasmucAasthoufollowedstno(youngmen, 2K. 12: 8(9). to receive no (more) money of the people, neither to repair 2Chl6: l.(o (Ae i7t(eu( (Aa( he might let none go out Isa. 44:10. (that) is profitable for nothing? Jer. 17: 24. to do no work therein ; &c. &c. Nu. 14:16. Because the Lord was not able Eze. 16: 28. because thou wast unsatiable; Pl£3 bah-mah', f. Lev.26 Nu.21 22 33 Deu32 33 Jos. 13 ISa. 9 10 2Sa. 1 22 IK. 3 13: 2K. 12 14 :30. 1 will destroy your high places, :28.(Ae high places o/Arnon. : 41. into (Ae high places o/Baal, : 52. pluck down all (Aeir AipA places: : 13. He made him ride on (Ae Ai^A places of 29. thou shalt tread upon (Aeir Ai^A places. 17. and Bamoth-haal, (marg. (Ae Ai^A places of, &c. ) :12.the people to day in the high place: 13. before he go up to the high place 14. for to go up to (Ae Ai^A place. 19. before me unto (Ae high place; 25. come down from the high place 5. coming down from the high place 13. he came to (Ae Ai^A place. 19. slain upon thy high places: 25. slain in thine high places. 34. setteth me upon my high places. 2. the people sacrificed in high places, 3. sacrificed and burnt incense in high places. 4. for that (was) (Ae great high place: 7. Solomon build anhigh place 31. he made an house of high places, 32. the priests of (Ae Ai^A places 2. offer the priests of (Ae high plates 32. all the houses of (Ae high places 33, 33. priests of (Ae high places: 23. they also built them high places, 14. But the high places were not removed: 43(44). (Ae Ai^A places were not taker. — ( — ). burnt incense yet in the high places. 3(4). (Ae high places were not taken — (-). burnt incense in the high places. 4. Howbeit the high places were not — burnt incense on the high places. nan (232) P 2K. 15: 4,3b.the high places were not removed: — burnt incense still on the high places. 35. burned incense still in the high places. 16: 4. burnt incense in the high places, 17 : 9. they built them Ai^A places 11. they burnt incense in all (Ae high places, 29. put (them) in the houses of (Ae high places 32. lowest of them priests of (Ae high places, — in the houses of (Ae high places. 18: 4. He removed (Ae high places, 22. he, whose high places 21: 3. he built up again (Ae high places 23: 5. to burn incense in the highplaces 8. defiled (Ae high places — brake down (Ae high places 9. the priests of (Ae high places came 13. the highplaces that (were) before 15. at Beth-el, (and) (Ae high place — both that altar and (Ae Ai^A place — burned (Ae high place, 19. all the houses also of (Ae high places 20. he slew all the priests of (Ae high places ICh 16: 39. in (Ae high place that (was) at Gibeon, 21 : 29. in the high place at Gibeon. 2Ch 1: 3, 13.(o (Ae high place that (was) at Gibeon; 11: 15. ordained him priests for the highplaces, 14: 3(2). and the high places, and brake down 5(4). (Ae high places and the images: 15:17. But the highplaces were not 17: 6. he took away (Ae Ai^A places 20; 33. Howbeit (Ae high places were not 21:11 .made high places in the mountains 28: 4. burnt incense in the high places, 25. he made high places to burn incense 31 : 1 . threw down (Ae high places 32: 12. taken away Ais Ai^A places 33: 3. he built again (Ae high places 17. the people did sacrifice still in the high places, 19. the places wherein he built high places, 34: 3. Jerusalem from (Ae high places. Job 9: 8. treadeth upon the waves of the sea. (marg. heights ) Ps. 18:33(34). setteth me upon my high places. 78:58. to anger with their high places, Isa. 14:14.1 will ascend above (Ae heights of 15: 2. (Ae AicyA places, to weep: 16: 12. Moab is weary on the high place, 36: 7. whose high places and whose altars 58: 14. to ride upon (Ae high places of the earth, Jer. 7:31. they have built (Ae high places of 17: 3. thy high places for sin, 19: 5. They have built also (Ae high places of 26:18. as (Ae highplaces of a forest. 32 : 35 . they built (Ae high places of Baal, 48:35. him that offereth in (Ae high places, Eze. 6: 3.1 will destroy your highplaces. 6. and the high places 16:16. deckedst thy highplaces with 20:29. What (is) (Ae high place — the name thereof is called Bamah 36: 2. eoen (Ae ancient high places 43 : 7. their kings in (Aeir Ai^rA places. Hos 10: 8. TAe high places also of Aven, Am. 4: 13. treadeth upon (Ae high places of 7 : 9. (Ae Ai^rA places of Isaac shall be Mic 1 : 3. tread upon (Ae high places of the 5. what (are) (Ae high places of Judah? 3: 12, as the highplaces of the forest. Hab 3: 19. to walk upon mine high places. }5 behn, m. i&3 b'moh, part. Job 9:30. (3TO) If I wash myself with snow water, (following the "ip) 16: 4. shake mine head at you. (lit. shake at you w?i(A my head) 5. 1 would strengthen you with my mouth, 19:16. 1 intreated him with my mouth. 37: 8. Then the beasts go into dens, Ps. 11: 2.theymayprivilyshoot(marg.indarkness) Isa. 25: 10. as straw is trodden down for the dunghill 43: 2. when thou walkest through the fire, 44:16. He burneth part thereof in the fire; 19. 1 have burned part of it in the fire ; Gen 3: 16. in sorrow thou shalt bring forth cAiZ- dren; 4: 17. after the name of Ais son, Enoch. 25. and she bare a son, 26. to him also there was born a son; 5: 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 30.begat sons and daughters : 28. and begat a son : 32. Noah was five hundred years old; (lit. was son of five hundred) 6: 2.(Ae sons of God saw the daughters of 4. when (Ae sons of God came in 10. Noah begat three sons, 18. and thy sons, and thy wife, and (Ay sons' wives 7 : 6. And Noah (was) six hundred years old 7 .and his sons, and his wife, and Ais sons' 13. (Ae sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of Ais sons 8:16. and thy sons, and thy sons' wives 18. Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and Ais sons^ wives 9: 1. God blessed Noah and Ais sons, 8. God spake unto Noah, and to Ais sons 18. And (Ae sons o/Noah, 19. These (are) (Ae three sons o/Noah: 24. what Ais younger son had done 10: 1. generations of (Ae Sons o/Noah, — unto them were sons born 2. TAe sons of Japheth; 3. And the sons of Gomer ; 4..4nd (Ae sons of Javan; 6. And the sons of Ham; Cush, 7. And the sons of Cush; — and the sons o/Raamah ; 20. These (are) (Ae sons of Ham, 2 1 . the father of all (Ae children of Eber, 22. TAe children of Shem; 23. And the children of Aram ; 25. unto Eber were born two sons: 29. all these (were) (Ae sons of Joktan. 31. These (are) (Ae sons of Shem, 32. the families of (Ae sons o/Noah, 11 : 5. which (Ae children of men builded. 10. Shem (was) an hundred years old, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. begat sons and daughters. 31 . Terah took Abram Ais son, and Lot (Ae son o/Haran Ais son's son, and Sarai his . daughter in law, Ais son Abram's wife; 12: 4. Abram (was) seventy and five years old 5. and Lot his brother's son, 14: 12. took Lot, Abram's brother's son, 15: 2.and (Ae steward (lit. (Ae son of the posses sion) ofmy house 3. one born in (lit. (Ae son of) my house is 16:11. and shalt bear a son, 15.Hagar bare Abram a son; and Abram called Ais son's name, 16. Abram. (was ) fourscore and six years old, 17: 1 . Abram was ninety years old and nine, 12.And he that is eight days old (marg. a son of eight days) — bought with money of any stranger, (lit. son of a stranger) ' 16. give thee a son also of her: 17.be born unto him that is an hundred years old? 19. Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son 23. Abraham took Ishmael Ais son, 24. Abraham (was) ninety years old 25. Ishmael Ais son (was) thirteen years old, 26. was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael Ais son. 27. of the stranger, (lit. son of a stranger) 18: 7,fetcht a calf (lit. a son of the herd) tender 8. and the calf (lit. son of the herd) which 10. Sarah thy wife shall have a son. 14. and Sarah shall have a son. 19. that he will command Ais children 19:12. son in law, and thy sons, and thy 37. the firstborn bare a son, 38. she also bare a son, and called his name i?en-ammi: the same (is) the father of (Ae children rrf p ( 233 ) P Gen 21: 2. bare Abraham a son 3. Abraham called the name of his son 4. Abraham circumcised Ais son Isaac being eight days old, 5. Abraham was an hundred years old, when Ais son Isaac was born 7. Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born (him) a son 9. Sarah saw (Ae son of Hagar 10. this bondwoman and Aer son : for (Ae son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, 11. in Abraham's sight because of his son. 13. also of (Ae son o/the bondwoman 22: 2. And he said, Take now thy son, 3. young men with him, and Isaac Ais son, 6. laid (it) upon Isaac Ais son; 7. and he said, Here (am) I, my son. 8. And Abraham said, My son, 9. and bound Isaac Ais son, 10. took the knife to slay Ais son. 12. seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, 13. for a burnt offering in the stead of Ais son. 36. and hast not withheld thy son, 20. she hath also born children 23: 3. spake unto (Ae sons of Heth, 5.(Ae children of Heth answered 7. to the children of Heth. 8. Ephron (Ae son of Zohar, 10-Ephron dwelt among (AecfiiZdreno/Heth: — in the audience of the children of 11. in the presence of (Ae sons of 16. in the audience of the sons of Heth, 18. in the presence of (Ae children of Heth, 20. by (Ae sons of Heth. 24; 3. thou shalt not take a wife wn(o my son 4, 38. and take a wife wn(o my son 5. must I needs bring thy son again 6. Beware thou that thou bring not my son 7. thou shalt take a wife wn(o my son 8. only bring not my son thither 15. son o/Milcah, the wife of Nahor, 24. Bethuel (Ae son o/Milcah, 36. bare a son to my master 37. Thou shalt not take a wife to my son 40. thou shalt take a wife for my son of my 44. for my master's son. 47. Bethuel, Nahor's son, 48. brother's daughter wn(o Ais son. 51. let her be thy master's son's wife, 25: 3..4nd (Ae sons o/Dedan 4. And the sons o/Midian ; — All these (were) (Ae children of 6. But unto the sons of the concubines, — and sent them away from Isaac Ais son, 9. And Ais sons Isaac and Ishmael — the field of Ephron (Ae son of Zohar 10. purchased of the sons of Heth: 1 1 . that God blessed Ais son Isaac ; 12. the generations of Ishmael , Abraham's son, 13. the names of the sons o/Ishmael, 16. These (are) (Ae sons o/Ishmael, 19. Isaac, Abraham's son: 20. Isaac was forty years offl 22. And (Ae children struggled together 26. Isaac (was) threescore years old 26:34. Esau was forty years old 27 : 1 . he called Esau Ais eldest son, and said unto him, My son: 5. heard when Isaac spake to Esau Ais son. 6. Rebekah spake unto Jacob Aer son, 8, 43. my son, obey my voice 13. Upon me (be) thy curse, my son: 15. took goodly raiment of Aer eldest son — put them upon Jacob Aer younger son : 17. into the hand of her son Jacob. 18. Here (am) I; who (art) thou, my son? 20. Isaac said unto Ais son, How (is it) that thou hast found (it) so quickly, my son? 2Ltha£ I may feel thee, my son, whether thou (be) my very son Esau 24. (Aft) thou my very son Esau? 25.1 will eat ofmy son's venison, 26. Coipne near now, and kiss me, my son. 27.the,'smell ofmy son (is) as the smell 29.: 31. 7. the smell ot my son (,1s; as we smt 9. let /thy mother's sons bow down I. arise, and eat of Ais son's venison, Gen27;32.I (am) thy son, thy firstborn 37. what shall I do now unto thee, my son? 42. words of Esau Aer elder son were told — sent and called Jacob Aer younger son, 28: 5. son of Bethuel the Syrian, 9. Ishmael Abraham's son, 29: l.the land of (Ae people of the east. (marg. children ) 5. Know ye Laban (Ae son of Nahor? 12. that he (was) Rebekah's son: 13. the tidings of Jacob his sister's son, 32. Leah conceived, and bare a son, 33, 34, 35. she conceived again, and bare a son; 34. because I have born him three sons: 30: 1. Give me children, or else I die. 5. and bare Jacob a son. 6. hath given me a son: 7, 12. bare Jacob a second son. 10. Leah's maid bare Jacob a son. 14. Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's man drakes. 15. thou take away my son's mandrakes • — to night for thy son's mandrakes. 16. hired thee with my son's mandrakes. 17. bare Jacob (Ae fifth son. 19. bare Jacob (Ae sixth son. 20. because I have born him six sons: 23. she conceived, and bare a son; 24. The Lord shall add to me another son. 35. gave (them) into the hand of his sons. 31 : 1. he heard the words of Laban's sons, 16. that (is) ours, and our children's: 17. and set Ais sons and his wives upon camels 28. hast not suffered me to kiss my sons 43. and (these) children (are) my children, — or wn(o (Aeir children which they have born? 55(32 : 1 ) . andkissed Ais sons and his daughters, 32:11(12). the mother with (Ae children. 15(16). Thirty milch camels w:i(A (Aeir colts, 32(33) . Therefore (Ae children of Israel eat not 33: 19. at the hand of (Ae children of Hamor, 34: 2. when Shechem (Ae son of Hamor 5. now? Ais sons were with his cattle 7-^.nd (Ae sons of Jacob came out 8. The soul ofmy son Shechem longeth 13. (Ae sons of Jacob answered 18. Shechem Hamor's son. 20. Hamor and Shechem Ais son came 24. unto Hamor and unto Shechem Ais son 25. that two of (Ae sons of Jacob, 26. slew Hamor and Shechem Ais son 27. TAe sons of Jacob came 35: 5. did not pursue after (Ae sons of 17. thou shalt have this son also. 18. she called his name Uen-oni: (marg. son ofmy sorrow) — his father called him benjamin, (marg. son of the right hand) 22. Now (Ae sons of Jacob were twelve: 23. TAe sons of Leah ; 24. The sons of Rachel ; 25. And the sons o/Bilhah, 26. And the sons of Zilpah, — these (are) (Ae sons of Jacob, 29. and Ais sons Esau and Jacob buried him. 36: 5, 19. these (are) (Ae sons o/Esau, 6. Esau took his wives, and his sons, 10. These (are) the names of Esau's so?is; Eliphaz (Ae son o/Adah — Reuel (Ae son of Bashemath II. (Ae sons o/Eliphaz were Teman, 12.Timnawas concubine to Eliphaz Esau* son; — , 16. these (were) (Ae sons o/Adah 13. these (are) (Ae sons of Reuel ; these were (Ae sons of Bashemath 14. these were (Ae sons of Aholibamah, 15. dukes of the sons of Esau : (Ae sons of 17. these (are) (Ae sows of Reuel Esau's son; — these (are) (Ae sons o/Bashemath 18. these (are) (Ae sons of Aholibamah 20. These (are) (Ae sons o/Seir 21 . (Ae children of Seir 22. (Ae children o/Lotan 23. (Ae children o/Shobal 24. these (are) (Ae children of Zibeon ; p ( 234 ) P Gen36:25.(Ae children o/Anah 26. these (are) (Ae children o/Dishon ; 27. The children of Ezer 28. TAe children o/Dishan 31. over the children o/Israel. 32.Bela (Ae son o/Beor 33. Jobab (Ae son of Zerah 35. Hadad (Ae son of Bedad, 38, 39. Baal-hanan (Ae son of Achbor 37: 2. Joseph, (being) seventeen years old, — the lad (was) with (Ae sons of Bilhah, and with (Ae sons o/Zilpah, 3. loved Joseph more than all Ais children, because he (was) (Ae son o/his old age: .know now whether it (be) thy son's coat .and said, (It is) my son's coat; . and mourned for Ais son many days. .all Ais sons and all his daughters rose I will go down into the grave unto my son .she conceived, and bare a son; . she conceived again, and bare a son; . she yet again conceived, and bare a son; .till Shelah my son be grown: . I gave her not to Shelah my son. . Joseph (was) thirty years old . unto Joseph were born two sons Jacob said wn(o Ais sons, the sons o/Israel came . We (are) all one man's sons; . (Ae sons of one man .twelve brethren, sons of our father; . Slay my two sons, if I bring him not . My soji shall not go down with . his mother's son, God be gracious unto thee, my son. . Thus saith (Ay son Joseph, . and thy children, and thy children's children, .the children o/Israel did so: .Joseph my son (is) yet alive: .(Ae sons o/Israel carried Jacob .His sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and Ais sons' daughters, .the names of the children o/Israel, Jacob and his sons : And the sons of Reuben ; . And the sons of Simeon ; Shaul (Ae son of a Canaanitish . And the sons of Levi ; . And the sons of Judah ; (Ae sons o/Pharez were Hezron And the sons of Issachar ; .And the sons of Zebulun ; These (be) (Ae sons o/Leah, all the souls of his sons and his daughters And the sons of Gad ; And (Ae sons of Asher ; and the sons of Beriah ; These (are) (Ae sons o/Zilpah, The sons of Rachel .And the sons o/Benjamin .These (are) (Ae sons of Rachel, .And the sons of Dan; . And the sons of Naphtali , These (are) (Ae sons of Bilhah, besides Jacob's sons' wives, Andthe sons of Joseph, and he called Ais son Joseph, and he took with him Ais two sons, Behold, (Ay son Joseph cometh unto thee: (Ay two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, Israel beheld Joseph's sons, They (are) my sons, I know (it), my son, I know (it): Jacob called unto Ais sons, ye sons of Jacob ; thy father's children shall bow down from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: his ass's colt unto the choice vine ; Joseph (is) a fruitful bough, (even) afruit- ful bough by a well ; from (Ae children of Heth. Jacob had made an end of commanding Ais sons, his sons did unto him according as Ais sons carried him into the land of Canaan, 3233 34.35 38: 3 45 11 26 41:46 50 42: 1 5 11 13 323738 43:2945: 9 10. 21 28 46; 57 9 101112 13 14 151617 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 47:2948: I 2, 9. 19, 49: 1. 2 8. 9. 11. 22. 32.33. 50:12. 13. Gen 50:23. Joseph saw Ephraim's childrenofthe third (generation) : (AecAi/drena&oo/Maehir (Ae son of Manasseh 25. Joseph took an oath of the children of 26. an hundred and ten years old: Ex. 1 : 1 . the names of (Ae children of Israel, 7. And the children o/Israel were fruitful 9. the people of (Ae children o/Israel 12. because of (Ae children o/lsrael. 13-(Ae children o/Israel to serve with 16. if it (be) a son, 22. Every son that is born 2: 2. the woman conceived, and bare a son: 10. he became her son. 22. she bare (him) a son, 23. the children o/Israel sighed 25. God looked upon (Ae children of Israel, 3 : 9. the cry of (Ae children of Israel 10. my people (Ae children of Israel out of Egypt. 1 1 . that I should bring forth (Ae children of 13. come unto (Ae children o/Israel, 14. Thus shalt thou say wn(o (Ae children of lb. Thus shalt thou say unto (Ae children of 22. ye shall put (them) upon yowr sons, 4: 20. Moses took his wife and Ais sons, 22. Israel (is) my son, (even) my firstborn: 23. Let my son go, that he may serve — behold, I will slay (Ay son, 25. and cut offthe foreskin of Aer son, 29. the elders of (Ae children o/Israel: 31. had visited (Ae children o/Israel, 5: 14,15,19. the officers of (Ae children o/Israel, 6: 5. the groaning of (Ae children o/Israel, 6. say wn(o (Ae children o/Israel, 9. spake so unto (Ae children o/Israel: 11. that he let (Ae children o/Israel go 12. (Ae children o/Israel have not 13. a charge unto (Ae children o/Israel, — to bring (Ae children o/Israel 14. TAe sons of Reuben 15. And the sons of Simeon ; — Shaul (Ae son of a Canaanitish woman; 16. the names of the sons of Levi 17. The sons of Gershon ; 18. And the sons o/Kohath ; 19. And the sons o/Merari ; 2L.4nd(Ae sons o/Izhar; 22. And the sons of Uzziel ; 24. And the sons o/Korah ; 25. Eleazar Aaron's son 26. Bring out (Ae children o/Israel 27. to bring out (Ae children o/Israel 7: 2. that he send (Ae children o/lsrael 4. my people (Ae children of Israel, 5. bring out (Ae children o/Israel 7. Moses (was) fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, 9: 4.of all (that is) the children's of Israel, (lit. to the children of) 6. cattle of (Ae children o/Israel died not 26. where (Ae children o/Israel (were), 35. would he let (Ae children o/ Israel 10: 2. that thou mayest tell in the ears of (Ay son, and of thy son's son, 9. with our sons and with our daughters, 20. let (Ae children o/Israel go. 23. all (Ae children o/Israel had light 11: 7. against any of (Ae children of Israel 10. would not let (Ae children o/Israel go 12: 5. of the first year: (marg. the son of a year) 24. an ordinance to thee and to thy sons 26. when your children shall say 27. over the houses of (Ae children of 28. (Ae children o/Israel went away, 31. both ye and (Ae children o/Israel; 35 . And (Ae children of Israel did according 37. the children o/Israel journeyed 40. the sojourning of (Ae children o/Israel, 42. to be observed of all (Ae children of 43. There shall no stranger eat, thereof: (lit. son o/a stranger) I 50. Thus did all (Ae children of Israel ; 51 . the Lord did bring (Ae childjren of 13: 2.among the children o/Israel.| 8. thou shalt shew (Ay son in tfhat day, p ( 235 ) P Ex. 13* 14. when (Ay son asketh thee in time 15. all the firstborn ofmy children IS. the children o/Israel went up 19. he had straitly sworn (Ae children of 14: 2, 15. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 3. Pharaoh will say o/(Ae children o/Israel, 8. pursued after the children o/Israel: and the children o/Israel went out 10. (Ae children o/lsrael lifted up their eyes, — (Ae children o/Israel cried out 16. (Ae children o/Israel shall go 22. the children o/Israel went 29. But the children o/Israel walked 15 : 1 . Moses and the children of Israel 19.6w( (Ae children o/Israel went 16: 1,2,9, 10. congregation of (Ae children of 3. (Ae children of Israel said 6. Aaron said unto all (Ae children o/Israel, 12. the murmurings of (Ae children o/ Israel: 15. when (Ae children o/Israel saw 17. (Ae children o/Israel did so, 35. ^nd (Ae children o/Israel did eat 17: 1. congregation of (Ae children of Israel 3. owr children and our cattle 7. the chiding of the children o/Israel, 18: 3. And Aer two sons ; 5. came with his sons and his wife 6. Aer two so7is with her. 19: l.when (Ae children of Israel were gone 3. and tell (Ae children o/Israel ; 6. speak unto (Ae children o/Israel. 20: 5. the fathers upon (Ae children 10. shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, 22. say unto (Ae children o/ Israel, 21; 4. she have born him sons 5. 1 love my master, my wife, and my chil dren ; 9. if he have betrothed her wn(o Ais son, 31. Whether he have gored a son, 22:24(23). and your children fatherless. 29(28). the firstborn of (Ay sons shalt thou 23:12. and (Ae son ofthy handmaid, 24: 5. young men of the children o/Israel, 1 1 . the nobles of (Ae children of Israel 17. in the eyes of the children o/Israel. 25 : 2. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 22. unto (Ae children of Israel. 27: 20. thou shalt command (Ae children of 21. Aaron and his sons shall order it — the behalf of (Ae children of Israel. 28: 1. Aaron thy brother, and Ais sons with him, from among (Ae children o/Israel, — Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons. 4. for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, 9, II, 21, 29. the names of (Ae children of 12, memorial wn(o (Ae children o/Israel: 30. the judgment of (Ae children o/Israel 38. which (Ae children o/Israel shall hallow 40. And for Aaron's S07is 41 . Aaron thy brother, and Ais sons with him ; 43. upon Aaron, and upon Ais sons, 29: l.Take one young bullock, (lit. one steer, (Ae son of a bull) 4. Aaron and Ais so?is thou shalt bring 8. thou shalt bring Ais sons, and put coats 9. with girdles, Aaron and his sons, — thou shalt consecrate Aaron and Ais sons. 10, 19. and Aaron and his sons shall put 15. Aaron and his sons shall put 20. upon the tip of the right ear of Ais sons, 21 .upon Ais sons, and upon the garments of Ais sons with him : and he shall be hal lowed, and his garments, and his sons, and Ais sons' garments 24. and in the hands of his sons; 27. of (that) which is for his sons: 28.it shall be Aaron's and his sons' by a statute for ever from (Ae children of Israel : — an heave offering from (Ae children of Israel 29. shall be Ais sons' after him, (lit. shall be unto his sons) 30. that son that is priest (marg. (he) of his sons) 32. Aaron and his sons shall eat 35. do unto Aaron, and to his sons, Ex. 29:38. two lambs of the first year (lit. sons of a year) 43.1 will meet wi(A (Ae children o/Israel, 44. sanctify also both Aaron and Ais sons, 45.1 will dwell among (Ae children of Israel, 30: 12. the sum of the children o/Israel 14.from twenty years old 16. atonement money of (Ae children o/Israel, — memorial wn(o (Ae children o/Israel * 19. Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands 30. thou shalt anoint Aaron and Ais sons, 31 . speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 31: 2. (Ae son o/Uri, (Ae son o/Hur, 6.Aholiab, (Ae son o/Ahisamach, 10. and the garments of Ais sons, 13. Speak thou also unto (Ae children of 16. the children o/Israel shall keep 17. between me and (Ae children o/ Israel 32 : 2. of yowr sons, and of your daughters, 20. made (Ae children o/Israel drink 26. the sons of Levi gathered themselves 28. (Ae children of Levi did according 29. every man upon his son, 33: 5. Say unto (Ae children of Israel, 6.(Ae children o/Israel stripped themselves 1 1 . Joshua, (Ae son of Nun, 34: 7. of the fathers upon (Ae children, and upon (Ae children's children, 16. thou take of their daughters wn(o (Ay sons, — and make (Ay sons go a whoring 20. All the firstborn of (Ay sons 30. all (Ae children o/Israel saw Moses, 32. afterward all (Ae children o/Israel 34. spake unto (Ae children of Israel 35. (Ae children of Israel saw the face 35 : I, 4, 20. congregation of the children of Israel 19. and the garments of his sons, to minister 29. The children o/Israel brought 30. Moses said unto (Ae children of — Bezaleel (Ae son o/Uri, (Ae son o/Hur, 34. Aholiab, (Ae son o/Ahisamach, 36: 3. which (Ae children o/Israel had 38:21. son to Aaron the priest. 22. Bezaleel (Ae son o/Uri, (Ae son of Hur, 23. Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, 26. from twenty years old 39: 6, 14. the names of (Ae children of 7. a memorial to the children o/Israel ; 27. for Aaron, and for his sons, 32. the children o/Israel did according 4 Land Ais so?is' garments, to minister 42 .(Ae children of Israel made 40: 1 2. thou shalt bring Aaron and Ais sons 14. thou shalt bring Ais sons, 31. Moses and Aaron and his sons 36. the children o/Israel went Lev. 1 : 2. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 5. he shall kill the bullock (lit. son of the bull) — Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, 7.(Ae sons of Aaron the priest 8. the priests, Aaron's sons, 11. Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood 14. or of young pigeons, (lit. sons of the dove) 2: 2. he shall bring it to Aaron's sons 3, 10. (shall be) Aaron's and his sons': 3: 2. Aaron's sons the priests 5. Aaron's sons shall burn it 8. Aaron's sons shall sprinkle the blood 13. (Ae sons of Aaron shall sprinkle 4: 2. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 3. a young bullock without blemish (lit. a steer, (Ae son of a bull) 14. shall offer a young bullock (lit. id. ) 5: 7, II. two young pigeons, (lit. sons of a dove) 6: 9(2). Command Aaron and Ais sons, 14(7).(Ae sons of Aaron shall offer 16(9). shall Aaron and his sons eat. 18(11). among the children of Aaron 20(13). the offering of Aaron and of his sons, 22(15). And the priest of his sons that is 25(18). Speak unto Aaron and to Ais sons, 7:10. shall all the sons of Aaron have, 23, 29. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 31. the breast shall be Aaron's and his sons'. 33. among the sons of Aaron, 34. taken of (Ae children of Israel p ( 236 ) P Lev. 7:34. the priest and unto his sons by a statute for ever from among (Ae children of Israel. 35. of the anointing of Ais sons, 36. to be given them of the children o/Israel, 38. that he commanded (Ae children of Israel 8: 2. Take Aaron and Ais sons with him, 6. Moses brought Aaron and Ais sons, 13. Moses brought Aaron's sons, H.Aaron and his sons laid their hands 18, 22. Aaron and his sons laid their hands 24. he brought Aaron's sons, 27. and upon Ais sons' hands, 30. upon Ais sons, and upon Ais sons' garments — and Ais sons, and Ais sons' garments 31. Moses said unto Aaron and to Ais sons, — Aaron and his sons shall eat it. 36. Aaron and his sons did all things 9; 1. Moses called Aaron and his sons, 2. Take thee a young calf (lit. a calf (Ae son of a bull) 3. unto (Ae children o/Israel thou shalt speak, — a calf and a lamb, (both) of the first year, 9. (Ae sons of Aaron brought the blood 12, 18. Aaron's sons presented unto him 10: 1. Nadab and Abihu, (Ae sons of Aaron, 4. (Ae sons of Uzziel 6. unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, 9. thou, nor thy sons with thee, 11. ye may teach (Ae children of Israel 12. unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, Ais sons 13, 14. thy due, and thy sons' due, 14. thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters — peace offerings of (Ae children o/Israel. 15.it shall be thine, and thy sons' 16. Eleazar and Ithamar, (Ae sons of Aaron 11: 2&12: 2. unto (Ae children o/Israel, saying, 12 : 6. of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, — a lamb of thefirst year (marg. son of his year) — and a young pigeon, (lit. and a son of a dove) 8. two yowny pigeons; (lit. sons o/a pigeon) 13: 2. unto one ofhis sons the priests: 14:22. or two young pigeons, 30. of the young pigeons, 15: 2. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 14, 29. two young pigeons, 31. separate (Ae children o/Israel 16 : 1 . after the death of (Ae two sons of Aaron, 3. with a yowny bullock for a sin offering, 5. the congregation of (Ae children o/Israel 16, 19. the uncleanness of (Ae children of Israel, 21. the iniquities of (Ae children o/Israel, 34. an atonement for (Ae children o/Israel 17: 2. Speak unto Aaron, and unto Ais sons, and unto all (Ae children of Israel, 5. that (Ae children o/Israel may bring 12.1 said wn(o (Ae children of Israel, 13. whatsoever man (there be) of the chil dren of 14. therefore I said wn(o (Ae children of 18: 2. Speak unto the children o/Israel, 10. of (Ay son's daughter, or ofthy daughter's 15. she (is) (Ay son's wife ; 17. shalt thou take Aer son's daughter, 19: 2. the congregation of (Ae children of Israel, 18. against (Ae children ofthy people, 20: 2. say to (Ae children of Israel, Whosoever (he be) o/(Ae children o/Israel, 17. be cut off in the sight of their people: (lit. (Ae children of their people) 21 : 1 . the priests (Ae sons of Aaron, 2. and for his son, and for his daughter, 24. unto Aaron, and to Ais sons, and unto all (Ae children o/Israel. 22 ; 2. Speak unto Aaron and to Ais sons, — , 15. the holy things of (Ae children of 3. which (Ae children o/Israel hallow 18. Speak unto Aaron, and to Ais sons, and unto all (Ae children o/Israel, 25. Neither from a stranger's hand (lit. son of a stranger) 28. Aer young both in one day. 32. hallowed among (Ae children o/Israel : 23: 2, 10, 24, 34. Speak unto (Ae children of 12. of the first year (lit. son o/his year) Lev. 23: 18. lam os without blemish of the first year, — and one young bullock, (lit. a steer, the son of a bull) 19. two lambs of thefirst year for a 43. 1 made (Ae children o/Israel to dwell 44. Moses declared unto (Ae children of 24: 2. Command (Ae children o/Israel, 8. (taken) from (Ae children o/Israel 9. it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; 10. the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father (was) (lit. and he the son of), an Egyptian went out among tlie children of Israel : and this son of the Israelitish 11. the Israelitish woman's son lb. thou shalt speak unto (Ae children o/Israel 23. Moses spake to (Ae children o/Israel, - — And the children of Israel did 25: 2. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 33. (are) their possession among thechildren of 41, 54. (both) he and his children with him, 4b. of the children of the strangers 46. inheritance/or yowr children after you, — over your brethren (Ae children o/Israel, 49. or his uncle's son, 55.untome(AecAi(drereo/Israel(are)servants; 26: 29. ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, 46. between hirn and (Ae children of Israel 27: 2. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 3. from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, b.from five years old even unto twentyyears old, 6 .from a month old even unto five years old, 7. from sixty years old 34. for (Ae children o/Israel in mount Sinai. Nu. 1 : 2, 53. the congregation of (Ae children of 3. From twenty years old 5. Elizur (Ae son of Shedeur. 6. Shelumiel (Ae son of Zurishaddai, 7.Nahshon (Ae son o/Amminadab. 8. Nethaneel (Ae son of Zuar. 9.EIiab (Ae son o/Helon. 10. Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim; Elishama (Ae son o/Ammihud: of Ma nasseh ; Gamaliel (Ae son o/Pedallzur. II. Abidan (Ae son o/Gideoni. 12. Ahiezer (Ae son o/Ammishaddai. 13.Pagiel (Ae son o/Ocran. 14. Eliasaph (Ae son of Deuel. 15. Ahira (Ae son o/Enan. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45. from twenty years old 20. the children of Reuben, 22. Of the children of Simeon, 24. 0/(Ae children of Gad, 26. Of the children of Judah, 28. Of the children of Issachar, 30. Of the children of Zebulun, 32. 0/(Ae children of Joseph, (namely), of the children of Ephraim, 34. Of the children o/ Manasseh, 36. Of the children o/Benjamin, 38. 0/(Ae children of 'Dan, 40. Of the children of Asher, 42. 0/(Ae children o/Naphtali, 45. that were numbered of thechildren o/Israel, 49. the sum of them among (Ae children of 52. (Ae children of Israel shall pitch their tents, 54. (Ae children o/Israel did according 2: 2. Every man of (Ae children o/Israel 3. Nahshon (Ae son o/Amminadab (shall be) captain of the children of Judah, 5. Nethaneel (Ae son of Zuar (shall be) cap tain o/(Ae children of Issachar. 7.Eliab (Ae son of Helon (shall be) captain o/(Ae children of Zebulun. 10. the captain of the children o/Reuhen (shall be) Elizur (Ae son of Shedeur. 12. the captain o/(Ae children o/Simeon (shall be) Shelumiel (Ae son of Zurishaddai. 34. the captain of the sons of Gad (shall be) Eliasaph (Ae son of Reuel. 18. the captain of the sons of Ephraim (shall be) Elishama (Ae son of Ammihud. 20. the captain of the children of Manasseh (shall be) Gamaliel (Ae son ofPedahzur. p C 237 ) P Nu. 2:22. the captain of the sons of Benjamin (shall be) Abidan (Ae son o/Gideoni. 25. the captain of the children of Dan (shall be) Ahiezer (Ae son o/Ammishaddai, 27. the captain of the children of Asher (shall be) Pagiel (Ae son o/Ocran. 29. the captain of the children of Naphtali (shall be) Ahira (Ae son o/Enan. 32. which were numbered of (Ae children of Israel 33. not numbered among (Ae children of Israel ; 34. (Ae children o/Israel did according 3: 2, 3. the names of the sons of Aaron; 4. and they had no children: 8. the charge of (Ae children of Israel, 9, 48, 51. unto Aaron and to his sons: — given unto him out of (Ae children of 'Israel. 10. shalt appoint Aaron and Ais sons, 12. from among (Ae children o/Israel — the matrix among the children o/Israel: 15. Number (Ae children of Levi — , 22, 28, 34, 39, 40, 43.from a month old 17. these were (Ae sons of Levi 18. the names of (Ae sons of Gershon 19. And the sons o/Kohath, 20. And the sons of Merari 24. (shall be) Eliasaph (Ae son o/Lael. 25. the charge of (Ae sons of Gershon 29. The families of (Ae sons o/Kohath 30. (shall be) Elizaphan (Ae son o/Uzziel. 32. Eleazar (Ae son of Aaron the priest 35. of Merari (was) Zuriel (Ae son o/Abihail: 36. charge of (Ae sons o/Merari 38. Moses, and Aaron and his sons, keeping — for the charge of (Ae children o/ Israel ; 40. of the males o/(Ae children o/Israel 41,42, 45. the firstborn among the children of Israel ; — firstlings among the cattle of (Ae children of 46, 50. the firstborn of tlie children of Israel, 4: 2. Take the sum of (Ae sons o/Kohath from among the sons of Levi, 3. From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, 4. the service of (Ae sons o/Kohath 5. Aaron shall come, and his sons, 15. when Aaron and his sons have made — after that, (Ae sons o/Kohath — the burden of (Ae sons o/Kohath 16. Eleazar (Ae son of Aaron 19. Aaron and his sons shall go in, and 22. Take also the sum of the sons of 23. From thirty years old and upward until fifty years old 27. At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of (Ae sons of the Gershon ites, 28. the families of the sons of Gershon — , 33. Ithamar (Ae son of Aaron 29. As for (Ae sons of Merari, 30, 35, 39, 43, 47. From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old 33, 42, 45. the families of (Ae sons of Merari, 34. numbered (Ae sons of the Kohathites 38. numbered of (Ae sons of Gershon, 41. the families of (Ae sons of Gershon, 5: 2. Command (Ae children of Israel, 4. (Ae children o/Israel did so, and put — so did (Ae children of Israel. 6, 12. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 9. the holy things of the children o/Israel, 6: 2. Speak unto the children o/Israel, 10. two young pigeons, (lit. sons of a dove) 12, 14. lamb, of the first year 23. Speak unto Aaronand unto hissons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless (Ae children °f 27. put my name upon (Ae children of 7 : 7 . he gave wn(o (Ae sons of Gershon, 8. he gave wn(o (Ae sons of Merari, — Ithamar (Ae son of Aaron 9. But unto the sons o/Kohath 12, 17.Nahshon (Ae son o/Amminadab, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. One young bullock (lit. one steer, son of a bull), one ram, one Iamb of the first year, Nu. 7:17, 23, 29, 35, 41 , 47, 53, 59, 65, 71 , 77, 83. five lambs of the first year: (lit. sons of a year) 18, 23. Nethaneel (Ae son of Zuar, 24, 29.Eliab (Ae son o/Helon, — o/(Ae children of Zebulun, 30, 35. Elizur (Ae son of Shedeur, — (Ae children of Reuben, 36, 41 . Shelumiel (Ae son of Zurishaddai, — prince o/(Ae children of Simeon, 42, 47. Eliasaph (Ae son of Deuel, — prince o/(Ae children of Gad, 48, 53. Elishama (Ae son o/Ammihud, — prince o/(Ae children of Ephraim, 54, 59. Gamaliel (Ae son o/Pedahzur, — prince o/(Ae children of Manasseh : 60, 65. Abidan (Ae son of Gideoni, — prince of the children o/Benjamin, 66, 71. Ahiezer (Ae son o/Ammishaddai, — prince o/(Ae children of Dan, 72, 77. Pagiel (Ae son o/Ocran, — prince of the children of Asher 78, 83. Ahira (Ae son o/Enan, • — prince o/(Ae children of Naphtali, 87, 88. the lambs o/the first year (lit. sons of a year) 8: 6, 14. the Levites from among (Ae children of Israel, 8. let them take a yowny bullock (lit. one steer (Ae son of a bull) — another yowny bullock shalt thou take 9. the whole assembly of (Ae children o/Israel 10. and (Ae children o/Israel shall put 11. an offering of (Ae children of Israel, 13, 22. before Aaron, and before Ais sons, 16. from among (Ae children o/Israel; — the firstborn o/all (Ae children o/Israel, 17, 18. all the firstborn of the children of Israel 19. and to his sons from among (Ae children of Israel, to do the service of (Ae children of Israel in the tabernacle of the con gregation, and to make an atonement for the children o/Israel: that there be no plague among the children of Israel', when (Ae children o/Israel come 20. the congregation of the children of Israel, — so did (Ae children o/Israel 24./rom twenty and five years old 2b. And from the age of fifty years 9: 2.(Ae children of Israel also keep the passover 4. Moses spake unto (Ae children o/Israel, 5. Moses, so did (Ae children o/Israel. 7. season among (Ae children o/Israel ? 10. Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 17. (Ae children o/Israel journeyed: — there (Ae children of Israel pitched 18. (Ae children of Israel journeyed, 19. then (Ae children of Israel kept the charge 22. (Ae children of Israel abode in their tents, 10: 8. And the sons of Aaron, 12. (Ae children o/Israel took their journeys 14. the camp of (Ae children o/Judah — Nahshon (Ae son o/Amminadab. 15. the tribe of the children of Issachar (was) Nethaneel (Ae son of Zuar. 16. the tribe of (Ae children of Zebulun (was) Eliab (Ae son o/Helon. 17. and (Ae sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari 18. Elizur (Ae son of Shedeur. 19. the tribe of (Ae children of Simeon (was) Shelumiel (Ae son of Zurishaddai. 20. the tribe of (Ae children of Gad (was) Eliasaph (Ae son of Deuel. 22. camp of (Ae children of Ephraim — Elishama (Ae son o/Aramihud. 23. the tribe of (Ae children o/Manasseh (was) Gamaliel (Ae son o/Pedahzur. 24. the tribe of (Ae children o/Benjamin (was) Abidan (Ae son o/Gideoni. 25. the camp of (Ae children o/Dan — Ahiezer (Ae son o/Ammishaddai. 26. the tribe of (Ae children of Asher (was) Pagiel (Ae son o/Ocran. 27. the tribe of (Ae children o/Naphtali (was) Ahira (Ae son o/Enan. 28. the journeyings of (Ae children o/Israel Nu. 10:29. Hobab, (Ae son of Raguel 11:4. and (Ae children of Israel also wept 28. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, 13; 2. which I give wn(o (Ae children of Israel: 3. heads of (Ae children o/Israel. 4. Shammua (Ae son of Zaccur. 5. Shaphat (Ae son o/Hori. 6. Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh. 7. Igal (Ae son of Joseph. 8, 16. Oshea (Ae son of Nun. 9. Palti (Ae son of Raphu. 10. Gaddiel (Ae son o/Sodi. 11. Gaddi (Ae son o/Susi. 12. Ammiel (Ae son of Gemalli. 13. Sethur (Ae son of Michael. 14.Nahbi (Ae son o/Vophsi. 15. Geuel (Ae son o/Machi. 24. which (Ae children of Israel cut down 26. the congregation of (Ae children o/Israel, 32. had searched unto (Ae children of Israel, 33. (Ae sons of Anak, 14: 2.(Ae children o/Israel murmured 5. the congregation of the children of Israel. 6, 38. Joshua (Ae son of Nun, and Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh, 7. the company of (Ae children o/Israel, 10. before all (Ae children o/Israel. 18. of the fathers upon (Ae children 27. heard the murmurings of the children of 29. from twenty years old and upward, 30. save Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son o/Nun. 33. And your children shall wander in the wil derness 39. sayings unto all (Ae children o/Israel: 15: 2, 18, 38. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 8. when thou preparest a bullock (lit. son of a bull) 9. bring with a bullock a meat offering (lit son of a bullock) 24. one young bullock (lit. one steer the son of a bull) 25, 26. the congregation of the children of 29. born among the children o/Israel, 32. while (Ae children o/lsrael were 16 : 1. Korah, (Ae son of Izhar, (Ae son o/Kohath (Ae son of Levi, and Dathan and Abi- ram, (Ae sons of Eliab, and On, (Ae son o/Peleth, sons of Reuben, 2, with certain o/(Ae children o/Israel, 7. too much upon you, ye sons of 8. Hear, I pray you, ye sons of Levi : 10. all thy brethren (Ae sons of Levi 12. the sons of Eliab: 27. and their sons, and their little children. 37(17:2). Speak unto Eleazar (Ae son of Aaron 38(17:3). shall be a sign wn(o (Ae children of Israel. 40(17:5). a memorial unto the children of 41(17:6). the congregation of (Ae children of 17: 2(17). Speak unto (Ae children o/Israel, 5(20). the murmurings of the children of 6( 21 ). Moses spake unto (Ae children of 9(24). before the Lord unto all (Ae children of Israel : 10(25). against the rebels; (marg. children of rebellion) 12(27). (Ae children o/Israel spake unto 18: l.Thou and thy sons and thy father's house — , 2,7. thou and thy sons with thee 5. no wrath any more upon (Ae children of 6. the Levites from among (Ae children of 8. hallowed things of the children o/Israel ; — and to thy sons, by an ordinance 9. most holy for thee and for thy sons. 11. the wave offerings of (Ae children o/lsrael: I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons 16. from a month old 19. the children of Israel offer unto the Lord, have I given thee, and thy sons 20. thine inheritance among (Ae children of 2LAnd, behold, I have given (Ae children of Levi 22. Neither must (Ae children o/Israel 23. among (Ae children o/Israel they have 24. the tithes of the children o/Israel. Nu. 18:24. 26.28.32. 19: 2. 9. 10. 20: L 12. 13.19. 22.24. 25. 26.28. 21:10. 24. 2935 22: 1 2. 35 23:18 19 24: 3 17 25: 6 (238) ]2 Among the children of Israel they shall When ye take of the children o/lsrael which ye receive of the children o/Israel; the holy things of (Ae children of Israel, Speak unto the children of Israel, the congregation of the children o/Israel it shall be unto the children o/Israel, Then came the children o/Israel, in the eyes of the children o/Israel, because the children o/Israel strove the children o/Israel said unto him, the children of Israel, (even) the whole which I have given i«i(o the children of Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, put them upon Eleazar Ais son: and put them upon Eleazar his son ; the children of Israel set forward, even unto the children of Ammon: for the border of the children of Ammon (was) strong. he hath given his sons that escaped, So they smote him, and his sons, And the children of Israel set forward, 4, 10, 16. Balak the son of Zippor distressed because of the children of Balaam the son of Beor the land of the children of his people, thou son of Zippor: . neither the son of man, , 15. Balaam (Ae son of Beor hath said, . destroy all (Ae children of Shetli. one of the children of Israel came the congregation of (Ae children o/Israel, 7, 1 1 . (Ae son of Eleazar, (Ae son of Aaron 8. the plague was stayed from (Ae cUldrenof 11. wrath away from (Ae children o/Israel, I consumed not (Ae children o/Israel 13. an atonement for (Ae children o/Israel. 14. Zimri, (Ae son of Salu, 26 : 1 . Eleazar (Ae son of Aaron 2. the congregation of (Ae children of Israel, , 4. from twenty years old and upward, 4. Moses and the children of Israel, 5. (Ae children of Reuben ; 8. And the sons of Pallu ; 9. And the sons of Eliab ; 11. Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not. 12. TAe sons of Simeon 15. TAe children of Gad 18. the families of (Ae children of Gad 19, 20. TAe sons of Judah 21 . (Ae sons of Pharez were ; 23. (Ae sons of Issachar 26. (Ae sons of Zebulun 28. TAe sons of Joseph 29. Of (Ae sons of Manasseh : 30. These (are) (Ae sons of Gilead: 33. (Ae son of Hepher had no sons, 35. These (are) (Ae sons of Ephraim 36. these (are) (Ae sons of Shuthelah: 37. the families of (Ae sons of Ephraim — These (are) the sons of Joseph 38. TAe sons of Benjamin 40. (Ae sons of Bela 41. These (are) (Ae sons o/Benjamin 42. These (are) (Ae sons o/Dan 44. (Ae children of Asher 45. Of the sons of Beriah: 47. the families of (Ae sons of Asher 48. (Ae sons of Naphtali 51. the numbered of (Ae children o/Israel, 62. from a month old and upward: — not numbered among (Ae children of — given them among (Ae children of Israel. 63, 64. numbered (Ae children of Israel 65. Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh, and Joshua (Ae son of Nun. , 27 : 1 . Zelophehad, (Ae son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, (Ae son of Machir, the son oj Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh (Ae son of Joseph: 3. and had no sons. 4. because he hath no son ? - 8. thou shalt speak unto (Ae children of Is rael, saying, If a man die, and have no p ( 239) P Nu. 27 : 1 1. wn(o the children of Israel a statute 12. which I have given unto the children of 18. Take thee Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, 20. of (Ae children of Israel may be obedient. 21. and all (Ae children of Israel with him, 28 : 2. Command (Ae children of Israel, 3. two lambs of thefirst year without spot 9. two lambs of the first year without spot, 11. two youna bullocks (lit. steers, sons of a bull), and one ram, seven lambs of the first year 19, 27. two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first year: 29: 2,8.oneyowno bullock, one ram, (and)seven lambs of thefirst year 13. thirteen young bullocks, two rams, — , 17, 20,23, 26, 29, 32. fourteen lambs of the first year ; 17. twelve young bullocks, 36. seven Iambs of thefirst year 40(30 : 1 ). Moses told (Ae children of Israel 30: 1(2). concerning the children of Israel, 31: 2. Avenge (Ae children of Israel of 6. Phinehas (Ae son of Eleazar 8. Balaam also (Ae son of Beor 9. (Ae children of Israel took (all) 12. the congregation of (Ae children of Israel, 16. Behold, these caused (Ae children of (lit. were to the children of) 30,42,47. of (Ae children of Israel's half, 54. a memorial for the children of Israel 32: l.Now (Ae children of Reuben and the chil dren of Gad had 2,25,29,31. The children of Gad and the chil dren of Reuben 6. Moses said wn(o (Ae children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, 7, 9. the heart of (Ae children of Israel 1 1 .from twenty years old and upward, 12. Save Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh the Kene- zite, and Joshua (Ae son o/Nun: 17. ready armed before (Ae children of 18. until the children o/Israel have inherited 28. Joshua (Ae son of Nun, — the tribes of the children o/Israel: 33 . to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manasseh (Ae son of 34. (Ae children of Gad built Dibon, 37. And the children of Reuben 39. (Ae children of Machir (Ae son o/Manasseh 40. unto Machir (Ae son o/Manasseh ; 41. Jair (Ae son o/Manasseh 33: 1 . the journeys of the children of Israel, 3. (Ae children of Israel went out 5. (Ae children of Israel removed 31. pitched in i?ene-jaakan. 32. they removed from Uene-jaakan, 38. after (Ae children of Israel were come out 39. Aaron (was) an hundred and twenty and three years old 40. heard of the coming of (Ae children of Is rael. 51. Speak unto the children o/Israel, 34: 2. Command the children of Israel, 13. Moses commanded (Ae children o/Israel, 14. the tribe of (Ae children of Reuben — the tribe of (Ae children of Gad 17. Joshua (Ae son of Nun. 19. Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh. 20. the tribe of (Ae children of Simeon, She- muel (Ae son of Ammihud. 2l.Elidad (Ae son of Chislon. 22. the tribe of the children o/Dan, Bukki (Ae son of Jogli . 23. The prince of the children of Joseph, for the tribe of (Ae children of Manasseh, Hanniel the son of Ephod. 24. the tribe of (Ae children of Ephraim, Ke- muel (Ae son of Shiphtan. 25. the tribe of (Ae children of Zebulun, Eli- zaphan (Ae son of Parnach. 26. the tribe of the children of Issachar, Paltiel the son of Azzan. 27. the tribe of (Ae children of Asher, Ahihud the son of Shelomi. Nu. 34: 28. the tribe of (Ae children o/Naphtali,Peda- hel (Ae son of Ammihud. 29. the inheritance unto (Ae children of Israel 35: 2. Command (Ae children of Israel, 8. the possession of the children of Israel: 10. Speak unto (Ae children of Israel, 15. a refuge, (both) for the children of Israel, 34. dwell among the children o/Israel. 36: 1. families of (Ae children of Gilead, (Ae son of Machir, (Ae son of Manasseh, of the families of (Ae sons of Joseph, — the chief fathers of the children o/Israel: 2. an inheritance by lot to the children of 3. if they be married to any of the sons of the (other) tribes of (Ae children o/Israel, 4. the jubile of the children of Israel 5. Moses commanded thechildren o/ Israel • — The tribe of (Ae sons of Joseph 7. the inheritance of the children o/Israel — every one of (Ae children of Israel shall 8. any tribe of the children of Israel, ¦ — that (Ae children of Israel may enjoy 9. the tribes of (Ae children of Israel 11 .wn(o their father's brothers' sons: 12. the families of (Ae sons of Manasseh (Ae son of Joseph, 13. by the hand of Moses unto (Ae children of Israel Deu 1 : 3. Moses spake unto the children of Israel, 28. we have seen (Ae sons of the Anakims 31- as a man doth bear Ais son, 36. Save Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh; — and to his children, because he hath wholly followed 38. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, 39. and your children, which in that day 2: 4. your brethren (Ae children o/Esau, 8. our brethren (Ae children o/Esau, 9,19. wn(o (Ae children of Lot 12. but the children of Esau succeeded 19. over against (Ae children of Ammon, — , 37. the land of (Ae children of Ammon 22. As he did to the children of Esau, 29. As (Ae children o/Esau 33. we smote him, and Ais sons, and all his people. 3:11. Rabbath of the children of Ammon ? 14. Jair (Ae son of Manasseh 16. the border of (Ae children of Ammon ; 18. your brethren (Ae children of Israel, all (that are) meet for the war. (lit. sons of valour) 4: 9. teach them (Ay sons, and thy sons' sons ; 10. they may teach (Aeir children. 25. When thou shalt beget children, and chil dren's children, 40. with thee, and with thy children after thee, 44. which Moses set before (Ae children of 45. Moses spake unto (Ae children of Israel, 46. whom Moses and the children of Israel smote, 5. 9. the iniquity of the fathers upon (Ae chil dren 14. shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, 29(26). and w;i(A (Aeir children for ever ! 6: 2. thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, 7. teach them diligently wn(o (Ay children, 20. when (Ay son asketh thee in time to come, 21. Then thou shalt say unto (Ay son, 7: 3. thou shalt not give wn(o Ais son, nor his daughter shalt thou take wn(o (Ay son. 4. For they will turn away (Ay son 8: 5. as a man chasteneth Ais son, 9: 2. (Ae children o/the Anakims, — stand before (Ae children of Anak ! 10 : 6. And the children o/Israel took their journey from Beeroth of (Ae children o/Jaakan — Eleazar Ais son ministered 11 : 2. for (I speak) not with yowr children 6. the sons of Eliab, (Ae son of Reuben: 19. ye shall teach them yowr children, 21. the days of your children, 12;12.ye, and your sons, 18. thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, 25, 28. well with thee, and with thy children after thee, 31. (Aeir sons and their daughters they have p Deu 13: 6(7). the son ofthy mother, or (Ay son, 13(14). (Ae children of Belial, 14: 1. Ye (are) (Ae children of the Lord 16:11, 14. thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, 17:20.he, and his children, in the midst oi Israel. 18: 5. him and his sons for ever. 10. that maketh Ais son or his daughter to pass 21: 5. the priests (Ae sons of Levi 15. and they have born him children, — (if) (Ae firstborn son be her's 16. when he maketh Ais sons to inherit — he may not make (Ae son of the — before (Ae son of the hated, 17. he shall acknowledge (Ae son of 18. have a stubborn and rebellious son, 20. This owr son (is) stubborn 22 : 6. thou shalt not take the dam with (Ae young : 7. let the dam go, and take (Ae young 23: 4(5). Balaam (Ae son of Beor 8(9). TAe children that are begotten 17(18). a sodomite q/(Ae sons o/Israel. 24: 7. his brethren o/(Ae children o/Israel, 16.be put to death for (Ae children, neither shall (Ae children be put to death 25: 2. man (be) worthy to be beaten, (lit. be a son of stripes) 5. and have no cAiZd, 28:32. Thysons and thy daughters (shall be) given 41. Thou shalt beget sons 53. the flesh of (Ay sons and of thy daughters, 54. the remnant of Ais children which he 55. the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: 56. and toward her son, and toward her daughter, 57. and towardher children which she shall bear: 29: 1(23:69). make with (Ae children o/Israel 22(21Lgeneration to come of your children 29(28). unto us and to our children 30: 2. thee this day, thou and thy children, 31: 2.1 (am) an hundred and twenty years old 9. unto the priests the sons of Levi, 13-^nd (that) their children, which have not 19. teach it (Ae children o/Israel: — a witness for me against the children of Israel. 22. and taught it (Ae children o/Israel. 23. he gave Joshua (Ae son o/Nun — thou shalt bring the children o/Israel 32: 5.theirspot(is) not (the snot) ofhis children, 8. when he separated the sons of Adam, — according to the number of (Ae children of 14. rams of (Ae breed of Bashan, 19. because of the provoking of Ais sons, 20. children in whom (is) no faith. 44. Hoshea (Ae son of Nun. 46. ye shall command yowr children 49. which I give wn(o (Ae children o/Israel 51.among (Ae children o/Israel — in the midst of (Ae children of Israel. 52. which I give the children o/Israel. 33 : 1 . blessed (Ae children o/Israel before hisdeath. 9. nor knew Ais own children: 24. Asher (be) blessed with children; 34: 7. Moses (was) an hundred and twenty years old 8. the children o/Israel wept for Moses 9. Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit — (Ae children o/Israel hearkened unto him, Jos. 1 : 1. spake unto Joshua (Ae son of Nun, 2. to them, (even) to the children o/Israel. 2: 1. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun sent out 2. men in hither to night o/(Ae children of 23. came to Joshua (Ae son of Nun, 3: l.he and all (Ae children of Israel, 9. Joshua said unto (Ae children of Israel, 4: 4. he had prepared of the children of Israel, 5, 8. the tribes of the children of Israel: 6. when yowr children ask 7. a memorial wn(o (Ae children of Israel 8. (Ae children of Israel did so as Joshua 12. And (Ae children of Reuben, and the chil dren of Gad, — armed before (Ae children o/Israel, 21. he spake unto (Ae children of Israel, say ing, "When your children shall ask 22. ye shall let yowr children know, 5 : 1. from before (Ae children of Israel, ( 240 ) p \ Jos. 5. 1. because of (Ae children o/Israel. \ 2. circumcise again (Ae children o/Israel 3. circumcised (Ae children of Israel 6. the children of Israel walked forty years 7. And (Aeir children, (whom) he raised 10. (Ae children o/Israel encamped in Gilgal, 12. neither had (Ae children of Israel manna 6 : 1 . because of (Ae children of Israel : 6. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun 7 : 1 . (Ae children of Israel committed a trespass — ,18. Achan, (Ae son o/Carmi, (Ae son of Zabdi, the son o/Zerah, — was kindled against the children o/Israel, 12. the children o/Israel could not stand 19. Joshua said unto Achan, My son, 23. unto all (Ae children of Israel, 24. took Achan (Ae son of Zerah, ¦ — and his sons, and his daughters, 8:31. the Lord commanded (Ae children 0/ Israel, 32. in the presence of (Ae children o/Israel. 9: 17. the children of Israel journeyed, 18. (Ae children o/Israel smote them 26. out of the hand of (Ae children of 10: 4. peace with Joshua and with (Ae childrenof 11. whom (Ae children o/Israel slew 12. the Amorites before (Ae children of 20. and the children o/Israel had made an end 21. against any o/(Ae children o/Israel. 11: 14. (Ae children of Israel took for a prey 19. that made peace with (Ae children 0/ Israel, 22. Anakims left in the land of (Ae children of 12 : 1 . which (Ae children of Israel smote, 2. the border of the children of Ammon j 6. and the children o/Israel smite: 7. Joshua and the children of Israel smote 13: 6. will I drive out from before the children of 10. the border of (Ae children of Amnion ; 13. (Ae children o/Israel expelled not 15. the tribe of (Ae children 0/ Reuben 22. Balaam also (Ae son of Beor, the sooth sayer, did (Ae children of Israel slay 23. the border of (Ae children 0/ Reuben — inheritance of (Ae children of Reuben 24. unto the children of Gad 25. half the land of (Ae children of 28. inheritance of (Ae children of Gad 29. half tribe of (Ae children o/Manasseh 31. unto the children of Machir (Ae son 0/ Manasseh, (even) to the one half of (Ae children 0/ Machir 14: 1. which (Ae children o/Israel inherited — Joshua (Ae son of Nun, — of the tribes o/(Ae children 0/ Israel, 4. (Ae children of Joseph 5. so (Ae children o/Israel did, 6. Then (Ae children 0/ Judah — , 13, 14. Caleb (Ae son 0/ Jephunneh 7. Forty years old (was) I 9. thine inheritance, and thy children's for ever, 10. 1 (am) this day fourscore and five years old. 15: l.the tribe of (Ae children 0/ Judah 6. Bohan (Ae sob of Reuben : 8. by the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom 12. the coast of (Ae children 0/ Judah 13. Caleb (Ae son 0/ Jephunneh he gave a part among (Ae children 0/ Judah, 14. (Ae three sons o/Anak, 17. Othniel (A'e son of Kenaz, 20, 21 . the tribe of (Ae children 0/ Judah 63. the children 0/ Judah could not — Jebusites dwell with (Ae children 0/ Judah 16: l.the lot of the children 0/ Joseph 4. So (Ae children 0/ Joseph, 5. the border of (Ae children 0/ Ephraim 8. the tribe of (Ae children of Ephraim 9. cities for the children 0/ Ephraim — inheritance of (Ae children o/Manasseh, 17: 2. the rest of the children 0/ Manasseh by their families ; for (Ae children 0/ Ahie zer, and for the children of He\ek, and for the children of Asriel, and for ™ children of Shechem, and for the children of Hepher, and for the children of She- mida: these (were) (Ae male children of Manasseh (Ae son of Joseph p Jos. 17: 3. Zelophehad, (Ae son of Hepher, (Ae son of Gilead, the son of Machir, (Ae son of Manasseh, had no sons, 4. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, 6. an inheritance among Ais sons: and the rest of Manasseh's sons had the land 8.(o (Ae children o/Ephraim ; 12. Yet (Ae children o/Manasseh 13. when (Ae children o/Israel were waxen 14. (Ae children of Joseph spake 16. (Ae children of Joseph said, 18; l.the children o/Israel assembled together 2. there remained among the children of Israel 3. Joshua said unto (Ae children o/Israel, 10. Joshua divided the land wn(o (Ae children of 11,21. the tribe of (Ae children o/Benjamin — between (Ae children of Judah and (Ae children- of Joseph. 14. a city of (Ae children o/Judah: 16. the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom, 17. Bohan (Ae son o/ Reuben, 20, 28. inheritance of (Ae children o/Benjamin, 19: 1, 8. the tribe of (Ae children of Simeon — inheritance of (Ae children of 9. the portion of the children of Judah (was) the inheritance of (Ae children of Si meon: for the part of (Ae children of Judah was too much for them : there fore (Ae children of Simeon had 10. came uofor the children of Zebulun 16. inheritance of (Ae children of Zebulun 17. for the children of Issachar 23. the tribe of the children o/Issachar 24, 31. the tribe of the children of Asher 32. came out to the children o/Naphtali, (even) for the children of Naphtali 39. the tribe of (Ae children o/Naphtali 40, 48. the tribe of the children of Dan 47. the coast of the children of Dan ¦ — (Ae children of Dan went up 49. (Ae children o/Israel gave an inheritance — , 51. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, — of the tribes of (Ae children o/Israel, 20: 2. Speak to (Ae children o/Israel, 9. cities appointed for all thechildren o/Israel, 21 : 1. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, — of the tribes of the children o/Israel ; 3.(Ae children o/Israel gave unto the Levites 4.(Ae children of Aaron the priest,. ..had (lit. were to the children of) 5. And the rest o/(Ae children o/Kohath 6. And the children of Gershon 7. TAe children of Merari 8. (Ae children of Israel gave by lot 9. the tribe of (Ae children of Judah, and out of the tribe of (Ae children of Simeon, 10. Which (Ae children of Aaron, — of (Ae children of Levi, 12. gave they to Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh 13. Thus they gave to the children of Aaron 19. the cities of (Ae children of Aaron, 20, 26. families of the children o/Kohath, — remained o/(Ae children o/Kohath, 27. And unto the children of Gershon, 34.families of (Ae children of Merari, 40(38). the cities for the children o/Merari 41 (39). the possession of (Ae children of Israel 22: 9, 10, 11,21,30. 34. (Ae children of Reub en and the children of Gad — departed from (Ae children o/Israel 11. And (Ae children o/Israel heard say, — the passage of the children o/Israel. 12. when (Ae children of Israel heard (of it), the whole congregation of (Ae children of Israel 13. And (Ae children o/Israel sent — ,15,31-unto (Ae children of Reuben, and to (Ae children o/Gad, — ,31, 32. Phinehas(Ae son o/Eleazar the priest, 20. Did not Achan (Ae son of Zerah 24. In time to come yowr children might speak wn(o owr children, 25. ye children of Reuben and children of Gad ; ye have no part in the Lord : so shall yowr children make owr children cease from 27. that yowr children may not say to our chil dren in time to come, ( 241 ) P Jos. 22: 30. and the children o/Manasseh 31. and to (Ae children of Manasseh, ¦ — ye have delivered (Ae children o/Israel 32. returned from (Ae children of Reuben, and from (Ae children of Gad, _ to (Ae children o/Israel, 33. the thing pleased (Ae children of Israel; and (Ae children o/Israel blessed God, — wherein (Ae children of Reuben and Gad (lit. and the children cf Gad) 24: 4. Jacob and his children went down 9. Then Balak (Ae son of Zippor, — Balaam (Ae son o/Beor 29. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, — an hundred and ten years old. 32. which (Ae children o/Israel brought up — Jacob bought of (Ae sons of Hamor — inheritance o/(Ae children of Joseph. 33. Eleazar (Ae son of Aaron — (that pertained to) Phinehas Ais son, Jud. 1: l.(Ae children o/Israel asked the Lord, 8. Now (Ae children of Judah 9. afterward (Ae children of Judah 13,Othniel (Ae son of Kenaz, 16. And the children of the Kenite, — with (Ae children of Judah 20. expelled thence (Ae three sons of 21. And (Ae children o/Benjamin — dwell with (Ae children o/Benjamin 34. the Amorites forced (Ae children of Dan 2: 4. spake these words unto all (Ae children of 6. the children of Israel went every man 8. Joshua (Ae son o/Nun, ¦ — an hundred and ten years old. 11. (Ae children of Israel did evil 3: 2. the generations of the children o/Israel b.And the children o/Israel dwelt among 6. gave their daughters to their sons, 7. the children o/Israel did evil 8, 14. (Ae children o/Israel served 9, 15. thechildren o/Israel cried unto the Lord, — a deliverer to the children o/Israel, — , ll.Othniel (Ae son of Kenaz, 12.(Ae children o/Israel did evil again 13. gathered unto him (Ae children of 15. Ehud (Ae son of Gera, a Benjamite, (marg. or, (Ae son o/Jemini) — the children o/Israel sent 27. the children o/Israel went down 31. Shamgar (Ae son of Anath, 4: l.(Ae children o/Israel again did evil 3.(Ae children o/Israel cried unto the Lord: — oppressed (Ae children o/Israel. 5. the children of Israel came up to her 6, 12. Barak the son of Abinoam — o/(Ae children o/Naphtali and of the chil dren of Zebulun ? 1 1 . of the children of Hobab 23. of Canaan before (Ae children o/Israel. 24. the hand of (Ae children o/Israel prospered, 5 : 1 . Barak (Ae son of Abinoam 6. Shamgar (Ae son of Anath, 12. thou son of Abinoam. 6: l.the children of Israel did evil in the 2. (Ae children of Israel made them the dens 3, 33. and the children of the east, 6. (Ae children of Israel cried unto the Lord. 7. when (Ae children o/Israel cried 8. sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, II . Ais son Gideon threshed wheat 29. Gideon (Ae son of Joash hath done 30. Bring out (Ay soji, that he may die: 7: 12. all (Ae children of the east 1 4. Gideon the son of Joash, 8: 10. the hosts of (Ae children of the east: 13, 32. Gideon (Ae son of Joash 18. resembled (Ae children of a king. 19. (Ae sons ofmy mother: 22. and (Ay son, and (Ay son's son also: 23. neither shall my son rule over you: 28. subdued before the children o/Israel, 29. Jerubbaal (Ae son of Joash 30. Gideon had threescore and ten sons 31 . she also bare him a son, 33. (Ae children of Israel turned again, 34. (Ae children o/Israel remembered 9: 1. Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal }2 ( 242 ) P Jud. 9: 2. 5. 18. 2426283031 35 57 10: 1 46 7. 9 1011 15. 1718 11:1 2. 45 6 8. 12 15 2527 29 3132 33. 34 36 12: 1 2 3 9 13. 14. 13: 1. 3 5, 24 14:16 17 17: 2. 3. 5. 11 18: 2 19:12 1622 30 20: 1 3 5. (Ae sons of Jerubbaal, the youngest son of Jerubbaal and have slain Ais sons, threescore and ten Abimelech, (Ae son o/his maidservant, threescore and ten sons of Jerubbaal . Gaal (Ae son of Ebed came Gaal (Ae son o/Ebed said, (is) not (he) the son of Jerubbaal? the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, Gaal (Ae son o/Ebed and his brethren Gaal (Ae son of Ebed went Jotham (Ae son of Jerubbaal. Tola the son o/Puah, the son of Dodo, . he had thirty sons that rode (Ae children of Israel did evil again the gods of the children of Ammon, into the hands of the children of Ammon. and oppressed (Ae children of Israel all (Ae children of Israel (Ae children of Ammon passed over (Ae children o/Israel cried unto the Lord, Lord said unto the children of Israel, from the children of Ammon, (Ae children o/Israel said unto the Lord, Then (Ae children of Ammon were gathered thechildren of Israel assembled themselves fight against the children of Ammon? .he (was) the son of an harlot: . Gilead's wife bare him sons; and his wife's sons grew up, thou (art) (Ae son of a strange woman. . that(Ae children of Ammon . (Ae children of Ammon made war fight with the children of Ammon. 9. against the children of Ammon, 13,14,28, king of the children of Ammon, . the laud of (Ae children of Ammon: Balak (Ae son of Zippor, .between the children o/Israel and (Ae chil dren of Ammon. 30. the children of Ammon. from the children of Ammon, over unto the children of Ammon . (Ae children of Ammon were subdued before (Ae children of he had neither sow nor daughter. of the children of Ammon. to fight against the children of Ammon, strife with the children of Ammon ; against (Ae children of Ammon, he had thirty sons, daughters from abroad/or Ais sons. lb. Abdon the son of Hillel, he had forty sons and thirty nepAews,(marg. sons' sons) the children o/Israel did evil again thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. 7- thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; the woman bare a son, put forth a riddle unto the children of she told the riddle to the children of Blessed (be thou) of the Lord, my son. unto the Lord from my hand/or my son, consecrated one of his sons, was unto him as one of his sons. the children of Dan sent from their coasts, men of valour, (marg. men sons of valour) which (were) of the children o/Dan, overtook the children o/Dan. they cried unto the children of Dan. the children of Dan said the children o/Dan went their way: (Ae children of Dan set up the graven image: and Jonathan, (Ae son of Ger- shom, (Ae son of Manasseh, he and his sons were priests that (is) not of the children of Israel ; the men of the place (were) ZJenjamites. certain sons of Belial, the day that (Ae children o/Israel came all the children o/Israel went out, Now (Ae cAiZdreno/Benjamin heard that(Ae children of Israel were gone up to Miz- peh. Then said (Ae children of Israel, Behold, ye (are) all children o/Israel; (Ae children of Belial, Jud. 20 : 1 3. But (Ae children of Benjamin would — their brethren (Ae children of Israel: 34. But (Ae children of Benjamin — to battle against (Ae children o/Israel, 15. (Ae children of Benjamin were 18. (Ae children of Israel arose, — , 23, 28. against (Ae children o/Benjamin? 19. (Ae children o/Israel rose up 21 . (Ae children o/Benjamin came 23. the children of Israel went up and wept 24. (Ae children of Israel came near against (Ae children o/Benjamin 25. to the ground of (Ae children o/Israel 26. (Ae children o/ Israel, and -all the people, 27 . (Ae children of Israel enquired of the Lord, 28.Phinehas, (Ae son of Eleazar, (Ae son of Aaron, 30. (Ae children of Israel went up against Me children o/Benjamin 31. (Ae children o/Benjamin went out 32. (Ae children o/Benjamin said, — But the children o/Israel said, 35. (Ae children o/Israel destroyed 36. So (Ae children o/Benjamin saw 48. upon (Ae children o/Benjamin, 21 : 5. (Ae children of Israel said, 6. (Ae children o/Israel repented them 10. twelve thousand men of the valiantest," (lit. of the children of valour) 13. to speak to (Ae children of Benjamin 18.(Ae children o/Israel have sworn, 20. commanded (Ae children o/Benjamin, 23. (Ae children o/Benjamin did so, 24. (Ae children o/Israel departed thence Ru. 1 : 1. and his wife, and Ais two sons. 2. the name of Ais two sons Mahlon and 3. she was left, and Aer two sons. 11. yet (any more) sons in my womb, 12. should also bear sons; 4: 13. and she bare a son. 15. which is better to thee than seven sons, 17. There is a son born to Naomi ; ISa. 1; 1. Elkanah, (Ae son of Jer oh am, the son nf Elihu, (Ae son o/Tohu, (Ae sono/Zuph, 3-(Ae two sons of Eli, 4. and to all Aer sons and her daughters, 8. better to thee than ten sons? 20. that she bare a son, 23. gave Aer son suck 2: 5. she that hath many children 12. Now the sons o/Eli (were) sons of Belial; 21. she conceived, and bare three sons 22. heard all that his sons did 24. Nay, my sons ; for (it is) no good report 28. offerings made by fire of (Ae children of Israel ? 29. and honourest (Ay sons above me, 34. that shall come upon (Ay two sons, 3; 6. 1 called not, my son ; lie down again. 13. because Ais sons made themselves vile, 16. and said, Samuel, my son. 4: 4, 1 1. (Ae two sons of Eli, 15. Eli was ninety and eight years o7d; 16. What is there done, my son? 17. (Ay two so7is also, Hophni and Phinehas, 20. for thou hast born a son. 6: 7. bring (Aeir calves home from them: 10. and shut up (Aeir calves at home: 7 : 1 . sanctified Eleazar Ais son to keep the ark 4. (Ae children o/lsrael did put away 6. Samuel judged (Ae children of Israel 7. Philistines heard that thechildren o/Israel — when (Ae children o/Israel heard (it), 8.(Ae children o/Israel said to Samuel, 8: l.he made Ais sons judges over Israel. 2. the name of Ais firstborn (lit, Ais son the firstborn ) 3. And Ais sons walked not in his ways, 5. thou art old, and thy sons walk not 1 1 . He will take yowr sons, 9:1. Kish, (Ae son o/Abiel, (Ae sonofZeror, the son of Bechorath, (Ae son o/Aphiah, a -Scnjamite, (marg. or, (Ae son of* °Qan of Jemini) 2. And he had a son, — (there was) not among the children o/Israel 3. Kish said to Saul Ais son, p ISa. 9:21. (Am) not I a i?enjamite, 10: 2. "What shall I do for my son? 11. What (is) this (that) is come unto the son of 18. said unto (Ae children o/Israel, 21. Saul (Ae son o/Kish was taken: 27. But the children of Belial said, II: 8.(Ae children of Israel were three hundred thousand, 12: 2. and, behold, my sons (are) with you: 12. the king of (Ae children of Ammon 13: 1. Saul reigned one year ; (marg. (Ae son of one year in his reigning ) 16. And Saul, and Jonathan Ais son, 22. with Saul and with Jonathan Ais son 14: I.Jonathan (Ae son o/Saul 3. Ahiah, (Ae son of Ahitub, — (Ae son o/Phinehas, (Ae son of Eli, 18. at that time w?i(A (Ae children o/Israel. 32. took sheep, and oxen, and calves, (lit. and the sons of a bull) 39. though it be in Jonathan my son, 40. 1 and Jonathan my son will be on 42. Cast (lots) between me and Jonathan my son. 47. and against the children of Ammon, 49. Now (Ae sons of Saul 50. Abner, (Ae son of Ner, 51. (Ae son o/Abiel. 52. or any valiant man, (lit. son of valour) 15: 6. shewed kindness to all (Ae children of 16; 1. provided me a king among his sons. 5. he sanctified Jesse and Ais sons, 10. Jesse made seven of his sons to pass 18.1 have seen a son of Jesse 19. Send me David (Ay son, which (is) with 20. sent (them) by David Ais son unto Saul. 17; 12. Now David (was) (Ae son of — . he had eight sons : 13. the three eldest sons of Jesse went — the names ofhis three sons that went 17. Jesse said unto David Ais son, 53. (Ae children o/Israel returned 55. whose son (is) this youth? 56. Enquire thou whose son the 58. Whose son (art) thou, — I (am) (Ae son ofthy servant 18:17. only be thou valiant for me, (marg. ason of valour) 19: 1. Saul spake to Jonathan Ais son, 2(1). But Jonathan Saul's son 20:27. Saul said unto Jonathan Ais son, Where fore cometh not (Ae son of Jesse 30. Thou son o/the perverse rebellious — thou hast chosen (Ae son of Jesse 3 1 . as long as (Ae son of Jesse liveth — for he shall surely die. (marg. (is) (Ae son of death) 22: 7. Hear now, ye iJenjamites (lit. sons of Jemini); will (Ae son of Jesse give every one 8. my son hath made a league with (Ae son of Jesse, — that my son hath stirred up 9.1 saw (Ae son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech (Ae son o/Ahitub. 1 1 . Ahimelech the priest, (Ae son o/Ahitub, 12. Hear now, thou son o/Ahitub. 13. thou and the son of Jesse, 20. And one of (Ae sons of (lit. one son of) Ahimelech (Ae son o/Ahitub, 23: 6. Abiathar (Ae son of Ahimelech 16. Jonathan Saul's son arose, 24:16(17). (Is) this thy voice, my son 25: 8. unto thy servants, and to thy son David. 10. who (is) (Ae son of Jesse? 17. for he (is such) a son of Belial, 44.Phalti (Ae son of Laish, 26: 5, 14. Abner (Ae son of Ner, 6. Abishai (Ae son of Zeruiah, 16. ye (are) worthy to die, (marg. (Ae sons of death ) 17. (Is) this thy voice, my son David? 19. but if (they be) (Ae children of men, 21 . 1 have sinned: return, my son David: 25. Blessed (be) thou, my son David: 27: 2. Achish, (Ae son o/Maoch, C 243 ) P lSa.28:19.to morrow (shalt) thou andthy sons (be) with me; 30: 3. and their sons, and their daughters, 6. every man for Ais sons and for his daugh ters : 7. Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech's son, 19. neither sons nor daughters, 22. to every man his wife and Ais children, 31 : 2. hard upon Saul and upon Ais sons ; — Abinadab, and Melchi-shua, Saul's sons. 6. Saul died, and Ais three sons, 7. that Saul and his sons were dead, 8. found Saul and Ais three sons 12. of Saul and the bodies of his sons 2Sa. 1 : 4. Saul and Jonathan Ais son are dead also. 5. that Saul and Jonathan Ais son be dead ? 12. for Saul, and for Jonathan Ais son, 13. 1 (am) (Ae son of a stranger, 1 7. over Saul and over Jonathan Ais son : 18. bade them teach (Ae children of Judah 2; 7. be ye valiant: (marg. (Ae sons of valour) 8, 12. Abner (Ae son of Ner, • — , 12, 15. Ish-bosheth (Ae son of Saul, 10. Ish-bosheth Saul's son (was) forty years old 13. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah, 18. there were three sons of Zeruiah 2b. the children of Benjamin 3: 2. unto David were sons born 3. Absalom (Ae son o/Maacah 4. Adonijah (Ae son of Haggith ; and the fifth, Shephatiah (Ae son o/Abital ; 14. Ish-bosheth Saul's son, 15, Phaltiel (Ae son of Laish. 23, 25, 28, 37. Abner (Ae son o/Ner 34. as aman falleth before wicked men, (marg. children of iniquity) 39. these men (Ae sons of Zeruiah 4: 1. when Saul's son heard that Abner 2. Saul's son had two men — (Ae sons of Rimmon a Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin: 4. Jonathan, Saul's son, had a son (that was) lame of (his) feet. He was five years old 5, 9.(Ae sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, 8. Ish-bosheth (Ae son o/Saul 5: 4. David (was) thirty years old 13. there were yet sons and daughters 6: 3. Uzzah and Ahio, (Ae sons o/Abinadab, 7: 6.1 brought up (Ae children of Israel out of Egypt, 7. walked with all (Ae children o/Israel 10. neither shall (Ae children of wickedness 14. he shall be my son. (lit. to me for a son) ¦ — with the stripes of (Ae children of men: 8: 3. Hadadezer, (Ae son o/Rehob, lO.Toi sent Joram Ais son unto king David, 12. and of the children of Ammon, — Hadadezer, son of Rehob, 16. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah — Jehoshaphat (Ae son of Ahilud 17. Zadok (Ae son of Ahitub, and Ahimelech (Ae son of Abiathar, 18.Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada — and David's sons were chief rulers. 9: 3. Jonathan hath yet a son, 4, 5. Machir, (Ae son of Ammiel, 6.(Ae son of Jonathan, (Ae son o/Saul, 9.1 have given wn(o thy master's son 10. Thou therefore, and thy sons, — that thy master's son may have food — Mephibosheth thy master's so?i — Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants. 11. as one o/the king's sons. 12. Mephibosheth had a young son, 10: l.the king of (Ae children of Ammon died, and Hanun Ais son reigned 2. Hanun (Ae son of Nahash, — into the land of (Ae children of Ammon. 3. the princes of (Ae children of Ammon 6. when (Ae children of Ammon . the children of Ammon sent and hired " 8.(Ae children of Ammon came 10. array against (Ae children of Ammon. 11. if (Ae children of Ammon 14. when the children of Ammon saw r2 p ( 244 ) 2Sa.l0:14. 19. 11: 1. 21.27. 12: 3.5. 9. 14. 24. 2d. 31. 13: 1. 3, 4. 23. 25.27.28. 29 3032 33 3537 14: 1 6 11 returned from (Ae children of Ammon, feared to help (Ae children of Ammon destroyed (Ae children of Ammon, Abimelech (Ae son of Jerubbesheth? and bare him a son. with him, and with his children; shall surely die: (marg. (is) worthy to die ; lit. (is) a son o/death) with the sword of the children of Ammon. (Ae child also (that is) born and she bare a son, Rabbah of the children of Ammon, the cities of the children of Amnion. Absalom (Ae son o/David Amnon (Ae son o/David loved 32. Jonadab, (Ae son of Shimeah Why (art) thou, (being) the king's son, Absalom invited all the king's sons. Nay, my son, let us not all now go, all the king's sons go with him. be courageous, and be valiant, (marg. sons of valour) .Then all the king's sons arose, Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, all the young men the king's sons; that all the king's sons are dead: 36. Behold, the king's sons went to Talmai, (Ae son of mourned for his son every day. Now Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah thy handmaid had two sons, to destroy any more, lest they destroy my . — there shall not one hair of thy son fall 16. the man (that would) destroy me and my son 27. unto Absalom there were born three sons, 15:27. and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz thy sou, and Jonathan (Ae son of 36. (they have) there with them (Ae:r two sons, 16: 3. where (is) thy master's son ? 5. Shimei, (Ae son o/Gera: 8. into the hand of Absalom thy son: 9. Then said Abishai (Ae son of Zeruiah 10. What have I to do with you, ye sons of 11. Behold, my son, which came forth — much more now (may this) i?eHJamite (lit. son of Jemini) 19. (should I) not (serve) in the presence of Az's son ? 17:10. And he also (that is) valiant, (lit. (Ae son of valour) — and (they) which (be) with him (are) valiant men. 25. Amasa (was) a man's son, 27. that Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Amnion, and Machir (Ae son o/Ammiel 18: 2. Abishai the son of Zeruiah, 12. forth mine hand against the king's son : 18.1 have no son to keep my name 1 9, 22, 27. Ahimaaz (Ae son of Zadok, 20. because the king's son is dead. 22. Wherefore wilt thou run, my son, 33(19:1 ). O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom ! would God I bad died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son! 19: 2(3). how the king was grieved for At's son. 4(5). O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son I 5(6). the lives of thy sons and ofthy daugh ters, 16(17). Shimei (Ae son of G era, a Benjamite, 17(18). and his fifteen sons and his twenty 18(19). Shimei (Ae son o/Gera fell down 21(22). Abishai (Ae son of Zeruiah 22(23). What have I to do with you, ye sons of 24(25). Mephibosheth (Ae son o/Saul 32(3.3). a very aged man, (even) fourscore years old : 35(36). I (am) this day fourscore years old: 20: 1, 2, 6,7, 10, 13, 21, 22. Sheba, (Ae son of Bichri, — have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: 23. Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada 2Sa.20:24. 21: 2 12 14 19 21 22:45 23: 1 9 1118 20 24 20 2!) 36 37 IK. 1:5 •' 12 1319 21 25 3342.52 2: 1, 4.5. 132225 29 3234 353946 3: 6 19 20 21 22. 23. . P Jehoshaphat (Ae son o/Ahilud Gibeonites (were) not of the children of Israel, and the children of Israel had sworn unto to the children of Israel and Judah. . Let seven men of his sons be delivered . Mephibosheth, the son 0/ Jonathan the son of Saul, between David and Jonathan (Ae son of .the king took (Ae two sons o/Rizpah (Ae five sojis of Michal Adriel (Ae son o/Barzillai - , 13. of Saul and the bones of Jonathan Ms son .the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son . Abishai (Ae son of Zeruiah . Elhanan (Ae son of Jaare-oregim, .Jonathan (Ae son of Shimeah . Strangers shall submit themselves (marg. Sons of the stranger) . Strangers shall fade away,(lit. Sons of the stranger) David (Ae son 0/ Jesse said, . Eleazar (Ae son of Dodo the Ahohite, (lit. (Ae son of Ahohi) . Shammah (Ae son of Agee .the son of Zeruiah, 22. Benaiah (Ae son 0/ Jehoiada, (Ae son of a valiant man, .Elhanan (Ae son of Dodo . Ira (Ae son of Ikkesh . Heleb (Ae son of Baanah, Ittai (Ae son of Ribai out of Gibeah of the children of .of the sons of Jashen, . Ahiam (Ae son o/Sharar .Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai, the son of the Maachathite, Eliam (Ae son 0/ Ahitho phel Igal (Ae son of Nathan Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah, 11. Adonijah (Ae son of Ha ggith .with Joab (Ae son 0/ Zeruiah, , 26, 32, 36, 38, 44. Benaiah the son of Je hoiada, .called all his brethren the king's sons, the life of thy son Solomon. 17, 30. Assuredly Solomon (Ay son shall called all (Ae sons of the king, I and my son Solomon shall be counted called all the king's sons, cause Solomon my son to ride upon Jonathan (Ae son 0/ Abiathar If he will shew himself a worthy man, (lit. if he shall be for a son of valour) he charged Solomon Ais son, saying, If (Ay children take heed to their way, what Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah did Abner (Ae son of Ner, and unto Amasa (Ae son o/Jether, But shew kindness unto the sons of Bar zillai Shimei (Ae son o/Gera, a Benjamite Adonijah (Ae soil of Haggith for Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah. by the hand of Benaiah (Ae son of Je hoiada; Solomon sentBenaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada, Abner the son o/Ner, Amasa (Ae son o/Jether, Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada went up, Benaiah (Ae son 0/ Jehoiada in his room Achish son of Maachah king of commanded Benaiah (Ae soil of Jehoiada; thou hast given him a son this woman's child died in the night; took my sou from beside me, and laid Aer dead child in my bosom. in the morning to give my child suck, it was not my son, which 1 did bear. the living (is) my son, and the dead (is) thy son. And this said, No: but the dead (is) (Ay son, and the living (is) my son. This (is) my son that liveth, and thy *» ( is ) the dead : and the other saith, Kay j but (Aw xnn ( isl tho Hpflfl- and mil SOU p ( 245) P IK. 3:26, the woman whose (Ae living child (lit. Aer son) — her bowels yearned upon Aer son, 4; 2. Azariah (Ae son of Zadok 3.(Ae sons of Shisha, scribes; Jehoshaphat (Ae son of Ahilud, 4. Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada 5. Azariah (Ae son o/Nathan — Zabud (Ae son o/Nathan 6. Adoniram (Ae son of Abda 8. TAe sun of Hur, in mount Ephraim: (marg. Ben-bur) 9. TAe son of Dekar, (marg. 2?en-dekar) 10. The son o/Hesed, (marg. i?e7i-hesed) 11. The son of Abiuadab, (marg..Ben-abina- dab) 12. Baana (Ae son of Ahilud ; 13. 2'Ae son o/Geber, (marg. i?en-geber) — Jair (Ae son o/Manasseh, 14. Ahinadab (Ae son of Iddo 16. Baanah (Ae son of Hushai 17. Jehoshaphat (Ae son of Paruah, 18. Shimei (Ae son of Elah, 19. Geber (Ae son o/Uri 30(5 : 10). the wisdom of all (Ae children o/the east 31(5:11 ).Chalcol, and Darda, (Ae sons of Mahol: 5: 5(19). Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne 7(21). hath given unto David a wise sow 6: 1. after (Ae children of Israel were come 13.1 will dwell among (Ae children o/Israel, 7:14. He (was) a widow's son 8 : 1. chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, 9. (a covenant) with (Ae children of Israel, 19. but thy son that shall come forth 25. so that (Ay children take heed to 39. the hearts of all (Ae children of men ; 63. the king and all (Ae children o/Israel 9: 6. ye or your children, 20. which (were) not o/(Ae children of Israel, 21. T*Aeir children that were left after them in the land, whom (Ae children o/Israel 22. But of the children o/Israel did 11: 2. the Lord said unto (Ae children of 7 . the abomination of (Ae children o/Ammon. 12.1 will rend it out of tlie hand ofthy son. 13. (but) will give one tribe to thy son 20. of Tahpenes bare him Genubath Ais son, — among (Ae sons of Pharaoh. 23. Rezon (Ae son o/Eliadah, 26. Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat, 3'3.Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, 35. take the kingdom out ofhis son's hand, 36. And unto his son will I give one tribe, 43. Rehoboam Ais son reigned in his stead. 12: 2, 15. Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 16. inheritance in the son of Jesse: 17..B«( (as for) (Ae children of Israel which dwelt 21, 23. Rehoboam the son of Solomon. 24. against vour brethren (Ae children o/Israel: 31. which were not of(Ae sons of Levi. 33 . ordai tied a feast unto the children of Israel : 13: 2.acAi(dshall be born 11. and Ais sons came and told him (lit. son) 12. For Ais sons had seen what way 13. And he said unto Ais sons, 27. And he spake to Ais sons, 31. he spake to Ais sons, saying, 14: 1. Abijah (Ae son of Jeroboam 5. to ask a thing of thee for Aer son; 20.Nadab Ais so?i reigned in his stead. 21. Rehoboam (Ae son of Solomon — Rehoboam (was) forty and one years old 24. the Lord cast out before (Ae children of 31. Abijam Ais son reigned in his stead. 15: I.Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat 4. to set up Ais son after him, and to establish 8. Asa Ais son reigned in his stead. 18. Ben-hadad, (Ae son of Tabrimon, (Ae son of Hezion, 24. Jehoshaphat Ais son reigned in his stead. 25.Nadab the son of Jeroboam began 27, 33. Baasha (Ae son of Ahrjah, 16: 1, 7. Jehu (Ae son of Hanani IK. 16: 3, 26, 31. Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat. 6. Elah Ais son reigned in his stead. 8. Elah (Ae son of Baasha 13. of Baasha, and the sins of Elah Ais son, 21, 22. followed Tibni (Ae son of Ginath, 28. Ahab Ais son reigned in his stead. 29. began Ahab (Ae son of Oinri to reign over Israel : and Ahab (Ae son o/Omvi reigned 30. Ahab (Ae son of Omri did evil 34.be spake by Joshua (Ae son o/Nun. 17:12.1 may go in and dress it for me and my son, 13. and after make for thee and for thy son. 17. the son of the woman, 18. remembrance, and to slay my son? 19. Give me (Ay son. 20. with whom I sojourn, by slaying Aer son? 23. Elijah said, See, (Ay son liveth. 18:20. Ahab sent unto all (Ae children o/Israel, 31. the tribes of (Ae sons of Jacob, 19; 10, 14. (Ae children of Israel have forsaken 16. Jehu the son o/Nimshi — , 19. Elisha (Ae son of Shaphat 20: 3. thy wives also and thy children, 5. thy gold, and thy wives, and thy children; 7. for my wives, and for my children, 15. all (Ae children o/Israel, (being) seven 27..4nd the children o/lsrael were numbered, — (Ae children o/Israel pitched before them 29. (Ae children o/Israel slew of the Syrians 35. a certain man o/(Ae sons of the prophets 21:10. set two men, sons o/Belial, 13. two men, children o/Belial, 22. Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat, — Baasha (Ae son o/Ahijah, 26. the Lord cast out before (Ae children of 29. in Ais son's days will I bring the evil 22: 8, 9. Micaiah the son o/Imlah, 11. Zedekiah the son o/Chenaanah made him 24. Zedekiah (Ae son of Chenaanah went near, 26. to Joash the king's son; 40. Ahaziah Ais son reigned in his stead. 41. Jehoshaphat (Ae son o/Asa 42 . Jehoshaphat ( was ) thirty and five vears old 49(50), 51(52). Ahaziah (Ae son o/Ahab 50(51 ). and Jehoram Ais son reigned 52(53). Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 2K. 1:17. Jehoram (Ae son of Jehoshaphat kingof Judah ; because he had no son. 2: 3. the sons o/the prophets that (were) 5.(Ae sons o/the prophets that (were) at 7. fifty men o/(Ae sons o/the prophets 15. when (Ae so7*s o/the prophets 16. there be with thy servants fifty strong men; (marg. sons of strength) 3: l.Now Jehoram (Ae son o/Ahab 3. Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat, 11. Here (is) Elisha (Ae son of Shaphat, 27. he took Ais eldest son that should 4: l.the wives of (Ae sons of the prophets 4. shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, 5. the door upon her and upon Aer sons, 6. that she said unto Aer son, 7. live thou and (Ay children of the rest, 14. Verily she hath no child, 16. thou shalt embrace a son. 17. the woman conceived, and bare a son 28. Did I desire a so7i ofmy lord? 36.be said, Take up (Ay so7j. 37. took up Aer son, 38. and the sons of the prophets — for the sons o/the prophets. 5:22. two young men of the sons of the 6: l.the sons o/the prophets said unto Elisha, 28. Give (Ay son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. 29. So we boiled my son, and did eat Give (Ay son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid Aer son. 31. Elisha (Ae son of Shaphat 32. See ye how this son of a murderer 8: 1, 5. whose son he had restored (lit. who Aer son) 5. and this (is) Aer son, 9. Thy son Ben-hadad king of Syria 12. thou wilt do unto the children of 16, 25, 28, 29. Joram (Ae son o/Ahab p ( 246 ) 2K. 8:16. Jehoram (Ae son 0/ Jehoshaphat king of 17. Thirty and two years old 19. him alway a light, (and) to his children. 24. Ahaziah Ais son reigned in his stead. 25, 29. Ahaziah (Ae son 0/ Jehoram 26, Two and twenty years old 9: l.ofthe children o/the prophets, 2, 14. Jehu (Ae son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, 9. Jeroboam the son o/Nebat, and like the house of Baasha (Ae son o/Ahijah: 20. driving of Jehu (Ae son o/Nimshi ; 26. the blood of Naboth, and the blood of Ais sons, 29. Joram (Ae son o/Ahab 10: 1. Ahab had seventy sons 2. seeing your master's sons 3. the best and meetest o/your master's sons, 6. the heads of the men your master's sons, • — Now theking's sons, 7. that they took the king's sons, 8. have brought the heads of the king's sons. 13. to salute (Ae children of the king and the children of the queen. 15, 23. Jehonadab (Ae son 0/ Rechab 29. the sins of Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 30. thy children of the fourth (generation) 35. Jehoahaz Ais son reigned in his stead. 11 : 1 . saw that Aer son was dead, 2. took Joash (Ae son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's so?is 4. shewed them the king's son. 12. he brought forth the king's son, 21(12:1). Seven years old (was) Jehoash 12:21(22). Jozachar (Ae son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad (Ae son of Shomer, — ( — ) an(I Amaziah Ais son reigned 13: 1. Joash (Ae son 0/ Ahaziah king of Judah Jehoahaz (Ae son of Jehu began 2, 11. the sins of Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 3. the hand of Ben-hadad (Ae son 0/ Hazael, 5. and (Ae children o/Israel dwelt in their 9. And Joash Ais son reigned in his stead. 10, 25. Jehoash (Ae son 0/ Jehoahaz 24. and Ben-hadad Ais son reigned 25. the hand of Ben-hadad (Ae son 0/ Hazael 14: 1 . Joash son of Jehoahaz — ,17, 23. Amaziah (Ae son 0/ Joash 2. was twenty and five years old 6. But (Ae children o/the murderers — shall not be put to death for (Ae children, nor the children be put to death 8. Jehoash, theson 0/ Jehoahaz son o/Jehu, 9. Give thy daughter to my son 13. the son 0/ Jehoash (Ae son 0/ Ahaziah, 14. and hostages (lit. sons 0/ pledges), and returned to Samaria. 16. Jeroboam Ais son reigned in his stead. 17. Jehoash son 0/ Jehoahaz 21. Azariah, which (was') sixteen years old, 23. Jeroboam (Ae son 0/ Joash 24. the sins of Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 25. (Ae son o/Amittai, the prophet, 27. the hand of Jeroboam (Ae son of 29. Zachariah his son reigned in his stead. 15: 1. began Azariah son of Amaziah 2. Sixteen years old was he when he began 5. Jotham the king's son (was) over 7. Jotham Ais son reigned in his stead. 8. Zachariah (Ae son 0/ Jeroboam 9, 18, 24, 28. the sins of Jeroboam (Ae son of 10, 13, 14. Shallum (Ae son 0/ Jabesh 12. Thy sons shall sit on the throne 14, 17.Menahem (Ae son o/Gadi 22, Pekahiah Ais son reigned in his stead. 23. Pekahiah (Ae son o/Menahem 25, 27, 30, 32, 37. Pekah (Ae son o/Remaliah, — with him fifty meno/(Ae Gileadites: (lit. o/(Ae children of the Gileadites) 30. Hoshea (Ae son o/Elah made a — , 32. Jotham (Ae son of Uzziah. 33. Five and twenty years old was he 38. Ahaz Ais son reigned in his stead. 16: I. Pekah (Ae son o/Remaliah Ahaz (Ae son of Jotham 2. Twenty years old (was) Ahaz when 3. made Ais son to pass through the **"* 2K. ICh P 16 : 3. cast out from before (Ae children 0/ Israel. 5. Pekah son q/Remaliah 7. saying, I (am) thy servant and thy son: 20. Hezekiah Ais son reigned in his stead. 17: 1 . Hoshea (Ae son of Elah 7. that thechildren 0/ Israel had sinned 8. whom the Lord cast out from before the children of 'Israel, 9.(Ae children o/Israel did secretly 17. they caused (Aeir sons 21 . Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat 22. (Ae children of Israel walked in all the sins 24. instead of the children o/Israel: 31. burnt (Aeir children in fire 34. commanded (Ae children 0/ Jacob, 41. both (Aeir children, and their children\ children : 18: 1, 9. Hoshea son o/Elah king of Israel, — Hezekiah (Ae son of Ahaz 2. Twenty and five years old was he 4. (Ae children o/Israel did burn incense 18, 26, 37. Eliakim (Ae son of Hilkiah, — , 37. Joah (Ae son 0/ Asaph 19: 2. Isaiah the prophet (Ae son o/Amoz. 3. for (Ae children are come 12. and the children o/Eden 20. Then Isaiah (Ae son o/Amoz sent 37. Adrammelech and Sharezer Ais sons smote him — Esarhaddon Ais son reigned in his stead. 20: l.the prophet Isaiah (Ae son o/Amoz 12.Berodach-baladan, (Ae son o/Baladan, 18.^4nd ofthy sons that shall issue from thee, 21. Manasseh Ais son reigned in his stead. 21 : 1. Manasseh (was) twelve years old 2, 9. before (Ae children of Israel. 6. he made Ais son pass through the fire, 7. the Lord said to David, and to Solomon Ais son, 18- Amon Ais son reigned in his stead. 19. Amon (was) twenty and two years old 24. made Josiah Ais son king 26. Josiah Ais son reigned in his stead. 22: 1. Josiah (was) eight years old when he 3. Shaphan (Ae son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, 12.Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan, and Achhor (Ae son o/Michaiah, 14. the wife of Shallum (Ae son o/Tikvah,/Ae son of Harhas, 23 : 6. the graves of (Ae children of the people. 10. (irro) in the valley of (Ae children of Hinnom, (*-)p son of) — might make Ais son or his daughter 13. the abomination of the children of 15. Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 30. took Jehoahaz (Ae son of Josiah, 31. Jehoahaz (was) twenty and three years o7d 34. made Eliakim (Ae son of Josiah king 36. Jehoiakim (was) twenty and five years old 24: 2. bands of (Ae children 0/ Ammon, 6. Jehoiachin Ais son reigned in his stead. 8. Jehoiachin (was) eighteen years old 18. Zedekiah (was) twenty and one years old 25: 7. they slew (Ae sons 0/ Zedekiah 22. Gedaliah (Ae son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, ruler. 23. Ishmael (Ae son o/Nethaniah, and Johanan (Ae son o/Careah, and Seralah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaaz- aniah (Ae son of 25. Ishmael (Ae son o/Nethaniah, (Ae son of Elishama, 1 : 5. Tlie sons of Japheth ; 6. And the sons of Gomer ; 7 . And the sons of Javan ; 8. TAe sons o/Ham ; 9. And the sons o/Cush; — And the sons of Raamah ; 17. TAe sons of Shem ; 19. unto Eber were born two sons: 23. All these (were) (Ae sons o/Joktan. 28. TAe so7is of Abraham ; 31. These are (Ae sons o/Ishmael. 32. Now the sons o/Keturah, — And the sons of Jokshan ; Sheba, and P ( 247 ) P ICh 1:33. All these (are) (Ae sons o/Keturah. 34. TAe sons of Isaac ; Esau and Israel. .35. TAe so?is o/Esau ; 36. TAe sons 0/ Eliphaz ; 37. TAe sons of Reuel ; 38. And the sons of Seir ; 39. And the sons o/Lotan ; 40. The sons of Shohal 1 — And the sons of Zibeon; Aiah, and Anah. 41. TAe sons o/Anah; Dishon. A7id the sons o/Dishon; 42. TAe sons o/Ezer : ¦ — TAe sons o/Dishan ; 43. king reigned over the children of Israel; Bela (Ae son o/Beor: 44. Jobab (Ae son of Zerah 46. Hadad (Ae son of Bedad, 49.Baalhanan (Ae son o/Achbor 2: 1. These (are) (Ae sons o/Israel ; 3. TAe sons 0/ Judah ; 4. All (Ae sons 0/ Judah (were) five. 5. TAe sojis o/Pharez ; 6. ^4nd (Ae sons of Zerah ; 7. And the sons of Carmi ; 8-^nd (Ae sons 0/ Ethan ; 9. TAe sons also of Hezron, 10. prince of (Ae children 0/ Judah ; 16. And the sons 0/ Zeruiah ; 18. Caleb (Ae son of Hezron — Aer sons (are) these ; Jesher, 21. when he (was) threescore years old ; 23. All these (belonged to) (Ae sons of 2b. the sons of Jerahmeel 27. the sons of Rani 28. (Ae sons of Onam — And the sons of Shammai ; 30. And the sons of Nadab ; — Seled died without children. 31. And the sons of Appaim ; Ishi. ^4nd (Ae sons of Ishi ; Sheshan. And the chil dren of Sheshan ; 32. And the sons of Jada — . Jether died without children. 33. Andthe sons of Jonathan ; ¦ — These were (Ae sons 0/ Jerahmeel. 34. Now Sheshan had no sons, 42. Now the sons of Caleb ¦ — and the sons 0/ Mareshah the father of 43. And the sons o/Hebron ; 45. A7id the son of Shammai 47. And the sons 0/ Jahdai ; 50. These were (Ae sons of Caleb (Ae son of Hur, J J 52. of Kirjath-jearim had sons; 54. TAe sons o/Salma; 3: 1. these were (Ae sons o/David, 2. Absalom (Ae son 0/ Maachah — Adonijah the son o/Haggith: 9. all (Ae sons o/David, beside (Ae sons of the concubines, 10..4nd Solomon's son (was) Rehoboam, Abia Ais son, Asa Ais son, Jehoshaphat Ais son, 11. Joram Ais son, Ahaziah Ais son, Joash Ais son, 12. Amaziah Ais son, Azariah Ais son, Jotham Ais son, 13. Ahaz Ais son, Hezekiah Ais son, Manasseh Ais son, IL Amon Ais son, Josiah Ais son. lb. And the sons 0/ Josiah 16. And the sons of Jehoiakim: Jeconiah Ais son, Zedekiah his son. 17. And the sons of Jeconiah ; Assir, Salathiel his son, 19. And the sons of Pedaiah (were), Zerub babel, and Shimei : and the sons of Zerubbabel ; 21 . And the sons of Hananiah ; — (Ae sons o/Rephaiah, (Ae sons of Aman, (Ae sons o/Obadiah, (Ae sons o/Shechaniah. 22. And (Ae sons o/Shechaniah ; — and the sons 0/ Shemaiah ; 23. And the so7is o/Neariah ; (lit. son) 24. And the s07is o/Elioenai 4; 1 . TAe sons 0/ Judah ; 2. Rcaiah (Ae son of Shobal ICh 4; 4. These (are) (Ae sons of Hur, 6. These (were) (Ae sons o/Naarah. 7..4«d (Ae sons o/Helah 8. Aharhel (Ae son o/Harum. 13. And the sons of Kenaz ; — and the sons of Othniel; 15. And the sons of Caleb (Ae son of Je phunneh ; — and the sons of Elah, 16. And the sons of Jehaleleel ; 17. And the sons of Ezra (were), 18. these (are) (Ae sons o/Bithiah 19. And the sons o/(his) wife 20.A7id the so7is 0/ Shimon (were), Amnon, and Rinnah, Ben- hanan, and Tilon. And (Ae sons of Ishi (were), Zoheth, and Uen-zoheth. 21. TAe sons of Shelah (Ae son 0/ Judah 24. TAe sons of Simeon 25. Shallum Ais son, Mibsam Ais son, Mishma Ais son. 26. And the sons of Mishma ; Hamuel his son, Zacchur Ais son, Shimei Ais son. 27. Shimei had sixteen sons — his brethren had not many children, — like to (Ae children 0/ Judah. 34. Joshah (Ae son 0/ Amaziah, 35. Jehu (Ae son of Josibiah, (Ae son of Seraiah, (Ae son of Asiel, 37. Ziza (Ae son of Shiphi, (Ae son of Allon, (Ae son of Jedaiah, (Ae son o/Shimri, (Ae son 0/ Shemaiah ; 42. of (Ae sons of Simeon, — (Ae sons o/lshi. 5 ; 1. Now the sons of Reuben — unto the sons of Joseph (Ae son 0/ Israel: 3. TAe sons, (I say), of Reuben 4. TAe sons of Joel; Shemaiah Ais son, Gog Ais son, Shimei Ais son, 5. Micah Ais son, Reaia Ais son, Baal his son, 6.Beerah Ais son, whom Tilgath-pilneser 8.Bela(Ae son of Azaz, (Ae son of Shema, (Ae son of Joel, 1 1 . And the children of Gad dwelt over against them, 14. These (are) (AecAiZdreno/AbihaiKAesono/ Huri, (Ae son o/Jaroah, (Ae son of Gilead, (Ae son of Michael, (Ae son of Jeshishai, (Ae son 0/ Jahdo, (Ae son of Buz ; 15. Ahi (Ae son of Abdiel, (Ae son of Guni, 18. TAe sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh, of valiant men, (marg. sons 0/ valour) 23. And the children of the half tribe of 6. 1(5:27), 16(1). TAe sons of Levi; 2(5:28), 18(3). And (Ae sons o/Kohath ; 3(5:29). And the children of Amram ; Aaron, and Moses, and Miriam. TAe sons also of Aaron ; 17(2). the names of (Ae sons of Gershom ; 19(4). TAe sons of Merari ; 20(5). Of Gershom; Libni Ais so7i, Jahath Ais son, Zimmah Ais son, 21 (6). Joan Ais son, Iddo Ais son, Zerah Ais son, Jeaterai Ais son. 22(7). TAe sons of Kohath ; Amminadab Ais son, Korah Ais son, Assir Ais son, 23(8). Elkanah Ais son, and Ebiasaph Ais son, and Assir Ais son, 24(9).Tahath Ais son, Uriel Ais son, Uzziah Ais son, and Shaul Ais son. 2b(lO).A7id the sons 0/ Elkanah ; 26( 1 1 ). (Ae sons of Elkanah ; Zophai Ais son, and Nahath Ais son, 27( 1 2) . Eliab Ais son, Jeroham Ais son.Elkanah Ais son. 28(13). And the sons 0/ Samuel ; 29(14). TAe sons o/Merari ; Mahli, Libni Ais son, Shimei Ais son, Uzza Ais son, 30(15). Shimei his son, Haggiah Ais son, Asaiah Ais son. 33(18). they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the Kohathites; Hernan a singer, (Ae son of Joel, (Ae son of She- muel, 34(19). TAe son of Elkanah, the son of Jero ham, (Ae son o/Eliel, (Ae son o/Toah, P ICh. 6:35(20). TAe son of Zuph, (Ae son of Elkanah, (Ae son o/Mahath, (Ae son o/Amasai, 36(21). The son of Elkanah, (Ae son of Joel, (Ae son of Azariah, the son o/Zephaniah, 37(22). TAe son of Tahath, (Ae son of Assir, (Ae son o/Ebiasaph, (Ae son of Korah, 38(23). TAe son of Izhar, (Ae son of Kohath, (Ae son of Levi, the son of Israel. 39(24). Asaph (Ae so7i o/Berachiah, (Ae son of Shimea, 40(25). TAe son of Michael, (Ae son of Baa- seiah, the son of Malchiah, 41(26). TAe son of Ethni, the son of Zerah, (Ae son o/Adaiah, 42(27). TAe son of Ethan, the son o/Zimmah, (Ae son of Shimei, 43(28). TAe son of Jahath, the son of Ger shom, the son of Levi. 44(29). .And their brethren (Ae sons of Merari (stood) on the left hand: Ethan (Ae son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, (Ae son of Malluch, 45(30). TAe son of Hashabiah, (Ae son of Amaziah, (Ae son o/Hilkiah, 46(31). TAe son of Amzi, (Ae son o/Bani, (Ae son of Shamer, 47(32). TAe son of Mahli, (Ae son of Mushi, (Ae son of Merari, (Ae son of Levi. 49(34). Aaron and his sons offered 50(35). these (are)(Ae sons of Aaron ; Eleazar Ais sun, Phinehas Ais son, Abishua Ais son, 51(36). Bukki Ais son, Uzzi Ais son, Zerahiah Ais son, 52(37). Meraioth Ais son, Amariah Ais son, Ahitub Ais son, 53(38). Zadok Ais son, Ahimaaz Ais son. 54(39). of the sons of Aaron, 56(41 ).to Caleb (Ae son of Jephunneh. 57(42). And to the sons of Aaron they gave 6l{46).And unto the sons o/Kohath, 62(47). And to the sons of Gershom 63(48). Unto the sons o/Merari 64(49). And (Ae children o/Israel gave 65(50). the tribe of the children of Judah, and out of the tribe of (Ae children of Sim eon, and out of the tribe of (Ae children o/Benjamin, 66(51). the families of (Ae sons o/Kohath 70(55). the remnant o/(Ae sons o/Kohath. 71(56). Unto the sons of Gershom 77(62). Unto the rest o/(Ae children of 7: 1. Now the sons of Issachar 2. And the sons of Tola ; 3. And the sons of Uzzi; Izrahiah: and the sons o/Izrahiah ; 4. for they had many wives and sons. 7. And the sons of Bela ; 8. And the sons of Becher ; — All these (are) (Ae sons of Becher. 10. TAe .sons also of Jediael ; Bilhan: and the sons of Bilhan ; 1 1 . All these (Ae sons of Jediael 12. and Huppim, (Ae children Hushim, (Ae sons of Aher 13. TAe sons o/Naphtali ; — Shallum, (Ae sons of Bilhah. 14. TAe sons o/Manasseh ; 16. the wife of Machir bare a son, — and his sons (were) Ulam and Rakem. 17. And the sons of Ulam; Bedan. These (were) (Ae sons of Gilead, (Ae sou of Machir, (Ae son o/Manasseh. 19. (Ae sons o/Sbemidah 20. .4nd (Ae sons of Ephraim ; Shuthelah, and Bered Ais son, and Tahath Ais son, and Eladah Ais son, and Tahath Ais son, 21.Zabad Ais son, and Shuthelah Ais son, 23. she conceived, and bare a son, 25. Rephah (was) Ais son, also Resheph, and Telah Ais son, and Tahan Ais son, 26.Laadan Ais son, Ammihud Ais so7i, Eli shama Ais son, 27.Non Ais son, Jehoshuah Ais son. 29. by the borders of (Ae children o/Manasseh, — (Ae childi-en of Joseph (Ae son o/Israel. 30. TAe sons of Asher ; of Ir, (and) ( 248 ) p ICh. 7 : 31. And the sons of Beriah; 33. And the sons of Japhlet ; — These (are) the children of Japhlet. 34. And the sons of Shamer ; 35. And the sons of his brother Helem ; (lit, son) 36. TAe sons of Zophah ; 38. And the sons o/Jether ; 39. And the sons o/Uila; 40. All these (were) (Ae childre7i of Asher, 8: 3. (Ae sons of Bela 6. these (are) (Ae sons of Ehud: 10. These (were) Ais sons, heads of the fa thers. 12. TAe sons o/Elpaal ; (lit. and the sons) 16. the sons of Beriah ; 18. (Ae sons o/Elpaal ; 21. (Ae sons o/Shimhi ; 25. (Ae so7is of Shashak ; 27. the sons of Jeroham. 30. And his firstborn son 34. A7id the son of Jonathan 3b. And the sons o/Micah 37. Rapha (was) Ais son, Eleasah Ais son, Azcl Ais son: 38. Azel had six sons, • — All these (were) (Ae sons of Azel. 39. And the sons o/Eshek 40. (Ae sons of Ulam — and had many sons, and sons' sons, — All these (are) o/(Ae sons of Benjamin. 9; 3. dwelt of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the chil dren of Ephraim, 4. Uthai (Ae son of Ammihud, (Ae son of Omri, (Ae son of Imri, (Ae son of Bani, of (Ae children of Pharez the son of Judah. 5. Asaiah the firstborn, andhis sons. 6. of (Ae sons of Zerah ; 7. of (Ae sons of Benjamin ; Sallu (Ae son of Meshullam, (Ae son o/Hodaviah, the son o/Hasenuah, 8.1bneiah (Ae son of Jeroham, and Elah the son o/Uzzi, (Ae son of Michri, and Me shullam (Ae son of Shephathiah, the son of Reuel, (Ae son of Ibnijah; 11. Azariah (Ae son of Hilkiah, (Ae son of Meshullam, (Ae son of Zadok, (Ae son of Meraioth, the son o/Ahitub, 12. Adaiah (Ae son of Jeroham, (Ae son of Pashur, (Ae son of Malchijah, and Ma- asiai (Ae son of Adiel, (Ae son of Jah- zerah, (Ae son o/Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith, (Ae son of Immer; 14. Shemaiah (Ae son of Hasshub, (Ae son of Azrikam, (Ae son of Hashabiah, of the sons o/Merari; 15.Mattaniah (Ae son of Micah, tlie son of Zichri, (Ae son of Asaph ; 16.0badiah (Ae son of Shemaiah, the son of Galal, (Ae son of Jeduthun, and Bere- chiah (Ae son of Asa, the son of Elkanah, 18. the companies of the children o/Levi. 19. Shallum (Ae son o/Kore, (Ae son of Ebia- saph, (Ae son of Korah, 20. Phinehas (Ae son of Eleazar 21. Zechariah (Ae son of Meshelemiah 23. So they and their children 30. the sons o/the priests 32. (Ae sons of the Kohathites, 36. And Ais firstborn son 40. And the son of Jonathan 41. And the sons o/Micah 43.Rephaiah Ais son, Eleasah Ais son, Azel Ais son. 44. Azel had six sons, — these (were) (Ae sons of Azel. 10: 2. followed hard after Saul, and after fas sons ; — and Malchi-shua, (Ae sons o/Saul. 6. So Saul died, and Ais three sons, 7. that Saul and his sons were dead, 8. they found Saul and Ais sons fallen 12. the body of Saul, and the bodies of hit sons, 14. unto David (Ae son of Jesse. p I Ch 1 1 ; 6. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah went first 11. an Hachmoni(e, (marg. or, son of Hach- moni) 12. Eleazar (Ae son o/Dodo, 22, 24. Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada, — (Ae son of a valiant man 26. Elhanan (Ae son of Dodo 28. Ira (Ae son of Ikkesh 30. Heled (Ae son of Baanah 3I.Ithai (Ae son of Ribai of Gibeah, (that pertained) to (Ae children of 34. TAe sons of Hashem the Gizonite, Jona than (Ae son of Shage 35. Ahiam (Ae son o/Sacar the Hararite, Eli- phal (Ae son o/Ur, 37.Naarai (Ae son o/Ezbai, 38.Mibhar (Ae son o/Haggeri, 39. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah, 41. Zabad (Ae son of Ahlai, 42. Adina (Ae so7i o/Shiza 43.Hanan (Ae son of Maachah, 44. Shama and Jehiel (Ae sons of Ho than 45. Jediael (Ae son of Shimri, 46. (Ae sons o/Elnaam, 12: 1. because of Saul the son o/Kish: 3.(Ae sons o/Shemaah — (Ae sons o/Azmaveth ; 7.(Ae sons of Jeroham of Gedor. 14. These (were) o/(Ae sons of Gad, 16. there came of (Ae children o/Benjamin 18. on thy side, thou son of Jesse: 24. TAe children of Judah 25. Of the children of Simeon, 26. Of (Ae children of Levi 29. And of the children of Benjamin, 30. of (Ae children of Ephraim 32. And of the children o/Issachar, 14: 3. David begat more sojis lb: 4. David assembled (Ae children of Aaron, 5. Of the sons o/Kohath ; 6. Of the sons o/Merari ; 7. Of the sons of Gershom; 8. Of the sons o/Elizaphan; 9. Of the sons of Hebron; 10. Of the sons of Uzziel; 15. (Ae children of the Levites 17. Hernan (Ae son of Joel; and of his brethren, Asaph (Ae son of Berechiah ; and of (Ae sons o/Merari their brethren, Ethan (Ae son o/Kushaiah ; 16:13. ye children o/Jacob, 38. also (Ae son of Jeduthun 42. And the sons of Jeduthun 17: 9. neither shall (Ae children o/wickedness 11, after thee, which shall be ofthy sons; 13. he shall be my son: (lit. shall be to me for a son) 18:10. He sent Hadoram his son to king David, 11. and from the children of Ammon, 12. Abishai (Ae son of Zeruiah 15. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah — Jehoshaphat (Ae son of Ahilud, 16. Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Abimelech (Ae son of Abiathar, 17. Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada — and the sons of David (were) chief 19: l.the king of tlie children of Ammon died, and Ais son reigned in his stead. 2. Hanun (Ae son of Nahash, — into the land of the childre7i of Ammon 3. the princes of (Ae children of Ammon 6. when (Ae children of Ammon saw — and the children of Ammon sent 7 .And the children of Ammon gathered 9.(Ae children of Ammon came out, 11. array against (Ae children o/Ammon. 12. if (Ae children o/Ammon be too strong lb. when the childre7t of Ammon saw 19. would the Syrians help (Ae children of 20: l.the country of the children o/Ammon, 3. the cities of the children o/Ammon. 5. Elhanan (Ae son of Jair 7. Jonathan (Ae son of Shimea 21 :20. Ais four sons with him hid themselves. 22: 5. Solomon my son (is) young and tender, 6. he called for Solomon Ais son, 7. David said to Solomon, My son. ( 249 ) U lCh22: 9. Behold, a son shall be born to thee, 10. he shall be my son, (lit. shall be lo me for a son) 1 l.Now, my son, the Lord be with thee ; 17. to help Solomon Ais son, (saying), 23: l.he made Solomon Ais son king 3. from the age of thirty years 6. courses amo7ig the sons of Levi, 8. 7'Ae sons of Laadan ; 9, 10. TAe sons of Shimei; 10..4«d (Ae sons of Shimei II. Beriah had not many sons; 12. TAe sons of Kohath ; 13. TAe sons o/Amram; . — he and his sons for ever, 14. Moses the man of God, Ais sons were 15. TAe sons of Moses 16. Of (Ae sons of Gershom, 17. the sons of Eliezer (were), Rehabiah the chief. And Eliezer had none other sons ; but the sons of Rehabiah weie 1 8. Of (Ae sons of Izhar ; 19. Of (Ae sons of Hebron ; 20. Of (Ae sows of Uzziel ; 21. TAe sons o/Merari; Mahli, and Mushi. TAe sons of Mahli ; 22. Eleazar died, and had no sons, — their brethren (Ae sons of Kish 23. The sons o/Mushi; 24. These (were) (Ae sons of Levi — from the age of twenty years 27. the Levites (lit. (Ae sons of Levi) (were) numbered from twenty years old 28. to wait on (Ae sons of Aaron 32. the charge of the so?is of Aaron 24; l.Now (these are) the divisions of the sons of Aaron. TAe sons of Aaron; 2. and had no children: 3. Zadok of (Ae sons of Eleazar, and Ahime lech of the sons of Ithamar, 4. more chief men found of (Ae sons of Eleazar than of (Ae sons of Ithamar; — Among the sons of Eleazar — and eight among the sons of Ithamar 5. were of the sous of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar. 6. Shemaiah (Ae son of Nethaneel — Ahimelech (Ae son of Abiathar, 20. And the rest of the soiis of Levi (were these); Of the sons o/Amram ; Shubaei: o/(Ae sons of Shubaei; 2Lo/(Ae sons of Rehabiah, 22. of the sons o/Shelomoth ; 23. And the sons (of Hebrbn) ; Jeriah 24. (Ae sons of Uzziel ; Michah: of the sons of Michah ; 2b. of the so7is of Isshiah ; 26. TAe sons o/Merari — (Ae sons of Jaaziah ; Bono, [or, his so7i\ 27. TAe sons of Merari by Jaaziah; Beno, [or, Ais son^ 28. Eleazar, who had no sons. 29. the son o/Kish (was) Jerahmeel. (lit. sons) 30. TAe sons also of Mushi ; — These (were) (Ae sons of the Levites 31. their brethren (Ae sons of Aaron 25: I, 2. of the sons o/Asaph, 2. (Ae sons of Asaph 3.(Ae sojis of Jeduthun; 4. (Ae sons of Hernan ; 5. All these (were) (Ae so7is of Hernan — God gave to Hernan fourteen sons 9. with his brethren and sons 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24,25, 26,27,28, 29, 30, 31. (he), Ais sons, and his brethren, (were) twelve, 26: LMeshelemiah (Ae son of Kore, of (Ae sons of Asaph. 2.(Ae sons of Meshelemiah 4. (Ae sons of Obed-edom 6. unto Shemaiah Ais son were sons born, 7. TAe so?is of Shemaiah: — whose brethren (were) strongmen, 8. All these of the sons of Obed-edom: they and their sons 9. Meshelemiah had sons and brethren, strong men, p (250 ) P lCh26:10.Hosah, of the children of Merari, had sons; Simri the chief, 11. all (Ae sons and brethren of Hosah 14. for Zechariah Ais son, a wise counsellor, 15. and to his sons the house of Asuppim. 19. among the sons of Kore, and among the sons of Merari. 21 . (Ae sons of Laadan ; (Ae sons of the 22. T7ie sons of Jehieli; 24. Shebuel (Ae son of Gershom, (Ae son of Moses, , 25. Rehabiah Ais son, and Jeshaiah Ais son, and Joram Ais son, and Zichri Ais son, and Shelomith Ais son. 28. Saul (Ae son of Kish, and Abner the son of Ner, and Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah, 29. Chenaniah and his sons 30, 32. his brethren, men of valour, 27: 1. Now the children of Israel after their 2. Jashobeam (Ae son of Zabdiel: 3. Of the children of Perez 5. Benaiah (Ae son of Jehoiada, 6. in his course (was) Ammizabad Ais son. 7. Zebadiah Ais son after him: 9. Ira (Ae son of Ikkesh 10, 14. of (Ae children of Ephraim: 16- Eliezer (Ae son of Zichri: of the Simeon- ites, Shephatiah (Ae son of Maachah: 17. Hashabiah (Ae son of Kemuel: 18. Omri (Ae son of Michael: 19.1shmaiah (Ae son of Obadiah : of Naphtali, Jerimoth (Ae son of Azriel: 20. Of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son o/Azaziah: — Joel (Ae son of Pedaiah: 21. Iddo (Ae son of Zechariah: of Benjamin, Jaasiel (Ae son of Abner: 22. Azareel (Ae son of Jeroham. 23. from twenty years old 24. Joab (Ae son of Zeruiah 25, Azmaveth (Ae son o/Adiel: — Jehonathan (Ae son of Uzziah: 26.Ezri (Ae son o/Chelub: 29. Shaphat (Ae son of Adlai: 32.Jehiel (Ae son of Hachmoni (was) with the king's sons : 34. Jehoiada (Ae son of Benaiah, 28: 1. possession of the king, and ofhis sons, 4. among the sons ofmy father 5. And of all my sons, forthe Lord hath given me many sons, he hath chosen Solomon my son 6. he said unto me, Solomon thy son, — I have chosen him (to be) my son, (lit. to me for a son) 8. an inheritance/or your children 9. And thou, Solomon my son, know 11. David gave to Solomon his son 20. David said to Solomon Ais son, 29; 1. Solomon my son, whom alone God 19. give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, 22. made Solomon (Ae son o/David king 24. all (Ae sons likewise of king David, 26. David (Ae son of Jesse reigned over 28. Solomon Ais son reigned in his stead. 2Ch 1: I.Solomon (Ae son o/David 5. Bezaleel (Ae son of Uri, (Ae son of Hur, 2:12(11). hath given to David the king a wise son, 14(13). The son of a woman 5: 2. of the fathers of the children of Israel, 10. (a covenant) with the children o/Israel, 12. with their sons and their brethren, 6: 9. but (Ay son which shall come forth 11. that he made with (Ae children of Israel. 16. yet so that (Ay children take heed 30. the hearts of (Ae children of men: 7: 3. all (Ae children o/Israel saw how 8: 2. caused (Ae children o/Israel to dwell 8. of their children, who were left — (Ae children of Israel consumed not, 9. of the children o/Israel did Solomon 9: 29. Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat ? 31. Rehoboam Ais son reigned in his stead. 10: 2, 15. Jeroboam (Ae son o/Nebat, 16. inheritance in the son of Jesse: 1 7. But (as for) (Ae children of Israel that dwelt 2Ch 10:18. and the children o/Israel stoned him 11; 3,17. Rehoboam (Ae son of Solomon, 14. Jeroboam and his sons had cast them 18. (n*HD) the daughter of (n? *ip) Jerimoth (Ae son o/David — Eliab the son of Jesse ; 19. Which bare him children ; 21. begat twenty and eight sons, 22.Abijah (Ae son of Maachah 23. dispersed of all Ais children throughout 12: 13. Rehoboam (was) one and forty years old 16. Abijah Ais son reigned in his stead. 13: 5. to him and to his sons by a covenant 6. Yet Jeroboam (Ae son of Nebat, the ser vant of Solomon (Ae son o/David, 7. (Ae children of Belial, — against Rehoboam (Ae son of Solomon, 8. in the hand of (Ae sons o/David ; 9, 10. (Ae sons of Aaron, and the Levites, — to consecrate himself with a young bul lock (lit. a steer (Ae son o/a bull) 12. O children o/Israel, fight ye not 16. And (Ae children o/Israel fled before 18. (Ae children of Israel were brought — (Ae children of Judah prevailed, 21. begat twenty and two sons, 14; 1(13:23). Asa Ais son reigned in his stead. 15; 1. Azariah (Ae son o/Oded: 17: 1 . Jehoshaphat Ais son reigned in his stead, 16.Amasiah (Ae son of Zichri, 13: 7, 8. Micaiah (Ae son o/Imla. 10, 23. Zedekiah the son o/Chenaanah 25. to Joash the king's son; 19: 2. Jehu (Ae son of Hanani 11. Zebadiah (Ae son of Ishmael, 20: l.the children o/Moab, and the children of Ammon, 10, 23. the children o/Ammon and Moab 13. their wives, and their children. 14. Jahaziel (Ae son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, (Ae son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of (Ae sons of Asaph, 19. (Ae child7-en of the Kohathites, and of the children of the Korhites, 22. against (Ae children o/Ammon, 31. thirty and five years old 34. Jehu (Ae son of Hanani, 37. Then Eliezer the son o/Dodavah 21 : 1 . Jehoram Ais son reigned in his stead. 2, 2. the sons of Jehoshaphat, 5. Jehoram (was) thirty and two years old 7. to give a light to him and to his sons 14. smite thy people, and thy children, 17. and Ais sons also, ...so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of Ais sons. 20. Thirty and two years old was he 22 : 1 . Ahaziah Ais voungest son — Ahaziah (Ae son of Jehoram kingof Judah reigned. 2. Forty and two years old (was) Ahaziah 5. went with Jehoram (Ae son o/Ahab 6. Azariah (Ae son of Jehoram king of Judah went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab 7. against Jehu the son o/Nimshi, 8. and the sons of the brethren 9. he (is) (Ae son of Jehoshaphat, 10. saw that Aer son was dead, 1 1 . took Joash (Ae son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons 23: 1. Azariah (Ae son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the son of Obcd, and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, 3. Behold, the king's son shall reign, as the Lord hath said of (Ae sons o/David. 11 . they brought out the king's son, — Jehoiada and his so?is anointed him, 24: 1. Joash (was) seven years old when he be gan 3. he begat sons and daughters. 7. For (Ae sons of Athaliah, (lit.for Athaliah Aer sons) 15. an hundred and thirty years old 20. Zechariah the ann of TohniaHa p 2Ch 24:22. had done to him, but slew his son. 25. for the blood of the sons 0/ Jehoiada 26. Zabad (Ae so7* of Shimeath an Ammon- itess, and Jehozabad (Ae son o/Shimrith 27. Now (concerning) Ais sons, and the great ness — Amaziah Ais son reigned in his stead. 25; 1. Amaziah (was) twenty and five years old 4. But he slew not (Aeir children, — The fathers shall not die for the childre7i, neither shall (Ae childiwi die b.from twenty years old and above, 7. all (Ae children 0/ Ephraim. 11. smote of tlie children of Seir 12. did (Ae children 0/ Judah carry 13. But the soldiers of the army (marg. (Ae so7is of the band) 14. the gods of the children o/Seir, 17. Joash, (Ae sow o/Jehoahaz, (Ae son 0/ Jehu, 18. Give thy daughter to my son to wife: 23. (Ae son 0/ Joash, (Ae son of Jehoahaz, 24. the hostages also, (lit. children of pledges) 25. Amaziah (Ae son of Joash ¦ — ¦ death of Joash so7i of Jehoahaz 26: L Uzziah, who (was) sixteen years o7d, 3. Sixteen years old (was) Uzziah when he began 17. (that were) valiant men : 18. the priests (Ae sons 0/ Aaron, 21. Jotham Ais son (was) over the king's house, 22. Isaiah the prophet, the son o/Amoz, 23. Jotham Ais son reigned in his stead. 27: 1. Jotham (was) twenty and five years old 5. the king of (Ae Ammoni(es, (lit. children of Ammon) — (Ae children of Ammon gave — So much did (Ae children of 8. He was five and twenty years old 9. Ahaz Ais son reigned in his stead. 28: l.Ahaz (was) twenty years old when he began 3. the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom, and burnt Ais children in the fire, — cast out before (Ae children o/Israel. 6. Pekah (Ae son o/Remaliah — all valiant men ; (marg. sons 0/ valour) 7. slew Maaseiah the king's son, 8. (Ae children o/Israel carried away — women, sons, and daughters, 30. keep under (Ae children 0/ Judah 12. (Ae children 0/ Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son o/Meshille- moth, and Jehizkiah (Ae son o/Shallum, and Amasa (Ae son o/Hadlai, stood up 27. Hezekiah Ais son reigned in his stead, 29: 1 . five and twenty years old, 9. and our sons and our daughters 1 1 . My sons, be not now negligent : 12.Mahath (Ae son of Amasai, and Joel (Ae son o/Azariah, of (Ae sons of the Kohathites : and of (Ae sons of Merari, Kish (Ae son o/Abdi, and Azariah (Ae son of Jeha- lelel: and of the Gershonites ; Joan (Ae son of Zimmah, and Eden (Ae son of Joah : 13. (Ae sons o/Elizaphan ; Shimri, and Jeiel and of (Ae sons of Asaph ; 14. (Ae sons of Hernan ; — (Ae S07is of Jeduthun ; 21. commanded the priests (Ae sons of 30: 6. Ye children o/Israel, turn again 9, your brethren and your children 21. (Ae children o/Israel that were present 26. Solomon (Ae son o/David 31 : 1. Then all (Ae children of Israel returned, 5.(Ae children o/Israel brought in 6. And (concerning) (Ae childreji o/Israel 14. Kore (Ae son o/Imnah \6.from three years old and upward, 17. from twenty years old and upward, 18. their wives, and their sons, 19. Also of the sons of Aaron 32:20. the prophet Isaiah (Ae son o/Amoz, 32. Isaiah the prophet, (Ae son o/Amoz, 33. the sepulchres of the sons o/David: — Manasseh Ais son reigned in bis stead. ( 251 ) P 2Ch33: 1. Manasseh (was) twelve years old 2. the Lord had cast out before (Ae children of 6. caused Ais children to pass through the fire in the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom: 7. to David and to Solomon his son, 9. had destroyed before (Ae children of 20. Amon Ais son reigned in his stead. 21. Amon (was) two and twenty years old 25. made Josiah Ais son king in his stead. 34: 1. Josiah (was) eight years old 8. Shaphan (Ae son of Azaliah, — Joah (Ae son of Joahaz 12. of (Ae sons o/Merari ; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sojis o/the 20. Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan, and Abdon (Ae son o/Micah, 22. the wife of Shallum (Ae son o/Tikvath, (Ae son o/Hasrah, 33. that (pertained) to the children o/Israel, 35: 3. which Solomon (Ae son o/David 4. to the writing of Solomon Ais son. 5. your brethren the people, (marg. sons of the people) 7. Josiah gave to the people (lit. to the sons of the people), of the flock, lambs and kids, (lit. and sons 0/ goats) 12. divisions of the families of the people, (lit. o/(Ae sojis o/the people) 13. speedily among all the people, (lit. sons of the people) 14. because the priests the sons 0/ Aaron — for the priests (Ae sojis of Aaron. 15. the singers (Ae so7is of Asaph 17. And (Ae childreji o/lsrael that 36; l.took Jehoahaz (Ae son of Josiah, 2. Jehoahaz (was) twenty and three years old 5.Jehoiakim (was) twenty and five years old 8. Jehoiachin Ais son reigned in his stead. 9. Jehoiachin (was) eight years old 11. Zedekiah (was) one and twenty years old 20. they were servants to him and his sons Ezr. 2: 1. these (are) (Ae children of the province 3. TAe children 0/ Parosh, 4. The children of Shephatiah, 5. TAe childreji o/Arah, 6. TAe children of Pahath-moab, of the childreji of Jeshua (and) Joab, 7. TAe children of Elam, 8. TAe children of Zattu, 9. TAe children o/Zaccai, 10. TAe children o/Bani, 11. TAe children of Bebai, 12. TAe children 0/ Azgad, 13. TAe children o/Adonikam, 14. TAe children 0/ Bigvai, 15. TAe children o/Adin, 16. TAe cAiZdre?i of Ater 17. TAe children o/Bezai, 18. TAe children of Jorah, 19. TAe children o/Hashum, 20. TAe children o/Gibbar, 21. TAe children 0/ Beth-lehem, 24. TAe children o/Azmaveth, 25. Tlie children of Kirjath-arim, 26. TAe children of Ramah 29. TAe children o/Nebo, 30. TAe children o/Magbish, 31. TAe children o/the other Elam, 32. Tlie children of Harim, 33. TAe children o/Lod, 34. TAe children 0/ Jericho, 35. The children of Senaah, 36- The priests: (Ae children of Jedaiah, 37. TAe childi'en 0/ Immer, 38. TAe children of Pashur, 39. TAe children 0/ Harim, 40. (Ae children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, o/(Ae children o/Hodaviah, 41. The singers: (Ae childi-en 0/ Asaph, 42. T7ie childj-en of the porters: thechildren of Shallum, (Ae children o/Ater, (Ae children o/Talmon, (Ae children of Akkub, (Ae children of Hati ta, (Ae childj'en of Shobai , 43. (7ie children of Ziha, (Ae children of Hasupha, (Ae children of Tabbaoth, p Ezr. 2 ; 44. TAe children o/Keros, (Ae children of Siaha, (Ae children o/Padon, 45. T7*e children of Lebanah, (Ae children of Hagabah, (Ae children o/Akkub, 46. TAe children of Hagab, (Ae children of Shalmai, (Ae children o/Hanan, 47. TAe children of Giddel, (Ae children of Gahar, (Ae childreji o/Reaiah, 48. TAe children of Rezin, (Ae children of Nekoda, (Ae children of Gazzani, 49. TAe children o/Uzza, (Ae children o/Paseah, (Ae children o/Besai, 50. TAe children of Asnah, (Ae children of Mehunim, (Ae children o/Nephusim, 51. TAe children of Bakbuk, (Ae children of Hakupha, (Ae children of Harhur, 52. TAe children of Bazluth, (Ae children of Mehida, (Ae childreji o/Harsha, 53. TAe children of Barkos, (Ae children of Sisera, the children of Thamah, 54. TAe childreji o/Neziah, (Ae children of 55. TAe children of Solomon's servants; (Ae children o/Sotai, the children of Sophe- reth, the childreji o/Peruda, 56. TAe children of Jaalah, (Ae children of Darkon, (Ae children of Giddel, 57. TAe children o/Shephatiah, (Ae children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth of Zebaim, (Ae children of' Ami. 58. and the children of Solomon's servants, i 60. TAe children of Delaiah, (Ae children of Tobiah, (Ae children of Nekoda, 61.-4.nd of the children of the priests: (Ae children o/Habaiah, the children of K.oz, the children of Barzillai; 3: Land (Ae children of Israel (were) in the 2,8. Jeshua (Ae son o/Jozadak, . — , 8. Zerubbabel (Ae son o/Shealtiel, 8.frojn twenty years old and upward, 9. Jeshua (with) Ais sons and .his brethren, Kadmiel and his sons, the sojis of Judah, — (Ae sons o/Henadad, (with) (Aeir sons and 10. the Levites (Ae sojis of Asaph 4: l.heard that (Ae children of the captivity (marg. sons o/the transportation) 6:19, 20. (Ae children of the captivity 21. And the children o/Israel, which were 7: I.Ezra (Ae son o/Seraiah, the son of Azariah, (Ae son o/Hilkiah, 2. TAe so?i of Shallum, (Ae son of Zadok, (Ae son o/Ahitub, 3. TAe soji of Amariah, (Ae son of Azariah, (Ae son of Meraioth, 4. TAe son of Zerahiah, (Ae son of Uzzi, (Ae son o/Bukki, 5. TAe son of Abishua, (Ae son of Phinehas, (Ae son of Eleazar, (Ae soji of Aaron 7. (some) o/(Ae children o/Israel, 8: 2. Of the sons of Phinehas; Gershom: o/(Ae sons of Ithamar; Daniel: of the sons of David; Hattush. 3. Of the sons of Shechaniah, of the sons of 4. Of the sojis of Pahath-Moab; Elihoenai (Ae soji of Zerahiah, 5. Of the sons of Shechaniah; (Ae soji of Jahaziel, 6. Of the sons also o/Adin; Ebed (Ae son of Jonathan, 7. And of the sons o/Elam; Jeshaiah (Ae son of Athaliah, 8. And of the sons of Shephatiah ; Zebadiah (Ae son of Michael, 9. Of the sons of Joab; Obadiah (Ae son of Jehiel, 10. And of the sons of Shelomith; (Ae soji of 11. And of the sons o/Bebai; Zechariah (Ae son o/Bebai, 12. And of the sons of Azgad; Johanan (Ae son o/Hakkatan, 13..4nd o/(Ae last sons of Adonikam, 14. Of the sons also o/Bigvai; lb. and found there none o/(Ae sons of Levi. IS. of the sons of Mahli, (Ae son of Levi, the son of Israel; and Sherebiah, u;i(A Ais sons 19. Jeshaiah o/(Ae sons o/Merari, his brethren and their sons, ( 252 > p Ezr. 8:33.Meremoth (Ae son of Uriah the priest; and with him (was) Eleazar (Ae son of Phinehas; and with them (was) Jozaba'd (Ae son of Jeshua, andNoadiah the son of 3b. the children of those that had been 9: 2. for themselves, a7idfor their sons: 12. your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, — . inheritance to your children for ever. 10: 2. Shechaniah (Ae son of Jehiel, (one) of the sons of Elam, 6. Johanan (Ae son o/Eliashib: 7. unto all (Ae children o/the captivity, 15. Only Jonathan (Ae son of Asahel and Jahaziah (Ae son o/Tikvah 16. (Ae children of the captivity did so. 18. among the sons of the priests — of the sons of Jeshua (Ae soji of Jozadak, 20. And of the sons of Immer ; 21 . Ajid of the sons of Harim ; 22. And of the sons of Pashur; 2b. of the sons o/Parosh; 26. And of the sons of Elam ; 27 . And of the sons of Zattu ; 28. Of the sons also o/Bebai ; 29. And of the sons o/Bani ; 30. And of the sons o/Pahath-moab; 31. And (of) (Ae sons of Harim; 33. Of the sons of Hashum; 34. Of the sons o/Bani; 43. Of (Ae sons o/Nebo; 44. by whom they had children. Neh 1: l.Neherniah (Ae son o/Hachaliah. 6. for (Ae children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, 2:10. seek the welfare of the children o/Israel. 3: 2. builded Zaccur (Ae son o/Imri. 3. did (Ae sons o/Hassenaah build, 4, 21 . Meremoth (Ae soji of Urijah, the son of Koz. — Meshullam (Ae son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabeel. And next unto them repaired Zadok (Ae son o/Baana. 6. Jehoiada (Ae son of Paseah, and Meshullam (Ae son of 8. Uzziel (Ae son o/Harhaiah, — Hananiah (Ae son of (one of) the 9. Rephaiah (Ae son of Hur, 10. Jedaiah (Ae son o/Harumaph, . — Hattush (Ae soji o/Hashabniah. 1 1 . Malchijah (Ae son of Harim, and Hashub (Ae son of Pahath-moab, 12. Shallum (Ae son o/Halohesh, 14.Malchiah (Ae son of Rechab, 15. Shallun (Ae son o/Col-hozeh, 16. Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, 17. Rehum (Ae son o/Bani. 18. Bavai (Ae son of Henadad, 19.Ezer (Ae son of Jeshua, 20. Baruch (Ae son of Zabbai 23. Azariah (Ae son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah 24. Rinnui (Ae son of Henadad 25. Palal (Ae son of Uzai, — Pedaiah (Ae son of Parosh. 29. Zadok (Ae sun of Immer — Shemaiah (Ae son o/Shechaniah, 30. Hananiah (Ae son of Shelemiah, and Hanun (Ae sixth soji o/Zalaph, — Meshullam. (Ae son of Berechiah 31 . Malchiah the goldsmith's son 4:1 4(8). your sons, and your daughters, 5: 2. We, our so/ts, and our daughters, 5. our children as their children : and, lo, we bring into bondage our so7is 6; 10. Shemaiah (Ae son of Delaiah the son of Mehetabeel, 18. Shechaniah (Ae son of Arah; and his son Johanan had taken the daughter of Meshullam (Ae son of Berechiah. 7: 6. These (are) (Ae children of the province, 8. TAe children o/Parosh, 9. TAe children of Shephatiah, 10. TAe children o/Arah, II. TAe children of Pahath-moab, of the ^children of Jeshua and Joab, p ( 253 ) P Neh 7:13. The children of Zattu, 14. TAe children of Zaccai, 15. TAe children o/Binnui, 16. TAe childreji o/Bebai, 17. TAe childreji of Azgad, 18. The children o/Adonikam, 19. TAe children o/Bigvai, 20. TAe children o/Adin, 21 . Tlie children of Ater 22. TAe childre7t o/Hashum, 23. TAe children o/Bezai, 24. TAe children of Hariph, 25. TAe children of Gibeon, 34. TAe children of the other Elam, 35,42. TAe children of Harim, 36. 2'Ae children o/Jericho, 37. TAe childreji of hod, 38. TAe children of Senaah, 39. (Ae children o/Jedaiah, 40. TAe c/iildi-en of Immer, 41. TAe children of Pashur, 43. (Ae children of Jeshua, of Kadmiel, (and) o/(Ae children o/Hodevah, 44. (Ae children of Asaph, 45. (Ae childi-en of Shallum, (Ae children of Ater, (Ae children of Talmon, (Ae childreji of Akkub, (Ae childi-en of Hatita, (Ae children o/Shobai, 46. (Ae children of Ziha, (Ae children of Hashupha, (Ac children cf Tabbaoth, 47. TAe childi-en of Keros, (Ae children of Sia, (Ae children o/Padon, 48. TAe children of Lebana, (Ae children of Hagaba, (Ae children o/'Shalmai, 49. TAe children of Hanan, (Ae children of Giddel, (Ae children o/Gahar, 50. TAe children of Reaiah, (Ae children of Rezin, (Ae children o/Nekoda, 51. TAe children of Gazzam, (Ae children of Uzza, (Ae childre7i of Phaseah, 52. Tlie children of Besai, (Ae children of Meunim, (Ae children o/Nephishesim, 53. Tlie child7-en of Bakbuk, (Ae children of Hakupha, (Ae children o/Harhur, 54. TAe children of Bazlith, (Ae children of Mehida, (Ae childi'en of Harsha, 55. The children of Barkos, (Ae children of Sisera, (Ae children o/Tamah, 56. TAe children o/Neziah, (Ae children of 57. TAe children of Solomon's servants: (Ae children o/Sotai, (Ae children of Sophe- reth, (Ae children o/Perida, 58. TAe children of Jaala, (Ae children* of Darkon, (Ae children of Giddel, 59. TAe children of Shephatiah, (Ae children of Hattil, (Ae children of Pochereth of Zebaim, (Ae childreji o/Amon. 60- and the children of Solomon's servants, 62. TAe children of Delaiah, (Ae children of Tobiah, (Ae children o/Nekoda, 63. (Ae children of Habaiah, (Ae children of Koz, (Ae children of Barzillai, 73. the children o/Israel (were) in their 8;14.(Ae children o/Israel should dwell in 17. Jeshua (Ae son of Nun unto that day had not (Ae children of Israel done so. 9: 1 . (Ae children o/Israel were assembled 2. separated themselves from all strangers, (lit. children of the stranger; marg. strange children) 23. TAeir children also multipliedst thou 24. the children went in and possessed the 10: 1 (2). (Ae son o/Hachaliah, and Zidkijah, 9(10). both Jeshua (Ae son of Azaniah, Binnui o/(Ae sons of Henadad, 28(29). (Aeir sons, and their daughters, 30(31 ).take their daughters for our sons: 36(37). Also the firstborn of our sons, 38(39). the priest (Ae son of Aaron * 39(40). (Ae children of Israel and the children of Levi 11: 3. and the children o/Solomon's servants. 4. of the children of Judah, and of the children o/Benjamin. Of the children of Judah; Athaiah (Ae son of Uzziah, tne son of Zechariah, (Ae son of Amariah, (Ae so7t of Shephatiah, (Ae son of Mahalaleel, o/(Ae children of Perez; Nehll: 5. (Ae son of Baruch, (Ae son of Col-hozeh, (Ae son of Hazaiah, (Ae son of Adaiah, (Ae son of Joiarib, (Ae son of Zechariah, (Ae son o/Shiloni. 6. All (Ae sons of Perez 7. these (are) (Ae sons o/Benjamin; Saliu (Ae son of Meshullam, (Ae son of Joed, (Ae son of Pedaiah, (Ae so7i of Kolaiah, (Ae son of Maaseiah, (Ae son of Ithiel, (Ae son o/Jesaiah. 9. Joel (Ae son of Zichri (was) their overseer: and Judah (Ae son of Senuah 10. Jedaiah the son of Joiarib, ll.Seraiah (Ae son of Hilkiah, (Ae son of Meshullam, (Ae son of Zadok, (Ae son of Meraioth, (Ae son of Ahitub, 12. the son of Jeroham, (Ae so7t o/Pelaliah, (Ae soji of Amzi, (Ae son of Zechariah, (Ae soji o/Pashur, (Ae son o/Malchiah, 13. (Ae son of Azareel, (Ae son of Ahasai, (Ae son o/Meshillemoth, (Ae son of Immer, 14. (Ae son of (one of) the great men. 15. (Ae son of Hashub, (Ae son o/Azrikam, (Ae son of Hashabiah, (Ae son o/Bunni ; 17. the son o/Micha, (Ae son o/Zabdi, (Ae son of Asaph, — (Ae son of Shammua, (Ae son of Galal, (Ae son of Jeduthun. 22. (Ae son o/Bani, (Ae son of Hashabiah, (Ae son o/Mattaniah, (Ae son o/Micha. Of the sojis of Asaph, 24. Pethahiah (Ae son of Meshezabeel, of the children of Zerah (Ae son of Judah, 2b. of the children of Judah 31. TAe children also o/Benjamin 12: 1 . Zerubbabel (Ae son of Shealtiel, 23. The sons of Levi, — Johanan (Ae son o/Eliashib. 24. Jeshua (Ae son of Kadmiel, 26. Joiakim (Ae son of Jeshua, (Ae son of Jo- zadak, 28. (Ae sons of the singers 35. And (certain) of the priests' sons with trumpets ; (namely), Zechariah (Ae son of Jonathan, (Ae son of Shemaiah, (Ae son o/Mattaniah, (Ae son of Michaiah, (Ae son o/Zaccur, (Ae son of Asaph: 45. of David, (and) of Solomon Ais son. 47. unto the children of Aaron. 13: 2. they met not (Ae children o/Israel 13. Hanan (Ae son o/Zaccur, (Ae son of Mat- tan i ah: 16. unto the children of Judah, 24. And their childreji spake half in the speech 25. give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, 28. And (one) of the sons of Joiada, the' son of Eliashib Est. 2: 5. Mordecai, (Ae son of Jair, (Ae son of Shi mei, (Ae son o/Kish, 3: 1,10. Haman (Ae son of Hammedatha 5:11. and the multitude of Ais children, 8: 5. Haman (Ae son of Hammedatha 10. camels, (and) young dromedaries: (lit. sons of) 9:10, 12. The ten sons of Haman — , 24. Haman the son of Hammedatha, 13. let Hainan's ten sons be hanged 14. they hanged Haman's ten sons. 25. that he and Ais sons should be hanged Job. 1: 2. seven sons and three daughters. 3. greatest of all (Ae men o/the east. (marg. sons) 4. And Ais sons went and feasted 5. It may be that my sons have sinned, 6. when (Ae sons of God came 13. when his sons and his daughters (were) 18. Thy sons and thy daughters (were) eating 2: La day when (Ae sons of God came 4:11. and the stout lion's whelps 5: 4. His children are far from safety, 7. as the sparks fly upward, (marg. (Ae sons of the burning coal) 8: 4. If (Ay children have sinned against him, 14: 21. His sojis come to honour, 16: 21. as a man (pleadeth) for his neighbour 1 (lit. and a son o/man) 17: 5. even the eyes of Ais children shall fail. p (254 ) ]2 Job.l9:17.I intreated for the children's (sake) 20: 10. Bis children shall seek to please the poor, 21:19. God layeth up his iniquity for his chil dren : 25: 6. and the son of man, (which is) a worm? 27:14. If Ais children be multiplied, 23: 8. The lion's whelps have not trodden it, 30: 8. (They were) children of fools, yea, chil dren of base men: 32: 2, 6. Elihu (Ae son of Barachel 35 : 8. and thy righteousness (may profit) (Ae son of man, 38: 7. all (Ae sons of God shouted for joy ? 32. canst thou guide Arcturus with Ais sons ? 39: 4. Their young ones are in good liking, 16. She is hardened against Aer young ojies, 41:28(20). The arrow (lit.(Ae son of a bow) can not make him flee: 34(26). a king over all (Ae children of pride. 42: 13. seven sons and three daughters. 16. saw Ais sons, and his sons1 sons, Ps. 2: 7 . Thou (art) my S071 ; this day 3:[title](l). when he fled from Absalom Ais son. 4: 2(3). 0 ye sons of men, how long 7: [title] (I). the words of Cush the .Benjamite. (lit. son of Jemini) 8: 4(5). and the son of man, that thou 9:[title](l). chief Musician upon Muth-Za&oen, 11: 4. his eyelids try, (Ae childj-en of men. 12: l(2)./rom among the children of men. 8(9). when the vilest men are exalted, (marg. vilest of the sons of men) 14: 2. upon (Ae childreji of men, to see 17:14. they are full of children, 18:44(45). the strangers shall submit themselves (lit. children of the stranger) 45(46). The strangers shall fade away, (lit. children of the stranger) 21 : 10(1 1 ).from among the children of men. 29: 1. Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, (marg. sons of the mighty) 6. Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn. (lit.(Ae son of the unicorns) 31: 19(20). before (Ae sons of men ! 33:13.beholdeth all (Ae sons of men. 34:11(12). Come, ye children, hearken unto me: 36: 7 (8). therefore the children of men 42 & 44 & 45 : [title] ( I), for the sons of Korah. 45: 2(3). fairer (Aan (Ae children of men: 16(17). of thy fathers shall be (Ay children, 46 & 47 & 48 & 49 : [titl el ( 1 ) .for the sons o/Korah , (marg. or, o/(Ae sons of) 49: 2(3). Both low and high, (lit. sons of QTS —sons of ETN) 50:20. slanderest thine own mother's son. 56: 2(3). upon (Ae children of men, 57: 4(b). the sons of men, whose teeth (are) spears and arrows, 58: 1(2). O ye sons of men ? 62: 9(10). Surely men of low degree (lit. sons of D"IS) (are) vanity, (and) men of high degree (lit. sons o/t^^S) (are) a lie: 66: 5. (in his) doing toward (Ae children of men. 69: 8(9). an alien unto my mother's childre7i. 72: l.thy righteousness unto the king's son. 4. he shall save (Ae children of 20. The prayers of David (Ae son of 73: 15. (against) the generation of thy children. 77: 15(16). (Ae sons of Jacob and Joseph. 78: 4. will not hide (them)/rom (Aeir children, 5. make them known to their children: 6. the children (which) should be born ; — declare (them) to their children : 9. The children of Ephraim, 79: 11. (Aose (Aa( are appointed to die ; (marg,(Ae children of death) 80:15(16). (Ae b7-anch (that) thou madest 17(18). upon (Ae son of man 82: 6. and all of you (are) children of the most high. 83: 8(9). have holpen (Ae children cf Lot. 84 & 85 : [title] ( 1 ) . A Psalm for the sons o/Korah. (marg. or, o/(Ae sons of) 86:16. save (Ae son of thine handmaid. 87 &88:[title](l)./or the sons of Korah. (marg. or, o/(Ae sons of) Ps. 89: 6(7). among the sons of the mighty 22(23). nor the son of wickedness 30(31 ). If Ais children forsake my law, 47(48). wherefore hast thou made all men (lit. sons o/Adam) in vain? 90: 3. Return, ye children of men. 16. thy glory unto (Aeir children. 102:20(21). (Aose (Aa( are appointed to death- (marg.(Ae children of death) 28(29). TAe children o/thy servants 103 : 7. his acts unto the children of Israel. 13. as a father pitieth (his) children, 17. his righteousness unto children's children; 105; 6. ye children of Jacob his chosen. 106:37. they sacrificed (Aeir sons 38. the blood of their sons 107: 8, 15, 21, 31. wonderful works to thechildren of men ! 109: 9. Let Ais children be fatherless, 10. Let Ais children be continually vagabonds, 113: 9. a joyful mother of children. 114: 4, 6. little hills like lambs, (lit. like the sons of sheep) 115:14. you and your children. 16. hath he given to the children of men. 116:16.(Ae son of thine handmaid: 127: 3. children (are) an heritage of the Lord: 4. children of the youth. 128: 3. (Ay children like olive plants round 6. thou shalt see (Ay childj'en's children, 132: 12. If (Ay children will keep my covenant — (Aeir children shall also sit 137: 7 . the children of Edom 144: 3. (Ae son of man, that thou makest 7, 1 1 . from the hand of strange children ; 12. That owr sons (may be) as plants grown 145: 12. To make known to the sons of men 146: 3. in (Ae son of man, in whom 147 ; 9. to the young ravens which cry. 13. he hath blessed (Ay children within thee. 148:14. (even) o/(Ae children o/Israel, apeople 149: 2. let (Ae children of Zion be joyful Pro. 1: 1. Solomon (Ae son o/David, 8. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, 10. My son, if sinners entice thee, lb. My son, walk not thou in the way 2 : 1 . My son, if thou wilt receive 3 : 1 . My son, forget not my law ; 11. My soji, despise not the chastening 12. even as a father (Ae son 21. My son, let not them depart 4: 1. Hear, ye children, the instruction 3. For I was my father's son, 10. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; 20. My son, attend to my words ; 5: 1. My son, attend unto my wisdom, 7. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, 20. And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished 6: l.iVy son, if thou be surety 3. Do this now, my son, and deliver 20. My son, keep thy father's commandment, 7 : 1 . My son, keep my words, 7. 1 discerned among the youths, (marg. sons) 24. unto me now therefore, O ye children, 8: 4. my voice (is) to (Ae sons of man. 31. my delights (were) with the sons of 32. hearken unto me, O ye children : 10: LA wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son (is) the heaviness 5. gathereth in summer (is) a wise son: — a son that causeth shame. 13; LA wise son (heareth) his father's instruc tion: 22. inheritance to Ais children's children: 24. He that spareth his rod hateth Ais son: 14:26. ajid his children shall have a place 15; 11. the hearts of (Ae children of men? 20. A wise son maketh a glad father: 17*. 2. shall have rule over a son 6. Children's children (are) the crown of old men ; and the glory of children 2b. A foolish son (is) a grief to his father, 19:13.-4 foolish son (is) the calamity of 18. Chasten (Ay son while there is hope, 26. a son that causeth shame, 27. Cease, my son, to hear the instruction 20: 7. Ais children (are) blessed after him. p Pro. 23: 15. My son, if thine heart be wise, 19. Hear thou, my son, and be wise, 26. My son, give me thine heart, 24: 13. My son, eat thou honey, 21. My soji, fear thou the Lord 27 : 1 1 . My son, be wise, and make my heart 28: 7. Whoso keepeth the law (is) a wise son : 29: 17. Correct (Ay soji, and he shall give thee rest ; 30 ; 1 . The words of Agur (Ae son of Jakeh, 4. what (is) Ais son's name, 17. the young eagles shall eat it. 31: 5. the judgment of any of the afHicted. (marg. all (Ae sons of affliction) 8. all such as are appointed to destruction. (marg.(Ae sons of destruction) 28- Her children arise up, Ecc. 1: l.the Preacher, (Ae son of David, 13. hath God given to the sons o/man 2: 3. that good for the sojis of men, 7. and had servajits boj-n in my house ; (marg, and sons ofmy house) 8. the delights of the sons of men, 3:10. God hath given to the sojis of men 18. concerning the estate of (Ae sons of men, 19.befalleth the sojis of men 21. Who knoweth the spirit of man (marg. of (Ae sons of man) 4: 8. he hath neither cAiJd nor brother: 5:14(13). he begetteth a so7i, 8:11 & 9:3. the heart of the sotis of men 9: 12. so (are) (Ae suns of men 10:17. when thy king (is) (Ae son of nobles, 12:12. And further, by these, my soji, Cant.l : 6. my mother's children were angry 2: 3. so (is) my beloved among (Ae sons. Isa. 1: l.The vision of Isaiah the son o/Amoz, 2„I have nourished and brought up children, 4.cAi/dren that are corrupters: 2: l.Isaiah (Ae son o/Amoz 5: l.hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill; (marg. the horn of (Ae soji o/oil) 7: 1. Ahaz (Ae son of Jotham, (Ae son o/Uzziah, — Pekah (Ae son of Remaliah, 3. and Shear-jashub (Ay son, 4. and of the son of Remaliah. b.and the son o/Remaliah, 6. (Ae son of Tabeal: 9. the head of Samaria (is) Remaliah's son. 14. and bear a son, 8: 2. Zechariah (Ae son of Jeberechiah. 3. and bare a son. 6. rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son; 9: 6(5). unto us a son is given: 11: 14. shall spoil (Ae?n of the east (marg. children of the east) — and the children o/Ammon shall obey 13 : 1 . Isaiah (Ae son of Amoz did see. 18. their eye shall not spare children. 14: 12. O Lucifer, son of the morning ! 21. Prepare slaughter />r Ais children 17: 3. as the glory of (Ae children o/Israel, 9, because of (Ae children o/Israel : 19:11.1 (am) (Ae son of the wise, (Ae son of ancient kings? 20: 2. by Isaiah (Ae son o/Amoz, 21: 10. andthecorn ofmy floor: (marg. fythesonof) 17. the mighty men of (Ae children of Kedar, 22:20.Eliakim (Ae son o/Hilkiah: 27 : 12. one by one, O ye children o/Israel. 30; 1. Woe to the rebellious cAi(dren, 9. a rebellious people, lying children, children (that) will not hear 31: 6. (Ae children o/Israel have deeply revolted. 36: 3. Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, — and Joah, Asaph's son, the recorder. 22. Then came Eliakim, (Ae son o/Hilkiah, — and Joah, (Ae son of Asaph, the recorder, 37: 2. Isaiah the prophet (Ae sow o/Amoz. 3. for (Ae children are come 12. and the children o/Eden 21. Then Isaiah (Ae son of Amoz 38. Adrammelech and Sharezer Ais sons smote him Esar-haddon Ais son reigned in his 38: 1. Isaiah the prophet (Ae son of Amoz 19. to the children shall make known ( 255 ) p Isa. 39: l.Merodach-baladan, (Ae son o/Baladan, 7. And ofthy sons that shall issue from thee, 43: 6. bring my sojis from far, 45: 11. things to come concerning my sons, 49: 15. compassion on (Ae son of her womb? 17. TAy children shall make haste ; 20. TAe cAi/drew. which thou shalt have, 22. they shall bring (Ay sons in (their) arms, 25. and I will save (Ay children. 51: 12. ajid of the son o/man (which) shall be 18. none to guide her among all (Ae sons — all (Ae sons (that) she hath brought up. 20. TAy so7is have fainted, 52: 14. more than the sons of men: 54: l.more (are) thechildren o/the desolate (Aan (Ae children o/the married I3.all (Ay children (shall be) taught of the Lord ; and great (shall be) the peace of (Ay children. 56: 2. and (Ae son o/man (that) layeth hold 3. Neither let (Ae soji of the stranger, 5. a name better (Aan of sojis 6. Also the sojis of the stranger, 57: 3. ye sons o/the sorceress, 60: 4. (Ay sons shall come from far, 9. to bring (Ay sons from far, 10. (Ae sons of strangers shall build 14. TAe sons also o/them that afflicted thee 61: 5. a7id the sons of the alien 62: 5.marriethavirgin, (so) shall (Ay sons marry thee: 8. and (Ae sons of the stranger 63: 8. children (that) will not lie: 65:20. the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner (being) an hundred years old 66: 8. she brought forth Aer children. 20. as (Ae children o/Israel bring Jer. 1 : 1 . Jeremiah (Ae son of Hilkiah, 2. Josiah (Ae son of Amon 3. Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah — Zedekiah (Ae son of Josiah 2: 9. with your children's children 16. Also (Ae children o/Noph 30. In vain have I smitten your children; 3: 14. Turn, O backsliding children, 19. shall I put thee among the children, 21. supplications of (Ae children o/Israel: 22. Return, ye backsliding children, 24. (Aeir sons and their daughters. 4:22. they (are) sottish children, 5: 7. (Ay children have forsaken me, 17. (Ay sojis and thy daughters should eat: 6: 1. O ye children o/Benjamin, 21. the fathers and the sons together 7:18. TAe children gather wood, 30. (Ae children of Judah 31. the valley or (Ae son of Hinnom, to burn (Aeir sons and their daughters 32. nor the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom, 9:26(25). and (Ae children o/Ammon, 10:20. my children are gone forth of me, 11 :22. (Aeir sons and their daughters 13: 14. the fathers and the sons together, 14: 16. nor their sons, nor their daughters: 15: 4. Manasseh (Ae son of Hezekiah 16: 2. neither shalt thou have sons or daughters 3. saith the Lord concerning (Ae sons 14,15. that brought up (Ae children o/Israel 17: 2. Whilst (Aeir children remember their altars 19. the gate of (Ae children of the people, 18:2l.deliver up their children to the famine 19: 2,6. the valley of (Ae son o/Hinnom, 5. to burn (Aeir sons with fire 9. to eat the flesh of (Aeir sons 20: 1. Pashur (Ae son of Immer 15. A man cAifd is born unto thee; 21 : 1 . Pashur (Ae son o/Melchiah, and Zephaniah (Ae son o/Maaseiah 22 : 1 1 . Shallum (Ae son of Josiah 18. Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 24. Coniah (Ae son of Jehoiakim 23: 7. which brought up (Ae children o/Israel 24: 1. Jeconiah (Ae son of Jehoiakim 25 : 1 . Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 3. Josiah (Ae son o/Amon king of Judah, 21 . and (Ae children o/Ammon, (Ae p ( 256 ) P Jer. 26; l.the reign of Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 20. Urijah (Ae son of Shemaiah 22.Elnathan (Ae son o/Achbor, 23. the graves of the common people, (marg. sons o/the people) 24. Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan 27: L Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 3. to the king of (Ae'AmmomYes, (lit. cAiZ- O'hcl- dren o/Ammon) 7.shaIlservehim,andAisson, and Ais son's soji, 20. Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim 28: 1. Hananiah (Ae son of Azur 4. Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim 29: 3.Elasah (Ae son of Shaphan, and Gemariah (Ae son of Hilkiah, 6. beget sons and daughters ; and take wives for your sons, — that they may bear sons 21 . Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah (Ae son o/Maaseiah, 25. Zephaniah (Ae son o/Maaseiah 30:20. TAeir childreji also shall be as 31:12. for (Ae young of the flock 15. Rahel weeping for Aer children refused to be comforted for Aer children, 17. that thy children shall come again 20. Ephraim my dear son ? 29. and (Ae children's teeth are set on edge. 32: 7. Hanameel (Ae son of Shallum 8. Hanameel mine uncle's soji came 9. the field of Hanameel my uncle's son, 12. Baruch (Ae son of Neriah, (Ae son of Maaseiah, 16. unto Baruch (Ae son o/Neriah, 18. into the bosom of their children 19. upon all the ways of the sojis of men-. 30. For (Ae children of Israel and the children of Judah — for (Ae children o/Israel have onlyprovoked 32. of (Ae children o/Israel and of the children of Judah, 35. the valley of (Ae son of Hinnom, to cause (Aeir sojis and their daughters 39. and of their children after them: 33; 21. should not have a son to reign 35 : 1. Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 3. the son of Jeremiah, (Ae son of Habaziniah, and his brethren, and all Ais sons, 4. the chamber of (Ae sons of Hanan, (Ae son o/Igdaliah, a man of God, — Maaseiah the son of Shallum, 5.1 set before the sojis of the house 6. for Jonadab (Ae son of Rechab — ye, nor your sons for ever: 8. the voice of Jonadab (Ae son of Rechab — our sons, nor our daughters ; 14. Jonadab (Ae son of Rechab, that he com manded Ais sons not to drink 16. Because (Ae sojis of Jonadab (Ae son of Rechab 19. Jonadab (Ae son of Rechab shall not 36: 1, 9. Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah 4, 8. Baruch (Ae son o/Neriah: 10,12. Gemariah (Ae son of Shaphan H.Michaiah (Ae son of Gemariah, (Ae son of Shaphan, 12. Delaiah (Ae son of Shemaiah, and Elna than (Ae soji of Achbor, — and Zedekiah (Ae soji of Hananiah, 14. Jehudi (Ae son of Nethaniah, (Ae son of Shelemiah, (Ae son of Cushi, — Baruch (Ae son o/Neriah 26. Jerahmeel (Ae 'son of Hammelech, and Seraiah (Ae son o/Azriel, and Shelemiah (Ae son o/Abdeel, 32. Baruch the scribe, (Ae son o/Neriah ; 37: 1. Zedekiah (Ae son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah (Ae son of Jehoiakim, 3.Jehucal (Ae son of Shelemiah, and Ze phaniah (Ae son of Maaseiah 13. (Ae son of Shelemiah, (Ae son of Hananiah; 38: I . Shephatiah (Ae son of Mattan, and Geda liah (Ae son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur (Ae son of Malchiah, 6.Malchiah (Ae son of Hammelech, 23. all thy wives and (Ay children Jer. 39: 6. slew (Ae sons of Zedekiah 14 & 40:5, 9. Gedaliah (Ae son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, 40: 6, 7. Gedaliah (Ae son o/Ahikam 8. Ishmael (Ae son o/Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan (Ae sons of Kareah, and Seraiah (Ae son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah (Ae son of a Maachathite, 11 . and among the Ammonites, (lit. andamong S'ntL the children of Ammon) ' — Gedaliah (Ae son of Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan ; 13,15,16. Johanan (Ae son of Kareah, H.Baalis the king of (Ae Ammonites (lit. $nc.i~ children of Ammon) — ,15. Ishmael (Ae son o/Nethaniah — ,16. Gedaliah (Ae son o/Ahikam 41: 1. Ishmael (Ae son of Nethaniah (Ae son of Elishama, — , 6, 10, 16, 18. Gedaliah the son o/Ahikam 2,6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18. Ishmael the son o/Nethaniah, — Gedaliah (Ae son of Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan 9. Ishmael (Ae son o/Nethaniah 10. departed to go over to (Ae Ammomfcs. 3wU (lit. children o/Ammon) 11,13, 14, 16. Johanan (Ae son of Kareah, 3. 15. went to (Ae Ammoni(es. (lit. children of Ammon) 42: 1,8. Johanan (Ae son o/Kareah, — and Jezaniah (Ae son o/Hoshaiah, 43: 2. spake Azariah (Ae son of Hoshaiah, — , 4, 5. Johanan (Ae son o/Kareah, 3. Baruch (Ae son o/Neriah 6. Gedaliah (Ae son of Ahikam (Ae son of Shaphan, — Baruch (Ae son o/Neriah. 45: 1. Baruch (Ae son of Neriah, — & 46:2. Jehoiakim (Ae son of Josiah kingof 47: 3, shall not look back to (their) children 48:45. the crown of the head of (Ae tumultuous ones. (marg. children of noise) 46. for thy sons are taken captives, -£. 49 : 1 ^Concerning the Ammonites, (lit. to the chil dren o/Ammon) — Hath Israel no sons? 6. 2. heard in Ra'bbah of (Ae Ammonites; (lit. children o/Ammon) 6. the captivity of the children o/Ammon, 18. neither shall a son o/man dwell 28. spoil (Ae men of the east. 33. nor (any) son o/man dwell in it. 50: 4.(Ae children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah 33, TAe children o/Israel andthe children of 40. neither shall any son o/man dwell 51 :43. neither doth (any) son o/man pass 59. Seraiah (Ae son of Neriah, (Ae son of 'Maa seiah, 52: 1. Zedekiah (was) one and twenty years old - 10. slew (Ae sons of Zedekiah before his eyes: Lam. 1 : 16. my children are desolate, because 3: 13. He hath caused (Ae arrows o/his quiver (marg. sons) 33. nor grieve (Ae children of men. 4: 2. The precious sons of Zion, Eze. 1 : 3. Ezekiel the priest, (Ae son o/Buzi, 2: 1, 3. he said unto me, Son o/man, 3.1 send thee to (Ae children o/Israel, 4. For (they are) impudent children 6, 8. thou, son of man, 3: 1,3, 4, 10, 17, 25. Son of man, 11. of the captivity, unto (Ae children of thy 4: 1, 16. son o/man, 13. thus shall (Ae children of Israel eat 5: L And thou, son of man, 10. the fathers shall eat (Ae sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat 6: 2. Son o/man, set thy face toward 5. the dead carcases of the children of 7: 2&8:5,6, 8, 12, 15, 17. son o/man, 8:1 1. Jaazaniah (Ae son of Shaphan, 11: 1. Jaazaniah (Ae son of Azur, and Pelatian (Ae son of Benaiah, 2, 4, 15. Son o/man, p Eze 11: 13.Pelatiah (Ae son of Benaiah 12: 2,3,9,18,22,27&13:2,l7&14:3,13.Sono/man, 14:16. they shall deliver neither so7is 18. deliver neither sons nor daughters, 20. shall deliver neither son nor daughter ; 22. sons and daughters: 15: 2&16:2. Son of man, 16: 20. thou hast taken (Ay sons 21 . That thou hast slain my children, 26. fornication with (Ae Egyptians (lit. cAiZ- dren o/Egypt) 28. hast played the whore also with (Ae Assyr ians, (lit. children o/Asshur) Ima. 36. and by the blood of (Ay children, 45. her husband ajid her children ; — lothed their husbands and their children: 17: 2. Son o/man, put forth a riddle, 18: 2.(Ae children's teeth are set on edge? 4. also the soul of the son is mine: 10. If he beget a son (that is) a robber, 14, Now, lo, (if) he beget a son, 19. Why? doth not (Ae son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath 20. TAe son shall not bear the iniquity — the father bear the iniquity of (Ae son .- 20: 3, 4,27. Son of man, 18. But I said unto (Aeir children 21 . (Ae children rebelled against me : 3 1. ye make your sons to pass 46(21:2)&2l:2(7), 6(11), 9(14), 12(17), 14 (19), 19(24), 28(33). Son of man, 21 : 10(1 5). it contemneth the rod of my son, 20(25). come to Rabbath of (Ae Ammoni(es, ( lit. children o/Ammon) 23(33). Thus saith the Lord God concerning (Ae Ammoni(es,( lit. children o/Ammon ) 22: 2, )8,24&23:2.son o/man, 23: 4. they bare sons and daughters. 7.(Ae chosen men of Assyria, 9. into the hand of (Ae Assyrians, (lit. chil dren of Asshur) 10. they took Aer sons and her daughters, 12. She doted upon (Ae Assyrians (lit. chil- dren of Asshur) 15. after the manner of (Ae Babylonians (lit. children o/Babylon) : 17. (Ae BabyloniaW.came to her (marg. chil dren of Babel Vj 23. TAe Babylonians, and all (lit. children of Babylon) — all (Ae Assyrians with them: (lit. children of Asshur) 25. they shall take (Ay sons and thy daughters ; 36. Son of man, wilt thou judge 37. have also caused (Aeir sons, 39. when they had slain (Aeir children 47. they shall slay (Aeir sons 24: 2, 16,25. Son o/man, 21. and your sons and your daughters 2b. their sojis and their daughters, Q 25: 2. Son o/man, set thy face against (Ae Am monites, (lit. children o/Ammon) 3. say unto the Ammonites, (lit. to the chil dren o/Ammon) 4.1 will deliver thee to the men o/the east (marg. children) b.the Ammoni(es a couchingplace (lit.cAii- dren o/Ammon) 1 0. Utto the men of the east with (Ae Ammon ites, (lit. children of Ammon) — that (Ae Ammoni(es may not be 26: 2 & 27:2. Son o/man, 27 : 11 . TAe men of Arvad 15. TAe men of Dedan 28: 2, 12, 21 & 29:2, 18&30:2. Son o/man, 30: b.and the men of the land (marg. children) 21. Son o/man, I have broken the arm of 31 : 2. Son o/man, speak unto Pharaoh 14. in the midst of (Ae children of men, 32: 2. Son of man, take up a lamentation 18. Son o/man, wail for the multitude 33: 2. Son of man, speak to (Ae children of 7, 10, 12, 24,30.son o/man, 12. say unto (Ae children ofthy people, 17. Yet (Ae children ofthy people 30. (Ae children ofthy people still are 34: 2. Son of man, prophesy against 43 47 ( 257 ) |2 Eze 35: 2. Son of man, set thy face against mount 5. shed (the blood of) (Ae children o/Israel 36: 1, 17&37:3,9, 11, 16. son of man, 37:16. and for the children o/Israel his 18. when (Ae children ofthy people 21. 1 will take (Ae children o/Israel 25. they, and their children, and their chil dren's children 38: 2, 14&39:1,17&40:4. Son o/man, 40:46. these (are) the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, 7, 10, 18. Son of man, — in the midst of the children o/Israel 19. a young bullock for a sin offering, (lit. one steer the son of a bull) 23. thou shalt offer a young bullock 25. shall also prepare a yowng bullock, 5. Son of man, mark well, and behold 7. ye have brought (into my sanctuary) strangers, (marg. children of a stranger) 9. No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, (lit. son of a stranger) — any stranger (lit. id.) that (is) among the children o/Israel. 15. the Levites, (Ae sons of Zadok, — (Ae children o/Israel went astray 25. or for son, or for daughter, 18. thou shalt take a young bullock 6. a young bullock without blemish, 1 3. of the first year (marg. a son ofhis year) 16. a gift unto any ofhis sons, the inheritance thereof shall be Ais sons'; 17. his inheritance shall be Ais sons' 18. he shall give Ais sons inheritance 6. Son o/man, hast thou seen (this) ? 22. which shall beget children among you: — in the country among the children of 48: II. sanctified of (Ae sons of Zadok; — when (Ae childj-en o/Israel went astray, Dan. 1 : 3. (certain) o/(Ae children o/Israel, 6. of the childi-en of Judah, 8:17. Understand, O son of man : 9: 1. Darius (Ae son of Ahasuerus, 10: 16. like the similitude of (Ae sons of men 11:10. But his sons shall be stirred up, 14. also the robbers of thy people (marg. also the children of robbers) 41. the chief of (Ae children o/Ammon. 12: 1. which standeth for (Ae children ofthy Hos. 1 : 1. Hosea, (Ae son of Beeri, in the days — Jeroboam (Ae son of Joash, king of Israel. 3. and bare him a son. 8. she conceived, and bare a son. 10(2:1). the number of the children o/Israel ¦ — (_:-)' (Ye are) fhe sons of the living God. 11(2:2). Then shall (Ae children of Judah and the children o/Israel be gathered 2: 4(6). I will not have mercy upon her chil dren ; for they (be) the children of 3: I. toward (Ae children o/Israel, 4. (Ae children of Israel shall abide 5. shall (Ae children o/Israel return, 4; Lye children of Israel: 6.1 will also forget (Ay children. 5: 7. they have begotten strange children: 9: 12. Though they bring up (Aeir children, 13. Ephraim shall bring forth Ais children 10: 9. against (Ae children of iniquity 14. dashed in pieces upon (her) children. 11: 1 . called my son out of Egypt. 10. (Ae children shall tremble 13: 13. he (is) an unwise son; — the breaking forth of children. Joel 1: 1. Joel (Ae son o/Pethuel. 3. Tell ye your children of it, and (let) your children (tell) (Aeir children, and their children another generation. 12. joy is withered away from (Ae sons of 2 : 23. Be glad (Aen, ye children of Zion, 28(3: 1). and your sons and your daughters 3: 6(4:6). TAe children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, (marg. unto the sons of the Grecians) 8(4:8). I will sell your sons and your daugh ters into the hand of (Ae children of 16(4 : 16) . the strength o/(Ae children of Israel. p ( 258 ) run Joel 3 Am. 1 9; Obad Jon. 1 4 Mic. 1 5 7 Zep. 1 2 Hag. 1: 2: Zee. 1: 4: 6:9: 10: Mai. 1 : 3:4: 19(4:19). (Ae children of Judah, 1. Jeroboam (Ae son of Joash 13. transgressions of (Ae children o/Ammon, 11. 1 raised up of your sojis — (Is it) not even thus, O ye children of 1. spoken against you, 0 children o/Israel, 12. so shall (Ae children o/Israel be taken : b.O ye children of Israel, .14. neither (was) I a prophet's son ; 17 .and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall 7. ye not as children o/the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel ? 12. rejoiced over the children of Judah 20. this host o/(Ae children o/Israel 1. Jonah (Ae son o/Amittai, 10. which cajne up in a night, (marg. which was (Ae son o/the night) — and perished in anight: (lit. and the son of a night perished) ; 16. poll thee for thy delicate cAzVdren; 3(2). return unto (Ae children o/Israel. 7(6). waiteth for the sons of men. 5. Balaam (Ae son of Beor answered 6. with calves of a yearold? (marg. sonsofa year) : 6.(Ae son dishonoureth the father, : l.Zephaniah (Ae son of Cushi, (Ae son of Gedaliah, (Ae son of Amariah, (Ae son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah (Ae son of Amon, king of Judah. 8. and the king's childj-en, : 8. the revilings of the children o/Ammon, 9. and the children o/Ammon 1,12, 14&2;2. Zerubbabel (Ae son o/ Sheal- tiel, — , I2,l4cz2\2. Joshua the son of Josedech, 4.0 Joshua, son of Josedech, 23. my servant, the son of Shealtiel, I, 7. Zechariah, (Ae son q/Berechiah, (Ae son o/Iddo the prophet, 14. These (are) the two anointed ones, (marg. sons of oil) 10. Josiah (Ae son of Zephaniah ; 11. Joshua (Ae son of Josedech, 14. Hen (Ae son of Zephaniah, 9. upon a colt the foal of an ass. 13. and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against (Ay sons, 7 .yea, their children shall see 9. they shall live with (Aeir children, 6. A son honoureth (his) father, 3. he shall purify (Ae sons of Levi, 6. ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 17. as a man spareth Ais own son 6(3:24). the heart of the fathers to (Ae chil dren, and the heart of the children to }5 \bthn\ Ch. m. Ezr. 6; 9. both young bullocks, and rams, 10. pray for the life of the king, and of his sons. 16. And (Ae children of Israel, the priests, — and the rest of (Ae children of the captivity, (marg. sons of the transportation) 7:23. the realm of the king and his sons? Dan 2 : 25. 1 have found a man of the captives (marg. children of the captivity) 38. wheresoever (Ae children of men dwell, 5: 13. which (art) of (Ae children o/the captivity 21.be was driven from (Ae sons o/men ; 6 : 13(14) . That Daniel, which (is) of (Ae children o/the captivity 24(25). into the den of lions, them, their children, n33 bah -nah1 '. T T #KAL.— Preterite. * Genii : 5. the children of men builded. Nu?32:37.the children of Reuben built Heshbon, 38. the cities which they builded. Deu 6:10. which (Aow buildedst not, 20: 5. that Aa(A built a new house, 20. and thou shalt build buhvarks 27 : 5. And there shalt thou build Jos. 6:26. and buildeth this city Jericho: 22:11. have built an altar 24: 13. cities which ye built not, Jud. 6:26. And build an altar unto the Ru. 4:11. which two did build the house of 1 Sa. 2:35. and I will build him a sure house 2Sa. 7: 7. Why build ye not me an house IK. 6: 2. the house which king Solomon built 7 : 1 . Solomon was building his own house 8: 13. 1 have surely built thee an house 27. that I have builded ? 43. which I have builded, 44. the house that I have built 48. the house which I have built 9: 3. which thou hast built, 10. Solomon had built the two houses, 24. which (Solomon) had built for her: then did he build Alillo. 25. the altar which Ae built unto the 10: 4. and the bouse that Ae had built, 11 :27. Solomon built Willo, 38. and build thee a sure house, as Ibuilt for David, 15: 22. wherewith Baasha had builded; 23. the cities which Ae built, 16:24. the name of the city which Ae built, 32. which Ae had built in Samaria. 34. did Hiel the Beth-elite build Jericho: 22 : 39. the ivory house which Ae made, and all the cities that Ae built, 2K. 14:22. He built Elath, and restored it 15:35. He built the higher gate 16:18. that (Aey had built in the house, 21 : 4. jItio! Ae built altars in the house 23 : 13. Solomon the king of Israel had builded ICh. 6:10(5:36). that Solomon built in Jerusalem : 8:12. who built Ono, and Lod, r 11: 6. "Why have ye not built me 22 ; 1 1 . and build the house of the Lord 2Ch. 6: 2. But I have built an house 18, 33. this house which I have built! 34, 38. the house which / Aaue built for thy 8 : 1 . Solomon Aao! built the house 2. Solomon built them, 4. which Ae built in Hamath. 11. the house that Ae had built for her: 12. which Ae had built before the 9: 3. the house that Ae had built, 16: 6. wherewith Baasha was building; 26: 2. He built Eloth, 27: 3. He built the high gate — on the wall of Ophel Ae built 4. he built cities in the mountains of Judah, and in the forests Ae built castles 33: 4. Also Ae built altars in the house 14. after this Ae built a wall 15. all the altars that Ae had built 19. the places wherein Ae built 35 : 3. the son of David king of Israel did build; Neh 2:18. Let us rise up and build. 20. we his servants will arise and build: 3: 2. next unto him builded the men — next to them builded Zaccur 3. did the sons of Hassenaah build, 13. they built it, and set up the doors 6 : 1 . heard that / had builded 12:29. the singers had builded them Job 27: 18. He buildeth his house Ps. 89: 4(b). and build up thy throne 102: 16( 1 7). the Lord shall build up Zion, Pro. 9 : 1 . Wisdom Aa(A builded hsr house, 14: 1 . Every wise woman buildeth 24:27. and afterwards build thine house. Ecc. 2: 4. / builded me houses; 9:14. and. built great bulwarks Isa. 58: 12. And (they that shall be) of thee shall build 60 : 1 0. And the sons of strangers shall build 61 : 4. And they shall build the old wastes, 65:21. And they shall build houses, Jer. 7:31. And they have built the high places 19: 5. They have built also the high places 24; 6. and I will build them, and not pull 32:31. the day that they built it 33: 7. and will build them, as at the first. 42 : 1 0. then will I build you , and not 45: 4. which I have built will I break Lam. 3 : 5. He hath builded against me, ran ( 259 ) ran Eze. 4: 2. and build a fort against it, 16:25. TAon Aas( built thy high place 27: 5. TAey Aaue made (marg. built) all thy (ship) boards 28:26. and shall build houses, 36 : 36. that I the Lord build the 39: 15. (Aen shall he set up a sign (marg. build) Am. 5 : 1 1 . ye have built houses of hewn stone, 9 :IL and I will build it as in the 14. and they shall build the waste Zep. 1 : 13. (Aey shall also bjdld houses, Zee. 6:12. and Ae shall build the temple 15. and build in the temple KAL. — Infinitive. Genii: 8. they left off to build the city. Jos. 22:16. in that ye have builded you 19. in building you an altar (lit. in your build ing for you ) 23. TAa( we Aaue built us an altar 26. Let us now prepare to build 29. to build an altar 1 Sa. 14: 35. the first altar (Aa( Ae built (marg. he began to build) 2Sa.24:21.(o build an altar unto the Lord, IK. 3: Luntil he had made an end of building 5: 3(17). my father could not build 5(19). behold, I purpose to build 18(32). timber and stones to build the house. 8:13.1 have surely built thee an house 16. tribes of Israel to build an house, 17. David my father to build an house 18.(o build an house unto my name, 9: 1. Solomon had finished (Ae buildhig 15. to build the house of the Lord, 19. which Solomon desired to build 15 : 21 . that he left off building ICh 6:32(17). until Solomon Aad built 14: l.(o build him an house. 17:25. that thou wilt build him an 22; 2.(o build the house of God. 5. to be builded for the Lord 6. to build an house for the Lord 7. it was in my mind to build 28: 2. in mine heart to build an — and had made ready for the building : 10.(o build an house for the sanctuary: 29:16.(o buildthee an house 19. and to build the palace, 2Ch 2: 1(1: 18). Solomon determined to build 3(2). send him cedars to build 6(b). But who is able to build 3: 1. Solomon began to build the house 2. And he began to build 3. for the building o/the house 6: 5.(o build an house in, 7. David my father to build an house 8. to build an house for my name, 8: 6. desired to build in Jerusalem, 16: 5. that he left off building 36:23.(o build him an house Ezr. 1: 2, (o oui/d him an house 5.(o build the house of the Lord 4: 3.(o build an house unto our God; 4. troubled them in buildhig, Neh> 4:10(4). we are not able to build the wall. Ecc. 3: 3. a time to build up ; Jer. 1:10& 18:9 &31;28.(o build, and to plant. 35 : 9. Nor to build houses for us Eze.ll: 3. let us build houses: 16:31. In that thou buildest (marg. (Ay daughters. as from JH3) 17:17. and building forts, 21:22(27).(oowi(dafort. Dan. 9:25. to restore andto build Mic. 7: 11. the day that thy walls are to be built, Zee. 5:11. To build it an house in the KAL. — Imperative. Nu. 23: 1, 29. Build me here seven altars, 32:24. Build you cities for your little ones, IK. 2 : 36. Build thee an house ICh 22:19. and buildye the sanctuary Jer. 29: 5, 28. Build ye houses, Hag 1: Q. and build the house ; KAL. — Future. Gen 2:22. And the rib,. ..made he a woman, (marg. builded) Gen 8 ; 20. And Noah builded an altar 10:11. and builded Nineveh, 11:4. Go to, let us build us a city 12: 7. and there builded he an altar 8. and there Ae builded an altar unto 13:18. and built there an altar 22; 9. and Abraham built an altar there, 26:25. And he buildedan altar there, 33: 17. and built him an house, 35: 7. And he built there an altar, Ex. 1:11. And they built for Pharaoh 17:15. And Moses built an altar, 20: 25. (Aon sAa(( not build it of hewn stone: 24: 4. and builded an altar under the hill, 32 : 5. Ae built an altar before it ; Nu. 23: 14. and built seven altars, 32; 16. We will build sheepfolds 34. And the children of Gad built Dibon, Deu 8:12. and Aas( built goodly houses, 22; 8. When (Aon buildest a new house, 25: 9. that will not build up 27: 6. Thou shalt build the altar 28:30. (Aon shalt build an house, Jos. 8:30. Then Joshua built an altar 19:50. and he built the city, 22 : 10. And when they came. . .half tribe o; Manasseh built Jud. 1 : 26. and built a city, 6:24. TAen Gideon built an altar 18:28. And they built a city, 21 : 4. and built there an altar, 23. and repaired the cities, ISa. 7: 17. and there Ae built an altar unto the Lord. 14:35. And Saul built an altar unto the Lord: 2Sa. 5: 9. And David built round about 11. and they built David an house. 7: 5. Shalt thou build me an house 13. He shall build an house 27. 1 will build thee an house: 24:25. And David built there an altar IK. 5: 5(19). he shall build an house 6: 1. that he began tobuildthe house (marg. built 5. And against the wall of the house Ae buih 9. So he built the house, lO.^nd (then) Ae built chambers against all 14. So Solomon built the house, 15. And he built the walls of the house 16. And he built twenty cubits on — Ae even built (them) for it 36. And he built the inner court 38. So was he seven years in building it. 7 : 2. He built also the house of the 8:19. thou sAaZ( not build the house ; — he shall build the house 20. and have built an house 9:17. And Solomon built Gezer, 11: 7. Then did Solomon build 12:25. TAen Jeroboam built Shechem — ajid built Penuel. 14:23. For they also 6ni/( them high places, 15 : 17. and built Ramah, 22. and king Asa built with them Geba 16:24. and built on the hill, 18:32. And with the stones Ae built 2K. 16:1 L And Urijah the priest built an altar 17: 9. and they built them high places 21: 3. For he built up again the high places 5. and Ae built altars for all the host of 25 : 1 . and they built forts against it ICh. 7:24.n>Ao &wi/( Beth-horon 11:8. And he built the city round about, 17: 4. Thou shalt not build me an house 10. that the Lord will build thee an house. 12. He shall build me an house, 21:22.(Aa( I may build an altar 26. And David built there an altar 22: 8. thou shalt not build an house 10. He shall build an house 28: 3. TAow sAaZ( not build an house 6. he shalt build my house 2Ch. 2: 6(5). that I should build him an house, » 12(1 1). that miyA( build an house 6 ; 9. thou shalt not build the house ; — he shall build the house 10. and have built the house 8: 4. And he built Tadmor in the wilderness, 5. Also lie built Beth-horon the upper, s2 ran ( 260 ) ran 2Ch.ll 14 16 17 20 26 Ezr. 1 34 Neh. 2 3 4 Job 20 Ps. 28 5169 78 127 Cant. 8 Isa. 5 9 45 05 66 Jer. 2231 3235 52 Eze.16 Hos. 8 Zee. 6 9 Mai. 1 Gen. 4 IK. 5 2K. 12 22 2Ch. 2 34 Ezr. 3 4 Neh. 4 6 Job 3 Ps. 118 127 147 Jer. 22 Eze. 13 27; Am. 9; Mic. 3; Hab. 2 5. and built cities for defence 6. He built even Beth-lehem, 6(5). And he built fenced cities in Judah: 7(6). Let us build these cities, — (-). So they built and prospered. Land built Ramah, 6. and he built therewith Geba 12. and he built in Judah castles, 8. and have built thee a sanctuary 6. and built cities about Ashdod, 9. Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem 10. Also he built towers in the desert, 5. and built up all the wall 3. For he built again the high places 5. And he built altars for all the host of 16. And he repaired the altar 3. and build the house of the 2. and builded the altar of the God 2. Let us build with you: 3. we ourselves together will build b.that I may build it. 17. and let us build up the wall 1 . and they builded the sheep gate ; 14. Ae built it, and set up the doors 15. Ae built it, and covered it, 6(3:38 ). So built we the wall ; 19. an house which Ae builded not; 5. and not build them up. 18(20). build thou the walls of Jerusalem. 35(36). save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: 69. And he built his sanctuary 1 . Except the Lord build the house, 9. we will build upon her 2. and built a tower in the 10(9). but we will build with : 13- he shall build my city, :22. They shall not build, 1. where (is) the house that ye build 1 4. I will build me a wide house 4. Again J will build thee, 35. And they built the high places 7. Neither shall ye build house, 4. and built forts against it 24. thou Aa.s'( also built unto thee 14. and buildeth temples ; 13. Even he sAa(( build the temple 3. And Tyrus did build herself 4. return and build the desolate places ; — They shall build, but I will KAL.— Part. Poel. 17. and he builded a city, (lit. he was building) 18(32). And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders 12. which thou art in building, 1 1 (12). to the carpenters and builders, 6. Unto carpenters, and builders, 4(3). I build an house 5(4). the house which I build 9(8). for the house which I am about to build 11 . to the artificers and builders 10. when (Ae builders laid the foundation l.the children of the captivity builded the temple 1(3:33). heard that we builded. 3(3: 35). that which they build, 5(3:37). to anger before the builders. 17(11). The y which builded on the wall, 18(12). For the builders, every one — ( — ).and (so) builded. 6. for which cause thou buildest 14. which built desolate places 22. The stone (which) (Ae builders l.they labour in vain that build (marg. builders of it in it) 2. The Lord doth build up 13. Woe unto him that buildeth 10. one built up a wall, 4. thy builders have perfected thy beauty. 6.Ae that buildeth his stories 10. They buildup Zion 12. Woe to him that buildeth Paul. KAL Participle. Jud. 6: 28. upon the altar (that was) built. Neh. 7: 4. the houses (were) not builded. Ps. 122 : 3. Jerusalem is builded as a city Cant.4: 4. builded for an armoury, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Nu. 13:22. Hebron was built seven years IK. 3: 2. (Aere was no house built 6 : 7. was built of stone made ready Neh. 7 : 1. when the wall was built, Jer. 12:16. then shall they be built in the midst 30: IS. and the city shall be builded 31 : 4. and thou shalt be built, O virgin 38. that the city shall be built Eze.36:33. and the wastes shall be builded. Dan 9:25. the street shall be built again, (marg. re turn and be builded) Mai. 3:15. they that work wickedness are set up; (marg. built) NIPHAL Infinitive. IK. 6: 7. when it was in building, — while it was in building. Hag. 1 : 2. that the Lord's house should be built. Zee. 8: 9. that the temple might be built. NIPHAL.— Future. Genl6: 2. it may be that I may obtain children by her. (marg. be builded) 30: 3. that I may also Aawe children by her. (marg.oe built) Nu. 21 :27. let the city of Sihon be built Deul3: 16(17). t( shall not be built again. Job 12:14. it cannot be built again: 22:23. (Aom shalt be built up, thou shalt Ps. 89: 2(3). Mercy shall be built up for ever: Pro.24: 3. Through wisdom is an house builded; Isa. 25: 2. it shall never 6e built. 44:26. Ye shall be built, 28. TAom shalt be built ; Eze.26: 14. (Aom sAa(( Ae built no more: 36 : 1 0. the wastes shall be builded : Zee. 1:16. my house shall be built NIPHAL.— Participle. 1 Ch 22 : 19. the house that is to be built run & *qn \\>nah\ cl *P'AL Preterite.* Ezr. 5 : 1 1 . which a great king of Israel builded and 6:14..4«oI they builded, and finished (it), Dan. 4:30(27). that I have built for the house of the P'AL Infinitive. Ezr. 5: 2. and began to build the house of God 3. Who hath commanded you to build 9. Who commanded you to build this house, 13. Cyrus made a decree to build this house 17. was made of Cyrus the king to build this 6: 8./or (Ae building of this house of God: P'AL Future. Ezr. 6: 7. and the elders of the Jews om'W this house P'AL. — Participle. Ezr. 4:12. building the rebellious and the bad city, 5 : 4. What are the names of the men that make (marg. build) this building? 11. and build the house that was 6:14. And the elders of the Jews builded, P'AL. — Participle. Pass. Ezr. 5:11. builded these many years ago, * ITHP'IL Future. * Ezr. 4: 13. if this city be builded, and the walls 16. if this city be builded (again!, and the 21. and that this city be not builded, 5: 15. let the house of God be builded 6: 3. Let the house be builded, ITHP'IL.— Participle. Ezr. 5: 8. which is bv lfi.ovpn until •Ided with great stones, ,r>w hnth it heer, in bwldul}i '12 !T3a \bm-yahT\, f. Eze.41 : 13. oho! (Ae building, with the walls ( 261 ) ^2 i NIPHAL . —Participle. Isa. 30:13. swelling out in a high wall, D?J3 beh-nak f-yim, dual. lSa.17: 4. And there went out a champion (lit. a man of (Ae two interjnediates) 23. behold, there came up the champion, (lit. a man of (Ae (too intermediates) |*53 bin-yahnf, m. Eze. 40; 5. the breadth of the buildhig, 41:12. Now the buildhig that (was) before — the wall of (Ae building 15. the length of the building 42: 1. which (was) before (Ae building 5. the middlemost of the building. 10. over against (Ae building. 1*33 \}nn~yahn'\ Ch. m. Ezr. 5: 4. What are the names of the men that make this building ? D3? b'nas, Ch. # P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan. 2 : 12. the king was angry and very furious, ^IpS [beh!-ser\ m. Job 15:33. He shall shake off Ais unripe grape *1D3 boh'-sehr, m. Isa. 18: 5. and the sour grape is ripening Jer. 31 :29. The fathers have eaten a sour grape, 30. every man that eateth (Ae sour grape, Eze.18: 2. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, ^323 b'gad. part. Gen26: 8. looked out at a window, Ex. 32; 30. make an atonement for your sin. Jos. 2:15. by a cord through the window: Jud. 3: 22. the fat closed upon the blade, ISa. 1 : 6. the Lord had shut up her womb. 4:18.6y the side of the gate, 2Sa.20:2l. thrown to thee over the wall. Job 1 : 10. and about his house, and about all Pro. 6:26. For by means of a whorish woman &C.&C. With prefix l?2p. Cant. 4: l.thou (hast) doves' eyes within thy locks: 3. of a pomegranate within thy locks. 6: 7. thy temples within thy locks. It also occurs with pronominal suffixes : as, Gen20: 7. he shall pray for thee, Ex. 8:28(24). intreat for me. Lev,16: 6. and make an atonement for himself, 2K. 4: 5. and shut the door upon Aer Ps.139: 1 l.the night shall be light about me. Jer. 7: 16. neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, 21 : 2. Enquire, I pray thee, of the Lord for us , &C.&C. nyT3 \bah-gati\ ¦3f KAL.— Imperative. •& Isa. 21 : 12. if ye will enquire, enquire ye; KAL.— Future. Isa. 21 : 12. if ye will enquire, enquire ye: 64: 2(1). the fire causeth the waters to boil, * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Obad 6. are his hidden things sought up t nj>3 & NJ£ Vgah> Ch. # P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan. 2:13. and they sought Daniel and his fellows 16. Daniel went in, and desired of the king 23. made known unto me now what we de sired 49. Then Daniel requested of the king, P'AL. — Infinitive. Dan. 2:18. TAa( (Aey would desire mercies of the God P'AL Future. Dan. 4: 36(33). and my lords sought unto me; 6: 7(8). whosoever shall ask a petition 12(13). every man that shall ask (a petition) 7:16. and asAed him the truth of all this. P'AL. — Participle. Dan. 6: 4(5).sowyA(to find occasion against Daniel 11(12). and found Daniel praying 13(14). but maketh his petition three times a tya bah1 -goo, Ch. f. Dan. 6: 7(8). whosoever shall ask a petition 13(14). but maketh his petition three times QTViya [bee-goo-lheem''], m. pi. Job 6 : 4. (Ae terrors of God do set Ps. 88: 16(17). (Ay terrors have cut me off. LDjn [bah-gat']. * KAL.— Future. * Deu32:15. Jeshurun waxed fat, and hiched : 1 Sa. 2:29. Wherefore AicA ye at my sacrifice *J?a Vgee, m. Job 30: 24. stretch out (his) hand to (Ae jrraue,(marg. heap) *VJ?3 [Fgeer], m. Gen45:17.1ade your beasts, and go, Ex. 22: 5(4). shall put in Ais beast, Nu.20: 4. that we and our cattle should die 8. and (Aeir beasts drink. 11. drank, and their beasts (also). , Ps. 78:48. He gave up (Aeir cattle also hyi bah-gal'. *KAL Preterite. * Deu21:13.aMo! be her husband, 24: 1. taken a wife, and married her, ICh 4:22. who had the dominion in Moab, Isa. 26: 13. beside thee Aaoe had dominion over us: Jer. 3 : 14. for lam married unto you : 31:32. although I was an husband Mai 2: 11. oho; Aa(A married the daughter KAL Future. Isa. 62: 5. a young man marrieth a virgin, (so) shall thy sons marry thee : KAL Participle. Poel. Isa. 54: 5. For thy Maker (is) (Aine husband; KAL.— Participle. Paul. Gen20: 3.she (is) a man's wi/e.( marg. married to an husband) , Deu 22 :22. a woman married to an husband, Isa. 54: l.the children of (Ae married wife, 62: 4. and thy land Beulah: (marg. Married) tyn Pro. 30 Isa . 62 * NIPHAL.— Future. * 23. an odious (woman) when sAe is married; : 4. thy land shall be married. Sys Genl4 49 Ex. 21 22 24 Lev. 21 Nu. 21 Deu 15 22 24 Jos. 24 Jud. 9 19 20 ISa. 23 2Sa. 1 11 21 2K. 1 Neh 6 Est. 1 Job 31 Pro. 1 Ecc. 5 7 bah' -gal, m. 13. these (were) confederate (lit. masters of a covenant) 3. for she (is) a mans wife. 19. Behold, this dreamer cometh. (marg. jnaster of dreams) 23. The archers (lit. masters of arrows) have sorely 3. if he were married, (lit husband of a wife) 22. according as the woman's husband will lay 2S.bnt the owner of the ox (shall be) quit. 29. hath been testified to his owner, — Ais owner also shall be put to death. 34. TAe owner of the pit shall make — give money unto (Ae owner of them; 36. his owner hath not kept him in ; : 8(7). then (Ae master of the house 11(10). (Ae owner of it shall accept 12(11). restitution unto the owner thereof. 14(13). (Ae owner thereof (being) not with it, 15(14). if (Ae owner thereof (be) with it, :14.if any man have any matters to do, (lit. who is a master o/ business) : 4. a chief man among his people, (marg. an husband) :28.(7ie lords of the high places 2. Every creditor that lendeth (marg. master o/the lending ofhis hand) :22.a woman married to an husband, 4. Her former husband, 11. (Ae meji of Jericho fought against ycu, 2, 3. the ears of all (Ae men of Shechem, 6. all (Ae men of Shechem gathered 7. Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem, 18. king over (Ae men of Shechem, 20. devour (Ae men of Shechem, — come out from the men of Shechem, 23. between Abimelech and themen of She chem ; and the men of Shechem 24. upon (Ae men of Shechem, 2b. the men of Shechem set liers in wait 26. (Ae meji of Shechem put their confidence 39. went out before the men of Shechem, 46, 47. all (Ae me7i of the tower 51. and all (Aey of the city, : 22, 23. (Ae master of the house, 5.(Ae men of Gibeah rose against me, 11. Will (Ae men of Keilah deliver 12. "Will (Ae men of Keilah deliver me and : 6. and, lo, the chariots and horsemen (lit. and masters of the horsemen) : 26. she mourned for her husband. 12. from (Ae men of Jabesh-gilead, : 8. an hairy man, (lit. aman, an owner of hair) : 18. many in Judah sworn (lit. masters of oath) unto him, : 17. they shall despise (Aeir husbands 20. wives shall give to their husbands :39. the owners thereof to lose their life: :17.in the sight of any 6ird. (marg. eyes of every thing that hath awing, lit. owner of a wing) 19. the life of (Ae owners thereof. :27 .from them lo whom it is due, (marg. from the owners thereof) 4. a crown to Aer husband: :22.a wellspring of life unto him that hath it; 8. in the eyes of him that hath it ; 9. brother to him that is a great waster. :24.Make no friendship with an angry man; 2. if thou (be) a man given to appetite. 8. shall be called a mischievous person. 22, and a furious man 11. The heart of Aer husband 23. Her husband is known in the gates, 28. Aer husband (also), and he praiseth her. 11(10). good (is there) to the owners thereof, 13(12). riches kept for the owners thereof 12. giveth life to them that have it. 8. deliver (Aose (Aa( are given to it. c 262 ) -iyn Ecc. 10: 11. a babbler is no better, (marg. the master of the tongue) 20. and that which hath wings shall tell (lit. and the master of wings) 12: 11. fastened (by) themasters of assemblies, Isa. 1 : 3. and the ass Ais master's crib : 16: 8. (Ae lords of the heathen 41 : 15. threshing instrument having teeth : 50: 8. who (is) mine adversary? (marg. the master ofmy cause) Jer. 37 : 13. a captain of the ward (was) there, Dan. 8: 6. be came to the ram that had two horns, 20. The ram which thou sawest having two horns Hos. 2: 16(18). and shalt call me no more Baiili, (marg. My lord) Joel 1 : 8. for (Ae husband of her youth. Nah. 1: 2. and (is) furious; (marg. that hath fury) hy$ Vgehl, Ch. m. Ezr. 4: 8.Rehum the chancellor (lit. master of counsel) 9. Then (wrote) Rehum the chancellor, (lit. id.) 17. an answer unto Rehum the chancellor, (lit. id. ) nSj2:3 [bagah-ldh'l f. lSa.28: 7, 7. a woman that hath a familiar spirit, (lit. mistress of a familiar spirit) IK. 17:17. (Ae mistress of the house, Nah. 3: 4. the mistress of witchcrafts, Nu. 11 Jud. 15 2Sa.22 Est 1 Ps. 18 Isa. 1 9 10 Jer 4 21 Ex 3 Nu 11 Job 1 Ps. 2 39 79 83 89 106 Isa 42 43 62 Jer 10 44 Lam. 2 Ex. 3 Deu 4 5 9 Ps. 94 Isa 30 34 Jer. 20 Eze . 1 21 Hos. 7 Mai. 4 TJ?a [bah -gar']. ¦K KAL Preterite. * 3. the Lord burnt among them. . 14. as flax that was burnt 9. coals were hindled by it. 13. before him were coals of fire hindled. 12. his anger burned in him. 8(9). coals toere hindled by it. 31. and they shall both burn 18(17). For wickedness burneth as the fire: 17. and it shall bum and devour 4. and burn that none can quench 20. and it shall burn, and shall not 12. and burn that none can quench KAL. — Future. 3 . why the bush is not burnt. Land the fire of the Lord burnt 16. and hath burned up the sheep, 12. when his wrath is hindled ; 3(4). while I was musing the fire burned: 5. shall thy jealousy burn like fire? 14(15). As the fire burnetii a wood, 46(47 ). shall thy wrath burn like fire? 18. And a fire was hindled ;25. and it burned him, 2. thou shalt not be burned; (lit. it shall not burn thee) l.as a lamp (that) burneth. ; 8. But they are altogether brutish 6. and was kindled in the cities 3. and he burned against Jacob KAL Participle. Poel. 2. the bush burned with fire, 11. the mountain burned with fire 23(20). the mountain did burn with fire, 15. the mount burned with fire: 8. ye brutish among the people: 27. burning (with) his anger, 33. a stream of brimstone, doth kindle 9. shall become burning pitch. 9. was in mine heart as a burning fire 13. like burning coals of fire, 31(36). into the hand of 6™(isAmen, (marg. or, burning) 4. as an oven heated by the baker, 6. in the morning it burneth as a flaming "re- 1 (3: IQ\ . thnt shnlJ h,.*n ae on nwn ; -yn * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * ( 263 ) jran Jer. 10:14. Every man is brutish 21 . the pastors are become brutish, 51 : 17. Every man is brutish NIPHAL Participle. Isa. 1 9 : 1 1 . counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: # PIEL Preterite. * Ex. 22: 5(4). and shall feed in another man's field ; Lev. 6: 12(5). and the priest shall burn wood Deul3: 5(6). So shalt thou put the evil away 17: 7. So thou shalt put the evil away 12. and thou shalt put away the evil 19:13.fa( thou shalt put away (the guilt) 19. so shalt thou put the evil away 21:21 & 22:21. so shalt thou put evil away 22: 22. so sAai( thou put away evil 24. so thou shalt put away evil from among 24 : 7 . and thou shalt put evil away from 26:13. 1 have brought away the hallowed 14. neither have I taken away 2Sa. 4:11. and take you away from the earth? IK. 14: 10. and will take away the remnant 21:21. and will take away thy posterity, 22:46(47).Ae took out of the land. 2K. 23 : 24. did Josiah put away, 2Ch 19 : 3. in that (Aom hast taken away Isa. 3:14.yeAaueea(ettiy3thevineyard; (marg. burnt) 50:11. the sparks (that) ye have kindled. Eze.20:48(21:4).I the Lord Aa»e kiniled.it: 39: 9. and shall set on fire — and they shall burn them PIEL. — Infinitive. Nu. 24:22. the Kenite shall be wasted, 2Ch. 4:20. that they should burn after the manner 13:11.(0 burn every evening: . Neh 10:34(35). to burn upon the altar Isa. 4: 4. by the spirit of burning. 5: 5. and it shall be eaten up; 6: 13. and shall be eaten: 40:16. Lebanon (is) not sufficient to burn, 44:15. shall it be for a man to burn: PIEL.— Future. Ex. 35: 3. Ye shall kindle no fire Deu2l: 9. So shalt thou put away Ju&.20:13. and put away evil from Israel. IK. 14:10. as a man taketh away dung, till it be Eze. 39: 10. (Aey shall burn the weapons PIEL Participle. Jer. 7:18. the fathers kindle the fire, * PUAL.— Participle. * Jer. 36:22. on the hearth burning before him. * HIPHIL Preterite. * Nah. 2:13(14). and I mil bum her chariots HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 22: 5(4). shallcause a field or vineyard tobeeaten, Jud. 15: b.when he had set the brands on fire, — and burnt up both the shocks, 2Ch28: 3. and burnt his children in the fire, Eze. 5: 2. Thou shalt burn with fire HIPHIL Participle. Ex. 22: 6(5). he that kindled the fire IK. 16: 3. 1 will take away the posterity nya [bah-gath']. * NIPHAL Preterite. * 1 Ch 21 : 30. for Ae was afraid because of Est. 7 : 6. Then Haman was afraid Dan. 8: 17. when he came, I was afraid, * PIEL Preterite. * lSa.l6:14.from the Lord troubled him. (marg. terrified) Job 18: 11. Terrors shall make him afraid Isa. 21: 4. tearfulness affrighted me: PIEL Future. 2Sa.22: 5. ungodly men made me afraid; Job 3: 5 .let the blackness of the day terrify it. 7:14. and terrifiest me through visions: 9:34. let not his fear terrify me: 13:11. Shall not his excellency make you afraid? 21. let not thy dread make me afraid. 15:24. anguish shall make him afraid; 33: 7. my terror shall not make thee afraid, Ps. 18: 4(5 ). ungodly men made me afraid. PIEL Participle. lSa.l6:15.an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. nnya b'gah-thah', f. Jer. 8:15. for a time of health, and behold trouble! 14:19. the time of healing, and behold trouble! n^nya see L?n$a ^3 boht.z, m. Jer. 38: 22. thy feet are sunk in the mire, Pitta bitz-tzati, f. I^a bah' -gar, m. Ps. 49:10(11). the fool and the brutish person 73:22. So foolish (was) I, and ignorant: 92 : 6( 7 ) . A brutish man knoweth not ; Pro.12 : 1 . he that hateth reproof (is) brutish. 30: 2. Surely I (am) more brutish n 2K. 6: ICh 21: 2Ch 7: 15: 22: Ezr 8: Neh .5: Est 2: 3: Job 10: Ps. 4: 27: 37: 63: 83: 22: Pro . 2: 11: 15: 17: 18: 23: 29: Ecc . 3: Cant.3: 6: Isa. 40: 41: Jer 4: 26: 45: 50: Eze . 3: 22: 33: 34: Dan 1: 8: Nah. 3: Zee . 6: 11: 12: Mai. 2: Gen37: Ex 4: 10: 33: Nu 35: Jud . 4: 14: 18: ISa. 19 20: 23: 24: 25: 2Sa . 3: 16: 17: 20: IK 10: 11: 20: ICh 16: 2Ch 9: Ezr . 8: Neh. 2: Est . 9- Ps. 24: 35- 37: 38 40 70 19. bring you to the man whom ye seek. 3. doth my lord require this thing ? 14. and seek my face, 4. God of Israel, andsought Mm, he was found 9..4nd Ae sought Ahaziah: 23. and besought our God for this: 12. We will restore (them), and will require nothing 2. Let there be fair young virgins sought 21. and sought to lay hand on 6. wherefore Haman sought to destroy 6. (Aou enquirest after mine iniquity, 2(3). seeA after leasing? 4. that will I seek after; 8. Thy face, Lord, loill I seek. 36. yea, I sought him, but he could 900). But those (that) seeA my soul, 16(1 7 ). (Aa( (Aey may seek thy name, 9. I will seek thy good. 4. If (Aom seekest her as silver, 27. diligently seeketh good procuretk favour: 14. understanding seeketh knowledge: 11. An evil (man) seeketh only rebellion: I. seeketh (and) intermeddleth 15. the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. 35. / will seek it yet again. 10. but the just seeA his soul. 15. God requij'eth that which is past. 2. 1 will seek him whom my soul loveth: l.(Aa( we may seek him with thee. 20. Ae seeketh unto him a cunning 12. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not 30. (Aey will seek thy life. 21. And when Jehoiakim.. .heard his words, the king sought 5. And seekest thou great things for thyself? seeA (them) not: 4. and seeA the Lord their God. . 18, 20. his blood will I require 30. And I sought for a man ; 8. his blood will I require ,16. 1 will seek that which was lost, : 8. therefore he requested of the prince 15. and sought for the meaning, 7. shall I seek comforters for thee? 11 . thou also sAaZ( seeA strength : 7. and sought to go that they might : 16. neither shall seek the young ; 9. 1 will seek to destroy all the nations : 7. they should seek the law PIEL.— Participle. ;16.I seek my brethren: : 1 9. are dead which sought thy life. : 1 1 . for that ye did desij'e. : 7. every one which sought :23. neither sought his harm: : 22. the man whom thou seekest. : 4. that he sought an occasion against : 1 . Danites sought them : 2. Saul my father seeketh ; 1. he seeketh my life ? : 10. Saul seeketh to come ; 9(10). David seeketh thy hurt? : 26. and they that seek evil : 17. Ye sought for David :ll.seeAe(A my life: : 3. the man whom thou seekest : 19. thou seekest to destroy :2L sought to Solomon, :22. thou seekest to go ; 7- seeketh mischief: : 10. rejoice that seek the Lord. : 23. the kings of the earth sought 22. for good (Aa( seek Aim : 4. what dost thou maAe request? : 2. on such as sought their hurt: 6. that seek thy face, O Jacob. 4. (Aa( seek after my soul: 25. nor his seed begging bread. 32. and seeketh to slay him. :12(13). They also (Aa( seeA after my life : 14(15) . (Aa( seeA after my soul 16(17). Let all (Aose that seek thee : 6(7). let not (Aose (Aa( seeA (Aee 2(3). that seek after my soul: 4(5). Let all those that seek thee Ps. 71 : 13. dishonour (Aa( seek my hurt. 24. brought unto shame, (Aa( seek my hurt. 105:, 3. rejoice that seeA the Lord. Pro. 17: 9. covereth a transgression seeketh love ; 19. seeketh destruction. 21 : 6. to and fro of (Aem (Aa( seeA death. 28: 5. but they that seek the Lord 29:26. Many seek the ruler's favour ; Isa. 41: 17. poor and needy seeA water, 51: 1 . ye /Aa( seeA the Lord : Jer. 2:24.all (Aey (Aa( seeA Aer will not 5 : 1. (Aa( seeketh the truth ; \\i2L that seek thy life, 19: 7. the hands of them (Aa( seeA 9. and they that seek their lives, 21 : 7. the hand of (Aose (Aa( seeA their life: 22:25. the hand of (Aem *Aa( seeA thy life, 34:20, 21. the hand of (Aem (Aa( seeA their life; 38: 16. these men that seek thy life. 44:30. the hand of (Aem (Aa( seeA his life ; — and that sought his life. 46: 26. the hand of those that seek their lives, 49:37. before them that seek their life; Lam. 1:11. (Aey seeA bread ; Eze.34: 6. none did search or seeA Mai. 2; 15. That he might seek a godly seed. 3 : 1 . the Lord, whom ye seeA, #PUAL Future. # Est. 2 :23. And when inquisition was made of the Jer. 50:20. iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, Eze.26:21. though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou ilB>j3a [bak-kdh-shah'l f. Ezr. 7: 6. granted him all Ais request, Est. 5: 3, 6. and what (is) (Ay request? 7. My petition and my request 8. to perform my request, 7: 2. what (is) thy request? and it shall be performed, 3. my people at my request: 9: 12. or what (is) (Ay request 1$ bar, m. Ps. 2: 12. Kiss (Ae Son, lest he be angry, Pro.31: 2. What, my son? and what, (Ae son of my womb? and what, (Ae son ofmy vows ? IS bar, adj. Job 11 : 4. and I am clean in thine eyes. Ps. 19: 8(9). the commandment of the Lord (is) pure, 24: 4. and a pure heart ; 73: l.(o sncA as are of a clean heart. Pro.I4: 4. Where no oxen (are), the crib (is)c/eare.* Cant.6: 9.(Ae choice (one) of her that bare her. 10. fair as the moon, clear as the sun, 13 & 1% bar & bahr, m. Gen41:35.1ay up corn under the hand of 49. Joseph gathered corn as the sand 42: 3. went down to buy corn in Egypt. 25. to fill their sacks with corn, 45:23. ten she asses laden with corn Job 39: 4. they grow up with corn; Ps. 65:13(14). the valleys also are covered over with corn ; 72:16. There shall be an handful of corn Pro. 11:26. He that withholdeth corn, Jer. 23:28. What (is) the chaff to (Ae wheat? Joel 2: 24. the floors shall be full of wheat, Am. 5: 11. take from him burdens of wheat: 8: 5. that we may set forth wheat, 6. sell the refuse of the wheat ? 13 bar, Ch. m. Ezr. 5: 1. Zechariah (Ae son of Iddo, prophesied in ( 270 ) rnn Ezr. 5: 2. Zerubbabel (Ae son o/Shealtiel,andJesbua (Ae son of Jozadak, and began 6:14. and Zechariah (Ae son q/'Iddo. Dan 3:25. the fourth is like (Ae Son o/God. 5:22. And thou Ais son, O Belshazzar, 31(6:1). (being) about threescore and two years old. (marg. (he) as the son of) 7: 13. and, behold, (one) like the Son o/man na [bar], Ch. m. Dan 2:38. the beasts of the field and the fowls 4: 12(9). the beasts of the field had shadow 15H2), 23(20). the tender grass of the field; 21(18). under which the beasts of the field 23(20), 25(22),32(29). with the beasts of (Ae field, 13 bohr, m. 2Sa. 22:21. according to the cleanness ofmy hands 25. according to my cleanness in his Job 9: 30. make my hands never so clean; (lit. cleanse my hands in purity) 22:30. by the pureness of thine hands. Ps. 18 :20(2 1), 24(25). according to the cleanness of my hands Isa. 1 :25. purely purge away (marg. according to puj-ejiess) 803 bah-rah'. * KAL. — Preterite. * : 1. God created the heaven and the earth. 27. in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them. 3. which God created and made. 2. Male and female created he them; 7. whom I have created 32. since the day that God created man 12(13). thou hast created them : 47(48). wherefore Aas( (Aou made all men 5. And the Lord will create 26. who Aa(A created these (things), 20. the Holy One of Israel hath created it. 7. 1 have created him for my glory, 8. 1 the Lord Aaue created it. 12. created man upon it: 18. Ae created it not in vain, 16. 1 Aaae created the smith — I have created the waster to destroy. 22. the Lord hath created a new thing 10. hath not one God created us? KAL Infinitive. 1. In the day that God created man, KAL Imperative. 10(12). Create in me a clean heart, KAL Future. 21. And God created great whales, 27. So God created man 30. if the Lord maAe a new thing, (mariZZ bless (us); Ae will bless the house of Israel ; he will bless the house of 13. He will bless them that fear the Lord, 18. But we will bless the Lord 128: 5. The Lord shall bless thee 132: 15. 1 will abundantly bless her provision: 134: 3. bless thee out of Zion. 145: 1 .and I will bless thy name for ever 2. Every day will Ibless thee; 10. thy saints shall bless thee. 21. and let all flesh bless his holy name Pro. 3:33.Ae blesseth the habitation of the just. 30:11. do(A not bless their mother. Isa. 51 : 2.1 called him alone, and blessed him, Jer. 31:23. The Lord Z/Zess (Aee, Hag 2:19. from this day will I bless PIEL. —Participle. Genl2: 3.1 will bless (Aem that bless thee, 27:29. and blessed (be) Ae (Aa( blesseth thee. Nu. 24: 9. Blessed (is) Ae that blesseth thee, Pro.27:14. He that blesseth his friend with a loud Isa, 66: 3. he that burneth incense, (as if) Ae blessed # PUAL Future. # Jud. 5:24. Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women 2Sa. 7:29. let the house ofthy servant be blessed Ps. 112: 2. the upright shall be blessed. 128; 4. thus shall the man be blessed Pro.20:21.the end thereof shall not be blessed. 22: 9. a bountiful eye shall be blessed; PUAL Participle. Nu. 22: 6. he whom thou blessest (is) blessed, Deu 33: 13, Blessed of the Lord (be) his land, ICh 17:27. and (it shall be) blessed for ever. Job 1 : 21. blessed be the name of the Lord. Ps. 37:22. For (such as be) blessed of him 113: 2. Blessed be the name of the Lord * HIPHIL — Fn(wre. # Gen24:ll. And he made his camels to kneel down # HITHPAEL Preterite. # Gen 22: 18 & 26:4. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Deu 29:19(18). that he bless himself 'in his heart, Jer, 4: 2. and the nations shall bless themselves HITHPAEL.— Future. Ps. 72; 17- and (men) shall be blessed in him: Isa. 65:16. shall bless himself In the God of truth- HITHPAEL.— Participle. Isa. 65:16. That Ae zoAo blesseth himself [b'rach], Ch. * P'AL — Participle. * Dan 6:10(11). Ae kneeled upon his knees three P'AL. — Participle. Passive. Dan 3:28. Blessed (be) the God of Shadrach, * PAEL Preterite. * Dan 2:19. Daniel blessed the God of heaven. 4 : 34( 31 ) . and / blessed the most High, PAEL Participle. Dan 2:20. Blessed be the name of God beh'-rech, f. Gen30: 48; 50: Deu 28; Jud. 7: 16: IK. 8: 18: 19; 2K. 1: 4: 2Ch 6: Ezr. 9: Job 3:4: Ps.109: Isa. 35:45: 66: Eze. 7: 47: Dan 10: Nah. 2: 3. she shall bear upon my knees, 12. out from between Ais knees, 23. brought up upon Joseph's Anees. 35. The Lord shall smite thee in (Ae knees, 5. boweth down upon Ais Anees 6. bowed down upon (Aeir Anees 19. she made him sleep upon her Imees; 54. from kneeling on Ais Anees 42. put his face between Ais knees, 1 8. all (Ae Anees which have not 13. came and fell on Ais Anees 20. he sat on Aer knees till noon, 13. kneeled down upon Ais Anees 5. 1 fell upon my knees, 12. Why did (Ae Anees prevent me? 4. andthou hast strengthened (Ae feeble Anees. 24. My knees are weak through fasting j 3. and confirm (Ae feeble Anees. 23. unto me every knee shall bow, 12.be dandled upon (her) Anees. 17&21:7(12).all Anees shall be weak (as) water. 4. the waters (were) to (Ae Anees. 10. which set me upon my knees 10(11). and (Ae Anees smite together, ^| [beh'-rech], Ch. f. Dan 6:10(11). kneeled upon Ais knees nn-15 b'rak-chah', f. Gen 12: 2. thou shalt be a blessing: 27: 12. and not a blessing. 35. hath taken away thy blessing. 36. hath taken away my blessing. — Hast thou not reserved a blessing 38. Hast thou but one blessing, 41. because of (Ae blessing 28: 4. give thee (Ae blessing of Abraham, 33 : 1 1 . Take, I pray thee, my blessing 39: 5. and (Ae blessing of the Lord 49:25. bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, 26. TAe blessings of thy father have prevailed above (Ae blessings of my progenitors 28. every one according to his blessing Ex. 32:29. he may bestow upon you a blessing Lev. 26: 21. Then I will command my blessing Deu 1 1 : 26. a blessing and a curse ; 27.^1 blessing, if ye obey 29. thou shalt put (Ae blessing upon 1 2: 15 & 16: 1 7. according to the blessing of the Lord 23: 5 (6). turned the curse jn(o a blessing 28: 2. all these blessings shall come on 8. The Lord shall command the blessing 30: 1 . (Ae blessing and the curse, 19. life and death, blessing and cursing: Din Deu33: J. this (is) (Ae blessing, wherewith Moses 23. full with (Ae blessing of the Lord: Jos. 8:34. (Ae blessings and cursings, 15: 19. Give me a blessing; Jud. 1:15. Give me a blessing: ISa. 25: 27. this blessing which thine handmaid (marg. present) 30:26.a present for you of the spoil (marg. 2K 2Ch20Neh 9 13 Job 29 Ps. 3 21 24 3: 84 109129 133 Pro. 10 24 28 Isa. 19 3644 65 Eze. 34 44 Joel 2 Zee. 8 Mai. 2; 3: : 29. and with thy blessing let the : 15. take a blessing ofthy servant. :31.with me by apresent, (marg. blessing; or, favour) 26. in the valley ofBerachah ; (marg. Blessing) — The valley of Berachah, unto this day. 5. exalted above all blessing and praise. : 2. God turned the curse into a blessing. 13. The blessing of him that was ready 8(9). (Ay blessing (is) upon thy people. 3(4}. with (Ae blessings of goodness: 6(7). thou hast made him most blessed for ever: (marg. set him (to be) blessings) : 5. receive (Ae blessing from the Lord, :26.his seed (is) blessed, (lit. for a blessing) : 6(7). the rain also filleth the pools. :17.as he delighted not in blessing, 8. TAe blessing of the Lord 3. there the Lord commanded (Ae blessing, 6. Blessings (are) upon the head of 7. The memory of the just (is) blessed: (lit. for a blessing) 22. TAe blessing of the Lord, ; II. By the blessing of the upright 25. The liberal soul shall be made fat The soul of blessing) 26. but blessing (shall be) upon the 25. a good blessing shall come 20. man shall abound with blessings: 24. a blessing in the midst of the land : 16. Make (an agreement) with me (by) a present, (marg. blessing, or, favour) 3. and my blessing upon thine offspring: 8. for a blessing (is) in it: 26. round about my hill a blessing, — there shall be showers of blessing. 30. that he may cause (Ae blessing 14. repent, and leave a blessing 13. ye shall be a blessing: 2. 1 will curse your blessings: 10. pour you out a blessing, ( 277 ) W2 |713 bah-rahk', m. Ex. 19:16. there were thunders and lightnings, Deu32:41.If I whet my glittering sword, (lit. (Ae lightning of my sword) 2Sa.22:15. lightning, and discomfited them. Job 20: 25. yea, (Ae glittering sword cometh 38:35. Canst thou send lightnings, Ps. 18:14(15). and he shot out lightnings, 77 : 18(19). (Ae lightnings lightened the world: 97: 4. His lightnings enlightened the world: 135 : 7. he maketh lightnings for the rain ; 144: 6. Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: Jer. 10:13 & 51 : 16. he maketh lightnings with rain, Eze. 1:13. out of the fire went forth lightning. 21: 10(15). it is furbished that it may glitter: (lit. have lightning) 15(20). ah! (it is) made bright, (lit. unto glittering) 28(33). because of (Ae glittering: Dan 10: 6. as the appearance of lightning, Nah. 2: 4(5). shall run iiAe (Ae lightnings. 3: 3. the bright sword and the glittering spear: (marg. and the lightning of the spear) Hab. 3 : 1 1 . at the shining of thy glittering spear. Zee. 9: 14. shall go forth as the lightning : (marg. i"013 Vreh-chah' '. f. t " : • ' 2Sa. 2:13. by (Ae pool o/ Gibeon; and they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of (Ae pool. 4:12. over thepool in Hebron. IK. 22:38. washed the chariot in the pool of 2K. 18:17. the conduit of (Ae upper pool, 20:20. how he made a pool, Neh 2:14. to (Ae king's pool: 3:15. the wall of the pool o/Siloah 16. to the pool that was made, Ecc. 2: 6. 1 made me pools of water, Cant.7: 4(5). thine eyes (like) thefishpools Isa. 7 : 3. the conduit of (Ae upper pool 22 : 9. the waters of (Ae lower pool. 1 1 . for the water of (Ae old pool : 36: 2. by the conduit of (Ae upper pool Nah.2: 8(9). Nineveh (is) of old like a pool of D13 b'ram, Ch. adv. Ezr. 5:13. But in the first year of Cyrus Dan 2:28. But there is a God in heaven 4:15(12). Nevertheless leave the stump 23(20).ye( leave the stump 5:17. yet I will read the writing pl_3 [bah-rak']. * KAL. — Imperative. * Ps.144: 6. Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: D^in bar-kah-neem' , m. pi. Jud. 8: 7. thorns of the wilderness and with briers. 16. thorns of the wilderness and briers, nj^TS bah-reh'-keth, f. Ex. 28 : 1 7 & 39 : 10. sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle : ri|TQ bah-rkath', f. Eze. 28: 13. emerald, and the carbuncle, 112 [bah-rar']. *KAL Preterite. * Eze. 20: 38. And I will purge out from KAL. — Infinitive. Ecc. 3:18. (Aa( God might manifest them, (marg. or, (Aa( they might clear God) KAL. — Participle. Paiil. ICh 7:40. choice (and) mighty men of valour, 9:22. ehosen to be porters in the gates 16: 41. the rest that were chosen, Neh 5:18. one ox (and) six choice sheep; Job 33: 3. my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. Isa. 49: 2. made me a polished shaft ; Zep. 3: 9. turn to the people a^mre language, * NIPHAL.— Imperative. * Isa. 52:ll.oe ye clean, that bear the vessels NIPHAL Participle. 2Sa.22:27.With the pure thou wilt shew thyself Ps. 18: 26(27). With thepure thou wilt shew thyself *PIEL.— Infinitive. -X Dan 1 1 : 3.5. to try them, and to purge, * HIPHIL.— Infinitive. * Jer. 4:11. not to fan, nor to cleanse, HIPHIL. — Imperative. Jer. 51:11. Make bright the arrows; (marg. pure) * HITHPAEL.— Future. * 2Sa. 22:27. thou wilt shew thyself pure ; Ps. 18:26(27). the pure (Aom wilt shew thyself pure ; Dan 12:10. Many «Aa(( be purified, STrttM. Vsoh-rah, f. 2Sa. 4:10. given him a reward for his tidings: (or, lit. which were (Ae tidings I gave him.) 2Sa,18:20.Thou shalt not bear tidings 22. thou hast no tidings ready ? 25. If he (be) alone, (there is) tidings 27. cometh with good tidings. 2K. 7 : 9. this day (is) a day of good tidings, I. Z/O ) ~H£U D^3 [bah-sahm'], m. Cant.5 : 1 . gathered my myrrh with my spice ; Ex. 25 6 30:23 35 8 IK. 10 2 10 25 2K. 20 13 ICh 9:29 30 2Ch 9 1 9 24 16 14 32 27 Est o 12 Cai t.4 10 14 16 8 14 Isa. 39 2 D^3 beh'-sem, m. spices for anointing oil, also unto thee principal spices, of sweet cinnamon half so much, spices for anointing oil, .with camels that bare spices, and of sj, ices very great store, garments, and armour, and spices, and (Ae spices, and the precious ointment, . the frankincense, and the spices. made the ointment o/(Ae spices. camels that bare spices, and of spices great abundance, raiment, harness, and spices, was filled with sweet odours precious stones, ajid for spices, six months with sweet odours, thine ointments than all sjiicesl with all (Ae chief spices; (Ae spices thereof may flow upon the mountains of spices. , the gold, and (Ae spices, Q^boh^sem.m. Ex. 30: 23. and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty 35: 28. spice, and oil for the light, IK. 10: 10. no more sncA abundance of spices 2Ch 9: 9. neither was there any such spice Cant.5: 13. His cheeks (are) as a bed of spices, 6 : 2. to the beds of spices, Isa. 3:24. instead of sweet smell Eze.27:22.in thy fairs with chief of all spices, # HITHPAEL.-Fn(nre. * 2Sa. 18: 31. Cushi came; and Cushi said, Tidings, (marg. Tidings is brought) ¦fc>3 [bah-sar']. ¦Jf PIEL.— Preterite. ¦& 2Sa.l8:20.on( (Aom sAa?( bear tidings another day: Ps. 40: 9(10). I have preached righteousness Jer. 20 : 15. who brought tidings to my father, PIEL. — Infinitive. ISa.31 : 9.(o publish (it in) the house ICh 10: 9.(o carry tidings unto their idols, Isa. 61 : I. to preach good tidings unto the meek ; PIEL. — Imperative. !Chl6:23. shew forth from day to day Ps. 96: 2. shew forth his salvation PIEL.— Future. 2Sa. 1 :20. publish (it) not in the streets 18:19. and bear the king tidings, 20. (Aom sA«Z( bear no tidings, IK. 1 -.42. and bringest good tidhigs. Isa. 60: 6. they shall shew forth the praises PIEL Participle. ISa. 4:17. (Ae messenger answered and said, 2Sa. 4: 10. thinking to Aaue brought good tidings, (lit, he was as a bringer of good tidings 18:26. He also bringeth tidings. Ps. 68:11(12). company of those that published Isa. 40: 9. O Zion, (Aa( bringest good tidings^ (marg. thou that tellest good tidings to Zion) — O Jerusalem, (Aa( bringest good tidings, (marg. (Aom (Aa( tellest good tidings to Jerusalem) 41 : 27 . to Jerusalem one that bringeth good tidings. 52: 7. the feet of him that brhigeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; (Aa( bringeth good tidings o/"good Nah. 1:15(2:1). the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, 1WS bah-sahr', m. Gen 2:21. closed up the flesh instead thereof; 23. and flesh of my flesh: 24. they shall be one ^esA. 6 : 3. for that he also ( is ) flesh : 12. all flesh had corrupted his way 13. The end of all flesh is come 17. to destroy all^esA, 19. every living thing of all flesh, 7:15, two and two of all flesh, 16. went in male and female of all flesh, 21.allflesh died that moved upon 8:17. of all flesh, (both) of fowl, and of cattle, 9: 4. But flesh with the life thereof. 11. neither shall all flesh be cut oif' 15, 16. every living creature of all flesh; — become a flood to destroy all flesh. 17. between me and all^esA 17:11. ye shall circumcise the flesh 13. my covenant shall be in your flesh 14. whose flesh ofhis foreskin 23. circumcised the flesh 0/ their 24. he was circumcised in the flesh of 25. circumcised in the flesh ofhis foreskin. 29: 14. Surely thou (art) my bone and myjlesh. 37:27. he (is) our brother (and) our flesh. 40: 19. the birds shall eat thy flesh 41: 2.andfat/7esAed; (lit. fat of flesh) 3. and lean/7esAed; (lit. lean of flesh) 4. lean/7esAed kine ]8.fat/?esAed and well favoured ; 19. and lean/ZesAed, such as I never Ex. 4: 7. turned again as his (other) flesh. 12: 8. they shall eat the flesh 46. carry forth ought of the flesh 16: 3. when we sat by the flesh pots, 8. give you in the evening #esA 12. At even ye shall eatjfesA, 21:28.Ais-/?esA shall not be eaten ; 22:31 (30). neither (lit. and not) shall yeeat(any) flesh 28.42.1inen breeches to cover their nakedness ; (marg. flesh 0/ their nakedness) 29: 14. the flesh of the bullock, 31 . seethe his flesh in the holy place. 32. his sons shall eat the flesh of 34. if ought of the flesh of the 30:32. Upon man's flesh shall it not Lev. 4:11. and all Ais flesh, 6: 10(3). shall he put upon his flesh, 27(20). shall touch the flesh thereof 7 : 15. And the flesh of the sacrifice 17. But the remainder of the flesh of 18. if (any) of the flesh o/the sacrifice 19. And the flesh that toucheth any — and as for (Ae flesh, all that be clean shall eat thereof, (lit.the flesh) 20. But the soul that eateth (of) the flesh 21. and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice 8: 1 7. the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, 31 .Boil the flesh (at) the door 32. that which remaineth of the flesh 9:11. the flesh and the hide 11 : 8. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, 1 1 . ye shall not eat of their flesh, 12: 3. in the eighth day (Ae flesh of 13: 2. shall have in the skin of his flesh — it be in the skin of his flesh 3. the plague in the skin of the flesh: — deeper than the skin of Ais flesh, 4. spot (be) white in the skin of his flesh, 10. quick raw flesh in the rising; 11. leprosy in the skin of his flesh, 13. the leprosy have covered all his flesh, 14. But when raw flesh appeareth 15. the priest shall see (Ae raw flesh, — (Ae raw flesh (is) unclean: 16. if (Tie raw flesh turn again, 18. The flesh also, in which,- 24. Or if there be (any) flesh, 3R hauo in the clr.'r. ,.'f l'l..,^ #,../. ¦wn ( 279 ) itta Lev. 13:39. bright spots in the skin of their flesh 43.appeareth in the skin of the flesh; 14: 9. also he shall wash Ais flesh 15: 2. hath a running issue out of Ms flesh, 3. whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped 7. he that toucheth the flesh of him 13. bathe his flesh in running water, 16. then he shall wash all his flesh 19. her issue in her flesh 16: 4. the linen breeches upon his flesh, — therefore shall he wash his flesh 24. he shall wash his flesh 26, 28. bathe his flesh in water, 27 .their flesh, and their dung. ] 7 : 1 1 . For the life of (Ae flesh 14. For (it is) the life of all flesh ; — eat the blood of no manner of flesh : for the life of allies A 16. nor bathe his flesh; 18: 6. to any that is near of kin (marg. remainder of his flesh) 19:28. make any cuttings in your flesh 21 : 5. nor make any cuttings in their flesh. 22: 6. unless he wash his flesh 25:49. that is nigh of Ain unto him (lit. remainder of his flesh) 26 ;29. ye shall eat (Ae flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters Nu. 8: 7. let them shave all their flesh, 11: 4, 18. Who shall give us fiesh to eat? 13. Whence should I have^esA — Give us flesh, that we may eat. 18. ye shall eat flesh; — the Lord will give you flesh, 21.1 will give them^esA, 33. while the flesh (was) yet between 12:12. of whom the flesh is half consumed (lit. his flesh) 16:22. the God of the spirits of allj?esA, 18:15. that openeth the matrix in ail flesh, 18.-4nd the flesh of them shall be 19: 5. her skin, and her flesh, 7, 8. bathe his flesh in water, 27:16. the God of the spirits of all^ZesA, Deu 5:26(23). For who (is there of) aliyZesA, 12:15. thou mayest kill and eat flesh 20. thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh; thou mayest eat fiesh, 23. mayest not eat the life with the flesh. 27. the flesh and the blood, — a7id thou shalt eat the flesh. 14: 8. ye shall not eat of their flesh, 16 : 4. neither shall there (any thing) of the flesh, 28:53. (Ae flesh ofthy sons 55. of the flesh ofhis children 32:42. my sword shall devour^esA; Jud. 6:19. the flesh he put in a basket, 20.Take the flesh and the 21. touched the flesh and the — consumed the flesh 8: 7. then I will tear your flesh 9: 2.1 (am) your bone and your flesh. ISa. 2:13. while the flesh was in seething, 15.Give^esA to roast for the priest; for he will not have sodden fl.es A 17:44.1 will give thy flesh unto the fowls 2Sa. 5: 1. we (are) thy bone and thy flesh. 19:12(13). ye (are) my bones andmy flesh: 13( 14). thou not of my bone, and of my flesh ? IK. 17: 6. bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening ; 19:21. boiled their flesh with the instruments 21 :27.put sackcloth upon Ais ^esA, 2K. 4:34.(Ae<)?esA o/the child waxed warm. 5:10. and thy flesh shall come again 14. and his flesh came again ZiAe unto the flesh of a little child, 6: 30. sackcloth within upon his flesh. 9:36. shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: 1 Ch 1 1 : 1 . we (are ) thy bone and thy flesh. 2Ch32: 8. With him (is) an arm of flesh; Neh 5: 5. Yet now oar flesh (is) as the flesh of our Job 2: 5. touch his bone and his flesh, 4:15. the hair of my flesh stood up: 6:12. or (is) my flesh of brass? Job 7 : 5. My flesh is clothed with worms 10: 4. Hast thou eyes of flesh? 11. clothed me with skin and flesh, 12: 10. the breath of all manAind. (marg. flesh of man) 13:14. Wherefore do I take my flesh 14:22. But his flesh upon him shall 19:20. to my skin and to my flesh, 22. and are not satisfied with my flesh ? 26. yet in my flesh shall I see God: 21: 6. trembling taketh hold on my flesh. 3 1 ; 3 1. Oh that we had of his flesh ! 33:21. His flesh is consumed away, 25. His flesh shall be fresher 34: 15. All flesh shall perish together, 41:23(15). The flakes of his flesh are joined Ps. 16: 9. my flesh also shall rest in hope. 27 : 2. came upon me to eat up my flesh, 38: 3(4), 7(8). no soundness in my flesh 50: 13. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, 56: 4(5). I will not fear what flesh can do 63: 1(2). my flesh longeth for thee 65: 2(3). unto thee shall all flesh come. 78:39. remembered that they (were but)^esA; 79: 2. the flesh ofthy saints unto the beasts 84: 2(3). my heart ajid my flesh cricth 102: 5(6). bones cleave to my skin. (marg. flesh) 109:24. and my flesh faileth of fatness. 119; 120. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; 136: 25. Who giveth food to all flesh : 145:21 .let allflesh bless his holy name Pro. 4:22. health to all (Aeir ^esA. 5:11. when (Ay ^sA and thy body 14:30. A sound heart (is) the life of the flesh: 23 :20. among riotous eaters of flesh: Ecc. 2: 3. to give myself unto wine, (marg. draw my flesh) 4: 5. and eateth Ais own flesh. 5: 6(5). thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; 11:10. put away evil from thy flesh: 12:12. much study (is) a weariness of the flesh. Isa. 9:20(19). eat every man the, flesh ofhis own 10;18.both soul and body: marg. (and even to (Ae flesh ) 17: 4.the fatness of Ais ^esA 22: 13. eating flesh, and drinking wine: 31 : 3. their horses ^esA, and not spirit. 40: 5. all flesh shall see (it) together: 6. Allj?esA (is) grass, 44:16. with part thereof he eateth flesh; 19-1 have roasted flesh, 49:26. that oppress thee with (Aeir own flesh; — and all^ZesA shall know 53: 7. and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? 65: 4. which eat swine's ^esA, 66:16. will the Lord plead with allflesh: 17. eating swine's ^esA, 23. shall all^ZesA come to worship 24. shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. Jer. 7:21. your sacrifices, and eat flesh. 11:15. ajid the holy flesh is passed from thee ? 12:12. no fiesh shall have peace. 17: 5. maketh ^esA his arm, 19: 9. to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh ofhis friend 25: 31. he will plead with all flesh ; 32:27. the Lord, the God of allflesh: 45: 5. 1 will bring evil upon all^esA, Lam. 3 : 4. My flesh and my skin Eze. 4:14. neither came there abominable flesh 10: 12, And (Aeir whole 6ody, (marg. flesh) 11: 3. and we (be) the flesh. 7. they (are) the flesh, 11. neither shall ye be the flesh (lit. for the flesh) 19. take the stony heart ow( of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: 16:26. Egyptians thy neighbours, great of flesh; 20:48(21:4). And all flesh shall see that 21 : 4(9) . out of his sheath against all fiesh 5( 10). That all flesh may know that 23:20.whose.yZesA (lit. their flesh) (is as)(Ae fiesh of asses, 24: 10. consume the flesh, 32: 5. 1 will lay thy flesh upon the -KiO ( 280 ) nn Eze.36:26.the stony heart out of your flesh, andl will give you an heart of flesh. 37: 6. will bring up flesh upon you, 8. the sinews and the flesh came up 39; 17. that ye may eat flesh, 18. Ye shall eat the fiesh of the 40:43. the flesh of the offering. 44: 7. and uncircumcised in flesh, 9. nor uncircumcised in flesh, Dan 1 : 15. appeared fairer and fatter in flesh 10: 3. neither (lit. and not) came^esA nor Hos 8:13. They sacrifice flesh (for) the Joel 2:28(3:1).! will pour out my spirit upon all Mic. 3: 3. and as flesh within the caldron. Hag. 2 : 12. If one bear holy flesh in the Zee. 2: 13(17). Be silent, 0 allflesh, 11:9. eat every one the fiesh of another. 16. but he shall eat the flesh of 14:12. Their fiesh shall consume 11^2 see mi&5>3 1B>3 b'sar, Ch. m. Dan. 2: 11. whose dwelling is not with ^esA. 4:12(9). and allflesh was fed of it. 7: 5. Arise, devour much flesh. bm bah-shal'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Eze.24: 5. let them seethe the bones Joel 3: 13(4: 13). for the harvest is ripe : * PIEL Preterite. * Ex. 29:31.andsee(Ae his flesh Nu. 11: 8. and oaAed (it) in pans. Deu 16: 7 . And thou shalt roast IK. 19:21. and boiled (Aeir flesh 2Ch 35:13. but the (other) holy (offerings) sod they Lam. 4: 10. have sodden their own children: Zec.l4:21.and see(Ae therein: PIEL. — Infinitive. ISa. 2: 13.toAi?e the flesh ivas in seething, PIEL — Imperative. Ex. 16:23. see(Ae that ye will seethe ; Lev. 8:31. Boil the flesh (at) the door 2K. 4:38. and seethe pottage for the sons PIEL.— Future. Ex. 16:23. seethe that ye will seethe; 23 : 1 9 & 34 : 26. Thou shalt not see(Ae a kid Deu 14: 21 . Thou shalt not seethe a kid 2Sa.l3: 8. and did bake the cakes. 2K. 6:29. So we boiled my son, 2Ch35:13. And they roasted the passover Eze 46: 20. the priests sAai( boil the trespass offering 24. the ministers of the house shall boil PIEL.— Participle. Eze.46:24. the places of them that boil, * PUAL Preterite. * Lev. 6:28(21). if it be sodden in a brasen pot, PUAL.— Future. "Lev. 6:28(21). vessel wherein it is sodden shall be broken : PUAL Participle. Ex. 12: 9. nor sodden at all with water, ISa. 2: 15. he will not have sodden flesh * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Gen40:10.6roujrA(/or(A ripe grapes: b#2 bah-shehl', adj. Ex. 12: 9. nor sodden at all with water, (lit. and boiled sodden) Nu. 6:19. shall take the sodden shoulder P1303 bosh-nah', f. t : t Hos.10: 6. Ephraim shall receive shame, D&5>3 [bah-skas'l * POEL.— Infinitive. * Am. 5: 11. as your treading (is) upon the poor, n#3 boh'-sheth, f. lSa.20 2Ch.32 Ezr. 9 Job 8 Ps. 35 404469 70 109132 Isa. 30 42 54 61 Jer. 2 7 11 20 Dan 9 Hos. 9 Mic. 1 Hab. 2 Zep. 3 30. to thine own confusion, and unto the con fusion of -.21. So he returned wi(A shame of face 7. and to confusion of face, 22. shall be clothed with shame ; 26. let them be clothed with shame 15(16). for a reward of their shame 15(16). and the shame of my face 19(20). my reproach, and my shame, 3(4). for a reward of their shame 29. with (Aeir own confusion, 18. His enemies will I clothe with shame : : 3. Pharaoh be your shame, 5. but a shame, and also a reproach. 17. they shall be greatly ashamed, (lit. be ashamed a shame) 4. thou shalt forget (Ae sAame of thy youth, 7. For your shame (ye shall have) double; :26. As the thief is ashamed (lit. as the shame of the thief) 24. For shame hath devoured 25. We lie down in our shame, 1 9. to (Ae confusion of their own faces ? 13. set up altars to (that) shameful thing, (marg. shame) 18. should be consumed with shame? 7. but unto us confusion effaces, 8. to us (belongeth) confusion of face, : 10. separated themselves unto (that) shame; 11. having thy shame naked: 10. Thou hast consulted sAame : 5. the unjust knoweth no shame. 19. every land where they have been put to shame, (marg. (Aeir shame) nn bath, f. Gen 5: 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 30. begat sons and daughters : 6 : 1 . and daughters were born unto them, 2. saw (Ae daughters of men 4. came in unto (Ae daughters of men, 11:11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. begat sons and daughters. 29. (Ae daughter of Haran, 17. -17. that is ninety years old, bear? (lit. that is a daughter cf ninety years) 19: 8. 1 have two daughters 12. and thy sons, and thy daughters, 14. sons in law, which married Ais daughters, 15. and thy two daughters, 16. and upon the hand of Ais two daughters; 30. in the mountain, and Ais two daughters — he and Ais two daughters. 36. Thus were both (Ae daughters of hot 20:12. she (Is) (Ae daughter of my father, but not (Ae daughter of my mother ; 24: 3. of the daughters of the Canaanites, 13. and the daughters of the men of 23, 47. Whose daughter (art) thou ? 24, 47. (Ae daughter of Bethuel 37. of the daughters of the Canaanites, 48. my master's brother's daughter 25 : 20. (Ae daughter of Bethuel 26:34. Judith (Ae daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath (Ae daughter of Elon 27: 46. because of (Ae daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these (which are) of the daugh ters of the land. m ( 281 ) Gen28: 1, 6. take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. 2 . of the daughters of Laban 8. seeing that (Ae daughters of Canaan 9. Alalia lath (Ae daughter o/Ishmael 29: 6. Rachel Ais daughter cometh with the sheep. 10. Jacob saw Rachel (Ae daughter of 16. Laban had two daughters : 18. seven years for Rachel thy younger daugh ter. 23. took Leah Ats daughter, and brought her to him ; 24. gave unto Ais daughter Leah Zilpah 28. he gave him Rachel Ais daughtej- to wife 29. Laban gave to Rachel Ais daughter 30. 13. for the daughters will call me blessed: 21. afterwards she bare a daughter, 31: 26. and carried away my daughters, as 28. to kiss my sons and my daughters ? 31. thou wouldest take by force (Ay daughters 41. for (Ay two daughters, 43. (These) daughters (are) my daughters, — and what can I do this day unto these my daughters, 50. If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or if thou shalt take (other) wives beside my daughters, 55(32:1). kissed his sons and his daughters 34: 1. Dinah (Ae daughter of Leah, — to see (Ae daughters of the land. 3. Dinah the daughter of Jacob, 5. that he had defiled Dinah Ais daughter: 7. Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter ; 8. Shechem longeth for your daughter: 9. give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. 16. Then will we give owr daughters — we will take your daughters 17. then will we take our daughter, 19. because he had delight in Jacob's daughter: 21 . let us take (Aeir daughters to us — let us give them our daughters. 36: 2. wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah (Ae daughter o/Elon the Hittite, — , 14. Aholibamah (Ae daughter of Anah (Ae daughter of Zibeon 3. Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, 6. his wives, and his sons, and Ais daughters, 18, 25. Aholibamah (Ae daughter of Anah, 39. (Ae daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. 37: 35. and all Ais daughters rose up to comfort 38: 2. Judah saw there a daughter of 12. (Ae daughter of Shuah Judah's wife 41 :45, 50. Asenath the daughter o/Poti-pherah 46: 7. Ais daughters, and his sons' daughters, 15. with Ais daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters (were) thirty and three. 18. whom Laban gave to Leah Ais daughter, 20. Asenath (Ae daughter o/Poti-pherah 25. Laban gave unto Rachel Ais daughter, 49: 22. branches run over the wall: (marg.dauoA- ters) Ex. 1:16. but if it (be) a daughter, 22. every daughter ye shall save alive. 2: l.took (to wife) a daughter of Levi. 5.(Ae daughter of Pharaoh came 7- Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, 8. Pharaoh's daughter said to her, 9. Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, 10. brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, 16. the priest of Midian had seven daughters : 20. And he said unto Ais daughters, 21. he gave Moses Zipporah Ais daughter. 3:22. and upon your daughters ; 6:23.Elisheba, daughter o/Amminadab, 25. took him (one) of the daughters o/Putiel 10: 9. with our sons and ivith our daughters, 20: 10. any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, 21 : 4. born him sons or daughters; 7. if a man sell Ais daughter 9. after the manner of daughters. 31 . or have gored a daughter, 32: 2. of your sons, and of your daughters, 34: 16. take of their daughters unto thy sons, and (Aeir daughters go a whoring Lev.l0:14 18: 9 10 21: 22 2426: Nu. 6: 15: 18 27: m thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee: Andthe owl, (lit. Me daughter of the owl) or for a daughter, one ewe lamb of the first year (marg. daughter of her year) ,the daughter of thy father, or daughter of The nakedness ofthy son's daughter, or of (Ay daughter's daughter, , nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, .nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daugh ter, or Aer daughter's daughter, , Do not prostitute (Ay daughter, take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, for his son, ajidfor his daughter, And the daughter of any priest, If the priest's daughter But if the priest's daughter Shelomith, (Ae daughter o/Dibri, the flesh of your daughters one ewe lamb of the first year (lit. daugh ter of her year) bring a she goat of thefirst year and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, thy sons and thy daughters with thee, in all (Ae villages thereof (marg. daughters) and his daughters, into captivity unto they took (Ae villages thereof, with (Ae daughters o/Moab. (Ae daughter of Zur ; the daughter of a prince of Midian, had no sons, but daughters : and the names of (Ae daughters of the name of (Ae daughter of Asher Jochebed, (Ae daughtej' o/Levi, Then came (Ae daughters of Zelophehad, these (are) the names of Ais daughters; The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: shall cause his inheritance to pass unto Deu. 5 12 232728 32 Jos. 7 15 9. if he have no daughter, 16(17). between the father andhis daughter, 42. Kenath, and (Ae villages thereof, 2. of Zelophehad our brother unto his daugh ters. 6. concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, 8. every daughter, that possesseth 10. so did (Ae daughters of Zelophehad: 11. (Ae daughters of Zelophehad, were 14. not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, : 3. (Ay daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take 12. your sons, and your daughters, 18. thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, 31 . even their sons and (Aeir daughters : 6(7). of thy mother, or thy son, or (Ay daughter, 15. And the owl, (lit. (Ae daughter of the owl) 11, 14. thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, 10. his son or his daughter to pass through the 16. 1 gave my daughter unto this man 17.1 found not (Ay daughter a maid ; and yet these (are the tokens of) my daughter's 17(18). no whore of the daughters of Israel, 22. the daughter o/his father, or (Ae daughter of his mother. 32. Thy sons and thy daughters (shall be) 41. Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, 53. the flesh ofthy sons and of thy daughters, 56. and toward her daughter, 19. the provoking of his sons, and of Ais daughtej'S . 24. wedge of gold, and his sons, and Ais daughters, 16. will I give Achsah my daughter to wife. 17. gave him Achsah Ais daughter to wife. 45.Ekron, with her towns 47. Ashdod with Aer towns — Gaza with Aer (owns 3. had no sons, but daughters: and these (are) the names of Ats daughters, 6. Because (Ae daughters of Manasseh 11, 16. Beth-shean and her towns, m ( 282 ) nn Jos. 17:11. Ibleam and her toiojis, and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, and the inhabitants of En-dor and her towns, and the in habitants of Taanach ajid her towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and her Jud. 1 : 12. will I give Achsah my daughter to wife. 13. he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife. 27.Beth-shean and Aer towns, nor Taanach and Aer towns, nor the inhabitants of Dor and Aer towns, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam and Aer towns, nor the in habitants of Megiddo and her toums : 3: 6. they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave (Aeir daughters to their sons, 11 :26. in Heshbon and her towns, and in Aroer and her towns, 34. Ais daughter came out to meet him — he had neither son nor daughter. 35. Alas, my daughter ! thou hast brought me 40. Me daughter's o/Israel went yearly — to lament (Ae daughter of 12: 9. thirty sons, and thirty daughters, — took in thirty daughters from abroad 14: l,2.o/(Ae daughters of the Philistines. 3. among the daughters of thy brethren, 19:24. Behold, (here is) my daughter a maiden, 21 : 1 . not any of us give Ais daughter unto Ben jamin 7. give them of our daughters to wives? 18. give them wives of our daughters : 21 . if (Ae daughters of Shiloh — of the daughters of Shiloh, Ru. 1:11, 12. Turn again, my daughters : 13. nay, my daughters ; for it grieveth me 2: 2. she said unto her, Go, my daughter. 8. Hearest thou not, my daughter ? 22. (It is) good, my daughter, that thou go 3: 1 . My daughter, shall 1 not seek rest for 10. Blessed (be) thou of the Lord, my daugh ter: 1 1 . And now, my daughter, fear not ; 16. Who (art) thou, my daughter? 18. said she, Sit still, my daughter, ISa. 1 : 4. to all her sons and her daughters, 16. thine handmaid for a daughter of 2: 21. three sons and two daughters. 8:13. A7id he will take your daughters 14:49. the names of Ais two daughters 50. the daughter o/Ahimaaz: 17:25. with great riches, and will give him Ais daughter, 18 : 17. Behold jny elder daughter Merab, 19. Saul's daughter should have been 20. Michal Saul's daughter loved 27. gave him Michal Ais daughter to wife. 28. Michal Saul's daughter loved him. 25:44. But Saul had given Michal Ais daughter, 30: 3. their sons, and their daughters, 6. for his sons and for Ais daughters : 19. neither sons nor daughters, 2Sa. 1 :20.(Ae daughters of the Philistines — (Ae daughters of the uncircumcised 24. Te daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, 3: 3.Maacah (Ae daughter o/Talmai 7.(Ae daughter o/Aiah: 13. bring Michal Saul's daughter, 5: 13. there were yet sons and daughters 6: 16. Michal Saul's daughter looked 20, 23. Michal (Ae daughter of Saul 11: 3. Bath-sheba, (Ae daughter o/Eliam, 12: 3. was unto him as a daughter. 13: 18. such robes were theking's daughters 14:27. three sons, and one daughter, 17:25. Abigail (Ae daughter o/Nahash, 19: 5(6). lives ofthy sons and of thy daughters, 21: 8, 10, 11. Rizpah (Ae daughter o/Aiah, — Michal (Ae daughter o/Saul, IK. 3: 1 . took Pharaoh's daughter, 4:11. Taphath (Ae daughter of Solomon 15. Basmath (Ae daughter of Solomon 7: 8. an house for Pharaoh's daughter, 9: 16. given it (for) a present mito his daughter, 24. Pharaoh's daughter came up 11 : 1. together with (Ae daughter of 15: 2, 10. Maachah, (Ae daughter of Abishalom. 16:31. Jezebel (Ae daughter o/Ethbaal IK. 22:42. Azubah (Ae daughter o/Shilhi. 2K. 8:18.for (Ae daughter o/Ahab was his wife: v 26. (Ae daughter of Omri 9:34. for she (is) a king's daughter. 11; 2. (Ae daughter of king Joram, 14: 9. Give (Ay daughter to my son to wife: 15:33. (Ae daughter o/ Zadok. 17:17. caused their sons and (Aeir daughters 18: 2. Abi, (Ae daughter of Zachariah, 19:21. The virgin (Ae daughter o/Zion — (Ae daughter of Jerusalem 21 : 19. (Ae daughter of Haruz 22 ; 1 . (Ae daughter of Adaiah 23 ; 10. or Ais daughter to pass through the fire 31 . (Ae dajtghter of Jeremiah 36. (Ae daughter o/Pedaiah 24: 8. (Ae daughter o/Elnathan 18. (Ae daughter of Jeremiah ICh 1:50. (Ae daughter o/Matred, the daughter of 2: 3.o/ (Ae daughter of Shua 21. went in to (Ae daughter 0/ Machir 23. and (Ae toions thereof, 34. Sheshan had no sons, but daughters. 35. Sheshan gave Ais daughter to Jarha 49. and the daughter of Caleb 3: 2. Maachah (Ae daughter o/Talmai 5. of Bath-shua (Ae daughter of 4:18. (Ae daughter of Pharaoh , 27. sixteen sons and six daughters; 5: 16.ajid in her towns, 7:15. Zelophehad had daughters. 24. And his daughter (was) Sherah, who built 28. Beth-el ajid the towns thereof, — Gezer, with the towns thereof: Shechem also and the towns thereof, unto Gaza and the towns thereof: 29. Beth-shean and her tow7is, Taanach and her towns, Megiddo and her towns, Dor and htr towns. 8: 12. and Lod, u-i(A (Ae towns thereof: 14: 3. begat more sons and daughters. 15:29.Michal (Ae daughter o/Saul 18: 1 . took Gath and her towns 23:22. had no sons, but daughters: 25: 5. fourteen sons and three daughters. 2Ch 2:14(13). a woman of (Ae daughters o/Dan, 8:11. brought up (Ae daughter 0/ Pharaoh ll:18.Mahalath (Ae daughter of Jerimoth — Abihail (Ae daughter 0/ Eliab 20, 21 . Maachah (Ae daughter 0/ Absalom ; 2 1. and threescore daughters. 13: 2. Michaiah (Ae daughter 0/ Uriel 19. Beth-el with (Ae towns thereof, and Jesha- nah with (Ae towns thereof, and Ephrain with (Ae towns thereof. 2 Land sixteen daughters. 20; 31. Azubah (Ae daughter of Shilhi. 21; 6. he had (Ae daughter o/Ahab 22: 2. Athaliah (Ae daughter o/Omri. 1 1 . (Ae daughter of the king, — (Ae daughter o/king Jehoram, 24: 3. begat sons and daughters. 25; 18. Give (Ay daughter to my son to wife: 27 : I . Jerushah, (Ae daughter of Zadok. 28: 8. women, sons, and daughtej-s, 18. Shocho with the villages thereof, and Tim- nan with (Ae villages thereof Girazo also and (Ae villages thereof: 29. 1. Abijah, (Ae daughter 0/ Zechariah. 9. our sons and our daughters 31: 18. their sons, and their daughters, Ezr. 2:61. took a wife o/(Ae daughters of 9: 2. they have taken of their daughtei's 12. give not your daughters — neither take (Aeir daughters Neh 3:12. of Jerusalem, he andhis daughters. 4: 14(8) . your sons, a7id your daughters, 5: 2. We, our sons, and our daughters, 5. our sons and our daughters to be servants, and (some) of our daughters are brought 6:18. had taken (Ae daughter o/Meshullam 7:63. took (one) o/(Ae daughters of 10:28(29). their sons, and their daughters, 30(31 ). would not give our daughters — ( — ). nor take (Aeir daughters 11:25. and (in) (Ae villages thereof, andatDibon, and fin") (Ae villaaes thereof* nn 13: Est 2: Job 9: 1: 30: 42: Ps. 9; 17: 45: 4897 106 137 144 Pro. 30 31 Ecc. 12 Cant.l Nehll :27. at Beer-sheba, and(in) the villages (Aereo/, 28. at Mekonah, and hi the villages thereof, 30. at Azekah, and (in) (Ae villages thereof. 31. and Beth-el, and (in) (Aeir villages, 25. Ye shall not give your daughters — nor take (Aeir daughters 7. Esther, his uncle's daughter: — tfiokfor his own daughtej'. 15. (Ae daughter of Abihail — who had taken her for his daughter , 29- (Ae daughter of Abihail, 2- seven sons and three daughtej-s. 13. when his sons and his daughters (w^ere) 18. Thy sons and thy daughters (were) eating 29.and a companion to owls. (lit. to the daughters o/the owl) 13- seven sons and three daughters. 15. found (so) fair as the daughters of Job: 14(15). in the gates of the daughter o/Zion: 8. Keep me as the apple of the eye, (lit. as (Ae daughter o/the eye) 9(10). Kings' daughters (were) among 10( 1 1 ). Hearken, 0 daughter, and consider, 12( 13) . And the daughter of Tyre 13(14). The king's daughter (is) all glorious 11(1:2). let (Ae daughters o/ Judah be glad, 8. tlie daughters of Judah rejoiced 37. sacrificed their sons and their daughters 38. of their sons and of their daughters, 8. O daughter o/Babylon, 12. our daughters (may be) as corner stones : 15. The horseleach hath two daughters, : 29. Many daughters have done virtuously, : 4. all (Ae daughters of musick : 5. O ye daughters of Jerusalem, : 2. so (is) my love among (Ae daughters. 7. O ye daughters of Jerusalem, : 5. 1 charge you, O ye daughtej-s of Jerusalem, 10. for the daughters of Jerusalem. 1 1 . Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, : S. I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, 16. mv friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. ; 9. The daughtej's saw her, : 1(2). O prince's daughter/ 4(5). by the gate of i?a(A-rabbim: (lit. daughter (/many) 4.1 charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, 8.(Ae daughter of Zion :16. Because (Ae daughters o/Zion 1 7 . the head of (Ae daughters of Zion , , : 4. the filth of (Ac daughters o/Zion, : 30. Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim ; 32. the mount of the daughter o/Zion, :21.owls shall dwell there, (marg. daughtei-s of the owl ) : 1 . the mount of (Ae daughter of Zion. 2.(Ae daughters o/Moab shall be 4. the spoiling of (Ae daughter ofmy people. : 10. O daughter of Tarshish : 12. oppressed virgin, daughter o/Zidon: : 9. hear my voice, ye careless daughters ,¦ :13.a court for owls. (marg. daughters of the owl ; or, ostriches) 22. The virgin, (Ae daughter o/Zion, — (Ae daughter of Jerusalem 6. and jny daughters from the ends of the earth ; 20. the dragons andthe owls:(mnrg.daMoA(ers of the owl) 1. 0 virgin daughter o/Babylon, — ,5. O daughter o/the Chaldeans: :22. and thy daughters shall be carried 2. O captive daughter of Zion. 5. better than of sons and of daughters: : 4. and thy daughters shall be nursed at (thy) side. : 1 1 . Say ye to the datighter of Zion, : 24. their sons and (Aeir daughters. : 1 1 . toward (Ae daughter ofmy people, 31. the voice of the daughter o/Zion, : 1 7 . ( which ) thy sons and thy daughters should 2. 1 have likened (Ae daughter o/Zion 14. the hurt of the daughter ofmy people 23. O daughter o/Zion. 26. O daughter ofmy people, ;3I . their sons and (Aeir daughters : 1 I . the dattgkter ofmy people slightly, 8 Isa. 1 3 4 101316 2223 32 3437 43 47 49 52566062 Jer. 3 45 6 ( 283 ) J-Q Jer. 8:19.the cry of (Ae daughter ofmy people 21. the hurt of the daughter ofmy people 22. the health of (Ae daughter ofmy people 9: 1(8:23). the slain of (Ae daughter of my 7(6). for the daughter ofmy people ? 20(19). teach your daughters wailing, 11 ;22. and their daughtej's shall die 14: 16. their sons, nor their daughters: 17. for the virgin daughter o/my people 16: 2. neither shalt thou have sons or daughtej's 3. concerning (Ae daughtej's 19: 9. the flesh of their daughters, 29: 6. beget sons and daughters; — give your daughtej's to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters ; 31:22. wilt thou go about, 0 thou backsliding daughter } 32:35. their daughters to pass through 35: 8. our sons, Jior our daughters; 41 : 10. (even) the king's daughtej's, 43; 6. and theking's daughtej's, 46:11. O virgin, (Ae daughter of -Egypt: 19. O thou daughter dwelling in Egypt, 24. TAe daughter o/Egypt shall be 48:18. TAom daughter that dost inhabit Dibon, 46. taken captives, andthy daughters captives. 49: 2. andher daughters shall be burned with fire : 3. cry, ye daughters o/Rabbnh, 4. O backsliding daughter 9 that trusted 50:39. the owls shall dwell therein: (lit. daughters of the owl) 42. against thee. O daughter o/Babylon. 51:33. The daughter of Babylon 52: l.(Ae daughter of Jeremiah Lam.l: 6. from (Ae daughter o/Zion 15. (Ae daughter of Judah, 2: I . the Lord covered (Ae daughter of Zion 2. the strong holds of the daughtej- of Judah; 4. the tabernacle of (Ae daughter of Zion : 5. increased in the daughter of Judah 8. to destroy the wall of (/jeda«yA(er(/Zion: 10. The elders of the daughtej' of Zion 1 1 . the destruction of thedaughter ofmy people; 13. O daughter of Jerusalem? • — O virgin daughter o/Zion? 15. at (Ae daughter of Jerusalem, 18. O wall of (Ae daughter of Zion, — let not (Ae apple of thine eye 3 :48.thedestruction of (Aeda«yA(er ofmy people. 51. because of all (Ae daughtej-s of 4: 3.(Ae daughter o/my people (is become) 6. the iniquity of the daughter ofmy people 10. destruction of (Ae daughter o/my people. 21, 22. O daughter o/Edom, 22. O daughter o/Zion ; Eze. 13: 17. against (Ae daughters o/thy people, 14: 16. deliver neither sons nor daughters; 18. deliver neither sons nor daughters, 20. deliver neither son nor daughter; 22. sons ajid daughters: 16:20. thou hast taken thy sons and (Ay daughters, 27. (Ae daughters o/the Philistines, (marg. cid'es ) 44. the mother, (so is) Aer daughter. 45. Thou (art) thy mother's daughter, 46.aJid Aer daughters that dwell at — , 53, 55. Sodom and her daughters. 48. she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou ajid thy daughters. 49. was in her ajid in Aer daughters, 53, 55. Samaria and her daughters, 55. tlien thou and thy daughters shall return 57. reproach of (Ae daughters of Syria, — (Ae daughters of the Philistines, 61. give them unto thee/or daughters, 22: 11. humbled his sister, his father's daughter. 23: 2.(Ae daughters of one mother: 4. they bare sons and daughters. 10. they took her sons and Aer daughters, 25. they shall take thy sons and thy daugltters; 47. slay their sons and their daughters, 24: 21 . your sons and your daughters 25. their sons and their daughters, 26: 6. Ajid her daughters which (are) in 8. He shall slay with the sword (Ay daughters 27: 6.(Ae company of the Ashurites (marg. daughter) nn ( 284 ) Eze.30 32 44 Dan 11 Hos. 14 Joel 2 3 Am. 7 Mic. 1 5 7 Zep. 3 Zee. 2 9 Mai. 2 18. and her daughters shall go into 16. the daughters of the nations 18. and the daughters of the famous 25. for son, or for daughter, 6. for the king's daughter 17. and he shall give him (Ae daughter of 3. took Gomer (Ae daughter o/Diblaim ; 6. and bare a daughter. 13. your daughters shall commit 14. 1 will not punish your daughters 28(3: 1 ). your sons and your daughters 8(4:8). I will sell your sons and your daughters 17. and thy daughters shall fall by the sword, 8. mourning as the owls. (marg. as the daughters of the owl) 13. the sin to the daughter of Zion: 8. the strong hold of (Ae daughter of 'Zion, — shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. 10. 0 daughter of Zion, like a woman 13. Arise and thresh, 0 daughter of Zion : ; 1(4:14). 0 daughter of troops: ; 6. (Ae daughter riseth up against . 10. (Ae daughter ofmy dispersed, 14. Sing, 0 daughter of Zion; — O daughter of Jerusalem. 7(11 V dwellest (with) (Ae daughter of 10(14) .Sing and rejoice, 0 daughter of Zion: : 9. Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion ; shout, 0 daughter of Jerusalem: 11. married (Ae daughter of a strange god. Job 31 ; Ps. 45; 78; 148; Isa. 23: 37;47; 62; Jer. 2 14; 18; 31 46:51: Lam. 1 ; n;^.n2 see under H3 & rUJ£ Hi bath, com. 1 K. 7 :26. contained two thousand 6a(As. 38. one laver contained forty baths: 2Ch 2: 10(9). twenty thousand Aa(As of wine, and twenty thousand Aa(As of oil. 4: 5. held three thousand AatAs. Isa. 5:10. of vineyard shall yield one 6a(A, Eze.45: 10. a just ephah, and a just Aa(A. 11. and the bath shall be of one measure, that (Ae &a(A may contain 14. (Ae 6a(A of oil, (ye shall offer) the tenth part of a bath r~ an homer of ten fta(As ; for ten 6a(As (are) nn [bath], ch. Ezr. 7:22. and to an hundred Aa(As of wine, and to an hundred Aa(As of oil, nn| bah-thah', f. Isa. 5: 6.1 will lay it waste: PI' Wia Vthoo-lah\ f. Gen 24 Ex. 22 Lev.21 Deu 22 32 Jud.19; 21 2Sa.l3 IK. 1 2K. 19 2Ch36; Est. 2; : 16. very fair to look upon, a virgin, ¦ 16( 15). if a man entice a maid 17(16). according to the dowry of virgins. 3. for his sister a virgin, 14. but he shall take a virgin 19. an evil name upon a virgin 0/ Israel: 23. If a damsel (that is) a virgin 28. If a man find a damsel (that is) a virgin, .25. both the young man and (Ae virgin, 24. my daughter a maiden, 12. four hundred young virgins, 2. for she (was) a virgin; 18. the king's daughters (that were) virgins 2. for my lord the king a young virgin: 21. TAe virgin the daughter of Zion 17. upon young man or maiden, 2. Let there be fair young virgins sought 3. all the fair young virgins 17. more than all (Ae virgins; 19. when (Ae virgins were gathered together 5; Eze. 9; 44 Joel 1 Am. 5 8 Zee. 9: I. should I think upon a maid? 14(15). (Ae virgins her companions 63. and their maidens were not given 12. Both young men, and maidens ; 4. bring up virgins. 12. O thou oppressed virgin, 22. TAe virgin, the daughter of Zion, 1 . O virgin daughter of Babylon, 5. For (as) a young man marrieth a virgin, 32. Can a maid forget her ornaments, 17. (Ae virgin daughter of my people 13.(Ae virgin o/Israel hath done a very 4, 21. 0 virgin o/Israel: 13. Then shall (Ae virgin rejoice 11. 0 virgin, the daughter of Egypt: \ 22. the young man and the jnaid; 4. her virgins are afflicted, 15. hath trodden (Ae virgin, the daughter of Judah, (as) in a winepress. (marg. the winepress o/(Ae virgin) 18. my virgins and my young men 10. (Ae virgins 0/ Jerusalem 13. 0 virgin daughter of Zion? 21. my virgins and my young men are fallen 1 1 . (Ae maids in the cities of Judah. 6. both maids, and little children, 22. but they shall take maidens 8. Lament ZiAe a virgin girded with 2. TAe virgin o/Israel is fallen ; 13. In that day shall (Ae fair virgins 17. make the young men chearfuL and new wine (Ae maids. D*7in3 bHhoo-leem! \ m. pi. Lev.2l : 13. he shall take a wife in her virginity. Deu 22: 14. when I came to her, I found her not a maid: (lit. I found not virginity in her) 15. bring forth (the tokens of) the damsel's virginity ) 17.1 found not thy daughter a maid; (Jit, I found not virginity in her) — these (are the tokens of) my daughter's virginity. 20. virginity be not found for the damsel: Jud. 11 : 37. and bewail my virginity, 38. and bewailed Aer virginity Eze. 23: 3. bruised the teats of their virginity. 8. bruised the breasts of her virginity, rilP&bat-tohth', f. pi. Isa. 7:19. all of them in the desolate valleys, (lit. valleys of (Ae desolations) pH3 [bah-thak']. * PIEL Preterite. * Eze. 16 : 40. and thrust thee through with ^fin bah-thar'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Gen 15: 10. but the birds divided he not. * PIEL Future. * Gen 15:10. and divided them in the midst, "inn (Ch.) see IPS 1T\^ [beh'-ther], m. Gen 15: 10. laid each piece one against another: ( lit. each his piece ) Cant.2:17.the mountains of Bether. (marg. division) Jer. 34 : 1 8. between (Ae parts thereof, 19. between (Ae parts of the calf ; 3 gee'-mel. The third letter of the Alphabet. an M gey, adj. Isa. 16: 6. (he is) very proud: HN3 gah-ah'. * KAL Preterite. * Ex. 15: 1, 21. for Ae Aa(A triumphed gloriously: Eze.47: 5. for the waters were risen, KAL. — Infinitive. Ex. 15: 1, 21. for he hath triumphed gloriously: KAL Future. Job 8:11. Can the rush grow up without mire? 10:16. For it increaseth. Thou huntest me !"l$? geh-eh' , adj . Job 40: 11. behold every one (that is) proud, 12. Look on every one (that is) proud, Ps. 94: 2. render a reward to (Ae proud. 123: 4. (and) with the contempt of the proud. (see 1VS3 3>m) 140: 5(6). The proud have hid a snare Pro. 15: 25. destroy the house of (Ae proud: 16:19. to divide the spoil with (Ae proud. Isa. 2: 12. every (one that is ) proud and lofty, Jer. 48:29.he is exceeding proud ( 285 ) ^t» Isa. 23: 9. to stain (Ae pride of all glory, 24: 14. shall sing for the majesty of the Lord, 60:15.1 will make thee an eternal excellency, Jer. 12: 5. in (Ae swelling of Jordan? 13: 9. will I mar (Ae pj-ide of Judah, and (Ae great pride of Jerusalem. 48:29. We have heard the pride o/Moab, — Ais arrogancy, and his pride, 49:19 &50:44. like a lion from (Ae swelling of Eze. 7 : 20. he set it hi majesty : 24. make (Ae pomp of the strong to 16:49. iniquity ofthy sister Sodom, pj'ide, 56- in the day of thy pride, (marg. prides, or, excellencies) 24:21. (Ae excellency o/your strength, 30: 6. (Ae pride of her power 18. (Ae pomp of her strength 32: 12. they shall spoil (Ae pomp of 33 : 28. (Ae pomp of her strength Hos. 5: 5. the pride of Israel doth testify 7:10. the pride of Israel testifieth Am. 6: 8. 1 abhor (Ae excellency of Jacob, 8: 7. sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Mic. 5: 4(3). in the majesty o/the name of Nah 2: 2(3). turned away (Ae excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: (marg. or, pride. . .pride ) Zep. 2: 10. This shall they have for their pride, Zee. 9: 6.1 will cut off (Ae pride o/the Philistines. 10 : 1 1 . (Ae pride of Assyria shall be 11:3. for (Ae pj-ide of Jordan is spoiled. r\XJ.geh-ah', f. Pro. •8:13.jor£d'e, and arrogancy, and the evil way, nm gah-avak', f. Deu33: 26. and in his excellency on the sky. 29. who (is) the sword of (Ay excellency! Job 41 : 15(7). (His) scales (are his) pride, Ps. 10: 2. The wicked in (his) pride (marg. In the pride of the wicked) 31:18(19). which speak grievous things proudly 23(24Vand plentifully rewardeth the proud 36:11(12). Let not the foot of pride come 46: 3(4). shake with the swellijig thereof. 68:34(35). Ais excellency (is) over Israel, 73: 6. pride compasseth them about Pro. 14: 3. of the foolish (is) a rod of pride : 29:23. man's pride shall bring him low: Isa. 9: 9(8). that say in the pride 13: 3. them that rejoice in my highness. 11. and will lay low (Ae haughtiness of 16: 6. his haughthiess, and his pride, 25 : 1 1. he shall bring down (Aeir pride Jer. 48:29. his arrogancy, and his pride, Zep. 3: 11. them that rejoice in (Ay pride, pX3 gah-ohn' ', m. Ex. 15 Lev.26; Job 35: 37 3840 Ps. 4759 Pro. 8 16: Isa. 2: 4: 13: 7. the greatness of (Aine excellency 19. 1 will break (Ae pride of your 12. because of the pride of evil men. 4. with the voice ofhis excellejicy ; 11. here shall thy proud waves be stayed? (marg.(Ae pride ofthy waves) 10. Deck thyself now (with) majesty 4(5). (Ae excellency of Jacob 12(13). even be taken in their pride: 13. pride, and arroga7icy, and the evil way, 18. Pride (goeth) before destruction, 10, 19, 21. and for the glory of his majesty. 2. the fruit of the earth (shall be) excellent (lit. for excellency) II. I will cause (Ae arrogancy of 19. the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, 11. TAy pojnp is brought down 6. We have heard of (Ae pride of — his haughtiness, and his pride, nm gih-ooM, f. Ps. Isa. 17:10. with their mouth they speak proudly. (lit. with pride) 89: 9(10). Thou rulest (Ae raging of the sea: 93: l.he is clothed with majesty; 9:18(17). (Ae lifting 7tp of smoke. 12 : 5. he hath done excellent things : 26: 10. behold (Ae majesty o/the Lord. 28: 1. Woe to the crown of pride, 3. The crown of pride, the drunkards P^ [gah-ayohnf\ adj. Ps.123: 4. (UTO) with the contempt of the proud. nVN-l see m Ex. 6 15 Lev.25Ru. 3; Ps. 74 77: 107; Isa. 43: 44. 48; 52;63; Jer. 31: Lam. 3: Lev.27: Ru. 34 Ru. 4 SX3 gah-al'. * KAL.— Preterite. # 6. and I will redeem you 13. the people which (Aom Aas( redeemed: 25. then shall he redeem that 13. (Aen will I do the part of a hinsman to theey 2. thou hast redeemed; this mount 15(16). with (thine) arm redeemed 2. whom hehath redeemed (lit. redeemed them) 1 & 44:22. for I have redeemed thee, 23. the Lord Aa(A redeemed Jacob, 20. The Lord Aa(A redeemed his servant 9. he hath redeemed Jerusalem. 9. in his pity Ae redeemed them ; 1 1 . and ransomed him from the 58. thou hast redeemed my life. KAL Infinitive. 13. But if he will at all redeem it, (lit.redeem- ing will redeem it) 19. the field will in any wise redeem it, 31. if aman will at all redeem 13. he will not do the part of a hinsman to thee, 4. none to redeem (it) beside thee; 6. 1 cannot redeem (it) for myself, — for I cannot redeem (it). KAL Imperative. 4. If thou wilt redeem (it), redeem (it): bM ( 286 ) Ru. 4: 6. redeem thou my right Ps. 69:18(19). redeem it: deliver me 119:154. Plead my cause, and deliver me: KAL Future. Lev.25:33.if a man purchase of the Levites, (marg or, (one) of the Levites redeem) 48. his brethren may redeem him: 49. his uncle's son, may redeem him, — of his family may redeem him; 27: 13. if Ae will at all redeem it, 15. wilt redeem his house, 19. will in any wise redeem it, 20. if Ae will not redeem the field, 31 . if a man will at all redeem Ru. 3; 13. if Ae will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part : 4: 4. If (Aon wilt redeem (it), redeem (it); but if (Aon wilt not redeem (it), — ¦ I will redeem (it). Job 3: 5. the shadow of death stain it; (marg. or, challenge) Ps. 72: 14. .He shall redeem their soul 1 06 : 10. and redeemed them from Hos 13: 14. / will redeem them from death: Mic. 4: 10. the Lord shall redeem thee KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen48:16.wAicA redeemed me from all evil, Lev.25: 25. if any of his kin come to redeem (lit. the redeemer thereof, that is near unto him, shall come) 26. if the man have none to redeejn (lit. not a redeemer) Nu. 5: 8. if the man have no kinsman 35:12. for refuge fj-om the avenger; 19. TAe revenger of blood himself 21. (Ae revenger of blood shall slay 24. the slayer and (Ae revejiger of blood 25. the hand of (Ae revenger of blood, 27. (Ae j'evenger of blood find — (Ae revenger of blood kill the slayer; Deu 19: 6. Lest (Ae avenger of the blood pursue 12. into the hand of (Ae avenger of Jos. 20: 3. from the avenger of blood. 5. if (Ae avenger of blood pursue 9. by the hand of (Ae avejiger of blood, Ru. 2:20. one of our next kinsmen, (marg. or, one that hath right to redeem) 3: 9. for thou (art) a near khtsman. (marg. or, one that hath right to redeem) 12.it is true that I (am thy) near hinsman: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I. 4 : 1 . (Ae kinsman of whom Boaz spake 3. he said unto the kinsman, 6. And (Ae kinsman said, 8. (Ae kinsjnan said unto Boaz, 14. left thee this day without a kinsman, (marg. redeemer) 2Sa. 14; 11. suffer (Ae revengers o/blood IK. 16: ll.nei(Aer ofhis kinsfolks, (marg. or, both his kinsmen) Job 19:25.1 know (that) my redeemer liveth, Ps. 19:14(15). my strength, and my redeemer. 78: 35. the high God (Aeir redeemer. 103: 4. Who redeemeth thy life from Pro. 23:11. For (Aeir redeemer (is) mighty; Isa. 41 : 14. the Lord, and thy redeemer, 43: 14. the Lord, your redeemer, 44: 6. and his redeemer the Lord 24. Thus saith the Lord, (Ay redeejner, 47: 4. owr redeemer, the Lord of hosts 48:17. Thus saith the Lord, (Ay Redeemer, 49: 7. (Ae Redeemer of Israel, 26. thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, 54: b.and thy Redeemer the Holy One 8. saith the Lord (Ay Redeemer. 59:20. (Ae Redeemer shall come to Zion, 60: 16. thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, 63 : 16. our father, our redeemer ; Jer. 50:34. TAeir Redeemer (is) strong ; KAL. — Participle. Paul. Ps. 107: 2. Let (Ae redeemed o/the Lord say Isa. 35: 9. but (Ae redeemed shall walk 51 : 10. a way for (Ae ransomed to pass n:i Isa. 62:12. TAe redeemed of the Lord: 63 : 4. the year of my redeemed is come. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Lev.25:49.Ae may redeem himself. NIPHAL Future. Lev. 25: 30. if ('( be not redeemed 54. And iFAe Ae not redeemed 27:20. it shall not Ae redeemed any more. 27. or if it be not redeemed, 28. shall be sold or redeemed: 33. it sAa/( not Ae redeemed. Isa. 52: 3. ye shalt be redeemed hty [gah-al']. Isa. 59 Lam. 4 Zep. 3 Mai. 1 Ezr. 2 Neh 7: Mai. 1 Isa. 63 Dan 1: * NIPHAL Preterite. # 3. your hands are defiled with blood, : 14. (Aey have polluted themselves NIPHAL Participle. : 1 . her that is filthy and polluted, * PIEL Preterite. * : 7. Wherein have we polluted thee? *PUAL.— Future. * -.62. therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood, (marg. polluted from the priesthood) 64. therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood. PUAL.— Participle. 7. Ye offer polluted bread 12. The table of the Lord (is) polluted; * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 3. 1 will stain all my raiment. * HITHPAEL Future. * 8.Ae would not defile himself — that Ae might not defile himself. «* «3 [goh'-el]. Neh 13: 29. because (Aey have defiled the priesthood, (marg. for (Ae defllings) Thi# gool-lah', f. Lev.25:24.ye shall grant a redemption 26.himself be able to redeem it; (lit. suffi ciency of redemption thereof) 29. then he may redeem it (lit. (Ae redemption thereof shall be to him) — a full year may he redeem it. (lit. the redemption thereof shall be to him) 31.thoy may be redeemed, (marg. redemption belongeth unto it) 32. may the Levites redeem 48. is sold he may be redeemed again; (lit redemption belongs unto) 51, 52. the price of his redemption Ru. 4: 6. redeem thou my right 7. concerning redeeming Jer. 32: 7. for the right of redemption (is) thine 8.(Ae redemption (is) thine ; buy (it) Eze.ll:15.the men ofthy kindred, na gav, m. Lev.14: 9. and his eyebrows, IK. 7 : 33. their axletrees, and their naves, Job 13:12. your bodies to bodies of clay. 15:26. upon the thick bosses ofhis Ps.129: 3. The plowers plowed upon my bach: Eze. 1 :18..As for their rings, they were so — ano! (Aeir rings (were) full (marg. strakes) 10: 12. and their backs, and their hands, 16: 24. built unto thee an eminent place, (marg. or, brothel house) 31 . thou buildest thine eminent place nj Eze. 16:39. throw down thine eminent place, 43:13. (Ae higher place of the altar. na [gav], m. Ch. Dan 7: 6. which had upon (Ae AacA of it nil gefo>, m. ( 287 ) "in: Job 5: 7. as the sparks fly upward, (marg. lift up to fly) 39:27. Doth the eagle mount up Jer. 49: 16. thou shouldest make thy nest as high Obad. 4. Though (Aom ea:a(( (thyself) as the eagle, HIPHIL.— Participle. Ps. 113: 5. our God, who dwelleth on high, (marg exalteth (himself) to dwell) Pro. 17: 19. Ae that exalteth his gate IK 6: 9. covered the house with beams (marg. or, (Ae vaultbeams) 2K. 3:16. Make this valley full of ditches, (lit. ditches ditches ) Isa. 10:31. the inhabitants of Gebim [or, (Ae cKccAes] Jer. 14: 3. they came to the pits, ni [gehv], m. Isa. 33: 4. the running to and fro of locusts nil gohv, Ch. Dan 6: 7(8), 12(13). shall be cast into the den of lions. 16(17). and cast (him) into the den of 17(18). and laid upon the mouth of (Ae den; 19( 20). went in haste unto the den 20(21). when he came to the den, 23(24). should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of (Ae den, 24(25). and they cast (them) into the den of — ( — ).or ever they came at the bottom of (Ae den. N5| geh'-veh, m. Isa. 30:14. take water (withal) out of thepit. Jer. 14: 3. they came to (Ae pits, Eze.47 : 1 1 . and the marishes thereof FD3 gah-vah' . * KAL.— Preterite. * 2Ch 26:16 & 32:25. his heart was lifted up Job 35; 5. are higher than thou. P>. 131 : 1 . my heart is not haughty, Isa. 3:16. the daughters of Zion are haughty, 52: 13. and be very high. 55 : 9. (as ) the heavens are higher than the earth , so a7'e my ways higher Eze.28: 2. Because thine heart is lifted up, 17. Thine heart was lifted up 31: 5. Therefore bis height was exalted 10. Because thou hast lifted up thyself KAL. — Infinitive. Ps. 103 : 11 . as the heaven is high above (marg. accord ing to the height of the heaven) Zep. 3:1). thou shalt no more be haughty KAL.— Future. ISa. 10:23. and when he stood. ..Ae was higher than any of the people 2Ch 17: 6. And his heart was lifted up Job 36: Land they are exalted. Pro. 1 8 : 1 2. the heart of man is haughty, Isa. 5;16.£m( the Lord of hosts shall be exalted Jer. 13:15. give ear ; be not proud: Eze.l6:50. And they were haughty, 19: 11. ana* her stature was exalted 28: 5. and thine heart is lifted up 31:14. exalt themselves for their height, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Eze.l7:24.Aane exalted the low tree, Isa. 7 : 2ze.2I20h33 HIPHIL Infinitive. :1 1, or in (Ae height above, (lit. to exalt) :26(31 ). exalt (him that is) low, HIPHIL.— Future. 1 4. and raised it up a very great height, nni [guh-vah'], adj. Ps. 101 : b.him that hath an high look (lit. (Ae high of eyes) Pro. 16: 5. Every one (that is) proud in heart Ecc. 7 : 8. better than the proud in spirit. Eze.31 : 3. and of an high stature ; lSa.17: 2Ch 3; 32: Job 11. 22;40: Ps. 10; Pro. 16; Jer. 48: Eze. 1 , 19: 31:40;41; Am. 2 FD5 goh'-vah, m. -whose height (was) six cubits .and the height (was) for the pride ofhis heart, (marg. lifting up) . as high as heaven ; (marg. the heights of heaven) , God in (Ae height of heaven ? , majesty and excellency ; .through the pride ofhis countenance, .an haughty spirit before a fall. .his loftiness, and his arrogancy, . so high that they were dreadful ; , she appeared in her height . his heart is lifted up in his height ; . their trees stand up in their height, . and one cubit high : . I saw also (Ae height of the house .whose height (lit. who A(s height) (was) like the height of the cedars, rvirO;! gav-hooth', f. Isa. 2:1 1. The lofty looks of man 11. the loftiness of man -TD5 & T\1\gah-vdh'ah, adj. Gen 7:19.all the high hills, Deu 3: 5. cities (were) fenced with high walls, 28:52. until thy Ai^A and fenced walls ISa. 2: 3. Talk no more so exceeding proudly, (lit. high high) 9: 2.higher than any (lit. high before) 16: 7. or on (Ae height ofhis stature ; IK. 14:23. on every high hill, 2K. 17:10. groves in every high hill, Est. 5:14.a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, 7: 9. the gallows fifty cubits high, Job 41 :34(26). He beholdeth all high (things): Ps. 104:18. The high hills (are) a refuge 138: 6. but the proud he knoweth afar off. Ecc. 5: 8(7). for (he that is) higher than (Ae highest (lit. high above (Ae high) —(-).and (there be) higher than they. (lit. and high above them) 12: 5. be afraid o/(that which is) high, Isa. 2: 15. upon every high tower, 5: 15. the eyes of (Ae lofty shall be humbled : 10:33. and the haughty shall be humbled. 30:25. upon every high mountain, 40: 9. get thee up into the high mountain ; 57: 7. Upon a lofty and high mountain Jer. 2:20. when upon every high hill 3: 6. upon every high mountain 17: 2. by the green trees upon the high hills. 51 :58.her high gates shall be burned Eze.l7:22.plant (it) upon an high mountain 24. have brought down the high tree, 21:26(31).aKo!abase (him that is) high. 40: 2. upon a very high mountain, 41:22. of' wood (was) three cubits high, Dan 8: 3. the two horns (were) high; — one (was) higher than (lit. high before) — and the higher came up last. Zep. 1 : 16. against the high towers. I Tina, gvool, m. ( 288 ) Jos. 15; Genl0:19.(Ae border of the Canaanites 23 : 1 7. in all (Ae borders ( lit. border thereof) round 47:21. end of (Ae borders of Egypt Ex. 8: 2( 7: 27). I will smite all thy borders 10: 4. 1 bring the locusts into thy coast: 14, 19. in all (Ae coasts o/Egypt: 13: 7. with thee in all thy quarters. 23:31.1 will set thy bounds from 34:24. enlarge thy borders: Nu. 20: 16. a city in the uttermost of (Ay border : 17. until we have passed thy borders. 21. through his border: wherefore Israel 23. by (Ae coas( o/the land of Edom, 21: 13. that cometh out of the coasts of the Amo rites: for Arnon (is) the border of Moab, 15. lieth upon the border o/Moab. 22. until we be past thy borders. 23. to pass through his border: 24. for (Ae border of the children of Ammon 22:36. which (is) in (Ae border of Arnon, which (is) in (Ae utmost coast. 33:44. Ije-abarim, in the border o/Moab. 34: 3. and your south border shall be 4. And your border shall turn 5.(Ae border shall fetch a compass 6. And (as for) (Ae western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border: this shall be your west border) 7, 9. this shall be your north border. 8. the goings forth of the bordei 9. And (Ae border shall go on to 10. ye shall point out your east border (lit. for a border eastward ) 11. And (Ae coast shall go down — (Ae border shall descend, 12. the border shall go down 35:26. without (Ae border of the city of his refuge, 27. find him without (Ae borders of the city Deu 2 : 4. to pass through the coast 18. the coast o/Moab, 3: 14. unto (Ae coasts o/Geshuri 16. and the border even unto the — (Ae border of the children of 17. and tlie coast (thereof), 1 1 : 24. shall your coast be. 12:20. God shall enlarge thy border, 16: 4. with thee in all thy coast 19: 3. divide (Ae coasts of thy land, 8. God enlarge thy coast, 14. not remove thy neighbour's landmark, 27:17.removeth his neighbour's landmark. 28:40. throughout all thy coasts, Jos. 1: 4. shall be your coast. 12: 2. (Ae border o/the children of 4. And the coast of Og king 5. unto (Ae border o/the — (Ae border of Sihon king of 13: 3. unto (Ae borders o/Ekron 4. to the borders o/the Amorites: 10. unto (Ae border of the children 1 1 . and the border of the Geshurites 16. their coast was from Aroer, 23. (Ae border of the children of — and the border (thereof). 25. their coast was Jazer, 26. unto (Ae border of Debir ; .*.27. Jordan and (his) border, 30. And (Aeir coas( was from 15: 1 . to (Ae border of Edom 2. their south border was from 4. the goings out of that coast were at the sea: this shall be your south coast. 5. And the east border (was) the salt — And (their) border in the 6, 6, 8, 8. (Ae border went up 7.(Ae border went up toward — (Ae border passed toward 9, 9, 11. (Ae border was drawn 10. (Ae border compassed from Baalah 1 1 . (Ae border went out unto the — the goings out of (Ae border were at s*12. And the west border (was) to the great ^.sea, and the coast (thereof). This (is) (Ae coas( o/the children of Judah 21 . toward (Ae coast of Edom 16 17 18 19 2224 Jud. 1 19 ISa. 5 6 10 1113 27 2Sa.21 IK. 1 4 2K. 3 10 1415 18 ICh 4 6 21 2Ch 9 11 Job 38 Ps. 78 104105147 Pro. 15 inj 47.(TDD) and the great sea, (lit. accordingto nTO, the sea of (Ae border) — andthe border (thereof): 2. unto (Ae borders o/Archi 3. to the coast of Japhleti, unto (Ae coast of 5. the border of the children of Ephraim — even (Ae border of their inheritance 6.(Ae border went out toward — (Ae border went about eastward 8. TAe border went out from 7 . (Ae coast of Manasseh — (Ae border went along 8. Tappuah on (Ae border o/Manasseh 9. And (Ae coast descended — (Ae coast o/Manasseh also .10. the sea is his border; 5. abide in (Aez'r coast on the south, — Joseph shall abide in their coasts 1 1 . and (Ae coast of their lot 12. And their border on the north — (Ae border went up to the side of 13. (Ae border went over — (Ae border descended to 14. (Ae border was drawn 15. (Ae border went out on 16. (Ae border came down to the end 19. (Ae border passed along — the outgoings of the border — this (was) (Ae south coast. :10.(Ae border 0/ their inheritance 1 1 . (Aeir border went up 12. unto (Ae border of Chi sloth-tabor, 14. (Ae border compasseth it 18. their border was toward Jezreel, 22. (Ae coast reacheth to Tabor, — the outgoings of (Aeir border 25. their boj-der was Helkath, 29. (Ae coast turneth to Ramah, — (Ae coast turneth to Hosah; 33. (Aeir coast was from Heleph, 34. (Ae coast turneth westward 41. (Ae coast 0/ their inheritance 46. with (Ae border before 47. the coast o/the cmldren ;25. For the Lord hath made Jordan a border ;30.fn (Ae border of his inheritance : 18. Gaza with (Ae coast thereof and Askelon with (Ae coast thereof, and Ekron with (Ae coast thereof. 36. And the coast of the Amorites ; 9. in the border of his inheritance ; 18. within the border o/Moab : for Arnon (was) (Ae border o/Moab. 20. to pass through Ais coast : 22. they possessed all (Ae coasts of : 29. into all (Ae coast o/Israel. ; 6. Ashdod and (Ae coasts thereof. ; 9. by the way of his own coast 12. unto (Ae border of Beth-shemesh. : 13. came no more into the coast of 14. and (Ae coasts thereof 2. in the border of Benjamin 3. unto all (Ae coasts of Israel: 7. throughout all (Ae coasts of Israel 18. the way of (Ae border that looketh l.any more in any coast of Israel: : 5. in any of (Ae coasts of Israel, 3. throughout all (Ae coasts of Israel, 21(5:1). unto (Ae border of Egypt : 21. stood in (Ae border. .32. smote them in all (Ae coasts of 25. He restored (Ae coast of Israel 16. (Ae coasts thereof from Tirzah: 8. and (Ae borders thereof, 10. enlarge my coast, ; 54(39}. their castles in their coastsf 66(51 ). had cities of their coasts ; 1 2. throughout all (Ae coasts of Israel. :26.to (Ae border of Egypt. ;13. resorted to him out of all (Aeir coasts. :20. to (Ae bound thereof, :54. he brought them to (Ae border of : 9. Thou hast set a bound : 31. lice in all their coasts. 33. brake the trees of their coasts. : 14. maketh peace (in) thy borders, ; 25. establish (Ac border of the widow. (marg. Pro.22:28. Remove not (Ae ancient landmark, (marg. or, bound) 23:10. Remove not (Ae old landmark or, bound) Isa. 15 : 8. about (Ae borders of Moab ; 19:19. a pillar at (Ae border thereof 54: 12. all (Ay borders of pleasant stones. 60: 18. destruction within thy borders; Jer. 5 :22. (Ae bound of the sea 15: 1 3. even in all (Ay borders. 17; 3. throughout all (Ay borders. 31:17. come again to their own border. Eze. 11: 10. judge you in (Ae border o/Israel; 11. 1 will judge you in (Ae border of Israel : 27: 4. TAy borders (are) in the midst 29:10. even unto (Ae border o/Ethiopia. 40: 12. TAe space also before the (marg. limit, or, feonnd) — and (Ae space (was) one cubit on 43:12. (Ae whole limit thereof round 13. and the border thereof by the edge 17- and the border about 20. upon (Ae border round about: 45: l.holy in all (Ae borders thereof 7. from the west border unto (Ae east border. 47: 13. This (shall be) (Ae border, 15. this (shall be) (Ae border of the land 16. between (Ae border of Damascus and (Ae border of Hamath; Hazar-hatticon, which (is) by (Ae coast of Hauran. 17. (Ae border from the sea shall be Hazar- enan, (Ae border of Damascus, — and the border of Hamath . 18./rom (Ae border unto the east sea. 20. the great sea from the border, 48: l.(Ae border of Damascus northward, 2. by (Ae border of Dan, 3. by (Ae border of Asher, 4. by (Ae border of Naphtali, 5. by (Ae border of Manasseh, 6. by (Ae border of Ephraim, 7. by (Ae border of Reuben, 8. by (Ae border of Judah, 12. by (Ae border of the Levites. 13. against (Ae border o/the priests 21. toward (Ae east border, — toward (Ae west border, 22:between (Ae border of Judah and (Ae border o/Benjamin, 24. by (Ae border of Benjamin, 25. by the border of Simeon, 26. by (Ae border of Issachar, 27. by (Ae border of Zebulun, 28. by (Ae border of Gad, — (Ae border shall be even from Hos 5:10. them that remove (Ae bound; Joel 3: 6(4:6). far from their border. Am. 1:13, that they might enlarge their border : 6: 2. or their border greater (Aan your boj-der? Obad. 7. brought thee (even) to (Ae border: Mic. 5: 6(5). treadeth within our borders. Zep. 2; 8. against (Aeir boj-der. Mai. 1 : 4. TAe border of wickedness, 5. from (Ae border of Israel, (marg. from upon the border) rh^ [g'voo-lah'], f. Nu. 32:33. cities thereof in the coasts, 34 : 2. of Canaan with the coasts thereof: \2.with the coasts thereof round about. Deu32: 8. he set (Ae bounds of the people Jos. 18: 20. by (Ae coasts thereof 19:49. by (Aeir coasts, Job 24: 2. remove (Ae landmarks ; Ps. 74; 17. Thou hast set all (Ae borders of Isa. 10: 13. 1 have removed (Ae bounds of 28:25. the rie in their place? (marg. border?) ^135 gib-bokr\ adj. Gen 6: 4. the same (became) mighty men 10: 8. he began to be a mighty one 9. He was a mighty hunter — Nimrod the mighty hunter ( 289 ) 1^ Deu 10: 17. a mighty, and a terrible, Jos. 1 : 14. all (Ae mighty men of valour, 6: 2. (Ae mighty men of valour. 8: 3. thirty thousand mighty men of 10: 2. all the men thereof (were) mighty. 7. all the mighty men of valour. Jud. 5 : 13. have dominion over the mighty. 23. the help of the Lord against the mighty. 6: 12. thou mighty man of valour. II: , 1 . was a mighty man of valour, Ru. 2 : La mighty man of wealth, 1 Sa. 2: 4. The bows of the mighty men 9: La mighty man of power. 14:52. when Saul saw any strong man, 16: 18. and a mighty valiant man, 17:5Lsaw their champion was dead, 2Sa. 1 : 19, 25, 27. how are (Ae mighty fallen ! 21. there the shield of (Ae mighty 22. from the fat of (Ae mighty, 10: 7. all the host of (Ae mighty meji. 16: 6. all (Ae mighty men 17: 8. that they (be) mighty men, 10. that thy father (is) a mighty man, 20: 7. all (Ae mighty men : 22: 26. with (Ae upright man 23: 8. the names of (Ae mighty men 9. the three mighty men 16.(Ae three mighty meji brake 17. did these three mighty men. 22. among three mighty men. IK. 1: 8. and the mighty men 10. and (Ae mighty men, 1 1 : 28. a mighty man of valour: 2 K. 5 : I . he was also a mighty man in valour 15:20. all (Ae mighty men of wealth, 24 :14. all (Ae mighty men of valour, 16. all (that were) strong 1 Ch. 1 : 10. he began to be mighty 5:24. mighty men of valour, 7: 2. valiant men of might 5. valiant men of might, reckoned 7, 1 1 . mighty men of valour ; 9,40 & 8: 40. mighty men of valour, 9:13. very able men for the work (marg, mighty men of valour) 26. the four chief porters, 11:10. the chief of (Ae mighty men 1 1 . the number of (Ae mighty men 12. who (was one) of the three mighties. 19. These things did these three mightiest. 24. a name among (Ae three mighties. 26. Also the valiant men o/the 12: l.they (were) among the mighty men, 4. a mighty man among the thirty, 8. men of might, (lit. mighty men of valour) 21, 25. mighty men of valour, 28. a young man mighty of valour, 30. mighty men of valour, 19: 8. all the host of (Ae mighty men. 26: 6. they (were) mighty men of valour. 31. among them mig/ity men of valour 27: 6. mighty (among) the thirty, 28: Land with (Ae mighty men, and with all (Ae valiant men, 29:24. and the mighty men, and all the sons 2Chl3: 3. men o/ war, — mighty men of valour. 14: 8(7) & 17:13, 1 4. mighty men of valour. 17: 16. mighty men of valour. 17. a mighty man of valour, 25: 6. mighty men of valour 26 : 1 2. the fathers of the mighty men of 28: 7. a mighty man o/Ephraim, 32; 3. and his mighty men to stop 21. cut off all (Ae mighty men of Ezr. 7: 28. before all the king's mighty princes. Neh. 3:16. unto the house of the mighty. 9:32. the great, (Ae mighty, and the terrible 11:14. mighty men of valour, Job. 16: 14. he runneth upon me like a giant. Ps. 19: 5(6).rejoiceth as a stro7ig man 24: 8. The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 33: 16. a mighty man is not delivered 45: 3(4). upon (thy) thigh, O (most) mighty, 52: 1(3). O mighty man ? the goodness of God 78: 65- like a mighty man that shouteth u inj Isa, Jer. 5 9 14 2026 3246 Ps. 89: 19(20). laid help upon (one that is) mighty ; 103:20. that excel in strength, (marg. mighty in) 112: 2. His seed shall be mighty upon 120: 4. Sharp arrows of the mighty, 127 : 4. in the hand of a mighty man ; Fro. 16 : 32, better (Aan (Ae mighty ; 21 :22. scaleth the city of (Ae mighty, 30:30. strongest among beasts, Ecc. 9; 11. nor the battle to the strong, Cant.3: 7. threescore valia7it men (are) about it, of the valiant of Israel. 4. all shields of mighty men. 2. TAe mighty man, and the man 22. Woe unto (them that are) mighty 6(5) &\0:2l. The mighty God, 3. 1 have also called my mighty ones 17. (Ae mighty 7nen of the children of 13. go forth as a mighty man, 24. Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, 25. the captives of the mighty 16. they (are) all mighty men. 23(22). neither let (Ae mighty man 9. as a mighty man (that) cannot .11. with me as a mighty terrible one: 21. with all Ais mighty men, 18. the Great, The Mighty God, 5. and their mighty ones are beaten 6. nor (Ae mighty maji escape ; 9. let (Ae mighty men come forth ; 12. for (Ae mighty man hath stumbled against the mighty, 14. How say ye, We (are) mighty 41. (Ae mighty men's hearts in Moab 49 : 22. the heart of (Ae mighty men of Edom 50: 9. as of a mighty expert man ; 36. a sword (is) upon Aer mighty men ; 51 :30. TAe mighty men o/Babylon 56. and Aer mighty men are taken, 57. and her mighty men : and they shall sleep Eze.32:12.By the swords of (Ae mighty 21. The strong among (Ae mighty 27. they shall not lie with the mighty — the terror of the mighty 39: 1 8. eat the flesh of (Ae mighty, 20. with mighty men, Danll: 3. a mighty king shall stand Hosl0:13.the multitude ofthy mighty men. Joel 2: 7. shall run like mighty men; 3: 9(4:9). wake up (Ae mighty jnen, 10(4: 10). let the weak say, I (am) strong. 11(4:11). cause (Ay mighty ones to come Am. 2:14.nei(Aer (lit. and not) shall (Ae mighty 16. courageous among (Ae mighty Obad 9. (Ay mighty men, O Teman, Nah. 2: 3(4). The shield of his mighty men Zep. l:14.(Ae mighty man shall cry 3: 17. in the midst of thee (is) mighty ; Zee. 9: 13. as the sword of a mighty man. 10: 5. they shall be as mighty men, 7. Ephraim shall be like a mighty ma7i, 48 ( 290 ) vn Ps. 20: 6(7). with the saving strength of (marg. by the strength o/the salvation of) 21 : 13(14). we sing and praise (Ay power. 54: 1(3). and judge me by thy stj-ength. 65: 6(7). girded with power : 66 : 7. He ruleth by his power 71 : 16. 1 will go in the strength of 18. (Ay power to every one 80: 2f 3). stir up thy strength, 89:13(14). Thou hast a mighty arm: (marg.an arm with might) 90:10. if by reason of strength 106: 2. Who can utter (Ae mighty acts of 8. make Ais mighty power to be 145 : 4. and shall declare (Ay mighty acts. 1 1 . and talk of (Ay power ; 12. to the sons of men Ais mighty acts, 147:10. in the strength o/the horse: 150: 2. Praise him /or Ais mighty acts : Pro. 8:14.1 (am) understanding ; I have strength. Ecc. 9: 16. Wisdom (is) better (Aan strength: 10: 17. for strength, and not for drunkenness ! Isa. 3: 25. and thy mighty in the war. (marg. might) 11:2. the spirit of counsel and might, 28: 6. and for strength to them 30: 15. in confidence shall be your strength : 33: 13. acknowledge my might. 36: 5. counsel and strength for war: 63: 15. where (is) thy zeal and thy strength, Jer. 9:23(22). mighty (man) glory in Ais might, 10; 6. thy name (is) great in might. 16:21. mine hand and my might ; 23: 10. and their force (is) not right. 49 : 35. the chief of (Aeir might. 51 :30. their might hath failed ; Eze.32:29.a>i(A (Aeir might are laid 30. they are ashamed of their might ; Mic. 3: 8. judgment, and of might, 7 : 16. be confounded at all (Aeir might : rn^Qil gvoo-rah' ' f. Ex. 32:18. of (them that) shout for mastery, Deu. 3 : 24. and according to thy might 9 Jud. 5: 31. when he goeth forth in his might. 8:21. as the man (is, so is) Ais strength. IK. 15:23. and all his might, 16: 5. what he did, and his might, 27. which be did, and his might 22:45(46). and his might that he shewed, 2K. 10:34. and all his might, 13: 8, 12. all that he did, and his might, 14: 15. which he did, and his might, 28. all that he did, and his might, 18:20. counsel and strength for the war. 20:20. and all Ais might, ICh 29: 11. the greatness, andthe power, 12. in thine hand (is) power and might; 30. all bis reign and his might, 2Ch 20: 6. power and might, Est. 10: 2. his power and of his might, Job.l2:13. With him (is) wisdom and strength, 26:14. the thunder of Ais power 39 : 1 9. Hast thou given the horse strength ? 41 : 12(4). nor his pouier,(lit. the word of powers ) mTin$ [g'voo-rah'], Ch. f. Dan. 2:20. wisdom and might are his: 23. who hast given me wisdom and might, D55 gib-beh'agh, adj. Lev.l3:41.he (is) forehead bald : nH55 gab-bah'-gkath, f. Lev. 13:42. or bald forehead, — or Ais bald foj'ehead. 43. or hi his bald forehead, 55. bare within or without, (marg. bald in the head thereof, or in the forehead thereof) n3^ g'vee-nahr, f. Job 10: 10. and curdled me ZiAe cheese? J?33 g'vee'ag, m. Gen44: 2. And put my cup, the silver cup, 12. (Ae cup was found in 16. with whom (Ae cup is found. 17. the man in whose hand (Ae cup Ex. 25:31. his branches, Ais bowls, 33, 33. Three bowls made like 34. four bowls made like 37: 17. his branch, Ais bowls, 19. Three bowls made after the — and three bowls made like almonds 20. in the candlestick (were) four bowls Jer. 35: 5. of the Rechabites pots full of wine, y^ gveer, m. Gen27:29.be lord over thy brethren, 37. 1 have made him thy lord, JTVni gvee-rali ' , f. IK. ll:19.the sister of Tahpenes (Ae queen. 15: 13. he removed from (being) queen, 2K. 10:13. the children of (Ae queen. 2Chl5:16. he removed her from (being) queen, Jer. 13: 18. the king and tothe queen, 29: 2. the king, and tlie queen, B^ni gah-veesh', m. Job. 28:18. made of coral, or of pearls : 733 [gah-val']. * KAL Preterite. * Deul9:14.they of old time Aaue set KAL.— Future. Jos. 18:20. Jordan was the border of it on the east Zee. 9: 2. Hamath also shall border thereby ; * HIPHIL Preterite. * Ex, 19: 12. And thou shalt set bounds unto the people HIPHIL — Imperative. Ex. 19:23. Set bounds about the mount, ni7n5 gav-looth', f. Ex. 28:22 & 39:15. the breastplate chains at (Ae ends vnj giv-lee', m. Jos. 13: 5.thelandof (Ae Giblites, IK. 5:18(32). and (Ae stonesquarers : (marg. or, Giblites) |?3 gib-behn', adj. Lev.21 :20.Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, ( 291 ) "inj Ps. 148: 9. Mountains, and all hills ; Pro. 8: 25. before (Ae hills was I brought forth: Cant.2: 8. skipping upon (Ae hills. 4: 6. to (Ae hill of frankincense. Isa. 2: 2. shall be exalted above the hills; 14. upon all (Ae hills 10:32. (Ae hill of Jerusalem. 30: 17. as an ensign on an hill. 25. upon every high hill, 31:4. for (Ae hill thereof. 40: 4. every mountain and hill shall 1 2. and the hills in a balance ? 41 : 15. and shalt make (Ae hills 42:15. make waste mountains and hills, 54: 10. and the hills be removed ; 55:12. the mountains and the hills 65: 7. blasphemed me upon (Ae hills: Jer. 2 : 20. when upon every high hill 3:23. from the hills, (and from) the 4:24. all (Ae hills moved lightly. 13: 27. abominations on (Ae hills 16:16. and from every hill, 17: 2. upon (Ae high hills. 31 :39. upon (Ae hill Gareb, 49:16.holdest the height of (Ae hill: 50: 6. gone from mountain to hill, Eze. 6: 3. and to the hills, to the rivers, 13. upon every high hill, 20:28. they saw every high hill, 34: 6. upon every high hill : 26. the places round about my hill 35 : 8. in (Ay hills, and in thy valleys, 36: 4, 6. and to the hills, to the rivers, Hos. 4:13. burn incense upon (Ae hills, 10: 8. and to the hills, Fall on us. Joel 3:18(4:18). and (Ae hills shall flow Am. 9:13. all (Ae hills shall melt. Mic. 4: 1. shall be exalted above the hills ¦ 6 : 1 . let (Ae hills hear thy voice. Nah. 1 : 5. and the hills melt, Hab. 3: 6.(Ae perpetual hills did bow: Zep. 1 : 10. a great crashing/rom (Ae hills. D*31l3 gav-noon-neem' , m. pi. Ps. 68: 15(16). an high hill (as) the hill of Bashan 16(17). Why leap ye, ye high hills ? fi$?-! giv-gah', f. Gen49; Ex. 17 Nu. 23 Deul2; 33 Jos. 5: 24 Jud. 7 ISa. 7 10 23 26 2Sa. 2 6 IK. 14 2K. 1617 2Ch28 Job. 15 Ps. 65 72 114 26. bound of (Ae everlasting hills : 9. 1 will stand on the top of (Ae hill 10. went up to the top of (Ae Ai((. 9. and from the hills I behold him : 2. upon (Ae hills, 15. precious things of (Ae lasting hills, 3. at (Ae hill of the foreskins. 33. they buried him in a hill (that pertained to) Phinehas I . by the hill of Moreh, : 1 . the house of Abinadab in the hill, 5. thou shalt come to the hill of God, 10. they came thither to the hill, 19. in the hill of Hachilah, 1 . David hide himself in the hill of 3. Saul pitched in the hill of : 24. they were come to (Ae hill of 25. stood on the top of an hill. 3. Abinadab that (was) in Gibeah: (marg. or, (Ae hill) 4. which (was) at Gibeah, 23. on every high hill, 4. and on (Ae Mils, and under every 10. groves in every high Ai((, : 4. on (Ae hills, and under every 7 . wast thou made before (Ae hills ? 12(13). and the little hills rejoice : 3. and the little hills, by righteousness. : 4. the little hills like lambs. 6. ye little hills, like lambs ? ?tyn3 givr-gohl' , m. Ex. 9:31. the flax (was) boiled. *in3 sah-var' . - T O * KAL Preterite. * Gen 7 : 19. the waters prevailed exceedingly 20. upward did the waters prevail; 49: 26. of thy father Aawe prevailed Ex. 17:ll.(Aa( Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. 2Sa. 1 : 23. (Aey were stronger than lions. 11 :23. Surely the men prevailed ICh 5: 2. Judah prevailed above his Job 21 : 7. are mighty in power ? Ps. 65: 3(4). Iniquities prevail against me: 103:11. great is his mercy toward them 117: 2. his merciful kindness is great Jer. 9: 3(2). (Aey are not valiant for the truth Lam. 1 : 16. because the enemy prevailed. KAL. — Future. Gen 7:18, 2i.And the waters prevailed, ISa. 2: 9. by strength shall no man prevail. * PIEL.— Preterite. * Zec.10: 6. And I will strengthen the house 12. And I will strengthen them in the Lord ; PIEL.— Future. Ecc. 10:10. then must he put to more strength : * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Dan 9:27. And he shall confirm the covenant HIPHIL.— Future. Ps. 12: 4(5)- With our tongue will we prevail; * HITHPAEL Future. * Job 15:25. strengtheneth himself against u2 -inn ( 292 ) IS Job 36. 9. that they have exceeded. Isa. 42:13. Ae shall prevail against his (marg. or, behave himself mightily) naa i -ver9 m. Ex. 10: 12 Nu. 24 Deu 22 Jos. 7: Jud. 5 2Sa.23 ICh 23 2426 Job 34 101416 22 33 34 3840 Ps. 34 374052 88 89 94 127 128 Pro. 6 2024 28 2930 Isa. 22 Jer. 1 7 2223303141 4344 Lam. 3 Dan 8 Joel 2: Mic. 2: Hab. 2: Zee. 13: II. go now ye (that are) men, 37. on foot (that were) men, : 3, 15. (Ae man whose eyes are open 5. that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on 14. shall come man by man. 17. Zarhites man by man; 18. his houshold man by man; 30. to every man a damsel L(Ae man (who was) raised up 3. by their polls, man by man, 4. there were more chief men : 12. among (Ae chief men, 3. There is a man child 23. to a man whose way is hid, : 17. shall a man be more pure 5. thy years as man's days, 10. But man dieth, and wasteth 14. If a man die, shall he live 21. O that one might plead for a man : 2. Can a man be profitable : 17. hide pride from man. 29. God oftentimes with man, 7. What man (is) like Job, 9. It profiteth a man nothing 34. and let a wise man hearken : 3. Gird up now thy loins ZiAe a man; 7. Gird up thy loins now like a man: 8(9). blessed (is) (Ae man (that) trusteth 23. The steps of a (good) man : 4(5). Blessed (is) that maji : 7(9). Lo, (this is) (Ae man (that) made not 4(5). I am as a man (that hath) 48(49). What man (is he that) liveth, : 12. Blessed (is) (Ae man whom 5. Happy (is) (Ae man that hath 4. thus shall (Ae man be blessed :34. jealousy (is) the rage of a man: 24. Man's goings (are) of the Lord 5. A wise man (is) strong ; : 3. A poor man that oppresseth 21. for a piece of bread (that) man will trans gress. . 5. A man that flattereth his neighbour : l.(Ae man spake unto Ithiel, 19. the way of a man with a maid. ; 17. carry thee away with a mighty captivity, (marg. the captivity of a man) : 5. Cursed (be) the man that trusteth in man, 7. Blessed (is) (Ae man that trusteth :30.a man (that) shall not prosper : 9. and like a man whom wine : 6. every man with his hands :22. A woman shall compass a man. ; 16. mighty men of war, : 6- men, and women, and children, :20. to (Ae 7nen, and to the women, : 1.1 (am) (Ae maji (that) hath seen 27. good for a man that he bear 35. To turn aside the right of a man 39. a man for the punishment 15. as the appearance of a man. 8. they shall walk every one 2. so they oppress a man 5. a proud man, 7. against (Ae man (that is) my fellow, T2i g'var, m. Ps. 18:25(26). with an upright man ^fi^ g'var, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:21, to cause these men to cease, 5: 4, What are the names of (Ae men 10. that we might write the names of the men 6: 8. expences be given unt.o these men, Dan 2: 25. 1 have found a man of the captives 3: 8. at that time certain Chaldeans came near 12. There are certain Jews whom thou — these men, O king, have not regarded 13. Then they brought these men before the king. 20. And he commanded the most mighty men 21. these men were bound in their coats, 22. the fire slew those men that took Shadrach, up 23. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, 24. Did not we cast three men bound 25. Lo, I see four men loose, walking 27. saw these men, upon whose bodies 5:11. There is a man in thy kingdom, 6: 5(6). Then said these men, 11(12). Then these men assembled, and found 15(16). Then these men assembled unto the king, 24(25). and they brought those men 133 [gib-bahr'], Ch. m. Dan 3: 20. commanded the most mighty men rn33 g'vehf-reth9 f. Genl6: 4. Aer mistress was despised 8. from the face ofmy mistress 9. Return to (Ay mistress, 2K. 5: 3. she said unto Aer mistress, Ps. 123 : 2. unto the hand of Aer mistress; Pro.30:23. that is heir to Aer mistress. Isa. 24: 2. as with the maid, so with her mistress; 47; 5. The lady of kingdoms. 7 . 1 shall be a lady for ever: 33 gahg, m. Ex. 30 37 Deu22 Jos. 2 Jud. 9 16 ISa. 9 2Sa.U 1618 2K. 19; 23; Neh 8; Ps.102: 129; Pro. 21 25; Isa. 15: 22: 37: Jer. 19; 32;48; Eze.40: Zep. 1 ; 3. with pure gold, (Ae top thereof, (marg. roof) 26. (Ae top of it, and the sides thereof 8. make a battlement/or thy roof, 6. brought them up to the roof of the house, — she had laid in order upon (Ae roof. 8. came up unto them upon (Ae roof; 51. gat them up to (Ae top of the tower. 27. upon (Ae roof about three thousand 25. Saul upon (Ae top of the liouse. 26. Saul to (Ae top of the house, ; 2. walked upon (Ae roof of the king's house: and from (Ae roof he saw 22. a tent upon (Ae top of the house; 24. the watchman went up to (Ae roof over the gate 26. the grass on (Ae Aowse tops, 12. the altars that (were) on (Ae top o/theupper 16. every one upon (Ae roof of his house, 7(8). as a sparrow alone upon (Ae house top. 6. as the grass (upon) (Ae housetops, 9. better to dwell in a corner of (Ae lumsetop, 24. to dwell in the corner of (Ae housetop, 3. on (Ae tops of their houses, 1 .art wholly gone up to tlie housetops? 27. the grass on (Ae housetops, 13. upon whose roofs they have burned (lit. which upon (Aeir roofs) 29. upon whose roofs they have offered 38. upon all (Ae housetops o/Moab, 13./om (Ae roof of (one) little chamber to the roof of another : 5. upon (Ae housetops; "13 gahd, m. Ex. 16: 31. like coriander seed, Nu. 11 : 7. as coriander seed. "13 gad, m. Gen30: 1 1 . Leah said, A troop cometh: Isa. 65 .11. prepare a table for that troop, (marg. Gad) n-u |,15']3 [g'dahv-reen'], Ch. m. pi. Dan 3: 2, 3. captains, the judges, (Ae treasurers, Td [gah-dad'\ * KAL.— Future. # Ps. 94:21. TAey gather themselves together against # HITHPOEL.— Future. * Deu 14 : I. ye shall not cut yourselves, IK, 18:28. they cried aloud, and cut themselves Jer. 5: 7. and assembled themselves by troops 16: 6. nor cut themselves, nor make 47; 5. how long wilt thou cut thyself? Mic. 5: 1(4:14). Now gather thyself in troops, HITHPOEL Participle. Jer. 41: 5. and having cut themselves, -H3 [g'dad], Ch. & P'AL. — Imperative. 3f Dan 4:14(11). Hew down the tree, 23(20). Hew the tree down, iTJ4 [gah-dah'], f. Jos. 3:15.overfloweth all Ais banks 4: 18. flowed over all Ais banks, ICh 12:15. had overflown all his banks; Isa. 8: 7. go over all Ais banks: HHS g'dood, m. Gen49lSa.S0 2Sa. 3: IK. 11: 2K. 5; 6: 1324 ICh 7 12 2Ch22 25 26 Job 19 2529 Ps. 1 Jer. 18 Hos. 6 7 Mic. 5 19. Gad, a troop shall overcome 8. Shall I pursue after this troop? 15. bring me down to this company? — bring thee down to this cojnpany. 23. delivered (Ae company 22. came from (pursuing) a troop, 2. captains of bands: 30. 1 have run through a troop : 24. became captain over a band, 2. had gone out by companies, 23. So (Ae bands of Syria 20. And the bands o/the Moabites 2 1. they spied a band (of men) ; : 2. and the Lord sent against him bands of the Chaldees, and bands o/the Syrians, and 6ands o/the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, , 4. bands of soldiers for war, 18. made them captains of the band. 21. they helped David against (Ae band : l.the band of men that came 9.1 have given to (Ae army o/Israel? (marg. band) 10. (Ae army that was come 13. But the soldiers of (Ae army (marg. sons of (Ae band) : 1 1 . that went out to war by bands, 12. His troops come together, : 3.1s there any number ofhis armies? :25. dwelt as a king in the army, : 29(30). I have run through a troop; :22.when thou shalt bring a troop 9. as troops of robbers wait l.(Ae troop of robbers spoileth 1(4: 14). gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops : *Vi1& g'dood, m. Ps. 65 : 1 0( 1 1 ) . thou settl est ( Ae furrows thereof: Jer. 48:37. upon all the hands (shall be) cuttings, ?H3 gah-dohl' ' , adj. Gen 1 : 16. God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, 21. God created p/rea( whales, 4: 13. greater than I can bear. ( 293 ) ru Genl0:12.the same (is) a great city. 21. the brother of Japheth (Ae elder, 12: 2.1 will make of thee a great nation, 17, with great plagues 15 : 12. horror of great darkness fell 14. come out with great substance. 18. unto the great river, 17:20.1 will make him a great nation. 18: 18. become a great and mighty nation, 19: 11. both small and great: 20 : 9. on my kingdom a great sin ? 21 : 8 . Abraham made a great feast 18.1 will make him a great nation. 27 : L he called Esau his eldest son, 15. raiment of her eldest son 33. Isaac trembled very exceedingly, (marg. with a great trembling) 34. a great and exceeding bitter cry, 42. these words of Esau her elder son 29: 2.ayrea( stone (was) upon 7.Lo, (it is) yet high day, (marg. yet the day (is) great) 16. the name of the elder (was) Leah, 39: 9. none greater in this house — can I do this great wickedness, 14.1 cried with a loud voice: (marg. great) 41:29. seven years of great plenty 44:12. began at the eldest, 45 ; 7. save your lives by a great deliverance. 46 : 3. 1 will there make of thee a great nation : 50: 10. with a great and very sore lamentation: Ex. 3: 3. see this great sight, 6 : 6. with great judgments : 7: 4. by great judgments. II: 3. the man Moses (was) very great 6. there shall be a great cry 12:30. there was a great cry in Egypt; 14:31. Israel saw that great work 15:16. by the greatness o/thine arm 18. 11. the Lord (is) greater than all gods: 22. every great matter they shall bring 32:10.1 will make of thee a great nation. 11. of Egypt with great power, 21 . so great a sin upon them ? 30. Ye have sinned a great sin: 31 . this people have sinned a great sin, Lev.19: 15. honour the person of (Ae mighty : 21 : 10. And (he that is) the AiyA priest Nu. 13:28. walled, (and) very great: 14:12. make of thee a greater nation 22: 18. to do less or more. 34: 6. have the great sea for a border: 7. from the great sea 35: 25. unto the death of the AiyA priest, 28. until the death of the high priest: but after the death of the AiyA priest Deu 1: 7. unto the great river, 17. the small as well as the great; 19. all that great and terrible wilderness, 28. The people (is) greater and taller ' ¦ — the cities (are) great 2: 7. through this great wilderness: 10, 21. a people great, and many, 4: 6. Surely this great nation 7, 8. what nation (is there so) great, 32. as this great thing 34. by great terrors, 36. he shewed thee his great fire ; 37. with his mighty power 38. greater and mightier than thou 5.22(19). with a great voice: 25(22). this great fire will consume _ 6 ; 10. to give thee great and goodly cities, 22. great and sore, 7:19. The great temptations 21. a mighty God and terrible. 23. destroy them with a mighty 8 : 15. through that great and terrible wilderness, 9: 1. nations greater and mightier — cities great and fenced up to heaven, 2. A people great and tall, 29. by thy mighty power 10 : 1 7 . a great God, a mighty, 21. for thee these great and terrible 1 1 : 7. have seen all the great acts 23. ye shall possess greater nations 18:16. let mc see this great fire ru ( 294 ) m Deu 2526272829 34 Jos. 1 6 7 14 1517 20 222324 Jud. 25 111516 21 ISa. 2 4 2Sa. 3 5 7 :13, 14. a great and a small. : 5. yrea(, mighty, and populous; 8. with great terribleness, : 2. thou shalt set thee up great stones, : 59. ( even ) great plagues, : 3(2). The great temptations — (-). those great miracles: 24(23). the heat of this great anger? 28(27). and in great indignation, : 12. in all the great terror : 4. even unto the great river, — unto the great sea : 5. shall shout with a great shout; 20. shouted with a great shout, : 9. what wilt thou do unto thy great name ? 26. they raised over him a great heap : 29. raise thereon a great heap of stones, : l.the great sea over against Lebanon, : 2. Gibeon (was) a great city, — because it (was) greater than 10. slew them with a great slaughter 11. the Lord cast down great stones 18. Roll great stones upon the mouth 20. slaying them with a very great slaughter, 27. laid great stones in the cave's mouth, : 12. the cities (were) great 15. a great man among the Anakims, 12. to the great sea, 47. and the great sea, ; 1 7 . hast great power : : 6. the death of the AiyA priest : 10. a great altar to see to. 4. even unto the great sea 9. before you great nations : 17. which did those great signs 26. took a great stone, 7. had seen all the great works : 15. great thoughts of heart. 16.orea( searchings of heart. : 33. with a very great slaughter. : 8. with a great slaughter: 18. hast given this great deliverance : 5. see wherein his great strength 6, 15. wherein thy great strength 23. to otfer a great sacrifice : 2. and wept sore; (lit. and wept a great weeping) 5. For they had made a great oath ; 17. was very great before the Lord: : 5. Israel shouted with a great shout, 6. the noise of this great shout 10. there was a very great slaughter ; 17. there hath been also a great slaughter : 9. with a very great destruction: — both small and great, : 9. he hath done us this great evil: 14. (there was) a great stone: 15. put (them) on the great stone: 18. even unto the great (stone of) Abel, 19. with a great slaughter. ; 10. thundered with a great thunder : 16. stand and see this great thing, 22. for his great name's sake: :20. a very great discomfiture. 33. roll a great stone unto me 45. who hath wrought this great salvation ; 13. the three eldest sons of Jesse 14. the three eldest followed Saul, 25. will enrich him with great 28. Eliab his eldest brother heard :17.my elder daughter Merab, : 5. wrought a great salvation 8. slew them with a great slaughter ; 22. came to a great well 2. do nothing either gj'eat or small, ; 15. less or more. (marg. little or great) 5. smote them with a great slaughter. 2. the man (was) very great, 36. less or more, 12. she cried with a loud voice: 2. either great or small, 16. because of all the great spoil 19. neither small nor great, 38. and a great man fallen 10. David went on, and grew great, : 9. have made thee a great name, like unto the name of (Ae great (men) 2Sa.l3:15. Amnon hated her exceedingly; (marg. with great hatred greatly) — greater than the love wherewith 16. greater than the other 36. wept very sore. (marg. a great weeping) 15:23. the country wept with a loud voice, 18 : 7. there was there a great slaughter 9. the thick boughs of a great oak, 7. cast him into a great pit — laid a very great heap of stones 29. 1 saw a great tumult, 19: 4(5). the king cried with a loud voice, 32(33). for he (was) a very great man. 20: 8. they (were) at the great stone 23: 10, 12. wrought a great victory IK. 1 :40. rejoiced with great joy, 2:22. for he (is) mine elder brother; 3: 4. that (was) the great high place: 6. unto thy servant David my father great mercy, — kept for him this great kindness, 4 : 13. threescore great cities 5:17(31). they brought great stones, 7 : 9. toward the great court. 10. even great stones, 12. the great court round about 8:42. they shall hear of thy great name, 55. congregation of Israel with a loud voice, 65. with him, a great congregation, 10:18. the king made a great throne of ivory, 18:27. Cry aloud; (marg. with a great voice) 28, And they cried aloud, (lit. with a great voice) 45. there was a great rain. 19: 11. a great and strong wind rent 20: 13. Hast thou seen all this great 21. slew the Syrians with a great slaughter. 28. deliver all this great multitude 22:31. Fight neither with small nor great, 2K. 3: 27. there was great indignation 4; 8. where (was) a great woman; 38. Set on the great pot, 5 : 1. was a great man 13. had bid thee (do some) great thing, 6:23. he prepared great provision 25. there was a great famine 7: 6. the noise of a great host: 8: 4. all (Ae great things that 13. that he should do this great 10; 6. with (Ae great men of the city, 1 1 . all Ais great men, 19. for I have a great sacrifice 12:10(11). scribe and the AiyA priest 16: 15. Upon the yrea( altar 17: 21. made them sin a great sin. 36. the land of Egypt with great power 18: 19. Thus saith the great king, 28. cried with a loud voice — Hear the word of the great king, 20: 3. Hezekiah wept sore. (marg. ayrea(weep- ing) 22: 4. Go up to Hilkiah the AiyA priest, 8. Hilkiah the AiyA priest said 13. for great (is) the wrath of the Lord 23: 2. both small and yrea(; 4. Hilkiah the AiyA priest, 26. the fierceness of his great wrath, 25; 9. every great (man's) house 26. both small and great, IChll: 9. David waxed greater and greater: (lit. went going and great) 14. saved (them) by a great deliverance. 12:14. and the greatest over a thousand. 22. until (it was) a great host, 16 : 25. For great (is) the Lord, 17: 8. like the name of (Ae great men 22 : 8 . hast made great wars : 25: 8 & 26: 13. as well the small as the great, 29: l.the work (is) great: 9. the king also rejoiced with great joy. 22. on that day with great gladness. 2Ch 1: 8. Thou hast shewed great mercy 10. thy people, (that is so) great? 2: 5(4). the house which I build (is) great: for great (is) our God 9(8). am about to build (shall be) wonderful great, (marg. great and wonderful) ru 2Ch 346 7 9 15 16 18 20 21262830 31 3234 36 Ezr. 3 10 Neh 1 9: 11 12 13 Est. 1 2 4 10 Job 135 37 Ps. 12 2147 4857 717677 86:9596 99: 104: 5. And the greater house : 9. and the great court, : 32. for thy great name's sake, 8. a very great congregation, : 17. the king made a great throne : 13. whether small or great, 14. unto the Lord with a loud voice, 14. they made a very great burning :30. Fight ye not with small or great, : 19. the Lord God of Israel with a loud voice : 14. with a great plague 15. shoot arrows and great stones : 5. carried away a great multitude — who smote him with a great slaughter. 21. with gj-eat gladness: 26. there was great joy in Jerusalem: ;15. as well to the great as to the small: 18. Then they cried with a loud voice ; 9. Hilkiah the AiyA priest, 2Lfor great (is) the wrath of the Lord 30. all the people, great (lit. from great to small) and small: : 18. great and small, 11. the people shouted with a great shout, 1 2. wept with a loud voice ; 13. shouted with a loud shout, : 7. in a great trespass unto this day ; 13. for our great trespass, :12.said with a loud voice, : 3. in great affliction and reproach: 5. the great and terrible God, 10. redeemed by thy gj'eat power, : 10. it grieved them exceedingly (lit. with a great grief) : 1, 20. Eliashib the AiyA priest 27. over against the great tower : 14(8). the Lord, (which is) great and terrible, : 1. there was a great cry 7. 1 set a great assembly : 3. 1 (am) doing a great work, : 4. the city (was) large and great: : 6. blessed the Lord, the great God. 1 2. to make great mirth, 17. there was very great gladness. 4. cried with a loud voice 18, 26. wrought great provocations ; 25. in thy great goodness. 32. our God, (Ae great, the mighty, 37. we (are) in great distress. : 14. the son of (one of) the great men. (marg. or, the son of Haggedolim) : 31. appointed two great (companies) 43. they offered great sacrifices, — made them rejoice with great joy: : 5. prepared for him a great chamber, 27. to do all this great evil, 28. Eliashib the AiyA priest, : 5. both unto great and small, 20. fco(A to great and small. 1 8. the king made a great feast : 1 . with a loud and a bitter cry ; 3. great mourning among the 15. with a great crown of gold, 4. great in the king's house, — ¦ waxed greater and greater. 3. and great among the Jews, 3. was the greatest of all the men 19. there came a great wind 19. The small and great are there ; 9 &9: 10. Which doeth great things 5. great things doeth he, : 3(4) . that speaketh proud things : 5(6). His glory (is) great in thy salvation: 2(3). a great King over all the earth. 1(2). Great (is) the Lord, 10(11). For thy mercy (is) great 19. who hast done great things: 1(2). his name (is) great in Israel. 13(14). who (is so) great a God as (our) God ! 10. For thou (art) great, 13. great (is) thy mercy toward me: 3. the Lord (is) a great God, and a. great King above all gods. 4. For the Lord (is) great, 2. The Lord (is) great in Zion ; 3. praise thy great and terrible name ; 25. this great and wide sea, ( 295 ) ru Ps,104:25.both small and great beasts. 106:21. which had done great things 108: 4(5). thy mercy (is) great above the heavens. Ill: 2. The works of the Lord (are) great, 1 15; 13. small and great. 131: 1. exercise myself in great matters, 135: 5.1 know that the Lord (is) great, 136: 4. who alone doeth gj'eat wonders; 7. To him that made great lights: 17. To him which smote great kings: 138: 5. for great (is) the glory of the Lord. 145: 3. Great (is) the Lord, 8. slow to anger, and of great (lit. and gj'eat of) mercy. 147: 5. Great (is) our Lord, Pro. 18:16. bringeth him before gj'eat men. 19:19. .4 maji of gj'eat (lit. (Ae great of) wrath 25: 6. stand not in the place of great (men): 27 : 14. blesseth his friend with a loud voice, Ecc. 9:13. and it (seemed) great unto me: 14. there came a great king — great bulwarks against it: 10: 4. yielding pacifieth great offences. Isa. 5: 9. great and fair, 8 : 1 . Take thee a great roll, 9: 2(1). have seen a great light: 12: 6. for great (is) the Holy One of Israel 27 : 1 . with his sore and great and strong sword 13. the great trumpet shall be 29: 6. earthquake, and great noise, 34: 6. a yrea( slaughter in the land 36: 4. Thus saith the yrea( king, the king of Assyria, 13. cried with a loud voice — Hear ye the words of the great king, 38: 3. Hezekiah wept sore. (marg. with great weeping) 54: 7. with great mercies will I gather 56:12.mncA more abundant. Jer. 4: 6. and a great destruction. 5: 5. get me unto the great men, 6 : 1. and great destruction. 13. even unto (Ae greatest of them 22. a great nation shall be raised 8: 10. even unto (Ae greatest 10: 6.0 Lord; thou (art) great, and thy name (is) great 22. a gj'eat commotion out of 1 1 : 16. with the noise of a great tumult 14:17. my people is broken with a great breach, 16: 6. Both (Ae great and the small 10. pronounced all this great evil 21 : 5. and in great wrath. 6. they shall die of a great pestilence. 22: 8. done thus unto this great city ? 25: 14. great kings shall serve 32. a great whirlwind shall be 26: 19. procure great evil against 27: 5. by my great power 7. many nations and great kings 28 ; 8 . against great kingdoms, 30: 7. Alas ! for that day (is) great, 31: 8. a great company shall return 34. unto (Ae greatest of them, S2: 17. heaven and the earth by thy great power 18. (Ae Great, the Mighty God, 19. Great in counsel, 21 . and with great terror ; 37. and in great wrath ; 42. brought all this great evil 33: 3. shew thee great and mighty things, 36: 7. for great (is) the anger 42: l.from the least even'unto (Ae greatest, 8. from the least even to (Ae greatest, 43: 9. Take great stones in thine hand, 44: 7. great evil against your souls, 12. from the least even unto (Ae greatest, 15. a gj'eat multitude, 26. 1 have sworn by my great name, 45 : 5. seekest thou great things 48: 3. spoiling and great destruction. 50: 9. an assembly of great nations 22. and of great destruction. 41. and a great nation, 51 :54. great destruction from the land 55. destroyed out of her the great voice ; 52:13. all the houses of (Ae great (men), ru ( 296 ) na 48 Dan 89 10 Lam. 2:13. thy breach (is) great like the sea: Eze. 1: 4. out of the north, a great cloud, 3:12. behind me a voice of a great 13. a noise of a great rushing. 8: 6. the gj-eat abominations — , 13, 15. thou shalt see greater abominations. 18 & 9:1. in mine ears with a loud voice, 9: 9. Judah (is) exceeding great, 11:13. cried with a Zond voice, 16:46. thine elder sister (is) Samaria, 61. thine elder and thy younger: 17: 3. Thus saith the Lord God; A great eagle w;i(A great (lit. great of) wings, 7. There was also another gj'eat eagle ioi(A great wings and many feathers: 9. even without great power 17. Pharaoh with (his) mighty army 14(19). it (is) the sword of the great 4. Aholah (Ae elder, :17.I will execute great vengeance 3. the great dragon that lieth 18. to serve a great service against 23. 1 will sanctify my great name, : 10. an exceeding great army. : 13. to take a great spoil ? 15. a great company, and a mighty 19. there shall be a great shaking : 1 7. a great sacrifice upon the : 14. lesser settle (even) to (Ae greater : 10. as the fish of the great sea, 15. from the great sea, 19. the river to the great sea. 20. the great sea from the border, : 28. the river toward the great sea. 8. the great horn was broken ; 21. the gj-eat horn that (is) between : 4. the great and dreadful God, 12. by bringing upon us a gj-eat evil: l.the time appointed (was) long: (marg. great) 4. by the side of the great river, 7. a great quaking fell upon them, 8. saw this great vision, 2. the fourth shall be far richer (lit. shall be rich great riches above) 13, 25. with a great army 25. with a very great and. mighty army ; 28. return into his land with great riches ; 44. shall go forth with great fury : 1 . the great prince which standeth 11(2:2). great (shall be) the day 1 1 . of the Lord ( is ) great and very terrible ; 25. my great army which I sent 31 (3:4). the great and the terrible day 11. he will smite the great house 2. Nineveh, that great city; 4. the Lord sent out a great wind — there was a mighty tempest 10. Then were the men exceedingly afraid, (marg. afraid with great fear) 12. this great tempest (is) upon you. 16. the men feared the Lord exceedingly, (lit. with a great fear) 17(2: 1). had prepared a gj-eat fish 3: 2. go unto Nineveh, that great city, 3. an exceeding great city 5. from the greatest of them even to 7. of the king and his nobles, (marg. great men) 4: 1. displeased Jonah exceedingly, (lit. with a great grief) 6. So Jonah was exceeding glad (marg. re joiced with great joy) 11, spare Nineveh, that great city, Mic. 7: 3. and the great (man), he uttereth Nah .1:3. and great in power, 3: 10. all Aer great men were bound in chains. Zep. 1 ;10.a gj'eat crashing from the hills. 14. The great day of the Lord Hag. 1 : 1, 12, 14, &2:2. Joshua the son of Josedech, the AiyA priest, 2; 4. Joshua, son of Josedech, the AiyA priest; 9. shall be greater than of the former, Zee. 1: 14. for Zion with a great jealousy. 15.1 am very sore displeased (lit. with great displeasure) 3: I.shewed me Joshua the AiyA priest 12 Hos. 1 Joel 2 Am. 6 Jon. 1 Zee. 3: 8. O Joshua the AiyA priest, 4: 7. O great mountain ? 6: 11. of Josedech, the AiyA priest; 7: 12. came a great wrath from the Lord 8: 2. for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. 14: 4. a very great valley ; Mai. 1:11,11. my name ( shall be ) great 14. for I (am) a great King, 4; 5(3:23). of the great and dreadful day rbn$ g'doo-idh', & nWri gdool-ldh! \ f. 2Sa. 7 : 21 . done all these great things, 23. to do for you great things 1 Ch 1 7 : 1 9. hast thou done all this greatness, in making known all (these) great thing*, 21. a name of greatness and terribleness, 29: 11. Thine, O Lord, (is) (Ae greatness, Est. 1: 4. the honour of Ais excellent majesty 6 : 3. What honour and dignity 10: 2. the greatness of Mordecai, Ps. 71 :21.Thou shalt increase my greatness, 145; 3.andAisyrea(ness(is)unsearchable. (marg, and ofhis great jiess) 6. and I will declare (Ay greatness. tpli} [gid-doophf], m. Isa. 43:28. Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches. 51 : 7. neither be ye afraid of their revilings. Zep. 2 : 8. and the revilings of the nsrU g'doo-phak \ f. Eze. 5 : 15. shall be a reproach and a taunt, H3 g'dee, m. Gen27: 9. 16 38:17 20 23 Ex. 23:19 Deul4:21Jud. 6:19 13;15 19 14: 6 15: 1 lSa.10: 3 16:20 Isa. 11: 6 from thence two good Aids of she put the skins of (Ae Aids of send (thee) a kid from the flock, (marg. a kid of the goats) , Judah sent (Ae Aid by the hand I sent this Aid, & 34: 26. Thou shalt not seethe a kid , Thou shalt not seethe a kid made ready a kid, (marg. a kid of the goats) , have made ready a kid for thee. (lit. id.) . So Manoah took a kid (lit. id.) as he would have rent a kid, , Samson visited his wife with a kid; (lit. with a kid of the goats) . one carrying three Aids, a bottle of wine, and a kid, (lit. and a kid of the goats) shall lie down with (Ae Aid; riH3 [gid-yah'], f. ICh 12:15. (nA 2K. 24 15. 16. ICh 5 22. Ezr l 11. 2 1. 4 1. 6 19, 21. 8:35. 9 4. 10 6.7. 8. 16. Neh 7 6. Est 2 6. Jer. 28 6. 29 1. 4. 16. 20. 31. 46 19. 48 7. 11. 49 3. Eze . I 1. 3 11. 15. ll 24. 25. 12 3.4. 7. 11. 25 3. Am 1 15. Nal 3 10. Zee . 6 10. 14 2. KAL Future. Gen 6: 17. that (is) in the earth shall die. 7 :21. And all flesh died 25: 8. TAen Abraham gave up the ghost, 17. and he gave up tlie ghost and died ; 35:29. And Isaac gave up the ghost, 49:33. and yielded up the ghost, Job 3:1 1, did I (not) give up the ghost 10:18. Oh that I had given up the ghost, 13:19./ shall give up the ghost. 14:10. yea, man giveth up the ghost, 27: 5. that I should justify you: till I die 29:18. 1 shall die in my nest, 34: 15. All flesh sAaiV perish together, 36:12. and they shall die without knowledge. Ps. 104: 29. (Aey die, and return to their dust. Zee. 13: 8. parts therein shall be cut off (and) die; KAL. — Participle. Poel. ( 303 ) TO Ex. 12:48. when a stranger shall sojourn Lev. 17: 8. which sojourn among you , 19:33. if a stranger sojourn with thee Nu. 9:14. if a stranger shall sojourn 15:14. if a stranger sojourn with you, 22: 3. And Moab was sore afraid Deu 1:11. ye shall not Ae afraid 18 : 22. (Aou shalt not be afraid of him. 26 : 5. a«o3 sojourned there 32:27. that I feared the wrath of the enemy, Jud. 5:17. why did Dan remain in ships ? lSa.l8:15.Ae teas afraid of him. 2K. 8: 1 . wheresoever (Aou canst sojourn : 2. and sojourned in the land of Job 41: 25(1 7). the mighty are afraid : Ps. 5: 4(5). neither shall evil dwell with thee. 15: l.who shall abide in thy tabernacle? (marg. sojourn) 33: 8. let ail the inhabitants of the world stand Ps. 88:15(16).! (am) afflicted and ready to die P)13 [gooph]. * HIPHIL Future. * Neh 7: 3. let them shut the doors, n313 [goo-phah']. ICh 10: 12. took away the body of Saul, and (Ae bodies of his sons, 113 goor: 'jifyzn. * KAL.— Preterite. * 23. wherein (Aou hast sojourned. 4(5). / have sojourned with Laban, 27 . Abraham and Isaac sojourned. 4. wherein they were strangers. 7. and Ae sojourned there. 16. Ae sojourned in Gibeah: 23. Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham. ; 5. that I sojourn in Mesech, 6. The wolf also shall dwell with : 15. whosoever shall gather together 23. in what tribe the stranger sojourneth, Gen2l: 32; 35; Er. 6; Jud. 17 19 Ps.105 120 Isa. 11 54 Eze.47; Genl2: 19; 47: Jud.17: Ru. 1: Isa. 23; 52;54; Jer. 42; KAL Infinitive. went down into Egypt to sojourn This one (fellow) came in to sojourn. For to sojourn in the land to sojourn where he could find I go to sojourn where I may went to sojourn in the country shall carry her afar off to sojourn. into Egypt to sojourn there ; they shall surely gather together, (lit. ga thering they shall gather) and go to sojourn there ; go into Egypt to sojourn there ; ye desire to go (and) to sojourn. Go not into Egypt to sojourn to dwell-in the land of Judah ; whither ye be gone to dwell, 28. the land of Egypt to sojourn the land of Egypt to sojourn They shall no more sojourn KAL.— i 12, 14. Lam 4:15. Gen26: 3. Sojourn in this land, 2K. 8 : 1 . and sojourn wheresoever thou Job 19:29. Be ye afraid of tbe sword: Ps. 22:23(24). attd/ecfrhim, all ye the seed of Israel. KAL.— Future. Gen20: 1 . between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. 21:31. And Abraham sojourned m awe 56: 6(7). TAey gather themselves together, 59: 3(4). the mighty are gathered 61 : 4(5). 1 will abide in thy tabernacle 140: 2(3). continually are they gathered Isa. 16: 4. Let mine outcasts dwell with 33:14. "Who among us shall dwell with the de vouring fire? who among us shall dwell 54:15. they sAa(( surely gather together, Jer. 49 : 1 8. neither shall a son of man dwell in it. 33. nor (any) son of man dwell in it. 50:40. neither shall any son of man dwell therein. Eze.14: 7. the stranger that sojourneth Hos 10: 5. The inhabitants of Samaria shall fear KAL. — Participle. Poel. and of her that sojourneth in her house, . unto the stranger that sojourneth or a stranger (Aa( sojourneth 13. the strangers (Aa( sojourn any stranger (Aa( sojourneth nor any stranger (Aa( sojourneth the stranger (Aa( dwelleth . or of the strangers (Aa( sojourn .stranger (Aa( sojourneth with thee, (Aa( do sojourn among you, 16, 26, 29 & 19: 10. the stranger (Aa( so journeth , out of all Israel, where he sojourned, . the stranger (Aa( sojourneth there was a certain Levite sojourning were sojourners there until this day. even a few, and strangers in it. and the strangers with them . where he sojourneth, They that dwell in mine house. The flood breaketh out from (Ae inhabitant; yea, very few, and strangers in it. . of the fat ones shall strangers eat. the land where ye (be) strangers. the strangers that sojourn * HITHPOLEL.— Future. * Hos. 7:14. they assemble themselves for corn HITHPOLEL Participle. 1 K. 17:20. evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, 22. 49 29. 10 12. 26. 34. 2 6 45 Nu. 15:15 Ex. 3: 12: Lev.16: 17:18:19: 20: 25: Deu 18 Jos. 20 Jud.] 9: 2Sa. 4: lChl6; 2Chl5;Ezr. 1 Job 19; 28 Ps.105Isa. 5 Jer. 35; Eze.47; 113 [gohr], com. Jer. 51 :38. they shall yell as lions' whelps. Nah 2:12(13). in pieces enough for 7iis whelps, 113 goor, m. Gen49: 9. Judah (is) a lion's whelp : Deu33:22.Dan (is) a lion's uiAeiip : Lam 4: 3. give suck to (Aeir young ones : Eze.19: 2. she nourished Aer whelps 3. brought up one of her whelps : 5. she took another of her whelps, Nah 2 : 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . (Ae lion's whelp, "113 7*113 goh-rahl' , m. ( 304) Nu, 26 3334 36 Jos. 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Lev.16: 8. Aaron shall cast lots — one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat. 9. upon which the Lord's lot fell, 10. on which (Ae lot fell 55. the land shall be divided by lot : 56. According to (Ae lot shall the 54. ye shall divide the land by lot — the place where his lot falleth ; 13. which ye shall inherit by lot, 2. the land for an inheritance by lot 3. so shall it be taken from the lot 2. By lot (was) their inheritance, : l.(This) then was (Ae io( : l.the lot of the children of Joseph 1 . There was also a lot for 14. hast thou given me (but) one lot 17. thou shalt not have one lot 6. that I may cast lots for you 8. that I may here cast lots 10. Joshua cast lots for them 1 1 . (Ae lot of the tribe of the children — the coast of (Aeir lot 1 . the second lot came forth 10. (Ae third lot came up I7.(Ae fourth lot came out 24. (Ae fifth lot came out 32. TAe sixth Zo(.came out 40. (Ae seventh lot came out 51 . divided for an inheritance by lot 4. (Ae lot came out — the Levites, had by lot 5. the children of Kohath (had) by lot 6. the children of Gershon (had) by lot 8. the children of Israel gave by lot 10. for their's was (Ae first lot. 20. they had the cities of (Aeir lot 40(38). were (by) (Aeir lot twelve cities. Jud. 1 : 3. Come up with me into my lot, — go with thee into thy lot. 20: 9. by lot against it ; ICh 6:54f39).for their's was (Ae lot. 61(46). Manasseh, by lot, ten cities. 63(48). Merari (were given) by lot, 65(50). they gave by lot out of 24: 5. Thus were they divided by lot, 7. Now (Ae first lot came forth 31 . These likewise cast lots 25: 8. they cast lots, ward against 9. Now (Ae first lot came 26 : 13. they cast lots, as well the small 14. (Ae lot eastward fell to — they cast lots ; and Ais ht came out north ward. Nehl0:34(35). And we cast (Ae lots among 11 : l.the rest of the people also cast lots, Est. 3: 7. they cast Pur, that (is), the lot, 9: 24. and had cast Pur, that (is), (Ae lot, Ps. 16: 5. thou maintainest my lot. 22: 18(1 9). cast lots upon my vesture. 125: 3. shall not rest upon (Ae lot of Pro. 1:14. Cast in thy lot among us ; 16:33. TAe lot is cast into the lap ; 18:18. TAe lot causeth contentions Tsa. 17 : 14. and the lot of them that rob 34: 17. he hath cast (Ae lot for them, 57: 6. they, they (are) thy lot: Jer. 13:25. This (is) thy lot, the portion Eze.24: 6. let no lot fall upon it. Danl2: 13. stand in thy lot at the end of the days. Joel 3: 3(4:3). they have cast lots for my people ; Obad 1 1 . cast lots upon Jerusalem, Jon. 1 : 7. Come, and let us cast lots, — So they cast lots, and (Ae lot fell upon Jonah. Mic. 2 : 5. cast a cord by lot Nah. 3: 10. they cast lots for her honourable men, 7« T3 gehz, m. Deul8: 4. the first of the fleece o/thy sheep, Job 31:20. and (if) he were (not) warmed with thi fleece Ps. 72: 6. upon the mown grass : Am. 7: 1. after the king's mowings. *)|J3 giz-bahr', m. Ezr. 1 : 8. Mithredath (Ae treasurer, 13|3 [giz-bahr'], Ch. m. Ezr. 7: 21. do make a decree to all (Ae treasurers P1T3 [gah-zah']. * KAL Participle. Poel. * Ps . 71: 6 . thou art he (Aa( took me out of my mother's bowels: HJ3 giz-zah', f. Jud. 6:37.1 will put a fleece of wool in the (loot; (and) if the dew be on the fleece only, 38. thrust the fleece together, and wringedthe dew out of the fleece, 39. but this once with the fleece; let it now be dry only upon the fleece, 40.it was dry upon the fleece TT3 [gah-zaz']. * KAL. — Infinitive. * Gen31 : 19. Laban went to shear his sheep: 38: 13. to Timnath to shear his sheep. lSa.25: 2. he was shearing his sheep KAL. — Imperative. Jer. 7 : 29. Ca( off thine hair, Mic. 1:16. and poll thee for thy delicate children ; KAL. — Future. Deul5 : 1 9. nor sAear the firstling of thy sheep. Job 1 : 20. and shaved his head, KAL.- Poel. Participle. Gen38:12.went up unto his sheepsAearers ISa. 25: 4. that Nabal did shear his sheep. 7. heard that thou hast shearers: 11. that I have killed for my shearers, 2Sa. 13: 23. Absalom had sheepshearers 24. thy servant hath sheepshearers; Isa. 53: 7. as a sheep before Aer shearers * NIPHAL Preterite. * Nah. 1 :12.sAa(Z (Aey be cut down, (marg. sAont) ^13 goosh, m. Job 7: b.and clods of dust; 1VT3 gah-zeeth', f. Ex. 20:25. build it of hewn stone: IK. 5: 17(31). costly stones, (and) Aeweo! stones, 6 : 36. with three rows of hewed stone, 7: 9.according to the measures of hewed stones, 1 1 . after the measures of hewed stones, 12. with three rows of hewed stones, 1 Ch 22: 2. set masons to hew wrought stones Isa. 9: 10(9). but we will build with Aeum stones: Lam. 3 : 9. inclosed my ways with hewn stone, Eze.40:42. four tables (were) of hewn stone Am. 5:ll.ye have built houses of hewn stone, 7T3 gah-zal' * KAL Preterite. * [ Gen21 :25. servants had violently taken away. 7« ( 305 ) bm Lev. 6 Jud.21 : ,'ob 20; 24 Ps. 69 Eze.18; 22 Mic. 2 Isa. 10 Gen31Lev. 19 Jud. 9 2Sa.23 IChll Job 24 Pro. 22 Eze.18 Ps. 35 Pro. 28 Mic. 3 Deu 28 Jer. 21: 22 Mai. 1 4(5:23). that which Ae took violently away, 23. whom (Aey caught: and they went 19. he hath violently taken away an house 2. (Aey violently take away flocks, 4(5). which I took not away. 12. hath spoiled by violence, 16. neither Aa(A spoiled by violence, 18. spoiled his brother by violence, 29. and exercised robbery, 2. and (aAe (them) by violence; KAL. — Infinitive. 2. and to take away the right KAL.— Future. 31. (Aou wouldest take by force 13. neither rob (him): 25. and they robbed all that came 21 . and plucked the spear out of 23. and plucked the spear out of 9. TAey pluck the fatherless 19. heat consume the snowr waters: 22. Bob not the poor, : 7. hath spoiled none by violence, KAL.— Participle. Poel. 10. from him that spoileth him9 24. Whoso robbeth his father 2. kjAo pluck off their skin KAL.— Participle. Pail]. 29. only oppressed and spoiled 31. violently taken away from 12. deliver (him that is) spoiled 3. deliver (Ae spoiled out of 13. and ye brought (that which was) (ora, * NIPHAL. —Preterite. * Pro. 4: 16. and their sleep is taken away, 7,3 )%gah-zehl\ m. Lev. 6 : 2 (5 : 21 ) . or in a thing taken away by violence, Ps. 62:10(11). and become not vain in robbery: Isa. 61 : 8.1 hate robbery for burnt offering ; Eze.22:29.and exercised robbery, ' 7,3 gehf- zel, m. Ecc. 5: 8(7). and violent perverting of judgment Eze. 18: 18. spoiled his brother by violence, rvjH g'zeh-lah', I Lev, ,6: 4(5:23). (Aa( which he took violently away, (lit. (Ae spoil which he took, &c.) Isa. 3:14.(Ae spoil of the poor Eze.18: 7. hath spoiled none by violejice, 12. hath spoiled by violence, 16. neither hath spoiled by violence, 33: 15. give again (Aa( Ae had robbed, Dlj gah-zahm* ', m. Joel 1: 4. That which the patmerworm 2 : 25. and the patmerworm, my great army Am. 4: 9. the palmerworm devoured Vtygeh'-zag, m. Job 14: 8.(Ae s(ocA thereof die Isa. 11: La rod out of the stem of Jesse, 40:24. (Aeir stock shall not take root "ITS gah-zarf. -TO * KAL Preterite. * Hab. 3: 17. the flock shall be cut off KAL. — Imperative. IK. 3:25. Divide the living child in two, IK. 3: Job 22 Isa. 9 6. Let it be neither mine nor thine, (but) divide KAL.— Future. 2K. 6: 4. And when they came to Jordan, they cut down 28. Thou shalt also decree a thing, 20(19). And he shall snatch on the (marg. cut) KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 136:13. To him which divided the Red sea * NIPHAL. —Preterite. # 2Ch 26:21. for Ae was cut off from the Est. 2: 1. what was decreed against her. Ps. 88: 5(6). they are cutoff from Isa. 53: 8. for Ae was cut off out of the land Lam. 3:54. 1 said, 7 am cut off. Eze. 37 : 1 1 . we are cut off for our parts. ^[gzar],Ch. * P'AL. —Participle. * Dan 2:27.(Ae soothsayers, shew unto the king ; 4: 7(4) &5:7. the Chaldeans, and the sooth sayers : 5:11. Chaldeans, (and) soothsayers; * ITHP'AL Preterite. * Dan 2: 34. till that a stone was cut out without hands, 45. the stone was cut out of the mountain "1.T3 [geh'-zer], m. Genl5:17.that passed between those pieces. Ps. 136: 13. divided the Red sea unto parts: PnT3: g'zeh-rah', f. Lev. 16: 22. unto a land not inhabited: (marg. of separation ) n™ [g'zeh-rah'], Ch. f. Dan 4 : 1 7( 1 4) . by tlie decree of the watchers, 24(21). and this (is) (Ae decree of the most High, n*lT3 giz-rah', f. Lam. 4: 7. (Aeir polishing (was) of sapphire: Eze. 4 1 : 1 2 . before (Ae separate place 13. and the separate place, 1 4. and of (Ae separate place 15. over against (Ae separate place 42 : 1 . over against (Ae separate place, 1 0. over against (Ae separate place, 13. before (Ae separate place, |irt3 gah-ghohn' , m. Gen 3:14. upon (Ay belly shalt thou go, Lev.ll :42. goeth upon (Ae belly, n?D3 gah-'gheh' -leth, Lev.l6:12.a censer full of burning coals (lit. coals of fire) 2Sa. 14: 7. so they shall quench my coal 22: 9. coals were kindled by it. 13. before him were coals of fire Job 41: 21 (13). His breath kindleth coals, Ps. 18: 8(9). coals were kindled by it. 12(13), 13(14). hail (stones) and coals of tire. 120: 4. with coals o/juniper. 140:10(11). Let burning coals fall upon Pro. 6:28. Can one go upon hot coals, 25: 22. thou shalt heap coals of fire 26: 21. coals (are) to burning coals, x bm Isa. 44: 19. baked bread upon (Ae coals thereof; 47: 14. not (be) a coal to warm Eze. 1:13. like burning coals of fire, 10: 2. fill thine hand with coals of 24: 11. set it empty upon (Ae coals thereof ( 306 ) 7-> N*3 gah'y, com. Jos. Nu. 21: 20. from Bamoth (in) (Ae valley, that (is) in the country Deu 3:29. So we abode in the valley 4:46. in the valley over against 34: 6. he buried him in a valley 3:11. now (there was) a valley 15: 8. by (Ae valley o/the son of Hinnom . — before (Ae valley o/Hinnom 18:16. (Ae valley of the son of Hinnom, — descended to the valley o/Hinnom, 19: 14. are in the valley of Jiphthah-el; 27. and to the valley of Jiphthah-el ISa. 13:18. looketh to (Ae valley o/Zeboim 17: 3. ana* (there was) a valley between 52. until thou come to (Ae valley, 2Sa. 8 : 13. in the valley of salt, 2K. 2: 16. or into some valley, (lit. one of the valleys) 14: 7. He slew of Edom in the valley of 23: 10. in (Ae valley of the children of Hinnom, 1 Ch 4:14. the father of (Ae valley of Charashim ; 39. unto the east side of (Ae valley, 18:12. Edomites in the valley o/salt 2Ch 14: 10(9). they set the battle in array in (Ae valley of 25: 11. went to (Ae valley o/salt, 26: 9. and at (Ae valley gate, 28: 3 & 33: 6. in (Ae valley of the son of Hinnom, Neh 2:13, 15. by the gate of (Ae valley, 3: 13. Tlie valley gate repaired Hanun, 11:30. unto (Ae valley o/Hinnom. 35.Lod, and Ono, (Ae valley of craftsmen. Ps. 23: 4. 1 walk through the valley o/the shadow 60[title](2). smote of Edom in the valley of Isa. 22: 1. burden of (Ae valley of vision. 5,. in (Ae valley of vision, 28: l.on the head of the fat valleys 4. on the head of (Ae fat valley, ¦10; 4. Every valley shall be exalted, Jer. 2 :23. see thy way in the valley, 7:31. in the valley of the son of Hinnom, 32. nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but (Ae valley of slaughter: 19: 2. (Ae valley of the son of Hinnom, 6. nor TAe valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter. 32:35. in (Ae valley o/the son of Hinnom, Eze. 6: 3. to the rivers, and to the valleys; 7: 16. like doves of the valleys, 31:12. and in all (Ae valleys 32: 5. fill (Ae valleys with thy height. 35: 8. in thy hills, ajid in thy valleys, 36 : 4, 6. to the rivers, and to the valleys, 39 : 1 1 . (Ae valley of the passengers — , 15. The valley o/Hamon-gog. Mic. 1 ; 6. the stones thereof into the valley, Zee. 14: 4. a very great valley; 5. ye shall flee (to) (Ae valley of the moun tains ; for (Ae valley o/the mountains T3 geed9 m. Gen32:32(33).eat not (of) (Ae sinew which — ( — ) . in the sineio that shrank. Job 10:11. hast fenced me with bones and sinews 40:17. (Ae sinews ofhis stones Isa. 48: 4. and thy neck (is) an iron sinew, Eze.37 : 6. 1 will lay sinews upon you, 8.(Ae sinews and the flesh IT3 [gee'agh or HW [_goofagli\. # KAL. — Infinitive. * Job 38: 8. when it brake forth, (as if) it had issued KAL. — Imperative. Mic. 4: 10. ana* Zaoowr to bring forth, O daughter KAL.— Future. Job 40:23. he trusteth that Ae can draw up Eze.32: 2. ana* thou earnest forth with thy rivers, KAL. — Participle. Ps. 22: 9(\0).he that took me out # HIPHIL. Participle. # Jud. 20: 33. came forth out of their places, ITS [gee'agh] or HW [go nS»3 gee-lah', f. ( 307 ) nb) Isa. 35: 2. rejoice even with joy 65:18. 1 create Jerusalem a rejoicing, TZgeer, m. Isa. 27 : 9. of the altar as cAaMstones "Vil [geer], Ch. m. Dan 5: 5. upon (7ie plaister of the wall "M [ge/ir], m. 2Ch 2: 17(16). And Solomon numbered all (Ae strangers (See also "13) fcT3 g-ettfA. Job 7 : 5. (a»ro)My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; ,3 3gYz/, m. Gen31 : 46. and made an heap: and they did eat there upon (Ae Aeap. 47. but Jacob called it Galeea. (marg. the heap of witness) 48. This Aeap (is) a witness between — was the name of it called Gcdeed ; 51. Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, 52. This Aeap (be) witness, — I will not pass over this Aeap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this Aeap : 26. raised over him a great Aeap : 29. raise thereon a great Aeap of stones, : 1 7. laid a very great Aeap of stones 25. fenced cities (into) ruinous heaps. 17. His roots are wrapped about (Ae Aeap, : 28. which are ready to become heaps. 11. here shall (Ay proud waves be (marg. the pride of (Ay waves) 7(8). all thy waves and (Ay billows : 7(8). the noise of the seas, the noise of (Aeir war.es, : 9(10). when (Ae waves thereof arise, :25. which 1 i f" te th up (Ae waves thereof. 29. so that (Ae waves thereof are still . : 12. a spring shut up, :30. 0 daughter of Gallim : (lit. heaps) : 2. hast made of a city an heap; :26. defenced cities (into) ruinous heaps. ; I8.05 the waves of the sea: : lo. whose waves roared: : 22. though (Ae waves thereof toss 11(10). I will make Jerusalem heaps, 35. when (Ae waves thereof roar ; 37. Babylon shall become heaps, 42. with the multitude of (Ae waves thereof. 55. when Aer waves do roar Eze. 26 : 3. the sea causeth Ais waves to come Hosl2:Il(12). their altars (are) as heaps Jon. 2: 3(4). and thy waves passed over Zec.10: 11. shall smite (Ae waves Jos. 8 2Sa.l82K. 19 Job 8 15 38 Ps. 42 65 107 Cant.4 Isa. 1025 37 48 51 Jer. 5; 9 31 51 73 [gohl], m. Zee. 4: 2. with a bowl upon the top (marg. Aer bowl) j?3 [gal-lahv'], m. Eze. 5: l.take thee a barber's razor, 7373 gal-gal', m. Ps. 77:18(19). thy thunder (was) in the heaven : 83: 13(14). make them like a wheel, Ecc.12: 6. or (Ae wheel broken at the Isa. 5 : 28. and their wheels like a whirl wi nd : 17:13. and like a rolling thing (marg. thistledown ) Jer. 47: 3. the rumbling of Ais wheels, Eze. 10: 2. Go in between (Ae wheels, 6. Take fire from between (Ae wheels, 13. cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel. 23: 24. wagons, and wheels, 26:10. noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, hi?* [gal-gal1], Ch. m. Dan 7: 9. (and) Ais wheels (as) burning fire. 7373 gil-guhl', m. Isa. 28:28. (Ae wAeeZ o/his cart, ^7373 gool-goh'-leth, f. Ex. 16:16. an omer for every man, (marg. by the poll, or, Aead) 38:26. A bekah for every man, (marg. a poll) Nu. 1: 2. every male by their polls; 18. upward, Ay their polls. 20, 22. the names, by their polls, 3:47. five shekels apiece by the poll, Jud. 9:53.all to brake 7iis scull. 2K. 9: 35. no more of her than (Ae scull, ICh 10: 10. fastened his head in the temple 23: 3. their number by their polls, 24. number of names by their polls, "173 [geh'-led], m. Job 16:15. sewed sackcloth upon my shin, PI73 gah-lah'. T T O * KAL. —Preterite. * ISa. 4:21,22. The glory is departed from Israel: 9: 15. the Lord Aarf told Samuel (marg.reueaZed) 20: 12. send not unto thee, and shew it thee; (roarg.wncouer thine ear) 13. (Aen / will shew it thee, 22 : 1 7 . did not shew it to me. 2Sa. 7:27. hast revealed to thy servant, (marg. opened the ear) ICh 17:25.For thou, O my God, hast told thy servant (marg. revealed the ear) Pro.27:25. The hay appeareth, Isa. 5: 13. my people are gone into captivity, 24: 1 1 . the mirth of the land is gone. Lam. 1 : 3. Judah is gone into captivity Eze.I2: 3. and (Aow shalt remove from thy place 39:23. Israel went into captivity Hos 10: 5. because it is departed from it. Am. 1 : 5. and the people of Syria shall go into cap tivity 3: 7. but Ae revealeth his secret Mic. 1:16. for they are gone ijito captivity KAL Infinitive. Jud. 18:30. until the day of (Ae captivity of Jer. 1 : 3. (Ae carrying away of Jerusalem captive Am. 5: 5. Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, 7: 11. Israel shall surely be led away captive 17. Israel shall surely go into captivity KAL. — Impej'ative. Eze. 12: 3. and remove by day KAL. — Future. Ru. 4: 4. And I thought to advertise (marg. I will reveal (in) thine ear) lSa.20: 2.but that Ae will shew itme: (marg. uncover mine ear) 2K. 17:23. So was Israel earned away 25:21. So Judah was caj-ried away Job 20 : 28. The increase of his house shaU depart, 33: 16. Then Ae openeth the ears (marg. revealeth or, uncovereth) x 2 nbj ( 308 ) H7J Job 36; Jer. 52 Am. 5 6 ISa. 22 2Sa.l52K. 24 Pro. 20 Isa. 49 Am. 6 Nu. 24 Est. 3 Jer. 32 Gen35;ISa. 2 3 14 2Sa. 6 Job 38 Isa. 22 23 384053 Jer. 13 Eze.13 23 Dan 10 Hos 7 ISa. 2 2Sa. 6 10. He openeth also their ear 15. and openeth their ears 27. Thus Judah was carried away captive 5. Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, 7. now shall they go captive 1 1 . Israel shall surely be led away captive 17. Israel shall surely go into captivity KAL Participle. Poel. : 8. none (Aa( sheweth me (marg. uncovereth mine ear) — or sheweth unto me 19. thou (art) a stranger, and also an exile. : 14. ten thousand captives, : 19. a talebearer revealeth secrets: 21. am desolate, a captive, 7 . with the first that go captive, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. : 4, 16. but having his eyes open: 14. was published unto all people, :13. published unto all people, (marg. revealed ) : 1 1 . and that which was open : 14. and this evidence which is open; tf NIPHAL Preterite. * 7. there God appeared unto him, 27. Did /plainly appear 21. the Lord revealed himself to Samuel 8. and we will discover ourselves 20. who uncovered himself to day 17. Have the gates of death Aeere opened H.And it was revealed in mine ears 1 . from the land of Chittim it is revealed to 12. and is removed from me 5. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, 1 . to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 22. of thine iniquity are thy skirts discovered, 14. so that the foundation thereof sAa/( be dis covered, .29. and the nakedness of thy whoredoms sAaA* be discovered, 1 . a thing was revealed unto Daniel, l.then the iniquity of Ephraim was dis covered, NIPHAL Infinitive. :27.Did I plainly appear (lit. appearing did I appear) 20. as one of the vain fellows shamelessly (marg. or, openly) uncovereth himself I [nibM nibarq] Isa. 56: l.my righteousness to be revealed. Eze.21 :24(29). in tliat your transgressions are dis covered, NIPHAL Imperative. Isa. 49: 9. that (are) in darkness, Shew yourselves. NIPHAL.— Future. Ex. 20: 26. that thy nakedness be not discovered ISa. 3: 7. neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed 14:11. And both of them discovered 2Sa.22:16. foundations of the world were discovered, Ps. 18: 15(16). and the foundations of the world were discovered Pro. 26:26. wickedness shall be shewed Isa. 47: 3. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, Eze.l6:36. and thy nakedness discovered through thy 57. thy wickedness was discovered, NIPHAL. —Participle. Deu29:29(28).A«( (Aose (things which are) revealed * PIEL Preterite. * Lev.20:ll.Aa(A uncovered his father's nakedness: 17.Ae Aa(A uncovered his sister's nakedness; 18. and shall uncover her nakedness; — sAe Aa(A uncovered the fountain 20. Ae Aa(A uncovered his uncle's nakedness: 21.Ae Aa(A uncovered his brother's nakedness; Deu 27: 20. Ae uncovereth his father's skirt. Ru. 3: 4. and uncover his feet, Job 41 : 13(5). Who can discover the face of Ps. 98: 2. his righteousness Aa(A Ae openly shewed (marg. or, revealed) Isa. 26:21. 57: 8. Jer. 11:20. 20:12. 33: 6. 49:10. Lam. 2: 14 4:22. Eze. 16: 37 22:10 23:10 Nah. 3: 5. the earth also shall disclose for (Aou Aos( discovered unto thee Aaae / revealed my cause. unto thee Aaue / opened my cause. and will reveal unto them / have uncovered his secret places, (Aey have not discovered he will discover thy sins. (marg. or, Ae vnll carry (thee) captive for) . and will discover thy nakedness In thee have they discovered These discovered her nakedness: and I will discover thv skirts PIEL — Infinitive. Lev.18: 6. to uncover (their) nakedness: 17, 18, 19.(o uncover her nakedness; PIEL. — Imperative. Ps. 119:18. Open thou mine eyes, (marg. Reveal) Isa. 47: 2. uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, PIEL Future. : 7 . shalt thou not uncover : — , 11, 15. (Aom shalt not uncover her nakedness. 8. of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: 9, 10. their nakedness thou shall not uncover. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. TAou sAaft not uncover the nakedness : 19. thou shalt not uncover the nakedness :31. TAen the Lord opened the eyes :30(23:1). nor discover his father's skirt. 7. and uncovered his feet, 27. The heaven shall reveal 9. discover not a secret to another: 3. bewray not him that wandereth. 8. And he discovered the covering 18. So she discovered her whoredoms, anddis- covered her nakedness : 10(12). now will I discover her lewdness 6. / will discover the foundations Lev.18 20 Nu. 22 Deu 22 Ru. 3 Job 20 Pro. 25 Isa. 16 22 Eze. 23 Hos. Mic. PIEL.— Participle. Job 12:22. He discovereth deep things Pro. 1 1 : 13. -A talebearer revealeth secrets: * PUAL.— Preterite. * Nah. 2: 7(B). Kuzzah shaUbeled away captive, (marg. discovered) PUAL.— Participle. Pro. 27: 5. Open rebuke (is) better than secret love. * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * . whom the Lord carried away . The nations which thou hast removed, .whom ye brought from thence; . whom (Aey Aad carried away . whom (Aey curried away . And he carried away all Jerusalem, . did Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carry away. . , . Tilgath-Pilneser king of Assyria earned away . he removed them, and begat . the king of Babylon Aad carried away . the king of Babylon Aad carried away, . the king of Babylon Aad carried amy. . and he shall carry them captive into . (Aey Aaue led him captive, . Nebuchadnezzar Aad carried away . whom I have caused to be canied away . I have caused you to be earned away cap tives, . I caused you to be carried away capiat- & 52 : 15, 30. the guard carried away capiat . Nebuchadrezzar carried away captive : . he carried away captive from Jerusalem . Therefore will I cause you to go into cap tivity Note nbsn Jer. 52:29. is omitted in many t : v copies. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. ICh 6:15(5:41). wAen the Lord carried away Judah 2K. 17 11 26 27 2833 24 14 25 11 ICh 5 6 8 7 Ezr 2 1. Nel 7 6 Est 2 6 Jer. 20 4 22 12 29 1 4 7 14 39 9 52 28 29 Am 5 27. H7J Jer. 24: I. had carried away captive Jeconiah 27 : 20. when he carried away captive Jeconiah 43 : 3. and carry us away captives Lam .4: 22. carry thee away ijito captivity: Eze.39:28. which caused them to be led into captivity (marg. by my causing of) Am. 1 : 6. because they carried away captive HIPHIL Future. 2K. 15:29. and carried them captive to Assyria. 16: 9. and carried (the people of) it captive 17: 6. and carried Israel away 18:11. And the king of Assyria did carry away 24: 15. And he carried away Jehoiachin ICh 5:26. of Assyria, and he carried them away, 8 : 6. and they removed them to Manahath : 2Ch 36 : 20. And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon ; * HOPHAL.— Preterite. # 1 Ch 9 : 1 . if ere carried away to Babylon Est. 2: 6. Who Aad been carried away — the captivity which Aad 6een caj-ried away Jer. 13:19. Judah shall be carried away captive all of it, it shall be wholly carried away captive. 40: 7. that were not carried away captive HOPHAL.— Participle. Jer. 40: l.all (Aa( were carried away captive * HITHPAEL Infinitive. * Pro. 18 : 2. that his heart may discover itself. HITHPAEL.— Future. Gen 9:21. and he was uncovered within his tent. I-ta [glah], Ch. * P'AL Infijiitive.X Dan 2:47. seeing thou couldest reveal this P'AL. — Participle. Active. Dan 2: 22. He revealeth the deep and secret 28. there is a God in heaven (Aa( revealeth 29. and he that revealeth secrets 47. and a revealer of secrets, P'AL. — Participle. Passive. Dan 2:19. Then was the secret revealed 30. is not revealed to me for (any) wisdom # APHEL.— Preterite. # Ezr. 4:10. Asnapper brought over, and set in the cities 5 : 12. and carried the people away into Babylon. ( 309 ) nbi Jer. 50; 2. Aer idols are confounded, Eze. 6: 4. your slain (men) before your idols. 5. children of Israel before (Aeir idols; 6. your idols may be broken 9. go a whoring after (Aeir idols: < 13. shall be among (Aeir idols — offer sweet savour to all (Aeir idols. 8:10. (Ae idols of the house of Israel, 14: 3. these men have set up (Aeir idols 4- that setteth up Ais idols — the multitude of Ais idols; 5. estranged from me through their idols. 6. turn (yourselves) from your idols; 7. setteth up Ais idols in his heart, 16:36. with all (Ae idols ofthy abominations, 18: 6, 15. to (Ae idols of the house of Israel, 12. hath lifted up his eyes to (Ae idols, 20: 7. and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: 8. did they forsake (Ae idols o/Egypt: 16. their heart went after (Aeir idols. 18. nor defile yourselves with their idols: 24. their eyes were after their fathers' idols. 31. yourselves with all your idols, 39. serve ye every one Ais idols, — with your gifts, and with your idols. 22: 3. maketh idols against herself 4. and hast defiled thyself in thine idols 23: 7. with all (Aeir idols she defiled 30. thou art polluted with their idols. 37. with (Aeir idols have they 39. slain their children to their idols, 49. bear the sins of your idols: 30: 13. 1 will also destroy (Ae idols, 33: 25. lift up your eyes toward your idols, 36: 18. upon the land, and for their idols 25. from all your idols, 37: 23. any more with their idols, 44; 10. from me after (Aeir idols; 12. ministered unto them before (Aeir idols, Di73 [g'lohm], m. Eze.27:24.in blue clothes, and broidered work, (marg. foldings) rhl see r\b)i FlfZ gool-lah', f. Jos. 15: 19. give me also springs of water. And he gave her (Ae upper springs, and (Ae nether springs. Jud. 1 : 15. give me also springs of water. And Caleb gave her (Ae upper springs and (Ae nether springs. IK. 7:41. and the (two) bowls — , 42. to cover (Ae two bowls of 2Ch 4:12. and (Ae pommels, — , 13. to cover (Ae two pommels of Ecc.12: 6. or the golden bowl be broken, Zee. 4: 3. upon the right (side) of the bowl, Dv^il gil-loo-leem' \ m. pi. Lev. 26: 30. upon the carcases of your idols, Deu29: 17(16). (Aeir idols, wood (marg. dungy gods) IK. 15: 12. removed all (Ae idols 21: 26. abominably in following idols, 2K. 17: 12. For they served idols, 21:11. Judah also to sin with his idols: 21. served (Ae idols that his father 23:24. the images, and (Ae idols, Tfbi gah-looth' \ f. 2K. 25:27. thirtieth year o/(Ae captivity of Isa. 20: 4.(Ae Ethiopians captives, 45; 13. and he shall let go my captives, Jer. 24; 5. (Aem (Aa( are carried away captive of Judah, (marg. (Ae captivity) 28: 4. with all (Ae captives of Judah, (marg. captivity) 29:22. a curse by all (Ae captivity of 40 : 1 . all (Aa( were carried away captive of 52:31. thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin Eze. 1: 2.thefifthyearo/kingJehoiachin'scap(ii;i(y, 33: 21. the twelfth year of our captivity, 40; I. twentieth year of our captivity, Am. 1 : 6. carried away captive (Ae whole captivity, 9. delivered up (Ae whole captivity Obad. 20. And the captivity of this host — and the captivity of Jerusalem, nb^ [gah-looth'], Ch. f. Ezr. 6: 16. the rest of the children of (Ae captivity, (marg. sons of the transportation) Dan. 2: 25. a man of the captives of Judah, (marg. children of (Ae captivity) 5: 13. which (art) of the children of (Ae captivity 6: 13(14). which (is) of the children of (Ae cap tivity n^>3 [gah-lagh']. # PIEL Preterite. * Lev. 14: 8. and sAaue off all his hair, Nu. 6 9. then he shall shave his head \Q.And the Nazarite «Aa/( shave n73 (310 ) wbi Deu 21 : 1 2. and she shall shave her head, 2Sa. 14:26. heavy on him, therefore he polled it: PIEL. —Infinitive. 2Sa. 14 : 26. And when he polled his head, PIEL.— Future. Gen41 : 14. and he shaved (himself), Lev. 13:33. the scall shall he not shave; 14: 9. (Aa( Ae shall shave all his hair — ¦ even all his hair Ae shall shave off: 21 : 5. neither shall they shave off Nu. 6: 9. on the seventh day shall he shave it. Jud. 16: 19. and she caused him to shave off 2Sa.lO: 4. and shaved off the one half 14:26. at every year's end that Ae polled (it): ICh 19: 4. and shaved them, and cut oif Isa. 7:20.sAase with a razor that is hired, Eze. 44:20. Neither sAa(( (Aey sAaue * PUAL Preterite. * Jud.16: 17. if Ibe shaven, then my strength 22. after Ae was shaven. PUAL Participle. Jer. 41 : 5. having their beards shaven, * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * Lev. 13:33. He shall be shaven, but the scall HITHPAEL Infinitive. Nu. 6: 19. after (the hair of) his separation is shaven: |V73 gil-lah-yoh 11 , m. Isa. 3:23. The glasses, and the fine linen, 8 : 1 . Take thee a great roll, 7^3 [gah-leel'], adj. IK. 6:34. leaves of the one door (were) folding, — the other door (were) folding. Est. 1: 6. to silver rings and pillars of marble: Cant.5; 14. His hands (are as) gold n'nos H^3 g'lee-lah', f. Jos. 13: 2. all (Ae borders o/the Philistines, 22: 10. came unto (Ae boj'ders o/Jordan, 1 1 . i n (Ae borders of Jordan , Eze.47: 8. issue out toward (Ae east country, Joel 3: 4(4:4). all (Ae coasts o/Palestine? 773 [gah-lal']. Gen29 Jos. 5 Ps. 22 Jos. 10 lSa.14 Ps. 37 119 Pro. 16 Pro. 26 Isa. 34; Am. 5: Isa. 9: * KAL.— Preterite.* : 3. and they rolled the stone 8. and (till) (Aey roll the stone 9. This day Aaue / rolled away KAL. — Infinitive. 8(9). He trusted on the Lord (marg. He rolled himself) KAL Imperative. 18. Roll great stones upon the 33. roll a great stone unto me 5. Commit thy way unto the Lord ; (mars. Roll) ^ h 22. Remove from me reproach and contempt; 3. Commit thy works unto the Lord, (marg. Roll) ' KAL Participle. Poel. 27. and he that rolleth a stone, * NIPHAL Preterite. * 4. and the heavens shall be rolled together NIPHAL Future. 24. But let judgment run down (marg. roll) * POAL.— Participle. * 5(4) . and garments rolled in blood ¦ * HIPHIL.— Future. * Gen29: 10. and rolled the stone from * HITHPOEL Infinitive. * Gen43 : 18. that he may seeh occasion against us,(mare, roll himself upon us) HITHPOEL.— Participle. 2Sa.20: 12. Amasa wallowed in blood * PILPEL Preterite.* Jer. 51 : 25. and roll thee down from the rocks, * HITHPALPEL Preterite. * Job 30: 14. in the desolation they rolled themselves 773 gah-lahl', m. IK. 14:10. asaman taketh away dung, 773 gah-lahl', m. Genl2:13.my soul shall live because of thee. 30:27. hath blessed me for thy sake. 39: 5. Egyptian's house for Joseph's saAe; Deu. 1 : 37 . angry with me for your sokes, 15: 10. because that for this thing 18: 12. and because of these abominations IK. 14:16. because of the sins of Jeroboam, Jer. 11 : 17. for the evil of the house of Israel 15: 4. because o/Manasseh the son of Mic. 3:12. shall Zion for your sake he plowed 773.g'7«A/, Ch. m. Ezr. 5: 8. which is builded with great stones, (marg. stones of rolling) 6: 4. (With) three rows of great stones, 773 73 [gth'-lel], m. Job 20: 7. for ever like his own dung : Eze. 4: 12. thou shalt bake it with dung 15. cow's dung for man's dung, Zep. 1:17. and their flesh as the dung. D73 3 [gah-lam']. * KAL.— Future.* 2K. 2: S.and wrapped (it) together, and smote D73 [goh'-lem], m. Ps. 139: 16. did see my substance, yefbeing imperfect; Du/Z gal-mood', adj. Job 3: 7. let that night be solitary, 15 :34. of hypocrites (shall be) desolate, 30: 3. want and famine (they were) solitary; (marg. or, darA as the night) Isa. 49: 21. and am desolate, a captive, fy '3 [gah-lag']. * HITHPAEL.— Preterite.* Pro. 17: 14. before it be meddled with. HITHPAEL Future. Pro. 18: 1 . intermeddleth with all wisdom. 20: 3. every fool will be meddling. &h* [gah-lash']. * KAL Preterite. * Cant.4: 1 &6:5.a flock of goats, that appear (v>W- nv_ flint pat nf\ D3 t&gamt part. conj. Gen. 3: 6. and gave a/so unto her husband 20: 5. and she, even she herself said, 6. Yea, I know that thou didst this 24:25. We have Ao(A straw a/jd provender enough, arid room to lodge in. 32: 19(20). And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all 20(21). And say ye moreover, Behold, 44: 16. we (are) my lord's servants, both we, and (he) also with whom the cup is found. Lev.26:24. and will punish you yet seven times 44. And yet for all that, when they be Deu.l2:30. even so will I do likewise. 1 Sa. 12 : 16. Now therefore stand and see 19: 24. he stripped off his clothes also, and pro phesied before Samuel in like manner t 2Sa. 17: 12. there shall not be left so much as one. 13. there be not one small stone found IChll: 2. And jnoreover in time past, (marg. both yesterday and the third day) 2Ch 20: 13. stood before the Lord, with their little ones, Neh. b:\o.yea, even their servants bare rule 6: 1. though at that time I had not set 13:26. nevertheless eveji him did outlandish Job 2: 10. What ? shall we receive good 12: 3. But I have understanding as well as you j Pro. 20: 10. both of them (are) aZiAe abomination Ecc. 4:11. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: 9 : 1 . no man knoweth either love or hatred (by) all (that is) before them. Isa. 66* 8. for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth Jer. 6: 15. nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: 33:26. TAen will I cast away the seed of Jacob, 51:49. As Babylon (hath caused) the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain &c. &c. It occurs with prefixes D^H & DTl ; and also the following: DSE7. ( 311 ) 7DJ 2Ch 32:25. according to the benefit (done) unto him; Ps. 28; 4. render to them (Aeir desert. 94: 2. render a reward to the proud. 103: 2. forget not all his benefits: 137: 8.as thou hast served us. (marg, thy deed which thou didst to us) Pro. 12 : 14. and the recompence of a man's 19:17.awd(Aa( which he hath given (marg. or, Aw deed) Isa. 3: 11. for (Ae reward o/his hands 35: 4. God (with) a recompence; 59: IS. recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence. 66 : 6. the Lord that rendereth recompence Jer. 51 : 6. render unto her a recompejice. Lam. 3:64. Render unto them a recompence, Joel 3: 4(4:4) will ye render me a recompence ? — (— :-) will I return your recompejice 7(4:7). will return your recompence Obad. 15. thy reward shall return Ecc. Gen. 6 1 : 17. 1 perceived that this also is vexation 2: 15 & 8:14.(Zia( this also (is) vanity. And (perhaps) D2E7S. 3.for that he also (is) flesh: X£3 \gah-mah! ',]. # PIEL.— Future. * Job 39:24. He swalloweth the ground #¦ HIPHIL Imperative.* Gen24:17.X*e( me, I pray thee, drink a little $>&lgohf-meh9m. Ex. 2: 3. took for him an ark of bulrushes, Job 8:11. Can (Ae rnsA grow up Isa. 18: 2. even in vessels of bulrushes 35: 7. with reeds and rushes. Ibh goh'-med, m. Jud. 3: 16. of a cnoi( length; tiiHfoi gam-niah-deem' 9 m. p], Eze.27: 11. and the Gammadims (lit. probably war riors) 71D3 g'mool, m. Jud. 9:16. according to the deserving of his hands ; rh ^V2i gmoo-lah\ f. 2Sa.I9:36(37).with such a reward? Isa. 59:18. According to (their) deeds, (marg. recom mences) Jer. 51 :56.the Lord God of recompences 7£Jl gah-mal1. * KAL Preterite. ¦» Gen50: 15. which toe did unto him. 17. for they did unto thee evil: ISa. 1 : 24. And when she had weaned him, 24:17(18). for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I Aaue rewarded thee evil. Ps. 7: 4(5). If Ihave rewarded evil 13: 6.Ae Aa(A dealt bouJitifully with me. 1 03 : 10. nor rewarded us according 116: 7. the Lord hath dealt bountifully 137: 8. as thou hast served us. (marg. thy deed which thou didst to us) Pro. 3 : 30. if Ae Aaue done thee, no harm. 31 : 12. She will do him good Isa. 3: 9. they have rewaj-aed evil 63: 7. that the Lord Aa(A bestowed on us, — which Ae Aa(A bestowed on them according KAL. — Infinitive. ISa. 1 :23. until thou have weaned himj — until sAe weaned him. KAL. — Imperative. Ps. 1 1 9 : 1 7 . Deal bountifully wi th thy KAL.— Future. Nu. 17: 8(23). and yielded almonds. Deu 32: 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord, 2Sa.l9:36(37). should the king recompense it me 22; 21. The Lord rewarded me IK. 11 :20. whom Tahpenes weaned Ps. 18:20(21). The Lord rewarded me according to 142: 7(8). (Aon sAaZ( deal bountifully with Hos 1 : 8. Now when she had weaned KAL.— Participle. Poel. 2Ch 20:11. Behold, (I say, how) they reward us, Pro. 11:17. The merciful man doe(A good Isa. 18: 5. the sour grape is ripening Joel 3: 4(4:4). and if ye recompense me, KAL. — Participle. Paul. Ps. 131: 2. as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul (is) even as a weaned child. Isa. 11:8. (Ae weaned child shall put 28: 9. weaned from the milk, * NIPHAL Infinitive. # Gen2I: 8. that Isaac was weaned. ^M NIPHAL.— Future. Gen.21: 8. the child grew, and was weaned : ISa. 1 :22. until the child 6e weaned, 7ftJ gah-mahl' \ com. Genl2:16.she asses, and camels. 24: 10. the servant took ten camels of the cajnels of 11. he made his camels to kneel 14. 1 will give thy camels drink 19. draw (water) for thy camels also, 20. drew for all Ais camels. 22. as (Ae camels had done drinking, 30. he stood by (Ae camels at the well. 31. and room for the camels. 32. and he ungirded (his) camels, — provender for the camels, 35. and camels, and asses. 44. 1 will also draw for thy camels: 46. 1 will give thy camels drink — and she made (Ae cajjtels drink 61. they rode upon (Ae camels, 63. behold, (Ae camels (were) coming. 64. she lighted off (Ae camel. 30:43. menservants, and camels, 31 : 17. set his sons and his wives upon cajnels ; 34. put them in (Ae cameVs furniture, 32: 7(B). and the camels, into two bands; 15(16). Thirty milch camels 37: 25. came from Gilead with their camels Ex. 9: 3. upon the asses, upon the camels, Lev.ll : 4.(Ae camel, because he cheweth Deu 14: 7.(Ae camel, and the hare, Jud. 6: 5. both they and their camels 7: 12, and their camels (were) without 8:21. that (were) on (Aeir camels' necks. 26. that (were) about (Aeir camels'' necks. 1 Sa. 15 : 3. ox and sheep, camel and ass. 27: 9. the asses, and the camels, 30:17. which rode upon camels, IK. 10: 2. with camels that bare spices, 2K. 8 : 9. of Damascus, forty camels' burden, 1 Ch 5 : 21 . of (Aeir camels fifty thousand, 12:40. bread on asses, and oji camels, 27:30. Over (Ae camels also (was) Obil 2Ch 9: Land camels that bare spices, 14: 15(14). carried away sheep and camels Ezr. 2:67. Their camels, four hundred Neh 7:69.cameZs, four hundred thirty Job 1: 3. three thousand camels, 17. fell upon (Ae camels, 42: 12. six thousand camels, Isa. 21 : 7 . a chariot of camels ; 30: 6. upon the bunches of cajnels, 60: 6. The multitude of camels Jer. 49: 29. and all their vessels, and their camels ; 32. And their camels shall be a booty, Eze.25: 5. make Rabbah a stable for camels, Zee. 14:15. of the mule, of the camel. "105 gah-mar' . # KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 12: 1(2). for the godly man ceaseth; 77: 8(9).do(A (his) promise/ai/ KAL.— Future. Ps. 7; 9(10). let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; 138: 8. The Lord will perfect KAL. — Participle. Poel . Ps. 57: 2(3) . that performeth (all things) for me. 703 [gmar], Ch. *P'AL. — Participle. Passive. * Ezr. 7: 12. a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect (peace), (marg. or, a perfect scribe, &c. ) j3 gan, com. Gen 2: 8. the Lord God planted a garden ( 312 ) 2M Gen 2: 9. in the midst of (Ae garden, 10. out of Eden to water (Ae garden ; 15. put him into (Ae garden of 16 & 3: 1 . Of every tree of (Ae garden 3 : 2. the fruit of the trees of (Ae garden : 3. which (is) in the midst of (Ae garden, 8. the Lord God walking in the garden — amongst the trees of (Ae garden. 10. 1 heard thy voice in the garden, 23. sent him forth from the gardeji of 24. at the east o/(Ae garden of Eden 13: 10. as the garden of the Lord, Deu 11 : 10. as a garden of herbs: IK. 21 : 2. that I may have it for a garden of 2K. 9: 27. he fled by the way of (Ae garden house. 21 : 18. was buried in the garden ofhis — , 26. in (Ae garden o/Uzza; 25 : 4. which (is) by the king's garden : Neh 3: 15. by the king's garden, Cant.4; 12. A garden inclosed (is) my sister, 15. A fountain of gardens, 16. blow upon my garden, — come into his garden, 5 : LI am come into my garden, 6; 2. is gone down into his garden, — to feed iji the gardens, 8:J3. Thou that dwellest in the gardens, Isa. 51 : 3. her desert ZiAe (Ae garden of 58 : 1 1 . thou shalt be ZiAe a watered garden, Jer. 31 : 12. shall be as a watered garden; 39: 4. by the way of the king's garden, 52: 7. which (was) by the king's garden ; Lam. 2: 6. as (if it were of) a garden; t Eze.28: 13. Thou hast been in Eden (Ae garden of 31: 8. The cedars in the garden o/God — nor any tree in the garden o/God 9. that (were) in the garden o/God, 36:35. is become ZiAe (Ae garden o/Eden ; Joel 2: 3. the land (is) as the garden o/Eden 133 [guh-nav']. * KAL.— Preterite. # Gen31 : 30. wherefore hast thou stolen 32. that Rachel Aad stolen them. Jos. 7:11. and have also stolen, 2Sa.l9:41(42).Aaue our brethren the men of Judah stolen thee away, 21 : 12. which Aad stolen them Job 21:18.(Aa( the storm carrieth away. (marg. stealeth away) 27 : 20. a tempest stealeth him away Pro.30 : 9. or lest I be poor, and steal, KAL. — Infinitive. Ex. 22:12(11 ).if it be stolen from him, (lit. stealing it be stolen) Jer. 7: 9. Will ye steal, murder, and commit Hos 4: 2. killing, and stealing, K AL . — Future. Gen31 : 19. and Rachel Aad stolen 20. And Jacob stole away unawares 26. (Aa( (Aon hast stolen away 27 . and steal away from me ; (marg. hast stolen me) 44 : 8. how then should we steal Ex. 20: 15. TAon shalt not steal. 22: 1(21:37). If aman shall steal an ox, Lev.l9:ll. Ye shall not steal, Deu 5:19(17). Neither shalt thou steal. 2K. 11: 2. and stole him from among 2Ch 22 : 1 1 . and stole him from among Pro. 6:30. if Ae steal to satisfy his soul Obad. 5. would they not have stolen KAL. — Participle. Poel . Ex. 21:16. And he that stealeth a man, Deu24: 7. If a man be found stealing Zee. 5: 3. every one that stealeth KAL. — Participle. 'Paul. Gen30:33.that shall be counted stolen 3l:39.(whether) stolen by day, or stolen by night. Pro. 9; 17. Stolen waters are sweet, an * NIPHAL Future. * Ex. 22: 12(11 ). if it be stolen from him, * PIEL Future. * 2Sa.l5: 6. so Absalom stole the hearts PIEL.— Participle. Jer. 23:30.(Aa( steal my words * PUAL Preterite. * Gen40:15.For indeed I was stolen away Ex. 22: 7(6). and it be stolen out of PUAL — Infinitive. Gen40:15.For indeed I was stolen away (lit. being stolen I was stolen) PUAL Future. Job 4: 12. a thing was secretly brought (marg. by stealth) * HITHPAEL.— Future. * 2Sa.I9: 3(4). And the people gat them by stealth — (-). being ashamed steal away ( 313 ) TW Ezr. 6: 1 . where (Ae treasures were laid up 7 : 20. bestow (it ) out of the king's treasure house. Ex.22 333 gan-nahv' ', m. I). If a thief be found breaking 6). if (Ae thief be found, 7). If (Ae thief be not found, then that thief shall die ; in the night is as a thief. cried after them as (after) a thief; When thou sawest a thief, .(Men) do not despise a thief, , Whoso is partner with a thief .companions of thieves: . As (Ae thief is ashamed when he .was he found among thieves? . if thieves by night, . and the thief cometh in, . in at the windows (iAe a thief. . If thieves came to thee, . enter into the house of (Ae thief, !"Q33 g'neh-vah, f. Ex. 22: 3(2). he shall be sold for his theft. 4(3). If the theft be certainly found !*I33 gan-nah' , f. Nu. 24: 6. as gardens by the river's side, Job 8: 16. his branch shooteth forth in Ais garden. Ecc. 2: 5. 1 made me gardens and orchards, Isa. 1 '.29. for the gardens that ye have 30. and as a garden that hath no water. 61:11. and as the garden causeth the things 65: 3. that sacrificeth in gardens, 66: 17. in (Ae gardens behind one Jer. 29: 5, 28. plant gardens, and eat the fruit Am. 4: 9. when your gardens and your vineyards 9: 14. they shall also make gardens, H33 [gin-nah'] , f. Est. 1 : 5. in the court of the garden of 7 : 7. into the palace garden : 8. returned out of the palace garden Cant.6:ll.I went down into the garden o/nuts "=j!33 [gan-za'ch'], m. 1 Ch 28 : 1 1 . and of (Ae treasuries thereof, 2*133 [gnah-zeem'], m. pi. Est. 3: 9. bring (it) into the king's treasuries. - 4: 7. to pay to the king's treasuries Eze.2? :24. and in chests of rich apparel, p33 [gin-zeen'], Ch. m. pi. Em. 5: 1 7. search made in the king's treasure house, |33 [gah-nan']. * KAL Preterite. * 2K. 19:34. For I will defend this city, 20: 6. and I will defend this city Isa. 37:35. For I will defend this city 38 : 6. and I will defend this city. KAL Infinitive. Isa. 31 : 5. defending also he will deliver * HIPHIL Future.* Isa. 31 : 5. so will the Lord of hosts defend Zee. 9: 15. The Lord of hosts shall defend 12: 8. In that day shall the Lord defend m [gah-gah']. * KAL Infinitive. * ISa. 6:12.(owino as they went, KAL Future. Job 6: b.loweth the ox over his fodder ? 7$ [gah-gal']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Lev.26 : 30. and my soul shall abhor you. 43. their soul abhorred my statutes. 44. neither will I abhor them, Jer. 14:19.Aa(A thy soul (o(Aed Zion? Eze.l6:45. which WAed their husbands KAL Future. Lev.26:ll.my soul sAaK not aAAor you. 15. if your soul a6Aor my judgments, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Eze.l6:45.(Aa( lotheth her husband * NIPHAL Preterite. * 2Sa. 1:21. the mighty is vilely cast away, * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 21 : 10. Their bull gendereth, and faileth not ; 7J73 goh'-gal, m. Eze.16: 5.(0 (Ae lathing ofthy person, 7J73 gah-gar' . * KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 9: 5(6). Thou hast rebuked the heathen, 119:21. Thou hast rebuked the proud Isa. 17:13. but (God) shallrebuke them, Jer. 29:27. why hast thou not reproved Mai. 3:11. And I will rebuke the devourer KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 54. 9. nor rebuke thee. K AL . — Imperative. Ps. 68:30(31). Rebuke the company of spearmen, KAL Future. Gen37 : 1 0. and his father rebuked him, Ru. 2:16.and reinAe her not. Ps.106: 9. He rebuked the Red sea also, Zee. 3: 2. The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; euen the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem refcuAe thee : KAL.— Participle. Poel. Nah. 1 : 4. He rebuketh the sea, Mai. 2: 3.1 will corrupt your seed, (rnarg.reproue) "B« ( 314 ) H7J^3 ggah-rah' , f . 2Sa.22:Job 26: Ps. 18: 76:80 104 Pro. 13 17 Ecc. 7 Isa. 30 50 51 66 16. at the rebuking of the Lord, 11. are astonished at his reproof. 15(16). were discovered at thy rebuke, §(7). At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, .16(17). at the rebuke ofthy countenance. : 7. At thy rebuke they fled ; : 1 . a scorner heareth not rebuke. 8. the poor heareth not rebuke. 10. A reproof entereth more into : 5. better to hear (Ae rebuke of the wise, ;17.at (Ae rebuke of one ; at (Ae rebuke of five shall ye flee: 2. at my rebuke I dry up the sea, 20. (Ae rebuke ofthy God. : 15. and his rebuke with flames #J?3 [gah-gash']. * KAL Future. * 2Sa.22: 8.(3TO) TAen the earth sAooA Ps. 18: 7(8). Then the earth sAooA * PUAL Future. * Job 34:20. the people shall be troubled * HITHPAEL Future.* 2Sa.22: 8. TAen the earth sAooA — heaven moved and shook, Ps. 18: 7(8). the hills moved and were shaken, Jer. 5: 22. and though the waves thereof toss them selves, 46: 7. whose waters are moved * HITHPOEL Preterite. * Jer. 25: 16. they shall drink, and be moved, HITHPOEL.— Future. Jer. 46: 8. waters are moved like the rivers ; t|3 [gaph], m. Ex. 21: 3. If he came in by himself (marg. with his body), he shall go out by himself: 4. he shall go out by himself. Pro. 9: 3. upon the highest places (lit. pinnacles of the high places) C]3 [gaph], Ch. m. Dan 7: 4. like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I be held till (Ae wings thereof 6. upon the back of it four wings of a fowl ; Cant.7: Isa. 7: 16: 24323436 Jer. 2 5 6 8 48 Eze.15 17 19 Hos. 2 10 14 Joel 1 2 Mic. 4 Hab. 3 Hag. 2 Zee. 3 8 Mai. 3 8(9). shall be as clusters of (Ae vine, 12(13). see if (Ae vine flourish, 23. where there were a thousand vines 8, 9. (Ae vine of Sibmah: 7.(Ae vine languisheth, 12. for (Ae fruitful vine. 4. as the leaf falleth off from the vine, 1 6. eat ye every one of Ais vine, 21 . the degenerate plant of a strange vine 17. they shall eat up thy vines 9. the remnant of Israel as a vine : 13. no grapes on the vine, 32. O vine of Sibmah, 2. What is (Ae vine tree more 6. As (Ae vine tree among the 6. became a spreading vine — so it became a vine, 7. this vine did bend her roots 8. that it might be a goodly vine. 10. Thy mother (is) like a vine 12(14). I will destroy Aer vines and hex fig 1 . Israel (is) an empty vine, 7(8). grow as the vine : 7. He hath laid my vine waste, 12. TAe vine is dried up, 22. the fig tree and the vine 4. sit every man under Ais vine 17. neither (shall) fruit (be) in the vines; ; 19. yea, as yet (Ae vine, : 10. under (Ae vine and under the fig tree, 1 2. (Ae vine shall give her fruit, 1 1 . neither shall your vine cast J?3. geh'-phen, m. Gen40: 49 Nu. 6 20 Deu. 8 32 Jud. 9 13 IK. 4 2K. 4 18 Job 15: Ps. 78 80 105128 Cant.2 : 6 9. behold, a vine (was) before me ; 10. And in the vine (were) three 1 1 . Binding his foal unto the vine, 4. that is made of the vine tree, (marg. vine of the wine) : 5. or of figs, or of vines, 8. wheat, and barley, and vines, 32. For (Aeir vine (is) o/(Ae vine o/Sodom, 12. Then said the trees unto the vine, 13. the vine said unto them, 14. any (thing) that cometh o/(Ae vine, 25(5:5). every man under Ais vine 39. found a wild vine, 31. eat ye every man of his own vine, 33. his unripe grape as the vine, 47. He destroyed (Aeir vines 8(9). Thou hast brought a vine out 14(15). behold, and visit this vine; 33. He smote (Aeir vines also 3. Thy wife (shall be) as a fruitful vine 13. and the vines (with) the 1 1 . to see whether (Ae vine flourished, 7$3 goh-pher. Gen. 6: 14. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rV*!i?3 goph-reeth', f. Genl9:24. Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone Deu29:23(22).the whole land thereof (is)trimstae, Job 18: 15. brimstone shall be scattered Ps. 11: 6. rain snares, fire and brimstone, Isa. 30:33. like a stream of brimstone, 34: 9. the dust thereof into brimstone, Eze.38:22. fire, and brimstone. 73 see 713 73 gehr, m. Genl5 23 Ex. 2 12 13. shall be a stranger in a land 4. 1 (am) a stranger and a sojourner : 22. 1 have been a stranger 19. whether he be a stranger, or born 48. when a stranger shall sojourn 49. and unto the stranger that sojourneth 3. 1 have been an alien in 10. nor thy stranger that (is) 23: Lev.16 17 :21(20VThou shalt nei(Aer vex a stranger, _( — ).yei , . j _ were strangers in the land 9. Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: fox ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers 12. and the stranger, may be refreshed. 29. or a stranger that sojourneth 8. or of (Ae strangers which sojourn 10, 13. (Ae strangers that sojourn 12. neither shall any stranger 15. of your own country, or a stranger, 26. nor any stranger that sojourneth 10. for the poor and stranger : 33. if a stranger sojourn with 34. (Ae stranger that dwelleth — ye were strangers in the land of 2. or of (Ae strangers that sojourn 18. or of the strangers in Israel, 22. the poor, and to the stranger: 16. as well the stranger, as he that is born 22. as well for the stranger, as for one tl ( 315 ) ru Lev.25:23.for ye (are) strangers 35. a stranger, or a sojourner ; 47. if a sojourner or stranger wax rich — sell himself unto the stranger — or to the stock of (Ae stranger's family; Nu. 9: 14. if a stranger shall sojourn — both for the stranger, and for him 15: 14. if a stj'anger sojourn with you, 15. and also for the stranger that sojourneth — so shall (Ae stranger 16. and for the stj'anger that sojourneth 26. and the stranger that sojourneth 29. and for the stranger that sojourneth 30. born in the land, or a stranger, 19:10. and ujiIo the strajiger that sojourneth 35 : 15. and for the stranger, and for the Deu I ; 16. (Ae stranger (that is) with him. 5: 14. nor thy stranger that (is) within 10: 18. loveth (Ae stranger, 19. Love ye therefore (Ae stranger: for ye were strangers in the 14:21. thou shalt give it unto the stranger 29 & 16: 1 1, and the stranger, and the fatherless, 16: 14. (Ae stranger, and the fatherless, 23: 7(8). thou wast a stranger in his land. 24: 14. or ofthy strangers 17. the judgment of (Ae stranger, 19, 20, 21. it shall be fur the stranger, 26:1 Land (Ae stranger that (is) 12. unto the Levite, (Ae stranger, 13. and unto the stranger, 27 : 19. the judgment of (Ae stranger, 28:43. The stranger that (is) within 29:11(10). ajid thy stranger that (is) in thy 31 \\2.and thy stranger that (is) within Jos. 8:33. as well the stranger, as he 35. the little ones, and the strangers 20: 9. and for tlie stranger that sojourneth 2Sa. 1:13.1 (am) the son of a stranger, (lit. a man a stranger) 1 Ch 22: 2. commanded to gather together thestrangers 29: 15. For we (are) strangers before thee, 2Ch 30:25. and the strangers that came Job 31 :32. TAe stranger did not lodge Ps. 39: 12(13). for I (am) a stranger with thee, 94: 6. the widow and the stranger, 119:19.1 (am) a stranger in the earth: 146: 9. The Lord preserveth (Ae strangers ; Isa. 14: Land (Ae strajigers shall be joined Jer. 7: 6. (If) ye oppress not (Ae stranger, 14: 8. be as a stranger in the land, 22; 3. and do no wrong, do no violence to (Ae stranger, Eze. 14: 7. or o/(Ae stranger that sojourneth 22 : 7 . dealt by oppression with (Ae stranger : 29. they have oppressed (Ae stranger 47: 22. and to the strangers that sojourn 23. in what tribe (Ae stranger sojourneth, Zee. 7 : 10. nor the fatherless, (Ae stranger, Mai. 3: 5. that turn aside (Ae stranger T§[gah-ra$~\. # HITHPAEL Infijiitioe. w. Job 2: 8. a potsherd to scrape himself "13 see ^iil y$gafi-rahv'9 m. Lev.21:20.or be scurvy, or scabbed, 22:22. or having a wen, or scurvy, Deu28:27.and with the scab, and with *T3"Tl! [gar-gar''], m. Isa. 17: 6. two (or) three berries in the top ni7373 [gar-grohth'], f. pi. Pro. 1:9. chains about thy neck. 3: 3. bind them about thy neck ; 22, grace to thy neck. 26: l.tie them about thy neck. H73 [gah-rah1]. *PIEL Future. * Pro.l5:18. A wrathful man stirreth up strife: 28:25. of a proud heart stirreth up 29:22. An angry man stirreth up strife, * HITHPAEL Preterite. * Jer. 50: 24. because thou hast striven HITHPAEL Imperative. Deu 2: 24. and contend with him in battle. HITHPAEL Future. Deu 2: 5. Meddle not with them ; 9. neither contend with them 19. nor meddle with them: 2K. 14:10. why shouldest thou meddle 2Ch 25: 19. why shouldest thou meddle Pro.28: 4. such as keep the law contend . Dan 1 1 : 10. his sons sAaii Ae stirred up, (marg. or, sAa« war) — then shall he return, and be stirred up, 25. the king of the south shall be stirred up ("173 geh-rah', f. Lev. 11 : 3. cheweth (Ae cud, among the beasts, 4. of them that chew (Ae cud, — , 5, 6. because he cheweth (Ae cud, 7. yet he cheweth not (Ae cud; 26. nor cheweth (Ae cud, Deu 14: 6. cheweth (Ae cud 7. of them that chew (Ae cud, — for they chew (Ae cud, 8. yet cheweth not (Ae cud, PI73 geh-rah, f. Ex. 30:13. a shekel (is) twenty gerahs: Lev.27: 25. twenty gerahs shall be the shekel. Nu. 3:47. the shekel (is) twenty gerahs: 18:16. which (is) twenty gerahs. Eze.45:12.the shekel (shall be) twenty geralis: p73 gah-rohn' ', m. Ps. 5: 9(10). (Aeir throat (is) an open sepulchre ; 69: 3(4). my throat is dried: 1 15 : 7. speak they through their throat. 149: 6. high (praises) of God (be) in theirmouth, (marg. throat) Isa. 3: 16. walk with stretched forth necAs 58: l.Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice (marg. with the throat) Jer. 2:25. and thy throat from thirst: Eze.10: ll.a chain on thy neck. rVl73 geh-rooth', f. Jer. 41:17. dwelt in the habitation o/Chimham, H3 [gah-raz']. * NIPHAL. —Preterite. * Ps. 31 -.22(23). I am cut o/f from before {173 gar-zen', m. Deul9: 5. with the ax to cut down 20:19. by forcing an ax against IK. 6: 7. neither hammer nor ax Isa. 10:15. Shall (Ae ax boast itself 773 ( 316 ) 773 [gah-rohl'], adj. Pro.19: 19. (3VD) A man of great wrath shall D73 [gah-ram']. * KAL Preterite. * Zep. 3: 3. they gnaw not (Ae bones * PIEL Future. * Nu. 24: 8. sAaiZ AreaA their bones, Eze.23:34. thou shalt break the sherds ttru 01?. gehf-rem, m. Gen49:14. Issachar (is) a strong ass couching 2K. 9: 13. on (Ae top o/the stairs, Job 40:18. Ais 6ones (are) like bars of iron. Pro. 17:22. a broken spirit drieth (Ae bones. 25:15. a soft tongue breaketh (Ae bone. D"Jj! [gehf-rem], Ch. m. Dan 6:24(25). and brake all (Aeir bones in pieces -ren, m. they came to (Ae threshingfloor of Atad, the mourning hi the floor of Atad, heave offering of the threshingfloor, . the corn of (Ae threshingfloor, .the increase of (Ae threshingfloor, . and out of thy floor, . thou hastgathered in thy corn (marg. floor) . put a fleece of wool in the floor ; .to night in (Ae threshingfloor. get thee down to the floor : she went down unto the floor, came into the floor. they rob (Ae threshingfloor s. .came to Nachon's threshingfloor, of the Lord was by (Ae thresliingplace in the threshingfloor of Araunah To buy (Ae threshingfloor David bought (Ae threshingfloor in a void place in the entrance (marg. floor) . out of (Ae barnfloor, the threshingfloor of Chidon, angel of the Lord stood by (Ae threshing- floor of 28. in the threshingfloor of Oman went out of the threshingfloor, Grant me the place of ( this ) threshingfloor, in the threshingfloor o/Ornan they sat in a voidplace (marg. or, floor) and gather (it into) thy barn? the corn of my floor : of Babylon (is) ZiAe a threshingfloor, a reward upon every corn^oor. The floor and the winepress with the whirlwind out of the floor, the floors shall be full of wheat, as the sheaves into the floor. D"l3 [gah-ras*]. # KAL Preterite. ¦» Ps. 119:20. My soul breaketh for the * HIPHIL Future. * Lam. 3: 16. He hath also broken my teeth Gen50:10. 11. Nu. 15 :20. 18 :27. 30. Dei 15 14. 16 13. J ud . 6:37. Ru. 3 : 2. 3. 6. 14. lSa.23 : 1. 2Sa 6 : 6. 24 16. 18. 21. 24. IK. 22 10. 2K. 6:27. ICh 13 9. 21 15.18, 21. 22. 2Ch 3 1. 18 9. Job 39 12. Isa. 21 10. Jer. 51 33. Hos 9. 1. 2. 13 3. Joel 2:24. Mic 4 12. ^73 [gah-rag']. * KAL. — Infinitive. * Ecc. 3:14. nor any thing taken from it: KAL Future. Ex. 5: 8. ye shall not diminish Ex. 5:19. Ye shall not minish 21 : 10. sAaii Ae not diminish. Deu 4: 2. neither shall ye diminish 12:32(13:1). nor diminish from it. Job 15: 4. and restrainest prayer before God. 8. and dost thou restrain wisdom 36 : 7 . He withdraweth not his eyes Jer. 26: 2. diminish not a word: Eze. 5:11 .therefore will /also diminish 16:27. and have diminished thine KAL. — Participle. Paul. Jer. 48:37. every beard clipped: (marg. diminished) * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Lev.27 : 1 8. and it shall be abated from thy Nu. 36: 3. (Aen shall their inheritance te taken NIPHAL.— Future. Nu. 9: 7. wherefore are we kept back, 27 : 4. should the name of our father Ae done away (marg. diminished) 36 : 3. so sAaii it be taken from the lot 4. so shall their inheritance Ae taken away NIPHAL Participle. Ex. 5 : 1 1 . of your work sAaiZ be diminished. * PIEL Future. * Job 36 : 27. Ae maketh small the drops of P|73 [gah -r aph']. * KAL Preterite. * Jud. 5:21. The river of Kishon swept them away, 773 [gah-rar']. * KAL.— Future. * Hab. 1 : 15. they catch them in their net, Pro. 21: 7. of the wicked shall destroy them; * NIPHAL. —Future.* Lev.] 1 : 7. yet Ae cheweth not the cud ; * POAL.— Participle. * IK. 7: 9. sawed with saws, * HITHPOEL Participle. * Jer. 30:23.a continuing whirlwind: (marg. cutting) 'WlOigeh'-res, m. Lev. 2:14. corn beaten out of full ears. 16. of the beaten corn thereof, #73 [gah-rash']. Isa. 57 Ex. 34 Lev.21 22 Nu. 30 Eze.44: Am. 8 Jon. 2 Isa. 57 Gen. 4: Ex. 23; 33 Nu. 22. * KAL Future. * : 20. whose waters cast up mire KAL.— Participle. Poel. : 11. 1 drive out before thee the Amorite, KAL Participle. Paul. ; 7. put away from her husband: 14. A widow, or a divorced woman, 13.be a widow, or divorced, : 9(10). and of her that is divorced, 22. nor her that is put away: (marg. thrust forth) * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * : 8. and it shall be cast out and drowned, ; 4(5). / am cast out of thy sight; NIPHAL Participle. 20. the wicked (are) like the troubled sea, * PIEL Preterite. * 14. (Aom Aas( driven me out 28. which shall drive out the Hivite, 31 . and thou shalt drive them out before thee. 2. and I will drive out the 1 1 . to overcome them, and drive them out. ana ( 317 ) axt 1 Sa 26: 19. for they have driven me out this day Eze.31 : 11 . 7 Aaue driven him out for his wickedness. PIEL Infinitive. Ex. 11: 1 . he shall surely thrust you out hence alto gether. ( lit. thrusting he shall thrust out ) lChl7:2I.oy driving out nations 2Ch 20 : 1 1. to come to cast us out Pro.22: 10. Cast out the scorner, PIE L . — Imperative. Gen21 : 10. Cast out this bondwoman PIEL Future. Gen. 3:24. So he drove out the man ; Ex. 2:17. came and drove them away : 6: 1. with a strong hand sAaZZ Ae driue (Aem out 10:11. And they were driven out (lit. and (one) drove them out) 11: 1. Ae shall surely thrust you ow( 23:29. 1 will not drive them out 30. By little and little I will drive them out Nu. 22: 6. and (that) I may drive them out Deu 33:27. and Ae shall thrust out the enemy Jos. 2A:\2.which drave them out from before 18. And the Lord drave out from before us Jud. 2: 3. 1 will not drive them out 6: 9. and drave them out from before 9: 41. and Zebul thrust out Gaal 11: 2. and they thrust out Jephthah, 7. Did not ye hate me, and expel me IK. 2: 27. So Solomon (Ams( out Abiathar Ps. 34[title](l). wlio drove him away, and he de parted. 78:55. He cast out the heathen also 80: 8(9). (Aon Aas( cast out the heathen, Hos. 9:15.1 will drive them out of mine house, Mic. 2: 9. of my people have ye cast out Zep. 2: 4. (Aey shall drive out Ashdod * PUAL.— Preterite.* Ex. 12:39. (Aey were thrust out of Egypt, PUAL.— Future. Job 30: 5. They were driven forth BH3 gehf-resh, m. Deu33:l 4. put forth by the moon, (marg. thrust forth) n#73 [groo-shah'], f. Eze.45: 9. takeaway your exaciions(marg.expulsions) 2^3 [gah-sham']. * HIPHIL Participle. * Jer. 14:22. of the Gentiles (Aa( can cause rain ? D^3 geh'-shem, m. Gen. 7 8 Lev.26 IK. 17 18 2K. 3 Ezr. 10 Job 37 Ps. 68 105 Pro.25: Ecc.ll 12 Cant.2 12. the rain was upon the earth 2. (Ae rain from heaven 4. Then I will give you rain (lit. your rain) 7. there had been no rain 14. sendeth rain upon the earth. 41. a sound of abundance of rain. 44. that (Ae rain stop thee not. 45. there was a great rain. 17. neither shall ye see rain ; 9. and for the great rain. (marg. showers) 13. a time of much rain, (lit. rains) 6. likewise to (Ae small rain, and to (Ae great rain 9(10). didst send a plentiful rain, 32. gave (Aem hail for rain, (marg. (Aeir rain) 14. clouds and wind without rain. (lit.and not rain ) 23. The north wind driveth away rain: 3. If the clouds be full of rain, 2. nor the clouds return after (Ae rain : 1 1 . (Ae rain is over (and ) gone ; Isa. 44: 55 Jer. 5: 14: Eze. 1 13: 14. 10. 24, 4. 28. 11, 13. 34:26. 38: Hos 6: Joel 2: Am. 4: Zee. 10: 14: and the rain doth nourish (it), For as (Ae rain cometh down, that giveth rain, there was no rain in the earth, that is in the cloud in the day of rain, there shall be an overflowing shower ; and there shall be an overflowing shower I will cause (Ae shower to come there shall be showers of blessing. 22. and I will rain. ..an overflowing rain, 3. he shall come unto us as the rain, 23. to come down for you (Ae rain, 7. also I have withholden (Ae rain 1 . and give them showers of rain, 17. even upon them shall be no rain. Dg>3 [geh'-shem], Ch. m. Dan. 3:27 .upon whose bodies the fire had no power, 28. and yielded (Aeir bodies, 4:33(30) & 5:21. his body was wet with the dew 7: 11. and Ais body destroyed, and given D$3 [goh'-shem], m. Eze.22:24.nor rained upon in the day KTO [gah-shash']. # PIEL.— Future. * Isa. 59:10. We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if (we had) no eyes: P3 gath, f. Jud. 6 : 11. threshed wheat by the winepress, Neh 1 3 : 1 5 . treadi ng wine presses Isa. 63: 2. that treadeth in the winefat? Lam. 1 : 15. in a winepress. Joel 3:13(4:13). for the press is full, rvn3 git-teeth', f. Ps. 8&81&84[title](l).the chief Musician upon Gittith, 7 dah'-leth, The fourth letter of the Alphabet. N7 dah, Ch. pron. Dan 4:30(27). Is not (Ais great Babylon, 5: 6. and his knees smote one against another. 7 : 3. diverse one from another. 8. in (Ais horn (were) eyes like the a«7T [dah-av']. * KAL Preterite. * Ps. 88: 9(10). Mine eye mourneth by reason Jer. 31 : 25. replenished every sorrowful soul. KAL Infinitive . Jer. 31 : 12. they shall not sorrow any more (lit. add to sorrow) T^^d'cih-vah^i. Job 41 : 22( 14) . sorrow is turned into joy aan ptfi [d'ah-vdhn'], m. Deu28:65. and sorrow o/mind: 3X7 dahg, ra. Nehl3:16.(3TO) which brought fish, y$ft dah-agf. * KAL. —Preterite.* ISa. 9: 5. and take thought for us. 10: 2. and sorroweth for you, Isa. 57.: 1 1. of whom Aas( (Aen been afraid KAL.— Future. Ps. 38:18(19). I will be sorry for my sin. Jer. 17: 8. shall not be careful in the year KAL. — Participle. Poel. Jer. 38: 19. 1 am afraid of the Jews 42:16. whereof ye were afraid, c 318 ) pan r\$1dib-bak'.f."'*h*f'' Gen37: 2. unto his father theirevilpeport. '/-e to my skin. 119:25. My soul cleaveth unto the dust: 31. 1 have stuck unto thy testimonies: Lam 4: 4. The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth pa7 KAL. — Infinitive. Deu 1 1 : 22. and to cleave unto him ; 30: 20. and that thou mayest cleave unto him: Jos. 22 : 5. and to cleave unto him , KAL. — Future. Genl9:19.Iest some evil (aAe me, 34: 3. And his soul clave unto Dinah Nu.36: 7. of Israel shall keep himself to the inherit ance (marg. cleave to) 9. of Israel shall keep himself to his own Deul0:20.to him sAaZ( (Aom cleave, 13: 4(5). and cleave unto him. 17( 18). there shall cleave nought of the Jos. 23: 8. But cleave unto the Lord Ru. 2: 8. aoide here fast by my maidens: 21. Thou shalt keep fast by my 23. So she kept fast by the maidens 2Sa.23:10. and his hand clave unto the sword: 2K. 5 : 27. Naaman sAaZZ cleave unto thee, 18: 6. For he clave to the Lord, Ps.101: 3. shall not cleave to me. 137: 6. let my tongue cleave to the Jer. 13: 11. as the girdle cleaveth tothe loins of aman, 42: 16. shall follow close after you there in Egypt ; (marg. cleave) Eze.29: 4. the fish of thy rivers shall stick # PUAL.— Future. * Job 38: 38. the clods cleave fast together ? 41 ; 17(9). TAey arejoi7ied one to another, * HIPHIL Preterite. * Jud. 20:42. but the battle overtook them; 2Sa. 1 : 6. horsemen followed hard after him. Jer. 13:11. so have I caused to cleave Eze.29: 4. and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick HIPHIL.— Future. Gen31 : 23. and they overtook him Deu28:21.sAa/Z make the pestilence cleave Jud.I8:22. and overtook the children of Dan. 20:45. and pursued hard after them ISa. 14: 22. even they aho followed hard 31 : 2. And the Philistines followed hard upon 1 Ch 10: 2. And the Philistines jfoZZoa:ed hard Eze. 3:26. And I ivill make thy tongue cleave # HOPHAL Participle. # Ps. 22: 15(16). my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; ( 319 ) 7a7 Nu . 36 : 5. of Joseph hath said well . Deu. 5: 1.1 sjtieaA in your ears this day, Est.10: 3.and speaking peace to all his seed. Job 2:13. none spaAe a word unto him: Ps. 5: 6(7). destroy (Aem that speak leasing: 15: 2. and speaketh the truth 28: 3. which speak peace to their neighbours, 31 : 18(19). which speak grievous things 58: 3(4). as they be born, speaking lies. 63: 11 (12). (Aem that speak lies shall be 101 : 7.Ae (Aa( (e(ie(A lies 109:20. and of them that speak evil Pro. 16: 13. and they love Aim (Aa( speaketh Isa. 9:17(16). and every mouth speaketh folly. 33: 15. and speaketh uprightly ; 45: 19. 1 the Lord speak righteousness, Jer. 28: 7. that I speaA in thine ears, 32:42. the good that I have promised 38:20. which I speaA unto thee: 40: 16. thou speakest falsely of Ishmael. Dan 10:11. the words that I speak unto thee, Am. 5: 10. and they abhor Aim (Aa( speaketh Jon. 3: 2. the preaching that I bid thee. Mic. 7: 3. he uttereth his mischievous Zee. 1: 9, 13, 19(2:2). the angel that talked with me 14. the angel (Aa( communed with 2: 3(7)&4:1,4,5&5:5, 10 & 6:4.the angel that talked with me p57: [d'vak], Ch. * P'AL. — Participle. Active. * Dan. 2:43. but theysAaZi not cleave one to another, pyi dah-vehk', adj. Deu. 4: 4. But ye (Aa( did cleave unto the Lord 2Ch. 3:12. joining to the wing of the other Pro. 18:24. there is a friend (that) sticketh closer pa*}, deh'-vek, m. IK. 22:34. between the joints of the harness: 2Ch 18:33. between the joints of the harness: Isa. 41: 7. It (is) ready for the sodering : (marg. or, of the soder, It (is) good) 737 [dah-var']. * KAL.— Infinitive. * Ps. 51 : 4(6) . be justified when thou speakest, KAL Participle. Poel. Genl6:13.the Lord that spake unto her, Ex. 6:29.all that I say unto thee. Nu. 27: 7. daughters of Zelophehad speak right: 32:27. before the Lord to battle, as my lord sai(A. KAL Participle. Paul. Pro.25:ll.A word fitly spoken * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 119:23. Princes also did sit (and) speak Mai. 3:13. What have we spoken 16. spake often one to another: NIPHAL.— Participle. Eze.33:30.s(iiZ are talking against thee * PIEL Preterite. * Genl2: 4. as the Lord Aad spoken unto him ; 17:23.as God Aad said unto him. 18: 5. So do, as (Aow Aas( said. 19. that which he Aa(A spoken 19:21. city, for the which (Aom Aas( spoken. 21 : 1 . unto Sarah as Ae Aad spoken. 2. which God had spoken to him. 23:16. which Ae hadnamed 24: 7. which spake unto me, 30. Thus spake the man unto me ; 33. until I have told mine errand. 51. as the Lord Aa(A spoken. 27 : 19. done according as (Aow badest me : 28: 15. which I have spoken to thee of. 35:13, 14. where Ae talked with him. 15. where God spaAe with him, 39: 19. which sAe spaAe unto him, 41 : 28. the thing which I have spoken 42:14. that I spake unto you, 30. SjoaAe roughly to us, 44: 2. the word that Joseph Aad spoken. 45 : 15. after that his brethren (aiAed with 27. which Ae Aad said unto them: 49: 28. their father spaAe unto them, Ex. 1 : 17. the king of Egypt commanded 4: 15. And thou shalt speak unto him, 16. And he shall be thy spokesman (lit. and he shall speak for thee) 30. which the Lord Aad spoken 7 : 13, 22. as the Lord Aad said. 8:15(11), 19(15). as the Lord had said. 9: 1 . Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, 12, 35. as the Lord Aad spoken 10:29. Thou hast spoken well, 12: 25. according as Ae Aa(A promised, 32. as ye have said, 14:12. the word that we did tell thee 16: 23. which the Lord Aa(A said, 19: 8. All that the Lord Aa(A spoken 20:22. Ye have seen that I have talked 24: 3. which the Lord hath said 7. All that the Lord Aa(A said 25:22. and Iwill commune with thee 32: 14. the evil which Ae thought to do 34.of which I have spoken unto thee: 33: 9. and (the Lord) talked with Moses. nm ( 320 ) -in Ex. 33 34 Lev.lO 14: 24 27 32 Deu. 1 19 202.32526 2729 31 Jos. 1 49 11 1314 20 23: W.And the Lord spake unto Moses 17. do this thing also that (Aon Aas( spoken: 32. all that the Lord Aad spoken 34. and spake unto the children of 3. This (is it) that the Lord spake, 5. as Moses Aad said. 1 1 . which the Lord Aa(A spoken 4. as the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 29. the Lord Aa(A spoken good 17- come down and talk with thee 2. Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Aa(A Ae not spoken also by us ? 17. according as (Aom Aas( spoken, 28. as ye have spoken in mine ears, 35. 1 the Lord Aaue said, 22. which the Lord Aa(A spoken 40(17. 5). as the Lord said to him 47(17: 12). Aaron took as Moses commanded, 8. anq] speak ye unto the rock 7. we have spoken against the Lord, 2. Balak did as Balaam Aad spoken ; 17. What Aa(A the Lord spoken ? 19. or hath he spoken, and shall he not 26. Toid not J thee, saying, :12. Spake I not also to thy messengers : 23. as the Lord commanded 31. As the Lord Aa(A said 1. which Moses spake unto all Israel 3. Moses spake unto the children of 6. The Lord our God spake 11. as Ae Aa(A promised you ! 14. The thing which (Aon AasZ spokeji 21 . the Lord God of thy fathers Aa(A said Las the Lord spake unto me: 45. Moses spake unto the children 4. The Lord talked with you 22(19). the Lord spaAe unto all 28(25). which (Aey Aaue spoken unto thee: they have well said all that (Aey have spoken. : 3. God of thy fathers Aa(A projnised thee, 7 .and shalt talk of them 19. as the Lord Aa(A spoken. : 3. as the Lord Aa(A said 10. which the Lord spaAe with you 28. the land which Ae promised them, 4. which the Lord spaAe unto you 9. as the Lord thy God promised him. 25. as Ae Aa(A said unto you. :20.as Ae Aa(A promised thee, 2(3). whereof he spake unto thee, 5(6).Ae Aa(A spoken to turn (you) away 6. as he promised thee: : 2. as Ae Aa(A said unto them. 17. which (Aey have spoken. 18. and he shall speak unto them 21, 22. which the Lord Aa(A not spoken? (lit. spoken it) 22. the prophet Aa(A spoken it : 8. all the land which he projnised 2. and speak unto the people, 5. Ajid the officers shall speak 23(24). which (Aon hast promised 8. and speak unto him: 18. as Ae Aa(A projnised thee, 19. as Ae Aa(A spokeji. 3. God of thy fathers hath promised thee. : 13( 12). as Ae Aa(A said unto thee, : 3. as the Lord Aa(A said. : 3. as /saidunto Moses. : 8. as the Lord spake unto Joshua, 12. as Moses spake unto them: : 21 . as the princes Aad promised :23.to all that the Lord said unto Moses ; : 14. as he said unto them. 33. as Ae said unto them. : 6. the thing that the Lord said unto Moses 10. as Ae said, these forty and five years, even since the Lord spaAe 12. whereof the Lord spake — as the Lord said. 2. whereof I spake unto you 4. and shall declare his cause 45(43). which the Lord Aad spoken 4. as Ae pj-omised them : 30. the children of Manasseh spake, 5. as the Lord your God Aa(A promised unto you. Jos. 23: 10. as Ae hath promised you. 14. which the Lord your God spaAe 15. the Lord your God promised you ; 24:27. which Ae spaAe unto us: Jud. 1 :20.as Moses said: 2: 15. as the Lord Aad said, 6: 27. did as the Lord Aad said 36, 37. by mine hand, as (Aom Aas( said, 13:11. (Art) thou the man that spakest Ru . 2 : 13. for that (Aom hast, spoken 4: 1 . of whom Boaz spaAe came by ; ISa. 1:16. have I spoken hitherto. 3: 12. all (things) which I have spoken 17. that (the Lord) Aa(A said — that Ae said unto thee. 9:21. wherefore then speakest thou so to me? 14:19. while Saul talked unto the priest, 15: 16. what the Lord AaZA said , 16: 4. that which the Lord spaAe, 17:31. which David spake, 18:24. On this manner spaAe David. 20:23. which thou and I have spoken of, 26. Saul spake not any thing that day: 25: 30. all the good that Ae hath spoken 28: 17. as Ae spaAe by me: 21. words which (Aom spakest unto me. 2Sa. 2: 27. unless (Aom Aads( spoken, 7 : 7. spaAe /" a word with any 17. so did Nathan speaA unto David. 25. the word that (Aom Aas( spoken — do as (Aom AasZ said. 29. thou, O Lord God, hast spoken (it); 12:18. was yet alive, we spake unto him, 13:22. Absalom spaAe unto his brother 14: 3. and speak on this manner 19. that my lord the king Aa(A spoken: 17: 6. Ahithophel Aa(A spoken after 23: 2. The Spirit of the Lord spaAe 3. the Rock of Israel spaAe to me, 24: 12. Go and say unto David, IK. 2: 4. which Ae spaAe concerning me, 23. if Adonijah Aaue not spoken 24. as Ae promised, 27. which Ae spaAe concerning 30. Thus said Joab, 31 . Do as Ae Aa(A said, 38. as my lord the king hath said, 5: 5(19). as the Lord spaAe unto David 12(26). as he projnised him: 6:12. which / spaAe unto David 8: 15. which spaAe with his mouth 20. performed his word that Ae spaAe, ¦ — as the Lord promised, 24, 25. that (Aom promisedst him: 26. which (Aom spakest unto thy servant 53. as (Aon spakest by the hand of 56. according to all that lie promised: — which Ae promised by the hand of 9: 5. as I promised to David 12: 7. and speak good words to them, 9. who have spoken to me, 10. this people that spake unto thee, 12. as the king Aad appointed, 15. which the Lord spaAe by 13: 3. which the Lord Aa(A spoken; 1 1 . the words which Ae Aad spoken 18. an angel spaAe unto me 22. which (the Lord) did say to thee, 26. which Ae spaAe unto him. 14: 2. which told me that II. for the Lord Aa(A spoken 18. he spake by the hand of 15: 29. which Ae spaAe by his servant 16: 12. which Ae spaAe against 34. which Ae spake by Joshua 17:16. which Ae spaAe by Elijah. 21 : 4. Naboth the Jezreelite Aad spoken to him: 19, 19. And thou shalt speak unto him, 23. of Jezebel also spaAe the Lord, 22:13- gone to call Micaiah spaAe unto him, — ajid speak (that which is) good. 23. hath spoken evil concerning 28. the Lord Aa(A not spoken by me. 38. word of the Lord which Ae spake. 2K. 1 : 3. the angel of the Lord said to Elijah 6. and say unto him, 9. the king hath said, Come down. "inn ( 321 ) 121 2K. 1:17. which Elijah had spoken. 2: 22. the saying of Elisha which Ae spaAe. 4:17. that Elisha Aad said unto her, 5: 4. Thus and thus said the maid 13. (if) the prophet Aad 6id thee (do some) great thing, 7: 17. as the man of God Aad said, who spaAe when the king came 8: I. Then spaAe Elisha unto the woman, 9: 36. which Ae spaAe by his servant 10:10. which the Lord spaAe concerning — which Ae spake by his servant 17. which Ae spaAe to Elijah. 14:25. which Ae spaAe by the hand of 27. the, Lord said not that he would 15: 12. which Ae spaAe unto Jehu, 17:23. as Ae had said by all 19:21. hath spoken concerning him ; 20: 9. the thing that he Aa(A spoken: 19. which (Aon Aas( spoken. 22:19. what I spake against this place, 24: 2. which Ae spaAe by his servants the prophets. 13. of the Lord, as the Lord had said. ICh 17: 6. spake I a word to any 15. so did Nathan speaA unto David. 23. the thing that (Aom Aas( spoken — do as (Aom Aas( said. 21 : 10. Go and tell David, 19. which Ae spaAe in the name 22 : 1 1 . as Ae Aa(A said of thee. 2Ch 6: 4. which Ae spaAe with his mouth 10. his word that Ae Aa(A spoken : — as the Lord promised, 15, 16. that which (Aom hast promised 17. which (Aow hast spoken 10: 7. and speaA good words to them, 9. which have spoken to me, 10. that spaAe unto thee, 12. as the king bade, 15. which Ae spaAe by the 18: 12. went to call Micaiah spaAe — and speak thou good. 22. hath spoken evil against 27. hath not the Lord spoken 23 : 3. as the Lord Aa(A said of the sons of David. 32: 16. his servants spake yet Neh 6:12. but that Ae pronounced Est. 6 : 10. as (Aom hast said, — of all that (Aow AasZ spoken. 7: 9. who Aad spoken good for the Job 33: 2. my tongue Aa(A spoAen 40: 5. Once have I spoken; 42: 7. after the Lord had spoken — for ye have not spoken 8. in that ye have not spoken of 9. as the Lord commanded them: Ps. 17:10. (Aey speak proudly. 18[title](l). who spake unto the Lord 38:12(13). speaA mischievous things, 39 : 3(4) . spake I with my tongue, 50: l.the Lord, Aa(A spoken, 60: 6(8). God AaZA spoken in bis holiness ; 62:11(12). God hath spoken once; 66: 14. and my mouth Aa(A spoken, 89: 19(20). Then thou spakest in vision 108: 7(8). God hath spoken in his holiness ; 109: 2. (Aey have spoken against me 144: 8, 1 1. Whose mouth speaketh vanity, Ecc. 1:16./ communed with mine own heart, 2: 15. Then I said in my heart, Isa. 1 : 2. for the Lord hath spoken, 20. the mouth of the Lord hath spoken 16 : 13. hath spoken concerning Moab 14. now the Lord AaZA spoken, 20: 2. At the same time spake the Lord 21: 17. the Lord God of Israel Aa(A spoken 22:25. for the Lord AaZA spoken (it). 24: 3. the Lord .AaZA spoken this word. 25: 8. for the Lord hath spoken 37:22. AaZA spoken concerning him; 38: 7. do this thing that Ae Aa(A spoken; 39: 8. which (Aom AasZ spoken. 40: 5. the mouth of the Lord Aa(A spoken 45:19. J have not spoken in secret, 46 : 1 1. yea, J have spoken ( it ), 48:15.1, (even) I, have spoken,- 16. 1 have not spoken in secret Isa. 58: 14. the mouth of the Lord Aa(A spoken 59: 3. your lips Aaue spoken lies, 65 : 1 2. when / spake, ye did not hear ; 66: 4. when I spake, they did not hear: Jer. 1 : 16. And I will utter my judgments 17. and speak unto them 3: 5. thou hast spoken and done 4:28. because I have spoken 7:22. For I spake not unto your fathers, 27. thou shalt speak all these words 9: 8(7). it speaketh deceit: 12(11). the mouth of the Lord AaZA spoken, 10: l.the Lord speaketh unto you, 11 : 2. and speak unto the men of Judah, 17 . hath pronounced evil against 13: 15. for the Lord Aa(A spoken. 14:14. neither spaAe unto them: 16:10. the Lord pronounced all this 18: 8. whom I hove pronounced, 19: 5. commanded not, nor spake 15. the evil that I" have pronounced 22 : 1. and speak there this word, 21. 1 spake unto thee in thy prosperity ; 23: 17. The Lord Aa(A said, 21. 1 have not spoken to them, 35, 37. What Aa(A the Lord spoken ? 25: 2. spaAe unto all the people 13. which I have pronounced 26: 2. and speak unto all the cities of 13. the evil that Ae hath pronounced 16. he liath spoken to us in the 19. the evil which Ae had projioujiced 27:12.1 spaAe also to Zedekiah king of 13. as the Lord Aa(A spoken 16. Also I spake tothe priests 28: 16. because (Aom Aas( taught 29:32.Ae Aa(A taught rebellion 30: 2. all the words that I have spoken 4. spaAe concerning Israel 32: 4. and shall speak with him 24. what (Aom Aas( spoken is come 33: 14. which I hajje pj'omised 24. what this people have spoken, 34: 5. for I have pronounced the word, 35: 2. and speak unto them, 14. 1 have spoken unto you, 17. all the evil that I have pronounced — because I have spoken unto them, 36: 2. all the words that i" Aaue spoken — from the day I spake unto thee, 4. which Ae Aad spoken 7. hath pronounced against this 31 . all the evil that / have pronounced 37: 2. which Ae spaAe by the prophet 38: 25. hear that / have talked with thee, — what (Aom hast said unto the king, — also what the king said unto thee: 40: 2. hath pronounced this evil 3. done according as Ae Aa(A said: 42:19. Aa(A said concerning you, 44:16. the word that (Aom Aas( spoken 45: 1. Jeremiah the prophet spaAe 46; 13. spake to Jeremiah the prophet, 50: l.the Lord spake against Babylon 51 : 1 2. done that which Ae spaAe 62. thou AasZ spoken against this Eze. 2: 2. when Ae spake unto me, 7. (Aow sAa7( speak my words 3: 4. and speaA with my words 1 1 . and speak unto them, 18. nor speakest to warn the wicked 5:13, 15, 17.1 the Lord Aaue spolmi 6:10. 1 have not said in vain 13: 7.1 Aaue not spoken ? 14: 9. when he hath spoken a thing, 17 : 21 , 24. 1 the Lord Aaue spoken 21: 17(22). I the Lord Aaue said 32(37). for I the Lord Aaue spoAe?* 22: 14. 1 the Lord Aaue spoken 28. when the Lord Aa(A not spoken. 23:34. for I Aaue spoken 24:14.1 the Lord Aaue spoken 26: 5. for I Aaue spoken 14. for I the Lord Aaue spoAen 28:10. for I Aaue spoken 30:12. 1 the Lord Aaue spoken 33: 8. if (Aom dost not speaA to warn nai ( 322 ) Eze.33 34.36: 38 39 Dan. 9 Hos. 2 7 10 12 Joel 3 Am. 3 Obad Jon. 3 Mic. 4 6 Zee. 9 10 13 Genl7:22 18:27. 29 33 24:15 4550 27: 5 31:29 34: 6 37: 4 39:1050:17 4:10 14 Ex, 5:23 6:287: 7. 12:31. 16:10. 19: 9. 29:42. 31:18.34:29. 33.34.35. 3: 1. 7:89. 12: 8. 16:31. 22:19. 38, 23: 12. Deu 3:26, Nu. 30. and speak one to another, 24. 1 the Lord have spoken 5. have I spoken against 6. / Aaue spoken in my jealousy 36 & 37 : 14. 1 the Lord have spoken 17. 1 have spoken in old time 19. in the fire ofmy wrath Aaue I spoken, 5. for I have spoken 8. the day whereof / have spoken. : 6. which spaAe in thy name 12. which Ae spaAe against us, :14(16). and speak comfortably unto 13. yet they have spoken lies : 4. They have spoken words, : 10( 1 1 ). / Aaue also spoken by the : 8(4:8). for the Lord Aa(A spoken : 1 . that the Lord Aa(A spoken 8. the Lord God Aa(A spoken, 18. for the Lord Aa(A spoken 10. the evil, that Ae Aad said 4. the mouth of the Lord of hosts Aa(A spoken :12.the inhabitants thereof Aaue spoken lies, : 10. and he shall speak peace 2. the idols Aaue spoken vanity, 3. for thou speakest lies PIEL Infinitive. he left off talking with him, 31.(0 speaA unto the Lord, he spaAe unto him yet again, (lit. added to speak) as soon as he had left communing before he had done speaking, before I had done speaking we cannot speak unto thee when Isaac spake to Esau (Aa( thou speak not to Jacob unto Jacob to commune with him. could not speaA peaceably unto kirn. as she spake to Joseph Joseph wept when they spake nor since thou hast spoken I know that he can speak well. (lit. speak ing he will speak) to speak in thy name, the day (when) the Lord spaAe unto Moses when they spake unto Pharaoh . serve the Lord, as ye have said. as Aaron spaAe unto the may hear wAen / speaA with thee, to speak there unto thee. he had made an end of communing while he talked with him. Moses had done speaking with to speak with him, until he went in to speak the day (that) the Lord spake with Moses to speak with him, then were ye not afraid to speak had made an end of speaking what the Lord will say unto me more.(iit. will add to say) any power at all to say any thing? Must I not take heed to speak speak no more unto me (lit. add not to 4:15. the day (that) the Lord spaAe unto you 5:28(25). when ye spake unto me ; 11:19. speaking of them when thou sittest 18:20. which shall presume to speak — have not commanded him to speak, 20: 8. the officers shall speaA further (lit. shall add to speak) 9. have made an end of speaking 32:45. Moses made an end of speaking Jos. 4: 10. to speak unto the people, Jud. 2: 4. when the angel of the Lord spaAe 8: 3. when he had said that. 9:37. And Gaal spake again (lit. added to speak) 12: 6. frame to pronounce (it) right. 15:17. when he had made an end of speaking, 19: 3. to speak friendly unto her, Ru. 1 :18.theu she left speaking unto her. ISa. 17:28. when he spake unto the men ; 18: 1. had made an end of speaking 24:16(17). David had made an end of speaking ISa. 25: 2Sa. 3:7: 11: 13: 14: 20: IK. 2. 22: 2K. 2: 4: 7: 18: 2Chl8: 25: Ezr. 8: Neh. 9 13: Job 2: 11: 21: Ps. 34 52: Pro. 23 Ecc. 1: 3. Cant.5: Isa. 7: 72T \7.that (a man) cannot speak 19. to speak in the ears of David 27.(o speak with him quietly, 20. what can David say more 19. When thou hast made an end of telling 36. had made an end of speaking, 15. 1 am come to speak of this thing 18. They were wojit to speak (lit. speaking tliey will speak) 19. to speak unto him for Adonijah. 24. to speak unto thee? 1 1. as they still went on, and talked, 13. be spoken for to the king, 18. as the man of God had spoken 27 .to speak these words? 23. to speak unto thee ? 16. as he talked with him, 17. what they should say unto Iddo, (lit. words to say) 13. and spakest with them 24. could not speaA in the Jews' language, 10. as one of the foolish women speaketh. 5. But oh that God would speak, 3. after that J Aaue spoken, 13(14). thy lins from speaking guile. 3(5). rather than to speak righteousness. 16. when thy lips speaA right 8. man cannot utter 7 . and a tim e to speak ; 6. my soul failed when he spake : 10. the Lord spake again unto 5. spake also unto me again, (lit. added to 32 59 Jer. 31 35 38 43 Eze. 3 10 13 Dan 8 10 Hos. 1 13 Gen 24 50 Ex. 6 1112 14 16 20 25 31; Lev. 1 6: 7; 11: 12: 15:16:18: : 4. shall be ready to & 6. and to utter error against 7. even when the needy speaketh : 12. to speak these words ? : 9. and speaking vanity ; 13. nor speaking (thine own) words: : 4. trust in vanity, and speak lies ; 13.speaAiny oppression and revolt, : 6. 1 cannot speaA : for I (am) a child. ; \3.and the word (is) not in them: 14. Because ye speaA this word, : 13. rising up early and speaking, : 5(4). taught their tongue to speak lies, : 20. to speak good for them, : 3. rising early and speaking ; : 2. 1 command thee to speak unto them ; 8. had made an end of speaking all that the Lord had commanded (him) to speak 15. to speak all these words ; 20. since I spake against him, I do earnestly ; 14. rising early and speaking ; : 4. in speaking such words : 1 . had made an end of speaking :27. But when I speak with thee, : 5. of the Almighty God when he speaketh, : 8. Because ye Aaue spoken vanity, : 18. Now as he was speaking with me, ill. And when he had spoken this 15. And when he had spoken such 17. can the servant of this my lord talk 19. And when he had spoken unto me, : 2. The beginning of (Ae word of the Lord ; 1. When Ephraim spaAe trembling, PIEL. — Lnperative. :33.he said, SpeaA on. : 4. speak, I pray you, ; 1 1 . speaA unto Pharaoh king of 29. speaA thou unto Pharaoh 2. Speak now in the ears of : 3. SpeaA ye unto all the congregation 2, 15, SpeaA unto the children of Israel, 12. speaA unto them, saying, 19. SpeaA thou with us, 2. SpeaA unto the children of Israel, 13. SpeaA thou also unto the 2 & 4:2. SpeaA unto the children of Israel, 25(18), Speak unto Aaron 23, 29. SpeaA unto the children of Israel, 2. Speak unto the children of 2. Speak unto the children of 2. Speak unto the children of 2 & 17 : 2. SpeaA unto Aaron 2. SpeaA unto the children of nan ( 323 ) Lev.19: 2. SpeaA unto all the congregation 21:17 & 22:2, 18. Speak unto Aaron, 23: 2, 10, 24, 34 & 25:2 & 27:2. Speak unto the children of Israel, Nu. 5: 6, 12&6:2.SpeaAuntothechildrenof Israel, 6 : 23 & 8 : 2. Speak unto Aaron 9 : 10 & 15: 2, 18, 38. SpeaA unto the children of 16:24. SpeaA unto the congregation, 17: 2(17) & 19:2 &33:51 &35:10. SpeaA unto the children of Jos. 20: 2. SpeaA to the children of Israel, Jud. 5:12. awake, awake, w((erasong: 9: 2. Speak, I pray you, 19:30. take advice, and speak 20: 3. Tell (us), how was this wickedness ? ISa. 3: 9. Speak, Lord ; for thy servant heareth. 10. Speak; for thy servant heareth. 15:16. he said unto him, Say on. 18:22. Commune with David secretly, 2Sa.l3:13. speaA unto the king; 14: 12. he said, Say on. 17: 6. do (after) his saying? if not; speaAthou. 19: 7(8). and speak comfortably unto ll(l2). SpeaA unto the elders of Judah, IK. 2:14. she said, Say on. 16. she said unto him, Say on. 20:11. Tell (him), Let not him 2K. 1 : 3. and say unto them, 18:26. Speak, I pray thee, Job 33:32. speaA, for I desire to justify thee. 34:33. speaA what thou knowest. Isa. 8: 10. speaA the word, and it shall not 30: 10. speaA unto us smooth things, 36 : 1 1 . Speak, I pray thee, 40: 2. SpeaA ye comfortably to Jerusalem, Jer. 9:22(21). SpeaA, Thus saith the Lord, Eze. 3 : 1 . speaA unto the house of Israel. 12:23. but say unto them, 14: 4. Therefore speaA unto them, 20: 3. speaA unto the elders of Israel, 27. speaA unto the house of Israel, 29: 3. Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord 33: 2. speaA to the children of thy people, 37:19. Say unto them, 21. And say unto them, Zee. 2: 4(8). speaA to this young man, 8: 16. Speak ye every man the truth PIEL.— Future. Gen. 8: 15. And God spaAe unto Noah, 17: 3. and God talked with him, 18:30. and I will speak : Peradventure 32. and I will speak yet but 19:14. and spake unto his sons in law, 20: 8. and told all these things 23: 3. and spake unto the sons of Heth, 8. And he communed with them, 13. Ae spake unto Ephron 31 :24. Take heed that (Aom speaA not 32:19(20). On this manner shallye speak 34: 3. and spake kindly unto the damsel. B.And Hamor communed with them, 13. and said, because he had defiled 20. and communed with the men 39: 17. And she spake unto him 41 : 9. TAen spaAe the chief butler 17. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, 42: 7. and spake roughly unto them ; 24. and communed with them, 43: 19. and they communed with him 44: 6. Ae spaAe unto them 7. Wherefore sai(A my lord 16. What sAaii we say unto my lord ? 18.ie( thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word 45:27. And they told him all the words 50: i.And when the days.. .were past, Joseph spaAe 21. and spaAe kindly unto them. Ex. 4:12. teach thee what (Aon shalt say. 14. 1 know that Ae can speak well. 30. And Aaron spake all the words 6: 2. And God spaAe unto Moses, 9. And Moses spaAe so unto the 10. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 12. And Moses spaAe before the Lord, 13. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses and unto 29. 77ia( the Lord spaAe unto Moses, Ex. 7: 2 9. 13 1 19 6. 19. 20 1. 19. 23:22. 25 1. 28 3. 30 11, 22. 31. 31 1. 32 7. 13. 33 1. 11. 34 31. 40 1. Lev. I: 1. 4: 1 . Thou sAaZ( speaA all that Aaron thy brother sAaZZ speaA When Pharaoh shall speak &14:1 & 16: 11. Andthe Lord spaAe unto Moses, the words which (Aon sAaZ( speaA Moses spake, and God answered And God spaAe all these words, let not God speaA with us, do all that I speak ; And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, thou sAaZ( speaA unto all 17. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, jlforeouer the Lord spaAe unto Moses, (Aom sAaZ( speaA unto the Andthe Lord spaAe unto Moses, And the Lord said unto Moses, and saidst unto them, j4nd the Lord said unto Moses, as a man speaketh unto his and Moses talked with them. Andthe Lord spaAe unto Moses, and spake unto him & 5:14 & 6:1(5:20), 8(1), 19(12), 24(17) & 7:22, 28 & 8:1. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, unto the children of Israel (Aom sAaZ( 9: 3. 10: 8. And the Lord spaAe unto Aaron, 12. And Moses spaAe unto Aaron, 19. And Aaron said unto Moses, II: l.And the Lord spaAe unto Moses and to 12: 1 & 13:1 & 14:1, 33 & 15:1 & 16:1 & 17:1 & 18:1 & 19:1 & 20:1 & 21:16. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 21:24. And Moses told (it) unto Aaron, 22: 1, 17,26 & 23:1, 9, 23, 26, 33. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 23: 44. .4nd Moses declared unto 24: 1 , 13. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 15. (Aon sAaZ( speak unto the 23. And Moses spaAe to the children of 25 ; 1 & 27 : 1 . And the Lord spaAe unto Moses Nu. 1 : 1 . And the Lord spaAe unto Moses in the 48. For the Lord Aad spoken 2 I &3:5, 11, 14,44 & 4:1, 17,21 &5:1,5, 11 & 6:1, 22. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses 7: 89. and he spake unto him. 8: 1, 5, 23 & 9:1. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 9: 4..4nd Moses spaAe unto the children of 9 & 10:1. Andthe Lord spaAe unto Moses, 1 1 : 24. and told the people 25. and spake unto him, 12: l.And Miriam and Aaron spaAe against 6. will speak unto him in a dream. 8. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, 13: l.And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 14: 26. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses and unto 39. And Moses told these sayings 15: 1, 17. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 16 : 5 . And he spake u nto Korah 20, 23. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses 26. ^.nd Ae spaAe unto the congregation, 36(17:1), 44(17 ;9)& 17: 1(16). Andthe Lord spaAe unto Moses, 17: 6(21). And Moses spaAe unto the 18: 8. And the Lord spaAe unto Aaron, 25. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 26. Thus speaA unto the Levites, 19: 1 & 20:7. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses 21 : 5. And the people spaAe against God, 22: 7. and spake unto him 8. as the Lord sAaZZ speaA unto me: 20. the word which I shall say 35. only the word that I shall speak unto thee, that (Aom sAaZ( speak. 38. putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak. 23: 5. thus (Aow shalt speak. 16. Go again unto Balak, and say thus. 26. All that the Lord speaketh, 24 : 13. what the Lord sai(A, that will I speak ? 25:10, 16. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 26: 3. And Moses and Eleazar the priest spaAe 52. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 27 : 8. (Aom skalt speak unto the y 2 "121 ( 324 ) "11T Nu. 27: 15. And Moses spaAe unto the Lord, 28: 1..4nd the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 30: 1(2). And Moses spaAe unto the heads of 31 : 1 . And the Lord spaAe unto Moses, 3. And Moses spake unto the people, 33:50 & 34:1, 16 &35:J, 9. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses 36 : 1 . and spake before Moses, Deu. 1 : 43. So I spake unto you ; 2:17. That the Lord spaAe unto me, 4:12. And the Lord spaAe unto you 5:24(21). that God doth talk with man, 27(24). speaA thou unto us all that the Lord our God shall speak 31 (28). and I will speak unto thee 18:l9. which Ae sAaZZ speaA in my name, 20. or that shall speak in the name 22. When a prophet speaketh in the 27: 9. And Moses and the priests the Levites spaAe 31 : 1. and spaAe these words unto all Israel. 28. that / may speak these words 30. And Moses spaAe in the ears of 32: 1. Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; 44. came and spake all the words 48. And the Lord spaAe unto Moses Jos. 9:22. and Ae spaAe unto them, saying, 10: 12. Then spaAe Joshua to the Lord 17:14. And the children of Joseph spaAe 20: 1. The Lord also spake unto Joshua, 21: 2. And they spake unto them 22:15. and they spake with them, 21. and said unto the heads of the thousands Jud. 6 : 39. and I will speak but this once : 7:11. hear what (Aey say ; 8 : 8. and spake unto them 9 : 1 . and communed with them, 3. And his mother's brethren spaAe 11:11. and Jephthah uttered all his words 14: 7. and talked with the woman ; 16:10, 13. and told me lies: 21;13.(o speaA to the children of Benjamin (lit. and spake to, &c. ) ISa. 2: 3. TaZA no more so exceeding 4: 20. the women that stood by her said 8:21. and he rehearsed them in the ears 9: 6. all that Ae sai(A cometh surely 25.A7id when they were come.. .(Samuel) communed 10:25,. TAen Samuel told the people 11:4. and told the tidings 17:23. and spake according to the 18:23. And Saul's servants spaAe those words 19: 1 . And Saul spaAe to Jonathan 3. that I will tell thee. 4. And Jonathan spaAe good of David 25: 9. And when David's young men came, (Aey spaAe 24, and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speaA 39. sent and communed with Abigail, 40. (Aey spake unto her, 2Sa. 3:19. And Abner also spaAe in the 7: 19. but thou hast spoken also 28. and thou hast promised this goodness 14:12. Let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speaA 15. 1 will now speaA unto the king ; 18. Let my lord the king now speaA. 19:29(30). Why speakest thou any more 20:16.(Aa( I may speak with thee. 18. They were wont to speak in old time, (lit. speaking (Aey ivill speak) 22: l.And David spaAe unto the Lord IK. 2:18. 1 will speak for thee unto the 3:22. TAms (Aey spaAe before the king. 4:32(5: 12). And he spake three thousand pro verbs : 33(5:13). A7id he spake of trees, — (-: — ). Ae spaAe also of beasts, 8: 24. (Aom spakest also with thy mouth, 10: 2. and when she was come to Solomon, sAe conmiuned 12: 3. ajid spake unto Rehoboam, 7. .<4nd (Aey spake unto him, 10. and the young men. ..spaAe unto him, say ing* — thus sAaZ( (Aom say unto them, 14. ^4nd spaAe to them after the IK. 13 : 7, And the king said unto the man of God, 12. And their father said 25. they came and told (it) in the citv 27. And he spake to his sons, 14: 5. thus and thus sAaZ( (Aom say 21 : 2. And Ahab spaAe unto Naboth, 5. and said unto him, Why is thy spirit so 6. And he said unto her, Because I spake unto Naboth 22:14.thatw>iZZ I speak. 16. that (Aom tell me nothing 2K. 1: 7. And lie saidunto them, — and told you these words ? 9. And he spake unto him, 10. Elijah answered and said 1 1 . And he answered and said unto him, 12. Elijah answered andsaid 13. besought him, and said unto him, 15. And the angel of the Lord said 16. And he said unto him, 5: 13. and spake unto him, 6 : 12. that (Aom speakest 18:26. and talk not with us 28. in the Jews' language, and spake, 21 : 10. And the Lord spake by his servants 22: 14. and they communed with her. 25 : 6. and they gave judgment upon him. (marg. spaAe judgment) 28. Arid he spake kindly to him, ICh 17:17 .for thou hast ( also ) spoken 26. and hast promised this 21: 9. And the Lord spake unto Gad, 2Ch 6 : 15. and spakest with thy mouth, 9: Land when she was come to Solomon, she communed 10: 3. came and spake to Rehoboam. 7. And they spake unto him, lO.^nd the young men. ..spake unto him, 14. And answered them after 18: 13. that will I speak. 15. that (Aom say nothing 22: 10. she arose and destroyed all 30:22. And Hezekiah spake comfortably 32 : 6. and spake comfortably to them, 19. And they spake against 33:10. And the Lord spaAe to Manasseh, 34:22. and they spake to her Est. 8: 3. And Esther spake yet again (lit. And Esther added and spake) Job 2 : 10. TAom speakest as one of the foolish women 7:11.7 will speak in the anguish of 9:35. (Then) would I speak, and not fear 10: 1. 1 will speak in the bitterness 13: 3. Surely I would speak 7. Will ye speak wickedly for God ? and talk deceitfully for him ? 13. (Aa( I may speak, and let come 22. or let me speak, and answer 16: 4. 1 also comZo* speaA as ye 6. Though I speak, my grief is not 18: 2. afterwards we will speak. 19: 18. and they spake against me. 21 : 3. Suffer me that I may speak; 27 : 4. My lips shall not speaA 32 : 7.1 said, Days should speak, 16. for they spake not, 20.1 will speak, that I may be 33: 14. God speaketh once, yea twice, 31. and I will speak. 34:35. Job AaZA spoAen without knowledge, 37:20. Shall it be told him that I speak? 41: 3( 40: 27). willhe speak soft(words)unto thee? 42 : 4. and I will speak: Ps. 2: 5. Then sAaZZ Ae speak unto them 12: 2(3^. They speak vanity every one — (-).with a double heart do they speak. 35:20. For (Aey sjpeaA not peace: 37:30. his tongue talketk of judgment. 40: 5(6 ). I would declare and speak 41: 6m.AespeaAeZA vanity: — (-) -goeth abroad, Ae telleth, 49 : 3(4) . My mouth shall speak of wisdom ; 50 ; 7 . my people, and I will speak ; 20. speakest against thy brother ; 58: 1(2). Do ye indeed speaA righteousness, 73: 8. and speaA wickedly (concerning) oppres* sion: t hey speak loftily. nai Ps. 75: 5(6). speaA (not with) a stiff neck. 77: 4(5). I am so troubled that I cannot speak. 78: 19. Yea, they spake against God ; 85: 8(9). what God the Lord will speak: for Ae will speak peace 94: 4. they utter (and) speaA hard things ? 99: 7. ife spaAe unto them in the 115: 5. They have mouths, but they speak not; 116: 10. therefore Aaue I spoken: 119:46. 1 will speak ofthy testimonies also 120: 7. but when I speak, 122: B.I will now say, Peace (be) within thee. 127: 5. but they shall speak (marg. or, subdue) 135:16. but they speak not ; 145 : 1 1 . and talk of thy power ; 21. My mouth sAa" speaA the praise Pro. 8: 6. Iwill speak of excellent things; 18:23. The poor use(A intreaties ; (lit. speaketh with intreaties) 21: 28. but the man that heareth speaketh 23: 9. SpeaA not in the ears of a fool: 33. thine heart shall utter perverse 24: 2. their lips (aiA of mischief. Ecc. 7:21 .all words that are spoken; Isa. 28:ll.toii2 he speak to this people. 29: 4. shalt speak out of the ground, 32: 6. the vile person will speak 36: 1 1 . and speaA not to us in the 38: 15. What shall I say ? 40:27. and speakest, O Israel, 41 : I . then let them speak : Jer. 1: 7.1 command thee (Aou slialt speak. 4:12. will I give sentence against 5: 5. and will speak unto them ; 15. understandest what (Ae^ say. 6:10. To whom shall I speak, 7:13. and I spake unto you, 8: 6. they spake not aright: 9: 5(4). will not speaA the truth: 8(7).speaAe(A peaceably to his 10: 5. as the palm tree, but speaA not: 12 : 1 . let me talk with thee 6. though they speak fair words 18: 7, 9. 1 shall speak concerning a nation, 19: 2. the words that Ishall tell thee, 20: 8. For since I spake, 9. nor speaA any more 23: 16. they speak a vision of their 28. let him speak my word 25: 3. and I have spoken unto you, 29:23. and have spoken lying words 34: 3. Ae shall speak with thee 6. TAen Jeremiah the prophet spaAe 38 : 8. and spake to the king, 39: 5.«>Aere hegave judgment upon him. (marg. spaAe with him judgments) 12. even as Ae sAaii say unto thee. 44:25. Ye and your wives Aare both spoken 52: 9. toAere Ae gave judgment upon him. 32. And spake kindly unto him, Eze. 2: Land Iwill speak unto thee. 3:10. all my words that Ishallspeak 22. / will there (aiA with thee. 24. and spake with me, 11 :25. TAen I spake unto them 12:25. For I (am) the Lord: Iwillspeak, and the word that Ishall speak — will 1 say the word, and will perform 28. the word which I have spoken 24: 18. So I spake unto the people 27. and thou shalt speak, and be no more 32:21. The strong among the mighty sAaH speaA 40: 4. And the man said unto me, 45&41:22..4nd he said unto me, Dan 1:19. And the king communed with 2: 4. Then spake the Chaldeans 9:22. and talked with me, 10: 16. 1 opened my mouth, and spaAe, 19. Let my lord speaA,- 1 1 :27. and they shall speak lies 36.sAail speak marvellous things Hosl2: 4(5). there Ae spaAe with us ; Hab. 2 : 1 . will watch to see what 7ie will say Zep. 3:13. nor speaA lies ; Zee. 6: 8. Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, 10: 2. and have told false dreams; ( 325 ) iaT PIEL Participle. Gen27 : 6.1 heard thy father speaA 29: 9. while he yet spaAe with them, 45: 12. that (it is) my mouth (Aa( speaketh Ex. 6:27. These (are) they which spake Deu. 4:33. hear the voice of God speaking 5:26(23) . speaking out of the midst of the fire, Jos. 5:14. What sai(A my lord Jud. 6; 17. that thou talkest with me. ISa. 1 : 13. she spaAe in her heart ; 1 7 : 23. as he (aiAed with them, 2Sa. 14:10. Wliosoever saith (ought) unto thee, IK. 1:14. while thou yet talkest there 22. while she yet talked with the king, 42. while he yet spaAe, 2K. 6:33. while he yet (aZAed with them, 8 : 4. the king talked with Gehazi 2Ch 33 : 18. the words of the seers that spake Neh 13: 24. their children spaAe half Est. 1 : 22. and that (it) should be published (marg. one should publish (it) ) 6:14. while they (were) yet talking Job 1 : 16, 17, 18. While he (was) yet speaking, Ps. 12: 3(4). the tongue that speaketh proud things: Pro. 2: 12. the man that speaketh froward things; Isa. 19: 18. speaA the language of Canaan, 52: 6.1 (am) he (Aa( do(A speaA .- 63: 1 . 1 (Aa( speaA in righteousness, 65 : 24. while they are yet speaking, Jer. 26: 7. heard Jeremiah speaking 38 : 1 . the words that Jeremiah Aad spoken 43: 2. saying unto Jeremiah, Thou speakest falsely: Eze. 1:28.1 heard a voice of one that spake. 2: 8. hear what I say unto thee; 44: 5. all that I say unto thee Dan 8: 13. Then I heard one saint speaking, — that certain (saint) wAicA spake, 9:20, 21 .whiles I was speaking, * PUAL.— Future. * Cant. 8 : 8 . when she sAaii Ae spoken for ? PUAL.— Participle. Ps. 87 : 3. Glorious things are spoken of thee, * HIPHIL Future. * Ps. 18:47(78). and subdueth the people unto me. 47: 3(4). He sAaii subdue the people * HITHPAEL.— Participle. * Nu. 7 : 89. he heard the voice of one speaking 2Sa. 14: 13./or the king do(A speaA Eze. 2 : 2.1 heard Aim (Aa( spaAe 43: 6.1 heard (him) speaking unto me la*^ dah-vahr', m. 2 tra^n "H.5^ lit. words of the days. Genl 1 : 1 . and of one speech, (marg. words) 12:17. because 0/ Sarai Abram's wife. 15 : 1 . After these (Ainos (Ae word of the Lord came 4. behold, (Ae word of the Lord 18:14. Is any thing too hard for the Lord? 25. to do after this manner, 19: 8. only unto these men do nothing; (lit.not a thing) 21. accepted thee concerning this thing 22.1 cannot do any thing till thou 20: 8. told all these (Ainys 10. that thou hast done this thing ? 11. they will slay me for my wife's sake. 1 8. because of Sarah Abraham's wife. 21 : 1 1 . (Ae thing was very grievous 26. 1 wot not who hath done this thing : 22.: l.came to pass after these things 16. because thou hast done this thing, 20.it came to pass after these things, 24: 9. sware to him concerning that matter. 28. her mother's house these things. 30. when he heard (Ae words of 33. until I have told mine errand. 50. The thing proceedeth from the Lord : 52. Abraham's servant heard (Aeir words, 66. the servant told Isaac all things *m ( 326 ) -im Gen27:34. when Esau heard (Ae words of 42. And (Aese words of Esau 29: 13. he told Laban all these things. 30:31. if thou wilt do this thing 34. might be according to thy word. 31 : 1 . he heard (Ae words of Laban's 32:19(20). On this manner shall ye 34: 14. We cannot do this (Ainy, 18. (Aeir words pleased Hamor, 19. deferred not to do ZAe (Ainy, 37 : 8. and for Ais words. 11. his father observed the saying. 14. bring me word again. 39: 7. came to pass after these things, 17. according to these words, 19. heard (Ae words ofhis wife, ¦ — After this manner did thy 40: Lit came to pass after these things, 41: 28. This (is) (Ae thing which I have 32. because the thing (is) established 37. the thing was good in the eyes of 42 : 16. that your words may be proved, 20. so shall yonr words be verified, 43 : 7 . to the tenor of these words : 18. Because of the money that was returned 44: 2.accoj'ding to the word that Joseph had spoken. 6. spake unto them these same words. 7. saith my lord these words ? ¦ — do according to this thing : 10. according unto your words : 18. speak a word in my lord's ears, 24. we told him (Ae woj'ds of my lord. 45:27. they told him all the words of Joseph, 47:30.1 will do as thou hast said. (lit. as thy word) 48: 1 . it came to pass after these things, Ex. 1:18. Why have ye done this thing, 2:14. Surely this thing is known. 15. when Pharaoh heard this thing, 4:10. 0 my Lord, 1 (am) not eloquent, (marg. a man of woi'ds) 15. put words in his mouth: 28. Moses told Aaron all (Ae words of 30. Aaron spake all (Ae words 5: 9. let them not regard vain icords. 11. yet not ought of your work 13. Fulfil your works, (your) daily tasks, (marg. a matter of a day in his day) 19. from your bricks of your daily task. 8:10(6). according to thy word: that thou 12(8). because o/the frogs 13(9), 31(27). according tothe word of Moses ; 9: 4. there shall nothing die of all (that is) the 5. the Lord shall do this thing 6. the Lord did that thing 20. He that feared (Ae word of the Lord 21. he that regarded not (Ae word o/the Lord 12:24. ye shall observe this (Ainy 35. did according to the word of Moses ; 14: 12. (Ae word that we did tell thee 16: 4. gather a certain rate every day, (marg. (Ae portion of a day in his day) 16, 32. This (is) (Ae thing which the Lord 18:11. for in the thing wherein they dealt 14. What (is) this thijig that thou 16. When they have a matter, 17. TAe (Ainy that thou doest 18. this (Ainy (is) too heavy for thee ; 19. bring (Ae causes unto God: 22. every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter 23. If thou shalt do this (Ainy, 26. (Ae hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter 19; 6. These (are) (Ae words 7. before their faces all these words 8. Moses returned (Ae words of 9. Moses told the words of 20: 1. God spake all these words, 22: 9(8). For all maimer of trespass, — (-).ZAe cause of "both parties 23: 7. Keep thee far from a false matter; 8.perverteth (Ae words o/the righteous. 24: 3. told the people all (Ae words o/the Lord, — All (Ae words which the Lord 4. Moses wrote all (Ae words of 8. concerning all these words. Ex. 24:14. if any man have any matters 29: l.the thing that thou shalt do 32:28. did according to the word of Moses: 33: 4. the people heard these evil tidings, 17.1 will do this (Ainy 34: 1. (Ae words that were in the first 27. Write thou these words; for after the tenor of these words 28. the words of the covenant, (Ae ten com- ma7idments. 35: 1 . These (are) (Ae words which 4. (Ae (Ainy which the Lord commanded, Lev. 4 : 13. (Ae (Ainy be hid from 5 : 2. if a soul touch any unclean (Ainy, 8: 5. This (is) (Ae thing which the 36. So Aaron and his sons did all (Ainys 9: 6. ZAe thing which the Lord commanded 10: 7. did according to the word o/Moses. 17: 2. This (is) (Ae (Ainy which the Lord 23:37. every thing upon his day: Nu. 11:23. whether my word shall come to pass 24. told the people (Ae words of 12: 6. Hear now my words: 13: 26. brought back word 14:20. pardoned according to thy word: 39. Moses told these sayings 15:31. he hath despised (Ae wordof 16:31. speaking all these words, 49(17: 14). died about (Ae matter o/Korah. 18: 7. for every (Ainy o/the altar, 20:19. without (doing) any thing 22: 7. spake unto him (Ae words of 8. 1 will bring you word again, 20. yet (Ae word which I shall say 35. only (Ae word that I shall speak 38. (Ae word that God putteth 23: 3. and whatsoever he sheweth me 5. put a word in Balaam's mouth, 16. put a word in his mouth, 25:18. in (Ae matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, — in the day of the plague for Peor's sake. 30: 1(2). (Ae (Ainy which the Lord hath com manded. 2(3). he shall not break Ais word, 31 : 16. through the counsel o/Balaam, — in (Ae matter o/Peor, 23. Everv (Ainy that may abide 32:20. If ye" will do this thing, 36: 6. the thing which the Lord doth Deu 1 : 1. These (be) (Ae words which 14. The thing which thou hast spoken 17- and the cause that is too hard 18. all (Ae things which ye should 22. bring us word again 23. (Ae saying pleased me well: 25. brought us word again, 32. Yet i7i this (Ainy ye did 34. the Lord heard the voice of your words, 2: 7. thou hast lacked nothing. 26. with words of peace, 3:26. unto me o/this matter. 4: 2. Ye shall not add unto (Ae word 9. lest thou forget (Ae things 10. 1 will make them hear my words, 12. ye heard the voice of (Ae words, 13. to perform, (even) ten commandments; 21 . angry with me for your sakes, 30. all these things are come 32. as this great thing 36. and thou heardest Ais words 5: 5. to shew you (Ae word o/the Lord: 22( 19). These words the Lord spake 28(25). heard the voice of your words, _( — ).have heard the voice of (Ae words of 6: 6. these words, which I command 9: 5. (Ae word which the Lord sware 10. according to all (Ae words, 10: 2. (Ae words that were in the 4. the ten commandments, (marg. words) 11: 18. lay up these my words 12:28. Observe and hear all these words 32(13:1). What (Ainy soever I command you, 13: 3(4). hearken unto (Ae words of that 11(12). shall do no more any such wicked ness (lit. according to this evil thing) 14( 15). (Ae (Ainy certain, na*r ( 327 ) Deu 15: 2. this (is) (Ae manner of the release: 9. that there be not a thought (marg. word) 1 0. because that for this thing 15. therefore I command thee this thing 16:19. pervert (Ae words of the righteous, (marg. or, matters) 17: 1. wherein is blemish, (or) any evilfavoured- ness: (lit. an evil thing) 4. true, (and) (Ae thing certain, 5. have committed that wicked thing, 8. If there arise a matter too hard — matters of controversy 9. they shall shew thee (Ae sentence of 10. thou shalt do according to (Ae sentence, (lit. the mouth of (Ae word) 11. shalt not decline from (Ae sentence 19. keep all (Ae words of this law 18: 18. will put my words in his 19. will not hearken unto my words 20. to speak a word in my name, 21 . How shall we know the word 22. if (Ae thing follow not, — that (is) (Ae thing which the Lord 19: 4. this (is) (Ae case of the slayer, 15. shall (Ae matter he established. 20. commit no more any such evil among you. 22: 14. give occasions of speech 17. he hath given occasions of speech 20. But if this thing he true, 24. because she cried not, — because he hath humbled his neighbour's 26. unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; — • even so (is) this matter: 23: 4(5). Because they met you not 9(10). keep thee from every wicked thing. 14(l5). no unclean thing in thee, 19(20). usury of any thing 24 : 1 . he hath found some uncleanness (lit. naked ness of a thing) 5. neither shall he be charged with any business: (marg. not any thing shall pass upon him) 18, 22. command thee to do this thing. 27: 3. upon them all (Ae words o/this law, 8. upon the stones all (Ae words of this law 26. not (all) (Ae words o/this law 28:14. (Ae words which I command thee 58. do all (Ae words o/this law 29: 1(28:69). These (are) thewords of the cove nant, 9(8). Keep therefore (Ae words o/this 19(18). when he heareth (Ae words of 29(28). do all (Ae words of this law. 30: 1. these things are come upon thee, 14. (Ae word (is) very nigh unto thee, 31 : 1. spake these words unto all 12. observe to do all (Ae words o/this law: 24. an end of writing (Ae words o/this law 28. that I may speak these words 30. the words o/this song, 32:44. spake all (Ae words o/this song 45. an end of speaking all these words 46. all (Ae words which I testify — all (Ae words o/this law. 47. For it (is) not a vain thing — and through this thing Jos. 1:13. Remember (Ae word which 18. will not hearken unto thy words 2:14. if ye utter not this our business. 20, if thou utter this our business, 21. According unto your words, so (be) it. 3: 9. hear (Ae words of the Lord 4:10. every thing was finished 5 : 4. (Ae cause why Joshua did 6:10. neither shall (any) word proceed 8: 8. according to the commandment of 27 .according unto the word of the Lord 34. he read all (Ae words of the law, 35. There was not a word of all 9:24. have done this thing. 1 1 : 15. he left nothing undone of all that 14: 6. the thing that the Lord said 7. 1 brought him word again 10. since the Lord spake this word 20 : 4. shall declare Ais cause 21: 45(43). There failed not ought of any good tiling which the Lord Jos.22:24 3032 33. 23:14, 15 24:26 29 Jud. 2: 4 3:19 20. 6:29, 8: 1. 3, 9: 3 30, 11:10 11 28. 37. 13:12 17 16:16 18: 7 10. 28 19:19 24, 20: 7 9, 21:11 Ru. 3:18. ISa. 4: 7. 1:23 2:23. 3: 1 7 11 17 18. 19. 21. 4: 1. 16. 8: 6. 10. 21 9:10. 21. 27. 10: 2. 16. 11: 4. 5.6. 12:16. 14:12. 15: 1. 10. 11. 13. 23,24, 16:18,17:11, 2327 29 .done it for fear o/(this) thing, .heard (Ae words that brought them word again. (Ae tkmg pleased the children of that not one thing hath failed of all the good things not one (Ainy hath failed all good tlmigs are come upon bring upon you all evil things, Joshua wrote these words came to pass after these tlmigs, the angel of the Lord spake these words I have a secret errand I have a message from God Who hath done this thijig? the son of Joash hath done this (Ainy. Why hast thou served us (Ams, (marg. What (Ainy (is) this thou hast done unto us) when he had said that. (lit. this thing) men of Shechem all these words: heard (Ae ivords of Gaal according to thy words. Jephthah uttered all Ais words hearkened not unto (Ae words of Let this (Ainy be done for me: Now let (Ay words come to pass. when (Ay sayings come to pass pressed him daily with her words, to shame in (any) thing; and had no business with (any) man. no want of any (Ainy they had no business with no want of any thing. do not so vile a thing, (marg. (Ae matter of this folly) give here your advice this (shall be) (Ae (Ainy this (is) (Ae (Ainy that ye shall do, how (Ae matter will fall : until he have finished (Ae (Ainy for to confirm all things; the Lord establish Ais word. Why do ye swcA things? (lit. according to these things) for I hear of yoMr evil dealings And the word of the Lord neither was (Ae word o/the I will do a thing in Israel, What (is) (Ae (Ainy if thou hide (any) (Ainy (marg. word) from me of all "(Ae things that he said told him every wAi(, (marg. all (Ae things, or, words) did let none of Ais words fall by the word o/the Lord. (Ae word of Samuel came What is (Aere done, my son ? (marg. (Ae (Ainy) (Ae (Ainy displeased Samuel, Samuel told all (Ae words of Samuel heard all (Ae words of Then said Saul... Well said; (lit. thy word is good) wherefore then speakest thou so (marg. according to this word) that I may shew thee (Ae word of God. hath left (Ae care of the asses, (marg. But of (Ae matter of the kingdom, and told (Ae tidings in the ears they told him (Ae tidings of when he heard those tidings, stand and see this great (Ainy, we will shew you a thing. the voice of (Ae words of the Lord. Then came (Ae word of the Lord performed my comma7idments. I have performed (Ae commandment of 26. rejected (Ae word of the Lord, the commandment of the Lord, and thy words : prudent in matters, (marg. or, speech) Saul and all Israel heard those woj-ds of , according to the same words : answered him after this majmer, (Is there) not a cause? im ( 328 ) nm 19: 20: 21: 1 Sa. 1 7 : 30. spake after the same manner (marg. word) : and the people answered him (lit. re turned a word) after the former man ner. 31 . when (Ae words were heard ¦ 18: 8. (Ae saying displeased him ; 20. the thing pleased him. 23. Saul's servants spake those words 24. On this manner spake David, (lit. accord- ing to these words) 26. told David these words, it pleased David well (lit. (Ae th'uig was right) 7. Jonathan shewed him all those things. 2. will do nothing either great or small, (lit. a great (Ainy or a small thing) — hide this (Ainy from me? 21. and no Anr(; (marg. not (any) thing) 23. And (as touching) (Ae matter 39. Jonathan and David knew (Ae matter. 2(3). hath commanded me a business, — (-).know any thing of the business 8(9). (Ae king's business required 12(13). David laid up these woj-ds 22: 15. the king impute (any) (Ainy — knew nothing of all this, less or more. 24: 6(7). that I should do this (Ainy 7(8). stayed his servants with these words, 9(10). nearest thou men's words, 16(17). an end of speaking these words 25: 9. according to all those words 12. told him all those sayings. 24. hear (Ae words of thine handmaid. 36. told him nothing, less or more, 37. his wife had told him these things, 26: 16. This (Ainy (is) not good 19. hear (Ae words ofhis servant. 28: 10. happen to thee/or this thing. 18. hath the Lord done this (Ainy 20.&ecaMse o/(Ae words of Samuel: 21. and have hearkened unto (Ay words ; 24. hearken unto you in this matter? 4. How went (Ae matter? 6. because ye have done this (Ainy. 8. Abner very wroth for (Ae words of 11. could not answer Abner a word again, 13. but one (Ainy I require 17. And Abner had communication : 4. that (Ae word of the Lord came 7.spakel a word with any 17. According to all these words, 21. For (Ay word's sake, 25. (Ae word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, 28. and thy words be true, ;1LI will not do this thing. 18. all (Ae things concerning the war ; 19. an end of telling the matters o/the war 25. Let not this thing displease 27. But (Ae (Ainy that David had done 6. because he did this thing, 9. despised (Ae coimnandmejit of 12. 1 will do this (Ainy before all Israel, 14. by this deed thou hast given 21. What (Ainy (is) this that thou 13:20. regard not this (Ainy. 21. David heard of all these things, 22. because he had forced his sister 33. take (Ae (Ainy to his heart, 35. as thy servant said, (marg. according to the word o/thy servant) 3. speak on this maimer unto him. So Joab put (Ae words in her mouth. 12. speak (one) word unto my lord 13. the king doth speak this (Ainy 15. come to speak of this (Ainy — perform (Ae request o/his handmaid. 17. TAe word ofmy lord the king 18. (Ae (Ainy that I shall ask 19. he put all these words in the 20. To fetch about this form of speech hath thy servant Joab done this (Ainy .- 21 . 1 have done this (Ainy : 22. fulfilled (Ae request o/his servant. 3. See, (Ay matters (are) good and right ; 6. on this manner did Absalom 11. they knew not any (Ainy. 28. until there come word 30 2Sa. 1 2 3 11: 12: 14: 15: 2Sa. 15: 35. what (Ainy soever thou shalt hear 36. every (Ainy that ye can hear. 16:23. enquired at the oracle of God: (marc. word) 17: 4. (Ae saying pleased Absalom 6. hath spoken after this manner: shall we do (after) Ais saying? 19. the thing was not known. 18: 5. gave all the captains charge concerning (lit. upon (Ae affair of) 13. there is no matter hid from the 19: 11( 12). seeing the speech of all Israel 29(30). thou any more of (Ay matters ? 42(43). be ye angry for this matter ? 43(44). that our advice should not be — ( — ),(Ae words of the men of Judah were fiercer (Aan (Ae words o/the 20: 17. Hear (Ae words of thine handmaid. 21. The matter (is) not so: 22 : 1 . (Ae words of this song 23: 1. these (be) (Ae last words o/David. 24; 3. the king delight in this (Ainy ? 4. the king's word prevailed 1 1. (Ae word of the Lord came 13. see what answer 19. according to the saying of Gad, went up IK. 1:7. And he conferred (marg. Ais words were) with Joab the son 14. and confirm (Ay words. 27.1s this (Ainy done by my lord 2: 4. the Lord may continue Ais word 14. 1 have somewhat to say unto thee. 23. have not spoken this word 27. that he might fulfil (Ae wjord of 30. Benaiah brought the king word again, 38. The saying (is) good: 42. TAe word (that) I have heard 3:10. (Ae speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing. 1 1 . thou hast asked this (Ainy, 12. done according to thy words: 4:27(5:7). everyman in his month: they lacked no (Ainy. 5: 7(21 ). when Hiram heard (Ae words of 6 : 1 1 . (Ae word of the Lord came 12. then will I perform my word 38 . the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, 8: 20. hath performed Ais word 26. let (Ay word, I pray thee, be verified, 56. there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, 59. let these my words, — ¦ at all times, as (Ae matter shall require, (marg. (Ae (Ainy o/a day in his day) 9: 15. this (is) (Ae reason of the levy 10: 3. told her all Aer questions (marg. words): there was not (any) (Ainy 6. It was a true report (marg. word) — mine own land of (Ay acts (marg. sayings) 7. Howbeit I believed not (Ae words, 25. a rate year by year. 11 : 10. concerning this (Ainy, 27. (Ae cause that he lifted up 41. the rest of (Ae acts of Solomon, (marg. ivords, or, things) — in the book of (Ae acts of Solomon? 12: 6. that I may answer (lit. return word) this 7. speak good words to them, 9. that we may answer (lit. return word) 15. that he might perform Ais saying, 16. the people answered (lit. returned word) 22. But (Ae word of God came 24. for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to (Ae word of the Lord, and returned to depart, accordhig to the word of the Lord. 30. this (Ainy became a sin: 13: I. by the word of the Lord unto Beth-el: 2 . in the word of the Lord, 4. king Jeroboam heard (Ae saying of 5. given by the word of the Lord. 9. charged me by the word of the Lord, 1 1 . (Ae words which he had spoken 17. For it was said (marg.a word (was) ) to me by the word of the Lord, 18. unto me by the word of the Lord, -121 IK. 13:20. that (Ae word of the Lord came 26. according to the word o/the Lord, 32. For (Ae saying which he cried by the word o/the Lord 33. After this (Ainy Jeroboam 34. this (Ainy became sin 14: 5. cometh to ask a thing of thee 13. there is found (some) good (Ainy 18. according to the word o/the Lord, 19. the rest of (Ae acts of Jeroboam, — , 29. written in the book of the chronicles2 29. the rest of (Ae acts of Rehoboam, 15: 5. in the matter of Uriah 7. the rest of (Ae acts of Abijam, — ,23,31. written in the book of the chronicles2 23. rest of all (Ae acts of Asa, 29. according unto the saying o/the Lord, 3 l.the rest of the acts o/Nadab, 16: l.(Ae word of the Lord came 5. the rest of (Ae acts of Baasha, — , 14, 20, 27. written in the book of the chronicles2 7. came (Ae word of the Lord 12, 34. according to the word o/the Lord, 14. the rest of (Ae acts of Elah, 20. the rest of (Ae acts of Zimri, 27. the rest of (Ae acts of Omri 17: 1 . according to my word. 2, 8. (Ae MJord of the Lord came 5. did according unto the word o/the Lord: 13. do as thou hast said: 15. accordi7ig to the saying of Elijah : 16. according to the woj-d of the Lord, 17. came to pass after these things, 24. (and) (Aa( (Ae word o/the Lord 18: 1. that the word o/the Lord came 21. answered him not a word. 24. answered and said, It is well spoken, (marg. The word (is) good) 3 1 . (Ae word of the Lord came, 36. and (that) I have done all these things at thy word. 19: 9. (Ae word of the Lord 20: 4. 0 king, according to thy saying, 9. but this (Ainy I may not do. ¦ — brought him word again. 12. heard this message, (marg. word) 24. And do this (Ainy, 35. in (Ae word of the Lord, 21 : 1. came to pass after these things, 4. displeased because of the woi-d which 17, 28. ZAe word of the Lord came 27. when Ahab heard those words, 22 : 5. at (Ae word of the Lord 13. (Ae words of the prophets — let (Ay word, I pray thee, be like the word of one of them, 19. therefore (Ae word of the Lord: 38. according unto the word of the Lord 39. the rest of the acts of Ahab, — written in the book of the chronicles2 45(46). the rest of (Ae acts of Jehoshaphat, 2K. 1: 7. told you these words? 16. to enquire ofhis word? 17. according to the word of the Lord 18. the rest of (Ae acts of Ahaziah — written in the book of the chronicles2 2:22. according to the saying of Elisha 3:12. TAe word of the Lord 4:41. there was no harm (marg. evil thing) 44. according to the word of the Lord. 5:13. bid thee (do some) great (Ainy, 14. according to the saying of the man 18. In this (Ainy the Lord pardon — pardon thy servant in this thing. 6:11. sore troubled for this (Ainy ; 12. the words that thou speakest 18. according to the word of Elisha. 30. when the king heard (Ae words of 7 : L Hear ye (Ae word of the Lord ; 2. might this thing be? 16. according to the word of the Lord. 19. the Lord should make windows in heaven, might smcA a thing be? 8: 2. did after the saying of the man of God: 13.that he should do this great thing ? 23. the rest of the acts of Joram, ( 329 ) -m | 2K. 8:23. written in the book of the chronicles'1 9: 5.1 have an errand to thee, 26. according to the word of the Lord. 36. This (is) (Ae word o/the Lord, 10:10.nothing o/(Ae word of the Lord, 17. according to the saying of the Lord, 34. the rest of (Ae acts of Jehu, — in the book of the chronicles2 11 : 5. This (is) (Ae thing that ye shall do ; 12: 19(20). the rest of (Ae acts of Joash, — ( — )written in the book of the chronicles a 13 : 8. the rest of (Ae acts of Jehoahaz, — , 12. written in the book of the chronicles2 12. the rest of the acts of Joash, 14: 15. the rest of (Ae acts of Jehoash — ,18,28. written in thebookof the chronicles 2 18. the rest of (Ae acts of Amaziah, 25. according to the word of the 28. the rest of (Ae ac(s of Jeroboam, 15: 6. the rest of (Ae acts of Azariah, — , 1 1 , 15, 21 , 26, 31, 36. written in the book of the chronicles 2 1 1 . the rest of (Ae acts of Zachariah, 12. (Ae word of the Lord 15. the rest of (Ae acts of Shallum, 21 . the rest of (Ae acts of Menahem, 26. the rest of (Ae acts of Pekahiah, 31 . the rest of (Ae acts of Pekah, 36. the rest of (Ae acts of Jotham, 16:19. the rest of (Ae acts of Ahaz — written in the book of the chronicles 2 17 : 9. Israel did secretly (those) things 11. wrought wicked things 12. Ye shall not do this thing. 18:20. but (they are but) vain words,(marg. word of the lips) 27. to speak these words ? 28. Hear the word of the great king, 36. answered him not a word : 37. told him (Ae words of Rab-shakeh. 19: 4. It may be the Lord thy God will hear all (Ae words of Rab-shakeh, — reprove (Ae words which the Lord 6. Be not afraid of (Ae words 16. hear (Ae words of Sennacherib, 21. This (is) (Ae word that the 20 : 4. (Aa( (Ae word of the Lord came 9. that the Lord will do (Ae thing 13. no(Aino in his house, 15. nothing among my treasures 16. Hear (Ae word of the Lord. 17. nothing shall be left, 19. Good (is) (Ae word of the Lord 20. the rest of (Ae acts of Hezekiah, — written in the book of the chronicles2 21 : 17 .the rest of (Ae acts of Manasseh, — ,25. written in the book of the chronicles2 25. the rest of (Ae acts of Amon 22: 9. brought the king word 11. heard (Ae words of the book 13. concerning (Ae words of this book — hearkened unto (Ae words of this book, 16. all (Ae words of the book 18. (Ae words which thou hast heard; 20. brought the king word again. 2. all (Ae words of the book 3. (Ae words o/this covenant 16. according to the word of the Lord — who proclaimed these words. 17. proclaimed these (Ainos 24. perform (Ae words of the law 28. the rest of (Ae acts of Josiah, — written in the book of the chronicles2 24: 2. according to the word of the Lord, 5. the rest of (Ae acts of Jehoiakim, _ written in the book of the chronicles2 25:30. a daily rate for every day, ICh 4:22. And (these are) ancient things. 10:13. against (Ae word of the Lord, 11: 3,10. according to the word of the Lord 13: 4. for (Ae thing was right 15:15. according to the word of the Lord. 16:15. (Ae word (which) he commanded 37. as every day's u>orA required: 17: 3. that (Ae word of God 6. spake I a word to any 15. According to all these words, 23 nm ( 330 ) n:n 22:23:25. 26:27 28 29: 2Ch 1:6 ICh 17: 23. let (Ae thing that thou hast 21 : 4. Nevertheless the king's word prevailed 6. the king's word was abominable 7. was displeased with this thing ; 8. because I have done this (Ainy: 12, what word I shall bring 19. David went up at the saying of Gad, (Ae word o/the Lord came by the last words o/David the king's seer in the words of God, (marg. or, jnatters) every matter pertaining to God, and affairs (marg. thing) of the king. in any matter o/the courses, put in the account of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) wholly at (Ay commandment. Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they (are) written in (Ae book of Samuel the seer, and in (Ae book of Nathan the prophet, and in (Ae oooA of Gad the seer, let (Ay promise unto David hath performed Ais word let (Ay word be verified, which thou Even after a certain rate every day, as the duty of every day concerning any matter, told her all Aer questions: and there was nothing hid (It was) a true report (marg. word) in mine own land of (Aine acts, (marg. or, sayings) I believed not (Aeir words, a rate year by year. the rest of ZAe acts of Solomon, written in ZAe book o/Nathan (marg. words) to return answer speak good words to them, we may return answer .might perform Ais ivord, the word o/the Lord came for this thing is done of me. And they obeyed (Ae words of the Lord, (Ae word of the Lord came also in Judah things went well. Now the acts of Rehoboam, — in the book of Shemaiah (marg. words) 13:22. the rest of (Ae acts of Abijah, and his ways, and his sayings, 15 : 8. when Asa heard these words, 16:11. behold, (Ae acts of Asa, 18: 4. at (Ae word of the Lord 12. (Ae words of the prophets — let (Ay woj-d therefore, 18. hear (Ae word of the Lord; 19: 3. there are good things found in thee, 6.who(is) with you inthe judgment. (marg. in the Jnatter o/judgment) 11. in all matters o/the Lord; ¦ — for all the king's jnattej-s: 20:34. the rest of (Ae acZs of Jehoshaphat. — in the book of Jehu (marg. words) 23: 4. (Ae thing that ye shall do ; 19. unclean in any thing 24: 5. see that ye hasten (Ae matter. 25:26. the rest of (Ae acts of Amaziah, 26: 22. the rest of (Ae acts of Uzziah, 27: 7. the rest of (Ae acts of Jotham, 28: 26. Now the rest of Ais acts 29:15. by the words of the Lord, (marg. or, inthe business of) 30. with the xoords o/David, 36. (Ae (Ainy was (done) suddenly. 30: 4. the thing pleased the king 5. So they established a decj-ee 12. by the word of the Lord. 31: 5. as soon as (Ae commandment came abroad, 16. his daily portion 32 : 1 . After these things, 8. (Ae words of Hezekiah king of Judah. 32. the rest of (Ae acts of Hezekiah, 33: 18. the rest of (Ae acts o/Manasseh, — and the words o/the seers — (written) in (Ae book of the kings 19. written among (Ae sayings o/the seers. 34: 16. brought the king word 10:11 12 2Ch34:19. 21. 26. 27 28 30 31 35: 6 22 26 27 36: 8 16 21 22 Ezr. 1: 1 3: 4 7: 1 11 8:17 9: 3 4 10: 4 5 9 12 13 14 16 Neh 1: 1. 4 8 2:18 19 20 5: 6 8 9 12, 13 6: 4 5 6, 8 19. 8: 4 9. 12 13. 9: 8 11:23. 24. 12:23. 47. 13:17. Est. 1:12. 13. 17. 18. 19. 21. 2: 1. 4. 8. 15. 22. 23. 3: 1. 4. 15. 4: 3. 9. 12. 5: 5. . the king had heard (Ae words of the law, .concerning (Ae words of the book have not kept (Ae word of . the words which thou hast heard ; . when thou heardest his words. .brought the king word again. .(Ae tooj'ds o/the book .to perform (Ae words of the covenant . according to the word of the Lord . hearkened not unto (Ae words of .the rest of (Ae acts of Josiah, .And his deeds, first and last, .the rest of (Ae acts 0/ Jehoiakim, . and despised Ais words, . To fulfil (Ae word of the Lord . that (Ae word of the Lord . that (Ae word o/the Lord . as (Ae dM(y of every day required ; (marg, (Ae matter o/the day in his day) . Now after these things, .the words of the commandments . I told them what they should say (marg, I put words in their mouth) . when I heard this (Ainy, .at the words of the God of Israel, . for (this) matter (belongeth) unto . do according to this M?ord. .because of (this) matter, . As thou hast said, (lit. according tothy word) . transgressed in this (Ainy. .until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter be turned . to examine (Ae matter. . The words o/Nehemiah . when I heard these words, . the word that thou commandedst .as also the king's words .What (is) this (Ainy that ye do? . Then answered I them, (lit. returned a word) . when I heard their cry and these words. . found nothing (to answer). . It (is) not good (Aa( ye do: , 13. according to this promise. . that performeth not this promise, .four times after this sort; after the same manner. . in like manner the fifth time , 7 . according to these woi-ds. . There are no such things (lit. not as these thi7igs) . and uttered my words (marg. or, matters) . had made/or (Ae purpose; .when they heard (Ae words o/the law. . had understood (Ae words .understand (Ae words of the law. .hast performed (Ay words; . due for every day. . all matters concerning the people. .written in the book of the chronicles2 , every day his portion : . What evil thing (is) this . at the king's commandment , so (was) the king's mamier . For (this) deed of the queen . heard of (Ae deed of the queen. . let there go a royal commandment .And (Ae saying pleased the king did according to the word o/Memucan: .After these thijigs, . (Ae (Ainy pleased the king ; . when the king's commandment . she required nothing , the thing was known . inquisition was made of (Ae matter, written in the book of the chronicles5 .After these things did king Ahasuerus to see whether Mordecai's matters would by the king's commandment, the king's commandment told Esther (Ae words 0/ Mordecai. told to Mordecai Esther's words. do as Esther Aa(A said. (lit. the word of) 8. to morrow as the king Aa(A said. {ht. according to the word o/the king) 14. (Ae (Ainy pleased Haman ; -di (331 ) -in Est. 6: 3. There is nothing done for him. 10. let nothing fail of all 7: 8. As (Ae M>ord went out 8: 5. and (Ae (Ainy (seem) right before 14./"/ the king's commandment. 17. the king's commandment and his 9; l.when the king's commandment 20. Mordecai wrote these things, 26. all (Ae words o/this letter, 30. words of peace and truth, 3l.(Ae matters o/the fastings 32. these matter's o/Purim ; 10: 2. written in the book of the chronicles2 Job 2: 13. none spake a word 4: 2. we assay to commune with (marg. a word) 12. a thing was secretly brought 6: 3. my words are swallowed up. 9: 14. choose out my words 11:2. Should not the multitude of words 15: 3. reason with unprofitable (aZA? 11. any secret (Ainy with thee ? 16: 3. Shall vain words have an end ? 19:28. (Ae matter is found in me? 26: 14. how little a portion is heard 29: 22. After my words they spake not again ; 31 :40. TAe words of Job are ended. 32: 4. Elihu had waited till Job Aad spoken, (marg. expected Job in words) 1 1 . 1 waited for your words ; 33 : 1 . hearken to all my words. 13. he giveth not account of any of Ais matters. 34:35. and his words (were) without 41: 12(4). conceal his parts, nor his power, (lit. and the word o/his power) 42: 7. had spoken these words Ps. 7[title](l ). concerning (Ae words o/Cush (marg. or, busijiess) 17: 4. by the word of thy lips 18[titIe](l).(Ae words o/this song 19: 3(4). no speech nor language, 22: 1(2). (Ae words ofmy roaring ? 33: 4.(Ae word of the Lord (is) right ; 6. By the word o/the Lord 35: 20. they devise deceitful matters against 36: 3(4). TAe words o/his mouth 41: 8(9). Aji evil disease, (say they), cleaveth fast (marg. A thing o/Belial) 45 : 1 (2) . is inditing a good jnatter : 4(5).becaMse of truth and meekness 50:17.castest my words behind thee. 52: 4(6). Thou lovest all devouring words, 55:21(22). Ais words were softer than oil, 56: 4(5). I will praise Ais word, 5(6). Every day they wrest my words: 10(11). In God will I praise (his) word: in the Lord will I praise (his) word. 59:12(13). (Ae words of their lips 64: 3(4). (even) bitter words: 5(6). themselves (in) an evil matter: 65: 3(4). Iniquities prevail against me: (marg. Words, or, Matters o/iniquities) 79: 9. for the glory of thy name: (lit. upon (Ae matter of the glory) 101 : 3. 1 will set no wicked (Ainy 103:20. do Ais commandments, hearkeningunto the voice of Ais word. 105: 8.(Ae word (which) he commanded 19. the time that Ais word came: 27. They shewed his signs among them, (marg. words of his signs) 28. rebelled not against Ais word. 42. remembered his holy promise, 106:12. Then believed they Ais words; 24. they believed not Ais word: 107:20. He sent Ais word, 109: 3. compassed me about also with words of 112: 5. he will guide Ais affairs 119: 9. taking heed (thereto) accoj-ding to thy word. 16. 1 will not forget (Ay word. 17.1 may live, and keep (Ay M>ord. 25. quicken thou me according to thy word. 28 . strengthen thou m e according unto thy word. 42. wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me (marg. or, answer him that re proacheth me in a thing): for I trust in thy word. 43. take not (Ae word o/truth Ps. 119:49. Remember (Ae word unto thy 57. that I would keep (Ay words. 65. 0 Lord, accordmg unto thy word. 74. 1 have hoped in thy word. 81, 114.1 hope in thy word. 89. (Ay word is settled in heaven. 101 . that I might keep (Ay word. 105. TAy word (is) a lamp unto my feet, 107. O Lord, according unto thy word. 130. The entrance ofthy woj-ds giveth 139. mine enemies have forgotten (Ay words. 147.1 hoped in thy word. 160. TAy word (is) true 161. but my heart standeth in awe ofthy word. 169. understanding accord'mg to thy word. 130: 5. and hi his word do I hope. 137: 3. carried us away captive required of us a song; (marg. (Ae words of a song) 141 : 4. my heart to (any) evil (Ainy, 145: 5. a?td of thy wondrous works, (marg. things or, words) 147: 15. Ais word runneth very 18. He sendeth out Ais word, 19. (s"ip) He sheweth Ais word unto Jacob, his statutes (marg. words UTO) 148: 8. stormy wind fulfilling Ais word: Pro. 1 : 6.(Ae words of the wise, 23.1 will make known my words 4: 4. Let thine heart retain my words : 20. attend to my words; 10:19. In the multitude of words 11 :13.concealeth the jnatter. 12: 6. TAe words of the wicked 25. but a good word maketh it glad. 13: 5. A righteous (man) hateth lying: (lit. (Ae M;ord of falsehood) 13. "Whoso despiseth (Ae word 14:15. The simple believeth every word: 23. but the talk of the lips 15 ; 1 . but grievous words stir up anger. 23. and a word (spoken) in due season, 16:20. He that handleth a matter 17: 9. he that repeateth a matter 18: 4. TAe words of a man's mouth 8. TAe words of a talebearer 13. He that answereth a jnatter 22:12. the words o/the transgressor, (marg. or, (Ae matters) 17. hear (Ae words of the wise, 23: 8. lose (Ay sweet words. 24: 26. that giveth aright answer, (marg. answer eth right words) 25: 2. the glory of God to conceal a thing: — to search out a matter. 11. A word fitly spoken 26: 6. He that sendeth a message by 22. TAe words of a talebearer 27:11.1 may answer (lit. return a word) him that reproacheth me. 29: 12. If a ruler hearken to lies, (lit. (Ae word of falsehood) 19. A servant will not be corrected by words : 20. hasty in his words? 30: I . TAe words of Agur 6. Add thou not unto Ais words, 8. Remove far from me vanity and lies : ( lit. and the word of falsehood) 31 ; 1. Tlie words o/king Lemuel, Ecc. 1: 1. TAe words of the Preacher, 8. All (Ai?/ys (are) full of labour ; 10. Is there (any) (Ainy 5: 2(1 ).toutter(any) (Ainy before God: (marg. word) — (-). therefore let (Ay woj'ds be few. 3(2). by multitude of words. 7(6). and many words (there are) also 6:11. Seeing there be many things 7: 8. Better (is) the end of a (Ainy 21. take no heed unto all words 8 : 1. the interpretation of a thing ? 3. stand not in an evil (Ainy; 4. "Where (Ae word o/a king (is), 5. shall feel no evil (Ainy; 9:16. and his words are not heard. 17. Thewords o/wise(menare) heard in quiet 10:12. TAe words of a wise man's mouth 13. The beginning of (Ac words o/his mouth -in ( 332 ) Ecc.10: 14. A fool also is full of woj-ds : 20. shall tell (Ae matter. 12:10. sought to find out acceptable woj'ds: — (even) words of truth. 11. TAe words of the wise 13. the conclusion of the whole matter: Isa. 1 :10. Hear (Ae word of the Lord, 2; 1. TAe word that Isaiah the 3. and (Ae word o/the Lord 8: 10. speak (Ae word, and it shall not stand: 20. if they speak not according to this word, 9: 8( 7). The Lord sent a word 16; 13. (Ae word that the Lord hath 24: 3. the Lord hath spoken this word. 28: 13. But (Ae word of the Lord 14. hear (Ae word of the Lord, 29; 11. as the words of a book 18. hear (Ae words of the book, 21. an offender for a word, 30: 12. Because ye despise this word, 21. shall hear a word behind thee, 31 : 2. and will not call back Ais words: 36: 5. but (they are but) vain words (marg. a word o/lips) 12. to speak these words? 13. Hear ye (Ae words of the great king, 21. answered him not a word: 22. told him (Ae words of Rabshakeh. 37: 4. hear (Ae words of Rabshakeh, — will reprove (Ae words which 6. Be not afraid of (Ae woj-ds 17. all (Ae words of Sennacherib, 22. This (is) (Ae word which 38: 4. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 7. the Lord will do this (Ainy 39: 2. there was nothing in his house, 4. there is nothing among my treasures 5. Hear (Ae toord o/the Lord 6. nothing shall be left, 8. Good (is) (Ae word of the Lord 40: 8. but the word of our God 41 :28. could answer a word. 42:16. These things will I do 44:26.confirmeth (Ae word ofhis servant, 45:23.(Ae word is gone out 50: 4.1 should know how to speak a word 51:16.1 have put my words in thy 55: 11. So shall my zoord be that goeth 58: 13. nor speaking (thine own) words : 59: 13. uttering from the heart words of falsehood. 21. and my words which I have put 66: 2.trembleth at my word. 5. Hear (Ae word of the Lord, ye that tremble at Ais word ; Jer. 1 : 1. TAe words of Jeremiah 2. To whom (Ae word of the Lord 4. Then (Ae word of the Lord came 9. 1 have put my words in thy 11 . Moreover (Ae word of the Lord 12. 1 will hasten my word to perform 13. (Ae word o/the Lord came 2 : 1 . Moreover (Ae word of the Lord came 4. Hear ye the word of the Lord, 31. see ye the word of 'the Lord. 3:12. Go and proclaim these words 5: 14. Because ye speak this woj-d, behold, I will make my words 28. they overpass (Ae deeds of the 6: 10. (Ae word of the Lord is unto J 9. have not hearkened unto 7ny words, 7: I. The word that came to Jeremiah 2. proclaim there this word, and say, Hear (Ae word o/the Lord, 4. Trust ye not in lying words, 8. ye trust in lying words, 22. concerning burnt offerings (marg. con cerning (Ae matter o/ burnt offerings) 23. But this (Ainy commanded I them, 27. speak all these words unto them ; 8: 9. have rejected (Ae word of the Lord ; 9:20(19). Yet hear (Ae word of the Lord, — ( — ). receive (Ae word ofhis mouth, 10: 1. Hear ye (Ae word which the Lord 11: 1 . 7'Ae word that came to Jeremiah 2, 6. Hear ye (Ae words o/this covenant, 3.obeyeth not (Ae words o/this covenant, 6. Proclaim all these words in Jer. 11 : 8. all (Ae words o/this covenant, 10. which refused to hear my words ; 13: 2. according to the woj'd o/the Lord, 3, 8.(Ae word o/the Lord came 10. which refuse to hear my words, 12. speak unto them this word; 14: 1. TAe word o/the Lord that came — concerning the dearth, (marg. words o/the dearths) 1 7 . thou shalt say this word unto them ; 15: 16. TAy words were found, — (Ay word was unto me 16: 1. TAe word o/the Lord came also 10. shalt shew this people all these words, 17: 15. Where (is) the word of 'the Lord? 20. Hear ye (Ae word o/the Lord, 18: 1. TAe woj-d which came to Jeremiah 2. there I will cause thee to hear my words. 5. Then (Ae word of the Lord came 18. nor the word from the prophet. — let us not give heed to any of Ais words, 19: 2. proclaim there (Ae words 3. Hear ye (Ae word of the Lord, 15. that they might not hear my words. 20 : 1 . prophesied these things. 8. because (Ae word o/the Lord 21 : 1. TAe word which came unto 11. Hear ye (Ae woj-d of the Lord ; 22: 1. speak there this word, 2. Hear (Ae word of the Lord, 4. if ye do this (Ainy indeed, 5. if ye will not hear these words, 29. hear (Ae word o/the Lord. 23: 9. because of (Ae words o/his holiness. 16. Hearken not unto (Ae words of 18. hath perceived and heard Ais word? who hath marked Ais word, 22. had caused my people to hear my words, 28. he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. 29. (Is) not my word like as a fire? 30. that steal my words every one 36 . every man's word shall be his burden ; for ye have perverted (Ae words of the living God, 38. Because ye say this word, 24: 4. Again (Ae word of the Lord came 25 : 1 . TAe word that came to Jeremiah 3. (Ae word of the Lord hath come 8. ye have not heard my words, 13. bring upon that land all my words 30. against them all these words, 26: 1 . came this word from the Lord, 2. (Ae words that I command thee — diminish not a word: 5. hearken to (Ae words ofmy servants 7. heard Jeremiah speaking these words 10- princes of Judah heard these things, 12. against this city all the words 15. to speak all these words 20. according to all (Ae words of Jeremiah: 21 . heard Ais woj-ds, 27: l.came this word unto Jeremiah 12. according to all these words, 14. hearken not unto (Ae words of 16. Hearken not to (Ae words of 1 8 . i f (Ae word of the Lord be 28: 6. the Lord perform (Ay words 7. hear thou now this word 9- when (Ae word of the prophet 12. (Ae word o/the Lord came 29: 1 . Now these (are) (Ae woi-ds of 10. perform my good word 19. have not hearkened to my words, 20. Hear ye therefore (Ae word of 23. have spoken lying words 30. Then came (Ae word o/the Lord 30: 1. TAe word that came to Jeremiah 2 . Write thee all (Ae words that I have spoken 4. these (are) (Ae words that 31 : 10. Hear (Ae word of the Lord, 23. they shall use this speech in the land of 32 : 1 . TAe word that came to Jeremiah 6. TAe word of the Lord came unto me, 8. according to the word o/the Lord, — this (was) (Ae woj-d o/the Lord. -in Jer. 32:26. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 27. is there any (Ainy too hard for me ? 33: 1, 19. (Ae ivord of the Lord came 14. 1 will perform that good (Ainy 23. Moreover (Ae M>ord o/the Lord 34: 1. TAe word which came 4. Yet hear (Ae word o/the Lord, 5. for I have pronounced (Ae word, 6. spake all these words 8. (Ae word that came unto 12. Therefore (Ae word o/the Lord 18. performed (Ae words of the covenant 35: 1. TAe word which came 12. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 13. to hearken to my words ? 14. TAe words of Jonadab 36: l.this word came unto Jeremiah 2. write therein all (Ae words 4, 1 1 . all (Ae words of the Lord, 6. (Ac words o/the Lord in the ears 8. reading in the book (Ae words of 10. ZAe words of Jeremiah 13. all (Ae words that he had heard, 16. they had heard all ZAe words, — tell the king of all these words. 17. write all these words at his mouth? 18. He pronounced all these words 20. told all (Ae words in the ears of the king. 24. that heard all these ivords. 27. Then (Ae word of the Lord came — (Ae ivords which Baruch wrote 28. write in it all (Ae former words 32. all (Ae words o/the book — besides unto them many like words. 37: 2. hearken unto (Ae words of the 6. Then came (Ae word o/the Lord 17. Is there (any) word from the Lord ? 38 : 1 . heard (Ae words that Jeremiah 4. in speaking sucA words 5. can do (any) (Ainy against you. 14. 1 will ask thee a thing ; hide nothing from 21. (Ae word that the Lord hath shewed me: 24. Let no man know of these words, 27. according to all these words — (Ae matter was not perceived. 39: 15. Now (Ae word of the Lord came 16. 1 will bring my words upon this 40: 1. TAe word that came to Jeremiah 3. this (Ainy is come upon you. 16. Thou shalt not do this (Ainy .¦ 42: 3.(Ae (Ainy that we may do. 4. according to your words ; — whatsoever (Ainy the Lord shall — I will keep nothing back 5. even according to all things 7 . that (Ae word of the Lord came 15. hear (Ae word of the Lord, 43: 1. all (Ae words of the Lord — (even) all these words. 8. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 44: 1. TAe word that came to Jeremiah 4. do not this abominable (Ainy r 16. (Ae word that thou hast spoken 17.)vhatsoever (Ainy goeth forth 20; given him (that) answer, 24. Hear (Ae word of the Lord, 26. hear ye (Ae word of the Lord, 28. shall know whose words 29. my words shall surely stand against 45: 1. TAe word that Jeremiah the — when he had written these words 46: 1. TAe word o/the Lord which came 13. TAe word that the Lord spake 47 : 1 . TAe word of the Lord that came 48: 27. for since thou spakest of him, (lit. from (Ay words) 49:34. Tlie word of the Lord that came 50: 1. TAe word that the Lord spake 51:59. TAe word which Jeremiah 60, (even) all these words 61. shalt read all these words; 64. Thus far (are) (Ae words of Jeremiah. 52:34. every day a portion (marg. the matter of the day in his day) Eze. 1 : 3. The word of the Lord came 2: 6. neither be afraid of their words, _ be not afraid of their words, nor ( 333 ) "m Eze. 2: 7. thou shalt speak my words 3: 4. speak with my words 6. whose words thou canst not understand. (lit. (Aeir ivords) 10. all my words that I shall speak 16. that (Ae word o/the Lord came 17. hear (Ae woj'd at my mouth, 6: l.(Ae woj'd o/the Lord came 3, hear (Ae woi-d o/the Lord God ; 7 : 1 . Moreover (Ae word of the Lord 9:11. reported (Ae matter, (marg. returned the woi-d) 11 : 14. Again (Ae word o/the Lord came 25. all (Ae things that the Lord had shewed 12: 1. TAe ivord o/the Lord also came 8. in the morning came (Ae word of the Lord 17, 21, 26. Moreover (Ae word of the Lord came 23. and the effect of every vision. 25. (Ae word that t shall speak — will I say (Ae word, 28. shall none ofmy words be prolonged — (Ae word which I have spoken 13: l.(Ae word of the Lord came 2. Hear ye (Ae word of the Lord ; 6. they would confirm (Ae woj-d. 14: 2. (Ae word of the Lord came 9. when he hath spoken a thing, 12 & 15:1 & 16:1. 'TAe word of the Lord came 16:35. hear (Ae wordof the Lord: 17: 1, 11 & 18:1. (Ae word of the Lord came 20: 2. Then came (Ae word o/the 45(21 : 1 ). (Ae word of the Lord came 47(21:3). Hear (Ae word of the Lord ; 21: 1(6), 8(13), 18(23). (Ae word o/the Lord 22: 1, 17, 23 & 23:1 & 24:1, 15. (Ae word of the Lord came 24:20. TAe word of the Lord came unto me, 25 : 1 . TAe word of the Lord came again unto me, 3. Hear (Ae word of the Lord 26: 1. (Ae word of the Lord came 27: 1 &28:1. TAe word of the Lord came again 28:11. Moreover (Ae word of the Lord 20. Again (Ae word of the Lord 29: 1, 17. (Ae word o/the Lord came 30; 1. TAe word o/the Lord came again 20&3L1 & 32:1, 17. (Ae word of the Lord came 33: 1, 23. (Ae word of the Lord came. 7. thou shalt hear (Ae word at my mouth, 30. what is (Ae word that cometh 31, 32. they hear (Ay words, 34; 1. And (Ae word of the Lord canoe 7, 9. hear (Ae word of the Lord ; 35 ; 1 . Moreover (Ae word of the Lord 13- have multiplied yoMr words 36: 1 . hear the word of the Lord : 4. hear (Ae word of the Lord God ; 16. Moreover (Ae word of the Lord 37: 4. hear (Ae word of the Lord. 15&38:1. TAe word of the Lord came 10. shall things come into thy mind, 5. appointed them a daily provision 14. consented to them in this matter, 20. in all matters of wisdom 2. whereof (Ae wordof the Lord 12. he hath confirmed Ais words, 23. the commandment came forth, (marg.word) — therefore understand (Ae matter, 25. going forth of (Ae commandment 10: 1. a (Ainy was revealed — (Ae (Ainy (was) true, — he understood (Ae thing, 6. the voice of Ais words 9. Yet heard I the voice of Ais words .• and when I heard the voice of Ais words, II. understand (Ae words that I speak — when he had spoken this word 12. thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. 15. when he had spoken such words 12: 4. shut up (Ae words, 9. the words (are) closed up and sealed Hos. 1: 1. TAe word of the Lord that came 4: 1 . Hear (Ae M>ord of the Lord, 10: 4. They have spoken words, 14: 2(3). Take with you words, 38 Dan. 1 9 nm ( 334 ) tern Joel 1 2 Am. 1 34 5 6 7 ; 1. 77ie word of the Lord : 1 1 . that executeth Ais word : ; 1. The words of Amos, ; 1 . Hear this word that the Lord 7. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, : 1. Hear this word, ye kine : 1 . Hear ye this word : 13. rejoice in a thing of nought, ; 10. is not able to bear all Ais words. 16. hear thou (Ae word of the Lord: : 11. hearing (Ae words o/the Lord: 12. seek (Ae word of the Lord, : 1 & 3:1. (Ae word of the Lord came : 3. according to the wordof the Lord. 6. word came unto the king : 2. this my saying, when : 1 . TAe word of the Lord that came : 7. do not my words do good : 2. and the word of the Lord ; 1. TAe word of the Lord which came : 5. the word of the Lord (is) against : 1 . came (Ae word of the Lord 3. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 12. (Ae words of Haggai the prophet, : 1,10. came (Ae word of the Lord 5. (Ae word that I covenanted 20. again (Ae word o/the Lord came : 1, 7. came (Ae word of the Lord 6. But my words and my statutes, 13. talked with me (with) good words (and) comfortable words. 4: 6. This (is) (Ae word of the Lord 8 & 6:9. (Ae word of the Lord came 7 : 1 . (Ae word of the Lord came unto 4. Then came (Ae word of the Lord 7.(Ae words which the Lord 8. (Ae word of the Lord came 12. (Ae words which the Lord of hosts 8: 1, 18. (Ae word of the Lord of hosts 9. these words by the mouth of 16. (Ae things that ye shall do ; 9 : 1 . The burden of (Ae word of the Lord 11: 11. it (was) (Ae word of the Lord. 12: l.(Ae word o/the Lord for Israel, Mai. 1: 1. The burden of (Ae word o/the Lord to 2:17. wearied the Lord wi(A yoMr words. 3:13. Your words have been stout Jon. 1 34 Mic. 1 2 4 Zep. 1 2 Hag.l Zee. 1 ^5^. dehf-ver, m. Ex. 5;9: Lev. 26 Nu. 14' Deu 28; 2Sa.24: IK. 8: !Ch2L 2Ch. 6 7: 20 Ps. 78: 91 Jer. 14 21 2829; 32 Eze. 5:12 he fall upon us wi(A pestilejice, a very grievous murrain. thy people wi(A pestilence ; I will send the pestilence smite them with the pestilence, . The Lord shall make (Ae pestilejice , three days' pestilence in thy land ? , So the Lord sent a pestilence if there be pestilence, even the pestilence, in the land, . So the Lord sent pestilence . if there be pestilence, , or if I send pestilence among Judgment, or pestilence, or famine, gave their life over to the pestilence ; (marg. or, beasts to the mwrain) from the noisome pestilence. for the pestilence (that) walketh , by the famine, and by the pestilence. , they shall die of a great pestilejice. .this city from the pestilence, by the famine, and by the pestilence : .the pestilence, among them, , with the famine, and with the pestilence, , by the famine, and by the pestilence, . of evil, and of pestilejice. . the famine, and (Ae pestilence, . the famine, and with the pestilence, , the famine, and of the pestilence : . by the famine, and by the pestilence ; , to the sword, to (Ae pestilence, & 42: 17, 22 & 44: 13. by the famine, and by the pestilence : • shall die with the pestilence, Eze. 5:17. and pestilence and blood 6 : 11 . by the famine, and by the pestilence. 12. shall die of the pestilence ; 7 : 15. and the pestilence and the famine — fami ne and pestilence shall devour 12: 16. the famine, and from the pestilence ; 14: 19. Or (if) I send a pestilence into that 21 . the noisome beast, and the pestilence, 28:23.1 will send into hex pestilence, 33:27. shall die of the pestilence. 38 : 22. plead against him wi(A pestilence Hos 13: 14. O death, I will be (Ay plagues; Am. 4: 10. 1 have sent among you the pestilence Hab. 3: 5. Before him went (Ae pestilence, (jufivi, ""0^ [dohf-yer]9 m. Tsa. Mic. 5: 17. the lambs feed after their-manner. 2 : 1 2. in the midst of their-fold : Ufa- cw. i HW [div-rah'l, f. Job 5: 8. unto God would I commit my cause: Ps.110: 4. after (Ae order o/Melchizedek. Ecc. 3: 18. concerning (Ae estate of the sons of 7: 14. to the end that man should find 8: 2. in regard of the oath of God. mT;n [div-rah'l f. Ch. Dan. 2:30. but for (their) saAes that shall make known the interpretation 4:17(14). to the intent that the living nh^I [dab-brohth'], f. pi. Deu33: 3. (every one) shall receive ofthy words. rlPpfr doh-vrohth', f. pi. IK. 5: 9(23). convey them by sea in floats B^ d'vash, m. Gen43:ll.a little balm, and a little honey, Ex. 3: 8, 17 & 13:5. a land flowing with milk and honey ; 16:31. like wafers (made) with honey. 33 : 3. a land flowing with milk and honey : Lev. 2 : 1 1 . no leaven, nor any honey, 20 : 24. that floweth with milk a»id honey : Nu. 13:27 & 14:8 & 16:13, 14. floweth with milk and honey ; Deu. 6: 3. the land that floweth with milk and Aoney. 8: 8. a land of oil olive, and honey; 11: 9&26:9, 15 & 27:3 & 31:20. that floweth with milk and honey. 32: 13. he made him to suck honey Jos. 5 : 6. a land that floweth with milk and honey. Jud. 14: 8. a swarm of bees and honey 9. that he had taken the honey 18. What (is) sweeter than honey? ISa. 14:25. there was honey upon the ground. 26. the honey dropped ; 27. dipped it in an honeycomb, 29. because I tasted a little of this honey. 43. 1 did but taste a little honey 2Sa.l7:29. And honey, and butter, and sheep, IK. 14: 3. a cruse of honey, 2K. 18:32.a land of oil olive and of honey, 2Ch 31 : 5. wine, and oil, and honey, (marg. or,datts) Job 20: 17. the brooks of honey and butter. Ps. 19:10(11). sweeter also than honey 81 : 16(17). and with honey out of the rock KQT ( 335 ) Ps.ll9:103.(Aan honey to my mouth ! Pro.l6:24. Pleasant words (are as) an Aoneycomb, 24: 13. My son. eat thou honey, 25:16. Hast thou found honey? 27. not good to eat much Aoney .- Cant. 4:11. honey and milk (are) under thy tongue; 5 ; 1 . eaten my honeycomb with my honey ; Isa. 7: 15. Butter and hojiey shall he eat, 22. butter and honey shall every one Jer. 11: 5 & 32: 22. a land flowing with milk and honey, 41 : 8. barley, and of oil, and of honey. Eze. 3: 3. was in my mouth as honey 16: 13. fine flour, and honey, and oil: 19. fine flour, and oil, and honey, 20: 6, 15. flowing with milk and honey, 27:17. and honey, and oil, and balm. Htrn. dab-beh'-sheth, f. Isa. 30: 6. upon the bunches of camels. Gen. 9 Nu. 11 IK. 4 2Ch33 Xeh 3 12 13 Job 1241 Ps. 8 Eec. 9 Eze.Hos. 4 Jon. 1 Hab. 1 Zep. 1 n dahg, m. upon all the fishes o("the sea ; :22.or shall all the fish "o/the sea 33(5:13). creeping things, and of Jishes. ;14.the entering in at thefish gate, ; 3. But the /sA gate did the : 39. and above the fish gate, 16. which brought fish, 8. the fishes o/the sea shall 7(40:31). or his head with/sA spears? 8^9). and thejish o/the sea, 12. as the fishes that are taken :20. So that the fishes of the sea, : 3. yea, the fishes of the sea also :17(2:l).the Lord had prepared a great Jish — <-:-). Jonah was in the belly of the fis/i : 10^11). the Lord spake unto thefish, :14.makest men as the fishes o/the sea, : 3. and the fishes of the sea, 10. the noise of a cry from thefish gate, n« dcth-gah', f. Gen. 1:26, 2S. ocer Vie fish o/the sea, Ex. 7:18. And thefish that (is) in the 21. Andthe fish that (wast in the Nu. 11 : 5. We remember thefish. which we Deu. 4: 18. the likeness of any fish Ps.l05:29.and slew their fish.' Isa. 50: 2. their fish stinketh, Exe.29: 4. will cause thefish of thy rivers — ,5. all thefish ofthy rivers 47 : 9. shall be a very great multitude offish, 10. their fish shall be according to their kinds, as tiie fish of the great sea, Jon. 2: 1(2). out of thefish 'shelly, bn deh'-o-e/, m. Nu. 1 ; 52. every man by Ats otcn stajidard, 2: 2. Israel shall pitch by Ais own standard, 3. the standard of* the camp of Judah 10. (Ae standard of the camp of Reuben 17. in his place by their standards. 18. (Ae standard of the camp of Ephraim 25. TAe standard o/the camp of Dan 31. go hindmost with their standards. 34. they pitched by their standards, 10:14, 22,25. (Ae standard of the camp of the children IS. the stajidard of the camp of Reuben Cant.2: 4. and Ais banner over me (was) love. \y^ dah-gahn'y m. rm [dah-gUh']. #KAL— FtUure. # Gen48;16.awi let than grow (marg. as fishes do in crease) hr[ [dak-gat]. Gen27Nu.18: Deu 7: II1214 18 28 33 2K.18 2Ch31 32 Neh 5; 1013 Ps. 4 6d Isa. 36 62 Jer. 31 Lam. 2 Eze.36 Hos 2 9 14 Joel 1; Hag.l Zee. 9 28. plenty of corn and wine: 37. and with corn and wine 12. of the wine, and of (Ae wheat, 27. as though (it were) (Ae cojii 13. thy corn, and thy wine, 14. thou mayest gather in thy corn, 17. tithe of (Ay corn* or of thy wine, 23. the tithe ofthy com, ofthy wine, 4. The firstfruit ^.ilso^ ofthy corn, 51. shall not leave thee (either) corn, i2S.a land of corn and wine; 32. a land of corn and wine, 5. in abundance the firstfruits of corn, 2$. for the increase of corn, 2. therefore we take up corn 3. that we might buy corn, 10. exact of them money and corn : 1 Land of the corn, the wine, and the oil, 39(40). bring the offering of the corn, 5. the tithes of (Ae corn, 12. the tithe of (Ae corn 7(S).more than in the time (that) their corn : 9(10). thou preparest (Aem corn, 24. and had given them of (Ae corn o/heaven. ; 1 7 . a land of corn and wine, ; S. I will no more give thy corn 12. for wheat, and for wine, 12. Where (is) corn and wine? ,29. 1 will call for the corn, 8(10). I gave her cojil, and wine, 9(ll ).take away my corn 22(24). the earth shall hear the corn, : 14. assemble themselves for corn : l.upon every cornfloor. : 7(8). they shall revive (as) the corn, : 10. for (Ae corn is wasted: 17. for (Ae corn is withered. : 1 9. 1 will send you corn, : 1 1 . and upon the corn, 17.com shall make the young men TH dak-gar'- # KAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 34:15.andya(Ail dohsh. Jud. 8 ICh 21 2K. 13 Hos 10 Am. 1 Mic. 4 Job 39 Isa. 28 41 Hab 3 Isa. 25 Isa. 25 Isa. 28 *KAL Preterite. * 7. (Aem Iwill tear your fiesh (marg.(AmA) 20. Now Oman was threshing wheat. KAL .Infinitive. 7. made them like the dust by threshing. :11. loveth to tread out (the corn) ; : 3. they have threshed Gilead KAL Imperative. : 13. Arise and thresh, O daughter KAL. — Future. : 15. the wild beast may break them. _ : 28. Ae will not ever be threshing it, (lit. in threshing will thresh it) 15. thou shalt thresh the mountains, : 12. (Aom didst thresh the heathen * NIPHAL Preterite.* :10. shall be trodden down under him, (marg. threshed) NIPHAL. —Infinitive. :10. even as straw is trodden down (marg. (AresAed)* HOPHAL,— .Ftore. * : 27. the fitches are not threshed B*TO [doosh], Ch. * P'AL Future. * Dan 7:23. and shall tread it down, nm ( 339 ) H rifll [dah-gkah']. * KAL. Preterite. * Ps. 1 18 : 13. Thou hast thrust sore at me KAL. — Infinitive. Ps.ll8:13.Thou hast thrust sore at me (lit. thrusting thou hast thrust) 140: 4(5). have purposed to overthrow my goings. KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 35: b.let the angel of the Lord cAase (lit. and... chasing) KAL Participle. Paul. Ps. 62: 3(4). a tottering fence. * NIPHAL Future. * Pro.l4:32. The wicked is driven away Jer. 23: 12. they shall be driven on, and fall therein: NIPHAL Participle. Ps. 147 : 2. he gathereth together (Ae outcasts o/Israel. Isa. 11:12. shall assemble (Ae outcasts o/Israel, 56: 8. gathereth (Ae outcasts o/Israel * PUAL Preterite. * Ps. 36:12(13). (Aey are cast down, and shall not pjll dah-ghavahn', Ch. f. pi. Dan 6:18(19).nei(Aer(lit. and not) were instruments of musick (marg. or, table — perhaps, lit. concubines) nni see nni *rn [d'ghee], m. Ps. 56:13(14). my feet from falling, 116: 8. my feet from falling. hni: [d'ghal], Ch. * P'AL Participle. Active. * Dan 5:19. trembled and feared before him: 6:26(27). men tremble ajidfear before the God of Daniel: P'AL Participle. P'il. Dan 2:31. the form thereof (was) terrible. 7: 7. a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, 19. diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, # PAEL Future. * Dan 4: 5(2). I saw a dream mAicA made me afraid, \\yi dohf-ghan, m. Eze. 4: 9. lentiles, and millet, and fitches, tp*! \dah-ghaphl\ * KAL.— Participle. Paul. # Est. 3:15. The posts went out, being hastened 8 : 14. being hastened ajid pressed on * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # 2Ch 26: 20. himself hasted also to go out, Est. 6:l2.Aas(edto his house mourning, ptH \dah-ghaV\ * KAL.— Future. # Joel 2: 8. Neither shall one (Arws( another ; KAL Participle. Poel. Jud. 2:18. oppressed them and vexed them. H dahy, m. Ex. 36 Lev 5: 12 5. bring much more than enough 7. the stuff (Aey Aad was sufficient 7. if he be not able to bring (marg. his hand cannot reach to (Ae sufficiency of) 8. if she be not a6Ze to bring (marg. her hand find not sufficiency of) 25:26. himself be able to redeem (lit. find accoixl- ing to sufficiency) 28. if he be not a6/e to restore Deu 15: 8. lend him sufficient for his need 25: 2. according to his fault, Jud. 6: 5. they came as grasshoppers ISa. 1 : 7. when she went up (marg. from her going up, or, from the time that she, &c. ) 7: 16. he went from year to year 18: 30. after they went forth, IK. 14:28. wAen the king went into 2K. 4: 8. as oft as he passed by, 2Ch 12:11. when the king entered 24: 5. the house of your God from year to year, 30: 3. sanctified themselves sufficiejttly, Neh 5: 8. We after our ability Est. 1:18. Thus (shall there arise) too much contempt Job 39:25. He saith among the trumpets, Pro. 25: 16. eat so much as is sufficient for thee, 27; 27. A ud... goats' milk enough for thy food, Isa. 28:19. From the time that it goeth 40:16. Lebanon (is) not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficiejit for 66:23. from one new moon to another, ajid from one sabbath to another, Jer. 20: 8. For since I spake, I cried out, 31 : 20. for since I spake against him, 48:27. for since thou spakest of him, 49; 9. they will destroy till they have eJiough. (marg. (Aeir sufficiency) 51 -.58. the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, Obad. 5. have stolen till they had enough? Nah. 2:12(13). enough for his whelps, Hab. 2: 13. in the very fire, ->— for very vanity ? Zec.l4:16./rom year to year to worship Mai. 3:10. that (there shall) not (be room) enough Note. — ^ is in several of the above passages omitted in translation, the prefix alone being expressed. H dee, Ch. part. Note. — In the passages marked a this word is combined with others in translation. Ezr. 4: 10. the nations whom the great and noble Asnapper 11. the letter (Aa( they sent unto him, 12.(Aa( the Jews which came up from thee 14.Nowa because we have maintenance 23. Now a when the copy of king Artaxerxes' letter 6: 8. 1 make a decree awhat ye shall do 7: 14. a Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, 15. the God of Israel, whose habitation 18. And whatsoeyer shall seem good to thee, 23./or why should there be wrath Dan 2: 9. But if ye will not make known 10. therefore (there is) no king, lord, nor ruler, 47 .seeing thou couldest reveal this secret. 3:19.morea than it was wont to be heated. 7:22.aUntil the Ancient of days came, &c. &c. &c. With prefix *H3. Dan 2:43. even as iron is not mixed with clay. 3: 7. when all the people heard &c. ^ is also used to mark the genitive. Ezr. 5:14. And the vessels also of gold and silver of the house of God, Dan 2 : 14. the captain of the king's guard, &c. &c. &c. z 2 xn ( 340) *OT JR [deeg]. # KAL.— Preterite. * Jer. 16: 16. and they shallfish them; y*L [dahy-yahgf], m. Isa. 19: 8. TAe fishers also shall mourn, Jer. 16:16.1 will send for many./zsAers, n**^ dahy -yah', f. Deu 14: 13. and the vulture after his kind, Isa. 34:15.(Ae vultures also be gathered, IH d'yoh, m. Jer. 36: i8. 1 wrote (them) «;i(A inA |H deen. * KAL Preterite. * Gen30: 6. God Aa(A judged 7ne, Jer. 5:28. (Aey judge not the cause, 22:16. He judged the cause of the poor KAL. — Infinitive. Ps. 50: 4, (Aa( Ae may judge his people. Ecc. 6: 10. neither may he contend with him Isa. 3:13. standeth to judge the people. KAL. — Imperative. Pro.31 : 9. and plead the cause of the poor Jer. 21:12. Execute judgment in the morning, KAL.— Future. Gen49:16.Dan shall judge his people, Deu32:36. the Lord shall judge his people, ISa. 2; 10. the Lord shall judge the ends of the 36:31. by themjudgeth Ae the people; Ps. 7: 8(9). The Lord shall judge the people: 9 : 8( 9) . Ae shalt minister judgment to the people 54: 1(3). judge me by thy strength. 72 : 2, He shall judge thy people 96:10.Ae shall judge the people 110: 6. He shalljudge among the heathen, 135: 14. the Lord will judge his people, Zee. 3: 7. then thou sAa(( also judge KAL. — Participle. Poel. Genl5:14. whom they shall serve, will I judge: Jer, 30: 13. none to plead thy cause, * NIP HAL. —Participle. * 2Sa. 19: 9(10). all the people were at strife H deen, Ch. * P'AL. — Participle. Active. * Ezr. 7:25. which may judge all the people |*1 deen, m. Deu 17: 8. between plea and plea. Est. 1:13. that knew law and judgment : Job 19:29. (2TD) ye may know (there is) a judgment. 35: li. judgment (is) before him ; 36:17. But thou hast fulfilled the judgment of the wicked: judgment and justice take hold Ps. 9: 4(5). maintained my right and my cause; 76: 8(9). Thou didst cause judgment 140: 12(13). maintain (Ae cause of the afflicted, Pro.20: 8. sitteth in the throne of judgment 22 : 10. yea, strife and reproach shall cease. 29: 7.considereth (Ae cause of the poor: 31 : 5. pervert the judgment of any 8. in (Ae cause of all such Isa. 10: 2. To turn aside the needy from judgment, Jer. 5:28. they judge not (Ae cause, the cause of the fatherless, 22: 16. He judged (Ae caw.se of 30: 13. none to plead thy cause, pi deen, Ch. m. Ezr. 7:26. let ./adorned be executed speedily Dan 4:37(34). and his ways judgment: 7:10. the judgment was set, and the books 22. and judgment was given to the saints 26. But the judgment shall sit, }*1 dahy-yahn' , m. lSa.24:15(16). The Lord therefore be judge, (lit. for ajudge) Ps. 68: 5 (6). and ajudge of the widows, |*1 [dahy-yahn'], m. Ch. Ezr. 7 : 25. set magistrates and judges, pH dah-yehk', m. 2K. 25 : 1 . they built forts against it Jer. 52: 4. built forts against it Eze. 4: 2. build a fort against it, 17:17. casting up mounts, and building/orts, 21:22(27). to cast a mount, (and) to build a fort. 26: 8. he shall make a fort against thee, &n [deesh]. * KAL.— Infinitive. * Deu25: 4. muzzle the ox when he treadeth out (the corn), (marg. thresheth) JJ**1 dah'-yeesh, m. Lev.26: 5. your threshing shall reach jifc^l dee-shohn', m. Deu 14: 5. the wild goat, and the pygarg, (marg. Hci dislion, or, bison) . / . , ^1 dach, adj. Ps. 9: 9(10). a refuge for the oppressed, 10:18. the fatherless andthe oppressed, 74:21. O let not (Ae oppressed Pro. 26 : 28. hateth (those that are) afflicted by it; "3J1 deh'ch, & "SpJ dahkh, m. & f. Ch. Ezr. 4: 13, 16. that, if (Ais city be builded, 15. and know that (Ais city (is) a rebellious — was (Ais city destroyed. 19.it is found that (Ais city of old 21 . and that (Ais city be not builded 5: 8. and (Ais work goeth fast on, 1 6. Then came the same Sheshbazzar, 17. to build (Ais house of God at Jerusalem, 6 : 7 . Let the work of (Ais house of God alone ; — build (Ais house of God in his place. 8. for the building of (Ais house of God: 12. to alter (and) to destroy (Ais house of God N^l [dah-'chah']. * NIPHAL.— Participle. * Isa. 57 : 15. to revive the heart of (Ae contrite ones. # PIEL.^ ¦Preterite. # Ps. 89: 10(11). Thou hast broken Rahab 143: 3. Ae Aa(A smitten my life PIEL. — Infinitive. Isa. 53: 10. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; Lam.3:34. To crush under his feet all the prisoners Job 4 6 19 Ps. 72 94 Pro.22 Isa. 3 Jer. 44 Job 22 Isa 19 53 PIEL.— Future. 19. are crushed before the moth? 9. it would please God to destroy me; 2. and break me in pieces with words? 4. and shall break in pieces the oppressor. . 5. They break in pieces thy people, 22. neither oppress the afflicted lb. ye beat my people to pieces, * PUAL Preterite. * 10. They are not humbled PUAL.— Future. 9. of the fatherless have been broken. PUAL Participle. 10. they shall be broken : 5. (he was) bruised for our iniquities: * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Job 5: 4. and they are crushed in the 34:25.so (Aa( (Aey are destroyed, (marg. crushed) N31 dak-kah' , adj . Ps. 34:18(19). sacA as be of a contrite spirit, (marg. contrite of spirit) 90: 3. Thou turnest man to destruction; Isa. 57 : 15. of a contrite and humble spirit, 131 [dah-'chah']. * KAL.— Future. * Ps. 10:10. He croueheth, (and) humbleth (marg. breaketh himself) * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ps. 38 : 8(9) . I am feeble and sore broken : NIPHAL -Participle. Ps. 51 : 17(19). a broken and a contrite heart, * PIEL Preterite. * Ps. 44:19(20). Though (Aou Aas( sore 6roAe» us 51: 8(10). the bones (which) thou hast broken ( 341 ) nb~t 71 dal, m. Ps. 141 : 3. keep the door ofmy lips. 131 dak-kah', f. Deu23: 1(2). He that is wounded in the stones, (lit. wounded by bruising) '31 [d&chee], m. Ps. 93: 3. the floods lift up (Aeir waves. {31 dik-kehn, Ch. pron. Dan 2:31. TAis great image, whose brightness 7:20. even (of) (Aa( horn that had eyes, 21. and (Ae same horn made war with the 131: [d'char], Ch. m. Ezr. 6: 9. both young bullocks, and rams, and 17. two hundred rams, 7: 17. with this money bullocks, rams, Jh31 [di'ch-rdhn'], Ch. m. Ezr. 6: 2.and therein (was) a record thus written: doch-rahn', Ch. m. Ezr. 4:15. search maybe made in the book of (Ae records ofthy fathers: so shalt thou find in the book of (Ae records, Tidal, adj. Ex. 23: 30 Lev.14; 19 Jud. 6: Ru. 3: ISa. 2 2Sa. 3 13: Job 5: 20: 31:34: Ps. 41: 72: 82: 113: Pro.10: 14: 19: 21: 22 28 29 Isa. 10 11 14 25 26: Jer. 5: 39: Am. 2: 4:5: 8: Zep 3: 3. Neither (lit. and not) shalt thou counte nance a poor man) : 15. and the poor shall not give less 21. And if he (be) poor, .15. respect the person of (Ae poor, 15. my family (is) poor in Manasseh, 10. whether poor or rich. ; 8. He raiseth up (Ae poor : 1 . house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker. (lit. going and weak) 4. king's son, lean from day to day? (marg. thin) 16. So (Ae poor hath hope, (lit. to the poor is hope) 10. shall seek to please thepoor, 19. hath forsaken thepoor; 16. If I have withheld (Ae poor 19. the rich more than the poor ? 28. the cry of the poor to come unto him, 1(2). he that considereth (Ae poor: (marg. weak, or, sicA) 13. He shall spare (Ae poor and needy, 3. Defend (Ae poor and fatherless: 4. Deliver (Ae poor and needy : 7. He raiseth up (Ae poor out of the 15. the destruction of the poor 31 . He that oppresseth (Ae poor 4. but the poor is separated 1 7. He that hath pity upon (Ae poor 1 3. stoppeth his ears at the cry of (Ae poor, 9. he giveth of his bread to the poor. 16. He that oppresseth (Ae poor 22. Rob not thepoor, because he (is) poor: ; 3. A poor man that oppresseth (Ae poor 8. for him that will pity (Ae poor. 11 .bid the poor that hath understanding 15. a wicked ruler over (Ae poor people. : 7. considereth the cause of the poor: 14. that faithfully judgeth (Ae poor, : 2. To turn aside (Ae needy from : 4. righteousness shall he judge (Ae poor, : 30. the firstborn of the poor shall feed, : 4. been a strength to the poor, : 6. the steps of (Ae needy. : 4. Surely these (are) poor; : 10. left of (Ae poor of the people, 7. on the head of (Ae poor, 1. which oppress thepoor, 11. your treading (is) upon thepoor, 6. That we may buy thepoor 12. an afflicted, and poor people, ^1 [dah-lag']. * KAL Participle. Poel . * Zep 1 : 9. all (Aose (Aa( leap on the threshold, *PIEL Future. * 30. by my God Aaue / leaped over a wall. 29(30). by my God Aaue Heaped over a wall. 6. Then shall the lame (man) leap PIEL Participle. Cant.2: 8. he cometh leaping upon the mountains, 2Sa.22 Ps. 18: Isa. 35: 171 dah-lah'. * KAL Preterite. * 19.also drew (water) enough for us, K AL . — Infinitive. 19. also drew (water) enough for us, (lit. drawing he drew) KAL. — Future. .6. they came and drew (water), 5. a man of understanding will draw it out. * PIEL.— Preterite. * Ps. 30: 1 (2). for (Aom Aas( lifted me up, Ex. 2 Ex. 2 Ex. 2 Pro. 20 T&\ [dah-lah'\ f. Isa. 26: 20. and shut thy doors about thee: rhl dal-lah' f. Gen41:19.poorand very ill favoured 2K. 24: 14. save the poorest sort of the people 2b:12. But the captain of the guard left of the poor of Cant.7: 5(6). and the hair of thine head Isa. 38: 12. will cut me off with pining sickness ; (marg. or, from the thrum) Jer. 40: 7. and of the poor of the land, 52:15. Then., .away captive (certain ) of fhe poor of 16. But... left (certain) of thepoor of rh[ [duh-ldgh']. * KAL.— Future. * Eze.32: 2. and troubledst the waters with thy feet, 13. neither shall the foot of man trouble them — nor the hoofs of beasts trouble them. vl. d'lee, m. Isa. 40:15. the nations (are) as a drop of a bucket, ( 342 ) fiVl J371 [ddh-lak']. * KAL.— Preterite. * 36. that (Aon Aas( so hotly pursued after 19. they pursued us upon the mountains, 18. and, they shall kindle in them, KAL. ¦ — Infinitive. :53. of Israel returned from chasing KAL Future. 2. doth persecute the poor: KAL. — Participle. 13(14). his arrows against the persecutors. 23. Burning lips and a wicked heart * HIPHIL Infinitive. * Eze.24: 10. Heap on wood, kindle the fire, HIPHIL.— Future. Isa. 5 : 1 1 . wine inflame them ! (marg. or, pursue them) GenSl Lam. 4 Obad lSa.17Ps. 10 Ps. 7 Pro.26 'Sl: [dolee], m. Nu. 24: 7. pour the water out of his buckets, nV'^l [dah-leey-yohth'], f. pi. Jer. 11:16. (Ae bj-anches of it are broken. Eze. 17: 6. whose branches turned toward him, 7. and shot forth her branches toward him, 23. the shadow of (Ae branches thereof 19:11. the multitude of her branches. 31: 7. in the length of his branches: 9. by the multitude of Ais branches: 12. in all the valleys Ais branches are Dan 7 pS^| [dlak], Ch. * P'AL. — Participle. Active. * 9. his wheels (as) burning fire. nj^l dal-leh'-keth, f. Deu28:22.with a fever, and with an inflammatioi n^l deh'-leth, f. SSl [dah-lal']. *KAL.— Preterite.* Job 28: 4. they are dried up, they are gone away Ps. 79: 8. for we are brought very low. 116: 6. 1 was brought low, and he helped me. 142: 6(7). for / am brought very low: Pro.26: 7. The legs of the lame are not equal : (marg. are lifted up) Isa. 19: 6. shall be emptied and dried up: 38: 14. mine eyes fail (with looking) upward: * NIPHAL Future. * Jud. 6: 6. And Israel was greatly impoverished Isa. 17: 4. the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, Genl9: Ex. 21 : Deu 3: 15: Jos. 2:6: Jud. 3: ^1 [dah-laph']. * KAL Preterite. #- Job 16:20. mine eye poureth out (tears) unto God. Ps. 119:28. My soul melteth for heaviness: (marg droppeth ) KAL. — Future. Ecc. 10: 18. the house droppeth through. tyH.deh'-leph, m. Pro.l9:13.and the contentions of a wife (are) a continual dropping. 27 : 15. A continual dropping in a very rainy day ISa. 3:15 23 2Sa.l3 IK. 6: 16 2K. 4 12 18 ICh 22 2Ch 3 4 Neh 3 6. and shut (Ae door after him, 9. came near to break the door. 10. and shut to (Ae door. 6. bring him to (Ae door, 5. with high walls, gates, and bars; 17. through his ear unto the door, 19. go out of the doors of thy house 26. shall he set up (Ae gates of it. 23. shut the doors of the parlour 24. (Ae doors of the parlour (were) locked, 25. he opened not the doors of the 31. cometh /or(A o/(Ae doors ofmy house 3. took (Ae doors of the gate 22. beat at (Ae door, 27. opened (Ae doors of the house, 15. opened (Ae doors of the house 13(14). scrabbled on (Ae doors o/the gate, 7. that hath gates and bars. 17. bolt (Ae door after her. 1 8. bolted (Ae door after her. 31 . he made doors (of) olive tree: 32. The two doors also (were of) 34. the two doors (were of) fir tree: the two leaves of (Ae one door — the two leaves of (Ae other door &0.for the doors of the inner house, — for the doors of the house, 34. set up (Ae gates thereof 4. thou shalt shut (Ae door 5. shut (Ae door upon her 33. shut (Ae door upon them twain, .32. shut (Ae door, and hold him fast at me door: : 3. Then open (Ae door, and flee, 10. he opened (Ae door, and fled. : 9( 10). bored a hole in the lid of it, 16. (Ae doors of the temple of the Lord, 3. the nails/or (Ae doors of the gates, 7. and the doors thereof, , 9. and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them 22. (Ae inner doors thereof — and (Ae doors of the house : 5. with walls, gates, and bars; : 7(6). towers, gates, and bars, :24. shut up (Ae doors of the house : 3. opened (Ae doors of the house 7. they have shut up (Ae doors o/the porch, 1 . set up fhe doors of it; rfn ( 343 ) D"7 • Neh 3 6: 13; Job 3: 31: 38 41 Ps. 78 107 Pro. 8 26 Eccl 2 Cant. 8 Isa. 26 45 57 Jer. 36 49 Eze.26 3841 Zec.ll Mai. 1 3, 6, 13. set up (Ae doors thereof, 14, 15. set up (Ae doors thereof, 1 . had not set up (Ae doors 10, let us shut (Ae dooj-s of the LI had set up (Ae doors, 3. let them shut (Ae doors, 19. the gates should be shut, 10. Because it shut not up (Ae doors of 32. 1 opened my doors to the traveller. 8. Or (who) shut up the sea loith doors, 10. set bars and doors, 14(6). Who can ppen (Ae doors of his face? 23. and opened (Ae doors of heaven, 16. he hath broken (Ae gates of brass, 34. watching daily at my gates, 14. the door turneth upon his hinges, 4. (Ae doors shall be shut : 9. if she (be) a door, 20. shut (Ay doors about thee: : Lopen before him (Ae two leaved gates; 2. 1 will break in pieces (Ae gates of brass, 8. Behind (Ae doors also and the posts 23. had read three or four leajyes, : 31. which have neither gates nor bars, 2.(Ae gates of the people: 11. having neither bars nor gates, : 23. temple and the sanctuary had two doors. 24. (Ae dooj's had two leaves (apiece), two turning leaves; two(leaves)/or (Ae one door, and two leaves for the other(door). 25. on (Ae doors of the temple, : 1 . Open (Ay doors, O Lebanon, : 10. that would shut (Ae doors UlT dahm, m. Ex Gen. 4: 10. the voice of thy brother's blood (marg. bloods) 11. to receive thy brother's blood 9: 4. life thereof, (which is) (Ae blood thereof 5. surely your blood of your lives 6. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall Ais bloodbe shed: 37:22. Shed no blood, 26. and conceal Ais blood? 31. dipped the coat in the blood ; 42:22. also Ais bloodis required. 49: 11. and his clothes in the blood of grapes: 4: 9. shall become blood upon the dry 25. Surely a bloody husband (art) thou 26. A bloody husband (thou art), 7: 17. they shall be turned to blood. 19. that they may become blood; and (that) there may be 6/ood 20. in the river were turned to blood. 21. blood throughout all the land 12: 7. they shall take of (Ae blood, 13. (Ae blood shall be to you — when I see (Ae blood, 22. dip (it) in the blood — (Ae blood that (is) in the bason ; 23. when he seeth (Ae blood 22: 2(1). no blood (be shed) for him. 3(2). blood (shed) for him; 23: 18. Thou shalt not offer (Ae blood of 24: 6. Moses took half of the blood, — half of (Ae blood he sprinkled 8. Moses took (Ae 6/ood, — Behold (Ae blood of the covenant, 29: 12. thou shalt take of the blood of — ¦ pour all (Ae blood beside the 16. thou shalt take Ais 6/ood, 20. kill the ram, and take ofhis blood, — sprinkle (Ae blood upon the altar 21 . thou shalt take of (Ae blood 30:10. with the blood of the sin offering 34:25. Thou shalt not offer (Ae blood of Lev. 1: 5. bring (Ae 6Zood, and sprinkle (Ae blood round about II. sprinkle Ais blood round about 15. (Ae blood thereof shall be wrung 3 : 2. sprinkle (Ae blood upon the altar 8. shall sprinkle (Ae blood thereof 13. Aaron shall sprinkle (Ae blood thereof Lev. 3:17. that ye eat neither fat nor blood. 4: 5. shall take of the bullock's blood, 6. dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of (Ae blood seven times 7.ZAe blood upon the horns — pour all (Ae blood of the bullock 16. shall bring o/(Ae bullock's blood 17. dip his finger (in some) of (Ae blood, 18. And he shall put (some) of the blood — pour out all the blood at the bottom 25, 34. the priest shall take o/(Ae blood of — shall pour out Ais blood 30. shall take of the blood thereof — , 34. shall pour out all (Ae blood thereof 5: 9. he shall sprinkle of the blood — the rest o/(Ae blood shall be 6 :27(20). is sprinkled o/(Ae blood thereof 30(23). whereof (any) o/(Ae blood is brought 7: 2.(Ae blood thereof shall he sprinkle 14. the priest's that sprinkleth (Ae blood of 26. ye shall eat no manner of blood, 27. that eateth any manner of blood, 33.offereth (Ae blood o/the peace offerings, 8: 15. Moses took (Ae blood, — poured (Ae blood at the bottom 19, 24. Moses sprinkled (Ae blood 23. and Moses took o/(Ae blood of it, 24. Moses put of the blood 30. (Ae blood which (was) upon 9: 9. the sons of Aaron brought (Ae blood unto him: and he dipped his finger in the blood, — poured out (Ae blood 12, 18. presented unto him (Ae 6/ood, 10;18.(Ae blood of it was not brought 12: 4. shall then continue hi the blood of her 5. shall continue in (Ae blood of her 7. from the issue of her blood. 14: 6. the living bird in the blood of 14, 25. the priest shall take (some) o/(Ae blood of the trespass offering, 17. upon (Ae blood of the trespass offering: 28. upon the place of (Ae blood of 51 . dip them in the blood of 52.ivith the blood of the bird, 15:19. her issue in her flesh be blood, 26. if a woman have an issue of Aer blood 16: 14. he shall take o/(Ae blood of — shall he sprinkle of (Ae blood 15. bring Ais blood within the vail, and do with that blood as he did n;i(A (Ae blood of the bullock, 18. take o/(Ae blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat, 19. he shall sprinkle of (Ae blood 27. whose blood was brought in (lit. who (Aeir blood) 17; 4. blood shall be imputed unto that man ; he hath shed blood; 6. the priest shall sprinkle (Ae blood 10. that eateth any manner of blood ; — against that soul that eateth blood, I l.the life of the flesh (is) in the blood: — (Ae blood (that) maketh an atonement 12. No soul of you shall eat 6/ood, — sojourneth among you eat 6/ood. 13. shall even pour out (Ae blood thereof, 14. (Ae blood of it (is) for the life — Ye shall eat (Ae blood of no — the life of all flesh (is) (Ae 6/ood thereof: 19: 16. against (Ae blood ofthy neighbour : 26. not eat (any thing) with (Ae blood: 20: 9. Ais 6/ood (shall be) upon him. 11, 12, 13, 16, 27. (Aeir 6/ood (shall be) upon 18. uncovered the fountain of Aer blood : Nu. 18:17. thou shalt sprinkle (Aeir blood 19: 4.shall take of her blood with his finger, and sprinkle of her blood 5. her flesh, and Aer blood, 23:24. and drink (Ae 6/ood of the slain. 35: 19. The revenger of blood himself 21 . the revenger of blood shall slay 24. the slayer and the revenger of blood 25. out of the hand of the revenger of blood, 27. the revenger of blood find him — the revenger of blood kill the slayer ; he shall not be guilty of blood: DI Nu. 35:33. for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but 6y (Ae blood of him that shed it. Deul2:16.0nly ye shall not eat (Ae blood; 23.be sure that thou eat not (Ae 6/ood: for (Ae blood (is) the life ; 27. the flesh ajid the blood, — a7id the blood ofthy sacrifices 15:23. thou shalt not eat (Ae blood thereof; 17 : 8. between blood and blood, 19: 6. Lest the avenger of (Ae blood pursue 10. That innocent blood be not shed — (so) blood be upon thee. 1 2. into the hand of the avenger of 6/ood, 13. innocent blood from Israel, 21 : 7. Our hands have not shed this blood, 8. lay not innocent blood unto — ¦ And (Ae 6/ood shall be forgiven 9. put away the (guilt of) innocent 6/ood 22: 8. that thou bring not blood 27;25. taketh reward to slay an innocent person. (lit. a soul of innocent blood) 32; 14. and thou didst drink (Ae pure blood of the grape. 42. make mine arrows drunk with blood, — with (Ae blood of the slain 43. for he will avenge (Ae blood of Jos. 2:19. Ais blood (shall be) upon his head, — . his blood (shall be) on our head, 20: 3. refuge from the avenger of 6?ood. 5. if the avenger of blood pursue 9. die by the hand of the avenger of blood, Jud. 9:24. and their blood be laid upon Abimelech lSa.l4:32.did eat (them) with the blood. 33. in that they eat with (Ae blood. 34. in eating with (Ae 6/ood. 19: 5. wilt thou sin against innocent 6/ood, 25:26, 33. from coming to (shed) 6/ood, 31 . either that thou hast shed blood 26: 20. let not my 6/ood fall to the earth 2Sa. 1:16. 7'Ay 6/ood (be) upon thy head ; 22. From the blood of the slain, 3:27. for (Ae 6/ood of Asahel 28.yrom (Ae 6/ood of Abner (marg. bloods) 4:11. therefore now require Ais 6/ood 14: 11. the revengers of blood to destroy 16: 7- come out, thou bloody man, (marg. man of blood) 8. all (Ae blood of the house of Saul, — because thou (art) a bloody man. 20: 12. Amasa wallowed in blood 21 : 1. for Saul, and for (his) bloody house, 23 : 1 7 . (Ae 6/ood of the men IK. 2: 5. shed (Ae blood of war in peace, and put(Ae blood of war upon his girdle 9. down to the grave with blood. 31. take away (Ae innocent blood, 32. the Lord shall return Ais blood 33. TAeir 6/ood shall therefore return 37. thy blood shall be upon 18:28. till (Ae blood gushed out 21: 19. where dogs licked (Ae 6/ood of Naboth shall dogs lick (Ay blood, 22:35. and (Ae blood ran out of 38. the dogs licked up Ais blood; 2K. 3:22.on the other side (as) red as blood: 23. they said, This (is) 6/ood: 9; 7. that I may avenge (Ae blood ofmy servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants 26.1 have seen yesterday ZAe 6/ood of Naboth, and (Ae 6/ood ofhis sons, (marg. bloods) 33. and (some) of her blood was sprinkled 16: 13. sprinkled (Ae blood of 15. sprinkle upon it all (Ae blood of the burnt offering, and all (Ae 6/ood of the sacri fice: 21 : 16. shed innocent 6/ood very much, 24: 4. for the innocent 6/ood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood ¦ ICh 11:19. shall I drink (Ae blood of these 22: 6. Thou hast shed blood abundantly, — thou hast shed much 6/ood 28: 3. and hast shed 6/ood. (marg. bloods) 2Ch 19: 10. between blood and blood, 24: 25. conspired against him for the blood of ( 344 ) m 2Ch 29:22. the priests received (Ae 6/ood, — , 22. they sprinkled (Ae blood 24. reconciliation with (Aeir 6/ood 30: 16. the priests sprinkled (Ae blood, Job 16: 18. cover not thou my blood, 39:30. Her young ones also suck up 6/ood : Ps. 5: 6(7).(Ae bloody and deceitful man. (mar*. man of bloods and deceit) 9: 12(13). When he maketh inquisition for blood, 16: 4. their drink offerings of blood 26: 9. nor my life with bloody men: (marg.men of blood) 30: 9( 10). What profit (is there) in my blood, 50:13. or drink (Ae blood of goats? 51 : 14(16). Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, (marg. bloods) 55 -.23(24). bloody and deceitful men (marg.men of bloods and deceit) 58:10(11). in (Ae blood of the wicked. 59; 2(3). save me from bloody men. 68:23(24). dipped in the blood of(thine)enemies, 72: 14. precious shall (Aeir blood be 78:44. turned their rivers into blood; 79: 3. TAeir blood have they shed 10. the revenging of (Ae blood of 94:21. and condemn (Ae innocent blood. 105:29. turned their waters into blood, 106:38. shed innocent 6/ood, (even) (Ae blood of their sons — the land was polluted with blood. 139: 19. depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. Pro. 1:11. let us lay wait /or blood, 16. make haste to shed 6/ood. 18. they lay wait/or (Aeir (own) 6/ood; 6:17. hands that shed innocent 6Zood, 12: 6. to lie in wait for 6/ood: 28:17. violence to the blood of (any) person 29: 10. The 6/oodthirsty hate the upright; (marg. Men of 6/ood) 30:33. wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: Isa. 1:11. and Fdelight not in (Ae blood o/bullocks, 15. your hands are full of blood, (marg.bloods) 4: 4. have purged (Ae blood of Jerusalem 9: 5(4). garments rolled hi blood; 15: 9. of Dimon shall be full of blood : 26:21. the earth also shall disclose Aer blood, (marg. bloods) 33:15. stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, (marg. bloods) * 34: 3. shall be melted «i(A thy blood 33: 4. Ais blood shall be upon his own 5. Ais blood shall be upon him. 6. but his blood will I require 8. but his blood will I require 25. Ye eat with (Ae blood, — and shed blood : : 6.1 will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated Wood, even blood shall pursue thee. : 18. (Ae blood that they had shed : 22. with pestilence and with blood; : 17. eat flesh, and drink blood. 18. and drink (Ae Wood o/the princes 19. and drink blood till ye be drunken, .18. and to sprinkle blood thereon. 20. thou shalt take o/(Ae blood thereof, 7. my bread, the fat and the blood, 15. offer unto me the fat and the blood, 19. the priest shall take o/(Ae blood of 4. 1 will avenge (Ae blood of 2. and blood toucheth blood, (marg. bloods) 8. polluted with blood. 14(15). therefore shall he leave Ais blood (marg. bloods) 30(3: 3). blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31(3:4). and the moon into blood, 19(4: 19). they have shed innocent blood 21(4: 21). For I will cleanse (Aeir blood 14. lay not upon us innocent blood : 10. They build up Zion with blood, (marg. bloods) 2. they all lie in wait for blood; 1 . "Woe to the bloody city ! (marg. city of bloods) 8, 17. because of men's blood, (marg. Woods) 12. that buildeth a town aji(A blood, (marg. bloods) 17. and (Aeir blood shall be 7.1 will take away Ais blood (marg.bloods) 11. by the blood ofthy covenant 35 4344 45 Hos. 1 4 6 12 Joel 2 3 Jon. 1: Mic. 3: 7: Nah 3: Hab. 2: Zep. 1 Zee. 9 DI [dahm], m. Eze.l9:10. like a vine in thy blood, (marg. or, in thy quietness, or, in thy likeness) ("Compare the preceding.] 121 dah-mah'. T T * KAL Preterite. * Ps.102: 6(7). I am like a pelican of the wilderness: 144: 4. Man is like to vanity: Cant.7: 7(8). This thy stature is like to a Isa. 1 : 9. we should have been like unto Eze.31: 2. Whom art thou like in thy greatness? 8. were not ZiAe his boughs, — was like unto him in his beauty. 18. To whom art thou thus ZiAe KAL. — Imperative. Cant.2:17. and be thou ZiAe~a roe 8: 14. and be thou ZiAe to a roe KAL. — Future. Ps. 49:12(13), 20(21 ). is like the beasts (that) perish. (probably, lit. (Aey are alike) 89: 6(7). can be likened unto the Lord ? Isa. 46 : 5. compare me, that we may be like ? KAL Participle. Poel. Cant.2: 9. My beloved is like a roe * NIPHAL Preterite. * Eze. 32: 2. Thou art like a young lion * PIEL — Preterite. # Nu. 33:56. as I thought to do unto them. Jud. 20: 5. thought to have slain me: 2Sa.21: 5. that devised against us (marg. or, cut us off) Ps. 48: 9(10). We have thought of thy lovingkindness, 50: 21. (Aou thoughtest that I was Cant. 1 : 9. 1 have compared thee, O my love, Isa. 14:24. Surely as I have thought, PIEL.— Future. Est. 4: 13. Think not with thyself Isa. 10: 7. Howbeit Ae meaneth not so, 40: 18. To whom then will ye liken God? 25. To whom then will ye liken me, 46: 5. To whom will ye liken me, Lam.2: 13. what thing sAaZZ I liken to thee, Hos. 12 : 10(11). and ased similitudes, * HITHPAEL Future. * Isa. 14:14. Iwill be like the most High. Ifil [dah-mah']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Jer. 6: 2. 1 have likened the daughter of (probably, lit. I have cut off) Hos 4: 5. and Iwilldestroy thy mother, (marg. cut off) KAL.— Future. , Jer. 14:17. let them not cease: Lam. 3:49. and eeaseth not, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Isa. 6: 5. for I am undone; (marg. cut off) 15: 1, Lis laid waste, (and) brought to silence; (marg. or, cut off) Jer. 47: 5. Ashkelon is cut off Hos 4: 6. My people are destroyed (marg. cut off) 10: 7. her king is cut off 15. shall the king of Israel utterly Ae cut off. Obad. 5. how art thou cut off! Zep 1 : 1 1 . the merchant people are cut down ; NIPHAL Infinitive. Hos 10: 15. shall the king of Israel utterly he cut off. , (lit. being cut off be cut off) n&1 [d'mah], Ch. ¦3f P'AL. — Participle. Active. % Dan 3: 25. the fourth is like the Son of God. 7: 5. a second, ZiAe to a bear, T\12l doom-mah! > f. Eze.27:32.ZiAe (Ae destroyed in the midst H'lDI a" moot h, f. Gen 1 : 26. in our image, after our likeness : 5 : 1 . in the likeness of God made he him ; 3. begat (a son) in his own likeness, 2K. 16:10.(Ae/isAioM o/the altar, 2Ch 4: 3. And under it (was) (Ae similitude of Ps. 58: 4(5). ZiAe the poison of a serpent: (marg. according to the likeness of) Isa. 13: 4. ZiAe as of a great people; (marg. (Ae ZiAe- ness of) 40: 18. or what likeness will ye compare Eze. 1: b. the likeness of four living creatures. — they had (Ae likeness of a man. 10. As for the likeness of their faces, 13. As for the likeness of the living 16. and they four had one likeness: 22. And the likeness of the firmament 26. over their heads (was) (Ae likeness of the likeness of the throne (was) (Ae likeness as the appearance of a man 28. (Ae likeness of the glory of the Lord. 8: 2. a likeness as the appearance of fire : 1D1 ( 346 ) Eze.lO: 1 . (Ae likeness of a throne. 10. they four had one likeness, 21. and the likeness of the hands 22. And the likeness of their faces 23:15. after the manner o/the Babylonians DanlO:16.Zi'Ae (Ae similitude of the sons of men *Z?1 d'mee, m. Isa. 38: 10. 1 said in the cutting off of my days. '£1 [dSmee], m. Ps. 83: 1(2). Keep not thou silence, O God: (lit. not silence to thee) Isa. 62: 6. keep not silence, (lit. not silence to you) 7. And give him no rest, jV/pi [dim-yohn'], m. Ps. 17:12. Like as a lion (that) is greedy (marg. TAe likeness of him) Job 30: Ps. 35: Jos. 10: ISa. 14: Ps. 4: 37:62: Isa. 23: Jer. 47 Eze.24:Ex. 15; Lev.10:Jos. 10: Job 29: 31 Ps. 3031 Lam. 2: 3 Am. 5. Jer. 25 ISa. 2 Jer. 8 484950 51 Ps.131 Jer. 8 DD1 [dah-mam1]. ¦K KAL. —Preterite. * 27. My bowels boiled, and rested not: 15. they did tear (me), and ceased not: KAL Imperative. 12. Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon ; 9. Tarry until we come to you; (marg. Be 4(5). upon your bed, and be still. 7. Rest in the Lord, (marg. Be silent to) 5(6). wait (Aow only upon God; 2. Be still, ye inhabitants (marg. be silent) 6. rest, and be still. 17. Forbear to cry, (marg. Be silent) KAL Future. 16. they shall be (as) still as a stone; 3. And Aaron AeZd Ais peace. 13. And the sun stood still, 21. and kept silence at my counsel. 34. that I kept silence, (and) went not 12(13). and not Ae silent. 17(18). let them be silent in the grave. 10. sit upon the ground, (and) keep silence: 18. let not the apple of thine eye cease. .28. He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, 1 3. the prudent shall keep silence * NIPHAL Preterite. * 37. Andthe peaceable habitations arecut down NIPHAL Future. : 9. the wicked shall be silent in darkness ; : 1 4. and let us be silent there : : 2. Also thou shalt be cut down, (marg. or, brought to silence) 26. all the men of war sAaZZ be cut off 30. all her men of war sAaZZ be cut off : 6. be not cut off in her iniquity; * POAL.— Preterite. * : 2. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, * HIPHIL._Pre(eri(e. * ; 14. our God Aa(A put us to silence, H Jer. 16: 4. they shall be as dung 25: 33. they shall be dung upon the yt?1 [dak-mag1]. * KAL. — Infinitive. * Jer. 13:17. and mine eye shall weep sore, (lit. weeping shall weep) KAL.— Future. Jer. 13: 17. and mine eye shall weep sore, J7&1 [deh'-mag], m. Ex. 22:29(28). of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: 1}z£>1 dim-gah', f. 2K. 20: Ps. 6: 39: 42:56: 80: 116:126: Ecc. 4: Isa. 16: 25:38: Jer. 9: 13: 14: 31: Lam. 1 : Eze.24: Mai. 2 5. 1 have seen thy tears : 6(7). I water my couch with my tears. 12(l 3). hold not thy peace at my tears: 3(i). My tears have been my meat 8(9). put thou my tears into thy bottle: 5(6). feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink 8. mine eyes from tears, 5. They that sow in tears 1 . the tears of (such as were) oppressed, 9. 1 will water thee w;i(A my tears, 8. the Lord God will wipe away tears 5. 1 have seen thy tears : 1(8:23). mine eyes a fountain of tears, 18(l7).our eyes may rundown with tears, 17. run down with tears, 17. Let mine eyes run down with tears 16. thine eyes from tears: 2. and her tears (are) on her 1 1 . Mine eyes do fail with tears, 18. let tears run down 16. neither shall thy tears 13. covering the altar of the Lord with tears, PlfiOT d'mah-mah', f. IK. 19:12. after the fire a still small voice. Job 4:16. (there was) silence, and I heard a voice (marg. or, I heard a still voice) Ps. 107:29. He maketh the storm a calm, |Gl doh'-men, m. 2K. 9:37. Jezebel shall be as dung Ps. 83: 10( 1 1 ). they became (as) dung for the Jer. 8: 2. they shall be for dung 9: 22(21 ). shall fall as dung upon the p&m tfmeh'-shek. Am. 3: 12. and in Damascus (in) a couch, (marg. or, oji the bed's /ee() }1 [dehn], Ch. pron. Ezr. 4:11. TAis (is) the copy of the letter 14. therefore have we sent and certified (lit. on account of this) 15. for which cause was this city destroyed. 16. by (Ais means thou shalt have no 22. that ye fail not to do (Ais : 5: 3. Who hath commanded you to build this house, and to make up (Ais wall? 4. the men that make (Ais building? 5. answer by letter concerning (Ais 7. wherein was written (Aws; 9. Who commanded you to build (Ais house, and to make up (Aese walls? 11. builded (Aese many years ago, 12. the Chaldean, who destroyed (Ais house, 13. Cyrus made a decree to build (Ziis house 17. his pleasure to us concerning (Ais matter. 6:11. whosoever shall alter (Ais word , — let his house be made a dunghill for this. 15. And (Ais house was finished 16. kept the dedication of this house 1 7. And offered at the dedication of (Ais house 7:17. TAa( thou mayest buy speedily with tliis money 24. ministers of (Ais house of God, Jer. 10:11. Thus shall ye say unto them, Dan 2: lO.nor ruler, (that) asked sacA things 12. For (Ais cause the king was angry 18. concerning (Ais secret; 24. Therefore Daniel went in unto Arioch, 28. the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are (Aese ; 29. what should come to pass Aercafter: H ( 347 ) run Dan 2:30. (Ais secret is not revealed to me for 36. TAis (is) the dream; and we will tell 43. but they shall not cleave one to another, (marg. (Ais with (Ais) 45. what shall come to pass Aereafter: (marg. after (Ais) 47. seeing thou couldest reveal (Ais secret. 3: 7. TAerefore at that time, when all the people heard 8. TTAerefore at that time 16. we (are) not careful to answer thee in (Ais 22. TAerefore because the king's command ment 29. other God that can deliver after this sort. 4:18(15). This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar 24(21 ). TAis (is) the interpretation, O king, 5: 7. Whosoever shall read (Ais writing, 15. that they should read (Ais writing, 22. though thou knewestall this; 24. and (Ais writing was written. 25. And this (is) the writing 26. TAis (is) the interpretation of the thing: 6: 3(4). Then (Ais Daniel was preferred 5(6). any occasion against (Ais Daniel, 9(10). Wherefore king Darius signed the 10(11). before his God, as he did aforetime. 28(29). So (Ais Daniel prospered in the 7: 6. After (Ais I beheld, and lo. another, 7. After (Ais I saw in the night visions, 16. and asked him the truth of all (Ais. ST?, [deh'ag], m. Job 32: 6. durst not shew you mine opinion. 10, 17. 1 also will shew mine opinion. 36: 3. 1 will fetch my knowledge from afar, 37: 16. him which is perfect in knowledge? fiSft deh-gak', f. ISa. 2: 3. the Lord (is) a God of knowledge, Job 36: 4. he that is perfect in knowledge Ps. 73 : 1 1 . is there knowledge in the most high ? Isa. 11: 9. the earth shall be full of (Ae knowledge of the Lord, 28: 9. Whom shall he teach knowledge? Jer. 3: 15. shall feed you with knowledge and under standing. "ipl [dah-gdch']. #KAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 43: 17 .they are extinct, they are quenched KAL.— Future. Job 18: 5. the light of the wicked shallbeput out, 6. his candle shall be put out 21 : 17. is the candle of the wicked put out? Pro. 13: 9. the lamp of the wicked shall Ae put out. 20: 20. his lamp shall be put out in obscure 24:20. the candle of the wicked shall be put out. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Job 6:17. (Aey are consumed out of their place, (marg. extinguished) * PUAL Preterite. * Ps. 118: 12. (Aey are quenched as the fire of thorns: njH dah'-gath, f. Gen 2: 9. the tree of knowledge 0/ good and evil. 17. the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Ex.31: 3& 35: 31. in understanding, and in know ledge, Nu. 24:16.(Ae knowledge o/the most High, Deu 4:42. should kill his neighbour unazoares, (lit. without knowledge) 19; 4. Whoso killeth his neighbour ignorantly, (lit. id.) Jos. 20: 3. unawares (and) unwittingly (lit. without knowledge) 5. he smote his. neighbour \xnwitti71gly, (lit. id.) 14. cunning to work all works IK. 7 Job 10 : 7 13: 2 42 Ps. 19 94 119 139 Pro. 1 19: 2930 Ecc. 1 7; 9; 12: Isa. 5: 11:3233:40: 44: Thou knowest that 1 am not wicked ; (marg. (It is) upon (Ay knowledge) What ye know, (the same) do I know (lit. as your knowledge) 2. Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, 14. for we desire not (Ae knowledge of thy ways. 22. Shall (any) teach God knowledge? 3. and my lips shall utter knowledge 35. Job hath spoken eoi(Aout knowledge, 16. he multiplieth words without knowledge. 12. they shall die without knowledge. 2.darkeneth counsel by words without know ledge? 3. he that hideth counsel without knowledge? 2(3). night unto night sheweth knowledge. 10. he that teacheth man knowledge, 66. Teach me good judgment and knowledge: 6. (Such) knowledge (is) too wonderful 4. to the young man knowledge 7- the beginning of knowledge : 22. fools hate knowledge? 29. For that they hated knowledge, b.and find (Ae knowledge of God. 6. out ofhis mouth (cometh) knoivledge 10. and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul ; 20. By his knowledge the depths are 2. ajid (that) thy lips may keep knowledge. 9. right to them that find knotvledge. 10. and knowledge rather than choice gold. 12. and find out knowledge of witty inventions. 10. and the knowledge of the holy (is) under standing. 14. Wise (men) lay up knowledge: 9. but through knowledge shall the just 1 . Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge : 23. A prudent man concealeth knowledge: 16. Every prudent (man) dealeth with know- . but knowledge (is) easy unto him that under standeth. .the lips of knowledge. the prudent are crowned with knowledge. of the wise useth knowledge aright: The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: him that hath understanding seeketh know ledge : He that hath knowledge spareth his words: of the prudent getteth knowledge; of the wise seeketh knowledge. (that) the soul (be) without knowledge, he will understand knowledge. the words of knowledge. the lips of knowledge he receiveth knowledge. The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, apply thine heart wn(o my knowledge. excellent things in counsels and knowledge, thine ears to the words of knowledge. And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled a man of knowledge increaseth the wicked regardeth not to know (it). nor have (Ae knowledge o/the holy. experience of wisdom and knowledge. increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. in wisdom, and in knowledge, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: the excellency of knowledge nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, he still taught the people knowledge; because (they have) no knowledge: the spirit of knowledge and of the fear the rash shall understand knowledge, wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability taught hiiri knowledge, knowledge nor understanding to say, and maketh their knowledge foolish ; Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, Because I knew that thou (art) obstinate, by his knowledge shall my righteous servant and delight to know my ways, run ( 348 ) m Jer. 10:14.Every man is brutish in (his) knowledge: (marg. or, more brutish than to know) 22:16. (was) not this to know me? 51 :17. Every man is brutish by (his) knowledge; (marg. or, more brutish than to know) Dan 1 : 4. cunning in knowledge, 12: 4. knowledge shall be increased. Hos. 4: 1. nor knowledge of God in the land. 6. are destroyed for lack of knowledge : be cause thou hast rejected knowledge, 6: 6. and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. Mai. 2: 7. the priest's lips should keep knowledge, ^1 [dophee], m. Ps. 50:20. thou slanderest thine own mother's son. (lit. thou wilt give slander against) pSI [dah-phak1]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Gen33:13.and if men should overdrive them KAL Participle. — Poel. Cant.5: 2. the voice ofmy beloved that hnocketh, * HITHPAEL.— Participle. * Jud.l9:22. beat at the door, (lit. beating) pi dak, adj . Gen41: 3. ill favoured and teanfleshed ; 4. the ill favoured and Zearefleshed kine 6. behold, seven (Ain ears 7. the seven thin ears devoured 23. seven ears, withered, thin, 24. (Ae thin ears devoured Ex. 16: 14. a small round thing, (as) smallas the hoar frost Lev. 13:30. in it a yellow (Aim hair ; 16:12. full of sweet incense beaten small, 21:20. Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, (marg. or, too slender) IK. 19:12. after the fire a still small voice. Isa. 29: 5. shall be like small dust, 40: 15. he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. pi dohk, m. Isa. 40:22. stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, ppl [dah-kak']. * KAL Preterite. * Ex. 32:20.ground (it) to powder, (lit. till that it was made small) Deu 9:21. until it was as small as dust: KAL — Future. Isa. 28:28. nor bruise it (with) his horsemen. 41:15. and beat (them) small, and shalt make * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 2K. 23 : 15. stamped (it) small to powder, 2Ch 34: 4. and made dust (of them), and strowed Mic. 4:13. and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Ex. 30:36. thou shalt beat (some) of it very small, 2Ch34: 7. beaten the graven images into powder, (marg. to make powder) HIPHIL Future. 2Sa.22:43. 1 did stamp them as the mire 2K. 23: 6. and stamped (it) small to powder, 2Ch 15: 16. and stamped (it), and burnt (it) * HOPHAL— Future. * Isa. 28: 28. Bread (corn) is bruised; ppl [d'kak,] Ch. Dan Dan Dan Dan * P'AL. —Preterite. * 2:35. Then was the iron, the clay,... broken to pieces together, * APHEL. —Preterite. # 2:34. and brake them to pieces. 45. and that it AraAe in pieces the iron, 6 : 24(25) . and AraAe all their bones in pieces APHEL.— Future. 2:40. shall it break in pieces and bruise. 44. it shall break in pieces and 7 :23. and break it in pieces. APHEL. —Participle. 2:40. forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces 7: 7. it devoured and brake inpieces, 19. (which) devoured, AraAe in pieces, and n(Tj [dak-ka^]. *KAL Preterite.* 1 Sa.31 : 4. come and thrust me through, Zec.l 2: 10. upon me whom (Aey have pierced, 13: 3. and his father... shall thrust him through KAL. — Imperative. 1 Sa. 31: 4. Draw thy sword, and thrust me through ICh 10: 4. and thrust me through therewith; KAL.— Future. Nu. 25 : 8. and thrust both of them through, Jud. 9:54. And his young man (Arus( Aim through, # NIPHAL. — Future. # Isa. 13: 15. that is found shall be thrust through; * PUAL Participle. * Jer. 37 : 10. there remained (but) wounded men (marg. men thrust through) 51 : 4. and (they that are) thrust through Lam. 4: 9. stricken through for (want of) the TT dar, m. Est. 1 : 6. and white, and black, marble. *fl dakr, Ch. m. Dan 4: 3(3:33). his dominion (is) from generation to generation. 34(31). his kingdom (is) from generation to generation : Jitfll [d'rah-ohn'], m. Danl2: 2. shame (and) everlasting contempt. jlNII deh-rdk-ohn' , m. Isa. 66 : 24. shall be an abhorring unto all faiSII dor-voh-noht h', f. pi. Ecc. 1 2 : 1 1 . The words of the wise ( are ) as goads, dor-vahn' m. ISa. 13:21. to sharpen the goads. 111.1 dar - dar' , m. Gen 3:18. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring Hos. 10: 8. the thorn and the thistle m dill dah-rohm', m. Deu33:23. possess thou the west and the south. Job 37 : 17. he quieteth the earth by the south (wind) ? Ecc. 1 : 6. The wind goeth toward the south, 11: 3. and if the tree fall toward the south, Eze.20:46(21:2).and drop (thy word) toward (Ae south, 40:24. he brought me toward (Ae south, and be hold a gate toward (Ae som(A : 27. the inner court toward (Ae south : — from gate to gate toward (Ae sou(A 28. the inner court by (Ae sou(A gate: andhe measured (Ae south gate 44. their prospect (was) toward (Ae south : 45. whose prospect (is) toward (Ae south, 41:11. another door toward the south : 42:12. that (were) toward (Ae south 13. (Ae so«(A chambers, which (are) before 18. He measured (Ae south side, 1111. d'rohr, m. Ex. 30:23. of pare myrrh five hundred Lev.25: 10. proclaim liberty throughout Isa. 61 : l.to proclaim liberty to the captives, Jer. 34: 8. to proclaim liberty unto them ; 15, 17. in proclaiming liberty 17.1 proclaim a liberty for you, Eze. 46: 17.it shall be his to the year of liberty; 1111 d'rohr, m. Ps. 84: 3(4). and (Ae swallow a nest Pro.26: 2. as (Ae swallow by flying, ETT! dar-yohsh!. [Perhaps for t2?i"R inf. of tihjT] Ezr. 10 : 16. to examine the matter. *^)TJ dah-rach!. *KAL Preterite. # Nu. 24:17. (Aere shall come a Star out of Jacob, Deu 1 : 36. 1 give the land that Ae Aa(A trodden Jos. 14: 9. whereon thy feet Aaue trodden Job 22:15. which wicked men Aaue trodden? 24:ll.(read (their) winepresses, Ps. 7:12(13).Ae hath bent his bow, 37: 14. and have bent their bow, 64: 3(4). bend (their bows to shoot) their arrows, Isa. 63: 3. 1 have trodden the winepress alone ; Lam. 1 : 15. the Lord Aa(A trodden the virgin, 2; 4. Be hath bejit his bow like an enemy: 3:12. He hatk bent his bow, and set me Mic. 1: 3. and tread upon the high places Hab. 3:15. Tliou didst walk through the sea Zee. 9:13. When I have bent Judah KAL Future. 24, the soles of your feet shaU tread 25. all the land that ye shall tread : 29. (Aow sAa/( tread upon their high places. : 3. that the sole of your foot sAa« tread : 21. (Aou hast trodden down strength. ;27. and trode (the grapes), ; 5. tread on the threshold of Dagon ; 2. the wicked bend (their) bow, : 7(8).Ae bendeth (his bow to shoot) : 13. Tliou shalt tread upon the lion : 10. the treaders shall tread out no wine : 3./or Iwill tread them in mine anger, : 33. none shall tread with shouting; : 3.('p nVi'3) Against (him that) bendeth let the archer 6end his bow, : 5(4). Ae shall tread in our palaces, 6(5). when Ae treadeth within our 15. thou sAa/( tread the olives, KAL Participle. Poel. ICh 5:18.and(o sAoo( with bow, ( 349 ) -JT! ICh 8:40. were mighty men of valour, archers, (lit. benders o/the bow) 8(7). bare shields ajiddrew bows, 15. treading wine presses on the 8. and b'eadeth upon the waves : 10. (Ae treaders shall tread out no wine ; 8. whosoever yoe(A therein 2. like him that treadeth in the 30. as they that tread 9. that handle (and) 6end the bow. 14. all ye that bend the bow, 29. Call together the archers against Babylon ; (lit. (Ae benders o/the bow) 3. let (Ae archer bend his bow, 13. and treadeth upon the high places 13. and the treader of grapes KAL. — Participle. Paul. 28. all their bows bent, 15. from the bejit bow, # HIPHIL Preterite. * : 43. trode them down with ease 8. The lion's whelps Aaue not trodden it, 11.7 Aaue led thee in right paths. 15. and make (men) go over dryshod. HIPHIL — Infinitive. Jer. 51 :33. time to thresh her : (marg.or, in the time that Ae thresheth her) HIPHIL. — Imperative. Ps. 25: 5. Lead me in thy truth, 119:35. Make me to go in the path HIPHIL.— Future. Ps. 25; 9. The meek will he guide 107 ; 7. And he led thejn forth by the Isa. 42: 16. Iwill lead them in paths Jer. 9: 3(2). And they bend their tongues Hab. 3 : 19. Ae will make me to walk HIPHIL.— Participle. Isa. 48: 17. which leadeth thee by the way 2Chl4 Neh 13: Job 9: Isa. 16: 59: 63: Jer. 25: 46: 50: 51: Am. 4: 9: Isa. 5: 21: Jud. 20: Job 28: Pro. 4: [sa. 11: Deu 11 33 Jos 1 Jud . 5 9 ISa 5 Ps. II 58 91 Isa. 16 63 Jer. 48 51 Mic 5 6: dehf-rech9 com. Gen 3: 24. to keep (Ae way o/the tree of life. 6: 12. all flesh had corrupted Ais way 16: 7. by the fountain in the way 18:19. they shall keep (Ae way o/the Lord, 19: 2. go on your ways. 31. after the manner of all the earth: 24:21. had made his journey prosperous 27. 1 (being) in the way, 40. and prosper (Ay way; 42. if now thou do prosper my way 48. which had led me in the right way 56. seeing the Lord hath prospered my way; 28: 20. will keep me in this way 30:36. he set three days' journey betwixt 31 : 23. pursued after him seven days' journey ; 35. for (Ae custom of women (is) upon me. 32: 1(2), Jacob went on his way, 33: 16. on his way unto Seir. 35: 3. was with me in the way 19. was buried in the way 38:14. which (is) by (Ae way 16. he turned unto her by (Ae way, 21. openly by (Ae way side ? 42:25. give them provision/jr (Ae way: 38. if mischief befall him by the way 45:21. gave them provision for the way. 23. meat for his father by the way. 24. See that ye fall not out by the way. 48: 7. in the land of Canaan in the way, — I buried her there in the way 49: 17. Dan shall be a serpent by (Ae way, Ex. 3:18. three days' journey into the wilderness, 4: 24. it came to pass by the way 5: 3. three days' journey into the desert, 8:27(23). We will go three days' journey 1 3 : 1 7. led them not ( through) (Ae way 18. (Ae way o/the wilderness 21. to lead them (Ae way; 18; 8. had come upon them by the way, 20. (Ae way wherein they must walk, Ex. 23:32: 33: Lev.26:Nu. 9: 10 11. 22 2433 Deu 1 30 3132 Jos. I 2 ITT 20. to keep thee in the way, 8. turned aside quickly out of (Ae way 3. lest I consume thee in the way. 13. shew me now (Ay way, 22. your (high) ways shall be desolate. 10. or (be) in a journey afar off, 13. and is not in a journey, ; 33. from the mount of the Lord three days' journey : — before them in the three days' journey, 31. as it were a day's journey (marg. (Ae way of a day) — ¦ and as it were a day's journey 25. (Ae way o/the Red sea. 17. go by the king's (high) way, l.came by the way of the spies ; 4.by the way of the Red sea, — discouraged because of the way. 22. go along by the king's (high) way, 33. by the way of Bashan; 22. the angel of the Lord stood in the ivay 23,31 . the angel of the Lord standing in the way, — the ass turned aside out of (Ae way, — to turn her into (Ae way. 26. where (was) no way to turn 32. because (thy) way is perverse 34. 1 knew not that thou stoodest in the way : 25. Balak also went Ais way. 8. went three days' journey : 2. by the way of mount Seir 19. by the way o/the mountain 22. by what way we must go up, 31 . in all (Ae way that ye went, 33. Who went in the way before you, — by what way ye should go, 40. by the way o/the Red sea. : I. by (Ae way o/the Red sea, f$. through the way o/the plain — by the way o/the wilderness 27.1 will go along by the high way, (lit. by the way, by the way) : l.the way to Bashan: ;33(30). Ye shall walk in all (Ae ways : 7. when thou walkest by the way, : 2. thou shalt remember all (Ae way 6. to walk in his ways, : 12. quickly turned aside out of (Ae way 16. turned aside quickly out of the way :12.to walk in all Ais ways, : 19. when thou walkest by the way, 22. to walk in all Ais ways, and to cleave 28. but turn aside out of (Ae way 30. by (Ae way where the sun goeth : 5(6 ). to thrust thee out of (Ae way : 24. if (Ae way be too long for thee, : 16. return no more that way. : 3. Thou shalt prepare thee a way, 6. because (Ae way is long, 9. to walk ever in his ways; 4. fall down by the way, 6. to be before thee hi the way 4(5). with water in the way, 9. unto Miriam by the way, : 17. what Amalek did unto thee by the way, 18. How he met thee by the way, : 17. to walk in his ways, 18. maketh the blind to wander out of the way. : 7. come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. 9. walk in his ways. 25. thou shalt go out one way — flee seven ways before them : 29. thou shalt not prosper in (Ay ways: 68. by the way whereof I spake 16. to walk in his ways, 29. turn aside from (Ae way 4. all his ways (are) judgment: : 8. then thou, shalt make (Ay way : 7. the way to Jordan unto the fords : 16. afterward may ye go your way. 22. sought (them) throughout all (Ae way, : 4. that ye may know (Ae way — for ye have not passed (this) way : 4, 5. in the wilderness by the way, 7. circumcised them by the way. :I5.6y the way of the wilderness. :1I. victuals with you/or the journey, Jos. 9 10 12 22 23 24 Jud. 2 ( 350 ) yn 13. by reason of (Ae very long journey. 10. chased them along (Ae way 3. the way to Beth-jeshimoth ; 5. to walk in all Ais ways, 14.1 (am) going (Ae way of all the earth: 17. preserved us in all (Ae toay 17. turned quickly out of (Ae way 19. nor from their stubborn way. 22. keep (Ae way o/the Lord 9. the journey that thou takest 10. walk by (Ae way. 11. Gideon went up by the way 25. all that came along that way 37. along by the plain of Meonenim. 8. to the house of Micah, as Ae journeyed. (marg. in making Ais way) 5. whether our way which we go 6. before the Lord (is) your way 26. the children of Dan went (Aeir way: 19: 9. get you early on your way, 27.w'ent out to go Ais way: 20:42. (Ae way o/the wilderness; Ru. 1 : 7. they went on the way ISa. I ; 18. So the woman went Aer way, 4: 13. Eli sat upon a seat by (Ae wayside 6 : 9. if it goeth up by the way of 12. the kine took the straight way to (Ae way of Beth-shemesh, 8 : 3. his sons walked not in his ways, 5. thy sons walk not in thy ways: 9: 6. he can shew us our way 8. to tell us our way. 12:23. the good and (Ae right way: 13:17. one company turned unto (Ae way 18. (Ae way (to) Beth-horon: — turned (to) (Ae way of the border 15: 2. he laid (wait) for him in (Ae way, 18. the Lord sent thee on a journey, 20. have gone (Ae way which the 17:52.oy (Ae way to Shaaraim, 18;14.behaved himself wisely in all his ways; 21 : 5(6). in a maimer common, 24: 3( 4). the sheepcotes by (Ae way, 7(8). went on (his) way. 19(20). will he let him go well away ? (lit. in a good way) 25: 12. David's young men turned (Aeir way, 26: 3. before Jeshimon, by (Ae way. 25. David went on Ais way, 28: 22. when thou goest on thy way. 30: 2. went on their way. 2Sa. 2:24.(Ae way of the wilderness 4: 7. through the plain all night. 11:10. Camest thou not from (thy) journey? 13:30. while they were in the way, 34. there came much people by the way 15: 2. stood beside (Ae way o/the gate: 23. toward (Ae zuay o/the wilderness. 16: 13. David and his men went by the way, 18:23. (Ae way o/the plain, 22:22. (Ae ways of the Lord, 31. Ais way (is) perfect; 33. he maketh my way perfect. IK. 1:49. went every man Ais way. 2: 2. 1 go (Ae toay of all the earth: 3. to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, 4. If thy children take heed to (Aeir way, 3: 14. if thou wilt walk in my ways, 8:25. thy children take heed to (Aeir way, 32. bring Ats way upon his head; 36. teach them (Ae good way 39. to every man according to Ais ways, 4A.whithersoc\er (lit. in the way which) thou shalt send — toward the city which thou 48. pray unto thee toward their land, 58. to walk in all Ais ways, 11:29. found him i7i the way; 33. have not walked in my ways, 38. wilt walk in my ways, 13: 9. by the same way 10. So he went another way, and returned not by the way 12. What way went he? For his sons had seen what way 1 7. nor turn again to go by the way 24. a lion met him by the way, m ( 351 ) T" IK. 13 2K. 2 2Ch 6 28 34 Ezr. 8 *Teh 9 Job 3468 12131719 21 24. his carcase was cast in the way, 25. saw the carcase cast in the way, 26. brought him. back from (Ae way 28. found his carcase cast in the way, 33. returned not from his evil way, 26. walked in the way o/his father, 34. walked in the way of Jeroboam, 2. hast walked in the way of Jeroboam, 19. in walking in (Ae way of Jeroboam, 26. walked in all (Ae way of Jeroboam 6. Ahab went one way — Obadiah went another way 7. as Obadiah was in the way, 27. or he is in a journey, 43. look toward the sea. 4. he himself went a day's journey 7. the journey (is) too great for thee. 15. return on thy way to the wilderness of 38. waited for the king by (Ae way, 43. he walked in all (Ae ways of Asa 52(53). walked in the way o/his father, and in the way o/his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam 23. he was going up by the way, : 8. Which way shall we go up? — The way through the wilderness of Edom. 9. they fetched a compass of seven days' journey : 20. by the way o/Edom, :19.This (is) not (Ae way, ; 15. all (Ae way (was) full of garments : 18, 27.be walked in the way of the :27.he fled by (Ae way of the garden :12.he (was) at the shearing house in the way, : 16. she went by the way 19. came by the way o/the gate : 3. But he walked in the way ; 13. Turn ye from your evil ways, :28. by the way by which thou earnest. 33. By the way that he came, :21. he walked in all (Ae way 22. walked not in tlie way o/the Lord. : 2. walked in all (Ae way of David : 4.6y (Ae way of the gate — (Ae way toward the plain. 16. that thy children take heed to (Aeir way 23. by recompensing Ais way upon his own 27. thou hast taught them (Ae good way, 30. according unto all Ais ways, 31. to walk in thy ways, 34. by the way that thou shalt — pray unto thee toward this city 38. and pray toward their land, : 14. turn /rom (Aeir wicked ways ; : 17. they walked in the way o/David :22. and his ways, and his sayings, : 3. he walked in the first ways of 6. was lifted up i7i the ways of the Lord: 23. Which way went the Spirit 32. he walked in the way of Asa 6. he walked in the way o/the kings of 12. walked in (Ae ways of Jehoshaphat — nor in the ways of Asa 13. But hast walked in the way of : 3. He also walked in the ways of : 6. because he prepared Ais ways 7. all his wars, and his ways, i 2. he walked in the ways o/the 26. and of all Ais ways, 2. walked in the ways o/David 21. to seek of him a right way for us, 22. against the enemy i?i (Ae way: 31. such as lay in wait by the way. 12. to give them light in (Ae way 19. to lead them in the way; — to shew them light, and (Ae way 23. to a man whose xoay is hid, 6. the uprightness ofthy ways? 18. The paths of (Aeir way 19. this (is) the joy of Ais way, 24. in a wilderness (where there is) no way. 15. maintain mine own ways 9. The righteous also shall hold on Ais way, 12. raise up (Aeir way against me, 14. the knowledge of (Ay ways. 29. asked them that go by (Ae way? Job 21 :31. Who shall declare Ais way 22: 3. that thou makest (Ay ways perfect? 28. the light shall shine upon (Ay ways. 23: 10. But he knoweth (Ae way 11. his way have I kept, 24: 4. They turn the needy out of the way: 13. they know not (Ae ways thereof, 18. he beholdeth not (Ae way 23. yet his eyes (are) upon (Aeir ways. 26 : 14. these (are) parts of Ais ways : 28:23. God understandeth (Ae way thereof, 26. and a way for the lightning 29:25.1 chose out (Aeir way, 31 : 4. Doth not he see my ways, 7. If my step hath turned out of the way, 34:21. his eyes (are) upon (Ae ways o/man, 27. consider any of Ais ways : 36: 23. Who hath enjoined him Ais way? 38: 19. Where (is) (Ae way 24. By what way is the light parted, 25. or a way for the lightning 40:19. He (is) the chief of (Ae ways of God: Ps. 1 : 1 . nor standeth «n (Ae way 6. For the Lord knoweth (Ae way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly 2:12. ye perish (from) (Ae way, 5: 8(9). make (Ay way straight 10: 5. His ways are always grievous; 18:21(22). (Ae ways of the Lord, 30(31). Ais way (is) perfect: 32(33). maketh my way perfect. 25: 4. Shew me (Ay ways, 8. will he teach sinners in the way. 9. the meek will he teach Ais way. 12. him shall he teach in the way 27 : 1 1 . Teach me (Ay way, 32: 8. instruct thee and teach thee in the way 35: 6. Let (Aeir way be dark 36 : 4(5). he setteth himself in a way 37: 5. Commit (Ay way unto the Lord; 7. who prospereth in Ais way, 14. such as be of upright conversation, (marg. the upright of way) 23. and he delighteth in his way. 34. and keep Ais way, 39: 1(2). 1 will take heed to my ways, 49: 13(14). This (Aeir way (is) their folly: 50:23. ordereth (his) conversation (marg. dis- poseth (his) way) 51: 13(15). teach transgressors (Ay ways; 67: 2(3). That (Ay way may be known 77:13(14). TAy way, O God, 19(20). TAy way (is) in the sea, 80: 12(13). all they which pass by (Ae way 81: 13(14). Israel had walked in my ways! 85:13(14). shall set (us) in the way 86 : 1 1 . Teach me (Ay way, 89:41(42). All that pass by (Ae way spoil him: 91: 11. to keep thee in all (Ay ways. 95: 10. they have not known my ways : 101 : 2. behave myself wisely m a perfect way. 6. he that walketh in a "perfect way, 102:23(24). He weakened my strength in the way ; 103: 7. He made known Ais ways 107: 4. in a solitary way; 7. led them forth by the right way, 17 .because of their transgression, 40. the wilderness, (where there is) no way. 110: 7. shall drink of the brook in the way: 119: l.the undefiled in (Ae way, 3. they walk in his ways. 5. 0 that my ways were directed 14.1 have rejoiced in the way of 26. 1 have declared my ways, 27. Make me to understand (Ae way of 29- Remove from me (Ae waij of lying: 30.1 have chosen (Ae way of truth: 32.1 will run (Ae way ofthy commandments, 33. (Ae way ofthy statutes; 37. quicken thou me in thy way. 59. 1 thought on my ways, 168. all my ways (are) before thee. 128: 1. that walketh in his ways. 138: 5. sing in the ways o/the Lord: 139: 3. art acquainted (with) all my ways. 24. see if (there be any) wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. ITT Ps.143: 8. cause me to know (Ae way 145:17. righteous in all Ais ways, 146: 9. but the way o/the wicked Pro. 1 : 15. walk not thou in the way 31. eat of the fruit of their own way, 2: 8. and preserveth (Ae way o/his saints. 12. To deliver thee from the way of 13. to walk in the ways of darkness; 20. That thou mayest walk in the way of 3: 6. In all (Ay ways acknowledge 17. Her ways (are) ways of pleasantness, 23. Then shalt thou walk in thy way 31. choose none ofhis ways. 4:11.1 have taught thee in the way of 14. go not in the way of evil 19. TAe way o/the wicked 26. let all (Ay ways be established. 5: 8. Remove (Ay way far from her, 21. For (Ae ways of man 6: 6. consider Aer ways, 23. and reproofs of instruction (are) (Ae way of life: 7 : 8. and he went (Ae way to her house, 19. he is gone a long journey : 25. Let not thine heart decline to Aer ways, 27. Her house (is) (Ae way to hell, 8: 2. by (Ae way in the places 13. and the evil way, 22. in the beginning ofhis way, 32. blessed (are they that) keep my ways. 9: 6. go in the way of understanding. 15. To call passengers (lit. passers of the way) 10: 9. he that perverteth Ais ways 29. TAe way of the Lord 11: 5. the perfect shall direct Ais way : 20. upright in (their) way 12:15. The way of a fool 26.6w( (Ae way of the wicked 28. and (in) (Ae pathway (thereof there is) 13: 6. upright in (Ae way .- 15. but the way of transgressors 14: 2. but (he that is) perverse in Ais ways 8. to understand his way : 12. There is a way which seemeth — but the end thereof (are) (Ae ways of 14. shall be filled with his own ways : 15: 9. TAe way of the wicked 19. TAe way of the slothful 16: 2. All (Ae ways of a man 7. When a man's ways please 9. A man's heart deviseth Ais way: 17. he that keepeth Ais way 25. There is a way that seemeth — but the end thereof (are) (Ae ways of 29. leadeth him into the way 31. it be found i7i the way of 19: 3. The foolishness of man perverteth Ais way: 16. he that despiseth Ais ways 20:24. can a man then understand Ais own way? 21: 2. Every way of a man (is) right 8. TAe way o/man (is) froward 16. The man that wandereth out of the way 29. he directeth Ais way. 22: 5. snares (are) in the way of the froward: 6. Train up a child in (Ae way he should go: (marg. Ais way) 23:19. guide thine heart in the way. 26. let thine eyes observe my ways. 26 : 13. a lion in the way ; 28: 6. perverse (in his) ways, though he (be) 10. to go astray in an evil way, 18. perverse (in his) ways shall fall at 29:27. upright in the way 30: 19. The way of an eagle in the air; (Ae way of a serpent upon a rock; (Ae way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid. 20. Such (is) (Ae way of an adulterous 31 : 3. nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Ecc.10: 3. a fool walketh by the way, 11: 5. what (is) (Ae way of the spirit, 9. walk in the ways of thine heart, 12: 5. fears (shall be) in the way, Isa. 2: 3. he will teach us ofhis ways, 3: 12. and destroy (Ae way ofthy paths. 8:11. that I should not walk in the way of 9; J (8:23). (Ae way of the sea, ( 352 ) jm Isa. 10:2^. against thee, after the manner of Egypt. 21 [dah-shdh']. * KAL Preterite. * Joel 2:22. the pastures of the wilderness do spring, * HIPHIL Future. * Gen l:\l.Let the earth bring forth grass, Mftdah-s/iah',adj. Jer. 50: 11. as the heifer at grass, Note This is by some regarded as the Participle Poel fern, of TO with S in the place of i"T. HWl.deh'-sheh, m. Gen 1:11. Let the earth bring forth grass, (marg. tender grass) 12. the earth brought forth grass, Deu32: 2. as the small rain upon (Ae tender herb, 2Sa.23 ; 4. (Ae tender grass (springing) out 2K. 19:26. and (as) the green Aer6, Job 6: 5. Doth the wild ass bray when he hath grass? 38:27. (Ae tender herb to spring forth ? Ps. 23: 2. He maketh me to lie down in green pas tures: (marg. pastures of tender grass) 37: 2. wither as the green Aero. Pro.27:25. (Ae tender grass sheweth itself, Isa. 15: 6. (Ae grass faileth, 37:27. and (as) the green herb, 66:14. your bones shall flourish like an herb: Jer. 14: 5. because there was no grass. Isa. 55: 2.1et your soul delight itself in fatness. Jer. 31: 14. satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, |^1 deh'-shen, m. Lev. 1:16. by the place of (Ae ashes: 4: 12. where (Ae asAes are poured out, — where (Ae asAes are poured out 6:10(3). take up (Ae asAes 11 (4). carry forth (Ae asAes IK. 13: 3.(Ae asAes that (are) upon it 5. (Ae asAes poured out Jer. 31:40. and of the ashes, and all the fields J#1T [dah-shehn']. Deu31: Nu. 4 Ps. 23: Ex. 27: Ps. 20 Pro. 15 Pro. 11 13 28 Isa 34 Isa. 34 * KAL Preterite. * 20. and filled themselves, and waxen fat; * PIEL.— Preterite. * : 13. And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, 5. (Aom anointest my head with oil ; (marg. makestfat) PIEL. —Infinitive. 3. pans to receive his ashes, PIEL Future. 3(4) . accept thy burnt sacrifice, (marg. turn to ashes: or, make fat) 30. a good report maketh the bones fat. *PUAL.— Future. ¦» 25. The liberal soul sAa(( Ae made fat: 4. of the diligent shall be made fat. 25. trust in the Lord sAaff be made fat. 7. and their dust made fat * HOTHPAEL Preterite. * 6. it is made fat with fatness, |fe5H dah-shehn' , adj. Ps. 22:29f 30). All (they that be)/a( upon earth 92:14(15). they shall he fat and flourishing ; Isa. 30:23. it shall he fat and plenteous: J^l deh'-shen, m. Jud. 9: 9. Should I leave my fatness, Job 36:16. thy table (should be) full of fatness. Ps. 36: 8(9). with the fatness of thy house; 63: 5(6). as (with) marrow and fatness; 65:ll(12).thy paths drop fatness. m dahth, f. Deu33: 2. a fiery law for them. Ezr. 8:36. delivered the king's commissions Est. 1 : 8. the drinking (was) accordhig to the law; 13. all that knew law and judgment: 15. the queen Vashti according to law, 19. let it be written amojig the laws of 2: 8. and his decree was heard, 12. according to the manner of the women, 3: 8. and (Aeir laws (are) diverse — neither keep they the king's laws: 14. for a commandment to be given 1 5. and the decree was given 4: 3. the king's commandment and his decree 8. the copy of the writing of the decree 11. one law ofhis to put (him) to death, 16. not according to the law : 8: 13. for a commandment to be given 14. And the decree was given 1 7. and Ais decree came, 9 : 1 . and his decree drew near 13. according unto this day's decree, 14. (Ae decree was given at Shushan ; Til dahth, Ch. f. Dan Ezr. 7:12, 21. scribe of the law of the God of heaven, 14. according to the law of thy God 25. all such as know (Ae laws ofthy God; 26. whosoever will not do (Ae law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment 2: 9. (there is but) one decree for you: 13. And the decree went forth that 15. Why (is) (Ae decree (so) hasty from the king? 6: 5(6). concerning the law o/his God. 8 (9 ), 1 2 ( 1 3 ) . according to the law of the Medes 15(16). that (Ae law of the Medes and 7:25. and think to change times and laws: arn.deh'-theh, Ch. m. Dan 4: 15(1 2). in (Ae tender grass of the field ; 23(20). in (Ae tender grass of the field ; TJITJ [d'thdh-vahr'], Ch. m. Dan 3: 2, 3. the treasurers, (Ae counsellors, the 1 heh. The fifth letter of the Alphabet. HT) kah, Ch. interj. Dan 3:25. Lo, I see four men loose, walking XI heh, interj. Gen47:23./o, (here is) seed for you, Eze.l6:43.6eAo(d, therefore I also 2a2 »n NH heh, Ch. interj. Dan. 2:43. euen as iron is not mixed with clay. I"|{$1 heh-ahgh', interj . Job 39:25. .Ha, Aa; and he smelleth the battle afar off, Ps. 35:21. said, .4Aa, aAa, our eye hath seen (it). 25. Ah, so would we have it: (marg.vlA, aA, our soul) 40:15(16). that say unto me, Aha, aha. 70: 3(4). a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha. Isa. 44: 16. saith, ^4Aa, I am warm, Eze. 25: 3. Because thou saidst, Aha, 26: 2. ^4Aa, she is broken 36: 2. the enemy hath said against you, .4Aa, D^PQI [hav-hah-veem'], m. pi. Hos 8:13. the sacrifices of mine offerings, ^1 [hah-val']. * KAL. —Future. ¦# 2K. 17:15. and becajne vain, and went after Job 27: 12. why then are ye thus altogether vain ? Ps. 62: 10(ll).6ecome not vain in robbery: Jer. 2: 5. after vanity, and are become vain? # HIPHIL. Participle. # Jer. 23; 16. they make you vabi : ( 356 ) run Ecc. 8: 14. There is a vanity which is done — that this also (is) vanity. 9: 9. the days of the life of (Ay vanity, — all the days of (Ay vanity : 11: 8. All that cometh (is) vanity. 10. childhood and youth (are) vanity. 12i 8. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all (is) vanity. Isa. 30: 7. the Egyptians shall help in vain, 49: 4. for nought, and in vain : 57:13. vanity shall take (them): Jer. 2: 5. from me, and have walked after vanity, 8:19. u>i(A strange vanities ? 10: 3. For the customs of the people (are)vain: (marg. vanity) 8. the stock (is) a doctrine of vanities. 15. They (are) vanity, (and) the work 14:22. among the vanities o/the Gentiles 16: 19. have inherited lies, vanity, 51 :18. They (are) vanity, the work of errors: Lam 4:17- failed for our vain help: Jon. 2 : 8(9) . They that observe lying vanities Zec.10: 2. they comfort in vain : hin heti vel. com. Deu 32 IK. 16 2K. 17 Job 7 9 21 27 35 Ps. 31 39 62 78 94 144 Pro. 13 2131 Ecc. 1 2: 21. me to anger with their vanities: 13, 26. to anger with their vanities. 15. they followed vanity, 16. for my days (are) vanity. 29. why then labour I in vain? 34. How then comfort ye me in vain, 12. why then are ye thus altogether vain? (lit. are ye vain in vanity) 16. Job open his mouth in vain ; 6(7). them that regard lying vanities: 5(6). at his best state (is) altogether vanity. 6(7). surely they are disquieted in vain : 11(12). surely every man (is) vanity. 9(10). men of low degree (are) vanity, — ( — ).they (are) altogether (lighter) (Aan vanity. 33. their days did he consume in vanity, : 1 1 . that they ( are ) vanity. 4. Man is like to vanity : 11. Wealth (gotten) by vanity 6. a vanity tossed to and fro 30. and beauty (is) vain: 2. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all (is) vanity. 4. all (is) vanity and vexation of spirit. l.this also (is) vanity. 11, 17, 26. vanity and vexation of spirit, 15. that this also (is) vanity. 19. This (is) also vanity. 21. This also (is) vanity 23. This is also vanity. : 19. for all (is) vanity. : 4, 8. This (is) also vanity 7. 1 saw vanity under the sun. 16. Surely this also (is) vajiity : 7(6). many words (there are) also (divers) vanities : 10(9). this (is) also vanity. : 2. this (is) vanity, and it (is) an evil 4. For he cometh in *oi(A jm7iity, 9. this (is) also vanity and vexation 11. many things that increase vanity, 12. all the days of Ais vain life (marg.the life of Ais vanity ) : 6. this also (is) vanity. 15. have I seen in the days of my vanity : : 10. this (is) also vanity. 7lT\ havehl, m. Ecc. 1 : 2. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities ; all (is) vanity. 12: 8. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; D^5D hov-neem, m. pi. Eze.27: 15. horns of ivory and ebony. "GT\ \hah-varr~\. ¦# KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Isa. 47: 13. Let now the astrologers, (marg. viewers of the heavens) .1^1 [hdk-gah']. Jos. 1 Ps. 77 143 *KAL Preterite.* 8. but thou shalt meditate therein 12(13). 7 will meditate also of all thy work, 5. 1 meditate on all thy works; KAL Infinitive. Isa. 59:11. mourn sore like doves: (lit. mourning we mourn) KAL Future. Job 27 : 4. nor my tongue utter deceit. Ps. 1 : 2. in his law do(A Ae meditate 2: 1 . the people imagine a vain thing? (marg. meditate) 35:28. my tongue shall speak 37 : 30. of the righteous speaketh wisdom, 38:12(13). imagine deceits all the day long. 63: 6(7). meditate on thee in the (night) 71 :24. My tongue also shall talk 1 15: 7. neither speaA they through their throat. Pro. 8 : 7. my mouth sAaZ( speaA truth ; 15: 28. of the righteous studieth to answer: 24: 2. For their heart studieth destruction, Isa. 16: 7. foundations of Kir-hareseth sliall ye mourn; (marg.or, mutter) 31 : 4. the young lion roaring on his prey, 33: 18. Thine heart sAa(( meditate terror. 38:14. 1 did mourn as a dove: 59: 3. your tongue Aa(A muttered perverseness. 11. and mourn sore like doves: Jer. 48:31. sAa(( moMra for the men of Kir-heres. * POAL Infinitive.* Isa. 59: 13. conceiving and uttering from the heart * HIPHIL Participle. * Isa. 8:19. that peep, and that mutter : Iii hah-gah'. * KAL.— Preterite. # Isa. 27: 8. Ae stayeth his rough wind run KAL Infinitive. Pro.25: 4. jTaAe away the dross 5. 2'aAe away the wicked ( 357 ) mn T\$T) heh'-geh, m. Job 37: 2. and (Ae sound (that) goeth Ps. 90: 9. we spend our years as a tale (marg. medi tation) Eze. 2: 10. lamentations, and mourning, and woe. rfijn hah-gooth', f. TO7 Ps. 49: 3(4). and (Ae meditation ofmy heart yyn \hah-gttg'\ m. Ps. 5r 1(2). consider my meditation. 39: 3(4).toAiie I was musing the fire burned: }1^n hig-gah-yohn\ m. Ps, 9:16(17Lthe work ofhis own hands. Higgaioji. 19: 14(15). and the meditation ofmy heart, 92: 3(4). upon the harp with a solemn sound. Lam 3:62. and (Aeir device against me pn \hah-gtm'\ adj. Eze.42 ; 1 2. the way directly before the wall T1 hehd, m. Eze. 7: 7.(Ae sounding again of the mountains. (marg.or,ecAo) fWrl [Aas preferred 4(5).soMyA(2 to find occasion against Daniel 10(11). as Ae did2 aforetime. 14(15). and Ae laboured2 till the going down of the sun 7: 2. 1 saw2 in my vision by night, 4. Ibeheld2 till the wings thereof were 6.1 beheld2, and lo another, like a leopard, 7. 1 saw2 in the night visions, 8. 1 considered2 the horns, 9. Ibeheld2 till the thrones were cast down, 11./ beheld 2 then because of the voice — Ibeheld2 (even) till the beast was slain, 13. 1 saw2 in the night visions, and, behold, (one) like the Son of man came2 19. which was diverse from all the others, rar mn P'AL. — Imperative. Ezr. 4 : 22. Take heed2 now that ye fail not to do this : P'AL Future. Ezr. 4:12. Be it known unto the king, 13. Be it known now unto the king, 5: 8. Be it known unto the king, 6: 8-expences be given unto these men, 9. let it be given them day by day 10. That (Aey may offer2 sacrifices 7:23. for why should there be wrath against 25. which may judge2 all the people 26. whosoever will not do 2the law ofthy God, — let judgment be executed speedily Dan 2; 20. Blessed Ae the name of God for ever 28. what sAa/( be in the latter days. 29. what should come to pass hereafter: — maketh known to thee what shall come to pass. 40. the fourth kingdom sAaJZ be strong 41. the kingdom shall be divided ; — (Aere shall be in it of the strength of the iron, 42. the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly (lit shall be) broken. 43. shall mingle themselves2 with the seed of men: — they sAa/( not cleave2 one to another, 45. what shall come to pass hereafter ; 3:18.oe it known unto thee, O king, 4:25(22). thy dwelling sAaii be with the beasts 27(24). if it may be a lengthening of thy tran quillity. 5:17. Let thy gifts be to thyself, 29. that he should be the third ruler 6: 1(2). which should be over the whole king dom ; 2(3). that the princes miyA( give2 accounts — (-).the king should have no damage. 26(27). men tremble2 and fear before the God of 7: 23. The fourth beast shall be the fourth C 359 ) Din Isa. 6:22. Woe unto (them that are) mighty 10: 1. Woe unto them that decree 5. 0 Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, 17:12. Woe to the multitude of many 18: 1. Woe to the land shadowing 28: 1. Woe to the crown of pride, 29: 1. Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, 15. Woe unto them that seek deep 30: I. Woe to the rebellious children, 31 : 1 . Woe to them that go down 33: 1 . Woe to thee that spoilest, 45: 9. Woe unto him that striveth 10. Woe unto him that saith 55: 1 . Ho, every one that thirsteth, Jer. 22: 13. Woe unto him that buildeth 18. Ah my brother ! or, Ah sister ! — lament for him, (saying), Ah lord! or, Ah his glory ! 23 : 1 . Woe be unto the pastors 30: 7. Alas! for that day (is) great, 34: b.and they will lament thee, (saying), Ah lord I 47 : 6.0 thou sword of the Lord, 48: 1. Woe unto Nebo ! for it is spoiled: 50: 27. woe unto them 1 Eze. 13: 3. Woe unto the foolish prophets, 18. Woe to the (women) that sew pillows 34: 2. Woe (be) to the shepherds of Israel Am. 5:18. Woe unto you that desire 6: 1. Woe to them (that are) at ease Mic. 2: 1. Woe to them that devise iniquity, Nah. 3: 1. Woe to the bloody city 1 Hab. 2: 6. Woe to him that increaseth 9. Woe to him that coveteth 12. Woe to him that buildeth a town 15. Woe unto him that giveth 19. Woe unto him that saith Zep. 2: 5. Woe unto the inhabitants 3: 1. Woe to her that is filthy Zee. 2: 6(10). Ho, ho, (come forth), and flee 7(11). Deliver thyself, O Zion, 11:17. Woe to the idol shepherd 111 [hav-vah'], f. Job Ps. 6: 2. and my calamity laid in the 30. my taste discern perverse things? 30: 13. they set forward my calamity, 5: 9(10). their inward part(is) very wickedness (marg. wickednesses) 38: 12(13). that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, 52: 2(4). Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; 7(9). strengthened himself in his wickedness. (marg. or, substance) 55:11(12). Wickedness (is) in the midst thereof: 57: 1(2). until (these) calamities be overpast. 91 : 3. from the noisome pestilence. 94:20. Shall the throne of iniquity have Pro.lO: 3. but he casteth away (Ae substance of the wicked, (marg. or, wicked for (their) 11: 6. but transgressors shall be taken in (their own) naughtiness. 17: 4. a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. 19:13. A foolish son (is) (Ae calamity Mic. 7: 3. he uttereth his mischievous desire: (marg. (Ae miseAie/c/his soul) 111 hoh-vdh', f. T ' Isa. 47 ill. mischief shall fall upon thee; Eze. 7:26. Mischief shall come upon mischief, 11 hoh'y, part, interj. IK. 13:30. Alas, my brother ! Isa. 1: 4. Ah sinful nation, 24. .4A, I will ease me of mine 5: 8. Woe unto them that join 11. Woe unto them that rise up early 18. Woe unto them that draw 20. Woe unto them that call evil good, 21. Woe unto (them that are) wise Ezr. Ezr. ^11 [hooch], Ch. *P'AL Infinitive. * 7:13.of their own freewill to go up to Jeru salem, P'AL.— Future. 5: 5. till the matter came to Darius: 6 : 5. and brought again unto the temple 7:13. go with thee. I^il [hdh-leh-lah'], f. Ecc. 1:17. to know madness and folly: 2:12. wisdom, and madness, and folly: 7:25. even of foolishness (and) madness: 9: 3. ajid madness (is) in their heart lTlT?il hoh-leh-looth' , f. Ecc. 10: 13. talk (is) mischievous madness. th\r\ see thn D11 [hoom]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 7:23. and shall destroy them with a mighty * NIPHAL Future. * Ru. 1:19. (Aa( all the city was moved about them, ISa. 4: 5. so that the earth rang again. IK. 1 :45.so (Aa( the city rang again. * HIPHIL— Future. * Ps. 55: 2(3). in my complaint, and make a noise; Mic. 2:12. 1 will put them together as the sheep ]11 [hoon], * HIPHIL Future. * Deu 1 :41.ye were ready to go up into the hill. |11 hohn, m. Ps. 44: 112: 119: Pro. 1: 3:6 8: 10: II: 12 13 18 19 2428 29 30 Cant. 8 Eze.27 12(13). sellest thy people for nought, (marg. without riches) 3. Wealth and riches (shall be) in his house: 14. as (much as) in all riches. 13. We shall find all precious substance, 9. Honour the Lord with thy substance, 31. give all (Ae substance ofhis house. 18. durable riches and righteousness. 15. The rich man's wealth 4. Riches profit not in the day of wrath: 27. but the substance of a diligent man 7. yet (hath) great riches. 11. Wealth (gotten) by vanity 11. The rich man'sujeaftA (is) his strong city, 4. Wealth maketh many friends ; 14. House and riches (are) the inheritance 4. with all precious and pleasant riches. 8. gain increaseth Ais substance, 22. He that hasteth to be rich 3. with harlots spendeth (his) substance. 15. four (things) say not, (It is) enough: 16. the fire (that) saith not, (It is) enough. : 7. give all (Ae substance o/his house for love, : 12. the multitude of all (kind of) riches; 18. for the multitude of all riches; 27. Thy riches, and thy fairs, 33. with the multitude ofthy riches ( 360 ) rTPI N*1 hee, Ch. pron. f. Ezr. 6: 15. which was in the sixth year of the (lit, which it) Dan. 2: 9. (there is but) one )( decree for you: 20. for wisdom and might are his: (lit. and wisdom and might it his) 44. and it shall stand for ever. 4:24(21). and (Ais (is) the decree of the most High, 30(27). Is not (Ais great Babylon, 7 : 7. and it (was) diverse from all the beasts 1T1 [hdh-zah']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. # Isa. 56:10. sleeping, lying down, (marg. or, dreaming, pr, talking in their sleep) Tl hee, m. Eze. 2 : 10. lamentations, and mourning, and woe. N*1 hee, part. pron. fem. Note This pronoun is, in the Pentateuch, written Sin, and read as though there were a "Hp con tinually accompanying the word; with the ex ception of the following passages, in which it is written with [*>] : — Gen. 14:2,&20:5,&38 :25 ; Lev. 11 : 39, & 13 : 10, 21, & 16:31, & 20: 17, & 21:9; Num. 5 : 13, 14 ; and also in some copies Gen. 38:1. Gen.3:12.sAe gave me of the tree, and I did eat, 7: 2. and of beasts that (are) not clean )( 14: 2. and the king of Bela, which is Zoar. 8. and the king of Bela, (Ae same (is) Zoar; 19:20. near to flee unto, and it (is) a little one: 20: 5. SAe (is) my sister? and she, even sAe Aer- self Jos. 10: 13. (Is) not (Ais written in the book of Ja- sher? IK. 3: 4. for (Aa( (was) the great high place; Jer. 29:28. TAis (captivity is) long: build ye houses, Eze.30: 18. as for her, a cloud will cover her, &c. &c. &c. With prefix WHiT Gen. 2: 12. And the gold of that land (is) good: Nu. 5:31. and (Ais woman shall bear her iniquity. 2K. 8:22. Then Libnah revolted at (Ae same time. &c. &c. fiiTI hooy-y dohth' , f. pi. Nehl2: 8. (which was) over (Ae thanksgiving, 1T1 heh-dahd', m. Isa. 16 : 9. (Ae shouting for thy summer fruits (marg. or, (Ae alarm, &.C.) 10. made (their vintage) shouting to cease. Jer. 25:30. he shall give a shout, 48:33. none shall tread with shouting; (their) shouting (shall be) no shouting. 51 : 14. shall lift up a shout against thee. 1*1 hah-yah'. A few only of the occurrences of this verb are given as examples of its use ; the whole of the passages in which it occurs, would be too nu merous for insertion.* KAL Preterite. * Gen. 1 :' 2. And the earth was without form 3 : 1 . Now the serpent was more subtil 4:14. and it shall come to pass, (that) every one 11: 3. and slime Aad they for morter. (lit. was to them) 13: 3. where his tent Aad Aeen at the beginning, 15 : 1 . the word of the Lord came unto Abram 31 : 5. the God of my father Aa(A 6een with me. Ex. 3: l.Now Moses kept (lit. Mias keeping) the flock Nu. 10: 2. that thou mayest use them for the calling ( lit. and they shall be for thee to call) 15:40. and be holy unto your God. 31 : 16. Behold, these caused the children of Israel, Jos. 22: 20. and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel ? Jud. 12: 2.1 and my people were at great strife 14:17. the seven days, while their feast lasted: ISa. 2:11. And the child did minister 6: 9. it (was) a chance (that) happened to us. 21: 8(9). because the king's business required haste. 2Sa. 3: 17. And Abner had communication (lit. the word of Abner was) 4: 2. And Saul's son Aad two men 7:24. and thou, Lord, art become their God. 9: 9. all that pertained to Saul and to all his house. IK. 16 : 21 . half of the people followed (lit. were after) Tibni 20: 6. and it shall be, (that) whatsoever Isa. 1 ; 9. Mie should have been as Sodom, &c. &c. KAL — Infinitive. Gen. 2:18. (It is) not good (Aa( the man should be alone; 10: 8. he began to be a mighty one in the earth. c : 13. as when there was straw. : 22(1 8). that, no swarms (of flies) shall be there ; 12: 4.if the houshold be too little )( for the lamb, Jud. 18: 19. (is it) better for thee to be a priest Ps. 50:21 . thou thoughtest that I was altogether Ex. 5: rpn K A L . — Imperative. Gen24:60. be thou (the mother) of thousands of mil lions, Ex. 18:19. Be thou for the people to God-ward, 19: 15. Be ready against the third day: ISa. 4: 9. Be strong, and quit yourselves like men, &c. &c. KAL Future. 3. Let there be light: and there was light. 29. to you it shall be for meat. 26. and Canaan shall be his servant. 8. Let there be no strife, I pray thee, l.And it came to pass, that when Isaac 10. and the land shall be before you ; 40. Thou sAa/( be over my house, U.I AM THAT I AM: 15. The staves shall be in the rings : 15. seven sabbaths shall be complete: : 12. and will be your God, and ye shall be my people. : 6. and be like the heath in the wilderness. : 8. Be not (Aou rebellious :34. therefore thou art contrary. 32. ye say, We will be as the heathen, 3. and (Aom shalt not be for (another) man: &c. &c. KAL Participle. Poel. Ex. 9: 3. Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # Ex. 11: 6. such as (Aere was none like it, Deu 4:32.ioAe(Aer (Aere Aa(A been (any such thing) 27: 9. this day (Aon art become the people of the Lord Jud.l9:30. TAere was no such deed done, nor seen 20: 3. Tell (us), how was this wickedness? 12. What wickedness (is) this that is done IK. 1:27. is this thing done by my lord the king, 12:24. for this thing is from me. 2Ch 11 : 4. for this thing is dojie of me. Neh 6: 8. TAere are no such things done as thou Gen. 1 : 9 13 273441 Ex. 3 25 Lev.23 26 Jer. 48 Eze. 2 16 20 Hos. 3 Pro.l3:19.The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: Jer. 5: 30. and horrible thing is committed in the land; 48: 19. (and) say, "What is done ? Eze.21: 7(12). behold, it cometh, and shaU be brought to pass, 39: 8. Behold, it is come, and it is done, Dan 2: Land his sleep 6raAe from him. 8:27. And I Daniel fainted, and was sick 12: La time of trouble, such as never was Joel 2: 2. (Aere hath not been ever the like, Zee. 8: 10. (Aere was no hire for man, (marg.the hire of man became nothing) Hjn [hay-yahf~\, f. ) and my calamity laid in we i) they set forward my calamity, Job 6: 2. (a*ro) and my calamity laid in the 30:13. (aTO) they set forward my calamii "SpD heh'ch, adv. ICh 13:12. fou shall I bring the ark Dan 10: 17. For how can the servant ( 361 ) yn 2K. 23: 4. to bring forth out of the temple of 24: 13. had made in the temple of 2Ch 3:17. the pillars before (Ae temple, 4: 7. set (them) in the temple, 8. placed (them) in the temple, 22. the doors of the house of (Ae temple, 26:16. went into (Ae temple of the Lord 27: 2. he entered not into (Ae temple of 29: 16. that they found in the temple of 36: 7. and put them in his temple at Babylon. Ezr. 3: 6. But the foundation of the temple of 10. laid the foundation of (Ae temple of 4: l.the children of the captivity builded (Ae temple Neh 6: 10. within (Ae temple, and let us shut the doors of (Ae temple : 1 1 .would go into (Ae temple Ps. 5: 7(8). will I worship toward thy holy temple. 11: 4. The Lord (is) in his holy temple, 18: 6(7). heard my voice ow( ofhis temple, 27: 4. to enquire iji his temple. 29: 9. and in his temple doth every one 45 : 8(9). out of the ivory palaces, 15( 16} . they shall enter into the king's palace. 48: 9(10). in the midst of thy temple. 65; 4(5). of thy holy temple. 68:29(30). Because ofthy temple at Jerusalem 79: l.thy holy temple have they defiled ; 138: 2.1 will worship toward thy holy temple, 144: 12. the similitude of a palace : Pro.30:28.and is in kings' palaces. Isa. 6: 1. his train filled (Ae temple. 13:22. dragons in (their) pleasant palaces: 39: 7. in thepalace of the king of Babylon. 44: 28. and to (Ae temple, Thy foundation 66: 6. a voice from tlie temple, Jer. 7: 4. The temple of the Lord, TAe temple of the Lord, TAe temple of the Lord, (are) these. 24: 1. before (Ae temple of the Lord, 50 : 28 & 5 1 : 1 1. the vengeance of Ais temple. Eze. 8: 16. at the door of (Ae tejnple of — with their backs toward (Ae temple of 41 : 1 . he brought me to (Ae temple, 4. before (Ae temple : 15. with the inner temple, and the porches of the court ; 20. the wall of (Ae temple. 2 1 . The posts of (Ae temple 23. And (Ae temple and the sanctuary Aad(lit. (were) to the temple) 25. on the doors of the temple, 42: 8. before (Ae temple Dan 1 : 4. to stand in the king's palace, Hos. 8: 14. and buildeth temples ; Joel 3: 5(4:5). have carried into your temples Am. 8: 3. the songs of (Ae temple Jon. 2: 4(5). look again toward thy holy tejnple. 7(8). into thine holy temple. Mic. 1 : 2. the Lord from his holy temple. Nah 2: 6(7). and thepalace shall be dissolved. Hab. 2: 20. But the Lord (is) iji his holy temple .- Hag. 2:15. was laid upon a stone in the temple of 18. the foundation of (Ae Lord's temple Zee. 6: 12. he shall build (Ae temple of the Lord: 13. Even he shall build (Ae temple of 14. for a memorial in the temple of the Lord. 15. build in the temple of the Lord, 8: 9. that (Ae temple might be built. Mai. 3: 1. shall suddenly come to Ais temple, 75*fl heh-chahlf9 com. ISa. 1: 9. by a post of (Ae temple of the Lord. 3: 3. in (Ae temple of the Lord, 2Sa.22: 7. hear my voice out ofhis temple, IK. 6: 3. the porch before (Ae temple of 5. of the temple and of the oracle: 17. that (is), (Ae temple before it, 33. for the door of (Ae temple 7 : 2 1 . in the porch of (Ae temple : 50. doors of the house, (to wit), of the temple. 21: l.hard by (Ae palace o/Ahab 2K. 18:16. the doors of (Ae temple of the Lord, 20:18.eumjchs in the palace of the king of Ba bylon. hyr\ heh-chal', Ch. Ezr. 4:14. we have maintenance from (the king's) palace, 5: 14. which Nebuchadnezzar took out of (Ae temple — and brought them into the temple of Baby lon, Cyrus the king take out of the temple 15. go, carry them into the temple 6: 5. which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of (Ae tejnple — and brought again unto the temple Dan 4: 4(1 ). and nourishing in my palace: 29(26). he walked in thepalace of yrt ( 362 ) l^n Dan 5: 2. had taken out of (Ae temple 3. that were taken out of (Ae temple 5. upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace : 6:18(19). the king went to his palace, 7^1 heh-lehl', m. Isa. 14:12. O Lucifer, son of the morning! (marg. or, 0 day star) 1^1 [heh-lee-chah'], f. Pro.31 :27. (tto) She looketh well to (Ae ways of pn keen, m. Ex. 29; 40. with the fourth part of an hin — the fourth part of an hin of wine 30:24. of oil olive an hin : Lev. 19: 36. and a just Ain, 23: 13. the fourth (part) of an hin. Nu. 15; 4. with the fourth (part) of an hin 5. the fourth (part) of an Ain 6. the third (part) of an hin of oil. 7. the third (part) of an Ain of wine, 9. mingled with half an Ain of oil. 10. half an hin of wine, 28: 5. mingled with the fourth (part) of an Ain 7. the fourth (part) of an Ain for the one 14. half an kin of wine — the third (part) of an hin — a fourth (part) of an hin Eze. 4:11. the sixth part of an km ; 45:24. an hin of oil for an ephah. 46 : 5, 7, 1 1. an Ain of oil to an ephah. 14. the third part of an hin of oil, T^H \hah-chart\ * HIPHIL Future. # Job 19: 3. ye make yourselves strange to me. (marg. or, harden yourselves against me) Pnan [hak-kak-rah'], f. Isa. 3: 9. TAe sAeio of their countenance /Pi hat, adv. interrog. Deu 32: 6.) (Do ye thus requite the Lord, *6l [hah-lah']. * NIPHAL Participle.* Mic. 4: 7. end Aer (Aa( was cast far off a strong na- 1X7^1 [hah' -tah], adv. Genl9: 9. they said, Stand AacA. 35:21. spread his tent beyond the tower Lev.22: 27. and thenceforth it shall be Nu. 15:23. and henceforward among your 16:37(17:2). scatter thou the fire yonder ; 32:19. on yonder side Jordan, or forward ; ISa.lO: 3. Then shalt thou go on forward 18: 9. Saul eyed David from that day and for ward. 20:22. the arrows (are) beyond thee ; 37. (Is) not the arrow beyond thee ? Isa. 18: 2, 7. terrible from their beginning hitherto' Jer. 22 : 1 9. beyond the gates of Jerusalem. Eze.39:22.from that day and forward. 43:27. and (so) forward, the priests shall make Am. 5:27. go into captivity beyond Damascus, d7l?1 hil-loo-leem' , m. pi. Lev.l9:24.holy to praise the Lord (marg. holiness of praises to the Lord) Jud. 9:27. and made merry, (marg.or, songs) r?i hal-lahz', pron. com. Jud. 6:20. lay (them) upon (Ais rock, lSa.14: l.that (is) on (Ae other side. (lit. beyond (Ais) 17:26. the man that killeth (Ais Philistine, 2K. 4:25.(Aa( Shunammite: 23:17. What title (is) that that I see? Dan 8:16. make (Ais (man) to understand Zee. 2: 4(8). speak to (Ais young man, 1P1 hal-lah-zeh' , pron. m. Gen24:65.What man (is) (Ais that walketh 37:19. (Ais dreamer cometh. 1.11 hal-leh-zoo'. pron. f. Eze.36:35. TAis land that was desolate ¦SJvil [hah-leech!], m. Job 29: 6. When I washed my steps with butter, r\yhr\ [hdlee-chdh'], f. Job 6:19. (Ae companies of Sheba waited Ps. 68:24(25). They have seen thy goings, 0 God; (even) (Ae goings ofmy God, Pro.31 :27. She looketh well to (Ae ways cf Nah 2: 5(6 ). they shall stumble in their wedk; Hab 3: 6. his ways (are) everlasting. Genl4 1926 31323435 Ex. 14 15 17 Lev.26 Nu.22 24 32: Deu 1 2 4 T|7l hah-lach'. * KAL.— Preterite.* 24. the men which went with me, 2. and go on your ways. 26. Then Abimelech went to him 19. Laban wen( to shear his sheep: 30. thou wouldest needs Ae gone, : 1(2). Jacob K:eij( on his way, : 17. our daughter, and we will be gone. : 3. in the way which 1 went. :29.the children of Israel walked : 19. Israel went on dry (land) in the 5. take in thine hand, and go. 23. but will walk contrary unto me ; 24. TAen will I also walk contrary 27. but walk contrary unto me ; 28. TAen Iwill walk contrary unto you 40. they have walked contrary unto me ; 37. wherefore earnest thou not 1 . Ae went not, as at other times, 25. Balak also went his way. 41. Jair the son of Manasseh went 42.Nobah went and took Kenath, 31. in all the way that ye went, 14. the space in which we came 3. for all the men that followed Baal-peor, (lit. went after) 19. and walk after other gods, 25. and shalt go unto the place 7. and go unto thy tents. iVn ( 363 ) T^T Deu 24 26:28: Jos. 2:3 5: 10 1417 2324 Jud. 1 246 8 9 1119 21 Ru. I 2 ISa 2 6 7 89 10 30 2Sa 2 10 151617 19 IK. 2 8: 9 11 13 1418 1922 2K. 2 5 13:2021 ICh 4 6 2. .4nd when she is departed.. . sAe may go 2. and shalt go unto the place 9. and walk in his ways. 5. whither the men went I wot not: 3. and go after it. 6. Israel walked forty years in the 24. the men of war which went 10. Israel wandered in the wilderness: (marg. walked) 7. and the border went along 16. and have gone and served : 17. all the way wherein we went, 3. and /likewise will go : 17. which their fathers walked in, : 8. If thou wilt go with me, (Aen / will go : 21. the angel of the Lord departed 1 . when tliou wentest to fight 8. The trees went forth 9, 11, 13. and go to be promoted 8. that thou mayest go with us, : 9. that thou mayest go home. :21. and go to the land of Benjamin. :21. 1 went out full, : 9. and go thou after them : — and when thou art athirst, go :20. And they went unto their own : 8. send it away, (Aa( it may go. 12. went along the highway, 16. And he went from year to year : 3. his sons walked not in his ways, 5. thy sons walk not in thy ways: : 6. shew us our way that we should go. 2. The asses which thou wentest to seek 14. Whither went ye ? 26. Saul also went home to Gibeah ; : 3. knew not that Jonathan ujos gone. 17. see who is gone from us. 46. the Philistines a:en(to their own place. :13. followed (lit. went after) Saul to the battle: and the names of his three sons that went 14, the three eldest followed Saul. (lit. went after) :13.(Aa( (Aom mayest go in peace: : 18. Jonathan went to his house. 23. and I will go with you : : 22. those that went with David, — Because they went not with us, : 29. Abner and his men walked 9. whithersoever thou wentest, 23. whom God went to redeem 6, 1 4. preserved David whithersoever Ae went. 1 1 . (Aen I will come and help thee. 11. with Absalom went two hundred men : 1 7. why wentest thou not with : 17. and a wench went and told them ; : 25(26). wentest not thou with me, 41 . Shimei had gone from Jerusalem 42. and walkest abroad any whither, : 6. according as Ae walked before thee 14. as thy father David did walk, 25. they walk before me as (Aom Aas( walked : 4. as David thy father walked, 6. but go and serve other gods, : 33. Aaue not walked in my ways, 38. and wilt walk in my ways, : 9. by the same way that (Aom earnest. 12. What way went he? For his sons had seen what way the man of God went, 17. by the way that (Aom earnest. 2. and get thee to Shiloh: 8. who followed me (lit. u>en( after) 6. Ahab went one way by himself, and Oba diah went another way 4. But Ac himself went a day's journey 13. the messenger that was gone 48(49). but they went not; 7. the sons of the prophets went, 25. Thy servant went no whither. 26. Went not mine heart 6. who made Israel sin, (but) walked 11. he walked therein. 9. shall the shadow go forward 21. in all the way that his father walked in, 22. walked not in the way 42. went to mount Seir, 15(5:41). Jehozadak went (into captivity), ICh 17: 18: 2Ch 6: 7: 8: 11:17:18: 21: 22: Neh 2: Job. 1: 31: Ps. I: 26: 105:119: Pro. 7: Cant.2: 6: Isa. 2: 8: 20: 35: 45:46:50: 58- 60: Jer. 2: 3: 7: 8:9: 29 31 32444850 Lam 1; Eze. 5 11 16 18 2023253337 Hos 5 79 11 Am. 1 2 Mic 4 Nah 23 Zep 1 Zee. 8 9 Mai. 23 Gen 8 12 8. whithersoever thou hast walked, 21 . whom God went to redeem 6,13. preserved David whithersoever lie went. 16. as thou hast walked before me. 17. as David thy father walked, 19. and shall go and serve other gods, 17. Then went Solomon to Ezion-geber, 17. they walked in the way of David 3. because Ae walked in the first ways 4. walked in his commandments, 12. the messenger that went 12. Because thou hast not walked 3. He also walked in the ways 5. He walked also after their 16. the rulers knew not whither / went, 4. And his sons went 5. If / have walked with vanity, 7. and mine heart walked after mine eyes, l.that walketh not in the counsel of the 1. 1 Aaue walked in mine integrity: 41. they ran in the dry places 3. they walk in his ways. 19.Ae is gone a long journey: 11. the rain is over (and) gone; 1 . Whither is thy beloved gone, 3. And many people shall go 7. and go over all his banks: 3. as my servant Isaiah Aa(A walked 9. but the redeemed shall walk 16. they shall go to confusion 2. but themselves are gone into captivity. 10. that walketh (in) darkness, 8. and thy righteousness shall go 3. And the Gentiles sAai( come 14. also of them that afflicted thee sAa/( come 8. walked after (things that) do not profit. 23. / Aaue not gone after Baalim ? Land she go from him, 23. and walk ye in all the ways 2. after whom they have walked, 10(9). are fled ; they are gone. 13(1 2). neither walked therein ; 10. (Aey went after other gods 12. TAen shall the cities of Judah. ..go, 12. and ye shall go and pray unto me, 21. the way (which) (Aom wentest: 23. neither walked in thy law ; 10. nor walked in my law, 23. the voice of the Lord, nor walked 11 . neither Aa(A Ae gone into captivity: 3. they shall depart, both man and beast. 6. they have gone from mountain to hill, 5. her children are gone into captivity 18. my young men are gone 6. they have not walked in them. 7. Aaue not walked in my statutes, 12. ye Aaue not walked in my statutes, 47. Yet Aas( (Aom not walked after :17.Aa(A walked in my statutes ; 13, 21. (Aey walked not in my statutes, 16. and walked not in my statutes, 31. TAom Aas( walked in the way 3. when (Aey went into captivity ; 15. walk in the statutes of life, 21 . whither they Ae gone, 11. because Ae willingly walked 1 1 . (Aey go to Assyria. 6. they are gone because of destruction: 2. so (Aey went from them : Id. And their king shall go 4. after the which their fathers Aaue walked: 2. And many nations shall come, 11(12). the old lion, walked, -.10. she went into captivity: 17.(Aa( (Aey shall walk like blind men, 21. And the inhabitants of one (city) shall go 14. and shall go with whirlwinds of the south. : 6.Ae waffled with me in peace : 14. we have walked mournfully KAL Infinitive. 3. returned from off the earth continually: (marg. in going and returning) 5. the waters decreased continually (marg. were in going and decreasing) 9. going on still toward the south, (marg. yoiny and journeying) T*r ( 364) 1^1 Gen26: 13. went /onoard, (lit. went going) 31:30. thou wouldest needs be gone, (lit. going thou hast gone) Ex. 3:19. the king of Egypt will not let you go, Nu. 22: 13. give me leave to go with you. . 14. Balaam refuseth to come with us. 16. hinder thee from coming unto Jos. 6: 9. after the ark, (the priests) going on, 13. went on continually, (lit. going to go) — (the priests) going on, and blowing Jud. 4: 9.1 will surely go with thee: (lit. going I will go) 24. the hand of the children of Israel pros pered, (lit. going went) 9: 8. The trees went/or(A (lit. going went) 14: 9. went on eating, (lit. going went) 1 Sa. 6: 12. went along the highway, (lit. went going in) 14: 19. went on and increased: (lit. going went) 19:23. went on, and prophesied, (lit. going went) 2Sa. 3: 16. went with her along weeping (marg. going and weeping) 24. and he is quite gone ? 5:10. David went on, and grew great, (marg. going and growing) 13:19. went on crying, (lit. going and crying) 16: 13. cursed as he went, 18:25. And he came apace, (lit. he went going) 24: 12. Go and say unto David, 2K. 2:11 .as they still went on, 5: 10. Go and wash in Jordan ICh II: 9. David waxed greater and greater: (marg. went in going and increasing) Job 34:23. (Aa( Ae should enter into judgment (marg. 9°) , Ps.126: 6. He that goeth /or(A and weepeth, Ecc. 6: 8. that knoweth to walk 9. than the wandering of the desire: (marg. (Aan (Ae walking of the soul) Isa. 3: 16. walking and mincing (as) they go, 20: 2. walking naked and barefoot. 38: 5. Go, and say to Hezekiah, 42 -.24. for they would not walk Jer. 2: 2. Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, 3: 12. Go and proclaim these words 7 : 9. and walk after other gods whom 13: 1. Go and get thee a linen girdle, 17:19. Go and stand in the gate 19: 1. Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, 23:14. and walk in lies: 28: 13. Go and tell Hananiah, 31 : 2. when I went to cause him to rest. 34: 2. Go and speak to Zedekiah 35: 2. Go unto the house of the 13. Go and tell the men of Judah 37: 9. The Chaldeans shall surely depart 39: 16. Go and speak to Ebed-melech 41: 6. weeping all along as he went: (marg. in going and weeping) 50: 4. going and weeping: Zee. 8 : 21 . Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, (marg. going; or, continually) KAL. — Imperative. Jer. 51 : 50. ye that have escaped the sword, go away, KAL — Future. Ex. 9:23. and the fire ran along Job 14:20. and he passeth : thou changest 16: 6. and (though) I forbear, what am I eased? (marg. what yoe(A from me?) 22. then I shall go the way 20:25. the glittering sword cometh out ofhis 23: 8. Behold, I go forward, 41: 19(11). Out ofhis mouth go burning lamps, Ps. 58: 8(9). As a snail (which) melteth, let (every one of them) pass away : 73: 9. their tongue walketh through the 91 : 6. the pestilence (that) walketh in darkness; Jer. 9: 4(3). every neighbour will walk with KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen 2: 14. that (is) it ajAicA yoe(A 13: 5. which went with Abram, 15 : 2. seeing I go childless, 18:16. Abraham went with them 24: 42. my way which I go: 65. What man (is) this (Aa( walketh Gen25: Ex, 33 Lev.ll Nu. 14 22 24 Deu 1 2031 Jos. 6 18 23 Jud. 4 5 19 ISa. 2 25 2Sa. 3 16 17 23 IK. 2 8 20 2K. 1 2 4 ICh 15 2Ch 6 9 17 Neh 6: 12: Est . 0- 32.1 (am) at the point to die: (marg. going to die) 20. in this way that I go, 6(7). he cometh to meet thee, 19(20). all that followed (lit. that came after) 20(21). with the present that goeth before :2b. going to carry (it) down to Egypt. 5. her maidens walked along 8. who (are) they (Aa( shall go? 21. the Lord went before : 19. which went before the camp 19. the trumpet sounded long, (lit. going and mighty) : 15. If thy presence go not 20. going upon (all) four, 21. that goeth upon (all) four, 27. whatsoever <7oe(A upon his paws, — that go on (all) four, 42. Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever <7oe(A upon (all) fourr : 14. thou goest before them, 38. (Aa( went to search the land, 22. because he went: 14. 1 go unto my people: :30.wAicA goeth before you, 33. Who went in the way : 4. he (Aa( goeth with you, : 6. he (it is) (Aa( do(A go with thee; 8. he (it is) (Aa( do(A go before thee; : 8. of the Lord/oAWed them. (lit. pomoafter) 9, 13. the armed men went — , — . the rereward came after the ark, 13. went on continually, :35.(Aa( were conversant among them. (marg. walked) 8. and Joshua charged them that went : 14. 1 (am) going the way of : 9. the journey that thou (aAes( : 6. and the travellers (marg. and the walkers of paths) walked through byways. 10. and walk by the way. 3- that thou goest 9. 1 go to sojourn 5. our way which we go 14. (Aa( went to spy out the country \7.that went to spy out the land 18. going to the house of the Lord; :26.the child Samuel grew on, (lit. going and grew) 12. of the Philistines went after them 7. one bearing a shield went before him. 15. But David went 41. the Philistine came on and drew near (lit, went going and drew near) : 42. five damsels of her's (Aa( went I.David waxed stronger and stronger (lit. going and strong), and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker, (lit. going and weak) 3LDavid (himself) followed the bier. (lit. going after) : 4. Ahio went before the ark. -.23.1 shall go to him, but he shall not return -.34. there came much people : 1 1 . and they went in their simplicity, 12. the people increased contmually (lit. going and was many) 20. seeing I go whither I may, (lit going) 30. he went barefoot: : 13. Shimei went along on the : 1 1 . that thou go to battle : 17. that went in jeopardy : 2. 1 #o the way of all ;23. with thy servants (Aa( walk :36. as soon as thou art departed : 3. ye go to enquire of Baal-zebub : 1 1 . it came to pass, as they still went on, :23. "Wherefore wilt thou go :2b. went to bring up the ark :14.(Aa( walk before thee :21.the king's ships went to Tarshish : 12. Jehoshaphat waxed great (lit. was going and great) 17. sent many letters unto Tobiah, (marg. multiplied their letters passing to) 38. went over against (them), 1* ( 365 ) T* Est. 9: 4. Mordecai waxed greater and greater, (lit. going and great) Job 31 : 26. or the moon walking (in) brightness ; Ps. 15: 2. He that walketh uprightly, 78:39. a wind (Aa( passeth away, 84: 11 (12). from them that walk uprightly. 101 : 6. Ae (Aa( walketh in a perfect way, 119: l.wiAo walk in the law of the Lord. 128: 1 . (Aa( walketh in his ways. Pro. 2: 7. a buckler to them that walk 4: 18. that shineth more and more (lit. going and shineth) 6:12.a>afAe(A with a froward mouth. 7 : 22. He goeth after her 10: 9. He that walketh uprightly 11 : 13. A talebearer revealeth secrets: (marg. He that walketh, (being) a talebearer) 13:20. He that walketh with wise (men) 14: 2. He that walketh in his uprightness 19: l.the poor (Aa( walketh in his integrity, 20: 19. He that goeth about (as) a talebearer 28: 6. the poor that walketh in his uprightness, 18. Whoso walketh uprightly 26.Au( whoso walketh wisely, Ecc. 1: 4. (One) generation passeth away, 6. The wind yoe(A toward the south, — it whirleth about continually, 7. All the rivers run into the sea ; — from whence the rivers come, 2:14. the fool walketh in darkness: 3:20. All go unto one place; 6: 6. do not all go to one place? 9: 10. whither thou goest. 10: 3. he that is a fool walketh by the way, 7. princes walking as servants 12: 5.manyoe(A to his long home, Cant.7: 9(10).(Aa(#oe(A (down) sweetly, Isa. 8: 6. the waters of Shiloah that go softly, 9: 2(1). The people (Aa( walked in darkness 30: 2. TAa( walk to go down into Egypt, 29. as when one goeth with a pipe 33: 15. He that walketh righteously, 35: 8. the wayfaring men, 42: 5. spirit to them that walk therein: 52 : 12. the Lord will go before you ; 57: 2. walking (in) his uprightness. 65: 2. which walketh in a way Jer. 3 : 6. she is gone up upon every high 6:28.H>aZAiny u>i(A slanders: 10:23. walketh to direct his steps. 13:10. which walk in the imagination 16:12. ye walk every one 19: 10. the men (Aa( go with thee, 22 : 10. weep sore for him that goeth away : 23:17. say unto every one that walketh 41 : 6. weeping all along as he went: Eze. 7:14. none yoe(A to the battle: 11 : 21. whose heart walketh after 13: 3. that follow their own spirit, (marg. (Aa( walk after) 20:16. their heart went after their idols. 31 : 4. her rivers running round about 33 : 31 . their heart yoe(A after Hos 6: 4. as the early dew it goeth away. 13: 3. as the early dew that/?asse(A away, Jon. It 11, 13. for the sea wrought, (marg. went) Mic 2: 7. to him (Aa( walketh uprightly? 11. walking in the spirit and falsehood Hab 1: 6. which shall march through Zee. 2: 2(6). Whither goest thou? * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ps. 109:23./ am gone like the shadow * PIEL.— Preterite. * Job 24:10. TAey cause (him) to go naked 30:28. 1 went mourning without Ps. 38: 6(7). I go mourning all the day long. 131: 1. neither do I exercise myself (marg. walk) Lam. 5:18. the foxes walk upon it. PIEL. — Imperative. Ecc.ll: 9.andwalh in the ways of thine PIEL Future. IK. 21 : 27. and went softly. Ps, 55: 14(15). (and) walked into the house of God in company. 13(14). Israel Aad walked in my ways I : 13(14). Righteousness shall go before him ; :11. 1 will walk in thy truth : 15(I6).(Aey shall walk, O Lord, 10. run among the hills. (marg. walk) 26. There go the ships: : 7. but (Aey walk not: 3(4). In the way wherein I walked 28. Can one go upon hot coals, 20. Head in the way of righteousness, (marg. or, walk) 10. gone from the place of the holy, 9. we walk in darkness. 9. jHa(A walked in my statutes, 11. at the light of thine arrows (Aey went, (marg. or, thine arrows walked in the light) PIEL Participle. 3. who walketh upon the wings 1 1 . come as one that travelleth, 15. all the living loAicA walk * HIPHIL Participle. * Zee. 3: 7.1 will give thee places to walk (marg. Ps. 81 858689 104 115142 Pro. 6 Ecc. 8 Isa. 59 Eze.18Hab 3: Ps. 104 Pro. 6 Ecc. 4 walks) * HITHPAEL.- ¦Preterite. * Gen 6: 24: 48: Ex. 21 : Lev.26: ISa. 2: 12: 25: 30: 2Sa. 7: 2K. 20: ICh 17: Job 38: Ps. 26: 35: Isa. 38: Eze.28: Zee 1: Job 1 Ps. 56 Pro. 6 Zee. 1 6 Genl3 17 Jos. 18 Zee. 6 Gen 5 Jos. 18 Jud.21 ISa. 2 23 2Sa.ll: ICh 1621 Job 18 22 Ps. 12 39 4358 7782 101105116 119 Pro. 23 Eze. 19 Zee. 6 10 9. Noah walked with God. 40. before whom I walk, 15. Abraham and Isaac did walk, 19. and walk abroad upon his staff, 12. And Iwill walk among you, 35. and he shall walk before 2. / Aaue walked before you 15. as long as we were conversant 31 . his men were wont to haunt. 7. wherein I have walked 3. how I have walked before thee 6. 1 have walked with all Israel, 16.Aas( thou walked in the search 3. and I have walked in thy truth. 14. 1 behaved myself 'as though (marg. walked) 3. how I have walked before thee 14. (Aom Aas( walked up and down 11. We have walked to and fro * HITHPAEL Infinitive *. 7 &2;2. and from walking up and down in it. :13(14).(Aa( I may walk hef ore Godin the light :22. When thou goest, it shall lead thee ; . 10. to walk to and fro through the earth. : 7. that they might walk to and fro HITHPAEL.— Imperative. 17. Arise, walk through the land : 1 . walk before me, : 8. Go and walk through the land, : 7. walk to and fro through the earth. HITHPAEL Future. 22,24. And Enoch M>aiAed with God : 4. they shall rise, and go through the land, :2\.And the children of Israel departed 30. the house of thy father, should walk ; 13. and went whithersoever (Aey could go. 2. and walked upon the roof 20. And (when) (Aey went from nation to : 4. and went throughout all Israel, ; 8.Ae walketh upon a snare. ; 14. Ae walketh in the circuit of 8(9). The wicked walk on every side, : 6(7). every man walketh in a vain shew: : 2. why go /mourning : 7(8). as waters (which) run continually: :17(18). thine arrows also went abroad. 5. they walk on in darkness: : 2. Iwill walk within my house 13. When they went from one nation to 9. Iwill walk before the Lord :45. And Iwill walk at liberty: :31.i( moveth itself aright. 6. And he went up and down among 7. So they walked to and fro 12, and (Aey sAaii walk up and down in his name, HITHPAEL Participle. Gen 3: 8. the Lord God walking in the garden T*n ( 366 ) bbn Deu 23: 14(15). For the Lord thy God wallieth 1 Sa. 12 : 2. the king walketh before 25:27. the young men that follow my lord. (marg. (Aa( walk at the feet of) 2Sa. 7: 6. but have walked in a tent (lit. but was walking) Est. 2:11. Mordecai walked every day Ps. 68 :21 (22). such an one as goeth on still Pro. 20: 7. The just (man) walketh in his 24; 34. poverty come (as) one that travelleth ; Eze. 1:13. it went up and down among the ^5 [halack], Ch. ¦fcP'AL Participle. # Dan 4:29(26). he walked in the palace (lit. wi walking)# APHEL.— Participle. # Dan 3:25. walking in the midst of the fire, 4:37(34). those that walk in pride he is able hehr-lech, m. ! Sa. 14 : 26. behold, the honey dropped; (lit. a dropping of honey) 2Sa. 12: 4. there came a traveller unto the ^J/H halahch, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:13. will they not pay toll, tribute, and custom, 20. and toll, tribute, and custom, 7:24. toll, tribute, or custom, upon them. ^1 Job 29 Ps. 75 Ps. 5. 73 75 Ps. 10 44 119 Isa 62 64 Joel 2 2Sa.l4 ICh 16 23 25 2Ch 5 7 8 20 23 29 31 Ezi . 3 Neh 12 Ps. 22 104 113 115 116 [hah-lal']. ¦&KAL, — Infinitive. -5f : 3. IFAen his candle shined (lit. in its shining) KAL.— Future. : 4(5) . Deal not foolishly : KAL. — Participle. Poel. : 5(6). The foolish shall not stand : 3. For I was envious at the foolish, : 4(5). I said unto the fools, # PIEL. —Preterite. ¦» : 3. the wicked boasteth of his : 8(9). In God we boast all the day long, ; 164. Seven times a day do I praise thee : 9. and praise the Lord ; : 11(10). where our fathers praised thee, :26. and praise the name of the Lord PIEL Infinitive. : 25. none to be so much praised (marg. to praise greatly) : 4. to thank and praise the Lord 36. and praised the Lord. : 5.(o praise (therewith). 30. to thank and praise the Lord, : 3. to give thanks and to praise the Lord. : 13. in praising and thanking the Lord ; — and praised the Lord, : 6. when David praised :14. to praise and minister before the : 19. stood up to praise the Lord God : 13. such as taught to sijig praise. :30. to sing praise unto the Lord : 2. and to praise in the gates :10. to praise the Lord, 1 1. in praising and giving thanks — when they praised the Lord, :24. to praise (and) to give thanks, PIE L. — Imperative. 23(24). Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; :35&105:45&106:1,48 & 111:1 & 112:1 & 113:1. Praise ye the Lord, (marg. Hal lelujah ) 1 . Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. 9. Praise ye the Lord. 18. Praise the Lord. 19. Praise ye the Lord. Ps.117: l.O praise the Lord, 2^Praise ye the Lord. 135 : 1 . Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the name of the Lord ; praise (him), 0 ye servants 3. Praise the Lord ; for the Lord 21. Praise ye the Lord. 146: 1. Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, 10 & 147 ; 1, 20. Praise ye the Lord. 147. 12. praise thy God, O Zion. 148: 1,14. Praise ye the Lord. — praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights. 2. Praise ye him, all his angels : praise ye him, all his hosts. 3. Praise ye him, sun and moon : praise him 4. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, 7. Praise the Lord from the earth, 149: 1, 9. Praise ye the Lord. 150: 1,6. Praise ye the Lord. — Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him 2. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him 3. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery 4. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments 5. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding Jer. 20:13. praise ye the Lord: 31 : 7- publish ye, praise ye, and say, PIEL.— Future. Gen 12:15. and commended her before Pharaoh : Jud. 16:24. And when the people saw him, they praised 2Ch 29:30. And they sang praises with gladness, Neh 5:13. and praised the Lord. Ps. 22:22(23). of the congregation will I praise thee. 26(27). they shall praise the Lord 35: 18. 1 will praise thee among much people. 56: 4(5). In God Iwill praise his word, 10(11). In God will I praise (his) word: in the Lord will I praise (his) word. 63 : 5(6). my mouth shall praise ( thee) 69 : 30 [3 1 ). / will praise the name of God 34( 35 ) . Let the heaven and earth praise him, 74:21.(e( the poor and needy praise thy name. 84: 4(5). they will be still praising thee. 102 -.18(19). shall be created shall praise the Lord. 107:32. and praise him in the assembly 109:30. 1 will praise him among the 115:17. The dead praise not the Lord, 119:175. and it shad praise thee ; 145 : 2. and I will praise thy name for ever 146: 2. While I live will I praise the Lord: 148: 5, 13. Let them praise the name of the 149: 3. Let them praise his name 150: 6. Let every thing that hath breath praise Pro. 27 : 2. Let another man praise thee, and not 28 : 4. They that forsake the law praise the 31: 28. her husband (also), and he praiseth her. 31 . and let her own works praise her in the gates. Cant. 6: 9. and the concubines, and they praised her. Isa. 38: 18. death can (not) celebrate thee : PIEL.— -Participle. 1 Ch 23 : 5 . and four thousand praised the Lord 29: 13. and praise thy glorious name. 2Ch 20:21 . and that should praise (marg. praisers) 23:12. running and praising the king, 30:21. and the Levites and the priests praised the #POEL— Future. # Job 12: 17. maketh the judges fools. Ecc. 7: 7. oppression maketh a wise man mad; Isa. 44:25. maketh diviners mad; POEL.— Participle. Ps. 102: 8(9). they that are mad against me are sworn Ecc. 2: 2.1 said of laughter, (It is) mad: # PUAL. — Preterite. X Ps. 78:63. and their maidens were not given to mar riage, (marg. praised) PUAL.— Future. Pro.12: 8. A man shall be commended P U A L Participle. 2Sa.22: 4. the Lord, (who is) worthy to be praised: ICh 16:25. and (Troatlir *n A- .'« J - ttn ( 367 ) nvn Ps. 18: 3(4). the Lord, (who is) worthy to be praised : 48: 1 ( 2 ) & 96 : 4. and greatly to be praised 113: 3. the Lord's name (is) to be praised. 145: 3. and greatly to be praised; Eze. 26 : 17. the renowned city, * HIPHIL Future. * Job 31: 26. If I beheld the sun when it shined, 41:18(10). By his neesings.a light do(A sAine, Isa. 13:10. shall not give their light: * HITHPAEL.— Infinitive. * Ps. 106: 5. that I may glory with thine inheritance. HITHPAEL.— Imperative. ICh 16:10. Glory ye in his holy name: Ps. 105 : 3. Glory ye in his holy name : HITHPAEL Future. IK. 20:ll.£e( not him that girdeth on (his harness) boast Ps. 34: 2(3). My soul shall make her boast 49: 6(7). trust in their wealth, and boast them- 52 63 64 Pro. 20 2731 Isa. 41 45 Jer. 4 9 1(3). Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, ll(12).sweareth by him shall glory : 10(1 1 ). and all the upright in heart shall glory. 14. then Ae boasteth. 1. Boast not thyself of to morrow ; 30. feareth the Lord, sAe shall be praised. 16. shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel. 25.be justified, and shall glory. 2. in him shall they glory. 23(22). Let not the wise (man) glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, Ze( not the rich (man) glory 24(23). ?e( him that glorieth glory in this, 4. Wherefore gloriest tliou in the valleys, HITHPAEL Participle. : 7 .that boast themselves of idols: : 14. Whoso boasteth himself of a false :24(23). But let Aim (Aa( glorieth * HITHPOEL Imperative. * :16.be moved, and be mad, 9. and rage, ye chariots ; HITHPOEL.— Future. 1 Sa. 21 : 13(14). and feigned himself mad in their hands, Jer. 50:38. (Aey are mad upon (their) idols. 51: 7. therefore the nations are mad. Nah 2: 4( 5). The chariots shall rage 49 Ps. 97 Pro. 25 Jer. 9 Jer. 25 46 tbn [hah-lam']. * KAL Preterite. * Jud. 5:22. Then were the horsehoofs broken 26. and with the hammer she smote (marg. and she hammered) Pro. 23:35. (Aey Aaue beaten me, (and) I felt Isa. 16: 8. of the heathen have broken down KAL Infinitive. lSa.l4:16.they went on beating down KAI..— Future. Ps. 74: 6. But now (Aey break down the carved work 141 : 5. Let the righteous smite me; KAL. — Participle. Poel. Isa. 41: 7. him that smote the anvil, (marg. or, (Ae smiting)KAL. — Participle. Paul. Isa. 28: l.them that are overcome with wine! (marg. oroAen) blJl halohm, adv. Genl6:13. Have I also Aere looked after Ex. 3: 5. Draw not nigh hither : Jud.] 8: 3. Who brought thee hither? 20: 7. give Aere your advice and counsel. Ru. 2: 14. At mealtime come thou hither, I Sia. 10:22. if the man should yet come thither. lSa.l4:36.Let us draw near Ai(Aer unto God. 38. Draw ye near hither, all the chief 2Sa. 7:18. that thou hast brought me hitherto ? 1 Ch 17: 16. that thou hast brought me hitherto ? Ps. 73 : 10. Therefore his people return Ai(Aer .- rv1o?1 hal-mooth', f. Jud. 5:26. her right hand to the workmen's hammer; Eze. 01 [hahm], m. 7: 11. nor of any of their's: (marg. or, (Aeir tumultuous persons ) DI hehm, part. pron. m. pi. Gen 3: 7. and they knew that (Aey (were) naked ; 14:24. let (Aem take their portion. Ex. 6:27. TAese (are) (Aey which spake to Pharaoh 18:26. every small matter they judged themselves. Lev.ll: 27. (Aose (are) unclean unto you: 16: 4. (Aese (are) holy garments ; Nu. 1:16. heads of thousands in Israel )(. 3:20. These )( (are) the families of the Levites Deu 2:11. Which also were accounted giants, 2K. 4: 5. her sons, a?Aobrought(the vessels) to her; Ps. 38: 10(11). the light of mine eyes, it also is gone Isa. 30: 7. TAeir strength (is) to sit still. Eze.l0:16.the same wheels also turned not &c. &c. &c. With prefixes, as DHI"!. Gen 6: 4. Thereweregiantsin theearth in(Aosedays; Ex. 2:23. in process of time, (lit. in (Aose many days) Nu. 14:38. of the men )( that went to search Deu 28:65. And among'(Aese nations &c. &c. ons. " T 2Sa.24: 3.Aou> many soeuer (Aey Ae, (lit. as they and as they) ICh 21 : 3. an hundred times so many more asthey (be): 2Ch 9: 11. and there were none swcA seen before Ecc. 9: 12. so (are) the sons of men snared ana?, -ona?, Driti?. Ecc. 3:18. might see that they themselves are beasts. Cant.6: 5. for they have overcome me: Lam. 4: 9./or (Aese pine away, stricken through 1S1 hehm-mah', part. pron. m. pi. i. q. Oil. Gen 6: 4. (Ae same (became) mighty men 7: 14. TAey, and every beast after his kind, Nu. 13: 3. all those men (were) heads of thechildren of Israel )(. 20:13. TAis (is) the water of Meribah ; Jud.10: 14. let (Aem deliver you in the time of your ICh 2:55. TAese (are) the Kenites that came 8:13. who drove away the inhabitants of Gath: 9:22. whom David and Samuel the seer Ps. 9: 6( 7). their memorial is perished iui(A (Aem. 16: 3. to the saints that (are) in the earth )(, Eze. 10:22. of their faces (was) (Ae same faces Zep. 2: 12. Ye Ethiopians also, ye (shall be) slain &c. &c. &c. With prefixes, as nan3. Ex. 30: 4. for places for the staves to bear it withal. 36: l.man, in whom the Lord put wisdom Hab. 1:16. because by them their portion (is) fat, nann. T " T Nu. 9: 7. And (Aose men said unto him, Zec.l4:15.all the beasts that shall be in (Aese tents, &c. &c. nans. T " T Jer. 36 :32. added besides unto them many like words. (marg. words as they) nanb. T " T Jer. 14:16. and they shall have none to bury (Aem, nan nana. ( 368 ) onn Ecc, 12:12. by these, my son, be admonished: Jer. 10: 2. for the heathen are dismayed at them. fflDJl \hah-mah'\ # KAL.— Preterite. # Ps. 46: 6(7). The heathen ra^red, Cant.5: 4. my bowels were moved for him. Jer. 5 : 22. though they roar, yet can they not 31 :20.my bowels are troubled (marg. sound) 51:55. when her waves do roar Zee. 9; 15. maAe a jioise as through wine ; KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 17:12. ZiAe (Ae noise of the seas; KAL.— Future. Ps. 39: 6(7). surely they are disquieted in vain: 42: 5(6). and (why) art thou disquieted in me? II (12) & 43:5. why art thou disquieted within 46: 3(4). the waters thereof roar 55: 17(18). will I pray, and cry aloud: 59: 6(7). they make a noise like a dog, 14(15)./e( (Aem maAe a noise like a dog, 77: 3(4). I remembered God, and was troubled: 83: 2(3). thine enemies maAe a tumult: Isa. 16:11. my bowels shall sound like an harp 17: 12. maAe a noise like the noise of the seas ; 51: 15. whose waves roared: 59:11. We roar all like bears, Jer. 6: 23. their voice roareth like the sea ; 31 :35. when the waves thereof roar; 48:36. mine heart shall sound for Moab — mine heart shall soujid like pipes 50:42. their voice shall roar like the sea, KAL. — Participle. Poel. IK. 1 : 41. the city being in an uproar? Pro. 1 :21.crieth in the chief place of concourse, 7:11. She (is) loud and stubborn ; 9:13. A foolish woman (is) clamorous: 20: 1. strong drink (is) raging: Isa. 22: 2. a tumultuous city, Jer. 4: 19. my heart maketh a noise in me ; Eze. 7: 16. all of them mourning, iftPl him-moh! & \fo\7 him-mohnf. Ch. pron. Ezr. 4: 10. the nations whom the great.. .and set )( 23. and made (Aem to cease by force 5: 5. they could not cause (Aem to cease, 1 1 . We are the servants of the God of 12. he gave (Aem into the hand 14. and brought (Aem into the temple of Babylon, (Aose did Cyrus the king 15. carry (Aem into the temple 7:17.and offer them upon the altar Dan 2:34. and brake (Ae?n to pieces. 35. and the wind carried (Aem away, 3:22. the flame of the fire slew those men (lit. those men.. .the flame.. .slew (Aem) P&H haJi-mohii! ' . Gen 17 Jud . 4: ISa 4: 14: 2Sa 6: 18: IK. 18: 20: 2K. 7: 25: ICh 29: 2Chll: : 4. shalt be a father of many nations, (marg. multitude of nations) 5. a father of many nations 7. with his chariots and Ais multitude; :14. What (meaneth) the noise of this tumult ? : 16. (Ae multitude melted away, 19. that the noise that (was) in (marg. or, tumult) 1 9. among (Ae whole multitude of 29. 1 saw a great tumult, 41. a sound of abundance of rain. 13. Hast thou seen all this great multitude? 28. deliver all this great multitude :13.as all (Ae multitude 0/ Israel — even as all (Ae multitude of the Israelites 1 1 . with the remnant of (Ae multitude, 16. all this store that we have prepared 23. he desired many wives, (marg. a multitude of wives) 2Ch 13: 8. ye (be) a great multitude, 14:11(10). we go against this multitude. 20: 2. There cometh a great multitude 12. against this great company 15. by reason of this great multitude; 24. they looked unto (Ae multitude, 31:10. that which is left (is) this great store. 32: 7. nor for all (Ae multitude Job 31 :34. Did I fear a great multitude, 39: 7. He scorneth (Ae multitude of Ps. 37:16. better (Aan (Ae riches of many 42: 4(5). with a multitude that kept holyday. 65 : 7(8). and tlie tumult of the people. Ecc. 5:10(9). nor he that loveth abundance Isa. 5:13. and their multitude dried up 14. and their multitude, and their pomp, 13: 4. The noise of a multitude 16:14. with all that great multitude; 17: 12. Woe to (Ae multitude of many people, (marg. or, noise) 29: 5. Moreover the multitude o/thy strangers — (Ae multitude of the terrible 7, 8. (Ae multitude of all the nations 31: 4. nor abase himself for the noise of them: (marg. or, multitude) 32:14.(Ae multitude of the city shall be 33 : 3. At the noise of (Ae tumult 60: 5.(Ae abundance of the sea (marg. or, noise) 63 ; 15. (Ae sounding of thy bowels (marg. or, the multitude) Jer. 3 : 23. (Ae multitude of mountains : 10: 13. a multitude of waters (marg. or, noise) 47: 3. (Ae rumbling o/his wheels, 49:32. and the multitude of their cattle a spoil: 51 : 16. a multitude of waters 42. covered with the multitude o/the waves Eze. 7:11. nor of their multitude, (marg. tumult) 12, 14. upon all (Ae multitude thereof. 13. touching (Ae whole multitude thereof, 23:42. a voice of a multitude being at 26:13.1 will cause (Ae noise ofthy songs 29:19. he shall take Aer multitude, 30: 4. they shall take away Aer multitude, 10. make (Ae multitude o/Egypt to cease 15.1 will cut off (Ae multitude of 'So. 31 : 2. and to Ais multitude; 18. This (is) Pharaoh and all Ais multitude, 32 : 12. will I cause (Ay multitude to fall, — all (Ae multitude thereof 16. for all Aer multitude, 18. wail for (Ae multitude o/Egypt, 20. draw her and all Aer multitudes. 24. There (is) Elam and all Aer multitude 25. the slain with all Aer multitude: 26. Tubal, and all Aer multitude: 31 . shall be comforted over all Ais multitude 32. Pharaoh and all Ais multitude, 39: 11. Gog and all Ais multitude: — The valley of ifamon-gog. (marg. i. e. The multitude of Gog) 15. in the valley of Hamon-gog. Dan 10: 6. his words like the voice of a multitude. 11:10. shall assemble a multitude 11. he shall set forth a great multitude; but (Ae multitude shall be given 12. he hath taken away (Ae multitude, 13. shall set forth a multitude Joel 3:14(4:: 14). Multitudes, multitudes in the valley Am. 5:23. (Ae noise ofthy songs; ilWl [hem-yah1], f. Isa. 14:11. (Ae noise o/thy viols: llfil hamool-lah' , f. Jer. 1 1 : 16. the noise of a great tumult Eze. 1 : 24. the voice of speech, Dfin. hah-mam' ' . # KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 23:27 '. and will destroy all the people 2Chl5: 6. for ftnrl m] Dan 5: 7. and (have) a cAain of gold about his 16. and (have) a chain of gold about thy 29. and (put) a chain of gold about his neck, D^Dpn hamah-seem1 , m. pi. Isa. 64: 2(1). As (when) the melting fire burneth, (marg. fire of meZ(in<7S— perhaps, lit. brushwood) 131 hehn'-nah, part. pron. f. pi. J1 hehn, part. pron. f. Genl9:29. in the which Lot dwelt. 30:26. for whom I have served thee, Ex. 25 -.29. to cover withal: 37:16. his covers to cover withal, Lev.10: 1 . and put fire therein, 11:21. to leap withal upon the earth ; 14:40. the^lones in which (lit. which in them) Nu. 10: 3. they shall blow iui(A them, 16: 7 . And put fire therein, Deu 28 : 52. wherein (lit. which in them) thou trustedst, Jer. 4 : 29. not a man dwell therein. 48: 9. without any to dwell therein. 51 :43. wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth (any) son of man pass thereby. Eze. 16:47. thou wast corrupted more than they 52. more abominable (Aan (Aey; 18:14. doeth not such (iAe, y\hehn, part, interj. Gen 3:22. Behold, the man is become as one of us, 29: 7. And he said, Lo, (it is) yet high day, Ex. 8:26(22) Jo, shall we sacrifice the abomination Lev.10: 18. Behold, the blood of it was not brought in 2Ch 7 : 13. If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if Job 13:15. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Isa. 59: 1. Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, &c. &c. Gen 6 Ex. 9 Lev.18Nu. 31: Deu20: 1 Sa.27: Lev. 6: Nu.13:Jer. 5: J1 hehn, Ch. part. conj. Ezr. 4:13, 16.(Aa(, if this city be builded, 5:17. therefore, if (it seem) good to the king, — whether it be (so), that a decree 7:26. whether (it be) unto death, or to banish ment, or to confiscation of goods, Dan 2: 5. if ye will not make known unto me the 6. But if ye shew the dream, 9. But if ye will not make known unto me 3:15. Now */ye be ready that at what time ye — but if ye worship not, 17. If it be (so), our God whom we serve 18. But if not, he it known unto thee, 4:27(24). if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity. 5: 16. now i/thou canst read the writing, 2. saw the daughters of men that (Aey (were) 32. and the rie were not smitten: for (Aey (were) not grown up. 10. for their's (is) thine own nakedness. 16. Behold, (Aese caused the children of Israel, 15. which )( (are) not of the cities of these 8. for (Aose (nations were) of old the &c. &c. With prefixes, as n2rt3. 3(5:22). that a man doeth, sinning therein: 19. what cities (they be) that they dwell in, 17. thy fenced cities, uiAerein thou trustedst, nann. T " T lSa.l7:28.and with whom hast thou left (Aose few nans. T " T Gen41 : 19. sacA as I never saw in all the land of 2Sa.l2: 8.1 would moreover have given unto thee smcA and such things. Job 23:14. and many such (things are) with him. nsnb. T " T Eze. I: 5. they had (lit. to them) the likeness of a 23. on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that side, 42: 9. as one goeth ijdo them from the utter Zee. 5: 9. for they had wings like the wings of a r\zr\n. T " " Lev. 4: 2. and shall do against any of them: 1 Ch21: 10. choose thee one of them, that I may do (it) Ps. 34:20(21). He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken. Isa. 34:16. no one of these shall fail, none shall Jer. 5: 6. every one that goeth out thence shall be Eze.l6:51. multiplied thine abominations more than they, 42: 5. for the galleries were higher (Aan (Aese, 131 hehn'-nah, part. adv. Genl5:16.they shall come hither again: 21 :23. swear unto me Aere by God 29. What )( (mean) these seven ewe lambs, Nu. 14: 19. from Egypt even until now. Jos. 8:20. no power to flee (Ais way or that way: 2K. 4:35. walked in the house to and fro; (marg. once Ai(Aer,and once thither) Jer. 50: 5. to Zion with their faces thitherward, Danl2: 5. the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side &c. &c. It is sometimes combined in translation with T3 preceding it. Genl5:16.the iniquity of the Amorites (is) not yet 44:28. torn in pieces; and I saw him not since : Jud.l6:13. Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told 2K. 8: 7. saying, The man of God is come hither. Jer. 48:47. Thus far (is) the judgment of Moab. &c. &c 131 hin-neh! , part, interj. Gen 1 : 29. And God said, Behold, I have given you 12:11. Behold now, I know that thou (art) 19:21. See, I have accepted thee concerning 42:28. and, lo, (it is) even in my sack: 50: 5. My father made me swear, saying, Lo, I. &c. &c. With pronominal suffixes "0311, T?J3n, &c. Gen 6: 17. And, AeAoid, /, even I, do bring a flood 16:11. Behold, thou (art) with child, and shalt Nu. 14:40. Lo, we (be here), and will go up Jos. 9:25. And now, behold, we (are) in thine hand: ISa. 3: 5. and said, Here (am) I; for thou calledst 14:43.(and),(o, /must die. lChll:25.BeAo(d, Ae was honourable among the Isa. 41:27. (shall say) to Zion, Behold, behold them: Jer. 16:12./or, behold, ye walk every one after 18: 3. and, behold, he wrought a work Eze. 13:10. and, lo, others daubed il with untempered &c. &c. mn ( 370 ) isn 1131 hanah-ghah' , f. Est. 2: 18. and he made a release to the provinces, 1D1 [hah-sah']. % PIEL. — Imperative. * Jud. 3: 19. who said, Keep silence. Neh 8: 11. saying, Hold your peace, Am. 6:10. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue : 8: 3. cast (them) forth with silence, (marg. Ae silent) Hab 2:20. let all the earth Aeepsifence (marg. be silent) Zep 1: 7 . Hold thy peace at the presence Zee. 2: 13(17). Be silent, O all flesh, * HIPHIL.— Future. * Nu. 13:30. And Caleb stilled the people 131S1. [Mphoo-gahf], f. Lam. 3: 49. without any intermissii hah-phach' '. Lev.13 Deu29Jos. 7 Jud.202K. 5 21 Job 9 2834 Ps. 304166 78 105 Jer. 20: 2331 Am, 4: 68 Hag 2 Genl9 2Sa.lO ICh 19 Pro. 12 Isa. 29 IK. 22 2Chl8:Genl9: Ex. 10: Deu 23 Jud. 7; 20: ISa.lO: 25: 2K. 9' 2Ch 9 Neh 13: Job 12: Ps. 78: Jer. 13: Lam. 3 : Zep 3: . turn) # KAL.— Preterite. # 3. the hair in the plague is turned 4. the hair thereof be not turned 10. Aaue turned the hair white, 13. it is ali turned white: 20. the hair thereof be turned white ; 55. the plague have not changed 23(22). Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew 8. when Israel turneth their backs 41 . the men of Israel turned again, : 26. when the man turned again 13. and turni 'ng (it) upside down. 5. overturneth them in his anger. 9,Ae overturneth the mountains 25. and he ovej-turneth (them) in the 11(12). Thou hast turned for me 3(4). thou wilt make all his bed (mar< 6. He turned the sea into dry (land): 9. turned back in the day of battle. 25. He turjied their heart to hate his 29. He turned their waters into blood, 16. the cities which the Lord overthrew, 36. for ye have perverted the words 13. for Iwill turn their mourning into joy, 11. 1 have overthrown (some) of you, 12. ye have tuj-ned judgment into gall, 10. And I will turn your feasts into 22. And I will overthrow the throne of — and I will ovei'thj-ow the chariots, KAL. — Infinitive. 21. 1 will not overthrow this city, 29.wAen Ae overthrew the cities 3. to spy it out, and to overthrow it? 3. to search, and to overthrow, 7. The wicked are overthrown, 16. your turning of things upside down KAL, — Imperative. 34. Turn thine hand, and carry me 33. Turn thine hand, that thou KAL. — Future. 25. And he overthrew those cities, 19. And the Lord turned a mighty b(6).but the Lord thy God turned the 13. and overturned it, that the tent 39. .And when the men of Israel j-etij-ed 9. that when he had turned. ..God gave him another heart: (marg. tuj-7ied) 12. So David's young men turned their way, 23. And Joram turned his hands, 12. So she turned, and went away 2. howbeit our God turned the curse 15. ajid they overturn the earth. 44. And had turned their rivers 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, 3.Ae turneth his hand (against me) 9. then will I turn to the people KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps.114: 8. Which turned the rock (into) a standing Am. 5: 7. Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, 8. and turneth the shadow of death KAL. — Participle. Paul. Lam. 4: 6. that was overthrown as in a moment, Hos 7: 8. Ephraim is a cake not turned. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # Ex. 7 : 15. the rod which was turned 17. and they shall be turned to blood. Lev.l3:16. and be changedunto white, 17. the plague be turned into white; 25. the bright spot be turned white, Jos. 8 : 20. turned back upon the pursuers. ISa. 4: 19. pains came upon her. (marg. weretumed) 10: 6. and shalt be turned into another Est. 9 : 22. the month which was turned Job 19: 19. they whom I loved are turned 20:14. his meat in his bowels is turned, 28: 5. under it is turned up 41:28(20) slingstones are turned with him Ps. 32 : 4. is turned into the drought of summer. 78:57. they were turned aside like a Pro.17: 20. and he that hath a perverse tongue (lit. and he that is turned in his tongue) Isa. 34 : 9. And the streams thereof sAaZZ be turned Jer. 2: 21. how then art thou turned 30 : 6. and all faces are turned Lam. 1:20. mine heart is turned within me; 5: 2. Our inheritance is turned 15. our dance is turned into mourning. DanlO: 8. for my comeliness was turned 16. my sorrows are turned upon me, Hosll: 8. mine heart is turned within me, NIPHAL Infinitive. Est. 9: I. though it was turned to the contrary, NIPHAL.— Future. Ex. 7: 20. and all the waters that (were) in the river were turned 14: 5.ajid the heart of Pharaoh,. .was turned Job 30:21. Thou art become cruel to me: (marg. turned to be) Isa. 60; 5. the sea shall be converted unto thee, 63:10. therefore he was turned to be their enemy, Eze. 4: 8. and thou shalt not turn Joel 2:31(3:4). The sun shall be turned 'NIPHAL.— Participle. Jon. 3: 4. Nineveh shall be overtkrowji. # HOPHAL Preterite. # Job 30: 15. Terrors are turned upon me; # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Job 38:14./( is turned as clay (to) the seal; HITHPAEL.— Participle. ' Gen 3: 24. a naming sword which turjied every way, Jud. 7:13. tumbled into the host of Midian, Job 37: 12. it is turned round about ?1 heh'-phe'ch &^51 heh'-phe'ch,m. Eze.l6:34.(Ae contrary is in thee — therefore thou art contrary. ni&D hapheh-chah\ f. Genl9:29.the midst of the overthrow, 1 haphdeh-pach! ', adj. Pro.21: 8. The way of man (is)/roward iWi T T - . hatz-tzah-lah', f. T T - ' Est. 4: 14. shall there enlargement and deliverance $1 hoh'-tzen, m. Eze.23:24.come against thee K'iiA chariots, Gen 7 36 Ex. 34 151819 Lev. 7 252627 Nu. 3 10 13 14 "in ""Ifl har, m. 19.all(Aehigh AiZfo, 20. (Ae mountains were covered. 4. upon (Ae mountains of Ararat. 5. were the tops of (Ae mountains seen. 30. a mount of the east. 8.«n(o a mountain on the east 10. they that remained fled to the mountain. 17. escape to the mountain, 19.1 cannot escape to the mountain, 30- dwelt in the mountain, 2. offering upon one of (Ae mountains 14. In the mount of the Lord 21. set his face (toward) (Ae mount 23. they overtook him in the mount 25. Jacob had pitched his tent in the mount: — pitched in the mount of Gilead. 54. offered sacrifice upon the mount t — tarried all night in the jnount. . 8. Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: 9. the Edomites in mount Seir: ; Land came to (Ae mountain of God, 12. ye shall serve God upon this mountain. ,27. and met him in the mount of God, : 17. plant them in the mountain of ; 5. where he encamped at (Ae mount of God: : 2. Israel camped before (Ae mount. 3. called unto him out of (Ae mountain, 11. of all the people upon mount Sinai. 12. go (not) up into the mount, — whosoever toucheth (Ae mount 13. shall come up to the mount. 14. Moses went down from the mount 16. a thick cloud upon (Ae mount, 17. at the nether part of the mount. 18. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, — (Ae whole mount quaked greatly. 20. the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of (Ae mount: and the Lord called Moses (up) to the top of (Ae mount; 23. The people cannot come up to mount Sinai : — Set bounds about (Ae mount, :18.(Ae mountain smoking: : 4. builded an altar under (Ae hill, 12. Come up to me into the mount, 13. Moses went up into (Ae mount of God. 15. Moses went up into (Ae mount, and a cloud covered (Ae mount. 16. the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, 17. fire on the top of (Ae mount 18. gat him up into (Ae mount: and Moses was in the mount :40. which was shewed thee in the mount. : 30. which was shewed thee in the mount. : 8. as it was shewed thee in the mount, : 18. of communing with him upon mount Sinai, : 1 . to come down out of (Ae mount, 12. to slay them in the mountains, 15. went down from (Ae mount, 19. brake them beneath (Ae mount. : 6. of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. : 2. come up in the morning unto momit Sinai, — in the top of (Ae mount. 3. seen throughout all (Ae mount; — feed before that moujit. 4. and went up unto mount Sinai, 29. when Moses came down from mount — when he came down from the mount, 32. had spoken with him in mount Sinai. : 38. the Lord commanded Moses in jnount Sinai, 1. spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, :46.in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses. 34. for the children of Israel in mount Sinai. : l.the Lordspake with Moses in mount Sinai. 33. they departed from the mount of the Lord 17. go up into (Ae mountain: 29. dwell in the mountains: ;40.up into the top of (Ae mountain, 44. to go up unto (Ae hill top : 45. which dwelt iji that hill, < 371 ) nn Nu. 20: 22. from Kadesh, and came unto mount Hor. 23. unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, 25. bring them up unto mojtnt Hor: 27. and they went up into mount Hor 28. Aaron died there in the top of (Ae mount : and Moses and Eleazar came down from (Ae mount. 21: 4. they journeyed from mount Hor 27:12. Get thee up into this mount 28: 6. which was ordained in mount Sinai 33: 23. pitched in mount Shapher. 24. removed from mount Shapher, 37. from Kadesh, and pitched in mount Hor, 38. Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor 39. when he died in mount Hor. 41. they departed from mount Hor, 47. pitched in the mountains of 48. they departed from the mountains of 34: 7- ye shall point out for you mojint Hor: 8. From mount Hor ye shall point out Deu 1: 2. from Horeb by the way of mount Seir 6. dwelt long enough in this mount: 7. go to (Ae mount of the Amorites, — in the plain, in the hills, > 19. (Ae mountain of the Amorites, 20. come unto (Ae mountain of 24. went up into the mountain, 41 . ready to go up into the hill. 43. went presumptuously up into the hill. 44. which dwelt in that mountain, 2: l.we compassed mount Seir many days. 3. Ye have compassed this mountain 5.1 have given mount Seir unto Esau 37. the cities in (Ae mountains, 3: 8. Arnon unto mount Hermon ; 12. and half mount Gilead, 25. that goodly mountain, 4: 11. stood under (Ae mountain; and the moun tain burned with fire 48. even unto mown( Sion, which (is) Hermon, 5: 4. face to face in the mount 5. went not up into the mount; 22(19). unto all your assembly in the mount 23(20)./or (Ae mountain did burn 8: 7. that spring out of valleys and hills; 9: 9-1 was gone up into the mount — I abode in the mount forty days 10. spake with you in the mount 15. came down from (Ae monn(, ajid the mount burned with fire: 21. that descended out of *Ae mount. 10: l.come up unto me i7ito the mount, 3. went up into the mount, 4. spake unto you in the mount 5. came down from (Ae mount, 10. 1 stayed in the mount, 1 1 : 11 . a land of Aii/s and valleys, 29. put the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebai. 12: 2. upon (Ae high mountains, 27 : 4. in mount Ebal, 12. stand upon mount Gerizim 13. these shall stand upon mount Ebal 32: 22. set on fire the foundations of (Ae mojm- tains. 49. Get thee up into this mountain Abaiim, (unto) moujit Nebo, 50. die in the mount whither thou — as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, 33: 2. he shined forth from mount Paran, 19. call the people unto (Ae mountain; 34: l.unto (Ae mountain of Nebo, Jos. 2:16. Get you to the mountain, 22. came unto the mountain, 23. descended from the mountain, 8:30. God of Israel in mount Ebal, 33. over against mount Gerizim, and half of them over against mount Ebal ; 9: l.on this side Jordan, in the hills, 10: 6. the kings of the Amorites that dwell in (Ae mountains 40. smote all the country of (Ae hills, 11: 2. on the north of the mountains, 3. the Jebusite in the jnountains, 16. (Ae hills, and all the south country, — and (Ae mountain of Israel, 17. from (Ae mount Halak, bb2 nn ( 372 ) -in 12: 13. Jos. 11:17. under mount Hermon: 21. cut offthe Anakims from (Ae mountains, — from all (Ae mountains of Judah, and from all (Ae mountains o/Israel: l.unto mount Hermon, 5. reigned in mount Hermon, 7. even unto (Ae mount Halak, 8. In the mountains, and in the valleys, 5. Baal-gad under mount Hermon 6. the inhabitants of the hill country 11. and all mount Hermon, 19. in the mount of the valley, 14: 12. therefore give me this mountain, 15: 8. to the top of the mountain 9. drawn from the top of (Ae hill — to the cities of mount Ephron ; 10. westward unto mount Seir, ¦ — along unto the side of mount Jearim, II. passed along to mount Baalah, 48. And in the mountains, Shamir, 16: 1. throughout mount Beth-el, 17:15. if mount Ephraim be too narrow 16. TAe hill is not enough for us: 18. But (Ae mountain shall be thine ; 18:12. went up through the mountains 13. near (Ae hill that (lieth) on the 14-from (Ae hill that (lieth) before 16. to the end of (Ae mountahi 19:50. Timnath-serah in mount Ephraim: 20: 7.Kedesh in Galilee in mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim, — ¦ in the mountain of Judah. 21 : II. in the hill (country) of Judah, 21. her suburbs in mount Ephraim, 24; 4. 1 gave unto Esau mount Seir, 30. which (is) in mount Ephraim, on the north side o/(Ae hill of Gaash. 33. was given him in mount Ephraim. Jud. 1: 9. that dwelt in (Ae moujitain, 19. drave out (the inhabitants of) (Ae moun tain ; 34. the children of Dan into the jnountain: 35. the Amorites would dwell in mount 2: 9. in the mount of Ephraim, on the north side o/(Ae hill Gaash. 3: 3. Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal-hermon 27. he blew a trumpet in the mountain of — went down with him from (Ae mowit, 4: 5. Beth-el in mount Ephraim: 6, draw toward mount Tabor, 12. was gone up to mount Tabor. 14. Barak went down from mount Tabor, 5: 5. The mountains melted from 6: 2. the dens which (are) in the mountains, 7 : 3. depart early from mount Gilead. 24. sent messengers throughout all jnount 9: 7. stood in the top of mount Gerizim, 25. in the top of (Ae jnountains, 36. down from the top of (Ae mountains. — seest the shadow of (Ae mountains 48. gat him up to mount Zalmon, 10: 1. Shamir in mount Ephraim. 11:37. go up and down upon (Ae mountains, 38. bewailed her virginity upon (Ae moun tains. 12:15. in (Ae mount of the Amalekites. 16; 3. carried them up to the top of an hill 17: La man of mount Ephraim, 8. he came to mount Ephraim 18: 2. when they came to mount Ephraim, 13. they passed thence unto mount 19: l.on the side of mount Ephraim, 16. which (was) also of mount Ephraim ; 18. toward the side of mou7it Ephraim ; ISa. 1: 1. of mount Ephraim, 9; 4. he passed through mount Ephraim, 13: 2. and in mount Beth-el, 14: 22. hid themselves in mount Ephraim, 17: 3. the Philistines stood on a mountain — Israel stood on a mountain 23: 14. remained in a mountain 26. And Saul went on this side of (Ae jnoun tain, — on that side of (Ae mountain : 25:20. by the covert of (Ae hill, 26:13. stood on the top of an hill 1 Sa.26:20. a partridge in the mountains. 31 : 1 . fell down slain in mount Gilboa. 8. his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa. 2Sa. 1: 6. by chance upoji jnount Gilboa, 21. Ye mountaijis of Gilboa, 13:34. by the way of the hill side 16: 13. Shimei went along on (Ae MWs side 20: 21. but a man of mount Ephraim, 21 : 9. they hanged them in the hill IK. 4: 8. The son of Hur, in mount Ephraim; 5: 15(29). hewers in the mountaijis; 11: 7. in (Ae hill that (is) before Jerusalem, 12: 25. Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, 16: 24. he bought (Ae hill Samaria . — and built on (Ae hill, — owner of (Ae hill, Samaria. 18:19. all Israel unto mount Carmel, 20. prophets together unto mount Carmel. 19: 8. Horeb (Ae mount of God. 1 1. stand upon the mount ¦ — ¦ strong wind rent (Ae mountains, 20; 23. Their gods (are) gods of the hills; 28. The Lord (is) God of (Ae hills, 22:17. 1 saw all Israel scattered upon (Ae hills, 2K. 1 : 9. he sat on the top of an hill. 2:16. upon some mountain, (marg. one of (Ae mountahis) 25. went from thence to mount Carmel, 4:25. the man of God to mount Carmel. 27. came to the man of God to (Ae hill, 5:22. from mount Ephraim two young men 6: 17. the mountain (was) full of horses 19: 23. come up to the height of (Ae mountains, 31. they that escape ow( of mount Zion: 23:13. of the mount o/corruption, 16. that (were) there in the mount, ICh 4:42. went to mount Seir, 5:23. and unto mount Hermon. 6:67(52). Shechem in mount Ephraim with her suburbs ; 10: 1 . fell down slain in mount Gilboa. 8. his sons fallen in mount Gilboa. 12: 8. as swift as the roes upon (Ae jnountains; 2Ch 2: 2(1). to hew in the mountain, 18(17}. (to be) hewers in the mountain, 3 : I . Jerusalem in mount Moriah, 13: 4. stood up upon mount Zemaraim, which (is) in mount Ephraim, 15: 8. which he had taken from mount Ephraim, 18:16. Israel scattered upon (Ae mountains, 19; 4. from Beer-sheba to mount Ephraim, 20: 10,22. Moab and mount Seir, 23. the inhabitants of 7iwu7it Seir, 21 : 1 1 . he made high places in the mountains of 26: 10. vine dressers in the mountains, 27 : 4. in the mountains of Judah, 33: 15. the altars that he had built in the mount of Neh 8: 15. Go forth unto (Ae mount, 9: 13. Thou earnest down also upon mount Sinai, Job 9: 5. Which removeth (Ae mountains, 14:18. (Ae mountain falling cometh to nought, 24: 8. wet with the showers of (Ae mountains, 28: 9. he overturneth (Ae mountains 39: 8. The range of (Ae mountains 40:20, Surely (Ae mountains bring him Ps. 2: 6. set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 3: 4(5). he heard me out ofhis holy hill 11: l.Flee (as) a bird to your mountain? 15: 1. who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 18: 7(8). the foundations also of the hills 24: 3. Who shall ascend into the hill of 42: 6(7). from the Ai/Z Mizar. 43: 3. bring me unto thy holy hill, 46: 2(3). though (Ae mountains be carried 3(4). (Ae mountains shake 48: 1(2). (Ae mountain ofhis holiness. 2(3). the joy of the whole earth, (is) mount Zion, 11(12). Let mojmt Zion rejoice, 50 ; 1 1 . 1 know all the fowls of (Ae mountains : 65 : 6( 7 ). his strength setteth fast (Ae mountains ; 68:15(16). The hill of God (is as) (Ae hill of Bashan ; an high hill (as) (Ae hill of Bashan. 16(17). Why leap ye, 7je high hills? (this is) (Ae hill ( which "i God desireth "in ( 373 ) "in Ps. 80:8390 95979899 104 114 121125 144 147 148 Pro. 8 27 Cant.2 Isa. 2 25 3. TAe mountains shall bring peace 16. upon the top of (Ae mountaijis ; 2. this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt. 6(7). promotion (cometh) neither... nor from the south. 54. (even to) this mountain, 68. the mount Zion which he loved. 10(11). The hills were covered 14(15). setteth (Ae mountains on fire ; 2. Before (Ae mountaijis were 4. the strength of the hills (is) his also. 5. TAe Aitfs melted like wax 8. let (Ae hills be joyful together 9. worship at his holy hill ; : 6. the waters stood above (Ae mountains. 8. They go up by (Ae mountains ; 10. run among (Ae hills. 13. He watereth (Ae hills 18. TAe high hills (are) a refuge for 32. he toucheth (Ae hills, and they smoke. ; 4. TAe mountains skipped like rams, 6. Ye mountaijis, (that) ye skipped : 1.1 will lift up mine eyes unto (Ae hills, : 1. that trust in the Lord (shall be) as mount Zion, 2.(Ae jnountains (are) round about 5. touch (Ae mountains, 8. grass to grow upon (Ae mountains. . 9. Mountains, and all hills ; 25. Before (Ae mountains were :25. herbs of the mojtntains are gathered. 8. cometh leaping upon (Ae mountains, 17. upon (Ae mountains o/Bether. : 1 . that appear from mount Gilead. 6. 1 will get me to (Ae mountain : 14. upon the mountains of spices. : 2.(Ae mountain of the Lord's house — in the top of (Ae mountains, 3. let us go up to (Ae mountain of the Lord, 14. upon all (Ae high mountains, 5. upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, 25. (Ae hills did tremble, 25. all Aiiis that shall be digged 18. which dwelleth in mount Zion. 12. his whole work upon jnount Zion 32. (Ae mount of the daughter of Zion, 9. nor destroy in all my holy mountain : 2. a banner upon (Ae high mountain, 4. noise of a multitude in the mountains, : 13. 1 will sit also upon the mount of 25. and upon my mountains l.unto (Ae mount of the daughter of 13.be chased as the chaff of (Ae mountains 3. an ensign on (Ae mountains ; 6. unto the fowls of (Ae mountains, 7. the name of the Lord of hosts, (Ae mount Zion. : 5. crying to (Ae mountains. : 23. the Lord of hosts shall reign in jnount Zion, 6. in this mountain shall the Lord 7. he will destroy in this mountain 10. For in this mountain shall the : 13. in the holy mount at Jerusalem. ;21.rise up as (in) mount Perazim, : 8. that fight against mount Zion. : 1 7 . upon the top of a mountain, 25. upon every high mountain, 29. to come into the 7nountain of the Lord, : 4. come down to fight for mount Zion, : 3. (Ae mountains shall be melted -.24. come up to the height of the jnountains, 32. that escape out of mount Zion: : 4. every mountain and hill shall be 9. get thee up into the high mountain; 12. weighed (Ae mountains in scales, : 15. thou shalt thresh (Ae mountains, : 1 1 . shout from the top of (Ae mountains. 15.1 will make waste mountains and hills, 23. break forth into singing, ye mountains, 11. 1 will make all my mountains 13. break forth into singing, O mountains : 7. How beautiful upon (Ae mountains 10. For (Ae mountains shall depart, : 12. the mountains and the hills 7. them will I bring to my holy mountain, 7. Upon a lofty and high mountain Isa. 57:13. shall inherit my holy mountain ; 64: 1(63:19). that (Ae mountains might flow 3(2). (Ae mountains flowed down 65: 7. burned incense upon (Ae mountains, 9. an inheritor ofmy mountains : 1 1 . that forget my holy mountain, 25. nor destroy in all my holy mountain, 66:20. to my holy mountain Jerusalem, Jer. 3: 6. gone up upon every high mountain 23. the multitude of mountains: 4:15.publisheth affliction from mount Ephraim. 24. 1 beheld (Ae mountains, 9: 10(9). For (Ae mountains will I take 13: 16. feet stumble upon (Ae dark mountains, 16:16. hunt them from every mountain, 17: 26. and from (Ae mountains, 26: 18. and the mowitain of the house 31 : 5. plant vines upon the 7nountains of 6. the watchmen upon the 7noujit Ephraim 23. mountain o/holiness. 32:44 & 33:13. in the cities of (Ae mountains, 46: 18. Tabor (is) among the mountains, 50: 6. turned them away (on) (Ae mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, 19. satisfied upon mount Ephraim and Gilead. 51:25. O destroying mountain, — will make thee a burnt mountain. Lam. 4:19. they pursued us upon (Ae mountains, 5:18. Because of (Ae mountain of Zion, Eze. 6: 2. (Ae mountains o/Israel, 3. Te mountains o/Israel, — to the mountains, and to the hills, 13. in all the tops of (Ae mountains, 7 : 7. the sounding again of (Ae mountains. 16. shall be on (Ae mountains 1 1 ; 23. stood upon (Ae mountain 17:22. will plant (it) upon an high mountain 23. In the mountain o/the height 18: 6, 15. hath not eaten upon (Ae mountains, 11. even hath eaten upon (Ae mountains, 19: 9. no more be heard upon (Ae mountains of Israel. 20: 40. For in mine holy mountain, in the moun tain o/the height of Israel, 22: 9. in thee they eat upon (Ae mountains : 28: 14. thou wast upon the holy mountain of God ; 16. as profane out of the mountain of God: 31 : 12. upon (Ae mountains 32: 5. 1 will lay thy flesh upon (Ae mountains, 6. (even) to (Ae mountains ; 33:28. (Ae mountai7is o/Israel shall be 34: 6. wandered through all (Ae mountaijis, 13. feed them upon (Ae mountains of 14. and upon the high mountains of — shall they feed upon (Ae mountains of 35: 2. set thy face against mount Seir, 3. Behold, O mount Seir, 7. Thus will I make mount Seir 8. 1 will fill Ais mountains 12. against (Ae mountains of Israel, 15. thou shalt be desolate, O mount Seir, 36: l.prophesy unto (Ae mountains o/Israel, and say, Ye mountains o/Israel, 4. Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, — Thus saith the Lord God to the nwuntains, 6. say unto the mountains, 8. But ye, O mountains o/ Israel, 37: 22. the land upon the mountains of 38: 8. against (Ae mountains of 20. (Ae mojmtains shall be thrown 21. throughout all my mountains, 39: 2. will bring thee upon (Ae mountains of 4. Thou shalt fall upon (Ae jnountains of 17. sacrifice upon (Ae mountains of 40: 2. set me upon a very high mountain, 43:12. Upon the top of (Ae mountain Dan 9: 16. thy holy mountain: 20. for (Ae holy mountain of my God ; 11:45. in the glorious holy mountain; Hos. 4:13. sacrifice upon the tops of (Ae mountains, 10: 8. they shall say to the mountains, Joel 2: 1. sound an alarm in my holy mountain: 2. as the morning spread upon (Ae moun tains : 5. chariots on the tops of mountains 32(3:5). in mount Zion and in Jerusalem 3: 17(4: 17). in Zion, my holy mountain: in ( 374 ) nn Joel. 3: 18(4: 18). (Ae mountaijis shall drop down Am. 3: 9. Assemble yourselves upon (Ae mountains of Samaria, 4 : 1 . in the mountain of Samaria, 13. he that formeth (Ae mountains, 6: 1. trust in the mountain of Samaria, 9: 13. and (Ae moujitains shall drop Obad. 8.om( of the mount o/Esau? 9. every one of the mount o/Esau 16. have drunk upon my holy mountain, 17. But upon mount Zion shall be 19. shall possess (Ae mount o/Esau ; 21. And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge (Ae mount o/Esau ; Jon. 2: 6(7). I went down to the bottoms of the mountains ; Mic. 1 : 4. the mountains shall be 3: 12. and the moujitain o/the house 4: 1 .(Ae mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of (Ae juouji- iains, 2. let us go up to (Ae mountain of the Lord, 7. the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion 6: I . contend thou before (Ae mountains, 2. Hear ye, 0 mountains, 7 : 12. and (from) mountain to mountain. Nah. 1 : 5. The mountains quake at him, 15(2: 1 ). Behold upon (Ae mountains 3:18. thy people is scattered upon(Ae jnountains, Hab. 3: 3. the Holy One from mount Paran. 10. TAe mountains saw thee, Zep. 3:11. because ofmy holy mountain, (marg. in, &c.) Hag. 1 : 8. Go up to (Ae mountain, 11. and upon (Ae mountains, Zee. 4: 7.0 great mountain ? 6: 1 . out from between two mountains ; and the mountains (were) mountains of brass. 8: 3. and the mountain of the Lord of hosts (Ae holy mountain. 14: 4. upon the mount of Olives, — (Ae mount of Olives shall cleave — half of (Ae mountain shall remove 5. flee (to) the valley of (Ae mountains; (marg. my mountains) for the valley of (Ae mountahis Mai. 1 : 3. and laid Ais mountains Note — D'nn in Ps. 75:6(7) may be Infinitive Hiphil of DTI, as it is taken in the English version ; otherwise the literal rendering of the end of the verse would be " nor from the desert of the mountains." W^l kar-ehl\ m. Eze.43: 15. So the altar (shall be) four cubits ; JHn hah-ra qj. T O Gen. 4: 12 20 3449 Ex. 2 22 Lev.20 Nu. 22 31 Jos. 9 10 13 Jud. 7 Preterite. -3f man to my wounding, #KAL. 23. / have slain (marg.or, I would slay) 25. Abel, whom Cain slew. (lit. for Cain slew Mm) 12. and they will kill me, but they will : 1 1 . and they will slay me for my wife's sake. 26. they slew Hamor and Shechem 6. in their anger they slew a man, :14.as (Aon killedst the Egyptian? 24(23). and I will kill you with the sword ; )6. And if aw oman... thou shalt kill the woman, 29. for now ivould I kill thee. 33. now also I had slain thee, 8. they slew the kings of Midian, — they slew with the sword. 26. that they slew them not. 1 1 . whom the children of Israel slew 22. did the children of Israel slay 25. they slew at the winepress 18. whom ye slew at Tabor ? 19. I would not slay you. Jud. 9: 24. which sleio them ; 45. slew the people 54. A woman slew him. 16 : 2. when it is day, we shall kill him. 1 Sa. 16 : 2. if Saul hear (it) , Ae will kill me. 22:21. Saul Aad slain the Lord's priests. 24: 11(12). and killed thee not, know thou 18(19). thou killedst me not. 2Sa. 3:30. Joab and Abishai his brother slew Abner, 4:11. when wicked men Aaue slain a righteous 12: 9. Aas( slain him with the sword 14: 7. the life ofhis brother whom Ae slew; IK. 9:16. and slain the Canaanites 12: 27. and they shall kill me, and go again 18:12. and (so) when I come... Ae shall slay me: 14. Elijah (is here) : and lie shall slay me. 19: l.how Ae Aad slain all the prophets 10, 14. and slain thy prophets 2K. 11 :18.sZew; Mattan the priest of Baal ICh. 7:21. whom the men of Gath... slew, 2Ch 21:13. also Aas( slain thy brethren 22 : 1 . Aad slain all the eldest. 23:17. sleiv Mattan the priest of Baal Neh. 4: 11(5). and slay them, and cause 9; 26. and slew thy prophets Est. 9: 6. the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred 10. the enemy of the Jews, slew they; 12. The Jews have slain and destroyed Ps. 78 : 34. When Ae slew them, 135: 10. and slew mighty kings ; Isa. 14: 20. destroyed thy land, (and) slain thy people: 27 : 1 . and he shall slay the dragon Lam. 2:21. (Aom hast slain (them) in the day 3: 43. (Aow Aas( slam, thou hast not Eze.23: 10. and slew her with the sword: Hos. 6: 5.1 have slain them by the words of my mouth: Am. 4: 10. your young men have I slam 9: 4. and it shall slay them : KAL. — Infinitive. Gen27:42. (purposing) to kill thee. Ex. 2:14.intendest thou to kill me, 15. he sought to slay Moses. 5 : 21 . to put a sword in their hand to slay us. 21 : 14. to slay him with guile ; 32; 12. to slay them in the mountains, Nu. 11: 15. kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, (lit. kill me — in killing) Deu 13: 9(10). But thou shalt surely kill him ; Jos. 8:24. when Israel had made an end of slaying Jud. 9:24. aided him in tlie killijig of his brethren, (marg. strengthened his hands to kill) 56. in slaying his seventy brethren: 20: 5. thought to have slain me: lSa.24:10(ll).and (some) bade (me) killthee: IK. 11 :24. when David slew them 18:13.w>Aen Jezebel slew the prophets Neh 6: 10. they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night will they come to slay thee. Est. 3: 13. to kill, and to cause to perish, 7: 4. to be destroyed, to be slain, 8: 1 1. (o slay, and to cause to perish, 9: 16. and slew of their foes Ecc. 3: 3. A time to kill, and a time to heal ; Isa. 22: 13. slaying oxen, and killing sheep, Jer. 15: 3. the sword to slay, Hab 1 : 17. to slay the nations ? KAL — Imperative. Ex. 32:27. and slay every man his brother, Nu. ll:15.Ai/(me, I pray thee, out of hand, 25: 5. Slay ye every one his men 31 -.17. kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman Jud. 8: 20. Up, (and) slay them. KAL. — Future. Gen. 4: 8. against Abel his brother, and slew him. 14. every one that findeth me shall slay me. 20; 4. wilt thou slay also a righteous nation ? 26 : 7 . the men of the place should kill me 27 -Al. then will I slay my brother 34: 25. and slew all the males. 37 : 20. and let us slay him, and cast him 26. What profit (is it) if we slay our Ex. l3:15.(Aa(the Lord slew all the firstborn 23; 7. riohtoniK! -7~.. tl.-.. — .. j-in ( 375 ) mn Lev.20: 15. ye shall slay the beast. Nu. 31 : 7. and they slew all the males. Deul3: 9(10). (Aom sAaft surely hillhim; Jud. 7:25. aW they slew Oreb 8: 17. and slew the men of the city. 21. and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, 9: 5. and slew his brethren 1 8. and have slain his sons, 2Sa. 4: 10. and slew him in Ziklag, 12. and iliey slew them, and cut off 10:18. and David slew (the men of) 23: 21. and slew him with his own IK. 2: 5. whom he slew, and shed '62. and slew them with the sword, 2K. 8 : 12. their young men wilt thou slay 10: 9.against my master, and slew him : ICh II :23. and slew him with his own 19: 18. ana' David slew of the Syrians 2Ch 21 : 4. and" slew all his brethren 22: 8. that ministered to Ahaziah, Ae slew them. 24: 22. but slew his son. 25. and slew him on his bed, 25: 3. (Aa( Ae slew his servants 28: 6. For Vekah... slew in Judah 7. .4Ka'Zichri,...sie!0 Maaseiah the king's son, 9. and ye have slain them in a rage 17. who slew their young men 15. and slew three hundred men 2. wrath hilleth the foolish man, 16. the viper's tongue sAaZZ slay him. 8. doth he murder the innocent: 11(12). Slay them not, lest my people 31 . and slew the fattest of them, 47. He destroyed their vines (marg. killed) 6. They slay the widow and the stranger, 18. And slew famous kings: 32. prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 30. Ae shall slay thy remnant. 4. and slew all (that were) pleasant 6. Slay utterly old (and) young, 47. they shalt slay their sons 8. He shall slay with the sword 11. Ae sAaZZ slay thy people by the sword, 3. will slay all the princes thereof 1 . / will slay the last of them 5. Whose possessors slay them, KAL Participle. Poel. 15. whosoever slayeth Cain, 23. 1 will slay thy son, 19. whosoever Aa(A killed any person, :31 . who slew his master ? 25. which slew (some) of them. (lit. were 36: Est. 9: Job 5: 20: Ps. 10: 59: 78: 94: 136 Pro. 1 Isa. 14 Lam. 2 Eze. 9: 23 26: Am. 29 Zec.ll:Gen. 4: Ex. 4 Nu. 31 2K. 9 17 Jer. 4 Eze.21 28 Hos. 9 Est. 9 Pro. 7: Isa. 10: 14 26 27 Jer. 18: Eze.37: Eze.26 Lam. 2 Eze.26 :31.my soul is wearied because of murderers. :ll(16).to give it into the hand of (Ae slayer. ; 9. before him (Aa( slayeth thee, .13. bring forth his children to (Ae murderer. KAL Participle. Paiil. 1 1 . the number of (Aose (Aa( were slain 26. strong (men) Aaue been slain by her. 4. they shall fall under (Ae slain. 19. the raiment of those (Aa( are slain, 21 . shall no more cover Ae7' slain. 7. them (Aa( are slain by him ? 21 . Ae put to death ; (lit. (Ae slain of death) 9. breathe upon these slain, * NIPHAL.— Infinitive. * 15. when the slaughter is made (lit. when the slaughter is slaughtered) NIPHAL.— Future. 20. sAaZZ the priest and the prophet Ae slain 6. shall be slain by the sword; * PUAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 44: 22(23). for thy sake are we hilled Isa. 27: 7. is he slain according to the slaughter J*n heh'-reg, m. Est. 9: 5. and slaughter, and destruction, Pro.24: 1 1 . ready to be slain ; Isa. 27: 7. slain according to the slaughter 30:25. in the day of (Ae great slaughter, Eze.26: 15. when (Ae slaughter is made ft^n hareh-gah', f. Jer. 7 : 32. but the valley of slaughter : 12: 3. prepare them for the day of slaughter. 19: 6. The valley of slaughter. Zec.l 1 : 4. Feed the flock of (Ae slaughter ; 7.1 will feed the flock of slaughter, rnfi hah-rak'. * KAL Preterite. * Genl6:4, 5. when she saw that sAe had conceived, Nu. 1 1 : 12. Have I conceived all this people ? Jud. 13: 3. but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. Ps. 7: 14(15). and hath conceived mischief, Isa. 26:18. We have been with child, KAL. — Infinitive. Job 15:35. They conceive (lit. to conceive) mischief Isa. 59: 4. they conceive mischief, and bring forth KAL. — Future. Gen 4: Land she conceived, and bare Cain, 17. and she conceived, and bare Enoch: 16: 4. went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: 19:36. TZims were both the daughters of Lot with child 21: 2. .For Sarah conceived, and bare 25:21. and Rebekah his wife conceived. 29:32. And Leah conceived, and bare a son, 33, 34, 35. And she conceived again, 30: 5. And Bilhah conceived, and bare 7. And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived again, 17 .and she conceived, and bare Jacob 19. And Leah conceived again, 23. And she conceived, and bare a son ; 38: 3. And she conceived, and bare a son; 4. And she conceived again, ^ 18. and she conceived by him. Ex. 2: 2. And the woman conceived, 1 Sa. 1 : 20. after Hannah Aao? conceived, 2: 21. so that she conceived, and bare 2Sa. 11: 5, And the woman conceived, 2K. 4:17. And the woman conceived, ICh 4: 17. and she bare Miriam, 7:23. And when he went...sAe conceived, and bare a son, Isa. 8: 3. and she conceived, and bare a son. 33:11. Ye shall conceive chaff, Hos. 1 : 3. which conceived, and bare him a son. 6. And she conceived again, 8. Now when she had weaned... sAe conceived, KAL Participle. Poel. Gen49:26.the blessings of my progenitors Cant.3: 4. into the chamber of Aer (Aa( conceived me. Hos. 2 : 5(7). sAe (Aa( conceived them hath done * PUAL Preterite. * Job 3: 3. There is a man child conceived. * POEL.— Infinitive. * Isa. 59: 13. conceiving and uttering from the heart TTT\ hah-rah', adj. fern. Genl6:ll. Behold, thou (art) with child, 38:24. sAe (is) with child by whoredom. 25. (am) I with child: Ex. 21:22. hurt a woman with child, Jud.13: 5, 7. thou sAaZ( conceive, and bear ISa. 4:19.ioas with child, (near) to be delivered: 2Sa.ll : 5. told David, and said, I (am) with child. 2K. 8: 12. and rip up (Aeir women with child. 15:16. all (Ae women therein that were with child Isa. 7 : 14. a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, 26:17. Like as a woman with child, Jer.20:17.her womb (to be) always great 31 : 8. the lame, (Ae woman with child Am. 1:13. ripped up (Ae women with child of (marg. or, divided (Ae mountains ) "TIT! [har-hohr'], Ch. m. Dan 4: 5(2). and the thoughts upon my bed i">n (376) jinn jiin [heh-rohn1], m. Gen 3: 16. thy sorrow andthy conception; npn [hah-reey-yah'], adj. f. Hos.l3:I6(14:l). and (Aeir women with child shall be ripped up. JVTl heh-rah-yohn' , m. Ru. 4:13. the Lord gave her conception, Hos. 9: 11. from the womb, and from the conception. np^Tl [haree-sah'], f. Am. 9: 11. and I will raise up Ais ruins, rWlrl [/wree-sco^/V], f. Isa. 49:19. the land ofthy destruction, pi^Tj [har-mohn1], m. Am. 4: 3. ye shall cast (them) into thepalace, D*1H hah-ras' . T * KAL.— Preterite. # .and throw down the altar 14. thrown down thine altars, destroyed the cities thereof; Ae Aa(A thrown down in his wrath Ae Aa(A thrown down, and hath not So will I break down the wall and they shall throw down .and break down her towers: . and they shall break down thy walls, (10). and throw down all thy strong holds; KAL . — Infinitive. .to destroy, and to tlu-ow down, .and to throw down, and to destroy, KAL. — Imperative. 2Sa.l 1 :25. against the city, and overthrow it: Ps. 58: 6(7).£reaA their teeth, O God, KAL. — Future, : 7. thou hast overthrown them that rose : 21. lest they break through 24. the people break through :25. they beat down the cities, : 1. Joab smote Rabbah, and destroyed it. : 14. Behold, Ae breaketh down, : 5. Ae shall destroy them, and not build : l.but the foolish plucketh it down : 4.receiveth gifts overthroweth it. : 1 9. from thy state shall he pull thee down. : 6. and not pull (them) down; : 10. build you, and not pull (you) down, ; 4. but / will throw down ; KAL.— Participle. Poel. Jer. 45: 4. which I have built will I ftreaA down, KAL. — Participle. Paul. IK. 18:30. the altar of the Lord (that was) broken down. # NIPHAL.— Preterite. # : Pro.24:31.the stone wall thereof was broken down. Jer. 50:15. her walls are thrown down: Eze.30: 4. and her foundations shall be broken down. 38:20.and the mountains shaU be thrown down, Joel 1:1 7. the barns are brokeji down; NIPHAL— Future. Ps. 11 : 3. If the foundations be destroyed, Pro. 11: 11. but it is overthrown by the mouth Jer. 31 : 40. nor thrown down any more Jud 6 25 IK. 19 10, Isa. 14 17. Lam. 2 2. 17. Eze.13 14. 16 39 26 4 12 Mic . 5 11 Jer. 1 10 31 28 Ex. 15 19 2K. 3 ICh 20 Job 12 Ps. 28 Pro. 14 29 Isa. 22 Jer. 24 42 Ma! . 1 NIPHAL.— Participle. Eze.36: 35. desolate and ruined cities 36. that I the Lord build (Ae ruined (places) * PIEL.— Infinitive. # Ex. 23: 24. thou shalt utterly overthrow them, PIEL.— Future. Ex. 23:24. (Aon shalt utterly overthrow them, PIEL.— Participle. Isa. 49: 17. (Ay destroyers and- they that made DIH heh! -res, m. Isa. 19: 18. The city of destruction, (marg. or, Hem, or, (Ae snn) *fin [hah-rahrf~\ ScT)T) [heh'-rer]9m. Genl4: 6. Horites in their mount Seir, Nu. 23: 7.on( o/(Ae mountains of the east, Deu 8: 9. and out of whose hills thou mayest dig 33:15. chief things of the ancient mountaijis, Ps. 30: 7(8). made my mountain (marg. for my mountaiji) 36: 6(7). like the great mountains; 50: 10. the cattle upon a thousand hills. 76: 4(5). than the mountains o/prey. 87: 1. His foundation (is) in (Ae holy mountains. 133: 3. descended upon (Ae mountains o/Zion: Cant. 4: 8. from the mountains of the leopards. Jer. 17: 3. O my mountain in the field, Hab 3: 6. (Ae everlasting mountains rflJJBE'n hash-mah-gooth1 ', f. Eze.24: 26.(0 cause (thee) to hear ^nn hit-tooch'. Eze.22:22.^1s silver is melted (lit, as the melting of silver) ^nn [hah-thal1]. * PIEL Preterite.* Gen31 : 7. your father Aa(A deceived me, Jud.l6:10, 13, lb. thou hast mocked me, PIEL. — Infinitive. Ex. 8:29(25). let not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more (lit. add to mock) Job 13: 9. as one man mocketh another, PIEL Future. IK. 18:27. (Aa( Elijah mocked them, Job 13: 9.doye(so) mocAhim? Jer. 9: 5(4). (Aey will deceive everyone his neigh bour, (marg. mocA) * PUAL Preterite. * Isa. 44:20. a deceived heart hath turned him D^Jirj hathool-leem' , m. pi. Job 17: 2. (Are there) not mockers with me? nnn [hah-thath']. * POEL.— Future. * Ps. 62: 3(4). How long will ye imagine mischief against a man ? ( 377 ) rat 1 vahv. The sixth letter of the Alphabet. inj vah-hehv . Nu. 21: 14. What Zie did in the Red sea, (marg. or, Vaheb in Suphah) Note Perhaps this obscure word is a verb in Kai, preterite, or perhaps it is a proper name. 11 [vahv], m. Ex. 26:32, 37. (Aeir AooAs (shall be of) gold, 27:10, 11. (Ae AooAs of the pillars 17. their hooks (shall be of) silver, 36: 36. (Aeir AooAs (were of) gold ; 38. five pillars of it with (Aeir hooks: 38: 10, 11, 12, 17. (Ae AooAs o/the pillars 19. (Aeir AooAs (of) silver, 28. he made AooAs for the pillars, *1?1 vah-zahr' , m. Pro. 21: 8. The way of man (is) froward and strange: (lit. The way of a guilty man (is) fro ward. The English Version renders it as *"1? with *) copulative prefixed. ) lj\ vah-lahd', m. Genii :30. she (had) no child. lb) veh'-led. 2Sa. 6: 23. had no child unto the day of her death. T zah'-yin. The seventh letter of the Alphabet. INI z'ehv, m. Gen49:27. Benjamin shall ravin (as) a wolf: Isa. 11: 6. TAe wolf also shall dwell with 65:25. TAe wolf and the lamb shall feed Jer. 5: 6. a wolf of the evenings shall Eze. 22:27. like wolves ravening the prey, Hab 1: 8. more fierce than the evening wolves: Zep. 3: 3. her judges (are) evening wolves; riKT zohth, part. pron. f. Gen 2:23. And Adam said, TAis (is) now bone ofmy — because s/ie was taken out of Man. 29:27. Fulfil Aer week, and we will give thee (Ais 44:17. God forbid that I should do so: Ex. 14: 11. wherefore hast thou dealt (Aus with us, Lev.ll : 2. These (are) the beasts which ye shall 26:44. And yet for all (Aa(, when they be in the Nu. 14:35. 1 will surely do it unto all IK. 3:23. The one saith, This (is) my son — and the other saith, Nay ; but thy son ICh 11:19. that I should do (Ais thing: 2Ch 27: 5. So much (marg. TAis) did the children of Eze.21 :26(31). take offthe crown: (Ais (shall) not (be) (Ae same: &c. &c. With prefixes, as rlSTS. Gen34:15.But in this will we consent 22. Only herein will the men consent 42: 15. Hereby ye shall be proved: Lev.16; 3. TAus shall Aaron come 26: 27. And if ye will not for all this hearken ISa.ll : 2. On this (condition) will I make (a cove nant) Isa. 27: 9. By this therefore shall the iniquity Eze.l6;29.and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith, &c. &c. ICh 27. 24. because there fell wrath for it 2Ch 19: 2.(Aere/ore (is) wrath upon thee 20: 17. shall not (need) to fight in this (battle): Mai. 3:10. and prove me now herewith, ns-Trt. Genl2: 7. Unto thy seed will I give (Ais land: 43: 15. And the men took (Aa( present, Deu 6: 25. to do all (Aese commandments 13:14(15). (that) swcA abomination is wrought among you ; Jud. 19:24. do not so vile a thing, (marg. the matter of this folly) &c. &c. Gen45:23.to his father he sent after this (manner) ; ns*3. Jud. 8 131519 8. and spake unto them likewise: 23. have told us (such things) as these. 7. Though ye have done (Ais, 30. There was no swcA deed done nor seen &c. &c. nrfrb. Gen 2:23. sAe shall be called Woman, Job 37: l.At this also my heart trembleth, ntAtb. T Ex. 7 : 23. neither did he set his heart to this also. Isa. 30: 7. therefore have I cried concerning this, (marg. or, to her) Jer. 5: 7. How shall I pardon thee/or (Ais ? 2Sa. 6:22. And I will yet be more vile (Aan thus, 15T [zah-vad']. * KAL Preterite. * Gen30 : 20. God Aa(A endued me (with ) a good dowry ; "T5J zeh'-ved, m. Gen30:20. hath endued me (with) a good dowry; ^QT z'voov, m. Ecc. 10: 1. Dead flies cause the ointment of the Isa. 7:18. shall hiss for the fly that (is) in the bttf & Sn? zvool, m. IK. 8: 13. built thee an house to dwell in, (lit. house of habitation) 2Ch 6: 2. built an house of habitation Ps. 49:14(15). in the grave from their dwelling. Isa. 63:15. behold from the Iwbitation ofthy Hab 3:11. stood still in their habitation: l"l!3| zah-va'gh! . * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 8:27(23). and sacrifice to the Lord our God, 28(24). (Aa( ye may sacrifice to the Lord 20 : 24. and shalt sacrifice thereon 34: 15. and do sacrifice unto their gods, Lev.17: b.and offer them (for) peace offerings Deul2:21.(/ien thou shalt killofthy herd 16: 2. Thou sAaZ( therefore sacrifice the-passover 27: 7. And thou shalt offer peace offerings, IK. 8:63. which Ae offered unto the Lord, 13: 2. and upon thee sAaZZ Ae offer Eze.39:19.of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for rut KAL. — Infinitive. Ex. 8: 29(25). letting the people go to sacrifice Lev. 9: 4. to sacrifice before the Lord ; Deul6: 5. Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover (marg. or, kill) Jud.l6:23./or to offer a great sacrifice ISa. 1: 3.and to sacrifice unto the Lord 21. went up to offer unto the Lord 2:19.(o offerthe yearly sacrifice. 10: 8.(o sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings: 15: 15. to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God; 21.(o sacrifice unto the Lord 16; 2,5.1 am come to sacrifice 2Sa.l5: 12. while he offered sacrifices. IK. 3: 4. the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice 2Ch ll;16.(o sacrifice unto the Lord Isa. 57: 7. wentest thou up to offer sacrifice. Mai. 1: 8. if ye offertheblind /orsacri/ice, (marg. (o) KAL. — Imperative. Ex. 8:25(21). Go ye, sacrifice to your God Ps. 4: 5(6). Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, 50:14. Offer unto God thanksgiving; KAL.— Future. Gen31:54. TAen Jacob offered sacrifice (marg.or, killed beasts) 46: 1 . and offered sacrifices unto Ex. 3: 18.(Aa( we jnay sacrifice to the Lord 5: 3. and sacrifice unto the Lord 8. Let us go (and) sacj-ifice to our God. 17. Let us go (and) do sacrifice 8: 8(4). that they may do sacrifice unto the 26(22). for we shall sacrifice the abomination — ( — ). shall we sacrifice the abomination 23: 18. Thou shalt not offer the blood 24: 5. and sacrificed peace offerings 32 : 8. and have sacrificed thereunto, Lev. 17 : 7. they shall no more offer their 19: 5. if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings — ye shall offer it at your own will. 22: 29. when ye will offer a sacrifice — ¦ °ffer (it) at your own will. Nu. 22:40. And Balak offered oxen and sheep, Deul2: 15. thou mayest kill and eat flesh 15: 21. (Aon shalt not sacrifice it ... 16: 4. which thou sacrificedst 6. there (Aon sAai( sacj-ifice 17: 1 . 27tow sAa/( not sacrifice 32: 17. They sacrificed unto devils, 33 : 19. there they shall offer sacri fices Jos. 8:31. and sacrificed peace offerings. Jud. 2: 5. and they sacrificed there ISa. 1: 4. And when the time was that Elkanah offered, 6: 15. and sacrificed sacrifices 1 1 : 15. and there they sacrificed sacrifices 28: 24. she hasted, and killed it, 2Sa. 6:13. it was (so), that... he sacrificed oxen and IK. 1: 9. And Adonijah slew sheep 19. And he hath slaiji oxen 25. and hath slain oxen and fat cattle. 8:63. Solomon offered a sacrifice 19:21. took a yoke of oxen, and slew them, 2K. 17:35. nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them: 36. to him shall ye do sacrifice. 23:20. And he slew all the priests (marg. or, sacrificed) ICh 15:26. (Aa( (Aey offered seven bullocks 21: 28. (Aen Ae sacrificed there. 29:21. And they sacrificed sacrifices 2Ch 7: 5..4nd king Solomon offered a sacrifice 15:11. And they offered unto the Lord 18: 2. And Ahab Ai#ed sheep and oxen 28:23. For he sacrificed unto the gods 33: 16. and sacrificed thereon peace offerings Neh 4: 2(3:34). will they sacrifice? will they make 12;43. Also that day they offered great sacrifices, Ps. 27: 6. therefore will I offer in his tabernacle 54: 6(8). Iwill freely sacrifice unto thee: 106:37. Yea, they sacrificed their sons 107 : 22. And let them sacrifice the sacrifices 116; 17. 1 will offer to thee the sacrifice Eze. 16:20. and these hast thou sacrificed unto them 20 : 28. and they offered there 34: 3. ye kill them that are fed: Hos. 8: 13. They sacrifice flesh (for) the l 378 ) mi : 16. and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord (marg. sacrificed) : 9(10). But I will sacrifice unto thee KAL. — Participle. Poel, : 15. therefore I sacrifice to the Lord : 20 (19). He that sacrificeth unto (any) god, : 5. may bring their sacrifices, which they offer : 3. from (Aem (Aa( offer a sacrifice, : 1 3. when any man offered sacrifice, 15. said to the man (Aa( sacrificed, : 62. offered sacrifice before : 4. the people offered sacrifices : 17. Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still : 4. (Aem (Aa( Aad sacrificed unto them. : 2. we do sacrifice unto him ;23. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth : 2.(0 Aim that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: : 3. that sacrificeth in gardens, : 3. Ae (Aa( sacrificeth a lamb, : 17. to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice : 2. Let the men (Aa( sacrifice kiss (marg. or, sacrificers o/men) : 21. all they that sacrifice : 14. and sacrificeth unto the Lord # PIEL. —Preterite. * 2Ch 33: 22. Amon sacrificed unto all the Ps. 106:38. (Aey sacrificed unto the idols Hos.12: 11(12). (Aey sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; PIEL. — Infinitive. IK. 12: 32. sacrificing unto the calves that he had (marg. or, to sacrifice) PIEL.— Future. 2K. 16: 4. And he sacrificed and burnt incense 2Ch 28: 4. He sacrificed also and burnt incense 23. will I sacrifice to them, Hos. 4: 13. They sacrifice upon the tops 14. (Aey sacrifice with harlots: 11 ; 2. (Aey sacrificed unto Baalim, Hab 1 : 16. (Aey sacrifice unto their net, Jon 1 2 Ex. 13 22 Lev.17 Deu 18 ISa 2 IK. 8 2Ch 7 33 34 Ezr 4 Ps. 50 Ecc 9 Isa. 65 66 Eze 39 Hos 1.3 Zec.14 Mai 1 PIEL.— Participle. IK. 2K. 3: 2. Only the people sacrificed in high places, 3.~he sacrificed and burnt incense 8: 5. sacrificing sheep and oxen, 11: 8. burnt incense and sacrificed 22; 43(44). the people offered and burnt incense 12: 3(4). the people still sawificed 14: 4. as yet the people did sacrifice 15; 4. the people sacrificed and burnt incense 35. the people sacrificed and burned incense 2Ch 5: 6. sacrificed sheep and oxen, 30:22. offering peace offerings, HiT. zehr-vagh, m. Gen3l:54. Then Jacob offered sacrifice (marg. or, killed beasts) 46: l.to Beer-sheba, and offered sacrifices Ex. 10:25. give us also sacrifices 12: 27. It (is) (Ae sacrifice of the Lord's 18 : 12. took a burnt offering and sacrifices 23:18. shalt not offer the blood ofmy sacrifice 24: 5. sacrificed peace offerings 29:28. of the sacj-ifice of their peace offerings, 34: 15. thou eat ofhis sacrifice ; 25. shalt not offer the blood ofmy sacrifice — . (Ae sacrifice of the feast Lev. 3: 1. if his oblation (be) a sacrifice of 3, 9. he shall offer of(Ae sacrifice of 6. if his offering for a sacrifice of 4: 10. (Ae sacrifice of peace offerings: 26. as the fat of the sacrifice of 31. is taken away from off (Ae sacrifice of 35. from the sacrifice of the peace offerings ; 7:11. this (is) the law of (Ae sacrifice of 12. then he shall offer with (Ae sacrifice of 13. leavened bread with (Ae sacrifice of 15. the flesh of (Ae sacrifice of his 16. But if (Ae sacrifice ofhis offering — the same day that he offereth Ais sacrifice 17. the remainder of the flesh of (Ae sacrifice 18. if (any) of the flesh of (Ae sacrifice of 20. that eateth (of) the flesh of (Ae sacrifice of rat Lev. 7 19 22 23 Nu. 6 7 Deu 12 1 32 33 Jos. 22 Jud. 16 ISa. 1 2 16 20 2Sa.l5IK. 8 12 2K. 5 1016 ICh 29 2Ch 7 3033 Neh 12 Ps. 4 27405051: 29. He that offereth (Ae sacrifice of — of the sacrifice ofhis peace offerings. 32. of the sacrifices of your peace offerings., 34. from offthe sacrifices of their peace offer ings, 37 .and of the sacrifice of the peace offerings ; 18. the ram (for) a sacrifice of peace offer ings, 14.ow( o/(Ae sacrifices of peace offerings 5. bring their sacrifices, which they offer . — offer them (for) peace offerings 7. they shall no more offer (Aeir sacrifices 8. that offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice, 5. if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings 6. eaten the same day ye offer it, (lit. in the day of your sacrifice) 21. whosoever offereth a sacrifice of 29. when ye will offer a sacrifice of 19.for a sacrifice of peace offerings. 37. a meat offering, a sacrifice, -.17. he shall offer the ram (for) a sacrifice of 18. the fire which (is) under (Ae sacrifice of : 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83. .ind for a sacrifice of peace offerings, 88. all the oxen for (Ae sacrifice of ' :10.-(Ae sacrifices of your peace offerings; : 3. a burnt offering, or a sacrifice 5. with the burnt offering or sacrifice, 8. a burnt offering, or (for) a sacrifice : 2. they called the people unto the sacrifices of 6, 11. your burnt offerings, and your sacri fices, 27. the blood of (Ay sacrifices 3. from them that offer a sacrifice, : 38. did eat the fat-of (Aeir sacrifices, : 19. there they shall offer sacrifices of : 23. or if to offer peace offerings 26. not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice: 27. and with our sacrifices, 28. not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices ; 29. for meat offerings, or for sacrifices, :23. for to offer a great sacrifice :21 . to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, : 13. when any man offered sacrifice, 19. to offer (Ae yearly sacrifice. 29. Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice : 14. shall not be purged with sacrifice : 15. and sacrificed sacrifices : 12. for (there is) a sacrifice of the people (marg. or, feast) 13. because he doth bless (Ae sacrifice ; : 8. to sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings: : 15. there they sacrificed sacrifices : 22. in burnt offerings and saci'ifices, — to obey (is) better (Aan sacrifice, : 3. call Jesse to the sacrifice, 5. come with me to the sacrifice. — and called them to the sacrifice. 6. (there is)a yearly sacrifice (marg. or, feast) 29. for our family hath a sacrifice :12. while he offered sacrifices. 62. offered sacrifice before the Lord. 63. Solomon offered a sacrifice of 27. If this people go up to do sacrifice 17. neither burnt offering nor sacrifice 19. 1 have a great sacrifice (to do) to Baal ; 24. they went in to offer sacrifices : 15. and all the blood of (Ae sacrifice : 21 .they sacrificed sacrifices unto the Lord, — their drink offerings, and sacrifices 1 . the burnt offering and the sacrifices ; 4. all the people offered sacrifices 5. king Solomon offered a sacrifice of 1 2. to myself for an house of sacrifice.. 31 . bring sacrifices and thank offerings -' — the congregation brought in sacrifices 22. seven days, offering peace offerings,^ 16. sacrificed thereon peace offerings- 43. that day they offered great sacrifices,. 5(6) ¦ Offer (Ae sacrifices of righteousness, 6. offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy ; 6(7). Sacrifice and offering thou didst 5. made a covenant with me by sacrifice. 8. 1 will not reprove thee for (Ay sacrifices 16(18). For thou desirest not sacrifice; 17(19). The sacrifices of God (are) a broken spirit ; ( 379 ) Ht Ps. 51 : 19(21 ). with (Ae sacrifices q/righteousness, 106:28. ate (Ae sacrifices of the dead. 107:22. (Ae sacrifices of thanksgiving, 116:17.1 will offer to thee (Ae sacrifice of Pro. 7:14.(Ihave) peace q^erin^with me; 15: 8. TAe sacrifice of the wicked 17: 1. an house full of sacrifices (with) strife. (lit. sacrifices q/"strife; marg.ooodcAfec) 21 : 3. more acceptable to the Lord (Aan sacrifice. 27. The sacrifice of the wicked Ecc. 5: 1(4:17). than to give (Ae sacrifice of fools: Isa. 1:11. the multitude of your sacrifices 19:21. shall do sacrifice and oblation ; 34: 6. the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, 43:23. neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. 24. filled me with the fat of (Ay sacrifices : 56: 7. and their sacrifices (shall be) accepted 57: 7. wentest thou up to offer sacrifice. Jer. 6:20. nor your sacrifices sweet unto me. 7: 21. Put your burnt offerings unto your sacri fices, 22. concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: 17: 26. bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, 33:18. to do sacrifice continually. 46: 10. the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice Eze.20;28.they offered there (Aeir sacrifices, 39:17. on every side to my sacj-ifice (marg. or, slaughter) — a great sacrifice upon the mountains 19. ofmy sacrifice which 40:42. the burnt offering and the sacrifice. 44: 11. the burnt offering and (Ae sacrifice 46: 24. shall boil (Ae sacrifice of the people. Dan 9:27. he shall cause (Ae sacrifice Hos 3: 4. and without a sacrifice, 4: 19. ashamed because of their sacrifices. 6: 6.1 desired mercy, and not sacrifice ; 8:13. flesh (for) (Ae sacrifices of mine offerings, 9: 4. their sacrifices (shall be) unto them Am. 4: 4. bring your sacrifices every morning, 5:25. Have ye offered unto me sacrifices , Jon. 1 : 16. offered a sacrifice unto the Lord,. "£j_ Zep. 1: 7. for the Lord hath prepared a sacrificel 8. in the day of the Lord's sacj-ifice, hs ? [zah-val1]. * KAL.— Future. * Gen 30: 20. now uiiZZ my husband dwell with me, J3T [z'van], Ch. * P'AL Participle. * Dan 2: 8. that ye would gain the time, (marg. buy) X zahg, m. Nu. 6: 4. from the kernels even to (Ae AusA. "It zehd, adj . Ps. 19: 13(14). thy servant also from presumptuous (sins) ; 86: 14. (Ae proud are risen against me, 119:21. Thou hast rebuked (Ae proud 51 . TAe proud have had me greatly 69. TAe proud have forged a lie 78. Let (Ae proud be ashamed ; 85. TAe proud have digged pits 122. let not (Ae proud oppress me. Pro.21 :24.Proud (and) haughty scorner Isa. 13:11. arrogancy of (Ae proud to cease, Jer. 43 : 2. all the proud men, Mai 3:15. now we call (Ae proud happy ; 4: 1(3:19). all (7ie proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, pit zah-dohn' , m. Deu 1 7 : 12. the man that will do presumptuously, lit ( 380 ) nnt Deu 18 : 22. the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously : ISa. 17: 28. 1 know thy pride, and the naughtiness of Pro. 11: 2. (When)pride cometh, then cometh shame : 13: 10. Only by pride cometh contention: 21:24.scorner (is) his name, who dealeth in proud wrath, (marg. the wrath of pride) Jer. 49:16.(Ae pride of thine heart, 50:31. against thee, (Othou) mostproud, (marg. pride) 32. the most proud shall stumble (marg.pride) Eze. 7 : 10. the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded. Obad 3. TAe pride of thine heart nt zeh, part. pron. m. Gen. 5: 1. TAis (is) the book of the generations 25:22. If (it be) so, why (am) I thus? 27:21. whether thou (be) my very son Esau 36. he hath supplanted me (Aese two times: 32:29(30). Wherefore (is) it (that) thou dost ask Ex. 13: 8. because of (Aa( (which) the Lord did 14:20. so that (Ae one came not near theother 15: 2.Ae (is) my God, and I will prepare him Deu 5:29(26). O that there were such an heart in them, IK. 17:24.Now by this I know that thou (art) 2K. 1 : 5. Why are ye now turned back ? 5: 7. that (Ais man doth send unto me Job. 14: 3. dost thou open thine eyes upon swcA an one, Ps. 68: 8(9). (even) Sinai itself (was moved) 104: 8. the place which thou hast founded Ecc. 3:19. as (Ae one dieth, so dieth (Ae other ; &c. &c. With prefixes, as iTT3- ISa. 21: 9(10). for (there is) no other save that Aere. HT2- V T Gen38: 21. There was no harlot in this (place). Ex. 24:14. Tarry ye Aere for us, until Ecc. 7: 18. (It is) good that thou shouldest take hold of this ; &c. &c. n-jrn- Gen 7: 1. righteous before me in (Ais generation. 1 1 . (Ae same day were all the fountains 24: 9. and sware to him concerning that matter. Lev.23;14. until the selfsame day that ye lSa,17:17.and (Aese ten loaves, 2K. 6: 9. Beware that thou pass not sucA a place ; &c. &c. nts- VT Gen41 :38. Can we find (such a one) as this (is), &c. &c. mb- V T ISa. 21:11(12). did they not sing one to another of him 25: 21. have I kept all that (Ais (fellow) Aa(A Ecc. 6: 5. (Ais AaZA more rest than the other. Isa. 58: 5. wilt thou call this a fast, rrja- Gen37:17. They are departed hence; 50:25. ye shall carry up my bones from hence. Ex. 13: 3. the Lord brought you out from this (place): 25:19. one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: 26:13. on (Ais side and on that side, to cover it. Ps. 75: 8(9). he poureth out of the same: Ecc. 6: 5. this hath more rest than the other. &c. &c. HT zoh, pron. f. Jud.18: 4. TAks and thus dealeth Micah 2Sa. 11:25. devoureth one as well as another: IK. 14: 5. (Aws and thus shalt thou say 2K. 6:19. This (is) not the way, neither (is) (Ais the city: Ps. 132:12. my testimony that Ishall teach them, Ecc. 2: 2. of mirth, What doeth it ? Ecc. 2:24. TAis also I saw, that it (was) from 5:16(15). (Ais also (is) a sore evil, 19(18). (Ais (is) the gift of God. 7:23. All (Ais have I proved by wisdom: 9:13. TAis wisdom have I seen Eze. 40: 45. TAis chamber, whose prospect (is) toward the south, iPtt zah-hahv', m. Gen 2: 11. whole land of Havilah, where (there is) gold ; 12. And the gold of that land 13: 2. in cattle, in silver, and in gold. 24:22. the man took a golden earring — ten (shekels) weight of gold ; 35. flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, 53. jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, 41 :42. put a gold chain about his neck ; 44: 8. thy lord's house silver or gold? Ex. 3:22& 11:2& 12:35. jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, 20:23. neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold. 25: 3. gold, and silver, and brass, 11, 24. overlay it with pure gold, — make upon it a crown of gold 12. thou shalt cast four rings of gold 13, 28. overlay them with gold. 17. make a mercy seat (of) pure gold: 18. make two cherubims (of) gold, 24. make thereto a crown of gold 25. thou shalt make a golden crown 26. make for it four rings of gold, ' 29. (of) pure gold shalt thou make them. 31. shalt make a candlestick (of) pure gold: 36.it (shall be) one beaten work (of) pure gold. 38.snuffdishes thereof, (shall be of) pure gold. 39. (Of) a talent of pure gold shall he make 26: 6. thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, 29. overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings (of) gold ¦ — overlay the bars with gold. 32. pillars of shittim (wood) overlaid with gold: their hooks (shallbe of) gold, 37. overlay them with gold, (and) their hooks (shall be of) gold : 28: 5. they shall take gold, and blue, 6. they shall make the ephod (of) gold, 8. gold, (of) blue, and purple, 11. make them to be set in ouches of gold. 13. thou shalt make ouches (of) gold; 14. two chains (of) pure gold at the ends ; lb. gold, (of) blue, and (of) purple, 20. they shall be set in gold 22. (of) wreathen work (of) pure gold. 23. upon the breastplate two rings of gold, 24. put the two wreathen (chains) of gold 26. thou shalt make two rings of gold, 27. And two (other) rings of gold 33. bells of gold between them 34, 34. A golden bell and a pomegranate, 36. thou shalt make a plate (of) pure gold, 30: 3. thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, . — make unto it a crown of gold 4. two golden rings shalt thou make 5. overlay them with gold. 31 : 4. to work in gold, and in silver, 32 : 2. Break off the golden earrings, 3. brake offthe golden earrings 24. Whosoever hath any gold, 31. have made them gods of gold. 35 : 5. an offering of the Lord ; gold, and silver, 22. rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: — an offering of gold unto the Lord. 32. to work in gold, and in silver, 36:13. he made fifty taches of gold, 34. he overlaid the boards with gold, and made their rings (of) gold — overlaid the bars with gold. 36. overlaid them with gold: their hooks (were of J gold; 38. and their fillets with gold: ant 40 Lev. 8 Nu. 4 Ex. 37: 2. made a crown of gold to it 3. four rings of gold, 4, 15, 28. overlaid them with gold. 6,11,16,17, 22, 23, 24. pure gold : 7. he made two cherubims (of) gold, 11. made thereunto a crown of gold 12. made a crown of gold for the border 13. he cast for it four rings of gold, 26. made unto it a crown of gold 27. he made two rings of gold 38:24. All (Ae gold that was occupied — even (Ae gold qfthe offering, 39: 2. he made the ephod (of) gold, 3. they did beat (Ae gold into thin plates, 5, 8. (of) gold, blue, and purple, 6, 13. inclosed in ouches of gold, 15, 25, 30. (of) pure gold. 16. they made two ouches (of) gold, and two gold rings, 17. put the two wreathen chains of gold 19. they made two rings of gold, 20. they made two (other) golden rings, 38. the golden altar, and the anointing oil, 5. thou shalt set the altar of gold 26. he put the golden altar 9. did he put the golden plate, : 11. upon the golden altar they shall : 14. One spoon often (shekels) of gold, 20. One spoon of gold 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80. One golden spoon 84. twelve spoons of gold: 86. The golden spoons (were) twelve, — all (Ae gold of the spoons : 4. the candlestick (was of) beaten gold, : 18 & 24: 13. his house full of silver and gold, :22. Only (Ae gold, and the silver, 50. of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, 51. Eleazar the priest took (Ae gold 52. all (Ae gold of the offering 54. the priest took (Ae gold of the captains : 25. thou shalt not desire the silver or gold : 13. and thy gold is multiplied, :17. multiply to himself silver and gold. : 17(16). idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, 19. But all the silver, and gold, 24. only the silver, and the gold, 21. a wedge of gold of fifty shekels 24. the garment, and the wedge of gold, : 8. with silver, and with gold, : 24. For they had golden earrings, 26. the weight of the golden earrings — a thousand and seven hundred (shekels) of gold; : 4. Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, 8. put the jewels of gold, 11. the coffer with the mice of gold 15. wherein the jewels of gold (were), 17. these (are) the golden emerods 18. And the}golden mice, :24. who put on ornaments of gold : 7. David took the shields of gold 10. vessels of gold, and vessels of brass: 1 1 . the silver and gold that he had dedicated 30. weight whereof (was) a talent of gold 4. We will have no silver nor gold 20. and he overlaid it with pure gold; 21. overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he over laid, it with gold. 22, 22. he overlaid with gold, 28. he overlaid the cherubims with gold. 30. of the house he overlaid with gold, 32. overlaid (them) with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, 35. covered (them) with gold 7:48. the altar of gold, and the table of gold, 49. the candlesticks of pure gold, — the tongs (of) gold, 50. and the censers (of) pure gold, andthe hinges (of) gold, 51. the silver, and (Ae gold, and the vessels, 9:11. cedar trees and fir trees, and with gold, 14. Hiram sent to the king sixscore talents of gold. 28. fetched from thence gold, Deu 7 8 17 29 Jos. 6 22 Jud. 8 ISa. 6 2Sa. 1 12 21 IK. 6 ( 381 ) nnt IK, 10: 2. spices, and very much gold, 10. an hundred and twenty talents of gold, 11. that brought gold from Ophir, 14. the weight of gold that came — six hundred threescore and six talents of gold, 16. two hundred targets (of) beaten gold: six hundred (shekels) of gold 17. three hundred shields (of) beaten gold; three pound of gold went 18. overlaid it with the best gold. 21. Solomon'sdrinking vessels (were of) gold, — of the forest of Lebanon (were of) pure gold: 22. the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, 25. vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, 12:28. made two calves (of) gold, 14;26.he took away all the shields of gold 15: 15. silver, and gold, and vessels. 18. Asa took all the silver and the gold 19. sent unto thee a present of silver and gold: 20: 3, 5. Thy silver and thy gold 7. for my silver, and for my gold; 22:48(49). of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold: 2K. 5: 5. six thousand (pieces) of gold, 7 : 8. carried thence silver, and gold, 10: 29. the golden calves that (were) in Beth-el, 12: 13(14). any vessels of gold, or vessels of silver, 18(19). all (Ae gold (that was) found 14: 14. And he took all (Ae gold 16: 8. Ahaz took the silver and gold that was 18: 14. of silver and thirty talents of gold. 20: 13. the silver, and (Ae gold, and the spices, 23: 33. talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 35. gave the silver and the gold — he exacted the silver and the gold 24: 13. cut in pieces all the vessels of gold 25; 15. such things as (were) of gold, (in) gold, lCh,18: 7. David took the shields of gold 10. all manner of vessels of gold and silver 11. and the gold that he brought 20: 2. and found it to weigh a talent of gold, 21:25. six hundred shekels of gold 22: 14. an hundred thousand talents of gold, 16. Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, 28:14. (He gave) of gold by weight for (things) of gold, 15. the weight for the candlesticks of gold, and for their lamps of gold, 16. by weight (he gave) gold 1 7. Also pure gold for the flesh-hooks, — and for the golden basons (he gave gold) 18. the altar of incense refined gold by weight; and gold for the pattern 29: 2.(Ae gold for (things to be made) of gold, 3. mine own proper good, of gold and silver, 4. three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, 5. The gold for (things) of gold, 7. of gold five thousand talents 2Ch. 1:15. the king made silver and gold at Jerusalem 2 : 7(6). a man cunning to work in gold, 14(13). skilful to work in gold, 3: 4. he overlaid it within with pure gold. 5. which he overlaid with fine gold, 6. and the gold (was) gold o/Parvaim. 7. and the doors thereof, with gold; 8. he overlaid it with fine gold, 9. the nails (was) fifty shekels of gold. — the upper chambers with gold. 10. overlaid them with gold. 4: 7. he made ten candlesticks of gold 8. he made an hundred basons of gold. 19. the golden altar also, 20. before the oracle, of pure gold; 2Lthe tongs, (made he of) gold, (and) that perfect gold; 22. spoons, and the censers, (of) pure gold: — house of the temple, (were of) gold. 5: l.the silver, and (Ae gold, 8:18. four hundred and fifty talents of gold, 9: 1. spices, and gold in abundance, 9. an hundred and twenty talents of gold, 10. which brought gold from Ophir, 13. Now the weight of gold that came six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold; nnt ( 382 ) -int 2Ch. 9: 14. brought ooZd and silver 15, 15, 16. beaten gold: 16. three hundred (shekels) of gold 17. throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold. 18. with a footstool of gold, 20. vessels of king Solomon (were of) gold, — (were of) pure gold: none (were of) silver ; 21. bringing gold, and silver, ivory, 24. vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, 12: 9. he carried away also the shields of gold 13: 8. (there are) with you golden calves, 1 1 . the candlestick of gold 15:18. himself had dedicated, silver, and gold, 16: 2. Asa brought out silver and gold 3. 1 have sent thee silver and gold; 21; 3. gave them great gifts of silver, andof gold, 24:14. and spoons, and vessels of gold and silver. 25: 24. all (Ae gold and the silver, 32:27. made himself treasuries for silver, and for gold, 36: 3. an hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. Ezr. 1 : 4. help him with silver, and with gold, 6. vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, 9. thirty chargers of gold, 10. Thirty basons of gold, II. All the vessels of gold and of silver 2:69. threescore and one thousand drams of gold, 8: 25. unto them the silver, and (Ae gold, 26. of gold an hundred talents ; 27. Also twenty basons of gold, ¦ — ¦ fine copper, precious as gold. 28. the silver and the gold 30. of the silver, ajid the gold, 33. and the gold and the vessels weighed Neh. 7: 70. a thousand drams of gold, 71. twenty thousand drams of gold, 72. gave (was) twenty thousand drams of gold, 1: 6. the beds (were of) gold 7. gave (them) drink in vessels of gold, 4: 11. shall hold out the golden sceptre, 5: 2. held out to Esther the golden sceptre 8; 4. held out the golden sceptre toward Esther. 15. with a great crown of gold, 3 : 15. Or with princes that had gold, 23: 10. 1 shall come forth as gold. 28: La place/or gold (where) they fine 6. it hath dust of gold. 17. TAe gold and the crystal cannot equal it: 31 :24.If I have made gold my hope, 37:22. Fair weather cometh out of the north. (marg. Gold) 42: 11. every one an earring of gold. Ps. 19: 10( 1 1 ). More tobe desired (are they) than gold, 45:13(14). her clothing (is) of wrought gold. 72:15. shall be given o/(Ae gold of Sheba: 105:37. brought them forth also with silver and gold : 115: 4. Their idols (are) silver and gold, 119:72. better unto me than thousands of gold 127. thy commandments above gold; 135:15. The idols of the heathen (are) silver and gold, Pro. 11:22. a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, 17: 3. the furnace for gold: 20:15. There is gold, and a multitude of rubies; 22: 1. loving favour rather than silver and gold. 25: II. apples of gold in pictures of silver. 12. an earring of gold, and an ornament 27:21. and the furnace/or gold; Ecc. 2: 8. 1 gathered me also silver and gold, 12; 6. or the golden bowl be broken, Cant.l:ll. We will make thee borders of gold 3:10. the bottom thereof (of) gold, 5:14. His hands (are as) gold rings set with Isa. 2: 7. Their land also is full of silver and gold, 20. and Ais idols of gold, 13:17. and (as for) gold, 30:22. (Ay molten images of gold: 31: 7. and Ais idols of gold, (marg. the idols of Ais gold) 39: 2. the silver, and (Ae gold, 40: 19,spreadeth it over with gold, 46: 6. They lavish gold out of the bag, Est. Job Isa. 60: 6. they shall bring gold 9. their silver and their gold 17- For brass I will bring gold, Jer. 4:30.deckest thee with ornaments of gold, 10: 4. They deck it with silver and with gold; 9. and gold from Uphaz, 51; 7. Babylon (hath been) a golden cup 52:19. which (was) of gold (in) gold, Lam. 4: 1. How is (Ae gold become dim ! Eze. 7:19. and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold 16: 13. Thus wast thou decked with gold 1 7 . taken thy fair jewels of my gold 27:22. with all precious stones, and gold. 28; 4. and hast gotten gold and silver 13. the carbuncle, and gold: 38: 13. to carry away silver and gold, Dan 1 1 : 8. vessels of silver and of gold; 38. shall he honour with gold, and silver, 43. have power over the treasures of gold Hos. 2: 8(10). multiplied her silver and gold, 8 : 4. their silver and their gold Joel 3: 5(4: 5). ye have taken my silver and my gold, Nah. 2: 9(10). take the spoil of gold: Hab. 2: 19- it ( is) laid over with gold and silver, Zep. 1: 18. Neither their silver nor their gold Hag. 2: 8. The silver (is) mine, and the gold Zee. 4: 2. a candlestick all (of) gold, 12. which through the two golden pipes empty the golden (oil) out (marg. the gold) 6:ll.ThentakesiIverandooZd,andmakecrou'ns, 13: 9. will try them as gold is tried: 14 : 14. shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, Mai. 3 ; 3. and purge them as gold and silver, DHT [zah-ham!\ # PIEL Preterite. # Job 33: 20. So that his life abhorreth bread, Ecc. 4 Ecc.12 Ps. 19 Eze. 3 33 Ex. 18 ¦2K. 6 2Chl9 Eze. 3 33 Eze. 3 33 Dan 12 ^lIT \zah-kar'\ # NIPHAL.— Infinitive. # :13. who will no more be admonished. NIPHAL. — Impei-ative. 12. by these, my son, be adjnonished : mPHAL.— Participle. 11 (12) . by them is thy servant waj'Jied : 21. because Ae is warned; 4. and taketh not warning; 5. took not warning; — he (Aa( taketh warning 6. the people be not warned; * HIPHIL. —Preterite. # 20. And thou shalt teach them ordinances 10. of God told him and warned him of, 10. ye shall even warn them 17. and give them warning from me. 18. (Aom givest him not warning, 19. Yet if thou warn the wicked, 20. because (Aow Aas( not given him learning, 21 . if (Aom warn the righteous (man), 3. he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 7. and wajm them from me. 9. if (Aom waim the wicked ofhis way HIPHIL Infinitive. 18. nor speakest to warn the wicked 8. if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked HIPHIL Future. 3. they that be wise shall shine "TIT [z'har], Ch. *P'AL Participle. * Ezr. 4:22. Take heed now that ye fail not TIT zoh'-har, m. Eze. 8: 2. as the appearance of brightness, Danl2: 3. shine as the brightness of the firmament; IT ( 383 ) nr IT zoh, part. pron. Ps. 132: 1 2. my testimony (Aa( I shall teach them, Hos. 7:16. (Ais (shall be) their derision in the land of Egypt. W zoo, part. pron. Ex. 15; Ps. 9: 10: 12. 17: 31: 32: 62: 68; 142:143: Isa. 42:43; Hab 1: 13. the people which thou hast redeemed: 16. till the people pass over, n?AicA thou hast 15(16). in the net which they hid is their own 2. in the devices (Aa( they have imagined. 7(8). from (Ais generation for ever. 9. From the wicked (Aa( oppress me, 4(5). Pull me out of the net (Aa( they have 8. and teach thee in the way which thou 11(12). twice have I heard (Ais,- that power 28(29). strengthen, O God, that which thou 3(4). In the way wherein I walked 8. to know the way whereiji I should walk ; 24. he against whom we have sinned? 21. TAis people have I formed for myself; 11. (imputing) (Ais his power unto his god. IT ziv, m. IK. 6: 1 ,37. in the month Z'tf, HT [soou]. * KAL.— Future. ¥: Lev.15: Ps. 78 105 Isa. 48 Lam. 4 Ex. 3 Lev.15 20:22: Nu, 5: 13:14:16: Deu 6; Jos. 5: 2Sa. 3 25. if a woman Aaye an issue (lit. shall run a running) — or if it run beyond the time 20. that the waters gjished out, : 41. and the waters gushed out; 21. and the waters gushed out. 9. with hunger: for these pine away, (marg. flow out) KAL. — Paj'ticiple. Poel. : 8,17 & 13:5 & 33:3. a land flowing with milk and honey ; 2. Aa(A a running issue out of his flesh, (marg. or, running of the reins) 4. whereon he lieth that hath the issue, 6. whereon he sat (Aa( Aa(A (Ae issue 7 . the flesh of Aim (Aa( Aa(A (Ae issue 8. if he (Aa( Aa(A (Ae iss7/e spit 9. he rideth upon (Aa( Aa(A (Ae issue 1 1 . he toucheth (Aa( Aa(A (Ae issue, 1 2, he toucheth which hath the issue, 13. when Ae (Aa( Aa(A an issue 19. if a woman have an issue, (lit. be having, &c.) 32. This (is) the law of him that hath an issue, 33. and of him that hath an issue, (lit. and of him that runneth his running) 24. a land that floweth with milk and honey: ' 4. or Aa(A a running issue; 2. every one (Aa( Aa(A an issue, 27. surely it floweth with milk and honey; 8. a land which floweth with milk 13, 14. that floweth with milk and honey, 3&11:9&26:9, 15 & 27:3 & 31:20. that flow eth with milk and honey. 6. that floweth with milk and honey. 29. from the house of Joab one that hath an Jer. 11: 5 & 32: 22. a land flowing with milk and 49: 4. thy./Zowiny valley, Obacksliding daughter? (marg. or, valley floweth away) Eze.20: 6, Ib.flowing with milk and honey, 11T zohv, m. Lev.15: 2. (because of) Ais issue he (is) unclean. 3. shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh run with Ais issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, 13. hath an issue is cleansed ofhis issue; 15. for him before the Lord for his issue. 19. (and) Aer issue in her flesh be blood, Lev.15: 25. if a woman have an issue of — all the days of the issue of her 26. whereon she lieth all the days of Aer issue 28. if she be cleansed of her issue, 30. for her before the Lord for the issue of 33. and of him that hath an issue, (lit. that runneth Ais running) 1)1 [zood] or TT [zeed]. * KAL.— Preterite. # Ex. 18:11. the thing wherein (Aey dealt proudly Jer. 50: 29. for sAe Aa(A been proud # HIPHIL— Preterite. * Neh 9:10. knewest that (Aey dealt proudly 16. they and our fathers dealt proudly, 29. yet (Aey dealt pj'oudly, HIPHIL.— Future. Gen 25: 29. And Jacob sod pottage: Ex. 21 : 14. if a man come presumptuously Deu 1 : 43. and went presumptuously up (marg. ye were presumptuous and went up) 17:13. and do no more presumptuously. 18:20. which shall presume to speak 1)1 [zood], Ch. # APHEL.— Infinitive. # Dan 5:20. and his mind hardened in pride, (marg. or, to deal proudly) nVvlT zah-veey-yohth' \ f. pi. Ps.l44:12.our daughters (may be) as corner stojies, Zee. 9: 15. as the corners of the altar. ^T [zool]. * KAL. — Participle. -X- Isa. 46: 6. TAey lavish gold out of the bag, # HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Lam. 1 : 8. all that honoured her despise her, rh TIT [zoo-lah'], f. Deu 1 4 Jos 11 Ru. 4 lSa.21 2Sa 7 IK. 3 12 2K. 24 ICh 17 Ps. 18 Isa. 26 45 64 Hos 13 36. Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh; : 12. only (ye heard) a voice, (marg. save a voice) ; 13. burned none of them, save Hazor ; 4. none to redeem (it) beside thee; 9(10). no other save that here. 22. neither (is there any) God beside thee, .18. save we two in the house. :20.6m( the tribe of Judah only. ; 14. save the poorest sort of the people :20. neither (is there any) God beside thee, 31(32). or who (is) a rock save our God ? 13. lords beside thee have had dominion 5 . no God beside me : 21. no God else beside me; 4(3). neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, 4. thou shalt know no god ?jm( me: pT [zoon~\. # HOPHAL.— Participle. # Jer. 5: 8. (3TO) They were (as)/ed horses ])1 [zoon\ Ch. *ITHP'EL.— Future. % Dan 4:12(9). and all flesh was fed of it. HjiT see H2T part. poel. yv ( 384 ) tn J£lT [zoodg]. *KAL Preterite. * Est. 5: 9. nor moved for him, KAL. — Future. Ecc.12 : 3. when the keepers of the house shall tremble, * PILPEL Participle. -» Hab 2: 7. awake that shall vex thee, W [zooag], Ch. * P'AL.— Participle. # Dan 5:19. and languages, trembled and feared (lit. were trembling) 6:26(27). men trejnbie and fear before the God nj$ zvdh-gdh', f. 2Ch29: 8. (iTO) delivered them (o trouble, (marg. commo(iore) Isa. 28:19. it shall be a vexation only Jer. 15: 4. (TTQ) cause them (o be removed (marg. /or a removing) 24: 9&29:18.(nsrO) deliver them to be removed (marg. for removing, or, vexation) 34:17. (UTO) I will make you to be removed (marg. for a removing ) TIT [zoor]. » KAL Preterite. * Isa. 1 : 6. they have not Aeen closed, KAL Future. Jud. 6: 38. and thrust the fleece together. Job 39:15.forgetteth that the foot may crush them, *TlT [jsoor]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Job 19: 13. are verily estranged from me. 17. My breath is strange to my wife, : 3(4) . The wicked are estranged from :30. They were not estranged KAL Participle. 33. but a stranger shall not eat : 9. Ye shall offer no strange incense 33. whosoever putteth (any) of it upon a stranger, 1. offered strange fire before the Lord, 10. There shall no stranger eat 12. daughter also be (married) unto a stranger, (marg. a man a stranger) 13. but there shall no stranger : 51. and the stranger that cometh nigh : 4. when they offered strange fire 10,38. andthe stranger that cometh 40(17:5). that no stranger, which (is) not 4. and a stranger shall not come 7 .and the stranger that cometh nigh 61. when they offered strange fire 5. shall not marry without unto a stranger : : 16. provoked him to jealousy with strange (gods), 18. no stranger with us in the house, 24.1 have digged and drunk strange waters, 19. no stranger passed among them. 15. count me for a stranger : 27. mine eyes shall behold, and not another; (marg. a stranger) 20(21). stretched out our hands to a strange 3(5). For strangers are risen up 9(10). There shall no strange god be in 11. let (Zie strangers spoil his labour. 16. To deliver thee from the strange woman, 3. For the lips of a strange woman 10. Lest strangers he filled with thy 17.be only thine own, and not strangers' 20.be ravished with a strange woman, l.hast stricken thy hand u>i(A a stranger, 5. keep thee from the strange woman 15. He that is surety for a stranger Ps. 58 78 Ex. 29 30 Lev.10 22 Nu. 1 3 1618 26 Deu 25 32 IK. 3 2K. 19 Job 15 19 Ps. 44 5481 109 Pro. 2 5 Pro. 14:10. and a stranger doth not intermeddle 20: 16. garment that is surety (for) a stranger: 22: 14. The mouth of strange women 23:33. Thine eyes shall behold strange women 27 : 2. Let another man praise thee, 13. garment that is surety for a stranger, Isa. 1 : 7. strangers devour it in your presence, — desolate, as overthrown by strangers. 17:10. shalt set it with strange slips: 25 : 2. a palace of strangers to be no city ; 5. bring down the noise of strangers, 28:21. do his work, his strange work; 29: 5. the multitude ofthy strangers 43: 12. when (there was) no strange (god) 61: 5. strangers shall stand and feed Jer. 2: 25. for I have loved strangers, 3: 13. scattered thy ways to the strangers 5 : 1 9. so shall ye serve strangers 18:14. waters that come from another place 30: 8. strangers shall no more serve 51: 2. will send unto Babylon fanners, 51. strangers are come into the Lam. 5: 2. Our inheritance is turned to strangers, Eze. 7:21. into the hands of (Zie strangers 11: 9. deliver you into the hands of strangers, 16:32. taketh strangers instead of her husband ! 28 : 7.1 will bring strangers upon thee, 10. uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: 30: 12. by the hand of strangers: 31 :12. strangers, the terrible of the nations, Hos. 5: 7. for they have begotten strange children: 7: 9. Strangers have devoured his strength, 8 : 7 . (Ae strangers shall swallow it up. 12. they were counted as a strange thing. Joel 3:17(4: 17). and there shall no strangers pass Obad 1 1 . in the day that (Ae strangers carried * NIPHAL Preterite. * Isa. 1: 4. they are gone away backward, (marg. alienated, or, separated) Eze.14: 5. they are all estranged from me * HOPHAL Participle. * Ps. 69: 8(9). I am become a stranger rniT zoo-reh', m. Isa. 59 : 5. and that which is crushed ( marg. sprinkled) nnt [zah-ghagh!]. * NIPHAL.— Future. * Ex. 28: 28. the breastplate be not loosed 39:21. the breastplate might not Z>e loosed hr HT [zah-ghal']. * KAL Preterite. * Job 32: 6. wherefore I was afraid, KAL . — Participle. Deu 32: 24. with the poison of serpents of the dust. Mic. 7: 17. move out of their holes ZiAe worm of (marg. creeping things) Ps.124: pTT [zeh-dohn'], adj. 5. the proud waters had gone over VT [zeev], Ch. Dan 2:31. This great image, whose brightness 4:36(33). mine honour and brightness returned 5: 6. Then the king's countenance was changed, (marg. brightnesses) 9. and his countenance was changed (marg. ia.) 10. nor let thy countenance he changed: 7 : 28. and my countenance changed in me: W zeez, m. Ps. 60:11. and the wild beasts of the field 13(14). and (Ae wild beast of the field 1 1 . toirA (Ae abundance of 'her glory, (marg.or, brightness) Isn. 66 fiilp''T zee-kbhth', f. pi. f 385 ) "DI Isa. 50:11. compass (yourselves) about a?i(A sparks — and in the spaj'ks (that) ye have IT! zahf-yith, m. Gen 8 Ex. 232730 Lev.24 Deu 6 2428 Jos. 24: Jud. 9; 15; ISa. 8: 2Sa.l5:2K. 5: 18; ICh 27: Neh 5: 8: 9: Job 15: Ps. 52; 128; Isa. 17: Jer. 1 1 Hos.14 Am. 4 Mic. 6 Hab. 3: Hag. 2: Zee. 4 14 11. in her mouth (was) an olive leaf :li.thy vineyard, (and) n?i(A (Ay oliveyard. (marg. or, olive trees) ; 20. they bring thee pure oil olive beaten : 24. and of oil olive an hin: : 2. bring unto thee pure oil olive : II . vineyards and olive tj-ees, ; 8. a land of oil olive, and honey ; (marg. of olive tree of oil) 20. When thou beatest (Aine olive tree, 40. Thou shalt have olive trees — for (Aine olive shall cast (his fruit). 13. of the vineyards and oliveyards 8. they said unto the olive tree, 9. But (Ae olive tree said unto them, 5. with the vineyards (and) olives. 14. your vineyards, and your oliveyards 30. by the ascent of (mount) Olivet, 26. to receive garments, and oliveyards, 32. a land of oil olive and of honey, 28. over the olive trees 11. their oliveyards, and their houses, 15. fetch olive branches, 25. vineyards, and oliveyards, 33. cast off his flower as the olive. 8(10). I (am) like a green olive tree 3. thy children like olive plants 6 & 24 -.13. as the shaking of an olive tree, 16. called thy name, A green olive tree, 6(7). his beauty shall be as the olive tree, 9. your fig trees and your olive trees 15. thou shalt tread (Ae olives, 17. the labour of (Ae olive shall fail, 19. the pomegranate, and (Ae olive tree, 3. two olive trees by it, 11. "What (are) these two olive trees 12. What (be these) two olive branches 4. in that day upon the mount of Olives, — the mount of Olives shall cleave ^|T zaKch & ^|T zach, adj. Ex. 27: 20. that they bring thee pure oil olive 30:34. spices with pure frankincense: Lev.24: 2. they bring unto thee pure oil olive 7. put pure frankincense upon (each) row, Job 8 : 6. If thou ( wert) pure and upright ; II : 4. thou hast said, My doctrine (is) pure, 16: 17. also my prayer (is) pure. 33: 9.1 am clean without transgression, Pro. 16: 2. ways of a man (are) clean in his own eyes ; 20:11. whether his work (be) pwre, 21: 8.ow( (as for) the pure, his work (is) right. I-DT [zah-chah']. # KAL Future. * Job 15:14. man, that Ae should be clean? 25: 4. or how can he be clean Ps. 51: 4(6). (and) be clear when thou judgest. Mic. 6:11. SAaZZ / count (them) pure (marg. or, Shall I be pure) * PIEL Preterite. * Ps. 73: 13. Verily I have cleansed my heart (in) vain, Pro.20: 9. Who can say, I have made my heart clean, PIEL Future. Ps.119: 9. shall a young man cleanse his way? * HITHPAEL Imperative. * Isa. 1:16. Wash you, maAe you clean; WT zah-'choo', Ch. f. Dan 6 : 22(23).before him innocency was found in me; JV3tt| z'choo-cheeth' , f. Job 28: 17. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: TDT [zah-choorf\ m. Ex. 23:17. all (Ay males shall appear before the Lord 34:23. Thrice in the year shall all your menchildren Deu 16:16. Three times in a year shall all (Ay males 20:13. thou shalt smite every male thereof ^|3T [zah-chdchf~\. *KAL.— Preterite. * Job 15:15. the heavens are not clean in his sight. 25: 5. the stars are not pure in his sight. Lam. 4: 7. Her Nazarites were purer than snow, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Job 9: 30. and make my hands never so clean; 151 zah-ckar'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Gen 9:15. And I will remember my covenant, 40:14.(Ai7tA on me when it shall be well (marg. remember me) 23. did not the chief butler remember Lev. 26: 42. TAen will I remember my covenant 45. But Iwill for their sakes remember Nu. 11 : 5. We remember the fish, which we did eat 15: 39. and remember all the commandments Deu 5 : 15. And remember that thou wast a servant 8: 2..4nd (Aon shalt remember all the way 18. But thou shalt remember the Lord 15: 15 & 16: 12. And thou shalt remember that thou 24; 18. But thou shalt remember that thou 22. And thou shalt remember that thou Jud, 8:34. the childfen of Israel remembered not 9: 2. remember also that I (am) your bone 1 Sa. 1:11. and remember me , and not forget 25:31. (Aen remember thine handmaid. 2Ch 24: 22. Joash the king reniem&erednotthekindness Neh 9:17. neither were mindful ofthy wonders Est. 2: 1. Ae remembered Vashti, and what Job 21 : 6. when I remember I am afraid, Ps. 9:12(13). Ae remembereth them: 63: 6(7). When I remember thee upon my bed, 78:42. TAey remembered not his hand, 88: 5(6). whom (Aom rememberest no more: (lit. rememberest them) 98 : 3. He hath remembered his mercy 105: 8. He hath remembered his covenant 42. Ae remembered his holy promise, 106: 7. they remembered not the multitude 109: 16. Because that Ae remembered not 115: 12. The Lord Aa(A been mindful of us: 119:52. 1 remembered thy judgments 55. 1 have remembered thy name, 136:23. Who remembered us in our low estate: 143: 5. Iremember the days of old ; Ecc. 9; 15. yet no man remembered that same poor man. Isa. 17:10. Aas( not been mindful of the rock 47: 7. neither didst remember the latter end 57 : 1 1 . Aas( not remembered me, Jer. 2: 2. Thus saith the Lord ; I remember thee, 44:21. did not the Lord rememoer them, Lam.l; 7. Jerusalem remembered in the days 9. sAe remembereth not her last end ; 2: 1 .remembered not his footstool Eze. 6: 9. And they that escape of you shall remember 16:22, 43. thou hast not remembered the days 60. Nevertheless I will remember 61. Then thou shalt remember thy ways, 20:43. And there shall ye remember your ways, 36:31 . TAen shall ye remember your own Hos. 7: 2. Iremember all their wickedness: Am. 1 : 9. remembered not the brotherly covenant: Jon. 2: 7(8). I remembered the Lord: KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 9: 16. that I may remember the everlasting cove nant Ex. 32 Deu. 9 32 Jud.16 2K. 9 20 ICh 16 2C1 6 Neh 1 4 5 6 13 Job 4 7 10 36 41 Ps. 25: ID! Ex. 13: 3. unto the people, Remember this day, 20: 8. Remember the sabbath day, Deu 7:18.shalt weH remember (lit. remembering re member) 24: 9. Remember what the Lord thy God did 25: 17. Remember -what Amalek did Jos. 1 ; 13. Remember the word which Moses Ps.137: l.when we remembered Zion. Jer. 17: 2. Whilst their children remember 31:20.1 do earnestly remember (lit. remembering remember) Lam 3:20. hath (them) still in remembrance, (lit. remembering remembereth) Eze.23:19.in calling to remembrajice the days KAL. — Imperative. 13. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, 7. Remember, (and) forget not, 27. Remember thy servants, Abraham, 7. Remember the days of old, 28. remember me, I pray thee, 25. for remember how that, when I and thou 3. remember now how I have walked 12. Remember his marvellous works that 15. Be ye mindful always ofhis 42. remember the mercies of David 8.i2emem6er, I beseech thee, 14(8). remember the Lord, (which is) great 19. Think upon me, my God, 14. My God, (AinA (Aon upon 14, 22, 31. Remember me, O my God, 29. Remember them, O my God, 7. Remember, I pray thee, 7. O remember that my life (is) wind: 9. Remember, I beseech thee, 24. Remember that thou magnify 8(40:32). rememoer the battle, do no more. 6. Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies 7. to thy mercy j-emember thou me 2. Remember thy congregation, 18. Remember this, (that) the enemy 22. remember how the foolish man 47(48). Remember how short my time is: 50(51 ). Remember, Lord, the reproach 5. Remember his marvellous 4. Remember me, O Lord, 49. Remember the word unto thy servant, l.Lord, remember David, 7. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom I. Remember jiow thy Creator 3. Remember now, O Lord, 21. Remember these, O Jacob 8. Remember this, and shew 9. Remember the former things 21. remember, break not thy covenant 15. remember me, and visit me, 20. Remember that I stood 50. remember the Lord afar off, 19. Remembering mine affliction (marg. or, Remember) 1 . Rejaember, O Lord, what is : 5. remember now what Balak : 4(3 : 22) . Remember ye the law of Moses KAL Future. Gen 8: 1. And God remembered Noah, 19:29. (Aa( God remembej-ed Abraham, 30:22. And God remembered Rachel, 42: 9. And Joseph remembered the dreams Ex. 2:24. and God remejnbered his covenant 6: b.and I have remembered my covenant. Lev.26:42.my covenant with Abraham will 1 re- member; and I will remejnber the land Nu. 15: 40. That ye may rejnember, and do Deu 7:18. shalt well j-emember what 16: 3. that tliou may est remember 1 Sa. 1 : 19. and the Lord remembered her. 2Sa. 14: 1 1 .let the king remember the Lord 19:19(20). neither do thou remember Job 11:16. remember (it) as waters (that) pass away: 14: 13. appoint me a set time, and remember me.1 Ps. 8: 4(5). man, that (Aom art mindful of him? 20: 3(4). Remember all thy offerings, 22:27(28). All the ends of the world shall re member 25: 7. Remember not the sins ofmy youth, 42: 4(5). When I remember these (things), 74 89 105 106 119132137 Ecc. 12: Isa. 38 44 46 Jer. 14 1518 51 Lam 3 5 Mic. 6 Mai. 4 ( tw ) -or Ps. 42: 6(7). therefore will I remember thee 77: 3(4). I remembered God, and was troubled: 6(7) . / call to remembrance my song 1 1(12). I will remember the works of the Lord: — ( — ).Iwill remember thy wonders of old. ' 78:35. Ajid they remembered that God 39. For he remembered that they 79: 8. O remember not against us 106:45. And he remembered for them 111: 5. Ae will ever be mindful of his covenant. 137 : 6. If / do not remember thee, Pro.31: 7. remember his misery no more. Ecc. 5;20(19).Ae shall not much remember 11 : 8.ye( let him remember the days of Isa. 43: 18. Remember ye not the former things, 25. and will not remember thy sins. 54: 4. shalt not remember the reproach 63:11. TAen he remembered the days 64: 5(4). remember thee in thy ways: 9(8). neither remember iniquity Jer. 3 : 16. neither shall they remember it ; 14:10. Ae will now remember their iniquity, 20 : 9. 1 will not make mention of him, 23 : 36. the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no more: 31:20. 1 do earnestly remember him still: 34. and Iwill remember their sin no more. Lam. 3: 20. My soul Au(A (them) still in remembrance, Eze.I6:63.That thou mayest remember, 23: 27. nor remember Egypt any more. Hos. 8: 13. now will he remember their iniquity, 9: 9. Ae will remember their iniquity, Nah. 2: 5(6). He shall recount his worthies: Hab. 3: 2. in wrath remember mercy. Zee. 10: 9. they shall remember me in far KAL.— Participle. Poel. Ps. 103: 18. and to those that remember his command mentsKAL — Participle. Paul. Ps.l03:14.Ae remembereth that we (are) dust. * NIPHAL Preterite. # Nu. 10: 9. and ye shall be remembered before NIPHAL Infinitive. Eze.21 -.24(29) . that ye aj'e come to rememh'ance, NIPHAL— Future. Ex. 34: 19. ox or sheep, (Aa( is male. Job 24:20.Ae shall be no more remembered; 28:18. No mention shall be made of coral, (lit, shall not 6e remembered) Ps. 83: 4(5). Israel may be no more in remembrance. 109: 14. iniquity ofhis fathers be remembered Isa. 23: 16. that (Aow mayest be remembered. 65: 17. the former shall not be remembej-ed, Jer. 11 ; 19. his name may be no more remembered. Eze. 3: 20. hath done shall not be j'emembered; 18:22. they shall not be mentioned unto him: 24. that he hath done shall not be mentioned: 21: 32(37). thou shalt be no (more) remembered: 25: 10. Ammonites may not be j'emembered 33:13. his,righteousnessesshaUnotberemembered; 16. he hath committed shall be mentioned Hos 2: 17( 19). (Aey shall no more be remembered Zee 13: 2. they shall no more be remembered : NIPHAL.— Participle. Est. 9: 28. these days (should be) j'emembered * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Gen 40:14. and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, Isa. 49: l.hath he made mention ofmy name. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. ISa. 4:18.w?Aen Ae made mention of the ark 2Sa.l8: 18. no son to keep my name in remembrance: IK. 17: 18. (o call my sin to remembrance, ICh 16: 4. and to record, and to thank and praise Ps. 38:[title](l) & 70;[title](l).(o bring to remem brance. 4(29). Because ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, 10. for we may not maAe mention (marg. or, (Aey will not, or, have not) HIPHIL. — Imperative. 4. make mention that his name is exalted. Eze.21: Am. 6 Isa. 12 "Dt ( 387 ) Isa. 43:26. Pw( me in remembrance : let us plead Jer. 4:16. Make ye 7neniion to the nations ; HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 20:24. in all places where I record my name 23:13. make no mention of the name Jos. 23: 7. neither make mention of the name Ps. 20: 7(8).we mil remember the nameof theLord 45:17(18). Iioill maAe thy name (o be remembered 71:16. Iwill make mention ofthy righteousness, 77:11(12). (a*TO) / will remember the works of the Lord: 87: 4.1 will make mention of Rahab Cant 1 : 4. we will remember thy love Isa. 19: 17. every one that maketh mention 26: 13. by thee only will we make mention of 48: I. make mention of the God of Israel, 63: 7.1 will mention the lovingkindnesses HIPHIL.— Participle. Gen41 : 9. 1 do remember my faults this day: Nu. 5:15. bringing iniquity to remembrance. 2Sa. 8:16. the son of Ahilud (was) recorder ; (marg. or, remembrancer, or, writer of chroni cles) 20: 24. the son of Ahilud (was) recorder: (marg. or, remembrancer) 1 K. 4:3. the son of Ahilud, the recorder, (marg. id) 2K. 18:18, 37. the son of Asaph the recorder. ICh 18:15. Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud, recorder. (marg.or, remembrancer) 2Ch 34: 8. Joah the son of Joahaz (Ae recorder, Isa. 36: 3. Joah, Asaph's son, (Ae recorder. 22. Joah, the son of Asaph, (Ae recorder, 62: 6. ye tluxt make mention of the Lord, (marg. or, ye that are the Lord's remembrancers) 66: 3. Ae (Aa( burneth incense, (marg. maketh a memorial of) Eze.21 :23(28). he will call to remembrance 29:16. which bringeth (their) iniquity to remem brance, 121 zah-chahr1 , m. Gen. 1 : 6 7: 17: 34: Ex. 1213 Lev. I: 3: 4: 6 7 121518 20 2227 Nu. 1 3 27 &5:2.male and female created he them. 19. they shall be male and female. 3, 9. (Ae male and the female ; 16. went in male and female 10. Every man child among you 12. every man child in your generations, 14. the uncircumcised maji child 23. every male among the men 15. that every male of you be circumcised ; 22. if every male among us be circumcised, 24. every male was circumcised, 25. slew all (Ae males. 5. a male of the first year: 48. let all Ais males be circumcised, 12. (Ae males (shall be) the Lord's. 15. all that openeth the matrix, being males; 3. let him offer a male without blemish; 10. he shall bring it a male 1. whether (it be) a male or female, 6. male or female, he shall offer it 23. goats, a male without blemish : : 18(11). All (Ae males among the children 29(22). All (Ae males among the priests : 6. Every male among the priests : 2. and born a man child: 7. that hath born a male or a female. :,33. of the man, and of the woman, : 22. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, 13. If aman also lie with mankind, : 19. at your own will a male 3. of (Ae male from twenty years 5. shall be of (Ae male twenty shekels, 6. shall be of (Ae male five shekels 7. if (it be) a male, : 2. every male by their polls ; 20, 22. every male from twenty years old : 15. every male from a month old 22. to the number of all the males, 28,34, 39. all (Ae males, from a month old 40. Number all the firstborn of (Ae males 43. all (Ae firstborn males 3. Both male and female (lit. from the male to the female) Nu. 18 26 31: 18 Dei 4 35 16 15 19 Jos 5 4 17 2 Jud.21 11. 12 IK. 11 1516 2Ch31 16 19 Ezr 8 3 4, 13 Isa. 66 7 Jer. 20 15 30 6 Eze. 16 17 Ma . 1 14 -Dt .every male shall eat it: all males from a month old they slew all (Ae males. Now therefore kill every male hath known man by lying with Aim. (marg. a male) not known a man by lying with him, (lit. the lying of a male) not known man by lying with him. (lit. id. ) the likeness of male or female, All the firstling males that come came put of Egypt, (that were) males, these (were) (Ae male children Ye shall utterly destroy every male, and every woman that hath lain by man. known no man by lying with any male: after he had smitten every male until he had cut off every male Beside their genealogy of males, give portions to all (Ae males reckoned by genealogy of the males 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. and with him. ..males. 14. with them.. .males. she was delivered of a man child. A man child is born unto thee ; see whether a man doth travail (marg. male) madest to thyself images of men, (marg.a male) which hath in his flock a male, 1^1 zeh'-cher, & 13J zehf-cher, m. Ex. 3: 15. this (is) my memorial unto all genera tions. 17:14. will utterly put out (Ae remembrance of Deu 25: 19. thou shalt blot out (Ae remembrance of 32:26. make (Ae remembrance of them to cease Est. 9:28. nor fhe memorial of them perish Job 18:17. His remembrance shall perish Ps. 6: 5(6). in death (there is) no remembrance of thee: 9: 6(7). (Aeir manorial is perished with them. 30: 4(5). give thanks at the remembrance of his (marg.or, to the memorial) 34:16(17). to cut off(Ae remembrance of them 97: 12. give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness, (marg.or, to the memorial) 102: 12(13). and thy remembrance unto all genera tions. 109:15. cut off (Ae memory of them from the earth. Ill: 4. made his wonderful works to be remem bered : (lit. a memorial for his, &c.) 112: 6. the righteous shall be in everlasting re membrance. 135:13. (Ay memorial, O Lord, 145: 7. utter (Ae memory ofthy great goodness, Pro 10: 7. TAe memory of the just (is) blessed: Ecc. 9: 5. (Ae memory of them is forgotten. Isa. 26: 8. and to the remembrance of thee. 14. made all (Aeir memory to perish. Hos 12: 5 (6). the Lord (is) Ais memorial. 14: 7(8). the scent (Aereo/(shall be) as the wine (marg. or, memorial) |V1$T zik-kak-rohn', m. Ex. 12:14. this day shall be unto you for amemorial; 13: 9. and for a memorial between thine eyes, 17: 14. (for) amemorial in a book, 28:12.the ephod (for) stones of memorial — upon his two shoulders for a memorial. 29.for a memorial before the Lord 30: 16. that it may be a memorial 39: 7. stones for a memorial to the children Lev 23: 24. a memorial of blowing of trumpets, Nu. 5:15. an offering of memorial, 18. put the offering of memorial 10:10. that they may be to you for a memorial 16:40(17:5). a memorial unto the children of Israel, 31 :54. a memorial for the children Jos. 4: 7. these stones shall be for a memorial Neh. 2:20. nor right, nor memorial, c c 2 IDT ( 388 ) Pt Est. 6: l.he commanded to bring the book of re cords Job 13:12. Your remembrances (are) like unto ashes, Ecc. 1 : 11. no remem&rance of former (things); nei ther shall there be (any) remembrance 2:16. For (there is) no remembrance of the wise Isa. 57: 8. hast thou set up thy remembrance: Zee. 6:14./or a memorial in the temple Mai. 3 : 16. a book of remembrance was written rVPT zool-looth', f. Ps. 12: 8(9). when (Ae vilest men are exalted. Qt!?! zal-zal-leem' , m. pi. Isa. 18: 5. he shall both cut off (Ae sprigs bh\ [zah-lal']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Deu 21 : 20. a glutton, and a drunkard. Pro. 23: 20. among riotous eaters of flesh; 21. the drunkard and the glutton 28: 7. he that is a companion of riotous (men) (marg. or, feedeth gluttons) Jer. 15:19. take forth the precious from the vile, Lam. 1:11. for I am become vile. * NIPHAL Preterite.* Isa. 64: 1(63:19). the mountains might flow down 3(2). the mountains flowed down nSJzfpT zal-gah-phah' , f. Ps. 11: 6. and an horrible tempest: (marg. burning) 119:53. Horror hath taken hold upon me Lam. 5:10. because of the terrible famine, (marg.or, terrors, or, storms) PlfiT zim-mah', f. T * 7 Lev.18 19 20 Jud.20 Job 17 31 Ps. 26 119 Pro. 10 2124 Isa. 32 Jer. 13 Eze.16 24 Hos. 6 17. her near kinswomen: it (is) wickedness. 29. the land become full of wickedness. : 14. it (is) wickedness : — there be no wickedness among you. : 6. for they have committed lewdness : 1 1. my purposes are broken off, : II. For this (is) an heinous crime; :10. In whose hands (is) mischief, 150. nigh that follow after mischief: ;23. (It is) as sport to a fool to do mischief: :27.he bringeth it «;i(A a wicked mind? (marg. in wickedness) : 9. The thought of foolishness (is) sin: : 7. he deviseth wicked devices to destroy -.27 .the lewdness ofthy whoredom, ;27. which are ashamed ofthy lewd way. 43. thou shalt not commit this lewdness 58. Thou hast borne (Ay lewdness : 9. in the midst of thee they commit lewdness. 11. another hath lewdly defiled ;21.calledst to remembrance (Ae lewdness of 27. make (Ay lewdness to cease 29. both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms. 35. therefore bear thou also (Ay lewdness 44. Aholah and unto Aholibah, the lewd 48. Thus will I cause lewdjtess to cease — taught not to do after your lewdness. 49. they shall recompense your lewdness :13.In thy nlthiness (is) lewdness: : 9. for they commit lewdness, (marg. or, enormity) rni&T z'moh-rah', f. Nu, 13:23. cut down from thence a branch Isa. 17: lO.and shalt set it with strange slips . Eze. 8:17. they put (Ae branch to their nose. Eze. 15: 2. a branch which is among the trees Nah 2: 2(3). and marred (Aeir vine branches. 1*121 zah-meer\ m. Cant. 2:12. the time of (Ae singing (of birds) is come, ^0} z'meer, m. 2Sa.23: 1. sweet psalmist of Israel, (lit. of Psalms) Job 35; 10. who giveth songs in the night; Ps. 95: 2. make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. 119:54. Thy statutes have been my songs Isa. 24: 16. of the earth have we heard songs, 25: 5. (Ae branch of the terrible ones DDT zah-mam' ' . * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 19: 19. do unto him, as Ae Aad thought Ps. 31 : 13(14). (Aey devised to take away my life. Pro. 30: 32. or if (Aon Aas( thought evil, 31 : 16. She considereth a field, Jer. 4:28.1 have spoken (it), I have purposed 51 : 12. the Lord. Aa(A both devised and done Lam. 2:17. hath done (that) which he haddevised; Zee. 1 ; 6. the Lord of hosts thought to do unto us, 8:14. As I thought to punish you, 15. So again have I thought in these days KAL. — Infinitive. Ps. 17: 3.1 am purposed (that) my mouth (lit. mi KAL. — Future. Genii : 6. which (Aey Aaue imagined to do. KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 37: 12. The wicked plotteth against the just, (marg. or, practiseth) DOT [zah-mahm'], m. Ps.140; 8(9). further not Ais wicked device; \ti\ \zah-man!\ * PUAL.— Participle. # Ezr. 10: 14. come at appointed times, NehI0:34(35).at times appointed 13: 31. the wood offering, at times appointed, J»T: [zman], Ch. * ITHPAEL.— Preterite. # Dan 2: 9. ye have prepared lying and corrupt words [Note, 3'flD Aphel] . JOT zmahn, m. Neh 2: 6. and I set him a time. Est. 9:27. and according to their (appointed) time 31. Purim in their times (appointed), Ecc. 3: 1. To every (thing there is) a season, JOT z'moihn, Ch. Ezr. 5: 3. At the same time came Dan 2:16. that he would give him time, 2 l.he changeth the times and the seasons: 3 : 7 . Therefore at that time, when all the people 8. Wherefore at that (ime certain Chaldeans 4:36(33). At the same time my reason 6:10(11). kneeled upon his knees three (imesa 13(l 4). but maketh his petition three times a 7:12. their lives were prolonged for a season 22. and the time came that the saints 25. and think to change titties and laws: llOt ( 389 ) 1121 [zah-mar']. * KAL.— Future. # Lev.25 : 3. thou shalt prune thy vineyard, 4. nor prune thy vineyard. * NIPHAL Future. * Isa. 5: 6. it shall not be pruned, nor digged ; *PIEL Infinitive.^ ¦ Ps. 92: 1(2). and (o sing praises unto thy name, 147: l.for (it is) good to sijig pj'aises PIEL — Impej-ative. lChl6: 9. sing psalms unto him, Ps. 9: 11 ( 12). Sing praises to the Lord, 30: 4(5)Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints 33: 2.siny unto him with the psaltery 47 : 6(7 ). Sing praises to God, sing praises : sing praises unto our King, sing praises. 7(8). sing ye praises with understanding. 66: 2. Sing forth the honour ofhis name: 68: 4(5). sing praises to his name: 32(33_). 0 sing praises unto the Lord; 98: 4. rejoice, and sing praise. 5. Sing unto the Lord with the harp ; 105: 2. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him; 135: 3. sing praises unto his name ; 147 : 7. sing praise upon the harp Isa. 12: 5. Sing unto the Lord; PIEL.— Future. Jud. 5: 3. Iwill sing (praise) to the Lord 2Sa.22:50. Iwill sing praises unto thy name. Ps. 7: 17(18). and will sing praise to the name of 9: 2(3). Iwill sijig praise to thy name, 18:49(50). and sing praises unto thy name. 21: 13(14). (so) will we sing and praise thy 27: 6. yea, I will sing praises 30:12(13). that (my) glory may sing praise to thee, 57: 7(8). I will sing and give praise. 9(l0). I will praise thee, O Lord, 59: 17( 18). Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing : 61 : 8(9) . So will I sing praise unto thy name 66: 4. and sAatf sing unto thee; (Aey shall sing (to) thy name. 71: 22. unto thee will I sing with the harp, 23. greatly rejoice when J sing unto thee; 75: 9( 10). J will sing praises to the God of 101: l.unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. 104:33. / will sing praise to my God 108: 1(2). I will sing and give praise, 3(4). and I will sing praises unto thee 138: 1. the gods will I sing praise unto thee. 144: 9. of ten strings will I si7ig praises unto 146: 2. 1 will sing praises unto my God 149: Z.let (Aem sing praises unto him with the not Ps. 1 18: H.The Lord (is) my strength and song, Isa. 12: 2. my strength and (my) song; \\ zan, m. 2Ch 16:14. with sweet odours and divers kinds Ps.l44:13.affording all manner of store: (marg. from kind to kind) jT [zan], Ch. m. Dan 3: 5, 7, 10, 15. and all Ainas o/musick, 23T zah-nahv', m. Ex. 4: 4. Put forth thine hand, and take it Ay (Ae tail. Deu28:13.make thee the head, and not (Ae tail; 44. he shall be the head, and thou shalt be (Ae tail. Jud. 15: 4. took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, — in the midst between two tails. Job 40:17. He moveth Ais tail like a cedar: Isa. 7: 4. the two tails of these smoking firebrands, 9:14(13). cut off from Israel head and tail, 15(14). prophet that teacheth lies, he (is) (Ae tail. 19: 15. which the head or tail, branch Z)\[zah-nav']. •X- PIEL Preterite. * Jos. 10: 19. and smite the hindmost of them; (marg. cut offthe tail) PIEL Future. Deu25:18. ana" smote the hindmost of thee, H2] [z'mahr], Ch. m. Dan 3: 5, 7, 10, 15. and all kinds of musick, 1ST [zam-mahr'], Ch. m. Ezr. 7:24.Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, *l£T [zeh'-mer], m. Deu 14: 5. the wild ox, and the chamois. rn^T zim-rah', f. Gen43:ll.take o/(Ae best fruits in the land Ps. 81 ; 2(3). Take a psalm, and bring hither the 98: 5. with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. Isa. 51 : 3. thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. Am. 5:23./or I will not hear (Ae melody ofthy viols. JTt?T zim-rahth', f. Ex. 15: 2. The Lord (is) my strength and song, rtiT zah-nah'. *KAL Preterite.* Gen 38: 24. thy daughter in law Aa(A played the harlot ; Ex. 34: 15. and they go a whoring after their gods, 16. and their daughters go a whoring Deu31 : 16. ancZ go a whoring after the gods Jud. 2: 17. but (Aey went a whoring Isa. 23:17. and shall commit fornication with all Jer. 3 : 1 . but thou Aas( played the harlot Eze.23 : 3. (Aey committed whoredoms in their youth : 19. wherein sAe Aaa" played the harlot Hos. 2: 5(7). their mother hath played the harlot: 9 : 1 . for thou hast gone a whoring KAL. — Infinitive. Lev.20: 5. to commit whoredom with Molech, 6. to go a whoring after them, 21 : 9. profane herself by playing the whore, Nu. 25: 1. the people began to commit whoredom Deu 22:21.(0 play the whore in her father's house: Eze. 23:30. because thou hast gone a whoring Hos. 1: 2. the land hath committed great whoredom, (lit. ire whoring hath whored) KAL.— Future. Lev.l9:29.1est the land/aZZ to whoredom, Jud. 8 : 27. and all Israel went thither a whoring after it : 33. and went a whoring after Baalim, 19: 2. And his concubine played the whore ICh 5:25. and went a whoring after the gods Ps. 106: 39. ana" went a whoring with their own inven tions. Isa. 57:' 3. seed of the adulterer andthe whore, (lit. and she will commit whoredom) Jer. 3: 6.and there hath played the harlot. 8. but went and played the harlot also. Eze.l6:15.ared playedst the harlot because of 16. and playedst the harlot thereupon: 17. and didst commit whoredom with them, 26. Thou hast also committed fornication 28. Thou hast played the whore also rut 390 ) W Eze-16:28. yea, thou hast played tke harlot with them, 23: 3. And they committed whoredoms in Egypt ; 5. And Aholah played the harlot 43. Will they now commit whoredoms with her, Hos. 1 : 2. the land Aa(A committed great whoredom, 3 : 3. (Aom shalt not play the harlot, 4:12. and they have gone a whoring 13. your daughters shall commit whoredom, 14. when (Aey commit whoredom, Am. 7: 17. Thy wife shall be an harlot KAL. — Participle. Poel. (* lit. a woman a harlot). Gen34:31.deal with our sister as with an harlot? 38: 15. he thought her to (be) an harlot; Lev. 17 ; 7. after whom they Aaye gone a whoring. 20: 5. all that go a whoring after him, 21: 7. shall not take a wife (that is) a whore, 14. or profane, (or) an harlot, Nu. 15: 39. ye use to go a whoring: Deu23: 18(19). shalt not bring the hire of a whore, Jos. 2; l.came into lan harlot's house, 6:17. only Rahab the harlot shall live, 22. 'Go into '(Ae harlot* s house, 25. Joshua saved Rahab (Ae harlot Jud.ll: l.he (was) the son of 'an harlot: 16: 1. saw there : an harlot, IK. 3:16. two women, (that were) harlots, Ps. 73:27. them that go a whoring from thee. Pro. 6:26. For by means of a wliorhh woman 7 : 10. a woman (with) the attire of an harlot, 23:27. For a whore (is) a deep ditch; 29: 3. he that keepeth company with harlots Isa. 1:21. the faithful city become an harlot! 23:15. shall Tyre sing as aji harlot. 16. thou harlot that hast been forgotten ; Jer. 2:20. thou wanderest, playing the harlot. 3: 3. thou hadst ' a whore's forehead, 5: 7. by troops in (Ae harlots'1 houses. Eze. 6: 9. 1 am broken with their whorish heart, — which go a whoring after their idols: 16 :30. the work of an imperious whorish woman , 31. hast not been as an harlot, 33. They give gifts to all whores : 35. 0 harlot, hear the word of the Lord: 41 . cause thee to cease /rom playing the harlot, 20: 30. commit ye whoredom after their 23:44. as they go in unto a woman (Aa( playeth the harlot : Hos 4: 14. themselves are separated with whores, 15. Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, Joel 3: 3(4:3). have given a boy for an harlot, Mic. 1: 7. she gathered (it) of the hire of aji harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot. Nah 3: 4. of (Ae wellfavoured harlot, #PUAL.— Preterite. # Eze.l6:34. none followeth thee to commit whoredoms: * HIPHIL Preterite.* Ex. 34:16. and maAe thy sons go a whoring Hos. 4:10. (Aey shall commit whoredom, 18. (Aey Aaue committed whoredom continually: 5: 3.0 Ephraim, (Aom committest whoredom, HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Lev.19: 29.(o cause her to be a whore; 2Ch 21:13. like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, Hos. 4: 18. they have committed whoredom coju tinually : (lit. in committbig whoredojn they have committed whoredom) HIPHIL.— Future. 2Ch21 ill. and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication , 13. and hast made Judah. ..to go a whoring, D'WT z'noo-neem' , m.pl. Gen 38:24. she (is) with child by whoredom. 2K. 9:22. so long as (Ae whoredoms ofthy mother Eze. 23 : 1 1 . more than her sister in (her) whoredoms. (marg. (Ae whoredoms of her sister) 29. the nakedness of (Ay whoredoms Hos. I: 2. take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms : Hos. 2: 2(4). let her therefore put away Aer icAore- doms 4(6 ) . for they (be) the children of whoredoms. 4 : 1 2 & 5 : 4. for the spirit of whoredoms Nah. 3: 4.(Ae whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot • — selleth nations through her whoredoms, 1TI3T zoh-nohth', f. pi. IK. 22:38. and they washed Ais armour; HUT z'nooth, f. Nu. 14:33. and bear your whoredoms, Jer. 3: 2. polluted the land with thy whoredoms 9. through the lightness of Aer whoredom, 1 3 : 27 . the lewdness of (Ay whoredom, Eze.23:27.(Ay whoredom (brought) from 43: 7. nor their kings, by their whoredom, 9. let them put away (Aeir whoredom, Hos. 4:11. Whoredom and wine and new wine 6:10. there (is) (Zie whoredom of Ephraim, PI2T zah-nagh! . *KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 43 4460 2. why dost thou cast me off? 9(10). But thou hast cast off, and put us 1(3). O God, thou hast cast us off, 10(12).thou, O God, (which) hadst cast us off? l.why Aas( thou cast (us) off for ever? 38(39). But thou AasZ cast off and abhorred, 11(12). O God, (who) hast cast us off? 7. The Lord Aa(A cast off his altar, 3. Israel hath cast off (the thing that is) good: 5. Thy calf, O Samaria, Aa(A cast (thee) off; Zec.10: 6. though I had not cast them off: KAL Future. 23(24). arise, cas( (us) not off for ever. 7(8). Will the Lord cast off for ever? 14(15). Lord, why castest tliou offray soul? 17. And thou hast removed my soul far off 31. the Lord will not cast off for ever: * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 1 4. and his sons had cast them off 19. king Ahaz in his reign did cast away : 6. And they shall turn the rivers far aibhy; * HIPHIL Future. * : 9. if thou forsake him, Ae tciZZ cast thee off 74: 89 108 Lam. 2 Hos. 8 Ps. 44 77 Lam. 3 2Chll 29 Isa. 19 ICh 28 MT [zah-nak']. *PIEL.— Future. * Deu 33:22. Ae shall leap from Bashan. njp. [zeh-gah'], f. Gen 3:19. In the sweat o/thyface shalt thou eat bread, JllJJT zah-gtivak' , f. Deu28:25. shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth, (marg. for a removing) 2Ch29: 8. he hath delivered them to trouble, (marg. commotion) Jer. 16: 4.1 will cause them to be removed into all (marg. for a removing) 24: 9 & 29: 18. will deliver them to be removed (marg. for removing, or, vexation) ' 34:17.1 will make you to be removed (marg. for a removing) . Eze. 23 : 46. and will give them to be removed (marg. id.) *V$?T zgehr, m. Job 36: 2. Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee Isa. 28:10, 13. line upon line; here a little, (and) therP n litth - VWXz'gehr], Ch. adj. Dan 7 : 8. among them another little horn, c 391 ) pyi t]JJT zahf-gaph, m. ^J?T \zah-ngdch!\ * NIPHAL Preterite. * Job 17: l.My breath is corrupt, my days are extinct, DJ7T zah-gam\ # KAL.— Preterite. * Nu. 23: 8. the Lord hath not defied? Isa. 66: 14. a?id (his) indignation toward his enemies. (lit. and he shall be angry) Dan 11 :30. and have hidignation against the Zee. 1:12. against which (Aom Aas( had indignation Mai. 1 : 4. the Lord Aa(A indignation for ever. KAL. — Imperative. Nu. 23: 7. curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel. KAL. — Future. Nu. 23: 8. hath not cursed ? or how sAaff / defy, Pro. 24: 24. nations sAa# a&Aor Aim: KAL. — Participle. — Poel . Ps. 7:11(12). God is angry (with the wicked) every day. KAL. — Participle. Paul . Pro.22:14.Ae (Aa( is abhoj'red of the Lord Mic. 6: 10. the scant measure (that is) abominable? * NIPHAL Participle. # Pro.25:23.so (doth) an angry countenance DJ?T zah'-gam. 2Chl6:I0.for (he was) in a rage with him 28: 9.ve have slain them in a rage Pro.l9:12.The king's u>ra(A (is) as the roaring of a lion ; Isa. 30:30. with the indignation of (his) anger, Jon. 1:15. the sea ceased from her raging. Mic. 7: 9.1 will bear (Ae indignation of the Lord, Ps. 38: 3(4). in my flesh because of thine anger; 69 ; 24(25 ) . Pour out thine indignation upon them, 78:49. anger, wrath, ajid indignation, 102 ; 10(1 1 ). Because of (Aine ijidignation Isa. 10: 5. the staff in their hand is mine indignation. 2b. the indignation shall cease, 13: 5. the weapons of his indignation, 26:20. until (Ae indignation be overpast. 30:27. his lips are full of indignation, Jer. 10: 10. shall not be able to abide Ais indignation. 15; 17. thou hast filled me with indignation. 50:25. brought forth the weapons of Ais indigna tion : Lam 2: 6. in (Ae indignation of 'his anger Eze.21 :31(36). I will pour out mine indignation 22:24. nor rained upon in the day of indigjiation. 31. have I poured out mine indignation upon them; Dan 8:19.shall be in the last end of the indignation : 11 :36. till (Ae indignation be accomplished: Hos. 7:16. fall by the sword for the rage of Nah. 1: 6. Who can stand before Ais indignation? Hab 3: 12. didst march through the land in indigjia tion, Zep. 3; 8. to pour upon them mine indignation, tfitllzah-gaph']. * KAL Infinitive. * 2Ch 26: 19. and while he was wroth with the priests, KAL. — Future. 2Ch26:19. Then Uzziah was wroth, Pro.19: 3. his heart fretteth against the Lord. KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen40: 6. behold, they (were) sad. Dan 1:10. should he see your faces worse liking (marg. sadder) *)fi! zah-gehphf, adj. IK. 20:43. went to his house heavy and displeased, 21 : 4. came into his house heavy and displeased pjtf [zah-gak']. * KAL.— Preterite.* Jud. 6: 7. when the children of Israel cried ISa. S:18.And ye shall cry out in that day 2Sa. 13: 19. her hand on her head, and went on crying. (lit. going and cried) ICh 5: 20. (Aey cried to God in the battle, Ps. 22: 5(6). TAey cried unto thee, 142: 5(6). /cried unto thee, O Lord: Jer 11:11. and though they shalt cry unto me, 12. go, and cry unto the gods 47 : 2. then the men sAaZZ cry, Hos. 7 : 14. And (Aey have not cried KAL. — Infinitive. ISa. 7: 8. Cease not to cry unto the Lord (marg. Be not silent from us from crying) 2Sa.l9:28(29).What right therefore have I yet to cry Isa. 30:19.at the voice of (Ay cry; 57 : 13. When thou criest, let thy companies KAL. — Imperative. Jud.l0:14. Go and cry unto the gods Isa. 14:31. Howl, Ogate; cry, O city; Jer. 25:34. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; 48:20. it is broken down: howl and cry; Eze.21: 12(17). Cry and howl, son of man: Joel 1:14. and cry unto the Lord, KAL Future. Ex. 2 : 23. and they cried, and their cry came up Jud. 3: 9, 15. when the children of Israel cried 6: 6& 10: 10. and the children of Israel cried unto 12: 2. and when 1 called you, ye delivered ISa. 4:13. And when the man came.. .all the city cried out. 5:10.(Aa( the Ekronites cried out, 7: 9. and Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel ; 12: 8 . and your fathers cried unto the Lord, 10. And'they cried unto the Lord, 15:11. and he cried unto the Lord 28:12.4nd when the woman saw Samuel, sAe cried 2Sa.l9: 4(5). and the king cried with a loud voice, IK. 22:32. and Jehoshaphat cried out. 2Ch 18:31. but Jehoshaphat cried out, 20: 9. and cry unto thee in our affliction, 32: 20. prayed and cried to heaven. Neh 9: 4. and cried with aloud voice 28. returned, and cried unto thee, Est. 4:1. and cried with a loud and a bitter cry ; Job 31 :38. If my land cry against me, Ps.l07:13. Then they cried unto the Lord 19. Then they cry unto the Lord 142: 1(2). I cried unto the Lord Isa. 15: 4. And Heshbon shall cry, 5. My heart shall cry out for Moab ; 26:17. crieZA out in her pangs ; Jer. 20: 8. For since I spake, I cried out, 30:15. Why criest thou for thine affliction ? 48:31. / will cry out for all Moab ; Lam. 3: 8. Also when I cry and shout, Eze. 9: 8. 1 fell upon my face, ared cried, II :13.fell I down upon my face, and cried 27 : 30. and shall cry bitterly, Hos. 8: 2. Israel sAaZZ cry unto me, Jon. 1: 5. and cried every man unto his god, Mic. 3: 4. Then shall they cry unto the Lord, Hab 1: 2. cry out unto thee (of) violence, 2: 11. the stone shall cry out of the wall, * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Jud,18:22.Micah's house were gathered together, ?w ( 392 ) IP' Jud.l8:23.that thou comest with such a company? (marg. art gathered together ?) NIPHAL Future. Jos. 8:16. And all the people.. .mere called together Jud. 6:34. and Abi-ezer was gathered after him. (marg. called) 35. who also was gathered after him : lSa,14:20.4red Saul and all the people... assembled themselves, (marg. were cried together) * HIPHIL Infinitive. * 2Sa. 20 : 5. So Amasa went to assemble HIPHIL. — Imperative. 2Sa.20: 4. Assemble me the men of Judah (marg. Call) HIPHIL— Future. Jud. 4:10. And Barak called Zebulun 13. And Sisera gathered together (marg. gathered by cry, or, proclamation) Job 35: 9. they make (the oppressed) to cry: Jon. 3: 7 . And he caused (it) to be proclaimed Zee. 6: 8. Then cried he upon me, flfiz'geek, Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan 6:20(21). Ae cried with a lamentable voice nj$T: z'gah-kah', f. Genl8: Neh 59 Est. 49 Job 16; Pro.21 : Ecc. 9: Isa. 15 65 Jer. 18: 20 4850 51 Eze.27 20. (Ae cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, 6. when I heard (Aeir cry and these words. 9. heardest (Aeir cry by the Red sea ; 1. cried with a loud and a bitter cry ; 31 . the matters of the fastings and their cry. 18. let wiy cry have no place, (lit. let be to my cry) 13. stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, 17. more than the cry of 'him that ruleth 5. they shall raise up a cry of destruction. 8. For (Ae cry is gone round about 1 9. nor the voice of crying. 22. Let a cry be heard from their houses, 16. and let him hear (Ae cry in the morning, 4. her little ones have caused a cry 34. From the cry of Heshbon 46. and the cry is heard among the nations. 54. A sound of aery (cometh)from Babylon, 28. shall shake at the sound of (Ae cry of nf)T zeh'-pheth, f. Ex. 2: 3. daubed it with slime and with pitch, Isa. 34: 9. shall be turned into pitch, — shall become burning pitch. Q^jpT zik-keem' , m. pi. Job 36: 8. if (they be) bound in fetters, Ps. 149 : 8. To bind their kings with chains, Pro.26:18. As a mad (man) who casteth firebrands, (marg. flames, or, sparks) Isa. 45: 14. ire chains they shall come over, Nah 3: 10. all her great men were bound ire chains. PJ zah-kahn' , com. Lev,13:29.a plague upon the head or (Ae beard; 30. a leprosy upon the head or beard. 14: 9.all his hair off his head and Ais beard 19:27. mar the corners ofthy beard. 21 : 5. they shave off the corner of (Aeir beard, ISa. 17:35. 1 caught (him) by his beard, 21 : 13(. 14). let his spittle fall down upon his beard. 2Sa. 1 0 : 4. shaved off the one half of (Aeir beards, 5. until your beards be grown, 20: 9. Joab took Amasa by the beard ICh 19: 5. until your beards he grown, Ezr. 9: 3. the hair of my head and of my beard, Ps. 133: 2. that ran down upon the beard, (even) Aaron's beard: Isa. 7 : 20. it shall also consume (Ae beard. 15: 2. every beard cut off. Jer. 41 : 5. having their beards shaven, 48:37. and every beard clipped: Eze. 5: 1. upon thine head and upon (Ay beard: pT zah-kehn' . * KAL Preterite. * Genl8:12.my lord being old also? 13. bear a child, which am old? 19: 31. said unto the younger, Our father (is)oAf, 24: 1. Abraham was old, (and) well stricken 27 : 1 . that when Isaac was old, 2. he said, Behold now, lam old, Jos. 13: 1. Joshua was old (and) stricken in years; . — Thou art old (and) stricken in years, 23 : 1 . that Joshua waxed old 2. 1 am old (and) stricken in age: Ru. 1 : 12. for / am too old to have an husband. ISa. 2: 22. Now Eli was very old, 4:18. for Ae was an oZd man, 8: 1 . when Samuel was old, 5. said unto him, Behold, thou art old, 12: 2.1 am old and grayheaded; 17:12. went among men (for) an old man 2Sa.l9:32(33). Barzillai was a very aged man, IK. 1 : 1 . Now king David was old 15. the king was very old; 2K. 4: 14. no child, and her husband is old. 1 Ch 23 : 1 . when David was old and full of days, Ps. 37:25.1 have been young, and (now) am old; Pro. 23: 22. despise not thy mother when sAe is old. KAL.— Future. 2Ch 24 : 15. But Jehoiada waxed old, * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 14: 8. Though the root thereof wax old Pro. 22: 6. when Ae is old, he will not depart DT zah-kehn', adj. Genl8: 19 24 2535434450 Ex. 3 4 101217 1819 24 Lev. 4 9 19 Nu. 11 Deu 5 1921 22 11. Now Abraham and Sarah (were) old 4. both old and young, 2. Abraham said unto his eldest servant of 8. an old man, and full (of years) ; 29. old and full of days: 27. (Ae old man of whom ye spake? 20. We have a father, are old man, 7. the elders of his house, and all (Ae elders of 16. Go, and gather (Ae elders of Israel 18. thou and the elders o/Israel, 29. gathered together all (Ae elders of 9. go with our young and with our old, 21. Moses called for all (Ae elders of 5. take with thee of (Ae elders of 6. did so in the sight of (Ae elders of 12. all (Ae elders of Israel, 7. called for the elders of the people, 1 , 9. seventy of the elders of Israel ; 14. he said unto (Ae elders, lb. the elders of the congregation 1 . and the elders of Israel ; 32. honour the face of (Ae old man, 16. seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be (Ae elders of the 24. seventy men of (Ae elders of the people, 25. gave (it) unto (Ae seventy elders : 30. he and the elders o/Israel. 25. and (Ae elders of Israel 4. Moab said unto (Ae elders of 7. And (Ae elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed : 23(20). heads of your tribes, andyour elders; . 12. Then (Ae elders ofhis city : 2. Then (Ay elders and thy judges 3. even (Ae elders of that city 4. And (Ae elders of that city 6. And all (Ae elders of that city, 19. bring him out unto (Ae elders of 20. they shall say unto the elders ofhis city, ; 1 5. the damsel's virginity unto (Ae elders of p Deu 22: 16. damsel's father shall say unto the elders, 17. shall spread the cloth before (Ae elders of 18. And (Ae elders of that city 25: 7. go up to the gate unto (Ae elderst 8. Then (Ae elders of his city 9. in the presence of (Ae elders, 27: 1. Moses with the elders of Israel commanded 28:50. shall not regard the person of the old, 29: 10(9). your elders, and your officers, 31: 9. unto all (Ae elders of Israel. 28. Gather unto me all (Ae elders of 32: 7. (Ay elders, and they will tell thee. Jos. 6;21.man and woman, young and old, 7 : 6 & 8 : 1 0. he and the elders of Israel, 8: 33. all Israel, and their elders, 9: 11. Wherefore our elders and all the 20: 4. declare his cause in the ears of the elders of 23; 2.for their elders, and for their heads, 24: 1. called for the elders of Israel, 31 - all the days of (Ae elders Jud. 2: 7. and all the days of (Ae elders 8: 14. and the elders thej-eof 16. he took (Ae elders of the city, 11 : 5.(Ae elders of Gilead went to fetch 7. Jephthah said unto the elders of 8, 10. (Ae elders of Gilead said 9. Jephthah said unto (Ae elders of 1 1 . Jephthah went with (Ae elders of 19:16. there came an old man 17, 20. and the old man said, 22. the master of the house, the old man, 21:16. Then (Ae elders of the congregation Ru. 4: 2. ten men o/(Ae elders of the city, 4. before (Ae elders ofmy people. 9. Boaz said unto the elders, 11. andthe elders, said, (We are) witnesses. 1 Sa. 2:31. there shall not be an old man 32. and there shall not be an old man 4: 3. the elders of Israel said, 8: 4. Then all (Ae elders o/Israel gathered II : 3. (Ae elders of Jabesh said unto him, 15:30. before (Ae elders o/my people, 16: 4. (Ae elders of the town trembled 28: 14. she said, An old man cometh up ; 30:26. he sent of the spoil unto the elders of 2Sa. 3: 17. communication with (Ae elders of 5: 3. So all (Ae elders o/Israel came 12:17. (Ae elders o/his house arose, 17: 4. Absalom well, and all (Ae elders of 15. Absalom and (Ae elders of Israel : 19:11(12). Speak unto (Ae elders of Judah, IK. 8 : 1 ¦ Solomon assembled (Ae elders of 3. all (Ae elders o/Israel came, 12: 6. Rehoboam consulted with the old men, 8. forsook the counsel of (Ae old men, 13. forsook (Ae old men's counsel 13:lI.Now there dwelt an old prophet 25. where the old prophet dwelt. 29. and the old prophet came to the city, 20: 7. king of Israel called all (Ae elders of 8. all (Ae elders and all the people 21 : 8. sent the letters unto (Ae elders 11. (Ae elders and the nobles 2K. 6 : 32. and the elders sat with — messenger came to him, he said to (Ae elders, 10: l.unto the rulers of Jezreel, to (Ae elders, h.the elders also, and the bringers up 19: 2. (Ae elders o/the priests, 23: 1. gathered unto him all (Ae elders of Judah ICh 11: 3. Therefore came all (Ae elders of 15:25. So David, and the elders o/Israel, 21 : 16. Then David and the elders 2Ch 5: 2. Solomon assembled (Ae elders of 4. all (Ae elders o/Israel came ; 10: 6. Rehoboam took counsel with (Ae old men 8. the counsel which (Ae old men gave 13. forsook the counsel of (Ae old men, 34: 29. gathered together all (Ae elders of 36 : 1 7 . young man or maiden, old man, Ezr. 3:12. the fathers, (who were) ancient men, 10: 8. the princes and the elders, 14. with them (Ae elders of every city, Est. 3:13. all Jews, both young and old, Job 12:20. taketh away the understanding of (Ae aged. 32: 4. because they (were) elder than he. (marg. elder for days) ( 393 ) «pt Job 32: 9. neither do (Ae aged understand 42: 17. So Job died, (being) old and full of days. Ps.105: 22. and teach Ais senators wisdom. 107:32. praise him in the assembly of (Ae elders. 119:100.1 understand more (Aan (Ae anciejits, 148: 12. old men, and children: Pro. 17: 6. children (are) the crown of old men; 20:29. the beauty of old men (is) the grey head. 31 :23. when he sitteth among the elders of Ecc. 4: 13. than an old and foolish king, Isa. 3: 2. the prudent, and the ancient, 5. behave himself proudly against the ancient, 14. enter into judgment with (Ae ancients of 9:15(14). TAe aJicient and honourable, 20: 4. young and old, naked and barefoot, 24:23. before Ais ancients gloriously. 37; 2. and (Ae elders of the priests 47: 6. upon (Ae ancient hast thou 65: 20. nor an old man that hath Jer. 6:lL(Ae aged with (him that is) full 19: Land (take) o/(Ae ancients o/the people, arid of the ancients of the priests ; 26:17. Then rose up certain of (Ae elders of the land, 29: l.unto the residue of (Ae elders 31 : 13. both young men and old together: 51 ;22. will I break in pieces old and young ; Lam 1:19. my priests and mine elders gave 2: 10. The elders o/the daughter of Zion 21. The young and the old 4:16. they favoured not (Ae elders. 5: 12. the faces of elders were not honoured. 14. The elders have ceased from the gate, Eze. 7: 26. counsel from the ancients. 8: Land the elders of Judah sat before me, 11. seventy men o/(Ae ancients of 12. (Ae ancients of the house of Israel 9: 6. Slay utterly old (and) young, — Then they began at the ancient men 14: 1 . Then came certain of (Ae elders of 20: 1. certain of the elders o/Israel came 3. speak unto (Ae elders o/Israel, 27 : 9, TAe ancients of Gebal Joel 1 : 2. Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, 14. gather (Ae elders (and) all the inhabitants 2:16. sanctify the congregation, assemble (Ae elders, 28(3:1). your oldmen shall dream dreams, Zee. 8: 4. There shall yet old men and old women \0 zohf-ken, m. Gen48:10.the eyes of Israel were dim for age, nij"pT zik-nah', f. Gen24:36.bare a son to my master when she was old: (lit. after Aer old age) IK. 11: 4. when Solomon was old, (lit. in the time of (Ae old age of) 15:23. Nevertheless in the time of Ats old age Ps. 71: 9. Cast me not off in the time of old age; 18. when i" am old and greyheaded, (marg. unto old age and grey hairs) Isa. 46: 4. to (your) old age I (am) he ; D^j^T z 'koo-mem' \ m. pi. Gen21 : 2. bare Abraham a son in his old age, 7. have born (him) a son in his old age. 37 : 3. the son of Ais old age : 44: 20. child of Ais old age, t)DT [zah-kaphf], * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Ps.l45:14. and raiseth up all (those that be) bowed down. 146: 8. the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down : BpT fp\ [zkaph], Ch. * P'AL.— Participle. Passive. * Ezr. 6:11. and being set up, let him be hanged ( 394 ) lit Ppl [zah-kak']. * KAL Future. * Job 28: l.a place for gold (where) they fine 36:27. (Aey pour down rain * PIEL.— Preterite. * Mai. 3: 3.andpurge them as gold and silver, * PUAL.— Participle. * ICh 28:18. for the altar of incense refined gold 29: 4. seven thousand talents of refined silver, Ps. 12: 6(7). purified seven times. Isa. 25: 6. wines on the lees well refined. IT zthr, m. Ex. 25: 11. make upon it a crown o/gold 24. make thereto a crown o/gold 25. thou shalt make a golden crown 30: 3. thou shalt make unto it a crown o/gold 4. make to it under (Ae crown of it, 37: 2. and made a crown o/gold to it 11. thereunto a crown o/gold 12. and made a crown of gold 26. he made unto it a crown o/gold 27. gold for it under (Ae crown thereof, NIT zah-rah', f. Nu. 11:20. it be loathsome unto j'ou: 3"1TT [zah-rav1]. * PUAL.— Future. * Job 6: 17. What time (Aey wax warm, Eze.29:I2 & 30:23. and will disperse them through the 30:26. and disperse them among the countries ; Zee. 1:19(2:2), 21(2:4). horns which Aaee scattered ' Judah, Mai. 2: 3. and spread dung upon your faces, (marg. scatter) PIEL -Infinitive. Ps. 106: 27. and to scatter them in the lands. Eze.20: 23. and disperse them through the countries; Zee. 1:21(2:4). over the land of Judah to scatter it. PIEL.— Future. Lev.26: 33. Iwill scatter you among the heathen, Pro. 15 : 7 . lips of the wise disperse knowledge : Eze. 5:12./ will scatter a third part 12:14. Iioill scatter toward every wind PIEL Participle. Pro.20: 8.scattereth away all evil with his eyes. 26. A wise king scattereth the wicked, Jer. 31 : 10. He that scattered Israel will gather * PUAL.— Future. * Job 18: 15. brimstone sAaZZ be scattered upon PUAL Participle. Pro. 1:17. Surely in vain the net is spread HIT [zah-rah']. * KAL Infinitive. * Jer. 4 : 11. not to fan, nor to cleanse, KAL. — Imperative. Nu. 16:37(17:2). scatter thou the fire yonder; KAL. — Future. Ex. 32:20. and strawed (it") upon the water, Isa. 30:22. (Aou sAa/Z cast them away (marg. scatter) 41:16. Thou shalt fan them, and the wind Jer. 15: 7. And I will fan them with a fan Eze. 5: 2. a third part ZAou shalt scatter KAL Participle. Poel. Ru. 3: 2. Ae winnoweth barley to night Isa. 30:24. which Aa(A been winnowed * NIPHAL Infinitive. * Eze. G: 8. when ye shall be scattered NIPHAL.— Future. Eze. 36: 19. and they were dispersed * PIEL Preterite. * 1 K. 14: 15. and shall scatter them beyond Ps. 44: 11(12). AasZ scattered us among the heathen. 1 39 : 3. Thou compassest my path Jer. 49:32. and Iwill scatter into all winds 36. and will scatter them toward all 51 : 2. fanners, that shall fan her, Eze. 5: 10. and the whole remnant of thee will 1 scatter 6: 5. and Iwill scatter your bones 12:15. and dispei-se them in the countries. 22: 15. and disperse thee in the countries, $")? zroh'ag, com. Gen49 : 24. and (Ae arms of his hands were made Ex. 6: 6. redeem you with a stretched out arm, 15: 16. by the greatness of thine arm Nu. 6:19. the priest shall take (Ae sodden shoulder Deu. 4:34 & 5: 15. and by a stretched out arm, 7:19. and the stretched out arm, 9:29. and by thy stretched out arm. 11: 2. and Ais stretched out arm, 18: 3. shall give unto the priest (Ae shoulder, 26: 8. and with an outstretched arm, 33: 20. teareth (Ae arm with the crown 27. underneath (are) (Ae everlasting arms: Jud.l5:14.the cords that (were) upon Ais arms 16:12. he brake them from offZiis arms ISa. 2:31. that I will cut off thine arm, and (Ae arm ofthy father's house, 2Sa. 1:10. the bracelet that (was) on Ais arm, 22 : 35. a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. IK. 8:42. and of thy stretched out arm ; 2K. 9 : 24. smote Jehoram between Ais arms, 17 -.36. with great power and a stretched out arm, 2Ch 6:32. and thy stretched out arm; 32: 8. With him (is) are arm of flesh; Job 22: 8. But (as for) the mighty man, (marg. man of arm) 9. and the arms of the fatherless 26 : 2. (Ae arm (that hath) no strength ? 35 : 9. they cry out by reason of the arm 38: 15. and the high arm shall be broken. 40: 9. Hast thou an arm like God? Ps. 10:15. Break thou (Ae arm of the wicked 18:34(35). a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. 37 :17 .For (Zie arms of the wicked shall be 44: 3(4). neiZAer did (Aeir own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, 71: 18. until I have shewed (Ay strength (marg. (Aine arm) 77: 15(16). hast iciZA (thine) arm redeemed 79: 11. according to the greatness of thy power (marg. (Aine arm) 83: 8(9). they have holpen the children of Lot. (marg. they have been an arm to) 89: 10(11). scattered thine enemies wiZA thy strong arm. 13(14). Thou hast a mighty arm: 21(22). mine arm also shall strengthen him. 98: Land his holy arm, 136: 12. and with a stretched out arm : Pro.31 : 17. strengthened Aer arms. Cant 8: 6. as a seal upon (Aine arm : Isa. 9:20(19). eat every man the flesh of Ais own arm: 17: 5. and reapeth the ears with his arm, 30:30. shew the lighting down of Ziis arm, 33 : 2. be thou (Aeir arm every morning, 40:10. and hijt nv,» cl.^11 ....!« f~- U\m. •nt Isa. 40: II. gather the lambs with his arm, 44:12.worketh it with the strength ofhis arms: (lit.with the arm o/his strength) 48:14.and Ais arm (shall be on) the Chaldeans. 51:5. and mine arms shall judge the people ; — on mine arm shall they trust. 9. put on strength, 0 arm of the Lord ; 52:10. The Lord hath made bare his holy ami 63: Land to whom is (Ae arm of the Lord re vealed ? 59:16. therefore Ais arm brought salvation 62 : 8. and by the arm of his strength, 63: 5. mine own arm brought salvation 12. Moses with his glorious arm, Jer. 17: 5. and maketh flesh Ziis arm, 21 : 5. and with a strong arm, 27 : 5. and by my outstretched arm, 32: 17. by thy great power and stretched out arm, 48:25. and Ais arm is broken, Eze. 4: 7. and (Aine arm (shall be) uncovered, 13:20. 1 will tear them from your arms, 17: 9. even wnYAout great power (lit. not wiZA a great arm) 20:33, 34. and with a stretched out arm, 22: 6.(0 their power to shed blood, (marg.arm) 30:21. 1 have broken (Ae arm of Pharaoh 22. and will break Ats arms, 24, 25. 1 will strengthen (Ae arms of the king — I will break Pharaoh's arms, 25. and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall 31:17. and (they that were) Ais arm, DanlO: 6. and Ais arms and his feet like 11: 6. shall not retain the power of (Ae arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: 15. and the arms of the south shall not 22. And with the arms of a flood 31 . And arms shall stand on his part, Hos. 7:15. bound (and) strengthened (Aeir arms, 11:3. taking them by (Aeir arms ; Zee 11: 17. the sword (shall be) upon Ais arm, — Ais arm shall be clean dried up, ( 395 ) jm KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ecc. 1: 5. hasteth to his place where he arose. JTHT zeh-rodag, m. Lev.ll :37. their carcase fall upon any sowing seed Isa. 61:11. causeth (Ae (Ainos that are sown in it Ps. 72: PfV)lzar-zeephf9 m. 6. as showers (that) water the earth. yil[ zar-zeer', adj. Pro.30;31. A greyhound; (marg.oir(in the loins, or, horse) fTTT zah-ragh' '. * KAL Preterite. -Jf Ex. 22: 3(2). If the sun be risen upon him, Deu33: 2. and rose up from Seir unto them ; 2K. 3: 22. the sun shone upon the water, 2Ch 26:19. the leprosy even rose up in his forehead Ps.112: 4. Unto the upright there ariseth light Ecc. 1 : 5. The sun also ariseth, Isa. 58:10. (Aen shall thy light rise 60 ; 1 . the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Nah 3:17. when the sun ariseth they flee Mai. 4: 2(3:20). Put unto you.. .shall the Sun of righteousness arise KAL. — Infinitive. Jud. 9:33. as soon as the sun is up, Jon. 4: 8. when the sun did arise, KAL. —Future. Gen32 : 31 (32) . And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose 2Sa,23: 4. the morning, (when) the sun rise(A, Job 9: 7. commandeth the sun, and it riseth not ; Ps. 104:22. The sun ariseth, they gather themselves Isa. 60: 2. but the Lord shall arise upon thee, Hit [zeh'-ragh], m. fsa. 60: 3. kings to the brightness of (Ay rising. Ul\ \_zah-ramf\ # KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 90: 5. Thou earnest them away as with a flood; * POAL.— Preterite. # Ps. 77:17(18). The clouds poured out water: (marg. were poured forth with water) till zeh'-rem, m. Job 24: 8. They are wet with the showers of Isa. 4: 6. for a covert frojn stoinn 25: 4. a refuge frojn the storm, — as a storm (against) the wall. 28: 2. as a tempest of hail — as a flood of mighty waters 30:30. scattering, and tempest, and hailstones. 32: 2. a covert from (Ae tempest; Hab 3:10. (Ae overflowing of the water passed by: i~ltt*lT [_zir-mah!\ f. Eze.23:20. and whose issue (is like) (Ae issue of horses. Vll zah-rdg' . * KAL.— Preterite. #¦ Gen47:23. and ye shall sow the land. Lev.25:22..4nd ye sAaZZ soio the eighth year, 26: 16. and ye shall sow your seed in vain, Jud. 6: 3. when Israel Aad sown, Jer. 12: 13. They have sown wheat, 31 -.27. that I will sow the house of Israel Hos 2:23(25). And Iwill sow Act- unto me Hag 1: 6. Ye have sown much, KAL . — Infinitive. Isa. 28: 24. the plowman plow all day to sow ? KAL. — Imperative. 2K. 19:29. in the third year sow ye, Eccl 1 : 6. In the morning sow thy seed, Isa. 37:30. in the third year sow ye, Hos 10: 12. Sow to yourselves in righteousness, KAL Future. Gen26:12. Tlien Isaac sowed in that land, Ex. 23: 10. six years (Aou sAaZ( sow thy land, 16. which (Aom Aos( sown in the field: Lev 19:19. (Aon sAaZ( not soto thy field 25: 3. S\x years thou shalt sow 4. thou shalt neither sow; thy field, 11. ye shall not sow, neither reap 20. behold, we shall not sow, Deull : 10. where (Aon sowedst thy seed, 22: 9. TAon sAaZ( not sow thy vineyard — of thy seed which thou hast sown, Jud. 9 : 45. and sowed it with salt. Job 31 : 8. let me sow, and let another eat ; Ps. 107 :37. Jnd sow the fields, Ecc 11:4. He that observeth the wind shall not sow ; Isa. 17:10. and sAaZ( set it with strange slips; 30: 23. that (Aom sAaZ( sow the ground Jer. 4: 3. sow; not among thorns. 35: 7. build house, nor sow; seed, Hos 8: 7. they have sown the wind, Mic 6;15. Thou sAaZ( sow, but thou Zee 10: 9. And Iwill sow them among K A L. — Participle. Poel. Gen 1 : 29. given you every herb bearing seed, — the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; Job 4: 8. plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, Ps.126: 5. TAey (Aa( sow in tears shall reap in joy. Pro.l 1 : 1 8. but to him that soweth righteousness 22: 8. He that soweth iniquity Isa. 32: 20. ye (Aa( sow beside all waters, 55: 10. that it may give seed to the sower, Jer. 50: 16. Cut off (Ae sower from Babylon, KAL. — Participle. Paxil. Ps. 97:11. Light is sown for the righteous, Jer. 2: 2. in a land (that was) not sown. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # Nu. 5:28. and shall conceive seed. Eze. 36: 9. ye shall be tilled and sown : NIPHAL Future. Lev.ll :37. sowing seed which is to be sown, Deu21: 4. which is neither eared nor sown, 29:23(22). burning, (that) it is not sown, Nah. 1 : 14. no more of thy name be sown : # PUAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 40; 24. yea, (Aey shaU not fee sown: # HIPHIL.— Future. * Lev. 12: 2. If a woman Aare conceived seed, HIPHIL.— Participle. Gen 1:11 12. herb yielding seed, yrQ,zehf-rag9 m. Gen 1:11. the herb yielding seed, — whose seed (is) in itself, upon the earth: (lit. which its seed) 12. herb yielding seed after his kind, — whose seed (was) in itself, after his kind: (lit. which its seed) 29. every herb bearing seed, — the fruit of a tree yielding seed; : 15. between (Ay seed and Aer seed; : 25. appointed me another seed : 3. to keep seed alive upon the face of : 22. seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, 9. and with your seed after you ; 7. Unto thy seed will I give this land; : 15. to thee will I give it, and to thy seed 16. 1 will make (Ay seed as the dust — shall (Ay seed also be numbered. 3. to me thou hast given no seed: 5. he said unto him, So shall (Ay seed be. 13. Know of a surety that (Ay seed 18. Unto thy seed have I given this land, ;10. 1 will multiply (Ay seed exceedingly, : 7. me and thee and (Ay seed after thee — , 8. and to thy seed after thee, 9. thou, and thy seed after thee 10. between me and you and thy seed 12. which (is) not ofthy seed. 19. with his seed after him, :32, 34. that we may preserve seed : 1 2. in Isaac shall thy seed be called. 13. a nation, because he (is) (Ay seed. ; 17. 1 will multiply (Ay seed as the stars — and (Ay seed shall possess the gate 18. And in thy seed shall all the nations ; 7. Unto (Ay seed will I give this land ; 60. let (Ay seed possess the gate of those : 3. unto thee, and unto thy seed, 4. 1 will make (Ay seed to multiply — will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations 24. multiply (Ay seed for my servant : 4. to thee, ajid to thy seed with thee ; 13. to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; 14. And (Ay seed shall be as the dust — in thee and in thy seed shall all : 12(13). make (Ay seed as the sand of the sea, : 12. and to thy seed after thee 8. raise up seed to thy brother. 9. Onan knew that (Ae seed should not — lest that he should give seed 6. Jacob, and all Ais seed with him: 7. all Ais seed brought he with him 7:19. give (us) seed, that we may live, 23. lo, (here is) seed for you, 24./or seed o/the field, 48: 4. will give this land to thy seed 3: 4: 7:8: 9: 12: 13: 15; 16;17: 19:3 21:1 1 22:1 1 24: 26: 28: 32: 35: 38: 46:47: ( 396 ) jnt Gen48: 11 . God hath shewed me also (Ay seed. 19. and his seed shall become a multitude Ex. 16:31. and it (was) ZiAe coriander seed, 28:43. and his seed after him. 30:21. to him and to his seed 32:13.1 will multiply your seed — will I give nn(o your seed, 33: 1. Unto thy seed will I give it: Lev.ll:37. carcase fall upon any sowing seed 38. if (any) water be put upon (Ae seed, 15:16,17, 18. seed of copulation 32. whose seed goeth from him, 18:20. thou shalt not lie carnally with (lit. giving thy lying/or seed) 21. And thou shalt not let any ofthy seed 19: 20. whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, (lit. with the lying of seed) 20: 2. giveth (any) ofhis seed unto Molech; 3. he hath given ofhis seed unto Molech, 4. he giveth ofhis seed unto Molech, 21 : 15. Neither shall he profane Ais seed 17. Whosoever (he be) o/(Ay seed 21. hath a blemish o/(Ae seed of Aaron 22: 3. Whosoever (he be) of all your seed 4. What man soever o/(Ae seed of Aaron — or a man whose seed goeth from him; (lit. lying of seed) 13. and have no child, 26: 5. the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time : 16. ye shall sow your seed in vain, 27: 16. shall be according to (Ae seed thereof: an homer of barley seed 30. of the seed o/the land, Nu. 5; 13. a man lie with her carnally, (lit. with the lying of seed) 28. and shall conceive seed. 11: 7. the manna (was) as coriander seed, 1 4 : 24. and his seed shall possess it. 16:40(17:5). which (is) not o/ (Ae seed o/ Aaron, 18: 19. and to thy seed with thee. 20: 5. it (is) no place of seed, 24: 7. and his seed (shall be) in many waters, 25: 13. he shall have it, and his seed after him, Deu 1 : 8. and to their seed after them. 4: 37. therefore he chose (Aeir seed 10:15. he chose (Aeir seed after them, 11: 9. unto them and to their seed, 10. where thou sowedst (Ay seed, 14:22. tithe all the increase of (Ay seed, 22: 9. lest the fruit of (Ay seed which thou 28: 38. Thou shalt carry much seed out 46. a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. 59. the plagues of (Ay seed, 30: 6. the heart of (Ay seed, 1 9. that both thou and thy seed may live: 31 ; 21 . forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: 34: 4. 1 will give it unto thy seed: Jos. 24: 3. and multiplied Ais seed, Ru. 4 : 12. (Ae seed which the Lord shall give ISa. 1:11. give unto thine handmaid a man child, (marg. seed of men) 2: 20. The Lord give thee seed of this woman 8: 15. And he will take the tenth of your seed, 20:42. between my seed and (Ay seed for ever. 24: 21(22). that thou wilt not cut off my seed 2Sa. 4: 8. this day of Saul, and of his seed. 7: 12. 1 will set up (Ay seed after thee, 22:51. David, and to his seed for evermore. IK. 2:33. upon the head of Ais seed for ever: but upon David, and upon his seed, 11:14. he (was) of the king's seed in Edom. 39. 1 will for this afflict (Ae seed o/David, 18:32. contain two measures of seed. 2K. 5 : 27. and unto thy seed for ever. II: 1. she arose and destroyed all (Ae seed royal. 17: 20. rejected all (Ae seed o/ Israel, 25: 25. son of Elishama, o/(Ae seed royal, ICh 16:13. O ye seed o/Israel his servant, 17: 11. that I will raise up (Ay seed 2Ch 20: 7. gavest it to the seed of Abraham 22 : 1 0. she arose and destroyed all (Ae seed royal Ezr. 2 : 59. their father's house, and their seed, (marg. or, pedigree) 9 : 2. so that (Ae holy seed have mingled Neh 7:61. their fathers' house, nor their seed, (marg. m ( 397 ) rnt Neh 9: 2. And (Ae seed o/Israel separated 8. to give (it, I say), to his seed, Est, 6:13. If Mordecai (be) o/(Ae seed of the Jews, 9;27.took upon them, and upon (Aeir seed, 28. memorial of them perish from their seed. 31. themselves and for (Aeir seed, 10: 3. speaking peace to all Ais seed. Job 5:25. know also that (Ay seed (shall be) great, 21 : 8. TAeir seed is established in their sight 39:12. that he will bring home (Ay seed, Ps. 18:50(51). and to his seed for evermore. 21: 10(11). and their seed from among the chil dren 22:23(24). all ye (Ae seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed o/Israel. 30(31 ).A seed shall serve him ; 25: 13. and his seed shall inherit the earth. 37:25.7ior Ais seed begging bread. 26. and his seed (is) blessed. 28. but the seed o/the wicked 69:36(37). TAe seed also o/his servants 89: 4(5). TAy seed will I establish for ever, 29(30). His seed also will I make (to endure) 36(37). His seed shall endure for ever, 102:28(29). and their seed shall be established 105: 6. O ye seed of Abraham his servant, 106:27. To overthrow (Aeir seed also among 112: 2. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: 126: 6. bearing precious seed, Pro 11:21. but the seed o/the righteous Ecc 11 : 6. In the morning sow (Ay seed, Isa. 1: 4. a seed of evildoers, 5:10.and (Ae seed of an homer 6: 13. (Ae holy seed (shall be) the substance 14:20.(Ae seed of evildoers 17: 11. in the morning shalt thou make (Ay seed to 23; 3. by great waters (Ae seed of Sihor, 30:23. Then shall he give the rain ofthy seed, 41 : 8. (Ae seed of Abraham my friend. 43: 5. 1 will bring (Ay seed from the east, 44: 3.1 will pour my spirit upon (Ay seed, 45: 19.1 said not unto the seed of Jacob, 25. In the Lord shall all (Ae seed o/Israel 48: 19. TAy seed also had been as the sand, 53:10. he shall see (his) seed, 54: 3. and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, 55 : 10. that it may give seed to the sower, 57: 3. (Ae seed of the adulterer 4. a seed o/ falsehood, 59:21. out of the mouth of (Ay seed, nor out of the mouth ofthy seed's seed, 61: 9. And (Aeir seed shall be known — they (are) (Ae seed (which) the Lord 65: 9. bring forth a seed out of Jacob, 23- (Ae seed of the blessed of the Lord, 66: 22. so shall your seed and your name remain. Jer. 2: 21. a noble vine, wholly a right seed: 7:15. (Ae whole seed of Ephraim. 22: 28. are they cast out, he and his seed, 30. for no man ofhis seed shall prosper, 23: 8. which led (Ae seed of the house of Israel 29:32. Shemaiah the Nehelamite, and Ais seed: 30:10. and (Ay seed from the land of their cap tivity ; 31:27. with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. 36. (Ae seed o/Israel also shall cease 37. cast off all (Ae seed of Israel 33:22. so will I multiply the seed of David 26. Then will I cast away (Ae seed of Jacob, — that I will not take (any) of his seed (to be) rulers over (Ae seed of Abraham, 35: 7. build house, nor sow seed, 9. vineyard, nor field, nor seed : 36:31.1 will punish him and Ais seed 41 : l.the son of Elishama, o/(Ae seed royal, 46:27. and (Ay seed from the land of their cap tivity ; 49: 10. Ais seed is spoiled, Eze 17: 5. He took also o/(Ae seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; (marg. field of seed) 13. And hath taken o/the king's seed, 20: 5. unto the seed of the house of Jacob, 43: 19. the Levites that be o/(Ae seed o/ Zadok, 44:22. maidens of the seed of the house of Israel, Dan 1 : 3. of Israel, and of the king's seed, Dan 9: 1. Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, Am. 9: 13. him that soweth seed ; Hag 2 : 19. Is (Ae seed yet in the barn ? Zee. 8:12.(Ae seed (shall be) prosperous ; Mai. 2: 3. 1 will corrupt your seed, 15. That he might seek a godly seed. VII z'rag, Ch. m. Dan. 2:43. mingle themselves ioi(A (Ae seed of men; D\inT zeh-roh-geem' \ m. pi. Dan. 1 : 12. and let them give us pulse D'O'jH.T zeh-r'goh-neem' , m. pi. Dan. 1:16. and gave them j Ex. 9 24 29: Lev. 1: 3 17 Eze.36: Hos. 7: Eze.43:18. Eze.10; 2. Ex. 9 10. 24 8 Lev . 7 2. 6 19, 9 12 18 Nu. 18 17 2K. 16 1315 2Ch29:22 34 4 35 11 Job 2 12. Isa. 28:25 Lev . 7:14 2Ch30 16 Nu. 19 13 20 p*lT zah-rak'. #KAL Preterite.* and let Moses sprinhle it the blood Ae sprinkled on the altar. and sprinkle (it) round about and sprinkle the blood upon the altar and sprinkle the blood and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle and Aaron's sons the priests shall sprinkle and Aaron's sons shall sprinkle and the sons of Aaron sAaZZ sprinkle And the priest shall sprinkle the blood Then will I sprinkle clean water gray hairs are here and there upon him, (marg. sprinkled) KAL. — Infinitive. and to sprinkle blood thereon. K AL . — Imperative. and scatter (them) over the city. KAL Future. and Moses sprinkled it up toward .and sprinkled (it) on the people, the blood thereof shall he sprinkle 24. and Moses sprinkled the blood which he sprinkled round about ujAicA Ae sprinkled upon the altar . (Aow sAai( sprinkle their blood and sprinkled the blood . sprinkle upon it all the blood .and sprinkled (it) on the altar: likewise,. ..they sprinkled the blood and they sprinkled the blood .and strowed (it) upon the graves . and the priests sprinkled (the blood) and sprinkled dust upon their heads cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the cummin, KAL. — Participle. Poel. the priest's (Aa( sprinkleth the blood . the priests sprinkled the blood, * PUAL Preterite.* . the water of separation was not sprinkled . hath not Aeen sprinkled upon him ; Tit [zah-rar']. * POEL.— Future. * 2K. 4: 35. and the child sneezed seven times, JTTT zeh'-reth, f. Ex. 28: 16. a span (shall be) the length thereof, and a span (shall be) the breadth thereof. 39: 9. a span (was) the length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, rnt ( 398 ) 1>2n lSa.17: 4. height (was) six cubits and a span. Isa. 40: 12. meted out heaven u>i(A (Ae span, Eze 43: 13. edge thereof round about (shall be) a The eighth letter of the Alphabet. lh [gkohv], m. Job 31 :33.by hiding mine iniquity in my bosom : Nltl \Jghah-vah'\ * NIPHAL Preterite. * Gen31 :27. didst thou flee away secretly, (lit. didst thou hide thyself 'to flee away) Jos. 10:27. cave wherein they had been hid, Jud. 9: 5. for Ac Aid himself. lSa.19: 2. in a secret (place), and hide thyself: Job 29: 8. men saw me, and hid themselves: 10. The nobles Aeid their peace, (marg. The voice of the nobles was hid) NIPH AL Infinitive. 2Chl8:24.an inner chamber to hide thyself. Dan 10: 7. so that they fled to hide themselves. NIPHAL Future. Gen 3:10.1 (was ) naked ; and I hid myself. Jos. 10:16. five kings fled, and hid themselves Job 5:21. Thou shalt be hid from Am. 9: 3. though they hide themselves NIPHAL Participle. Jos. 10: 17. The five kings are found Aid ISa. 10:22. he hath hid himself among the stuff. 2Sa.l7 : 9. he is hid now in some pit, *PUAL Preterite. * Job 24: 4. the poor of the earth Aide themselves * HIPHIL Preterite. * 17. because sAe Aid the messengers 25. because sAe Aid the messengers, 2. in the shadow of his hand AaZA Ae Aid me, HIPHIL Future. 4. and hid them by fifty in a cave, 13.Aoia I hid- an hundred men 29. and she hath hid her son. Jos. 6: Isa. 49: IK. 18: 2K. 6: Isa. 42; lSa.14 Gen 3 lSa.13 23 Job 38 ISa. 14 2K. 11 ICh 21 2Ch22 * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * 22. they are hid in prison houses: * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * 11. where they Aad Aid themselves. HITHPAEL.— Future. 8. and Adam and his wife Aid themselves : 6. then the people did hide themselves 23. where Ae hideth himself, 30. The waters are hid as (with) a stone, HITHPAEL Participle. 22. which had hid themselves 3. he was with her Aid in the house : 20. his four sons with him Aid themselves. 9. for he was hid in Samaria, 12.Ziid in the house of God "S2T\ [ghah-vav']. * KAL Participle. * Deu33: 3. Yea, Ae loved the people; niPt ["ghah-vah']. * KAL. — Imperative. * Isa. £6: 20. Aide thyself as it were for a little moment, * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Jos. 2:16. and hide yourselves there NIPHAL.— Infinitive. IK. 22:25. an inner chamber to hide thyself. 2K. 7 : 12. out of the camp to hide themselves Jer. 49:10. and he shall not be able to hide himself: nSlH ghavoo-lah', Ch. f. Dan 6:22(23). O king, have I done no hurt. nT2Pl ghab-boo-rah' , & rVtan, [ghavoo-rah1], f. Gen 4:23. a young man to my hurt: Ex. 21 :25. wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Ps. 38: 5(6). My wounds stink (and) are corrupt Pro. 20:30. The blueness of a wound cleanseth Isa. 1: 6. wounds, and bruises, 53: 5. and with his stripes we are healed, (marg. bruise) Din [^ghah-vat']. -X-KAL Future.* Deu24:20. When thou beatest thine olive tree, Ru. 2:17 .and beat out that she had gleaned : Isa. 27: 12. the Lord shall beat off from the channel KAL Participle. Poel. Jud. 6:11. his son Gideon threshed wheat * NIPHAL.— Future. * Isa. 28:27. the fitches are beaten out with a staff, P'5D ghev-yohn' , m. Hab 3: 4. there (was) the hiding of his power. 7lH [ghah-val']. * KAL.— Preterite. * 7. We have dealt very corruptly 16. hath not withholden the pledge, (marg. pledged, or, ZaAeii to pledge) KAL Infinitive. 26(25). If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, (lit. in pledging shalt pledge) 7. We have dealt very corruptly (lit. in dealing corruptly we have dealt cor ruptly) KAL. — Imperative. :16 &27 :13. take a pledge of him for a strange woman. KAL Future. :26(25).If thou at all (aAe thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, : 6. shall take the nether or the upper milstone to pledge : 17. nor take the widow's raiment to pledge : : 6. For (Aow Aas( (aAerc a pledge 3. they take the widow's ox for a pledge. 9. (aAe a pledge of the poor. : 31 . 1 loiZZ not offend KAL Participle. Poel. Deu24: 6. he (aAeZA (a man's) life to pledge. Zec.ll: 7. the other I calledBands,- (marg. Binders) 14.1 cut asunder mine other staff, (even) Bands, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Am. 2: 8. laid to pledge by every altar, * NIPHAL Future. * Pro.l.3:13. Whoso despiseth the word shall be de stroyed : Neh 1 Eze.18 Ex. 22; Neh 1: Pro. 20 Ex. 22 Deu 24 Job 22 24 34 * PIEL. —Preterite. * Ecc. 5: 6(5). and destroy the work of thine hands? Cant.8: 5. there thy mother brought thee forth : there she brought thee forth PIEL Infinitive. Isa. 13: 5. indignation, to destroy the whole land. 32: 7. wicked devices to destroy the poor 54:16.1 have created the waster to destroy. PIEL— Future. Ps. 7:14(15). Ae travaileth with iniquity, Mic. 2: 10. it is polluted, it shall destroy PIEL Participle. Cant.2: 15. the little foxes, (Aa( spoil the vines: * PUAL.— Preterite. * ( 399 ) pan Jer. 22:23. when pangs come upon thee, 38: 6. they let down Jeremiah with cords, 11. let them down by cords 12. under thine armholes Jinder the cords. 13. they drew up Jeremiah xoilh cords, 49: 24. anguish and sorrows have taken her, Eze.27:24.rich apparel, bound with cords, 47:13. Joseph (shall have two) portions. Hos 11 : 4.1 drew them with cords of a man, 13; 13. TAe soj-rows of a travailing woman Am. 7:17. thy land shall be divided by line; Mic. 2: 5. none that shall cast a cord hy lot 10. even with a sore destruction. Zep. 2: 5. the inhabitants of (Ae sea coast, 6. the sea coast shall be dwellings 7-(Ae coast shall be for the remnant Zee. 2: 1(5) .behold a man with a measuring line Job 17: Isa. 10; l.My breath is corrupt, 27 .and the yoke shall be destroyed h2\l[ghavall Ch. •fcPAEL— Preterite. # Dan 6:22(23). lions' mouths, that (Aey Aaue not A«r( me: PAEL. — Infinitive, Ezr. 6: 12. to alter (and) to destroy this house PAEL. — Imperative. Dan 4:23(20). Hew the tree down, and destroy it ; * ITHPAEL.— Future. # Dan 2:44. which sAaZZ never be destroyed : 6:26(27) & 7:14.(that) which sAa/( not be destroyed, s^l gkeh'-vel, Stb^lgkeh'-vel, com. Deu 3: 4, 13. all (Ae region of Argob, 14. Manasseh took all (Ae country of 32: 9. Jacob (is) (Ae lot ofhis inheritance. Jos. 2: 15. she let them down by a cord 17: 5. there fell ten portions to Manasseh, 14. and one portion to inherit, 19: 9. Out of the portion o/the children of 29. from (Ae coast to Achzib: 1 Sa. 10 : 5. thou shalt meet a company of prophets 10. a compajiy of prophets met him; 2Sa. 8: 2. measured them with a line, — . even with two lines measured he — ¦ with one full line to keep alive. 17:13. then shall all Israel bring ropes 22: 6. The sorrows of hell compassed me (marg. or, cords) IK. 4:13. (Ae region of Argob, 20:31. and ropes upon our heads, 32. and (put) ropes on their heads, 1 Ch 16: 18. (Ae lot of your inheritance; (marg. cord) Est. 1 : 6. fastened «>i(A cords of fine linen Job 18:10. TAe snare (is) laid for him in the ground, 21 :17.distributeth sorrows in his anger. 36: 8. be holden in cords o/ affliction ; 39: 3. they cast out (Aeir sorrows. 41: 1(40:25). or his tongue with a cord Ps. 16: 6. TAe lines are fallen unto me 18: 4(5). TAe sorrows of death compassed me, 5(6). TAe sorrows of hell compassed me (marg. or, cords) 78:55. divided them an inheritance by line, 105: U.(Ae lot of your inheritance: (marg. cord) 116: 3. TAe soi-rows of death compassed me, 119:61. TAe bands of the wicked have (marg. or, companies) 140: 5(6). hid a snare for me, and cords; Pro. 5:22. and he shall be holden with the cords of Ecc. 12: 6. Or ever (Ae silver cordhe loosed, Isa. 5: 18. that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, 13: 8. pangs and sorrows shall take 26:17. crieth out in her pangs ; 33: 20. shall any of (Ae cords thereof be broken. 23. TAy tacklings are loosed ; 66: 7. brought forth; before her pain came, Jer. 13:21. shall not sorrows take thee, 7^11 ghavokl, m. Eze.18: 33: 12. hath not restored the pledge, 16. hath not withholden the pledge, 15. the wicked restore (Ae pledge, byn ghaval, Ch. Dan 3; 25. and they have no hurt ; bn; ghavahl, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:22. why should damage grow to the hurt of Dan 6:23(24). no manner of hurt was found upon h#J ghib-behl'. Pro.23;34.as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. h. 'J1PI ghohf-vehl9 m. Eze.27: 8. were in thee, were (Ay pilots. 27. thy mariners, and thy pilots, 28. at the sound of the cry of thy pilots. 29. all (Ae pilots of the sea, Jon. I: 6. So the sAipmaster came to him, (lit. (Ae great pilot) Hphn [ghavoh-lahr], f. Eze.18: 7. hath restored to the debtor Ais pledge, nS-^nn ghavatz-tzeh'-leth, f. Cant.2: LI (am) (Ae rose o/Sharon, Isa. 35: I. blossom as the rose. p50 [ghah-vak']. ¦?£ KAL Infinitive. ¦& Ecc. 3: 5. a time to embrace, KAL. — Participle. Po el . 2K. 4: 16. thou shalt embrace a son. Ecc. 4: 5. The fool foldeth his hands together, ¦KPIEL Preterite. * Job 24: 8. embrace the rock for want of Lam 4: 5. brought up in scarlet embj-ace PIEL. — -Infinitive. Ecc. 3: 5. a time to refrain from embracing; PIEL Future. Gen29; 13. he ran to meet him, and embraced him, 33: 4. Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, 48: 10. he kissed them, and embraced them. Pro. 4: 8. when (Aon dost embrace her. 5:20. and embrace the bosom of a stranger? Cant.2: 6. his right hand do(A embrace me. 8: 3. his right hand should embrace me. p2\l ( 400 ) pSllghib-book', m. Pro. 6:10 & 24:33. a litt!e/o?diny o/the hands iyn {jrhah-var']. * KAL.— Preterite. X Genl4: 3. All these were joined together KAL. —Participle. Poel. Ex. 26; 3. five curtains shall be coupled together — coupled one to another. 28: 7. have the two shoulderpieces thereof joined 39: 4. for it, to couple (it) together: Deu 18:11. Or a charmer, or a consulter (lit. one that charms charming) Ps. 58: 5(6). hearken to the voice of charmers, charming (lit. enchanters charming charms) Eze. 1: 9. Their wings (were) joined one to another; 11. two (wings) of every one (were) joined KAL. — Participle. Paul. Hos 4:17. Ephraim (is) joined to idols: * PIEL.— Pretejite. * Ex. 26: 6. and couple the curtains together 9. And thou shalt couple five curtains ll.and couple the tent together, 36 : 10. curtains Ae coupled one unto another. PIEL. — Infinitive. Ex. 36:18.(o couple the tent together, PIEL.— Future. Ex. 36:10. And he coupled the five curtains 13. and coupled the curtains 16. And he coupled five curtains 2Ch20:36. And he jomed hijnself with him * PUAL.— Preterite. •* Ex. 28: 7. and (so) it shall be joined together. 39: 4. by the two edges was it coupled together. Ps.122: 3. as a city (Aa( is compact together: PUAL.— Future. Ps. 94:20. Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, Ecc. 9: 4. For to him that is joined to all the living * HIPHIL.— Future. # Job 16: 4. 1 could heap up words against you, * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. # 2Ch 20:35. did Jehoshaphat king of Judah join him self HITHPAEL.— Infinitive. 2Ch 20:37. Because thou hast joined thyself Dan 11 :23. after (Ae league (made) with him he shall work HITHPAEL Future. Dan II: 6. (Aey shaU join themselves together; ^fln \jghab-bahrr\ m. Job 41: 6(40:30). Shall (Ae companions make a banquet 12H ghah-vehr, adj. Jud.20:ll.Ani( together as one man. (marg. fellows) Ps. 45: 7(8). the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 119:63.1 (am) a companion of all (them) that fear thee, Pro.28:24.the same (is) the companion of adestroyer. Ecc. 4: 10. the one will lift up his fellow: Cant. 1: 7. by the flocks ofthy coJnpanions? 8:13. (Ae companions hearken to thy voice: Isa. 1 -.23. and companions o/thieves: 44: 11. all his fellows shall be ashamed: Eze.37 ; 16. the children of Israel Ais companions : ¦ — al) the house of Israel Ais companions: 19. the tribes of Israel his fellows, "15D [ghavar], Ch. m. Dan 2:13. sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain. 17. Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, hiscom- panions : 18. that Daniel andhis fellows should not perish *15D gheh'-ver, m. Deu 18: 11. Or a charmer (lit. one that charms a charming), or a consulter Ps. 58: 5(6). hearken to the voice of charmers charming (lit. charming charmbigs) Pro. 21 : 9. a brawling woman in a wide house, (marg. house of society) 25:24. a brawling woman and in a wide house. Isa. 47 : 9. great abundance of thine enchantments. 12. Stand now iai(A (Aine encAareZmenrs, Hos. 6: 9. (Ae company of priests murder rYillinsn [^ghavar-boo-rohth1], f. pi. Jer. 13:23. or the leopard Ais spots'? n-ttn ^ghav-rah'], f. Ch. Dan 7:20. whose look (was) more stout than Ziis fellows. n"pD ghev-rah', f. Job 34: 8. Which goeth in company l"n5D \ghdveh' '-reth], f. Mai. 2:14. yet (is) she thy companion, rH^n ghoh-veh'-reth, f. Ex. 26: 4. the selvedge in the coupling; 10. outmost in the coupling, — h 36 : 1 7 . the curtain which coupleth Bbn ^ghah-vash']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 29: 9. and put the bonnets on them: (marg.Knd) Eze.34 : 4. nei ther have ye bound up KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 30 : 26. in the day that the Lord AircdeZA up 61: 1 . to bind up the brokenhearted, Eze.30:21.to put a roller to bind it, K A L. — Imperative. IK. 13:13. he said unto his sons, Saddle me 27. Saddle me the ass. And Ihey saddled Job 40: 13. bind their faces in secret. Eze.24: 17. bind the tire of thine head KAL. — Future. Gen22: 3. and saddled his ass, Lev. 8: 13.awdpw(bonnetsuponthem; (marg.oound) Nu. 22:21. and saddled his ass, 2Sa.l7:23.Ae saddled (his) ass, and arose, 19:26(27). Iwill saddle me an ass, IK. 2:40. Shimei arose, and saddled his ass, 13:13. So they saddled him the ass: 23. (Aa( Ae saddled for him the ass, 27. And they saddled (him). 2K. 4:24. TAew sAe saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Job 5:18. he maketh sore, and bindeth up: 34: 17. Shall even he that hateth right governl (marg. bind) Eze. 16: 10. and I girded thee about with fine linen, 34: 16. and will bind up Hos. 6 : 1 . and he will bind us up. win ( 401 ) nan KAL. — Participle. Poel. Isa. 3; 7.1 will not be an healer; (marg. binder up) KAL. — Participle. Paul. Jud.l9:10.with him two asses saddled, 2Sa. 16: 1. with a couple of asses saddled, Eze. 27:24. bound with cords, and made of cedar, Jon. 2: 5(6). the weeds were wrapped about * PIEL.— Preterite. # Job 28:11. He bindeth the floods from overflowing ; PIEL.— Participle. Ps.147: 3. and bindeth up their wounds. # PUAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 1 : 6. have not been closed, neither bound up, Eze.30:21.i( shall not be bound up Q*EOD ghavit-teem\ m. pi. ICh 9:31. things that were made in (Ae pans. (marg. or, on flat plates, or, slices) Zec.l4;16.to keep the feast of tabernacles. 18, 19. that come not up to keep the feast of Mai, 2: 3. the dung of your solemn feasts ; Kill! ghog-gahf, f. Isa. 19: 17. the land of Judah shall be a terror 3TI ghah-gahv', m. Lev.ll :22. (Ae grasshopper after his kind. Nu. 13:33. we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, 2Ch 7: 13. or if I command (Ae locusts Ecc. 12; 5. (Ae grasshopper shall be a burden, Isa. 40:22.the inhabitants thereof (are) as grass hoppers ; yighahg, & Jn ghag, m. Ex. 10: 9. we (must hold) a feast unto the Lord. 12: 14. ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord 13: 6. the seventh day (shall be) a feast 23: 15. Thou shalt keep the feast 16. And the feast of harvest, — and the feast of ingathering, 18. the fat ofmy sacrifice (marg. or, feast) 32: 5. To morrow (is) a feast to the Lord. 34:18. The feast o/unleavened bread 22. And thou shalt observe the feast of -r— andthe feast o/ingathering 25. the sacrifice of the feast of the passover Lev.23 : 6. the feast of unleavened bread 34.(Ae/eas( of tabernacles 39. ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord 41. ye shall keep it a feast Nu. 28: 17. fifteenth day of this month (is) the feast : 29: 12. ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord Deul6:10.thou shalt keep the feast of weeks 13. shalt observe the feast of tabernacles 14. thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, 16. in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: 31:10. in the feast of tabernacles, Jud. 21: 19. Behold, (there is) afeast of the Lord IK. 8: 2.a( the feast in the month Ethanim, 65. at that time Solomon held afeast, 12:32. Jeroboam ordained afeast — like unto the feast that (is) in Judah, 33. ordained afeast unto the children of 2Ch 5: 3. assembled themselves unto the king in the feast 7: 8. Solomon kept the feast seven days, 9. and the feast seven days. 8: 13. in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles 30:13. to keep the feast o/unleavened bread 21. kept the feast o/unleavened bread 35:17. and the feast o/unleavened bread Ezr. 3: 4. They kept also tlie feast of tabernacles, 6: 22. kept the feast o/unleavened bread Neh 8: 14. Israel should dwell in booths in the feast 18. they kept the feast seven days ; Ps. 81: 3(4). on our solemn feast day, 118:27. bind (Ae sacrifice with cords, Isa. 29: I. let them kill sacrifices. 30:29. a holy solemnity is kept ; Eze.45:l7. drink offerings, in the feasts, 21 .afeast of seven days ; 23. seven days of the feast he shall 25. shall he do the like in the feast 46: 11. ^nd inthe feasts and in the solemnities Hos 2:11(1 3 ). Aer feast days, her new moons, 9: 5. in the day of the feast of the Lord? Am. 5:21.1 hate, I despise your feast days, 8: 10. 1 will turn your feasts into mourning, Nah 1:15(2:1). keep thy solemn feasts, 53P! [ghah-gag*]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 12: 14. and ye shall keep it a feast Lev.23 : 41. And ye shall keep it a feast Nu. 29: 12. and ye shall keep a feast unto the KAL. — Infijiitive. Zec.l4:16. and to keep the feast 18, 19, that come not up to keep the feast KAL . — Imperative. Nah. 1:15(2:1). Aeep thy solemn feasts, (marg./eas() KAL. — Future. Ex. 5: l.that they may hold afeast unto me 12:14. and ye shall keep it afeast 23:14. Three times thou shalt keep afeast Lev.23:39.ye shall keep afeast unto the Lord 41. ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Deu 16 : 15. Seven days sAai( (Aon keep a solemn feasz Ps. 107:27. TAey reel to ajidfro, and stagger KAL Participle. Poel. lSa.30;16. eating and drinking, and dancing, Ps. 42: 4(5). with a multitude (Aa( kept holy day. D^3n \jghagah-veemr~\> m. pi. Cant 2: 14. in the clefts o/the rock, Jer. 49:16. O thou that dwellest in the clefts of Obad 3. dwellest iu the clefts of the rock, l)yn ghagohr, m. JSa.18: 4. to his bow, and to Ais girdle. 2Sa.20: 8. upon it a girdle (with) a sword Pro.31: 24. and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Eze. 23: 15. Girded with girdles upon their loins, n^fan ghagoh-rahf, f. Gen. 3: 7. made themselves aprons, (marg. things to gird about) 2Sa.l8:ll.ten (shekels) of silver, and a girdle. IK. 2: 5, put the blood of war upon his girdle 2K. 3:21. all that were able to put on armour, (marg. gird himself with a girdle) Isa. 3:24. instead of a girdle a rent; 32:11. and gird (sackcloth) upon (your) loins. (lit. arid a girdle, &c. ) ian \ghah-gar1]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex.29: 9. And thou s/ialt gird them Pro 31 : 17. SAe girdeth her loins with strength, Isa. 15 : 3. they shall gird themselves with sackcloth : Lam 2: \0. they have girded themselves Eze. 7:18. They shall also gird (themselves) 27:31. and gird them with sackcloth, -on ( 402 ) KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 22: 12. and to girding with sackcloth : KAL. — Imperative. ISa. 25:13. Girdye on every man his sword. 2Sa. 3:31. and gird you with sackcloth, 2K. 4:29.said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, 9: 1. Gird up thy loins, and take this box Ps. 45: 3(4). Gird thy sword upon (thy) thigh, Jer. 4: 8. For this gird you with sackcloth, 6:26. gird (thee) with sackcloth, 49: 3. gird you with sackcloth ; Joel 1 : 13. Gird yourselves, and lament, KAL.— Future. Lev. 8: 7 .and girded him with the girdle, — and he girded him with the curious girdle 13. and girded them with girdles, 16: 4. shall be girded with a linen girdle, Deu 1 :41. And when ye had girded on every Jud. 3: 16. and he did gird it under his raiment lSa.l7:39. And David girded his sword 25: 13. And they girded on every man his sword ; and David also girded on his sword: 2Sa.22:46. and they shall be afraid IK. 20:32. So they girded sackcloth on their loins, Ps. 65:12(13). the little hills rejoice on every side. (marg. are girded with joy) 76:10(11). the remainder of wrath sAa(( (Aon re strain. 109: 19. for a girdle wherewith he is girded Eze 44: 18. (Aey shall not gird (themselves) KAL. — Participle. Poel. IK. 20:11. Let not him that girdeth on 2K. 3 : 21 . all (Aa( were able to put on armour, (marg. gird himself with a girdle) KAL. — Participle. Paul. Ex. 12:11. (with) your loins girded, Jud.18: 11. appointed with weapons of war. (marg. girded) 16. the six hundred men appointed 17. men (that were) appointed with ISa. 2: 18. a child, girded with a linen ephod. 2Sa. 6:14. David (was) gh'ded with 20: 8. garment that he had put on was girded 21 : 16, he behig girded with a new (sword), DanlO: 5. whose loins (were) girded Joel 1: 8. Lament like a virgin girded with sack cloth Iftgkad, Ch. adj. num. Ezr. 4: 8. wrote a letter against Jerusalem 5: 13. But in the first year of Cyrus 6: 2. a roll, and therein (was) a record 3. In the/rs( year of Cyrus Dan. 2: 9. (there is but) one decree for you: 31. and behold a great image. 35. and the gold, broken to pieces together, 19. heat the furnace one seven times more 19(16). was astonied for one hour, 2(3). three presidents; of whom Daniel (was) first : 17(18). And a stone was brought, and laid 7 : 1 . In the first year of Belshazzar 5. and it raised up itself on one side, 16. 1 came near unto one of them that stood nn ghad, adj . Ps. 57: 4(5). their tongue a sAarp sword. Pro. 5: 4. sharp as a twoedged sword. Isa. 49: 2. made my mouth like a sharp sword; Eze. 5: l.take thee a sharp knife, nn ghad, adj. num. Eze.33: 30. and speak one to another, TTh [ghah-dad']. * KAL.— Preterite. -X- Hab 1: 8. and are more fierce than the evening wolves; (marg. sharp) rvn KAL Future. Pro. 27:17. Iron sharpeneth iron; * HIPHIL.— Future. * Pro.27:17.so a man sharpeneth the countenance * HOPHAL Preterite. * Eze.21 : 9( 14). A sword, a sword is sharpened, 10(15). It is sharpened to make a sore ll(l6).this sword is sharpened, rnn [^ghah-dah']. * KAL Future. * Ex. 18: 9. And Jethro rejoiced for all the Job 3: 6. let it not be joined unto the days (marg. or, rejoice among) * PIEL Future. * Ps. 21: 6(7). thou hast made him exceeding glad DH^n Yghad-doo-deem'], m. pi, Job 41:30(22). SAarp stones (are) under him: iTnn ghed-vah' , f. ICh 16: 27. strength and gladness (are) in his place. Neh 8:10. for the joy o/the Lord is your MHn ghed-vah', Ch. f. Ezr. 6: 16. dedication of this house of God with joy, |HPI \Jghadeen], Ch. m. pi. Dan 2:32. Ais breast and his arms of silver, Genl8: 41 Ex. 9 23: Nu. 9: Jud. 5:9: ISa. 2 Job 3 19 Ps. 36: 49 Isa. 24: Jer. 44: 51: ISa. 12 Ex. 14 2Ch25 35 Job 7 10 Pro. 19 23 Isa. 1 2 Jer. 40 Am. 7: Zec.ll: b"I0 ghah-dal'. * KAL Preterite. * ll.it ceased to be with Sarah 49. until Ae left numbering ; 34. hail and the thunders were ceased, b.and wouldest forbear to help him, (marg. or, wilt thou cease) 13. and forbeareth to keep the passover, 6. the highways were unoccupied, 7. the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, 9. Should I leave my fatness, 11. Should I forsake my sweetness, 13. Should I leave my wine, 5. and (they that were) hungry ceased; 17. There the wicked cease (from) troubling; 14. My kinsfolk have failed, 3(4). Ae AaZA left off to be wise, 8(9). and it ceaseih for ever: 8. the noise of them that rejoice endeth, 18. since we left off to burn incense 30. of Babylon have forborn to fight, KAL. — Infinitive. :23. in ceasing to pray for you: KAL. — Imperative. : 12. tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us aZoite, :16./oroear; why shouldest thou be smitten? :21./orAear thee from (meddling with) God, : 16. let me alone ; for my days (are) vanity. 20. cease (then, and) let me alone, 27. Cease, my son, to hear the instruction 4. cease from thine own wisdom. 16. cease to do evil ; 22. Cease ye from man, 4. to come with me into Babylon, forbear: 5. O Lord God, cease, I beseech thee: 12. and if not, forbear. KAL. — Future. Gen 11: 8. and they left off to build the city. Ex. 9:29. the thunder shall cease, .13 n..rf tha iKnn^arc anA \.a',l unto the 4: 2(3:32). I thought it good to shew the signs 5; 15. they could not shew the interpretation APHEL. — Imperative. Dan 2: 6. therefore shew me the dream, APHEL Future. Dan 2: 6. But if ye shew the dream, 7- and we will shew the interpretation 9. and I shall know that ye caji shew me 5:12. Ae will shew the interpretation. rftTlghav-vokth', f. pi. Nu. 32:41. took (Ae small towns thereof, and called them iJauo(A-jair. Deu 3:14. Bashan-Aauo(A-jair, Jos. 13:30. all (Ae towns of Jair, Jud. 10: 4. which are called JTauo(A-jair (marg. or, TAe villages of Jair) IK. 4:13. to him (pertained) (Ae towns of Jair ICh 2; 23. with (Ae towns of Jair, nin ghoh'agh, m. lSa.13: 2K. 14 2Ch25: 33; Job 31 ; 41 Pro.26 Cant.2 Isa. 34 Hos. 9 to'. 6. hide themselves in caves, ajid in thickets, 9. The thistle that (was) in Lebanon — trode down (Ae thistle. 18. The thistle that (was) in Lebanon — trode down the thistle. 11. took Manasseh among the thorns, 40. Let thistles grow instead of wheat, 2(40:26). or bore his jaw through with a thorn ? 9. a thorn goeth up into the hand 2. As the lily among thorns, 13. nettles and brambles in the fortresses 6. thorns (shall be) in their tabernacles. m\ [ghoot], Ch. * APHEL Future. * Ezr. 4:12. and joined the foundations, (marg. sewed together) £Din ghoot, m. Gen 14:23. That I will not (take) from a thread Jos. 2:18. bind this line of scarlet thread Jud. 16 : 1 2. brake them from off his arms (iAe a thread. IK. 7:1b. and a line of twelve cubits Ecc. 4:12. and a threefold cord Cant.4: 3. Thy lips (are) (iAe a thread of scarlet, Jer. 52 : 21 . and a fillet of twelve cubits ^T\ gkool & ^n [gkeel]. -fret&fr * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 2:25. and be zji anguish because of thee. Isa. 23: 4. 1 travail not, nor bring forth children 26: 18. we have been in pain, 54: I .thou (that) didst not travail with child : 66: 8. for as soon as Zion travailed, Jer. 5 : 3. but (Aey have not grieved; Lam. 4: 6. no hands stayed on her. Hos 11: 6. And the sword shall abide Mic. 1 : 12. Maroth waited carefully for good: (marg. or, was grieved) KAL. — Infinitive. Jud. 21 : 21 . daughters of Shiloh come out to dance Eze. 30: 16. Sin shall have great pain, (lit. in having pain shall have pain) KAL. — Imperative. ICh 16:30. Fear before him, all the earth: Ps. 96: 9. fear before him, all the earth. 114; 7. Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of Mic. 4: 10. Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, KAL & HIPHIL.— Future. Gen 8: 10. And he stayed yet other seven days; Jud. 3:25. And they tarried till they were ISa. 31: 3. and he was sore wounded 2Sa. 3:29. Let it rest on the head of Joab, ICh 10: 3. and Ae was wounded of the archers. Job 20:21. therefore shall no man look for his goods. Ps. 10: 5. His ways are always grievous; 29: 8. the Lord shaketh the wilderness; the Lord shaketh the wilderness 55: 4(5). My heart is sore pained within me; 77: 16(17). (Aey were afraid: the depths also 97: 4. the earth saw, and trembled. Isa. 13: 8. (Aey shall be in pain as a woman 23: 5. shall they be sorely paijied 26:17. the time of her delivery, is inpain, 45: 10. What Aas( (Aon brought forth ? 66: 7. Before sAe travailed, she brought forth ; Jer. 4:19. 1 am pained at my very heart; 5:22. will ye not tremble at my presence, 23 ; 1 9. it shall fall gj-ievously upon the head 30:23. it shall fall with pain (marg. or, remain) 51:29. the land shall tremble and sorrow: Lam. 3:26. good that (a man) should both hope [See VrT adj.] Eze.30: 16. Sin shall have great pain, Joel 2: 6. the people shall be much pained: Hab 3:10. The mountains saw thee, (and) they trembled : Zee. 9: b.and be very sorrowful, * POLEL Preterite.* Job 26:13. his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. 39 : 1 . canst thou mark when the hinds do calve 1 POLEL Future. Job 26: 5. Dead (things) are formed from under 35: 14. therefore trust thou in him. Ps. 29: 9. the Lord maAe(A the hinds to calve, (malg. or, to be in pain) 90: 2. or ever tliou hadst formed the Pro.25:23.The north wind driveth away rain: (marg. or, bringeth forth) Isa. 51 : 2. unto Sarah (that) bare you: POLEL.— Participle. Deu32:18. hast forgotten God that formed thee. Jud.21:23.to their number, of them that danced, Pro. 26; 10. The great (God) that /ormed all (marg.a great man grieveth all) * PULAL Preterite. * Job 15: 7. wast thou made before the hills? Ps. 51: 5(7). Iwas shaven in iniquity l, Pro. 8:24. no depths, I was brought forth ; 25. before the hills was 1 brought forth : * HIPHIL Future. * See under KAL. * HOPHAL.— Future.* Isa. GG: 8. Shall the earth Ae made to bring forth * HITHPOLEL.— Imperative. * Ps. 37 : 7, and wait patiently for him : HITHPOLEL.— Participle. Job 15:20. wicked man travaileth with pain Jer. 23:19. even a grievous whirlwind: * HITHPALPEL.— Future. * Est. 4: 4. Then was the queen exceedingly grieved; TIM ghohl, m. Gen22 3241 Ex. 2 Deu 33 Jos. 11 Jud. 7 ISa. 13 2Sa.l7 IK. 4 Job 6 29 Ps. 78 139 Pro. 27 Isa. 10 48 Jer. 5; 15 33 Hos. 1 Hab 1 17. and as the sand which (is) upon 12(13). make thy seed as the sand of the sea, : 49. Joseph gathered corn as the sand : 12. hid him in the sand. : 19. treasures hid in (Ae sand. i.as the sand that (is) upon the sea : 12. as the sand by the sea side 5. people as the sand which (is) on 11. as (Ae sand that (is) by the sea :20.«s (Ae sand which (is) by the sea 29(5:9). even as the sand that (is) on the 3. heavier than the sand of the sea: I 8. mn! I shall multiply (my) days as the sand. 27. and feathered fowls (iAe as the sand of the 18. are more in number than the sand: 3. and (Ae sand weighty ; 22. Israel be as the sand ojfthe sea, 1 9. Thy seed also had been as the sand, : 22. have placed (Ae sand (for) the bound : 8. above the sand of the seas: : 22. neither (Ae sand of the sea measured : :10(2:1). Israel shall be as thesand of the sea, : 9. shall gather the captivity as the sand. D^H ghoom, adj. Gen30:32.all the brown cattle among the sheep, 33. and brown among the sheep, 35. all (Ae brown among the sheep, 40. all (Ae brown in the flock T\J2)ri ghoh-mah', f. Ex. 14 Lev.25 Deu. 3 28 Jos. 2 6 ISa. 25 31 2Sa.lI 18 20: IK. 3;4: 9 20 2K. 3, 22, 29. the waters (were) a wall unto them 29. a dwelling house in a walled city, 30.the house that (is) in the walled city (lit. which (has) a wall to it) 31. which have no wall round about 5. cities (were) fenced with high walls, 52. until (Ay high and fenced walls come down, 15. her house (was) upon the town waU, and she dwelt upon (Ae wall. : 5. (Ae wall of the city shall fall 20. that (Ae wall fell down : 16. were a wall unto us both by night and day, : 10. they fastened his body to the waU of 12. bodies of his sons from the wall of : 20. that they would shoot from (Ae wall ? 21. a millstone upon him from (Ae wall, — why went ye nigh (Ae wall ? 24. the shooters shot from off (Ae wall 24. to the roof over the gate unto (Ae wall, 15. battered (Ae wall, to throw it down. 21. thrown to thee over (Ae wall. 1 . and (Ae wall of Jerusalem round about. 13. threescore great cities with walls 15,Millo, and (Ae wall of Jerusalem, 30.awall fell upon 27,000 27. offered him (for) a burnt offering upon (Ae wall. ( 407 ) Din 2K. 6: 26. was passing by upon (Ae wall, 30. and he passed by upon (Ae wall, 14: 13. brake down (Ae wall of Jerusalem 18:26. the people that (are) on (Ae wall. 27. to the men which sit on (Ae ivall, 25: 4. way of the gate between two walls, 10. brake down (Ae walls of Jerusalem 2Ch 8: 5. cities, with walls, gates, and bars; 14: 7(6). make about (them) walls, 25: 23. brake down (Ae wall of Jerusalem 26: 6.(Ae wall o/Gath, and (Ae wall of Jabneh, and (Ae wall of Ashdod, 27: 3. and on the wall of Ophel 32: 5. built up all (Ae wall that was broken, — and another wall without, 18. people of Jerusalem that (were) on (Ae wall, 33: 14. Now after this he built a wall 36:19. brake down (Ae wall of Jerusalem, Neh 1: 3. (Ae wall of Jerusalem also (is) broken 2: 8. and for the wall of the city, 13. viewed (Ae walls of Jerusalem, 15. by the brook, and viewed (Ae wall, 17. let us build up (Ae wall of Jerusalem, 3: 8. Jerusalem unto (Ae broad wall. 13. a thousand cubits on the wall 15. and (Ae wall o/the pool of Siloah 27. even unto (Ae wall of Ophel. 4: 1(3:33). Sanballat heard that we builded (Ae wall, 3(3:35). even break down their stone wall. 6(3:38). So built we (Ae wall; and all (Ae wall was joined together 7(1 ). that (Ae walls of Jerusalem were 10(4). we are not able to build (Ae wall. 13(7). set I in the lower places behind (Ae wall, 15(9). we returned all of us to (Ae wall, 17(11). They which builded on the wall, 19(13). we are separated upon (Ae wall, 5:16.1 continued in the work of this wall, 6:1. that I had builded (Ae wall, 6. thou buildest (Ae wall, 15. So (Ae wall was finished 7 : 1. when (Ae wall was built, 12: 27. at the dedication of (Ae wall of 30. the gates, and (Ae wall. 31. princes of Judah upon (Ae wall, — right hand upon (Ae wall 37. at the going up o/(Ae wall, 38. half of the people upon (Ae wall, — ¦ the furnaces even unto (Ae broad wall ; 13:21. Why lodge ye about (Ae wall? Ps. 51 : 18(20). build thou (Ae walls of Jerusalem. 55:I0(ll).go about it upon (Ae walls thej-eof: Pro. 18: 11. and as aji high wall in his own 25: 28. broken down, (and) without walls. Cant 5 : 7. the keepers of (Ae walls took away 8: 9. If she (be) a wall, we will build 10. 1 (am) a wait, and my breasts like towers: Isa. 2:15. upon every fenced wall, 22: 10. broken down to fortify (Ae wall. 11. a ditch between the two walls 25: 12. fortress of the high fort ofthy walls 26: 1. salvation will (God) appoint (for) walls 30: 13. swelling out in a high wall, 36:11. the people that (are) on (Ae wall. 12. the men that sit upon (Ae wall, 49:16. (Ay walls (are) continually before me. 56: 5. and within my walls a place 60: 10. strangers shall build up thy walls, 18. thou shalt call (Ay walls Salvation, 62: 6.1 have set watchmen upon (Ay walls, Jer. 1 : 15. against all (Ae walls thereof 18. and brasen walls against the whole 15:20. this people a fenced brasen wall : 21 : 4. which besiege you without (Ae walls, 39: 4. the gate betwixt (Ae two walls : 8. brake down (Ae walls of Jerusalem. 49: 27. 1 will kindle a fire in the wall of 50:15. Aer walls are thrown down: 51 : 12. Set up the standard upon (Ae walls of 44. (Ae jvall of Babylon shall fall. 58. TAe broad walls of Babylon 52: 7. the gate between (Ae two wallst 14. brake down all (Ae walls Lam 2: 7. enemy (Ae walls of hex palaces; ?jin ( 408 ) Yin Lam 2: 8. destroy (Ae wall of the daughter of Zion: — made the rampart and the wall 18. O wall of the daughter of Zion, Eze.26: 4. they shall destroy (Ae walls o/Tyrus, 9. set engines of war against thy ic-alls, 10. thy walls shall shake at the noise 12. they shall break down (Ay walls, 27:11. thine army (were) upon (Ay walls — hanged their shields upon (Ay walls 38: 11. all of them dwelling without walls, 20. every wall shall fall to the ground. 40: 5. behold a wall on the outside 42: 20. it had a wall round about, Joel 2: 7. shall climb (Ae wall like men of war ; 9. they shall run upon the wall, Am. 1; 7. will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, 10. will send a fire on the wall o/Tyrus, 14. will kindle a fire in the wall of 7: 7. the Lord stood upon a wall (made) by a plumbline, Nah 2: 5(6). make haste to (Ae wall thereof, 3: 8. Aer wall (was) from the sea? Zee. 2; 5(9). the Lord, will be unto her a wall of Din [gkoos]. Eze.16 Jon. 4 Neh 13 Joel 2 Gen45 Deu 7 13 19 ISa. 24 Ps. 72 Isa. 13 Jer 13 21 Eze . 5 7 9 20 24 Jon 4 # KAL Preterite. # 5. None eye pitied thee, 10. TAon Aas( Aad pity on the gourd, (marg. or, spared) KAL. — Imperative. 22. and spare me according : 17. Spare thy people, O Lord, KAL. — Future. 20. Also regard not your stuff; (marg.?e( not your eye spare) 16. thine eye shall have no pity 8(9). neither shall thine eye pity him, 13, 21 & 25: 12. Thine eye sAa/( not pity 10(11). but (mine eye) spared thee; 13, He shall spare the poor and needy, 18. their eye shall not spare children. 14. 1 will not pity, nor spare, 7. he shall not spare them, 1 1 . neither shall mine eye spare, 4, 9 & 8; 18. mine eye shalt not sjoare 5. let not your eye spare, 10. mine eye shall not spare, 17. Nevertheless mine eye spared them 14. neither will I spare, 1 1 , should not I spare Nineveh, t\)lghohph, m. Gen49:13. Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he (shall be) for an haven of ships ; Deu. 1 ; 7. and by the sea side, Jos. 9: Lin all (Ae coas(s o/the great sea Jud. 5:17. Asher continued on the sea sAore, (marg. or, port ) Jer. 47: 7. against (Ae sea shore? Eze.25;16. destroy the remnant of (Ae sea coas(. pn ghootz, m. [Used also adverbially.] Gen. 6:14. pitch it within and without 9;22.told his two brethren without. 15: 5. he brought him forth abroad, 19:16. set him without the city. ' 17. had brought them forth abroad, 24:11. camels to kneel down without the city 29. Laban ran out unto the man, 31. wherefore standest thou without? 39: 12, 15. fled, and got him out. 13. garment in her hand, and was fled/or(A, 18. he left his garment with me, and fled out. Ex. 12: 46. carry forth ought of the flesh abroad 21 : 19. walk abroad upon his staff, 25 : 1 1 . within and without shalt thou overlay it, Ex. 26:35. thou shalt set the table without 27:21. the congregation without the vail, 29; 14. burn with fire without the camp: 33: 7. pitched it without the camp, — the congregation, which (was) without 37: 2. with pure gold within and without, 40: 22. tabernacle northward, without the vail. Lev. 4:12. carry forth without the camp 21. forth the bullock without the camp, 6:11(4). forth the ashes without the camp 8:17&9:ll.he burnt with fire without the camp ; 10: 4. before the sanctuary out of the camp. 5. in their coats out of the camp ; 13:46. without the camp 14: 3. the priest shall go forth out of the camp; 8. shall tarry abroad out ofhis tent 40. an unclean place without the city: 41 . without the city into an unclean place: 45. carry (them) forth out of the city 53. let go the living bird out of the city 1 6 : 27. carry forth without the camp ; 17: 3. or that killeth (it) out of the camp, 18: 9. or born abroad, 24: 3. Without the vail of the testimony, 14. him that hath cursed without 23. him that had cursed out of the camp, Nu. 5: 3. without the camp shall ye put them; 4. and put them out without the camp: 12:14. let her be shut out from the camp seven 15. Miriam was shut out from the camp 15:35. stone him with stones without the camp. 36. the congregation brought him without the camp, 19: 3. bring her forth without the camp, 9. lay ( them ) up without the camp in a clean place, 22:39. they came unto Kirjath-Awzo(A. (marg. or, a city of streets) 31:13. went forth to meet them without the camp. 19. abide without the camp seven days: 35: 4. (shall reach) from the wall of the city and outward 5. ye shall measure from without the city 27. find him without the borders of the city Deu 23 : 1 0( 1 1 ) . then shall he go abroad 12(13). have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad: 13(14). when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, 24:11. Thou shalt stand abroad, — shall bring out the pledge abroad 25: 5. shall not marry without unto a stranger; 32:25. The sword without, and terror within, Jos. 2 : 1 9. the doors of thy house into the street, 6: 23. left them without the camp Jud.12: 9. thirty daughters, (whom) he sent abroad, • — took in thirty daughters from abroad 19:25. brought her/or(A unto them; ISa. 9: 26. he and Samuel, abroad. 2Sa. 1 :20. publish (it) not in the streets of Askelon; 13: 17. Put now this (woman) out from me, 18. Then his servant brought her out, 22: 43. stamp them as the mire of (Ae s(ree(, IK. 6: 6. without (in the wall) of the house 7: 9. within and without, — and (so) on the outside 8 : 8. they were not seen without : 20: 34. and thou shalt make streets for thee 21: 13. carried him forth out of the city, 2K. 4: 3. Go, borrow thee vessels abroad 10:24. Jehu appointed fourscore men without, 23: 4. he burned them without Jerusalem 6. without Jerusalem, unto the brook 2Ch 5: 9. but they were not seen without. 24: 8- set it without at the gate 29:16. carry (it) out abroad into the brook 32; 3. fountains which (were) without 5. the towers, and another wall without, 33:15. and cast (them) out of the city. Ezr. 10: 13. we are not able to stand without, Neh 13: 8. stuff of Tobiah out of the chamber. 20. lodged without Jerusalem Job 5:10. sendeth waters upon (Ae fields: (marg. outplaces) 18:17. he shall have no name in the street. 31 :32.The stranger did not lodge in the street: Ps. 18:42(43). cast them out as the dirt in (Ae streets. Yin (409 ) iwn Ps. 31:11(12). they that did see me without 41 ; 6(7). he goeth abroad, he telleth (it). 144 : 13. thousands and ten thousands in our streets : Pro. 1 : 20. Wisdom crieth without; 5: 16. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, 7:12. Now (is she) without, now in the streets, 8:26. made the earth, nor the fields, (marg. Ojoen places) 22: 13. slothful (man) saith, (There is) a lion without, 24:27. Prepare thy work without, Ecc. 2:25. who else can hasten (hereunto), more than I ? Cant.8: LI should find thee without, Isa. 5:25. torn in the midst of (Ae streets. 10: 6. down like the mire of (Ae streets. 15: 3. in (Aeir streets they shall gird 24:11. a crying for wine in the streets; 33; 7. their valiant ones shall cry without: 42: 2. cause his voice to be heard in the street. 51:20. lie at the head of all (Ae streets, 23. as the ground, and as the street, Jer. 5 : 1 . Run ye to and fro through the streets of 6; 11. pour it out upon the children abroad, 7:17. and in the streets of Jerusalem? 34. and from the streets of Jerusalem, 9:21(20). cut offthe children from without, 11: 6. and in the streets of Jerusalem, 13. the number of (Ae streets of Jerusalem 14:16. cast out in the streets of Jerusalem 21 : 4. which besiege you without the walls, 33:10. and in the streets of Jerusalem, 37: 21. bread out of the bakers' street, 44: 6, 17, 21. in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; 9. in the land of Judah, and in the streets of 51 : 4. thrust through in her streets. Lam. 1 :20. abroad the sword bereaveth, 2:19. faint for hunger in the top of every street. 21. lie on the ground in the streets: 4: 1. poured out in the top of every street. 5. that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets : 8. they are not known in the streets: 14. They have wandered (as) blind (men) in the streets, Eze. 7:15. The sword (is) without, 19. shall cast their silver in the streets, 11 : 6. ye have filled (Ae streets thereof 26: 11. shall he tread down all (Ay streets: 28: 23. blood into her stj-eets; 34:21. till ye have scattered them abroad; 40: 5. behold a wall on the outside 19. the forefront of the inner court without, 40. at the side without, 44. And without the inner gate 41 : 9. for the side chamber without, 17. unto the inner house, and without, 25. the face of the porch without. 42: 7. the wall that (was) without 43:21. without the sanctuary. 46: 2. way of the porch of (that) gate without, 47: 2. led me about the way witliout unto the utter gate by the way Hos. 7: l.the troop of robbers spoileth without. Am. 5: 16. they shall say in all (Ae highways, Mic. 7:10. trodden down as the mire of (Ae streets. Nah. 2: 4(5). The chariots shall rage in the streets, 3: 10. dashed in pieces at the top of vJH the streets: Zep. 3: 6.1 made (Aeir streets waste, Zee. 9: 3. fine gold as the mire of (Ae streets. 10: 5. the mire of (Ae streets in the battle: pin [ghohk], m. Ps. 74:11.(^03) pluck (it) out of (Ay bosom. Tin \jghah-varf'\. # KAL— Future. * Isa. 29:22. neither shall his face now wax pale. lT\\^ghohr\, m. Isa. 19: 9. they that weave white works) jietworks, (marg. or, Tin ghohr, m. lSa.14 2K. 12: Job 30: Cant.5: Eze. 8: Nah. 2: Zec.14: 11. the Hebrews come forth out of (Ae holes 9(10). bored a hole in the lid of it, 6. cliffs of the valleys, (in) caves of the earth, (marg. holes) 4. put in his hand by (Ae Ao?e 7. behold a hole in the wall. 12(13). filled Ais holes with prey, 12. shall consume away in their holes, Tin ghoor, m. Est. 1 : 6. (Where were) white, green, and blue, 8: 15. in royal apparel of blue and white, Tin ghoor, m. Isa. 11: 8. shall play on (Ae hole o/the asp, 42:22. all of them snared in holes, (marg. or, in snaring all (Ae young men of them, [as if from -Ana]) Tin gkiv-vahr', Ch. adj. Dan 7: 9. whose garment (was) a>Ai(e as snow, D*nin gkoh-reemf, m, pi. IK. 21: 8. to (Ae nobles that (were) in his city, 1 1 . the elders and the nobles Neh 2:16. to the priests, nor to the nobles, 4: 14(8), 19(13). said unto (Ae nobles, 5: 7.1 rebuked (Ae nobles, and the rulers, 6:17.(Ae nobles of Judah sent many letters 7: 5. mine heart to gather together (Ae nobles, 13; 17. 1 contended with (Ae nobles of Judah, Ecc.l0:17.when thy king (is) the son of nobles, Isa. 34: 12. They shall call (Ae nobles thereof Jer. 27 ; 20. all (Ae nobles of Judah 39: 6. the king of Babylon slew all (Ae nobles of Judah. B*in [ghoosh]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu32;35. and the things that shall come upon them maAe haste. Ps.I19:60. Imade haste, and delayed not Isa. 8: 1 . concerning Maher-shalal-AasA-baz. (marg. in making speed to the spoil Ae hasteneth the prey) Hab. 1 : 8. fly as the eagle (that) hasteth to eat. KAL. — Infinitive. Job 20: 2. for (this) I make haste, (marg. my haste (is) in me) KAL. — Imperative. ISa. 20 :38. Make speed, Aas(e, stay not. Ps. 22: 19(20). haste thee to help me. 38:22(23). ilfaAe Aas(e to help me, O Lord 40:13(14). O Lord, make haste to help me. 70: 1(2). maAe haste to help me, O Lord. 5(6). make haste unto me, O God: . 71 : 12. maAe haste for my help. 141: 1 . 1 cry unto thee : make haste unto me ; KAL. — Future. Job 31 : 5. or if my foot Aa(A hasted to deceit ; Ecc. 2; 25. or who else can hasten win KAL. — Participle. Paul. Nu. 32: 17. we ourselves will go ready armed * HIPHIL Preterite. * Jud. 20: 37. the liers in wait hasted, HIPHIL Future. Ps. 55: 8(9). I would hasten my escape Isa. 5:19. Let him make speed, (and) hasten 28:16. he that believeth shall not maAe Aas(e. 60:22. 1 the Lord will hasten it in his time. ( 410 ) nrn run see nnn Dnin ghoh-thahm' , m. Gen38: 18. Thy signet, and thy bracelets, Ex. 28: 1 1, 21, 36. the engravings of a signet, 39: 6. graven, as signets are graven, 14, 30. the engravings of a signet, IK. 21: 8. sealed (them) with Ais seal, Job 38:14. It is turned as clay (to) (Ae seal; 41 : 15(7 ). shut up together (as with) a close seal. Cant.8: 6. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: Jer. 22:24. were (Ae signet upon my right hand, Hag. 2: 23. will make thee as a signet: HTn ghah-zah'. /ta^aA * KAL.— Preterite. * 17. that (which) /Aa»e seen I will declare; 1 . do they that know him not see 12. all ye yourselves have seen 25. Every man may see it ; 8(9). (Aey may not see the sun. 10(11). rejoice when Ae see(A the vengeance: 2(3). I have seen thee in the sanctuary. 29. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? 20. Seest thou a man (that Is) hasty in his words ? 1. which Ae saw concerning Judah 1 . Isaiah the son of Amoz saw 1. Isaiah the son of Amoz. did see. 8.1ovedst their bed where (Aow sawest 14. Thy prophets have seen vain 6 . TAey have seen vanity and lying 7. Have ye not seen a vain vision, 8. spoken vanity, and seen lies, 1. which Ae saw concerning Israel 1 . which Ae saw concerning Samaria and 1 . which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2. the diviners Aaue seen a lie, ¦kAl Job 15: 24;27:36: Ps. 58;63: Pro. 22 29 Isa. 12 13 57 Lam. 2; Eze. 13 Am. 1: Mic. 1 : Hab. 1; Zee. 10 Ps. 27 Eze.21 Ps. 46 Isa. 30 33 48 Ex. 18: 24 Nu. 24 Job 8 19:23 34 Ps. 11 17 Pro. 24 Cant. 6 las. 26 Infinitive. 4. to behold the beauty of the Lord, 29(34). Whiles they see vanity unto thee, KAL. — Imperative. 8(9). behold the works of the Lord, 10. smooth things, prophesy deceits: 20. Looh upon /ion, the city of our 6. Thou hast heard, see all this ; KAL Future. 21 . thou sAa?( provide out of all 11 . also they saw God, and did eat and drink 4, 16. saw the vision of the Almighty, 17.see(A the place of stones. 26. yet in my flesh sAa(( I see God: 27. Whom I shall see for myself, : 9. but / cannot behold :32.I see not teach thou me: : 4. his eyes behold, his eyelids try, 7. his countenance doth behold the upright. : 2.fe( thine eyes behold the things 15. i" will behold thy face in righteousness : .32. Tlien I saw, (and) considered (it) well: : 1 3(7 : 1 ) . that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite ? 11. is lifted up, they will not see .¦ (but) (Aey shall see, and be ashamed Isa. 30:10. Prophesy not unto us right things, 33: 17. Thine eyes shall see the King Lam. 2: 14. but have seen for thee false burdens Eze.l3:23.ye shall see no more vanity, Mic. 4:1 Land let our eye ZooA upon Zion. KAL Participle. Poel. Eze. 12:27. The vision that he see(A (is) for many nin & mngkazah, Ch.k'u,:^ * P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan 2: 8. because ye see the thing is gone from me. 26. the dream which I have seen, 41 . whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, — forasmuch as (Aou sawest the iron 43. whereas thou sawest iron mixed 45. Forasmuch as (Aow sawest that the stone 4: 5(2). I saw a dream which made me afraid, 9(6). dream that I have seen, 18(15). This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar Aa?je seen. 20( 17). The tree that (Aow sawest, which grew, 23(20). whereas the king saw a watcher and 7 : 1 . Daniel had a dream (marg. saw) P'AL.. — Infinitive. Ezr. 4:14. not meet for us to see the king's dishonour, P'AL. — Participle. Active. Dan 2:31. Thou, O king, sawest, and behold 34. Thou sawest till that a stone 3:25. Lo, I see four men loose, walking 27. saw these men, upon whose bodies 4: 10(7). I saw, and behold a tree 13( 10) . I saw in the visions of my head 5 : 5. and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. 23. gods of silver,. ..which see not, nor hear, 7 : 2.1 saw in my vision by night, 4. 1 oeAeid till the wings thereof were plucked, 6.1 beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, 7,13.1 saw in the night visions, and behold 9.1 beheld till the thrones were cast down, 11 . 1 beheld then because of the voice — I beheld (even) till the beast was slain, 21.1 beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, P'AL Participle. Passive. Dan 3:19. seven times more than it was wont tTtrighuh-zeh', m.ftWA E . 29: 26. thou shalt take (Ae breast 27. sanctify (Ae breast of the wave offering, Lev. 7:30. the fat with (Ae 6reas(, — that (Ae breast may be waved 31 . but (Ae breast shall be Aaron's 34. (Ae wave breast and the heave shoulder 8: 29. Moses took (Ae breast, 9 : 20. they put the fat upon (Ae Areasts, 21. (Ae breasts and the right shoulder 10:14.(Ae wave 6reas( and heave shoulder 15. The heave shoulder and the wave 6reos( Nu. 6 : 20. (Ae wave breast and heave shoulder: 18:18.as (Ae wave breast n.Th ghoh-zeh', m. koz&k 2Sa.24:ll.the prophet Gad, David's seer, 2K. 17:13. the prophets, (and by) all (Ae seers, ICh 21: 9. spake unto Gad, David's seer, 25: 5. the sons of Hernan the king's seer 29:29. in the book of Gad (Ae seer, 2Ch 9 ; 29. in the visions of Iddo (Ae seer 12: 15. Iddo (Ae seer concerning genealogies? 19: 2. Hanani (Ae seer went out to meet him, 29:25. David, and of Gad the king's seer, 30. David, and of Asaph (Ae seer. 33 : 18. the words of (Ae seers that spake 19. written among the sayings of the seers, (marg. or, Hosai) n?n (4ii> 2Ch 35: 15. Jeduthun theking's seer; Isa. 28: 15. with hell are we at agreement; 29: 10. (Ae seers hath he covered. 30: 10. and to the prophets, Prophesy not 47: 13. astrologers, (Ae stargazers, Eze. 13: 9. the prophets that see vanity, 16. and which see visions of peace 22:28. seeing vanity, and divining lies Am. 7:12. 0 (Aow seer, go, flee thee away Mic. 3: 7. Then shall (Ae seers be ashamed, W[gheh'-zev], Ch. m.kqzzu. Dan 2: 19. unto Daniel in a night vision. 28. and the visions ofthy head 4: 5(2). and the visions ofmy head 9(6). tell me (Ae visions o/my dream 10(7). TAks (were) (Ae visions of mine 13(10) . I saw in the visions ofmy head 7 : 1 . and v&ions of his head upon his bed: 2. 1 saw in my vision by night, 7, 13.1 saw in the night visions, and behold 15. (Ae visions ofmy head troubled me. 20. *£>Aose iooA (was) more stout prn ftfftghiz-zah-ydhnf9 m. 2Sa. 7:17. according to all this vision, Job 4: 13. In thoughts from the visions of the night, 7 : 14. and terrifiest me through visions : 20: 8. chased away as a vision of the night. 33: 15. in a vision of the night, Isa. 22: 1. The burden of the valley of vision. 5. the Lord God of hosts in the valley of vision, Joel 2:28(3:1). your young men shall see visions: Zec.13: 4. be ashamed every one of his vision, WPI ghah-zee.z', m. Job 28:26. a way for the lightning of the thunder: 38:25. a way for the lightning of thunder; Zec.10: 1 .the Lord shall make bright clouds, (marg. or, lightnings) Tin gkazeer, m. ISa. 3; ]Chl7; 2Ch32;Ps, 89: Pro. 29 Isa. L . 29: Jer. 14 23 Lam. 2 Eze. 7 12 13 Dan 1 1011 Hos. 1 2 Obad Mic. 3 Nah 1 Hab 2 pin ghah-zohn\ m.i&aiguM. 1. those days; (there was) no open vision. 15. according to all this vision, 32. written in the visioji of Isaiah 19(20). Then thou spakest in vision ; 18. Where (there is) no vision, ; 1. TAe vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, ; 7. shall be as a dream of a night vision. : 14. they prophesy unto you a false vision : 16. they speak a vision of their own heart, : 9. find no vision from the Lord. :13.(Ae vision (is) touching the whole 26. then shall they seek a vision : 22. every vision faileth? 23. the effect of every vision. 24. there shall be no more any vain vision 27- TAe vision that he seeth : 16. which see visions o/peace : 17. understanding in all visions : l.a vision appeared unto me, 2. And I saw in a vision; and it came — and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river 13. How long (shall be) (Ae vision 15.1 Daniel, had seen (Ae vision, 17. time of the end (shall be) (Ae vision. 26. wherefore shut thou up (Ae vision ; : 21. whom I had seen in the vision 24. to seal up (Ae vision and prophecy, : 14. for yet (Ae vision (is) for (many) days. : 14. exalt themselves to establish (Ae vision; :I0(1 1). I have multiplied visions, 1. TAe vision of Obadiah. : 6. that ye shall not have a vision; (marg. from a vision) 1 . The book of (Ae vision o/Nahum : 2. Write (Ae vision, and make (it) plain 3.(Ae vision (is) yet for an appointed time, nitn [ghak-zoht/t'], tkmuop. 2Ch 9:29. and in the visions of Iddo niTh [gh&zohth], Ch. flW :11(8). and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth: 20(17). and the sight thereof to all the earth; rVlTIl ghuh-zooth', f. kpicog Isa. 21 : 2. A grievous vision is declared unto me ; 28: 18. and yowr agreement with hell 29: 11. the vision o/all is become unto you Dan 8: 5. the goat (had) a notable horn (marg. a horn of sight) 8. for it came up four notable ones Lev.ll: 7.(Ae swine, though he divide the hoof, Deul4: 8.(Ae swine, because it divideth the hoof, Ps. 80:13(14). TAe boar out of the wood doth Pro.l 1 :22. a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, Isa. 65: 4. which eat swine's flesh, 66: 3. oblation, (as if he offered) swine's blood; 17. eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, Gen41 : 47: Jos. 17 23: Jud. 1 2Sa.l6 IK. 2 20 2K. 3 14 lCh212Ch25 2628 Jer. 20 Eze. 3 Mai. 3 Eze. 30 Deu 12 31 Jos. 1 10 2Sa.l0 13 ICh 19 2228 2Chl5 1925 32 Ezr. 10 Ps. 2731 Isa. 35 41 Dan 10 Hag 2 P10 'ghah-zak' . * KAL Preterite. * 57. the famine was (so) sore in all lands. 20. because the famine prevailed 13. Israel were waxen strong, 6. Be ye therefore very courageous 28. came to pass, when Israel w>as strong, 21. then shall the hands of all that (are) with thee 6e strong. : 2. be thou strong therefore, :23. they were stronger than we; 26. saw that the battle was too sore 5. as soon as the kingdom was confirmed 4. Nevertheless the king's word prevailed 3. when the kingdom was established (marg. confirmed) : 15. marvellously helped, till Ae was strong. 20. but strengthened him not. 7 .thou art stronger than I, 14. the hand of the Lord was strong 13. Your words Aaue Aeen stout KAL Infinitive, 21. to make it strong to hold KAL. — Imperative. 23.be sure that thou eat not the blood: : 6. Be strong and of a good courage: 7, 23. Be strong and of a good courage: : 6, 9, IS. Be strong and of a good courage: 7 . Only be thou strong 2b.be strong and of good courage: 12. Be of good courage, : 28. 1 commanded you ? Ae courageous, : 1 3. Be of good courage, : 13.be strong, and of good courage; : 10. 6e strong, and do 20. Be strong and of good courage, 7. Be ye strong therefore, and let not your : 1 1 . Deal courageously, (marg. Take courage and do) 8. be strong for the battle: 7. Be strong and courageous, be not afraid 4. be of good courage, : 14. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, 24(25). He of good courage, and he shall 4. Be strong, fear not: : 6. Be of good courage, (marg. strong) 19. Ae strong, yea, be strong. 4. Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord ; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest ; and be strong, all ye people pin KAL Future. Gen41 :56. and the famine waxed sore in the land Ex. 7 : 13. .And Ae hardened Pharaoh's heart, 22 & 8: 19(15). and Pharaoh's heart was har dened, 9:35. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, 12:33. And the Egyptians were urgent Deu 11: 8. that ye may be strong, Jud. 7:11. afterward shall thine hands be strengthened ISa. 17:50. So David prevailed over the Philistine 2Sa. 2: 7. let your hands be strengthened, 10: 11. If the Syrians be too strong for me, — if the children of Ammon be too strong 13:14.on(, being stronger than she, 18: 9. and his head caught hold of the oak, 24: 4. Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed IK. 16:22. But the people that followed Omri prevailed 20:23, 25. we shall be stronger than they. 2K. 25: 3. And on the ninth (day) ...the famine prevailed ICh 19: 12. If the Syrians be too strong — but if the children of Ammon be too strojig 28: 7. if Ae be constant to do my commandments (marg. strong) 2Ch 8: 3. and prevailed against it. 27 : 5. and prevailed against them. 31 ; 4. that they might be encouraged Ezr. 9:12. that ye may be strong, Isa. 28: 22. lest your bands be made strong: 39: l.had been sick, and was recovered. Jer. 52: 6. the famine was sore in the city, Eze. 22; 14. can thine hands be strong, Dan 11: b.And the king of the south shall be strong, — and he shall be strong above him, Zee. 8: 9, 13. Let your hands be strong, ¦K PIEL Preterite.* Ex. 14: 4. And I will harden Pharaoh's Jud. 9:24. which aided him (marg. strengthened his hands) 2K. 12: 6(7). the priests Aad not repaired 1 4(1 5 ).ajid repaired therewith the house Ezr. 1: 6. strengthened their hands with vessels of Ps. 147 ; 13. Ae Aa(A strengthened the bars of thy gates ; Jer. 5: 3. they have made their faces harder 23 ; 14. (Aey strengthen also the hands of evildoers, Eze.30 : 24. ,4nd Iwill strengthen the arms of the king 34: 4. The diseased have ye not strengthened, Dan 10: 19. my lord speak; for (Aon Aas( strengthened me. 15. 1 have bound (and) strengthened Hos. 7 PIEL. — Infinitive. Jos. 11:20. it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, 2K. 12: 8(9). neither to repair the breaches 12(13).(o repair the breaches of the house 22: 5.(o repair the breaches of the house, 6. hewn stone to repair the house. ICh 26:27. did they dedicate to maintain 29:12. and to give stj'engih unto all. 2Ch24: 5.(o repair the house of your God 12. iron and brass to jnejid the house of the 34 : 8. to repair the house of the Lord 10. to repair and amend the house: Ezr. 6:22.(o strengthen their hands Eze.l 3: 22. and strengthened the hands of PIEL. — Imperative. Deu 1:38. he shall go in thither: encourage him: 3:28. charge Joshua, and encourage him, Jud.16: 28. and strejigthen me, I pray thee, 2Sa.ll :25. and encourage thou him. Neh 6: 9. therefore, (O God), strengthen my hands. Isa. 35: 3. Strengthen ye the weak hands, 54: 2. and strengthen thy stakes; Nah 2: 1(2). maAe (thy) loins strong, 3:14. fortify thy strong holds: PIEL Future. Ex. 4 : 21 . but I will harden his heart, 9: 12. And the Lord hardened the heart 10:20, 27. But the Lord hardened Pharaoh's 11:10. and the Lord hardejied Pharaoh's heart, 14: 8. And the Lord hardened the heart Jud. 3:12. and the Lord strengthened Eglon ISa. 23; 16, and strengthened his hand in God. 2K 12 2Chll 26 29 32 35 Neh 2 3 Job 4 Ps. 64 Isa 22 33 41 Jer 10 Eze.34 Dan 10 i 412 > ptn 5(6). let them repair the breaches of the 11. And he fortified the strong holds, 12. and made them exceeding strong, 17. So they strengthened the kingdom 9. turning (of the wall), and fortified them. 3. house of the Lord, and repaired them. 34. wherefore their brethren the Levites did help them, (marg. strengthened) 5. and repaired Millo (in) the city 2. and encouraged them to the service 18. So they strengthened their hands 19. next to him repaired Ezer 3. (Aon Aas( strengthened the weak hands. 5(6). They encourage themselves (in) an 21 . and strengthen him with thy girdle, 23. they could not well strengthen . 7. So the carpenter encouraged — and he fastened it with nails, : 4. they fasten it with nails 16. and will strengthen that which was sick: 18. and he strengthened me, PIEL.— Participle. Ex. 14:17.1 will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, 2K. 12: 7(8). Why repair ye not the breaches * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Lev.25 : 35 . (Aen (Aon shalt relieve him: (margMrengthen) Deu 22: 25. and the man force her, (marg.or, take strong hold other) 25 : 1 1 . and taketh him by the secrets : Jud, 7: S.retaijied those three hundred men: lSa,17:35. and when he arose against me, I caught (him) 2Sa.l5: 5. he put forth his hand, and took him, 2Ch26: &.he strejigthened (himself) exceedingly. Neh 3: 4, 4, 4, 7, 9, 10. next unto them repaired 5. the Tekoites repaired; 6. the old gate repaired Jehoiada 8, 10, 12, 17. Next unto him repaired ¦ — Next unto him also repaired 11. repaired the other piece, and the tower 13. The valley gate repaired Hanun, 14. the dung gate repaired Malchiah 15. the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun 16. After him repaired Nehemiah the son of 17, 18, 22, 29, 30, 30,31. After him repaired 20. the son of Zabbai earnestly repaired 21 , 23, 23, 24. after him repaired 27. the Tekoites j-epaired another piece, 28. above the horse gate repaired the priests, 29. After them repaired Zadok 32. the sheep gate repaired the goldsmiths 16. also I continued in the work 6. My righteousness Iholdfast, 13. So she caught him, and kissed him,. l.And in that day seven women shall take hold whom I have taken from the ends of whose right hand / have holden, (marg. or, strengthened) 24. anguish Aa(A (aAen AoZd of us, 8: 5. they holdfast deceit, 21 . astonishment Aa(A (aAen hold on me. 49:24.fear Aa(A seized oji (her): 50:33. that took them captives held them fast; 43. anguish (ooA hold of him, Eze.l 6: 49. neither did she strengthen the hand 30:25. But Iwill strejigthen the arms Dan 11: 7 . deal against them, and shall prevail : 21. and obtam the kingdom by flatteries. Mic. 4: 9. pangs have taken thee as a woman in 7 : 18. Ae retaineth not his anger Zee. 8:23. even shall take hold of the skirt 14: 13. and they shall lay hold every one 5 Job 27 Pro. 7 Isa. 4 41: 45: Jer. 6 HIPHIL— Infinitive. 2K. 15: 19. might be with him to confirm the kingdom Isa. 64: 7 (6) . stirreth up himself to talte hold of thee: Jer. 31 :32. 1 took them by the hand HIPHIL. — Imperative. Gen21: 18. and hold him in thine hand; 2Sa. 1 1 : 25. Jnake thy battle more strong Ps. 35: 2. Take hold of shield and buckler, Pro. 4:13. 3"aAe fast hold of instruction; Jer. 51 :12.maAe the watch strong, Nah 3:14. maAe strong the brickkiln. p\n HIPHIL.— Faiwre. Genl9:16. And while he lingered, the men laid hold Ex. 4: 4. put forth his hand, and caught it, Jud. 7: 20. and" Aeid the lamps in their left hands, 19: 4. And his father in law, the damsel's father, retained 25. so the man (ooA his concubine, 29. and laid hold on his concubine, lSa.l5:27..4nd as Samuel turned.. .Ae (aid hold upon 2Sa. 1:11. TAen David (ooA hold on his clothes, 2:16. And they caught every one his fellow 13:ll.Ae(ooAAoidofher, IK. 1:50 & 2:28. and caught hold on the horns of the 9: 9. and have tahen hold upon other gods, 2K. 2:12. and he took hold of his own clothes, 4: 8. and she constrained him to eat bread. (marg. laid hold on him) 27.sAe caught him by the feet: 2Ch 7:22. and laid hold on other gods, 28:15. rose up, andtooh the captives, Job 8 : 1 5 . Ae sliall hold it fast, 20. neither will he help the evil doers: (marg. will he take the ungodly by the hand) 18: 9. the robber shall prevail against him. Isa. 27: 5. Or let him take hold of my strength, 42 : 6. and will hold thine hand , 56: 2. the son of man (that) layeth hold on it; Jer. 6:23. They shall lay hold on bow and spear; 50:42. TAey sAaH hold the bow and the lance: Danll:32.that do know their God shall be strong, and do (exploits). Zee. 8:23. ten men sAaii (aAe hold HIPHIL.— Participle. Ex. 9: 2. wilt AoW them still, Jud.l6:2(i. the lad (Aa( held him by the hand, 2Sa. 3: 29! or that leaneth on a staff, 2Ch 4: 5. received and Ae(d three thousand baths. Neh 4:16(10). Ae(d both the spears, the shields, 17(11). with the other (hand) Ae(d a weapon. 21(15). half of them Aeidthe spears 10:29(30). They clave to their brethren, Job 2: 3. still he holdeth fast his integrity, 9. Dost thou still retain thine integrity ? Pro. 3:18. life to them that lay hold upon her: 26:17. one (Aa( taketh a dog by the ears. Isa. 41 : 13. 1 the Lord thy God will hold thy right 51:18. neither (is there any) (Aa( taketh her 56 : 4. and take hold of my covenant ; G.and taketh hold of my covenant ; Eze.27: 9. were in thee thy calkers: (marg. strength ened, or, stoppers of chinks) 27. thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers. (lit. repairers o/thy chinks) Dan 11: 1 . 1, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. 6. and he that strengthened her * HITHPAEL Preterite. * Nu. 13:20. And be ye of good courage, 2Ch 13: 7. could not withstand them. 15: 8. Oded the prophet, Ae (ooA courage, 23 : 1 . Jehoiada strengthened himself, 25 : 1 1 . Amaziah strengthened himself, Ezr. 7:28. And I was strengthened Dan 10: 19. 1 was strengthened, and said, HITHPAEL Infinitive. 2Ch 13: 8. now ye think to withstand the kingdom 16: Q.to shew himself strong in the behalf HITHPAEL Imperative. ISa. 4: 9. Be strong, and quit yourselves like men, IK. 20:22. Go, strengthen thijself, and mark, HITHPAEL— Future. Gen48 : 2. and Israel strengthened himself, Jud. 20:22. /!«Ao strengthened themselves (marg. or, held strongly) Dan 10:21. none (Aa( holdeth with me (marg. strength ened himself) 1 Sa.30: 6. but David encouraged himself 2Sa. 10: 12. and let us play the men for our people, ICh 19:13. and let us behave ourselves valiantly 2Ch 1: l.And Solomon the son of David wa strengthened 12: 13. So king Rehoboam strengthened himself 13:21. But Abijah waxed mighty, 17: 1 . and strengthened himself against Israel. PJD ghah-zahk', adj. 19. let you go, no, not by a mighty hand. 1 , I . with a strong hand 19. the Lord turned a mighty strong west wind, 9. with a strong hand 16. the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; 11. with a mighty hand? 18.MjAe(Aer they (be) strong or weak, 31. for they (are) stronger than we. 20. with a strong hand. : 24. and thy mighty hand : :34.by war, and by a mighty hand, : 15. out thence through a mighty hand : 21. out of Egypt with a mighty hand: : 8. brought you out with a mighty hand, 19. the wonders, and the mighty hand, : 26. forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand. : 2. his greatness, his mighty hand, : 8. out of Egypt with a mighty hand, : 12. in all that mighty hand, : 24. that it (is) mighty : ;11. As yet I (am as) strong this day' : 18. though they (be) strong. : 26. Micah saw that they (were) too strong :52. there was sore war against the : 15. Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, (marg. strong) : 42. of thy strong hand, : 17. his sickness was so sore, (lit. very strong) : 2. And (there was) a sore famine : 1 1 . great and strong wind rent the mountains, 32. thy mighty hand, and thy stretched out :10. by thy great power, and by thy strong hand. 15. from the hand of the mighty. ;18. spread out the sky, (which is) strong, : 10. the poor from him that is too strong : 12. With a strong hand, : 11. For their redeemer (is) mighty ; : 1. great and strong sword shall punish : 2. the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, : 10. the Lord God will come w;i(A strong (hand), ; 5. outstretched hand and with a strong arm, 11. hand of (him that was) stronger 21. wonders, and with a strong hand, 34. Their Redeemer (is) strong ; 4. impudent children and stiffhearted. 7. house of Israel (are) impudent (lit. stiff of forehead) 8. thy face strong against their faces, — thy forehead strong against their 9. As an adamant harder than flint 33. surely with a mighty hand, 34. scattered, with a mighty hand, 17. which wast strong in the sea, 22. (Ae strong, and that which was broken ; 16. 1 will destroy the fat and (Ae strong ; 15. out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, Am. 2:14. and (Ae strong shall not strengthen Ex. 3: 6: 10: 13:19: 32 Nu. 13 20 Deu. 3 4 5 6 7:9: 11: 26: 34: Jos. 4: 14:17: Jud.18: ISa. 14: 2Sa.ll: IK. 8: 17: 18: 19: 2Ch 6: Neh.l:Job 5: 37: Ps. 35 136: Pro. 23 Isa. 27 28: 40: Jer. 21 : 31:32:50: Eze. 2: 3: 2026 30 34: Dan 9 pTH ghah-zehk', adj. Ex. 19:19. and waxed louder and louder, (lit. and very strong) 2Sa. 3: l.but David waxed stronger and stronger^ (lit. was going and strong) ptn (414 ) pjn [gheh'-zek], m. Ps. 18: 1 (2). I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. pth ghoh'-zek, m. Ex. 13: 3. Ay strength o/hand the Lord 14, 16. .By strength o/hand the Lord Am. 6: 13. taken to us horns by our own strength ? Hag. 2:22. 1 will destroy (Ae strength of the kingdoms np|n [ ghez-kah'], f. Jud. 4: 3. twenty years he mightily oppressed 8: 1. they did chide with him sharply, (marg. strongly) ISa. 2:16.1 will take (it) by force. 2K. 12:12(13). for the house 'to repair (it). Eze.34: 4. but with force and with cruelty Jon. 3: 8. cry mightily unto God: np|n ghoz-kah', f. 2Ch 12: 1 . and had strengthened himself, 26:16..Bm( when he ivas strong, Isa. 8:11. the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, (marg. in strength of) Danll: 2.andby his strength through his nn ghcihgh, m. Ex. 35:22. brought bracelets, and earrings, 2K. 19:28.1 will put my hook in thy nose, Isa. 37:29. will I put my hook in thy nose, Eze.19: 4. brought him with chains unto the land 9. put him in ward in chains, (marg. hooks) 29: 4. But I will put AooAs in thy jaws, 38: 4. put AooAs into thy jaws, Gen20: 39: 40 4344 Ex. 5 9: 10 32 Lev. 4 ^nn [ghah-ghee'], m. Eze.29: 4. (:iTO) But I will put AooAs in thy jaws, &W ghah-tah'. * KAL.— Preterite.* 9. what have I offended thee, 9. wickedness, and sin against God? 1. baker Aad offended their lord 9. then let me bear the blame for ever: 32. (Aen I shall bear the blajne 16. but the fault (is) in thine own people. 27. 1 have sinned this time: 16. / Aaye shined against the Lord 30. Ye have sinjied a great sin : 31 .this people have sinned a great sin, 33. Whosoever Aa(A smned against me, 3. his sin, which Ae Aa(A sinned, 14. (Aey have sinned against it, 23. his sin, wherein Ae Aa(A sinned. 28, 28. his sin, which Ae Aa(A sinned, 35. sin that Ae hath committed, 5. shall confess that Ae hath sinned 6. for his sin which Ae hath simied, 7. trespass, which Ae Aa(A committed, 10. for his sin which he hath sinned, II. then he that sinned shall bring 13. touching his sin that Ae hath sinned lb. and sin through ignorance, 16. for (Ae Aarm (Aa( Ae Aa(A done 22. for his sin which Ae Aa(A done: and the sin which Ae Aa(A done 1 1 . that Ae sinned by the dead, 11. wherein we have sinned. 40. for we have sinned. 7. We have sinned, for we have spoken 34. / Aaoe sinned ; for I knew not 23. ye have sinned against the Lord: 41. We have sinned against the Lord, 16. ye had sinned against the Lord 18. all your sins which ye sinned, 18. so should ye sin against the Lord 19: Nu. 6: 12: 14 21:22: 32: Deu 1 9: 20. Ktan : 1 1 . Israel Aa(A sinned, 20. Indeed I have sinned against the Lord : 10. We have sinned against thee, 15. We have sinned : do thou 27. Wherefore I have not sinned 6. We have sinned against the Lord. : 10. We have sinned, because we 24. Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: 30. Then he said, I have sinned: 4. Ae Aa(A not sinned against thee, 1 1 (12). 7 have not sinned against thee ; : 21. Then said Saul, I have sinned: 13. 1 have sinned against the Lord. 20(21). doth know that I have sinned: : 10. 1 have sinned greatly 17. Lo, I have sinned, and I 47. We have sinned, and have done 50. forgive thy people that have sinned : 16. the sins of Jeroboam, who did sin, 22. to jealousy with their sins which (Aey had committed, 30. sins of Jeroboam which Ae sinned, 13. and the sins of Elah his son, by which (Aey sinned, 19. his sins which Ae sinned 9. What Aaye I sinned, that thou wouldest 7. Israel Aad sinned against the Lord 14. 1 have offended ; return from me: 17. his sin that Ae sinned, 8. 1 have sinned greatly, 17. even I it is that Aaue sinned 37. We have sinned, we have done amiss, 39. forgive thy people which have sinned 6. which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father's house Aaue sinned. 13. 1 should be afraid, and do so, and sin, 29. but sinned against thy judgments, 26. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin 5. It may be that my sons Aaue sinned, 22. In all this Job sinned not, 10. In all this did not Job sin 20. 1 have sinned; what shall I do 4. If thy children have sinned 14. If I sin, then thou markest me, 19. the grave (those which) Aaue sinned. 27. and (if any) say, I have sinned, 6. If (Aow sinnest, what doest thou 4(5). for I have sinned against thee. 4(6). Against thee, thee only, Aaue 1 sinned, 32. For all this (Aey sinned still, 6. We have sinned with our fathers, 24. he against whom we have sinned? 27. Thy first father Aa(A sinned, 35. because thou sayest, I have not sinned. 25. we have sinned against the Lord 14. because we have sinned 7. we have sinned against thee. 20. for we have sinned against thee. 10. our sin that we Aaue committed 8. their iniquity, whereby (Aey Aaue sinned — their iniquities, whereby (Aey Aaue sinned, 18. Aaue I offended against thee, 3 & 44: 23. ye Aaue sinned against the Lord, 7. because (Aey Aaue sinned 14. for sAe hath sinned against 8. Jerusalem Aa(A grievously sinned; 7. Our fathers Aaue sinned, 16. that we have sinned 1 2 Land he do(A not sin, 51. Neither Aa(A Samaria committed 24. in his sin that Ae hath sinned, 16. None ofhis sins that Ae Aa(A committed 23. wherein (Aey Aaue sinned, 5. We have sinned, and have committed 8. because we liave sinned against thee. 1 1 . because we have sinned against him. lb. we have sinned, we have done wickedly 7. so (Aey sinned against me: 9. O Israel, (Aow Aas( sinned 9. because I have sinned against him, 17. they have sinned against the Lord: KAL. — Infinitive. Gen20: 6.1 also withheld thee/-om sinning Ex. 9:34. he sinned yet more, (lit. added to sin) Lev. 6: 3(5:22). that a man doeth, sinnina therein: Jos. 7 Jud.10 11 ISa. 7 12 15 19 24 26 2Sa.l2 19 24 IK. 8 14 18 2K. 17 18 21 ICh 21 2Ch 6 Neh. 1 13 Job 1 2 78 1024 33 35 Ps. 41 51 78 106 Isa. 42 43 Jer. 2 38 14 16 33 3741) 50 Lam 1 5 Eze. 3: 16 18 33 37 Dan 9 Hos. 4: 10: Mic. 7: Zep. 1: Nan ( 415 )' Nan Nu.15: 16 Deu 19 ISa. 2 1419 IK. 8 2Ch 6 lSa.l2:23. God forbid (Aa( I should sin (lit. from sinning) Job 31: 30. Neither have I suffered my mouth to sin Ps. 39: 1(2). (Aa( I sin not with my tongue: 78 : 1 7. they sinned yet more (lit. added to sin) Eze. 3: 21. that the righteous sin not, 33: 12. in the day that Ae sinneth. Hos 8:11. hath made many altars to sin, altars shall be unto him to sin. 13: 2. now they sin more and more, (marg. add to sin) KAL Future. Gen42:22. Do not sin against the child; Ex. 20:20. be before your faces, that ye sin not Lev. 4: 2. If a soul shall sin through ignorance 3. If the priest that is anointed do sin 22. When a ruler Aa(A sinned, 27. if any one of the common people sin 5 : ¦ 1. a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, 17. if a soul sin, and commit any 6: 2(5:21). If a soul sin, and commit a trespass 4(-:23).it shall be, because Ae Aa(A shined, 27. if any soul sin through ignorance, 22. shall one man sin, 15. in any sin that Ae sinneth : :2b. If one man sin against another, — but if a man sin against the Lord, 34. slay (them) here, and eat ; and sin not 4. Let not the king sin 5. wherefore then wilt thou sin 31. If any man trespass against 33 because they have sinned 35. because they have sinned against thee ; 46. If (Aey sin against thee, for (there is) no man that sinneth not, 22. If a man sin against his neighbour, 24, 26. because they have sinned 36. If they sin against thee, for (there is) no man which sinneth not, Job 5:24. visit thy habitation, and sAai( not sin. (marg.or, err) Ps. 4: 4(5). Stand in awe, and sin not: 119:11. that i" ?nioA( not sin against thee. Ecc. 7: 20. that doeth good, and sinneth not. Isa. 64: 5(4)./or we have sinned : Eze.14: 13. when the land sinneth 28 : 16. and thou hast sinned : KAL. — Participle. Poel. lSa.!4;33. the people sin against the Lord, Pro. 8:36. he that sinjietk against jne wrongeth 11:31. much more the wicked and the sinner. 13:22. the wealth of (Ae sinner (is) laid up 14:21. He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: 19: 2. he that hasteth with (his) feet sinneth. 20: 2.provoketh him to anger sinneth Ecc. 2:26. but to the shiner he giveth travail, 7:26. but (Ae sinner shall be taken by her. 8 : J 2. Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, 9: 2. as (is) the good, so (is) (Ae sinner; 18. but one sinner destroyeth much good. Isa. 1: 4. Ah sinful nation, 65:20. but the sinner (being) an hundred Eze.18: 4, 20. the soul (Aa( simieth, it shall die. Hab 2: 10. and Aas( sinned (against) thy soul. *PIEL — Preterite.* Ex. 29:36. and (Aow sAa/( cleanse the altar, Lev.l4:52. And he shall cleanse the house Nu. 19:19.and on the seventh day Ae shall purify himself, Bze.43:20. thus shalt thou cleanse and purge 22. and they shall cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse (it) with 45 : 18. and cleanse the sanctuary : PIEL. — Infinitive. Lev.l4;49.he shall take to cleanse the house Eze.43:23.When thou hast made an end of cleansing PIEL Future. Gen31:39.I bare (Ae loss of it; Lev. 8: 15. with his finger, and purified the altar, 9: 15. slew it, and offered it for sin, 2Ch 29:24. and they made reconciliation Ps. 51: 7(9). Purge me with hyssop, PIEL.— Participle. Lev. 6:26(19). The priest that offereth it for sin * HIPHIL Preterite. # IK. 14: 16. who made Israel to sin. 15:26, 34. Ae made Israel to sin. 30. Ae made Israel sin, 16:13. (Aey made Israel to sin, 26. he made Israel to sin, 22:52(53). who made Israel to sin: 2K. 3: 3. which made Israel to sin; 10:29. who made Israel to sin, 31 & 13:2. which made Israel to sin. 13: 6, 11. who made Israel sin, 14:24& 15:9, 18, 24, 28. who made Israel to sin. 17:21. and made them sin a great sin. 21 : 16. wherewith Ae made Judah to sin, 23: 15. who made Israel to sin, Neh 13: 26. him did outlandish women canse to sin. HIPHIL Infinitive. IK. I6:19.(o maAe Israel to sin. Ecc. 5: 6(5). Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin ; Jer. 32:35. to cause Judah to sin. HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 23:33. lest they make thee sin against me: Deu24: 4. thou shalt not canse the land to sin, Jud.20: 16. sling stones at an hair (breadth), and not miss. IK. 16: 2. and Aas( made my people Israel to sin, 21:22. and made Israel to sin. 2K. 21: 11. and hath made Judah also to sin HIPHIL— Participle. Isa. 29:21. That maAe a man an offender # HITHPAEL.— Future. * Nu. 8:21. And the Levites were purified, 19: 12. .He shall purify himself 'with it — but if he purify not himself 13. purifeth not himself, 20.be unclean, and shall not purify himself, 31:19. purify (both) yourselves and your cap tives 20. purify all (your) raiment, 23. nevertheless it shall be purified Job 41 : 25( 17). they purify themselves. Xt?n gheht, m. Gen41 : 9. 1 do remember my faults this day: Lev.l9:17.and not^ "suffer sin upon him. 20: 20. they shall bear (Aeir sin; 22; 9. lest they bear sin for it, 24;15. Whosoever curseth his God shall bear Ais sin. Nu. 9: 13. that man shall bear Ais sin. 18:22, lest they bear sin, and die. 32. ye shall bear no sin by reason 27: 3. but died in his own sin, DeuI5: 9. it be sin unto thee. 19:15. in any shi that he sinneth: 21 : 22. if a man have committed a sin 22:26. in the damsel no sin (worthy) of death: 23:21(22). it would be sin in thee. 22(23). it shall be no sin in thee. 24: 15. it be sin unto thee. 16. shall be put to death for his own sin. 2K. 10:29. Howbeit (from) (Ae sins of Jeroboam 14: 6. man shall be put to death for his own sin. 2Ch25: 4. every man shall die for his own sin. Ps. 51: 5(7). and in sindidmy mother conceive me. 9(11 ). Hide thy face from my sins, 103:10. dealt with us after our sins; Ecc.lO: 4. for yielding pacifieth great offences* Isa. 1 : 18. though your sins be as scarlet, 31 : 7. hands have made unto you (for) a sin. 38:17. hast cast all my sins behind thy back. 53:12. and he bare (Ae sin of many, and made Lam 1; 8. Jerusalem hath grievously sinned; (lit. hath sinned a sin) 3:39. a man for the punishment ofhis sins? Eze.23: 49. and ye shall bear (Ae sins o/your idols: Dan. 9 : 16. because for our sins, and for Hosl2: 8(9). find none iniquity in me that (were) Nian N^n [ghat-tah'], m. ( 416 ) A Gen 13 Nu 16 32 ISa. 15 IK 1 Ps. 1 25 26 51 104 Pro . 1 13 23 Isa. 1 13 S3- Am . 9- :13. and sinners before the Lord :38(17:3).The censers of these sinners : 14. an increase of sinful men, : 18. destroy (Ae sinners the Amalekites, ;21.I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders, (marg. sinjiers) : 1 . nor standeth in the way of sinners, 5. nor sinners in the congregation : 8. therefore will he teach sinners in the way. : 9. Gather not my soul with sinners, :13(15). and sinners shall be converted :35. Let (Ae sinnej-s be consumed out of ¦A0. if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. : 21. Evil pursue th sinners: ; 17. Let not thine heart envy sinners: : 28. transgressors and of the sinners ; 9. and he shall destroy the sinners thereof : 14. TAe sinners in Zion are afraid ; :10.A11 (Ae simiers ofmy people Lev. T\$Q\lghat-tah-ati, f. Ex. 34: 7. iniquity and transgression and sin, Isa. 5: 18. sin as it were with a cart rope: Am. 9; 8. upon the sinful kingdom, r\mn ghat-tah-dh', Ch. f. Ezr. 6:17. and for a sin offering for all Israel, mm ghdtah-ahf, f. Gen20: 9. on my kingdom a great shi? Ex. 32: 21. hast brought so great a sin upon them? 30. Ye have sinned a great sin : 31. this people have sinned a great sin, 2K. 17:21. made them sin a great sin. Ps. 32: 1. forgiven, (whose) sin (is) covered. 40: 6(7). and sin offerhig hast thou not required. 109: 7. let his prayer become shi. Gen 4: 7 18:20 31:36 50:17 Ex. 10:17 29:14 36 30:10 32:30 32 34 34: 9 Lev. 4: 3 •A- 8 14 20 21 23 „ 24 • 25 26 28 29, 32 33 34 35 5: 6 7 8 . 9 nam gkat-tdhth', f. sin lieth at the door. . and because (Aeir sin is very grievous ; .What (is) my trespass? what (is) my sin, . trespass of thy brethren, and their shi; . forgive, I pray thee, my sin only . without the camp: it (is) a sin offering. .a bullock (for) a sin offering .with the blood of (Ae sin offering of . I shall make an atonement for your sin. . if thou wilt forgive (Aeir sin — ; . I will visit (Aeir sin upon them. pardon our iniquity and our sin, for Ais sin, which he hath sinned, unto the Lord for a sin offering. fat of the bullock for the sin offerhig ; When (Ae sin, which they have sinned offer a young bullock for the sin, the bullock for a sin offering, it (is) a sin offering for the congregation. if Ais sin, wherein he hath sinned, it (is) a sin offering. take of the blood of (Ae shi offering for him as concerning his sin, Or if Ais sin, which he hath sinned, a female without blemish, for Ais sin 33. his hand upon the head of (Ae sin offering, slay (Ae sin offering in the place bring a lamb for a sin offering, slay it for a sm offering the blood of (Ae sin offering make an atonement lor Ais sin .for Ais sin which he hath sinned, a kid of the goats, for a sin offerhig; an atonement for him concerning his sin. . one for a sin offerhig, .for the sin offering first, the blood of (Ae sin offering ¦ 9 10 , 12 N> 14 16 19 Nu. 5 6 161819 28: 29 32 Deu 9 19 Jos. 24 ISa. 2 121415 20 2 Sa.l 2 Nian : 9. bottom of the altar: it (is) a sin offering* lO.for his sin which he hath sinned, 11. an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; — , 12. it (is) a shi offering. 13. touching Ais sin that he hath sinned : 17(10). as (is) (Ae sin offering, 25(18). This (is) the law of (Ae sin offering: — ( — ). shall (Ae sin offering be killed 30(23). no sin offering, whereof (any) of the : 7. As the sin offering 37. and of the sin offering, 2, 14, 14. bullock for (Ae sin offering, 2. a young calf for a sin offering, 3. a kid of the goats for a sin offering; 7. offer thy sin offering, 8. slew the calf of (Ae sin offering, 10. above the liver of the shi offerhig, 15. the goat, which (was) (Ae sin offring 22. from offering of the sin offering, : 16. sought the goat of (Ae sin offering, 17. have ye not eaten (Ae sin offering 19. have they offered (Aeir sin offerhig — I had eaten (Ae sin offering to day, ; 6. a turtledove, for a sin offering, 8. the other for a sin offering: 13. where he shall kill (Ae sin offering — as the sin offering (is) the priest's, 19. the priest shall offer (Ae sin offering, 22. the one shall be a sin offering, 31 & 15:15, 30. the one (for) a sin offering, 3. a young bullock/or a sin offering, 5. two kids of the goats for a sin offering, 6. offer his bullock of (Ae sin offerijig, 9. offer him (for) a sin offering. 11, 11. the bullock of the sin offering, 16. the goat of (Ae sin offerhig, 16, 21. transgressions in all (Aeir sins: 25. the fat of (Ae sin offej-ijig 27. the bullock (for) (Ae sin offering, and the goat (for) (Ae sin offering, 30. may be clean from all your sins 34. for all (Aeir shis once a year. 22. for Ais sin which he hath done: and Me sin which he hath 19. one kid of the goats for a sin offering, 18. seven times more for your sins. 21. according to your sins. 24, 28. seven times for your sins. ; 6. shall commit any sin that men commit, 7. Then they shall confess (Aeir sin 11. offer the one for a sin offering, 14. without blemish for a sin offerhig, 16. shall offer Ais sin offering, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82. One kid of the goats for a sin offering: 87. kids of the goats for sin offering 7. Sprinkle water of purifying 8. bullock shalt thou take for a sin offering. - 12. offer the one (for) a sin offering, 11, lay not (Ae sin upon us, 24. one kid of the goats for a sin offering. 25. and (Aeir sin offering before the Lord, 27. a she goat of the first year for a sin offering. 26. lest ye be consumed in all (Aeir sins. 9. every sin offering of their's, 9. it (is) a purification for sin. 17. burnt heifer of purification for sin, 15. one kid of the goats for a sin offering 22. one goat (for) a sin offerhig, 5,1 1 . one kid of the goat's (for) a sin offering, 1 1. beside (Ae sin offerhig of 16, 19, 25. one kid of the goats (for) a sin offering ; 22, 28, 31 , 34, 38. one goat (for) a sin offering; 23.be sure your sin will find you out. 18. because of all your sins 21. 1 took your sin, the calf 27. nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin: 15. any iniquity, or for any sin, 19. transgressions nor your sins. 1 7. (Ae sin o/the young men was very great 19. we have added unto all our sins 38. see wherein this sin hath been 23. rebellion (is as) (Ae sin of witchcraft, 25.1 pray thee, pardon my sin, I .what (is) my sin before thy father, 13. The Lord also hath nut. awav thy sin; aan IK. 8 12:30, 2K. 3 10 1213 15 17 21: 24: 2Ch 6 7 28 v.29 33 s Ezr. 8 Neh 1: 4: 9: 10: Job 10:13:14:34 35 Ps. 25 32 3851 59 79 85 109 Pro. 5 10 13 14 20 21 24: Isa. 36 2730 4043 44 58;59; Jer. 5: 14: 34. forgive (Ae sin ofthy people Israel, 35. ana. turn from their sin, 36. forgive (Ae sin ofthy servants, And this thing became a sin: for the people went -.34. became sin unto the house of Jeroboam, : 16. because of (Ae sins of Jeroboam, 22. provoked him to jealousy with their sins : 3. he walked in all (Ae sins ofhis father, 26, 34. and in his sin wherewith he made 30. Because of (Ae sins of Jeroboam : 2. provoke me to anger u>i(A (Aeir sins; 13. the shis o/Baasha, and the sins o/Elah 19. For Ais sins which he sinned — and in his sin which he did, 26. and in his sin wherewith he made 31. walk in the sins of Jeroboam : 3. he cleaved unto (Ae sins o/Jeroboam :31.he departed not from (Ae shis of ; 16(17). sin money was not brought into the : 2. followed (Ae sins o/Jeroboam 6.from the sms of the house of Jeroboam, 11 & 14:24. from all (Ae sins o/Jeroboam : 9, 24./rom (Ae sins o/Jeroboam the son of ] 8. from (Ae sins o/Jeroboam the son of 28. (Ae sins o/Jeroboam the son of Nebat, 22. walked in all (Ae shis of 16. beside his sin wherewith 17. and his si7i that he sinned, 3. for the shis o/Manasseh, 25. forgive (Ae sin ofthy people 26. and turn from their sin, 27. forgive (Ae sin ofthy servants, 14. will forgive (Aeir sin, 13. ye intend to add (more) to our sins 21. for a sin offering for the kingdom, 23. (Ae sin offering before the king 24. burnt offering and the sin offering 19. and all Ais sins, and his trespass, 35. twelve he goats (for) a sin offering: 6. confess (Ae sins of the children of Israel, 5(3:37). and let not (Aeir sin be blotted 2. confessed (Aeir sins, 37 . hast set over us because of our sins : 33(34). and for the sin offerings 6. and searchest after my sin? 23. many (are) mine iniquities and sins? — know my transgression and my sin. 16. dost thou not watch over my sin? ;37.he addeth rebellion unto Ais sin, ; 3.1 have, (if I be cleansed) from my sin? : 7. Remember not (Ae sins ofmy youth, 18. forgive all my sins. : 5.1 acknowledged my sin unto thee, — thou forgavest the iniquity ofmy sin. ; 3(4). rest in my bones because of my sin. 18(19). I will be sorry for my sin. ; 2(4). and cleanse me from my sin. 3(5). and my sin (is) ever before me. 3(4). not (for) my transgression, nor (for) my sin, 12(13). (Ae sin of their mouth 9. purge away our sins, 2(3). thou hast covered all (Aeir sin. 14. and let not (Ae sm ofhis mother 22. shall be holden with the cords of Ais sins. (marg. sin) 16. the fruit of the wicked to sin. 6. wickedness overthroweth (Ae sinner, (marg. sin) 34. but sin (is) a reproach to any people. 9.1 am pure from my sin? 4. the plowing of the wicked, (is) sin. 9. The thought of foolishness (is) sin: 9. and they declare (Aeir sin 7 . and thy sin purged. 9. all the fruit to take away Ais stn ¦ 1 . that they may add sin to sin : 2. of the Lord's hand double for all her sins. 24. thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, 25. and will not remember thy sins. 22. as a cloud, thy sijis : 1 . the house of Jacob (Aeir sins. 2. and your sins have hid (his) face 12. and our sins testify against us: 25. and your sins have withholden good 10. and visit (Aeir sins. ( 417 ) nton Jer. 15:13.and (that) for all thy sins, 16: 10. or what (is) our sin that we have committed 18. their iniquity and their sin double ; 17: 1. The sin of Judah (is) written 3. thy high places for sin, 18: 23. neither blot out (Aeir sin 30: 14, 15. thy sins were increased. 31 :34. and 1 will remember (Aeir sin no more. 36: 3. forgive their iniquity and their sin. 50: 20. and (Ae sins of Judah, Lam. 4: 6. greater (Aan (Ae punishment of the sin of Sodom, (marg. or, iniquity) 13. For the sins of her prophets, 22. he will discover thy sins. Eze 3:20.he shall die in his sin, 16:51. hath Samaria committed half of (Ay sins; 52./or thy sins that thou hast committed 18:14. that seeth all his father's sins 21. the wicked will turn from all Ais sins 24. and in his sin that he hath sinned, 21 :24(29). in all your doings your sins do appear; 33:10. If our transgressions and our sins 14. if he turn from Ms sin, 16. None of Ais sins that he hath committed - 40:39. burnt offering and the sin offering •. 42:13. meat offering, and the sin offering, ' 43:19. young bullock for a sin offering. *¦ 21 . the bullock also of (Ae sin offej-ing, 1 22. without blemish for a sin offering; \ 25. a goat (for) a sin offering: 1 44:27. he shall offer Ais sin offering, \ 29. meat offering, and the sin offering, \ 45: 17. he shall prepare (Ae sin offering, 19. take of the blood of (Ae sin offering, 22. a bullock (for) a sin offering. 23. and a kid of the goats daily (for) a sin offering. 25. according to the sin offering, ' 46:20. trespass offering and (Ae sin offering, Dan 9:20. praying, and confessing my sin and thesin ofmy people Israel, 24. to make an end of sins, Hos. 4: 8. They eat up (Ae sin ofmy people, 8:13. their iniquity, and visit their sins: 9: 9. he will visit (Aeir sins. 10: 8. Aven, (Ae sin o/Israel, 13: 12. Ephraim (is) bound up ; his sin (is) hid. Am. 5: 12. transgressions and your mighty sins: Mic. 1 : 5. and for the sins of the house of Israel. 13. beginning of (Ae sin to the daughter of Zion: 3: 8. to Israel Ais sin. 6: 7. the fruit of my body (for) (Ae sin of my soul? 13. desolate because ofthy sins. 7:19. cast all (Aeir sins into the depths Zee. 13: l./or sin and for uncleanness. 14: 19. shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations (marg. or, sin) 3Dn [ghdh-tav']. Deu 19 Eze.39: Deu 29 Jos. 9 2Ch. 2 Jer. 46 Ps.144 * KAL. — Infinitive. & : 5. with his neighbour to hew wood, KAL Future. 10. no wood out of the field, neither cut down KAL. — Participle. Poel. ll(10)./rom (Ae hewer ofthy wood 21. let them be hewers of wood 23. bondmen, and hewers o/wood 27. made them that day hewers of 10(9). (Ae hewers that cut timber, 22. with axes, as hewers of wood. * PUAL.— Participle. * 12.polished(after)the similitude of a palace: (marg. cut) niiton ghdtoo-vohth' , f. pi. Pro. 7:16, with carved (works), E E nzan ntsn ghit-tah', f. Gen30: Ex. 9: 29 34 Deu 8 32 Jud. 6 15 Ru. 2 ISa. 6 12 2Sa. 4 17 IK. 5: ICh 21 2Ch 2 27 Job 31 : Ps. 81 147 Cant 7 Isa. 28 Jer. 12 41 Eze. 4 2745 Joel. 1 14. went in the days of wheat harvest, 32. But the wheat and the rie 2.wheaten flour shalt thou make 22. the firstfruits of zuAea( harvest, 8. A land of wheat, and barley, 14. with the fat of kidneys of wheat ; 11. his son Gideon threshed wheat 1 . in the time of wheat harvest, . 23. barley harvest and of ?uAea( harvest ; 13. reaping their wheat harvest 17. (Is it) not wheat harvest to day? 6. they would have fetched wheat ; : 28. basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, 11(25). twenty thousand measures of wheat 20. Now Oman was threshing wheat. 23. and the wheat for the meat offering ; 10(9). twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, 15(14). (Ae wheat, and the barley, the oil, : 5. ten thousand measures of wheat, 40. Let thistles grow instead of wheat, 16(17). fed them also with the finest of (Ae wheat : : 14. filleth thee with the finest of (Ae wheat. : 2(3). an heap of wheat set about with lilies. : 25. cast in the principal wheat : 13. They have sown wheat, ; 8. of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, : 9. Take thou also unto thee wheat, .17. traded in thy market wheat o/Minnith, : 13. an ephah of an homer of wheat, : 11. for (Ae wheat and for the barley ; VQ. [ghdtah'y], Ch. m. Dan. 4:27(24). and break off thy sins by righteous ness, Nisn ghat-tdh-ydh' , Ch. f. Ezr. 6:17. (3TD) and for a sin offering for all Israel, Dt^n [j? hah- tarn'']. # KAL.— Future. ¦# Isa. 48: 9. for my praise will I refrain for thee, tpn [ghah-taphf]. #KAL.— Preterite. * Jud.21: 21. and catch you every man his wife KAL . — Infinitive. Ps. 10: 9. he lieth in wait to catch the poor: KAL.— Future. Ps. 10: 9. Ae do(A ca(n Lev.14: 6. As for the living bird, he shall take it, — and the livhtg bird in the blood of the bird ( that was ) killed over the running water : 7. shall let the living bird loose 50. in an earthen vessel over running water: 51. the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip — of the slain bird, and in the running 52. with the running water, and with the living 53. he shall let go the living bird 15:13. bathe his flesh in running water, 16: 10. presented alive before 20. he shall bring the live goat: 21. hands upon the head of the live goat, 17:13. which hunteth and catcheth any beast 18:18. beside the other in her life (time). 25: 7. for thy cattle, and for the beast 3b. that he may live with thee. 36.(Aa( thy brother may live 26: 6.1 will rid evil 6eas(s out of the land, 22.1 will also send wild 6eas(s Nu. 14:21. But (as) truly (as) I live, 28. (As truly as) I live, 16: 30. they go down quick into the pit; 33. went down alive into the pit, 48(17: 13). he stood between the dead and (Ae living ; 19:17. running water shall be put thereto (marg. living ) 35: 3. goods, and for all (Aeir beasts. Deu 4: 4. alive every one of you this day. 9. all the days of thy life : 10. all the days that they shall live upon the 5: 3. who (are) all of us here alive 26(23). heard the voice of the living God 6: 2. and thy son's son, all the days ofthy life; 7:22. lest the 6eas(s o/the field increase 12: l.all the days that ye live upon the earth. 16: 3.the land of Egypt all the days ofthy life. 17 : 19. read therein all the days of Ais life : 28:66. And thy life shall hang in doubt — have none assurance ofthy life: 30: 6. that (Aom mayest live. (lit. on account of thy life) 15. 1 have set before thee this day life 19. 1 have set before you life and death, — therefore choose life, 20. for he (is) thy life, 31:13. as long as ye live in the land whither ye 27. while I am yet alive with you 32:40. say, I live for ever. 47. because it (is) your life : Jos. 1 : 5. stand before thee all the days of thy life : 3:10.know that the living God (is) among 4: 14. all the days of Ais life. 8:23. the king of Ai they took alive, Jud. 8: 19. (as) the Lord /ive(A, if ye had saved 16: 30. than (they) which he slew in his life. Ru. 2: 20. hath not left off his kindness to (Ae living 3: 13. the Lord liveth: lie down until the ISa. l:ll.a\l the days of his life, 26. Oh my lord, (as) thy soul liveth, 2: 15. have Sodden flesh of thee, but raw. 7:15. all the days of Ais life. 14:39, 45. (as) the Lord liveth, 15: 8. he took Agag... alive, 17:26, 36. the armies of the living God? 46. and to the wild beasts of the earth ; 55. Abner said, (As) thy soul liveth, 18:18. what (is) my life, 19: 6. Saul sware, (As) the Lord liveth, 20: 3. (as) the Lord liveth, and (as) thy soul liveth, 14. shalt not only while yet I live 21.no hurt; (as) the Lord Ziue(A. 25: 6. thus shall ye say to him that liveth 26.my lord, (as) the Lord liveth, and (as) thy soul liveth, 29. shall be bound in the bundle of life 34. the Lord God of Israel liveth, 26: 10, 16 & 28: 10 & 29:6. (As) the Lord liveth, 2Sa. 1:23. lovely and pleasant in their lives, 2:27. Joab said, (As) God liveth, 4: 9. (As) the Lord liveth, 11:11. (Aom livest, and (as) thy soul liveth, 12: 5. said to Nathan, (As) the Lord /iue(A, 18. while the child was yet alive, 21. the child, (while it was) alive ; ( 419 ) Tt 2Sa. 12:22. While the child was yet alive, — (Aa( the child may live ? 14:11. he said, (As) the Lord liveth, 19. (As) thy soul liveth, 15:2L(As) the Lord liveth. and (as) my lord the king liveth, the king shall be, whether in death or life, 18: 14. while he (was) yet alive in the midst 18. Now Absalom in his lifetime 19: 6(7). that if Absalom had lived, 34(35). How long have J to live, (marg. how many days (are) the years ofmy life) 21: 10. nor (Ae oms(s o/the field by night. 22:47. The Lord liveth; and blessed (be) my 23: 1 1. were gathered together into a troop, (marg. or, for foraging) 13. and the troop of the Philistines pitched IK. 1:29. said, (As) the Lord liveth, 2; 24. (as) the Lord liveth, which hath established 3:22. but (Ae living (is) my son, — and (Ae living (is) my son. 23. This (is) my son (Aa( liveth, — . my son (is) (Ae living. 25. Divide the living child in two, 26. Then spake the woman whose the living child (was) — O my lord, give her the living child, 27. Give her the living child, and in no wise 4:21(5:1). Solomon all the days of Ais life. 8:40. fear thee all the days that they live in the land 11 :34. prince all the days of Ais life 12: 6. Solomon his father while he yet lived, lb : 5, 6. all the days of Ais life, 17: 1. the Lord God of Israel /iue(A, 12. (As) the Lord thy God liveth, 23. Elijah said, See, thy son liveth. 18: 10. the Lord thy God liveth, 15. the Lord of hosts liveth, 20:18. be come out for peace, take them alive; — for war, take them alive. 32. he said, (Is) he yet alive? he (is) my 21 :15.for Naboth is not alive, but dead. 22:14. Micaiah said, (As) the Lord liveth, 2K. 2: 2,4, 6. (As) the Lord liveth, and (as) thy soul liveth, 3:14. (As) the Lord of hosts liveth, 4:16, 17. according to the time of life, 30. (As) the Lord liveth, and (as) thy soul liveth, 5: 16, 20. (As) the Lord liveth, 7: 12. we shall catch them alive, 10: 14. he said, Take them alive. And they took them alive, 14: 9. there passed by a wild 6eas( 19: 4. hath sent to reproach the living God; 16. sent him to reproach the living God. 25:29. before him all the days of Ais life. 30. for every day, all the days of Ais life. 2Ch 6:31 . so long as they live in the land 10: 6- Solomon his father while he yet lived, 18: 13. (As) the Lord liveth, 25:12. ten thousand (left) alive 18. passed by a wild 6eas( (marg. beast of the field) Job 3:20. misery, and life unto the bitter (in) soul; 5:22.nei(Aer shalt thou be afraid o/(Ae beasts of 23. and the beasts of the field shall be 7: 7.0 remember that my life (is) wind: 9:21.1 would despise my life. 10: l.My soul is weary ofmy life ; (marg,. while Hive) 12. Thou hast granted me life and favour, 12: 10. In whose hand (is) the soul of every living 19:25. For I know (that) my redeemer liveth, 24:22. no (man) is sure of life. 27: 2. God liveth, (who) hath taken away 28: 13. neither is it found in the land of (Ae living. 21.it is hid from the eyes of all living, 30:23. the house appointed for all living. 33: 18. and his life from perishing 20. So that Ais life abhorreth bread, 22. and his life to the destroyers. 28. and his life shall see the light. 30. be enlightened with the light of (Ae living. 36:14. and (Aeir life (is) among the unclean. 37: 8. Then (Ae oeas(s go into dens, ee2 Job38:39.or fill (Ae appetite of the young lions, (marg. life) 39: 15. or that (Ae wild beast may break 40:20. where all (Ae beasts of the field play. Ps. 7: 5(6). let him tread down my life 16: 11. wilt shew me the path of life: 1 7 : 14. their portion in (this) life, 18:46(47). The Lord liveth; and blessed (be) my 21 : 4(5). He asked life of thee, 23: 6. shall follow me all the days of my life : 26: 9. nor my life with bloody men: 27: l.the Lord (is) the strength of my life; 4. all the days of my life, 13. the Lord in the land of (Ae living. 5(6). in his favour (is) life: 10(11). For my life is spent with grief, 12t 13). What man (is he that) desireth life, 9(10). with thee (is) the fountain of life: 19(20). But mine enemies (are) lively, (marg. (being) living) 2(3). for God, for the living God: 8(9). my prayer unto the God ofmy life. 18(19). while he lived he blessed his soul: 10. every beast of the forest (is) mine, 5(7). root thee out of the land of (Ae living. 15(l6). let them go down quick into hell: : 13(14). before God in the light of (Ae living? 9(10). both living, and in (his) wrath. 3(4). lovingkindness (is) better than life, 4(5). Thus will I bless thee while I live: (lit. in my life) : 1 (2). preserve my life from fear of the : 9. Which holdeth our soul in life, : 10(11). Thy congregation hath dwelt therein: 30(31). Rebuke (Ae company of spearmen, (marg. (Ae 6eas(s of the reeds) :28(29). blotted out of the book of (Ae living, : 19. soul of thy turtledove unto (Ae multitude — forget not (Ae congregation ofthy poor :b0.but gave their life over to the pestilence ; (marg. or, beasts to the murrain) 2. thy saints unto the beasts of the earth. 2(3).crieth out for the living God. 3(A). and my life draweth nigh unto 4. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; : 1 1 . They give drink to every beast of 20. all (Ae beasts of the forest do creep 25. both small and great beasts. 33. 1 will sing unto the Lord as long as Hive : (lit. in my life) : 9. before the Lord in the land of (Ae living. : 3. Then they had swallowed us up quick, : 5. Jerusalem all the days of thy life. : 3. the blessing, (even) life for evermore. : 5(6). my portion in the land of (Ae living. : 2. in thy sight shall no man living be 3. he hath smitten my life down 16.satisfi.est the desire of every living thing. 2. While I live will I praise the Lord; (lit. in my life) $U.V, Ui^, 10. Beasts, and all cattle ; 7 : 12. Let us swallow them up alive : 19. take they hold of the paths of life. 2. For length of days, and long life, 18. She (is) a tree of life to them 22. So shall they be life unto thy soul, : 10. the years ofthy life shall be many. 13.keep her; for she (is) thy life. 22. they (are) life unto those that find 23. for out of it (are) the issues of life. : 6. thou shouldest ponder the path of life, :23. reproofs of instruction (are) the way of life : : 35. For whoso findeth me findeth life, :ll.the years ofthy life shall be increased. ill. a righteous (man is) a well of life: 16. the righteous (tendeth) to life: 17. He (is in) the way of life that keepeth : 19. As righteousness (tendeth) to life: 30. fruit of the righteous (is) a tree of life ; :28.In the way of righteousness (is) life ; :12.but (when) the desire cometh, (it is) a tree of life. 14. The law of the wise (is) afountain of life, :27.fear of the Lord (is) a fountain of life, 30. A sound heart (is) (Ae life of the flesh : : 4. A wholesome tongue (is) a tree of life : 30 31343638 42: 495052 555658 63 78 103 104 116 124 128133 142 143145146 148 Pro. 1 2 3 16: Pro. 15: 24, 31. 15. 22.21.23. 21. 4. 18:19: 21: 22: 11 ( 420 ) ^n The way of life (is) above to the wise, ; The ear that heareth the reproof of life light of the king's countenance (is) life. Understanding (is) a wellspring of life ' Death and life (are) in the power of the The fear of the Lord (tendeth) (0 life: righteousness and mercy findeth life, fear of the Lord (are) riches, and honour, and life. 27:27. and (for) the maintenance for thy maidens, (marg. life) 31 : 12. good and not evil all the days of Aer life. Ecc. 2 : 3. all the days of (Aeir life. 17. Therefore I hated life; 3: 12. to do good in his life. 4: 2. dead more than (Ae living which are yet alive. 15.1 considered all (Ae living 5:18(171. all the days of Ais life, 20(19). much remember the days of Ais life; 6: 8. knoweth to walk before (Ae living? 12. what (is) good for man in (this) life, all the days of his vain life 7: 2. and the living will lay (it) to his heart. 8:15. him of his labour the days of Ais life, 9: 3. madness (is) in their heart while theylive, 4. him that is joined to all (Ae living — a living dog is better 5. (Ae living know that they shall die: 9. Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest (marg. See, or, enjoy life) all the days of (Ae life ofthy vanity, — for that (is) thy portion in (this) life, 19. wine maketh merry: (marg. glad (Ae life) lb. a well of living waters, 3. written among the living (marg. or, to life) 19. for (Ae living to the dead? 9. nor (any) ravenous beast shall go 4, 17. to reproach the living God, 11 . the Lord, in the land of (Ae living: 12. 1 have cut off like a weaver my life: 16. in all these (things is) (Ae life ofmy 19. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, 20. all the days of our life 16. nor the beasts thereof sufficient 20. The beast of the field shall honour me, 1. their idols were upon the beasts, 18. (As) I (iue, saith the Lord, 8. he was cut off out of the land of (Ae living: : 9. All ye beasts of the field, — all ye beasts in the forest. 57: 10. hast found (Ae life 0/ thine hand; (marj;.. or, living) Jer. 2:13. forsaken me the fountain of living waters, 4: 2. thou shalt swear, The Lord Ziue(A, 2. though they say, The Lord liveth; : 3. death shall be chosen rather than life : 10. God, he (is) the living God, ; 19. cut him off from the land of (Ae living, : 9. assemble all (Ae oeas(s o/the field, come 16. to swear by my name, The Lord liveth; : 14. it shall no more be said, The Lord livelh, 15. The Lord Ziue(A, that brought up the 13. the Lord, the fountain of living waters. : 8. 1 set before you the way of life, 24. (As) I live, saith the Lord, : 7. they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, 8. But, The Lord (iue(A, which brought up 36. perverted the words of the living God, : 6. and (Ae beasts of the field have I given him : 14. 1 have given him (Ae Aeas(s of the field 16. saying, (As) the Lord Ziue(A, : 26. The Lord God liveth. 18.1 Ziue, saith the king, 33. before him all the days of Ais life. 34. until the day ofhis death, all the days of Ais life. Lam. 3: 39. Wherefore doth a living man complain, 53. They have cut off my life 58. thou hast redeemed my life. Eze. 1: 5. the likeness of four living creatures. 13. the likeness of (Ae living creatures, — up and down among (Ae living creatures; 14. And the living creatures ran 15. as I beheld (Ae Ziuiao creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by (Ae Krinj creatures, 10: Cant. 4: Isa. 4: 8: 35:37;38: 5: 8: 10:II:12:1617 21: 22 23 T! ( 421 ) Eze. 1 : 19. when (Ae living creatures went, — and when (Ae living creatures were lifted 20, 21. the spirit of (Ae living cj'eature (was) in the wheels. 22. upon the heads of (Ae living creature (was) 3:13. the wings of (Ae living creatures 5 : 1 1 . Wherefore, (as) I live, saith the Lord 17. famine and evil beasts, 7 : 13. although they were yet alive: (marg. (Aeir life (were) yet among the living) — in the iniquity of Ais life. 10: 15, 20. This (is) (Ae living creature that I saw 17. tlie spirit of (Ae living creature (was) in them. (marg. life) 14: 15. cause noisome beasts to pass through — pass through because of (Ae beasts: 16, 18, 20. (as) I live, saith the Lord God, 21. the famine, and the noisome beast, 16:48 & 17:16. (As) I live, saith the Lord God, 17: 19. thus saith the Lord God; (As) I live, 18: 3. ( As) I live, saith the Lord God, 20: 3. (As) I live, saith the Lord God, 31, 33. (As) I live, saith the Lord God, 26:20. in the land of (Ae living; 29 : 5. for meat to the beasts of the field 31 : 6. under his branches did all (Ae beasts of 13. all the beasts o/the field 32: 4.1 will fill (Ae beasts of the whole earth 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32. in the land of (Ae living. 33:11. (As) I live, saith the Lord God, 15. walk in the statutes of life, 27. Thus saith the Lord God ; (As) I live, — give to the beasts to be devoured, 34: 5. became meat to all (Ae beasts o/the field, 8. (As) I live, saith the Lord God, — became meat to every 6eas( o/the field, 25. will cause (Ae evil 6eas(s to cease 28. neither shall (Ae beast o/the land devour 35: 6, 11. (as) I live, saith the Lord God, 38: 20. and (Ae 6eas(s o/the field, 39: 4. and (to) (Ae beasts of the field 17. to every beast of the field, 47: 9. every thing that liveth, Dan 8: 4. so that no beasts might stand before 12: 2. some to everlasting life, 7 . sware by him that liveth for ever Hos. 1:10(2:1). (Ye are) the sons of the living God. 2:12(14).(Ae 6eas(s of the field shall eat 18 (20). make a covenant for them with (Ae beasts of 4: 3. with the beasts of the field, 15. nor swear, The Lord liveth. 13: 8./Ae wild beast shall tear them. (marg. beast o/the field) Am. 8:14. Thy god, O Dan, liveth; and, The manner of Beer-sheba liveth; Jon. 2: 6(7). yet hast thou brought up my life 4: 3, 8. better for me to die (Aan to live. Zep. 2: 9. (as) I live, saith the Lord of hosts, 14. all (Ae beasts of the nations: 15. a place for beasts to lie down in ! Zec.14: 8. living waters shall go out from Jerusalem ; Mai. 2: 5. My covenant was with him of life T! ghahfy, Ch. adj. Ezr. 6:10. and pray for the life of the king, Dan 2:30. wisdom that I have more than any living, 4: 17(1 4). to the intent that (Ae living 34(31). and I praised and honoured him (Aa( liveth for ever, 6:20(21). O Daniel, servant of the living God, 26(27). for he (is) the living God, 7; 12. yet their lives were prolonged (marg, in life) TTVT} ghee-dahf> f. Nu. 12: 8. and not in darfaspeeches ; Jud. 14:12. put forth a riddle unto you: 13. Put forth thy riddle, t*€4 fv'&C 1 4. could not in three days expound (Ae riddle. lb. that he may declare unto us (Ae riddle, 16. thou hast put forth a riddle 17. she told (Ae riddle to the children Jud. 14: IS. 19. 1.1. 4( 2. 6. 2. 23 6. IK. 10 2Ch 9 Ps. 49 78 Pro. 1 Eze. 17 Dan 8 Hab. 2 ye had not found out my riddle. unto them which expounded (Ae riddle. to prove him with haj-d questions. to prove Solomon with hard questions 5). I will open my daresaying 4fi*A I will utter dark.sayings of old: ,, the wise, and their dark sayings. Son of man, put forth a riddle, understanding darA sejdences, a taunting proverb against him, T\sjT\ghah-yahf \ * KAL.— Preterite. # 13. and my soul shall live because of thee. : 19. thus do unto them, that they may live, 38. that went to search the land, lived 16. that thou mayest live and multiply: 29. Ae shall live in them ; 11. the golden sceptre, (Aa( Ae may live : 6. though Ae live a thousand years 9. Ae shall live, [np lit. and he shall live] and his life shall be 2. that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live ; [-ip lit. id.] 17. (Aen thy soul shall live, — and thou shalt live, and thine house: 23. return from his ways, and live ? 11. turn from his way and live : 5. enter into you, and ye shall live: 6. breath in you, and ye shall live ; 14. spirit in you, and ye shall live, 9. and they shall live with their children, KAL.- — hifiniiive. 8. till they were whole. 10. Thou mayest certainly recover; (lit. in livhig mayest live) 14. told me fthat) thou shouldest surely re cover, (lit. in living shalt live) 21 & 18:9, 17, 19, 21, 28. he shall surely live, (lit. in living shall live) ; 12. shall the righteous be able to live 13, 15, 16. he shall surely live; (lit. in living shall live) KAL. — Imperative. 7. and thou shalt live : 18. This do, and live ; (for) I fear God: 32. (Aa( ye may live, and not die: 4 & 7:2. keep my commandments, and live. 6. Forsake the foolish, and live; 12. serve him and his people, and live. 17. serve the king of Babylon, and live: 6. in thy blood, Live ; yea, I said unto thee (when thou wast) in thy blood, Live. 32. wherefore turn (yourselves), and live ye. 4. Seek ye me, and ye shall live : 6. Seek the Lord, ajid ye shall live ; KAL,— Future. Gen 5: 3. .And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, 6. And Seth lived an hundred and five year 7. j4nd Seth lived after he begat Enos 9. And Enos lived ninety years, 10. And Enos lived after he begat 12. And Cainan lived seventy years, 13. And Cainan lived after he begat 15..AndMahalaleel lived sixty and five years, 16.-4nd Mahalaleel lived after he begat 18. .4nd Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, 19. And Jared lived after he begat 21. And Enoch lived sixty and five years, 2b.Ajid Methuselah lived an hundred 26. And Methuselah lived after he 28. And Lamech lived an hundred 30. .4nd Lamech lived after he begat Noah 28. And Noah lived after the flood 1 1 . And Shem lived after he begat 13..4nd Arphaxad lived after he begat lb. And Salah lived after he begat 16. And Eber lived four and thirty 17. And Eber lived after he begat 18.^4nd Peleg lived thirty years, Genl2 Nu. 4 14 Deu 30 Neh 9 Est. 4 Ecc. 6 Jer. 2138 Eze.18 3337 Zec.10 JOS. 5: 2K. 8; Eze. 3 33 Gen20: 42; 2K. 18; Pro. 4: 9: Jer. 27 ; Eze. 16 18: Am. 5; 9: 11: rrn ( 422 ) wn Genii: 19. And Peleg lived after he begat 20. And Reu lived two and thirty 21 . And Reu lived after he begat 22. .4nd Serug lived thirty years, 23. And Serug lived after he begat 24..4nd Nahor lived nine and twenty 25. And Nahor lived after he begat 26. And Terah lived seventy years, 18. O that Ishmael might live before thee ! 20. and my soul shall live. 40. by thy sword shalt thou live, 32. findest thy gods, let him not live : 2 Sc 43:8. that we jnay live, and not die. 27. and when he saw. ..the spirit of Jacob their father revived: 19. that we may live, and not die, 28. And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt 22. and Joseph lived an hundred and ten years. 13. beast or man, it shall not live: 23. who shall live when God doeth this ! I. that ye may live, and go in 33. as thou hast heard, and live ? 26(23). the fire, as we (have), and lived? 33(30). that ye may live, 1. that ye may live, and multiply, 3. man do(A not live by bread only, — mouth of the Lord doth man live. 20. that (Aom mayest live, 19. thy seed may live : 6. Let Reuben live, and not die ; 17. only Rahab the harlot shall live, 21. princes said unto them, Let them live ; 19. his spirit came again, and he revived : 24. the people shouted, and said, God save the king. (marg. Let the king live) : 10. 1 was sure that Ae could not live 16, 16. Godsave the king, (marg. Let the king live) 25. say, God save king Adonijah. (marg. Let king Adonijah live) 31. Let my lord king David live for ever. 34, 39. God save king Solomon, (lit. let the king live) 22. came into him again, and he revived. 32.letmelive. Andhesaid, (Is) he yet alive? 2. whether I shall recover of this disease. 7. live thou and thy children 4. if they save us alive, we shall live ; 8, 9. Shall I recover of this disease ? 10. Thou mayest certainly recover: 14. (Aon shouldest surely j-ecover. 19. shall be wanting, he shall not live. 12. said, God save the king. (marg. Let the king live) 21. and when the man. ..touched the bones of Elisha, Ae revived, 17. And Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived l.for thou shalt die, and not live. 7. laid (it) on the boil, andhe recovered. II. said, God save the king. (marg. Let the king live) 2b. And Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived 3. Let the king live for ever: 2. that we may eat, and live. 16. 1 ivould not live alway: 14. If a mau die, shall he live (again) ? 7. Wherefore do the wicked live, 16. After this lived Job an hundred and forty years, 26(27). your heart shall live for ever. 9(10). TAa( Ae should sull live for ever, 32(33). and your heart shall live that seek God. 15. And he shall live, and to him 48(49). What man (is he that) liveth, 17.1 shall not die, but live, 17. 1 may live, and keep thy word. 77. come unto me, that I may live : 16. that I may live: and let me 44. give me understanding, ajid 1 shall live. 75. Let my soul live, 27. he that hateth gifts shall live. 3. live many years, 8. But if a man live many years, 171927 31 42 454750 Ex. 19 Nu. 24 Deu 4 8 16 3033 Jos. 6 9 Jud.15: ISa.lO 2Sa. 1 16 IK. 1: 17: 20 2K. 1 4: 10: 11:13: 14: 20: 2Ch23: 25: Neh 2: 5: Job 7; 14: 20:42: Ps. 22 49: 6972: 89: 118;119: 1 1 1 Pro. 15 Ecc. 6: 11: Isa. 26:14 19. 1. 9. 16. 21. 38: 55: Jer. 21: 35:38: Lam 4 Eze. 3; 1318: 37 47 Hos 6 Am. 5 Hab 2 Zee. 1 13 dead, tkey shall not live ; Thy dead (men) shall live, for thou shalt die, and not live. and was recovered ofhis sickness: O Lord, by these (things men) live, a plaister upon the boil, and he shall re- cover. 3. hear, and your soul shall live ; 9. (3TO) Ae shall live, and his life 7. that ye may live many days 2. (nTQ) that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live ; 20. and thy soul shaU live. :20. Under his shadow we shall live :21.Ae shall surely live, : 19. save the souls alive that should not live, ; 9. he (is) just, Ae shall surely live, 13. shall he then live ? Ae shall not live: 17,19, 21,28.Ae shall surely live. 22. that he hath done Ae shall live. 25. judgments whereby they should not live; 10. how should we then live ? 13, 15, 16. Ae shall surely live; 19. he shall live thereby. 3. Son of man, can these bones live? 9. breathe upon these slain, (Aa( they jnay live. 10. breath came into them, and they lived, 9. rivers shall come, shall live: 2. and we shall live in his sight. 1 4. Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: 4. the just shall live by his faith. 5. the prophets, do they live for ever ? 3. Thou shalt not live ; * PIEL.— Preterite. # Nu. 31:15. Have ye saved all the women alive? Jud.21 : 14. which they had saved alive of the women Ps. 22: 29(30). none can keep alive his own soul. 30 : 3(4). tliou hast kept me alive, 119.50. for thy word Aa(A quickened me. 93. with them (Aon Aas( quickened me. PIEL. — Infinitive. Gen. 7 : 3. to keep seed alive upon the face Deu. 6:24. (Aa( Ae might preserve us alive, Jos. 9:15.(o let them live : Ps. 33:19. and to keep them alive in famine. Eze. 3:18. from his wicked way, to save his life; 13: 19. and to save the souls alive PIEL. — Impej'ative. Ps.ll9:25.gnicAen (Aon me according to thy word. 37. quicken thou me in thy way. 40. o/nicAen me in thy righteousness. 88. Quicken me after thy lovingkindness ; 107. quicken jne, O Lord, 149. quicken me according to thy judgment. 154. quicken me according to thy word. 156.gnicAen me according to thy judgments. 159.«nicAen me, O Lord, Hab. 3: 2. revive thy work in the midst (marg. or, preserve alive) PIEL.— Future. Genl2:12.but they will save thee alive. 19:32, 34. (Aa( we may preserve seed Ex. l:17.6w( saved the men children alive, 18. and have saved the men children alive? 22. every daughter ye shall save alive. 22 : 1 8( 17) . Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Deu20:I6.(Aow sAaZ( save alive nothing 32:39. 1 kill, and I make alive ; 1 Sa. 27 : 9. Ze/( neither man nor woman aZit;e, 11. David saved neither man nor woman alive, 2Sa.l2: 3. which he had bought ajid nourished up : IK. 18: 5.(o save the horses and mules alive, (lit. and we shall save, &c. ) 20:31. peradventure he ivill save thy life. IK. 7 : 4. if they save us alive, we shall live ; IChll; 8. Joab repaired the rest of the city. (marg. revived ) Neh 4: 2(3:34). will they revive the stones Job 33: 4. the Almighty hath given me life. 36: 6. He preserveth not (Ae life o/the wicked: Ps. 41: 2(3). preserve him, and keep him alive; 71 :20. troubles, sAaZ( quicken me again, 80: 18(19). quicken us, and we will call ntr 85: 6(7). Wilt thou not revive us again: 138: 7.(Ao Ps. . . .Aon wilt revive me : 143:11. Quicken me, O Lord, Ecc. 7 :12. -wisdom giveth life to them that have it- Isa. 7: 21. a man sAaZZ nourish a young cow, Jer. 49: 11. 1 will presej-ve (them) alive ; Eze. 13 : 18. will ye save the souls alive 18:27. Ae shall save his soul alive. Hos 6: 2. After two days ivill he revive us : 14: 7(8). (Aey shall revive (as) the corn, PIEL.— Participle. ISa. 2: 6. The Lord killeth, and maketh alive : Neh. 9: 6. thou preservest them all ; * HIPHIL Preterite. # Gen47:25. Thou hast saved our lives : Nu. 22:33. 1 had slain thee, and saved her alive. Jos. 2:13. And (that) ye will save alive my father, 6:25. Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, 14:10. the Lord Aa(A kept me alive, Jud. 8 : 1 9. if ye had saved them alive, 2K. 8: 1. whose son Ae Aad restored to life, 5. the king how Ae Aad restored a dead body — whose son Ae Aad restored to life, — whom Elisha restored to life. HIPHIL Infinitive. Gen. 6:19,20.(0 keep (them) alive 19: 19. hast shewed unto me in saving my life ; 45: 7. and to save your lives by a great deliver ance. 50:20. to save much people alive. Jos. 9:20. we will even lit them live, 2Sa. 8: 2. with one full line to keep alive. 2K. 5 : 7. to kill and to make alive, Isa. 57:15.(o revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Eze.l3:22.oy promising him life: (marg. quickening him) HIPHIL — Imperative. Nu. 31:18.Aeep alive for yourselves. Isa. 38:16. and make me to live. rm & H\n \^ghayah\ Ch. * P'AL. — Imperative. 3fr Dan. 2: 4 &3:9 &5:10. O king, iiue for ever: 6: 6(7). King Darius, live for ever. 21(22). O king, (iue for ever. * APHEL.— Participle. * Dan. 5 : 19. whom he would Ae kept alive ; nTl ^gkah-yeh'], adj. Ex. 1:19. for they (are) lively, ( 423 ) Dan . / *n : 7. behold a fourth beast, dreadful — diverse from all-(Ae beasts that (were) be fore it ; 11. 1 beheld (even) till (Ae 6eas( was slain, 12. concerning the rest of (Ae beasts, 17. These great beasts, which are four, 19. 1 would know the truth of (Ae fourth beast, 23. The fourth beast shall be the fourth king dom WH gkay-yooth', f. 2Sa.20: 3. living in widowhood, (marg. in widow hood of life) *-0 [jghuh-yah'y']. * KAL Preterite. # Gen. 3:22. and eat, and live for ever: 5: 5. all the days that Adam lived 11:12. Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, 14. Salah lived thirty years, 25 : 7. of Abraham's life which Ae lived, Ex. 1: 16.it (be) a daughter, (Aen sAe shall live, 33:20. there shall no man see me, andlive. Lev.18: 5. Ae shall live in them: Nu. 21: 8. when he looketh upon it, shall live. 9. beheld the serpent of brass, Ae lived. Deu. 4: 42. unto one of these cities Ae might live : 5 : 24(21 ). God doth talk with man, and he liveth. 19: 4. flee thither, (Aa( Ae may live : b. flee unto one of those cities, and live : lSa.20:31.as long as the son of Jesse liveth Neh 6:11. go into the temple to save his life? (lit. and live ) Jer. 38: 2. shall have his life for a prey, and shall live. Eze.18: 13. sAaZZ Ae (Aen live? 24. the wicked (man) doeth, shall he live? 20:11, 13, 21. Ae sAaZZ even live in them. 47 : 9. and every thing shall live n*n see *n ti\Vgheh-vah'9 Ch. f. Dan. 2:38. (Ae beasts of the field and the fowls 4:12(9).(Ae beasts of the field had shadow under it, 14(11}. let (Ae beasts get away from under it, 15(12). (let) his portion (be) with (Ae beasts 16(13). and let a beast's heart be given unto him ; 21(18). under which (Ae beasts of the field dwelt, 23(20). (let) his portion (be) with (Ae beasts of 25(22). and thy dwelling shall be with (Ae oeas(s of 32(29). thy dwelling (shall be) with (Ae 6eas(s of 5:21. his heart was made like (Ae beasts, 7: 3. four great beasts came up from the sea, 5. And behold another beast, 6. (Ae beast had also four heads ; ytj ghah'-yil, m. Gen34: 47: Ex. 14 Nu. 2431 Deu 3 11: 33: Jos. 1 : Jud. 3: 6: 11;18 2021: Ru. 2 3 4 ISa. 2 9 1014 16 29. And all their wealth, 6. if thou knowest (any) men of activity 4, 17. Pharaoh, and upon all Ais Aos(; 9. his horsemen, and his army, 28. all (Ae Aos( of Pharaoh that came 4. Pharaoh's chariots and his host 21. thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, 25. Moses chose able men 18. Israel shall do valiantly. 9. all their flocks, and all (Aeir goods. 14. wroth with the officers of the host, 18. all (that are) meet for (Ae war. (marg. sons of power) 17. hath gotten me this wealth. 18. he that giveth thee power to get wealth, 4. what he did unto the army of 'Egypt, 11. Bless, Lord, Ais substance, 14 &6:2&8:3& 10:7. mighty men of valour, 29. all lusty, and all men of valour; 12. thou mighty man of valour. 1. a mighty man of valour, 2. from their coasts, men of valour, 44, 46. all these (were) men of valour. 10. sent thither twelve thousand men of the valiantest, (lit. out of the sons of valour) . 1 . a mighty man of wealth, 11. that thou (art) a virtuous woman. .11. do thou MJortAi?!/ in Ephratah, (marg. or, get thee ricAes, or, power) ; 4. stumbled are girded with strength. : l.a Benjamite, a mighty man of power. (marg. or, substance) :26. there went with him a band of men, ;48. he gathered an host, (marg.or, wrought mightily) 52. or any valiant man, : 18. a mighty valiant man, ¦m ( 424 ) *n !Sa.l7:20.os (Ae Aos( was going forth to the fight, 18: 17. only be thou valiant for me, (lit. be a son of valour) 31:12. All the valiant men arose, 2Sa. 2: 7. be ye valiant: for your master Saul is dead, (lit. be sons of valour) 8: 9. David had smitten all (Ae Aos( of 11:16. knew that valiant men 13:28. be courageous, and be valiant, (lit. be sons of valour) 17:10. he also (that is) valiant, (lit. son of valour) — and (they) which (be) with him (are) valiant men. 22:33. God (is) my strength (and) power: 40. thou hast girded me with strength 23: 20. the son of a valiant man, 24: 2. Joab the captain of (Ae Aos(, 4, 4. the captains of the host. 9. in Israel eight hundred thousand valiant men IK. 1:42. Come in ; for thou (art) a valiant man, 52. If he will shew himself a worthy man, 10: 2. «n7 A a very great (rain, 1 1 : 28. a mighty man of valour : 15: 20. sent the captains of the hosts 20: I . gathered all Ais Aos( together: 19. and the army which followed them. 25. number thee an army, like the army that thou hast lost, 2K. 2 : 16. with thy servants fifty strong men ; (marg. sons of strength) 5: La mighty man in valour, 6: 14. chariots, and a great Aos(: 15. an host compassed the city 7: 6. the noise of a great Aos(: 9: 5. the captains of the host (were) sitting ; 11:15. the officers of (Ae Aos(, 15:20. all the mighty men of wealth, 24: 14. all the mighty men of valour, 16. all the men of might, 25: l.came, he, and all Ais Aos(, 5. And (Ae army o/the Chaldees pursued — all Ais army were scattered 10. And all (Ae army of the Chaldees, 23, 26. the captains of (Ae armies, ICh. 5: 18. of valiant men, (marg. sons of valour) 24. mighty men of valour, 7: 2. valiant men of might 5. Issachar (were) valiant men of might, 7, 11, 40. mighty men of valour ; 9. mighty men of valour, 8 : 40. of Ulam were mighty men of valour, 9: 13. very able men for the work (marg. mighty men of valour) 10:12. They arose, all the valiant men, 11:22. the son of a valiant man (lit. of valour) 26. Also the valiant men of the armies 12: 8. to the wilderness men of might, 21. all mighty men of valour, 25. Simeon, mighty men of valour 28. Zadok, a young man mighty of valour, 30. mighty men of valour, famous throughout 18: 9. David had smitten all (Ae Aos( of Hadarezer 20: L Joab led forth the power of the army, 26: 6. they (were) mighty men of valour. 7. whose brethren (were) strong men, 8. a6Ze men for strength for the service, 9. sons and brethren, stj-ong men, 30, 32. his brethren, men of valour, 31. among them mighty men of valour 28: l.with all the valiant men, 2Ch 9; L xoith a very great company, 13: 3. in array with an army of valiant men — mighty men of valour. 14: 8(7). Asa had an army (of men) that bare — (-).all these (were) mighty men of valour. 9(8). with an host of a thousand thousand, 16: 4. sent the captains of his armies 7. is the host o/the king of Syria escaped 8. Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge Aos(, 17; 2. he placed forces in all the fenced cities 13, 14. mighty men of valour, 16. thousand mighty men of valour. 17.EIiada a mighty man of valour, 23 : 1 4. that were set over (Ae Aos(, 24:23. (Ae Aos( of Syria came up 24. For (Ae army of the Syrians 2Ch 24:24. the Lord delivered a very great host 25 : 6. mighty men of valour out of Israel 26 : 1 1 . Uzziah had an host of fighting men, 12. the mighty men of valour 13. under their hand (was) an army, (mare. (Ae power of an army) — that made war with mighty power, 17. priests of the Lord, (that were) valiant men: 28: 6. all valiant men ; (marg. sons of valour) 32:21. cut off all the mighty men of valour, 33: 14. put captains of war in all Ezr. 8:22. to require of the king a band of soldiers Neh 2: 9. had sent captains of (Ae army 4: 2(3:34). and the army of Samaria, 11 ; 6. four hundred threescore and eight valiant men. 14. mighty men of valour, Est. 1 : 3. (Ae power of Persia and Media, 8: 11. all the power of the people Job 5: 5.swalloweth up (Aeir substance, 15: 29. neither shall Ais substance continue, 20: 15. He hath swallowed down ricAes, 18. according to (his) substance 21: 7. yea, are mighty in power? 31 :25. If I rejoiced because my wealth Ps. 18:32(33). God that girdeth me with strength, 39(40). thou hast girded me with strength 33: 16. saved by the multitude of an Aos(: 17. deliver (any) by Ais great strength. 49: 6(7). They that trust in (Aeir wealth, 10(11L leave (Aeir wealth to others. 59:11(12). scatter them by thy power ; 60:12(14). Through God we shall do valiantly: 62: 10(11). if ricAes increase, set not your 73:12. they increase (in) riches. 76: 5(6). none of the men of might 84: 7(8). They go from strength to strength, (marg. or, company to company) 108: 13(14). Through God we shall do valiantly. 110; 3. willing in the day of thy power, 118:15, 16. hand of the Lord doeth valiantly, 136: 15. overthrew Pharaoh and his host Pro.12: 4. A virtuous woman (is) a crown to her husband: 13:22. (Ae wealth of the sinner (is) laid up 31: 3. Give not thy strength unto women, 10. Who can find a virtuous woman ? 29. Many daughters have done virtuously, (marg. or, gotten riches) Ecc.lO:10.(Aen must he put to more strength: 12: 3. the strong men shall bow themselves, Isa. 5:22. men of strength to mingle 8: 4. (Ae riches of Damascus 10: 14. the riches of the people: 30: 6. they will carry (Aeir riches 43:17. horse, (Ae aj-my and the power; 60: 5, 11. the forces of the Gentiles (marg. or, «jeaZ(A) 61 : 6. shall eat (Ae riches of the Gentiles, Jer. 15: 13. Thy substance and thy treasures 17: 3.1 will give thy substance 32: 2. then the king of Babylon's army 34 : 1 . ki ng of Babylon, and all his army, 7. When the king of Babylon's army 21. into the hand of the king of Babylon'* army, 35 : 1 1 . for fear of (Ae army of the Chaldeans, and for fear of (Ae army of the Syrians: 37: 5. Then Pharaoh's army was come 7. Pharaoh's army, which is come 10. though ye had smitten (Ae whole army of 11. when (Ae army of the Chaldeans — for fear of Pharaoh's army, 3. the king of Babylon's army, I . all Ais army against Jerusalem, 5. the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, 7, 13 & 41: 11, 13, 16 & 42:1,8 & 43:4, 5.all the captains of the forces 2. against (Ae army o/Pharaoh-necho 22. they shall march ioi(A an army, 48: 14. We (are) mighty and strong men for the war ? 52: 4. he and all Ais army, 8. the army o/the Chaldeans pursued — all his army was scattered from him. 14. all (Ae army of the Chaldean*. 38: 39: 40: 46: Wi Eze.17: 26: 27: 28: 29 323738 Danll: Joel 2 Obad. Mic. 4 Nah 2 Hab 3 Zep. 1 Zee. 4 9: 14: 17. Pharaoh with (his) mighty army 12. they shall make a spoil of thy riches, 10. Lud and of Phut were in thine army, 1 1 . The men of Arvad with thine army 4. thou hast gotten thee riches, 5. hast thou increased thy riches, — heart is lifted up because of thy riches : 18. caused Ais army to serve a great service — yet had he no wages, nor his army, 19. and it shall be the wages for his army. ,31. Pharaoh and all Ais army slain ,10. an exceeding great army. : 4. all thine army, horses and horsemen, 15. and a mighty army: 7. which shall come with an army, 10. shall assemble a multitude of great forces: 13. after certain years with a great arrny 25. of the south with a great army; — ioi(A a very great and mighty army; 26. and his army shall overflow: 11. shall utter his voice before Ais army: 22. the vine do yield (Aeir strength. 25. my great army which I sent 11. carried away captive his forces, (marg. or, Ais substance) 13. have laid (hands) on their substance (marg. or, forces) : 13. and their substance unto the Lord 3(4). the valiant men (are) in scarlet: 19. The Lord God (is) my strength, 13. (Aeir goods shall become a booty, 6. Not by might (marg. or, army) nor by power, 4. he will smite Aer power in the sea ; 14. (Ae wealth of all the heathen ( 425 .) pn n^n gheh-lah'. 7ST\ ghah'-yil, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:23. made them to cease by force and power. Dan 3: 4. Then an herald cried aloud, (marg. with might) 20. commanded the most mighty men (marg. mighty of strength) that (were) in his army to bind 4:14(11). He cried aloud (marg. ioi(A might), and said thus, Hew 35(32). according to his will in the army cf 5: 7. The king cried aloud (marg. with might) to bring in the astrologers, yT\ ghehl, m. 2Sa.20 IK. 21 2K. 18: Ps. 10: 122 Isa. 26 36 Lam. 2 Obad Nah 3 15.it stood in the trench: (marg. or, against the outmost wall) 23. eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. (marg. or, ditch) 17. Hezekiah with a great host 1 0. the poor (lit. (Ae Aos( of the miserable)may fall by his strong ones. : 7. Peace be within thy walls, 1 . walls and bulwarks. 2. with a great army. 8. he made (Ae rampart and the wall 20. captivity of this Aos( of the children 8. whose rampart (was) the sea, ^n see hm h> l1n gheel, m. Ex. 15: 14. sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants Ps. 48: 6(7). pain, as of a woman in travail. Jer. 6:24.anguishhathtakenholdofus, (and)pain, 22 : 23. (Ae pain as of a woman in travail ! 50:43. anguish took hold of him, (and) pangs Mic. 4: 9. for pangs have taken thee as a woman nVn ghee-lah', f. Job 6; 10. 1 would harden myself hi sorrow : Ps. 48: 13(14). Mark ye well Aer bulwarks, (lit. (Ae bulwark) , Note Perhaps the true reading is PT7^n (as the English translation renders it) ; from 7^n above. pn gheen, m. Job 41: 12(4). nor his comely proportion, (lit. nor the grace of his structure) P!D ghah'-yitx, m. Eze.13: 10. one built up a wall, (marg. or, a slight wall) ^T\ghee-tzohnr9 adj. IK. 6: 29. open flowers, within ajid without. 30. overlaid with gold, within and without. 2K. 16: 18. the king's entry without, ICh 26: 29. for the outward business over Israel, 2Ch33:14.he built a wall without the city Neh 1 1 : 16. the oversight of the outward business Est. 6: 4. Haman was come into the outward court Eze.10: 5. was heard (even) to the outer court, 40: 17. brought he me into the outward court, 20. the gate of the outward court 31 . arches thereof (were) toward the utter 34. arches thereof (were") toward the outward 37. posts thereof (were) toward the utter 41 : 17. within and without, by measure. 42: 1. forth into the w((er court, 3. the pavement which (was) for the utter 7. toward the utter court on the forepart 8. the chambers that (were) in the utter 9. goeth into them from the utter court. 14. of the holy (place) into the utter court, 44 : 1. the gate of the outward sanctuary 19. they go forth into the utter court, (even) into the utter court to the people, 46: 20. bear (them) not out into the w((er court, 21. brought me forth into the utter court, &r\ ghehk, m. Genl6: 5.1 have given my maid into thy bosom; Ex. 4: 6. Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: 7. Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into Ais bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, Nu. 1 1 : 12. Carry them in thy bosom, Deu 13: 6(7). or the wife of (Ay bosom, 28: 54. toward the wife of Ais bosom, 56. evil toward the husband of Aer bosom, Ru. 4:16. laid it in her bosom, 2Sa. 12 : 3. and lay in his bosom, 8. thy master's wives into thy bosom, IK. 1: 2. let her lie in thy bosom, 3; 20. and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. 17:19.he took him out of her bosom, 22:35. ran out of the wound into (Ae midst of the chariot, (marg. bosom) Job 19:27. my reins be consumed within me. (marg. in my bosom) Ps. 35: 13. prayer returned into mine own bosom. 74: 11. pluck (it) out of (Ay bosom. 79: 12. sevenfold into (Aeir bosom 89:50(51). I do bear in my bosom Pro. 5:20, embrace (Ae bosom of a stranger? 6:27. Can a man take fire in his bosom, 16:33. The lot is cast into the lap; 17:23. wicked (man) taketh a gift out of the bosom 21 : 14. a reward in the bosom strong Ecc. 7: 9. for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Isa. 40: 11. and carry (them) in his bosom, 65: 6. even recompense into (Aeir bosom, 7. their former work into (Aeir bosom. Jer. 32: 18. into (Ae bosom of their children Lam. 2:12. poured out into their mothers' bosom. Eze.43:13.eyen (Ae bottom (shall be) a cubit, (marg. 14. And from the bottom (upon) the ground 1 7 . and the bottom thereof i Mic. 7 : 5. from her that lieth in thy bosom. WTT — H.l£ - ( 426 )- KXM— D3n B^PI [g.heesh]. kiji, * KAL Imperative. * Ps. 71 : 12. (3TO) 0 my God, moAe Aas(e for my help. E^n gheesh, adv. Ps. 90: 10. for it is soon cut off, Ipghehch, m. kyc. Job 6 : 30. cannot my taste discern perverse things ? (marg. palate) 12:11. and (Ae moirfA taste his meat? (marg. palate) 20:13. but keep it still within Ais mouth: (marg. palate ) 29: 10. cleaved to the roof of their mouth. 31 : 30. Neither have I suffered my mouth 33: 2. my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. 34: 3. as (Ae mouth tasteth meat. (marg. palate) Ps. 1 19 : 103. sweet are thy words unto my taste ! (marg. palate) 137 : 6. cleave to the roof of my mouth; Pro. 5: 3. Aer mouth (is) smoother than oil: 8 : 7. For my mouth shall speak truth ; 24:13. honeycomb, (which is) sweet to thy taste: (marg. palate) Cant.2: 3. his fruit (was) sweet to my taste, (marg. palate ) 5: 16. His mouth (marg. palate) (is) most sweet: yea, he (is) altogether 7: 9(10). Andthe roof of thy mouth like the Lam. 4: 4. cleaveth to (Ae roof of his mouth for thirst : Eze. 3: 26. tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, Hos. 8: l.(Set) the trumpet to thy mouth, (marg. (Ae roof of thy mouth) n!3n [jrhah-'chah']. k&CCcik * KAL Participle. Poel. * Isa. 30:18. blessed (are) all they that wait for him. * PIEL Preterite. * 2K. 7: 9. if we tarry till the morning light, Job 32: 4. Elihu Aad waited till Job had spoken, (marg. expected Job in words) Ps. 33:20. Our soul aiai(e(A for the Lord: 106:13. (Aey waited not for his counsel: Isa. 8:17. And Iwill wait upon the Lord, PIEL. ^Infinitive. Hos. 6: 9. And as troops of robbers wait PIEL. — Imperative. Hab 2: 3. though it tarry, wait for it ; Zep. 3 : 8. Therefore ioai( ye upon me, PIEL Future. 2K. 9: 3. open the door, and flee, and (arry not. Isa. 30: 18. therefore will the Lord wait, PIEL Participle. Job 3:21. Which long for death, (marg. wait) Isa. 64: 4(3). hath prepared/or him that waiteth Dan 12: 12. Blessed (is) Ae that waiteth, Dan 2:27. cannot (Ae wise (men), the astrologers, 48. over all (Ae wise (men) o/Babylon. 4: 6(3). decree to bring in all (Ae wise (men) cf 18(15). forasmuch as all (Ae wise (men) of my 5: 7. king spake, and said to the wise (men) of 8. came in all the king's wise (men): 15. And now (Ae wise (men), YY?n ghach-lee-ke', adj. Gen49 : 12. His eyes (shall be) red with wine, ki£xifflg~ 'ee-lee', acfi. hjiOCXXyry: n^n ghak-kah', f.k&caA, Job 41 : 1 (40 : 25) . draw out leviathan with an hook ? Isa. 19: 8. all they that cast angle into the brooks Hab 1:15. take up all of them with the angle, D*3P1 [jghak-keem'], Ch. adj. Dan 2:12. commanded to destroy all the wise (men) of 13. that the wise (men) should be slain ; 14. was gone forth to slay ihewise (men) of 18. perish with the rest of (Ae wise (men) of 21. he giveth wisdom unto the wise, 24. whom the king had ordained to destroy (Ae wise (men) of — Destroy not (Ae wise (men) of Ptbhyi ghdch-lee-lcoth',1. Pro.23:29.who hath redness of eyes? \iXOCcltTi, W2T) ghali-'cham'. *KAL Preterite.* Deu 32: 29. O that they were wise, Pro. 9: 12. If (Aom Ae wise, thou shalt be wise for thy self : 23: 15. My son, if thine heart be wise, Ecc. 2: 15. why was I then more wise? 19. and wherein I have shewed myself wise Zee. 9: 2. Zidon, though it be very wise. KAL Imperative. Pro. 6 : 6. consider her ways, and be wise : 8:33. Hear instruction, and be wise, 23 : 19. Hear thou, my son, and be wise, 27 : 1 1 . be wise, and make my heart glad, KAL. — Future. IK. 4 : 31 (5 : 1 1 ) . For he was wiser than all men ; Job 32: 9. Great men are not (always) wise: Pro. 9: 9. and he will be yet wiser : 13:20. walketh with wise (men) shall be wise: 19:20. that thou mayest be wise 20: 1. whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. 21: 11. the simple is made wise: Ecc. 7 : 23. 1 said, / will be wise ; * PIEL.— Future. * Job 35: 11. and maketh us wiser than the fowls Ps. 105:22. (eacA his senators wisdom. 119:98. TAow through.. .Aas( made me wiser * PUAL Participle. * Ps. 58: 5(6). charming never so wisely, (marg.or, (be) the charmer never so cunning) Pro. 30; 24. but they (are) exceeding wise: (marg. wise, made icise) # HIPHIL Participle. * Ps. 19: 7(8). making wise the simple. * HITHPAEL Future. * Ex. 1:10. let us deal wisely with them ; Ecc. 7:16. neither make thyself over wise : Gen41 Ex. 36 Deu. 1 4 16 32 Jud. 5 2Sa.l3 14 20 IK. 2 D?n ghah-chahm1 ', adj. 8. (Ae wise men thereof: 33. look out a man discreet and wise, 39. none so discreet and wise as thou 11. Pharaoh also called (Ae wise men 3. speak unto all (that are) wise hearted, 6. hearts of all that are wise hearted 1 0. every wise hearted among you 25. all the women that were wise hearted 1, 2. every wise hearted man, 4. And all (Ae wise men, 8. And every wise hearted man 13. Take you wise men, 15. chief of your tribes, wise men, 6. a wise and understanding people. 19. a gift doth blind the eyes of (Ae tctse, 6. 0 foolish people and umoise ? 29. Her wise ladies answered her, 3. Jonadab (was) a very subtil man. 2. fetched thence a wise woman, 20. and ray lord (is) wise, 16. Then cried a wise woman 9. for thou (art) a wise man, D^n IK, 3:I2.a wise and an understanding heart ; 5: 7(21). hath given unto David a wise son ICh 22:15. all manner of cunning men 2Qh 2; 7(6), a man cunning to work in gold, — (-). skill to grave with (Ae cunning jnen 12(11). hath given to David the king a wise son, 13(12). now I have sent a cunning man, 14(13). with thy cunning men, and with (Ae cunning men ofmy lord Est. 1 : 13. the king said to the wise men, 6: 13. Then said his wise men Job 5:13. He taketh (Ae wise in their own craftiness: 9: 4. wise in heart, and mighty 15; 2. Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, 18. Which wise men have told 17:10.1 cannot find (one) wise (man) among you. 34: 2. Hear my words, O ye jvise 34. let a wise maji hearken unto me. 37:24. not any (that are) wise of heart. Ps. 49:10(11). For he seeth (that) wise men die, 107:43. Whoso (is) wise, and will observe these Pro. 1: b.A wise (man) will hear, 6. the words of (Ae wise, 3: 7. Be not wise in thine own eyes: 35. The wise shall inherit glory: 9: 8. rebuke a wise man, and he will love 9. Give (instruction) to a wise (man), 10: LA wise son maketh a glad father: 8. wise in heart will receive commandments : 14. Wise (men) lay up knowledge: 11 :29. servant to the wise of heart. 30. he that winneth souls (is) wise. 12: 1^. he that hearkeneth unto counsel (is) wise. 18. the tongue of (Ae wise (is) health. 13: LA wise son (heareth) his father's instruc tion: 14. The law of (Ae wise (is) a fountain 20. He that walketh with wise (men) shall be 14: 3. the lips of (Ae wise shall preserve them. 16. A wise (man) feareth, 24. The crown of (Ae wise (is) their riches: 15: 2. The tongue of (Ae wise useth knowledge 7. The lips of (Ae wise disperse knowledge: 12. neither will he go unto (Ae wise. 20. A wise son maketh a glad father: 31.abideth among (Ae wise. 16:14. but a wise man will pacify it. 21. TAe wise in heart shall be called prudent: 23. The heart of (Ae wise teacheth his mouth, 17:28. holdeth his peace, is counted wise: 18: 15. the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge, 20:26. A wise king scattereth the wicked, 21:11. when (Ae wise is instructed, 20. oil in the dwelling of (Ae wise; 22. A wise (man) scaleth the city 22: 17. hear the words of (Ae wise, 23:24. he that begetteth a wise (child) shall 24: 5. A wise man (is) strong ; 23. These (things) also (belong) to the wise. 25: 12. a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. 26: 5. lest he be wise in his own conceit. 12. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit ? 16. The sluggard (is) wiser in his own 28: 11. The rich man (is) wise in his own con ceit; 29: 8. but wise (men) turn away wrath. 9. a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, 11. but a wise (man) keepeth it 30: 24. but they (are) exceeding wise: Ecc. 2: 14. TAe wise man's eyes (are) in his head ; 16.no remembrance o/(Ae wise — how dieth (Ae wise (man) ? as the fool. 19. whether he shall be a wise (man) or a fool? 4: 13. Better (is) a poor and a wise child 6: 8. what hath the wise more than the fool? 7: 4. The heart of (Ae wise (is) in the house of mourning ; 5. better to hear the rebuke of (Ae wise, 7. oppression maketh a wise man mad ; 19. Wisdom strengtheneth (Ae wise 8: l.Who (is) as the wise (man)? 5. a jvise man's heart discerneth 17. though a wise (man) think to know ( 427 ) Mn Ecc. 9: 1 . that the righteous, and the wise, 11. neither yet bread to the wise, 15. there was found in it a poor wise man, 17. The words of wise (men are) heard 10; 2. A wise man's heart (is) at his right hand ; 12. words of a wise man's mouth (are) graci ous; 12: 9. because the preacher was wise, 11. The words of (Ae wise Isa. 3: 3. the counsellor, and the cunning 5 : 21 . Woe unto (them that are) wise 19:11. the wise counsellors of Pharaoh — I (am) the son of (Ae wise, 12. where (are) thy wise (men) ? 29:14. the wisdom of their wise (men) 31 : 2. Yet he also (is) wise, 40 ; 20. seeketh unto him a cunning workman 44:25. that turneth wise (men) backward, Jer. 4:22. they (are) wise to do evil, 8: 8. How do ye say, We (are) wise, 9. TAe wise (men) are ashamed, 9:12(11). Who (is) the wise man, 17(16). send for cunning (women), 23(22). Let not (Ae wise (man) glory in his 10: 7. among all (Ae wise (men) o/the nations, 9. all the work of cunning (men). 18: 18. nor counsel from the wise, 50:35. her princes, and upon Aer wise (men). 51:57. her princes, and her wise (men), Eze.27: 8. thy mariners: thy wise (men), O Tyrus, 9. Gebal and the wise (men) thereof 28: 3. thou (art) wiser than Daniel ; Hos 13:13. he (is) an unwise son ; 14: 9(10). Who (is) wise, and he shall under stand Obad 8. even destroy (Ae wise (men) out of Edom, nfcp?!! ghdch-mah' \ f. JlfUCn Ex. 28;31: 35 36 Deu 4 34 2Sa 14 20 IK. 2 3 4 11 ICh 28 2Ch 1 Job 4 11 12 3. have filled with the spirit of wisdom, 3. in wisdom, and in understanding, 6. that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, 26. whose heart stirred them up hi wisdom 31. with the spirit of God, in wisdom, 35. Them hath he filled with wisdom of 1 . in whom the Lord put wisdom 2. in whose heart the Lord had put wisdom, 6. for this (is) your wisdom 9. was full of the spirit of wisdom; 20. according to the wisdom of an angel 22. went unto all the people in her wisdom. 6. Do therefore according to thy wisdom, 28. saw that (Ae wisdom o/God (was) in him, 29(5:9). God gave Solomon wisdom 30(5:10). Solomon's wisdom excelled (Ae wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all (Ae wisdom of Egypt. 34(5: 14). all people to hear (Ae wisdojn of — (-: — ). which had heard of Ais wisdom. : 12(26). the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, ; 14. he was filled with wisdom, , 4. Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, 6. thy acts and ofthy wisdom. 7. thy wisdom and prosperity 8. that hear thy wisdom. 23. of the earth for riches and for wisdojn. 24. sought to Solomon, to hear Ais wisdom, : 41 . all that he did, and his wisdom, ;21. every willing skilful man, (lit. in wisdom) : 10. Give me now wisdom 11. but hast asked wisdom and knowledge 12. Wisdom and knowledge (is) granted ; 3. Sheba had seen (Ae wisdom of Solomon, 5. of thine acts, and ofthy wisdom: 6. the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom 7. before thee, and hear thy wisdom. 22. kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. 23. to hear Ais wisdom, : 21. they die, even wi(Aout wisdom, (lit. not : 6. shew thee the secrets of ivisdom, : 2. wisdom shall die with you. 12. With the ancient (is) wisdom; 13. With him (is) wisdom and strength, 13: 5. it should be your wisdom, (lit. to you for wisdom) Don ( 428 .) ibn Job 15: 8. dost thou restrain wisdom 26: 3. counselled (him that hath) no wisdom ? 28: 12. But where shall wisdom be found ? 18. the price of wisdom (is) above rubies. 20. Whence (Aen cometh wisdom ? 28. the fear of the Lord, that (is) wisdom; 32: 7. multitude of years should teach wisdom. 13. We have found out wisdom : 33:33.1 shall teach thee wisdom. 38:36. Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? 37. Who can number the clouds in wisdom? 39 : 1 7 . God hath deprived her of wisdom, Ps. 37: 30. the righteous speaketh wisdom, 51: 6(8). thou shalt make me to know wisdom. 90: 12. may apply (our) hearts unto wisdom. 104: 24. in wisdom hast thou made them all: 107;27.are at (Aeir wit's end. (marg. all (Aeir wisdom is swallowed up) 111: 10. The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning of wisdom : Pro. 1 : 2. To know wisdom and instruction ; 7. fools despise wisdom and instruction. 2: 2. incline thine ear wn(o wisdom, 6. For the Lord giveth wisdojn: 10. When wisdom entereth into thine heart, 3: 13. Happy (is) the man (that) findeth wisdom, 19. The Lord by wisdom hath founded 4: 5. Get wisdom, get understanding; 7. Wisdom (is) the principal thing; (there fore) get wisdom : 11. 1 have taught thee in the way of wisdom; 5: l.My son, attend unto my wisdom, 7: 4. Say unto wisdom, Thou (art) my sister; 8 : 1 . Doth not wisdom cry ? 11. For wisdom (is) better than rubies; ' 12.1 wisdom dwell with prudence, 9; 10. of the Lord (is) the beginning of wisdom : 10:13, hath understanding wisdom is found: 23. but a man of understanding hath wisdom. 31. mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: 11: 2. but with the lowly (is) wisdom. 13:10. but with the well advised (is) wisdom. 14: 6. A scorner seeketh wisdom, 8. The wisdom of the prudent 33. Wisdom resteth in the heart 15:33. the Lord (is) the instruction of wisdom; 16: 16. better (is it) to get wisdom than gold ? 17: 16. price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, 24. Wisdom (is) before him that hath 18: 4. the wellspring of wisdom 21 :30. no wisdom nor understanding 23:23. wisdom, and instruction, and 24: 3. Through wisdom is an house builded ; 14. So (shall) the knowledge of wisdom 28:26. whoso walketh wisely, he shall be 29; 3. Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth 15. The rod and reproof give wisdom : 30: 3.1 neither learned wisdom, 31 :26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; Ecc. 1:13. seek and search out by wisdom 16. have gotten more wisdom than all — my heart had great experience of wisdom 17.1 gave my heart to know wisdom, 18. in much wisdom (is) much grief: 2: 3. yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; 9. also my wisdom remained with me. 12.1 turned myself to behold wisdom, 13. Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, (lit. there is excellency to wisdom) 21. a man whose labour (is) in wisdom, 26. that (is) good in his sight wisdom, 7: 10. thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this. (marg. out of wisdom) 11. Wisdojn (is) good with an inheritance: 12. For wisdom (is) a defence, ivisdom giveth life to them 19. Wisdom strengtheneth the wise 23. All this have I proved by wisdom: 25. to seek out wisdom, 8: La man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, 16. 1 applied mine heart to know wisdom, 9: 10. nor knowledge, nor wisdom, 13. This wisdom have I seen also 15. he by his wisdom delivered the city ; 16. Wisdom (is) better than strength: never theless the poor man'* wisdom 18. Wisdom (is) better than weapons of war: Ecc. 10: Lin reputation for wisdom (and) honour. 10. but wisdom (is) profitable to direct. Isa. 10 : 13. and by my wisdom; 11 : 2. the spirit of wisdom and understanding 29:14. for (Ae wisdom o/their wise (men) 33: 6. wisdom and knowledge shall be 47 : 10. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, Jer. 8: 9. and what wisdom (is) in them? (mam, (Ae wisdom of what thing) 9:23(22). the wise (man) glory in his wisdom, 10:12. established the world by his wisdom, 49: 7. (Is) wisdom no more in Teman ? . — is (Aeir wisdom vanished? 51 : 15. established the world by his wisdom, Eze.28: 4. With thy wisdom and with thine under standing 5. By thy great wisdom 7 . against the beauty of thy wisdom, 12. full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 17. thou hast corrupted thy wisdom Dan 1 : 4. skilful in all wisdom, 17. skill in all learning and wisdom: 20. in all matters of wisdom (marg. wisdom of understanding) nti^n ghoch-mah', Ch. f. Ezr. 7 : 25. And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of Dan 2: 20. for wisdom and might are his: 21. he giveth wisdom unto the wise, 23. who hast given me wisdom 30. not revealed to me for (any) wisdom 5:11. understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, 14. and excellent wisdom is found in thee. ni03n ghoch-?nokth\ f. Ps. 49: 3(4). My mouth shall speak of wisdom; Pro. 1 :20. Wisdom crieth without ; (marg. Wisdoms) 9: 1. Wisdom hath builded her house, 24: 7. Wisdom (is) too high for a fool: niD50 ghach-mohth* ', f. Pro, 14: l.-Euery wise woman buildeth her house; (lit. wisdom of women) 7Ti ghohl, adj. Lev.10: 10. difference between holy and unholy, lSa.21: 4(5). no common bread under mine hand, 5(6).and( the bread is) in a manner common, Eze. 22: 26. difference between the holy and profane, 42 : 20. the sanctuary and the profane place. 44:23. between the holy and profane, 48 : 15. shall be a profajie place for the city, abtl [gkdh-lah']. * KAL.— Future. * 2Ch 16:12. And Asa.. .was diseased in his feet, nN^n [ghel-ahf], f. Eze.24; 6. the pot whose scum (is) therein, andu scum is not gone 1 1 . (Ae scum of it may be consumed. 12. Aer great scum went not forth — Aer scum (shall be) in the fire. vxhn see hn- nSn Gen 18 49 Ex. 3 ghah-lahv' , m. 8. he took butter, and milk, 12. his teeth white ioi(A milk. 8, 17 & 13:5. a land flowing with mitt and honey ; 23: 19. shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's nffl- 2bn (429 ) rhn Ex. 33: 3. a land flowing with milk arid honey: 34:26. shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. Lev.20:24.a land that floweth with milk Nu. 13:27 & 14:8 & 16: 13, 14. floweth with milk Deu 6: 3 & 11 :9. land that floweth with milk 14:21. shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. 26: 9,15&27:3&31:20.that floweth with milk 32:14. Butter of kine, andmilk of sheep, Jos. 5: 6. a land that floweth with milk Jud. 4:19. she opened a bottle of milk, 5:25. He asked water, (and) she gave (him) milk; 1 Sa. 7 : 9. Samuel took a sucking lamb, 17: 18. carry these ten cheeses unto the captain (marg. cheeses of milk) Job 10:10. Hast thou not poured me out as milk, 21 : 21. His breasts are full of milk, Pro. 27: 27. goats' mi(A enough for thy food, 30:33. Surely the churning of milk Cant.4:ll. honey and milk (are) under thy tongue ; 5: 1 . 1 have drunk my wine with my milk : 12. rivers of waters, washed with milk, Isa. 7:22.for the abundance of milk 28: 9. weaned from the milk, 55 : 1 . buy wine and milk without money 60: 16. suck (Ae milk of the Gentiles, Jer. 11: 5, & 32:22. a land flowing with mi(A and honey, Lam. 4: 7. they were whiter (Aan milk, Eze.20: 6, 15. flowing with mi(A and honey, 25: 4. the v shall think thi/ milk. Joel 3:18(4:18). the hills shall flow with milt, -Vfr gheh'-lev, m. Gen 4: 4. and of the fat thereof. 45:18. ye shall eat the fat of the land. Ex. 23:18.shall (Ae/a( o/my sacrifice 29: 13. thou shalt take all (Ae/a( — the two kidneys, and the fat 22. thou shalt take of the ram the fat — the fat that covereth the inwards, — and the fat that (is) upon them, Lev. 3: 3, 9, 14. (Ae fat that covereth the inwards (marg. or, suet), and all the fat that (is) upon the inwards, 4. and the fat that (is) on them, 9. the fat thereof, (and) the whole 10,15. the two kidneys, and the fat 16. all (Ae/a( (is) the Lord's. 17. that ye eat neither fat nor blood. 4: 8. shall take off from it all (Ae/a( of — (Ae fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that (is) upon the 9. the two kidneys, and the fat 19.he shall take all his fat from him, 26. he shall burn all Ais/a( — as the fat of the sacrifice 31. he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat is taken away 35. he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken 6:12(5). he shall burn thereon (Ae/a( of 7 : 3. offer of it all (Ae fat thereof; — the fat that covereth the inwards, 4. the two kidneys, and the fat 23. Ye shall eat no manner of fat, 24. And the fat of the beast — and the fat cf that which 25. whosoever eateth the fat of the beast, 30. (Ae fat with the breast, 31. the priest shall burn the fat 33. the peace offerings, and the fat, 8:16. he took all the fat that (was) upon — the two kidneys, and their fat, 25. he took (Ae fat, and the rump, and all (Ae fat that ( was) upon the inwards, — the two kidneys, and their fat, 26.and put (them) on the fat, 9:10. But the fat, and the kidneys, 19. And (Ae/a( of the bullock 20. they put (Ae fat upon the breasts, and he burnt the fat upon the altar: 24. altar the burnt offering and the fat: 10:15. made by fire of (Ae/a(, 16:25. T\ghal-lah-meesh', m. Deu. 8: 15. water out of the rock of flint ; 32: 13. oil out of (lie flinty rock ; Job 28: 9. putteth forth his hand upon the rock; (marg. or, flint) Ps. 114: 8. the flint into a fountain of waters. Isa. 50: 7. therefore have I set my face iiAe a flint, f)?n ghah-laph'. * KAL Preterite. * Jud. 5:26. she had pierced and stricken through ISa.lO: 3. Then shalt thou go on forward Job 9:26. They are passed away as the swift ships: ¦ Ps. 90: 6. it flourisheth, and groweth up ; Cant 2: 11. the rain is over Isa. 8: 8. And he shall pass through Judah ; 24: 5. they have transgressed the laws, changed Hab 1:11. Then sAaii(his) mind change, KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 21 : 1. whirlwinds in the south pass through ; KAL Future. Job 4:15. Then a spirit passed before my face ; 9: 1 1 . Ae passeth on also, but I perceive 1 1 : 1 0. If Ae cut off, and shut up, 20:24. the bow of steel shall strike him through. Ps. 90: 5. like grass (which) groweth up. (marg. or, is changed) 102 :26(27). and they shallbe changed: Isa. 2:18. the idols Ae sAaii utterly abolish, (marg. or, shall utterly pass away) # PIEL Future. * Gen41 : 14. and changed his raiment, 2Sa 12:20.and changed his apparel, * HIPHIL Preterite. * Gen31 : 7. and changed my wages ten times ; HIPHIL. — Imperative. Gen35: 2. be clean, and change your garments: HIPHIL Future. Gen31 :41 . and (Aom Aas( changed my wages Lev.27 : 10. fle sAaii not alter it, Job 14: 7. that it willtprout again, flMH-OC- «lSn [ghdlaph], Ch. * P'AL Future. * Dan 4:16(13). ie( seven times pass over him. 23(20). till seven times passover him; 25(22), 32(29). and seven times shall pass SjSn gheh'-leph, m. Nu. 18: 21 .for their service which they serve, (lit. the exchange of) 31 .for your service in the tabernacle ybr\ ghah-latz'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 25: 9. and loose his shoe from off his foot, Lam. 4: 3. the sea monsters draw out the breast, Hos 5: 6. he hath withdrawn himself KAL.— Future. Isa. 20: 2.put off thy shoe from thy foot. KAL.— Participle. Paul. Nu. 31 : 5. twelve thousand armed for war. 32: 21. go all of you armed over Jordan 27. every man armed for war, 29. every man armed to battle, 30. pass over with you armed, 32. We will pass over armed Deu 3: 18. ye shall pass over armed 25: 10. The house of him (Aa( Aa(A his shoe hosed. Jos. 4: 13. forty thousand prepared for war (marg. or, ready armed) 6: 7 . and let kim that is armed pass 9, 13. And the armed men went ICh 12:23. bands (that were) ready armed 24. ready armedto the war. (marg.or,prepared) 2Chl7:18.an hundred and fourscore thousand ready prepared for 20:21. they went out before (Ae army, 28 : 14. So (Ae armed men left the captives Isa. 15: 4. (Ae armed soldiers of Moab * NIPHAL Preterite. * 8. The righteous is delivered NIPHAL.— Imperative. 3. Arm some of yourselves unto the war, NIPHAL Future. Nu. 32 : 17. we ourselves will go ready armed 20. if ue will go armed before Ps. 60: 5(7)iThat thy beloved may be delivered; 108: 6(7). That thy beloved may be delivered: Pro.ll: 9. through knowledge sAaii the just be delivered. * PIEL.— Preterite. * Lev.l4:40. (Aa( they take away the stones 43. after that Ae Aa(A (aAen away Ps. 1 16 : 8. For thou hast delivered my soul PIEL — Imperative. Ps. 6: 4(5). Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: 119:153. Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: 140: 1(2). Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil PIEL.— Future. 2Sa.22:20.Ae delivered me, because he Job 36 : 15. He delivereth the poor 7: 4(5). yea, I have delivered him 18 : 19(20). Ae delivered me, 34 : 7 (8) . that fear him, and delivereth them. 50:15. in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, 81 : 7(8). calledst in trouble, and Idelivered tliee; 91 : 15. in trouble ; Iwill deliver him, Pro.ll: Nu. 31 : Ps v"?n ( 435 ) # HIPHIL Future. # Isa. 58: 11. the Lord shall guide thee... and make fat thy bones: D^T) [ghalah-tzah'-yim], f. dual. Gen35: 11. kings shall come out ofthy loins; ) K. 8:19. son that shall come forth out of thy loins, 2Ch 6: 9. which shall come forth out of thy loins. Job 31 :20.If Ais loins have not blessed me, 38 : 3. Gird up now thy loins like a man ; 40: 7. Gird up thy loins now Isa. 5: 27. the girdle of (Aeir ioiws be loosed, 11:5. faithfulness the girdle of Ais reins. 32: 11. gird (sackcloth) upon (your) loins. Jer. 30: 6. every man with his hands on Ais loins, P?C ghah-lah' *KAL Preterite. * 19. which the Lord thy God hath divided (marg. or, imparted) 26(25). Ae Aad not given unto them: (marg. divided) 2. Aad not yet received their inheritance. 18. whom David Aad distributed 21 . For Ahaz (ooA away a portion : 17. neither Aa(A Ae imparted to her 21(22). (The words) of his mouth were smoother than butter, 2. Their heart is divided; Deu 4 29 Jos. 18 2Ch23 28 Job 39 Ps. 55 Hos 10 KAL. — Infinitive. Neh 13 : 13. to distribute unto their brethren. KAL. — Imperative. Jos. 22: 8. divide the spoil of your enemies KAL.— Future. Jos. 14: 5. and they divided the land. lSa.30:24.by the stuff: (Aey shaUpart alike. 2Sa.l9:29(30).Thou and Ziba divide the land. ICh 24: 4. and (thus) were they divided. 5. Thus were they divided Neh 9:22. and didst divide them Job 27 : 17. and the innocent sAaii divide the silver. Pro. 17: 2. and shall have part of the inheritance KAL Participle. Poel. Pro. 29: 24. Whoso is partner with a thief * NIPHAL.— Future. * Genl4: 15. And he divided himself Nu. 26:53. Unto these the land shall be divided 55. the land shall be divided hy lot: 56. sAaii the possession thereof be divided IK. 16:21. Then were the people of Israel divided lCh23: 6. And David divided them 24: 3. And David distributed them, Job 38: 24. By what way is the light parted, *PIEL Preterite. * Isa. 34:17. his hand Aa(A dividedit Lam.4:16.the Lord Aa(A divided them; Eze. 5: Land divide the (hair). 4 7 : 2 1 . So shall ye divide Joel 3: 2(4: 2). whom they have. ..parted my land. PIEL — Infinitive. Jos. 19:51. So they made an end of dividing Pro. 16: 19. (Aan to divide the spoil Isa. 9: 3(2). rejoice when they divide the spoil. PIEL — Imperative. Jos. 13: 7. Now therefore divide this land PIEL.— Future. Gen49: 7. J will divide them in Jacob, 27. at night Ae sAaii divide the spoil. Ex. 15 : 9. 1 will overtake, I will divide the spoil ; Jos. 18: 1 0. and there Joshua divided the land Jud. 5:30. have they (not) dividid the prey; 2Sa. 6:19. And he dealt among all the people, IK. 18 !Chl6 Job 21 Ps. 226068 108 Isa. 53 Dan 11 Mic. 2: : 6. So they divided the land : 3. And he dealt to every one of Israel, : 17. distributeth sorrows in his anger. : 18(19). They part my garments among them, ; 6(8). I will divide Shechem, 12(13). tarried at home divided the spoil. ; 7(8). I will divide Shechem, : 12. Therefore will I divide him — Ae shaU divide the spoil : 39. and sAaii divide the land 4. Ae hath divided our fields. * PUAL Preterite. * Isa. 33: 23. is the prey of a great spoil divided: Zee. 14: Land thy spoil shall be divided PUAL Future. Am. 7: 17. thy land shall be divided * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Ps. 36: 2(3). Ae^7a((ere(A himself in his own eyes, Pro. 2: 16 & 7:5. the stranger (which)^a((ere(A HIPHIL Infinitive. Jer. 37:12.(0 separate himself thence (marg. or, slip away) HIPHIL.— Future. Ps. 5: 9(10). they flatter with their tongue. HIPHIL Participle. Pro. 28: 23. (Aan Ae that flattereth with the tongue. 29: 5. A man that flattereth his neighbour Isa. 41: 7.Ae (Aa( smootheih (with) the hammer * HITHPAEL Preterite. * Jos. 18: 5. And they shall divide it P?0 ghah-lahk' , adj. Gen27:ll.I (am) a smooth man: Jos. 11:17 & 12:7. the mount Halah, (lit. smooth mountain) Pro. 5: 3. and her mouth (is) smoother than oil: 26:28. a flattering mouth worketh ruin. Eze. 12:24. vain vision nor flattering divination PtO ghlilahk, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:16. thou shalt have no portion on this side the river. Dan 4:15(12),23(20).and(let) his portion (be) with p./D gheh'-lek, m. Gen 14 31 Lev. 6 Nu. 18 31: Deu 10 18: 32: Jos. 14: 15: 18; 19 22 ISa. 30 2Sa.20 IK. 12 2K. 9: : 24. and the portion of the men — let them take (Aeir portion. . : 14. yet any portion or inheritance : 17(10]). given it (unto them for) their portion .20. neither shalt thou have any part — I (am) thy part and thine inheritance :36.(Ae portion of them that went : 9 & 12:12 & 14:27, 29& 18:1. no part nor inheritance 8. They shall have ZiAe portions to eat, (lit. part like part) 9. the Lord's portion (is) his people ; : 4. they gave no part unto the Levites 13. he gave a part among the children of . 5. divide it into seven parts : 6. describe the land (into) seven parts, 7. But the Levites have no part 9. by cities into seven parts in a book, : 9. the part of the children of Judah :25, 27. ye have no part in the Lord: 24. as his part (is) that goeth down to the battle, so (shall) his part (be) that tarrieth : 1 . We have no part in David, : 16. What portion have we in David ? 1 0. eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, 36. In the'portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat pbr, 2K. 9 : 37 . the field in the portion of Jezreel ; 2Ch 10: 16. What portion have we in David? Neh 2:20. but ye have no portion, Job 17: 5. He that speaketh flattery 20:29&27:13. This (is) (Ae portion of a wicked man 31: 2. what portion of God (is there) from above? 32:17.1 will answer also my part, Ps. 16: 5. The Lord (is) the portion of mine inheri tance (marg. my part) 14. (which have) their portion in (this) life, 18.hastbeenpar(aAer with adulterers, (marg. thy portion (was) with) 26. and my portion for ever. -.57. my portion, OLord: 5(6). Thou (art) my refuge (and) my portion :2L with the flattering of her lips 10. this was my portion of all my labour. 21. shall he leave it (for) his portion. : 22. for that (is) Ais portion: 18(17). for it (is) his portioji. 19(18). to eat thereof, and to take his portion, 6. neither have they any more a portion 9. for that {is) thy portion 2. Give a portion to seven, : 14. This (is) (Ae portion of them : 6. Among the smooth (stones) o/the stream (is) thy portion; : 7. they shall rejoice in their portion : 16 & 51: 19. The portion of Jacob (is) not like :24.The Lord (is) my portion, 7. over against one" of the portions, 8. length as one of the (other) parts, 21 . over against (Ae portions 7. devour them with their portions. 4. did eat up a part. 4. hath changed (Ae portion ofmy people: 16. because by them their portion (is) fat, : 12(16). Judah his portion in the holy land, ( 436 ) ND11 niS?n ghalak-kohtW , f. pi. Dan 11:32. shall he corrupt by flatteries : 17 50 73 119142 Pro. 7 Ecc. 2 35 11 Isa. 17 57 61 Jer. 10 Lam. 3 Eze.45 48 Hos. 5 Am. 7 Mic. 2 Hab. 1 Zee. 2 P?0 [ghal-look'], adj. ISa. 17:40. chose him five smooth stones n?5j?rj ghel-kah', f. Gen 27: 33: Deu 33 Jos. 24 Ru. 2; 4 2Sa. 2: 14 16. upon (Ae smooth o/his neck: 19. he bought a parcel of a field, 21. a portion o/the lawgiver, 32. in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought 3. was to light on a part of the field 3. selleth a parcel of land, 16. that place was called i?e/Aa(A-hazzurim, (marg. TAe field of strong men) 30. See, Joab's/eid is near mine, — Absalom's servants set the field on fire. 31. have thy servants set my field on fire? 1 1 . where was a piece of ground 12. stood in the midst of the ground, 19. mar every good piece of land 25. on every good piece of land 2 1 . met him in the portion of 25. in the portion of the field of Naboth 26. 1 will requite thee in this joZa(, (marg. or, portioji) — (and) cast him into the plat (of ground), 13. where was a parcel of ground 14. in the midst of (that) parcel, 18. (Aeir portion is cursed in the earth: 2(3). (with) flattering lips (lit. of flatteries) 3(4). The Lord shall cut off all flatterijig lips, (lit. of flatteries) 18. thou didst set them in slippery places: -.24. from the flattery o/the tongue 10. speak unto us smooth things, 10. they have trodden my portion under foot, — made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. 7. one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained njTHn [ghalook-kahf\ f. 2Ch35: 5. and (after) (Ae division o/the families 23 2K. 39 JChll Job 24 Ps. 12 73 Pro . ti Isa. 30 Jer 12 Am. 4 fiWp?0 ghalak-lak-kohth! , f. pi. Ps. 35: 6.LettheirwaybedarkandsHppen/: (marg, slipperiness) Jer. 23 : 12. way shall be unto them as slippery (ways) Danll:21. obtain the kingdom by flatteries. 34. shall cleave to them with flatteries. vhr\ [ghah-lash']. * KAL.— Future. * Ex. 17:13. And Joshua discomfited Amalek Job 14:10. But man dieth, and wastethaway: (marg. is weakened, or, cut off) KAL Participle. Poel. Isa. 14: 12. »AicA didst weaken the nations ! vfor\gkal-lahsh', m. Joel 3: 10(4: 10). let (Ae weak say, I (am) strong.. Dn [ghahrri], m. Gen38:13.(Ay/a(Aer in law goeth up to Timnath 25. she sent to her father in law, ISa. 4: 19. that her father in law and her husband. 21 .because of her father in law DPI ghahm, adj. Jos. 9:12. bread we took Ao( (for) our provision Job 37: 17. How thy garments (are) warm, tin'ghohm, m. Gen 8 18 ISa.ll : 22. cold and heat, and summer : 1 . sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; : 9. by (that time ) the sun 6e Ao(, 11. until (Ae Aea( o/the day: 21: 6(7). to put Ao( bread in the day 2Sa. 4: 5. came about the heat of the day Neh 7: 3. until the sun Ae hot; Job 6:17. when it is hot, they are consumed (marg. in the heat thereof) 24: 19. Drought and Aea( consume the snow Isa. 18: 4. like a clear Aea( upon herbs, — a cloud of dew in tlie heat of harvest. Jer. 17: 8. shall not see when Aea( cometh, 51 :39. In their heat I will make their Hag. 1 : 6. but there is none warm ; NOD ghek-mah', f. Dan II :44.go forth u>i(A great fury to destroy, M2$'ghhnah & iXQT\gharnah, Ch. f. Dan 3: 13. in (his) rage and fury commanded 19. Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, nXfcpn ghem-ah', f. Gen 18: 8. he took butter, and milk, Deu 32:14. Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, Jud. 5:25. she brought forth butter wan ( 437 ) nan 2Sa.l7:29. honey, and butter, and sheep, Job 20: 17. the brooks of honey and butter. Pro. 30:33. churning of milk bringeth forth butter, Isa. 7:15. Butter aad honey shall he eat, 22. give he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one 11^T\ghah-mad'. #KAL Preterite.* Ps. 68:16(17). the hill (which) God desireth Pro. 1 :22. tbe scorners delight in their scorning, 12:12. The wicked desireth the net Isa. 1 : 29. the oaks which ye have desired, Mic. 2: 2. And they covet fields, KAL Future. Ex. 20:17,17. TAo« s/ioi( not cotie( 34:24. neither sAaii any man desire Deu 5:21(18). Neither shalt thou desire 7 :2b. thou shalt not desire the silver Jos. 7:21. then 1 coveted them, Pro. 6:25. Lust not after her beauty Isa. 53: 2. no beauty (A«( we should desire him. KAL — Participle. Paul. Job 20:20. save of that which he desired. •Ps. 39:11(12). thou makest Ais beauty to consume Isa. 44: Q.andtheir delectable things (marg. desirable) * NIPHAL Participle. * Gen 2: 9. every tree (Aa( is pleasant to the sight 3: 6. and a tree to be desired Ps. 19:10(11). More to be desired (are they) than Pro. 21 : 20. treasure to be desired * PIEL Preterite. * Cant.2 : 3. / sat down under his shadow ioi(A great delight, ( marg. / delighted and sat down ) nfin gham-mah' , f. Job 30: 28. 1 went mourning without (Ae sun : Ps. 19: 6( 7). nothing hid from the heat thereof. Cant.6: 10. clear as the sun, Isa. 24:23. and (Ae sun ashamed, 30: 26. moon shall be as the light of (Ae sun, and the light of (Ae sun shall be sevenfold, n^D gheh-mah', f. Gen27 Lev.26: Nu. 25 Deu 9 29 "10(1 gheh'-med, m. Isa. 27: 2. A vineyard of red wine. 32: 12. lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, (marg. fields of desire) Eze.23: 6, 12, 23. desirable young men, (lit. young men of desire) Am. 5: 11. ye have planted pleasant vineyards, (marg. vineyards of desire) [N.B. In Isa. 27:2, most copies read ipn.] Ps. nn£?n ghem-dah' ', f. ISa. 9:20.on whom (is) all (Ae desire o/Israel? '2Ch 21: 20. departed without being desired, (marg. desire) 32:27. for all manner of pleasant jewels; (marg. of desire) 36: 10. with the goodly vessels (marg. of desire) Ps. 106:24. they despised the pleasant land, (marg. of desire ) Isa. 2 : 16. upon all pleasant pictures, (marg. of desire ) Jer. 3: 19. give thee a pleasant land, (marg. of desire) 12:10. have made my pleasant portion a desolate (lit. the portion ofmy desire) 25 : 34. fall like a pleasant vessel, (marg. of desire) Eze.26: 12. destroy thy pleasant houses: (marg. houses ofthy desire) Dan 11: 8. with (Aeir precious vessels of silver (lit. vessels of (Aeir desire) 37. nor (Ae desire of women, Hos.13:15.all pleasant vessels, (marg. of desire) Nah 2: 9(10). all the pleasant furniture, (marg. of desire) Hag. 2: 7. (Ae desire of all nations Zee. 7 : 14. laid the pleasant land desolate, (marg. of desire) mt?H see nivsn 32 2Sa.ll 2K. 5 22 2Chl2 2834 36 Est. 1 23 5 7 iJob 6 19 2136 6 37 385859 78 7988 8990 106140 Pro. 6 15 1619: 21: 22 27: 29: Isa. 27 34 42: 51 66 Jer. 4 6 7 1018 44. until thy brother's fury turn away ; 28. Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury ; 1 1 . hath turned my wrath away 1 9. was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure, : 23(22"). the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath : 28(27). and in wrath, and in great :24. (Ae poison of serpents of the dust. 33. Their wine (is) thepoison of dragons, :20. if so be that theking's wrath arise, 1 2. So he turned and went away in a rage. : 13. great (is) (Ae wrath of the Lord 17. therefore my wrath shall be kindled 7. my wrath shall not be poured out 9. because the Lord God of your fathers was wroth (lit. in the wrath of) 21. great (is) (Ae wrath of the Lord 25. my wrath shall be poured out :16.(Ae wrath of the Lord arose 12. and his anger burned in him. 1 . when (Ae wrath of king Ahasuerus was 5. then was Haman full of wrath. 9. he was full of indignation against 7. from the banquet of wine in his wrath 10. TAen was the king's wrath pacified. 4. the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit: 29. wrath (bringeth) the punishments of the 20. and he shall drink o/(Ae iora(A of the 18. Because ( there is) wrath, 1(2). chasten me in thy hot displeasure. 8. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath : 1(2). neither chasten me in thy hot dis pleasure. 4(5). Their poison (is) like (Ae poison of a :I3(l4). Consume (them) in wrath, consume (them), 10(11). (Ae wrathof man shall praise thee:the remainder of w;ra(A shalt thou 38. did not stir up all Ais wrath. 6. Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen 7(8). Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, 46(47). shall thy wrath burn like fire? 7 .and by thy wrath are we troubled. 23. to turn away Ais wrath, 3(4). adders' poison (is) under their lips. 34. jealousy (is) (Ae rage of a man: 1 . A soft answer turneth away wrath : 18. A wrathful man (lit. a man of wrath) stirreth up strife: 14. TAe wrath of a king (is as) messengers of 19. A man of great wra(A shall suffer 14. a reward in the bosom strong wrath. 24.a furious man (lit. a man of wraths) 4. Wrath (is) cruel, and anger (is) 22. a furious man (lit. a master of wrath) 4. Fury (is) not in me: 2. and (his) fury upon all their armies: 25. he hath poured upon him the fury of his 13. because of the fury of the oppressor, — where (is) the fury of the oppressor? 17. of the Lord the cup of his fury ; 20. they are full of the fury of the Lord, 22. the dregs of the cup of my fury ; 18. fury to his adversaries, 3. trample them in my fury ; b.and my fury, it upheld me. 6. make them drunk in my fury, 15. to render his anger with fury, 4. lest my fury come forth like fire, 1 1 . 1 am full of (Ae fury of the Lord ; 20. mine anger and my fury shall be poured 25. Pour out thy fury upon the heathen 20. turn away thy wrath from them. nan (438 ) ian Jer. 21:23: 25: 30: 32 3336 42 i . 44 Lam. 2 4 Eze. 3: 5 13: 25 30 3638 Dan 8 9 Hos 7 fliic. 5 Nah 1 Zee. 8 5. even in anger, and in fury, 12. lest my fury go out like fire, 19. the Lord is gone forth in fury, 15. Take the wine cup of this fury at my 23. the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth wi(A fury, 31 . provocation of mine anger and of my fury 37. and in my fury, and in great wrath; 5. in mine anger and in my fury, 7. and the fury that the Lord hath 18. and my fury hath been poured forth — so shall my fury be poured forth upon 6. my fury and mine anger was poured 4. he poured out his fury like fire. 11. The Lord hath accomplished his fury; 14. in the heat ofmy spirit ; (marg. Ao( anger) 13. 1 will cause my fury to rest upon them, — I have accomplished my fury 15. in anger and in fury and in furious re bukes, (lit. rebukes of wrath) :12.thus will I accomplish my fury : 8. Now will I shortly pour out my fury :18. Therefore will I also deal infury: 8. thy pouring out of thy fury 13. with a stormy wind in my fury; — great hailstones in (my) fury 15. Thus will I accomplish my wrath : 19. pour out my fury upon it :38. 1 will give thee blood infury 42. So will I make my fury : 12. she was plucked up infury, : 8. 1 will pour out my fury 13, 21.1 would pour out my fury 33, 34. and with fury poured out, : 17(22). I will cause my fury to rest: : 20. in mine anger and in my fury, 22. have poured out my fury : 25. they shall deal furiously with thee: : 8. That it might cause fury to come up 1 3. 1 have caused my fury to rest : 1 4. according to my fury ; 17. with furious rebukes; (lit. rebukes of wrath) lb. I will pour my fury upon Sin, 6. spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, 18. 1 poured my fury upon them 18. my fury shall come up in my face. 6. in the fury o/his power. 16. let thine anger and thy fury be turned 5. sick with bottles (marg. Aeat) of wine; 15(14). anger and fury upon the heathen, 2. the Lord revengeth, and (is) furious; (lit. a master of wrath) 6. Ais fury is poured out like fire, 2. and I was jealous for her with great fury. nfin gheh-muti ', f. Job 29: 6. When I washed my steps with butter, nHiDn ghamoo-dohtti ', f. pi. Gen27: 15. Rebekah took goodly raiment (marg. desirable ) 2Ch20:25. with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, Ezr. 8:27. copper, precious as gold. (marg. desirable) Dan 9:23. for thou (art) greatly beloved: (marg. (a man) of desires) 10: 3.1 ate no pleasant bread, (marg. bread of desires ) 11. a man greatly beloved, (marg. of desires) 19. O man greatly beloved, 11 :38. precious stones, and pleasant things. (marg. things desired) 43. over all (Ae precious things o/Egypt: port ghah-mohtz' , m. Isa. 1:17. relieve (Ae oppressed, p^tiT} \jrham-mook'], m. Cant 7: 1(2). (Aej'oinfo o/thy thighs (are) like jewels, *li£n ghamohr, m. Genl2: 22 2430323436 42 4344454749 Ex. 4 9 13 20 21 22 23 34 Nu. 16 31 Deu 5 22 28 Jos. 6 7 9 15 Jud. 1 6 15 19 ISa. 8 121516 2225 27 2Sa.l6: 1719 IK. 2 13 2K. 6: ICh 5 12 2Ch28 16. and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, 3. saddled Ais ass, and took two 5. Abide ye here with (Ae ass; 35. maidservants, and camels, and asses. 43.menservants, and camels, and asses. 5(6). I have oxen, and asses, flocks, 28. their oxen, and (Aeir asses, 24. as he fed (Ae asses of Zibeon 26. they laded (Aeir asses with the corn, 27. to give Ais ass provender 18. take us for bondmen, and our asses. 24. he gave (Aeir asses provender. 3. sent away, they and their asses. 13. laded every man Ais ass, 23. ten asses laden with the good things 17. herds, and for the asses : 14. Issachar (is) a strong ass couching 20. set them upon an ass, 3. upon the horses, upon the asses, 13. every firstling of an ass 17. nor his ox, nor Ais ass, 33. an ox or an ass fall therein ; 4(3). whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep ; 9(8). for ox, for ass, for sheep, 10(9). deliver unto his neighbour an ass, 4. meet thine enemy's ox or Ais ass 5. If thou see (Ae ass of him that hateth thee 12. that thine ox and thine ass may 20. But the firstling of an ass 15. 1 have not taken one ass 28. of the beeves, and of (Ae asses, 30. of (Ae asses, and of the flocks, 34. And threescore and one thousand asses, 39. And the asses (were) thirty thousand 4b. And thirty thousand osses and five hun dred, : 14. nor thine ox, nor thine ass, 21 (18). his ox, or his ass, : 3. shalt thou do with his ass ; 4. see thy brother's ass or his ox fall 10. plow with an ox and an ass together. •.ZLthine ass (shall be) violently 21 . ox, and sheep, and ass, : 24. his oxen, and Ais asses, : 4. took old sacks upon their asses, : 18. she lighted off (her) ass; :14.she lighted from off (her) ass ; ; 4. neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass. 15. found a new jawbone of an ass, 16. With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass 3. servant with him, and a couple of asses : 10. with him two asses saddled, 19. straw and provender for our asses; 21 . gave provender unto the asses : 28. the man took her (up ) upon an ass, 16. your goodliest young men, and your asses, : 3. or whose ass have I taken ? 3. ox and sheep, camel and ass. 20. Jesse took an ass (laden) ioi(A bread, 19. oxen, and asses, and sheep, 18. laid (them) on asses. 20. she rode on (Ae ass, 23. she hasted, and lighted off (Ae ass, 42. arose, and rode upon an ass, 9. the oxen, and the asses, l.with a couple of asses saddled, 2. TAe asses (be) for the king's houshold 23. he saddled (his) ass, and arose, 26(27). I will saddle me an ass, 40. Shimei arose, and saddled Ais ass, 13. Saddle me (Ae ass. So they saddled him (Ae ass : 23. that he saddled for him (Ae ass, 24. cast in the way, and the ass stood by it, 27. Saddle me (Ae ass. 28. and the ass and the lion standing — the carcase, nor torn (Ae ass. 29. laid it upon (Ae ass, 25. until an ass's head was (sold) 7. their horses, and their asses, 10. horses tied, and asses tied, 21 . and of asses two thousand, 40. brought bread on asses, 15. carried all the feeble of them upon asses, ian ( 439 ) oan Ezr. 2:67. asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty. Neh 7:69. seven hundred and twenty osses. 13:15. bringing in sheaves, and lading asses ; Job 24: 3. They drive away (Ae ass of the fatherless, Pro 26 : 3. a bridle for the ass, Isa. 1 : 3. and the ass his master's crib : 21: 7. a chariot of osses, 32: 20. the feet of the ox and the ass. Jer. 22:19. buried with the burial of an ass, Eze.23: 20. whose flesh (is as) the flesh of osses, Zee. 9: 9. lowly, and riding upon an ass, 14:15. the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, U>T\'ip^-\£hamoh-rah-thah'-yim], f. dual. Jud. 15:16. the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, (marg. an heap, (ioo Aeops) nifin [ghdmohth], f. Ru. 1:14. Orpah kissed Aer mother in law; 2:11. thou hast done unto thy mother in law 18. Aer mother in law saw what she had 19,Aer mother in law said unto her, — shewed Aer mother in law with whom 23. dwelt with Aer mother in law. 3: 1 . Naomi Aer mother in law said 6. all that Aer mother in law bade her. 16. when she came to Aer mother in law, 17. Go not empty unto thy mother in law. Mic 7: 6. daughter in law against h er mother in law ; tS5?Tt ghoh'-met, m. Lev.ll:30.the lizard, and the snail, X *£0 ghah-meetz' , adj . Isa, 30:24. shall eat clean provender, (marg. leavened, or, savoury) Wm ghamee-shee' & WOT) ghd- mish-shee', ordinal num. Gen.l 3047 Lev. 56 19 2227: Nu. 5 7 29 33 Jos. 19 Jud.19:2Sa. 3: IK. 6 14 2K. 25 ICh 2 3 8 1224 2526: 27: 2Chl2 Ezr. 7 23. the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 17. bare Jacob the fifth son. 24. that ye shall give the fifth (part) 16. add the fifth part thereto, 5(5 : 24). add the fifth part more thereto, 25. in thefifth year shall ye eat 14. he shall put the fifth (part) thereqf 13. he shall add a fifth (part) thereof 15, 19. he shall add the fifth (nan) of 27. shall add a fifth (part) of it 31. shall add thereto the fifth (part) thereof. 7. and add unto it the fifth (part) thereof, 36. On the//(A day Shelumiel 26. on the fifth day nine bullocks, 38.in the first (day) of thefifth month. 24. thefifth lot came out for the tribe 8. on thefifth day to depart: 4. and thefifth, Shephatiah 31. side posts (were) a fifth part (marg. or, fivesquare) 25. in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, 8. And in the fifth month, 14. Nethaneel the fourth, Raddai thefifth, 3. Thefifth, Shephatiah of Abital: 2. Nohah the fourth, and Rapha thefifth. 10. Jeremiah thefifth, 9. Thefifth to Malchijah, 12. Thefifth to Nethaniah, 3. Elam thefifth, Jehohanan the sixth, 4. Nethaneel thefifth, 8.Thej(!/Wi captain for thefifth month 2. in thefifth year of king Rehoboam 8. came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, 9. on the first (day) of the fifth month Neh 6: 5. in like manner thefifth time Jer. 1 : 3. Jerusalem captive in thefifth month. 28: 1. fourth year, (and) in thefifth month, 36: 9. in the fifth year of Jehoiakim 52: 12. Now in the "fifth month, Eze. 1: 2. thefifth year of king Jehoiachin's 20: 1. seventh year, in thefifth (month), Zee. 7: 3. Should I weep in the fifth month, 5. mourned in thefifth and seventh 8 : 1 9. the fast of (Ae fifth, 7£?n ghah-mal'. A-otat ,>i*Im * KAL Preterite. * ISa. 15: 15. for the people spared the best 23:21. for ye have compassion on me. 2Sa.l2: 6. because Ae Aad no pity. 2Ch 36: 15. because Ae Aad compassion 17. Aad no compassion upon young man Lam. 2: 2, 17. and Aa(A not pitied: 21. thou hast killed, (and) not pitied. 3:43. hast slain, (Aou hast not pitied. Mai. 3:17. and I will spare them, KAL. — Infinitive. Eze. 16: 5.(o Aaoe compassion upon thee ; KAL. — Future. Ex. 2: Deu 13: ISa. 15 2Sa.l2 21: Job 6 16 20:27: Pro. 6 Isa. 9 30 Jer. 131521 5051 Eze. 5 7 9: 36 Joel 2 Hab. 1 Zec.ll Mai. 3 6. And she had compassion on him, 8(9). neither sAa(( (Aom spare, 3. they have, and spare them not ; 9. But Saul and the people spared Agag, 4. and he spared to take of his own flock 7. But the king spared Mephibosheth, 10.A?( Aim not spare; 13. my reins asunder, and do(A not spare 13. Ae spare it, and forsake it not ; 22. cast upon him, and not spare : 34. Ae will not spare in the day of vengeance. 19(18). no man shall spare his brother. 14. Ae sAaii not spare: io . aMm^tC, into' qMmjcj 14. Iwill not pity, nor ^pare, ' ¦•?<-* 5. who shaU have pity upon thee, 7. neither have pity, nor have mercy. 3^& **" 14. shoot at her, spare no arrows: : 3. spare ye not her young men ; : 1 1 . neither will I Aaue any pity. ; 4. neither will I have pity : 9 & 8: 18. neither will Ihavepity: 5. neither Aawe ye pity: 10. neither will I have pity, 2LBut I hadpity for mine holy name, 1 8. and pity his people. : 17. empty their net, and not spare : 5. their own shepherds pity them not. 6. / will no more pity the inhabitants 17. as a man spareth his own son TDl^T) [ghem-ldh'], f. kamti Genl9:I6. the Lord being merciful unto him: (lit., in the mercy of) Isa. 63: 9. in his love andin his pity DO!! Qrhah-mam']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 16:21. when the sun waxed hot, IK. 1 : 2. (Aa( my lord the king may get heat. Ps. 39: 3(4). My heart uias Ao( within me, Ecc. 4:11. if two lie together, (Aen they have heat: Isa. 44:16. Aha, lam warm, I have seen the fire: KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 47:14. a coal to warm at, (nor) fire KAL.— Future. 2K. 4:34. and the flesh of the child waxed warm. Isa. 44: 15. take thereof, and warm himself; 16. yea, Ae warmeth (himself), * NIPHAL Future. * Hos 7:7. They are all Ao( as an oven, nan ( 440 ) NIPHAL.— Participle. Isa. 57: 5. Enflaming yourselves with idols * PIEL— Future. * Job 39: 14. and warmeth them in dust, * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Job 31 :20.Ae were (not) warmed with the fleece D^fin gham-mah-ncem' , m. pi. Lev.26 :30. cut down your images, 2Chl4: 5(4). the high places andthe images: (marg. sun images) 34: 4. and the images, that (were) on high (marg. id. ) 7. cut down all (Ae idols Isa. 17: 8. either the groves, or the images, (marg. or, sun images) 27: 9. the groves and images shall not stand (marg. id. ) Eze. 6: 4. your images shall be broken: (marg. id. ) 6. your images may be cut down, Sfo'n.^ghah-mas']. * KAL Preterite. * Eze.22:26. Her priests Aaye violated my law, (marg. offered violence to) Zep. 3 : 4. they have done violence to the law. KAL. — Future. Job 15:33. He shall shake off his unripe grape 21 :27. devices (which) ye wrongfully imagine Jer. 22: 3. do no violence to the stranger, Lam. 2: 6. And he hath violently taken away KAL. — Participle. Poel. Pro, 8 : 36 . sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul : # NIPHAL Preterite. * Jer. 13:22. are thy skirts discovered, (and) thy heels made bare. (marg. or, sAaii Ae violently taken away) D&n ghah-mahs' , m. Gen 6 16: 49: Ex. 23: Deu 19 Jud. 9 2Sa.22 ICh 12 Job 16 19 Ps. 7 18 25 27 35 5568 72 73 74 140. Pro. 3 4: 11. the earth was filled with violence. 13. the earth is filled with violence b.My wrong (be) upon thee: 5. instruments of cruelty (are in) 1. wicked to be an unrighteous witness, (lit. witness of violence) 16. If a false witness rise up against 24. That (Ae cruelty (done) to the threescore 3. thou savest me from violence. 49. thou hast delivered me from the violent man. (lit. the man of violences) 17. seeing (there is) no wrong in mine hands, (marg. violence) 17. Not for (any) injustice in mine hands: 7. Behold, I cry out of wrong, (marg. violence) 1 6(1 7). Ais violent dealing shall come down 5. him that loveth violence his soul 48(49). thou hast delivered me from the violent man. (marg. man of violence) 19. they hate me with cruei hatred, (marg. hatred of violence) 12. such as breathe out cruelty. 11. i-Wse witnesses did rise up ; (marg. Wit nesses of wrong) 9(10). I have seen violence and strife 2(3). ye weigh (Ae violence of your hands 1 4. soul from deceit and violence : 6. violence covereth them 20. full of the habitations of cruelty. 1(2). preserve me from the violent man; (marg. man of violences) 4(5). preserve me from the violent man ; 11(12). evil shall hunt the violent man 31. Envy thou not the oppressor, (marg. man of violence) 17. drink the wine of violence. Pro.lO 1316 26 Isa. 53 59 60 Jer. 6 2051 Eze. 7 12 2845 Joel 3 Am. 3 6 Obad. Jon. 3 Mic. 6 Hab. 1 Zep. 1 Mai. 2 pan 6, II. but violence covereth the mouth 2. the transgressors (shall eat) violence. 29. A violent man enticeth his neighbour, 6. (and) drinketh damage, (marg. violence) 9. because he had done no violence, 6. the act of violence (is) in their hands, 18. Violence shall no more be heard 7. violence and spoil is heard in her; 8. 1 cried violence and spoil ; 35. TAe violence done to me (marg. My violence), 46. a rumour, and violence in the land, 11. Violence is risen up into a rod of wicked ness: 23. the city is full of violence. 1 7. they have filled the land with violence, 19. because of the violejtce of all them 16. have filled the midst of thee with violence, 9. remove violence and spoil, 19(4: 19). for the violence (against) the 10. who store up violence and robbery 3. cause the seat of violence to come 10. For (thy) violence against thy brother : 8. (Ae violejice that (is) in their hands. 12. rich men thereof are full of violence, : 2. cry out unto thee (of) violence, 3. spoiling and violence (are) before me: 9. They shall come all for violence: : S.and (for) (Ae violence of the land, 17. For (Ae violence of Lebanon — and for the violence of the land, : 9. fill their masters' houses with violence 16. covereth violence with his garment, T^O ghah-mthtz' . ¦# KAL.— Preterite. # Ex. 12:39. for it was not leavened; KAL. — Infinitive. Hos. 7: 4. dough, until it be leavened. KAL. — Future. Ex. 12:34. dough before it was leavened, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 71 : 4. the unrighteous and cruel man. KAL. — Participle. Paul. Isa. 63: 1. with dyed garments from Bozrah ? * HIPHIL.— Participle* Ex. 12:19- whosoever eateth (Aa( n-AicA is leavened, 20. Ye shall eat nothing leavened ; # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Ps. 73:21. Thus my heart was grieved, |*J?n ghah-?nehtz\ m. Ex. 12:15. whosoever eateth leavened bread 13: 3, 7. there shall no leavened bread 23: 18. ofmy sacrifice with leavejied bread; 34:25. the blood ofmy sacrifice with leaven; Lev. 2: 11. shall be made with leaven: 6: 17(10). It shall not be baken with leaven. 7:13. offer (for) his offering leavened bread 23;17.lhey shall be baken with leaven; Deu 16: 3. Thou shalt eat no leavened bread Am. 4: 5. a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, f&h ghoh'-metz, m. Nu. 6: 3. shall drink no vinegar of wine, or wiegar of strong drink, Ru. 2:14. dip thy morsel in the vinegar. Ps. 69 : 2 1 ( 22 ) . in my thirst they gave me vinegar Pro. 10;26...4s vinegar to the teeth, 25; 20. vinegar upon nitre, pOfl ghah-maW . * KAL — Preterite. * Cant.5: 6. my beloved Aad withdrawn himself. ¦ pan * HITHPAEL Future. * Jer. 31 :22. How long wilt thou go about, ( 441 ) mn npn ghah-marr. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 75: 8(9). the wine is red; it is full of mixture ; KAL. — Future. Ex. 2: 3.and daubed it with slime Ps. 46: 3(4). waters thereof roar (and) be troubled, #POALAL.— Preterite. # Job 16: 16. My face is foul with weeping, Lam. 1:20 & 2: 11. my bowels are troubled; IDT} gheh-mahr' , m. Genii : 3. and slime had they for morter. 14:10. vale of Siddim (was full of) sZimepits ; Ex. 2; 3. daubed it «;i(A slime non ghehf-mer9 m. Deu32:14.the pure blood of the grape. Isa. 27: 2. A vineyard of red wine. [Some copies read TEH.] ^n ghamar, Ch. m. Ezr. 6: 9. offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, 7:22. and to an hundred baths of wine, Dan 5: Land drank wine before the thousand. 2. Belshazzar, whiles he tasted (Ae wine, 4. They drank wine, and praised the gods 23. and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them ; ^tin'gkoh'-mer, m. Genii Ex. 1 tev.27Nu. 11 Job 4 10 13 27 3033 38 Isa. 5 10 29 41 4564: Jer. IS: Eze.45 Hos. 3 Nah. 3 Hab. 3 3. slime had they for morter. ; 14. in morter, and in brick, ; 14(10). they gathered them together tipon heaps: (lit. heaps heaps) :16.an homer o/barley seed : 32. gathered least gathered ten homers : : 19. them that dwell in houses of clay, ; 9. thou hast made me as the clay; 12. your bodies to bodies of clay. 16. and prepare raiment as the clay; 19. He hath cast me into the mire, 6. 1 also am formed ow( of the clay. 14. It is turned as clay (to) the seal ; 10. an homer shall yield an ephah. 6. tread them down (iAe (Ae mire of 16.be esteemed as the potter's clay: 25. come upon princes as (upon) morter, 9. Shall (Ae clay say to him 8(7). thou (art) our father; we (are) (Ae clay, 4. the vessel that he made of clay was mar red (marg. was marred, as clay) 6. as the clay (is) in the potter's hand, so (are) ye in : 11. contain the tenth part of an homeland the ephah the tenth part of an homer : the measure thereof shall be after (Ae Aomer. 13, 13. an ephah of an homer of 14. an homer of ten baths ; for ten baths (are) an homer : 2. and (for) aji homer o/barley, : 14. go into clay, and tread (Ae morter, :1b. the heap of great waters, (marg. or, mud) fcjfon [ghah-mash']. # PIEL — Preterite. * Gen41 :34. and take up thefifth part of fhe land 25 47 Ex. 16 22 26 27: Eton ghah mehsh', f. & T\Wm gkamish-shah', m. num. adj. Gen. 5: 6. Seth lived an hundred andjive years, 10. eight hundred and fifteen years, (lit. five ten) 11. nine hundred and five years: 15.Mahalaleel lived sixty and^ye years, 17. eight hundred ninety andjive years: 21. Enoch lived sixty andjive years, 23. three hundred sixty andjive years: 30.^ye hundred ninety and five 32. Noah was five hundred years old: 7:20. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters pre vail; 11:11 .five hundred years, and begat 12. Arphaxad lived jive and thirty 32. were two hundred andone years: 12: 4. Abram (was) seventy and five years 14: 9. four kings with Jive. 18.28. Peradventure there shall lack^zye — destroy all the city for (lack of) five? — If I find there forty and five, 7. threescore and fifteen years, (lit. seventy years andjive years) :34. Benjamin's mess -was five times so much : 6. and yet (there are) Jive years, 11. for yet (there are) Jive years of famine; 22. and Jive changes of raiment. : 2. some of his brethren, (even)/ue men, : Lore the fifteenth day (lit. on five ten) 1(21: 37). he shall restore five oxen 3. fhe five curtains shall be — and (other) five curtains 9. thou shalt couple five curtains 26. five for the boards of the one 27, 27. And five bars for the boards 37. make for the hangings/foe pillars — ¦ thou shalt castle sockets I. five cubits long, andjive cubits broad ; 14. one side (of the gate shall he) fifteen cubits: (lit. andjive ten) 15. (shallbe)hangings//teen(cubits): (lit. id.) 18. the heignt^ue cubits 23. of pure myrrh five hundred 24. of cassia five hundred ,10. he coupled the/ye curtains — and (the other) five curtains 16. he coupled five curtains 31. five for the boards of the one 32, 32. And five bars for the boards 38. the five pillars of it — their five sockets (were of) brass. l.five cubits (was) the length thereof, and five cubits the breadth 14. side (of the gate were) fijteen (lit. five ten) 15. hangings of fifteen cubits; (lit.^ye ten) 18. in the breadth (was)^ue cubits, 25. a thousand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels, (lit. and five and seventy) 26. three thousand and five hundred 28. the thousand seven hundred seventy and five 6. And on the fifteenth day of the same month (lit. and on five ten) 34, *f he fifteenth day of this seventh month (lit. in five ten) 39. in the fifteenth day 8. five of you shall chase an hundred, 5. if (it be) from/ye years old 6. even unto^ye years old, — five shekels of silver, 7. shall hefifteen shekels, (lit.^ye ten) 21. forty and six thousand and five hundred. 25. forty and^ue thousand six hundred and 33. forty thousand and five hundred-. 37. Benjamin, (were) thirty and Jive thousand and four hundred. 41. forty and one thousand and five hundred. 46. six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty. 2 : 1 1 . forty and six thousand andjive hundred. 15. forty and Jive thousand and six hundred and fifty. 38 Lev.23 Nu. 1 ran ( 442 ) wan Nu. 2: 33 Jos. 8 10 Jud. 38 18 20 ISa. 6 2Sa. 49 19 21 24 IK. 4 6 19. forty thousand and five hundred. 23. that were numbered of them, (were) thirty and five thousand and four hundred. 28. that were numbered of them, (were) forty and one thousand and five hundred. 32. six hundred and three thousand and five hundred and fifty. 22. (were) seven thousand and five hundred. 47. Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece (lit. five five shekels) 50. a thousand three hundred and threescore andfive (shekels), 48. eight thousand and five hundred and fourscore. .17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83./M rams, five he goats, five lambs :24.from twenty and/ye years old :19.two days, nor five days, : 16. for the money of five shekels, : 18. forty thousand andfive hundred. 22. threescore and sixteen thousand andfive hundred. 27. threescore thousand andfive hundred. 37. that were numbered of them, thirty and two thousand andfive hundred. 41. forty andfive thousand and six hundred. 50. that were numbered of them (were) forty andfive thousand and four hundred. .17. And in the fifteenth day of this month ( lit. and on five ten ) :12. And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month (lit. and on five ten) ; B.five kings of Midian: 28. one soul of five hundred, 32. six hundred thousand and seventy thou sand andfive thousand sheep, 36. three hundred thousand and seven and thirty thousand andfive hundred 37. six hundred and threescore and fifteen. (lit. five and seventy) 39. thirty thousand andfive hundred ; 43. seven thousand andfive hundred sheep, 45. thirty thousand asses andfive hundred, : 3. on the fifteenth day of the first month ; (lit. on five ten) :12.he took about five thousand men, : 5. the five kings of the Amorites, 16. But these five kings fled, 17. The five kings are found hid 22. bring out those five kings 23. brought forth those five kings 26. hanged them on five trees: : 3. five lords of the Philistines ; : 10. these forty andfive years, — fourscore andfive years old. : 3. five lords of the Philistines, : 10. about fifteen thousand (lit. about five ten) : 2. Dan sent of their family five men 7. Then the five men departed, 14. Then answered the five men 17.the/ue men that went : 35. twenty andfive thousand and an hundred 45. in the highways five thousand men ; 46. twenty andfive thousand men : 4. Five golden emerods, andfive golden mice, 16. when the five lords of the Philistines 18. Philistines (belonging) to the five lords, : b.five thousand shekels of brass. 40. chose him five smooth stones : 3(4). give (me) five (loaves of) bread : 18. fourscore andfive persons ; 1 8. andfive sheep ready dressed, andfive mea sures of parched (corn), 42. with five damsels of her's : 4. He was five years old 10. Ziba had fifteen sons (lit. five ten) 17(18). and hisfifteen sons (lit. and five ten) : 8. the five sons of Michal 9. and the men of Judah (were ) five hundred thousand men. :32(5:12).his songs were a thousand andfive. : 6. chamber (was)/ye cubits broad, lO.against all the house, five cubits 24. Andfive cubits (was) the one — andfive cubits the other : 3. that (lay)on forty /ye pillars, fifteen (in) a row. (lit. and five ten) 9 12 22 2K. 6: 7: IK. 7:16.one chapiter (was) fire cubits, and the height of the other chapiter (was) fine 23. and his height (was)/oe cubits: 39. put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: 49./ye on the right (side), and five on the left, 23. over Solomon's work, five hundred and fifty, (lit. fifty, andfive hundred) 32. on the//teenth day of the month, (lit. m five ten) 33.(Ae./i/'teenth day of the eighth month, 42. Jehoshaphat (was) thirty andfive years — he reigned twenty andfive years 25. a cab of dove's dung/or five (pieces) 13. five of the horses that remain, 16. in thefifth year of Joram 19. shouldest have smitten five 2. twenty and five years old 17. king of Israel fifteen years, (lit./tie ten) 23. In the//teenth year (lit.five ten) 33. Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign, 2. Twenty andfive years old 35. an hundred fourscore andfive 6. 1 will add unto thy days fifteen years; (lit.five ten) 1. reigned fifty and five years 36. twenty andfive years old 19. andfive men of them that were in 4. All the sons of Judah (were)/»e. 6. five of them in all. 20. Hasadiah, Jushab-hesed,/ye. 32. Tochen, and Ashan,/ye cities: 42. sons of Simeon, five hundred men, 3. five: all of them chief men. 7. and Jerimoth, and Iri,/ye; 23. a man of (great) stature, five cubits high; 14. The fifteenth to Bilgah, (lit./»e ten) 22. The fifteenth to Jeremoth, (lit. the f « tenth) 7./ye thousand talents 11. wing (of the one cherub was)/ye — other wing (was likewise) five cubits, 12. of the other cherub ( was) five cubits, — the other wing (was) five cubits 15. pillars of thirty andfive cubits — . the top of each of them (was) five 4: 2. and five cubits the height thereof; 6. put five on the right hand, andfive on the left, 7. five on the right hand, andfive on the left. B.five on the right side, andfive on the left. 6: 13. brasen scaffold, of five cubits long, and five cubits broad, 13:17. slain of Israel five hundred thousand 15: 10. in the^teenth year (lit.five ten) 19. no (more) war unto the five and thirtieth year of the reign 20:31. thirty andfive years old — he reigned twenty andfive years 25: 1. Amaziah (was) twenty andfive years old 25. king of Israel fifteen years, (lit.five ten) 26:13. and seven thousand andfive hundred, 27: 1. Jotham (was) twenty andfive years old 8. He was five and twenty years old 29 : 1 .five and twenty years old, 33 : 1 . he reigned fifty andfive years 35: 9./ye thousand (small cattle), and fine hundred oxen. 36: 5. twenty and five years old Ezr. 1:11 .five thousand and four hundred. 2: 5. Arab, seven hundred seventy andfive. 8. The children of Zattu, nine hundredforty andfive. 20. The children of Gibbar, ninety andfive. 3.3. and Ono, seven hundred twenty and fine. 34. The children of Jericho, three hundred forty andfive. 66. their mules, two hundred forty andfive; 67. Their camels, four hundred thirty and five; 69. five thousand pound of silver, Neh. 6:15. finished in the twenty and fifth 7:13. Zattu, eight hundred forty andfive. 20.Adin, six hundred fiftv and Ave. lb:18: 19: 20; 21: 23:25: ICh 2:3:4: 7: 11: 24: 25:29: 2Ch 3: wan ( 443 ) wan Neh 7 Est. 9 lob 1 [sa. 7 17 19 303738 ler. 52 32 41: 48 Jan 12 ios 3 25. Gibeon, ninety andfive. 36. Jericho, three hundred forty andfive. 67. two hundred forty andfive 68. two hundred forty andfive : 69. four hundred thirty andfive : "O.five hundred and thirty priests' (lit. thirty and five hundred) 6, 12. destroyed five hundred men. 16. foes seventy and/ye thousand, 18. and on the fifteenth (day) of the same they rested, (lit. on five ten) 21. Adar, and the//teenth (lit.five ten) : 3. and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, : 8. within threescore andfive years : 6. four (or)/ue in the outmost 18. In that day shall five cities 17. at the rebuke of five shall ye flee: -.36. a hundred and fourscore andfive thousand: 5. 1 will add unto thy days fifteen years.(lit. five ten) 22. one chapiter (was)/ye cubits, 30. seven hundred forty andfive 31. in the five and twentieth (day) of the month, (lit. twenty andfive) : 1, 2 & 8:1. in the fifth (day) of the month, :16&ll:l./ye and twenty men, (lit. twenty and Jive) :17.in thejs/teenth (day) of the month, (lit. in five ten) :21.tn thefifth (day) of the month, : l.In the five and twentieth year of our cap tivity, (lit. twenty andfive) 7. the little chambers (were) Jive cubits ; 13. the breadth (was)/ye and twenty cubits, (lit. twenty andfive) 21, 25. and the breadth five and twenty 29. and five and twenty cubits broad, (lit. twenty andfive) 30.five and twenty cubits long (lit. id. ), and five cubits broad. 33. and five and twenty cubits broad. 36. and the breadth five and twenty 48./ye cubits on this side, andfive cubits on that side : 2. the sides of the door (were) five cubits on the one side, andfive cubits on 9. chamber without, (was)/ue cubits: 11. left (was)/ye cubits round about. 12. the building (was) five cubits thick :16, 17, 18, 19.five hundred reeds, 20.five hundred (reeds) long, and/ye hun dred broad, : 1 . the length of five and twenty thousand 2./ye hundred (in length), withfive hundred (in breadth), 3. the length of five and twenty thousand, 5. the five and twenty thousand of length, 6. the city five thousand broad, and five and twenty thousand long, 12./ye and twenty shekels, fifteen shekels, shall be your maneh. 25. in the fifteenth day of the month, (lit. in five ten) : 8,9, 10, 10, 13, 13./ye and twenty thousand 15. And the five thousand, that are left — against the five and twenty thousand, 16, 16, 16, 16,30, 32, 33, 34. four thousand and five hundred, — (np uVi ri'ns) the south side four thousand and five)(hundred, 20 .five and twenty thousand by five and twenty thousand: 21, 21. against the five and twenty thousand : 12. three hundred andfive and thirty days. : 2. So I bought her to me for fifteen (pieces) of silver, (lit.forfive ten) &%hghdhr-mesk, m. 3en47: 26. Pharaoh should have thefifth part; E'pn ghoh'-mesh, m. !Sa. 2:23. smote him under (Ae fifth (rib), 3:27. smote him there under thefifth (rib), Gen 6: 7:8:9 18: Ex. 1826 2Sa. 4: 6. and they smote him under (Ae fifth (rib): 20: 10. smote him therewith in thefifth (rib), D^'pPi ghamish-sheem' , num. adj. pi. 15. the breadth of it fifty cubits, 24. an hundred and fifty days. : 3. end of the hundred and fifty days :28. three hundred andfifty years. 29. of Noah were nine hundred andfifty : 24. Peradventure there be fifty righteous — spare the place for the fifty righteous 26. If I find in Sodom fifty righteous 28. there shall lack five of the fifty 21. rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: 25. rulers of hundreds, rulers of 'fifties, : 5. Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, andfifty loops 6. thou shalt make fifty taches 10. thou shalt make//(y loops ¦ — andfifty loops in the edge 11. thou shalt make fifty taches 27:12. hangings of fifty cubits: 13. side eastward (shall be) fifty cubits. 18. the breadth fifty every where, (marg. fifty bv fifty) 30:23, 23. two hundred and//(y 36:12. Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty loops made he 13. he made fifty taches of gold, 17. he made fifty loops upon the — andfifty loops made he upon the edge 18. he made fifty taches (of) brass 38: 12. hangings of 'fifty cubits, 13. east side eastward fifty cubits. 26. five hundred andfifty Lev.23: 16. shall ye number fifty days; 25: 10. ye shall hallow the//(ie(A year, 11. A jubile shall that fiftieth year be 27: 3. estimation shall he fifty shekels 16. at fifty shekels of silver. Nu. 1 : 23. fifty and ni ne thousand and three hundred. (lit. nine andfifty) 25. forty and five thousand sixhundred and//(y. 29. fifty and four thousand and four hundred. (lit. 1 bur and fifty) 31 . fifty and seven thousand and four hundred. (lit. seven andfifty) 43. fifty and three thousand and four hundred. (lit. three andfifty) 46. six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty. 2 : 6. fifty and four thousand and four hundred. (lit. i bur and fifty ) 8. fifty and seven thousand and four hundred. (lit. seven andfifty) 13. fifty and nine thousand (lit. nine andfifty) and three hundred. 15. forty and five thousand and six hundred andfifty. 16. an hundred thousand and fifty and one thousand and four hundred andfifty, 30. fifty and three thousand and four hundred. (lit. three andfifty) 31. an hundred thousand and fifty and seven thousand and six hundred. 32. six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred andfifty.' 4: 3. even until fifty years old, 23. until fifty years old 30, 35, 39, 43, 47. even unto//(y years old 36. seven hundred andfifty. 8:25. from the age of fifty years 16: 2. two hundred and fifty princes 17. two hundred andfifty censers ; 35 & 26: 10. two hundred andfifty men 26:34.//(y and two thousand and seven hundred. (lit. two andfifty) 47. fifty and three thousand and four hundred. ( lit. three andfifty) 31 : 30. take one portion of fifty, 47. Moses took one portion of fifty, 52. sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels. Deu 1 : 15. captains over fifties, 22:29. give unto the damsel's father fifty wan ( 444) in Jos ISa 7 6 8 2Sa.l5 24 IK. 1 7 9 10 18: 2K. 1 21 ICh 5 9 12 2Ch 12 26: S3 Ezr. 2 Neh 5 6 7 Est, 57 Isa. 3 Eze.40 42 21. a wedge of gold of fifty shekels 19. smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten 12. captains over fifties ; Land fifty men to run before him. 24. the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. b.and fifty men to run before him. 2. and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, 6. the length thereof (was) fifty cubits, 23. five hundred and fifty, 29. an horse for an hundred and fifty: (lit. for fifty and a hundred) 4. hid them by fifty in a cave, 13. by fifty in a cave, (lit. fifty fifty) 19. of Baal four hundred andfifty, 22. Baal's prophets (are) four hundred and fifty 9. sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up 10. said to the captain of fifty, — consume thee and thy fifty. — ¦ consumed him and his fifty. 11. sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. 12. consume thee and thy fifty. — consumed him and his fifty. 13. sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty — the life of these fifty thy servants, 14. two captains of the former fifties with (Aeir fifties : 7. And fifty men of the sons of the prophets 16. there be with thy servants fifty strong 17. They sent therefore fifty men ; 7. people to Jehoahaz hut fifty horsemen, 2. he reigned two andfifty years 20. of each man fifty shekels of silver, 23. In the fiftieth year of Azariah 25. with him fifty men of the Gileadites: 27. In the two and fiftieth year 1 . and reigned fifty and five years 21. of their cameisfifty thousand, — two hundred andfifty thousand, 40. an hundred andfifty. 9. nine hundred and fifty and six. 33. instruments of war, fifty thousand, 17. and an horse for an hundred andfifty: 17(16). an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred. 9. of the nails (was) fifty shekels of gold. 10. two hundred andfifty, 18. four hundred andfifty talents 3. reigned fifty and two years (lit. two and fifty) Land he reigned fifty and five years in 7. a thousand two hundred fifty and four. 14. two thousand fifty and six. 15. Adin, four hundred//?^ and four. 22. The men of Netophah, fifty and six. 29. The children of Nebo, fifty and two. 30. Magbish, an hundred fifty and six. 31. a thousand two hundred fifty and four. 37. Immer, a thousand fifty and two. 60. Nekoda, six hundred fifty and two. 3. the males an hundred andfifty. 6. Jonathan, and with him fifty males. 26. six hundred andfifty talents :17.an hundred andfifty of the Jews 15. in fifty and two days. 10. Arah, six hundred fifty and two. 12. a thousand two hundred fifty and four. 20. The children of Adin, six hundred fifty and five. 33. Nebo, fifty and two. 34. a thousand two hundred fifty and four. 40. Immer, a thousand fifty and two. 70. fifty basons, five hundred and thirty : 1 4. gallows be made of fifty cubits high, 9. the gallows fifty cubits high, : 3. The captain of fifty, and the honourable : 15. the inner gate (were) fifty cubits. 21. the length thereof (was) fifty cubits, 25. the length (w as) fifty cubits, 29, 33.fifty cubits long, 36. the length (was) fifty cubits, 2. the breadth (was) fifty cubits. 7. the length thereof (was)/C(M rwbjts. Eze.42: 8. in the utter court (was) fifty cubits:, 45: 2. and fifty cubits round 48:17. the north two hundred and fifty, and to- ward the south two hundred and Jiftii and toward the east two hundred and fifty, and toward the west two hundred and fifty. Hag. 2: 16. fifty (vessels) out of the press, D^pn ghamoo-sheem' , adj. pi, Ex. 13: 18. and the children of Israel went up liar- nessed (marg. or, by five in a rank) Jos. 1:14. pass before your brethren armed, (marg. marshalled by five) 4: 12. Manasseh, passed over armed Jud. 7:11. (Ae armed men that (were) in the host. (marg. ranks by five) HDIl gheh'-meth, m. Gen21 : 14. took bread, and a bottle of water, 15. the water was spent in (Ae bottle, 19. filled (Ae bottle with water, Hab 2 : 15. that puttest thy bottle to (him), jn ghehn, m. Gen 6 18 19 30323J 34 39 47 Ex. 3 1112 33 34 Nu. 11 32 Deu 24 Jud. 6 Ru. 2 ISa. 1 16 2025 27 2Sa.l4 15 16 IK. 11 Est. 2 5 7 8 Ps. 4584 Pro. 3 8. But Noah found grace 3. if now I have found favour 19. Behold now, thy servant hath found gract 27. if I have found favour in thine eyes, 5(6). that I may find grace in thy sight. 8. to find grace in the sight of my lord. 10. if now I have found grace 15. let me find grace 1 1 . Let me find grace in your eyes, 4. Joseph found grace in his sight, 21. gave him favour in the sight 25. let us find grace in the sight 29 & 50: 4. If now I have found grace 21.1 will give this people favour 3. the Lord gave the people/auowr 36. the Lord gave the people favour 12. thou hast also found grace 13. if I have found grace in thy sight, — I may find grace in thy sight: 16. have found grace in thy sight? 17. thou hast found grace in my sight, 9. If now I have found grace in thy sight, 11, 15.found/ayowr in thy sight, 5. if we have found grace 1 . she find no favour in his eyes, 17. If now I have found grace in thy sight, 2. in whose sight I shall find grace. 10. Why have 1 found grace in thine eyes, 13. Let me find favour in thy sight, 18. handmaid find grace in thy sight. 22. he hath found favour in my sight. 3. 1 have found prace in thine eyes; 29. if I have found favour in thine eyes, 8. let the young men find favour 5. If I have now found grace 22. knoweth that I have found grace 25. if I shall find favour 4. 1 may find grace in thy sight, 19. Hadad found great favour 15. Esther obtained favour in the sight of 17. she obtained grace and favour 2. she obtained favour in his sight: 8. If I have found favour in the sight 3. If I have found favour in thy sight, 5. if I have found favour in his sight, 2(3). grace is poured into thy lips: :ll(12).the Lord will give grace and glory: : 9. (be) an ornament of grace unto thy head 4. So shalt thou find favour 22. and prace to thy neck. 34. but he giveth grace unto the lowly. : 9. to thine head an ornament of grace: : 19. the loving hind and pleasant roe ; (lit. "* offavour) :16. A gracious woman retaineth honour: (.m- m Pro. 1 3 : 15 . Good understanding giveth favour : 17: 8. A gift (is as) a precious stone (marg. stone of grace) 22: 1. loving favour rather than silver 11. (Ae grace of his lips 28: 23. shall find more favour than 31 :30. Favour (is) deceitful, and beauty (is) Ecc. 9:11. nor yet favour to men of skill ; 10:12. of a wise man's mouth (are) gracious, (marg. grace) ler. 31 : 2. the sword found grace in the wilderness ; Nah 3: 4. the whoredoms of the well/ayoured harlot, (lit. of good favour) Zee. 4: 7. (crying), Grace, grace unto it. 12:10. the spirit of grace and of supplications: njn ghah-nah' '. Nu. 1: 2: ISa. 4 13: 26: [sa. 29 52 34 1 16 5 1 3 Zee. 9: 8, >fu. 1 10 Oeu 1 had. 19 51 31. :33. 9 fu. 31 !Sa. 12 ler. 50 :19 28. 29. 3en26: 33: !x. 13:14:15:17 19 fu. I os. 4: 5: 10:11 7, 10, 19.1011. 5. 3134. 5 * KAL.— Preterite. * And the children of Israel shall pitch so they pitched by their standards, the Philistines pitched in Aphek. the Philistines encamped in Michmash. the place where Saul had pitched: the city (where) David dwelt 1 And Iwill camp against thee roundabout, And Iwill encamp about mine house KAL — Infinitive. and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, how we are to encamp a place to pitch your tents the day groweth to an end, (marg. (it is) (Ae pitching (time) of the day)' KAL Imperative. do ye abide without the camp and encamp against the city, camp against it round about ; KAL Future. and pitched his tent in the valley and pitched his tent before the city. and encamped in Etham, turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, shall ye encamp by the sea. and they encamped there by the waters. and pitched in Rephidim: and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the mount. shall minister unto it, and shall encamp But the Levites shall pitch round Israel shall pitch by his own standard, of the congregation shall they pitch. as they encamp, the Gershonites shall pitch behind Kohath shall pitch on the side shall pitch on the side of the Israel pitched their tents. commandment of the Lord they pitched : they rested in their tents. they abode in their tents, the children of Israel abode in their tents, they rested in the tents, and pitched in the wilderness of and pitched in Oboth. and pitched at Ije-abarim, and pitched in the valley of Zared. and pitched on the other side and pitched in the plains of Moab and pitched in Succoth. 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29,31,33,36,37,41,42,43,44,45,47,48.and pitched 9, 49. and they pitched " 1, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 46. and encamped and encamped in Gilgal, And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and pitched on the north side and encamped before Gibeon, and encamped against it, and they encamped against it, came and pitched together '( 445 ) ajn Jud. 6: 4. And they encamped against them, 33. and pitched in the valley 7 : I . and pitched beside the well 9:50. and encamped against Thebez, 10: 17. and encamped in Gilead. — and encamped in Mizpeh. 11 : 18. and pitched on the other side 20. and pitched in Jahaz, 15 : 9. and pitched in Judah, 18: 12. and pitched in Kirjath-jearim, 20:19. and encamped against Gibeah. ISa. 4: 1. and pitched beside Eben-ezer: 11: 1 . and encamped agai nst Jabesh-gilead : 13: 5. came up, and pitched in Michmash, 17: I. and pitched between Shochoh and 2. and pitched by the valley of Elah, 26: 3. And Saul pitched in the hill 28: 4. came and pitched in Shunem: — and they pitched in Gilboa. 2Sa. 17:26. So Israel and Absalom pitched ¦ 24: b.ajid pitched in Aroer, IK. 20:27. and the children of Israel pitched before 29. And they pitched one over against the 2K. 25: 1. and pitched against it; ICh 19: 7. came and pitched before Medeba. 2Ch32: Land encamped against the fenced cities, Ezr. 8: 15. and there abode we in tents (marg. or, pitched) Neh 1 1 -.30. And they dwelt from Beer-sheba Job 19: 12. and encamp round about Ps. 27: 3. Though an host should encamp Jer. 52: 4. and pitched against it, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ex. 14: 9. overtook them encamping by the sea, 18: 5. where he encamped at the mount Nu. 2: 3. And. ..shall they of the standard... pitch 5. And those that do pitch next 12. And those which pitch 27. And those that encamp by him 3:38. But those that ejicamp before 10: 5. the camps (Aa( lie on the east 6. the camps (Aa( lie on the south ISa. 26: 5. the people pitched round about 29: l.the Israelites pitched by a fountain 2Sa.ll:U.are encamped in the open fields; 23: 13. the Philistines pitched in the valley IK. 16:15. the people (were) encamped 16. the people (that were) encamped 1 Ch 11 : 1 5. the Philistines encamped i n the valley Ps. 34: 7(8L The angel of the'Lord ejicampeth round 53: 5(6). bones of him that encampeth (against) (Aee .- Nah 3:17. which camp in the hedges p-jn ghan-noon1 \ adj. Ex. 22:27(26). I will hear ; for I (am) gracious. 34: 6. The Lord God, merciful and gracious, 2Ch30: 9. the Lord your God (is) gracious Neh 9: 17. a God ready to pardon, gracious and merci ful, 3I.thou (art) a gracious and merciful God. Ps. 86:15. a God full of compassion, and gracious, 103: 8. The Lord (is) merciful and gracious, 111: 4 & 1 1 2 : 4. gracious and full of compassion. 116: 5. Gracious (is) the Lord, 145: 8. The Lord (is) gracious, Joel 2: 13. for he (is) gracious and merciful, Jon. 4: 2.1 knew that thou (art) a gracious God, n^n \jrhah-noothf\ f. Jer. 37:16. and into (Ae cabins, (marg.or, cells) Wn [gkah-natf]. ¦» KAL.— Preterite. # Cant 2:13. The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, KXL.— Infinitive. Gen50: 2. the physicians to embalm his father: ton ( 446 ) KAL. — Future. Gen50: 2. and the physicians embalmed Israel. 26. and they embalmed him, KAL. —Participle. Paul. Gen50: 3. the days of those which are embalmed: pn I*tp3n ghin-teen', Ch. m. pi. Ezr. 6: 9. offerings of the Godof heaven, wheat, salt. 7: 22. and to an hundred measures of wheat, IpO \ghah-neechf~\y adj. Genl4:14. he armed Ais trained (servants), (marg. or, instructed) nyjn ghdnee-nahf \ f. Jer. 16: 13. where I will not shew you favour. n^n ghaneeth, f. lSal3 17 2Sa 2K.11 IChll 12 20 2Ch23 Job 39; 41 Ps. 3546 57 Isa. 2 Mic 4 Nah 3 Hab 3 19. make (them) swords or spears : 22. there was neither sword nor spear 7 . the staff of Ais spear — Ais spear's head (weighed) 45. with a sword, ajtd with a spear, 47. saveth not with sword and spear : 10. and (there was) a javelin in Saul's hand. 1 1 . Saul cast the javelin ; 9. with his javelin in his hand: 10. even to the wall with the javelin; — smote the javelin into the wall : 33. Saul cast a javelin at him 8(9). under thine hand spear or sword? 6.haj)ing his spear in his hand, 7. and his spear stuck in the ground 8. with the spear even to the earth 11. take thou now (Ae spear that (is) at 12. So David took (Ae spear 16. now see where the king's spear (is), 22. Behold the king's spear I 6. Saul leaned upon Ais spear; 23. with the hinder end of the spear — (Ae spear came out behind him ; 19.ioAose spear (was) like a weaver's beam. 7. the staff of a spear; 18. he lifted up Ais spear against 21 . the Egyptian had a spear in his hand ; — plucked. (Ae spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear. 10. give king David's spears and shields, 1 1. he lifted up Ais spear against 20. for lifting up Ais spear against 23. in the Egyptian's hand (was) a spear — plucked (Ae spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear. 34. with shield and spear 5. whose spear staff (was) like ; 9. to the captains of hundreds spears, 23. the glittering spear and the shield. 26(18). (Ae spear, the dart, : 3. Draw out also (Ae spear, \ 9(10). cutteth (Ae spear in sunder ; ; 4(5). whose teeth (are) spears and arrows, ; 4. and (Aeir spears into pruninghooks: 3. and (Aeir spears into pruninghooks: : 3. bright sword and (Ae glittering spear : sll.at the shining ofthy glittering spear. ^30 ^ghah-nach']. #KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 20 : 5 . Aa(A not dedicated it ? KAL. — Imperative. Pro.22; 6. Train up a child in the way he should go: (marg.or, Catechise) KAL Future. Deu 20: 5. and another man dedicate it. IK. 8:63. So the king and all the children of Israel dedicated 2Ch 7: 5. so the king and all the people dedicated the house n33r| gkanook-kah* ', f. Nu. 7: 10. the princes offered for dedicating 11. for the dedicating o/the altar. 84, 88. This (was) (Ae dedication o/the altar 2Ch 7: 9. they kept (Ae dedication of the altar Nehl2:27. And at the dedication of the wall — ¦ to keep (Ae dedication with gladness, Ps. 30[title](l). Son£ (at) (Ae dedication of the house of David. n|3n ^ghanook-kaW], Ch. f. Ezr. 6:16. kept (Ae dedication o/this house 17. And offered at the dedication of Dan. 3 : 2. come to the dedication of the image 3. were gathered together unto the dedication »f ki*i>k 'Mr-. Gen29 Ex. 21 Nu.ll ISa 19 25 2Sa24 IK. 2 lCh21 Job 1 29 22 Ps. 35 69 109119 Pro. 1 3 2324 26 Isa. 52 Jer. 22 Lam. 3: Eze. 6 14 Mai. 1 D3n ghin-nahm' ', adv. 15. thou therefore serve me/or.noKoAt? . ; 2. he shall go out free for. nothing. 11. then shall she go out/ree ; 5. which we did eat in Egypt freely; : 5. to slay David without a cause? t, :31. either that thou hast shed blood causeless,s : 24. of (Aa( which doth cost me nothing, i' 31. take away the innocent blood, 7 : 24. nor offer burnt offerings without cost, i" : 9. Doth J ob fear God for nought? : 3. to destroy him without cause. :17.multiplieth my wounds without cause. : 6 . a pledge from thy brother for nought, : 7. For without cause have they hid for me — without cause they have digged 19. the eye that hate me without a cause. ; 4(5). They that hate me without a cause : 3. fought against me without a cause. : 161. Princes have persecuted me without o cause : : 1 1 . privily for the innocent without cause : 17. Surely in vain the net is spread i :30. Strive not with a man without cause, .29. who hath wounds without cause ? : 28. witness against thy neighbour without cause ; : 2. so the curse causeless shall not come. : 3. Ye have sold yourselves for nought; 5. my people is taken away for nought ? 13.useth his neighbour's service without wages, $ 52. like a bird, without cause. 10. 1 have not said in vain 23. that I have not done without cause lO.kindle (fire) on mine altar for nought. "?p-in ghanah-mahl' , m. Ps. 78: 47. their sycomore trees with frost, (marg.or, great hailstones) pn ghah-nan'. * KAL Preterite. * Gen33: 5. which God Aa(A graciously given 1 1 . God Aa(A dealt graciously with me, Ex. 33: 19. and will be gracious to whom 2Sa.l2:22. God will be gracious to me, Lam. 4: 16. they favoured not the elders. pn ( 447 ) ion KAL Infinitive. Job 19:17. though I intreated for the children's (sake) Ps. 77: 9(10). Hath God forgotten to be gracious? 102:13(14). for the time to favour her, Isa. 30: 18. that he may be gracious unto you, 19. he will be rcry gracious unto thee (lit. being gracious he will be gracious) KAL. — Imperative. Jud.21:22. Be favourable unto them for our sokes: (marg. or, Gratify us in them) Job 19:21. Hare pity upon me, have pity upon me, Ps. 4: H2)&6;2(.3)&9:13(.14)X:25:16.Aacemem( upon me, (marg. or, Ae gracious unto me) 25:16. and have mercy upon me; 26:11. redeem me, and be merciful unto me. 27: 7. Aare mercy also upon me, 30: 10(11). and hare mercy upon me: 31: 9(10). Have mercy upon me, 41: 4(5), 10(11). Lord, 6e merciful unto me; 51: 1(3). .Haw mercy upon me, O God, 56: 1(2)&57:H2), 1(2) & S6:S.-Be»ierci/uJim(o me, 86:16.0 turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; 119: 29. grant me thy law graciously. 58.be merciful unto me according to 132. and Ae merciful unto me, 123: 3. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon as: Isa. 33: 2. 0 Lord, Ae gracious unto us; KAL. — Future. Gen43:29. God Ae gracious unto thee, Ex. 33: 19. gracious to whom Iwill be gracious, Nu. 6: 25. and Ae gracious un(o (Aee: Deu 7: 2. thou shalt make no covenant.. .nor shew mercy unto them : 28:50.shall not regard.. .nor shew favour 2K. 13: 23. And the Lord was gracious unto them, Job 33:24. THien he is gracious unto Aim, Ps. 59: 5(6). 6e not merciful to any wicked 67: 1(21. God Ae merciful unto us, 123: 2. until (Aa( Ae AatSe mercy upon us. Isa. 27 : 1 1 . wi/7 sAeio (Aem no favour. 30:19. Ae tot'if Ae very gracious unto thee Am. 5: 15. the Lord God of hosts irifl Ae gracious unto the remnant Mai. 1: 9.heseech God that he icill be gracious unto us: KAL.— Participle. Poel. Ps. 37:21. the righteous sheweth mercy, 26. (He is) ever merciful, 109:12. neither let there be am/ to favour 112: 5. A good man sheweth favour. Pro. 14:31 . honoureth him Aa(A mercy on the poor. 19:17. He (Aa( Aa(A pity upon the poor 2S: 8./or him that ivill pity the poor. * NIPHAL Preterite. # Jer. 22 : 23. how gracious shalt thou be # PIEL Future. * 2Sa. 1 2 : 22. ( a'ro 1 God will be gracious to me, Pro.26:25. When Ae speaketh fair, (marg. maketh his voice gracious) « # POEL.— Future.* Ps.l02:14(15)./aeour tlie dust thereof. POEL Participle. Pro.l4:21.6n( he that hath mercy on thepoor, * HOPHAL Preterite. * Pro.21:10.his neighbour findeth no favour Isa. 26:10.Le(/ai>otir Ae shewed to the wicked, * HITHPAEL Preterite. * IK. 8:33, 47. and make supplication unto thee 59. wherewith / Aare made supplication 9: 3. supplication, tliat (Aou host made 2Ch 6: 24. pray and make supplication 37. turn and pray unto thee HITHPAEL Infinitive. Gen42:21.tcAe» Ae besought us, Est. 4: 8. to make supplication unto him, HITHPAEL Future. Deu 3:23. And I besought the Lord 2K. 1 : IS. and besought him, Est. 8: 3. and besought him with tears Job 8: 5. and make thy supplication 9:1b. I would make supplication to my judge. 19: 16. 1 intreated him with my mouth. Ps. 30: 8(9). unto the Lord I made supplication. 142: 1(2). unto the Lord did I make my supplica tion. Hos.l 2 : 4(5). wept, and made supplication unto him : J3H [gMmihii], Ch. * P'AL.— Infinitive. * Dan 4:27(24). Ay shewing mercy to the poor ; # ITHPAEL Participle. * Dan 6:11(12). praying and making supplication S|3n [g/iah-)iehph'~\. *KAL Preterite.* Isa. 24: 5. The earth also is defiled Jer. 23 : 1 1 . both prophet and priest are profane; KAL. — Infinitive. Jer. 3: 1. shall not that land be greadu polluted? (lit in polluting be polluted) KAL. — Future. Ps. 106:38. and the land ioas polluted Jer. 3 : 1 . sAaii not that land Ae greatly polluted ? 9. (Aa( sAe defiled the land, Mic. 4 -.11. that say, Let her be defiled, * HIPHIL Future. * Nu. 35:33. So ye shall not pollute the land — for blood it defileth the land: Jer. S : 2. and thou hast polluted tlie land Dan 11:32. covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: (marg. or, cause to dissemlile) t|3n ghah-nehph' , adj . Job 8:13. (Ae hypocrite's hope shall perish: 13: 16. for an hypocnle shall not come 15 -.34. the congregation of hypocrites 17: 8. shall stir up himself against (Ae hypocrite. 20: 5. thejoyof(AeAypocri(e(but)foramoment? 27: 8. what (is) the hope of (Ae hypocrite, 34 :30. That (Ae hypocrite reign not, lest the people (lit. hypocritical man) 36:13. Bui (Ae hypocrites in heart Ps. 35:16. TTt(A hypocritical mockers Pro.ll: 9.. in hypocrite with (his) mouth destroyeth Isa, 9:17(16). for every one (is) an hypocrite and an evildoer, 10: 6.1 W'ill send him against an hypocritical nation, 33:14. fearfulness hath surprised (Ae hypocrites. S|!in ghoh'-neph, m. Isa. 32: 6. work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, nS3ll ghanoo-phah1 ', f. Jer. 23:15. from the prophets of Jerusalem is pro- faneness (marg. or, hypocrisy) jMPI [£hah-nakr\. * NIPHAL Future. * 2Sa. 1 7 : 23. and hanged himself, and died, * PIEL.— Participle. * Nah 2:12(13). and strangled for his lionesses, npn \jghah-sad!]. *PIEL Future. * Pro.25:10.he that heareth (it) put thee to shame, -ion ( 448 ) ivn * HITHPAEL.— Future. * 2Sa.22:26.With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, Ps. 18:25(26). With the merciful thou wilt shew thy self merciful ; Genl9: 2021 24 32 394047 Ex. 15:2034 Lev.20;Nu. 14 Deu 5 7 Jos. 2 Jud. 1 8 Ru. 1 ISa. 15 20 2Sa. 2 3 7 9 10 15 16 22 IK. 2 3 8 20 ICh 16 1719 2Ch 1 56 7 2432.35 Ezr. 3 7 9 Neh I 13 npD gheh'-sed) m. 1 9. thou hast magnified thy mercy, 13. This (is) thy kindness which thou 23. according to the kindness that I have 1 2. shew kindness unto my master 14. 1 know that thou hast shewed kindness 27. destitute my master of Ais mercy 49. if ye will deal kindly (lit. do kindness to) 10(11). the least of all (Ae jnercies, 2 Land shewed him mercy, (marg. kindness) 14. well with thee, and shew kindness, 29. deal kindly and truly (lit. do kindness to) 13. Thou in thy mercy hast led forth 6. shewing mercy unto thousands 6. abundant in goodness and truth, 7. Keeping mercy for thousands, 17.it (is) a wicked thing; 18.1ongsuffering, and of great mercy, 19. according unto the greatness ofthy mercy, 10. shewing mercy unto thousands 9. keepeth covenant ajid mercy 12. the covenant and (Ae mercy : 12. since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness 14. that we will deal kindly and truly with thee. (lit. do kindness to) :24.we will shew thee mercy. : 35. Neither shewed they kindness : 8. the Lord deal kindly with you, (lit. do kindness to) : 20. who hath not left off Ais kindness : 10. thou hast shewed more kindness (lit. thou hast bettered thy kindness ) 6. for ye shewed kindness to all 8. thou shalt deal kindly (lit. do kindness to) 14. shew me (Ae kindness o/the Lord, 15. thou shalt not cut off (Ay kindness 5. that ye have shewed (Ais kindness 6. the Lord shew kindness 8. Judah do shew kindness this day 15. But my mercy shall not depart l.that I may shew him kindness 3. shew (Ae kindness o/God unto him? 7. for I will surely shew thee kindness 2.1 will shew kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father shewed kindness 20. mercy and truth (be) with thee. 17. (Is) this thy kindness to thy friend? 51. sheweth mercy to his anointed, 7. But shew kindness unto the sons of 6. David my father great mercy, (marg. or, bounty) — hast kept for him this great kindjiess, 23. who keepest covenant and mercy 31. house oflsrael (are) merciful kings: (lit. of mercy ) 34. for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever. 41. because Ais mercy (endureth) 13. and I will not take my mercy 2. 1 will shew kindness unto Hanun — because his father shewed kindness 8. hast shewed great mercy unto David 13. for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever: 14. and (shewest) mercy unto thy servants, 42. remember (Ae mercies of David 3,6& 20:21. Ais mercy (endureth) forever. 22. the king remembered not (Ae kindness 32. acts of Hezekiah, and his goodness, (marg. kindjiesses) 26. the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, (marg. kindnesses ) 11. his mercy (endureth) for ever : 28. hath extended mercy unto me 9. hath extended mercy unto us 5. that keepeth covenant and mercy 1 7 . of great kindness, 32. who keepest covenant and mercy, 14. wipe not out jny good deeds (marg. Aind- nesses) Neh 1 3 Est. 2 Job 6 10 37 Ps. 5 6 13 17 18 212325 32: 33: 36 40:42444851 52 57:b-J 8! » 90929498 100 101 103 106 107 108 109 115117 118 : 22. me according to the greatness of thymer® : 9. she obtained kindness 17. she obtained grace and favour (mm or, kindness) :14. To him that is afflicted pity : 12. hast granted me life andfavoury 13. for his land, or for mercy. 7(8). house in the multitude of thy mercy- 4(5Loh save me for thy mercies' sake. 5(6). But I have trusted in thy mercy; 7. Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, 50(51 ). sheweth mercy to his anointed, 7 (8). and through the mercy o/the most High 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow 6. mercies and thy lovingkindnesses ; 7 . according to thy mercy 10. paths of the Lord (are) mercy and truth 3. thy lovingkhidness (is) before mine eyes: 7(8). I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: 16(17). save me for thy mercies' sake. 21 (22). Ais marvellous kindness in a strong 10. mercy shall compass him about. 5. earth is full of (Ae goodness of the Lord. (marg. or, mercy) 18. them that hope ih his mercy; 22. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, 5(6). Thy mej-cy, O Lord, (is) in the 7(8). How excellent (is) thy lovinghindnm, 1 0( 1 1 ). O continue thy lovingkhidness 10(11 ). have not concealed thy lovinghindnm 11(12). let thy lovingkindness 8(9). will command Ais lovingkindness , 26(27). redeem us for thy mercies' sake. 9( 10). have thought of thy lovingkindness^ 1 ( 3) . O God, according to thy lovingkindness: 1(3). the goodness of God (endureth) 8( 10). I trust in the mercy of God 3(4) . God shall send forth Ais mercy 10( 11). For thy jnercy (is) great 10(11). The God of my mercy shall 16(17). I will sing aloud of thy mercy 17(18). the God of my mercy. 7(8). O prepare mercy and truth, 12(13). thee, O Lord, (belongeth) mercy; 3(4). (Ay lovingkindjiess (is) better 20. nor his mercy from me. 13(14). in the multitude of thy mercy 16( 17) . for (Ay lovingkindness (is) good: 8(9). Is Ais mercy clean gone for ever? . 7(8). Shew us (Ay mercy, O Lord, 10(11 ). Mercy and truth are met together; 5. plenteous in mercy unto all them 13. For great (is) (Ay mercy toward me: 15. plenteous in mercy and truth. 11( 12). Shall (Ay lovingkindness be declared 1(2). I will sing of (Ae jnej-cies of the Lord 2(3). Mercy shall be built up for ever: 14(l5). mercy and truth shall go before 24(25). my faithfulness and my mercy 28(29). My mercy will I keep for him 33(34). Nevej-thetess my lovingkindness 49(50). (Ay former lovingkindnesses, 14. O satisfy us early with (Ay mercy; 2(3). To shew forth (Ay lovingkindness 18. (Ay mercy, O Lord, held me up. 3. He hath remembered Ais mercy 5. Ais jnercy (is) everlasting; 1.1 will sing of mercy and judgment: 4. who crowneth thee with lovingkmdness 8. slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 1 1. great is Ais mercy toward them 17 .But the mercy of the Lord 1 . for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever. 7. the multitude of (Ay mercies; 45. the multitude of his mercies. l.for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever. 8, 15, 21, 31. praise the Lord (for) his good, ness, 43. the lovingkindness o/the Lord. 4(5). (Ay mercy (is) great above the heavens : ; 12. Let there be none to extend mercy 16. he remembered not to shew jnercy, 21 . because (Ay mercy (is) good, 26. O save me according to thy mercy: '¦ l.for (Ay mercy, (and) for thy truth's : 2. For Ais merciful kindness is great : 1 , 2, 3, 4, 29. Ais mercy (endureth) for even "Ton ( 449 ) "DTI Ps.lI9:4LLet (Ay mercies come also unto me, 64. The earth, O Lord, is full of (Ay mercy.' . 76. (Ay merciful kindness be for 88. Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; 124. thy servant according unto thy mercy, 149. according unto thy lovingkindness : 159. according to thy lovingkindness. 130: 7. with the Lord (there is) mercy, 136: 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, "21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever. 138: 2. for thy lovingkindness 8. (Ay jnercy, 0 Lord, (endureth) for ever: 141: 5. smite me; (it shall be) akindness: 143: 8. Cause me to hear (Ay lovingkindness 12. And ofthy mercy cut off mine enemies, 144: 2. My goodness, and my fortress ; 145: 8. slow to anger, and of great mercy. 147:11. in those that hope in his mercy. Pro. 3: 3. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: 11 : 17. The merciful man (lit. of mercy) 14:22. but mercy and truth (shall be) to them 34.&w( sin (is) a j'eproach to any people. 16: 6. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: 19:22. The desire of a man (is) Ais kindness: 20: 6. proclaim every one Ais own goodness: (marg. or, bounty) 28. Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy. 21:21. and mercy findeth life, 31:26. in her tongue (is) the law of kindness. Isa. 16: b.hi mercy shall the throne be established: 40: 6. all the goodliness thereof (is) as 54: 8. but with everlasting kindness 10. but my kindness shalj not depart 55: 3. (Ae sure mercies o/David. 57: 1. merciful men (are) taken (marg. men of kindness, or, godliness) 63: 7.(Ae lovingkindnesses of the I/ord, — multitude of Ais lovingkindnesses. Jer. 2: 2.(Ae Aindness o/thy youth, 9:24(23). Lord which exercise lovingkindness, 16: b.lovhigkindness and mercies. 31 : 3. with lovingkindness have I drawn 32: 18. Thou shewest lovingkindness 33: 11. for Ais mercy (endureth) for ever: Lam. 3:22. (It is of) the Lord's mercies 32. the multitude of Ais mercies. Dan 1 : 9. God had brought Daniel into favour 9: 4. keeping the covenant and mercy Hos. 2; 19(21 ). and in lovingkindness, 4: 1. because (there is) no truth, nor mercy, 6: A., for your goodness (is) as a morning (marg. or, mercy, or, Amdness) 6. For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; 10:12. reap in mercy; break up your fallow 12: 6(7). keep mercy and judgment, Joel 2: 13. slow to anger, and of great kindness, Jon. 2: 8(9). forsake (Aeir own mercy. 4: 2. slow to anger, and of great kindness, Mic. 6: 8. to do justly, and to love mercy, 7:18. because he delighteth (in) mercy. 20. (Ae mercy to Abraham, Zee. 7: 9. and shew mercy and compassions npn ghah-sah1 '. Deu 32 Ps. 7 11: 16 25;31 37; 57: 64: 71: 141:144; Zep. 3: Ru. 2 Ps.118; Isa. 30 * KAL.— Preterite. # 37. rock in whom (Aey trusted, 1(2). in thee do I ptit my trust : 1. In the Lord put I my trust : how say ye l.for in thee do I put my trust. 20. for I put my trust in thee. 1(2). In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; 40. save them, because (Aey trust in him. 1(2). my soul (rws(e(Ain thee: 10(11). and shall trust in him ; l.In thee* O Lord, do I put my tj-ust: 8. in thee is my trust; 2. ray shield, and (he) in whom I trust; 12. and they shall trust in the name KAL. — Infinitive. 12. under whose wings thou art come totrust 8, 9. betted to trust in the Lord ; 2. and to trust in the shadow of Egypt I KAL. — Imperative. Jud. 9: 15. come (and) put your tj-ust in my shadow: KAL. — Futwe. 2Sa 22: 3. my rock; in him will I trust : Ps. 18: 2(3). my strength, in whom I will trust ; 34: 8(9). blessed (is) the man (that) trusteth 36: 7(8). the children of men put their trust 57: 1(2). thy wings will I make my refuge, 61 : 4(5). Iwill trust in the covert of thy wings. (marg.or, make my refuge) 91 : 4. under his wings shalt thou trust : Isa. 14:32. the poor of his people shall trust (marg, betake themselves) KAL. — Participle. Poel. 2Sa 22: 31. a buckler to all (Aem (Aa( trust Ps. 2:12. Blessed (are) all (Aey that put their trust 5:11(12). But let all those that put their trust 17: 7. (Aem which put their trust 18:30(31).buckler to all (Aose that trust 31 :19(20)./or (Aem that trust in thee 34:22(23). none of them that trust in him Pro.l4:32.6«( the righteous Aa(A hope 30: 5. shield unto them that put their trust Isa. 57 : 13. but he that putteth his tj-ust Nah 1 : 7. he knoweth (Aem (Aa( trust in him. ttlDn gkah-sooth', f. Isa. 30: 3. and (Ae trust in the shadow ^PO ghah-seed' , adj. Deu 33: ISa 2: 2Sa22; 2Ch 6: Ps. 4: 12; 16: 18; 3031 3237 43 5052 7985 86; 89"97 116132 145 148 149 Pro. 2 Jer. 3 Mic. 7 8. thy Urim (be) with (Ay holy one, 9. He will keep the feet of Ais saints, 26. With (Ae merciful thou wilt 41. and let (Ay saints rejoice 3(4). hath set apart Aim (Aa( is godly 1(2). for (Ae godly man ceaseth ; 10. suffer (Aine Holy One to see 25(26). With (Ae merciful thou wilt 4(5). Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints ofhis, 23(24). O love the Lord, all ye his saints : 6. For this shall every one (Aa( is godly 28. and forsaketh not Ais saints ; : Lan ungodly nation: (lit. not godly) (marg. or, unmerciful) : 5. Gather my saints together ; 9(11). for (it is) good before (Ay saints. ; 2. the flesh of (Ay saints unto the beasts ; 8(9). peace unto his people, and to Ais saints : ¦ 2. Preserve my soul; for I (am) Aoiy ; (marg.or, one whom thou favourest) ; 19(20). spakest in vision to thy holy one, :10.he preserveth the souls of Ais saints ; : 15. in the sight of the Lord (is) the death of his saints. ; 9. and let (Ay saints shout for joy. 16. and Iter saints shall shout aioud : 10. and thy saiiits shall bless thee. 17. and holy in all his works, (marg. merciful, or, bountiful) ; 14. the praise of all Ais saints; ; 1 . his praise in the congregation of saints. 5. Let (Ae saints be joyful in glory: 9. this honour have all Ais saints. 8. preserveth the way of his saints. 12. for I (am) merciful, 2. The good (man) is perished (marg. of, godly, or, merciful) nTpn ghasee-dah' , f. Lev 11 : 19. And (Ae s(orA, fibe heron Deul4:18. And the stoj'k, and the heron Job 39: 13. wings and feathers unto the ostrich? (marg.or, the feathers of (Ae stork and ostrich) Ps.l04:I7.(Ae s(orA, the fir trees (are) her house. Jer. 8: 7. (Ae s(orA in the heaven knoweth Zee. 5: 9. they had wings like the wings of a s(orA.* -on ( 450 ) yVH ghah- seel', m. IK. 8 : 37 . if there be caterpiller ; 2Ch 6 : 28. mildew, locusts, or caterpillers ; Ps. 78: 46. their increase unto the caterpiller, Isa. 33: 4. the gathering of (Ae caterpiller : Joel 1 : 4. left hath the caterpiller eaten. 2:25.cankerworm, and the caterpiller, iDn Dan 2:43. thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, — even as iron is not mixed with clay. 45. brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the day, ppn ghiiseen, adj . Ps. 89: 8(9).who(is)a strong Lord like unto thee ! TEfl ghas-seer', Ch. adj. Dan. 5:27. and art found wanting. 7pn ['ghah-sal']. * KAL.— Future. * Deu 28: 38. for the locust sAaii consume it. Dpi! [Jghah-sam']. * KAL.— Future. * Deu 25: 4. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox KAL Participle. — Poel . Eze 39:11. and it shall stop the (noses) Jpn [^gkah-san']. * NIPHAL Future. * Isa. 23:18. it shall not be treasured nor laid up ; jPD [gkcisan~], Ch. * APHEL. Preterite. * Dan. 7:22. that the saints possessed the kingdom. APHEL.— Future. Dan. 7: 18. and possess the kingdom for ever, P3pn [^ghas-pas']. * Participle. Passive. * Ex. 16: 14. a small round thing, pn ghak-sohn', adj . Isa. 1:31. (Ae strong shall be as tow, Am. 2 : 9. and he (was) strong as the oaks ; Pll [g- heh' -sen], Ch. m. Dan. 2:37. the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, 4:30(27). by the might of my power, |ph ghoh'-sen, m. Pro. 15: 6. house of the righteous (is) much trea sure : 27:24.For riches (are) not for ever: (marg. strength) Isa. 33: 6. strength of salvation: Jer. 20: 5.1 will deliver all (Ae strength o/this city, Eze 22:25. they have taken (Ae treasure Sjpn ghcisaph, Ch. m. Dan. 2:33. his feet part of iron and part of clay. 34. his feet (that were) of iron and clay, and brake them 35. Then was the iron, (Ae clay, the 41. feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and — the iron mixed with miry clay. 42. toes of the feet (were) part of iron, and part of clay, Ipn \^ghah-sehr']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu. 2: 7. (Aom Aos( lacked nothing. Neh. 9:21. they lacked nothing; Jer. 44: 18. we have wanted all Gen. 8: Gen. 8; 18 Dei, 8 15 IK. 17 Ps. 23 34 Pro 13 31 Ecc . 9 Cant.7 Isa. 51 Eze . 4 Ps. 8 Ecc . 4 Ex. 16 Isa. 32 KAL. — Infinitive. 5. the waters decreased continually (marg, were in going and decreasing) KAL Future. 3. and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. 28. Peradventure (Aere shall lack 9. thou shalt not lack any (thing) in it; 8. need, (in that) which Ae wanteth. 14. neither shall the cruse of oil fail, 1. my shepherd; I shall not want. 10(11) . shall not want any good 25. the belly of the wicked shall want. 11. he shall have no need of spoil. 8.Ze( thy head ZacA no ointment. 2(3). goblet, (which) wajdeth not liquor: 14. nor that his bread should fail. 1 7 . That (Aey may want bread #PIEL.— Future. * 5(6). .For (Aom Aas( made him a little lower PIEL Participle. 8. and bereave my soul of good? * HIPHIL.— Preterite. # 18. gathered little Aad no ZacA; HIPHIL.— Future. 6. Ae will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. npll ghah-sehrf, adj. ISa 21: 15(16). Have I need of madmen, 2Sa 3:29. or that lacketh bread. IK. 11 -.22. what Aas( thou lacked with me, 17: 16. neither did the cruse of o\l fail, Pro 6:32. woman lacketh understanding: 7: 7. a young man void 0/ understanding, 9: 4. Aim (Aa( wanteth understanding, 16. and (as for) Aim (Aa( wanteth 10:13. Aim that is void 0/ understanding. 21. fools die/or want 0/ wisdom. 11:12. Hethat is void 0/ wisdom (marg. desti tute) 12: 9.honoureth himself, and lacketh bread. 11. vain (persons is) void 0/ understanding. 15:21. joy to (him that is) destitute 0/ wisdom: 17:18. A man void of understanding striketh hands, 24:30. the man void of understanding; 28: 16. The prince that wanteth understanding Ecc. 6: 2. so that he wanteth nothing 10: 3. his wisdom faileth (him), IDPI gheh'-ser, m. Job 30: 3. For want and famine Pro.28:22. considereth not that poverty *$! ghoh'-ser, m. Deu 28 : 48. in nakedness, and in want of ion I)eu28:57. she shall eat them for want of Am. 4: 6.andutant of bread in all your places: ( 451 ) ysn P~)pn ghes-rohn' , m. Ecc. 1: 15. and (Aa( which is wanting (marg. defect) tp'ghaph, adj. Job 33: 9. without transgression, I (am) innocent; X§n {ghah-phah'\ * PIEL Future. * 2K. 17 : 9. And the children of Israel did secretly n§n ^ghah-phah']. * KAL.— Preterite. * 2Sa 15:30.corered every man his head, Est. 7: 8. they covered Hainan's face. Jer. 14: 3. and covered their heads. 4. (Aey covered their heads. KAL. — Participle. Poel. 2Sa 15: 30. Aad his head covered, Est. 6: 12. and having his head covered. * NIPHAL Participle.* Ps. 68: 13(14). wings of a dove covered with silver, # PIEL.— Preterite. * 2Ch. 3: 5. the greater house Ae deled 9. Ae overlaid the upper chambers PIEL Future. 2Ch 3: 5. kjAz'cA Ae overlaid with fine gold, 7. He overlaid also the house, 8. and he overlaid it with fine gold, n|n ghoop-pah' , f. Ps. 19: 5(6). as a bridegroom coming out ofhis chamber, Isa. 4: 5. upon all the glory (shallbe) a defence. (marg. covering) Joel 2 -.16. go forth ofhis chamber, and the bride out of her closet. TSn £ghah-phaz']. * KAL. — Infinitive. * 2Sa 4: 4. as she made haste to flee,( lit. in her hasten ing) 2K. 7 : 15. the Syrians had cast away in their haste. Ps. 31 : 22(23) . For I said ire my haste, 116: 11. 1 said in my haste, All men (are) liars. KAL.— Future. Deu 20: 3. fear not, and do not tremble, (marg. make haste) Job 40:23. drinketh up a river, (and) hasteth not: * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 48: 5(6). they were troubled, (and) Aas(ed away. NIPHAL.— Future. Ps.104: 7. voice ofthy thunder (Aey hasted away. NIPHAL Participle. ISa 23: 26. David made haste to get away flT^n gkip-pah-zohn', m. Ex. 12: 11. ye shall eat it in haste : Deu 16 : 3. out of the land of Egypt in haste : Isa. 52:12. ye shall not go out aii(A Aas(e, P*3$n ghoph-nah'-yim, dual. Ex. 9: 8. Take to you Aandfuls of ashes (lit. the fill of your hands ) Lev.16: 12. his hands full of sweet incense Pro 30: 4. who hath gathered the wind ire his fists ? Ecc. 4: 6. than Ao(A (Ae hands full Eze.10: 2. fill (Airee Aared with coals 7. and put (it) into (Ae hands of (him) S|§n [^ghah-phaph']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Deu 33: 12. Lord sAaif cover him all the day j*Sn ghah-phehtz' . * KAL Preterite. * Gen34:19. Ae had delight in Jacob's daughter: Nu. 14: 8. If the Lord delight in us, Deu21 : 14. if thou have no delight in her, 25 : 8.7 like not to take her ; Jud 13:23. If the Lord were pleased to kill us, ISa 2: 25. because the Lord would slay them. 18:22. the king Aa(A delight in thee, 19: 2(1). Saul's son delighted much in David: 2Sa 15 : 26. 1 have no delight in thee ; 20:11. He that/a»0Mre(A Joab, 22:20. because Ae delighted in me. 24: 3. why do(A my lord the king delight IK. 9: 1. desire which Ae was pleased 10: 9. which delighted in thee, 2Ch 9: 8.whichde(iyA(edin thee Est. 2 : 14. except the king delighted in her, 6: 6, 7, 9, 9, 1 1 . whom the king delighteth to honour ? Job 21 : 14. we desire not the knowledge 33: 32. for I desire to justify thee. Ps. 18: 19(20). because Ae delighted in me. 22: 8(9). seeing Ae delighted in him. 40: 6(7). Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire ; 8(9). I delight to do thy will, 41:11(12). I know that thou favourest me, 51 : 6(8). (Aom desirest truth in the inward parts: 73:25. upon earth (that) I desire beside thee. 109:17. as Ae delighted not in blessing, 1 12: 1. delighteth greatly in his commandments. 115: 3. done whatsoever Ae Aa(A pleased. 119:35. for therein do I delight. 135 : 6. Whatsoever the Lord pleased, Isa. l:ll.Jde(ipA(not in the blood of bullocks, 42: 21. The Lord is well pleased for his 53:10. it pleased the Lord to bruise him; 55: 11. shall accomplish that which I please, 56: 4. choose (the things) that please me, 62: 4. the Lord delighteth in thee, 65:12. choose (that) wherein I delighted not. 66: 3. their soul delighteth in their abominations. 4. chose (that) in which I delighted not. Jer. 9:24(23). for in these (things) / delight, 42:22. the place whither ye desire to go Hos 6: 6. For I desired mercy, Jon 1:14. hast done as it pleased thee. Mic. 7:18. because Ae delighteth (in) mercy. Mai. 2:17.Ae delighteth in them; KAL Infinitive. Eze 18:23. Have I any pleasure at all (lit. in desiring do I desire) KAL Future. Deu25: 7. if the man ZiAe not to take Ru. 3:13. if Ae will not do the part of a Est. 6: 6. To whom would the king -delight to do Job 9: 3. If Ae will contend with him, 13: 3. 1 desire to reason with God. 40:17. He moveth his tail like a cedar: Ps. 37:23.Ae delighteth in his way. 51:16(18). For (Aom desirest not sacrifice ; 19(21). Then sAai( thou be pleased 68:30(31). the people (that) delight in war 147:10. He delighteth not in the strength Pro 18: 2. A foolAaiA no delight in understanding, 21 : l.he turneth it whithersoever Ae will. Ecc. 8: 3. he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. Cant.2: 7 & 3:5. nor awake (my) love, till he please. 8: 4. nor awake (my) love, until heplease. G g 2 ysn Isa. 13:17. (Aey shall not delight in it. 58: 2. they seek me daily, and delight to know — (Aey (aAe delight in approaching Jer. 6:10. (Aey have no delight in it. Eze 18:23. Have I any pleasure at all 32. For I have no pleasure in the death 33: 11. 1 have no pleasure in the death ySHghah-phthtz^ adj. IK. 13:33. whosoever would, he consecrated 21: 6. or else, if it please thee, lCh28: 9. perfect heart and with a willing mind: Neh 1:11. u>Ao desire to fear thy name ; Ps. 5 : 4(5) . not a God (Aa( Aa(A pleasure 34: 12(13). What man (is he that) desireth life, 35:27. that favour my righteous cause: — which hath pleasure in the prosperity of 40:14(15). put to shame (Aa( wish me evil. 70: 2(3). put to confusion, (Aa( desire my hurt. Mai. 3: 1. whom ye delight in : { 452 ) wsn Job 39:29. From thence sAe seeheth the prey, Ps. 35: 7. (Aey have digged for my soul. KAL Infinitive. Jos. 2: 2.(o search out the country. 3.(o search out all the country. KAL . — Future. And Isaac digged again the wells And Isaac's servants digged And they digged another well, and digged another well ; And all the Egyptians digged and they shall search us out and dig for it more than for hid treasures; He paweth in the valley, (marg. or, (His feet) dig) 16). He made a pit, and digged it, Then I went to Euphrates, and digged, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ecc. 10: 8. He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it j fSn gheh'-phetz, m. ISa 1518 2Sa23 IK. 5 9 10 2Ch 9 Job 21 2231 Ps. 1 16 107 111 Pro 3 31 Ecc. 3 5: 12 Isa. 44 4648535458 62 Jer. 22 Hos 8 Mai. 1 3 :22. Hath the Lord (as great) delight :25.The king desireth not any dowry, : 5. and all (my) desire, : 8(22). I will do all (Ay desire 9(231. thou shalt accomplish my desire, 10(24). fir trees (according to) all Ais desire. : 1 1 . according to all Ais desire, : 13. the queen of Sheba all Aer desire, : 12. the queen of Sheba all Aer desire, : 21. For what pleasure (hath) he in his (lit. what is Ais pleasure) : 3. any pleasure to the Almighty, : 16. If I have withheld the poor from (their) desire, : 2. But Ais delight (is) in the law : 3. in whom (is) all my delight. :30. so he bringeth them unto (Aeir desired haven.(lit.of (Aeir desire) : 2. all them (Aa( have pleasure therein. : 15. all (Ae things thou canst desire are not to be compared : 1 1 . all (Ae things that may be desired :13. worketh willingly with her hands. : 1 . time to every purpose under the heaven: 17. a time there for every purpose 4(3). for (he hath) no pleasure in fools: 8(7). marvel not at (Ae matter : (marg. will, or, purpose) 6. to every purpose there is time 1 . 1 have no pleasure in them ; 10. The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: (marg. words of delight) 28. shall perform all my pleasure : 10. 1 will do all my pleasure : 14. he will do Ais pleasure on Babylon, 10. and the pleasure o/the Lord 12. all thy borders of pleasant stones, (lit. stones of delight) 3. in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, 13. doing (Ay pleasure on my holy day ; — nor finding (Aine own pleasure, 4. thou shalt be called Hephzi-hah, (marg. My delight (is) in her) 28 & 48: 38. a vessel wherein (is) no pleasure? 8. a vessel wherein (is) no pleasure. 10. 1 have no pleasure in you, 12. for ye shall be a delightsome land, (lit. a land of delight) Ibftghah-phar'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Gen21 :30. that / Aa»e digged this well. 26: 15. Aad digged in the days of Abraham 18. which (Aey Aad digged 32. the well which (Aey had digged, Nu. 21:18. The princes digged the well Deu 23: 13( 14). (Aok (lit. and thou)shalt dig therewith. Job 11: 18. yea, thou shall dig Gen26 18. 19. 21. 22. Ex. 7 24. Deu 22. .lob 3 21. 39:21. Ps. 7 I5f Jer. 13 7. Ps. 71 Isa. 24 Jer 15 50 Mit . 3 Job fi Ps. 34 35 40 83 Isa. 1 ^iSIl \^ghah-phehrf~\. * KAL.— Preterite. * 24. for (Aey are brought unto shame, 23. Then the moon shall be confounded, 9. she hath been ashamed and confounded: 12. she that bare you shall be ashamed: ; 7. and the diviners confounded. ¦ KAL.— Future. 20. they came thither, and were ashamed. 5(6). their faces were not ashamed. 4. turned back and brought to confusion 26.be ashamed and brought to confusion 14(15) & 70: 2(3). Let them be ashamed and confounded 17 (18). yea, let them be put to shame, 29. and ye shall be confounded * HIPHIL Preterite. # Isa. 33: 9. Lebanon is ashamed (and) hewn down: HIPHIL.— Future. 5. loathsome, and cometh to shame. 4. for (Aou shalt not be put to shame: HIPHIL— Participle. Pro.l9:26. and bringeth reproach. Pro. 1 3 Isa. 54 *lbn [jrk'phohr], m. Isa. 2: 20. to the moles (perhaps, lit. to the hole of mice) and to the bats; niisnsn see nan and nVTS' b'Sn \jrhah-phas'\ *KAL Future. * Ps. 64: 6(7). TAey search out iniquities ; Pro. 2: 4. and searchest for her as (for) hid Lam. 3 : 40. Let us search and try our ways, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Pro.20:27. searching all the inward parts * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Obad. 6. How are (the things) of Esau seorcAed Old' *PIEL Preterite. * lSa.23:23.(Aa( Iwill search him out IK. 20: 6. and (Aey sAaii search fhine house, PIEL Imperative. 2K. 10:23. Search, and look that there be here PIEL Future. Gen 31 :35.^1nd Ae searched, but found not 44 :1 2. And he searched, (and) began at Ps. 77: 6(7 ). and my spirit made diligent search. Am. 9: 3. 1 will search and take them out Zep. 1:12. 1 uill search Jerusalem with candles, *PUAL Future.* Pro. 28: 12. but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden. (marg. or, sought for) PUAL.— Participle. Ps. 64: 6(7). they accomplish a diligent search: (lit. a search searched) * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * 2Ch35:22.but disguised himself, HITHPAEL Infinitive. IK. 22:30. Iwill disguise myself, 2Ch 1 8 : 29. / mill disguise myself, HITHPAEL Future. ISa. 28: 8. And Saul disguised himself , IK. 20:38. and disguised himself with ashes 22:30. And the king of Israel disguised himself, 2Ch 18:29. So the king of Israel disguised himself; Job 30: 18. force (of my disease) is my garment changed: i^Sn gheh'-phes, m. Ps. 64; 6(7). they accomplish a diligent search: fc?SPl \jrhah-phash'~\. * PUAL.— Preterite.* Lev.l9:20. because sAe was not free. $£t\'ghoh'-phesh, m. Eze.27:20.Dedan (was) thy merchant in precious clothes (marg. clothes of freedom) nK'Sn ghooph-shah' , f. Lev.l9:20. nor freedom given her ; TW&H gkoph-shooth' , f. 2Ch 26 : 21 . (nTO) and dwelt in a se»erai house,(marg. free) *{J>fin ghoph-shee' , adj. Ex. 21 : 2. the seventh he shall go out free (lit. for free) 5.1 will not go out free: 26, 27. he shall let him go free (lit. for free) Deu 15: 12. thou shalt let him go/ree 13. when thou sendest him out free 18. when thou sendest him away free lSa,17:25. make his father's housejree Job 3:19. the servant (is) free from his master. 39: 5. Who hath sent out the wild ass free? Ps. 88: 5(6). Free among the dead, Isa. 58: 6. to let the oppressed go/ree, Jer. 34; 9. an Hebrew or an Hebrewess, go free; 10. every one his maidservant, go free, II. whom they had let go free, 14. thou shalt let him go free 16. whom he had set at liberty ( 453 ) nan 2Sa.22: 15. he sent out arrows, and scattered them ; 2K. 13: 15. Take bow and arrows. And he took unto him bow and aj'rows. 17. The arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance 18. he said, Take (Ae arrows. 19:32. nor shoot an arrow there, ICh 12: 2. in (hurling) stones and (shooting) arrows 2Ch 26 : 15. to shoot arrows and great stones Job 6: 4. For (Ae arrows o/the Almighty 34: 6. my wound (is) incurable (marg. arrow) Ps. 7: 13(14). he ordaineth Ais arrows 11:2. they make ready (Aeir arrow 18:14(15). Yea, he sent out Ais arrows, 38: 2(3). For (Aiwe arrows stick fast in me, 45: 5(6). Thine arrows (are) sharp 57: 4(5). whose teeth (are) spears and arrows, 58: 7(8). he bendeth (his bow to shoot) Ais a7TOMJS, 64 : 3f4). bend (their bows to shoot) (Aeir arrows, 7(8). shall shoot at them (with) an arrow; 91 : 5./or (Ae arrow (that) flietli by day ; 120.- 4. Sharp arrows of the mighty, 127: 4. .4s arrows (are) in the hand of a 144: 6. shoot out thhie arrows, Pro. 7 : 23. Till a daj-t strike through his liver ; 25: 18. a sword, and a sjiarp arrow. 26:18. who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, Isa. 5: 28. Whose arrows (are) sharp, (lit. who Ais arrows) 7:24. TFi(A arrows and with bows 37:33. nor shoot an arrow there, 49: 2. made me a polished shaft; Jer. 9: 8(7). Their tongue (is as) an arrow 50: 9. their arrows (shall be) as of a mighty 14. shoot at her, spare no arrows: 51 :11. Make bright (Ae arj-ows; Lam.3:12.set me as a mark for (Ae arrow. Eze. 5: 16. shall send upon them (Ae evil arrows of 21:21(26). he made (his) arrows bright, he con sulted (marg. or, knives) 39: 3. and will cause (Aine arrows to fall 9. the bows and the arrows, Hab 3 : 1 1 . at the light of thine arrows Zee. 9: 14. Ais arrow shall go forth JVK>|n ghoph-sheeth', f. 2K. 15: 5. dwelt in a several house. 2Ch26:21.and dwelt in a several house, (marg. free) yn'ghehtz, m. Gen49:23. The archers (lit. arrow masters) have Nu. 24: 8. pierce (them) through with Ais arrows. Deu32:23. 1 will spend mine arrows upon them. 42. make mine arrows drunk with blood, lSa.17: 7. (nTO) And the staff of his spear 20:20.1 will shoot three arrows 21. Go, find out (Ae arrows. — (Ae arrows (are) on this side 22. (Ae arrows (are) beyond thee ; 36. find out now (Ae arrows which I shoot. 38. Jonathan's lad gathered up thearrows, n^n £ghah-tzav']8t.y$rigkah-tzehv'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 6: 11. wells digged, which thou diggedst not, Pro. 9: l.sAe Aa(A hewn out her seven pillars: Isa. 5: 2. also made a winepress (marg. hewed) 22: 16. (Aom Aos( Aeioed thee out Hos. 6: 5. have I hewed (them) by the prophets ; KAL. — Infinitive. ICh 22: 2. he set masons to hew wrought stones Jer. 2: 13. Aeioed them out cisterns, KAL Future. Deu 8: 9. out of whose hills thou mayest dig 2Ch26:10. and digged many wells: (marg. or, cm( o«(, &c. ) KAL. — Participle. Poel. IK. 5:15(29). fourscore thousand hewers 2K. 12:12(13). masons, and hewers of stone, 1 Ch 22 : 2. he set masons to hew 15.Ae«:ers and workers of stone 2Ch 2: 2(1). fourscore thousand to hew 18(17). fourscore thousand (to be) hewers 24: 12. hired masons and carpenters Ezr. 3: 7. gave money also unto the masons, Ps. 29: 7. the Lord divideth the flames of fire. Isa. 10:15. against him (Aa( heweth 22:16. (as) Ae (Aa( Aea;e(A Aim out a sepulchre KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Deu 6:11. wells digged, which thou diggedst not, Neh 9:25.full of all goods, wells digged, * NIPHAL.— Future. * Job 19:24. (Aey were graven with an iron pen * PUAL Preterite. * Isa. 51: l.look unto the rock (whence) ye are hewn, * HIPHIL.— Participle. * Isa. 51 : 9. (Art) thou not it (Aa( Aa(A cm( Rahab, rwr\ ( 454 ) wr n^n ghah-tzah* ' . * KAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 21 :3b. and divide the money of it ; Nu. 31 :27. And divide the prey into two parts ; 42. which Moses divided from the men KAL.— Future. Gen32: 7(8). and he divided the people 33: l.And he divided the children unto Ex. 21:35. the dead (ox) also (Aey shall divide. Jud. 7:16. And he divided the three hundred 9:43. and divided them into three companies, Job 41: 6(40:30). shall they pai't him among Ps. 55: 23(24). bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days ; (marg. shall not half their days) Isa. 30:28. sAaii reacA to the midst o/the neck, # NIPHAL Future. # 2K. 2 : 8. and they were divided hither 14:. And... they parted hither and thither: Eze.37:22. neither shall they be divided Dan 11: 4. and shallbe divided nisn [ghah-tzohth'], f. Ex. 11: 4. About midnight will I go Job 34: 20. people shall be troubled at midnight, Ps. 119:62. At midnight I will rise to give thanks *xn gheh-tzeef & *$Qghatzeet m. Ex. 12:29.a( midnight the Lord smote 24: 6. Moses took half o/the blood, — and half of the blood he sprinkled 25:10. two cubits and a half (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half 17. two cubits and a half (shall be) the length thereof, and a cubit and a half 23. a cubit and a half the height 26: 12. the half curtain that remaineth, 16. a cubit and a half (shall be) the breadth 27: 5. even to (Ae midst of the altar. 36:21. a board one cubit and a half. 37: 1. two cubits and a half (-was) the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a half 6. two cubits and a half (was) the length thereof, and one cubit and a half 10. a cubit and a half the height thereof: 38: 4. beneath unto (Ae midst of it. Nu. 12:12. whom the flesh is half consumed 15: 9. mingled with half an hin of oil. 10. for a drink offering half an hin 28: 14. their drink offerings shall be half an hin 32:33. and unto half the tribe of Manasseh 34: 13. and to the half tribe: 14. and half the tribe of Manasseh 15. The two tribes and the half tribe Deu 3:12. and Aa/fmount Gilead, 13. gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; 29: 8(7). and (o the half tribe of Manasseh. Jos. 1 : 12. and to half the tribe of Manasseh, 4: 12. and half the tribe of Manasseh, 8:33. half of them over against mount Gerizim, and half of them 10:13. in the midst o/heaven, 12: 2. and from half Gilead, 5.Maachathites, and half Gilead, 6. and the half tribe of Manasseh. 13: 7. and the half tribe of Manasseh, 25. and half the land of the children 29. unto the half tribe of Manasseh : — o/the half tribe of the children of 31 . And half Gilead, and Ashtaroth, — to the one half of the children of Machir 14: 2. and (for) the half tribe. 3. two tribes and an half tribe 18: 7. Reuben, and half the tribe of Manasseh, Jos. 21: 5, 6. and out o/the half tribe 27.ow( o/the (other) half tribe 22: Land the half tribe of Manasseh, 7. Now to the (one) half of the tribe — but unto the (other) half thereof 9. the children of Gad and the half tribe 10. Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh 1 1 . the children of Gad and the half tribe 13, 15. and to the half tribe of Manasseh, 2 1 . and the half tribe of Manasseh Jud. 16: 3. Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, Ru. 3: 8. it came to pass a( midnight, ISa. 14:14. within as it were an half acre 2Sa.l0: 4. shaved off (Ae one half of their beards, — cut off their garments in the middle, 18: 3. neither if half of us die, 19:40(41). also half the people of Israel. IK. 3:25. give half to the one, and half to the other. 7 : 3 1. a cubit and an half: 32. a wheel (was) a cubit and half a cubit. 35. a round compass of half a cubit 10: 7.(Ae half was not told me: 13: 8. If thou wilt give me half thine house, 16:21. Israel divided into two parts: half of the people followed Tibni — and half followed Omri. ICh 2:52.Haroeh, (and) half of the Manahethites. 54. and half of the Manahethites, 5:18. and half the tribe of Manasseh, 23. the children of the half tribe 26. and the half tribe of Manasseh, 6:61(46). (of) the Aai/(tribe) of Manasseh, 71(56). the half tribe of Manasseh, 12:31. And of the half tribe of Manasseh 37 . and of the half tribe of Manasseh, 19: 4. cut off their garments hi the midst 26:32. and the half tribe of Manasseh, 27: 20. of the half tribe of Manasseh, 21. Of the half (tribe) o/Manasseh 2Ch 9: 6. (Ae one half of the greatness of thy Neh 3: 9,'12, 16, 17, 18.the ruler of the Aa//partof 4: 6( 3: 38). joined together unto the half thereof: 16(10). (Ae half of my servants wrought in — ( — ).ajid the other half of them held 21(15). and half of them held the spears 12:32. and half o/the princes of Judah, 38. and the half of 'the people 40. 1, and the half of the rulers with me: 13:24. their children spake half in the Est. 5: 3. given thee to (Ae half of the kingdom. 6 & 7:2. to the half of the kingdom Ps. 102 : 24(25) . take me not away in the midst of my days: Isa. 44: 16. He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh; 19.1 have burned part of it in the fire; Jer. 17: 11. shall leave them in the midst of Eze.16: 51. Neither hath Samaria committed half of 40: 42. a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, 43: 17. the border about it (shall be) half a Dan 9:27. and in the midst o/the week 12: 7. for a time, times, and an half; (marg.or, part) Zec.14: 2. half of the city shall go forth 4. shall cleave in the midst thereof — half o/the mountain shall remove — and half of it toward the south. 8. half of them toward the former sea, and nalfof them toward the hinder sea: *¥D gheh-tzee' \ m. ISa. 20:36. he shot an arrow beyond him. 37. was come to the place of (Ae arrow — (Is) not (Ae arrow beyond thee? 38.(nTD) Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows, 2K. 9:24. (Ae arrow went out at his heart, n*xn ghah-tzeer', m. Isa. 34;13.dracons, (andl a court for owls. «rn Nu.ll; IK. 18: 2K. 19; Job 8 40; Ps. 37 90: 103:104: 129: 147: Pro. 27: Isa. 15: 35: 37 40: n^n ghah-tzeer' , m. 5. cucumbers, and the melons, and (Ae ieeAs, 5. peradventure we may find grass 26. (Ae grass on the house tops, 12. withereth before any (other) AerA. 15. he eateth grass as an ox. 2. shall soon be cut down KAe (Ae grass, 5. in the morning (they are) iiAe grass 15. man, his days (are) as grass: 14. He causeth (Ae grass to grow 6. as the grass (upon) the housetops, 8. who maketh grass to grow 25. TAe Aay appeareth, 6. for (Ae Aay is withered away, 7.oross with reeds and rushes. 21. the grass on the housetops, 6. What shall I cry? All flesh (is) grass, 7. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: — surely the people (is) grass. 8. TAe grass withereth, the flower fadeth: 4. they shall spring up (as) among (Ae grass, 12. man (which) shall be made (as) grass; ( 455 ) -ran ICh 16: 6. the priests wi(A trumpets 42. with trumpets and cymbals 2Ch 5:12. twenty priests sounding ici(A trumpets: 13. lifted up (their) voice with the trumpets 13:12. priests with sounding trumpets 14. the priests sounded »i(A (Ae trumpets. 15:14. with shouting, and with trumpets, 20:28. psalteries and harps and trumpets 23:13. the princes and the trumpets — rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, 29:26. the priests with the ti-umpets. 27. began (also) wii(A (Ae trumpets, 28. and the trumpeters sounded: Ezr. 3: 10. priests in their apparel toi(A trumpets, Nehl2:35.the priests' sons with trumpets; 41. Hananiah, w?i(A trumpets; Ps. 98: 6. With trumpets and sound of cornet Hos. 5: 8.(Ae trumpet in Ramah: $n [gheh'-tzen], m. Ps.129: 7. nor he that bindeth sheaves Ais bosom. |2?n ghoh'-tzen, m. Neh 5:13. Also I shook my lap, Isa. 49:22. bring thy sons in (their) arms, bosom) (marg. *)Xn [ghatzaph], Ch. # APHEL.— Participle. * Dan 2:15. Why (is) the decree (so) Aas(y from the 3:22. the king s commandment was urgent, ptn [ghah-tzats']. #KAL Participle. Poel.* Pro. 30 : 27 . go they forth all of them by bands gathered together) * PIEL.— Participle. * Jud. 5:11. from the noise of archers * PUAL.— Preterite. * Job 21:21. the number of his months is cut off in the midst ? (marg. fXPl ghah-tzahtz', m. Ps. 77:17(18). (Aine arrows also went abroad. Pro.20:17.his mouth shall be filled with gravel. Lam. 3: 16. broken my teeth «n(A gravel stones, T**0 \!ghdtzoh~tzehrf\ *PIEL Participle. # ICh 15:24. (n»riD) the priests, did blow (lit. (were) trumpeting) 2Ch 5:13. ( ) as the trumpeters and singers 7: 6. ( ) the priests sounded trumpets 13:14. ( ) the priests sounded with the trum pets. 29:28. ( ) the trumpeters sounded: rnpflj ghatzoh-tzrah, f. Nu. 10: 2. Make thee two trumpets 0/ silver; 8. shall blow tci(A (Ae trumpets; 9. blow an alarm «?i(A (Ae trumpets; 10. ye shall blow with the trumpets 31: 6. and (Ae trumpets to blow 2K. 11: 14. the princes and the trumpeters « — rejoiced, and blew with trumpets .• 12:13(14). snuffers, basons, trumpets, ICh 13: 8. with cymbals, and ioi(A trumpets. 15: 24. the priests, did blow with the trumpets 28. sound of the cornet, and with trumpets, "KPT [ghati-tzar*]. * PIEL Participle. * 2Ch 5:13. as the trumpeters and singers * HIPHIL.— Participle. * 1 Ch 15 : 24. the priests, did blow (lit. (were) trumpeting) with the trumpets before the ark 2Ch 5: 12. an hundred and twenty priests sounding 7: 6. the priests sounded trumpets 13: 14. the priests sounded with the trumpets. 29:28. the trumpeters sounded: n^O ghah-tzehr', m. Gen25: 16. these (are) their names, by their towns, Ex. 8 : 13(9) . out of (Ae villages, 27: 9. make (Ae couj-t of the tabernacle: — hangings for the court 12, 13. breadth of (Ae court on the 16. for the gate of the court 17. the pillars round about (Ae court 18. The length of (Ae court (shall be) 19. all the pins of (Ae court, 35: 17. The hangings of the court, — the hanging for the door of (Ae court, 18. the pins of (Ae court, 38: 9. he made (Ae cowr( .- on the south — the hangings of (Ae court 15. for the other side of the court gate, 16. All the hangings of (Ae court 17. all the pillars of (Ae court 18. the hanging for the gate of the court • — answerable to the hangings of (Ae court. 20. and of the court round about, 31. the sockets of (Ae court round about, and the sockets of the court gate, — all tlie pins of (Ae court 39: 40. The hangings of the court, — the hanging for the court gate, 40: 8. thou shalt set up (Ae court — hang up the hanging at (Ae court 33. he reared up (Ae court round about — set up the hanging of (Ae court 16(9), 26(19). in the court of the tabernacle 31 . But the houses of (Ae villages 26. the hangings of (Ae court, and the curtain for the door of the court, 37. the pillars of (Ae court round about, 4: 26. the hangings of (Ae court, — the door of the gate of (Ae court, 32. the pillars of (Ae court Jos. 13: 23. the cities and the villages thereof. 28. the cities, and their villages. 15:32, 36, 41, 44.«n(A (A«r villages : 45.Ekron, with her towns and her villages.* 46.Ashdod, toi(A (Aeir villages: 47, 47. with her towns and her villages, 51,54, 57, 59, 60, 62 & 16:9 & 18:24,28. with their villages : 19: 6. thirteen cities and their villages: 7. four cities and their villages: 8. all (Ae villages that (were) 15, 16, 22, 30, 31 , 38. cities with their villages. 23. the cities and their villages. 39. the cities and their villages. 48. these cities with their villages. Lev. 6: 25: Nu. 3 nsn Jos. 21: 2Sa.l7: IK. 6: 7: 2K. 20 21 23 ICh 4 2328 2Ch 4; 7 20 2324 20 33 Neh 3 II 12 13: Est. 1 2: 4 5 Ps. 1065840296 100116135 La. 1 4262 Jer. 10 26 32 33 36 3739 Eze. 8: 9 10 40 12. fields of the city, and (Ae villages thereof, 18. which had a well in his court ; 36. he built (Ae inner cowt 8. another court within the porch, 9. the outside toward the great court. 12. And the great court round about . — 6o(A for the inner court 64. hallow the middle of the court 4. Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, 5. in (Ae two cowls of the house 12. Manasseh had made in (Ae two courts of 32. And their villages (were), Etam, and Ain, 33. all (Aeir villages that (were) 56(41). the fields of the city, and the villages thereof, 16. dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites. 22. by their genealogy in their villages, 25. brethren, (which were) in their villages, 28. in the courts, and in the chambers, 6. he shall build my house and my courts: 12. of the cowts of the house of the Lord, 9. he made (Ae court of the priests, : 7. hallowed the middle of the court ; 5. before the new court, 5. all the people^shall be) in the courts of 21 .in the court of the house of the Lord. 16.in(o (Ae court of the house of the Lord. : 5. in (Ae two courts of the house : 25. that (was) by the court of the prison. 16. and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, 25. for (Ae villages, with their fields, — Jekabzeel, and (in) (Ae villages thereof, 30. and (in) their villages, :28. from the villages of Netophathi ; 29. the singers had builded them villages 7. preparing him a chamber in the courts of 5. in the court of the garden 11. before (Ae court of the women's house, 11. come unto the king into (Ae inner court, : 1 . stood in the inner court 2. the queen standing in the court, 4. the king said, Who (is) in the court? — into the outward court of the king's house, 5. Haman standeth in the court. 8. in the lurking places of the villages: 4(5). he may dwell in (Ay courts: 2(3). even f ai nteth for the courts of the Lord : 10(11). For a day in thy courts (is) better 13(14). shall flourish in the courts of our 8. bring an offering, and come into his courts. 4. into Ais courts with praise: 19. In the cowts of the Lord's house, 2. in the courts of the house of our God, 1 2. to tread my courts ? 11. the villages (that) Kedar doth inhabit: 9. drink it in the courts ofmy holiness. ; 14. he stood in the court of the Lord's : 2. Stand in the cowt of ; 2. was shut up in the cowt o/the prison, 8. came to me in the court of the prison 12. that sat in the cowt of the prison. : l.shut up in the cowt o/the prison, : 10. in the higher court, 20. went in to the king into the court, :2l. into the cowt o/the prison, — & 38:6, 13, 28. in. the cowt of the prison. : 1 4. took Jeremiah out of the cowt of the 15. shut up in the cowt o/the prison, 7. brought me to the door of (Ae cowt; 16. brought me into the inner court of 7. fill (Ae courts with the slain: 3. the cloud filled the inner court. 4. and the cowt was full of the 5. was heard (even) to (Ae outer court, : 14. even unto the post of (Ae cowt 17. brought he me into (Ae outward cowt, — a pavement made for the court 19. unto the forefront of (Ae inner court 20. the gate o/(Ae outward cowt 23. the gate of the inner cowt 27. a gate in the inner court 28. he brought me to (Ae inner court 31. toward the utter court; 32. brought me into (Ae inner court 34. ion ard the outward court; 37. toward the utter court; 456 ) pn Eze.40:44. the singers in the inner court, ' 47. So he measured (Ae court, 41: 15. the porches of the court; 42: 1 .brought me forth into (Ae utter court, 3. which (were) /or (Ae inner court, — which (was) for the utter court, 6. pillars as the pillars of (Ae courts: 7. toward (Ae utter court 8. chambers that (were) in the utter court 9. goeth into them from the utter court. 10. the thickness of the wall of (Ae court 14. the holy (^place) into the utter court, 43: 5. brought me into (Ae inner court; 44:17, 17. the gates of (Ae inner court, 19, 1 9. into (Ae utter court, 21. drink wine, when they enter into Me inner cowt. 27. unto (Ae inner court, 45 : 1 9 & 46 : 1 . the gate of (Ae inner court. 46: 20. out into (Ae utter court, 21. he brought me forth into the utter court, — corners of (Ae court; and, behold, in every corner of (Ae court (there was) a court, (marg. a court in a corner of a court, and a court in a corner of a court) 22. In the four corners of (Ae court (there were) courts joined of forty (cubits) long 47:16.i?a2ar-hatticon, which (is) by (marg.or, the middle village) Zee. 3: 7. shalt also keep jny courts, 2Ch n*Wn [ghatzoh-rehr]. * PIEL Participle. * 5:12. (STD) an hundred and twenty priests sounding pn see iTll ph ghohk, m. Gen47:22.for the priests had a portioji — did eat (Aeir portion which 26. Joseph made it a law Ex. 5:14. have ye not fulfilled your task 12:24. observe this thing /or an ordinance 15:25. there he made for them a statute 26. keep all his statutes, 18:16.1 do make (them) know (Ae statutes -of 20. thou shalt teach them ordinances 29: 28. Aaron's and his sons' by a statute for ever 30:21. it shall be a statute for ever Lev. 6:18(Jl).a statute for ever in your 22( 15). a statute for ever unto the Lord; 7: 34. unto his sons by a statute for ever 10: 11. all the statutes which the Lord hath 13. because it (is) (Ay due, and thy sons' due, 14. for (they be) thy due, and thy sons' due, lb. by a statute for ever; 24: 9. by fire by a perpetual statute. 26:46. These (are) (Ae statutes and judgments Nu. 18: 8. by an ordinance for ever. II, 19. by a statute for ever: 30: 16(17). (Ae statutes, which the Lord com- manded Deu 4: 1. hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes 5. 1 have taught you statutes and judgments, 6. which shall hear all these statutes, 8. that hath statutes and judgments 14. commanded me at that time to teach you statutes 40. Thou shalt keep therefore Ais statutes, 45. testimonies, andthe statutes, 5: 1 . Hear, O Israel, (Ae statutes and judgments 31(28). the commandments, and the statutes, 6: l.(Ae statutes, and the judgments, 17. his testimonies, ajid his statutes, 20. the testimonies, and the statutes, 24. commanded us to do all these statutes, 7:1 l.the commandments, and (Ae statutes, 1 1 :32. observe to do all (Ae statutes 12: 1. These (are) (Ae statutes and judgments, 16: 12. thou shalt observe and do these statutes, 17:19. words of this law and these statutes, 26:16. commanded thep tn rtn thaw statutes pn ( 457 ) npn Deu 26: 17. to keep Ais statutes, 27: 10. his commandments and Ais statutes, Jos. 24: 25. set them a statute and an ordinance Jud. 11:30. was a custom in Israel, (marg. ordijiance) 1 Sa.30: 25. that he made it a statute IK. 3: 14. keep my statutes and my commandments, 8:58. commandments, andhis statutes, 61 . to walk in his statutes, 9: 4. wilt keep my statutes and my judgments: 2K. 17: 15. they rejected Ais statutes, 37. And (Ae statutes, and the ordinances, ICh 16: 17. the same to Jacob for a law, 22: 13. to fulfil (Ae s(a(w(es and judgments 29: 19. thy testimonies, ajidthy statutes, 2Ch 7: 17. and shalt observe my statutes 19: 10. statutes and judgments, 33: 8. the whole law ajid the statutes 34:31. his testimonies, and his statutes, 35:25. made them an ordinance Ezr.' 7: 10. to teach in Israel statutes 1 1 . and ofhis statutes to Israel. Neh 1: 7 ..commandments, nor (Ae statutes, 9:13. good statutes and commandments: 14. precepts, statutes, and laws, 10:29(30). his judgments and his statutes; Job 14: 5. thou hast appointed Ais bounds that he 13. wouldest appoint me a set time, 23: 12. more than my necessary (food), (marg. appointed portion ) l4.(the thing that is) appointed for me: 26: 10. compassed the waters with bounds, 28:26. When he made a decree 38:10. brake up for it ?ny decreed (place), Ps. 2: 7.1 will declare (Ae decree: 50 : 16. What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, 81: 4(5). this (was) a statute for Israel, 94:20. which frameth mischief by a law? 99: 7 '. and the ordinance (that) he gave 105:10. the same unto Jacob for a law, 45. That they might observe Ais statutes, 119: 5. ways were directed to keep (Ay statutes! 8.1 will keep (Ay statutes: 12, 26, 68. teach me (Ay statutes. 23. thy servant did meditate in thy statutes. 33. the way of (Ay statutes; 48.1 will meditate in thy statutes. 54. Thy statutes have been my songs 6-1. teach me (Ay statutes. 71. that I might learn (Ay statutes. 80. Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; 83. do I not forget (Ay statutes. 1 12. inclined mine heart to perform (Ay statutes 1 17. 1 will have respect mito thy statutes 1 18. all them that err from thy statutes: 124. and teach me (Ay statutes. 135. teach me (Ay statutes. 145. 1 will keep (Ay statutes. 155. for they seek not (Ay statutes. 171. when thou hast taught me (Ay statutes. 147: 19. Ais statutes and his judgments unto Israel. 148: 6. he hath made a decree Pro. 8:29. When he gave to the sea Ais decree, 30: 8. feed me with food convenient for me: 31: 15. and a portion to her maidens. Isa. 5: 14. opened her mouth without measure: 24: 5. changed (Ae ordinance, Jer. 5: 22. the sea by a perpetual decree, 31 :36. If those ordhiances depart 32: II. sealed (according) to the law and custom, Eze. 11:12. for ye have not walked in my statutes, 16:27. have diminished (Aine ordinary (food), 20: 18. Walk ye not in the statutes of 25. Wherefore I gave them also statutes 36:27. cause you to walk in my statutes, 45:14. Concerning the ordinance of oil, Am. 2: 4. and have not kept Ais commajidments, Mic. 7: II, that day shall (Ae decree be far removed. Zep. 2: 2. Before (Ae decree bring forth, Zee. 1: 6i But my words and my statutes, Mai. 3; 7. ye are gone away from mijie ordinances, 4: 4(3:22). (Ae statutes and j udgments. n^n [ghah-kah']. #PUAL.— Participle. # IK. 6:35. gold fitted upon (Ae carved work. Eze. 8 : 10. Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall Eze.23: 14. when she saw men pourtrayed # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Job 13;27.(Aow settest a pj'int upon the heels T\fflghook-kahf , f. Gen26: 5. my statutes, and my laws. Ex. 12: 14. keep it a feast by aji ordinajice for ever. 17. generations by an ordinance for ever. 43. This (is) (Ae ordinajice of the passover: 13: 10. keep this ordinance in his season 27:21. a statute for ever unto their 28:43. a statute for ever unto him 29: 9. be their's for a perpetual statute: Lev. 3: 17. a perpetual statute for your generations 7:36. a statute for ever throughout their genera tions. 10: 9. a statute for ever throughout 16:29. And (this) shall be a statute for ever 31. by a statute for ever. 34. this shall be an everlasting statute 17: 7. This shall be a statute for ever IS: 3. neither shall ye walk iji their ordinances. 4. keep mine ordinances, 5. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, 26. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes 30. of these abominable customs, 19: 19. Ye shall keep my statutes. 37. Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes, 20: 8. ye shall keep my statutes, 22. shall therefore keep all my statutes, 23. ye shall not walk in the manners of 23:14,21,31,41 & 24:3. a statute for ever 25: 18. Wherefore ye shall do my statutest 26: 3. If ye walk in my statutes, 15. if ye shall despise my statutes, 43. their soul abhorred my statutes. Nu. 9: 3. according to all (Ae rites of it, 12. all (Ae ordinances o/the passover 14. according to the ordijiance of — ye shall have one oj'dijiance, 10: 8. they shall be to you for an ordinance for 15: 15. One ordinance (shall be both) for you — an ordinance for ever in your generations r 18:23. a statute for ever throughout 19: 2. This (is) (Ae ordinance of the law lO.for a statute for ever. 21.it shall be a perpetual statute 27 : 1 1 . the children of Israel a statute of 31:21. This (is) (Ae ordinance of the law 35:29. shall be for a statute o/judgment Deu 6: 2. to keep all Ais statutes 8: 11. judgments, and his statutes, 10:13. Ais statutes, which I command thee 11: L keep his charge, and his statutes, 28: 15, 45 & 30:10, 16. commandments and his statutes 2Sa. 22:23. and (as for) Ais statutes, IK. 2: 3. to keep Ais statutes, 3: 3. walking in the statutes o/David 6: 12. if thou wilt walk in my statutes, 9: 6. my statutes which I have set 11:11. kept my covenant and my statutes, 33. and (to keep) my statutes 34. my commandments and my statutes: 38. keep my statutes and my commandments,. 2K. 17: 8. walked in the statutes of the heathen, 13. commandments (and) my statutes, 19. walked in the statutes of Israel 34. neither do they after their statutes, 23: 3. his testimonies and Ais statutes 2Ch 7:19. turn away, and forsake my statutes Job 38:33. Knowest thou (Ae ordinances o/heaven ? Ps. 18:22'23). and I did not put away Ais statutes from me. 89:31 (32). If they break my statutes, 119:16.1 will delight myself in thy statutes: Jer. 5:24.reserveth unto us the appointed weeks 10: 3.(Ae customs of the people (are) vain: (marg. statutes, or, ordinances) 31 :35.(Ae ordinances o/the moon 33:25. appointed (Ae ordinances o/heaven 44 . 10. nor in my statutes, 23. nor ui his statutes, npn (458 ) mn Eze. 5: 6. and my statutes more than the countries — refused my judgments and my statutes, 7. have not walked ht my statutes, 1 1 : 20. That they may walk in my statutes, 18: 9, 17. Hath walked in my statutes, 19. hath kept all my statutes, 21. keep all my statutes, 20: II. I gave them my statutes, 13. they walked not in my statutes, 16. and walked not in my statutes, 19. walk in my statutes, 21. they walked not in my statutes, 24. but had despised my statutes, 33:15. walk in the statutes o/life, 37:24. and observe my statutes, 43 : 1 1 , 1 1. all (Ae ordinances thereof, 18. (Ae ordijiances o/the altar 44: 5. concerning all (Ae ordinances of 24. keep my laws and my statutes 46: 14. by a perpetual ordinance Mic. 6:16. (Ae statutes o/Omri are kept, ppn [ghah-kakr). * KAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 49:16. 1 have graven thee upon the palms Eze. 4: 1. and pourtray upon it the city, KAL . — Infinitive. Pro. 8:27. when he set a compass 29. when he appointed the foundations KAL. — Imperative. Isa. 30: 8. and note it in a book, KAL.— Participle. Poel Jud. 5 : 9. toward the governors of Israel, Isa. 10: l.Woe unto them that decree 22 : 16. that graveth an habitation KAL. — Participle. Paul. Eze. 23:14. Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermilion, #POEL Future.* Pro. 8: 15. kings reign, and princes decree justice. POEL Participle. Gen 49: 10. nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Nu. 21:18.6y (the direction of) (Ae lawgiver, Deu33:21.a portion of the lawgiver, Jud. 5 : 14. out of Machir came down governors, Ps. 60: 7(9). Judah (is) my lawgiver; 108: 8(9). Judah (is) my lawgiver; Isa. 33: 22. the Lord (is) our lawgiver, #PUAL.— Participle. * Pro.31 : 5. Lest they drink, and forget (Ae law, * HOPHAL Future. * Job 19:23. oh that they were printed P(2tt [jgheh'-kek^m. Jud. 5 : 15. great thoughts of heart. ( marg. impressiojis) Isa. 10: l.that decree unrighteous decrees, npn \jghah-kar'~\. * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu 13:14(15). enquire, andmake search, Job 5 : 27. Lo this, we have searched it, 28:27. yea, and searched it out. Ps. 139 : 1 . O Lord, (Aom Aas( searched me, Pro 18: 17. cometh and searcheth him. KAL. — Infinitive. Jud 18: 2. to spy out the land, and to search it; 2Sa 10: 3.(o search the city, and to spy 1 Ch 19: 3. his servants come unto thee for to search, Pro 23:30. they that go to seek mixed wine. 25: 2. honour of kings (is) to search out a matter. KAL. — Imperative. Jud 18: 2. Go, search the land: Ps.l39:23. Search me, O God, and know my heart: KAL.— Future. ISa 20:12. when I have sounded my father (marg, searched) Job 13: 9. Is it good that Ae should search 29:16.1 knew not / searched out. 32 : 1 1. ye searched out what to say. Ps. 44 : 21 (22) . Shall not God search this out ? Pro 28: 11. hath understanding searcheth him out. Lam. 3:40. Let us search and try our ways, Eze 39: 14. seven months shall they search. KAL.— Participle. Poel. Job 28: 3. searcheth out all perfection: Jer. 17:10.1 the Lord search the heart, * NIPHAL Preterite.* IK. 7:47. neither was the weight of the brass found out. (marg. searched) 2Ch 4:18. the brass could not be found out. NIPHAL Future. Jer. 31 :37. and the foundations of the earth searched out 46: 23. though it cannot be searched; #PIEL Preterite.* Ecc.12: 9. he gave good heed, and sought out, T?tt ghthf-ker, m. JudJob 16. great searchings of heart. 9. great things and unsearcAao/e; (marg. no search) 8: 8.(o (Ae search of their fathers: 9:10. doeth great things past finding out; 11: 7 . Canst thou by searching find out God ? 34 : 24. break in pieces mighty men without number, 36 :26. number of his years be searched out. 38: 16. or hast thou walked in the search of Ps.145: 3. his greatness (is) unsearcAaWe. (marg.no search) Pro 25: 3. heart of kings (is) unsearcAa&Ze. (marg. no searching) 27. so (for men) to search their own glory Isa. 40:28. no searching ofhis understanding. nh see nin nn see n^n D^Xirj [gharah-eemf], m. pi. Isa. 36: 12. may eat (Aeir own dung, rin [ghak-rav'] & nin [ghah-rchv']. * KAL Preterite. * Gen. 8:13. the waters were dried up — the face of the ground was dry. Isa. 19 : 6. shall be emptied and dried up : KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 60: 12. shall be M((er7y wasted, (lit. shall be wasted) KAL. — Imperative. Isa. 44:27. That saith to the deep, Be dry, Jer. 2: 12. be ye very desolate, 50: 21 . was(e and utterly destroy after them, 27. May all her bullocks; KAL Future. Job 14 Ps.106 Isa. 19 11. the flood decayeth and drieth up: 9. the Red sea also, and it was dried up: 5. the river shall Ae wasted mn Isa. 34: 10. to generation it shall lie waste ; 60:12. nations shall be utterly wasted. Jer. 26: 9. this city shall be desolate Eze 6: 6. the cities shall be laid waste, — your altars may be laid waste 12:20. inhabited shall be laid waste, Hos 13: 15. and his fountain sAaii be dried up : Am 7: 9. Israel shall be laid waste; * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * 2K. 3:23.the kings are surely slain, (marg. de- stroyed) NIPHAL Participle. Eze 26:19.1 shall make thee a desolate city, 30: 7. the countries (that are) desolate, * PUAL.— Preterite. * Jud 16: 7. green withs that were never dried, 8. withs which Aaa" not been dried, * HIPHIL Preterite. * 2K. 19: 17. the kings of Assyria have destroyed Isa. 37:18. the kings of Assyria Aaoe laid waste Jer. 51 : 36. and I will dry up her sea, Eze 19: 7.Ae laid waste their cities; Nah 1 : 4. and maketh it dry, and aVie(A up all the rivers : Zep 3: 6. 1 made their streets waste, HIPHIL.— Future. 2K. 19:24. ana" with the sole ofmy feet Aare / dried . up Isa. 37:25. and with the sole ofmy feet Aaue / dried up 42; 15. J will make waste mountains 50: 2. at my rebuke I dry up the sea, HIPHIL Participle. Jud 16:24. (Ae destroyer o/our country, Isa, 49: 17. and they that made thee waste 51 : 10. (Art) thou not it which Aa(A dried the sea, * HOPHAL Preterite. * Eze 26: 2. replenished, (now) she is laid waste : HOPHAL. —Infinitive. 2K. 3:23. the kings are surely slain, (lit. siain are slain) HOPHAL.— Participle. Eze 29:12. the cities (that are) laid waste ST] [gharav], Ch. * HOPHAL Preterite. * Ezr. 4:15. for which cause was this city destroyed. STI gkah-rehv', adj. Lev. 7: 10. mingled with oil, and dry, Neh. 2: 3. of my fathers' sepulchres, (lieth) waste, 17. how Jerusalem (lieth) waste, Pro 17: 1. Better (is) a dry morsel, and quietness Jer.33:10. which ye say (shall be) desolate 12. Again in this place, which is desolate Eze 36:35. (Ae waste and desolate 38..so shall the waste cities be filled Hag 1: 4.this house (lie) waste? 9. Because of mine house that (is) waste, yTj gheh'-rev, f. Gen.3:24.a flaming sword which turned 27:40. by thy sword shalt thou live, 31:26. as captives (taken) with (Ae sword? 34:25. took each man Ais sword, 26. his son with the edge of (Ae sword, 48:22. with my sword and with my bow. Ex. 5: 3. with pestilence, or with the sword. 21. to put a sword in their hand 15: 9. 1 will draw my sword, 17:13. his people with the edge of (Ae sword. 18: 4. delivered me from the sword of 20:25. if thou lift up thy tool upon it, 22:24(23). I will kill you t«i(A (Ae sword , ( 459 ) 2TI Ex. 32: 27. Put every man Ais sword Lev.26: 6. neither shall (Ae sword go through 7. they shall fall before you by the sword. 8. fall before you by the sword. 25. 1 will bring a sword upon you, 33. will draw out a sword after you: 36. as fleeing from a sword; 37- as it were before a sword, Nu. 14: 3. to fall by the sword, 43. ye shall fall by the sword: 19:16. toucheth one that is slain with a sword 20: 18. come out against thee with the sword. 21:24. Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, 22:23. and his sword drawn in his hand: 29. 1 would there were a sword 31. and his sword drawn in his hand: 31 : 8. they slew with the sword. Deu 13: 15(16). that city with the edge of (Ae sword, — ( — j.with the edge of (Ae sword. 20:13. with the edge of (Ae sword : 28: 22. and with the sword, 32:25. TAe sword without, and terror within, 41. If I whet my glittering sword, 42. and my sword shall devour 33:29. who (is) (Ae sword ofthy excellency! Jos. 5: 2. Make thee sharp knives, 3. Joshua made him sharp knives, 13. with his sword drawn 6:21. with the edge of (Ae sword. 8:24. all fallen on the edge of the sword, — smote it with the edge of (Ae sword. 10: 11. Israel slew u;i(A (Ae sword. 28, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39. with the edge of (Ae sword, 11:10. smote the king thereof with the sword: 11, 12, 14. with the edge of (Ae sword, 13: 22. Israel slay u>i(A (Ae sword 19:47. smote it with the edge of (Ae sword, 24: 12. not with (Ay sword, Jud. 1 : 8, 25. with the edge of (Ae sword, 3: 16. Ehud made him a dagger 21. took (Ae dagger from his right 22. he could not draw (Ae dagger out 4:15. with the edge of the sword 16. Sisera fell upon the edge of (Ae sword; 7:14. (Ae sword of Gideon 20. TAe sword of the Lord, 22. every man's sword against his fellow, 8: 10, twenty thousand men that drew sword. 20. But the youth drew not Ais sword : 9: 54. Draw (Ay sword, and slay me, 18:27. smote them with the edge of the sword, 20: 2, 15, 17. that drew sword. 25, 35. all these drew (Ae sword. 37. all the city with the edge of (Ae sioord. 46. five thousand men that drew (Ae sword; 48. smote them with the edge of (Ae sword, 21: 10. smite the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead with the edge of (Ae sword, ISa 13:19. Lest the Hebrews make (them) swords 22. there was neither sword nor spear 14:20. every man's sword was against his fellow, 15: 8. with the edge of (Ae sword. 33. As (Ay sword hath made women childless, 17:39. David girded Ais sword upon his armour, 45. Thou comest to me with a sword, 47. the Lord saveth not with sword bO.but (there was) no sword in the hand of David. 51. took Ais sword, and drew it out 18: 4. his garments, even to Ais sword, 21 : 8(9). here under thine hand spear or sword? for I have neither brought jny sword 9(10). TAe sword of Goliath the Philistine, 22:10.gave him the sword of Goliath 13. given him bread, and a sword, 19, 19. with the edge of (Ae sword, 25: 13. Gird ye on every man Ais sword. And they girded on every man Ais sword; and David also girded on Ais sword: 31 : 4. Draw (Ay sword, and thrust me Saul took a sivord, and fell upon it. 5. he fell likewise upon Ais sword, 2Sa 1:12. they were fallen by the sword. 22. and the sword of Saul returned 2: 16. and (thrust) Ais sword in his fellow's side; mn C 460 > mn 2Sa. 2 3 1112 1518 2023 24 IK. I 2 2K. 3 6 19 ICh 5 10 21 2Ch20: 21 23: 29 32 34 36: Ezr. 9 Neh 4: Est. 9: Job 1 5: 15 19: Ps. 4445 57 59 63 64 7678 89 144149 Pro 5 12 26. Shall (Ae sword devour for ever? 29. or that falleth on the sword, 25. for (Ae sword devoureth one 9. killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, ¦— hast slain him with the sword 10. therefore (Ae sword shall never depart : 14. smite the city with the edge of (Ae sword. : 8. that day than (Ae sword devoured. : 8. upon it a girdle (with) a sword 10. Amasa took no heed to the sword : 10. his hand clave unto (Ae sword : : 9. valiant men that drew (Ae sword ; 51 . will not slay his servant with the sword. : 8. put thee to death with the sword. 32. slew them with the sword, .24. the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword before the king. 28. after their manner with knives . 1. slain all the prophets with the sword. 10, 14. slain thy prophets with the sword; 17. that escapeth (Ae sword of Hazael — escapeth from the sword of Jehu : 26. seven hundred men that drew swords, 22. thou hast taken captive u>i(A thy sword 12. their young men wilt thou slay u>i(A (Ae sword, 25. smote them with the edge of the sword; 15. him that followeth her kill with the sword. 20. they slew Athaliah with the sword 7. fall by the sword in his own land. 37. his sons smote him with the sword: 18. able to bear buckler and sword, 4. Draw (Ay sword, and thrust me through — Saul took a sword, and fell upon it. 5. he fell likewise on (Ae sword, 5. hundred thousand men that drew sword: — ten thousand men that drew sword. 12. while that the sword of thine enemies — or else three days (Ae sword of 16. having a drawn sword in his hand (lit. and Ais sword drawn) 27. he put up Ais sword again 30. he was afraid because of (Ae sword of 9. cometh upon us, (as) (Ae sword, 4. slew all his brethren with the sword, 14. let him be slain with the sword. 21. had slain Athaliah with the sword. 9. our fathers have fallen by the sword, 21. slew him there with the sword. 6. with their mattocks round about, (marg. or, mauls) 17. slew their young men with the sword 20. them that had escaped from (Ae sword 7. to the sword, to captivity, 13(7). after their families with (Aeir swords, 18(l2). every one had Ais sword 5. with the stroke of (Ae sword, 15, 17. servants with the edge of (Ae sword; 15. he saveth the poor from the sword, 20. in war from the power of (Ae sword. 22. he is waited for of (Ae sword. 29. Be ye afraid of (Ae sword: — the punishments of the sword, 14. multiplied, (it is) for (Ae sword: 22, neither turneth he back from (Ae sword. 19. he that made him can make Ais sword 26(18}. The sword o/him that layeth 12(13). he will whet Ais sword; 13. from the wicked, (which is) (Ay sword: 20(21). Deliver my soul from (Ae sword; 14. The wicked have drawn out (Ae sword, 15. TAeir swoj'd shall enter into their own 3(4). in possession by their own sword, 6( 7). neither shall jny sword save me. 3(4). Gird (Ay sword upon (thy) thigh, 4(5). their tongue a sharp sword. 7(8). swords (are) in their lips: : 10(11). They shall fall by (Ae sword: 3(4). Who whet their tongue like a sword, 3(4). the shield, and the sword, :62. his people over also unto the sword; 64. Their priests fell by the sword; :43(44).also turned the edge of Ais sword, 10. David his servant/rom (Ae hurtful sword, 6. and a twoedged sword in their hand ; : 4. sharp as a twoedged sword. : 18. speaketh like the piercings of a sword: Pro 25: 18. a maul, and a sword, 30:14. whose teeth (are as) swords, Cant 3: 8. They all hold swords, — every man (hath) Ms sword Isa. 1 : 20. ye shall be devoured with (Ae sword: 2: 4. they shall beat (Aeir swords into — nation shall not lift up sword 3: 25. Thy men shall fall by the sword, 13: 15. shall fall by the sword. 14:19. thrust through with a sword, 21: 15. For they fled from (Ae swords, from (Ac drawn sword, 22: 2. thy slain (men are) not slain with Me sword, 27 : 1 . with his sore and great and strong sword 31 : 8. the Assyrian fall with the sword, — • and the sword, not of a mean man, — but he shall flee from (Ae sword, 34: 5. For my sword shall be bathed 6. TAe sword of the Lord 37 : 7. fall by the sword in his own land. 38. his sons smote him toi(A (Ae sword; 41 : 2. as the dust to Ais sword, 49 : 2. made my mouth ZiAe a sharp sword; 51 : 19. the famine, and the sword: 65 : 12. 1 number you to the sword, 66 : 16. For by fire and by his sword Jer. 2 ; 30. your own sword hath devoured 4:10. whereas (Ae sword reacheth unto 5: 12. neither shall we see sword nor famine: 17. wherein thou trustedst, H>i(A (Ae sword. 6 : 25. for (Ae sword of the enemy 9: 16(15). I will send a sword after them, 11:22. the young men shall die by the sword; 12:12. (Ae sword of the Lord 14: 12. 1 will consume them by the sword, 13. Ye shall not see (Ae sword, 15. Sword and famine shall not be — By sword and famine shall those 16. because of the famine and the sword; 18. behold the slain with (Ae sword! lb: 2. such as (are)/or (Ae sword, to the sword; 3. the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, 9. will I deliver to the sword 16 : 4. and they shall be consumed by the sword, 18:21. their (blood) by the force of (Ae sword; — their young men (be) slain by the sword 39: 7. 1 will cause them to fall by the sword 20: 4. they shall fall by the sword — shall slay them with the sword. 21 : 7. from (Ae sword, and from the famine, — smite them with the edge of (Ae sword; 9.abideth in this city shall die by the sword, 24: 10. 1 will send (Ae sword, the famine, 25:16, 27. because of (Ae sword 29. for I will call for a sword 31. give them (that are) wicked to the sword, 26: 23, who slew him with the sword, 27 : 8. with the sword, and with the famine, 13. die, thou and thy people, by the sword, 29:17.1 will send upon them (Ae sword, 18. persecute them ivith the sword, 31: 2. people (which were) left of the sword 32: 24. because of the sword, 36. king of Babylon by the sword, 33: 4. by the mounts, and by (Ae sword; 34: 4. Thou shalt not die by the sword: 17. to (Ae sword, to the pestilence, 38: 2. this city shall die by the sword, 39: 18. and thou shalt not fall by the sword, 41 : 2. the son of Shaphan ioi(A (Ae sword, 42 : 16. (Ae sword, which ye feared, 17. they shall die by the sword, 22. that ye shall die by the sword, 43: 11. such (as are) for the sword to the sword. 44:12. by the sword (and) by the famine: — by the sword and by the famine: 13. by the sword, by the famine, 1 8. and have been consumed by the sword 27. by the sword and by the famine, 28. a small number that escape (Ae sword 46 : 1 0. and (Ae sword shall devour, 14. for (Ae sword shall devour 16. from (Ae oppressing sword. 47: 6. (Aou sword o/the Lord, 48 : 2. (Ae sword shall pursue thee. 10. keepeth back Ais sword from blood. mn Jer. 49: 37, 1 will send (Ae sword after them, 50: 16. for fear of (Ae oppressing sword 35. A sword f is) upon the Clialdeans, 36.4 sword (is) upon the liars ; — a sword (is) upon her mighty men ; 37.-4 sword (is) upon their horses, — a sword (is) upon her treasures ; 51 :50. Ye that have escaped (Ae sword, Lam 1:20. abroad (Ae sword bereaveth, 2: 21. my young men are fallen by the sword ; 4: 9. slain with the sword 5 : 9. because of (Ae sword Eze 5: 1. take thee a sharp knife, 2. smite about it with a knife : — , I2.awdl will draw out a sword after them. 12. a third part shall fall by the sword 17. and I will bring (Ae sword upon thee. 6: 3. 1, will bring a sword upon you, 8. that shall escape (Ae sword 1 l.for they shall fall by the sword, 12. that is near shall fall by the sword; 7:15. TAe sword (is) without, — in the field shall die with (Ae sword; 11: 8. Ye have feared (Ae sword; and I will bring a sword upon you, 10. Ye shall fall by the sword ; 12: 14. and I will draw out (Ae sword after 16. a few men of them from the sword, 14: 17. Or (if) I bring a sword upon that land, — say, Sword, go through the land j 21. (Ae sword, and the famine, 16:40. thrust thee through with their swords. 17:21. all his bands shall fall by the sword, 21: 3(8). draw forth my swoj'd out of 4(9). therefore shall my sword go forth 5(10). I the Lord have drawn forth my sword 9(14). A sword, a sword is sharpened, 11(16). this sword is sharpened, 12(17). by reason of the sword 14(19). let (Ae sword be doubled the third time, (Ae sword of the slain: it (is) (Ae sword of the great (men) 15(20). I have set the point of (Ae sword 19(24). that (Ae sword o/the king of 20(25). that (Ae sword may come to Rabbath 28(33). even say thou, TAe sword, the sword (is) drawn : 23: 10. slew her with the sword: 25. thy remnant shall fall by the sword : 47. dispatch them with their swords; 24:21. whom ye have left shall fall by the sword. '25; 13. Dedan shall fall by the sword. 26: 6. shall be slain Ay (Ae sword; 8. He shall slay with the sword 9. with his axes he shall break down 11. shall slay thy people by the sword, 28: 7. they shall draw (Aeir swords 23. by the sword upon her on every side ; 29: 8. 1 will bring a sword upon thee, 30: 4. And (Ae sword shall come upon Egypt, 5. shall fall with them by the sword. 6. shall they fall in it Ay (Ae sword, 11. shall draw (Aeir swords against Egypt, 17. shall fall by the sword : 21. make it strong to hold (Ae sword. 22, cause (Ae sword to fall out of his hand. 24. put my sword in his hand: 25. put my sword into the hand of 31 :17.?them that be) slain with (Ae sword; 18. (them that be) slain by (Ae sword. 32: 10. when I shall brandish my sword 11. TAe sword of the king of Babylon 12. By the swords of the mighty 20.slain by (Ae sword: she is delivered to (Ae sword : 21. uncircumcised, slain by (Ae sword. 22, 23, 24. slain, fallen by the sword : 25, 29, 30, 3 1. slain by (Ae sword: 26. slain by (Ae sword, 27. have laid (Aeir swords under their heads, 28, 32. slain with (Ae sword. 33: 2. When I bring (Ae sword upon a land, 3. when he seeth (Ae sword come 4. if (Ae sword come, and take him away, 6. if the watchman see (Ae sword come, — if the sword come, and take (any) person 26. Ye stand upon your sword, c 461 ) mn Eze 33:27. the wastes shall fall by the sword, 35: 5. Israel by the force of (Ae sword 8. fall that are slain with (Ae sword. 38: 4. all of them handling swords : 8. brought back from the sword, 21. 1 will call for a sword — every man's sword shall be against 39:23. so fell they all by the sword. Dan 11 :33. yet they shall fall by the sword, Hos 1 : 7. save them by bow, nor by sword, 2:18(20). break the bow and the sword 7: 16. princes shall fall by the sword 11:6. (Ae sword shall abide on his cities, 13:16(14:lVthey shall fall by the sword: Joel 3:10(4:10). Beat your plowshares into swords, Am. 1:11. pursue his brother u>i(A (Ae sword, 4: 10. have I slain with the sword, 7: 9. Jeroboam with the sword. 11. Jeroboam shall die by the sword, 17. shall fall by the sword, 9: l.slay the last of them u?i(A the sword : 4. thence will I command (Ae sword, 10. my people shall die by the sword, Mic. 4: 3. they shall beat (Aeir swords into — nation shall not lift up a sword 5: 6(5). waste the land of Assyria with the sword, 6: 14.deliverest will I give up to the sword, Nah 2:13(14). and (Ae sword shall devour 3: 3.1ifteth up both (Ae bright sword lb. the sword shall cut thee off, Zep 2:12. ye (shall be) slain by my sword. Hag 2:22. every one by the sword of his Zee 9: 13. made thee as the sword il: 17. the sword (shall be) upon his arm, 13: 7. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, yf] ghohr-rev, m. Gen31 Jud 6 Job 30 Isa. 4 25 40. in the day (Ae drought consumed me, 37. dry upon all the earth (lit. dryness) 39. let it now be dry only (lit. dryness) 40.it was dry upon the fleece (lit. dryness) :30.my bones are burned with Aea(. : 6. a shadow in the daytime/rom (Ae Aea(, : 4. a shadow from the heat, 5. as the heat in a dry place ; (even) (Ae Aea( with the shadow 61: 4. shall repair the waste cities, Jer. 36: 30. cast out in the day to the heat, 49: 13. Bozrah shall become a desolation, 50:38..4 drought (is) upon her waters ; Eze 29: 10. Egypt utterly waste (and) desolate,(marg. wastes of waste) Zep 2:14. desolation (shall be) in the thresholds: Hag 1 ; 1 1 . 1 called for a drought upon the land, n|T! ghor-bah', f. Lev 26 Ezr. 9 Job 3 Ps. 9 102109 Isa. 5 44 4951 62 58 6164 Jer. 7 2225 31. make your cities waste, (lit. a desolation) 33. your cities waste, (lit. a desolation) 9. to repair (Ae desolations thereof, 14. which built desolate places . 6(7). destructions are come to a perpetual end: : 6(7). I am like an owl of (Ae desert. : 10. also out of their desolate places. : 1 7 . and the waste places of the fat ones .26. and I will raise up (Ae decayed places thereof: (marg. wastes) .21. he led them through the deserts: : 19. thy waste and thy desolate places, : 3. he will comfort all Aer waste places; : 9. ye waste places of Jerusalem: 12. shall build (Ae old waste places : . 4. they shall build (Ae old wasies, : 1 1 ( 10) . all our pleasant things are laid waste. (lit. to desolation) 34. for the land shall be desolate, (lit. for de solation) : 6. this house shall become a desolation. : 9. and perpetual desolations. 1 1 . this whole land shall be a desolation, 18. to make them a desolation. mn ( 462 ) mn Jer. 27 17 44 2 6 22 49 13 Eze 5 14 13 4 25 13 26:20 29 9 10 33 24 27 35 4 36 4 10 33 38 8 12 Dan 9 2 Mai 1 4 wherefore should this city be laid waste 9 (lit. a desolation) this day they (are) a desolation, they are wasted (and) desolate, therefore is your land a desolation, shall be perpetual wastes. I will make thee waste, are like the foxes in the deserts. I will make it desolate from Teman ; in places desolate of old, Egypt shall be desolate and waste ; Egypt utterly waste (and) desolate, (lit. wastes of waste ) they that inhabit those wastes they that (are) in the wastes I will lay thy cities waste, to the desolate wastes, and the wastes shall be builded: (Ae wastes shall be builded. which have been always a;as(e : thine hand upon (Ae desolate places seventy years in the desolations of Jeru salem. return and build (Ae desolate places ; n^nn ghah-rah-vahf, f. Gen. 7: 22. all that (was) in the dry land, Ex. 14:21 . made the sea dry land, Jos. 3:17. stood firm on dry ground — Israelites passed over on dry ground, 4: 18. lifted up unto (Ae dry land, 2K. 2: 8. they two went over on dry ground. Eze 30:12.1 will make the rivers dry, (marg. drought) Hag 2: 6. the sea, and (Ae dry land; jlinn [ghdrah-vohn'^m. Ps. 32: 4. moisture is turned into the drought of Jin [ghah-rag']. * KAL.—Future. * Ps. 18:45(46). shall fade away, ajid be afraid 7inn ghar-gohlf, oi. Lev.ll:22.(Ae fcee(Ze after his kind, *VHftghah-rad'. lSa.13 14 2K. 4 Isa. 1019 Eze.26 32 Isa. 32 Gen27 42 Ex. 19 Ru. 3 ISa. 16 2128 IK. 1 Job 37 Isa. 41 Eze 26 Hos 11 Am. 3 * KAL.— Preterite. * 7. all the people followed him trembling. (marg. trembled after him) 15. the spoilers, (Aey also trembled, 13. thou Aas( been careful for us :29. Ramah is afraid ; 16. and it shall be afraid and fear : 16. and shall tremble at (every) : 10. and they shall tremble at (every) KAL. — Imperative. 11. Tremble, ye women that are at ease ; KAL. — Future. 33. And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, : 28. and they were afraid, :16.so that all the people that (was) in the camp trembled. 18. and the whole mount quaked : 8.(Aa( the man was afraid, 4. And the elders of the town trembled 1(2). and Ahimelech was afraid b.Ajid when Saul saw...Ae was afraid, 49. And all the guests that (were) with Adonijah were afraid, 1. At this also my heart trembleth, 5. the ends of the earth were afraid, 18. Now shall the isles tremble 10. then the children shall tremble 1 1 . They shall tremble as a bird 6. the people not be afraid? #¦ HIPHIL Preterite. * Jud. 8:12. discomfited all the host. (marg. terrified) 2Sa.l7: 2. and will make him afraid: HIPHIL Infinitive. Eze.30: 9.(o maAe the careless Ethiopians afraid Zee. 1 : 21 (2:4). these are come to fray them, HIPHIL.— Participle. Lev.26: 6. none shall make (you) afraid: Deu28:26.no man shall fray (them) away. Job 11 : 19. none shall make (thee) afraid; Isa. 17: 2. none shall make (them) afraid. Jer. 7 :33. none shall fray (them) away. 30:10&46:27.none shallmake (him) afraid. Eze.34: 28. none shall make (them) afraid. 39:26. none made (them) afraid. Mic. 4: 4. none shall make (them) afraid: Nah 2: 11(12). none made (them) afraid? Zep. 3: 13. none shall maAe (them) afraid. *in$ghah-rehd' , adj. Jud. 7: 3. Whosoever (is) fearful and afraid, 1 Sa. 4: 13. his heart trembled for the ark Ezr. 9: 4. every one (Aa( trembled at 10: 3. and of those that tremble Isa. 66: 2. and trembleth at my word, 5. ye (Aa( tremble at his word; nT"p gharah-dahf, f. Gen27: 33. Isaac trembled very exceedingly, (marg. with a great trembling greatly) ISa. 14: 15. there was trembling in the host, — so it was a very great trembling. 2K. 4: 13. careful for us with all this care; Pro.29:25. The fear of man bringeth a snare: Isa. 21 : 4. my pleasure hath he turned into fear Jer. 30 : 5. We have heard a voice of trembling, Eze.26: 16. clothe themselves with trembling; (marg. tremblings) DanlO: 7. but a great quaking fell upon them, nnn ghah-rahr. Gen 4 Ex. 22 Nu. 11 Deu 7 11 31 Jos. 23 2Sa.l9 22 2K. 23 Job 32 42 Ps. 18 Isa. 5 Hos. 8 Jon 4: Hab 3 Zec.10: ISa. 20 2Sa.24: Ps.124 * KAL Preterite.* 6. Why art thouwroth? (lit. does itkindle to thee) 24(23). And my wrath shall wax hot, 33. the wrath of the Lord was kindled 4. so will the anger of the Lord be kindled 17. And (then) the Lord's wrath be hindled 17. TAew my anger shall be kindled 16. then shall the anger of the Lord be kindled 42(43). wherefore then be ye angry 8. because he was wroth. 26. wherewith his anger was kindled 2. against Job was his wrath kindled, 3. against his three friends was his wrath Aiwa7ed, 7. My wrath is kindled against thee, 7(8). because he was wroth. 25. is the anger of the Lord kindled 5. mine anger is kindled against them: 4, 9. Doest thou well to be angry? 9. 1 do well to be angry, 8. l^as the Lord displeased 3. Mine anger was kindled KAL. — Infinitive. 7. but if he be very wroth, (lit. wroth in being wroth) 1 . again the anger of the Lord was kindled 3. when their wrath was kindled KAL.— Future. Gen 4: 5. And Cain was very wroth, 1 8 :30, 32. Oh let not the Lord be angry, 30: 2. And Jacob's anger was kindled 31 :35. Xe( it not displease my lord 36. And Jacob was wroth, 34: 7. and they were very jvroth, 39:19. that his wrath was kindled. 44:18.(e( not thine anger burn mn (463 ) tain Gen45: 5. be not grieved, nor angry Ex. 4: 14. And the anger of the Lord was kindled 32: 10. that my wrath may wax hot 11. why do(A thy wrath wax hot 19. and Moses' anger waxed hot, 22. Let not the anger ofmy lord wax hot: Nu. 11 : 1 . and his anger was kindled ; 10& 12:9. and the anger of the Lord was kindled 16:15. And Moses was very wroth, 22:22. And God's anger was kindled 27. and Balaam's anger was kindled, 24: 10. And Balak 's anger was kindled 25 : 3. and the anger of the Lord was kindled 32:10, 13. And the Lord's anger was kindled Deu 6: 15. of the Lord thy God be kindled 29 : 27( 26 ). And the anger of the Lord was kindled Jos. 7: 1. and the anger of the Lord was kindled Jud. 2:14, 20. And the anger of the Lord was hot 3: 8. Therefore the anger of the Lord was hot 6:39. Let not thine anger be hot 9:30. And when... his anger was kmdled. (marg. or, Ao() 10: 7. And the anger of the Lord was hot 14:19. And his anger was khidled, lSa.ll: 6. and his anger was kindled 15:11. And it grieved Samuel ; 17:28. and Eliab's anger was kindled 18: 8. And Saul was very wroth, 20: 7. but if he be very wroth, 30. Then Saul's anger was kindled 2Sa. 3: 8. Then was Abner very wroth 6: 7. And the anger of the Lord was kindled 8. And David was displeased, 12: b.And David's anger was greatly kindled 13: 21 . Bui when. ..he was very wroth. 2K. 13: 3. And the anger of the Lord was kindled ICh 13; 10. .4?id the anger of the Lord was kindled 11. And David was displeased, 2Ch25:10»wAere/ore their anger was greatly kindled 15. Wherefore the anger of the Lord was kindled Neh 4: 1(3:33). when Sanballat heard.. .he was wroth, 7(1). (Aen they were very wroth, 5: 6. And I was very angry Job 32: 2. Then was kindled the wrath 5. (Aen his wrath was kindled. Ps.I06:40. Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled Jon. 4: Land he was very angry. * NIPHAL Participle. * Isa. 41: II. all (Aey that were incensed 45:24. all that are incensed against * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Neh 3:20.earnes(iy repaired the other piece, (lit. made Ao( to repair) HIPHIL.— Future. Job 19:11. He hath also kindled his wrath * TIPHEL.— Future. * Jer. 12: 5. how canst thou contend with horses? TIPHEL. —Participle. Jer. 22: 15. because thou closest (thyself) in cedar? * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Ps. 37: 1. Fret not (Aysei/* because of evildoers, 7./re( not (Aysei(A a threshing instrument, lb. a new sharp threshing instrument 25. built again, and the wall, (marg. or breach, or, ditch) ;14(4:I4), 14(4:14). in the valley of decision. ; 3. threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron: 3. and fine gold as the mire pnn ghah-rootz', m. Pro.10: 4. the hand of (Ae diligent maketh rich. 12:24. of (Ae diligent shall bear rule: 27. substance of a diligent man (is) precious. 13: 4. the soul of (Ae diligent shall be made 21 : 5. The thoughts of (Ae diligent ^rnn gkar-gkoor, m. Deu 28: 22. and with an extreme burning, WTlgkeh'-ret, m. Ex. 32: 4. fashioned it with a graving tool, Isa. 8: 1. write in it with a man's pen Dbnn ghar-tohm,9 Ch. m. (464 ) Din Dan 2:10. (that) asked such things at any magician, 27. the wise (men), the astrologers, (Ae magicians, 4: 7(4). Then came in (Ae magicians, 9(6) . Belteshazzar, master of (Ae magicians, 5: 11. thy father, made master of (Ae magicians, D*Q£?nn ghar-toom-meem! , m. pi. Gen41 : 8. called for all (Ae magicians of 24.1 told (this) unto (Ae magicians; Ex . 7:11, 22. (Ae magicians of Egypt, 8: 7(3), 18(14). (Ae magicians did so with their 19(15). Then (Ae magicians said 9:11. (Ae magicians could not stand — the boil was upon the magicians, Dan 1 :20. ten times better than all (Ae magicians 2: 2. king commanded to call (Ae magicians. *nn ghdree, m. Ex. 11: 8. from Pharaoh in a great anger, (marg. Aea( of anger) Deu29:24(23).(Ae Aea( o/this great anger? lSa.20:34. arose from the table in fierce anger, (lit. Aea( of anger) 2Ch 25: 10. returned home in great anger, (marg. heat of anger) Isa. 7: 4./or the fierce anger of Rezin (lit- heat of anger ) Lam. 2: 3. He hath cut off in (his) fierce anger **]h ghoh-ree\ Gen40:16.(I had) three white baskets on my head: ( marg . full of holes ) D*P^n gkah-ree-teem\ m. pi. 2K. 5: 23. bound two talents of silver in two bags, Isa. 3:22. wimples, and the crisping pins, DHll [ghareeni], m. pi. 2K. 6:25. (2TD) the fourth part of a cab of doves' dung 18:27. ( ) that they may eat (Aeir own dung, fHri \_ghah-reetzf\ m. ISa. 17: 18. carry these ten cheeses (marg. cAeeses of milk) 2Sa.l2:31.saws, and under harrows of iron, ICh 20: 3. and with harrows of iron, S^in ghak-reesh', m. Gen45: 6. neither (be) earing nor harvest. Ex. 34:21. in earhig time and in harvest ISa. 8: 12. and (will set them) to ear Ais groujid, *E?*nr! \^gharee-sheef\ adj. Jon. 4: 8. God prepared a vehement east wind; (marg. or, silent) Ipn [ghah-rach']. * KAL Future. * Pro.I2:27.The slothful (man) roasteth not 5 [ghardch], Ch. * ITHPAEL.— Preterite. * Dan 3:27. nor was an hair of their head singed, D\?nn gharak-keem! ', m. pi, Cant.2: 9. shewing himself through (Ae lattice. Din [ghah-ram']. * KAL Participle. Paiil.# Lev.21 : 18. or Ae (Aa( Aa(A a fiat nose, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Nu. 21 : 2. (Aen I will utterly destroy their cities. Jos. 2:10. Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. 8:26. until Ae Aad utterly destroyed 10:28. the king thereof Ae utterly destroyed, 35. Ae utterly destroyed that day, 40. but utterly destroyed all that breathed, 11:12. Ae utterly destroyed (them), 21 . Joshua destroyed them utterly lSa.15: 3. smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all ' 8. and utterly destroyed all the people 9. that (Aey destroyed utterly. 15. the rest we have utterly destroyed. 18. Go and utterly destroy the sinners 20. have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. 2Ch32:14.that my fathers utterly destroyed, Isa. 11:15. And the Lord shall utterly destroy 34: 2. Ae liath utterly destroyed them, Jer. 25 : 9. and will utterly destroy them, Mic. 4: 13. and I will consecrate their gain HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Deu 3: 6. utterly destroying the men, 7: 2. utterly destroy them; (lit. utterly destroy- ing thou shalt utterly destroy) 20:17. thou shalt utterly destroy (lit. id.) Jos. 11:11, utterly destroying ( them ) ; 20. that Ae might destroy them utterly, lSa.15: 9. would not utterly destroy them: IK. 9:21. Israel also were not able utterly to destroy, 2K. 1 9 : 1 1 . by destroying them utterly : 2Ch 20:23. mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy (them): Isa. 37 : 1 1 . by destroying them utterly; Jer. 50:21. waste and utterly destroy after them, Dan 11 :44. and utterly to make away many. HIPHIL. — Imperative. Deu 13:15(16). destroying it utterly, Jer. 50 : 26. and destroy her uttei'ly : 51 : 3. destroy ye utterly all her host. HIPHIL.— Future. Lev. 27: 28. that a man shall devote unto the Lord Nu. 21: 3. and (Aey utterly destj'oyed them Deu 2 :34. and utterly destj'oyed the men, 3: 6. And we utterly destroyed them, 7: 2. utterly destroy them ; 20: 17. But (Aom shalt utterly destj-oy them; Jos. 6: 18. lest ye make (yourselves) accursed, 21. And they utterly destj'oyed all 10: 1 . taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; 37. but destroyed it utterly, 39. and utterly destroyed all Jud. 1:17. and utterly destroyed it. 21:11. Ye shall utterly destroy every male, I Ch 4:41. and destroyed them utterly * HOPHAL Future. * Ex. 22 : 20( 1 9) . Ae shall be utterly destroyed. Lev.27 : 29. which shall be devoted of men, Ezr. 10: 8. all his substance should beforfeited, (marg. devoted) D^n ghehr-rem, m. Lev.27: 21. as a field devoted; 28. no devoted thing, that a man shall devote — every devoted thing (is) most holy 29. None devoted, which shall be devoted Nu. 18:14. Every (Ainy devoted in Israel mn Deu 7 : 26. lest thou be a cursed thing — for it (is) a cursed thing. 13: 17(18). cleave nought of (Ae cursed thing (marg. devoted) Jos. 6:17. the city shall be accursed, (marg. id.) 18. keep (yourselves) from (Ae accursed thing, — when ye take of (Ae accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, 7; La trespass in the accursed thing: — took of the accursed thing : 11. have even taken of (Ae accursed thing, 12. because they were accursed: — except ye destroy (Ae accursed 13. an accursed thing in the midst of thee, — until ye take away (Ae accursed thing 15. taken with the accursed thing 22:20. commit a trespass in the accursed thing, 1 Sa. 15 : 21 . things which should have been utterly destroyed, IK. 20:42. whom I appointed to utter desh'uction, ICh 2: 7. who transgressed in the thing accursed. Ecc. 7:26. whose heart (is) snares and jiets, Isa. 34: 5. upon the people ofmy curse, 43:28. have given Jacob to the curse, Eze.26: 5. shall be (a place for) the spreading of nets 14. thou shalt be (a place) to spread nets 32: 3- bring thee up in my net. 44:29. every dedicated thing in Israel (marg. devoted) 47:10. a (place) to spread forth nets; (lit. of nets) Mic. 7: 2. hunt every man his brother with a net. Hab. 1 : 15. they catch them in their net, 16. they sacrifice unto their net, 17. Shall they therefore empty (Aeir net, Zee. 1.4: 1 1 . andthere shall be no more utter destruction; Mai. 4: 6(3:24). lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Btonn gher-mehsh', m. Deul6: 9. beginnest (to put) (Ae sicAZe to the corn. 23:25(26). but thou shalt not move a sickle Din gheh'-res, m. Deu 28:27. the scab, and with the itch, Jud. 8: 13. returned from battle before (Ae sun 14:15. before (Ae sun went down, Job 9: 7. Which commandeth (Ae sun, ( 465 ) Sin Ps. 42:10(li).mine enemies repj'oach me; 57: 3(4). save me (from) the reproach of him (marg. Ae repj'oacheth) 74: 18. the enemy Aa(A j'epj-oached, 79 : 12. wherewith (Aey Aaue reproached thee, 89:51(52). Wherewith thine enemies have re proached, O Lord ; wherewith (Aey have reproached the footsteps 102: 8(9). Mine enemies reproach me Pro. 14:31. oppresseth the poor reproacheth his 17: 5.mocketh the poor repj'oacheth his Maker: Isa. 37:23. Whom Aas( thou reproached 24. hast thojt reproached the Lord, 65: 7. upon the mountains, and blasphemed me Zep. 2: 8. whereby (Aey Aaue reproached my people, 10. because (Aey Aaue j-eproached PIEL.— Infinitive. ISa. 17:25. surely to defy Israel is he come up: 2Sa,23: 9. when they defied the Philistines 2K. 19: 4, 16. to reproach the living God; 2Ch 32:17. He wrote also letters to rail on the Lord Isa. 37: 4, 17. hath sent to reproach the living God, PIEL Future. (marg. re- JVDin ghar-seethf (np) or Hffiin ghar-sooth' (p^ra) f. Jer. 19: 2. which (is) by the entry of the east gate, (marg. the sun gate) ^in [ghak-raph']. Job 27 Isa. 18 Ps. 69; 119 Pro. 27 Lev.19;Jud. 5 8: ISa.17 *K. 19: * KAL Future. * : 6. my heart shall not reproach 6. beasts of the earth shall winter upon them. KAL— Participle. Poel. 9(10). reproaches of (Aem (Aa( reproached tliee 42. to answer him that reproacheth me: 11. answer Aim (Aa( reproacheth me. * NIPHAL Participle. * 20. betrothed to an husband, (marg. reproached by, or, for man ; or, abused by any) * PIEL.— Preterite. * 1 1 8 . a' people (that) jeoparded their lives (marg. exposed to reproach) 15. with whom ye did upbraid me, 10. 1 defy the armies of Israel this day; 26. that Ae should defy the armies of 36. seeing Ae Au(A defied 45. Israel, whom (Aom hast defied. 22. Whom Aas( (Aom reproached 23. (Aom Aas( reproached the Lord, 2Sa.21:21.And when he defied Israel, proached) ICh 20: 7. But when he defied Israel, (marg. id.) Neh 6:13. that (Aey miyAf reproach me. Ps. 55:12(13). an enemy (that) reproached me ; 74: 10. how long shall the adversary reproach? PIEL.— Participle. Ps. 44: 16(17). the voice of him that reproacheth fc]in ghohf-reph, m. Gen 8: 22. cold and heat, and summer and winter, Job 29: 4. As I was in the days of jny youth, Ps. 74:17. thou hast made summer and winter. Pro.20: 4. wilt not plow by reason of the cold; (marg. or, 7uin(er) Jer. 36: 22. the king sat in the win(erhouse Am. 3:15. Iwill smite the win(er house Zec.14: 8. in summer and in winter nSin gher-pahf9 f. Gen30: 34: Jos. 5: lSa.ll; 17; 25 2Sa.l3Neh 1 2;4;5; Job 16. 19; Ps. 15: 223139. 44- 69 109119 Pro. 6 18 Isa. 4 23. God hath taken away my reproach .- 14. that (were) a reproach unto us: 9. have I rolled away the reproach of 2. lay it (for) a reproach upon all Israel. 26. taketh away (Ae reproach from Israel? 39. hath pleaded the cause of my reproach 13. whither shall I cause my shame to go ? 3. in great affliction and reproach : 17. that we be no more a reproach. 4(3:36). turn (Aeir reproach upon their 9.oecawse of the reproach of the heathen 10. smitten me upon the cheek reproachfully; 5. plead against me my reproach : 3. nor taketh up a reproach 6(7). no man; a reproach of men, 11(12).! was a reproach among all 8(9). make me not (Ae reproach of 13(14). Thou makest us a reproach 7(8). for thy sake I have borne reproach ; 9( 1 0). and the reproaches of them 10(11). that was to my reproach. 19(20). Thou hast known my reproach, 20(21). Reproach hath broken my heart; 13. let them be covered (with) reproach 22. how the foolish man reproacheth thee (lit. (Ay reproach from the foolish man) 66. put them to a perpetual reproach* 4. We are become a reproach 12. sevenfold into their bosom (Aeir reproach, 41 (42). he is a reproach to his neighbours. 50(51). Remember, Lord, (Ae reproach of 25. 1 became also a reproach unto them : 22. Remove from me reproach 39. Turn away my reproach 33. and his reproach shall not be wiped 3. with ignominy reproach. 1 . to take away OMr reproach. H H snn (466) win Isa. 25; 30 51: 54: Jer. 6: 15: 20:23: 24:29:31:42:44:49:51: Lam. 3: 5: Eze. 5: 16:21: 22: 36: Dan 9: 11: 12 Hos 12 Joel 2 Mic. 6 Zep. 23 8. and the rebuke ofhis people 5. but a shame, and also a reproach, (lit. for a reproach ) 3. yea, (Ay shame shall be seen: 7. fear ye not (Ae reproach o/men, 4. and shalt not remember (Ae reproach of 10. the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; (lit. for a reproach) 15. for thy sake I have suffered rebuke. 8. word of the Lord was made a reproach (lit. for a reproach) 40. bring an everlasting reproach 9. a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, (lit. for a reproach) 18. an hissing, and a reproach, 19. 1 did bear (Ae reproach ofmy youth. 18. an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; 8. curse and a reproach among all the 12. astonishment, and a curse, andareproach. 13.Bozrah shall become a desolation, a reproach, (lit. for a reproach) 51. because we have heard reproach: 30. he is filled full with reproach. 61. Thou hast heard (Aeir reproach, 1. consider, and behold our reproach. 14. and a reproach among the nations 15. So it shall be a reproach 57. as at the time of (thy) reproach of 28(33). concerning (Aeir reproach; 4. have I made thee a reproach lb. neither shalt thou bear (Ae reproach of 30. ye shall receive no more reproach of 16. thy people (are become) a reproach (lit. for a reproach) 18. shall cause (Ae reproach offered by him (marg. Ais reproach) — without Ais own reproach 2. some to shame (and) everlasting contempt. 14(15). and his reproach shall his Lord 17. give not thine heritage to reproach, 19. 1 will no more make you a reproach 16. therefore ye shall bear (Ae reproach of 8.1 have heard (Ae reproach o/Moab, 18. (Ae reproach of it (was) a burden. fin ghah-ratzf. * KAL.— Preterite.* Jos. 10:21. none moved his tongue against IK. 20 : 40. thyself hast decided (it). KAL.— Future. Ex. 11: 7. shall not a dog move his tongue, 2Sa. 5: 24. then (Aom sAa/( bestir thyself: KAL. — Participle. Paul. Lev.22:22. Blind, or broken, or mahned, or having a wen, Job 14: 5. Seeing his days (are) deterjnined, Isa. 10; 22. the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. * NIPHAL — Participle. * Isa. 10:23. even determined, in the midst 28:22. even determined upon the whole earth. Dan 9:26. unto the end of the war desolations are detei'mhied. 27. and that determined shall be 11 : 36. for (Aa( (Aa( is determined shall be done. prj [gkaratz], Ch. f. Dan 5: 6. the joints of Ais loins were loosed, ni^Tl ghar-tzoob-bohth' , f. pi. Ps. 73: 4. For (there are) no lands in their death: Isa. 58: 6. loose the bands o/wickedness, D^yitt ghar-tzan-neem' , m. pi, Nu. 6 : 4. from the hernels even to the husk. pT}ghah-rak'. * KAL Preterite. # Job 16: 9. he gnasheth upon me with his teeth; KAL Infinitive. Ps. 35:16. they gnashed (lit. to gnash) upon me KAL. — Future. Ps.ll2:10.Ae shall gnash with his teeth, Lam. 2: 16. they hiss and gnash the teeth: KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 37:12. and gnasheth upon him inn [ghah-rar'~]. * KAL Preterite. « Job 30: 30. my bones are turned with heat. Isa. 24: 6. inhabitants of the earth are burned, Eze.24: 11. may be hot, and may burn, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ps. 69: 3(4). my throat is dried.- 102 : 3(4) . my bones are burned as an hearth. Cant.l : 6. my mother's children were angry Jer. 6:29. The bellows are burned, NIPHAL Future. Eze.15: 5. devoured it, and it is burned? 24:10. tothe bones be burned. NIPHAL Participle. Eze.15: 4. the midst of it is burned. * PILPEL Infinitive. # Pro. 26: 21. a contentious man to kindle strife. 0*T!0 ghiireh-reem' , m. pi. Jer. 17: 6. shall inhabit the parched places Unn gheh'-res, m. Lev. 6:28(21). But the earthen vessel 11 :33. every earthen vessel, 14: 5. be killed in an earthen vessel 50. the one of the birds in an earthen vessel 15 : 1 2. the vessel of earth, Nu. 5:17. holy water in an earthen vessel; Job 2: 8. he took him a potsherd 41:30(22). Sharp stones (are) under him: (marg. pieces of potsherd) Ps. 22: 15(16). strength is dried up like a potsherd: Pro.26:23.and a wicked heart (are like) apotsheri Isa. 30:14. found in the bursting of it a sherd 45: 9. (Let) the potsherd (strive) with the pot sherds of the earth. Jer. 19: 1. Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, 32 : 14. put them in an earthen vessel, Lam. 4: 2. esteemed as earthen pitchers, Eze.23: 34. thou shalt break the sherds thereof, £hn [ghah-rash']. * KAL Preterite. * Jud. 14:18. If ye had not plowed with my heifer, Ps.129: 3. The plowers plowed upon my back: Hos.10 : 13. Ye have plowed wickedness, KAL. — Infinitive. ISa. 8: 12. and (will set them) to ear his ground, KAL Future. Deu 22: 10. Thou shalt not plow with Ps. 28: l.&e not silent to me: 35:22.feep not silence: O Lord, tenn ( 467 ) win Ps. 39:12(13). AoZd not thy peace at my tears: 50: 3. sAaZJ not Aeep silence: 83: 1(2). hold not thy peace, and be 109: I. Hold not thy peace, O God Pro. 3:29. Devise not evil against (marg. Prac(ise) 20: 4. The sluggard wiff not plow Isa. 28:24.-Do(A the plowman plow all day Hos.lO:ll.I will make Ephraim to ride; Judah shall plow, Am. 6:12. will (one) plow (there) with oxen? Mic. 7: 16. their ears shall be deaf. KAL — Participle. Poel. 1 K. 7 : 1 4. a worker in brass : 19: 1 9. plowing (with) twelve yoke (of oxen) Job 1 : 14. The oxen were plowing, 4: 8. (Aey (Aa( plow iniquity, Ps.129: 3. The plowers plowed upon my back: Pro. 6: 14. he deviseth mischief continually; 18. heart (Aa( deviseth wicked imaginations, 12:20.Deceit (is) in the heart of (Aem that imagine evil: 14:22. Do they not err tkatdevise evil? but mercy and truth (shall be) to (Aem (Aa( devise good. Isa. 28: 24. Doth the plowman plow all day Am. 9:13.(Ae plowman shall overtake the reaper, KAL.— Participle. Paul. Jer. 17: 1. graven upon the table of their heart, * NIPHAL.— Future. * Jer. 26 : 1 8. Zion shall be plowed Mic. 3:12. shall Zion for your sake be plowed * HIPHIL Preterite. * Gen34: b.and Jacob held his peace Nu. 30: 4(5). and her father shall hold his peace 7(8), 11(12). and held his peace at her 14(15). because Ae AeZd his peace 2K. 18:36. But the people held their peace, Est. 7: 4. bondwomen, I had held my tongue, Ps. 32: 3. When I kept silence, 50:21.done, and Ikept silence; HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Nu. 30:14(15). a?(oye(Aer hold his peace (lit. in holding his peace shall hold his peace) Est. 4: 14. if thou altogether holdest thy peace (lit. in holding thy peace shalt hold thy peace) Job 13: 5. would altogether hold your peace ! (lit. in holding your peace shall hold your peace) HIPHIL. — Imperative. Jud.l8:19.said unto him, Hold thy peace, 2Sa,13:20.but Aoid now (Ay peace, Job 13:13. Hold your peace, let me alone, (marg. Be silent from me) 33:31 - hold thy peace, and I will speak. 33.Ao/d thy peace, and I shall teach thee Isa. 41: I. Keep silence before me, O islands; HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 14: 14. ye shall hold your peace. Nu. 30: 14(15). altogether AoZd his peace ISa. 7: 8. Cease not to cry unto the Lord (marg. Be not silent from us from crying) Neh 5: 8. Then held they their peace, Est. 4: 14. if (Aom altogether holdest thy peace Job 6:24. 1 will hold my tongue: 11: 3. thy lies maAe men AoZd their peace? 13: 5.0 that ye would altogether hold your peace .' 19. for now, if I hold my tongue, 41 : 12(4). Iwill not conceal his parts, Pro. 11: 12. man ofunderstanding holdeth his peace. Isa. 36:21..Bm( (Aey AeZd their peace, 42: 14. 1 have been still, (and) refrained Jer. 4: 19. / cannot Aoid my peace, 38:27. So they left off speaking (marg. were silent) Hab 1 : 13. holdest thy tongue when the Zep 3: 17. Ae will rest in his love, (marg. be silent) HIPHIL.— Participle. Gen24: 21. wondering at her held his peace, ISa. 10:27. But he AeZd Ais peace, (marg. was as though he had been deaf) 23: 9. Saul secretly practised mischief 2Sa. 19: 10(11). why speak ye not a word (marg. (are) ye silent) Pro. 17:28. a fool, when he holdeth his peace, * HITHPAEL Future. * Jud. 16: 2. and were quiet all the night, (marg. silent) Ex. 28 3538 Deu 27 ISa. 13 2Sa. 5 2K. 1222:24: ICh 14: 22: 29: 2Ch24: 34 Ezr. 3 Isa. 40:4144 45 54 Jer. 10 2429 Eze 21 Hos. 8 13 Zee. 1 Bhn ghah-rahsh', m. 11 . With the work of an engraver 35. all manner of work, of the engraver, 23. an engraver, and a cunning workman, 15. work of the hands of the craftsman, 19. Now there was no smith found II. and carpenters, and masons: (lit. and workers o/wood, and workers of stone) 11(12). they laid it out to the carpenters (lit. workers o/wood) 6. Unto carpenters, and builders, 14. all (Ae craftsmen and smiths: 16. and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, l.with masons and carpenters, (lit. and workers o/wall, and workers o/wood) 15. and workers of stone and timber, 5. by the hands of artificers. 12. hired masons and carpenters — also swcA as wrought iron 1 1 . Even to the artificers and builders 7. the masons, and to the carpenters; (marg. or, workmen) 19. TAe workman melteth a graven image, 20. seeketh unto him a cunning workman 7 .the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, IL and the workmen, they (are) of men: 12. The smith (lit. (Ae workman of iron) with the tongs both worketh 13. The carpenter (lit. (Ae workman of wood) stretcheth out (his) rule ; 16. together (that are) makers o/idols. 16. 1 have created (Ae smith 3. work of the hands of (Ae workman, 9. the work of (Ae workman, l.with (Ae carpenters and smiths, 2. and the carpenters, and the smiths, 31(36). brutish men, (and) skilful to destroy. : 6.(Ae workman made it; 2. all of it the work of (Ae craftsmen : 20(2:3). the Lord shewed me four carpenters. Bhn gheh-reh$hr, adj. Ex. 4:11. who maketh the dumb, or deaf, Lev. 19: 14. Thou shalt not curse (Ae deaf, Ps. 38: 13(14). But I, as a deaf (man), heard not ; 58: 4(5). like the deaf adder (that) stoppeth her ear; Isa. 29: 18. in that day shall (Ae deaf hear 35: 5. the ears of (Ae deaf shall be unstopped. 42: J8. Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, 19. or deaf, as my messenger 43 : 8. and the deaf that have ears. &lRghehr-re$h, m. Jos. 2: 1. two men to spy secretly, iCh 4:14. of the valley of Charashim; (marg. Crafts men) for they were craftsmen. Neh 1 1 : 35. Ono, the valley of ci-aftsmen. Isa. 3: 3. the cunning artificer, EJHPI gkoh-rehsk', m. Gen 4: 22, an instructer of every artificer Bhh ghoh'-resh, m. lSa.23:I5.in the wilderness of Ziph in a wood. 16. went to David into the wood, 18. David abode in the wood, 1 9. in strong holds in the wood, 2Ch 27 : 4. and in the forests he built Isa. 17: 9. strong cities be as a forsaken bough, Eze 31 : 3. and with a shadowing shroud. H H 2 nahn ghdroh'-sheth, f. Ex.31: 5. And in cutting of 'stones, — and in carving of timber, 35:33. And in the cutting o/stones, to set (them), and in .carving q/'wood, rnft \jrhah-rath'~\. * KAL.— Participle. Paiil. * Ex. 32:16. graven upon the tables. "=]^0 ghuh-sdch! . * KAL Preterite. * 12. seeing thou Aas2 not withheld 16. hast not withheld thy son, 9. neither Aai/i Ac Aepr iac/i any thing 39. hath kept his servant from evil: 16. Joab heldbach the people. 20. my master hath spared Naaman : 13. God hast punished us less (marg. with held) 10. they flee far from me, and spare not (marg. withhold not) 23. Which I have reserved :50. he spared not their soul 6. persecuted, (and) none hindereth. 10. they have not refrained their feet, IS. day shall be darkened, [Some copies read (marg. restrained) Gen22: 39: ISa. 25 2Sa.l8 2K. 5 Ezr. 9 Job 30 38 Ps. Isa. 14 Jer. 14 Eze.30 rfvrj] KAL. — Imperative. Ps. 19:13(14). Keep back thy servant also KAL.— Future. Gen20: 6. for /also withheld thee Job 7:11. 1 will not refrain my mouth ; 16: 5. my lips should asswage 33: 18. He keepeth back his soul Pro. 2 1 : 26. righteous giveth and spareth not. 24: 1 1 . If thou forbear to deliver Isa. 54: 2. spare not, lengthen thy cords, 58: 1. Cry aloud, spare not, KAL.— Participle. Poel. Pro.l0:19.but he (Aa( refraineth his lips 11:24. and (there is) that withholdeth 13:24. He that spareth his rod 17:27. He that hath knowledge spareth * NIPHAL.— Future. * Job 16: 6. my grief is not asswaged: 21 :30. the wicked is reserved to the day ( 468 ) 21ifU !KT! ghah-shav' . #KAL Preterite.* 20. ye thought evil against me ; (but) God meant it unto good, 25. Saul thought to make David fall : 13. Wherefore then hast thou thought 14. yet doth he devise means, Est. 8: 3. his device that he had devised 9:24. had devised against the Jews 25. Ae devised against the Jews, 2. Thinhest thou this to be right, 2. devices that they have imagined. 1 1(12). they imagined a mischievous 2(3). Which imagine mischiefs 4(5). who have purposed to overthrow 8. he regardeth no man. 3. we esteemed him not. 4. yet we did esteem him stricken, 19. 1 knew not that they had devised 8. the evil that I thought to do 2. in Heshbon they have devised evil 20. purposes, that he hath purposed 30. and hath conceived a purpose 45. purposes, that he hath purposed 8. The Lord hath purposed to destroy : 10. and thou shalt think an evil thought: 5. invent to themselves instruments of musick, KAL Infinitive. Ex. 31 : 4. To devise cunning works, 3b:32.And to devise curious works, 2Ch 2:14(13). and to find out every device Pro.l6:30.shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: KAL Future. SjbTt ghah-saph' . Gen50 lSa.18 2Sa.l4 Job 35 Ps. 10 21 140 Isa. 33 53 Jer. 1 1 18 48 4950 Lam. 2 Eze. 38 Am. 6 * KAL— Preterite. * Isa. 52:10. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm Jer. 13:26. Therefore will I discover thy skirts 49: 10. 1 have made Esau bare, Joel 1: 7 . he hath made it clean bare, KAL Infinitive. Isa. 30: 14. or to lake water (withal) out of the pit. Joel 1: 7. he hath made it clean bare, (lit. in making bare he hath made it bare) Hag. 2:16. the pressfat for to draw out KAL. — Imperative. Isa. 47: 2.ma/je bare the leg, KAL Future. Ps. 29 : 9. and discovereth the forests : KAL Participle. Paiil. Isa. 20: 4. even with (their) buttocks uncovered, Eze. 4: 7. thine arm (shall be) uncovered, tftft [ghiiseeph], m. IK. 20:27. like two little flocks o/kids; 6. and he counted it to him 15. he (lit. and he) thought her to (be) an 13. therefore Eli thought she had been drunken. 19(20). Let not my lord impute 26. Do ye imagine to reprove words, 24. and holdest me for thine enemy ? 1 1 . and he counteth me unto him 15. in mine house, and my maids, count me 10. he counteth me for his enemy, 27(1 9). He esteemeth iron as straw, 32('2i). would think the deep (to be) hoary. 2. whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, 20. but they devise deceitful matters 4(5). He deviseth mischief upon his bed; 17(18). the Lord thinheth upon me: 7(8). against me do they devise my hurt. 2(4). Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs ; 7. neither doth his heart think so ; 17. which shall not regard silver ; 18. Come, and let us devise devices 25. they shall forecast devices 10 & 8 : 1 7. let none of you imagine evil KAL.— Participle. Poel. 1. cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make (marg. work of a cunning work man) 31 . fine twined linen of cunning work: 6. fine twined linen, with cunning work. 15. the breastplate of judgment with cunning work ; 35. and of the cunning workman, — and of those that devise cunning work. 8. cherubims of cunning work made he them. 35. cherubims made he it of cunning work. 38 : 23. and a cunning workman, 39: 3. in the fine linen, (with) cunning work. 8. the breastplate (of) cunning work, 2Ch 26: 15. engines, invented by cunning men, Neh 6: 2. But they thought to do me mischief. 6. thou and the Jews think to rebel: Ps. 35: 4. confusion that devise my hurt. t Jer. 18:11. and devise a device against you: (lit. fl"** (I am) devising) 23:27. \Yliich think to cause my people 26: 3. repent me of the evil, which I purpose 29 : 1 1 . the thoughts that I think toward you, 36: 3. the evil which I purpose Eze. 11: 2. the men that devise mischief. Genl5: 38: ISa. 1: 2Sa.l9: Job 6: 13:19. 33:41: Ps. 32: 3536 40 4152 Isa. 10 13 Jer. 18 Dan 11 Zee. 7 Ex 26 28: 35 36 la/n Mic. 2: I . Woe to (Aem (Aa( devise iniquity, 3. against this family do I devise Nah. 1 : 1 1. come out of thee, (Aa( imagineth evil Mai. 3:16. and that thought upon his name, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Gen31:15,^4re we not counted of him Nu. 18:27. And (this) your heave offering shall be reckoned 30. (Aen it shall be counted Neh 13: 13. for (Aey were counted faithful, Job 18: 3. Wherefore are we counted as beasts, 41 : 29(2 1 ). Darts are counted as stubble: Ps. 44: 22(23). we are comited as sheep 88: 4(5). I am counted with them that Isa. 5:28. horses' hoofs shall be counted 40:15. are counted as the small dust 17. they aj'e coujited to him less Lam. 4: 2. how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, Hos. 8: 12. (Aey were counted as a strange thing. NIPHAL.— Future. Lev. 7: 18. neither shall it be imputed 17: 4. blood shall be imputed unto that man ; 25:31. shall be counted as the fields Deu 2:11. Which also were accounted giants, 20. That also was accounted a land Jos. 13: 3. is counted to the Canaanite: 2Sa. 4; 2. Beeroth also was reckoned 2K. 22: 7. there was no reckoning made Ps. 106:31. And that was counted unto him Pro.l7:28. holdeth his peace, is comited wise: 27:14.i( shall be counted a curse to him. Isa. 29: 16. shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: 1 7. fruitful field sAa«* be esteemed as a forest ? 32:15. and the fruitful field be counted Lor a forest. NIPHAL.— Participle. IK. 10:21. it was nothing accounted 2Ch 9:20. it was (not) any thing accounted Isa. 2: 22. wherein is he to be accounted of? * PIEL.— Preterite. * Lev.25:27. Then ht him count the years 50. And he shall reckon with him 52. (Aen Ae shall count with him, 27:18, 23. (Aen the priest shall reckon Ps. 77: 5(6). I have considered the days of old, 119:59. 1 thought on my ways, Jon. 1: 4. so that the ship was like to be broken. (marg. thought) PIEL.— Future. 2K. 12: 15(16). (Aey reckoned not with the men, Ps. 73:16. When I thought to know this, 144: 3. the son of man, (Aa( (Aom jnakest account of him/ Pro. 16: 9. A man's heart deviseth his way: '"'anll^.Ae shall forecast his devices (marg. (AinA his thoughts) Hos. 7: 15. yet do they imagine mischief Nah. 1 : 9. What do ye imagine against PIEL.— Participle. Pro.24: 8. He that deviseth to do evil * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Nu. 23: 9. shall not be reckoned among 3^n [ghashav], Ch. * P'AL. —Participle. Passive. * Dan 4:35(32). inhabitants of the earth (are) reputed as nothing: i^n gheh'-shev, m. Ex. 28: 8. And the curious girdle o/(marg.em6roidered) 27. above (Ae curious girdle of the ephod. 28. (Ae curious girdle of the ephod, 29: b.with the curious girdle of the ephod: 39: 5. And the curious girdle ofhis ephod, 20. above (Ae curious girdle of the ephod. 21. above (Ae curious girdle of the ephod, Lev. 8: 7. with the cwious girdle o/the ephod, ( 469 ) "[Ml ji31^n ghesh-bohn', m. Ecc. 7:25. seek out wisdom, and the reason 27. one by one, to find out (Ae account: 9: 10. for (there is) no work, nor device, T\\yiWT\ ghish-sh'voh-nohthf ', f.pl. 2Ch26:15.he made in Jerusalem engines, Ecc. 7:29. have sought out many inventions. nm ['ghdh-shah']. * KAL.— Infinitive. * 7. a time to keep silence, KAL Future. Ecc. 3 Ps. 28: 107: Isa. 62: 64 65 Ps. 39 Isa. 42: 2K. 2; Jud. 18 IK. 22: 2K. 7 Neh 8 Isa. 57 1 . lest, (if) thou be silent to me, 29. so that the waves thereof are still. I . For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, 6. shall never hold their peace 12( 1 1), wilt thou hold thy peace, 6. / will not keep silence, * HIPHIL Preterite. * 2(3). with silence, I held my peace, 14. 1 have long time holden my peace; HIPHIL. — Imperative. 3, 5. hold ye your peace. HIPHIL Participle. 9. and (are) ye still? 3. Gilead (is) our's, and we (be) still, (and) take it not (marg. silent from taking it) 9. and we hold our peace : 1 1. So the Levites stilled all the people, 1 1 . have not I held my peace ^#n [ghashdk'ch~], Ch. in. Dan 2: 22. he knoweth what (is) in the darkness, D'p-'lB'n see D'ptfn n^n [gkashagh], Ch. * P'AL.— Participle. * Ezr. 6: 9. And that which they Aaue need of, Dan 3:16. we (are) not careful to answer thee in this matter. n^in^n ghash-ghooth' \ f. Ezr. 7 : 20. whatsoever more shall be needful np^n ghasheh-chah\ f. Genl5:12.an horror of great darkness fell Ps. 82; 5. they walk on in darkness: 139: 12. (Ae darkness and the light (are) both alike (marg. as (is) (Ae darkness, so (is) the light) Isa. 8 : 22. behold trouble and darkness, 50:10. walketh (in) darkness, W* ghah-shdcK '. Job 18 Ecc. 1 2 Isa. 5 13 Lam. 4 * KAL.— Preterite. * 6. The light shall be dark 3. and those that look out of the windows be daj'kened, 30. the light is darkened in the heavens 10. the sun shall be darkened ; 8. Their visage is blacker than a coal; 17. for these (things) our eyes are dim. Eze 30: 18. the day shallbe darkened, (marg. restrained as from ^Tt£?n which some copies read) Blic. 3: 6. and it shall be dark unto vou, [See also rnt&n}. KAL Future. 15. so that the land was darkened; 9. ier the stars of the twilight thereof be dark ; 23(24). Let their eyes be darkened, 2. the stars, be not darkened, ¦X- HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 8. maketh the day dark 9. and I will darken the earth HIPHIL.— Future. 28. sent darkness, and made it dark; 12. the darkness hideth not from thee; 16. before he cause darkness, and before your HIPHIL Participle. 2. Who (is) this that darkeneth counsel Ex. 10 Job 3 Ps. 69 Ecc.12 Am. 5: Ps.105 139 Jer. 13 Job 3S Eec. 5 II Isa. 5 W'0 [ghah-shoh'ch'], adj. Pro.22:29. he shall not stand before mean (marg. obscure) (men). ( 470 ) \wn : 17( 16) . his days also he eateth in darkness, : 4. and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness. : 8. let him remember the days of darkness- 20. that put darkness for light, and light fir darkness ; 30. behold darkness (and) sorrow, 9: 2(1). The people that walked in darkness 29: 18. out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 42: 7. them that sit in darkness 45: 3. give thee the treasures of darkness, 7. form the light, and create darkness: 19. in a dark place of the earth: 47: 5. get thee into darkness, 49: 9. to them that (are) in darkness, 58: 10. then shall thy light rise in obscurity, 59: 9. wait for light, but behold obscurity; 60: 2. the darkness shall cover the earth, Lam. 3: 2. brought (me into) darkness, Eze 8:12. the house of Israel do in the dark, 32 : 8. set darkness upon thy laud, Joel 2: 2. A day of darkness and of gloominess, 31(3:4). The sun shall be turned into darkness, Am. 5:18. the day of the Lord (is) darkness, 20. the day of the Lord (be) darkness, Mic. 7: 8. when 1 sit in darkness, Nah 1: 8. and darkness shall pursue his enemies. Zep 1 : 15. a day of darkness and gloominess, W1 ghoh'-shech, m. Gen 1: 2. and darkness (was) upon the face 4. divided the light from (Ae darkness. 5. and the darkness he called Night. 18. divide the light from (Ae darkness: Ex. 10:21. that there may be darkness — even darkness (which) may be felt. 22. there was a thick darkness 14:20. it was a cloud ajid darkness Deu 4:11. with darkness, clouds, and thick darkness. 5:23(20). voice out of the midst of the darkness, Jos. 2: 5. when it was dark, that the men ISa. 2: 9. the wicked shall be silent in darkness; 2Sa. 22:12. he made darkness pavilions 29. the Lord will lighten my darkness. Job 3: 4. Let that day be darkness; 5. Let darkness and the shadow of death 5: 14. They meet with darkness 10:21. to the land of darhiess 12:22. discovereth deep things out of darkness, 25. They grope in (Ae darA 15; 22. that he shall return out of darkness, 23. knoweth that the day of darkness 30. He shall not depart out of darkness ; 17:12. the light (is) short because of darkness. 13. 1 have made my bed in the darkness. 18: 18. be driven from light into darkness, 19: 8. he hath set darhiess in my paths. 20:26. All darkness (shall be) hid 22:ll.darAness, (that) thou canst not see; 23:17.1 was not cut off before (Ae darkness, 24:16. Iji (Ae darA they dig through 26: 10. until the day and night come to an end. 28: 3. He setteth an end to darkness, 29: 3. by his light I walked (through) darkness; 34:22. no darkness, nor shadow of death, 37:19. order (our speech) by reason of darkness. 38:19. and (as for) darluiess, where (is) the Ps. 18: 11(1 2). He made darkness his secret place; 28(29). my God will enlighten my darkness. 35: 6. Let their way be darA and slippery: (marg. darkness) 88:12(13). Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? 104:20. Thou makest daj'kness, 105:28. He sent darkness, and made it dark ; 107:10. Such as sit in darkness 14. He brought them out of darhiess 112: 4. there ariseth light in the darkness: 139:11. Surely (Ae darkness shall cover me ; 12. Yea, (Ae darkness hideth not Pro. 2. 13. to walk in the ways of darkness ; 20:20. lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. Ecc. 2: 13. as far as light excclleth darkness. 14. but the fool walketh in darh1"^- n#0 [ghesh-kah'], f. Ps. 18:11(12). round about him (were) dark waters (lit. darkness of water) nD^TI ghosh-chah', f. Mic. 3: 6. and ,it shall be dark unto you, .[see also Tft^Hj some copies read iTDtt?ni h&rt [ghah-shal']. * NIPHAL Participle. * Deu 25: 1 8. all (that were)/eeWe hpn [ghdshal], Ch. 3f P'AL. — Participle. Active. w Dan 2:40. breaketh in pieces and subdudh all (things): 7l2WT\ghash-mal' , m. Eze 1: 4. as the colour of amber, 27. 1 saw as the colour of amber, 8 : 2. as the colour of amber. D^D^n gkash-man-neem' , m. pi. Ps. 68:31(32). Princes shall come out of Egypt; pn ghoh'-shen, m. Ex. 25 28 7. the ephod, andin the breastplate. 4. they shall make ; a breastplate, 15. thou shalt make the breastplate cf 22. make upon the breastplate chains 23. make upon the breastplate two rings — on the two ends of the breastplate. 24, 26. ends of the breastplate. 28. they shall bind the breastplate — that the breastplate be not loosed 29. children of Israel in the breastplate of 30. put in the breastplate of judgment 29: 5. the ephod, and the breastplate, 35: 9, 27. ephod, and for the breastplate. 39: 8. he made the breastplate 9. they made the breastplate double: 15.rO!*'te unon the hren strjlate rhainS r&n ( 471 ) Dnn Ex. 39: 16. rings in the two ends of the breastplate. 17, 19. ends of the breastplate. 21. bind the breastplate by his rings — that the breastplate~might not be loosed Lev. 8. 8. he put the breastplate upon him: also he put in the breastplate P£Tt ghah-shdk'. * KAL Preterite. * Gen34: 8. The soul of my son Shechem longeth Deu 7: 7. The Lord did not set his love 10: 15. the Lord had a delight in thy fathers 21:11. and hast a desire unto her, IK. 9:19.that which Solomon desired 2Ch 8: 6. all that Solomon desired Ps. 91:14. Because he hath set his love upon me, Isa. 38: 17. but thou hast inf&ve to my soul (marg. thou hast'Tbved my soul from) *PIEL Preterite.* Ex. 38:28.and^He«edthem. * PUAL Participle. ¥¦ Ex. 27:17. the court (shall be) filleted with silver ; 38: 17. pillars of the court (were) filleted p52Tl gheh'-shek, m. IK. 9: 1 . all Solomon's desire 19. and that which Solomon desired (marg. the desire of Solomon which he desired) 2Ch. 8: 6. and all that Solomon desired (marg. all the desire of Solomon which he desired) Isa. 21: 4. the night ofmy pleasure D^D \j?hashoo-keem'~], m. pi. Ex. 27:10. the pillars and their fillets 1 1 . their fillets (of) silver. 35:38. and their fillets 38: 10, 1 1, 12, 17. the pillars and their fillets 19. their chapiters and their fillets D*p«yn [ghish-shoo-keem'], m. pi. IK. 7:33. their naves, and their felloes, 7T$r\ [ghash-rah'\ f. 2Sa.22: 12. about him, dark waters, (marg. binding) W*WT\ Qrhish-shoo-reem'], m. pi. IK. 7:33. their felloes, and their spokes, JJ^n ghdshash, m. Isa. 5: 24. and the flame consumeth the chaff, 33:11. Ye shall conceive chaff, nn \jrhatfc], m. Gen. 9: 2. fear of you and the dread of you ISa. 2: 4. The bows of the mighty men (are) broken, Job 41: 33(25). who is made without fear. Jer. 46: 5. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed nnil \^ghah-thah'~\. *KAL Infinitive. * Isa. 30:14.a sherd to take fire KAL. — Future. Ps. 52: 5(7).Ae shall take thee away, Pro 6:27. Can a man take fire in his bosom, KAL Participle. Poel. Pro 25:22. For thou shalt heap coals of fire nfill [ghit-tah'], f. Gen35: 5. the terror of God was upon the cities Tlfitl ghit-tool' , m. Eze.30:21.to put a roller to bind it, DWinn ghath-ghat-teem! ', m. pi. Ecc 12: b.and fears (shall be) in the way, n*Pin ghit-teeth', f. Eze 26: 1 7. cause (Aeir terror (to be) on all 32:23. caused terror in the land (marg. dismay ing) 24. which caused (Aeir terror 25. though (Aeir terror was caused 26. though they caused (Aeir terror 27. though (they were) (Ae terror cf 30. with their terror they are ashamed 32. For I have caused my terror ^nn \^ghah-thdch'~\. * NIPHAL Preterite.* Dan 9:24. Seventy weeks are determined (lit. are divided) hnn [ghah-thal']. * PUAL Preterite. * Eze 16: 4. not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. (lit. in swaddling thou wast not swaddled) * HOPHAL Infinitive. * Eze 16 : i.nor swaddled at all. n?Jin [ghathool-lah'], f. Job 38 : 9. thick darkness a swaddlingband for it. Dnil [ghah-tham']. Jer. 32 Dan 9 Est. Isa. Dan 12 IK. 21 Est. 8 Job 9 33 37 Jer. 32 Eze 28 Deu 32 Neh 9 10: Job 14 Cant. 4 Isa. 29 Jer. 32 * KAL. — Infinitive. # : 44. subscribe evidences, and seal 24. (nsro) and to make an end of sins, (marg. to seal up, so 3TQ) — and to seal up the vision and prophecy, KAL. — Imperative. : 8. and seal (it) with the king's ring: :16. seal the law among my disciples. : 4. shut up the words, and seal the book, KAL. — Future. B.and sealed (them) with his seal, 1 0. and sealed ( it) with the king's ring, l.sealeth up the stars. 16. sealeth their instruction, 7. He sealeth up the hand of every man ; 10. 1 subscribed the evidence, and sealed (it), KAL.— Participle. Poel. 12. Thou sealest up the sum, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. 34. sealed up among my treasures ? 38(10:1). princes, Levites, (and) priests, seal (unto it), (marg. (are) at the sealing, or, sealed) 1(2). Now those that sealed (marg. at the sealings) 17. My transgression (is) sealed up 12. a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. 11. words of a book that is sealed, I cannot; for it (is) sealed: 11. that which was sealed (according) DJin ( 472 ) Jer. 32: 14. both which is sealed, Dan 12: 9. the words (are) closed up ajid sealed # NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Est. 3: 12. and sealed with the king's ring. NIPHAL— Participle. Est. 8: 8. and sealed with the king's ring, * PIEL.— Preterite. * Job 24:16. (Aey Aad marked for themselves * HIPHIL Preterite. * Lev 15: 3. or his flesh be stopped from his issue, Dnn [ghatham], Ch. * P'AL Preterite. * Dan. 6: 17(18). and the king sealed it with his own signet, nnn Isa. 61 : 10. as a bridegroom decketh (himself) 62: 5.(Ae bridegj-oom rejoiceth over the bride, Jer. 7;34& 16:9 & 25:10 & 33: li.the voice of the bridegroom, Joel 2: 16. let (Ae bridegroom go forth Drin see cnin T\^T\T\ghoh-theh' '-meth, f. Gen38:25.(Ae signet, and bracelets, and staff. }nn [ghah-tha?/]. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Ex. 3: 1 . flock of Jethro his father in law, 4: 18. returned to Jethro his father in law, 18: L Moses' /a(Aer in law, 2. Then Jethro, Moses' father in law, 5. Jethro, Moses' father in taw, 6. 1 thy father in law Jethro am come 7. went out to meet his father hi law, 8. Moses told his father in law 12. Jethro, Moses' /«(Aer in law, — to eat bread with Moses' father in law 14. when Moses5 father in law saw 15. Moses said mk(o his father in law, 17. Moses' father in law said 24. hearkened to the voice of his father inlaw, 27. Moses let his father in law depart ; Nu. 10:29. Moses' father in law, Deu27:23. that lieth with Ais mother in law. Jud 1:16. Moses' father in law, went up 4: \l. the father in law of Moses, 19: 4. And his father in law, the damsel's father, 7. his father in law urged him: 9. his servant, his father in law, the damsel's father, * HITHPAEL— Preterite.* Jos. 23 : 12. and shall jnake marriages HIT HP AEL.— Infinitive. ISa 18;23.(o be a king's son in law, 26. to be the king's son in law : 27 .he might be the king's son in law. Ezr. 9:14. and join in affinity with the people HITHPAEL Imperative. 9. And jnake ye marriages with us, 22. therefore be the king's son in law. Gen34; ISa 18; Deu 7: ISa 18 IK. 3 2Chl8 HITHPAEL.— Future. 3. Neither sAa/( thou jnake jnaniages 21. Thou shalt this day be my son in law l.And Solomon jnade affinity ; J . ajid joined affinity with Ahab. 100 ghah-thahn' , m. Genl9 Ex. 4 Jud 15: 19 ISa 18 22 2K. 8 Neh 6 13 Ps. 19 12. sra in law, and thy sons, 14. spake unto his sons inlaw, — one that mocked unto his sons in law. 2b. a bloody husband (art) thou to me. 26. A bloody husband (thou art), 6. Samson, the son in law of the Timnite, 5. damsel's father said unto his son in law, 18. that I should be son in law to the king ? 14. which is the king's son in law, 27. for he (was) the son in law of the 18. he (was) the son in law of Shechaniah 28. son in law to Sanballat 5(6). as a bridegroom coming ou' of n3nn [jrhathoon-nah1], f. Cant 3: 11. in the day ofhis espousals, Sjnn \jghah-thaph'\ * KAL.— Future. * Job 9: 12. Behold, he taketh away, S]nn gheh'-theph, m. Pro 23:28. She also lieth in wait as (for) a prey, "inn ghah-thaf '. # KAL Preterite. * Job 24: 16. In the dark they dig through Eze 12: 7. even I digged through the wall KAL. — Imperative. Eze 8: 8. Son of man, dig now in the wall: 12: 5. Big thou through the wall KAL.— Future. Eze 8: 8. and when I had digged 12: 12. they shall dig through the wall Am 9: 2. Though they dig into hell, Jon 1 : 13. Nevertheless the men rowed (marg.digged) 2K 19:26 Job 32 15 Isa. 20 5 31 9 .37 27 Jer 8 9 14 4 48 1 2039 50 2 36 Obad 9 Isa. 8: 9 Mai 2: 5 Deu 1 21 31 8 Jos 1 9 10 25 ISa 0 10 17 11 ICh 22 13 2Ch20 15 17 32 7 Job 21 13 39 22 Isa. 7 8 30 31 31 4 51 6 7 Jer 1 17 10 2 nnn {ghah-thath'\ * KAL.— Preterite.* they were dismayed and confounded; , TAey were amazed, they answered no .And they shall be afraid .and.. .shall be afraid of the ensign, .(Aey were dismayed and confounded: .(Aey are dismayed and taken: .Because the ground is chapt, . Misgab is confounded and dismayed. . for it is broken down : , howl, (saying), How is it broken down! . Merodach is broken in pieces ; her images are broken in pieces. . ajid they shall be dismayed. , And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be disjnayed, K AL. — Imperative. . and ye shall be broken in pieces ; and ye shall be broken hi pieces; gird your selves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. * NIPHAL.— Preterite.* . was afraid before my name. NIPHAL.— Future. .fear not, neither be discouraged. .fear not, neither be dismayed. & 8; 1. neither be thou dismayed: , Fear not, nor be dismayed, shall be broken to pieces; .they (lit. and they) were dismayed, & 28 : 20. nor be dismayed. .Be not afraid nor dismayed .fear not, nor be dismayed; .be not afraid nor dismayed . They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down .at fear, and is not affrighted; , five years shall Ephraim be broken, • shall the Assyrian be beaten down, he will not be afraid of their voice, .my righteousness shall not be abolished. neither be ye afraid of their revilings. . be not dismayed at their faces, , and be not dismayed at the signs of hea ven ; for the heathen are dismayed at Ann Jer. 17:18. let them be dismayed, but let not me be dis mayed : 23: 4. they shall fear no more, nor ie dismayed, 30 : 10. neither be dismayed, 46:27. be not dismayed, O Israel: Eze 2: 6Si3:9.be dismayed at their looks, * PIEL.— Preterite. * Job 7:14. Then thou scarest me with dreams, Jer. 51 :56. every one of their bows is broken : # HIPHIL Preterite. * Isa. 9: 4(3). thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, Jer. 49:37. For / will cause Elam to be dismayed HIPHIL Future. Job 31:34. did the contempt of families terrify me, Jer. 1 : 1 7. lest I confound thee before them. Hab 2:17. beasts, (which) made them afraid. nnn ghathath, m. Job 6:21 .ye see (my) casting down, £ tekth. The ninth letter of the Alphabet. 1X1? fehv, Ch. *P'AL Preterite.* Dan 6 : 23(24) . Then was the king exceeding glad for him, NDND see Ktt3 ( 473 ) !?1B n|£3 tab-bah'gh', m. Gen37:36. captain of tlie guard, (marg. chief of the slaughtermen, or, executioners) 39: 1. captain of the guard, an Egyptian, 40 : 3. the house of the captain of the guard, 4. of tAe guard charged Joseph with them, 41 : 10. ward in the captain of the guard's house, 12. servant to the captain of the guard; ISa. 9:23. Samuel said unto the cook, 24. the cook took up the shoulder, 2K. 25: 8. Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard, (marg. or, chief marshal) 10. the captain of (Ae guard, brake down 1 1 . the captain of the guard carry away. 12. the captain of the guard left of the poor 15. the captain of the guard took away. 18. the captain of the guard took Seraiah 20. captain of the guard took these, Jer. 39: 9. the captain of (Ae guard carried away cap tive (marg. chief of the executioners, or, slaughtermen, or, chief marshal) 10. the captain of the guard left of the poor 1 1 . Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard, 13. Nebuzar-adan the captainoftAeyward sent, 40: 1 . the captain of the guard had let him go 2. the captain of the guard took Jeremiah, 5. the captain of the guard gave him victuals 41 : 10. the captain of the guard had committed 43: 6. the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah 52: 12. captain of the guard, 14. the captain of the guard, brake down all the walls 15. captain of the guard carried away captive 16. the captain of the guard left (certain) of the poor 19. took the captain of the guard 24. the captain of the guard took Seraiah 26. the captain of the guard took them, 30. captai n of the guard carried away captive it) tahv, Ch. m. Ezr. 5: 17. if (it seem) good to the king, Dan 2:32. This image's head (was) of fine gold, Dvtttp fvoo-leem', m. pi. Eze.23: 15. exceeding in dyed attire 11313 tab-boor', m. Jud. 9:37. down by tAe middle of the land, (marg. navel) Eze.38: 12. that dwell in the midst of the land. (marg. navel) nSfc [tah-vagh']. * KAL Preterite. * Ex. 22: 1(21 :37). or a sheep, and kill it, ISa. 25: 11. my flesh that I have killed Pro. 9: 2. SAe hath killed her beasts ; Lam.2:21.tAoij Aasr killed, (and) not pitied. KAL Infinitive. Gen43:16.02td slay, and make ready; (marg. hill a killing) Ps. 37 : 14. to slay such as be of upright conversation. Jer. 11:19. an ox (that) is brought to the slaughter; 25:34. for the days of your slaughter {marg. your days for slaughter) 51:40.down like lambs to the slaughter, Eze.21 : 10( 15). Itissharpened tomaieasore slaughter; KAL Participle. Paul. Reu 28: 31. Thine ox (shall be) slain n|to [tab-bah'gh'], Ch. m. Dan 2:14. and wisdom to Arioch the captain of the king's guard, (marg. chief of tAe exe cutioners, or, slaughtermen, or, chief marshal) n3t3 teh'-vdgh, m. Gen43: 16. Bring (these) men home, and slay, (marg, kill a hilling) Pro. 7 : 22. as an ox goeth to (Ae slaughter, 9: 2. She hath killed her beasts; (marg. killing) Isa. 34: 2. hath delivered them to the slaughter. 6. and a great slaughter 53: 7. brought as a lamb to the slaughter, 65: 12. all bow down to the slaughter: Jer. 48: 15. men are gone down to the slaughter, 50:27. let them go down to the slaughter: Eze.21:10(15).to make a sore slaughter ; (lit. to slay a slaughter) 15(20). (it is) wrapped up for the slaughter. 2S(33)./or the slaughter (it is) furbished, nrntp tiv-ghah', f. lSa.2b:ll. myflesh that I have killed Ps. 44:22(23). counted as sheep for the slaughter. Ser. 12: 3. like sheep for the slaughter, ninSJ? tab-bah-ghohth', f. pi. ISa. 8:13.confectionaries, and (to be) cooks, hi® tah-val'. *KAL Preterite. * Ex. 12:22.andd:p (it) in the blood Lev. 4: 6, 17.-4»d the priest shall dip his finger bntD ( 474 ) into Lev. 14: 6. and shall dip them and the living bird 16. And the priest shall dip his right finger 51 . and dip them in the blood Nu. 19:18. and dip (it) in the water, Ru. 2:14. and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. KAL Future. Gen37: 31. and dipped the coat in the blood ; Lev. 9: 9. and he dipped his finger in the blood, ISa. 14: 27. and dipped it in an honeycomb, 2K. 5:14. and dipped himself seven times 8:15. and dipped (it) in water, Job 9:31. Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, KAL Participle. Poel. Deu 33: 24. and let him dip his foot in oil. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Jos. 3:15. were dipped in the brim of the water, ynt3 [tah-vag']. * KAL Preterite. * Ps. 9: 15(16). The heathen are sunk down 69: 2(3). 1 sink in deep mire, Lam. 2: 9. Her gates are sunk into the ground ; KAL Future. 13a.l7:49.(Aa( the stone sunk into his forehead ; Ps. 69:14(15)Je(menot sinA; Jer. 38: 6. so Jeremiah sunk in the mire. * PUAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 15: 4. his chosen captains also are drowned * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * Job 33: 6. the foundations thereof fastened1? (marg. made to sink) Pro. 8:25. Before the mountains were settled, Jer. 38:22. thy feet are sunk in the mire, Est. 8: 8. sealed with the king's ring, 10. sealed (it) with the king's ring, Isa. 3:21. The rings, and nose jewels, Hit? teh-vehth'. Est. 2:16. which (is) the month Tebeth, nyiD tab-bah'-gath, f. Gen41:42. Pharaoh took off Ais ring Ex. 25: 12. thou shalt cast four rings o/gold — two rings (shall be) in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side 14. the staves hito the rings 15. The staves shall be in the rings of 26. thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, and put (Ae rings in the four corners 27. against the border shall (Ae rings 26 : 24. above the head of it unto one ring : 29. make (Aeir rings (of) gold 27 : 4. make four brasen rings 7. the staves shall be put into the rings, 28:23. upon the breastplate two rings ¦ — ¦ put the two rings on the two ends 24. wreathen (chains) of gold in the two rings 26. thou shalt make two rings o/gold, 27. two (other) rings o/gold 28. bind the breastplate by the rings thereof unto (Ae rings of the ephod 30: 4. two golden rings shalt thou make 35:22. bracelets, and earrings, and rings, 36:29. the head thereof, to one rhig: 34. made (Aeir rings (of) gold 37: 3, 13. he cast for it lour rings o/gold, — even two rings upon the one side of it, and two rings upon the other side 5- he put the staves into the rings 13. put (Ae rings upon the four corners 14. against the border were (Ae rings, 27. he made two rings o/gold 38: 5. he cast four rings for the four ends 7. he put the staves into the rings 39:16. ouches (of) gold, and two gold rings, and put (Ae two rings in the two ends 17. chains of gold in (Ae two rings 19. they made two j-ings o/gold, 20. they made two (other) golden rings, 21. by his rings unto (Ae rings of the ephod Nu. 31 ;50. chains, and bracelets, rings, Est. 3; 10. the king took Ais ring from his hand, 12. sealed uii(A the king's ring. 8: 2. the king took off Ais ring, 8. seal (it) with the king's ring: ninip tah-hohrf, adj. Gen 7: 2. Of every clean beast thou shalt — of beasts that (are) not clean 8. Of clean beasts, and of beasts that (are) not clean, 8: 20. took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, Ex. 25: 11. shalt overlay it with pure gold, 17. make a mercy seat (of) pure gold: 24. shalt overlay it with pure gold, 29. to cover withal: (of) pure gold 31. make a candlestick (of) pure gold: 36. one beaten work (of) pure gold. 38. snuffdishes thereof, (shall be of) pare gold, 39. a talent of pure gold shall he make 28:14. two chains (of) pure gold 22. wreathen work (of) pure gold. 36. shalt make a plate (of) pure gold, 30; 3. thou shalt overlay it with pare gold, 35. tempered together, pure (and) holy: 31 : 8. the pure candlestick with all 37: 2. he overlaid it with pare gold 6. made the mercy seat (of) pure gold: 1 1 , 26. he overlaid it with pure gold, 16. covers to cover withal, (of) pure gold. 17. he made the candlestick (of) pure gold: 22. all of it (was) one beaten work (of) pure gold. 23. his snuffdishes, (of) pure gold. 24. a talent of pure gold made he it, 29. the pure incense of sweet spices, 39:15. wreathen work (of) pure gold. 25. they made bells (of) pure gold, 30. plate of the holy crown (of) pure gold, 37. The pure candlestick, Lev. 4:12 & 6: 11 (4). without the camp unto a clean place, 7:19. all (Aa( be clean shall eat 10: 10. between unclean and clean; 14. shall ye eat in a clean place ; 11:36. plenty of water, shall be clean: 37. fall upon any sowing seed.. .it (shallbe) clean. 47. between the unclean and (Ae clean, 13: 13.it is all turned white: he (is) clean. 17. (that hath) the plague: he (is) clean. 37. the scall is healed, he (is) clean: 39. groweth in the skin ; he (is) clean. 40. he (is) bald ; (yet is) he clean. 41. he (is) forehead bald: (yet is) he clean. 14: 4. cleansed two birds alive (and) clean, 57. unclean, and when (it is) clean: 15: 8. spit upon him that is cleaji; 20: 25. between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and clean: 24: 4. order the lamps upon the pure candlestick 6. upon the pure table before the Lord. Nu. 5: 28. be not defiled, but be clean; 9:13. But the man that (is) clean, 18:11, 13. every one (Aa( is clean 19: 9. a man (that is) clean shall gather — without the camp in a clean place, 18. a clean person shall take hyssop, 19. And (Ae clean (person) shall Deu 12: 15. unclean andthe clean may eat 22. the unclean and the clean shall eat 14: 11. all clean birds ye shall eat. 20. all clean fowls ye may eat. 15:22. unclean ajid the clean 23 : 10(11 ). not clean by reason of uncleanness lSa.20:26.he (is) not clean; surely he (is) not clean. 1 Ch 28 : 1 7 . Also pure gold for the fleshhooks, 2Ch 3: 4. he overlaid it within with pure gold. 9:17. overlaid it with pure gold. 13: 11. upon the pure table ; 30:17. for every one (that was) not clean, ina ( 475 ) -into Ezr. 6:20. all of them (were) pure, Job 14: 4. Who can bring a clean (thing) 28: 19. neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Ps. 12: 6(7).ThewordsoftheLord(are)parewords: 19: 9( 10). The fear of the Lord (is) clean, 51 : 10( 12) . Create in me a clean heart, Pro.l5:26.Atrf (the words) of the pure (are) pleasant words. 22:11. (a-m) He that loveth pureness of heart, 30: 1 2. a generation (that are) pure Ecc. 9: 2. to the good and to the clean, Isa. 66:20. bring an offering in a clean vessel Eze.22:26. between the unclean and the clean, 36:25. Then will I sprinkle clean water 44:23. between the unclean and the clean. Hab 1:13. (Thou art) of purer eyes than to behold evil, (lit. pure of eyes) Zee. 3: 5. Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon Mai. 1:11. unto my name, and a pure offering: lib tah-hehr'. " T * KAL Preterite. * Lev.l 1 : 32. so it shall be cleansed. 12: 7 . and she shall be cleansed from 8. and ske shall be clean. 13: 6, 34. wash his clothes, and be clean. 58. second time, and shall be clean. 14: 8. (Aa( Ae may be clean : 9, 20. and he shall be clean. 53. and it shall be clean. 15:13. and shall be clean. 28. if sAe be cleansed of her issue, 17 :1b. than shall he be clean. 22: 7. And when the sun is down, he shaU be clean, Nu. 19; 19. and shall be clean at even. 31 : 23. and it shall be clean : 24. and ye shall be clean, 2K. 5:12. wash in them, and be clean? Pro.20 : 9. lam pure from my sin ? Eze.24: 13. (Aom wast not purged, 36:25. and ye shall be clean: KAL. — Imperative. 2K. 5: 10. and thou shalt be clean. 13. Wash, and be clean? Lev.15; 16: 22: flu 19: 2K. 5: Job 4: Ps. 51: Jer. 13: Eze.24: KAL.— Future. 13. he that hath an issue is cleansed 28. after that sAe shall be clean. 30. ye may be clean from all your sins 4. the holy things, until Ae be clean. 12. seventh day Ae sAaii be clean: — seventh day Ae sAafl not be clean. 14. and he was clean. 17. shall a man be more pure 7(9). with hyssop, and Ishall be clean: 27. wilt thou not be made clean? 13. (Aou shalt not be purged * PIEL.— Preterite.* Lev.13: 6. the priest shall pronounce him clean: 13. he shall pronounce (him) clean 17. then the priest shall pronounce (him) clean 23, 28. and the priest shall pronounce him clean. 34. (Aere the priest shall pronounce him clean: 37. and the priest shall pronounce him clean. 14: 7. and shall pronounce him clean, 48. (Aere the priest shall pronounce the house clean, 16: 19. seven times, and cleanse it, Nu. 8: 6. of Israel, and cleanse them. 15. and thou shalt cleanse them, 2Ch 29:18. We have cleansed all the house Neh 13:30. Thus cleansed I them Jer. 33: 8. And I will cleanse them Eze 24: 13. because I have purged thee, 37:23. and will cleanse them: 39:16. Thus shall they cleanse the land. 43:26. Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it; Mai. 3: 3.and he shall purify the sons PIEL. — Infinitive. £ev. 1 3 :59. to pronounce it clean, Lev.l6:30.an atonement for you, to cleanse Nu. 8: 7. do unto them, to cleanse them: 21.atonement for them to cleanse them. 2Ch 29: 15.(o cleanse the house of the Lord. 16. house of the Lord, to cleanse (it), 34: 3. to purge Judah and Jerusalem 8. when Ae had pwged the land, Eze.36:33.In the day that I shall have cleansed 39: 12. that (Aey may cleanse the land. 14. face of the earth, to cleanse it: PIEL — Imperative. 2(4). cleanse me from my sin. PIEL.— Future. b.and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem. 30. purified themselves, and purified the 9.1 commanded, and they cleansed 21. the wind passeth, and cleanseth them. 25. from all your idols, will I cleanse you. PIEL.— Participle. 11. the priest that maketh (him) clean 3. a refiner and purifier of silver: * PUAL.— Participle. * 24. the land that is not cleansed, * HITHPAEL.- Ps. 51 2Ch34;Neh 12: 13; Job 37; Eze 36; Lev.14 Mai. 3 Eze 22 Preterite. * Nu. 8: 7. and (so) make themselves clean, Jos. 22:17. from which we are not cleansed 2Ch 30: 18. Aad not cleansed themselves, Ezr. 6 : 20. the Levites were purified HITHPAEL.— Imperative. Gen35: 2. among you, and be clean, HITHPAEL Future, Nehl2:30.j4red the priests and the Levites purified themselves, HITHPAEL.— Participle. Lev.14: 4. take /w him that is to be cleansed 7. upon Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed 8. he that is to be cleansed 11. the man (Aa( is to be made clean, 14, 17. ear of Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed, 18. head of Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed: 19. for Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed 25, 28. right ear of Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed, 29. the head of Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed, 31 . atonement for Aim (Aa( is to be cleansed Neh 13: 22. that they should cleanse themselves, (lit. should be cleansing, &c. ) Isa. 66: 17. and purify thejnselves in the gardens lib [fhoh?-], m. Job 17: 9. and Ae that hath clean hands shall be Pro.22: 11. He that loveth pureness of heart, inb toh'-har, m. Ex. 24: 10. the body of heaven ire (his) clearness. Lev.12: 4. the days of her purifying be fulfilled. 6. when the days of her purifying are inb [ttihahr], m. Ps. 89:44(45). Thou hast made his glory to cease, (marg. brightness) nilb toh-htirati, f. TTiT Lev.12 : 4. in the blood of her purifying (lit. of purify ing) 5. in the blood of her purifying (lit. id.) 13: 7. seen of the priest for his cleansing, 35. in the skin after his cleansing ; 14: 2. the leper in the day of Ais cleansing: 23. on the eighth day for his cleansing 32. (which pertaineth) to his cleansing. 15:13.seven days for his cleansing, Nu. 6: 9. in the day of his cleansing, -inza c 476 ) lCh23:28.in the purifying of all holy things, 2Ch 30:1 9. according to the purification of Neh 12:45. the ward of the purification, Eze.44: 26. after Ae is cleansed, they shall reckon mta Wb [too]. * PILPEL Preterite. * Isa. 14:23. and Iwill sweep it with the besom Nu. 11 24 Deu 5 1519 ISa 16 20 ICh 13 Neh 2 Est. 1 3 5 7 Job 10 13 Cant.4 Nu. 10 IK. 8: 2K. 10: 2Ch 6: Eze 36 Hos.10 Jer. 32: Ps.125; Ecc.ll; Ps.119Pro. 30 Eze.33 ait) tohv. * KAL.— Preterite. * : 1 8. for it was well with us : 1. Balaam saw that it pleased (lit. was good in the eyes of) the Lord 5. How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, ;33(30).and (that) it may be well with you, : 16. because Ae is well with thee; : 13. that it may go well with thee. : 16. and thou shalt be well. (lit. it shall be well with thee) 23. refreshed, and was well, ; 12. behold, (if) (Aere be good toward David, ; 2. If it seem good unto you, : 5, 7. said unto the king, if it please the king, : 19. If it please (marg. be good with) the king, : 9. If it please the king, : 4. If it seem good unto the king, 8. if it please the king to grant my petition, ; 3. if it please the king, let my life be given : 3. 7s it good unto thee that thou : 9. Is it good that he should search you out? : 10. how much better is thy love than wine 1 * HIPHIL Preterite. * : 29. come thou with us, and we will do thee good : 32. the same will we do unto thee. : 18. thou didst well that it was ; 30. Because thou hast done well : 8. (Aom didst well in that ; 1 1 . and will do better (unto you) I . (Aey Aaye made goodly images. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. 41. rejoice over them to do them good, HIPHII^. —Imperative. 4. Do good, O Lord, unto (those that be) HIPHIL.— Future. 9. and let thy heart cAeer (Aee HIPHIL.— Participle. 68. Thou (art) good, and doest good ; 29. There be three (things) which go welt, 32. and can play well on an instrument: 5113 tohv, adj. Gen 1 : 4. saw the light, that (it was) good: 10, 12, 18, 21,25. God saw that (it was) good. 31 . behold, (it was) very good. 2 : 9. pleasant to the sight and good — the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 12. the gold of that land (is) good: 17. tree of the knowledge of good and evil, 18. not good that the man should be alone; 3: 5. knowing good and evil. 6. that the tree ( was) good for food, 22. to know good and evil: 6: 2. daughters of men that they (were)/air; 15:15. thou shalt be buried i n a good old age. 16: 6. do to her as it pleaseth thee. (marg. (that which is) good in thine eyes) 18: 7.fetcht a calf tender and good, 19: 8. do ye to them as (is) good 20: 15. dwell where it pleaseth thee. (marg. as (is) good in thine eyes) 24:16. the damsel (was) very fair 50. we cannot speak unto thee bad or good. 25: 8. died in a good old age, 26: 7. because she (was)/air to look upon. 29. done unto thee nothing but good, Gen27 : 9. fetch me from thence two good kids 29:19. better that I give her to thee, 30:20. God hath endued me (with) a good dowry- 31 :24, 29. speak not to Jacob ei(Aer cood or bad! (marg. from good to bad) 40: 16. saw that the interpretation was good. 41: 5- upon one stalk, rank and good. 22. came up in one stalk, full andgood: 24. devoured the seven good ears: 26. The seven good kine (are) seven years » and the seven good ears (are) seven 35. all the food of those good years 44: 4. have ye rewarded evil for good? 49; 15. he saw that rest (was) good, 50:20. God meant it unto good, Ex. 2: 2. saw him that he (was a) goodly (child), 3: 8. unto a good land and a large, 14:12.Ae((er for us to serve 18: 9. Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness 17. The thing that thou doest (is) not good. Lev.27 ; 10. nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good : 12, 14. whether it be good or bad: 33. whether it be good or bad, Nu. 10:29. for the Lord hath spoken good 32. what goodness the Lord shall do 13:19. whether it (be) good or bad; 14: 3. better for us to return into Egypt? 7. an exceeding good land. 24 : 13. to do (either) good or bad 36: 6. marry to whom they think best; Deu 1 : 14. thing which thou hast spoken (is) good 25. a good land which the Lord 35. evil generation see that good land, 39. no knowledge between good and evil, 3 : 25 . see the good land — that goodly mountain, 4:21.1 should not go in unto that good land, 22. possess that good land. 6:10. to give thee great and goodly cities, 18. right and good in the sight of the Lord: — possess the good land which the Lord 24./or our good always, 8: 7. God bringeth thee into a good land, 10. for the good land which he hath 12. and hast built goodly houses, 9: 6. God giveth thee not this good land 10:13.1 command thee this day for thy good? ll;17.perish quickly from off the good land 1 2 : 28. doest (that which is) good and right 23: 6(7). seek their peace nor their prosperity (marg. good) 16(17). where it liketh him 6es(: (marg. is good for him. ) 26: 1 1 .thou shalt rejoice in every good 28:1 1. make thee plenteous in goods, 12. open unto thee his good treasure, 30: 9. in the fruit ofthy land, for good: — will again rejoice over thee for good, lb. set before thee this day life and good, Jos. 7:2Lamong the spoils a goodly Babylonish 9: 25. as it seemeth good and right 21:45(43). failed not ought of any good thing 23: 13. perish from off this good land 14. hath failed of all the good things 15. as all good things are come upon you, — destroyed you from off this good land 16. perish quickly from off the good land Jud. 8: 2. the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abi-ezer? 32. died in a good old age, 35. all (Ae goodness which he had shewed 9; 2. Whether (is) better for you, (marg. What (is) good? whether, &c. ) 11. my sweetness, and my good fruit, 16. if ye have dealt well with 10: 15. whatsoever seemeth good unto thee ; 1 1 : 25. now (art) thou any thing better (lit.goodt good rather, &c. ) 15: 2, her younger sister fairer than she? 16:25. when their hearts were merry, 18: 9.behold, it (is) very good: 19. (is it) better for thee to be a priest 19:24. what seemeth good unto you: Ru. 2:22.yood, my daughter, that thou go 3; 13. unto thee the part of a kinsman, well; W him do ma (477 ) mza Ru. 4:15. which is 6e((er to thee ISa. 1: 8. better to thee than ten sons? 23. Do what seemeth thee good; 2:24. for (it is) no good report that I hear: 26. and was in favour both with 3:18. let him do what seemeth him good. 8: 14. your oliveyards, (even) the best 16. your goodliest young men, 9: 2. a choice young man, ajtda goodly: ¦ — a goodlier person than he: 10. Well said; come, let us go. (marg. Thy word (is) good) 11:10. all (Aa( seemeth good unto you. 12: 23. teach you the good and the right way: 14:36. Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. 40. Do what seemeth good unto thee. 15: 9. all (that was) good, 22. to obey (is) better than sacrifice, 28. (that is) 6e((er than thou. 16:12. and goodly to look to. 19:4. Jonathan spake good of David — works (have been)to theeward very good: 20: 7. If he say thus, (It is) well; 24:17(18). for thou hast rewarded me yood, 18(19). how that thou hast dealt well 19(20). will he let him go well away? where fore the Lord reward thee good 25: 3. a woman of good understanding, 8. for we come in a good day: 15. But the men (were) very good 21. hath requited me evil for good. 30. according to all (Ae good 36. Nabal's heart (was) merry within him, 26:16. This thing (is) not good 27: 1. nothing 6e((er for me 29: 6. and thy going out and thy coming in., .(is) good — nevertheless the lords favojir thee not. (marg. thou (art) not good in the eyes of) 9.I.know that thou (art) good 2Sa. 2: 6. 1 also will requite you this kindness, 3: 13. he said, Well; I will make a league 19. all that seemed good to Israel, 36. whatsoever the king did pleased (lit. was good in the eyes) 7:28. thou hast promised this goodness 10: 12. do that which seemeth him good. 11:2. the woman (was) very beautiful 13: 22. brother Amnon neither good nor bad. 28. when Amnon's heart is merry 14:17. to discern good and bad: 32. good for me (to have been) there 15: 3. See, thy matters (are) good and right; 26. let him do to me as seemeth good 16:12. the Lord will requite me good 17: 7. Ahithophel hath given (is) not good li.better than the counsel of Ahithophel. — appointed to defeat the good counsel 18: 3. better that thou succour 27. He (is) a good man, and cometh with good 19:18(19). to do what he thought good. 27(28). do therefore (what is) good in thine 35(36). can I discern between good and evil? 37(38). what shall seem good unto thee. 38(39). that which shall seem good 2i:22.what (seemeth) good unto him: IK. 1: 6. he also (was a) very goodly (man); 42. and bringest good tidings. 2:18. Well; I will speak for thee 32. more righteous and better than he, 38. The saying (is) good: 42. The word (that) I have heard (is) good. 3: 9. discern between good and bad: 8:36. teach them the good way 56. word of all his good promise, 66. joyful and glad of heart for all (Ae goodness that the Lord 10: 7. thy wisdom and prosperity 12: 7. speak good words to them, 14:13. there is found (some) good thing 15. root up Israel out of this good land, 18:24. It is well spoken. 19: 4. for I (am) not 6e((er than my fathers. 20: 3. thy children, (even) the goodliest, 21 : 2. 1 will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; (or), if it seem good to thee, IK. 22: 8. for he doth not prophesy good 13. the prophets (declare) good unto the king — speak (that which is) good. 18. that he would prophesy no good 2K. 2:19. the situation of this city (is) pleasant, 3:19. fell every good tree, — mar every good piece of land 25. on every good piece of land — and felled all the good trees: 5:12. better than all the waters 10: 3. Look even out (Ae best and meetest 5. do thou (that which is) good 20: 3. and have done (that which is) good 13. and thejoreciows ointment, 19. Good (is) the word of the Lord 25:28. And he spake kindly to him, and set his (marg. good things) ICh 4: 40. they found fat pasture and good, 16:34. thanks unto the Lord; for (he is) good; 17:26. hast promised this goodjiess 19:13. do (that which is) good in his sight. 21 :23.do (that which is) good in his eyes: 28: 8. that ye may possess this good land, 29:28. he died in a good old age, 2Ch 3: 5. which he overlaid with fine gold, 8. and he overlaid it -with fine gold, 5:13. For (he is) good; 6 : 27. hast taught them the good way, 41 . let thy saints rejoice in goodness. 7: 3. For (he is) good; 10. glad and Jnerry in heart for (Ae goodness that the Lord had shewed 10: 7. If thou be kind to this people, — speak good words to them, 12:12. also in Judah things went well, (marg.or, and yet in Judah there were good things) 14: 2(1). Asa did (that which was) good 18: 7. he never prophesied good 12. prophets (declare) good to the king — speak thou good. 17. he would not prophesy good 19: 3. there are good things found in thee, 1 1 . the Lord shall be with (Ae good. 21:l3.better than thyself: 24: 16. because he had done good in Israel, 30: 18. The good Lord pardon every one 22. that taught the good knowledge 31 : 20. wrought (that which was) good Ezr. 3:1 1. because (he is) good, 7: 9. according to the good hand 8: 18. by the good hand of our God 22. upon all them for good 27. two vessels of fine copper, 9: 12. their peace or their wealth Neh 2: 8. according to the good hand of my God 10. to seek (Ae welfare of the children of 18. my God which was good upon me; — for (this) good (work). 5: 9. It (is) not good that ye do: 19. Think upon me, my God, for good, 6:19. they reported Ais good deeds 9:13. good statutes and commandments: 20. Thou gavest also thy good spirit 13:31. Remember me, O my God, for good. Est. 1 :10. ivhen the heart of the king was merry 11. for she (was) fair to look on. (marg.yood 0/ countenance) 19. unto another (Aa( is belter than she. 2: 2. Let there be fair (lit. good of counte nance) young virgins sought for 3. gather together all the fair young virgins 7. the maid (was) fair and beautiful; 9. her maids unto (Ae best (place) 3:1 1 -do with them as it seemeth good 5: 9. joyful awd with a glad heart: 7: 9. who had spoken good for the king, 8: 5. And said, If it please the king, — and I (be) pleasing in his eyes, 8. for the Jews, as it liketh you, (lit. as (is) good in your eyes) 17. a feast and a good day. 9:13. Then said Esther, If it please the king, 19. feasting, and a good day, 22. from mourning into a good day: 10: 3- seeking (Ae wealth of his people, Job 2:10. receive good at the hand of God, 7: 7. mine eye shall no more see good. 31D ( 478 ) 11J3 Job 9:25. they see no good. 21 : 13. They spend their days in wealth, 25. never eateth with pleasure. 22: 18. he filled their houses with good 21. thereby good shall come unto thee. 30: 26. When I looked for good, then evil 34: 4. let us know among ourselves what (is) good. 36 : 1 1 . spend their days in prosperity, Ps. 4: 6(7). Who will shew us (any) good? 14: 1,3. none that doeth good. 16: 2. my goodness (extendeth) not to thee; 21: 3(4). with the blessings of goodness: 23: 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow 25: 8. Good and upright (is) the Lord: 13. His soul shall dwell at ease; (marg. in goodness) 34: 8(9). taste and see that the Lord (is) good . r 10(11). seek the Lord shall not want any good 12(13). days, that he may see good? 14(15). Depart from evil, and do good; 35: 12. They rewarded me evil for good 36: 4(5). setteth himself in a way (that is) not good; 37: 3. Trust in the Lord, and do good; 16. better than the riches of 27. Depart from evil, and do good; 38:20(21LThey also that render evil for good — ( — ).I follow (the thing that) good (is). 39: 2(3). I held my peace, (even) from good ; 45: 1(2). My heart is inditing a good matter: 52: 3(5). Thou lovest evil more than good; 9(11). for (it is) good before thy saints. 53: 1(2), 3(4). none that doeth good. 54: 6(8). O Lord; for (it is) good. 63: 3(4). lovingkindness (is) 6e((er than life, 65:11(12). crownest the year with thy goodness ; 68: 10(11). hast prepared ofthy goodness 69:16(17). for thy lovingkindness (is) good: 73: 1. Truly God (is) good to Israel, 28. But (it is) good for me to draw near 84:10(11). a day in thy courts (is) 6e((er than a 11(12). no good (thing) will he withhold 85:12(13). Lord shall give (that which is) good; 86: 5. For thou, Lord, (art) good, 17. Shew me a token for good; 92: 1(2). (a) good (thing) to give thanks 100: 5. For the Lord (is) good; 103: 5.satisfieth thy mouth with good 104: 28. they are filled with good. 106: l.unto the Lord; for (he is) good: 5. That I may see (Ae good of 107: l.unto the Lord, for (he is) good: 9. filleth the hungry soul with goodness. 109: 5. have rewarded me evil for good, 21. because thy mercy (is) good, 111 : 10. a good understanding have all 112: 5. A good man sheweth favour, 118: 1. thanks unto the Lord; for (he is) good. : 8,9.6e((er to trust in the Lord than to put 29. for (he is) good: for his mercy 119:39. for thy judgments (are) good. 65. Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, 68. Thou (art) good, 71. (It is) good for me that I have 72. The law ofthy mouth (is) better 122. Be surety for thy servant for good: 122: 9.1 will seek thy good. 125: 4. unto (those that be) good, 128: 2.and (it shall be) well with thee. 133 : 1 . how good and how pleasant 2. like the precious ointment upon 135: 3. for the Lord (is) good: 136: l.unto the Lord; for (he is) good: 143: 10. thy spirit (is) good; 145: 9. The Lord (is) good to all: 147: l.for (it is) good to sing praises Pro. 2: 9. equity; (yea), every good path. 20. mayest walk in the way of good (men), 3: 4. find favour and good understanding 14.6e((er than the merchandise 27. Withhold not good from them 4: 2. For I give you good doctrine, 8:11. wisdom (is) better than rubies ; 19. My fruit (is) better 11:23. desire of the righteous (is) only good: 27. He that diligently seeketh good Pro.12: 2. A good (man) obtaineth favour 9. better than he that honoureth 14. A man shall be satisfied with good 25. a good word maketh it glad. 13: 2. A man shall eat good by the fruit 15. Good understanding giveth favour: 21. but to the righteous good 22. A good (man) leaveth an inheritance 14 : 14. and a good man (shall be satisfied) 19. The evil bow before (Ae good; 22. truth (shall be) to them that devise good, 15: 3. beholding the evil and the good. lb. but he that is of a merry heart 16. Better (is) little with the fear of 17. Better (is) a dinner of herbs 23. word (spoken) in due season, how good 30. a good report maketh the bones fat. 16: 8. Better (is) a little with 16.Ae((er (is it) to get wisdom 19. Better (it is to be) of an humble spirit 20. handleth a matter wisely shall find good: 29. leadeth him into the way (that is) not good. 32. slow to anger (is) better 17: 1. Better (is) a dry morsel, 13. Whoso rewardeth evil for good, 20. a froward heart findeth no good: 26. to punish the just (is) not good, 18: 5. not good to accept the person of the 22. findeth a wife findeth a good 19: 1. .Setter (is) thepoor 2. without knowledge, (it is) not good; 8. keepeth understanding shall find good: 22.and a poor man (is) better than a liar. 20:23. a false balance (is) not good. 21 : 9. better to dwell in a corner 19.oe((er to dwell in the wilderness, 22 : I. loving favour rather than silver 9. He that hath a bountiful eye 24: 13. eat thou honey, because (it is) good; 23. not good to have respect of persons 25. a good blessing shall come 25: 7. better (it is) that it be said 24.oe((er to dwell in the corner 25. so (is) good news from a far country. 27. not good to eat much honey: 27: 5. Open rebuke (is) 6e((er than secret love. 10.oe((er (is) a neighbour 28: 6. Better (is) the poor that walketh 10. the upright shall have good 21. respect of persons (is) not good: 31 : 12. She will do him good and not evil 18. that her merchandise (is) good: Ecc. 2: 1. therefore enjoy pleasure: 3. what (was) that good for the sons of men 24. nothing 6e((er for a man, — he should make his soul enjoy good 26. giveth to a man (Aa( (is) good — he may give to (him that is) good 3:12.1 know that (there is) no good in them, — rejoice, and to do good in his life. 13. enjoy (Ae good of all his labour, 22. that (there is) nothing better, 4: 3. Yea, better (is he) than both they, which 6. Better (is) an handful (with) quietness, 8. bereave my soul of good? 9. Two (are) better than one ; — they have a good reward for their labour. 13. Better (is) a poor and a wise child 5: 5(4). Better (is it) that thou 11(10). When goods increase, 18(17). good and comely (for one) to eat — ( — ).to enjoy the good of all his labour 6: 3. his soul be not filled with good, — an untimely birth (is) better than he. 6. yet hath he seen no good: 9. Better (is) the sight of the eyes 12. who knoweth what (is) good for man 7: l.AjyoodJname (is) better th***- fj£ £& 2. better to go to the house of mourning, 3. Sorrow (is) better than laughter: 5. better to hear the rebuke 8. Better (is) the end of a thing — better than the proud in spirit. 10. What is (the cause) that the former days were better 11. Wisdom (is) good with an inheritance: aito Ecc. 7: 89 12 Cant.1 7 Isa. 35 3941 •52 555665 Jer. 5 6 52 Lam. 3 Exe.17 18 2024 31 14. In the day of prosperity be joyful, (lit. in good) 18. good that thou shouldest take hold 20. just man upon earth, that doeth good, 26. whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; (marg. (he that is) good before God) 12. that it shall be well with them 13. But it shall not be well 15. man hath no better thing 2.(o (Ae good and to the clean, — as (is) (Ae good, so (is) the sinner; 4. a living dog is better than a dead lion. 7. drink thy wine with a merry heart; 16. Wisdom (is} better than strength: 18. Wisdom (is) better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good. ; 6. whether they both (shall be) alike good. 7. and a pleasant (thing it is) ; 14. whether (it be) good, ; 2. thy love (is) better than wine. 3. the savour ofthy good ointments : 9(10). roof of thy mouth like the 6es( wine 10. that (it shall be) well 9. shall be desolate, (even) great and fair, 20. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil ; :15, 16. refuse the evil, and choose (Ae good. : 3. and have done (that which is) good : 2. and the precious ointment, 8. Good (is) the word of the Lord : 7. It (is) ready for the sodering: (marg. of the soder, It (is) good) : 7. that bringeth good tidings of good, : 2. eat ye (that which is) good, : 5. a name better than of sons : 2. walketh in a way (that was) not good, 25. your sins have withholden good 16. where (is) the good way, 20. and the sweet cane from a far country? : 15. for peace, but no good : 6. they speak fair words unto thee. (marg. good things) II. Pray not for this people for (their) good. 19. and (there is) no good ; 11. Verily it shall be well (lit. for good) : 6. shall not see when good cometh; : 10. then I will repent of (Ae good, 20. Shall evil be recompensed for good? — I stood before thee to speak good 10. not for good, :1b, 16. then (it was) well : 2. One basket (had) very good figs, 3.1 said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, 5. Like these good figs, — landof the Chaldeans for (their) good. 6. set mine eyes upon them for good, : 14. as seemeth good and meet : 10. perform my good word 32. shall he behold (Ae good :39./or (Ae good of them, 42. bring upon them all (Ae good : 9. hear all (Ae good that I do — fear and tremble for all (Ae goodness 11. for the Lord (is) good; 14. 1 will perform that good thing : 16. for evil, and not for good; : 4. If it seem good unto thee — whither it seemeth good : 6. Whether (it be) good, : 17. plenty of victuals, and were well, 27. for evil, and not for good: 32. spake kindly unto him, (marg. good things) :17.my soul far off from peace: I forgat/wos- perity. (marg. good) 25. The Lord (is) good unto them 26. good that (a man) should 27. (It is) good for a man 38. proceedeth not evil and good? : Lis the most fine gold changed! (lit. good fine gold) 9.6etter than (they that be) slain : 8. It was planted in a good soil 18. did (that) which (is) not good : 25. statutes (that were) not good, : 4. every good piece, the thigh, : 16. the choice and best of Lebanon, ( 479 ) mo Eze.34: 14. 1 will feed them in a good pasture, — there shall they lie in a good fold, 18. have eaten up the good pasture, 36:31. your doings that (were) not good, Dan 1 : 4. no blemish, but well favoured, Ib.fairer and fatter in flesh Hos. 2: 7 (9). better with me than now. 4: 13. the shadow thereof (is) good: 8: 3. cast off (the thing that is) good: 10: 1 . according to the goodjiess 14: 2(3). receive (us) graciously : Joel 3: 5(4:5). temples my goodly pleasant things: Am. 5: 14. Seek good, and not evil, 15. Hate the evil, and love (Ae good, 6: 2. (be they) better than these 9: 4. for evil, and not for good. Jon. 4: 3, 8.oe((er for me to die than to live. Mic. 1 : 12. Maroth waited carefully for good : 3 : 2. Who hate (Ae good, 6: 8. shewed thee, O man, what (is) good; 7: 4. The best of them (is) as a brier: Nah 1 : 7. The Lord (is) good, 3 : 4. the whoredoms of the zoe/ifavoured harlot, (lit. good of favour) Zee. 1 : 13. good words (and) comfortable 17. My cities through prosperity (marg. good) 8: 19. gladness, and cheerful feasts ; 11 : 12. If ye think good, Mai. 2: 17. Every one that doeth evil (is) good MO toov, m. Gen24. 45 Ex. 33 Deu 6 28 2K. 8 Ezr. 9 Neh 9 Job 20: 21: Ps. 25;27; 31; 65: 119; 128: 145 Pro.llIsa. 1: 63:65; Jer. 2: 31 Hos. 3 10 Zee 9:17. all (Ae goods of his master I will give you (Ae good of the land for (Ae good of all the land laden with (Ae good things o/Egypt, I will make all my goodness pass before houses full of all good (things) , joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, even of every good thing of Damascus, eat (Ae good o/the land, houses full of all goods, delighted themselves in thy great goodness. and in thy great goodness and (Ae good thereof, shall no man look for Ais goods. their good (is) not in their hand: remember thou me for (Ay goodjiess* sake, see (Ae goodness o/the Lord (20). how great (is) (Ay goodness, (5) . satisfied with the goodjiess of thy house, .Teach me good judgment thou shalt see (Ae good of Jerusalem utter the memory of (Ay great goodness, When it goeth welt with the righteous, (lit. in the good of) ye shall eat (Ae good of the land: great goodness toward the house cf Israel, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, and the goodness thereof; flow together to (Ae goodness o/the Lord, shall be satisfied with my goodness, fear the Lord and Ais goodness but I passed over upon her fair neck: (marg. (Ae beauty of her neck) For how great (is) Ais goodness, nnib see nib Tfp [tah-vah']. *KAL Preterite.* Ex. 35:25. the women that were wise hearted did spin 26. stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' (hair). n^b tooagh. * KAL.— Preterite.* Lev 14:42. and shall plaister the house. nib ( 480 ) B'ta Isa. 44 : 18. for he hath shut their eyes, (marg. daubed) Eze 13: 12. daubing wherewith ye have daubed 14. the wall that ye have daubed 22:28. her prophets have daubed them KAL Infinitive. ICh 29: i.to overlay the walls of the houses KAL Participle. Poel. Eze 13: 10. daubed it with untempered (morter): 11 . Say unto them which daub (it) with 15. and upon them that have daubed . — neither they that daubed * NIPHAL Infinitive.* Lev 14:43. after it is plaistered ; 48. after the house was plaistered: niSbib toh-tuh-phdhth' , f. pi. Ex. 13:16. and for fj'ontlets between thine eyes: Deu 6: 8. they shall be as frontlets 11: 18. they may be as frontlets ^b [tool]. * PILPEL. —Participle. * Isa. 22:.17.the Lord will carry thee away (marg. or, who covered thee) * HIPHIL Preterite. * 1 3. Therefore will I cast you out 26. And I will cast thee out , 4. the Lord sent out a great wind (marg. cast forth) HIPHIL. — Imperative. 12. and cast me forth into the sea; HIPHIL.— Future. 11. And Saul cast the javelin; ¦ 33. And Saul cast a javelin : 4. / will cast thee forth upon : 5. and cast forth the wares 15. and cast him forth into the sea: * HOPHAL.— Preterite.* Jer. 22 : 28. wherefore are they cast out, HOPHAL.— Future. Job 41 : 9(1 ). shall not (one) be cast down Ps. 37 : 24. he shall not be utterly cast down : Pro 16:33. The lot is cast into the lap; Jer. 16: 22: Jon 1 : Jon 1 ISa 18: 20: Eze 32: Jon 1; "lib toor, m. Ex. 28 : 1 7. four rows of stones : — row (shall be) a sardius, — (this shall be) the first row. 1 8. And the second row 19. And the third row a ligure, 20. And the fourth row a beryl, 39:10. they set in it four rows of stones: (the first) row (was) a sardius, — ¦ this (was) the first row. 11. And the second row, 12. And the third row, a ligure, 13. And the fourth row, a beryl, IK. 6: 36. the inner court with three rows of — and a row of cedar beams. 7 : 2. upon four rows of cedar pillars, 3. forty five pillars, fifteen (in) a row. 4. windows (in) three rows, 12. with three rows of hewed stones, — and a row of cedar beams, 1 8. two rows round about 20. two hundred in rows round about 24. knops (were) cast in two rows, 42. two rows of pomegranates 2Ch 4: 3. Two rows of oxen (were) cast, 13. two rows of pomegranates Eze 46:23. And (there was) a row lib toor, Ch. m. it smote the image became tain, 45. cut out of the mountain without hands Dan 2:35. that smote the image became a great moun. tain, tfttD [toosh]. * KAL Future. # Job 9:26.as the eagle (that) hasteth nib t'vahth, Ch. adv. Dan 6:18(19). and passed the night fasting : nnp [tah-ghah']. * PIEL. —Participle. * Gen21: 16. as it were a bowshot: jifflp t'ghohn, m. Lam 5: 13. They took the young men to grind, D^iPltp £ghoh-reemr, m. pi. Deu 28:27. and with the emerods, ISa 5: 6. smote them ioi(A emerods, 9. they had emerods in their secret parts. 12. were smitten with the emerods: 6: 4. Five golden emerods, 5. make images of your emerods, 1 l.the images of (Aeir emerods. 17. these (are) (Ae golden emerods ninb too-g/whth', f. pi. Job 38: 36. put wisdom in the inward parts? Ps. 51: 6(8). desirest truth in the inward parts : jrib [tak-gkan']. * KAL Preterite. * Nu. 11: 8.and ground (it) in mills, KAL — Infinitive. Deu 9:21.oroKnd (it) very small, KAL Imperative. Isa. 47: 2. Take the millstones, and grind meal: KAL Future. Ex. 32:20. and ground (it) to powder, Job 31 : 10. let my wife grind unto another, Isa. 3: 15. to pieces, and grind the faces of thepoor? KAL. — Participle. Poel. Jud 16:21. he did grind in the prison house. Ecc 12: 3. the grinders cease because they are few, njqb tah-ghanah', f. Ecc 12:4. when the sound of the grinding ITb tee'agh, m. Eze 13:12. Where (is) the daubing &V? teet, m. 2Sa 22: 43. did stamp them as the mire of Job 41 :30(22) . sharp pointed things upon the mire. Ps. 18:42(43 ). cast them out as the dirt in the streets. 40: 2(3). out of the miry clay, 69: 14(15). Deliver me out of the mire, ta'ta (481 ) Knta Isa. 41 25. 57 20. Jer. 38 6. Mic 7 10. Nah 3 14. Zee 9 3. 10 5. as the potter treadeth clay. I whose waters cast up mire and dirt. no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in Isa. 40 the mire. be trodden down as the mire of go into clay, and tread the morter, fine gold as the mire of the streets. in the mire of the streets j'B [teen], Ch. m. Dan 2:41. sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 43. thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, iTTtp [tee-rdh'], f. Gen25:16. towns, and by their castles; Nu. 31:10. and all their goodly castles, ICh 6:54(39). dwelling places throughout their cas tles Ps. 69:25(26). Let their habitation be desolate; (marg. palace) Cant 8: 9. build upon her a palace of silver : Eze 25: 4. they shall set their palaces 46:23. with boiling places under the rows round about. D^b t'lah-eem', m. pi. II. he shall gather the lambs with his arm, n^b tdh'-leh.m. ISa 7: 9. Samuel took a sucking lamb, Isa. 65:25. The wolf and the lamb shall feed n'pbfe tal-teh-lah' , f. Isa. 22:17. with a mighty captivity, ^b p2A-/ar). *PIEL Ptitwe.* Neh 3:15. he built it, and covered it, Sbi Gen27 Ex. 16 Nu. II Deu32 33 Jud 6 2Sa 1 17 IK. 17 Job 2938 Ps.110 133 Pro 3 19 Cant 5 Isa. 18 26 Hos 6; 13 14: Mic. 5 Hag 1; lee. 8: tal, III. 28. God give thee of the dew of heaven, 39. and cf the dew of heaven 13. the dew lay round about 14. when the dew that lay was gone 9. when the dew fell upon the camp 2. my speech shall distil as the dew, l3.for the dew, and for the deep 28. his heavens shall drop down dew. : 37 . if the dew be on the fleece 38.wringed the dew outofthe fleece, 39. upon all the ground let there be dew. 40. there was dew on all the ground. :21 . Gilboa, (let there be) no dew, : 12. light upon him as the dew : 1. there shall not be dew: nor rain : 19. and the dew lay all night :28. who hath begotten the drops of dew ? : 3. thou hast the dew ofthy youth. : 3. As the dew of Hermon, :20.the clouds drop down the dew. :12. but his favour (is) as dew upon the grass. : 2. for my head is filled with dew, : 4. like a cloud of dew in the heat : 19. for thy dew (is as) the dew of herhs, : 4. and as the early dew it goeth away. : 3. and as the early dew that passeth away, 5(6). I will be as the dew unto Israel: : 7^6). as a dew from the Lord, : 10. the heaven over you is stayed from dew, 12. the heavens shall give their dew ; fe [flat], Ch. * APHEL Future. * Dan 4:12(9). the beasts of the field had shadow under it, Eze.22: Sb j tal, Ch. m. Dan 4:15(12), 23(20). and let it be wet with the dew of 25(22). and they shall wet thee with the dew 33(30) & 5:21. and his body was wet with the dew xkb [tah-lah']. * KAL.— Participle. Paiil. # Gen30:32.all the speckled and spotted cattle, — and the spotted and speckled 33. every one that (is) not speckled and spotted 35. that were ringstraked and spotted, — that were speckled and spotted, 39. speckled, and spotted. kze.]6:16.thy high places with divers colours, * PUAL.— Participle. * J°s. 9: 5. old shoes and clouted upon N&I3 tah-meh'. * KAL.— Preterite.* Lev.ll : 25, 28, 40, 40. and be unclean until the even. 32. and it shall be unclean until the even ; 12: 2. then she shall be unclean seven days ; 5. then she shall be unclean two weeks, 15: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11,16, 17,21, 22,27. and 6e un clean until the even. 18. and be unclean until the even. 24. Ae shall be unclean seven (lit. and he shall) 17 :1b. and be unclean until the even: 22: 6. any such shall be unclean (lit. and, 8fc.) Nu. 6: 12. because his separation was defied. 19: 7. and the priest shall be unclean 8. and shall be unclean until the even. 10. and be unclean until the even: 1 1. shall be unclean seven (lit. and he shall) 4. Aas( defied thyself in thine idols KAL. — Infinitive. Lev.l5:32. and is defiled therewith ; 18:20.(o defile thyself with her. 23. lie with any beast to defile thyself 19:31. wizards, to be defiled by thein: 22: 8.(o defile himself therewith: Eze 22: 3. idols against herself to defile herself. 44:25. (Aey may defile themselves. Mic. 2: 10. because it is polluted, it shall destroy KAL . — Future. Lev. 5: 3. that a man shall be defiled 11:24. shall be unclean until the even. 26. that toucheth them shall be unclean. 27. toucheth their carcase shall be unclean 31. shall be unclean until the even. 32. doth fall, it shall be unclean; 33. whatsoever (is) in it shall be unclean ; 34. water cometh shall be unclean: — every (such) vessel shall be unclean. 35. carcase falleth shall be unclean ; 36. toucheth their carcase shall be unclean. 39. shall be unclean until the even. 12: 2. for her infirmity sAaZZ sAe be unclean. 13: 14. he shall be unclean. 46. in him Ae shall be defiled ; 14:36. the house be not made unclean: 46. shall be unclean until the even. 15: 4. lieth that hath the issue, is unclean : —, 9, 10, 19, 20, 20, 23, 24, 27. shallbe unclean. 18:2b,27.And the land isdefiled: 22 ; 5. whereby Ae may be made unclean, or a man of whom Ae may take uncleanness, Nu. 19:14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22.shall be unclean Ps. 106:39. Thus were they defiled Eze 23 . 1 7. and she was polluted KDIO ( 482 ) KDE3 Hag 2 Lev.18Nu. 5 Jer. 2 Eze 2023 Hos 5 Eze 20 Gen34 Lev.13: Nu. 6 19 2K. 23 Ps. 79 Isa. 30 Eze 5 18 22 23333643 Lev.13 15 18 20 Jer. 7 32 Eze 9 Lev.ll 13 Nu. 6 35 Deu 2 1 2K. 23 2Ch36 JerEze 20 23 3643 Eze 4 Lev.l 1 18 13. shall it be unclean? And the priests an swered and said, It shall be unclean. * NIPHAL Preterite. * 24. in all these the nations are defiled 13. kept close, and she be defiled, 14. jealous ofhis wife, and she be defiled. — and she be not defiled: 20. if thou be defiled, 27. if she be defiled, 28. if the woman be not defiled, 29. instead of her husband, and is defiled; : 23. canst thou say, J am not polluted, 43. wherein ye have been defiled ; 7. with all their idols she defiled herself. 13. Then I saw that she was defiled, 30. thou art polluted with their idols. 3 & 6 : 10. Israel is defiled. NIPHAL Participle. :30. Are ye polluted after the 31 . ye pollute yourselves with all *PIEL Preterite.* 5. Jacob heard that he had defiled 13. because he had defiled Dinah 27. they had defiled their sister. 3. and pronounce him unclean. 8. then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: 1 1 . and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, 15 . and pronounce him to be unclean: 20. the priest shall pronounce him unclean : 22, 27, 30. then the priest shall pronounce him unclean : 25. wherefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean : 9. and he hath defiled the head 13. defileth the tabernacle of the Lord; 20. he hath defiled the sanctuary 10. And he defiled Topheth, 13. did the king defile. l.thy holy temple have they defiled; 22. Ye shall defile also the covering 1 1 . thou hast defiled my sanctuary 6. neither hath defiled his neighbour's wife, 11. and defiled his neighbour's wife, lb. hath not defiled his neighbour's wife, : 1 1 . hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law ; 38. they have defiled my sanctuary 26. ye defile every one his neighbour's wife: 18. idols (wherewith) they had polluted it : 8. they have even defiled my holy name PIEL Infinitive. 44. shall pronounce him utterly unclean; 59. to pronounce it unclean. 31. when they defile my tabernacle 28. when ye defile it, 3. to defile my sanctuary, 25. have separated from you as unclean. 30. called by my name, to pollute it. 34. called by my name, to defile it. PIEL. — Imperative. 7. said unto them, Defile the house, PIEL.— Future. -.44. neither shalt ye defile yourselves 44. shall pronounce him utterly unclean; : 3. that they defile not their camps, :34. Defile not therefore the land :23. that thy land be not defiled, : 8. and defiled the high places 16. upon the altar, and pollvted it, li. and polluted the house of the Lord 7. but when ye entered, ye defiled :26. And I polluted them 17. and they defiled her :17. when the house. ..they defiled it by their own way 7. shall the house of Israel no more defile, * PV/iL.—Participle. * 14. my soul hath not been polluted: * HITHPAEL.— Future. * : 24. for these ye shall be unclean : 43. neither shall ye make yourselves unclean : 24. Defile not ye yourselves 30. that ye defile not yourselves Lev 21 : 1 . There shall none be defiled 3. for her may he be defiled. 4. he shall not defile himself, 11. nor defile himself for his father, Nu. 6: 7 . He shall not make himself unclean Eze 14 : 1 1 . neither be polluted any more 20: 7 .defile not yourselves 18. nor defile yourselves with their idols: 37: 23. Neither shall they defile themselves 4A:2b.they may defile themselves. Hos 9: 4. eat thereof shallbe polluted: * HOTHPAEL Preterite.* Deu24: 4. after that she is defiled ; Nbb tah-mth' , adj. Lev. 5-. 2 13: 14: 15 20 22:27: Nu. 5 Deu 12 14 15 26 Jos. 22 Jud 13 2Ch23 Job 14 Ecc. 9 Isa. 6 :10 : 4 6. 7. 8, 26.2!).31 35. 38,47. 11. 15. 36. 44. 45.46. 51. 55.40. 41. 44. 45.57. 2, 4. 11. 27. 2.6. 10. 15. 13.15.17. 19. 20. 22. 15. 22. 7.8, 19. 22, 14. 19. 4. 19. 4. 2, 5. touch any unclean thing, whether (it be) a carcase of an unclean beast, or a car case of unclean cattle, or the carcase of unclean creeping things, he also shall be unclean, that toucheth any unclean (thing) soul that shall touch any unclean (thing), or (any) andean beast, or any abominable unclean (thing), between unclean and clean ; 5. he (is) unclean unto you. he (is) unclean unto you. he (is) unclean to you. they (are)unc?ean to you. 27, 28. (are) unclean unto you: These also (shall be) unclean These (are) unclean to you broken down: (for) they (are) unclean, and shall be unclean unto you. it (shall be) unclean unto you. make a difference between the unclean for he (is) unclean. the raw flesh (is) unclean: for yellow hair ; he (is) unclean. a leprous man, he (is) unclean : and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. shall be defiled; he (is) unclean: a fretting leprosy ; it (is) unclean. plague be not spread ; it (is) unclean; cast them into an unclean place without the city into an unclean place: leprosy in the house: it (is) unclean. out of the city into an unclean place. To teach when (it is) unclean, his issue he (is) unclean. she (shall be) unclean. sitteth upon shall be unclean, lieth with her that is unclean. between clean beasts and unclean, between unclean fowls and clean: toucheth any thing (that is) unclean if (it be) any unclean beast, if (it be) of an unclean beast, whosoever is defiled by the dead: men, who were defiled We (are) defiled by the dead body shall be unclean by reason of the firstling cf unclean beasts he shall be unclean ; covering bound upon it, (is) unclean. for an unclean (person) shall sprinkle upon the unclean sprinkled upon him ; he (is) unclean. whatsoever the unclean ( person ) touchctn the unclean and the clean may eat the unclean and the clean they (are) unclean unto you. 10.it (is) unclean unto you: creeping thing that flieth (is) unclean the unclean and the clean thereof for (any) unclean the land of your possession (be) unclean, eat not any unclean (thing): none (which was) unclean in any a clean (thing) out of an unclean? to the clean, and to the unclean ; I (am) a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean . tlie unclean shall not pass aaa ( 483 ) oya a. 52: l.the uncircumcised and the unclean. 11. touch no unclean (thing) ; 64: 6(5). But we are all as an unclean jr. 19:13. shall be defiled as the place of Tophet, am 4: 15. Depart ye ; (it is) unclean; ,ze 4: 13. Israel eat their defiled bread 22: 5. mock thee, (which art) infamous (marg. polluted of name) 10. her that was set apart for pollution. 26. between (Ae unclean and the clean, 44:23. discern between (Ae Jtnclean and the clean. los 9: 3. they shall eat unclean (things) Lm 7: 17. thou shalt die in a polluted land: lag 2:13. If (one that is) uncleaji by a dead 14. which they offer there (is) unclean. n«Db toom-ah', f. Lev. 5; 7: 14 15 16:16 18 22 Nu. 5 19 Jud.1.3 2S:i 1 1 2Ch29 Ezr. 69 Lam.lEze 22 Zee 13 if he touch the uncleanness of man, what soever uncleanness (it be) having his uncleanness upon him, (as) the uncleanness of man, be cleansed from his uncleanness ; this shall be his uncleanness it (is) Ats uncleanness. the days of the issue of her uncleanness as the uncleanness of her separation. for the issue of her uncleanness. Israel from their uncleanness; that they die not in their uncleanness, because of the uncleanness of the in the midst of their uncleanness. hallow it from the uncleanness of she is put apart for her uncleanness. having his uncleanness upon him, , whatsoever uncleanness he hath ; fone aside to uncleanness is uncleanness (is) yet upon him. neither eat any unclean (thing): . nor eat any unclean (thing) : she was purified from her uncleanness : . brought out all the uncleanness .from the filthiness of the heathen ,to another with their uncleanness. , Her filthiness (is) in her skirts ; will consume thy filthiness the filthiness of it maybe molten . In thy filthiness (is) lewdness: shalt not be purged from thy filthiness .as the uncleanness of a removed woman. .clean: from all your filthiness, from all your uncleannesses : . According to their uncleanness .the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. (lit. spirit of uncleanness) nbb [tah-mah']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Lev.ll :43. that ye should be defiled Job 18: 3. are we counted as beasts, (and) reputed vile Ps. |Db tah-man'. * KAL.— Preterite. * 9:15(16). in the net which they hid 31: 4(5). the net that they have laidprivily 35: 7. without cause have they hid 8. net that he hath hid 140: 5(6). The proud have hid a snare 142: 3(4).Aa»e they privily laid a snare Pro 19: 24. A slothful (man) hideth his hand 26:15. The slothful hideth his hand Jer. 13: 7. from the place where I had hid it : 18:22. Aid snares for my feet. 43: 9. and Aide them in the clay 10. upon these stones that / have hid ; KAL. — Infinitive. Job 31:33. as Adam, by hiding mine iniquity "s. 64: 5(6). commune of laying snares privily (marg. to hide) Jer. 13: 6. which I commanded thee to hide there. KAL. — Imperative. Job 40: 13. Hide them in the dust together ; Jer. 13: 4. go to Euphrates, and hide it KAL.— Future. Gen35 : 4. and Jacob Aid them under Ex. 2:12. Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. Jos. 2: 6. and hid them with the stalks Jer. 13: 5. So 1 went, and hid it KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Deu33:19.and (of) treasures Aid in the sand. Jos. 7: 21. they (are) Aid in the earth 22. behold, (it was) Aid in his tent, : 16. as an hidden untimely birth 10. The snare (is) laid for him (marg. hidden) 26. All darkness (shall be) Aid v Job 3 18 20 40:13. bind their faces in secret. * NIPHAL.— Imperative. * Isa. 2 : 10. and hide thee in the dust, * HIPHIL Future. * 2K. 7: 8. raiment, and went and hid (it); — thence (also), and went and hid (it). fcOb teh'-neh, m. Deu26: 2. shalt put (it) in a basket, 4. the priest shall take the basket 28: 5. Blessed (shall be) thy basket 17. Cursed (shall be) thy basket &]3b [tah-naph']. * PIEL Future. * Cant.5 : 3. how sliall I defile them ? njjb [tah-gdh']. * HIPHIL Preterite. * Eze. 13:10. they have seduced my people, DJ?b t ah- gam' ' . * KAL.— Preterite. * lSa.l4:24. So none of the people tasted (any) food. 29. because Hasted a little of this honey. 43. 1 did but taste a little honey Pro.31 : 18. Sheperceiveth (marg. tasteth) that her mer chandise (is) good: KAL. — Infinitive. !Sa.l4:43.I did but taste a little honey (Ht. intasting I did taste) KAL. — Imperative. Ps. 34: 8(9). O taste and see that the Lord (is) good: KAL.— Future. 2Sa. 3:35. if /taste bread, or ought else, 19:35(36). can thy servant taste what I eat Job 12:11. the mouth taste his meat? 34: 3. the mouth tasteth meat. Jon. 3: 7. Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste D$?b [fgam], Ch. * P'AL.— Future. * Dan 4:25(22), 32(29). they shall make thee to eat grass 5:21. they fed him with grass like oxen, D#b tah'-gam, m. Ex. 16:31. and tAe taste of it (was) like wafers Nu 11 • 8. and *Ae taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. 112 Dya (484 ) Sri. 21 : 13(14). he changed Ais behaviour 25: 33. blessed (be) (Ay advice, Job 6: 6. is there (any) taste in the white of an egg? 12: 20. ajid taketh away (Ae understanding Ps. 34 [title](l ). when he changed Ais behaviour 119:66. Teach me good judgment Pro 11 :22.a fair woman which is without discretion. 26: 16. seven men that can render a reason. Jer. 48: 11. therefore Ais taste remained in him, Jon. 3: 7. by the decree o/the king and his nobles, DJ?b tah'-gam, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:21. until (another) commandment shall be given from me. 5: 5. till (Ae matter came to Darius: 6: 14. according to (Ae commandment of 7:23. is commanded by the God of (lit. is from (Ae decree) Dan 6 : 2(3) . that the princes might give accounts DJ?b fgehm, Ch. m. Ezr. 4: 8, 9, 17. Rehum the chancellor (lit. master of decrees ) 19. And I commanded, (marg. by me a decree is set) 21. Give ye now commandment (marg. decree) 5: 3. Who hath commanded you to build this house, (lit. set a decree) 9. Who commanded you to build this house, (lit. set a decree) 13. Cyrus made a decree to build this house 17. that a decree was made of Cyrus 6: 1 . Darius the king made a decree, 3. Cyrus the king made a decree 8.1 make a decree what ye shall do 11. 1 have made a decree, that whosoever 12. 1 Darius have made a decree; 14. of Israel, and accordhig to the commandment of Cyrus, 7:13.1 make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel , 21.1 Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree Dan 2:14. Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom 3:10. Thou, O king, hast made a decree, 12. these men, 0 king, have not regarded thee: (marg. set no regard upon thee) 29. 1 make a decree, That every people, 4: 6(3). Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise (men) 5: 2.Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, 6:13(14). regardeth not thee, O king, (lit. set teth no regard 26(27). I make a decree, That in every dominion (J8p [tah-gan'\ * KAL. — Imperative. * Gen 45 : 1 7 . lade your beasts, and go, 121? [_tah-ganrl * PUAL.— Participle. * 14:19. thrust through with a "sword, t|£ taph, m. Gen 34: 29. wealth, and all their little ones, 43; 8. thou, (and) also our little ojies. 45: 19. Egypt/or your little ones, 46: 5. their father, and (Aeir little ones, 47: 12. according to. (their) families. according to (Ae little ones) 24. food for your little ones. 50: 8. only (Aeir little ones, 21. nourish you, and your little ones. Ex. 10;10.1et you go, and yowr little ones: 24. let your tittle ones also go (marg. Ex. 12 Nu. 14 32 Deu 1 2 3 20 29 31 Jos 1 8 Jud. 18 21 2Sa 15 2Ch 20 31 Ezr 8 Est 3 8 Jer. 40 41 43 Eze 9 *1BD 37. men, beside children. : 3. our wives and our children 31. But your little ones, which ye said 27. and their little children. 9. captives, and (Aeir little ones, 17. kill every male among the little ones, 18. But all (Ae women children, :16. cities/or our little ones: 17. our little ones shall dwell 24. cities for your little ojies, 26. Our Utile ones, our wives, : 39. Moreover your little ones, which ye said :34. the women, and the little ones, : 6. men, women, and children, 19. your wives, and your little ones, ; 14. the women, and the little ones, : 1 1 ( 10). Four little ones, your wives, : 12. men, and women, ajid children, :14. Your wives, your little ones, :3b. the women, and the little ones, :21.put (Ae little ones andthe cattle : 10. with the women andthe children. :22. all (Ae little ones that (were) with him, : 13. with (Aeir little ones, : 18. genealogy of all (Aeir little ones, : 21. for us, and for our little ojies, : 13. little childreji and women, .ll.ZittZe ones and women, : 7. men, and women, and children, : 16. the women, and the children, ¦ 6. men, and women, and children, : 6. both maids, and little children, nSD [tah-phagl/]. ¦KPIEL Preterite. * Isa. 48: 13. my right hand Aa(A spanned the heavens; Lam. 2 ; 22 . those that / Aaue swaddled PLBtD teh'-phagh, m. IK. 7: 9. from the foundation unto (Ae coping, 26. it (was) an hand breadth thick, 2Ch 4: 5. the thickness of it (was) an hand breadth,. Ps. 39: 5(6). made my days (as) an hajtd breadth; HSb toW-phagh, m. Ex. 25:25. a border of an hand breadth 37; 12. an hand breadth round about ; Eze. 40: 5. by the cubit and an hand breadth: 43. hooks, an Aand broad, 43: 13. a cubit and an hajid breadth; D^flBE? tip-poo-gheem1 ', m. pi. Lam.2:20.children of a span long? (marg. swaddled with their hands) ^Sb [tah-p/ial']. * KAL Preterite. * Ps.ll9:69.The proud have forged a lie » KAL.— Future. Job 14: 17. and thou sewest up mine iniquity. KAL. — Participle. Poel. Job 13: 4. But ye (are) forgers of lies, 1D$b [tiph-sar'], m. Jer. 51: 27. appoint a captain against her ; Nah 3: 17. the locusts, and thy captains S]Sb [tah-phaph1]. * KAL.— Infinitive. * Isa. 3; 16. walking and mincing (as) they go, (nwft or, tripping nicely) i3ia ISb [fphar], Ch. m. Dan 4: 33 (30). and his nails like birds' (claws). 7: 19. and his nails (of) brass ; £*Sb tah-phash' . ( 485 ) Deu33:Job 16 Hos. 6 Mic. 5 31ID * KAL Preterite. * Ps.ll9:70. Their heart is as fat as grease ; TIB \tah-rad!\ * KAL.— Participle. Poel. * Pro.l9:13.of a wife (are) a continual dropping. 27:15. A continual dropping in a very rainy day lib trad, Ch. * P'AL Participle. Active. * Dan 4: 25(22). tAey shall drive thee from men, 32(29). And (Aey sliall drive thee from men, P'AL. — Participle. Passive. Dan 4:33(30). Ae was driven from men, 5:21. Ae was driven from the sons of men ; Wlb jYoAtk. Ru. 3:14. (2TQ) she rose up before one could know another. nib [tah-ragh']. * mPiUL.-Future. * Job 37:11. Also by watering Ae wearieth m_b toh'-ra'gh' , m. Deu 1:12. How can I myself alone bear your cum- brance, ' Isa. 1 : 14. they are a trouble unto me ; ^ [tah-ree'], adj. Jud. 15: 15. he found a new jawbone of an ass, 1 Isa. 1 : 6. bruises, and putrifying sores : en.t,iu4r _ DTb teh' -rem f ^cirt. tttitwi Gen 2: 5.6e/bre it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew : Ju. 1 1:33. yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, ISa. 3; 7. Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him. &c. &c. With prefixes, as DntDS Gen27: 4. may bless thee 5e/ore I die. y*. 1 :19.are-delivered ere the midwives Jer. 1; o. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee ; and 6e/ore thou earnest forth &c. &c. anion Ex- 10: 7. knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed ? "^g 2:15./rom 6e/ore a stone was laid upon a stone fHb tah-raph'. Gen37: 44 Ex. 22; Ps. 17 Eze. 19 Gen49: Ps. 7 50 Hos. 5 Am. 1 Job 18 Ps. 22 Eze. 22 Nah. 2: Ex. 22 Jer. 5 Gen37 44 Pro.30 *KAL Preterite.* 20. and teareth the arm with the 9. He teareth (me) in his wrath, 1 . for he hath torn, : 8(7). treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, KAL Infinitive. 33. Josephiswithout doubt rent in pieces, (lit. in rending is rent in pieces) 28. Surely he is torn in pieces ; (lit. in rend ing is rent in pieces) 1 3( 12) . If it be ) ( torn in pieces, (lit. in rend ing is rent in pieces) 12. a lion (that) is greedy ofhis prey, : 3. it learned to catch the prey ; 6. and learned to catch the prey, KAL Future. 27. Benjamin shall ravin (as) a wolf: 2(3). Lest Ae tear my soul like a lion, 22. lest I tear (you) in pieces, : 14. 1, (even) I, will tear and go away ; 11. and his anger did tear perpetually, KAL. — Participle. Poel. 4. He teareth himself in his anger: 13(14). a ravening and a roaring lion. : 25. like a roaring lion ravening the prey ;. 27. like wolves ravening the prey, 12(13). The lion did tear in pieces * NIPHAL Future. * 13(12). If it be torn in pieces, 6. shall be torn in pieces : * POAL Preterite. * 33. Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. 28. Surely Ae is torn in pieces; * HIPHIL.— Imperative. * 8. feed me with food convenient for me : Spb tah-rahph' , adj. Gen 8 : 1 1 . an olive leaf pluckt off: PHb teh'-reph, m. Gen49 Nu. 23 Job 4 24 29 38 Ps. 76 104 111 124 Pro.31 Isa. 5 31 Eze. 1719 22 Am. 3 Nah. 2 3: Mai. 9. a lion's whelp: from the prey, 24. not lie down until he eat (of) the prey, 11. The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, 5. rising betimes for a prey: 17. plucked (Ac spoil out of his teeth. 39. Wilt thou hunt the prey 4(5). excellent than the mountains of prey. 21 . The young lions roar after their prey, (lit. the prey) 5. He hath given meat unto them that fear him: (marg. prey) 6. hath not given us (as) a prey 15. giveth meat to her houshold, 29. lay hold of tAe prey, 4. the young lion roaring on his prey, 9. wither in all rAe leaves of her spring 3. it learned to catch the prey; 6. and learned to catch the prey, 25. like a roaring lion ravening the prey; 27. like wolves ravening (Ae prey, 4. when he hath no prey ? 12(13). filled his holes with prey, 13(14). I will cut off thy prey 1 . tAe prey departeth not ; : 10. that there may be meat in mine house, nSlb freh-phah', f. Gen31 :39. That which was torn (of beasts) Ex. 22:13(12). make good that which was torn. 31 (30). flesh (that is) torn of beasts Lev. 7 : 24. the fat of that which is torn 17: 15. or that which was torn 22: 8. dieth of itself, or is torn Eze. 4: 14. dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; 44:31. that is dead of itself, or torn, Nah. 2:12(13). his dens with ravin. ( 486 ) by ' yohd, The tenth letter of the Alphabet. 2&* [yah-av1]. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 119:131. for I longed for thy commandments. m\[yah-ahr]. * KAL. —Preterite. * Jer. 10: 7. for to thee doth it appertain: (marg. it liheth thee) 'kdjeLon,, *i\$) yohr, m. Gen41: 1. behold, he stood by the river. 2, 18. there came up out of the river 3. came up after them out of (Ae river, — kine upon the brink of (Ae river. 17. 1 stood upon the bank of (Ae river : Ex. 1 : 22. born ye shall cast into the river, 2: 3. in the flags by the river's brink. 5. to wash (herself) at (Ae river; and her maidens walked along by (Ae river's side ; 4: 9. take of the water of (Ae river, — which thou takest out of (Ae river 7: 15. shalt stand by (Ae river's brink 17. the waters which (are) in the river, 18. the fish that (is) hi the river shall die, and (Ae river shall stink ; — shall lothe to drink of the water of (Ae river. 19. streams, upon (Aeir rivers, 20, 20. the waters that (were) in the river, 21. the fish that (was) in the river died; and (Ae river stank, - — could not drink of the water of (Ae river ; 24. digged round about (Ae river — could not drink of the water of the river. 25. after that the Lord had smitten (Ae river. 8: 3(7:28). the river shall bring forth frogs 5(1). over the streams, over (Ae rivers, 9(5). may remain in the river only? 11 (7). they shall remain in the river 17: 5. wherewith thou smotest (Ae river, 2K. 19:24. dried up all (Ae rivers of besieged places. Job 28: 10. He cutteth out rivers among Ps. 78:44. turned (Aeir rivers into blood ; Isa. 7;]8.uttermost part of (Ae rivers of 19: 6. (and) (Ae brooks of defence shall be 7. The paper reeds by (Ae brooks, by the mouth of (Ae brooks, and every thing sown by (Ae brooks, 8. they that cast angle into the brooks 23: 3. Sihor, the harvest of (Ae river, 10. Pass through thy land as a river, 33:21. unto us a place of broad rivers (and) *¦*¦ streams ; 37 : 25. 1 dried up all (Ae rivers of ¦ Jer. 46: 7. Who (is) this (that) cometh up as afiood, a. S.Egypt riseth up like afiood, Eze 29; 3. lieth in the midst of Ais rivers, — My river (is) mine own, 4- will cause the fish ofthy rivers — up out of the midst of (Ay rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers 5. thee and all the fish of (Ay j-ivers : 9. hath said, TAe river (is) mine, 10. against thee, and against (Ay rivej's, 30:12.1 will make (Ae rivers dry, Danl2: 5. on this side of the bank of (Ae river, and the other on that side of the bank of (Ae river. 6, 7. which (was) upon the waters of (Ae river, Am. 8: 8. as (by) (Ae flood o/Egypt. 9; 5. rise up wholly ZiAe afiood; — as (by) (Ae flood o/Egypt. Nah 3. 8. No, that was situate among the rivers, Zee 10:11. all the deeps of (Ae river shall dry i(A Ais hands lb. and hast fulfilled (it) with thine hand, 32. and thy mighty Aand, and thy stretched out arm ; 7: 6. when David praised by their ministry; (marg. hand) 8:18. oy (Ae hands o/his servants 9:18. and stays (marg. Aands) on each side of — and two lions standing by (Ae stays: 10: 15. he spake by the hand of Ahijah 12: 5. 1 also left you in the hand of Shishak. 7. by the hand of Shishak. 10. (Ae hands of the chief of the guard, 13: 8. in (Ae Aand o/the sons of David; 9. to consecrate himself (marg. to fill his hand) 16. God delivered them, into their hand. 15: 7 - let not your hands be weak : 16 : 7. the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. 8. he delivered them hiio thine hand. 17 : 5. stablished the kingdom in his hand; lb. next to him (marg. at Ais hand) 16. next Aim (was) Amasiah (lit. id.) 18. next Aim (was) Jehozabad, (lit. id.) 18: 5. God will deliver (it) into the king's hand. 11. the Lord shall deliver (it) into the handof the king. 14. they shall be delivered into your hand* 33. Turn (Aine Aand, 20: 6. and in thine hand (is there not) power 21 : 8. from uuder (Ae dominion (marg. hand) of lO.from under (Ae Aand of Judah — from under Ais Aand; T ( 495 ) 2 Ch21 : 16. that (were) near (lit. by (Ae place of) the Ethiopians: 23: 7. every man with his weapons in his hand; 10. having his weapon in his hand, 15. they laid hands on her ; 18. by the hajid of the priests the Levites, — (as it was ordained) by David, (marg. by the hands o/David) 24:11.6y (Ae Aand o/the Levites, 13. the work was perfected by them, 24. a very great host into their hajid, 25:15. their own people out of thine hand? 20. into the hand (of their enemies), 26:11 -by the hand of Jeiel the scribe — under (Ae Aand of Hananiah, 13. under (Aeir Aand (was) an army, 19. and (had) a censer in Ms hand 28: 5.tn(o (Ae Aand of the king of Syria; — into the hand of the king of Israel, 9. he hath delivered them tn(o your hand, 29:23. they laid (Aeir hands upon them: 25. the commandment of the Lord (lit. by the hand of the Lord) by his prophets, (lit. by the hand of his prophets) 27. with the instruments (ordained) by David (marg. hands of instruments) 31 . ye have consecrated yourselves (marg. filled your hand) 30: 6. out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. 8.yield (marg. give (Ae hand) yourselves unto the Lord, 12. (Ae Aand of God was to give them one heart 16. of the hand of the Levites. 31: 13. under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei 15. next him (marg. athishand) (were) Eden, 32:13. deliver their lands out of mine hand? 14. deliver his people out of mine hand, — deliver you out of mine hand? 15. deliver his people out of mine hand, and out of the hand ofmy fathers: — deliver you out of mine hand? 17. delivered their people out of mine hand, — deliver his people out of mine hand. 19. the work of the hands o/man. 22,from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all (other), 33: 8. the ordinances by the hand of Moses. 34: 9. had gathered of the hand of Manasseh 10. they put (it) in (Ae Aand o/the workmen 14. the law of the Lord (given) by (marg, to the hand of) Moses. 16. committed to thy servants, (marg. to the hand ofthy servants) 17. into (Ae Aand of the overseers, and to (Ae Aand o/the workmen. 25. the works of (Aeir hands; 35: 6. the word of the Lord by the hand o/Moses. II. sprinkled (the blood) from their hands, 36:15. 6y his messengers, (marg. by the hand of his messengers) 17. he gave (them) all into his hand. Ezr. 1: 6. they that (were) about them strengthened (Aeir Aands 8. by (Ae Aand of Mithredath 3:I0.after (Ae oj-dinance o/David 4: 4. weakened (Ae Aands o/the people 6:22. to strengthen (Aeir Aands 7: 6. according to the hand of the Lord his God 9. according to the good Aand of his God 28. as the hand of the Lord my God (was) 8:18. by the good hand of our God upon us 22. The hand of out God (is) upon all 26. 1 even weighed unto (Aeir Aand 31. and the hand' of our God was upon us, 33. by (Ae Aand o/Meremoth 9: 2. yea, (Ae hand of the princes and rulers 7,in(o (Ae hand of the kings of the lands, II. by (marg. by the hand of) thy servants the prophets, 10 : 19. they gave their hands that they would put Neh 1 : 10. and by thy strong Aand. 2: 8. according to the good Aand ofmy God 18. Then I told them of (Ae Aand o/my God — they strengthened (Aeir Aands 3: 2. And next unto him (marg. at Ais Aand) builded the men of Jericho. And next to them Neh 3: 4.next unto them repaired Meremoth (lit. at their hand) — nextwn(o(Aemrepaired Meshullam (lit. id.) — next unto them repaired Zadok (lit. id. ) 5. next unto them the Tekoites (lit. id. ) 7. next unto them repaired Melatiah (lit. id. ) 8. Next unto him repaired Uzziel (lit. id. ) — Next unto him also repaired Hananiah 9. next unto them repaired Rephaiah (lit. at (Aeir hand) 10. next unto them repaired Jedaiah (lit. id. ) — next unto him repaired Hattush (lit. id. ) 12. next unto him repaired Shallum (lit. id. ) 17. Next unto him repaired Hashabiah, (lit. id.) 19. next to Aim repaired Ezer (lit. id. ) 4: 17(11). one of his hands wrought in the work, 5: 5. neither (is it) in our power (lit. in the power of our hands) 6: 5. an open letter in his hand; 9. Their hands shall be weakened — (O God), strengthen my hands. 7 : 4. thecity (was) large (marg. broad in spaces) 8: 6. with lifting up (Aeir hands : 14. by Moses, (marg. by the hand o/Moses) 9:14. by the hand of Moses thy servant: 15. thou hadst sworn (marg. thou hadst lift up thine hand) 24. and gavest them into their hands, 27. into the hand of their enemies, — out of the hand of their enemies. 28. in the hand of their enemies, 30. thy spirit in thy prophets: (marg. in the hand ofthy) — into the hand o/the people of the lands. 10:29(30). by Moses (marg. by the hand of Moses) 31(32). exaction of every debt, (marg. hand) 11: 1. nine parts (to dwell) in (other) cities. 24. (was ) at the king's Aand 13:13.nea?( to them (was) Hanan 21. if ye do (so) again, Iwill lay Aands on you. Est. 1: 7. according to the state of the king. 12. by (marg. by the hand of) (his) chamber lains: 15. by (lit. id. ) the chamberlains ? 2: 3. unto (Ae custody (marg. Aand)o/Hege 8, 8. to (Ae custody of Hegai, 14. to (Ae custody of Shaashgaz, 18. according to the state o/the king. 21. sought to lay Aand on the king 3: 6. he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai 9.(Ae hands of those that have the charge 10. the king took his ring from his hand, 13. the letters were sent by posts (lit. by the hand of posts) 5: 2. the golden sceptre that (was) in his hand. 6: 2. who sought to lay Aand on the king 9.(Ae Aand of one of the king's most noble 8: 7. he laid Ais Aand upon the Jews. 10. sent letters by posts ( lit. by the hand of posts) 9: 2. to lay Aand on such as sought their hurt: 10. on the spoil laid they not (Aeir Aand. 15. on the prey they laid not their hand. 16. but they laid not (Aeir hands on the prey, Job 1:10. thou hast blessed the work of Ais hands, 11 .put forth (Aine Aand 12. all that he hath (is) in thy power; only upon himself put not forth (Aine hand. 14. the asses feeding beside them: (lit. at their hands) 2: b. nut forth thine hand 6. Behold, he (is) in thine hand; 4: 3. and thou hast strengthened (Ae weak hands. 5:12. (Aeir hands cannot perform lb. and from the hand of the mighty. IS. and his hands make whole. 20./rom (Ae power of the sword. 6: 9. that he would let loose Ais Aand, 23. Deliver me from the enemy's hand? or, Redeem me from the hand of the mighty? 8: 4./or their (marg. in (Ae Aand of their) trans gression ; 20. neither will he help (lit. take by the hand) the evil doers: 9:24. The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: T (496 ) Job 9:33. (that) might lay Ais Aand upon us both. 10: 7. (there is) none that can deliver out of thine hand. 8. Thijie hands have made me 1 1 : 14. If iniquity (be) in thine hand, 12: 6. into whose hand God bringeth (abun dantly). 9. the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? 10. In whose Aand(is) the soul of every living 14: 15. the work of thine hands. 15:23. the day of darkness is ready at his hand. 25. he stretcheth out Ais Aand against God, 16:11. (Ae hands of the wicked. 17: 3. strike hands with me? (lit, strike at my hand) 9. he that hath clean hands 19:21. (Ae Aand o/God hath touched me. 20; 10. and his hands shall restore their goods. 22. every handof the wicked shall come upon 21: 5. lay (your) Aand upon (your) mouth. 16. their good (is) not in their hajid : 23: 2. my stroke is heavier than my groaning. (marg. Aand) 26:13. Ais Aand hath formed the crooked serpent. 27: 11- 1 will teach you by the hand of God: 22. he would fain flee om( of his hand. 28: 9. He putteth forth Ais Aand 29: 20. my bow was renewed in my hand. 30: 2. the strength of their hands 21. with (Ay strong Aand thou opposest thy self 24. not stretch out (his) Aand to the grave, 31 : 21. lifted up my hajid against the fatherless, 25. because mine hand had gotten much ; 27. my mouth hath kissed my hand: 34:19. the work of his hands. 20. the mighty shall be taken away without hand. 35: 7. what receiveth he of thine hartd? 37: 7. He sealeth up the hand of every man ; 40: 4. 1 will lay mine hand upon my mouth. Ps. 8: 6(7). the works ofthy hands; 10:12.0 God, lift up (Aine Aand; 14. to requite (it) with thy hand: 17:14. From men (which are) (Ay hand, 18[title](l). and from the hand o/Saul: 20(21), 24(25). the cleanness of my hands 34(35). He teacheth my hands to war, 19: 1(2). Ais Aandywork. (lit. the work ofhis hands) 21 : 8(9). TAine Aand shall find out all thine ene mies: 22:16(17). they pierced my hands and my feet. 20(21). my darling from the power of the dog. (marg. Aand) 26:10. In whose hands (is) mischief, 28: 2. when I lift up my hands 4. the work of (Aeir hands ; 5. the operation of his hands, 31: 5(6). Into thine hand I commit my spirit: 8(9). into the hand of the enemy: 15(16). My times (are) in thy hand : deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, 32: 4. day and night (Ay Aand was heavy upon 36: 11(12). and let not (Ae handof the wicked re move me. 37: 24. Lord upholdeth (him with) Ais Aand. 33. The Lord will not leave him in his hand, 38: 2(3). (Ay Aand presseth me sore. 39:10(11). I am consumed by the blow of (Aine Aand. 44: 2(3). drive out the heathen with (Ay Aand, 49:15(16)./ro?n (Ae power of the grave: 55:20(21). He hath put forth Ais hands 58: 2(3). the violence of your hands 63:10(11). They shall fall by the sword: (marg. by (Ae hands o/the sword) 68:31(32). Ethiopia shall soon stretch out Aer hands 71 : 4. O my God, om( o/(Ae Aand of the wicked, 73: 23. thou hast holden (me) by my right Aand. 74: 11. Why withdrawest thou thy hand, 75: 8(9). in (Ae hand o/the Lord (there is) a 76: 5(6). the men of might have found (Aeir hands. 77: 2(3). my sore ran in the night, (marg. Aand) 20(21 ).by the handof Moses and Aaron. Ps. 78:42. They remembered not his hand, 61 . his glory into the enemy's Aand. 80: 17(18). Let (Ay Aand be upon the man 81: 14(l5). my Aand against their adversaries. 82: 4. out of the hand of the wicked. 88: 5(6). they are cut off from thy hand. 89 :13(14L strong is (Ay Aand, 21(22). my hand shall be established: 25(26). I will set Ais Aand also in the sea, 48(49). from (Ae Aand o/the grave? 90:17. the work of onr hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou 92: 4(5). the works of (Ay Aands. 95: 4. In his hand (are) the deep places 5. Ais hands formed the dry (land). 7. the sheep of his hand. 97:10.ou( o/(Ae Aand o/the wicked. 102:25(26). the work of (Ay Aands. 104:25. great and wide sea, (lit. wide of spaces) 28. thou openest (Aine Aand, 106:10./rom (Ae Aand of him that hated (tbem), and redeemed them from the kajidof 26. he lifted up Ais Aand against them, 41 .into the hand of the heathen; 42. under (Aeir Aand. 107: 2. from the hand of the enemy ; 109: 27. that this (is) thy hand; 111: 7. The works of Ais hands 115: 4. the work of men's hands. 7. They have hands, but they handle not: 119:73. TAy hands have made me 173. Let (Aine Aand help me; 121: 5. the Lord (is) thy shade upon thy right hajid. 123: 2. (Ae Aand 0/ their masters, — (Ae hajid of her mistress ; 125: 3. put forth (Aeir hajids unto iniquity. 127: 4. As arrows (are) hi the Aand of a mighty 134: 2. Lift up your hands (in) the sanctuary, 135: 15. the work of men's hands. 136:12. With a strong Aand, and with a stretched out arm: 138: 7. stretch forth (Aine Aand 8. the works of thine own hands. 139:10. there shall (Ay Aand lead me, 140: 4{b).frorn (Ae hajids of the wicked; 5(6). they have spread a net by the wayside; 141 : 6. judges are overthrown in stony places, 9. Keep me from the snares (lit. from the hajids of the snare) 143: 5.1 muse on the work ofthy hands. 6. 1 stretch forth my hands unto thee: 144: 1. teacheth jny hands to war, 7. Send (Aine Aand from above; (marg. Aands) — , 11. from the hand of strange children; 145: 16. Thou openest (Aine Aand, , 149: 6. a twoedged sword in their hand; Pro 1 : 24. 1 have stretched out my hand, 3:27. the power of (Aine Aand to do (it). 6: 5. as a roe from the Aand (of the hunter), and as a bird from the hand of the 10. a little folding of the hands to sleep: 17. and hands that shed innocent blood, 7:20. He hath taken a bag of money with him, (marg. in Ais hand) 8: 3. She crieth at the gates, 10:4. but the hajid of the diligent maketh rich. 11 : 21. (Though) Aand (join) in hand, 12:14. the recompence of a man's hands 24. TAe Aand o/the diligent shall bear rule: 13: 11. he that gathereth by labour shall increase. (marg. with the hand) 14: Lplucketh it down with her hands. 16: 5. (though) haiid (join) hi hand, 17: 16. (is there) a price in the hand of a fool 18:21.Death and life (are) in the power o/the tongue: 19:24. A slothful (man) hideth his hand 21: 1. The king's heart (is) in the hand of the Lord, 25. Ais hands refuse to labour. 24:33. a little folding of (Ae Aands to sleep: 26: 6. a message by the hand of a fool 9. into the hand of a drunkard, 15. The slothful hideth Ais Aand in (his) bosom ; (497 ) Pro. 30 31 Ecc 2 4 10 11 Cant 5 7 Isa. 1 10 37 : 28. The spider taketh hold with her hands, 32. (lay) (Aine Aand upon thy mouth. , 19. She layeth Aer Aands to the spindle, 20. yea, she reacheth forth Aer hands to the needy. 31 . Give her of the fruit of Aer hands ; ; 11. the works that my hands had wrought, 24. it (was) from the hand of God. . Land on the side of their oppressors (there was) power ; (marg. hand) 5. The fool foldeth Ais hands together, : 6(5). the work of thine hands? 14(13). (there is) nothing in his hand. 15(14). carry away in his hand. 18. from this withdraw not thine hand: 26. her hands (as) bands: ; 1. their works, (are) in the hand of God: 10. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, 18. through idleness of the hands ; 6. withhold not thine hand: : 4. My beloved put in Ais Aand b.and my hands dropped (with) myrrh, 14. Sis hands (are as) gold rings : 1(2). the work of the hands of a cunning : 12. who hath required this at your hand, lb. your hands are full of blood. 25.1 will turn my hand upon thee, : 8. the work of (Aeir own hands, : 6. (let) this ruin (be) under (Ay Aand; 1 1 . the reward of Ais hands : 12. the operation of his hands. 25. he hath stretched forth his hand — his hand (is) stretched out still. : 6.hajnng (lit. and) a live coal in his hand, :1 l.with a strong Aand, :12(11), 17(16), 21(20) & 10:4.Ais hand (is) stretched out still. ; 5. the staff in their hand 10. my hand hath found the kingdoms 13. the strength of my hand 14. my hand hath found as a nest 32. he shall shake Ais Aand : 8. put Ais Aand on the cockatrice* den. II. the Lord shall set Ais Aand again 14. they shall lay (Aeir Aand upon Edom 15. shake his hand over the river, : 2. shake (Ae Aand, 7. Therefore shall all hands be faint, : 26. this (is) the hand that is stretched out 27. and Ms hand (is) stretched out, : 8. the work of Ais hands, \ 4.into the hand of a cruel lord ; 16. the shaking of the hand of the Lord 25. the work of my hands, : 2. spake the Lord by Isaiah (marg. Ay the hand of Isaiah) :18. a large country: (marg. large of spaces) 21. commit thy government into his hand: : 1 1 . He stretched out Ais Aand over the sea, ;10. mountain shall (Ae Aand of the Lord II. And he shall spread forth Ais hands — the spoils of their hands. :ll.(when) (Ay Aand is lifted up, : 2. cast down to the earth with the hand. :23.the work of mine hands, : 3. the Lord shall stretch out Ais Aand, 7. your own hands have made :2La place of broad rivers (marg. broad of spaces, or, hands) ¦ 17. and his hand hath divided it : 3. Strengthen ye (Ae weak hands, • Ib.into the hand of the king of Assyria. 18. out of the hand o/the king of Assyria? 19. they delivered Samaria out ofmy hand ? 20. delivered their land om( of my hand, — deliver Jerusalem om( ofmy hand ? ¦¦10. into the hand of the king of Assyria. 14./rom (Ae Aand o/the messengers, 19. the work of men's hands, 20. save us from his hand, 24. By thy servants (lit. by the hand of thy servants ) 27. their inhabitants (were) of small power, (marg. short of Aand) ' 2. received o/the Lord's Aand double ; 20. the hand of the Lord hath done this, • 6. will hold (Aine Aand, Isa. 434445. 47484950 5153 5657: 59 606264 65 66 Jer. 1 2:5: 10 22 26: 29 : 13. deliver out of my hand : : 5. another shall subscribe (with) Ais Aand ; 9. He hath no Aands / 1 1 . the work of my hands 12.1, (even) my hands, 6. given them into thine hand: 14. themselves frorn the power o/the flame: 13. Mine hand also hath laid the foundation 2. in the shadow of Ais Aand hath he hid me, 22.1 will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, 2. Is my hand shortened at all, 11. This shall ye have of mine hand; 16. the shadow of mine hand, 17. hast drunk at the hand of the Lord 18. that taketh her by the hand 22. 1 have taken ow( of thine hand 23. into the hand of them that afflict 10. the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 2. keepeth Ais Aand from doing any evil, 5. a place and a name 8.wAere (lit. the place) thou sawest (it). 10. thou hast found the life of thine hand; l.the Lord's Aand is not shortened, 21. the work of my hands, 3. a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, 7(6). because of (lit. by the hand of) our ini quities. 8(7). we all (are) the work of (Ay Aand. 2. 1 have spread out my hands 22. the work of (Aeir hands. 2. all those (things) hath mine hand made, 14. (Ae Aand o/the Lord shall be known 9. the Lord put forth Ais Aand, 16- the works of their own hands. 37. and thine hands upon thine head: 31 . the priests bear rule by (Aeir means;(marg. take into (Aeir hands) 3. every one in Ais place. 9. turn back (Aine Aand 12. 1 will stretch out my hand 24. our hands wax feeble: 3. the work of (Ae hands of 9. and of (Ae Aands of the founder: 2 1. that thou die not by our hand: 6. therefore will I stretch out my hand 17.1 sat alone because of (Ay Aand ; 21. out of the hand of the wicked, 21.1 will cause them to know mine hand 4. clay was marred in the hand of the potter: 6. as the clay (is) in the potter's Aand, so (are) ye in mine hand, 21 . the force of the sword ; 7. and by the hands of them that seek their lives: 4. into the hand o/the king of Babylon, 5.in(o (Ae Aand of their enemies, 13.from the hand of evildoers. 4. the weapons of war that (are) in your hands, 5. with an outstretched Aand 7. into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that 10. into the hand of the king of Babylon, 12. on( of the hand of the oppressor, 3.om( of the hand o/the oppressor: 24. the signet upon my right hand, 25. into the hand of them that seek thy life, and info the hand (of them) whose face thou fearest, even into the handof Nebu- ¦ chadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the handof the Chaldeans. 14. they strengthen also the hands of 6, 7. with the works of your hands ; 14. the works of their own hands. 15. the wine cup of this fury at my hand, 17. the cup at the Lord's Aand, 28. the cup at thine hajid 14. 1 (am) in your hand : 24. (Ae Aand of Ahikam into the hand of the people 3.6y (Ae hand o/the messengers 6. into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar 8. until I have consumed them by his hand. 3. By the hand of Elasah 21. into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar T ' ( 498 ) "V Jer. 30: 6. Ais hands on his loins, 3I:Il./rom (Ae Aand of (him that was) stronger 32. the day (that) I took (Aem by the hand 32: 3, 4, 36. hito the hand of the king of Baby lon, 4.o«( of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall 21 . and with a strong hand, 24, 25, 28, 43. hito the hajid of the Chaldeans, 28. and into the hajid of Nebuchadrezzar 30. the work of (Aeir hands, 33:13.(Ae hands of him that telleth (them), 34: l.his dominion, (marg. the dominion of Ais Aand) 2. into the hand of the king of Babylon, 3. thou shalt not escape om( ofhis hand, — and delivered into his hand; 20, 21. into the hajid of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: 21. and into the hand of the king of Babylon's 36:14. Take in thine hand the roll — took the roll in his hand, 37: 2. by the prophet Jeremiah, (lit. by the hand of the prophet Jeremiah) 17. into the handof the king of Babylon. 38: 3. into the hand of the king of Babylon's 4. he weakeneth (Ae hands of the men — and (Ae hands of all the people, 5. he (is) in your hand : 10. Take from hence thirty men with thee, (marg. in thine hand) II. took the men with him, 12. rotten rags under thine armholes (lit. armholes of thine hands) 16. into the hand of these men 18. into the hand of the Chaldeans, — , 23. thou shalt not escape out of their hand. 19. lest they deliver me into their hand, 23. by the hand of the king of Babylon: 39:ll.(o Nebuzar-adan (marg. by the handof) 17. into the handof the men of whom thou (art) afraid. 40: 4. the chains which (were) upon (Aine hand. 41: 5. offerings and incense in their hajid, 9. because of Gedaliah, (lit. in the hand of Gedaliah) 42:11. deliver you from his hand. 43: 3. into the hand of the Chaldeans, 9. Take great stones hi thine hajid, 44: 8. the works of yowr hands, 25. ajid fulfilled with your hand, 30. into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life ; — hito the hand of Nebuchadrezzar 46: 6. by the river Euphrates, (lit. by (Ae Aand o/the river Euphrates) 24. into the hand of the people of the north. 26. into the hand of those that seek their lives, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of 47 : 3. for feebleness of hands ; 48:37. upon all (Ae hajids (shall be) cuttings, 50: l.by Jeremiah (marg. by the hand of Jere miah) 15. she hath given Aer hand: 43. his hands waxed feeble: 51 : 7. a golden cup in the Lord's Aand, 25. 1 will stretch out mine hand upon thee, Lam 1: 7. her people fell into the hand o/the enemy, 10. The adversary hath spread out Ais Aand 14. ofmy transgressions is bound by his hand : — hath delivered me into (their) hands, 17. Zion spreadeth forth Aer hands, 2: 7. into the hand o/the enemy 8. he hath not withdrawn Ais hand 3: 3. he turneth Ais Aand (against me) 64. the work of (Aeir hands. 4: 2. the work of (Ae hands of the potter ! 6. no hands stayed on her. 10. TAe hands of the pitiful women 5: 6. We have given (Ae hand 8. deliver (us) out of their hand. 12. Princes are hanged up by their hand: Eze 1 : 3.(Ae Aand o/the Lord was there upon him. 8. And (they had) (Ae hands of a man 2: 9. an hand (was) sent unto me; 3:14. but the hand o/the Lord was strong upon 18, 20. his blood will I require at thine hand. Eze. 3:22. the handof 'the Lord was there upon me- 6 : 14. So will I stretch out my hand 7:17. All Aands shall be feeble, 21. into the hands of the strangers 27. and the hands of the people 8: 1. (Ae Aand o/the Lord God fell there upon 3. he put forth the form of an hand, 11. every man his censer in his hand ; 9: 1. his destroying weapon in his hajid. 2. a slaughter weapon in his hand; 10: 7. (one) cherub stretched forth Ais hand 8. the form of a man's Aand 12. and their hands, and their wings, 21. (Ae hands of a man II: 9. hito the hands of strangers, 12: 7.1 digged through the wall with mine Aand ; 13: 9. mine hajid shall be upon the prophets 18. the (women) that sew pillows to all arm- holes, (lit. armholes of my hands) 21. deliver my people ow( of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand 22. strengthened (Ae hands of the wicked, 23. my people om( of your hand: 14: 9. 1 will stretch out my hand upon him, 13. then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, 16:11.1 put bracelets upon (Ay hands, 27. 1 have stretched out my hand over thee, 39. 1 will also give thee into their hand, 49. neither (lit. and not). ..the hand of the poor and needy. 17:18.he had given Ais hand, 18: 8. hath withdrawn Ais Aand from iniquity, 17. hath taken off Ais Aand 20: 5. and lifted up mhie hand — I lifted up mine hand 6.1 lifted up mine hand 15. 1 lifted up my hand unto them 22. 1 withdrew 7«ine hand, 23. 1 lifted up mine hand unto them 28, 42. (for) the which I lifted up mine hand 33, 34. with a mighty Aand, 21: 7(12). all hands shall be feeble, 1 1( 16). into the hand of the slayer. 19(24). and choose thou a place, 31(36). deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, 22: 14. can (Aine hands be strong, 23: 9.1 have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of 28. into the hand (of them) whom thou hatest, into the hand (of them) from whom thy 31. will I give her cup into thine hand. 37, 45. blood (is) in their hands, 42. which put bracelets upon (Aeir hands, 25: 6. thou hast clapped (thine) hands, 7. 1 will stretch out mhie hand upon thee, 13.1 will also stretch out jnhie hand 14. by the hand o/my people Israel: 16. 1 will stretch out mine hand 27: 15. the merchandise of thine hand: 21. they occupied with thee (marg. (were) the merchants of thy Aand) 28: 9. in (Ae Aand o/him that slayeth thee. 10.% (Ae Aand of strangers: 30: 10. Ay (Ae Aand of Nebuchadrezzar 12. into the hand of the wicked: — by {he hand of strangers: 22. to fall out ofhis hand. 24. put my sword in his hand: 25. hito the hajid of the king of Babylon, 31:11. into the hajid of the mighty one 33: 6. at the watchman's hand. 8. his blood will I require at thine hand. 22. Now, the hand of the Lord was upon me 34: 10. 1 yvill require my flock at their hajid, 27. out of the handof those that served them selves 35: 3.1 will stretch out mine hand b.theforce of the sword (marg. Aands) 36: 7.1 have lifted up mine hand, 37 : 1 . The hand of the Lord was upon me, 1 7. they shall become one in thine hand. 19. in the hand of Ephraim, — they shall be one hi mine hand. 20. shall be in thine hand before their eyes. 38; 12. turn (Aine Aand upon the desolate places T ( 499 ) TW Eze. 3 3:17. by my servants the prophets (lit. by the hand of) 39: 3.ow( o/thy left Aand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out ofthy right Aand. 9. the Aawdstaves, and the spears, 21. my hand that I have laid upon them. 23. into the handof their enemies: 40: 1 . (Ae Aand o/the Lord 3. a line of flax in his hand, b. and in the man's Aand 43:26. they shall consecrate themselves, (marg. shall fill (Aeir hands) 44: 12. 1 lifted up mhie hand 46: 5. as he shall be able to give, (marg. the gift of Ais hand) 7. according as Ais Aand shall attain 11. he is able to give, (lit. the gift of Ais Aand) 47: 3. the man that had the line in his hajid 14.1 lifted up mine hand 48: l.(Ae coas( of the way of Hethlon, — (Ae coast of Hamath ; Dan 1: 2. into his hand, 20. he found them ten times better 8: 4. deliver out of his hand; 7. deliver the ram om( ofhis hand. 25. cause craft to prosper in his hand ; — he shall be broken without Aand. 9:I0.6y (lit. by the hand of) his servants the prophets. 15. with a mighty Aand, 10: 4. (Ae side o/the great river, 10. an hand touched me, — the palms of my hands. 11:11. given into his hand. 16. by his hand shall be consumed. 41. escape out of his hand, 42. He shall stretch forth Ais Aand 12: 7. the power of the holy people, Hos 2:10(12). oiit of mine hand. 7: 5. he stretched out Ais Aand 12: 7(8). the balances of deceit (are) in his hand : 10(11). aad used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets. 13:14./rom (Ae power of the grave ; (marg. hand) 14: 3(4). the work of our hands, Joel 3: 8(4:8). in(o(Ae Aand o/the children Am. 1: 8.1 will turn mine hajid 5:19. leaned Ais Aand on the wall, 7: 7. with a plumbline in his hand. 9: 2. thence shall mine hand take them ; Mic. 2: l.the power of their hand. 5: 9f8). TAine Aand shall be lifted up 12(11). out of thine hand ; 13(l2).the work of thine hands. 7:16. lay (their) Aand upon (their) mouth, Hab 3: 4. he had horns (coming) out of his hand: 10. lifted up Ais hands Zep 1: 4.1 will also stretch out mine Aand 2:13. he will stretch out Ais Aand 15. shall hiss, (and) wag Ais Aand. 3: 16. Let not (Aine hands be slack. "ag 1; 1,3. by (marg. by the hand of) Haggai the prophet 2: l.&y the prophet Haggai, (marg. id. ) IQ.by Haggai the prophet, (lit. id.) 14. so (is) every work of (Aeir hands; 17. the labours of your hands ; '• 1(5). with a measuring line in his hand. 9(13). I will shake mine hand upon them, 4: 9. The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house ; Ais hands shall also finish it ; 10. in (Ae Aand of Zerubbabel 12. through (marg. by the hand) the two golden 7: 7, 12.6y the former prophets, (marg. by the hand of) 8: 4. his staffin Ais hand 9, 13. Let your hands be strong, II: 6. into his neighbour's Aand, and into the hand o/his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand 13: 6. What (are) these wounds in (Aine hands ? 7. 1 will turn mine hand l4:l3.(Ae Aand o/his neighbour, and Ais Aand shall rise up against (Ae Aand of Mai. 1: L&y Malachi. (marg. by the hand of Mal achi) 9. this hath been by your means : (marg. from your hand) 10. an offering at your hand. 13. should I accept this of your hand? 2:13. with good will at your hand. ^\yad, Ch. com. Ezr. 5 : 8. and prospereth in their hands. 12. he gave them into the hand of Nebuchad nezzar 6:12. that shall put to (Aeir Aand to alter 7:14.of thy God which (is) in thine hand; 25. of thy God, that (is) in thine hand, Dan 2: 34. till that a stone was cut out u;i(Aout hands, (marg. not in hands) 38. hath he given into thine hand, 45. was cut out of the mountain without hands, (marg. not in hand) 3:15. that shall deliver you out ofmy hands ? 17. he will deliver (us) out of (Aine Aand, 4:35(32). none can stay Ais Aand, or say 5: 5. came forth fingers of a man's Aand, — saw the part of (Ae Aand that wrote. 23. and the God in whose hand thy breath (is), 24. Then was the part of (Ae Aand sent from 6:27(28). hath delivered Daniel from thepower of the lions, (marg. Aand) 7 :25. and they shall be given into his hand KT tydah], Ch. * APHEL Participle.* Dan 2: 23. 1 (AanA thee, and praise thee, 6: 10(11). and gave thanks before his God, IT [ydh-dad']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Joel 3: 3(4:3). they have cast lots for my people ; Obad 11. cast lots upon Jerusalem, Nah 3:10. they cast lots for her honourable men , Zee 2: Timtfdee-dooth', f. Jer. 12: l.the dearly beloved (marg. love) of my soul PIT [yah-dah']. * KAL Imperative. * Jer.50:14.sAoo« at her, spare no arrows: * PIEL.— Infinitive. * Zee. 1:21(2:4). to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, PIEL Future. Lam 3:53. and cast a stone upon me. PIT [yah-dah']. -Preterite. # * HIPHIL- 1 K. 8 : 33, 35 . and confess thy name, 2Ch 6 : 24, 26. and confess thy name, Ps. 75: 1(2). Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, (unto thee) do we yive thanlis : HIPHIL .Infinitive. ICh 16: 4. and to thank and praise the Lord God 7. to thanh the Lord 35. that we may give thanhs to thy holy name, 41 . to yive thanhs to the Lord, 23:30.to thank and praise the Lord, 25: 3. to give thanks and to praise the Lord. 2Ch 5: 13. praising and thanking the Lord ; K K 2 7YV !Chl6 2Ch20Ps. 3033 97 100 105136 2Ch 7: 3. worshipped, and praised the Lord, 6. to praise the Lord, 31 : 2. to minister, and to give thanks, Ezr. 3:11. praising and giving thanksunto the Lord; Nehl2:24.to praise (and) to give thajiks, 46. songs of praise and thanksgiving Ps. 92: 1(2). (It is a) good (thing) to give thanks 106:47. togive thanks unto thy holy name, 119:62.1 will rise to give thanks unto thee 122: 4.(o give thanks unto the name of the Lord. 142: 7(8). (Aa( Imay praise thy name: HIPHIL. — Imperative. 8. Give thanks unto the Lord, 34. O give thanks unto the Lord ; : 21 . Praise the Lord ; 4(5). and give thanks at the remembrance of 2. Praise the Lord with harp: 12. and give thanks at the remembrance ofhis 4.6e thankful unto him, I & 106:1 & 107:1 & 118:1,29 & 136:1. O give thanks unto the Lord ; 2. 0 give thanks unto the God of gods: 3. 0 give thanks to the Lord of lords: 26. O give thajiks unto the God of heaven: Isa. 12: 4. Praise the Lord, call upon his name, Jer. 33 : 1 1 . Praise the Lord of hosts : HIPHIL.— Future. 35. Now will I praise the Lord: 8. thou (art he) whom thy brethren sAaZZ praise : 50. Therefore Iwill give thanks unto thee, 17. the principal to begin (Ae thanksgiving (lit. Ae shall give thajiks) : 14. Then will I also confess unto thee : 5(6) . in the grave who shall give thee thanks ? :17(18). I will praise the Lord : 1(2) . I will praise (thee), O Lord, :49(50). Therefore will I give thajiks unto thee, (marg. or, confess) : 7. with my song will I pj'aise him. : 9(10). SAaZZ the dust praise thee? 12(13). I will give thanks ujito thee for ever. : 5. Iwill confess my transgressions :18. 1 ivill give thee thanks in the great congre gation: : 5(6), 11(12). / shall yet praise him (marg. give thanks) : 4. yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, 5. I shall yet praise him, : 8(9). praise thy name for ever. : 17(19)- therefore shall the people praise thee ; 18(19). and (men) will praise thee, : 9(ll ), I will praise thee for ever, : 6(8). Iwill praise thy name, O Lord; : 9(10). I will praise thee, O Lord, : 3(4), 5(6). Let the people praise thee, O God ; Ze( all the people praise thee. :22. 1 will also praise thee with the psaltery, : 10( 1 1 ). the wrath of man shall praise thee : ,13. will give thee thanks for ever: ;12. 1 will praise thee, O Lord my God, : 10(11). shall the dead arise (and) praise thee? : 5(6). And the heavens shall praise thy won ders, ; 3. Let them praise thy great and terrible ; 8, 15, 21, 31. Ok that (men) would praise the ; 3(4). Iwill praise thee, O Lord, :30. 1 will greatly praise the Lord with my : 1. 1 will praise the Lord with (my) whole ;I9.into them, (and) Iwillpraise the Lord: 21. / will praise thee : for thou hast heard 28- Thou (art) my God, andl will pj'aise thee: 7 . 1 will praise thee with uprightness of heart, 1 . J will pj'aise thee with my whole heart : 2. and praise thy name for thy lovingkind ness 4. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, 14. / will praise thee ; for I am 13(14). the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name : 10. All thy works shall praise thee, 1 . O Lord, I will praise thee : 1 . 1 will praise thy name ; 1 8. the grave cannot praise (Aee, 19. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, ( 500 ) yrv HIPHIL.— Participle. lCh29:13.our God, we thank thee, Pro 28:13.6irf k>Aoso confesseth and forsaketh (them) shall have mercy. * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * Lev 5: 5. that he shall confess that he hath sinned 1 6 : 21 . and confess over him all the iniquities 26:40. If they shall confess their iniquity, Num5: 7. Then they shall confess their sin HITHPAEL Infinitive. Ezr. 10: 1 . when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, HITHPAEL Future. Neh 9: 2. stood and confessed their sins, Dan 9: 4. 1 prayed unto the Lord my God, and madi my confession, HITHPAEL Participle. 2Ch 30:22. and making confession to the Lord God Neh 1: 6. and confess the sins of the children of Israel, 9 : 3. (another) fourth part they confessed, Dan 9: 20. praying, and confessing my sin Gen29 49 2Sa.22 Nehll Job 40 Ps. 6 7 9 18 28303235 4243 44 4549 526457 6771 76 79 8688 89 99: 107108 109 111:118. 119:138 139: 140: 145: Isa. 12: 25: 38: TT. ydeed, adj. const. Deu 33: 12. The beloved of fhe Lord Ps. 45[title](l). A Song of loves. 60: 5(7). That thy beloved may be delivered ; 84: 1 (2). How amiable (are) thy tabernacles, 108: 6(7). That thy beloved may be delivered: 127: 2. so he giveth Ais beloved sleep. Isa. 5: 1. Now will I sing to my wellbeloved — My wellbeloved hath a vineyard Jer. 11:15. What hath my beloved to do in mine house, nYTT see PUTT Gen 4 12 18 19 20 21 22:24:27:28: 29: 30: 31:38: 39: 42: 43: 44:47: 48: Ex. 1: 3: J?T yah-dag. * KAL Preterite. * : 1 . Adam knew Eve his wife ; 9. And he said, I know not: ill. I know that thou (art) a fair woman : 19. For I know him, that he will command his children : 8. two daughters which have not known 33,35. Ae perceived not when she lay down, : 6. Yea, / know that thou didst this :26. 1 wot not who hath done this thing: : 12. now I know that thou fearest God, : 16. neither had any man known her : : 2. 1 know not the day of my death: :J6. Surely the Lord is in this place; andl knew (it) not. 5. Know ye Laban the son of Nahor ? And they said, We know (him). 26. thou knowest my service 29. Thou knowest how I have served thee, 6. ye know...\ have served your father. 32. Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen lQ.heknew not that she (was) his daughter in law. 6.Ae knew not ought he had, 8. my master wotteth not what (is) with me 23. they knew not that Joseph understood 22. we cannot tell who put our money in our 15. wot ye not that. ..I can certainly divine? 27. He know that my wife bare me two (sons): 6. if Mom knowest (any) men of activity 19. 1 know (it), my son, I know (it): 8. which knew not Joseph. 7. / know their sorrows ; 19. / am sure that the king of Egypt will not W.I know that he can speak well. 2. / know not the Lord, Land ye shall know that I (am) the Lord 5. And the Egyptians shall know 30. 1 know that ye will not yet fear the Lord 2. that ye may know how that I (am) fne Lord. yv ( 501 ) yr 16 182329 3-2 33 34 Lev. 5 Nu.10 1114162U 22 31 Deu 1 23 47 Ex. 14: 4. that the Egyptians may know that I (am) the Lord. 18. And the Egyptians shall know that I (am) '6. then ye shall know that the Lord 12. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord lb. they wist not what it (was). :lL/Anowj that the Lord (is) greater than all 9. ye Anon? the heart of a stranger, 46. And they shall know that I (am) the Lord 1 , 23. toe wot not what is become of him. 22. thou knowest the people, : 12. 1 know thee by name, : 29. Moses wist not that the skin ofhis face 1. whether he hath seen or known (of it); 3, 4. when Ae knoweth (of it), 17. though Ae wist (it) not, yet is he guilty, 18. he erred and wist (it) not, :3I.(Aom knowest how we are to encamp : 16. whom (Aom knowest to be the elders : 31. and they shall know the land 34. and ye shall know my breach of promise. 30. (Aen ye shall understand that these men : 14. Thou knowest all the travel that hath ; 6. 1 wot that he whom thou blessest (is) 34. 1 knew not that thou stoodest in the way : 18. all the women children, that Aaue not known a man 35. women that Aad not known man : 39. Aad no knowledge between good and evil, ; 7.Ae knoweth thy walking through this :19. 1 know that ye have much cattle, :39. Know therefore this day, ; 9. Know therefore that the Lord thy God, 15. the evil diseases of Egypt, which (Aom knowest, : 3. fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; 5. TAom sAaZ( also cojislder in thine heart, 16. thy fathers knew not, : 2. the children of the Anakims, whom thou Anowes(, 3. Understand therefore this day, 6. Understand therefore, that the Lord : 2. And know ye this day: — your children which Aaue not known, 28. other gods, which ye have not known. : 2(3). other gods, which (Aom hast not known, 6(7). other gods, which (Aom Aas( not known, 13(14). other gods, which ye have not known; : 2. if thou know hhn not, :33.a nation which (Aon knowest not 36, 64. neither thou nor thy fathers have known; (lit. thou Aas( not known nor thy fathers) :16(15).ye know how we have dwelt in the 26(25). gods whom (Aey knew (lit. (Aey knew them) not, :13. which have not known (any thing), 21. 1 know their imagination 27. 1 know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: 29. 1 hww that after my death ye will ; 17. gods whom they knew not, : 9. nor knew his own children: : 6. no man knoweth ofhis sepulchre 10. whom the Lord Anew : 4. 1 wist not whence they (were): 5. whither the men went I wot not: 9. 1 know that the Lord hath given you the ;l4.Ae wist not that (there were) liers in : 6. Thou knowest the thing that the Lord 31. we perceive that the Lord (is) among us, 14. and ye know in all your hearts 31, which Aad known all the works of the 10. which knew not the Lord, l.Aad not known all the wars of Canaan ; 2. such as before knew nothing thereof; 37. then shall I know that thou wilt save 39. sAe knew no man. 16. Manoah knew not that he (was) an angel 21. Manoah knew that he (was) an angel 4. and his mother Anew not that it (was) of J 1 . Knowest thou not that the Philistines (are) rulers over us? 20. An wist not that the Lord was departed 13. Now know /that the Lord will do me 14. Do ye know that there is in these houses 34. (Aey knew not that evil (was) near them. Jos. 2 14 222324 Jud. 2 3 Jud.21 : 12. that Aad known no man Ru. 2:1 1. a people which (Aom knewest not heretofore. 3: 4. that thou shalt mark the place where he ISa. 2: 12. (Aey knew not the Lord. 3: 7. Samuel did not yet know the Lord, 13. the iniquity which Ae knoweth; 6: 9. then we shall know that (it is) not his 14: 3. the people knew not that Jonathan was 17:28. 1 know thy pride, and the naughtiness of 55.0 king, /cannot tell. (lit. if 1 know) 20: 3. Thy father certainly knoweth that I have 30. do not I know that thou hast chosen the 39. the lad Anew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter. 22: 15. thy servant knew nothing of all this, 17. because (Aey knew when he fled, 22.1 knew (it) that day, 24:20(21). I know well that thou shalt surely be 25:11. 1 know not whence they (be) ? 28: 9. (Aom knowest what Saul hath done, 29: 9. 1 know that thou (art) good in my sight, 2Sa. 1 : 5. How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan 10. 1 was swe that he could not live 2:26.A«owes( (Aom not that it will be bitterness 3:25. Thou knowest Abner the son of Ner, 26. David Anew (it) not. 7:20. for thou, Lord God, knowest thy servant. 11: 16. Ae knew that valiant men (were). 20. Anew ye not that they would shoot 14:22. thy servant knoweth that I have found 15: 11. (Aey knew not any thing. 17: 8. (Aom knowest thy father and his men, 18:29. 1 knew not what (it was). 19: 6(7). for this day I pej-ceive, that if Absalom 20(21). thy servant do(A hiow that I have 22(23). do not I know that I (am) this day 22:44. a people (which) I knew not shall serve 24: 2. (Aa( / may know the number of the IK. I: 4. the king Anew Aer not. II. David our lord knoweth (it) not? 18. (Aom Anowes( (it) not: 2: 5. (Aom knowest also what Joab 9. and knowest what thou oughtest to do 15. TAom knowest that the kingdom was mine, 32. my father David not knowing (thereof), 44. Thou knowest all the wickedness which thine heart is privy to, b: 3(17). Thou knowest how that David my 6(20). thou Anowes( that (there is) not among 8: 39. thou only, knowest the hearts 1 7 : 24. / Anow that thou (art) a man of God, 20: 13. and thou shalt know that I (am) the Lord. 2Q.ajidye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 22: 3. Know ye that Ramoth in Gilead (is) our's, 2K. 2: 3, 5. Knowest thou that the Lord will take — , -. Yea, I know (it); hold ye your peace. 4: I . (Aou knowest that thy servant did fear the 9. 1 perceive that this (is) an holy man of 39. they knew (them) not. 5:15. 1 know that (there is) no God in all the 7:12. TAey know that we (be) hungry; 8:12./ know the evil that thou wilt do 9; 1 1 . Ye know the man, and his communication. 17: 26. know not the manner of the God 19:27. 1 know thy abode, ICh 17: 18. thou knowest thy servant. 29:17.1 know also, my God, 2Ch 2: 8( 7). I know that thy servants can skill to » 6: 30. for thou only knowest the hearts 25:16. 1 know that God hath determined to Neh 2: 16. the rulers Anew not whither I went, 9:10.(Ziom knewest that they dealt proudly Est, 4: 1. Mordecai perceived all that was done, Job b:24.And thou shalt know that thy tabernacle (shall be) in peace; 25. TAom sAaZ( know also that thy seed (shall be) great, 9: 2. 1 know (it is) so of a truth: 5. (Aey Anow not: 28. 1 know that thou wilt not hold me 10: 13. 1 know that this (is) with thee. 1 1 : 1 1 . Ae knoweth vain men : 12: 9. Who knoweth not in all these 13: 2. (the same) do Iknow also: 18. 1 know that I shall be justified. 15: 9. What knowest thou, that we know not? 23. Ae knoweth that the day of darkness is yr ( 502 ) jn» Job 18:21. (him that) knoweth not God. 19:25.1 know (that) my redeemer liveth, 20: 4. Knowest thou (not) this of old, 20.Ae shall not feel quietness (marg. know) 21: 27. Behold, I know your thoughts, 22:13.Howdo(A God know? 23: 3. Oh that I knew where I might find himl 10. Ae knoweth the way that I take: 24: 16. (Aey know not the light. 28: 7. no fowl knoweth, 13. Man knoweth not the price thereof; 23. he knoweth the place thereof. 29:16. the cause (which) I knew not 30:23. 1 know (that) thou wilt bring me (to) 32:22. 1 know not to give flattering titles; 34:33. speak what (Aou knowest. 35:15. Ae knoweth (it) not 33: 4. declare, if (Aom hast (marg. knowest) un derstanding. 18. declare if (Aom knowest it all. 21. Knowest thou (it), 33. Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven ? 39: I . Knoioest thou the time 2. or knowest thou the time when they bring 42: 2.1 know that thou canst do every (thing), Ps. 14: 4. Have all the workers of iniquity no know- ledge ? 18:43(44). a people (whom) I have not known 20: 6( 7) . Now know I that the Lord saveth his 31 : 7(8). (Aom Aas( known my soul 35:11. (things) that I knew not. 15. I knew (it) not ; 40: 9(10). O Lord, (Aou knowest. 41 :U( 12). By this 7Anowthatthoufavourestme, 50:11. 1 know all the fowls of the mountains: 53: 4(b). Have the workers of iniquity no know ledge? 56: 9(10). this Iknow; for God (is) for me. 69: 5(6). thou knoioest my foolishness ; 19(20). Thou Aas( known my reproach, 71 : 15.7 know not the numbers (thereof). 73 : 1 1 . How doth God know ? 79: 6. the heathen that have not known thee, 81 : 5(6). a language (that) I understood not. 82: b. They know not, neither will they under stand ; 91 : 14. Ae hath known my name. 95: 10. (Aey have not known my ways: 103 : 1 4. Ae knoweth our frame ; 104: 19. the sun knoweth his going down. 119:75.7 know, O Lord, that thy judgments (are) 79.(12TD) ajid those that have known 152. 7 have hwwn of old 135: 5.1 know that the Lord (is) great, 139: 2. Thou knowest my downsitting 4. thou knoioest it altogether. 140:1203). I know that the Lord will maintain 142: 3(4). thou kneivest my path. 147:20. (Aey have not known them. Pro. 4:19. (Aey know not at what they stumble. 7:23.A»owe(A not that it (is) for his life. 9: 13. (she is) simple, and knoweth nothing. 18. Ae knoweth not that the dead (are) there ; 14: 7. when thou perceivest not (in him) the lips 23:35. 7/eZ( (it) not: (marg. Anew) 24: 12. Behold, we knew it not ; 30: 18. four which I know not: Ecc. 1 :17. Ipej'ceived that this also is vexation of 2: 14. and I myself perceived also 3:12. 1 know that (there is) no good in them, 14. Iknow that, whatsoever God doeth, 4:13. who mil no more be admonished, (marg. knoweth not to be) 6: 5. he hath not seen the sun, nor known (any thing): 7:22. thine own heart knoweth 10: 15. he knoweth not how to go to the city. Cant.6:12. Or ever I was aware, Isa. 1 : 3. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib : (but ) Israel do(A not know, 9: 9(8). And all the people shall know, 19:21. and the Egyptians shall know 29: 12. him that is not learned, (lit. knoweth not a book) — lam not learned, (lit. Iknow not a book) 24. They also.. .shall come to understanding, (marg. shall know underst /,^:.:.rx Isa. 37:28.7Anow thy abode, 40:28. Hast thou not known? 42:16. a way (that) they knew not; — paths (that) (Aey have not Anown.* 25. yet he knew not; 44: 8. Iknow not (any). 18. TAey have not known 45: 4, 5. (Aom Aas( not known me. 20. (Aey have no knowledge 48: 6. (Aou didst not know them. 7. Behold, I knew them. 8. (Aom knewest not ; — I knew that thou wouldest deal very 49: 23. and thou shalt know that I (am) the Lord: 26. and all flesh shall know 55: 5. nations (that) knew not (Aee 56:10. His watchmen (are) blind: they are all ignorant, (lit. (Aey Anow not) 11. greedy dogs (which) can never have enough, ( marg. know not to be satisfied) . — shepherds (that) cannot understand: (lit. Anow? not to understand) 59 : 8. The way of peace (Aey know not ; — sAaZZ not know peace. 12. (as for) our iniquities, we know them; 60: 16. and (Aom sAaZ( Anow that I the Lord (am) 63: 16. though Abraham be ignorant of ns, (lit. Anow us not) Jer. 1: 5. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; 6. Ah, Lord God! behold, 7 connot speak: (lit. 7 know not to speak) 2: 8. they that handle the law knew me not: 4:22. they have not known me ; — they have no knowledge. 5: 4. (Aey Anow not the way of the Lord, 5. (Aey have known the way of the Lord, 6: 15. neither could (Aey blush: (lit. they knew not to blush) 7: 9. other gods whom ye know not ; 8 : 7 - the stork. . .knoweth her appointed times ; — my people Anow not the judgment of the 12. neither could (Aey blush: (lit. (Aey Anew not to blush) 9: 3(2). (Aey Anow not me, 16(15). neither they nor their fathers have known : 10:23. 1 know that the way of man 25. the heathen that Anow (Aee not, 11:19.7 Anew not that they had devised devices 12: 3. thou, O Lord, knowest me: 14: 18. a land that (Aey Anow not. 20. We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, 15: 14. a land (which) (Aom hiowest not: 15. O Lord, thou knowest: 16: 13. a land that ye Anow not, 21 . ajid they shall know that my name (is) 17: 4. the land which (Aom knoioest not: 16. thou knowest: that which came 18: 23. thou hiowest all their counsel against me 19: 4. whom neither they nor their fathers have known, (lit. known them) 22:28. a land which (Aey know not? 29 : 1 1 . 1 know the thoughts 33: 3. mighty things, ivhich thou knowest not. 41: 4. no man Anew (it), 44: 3. other gods, whom (Aey hiew (lit. knew them) not, 28. and all the remnant...sAaZZ Anow whose words shall stand, 48:30.1 Anow his wrath, saith the Lord'; 50:24. (Aom wast not aware: Eze. 2: 5. yet shall know that there hath been a 5: 13. and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken (it) 6: 7. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 10, 14. And they shall know that I (am) the 13. TAen sAaZZ ye know that I (am) the Lord, 7: 4, 9. and ye sAaZZ Anow that I (am) the Lord. 27. and they shall h.ow that I (am) the Lord. 11 : 5. 1 know the things that come into your 10, 12. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 12:15, 16. And they shalt know that I (am) the 20. and ye shall know that I (am ) the Lord. 13: 9, 14. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord 21, 23. and ye shall know thatI(am)theLord. 1 ' ?, .... \ „ . ',_ " \ „ ... .¦ , ; "* ' .....^ ;.he Lord. m ( 503 ) yr Ex. Eze.l4:23. and ye shall know that I have not done 15: Land ye shall know that I (am) the Lord, 16:62. and thou shalt know that I (am) the Lord: 17: 12. Know ye not what these (things mean) ? 21. and ye shall know that I the Lord have spoken (it). 24. And all the trees of the field shall know 20:38, 42, 44. and ye shall know that I (am ) the 21 : 5(10). That all flesh may know 22: 16. and thou shalt know that I (am) the Lord. 22. and ye shall know that I the Lord have poured out my fury 23:49. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord God. 24:24. a?:d when this cometh, ye shall know 27. and they shall know that I (am) the Lord. 25: 5. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 7. and thou shalt know that I (am) the Lord. 11, 17. and they shall know that I (am) the 14. and they shall know my vengeance, 26 : 6 & 28 : 22, 23, 24, 26. and they shall know that I (am) the Lord. 29: 6. And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know 9, 21. and they shall know that I (am) the 16. but they shall know that I (am) the Lord 30: 8, 19, 25, 26. And they shall know that I (am) 32: 9. the countries which thou hast not known. 15 &33:29. then shall they know that I (am) 33:33. thai shall they know that a prophet hath been among them . 34:27. and shall know that I (am) the Lord, 30. Thus shall they know that I the Lord their God (am) with them, 35: 4, 12. and thou shalt know that I (am) the 9. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 15. and they shall know that I (am) the Lord. 36:11. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord. 23. and the heathen shall know that I (am) the 36. Then the heathen. ..shall know that I the 38. and they shall know that I (am) the Lord. 37: 3.0 Lord God, thou knowest. 6, 13. and ye shall know that I (am) the Lord, li.then shall ye know that I the Lord have 28. And the heathen shall know that I the Lord 38:23& 39:6. and they shall know that I (am) the 39: Land the heathen shall know that I (am) the 22. So the house of Israel shall know 23. And the heathen shall know that the bouse of Isa. 28. Then shall they know that I (am) the Lord ; Danl0:20. Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee ? Jer 11:38. a god whom his fathers knew not Hos. 2: 8(10). she did not know that I gave her corn, 20(22). and thou shalt know the Lord. 5: 3. Iknow Ephraim, 4. tAey have not known the Lord. 7: 9.Ae knoweth (it) not: yea, gray hairs — yet he knoweth not. 8: 2. My God, we know thee. 4. they have made princes, and I knew (it) 11: 3. they knew not that I healed them. 13: 5. 1 did know thee in the wilderness, Joel 2:2L And ye shall know that I (am) inthe midst 3:17(4:17). So shallye know that I (am) the Am. 3: 2. You only have I known 10. they know not to do right, 5:12. Iknow your manifold transgressions Jon. 1 : 10. the men knew that he fled 4: 2.1 knew that thou (art) a gracious God, 11. that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand ; Mic. 4: 12. they know not the thoughts of the Lord, Zee. 2: 9(13). and ye shall know that the Lord \\{\b).and thou shalt know that the Lord 4: 5. Knowest thou not what these be ? 9. and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent 13. Knowest thou not what these (be) ? 6:15. and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts 7:14. the nations whom they knew (lit. knew them) not. Mai. 2: 4. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 3:22. to know good and evil< 15:13. Know of a surety (lit. knowing thou shalt know) Gen24:21.tu wit whether the Lord had made his 38:26. he knew her again no more. (lit. he added not to know her) 43: 7. could we certainly know (marg. knowing could we know) 2: i.to wit what would be done 31 : 13. that (ye) may know that I (am) the Lord 36 : I. to know how to work Deu 4:3o. that thou mightest know 8: 2.to know what (was) in thine heart, 9:24. the day that I knew you. 13: 3(4). to know whether ye love the Lord 29: 4(3). an heart to perceive, Jos. 4: 24. the people of the earth might know 23:13. Know/or a certainty (lit. knowing ye shall know) Jud. 3: 2. the children of Israel might know, 4. to know whether they would hearken ISa 20: 3. Thy father certainly knoweth (lit. know- ing he knoweth) 9. if I knew certainly 28 : 1 . Know thou assuredly, 2Sa. 3:25. and to know thy going out and thy coming in, and to know all that thou doest. 14:20.to know all (things) that (are) in the earth. IK. 2:37. thou shalt know for certain 42. Know for a certain, 8:43. and that they may know that this house, 60. That all the people of the earth may know 1 Ch 12 : 32. to know what Israel ought to do ; 2Ch 6 :33. and may know that this house which I have 13: 5. Ought ye not to know that the Lord 32:31. tAat he might know all (that was) in his Est. 2 : 1 1 . to know how Esther did, 4: 5.(0 know what it (was), Job 37: 7. all men may know his work. Ps. 67: 2(3). That thy way may be known upon earth, 73: 16. When I thought to know this, Pro. 1 : 2. To know wisdom and instruction ; 4: 1 . attend to know understanding. 27:23. Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, (lit. knowing thou shalt know) Ecc. 1 : 17. to know madness and folly: 7:25. 1 applied mine heart to know, . — ¦ and to know the wickedness of folly, 8:16.1 applied mine heart to know wisdom, 17. though a wise (man) think to know (it), 7:15. that he may know to refuse the evil , 50: 4. tAat I should know how to speak 9: 6(5). through deceit they refuse to know me, 24(23). that he understandeth and knoweth me, 13: 12. Do we not certainly know 24: 7.1 will give them an heart to know me, 26: 15. know ye for certain, that if ye 40: 14. Dost thou certainly know 42:19. know certainly that I have 22. Now therefore know certainly (lit. in knowing know) Eze.20: 12. that they might know that I (am) the Lord 20. that ye may know that I (am) the Lord your God. 38:16. that the heathen may know me, Dan 2: 3. my spirit was troubled to know the dream. Hos. 6: 3. (if) we follow on to know the Lord: Mic. 3: l.(Is it) not for you to know judgment? 6: 5. that ye may know the righteousness of the Hab 2: 14. the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, (lit. to know) KAL Imperative. Gen20: Lknow thou that thou shalt surely die, Nu. 32:23. and be sure your sin will find you out. Jud.18: 14. consider what ye have to do. ISa 12:11 .that ye may perceive and see 14:38. and know and see wherein this sin hath 20: 7. be sure that evil is determined 23: 22. and know and see his place 23. and take knowledge of all the lurking places 24:11(12). knowthou and see 25:17. Anow and consider what thou wilt do ; 2Sa 24: 13. advise, and see what answer I shall return IK. 20: LMark, I pray you, and see 22. and mark, and see what thou doest: 2K. 5: 7. wherefore consider, I pray you, 10;10..fi7noa> now that there shall fall unto the earth nothing ICh 28: 9. know thou the God of thy father, jn1 ( 504 ) .yr Job 5 11 19 Ps. 4 46 100 139 Pro 3 24 Ecc.llIsa. 33 Jer. 2 35 6 15 31 Gen 3 4 9 15 1819 2438 42. 43; Ex. 2 Lev.23Nu. 16 22 Deu IS 20 29 Jos. 3 22 23 Jud 18 19 Ru. 3 4 ISa. 1 34 1718 20 2Sa. 3: 5 14 10 : 27. Anow thou (it) for thy good. : 6. Know therefore that God exacteth 6. Know now that God hath overthrown me, 3(4). But know that the Lord hath set apart 10( 1 1 ). and know that I (am) God: : 3. Know ye that the Lord he (is) God: 23. Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, ajid know my thoughts: : 6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, :14. So (shall) (Ae knowledge of wisdom (be) unto thy soul: (lit. Anow that such is wisdom unto thy soul) : 9. but know thou,... God will bring thee into : 13. and, ye (that are) near, acknowledge my : 19. Anow therefore and see 23. Anow what thou hast done: : 13. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, : l.see now, and know, : 18. and hiow, O congregation, : lb. know that for thy sake I have suffered :34.7iTnow the Lord: KAL. — Future. 7. and they knew that they (were) naked ; : 1 7. And Cain knew his wife ; 2b. And Adam knew his wife again ; 1 1. so Noah knew that the waters : 24. and knew what his younger son : 8. whereby shall I know that I shall inherit 13. Know of a surety that : 21. if not, Iwill know. : 5. bring them out unto us, that we may know :I4. thereby shall Iknow that thou hast shewed ; 9.Ajid Onan Anew that the seed should not : 33. Hereby sAaZZ Iknow that ye (are) true 34. then shall Iknow that ye (are) no spies, : 7. could we certainly know that he would say, : 25. and God had respect unto (them), (marg. Anew) 1 7. In this (Aom sAaZ( know that I (am) the Lord; 10(6). that (Aon mayest know 22(18). thou mayest know that I (am) 14. that (Aom mayest know 29. that thou mayest know 7 . knowest thou not yet that Egypt i s destroyed? 26. we Anow not with what we must serve the 7. that ye jnay know b.that I may know what to do unto thee. 13.(Aa( I may know thee, 17. and I know thee by name. 43. That your generations may know 23. Hereby ye shall know that the Lord hath 19. (Aa( I may know what the Lord will say 21. How shall we know the word 20. the trees which thou knowest 6(5). that ye might know that I (am) the Lord 4. that ye may know the way 7. that (Aey may know that, 10. Hereby ye shall know that the living God 22. and Israel he sAaZZ know; 13. Know for a certainty b.that we jnay know 22. that we may know him. 2b. and they knew her, 18. until thou know how the matter will fall: 4. tell mc, (Aa( 7 jnay know : 19. and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife ; 20. .4nd all Israel. ..Anew that Samuel 6. And they understood that the ark of the 46.(Aa( all the earth may know that there is a 47. And all this assembly shall know 28. Saul saw and knew that the Lord (was) 3. Let not Jonathan know this, 9. 1 knew certainly that evil were determined 33. whereby Jonathan knew that it was 2(3). Let no man know any thing of the 3. till I know what God will do for me. 9.i4ndDavid Anewthat Saul secretly practised 4. and understood that Saul was come 1. Know thou assuredly, 2. thou shalt know what thy servant 14. And Saul perceived that it (was) Samuel, 37. TV.. .all Israel understood that day 38. Know ye not that there is a prince 12. And David perceived that the Lord had 1. Now Joab... perceived that the king's heart 35(36). can I discern between good and evil ? IK. 2K. Job 8: 38:42: Ps 2:37. (Aom shalt know for certain 42. Know for a certain, on the day thou 3: 7. 1 know not (how) to go out or come in. 8:38. which shall know every man 39. whose heart (Aom knowest; 43. the earth may know thy name, 14: 2. that (Aom be not known (lit. they may not know thee) 18:12. carry thee whither Iknow not; 37- (Aa( this people may know 5: 8. ajid he shall know that there is a prophet 19:I9.(Aa( all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou (art) the Lord ICh 14: 2. And David perceived that the Lord had 21: 2. to me, that I may know (it). 2Ch 6 : 29. every one shall know his own sore 30. whose heart (Aom knowest; 33. all people of the earth may know thy 12: 8. that they may know my service, 20: 12. neither Anow we what to do: 32: 13. Know ye not what I and my fathers have 33: 13. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he Neh 4: 11(5). TAey shall not Anow, 6: 16. for they perceived that this work was 13:10. And I perceived that the portions of the 9. we (are but of) yesterday, and know 9:21. (yet) would I not know my soul: 11 : 8. deeper than hell ; what canst thou know? 14:21. His sons come to honour, and Ae knoweth lb: 9. that we Anow not ? 19:29. that ye may hiow (there is) a judgment. 21 : 19. he rewardeth him, and he shall know (it). 23: 5. I would know the words 31 : 6.(Aa( God jnay know mine integrity. 34: 4. ?e( us know among ourselves 36:26. God (is) great, and we Anow (him) not, 37: 5. great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. 15. Dost thou know when God disposed them, 16. Dost thou know the balancings 5. if thou knowest ? 3. things. ..which I knew not. 9:20(21 ). (that) the nations may know 35: 8. Let destruction come upon him at un awares; (marg. (which) he knoweth not) 39: 4(5). (that) 7 may Anow how frail I (am). 6(7). knoweth not who shall gather them. 51 : 3(5). I acknowledge my transgressions: 59: 13( 14). and let thejn know that God ruleth 73:22. So foolish (was) I, and ignoran(: (marg. I knew not) 78: 3. Which we have heard and known, 6. That the generation to come might know 83:18(19). That (men) may know 92; 6(7). A brutish man knoweth not ; 101 : 4. 7 will not Anow a wicked (person). 109:27. That they jnay know that this (is) thy 1 19: 125. that I may know thy testimonies. 138: 6. the proud Ae knoweth afar off. 139: l.thou hast searched me, and known (me). 144: 3. what (is) man, that thou takest knowledge of him! Pro 5: 6. thou cajist not know (them). 10:32. The lips of the righteous Anow what is 24:12. doth (not) Ae know (it)? 27 : 1. (Aom knowest not what a day may bring 23. Tie (Aom diligent to know (lit. in knowing hiow) the state ofthy flocks, 28:22. considereth not that poverty shall come 30: 3. nor A«ye(marg. Anow) the knowledge of 4. what (is) his son's name, if (Aom canxt teil9 Ecc. 8: 5. Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel (marg. know) no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth 9: 12. man also knoweth not his time: 10: 14. a man cannot tell what shall be ; 11: 2. (Aom knowest not what evil shall be 5. (Aom knowest not what (is) the way of the Cant.l: 8. If (Aom Anow not, O thou fairest amODg Isa. 5: 19. (Aa( we may know (it) ! 6: 9. see ye indeed, but perceive not. 7:16. the child shall know to refuse the evils 8; 4. the child shall have knowledge 19: 12.a7id let them know what the Lord of hosts 37:20. that all the kingdoms of the earth may know 40: 27 . Hnnp w> nrtt *.»„„.« y yv Isa. 41 : 43 47: 505255 58 Jer. 5: 6 11 1 13 17 2631: • 32 36 38 40 4244: Eze 1019: 20 38 Dan 9 Uos 6 9 1314 Jon 1 Zee 11 Gen 3 33 Nu. 24 31 Jos. 22 Jud 21 Ru. 3 lSa.10 16 23 26 2Sa.l2 17 IK. 5 9 2K. 17 ICh 12 2Ch 2 Neh 10 Est. r 4: Job 19: 24,34: 42: Ps. 1 9 20. That they may see, and know, 22. and know the latter end of them ; 23. 'hat we may know that ye (are) gods: 26. (Aa( we may know ? and beforetime, 10. that ye may know and believe me, 19. shall ye not Anow it? 9, they see not, nor know; 3. that (Aom mayest know that I, the Lord. 6. That (Aey may know from the rising of the 8. shall I hiow the loss of children: 11. thou sAoZ( not Anow from whence it riseth: — (which) (Aom sAaZ( not Anow. 7. and I know that I shall not be ashamed. 6. my people sAaZZ Anow my name: 5. Behold, thou shalt call a nation (that) thou knowest not, 3. Mom takest no knowledge? 15. a nation whose language (Aom knowest not, 27.(Aa( (Aom mayest hiow and try their way. 18. and I know (it): ;12. Do we not certainly Anow that every bottle : 9. who can know it? :1b. know ye for certain, 34. (Aey shall all Anow me, 8. TAen I knew that this (was) the word of 19. let no man Anow where ye be. 24.Le( no man Anow of these words, 14. Dost thou certainly Anow 15.no man shall know (it): : 19. Anow certainly that I have admonished 22. Now therefore Anow certainly 29. that ye may know that my words shall 20. and I knew that they (were) the cherubims. 7. And he knew their desolate palaces, 26. that (Aey might know that I (am) the Lord. : 14. shalt thou not Anow (it)? 25. Know therefore and understand, 3- TAen shall we know, ( if) we follow on 7. Israel sAaZZ Anow (it): 4. thou shalt know no god but me: 9(10). prudent, and he shall know them? 7. that toemay know for whose cause 11. and so the poor.. .Anew that it (was) the KAL. — Participle. Poel. : 5. God do(A Anow that in the day — ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. :27.Esau was a cunning hunter, :13.My lord knoweth that the children (are) : 16. and knew the knowledge of the most High, : 17. kill every woman that hath known man :22.the Lord God of gods, he knoweth, :ll.every woman that hath lain by man (Aa( knoweth the lying with man) : 1 1 . the city of my people do(A Anow :ll.all (Aa( knew him beforetime : 16. seek out a man, (who is) a cunning player 18. (that is) cunning in playing, :17.that also Saul my father knoweth. :12.no man saw (it), nor Anew (it), :22. Who can telt( whether )God will be gracious : 10. all Israel knoweth that thy father : 6(20). any that can skill to hew :27.shipmen (Aa( Aad knowledge of the sea, : 26- because they Anow not the manner of the :32.(men) that had understanding (lit. Anew the knowledge) of the times, 7(6). and that can skill to grave 8(7). I know that thy servants can skill 12(11 ). endued with prudence and understand ing, (marg. knowing) 13(12). endued with understanding, 14(l3).sAiZfMZ to work in gold, : 18. servants (Aa( Aad knowledge of the sea ; : 28(29). every one having knowledge, and having understanding ; .13. the wise men, which knew the times, — all that knew law and judgment: 1 1. the people of the king's provinces, do know, 14. who knoweth whether thou art come 13. and mine acquamtance are verily estranged I. do (Aey (Aa( Anow him not see his days? 2. and give ear unto me, ye that have know ledge. II. all (Aey that had been ofhis acquaintance 6. the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: 10(11). (Aey (Aa( Anow thy name ( 505 ) yi* Ps. 36:10(ll).«"(o (Aem (Aa( know thee; 37: 18. The Lord knowetk the days of the upright: 44:21(22). Ae knoweth the secrets of the heart. 74: 9. any (Aa( knoweth how long. 87: 4. to them that know me : 89: 15( 16). the people that know the joyful sound: 90:U.Who knoweth the power of thine anger? 94:11. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, 1 19: 79. and (Aose (Aa( have known thy testimonies. 139:14. my soul knoweth right well. Pro.12: 10. A righteous (man) regardeth the life ofhis 14: 10. The heart knoweth his own bitterness ; 17:27. He that hath knowledge spareth his words: (lit. Ae (Aa( knoweth knowledge) 24:22. who knoweth the ruin of them both? 28: 2. a man ofunderstanding (and) knowledge 29: 7, The righteous considereth the cause of the Ecc. 2:19. who knoweth whether he shall be a wise 3:21. Who knoweth the spirit of man 5: 1(4: 17). they consider not that they do evil. 6: 8. (Aa( knowetk to walk before the living ? 12. who knoweth what (is) good 8: l.who knoweth the interpretation 7. he knoweth not that which shall be: 12. yet surely I Anow 9: l.no man knoweth either love or hatred 5. the living Anow that they shall die: but the dead Anow not any thing, 11, nor yet favour to men of skill; 11 : 5. thou knowest not what (is) the way of the 6. thou knowest not whether shall prosper, Isa, 29: 11. which (men) deliver to one that is learned, (lit. (Aa( knoweth a book) 15. Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? 51 : 7. ye (Aa( Anow righteousness, Jer. 29:23. even I know, and (am) a witness, 44: 15. the men which knew that their wives had 48: 17. all ye (Aa( Anow his name, Eze. 28: 19. (Aey (Aa( Anow (Aee among the people Dan 1 : 4. and cunning hi knowledge, 11 : 32. the people (Aa( do know their God Joel 2:14. Who knoweth ( if ) he will return and repent, Am. 5:16. smcA as are skilful of lamentation Jon. 1 : 12. 1 Anow that for my sake 3 : 9. Who can tell (if) God will turn and repent, Nah. 1 : 7- and he knoweth them that trust in him. Zep. 3: 5. the unjust knoweth no shame. KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Deu 1 : 13. and known among your tribes, 15. wise men, and known, Isa. 53 : 3. man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: X NIPH AL.— Preterite.* Gen 41 : 21 . it could not be known that they had eaten Ex. 2:14. Surely this thing is known. 6: 3. was 7 not Anown to them. 21 : 36. if it be known that the ox hath used to push Lev. 4: 14. When the sin,. ..is known, Deu21: Lit be not known who hath slain him: Jud.16: 9. So his strength was not known. ISa. 6: 3. and it shallbe known to you 22: 6. Saul heard that David was discovered, 2Sa.l7:19.the thing was not known. Neh 4:15(9). our enemies heard that it was knowji Ps. 9: 16(17). The Lord is known (by) the judgment 48: 3(4). God is known in her palaces 77 : 19(20) . thy footsteps are not known. Isa. 19:21. And the Lord sAaZZ be known to Egypt, 61 : 9. And their seed sAaZZ be known among the 66: 14. and the hand of the Lord shall be known Eze 20: 9. in whose sight Imade myself known 35 : 1 1 . and I will make myself hiown among them, 38:23. and I will be known in the eyes of many Nah 3:17. their place zs not known NIPHAL Infinitive. Jer. 31 : 19. after that I was instructed, (lit. NIPHAL.— Future. Gen41 :31.the plenty shall not be known in the land Ex. 33:16. wherein shall it be known Ru. 3: 3. make not thyself known unto the man, 14. Let it not be knowji that a woman came IK. 18:36. let it be known this day that thou (art) God Est. 2:22. And the thing was known to Mordecai, Ps. 74: 5. (A man) was famous according as he had irv Ps. 7988 Pro 1012 14 Jer. 28 Eze.20 36 Zec.14 Ps. 76 Pro 31 Ecc. 6 10. Ze( him be known among the heathen 12(13). SAaZZ thy wonders be known in the : 9. he that perverteth his ways shall be known. : 16. A fool's wrath is presently known : 33. in the midst of fools is made known. : 9. (then) shall the prophet be known, : b.and made myself known unto them '.32.be it known unto you: : 7. one day which sAaZZ be known to the NIPHAL Participle. : 1(2). In Judah (is) God known: :23. Her husband is known in the gates, : 10. and it is known that it (is) man: * PIEL.— Preterite. •» Job 38: 12. caused the dayspring to know his place ; * PO AL Preterite. # lSa.21: 2(3). I have appointed (my) servants w PUAL Participle.* 2K. 10: 11. all his great men, and his kinsfolks, Ru. 2: 1. (^TQ) Naomi had a kinsman Job 19: 14. and my familiar friends have forgotten Ps. 31:11(12). a fear to mine acquahitance : 55: 13(14). my guide, and mine acquaintance. 88: 8( 9). Thou hast put away mine acquaintance 18(19). mine acquahitance into darkness. Isa. 12: 5. (2*J~D) this (is) known in all the earth. # HIPHIL— Preterite. # Ex. 18:16. and 7do maAe (them) Anow the statutes 20. and shalt shew them the way wherein they 33:12. (Aom Aas( not let me know whom thou wilt Deu 4: 9. but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons; Jos. 4:22. TAen ye shall let your children know, ISa.lO: 8. and shew thee what thou shalt do. IK. 1:27. (Aom Aas( not shewed (it) unto thy servant, Neh 8: 12. the words that were declared unto them. 9: 14. madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, Job 26: 3. (how) Aas( (Aom plentifully declared the Ps. 77 :14( 15). (Ziow Aas( declared thy strength among 98; 2. The Lord Aa(A made known his salvation: Pro 22: 19. 1 have made known to thee this day, Jer. 11: 18. the Lord Aa(A given me knowledge (of it), Eze.20: 11. shewed them my judgments, (marg. made them to know) 22: 2. yea, (Aom sAaZ( sAew Aer all her abomina tions, (marg. maAe Aer know) 26. neither Aaye (Aey shewed (difference) Hos 5: 9. have I made known that which shall surely HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Gen 41: 39. Forasmuch as God Aa(A sAewedthee all Deu 8: 3, that he might make thee know that man 1 Sa 28: 15. (Aa( (Aou mayest make known unto me what 2Sa 7:21.(o maAe thy servant Anow (them). ICh 17:19, in making known all (these) great things. Ps. 25: 14. he will shew them his covenant, (marg. to make them know (it) ) 78: 5. (Aa( (Aey should make them known to their 106; 8. that he might make his mighty power to be known. 145:12. To make known to the sons of men Pro 22:21. TAa( I might make thee know the certainty Isa. 64: 2(l).(o maAe thy name known to thine HIPHIL. — Imperative. Ex. 33:13.sZiew me now thy way, ISa. 6: 2. tell us wherewith we shall send it to his ICh 16: 8. maAe known his deeds among the people. Job 10: 2. shew me wherefore thou contendest with 13:23. make me to know my transgression 37:19. Teach us what we shall say unto him ; 38: 3.1 will demand of thee, and answer thou me. (marg. make me know) 40: 7 & 42:4. of thee, and declare thou unto.me. Ps. 25: 4. Shew me thy ways, O Lord ; 39; 4(5 ).make me to know mine end, 90: 12. So (eacA (us) to number our days, 105: I. make known his deeds among the people. 143: 8. cause me to know the way wherein I should Pro 9: 9. teach a just (man), and he will increase Isa. 12: 4. declare his doings among the people, Eze. 16: 2. cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, 20: 4. canse them to know the abominations 43 : 1 1 . sAew them the form of the house, ( 506 ) yv HIPHIL Future. Nu. 16: 5. Even to morrow the Lord will shew who Jud. 8: 16. and with them he taught the men of Suc coth. (marg. made to know) ISa. 14: 12. Come up to us, and we will shew you a 16: 3. Iwill shew thee what thou shalt do: Job 32: 7. multitude of years should teach wisdom. Ps. 16:11. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: 32 : 5.7 acknowledged my sin unto thee, 51 : 6(8). thou slialt make me to know wisdom. 89 : 1 (2). with my mouth will I make known thy 103: 7. lie made known his ways unto Moses, Pro 1:23. 1 will make known my words unto you. Isa. 5: 5. Iwill tell you what I will do 38 : 1 9. to the children shall make known thy truth. 40: 13. (being) his counsellor hath taught him? 14. shewed to him the way ofunderstanding? Jer. 16:21. Iwill cause them to know mine hand and ' Eze.39: 7. So will I make my holy name known 44:23. cause them to discern between the unclean Hab 3: 2. in the midst of the years make known; HIPHIL Participle. 2Ch 23 : 13. and such as taught to sing praise. Isa. 47: 13. the monthly prognosticators, (marg. thttt give knowledge concerning the months) Jer. 16:21.1 will this once cause them to know, Dan 8:19.1 will make thee know what shall be in the * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * Lev. 4:23, 28. if his sin,...come to his knowledge; HOPHAL Participle. Isa. 12: 5. this (is) known in all the earth. * HITHPAEL.— Infinitive.* Gen 45 : 1 . while Joseph made himself known unto his HITHPAEL Future. Nu. 12 : 6.1 the Lord will make myself known JJT y'dag, Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan 4: 9(6). I know that the spirit of the holy gods 5:21. till he knew that the most high God ruled 22. though thou knewest all this; 6:10(11). Now when Daniel knew that the P'AL. — Imperative. Dan 6:15(16). Know, O king, that the law of the P'AI Future. Ezr. 4:15. and know that this city (is) a rebellious Dan 2: 9. and I sliall know that ye can shew me 30. that thou miyhtest know the thoughts 4: 17(14). to the intent that the living may taw 25(22). till thou know that the most High 26(23). thou shalt have known that the 32(29). until thou know that the most High P'AL Participle. Active. Ezr. 7:25.all such as know the laws ofthy God; and teach ye them that know (them) not. Dan 2: 8.1 know of certainty that ye would gain 21. knowledge to them that know 22. he knoweth what (is) in the darkness, 5 : 23. which see not, nor hear, nor know : P'AL Participle. Passive. Ezr. 4:12. Be it known unto the king, 13. Be it known now unto the king, 5: 8. Be it known unto theking, Dan 3: 18. be it known unto thee, O king, that * APHEL Preterite.* Ezr. 4:14. have we sent and certified the king; Dan 2:15. Arioch made the thing known to Daniel. 1 7. and made the thing known to Hananiah, 23. and hast made known unto me — tliou hast (now) made known unto us 2$. and maketh known to the king (marg.no"' made known) 29. maketh known to thee what shall come to 45. the sreat God hath made known XT APHEL.— Infinitive. Ezr. 5: 10. their names also, to certify thee, Dan 2:26. Art thou able to make known unto me 4:18(15). not able to make known unto me 5: 8. nor make known to the king the 15. and make known unto me the 16. and maAe known to me the APHEL Future. Ezr. 7:25. teach ye them that know (them) not. Dan 2: 5, 9. if ye will not maAe known unto me 25. that will make known unto the king 30. that shall make known the 4; 6(3). that (Aey miyA( make known unto me 5:17. and maAe hiown to him the interpretation. 7: 16. and made me know the interpretation APHEL Participle. Ezr. 4: 16. We certify the king that, if this city 7:24. Also we certify you, that touching any of Dan 4: 7(4), but (Aey did not maAe known unto me ^y^yid-cTgoh-nee', m. Lev.l9:31. neither seek after wizards, 20: 6. and after wizards, 27. that isa wizard, Deul8;ll.or a wizard, or a necromancer. lSa.28: 3. and (Ae wizards, out of the land. 9. and (Ae wizards, out of the land: 2K. 21 : 6. dealt with familiar spirits ajid wizards : 23: 24. the (workers with) familiar spirits, and (Ae wizards, 2Ch33: 6. with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: Isa. 8:19. unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: 19: 3. have familiar spirits, and to (Ae wizards. irV [yah-hav,~\. # KAL Preterite.* Ps. 55:22(23). Cast (Ay &Mrden upon the Lord, (lit. which Ae hath given thee, i. e. thy lot) KAL. — Impej'ative. : 3. Go to, let us make brick, 4. Go to, let us build us a city 7. Go to, let us go down, 21. Give (me) my wife, for my days are 1. Give me children, or else I die. :16. Go to, I pray thee, : 15. came unto Joseph, and said, Give us 16. And Joseph said, Give your cattle ; : 10. Come on, let us deal wisely :13. TaAe you wise men, (marg. Give) 3. ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 4. Give out from among you three men 15. Give me a blessing: 7. give here your advice and counsel. 15. Bring the vail that (thou hast) upon :4l. Give a perfect (lot). 15. Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest 20. Give counsel among you what we shall 28. Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord 29. Give unto the Lord the glory 22. Did I say, Bring unto me? l.Gz'ee unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and. strength. 2. Give unto the Lord the glory 11(13). Give us help from trouble: 7. Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord 8. Give unto the Lord the glory 12(13). Give us help from trouble: lo.horseleach hath two daughters, (crying), Give, give. 18. rulers (with) shame do love, Give ye. 12. If ye think good, give (me) my price; Genii 29 30 38 47 Ex. I Deu 1 32 Jos. 18 Jud. 1 20 Ru. 3 ISa. 14 2Sa.ll 16 ICh 16 Job 6 Ps.29: 108 Pro 30 Hos 4 Zec.ll, Wyhav, Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * E2r. 5:12.Ae yane them into the hand of 16. (and) laid the foundation of the house ( 507 ) nv Dan 2:23. who Aas( given me wisdom and might, 37. the God of heaven Aa(A given thee a 38. Aa(A Ae given into thine hand, 48. and gave him many great gifts, 3:28. and yielded their bodies, 5: 18. the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar 19. for the majesty that Ae gave him, P'AL. — Imperative. Dan 5:17. and give thy rewards to another; P'AL. — Paj'ticiple. Active. Dan 2:21. he giveth wisdom unto the wise, 6: 2(3). princes might give accounts unto them, P'AL.— Participle. P'il. Ezr. 5:14. and they were delivered unto (one), Dan 5: 28. and given to the Medes and Persians. 7: 4. and a man's heart was given to it. 6. and dominion was given to it. 11. and given to the burning flame. 1 2. lives were prolonged for a season (marg. a prolonging in life was given them) 14. And there was given him dominion, 22. and judgment was given to the saints 27. shall be given to the people of the saints # ITHP'AL— Future.* Ezr. 6: 4. and let the expences be given out of the Dan 4 : 16( 13). and Ze( a beast's heart be given unto 7:2b.ujid they shall be given into his hand ITHP'AL. —Participle. Ezr. 4:20. and custom, was paid unto them. 6: 8. forthwith expences be given unto these 9. let it be given them day by day 7:19. The vessels also that are given thee T!J [yah-had']. # HITHPAEL.— Participle. * Est. 8: 17. people of the land became Jews; yT\\yak-heerr , adj. Pro. 21: 24. Proud (and) haughty scorner Hab. 2: 5. (he is) a proud man, D7rP yah-ghedohm' ', m. Ex. 28: 18&39:ll.a sapphire, and a diamond. Eze. 28:13. sardius, topaz, a?id the diamond, ?3V yoh-vekl\ com. Ex. 19:13. when (Ae trumpet soundeth (marg. or, comet) Lev.25: 10. it shall be ajubile unto you; 1 1 . A jubile shall that fiftieth year 12. For it (is) the jubile; it shall 13. In the year of this jubile ye shall 15. after the jubile thou shalt 28. until the year of jubile : and in (Ae jubile it shall go out, 30. not go out in the jubile. 31 . and they shall go out in the jubile. 33. go out in (the year of) jubile : 40. unto the year of jubile : 50. him unto the year of jubile: 52. years unto the year of jubile, 54. go out in the year of jubile, 27 : 17. from the year of jubile, 18. sanctify his field after the jubile, — , 23. unto the year of the jubile, 21 . it goeth out in the jubile, 24. In the year of the jubile the Nu. 36: 4. when the jubile of the children Jos. 6: 4,8, 13. seven trumpets of rams' horns: 5. a long (blast) with (Ae ra?n's horn, 6. seven trumpets of rams' horns 72V yoo-val' \ m. Jer. 17 : 8. (that) spreadeth out her roots by (Ae riverf DT DV yohm, m. Gen 1: 5 13 16.18. 19. 23.31. 2: 2.3.4. 17. 3: 5. 8. 14. 17. 4: 3. 14. 5: 1. 2. 4. 5. 8. 11.14. 17. 20.23. 27.31 6: 3 45 7: 4 1011121317 24 8: 346 10. 14 22 9:29 10 25 11 32 14 1 15 18 17 12 23 26 18 1 11 19:37 38 21 4 8 26 34 22 4 14 24 1 12 42 55 25 7 2-1 31 33 26 1. God called the light Day, evening and the morning were (Ae first day. the evening and the morning were (Ae second day. the evening and the morning were (Ae third day. divide the day from the night ; for seasons, and for days, the greater light to rule (Ae day, to rule over the day the evening and the morning were (Ae fourth day. eveningandthemorningwere(Ae fifth day. eveni ngand the morning were (Ae sixth day. on the seventh day God ended his work he rested on the seventh day God blessed (Ae seventh day, in the day that the Lord God made in the day that thou eatest thereof in the day ye eat thereof, the cool of (Ae day : dust shalt thou eat all (Ae days ofthy life: (of) it all (Ae days of thy life ; in process of time it came to pass, thou hast driven me out (Ais day In the day that God created man, in the day when they were created. (Ae days q/Adam all (Ae days that Adam lived all (Ae days of Seth all (Ae days o/*Enos all (Ae days of Cainan all the days o/Mahalaleel all the days of Jared all the days of Enoch all the days of Methuselah .all (Ae days of Lamech his days shall be an hundred and giants in the earth in those days ; . evil continually, (marg. every day) . For yet seven days, to rain upon the earth forty days .it came to pass after seven days, . the seventeenth day of the month, (Ae same day were all the fountains .the rain was upon the earth forty days .In the selfsame day entered Noah, the flood was forty days upon the earth ; an hundred and fifty days. the end of (Ae hundred and fifty days .the seventeenth day of the month, at the end of forty days, 12. he stayed yet other seven days ; the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. While the earth remaineth, (marg. as yet all the days of the earth) and day and night shall not cease. .all (Ae days o/Noah were 950 years: .in his days was the earth divided ; .the days o/Terah were 205 years; . to pass in the days of Amraphel . 7ra the same day the Lord made a covenant . he that is eight days old . in (Ae selfsame day, as God had said . (Ae selfsame day was Abraham . the heat of the day ; .well stricken in age; .the father of the Moabites unto (Ais day. .children of Ammon unto tlusday. .being eight days old, .made a great feast (Ae (same) day .neither yet heard I (of it), but to day. -in the Philistines' land many days. .on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, . as it is said (to) this day, . well stricken hi age : . send me good speed this day, . I came this day unto the well, .Let the damsel abide with us (a few) days, .these (are) (Ae days of the years .when Aer days to be delivered . Sell me this day thy birthright. . Swear to me this day ; . in the days of Abraham. ( 508 ) nv Gen26: 8. when he had been there a long time, (lit. when days were prolonged to him there!- 15, 18. in (Ae days of Abraham his father, 32. it came to pass (Ae same day, 33. of the city (is) Beer-sheba unto this day, 2. 1 know not (Ae day of my death: 41. The days of mourning for my father 44. tarry with him a few days, 45. deprived also of you both in one day? 7. (it is) yet high day, 14. he abode with him the space of a month., (marg. a month of days) 20. they seemed unto him (but) a few days, 21, my days are fulfilled, 14. in the days of wheat harvest, 32. 1 will pass through all thy flock to day, 33. answer for me in time to come, (lit. mthe day of to-morrow) 35. he removed that day the he goats 36. he set three days' journey betwixt 22.it was told Laban on the third day 23. pursued after him seven days' journey; 39. (whether) stolen by day, 40. in the day the drought consumed me, 43. what can I do this day unto these 48. witness between me and thee this day. i 32(33). unto this day: 13. if men should overdrive them one day, 16. Esau returned that day 25.it came to pass on the third day, 3. answered me in the day ofmy distress, 20. the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.' 28. the days of Isaac were 180 years. 29. (being) old and full of days : 34. mourned for his son many days. 12. And in process of time (lit. (Ae days were multiplied) 10. spake to Joseph day by day, (lit. day, day,) 1 1 . it came to pass about this time, ; 4. they continued a seasoji in ward. 7. Wherefore look ye (so) sadly to day? 12. three branches (are) three days: 13, 19. Yet within three days 18. The three baskets (are) three darjs: 20.it came to pass (Ae third day, (which was) Pharaoh's birthday, ; 1 . at the end of two full years, 9. 1 do remember my faults this day : 13. the youngest (is) (Ais day with our father, 17. all together into ward three days. 18. Joseph said unto them (Ae third day, 32. the youngest (is) (Ais day with our father 9. bear the blame for ever: (lit. all the days) 32.1 shall bear the blame to my father for ever. (lit. all (Ae days) 8. How old (art) thou? (marg. How many (are) the days of the years ofthy life) 9. TAe days of the years ofmy pilgrimage — few and evil have (Ae days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto (Ae days of — in the days of their pilgrimage. 23. 1 have bought you (Ais day 26. a law over thelandof Egypt unto this day, 28. the whole age (marg. the days of the years ofhis life) of Jacob 29. (Ae time drew nigh that Israel must die: 48: 15. all my life long unto this day, 20. he blessed them that day, 49: 1. which shall befall you in (Ae last days. 50; 3. forty days were fulfilled for him ; * — so are fulfilled (Ae days of — threescore and ten days. .when (Ae days ofhis mourning were past, . made a mourning for his father seven days. ,as (it is) this day, . it came to pass in those days, . he went out (Ae second day, . How(isitthat)ye are come so soon to day? . hi process of time, ( lit. in those many days) & 5:3. three days' journey into the Pharaoh commanded (Ae same day (your) daily tasks, (marg. a matter of a day in his day) both yesterday and to day, your daily task. (lit. the affair of the day 27 29 30 31 39;40: 41; 42: 47: 4 10 20. Ex. 2:11 13. 18 23. 3:18 5: 6, 13.14.19. DV ( 509 ) DV Ex. 67 12: 14 19 20 28. on (Ae day (when)the Lord spake unto 25. seven days were fulfilled, 22(18). I will sever in that day 27( 23) . three days' journey into the wilderness, 18. since the foundation thereof (lit. from (Ae day it was founded) 6. since the day that they were upon the earth unto this day. 13. an east wind upon the land all that day, 22. in all the land of Egypt three days: 23. any from his place for three days: 28. in (that) day thou seest my face 6.(Ae fourteenth day of the same month: 14. this day shall be unto you for a memorial ; 15. Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; — (Ae first day ye shall put away — from the first day until (Ae seventh day, 16. And in the first day (there shall be) an holy convocation, and in the seventh day 17. in this selfsame day — observe this day in your generations 18. the fourteenth day of the month — the one and twentieth day of the month 19. Seven days shall there be no leaven 41. (Ae selfsame day it came to pass, 51.it came to pass (Ae selfsame day, 3. Remember this day, in which ye came out 4. TAis day came ye out 6. Seven daysthou shalt eat unleavened bread, and in the seventh day (shall be) a 7. Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days; 8. thou shalt shew thy son in that day, lO.from year to year. : 13. which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, 30. the Lord saved Israel that day : 22. they went three days in the wilderness, : l.(Ae fifteenth day of the second month 4. gather a certain rate everyday, (marg. the portion of a day in his day) b.on the sixth day they shall prepare — as they gather daily, (lit. a day, a day) 22. on (Zie sixth day they gathered twice as 25. Eat that to day ; for to day (is) a sabbath unto the Lord: to day ye shall not find 26. Six days ye shall gather it ; but on the seventh day, 27. on the seventh day for to gather, 29. he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; — let no man go out of his place on the seventh day. 30. the people rested on the seventh day. : l.the same day came they (into) the 10. sanctify them to day and to morrow, ll.be ready against the third day: for (Ae third day the Lord will come down 15. Be ready against (Ae third day: 16. it came to pass on the third day 8. Remember the sabbath day, 9. Six days shalt thou labour, 10. But the seventh day (is) the sabbath lL(in) six days the Lord made — rested (Ae seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed (Ae sabbath day, 12. that (Ay days may be long upon the land :21. if he continue a day or two, (lit. two days) :30(29). seven days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it me. :12. Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: 15. thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, 26. the number ofthy days I will fulfil. : 16. the cloud covered it six days: and (Ae se venth day he called unto Moses 18. Moses was in the mount forty days : 30. shall put them on seven days, 35. seven diys shalt thou consecrate them. 36. thou shalt offer every day a bullock 37. Seven days thou shalt make an atonement 38. two Iambs of the first year day by day :15. Six days may work be done; but in the seventh (lit. seventh day) — (any) work in the sabbath day, 17. (in) six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, 3b: 40: Ex. 32: 28. there fell of the people that day 29. Consecrate yourselves to day that he may bestow upon you a blessing (Ais day. 34. nevertheless in the day when I visit 34:11.1 command thee this day: 18. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened 21. Six days thou shalt work, but oji the se venth day thou shalt rest: 28. he was there with the Lord forty days 2. Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you 3. upon the sabbath day. 2. On the first day of the first month 37. they journeyed not till (Ae day Lev. 6: 5(5;24). in the day o/his trespass offering. 20(13). in the day when he is anointed ; 7: 15. shall be eaten (Ae same day 16. (Ae same day that he offereth 17. the sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt 18. eaten at all on the third day, 3b. in the day (when) he presented them 36. in (Ae day that he anointed them, 38. in the day that he commanded the children 8:33. (in) seven days, until the days of your con secration be at an end (lit. until (Ae day of the fulfilling of (Ae days of, &e. ): for seven days 34. As he hath done this day, 35. Therefore shall ye abide.. .seven days, 9: 1. it came to pass on the eighth day, 4. to day the Lord will appear unto you. 10: 19. this day have they offered — I had eaten the sin offering to day, 12: 2. she shall be unclean seven days; accord ing to the days of the separation 3. And in the eighth day 4. her purifying three and thirty days; (lit. thirty days and three days ) — until (Ae days of her purifying be fulfilled. 5. her purifying threescore and six days. (lit. sixty days and six days) 6. when (Ae days of her purifying are fulfilled, 4. the priest shall shut up (him)... seven days: 5. priest shall look on him (Ae seventh day: — , 21, 26. priest shall shut him up seven days 6. the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: 14. But when raw flesh appeareth (lit. andin the day of appearing, &c. ) 27. priest shall look upon him (Ae seventh day : 31. the plague of the scall seven days: 32. in the seventh day the priest shall look on 33. the priest shall shut up (him). ..seven days 34. in the seventh day the priest shall look on 46. All (Ae days wherein the plague 50. shut up (it). ..seven days: 51. he shall look... on the seventh day: 54. he shall shut it up seven days more: 14: 2. in the day ofhis cleansing: 8. abroad out ofhis tent seven days. 9. it shall be on the seventh day, 10. Ajid on the eighth day he shall take two he 23. he shall bring them on the eighth day 38. shut up the house seven days: 39. priest shall come again (Ae seventh day, 46. all (Ae while that it is shut up 57. To teach when (it is) unclean, and when (it is) clean: (marg. in the day of the unclean, and in the day of the clean) 15: 13. he shall number to himself seven days 14. And on the eighth day he shall take 19. she shall be put apart seven days: 24. he shall be unclean seven days; 25. many days out of the time _ (Ae days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her separation- 26. (Ae days of her issue 28. she shall number to herself seven days, 29. And on the eighth day she shall take 16:30.on that day shall (the priest) make an 19: 6. It shall be eaten (Ae same day if ought remain until (Ae third day, 7. if it be eaten at all on the third day, 22 ; 27. it shall be seven days under the dam ; and from the eighth day and thenceforth 28. her young both in one day.. 13: DV ( 510 ) DV Lev.22:30. On the same day it shall be eaten 23: 3. Six days shall work be done: — but the seventh day ( is ) the sabbath of rest, 6.(Ae fifteenth day of the same month — seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. 7.7n (Ae first day ye shall have an holy 8. ye shall offer an offering. ..seven days: in (Aeseventh day ( is ) an holy convocation : . ye shall offer (Aa( day .until (Ae selfsame day .from the day that ye brought the sheaf .shall ye number fifty days; ,ye shall proclaim on (Ae selfsame day, .a day of atonement: ,ye shall do no work in that same day: for it (is) a day of atonement, .shall not be afflicted in that same day, , doeth any work in that same day, , TAe fifteenth day of this seventh month seven days unto the Lord. . On the first day (shall be) an holy Seven days ye shall offer an offering on the eighth day sliall be an holy every thing upon Ais day: (lit. thematter of a day in his day) .in (Ae fifteenth day of the seventh month, a feast unto the Lord seven days : on the first day (shall be) a sabbath, and on the eighth day (shall be) a sabbath. ye shall take you on the first day before the Lord your God seven days. seven days in the year. Ye shall dwell in booths seven days ; Evej-y sabbath he shall set it (lit. on the sabbath day, on the sabbath day) the space of the seven sabbaths in the day of atonement shall ye make the (within) a full year may he redeem it. according to the time of an hired servant 35. as long as (lit. all (Ae days of) it lieth he shall give thine estimation in that day, in the day (that) the Lord spake with on the day that I smote all the firstborn 8. All (Ae days of his separation (Ae days o/the vow of his separation until (Ae days be fulfilled, (Ae days that he separateth in the day o/his cleansing, on the seventh day shall he shave it. And on the eighth day he shall bring two shall hallow his head (Aa( same day. the days ofhis separation, but the days that were before shall when the days of his separation are fulfilled; (lit. in (Ae day of the fulfilling of the days of) it came to pass on the day that in the day that it was anointed, each prince on his day, (lit. a prince on a day, a prince on a day) he that offered his offering (Ae first day On the second day Nethaneel On the third day Eliab On the fourth day Elizur On the fifth day Shelumiel On the sixth day Eliasaph On the seventh day Elishama On the eighth day (offered) Gamaliel On (Ae ninth day Abidan On the tenth day Ahiezer On the eleventh day Pagiel (lit. on the day, the eleventh day) On the twelfth day Ahira (lit. id. ) in the day when it was anointed, on the day that I smote every firstborn In (Ae fourteenth day of this month, (Ae fourteenth day of the first month could not keep the passoveT on that day: before Aaron on that day: The fourteenth day of the second month And on the day that the tabernacle was as long as (lit. all (Ae days of) the cloud upon the tabernacle many days, when the cloud was a few days Or (whether it were) (wo days, or a month, or a year, Also in the day of your gladness, 12 141516 21 27 28.29. 30.34, 35. 36. 37. 39 40. 41. 42, 24: 8, 25: 8. 9 29. 50. 26:34, 27:23. Nu. 3: 1. 13. 6: 4,5.6. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 7: 1 10. 11.1218. 24. 30.36, 42 48, 54.60. 66, 73 84 8:17 9: 3. 5.6. 11,15.18.19, 20,22. 10:10 Nu. 10:33, 33. three days' journey: 1 1:19. Ye shall not eat one day, nor two dam nor five days, neither ten days, nor twenty days ; 20. a whole month, (marg. month of days) 21. eat a wAoZe month, (lit. a month of days) 31. as it were a day's journey on this side, and as it were a day's journey on the 32. the people stood up all that day, and all (that) night, and all (Ae next day, 12: 14. should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp se ven days, 15. shut out from the camp seven days: 13:20. Now the time (was) (Ae time of the first ripe grapes. 25. searching of the land after forty days. 14:34. After the number of (Ae days — (even) forty days, each day for a year, (lit. a day for a year, a day for a year) 15 : 23. (Ae day that the Lord commanded (Moses), 32. that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. 19:11. shall be unclean seven days. 12. He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean : but if he purify not him self (Ae third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean. 14, 16. shall be unclean seven days. 19. sprinkle upon the unclean on (Ae third day, and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify himself, 20:15. a long time; (lit. many days) 29. they mourned for Aaron thirty days, 22:30. since (I was) thine unto this day? 24: 14. in (Ae latter days. 25 : 18. (Ae day of the plague for Peor's sake. 28: 3. without spot day by day, (marg. in a day) 9. And on the sabbath day two lambs 16. in (Ae fourteenth day of the first month 17. in (Ae fifteenth day of this month — seven days shall unleavened bread be 18.7n (Ae first day 24. After this manner ye shall offer daily, throughout (Ae seven days, 2b. And on the seventh day 26.-4Zso in the day of the firstfruits, 29: Lit is a day of blowing the trumpets 12. (Ae fifteenth day of the seventh month — a feast unto the Lord seven days: 17. And on the second day 20. And on the third day eleven bullocks, 23. And on the fourth day ten bullocks, 26. And on the fifth day nine bullocks, 29. And on the sixth day eight bullocks, 32. And on the seventh day seven bullocks, 35. On the eighth day ye shall have a solemn 30: 5(6) . in the day that he heareth ; 7(8). in the day that he heard (it): 8(9). on the day that he heard (it); 12(13). on (Ae day he heard (them); 14(15)./rom day to day; — ( — ).at her in the day that he heard (them). 31 : 19. abide without the camp seven days: — purify (both) yourselves and your cap tives on the third day, and on the seventh day. 24. wash your clothes on the seventh day, 32: 10. Lord's anger was kindled (Ae same time, 33: 3. (Ae fifteenth day of the first month ; 8. went three days' journey Deu 1: 2. (There are) eleven days' (journey) 10. ye (are) (Ais day as the stars of heaven 39. which in (fta( day had no knowledge 46. ye abode in Kadesh many dajjs, according unto the days that ye abode 2: l.we compassed mount Seir many days. 14. And the space in which we came 18. Thou art to pass. ..this day : 22. even unto this day: 25. TAis day will I begin to put the dread of 30. as (appeareth) this day. 3:14. Bashan-havoth-jair, unto this day. 4; 4. every one of you this day. 8. which I set before you (Ais day? 9. all (Ae days ofthy life: 10. the day that thou stoodest before the Lord DV Deu 4: 10. all (Ae days that they shall live 15. on the day (that) the Lord spake unto you 20. as (ye are) this day. 26. heaven and earth to witness against you (Ais day, — ye shall not prolong (your) days upon it, 30. (even) in the latter days, 32. ask now o/(Ae days that are past, — (Ae day that God created man 38. as (it is) this day. 39. Know therefore (Ais day, 40. 1 command thee (Ais day, — that thou mayest prolong (thy) days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for ever. (lit. all (Ae days) 5: 1.1 speak in your ears (Ais day, 3. who (are) all of us here alive (Ais day. 12. Keep (Ae sabbath day to sanctify it, 13. Six days thou shalt labour, 14. But the seventh day (is) the sabbath 15. commanded thee to keep (Ae sabbath day. 16. that (Ay days may be prolonged, 24(21). we have seen this day 29(26). keep all my commandments always, (lit. all days) 33(30). (that) ye may prolong (your) days 6; 2.all (Ae days ofthy life; and that thy days 6. 1 command thee (Ais day, 24. for our good always, (lit. all days) — as (it is) at this day. 7:11 & 8: 1, 11. 1 command thee (Ais day, 8: 18. as (it is) this day. 19. 1 testify against you (Ais day 9: l.Thou (art) to pass over Jordan (Ais day, 3. Understand therefore (Ais day, 7. the day that thou didst depart 9. 1 abode in the mount forty days 10. in the day o/the assembly. II . at the end of forty days 18. before the Lord, as at the first, forty days 24.from the day that I knew you. 25. 1 fell down before the Lord forty days 10: 4. in (Ae day of the assembly: 8. to bless in his name, unto this day. 10. according to the first time, forty days 13. 1 command thee (Ais day lb. as (it is) this day. 11: 1. his commandments, al way. (lit. all days) 2. know ye (Ais day : 4. hath destroyed them unto this day; 8.1 command you (AZs day, 9. that ye may prolong (your) days 13, 27, 28.1 command you (Ais day, 21. That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, — as the days of heaven 26, 32. 1 set before you (Ais day 12: 1. all (Ae days that ye live 8. (the things) that we do here (Ais day, 19. as long as thou livest (marg. all thy days) 13:18(19). I command thee (Ais day, 14:23. the Lord thy God always, (lit. all days) 15: 5,1 command thee (Ais day. 15. 1 command thee this thing to day. 16: 3. seven days shalt thou eat unleavened — that thou mayest remember (Ae day — all (Ae days ofthy life. 4. in all thy coast seven days; — (Ae first day at even, 8. Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day (shall be) a 13. the feast of tabernacles seven days, 15. Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn 17: 9. the judge that shall be in those days, 19,all(Ae days ofhis life: 20. that he may prolong (his) days 18: 5. him and his sons for ever. (lit. all days) 16. in (Ae day o/the assembly, 19: 9.1 command thee (Ais day, — to walk ever (lit. all (Ae days) in his 17. the judges, which shall be in those days; 20: 3. ye approach (Ais day unto battle 19. shall besiege a city a long time, 21:13.a/MZZmonth: (lit. a month of days) 16. when (lit. hi the day) he maketh his sons 23. shalt in any wise bury him that day ; 22: 7. (that) thou mayest prolong (thy) days. (511) DV Deu22:19.he may not put her away all Ais days. 29. he may not put her away all Ais days. 23: 6(7). their prosperity all thy days 24:15. At his day thou shalt give (him) his hire, 25: 15. that (Ay days may be lengthened 26: 3. the priest that shall be in those days, — I profess (Ais day unto the Lord 16. This day the Lord thy God hath 17. Thou hast avouched the Lord (Ais day 18. the Lord hath avouched thee (Ais day 27: 1, 4. 1 command you (Ais day. 2. on the day when ye shall pass over 9. this day thou art become the people of 10. 1 command thee (Ais day. 11. Moses charged the people (Ae same day, 28: 1, 13, 15.1 command thee (Ais day, 14. 1 command thee (Ais day, 29. spoiled evermore, (lit. all days) 32. fail (with longing) for them all (Ae day 33. oppressed and crushed alway : (lit.all days) 29: 4(3). ears to hear, unto this day. 10(9). Ye stand this day all of you 12(11). thy God maketh with thee (Ais day : 13(12). That he may establish thee to day 15(14). (him) that standeth here with us (Ais day — ( — ).(him) that (is) not here with us (Ais day: 18(17). whose heart turneth away (Ais day 28(27). as (it is) this day. 30: 2, 8, 11, 16.1 command thee (Ais day, 15. 1 have set before thee (Ais day 18. 1 denounce unto you (Ais day, — ye shall not prolong (your) days 19.1 call heaven and earth to record (Ais day 20. the length of thy days : 31 : 2. 1 (am) an hundred and twenty years old this day ; 13. as long as (lit.all the days) ye live in 14. (Ay days approach that thou must die: 17. kindled against them in that day, — so that they will say in that day, 18. 1 will surely hide my face in that day 21. even now, before I have brought them 22. therefore wrote this song (Ae same day, 27. 1 am yet alive with you (Ais day, 29. evil will befall you in (Ae latter days ; 32: 7. Remember (Ae days of old, 35. (Ae day of their calamity (is) at hand, 46.1 testify among you (Ais day, 47. ye shall prolong (your) days 48. Lord spake unto Moses that selfsame day, 33: 12. (the) Lord shall cover him all (Ae day 2b. and as thy days, (so shall) thy strength 34: 6. knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day. 8. wept for Moses. ..thirty days : so the days of weeping (and) mourning Jos. 1: 5. all (Ae days o/thy life: 11. within three days ye shall pass over 2:16. hide yourselves there three days. 22. abode there three days, 3: 2. it came to pass after three days, 7. This day will I begin to magnify thee 15. all (Ae time o/harvest, 4: 9. they are there unto this day. 14. On that day the Lord magnified Joshua — all (Ae days o/his life. 24. Lord your God for ever. (marg. all days) 5: 9. TAis day have I rolled away the reproach — is called Gilgal unto this day. 10. (Ae fourteenth day of the month 1 1 . (Ae selfsame day. 6: 3. Thus shalt thou do six days. 4. and the seventh day ye shall compass the 10. (Ae day I bid you shout; 14. (Ae second day they compassed the city — so they did six days. 15.it came to pass on the seventh day, — on that day they compassed the city 25. (even) unto this day; 7:25. the Lord shall trouble thee this day. 26. a great heap of stones unto this day. _ The valley of Achor, unto this day. 8: 25. all that fell that day, 28. a desolation unto this day. 29. (that remaineth) unto this day. 9:12. on the day we came forth Jos. 9: 10: 14 23 9. 14. 24 : 7. 15 25. 31. Jud. 1 :21. 26. 2 7. 18. 3:30. 4 14. 23. 5 1. 6. 6:24. 32. 8:28. 9 18. 19. 45. 10 4. 15. 11 4. 27. 40. 12 3. 13 7. 10. 14 8. 12. 14. 15, 17. 18. 15. 1. DV 16. at the end of three days 17. came unto their cities on the third day. 27. Joshua made them that day — even unto this day, 12. in the day when the Lord delivered 13. not to go down about a whole day. 14. there was no day like that 27. (which remain) until this very day. 28. that day Joshua took Makkedah, 32. took it on the second day, 35. they took it on that day, ¦ — he utterly destroyed that day, : 18. made war a long time (lit. many days) : 1 . Joshua was old (and) stricken in years; — Thou art old (and) stricken in years, 13. until this day. : 9. Moses sware on that day, 10. (Ais day fourscore and five years old. 11. strong (Ais day as (I was) in the day that 12, the Lord spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day 14. unto this day, because :63.at Jerusalem unto this day. -.10. unto this day, and serve under tribute. : 6. the high priest that shall be in those days: : 3. left your brethren these many days unto this day, 16. to turn away (Ais day — that ye might rebel (Ais day 17. we are not cleansed until this day, 18. ye must turn away (Ais day — (seeing) ye rebel to day 22. save us not this day, 29. turn this day from following the Lord, 31. TAis day we perceive that the Lord (is) Lit came to pass a long time after (lit. after many days) - Joshua waxed old (and) stricken in age. (marg. come into days) 2.1 am old (and) stricken in age: 8. as ye have done unto this day. .stand before you unto this day. .this day I (am) going the way of all the .wilderness a long season, (lit. many days) .choose you (Ais day whom ye will serve; .a covenant with the people that day, , Israel served the Lord all (Ae days of Joshua, and all (Ae days of the elders that overlived Joshua, (marg. prolong ed (their) days after Joshua) .in Jerusalem unto this day. .the name thereof unto this day. ,the people served the Lord all (Ae days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, (marg. prolonged days after Joshua) . all the days of the judge: . So Moab was subdued that day .this (is) (Ae day . God subdued on that day Jabin , Then sang Deborah. ..on that day, , In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, unto this day it (is) yet on that day he called him Jerubbaal, ,in the days of Gideon. against my father's house (Ais day, with his house this day, fought against the city all that day; are called Havoth-jair unto this day, deliver us only, we pray thee, this day. .in process of time, (marg. after days) the Judge be judge (Ais day daughters of Israel went yearly (lit. from days to days ; marg. from year to year) to lament. ..four days are ye come up unto me this day, from the womb to the day o/his death. that came unto me (Ae (other) day. after a time he returned to take her, the seven days of the feast, they could not in three days expound 17.it came to pass on the seventh day, she wept before him (Ae seven days, said unto him on the seventh day it came to pass within a while after, in the time o/ wheat harvest, ( 512 ) DV Jud.I5:19. which (is) in Lehi unto this day. 20.in (Ae days o/the Philistines 16: 16. when she pressed him daily (lit. all days) 17: 6.1u those days (there was) no king 10. thee ten (shekels) of silver by the year, 18: l.In those days (there was) no king in Israel: and in those days the tribe of — unto that day (all their) inheritance had 12. Mahaneh-dan unto this day: 30. the day of the captivity of the land. 31. all (Ae time that the house of God was in 19: 1 . it came to pass in those days, 2. was there four wAoZe months, (marg.tfays four months) 4. he abode with him three days: b. it came to pass on the fourth day, 8. the morning on the fifth day — they tarried until afternoon, (marg. till (Ae day declined) 9. (Ae day draweth toward evening, — (Ae day groweth to an end, 1 1. (Ae day was far spent ; 30./rom (Ae day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: 20; 15. of Benjamin were numbered at that time 21. that day twenty and two thousand men. 22. they put themselves in array (Ae first day. 24. of Israel came near...(Ae second day. 25. Benjamin went forth. ..(Ae second day, 26. fasted that day until even, 27- the ark. ..(was) there in those days, 28. stood before it in those days, 30. And the children of Israel went up...fAe third day, 35. that day twenty and five thousand 46. all which fell that day 21 : 3. that there should be to day 6. one tribe cut off from Israel this day, 19. (there is) a feast of the Lord in Shiloh yearly (lit. /row days to days) 25. In those days (there was) no king Ru. 1 : I. in the days when the judges ruled, 2:19. Where hast thou gleaned to day? ¦ — with whom I wrought to day 3: 18. until he have finished the thing this day. 4: b. What day thou buyest the field 9, 10. Ye (are) witnesses this day, ' 14. which hath not left thee (Ais day ISa. 1: 3. this man went up out of his city yearly (lit. from days to days) 4. when (Ae time was that Elkanah offered, 11. all (Ae days o/his life, 20.it came to pass, when (Ae time was come about(marg. in revolution of days) 21. the Lord the yearly (lit. of days) sacrifice, 28. as long as (lit. all (Ae days) he liveth 2:16. burn the fat/wesen(Zy,(marg.as on the day) J 9. brought (it) to him from year to year, — to offer the yearly (lit. of days) sacrifice. 31. days come, that I will cut off thine arm, 32. thine house for ever. (lit. all the days) 34. in one day they shall die both of them. 35. mine anointed for ever. (lit. all the days) 3: I . the Lord was precious in those days; 2. it came to pass at that time, 12. In that day I will perform 4: 3. the Lord smitten us to day 12. came to Shiloh (Ae same day 16.1 fled to day out of the army. 5: 5. unto this day. 6 :1b. the same day unto the Lord. 16. they returned to Ekron (Ae same day. 18. (which stone remaineth) unto this day 7: 2. while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim, (lit. from the day of abiding) — that (Ae time was long ; (lit. the days were multiplied) 6. fasted on that day, 10. a great thunder on that day 13. all (Ae days of Samuel. 15. Samuel judged Israel all (Z*e days o/his 8: 8. since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, 18. ye shall cry out in that day — the Lord will not hear you in that day* 9. 9. (he that is) jww (called) a Prophet DV ( 513 ) DV ISa. 9:12.he came to day to the city; for (there is) a sacrifice of the people to day 13. about this time (marg. to day) ye shall find 15. a day before Saul came, 19. ye shall eat with me to day, 20.three days ago, (marg.(o day three days) 24. Saul did eat with Samuel that day. 27. stand thou still a while, (marg. to day) 10: 2. art departed from me to day, 8. seven days shalt thou tarry, 9. those signs came to pass that day. 19. ye have (Ais day rejected your God, 11: 3. Give us seven days* respite, 11. the heat of (Ae day : 13.be put to death this day: for to day the Lord hath wrought salvation 12: 2. from my childhood unto this day. 5. his anointed (is) witness this day, 17. (Is it) not wheat harvest to day 9 18. the Lord sent thunder and rain that day : 13: 8. he tarried seven days, 11. thou earnest not within (Ae days 22. it came to pass in the day of battle, 14: Lit came to pass upon a day, 18. the ark of God was at that time 23. the Lord saved Israel that day : 24. men of Israel were distressed that day: 28. the man that eateth (any) food (Ais day. 30. the people had eaten freely to day 31. they smote the Philistines that day 33. roll a great stone unto me (Ais day. 37. he answered him not that day. 38. see wherein this sin hath been this day. 45. he hath wrought with God this day. 52. all (Ae days o/Saul: 15 : 28. from thee (Ais day, 3b. the day ofhis death: 16:l3.from that day forward. 17: 10. 1 defy the armies of Israel this day; 12. in the days of Saul. 16. presented himself forty days. 46. This day will the Lord deliver thee — the host of the Philistines this day 18: 2. Saul took him that day, 9. Saul eyed David from that day 10. David played with his hand, as at other times : (lit. as the day in the day) 21. Thou shalt (Ais day be my son 26. (Ae days were not expired. 29. Saul became David's enemy continually. (lit. all (Ae days) 19:24. lay down naked all that day 20: 6. (there is) a yearly (lit. of days) sacrifice 19. wAen the business was (in hand), (marg. in the day o/the business) 26. Saul spake not any thing that day: 27. neither yesterday, nor to day? 31. as long as (lit. all (Ae days) the son of 34. did eat no meat (Ae second day of 21: 5(6). though it were sanctified (Ais day 6(7). in (Ae day when it was taken away. 7(8). servants of Saul (was) there that day, 10(11 ). fled that day for fear of Saul, 22: 4. all (Zie wAiZe that David was in the hold. 8. to lie in wait, as at this day? 13. to lie in wait, as at this day? 15. Did I (Aere begin to enquire of God 18. slew on that day fourscore and five 22. 1 knew (it) that day, 23; 14. Saul sought him every day, (lit. all days) 24: 4(5). Behold (Ae day of which the Lord said 10(11). this day thine eyes have seen how that the Lord had delivered thee to day 18(19). thou hast shewed (Ais day 19(20) . that thou hast done unto me this day. 25: 7. all the while they were in Carmel. 8. we come in a good day: 10. there be many servants jww a days 15. as long as (lit. all (Ae days) we were 16. all (Ae wAiZe we were with them 28. not been found in thee (all) thy days. 32. sent thee this day to meet me: 33. which hast kept me this day 38. it came to pass about ten days (after), 26: 8. thine enemy into thine hand this day : 10. his day shall come to die; 19. they have driven me out (Ais day 29: 31 2Sa. 1 ISa. 26: 21. soul was precious in thine eyes this day : 23. Lord delivered thee into (my) hand to day 24. thy life was much set by this day 27 : 1 . 1 shall now perish one day 6. Achish gave him Ziklag that day: — unto the kings of Judah unto this day. 7. the time (marg. the number of days) that ¦ — a full year (marg. (a year of) days) and 10. Whither have ye made a road to day ? II. all (Ae wAiZe he dwelleth in the country 28: Lit came to pass in those days, 2. of mine head for ever. (lit. all the days) 18. done this thing unto thee this day. 20. he had eaten no bread all (Ae day, 3. which hath been with me these days, — since (lit. fj'om the day) he fell (unto me) unto this day ? 6. since the day of thy coming unto me unto this day : 8. so long (lit. from the day) as I have been with thee unto this day, 30: l.were come to Ziklag on the third day, 12. had eaten no bread,. ..three days and three 13. three days agone I fell sick. 25. it was (so) frojn that day forward, — an ordinance for Israel unto this day. 6. all his men, that same day together. 13. fasted seven days. 1 . David had abode twro days in Ziklag ; 2. It came even to pass on the third day, 11. the time (marg. the number of days) that 17. was a very sore battle that day ; 8. shew kindness (Ais day unto the house of — thou chargest me to day with a fault 35. eat meat while it was yet day, 37. all Israel understood that day 38. a great man fallen this day in Israel ? 39. 1 (am) (Ais day weak, 4: 3. were sojourners there until this day. 5. about the heat of (Ae day 8. hath avenged my lord the king this day 5: 8. David said, on that day, 6: 8. Perez-uzzah to this day. 9. David was afraid of the Lord that day, 20. How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day 23. had no child unto (Ae day of her death. 7: 6. since the time that I brought up the — even to this day, 11. since the time that I commanded judges 12. when (Ay days be fulfilled, 12. Tarry here to day also, — Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, 12:18. it came to pass on the seventh day, 13:23. it came to pass after two full years, 32. from the day that he forced his sister 37. (David) mourned for his son every day. 14: 2. be as a woman that had a long time (lit. many days) 22. To day thy servant knoweth 26.it was at every year's end (lit. the end of days to days) that he polled (it) : 28. Absalom dwelt two full years in 15:20. should I this day make thee go up 16: 3. To day shall the house of Israel restore 12. good for his cursing this day. 23. which he counselled in those days, 7. there was there a great slaughter that day 8. the wood devoured more people that day 18. it is called unto this day, 20. Thou shalt not bear tidings this day, but thou shalt bear tidings another day: but this day thou shalt bear no tidings, 31 . the Lord hath avenged thee (Ais day 2(3). the victory that day was (turned) into — (-).the people heard say that day 3(4). the people gat them by stealth that day 5(6). Thou hast shamed this day the faces — (-).(Azs day have saved thy life, 6(7). thou hast declared (Ais day, (_). (Ais day I perceive, that if Absalom had lived, and all we had died (Ais day, 13(14) . of the host before me continually (lit. all (Ae days) 1 9(20). (Ae day that my lord the king went out 20(21). I am come the first (Ais day 22(23). ye should (Ais day be adversaries 11: 18: 19: DV (514) DV 2Sa. 19:22(23). put to death (Ais day in Israel? fordo not I know that I (am) (Ais day king 24(25). from (Ae day the king departed until (Ae day 34(35). How long have I to live, (marg. How many days (are) the years ofmy life) 35(36). I (am) (Ais day fourscore years old: 20: 3. they were shut up unto (Ae day o/their 4. the men of Judah within three days, 21 : 1. there was a famine in the days o/David 9. put to death in the days of harvest, 12.wAen(lit. in the day that) the Philistines had slain Saul 22: Lin (Ae day (that) the Lord had delivered 19. They prevented me in the day ofmy 23 : 1 0. the Lord wrought a great victory that day ; 20. slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of 24: 8. nine months and twenty days. 13. three days' pestilence in thy land ? 18. Gad came that day to David, 1 K. 1 : 1. king David was old (and) stricken in years ; 6. his father had not displeased him at any time (marg. from his days) 25. he is gone down (Ais day, 30. so will I certainly do this day. 48. sit on my throne (Ais day, 51. Let king Solomon swear unto me to day 2: l.(Ae days o/David drew nigh 8. in the day when I went to Mahanaim : 1 1 . And the days that David reigned over Israel 24. Adonijah shall be put to death this day. 26. but I will not at this thue put thee to death, 37, 42. on the day thou goest out, 38. Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many days. 3: 2. no house built. ..until those days. 6. as (it is) this day. 11. hast not asked for tnyself long life; (marg. many days) 13. like unto thee all thy days. 14. then I will lengthen (Ay days. 18. it came to pass (Ae third day 4:21(5:1). served Solomon all (Ae days o/his 22(5:2). Solomon's provision for one day 25(5:5). all (Ae days o/Solomon. 5: 1(15). Hiram was ever (lit. all (Ae days) a lover of David. 7 (21). Blessed (be) the Lord (Ais day, 8: 8. there they are unto this day. 16. Since (Ae day that I brought forth my 24. as (it is) this day. 28. thy servant prayeth before thee to day : 29. toward this house night and day, 40. all the days that they live 59. the cause of his people Israel at all times, as the matter shall require: (marg. the thing of a day in his day) 61 .keep his commandments, as at this day. 64. TAe same day did the king hallow 65. seven days and seven days, (even) four teen days. 66. On the eighthday hesentthepeopleaway: 9: 3. shall be there perpetually, (lit. all the days) 13. the land of Cabul unto this day. 21 . a tribute of bondservice unto this day. 10: 12. nor were seen unto this day. 21 . nothing accounted of in the days of 11 : 12. ht thy days I will not do it 25. to Israel all (Ae days of Solomon, 34. prince all the days o/his life 36. have a light alway (lit. all (Ae days) 39. 1 will for this afflict the seed of David, but not for ever. (lit. all the days) 42. And the time (marg. days) that Solomon 12: 5. Depart yet (for) three days, 7. a servant unto this people (Ais day, — thy servants for ever. (lit. all (Ae days) 12. people came to Rehoboam (Ae third day, — Come to me again (Ae third day. 19. against the house of David unto'this day. 32. (Ae fifteenth day of the month, 33. (Ae fifteenth day of the eighth month, 13: 3. he gave a sign (Ae same day, 1 1. that the man of God had done (Aa( day 14: 14. cut offthe house of Jeroboam that day : J 9, 29. written in the book of the chronicles (lit. the words of tAe days) 20. Ajid the days which Jeroboam reigned IK. 14:30. there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all (their) days. lb: 5, 6- all (Ae days o/his life, 7, 23, 31 . (are) they not written in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 14. perfect with the Lord all Ais days. 16, 32. Baasha king of Israel all (Aeir days. 16: 5, 14,20, 27. (are) they not written in the book of thechronides(lit. words of days) 15. did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah. 16. king over Israel that day in the camp. 34. 7n Ais days did Hiel the Bethelite 17: 7. after a while, (marg. at the end of days) 14. (Ae day (that) the Lord sendeth rain 15. her house, did eat (many) days. (marg. a full year) 18: 1. it came to pass (after) many days, I 5. surely shew myself unto him to day. 36. known (Ais day that thou (art) God 19: 4. he himself went a day's journey 8. strength of that meat forty days 20: 13. deliver it into thine hand (Ais day ; 29. over against the other seven days. — in the seventh day the battle was joined: — an hundred thousand footmen in one day. 21 ;29. evil in his days: (but) in his son's days 22: 5. the word of the Lord to day. 25. thou shalt see in that day, 35. the battle increased that day: 39, 45(46) . (are) they not written in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of days) 46(47). in (Ae days o/his father 2K. 1:18. written in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of days) 2: 3,5. thy master from thy head to day? 17. they sought three days, but found him 22. the waters were healed unto this day, 3; 6. went out of Samaria (Ae same time, 9. a compass of seven days' journey: 4: 8. it fell on a day, that Elisha 1 1 . it fell on a day, that he came thither, 18.it fell on a day, that he went out 23. Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? 6:28. Give thy son, that we may eat him today, 29. 1 said unto her on the next day, 31. shall stand on him (Ais day. 7; 9. this day (is) a day of good tidings, 8: 6. since the day that she left the land, 19. to give him alway (lit. all (Ae days) a 20.7» Ais days Edom revolted 22. unto this day. 23. of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 10:27. made it a draught house unto (Ais day. 32. In those days the Lord began 34. of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 36..4nd (Ae time that Jehu reigned over 12: 2(3). all Ais days wherein Jehoiada 19(20). in the book of the chronicles (lit, words of (Ae days) 13: 3. all (their) days. 8, 12. (are) they not written in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of (Ae days) 22. all (Ae days of Jehoahaz. 14: 7. the name of it Joktheel unto this day. lb, 18,28. the book of the chronicles (lit. the words of (Ae days) 15: 5. he was a leper unto (Ae day ofhis death, 6, 11, 15,21, 26, 31, 36. the book of the chro nicles (lit. the words of (Ae days) 13. he reigned a full month (marg. a month of days) in Samaria. 18. he departed not all Ais days 29. 7n (Ae days of Pekah king of Israel 37. In those days the Lord began to send 16: 6. dwelt there unto this day. 19. of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 17 : 23. unto this day. 34. Unto this day they do after the former 37. to do for euermore; (lit. all the days) 41. so do they unto this day. 18: 4. unto those days the children of Israel 19: 3. This day (is) a day of trouble, 25.o/ ancient times that I have formed it? 20: l.In those days was Hezekiah sick 5. on (Ae third day thou shalt go up 6. 1 will add unto (Ay days fifteen years; 8. 1 shall go up...(Ae third day? DV 2K. 20 21: 23 ICh. 1 4 2Ch. 1 56 : 17. Behold, (Ae days come, — laid up in store unto this day, 19. if peace and truth be in my days? 20. in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 15. since (Ae day their fathers came forth out of Egypt, even unto this day. 17, 25. in the book of the chronicles (lit. words of (Ae days ) \22. from the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all (Ae days o/the kings 28. book of the chronicles (lit. words of (Ae days) 29. In his days Pharaoh-nechoh 1. In his days Nebuchadnezzar 5. of the chronicles (lit. words of the days) 29, 30. all (Ae days o/his life. 30. a daily rate for every day, (lit. the affair of (Ae day in his day) 19. because in his days the earth was divided: 41. in (Ae days o/Hezekiah king of Judah, — destroyed them utterly unto this day, 43. dwelt there unto this day. 10. Ajid in the days of Saul they made war 17. in (Ae days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days o/Jeroboam king of Israel. 26. to the river Gozan, unto this day. 2. in (Ae days o/David 22. their father mourned many days, 25. (were) to come after seven days 12. fasted seven days. 22. slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day. 22. For at (that) time day by day there came 39. they were with David three days, 3. we enquired not at it in the days o/Saul. 11. called Perez-uzza to this day. 12. David was afraid of God that day, 7. on tliat day David delivered 23. shew forth from day to day his salvation. 37. as every day's work required: (lit. the affair of the day in his day) 5. since (Ae day that I brought up Israel unto this day ; 10. And since the time that I commanded 1 1 . when (Ay days be expired 12. or else three days the sword of the Lord, 9. quietness unto Israel in his days. l.when David was old and full of days, :17. northward four a day, southward four a day, 24. the chronicles (lit. the words of (Ae days) 7. my judgments, as at this day. 5. consecrate his service (Ais day 15. our days on the earth (are) as a shadow, 21. on the morrow after that day, 22. drink before the Lord on that day 27. And the time that he reigned over Israel 28. full of days, riches, and honour: 11. yet hast asked long life; (lit. many days) 9. there it is unto this day. 5. Since (Ae day that I brought 15. as (it is) this day. 31. so long as (marg. all (Ae days) they live : 8. Solomon kept the feast seven days, 9. in (Ae eighth day they made — seven days, and the feast seven days. 10. And on the three and twentieth day 16. shall be there perpetually, (lit. all (Ae days) : 8. pay tribute until this day. 13. after a certain rate every day,(lit. the affair of a day in a day) 14. as the duty of every day required: (lit. the affair of a day in his day) 16. (Ae day of the foundation of the house :20. in the days of Solomon. : 5. Come again unto me after three days. 7. be thy servants for ever. (lit. all the days) 12. came to Rehoboam on the third day, — Come again to me on the third day. 19. Israel rebelled... unto this day. : 15. Jeroboam continually. (lit.all (Ae days) :20.in (Ae days o/Abijah: : 1(13:23). In his days the land was quiet : 3./or a long season Israel ll.Lord (Ae same time, (marg.in that day) 17. Asa was perfect all Ais days. : 4. the word of the Lord to day. ( 515 ) DV 2Ch.l8: 7.untome, but always (lit.all Ais days)evil: 24. thou shalt see on that day 34. the battle increased that day: 20:25. they were three days in gathering 26. And on the fourth day they assembled — The valley of Berachah, unto this day. 21: 7. to his sons for ever.(lit.all (Ae days) 8. 7n Ais days the Edomites revolted 10. the Edomites revolted... unto this day. 15. by reason of the sickness day by day. 19.it came to pass, that in process of time, (lit. to days from days) after the end of two years, 24: 2, 14. all (Ae days of Jehoiada 11. Thus they did day by day, and gathered 15. was full of days when he died ; 26: 5. he sought God hi the days o/Zechariah, — and as long as he sought the Lord, 21 . (Ae day o/his death, 28: 6. twenty thousand in one day, 29:17. and on the eighth day of the month — the house of the Lord in eight days; and in the sixteenth day of the first 30:21. feast of unleavened bread seven days — the priests praised the Lord day by day, 22. eat throughout the feast seven days, 23. took counsel to keep other seven days: and they kept (other) seven days 26. since the time of Solomon 31: 16. Ais daily portion for their service (lit. the affair of (Ae day in his day) 32:24. 7n those days Hezekiah was sick 26. in the days of Hezekiah. 34:33. all Ais days they departed not 35 : 16. of the Lord was prepared (Ae same day, 17. the feast of unleavened bread seven days. 18. from the days of Samuel the prophet ; 21 . (I come) not against thee (Ais aay, 25. their lamentations to (Ais day, 36 : 9. he reigned three months and ten days 21. as long as (lit. all (Ae days) she lay Ezr. 3: 4. the daily burnt offerings (lit. of a day in a day) — as the duty of every day required ; (marg. the matter of the day in his day) 6. From the first day of the seventh month 4: 2. since the days o/Esar-haddon 5. all (Ae days of Cyrus 7. And in the days of Artaxerxes 6: 22. the feast of unleavened bread seven days 8:15. there abode we in tents three days: 32. abode there three days. 33. Now on the fourth day was the silver 9: 7. Since (Ae days of our fathers — a great trespass unto this day / — , lb. as (it is) this day. 10: 8. would not come within three days, 9. gathered themselves. ..within three days. 1 3. a work of one day or two : 16. in the first day of the tenth month 17. (Ae first day of the first month. Neh. 1: 4. wept, and mourned (certain) days, 6. 1 pray before thee now, (lit. (Ais day) 11. prosper, I pray thee, thy servant (Ais day, 2:11. to Jerusalem, and was there three days. 4: 2(3:34). will they make an end in a day? 16(10). it came to pass from that time forth, 22(16). a guard to us, and labour on the day. 5:11. Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day, 14.from the time that I was appointed 18. prepared (for me) daily (lit. for one day) — once in ten days store of all sorts of wine : 6:15. in fifty and two days. 17. in those days the nobles of Judah 8: 2. upon the first day of the seventh month. 3. from the morning until midday, 9. TAis day (is) holy unto the Lord 10. (this) day (is) holy unto our Lord: 11. Hold your peace, for theday (is) holy; 13. And on the second day were gathered 17. since the days of Jeshua — unto that day had not the children of 18. Also day by day, from (Ae first day unto the last day, — they kept the feast seven days ; and on the eighth day 9 : 1 . Now in the twenty and fourth day ll 2 DV ( 516 ) DV Neh 9: 3. (one) fourth part of (Ae day; 10. as (it is) this day. 32. since the time of the kings of Assyria unto this day. 36. we (are) servants (Ais day, 10:31(32}. on (Ae sabbath day — ( — ),or on the holy day: 11:23. due/or every day. (lit. the affair of (Ae day in his day) 12: 7. in (Ae days of Jeshua. 12. And in the days of Joiakim 22. in the days o/Eliashib, 23. the book of the chronicles (lit. the words of days), even until (Ae days of Johanan 26. in the days of Joiakim — and in the days ofNehemiah 43. that day they offered great sacrifices, 44. at that time were some appointed 46. in (Ae days o/David 47. in (Ae days o/Zerubbabel, and in the days of — everyday his portion: (lit. the affair of (Ae day hi his day) 13: 1. On that day they read in the book 6. after certain days obtained I leave 15. In those days saw I in Judah — • into Jerusalem on the sabbath day : — in the day wherein they sold victuals. 17. profane the sabbath day? 19. on the sabbath day. 22. to sanctify (Ae sabbath day. 23. In those days also saw I Jews Est. 1 : Lit came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, 2. (That) in those days, when the king 4. excellent majesty many days, (even) an hundred and fourscore days. 5. when these days were expired, — . both unto great and small, seven days, 10. On the seventh day, 18. ladies of Persia and Media say this day 2:11. walked every day (lit. every day and daij) 12. so were (Ae days of their purifications 21. 7n those days, while Mordecai 23. the chronicles (lit. the words of (Ae days) 3: 4. when they spake daily (lit. day and day) 7 .from day to day, and from month to 12. the thirteenth day of the first month, 13. in one day, 14. ready against that day. 4: 11. in unto the king these thirty days. 16. neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: 5: Lit came to pass on the third day, 4. let the king and Haman come (Ais day 9. Then went Haman forth that day 6: l.the chronicles; (lit. the words of (Ae days) 7: 2. unto Esther on the second day 8: 1. On that day did the king Ahasuerus 12. Upon one day 13. Jews should be ready against that day 17. a feast and a good day. 9: l.on the thirteenth day o/the same, — in the day that the enemies of the Jews 11. On that day the number of those that 13. according unto this day's decree, 15. on (Ae fourteenth day 17. On the thirteenth day — , 18. made it a day o/feasting 19. (Ae fourteenth day of the month — gladness and feasting, and a good day, 21. (Ae fourteenth day of the month Adar, and (Ae fifteenth day of the same, 22. As the days wherein the Jews rested — from mourning into a good day: that they should make them days o/feasting 26. they called these days Purim 27. that they would keep these two days 28. And (that) these days (should be) — . and (that) these days of Purim should 31. To confirm these days o/Purim 10: 2. the chronicles (lit. words of the days) Job 1 : 4. every one Ais day ; 5. when (Ae days of (their) feasting were — did Job continually, (marg. all (Ae days) 6. there was a day when the sons of God 13. there was a day when his sons 2: I. Again there was a day 13. with him upon the ground seven days Job 3 : 1 . cursed Ais day. 3. Let (Ae day perish wherein I was born, 4. Let that day be darkness ; 5. let the blackness of the day terrify it. 6. let it not be joined unto the days of the 8. Let them curse it that curse the day, 7 : 1. (are not) Ais days also like tae days of an 6. My days are swifter than a weaver's 16. my days (are) vanity. 8 : 9. our days upon earth ( are ) a shadow : 9:25. Now my days are swifter than a post: 10: 5. (Are) (Ay days as the days of man ? (are) thy years as man's days, 20. (Are) not my days few ? 12: 12. in length of days understanding, 14: l.born of a woman (is) of few days, b. Seeing Ais days (are) determined, 6. as an hireling, Ais day. 14. all (Ae days ofmy appointed time 15: 10. much elder (lit. more advanced (in) days) 20. man travaileth with pain all (his) days, 23. the day of darkness is ready 32. accomplished before Ais time, 17: L my days are extinct, 11. My days are past, my purposes are 12. They change the night into day: 18:20. shall be astonied at Ais day, 20: 28. in (Ae day ofhis wrath. 21 : 13. They spend (Aeir days in wealth, 30. to the day of destruction ? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath. 23: 2. Even to day (is) my complaint bitter: 24: l.do they that know him not see Ais days? 27; 6. shall not reproach (me) so long as Hive. 29: 2. as (in) (Ae days (when) God preserved 4. As I was in the days ofmy youth, 18.1 shall multiply (my) days as the sand. 30: l.But now (they that are) younger (marg. of fewer days) than I 16. (Ae days of affliction have taken hold 25. was in trouble? (marg. hard of day) 27. the days a/affliction prevented me. 32: 4. they (were) elder (marg. elder for days) 6. 1 (am) young, (marg. few of days) and ye 7.1 said, Days should speak, 33:25. he shall return to the days o/his youth: 36 : 1 1 . they shall spend their days in prosperity, 38: 12. commanded the morning since thy days; 21. (because) the number ofthy days (is) 23. against the day of battle and war? 42:17. Job died, (being) old and full of days. Ps. 2: 7. this day have I begotten thee. 7:11(12). angry (with the wicked) everyday. 18[title]( 1 ).in the day (that) the Lord delivered 18(19). in the day ofmy calamity: 19: 2(3). Day unto day uttereth speech, 20 : 1 (2) . The Lord hear thee in the day of 9(10). let the king hear us wAen we call. 21 : 4(5). length of days for ever and ever. 23: 6. goodness and mercy shall follow me all (Ae days ofmy life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. (marg. to length of days) 25: 5. on thee do I wait all (Ae day. 27: 4. all (Ae days ofmy life, 5. in (Ae time of trouble he shall hide me 32: 3. my roaring all the day long. 34: 12(13). loveth (many) days, 35:28. thy praise all (Ae day long. 37 : 13. for he seeth that Ais day is coming. 18. The Lord knoweth (Ae days o/the 19. and in the days of famine they shall be 26. (He is) ever merciful, (marg. all (Zie day) 38: 6(7). I go mourning all (Ae day long. 12(13). imagine deceits all (Ae day long. 39: 4(5). the measure of my days, 5(6). thou hast made my days (as) an 41; 1(2). the Lord will deliver him in time of 42: 3(4). while they continually (lit. all (Ae day, say unto me, 10(11). say daily unto me, (lit.all the day) 44: 1(2). (what) work thou didst in their days, in the times of old. 8(9). In God we boast all (Ae day long, 15(16). (is) continually (lit. all (Ae day) 22(23). lor thy sake are we killed all the day 49: 5(6). Wherefore should I fear in the days of DV Ps. 50: 15. call upon me in the day 0/ trouble : 52: 1(3). the goodness of God ( endureth) con tinually, (lit. every day) 55:23(24). shall not live out half (Aeir days; 56: 1(2). he fighting daily oppresseth me. 2(3L enemies would daily swallow (me) 3(4). What time I am afraid, 5(6). Every day they wrest my words: 9(10). When I cry (unto thee), (lit. In the day) 59:16(17). in (Ae day ofmy trouble. 61: 6(7). Thou wilt prolong the king's life: (lit. add days upon the king's days) 8(9). that I may daily perform my vows. (lit. day, day) 68:19(20). (who) daily (lit. day, day) loadeth 71: 8. thy honour all (Ae day. 15. thy salvation all (Ae day ; 24. thy righteousness all (Ae day long; 72: 7. 7n Ais days shall the righteous flourish ; 15. daily shall he be praised, (lit. all (Ae day) 73: 14. all (Ae day long have I been plagued, 74: 16. TAe day (is) thine, the night also (is) 22. the foolish man reproacheth thee daily. (lit. every day) 77: 2(3). In the day ofmy trouble 5(6). I have considered (Ae days of old, 78: 9. turned back in the day 0/ battle. 33. (Aeir days did he consume in vanity, 42. (Ae day when he delivered them 81: 3(4). on our solemn feast day. 84: 10(11). a day in thy courts (is) better 86: 3.1 cry unto thee daily, (marg. all (Ae day) 7. hi the day ofmy trouble I will call 88: 1(2). I have cried day (and) night before 9(10). Lord, I have called daily upon thee, 17(18). They came round about me daily (marg. all (Ae day) like water ; 89:16(17). In thy name shall they rejoice all (Ae day: 29(30). his throne as the days o/heaven. 45(46). TAe days o/his youth hast thou 90: 4. in thy sight (are but) as yesterday 9. all owr days are passed away in thy wrath : 10. TAe days of our years (are) threescore 12. So teach (us) to number our days, 14. we may rejoice and be glad all our days. lb. according to the days (wherein) thou hast 91:16. With long Zife(marg. length of days) will 92[title](l). A Psalm (or) Song for the sabbath day. 93: 5. holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, forever, (marg. length of days) 94:I3./rom (Ae days 0/ adversity, 95: 7. To day if ye will hear his voice, 8. as (in) tlie day 0/ temptation in the 96: 2. shew forth his salvation from day to day. 102: 2(3). in the day (when) I am in trouble ; — (-).in (Ae day (when) I call 3(4). my days are consumed like smoke, 6(9). Mine enemies reproach me all (Ae day; 11 (12). My days (are) like a shadow that 23(24). he shortened my days. 24(25) . me not away in the midst of my days : 103:15. (As for) man, Ais days (are) as grass: 109: 8. Let Ais days be few ; 110: 3. in the day ofthy power, 5. in (Ae day o/his wrath. 116: 2.therefore will I call upon (him) as long as I live. (marg. in my days) 118:24. This (is) (Ae day (which) the Lord hath 119:84. How many (are) the days o/thy servant? 91. They continue (Ais day 97.it (is) my meditation all the day. 164. Seven times a day do I praise thee 128: 5. all (Ae days o/thy life. 136: 8. The sun to rule by day : 137: 7. (Ae day of Jerusalem ; , 138: 3. 7n (Ae day when I cried thou 139: 12. the night shineth as the day : 16. (which) in continuance were fashioned, (marg. or, (what) days they should be) 140: 2(3). continually (lit. all day) are they 7(8). thou hast covered my head in the day of 143: 5.1 remember (Ae days of old ; 144: 4. Ais days (are) as a shadow 145: 2. Every day will I bless thee ; ( 517 ) DV Ps.146: 4. in that very day his thoughts perish. Pro. 3: 2. length of days, and long life, 16. Length of days (is) in her right hand ; 4:18. more and more unto (Ae perfect day. 6: 34. he will not spare in the day of vengeance. 7: 9. inthe evening, (marg. evening of (Ae day ) 14. (Ais day have I payed my vows. 20. will come home at the day appointed. 8:30.and I was daily (lit. day, day) (his) 34. watching daily (lit. day, day ) at my gates, 9: 1 1. by me thy days shall be multiplied, 10:27. The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: 11:4. Riches profit not in the day 0/ wrath : 12: 16. A fool's wrath is presently (marg. in that day) known: . 15: 15. All (Ae days of the afflicted (are) evil : 16: 4. the wicked/or (Ae day of evil. 21 :26. He coveteth greedily all (Ae day long: 31. The horse (is) prepared against the day of 22: 19. 1 have made known to thee (Ais day, 23: 17. the fear of the Lord all (Ae daylong. 24:10. (If) thou faint in the day of adversity, 25: 1 3. As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, 19. an unfaithful man in time 0/ trouble 20. a garment in cold weather, 27: 1. Boast not thyself of to morrow (lit. in the day of to morrow) ; for thou knowest not. what a day may bring forth. 10. in (Ae day ofthy calamity: 15. A continual dropping in a very rainy day 28: 16. he that hate th covetousness shall prolong (his) days. 31 :12.all (Ae days of her life. 25. she shall rejoice in time to come. Ecc. 2: 3. all (Ae days of their life. 16. in (Ae days to come shall all be forgotten. 23. all Ais days (are) sorrows, 5:17( 16), All Ais days also he eateth in darkness, 18(1 7). all the days ofhis life, 20(19). not much remember (Ae days o/his 6: 3. (Ae days o/his years be many, 12. all (Ae days o/his vain life 7 : 1 . and the day 0/ death (Aan (Ae day o/one's 10. (Aa( (Ae former days were better than these? 14. 7n (Ae day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: 15. in the days ofmy vanity: 8: 8. power in the day of death: 13. neither shall he prolong (his) days, lb. the days o/his life, 16. neither day nor night seeth sleep 9: 9.(Ae days of the life ofthy vanity, — all (Ae days ofthy vanity: 11 ; l.thou shalt find it after many days. 8. let him remember (Ae days of darkness; 9. let thy heart cheer thee in the days ofthy 12: 1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while (Ae evil days come nol, 3. In the day when the keepers Cant 2: 17. Until (Ae day break, 3 : 1 1. in (Ae day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness ofhis heart. 4: 6. Until (Ae day break, 8: 8. in the day when she shall be spoken for ? Isa. 1 : 1 . in the days of Uzziah, 2: 2. it shall come to pass in (Ae last days, 11,17. Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. 12. (Ae day of the Lord of hosts 20. 7n that day a man shall cast his idols 3: 7. In that day shall he swear, 18. 7n that day the Lord will take away 4; Lin that day seven women shall take 2. 7n that day shall the branch of the Lord be 5:30. in that day they shall roar 7: Lit came to pass in the days o/Ahaz 17. days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from 18.it shall come to pass in that day, 20. 7n (Ae same day shall the Lord shave 21, 23. it shall come to pass in that day, 9: 4( 3). as in the day of Midian. 14(13). branch and rush, in one day. 10: 3. what will ye do in the day 0/ visitation, 17. his thorns and his briers in one day; 20, 27. it shall come to pass in that day, 32. As yet shall he remain at Nob (Aa( day: 11:10. hi that day there shall be a root of Jesse, DV ( 518 ) DV Isa. 11: 12;13: 19. 23 28: 39 43: 47:48: 49; 51: 52;53:56:58: GO61: 62:63: 65: 2 5 20. .it shall come to pass in that day, in the day that he came up in that day thou shalt say, hi that day shall ye say, (Ae day of the Lord (is) at hand ; ,(Ae day of the Lord cometh, .and in the day o/his fierce anger. . and her days shall not be prolonged. it shall come to pass hi the day that . in that day it shall come to pass, . At that day shall a man look . 7n that day shall his strong cities . In the day shalt thou make thy plant (Ae day of grief and of desperate . 7n that day shall Egypt be like In that day shall five cities. ..speak 7n that day shall there be an altar shall know the Lord in that day, . In that day shall there be a highway . 7n that day shall Israel be the third . shall say in that day, .(it is) a day of trouble, .thou didst look hi that day . in that day did the Lord God of hosts it shall come to pass hi that day, . In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, .antiquity (is) of ancient days? . it shall come to pass in that day, according to the days of one king: .it shall come to pass in that day, after many days shall they be visited. . it shall be said in that day, . In that day shall this song be sung . In that day the Lord . 7n that day sing ye unto her, . I will keep it night and day. in the day o/the east wind. 13. it shall come to pass in that day, hi that day shall the Lord of hosts .by day and by night: Doth the plowman plow all day in that day shall the deaf hear be for the time to come (marg. latter day) in that day shall thy cattle feed in the daxj of the great slaughter, as the light of seven days, in the day thai the Lord bindeth up hi that day every man shall cast away Many days and years shall ye be (it is) (Ae day o/the Lord's vengeance, This day (is) a day of trouble, of ancient times, that I have formed it? In those days was Hezekiah sick unto I will add unto (Ay days fifteen years. .1 said in the cutting off of my days, , 13. from day (even) to night wilt thou , he shall praise thee, as I (do) (Ais day : all (Zie days of our life Behold, (Ae days come, have laid up in store until this day, shall be peace and truth in my days. before the day (was) I (am) he; come to thee in a moment in one day, before (Ae day when thou heardest and hi a day of salvation have I helped awake, as in (Ae ancient days, hast feared continually every day continually every day (is) blasphemed. (they shall know) hi that day he shall prolong (his) days, to morrow shall be as this day, Yet they seek me daily, (lit. day, day) in the day of your fast ye shall not fast as (ye do this) day, a day for a man to afflict his soul? and an acceptable day to the Lord? doing thy pleasure on my holy day; the days of thy mourning shall be ended. and the day of vengeance of our God; shall never hold their peace day nor (Ae day of vengeance (is) in mine heart, carried them all (Ae days of old. he remembered (Ae days o/old, I have spread out my hands all (Ae day a fire that burneth all (Ae day. thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled Ais days: Jsa. 65:22. as (Ae days of a tree (are) (Ae days of my 66: 8. be made to bring forth in one day? Jer. 1 : 2. in the days of Josiah 3. in (Ae days of Jehoiakim 10. 1 have (Ais day set thee over the nations 18.1 have made thee (Ais day a defenced 2:32. have forgotten me days without number. 3: 6. in the days of Josiah the king, 16. in those days, saith the Lord, 18. 7» those days the house of Judah 25. from our youth even unto this day, 4: 9. it shall come to pass at that day, 5: 18. in those days, saith the Lord, 6: 4. (Ae day goeth away, 1 1. the aged with (him that is) full of days. 7 : 22. in the day that I brought them out 25. Since (Ae day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day — daily rising up early 32 & 9 : 25( 24 ) . (Ae days come, sai th the Lord , II : 4. in the day (that) I brought them forth 5. as (it is) this day. 7. in the day (that) I brought them up out of the land or Egypt, (even) unto this day, 12: 3. prepare them for the day of slaughter. 13 : 6. it came to pass after many days, 15: 9. is gone down while (it was) yet day; (lit. (Aeir day ; see also GElV) 16: 9. and in your days, T 14. the days come, saith the Lord, 19. my refuge in the day of affliction, 17: 11. leave them in the midst of his days, 16. neither have I desired (Ae woeful day ; 17. thou (art) my hope in the day o/evil. 18. bring upon them (Ae day o/evil, 21. bear no burden on the sabbath day, 22. carry forth a burden out... on (Ae sabbath day, — hallow ye (Ae sabbath day, 24. bring in no burden. ..on the sabbath day, — , 27. hallow (Ae sabbath day, 27 . the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day ; 18:17. in the day of their calamity. 19: 6.(Ae days come, saith the Lord, 20: 7. 1 am in derision daily, (lit. every day) 8. a derision, daily, (lit. every day) 14. Cursed (be) (Ae day wherein I was born: let not (Ae day wherein 18. that my days should be consumed 22:30. a man (that) shall not prosper in his days: 23: 5,7. (Ae days come, saith the Lord, 6. 7n Ais days Judah shall be saved, 20. in (Ae latter days ye shall consider it 25: 3. even unto this day, 18. as (it is) this day ; 33. the slain of the Lord shall be at that day 34. the days of your slaughter (marg. your days for slaughter) 26 : 1 8. in the days of Hezekiah 27:22. until (Ae day that I visit them, 28: 3. two full years (marg. years of days) 11. within the space of two full years, (lit. id.) 30: 3.(Ae days come, saith the Lord, 7. that day (is) great, 8. it shall come to pass in that day, 24. in (Ae latter days ye shall consider it. 31: 6. there shall be a day, 27, 31, 38. (Ae days come, saith the Lord, 29. In those days they shall say no more, 32. in the day (that) I took them by the 33. After those days, saith the Lord, 36. before me for ever. (lit. all (Ae days) 32: 14. that they may continue many days. 20. (even) unto this day, — hast made thee a name, as at this day; 31. the day that they built it even unto this day; 39. may fear me for ever, (marg. all days) 33:14.(Ae days come, saith the Lord, 15. In those days, and at that time, 16. In those days shall Judah be saved, 18. do sacrifice continually, (lit, all (Ae days) 20. If ye can break my covenant of (Ae day, 34: 13. hi the day that I brought them forth 15. ye were now (marg.(o day) turned, 35 : 1. in the days of Jehoiakim DV Jer. 35: 7 1419 36: 2. 37 1617 40: 4, 41; 4 42: 7 19. 21. 44: 2. 46 Lam. 1: 7. 12,13, 21. 2: 1, 7. 16,17. 21,22, Eze. 12 3 10. : 2, : 7. 10,12.19. all yoMr days ye shall dwell in tents ; that ye may live many days drink no wine all our days, unto this day they drink none, before me for ever. (lit. all (Ae days) .from (Ae day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah, even unto this day. upon the fasting day : his dead body shall be cast out in the day Jeremiah had. remained there many days; daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' (Ae day that Jerusalem was taken: vineyards and fields at the same time. (marg. that day) in that day before thee. I will deliver thee in that day, I loose thee this day the second day after he had slain Gedaliah, it came to pass after ten days, I have admonished you (Ais day. I have (Ais day declared (it) to you ; this day they (are) a desolation, wasted (and) desolate, as at this day. (even) unto this day, without an inhabitant, as at this day. happened unto you, as at this day. For this (is) (Ae day of the Lord God of hosts, a day o/vengeance, (Ae day of their calamity was come as in the days of old, the day that cometh to spoil (Ae days come, saith the Lord, men's hearts in Moab at that day in (Ae latter days, saith the Lord. the days come, saith the Lord, at that day shall the heart of the mighty shall be cut off in that day, it shall come to pass in (Ae latter days, 20. 7n those days, and in that time, (Aeir day is come, men of war shall be cut off in that day, thy day is come, the time in the day of trouble they shall be behold, (Ae days come, (Ae days come, saith the Lord, (Ae day o/his death. 34. all (Ae days ofhis life. every day a portion (marg. the matter of (Ae day in his day) until (Ae day of tke days of her affliction in the days of old, in the day ofhis fierce anger. made me desolate (and) faint all (Ae day. the day (that) thou hast called, in the day o/his anger 1 as in the day of a solemn feast. (Ae day that we looked for ; in tke days of old : in the day of thine anger ; as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the Lord's anger his hand (against me) all (Ae day. their song all (Ae day. Thou drewest near in the day their device against me all (Ae day. our days are fulfilled ; (and) forsake us so long time? (lit. to the length of days) renew our days as of old. the cloud in the day o/rain, (even) unto this very day. astonished among them seven days. it came to pass at the end of seven days, 9. (according) to the number of (Ae days according to the number of (Ae days, three hundred and ni nety days : iniquity of the house of Judah forty days : each day for a year. (marg. a day for a year, a day for a year) thou hast ended (Ae days ofthy siege. three hundred and ninety days twenty shekels a day: when (Ae days of the siege are fulfilled: (Ae day of trouble (is) near, Behold (Ae day, behold, it is come: (Ae day draweth near: in tke day of the wrath of the Lord: ( 519 ) DV Eze. 12:22. TAe days are prolonged, 23. TAe days are at hand, 25. in your days, O rebellious house, 27. for many days (to come), 13: 5. in the day o/the Lord. 16 : 4. in the day thou wast born 5. in (Ae day that thou wast born. 22, 43. thou hast not remembered (Ae days of 56. in (Ae day ofthy pride, 60. with thee in the days ofthy youth, 20: 5. 7n (Ae day when I chose Israel, 6. 7n (Ae day (that) I lifted up mine hand 29. is called Bamah unto this day. 31. even unto (Ais day: 21:25(30). wAose day is come, 29(34).wAose day is come, 22: 4. thou hast caused (Ay days to draw near, 14. in (Ae days that I shall deal with thee ? 24. in tke day of indignation. 23: 19. calling to remembrance (Ae days of her 38. defiled my sanctuary in the same day, 39. they came (Ae same day into my sanctuary 24: 2. name of (Ae day, (even) of this same day: — against Jerusalem this same day. 2b. in the day when I take from them 26. he that escapeth in that day 27. 7n that day shall thy mouth be opened 26 : 1 8 . (Ae day of thy fall ; 27:27. in tke day ofthy ruin. 28:13. in the day that thou wast created. lb. from the day that thou wast created, 29:21. In that day will I cause the horn 30: 2. Howl ye, Woe worth (Ae day I 3. For (Ae day (is) near, even (Ae day of the Lord (is) near, a cloudy day; 9. In that day shall messengers go forth — come upon them, as in (Ae day o/Egypt: 18.(Ae day shall be darkened, 31 : 15. 7n (Ae day when he went down to the grave 32 : 10. in the day of thy fall. 33 : 12. in the day ofhis transgression : — in the day that he turneth from — in the day that he sinneth. 34:12, in the day that he is among his sheep — in the cloudy and dark day. 36:33. In the day that I shall have cleansed 38: 8..4/(er many days thou shalt be visited: 10. at the same time shall things come 14. In that day when my people of Israel 16.it shall be in (Ae latter days, 17. he of whom I have spoken in eld time — which prophesied in those days 18.it shall come to passa((Ae same thnewhen Gog shall come (lit. in that day, the day) 19. in that day there shall be a great 39 : 8. this ( is ) (Ae day whereof I have spoken. Il.it shall come to pass in that day, 13. the day that I shall be glorified, 22. from that day and forward. 40 : Lin the selfsame day 43: 18. in the day when they shall make 22. .4.nd on the second day thou shalt offer 25. Seven days shalt thou prepare evej-y day a goat (for) a sin offering: 26. Seven days shall they purge the altar 27. when these days are expired, — upon the eighth day, 44:26. they shall reckon unto him seven days. 27. And hi the day that he goeth into the 45:21. in the fourteenth day of the month, — a feast of seven days; 22. upoji that day shall the prince prepare 23. seven days of the feast he shall prepare — seven rams without blemish daily the seven days; and a kid of the goats daily 25. (Ae fifteenth day of the month, — the feast of (Ae seven days, 46: 1. six working days; but on tke sabbath (lit. ajid on the sabbath day) it shall be opened, and in the day of the 4. in (Ae sabbath day 6. And in the day of the new moon 12. as he did oji the sabbath day: 13. Thou shalt daily prepare a burnt offering 48:35./rom (that) day (shall be), Dan 1: 5. daily provision (lit. the affair of the day, in his day) DV ( 520 ) DV Dan 1 Hos. I 3: 4: 10 12 Joel 1 2: 3: 9 Obad. : 12. thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; 14. proved them ten days. 15. at the end often days 18. at the end of (Ae days :26. for it (shall be) for many days. 27. Daniel fainted, and wassick (certain) days; : 7. as at this day; lb. hast gotten thee renown, as at this day; : 2. In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks, (lit. three weeks days) 3. three whole weeks (lit. three weeks days) 4. And in the four and twentieth day 1 2. from (Ae first day that thou didst set 13. withstood me one and twenty days: 14. shall befall thy people in (Ae latter days: for yet the vision (is)/or (many) days. :20.6m( within few days he shall be destroyed, 33. by captivity, and by spoil, (many) days. :ll.a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12. to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 13. stand in thy lot at the end of the days. : 1 . hi the days of Uzziah, ¦ — and in the days o/Jeroboam 5. it shall come to pass at that day, 11(2:2). great (shall be) (Ae day of Jezreel. ; 3(5). as in the day that she wras born, 13(15). I will visit upon her (Ae days of 15(17). as in (Ae days of her youth, and as in (Ae day when she came up 16(18). it shall be at that day, 18(20). in that day will I make a covenant 21(23). it shall come to pass in that day, 3. Thou shalt abide for me many days; 4. children of Israel shall abide many days 5. his goodness in (Ae latter days. 5. Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, 9. Ephraim shall be desolate hi the day of 2. After two days will he revive us: — in the third day he will raise us up, 5. In (Ae day of our king 5. What will ye do in the solemn day, and in the day of the feast 7. The days of visitation are come, (Ae days of recompence are come; 9. as in the days of Gibeah : 9. thou hast sinned from the days of Gibeah : 14. in the day of battle: 1(2). he daily (lit. every day) increaseth 9(10). as in the days of the solemn feast. 2. in your days, or even hi the days of your lb. Alas for the day! for (Ae day of the Lord l.(Ae day of the Lord cometh, 2. A day of darkness and of gloorrliness, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, 11. (Ae day of the Lord (is) great 29(3: 2). in those days will I pour out my 31(3:4). (Ae great and the terrible day of the 1(4: 1 ). behold, hi those days, 14(4: 14). (Ae day of the Lord (is) near 18(4:18). it shall come to pass hi that day, l.in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days o/Jeroboam 14. shouting in the day of battle, with a tempest in the day o/the whirlwind: 16. shall flee away naked in that day, 14. in the day thai I shall visit 2.(Ae days shall come upon you, 4. after three years: (marg. (years) of days) 8. and maketh (Ae day dark with night: 18. Woe unto you that desire the day of the , — (Ae day o/the Lord (is) darkness, 20. not (Ae day o/the Lord (be) darkness, 3. Ye that put far away (Ae evil day, 3. the temple shall be howlings in that day, 9. it shall come to pass in that day, — I will darken the earth in the clear day : 10. the end thereof as a bitter day. 11. the days come, saith the Lord 13. 7m that day shall the fair virgins 11. In that day will I raise up the — I will build it as in the days of old: 13. (Zie days come, saith the Lord, 8. Shall I not in that day, 11. In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers 12. on the day ofthy brother in the day that Obad. 12. in the day of their destruction; — , 14. in (Ae day of distress. 13. in the day of their calamity; ¦ — , 13. in (Ae day o/their calamity, lb. the day o/the Lord (is) near Jon. 1 : 17(2: 1 ). the belly of the fish three days 3: 3. great city of three days' journey. 4. a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, Mic. 1 : l.in the days of Jotham, 2: 4. 7n that day shall (one) take up a 3: 6. (Ae day shall be dark over them. 4 : 1 . in (Ae last days it shall come to pass, 6. 7n that day, saith the Lord, bs 2(1). goings forth (have been). ..from ever lasting, (marg .from the days o/eternity) 10(9). it shall come to pass in that day, 7: 4. (Ae day ofthy watchmen 11. (In) (Ae day that thy walls are to be built, (in) that day shall the decree be far 12. (In) that day (also) he shall come 14. as in the days of old. lb. According to the days ofthy coming out 20. unto our fathers from the days o/old. Nah 1 : 7. a strong hold in the day of trouble ; 2: 3(4). in (Ae day o/his preparation, 8(9). Nineveh (is) o/oZd(lit. o/duys)likea 3: 17. camp in the hedges in the cold day, Hab 1: 5.(1) will work a work in your days, 3: 16. that I might rest in the day of trouble: Zep 1 : l.in the days of Josiah 7. (Ae day of the Lord (is) at hand: 8. it shall come to pass in the day of 9. 7n (Ae same day also 10. it shall come to pass in that day, 14. The great day of the Lord (is) near, — the voice of (Ae day of the Lord: 15. That day (is) a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day o/wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick 16.-4 day of the trumpet and alarm 18. in (Ae day of the Lord's wrath; 2: 2. (before) (Ae day pass as the chaff, — (Ae day of the Lord's anger 3. in (Ae day of the Lord's anger. 3: 8. until the day that I rise up to the prey: 1 1. 7n that day shalt thou not be ashamed 16. In that day it shall be said Hag 1: l.in (Ae first day of the month, 15. 7n (Ae four and twentieth day 2:15. consider from this day and upward, 18. from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth (month, even) from (Ae day that the foundation 19. from this day will I bless (you). 23. In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, Zee. 1 : 7. Upon the four and twentieth day 2: 11 (15). be joined to the Lord in that day, 3: 9. the iniquity of that land in one day. 10. hi that day, saith the Lord of hosts, 4: 10. who hath despised (Ae day of small . 6: 10. come thou (Ae same day, 8: 4. every man with his staff in his hand for very age. (marg. multitude of days) 6. remnant of this people hi these days, 9. ye that hear in these days — in the day (that) the foundation 10. before these days there was no hire 1 1 . as in (Ae former days, 15. have I thought hi these days to do well 23. In those days (it shall come to pass), 9:12. even to day do I declare 16. their God shall save them in that day 1 1 : 1 1 . it was broken in that day : 12: 3. in that day will I make Jerusalem 4. In that day, saith the Lord, 6. hi that day will I make the governors 8. In that day shall the Lord defend — he that is feeble among them at that day 9. it shall come to pass in that day, 11. In that day shall there be a great 13: 1. 7n that day there shall be a fountain 2, 4. it shall come to pass in that day, . 14: 1 . (Ae day of the Lord cometh, 3. as wAen (lit. as the day) he fought in i day of battle the DV ( 521 ) nv Zec.14: 4. his feet shall stand in that day 5. in the days of Uzziah 6. it shall eome to pass in that day, 7. it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: 8. it shall be in that day, 9. in that day shall there be one Lord, 13. it shall come to pass in that day, 20. In that day shall there be 21. in that day there shall be no more Mai. 3: 2. who may abide the day ofhis coming? 4. as in the days of old, l.frum the days of your fathers 17. in that day when I make up my jewels ; 4: 1(3 -.19). the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven ; — (-: — ).the day that cometh shall burn 3(-:21).m the day that I shall do (this), 5(-:23).! Jer. 51: 38. They shall roar together like lions: Lam.2: 8. they languished together. Hos. 1:1 1(2: 2). of Israel be gathered together, 11: /.none at all would exalt (him), (marg. to gether they exalted not) 8. my repentings are kindled together. Am 1:15. he and his princes together, 3: 3. Can two walk together, except they be Mic 2:12.1 will put them together as the sheep Zee 10: 4. out of him every oppressor together. TfP yah-'gheed1 ', adj. 3en22: 2. Take now thy son, thine only (son) Isaac, 12, 16. hast not withheld thy son, thine only tud.ll:34.she (was his) only child; 's. 22:20(21). my darling (marg. only one) from the 25:16.1 (am) desolate and afflicted. 35:17. my darling (marg.only one) from the 68: 6(7). God setteth the solitary in families: ?ro 4: 3. tender and only (beloved) in the sight of ler. 6:26. make thee mourning, (as for) an only son, im 8: 10. 1 will make it as the mourning of an only lee 12:10.as one mourneth for (his) only (son), 7*)T yah-gheel, adj. Lam. 3:26. (It is) good that (a man) should both hope (lit. and expecting) 7lT [yah-'ghal']. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Eze 19: 5. when she saw that she had waited, NIPHAL Future. Gen 8:12, And he stayed yet other seven days ; ISa. 13: 8.(lTD)^4nd he tarried seven days, * PIEL Preterite. * Job 29:21. Unto me (men) gave ear, and waited, 23. And they waited for me as for the rain ; Ps. 33: 22. according as we hope in thee. 119:43. 1 have hoped in thy judgments. 49. upon which thou hast caused me to hope. 74. 1 have hoped in thy word. 81, \li. I hope in thy word. 147. 1 hoped in thy word. Eze 13: 6. and they have made (others) to hope PIEL Imperative. Ps.130: 7 & 131:3. Let Israel hope in the Lord: PIEL.— Future. Job 6:11. (is) my strength, that I should hope? 13:15. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in 14: 14. days ofmy appointed time will I wait, 30:26. when 1 waited, for light, there came Ps. 71:14. But I will hope continually, Isa. 42: 4. the isles shall wait for his law. 51: 5. and on mine arm shall they trust. Mic 5: 7(6). nor waiteth for the sons of men. PIEL Participle. Ps. 31: 24(25). all ye that hope in the Lord. 33:18. upon them that hope in his mercy ; 69: 3(4). mine eyes fail while I wait for my 147: 11. those that hope in his mercy. * HIPHIL Preterite. * Job 32:11. 1 waited for your words ; 16. When I had waited, Ps. 38: 15(16). in thee, O Lord, do I hope : 130: 5. in his word do I hope. HIPHIL Imperative. Ps. 42: 5(6), ll(I2).%>e thou in God: for I shall 43: tt.hope in God: for I shall yet HIPHIL.— Future. lSa.10: 8. seven days shalt thou tarry, 13: 8. And he tarried seven days, 2Sa.l8:14./may not tarry thus with thee. »K. 6:33. should I wait for the Lord any longer? ] ) Isa. r\y [yah-chdgh']. * NIPHAL.— Future. * 1:18. Come now, and let us reason together, NIPHAL Participle. Gen20: 16. thus she was reproved. Job 23: 7.Theretherighteousmt#Mdis/>idewithhim; * HIPHIL Preterite. * Gen21 : 25. And Abraham reproved Abimelech 24: 14. (that) thou hast appointed for thy servant 44. the woman whom the Lord hath appointed 2Sa. 7:H.Iwill chasten him with the rod 2K. 19: 4. and will reprove the words Pro. 1 9 : 25. and reprove one that hath understanding, Isa. 2: 4. and shall rebuke many people: 11:4. and reprove with equity for the meek 37 : 4. and will reprove the words which the Lord Mic. 4: 3.and rebuke strong nations afar off; HIPHIL Infinitive. Lev.l9:17.thou shalt in any wise rebuke (lit. in re buking thou shalt rebuke) Job 6 : 25. what doth your arguing reprove ? 26. Do ye imagine to reprove words, 13: 3. and I desire to reason with God. 10. He will surely reprove you, 15: 3. Should he reason with unprofitable talk ? Pro. 15 : 1 2. A scorner loveth not one that reprovethhirn : Hab 1 : 12. thou hast established them for correction. HIPHIL. — Imperative. I>ro. 9: 8. rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Gen3I:37 42. :17 :17 Lev.19: ICh 12: 16 Job 5: 6 13 16: 19: 22: Ps. 6: 38: 50: 94: 105: 141: Pro. 3: 9: 30: Isa. 11: Jer. 2: Hos. 4: r\y HIPHIL Future. .that they may judge betwixt us both. . and rebuked (thee) yesternight. . thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, the God of our fathers look (thereon), and rebuke (it). , yea, he reproved kings for their sakes, .happy (is) the man whom God correcteth: what doth your arguing reprove? He will surely reprove you, / will maintain mine own ways (marg. prove, or, argue) O that one might plead for a man with God, and plead against me my reproach: Will he reprove thee fox fear of thee ? 2). O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, 2) . O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath : / will not reprove thee I will reprove thee, and set (them) in order He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? yea, he reproved kings for their sakes ; and let him reprove me; whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee : he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: thy backslidings shall reprove thee: let no man strive, nor reprove another: HIPHIL. —Participle. Job 9:33. Neither is there any daysman (marg. umpire) betwixt us, 32: 12. (there was) none of you that convinced Job, 40: 2. he that reproveth God, Pro. 9: 7. and he that rebuketh a wicked (man) 24:25. But to them that rebuke (him) shall he 25: 12. (so is) a wise reprover upon an obedient 28:23. He that rebuketh a man Isa. 29:21. and lay a snare for him that reproveth Eze. 3:26. shalt not be to them a reprover: (marg. a man reproving) Am. 5: 10. They hate him that rebuketh * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * Job 33 : 1 9. He is chastened also with pain * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Mic. 6: 2. he will plead with Israel. 7'y yah-'chohl'. * KAL.— Preterite. * 6. they could not dwell together. 8. and I have prevailed: 25(26). when he saw that he prevailed not 7. the land. ..could not bear them 4. they hated him, and could not speak 1 .Joseph could not refrain himself 3. his brethren could not answer him ; 3. she could not longer hide him, 21. the Egyptians cow/dnot drink of the water 24. they could not drink of the water 18(14). the magicians did so.. .but they could 1 1 . the magicians could not stand before Moses 39. thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, 23. they could not drink of the waters 23. then thou shalt be able to endure, 35. Moses was not able to enter 6. they could not keep the passover 63. the children of Judah could not drive them 12. the children of Manasseh could not drive 14.. they could not any longer stand 3. what was I able to do 14. they could not in three days expound 15. his eyes were dim, that he could not see. 1 1 . he could not answer Abner 3(17). my father could not build an house 11. the priests could not stand to minister 21. were not able utterly to destroy, 4. he could not pull it in again 4. Ahijah could not see ; 26. but they could not. 40. they could not eat (thereof). Gen 13 30 323637: 45: Ex. 9: 121518 40 Nu. 9 Jos. 15 17 Jud. 28 14 ISa. 4 2Sa. 3 IK. 5 89 1314 2K. 3 4 2K. 16 lCh212Ch 5 7 29 30 32 Ezr. 2 Neh 7 Ps. 13 3640 129 Isa. 7: 46; Jer. 38 Obad. Jon. 1: ( 526 ) by : 5.cowZdnot overcome (him). : 30. David could not go before it : 14. the priests could not stand to minister : 2. the priests could not enter into the house 7. the brasen altar.. .was not able to receive -.34. they could not flay all the burnt offerings: 3. (Aey could not keep it at that time, 13. were the gods.. .any ways able 1 4. that could deliver his people out of mine 59. (Aey could not shew their father's house, 61 . (Aey could not shew their father's house; 4(5)./ have prevailed against him; 12(13). shall not be able to rise. 12(13). lam not able to look up ; 2. (Aey Aaue not prevailed against me. 1. could not prevail against it. 2. they could not deliver the burden, 22. and have prevailed against thee: 7. (and) prevailed against thee ; 13. but (Aey could not: KAL. — Infinitive. Nu. 13:30. we are well able to overcome it. 14: 16. the Lord was not able to bring this people 22:38* have I now any power at all (lit. in having power have I power) Deu 9: 28. the Lord was not able to bring them into lSa.26:25. shalt still prevail, (lit. in prevailing shall prevail) 2Ch 32:13. were the gods.. .any ways able KAL.— ,Fw(ure. 16. if a man can number the dust 5. if (Aom be able to number them: 19. / cannot escape to the mountain, 22. 1 cannot do any thing till thou be come 50. we cannot speak unto thee 8. We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered 35. /cannot rise up before thee ; 28(29). and with men, and hast prevailed. 14. We cannot do this thing, 32. the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Las much as (Aey can carry, 22. The lad cannot leave his father; 26. We cannot go down . — we may not see the man's face, 10. Ae could not see. b.one cannot be able to see the earth: 18. thou art not able to perform it 23. people cannot come up to mount Sinai: 20. Thou cajist not see my face: 14. / am not able to bear all this people 30. we are well able to overcome it. 31 . We be not able to go up 6. peradventure I shall prevail, 1 1. 1 shall be able to overcome them, 18.2 cannot go beyond the word of the Lord 37. am I not able indeed to promote thee 38. Aaue I now any power at all 13. 1 cannot go beyond the commandment of 9- 1 am not able to bear you myself alone: 17. how can /dispossess them? 22. thou mayest not consume them at once, 17. Thou jnayest not eat within thy gates 24. (Aow art not a6ie to cany it ; 5. Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover 15. (Aom mayest not set a stranger over thee, 16. Ae may not make the son 3. (Aom mayest not hide thyself. 19.Ae may not put her away all his days. 29. Ae may not put her away all his days. 4. may not take her again to be his wife, 27. thou canst not be healed. 35. a sore botch that cannot be healed, 2. 1 can no more go out and come in: 12. the children of Israel could not stand 13. (Aon cajist not stand before thine enemies, 19. we may not touch them. 63.(nTD) the children of Judah could not drive 19. 1'e cannot serve the Lord: 35. 1 cajinot go back. 13. if ye cannot declare (it) me, 5. by what (means) we may prevail against 18. we may not give them wives 6. /cannot redeem (it) for myself, - / cannot redeem (it). Genl3: 15. 19: 24:29: 31: 32:34:43: 44 48: Ex. 10: 18: 19: 33 II:13. Nu 22 24 Deu .",1 Jos. 15 24 Jud.lL 14 16 21 Ru. 4 by ( 527 ) ISa. 3: 6 17: 26: 2Sa.l2 17 IK. 3 13 20 22 2K. 18: 2Chl8 32 Neh 46 Est. 6 Job 4: 3133:42: Ps. 18: 21. 78 101 139 Pro.30 Ecc. 1 6 7 8 Cant.8: Isa. 1 16 2936 47: 5657 59 Jer. 1 3 56 11 13 1415 1819 20 36 38 4449: Lam.l 4 Eze. 7 3347 Dan 10 Hos. 58; 12: Am. 7 Hab l Zep. 1 2. he could not see ; 20. Who is able to stand before this holy Lord 9. If he be able to fight with me, — if I prevail against him, and kill him, 33. Thou art not able to go against this 39. / cannot go with these ; 25. also sludt still prevail. 23. can I bring him back again ? 17. they might not be seen to come into the city: : 9. who is able to judge this... people? 16. 1 may not return with thee, 9. this thing I may not do. 22. shalt persuade (him) , and prevail also : 23. if tliou be able on thy part 29. Ae shall not be able to deliver you 21 . entice (him), and thou slialt also prevail: : 14. your God should be able to deliver 15.no god...MJa5 able to deliver his people 10(4). we are not able to build the wall. 3. so that I cannot come 13. thou shalt not prevail against him, ; 6. how can I endure to see the evil (marg. be able that I may see) — how can I endure to see the destruction 2. who can withhold himself from speaking ? 23. reason ofhis highness I could not endure. : 5. If thou canst answer me, 2.1 know tliat thou canst do every (thing), 38(39). that they were not able to rise: ll(l2). t/Ley are not able (to perform). :19. Can God furnish a table 20. can he give bread also ? ; 5. a proud heart will not I suffer. : 6. 1 cannot (attain) unto it. :2l.four (which) it cannot bear: : 8. man cannot utter (it): 15. crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. : 10. neither may he contend with him :13.who can make (that) straight, : 17. a man cannot find out the work — yet sliall he not be able to find (it) . 7. Many waters cannot quench love , 13. the calling of assemblies, / cannot away with; : 12. he shall not prevail. .ll.Icannot; for it (is) sealed: : 8. if thou be able on thy part 14. Ae shall not be able to deliver you. 11. thou shalt not be able to put it off: 12. if so be thou shalt be able to profit, 10. they (are) all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; 20. the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, 14. equity cannot enter. 19. they shall not prevail against thee ; 5. and done evil things as thou couldest. 22. yet can they not prevail; 10. they cannot hearken: :\l.they shall not Ae able to escape ; 23. may ye also do good, 9. a mighty man (that) cannot save? 20. they shall not prevail against thee : : 6. cannot / do with you as this potter ? : 1 1 . that cannot be made whole again: : 7. thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: 9- 1 could not (stay). 10. and we shall prevail against him, 1 1 . they shall not prevail : : 5. /cannot go into the house : 5. (he that) can do (any) thing against you. :22.the Lord could no longer bear, "lO.Ae shall not be able to hide himself: 23. ii cannot be quiet. :14. lam not able to rise up. :14.men could not touch their garments. : 19. their gold shall not be able to deliver them : 12. neither shall the righteous be able to live : 5. a river that I could not pass over: : 17. how can the servant of this my lord ' 13. could he not heal you, 5. how long (will it be) ere they attain to 4(5). he had power over the angel, and prevailed: 10. the land is not able to bear all his words. : 13. canst not look on iniquity: : 18. nor their gold slmll be able to deliver them hy.y'cheel, Ch. Dan 26 Dan 235 Dan 2 34 * P'AL.— Preterite. * :47. seeing thou couldest reveal this :20(21). is thy God,.. .able to deliver thee P'AL Future. 10. not a man upon the earth that can 29. there is no other God that can deliver 16. that thou canst make interpretations, — now if thou canst read the writing, P'AL. — Participle. 27. cannot the wise (men), the astrologers, 17. our God whom we serve is able 18(15). are not able to make known 37(34). that walk in pride he is able to abase. 4(b). they could find none occasion 21 . made war with the saints, and prevailed Gen 4:18, 22. : 4 : 8 13:15 24, 26. : 1. 15. 38 3.9. :20. 23. 24. 47, : 3. 12. 34. 1, 20. 21.25. 31: 8. 16 22:24:25:2930 34 36 41 44 46 Ex. 1 21 Lev.12 Nu. 11 26 Deu 21 32 Jud. 8 13 Ru. 1 4: ISa. 2:4: 2Sa.l2 21: IK. 1: 3: ICh 1: -h\yah-lad'. *KAL Preterite.* Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat she also Aare Tubal-cain, and they bare (children) to them, Cush begat Nimrod: Mizraim begat Ludim, Canaan begat Sidon Arphaxad begat Salah ; and Salah begat Eber. Joktan begat Almodad, Sarai. ..bare him no children : called his son's name, which Hagar Aare, she also bare a son, whom Sarah bare to him, I have born (him) a son in his old age. which sAe Aad born unto Abraham, sAe AatA also born children Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, which sAe bare unto Nahor. whom Milcah bare unto him: Jokshan begat Sheba, whom Hagar. ..bare unto Abraham: I have born him three sons: sAe bare Jacob no children, I have born him six sons: afterwards sAe 6are a daughter, Rachel had born Joseph, then all the cattle bare speckled : then bare all the cattle ringstraked. their children which they have born ? which she bare unto Jacob, and Bashemath bare Reuel ; Aholibamah 6are Jeush, which Asenath... Aare unto him. know that my wife bare me two (sons): which she bare unto Jacob which Asenath. ..bare unto him. and are delivered ere the midwives come and she have born him sons or daughters ; and born a man child: Aaue I begotten them, whom (her mother) 6are to Levi and they have born him children, the Rock (that) begat thee she also bare him a son, his wife (was) barren, and bare not. thou (art) barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. should also bear sons ; whom Tamar bare unto Judah, thy daughter in law,...Aa*A Aom Aim. the barren AatA born seven ; thou hast born a son. the child that Uriah's wife bare whom she bare unto Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel (marg. sAe bare to) (his mother) bare him after Absalom. it was not my son, which I did bear. Cush begat Nimrod : Mizraim begat Ludim, "fr 1 Ch 1 : 13. Canaan begat Zidon 18. Arphaxad 6eya( Shelah, and Shelah begat 20. Joktan begat Almodad, 32. sAe 6are Zimran, and Jokshan, 2: 4. Tamar.. ,6are him Pharez and Zerah. 17. Abigail bare Amasa: 46. Ephah, ...bare Haran, 48. Maachah,. ..bare Sheber, 4: 9. 1 bare him with sorrow. 18. his wife Jehudijah bare Jered 7:l4.Ashriel, whom sAe 6are.- (but) his con cubine the Aramitess 6are Machir 18. his sister.. .bare Istiod, Job 38 : 29. hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it ? Ps. 2: 7. this day Aaue I begotten thee. 7 : 14(1 5). and brought forth falsehood. Pro. 23: 22. Hearken unto thy father that 6eya( (Aee, Cant.8: 5. she brought thee forth (that) bare thee. Isa. 23: 4.1 travail not, nor bring forth children, 26: 18. we have as it were brought forth wind ; 49: 21. Who Aa(A begotteji me these, 51 : 18, the sons (whom) sAe Aa(A brought forth ; 54: l.Sing, O barren, thou (that) didst not bear; 66: 7. Before she travailed, sAe brought forth ; 8. she brought forth her children. Jer. 2:27. (ITO) Thou hast brought me forth : (marg. or, hast begottenme) ('•"IP, Aas( begotten us ) 14: 5. the hind also calved in the field, 15: 10. (Aow hast borne me a man of strife 17:11. (As) the partridge sitteth (on eggs), and hatcheth (them) not; 20: 14. the day wherein my mother bare me 22: 26. thy mother that bare thee, Eze.l6:20. whom thou hast borjie unto me, 23:37. their sons, whom (Aey 6are 31: 6. did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, Hos. 5: 7. they have begotten strange children: Mic. 5: 3(2). she which travaileth Aa(A brought forth : KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 4: 2. she again bare his brother Abel. (lit. added to bear) 16: 2. the Lord hath restrained me from bearing : 16. when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram. 25:24. when her days to be delivered were 26. Isaac (was) threescore years old when she bare them. 29:3b. left bearing, (lit. stood from bearhig) 30: 9. had left bearing, (lit. stood from bearing) 35: 16. she had hard labour, (lit. she had diffi culty in her labour) 17. when she was in hard labour, (lit. she had difficulty in her labour) 38; 5. he was at Chezib, when she bare him. 27. in the time of her travail, 28. it came to pass, when she travailed, ISa. 4:19. Phinehas' wife, was with child, (near) to be delivered: IK. 3:18. the third day after that I was delivered, 2K. 19: 3. (there is) not strength to bring forth. Job 15:35. conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, 39: l.time when the wild goats... bring forth ? 2. thou the time when they bring forth ? Ecc. 3: 2. A time to be born, (marg. to bear) Isa. 26:17.draweth near (Ae time of her delivery, (lit. to bear) 37: 3. (there is) not strength to bring forth. Jer. 13:21. sorrows take thee, as a woman hi travail ? Hos. 9: 11. from the birth, and from the womb, Zep. 2: 2. Before the decree bring forth, KAL Future. Gen 3:16. in sorrow (Aou sAaZ( bring forth children; 4: 1. she conceived, andbare Cain, 17. she conceived, and bare Enoch: 20. And Adah bare Jabal: 25. and she bare a son, and called his name 16:15. And Hagar bare Abram a son: 17:17. shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? 21 . Sarah sAa/( bear unto thee at this set 18:13. Shall I of a surety bear a child, 19:37. And the firstborn 6are a son, 20: 17. and they bare (children). 21 : 2. Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a 22:24. she bare also Tebah, 24:36. .4 nd Sarah. ..bare a son to my master 25: 2. And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, ( 528 ) lb* Gen 29: 32. Leah conceived, and bare a son, 33, 34, 35. she conceived again, and bare a 30: 3. and sAe shall bear upon my knees, 5. Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son. 7. Rachel's maid conceived again, andbare 10. And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a son, 12. And Zilpah Leah's maid 6are Jacob a 17. she conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth 19. Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob the sixth son. 23. she conceived, and bare a son ; 39. and brought forth cattle ringstraked, 35: 16. and Rachel travailed, and she had hard 36: 4. And Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz; 12. and she baj-e to Eliphaz Amalek: 14. and she bare to Esau Jeush, 38: 3. she conceived, and bare a son; 4. she conceived again, and bare a son; 5. she yet again conceived, and bare a son; 46: 18. and these sAe 6are unto Jacob, 2b. and she bare these unto Jacob: Ex. 2: 2. the woman conceived, andbare a son; 22. And she bare (him) a son, 6: 20. and she bare him Aaron and Moses: 23. and she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, 2b. and she bare him Phinehas: Lev.12: b. if she bear a maid child, Nu. 26:59. and she bare unto Amram Aaron Deu 25: 6. the firstborn which sAe beareth 28:57. toward her children which sAe shallbear: Jud. 11 : 2..4nd Gilead's wife bare him sons; 13:24. And the woman 6are a son, Ru. 4: 13. ajid sAe bare a son. ISa. 1:20. that she bare a son, 2:21. she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. 4:19. she bowed herself and travailed; 2 Sa. 11:27. she became his wife, and bare him a son, 12:24. and she bare a son, IK. 3:17. and I was delivered of a child with her in 18. (Aa( this woman was delivered also: 1 1 : 20. And the sister of Tahpenes 6are him 2K. 4:17. the woman conceived, and bare a son ICh 2:19. which bare him Hur. 2 Land sAe bare him Segub. 24. then Abiah Hezron's wife bare hira 29. and she bare him Ahban, 35. and she bare him Attai . 49. She bare also Shaaph 4: 6. And Naarah 6are him Ahuzam, 7 : 16. And Maachah the wife of Machir bare a 23. she conceived, and bare a son, 2Ch 11:19. Which bare him children; 20. which bare him Abijah, Job 24:21. the barren (that) beareth not: Pro. 27 : J . knowest not what a day may bring forth* ' Isa. 8: 3. she conceived, ajid bare a son. 33 : 1 1 . ye shall bring forth stubble : 65:23. labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; Jer. 29: 6. that they jnay bear sons and daughters; j Eze.23: 4. and they bare sons and daughters. Hos. 1: 3. conceived, and baj-e him a son. 6. she conceived again, and bare a 8. she conceived, and bare a son. 9:16. though (Aey bring forth, KAL Participle. Poel. Genl6:ll.thou (art) with child, andshaltbear 17:19. Sarah thy wife shalt bear thee a son Lev.12: 7. This (is) the law for her that hath born Jud.13: 5, 7. thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; Ps. 48: 6(7). pain, as of a woman in travail. Pro. 17 :21. He that begetteth a fool (doeth it) to his 25. bitterness to her that bare him. 23:24. and he that begetteth a wise (child) shall 25.sAe (Aa( bare thee shall rejoice. Cant.6: 9. the choice (one) of Aer that bare her. Isa. 7:14. a virgin shall conceive, andoearason, 13: 8. be in pain as a woman that travaileth: 21: 3. the pangs of a woman that travaileth: 42:14. (now) will I cry like a travailing woman; Jer. 6:24. pain, as of a woman in travail. 15: 9. SAe that hath borne seven languisheth: 16: 3. their mothers (Aa( bare them, 22:23. the pain as of a woman in travail! 30: 6. see whether a man do(A travail with ckildf — as a woman in travail. •fr ( 529 ) -TV Jer. 31 : 8. and her that travaileth with child together: 49:24. as a woman in travail. 50 : 12. she Mat Aare you shall be ashamed : 43. pangs as of a woman in travail. Danll: 6. they that brought her, and he that begat her, (marg. or, whom she brought forth) Hos.l3:I3.The sorrows of a travailing woman shall Mic. 4: 9. have taken thee as a woman in travail. 10. Be in vain,. ..like a woman in travail: 5 : 3( 2) . sAe which travaileth hath brought forth : Zee. 13 : 3. his father and his mother that begat him — his father and his mother that begat him KAL Participle. Paiil. IK. 3:26, 27. give her the living cAi'Ai, !Chl4: 4. these (are) the names of (his) children Job 14: l.Man (that is) Aorn o/a woman 15:14. (he which is) Aorn o/a woman, 25: 4. how can he be clean (that is) Aorn o/a * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * ICh 2: 3. (which) three were born unto him 9. that were born unto him ; 3: 1. which were born unto him in Hebron ; 4. (These) six were born unto him in Hebron ; 5. these were born unto him in Jerusalem ; 20: 6. he also was the son of (marg. was born to) the giant. 8. These were born unto the giant in Gath ; 26 : 6. Also unto Shemaiah his son were sons Aorn, Ecc. 4:14. (he that is) Aorn in his kingdom becometh NIP HAL Infinitive. Gen21: b.when his son Isaac teas Aorn Ecc. 7: l.the day of death than the day of one's birth. Hos. 2: 3(5). set her as in the day tAat sAe was born, NIPHAL Future. Gen 4:18. And unto Enoch teas born Irad: 10: Land unto them were sons Aorn after the 17:17. Shall (a child) be born unto him 46:20. Andunto Joseph. ..were born Manasseh and Lev.22:27. When a bullock, ...is brought forth, Nu. 26:60. And unto Aaron was born Nadab, and Deu 15: 19. the firstling males that come ofthy herd 23: 8(9). The children that are begotten 2Sa. 3: 2. And unto David were sons Aorn in Hebron: 5: 13. and there were yet sons and daughters born 14:27. And unto Absalom there were born three Job 1: 2. And there were born unto him seven sons 3: 3. Let the day perish wherein I was born, 11:12. though man Ae Aorn ( like ) a wild ass's colt. 15: 7.(Art)thou the first man (that) was born? 38:21. because thou wast then born? Ps. 78: 6. the children (which) should be born; Pro,17:17.a brother is born for adversity. Isa. 66: 8. sliall a nation Ae Aorn at once ? NIPHAL. —Participle. Gen21 : 3. his son that was born unto him, 48: 5. thy two sons, ...which were born unto thee IK. 13: 2. child shallbe born unto the house of David, ICh 7: 21. the men of Gath that were born in (that) 22: 9. a son shall be born to thee, r.zr.10: 3. and such as are born of them, rs. 22:31(32). a people that shall be born, * PIEL Infinitive. * Ex. 1:16. When ye do the office of a midwife PIEL Participle. Gen35:17.rAe midwife said unto her, Fear not ; 38:28. *Ae midwife took and bound upon his hand Ex. 1:15. the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, ILthe midwives feared God, and did not 18. the king of Egypt called for the midwives, 19. tke midwives said unto Pharaoh, — ere tAe midwives come in 20. God dealt well with the midwives: 21. because tAe midwives feared God, * PUAL Preterite. * ien 4:26. to him also there was born a son ; 6: 1. daughters were Aorn unto them, 10:21. even to him were (children) Aorn. 25. unto Eber were born two sons : 24:15. who was born to Bethuel, 35:26. which were born to him in Padan-aram. Gen36 41 46 50 Jud.13 18. Ru. 4: 2Sa. 3, 21: ICh 1 Job 5 Ps. 87 90: Isa. 9: Jer. 20: 22 5. were born unto him in the land of Canaan. 50. unto Joseph were born two sons : 22. which were born to Jacob: 27. which were born him in Egypt, 23. were brought up (marg. borne) upon Joseph's knees. 8. the child that shall be born. 29. Dan... who was born unto Israel: 17. TAere is a son Aorn to Naomi ; 2. (3TD) And unto David were sons Aorn in 5. These were born to David in Hebron. 20. he also was born to the giant. 22. These four were born to the giant 19. unto Eber were born two sons: 7. man is born unto trouble, 4. this (man) was born there. 5. that man was born in her: 6. (that) this (man) was born there. 2. Before the mountains were brought forth, 6(5). unto us a child is torn, 14. Cursed (be) the day wherein I was born: 15. A man child is born unto thee ; 26. another country, where ye were not born; * HIPHIL Preterite. * Genll:27.Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran ; and Haran begat Lot. 25:19. Abraham begat Isaac: 48: 6. thy issue, which thou begettest after them, Lev.25: 45. which they begat in your land: Nu. 26:29. Machir begat Gilead: 58. Kohath begat Amram. Ru. 4:18.Pharez begat Hezron, 19. Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat 20.Amminadab Aeo-ar Nahshon, and Nahshon begat Salmon, 21. Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed, 22. Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David. ICh 2:10. Ram Ae^rar Amminadab ; andAmminadab begat Nahshon, 1 1 . Nahshon begat Salma, and Salma begat 12. Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, 13. Jesse begat his firstborn Eliab, 18. Caleb. ..begat (children) of Azubah. 20. Hur begat TJri, and Uri begat Bezaleel. 22. Segub begat Jair, 36. Attai begat Nathan, and Nathan begat 37. Zabad begat Ephlal, and Ephlal begat 38. Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu Ae^rar Azariah, 39. Azariah begat Helez, and Helez Ae^ai 40. Eleasah begat Sisamai, and Sisamai begat 41. Shallum begat Jekamiah, and Jekamiah begat Elishama. 44. Shema begat Raham, the father of Jork- oam: and Rekem begat Shammai. 46. Haran begat Gazez. 4: 2.Reaiah the son of Shobal Ae^at Jahath; and Jahath Ae^at Ahumai, 8. Coz begat Anub, ]l.Chelub...Ae#at Mehir, ]2.Eshton begat Beth-rapha, 14. Meonothai Ae^at Ophrah: and Seraiah begat Joab, 6: 4(5:30). Eleazar begat Phinehas, Phinehas Ae^a* Abishua, 31). And Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki begat Uzzi, 32). And Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zera hiah begat Meraioth, 33). Meraioth begat Amariah, andAma- riah begat Ahitub, 34). And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Ahimaaz, 9(-:35).And Ahimaaz begat Azariah, and Azariah Aeoat Johanan, 10(-:36). And Johanan Ae^at Azariah, ll(-:37).and Amariah begat Ahitub, 38). And Ahitub begat Zadok, Zadok begat Shallum, 39). And Shallum begat Hilkiah, Hilkiah begat Azariah, 40). And Azariah begat Seraiah, Seraiah begat Jehozadak, 32. Heber begat Japhlet, J . Benjamin begat Bela Land begat Uzza, and Ahihud. 8. Shaharaim begat (children) in the country M M «(- 6(- 7(-8(- 12(-13(- 14(- and and and 1* ( 530 ) "T* ICh 8:11. of Hushim kebegat Abitub, 32. Mikloth begat Shimeah. 33. Ner begat Kish, and Kish begat Saul, and Saul begat Jonathan, 34.Merib-baal begat Micah. 36. Ahaz begat Jehoadah ; and Jehoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri ; and Zimri begat Moza, 37.Moza begat Binea: 9:38. Mikloth begat Shimeam. 39. Ner begat Kish ; and Kish begat Saul ; and Saul begat Jonathan, 40. Merib-baal begat Micah. 42. Ahaz begat Jarah ; and Jarah begat Ale meth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri ; and Zimri begat Moza ; 43. Moza begat Binea ; Nehl2:10. Jeshua begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joiada, IL Joiada 6e^a( Jonathan, and Jonathan begat Job 38: 28. who Aa(A begotten the drops of dew? Ecc. 5: 14(13). and Ae begetteth a son, Isa. 55: 10. and maketh it bring forth and bud, Eze.l8:10. If he beget a son (that is) a robber, 14. (if) Ae beget a son, 47:22. which shall beget children among you: HIPHIL— Infinitive. Gen 5: 4. the days of Adam after Ae Aad begotten Seth 7. And Seth lived after Ae begat Enos 10. And Enos lived after Ae begat Cainan 13. And Cainan lived after Ae begat 16. And Mahalaleel lived after he begat 19. And Jared lived after Ae begat 22. walked with God after Ae begat 26. And Methuselah lived after Ae begat 30, And Lamech lived after Ae begat Noah 11:11. Shem lived after Ae begat Arphaxad 13. Arphaxad lived after Ae begat Salah 15. Salah lived after Ae begat Eber 17. Eber lived after Ae begat Peleg 19. Peleg lived after Ae begat Reu 21. Reu lived after Ae begat Serug 23. Serug lived after Ae begat Nahor 25. Nahor lived after Ae begat Terah Isa. 59: 4. they conceive misohief, and bring forth HIPHIL. — Imperative. Jer. 29: 6. Take ye wives, and beget sons and HIPHIL.— Future. Gen 3: 3. and begat (a son) in his own 4. and he begat sons and daughters: 6. And Seth lived. ..and begat Enos: 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 30. and begat sons 9. Enos. ..and begat Cainan: 12. Cainan. ..and begat Mahalaleel: 15. Mahalaleel. ..and begat Jared: 18. Jared. ..ajid he begat Enoch: 21. Enoch. ..ajid begat Methuselah: 25. Methuselah. ..and begat Lamech: 28. Lamech. ..and begat a son: 32. and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 6: 10. And Noah begat three sons, 11:10. Shem. ..and begat Arphaxad 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25.and %a(sons and 12. and begat Salah: 14. and begat Eber : 16. and begat Peleg: 18. and begat Reu: 20. and begat Serug: 22. and begat Nahor: 24. and begat Terah : 26. Terah.. .and begat Abram, 17:20. twelve princes shall he beget, Deu 4:25. When (Aou shalt beget children, 28:41. TAom sAa/( beget sons and daughters, Jud.l 1:1. ajid Gilead begat Jephthah . 2K. 20:18. thy sons. ..which thou shalt beget, ICh 1 : 34. And Abraham begat Isaac. 6:ll(5:37).-4nd Azariah begat Amariah, 8: 9. And he begat... Jobab, and Zihia, 14 : 3. and David begat more sons and daughters. 2Ch II :21.and begat twenty and eight sons, 13:21. and begat twenty and two sons, 24: 3. and he begat sons and daughters. Ecc. 6: 3. If aman beget an hundred (children), Isa. 39: 7. thy sons.. .which (Aom shalt beget, Isa. 45: 10. saith unto (his) father, What begettest thou? 66: 9. to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? HIPHIL.— Participle Isa. 66: 9. shall I cause to bring forth, and shut Jer. 16: 3. their fathers that begat them # HOPHAL.— Infinitive. # Gen40 : 20. third day, (which was) Pharaoh's birthday, Eze.16: 4. in the day thou wast born 5. in the day (Aa( thou wast born. # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Nu. 1:18. and they declared their pedigrees after their \>^yeh!'ltd^ m. Gen 4 21 3742 44 Ex. 1 21 Ru. 1 4 ISa. 1 2Sa. 6 12 IK. 3 12 2K. 24 2ChlO: Ezr.10Neh 12 Job 2138 : 23. and a young man to my hurt: ; 8. (Ae child grew, and was weaned: 14. gave (it) unto Hagar,. ..and (Ae child, 15. she cast (Ae cAz7d under one of the shrubs. 16. Let me not see the death of (Ae child. .26. Give (me) my wives and my children, : 22(23). womenservants, and his eleven sons, ; 1. he divided (Ae children unto Leah, 2. the handmaids ajid their childreji foremost, and Leah and her children after, 5. saw the women and (Ae children; — The children which God hath graciously 6. they and their children, 7. And Leah also with her ckildj'en 13. knoweth that (Ae children (are) tender, 14. and (Ae childj-en be able to endure, .30. The child (is) not; and I, 22. Do not sin agahist the child; 20. and a child ofhis old age, 17. but saved (Ae men children alive. 18. have saved (Ae men children alive? . 3. and put (Ae child therein ; 6. had opened (it), she saw (Ae child: ¦ — This (is one) of the Hebrews' children. 7. that she may nurse (Ae child 8. the maid went and called (Ae child's 9. Take this child away, and nurse it for me, — the woman took (Ae c/u7d, and nursed it. 10. And (Ae child grew, ; 4. the wife and her children shall be her 22. so that her fruit depart (from her), 5. Aer two sons and her husband. 16. Naomi took (Ae child, and laid it in her 2. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 23. (2*n3) the daughter of Saul had no child lb. the Lord struck (Ae cAz7d 18. on the seventh day, that (Ae child died. — feared to tell him that (Ae child was dead: — (Ae child was yet alive, — tell him that (Ae child is dead ? 19. David perceived that (Ae child was dead: — Is (Ae cAt/d dead? 21 . thou didst fast and weep for the child, — when (Ae child was dead, 22. While (Ae cAi7d was yet alive, I fasted and — that (Ae child may live? 25. Divide (Ae living cAa7d in two, 8. consulted with (Ae young men 10. (Ae young men that were grown up 14. the counsel of (Ae yojing men, 12. thy feet enter into the city, (Ae child shall 2 1 . he stretched himself upon (Ae child — let this child's soul come into him again. 22. the soul of (Ae child came into him 23. Elijah took (Ae child, 24. forty and two children of them. Lis come to take unto him my two sons 18. when (Ae child was grown, 26. (is it) well with the child? 34. he went up, and lay upon (Ae child, — the flesh of the child waxed warm. 8. took counsel with (Ae young men 10. (Ae young men that were brought up 14. the advice of (Ae young meJi, 1 . women and children : 43. the wives also and (Ae children rejoiced: 11. and (Aeir children dance. 41. when his young ones cry unto God, 1> (531 ) 1* Job 39: 3. they bring forth (Aeir young ones, Ecc. 4: 13. Better (is) a poor and a wise child lb. the second child that shall stand up Isa. 2 : 6. and they please themselves in the children of 8:18. and the children whom the Lord hath 9: 6(5). unto us a child is born, 11: 7. their young ones shall lie down together: 29:23. when he seeth Ais children, 57: 4. (are) ye not children of transgression, Jer. 31 Lam. 4 5. slaying (Ae children in the valleys 20. (is he) a pleasant child? 10. the pitiful women have sodden their own children : Dan 1: 4. Childreji in whom (was) no blemish, 10. (Ae children which (are) of your sort? 13. the countenance of (Ae children lb. the children which did eat the portion 17. As for these four children, Hos. 1: 2. and children of whoredoms: Joel 3: 3(4:3). have given a boy for an harlot, Zee. 8: b.boys and girls playing in the streets Trh\yal-dah',l Gcn.j-t: 4. Get me this damsel to wife. Joel 3: 3(4:3). and sold a girl fox wine, Zee. 8: 5. and girls playing in the streets nrf?! yal-dooth', f. Ps.110: 3. thou hast the dew of thy youth. Ecc.ll: 9. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; 10. childhood and youth (are) vanity. ~ib\yil-ldhd', adj. Ex. 1 :22. Every son that is born Jos. 5: 5. the people (that were) Aorn in the 2Sa. 5:14. the names of those that were born 12: 14. the child also (that is) born unto thee Jer. 16: 3. the daughters that are born in this place, ifry'leed, m. const. Genl4:14.6onz in his own house, 17:12. Ae that is born in the house, 13. .He that is born in thy house, 23. all that were born in his house, 27. men ofhis house, boi-n in the house, Lev.22: 11. and Ae that is born in his house: Nu. 13:22. (Ae children of Anak, (were). 28. we saw tAe children of Anak Jos. 15: 14. three sons o/Anak, 2Sa.21:16, 18. (was) of the sons of the giant, lCh20: 4. of the children of the giant: Jer. 2: 14. (is) he ahomeftorn (slave)? i?r [yah-ldch'l Gen II 12 24 El. 4: 8: 1333 lev.18 Deu 2 # KAL Infinitive. * 31 . to go into the land of Canaan ; 5. they went forth to go into the land of 5. the woman will not be willing to folloi (lit. to go after) me 8. if the woman will not be willing to folloi (lit. to go after) thee, 21. When thou goest to return into Egypt, 28(24). only ye shall not go very far 21. to go by day and night: 16. (is it) not in that thou goest with us? 4. keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: 7. he knoweth thy walking through this : Land when thou walkest by the way, : 6. to walk in his ways, and to fear him. : 12. to walk in all his ways, : 19. and when thou walkest by the way, 22. to walk in all his ways, 28. to go after other gods, Deul3: 5(6). which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk in. 19: 9. and to walk ever in his ways ; 26: 17. and to walk in his ways, 28:14. to go after other gods to serve them. 29: 18(17). to go (and) serve the gods of these 30: 16.ro walk in his ways, Jos. 9:12. the day we came forth to go unto you; 22: b.and to walk in all his ways, 9,(o go unto the country of Gilead, Jud. 2:19. in following (lit. going after) other gods to 22. the way of the Lord to walk therein, 12: 1. didst not call us to go with thee ? 18: 9. be not slothful to go, 19: 5. he rose up to depart : 7, 9. the man rose up to depart, 8. arose early in the morning.. .to depart: 27. went out to go his way: Ru. 1 : 18. she was stedfastly minded to go 3:10. as thou followedst not young men, (lit. in not going after) ISa. 9: 9. u:Aen a man went to enquire of God, 10: 2. When thou art departed from me to day, 9. when he had turned his back to go from 15:27. Samuel turned about to go away, 17:33. Thou art not able to go 39. he assayed to go; — I cannot go with these ; 23:26. David made haste to get away 29 : 1 1 . David and his men rose up early to depart 30:21. were so faint that they could not follow (lit. go after) David, 2Sa. 2:19. in going he turned not 8: 3.asAe went to recover his border 13:25. howbeit he would not oo, 15:14. make speed to depart, 20. make thee go up and down 17:21. after they were departed, 18:33(19:1). as he went, thus he said, 19: 15(16). to go to meet the king, 24(25). the day the king departed IK. 2: 3. to walk in his ways, 4. to walk before me in truth 8. when I went to Mahanaim: 3 : 3. walking in the statutes of David 6: 12. keep all my commandments to walk in 8:25. (Aa( they walk before me 58. to walk in all his ways, 61.ro walk in his statutes, 11 : 10. that he should not go after other gods: 22. thou seekest to go to thine own country? 12:24. returned to depart, 13:17. turn again to go by the way 16:19. walking in the way of Jeroboam, 31. a light thing/or him to walk in the sins 21 : 26. he did very abominably in following (lit. in going after) idols, 22:48(49)^ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for 2K. 9:15.(0 go to tell (it) in Jezreel. 10:31.(0 walk in the law of the Lord 23: 3. (o watt after the Lord, ICh 12:20. As he went to Ziklag, 17:11. that thou must go (to be) with thy fathers, 18: 3. as Ae went to stablish his dominion 21 :30. David could not go before it 2Ch 6:16.(0 walk in my law, 31 . to walk in thy ways, 11: 4. returned from going against Jeroboam. 20:36. to make ships to go to Tarshish : 37. they were not able to go to Tarshish. 24:25. And when they were departed from him, 25:10. the army... to go home again: 13.(Aa( they should not go with him to battle, 34:31.(o walk after the Lord, Ezr. 8:31. to go unto Jerusalem: Nehl0:29(30).(o walk in God's law, Job 34: 8. and walketh with wicked men. Ps. 78 : 10. refused to walk in his law ; 107 : 7. that they might go to a city of habitation. Pro. 2: 13. (o walk in the ways of darkness ; 4:12. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be 15 : 21 . a man of understanding walketh uprightly. 30: 29. four are comely ingoing: Ecc. 1: 7. thither they return again, (marg. return to go) 5: 15(14). naked shall he return to go as he came, JI 31 2 T* Ecc. 7: 2. (It is) better to go to the house of mourn- ing, (Aan to go to the house of feasting: 10:15.he knoweth not how to go to the city. Isa. 8:ll.(Aa( I should not walk in the way Jer. 2: 2. when thou wentest after me 18:15.(0 walk in paths, 26: 4.(o walk in my law, 37:12. to go into the land of Benjamin, 40: 4. good and convenient for thee to go, b. it seemeth convenient unto thee to go . 41 : 17. to go to enter into Egypt, 44: 3. in that they went to burn incense, 51 : b9. when he went with Zedekiah Lam.4:18.They hunt our steps, (Aa( we cannot go Eze. 1: 9. they turned not when they went; 12. whither the spirit was to go, they went; (and) they turned not when they went. 17. When they went, they went upon their four sides: (and) they turned not w?Aen they went. 19. And when the living creatures went, the 20. Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither (was their) spirit to go ; 21 . When those went, 24. And when they went, 10:11. When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as they went, — they turned not as they went. 16. And when the cherubims went, the wheels 10. to walk in his laws, 8.(o walk humbly with thy God? 7. the bay went forth, and sought to go KAL. — Imperative. 1. Get thee out ofthy country, 19. take (her), and go thy way. 32. Come, let us make our father drink wine, 2. and get thee into the land of Moriah ; 51. (is) before thee, take (her), and go, 16. Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; 9. Go now to the flock, 13. obey my voice, and go fetch me (them). 2. Arise, go to Padan-aram, 7. water ye the sheep, and go (and) feed 44. come thou, let us make a covenant, 13. come, and I will send thee unto them. 14. he said to him, Go, I pray thee, 20. Come now therefore, 27. Come, and let us sell him to the 55. Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go \9.go ye, carry corn for the famine of your 33. (food for) the famine of your housholds, and be gojie: 17 .and go, get you unto the land of Canaan ; 8. Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. 10. Come now therefore, 16. Go, and gather the elders of Israel 12. Now therefore go, 18. Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace. 19. Go, return into Egypt: 27. Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. 4. get you unto your burdens. 1 1. Go ye, get you straw 18. Go therefore now, (and) work; 15. Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; 25(21). Go ye, sacrifice to your God 8. Go, serve the Lord your God: 11. go now ye (that are) men, 24. Go ye, serve the Lord; 28. Get thee from me, 31. and go, serve the Lord, 32. flocks and your herds, .. .and begone, ¦ 10. Go unto the people, 24. Away, get thee down, 7. Go, get thee down ; 34. Therefore now go, 1. Depart, (and) go up hence, 29. come thou with us, and we will do thee 6. Come now therefore, I pray thee, IL come now, curse me them; 13. Gel you into your land: 17. come therefore, I pray thee, 20. rise up, (and) go with them; 35. Go with the men: 23: 7. Cojne, curse me Jacob, and come, defy 13. Come, I pray thee, 27. Come, I pray thee, Dan 9 Mic. 6 Zee. 6 Genl2: 19 222426 27 28 29 3137 45 Ex. 23 78 10 12:19 32 33 Nu. 10 22 i 532 ) -[7^ Nu. 24:14. come (therefore, and) I will advertise Deu 5:30(27). Go say to them, Get you 10: II. Arise, (aAe (thy) journey before the Jos. 2: 1. Go view the land, even Jericho. 16. Get you to the mountain, 9:11. ajid go to meet them, 18: 8. Go and walk through the land, 22: 4. and get you unto your tents, Jud. 4: 6. Go and draw toward mount Tabor, 22. Come, and I will shew thee the man 6:14. Go in this thy might, 9:10, 12. Come thou, (and) reign over us. 14. Come thou, (and) reign over us. 10:14. Go and cry unto the gods 11:6. Come, and be our captain, 38. And he said, Go. 18: 2. Go, search the land: 6. the priest said unto them, Go in peace: 19- and go with us, and be to us a father and 19:11. Come, I pray thee, and let us turn in 13. Come, and let us draw near to one of 21:10. Go and smite the inhabitants of 20. Go and lie in wait in the vineyards ; Ru. 1 : 8. Go, return each to her mother's house: 12. Turn again, my daughters, go (your way); 2: 2. she said unto her, Go, my daughter. ISa. 1:17. Eli answered and said, Go in peace: 3: 9. Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: 8:22. Go ye every man unto his city. 9: 3. arise, go seek the asses. 5. Come, and let us return ; 9. Come, and let us go to the seer: 10. Well said ; come, let us go. 11:14. Come, and let us go to Gilgal, 14: 1,6. Come, and let us go over 15 : 3. Now go and smite Amalek, 6. Go, depart, get you down 18. Go and utterly destroy the sinners the 16: 1. fill thine horn with oil, and go, 17:37. Saul said unto David, Go, 44. Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls 20:11. Come, and let us go out into the field. 21. Go, find out the arrows. 22. #o thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee 40. Go, carry (them) to the city. 42. Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, 22: 5. depart, and get,theeinto thelandof Judah. 23: 2. Go and smite the Philistines, 22. Go, I pray you, prepare yet, 27. Haste thee, and come; 26:19. Go, serve other gods. 29: 7. Wherefore now return, ajidgo in peace, 10. as soon as ye be up early... depart. 2Sa. 3: 16. Then said Abner unto him, Go, return, 7: 3. Go, do all that (is) in thine heart; 5. Go and tell my servant David, 13: 7. Go now to thy brother Amnon's house, 15. Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone. 14: 8. the king said... Go to thine house, 2L<7o(Aere/bre, bring the young man Absalom 30. go and set it on fire. 15: 9. the king said unto him, Go in peace. 22. David said to Ittai, Go and pass over. 18:21. Go tell the king what thou hast seen. 24: 1. Go, number Israel and Judah. IK. 1:12. Now therefore come, 13. Go and get thee in unto king David, 53. Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house. 2:26. Get thee to Anathoth, 29. Go, fall upon him. 12: b. Depart yet (for) three days, 13:15. Come home with me, and eat bread. 14: 7. Go, tell Jeroboam, 12. get thee to thine own house: 15: 19. come and break thy league with Baasha 17: 3. Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, 9. Arise, get thee to Zarephath, 18: 1. Go, shew thyself unto Ahab ; 5. Go into the land, 8. go, tell thy lord, Behold, Elijah (is here). 11, 14. now thou sayest, Go, tell thy lord, 21 . if the Lord ( be) God, follow (lit. go after) him: but if Baal, (then) follow (lit. go after) him. 19:15. Go, return on thy way 20. he said unto him, Go back again: ¦fr ( 533 ) if IK. 20:22. Go, strengthen thyself, and mark, 2K. 1: 2. Go, enquire of Baal-zebub 6. Go, turn again unto the king that sent you, 3:13. get thee to the prophets ofthy father, 4: 3. Go, borrow thee vessels 7. Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, 24. Drive, and go forward ; 29. take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way : 5: 5. the king of Syria said, Go to, 19. he said unto him, Go in peace. 6: 2. he answered, Go ye. 3. and go with thy servants. 13. Go and spy where he (is), 19. follow (marg. come ye after) me, 7: 4, 9. Now therefore C07ne, 14. the king sent.. .saying, Go and see. 8: 1. Arise, and go thou and thine houshold, 8. and go, meet the man of God, 10. Go, say unto him, 9: Land go to Ramoth-gilead: 10: 16. he said, Come with me, 14: 8. Come, let us look one another in the face. 22: 13. Go ye, enquire of the Lord ICh 17: 4. Go and tell David my servant, 21: 2. Go, number Israel from Beer-sheba even 10. Go and tell David, saying, 2Chl6: 3. go, break thy league with Baasha 25:17. Come, let us see one another in the face. 34:21. Go, enquire of the Lord for me, Neh. 2:17. come, and let us build up the wall 6: 2. Come, let us meet together 7. Come now therefore, 8:10. Go your way, eat the fat, Est. 4:16. Go, gather together all the Jews Job 42: 8. and go to my servant Ps. 34:11(12). Come, ye children, hearken unto me: 46: 8(9). Come, behold the works of the Lord, 66: 5. Come and. see the works of God: 16. Come (and) hear, all ye that fear God, 80: 2(3). and come (and) save us. 83: 4(5). Come, and let us cut them off 95: 1. 0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: Pro. 1:11. Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, 3:28. Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, 6: 3. go, humble thyself, 6. Go to the ant, thou sluggard ; 7:18. Come, let us take our fill of love 9: 5. Come, eat of my bread, 14: 7. Go from the presence of a foolish man, Ecc. 2: LI said in mine heart, Go to now, 9: 7. Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, Cant.2: 10. my love, my fair one, and come away. 1 3. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. 7:11(12). Come, my beloved, let us go forth Isa. 1 : 18. Come now, and let us reason together, 2: 3. Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain 5. 0 house of Jacob, cojne ye, 6: 9. Go, and tell this people, 18: 2. Go, ye swift messengers, 20: 2. Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy 21: 6. Go, set a watchman, 22: 15. Go, get thee unto this treasurer, 26:20. Come, my people, enter thou into thy 30:21. This (is) the way, walk ye in it, 50:11. walk in the light of your fire, 55: l.come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money ; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk 3. Incline your ear, and come unto me: Jer. 6: 16. and walk therein, and ye shall find rest 7:12. go ye now unto my place 12: 9. come ye, assemble all the beasts of the field, 13: 4, 6. arise, go to Euphrates, 18: 18. Come, and let us devise devices — Come, and let us smite him 36: 14. Take in thine hand the roll... and come. 19. Go, hide thee, thou and Jeremiah ; 40: 4. thither ^o. 5. or go wheresoever it seemeth 48: 2. come, and let us cut it off Eze. 3: Land go speak unto the house of Israel. 4. Son of man, go, 11. And go, get thee to them of the captivity, 20:19.«ja/A in my statutes, and keep my 39. Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, Danl2: 9.he said, Go thy way, Daniel: 13.ao thou thy way till the end (be): Hos. 1 3 6 Am. 6 7 Jon. 1 : 3 Mic. 2: 4: Zee. 6 Gen 3 7 12 22 24 50 Ex. 2 2. Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms 1. Go yet, love a woman 1. Come, and let us return unto the Lord: 2. and from thence go ye to Hamath 12.^0, flee thee away into the land of Judah, 15. Go, prophesy unto my people Israel. 2. Arise, go to Nineveh, 7. Come, and let us cast lots, 2. Arise, go unto Nineveh, 10. Arise ye, and depart; 2. Come, and let us go up to the mountain 7. Get you hence, walk to and fro KAL. Future. 14. upon thy belly sAa?( thou go, 18. and the ark went upon the face of the 23. and went backward, and covered 4. So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him ; and Lot went with him: 3. And he went on his journeys 1 1 . and wejit their way. 12. they took Lot,... and departed. 8. whither wilt thou go? 22. the men turned. . .ajid went toward Sodom. 33. And the Lord went his way, 14. and she departed, and wandered in the 16. And she went, and sat her down 19. and she went, and filled the bottle 3. and wejit unto the place 5. 1 and the lad will go yonder 6. ajid they went both of them together. 8. so they went both of them together. 13. and Abraham went and took the ram, 19. rose up and went together to Beer-sheba; 4. (Aom $AaZ( go unto my country, 10. the camels ofhis master, and departed; — he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, 38. (Aon shalt go unto my father's house, 39. the woman will not follow me. (lit. will not go after) 55. after that sAe shall go. 56. send me away (Aa( I may go to my master. 58. Wilt thou go with this man ? And she said, I will go. 61. and followed (lit. and went after) the man: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his way. 22. And she went to enquire of the Lord. 34. rose up, and went his way: l.And Isaac went unto Abimelech 13. the man waxed great, and went forward, 17. And Isaac departed thence, 31 . and they departed from him in peace. 5.-4nd Esau went to the field to hunt 14. And he went, and fetched, 5. and Ae went to Padan-aram 7. and was gone to Padan-aram ; 9. Then went Esau unto Ishmael, 10. and went toward Haran. 15. all (places) whither thou goest, Lon his journey, and came into the land 14. And Reuben went in the days of wheat 2b. thai I may go unto mine own place, 26. 1 have served thee, and let me go: 55(32:1). and Laban departed, and returned 17(18). Whose (art) thou ? and whither goest thou? 12. Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee. 22.(Aa( Reuben went and lay with Bilhah 6. and went into the country 12. And his brethren went to feed their father's 17.ie( us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, 11.^7id Tamar went and dwelt in her father's 19. she arose, and went away, 26. they laded their asses.. .and departed 38. the way in the which ye go, ¦ 8. we will arise and go; : 24. sent his brethren away, and they departed : 28. 1 will go and see him before I die. .18. And his brethren also wejit and fell down 1 . ^Ind (Aere went a man of the house of Levi, 7. Shall I go and call to thee a nurse 8. And the maid went and called the child's ;1L (am) I, that I shoidd go unto Pharaoh, 18. now let us go, we beseech thee, -fr ( 534 ) "fr Ex. 3 : 21 . it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty: 4:18.JindMoses^en(andreturned to Jethro his father in law, and said unto him, Le( me go, I pray thee, 27. And he went, and met him 29. And Moses and Aaron went and gathered 5: 3.(e( us go, we pray thee, 7. let them go and gather straw 8.1*e( us go (and) sacrifice to our God. 17. Let us go (and) do sacrifice to the Lord. 8:27(23). We will go three days' journey 10: 9. We will go with our young — our flocks and with our herds will we go ; 24.let your little ones also go with you. 26. Our cattle also shall go with us ; 12:28. And the children of Israel went away, 14:19. removed and went behind them ; 15: 22. and they went three days in the wilderness, 16: 4. whether they will walk in my law, or no. ] 8 : 20. shew them the way wherein they must walk, 27. and he went his way into his own land. 23:23. mine Angel shall go before thee, 32: 1, 23. make us gods, which shall go before us; 34. mine Angel shall go before thee: 33:14. My presence shall go (with thee), 34: 9. let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; Lev.18: 3. neither shallye walk in their ordinances. 19:16. Thou shalt not go up and down 20: 23. ye shall not walk in the manners of 26: 3. If ye walk in my statutes, 2 Lye walk contrary unto me, 41.1 also have walked contrary unto them, Nu. 10: 30. he said unto him, Iwill not go; but I will depart to mine own land, 32. if (Aon go with us, 12: 9. kindled against them ; and he departed. 13:26. And they went and came to Moses, 16:25. Moses rose up and went unto Dathan — andthe elders of Israel followed (lit. went after) him. 20:17. we will go by the king's (high) way, 21:22. we will go along by the king's (high)way, 22: 7. and the elders of Midian departed 12. TAom shalt not go with them ; 21 . and went with the princes of Moab. 23. out of the way, ajid went into the field: 35. So Balaam went with the princes of Balak. 39. And Balaam went with Balak, 23: 3. Stand by thy burnt offering, and I ivill go: — And Ae went to an high place. 24:25. Balaam rose up, and went 32 : 39. Andthe children of Machir. ..went to Gilead, 33: 8. and went three days' journey in the Deu. 1 : 19. And when.. .we went through all that great 33. what way ye should go, 2:27.1 wilt go along by the high way, 5:33(30). Ye shall walk in all the ways 6: 14. Ye shall not go after other gods, 13: 2(3). Let us go after other gods, 4(5). Ye shall walk after the Lord 6(7 ), 13( 14) . Let us go and serve other gods, 17: 3. And hath gone and served other gods, 20: 5. let him go and return to his house, 6. let him (also) go and return unto his house, 7, 8. let him go and return unto his house, 28:41. (Aey shall go into captivity. 29: 19(18). though I walk in the imagination of 26(25). For they went and served other gods, 31 : l.And Moses went and spake these words 14. .4nd Moses and Joshua went, Jos. 1: 7, 9. whithersoever (Aon goest. 16. whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go. 2: l.And they went, and came into an harlot's 16. afterward may ye go your way. 21. she sent them away, and they depaj-ted: 22. And they went, and came unto the 3: 4. the way by which ye must go: 6. and went before the people. 4:18. and flowed (mavg.went) over all his banks, 5: 13. and Joshua went unto him, 8: 9. and they went to lie in ambush, 13.Ajid when. ..Joshua went that night 9 : 4. and went and made as if they had been 6. And they went to Joshua unto the camp 16: 8. The border went ojd from Tappuah 18 : 8. the men arose, and wejit away : Jos.Jud. Ru. ISa. : 9. And the men went and passed through the : 6. a?id they wejit unto their tents. 9. and departed from the children of Israel : 3. So Simeon went with him. 10. And Judah went against the Canaanites 11. And from thence Ae w.'en( against... Debir: 16. and they went and dwelt among the people. 17. And Judah went with Simeon his brother, 26. And the man w/en( into the land of the 2 : 6. And when. . .the children of Israel went 12. and followed (lit. andweJit after) other gods, 3:13. and went and smote Israel, 4: 8. If (Aom wilt go with me, — if (Aom wilt not go with me, (then) I mil not go. 9. 1 will surely go with thee: — Deborah arose, and went 24. And the hand of the children of Israel prospered, 5: 6. and the travellers walked through byways. 7: 4. This shall go with thee, the same shallgo with thee ; and of whomsoever 1 say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go. 7. let all the (other) people go 8 : 29. And Jerubbaal. ..went and dwelt in his own 9: l.And Abimelech... went to Shechem 4. which followed him. (lit. and went after) 6. and wejit, and made Abimelech king, 7. And when...Ae went and stood in the top 21. and fled, and ivent to Beer, 49. and followed (lit. and went after) 50. TAen went Abimelech to Thebez, 55. And when the men. ..(Aey departed every 11: 5. the elders of Gilead went to fetch 1 1 . TAen Jephthah went with the elders of 16. and walked through the wilderness 18. TAen (Aey went along through the 37. (Aa( 7" may go up and down upon the 38. and she went with her companions, 40. the daughters of Israel went yearly 13:11. Manoah arose, and went after his wife, 14: 9. he took thereof.. .and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, 15: 4. And Samson went and caught three 16: 1. TAen went Samson to Gaza, 17 : 8. And the man departed out of the city 10. So the Levite toen( in. 18: 6. your way wherein ye go. 7. Then the five men departed, 21. So they turned and departed, 24. and ye are gone away : 26. And the children of Dan went their way: 19: 2. ajid went away from him unto her father's 3. her husband arose, ajid went after her, 5. afterward go your way. 10. he rose up and departed, 14. they passed on and wejit their way; 17. the old man said, Whither goest tliou? 18. and I went to Beth-lehem-judab, 28. Up, and let us be going. — man rose up, and gat him unto his place. 20: 8. We will not any (of us) go to his tent, 23. and they went and returned unto their l.Ajid a certain man. ..wejit to sojourn 7. and (Aey went on the way 1 1 . why will ye go with me ? 16. whither thou goest, I will go; 19. So they two went until they came to 2. Let jne now go to the field, 3. And sAe went, and came, and gleaned 8. Go not to glean in another field, I Land aj't come unto a people which thou 1 : 18. So the woman w;en( her way, 2:11. And Elkanah wejit to Ramah to his house. 3: b.And he wejit and lay down. 6. Samuel arose and went to Eli, 8- he arose and went to Eli, 9. So Samuel went and lay down 6: 6. did they not let the people go, andtMJl departed? 9: 6. now let us go thither ; 7. behold, (if) we go, 9. Come, and let us go to the, seer: 10. Well said ; come, let us go. So they went unto the city 10: 26. and (Aere went with him a band of men, 2: ¦fr ( 535 ) "fr lSa.ll 1415 1617 23 30 31 2Sa. 2 13 :14. Come, and let us go to Gilgal, 15. And all the people went to Gilgal ; 16. and (Aey went on beating down (one another) . 19. in the host of the Philistines went on 20. arid have gone the way which the Lord sent 32. And Agag came unto hira delicately. 34. TAen Samuel went to Ramah ; 2. Samuel said, How can I go? 13. Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah. : 13. And the three eldest sons of Jesse went 20. and went, as Jesse had commanded him ; 32. will go and fight with this Philistine. 4Lilnd the Philistine came on 48. the Philistine arose, and came :27. Wherefore David arose and went, : 12. and he went, and fled, and escaped. J8..4nd he and Samuel went and dwelt 22. TAen went he also to Ramah, 23. And he went thither to Naioth in Ramah: — and he went on, and prophesied, :42(21 : 1 ). And he arose and departed: : 1. David therefore departed thence, 3. And David went thence to Mizpeh 5. TAen David departed, 2. Shall I go and smite these Philistines ? 3. how much more then if we come to Keilah b.So David and his men went to Keilah, 16. and went to David into the wood, 24. they arose, and went to Ziph 25. Saul also and his men went to seek (him). 26. And Saul«;en( on this side of the mountain, 28. Saul.. .and went against the Philistines: : 2(3). and went to seek David 7(8). out of the cave, and went on (his) 22(23). Ajid Saul went home ; : 42. and she went after the messengers : 11. take thou now the spear... and let us go. 12. and they gat them away, 25. So David wejit on his way, : 7. that I may go to her, 8. and he went, and two men with him, 22. mayest have strength, when (Aom goest 25. they rose up, and went away that night. 2. and went on their way. 9. So David went, he and the six hundred 22. they may lead (them) away, and depart. 12. the valiant men arose, and went :29. and went through all Bithron, 32. And Joab and his men went all night, :16. And her husband went with her 19. and Abner went also to speak 21 . 1 will arise and go, — and he went in peace. 22. and he was gone in peace. 23. and he is gone in peace. 24. and he is quite gone ? : b.And the sons.. .Rechab and Baanah, went, 7. and gat them away through the plain : 6. And the king and his men wejit to 10. And David went on, and grew great, : 2. David arose, and went 12. So David went and brought up the ark 19. So all the people departed :22. So the messenger went, :1b. And Nathan departed unto his house. 29. and went to Rabbah, and fought 8. So Tamar went to her brother 19. and went on crying. 24. let the king,.. .(70 with thy servant. 25. let us not all now go, 26. let my brother Amnon go with us. — Why should he go with thee? 37. Absalom fled, and went to Talmai, 38. Absalom fled, and went to Geshur, :23. Joab arose and went to Geshur, : 7./e( me go and pay my vow, 9. he arose, and went to Hebron. 19. Wherefore goest thou also with us? : 13. And as David and his men went by the :17. they went and told king David. 18. but they went both of them away quickly, 2Land went and told king David, 23. and gat him home to his house, : 24. and the watchman wejit up to the roof 25. And he came apace, and drew near. : 26(27). and go to the king; 2Sa.20: 5. So Amasa went to assemble (the men of) 21. and Iwill depart from the city. 21 : 12. And David went and took the bones IK. 1: 49. and went every man his way. 50. Adonijah. ..arose, ajid went, 2:40. and wejit to Gath to Achish — and Shimei a;en(, and brought his 3: 4.j4nd the king went to Gibeon 14. if (Aom wilt walk in my ways, 6: 12. if (Aou wilt walk in my statutes, 8:36. the good way wherein (Aey should walk, 66. and went unto their tents joyful 9: 4.if thou wilt walk before me, 10:13. So she turned and tcent to her own 11: b.Fur Solomon went after Ashtoreth 2L(Aa( I may go to mine own country, 24. and (Aey wejit to Damascus, 12: l.jind Rehoboam went to Shechem: b.And the people departed. 16. So Israel departed unto their tents. 30. for the people went (to worship) 13: 10. So he went another way, 14. And went after the man of God, 24. M?Aen Ae was gone, a lion met him 28. And he went and found his carcase 14: 4. arose, and went to Shiloh, 9./br (Aom Aas( gone and made thee other 17. Jeroboam's wife arose, and departed, 15: 3. And he walked in all the sins of his 26. and walked in the way of his father, 34,a?id walked in the way of Jeroboam, 16: 2. and thou hast walked in the way of 26. For he walked in all the way of Jeroboam 31. and went and served Baal, 17: 5. So Ae went and did according unto the word of the Lord : for he went and 10. he arose ajid went to Zarephath. 11. as she was going to fetch (it), 15. And she went and did according IS: 2. And Elijah went to shew himself unto 12. (as soon as) I am gone from thee, I6.00 Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him: and Ahab went to meet Elijah. 18. and thou hast followed (lit. gone after) 35. And the water ran round about the 45. Ahab rode, aJidwent to Jezreel. 19: 3. he arose, and went for his life, 8. and went in the strength of that meat 19. So he departed thence, 20. and (then) I will follow (lit. I will go after) thee. 21. he arose, and went after Elijah, 20: 9. And the messengers departed, 2~.ajid went against them: 36. Ajid as soon as lie was departed 38. So the prophet departed, 43. And the king of Israel went to his house 22: 4. Wilt thou go with me to battle 6. Shall I go against Ramoth-gilead lb. shall we go against Ramoth-gilead 43. And he walked in all the ways of Asa 49(50). Le( my servants go with thy servants 52(53). and walked in the way ofhis father, 2K. 1 : 4. And Elijah departed. 2: I. that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. 6. And they two went on. 1 6. let them go, we pray thee, 18. Did I not say unto you, Go not? 25. And he went from thence to mount 3: 7. And he went and sent to Jehoshaphat — wilt thou go with me against Moab 9. So the king of Israel went, 4: 5. So she went from him, 25. So she went and came unto the man of 30. and followed (lit. wejit after) her. 3b. and walked in the house to and fro; 5: 5. AjuI he departed, and took 11. Naaman was wroth, and went away, 12. So he turned and went away in a rage. 19. So he departed from him 24. he let the men go, and they departed. 6 : 2. Let us go, we pray thee, 3. he answered, I will go. 4. So he went with them. 22. and go to their master. 23. and they wejit to their master. 7: 8, 8. and went and hid (it); 1^ ( 536 ) 1^ 2K. 7 ; 15. And they went after them unto Jordan: 8 : 2. and she wejit with her houshold, 9. So Hazael went to meet him, 14. So he departed from Elisha, and came to 18. And he walked in the way of the kings of 27. And he walked in the way of the house of 28. And he went with Joram the son of Ahab 9: 4. So the young man...w;en( to Ramoth- gilead. 16. Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to 18. So there went one on horseback 35. Ajid they went to bury her: 10:12. he arose and departed, lb. when he was departed thence, 25. and went to the city of the house of Baal. 13: 2. and followed (marg. walked after) the sins 21. when the man was let down, (lit. and went (down) ) 16: 3. But he walked in the way of the kings of 10. And king Ahaz went to Damascus 17: 8. Ajid walked in the statutes of the heathen, (lit. went after) 15. ajid they followed vanity, 19. but walked in the statutes of Israel 22. For the children of Israel walked 27. and let them go and dwell there, 19:36. and went and returned, 21:21. And he walked in all the way 22: 2. and walked in all the way of David 14. So Hilkiah... went unto Huldah the 23:29. ajid king Josiah went against him; 25: 4. and (the king) went the way toward the ICh. 4:39. And they went to the entrance of Gedor, 11 : 4. Ajid David.. .went to Jerusalem, 9. So David waxed greater (marg. so David went in going) 16:43. And all the people departed 19: 5. TAen (Aere went (certain), 2Ch. 1 : 3. So Solomon, ...went to the high place 6:27. the good way, wherein they should walk; 7 : 17. if (Aon wilt walk before me, 8: 3. And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah, 9:12. So she turned, and went away 10: l.And Rehoboam went to Shechem: 5. And the people departed. 16. So all Israel went to their tents. 11: 14. and came to Judah and Jerusalem: 18 : 3. Wilt thou go with me to Ramoth-gilead ? 5, 14. Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead 20: 32. .4nd Ae walked in the way of Asa 21 : 6. And he walked in the way of the kings of 13. But hast walked in the way of the kings of 20. and departed without being desired. 22: 5. and went with Jehoram 25 : 1 1 . and went to the valley of salt, 26: 8. and his name spread (marg. went) abroad 28: 2. For Ae walked in the ways of the kings of 30: 6. So the posts went with the letters 34 : 2 . and ivalked in the ways of David his father, 22. And Hilkiah.. .went to Huldah the Ezr. 10: 6. and went into the chamber of Johanan the son of Eliashib: and (when) Ae came Neh. 5 : 9. ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God 8:12. And all the people went their way 9:12, 19. the way wherein (Aey should go. 12:32. And after them went Hoshaiah, Job 7: 9. (As) the cloud is consumed and vanisheth 10:21. Before I go (whence) I shall not return, 19: 10. and I ajn gone: 27:21. The east wind carrieth him away, ajid he departeth : 29: 3. 1 walked (through) darkness ; 38:35. thou send lightnings, that they may go, 42: 9. So Eliphaz... went, and did according Ps. 23: 4. though I walk through the valley 26 : 1 1 . 1 wilt walk in mine integrity : 32: 8. the way which (Aon shalt go : 34[titlel(l ).who drove him away, and hedepaj-ted. 39: 13(14). before I go hence, and be no more. 42: 9(10). why po /mourning 81: 12(13). they walked in their own counsels. 84: 7(8). They go from strength to strength, 89:30(31). w>a/A not in my judgments; 97: 3. A fire yoe(A before him, 122: 1. Let us go into the house of the Lord. 126: 6. lie that goeth forth and weepeth, 138: 7. / walk in the midst of trouble, Ps. 139. 7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit ? 143: 8. the way wherein I should walk; Pro. 1 : 15. walk not (Aom in the way with them ; 2:20. (Aom mayest walk inthe way of good (men) 3:23. Then sAaZ( (Aom walk in thy way safely, 10: 9. He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: 15 : 12. neither will he go unto the wise. Ecc. 5: 1(4: 17). when (AoM#oes( to the house of God, 16(15). so shall he go: 6: 4. and departeth in darkness, 8 : 3. Be not hasty to go out of his sight: Cant.4 : 6. / will get me to the mountain Isa. 2 : 3. ajid we will walk in his paths ; 5. and let us walk in the light 3: 16. and walk with stretched forth necks — walking and mincing (as) they go, 6: 8. who will go for us? 28:13. that ^Aey might go, and fall backward, 33 : 21 . wherein shall go no galley with oars, 37:37. Sennacherib. ..departed, and wejit 38:10. 1 shall go to the gates of the grave: 40 : 3 1. (Aey shall walk, and not faint. 43: 2. when (Aom walkest through the fire, 45: 2. 1 will go before thee, 14. (Aey shall come after thee ; 48 : 1 7. thee by the way (that) (Aom shouldest go. 52: 12. nor go by flight: 57:17. and he wejit on frowardly in the way Jer. 1: 7. thou shalt go to all 2 : 5 . and have walked after vanity, 25. after them will I go. 3: 8. but went and played the harlot 17. neither shall they walk any more 1 8. the house of Judah shall walk 5: 5. 1 will get me unto the great men, 23. they are revolted and gone. 6: 16. We will not walk (therein). 25. nor walk by the way ; 7: 6. neither walk after other gods 24. but walked in the counsels 9: 2(1). andgo from them ! 14(13). But have walked after the imagination 11: 8. but walked every one in the imagination 12: 2. they have taken root: they grow, (marg. go on) 13: 5. So I went, and hid it 7. TAen I went to Euphrates, 10. and walk after other gods, 15 : 6. (Aom art gone backward: 16 : 5. neither go to lament nor bemoan them : 1 1 . and have walked after other gods, 18:12. we will walk after our own devices, 20 : 6. dwell in thine house shall go into captivity: 22:22. thy lovers shall go into captivity: 25; 6. go not after other gods 28 : 1 1 . And the prophet Jeremiah went his way. 30: 16. every one of them, shall go into captivity ; 35; 15.0-0 not after other gods 37: 9. The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us: for they shall not depart. 40:15. Let jne go, I pray thee, 41 : 10. and departed to go over to the Ammonites. 12. and went to fight with Ishmael 14. returned, and wejit unto Johanan 15. and went to the Ammonites. 17. Ajid they departed, and dwelt in the 42; 3. the way wherein we may walk, 45 : 5 . a prey in all places whither (Aom goest. 46: 22. The voice thereof shall go like a serpent; for they shall jnarch with an army, 48: 2. the sword shall pursue (lit. shall go after) thee. 49: 3. their king shall go into captivity, 50: 4, (Aey shall go, and seek the Lord their God, 51 : 9. and let us go every one into his own 52 ; 7. and they went by the way of the plain. Lam. 1 : 6. and they are gone without strength Eze. 1 : 9. (Aey went every one straight forward. 12. (Aey went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, (Aey went; 17. they went upon their four sides: 19. the wheels went by them: 20. the spirit was to go, they went, 21. When those went, (these) went; 3:14. and 1 went in bitterness, 7 : 17. all knees shall be weak (as) water, (marg- go into water") •fr Eze.lO:ll.*Aey went upon their four sides ; — whither the head looked (Aey followed it ; (lit. (Aey went after it) 16. the wheels went by them: 22. (Aey went every one straight forward. 11:20. That (Aey may walk in my statutes, 12: 11. they shall remove (and ) go into captivity. 20: 18. Walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, 21: 7(1 2). au knees shallbe weak (as) water: 30:17. these (cities) shall go into captivity. 18. her daughters shall go into captivity. 36:27. cause you to walk in my statutes, 37:24.(Aey shall also M;a/A in my judgments, Hos. 1 : 3. So he went and took Gomer 2: 5(7). I will go after my lovers, 7(9). I will go and return to my first husband ; 13(15). and she went after her lovers, 5: 6. TAey shall go with their flocks 13. (Aen went Ephraim to the Assyrian, 14.1, (even) I, will tear and go away; lb. I will go (and) return to my place, 7: 12. When (Aey shall go, I will spread my net 11:10. TAey shall walk after the Lord: 14: 6(7). branches shall spread, (marg. shall go) 9(10). the just shall walk in them: Joel 2: 7. (Aey shall march everyone 8. they shall walk every one 3:18(4:18). the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow (marg. shall go) with waters, Am. 2: 7. his father will go in unto the (same) maid, 3: 3. Can two walk together, 9: 4. though (Aey go into captivity Jon. 3: 3. So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, Mic. 1: 8. 1 will go stripped and naked: 2: 3. neither shall ye go haughtily: 4: 2. and we will walk in his paths : 5. all people will walk every one — and we will walk in the name of the Lord 6:16. and ye walk in their counsels ; Hab. 3: 5. Before him went the pestilence, Zee. 3: 7. If (Aow wilt walk in my ways, 8:21. Let us go speedily to pray — I wilt go also. 23. We will go with you : * HIPHIL Preterite. # Deu 8: 2. thy God led thee these forty years 2R, 24:15. (those) carried he into captivity Pro.l6:29.and leadeth him into the way (that is) not Isa. 42: 16. And Iwill bring the blind by a way 48:21. Ae led them through the deserts: Eze.36:12. Yea, Iwill cause men to walk upon you, Hos. 2:14(16). and bring her into the wilderness, HIPHIL. —Infinitive. 2Ch36: 6. to carry him to Babylon. HIPHIL. — Imperative. Ex. 2: 9. Take this child away, Nu. 16:46(17:11). and go quickly unto the 2K. 17:27. Carry thither one of the priests HIPHIL.— Future. :21. and the Lord caused the sea to go (back) : 13. and made you go upright. :36.The Lord sAaZZ bring thee, • 5(4). And I have led you forty years : 3. and led him throughout all the land of ;13. whither shall I cause my shame to go? ' 38. and brought him to Gihon. ; 19. and Iwill bring you to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria. ; 20. and brought them to the king of Babylon ;11. and carried him to Babylon. 24. and they brought him to Jerusalem, 9. so Ae led them through the depths, 5. the Lord shall lead them forth with the 15(14). which he may carry away in his hand. 20. a bird of the air shall carry the voice, ' 9. J will cause them to walk by the rivers 5.Ae shall lead Zedekiah to Babylon, 26. and brought them to the king of Babylon 2. and brought (me into) darkness, 14. and cause their rivers to run like oil, H.Aftei' that he brought me toward the south, 1> Afterward Ae brought me to the gate, ( 537 ) p> Eze.47 : 6. Tlien he brought me, and caused me to Am. 2: 10. and led you forty years through the HIPHIL Participle. Deu 8:15. Who led thee through that great and terrible Job 12: 17. .He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, 19. .He leadeth princes away spoiled, Ps. 136: 16. To him which led his people Isa. 63 : 12. That led (them) by the right hand of Moses 13. That led them through the deep, Jer. 2: 6. that led us through the wilderness, 1 7. when Ae led thee by the way ? Zee. 5:10. Whither do these bear the ephah ? Ex. M Lev.26Deu28 29 Jos. 24 IK. 1; 2K. 6 Ps.106 125 Ecc. 5; 10: to. 31 32;52: Urn. 3: Eze.32 : 40: 43: y* [yah-lal']. Jer. 47 : Am. 8: Isa. 13: 14: * HIPHIL Preterite. * and all the inhabitants of the land snaZMotc/. And the songs of the temple shall be howlings HIPHIL Imperative. Howl ye; for the day of the Lord (is) at O Lucifer, son of the morning ! (marg. or, day star; perhaps, lit. Howl; see also Howl, O gate ; cry, O city ; 14, Howl, ye ships of Tarshish ; howl, ye inhabitants of the isle. gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; howl and cry ; tell ye it in Arnon, They shall howl, (lit. Hoivl ye) Howl, O Heshbon, for Ai is spoiled: Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed : howl for her ; 17). Cry and howl, son of man : Thus saith the Lord God ; Howl ye, and hotel, all ye drinkers of wine, howl, O ye vinedressers, howl, ye ministers of the altar: Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, Howl, fir tree ; for the cedar is fallen ; — howl, O ye oaks of Bashan ; HIPHIL.— .F«(Mre. Isa. 15: 2. Moab shall howl over Nebo, 3. every one shall howl, 16: 7. Therefore shall Moab Aow? for Moab, every one sAa/( howl: 52 : 5 . they that rule over them make them to howl, 65 : 14. and shall howl for vexation of spirit. Jer. 48 : 31 . Therefore will I howl for Moab, Hos. 7:14. when (Aey howled upon their beds : Mic. 1 : 8. 1 will wail and howl, sT.ylehl, m. Deu32:10.the waste howling wilderness ; 23 Jer. 4 2548 49:51: Eze.21 ; 30: Joel 1 Zep. I Zec.ll Th^ylah-laW, f. Isa. 15: 8. the howling thereof unto Eglaim, and the howling thereof unto Beer-elim. Jer. 25 : 36. and an howling of the principal of the flock, Zep. 1:10. and an howling from the second, Zec.l 1 : 3. the howling of the shepherds ; J/?* yah-lag' * KAL Preterite. * Pro.20: 25. man (who) devoureth (that which is) holy, DST yal-leh'-pheth, f. Lev.21 : 20. or be scurvy, or scabbed, 22: 22. or scurvy, or scabbed, pz yeh'-lek, m. Ps.105: 34. the locusts came, and caterpillers, fr ( 538 ) cr Jer. 51 : 14. will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers; 27. horses to come up as the rough caterpillers. Joel 1 : 4. hath the cankerworm eaten ; and that which the cankerworm hath left 2 : 25. tke cankerworm, and the caterpiller, Nah. 3 : 15. it shall eat thee up like the cankerworm : make thyself many as the cankerworm, 16. the cankerworm spoileth, and fleeth away. ®y7\yal-koot', m. ISa. 17: 40. in a shepherd's bag which he had, eiien in a scrip; Gen. 1 ti\yahm, m. 9 12 1314 22 Os 32 4149 Ex. 10 13 14 15 20 2:1 2627: 36 38: Lev.ll: Nu. 2: 3: 11: 13: 14: y,3. 34 10. gathering together of the waters called he Seas : 22. fill the waters in the seas, 26, 28. the fish of the sea, : 2. all the fishes of the sea; 8. (having) Beth-el on the west, : 14. eastward, and westward: 3. which is the salt sea. 17. the sand which (is) upon the sea shore; 14. thou shalt spread abroad to the west, : 12(13). make thy seed as the sand of the sea, : 49. Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, 13. Zebulun shall dwellat the haven of the sea; 19. a mighty strong west wind, — cast them into the Red sea : :18.the wilderness of Me Red sea: : 2. between Migdol and the sea, — before it shall ye encamp by the sea. 9. overtook them encamping by the sea, 16, 26. stretch out thine hand over tAe sea, — through the midst of the sea. 21. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea,- and the Lord caused the sea to go (back) — made the sea dry (land), 22. into the midst of tAe sea 23. went in after them to the midst of (Ae sea, 27. Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength — the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28. the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea 29. in the midst of tAe sea; 30. the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. 1,21. and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. 4. his host hath he cast into the sea : his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea. 8. the heart of the sea. 10. the sea covered them: 19. his horsemen into the sea, and the Lord brought again the waters of Me sea — the midst of tAe sea. 22. Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, 11. Me sea, and all that in them (is), 31.1 will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto tAe sea of the Philistines, 22. the sides of the tabernacle westward 27. for the two sides westward. 12. the breadth of the court on the west side 27. the sides of the tabernacle westward 32. the tabernacle for the sides westward. 12. for the west side (were) hangings 9. in the seas, and in the rivers, 10. all that have not fins and scales in the seas, 18. On the west side (shall be) the standard 23. shall pitch behind the tabernacle westward. 22. shall all the fish of Me sea be gathered 31 .brought quails from the sea, 29. the Canaanites dwell by Me sea, 25&21:4.by the way of t/ie Red sea. 8. passed through the midst of Me sea 10. encamped by Me Red sea. 1 1 . they removed from the Red sea, 3. the outmost coast of the salt sea 5. it shall be at the sea. 6. (as for) the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border: this shall be your west border. 7. from Me great sea ye shall point 1 1 . the side of Me sea of Chinnereth 12. it shall be at Me salt sea-- Nu. 35: 5. on the west side two thousand cubtts, Deu 1 : 7. in the south, and by the sea side, 40 & 2 : 1 . by the way of Me Red sea. 3 : 1 7. Me sea of the plain, (even) Me salt sea, 27. lift up thine eyes westward, 4: 49. Me sea of the plain, 11: 4. the water of Me Red sea 24. even unto Me uttermost sea 30:13. Neither (is) it beyond Me sea, (lit. from the passage of the sea) — Who shall go over Me sea 33 : 1 9. the abundance of Me seas, 23. possess thou Me west 34 : 2. unto the utmost sea, Jos. 1 : 4. unto Me great sea 2: 10. the water of Me Red sea 3: 16. came down toward Me sea of the plain, (even) Me salt sea, 4: 2.3. the Lord your God did to Me Red sea, 5 : 1 . on the side of Jordan westward, — which (were) by Me sea, 8 : 9.on the west side of A i : 12. on the west side of the city. 13. liers in wait on the west of the city, 9: 1 . in all the coasts of the great sea 11: 2 . in the borders of Dor on the west, 3. on the east and on the west, 4. the sand that (is) upon the sea shore 12: 3 . from the plain to Me sea of Chinneroth on the east, and unto Me sea of the plain, (even) Me salt sea on the east, 7. on this side Jordan on the west, 13:27. the edge of Me sea of Chinnereth 15 : 2. the shore of Me salt sea, 4. the goings out of that coastwere atthesea: 5. the east border (was) Me salt sea, — the bay of tAe sea 8. the valley of Hinnom westward, 10. border compassed from Baalah westward 1 1 . the goings out of the border were at the sea. 12. Me west border (was) to the great sea, 46. From Ekron even unto the sea, 47. and the great sea, and the border (thereof): 16: 3. goeth down westward to the coast — the goings out thereof are at the sea. 6. the border went out toward the sea 8. border went out from Tappuah westward — the goings out thereof were at the sea. 17: 9. the outgoings of it were at the sea: 10. the sea is his border ; 18:12. went up through the mountains westward ; 14. compassed the corner of the sea — this (was) the west quarter. 15. the border went out on the west, 1 9. the north bay of Me salt sea 19: 1 1, their border went up toward the sea, 26. reacheth to Carmel westward, 29. the outgoings thereof are at the sea 34. the coast turneth westward — reacheth to Asher on the west side, 22: 7. on this side Jordan westward. 23: 4.euen unto the great sea 24: 6. ye came unto the sea; — chariots and horsemen unto the Red sea. 7. brought Me sea upon them, Jud. 5: 17. Asher continued on the sea shore, 7 : 1 2. as the sand by the sea side 11:16. through the wilderness unto (Ae Red sea, lSa.13: 5. the sand which (is) on the seashore 2Sa. 17 : 1 1 . the sand that (is) by Me sea 22 ; 1 6. the channels of Me sea appeared, IK. 4:20. the sand which (is) by the sea 29(5:9). the sand that (is) on the sea shore. 5: 9(23). from Lebanon uutotheseu: andlwill convey them by sea 7 : 23. he made a molten sea, 24. compassing Me sea round about: 25. three looking toward the west, — and the sea (was set) above 39. he set Me sea on the right side 44. one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea; 9 : 26. the shore of Me Red sea, 27. shipmen that had knowledge of (Ae sea, 10: 22. the king had at sea a navy 18:43. Go up now, look toward Me sea. 44. there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, D' 2K. 16:25: ICh 9: 16:18: 2Ch 2: 4: 20 Ezr. 3 Neh 9 Est. 10 Job 679 11 12 14 26 28363841 Ps. 8: 243346 95:96; 104106: 107114135136 139 146 Pro. 8 2330 Ecc. 1: Isa. 5 9: 10: 11: 17. took down Me sea from offthe brasen 13. Me brasen sea that (was) in the house 16. The two pillars, one sea, 24. toward the east, west, 32. Let Me sea roar, and the fulness thereof: 8. Solomon made Me brasen sea, 16( 15). bring it to thee in flotes by sea 2. Also he made a molten sea 3. compassing Me sea round about. 4. three looking toward the west, — and the sea (was set)above 6. but the sea (was) for the priests 10. he set Me sea on the right side 15. One sea, and. twelve oxen under it. 17. at the sea side in the land of Edom. 18. servants that had knowledge of Me sea; 2. from beyond Me sea 7. from Lebanon to Me sea of Joppa, 6. Me seas, and all that (is) therein, 9. heardest their cry by Me Red sea ; 11. And thou didst divide Me sea before them, so that they went through the midst of Me sea l.the isles of Me sea. 3. heavier than the sand of Me sea: :12. (Am) I a sea, or a whale, 8. treadeth upon the waves of Me sea. 9. broader than Me sea. 8. the fishes of Me sea shaE declare 11. (As) the waters fail from Me sea, 12. He divideth Me sea with his power, W.and the sea saith, (It is) not with me. 30. covereth the bottom of the sea. 8. (who) shut up Me sea with doors, 16. thou entered into the springs of Me sea ? 31 (23). he maketh Me sea like a pot of 8(9). the fish of Me sea, — (-). passeth through the paths of Me seas. 2. he hath founded it upon Me seas, 7 . He gathereth the waters of the sea together 2(3). the midst of Me sea; 5(6) . and of them that are afar off (upon) Me sea: 7(8). Which stilleth the noise of Me seas, 6. He turned Me sea into dry (land): :22(23).the depths of Me sea: 34(35). Me seas, and every thing that moveth 8. shall have dominion also from sea to sea, 13. Thou didst divide Me sea :19(20). Thy way (is) in the sea, : 13. He divided Me sea, 27. the sand of Me sea : 53. Me sea overwhelmed their enemies. : 11(12). She sent out her boughs unto Me sea, : 9(10). Thou rulest the raging of Me sea : 25(26). I will set his hand also in the sea, ¦ 4. the mighty waves of Me sea. : 5. The sea (is) his, and he made it: ;11 & 98: 7. let Me sea roar, and the fulness :25. (So is) this great and wide sea, ; 7. (him) at Me sea, (even) at ike Red sea. 9. He rebuked Me Red sea also, 22. terrible things hy Me Red sea. : 3. and from tke south. 23. They that go down to Me sea : 3. The sea saw (it), and fled: 5. What (ailed) thee, O thou sea, : 6. in the seas, and all deep places. 13. divided Me Red sea into parts: 15. Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea : 9. dwell in the uttermost parts of Me sea; , 6. Me sea, and all that therein (is) : 29. When he gave to the sea his decree, 34. the midst of Me sea, 19. the way of a ship in the midst of Me sea; 7. All the rivers run into Me sea; yet the sea (is) not full; 30. the roaring of Me sea : 1(8:23). the way of Me sea, 22. the sand of Me sea, 26. (as) his rod (was) upon Me sea, 9. as the waters cover Me sea. 11. from the islands of Me sea. 14. they shall Ay. ..toward the west; 15. the tongue of Me Egyptian sea; 8.they are gone over Me sea. 12. like the noise of Me seas; Isa. 1819 2123 24 57 6063 Jer. 5 6 15 25 2731 33 46474849 50 5152 Lam. 2: Eze.25: 26 ( 539 ) D^ : 2. That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, 5. the waters shall fail from the sea, : 1 . The burden of the desert of Me sea. : 2. that pass over Me sea, 4. Me sea hath spoken, (even) the strength of Me sea, 11. He stretched out his hand over Me sea, 14. they shall cry aloud from the sea. 15. the isles of Me sea. 1 . the dragon that (is) in the sea. 10. ye that go down to Me sea, 16. which maketh a way in the sea, 18. the waves of Me sea: 12. and from the west; 2. at my rebuke I dry up (Ae sea, 10. which hath dried (Ae sea, — made the depths of (Ae sea a way 15. that divided Me sea, :20. the wicked (are) like ike troubled sea, : 5. abundance of Me sea shall be converted : 11. brought them up out of the sea :22.the sand (for) the bound of the sea : 23. their voice roareth like the sea ; : 8. above the sand of (Ae seas : : 22. the isles which (are) beyond Me sea, : 1 9. concerning Me sea, : 35. which divideth (Ae sea : 22. neither the sand of Me sea measured: :18.as Carmel by the sea, : 7. against the sea shore ? : 32. thy plants are gone over (Ae sea, they reach (even) to Me sea of Jazer: : 21 . the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea. 23. (there is) sorrow on the sea; : 42. their voice shall roar like tlie sea, :36.I will dry up Aer sea, 42. The sea is come up upon Babylon : :17.Me brasen sea that (was) in the house 20. The two pillars, one sea, .13. thy breach (is) great like the sea: .16. destroy the remnant of the sea coast. : 3. Me sea causeth his waves to come up. 5. the midst of Me sea : 16. the princes of Me sea shall come 17. (wast) inhabited of seafaring men, (marg. (Ae seas) — wast strong in the sea, 18. that (are) in the sea shall be troubled ; 3. the entry of Me sea, 4. Thy borders (are) in the midst of Me seas, 9. the ships of (Ae sea with their mariners 25. glorious in the midst of Me seas. 26. broken thee in the midst of Me seas. 27. shall fall into the midst of Me seas 29. all the pilots of Me sea, 32. the midst of Me sea ? 33. When thy wares went forth out of the seas, 34. thou shalt be broken by the seas ; 2. of God, in the midst of Me seas; 8. slain in the midst of Me seas. : 2. thou (art) as a whale in the seas : 20. the fishes of Me sea, 11. the east of Me sea : 12. at the end toward Me west 19. He turned about to the west side, 7. from Me west side westward, — from the west border 1 9. the two sides westward. 8. go into the sea: (which being) brought forth into the sea, 10. the fish of (Ae great sea, 15. from Me great sea, 17. the border from Me sea 18. from the border unto Me east Sea. 19. the river to Me great sea. 20. The west side also (shall be) Me great sea — This (is) the west side. 1. these are his sides east (and) west; 2, 8. from the east side unto the west side, 3. from the east side even unto the west side, 4, 5, 8. from the east side unto the west side, 6. from the east side even unto the west side, 7^from the east side unto the west side 10. and toward the west ten thousand in 16. the west side four thousand and five 17. and toward the west two hundred and IS. ten thousand westward: 27 2S: 32:38:39:41: 42;45:46:47: 48 D^ ( 540 ) W Eze.48: 21. and westward over against the five and — toward the west border, 23,24,25, 26, 27. from the east side unto the west side 28. toward the great sea. 34. At the west side four thousand Dan 8: 4.1 saw the ram pushing westward, ] 1 : 45. his palace between (Ae seas Hos. 1:10(2:1). the sand of (Ae sea, 4: 3. the fishes of (Ae sea also shall be taken 11: 10. the children shall tremble from the west. Joel 2 : 20. his face toward (Ae east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, Am. 5 : 8. that calleth for the waters of (Ae sea, 8:12. they shall wander from sea to sea, 9: 3. in the bottom of (Ae sea, 6. that calleth for the waters of (Ae sea, Jon. 1 : 4. a great wind into (Ae sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, 5. wares that (were) in the ship into (Ae sea, 9. which hath made (Ae sea 1 1. that (Ae sea may be calm unto us ? for (Ae sea wrought, 12. into (Ae sea; so shall (Ae sea be calm unto 13. (Ae sea wrought, and was tempestuous 15. forth into (Ae sea: and (Ae sea ceased 2: 3(4). in the midst of (Ae seas; Mic. 7 :12. and from sea to sea, 19. the depths of (Ae sea. Nah 1 : 4. He rebuketh (Ae sea, 3: 8. whose rampart (was) (Ae sea, (and) her wall (was) from the sea? Hab l:14.makest men as the fishes of (Ae sea, 2: 14. as the waters cover (Ae sea. 3: 8. (was) thy wrath against the sea, 15. Thou didst walk through the sea Zep. 1: 3. the fishes of (Ae sea, 2: b. Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, 6- the sea coast shall be dwellings Hag. 2: 6.1 will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, Zee. 9: 4. he will smite her power m the sea; 10. his dominion (shall be) from sea (even) to sea, I0:ll.pass through the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, 14: 4. toward the east and toward the west, 8. half of them toward (Ae former sea, and half of them toward (Ae hinder sea : ^t [yahm], Ch. m. Dan 7 : 2. winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. 3. four great beasts came up from (Ae sea, W see D»* \Wyah- meen , m. Gen 13: 9. if (thou depart) to (Ae right hand, 24: 49. that I may turn to (Ae right hand, 48:13. Ephraim in Ins right hand — toward Israel's right hand, 14. Israel stretched out Ais right hand, 17. his father laid Ais right hand 18. put (Ay right hand upon his head. Ex. 14:22. on their right hand, 29. a wall unto them on their right hand, 15: 6. TAy right hand, O Lord, is become glori ous in power: (Ay right hand, O Lord, 12. Thou stretchedst out (Ay right hand, 29:22. and the right shoulder ; Lev. 7: 32. the right shoulder shall ye give 33. shall have the right shoulder 8:25. and the right shoulder: 26. upon the right shoulder: 9:21 . the breasts and the right shoulder Nu. 18: 18. and as the right shoulder are thine 20:17. we will not turn to (Ae right hajid 22: 26. to (Ae right hand or to the left. Deu 2:27.1 will neither turn unto (Ae right hand 5:32(29). turn aside to (Ae right '"""' Deul7:ll.(to) (Ae right hand, nor (to) the left. 20&28:14.(to) theright hand, or (to) the left: 33; 2. from his right hand (went) a fiery law Jos. 1 : 7. (to) (Ae right hand or (to) the left, 17:7. the border went along on (Ae right hand 23: 6. turn not aside therefrom (to) the right hmd Jud. 3: 15. a man lefthanded: (marg. shut of kisriijht hand) 16. he did gird it.. .upon Ais right thigh. 21 . took the dagger from Ais right thigh, 5 : 26. and her right hand to the workmen's 7:20. the trumpets in their right hands 16:29. the one with his right hand, 20: 16. seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; ( lit. bound of their right hand ) ISa. 6:12. turned not aside (to) (Ae right hand 11 : 2. 1 may thrust out all your right eyes, 23:19. on the soidh of Jeshimon ? (marg. on the right hand) 24. the plain on (Ae som(A of Jeshimon. 2Sa. 2: 19. he turned not to (Ae right hand 21 . Turn thee aside to (Ay right hand 16: 6. the mighty men (were) on his right hand 20: 9. with the right hand to kiss him. 24: b.on the right side of the city IK. 2: 19. she sat on his J'ight hand. 7 : 39. on the right side of the house, 49. five on the right (side J, 22: 19. on his right hajid and on his left. 2K. 12: 9( 1 0) . set it beside the altar, on the right side 22: 2. turned not aside to (Ae right hand 23 : 13. on the right hand of the mount ICh 6:39(24). who stood on Ais right hand, 2Ch 3 : 17. one on the right hand, 4: 6. put five on the right hand, 7. in the temple, five on the right hand, 8. five on the right side, and five 18: 18. host of heaven standing on Ais right hand 34: 2. to (Ae right hand, nor to the left. Neh 8: 4. on his right hand; 12:31. (one) went on the right hand Job 23 : 9. he hideth himself on (Ae right hand, 30: 12. Upon (my) right (hand) rise the youth ; 40: 14. (Aine own right hand can save thee. Ps. 16: 8. (he is) at my right hand, 11. at thy right hand (there are) pleasures 17: 7 . O thou that savest by thy right hand 18:35(36). and thy right hand hath holden me 20: 6(7). the saving strength of Ais right hand, 21 : 8(9 ). thy right liand shall find out those 26 : 10. and their right hand is full of bribes. 44: 3(4). but thy right hand, 45 : 4 (5) . thy riyA( Aand shall teach thee terrible 9( 10). uponthy right Aand did stand the queen 48 : 10(11 ). (Ay right hand is full of righteousness. 60: 5(7). save (with) (Ay rioA( Aand, 63: 8(9). (Ay riyA( Aand upholdeth me. 73:23. thou hast holden (me) by my right hand. 74: 11. even (Ay riyA( hand? 77: 10(11 ).(Ae riyA( Aand of the most high. 78:54. (which) Ais right hand had purchased. 80: 15(16). which (Ay riyA( Aand hath planted, 17(18). the man ofthy right hand, 89:12(13). north and the south thou hast created 13(14). high is (Ay right Aand. 25(26). Ais right Aand in the rivers. 42(43). Thou hast set up (Ae right hand of his adversaries ; 91 : 7. ten thousand at thy right hand; 98: 1 . Ais riyA( Aand, and his holy arm, 108: 6(7). save (with) thy right hand, 109: 6. let Satan stand at Ais right hand. 31. at the right hand of the poor, 110: 1 . Sit thou at my right hand, 5. The Lord at (Ay j'ight hand 1 1 8 : 1 5 . (Ae riyA( Aand of the Lord doeth valiantly. 16. The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hajid of the Lord doeth valiantly. 121 : 5. Lord (is) thy shade upon thy right hand. 137 : 5. let my right hand forget (her cunning). 138: 7 . (Ay right hand shall save me. 139: 10. (Ay right hand shall hold me. 142: 4(5). I looked on (my) riyA( Aand, 144: 8, 11. and their right hand (is) a right hand of Pro. 3: 16. Length of days (is) in her right hand ; 4: 27. Turn not to (Ae rioA( Aand SD» ( 541 ) nr Ecc.10: 2. A wise man's heart (is) at his right hand; Cant.2: 6. and his right hand doth embrace me. 8: 3. ana* Ais right hand should embrace me. Isa. 9:20(19). he shall snatch on Me right hand, 41 :10. (Ae right hand ofmy righteousness. 13. thy God will hold thy right hand, 44:20. (Is there) not a lie in my right hand? 45: 1. whose right hand I have holden, 48:13. and my right hand hath spanned the 54: 3. thou shalt break forth on Me right hand 62: 8. The Lord hath sworn by his right hand, 63: 12. That led (them) by the right hand of Moses Jer. 22:24. the signet upon my right hand, Lam.2: 3-he hath drawn back Ais right hand 4. stood with Ais right hand as an adversary, Eze. 1:10. the face of a lion, on Me rii7A( side: 10: 3. the cherubims stood on the right side 16:46. dwelleth at thy right hand, 21 : 22(27). At his right hand was the divination 39: 3. thine arrows to fall out ofthy right hand. Dan 12: 7. he held up Ais right hand Jon. 4:11. between (Aeir right hand and their left Hab. 2: 16. the Lord's right hand shall be turned Zee. 3: 1. Satan standing at Ais right hand 4: 3. one upon the right (side) 11. (Ae right (side) of the candlestick 11:17. upon Ais ri^At eye: — Ais right eye shall be utterly darkened. 12: 6. on (Ae right hand '^ft* y'mee-nee' ', adj. ft 3:17. (3TD) the name of that on the right liand K. 4: 6.{ym) lie again on thy right side, D&.1 yeh-meem' , m. pi. en36:24.found (Ae mules in the wilderness, jOJ [ya/i-man']. * HIPHIL Infinitive. * Sa. 14: 19. none can turn to the right hand HIPHIL . — Imperative. ;ze.21: 16(21). Go thee one way or other, (either) on (Ae right liand, HIPHIL.— Future. ienl3: 9.(Aen I will go to the right; HIPHIL.— Participle. Ch 12: 2. could use both Me right hand and the left a. 29 .ev. 8 IK. 6 7 1K.11iCh 3 . 4 23 Gte. 4 47 *3ti* ymah-nee', adj. 20. the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot, 23. the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 24.the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their ri^At feet: 14,17,25, 28. the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe ofhis right foot: 16. priest shall dip his right finger 27. priest shall sprinkle with his right finger 8.(Ae right side of the house: 21. he set up the right pillar, 39. the right side of the house, 1 1 . from the right corner of the temple 17. the name of Ma( on the right hand Jachin, 10. he set the sea on Me right side 10. (Ae right side of the temple : 6. accomplished them, lie again on thy right l.the right side of the house, 2. there ran out waters on Me right side. TO* [yah-mar']. * HIPHIL Preterite. * Jer. 2:11. Hath a nation changed ( their) gods, * HITHPAEL Future. * Isa. 61 : 6. in their glory shall ye boast yourselves. WW [yah-mash']. * HIPHIL Imperative. * Jud-ie^e.^m) Suffer me Maf I may feel the pillars Hi* [yah-nah'~\. ?i KAL.— Future. * Ps. 74: 8. Let us destroy them together: (marg. break) KAL. — Participle. Poel. Ps. 123 : 4. the contempt of (Ae proud. Jer. 25:38. the fierceness of (Ae oppressor, 46: 16. the oppressing sword. 50:16. for fear of the oppressing sword Zep. 3: 1 . the oppressing city ! * HIPHIL Preterite. * Eze.18: 12. i?aM oppressed the poor and needy, 16. Neither AaM oppressed any, 22: 7. in thee have they vexed the fatherless 29. Aaue vexed the poor and needy: HIPHIL Infinitive. Eze.46:18.the people's inheritance by oppression, to thrust them out HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 22:21(20). Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, Lev.l9:33.ye shall not vex him. (marg. or, oppress) 25: 14. ye shall not oppress one another: 17. Te sAaZZ not therefore oppress one another ; Deu 23: 16(17). (Aom shalt not oppress him. Jer. 22 : 3. do no violence to the stranger, Eze.18: 7 . hath not oppressed any, 45 : 8. my princes sAaZZ no more oppress HIPHIL.— Participle. Isa. 49:26. 1 will feed them Ma( oppress thee Lev.16;Nu. 17: 19 Deu 14 26 Jos 4 Jud 3 6 ISa 6 2Sa.l6 20 IK. 8 ICh 16 Ps. 17 05 Isa. 14 28 65 Jer. 27 43 Eze.l 6 22 37 44 Am 5 Nu 32 Est 3 Gen42 Ex. 16 ny [yah-nagh']. * HIPHIL Preterite. * 23. and shall leave them there: 4( 19) . And thou shalt lay them up in the 9. and lay (them) up without the camp 28. and shalt lay (it) up within thy gates: : 4. and set it down before the altar ot the Lord 10. And thou shalt set it before the Lord : 3. and leave them in the lodging place, : 1 . the nations which the Lord left, : 18. and set (it) before thee. : 18. whereon they set down the ark of the Lord : : 21. which Ae AaM left to keep the house ; : 3. whom Ae Aad left to keep the house, : 9. which Moses put there at Horeb, : 21 . He suffered no man to do them wrong : : 14. and leave the rest of their ( substance) : 14. He suffered no man to do them wrong: : 1 . and set them in their own land : : 2. shall cast down to the earth : 15. And ye shall leave your name for a curse ; 1 1 . (Aose will I let remain still in their own : 6. the captain of the guard Aad left : 39. and leave thee naked and bare. : 20. and Iwill leave (you there), : 14. and Ishall place you in your own land: : 19. and lay them in the holy chambers, ; 7. leave off righteousness in the earth, HIPHIL.— Infinitive. : 15. he will yet again leave them : 8. it (is ) not for the king's profit to suffer them HIPHIL Imperative. -.33. leave one of your brethren (here) : 23. that which remaineth over lay up TIT Ex. 16:33. and lay it up before the Lord, 32: 10. Now therefore let me alone, Jud. 6:20. and lay (them) upon this rock, 16:26. Suffer me that I may feel the pillars 2Sa.I6:ll.Ze( him alone, and let him curse ; IK. 13:31. lay my bones beside his bones: 2K. 23: 18. And he said, Let him alone; Hos. 4:17. let him alone. HIPHIL.— Future. Gen 2: 15. and put him into the garden of 19: 16. and set him without the city. 39: 16. And she laid up his garment by her, Ex. 16:24. And they laid it up till the morning, 34. so Aaron laid it up Lev. 7 : 15. Ae shall not leave any of it 24:12. And they put him in ward, Nu. 15:34. And they put him in ward, 17: 7(22). And Moses laid up the rods Jos. 4: 8. and laid them down there. 6: 23. and left them without the camp Jud. 2:23. Therefore the Lord left those nations, ISa.lO: 25. and laid (it) up before the Lord. IK. 7:47. And Solomon left all the vessels 13 : 29. and laid it upon the ass, 30. And he laid his carcase in his own grave ; 19 : 3. and left his servant there. 2K. 17:29. and put (them) in the houses 2Ch 1:14. which he placed in the chariot cities, 4: 8. and placed (them) in the temple, 9:25. whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, Ps. 119: 1 21. leave me not to mine oppressors. Ecc. 2:18. because I should leave it unto the man 7:18. withdraw not thine hand: 10: 4. leave not thy place ; for yielding pacifieth 11: 6. in the evening withhold not thine hand : Isa. 46: 7 .and set him in his place, Jer. 14: 9. we are called by thy name ; leave us not. Eze. 40:42. also they laid the instruments 42: 13. there shall they lay the most holy things, 14. there (Aey shall lay their garments HIPHIL. —Participle. Ecc. 5: 12(11). abundance of the rich will not suffer # HOPHAL— Preterite. # Zee. 5:11. and set there upon her own base. HOPHAL. —Participle. Eze.41: 9. (that) which (was) left 11. toward (the place that was) left, — the place (Aa( was left T\yT[y,?iee-kdhth,l f. pi. Eze. 1 7 : 4. the top of Ais young twigs, pTT[yah-?iak']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Isa. 60: 16. Thou shalt also suck the milk 66: 12. Men shall ye suck, KAL — Future. Deu33:19.Mey shall suck (of) the abundance of tlie Job 3:12. the breasts that I should suck ? 20: 16. He shall suck the poison of asps: Isa. 60: 16. and shalt suck the breast of kings: 66 : 1 1 . That ye may suck, and be satisfied KAL.— Participle. Poel. Nu. 11 : 12. a nursing father beareth Me sucking child, Deu 32: 25. the virgin, Me suckling (also) with the man 1 Sa.15 : 3. infant and suckling, 22:19. children and sucklings, Ps. 8: 2(3).OutofthemouthofbabesandsKcAZinAiZe they took counsel together NIPHAL.— Fature. Isa. 44:28. Thy foundation shall be laid. * PIEL.— Preterite. * IK. 16:34. Zie laid the foundation thereof 1 Ch 9 : 22. Samuel the seer didordainirnarg.faundid, Ezr. 3:10. when the builders Zaid the foundation Est. 1 : 8. so the king Aad appointed Ps. 8: 2(3).Outof the mouth of babes...Aas( thoi ordained strength (marg. founded) Isa. 14:32. the Lord hath founded Zion, 28:16. 1 lay in Zion for a foundation Zee. 4: 9. have laid the foundation of this house; PIEL Infinitive. IK. 5 : 17 (31 ) . to lay the foundation of the house. PIEL Future. Jos. 6 : 26. Ae shall lay the foundation thereof TD' ( 543 ) *PUAL — Preterite.* ]K. 6:37. In the fourth year was the foundation.. .laid, Ezr. 3: 6. Me foundation of the temple of the Lord was not (yet) Zdid. Hag. 2: 18. the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, Zee. 8: 9. the day (that) the foundation. ..was laid, PUAL.— Participle. IK. 7:10. And tke foundation (was of) costly stones, Cant.5 : 15. set upon sockets of fine gold : * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * 2Ch 3: 3. Solomon was instructed (marg. founded) Ezr. 3:11. Me foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. HOPHAL Participle. Isa. 28: 16. a swre foundation: (lit. a founded founda tion) 5)D' HD\ ysood, m. Ezr. 7: 9. the first month began he to go up (marg. (was) the foundation of the going up) HID* y solid, m. Ex.29 Lev. 4 2Ch23 24 Job 4 22 Ps.137Pro.lO:Lam. 4 Eze.13: 30 Mic. 1 Hab. 3 12. beside (Ae bottom- of the altar. 7. shall pour all the blood.. .at (Ae bottom of 18. the blood at (Ae bottom of the altar 25. pour out his blood at (Ae bottom of the altar 30, 34. pour out all the blood thereof at (Ae bottom of the altar. 9. blood shall be wrung out at (Ae bottom of 15 & 9:9. the blood at (Ae bottom of the altar, 5. the gate of the foundatioji : 27. and the repairing of the house 19. whose foundation (is) in the dust, 16. whose foundation was overflown 7. to the foundation thereof. 25. righteous (is) an everlasting foundation. ll.it hath devoured the foundations thereof. 14, the foundatioji thereof shall be discovered, 4. Aer foundations shall be broken down. 6. and I will discover the foundations thereof. 13. discovering tlie foundation rrp\[ysoo-dah'\ f. Ps. 87: 1. His foundation (is) in the holy mountains. Jer. 17 T1D* [ yah-soor'~\, m. 13. (^H3) (Aey that depart from me Job 40: "il&yis-sohr', m. 2. Shall he...ins(rac( (him) ? (or, lit. (be) a reprover) Ex. 30 "5JDJ [yah-sa'ch']. * KAL.— Future. * * 32. Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, fpl yah-saph'. Geo 8 38: Uv.22: *KAL Preterite.* 12. returned not again (lit. added not to return) 26. he knew her again (lit. Ae added to know her) no more. 14. then he sliall put the fifth (part) 18.(Ae7i / will punish you seven times more (lit. and Iwill add to punish) 21. 1 will bring seven times more (lit. and I mill add) plagues Lev.27 : 13. then he shall add a fifth (part) 16, 19. Men Ae sAaZZ add the fifth (part) 27. and shall add a fifth (part) Nu. 11:25. they prophesied, and did not cease, (lit. and added not) 32:15. Ae will yet again leave (lit. andhe willadd to leave) Deu 5:22(19). Ae added no more. 19 : 9. Men sAaZ( thou add three cities 20: 8. And the officers shall speak further (lit. shall add to speak) Jud. 8 : 28. they lifted up their heads no more. (lit. they added not to lift up) 13: 21. the angel of the Lord did no more appear (lit. added not to appear) 1 Sa. 7 : 13. they came no more (lit. they added not yet to come) 12: 19. we have added unto all our sins 15:35. Samuel came no more to see (lit. added not to see) Saul 27: 4. he sought no more (lit.Ae addednot to seek) 2Sa. 2: 28. neither fought (Aey anymore, (lit. added they yet to fight) 2K. 6: 23. the bands of Syria came no more (lit. added not yet to come) 19:30. And the remnant... shall yet again take 2Ch. 9: 6. thou exceedest the fame that I heard Isa. 26: 15. TAom Aast increased the nation, O Lord, Mom Aas( increased the nation : 29: 19. The meek also shall increase (marg. add) 37:31 . And the remnant.. .sAaZZ again take root Jer. 45: 3. the Lord hath added grief KAL. — Participle. Poel. Deu 5:25(22). if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any more, (marg. add to hear) Isa. 29: 14. 1 will proceed to do a marvellous work 38: 5. 1 will add unto thy days fifteen years. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 1:10. they join also unto our enemies, Nu. 36: 3. and shall be put to the inheritance 4. Men shall their inheritance be jdmZ Jer. 36 : 32. Mere were added besides unto them NIPHAL Participle. Pro. 1 1 : 24. There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; Isa, 15: 9. 1 will bring more (marg. additions) upon * HIPHIL Preterite. * IK. 10: 7. thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth (lit. (Aon Aas( added wisdom and prosperity) 2K. 20 : 6. And I will add unto thy days 24: 7. the king of Egypt came not again (lit. added not to come) Ps. 71:14. and will yet praise thee more and more. (lit. i" mjZZZ add unto all thy praise) Ecc. 1 : 16. and have gotten more wisdom 2: 9. So I was great, and increased more HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Lev.l9:25.Ma( it may yield unto you the increase 2Ch28:13.ye intend to add (more) to our sins Ezr.l0:10. to increase the trespass of Israel. Ecc. 3:14. nothing can be put to it, mPl&IL.— Future. Gen 4: 2. And she again bare (lit. and she added to bear) 12.it shall not henceforth yield (lit. it shall net add to give) 8:10. and again he sent (lit. and he added to send) forth the dove 21 . Iwill not again curse the ground any more — neither will I again smite any more 18:29. Andhe spake unto him yet again, (lit. and added to speak) 25 : 1 . Tlien again Abraham took (lit. added to take) 30:24. Tlie Lord sAaZZ add to me another son. 37: 5, 8. and they hated him yet Me more. (lit. and they added to hate ) 38: 5. And she yet again conceived, and bare (lit. and she added yet and bare) 44:23. ye shall see my face no more. (lit. ye shall not add to see) Ex. 5: 7. Te shall no more give (lit. ye sAaZZ not add to give) the people straw *]D* ( 544 ) «)D* Ex. 8:29(25). let not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more (lit. let... add to deal) 9: 28. ye s/uztf stay no longer, (lit. ye shall not add to stay) 34. And when...Ae sinned yet more, (lit. Ae added to sin ) 10:28. see my face no more; (lit. add not to see) 29. 1 will see thy face again no more. (lit. / will not add to ) 11: 6. nor sAa(( be like it any more. 14: 13. ye sAaZZ see them again (lit. ye shalladdto see) no more Lev. 5 : 16. shall add the fifth part thereto, 6: 5(5:24). sAatf add the fifth part 27:31. Ae shall add thereto the fifth (part) Nu. 5: 7. add unto it the fifth (part) 22:15. And Balak sent yet again princes, (lit. added to send ) 19. the Lord will say unto me more. (lit. will add to say) 25. and he smote her again, (lit. and added to smite) 26. And the angel of the Lord went further, ( lit added to pass on ) Deu 1:11. maAe you a thousand times so many more 3:26. speak no more (lit. add not to speak) 4: 2. Ye shall not add unto the word 12:3203:1). (Aom sAa/( not add thereto, 13:ll(l2).sAa# do no more any such wickedness (lit. (Aey shall not add to do) 17 : 16. Ye shall henceforth return no more (lit. Ye shall not add to return) 18:16. Xe( me not hear again (lit. let me not odd to hear) 19:20. sAa(( henceforth commit no more any such 25: 3. Forty stripes he may give him, (and) not exceed: lest, (if) Ae should exceed, 28:68. Thou shalt see it no more again: Jos. 7:12. neither will I be with you any more, 23 : 13. will no more drive ( lit. will not add to drive) Jud. 2:21.1 also will not hencefoj'th drive out (lit. will not add to drive out) 3: 12. And the children of Israel did evil again (lit. added to do evil) 4: 1. And the children of Israel again did evil (lit. added to do evil) 9:37. And Gaal spake again (lit. and added to speak) and. said, 10: 6. And the children of Israel did evil again (lit. added to do evil) 13. Iwill deliver you no more. (lit. Iwill not add to deliver you) 1 1 : 14. And Jephthah sent messengers again 13: l.^nd the children of Israel did evil again (lit. added to do evil) 20:22. and set their battle again in array 23. Shall I go up again to battle 28. Shall I yet again go out to battle Ru. 1:17. the Lord do so to me, and more also, (lit. so may he add) ISa. 3: 6. And the Lord called yet again, 8. And the Lord called Samuel again 17. God do so to thee, and moi'e also, (marg. and so add) 21. And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: 9: 8..<4nd the servant answered Saul again, (lit. added to answer) 14:44. do so and more also: (lit. so may he add) 18:29. And Saul ivas yet the more afraid (lit. And ...added to fear) 19: 8. And there was war again: (lit. And war added to be) 21. .4nd Saul sent messengers again 20: 13. do so and much jnore (lit. so jnay he add) 17. //nd Jonathan caused David to swear again, (lit. and added to cause) 23 : 4. TAen David enquired of the Lord yet again. (lit. and added yet to enquire) 25:22. So and more also (lit. so may he add) 27 : 4. (3TD) Ae sought no more again (lit. added no more to seek) 2Sa. 2:22. And Abner said again (lit. and added to say) to Asahel, 3: 9. So do God to Abner, and more also, (lit. and so may he add) 34. And all the people wept again (lit. and added to weep) over him. 2Sa. 3:35. So do God to me, and more also, (lit. and so may he add ) 5:22. And the Philistines came up yet aoain, (lit. and added to come) 6: 1. Again, David gathered together [see also 7:10. neither sAaZZ the children of wickedness afflict them any more, (lit. shall not add to afflict) 20. can David say more (lit. sActZZ add to say) 12 : 8.7 would moreover have given unto thee 14:10. Ae sAaZZ not touch thee any more, (lit, lie shall not add to touch) 18:22. Then said Ahimaaz.. .yet again (lit. and added to say) 19: 13(14). God do so to me, and more also, (lit. and so may he add) 24: l.And again the anger of the Lord was kindled (lit. And the anger...arffl'ed'tobe kindled) 3. Now the Lord thy God add unto the IK. 2: 23. God do so to me, and more also, (lit. and so may he add) 12:11, 14. Iwill add to your yoke: 16:33. and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord 19: 2. So let the gods do (to me), and more also, (lit. and so may they add) 20:10. The gods do so unto me, and more also, (Ht. so may they add) 2K 6:31. God do so and more also (lit. and so may he add) to me, 21: 8. Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more ICh 14: 13. And the Philistines yet again spread (lit. and they added yet to spread) themselves 17: 9. neither sAaZZ the children of wickedness waste them any more, (lit. they shall not add to waste) 18. can David (speak) more (lit. can add) 21: 3. The Lord make his people an hundred times so many more 22 : 14. Mom mayest add thereto. 2Ch 10:11. Iwill put more to your yoke: 14. Iwill add thereto: 28: 22. in the time of his distress did he trespass yet more 33 : 8. Neither will I any more remove the foot Est. 8: 3. And Esther spake yet again (lit. Esther added and spake) before the king, Job 17: 9. he that hath clean hands sAaZZ be stronger and stronger. (lit. shall aid strength) 20: 9. The eye also (which) saw himsAa«(see him) no more; 27: 1 & 29:1. Moreover Job continued (marg. added to take up) his parable, 34 : 32. if I have done iniquity, / will do no more. 37. Ae addeth rebellion unto his sin, 36 : 1 . Elihu also proceeded, and said, 38 : 1 1 . Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: (lit. but shalt not add) 40 : 5. 1 will proceed no further. 41 : 8(40:32). remember the battle, do no more. 42 : 1 0. also the Lord gave (marg. added) Job twice Ps. 10: 18. that the man of the earth may no more oppress, (lit. may not add to oppress) 41: 8(9). Ae shall rise up no more. (lit. AesftaH not add to rise up) 61 : 6(7). Thou wilt prolong (marg. Thoushaltadd days to) the king's life: 77:7(8). will he be favourable no morel (lit. mjiZZ Ae not add to be favourable) _ 78 : 1 7. And they sinned yet more against him 115:14. The Lord shall increase yon moreandmore, 120 : 3. what sAaZZ be done unto thee, ( marg.added) Pro. 1: 5.Aivise (man) will hear, and will increase 3: 2. peace, shall they add to thee. 9: 9. and he will increase in learning. 11. and the years of thy life sAaZZ be increased. 10:22. Ae addeth no sorrow with it. 27. The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: 16:21. sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. 23. addeth learning to his lips. 19: 4. Wealth maketh many friends ; 19. yet thou must do it again, (marg. add) 23:28, increaseth the transgressors among men. 35. Iwill seek it yet again. *\& Pro. 30 Ecc. I Isa. 1 47' 51 52 Jer. 31 Lam. 4 DanlO Hos. 1 13 Joel 2 Am. 57 Jon. 2 Nah. 1 Zep. 3 Neh 13 6. Add thou not unto his words, 18. andhe that increaseth knowledge increaseth b.ye will revolt more and more: (marg. increase revolt) 13. Bring no more (lit. add not to bring) vain 10. Moreover the Lord spake aouin (lit. added to speak) unto Ahaz, 5. The Lord spake also unto me again, (lit. and added to speak) SO, shall no more again stay upon him (lit. Ae shall not add to stay ) 1 1 . the Lord shall set his hand again 12. Thou shalt no more (lit. thoushalt not add) 20.it shall fall, and not rise again, (lit. shall not add to rise) 1, 5. (Aom shalt no more be (lit. (Aom shalt not add to be ) called 22. (Aom shaft no more drink (lit. (Aom sAa/( not add to drink) it again: l.henceforth (Aere shall no more come (lit. shall not add to come) into thee 12. (Aey shall not sorrow anymore (lit. (Aey sAaW not add to sorrow ) ;15. They shall no more sojourn (lit. (Aey shall not add to sojourn) 16. Ae will no more regard (lit. Ae will not add to regard) them: 22. Ae will no more carry (lit. Ae will not add to carry) thee away 16. 1 will increase the famine upon you, 14. And (that) sAe increased her whoredoms: 12. (Aom shalt no more henceforth bereave (lit. (Aom sAaZ( not add to bereave ) them 18. Then there came again and touched me 6. Iwill no more (marg. Iwill not add) have mercy upon the house of Israel ; 15. Iwill love them no more: 2. (Aey sin more and more, (lit. (Aey add to sin) 2. neither shall be any more after it, 2.sAe shall no more rise: (lit. sAe shall not add to rise) 8. I will not agra in pass by them any more : 13. prophesy not again (lit. add not to pro phesy) any more at Beth-el: 2. Iwill not again pass by them any more. 4(5). Iwill look aoain toward thy holy 15(2:1). the wicked shall no more pass (lit. shall not add to pass) through thee ; 11. (Aom shalt no more be haughty (lit. (Aom shalt not add to be haughty) HIPHIL.— Participle. 18. ye orino more wrath upon Israel ( 545 ) -\y 2ChlO:ll, 14. my father chastised you with whips, Job 4: 3. (Aom Aas( ijistructed many, Ps. 16: 7. my reins also instruct me 39:11(12). When (Aom with rebukes dost correct 118:18. The Lord Aa(A chastened me sore: Pro.31 : 1. the prophecy that his mother taught him. Isa. 8:11. and instructed me that I should not 28: 26. For his God do(A instruct him Jer. 30 : 1 1 . but I will correct thee in measure, 31 : 18. TAom Aas( chastised me, 46:28. but correct thee in measure ; Hos. 7:15.7 Aaue bound (marg. chastened) (and) strengthened their arms, PIEL. — Infinitive. Lev.26: 18. 1 will punish you seven times more (lit. I will add to punish ) Deu 4:36. (Aa( Ae might instruct thee: Ps. 118:18. The Lord hath chastened me sore : (lit. in chastenrng hath chastened) PIEL. — Imperative. Pro.19: 18. Cliasten thy son while there is hope, 29:17. Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest ; Jer. 10:24.0 Lord, correct me, but with judgment ; PIEL.— .Fn(Mre. Deu 8: 5. a man chasteneth his son, IK. 12:11, 14. 1 will chastise you with scorpions. Ps. 6: I(2).cAas(en me in thy hot displeasure. 38: l(2).cAas(en me in thy hot displeasure. 94: 12. Blessed (is) the man whom thou chastenest, Jer. 2: 19. Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, fp" [ysaph], Ch. * HOPHAL Preterite. * Dan 4:36(33). excellent majesty was added unto me. Hos.10Ps. 94 Pro. 9 Ps. 2 ¦ler. 6 Lev.26 Pro.29:•ler. 31: Ete.23 lev.26:Deu21 22 IK. 12 TD* [yah-sar']. *KAL Future.* 10. in my desire (AaZ I should chastise them ; KAL Participle. Poel. : 10. ife that chastiseth the heathen, l.He tliat reproveth a scorner * NIPHAL.— Imperative. * 10. Ae instructed, ye judges of the earth. 8. Be thou instructed, O Jerusalem, NIPHAL FMtMre. 23. if ye will not be reformed 19. A servant mjz'ZZ not Ae corrected by words : 18. and I was chastised, as a bullock * NITHPAEL.— Preterite. * 48. that all women may be taught * PIEL Preterite. * 28. and I, even I, will chastise you seven times 18. wAe?i (Aey have chastened him, 18. take that man and chastise him ; 1 1 . my father Aa(A chastised you with whips, 14. my father (also) chastised you with whips, PIEL Participle. Deu 8: 5. the Lord thy God chasteneth thee. * HIPHIL Future. * Hos. 7 : 12. 1 will chastise them, as their congregation V\ see D'S'T TJ£ \_yah-gad']. # KAL.— Preterite. # Ex. 21 : 8. who hath betrothed her to himself, 2Sa.20: 5. the set time which Ae Aad appointed him. Jer. 47 : 7. there Aa(A Ae appointed it. Mic. 6: 9. who Aa(A appointed it. KAL. — Future. Ex. 21 : 9. if Ae Aaue betrothed her unto his son, * NIPHAL.— Preterite. # 22. And there I will meet with thee, 43. And there I will meet with the children of 3. the assembly shall assemble themselves 4. then the princes,.. .shall gather themselves 4(5). the kings were assembled, 3. two walk together, except (Aey be agreed? NIPHAL.— Fn(nre. 42. where Iwill meet you, 6, 36. where Iwill meet with thee. 4( 19). where I will meet with you. 5. And when all these kings were met together, 2. let us meet together in (some one of) the villages I0.Le( ms meet together in the house of God, Job 2: ll.for they had jnade an appointment together NIPHAL. —Participle. Nu. I4:35.(Aa( are gathered together against me: 16: 11. thy company (are) gathered together 27: 3. (Aem (Aa( gathered themselves together IK. 8: 5. (Aa( were assembled unto him, 2Ch 5: 6. (Aa( were assembled unto him * HIPHIL.— Future. X Job 9: 19. who shalt set me a time (to plead) ? Jer. 49: 19. who will appoint me the time? (marg. or, convent me in judgment) 50:44. who will appoint me the time? (marg. or, convent me to plead) # HOPHAL.— Participle. * Jer. 24: 1 . two baskets of figs (were) set before the Eze.21: 16(21). whithersoever thy face (is) set. Ex. 25 29 Nu 10 Ps. 48 Am . 3 Ex. 29 30 Nu. 17 Jos 11 Neh 6 r\y PlJT yah-gah'. ¦K- KAL Preterite. * Isa. 28: 17. and the hail sAaZZ sweep away the refuge W~iy$\ ygoh-rtem1 ', m. pi. Eze. 34: 25. (2TD) and sleep in the woods. ( 546 ) S)jr> n^ [yak-gdiah'], f. Pro. 5:19. the loving hind and pleasant roe. S'l?y*y'gth-teem', m. pi. lSa.24: 2(3). the rocks of (Ac wild goats. Job 39 : 1 . (Ae wild goats of the rock Ps. 104: 18. high hills (are) a refuge for the wild goats; Tl\[yah-gaz'} w NIPHAL.— Participle. # Isa. 33:19. Thou shalt not see a fierce people, toZ[yah-gat'\ * KAL. _Pre(eri(e. # Isa. 61:10. Ae Aa(A covered me with the robe of W, {yg«tl ch. * P'AL.— Participle. -X- Ezr. 7:14. and of Ais seven counsellors, 15. which the king and his counsellors * ITHPAEL.— Preterite. «¦ Dan 6: 7(8). have consulted together to establish QTT yah-geem' m pi. Ex. 27: 3. and his shovels, and his basons, 38; 3. the pots, and the, shovels, Nu. 4:14. the fleshhooks, and (Ae shovels, IK. 7:40. the shovels, and the basons. 45. the pots, and (Ae shovels, 2K. 25: 14. the pots, and the shovels, 2Ch 4:11. Huram made the pots, and (Ae shovels, 16. The pots also, and (Ae shovels, Jer. 52: 18. The caldrons also, and (Ae shovels, (marg. or, instruments to remove the ashes) W\ [yah-gal'l # HIPHIL Preterite. * Hab 2: 18. What profiteth the graven image HIPHIL.— Infinitive. nor be an help nor profit, (that) is profitable for nothing? if so be thou shalt be able to profit, thy God which teacheth thee to profit, trust in lying words, that cannot profit. therefoj-e they shall not profit this people at all, ( lit. therefore in pi'ofithig they shall not profit) HIPHIL.— Future. vain (things) , which cannot profit nor speeches wherewith Ae can do no good? what profit should we have, if we pray (Aey set forward my calamity, What profit shall I have, (if I be cleansed) from my sin ? Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: Riches profit not in the day of wrath: a people (that) could not profit them, a people (that) shall not profit (them). their delectable things shall not profit; they shall not profit thee. (things that) do not profit. (that which) do(A not profit. shall not profit : they shall not pj'ofit this people at all, HIPHIL Participle. Jer. 16:19. (things) wherein (there is) noprofit. Isa 30 5 44 10 47 12 48 17 Jer 7 8 23 32 lSa.l2:21 Job 15 3 21 15 30 13 35 3 Pro. 10 2 11 4 Isa 30 56 44 9 57 12 Jer 2 8 11 12: 13 23:32 \W. yah'-gan, part. Lev.2 43. because, even because (fP'O^they despised my judgments, Nu. 1 1 : 20. because that ye have despised the Lord Eze. 5: 9. because of all thine abominations. 21 : 4(9). Seeing then that I will cut off from 25: 8. Because that Moab and Seir do say, Am. 5:11. Forasmuch therefore as your treading (is) upon the poor, &c. &c. It is also combined with a following word in trans lation : — as, I. With IWtt Gen22:16.for because thou hast done this thing, IK. 8:18. Whereas it was in thine heart to build 14: 7. Forasmuch as I exalted thee from Eze.I2: 12. he shall cover his face, (Aat he see not &c. &c. IK. 13 21 Isa. 3 8 29 Hag 1 II. With ^ 21 . Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed 29. because he humbleth himself before me, 16. Because the daughters of Zion are 6. Forasmuch as this people refuseth 13. Forasmuch as this people draw near III. With nj? 9. Why ? saith the Lord of hosts. Ti^yah-ganah', f. Lev.ll: 16. Me owl, (lit. daughter of the owl) Deu 14: 15. (Ae owl, (lit. daughter of (Ae owl) Job 30:29. a companion to owls. (lit. daughters of (Ae oivl ; marg. or, ostriches) Isa. 13:21. owls (marg. daughters of (Ac owl) shall 34: 13. for owls, (marg. daughters of (Ae owl) 43: 20. dragons and (Ae owls: (marg. daughters of the owl) Jer. 50:39. (Ae owls (lit. daughters of (Ae owl) shall Mic. 1 : 8. mourning as (Ae owls. (marg. daughters of (Ae owl) E^J?! ygth-neem' , m. pi. Lam. 4: 3. ZiAe (Ae ostriches in the wilderness. £pTT [yah-gaph']. * KAL Preterite. * Jer. 51 :58. in the fire, and they shall be weary. 64. upon her: and they shall be weary. KAL — Future. Isa. 40:28. Creator of the ends of the earth, fainttth 30. Even the youths shall faint 3 l.they shall walk, and not faint. 44: 1 2. he drinketh no water, and is faint. Jer. 2 : 24. that seek her wilt not weary themselves ; Hab 2: 13. the people shall weary themselves * HOPHAL Participle. * Dan 9:21. being caused to fly swiftly, P)J^ yah-gehph', adj. Jud. 8: 15. bread unto thy men (that are) weary? 2Sa. 16 : 2. that smcA as be faint in the wilderness ¦IT Isa. 40:29. He giveth power to the faint; 50: 4. word in season to (him that is) weary : % [y'gtdiph], m. Dan 9:2Lbeing caused to fly swiftly, (marg. with weariness, or, flight) ( 547 ) TJP * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * X^yah-gatz'. * KAL.— Preterite. # 2Sa.lfi:23.Ae counselled in those days, 17; 7. The counsel that Ahithophel Aa(A given (lit. counselled) 11.7 comisel that all Israel be generally 15. Thus and thus did Ahithophel counsel — ¦ thus and thus have I counselled. 21. thus Aa(A Ahithophel counselled against IK. 12: 8. which (Aey had given him, (lit. counselled) 13. the old men's counsel that (Aey gave him; 2Ch 10: 8. the counsel which the old men gave him, 25: 16. know that God Aa(A determined to destroy thee, (marg. counselled) Job 26: 3. How hast thou counselled (him) Ps. 16: 7. bless the Lord, who hathgivejune counsel: 62: 4(5). They only consult to cast (him) down Isa, 7: 5. Aaue takeji evil counsel against thee, 14:24.as I have pjirposed, (so) shall it stand: 27. the Lord of hosts Aa(A purposed, 19:12. the Lord of hosts Aa(A purposed 23: 8. Who Aa(A (a Aen this counsel against Tyre, 9. The Lord of hosts Aa(A purposed it, 32: 7. he deviseth wicked devices 8. the liberal deviseth liberal things ; Jer. 49:20. Ae Aa(A (aAen against Edom; (lit. coun selled) 30. king of Babylon Aa(A (aAen counsel 50: 45. the counsel of the Lord, that Ae Aa(A taken Mic. 6: 5. what Balak... consulted, Hab 2:10. Thou hast consulted shame KAL Future. Ex. 18:19. 1 will give thee counsel, and God shall be Nu. 24:14. 1 will advertise thee what this people shall IK. l:12.Ze( me, I pray thee, give thee counsel, Ps. 32: 8. 1 will guide thee with mine eye. Jer. 38:15. if Igive thee counsel, wilt thou not hearken KAL. —Participle. Poel. 2Sa.l5: 12. Absalom sent for.. .David's counsellor, lCh26:l4. for Zechariah his son, a wise counsellor, 27 : 32. Jonathan David's uncle was a counsellor, 33. Ahithophel (was) the king's counsellor: 2Ch22: 3. his mother was Ais counsellor 4. they were his counsellors 25:16. Art thou made of theking's counsel? (lit. for counsellor to the king ) Ezr, 4: 5. hired counsellors against them, to frustrate 7:28. before the king, and his counsellors, 8:25. which the king, and his counsellors, Job 3: 14. With kings and counsellors of the earth, 12:17. He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, Pro.lLU.in the multitude of counsellors (there is) 12:20. but to the counsellors of -peace (is) joy. 15:22. in the multitude of counsellors they are 24: 6. in multitude of counsellors (there is) Isa. 1:26. andthy counsellors as at the beginning: 3: 3. and (Ae counsellor, and the cunning 9: 6(5). his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, 19:11. (Ae wise counsellors of Pharaoh 17. he Aa(A determined against it. 41:28. (there was) no counsellor, Ek.11: 2.and give (lit. and counsellors of) wicked M. counsel in this city: jj'c- 4: 9. is (Ay counsellor perished? Wah 1:11. a wicked counsellor. KAL Paj'ticiple. Paiil. "*¦ 14: 26. This (is) the purpose (Aa( is purposed Ps. 71 : 10. tjiey that lay wait for my soul (aAe counsel 83: 5(6). (Aey have consulted together with one Isa. 40: 14. With whom took he counsel, NIPHAL.— Future. IK. 12: 6. And king Rehoboam consulted with the 8. and consulted with the young men 28. Whereupon the king (ooA counsel, 2K. 6: 8. Then the king of Syria... (ooA counsel with ICh 13: l.And David consulted with the captains 2Ch 10: 6-^nd king Rehoboam (ooA counsel with the 8. and took counsel with the young men 20:21. when he had consulted with the people, 25: 17. TAen Amaziah king of Judah (ooA advice, 30: 2. For the king Aad (aAen counsel, 23.Ajid the whole assembly (ooA counsel 32; 3..ffe (ooA counsel with his princes Neh 6: 7. and let us take counsel together. Isa. 4b: 21. let them take counsel together: NIPHAL.— Participle. IK. 12: 6. How do ye advise that I may answer this 9. What counsel give ye 2Ch 10: 6. What counsel give ye (me) 9. What advice give ye Pro. 13: 10. with (Ae well advised (is) wisdom. # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Ps. 83: 3(4). and consulted against thy hidden ones. *ty_\yahf-gar> m. Deu 19 Jos. 17 ISa. 14 22 2Sa.l8 IK. 7 10 2K. 2 19 ICh 16 2Ch 9 Ps. 50 80 8396 104132 Ecc. 2 Cant.2: 5 Isa. 7 9 10 21222932.374456 Jer. 5 1012 212646 Eze.15 2034 39 Hos. 2 Am. 3 Mic. 3 5. when a man goeth into the wood 15. get thee up to the wood (country), 18. mountain shall be thine; forit(is) awood, 25, (they of) the land came to a wood; 26. the people were come into (Ae wood, 5. tke forest of Hareth. 6. the battle was hi the wood of Ephraim ; 8. (Ae wood devoured more people 17. cast him into a great pit in the wood, 2. the forest of Lebanon ; 17, 21. the house of the forest of Lebanon. 24. came forth two she bears out of (Ae wood, 23. the forest ofhis Carmel. 33. Then shall the trees of (Ae n>ood sing 16, 20. the house of the forest of Lebanon. 10. every beast of the forest (is) mine, 13(14). The boar om( of the wood doth waste it, 14(15). As the fire burneth a wood, •. 12. then shall all the trees of (Ae wood rejoice 20. all the beasts of the forest do creep 6. we found it in the fields of (Ae wood. : 6. the wood that bringeth forth trees . : 3. the trees of (Ae wood, : LI have eaten my honeycomo : 2. the trees of (Ae wood are moved ;18(17). the thickets of the forest, :18. consume the glory of his forest, 19. the trees of his forest shall be few, 34. he shall cut down the thickets of the forest 13. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, 8. the armour of the house of the forest. : 17. fruitful held shall be esteemed as a forest? : 15. the fruitful field be counted for a forest. 19. coming down on the forest; 24. the forest ofhis Carmel. 14. the trees of the forest: 23. O forest, and every tree therein: 9. all ye beasts in the forest. 6. a lion om( of the forest shall slay them, 3. (one) cutteth a tree out of the forest, _ 8. a lion in the forest ; 1 14. 1 will kindle a fire in the forest thereof, : 18. the high places of a forest. :23.They shall cut down her forest, 2. the trees of the forest? 6. the trees of the forest, 46(21 :2). prophesy against the forest 47(21 :3) . say to the forest of the south, 25. sleep in the woods. : 10. neither cut down (any) out of the forests ; 12(14) . 1 will make them a forest, 4. Will a lion roar in the forest, : 12. the high places of the forest. n n 2 "IT Mic. 5. 8(7). the beasts of the forest, 7:14. dwell solitarily (in) tke'wood, Zec.ll : 2. the forest of the vintage is come down ( 548 ) N^ n*S"n§* yphth-pheey-yuJi' , adj. Jer. 46:20. Egypt (is like) a very fair heifer, rnj/T. [yah-gdrah'l f. lSa.l4:27. dipped it in an honeycomb, Ps. 29: 9. discovereth the forests: HSJ \_yah-phahr\ *KAL Preterite.* Cant.4: 10. How fair is thy love, 7 : 1 (2) . How beautiful are thy feet 6(7). How fair and how pleasant art thou, KAL.— Future. Eze.l6:13.(Aow wast exceeding beautiful, 31: 7. Thus was he fair in his greatness, #PIEL Future. # Jer. 10: 4. TAey decA it with silver and with gold ; * PUAL Preterite. # Ps. 45: 2(3). Thou art fairer than the children of # HITHPAEL.— Future. # Jer. 4:30. in vain shalt thou make thyself fair ; r^r yah-pheh' ', adj . Gen 12:11. 1 know that thou (art) a /air woman 14. she (was) very fair. 29:17. Rachel was beautiful (lit. fair o/form) and we# favoured, (lit. and beautiful of countenance) 39: 6. Joseph was (a) goodly (lit. beautiful of form) (person), and wellfavoured. (lit. and beautiful of countenance) 41 : 2. well favoured (lit. fair o/appearance") kine 4. the seven welt favoured (lit. fair of ap pearance) and fat kine. 18-fatfleshed and well favoured ; (lit. fair of appearance) Deu 21 : 1 1. a beautiful ( lit: fair of form ) woman, lSa.16: 12. withal of a beautiful countenance, (marg. fair of eyes ) 17:42. ruddy, and of a fair countenance. 25 : 3. and of a beautiful countenance : 2Sa.l3: 1. Absalom... had a fair sister, 14:25. there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: (lit. there was not a beautiful man) 27. she was a woman of a fair countenance. IK. 1:3. they sought for a fair damsel 4. the damsel (was) very fair, Est. 2: 7. the maid (was) fair (lit. fair o/form) and Job 42:15./air as the daughters of Job: Ps. 48: 2(3). Beautiful for situation, Pro. 1 1 : 22. a fair woman which is without discretion. Ecc. 3:11. beautiful in his time : 5:18(17). (it is) good and comely (for one) to eat Cant.l : 8. O thou fairest among women, 15. Behold, thou (art) fair, my love ; behold, thou (art)/air; 16. Behold, thou (art)/air, 2: 10. Rise up, my love, my fair one, 13. Arise, my love, my fair one, 4: 1. Behold, thou (art) fair, my love ; behold, thou (art) fair; 7. Thou (art) all fair, my love ; 5 : 9 & 6 : 1 . O thou fairest among women ? 6: 4. Thou (art) beautiful, O my love, 10. fair as the moon, clear as the sun, Jer, ll:I6./air, (and) of goodly fruit: Eze.31 : 3. a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, 9. 1 have made him fair 33:32. song of one that hath a pleasant voice, Am. 8: 13. In that day shall the fair virgins Jer. PIS* \_yah-phdghf], # HITHPAEL.— Future. * 4: 31. daughter of Zion, (that) bewaileth herself, H^ [yah-phehfagh~]9 adj. Ps. 27:12. and such as breathe out cruelty. W y*phee^ m. Eze.28: 7. (Ae beauty ofthy wisdom, *fl* [ydpkee], m. Est. 1:11. shew the people and the princes Aer beauty: Ps. 45 : 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . the king greatly desire (Ay beauty .- 50 : 2. the perfection of beauty, Pro. 6:25. Lust not after Aer beauty 31:30. Favour (is) deceitful, and 6eaM(y (is) vain: Isa. 3:24. burning instead of beauty. 33 : 1 7 . Thine eyes shall see the king in kis beauty: Lam. 2:15. The perfection of beauty, Eze. 16: 14. thy renown went forth.. .for thy beauty: 15. thou didst trust in thine own beauty, 25. hast made (Ay beauty to be abhorred, 27: 3.1 (am) of perfect beauty. 4. thy builders have perfected (Ay beauty. 1 1 . they have made (Ay beauty perfect. 28: 12.full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 1 7 - heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, 31 : 8. like unto him in his beauty. Zee. 9:17. how great (is) Ais beauty! ^5* \_yah-phdg'\ X HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Deu33: 2. lie shined forth from mount Paran, Job 10: 3. and shine upon the counsel of the wicked? 37 : 15. and caused the light ofhis cloud to shine? Ps. 50; 2. Out of Zion,. ..God Aa(A shined, HIPHIL.— Imperative. Ps. 80: 1(2). thou that dwellest (between) the cherubims, shine forth. 94: 1.0 God,... shew thyself, (marg. shine forth) HIPHIL.— Future. Job 3 : 4. neither let the light sAine upon it. 10: 22. and (where) (Ae light is as darkness. nj$» [yiph-ngah'], f. Eze.28: 7. they shall defile (Ay brightness. 17. by reason of thy brightness: XT yah-tzati . * KAL Preterite. * Gen. 8:19. went forth out of the ark. 10 : 1 1 . Out of that land went forth Asshur, 14. out of whom came Philistim, 19:23. The sun was risen upon the earth (marg. gone forth) 24: 5. the land from whence (Aom earnest? 50. The thing proceedeth from the Lord : 25: 26. after that came his brother out, 27 :30. Jacob was yet scarce gone out 38: 28. This came out first. 29. behold, his brother came out: 30. afterward came out his brother, 44: 4. when they were gone out Ex. 12:41 .all the hneto of lh. T.™vl ,«CK( out w Ex.13 16 23 34 Lev.I4: 16 25 Nu.ll 16 2122 33 34 Deu 9 1113 16 212324 Jos. 2 Jud. 234 1114 21 Ru. 1 ISa. 8 111417 232426 2Sa. 2 5 161819 20 IK. Il 20 3. ye came out from Egypt, 4. and the people sAa/( go out 27. there went out (some) of the people 6. and there shall come water om( of it, 3. (Aen his wife shall go out 1 1 . (Aen shall she go out free 22. so that her fruit depart (from her), 15. in it (Aom earnest out -from Egypt: 18. thou earnest out from Egypt. 34. And he came out, and spake unto the 3. And the priest shall go forth out of the 38. TAen the priest sAaft go out : 18. And lie shall go out unto the altar 24. put on his garments, and come forth, 28. and in the jubile it shall go out, 33. then... shall go out in (the year of) jubile: 41. And (then) shall he depart from thee, 54. (Aen he shall go out in the year of jubile, 20. Why came we forth out of Egypt ? 26. but M>en( not out unto the tabernacle: 27.Dathan and Abiram came out, 3b. there came out a fire from the Lord, 46(17: 1 1 ). (Aere is wrath gone out from the : 28. (Aere is a fire gone out of Heshbon, ; 5. (Aere is a people come out from Egypt: 32. / went out to withstand thee, ; 1 . which went forth out of the land of Egypt 3. the children of Israel went out : 4. and shall go on to Hazar-addar, 9. Andthe border shall go on to Ziphron, ; 7. from the day that (Aom didst depart : 10. from whence ye came out, 13(14). the children of Belial, are gone out from. 3. thou earnest forth out of the land of Egypt 2. TAen thy elders and thy judges shall cotjie forth, : I0( 11). (Aen shall he go abj-oad out of the camp, 12(13). whither (Aom sAa/( go forth abroad: 2. when she is departed out of his house, 5. that the men went out: 7. as soon as they... were yone out, 6. For they will come out after us 17. that w;en( not om( after Israel: 22. the other issued out of the city 3..4nd it went out to the south side 4. and went out unto the river of Egypt ; 9. and went out to the cities of mount Ephron ; 1 1 . Ajid the border went out unto the side of — and went out unto Jabneel ; ¦ 2. And goeth out from Beth-el to Luz, 6.ii«dthe border went out toward the sea 7. and went out at Jordan. :1b. and the border went out on the west, and went out to the well of waters 17 '. and went forth to En-shemesh, and icent forth toward Geliloth, 12. and then goeth out to Daberath, 13. and goeth out to Remmon-methoar 17. the fourth lot came out to Issachar, 27 .and goeth out to Cabul 32. The sixth lot came out to the children of 34. and goeth out from thence to Hukkok, 40. the seventh lot came out for the tribe 15. Whithersoever (Aey went out, : 24. When he was gone out, : 14. is not the Lord gone out before thee ? :36. that which Aa(A proceeded out ofthy mouth ; 14. Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. : 21, (Aen come ye out of the vineyards, :13.thehandofthe Lord is gone out against me. 20. and go out before us, and fight our battles 3. we will come out to thee. 41 . Saul and Jonathan were taken : but the people escaped. 35. .4nd I wejit out after him, and smote him, 15. Saul was come out to seek his life: 14(15). whom is the king of Israel come out? : 20. the king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, : 13. the servants of David, went ow(, 24. then shall the Lord go out before thee, 11. my son, which came forth ofmy bowels, 4. all the people came out by hundreds 19( 20). the day that my lord the king went out 8. as he went forth it fell out. :29. Jeroboam a;en( om( of Jerusalem, 17. TAere are men come out of Samaria. ( 549 ) NIT ]K. 20:18. Whether (Aey be come out for peace, take them alive ; or whether (Aey be come out 19. So these young men... came out 39. Thy servant went out into the midst of the 2K. 2:23.(Ae?'e cameforth little children 5: 2. the Syrians had gone out by companies, 9:11. Jehu came forth to the servants 19: 9.Ae is come out to fight against thee: 20: 4. afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle 21 : 15. the day their fathers cameforth ICh. 1:12. of whom came the Philistines, 2:53. of them came the Zareathites, 14:15. God is gone forth before thee 2Ch.2l : 1 9. his bowels /eH om( by reason ofhis sickness: 22: 7.Ae went out with Jehoram 31 : Lall Israel... went out to the cities Est. 3:15. The posts went out, 7 : 8. the word M?en( ow( of the king's mouth, 8:14. (So) the posts.. .went out, 15. Mordecai went out from the presence of the Job 1:21. Naked came I out of my mother's womb, 3:11.7 came out of the belly ? 14: 2. He cometh forth like a flower, 24: 5. (as) wild asses in the desert, go they forth 26: 4. whose spirit came from thee? 38:29. Out of whose womb came the ice ? 39: 4. (Aey go forth, and return not unto them. Ps. 19: 4(5). Their line is gone out through all the 73: 7- Their eyes stand out with fatness: Pro. 7: 15. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, Ecc. 4:14. out of prison Ae cometh to reign ; 5 : 15(14). As Ae cameforth ofhis mother's womb, Cant. 5 : 6. my soul failed when he spake : Isa. II: 1 . And there shall eome forth a rod 28:29. This also cometh forth from'the Lord 37: 9. .He is cameforth to make war with thee. 45 : 23. the word is gone out of my mouth 48 : 1 . are come forth out of the waters of Judah, 3. they went forth out ofmy mouth, 51 : 5. my salvation is gone forth, 06:24. And they shall go forth, and look Jer. 4: 7. Ae is gone forth from his place 7: 25. the day that your fathers cameforth 9 : 3(2). (Aey proceed from evil to evil, 10; 20. my children are gone forth of me, 14: 18. If I go forth into the field, 19 : 2. And go forth unto the valley 20:18. Wherefore came I forth out of the womb 22: 11. which went forth out of this place ; 23:15. the prophets. ..is profaneness gone forth 19. a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth 29: 16. your brethren that are not gone forth 30: 19. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving 23. the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth 31 ; 4. and shalt go forth in the dances 39. ^4nd the measuring line shall yet go forth 37: 5. Then Pharaoh's army was come forth 43: 12. and he shall go forth from thence in peace. 44: 17. whatsoever thing goeth forth 48: 7. and Chemosh shall go forth into captivity 45. a fire shall come forth out of Heshbon, Eze. 7:10. the morning is gone forth; 9: 7. And they went forth, and slew in the city. 15: 7. they shall go out from (one) fire, 24: 6. whose scum is not gone out of it ! 36 : 20. are gone forth' out of his land. 39 : 9. Ajid they that dwell. . .shall go forth, 46: 2. then he shall go forth; but the gate 12. (Aen Ae shall go foj'th ; and after Dan. 8: 9.outof oneof them came/or(A a little horn, 9 : 22. 1 am now come forth to give thee skill 23. the commandment cameforth, 11:11. and shall come forth and fight with him, 44. therefore he shall go forth with great fury Mic. 1 : 1 1. the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth Nah. 1:11. TAere is (one) come out of thee, Hab. 3: 13. TAom wentest forth for the salvation of thy Zee. 6: 6. the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south 7. And the bay went forth, 9:14. and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning : 14 : 2. and half of the city shall go forth into 3. TAen shall the Lord go forth, Mai. 4 : 2(3 ; 20) . and ye shall go forth, and grow up as K AL. — Infinitive. Gen 8s 7.(oandfro,(marg.ffoiny/or(Aandreturning) N^ ( 550 ) N^ Genl2 : 4. u?Aen Ae departed out of Haran. 24: 1 1 . the time that women yooM( to draw ( water). 27:30. was yet scarce gone (lit. going was gone) 35 : 18. as her soul was in departing, Ex. 5 : 20. as they cajne forth from Pharaoh : 9:29. As soon as I am gone out of the city, 13: 8,w;Aen I came forth out of Egypt. 16: 1. after their departing out of the land of 19: 1. when the children of Israel Miere goJie forth 21 : 7. she shall not go out as the menservants do. (lit. as., go out) 23:16. in (Ae end o/the year, 28: 35. and when he cometh out, that he die not. 33: 8. when Moses wejit out unto the tabernacle, 34.34. until Ae came out. Lev. 16:17. Ae come out, and have made an atonement 27:21. when it goeth out in the jubile, Nu. 1 : 1 & 9 : 1 . after they were come out of the land 12: 12.jvhen he cometh out ofhis mothers womb. 33: 38. after the children of Israel were come out 35 ; 26. if the slayer shall at any time come without (lit. going out shall go out) Deu 4:45. after they cameforth out of Egypt, 46.a/(er (Aey were come forth out of Egypt: 16: 3. (Aom cuj/i est forth out of the land of Egypt 6. season that (Aom earnest forth out of Egypt. 23 : 4(5). wAen ye cajne forth out of Egypt ; 24: 9. after that ye were come forth out of Egypt. 25:17.u>Aen ye M>ere come forth out of Egypt ; 28: 6, 19. (shalt) thou (be) n-Aen (Aom goest out. 31 : 2.1 can no more go out and come in : 33: 18. Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out; Jos. 2:10. when ye came out of Egypt ; 5: 4. after they came out of Egypt. 5. as they cameforth out of Egypt, 9: 12. we cameforth to go unto you ; 14:11, both to go out, and to come in. Jud. 5: 4. M?Aen (Aom wentest out of Seir, 31. as the sun when Ae goeth forth in his might. 20: 14. to go out to battle against the children of 28. Shall I yet again go out to battle ISa. 18:30. it came to pass, after (Aey went forth, 21 : 5(6). these three days, since I came out, 23: 13. he forbare to go forth. 25:37. when the wine was gone out of Nabal, 29: 6. thy gnmg out and thy coming in 2Sa. 1 1 : 1. the time when kings go forth (to battle), 13:39. David longed to go forth unto Absalom: 16: 5. cursed still as he came. 18: 2. 1 will surely go forth (lit. going I will go forth) IK. 2:37, 42. on the day thou goest out, 3; 7.1 know not (how) to go out 6 : 1 . after the children of Israel M'ere come out 8: 9. when they came out of the land of Egypt. 10. wAen the priests were come out of the holy 2K. 5: 11. He will surely come out (lit. coming he will come out) 11 : 8. be ye with the king as he goeth out 19:27.1 know thy abode, and thy going out, 24: 7. the king of Egypt came not again (lit. added not to come) !Ch20: l.the time that kings go out (to battle), 2Ch 5: 10. when they came out of Egypt 1 1 . when the priests were come out of the holy 20: 20. and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood 21 . as they went out before the army, 21 : 19. after the end (lit. (Ae going out o/the end) of two years, 23 : 7- when he cometh in, and when he goeth out. 26 -.20. himself hasted also to go oat, Neh. 4:21(15). till the stars appeared, (lit. thecoming forth of the stars) Job 29: 7. When I went oid to the gate Ps. 68: 7(8).whenthouiveutestforthbeforethyoeoole, 81 : 5(6).M?Aen Ae went out through the land 105:38. Egypt was glad when they departed: 114: 1. When Israel went out of Egypt, 121 : 8. The Lord shall preserve thy going out Isa. 13:10. the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, 37:28.1 know thy abode, and thy going out, Jer. 11:11. they shall not be able to escape ; 29: 2. were departed from Jerusalem ; 38: 17. If thou wilt assuredly go forth (lit. going wilt go forth) 21. if thou refuse to go forth, Eze, 10: 19. when they went out, Eze.26 : 1 8. the isles... shall be troubled at thy departure. 27:33. When thy wares wentfoj-th out of the seas 44 : 1 9. And when they go forth into the utter courtj 46: 10. and whejt they go forth, shall go forth. 12. Ais going forth (one) shall shut the gate. 47: 3. And when the man... went forth eastward Mic. 7 : 15. According to the days of thy coming out Hag. 2 : 5. when ye came out of Egypt, KAL. — Imperative. Gen 8:16. Go forth of the ark, 19:14. Up, get you out of this place ; 27: 3. and go out. to the field, and take me (some) 31 : 13. get thee out from this land, Ex. 11: 8. Get thee out, and all the people 12:31. get you forth from among my people, 17: 9. Choose us out men, and go out, Nu. 12: 4. Come out ye three unto the tabernacle Jud. 9: 29. Increase thine army, ajid come out. 38. go out, I pray now, and fight with them, 2Sa. 16: 7. Come out, come out, thou bloody man, 19: 7(8). Now therefore arise, go forth, IK. 2:30. Thus saith the king, Cameforth. 19: II. Go forth, and stand upon the mount 22:22. go forth, and do so. 2K. 18:31. (an agreement) with me... and come out to 2Ch.l8: 21. ao ow(, and do (even) so. 20 : 1 7 . to morrow go out against them : 24: 5. Go out unto the cities of Judah, 26 : 18. go out of the sanctuary ; Neh 8: lb. Go forth unto the mount, Cant. 1 : 8. go thy way forth by the footsteps of the 3:11. Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, Isa. 7: 3. Go forth now to meet Ahaz, 30: 22. thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence, 36: 16. Make (an agreement). ..andcomeout to me: 48:20. Go ye forth of Babylon, 49 : 9. thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth ; 52 : 1 1 . go ye out from thence, — go ye out of the midst of her ; Jer. 50: 8. go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, 51 :4b. go ye out of the midst of her, Eze. 3:22. Arise, go forth into the plain, 9: 7. he said unto them,. ..p/o ye forth. KAL Future. Gen 4:16. J nd Cain went out from the presence of the 8: 7. which went forth to and fro, 18. And Noah went forth, and his sons, 1 1 : 31. and (Aey went forth with them 12: b.and they went forth to go into theland 14; 8. And there went out the king of Sodom, 17. And the king of Sodom went out to meet 15: 4. he that shall come forth 14. shall they come out with great substance. 17: 6. kings shall come ojit of thee. 19: 6. And Lot went out at the door unto them, 14. Ajid Lot went out, and spake unto his 24:63. And Isaac went out to meditate 25:25. And the first cajne out red, 28: 10. And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, 30: 16. and Leah went out to meet him, 31 :33. Then went he out of Leah's tent, 34: 1 . And Dinah. ..went out to see the daughters 6. And Hamor. ..wejit out unto Jacob 26. took Dinah out. ..and vent out. 35 : 1 1 . kings shall come out of thy loins ; 39:12, 15. fled, and got him out. 41 :4b. And Joseph wejtt out over (all) thelandof 46. And Joseph went out from the presence of 42:15. ye shall not go forth hence, 28. and their heart failed (them), 43:31. he washed his face, and went out, 44:28. And the one went out from me, 47: 10. Jacob. ..and went out from before Pharaoh. Ex. 2:11. (Aa( he went out unto his brethren, 13. And when Ae went out the second day, 5:10. And the taskmasters of the people went nut, 8: 12(8). And Moses and Aaron wejit out from 30(26). ^tnd Moses went out from Pharaoh, 9 : 33. And Moses went out of the city 10: 6. he turned himself, ajtd went out from 18. And he went out from Pharaoh, 11:8. after that / will go out. Ajid he went out 12:22. none of you shall go out at the door 15:20. and all the women wejit out after her 22. and they wejit out into the wilderness Nip Ex. 16 : 29. let no man go out of his place 18: 7. And Moses went, out to meet his 21 : 2. Ae shall go out free for nothing. 3. Ae shall go out by himself: 4. he shall go out by himself. b. I will not go out free: 7.sAe shall not go out as the menservants do. 22: 6(5). If fire break out, and catch in thorns, 24. and there came out this calf. 7. every one which sought the Lord went out •.'20. And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed 33. ye shall not go out of the door 23. and came out, and blessed the people: 24. And there came a fire out from before the 2. And there went out fire from the Lord, 7. ye shall not go out from the door : 16. if any man's seed...oo out 32. (Mm) whose seed goeth from him, ; 1 2. Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, : 4. a man whose seed goeth from him ; : 10. -Andthe son...M>en( out among the children :30.i( shall not go out in the jubile. 31 . (Aey shall go out in the jubile. 20. until it come out at your nostrils, 24. And Moses went out, and told the people 4. And they three came out. b.and they both cajne forth. ; 1 1 . and the water came out abundantly, 18. lest I come out against thee with the sword. 20. And Edom came out against him : 23. and wejit out against Israel 33. azidOg the king of Bashan went out against :3Q.And when...Ae went out to meet him ; 17. Which may go out before them, 21. at his word shall they go out, :13. And Moses,... went forth to meet them :54.the place where his lot falleth; 26. if the slayer shall at anytime come without 44. And the Amorites,. ..came ow( against you, 32. TAen Sihon came out against us, 1 . and Og the king of Bashan came om( against : 16. / will not go away from thee ; 1 . When (Aom goest out to battle : 10. When (Aom goest forth to war 9(10). When the host yoe(A forth 5. Ae shall not go out to war, 7. they shall come out against thee one way, 25. thou shalt go out one way against them, 7(6). .4nd.. .Sihon. ..and Og.-.e«me out : 19. whosoever shall go out of the doors lO.sAaW(any) word proceed out of your mouth, 5. when (Aey come out against us, 14. and the men of the city went out against 4. And (Aey went out. they and all their hosts l.And the lot... fell from Jordan by I Land the coast of their lot cajne forth l.And the second lot cameforth to Simeon, 24. And the fifth lot came out for the tribe 47. And the coast of the children of Dan went out 4. And the lot came out for the families 10. he judged Israel, and went out to war: 19. Ajid all that stood by him went out from 22. and the dirt came OJit. 23. TAen Ehud went forth through the porch, : 18. And Jael went out to meet Sisera, 22. Jael came out to meet him, : 15. let fire come out of the bramble, 20.Ze( fire come out from Abimelech, — and let fire come out from the men of 27. And they went out into the fields, 35. And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, 39. And Gaal went out before the men 42.(Aa( the people went out into the field ; : 3. and went out with him, 31. whatsoever cometh forth of the doors : 14. any (thing) that come(A of the vine, :19. and there came water thereout; :20. / will go out as at other times before, ':23.And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, 27. and went out to go his way: 1. TAen all the children of Israel went out, 20. And the men of Israel went out to battle 21. And the children of Benjamin came forth 25. And Benjamin went forth against them 323335 Lev. 8 9 1015 21 22 2425 Nu. 1112 20 21 22 27 313335 Deu. 1 2 3 15 20212324 28 29 Jos. 2 6 21 Jud. 3 20 ( 551 ) N2P Jud. 20: 31 . And the children of Benjamin went out. 21 :2 1. if the daughters of Shiloh come out 24. and they went out from thence every man Ru. 1 : 7. Wherefore she went forth out of the place 2: 22. that (Ao« go out with his maidens, ISa. 2: 3. (not) arrogancy come out of your mouth: 4: I . Now Israel went out against the Philistines 7:11. And the men of Israel went out 9 : 26. and they went out both of them, 11: 7. and they came out with one consent. 10. To morrow we will come out unto you, 13: 10. and Saul wejit out to meet him, 17. And the spoilers came out of the camp 23. And the garrison of the Philistines went out 17: 4. And there went out a champion 8. Why are ye come out to set (your) battle in 18: 5. And David tvent out whithersoever 6. that the women cajne out of all cities 13. ajtd he tvent out and came in before the 30. TAen the nrinces.. .went forth : 19: 3.1 will go out and stand beside my father 8. and David went out, and fought with the 20:ll.and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field. 3b. that Jonathan went out into the field 22 : 3. Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, 23:13. David.. .arose and departed out of Keilah, 24: 8(9). and went out of the cave, 13(14). Wickedness proceedeth from the 28 : 1 . (Aom shalt go out with me to battle, 30:21. and they went forth to meet David, 2Sa. 2:12. And Abner. . . went out from Mahanaim 23.(Aa( the spear came out behind him ; 3:26. And when Joab was come out from David, 6:20. And Michal. ..came out to meet David, 7: 12. which shall proceed out ofthy bowels, 10: 8. And the children of Ammon came out, 11:8. And Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed (marg. went out after) him a mess (of meat) 13- and at even Ae went out to lie on his bed 17. And the men of the city went out, 23. ajid came out unto us into the field, 13: 9. And they went out every man from him. 15:16. And the king went forth, and all his 17. And the king went forth, and all the people 18 : 2.1 ivill surely go forth with you myself 3. TAom shalt not go forth: 6. So the people went out into the field 20: 7. And there went out after him Joab's men, — ¦ and they went out of Jerusalem, 21 : 17. TAom shalt go no more out with us to battle, 24 : 4. And Joab and the captains of the host went out 7. and they went out to the south of Judah, 20. and Araunah went out, and bowed himself IK. 2:36. go not forth thence any whither. 46. which went out, and fell upon him, 8:44. If thy people go out to battle 9:12. And Hiram came out from Tyre 10:29. And a chariot came up ajid went out of 12 : 25. and went out from thence, and builtPenuel. 19:13. wrappedhisface in his mantle, and went out, 20: 16. And they went out at noon. ll.Ajid the young men...w,-en( ow( first; 21. And the king of Israel ivent out, 31 . and go out to the king of Israel : 33. TAen Ben-hadad cameforth to him ; 22:21. And there cameforth a spirit, 22. 1 wilt go forth, and I will be a lying spirit 2K. 2: 3. And the sons of the prophets... came fort A 21 . And he went forth unto the spring 24. And there cameforth two she bears 3: 6. And king Jehoram went out of Samaria 4:18. (Aa( Ae M>en( out to his father 2 1 . shut (the door ) upon him, and went out. 37. took up her son, and went out. 39. And one went out into the field 5 : 1 1 . He will surely come out to me, 27. And he went out from his presence a leper 6:15. servant.. .was risen early, and gone forth, 7: 12. therefore are they gone out of the camp When (Aey come out of the city, 16. And the people went out, and spoiled the 8: 3. and sAe went forth to cry unto the king 9:15. let none go forth N^ 2K. 9 101213 18 19 2024 ICh 12 14 19 21 24 2526 2Ch 1 G 141518 19 20212628 35 Neh 2 8 Est. 1 4:5 Job 1 2 5 8 20 23 28 31 37: 38:39: 41: Ps. 17:41: 44:60: 88: 104108; 109: 146: Pro. 12 2225 30 Ecc. 7: Cant.7:Isa. 2: 1436 373942 4!)515255 :21.And Joram. ..and Ahaziah... went out, each in his chariot, and they went out against 24. and the arrow went out at his heart, 9. that he went out, and stood, 25. let none come forth. : 12(13). all that was laid out for the house 5. so that they went out from under the hand 7. he prospered whithersoever he went forth: 18. And. ..there came out to them Eliakim 31 . out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, 35. that the angel of the Lord went out, : 18. thy sons that shall issue from thee, 12. And Jehoiachin. ..went out 17. And David went out to meet them, 8. and went out against them. 15. then thou shalt go out to battle : 17 .And the fame of David went out 9. And the children of Ammon came out, : 4. Wherefore Joab departed, and went 21 . and went out of the threshingfloor, 7. Now the first lot cameforth to Jehoiarib, 9. Now the first lot cameforth for Asaph 14. and his lot came out northward. : 10. that I may go out and come in : 34. If thy people go out to war 9(8) . And there came out against them Zerah 10(9). Then Asa went out against him, 2. And he went out to meet Asa, 20. Then there came out a spirit, 21.7 will go out, and be a lying spirit 2. And Jehu...toen( out to meet him, 4. and he went out again 20. they rose. ..and went forth into the 15. thy bowels fall out by reason of the 6. And he went forth and warred against the 15. And his name spread (marg. went forth) far 9. and he went out before the host 20. and Josiah went out against him. 13. And I went out by night 16. So the people went forth, 17. (this) deed.. .shall come abroad unto all 19. let there go a royal commandment Land went out into the midst of the city, 6. So Hatach went forth to Mordecai 9. Then went Haman forth that day 12. So Satan went forth from the presence of 7. So went Satan forth from the presence 6. affliction cometh not forth of the dust, 16. his branch shooteth forth in his garden. 25. It is drawn, and cometh out of the body ; 10. 1 shall come forth as gold. 5. out of it cometh bread: 34.w?en( not out of the door? 40. Let thistles grow instead of wheat, 2. the sound (that) goeth out of his mouth. 8. it had issued oul of the womb? 2 1 . he goeth on to meet the armed men. 20(12). Out ofhis nostrils goeth smoke, 2 1 ( 1 3 ) . a flame goeth out of his mouth . 2. Let my sentence come forth 6(7) . (when) he goeth abroad, he telleth (it). 9(l0). and goest not forth with our armies. 10(12). (which) didst not go out with our 8(9) . I cannot come forth. 23. Man goeth forth unto his work 11(12). wilt not thou, O God, go forth with 7. let him be condemned: (marg. let him go out guilty ) 4. His breath goeth forth, 1 3. but the just shall come out of trouble. 10. and contention sliall go out; 4. and there shall come forth a vessel 8. Go not forth hastily to strive, 27. yet go they forth all of them 18. he that feareth God shall come forth 11(12). let us go forth into the field; 3. out of Zion shall go forth the law, 29. out of the serpent's root shall come forth 3. Then cameforth unto him Eliakim, 32. out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, 36. Then the angel of the Lord went forth, 7. thy sons that shall issue from thee, 13. The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, 17. they that made thee waste shall go forth 4. a law shall proceed from me, 12. ye shall not go out with haste, 11. So shall my word be that goeth forth ( 552 ) N3P Isa. 55: 12. ye shall go out with joy, 62 : 1. the righteousness thereof go forth as Jer. 1 : 5. before (Aom earnest forth out of the womb 2:37. (Aou shalt go forth from him, 4: 4. lest my fury come forth like fire, 6:25. Go not forth hito the field, 15: Land let them go forth. 2. Whither shall we go forth? 17: 19. by the which (Aey go out, 21:12. lest my fury go out like fire, 30 : 2 1 . their governor shall proceed from the 37: 12. TAen Jeremiah went forth out of 38 : 8. Ebed-melech went forth out of the king's 17. If (Aom unit assuredly go forth 18. if (Aom unit not go forth 39 : 4. and went forth out of the city by night, — and he went out the way of the plain. 41 : 6. And Ishmael... went forth from Mizpah 46 : 9. and let the mighty men come forth ; 48: 9. that it may flee and get away : 50 : 8 . ( nTD ) go forth out of the land of the 52 : 7. and went forth out of the city by night Lam. 1 : 6. And... all her beauty is departed: 3 : 7 . that 7 cannot get out : 38. proceedeth not evil and good? Eze. 3:23.1 arose, and went forth into the plain: 25. (Aom shalt not go out among them: 4. thereof shall a fire come forth 7. took (it), and went out. 18. Then the glory of the Lord departed 4. thou shalt go forth at even 12. and shall go forth : 14. And thy renown went forth among the 14. And fire is gone out of a rod 4(9). therefore shall my sword go forth 19(24). both twain shall come forth out of one 12. her great scum went not forth out of her: 9. In that day shall messengers go forth 14. shall they not go out of the holy (place) 3. shall go out by the way of the same. 8. Ae shall go forth by the way thereof. 9. shall go out by the way of the south gate; — shall go forth by the way of the north — shall go forth over against it. 10. when they go forth, shall go forth. 5. (are as) the light (that) goeth forth. 16. let the bridegroom go fort h ofhis chamber, 18(4: 18). a fountain shall come forth of the 3. ye sAai( go out at the breaches, 4: 5. So Jonah went out of the city, 2:13. and ajme gone out by it : 4: 2. the law shall go forth of Zion, 10. now shalt thou go forth out of the city, 5: 2(1). out of thee shall he come forth 1 : 4. judgment do(A never go forth : — therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 7. their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 3: 5. and burning coals went forth at his feet. Zee. 5: 5. TAen the angel that talked with me went forth, 10: 4. Out of him camefoj'th the corner, 14: 8. living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; KAL. —Participle. Poel . Gen 2 : 1 0. a river went out of Eden 9:10. all (Aa( go out of the ark, 18. (Aa( went forth of the ark, 24: 13. the daughters. ..come out to draw water: 15. behold, Rebekah came out, 43. when the virgin cometh forth to draw 45. Rebekah camefoj'th with her pitcher 34:24, 24. all that went out of the gate 46:26.ioAicA came out o/his loins, Ex. 1 : 5. all the souls (Aa( came out of 4: 14. he cometh forth to meet thee: 7 : 15. he yoe(A om( unto the water; 8: 20 (16). he cometh forth to the water; 29(25). Behold, I go out from thee, 11: 4. About midnight will I go out 13: 4. This day came ye om( 14: 8. the children of Israel went out 25:32. six branches shall come out of the sides 33. the six branches (Aa( come out 35. the six branches that proceed 37: 18. six branches going out of the sides 19. branches going out of the candlestick. 21. the six branches going out of it. Hos. 6 Joel 2:3: Am. 4: Jon. 4: Mic. 2: Hab N^ ( 553 ) NU'' Nu. 1: 32: Deu 28 1428 Jos. 5 Jud. 1: 8: 9: 11: ISa. 9: 11;14:17: 18: 2Sa.lti 19 IK. 4 8 15 2K. 11 ICh 5 7 12 27 2Ch 6 15 1623 25 26 Neh 3 Ps. 19 144 Ecc.10 Isa. 26 Jer. 5 21253738 Eze. 1 14 3347 DanlOAm. 5 Mic. 1 Zee. 2: 3. all that are able to go forth to war 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45. all that were able to go forth to war ; 13. that cometh out of the coasts of the 1 1 . a people come out of Egypt, 2. all that are able to go to war 4. which went forth out of the land of Egypt. 2(3). all that proceedeth out ofhis mouth. 27. who went out to battle, 28. the men of war which went out to battle: 36. them that went out to war, 24. and do that which hath proceeded out of ,^3. which cameforth out of Caphtor, . 7. depths that spring out of valleys 22.(Aa( the field bringeth forth ,57. cometh out from between her feet, 4. All the people that came out of Egypt, 5. all the people that came out 6. which came out of Egypt, : l.none went out, and none came in. :24.the spies saw a man come forth 30. had threescore and ten sons of his body begotten: (marg. going out o/his thigh) 33. the people.. .come out against thee, 43. the people (were) come forth out of the :31. whatsoever cometh forth (marg. that which comethforth, which shall come forth) 34. his daughter came out to meet him :1 l.they found young maidens going out 14. Samuel came out against them, : 7. Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul : 1 1 . the Hebrews come forth out of the holes :20.the host was going forth to the fight, 55. Saul saw David go forth : 16. he went out and came in before them. : 5. thence came out a man — he cameforth, and cursed 7(8). swear by the Lord, if thou go not forth, 33(5:13). the hyssop that springeth out of the :19.thy son that shall come forth out ofthy : 17. that he might not suffer any to go out 7. two parts of all you that go forth on the sabbath, 9. them that should go out on the sabbath, : 18. that went out to the war. 11. fit to go out for war (and) battle. 33, 36. such-as went forth to battle, 1. which came in and went out month by 9. thy son which shall come forth out of thy : 5. (there was) no peace to him that went out, : l.let none go out or come in 8. them that were to go out on the sabbath: : 5. (able) to go forth to war, 1 1. that went out to war by bands, : 25. the tower which lieth out 26. the tower that lieth out. 27. against the great tower that lieth out, : 5(6). a bridegroom coming' out, of his :14. (that there be) no breaking in, nor going out; : 5. an error (which) proceedeth from the : 21. the Lord cometh out ofhis place : 6. every one that goeth out thence shall be 9. but he that goeth out, and falleth to the : 32. evil shall go forth from nation to nation, 4. Jeremiah came in and went out 7. which is come forth to help you, 2. but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans : 13. out of the fire went forth lightning. 22. they shall come forth unto you, ¦¦'¦10. the word that comethforth from the Lord. 1. waters issued" out from under the 8. These waters issue out toward the east 12. they issued out of the sanctuary: :20.when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of 3. The city that went out — and that which went forth (by) an hundred 3. the Lord comethforth out ofhis place, : 3(7). the angel that talked with me wen( forth, and another angel went out to : 3. This (is) the curse that goeth forth 5. see what (is) this that goeth forth. 6. This (is) an ephah that goeth forth. 9. there came out two women, : 1. there came four chariots out 5. which go forth from standing 6. go forth into the north country; Zee. 6: 8. these that go toward the north country 8: !0.net'(ner...(o him that went out or came in Genl4 15 40 Ex. 6: 7: 12: 13 16: 18 202932 Lev. 4: 6 1419 25 26 Nu. 1519 20 Deu 1 5 6 Jos 6 24 Jud 6 2Sa.l2 IK. 8 9 17 21 ICh 20 2Ch 6 7 18 Ezr 1 Neh 9 Job 10 15 Ps. 37 Isa. 65 Jer. 51 Eze.ll 12 # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # : 18. Melchizedek. ..brought forth bread and : 7. 1 (am) the Lord that brought thee out of 14. and bring me out of this house: 6. and Iwill bring you om( from under the 4. and bring forth mine armies, (and) my 5. and bring out the children of Israel 17. in this selfsame day have I brought your armies ow( 39. the dough which (Aey brought forth 51 . Lord did bring the children of Israel ow( 3. the Lord brought you out from this 9. strong hand Aa(A the Lord brought thee out 14. the Lord brought us out from Egypt, 16. the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt. 3. ye have bj'ought us forth into this 6. the Lord Aa(A brought you out 1 . the Lord Aad brought Israel out 2. have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, 46. that brought them /or(A out of the land of 11. which thou Aas( brought forth out of the 1 2. For mischief did he bring them out, 12. Even the whole bullock shall he carry forth 21. And he shall carry forth the bullock : 1 1 (4). and carry forth the ashes without the : 45. and he shall carry (them) /or(A out of the : 36. which brought you om( of the land of : 38. which brought you forth out of the land 42. which I brought forth out of the land of 55. whom I brought forth out of the land of : 13. which brought you forth out of the land 45. whom J brought forth out of the land of : 41. which brought you om( of the land of : 3. that he may bring her forth without the : 8. and thou shalt bring forth to them water : 27. Ae Aa(A brought us forth out of the land of : 6. which brought thee out of the land of : 12. brought thee forth out of the land of 23. Ae brought us out from thence, : 8. brought you om( with a mighty hand, 19. the Lord thy God brought thee out: : 12. thy people which (Aom Aos( brought forth 26. which (Aom hast brought forth out of 28. the land whence (Aom broughtest us out — Ae Aa(A brought them out to slay them 29. which (Aom bj-oughtest out by thy mighty : l.the Lord thy God brought thee forth : 5. Then shalt thou bring forth that man : 19. and bring him om( unto the elders of his : 14. and bring up an evil name upon her, 15. and bring forth (the tokens of) the 19. Ae Aa(A brought up an evil name upon a 21 . Then they shall bring out the damsel 24. 77ien ye shall bring them both om( :23. (Aey brought out all her kindred, : 5. afterward I brought you om(. : 1 8 . and bring forth my present, :30.Ae brought forth the spoil of the city 31 . Ae brought forth the people that (were) : 16. the day that / brought forth my people 51 . (Aom bj'ought est forth out of Egypt, : 9. who brought forth their fathers : 13. and bring (it) unto me, :10. And (then) carry him out, and stone him, : 2. Ae brought also exceeding much spoil om( 3. Ae brought out the people that (were) in : 5. Since the day that I bj'ought forth my : 22. which brought them forth out of the land : 33. (Aa( (Aou mayest carry me out of the host ; : 7. the king bj-ought forth the vessels — which Nebuchadnezzar Aad brought forth : 7. and broughtest Mm forth out of Ur 15. broughtest forth water for them : 18. Wherefore then Aos( (Aom brought me forth : 13. and lettest (such) words go out of thy : 6. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness : 9. And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, : 10. The Lord Aa(A brought forth our 44. and Iwill bring forth out of his mouth : 7.1 will bring you /or(A out of the midst of 9..4nd Iwill bring you out of the midst 4. Then shalt thou bring forth thy stun* 5. and carry out thereby. 7. 1 brought forth my stuff by day, 8W ( 554 ) HW Eze.12: 7 . 1 brought (it) forth in the twilight, 20:14. in whose sight I brought them out. 22. in whose sight J bj-ought them forth. 34. And I ivill bring you out from the people, 21 : 3(8). and will draw forth my sword 5( 10). I the Lord Aaue drawn forth my sword 34: 13. .And I will bring them out from the people, 38: 4. and I will bring thee forth, 42: 15. he bj'ought me forth toward the gate Dan 9: 15. that hast bj'ought thy people forth Zee. 4: 7. and he shall bring forth the headstone 5: 4.1 will bring it forth, saith the Lord HIPHIL.— Infinitive. GenI9:17. wj/cen they had brought them, forth abroad, Ex. 3:12. When thou hast brought forth the people 6: 13. to bring the children of Israel out 27. to bring out the children of Israel 8:18(14). the magicians did so...(o bring forth 12: 42. for bj'inging them out from the land of 14: 11 . to carry us forth out of Egypt ? 16 : 32. wheji I brought you /or(A from the land of Lev.23: 43. when I brought them out of the land of Nu. 14:36. bringing up a slander upon the land, Deu29: 25(24). when he brought them forth out of the Jos. 10:24, when they brought out those kings IK. 8:21. when he brought them out of the land of 53. when thou broughtest our fathers out of 2K. 23: 4.(o bring forth out of the temple 2Ch 29:16. the Levites took (it), to carry (it) out 34:14. And when they brought out the money Ezr. 10: 3. to put away all the wives, 19. that they would put away their wives ; Ps.l04:14. (Aa( Ae may bring forth food Ecc. 5: 2(1 ). let not thine heart be hasty to utter Isa. 42: 7. to bring out the prisoners Jer. 7 : 22. the day that / brought them om( 11: 4. the day (that) I brought them forth 31:32. to bring them out of the land of 34: 13. the day that / brought them /br(A 39: 14. that he should carry him home: Eze. 12:12, dig through the wall to carry out 20: 6. to bring them forth of the land 9, in bringing them forth out of the land 41 . when I bring you out from the people, 46 : 20. they bear ( them) not out into the uttercourt, Hos. 9:13. Ephraim shall bring forth his children Am. 6:10. to bring out the bones HIPHIL. — Imperative. Gen 8:17. Bring forth with thee every living thing 19: 5. bring thejn out unto us, 12. bring (them) out of this place: 38:24. Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. 45: 1. Cause every man to go out from me. Ex. 3:10. that thou mayest bring forth my people 6 : 26. Bring out the children of Israel Lev.24: 14. Bring forth him that hath cursed Jos. 2 : 3. Bring forth the men that are come to thee, 6:22. and bj-ing out thence the woman, 10:22. ajid bring out those five kings unto me Jud. 6:30. Bring out thy son, that he may die: 19:22. Br, 'ng forth the man that came into thine 2Sa. 1 3 : 9. Have ojU all men from me. IK. 22: 34. and carj-y me out of the host; 2K. 10:22. Bring forth vestments for all the 1 1 : 15. Have her forth without the ranges: 2Ch 23; 14. Have her forth of the ranges: 29: b . and carry forth the filthiness Ps. 25: 17. (O) bring thou me out ofmy distresses. 142: 7(8). Bring my soul out of prison, Isa. 43: 8. Bring forth the blind people 48:20. utter it (even) to the end of the earth ; Eze.i!4: 6. bring it out piece by piece ; HIPHIL— Future. Gen 1:12. And the earth brought forth grass, 24. Let the earth brhig forth the living creature 15: 5. And he brought him forth abroad, 19: 8. let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, 16. and they brought him forth, and set him 24:53. And the servant brought forth jewels 43:23.^4nd Ae brought Simeon out unto them. 48: 12. And Joseph bj-ought them out Ex. 3:11. 1 should bring forth the children of Israel 4: 6. and when he took it out, behold, his hand 7 .and plucked it out ofhis bosom, 1 2 : 46. (Aom sAa/( not carry forth ought of the flesh Ex. 19:17. And Moses brought forth the people Lev.l6:27.sAuii (one) carry forth without the camp; 24:23. that they should briny forth him that had 26 :\9. bring forth the old because of the new. Nu. 13:32. Ajid they brought up an evil report 15 : 36. And all the congregation brought him 17: 8(23). and brought forth buds, and bloomed 9(24). And Moses brought out all the rods 20:10.mw,s'( we fetch you water out of this rock? 16. and hath brought us forth out of Kgypt: 27 : 1 7. and which may lead them out, Deu 4:20. and brought you forth out of the iron 37. ajid brought thee out in his sight 5 : 15. ajid (that) the Lord thy God brought thee out thence 6:21. and the Lord brought us out of Egypt 14:28. (Aom shalt bring forth all the tithe 24 : 1 1 . shall bring out the pledge abroad 26 : 8. Ajid the Lord bj-ought us forth oat of Egypt 28:38. TAom shalt carry much seed out into the Jos. 6: 23. and brought out Rahab, 10:23. they did so, and brought forth those five 24: 6. And I brought your fathers out of Egypt: Jud. 6: 8 . and brought you forth out of the house of 19. and brought (it) oid unto him 19 : 24. / will bring out now, and humble ye them, 25. the man took his concubine, and brought her forth Ru. 2:18. and she brought forth, and gave to her lSa.12: 8. which brought forth your fathers out of 2Sa. 10: 16. ajid brought out the Syrians that (were) 13:18. TAen his servant brought her om(, 22: 20. He brought me forth also into a large place: I K. 10 : 29. did they bring (them) out by their means. 21:13. Tlien they carried, him forth out of the city, 2K. 10:22. And he brought them forth vestments. 26. And they brought forth the images 11 :12. And he brought forth the king's son, 12: 11 (12). and they laid it out to the carpenters 1 5 : 20. And Menahem exacted (marg. And causea to come forth) ¦ 23 : 6. And he brought out the grove ' 24:13. And he carried out thence all the treasures ICh. 9: 28. that they should bring them in and out by tale. ( marg. bring them in by tale, and carry them out by tale ) 19:16. and drew forth the Syrians that (were) 2Ch. 1:17. and brought forth out of Egypt a chariot — so brought they out (horses) 16: 2. TAen Asa brought out silver and gold 23: 11 . Then they brought out the king's son, 14. Then Jehoiada... brought out the captains 29:16. and brought out all the uncleanness Ezr. 1 : 8. Even those did Cyrus... bring forth 8:17. {yrO)And I sent them with commandment (lit. according to 1TO, and I brought them) Job 8:10. Shall not they. ..utter words out of their 12:22. and bringeth out to light the shadow of 28: 11 . (the thing that is) hid bringeth ke forth to 38:32. Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth Ps. 18:19(20). .He brought me forth also into a large 25 : 15. Ae shall pluck my feet out of the net. (marg. bring forth) 31 : 4(b). Pull jne out of the net that they have 66 : 1 2. but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy 78: 16. He brought streams also OJit of the rock, 105:37. He bj-ought them forth also with silver 43. A?td he brought forth his people with joy, 107:14. He brought them out of darkness 28. Ae bringeth them out of their distresses. 1 36 : 1 1 . And brought out Israel from among them: 1 43 : 1 1. bring my soul om( of trouble. Pro. 29: 11 . A fool uttereth all his mind: 30: 33. the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife. Isa. 42 : 1 . Ae shall bring forth judgment to the 3. Ae shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 61 : 1 1 . as the earth bringeth forth her bud, Jer. 8: 1. they shall bring out the bones (yTOandthey shall, &c. ) 10 ;13. and bi'ijigelh forth the wind 15:19. if thou take forth the precious 1 7 : 22. Neither carry forth a burden 20: 3.(Aa( Pashur hrtmaht forth -Iprnmiah IW Jer. 26 32 50: 51 52 Eze.12 20 37 42 47 Mic. 7 Hag. 1: Ex. 6 Lev.22 Nu. 14 2324 Deu 8 13 Jud. 2 2Sa. 5 22 IChll 2Ch 9 Neh 6 Ps. 68: 135: Pro.lO:Isa. 40: 43: I 54 Jer. 38, Eze. 38 Gen 38 Jer. 38: Eze.l 4: 47: 23. And they fetched forth Urijah out of Egypt, li.And hast brought forth thy people Israel 2b. and hath brought forth the weapons I6.a7itf bringeth forth the wind 31. ana' brought him forth out of prison, 6. carry (it) forth in the twilight: 10. Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of 38. 1 will bring them forth out of the country 18. therefore will I bring forth a fire 1 . and carried me out in the spirit 1 & 46: 21 . Then he brought me forth into the 2. Then brought he me out of the way 9. he will-bring me forth to the light, 11. (that) which the ground bringeth forth, HIPHIL.— Participle. 7. bringeth you out from under the burdens 33. That brought you out of the land of 37. that did bring up the evil report 22. God brought them out of Egypt ; 8. God brought him forth out of Egypt ; 14. which brought thee forth out of the land 15. who brought thee forth^vater 5(6). which brought you out of the land of 10(11). which brought thee out of the land of : 12. which brought them out of the land of : 2. thou wast he that leddest out... Israel: :49. And that bringeth me forth from mine : 2. thou (wast) he that leddest out... Israel; :28. And they brought unto Solomon horses out : 19. uttered (lit. had been uttering) my words to him. : 6(7). he bringeth out those which are bound : l.he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries. ; 18. ana* Ae that uttereth a slander, :2S.thot bringeth out their host by number: :17. Which bringeth forth the chariot : 16. and that bringeth forth an instrument : 23. they shall bring out all thy wives * HOPHAL Preterite. * 8.£( is brought forth out of the nations, HOPHAL Participle. 25. When she (was) brought forth, 11.brought forth to the king of Babylon's 22. a remnant that shall be brought forth, 8. brought forth into the sea, ( 555 ) IjT Nu. 22 : 22. and the angel of the Lord stood in the way Deu 7: 24. there shall no man be able to stand before ,9: 2. can stand before tlie children of Anak ! 1 1 : 25. There shall no man be able to stand before 3l:14. and prisented themselves in the tabernacle Jos. 1 : 5. There shall not any man be able to stand 24: l.ana they presented themselves before God. Jud.20: 2. And the chief... presented themselves in the ISa. 3: 10. tlie Lord came, and stood, 10:23. when he stood among the people, 17:16. and presented himself forty days. 2Sa. 18: 13. thou thyself wouldest have set thyself 23 : 1 2. But he stood in the midst of the ground, ICh 11 :U.And they set themselves in the midst of (that) Job 38 : 1 4. and they stand as a garment. 41 : 10(2). who then is able to stand before me? Ps. 2: 2:The kings of the earth set themselves, 5: 5(6) . The foolish shall not stand in thy 36: 4(5 ). he setteth himself in a way (that is) not 94 : 1 6. who will stand up for me Pro.22. 29. /te shall stand before Icings; he shall not stand before mean (men). Hab 2: 1 . and set me upon the tower, NT [ytzah], Ch. * SHAPHEL.— Preterite. * Ezr. 6:15. And this house was finished on the third IV [yah-tzav']. * HITHPAEL. —Preterite. * Nu. 11:16. that they may stand there with thee. 2Ch 11: 13. all Israel resorted to him (marg. presented themselves) HITHPAEL. —Infinitive. 5. we should be destroyed from remaining 6. none is able to withstand thee ? 6&2:1. sons of God came to presentihemselves 1. Satan came...(o present himself 5. which go forth from standing before the HITHPAEL.— Imp erative. 20(16) &9:13. and stand before Pharaoh ; 13. Fear ye not, stand still, 3. Stand by thy burnt offering, 15. Stand here by thy burnt offering, 14. and present yourselves in the tabernacle 19. present yourselves before the Lord 7. Now therefore stand still, 16. stand and see this great thing, 30. Turn aside, (and) stand here. I7.se( yourselves, stand ye (still), 5. (thy words) in order before me, stand up. 4. and stand forth with (your) helmets; 14. Standfast, and prepare thee ; HITHPAEL Future. 4. And his sister stood afar off, 11 .and they stood at the nether part of the 5. and stood with him there, 2Sa.2I: 2Ch20: Job 1: 2: Zee. 6: Ex. 8: 14: Nu. 23 Deu 31 lSa.10: 12; 2Sa.l8:2Ch20:Job 33: Jer. 46; Ex. 2: 19; 34: 2$\ [ytzehv], Ch. * PAEL.— Infinitive. * Dan 7:19. Then I would know the truth of the fourth M [yah-tzag']. Gen 43: Job 17: Jer. 51: Hos. 2: Deu 28; Am. 5: Gen 30: 33; 47: Jud. 7: 8: ISa. 5; 2Sa. 6: !Chl6; * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 9. and set him before thee, 6. He hath made me also a byword 34. Ae hath made me an empty vessel, (2TD made us, &c. ) 3(5 ). and set her as in the day that she was HIPHIL Infinitive. 56. would not adventure to set the sole of her HIPHIL — Imperative. 15. and establish judgment in the gate : HIPHIL —Future. .oS.And he set the rods which he had pilled 15. Let me now leave with thee (some) of the 2, and presented them unto Pharaoh. : 5. him shalt thou set by himself; 27. and put it in his city, 2. and set it by Dagon. : 17. and set it in his place, I . and set it in the midst of the tent HIPHIL.— Participle. Jud. 6:37.1 will put a fleece of wool in the floor; * HOPHAL Future. « Ex. 1 0 : 24. let your flocks and your herds be stayed : "VyS\yitz-hahr', m. Nu. 18 Deu / 12 14 28 2K. 18 2Ch31 32 Neh 5 10 Jer. 31 Hos 2 Joel 1 2 Hap ¦l Zee 4 : 12. All the best of (Ae oil, : 13 & 1 1 : 1 4 . thy wine, and (Aine oil, :17.or ofthy wine, or ofthy oil, : 23 & 1 8 : 4. of thy wine, and of (Aine oil, :51. (either) corn, wine, or oil, :32.a land of oil olive and of honey, : 5. the firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil, : 28. the increase of corn, and wine, and oil; :1 l.the corn, the wine, and the oil, : 37(38). of wine and of oil, 39(40) & 13:5, 12. the new wine, and the oil, : 1 2. for wine, and for oil, : 8(10). I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, 22(24). and the wine, and (Ae oil; : 10. the oil languisheth. :19. 1 will send you corn, and wine, and oil, 24. the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. ¦Al. upon the new wine, and upon the oil, : 14. the two anointed ones, (.lit. two sons of oil) J£fiP \_yah-tzoo'ag\ m. Gen 49: 4. he went up to my couch. w ( 556 ) -)T IK. 6: 5. (2'n3) he built chambers round about, 6. ( ) The nethermost chamber (was) 10. ( ) (then) he built chambers 1 Ch 5 : 1 . he defiled his father's Jed', Job 17: 13. 1 have made my bed in the darkness. Ps. 63: 6(7). I remember thee upon my bed, 132: 3. up into my bed; (lit. the coueh of my bed) N^ [yak-tzee'l adj. 2Ch 32: 21. And... they that cameforth ofhis own yW yatz-tzeev' , Ch. adj. Dan 2 : 8.1 know of certainty that ye would gain the 45. and the dream (is) certain, and the 3:24. True, O king. 6: 12(13). The thing (is) true, according to the 7:16. and asked him (Ae truth of all this. W£\yah-tzee'ag, com. IK. 6: 5. built chambers round about, (marg. floors) 6. TAe nethermost chamber (was) five cubits 10. (then) he built chambers nilyak-tzag'] * HIPHIL Future. * Ps.139: 8. if I make my bed in hell, Isa. 58: 5. to spread sackcloth and ashes (under him)? * HOPHAL.— Future. * Est. 4: 3. many lay in sackcloth and ashes, (marg. were laid under many) Isa. 14:11. the worm is spread under thee , p¥J yah-tzah' . Ex. 25 26 29 Lev . 2 8 9 14 IK. 7 2K. 3 4 9 2Ch 4 Ex. 38 Job 38 IK. 18 2K. 4 Eze.24- Gen28 35 Ex. 36 37 38 Lev 8 14 Nu. 5 ISa.lO 2Sa 13 IK. 22 2K. 4 9 Isa. 44 IK. 7 2C1. 4 # KAL.— Preterite. # : 12. And tliou shalt cast four rings : 37. and thou shalt cast five sockets of brass : 7. and pour (it) upon his head, : 1 . and he shall pour oil upon it, 6. and pour oil thereon : : 15. and poured the blood at the bottom of : 9. and poured out the blood : 15. and pour (it) into the palm : 46. plain of Jordan did the king cast them, : 1 1 . which poured water on the hands of : 4. and shalt pour out into all those vessels, : 3. take the box of oil, and pour (it) on his :17. plain of Jordan did the king cast them, KAL. — Infinitive. : 27. the hundred talents of silver were cast :38. When the dust gj-oweth into hardness, KAL. — Imperative. : 33(34). and pour (it) on the burnt sacrifice, :41. Pour out for the people, that they may : 3.also^0Mr water into it: KAL.— Future. : 18. and poured oil upon the top of it. : 14. and he poured oil thereon. :36. and he cast for them four sockets of ; 3, 13. And he cast for it four rings : 5. And he cast four rings ; 12. And he poured of the anointing oil upon : 26. the priest shall pour of the oil ; 15. Ae shallpour no oil upon it, : 1 . Samuel took a vial of oil. and poured (it) : 9. she took a pan, and poured (them) out :35. and the blood j-an out of the wound :40. So they poured out for the men to eat. : 6. and he poured the oil on his head, : 3.1 will pour water upon him that is thirsty, — / will pour my spirit upon thy seed, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. : 24. the knops (were) cast in two rows, 30. the laver (were) undersetters molten, ; 3. Two rows of oxen (were) cast. Job 41:23(15). (Aey are firm in themselves; 24(16). His heart is as firm as astone; yea,as hard as a piece of the nether (millstone ) Ps. 41: 8(9). disease, (say they), cleaveth fast unto him: * HIPHIL Future.* Jos. 7:23. and laid them out before the Lord. 2Sa. 15 ; 24. and they set down the ark of God ; # HOPHAL.— Preterite. # Ps. 45: 2(3). grace is poured into thy lips: HOPHAL.— Future. Lev.21 : 10. whose head the anointing oil was poured Job 22: 16. whose foundation was overflown with 'a flood: HOPHAL.— Participle. IK. 7: 16. he made two chapiters (of) molten brass, 23. he made a molten sea, 33. their spokes, (were) all molten. 2K. 4: 5. she went £rom him,. ..and she poured out. 2Ch 4: 2. he made a molten sea Job 1 1 : J 5. yea, thou shalt be stedfast, 37: 18. as a molten looking glass? PI,W [y'txoo-kah'], f. IK. 7:24. in two rows, when it was cast. Gen 2 2K. 19 Ps. 74 95 104 Isa. 37 434445 46 Gen 2 Isa 41 Jer 1 2Sa.l7 ICh. 4 Ps. 2 33 94 Isa 22 27 29 30 41 43 44 45 49:64: Jer. 10:18: *1X* yah-tzar'. * KAL.— Preterite.* : 8. the man whom Ae had formed. : 25. of ancient times (Aa( I have formed it? : 1 7 -thou hast made summer and winter. : 5. his hands formed the dry (land). :26. (whom) thou hast made to play therein. : 26. of ancient times, (Aa( I have formed it? : 7. 1 have formed him; yea, I have made him 21 . This people Aat;e I formed for myself; : 10. Who hath formed a god, 21. Ihaveformedthee ; thou (art) my servant; ; 18. Ae formed it to be inhabited: : 1 1 . / have purposed (it), I will also do it. KAL — Future. : l.And the Lord God formed man 19.j4nd...the Lord God formed every beast \2.fashioneth it with hammers, 5. 1 formed thee in the belly KAL. — Participle. Poel. 28. earthen vessels, (lit. vessels of (Ae potter) :23. These (were) thepotters, 9. shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's 15. He fashioneth their hearts alike; 9. Ae that formed the eye, 20. which frameth mischief by a law ? 1 1 . neither had respect unto him lha fashioned it 1 1 . and he that formed them will shew them n: 16. shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: — the thing framed say of him that framed it 14. the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces: 25. as (Ae potter treadeth clay. Land he that formed thee, O Israel, 2. and formed thee from the womb, 9. They that make a graven image 24. and he that formed thee from the womb, 7. 1 form the light, and create darkness: (lit. forminq) 9. Woe unto him' that striveth with his Maker — Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it 1 1 . the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, 18. God himself that formed the earth 5. the Lord that formed me from the womb 8(7). we (are) the clay, and thou our potter, 16. he (is) the former of all (things); 2. go down to (Ae potter's house, 3. 1 went down to (Ae potter's house, 4. the hand of (Ae potter : — as seemed good to (Ae potter 6. cannot I do with you as this potter? — as the clav lis) in (Ae votter's hand, -I2T (557 ) V Jer. 18:11. 1 frame evil against you, 19: 1. Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, 11. as (one) breaketh a potter's vessel, 33: 2. the Lord that formed it, 51:19. he (is) the former of all things: Lam. 4: 2. the work of the hands of the potter I Am. 4:13. Ae that formetli the mountains, 7 : 1 . Ae formed grasshoppers in the beginning Hab. 2:18.(Ae maker (Aereo/hath graven it ; — (Ae maker of his work trusteth therein, (marg. fashioner) Zecll : 13. Cast it unto (Ae potter : — cast them to the potter 12: 1. and formeth the spirit of man * NIPHAL. —Preterite. * Isa. 43: 10. (Aere was no God formed, * PUAL. —Preterite. * Ps.l39:16. (which) in continuance were fashioned, * HOPHAL Future. * Isa. 54: 17. No weapon (Aa( is formed against thee shall Gen32 Jud. 2 10: ISa. 30 2Sa.l3 Job 18 2Q Pro. 4 Isa. 49; "IX* [yah-tzar1]. *KAL Future. * 7(8). Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: lb. and they were greatly distressed. 9. so that Israel was sore distressed. 6. And David was greatly distressed ; 2. And Amnon was so vexed, 7. The steps ofhis strength shall be straitened, 22. In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits : 12. thy steps sliall not Ae straitened; 19. shall even now be too narrow by reason *t$!.yehf-tzer, m. Gen 6: Deu 31 ICh 28 29 Ps.103 29 Hab. 2: 5. every imagination of the thoughts :21.(Ae imagination of man's heart (is) evil : 21 . 1 know (Aeir imagination 9. all (Ae imaginations of the thoughts: 18. keep this for ever in the imagination of 14. For he knoweth our frame; 3. (whose) mind (is) stayed (on thee) : (marg. or, thought, or, imagination) 16. or shall (Ae thing framed say 18. the maker of his work trusteth therein, (marg. his fashion) Ej'-K*. [y'tzoo-re'em'], m. pi. Job 17: 7. and all my members (are) as a shadow. (marg. or, thoughts) nr [yah-tzath']. 33 Jer. 49 51: 2K.22:Neh 1; Jer. 2: 9: . 46: 88a. 14 Jer. II: 17; 21: 32: 43: *KAL.— Future. * 18(17). and sAaS kindle in the thickets 12. (as | thorns cut up shall they be burned 2. her daughters shall be burned with fire: 58. her high gates shall be burned -with fire ; * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * 13. wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, 11. therefore my wrath shall be kindled 3 & 2: 17. gates thereof are burned with fire. 15. his cities are burned without inhabitant. 10(9). (Aey are burned up, (marg. desolate) 12(11). trie land perisheth (and) is burned up 19.Noph shall be waste and desolate without * HIPHIL Preterite. * 31. Aaue thy servants set my field on fire? 16. Ae Aa(A kindled fire upon it, 27. (Aen will I kindle a fire in the gates 14. and I will kindle a fire in the forest 29. shall come and set fire on this city, 12. And Iwill kindle a fire in the houses 21. And Iwill kindle a fire in the wall Jer. 50:32. and Iwill kindle a fire in his cities, 51 :30. they have burned her dwellingplaces ; Am. 1 : 14. But I will kindle a fire in the wall HIPHIL Imperative. 2Sa. 14:30. go and set it on fire. HIPHIL.— Future. Jos. 8: 8. (that) ye shall set the city on fire: 19. hasted and set the city on fire. Jud. 9:49. and set the hold on fire upon them ; 2Sa.l 4 : 30. And Absalom's servants set the field on fire. Lam. 4: 1 1, and Aa(A kindled a fire in Zion. HIPHIL Participle. Eze. 20:47(21 :3). I will kindle a fire in thee, 3ff. yeh'-ltev, m. Nu. 18 Deul5: 16: Jud. 7: 2K. 6: Job 24: Pro. 3: Isa. 5: 16: Jer. 48: Hos. 9: Joel 2; 3: Hag. 2: Zec.14: 27. as the fulness of (Ae winepress. 30. as the increase of (Ae winepress. 14. and out ofthy winepress: 13. hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine: 25. they slew at the winepress of Zeeb, 27. out of (Ae winepress? 11. tread (their) winepresses, 10. thy presses shall burst out with new wine. 2. also made a winepress therein: 10. shall tread out no wine in (their) presses; 33. caused wine to fail from the winepresses : 2. The floor and the winepress shall not feed them, (marg. or, winefat) 24. the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. 13(4: 13). the press is full, the fats overflow ; 16. when (one) came to the pressfat 10. the king's winepresses. IWlyak-kad'}. # KAL.— Future. # Deu 32 : 22. and shall burn unto the lowest hell, Isa. 10: 16. Ae shall kindle a burning like the burning KAL. — Participle. Poel. Isa. 65: 5. a fire (Aa( burnetii all the day. KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Isa. 30:14. a sherd to take fire from tke hearth, * HOPHAL.— Future. Lev. 6: 9(2). the fire of the altar shall be burning 12(5). the fire upon the altar shall be burning 13(6). The fire shall ever be burning Jer. 15: 14. (which) shall burn upon you. 17 : 4. (which) shall burn for ever. "IP* [y'kad]. *P'AL. — Participle. Active. # Dan 3: 6. into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 11. should be cast into the midst of a burning 15. shall be cast.. .into the midst of a burning 17. is able to deliver us from the burning fiery 20. (and) to cast (them) into the burning fiery 21 . were cast into the midst of the burning 23. bound into the midst of the burning fiery 26. came near to the mouth of the burning n*F: [ykeh-dah'], Ch. f. Dan 7:11. and given to the burning flame. nnj? [yik-k'hah'l f. Gen 49: 10.him(shall)(Ae<7a(Aerinjro/the people (be). Pro. 30: 17. despiseth to obey (his) mother, "lip* ykohd, m. Isa. 10:16. shall kindle a burning like the burning of a IP* ( 558 ) IP' dp* ykoom, m. Gen 7: 4. every living substance that I have made will 23. every living substance was destroyed Deu 11: 6. all (Ae substance that (was) in their possession, (marg. or, living substance) W$\yah-kohsti, m. Hos. 9: 8. the prophet (is) a snare of a fowler K^p* yah-lwosti , m. Ps. 91 : 3. deliver thee from the snare of (Ae fowler, Pro. 6: 5. a bird from the hand of the fowler. Jer. 5:26. he that setteth snares; y&\yak-keer' ', adj. Jer. 31 :20. (Is) Ephraim my dea?- son? ")*p* [yak-keerf], Ch. adj. Ezr. 4:10. the nations whom the great and ?:oMe Dan 2:11. (it is) a rare thing that the king requireth, V^b^-kag']. * KA.L— Future. # Gen32:25(26). and.. .Jacob's thigh was ojd of joint, Jer. 6: 8. lest my soul depart from thee; (marg. be loosed, or, disjointed) Eze.23: 17. and her mind was aliejiated from them. (marg. id). 18. then my mind was alienated from her, tf- HIPHIL.— Preterite. X 2Sa.21 : 6. and we will hang them up unto the Lord HIPHIL. —Imperative. Nu. 25: 4. and Aany them up before the Lord HIPHIL.— Future. 2Sa.21 : 9. ajid they hanged them in the hill #• HOPHAL.— Participle. # 2Sa.21:13.they gathered the bones of them (Aa( were hanged. FP' lyah~kaizl\ *KAL. —Future. # Gen 9:24. And Noah awoke from his wine, 28:16. And Jacob awaked out ofhis sleep, 41 : 4: So Pharaoh awoke. 7 .And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, (it was) 21. as at the beginning. So I awoke. Jud. 16: 14. And he awaked out ofhis sleep, 20. And he awoke out ofhis sleep, IK, 3:15. And Solomon awoke; and, behold, (it was) 18: 27. he sleepeth, and must be awaked. Ps. 78:65. Then the Lord muaAed as one out of sleep, Hab. 2: 7. and awake that shall vex thee, "lp* [yah-kar']. * KAL.— Preterite. * 1 Sa. 26: 21. my soul was precious in thine eyes Ps. 139: 17. How precious also are thy thoughts Isa. 43: 4. Since (Aou wast precious in my sight, Zec.l 1:13. a goodly price (Aa( I was prised at of them. KAL.— Future. lSa.l8:30. so that his name was much set by. (marg. precious) 2K. 1:13. let my life,...6e precious in thy sight. 14. let my life now be precious in thy sight. Ps. 49: 8(9). For the redemption of their soul (is) precious, 72: 14. and precious shall their blood be in his siffht. * HIPHIL.— Imperative. # Pro.25: 17. Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's HIPHIL Future. Isa. 13:12./ will make a man more precious ISa. 3 2Sa.l2 IK. 5 7 10 ICh 20 29 2Ch 39 32 Job 28 31 Ps. 36 3745 116 Pro. 1 36 12 17 24 Ecc.10:Isa. 28 Jer. 15 Lam. 4 Eze.27: 28 Danll Zec.14: "Tp^yah-kahr', adj. 1 . the word of the Lord was precious :30. a talent of gold with the precious stones: : 1 7(31 ). costly stones, (and) hewed stones, : 9. All these (were of) costly stones, 10. the foundation (was of) costly stones, 1 1 .above (were) costly stones, : 2. very much gold, and precious stones: 1 0. spices very great store, and precious stones: 11. the navy... brought in... precious stones. : 2. ( there were ) precious stones in it ; : 2. all manner of precious stones, : 6. he garnished the house with precious stones 1 . gold in abundance, and precious stones: 9. of spices great abundance, and pncious 10. the servants... brought... precious stones. 27. he made himself treasuries... for precious 1 6. with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 26. the moon walking (in) brightness; ; 7(8). How excellent (is) thy lovingkindness, (marg. precious) 20. the enemies. ..( shall be) as the fat o/lambs: 9(10). Kings' daughters (were) anwng thy honourable women : 15. Precious in the sight of the Lord (is) the 13. We shall find all precious substance, 15. She (is) more precious than rubies: 26. the adulteress will hunt for the precious life, 27. substance of a diligent man (is) precious. 21 .a man of understanding is of an excellent 4. all precious and pleasant riches. 1 . him that is in reputation 16. a precious corner (stone), 1 9. take forth (Ae precious from the vile, 2. The precious sons of Zion, 22. with all precious stones, and gold. 13. every precious stone (was) thy covering, 38. with precious stones, and pleasant things. 6. light shall not be clear, (marg. precious) "ID* y'kuhr, m. Est. 1 : 4. (Ae honour ofhis excellent majesty 20. wives shall give to their husbands lionour, 6: 3. What honour and dignity hath been done 6. What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour? (lit. delighteth in his honour) — whom would the king delight to do honour 7. the man whom the king delighteth to honour, (lit. delighteth in his honour) 9. man (withal) whom the king delighteth to honour, ( lit. delighteth in his honour) — ,11. the man whom the king delighteth lo honour, (lit. delighteth in his honour) 8: 16. The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour. Job 28: 10. his eye seeth every precious thing. Ps. 49:12(13). man (being) in honour abideth not: 20(21 ). Man (that is) in honour, Pro.20: 15. lips of knowledge (are) a precious jewel. Jer. 20: 5. all the precious things thereof, Eze. 22 : 25. have taken the treasure and precious things; Zec.l 1 : 13. a goodly price that I was prised at 1pT* [ykahr], Ch. m. Dan 2: 6.shallreceiveofmegifts...andgreat/i0»our: 37. God of heaven hath given thee., .and glory- 4:30(27). and for the honour ofmy majesty? 36(33). and for the glory ofmy kingdom, 5: 18. gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a king dom, and majesty, and glory, 20. and they took Ais glory from him: 7*14 tbov« wnc «5van i,™ ^««.:.^;on and glory, Pp"1 ( 559 ) #p*. [yah-kosh']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 141: 9. the snares (which) (Aey Aaue laid Jer. 50:24. 1 have laid a snare for thee, KAL.— Participle. Poel. Ps.124: 7. the snare of the fowlers; KNIPH AL.— Preterite. * Pro. 6: 2. Thou art snared with the words of thy Isa. 8:15. and fie snared, and be taken. 28: 13.be broken, and snared, and taken. NIPHAL Future. Deu 7: 25. lest (Aom fie snared therein: # HOPHAL.— Participle. * Ecc. 9: 12. so (are) the sons of men snared KT [yah-rah']. * KAL. — Infinitive. % 2Ch.26:15. to shoot arrows and great stones withal. * HIPHIL Future. * 2Sa.ll:24. .And the shooters sAo( from offthe wall Pro. 11:25. he that watereth shall be watered also (lit. he that moisteneth will also pour. This, others have taken for Hophal). HIPHIL Participle. 2Sa.ll .24. And the shooters shot from offthe wall ^Xyuh-reh'. * KAL.— Prefer He. * Genl8:15.I laughed not ; for sAe was afraid. 19:30. Ae feared to dwell in Zoar: 26: l.he feared to say, (She is) my wife ; 31: 31. Because I was afraid: Ex. 1 : 2 1 . the midwives feared God, 3: 6.Ae was afraid to look upon God. Lev.l9;14.&Kt shalt fear thy God: 32. and fear thy God: 25: 17. fiat (Aon shalt fear thy God: 36. but fear thy God; 43. fiat shalt fear thy God. Nil. 12: 8. wherefore then were ye not afraid Deu 5: 5. ye were afraid by reason of the fire, 28: 10. and they shall be afraid of thee. 31:12. that they may learn, and fear the Lord Jos. 4: 14. as they feared Moses, 24. that ye might fear the Lord your God Jud. 6:27. Ae feared his father's houshold, $:20. he feared, because he (was) yet a youth. ISa. 3:15. Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision. 14:26. the people feared the oath. 15:24. because I feared the people, 31 : 4. Ae was sore afraid. 2Sa. 1:14. How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth IK. 1:50. Adonijah feared because of Solomon, 51. Adonijah feareth king Solomon: 18: 12. /thy servant fear the Lord from my youth. 2K. 11 :2b. they feared not the Lord: 25:26. (Aey were afraid of the Chaldees. ICh 10: 4. would not ; for Ae was sore afraid. "eh 7: 2. and feared God above many. M> 1:9. .DotA Job fear God for nought ? 37 : 24. Men do therefore fear him : Ps. 55: 19(20). therefore they fear not God. 76: 8(9). the earth feared, and was still, 112: 1. Blessed (is) the man (that) feareth the 119:63. all (them) that fear thee, 120. / am afraid of thy judgments. Jer. 3: 8. her treacherous sister Judah feared not, 41 : 18. they were afraid of them, 44: 10. have they feared, nor walked in my law, ™.ll; 8. Ye have feared the sword; HosJO: 3. because we feared not the Lord ; ™b. 3: 2.1 have heard thy speech, (and) was afraid: ™L 3: 5. and fear not me, saith the Lord KAL. — Infinitive. ue" 4:10.that they may learn to fear me 5:29(26).(Aa( they would fear me, t>: 24.(o fear the Lord our God, Deu 8 6 10 12 14 23 17 19 28 58 31 13 Jos. 22 25 ISa. 18 29 2Sa 3 11 IK. 8 43 2Ch . 6 33 Neh II Ps. 86 11 Jer. 32:39 NT- to walk in his ways, and to fear him* to fear the Lord thy God, that thou mayest learn to fear the Lord that he may learn to fear the Lord (Aa( (Aom mayest fear this glorious and learn to fear the Lord your God, our children cease from fearhig the Lord. Saul was yet the more afraid (lit. added to fear) of David ; not answer Abner... because he feared him. to fear thee, as (do) thy people Israel ; and fear thee, as (doth) thy people Israel, who desire to fear thy name : unite my heart to fear thy name. (Aa( they may fear me for ever, KAL. — Imperative. Jos. 24: 14. Now therefore fear the Lord, ISa. 12:24. Only fear the Lord, Ps. 34: 9(10). 6 fear the Lord, ye his saints: Pro. 3: 7. fear the Lord, and depart from evil. 24: 21. My son, fear thou the Lord Ecc. 5: 7(b). but fear thou God. 12: 13. Fear God, and keep his commandments: KAL.— Future. Gen 3: 10. and Iwas afraid, because I (was) naked; 15: 1 . Fear not, Abram : I (am) thy shield, 20: 8. and the men were sore afraid. 21:17. What aileth thee, Hagar ? fear not ; 26:24.fear not, for I (am) with thee, 28: 17. And he was afraid, and said, 32: 7(8). Then Jacob was greatly afraid 35: 17. Fear not ; thou shalt have this son also. 42:35. and when (both) they. ..they wej-e afraid. 43:18. Aitd the men were ap-aid, 23. Peace (be) to you, fear not: 46: 3. fear not to go down into Egypt ; 50: 19. Joseph said unto them, Fear not: 21. Now therefore fear ye not: Ex. 1 : 17. But the midwives feared God, 2: 14. And Moses feared, 9:30. 1 know that ye will not yet fear the Lord 14; 10. and they were sore afraid: 13. Fear ye not, stand still, 31 . and the people feared the Lord, 20:20. Moses said unto the people, Fear not: 34: 30, and they were afraid to come nigh him. Lev.19: 3. Te shall fear every man his mother, 30 & 26: 2. Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reiierence my sanctuary : Nu. 14: 9. neither fear ye the people of the land ; — fear them not. 21 :34. the Lord said unto Moses, Fear him not: Deu 1: 21 .fear not, neither be discouraged. 29. Dread not, neither be afraid of them. 2 : 4. and they shall be afraid of you : 3 : 2. the Lord said unto me, Fear him not: 22. Ye shall not fear them: 6: 2. That (Aom mightestfear the Lord 13. TAom shalt fear the Lord thy God, 7:18. 27(om shalt not be afraid of them : 10:20. TAom shalt fear the Lord thy God ; 13: 4(5). after the Lord your God, and fear him, 11(12). all Israel shall hear, and fear, 17: 13. all the people shall hear, and fear, 19:20. those which remain shall hear, and fear, 20 : I. be not afraid of them : 3. fear not, and do not tremble, 21:21. all Israel shall hear, and fear. 31 : 6. fear not, nor be afraid of them : 8. fear not, neither be dismayed. Jos. 4: 14. and they feared him, 8 : 1 . Fear not, neither be thou dismayed : 9:24. (Aere/bre Hie were sore afraid of our lives 10: 2. That they feared greatly, 8. the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear them not: 2b. Fear not, nor be dismayed, 11: 6. Be not afraid because of them: Jud. 4:18. turn in to me ; fear not. 6: \0.fear not the gods of the Amorites, 23- Peace (be) unto thee ; fear not: Ru. 3:11. my daughter, fear not ; ISa. 4: 7. And the Philistines were afraid, 20. Fear not ; for thou hast born a son. 7: 7. they were afraid of the Philistines. 12: 14. If ye will fear the Lord, NT ( 560 ) NT IK. 2K. ISa. 12:18. mid all the people greatly feared the Lord 20. Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: 17:11- they were dismayed, and greatly afraid. 24. fled from him, ajid were sore afraid. 18:12. And Saul was afraid of David, 21: 12(1 3). and was sore afraid of Achish 22:23. Abide thou with me, fear not: 23: 17. he said unto him, Fear not: 28: 5. Ae was afraid, and his heart greatly 13. the king said unto her, Be not afraid: 20. and was sore afraid, because of the words 2Sa. 6: 9. And David was afraid of the Lord 9: 7. David saidunto him, Fear not: 10: 19. So the Syrians feared to help 12: 18. Andthe servants of David feared to tell 13:28. then kill him, fear not: 3:28. and they feared the king: 8:40. That they may fear thee 17: 13. Elijah said unto her, Fear not ; 1 : 15. be not afraid of him. 6: 16. he answered, Fear not: 10: 4. But they were exceedingly afraid, 17: 7 . and had feared other gods, 28. taught them how they should fear the Lord, 35, 37. Ye shall not fear other gods, 36. him shall ye fear, 38. neither shall ye fear other gods. 39. the Lord your God ye shall fear; 19: 6. Be not afraid of the words 25:24. Fear not to be the servants of the ICh 13: 12. And David was afraid of God 22:13. dread not, nor be dismayed. 28:20.year not, nor be dismayed: 2Ch 6:31.That(Aey may fear thee, 20; 3. And Jehoshaphat feared, 15. Be not afraid nor dismayed 17. fear not, nor be dismayed ; 32: 7. be not afraid nor dismayed Neh 2: 2. TAen I was very sore afraid, 4:14(8). Be not ye afraid of them : 6: 13. (was) he hired, that I should be afraid, 5:21. neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction 22. neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts 6:21.ye see (my) casting down, and are afraid. 9:35. (Then) would I speak, and not fear him; 11:15. thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear : 32: 6. wherefore I was afraid, and durst not shew 3 : 6(7)./ will not be afraid of ten thousands of 23: 4. 1 will fear no evil: 27 : 1. whom shall I fear ? 3. my heart shall not fear : 33: 8. Let all the earth fear the Lord: 40: 3(4). many shall see (it), and fear, 46: 2(3). Therefore will not we fear, 49: 5(6). Wherefore should I fear in the days of 16(17). Be not (Aom afraid when one is made 52: 6(8). The righteous also shall see, and fear, 56; 3(4). What time lam afraid, 4(5). I will not fear what flesh can do unto 11(12). I will not be afraid what man can do 64: 4( 5). suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear 9(10). Ajid all men shall fear, 65: 8(9). They also...aj'e afraid at thy tokens: 67: 7(8). and all the ends of the earth shall fear 72: 5. Tliey shall fear thee as long as the sun and 91 : 5. TAom sAa/( not be afraid for the terror by 102: 15(16). So the heathen shall fear... the Lord, 112: 7 . He shall not be afraid of evil tidings : 8. heart (is ) established, Ae shall not be afraid, 118: 6. The Lord (is) on my side; I will not fear : Pro. 3 : 25. Be not afraid of sudden fear, 31 :2L She is not afraid of the snow Ecc. 3:14. God doeth (it), that (men) should fear 8:12. which fear before him : 12: 5. they shall be afraid of (that which is) high, Isa. 7: 4. Take heed, and be quiet ; fear not, 8:12. neither fear ye their fear, 10:24. Ae not afraid of the Assyrian: 25: 3. city of the terrible nations shall fear thee. 35: 4. Be strong, fear not: 37: 6. Be not afraid of the words 40: 9. lift (it) up, be not afraid; 41 : 5. The isles saw (it), and feared; 10. Fear thou not ; for I (am) with thee: 13. Fear not; I will help thee. 14. Fear not, thou worm Jacob, 43: 1. .Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, Job Ps, Isa. 43: 5. Fear not: for I (am) with thee: 44: 2. Fear not, O Jacob, my servant ; 51: 7. fear ye not the reproach of men, 12. that thou shouldest be afraid of a man 54: 4. Fear not ; for thou shalt not be ashamed: 14. from oppression ; for (Aom shalt not fear: 57: II. of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, — and thou fearest me not? 59: 19. So shall they fear the name of the Lord 60: 5. Then (Aom shalt see, and flow [see also Jer. 1 : 8. Be not afraid of their faces : 5:22. Fear ye not me ? saith the Lord : 24. Let us now fear the Lord our God, 10: 5. Be not afraid of them ; 7. Who would not fear thee, 23 : 4. they shall fear no more, 26:21.Ae was afraid, and fled, and went into 30:10.Therefore/earthounot,40: 9. Fear not to serve the Chaldeans: 42: 1 1 . Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, — fie not afraid of him, 46:27./ear not thou, O my servant Jacob, 28. Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, 51 : 46. lest your heart faint, and ye fear Lam. 3:57. 1 called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not. Eze. 2: 6. fie not afraid of them, neither fie afraid of — fie not afraid of their words, 3: 9. fear them not, neither be dismayed Dan 10: 12. Then said he unto me, Fear not, 19. O man greatly beloved, fear not: Joel 2:21. Fear not, O land ; be glad and rejoice: 22. Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: Am. 3 : 8. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? Jon. 1 : 5. Then the mariners were afraid, 10. TAen were the men exceedingly afraid, 16. TAen the men feared the Lord Mic. 7:17. and shall fear because of thee. Zep. 3: 7. Surely (Aom wilt fear me, 16. day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou Hag. 1:12. and the people did fear before the Lord. 2 : 5. spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. Zee. 8:13./ear not, (but) let your hands be strong. lb. fear ye not. 9: 5. Ashkelon shall see (it), and fear; Mai. 2: 5. the fear wherewith he feared me, * NIPHAL.— Future. * Ps.130: 4. (there is) forgiveness with thee, that (toll mayest be feared. NIPHAL Participle. Gen 28: 17. How dreadful (is) this place ! Ex. lb:ll.fearful (in) praises, doing wonders? 34 : 1 0 . it ( is ) a (emfile thing that I will do Deu 1:19. that great and terrible wilderness, 7 : 21 . a mighty God and terrible. 8: 15. that great and terrible wilderness, 10: 17. a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, 21 . these great and terrible things, 28:58. this glorious and fearful name, Jud. 13: 6. an angel of God, very terrible: 2Sa. 7:23. to do for you great things and terrible, ICh 16:25.he also (is) to be feared above all gods. 17 : 21 . a name of greatness and terribleness, Neh 1 : 5. the great and terrible God, 4:14(8). the Lord, (which is) great and terrible, 9:32. the mighty, and the terrible God, Job 37 -.22. with God (is) terrible majesty. Ps. 45: 4(5). hand shall teach thee terrible things. 47: 2(3). the Lord most high (is) terrible; 65: 5(6). terrible things in righteousness 66: 3. How terrible (art thou in) thy works ! 5. (he is) terrible (in his) doing 68:35(36). (thou art) terrible out ofthy holy 76: 7(8). Thou, (even) thou, (art) to be feared: 12(13). (he is) terrible to the kings 89 : 7(8). and to be had in reverence of all 96: 4. he (is) to be feared above all gods. 99: 3. Let them praise thy great and terrible 106:22. terrible things by the Red sea. Ill: 9. holy and reverend (is) his name. 139:14.1 am fearfully (and) wonderfully made: 145 : 6. the might of thy terrible acts: Isa. 18: 2, 7 . a people terrible from their beginning 21 : 1 . from a terrible land. 64: 3(2). thou didst terrible things NT ( 561 ) TV Eze. 1 : 22. the colour of the terrible crystal, Dan 9: 4. the great and dreadful God, Joel 2:11. of the Lord (is) great and very terrible; 31(3:4). the great and the terrible day of the Hab 1: 7. They (are) terrible and dreadful: Zep. 2:ll.The Lord (will be) terrible Mai. 1:14. my name (is) dreadful among the 4: 5(3:23) . the great and dreadful day of the * PIEL.— Preterite. * 2Sa.l4:15.the people have made me afraid: PIEL — Infinitive. 2Ch32: 18. to affright them, and to trouble them ; Neh 6:19. Tobiah sent letters to put me in fear. PIEL Participle. Neh 6: 9. they all made us afraid, 14. that would have put me in fear. NT yah-reh', adj. Gen22 32 42 Ex. 9 18 Deu 7 20 25 Jud. 7: ISa. 23 IK. 18 2K. 4 17 Job 1 Ps. 15 2225 3133 3460 616685 103 111115118119128135145147 Pro. 13 14 31 Ecc 7: 9 Isa. SO Jer. 2642 Dan 1 Jon. 1 Mai. 3 :12.now I know that thou/eares( God, 11(12). I/ear him, lest he will come and 18. This do, and live ; (for) lfear God: 20. He that feared the word of the Lord 21 . such as fear God, men of truth, 19. the people of whom thou art afraid. 8. What man (is there) (Aa( (is) fearful 18. he feared not God. 3. Whosoever (is ) fearful 10. if thou fear to go down, 3. we fie afraid here in Judah: 3. Obadiah /eared the Lord greatly: l.thou knowest that thy servant did fear 32. So they feared the Lord, 33. They feared the Lord, and served their 34. they fear not the Lord, 41. So these nations feared the Lord, Land one that feared God, and eschewed 8&2:3. one that feareth God, and escheweth 4. he honoureth (Aem that fear the Lord. 23(24). Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; 25(26). my vows before (Aem that fear him. 12. Ae that feareth the Lord? 14. of the Lord (is) with them that fear him; 19(20). hast laid up for them that fear thee ; 18. of the Lord (is) upon (Aem that fear him, 7(8). round about them that fear him, 9(10). no want to them that fear him. 4(6). Thou hast given a banner to them that feared thee, 5(6). the heritage of (Aose that fear thy 16. Come (and) hear, all ye that fear God, 9(10). salvation (is) nigh them that fear him; 11. is his mercy toward (Aem that fear him. 13. the Lord pitieth (Aem that fear him. 17. of the Lord (is). ..upon them that fearhim, 5. hath given meat unto them that fear him : 11. Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: 13. He will bless (Aem that fear the Lord, 4. Let them now that fear the Lord say, 74. They that fear thee will be glad 79.Let those that fear thee turn unto me, 1. (is) every one that feareth the Lord ; 4. shall the man be blessed that feareth the 20. ye that fear the Lord, bless the Lord. 19. fulfil the desire of them that fear him: 1 1 . Lord taketh pleasure in (Aem that fear him, 13. but he that feareth the commandment 2. that walketh in his uprightness feareth 16. A wise (man) feareth, 30. a woman (that) feareth the Lord, 18. Ae that feareth God shall come forth 12.it shall be well with them that fear God, 13.he feareth not before God. 2. (he) that feareth an oath. 10. Who (is) among you (Aa( feareth the 19. did Ae not fear the Lord, 11. of whom ye are afraid; 16.the sword, which ye feared, shall 10. lfear my lord the king, 9. lfear the Lord, 16. they that feared the Lord — for them that feared the Lord, 2(3:20). you that fear my name riNT yee-r'ah', f. Gen 20 Ex. 20 Deu 2 2Sa.232Chl9 Neh 5 Job 4 6 15 22 28 2 5 19 .34 5590 111 119: Pro. 1 Ps. 2 89 10 141516 19 2223 Isa. 7 1129 3363 Jer. 32 Eze. 1 30 Jon. 1 Gen43 44: Ex. 9: 11: 15: 19: Nu. 11: 16: 34: Deu 10 Jos. 1516 24 Jud. 1 15: Ru. 3: 1 1. the fear of God (is) not in this place ; 20. that his fear may be before your faces, : 25. the dread of thee and the fear of thee : 3. ruling in the fear of God. ; 9. Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord, : 9. ought ye not to walk in the fear of our 15. so did not I, because of the fear of God. : 6. (Is) not (this) thy fear, : 1 4. but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty. 4. thou castest off fear, 4. Will he reprove thee for fear of thee ? .28. the fear of the Lord, that (is) wisdom; 11. Serve the Lord with fear, 7(8). in thy fear will I worship 9(10). The fear of the Lord (is) clean, 11(12). I will teach you thefear of the Lord. 5(6). Fearfulness and trembling are come ll.eyen according to thy fear, (so is) thy 10. Thefear of the Lord (is) the beginning 38. who (is devoted) to thy fear. 7. Thefear of the Lord (is) tlie beginning 29. and did not choose thefear of the Lord: 5. Then shalt thou understand thefear of 13. Thefear of the Lord (is) to hate evil: 10. Thefear of the Lord (is) the beginning 27. Thefear of the Lord prolongeth days: 26. In thefear of the Lord (is) strong 27. Thefear of the Lord (is) a fountain of 16. Better (is) little with thefear of the Lord 33. Thefear of the Lord (is) the instruction 6. and by thefear of the Lord (men) depart 23. Thefear of the Lord (tendeth) to life: 4. By humility (and) thefear of the Lord 17. (be thou) in thefear of the Lord 25. thefear o/ briers and thorns: 2. the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of 3. in thefear of the Lord: 13. their fear toward me is taught 6. (Ae fear of the Lord (is) his treasure. 17. hardened our heart from thy fear? 40. 1 will put my fear in their hearts, 18. they were so high (Aat they were dreadful; (lit. and fear was to them) 1 3. 1 will put a fear in the land of Egypt. 10. Then were the men exceedingly (lit. a great fear) afraid, 16. Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, (lit. a great fear) TV yah-rad ' . * KAL Preterite. * we came indeed down at the first time brother be with us, (Aen will we go down : hail shall come down upon them, And all these thy servants shall come down they sank into the bottom as a stone. the Lord descended upon it in fire : And I will come down and talk with thee and they go down quick into the pit ; And the coast shall go down from and the border shall descend, And the border shall go down to Jordan, Thy fathers went down into Egypt and went down to Beth-shemesh, And goeth down westward to the coast And it went down from Janohah to ^4nd the coast descended unto the river and the border descended to Ataroth-adar, And the border came down to the end of and descended to the valley of Hinnom, and descended to En-rogel, and descended to the stone of Bohan and went down unto Arabah : Jacob and his children went down into the children of Judah went down to fight then shall the people of the Lord go down out of Machir came down governors, shall thine hands be strengthened to go down (lit. and thou shalt go down) unto that I may go up and down upon the mountains, (marg. go, and go down) We are come down to bind thee, and get thee down to the floor: IT ( 562 ) TV 1 Sa. 10 : 8. And thou shalt go down before me to 17:28. Why earnest thou down hither? — (Aom art come doion that thou mightest see 23 : 6. Ae came down ( with ) an ephod in his hand. 2Sa. 11: 9. Uriah.. .went not down to his house. 10. Uriah went not down unto his house, — why (then) didst thou not go down unto 13. went not down to his house. 19: 24(25). Mephibosheth.. .came down to meet 31(32). Barzillai... came down from Rogelim, 23:20. Ae went down also and slew a lion IK. 1 :25. Ae is gone down this day, 2: 8.Ae came down to meet me at Jordan, 21:18. whither Ae is gone down to possess it. 2K. 1 : 14. there camt fire down from heaven, 8:29. And Ahaziah.. .went down to see Joram 9: 16. Ahaziah. ..was come down to see Joram. 20: 1 1 . by which it had gone down in the dial of ICh 7:21. they came down to take away their cattle. 1 1 : 22. he ivent down and slew a lion 2Ch 7: l.the fire came dowji from heaven, 22: 6. Azariah.. .went down to see Jehoram Neh 6: 3. whilst I leave it, and come down to you? 9:13. TAom earnest down also upon mount Sinai, Ps. 119: 136. Rivers of waters rMn down mine eyes, Pro. 18: 8 &26:22. they go down into the innermost Cant.6: 2. My beloved is gone down into his garden, 11.7 went down into the garden Isa. 5:14. and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it, 34: 7. And the unicorns shall come doivn with 38: 8. which is gone down in the sun dial of — by which degrees it was gone down. 52: 4. My people went down aforetime 64 : 1(63:19). that (Aom wouldest come down, 3(2). (Aom earnest down, the mountains Jer. 13:18. your principalities shall come down, 18: 2. Arise, and go down to the potter's house, 48:15. his chosen young men are gone down to Eze.26: 16. Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, 27:29.sAao7 come down from their ships, 30: 6. and the pride of her power shall come down -. 31 : 17. They also went down into hell 32 : 2 1. (Aey are gone down, 24. which are gone down uncircumcised 27. which are gone down to hell 30. which are gone doivn with the slain ; 47: 8. and go down into the desert, Jon. 1: 5. Jonah was gone down into the sides of the 2: 6(7). I went doivn to the bottoms of the Mic. 1 : 3. and will come down, and tread upon 12. evil came dovjji from the Lord Hag. 2: 22. and the horses and their riders shall come down, Zee. 11 : 2. the forest of the vintage is come down. KAL. — Infinitive. Gen43:20. 0 sir, we came indeed down (lit. cojning we came down) 44:26. We cannot go down 46: 3. fear not to go down into Egypt; Ex. 32: 1 . Moses delayed to come down 34:29.n?Aen Moses came down from mount Sinai — when he came down from the mount, Nu. 11: 9. And when the dew fell upon the camp Deu 20: 20. until it be subdued, (marg. comedown) 28:52. thy high and fenced walls come down, Jud. 1 :34. they would not suffer them to come dowji 7: 10. if thou fear to go down, JSa.23: S.Saul called all the people. . .to go doivn to 20. the desire ofthy soul to come down; 2Sa.l9:20(21).(o go down to meet my lord the king. 1 K. 21:16. Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard 2K. 7:17. when the king came down to him. 2Ch 7: 3. when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, Neh. 6 : 3. so that I cannot come down : Job 33:24. Deliver him from going down to the pit: Ps. 30: 3(4). (Aa( I should not go down to the pit. 9(10). when I go down to the pit? Isa. 30: 2. That walk to go down into Egypt, 32: 19. When it shall hail, coming down on the Eze. 31 : 15. In the day wheji he went down to the grave KAL. — Imperative. Gen42: 2. get you down thither, 45: 9. come down unto me, tarry not: Ex. 19:21. Go down, charge the people, 24. Away, get thee down, 32: 7. Go, get thee down} Deu 9:12. Arise, get thee down quickly from hence ; Jud. 7 : 9. Arise, get thee down unto the host ; 10. go thou with Phurah thy servant down 24. Come down against the Midianites, ISa. 6:21. come ye down, (and) fetch it up to you. 15: 6. get you down from among the Amalekites, 23: 4. Arise, go down to Keilah ; 20. Now therefore, O king, come down 2Sa. 11: 8. Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet, IK. 18:44. Prepare (thy chariot), and get thee down, 21 : IS. Arise, go down to meet Ahab 2K. 1: 9. Thou man of God,... Come down. II. O man of God,... Come down quickly. 15. Go down with him: be not afraid of him. 2Ch.20: 16. To morrow go ye down against them: Isa. 47: 1. Come down, and sit in the dust, Jer. 22: 1. Go down to the house of the king of Judah, 48 : 18. come down from (thy) glory, Eze. 32: 19. go' down, and be thou laid with the Joel 3: 13(4:13). come, get you down; for the press Am. 6: 2. (Aen go down to Gath of the Philistines: KAL. — Future. Gen 11: 5. Ajid the Lord came down to see the city 7. let us go down, and there confound their 12:10. and Abram went down into Egypt to sojou m 15:11. And when the fowls came down upon the 18:21./ will go dowji now, and see 24: 16. and she went down to the well, 45. and she went down unto the well, 26 : 2. Go not down into Egypt ; 37 : 35. / will go down into the grave unto my son 38 : 1 . (Aa( Judah went down from his brethren, 42 : 3. And Joseph's ten brethren went down to 3S. My son shall not go doivn with you ; 43: 4. we will go down and buy thee food; 5. wilt not send (him), we will not go down: 15. rose up, and went dowji to Egypt, 44 :23. Except your youngest brother come down 46: 4.1 will go down with thee into Egypt ; Ex. 2 : b.And the daughter of Pharaoh came down 3 : 8. And I am eome down to deliver them 19:11. the third day the Lord will come down 14. .4nd Moses went doivn from the mount 20. And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, 25. So Moses went down unto the people, 32: 15. Moses turned, and wejit down from the 33: 9. the cloudy pillar descended, 34: b.And the Lord descended in the cloud, Lev. 9 : 22. and came down from offering of the Nu. 11:9. the manna fell upon it. 25. And the Lord came down in a cloud, 12: 5. And the Lord came down in the pillar of 14:45. TAen the Amalekites came down, 16;33.They,...M.'en( down alive into the pit, 20: 15. How our fathers went down into Egypt, 28. and Moses and Eleazar came down from the Deu 9 : 15. So I turned and cajne down from the mount, 10: 5.1 turned myself and came down from the 26: 5. and he went down into Egypt, 28 : 24. from heaven shall it come down upon thee, 43. (Aom sAa/( come down very low. Jos. 2 : 23. the two men returned, and descended from Jud. 3:27. ajid the children of Israel went down with 28. And they wejtt down after him, 4 : 14. So Barak went down from mount Tabor, 15. so that Sisera lighted down off(his) chariot, 7:11. TAen went he down with Phurah 14; l.And Samson went down to Timnath, 5. TAen went Samson down, 7. And Ae M>en( down, and talked with the 10. So his father went down unto the woman: 19. and he went down to Ashkelon, 15: 8. and he went down and dwelt in the top of 11. TAen three thousand men of Judah went^ 16:31. TAen his brethren and all the houseof his father came down, Ru. 3: 6. And she went down unto the floor, ISa. 9:2b. when they were come down from the high 13: 12. The Philistines will come down now upon 20. But all the Israelites went down to the 14:36.Le( us go down after the Philistines 37. Shall I go down after the Philistines? 15:12. passed on, and gone down to Gilgal. TV Sa. 17 : 8. and let him come down to me. 20: 19. (Aom shalt go down quickly, 22; 1. they went down thither to him. 23 : 1 1. will Saul come down, as thy servant hath — the Lord said, He will come down. 2b. wherefore he came down into a rock, 25: 1. and went down to the wilderness of Paran. 23. she hasted, and lighted offthe ass, 26: 2. and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, 6. Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down 10. Ae shall descend into battle, and perish. 29 : 4. let A im not go down with us to battle, 2Sa, 5:17. David heard (of it), and went down to the 17:18. whither they went down. 19: 16(17). and came dowji with the men of Judah 21 : 15. and David went down, and his servants with 22 : 1 0. He bowed the heavens also, and came down ; 23:13..4nd three of the thirty chief went down, 21.6m( Ae went down to him with a staff, IK. 1:38. So Zadok.. .went down, 22: 2.(Aa( Jehoshaphat the king of Judali came down 2K. 1 : 4, 6. Thou shalt not come down from that bed 10, 12. let fire come down from heaven, — And there' cajne down fire from heaven, 12. Andthe fire of God came down from heaven, 15. he arose, and went down with him 16. (Aom shalt not come down off that bed 2: 2. So they went down to Beth-el. 3:12. So the king of Israel... w>en(doM>n to him. 5:14. TAen went he down, and dipped himself 6:18, when they came down to him, I0:13.and we go down to salute the children of 13: 14. And Joash the king of Israel came down 1 Ch 1 1 : 15. Now three of the thirty captains went doM?n 23. and Ae went down to him with a staff, 2ChI8: 2. And after (certain) years Ae M?en( down to Job 17 : 16. They shall go down to the bars of the pit, Ps. 7:16(17). his violent dealing shall come down 18: 9(10). the heavens also, and came down: 49:17(18). his glory shall not descend after him. 55: 15(16). let them go down quick into hell: 72: 6. 1?e shall come down like rain 104: 8. they go down by the valleys 107: 26. (Aey go down again to the depths: 144: 5. Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down : Pro.30: 4. ascended up into heaven, or descended? Isa. 31 : 4, so shall the Lord of hosts come down 34: b.it shall come down upon Idumea, 55: 10. as the rain cometh down, 63 : 14. As a beast goeth down into the valley, Jer. 9:18(17). (Aa( our eyes may run down with tears, 13: 17. mine eye shall weep sore, and run down 14:1 7. Let mine eyes run down with tears 18: 3. TAen I went down to the potter's house, 36:12. TAen Ae went doivn into the king's house, 50:27. let them go down to the slaughter: Lam.l*. 9,therefore she came down wonderfully: 3:48. Mine eye runneth down with rivers of water Eze.26:lLthy strong garrisons shall go down to the 31:12. and all the people of the earth aregone down Ion. 1: 3. and went down to Joppa ; — so he paid the fare thereof, and went down KAL Participle. Poel. Gen28:12. angels of God ascending and descending Deu 9 : 21. the brook (Aa( descendedout of the mount. Jos. 3: 13. (from) the waters (Aa( come down from 16. the waters which came down from above — and those that came down toward the sea Jud. 9:36. there come people down from the top of the 37. there come people down by the middle ISa. 9:27. as they were going down to the end of the 10: 5. meet a company of prophets coming down 8.1 will come down unto thee, 25 :20. that she came down by the covert of the hill, — his men came down against her ; 30 : 24. as his part (is ) (Aa( £roe(A doM;n to the battle, *K. 6:33. the messenger came down unto him: 12:20(21 ).which goeth down to Silla. «eh. 3: 15. the stairs (Aa( go down from the city job 7: 9.Ae tliat goeth down to the grave Ps. 22:29(30).all (Aey (Aa( go down to the dust 28: 1 . become like (Aem (Aa( go down into the pit. 30: 3(4). (2TD) (Aa( I should not go down to the 88: 4(5). with (Aem (Aa( go down into the pit: ( 563 ) TT 23. Tliey that go down to the sea 17. any that go down into silence. 2. (Aa( ran down upon the beard, — that wentdown to the skirts ofhis garments ; 3. that descended upon the mountains : 7. be like unto (Aem (Aa( go doivn into the pit. 12. as (Aose (Aa( go down into the pit; 5. Her feet go down to death ; 27 .going down to the chambers of death. 21 . the spirit of the beast (Aa( goeth downward 19. (Aa( go down to the stones of the pit ; 3. every one shall howl, weeping abundantly. (lit. descending into weeping) 1 . Woe to them (Aa( go down to Egypt 1 8. they that go down into the pit 10. ye that go down to the sea, 16. mine eye runneth down with water, 20. (Aem that descend into the pit, — (Aem (Aa( go down to the pit, ] 4. (Aem (Aa( go down to the pit. 16. (Aem (Aa( descend into the pit: 18. (Aem (Aa( go down into the pit. 24, 25, 29, 30. (Aem (Aa( go down to the pit. 1 . the waters came down from under Ps.107; 115:133: 143; Pro. 1: 5: 7: Ecc. 3: Isa. 14: 15: 31: 38: 42: Lam. 1 : Eze.26: 47 * HIPHIL Preterite. # Gen39: Lwhich Aad brought him down thither. 42 : 38. (Aen shall ye bring down my gray hairs 43: 22. other money Aaue we brought down 44 : 29. And if ye take. . .ye shall bring down my gray 3 1 . and thy servants shall bring dowji the gray 45: 13. ye shall haste and bring down my father Nu. 4: 5. and they shall take down the covering vail, Deu 21: 4. And the elders of that city shall bring dowji Jos. 2: 18. window which (Aon didst let us dowji by: 1 Sa. 6 : 15. And the Levites (ooA down the ark IK. 1 :33. and bring him dowji to Gihon: 2 : 9. but his hoar head bring thou down to the 2K. 16:17. (ooA down the sea from off the brasen oxen Isa. 43 : 14. and have brought down all their nobles, Lam.2:10.the virgins of Jerusalem hang doM?n their Eze.26:20. When I shall bring thee down with them 34 : 26. and I will cause the shower to come down in Joel 3: 2(4:2). and will bring them down into the Am. 3:11. and he shall bring down thy strength HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Gen37:25. going to carry (it) down to Egypt. Eze.31:16.w>Aen / cast him down to hell HIPHIL.— Imperative. Gen43: 7. Bring your brother down? 1 1 . and carry down the man a present, 44:21. Bring him down unto me, Ex. 33: 5. therefore now put off thy ornaments Jud. 7: 4. bring them doM>n unto the water, Ps. 56: 7(8). in (thine) anger cast down the people, 59:11(12). and bring them down, O Lord our Lam. 2 : 1 8 . let tears run down like a river Eze.32:18.and cast them down, (even) her, HIPHIL.— Future. Gen24:18.she hasted, and let down her pitcher 46. she made haste, and let down her pitcher 44: 1 1. TAen they speedily (ooA down every man Nu. 1 : 51. the Levites shall take it down: Deu 1:25. and brought (it) down unto us, Jos. 2:15. TAen sAe let them down by a cord 8:29.(Aa( they should take his carcase down 10:27. and they took them down offthe trees, Jud. 7: 5. So he brought down the people 16:21. and brought him down to Gaza, ISa. 19: 12. So Michal let David down 21: 13(14). and let his spittle fall down upon his 30 : 15. Canst thou bring me down to this company ? and Iwill bring thee down to this company. 16.^4nd M?Aen Ae Aad brought him down, IK. 1 :53. and they brought him down from the altar. 2: 6. let not his hoar head go down to the grave 5: 9(23). My servants sAaW bring (them) doivn 17:23. and brought him down out of the chamber 18:40. and Elijah brought them down to the brook 2K. 11:19. and they brought down the king 2Ch 23 : 20. and brought down the king from the house Ps. 55:23(24). thou, O God, shalt bring them down 78: 16. and caused waters to rmi down like rivers. Pro.2 1 : 22. and casteth down the strength of the Isa. 10:13. and Ihaveputdown the inhabitants o o2 IT ( 564 ) nT Isa. 63: 6. and Iwill bring down their strength Jer. 49: 16. Iwill bring thee down from thence, 51 :40. Iwill bring them down like lambs to the Eze.28: 8. They shall bring thee down to the pit, Hos. 7:12.7 will bring them down as the fowls of the Joel 2 : 23. and he will cause to come down for you the Am. 9: 2. thence will I bring them down: Obad. 3. Who shall bring me down to the ground ? 4. thence will I bring thee down, HIPHIL — Participle. ISa. 2: 6. Ae bringeth down to the grave, 2Sa.22:48. and that bringeth down the people X HOPHAL.— Preterite. # Gen 39: 1. Joseph was brought down to Egypt ; Nu. 10:17. And the tabernacle was takeji down; ISa. 30:24. (2TO) as his part (is) that goeth down Isa. 14: II. Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, Eze.31 : I8.ye( shalt thou be brought dowji with the trees Zee. 10: Il.and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, HOPHAL.— Future. Isa. 14: 15. (Aom shalt be brought down to hell, TWyah-rahf* -X KAL.— Preterite. # Gen31 Ex. 15 Jos. 18 1 Sa.20 Ps. 11 64 51. behold (this) pillar, which I have cast 4. his host Aa(A Ae cast into the sea: : 6. (Aa( I may cast lots for you :36.he sAo( an arrow beyond him. 37. the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Job 38: 6. who laid the corner stone thereof; KAL — Infinitive. Ex. 19:13. he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; (lit. shooting shall be shot) 2. that they may privily sAoo( at the upright 4(5). TAu( they may shoot in secret at the KAL. — Imperative. 2K. 13:17. Then Elisha said, 5Aoo(. KAL.— Future. Nu. 21 :30. We have shot at them; Heshbon is perished KAL.— Participle. Poel. 1 Ch 10: 3. he was wounded of the archers. 2Ch35:23,(Ae archers shot at king Josiah ; Pro.26: 18. who casteth firebrands, Hos. 6: 3. as the latter ( and ) former rain unto the earth, [perhaps, as the latter rain sprink ling the earth] # NIPHAL.— Future. # Ex. 19: 13. he shall surely be stoned, or sAo( through ; -X- HIPHIL Preterite. # Ex. 4: 12. and teach thee what thou shalt say. lb. and will teach you what ye shall do. 1 Sa.l 2:23. but Iwill teach you the good... way: 2K. 12: 2(3). the priest instructed him. Job 30:19. He hath cast me into the mire, Ps. 119: 102. thou Aas( taught me. Pro. 4:11.7 have taught thee in the way of wisdom ; HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Gen46:28.(o direct his face unto Goshen ; Ex. 24:12. (Aa( (Aom mayest teach them. 35:34. And. ..that he may teach, Lev. 10:11 .And that ye may teach the children of Israel 14:57. To teach when (it is) unclean, HIPHIL. — Imperative. Job 6:24. Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: 34:32. (That which) I see not (eacA thou me; Ps. 27 : 1 1 & 86 : 1 1 . TeacA me thy way, O Lord, 119:33. TeacA me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes ; HIPHIL FM(are. Ex. 1 5 : 25. and the Lord shewed him a tree, Deu 1 7 : 1 0. all that they inform thee : 1 1 . the law which (Aey shall teach thee, 24: 8. all that the, priests the Levites shall teach 33:10. TAey shall teach Jacob thy judgments, Jud.13: 8. and (eacA us what we shall do 1 Sa.20 : 20. / will shoot three arrows 2Sa. 1 1 : 20. knew ye not that (Aey would *h.nat IK. 8: 36. that (Aom (eacA (Aem the good way 2K. 13:17. Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. 17:27. and let him teach them the manner 19:32. He shall not come into this city, nor shoot 2Ch 6:27. (Aom Aas( taught them the good way, 3b:23.And the archers shot at king Josiah ; Job 8: 10. Shall not (Aey (eacA (Aee, 12: 7. now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; 8. speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: 27:11.7 will teach you by the hand of God: Ps. 25 : 8. therefore will he teach sinners in the way. 12. him shall he teach in the way 32: 8.1 will instruct thee and teach thee 45: 4(5). and thy right hand shall teach thee 64: 4(5). suddenly do they shoot at him, 7(8). But God shall shoot at them Pro. 4: 4. He taught me also, and said unto me, Isa. 2: 3. ajid he will teach us of his ways, 28: 9. Whom shall he teach knowledge? 26. God.. .dotli teach him. 37 :33. He shall not come into this city, nor shoot Eze.44: 23. they shall teach my people Hosl0:12.till he come and rain righteousness Mic. 3: II. the priests thereof (eacA for hire, 4: 2. and he will teach us of his ways, Hab. 2: 19. Arise, it shall teach I HIPHIL. —Participle. 1 Sa.20: 36. find out now the arrows which I shoot. 31 : 3. the archers (marg. shooters, men with bows) hit him ; and he was sore wounded of the archers. 2K. 17:28. taught (lit. was teaching) them how they IChlO: 3. and (Ae archers (marg. (Ae shooters with bows) hit him, 2Ch 15 ; 3. without a teaching priest, Job 36:22. who teacheth like him? Pro. 5: 13. have not obeyed the voice ofmy teachers, 6: 13. he teacheth with his fingers ; Isa. 9: 15(14). the prophet (Aa( teacheth lies, 30:20. yet shall not (Ay teachers be removed — thine eyes shall see (Ay teachers: Hab. 2: 18. the molten image, and a teacher of lies, PIT [yah-rah']. ¦KKAL Future. * Isa. 44: 8. Fear ye not, neither he afraid: [see also nrrn T id pV^yah-rohk', m. Job 39 : 8. he searcheth after every green thing. FIT yah-reh'agh, m. Gen37 : 9. the sun and the moon and the eleven stars Deu 4: 19. the sun, and (Ae moon, and the stars, 17: 3. either the sun, or moon, Jos. 10: 12. and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 13. the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, 2K. 23: 5. to the sun, and to the moon, Job 25: 5. Behold even to (Ae moon, 31:26. or the moon walking (in) brightness; Ps. 8 : 3 (4 ) . (Ae moon and the stars, which thou hast 72: 5. thee as long as the sun and moon endure, 7. abundance of peace so long as (Ae moon 89: 37 (38). be established for ever as the mom, 104: 19. He appointed (Ae moon for seasons: 121 : 6. nor the moon by night. 136: 9. TAe moon and stars to rule by night: .148: 3. Praise ye him, sun and moon: Ecc. 12: 2\ or the moon, or the stars, Isa. 13:10. and the moon shall not cause her light to 60 : 19. (Ae moon give light unto thee : Jer. 8: 2. before the sun, and the moon, 31 : 35. the ordinances of (Ae moon Eze.32 : 7. and the moon shall not give her light. Joel 2: 10. the sun and the moon shall be dark, 31 (3:4). and (Ae moon into blood, 3:15(4: 15). The sun and the moon shall be darkened, Hab. 3: 11. The sun (andl moon stood still in their nT ( 565 ) DT HT yeh'-ra'gh, m. Ex. 2 2 Deu 21 13 33 14 IK. 6:37 38 8 2 2K. 15 13 Job 3 6 7 3. 29 2. 39 2. Isa. 60:20. Zee. 11 8 she hid him three months. her father and her mother a full month : the precious things put forth by (Ae moon, (marg. moons) in the month Zif : in the eleventh year, in the month Bui, in the month Ethanim, he reigned a full month in Samaria. it not come into the number of (Ae mojiths. So am I made to possess months of vanity, Oh that I were as (in) months past, Canst thou number (Ae months (that) they neither shall (Ay moon withdraw shepherds also 1 cut off in one month; ppy [y'ragh], Ch. m. Ezr. 6: 15. was finished on the third day of the month Dan 4:29(26). Atthe end of twelve months he walked ®X y uk-rat' . # KAL.— Preterite. # Nu. 22:32. (thy) way is perverse before me: Job 16: 11. and turned me over into the hands of the y*P [yah-reevf\ m. Ps. 35 : I. O Lord, with (Aem (Aa( strive with me .- Isa. 49:25. with him that contendeth with thee. Jer. 18: 19. the voice of them that contend with me. fiJT^ yWte-gaU, f. Ex. 26 : I . ten curtains (of) fine twined linen, 2, 8. The length of one curtain — , 8. the breadth of one curtain — every one of (Ae curtains 3. TAe five curtains shall be coupled — (other) five curtains (shall be) coupled 4, 10. the edge of (Ae one curtain — the uttermost edge of (another) curtain, 5. loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, — the edge of (Ae curtain 6. couple (Ae curtains together 7. thou shalt make curtains (of) goats' (hair) — eleven curtains shalt thou make. 8. the eleven curtains (shall be all) of one 9. thou shalt couple five curtains — six curtains by themselves, and shalt double (Ae sixth curtain 10. the edge of (Ae curtain 12.o/ the curtains of the tent, (Ae half curtain that remaineth, 13. the length of (Ae curtains of 'the tent, 36: 8. ten curtains (of) fine twined linen, 9, 15. The length of one curtain — the breadth of one curtain — (Ae curtains (were) all of one size. 10. he coupled (Ae five curtains — (the other) five curtains he coupled I l.the edge of one curtain — the uttermost side of (another) curtain, 12. Fifty loops made he in one curtain, — the edge of (Ae curtain 13. coupled (Ae curtains one unto another 14. he made curtains (of) goats' (hair) — eleven curtains he made them. 15. the breadth of one curtain: the eleven curtains (were) of one size. 16. he coupled five curtains — six curtains by themselves. 17.the uttermost edge of (Ae curtain — loops made he upon the edge of (Ae curtain Nu. 4:25. they shall bear (Ae curtains of 2Sa. 7: 2. the ark of God dwelleth within curtains* ICh 17: l.the ark... (remaineth) under curtains. Ps.104: 2.stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Cant. 1 : 5. as (Ae curtains of Solomon. Isa. 54: 2. and let them stretch forth (Ae curtains Jer. 4:20. my curtains in a moment. 10:20. (there is) none.. .to set up my curtains. 49 : 29- they shall take to themselves (Aeir curtains, Hab. 3: 7.(Ae curtains of the land of Midian did ypyah-rekch', f. Gen24 32 46 47 Ex. 1 25 28 32 37 40 Lev. 1 Nu. 3: Jud. 3 15 2K. 16 Ps. 45 Cant.3 7 Jer. 31 Eze.21 24 2. Put, I pray thee, thy hand undermy (AiyA ; 9. the servant put his hand under (Ae thigh of :25(26).he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out 31(32). he halted upon his thigh. 32?33).the hollow of (Ae thigh, — ( — ).the hollow of Jacob's thigh :26. which came out of his loins, (marg. thigh) 29. put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, b. the souls that came out of (Ae lohis (marg. thigh) of Jacob 31. Ais shaft, and his branches, :42.from the loins even unto (Ae thighs 27. Put every man his sword by his side, 17. his shaft, and his branch, 22. (Ae side of the tabernacle northward, 24. the side o/the tabernacle southward. 11. (Ae side o/the altar northward 29. (Ae side o/the tabernacle southward. 3b. the side o/the tabernacle northward. 21. the Lord doth make (Ay thigh to rot, 22. make (thy) belly to swell, and(thy) thigh 27. her thigh shall rot: 4. unto the shaft thereof, 16. upon his right thigh. 21. took the dagger from his right thigh, 30. had threescore and ten sons of his body begotten : (marg. going out of Ais thigh) 8. he smote them hip and (AiyA 14. put it on (Ae north side o/the altar. 3(4). Gird thy sword upon (thy) (AiyA, 8. every man (hath) his sword upon Ais thigh 1(2). the joints of (Ay (AiyAs (are) like jewels, 19.1 smote upon (my) thigh: 12(17). smite therefore upon (thy) thigh. 4. (Ae (AiyA, and the shoulder ; POT [yar-chah'l f. Gen49 Ex. 26 36: Jud. 19 ISa. 24 IK. 6 2K. 19 Ps. 48 128 Isa. 14 37 Jer. 6 2531 50 Eze.32 3839 46 Am. 6 Jon. 1 13. and his border (shall be) unto Zidon. 22. And for the sides of the tabernacle 23. corners of the tabernacle in the two sides. 27. for the two sides westward. 27 . And for the sides of the tabernacle westward 28. corners of the tabernacle in the two sides. 32. for the sides westward. : 1 .sojourning on the side of mount Ephraim, 18. toward (Ae side 0/ mount Ephraim ; 3(4). his men remained in the sides of the 16. on the sides of the house, 23. to (Ae sides of Lebanon, 2(3). (on) (Ae sides of the north, 3. by the sides 0/ thine house: 13. in (Ae sides of the north: 15. to (Ae sides o/the pit. 24. to (Ae sides of Lebanon ; 22. great nation shall be raised from the sides of 32.from the coasts of the earth. 8. gather them from the coasts of the earth, 41. raised up from the coasts of the earth. 23. Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit, 6. Togarmah of (Ae north quarters, 15. thy place out of the north parts, 2. cause thee to come up from the north parts, (marg. sides of the north) 19. (was) a place on the two sides westward. 10. him that (is) by the sides of the house, 5. Jonah was gone down into (Ae sides of the HOT. [yar-ckah'], Ch. f. Dan 2: 32. his belly and his thighs of brass, (marg. or, sides) JJT [yak-rag']. ( 566 ) Gen21 11 12 38 10 48 17 Deu 15 10 28 54 56 #KAL Preterite. # Isa. 15: 4. his life shall be grievous unto him. KAL.— Future. And the thing was very grievous in Let it not be grievous in thy sight And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: (lit. was evil in the eyes of) And when Joseph. ..it displeased (lit. id.) thine heart shall not be grieved his eye shall be evil toward his brother her eye shall be evil toward the husband I Sa. 1 : 8. why eatest thou not ? and why is thy heart grieved ? 8: 6. But the thing displeased Samuel, (marg. ivas evil in the eyes of) and the saying displeased him ; (lit. id.) Let not this thing displease thee, (lit. id. ) But the thing that David had done dis pleased the Lord. (marg. id. ) Now shall Sheba... do us more Aarm And God was displeased with this thing ; (marg. it was evil in the eyes of) why should not my countenance be sad, it grieved them exceedingly And it grieved me sore : it shall go ill with him so that it went ill with Moses for their and it displeased him that (there was) no judgment, (marg. was evil in his eyes) Jon. 4: I. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, pyyah-rak'. * KAL.— Preterite. # Nu. 12:14. If her father had but spit in her face, Deu 25; 9.ajid spit in his face, KAL . — Infinitive. Nu. 12: 14. If her father had but spit in her face, (lit. spitting had spit) 18 8 2Sa.ll 25 27 20 6 ICh 21 7 Neh. 2 3 10 13 8 Job 20 26 Ps.l06:32 Isa. 59 15 py yah-rahkr , m. Deu 1 1 : 10. as a garden of herbs : IK. 21: 2. that I may have it for a garden of herbs, 2K. 19:26. and (as) the green herb, Pro. 15:17. Better ( is) a dinner of AerAs Isa. 37:27. and (as) the green herb, pT yeh'-rek, m. Gen 1 :30. (I have given) every green herb for meat: 9: 3. even as the green herb Ex. 10: 15. there remained not any green thing Nu. 22: 4. the ox licketh up (Ae grass of the iield. Ps. 37: 2. and wither as the green herb. Isa. 15: 6. there is no green thing. |ij5T yeh-rah-kohn1 ' , m. Deu28:22.with blasting, and with mildew; IK. 8: 37. blasting, mildew, locust, 2Ch. 6:28. if there be blasting, or mildew, Jer. 30 : 6. all faces are turned into paleness ? Am. 4: 9. smitten you with blasting and mildew j r Hag. 2: 17. smote you with blasting and with mildew plpy.y'rak-rak', adj. Lev.13: 49. if the plague be greenish 14:37. greenish or reddish, Ps. 68:13( 14). her feathers with yellow gold. B'T yah-rash'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Nu. 13:30.Let us f^o up at once, andpossess it; Nu. 27: Deu 3 12 16 17 1926 3031 Jos. 1 23 IK. 21 Ps. 44 69 Isa. 14 34 63: 65: Jer. 30 49 Eze. 7 35 36 Obad. Genl5 28 Lev.20 25 Nu. 33 Deu 2 34 12 15 19 2325 28 3031 Jos. 1 1.318 24 Jud. 2; 1418 IK. 21 Ezr. 9: Neh. 9: Ps. 37: Am. 2; Hab. 1 ; 0T 1 1 . and he shall possess it : 12. we possessed at that time, 20. and (until) (Aey also possess the land 1 . go in and possess the land 22. shall go over, and possess that good land. 1 8 . that thou mayest go in and possess the good 1 & 11 :8. go in and possess the land 23. and ye shall possess greater nations 31. and ye shall possess it, and dwell therein. 29. and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in 20. that thou mayest live, and inherit the land 1 4. and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, 1 . and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in Land possessest it, and dwellest therein ; 5. the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it.; 3. and thou shalt possess them: lb. ajid they also have possessed the land — ye shall return unto the land. ..and enjoy it, 5. and ye shall possess their land, 19. Hast thou killed, and also taken possession? 3(4). they got not the land hi possession 35(36). and have it in possession. 2 1 . that they do not rise, nor possess the land, 1 1 . But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it ; 18. The people ofthy holiness have possessed 9. and mine elect shall inherit it, 3. and they shall possess it. 1. why (then) doth their king inherit Gad, 2. (Aen shall Israel be heir 24. and they shall possess their houses: 10. and we will possess it; 12. and they shall possess thee, 17. and the house of Jacob shall possess 19. And (they of) the south shall possess the — and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, KAL. — Infinitive. 7. to give thee this land to inherit it. 4. that thou mayest inherit the land 24. 1 will give it unto you to possess it, :46.(o inherit (them for) a possession ; 53. 1 have given you the land to possess it. : 31 . (Aa( thou mayest inherit his land. 18. God- hath given you this land to possess it: 5. the land whither ye go to possess it. 14. the land whither ye go over to possess it. 26. whereunto ye go over Jordan topossess it; : 31 (28). land which I give them to possess it. : I . the land whither ye go to possess it : : 1 . the land whither thou goest to possess it, : 1. to go in to possess nations 4. the Lord hath brought me in topossess this 5. dost thou go to possess their land: 6. to possess it for thy righteousness ; : 8, 1 1 . whither ye go to possess it; 10. whither thou goest in to possess it, 29. the land whither thou goest topossess it, 3 1 . to go in to possess the land 1. of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, 29. whither thou goest to possess them, 4. an inheritance to possess it: 2, 14 & 21: 1. thy God giveth thee to possess it. 20( 21 ). land whither thou goest to possess it. 19. an inheritance to possess it, 21, 63 &30: 16. whither thou goest to possess it. 18. thou passest over Jordan to go topossessit. 13 & 32: 47. ye go over Jordan to possess it. 1 1 . to go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you to possess it. 1. very much land to be possessed, (marg. to possess it) 3. to go to possess the land, 4. 1 gave unto Esau mount Seir, topossessit; 6 . children of Israel went. . . (o possess the land. 15. have ye called us to take that we have? ( marg. possess us ) 9. to enter to possess the land. 16. Ahab rose up...(o take possession of it. 18. whither he is gone down to possess it. 1 1 . The land, unto which ye go to possess it, 15. that they should go in lo possess the land 23. that they should go in to possess (it). 34. he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: 10. to possess the land of the Amorite. 6. to possess the dwellingplaces w KAL. — Imperative. Deu 1: 8. go in and possess the land 21. go up (and) possess (it), 2:24, 31. begin to possess (marg. possess) 9:23. Go up and possess the land which I have 33: 23. possess thou the west and the south. ] K. 21 : 15, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth KAL — Future. Genl5: 4. This shall not be thine heir; — he... shall be thine heir. 8. whereby shall I know that Ishall inherit it ? 21: 10. the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir 22: 17. and thy seed shall possess the gate 24:60. and let thy seed possess the gate Lev.20: 24. Ye shall inherit their land, Nu. 21 : 24. and possessed his land from Arnon 32. (2TO) and drove out the Amorites 3b. and they possessed his land. 36 : 8. that the children of Israel may enjoy Deu 1 : 39. and (Aey shall possess it. 2: 12. the children of Esau succeeded them, (marg. inherited them) 21, 22. and they succeeded them, and dwelt in 4:47. Andthey possessed his land, 5:33(30). the land which ye shallpossess. 10:11. that they may go in and possess the land, Jos. 12: 1. and possessed their land on tlie other side 19:47. with the edge of the sword, and possessed 21:43(41). and they possessed it, and dwelt 24: 8. that ye might possess their land ; Jud. 3: 13. and possessed the city of palm trees. 11 : 21 . so Israel possessed all the land of the 22. And they possessed all the coasts 23. and shouldest thou possess it? 24. Wilt not (Aom possess — them will we possess. 2K. 17:24. and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in ICh 28: 8. that ye may possess this good land, Neh. 9:22. so they possessed the land of Sihon, 24. the children went in and possessed the land, 25. and possessed houses full of all goods, Ps. 25:13. his seed shall inherit the earth. 37: 9. they shall inherit the earth. 11. the meek shall inherit the earth ; 22. (such as be) blessed of him shall inherit 29. The righteous shall inherit the land, 83:12(13). Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession. 105:44. they inherited the labour of the people ; Pro.30:23.an handmaid that is heir to her mistress. Isa. 34: 17- (Aey shall possess it for ever, 54: 3. thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, 57: 13. and shall inherit my holy mountain ; 60:21. (Aey shall inherit the land for ever, 61: 7. in their land (Aey shall possess the double: Jer. 32: 23. they came in, and possessed it ; Eze.33:24.and Ae inherited the land: 25, 26. and shall ye possess the land ? Hos. 9: 6. nettles shall possess them: Am. 9:12. That (Aey may possess the remnant Obad. 20. shall possess the cities of the south. KAL. — Participle. Poel. Genlo: 3. one born in my house is mine Aeir. Nu.36: 8. daughter, (Aa( possesseth an inheritance Deul2: 2. the nations which ye shall possess 18:14. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, Jud. 18: 7. (there was ) no magistrate (marg. possessor of restraint) in the land, 2Sa.l4: 7. we will destroy (Ae Aeir also: Isa, 65: 9. an inheritor o/my mountains: Jer. 8: 10. fields to them that shall inherit (them): 49: l.hath he no Aeir? 2. them (Aa( were his heirs, Mic. 1 : 15. Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, * NIPHAL Future. * Gen45 : 1 1 . all that thou hast, come to poverty. Pro.20:13.Love not sleep, lest (Aom come to poverty; 23: 21. the glutton shall come to poverty: 30: 9. lest 1 be poor, and steal, *PIEL Future. * Deu 28:42, fruit ofthy land shall the locust consume. * HIPHIL Preterite. * Nu. 33:52. Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants ( 567 ) ETP Nu. 33:53. And ye shall dispossess (the inhabitants) Deu 9: 3. so shalt thou drive them out, 11 :23. Then will the Lord drive out all these Jos. 8: 7. and seize upon the city: 13; 13. the children of Israel expelled not the 14: 12. (Aen 7 shall be able to drive them out, 16:10. they drave not om( the Canaanites 17:13. did not utterly drive them out. 23 : 5. and drive them from out of your sight ; Jud. 1:21. the children of Benjamin did not dj-ive out 27. did Manasseh drive out (the inhabitants) 28. did not utterly drive them out. 29. did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites 30. did Zebulun drive out the inhabitants 31. did Asher drive out the inhabitants 32. they did not drive them out. 33. did Naphtali dj-ive out the inhabitants 23. Lord God...Aa(A dispossessed the Amorites 24. Lord our God sAa/( drive out from before 24. the nations which the Lord cas( out 26. whom the Lord cas( om( 3. whom the Lord cast out 8 & 21 : 2. whom the Lord cast out 7. didst drive out the inhabitants 11. which (Aom Aas( given us to inherit. 3 & 33 : 2. whom the Lord Aad cast out 12. and leave (it) for an inheritance to your 2(3). (Aom didst drive out the heathen 11; IK. 14: 21: 2K. 16: 17; 2Ch20; 28; Ezr. 9: Ps. 44; Nu. 32: Deu 4: 7; JOS. 3: 15 17; 23; Jud. 1; Ex. 15, 34; Nu. 14; 21 3233 Jos. 3: 13 15 17 23 Jud. 1 11 Job 13 20 Zee. 9 HIPHIL.— Infinitive. 21 .until he Aa(A driven out his enemies from 38. To drive out nations from before thee 17. how can I dispossess them? 10. and (that) he will ivithout fail drive out (lit. driving he will drive out) from 63. children of Judah could not drive them out: 12. children of Manasseh could not drive out 13. but did not utterly drive them out. (lit. dj'ivmg did not drive them out) 13. your God will no more drive out (any of) 19. could not drive out the inhabitants 28. and did not utterly drive them out. (lit. driving did not utterly drive them out ) :21. 1 also will not henceforth drive out 23. without driving them out hastily ; HIPHIL.— Future. 9. hand shall destroy them. (marg. j-epossess) 24. 7 will cast out the nations before thee, 12. 1 will smite them... and dishiherit them, 24. his seed shall possess it. 32. and drove out the Amorites that (were) 39. and dispossessed the Amorite which (was) 55. if ye will not drive out the inhabitants 10. and (that) Ae will without fail drive out 6. them will I drive out from before the 12. these did Moses smite, ajid cast them out. l4.Ajid Caleb drove thence the three sons of 18. (Aom shalt drive out the Canaanites, 9. .For the Lord Aa(A driven out 19. and he drave out (the inhabitants of) the 20. and he expelled thence the three sons of 24. Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess ? 26. and makest me to possess the iniquities of 15. God shall cast them out of his belly. 4. the Lord will cast her out, HIPHIL Participle. Deu 9 : 4. the Lord do(A drive them out 5. the Lord thy God doth drive them out 18: 12. the Lord thy God do(A drive them ow( ISa. 2: 7. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: T$y„y>rlh-$hah!, f. Nu. 24:18. Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession ngn* y'roosh-shah' , f. Deu 2: 5. mount Seir unto Esau (for) a possession. 9. 1 will not give thee of their land (for) a possession; because I have given Ar... (for) a possession. 12. the land of his possession, t£TP ( 568 ) 2W Deu 2:19.1 will not give thee.. .(any) possession; because I have given it unto the children of Lot (for) a possession. 20. return every man unto his possession, ; 15. return unto the land of your possession, : 6. it (for) a possession unto the Reubeni'tes, 7. unto the tribes of Israel (for) a possession : 17. (There must be) an inheritajice for them : 1 1 . to cast us out of thy possession, : 5(6). thou hast given (me) (Ae heritage of : 8. the right of imieritance (is) thine, 3 Jos. 1 12 Jud 21 2Ch20 Ps. 61 Jer. 32 Gen 24 50 UP] [yah-sam']. * KAL.— Future. * :33. (3"J"0) And there was set (meat) before 26. and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. $\ yehsh. Genl8; 23 24 2S31 333942 43 4447 Ex. 17 Nu. 9 13 22 Deu 13 29 Jud. 46 18 19 Ru. 1 3 ISa. 9 1417 20 21 23 9Sa. 9: 14 19 IK. 17 18 2K. 2 3 4 59 10 ICh 29 24. Peradventure (Aere be fifty righteous : 8. If it be your mind ; 23. is there room (in) thy father's house 42. if now (Aom do prosper my way 49. ye will deal (lit. if you are dealing) kindly 16. Surely the Lord is in this place ; 29. It is in the power of my hand to do you 9. said, I have (lit. (Aere is to me) enough, Il.and because I have enough. 4. all (that) he Aad he put into his hand. 5. over all that he- Aad, vixxpfcjs^r'i- — , — of the Lord was upon all that he Aad^ 8. committed all that he Aa(A to my ha"nd ; 1 . Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, 2. 1 have heard that (Aere is corn in Egypt: 4. If (Aom wilt send our brother with us, 7. have ye (another) brother? 19. Have ye a father, or a brother? 20. We Aawe a father, an old man, 26. if our youngest brother be with us, 6. if thou knowest (any) men (lit. if thou knowest (Aa( there are men) 7. Is the Lord among us, or not? 20,21. And (so) it was, 20. whether there be wood therein, 29. 1 would (Aere were a sword in mine hand, 3(4). to know whether yelove(lit. whether ye are loving) the Lord your God 15(14). (him) that standeth (lit. Yam that is standing) here with us this day 18(17). Lest (Aere should be among you man, — ( — ).lest (Aere should be among you a root 20. Is thej-e any man here ? 13. if the Lord be with us, 36. If thou wilt save (lit. if (Aom aj-t saving) Israel by mine hand, 14. there is in these houses an ephod, 19. Yet there is both straw and provender for our asses ; and (Aere is bread and wine 12. If I should say, I Aaue hope, 12. (Aere is a kinsman nearer than I. 1 1 . said unto them, 7s- the seer here ? 12. they answered them, and said, He is ; 39. though it be in Jonathan my son, 46. there is a God in Israel. 8. if (Acre be in me iniquity, 3(4). Now therefore what is under thine 4(5). (Aere is hallowed bread ; 8(9). is there not here under thine hand 23. if Ae be in the land, 1 . Is there yet any that is left of the house of 32. if (Aere be (any) iniquity in me, 28(29). What right therefore Aaue I yet to cry 12.1 Aaue not a cake, 10. (Aere is no nation or kingdom, 16. (Aere fee with thy servants fifty strong men ; 12. The word of the Lord is with him. 2. tell me, what hast thou in the house ? 13. wouldest thou be spoken for to the king, 8. shall know that (Aere is a prophet in Israel. 15. Jehu said, If it be your minds, 15. Is thine heart right, — Jehonadab answered, It is. If it be, 23. look that (Aere be here with you none of 3. 1 Aaue of mine own proper good. 2Chl5: 16: 25: Est.Job. Ps. 7. your work shall fee rewarded, (lit. (Aere is reward ) 9. thou sAa/( Aaue wars. 8. for God hath power to help, 9. The Lord is able to give thee much more Ezr. 10 : 2. (Aere is hope in Israel concerning this thing. 4. and (some) of them Aad wives Neh, 5: 2. .For (Aere were that said, 3. (Some) also there were that said, 4. There were also that said, 5. our daughters are brought unto bondage 8. TAere is a certain people scattered abroad 1 . if (Aere be any that will answer thee ; 6: 6. is there (any) taste in the white of an egg? 30. Is there iniquity in my tongue? 9:33. Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, 11:18, thou shalt be secure, because there is hope ; 14: 7. For (Aere is hope of a tree, if it be cut 16: 4. if your soul were in my soul's stead, 25 : 3. 7s (Aere any number of his armies ? 28: 1. Surely (Aere is a vein for the silver, 33:23. If (Aere be a messenger with him, 32. If thou Aas( any thing to say, answer 38 : 28. 77a(A the rain a father ? 7 : 3(4). if (Aere be iniquity in my hands ; 14; 2. to see ifthej-e were any that did understand, 53 : 2( 3 ) . if (Aere were ( any ) that did understand, 58: 11 (12). he isa God that judgeth in the earth. 73:11. and is there knowledge in the most high ? 135:17. neither is there (any) breath in their Pro. 3:28. when thou Aas( it by thee. 8:21. That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; 1 1 : 24. TAere is that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; 12: 18. TAere is that speaketh like the piercings of 13: 7. There is that maketh himself rich, 23.6m( (Aere is (that is) destroyed for want of 14:12. There is a way which seemeth right unto 16:25. TAere is a way that seemeth right unto a 18: 24. and there is a friend (that) sticketh closer 19: 18. Chasten thy son while (Aere is hope, 20:15. TAere is gold, and a multitude of rubies: 23: 18. For surely (Aere is an end ; 24 : 1 4. (Aen (Aere shall be a reward, 1 :10.7s (Aere (any) thing 2:13.1 saw that wisdom excelleth (lit. that there is excellence to wisdom) 21 . (Aere is a man whose labour (is) in wisdom, 4: 8. There is one (alone), 9. they Aaue a good reward for their labour. 5:13(12). There is a sore evil 6 : 1 . TAere is an evil which I have seen 1 1 . Seeing (Aere fee many things that increase 7:15. (Aere is a just (man) that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked 6. to every purpose (Aere is time 14. TAere is a vanity which is done upon the earth ; that (Aere fee just (men), — again, there be wicked (men), to whom it 4. to him that is joined to all the living there is hope : 5. TAere is an evil (which) I have seen 8. the deaf (Aa( Aaue ears. 44: 8. 7s (Aere a God beside me ? 5 : 1. if there be ( any ) that executeth judgment, 14:22. Are there (any ) among the vanities of the 23:26. How long shall (this) fee 27:18. if the word of the Lord be with them, 31 : 6. (Aere shall be a day, (that) the watchmen 16. thy work shall be rewarded, 17. And (Aere is hope in thine end, 37:17. 7s (Aere (any) word from the Lord? And Jeremiah said, TAere is : 41 : 8. have treasures in the field, of wheat, Lam. 1:12. see if (Aere fee any sorrow like unto my 3; 29. if so be (Aere may be hope. Jon. 4: 11. city, wherein are more Mic. 2: 1. because it is in the power of their hand. Mai. 1 : 14. which hath in his flock a male, lice. Isa. Jer. 8: 10: 43: 2$l yah-shav' '. # KAL.— Preterite. # Genl3 : 12. Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, 19: 20. the citips in thp- whioh T nt d%'}4t. aiy Gen27: 34 45: Ex. 12 Lev.14 18 2526 Nil. 32 3335 Deu. 1 17 19 21 2629 Jos. 20 24 Jud. 3 ISa. 1 19 20 2527 2Sa. 7 IK, 1 2 1117 2K. 7 13 ICh, 45 17 Neh. I 11 13 !st. 3: ob.24 >s. 1 9 119122137: Pro. 9 Cant. 2 44. And tarry with him a few days, 1 6. and we will dwell with you, 10. And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, 40. children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, 8. and shall tarry abroad out of his tent 3. the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, 18. and ye shall dwell in the land in safety. 19. and dwell therein in safety. b.and dwell in your land safely. 17. and our little ones shall dwell inthe fenced ,53.(wia' dwell therein: 25. and he shall abide in it unto the death of :46.the days that ye abode (there). 10. The Emims dwelt therein in times past, 12. The Horims also dwelt in Seir 20. giants dwelt therein in old time; 12. built goodly houses, and dwelt (therein) ; 31. ye shall possess it, and dwell therein. : 10. and dwell in the land which the Lord your — so that ye dwell in safety ; 29. thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their : 14. shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, : 1 . thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their 13. and shall remain in thine house, : l.possessest it, and dwellest therein ; 16(15). we have dwelt in the land of Egypt; : 4. that he may dwell among them. G.And he shall dwell in that city, 2. Your fathers dwelt on the other side of 5. the children of Israel dwelt among the 16. Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, 17. Asher continued on the sea shore, 22. and there abide for ever. : 2. and abide in a secret (place), and hide ¦A9.and shalt remain by the stone Ezel. 13. two hundred abode by the stuff. 7. David dwelt in the country of the 11. Ae dwelleth in the country of the l.the king sat in his house, 6. 1 have not dwelt in (any) house : 35 . that he may come and sit upon my throne ; 46. Solomon si((e(A on the throne : 12. Then sat Solomon upon the throne 36. an house in Jerusalem, and dwell there, : 16. six months did Joab remain there: 9.getthee to Zarephath,...ane have dwelt in Egypt a long time; 21 :25. and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the 31 . Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the 22 : 8. and the princes of Moab abode with 25: l.And Israel abode in Shittim, 32: 6. shall ye sit here? 40. and he dwelt therein. 35:28.Ae should have remained in the city of Deu 1 :46. So ye abode in Kadesh many days, 2:12. and dwelt in their stead ; 21 . they succeeded them, and dwelt in their 22. and dtvelt in their stead even unto this 23. destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead. 3:19. your wives,, ..shall abide in your cities 29. So we abode in the valley 9; 9. (Aen 7 abode in the mount forty days 23: 1 6(1 7 ). 77e shall dwell with thee, 25: 5. If brethren dwell together, 28: 30. build an house, and thou skalt not dwell Jos. 1 : 14. Your wives, ...shall remain in the land 2:22. and abode there three days, 5 : 8. (Aa( they abode in their places 6:25. and she dwelleth in Israel (even) unto 7 : 7 . and dwelt on the other side Jordan ! 8: 9. and abode between Beth-el and Ai, 13:13. fen( the Geshurites and the Maachathiles dwell among the Israelites 15:63.&m( the Jebusites dwell with the children 16:10.feMt the Canaanites dwell among the 19:47. possessed it, and dwelt therein, 50. he built the city, and dwelt therein. 21 : 43(41 ) . they possessed it, and dwelt therein. **. Jn.*?-*. '.-.. ,»...¦.,* t.t ..,/: : ¦ ss along Jos. 24 Jud. 1: 6 8 9 111513192021 Ru. 1 2 ISa. 1 5 1219 20 2831 2Sa. 1 2 5 67 1113141516 19 IK. I 1112 1517 19 21: 22 2K. 4 10. 11:13; 15: 16: 2W 13. cities which ye built not, and ye dwell 16. they went and dwelt among the people. 21 . feMt the Jebusites dwell with the children 29. but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer 30.but the Canaanites dwelt among them, 32. But the Asherites dwelt among the 33.6w( Ae dwelt among the Canaanites, ] 1 , and sat under an oak 18.1 will tajry until thou come again. 29. and dwelt in his own house. 21. went to Beer, and dwelt there, 41. And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: , 3. and dwelt in the land of Tob : 17. and Israel abode in Kadesh. : 8. and dwelt in the top of the rock Etam. ; 28. they built a city, and dwelt therein. ; 4. and he abode with him three days : 6. And they sat down, and did eat and drink 15. and when...Ae sat him dowji in a street ;26. and sat there before the Lord, 47. and abode in the rock Rimmon ; 2. and abode there till even before God, 23. repaired the cities, and dwelt in them. , 4. and they dwelled there about ten years. ; 14. And she sat beside the reapers : 23. ajid dwelt with her mother in law. ; 1. Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: — he turned aside, and sat down. 2. And they sat down. ,23. So the woman abode, : 7. of the God of Israel shall not abide with : 11. and ye dwelled safe. 18. he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. 5. 1 should not fail to sit with the king at 24. and when.. .the king sat him down to eat 25. And the king sat upon his seat, — and Abner sat by Saul's side, 4. and they dwelt with him all the while b. Abide not in the hold; 14. And David abode in the wilderness — and remained in a mountain 18. and David abode in the wood, 25. and abode in the wilderness of Maon. 29(24:1). and dwelt in strong holds at 3..4nd David dwelt with Achish 5. (Aa( I may dwell there : for why should thy servant dwell :23.So he arose from the earth, and sat upon 7. the Philistines came and dwelt in them. Land David Aad abode two days in Ziklag ; : 3. and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron. 13. and they sat down, the one on the one 9. So David dwelt in the fort, : 11. And the ark of the Lord continued in the 18. and sat before the Lord, :12. So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, 20. So Tamar remained desolate in her 28. So Absalom dwelt two full years in 29. and they tarried there. 18. with him will I abide. : 8(9). Then the king arose, and sat in the :13, 17,24, 30. he shall sit upon my throne? 20. who shall sit on the throne of my lord 27. who should sit on the throne ofmy lord : 19. and sat down on his throne, — and she sat on his right hand. 38. And Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many : 25 (5: 5). ,4nd Judah and Israel dwelt safely, : 8. his house where Ae dwelt : 20. and sit on the throne of Israel, 27. will God indeed dwell on the earth? 24. they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, : 2. and Jeroboam dMie(( in Egypt ; 25. Jeroboam built Shechem.. .and dwelt '.2l.and dwelt in Tirzah. : 5. he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, 4. and sat down under a juniper tree: 13. and sat before him : I . And they contmued three years without war 20. ,4nd when... Ae sat on her knees till noon, SO. shall sit on the throne of Israel. 19. And he sat on the throne 5. and the children of Israel dwelt in their b.and dwelt in a several house. 12. Thy sons shall sit on the throne 6. and dwelt there unto this day. (571 ) 2& 2K. 17:24. and dwelt in the cities thereof. 27. let them go and dwell there, 28. came and dwelt in Beth-el, 19:36. went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh. 1 Ch 4:28. And they dwelt at Beer-sheba, il.and dwelt in their rooms: 43. and dwelt there unto this day. 5:10. and they dwelt in their tents 16. And they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan, 22. And they dwelt in their steads 10: 7. the Philistines came and dwelt in them. 11: 7. And David dwelt in the castle; 13:14. And the ark of God remained 1 7 : 1 6 . the king came and sat before the Lord , 29 : 23. TAen Solomon sat on the throne 2Ch 6:10. and am set on the throne of Israel, 18. will God in very deed dwell with men 8: 11. My wife sAaZ( not dwell in the house of 11: 5. And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem, 19: 4. And Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem* 20: 8. And they dwelt therein, 26:21. and dwelt in a several house, 28 : 18. and they dwelt there. Ezr. 2:70. So the priests,. ..dwelt in their cities, 8:32. and abode there three days. 9: 3. and sat down astonied. 10: 9. and all the people sat in the street 16. and sat down in the first day Neh 7:73. So the priests, ...dwelt in their cities ; 8:14. the children of Israel should dwell in booths 1 7 . and sat under the booths : 11: l.And the rulers of the people dwelt at Job 2: 13. So they sat down with him 15 : 28. in houses which no man inhabiteth, 22: 8. the honourable man dwelt in it. 29: 25. 1 chose out their way, and sat chief, 38:40. (and) abide in the covert to lie in wait? Ps. 9: 7(8). the Lord shall endure for ever: 10: 8. -He sit(e(A in the lurking places of the 26 : 5. will not sit with the wicked. 29 : 1 0. yea, the Lord sitteth King for ever. 50:20. Thou sittest (and) speakest against thy 61 : 7(8). He shall abide before God for ever: 101 : 7. He that worketh deceit shall not dwell 102: 12(1 3). thou, O Lord, sAa/t endure for ever; 1 25 : 1 . abideth for ever. 132:12. their children shall also sit upon thy throne 14. here will I dwell; 1 40 : 13( 1 4 ) . the upright shall dwell in thy presence. Pro. 23 : 1 . When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, Ecc.10: 6. the rich sit in low place. Isa. 3:26. sAe (being) desolate shall sit upon the ] 3 : 20. /( sAa(/ never Ae inhabited, 14 : 13. / will sit also upon the mount 30: 19. the people sAa(( dwell in Zion 32: 16. and righteousness remain in the fruitful 37: 37. went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh. 42: 11. the villages (that) Kedar doth inhabit: 47: 8. Ishall not sit (as) a widow, 49: 20. give place to me that I may dwell. 65: 22. They shall not build, and another inhabit; Jer. 17: 6. a salt land and not inhabited. 26 : 10. and sat down in the entry of the new gate 30: 18. the palace shall remain sifter the manner 35: 7. all your days ye shall dwell in tents ; 10. But we have dwelt in tents, 11. so we dwell sit Jerusalem. 37 : 16. and Jeremiah had remained there many 21. Titus Jeremiah remained in the court of 38: 13. and Jeremiah remained in the court of the 28. So Jeremiah abode in the court of the 39: 3. and sat in the middle gate, 14. so he dwelt among the people. 40: 6. and dwelt with him among the people 41:17. they departed, and dwelt in the habitation 42: 10. If ye will still abide in this land, 13. We will not dwell in this land, 14. there will we dwell: 49 : 1 8. no man shall abide there, 33. (Aere sAa(( no man abide there, 50:13. it shall not be inhabited, 39. the wild beasts... sAaZ( dwell (there), — it shall be no more inhabited for ever ; 40. (so) shall no man abide there, 51 : 43. a land wherein no man dwelleth, Lam.2:10.The elders.. .sit upon the ground, 3 : 28. He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, 2W ( 572 ) 2UP Lam. 5: 19. Thou, O Lord, remainest for ever ; Eze. 3: lb. and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them 14: l.of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat 20: l.to enquire of the Lord, and sat before me. 26: 16. (Aey shall sit upon the ground, 20. that (Aom fee not inhabited; 29: 1 1 . neither shall it be inhabited forty years. 31 : 6. under his shadow dwelt all great nations. 33:31. and they sit before thee (as) my people, 35: 9. (STD) thy cities shall not return: 44: 3. Ae shall sit in it to eat bread Hos. 3: 3. Thou shalt abide for me many days ; 4. the children of Israel shall abide many 9: 3. They shall not dwell in the Lord's land ; Joel 3:12(4:12). there will I sit to judge all the 20(-: 20). Judah shall dwell for ever, Am. 5 : 1 1 . ye shall not dwell in them ; Jon. 3: 6. covered (him) with sackcloth, and sat in 4: 5. ajid sat on the east side of the city, — . and sat under it in the shadow, Mic. 7: 8. when 7 sit in darkness, Zep. 1 : 13. shall also build houses, and not inhabit Zee. 2: 4(8). Jerusalem shall be inhabited 8 : 4. there shall yet old men. . .dwell in the streets 9: 5. Ashkelon shall not fee inhabited. Gen. KAL . — Participle. Poel. : 20. the father of such as dwell in tents, Ex. ,413: 7. dwelled then in the land. 14: 7. tAat dwelt in Hazezon-tamar. 12. who dwelt in Sodom, 18: l.he sat in the tent door 19: 1. Lot sat in the gate of Sodom : 2b. the inhabitaJits of the cities, 23 : 10. Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth : 24: 3. among whom I dwell: 37. in whose land I dwell: 62. he dwelt in the south country. 25.27. Jacob (was)aplainman,dMJeZ/ir<"p/ intents. 34:30. ajnong the inhabitants of the land, 36 : 20. who inhabited the land ; 50:ll.(Ae inhabitants of the land, 11 : 5. of Pharaoh (Aa( sitteth upon his throne, 12:29. of Pharaoh (Aa( sat on his throne 15: 14. tAe inhabitants o/Palestina. 15. all (Ae inhabitants of Canaan shall melt 18:14. why sittest thou thyself alone, 23:31.1 will deliver the inhabitaJits of the land 34:12,15. u;itA tAe inhabitants of the land Lev.15: 6. And he that sitteth on (any) thing 23. any thing whereon she sitteth, 1 8 : 25 . the land itself vomiteth out Aer inhabitants. 25: 10. all (Ae inhabitants thereof: 26:32. your enemies loAicA dwell therein Nu. 13:18. the people tAat dwelleth therein, 19. what the land (is) that they dwell in, — that they dwell in, 28. the people (be) strong tAat dwell in the 29. The Amalekites dwell in the land — the Amorites, dwell inthe mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, 32. a land that eateth up theijihabitajits thej-eof; 14:14. (Ae inhabitaJits of this land: 25. the Canaanites dwelt inthe valley. 45. the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill, 21 : 1 . which dwell in the south, 34. which dwelt at Heshbon. 22 : 5 . they abide over against me : 32:17. the inhabitaJits of the land. 33: 40. which dwelt in the south 52. (Ae inhabitants of the land 55. (Ae inhabitants of the land — shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. 35: 34. the land which ye shall inhabit, Deu 1 : 4. which dwelt in Heshbon, — which dwelt at Astaroth 44. which dwelt in that mountain, 2: 4. which dwell in Seir; 8,22. which dwelt in Seir, 23. the Avims which dwelt in Hazerim, 29. the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, 2. which dwelt at Heshbon. :46.who dwelt at Heshbon, :30. M?AicA dwell in the champaign 3:4: 11 13:13(14). (Ae inhabitaJits of their t Deul3: 15( 16). shalt surely smite the inhabitants of Jos. 2 : 9. all (Ae inhabitants of the land faint 15. she dwelt upon the wall. 24, all (Ae inhabitants of the country do faint 7 : 9. all (Ae inhabitants of the land shall hear 8:24, 26. all (Ae inhabitants of Ai 9: 3. And when (Ae inhabitants of Gibeon heard 7. Peradventure ye dwell among us ; 1 1 . all (Ae inhabitants of our country 16. they dwelt among them. 22, when ye dwell among us ? 24. (Ae inhabitants of the land 10 : 1. (Ae bihabitants of Gibeon 6. that dwell in the mountains 11:19. (Ae inhabitants of Gibeon: 12: 2. who dwelt in Heshbon, 4. that dwelt at Ashtaroth 13: 6. All (Ae bihabitants of the hill country 21. dwelling in the country. 15 : 15. (Ae inhabitants of Debir 63. the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 16: 10. the Canaanites (Aa( dwelt in Gezer: 17: 7. the inhabitants of En-tappuah. 1 1 . (Ae bihabitants of Dot and her towns, and the inhabitants of En-dor and hertowns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo 16. (Aat dwell in the land of the valley 22: 33. the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt. 24: 8. which dwelt on the other side Jordan; 15. in whose land ye dwell: 18. the Amorites which dwelt in the land: Jud. 1 : 9. (Aat dwelt in the mountain, 10. the Canaanites (Aa( dwelt in Hebron: II. (Ae inhabitants of Debir: 17. the Canaanites (Aa( inhabited Zephath, 19. (Ae inhabitaJits of the valley, 21 . the Jebusites (Aat inhabited Jerusalem ; 27 .the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, nor (Ae inhabitants of Ibleam and her towns, nor (Ae inhabitants of Megiddo 29. the Canaanites tAat dwelt in Gezer ; 30. (Ae inhabitants of Kitron, nor (Ae inhabit ants of Nahalol; 31. (Ae inhabitants of Accho, nor (Ae hdiabitants of Zidon, 32. (Ae inhabitants of the land : 33. the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh, nor the inhabitants o/Beth-anath ; — (Ae inhabitants of the land: nevertheless the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh 2: 2. u>i(A the inhabitants o/this land ; 3: 3. the Hivites (Aat dwelt in mount Lebanon, 20. he was sitting in a summer parlour, 4: 2. which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles. 5. she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah 5 : 1 0. ye that sit in judgment, 23. curse ye bitterly (Ae bihabitants thereof; 6:10. in whose land ye dwell : 10: l.he dwelt in Shamir 18& 11 :8.(Ae bihabitants of Gilead. 1 1 : 21 . (Ae inhabitants of that country. 13: 9. came again unto the woman as she sat in 16: 9. abiding with her in the chamber. 12. abiding in the chamber. 18: 7. how they dwelt careless, 20 : 15. (Ae inhabitants of Gibeah, 21 : 9. of the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead 10. and smite (Ae inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead 12. amojig the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead Ru. 4: 4. Buy (it) before (Ae inhabitants, 1 Sa. 1 : 9. Eli the priest sat upon a seat 4: 4. which dwelleth (between) the cherubims: 13. Eli sat upon a seat 6:21. (Ae inhabitants of Kirjath-jearim, 13:16. abode in Gibeah of Benjamin: 14: 2. Saul tarried in the uttermost part of 19: 9. as he sat in his house 22: 6. now Saul abode in Gibeah 23: 5. David saved (Ae inhabitants of Keilah. 24: 3(4). his men remained in the sides of the 26: 3. David abode in the wilderness, 27 : 8. (Ae inhabitants of the land, 30:24. that tarrieth by the stuff: 31 : 1 1. (Ae inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead iS ' fi lht> tnhnhitn-nto rtt' t-Via. l.,,wl . 2Sa. 5: 6. tAe inhabitants of the land : cherubims. 2W ( 573 ) 2W 2Sa, 7: 2.1 dwell in an house of cedar, but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains. 9:13. So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem: II : I . David tarried still at Jerusalem. 11. The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in 16: 3. he abideth at Jerusalem: 18:24. David sat between the two gates: 19: 8(9). the king do(A sit in the gate. 23: 8. The Tachmonite (Aat sat in the seat, 1 K. 1 : 48. hath given ( one ) to sit ( lit. sitting ) on my 3: 6. a son to sit on his throne, 17. 1 and this woman dwell in one house ; 8:25.(o si((lit. sittmg) on the throne of Israel ; 9: 16- the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, 12:17. which dwelt in the cities of Judah, 13:11. Mere dwelt an old prophet in Beth-el ; 14. found him sitting under an oak: 20.it came to pass, as they sat at the table, 25. the city where the old prophet dwelt. lb: I8.(Aa( dwelt at Damascus, 17: 19. carried him up into a loft, where he abode, 21: S.dwellijig with Naboth. 11. (Ae inhabitaJits in his city, 22: 10. the king of Israel... the king of Judah sat each on his throne, 19. 1 saw the Lord sitting on his throne, 2K. 1: 9. he sat on the top of an hill. 2:18. he tarried at Jericho, 4: 13. 1 dwell among mine own people. 38. the sons of the prophets (were) sitting 6: l.the place where we divell 32. Elisha sat in his house, and the elders sat 7: 3. Why sit we here until we die ? 9: 5. the captains of the host (were) sitting ; 17:29. their cities wherein they dwelt. 18:27. the men which sit on the wall, 19:15.wAicA dwellest (between) the cherubims, 26. Therefore their inhabitants were of small 22: 14. she divelt in Jerusalem in the college ; 16. upon (Ae inhabitants thereof, 19. against (Ae inhabitants thereof, 23: 2.(Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem ICh. 2:55. the scribes which dwelt at Jabez ; 4:23. and those that dwelt among plants 40. (they) of Ham Aad dwelt there of old. 5: 8. who dwelt in Aroer, 8: 6. of the inhabitants of Geba, 13.o/(Ae inhabitants of Aijalon, who drove away (Ae inhabitants of Gath: 9: 2. Now (Ae first inhabitants that (dwelt) 16. tAat dwelt in the villages 11: 4.(Ae inhabitants of the land. b. the inhabitaJits of 3 ebus 13: 6. that dwelleth (between) the cherubims, 17: LI dwell in an house of cedars, 20: 1. David tarried at Jerusalem. 22:18.(Ae bihabitants of fhe land 2Ch. 6:16.(o sit (lit. sitting) upon the throne of 10: 17. (Aat dwelt in the cities of Judah, 15: 5.(Ae inhabitants of the countries. 16: 2.that dwelt at Damascus, 18: 9. sat either of them on his throne, — and they sat in a void place 18. 1 saw the Lord sitting upon his throne, 19: 10. your brethren (Aa( dwell in their cities, 20: 7. tAe inhabitants o/this land 15,20. and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, 1 8. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell 23. against (Ae inhabitants of mount Seir, — made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, 21:lL(Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit 13. tAe inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a 22: I.tAe inhabitants of Jerusalem made 26: 7. the Arabians (Aa( dwelt in Gur-baal, 30:25. and that dwelt in Judah, 31: 4. the people (Aat dwelt in Jerusalem 6.(Aa( dwelt in the cities of Judah, 32:10. (Aa( ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem? 22. (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem 26. he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 33. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem did him 33: 9. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, 34 : 9. ( 3V13 ) and they returned to Jerusalem . ( lit. according to 3TI3 — and the inhabitaJits of Jerusalem) 22. she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college: 24. upon (Ae inliabitants thereof, 2Ch 34:27. against (Ae inhabitants thereof, 28. upon (Ae inhabitants of the sajne. 30. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the 32. (/*e inhabitants of Jerusalem did 35: 18. present, andthe inhabitants of Jerusalem. Ezr. 4: 6. (Ae inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem. 9: 4. 1 sat astonied until the evening sacrifice. Neh. 2: 6. the queen also sitting by him, 3:13. and the bihabitants of Zanoah ; 26. the Nethi nims dwelt in Ophel, (lit. were dwelling) 4:12(6). the Jews which dwelthy them 7: 3. (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, 9:24.(Ae inhabitants of the land, 11:6. the sons of Perez (Aat dwelt at Jerusalem 21 . the Nethinims dwelt in Ophel: Est. 1 -.14. which sat the first in the kingdom ; 2: 19,21. Mordecai sat in the king's gate. 5 : 1 . the king sat upon his royal throne 13. sitting at the king's gate. 6: 10.(Aa( sitteth at the king's gate: 9:19.(Aa( dwelt in the unwalled towns, Job. 2: 8. he sat down among the ashes. Ps. 2: 4. He (Aa( sitteth in the heavens 9: 11(12). which dwelleth in Zion : 17: 12. lurking in secret places. 22: 3(4). (Aa( inhabitest the praises of Israel. 24 : L and they that dwell therein. 33: 8. (Ae inhabitants of the world 14. the inhabitants of the earth. 49: 1(2). all (ye) inhabitants of the world: 55: 19(20). even he that abideth of old. 65 : 8(9). They also (Aa( dwell in the uttermost 69:12fl3L They that sit in the gate 25(26). let none dwell (lit. let there not be u dweller) in their tents. 75: 3(4). all the bihabitants thereof are dissolved: 80: l(2).thou (Aat dwellest (between) the 83: 7(8). (Ae inhabitants of Tyre ; 84: 4(5). Blessed (are) they that dwell in thy 91 : 1 . He that dwelleth in the secret place 98: 7. and they that dwell therein. 99: 1. he sitteth (between) the cherubims ; 107: 10. Such as sit in darkness 34. the wickedness of them that divell therein. 123: 1. O thou that dwellest in the heavens. Pro. 3: 29. seeing he dwelleth securely 20: 8. A king (Aat sitteth in the throne Cant 5:12. washed with milk, (and) fitly set. 8: 13. TAom (Aa( dwellest in the gardens, Isa. 5: 3. O inhabitants of Jerusalem, 9. many houses shall be... without inhubitimt. 6: 1.1 saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, 5.1 dwell in the midst of a people of unclean 1 l.the cities be wasted without inhabitajit, 8: 14. a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 9: 2(1). they that dwell in theland 9(8). and the inhabitant of Samaria, 10 : 1 3. 1 have put down (Ae inhabitants 24. 0 my people (Aa( dwellest in Zion, 31 . (Ae inhabitants of Gebim 12: 6. inhabitant of Zion: (marg. inhabitress) 18 : 3. All ye inhabitants of the world, 20: 6.(Ae inhabitajit of this isle 21:14. The inhabitants o/the land of Tema 22:21.(o (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, 23: 2, 6. ye inhabitants of the isle; 18. them (Aat dwell before the Lord, 24 : 1 . scattereth abroad tAe inhabitaJits thereof. 5. under (Ae inhabitants thereof; 6. they that dwell therein are desolate: there fore (Ae inhabitants o/the earth 17. O inhabitant of the earth. 26: 5. them (A«( dwell on high ; 9, 18. (Ae inhabitants o/the world 21. to punish the inhabitants o/the earth 28: 6.(o him that sitteth in judgment, 33: 24. the people that dwell therein 36: 12. the men (Aat sit upon the wall, 37: 16. that dwellest (between) the cherubims, 27. Therefore their inhabitants (were) of small 38: 11. the inhabitants of the world. 40:22.(Aa( si((e(A upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof (are) as 42: 7. them (Aa( sit in darkness 10. the isles, and the inhabitants thereof. Il.let (Ae inhabitants of the rock sing, 2W ( 574 ) ntp* Isa. 47 49;51; 65; Jer. 1: 2:4; 17 2629 32 33 3435 36 38 40 4244 13. 15. 22. 26. 46: 8. 19, 47: 2 48: 9 18 19 2843 49: 8 2030 (thou). ..tAat dwellest carelessly, . by reason of the inhabitants, and they that dwell therein shall die in like Which remain among the graves, . tAe inhabitants of the land. .his cities are burned without inhabitant. and inhabitants of Jerusalem: . without an inhabitant. not a man dwell therein. (Ae inhabitants of the land, the bones of (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, Why do we sit still ? and those that dwell therein. 10). without an inhabitant. 2b). that dwell in the wilderness: O inhabitant of the fortress, (marg. in habitress) I will sling out (Ae inhabitants of the land (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem ; and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. and inhabitants of Jerusalem the wickedness of them (Aat divell therein ? I will fill all (Ae inhabitants of this land, even the kings (Aat sit upon David's (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, all (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, sitting upon the throne of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem: (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, and inhabitants of Jerusalem ; and to the inhabitaJits thereof, all that dwell in thine house I will smite (Ae bihabitants of this city, He (Aat abideth in this city shall die 0 inhabitant of the valley, (marg. inAa- bitj-ess) that sittest upon the throne of David, sitting upon the throne of David, 0 inhabitant of Lebanon, sitting upon the throne of David, andthe bihabitants thereof as Gomorrah. and them that dwell in the land of Egypt: all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, against (Ae inhabitants thereof 30. all (Ae inhabitants of the earth, without an uthabitant? upon (Ae bihabitants thereof: that sitteth upon the throne of David, and of all the people (Aat dwelleth in this not have a man to dwell (lit. dwelling) that sat in the court of the prison. ajid the inhabitants of Jerusalem. without inhabitant, never want a man to sit (lit. sitting) upon without an inhabitant. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the princes sat there, the king sat in the winterhouse He shall have none to sit (lit. sitting) the inhabitants of Jerusalem, He (Aat remaineth in this city shall die the king then sitting in the gate of I will dwell at Mizpah, (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem ; which dwell in the land of Egypt, which dwell at Migdol, no man dwelleth therein, I will punish them (Aa( dwell in the land all the people that dwelt in the land of without an inhabitant, all Judah (Aat dwell in the land of Egypt; I will destroy the city and the inhabitants O thou daughter dwelling in Egypt, without an inhabitant. and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all (Ae inhabitants of the . without any to dwell(lit. dwelling) therein. Thou daughter (Aa( dost inhabit Dibon, (3TQ) come down from (thy) glory, and sit in thirst ; 0 inhabitant of Aroer, 0 ye that dwell in Moab, . 0 inhabitant o/Moab, . 0 inhabitants of Dedan ; , tAe inhabitants of Teman: ¦ 0 ye inhabitants o/Hazor, Jer. 49:31. that dwelleth without care, 50 : 3. none shall dwell therein : 21. against (Ae inhabitants of Pekod: 34. disquiet (Ae inhabitants of Babylon. 35. upon the inhabitants o/Babylon, 51 : 1 . against (Aem (Aa( dwell 12. (Ae inhabitants of Babylon, 24. (Ae inhabitants of Chaldea 29. without an inhabitajit. 35. (Ae inhabitant of Zion say ; and my blood upon (Ae inhabitants of Chaldea, 37. without an inhabitant. 62. none shall remain in it, Lam. 4: 12. (Ae inhabitants of the world, 21 .(Aat dwellest in the land of Uz ; Eze. 2: 6. thou dost dwell among scorpions: 3: 15. (Aat dM>e/( by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, 7: 7. O thou (Aat dwellest in the land: 8: LI sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, 14. there sat women weeping ll:15.(Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem 12: 2. thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious 19. of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, — all them (Aa( dn:c/( therein. 15: 6. (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem. 16:46. her daughters tAat dwell at thy left hand; — (Aat dwelleth at thy right hand, 26: 17. she and her bihabitants, — on all (Aa( haunt it! 27: 3. O thou that art situate at the entry of the 8. The inhabitants of Zidon 35. (Ae inhabitants of the isles 29: 6. (Ae inhabitants o/Egypt 32: 15. 1 shall smite all them tAat dwell therein, 33 ; 24. they that inhabit those wastes 36 ; 1 7 . the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, 38: 11. 1 will go to them. ..tAat dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, 12. (Aa( dwell in the midst of the land. 39 : 6. and among them that dwell carelessly 9. they that divell in the cities of Israel Dan 9: 7. and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Hos. 4 : 1. (Ae inhabitants of the land, 3. every one (Aat dwelleth therein 14: 7(8). They that dwellunder his shadow shall Joel 1: 2. ail ye inhabitants of the land. 14. (Ae inhabitants of the land 2 : 1 . let all (Ae inhabitants of the land tremble: Am. 1: 5. cut off (A e in habitant from theplain 8. 1 will cut off (Ae inhabitant from Ashdod, 3:12.(Aa( dwell in Samaria 8: 8. every one mourn (Aat dwelleth therein '* 9: 5. all that dwell therein shall mourn: Mic. 1:11. inhabitant of Saphir, (marg. inhabitress) — (Ae inhabitant of Zaanan 12. (Ae inhabitant o/Maroth 13. O thou inhabitant of Lachish, 15. 0 inhabitant o/Mareshah: 6:12. and the inhabitants thereofhave spoken lies, 16. and the inhabitants thereof an hissing: 7 : 13. because of them (Aa( dwell therein, Nah 1: 5. all tAat dwell therein. 3: 8. that was situate among the rivers, Hab. 2: 8, 17. all (Aa( dwell therein. Zep. 1: 4. (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem; IL ye inhabitants o/Maktesh, 18. all them (Aa( dwell in the land. 2: 5.(Ae bihabitants of the sea coast, — that there shall be no inhabitant. 15. the rejoicing city tAat dwelt carelessly, 3: 6. that there is none inhabitant. Zee. 1 : 1 1 . all the earth sitteth still, 2: 7(11). (Aa( dwellest (with) the daughter of 3 : 8 . thy fellows that sit before thee : 5 : 7 . a woman (Aa( sitteth in the midst 7 : 7. when Jerusalem was inhabited — when (men) inhabited the south 8:20. and the inhabitants of many cities: 21. (Ae inhabitants of one (city) 11 : 6. no more pity (Ae inhabitants of the land, 12: 5. TAe inhabitants of Jerusalem (shall be) 7.(Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem do not 8. shall the Lord defend (Ae inhabitants of 10. upon (Ae inhabitants of Jerusalem, 13: 1. and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem 2nr> * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Jer. 6: 8. a land not inhabited. 22: 6. cities (which) are not inhabited. Eze.26:19.the cities that are not inhabited; 36: 10. and the cities shall be inhabited, NIPHAL Participle. Ex. 16: 35. they came to a land inhabited, Jer. 22: 6.(3TO) cities (which) are not inhabited. Eze.l2:20.the cities that are inhabited 26: 1 7. ( that wast) inhabited of seafaring men, 38:12. desolate places (that are now) inhabited, * PIEL Preterite. * Eze.25: 4. and they shall set their palaces in thee, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * I,ev.23:43. 1 made the children of Israel to dwell in IK. 21 : 12. and set Naboth on high among the people. Ezr.l0:14.all them which have taken strange wives 1 7. the men that had taken strange wives 18. that had taken strange wives : Neh 13:23. had married wives of Ashdod, (marg. made to dwell (with them) ) Ps.143: 3.Ae AatA made me to dwell in darkness, Jer. 32:37. and Iwill cause them to dwell safely: Lam.3: 6. He hath set me in dark places, Eze.26:20.andsAa((se( (Aee in the low parts of the 36 : 1 1 . and I will settle you after your old estates, di. I will also cause (you) to dwell in the cities, Hos.ll: Il.and I will place them in their houses, Zec.10: 6. / will bring them again to place them,; HIPHIL Infinitive. ISa. 2: 8.(o set (them) among princes, Neh 13: 27. in marrying strange wives ? Ps.113: 8. TAa( Ae may set (him) with princes, HIPHIL Imperative. Gen47: 6. make thy father and brethren to dwell; IK. 21: 9. and set Naboth on high among the people: 10. And set two men, sons of Belial, before HIPHIL.— Future. Gen47:11..4fld Joseph placed his father ISa. 12: B.and made them dwell in this place. 30:21. whom they had made also to abide at the IK. 2:24. and set me on the throne of David SK. 17: 6. and placed them in Halah 24. and placed (them) in the cities of Samaria 26. and placed in the cities of Samaria, 2Ch 8: 2. and caused the children of Israel to dwell 23:20. and set the king upon the throne Ezr.10: 2. ami have taken strange wives 10. and have taken strange wives, Job 36: 7. yea, Ae doth establish them for ever, Ps. 4: 8(9). thou, Lord, only mahest me dwell 107:36. And there Ae maketh the hungry to dwell, Isa. 54; 3. make the desolate cities to be inhabited. Hos.12: 9( 10). willjetmahe thee to dwell in tabernacles, HIPHIL Participle. rs. 68: 6(7). God setteth the solitary in families: 113: 9. He maketh the barren woman to keep house, (marg. dwell in) * HOPHAL Preterite. * Isa. 5: 8. (hat they may be placed alone in the midst HOPHAL.— Future. 'sa. 44:26. saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; iTJptf' y'shoo-gah', f. Gen49:I8.I have waited for thy salvation, hi. 14: 13. see (Ae salvation of the Lord, 15: 2.he is become my salvation: (lit. for ^ salvation to me) jtai32:15.the Rock of Ais salvation. *!: I • I rejoice in thy salvation. 14:45. who hath wrought this great salvation *».10:11. shalt help me: (lit. shalt be for helptome) .„ 22:51.the tower of salvation [Wi 16:23. shew forth from day to day Ais salvation. ^"20: 17. see the salvation of the Lord •""> 13:16. He also (shall be) my salvation : (lit. for salvation tome) 10: 15. my welfare passeth away as a cloud. 3: 2(3). (There is) no Aei!p for him in God. ( 575 ) W i Ps. 3: 8(9). Salvation (belongeth) unto the Lord: 9: 14(15). I will rejoice in thy salvation. 13: 5(6). my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. 14: 7 . (Ae salvation of Israel 1 8 : 50( 51 ) . Great deliverance giveth he to his king ; 20: 5(6). We will rejoice in thy salvation, 21: 1 (2) . and in thy salvation how greatly shall 5(6). His glory (is) great in thy salvation: 22 : 1(2). (why art thou so) far from helping me, 28 : 8. he (is) the saving strength (marg. strength of salvations) of his anointed. 35: 3. say unto my soul, I (am) thy salvation. 9. it shall rejoice in his salvation. 42: 5(6). (Ae help o/his countenance. 11(12) & 43:5. (Ae health of my countenance, 44: 4(5). command deliverances for Jacob. 53: 6(7). the salvation o/Israel 62: 1(2). from him (cometh) my salvation. 2(3), 6(7). (is) my rock and my salvation; 67 : 2( 3) . thy saving health among all nations. 68 : 1 9(20). the God of our salvation. 69:29(30). let thy salvation, O God, set me up on 70: 4(5). let such as love thy salvation 74 : 1 2. working salvation in the midst of the earth. 78: 22. trusted not in his salvation: 80: 2(3). come (and) save us. (marg. for salvation to us) 88: 1(2). O Lord God of my salvation, 89 : 26( 27 ). the rock of my salvation. 91:16. shew him my salvation. 96: 2. shew forth his salvation from day to day. 98: 2. The Lord hath made known his salvation: 3. the salvation of our God. 106: 4. O visit me with thy salvation; 116:13.1 will take the cup of salvation, 118: 14. is become my salvation, (lit. for salvation to me) 15. The voice of rejoicing and salvation 21. my salvation, (lit. for salvation to me) 119:123. Mine eyes fail for thy salvation, 155. Salvation (is) far from the wicked: 166. 1 have hoped for thy salvation, 174.1 have longed for thy salvation, 1 40 : 7(8). the strength of my salvation, 149: 4. he will beautify the meek with salvation. Isa. 12: 2. God (is) my salvation; — he also is become my salvation, (lit. for salvation to me) 3. the wells of salvation. 25 : 9. we will be glad and rejoice in Ais salvation. 26: I. salvation will (God) appoint (for) walls 18. we have not wrought any deliverance 33 : 2. OMr salvation also in the time of trouble. 6. strength of salvation: (marg. salvations) 49: 6. that thou mayest be jny salvation 8. in a day of salvation have I helped thee: 51 : 6. but my salvation shall be for ever, 8. and my salvation from generation to 52: 7. that publisheth salvation; 10. all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation o/our God. 56 : 1 . my salvation ( is ) near to come, 59: 1 1 .for salvation, (but) it is far off from us. 17. an helmet of salvation upon his head; 60:18. thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, 62: 1. and the salvation thej'eof as a lamp Jon. 2: 9( 10). Salvation (is) of the Lord. Hab. 3: 8. thy chariots of salvation? h. rtE^.1 [yeh'-shagh], m. Mic. 6: 14. and thy casting down (shall be) in the mi [yah-shat']. * HIPHIL Future. * Est. 4: 11 . to whom the king shall hold out the 5 : 2. and the king held out to Esther the 8: 4. Then the king AeZd out the golden py$\ [y'shee-mohn'], m. Nu. 21 -.20. which looketh toward Jeshimon. (marg. or, (Ae wilderness) w> ( 576 ) par Nu. 23: 28. that looketh toward Jeshimon. Deu32: 10. in the waste howling wilderness ; lSa.23: 19. which (is) on the south of Jeshimon? (marg. or, (Ae wilderness) 24. in the plain on the south of Jeshimon. 26: 1. (which is) before Jeshimon? 3. which (is) before Jeshimon, Ps. 68: 7(8). didst march through the wilderness; 78:40. grieve him in the desert! 1 06 : 1 4. tempted God in the desert. 107: 4.in a solitary way; (lit. in the solitude of the way) Isa. 43: 19. rivers in the desert. 20. rivers in the desert, J-lW* fshee-mohth' , f. pi. Ps. 55:15(16). (2*fi3) Let death seize upon them, (or, destJ'uctions (are) upon them,— so nTO) ET£"T yah-sheesh\ m. Job 12:12. With the ancient (is) wisdom ; 15: 10. the grayheaded and very aged men, 29: 8. and (Ae aged arose, (and.) stood up. 32: 6.1 (am) young, and ye (are) very old; DfcJ^ [yah-sham']. # KAL._FM(Mre. * Gen47:19.that the land fee not desolate. Eze. 6: 6. the high places shall be desolate; 12:19. that her land may be desolate 19: 7. and the land was desolate, P\ [yah-shan'\ * NIPHAL Preterite. * Deu 4:25. and ye shall have remained long in the NIPHAL.— Participle. Lev.l3:ll.It (is) an old leprosy 26: 10. ye shall eat old store, \$\yah-shahn' , adj. Lev.25: 22. eat (yet) of old fruit — ye shall eat (of) the old (store) . 26:10. ye shall eat old store, and bring forth (Ae old because of the new. Neh 3: 6. the old gate repaired 12: 39. above the old gate, Cant. 7: 13(14). new and old, Isa. 22 : 1 1 . the water of the old pool : J#J [yah-shehn']. *KAL Preterite. * 13. 1 should have slept: 39. and sleep a perpetual sleep, 57. and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, 25. and sleep in the woods. KAL. — Infinitive. 12(11). of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. KAL. — Future. :21.to fall upon Adam, and he slept: : 5. And he slept and dreamed the second : 5. as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, : 5(6) . I laid me down and slept; : 8(9). both lay me down in peace, and sleep: : 3(4). lest J" sleep the (sleep of) death ; :23(24).why steepest thou, O Lord? : 4. shall neither slumber nor sleep. : 16. For (Aey sleep not, : 27. none shall slumber nor sleep; *PIEL Future. * Jud. 1 6 : 1 9. And she made him sleep upon her knees ; Job 3: Jer. 51 Eze.34 Ecc. 5: Gen 2 41 IK. 19 Ps. 3 4 13 44 121 Pro . 4 Isa 5 \$l yah-shehn', adj. lSa.26: 7. Saul lay sleeping within the trench, 12. for they (were) all asleep ; IK. 3:20. while thine handmaid slept, 18:27. peradventure he sleepeth, and must be Ps. 78:65. Then the Lord awaked as one out of sleep, Cant.5: 2. 1 sleep, but my heart waketh: 7: 9(10). those that are asleep Danl2: 2. many of them that sleep Hos. 7: 6. their baker sleepeth all the night ; J?£r [yah-shag']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Nu. 10: 9. and ye shall be saved from your enemies. Isa. 45 : 17. Israel shall be saved in the Lord Jer. 8:20. we are not saved. NIPHAL. — Imperative. Isa. 45:22. Look unto me, and be ye saved, NIPHAL.— Future. 2Sa.22: 4. so shall I be saved from mine enemies. Ps. 18: 3(4). so shall I be saved from mine enemies. 80: 3(4), 7(8), 19(20). cause thy face to shine; and. we shall be saved. 119: 11 7. Hold thou me up, and I shallbe safe: Pro. 28: 18. Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: Isa. 30: 15. In returning and rest sAa/( ye Ae saved; 64: 5(4). is continuance, and we shall be saved. Jer. 4:14. that (Aow mayest be saved. 17: 14. save me, and I shall be saved: 23: 6. In his days Judah shall be saved, 30: 7. Ae shall be saved out of it. 33: 16. In those days shall Judah be saved, NIP HAL. — Participle. Deu 33: 29. 0 people saved by the Lord, Ps. 33: 16. TAere is no king satied by the multitude Zee. 9: 9. he (is) just, and having salvation; * HIPHIL Preterite. * Jud. 2:18. and delivered them out of the hand of 6 : 14. and thou shalt save Israel from the hand 7: 2. Mine own hand Aa(A saved me. 8 :22. tliou hast delivered us from the hand of 12: 2. ye delivered me not out of their hands. I Sa. 9 : 16. (Aa( Ae may save my people out of 23: 2. Go and smite the Philistines, and save ICh 19:12. (Aen / will help thee. Job 26: 2. (how) savest thou the arm (that hath) no Ps. 20: 6(7). that the Lord sauetA his anointed; 34: 6(7).sat>ed him out of all his troubles. 44: 3(4). neither did their own arm save them: 7 (8). thou hast saved us from our enemies, 98 : 1 . holy arm, hath gotten him (Ae victory. Isa. 43: 12. 1 have declared, and have saved, 63 : 9. the angel of his presence saved them : Eze.34: 22. Therefore will I save my flock, 36 : 29. / will also save you from all your 37 : 23. but I will save them out of all their Hos. 1: 7. and will save them by the Lord their God, Zep. 3:19. and I will save her that halteth, Zee. 9: 16. And the Lord their God shall save them in 12: 7. The Lord also shall save the tents of HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Deu 20: 4. against your enemies, to save you. Jud.10: l.(o defend Israel (marg. save, or, deliver) 13. 1 will deliver you no more. (lit. I will not add to deliver) 13: 5. he shall begin to deliver Israel lSa.14: 6.(0 save by many or by few. 25 :26. and from avenging thyself with thine own hand, (marg. saving) 31. or that my lord Aa(A avenged himself: 33. and from avenging myself with mine 2Sa. 3: 1 8. / will save my people Israel 10: 1 1. 1 will come and help thee. „ 19. the Syrians feared to help the children of 2K. 19:34. 1 will defend this city, to save it, ICh 19: 19. neither would the Syrians help the yw> ( 577 ) )W Ps. 31: 2(3). an house of defence to save me. 71 : 3. thou hast given commandment to save me, 76: 9( 10). to save all the meek of the earth. 109:31.(0 save (him) from those that condemn Isa. 37:35.1 will defend this city to save it 38:20. The Lord (was ready) to save me: 59: 1 . is not shortened, (Aa( it cannot save ; 63: 1. speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Jer. 11:12. but they shall not save them at all (lit. saving they shall save) 14: 9. as a mighty man (that) cannot save ? 15:20. 1 (am) with thee to save thee 30:11.1 (am) with thee,. ..to save thee: 42:11.1 (am) with you to save you, HIPHIL. —Imperative. 6. come up to us quickly, and save us, i.Help, O king. (marg. Save) 26. Help, my lord, O king. 7. and save me out of the hand of the king : 19. save thou us out of his hand, 35. Save us, O God of our salvation, 7(8). save me, O my God: : 4(5). oh save me for thy mercies' sake. 1(2). save me from all them that persecute : 1(2). Help, Lord; for the godly man 9(10). Save, Lord. 2l(22). Save me from the lion's mouth: : 9. Save thy people, and bless thine 16(17). save me for thy mercies' sake. l(3).Saye me, O God, by thy name, 2(3). saue me from bloody men. 5(7). save (with) thy right hand, l(2).Sa»eme, O God; 2. incline thine ear unto me, and save me. 2. save thy servant that trusteth in thee. 16. and save the son of thine handmaid. ¦AT. Save us, O Lord our God, : 6(7).sa»e (with) thy right hand, 26. 0 save me according to thy mercy: 25. Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord: 94.1 (am) thine, save me; 146. 1 cried unto thee ; save me, 20. save us from his hand, 27. Arise, and save us. 14. save me, and I shall be saved: 7. 0 Lord, save thy people, HIPHIL Future. 17. Moses stood up and helped them, :30. Thus the Lord saved Israel 22.save us not this day, 16. which delivered them out of the hand (marg. saved) 9. Lord raised up a deliverer.. .who delivered them, 31. and he also delivered Israel. 15. Oh my Lord, wherewith sAafl / save 31 . will ye save him ? 37. shall I know that thou wilt save Israel 7. By the three hundred men... ivill I save 12. and I delivered you out of their hand. 14. let them deliver you : 3.(Aa(,...i( may save us out of the hand of 8.(Aa( Ae will save us out of the hand of :27. How shall this man save us? 23. So the Lord satjed Israel that day: :47.the Lord saveth not with sword and : 5. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah. : 6, 14. And the Lord preserved David ,3. (Aom savest me from violence. 28. the afflicted people thou wilt save : 27. If the Lord do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? 27. but he saved them by the hand of : 14. and the Lord saved (them) by a great 6. Thus the Lord preserved David 13. TAws the Lord preserved David 9. then thou wilt hear and help. 22. Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah 27. wAo saved (Aem out of the hand of their 15. But he saveth the poor from the sword, 29. Ae shall save the humble person. 14. thine own right hand can save thee. 27(28). For (Aom wilt save the afflicted 18(19). sat>e(A such as be of a contrite spirit. 6(7). (Aom preservest man and beast. Jos. 10 2Sa.l42K. 6 16 19 ICh 16 Ps. 3 6 7 12 20 22 28 3154596069 7186 106 10S109 118 119 Isa. 37: Jer. 2 17: 31 Ex. 2 14 Jos. 22 Jud. 2 6 7 10 ISa. 47 10 14 17 23 2Sa. 8 22 2K. 6 14 IChll 18 2Ch20 32 Neh 9. Job 5: 22 40: Ps. 18: 34 Ps. 37: 40. from the wicked, and save them, 44: 6(7). neither shall my sword save me. 55:16(17). the Lord shall save me. 57: 3(4). shall send from heaven, and save me 69:35(36). For God will save Zion, 72: 4./ie shall save the children of the needy, 13. shall save the souls of the needy. 106: 8. Nevertheless he saved them for his name's 10. .4nd Ae saved them from the hand of him 107:13. Ae saved them out of their distresses. 19. Ae saveth them out of their distresses. 116: 6. 1 was brought low, and Ae helped me. 138: 7. and thy right hand shall save me. 145:19. hear their cry, and will save them. Pro. 20: 22. wait on the Lord, and he shall save thee. Isa. 25 : 9. waited for him, and he will save us : 33:22. the Lord (is) our king; Ae will save us. 35: 4. he will come and save you. 45:20. pray unto a god (that) cannot save. 46: 7. nor save him out of his trouble. 47 : 13. prognosticators, stand up, and save thee 49:25. 1 will save thy children. 59: 16. therefore his arm brought salvation 63: 5. therefore mine own arm brought salvation Jer. 2:28. let them arise, if they can save thee 11:12. (Aey shall not save them at all Lam. 4: 1 7. nation (that) could not save (us). Hos. 1 : 7. and will not save them by bow, 13:10. where (is airy other) that may save thee 14: 3(4). Asshur shall not save us; Hab 1: 2. (Aok wilt not save I Zep. 3:17. Ae will save, he will rejoice over thee Zee. 8: 13. so will I save you, 10: 6.7 will save the house of Joseph, HIPHIL Participle. : 27. the betrothed damsel cried, and (there was) none to save her. (lit. no saviour) :29.no man shall save (thee). 31. none to rescue (them), (lit. no saviour) 9. raised up a deliverer (marg. saviour) 15. the Lord raised them up a deliverer, 36. If thou wilt save (lit. if thou wilt be saving) Israel by mine hand, 3. 1 saw that ye delivered (me) not, : 19. who himself saved you out of all your 3. if (there be) no man to save us, 39. (as) the Lord liveth, which saveth Israel, 3. my refuge, my saviour ; 42. They looked, but (there was) none to save; (lit. no saviour) 5. the Lord gave Israel a saviour, : 27. thou gavest them saviours, : 10(11 ). which saveth the upright in heart. : 7. O thou (Aa( savest by thy right hand :41(42). They cried, but (there was) none to save (lit. no saviour) : 21. They forgat God (Aeir saviour, :20. he shall send them a saviour, : 3. the Holy One of Israel, (Ay Saviour .- 11. beside me (there is) no saviour. :15.0 God of Israel, (Ae Saviour. 21.ajust God and a Saviour; :15. none shall save thee. (lit. (Ay saviour) :26&60:16.I the Lord (am) (Ay Saviour : 8. so he was their Saviour, (lit. for a saviour to them) : 8. (Ae saviour thereof 'in time of trouble, : 10 & 46:27. 1 will save thee from afar, : 4./or (there is) no saviour beside me. 21. saviours shall come up on mount Zion : 7.1 will save my people from the east Deu 22 28 Jud. 3 6 12 ISa. 1011 14 2Sa.22 2K. 13 Neh 9 Ps. 7 17 18 106 Isa. 19 43 45 4741)63 Jer. 14 30 Hos. 13 Obad. Zee. 8; W!. & ]&l yeh'-shag, m. 2Sa.22: 3. the horn of my salvation, 36. the shield of (Ay salvation : 47 . the rock of my salvation. 23: 5. for (this is) all my salvation, ICh 16:35. Save us, O God of our salvation, Job. 5: 4. His children are far from safety, 1 1 . those whichmourn maybe exaltedto safety. Ps. 12: 5(6). I will set (him) in safety 18: 2(3). the horn of my salvation, 35(36). the shield of (Ay salvation : yw (578 ) -m* Ps. 18:46(47). letthe Godof my salvation be exalted. 20: 6(7).thesauin£rstrength(marg. the strength of (Ae salvation) of his right hand, 24: 5. the God of Ais salvation. 25: 5. thou (art) the God of my salvation; 27: LThe Lord (is) my light and my salvation ; 9. 0 God of my salvation. 50:23. (Ae salvation o/God. 51 :12(14).unto me the joy of thy salvation; 62: 7(8). In God (is) my salvation 65: 5(6). O God of our salvation ; 69:13(14). in the truth of thy salvation. 79: 9. Help us, O God of our salvation, 85: 4(5). Turn us, O God of our salvation, 7 (8 ). and grant us thy salvation. 9(l0). Surely Ais salvation (is) nigh 95 : 1 . the rock of our salvation . 132:16.1 will also clothe her priests wi(A salvation: Isa. 17:10. hast forgotten the God of tAy salvation, 45 : 8. let them bring forth salvation, 51 : b.my salvation is gone forth, 61 :10. clothed mewith the garments of salvation, 62 : 1 L Behold, thy salvation cometh ; Mic. 7: 7. 1 will wait for the God of my salvation': Hab 3: 13. Thou wentest forth for the salvation o/thy people, (even) for salvation with thine 18. 1 will joy in the God of jay salvation. 7]£jBhyah-$h*pheh\ m. Ex. 28: 20. a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper ; 39: 13. a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper : Eze.28: 13. the onyx, and the jasper, ~)$l yah-shar'. Jud. 14 IK. 9 ]Ch.l3 Jer. 18 27 Hab. 2: Nu. 23 Jud. 14 ISa. 6 18 2Sa.l72Ch30: Job. 37 Ps. 119 Isa. 40 2Ch32Pro. 3 1115 Isa. 45 Pro. 9 IK. 6 Ps. 5 * KAL.— Preterite. * 3. she pleaseth me well. (marg. (is) right in mine eyes) :12. (Aey pleased himnot. (marg. werenotright in his eyes) 4. the thing was right in the eyes of all the : 4. as seemed good to the potter 5. have given it unto whom it seemed meet 4. his soul... is not upright in him: KAL.— Future. 27. peradventure it will please God (lit. it will be right in the eyes of God ) Land she pleased Samson well. (lit. and she was right in the eyes of Samson) 12. And the kine took the straight way 20. and the thingp/eased him. (marg. and was right in his eyes) 26. it pleased David well (lit. it was right in the eyes of David) : 4. And the saying pleased Absalom well, (marg. and was right in the eyes) 4. And the thing pleased the king (marg. and was right in the eyes) # PIEL Preterite. * 3. He directeth it under the whole heaven, 128. Iesteem all (thy) precepts. ..(to be) right; PIEL. — Imperative. 3. make straight in the desert a highway for PIEL.— Future. 30. and lyrought it straight down to the west 6. Ae shall direct thy paths. 5. The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: (marg. rectify) 21 . a man of understanding walketh uprightly. 2. 1 will. ..make the crooked places straight : 13. Iwill direct all his ways: (marg. or, make straight ) PIEL.— Participle. 15. To call passengers who go right on their * PUAL.— Participle. * :35. covered (them) with gold fitted upon the * HIPHIL.— Imperative. # 8(9). maAe thy way straight before my face. HIPHIL.— Future. Pro. 4:25.Ze( thine eyelids look straight before thee. Isa. 45: 2. (aTD) make the crooked places straight: IB^ yah-shahr', adj. Ex. 15:26. and wilt do that which is right in his sight, Nu. 23: 10. Let me die the death of (Ae righteous, Deu. 6:18. thou shalt do (that which is) riyA( 12: 8. every man whatsoever (is) riyAt in his 25. when thou shalt do (that which is) right 28. when thou doest (that which is)...riyA(' :18(19).to do (that which is) riyAt : 9. when thou shalt do (that which is) right : 4. just and right (is) he. : 25. as it seemeth good and right unto thee to : 13. (Is) not this written in the book of Jasher ? (marg. (Ae upright) : 6 & 21 : 25. man did (that which was) right :23. 1 will teach you the good and the riyA( : 6. thou hast been upright, : 18. (it is) written in the book of Jasher. (marg. or, (Ae upright ) : 6(7). then it had pleased thee well. (lit. been 7-iyAt in thine eyes) :33. to do (that which is) right in mine eyes, 38. and do (that is) riyA( in my sight, : 8. to do (that) only (which was) right 5. David did (that which was) right 1 1 . Asa did (that which was) riyA( : 43. doing (that which was) riyA( in the eyes : 3. Look even out the best andmeetest of your 15. Is thine heart right, 30. executing (that which is) right 2(3). Jehoash did (that which was) right 3 & 15:3,34. he did (that which was) right 2. Ahaz. ..did not (that which was) riyAt 3 & 22:2. he did (that which was) right : 2(1). Asadid( that which was)good and right 32. doing (that which was) right in the sight 2. Joash did (that which was) riyA( in the 2 & 26 : 4 & 27 : 2. he did ( that which was) riyA« 1 . he did not (that which was) right 2. he did (that which was) rzyA( 34. the Levites (were) more upright in heart 20. wrought (that which was) good and right 2. he did (that which was) riyA( 21. to seek of him a riyA( way for us, 13. gavest them riyA( judgments, and true laws, 1 . that man was perfect and upright, 8 & 2:3. a perfect and sm upright man, 7. where were (Ae righteous cut off ? 6. If thou (wert) pure and upright; 8. Upright (men) shall be astonied at this, 7. There (Ae righteous might dispute with 27. and perverted (that which was) riyAt, 10( 1 1 ). which saveth (Ae upright in heart. 2. that they may pri vily shoot at the upright in 7. his countenance doth behold the upright. 8(9). The statutes of the Lord (are) rigid, 8. Good and upright (is) the Lord: 1 1 . all (ye that are ) upright in heart. 1. praise is comely for the upright. 4. the word of the Lord (is ) right ; 10(11 ). thy righteousness to the upright in 14. slay such as be of upright conversation. 37. theperfect (man), and behold (Ae upright: 14(lo).(Ae upright shall have dominion 10( 1 1 ). all (Ae upright in heart shall glory 15(1 6). To shew that the Lord (is) upright: 15. all (Ae upright in heart shall follow it. Il.and gladness for the upright in heart. 7 . he led them forth by (Ae riyA( way, 42. TAe righteous shall see (it), and rejoice: 1 . the assembly of (Ae upright, 8. (are) done in truth and uprightness. 2. the generation of (Ae upright shall be 4. Unto the upright there ariseth light 137. andupright (are) thy judgments. 4. and to (them that are) upright in their 1 3( 14). (Ae upright shall dwell in thy presence. 7. layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: 21 . (Ae upright shall dwell in the land, 32. his secret (is) with (Ae righteous. 9. and right to them that find knowledge. 13 21 32 Jos. 9 10 Jud. 17 lSa.12 29 2Sa. 1 19 IK. 11 1415: 22: 2K.10 12:14 16 18: 2Ch.l4 20:24: 25: 28: 29: 31:34: Ezr. 8: Neh. 9: Job. 1; 17 23 33 Ps. 7 11 1!) 25 32 3336374964 92 94 97 10711111211!) 125 140 Pro. 2: ¦w ( 579 ) D/T Pro.ll: 3. The integrity of (Ae upright shall guide 6. The righteousness of (Ae upright shall 1 1 . the blessing of (Ae upright 12: 6. the mouth of (Ae upright shall deliver 15. The way of a fool (is) rioAt in his own 14: 9. among (Ae righteous (there is) favour. 11. the tabernacle of (Ae upright shall nourish. 12. There is away which seemeth right unto 15: 8. the prayer of (Ae upright (is) his delight. 19. the way of (Ae righteous (is) made plain. 16: 13. they love him that speaketh right. 17- The highway of (Ae upright 25. There is a way that seemeth right unto a 20:11. whether (it be) right. 21: 2. Every way of a man (is) right in his own 8. (as for) the pure, his work (is) right. 18. and the transgressor for (Ae upright. 29. but (as for) (Ae upright, he directeth his 28 i 10. Whoso causeth (Ae righteous to go astray 29:10.6a( the just seek his soul. 27. (he that is) upright in the way Ecc 7:29. God hath made man upright; Isa. 26: 7. thou, most upright, dost weigh the path of Jer. 26:14.as seemeth good and meet unto you. 31: 9. 1 will cause them to walk.. .in a straight 34: 15. had done right in my sight, 40: 4. whither it seemeth good and convenient for 5. go wheresoever it seemeth convenient unto Eze. 1: 7. their feet (were) straight feet ; 23. (were) their wings straight, Danll: 17. and upright ones with him ; Hosl4: 9(10). the ways of the Lord (are) right, Mic 2: 7. him that walketh uprightly? (marg: up right) 3: 9. pervert all equity. 7: 2. and (there is) none upright among men: 4. tAe most upright (is sharper) than a thorn *1&?* yoh'-sher, m. Deu. 9 IK. 9 ICh 29 Job. 6: 33 Ps. 25 119 Pro. 24: 1114: 17; Eoc.12 : 5. or for the uprightness of thine heart, : 4. in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, . 17. hast pleasure in upj-ightness. 25. How forcible are right words ! 3.tAe uprightness ofmy heart: 23. to shew unto man Ais uprightness .- : 21 . Let integrity and uprightness preserve me ; 7. 1 will praise thee with uprightness o/heart, 13. Who leave the paths of uprightness, 11. 1 have led thee in right paths. 24. withholdeth more than is meet, 2. He that walketh in his uprightness 26. to strike princes for equity. 10. (that which was) written (was) upright, MX*! [yish-rah'l f. IK. 3: 6. and in uprightness of heart with thee ; $#lyah-shehsh', m. 2Ch36: 17. or him that stooped for age: i*V [yath] Ch. part. Dan. 3:12. Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs []in;pv_ ^] W. ytheev, Ch. * P'AL Preterite. * Dan 7: 9. and the Ancient of days did sit, 10. the judgment was set, and the books 26. But the judgment shall sit, P'AL. — Participle. E«. 4: 17. their companions that dwell in Samaria, * APHEL. —Preterite. * &'¦ 4:10. Asnapper brought over, and set in the cities *11T yah-thehd', f. Ex. 273538 39 Nu. 3 Deu 23 Jud. 4 5 16 Ezr. 9 Isa. 223354 Eze.15 Zec.10 19. all the pins thereof, and all the pins of the : 18. The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of : 20. all the pins of the tabernacle, 31. all (Ae pins of the tabernacle, and all (Ae pins of the court round about. 40. his cords, and his pins, 37 & 4:32. and their pins, and their cords. : 1 3 ( 1 4 ) . And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy 21. Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the — smote (Ae nail into his temples, 22. and the nail (was) in his temples. 26. She put her hand to the nail, : 14. she fastened (it) with the pin, — went away with (Ae pin of the beam, : 8. a nail in his holy place, (marg. or, a pin) ¦ 23. will fasten him (as) a nail in a sure place ; 25. (Ae nail that is fastened 20. not one of (Ae stakes thereof shall ever be : 2. and strengthen thy stakes; 3. will (men) take a pin of it 4. out of him (Ae nail, DiPl* yah-thohm' , m. Ex. 22: Deu 1014 24 27 Job 6: 22: 24:29:31: Ps. 10: 68: 82:94: 109: 146: Pro. 23: Isa. 1 : 9: 10: Jer. 5: 7; 2249: Lam. 5 Eze. 22 Hos.] 4 Zee. 7 Mai. 3 22(21). afflict any widow, or fatherless child. 24(23). widows, and your children fatherless. 18. the judgment of (Ae fatherless and widow, 29& 16:11, 14. the stranger, and the fatherless, 17. (nor) of the fatherless ; 19, 20, 21. for the stranger, for the fatherless, 12. unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, 13. to the fatherless, and to the widow, 19. the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, 27. ye overwhelm the fatherless, 9. the arms of the fatherless have been broken. 3. They drive away the ass of the fatherless, 9. They pluck the fatherless from the breast, 12. the poor that cried, and the fatherless, 17. (Ae fatherless hath not eaten thereof; 21. lifted up my hand against the fatherless, 14. thou art the helper of the fatherless. 18. To judge the fatherless 5 (6 ) . A father of (Ae fatherless, 3. Defend the poor and fatherless : 6. and murder the fatherless. 9. Let his children he fatherless, 12. to favour his fatherless children. 9. he relieveth the fatherless and widow: 10. enter not into the fields of the fatherless : 17. judge the fatherless, 23. they judge not the fatherless, 17(16). shall have mercy on their fatherless 2. (that) they may rob the fatherless 1 28. the cause of the fatherless, G. the fatherless, and the widow, 3. the fatherless, nor the widow, 1 1 . Leave thy fatherless children, . . 3. "We are orphans and fatherless, 7. in thee have they vexed the fatherless 3(4). in thee the fatherless findeth mercy. : 10. oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, : 5. the widow, and the fatherless. TirV ythoor, m. Job 39: 8. TAe range of the mountains yft\yat-teer', Ch. adj. Dan 2: 31. whose brightness (was) excellent, 3:22. and the furnace exceeding hot, 4:36(33). and excellent majesty was added unto 5:12. Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, 14. and excellent wisdom is found in thee. 6: 3(4). because an excellent spirit (was) in him; 7 : 7 . and strong exceedingly ; 19. exceeding dreadful, whose teeth (were of) DH* (Ps. 19:13(14).) see QDfl* p v 2 "IJT 1JV [yah-thar']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel.* ] Sa. 15 : 15. (Ae rest we have utterly destroyed. ( 580 ) 1JT IK * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * (Aere remained not any green thing And (Aere was not left a man of them, (Aere ivas not any left to breathe : TAere teas none of the Anakims left surely (Aere Aad not been left unto Nabal any that is left of the house of Saul, there is not one of them left. there shall not Ae left so much as one. Their children that were left after them (Aere was no breath left in him. I only, remain a prophet of the Lord ; who were left after them in the land, (Aere was no breach left therein ; 1 1 . (Aere was not one of them left. 8. And the daughter of Zion is left 1 7. till ye be left as a beacon upon the top 22. therein skill be left a remnant 13. / remained there with the kings of Persia. NIPHAL. -Future. 24(25). And Jacob was left alone ; : 20. and he alone is left of his mother, 34. if ought.. .remain unto the morning, 2. And there remained among the children of 5. notwithstanding yet Jotham. ..was left; 10, 14. and I, (even) I only, am left; 17. nothing shall be left, 21 . the perfect shall remain in it. 6. nothing shall 6e left, saith the Lord. 9. if there remain ten men in one house, 8. the third shall be left therein. NIPHAL.— Participle. : 36. Jacob fed (Ae rest of Laban's flocks. . 10. and that which remaineth of it until the : 10. (the other) six names of (Ae rest :34.thou shalt burn the remainder with fire: 3. And the remnant of the meat offering 10. And that ivhich is left of the meat offering : 16(9). And the remainder thereof shall Aaron :16.a/so (Ae remainder of it shall be eaten: 17. But the remainder of the flesh :3'2.And that which remaineth of the flesh : 12. and unto Ithamar, his sons Mat were left, Take the meat offering (Au( remaineth 16. sons of Aaron (which were) left (alive), : 18. And the remnant of the oil 29. And the rest of tlie oil : 6. if ought remain until the third day, .18. according to the years (Aat remain, 2. (Ae rest of the children of Manasseh 6. (Ae rest of Manasseh's sons 5. (Ae rest of the children of Kohath 20. the Levites which remained 26. the children of Kohath (Aat remained. 34. (Ae rest of the Levites, 40(38) . which were remaining of the families 10. all tAat were left of all the hosts 7. shall we do for wives/or them that remain, 16. shall we do for wives for them that remain, 36. every one (Aa( is left in thine house 9. where those that were left behind stayed. 20. all the people (that were) left 1 8. and the gold (that were ) left in the 30. But (Ae rest fled to Aphek, — seven thousand of the men (that were) left. 7. live thou and thy children of the rest. 6 1 ( 46) . ( which were ) left of the family of that 70(55 ). (Ae remnant of the sons of Kohath. 77(62). Unto (Ae rest of the children of Merari 20. (Ae rest of the sons of Levi 7. the people (that were) left of the Hittites, 10. and that which is left (is) this great store. 3. and (he that) remaineth in Jerusalem, 22. that is left in the land. 18. the vessels toAicA are left in the house of 19. the vessels that remain in this city, 21. the vessels that remain (in) the house of the Lord, 34: 7. all the cities of Judah that were left, Ex. 10: Nu. 26 Jos.ll: ISa. 25 2Sa. 9 1317: 9: 17 18, 2Ch 8: Neh. 6: Ps.106: Isa. 1 30: Eze.l 4: Dan 10 Gen32 44 Ex. 29 Jos. 18 Jud. 9 IK. 19 2K. 20 Pro. 2 Isa. 39 Am. 6 Zec.13: Gen30 Ex. 12 2829 Lev. 2 6 7 8 10 1419 27 Jos. 17 21 Jud 8 21 ISa 0 30 IK. 9 1ft 20 2K. 4 ICh 6 24 2Ch 8 31 Isa. 4 7 Jer. 27 Eze.34:18.ye must foul tAe residue with your feet? 39: 14. (Aat remain upon the face of the earth, 48: 15. five thousand, (Aa( are left in the breadth 18.j4.nd (Ae residue in length 21. And the residue (shall be) for the prince, Zec.14: 16. every one (Aa( is left of all the nations # HIPHIL Preterite. * Ex. 10: 15. the trees which the hail Aad left: Deu 28 : 1 1 . And the Lord shall jnake thee plenteous 30: 9. And the Lord thy God will make thee plenteous Ru. 2:18. gave to her that sAe Aad resej'ved Isa. 1 : 9. Except the Lord of hosts Aad left unto us Eze. 6: 8. Yet will I leave a remjiant, 12: 16. But Iwill leave a few men of them HIPHIL— Infinitive. Ex. 36: 7. stuff they had was sufficient, ..and ton much. 2K. 4:43. They shall eat, and shull have (thereof). 2Ch 31 : 10. and have left plenty: Jer. 44: 7.(0 leave you none to remain ; HIPHIL.— Imperative. Ps. 79: 11. preserve thou those that are appointed to HIPHIL.— Future. Gen49: 4. Unstable as water, tAow shalt not excel; Ex. 12:10. ye shall let nothing of it remain until the 16:19. Let no man leave of it till the morning. 20. but some of them left of it until the Lev.22:30.ye shall leave none of it until the morrow: Nu. 33:55. those which ye let j-emain of them Deu 28:54. his children which Ae shall leave: Ru. 2: 14. she did eat, and was sufficed, and left. 2Sa. 8: 4. bjd resej-ved of them (for) an hundred 2K. 4:44. they did eat, and left (thereof), 1 Ch 1 8 : 4. but reserved of them an hundred chariots. Eze.39.28.Aaue left none of them anymore there. IN yeli! '-ther, m. Gen49 Ex. 10 23 Le\ .14 Nu 31 Deu 3 2? Jos 12 13 23 Juc . 7: ISa. 13 2Sa 10 12 21 IK. 11 12 14: 15: 16 2K. 1 8 10 12 1314 15 : 3. (Ae excellency o/dignity, and the excellency of : 5, shall eat (Ae residue of that which is escaped, : 1 1 . and what they leave the beasts ^of the field :17. And of the rest of the oil :32.(Ae rest o/the prey which the men of war :ll.o/(Ae remnant of giants; 13. And the rest of Gilead, : 54. and towaj-d the remnant o/his children : 4. of the remnant of the giants, : 12. who remained of the remnant of the giants: 27. the rest of the kingdom of Sihon : 12. cleave Mn(o (Ae renuiant of these nations, 6. tAe rest o/the people bowed down 2. and the rest o/the people he sent everyman 10. tAe rest of the people he delivered into 28. gather (Ae rest of the people together, 2. of the j-emnant of the Amorites ; 41 , And the rest of the acts of Solomon, 23. and to (Ae renuiant of the people, 19. And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, 29. AW (Ae rest o/the acts of Rehouoam, 7. Now the j-est o/the acts of Abijam, 23. TAe rest of all the acts of Asa, 31. Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, 5. Nojv the rest of the acts of Baasha, 14. Noiv the rest of the acts of Elah, 20. Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, 27. Noiv the j'est of the acts of Omri 39. Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, 45( 46 ). Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, 46(47). And the rej>umnt of the sodomites, 18. Now the rest o/the acts of Ahaziah 23. Ajid the rest o/the acts of Joram, 34. Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, 19( 20). .4nd (Ae rest of the acts of Joash, 8. Now the rest o/the acts of Jehoahaz, 12. And the rest of the acts of Joash, 15. AW (Ae rest of the acts of Jehoash 18. And the rest of the acts of Amaziah, 28. Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, 6. And the rest of the acts of Azariah, Il.and tAe rest of the acts of Zachariah, 15. And the rest of the acts of Shallum, 21 . And the rest of the acts of Menahem, -IJT ( 581 ) ¦no 2K. 15:26. And the rest of the acts of Pekahiah, 31 . And the rest of the acts of Pekah, 36. Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, 19. Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz 20. And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, 17. Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, 25. Now the rest of the acts of Amon 28. Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, 5. Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, ,11. Now (Ae rest of the people — with (Ae remnant of the multitude, 11. And (Ae rest of the people he delivered 22. And the rest of the acts of Abijah, :34. Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, ;26. Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, ;22. Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, : 7. Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, :26. Now the rest ofhis acts -.32. Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, 18. Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, 26. Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, 8. Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, 16. nor to the rest that did the work. :14(8), 19(13). and to (Ae rest of the people, 1 . and the rest of our enemies, 14. and the rest of the prophets, 21. Doth not (Aeir excellency... go away? 20. but the remnant of them the tire consumeth. 14. leave (Ae rest of their (substance) to their babes. : 23(24). plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. 7. Excellent speech (lit. a lip of excellency) becometh not a fool: 10. 1 am deprived of (Ae residue ofmy years. 19. and shall I make (Ae residue thereof an 12. much more abundant, (lit. a very great residue) 19. concerning (Ae residue of the vessels : l.tAe residue of the elders : 9. (Ae remnant of the people that remained — (Ae rest of the people that remained. 15. (Ae residue of the people — (Ae rest of the multitude. IS. but ye must tread down...(Ae residue of :23. As for the rest of the tribes, 9. which waxed exceeding great, 4. TAa( which the palmerworm Aa(A left — and that which the locust Aa(A left — and that which the cankerworm AatA left 3(2). then the remnant ofhis brethren 8. all (Ae remnant of the people shall spoil 9. and the remnant ofmy people shall possess them. 2. and (Ae residue of the people 16: 20:21: 2324 25 lChl9: 2Chl3: 20 2526 27 28 3233 35 36 Neh. 246 Job. 4 22 Ps. 17 31 Pro. 17 Isa. 38: 4456 Jer. 27: 29 39 52 Eze.34 48 Dan 8 Joel 1 Mic. 5 Hab. 2 Zep. 2 Zec.14: Jud.16: 1iT)l yeh'-ther, m. 7. bind me with seven green toi(As (marg. moist, or, new cords ) 8. brought up to her seven green a:i(As 9. And he brake (Ae withs, Job 30:11. Because he hath loosed my cord, Ps. 11: 2. make ready their arrow upon (Ae string, fniT. yith-rati ', f. Isa. 15: 7.(Ae abundance they have gotten, Jer. 48:36.(Ae riches (that) he hath gotten are \T\T\\ yith-rohn', Ecc. ITin* yoh-theh'-reth. Ex. 29:13.(Ae caul (that is) above the liver, (marg. or, midriff) 22. the caul (above) the liver, Lev. 3: 4,10, 15 & 4:9. (Ae caul above the liver, (marg. or, midriff) 7 : 4. (Ae caul (that is) above the liver, 8:16, 25. (Ae caul (above) the liver, 9:10.(Ae caul above the liver 19. and the caul (above) the liver: 3 kahph. The eleventh letter of the Alphabet. 3X3 [kah-av']. * KAL. —Future. * Job 14: 22. his flesh upon him shall have pain, Pro. 14: 13. Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; KAL. — Participle. Poel. Gen34:25. when they were sore, Ps. 69:29(30). But I (am) poor and sorroivful: * HIPHIL Preterite. * Eze.l3:22.tfAom I have not made sad; HIPHIL.— Future. 2K. 3:19. and mar (marg. grieve) every good piece Job 5:18. For he maketh sore, and bindeth up : HIPHIL Participle. Eze.28 : 24. nor (any) grieving thorn 3N3 k'ehv, m. Job 2:13. they saw that (his) grief -was very great. 16: 6 . my grief is not asswaged : Ps. 39:2(3). and my sorrow was stirred. Isa. 1 7 : 1 1 . the day of grief and of desperate sorrow. 65: 14. ye shall cry for sorrow o/heart, Jer. 15:18. Why is my pain perpetual, P1K3 [kah-ah']. 1:3. What profit hath a man 2:ll.(there was) no profit under the sun. 13. Then I saw that wisdom exeelleth (marg. there is an excellency in wisdom) — as far as light exeelleth (lit. as much as (Ae excellency o/light above darkness) 3: 9. What profit hath he that worketh 5: 9(8). Aforeooer (Ae profit of the earth is for 16(15). what profit hath he that hath laboured 7: 12.Aa( (Ae excellency of knowledge 10: 10. ou( wisdom (is) profitable to direct. Il.and a babbler is no 6e((er. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Job 30: 8. they were viler than the earth. Danll :30.(Aere/ore Ae sAa(( Ae grieved, and return, NIPHAL Participle. Ps. 109: 16. (Aa( he might even slay (Ae AroAen in heart. * HIPHIL Infinitive. * Eze.l 3 : 22 . ye Aaue made the heart of the righteous sail, D^KS kah-eem', m. pi. Ps. 10: 10. that the poor may fall (lit. host of (Ae afflicted; but the translators have fol lowed the avia) 133 kah-vehd' & 133 kah-vad'. "T T #KAL.— Preterite. » Gen] 3: 2. Abram was very rich 18: 20. because their sin is very grievous ; 48:10.the eyes of Israel were dim for age, (marg. heavy) Jud.20:34.the battle was sore: 1 Sa. 4 : 1 8. he was an old man, and heavy. 5:11. the hand of God was very heavy there. 2Sa.l4:26.(the hair) was heavy on him, Neh. 5: 18. the bondage was heavy upon this people. Job 23: 2. my stroke is heavier than my groaning. Isa. 24 : 20. and the transgression thereof sAa(( Ae heavy 59: 1 . neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: "Q3 ( 582 ) 122 KAL Future. Ex. 5: 9. Let there more work be laid upon the men, (marg. Let the work Ae heavy) 9: 7 . And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, Jud. 1:35. yet the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed, (marg. was heavy) 1 Sa. 5: 6. But the hand of the Lord was heavy upon 31 : 3. And the battle wejit sore against Saul, 2Sa.l3:25.Iest we be chargeable unto thee. 1 Ch 10: 3..4nd the battle went sore against Saul, Job 6: 3. For now it would be heavier than the sand 14:21. His sons come to honour, 33 : 7. neither sAaZ( my hand be heavy upon thee. Ps. 32: 4. thy hand was heavy upon me: 38: 4(5). they are too heavy for me . Isa. 66: 5. Let the Lord be glorified: Eze.27:25. wast replenished, and made very glorious * NIPHAL. —Preterite. # 2Sa. 6:20. How glorious was the king of Israel to day, Isa. 26:15. increased the nation: thou art glorified : 43: 4. thou hast been honourable, Eze.28: 22. and I will be glorified in the midst of thee: NIPHAL Infinitive. Ex. 14:18. when 1 have gotten me honour 'upon Pharaoh, Eze.39:13.the day that I shall be glojified, NIPHAL Imperative. 2K. 14:10. glory (of this), and tarry at home: NIPHAL.— Future. and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, before all the people / will be glorified. of them shall I be had in honour. yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the and 1 will be glorified, saith the Lord. NIPHAL.— Participle. 19.he (was) more A onoMra&(e than all the house lb. and more honourable than they. 58 . mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, 6. (he is) an honourable man ; 14. and is honourable in thine house ? ; 19, Was he not most honourable of three ? 23. He was more honourable than the thirty, 9. was more honourable than his brethren: 21 . he was more honourable than the two ; 25. he was honourable among the thirty, 3. Glorious things are spoken of thee, 8. and their nobles with fetters of iron ; 24. no fountains abounding with water. 5. the base against the honourable. 8, 9. (Ae honourable of the earth ? 10. they cast lots for Aer honourable men, Ps. Ex. 14: 4 17 3. :22 5 8 Lev.10: 2Sa. 6:: Isa. 49: Hag. 1: Gen34:Nu.22; Deu 28 ISa. 9 22 2Sa.23 ICh 4: 11: Ps. 87: 149: Pro. 8: Isa. 3 : 23: Nah. 3: Jud. 13: ISa. 6 Isa. 29 4358 Nu.22 * PIEL.— Preterite. # 17. that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee honour? : 6. and Pharaoh hardened their hearts ? 13. with their lips do honour me, 23. hast thou honoured jne with thy sacrifices. 13. and shalt honour him, not doing thine own PIEL. — Infinitive. 17.1 will promote thee unto very great honour, (lit. honouring I will honour thee) 37. not able indeed to promote thee to honour? 1 1. to promote thee unto great honour; (lit. honouring I will honour thee) PIEL. — Imperative. : 12. Honour thy father and thy mother: 16- Honour thy father and thy mother, 30. (yet) honour me now, I pray thee, 23(24). all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; 9. Honour the Lord with thy substance, 15. Wherefore glorify ye the Lord PIEL.— Future. Nu. 22: 17. 1 ivill promote thee mdo very great honour, 24 : 11. thought to promote thee unto great honour; Jud. 9: 9. by me they honour God and man, 1 Sa. 2 : 29. and honourest thy sons above me, 30. them that honour me I will honour, 6: 6. Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, Ps. 15: 4. Ae honoureth them that fear the Lord. 50: 15. will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me 23. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: 24 Ex. 20 Deu 5 ISa. 15 Ps. 22 Pro. 3 Isa. 24 9. and shall glojnfy thy name. 12. and I will glorify thy name for evermore, 91 : 15. 1 will deliver him, and honour him. Pro. 4: 8.sAe shall bring thee to honour, Isa. 25 : 3. shall the strong people glorify thee, 43 :20. The beast of the field shall honour me, 60: 13. 1 will make the place ofmy feet glorious. Dan 1 1 : 38. shall he honour the Godof forces : and a god whom his fathersknew not shalt he honour Mai. 1: 6. A son honoureth (his) father, PIEL — Participle. ISa. 2:30. (Aem (Aa( honour me I will honour, 2Sa. 10 : 3. Thinkest thou that David do(A honour thy ICh 19: 3. Thinkest thou that David do(A honour thy Pro. 14: 31. but he that honoureth him hath mercy on Lam. 1 : 8. all (Aat honoured her despise her, * PUAL FMtMre. * Pro. 1 3 : 1 8. he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured. 27:18. waiteth on his master shall be honoured, PUAL. — Participle. Isa. 58:13. the holy of the Lord, honoitrable; * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Ex. 10: LI have hardened his heart, I K. 12: 10. Thy father made our yoke heavy, 14. My father made your yoke heavy, 2Ch 10: 10. Thy father made our yoke heavy, 14. My father made your yoke heavy, Neh. 5:15.n?ere chargeable unto the people, Isa. 9: 1(8: 23). afterward did more grievously afflict 47 : 6. upon the ancient Aas( (Aom very heavily laid Jer. 30: 19. / will also glorify them, and they shall Lam. 3: 7. he hath made my chain heavy. Zee. 7: Il.and stopped their ears, that they should not hear. (marg. made heavy) HIP HIL. —Infinitive. Ex. 8:15(11). Ae hardened his heart, 2Ch 25: 19. thine heart lifteth thee up to boast: HIPHIL Imperative. Isa. 6 : 10. maAe their ears heavy, HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 8 : 32( 28) . And Pharaoh haj-dened his heart at this 9 : 34. sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, HIPHIL.— Participle. Hab. 2 : 6. and to him that ladeth himself with thick * HITHPAEL.— Imperative. # Nah. 3: 15. maAe thyself many as the cankerworm, ?naAe thyself many as the locusts. HITHPAEL Participle. Pro. 12: 9. (is) better (Aan Ae (Aat honoureth himself, 122 kah-vehdr, adj. Genl2:10.the famine (was) grievous in the land. 41 : 3 1 . it (shall be) very grievous, (marg. heavy) 43: l.the famine (was) sore in the land. 47 : 4. the famine (is) sore in the land 13. the famine (was) very sore, 50: 9. it was a very great company. 10. a great and very sore lamentation: 1 1 . This (is) a grievous mourning Ex. 4:10. (am) slow o/ speech, andof a slow tongue. 7: 14. Pharaoh's heart (is) hardened, 8: 24(20). there came a grievous swarm (of flies) 9: 3. (there shall be) a very grievous murrain. 18. 1 will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, 24. fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, 10:14. very grievous (were they) ; 12:38. (even) very much cattle. 17:12. Moses' hands (were) heavy; 18: 18. this thing (is) too heavy for thee ; 19: 16. a (AicA cloud upon the mount, Nu. 11 : 14. because (it is) too heavy for me. 20: 20. Edom came out against him with mwcA IK. 3 : 9. who is able to judge this thy so great a 10: 2. she came to Jerusalem with a very great 12: 4. his Aeauy yoke which he put upon us, 1 1 .my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, 2K. 6: 14. and a great host: (marc heavi/) 2K. 18: 17. with a arear host against Jerusalem. (marg. heavy) 2Ch 9: l.with a very great company, 10: 4. his heavy yoke that he put upon us, 1 1 . my father put a heavy yoke upon you, Ps. 38: 4 (5). as an heavy burden Pro.27: 3. a fool's wrath (is) heavier than them both. Isa. 1: 4. a people laden with iniquity, (marg. of Aeauireess) 32: 2. as the shadow of a great rock (marg. heavy) 36 : 2. with a great army. Eze. 3: 5. and of an Aard language, (marg. and heavy o/language) 6. and of an hard language, (marg. and heavy of language) 133 kah-vehd', m. Ex. 29:13. the caul (that is) above (Ae liver, 22. the caul (above) (Ae liver, Lev. 3: 4, 10, 15&4:9.the caul above (Ae liver, 7: 4. the caul (that is) above (Ae liver, 8:16, 25. the caul (above) (Ae liver, 9: 10. the caul above (Ae iiuer of the sin offering, 19. the caul (above) (Ae liver: Pro. 7: 23. Till a dart strike through Ais liner; Lam. 2 : 1 1 . my liver is poured upon the earth, Eze.21:21(26).he looked in tlie liver. 133 see iT^33 H33 koh'-ved, m. Pro.27: 3. A stone (is) heavy, (marg. heaviness) Isa. 21: 15. from the grievousness o/war. 30: 27. and the burden (thereof is) heavy: (marg. heaviness) Nah. 3: 3. and a great number of carcases ; rn33 Vveh-dooth' , f. Ex. 14:25. drave them heavily: (lit. with heaviness) Isa. 43 Lev. 6: ISa. 3 2K.22 2Ch34Pro.26 31 Isa. 34 66 Jer. 7 17 Eze.20 2Sa.l4 Cant.8 Eze.32 2Sa.21 2Ch29Isa. 42 Isa. 1 Jer. 4 Am. 5 PI33 \kah-vah'\ * KAL Preterite. * 11. they are quenched as tow. KAL.— Future. 12(5). it shall not Ae put out: 13(6). it shall never go out. 3. ere the lamp of God went out : 17. and shall not Ae quenched. : 25. and shall not be quenched. 20. (there) the fire goeth out: 18. her candle goeth not out by night. : 10. /( sAaA" not Ae quenched :24. neither sAa/( their fire 6e quenched; :20.it shall burn, and shall not Ae quenched. :21.it shall not be quenched. : 47( 21 : 3) . flaming flame shall not Ae quenched, 48( — -A). it shall not Ae quenched. *PIEL Preterite. * 7. so they shall quench my coal which is left, PIEL. — Infinitive. 7. Many waters cannot quench love, 7. when I shall put thee out, ( marg. extinguish thee) PIEL.— Future. 17. that (Aom quench not the light of Israel. Land put out the lamps, 3. the smoking flax shall he not quench: PIEL.— Participle. 31. none shall quench (them). 4 & 21: 12. burn that none can quench (it), 6. (there be) none to quench (it) ( 583 ) iaj "1133 kah-vbhd' m. T * Gen31 : I . hath he gotten all this glory. 45 : 1 3. ye shall tell my father of all jny glory 49: 6. mine honour, be not thou united.: Ex. 16: 7. ye shall see (Ae glory of the Lord ; 10. the glory o/the Lord appeared 24: 16. the glory of the Lord abode upon mount 17. the glory of the Lord (was) like 28 : 2, 40./or glory and for beauty. 29:43. shall be sanctified by my glory. 33: 18. 1 beseech thee, shew me thy glory. 22. while my gloi-y passeth by, 40:34, 35. and the glory of the Lord filled the Lev. 9: 6. the glory of the Lord shall appear unto you. 23. (Ae glory of the Lord appeared unto all the Nu. 14 : 10. And the glory of the Lord appeared 21 . shall be filled with (Ae glory of the Lord. 22. all those men which have seen my glory, 16: 19. and (Ae glory of the Lord appeared 42(17:7). (Ae glory of the Lord appeared. 20: 6. (Ae glory o/the Lord appeared 24 : 1 1 . the Lord hath kept thee back from hojiour. Deu 5 : 24( 21 ) . Lord our God hath shewed us Ais gloj-y Jos. 7:19. glory to the Lord Godof Israel, ISa. 2: 8. make them inherit the throne of glory i r 4:21, 22. The glory is departed from Israel: 6: 5. ye shall give glory unto the Godof Israel: IK. 3 : 13. both riches, and honour : 8:11. the glory of the Lord had filled the house 1 Ch 16 : 24. Declare Ais glory among the heathen ; 28. give unto the Lord glory and strength. 29. Give unto the Lord (Ae glory (due) Mnto 17:1 8./or (Ae honour of thy servant ? 29: 12. Both riches and honour (come) of thee, 28. full of days, riches, and honour: 2Ch 1:11. hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, 12. give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, 5:14.(Ae glory of the Lord had filled the house 7 : 1 . and the glory of the Lord filled the house. 2. (Ae glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's 3. and the glory of the Lord upon the house, 17: 5. he had riches ajid honour in abundance. 18 : 1. had riches and honour in abundance, 26: 18. neither (shall it be) for thine honour 32: 27. had exceeding much riches ajid honour: 33. inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honour Neh. 9: 5. blessed be thy glorious name, Est. 1 : 4. the riches of his glorious kingdom 5:11. Haman told them of (Ae glory of his riches, Job 19: 9. He hath stripped me of my glory, 29:20. My glory (was) fresh in me, Ps. 3: 3(4). my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. 4: 2(3). how long (will ye turn) my glory into 7 : 5(6). and lay mine honour in the dust. 8: 5(6). crowned him with glory and honour. 16: 9. my glory rejoiceth: 19: 1(2). The heavens declare tAe glory of God ; 21 : 5(6). His glory (is) great in thy salvation: 24: 7, 9. the King of glory shall come in. 8. Who (is) this King of glory? 10. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he (is) the King of glory. 26: 8. the place where tAine hojiour dwelleth. 29: l.give unto the Lord gloj-y and strength. 2. Give unto the Lord (Ae glory due unto (marg. honour of) his 3. the God of glory thundereth: 9. doth every one speak of (his) glory. 30: 12(13). (my) glory may sing praise to thee, 49: 16(17 ). the glory o/his house is increased; 17(18). Ais glory shall not descend after him. 57: 5(6). (let) thy glory (be) above all the earth. 8(9). Awake up, my glory; 11 (12). (let) thy glory (be) above all the 62: 7(8). (is) my salvation and my glory: 63: 2(3). To see thy power and thy glory, 66: 2. Sing forth (Ae honour of his name: make his praise glorious. 72:19. (be) Ais glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled (with) Ais glory ; 73: 24. afterward receive me (to) glory. 79: 9. tAe gloj'y ofthy name: 84:11(12). the Lord will give grace and glory : 85 : 9(10). that glory may dwell in our land. 96 : 3. Declare Ais glory among the heathen, 7. give unto the Lord glory and strength. UD Ps. 96: 8. Give unto the Lord (Ae glory (due unto) (marg. of) his name: 97 : 6. all the people see Ais glory. 102; 15(16). the kings of the earth thy glory. 1 6( 1 7 ). he shall appear in his glory. 104:31. The glory of the Lord shall endure for 106:20. Thus they changed (Aeir glory 108: 1(2). even with my glory. 5(6). thy glory above all the earth; 112: 9. his horn shall be exalted «?i(A honour. 113: 4. Ais glory above the heavens. 115: 1 .unto thy name give glory, 138: 5. great (is) the glory o/the Lord. 145: 5.1 will speak of the glorious honour of 1 1 . They shall speak of (Ae glory of thy 12. and the glorious majesty ofhis kingdom. (lit. and the glory of the honour of, &c. ) 149: 5. Let the saints be joyful in glory : Pro. 3: 16. in her left hand riches and honour. 35. The wise shall inherit glory : 8: 18. Riches and honour (are) with me; 1 1 : 1 6. A gracious woman retaineth honour : lb :33 k 18 \12. before honour (is) humility. 20: 3. (It is) an honour for a man to cease from 21:21. findeth life, righteousness, and honour. 22: 4. riches, and honour, and life. 25 : 2. ( It is) (Ae glory of God to conceal a thing : but the honour o/kings (is) to search 27. (for men) to search (Aeir own glory (is not) glory. 26: l.Aonowr is not seemly for a fool. 8. he that giveth honour to a fool. 29: 23. Aoraonr shall uphold the humble in spirit. Ecc. 6: 2. riches, wealth, and honour, 10: Lis in reputation for wisdom (and) honour. Isa. 3 : 8. to provoke the eyes of Ais glory. 4: 2. the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, (lit. for beauty and for glory) b. upon all (Ae glory (shall be ) a defence. 5:13. and (Aeir hojiowable men (are) famished, (marg. and their glory (are) men of famine. ) 6: 3. the whole earth (is) full of his glory. 8: 7. and all Ais glory: 10: 3. where will ye leave your glory ? 16. under Ais glory he shall kindle a burning 18. And shall consume tAe glory of his forest, 11:10. his rest shall be glorious. 14: 18. All the kings of the nations, ...lie in glory, 16 : 14. (Ae glory of Moab shall be contemned, 17: 3. they shall be as the glory o/the children 4.(Ae glory of Jacob shall be made thin, 21 ; 16. all (Ae glory of Kedar shall fail; 22 : 1 8. the chariots of thy glory 23. he shall be for a glorious throne 24. all the glory ofhis father's house, 24:23. before his ancients gloriously, (marg. or, glory before his ancients) 35: 2.(Ae glory of Lebanon shall be given unto — they shall see tAe glory of the Lord, 40: 5. tAe glory of the Lord shall be revealed, 42: 8. ajid my glory will I not give to another, 12. Let them give glory unto the Lord, 43: 7./or I have created him for jny glory, 48 : 1 1 . and I will not give my glory unto 58: 8. tAe glory of the Lord shall be thy 59: 19. Ais glory from the rising of the sun. 60: Land tAe glory of the Lord is risen upon 2. and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 13. 2'Ae glory o/Lebanon shall come unto 61 : 6. and in their glory shall ye boast 62: 2. all kings thy glory . ¦ 66 : 1 1 . the abundance of Aer glory. 12. the glory o/the Gentiles like a flowing 18. they shall come, and see my glory. 19. neither have seen my glory ; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. Jer. 2:11. my people have changed (Aeir glory 13:16. Give glory to the Lord your God, 1 4 ; 2 1 . do not disgrace the throne of thy glory ; 1 7 : 12. A glorious high throne 48: 18. come down from (thy) glory, Eze. 1 : 28. the likeness of (Ae glory of the Lord. 3:12. Blessed (be) the glory of the Lord 23. tAe glory of the Lord stood there, as the glory which I saw by the river 8: 4. the glory of the God of Israel ( was") ( 584 ) D23 Eze. 9: 3. And the glory of the God of Israel 10: 4. (Ae glory of the Lord went up from the — full of the brightness of the Lord's glory. 18. (Ae glory of the Lord 1 9 & 1 1 : 22. and the glory of the God of Israel 11: 23. (Ae glory of the Lord 31 : 18. To whom art thou thus like in glory 39:21.1 will set my glory among the heathen, 43: 2. the glory of the God of Israel — the earth shined with his glory. l.And the glory of the Lord came into the 5. (Ae glory of the Lord filled the house. 44: 4. (Ae glory of the Lord filled the house Dan 1 1 : 39. acknowledge (and) increase with glory : Hos. 4: 7. (therefore) will I change (Aeir glory into 9 : 1 1 . th eir glory shall fly away like a bird, 10: 5. for (Ae glory thereof, Mic. 1 : 15. he shall come unto Adullam (Ae glory of Nah 2: 9(10). (there is) none end of the store (and) glory Hab 2: 14. the knowledge of (Ae glory of the Lord, 16. Thou art filled with shame for glory : — shameful spewing (shall be) on thy glory. Hag. 2 : 3. that saw this house in her first glory ? 7. 1 will fill this house with glory, 9. The glory o/this latter house Zee. 2: 5(9). and will be (Ae glory in the midst of 8(12). After (Ae glory hath he sent Mai. 1 : 6.1 (be) a father, where (is) mine honour? 2 : 2. to give glory unto my name, rni33 Kvood-dah', adj.f. Jud, 18 : 21 . (Ae carriage before them. Ps. 45:13(14). The king's daughter (is) allglorious Eze. 23: 41. satest uponas(a(e(y bed, (ms.rg.honoura.ble) T33 kab-beer', adj. Job 8: 2. thy mouth (be like) a strong wind? 15: 10. aged men, much elder than thy father. 31 :25.mine hand had gotten much; 34 : 1 7 . him that is most just ? 24. He shall break in pieces mighty men 36: 5. Behold, God (is) mighty, and despiseth not (any) : (he is) mighty in strength Isa. 10:13.1 have put down the inhabitants like a valiant (man): ("P2N3 3T0 ;— marg. many people ) 16: 14. the remnant (shall be) very small (and) feeble, (marg. or, not many) 1 7 : 1 2 . of mighty waters ! (marg. or, many) 28 : 2. as a flood of mighty waters 1*35 k'veer, m. 1 Sa. 19 : 13. and put a pillow of goats' (hair) 16. with a pillow of goats' (hair) 733 keh'-vel, m. Ps.105: 18. Whose feet they hurt with fetters: 1 49 : 8. their nobles w;i(A fetters of iron ; D33 [kah-vas']. * KAL.— Participle. * 2K. 18:17. in the highway of the fuller's field. Isa. 7: 3. in the highway of the fuller's field; 36 : 2. in the highway of (Ae fuller's field. * PIEL Preterite. * Gen49: 1 1 . Ae washed his garments in wine, Ex. 19 : 10. and let them wash their clothes, Lev.13: 6, 34. and he shall wash his clothes, 54. the priest shall command tAat (Aey wash 14: 8. And he that is to be cleansed shall wash 9. and lie shall wash his clothes, 15: 8. then he shall wash his clothes, 1 1 . Ae shall wash his clothes, 13. and wash his clothes. DID ( 585 ) V22 Lev.l5:27. and shall wash his clothes, 17:15. Ae shall both wash his clothes, Nu. 8: 7. and let them wash their clothes, 19: 7. TAen the priest shall wash his clothes, 10. And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, 19. and wash his clothes, 31 :24. Ajid ye shall wash your clothes 2Sa,19:24(25).nor trimmed his beard, nor washed PIEL Imperative. Ps. 51: 2(4). PFasA me throughly from mine iniquity, Jer. 4:14.0 Jerusalem, wash thine heart from PIEL.— Future. Ex. 19: 14. and they washed their clothes. Lev. 6:27(20). thou shalt wash that whereon it was 11:25. whosoever beareth (ought) of the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, 28. that beareth the carcase of them shall wash 40. that eateth of the carcase of it shall wash — that beareth the carcase of it shall wash 13:58. which tAoM shalt wash, if the plague 14:47. he that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes : and he that eateth in the house shall ivash his clothes. 15: 5. whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his 6. he that sitteth. ..shall wash his clothes, 7. he that toucheth... shall wash his clothes, 10. he that beareth.. .shall wash his clothes, 21. whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash 22. shall wash his clothes, and bathe 16: 26. let go the goat for the scapegoat shall wash 28. that burneth them shall wash his clothes, 17:16. But if Ae wash (them) not, Nu. 8:21. they washed their clothes ; 19: 8. he that burneth her shall wash his clothes 21. he that sprinkleth. ..shallwash his clothes; Ps. 51 : 7(9). wash me, and I shall be whiter than Jer. 2:22. though (Aom wash thee with nitre, PIEL.— Participle. Mai. 3: 2. he (is)like arefiner's fire, and like /M#ers: #PUAL Pretei-ite. * Lev.l3:58.(Aere it shall be washed lb:l7. shall be washed with water, * HOTHPAEL.— htfinitive. * Lev.l3:55. after that it is washed: 56. after (Ae washing of it ; 122 \kah-var'\ * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 35:16.Ae multiplieth words without knowledge. HIPHIL Participle. Job 36:31. he giveth meat hi abundance. 11$ k'vahr, part. adv. Ecc. l:10.it hath been already of old time, 2:12. (even) that which hath been already done. 16. seeing that which now (is) 3:15. That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been ; 4: 2. the dead which are already dead 6: 10. That which hath been is named already, 9: 6. their envy, is now perished ; 7. God now accepteth thy works. PHiS Itvah-rati \ f. Am. 9: 9. like as (corn) is sifted in a sieve, H-J33 [kiv-rah'], f. Gen35: 16. there was but a little way (marg. a little piece of ground) to come 48: 7. (there was) but a little way (lit. a little piece (/ground) to come 2K. b: 19. he departed from him a little way. (marg. a Utile piece of ground) SJ'i? keh'-ves, m. Ex. 12: 5. ye shall take (it) out from (Ae sheep, 29: 38- two lambs of the first year 39. TAe one lamb thou shalt offer in the morn ing ; and (Ae other lamb thou shalt offer 40. with the one lamb a tenth deal 41. (Ae other lamb thou shalt offer at even, Lev. 4:32. if he bring a lamb 9: 3. a calf and a lamb, 12: 6. a lamb o/the first year 14: lO.he shall take two Ae lambs 12. the priest shall take one Ae lamb, 13. he shall slay (Ae lamb 21. he shall take one lamb 24. the priest shall take tAe lamb 25. he shall kill tAe lamb 23: 12. an he lamb without blemish 18. seven lanibs without blemish 19. two lambs of the first year 20. with (Ae two lambs: Nu. 6:12. a lamb of the first year 14. one Ae lamb of the first year 7: 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. one lamb of the first year, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83, 87. lambs of the first year: 88. (Ae lambs of the first year sixty. 15: 5. the fourth (part) of an hin. ..for one lamb. 1 1 . or for a lamb, or a kid. (lit. a lamb hi the sheep or in the goats ) 28: 3. two lambs of the first year 4. TAe one lamb shalt thou offer in the morn ing, and (Ae other lamb shalt thou offer 7. fourth (part) of an hin for the one lamb: 8. tAe other lamb shalt thou offer 9. two lambs of the first year 1 1 . seven lambs of the first year 13. a meat offering unto one lamb; 14. a fourth (part) of an hin Mnto a lamb: 19. seven lambs of the first year: 2 1 . shalt thou offer for every lamb, throughout (Ae seven lambs: 27. seven lambs of the first year ; 29. A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs ; 29: 2, 8, 36. seven lambs of the first year 4. one tenth deal for one lamb, — , 10. throughout (Ae seven lambs : 10. A several tenth deal for one lamb, 13, 1 7, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32. fourteen lambs of the first year ; 15. a several tenth deal to each lamb of (Ae fourteen lambs : 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33. for the rams, and for the lambs, 37. for the ram, and for the lambs, I Ch 29 : 21 . a thousand rams, (and) a thousand lambs, 2Ch29:2Land seven lambs, and seven he goats, 22. they killed also (Ae lambs, 32. two hundred lambs : 35: 7. Josiah gave to the people,. ..lambs and Ezr. 8:35. seventy and seven lambs, Job 31:20. the fleece ofmy sheep; Pro.27: 26. TAe /am6s (are) for thy clothing, Isa. 1:11. the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, 5: 17. Then shall. Me lambs feed 1 1 : 6. The wolf also shall dwell with (Ae lamb, Jer. 11:19.1 (was) like a lamb Eze.46: 4. six lambs without blemish, " 5. and the meat offering for the lambs 6. six lambs, and a ram: 7. and for the lambs according as Il.and to the lambs as he is able 13. a lamb of the first year 15. Thus shall they prepare (Ae lamb, Hos. 4: 16. as a lamb in a large place. n^33 kiv-sah' & nS2>33 kav-sah', f. Gen21 : 2S. Abraham set seven eM?e lambs of the flock 29. What (mean) these seven ewe iambs 30. For (these) seven ewe lambs Lev. 14: 10. and one ewe lamb of the first year Nu. 6; 14. and one ewe lamb of the first year wn3 2Sa.l2: 3. one little ewe lamb, 4. but took the poor man's lamb, 6. he shall restore (Ae lamb m2 [kah-vash']. # KAL.— Preterite. # Zee. 9: 15. they shall devour, and subdue KAL. — Infinitive. 2Ch 28: 10.(o Aeep under the children of Judah Est. 7: 8. Will he force the queen KAL. — Imperative. Gen 1:28. replenish the earth, and subdue it: KAL.— Future. Jer. 34: 1 1 . ajid brought them into subjection 16. and brought them into subjection, Mic. 7:19. Ae will subdue our iniquities ; KAL. — Participle. Poel. Neh. 5: 5. we bring into bondage our sons * NIPHAL. —Preterite. * Nu. 32:22. Andthe land be subdued 29. and the land shall be subdued Jos. 18: l.And the land was subdued ICh 22: 18. and the land is subdued NIPHAL.— Participle. Neh 5: 5. our daughters are brought unto bondage # PIEL. —Preterite. X 2Sa. 8: 11. all nations which Ae subdued; # HIPHIL.— Future. * Jer. 34: 11. (2TQ) and brought them into subjection ( 586 ) br\3 Pl3 koh, part. Gen 15: 5. said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 24: 30. saying, Thus spake the man unto me; 31 :37. set (it) Aere before my brethren Ex. 2:12. And he looked (Ais way and that way Nu. 6 :23. On this wise ye shall bless the children 11:31. a day's journey on this side, and as it were a day's journey oji the other side, 23: 15. Stand Aere by thy burntoffering, while I meet (the Lord) yonder lSa.20:I3.The Lord do so and much more (lit. So may the Lord do and so may he add) 25: 22. So and more also do God (lit. so may God do...ajid so may he add) 2Sa. 18:30. Turn aside, (and) stand Aere. 2Ch 19 : 10. (Ais do, and ye shall not trespass. Isa. 7: 7. Thus saith the Lord God, 18: 4. For so the Lord said unto me, 20: 6. Behold, smcA (is) our expectation, Jer. 23:29. (Is) not my word like as a fire? Lam. 2 : 20. consider to whom thou hast done (Ais. &c. &c. &c. It is sometimes combined in translation with *T37' Gen22: 5. 1 and the lad will go yonder Ex. 7 : 16. behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear. Jos. 1 7 : 14. as the Lord hath blessed me hitherto ? IK. 18:45. And it came to pass in the mean while, With prefix nb2- 1 K. 22 : 20. And one said oji this manner, and another said on that manner* ^55 kehr-veshf m. 2Ch 9:18. with a footstool of gold, }KO? kiv-shahn1 ', m. Gen 19:28. as the smoke of a furnace. Ex. 9: 8. handfuls of ashes of the furnace, 10. they took ashes of the furnace, 1 9 : 1 8. as the smoke of a furnace, 12 lead, f. Gen 24:14. Let down thy pitcher, lb. with her pitcher upon her shoulder. 16. and filled. Aer pitcher, 17. drink a little water ofthy pitcher. 18. hasted, and let down her pitcher 20. and emptied Aer pitcher into the trough, 43. 1 pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher 45. Rebekah came forth with her pitcher 46. made haste, and let down Aer pitcher Jud. 7:]6.M>i(A empty pitchers, and lamps within (Ae pitchers. 19. and brake the pitchers 20. and brake (Ae pitchers, )K. 17:12. an handful of meal in a barrel, 14. TAe barrel of meal shall not waste, 16. (Ae barrel of meal wasted not, 18:33(34). Fill four barrels with water, Ecc.12 : 6- or (Ae pitcher be broken at the fountain, 3*13 [k'dav], Ch. adj. Dan 2: 9. lying and corrupt words 1212 kad-kohd\ m. Isa. 54:12.1 will make thy windows of agates, Eze.27:16.and coral, and agate, (marg.chn/soprase. ) Hi kah. Ch. adv. T ' Dan 7:28.ffi(Aerto [713""??] (is) the end of the n*l| \_kdh-hah']. ¦KKAL Preterite.* Deu34: 7. his eye was not dim, KAL. — Infinitive. Zec.ll:17.his right eye shall be utterly darkened, (lit. darkening shall be darkened) KAL.— Future. Gen27 : 1 . and his eyes were dim, Job 17 : 7. Mine eye also is dim Isa. 42: 4. He shall not fail Zec.l 1 : 17. his right eye shall Ae utterly darkened. # PIEL. —Preterite.* ISa. 3: 13. and Ae restrained them not. (marg./rouwed not upon them) Eze.21 : 7 (12) . and every spirit shall faint, !"l!l3 keh-hah', adj . f. Lev.13: 6. (if) the plague (be) somewhat dark, 21, 26. but (be) somewhat dark; 28. but it (be) somewhat dark; 39. the skin of their flesh (be) darkish 56. the plague (be) somewhat dark 2. his eyes began to wax dim, 3. smoking flax shall he not quench: (marg. or, dimly burning) 3. the spirit of heaviness; ISa. 3 Isa. 42 61: nn3 keh-hah', f. Nah 3:19. (There is) nohealing of thy bruise; (marg. wrinkling ) SnS [k'hal], Ch. *P'AL Participle. Active. * Dan 2:26. Art thou able to make known unto me 4: 18(151. hilt thnu (artl „I,b . f™ thE Spirit S-D ( 587 ) Dan 5: 8. but they could not read the writing, Lev. 4: 15. (Aey could not shew the interpretation P3 }H3 [AaA-yW]. iepcczw® ¦Ex.28 40 ICh 6 Ex.28 29 3031 Lev. 7; 16: Nu. 3: 2Chll:Eze.44: Hos. 4: Nu. 3: DeulO: ICh 24: Isa. 61: #PIEL Preterite.* il.that* they, may -minister unto me in 'the priest's office. 13. (Aa( Ae may minister unto me in the priest's office. lb. that they may minister unto me in the priest's office : :10(5:36).he (it is) that executed the priest's office in the temple PIEL Infinitive. : 1,3, 4.(Aa( Ae may minister unto me in the priest's office, : I. to minister unto me in the priest's office : 44. to minister to me in the priest's office. .30. that (they) may minister. ..in tlie priest's office. : 10 & 35: 19 & 39: 41. to minister in the priest's office, 35. to minister. ..in the priest's office ; 32. to minister in the priest's office 3. to minister in the priest's office. 14./rom executing the priest's office 13. to do the office of a priest 6. that thou shalt be no priest PIEL.— Future. 4. and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office 6. and Eleazar his son ministered in the priest's office 2. therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office. 10. as a bridegroom decketh (himself) (marg. decketh as a priest) |H3 koh-hehn', m. t£fi£U£ Genl4:18.he (was) the priest of the most high God. 41:45,50&46:20.Poti-pherah priest of On. (marg. or, prince) 47: 22. the land of (Ae priests (marg.or, princes) — (Ae priests had (lit. there was to the priests) si portion 26. the land of (Ae priests (marg. or, princes) Ex. 2:16.1Vba! (Ae priest of Midian Aad seven daughters: (marg. or, prince) 3: l.his father in law, (Ae priest of Midian : 18: 1. Jethro, (Ae priest o/Midian, 19: 6. a kingdom of. priests, 22. let the priests... sanctify themselves, 24.6«( let not (Ae priests.. .break through 29:30.that son that is priest in his stead 31 : 10 & 35: 19. holy garments for Aaron the priest, 38:21. son to Aaron (Ae priest. 39:41. holy garments for Aaron (Ae priest, hcv. 1 ; b. the priests, Aaron's sons, 7. the sons of Aaron (Ae priest 8. And the priests, Aaron's sons, 9. (Ae priest shall burn all on the altar, Il.and the priests, Aaron's sons, 12. (Ae priest shall lay them in order 13. the priest shall bring (it) all, 15. (Ae priest shall bring it unto the altar, 17. (Ae priest shall burn it upon the altar, 2: 2. Aaron's sons (Ae priests : — ,16. (Ae priest shall burn the memorial of 8. when it is presented unto the priest, 9. (Ae priest shall take from the meat 3: 2. Aaron's sons (Ae priests 11. (Ae priest shall burn it 16. (Ae priest shall burn them upon the 4: 3.the priest that is anointed do sin 5. (Ae priest that is anointed shall take 6. (Ae priest shall dip his finger in the l.the priest shall put (some) of the blood 10. (Ae priest shall burn them upon the 16. (Ae priest that is anointed shall bring ll.thepriest shall dip his finger (in some) 20.(Aepries( shall make an atonement 25. (Ac priest shall take of the blood 31, 35. the priest shall make an atonement for him 30. (7»e priest shall take of the blood 31 . (Ae priest shall burn (it) upon the altar 34. (Ae priest shall take of the blood 35. (Ae priest shall burn them upon the altar, 5: 6, 10, 13. (Ae priest shall make an atonement 8. he shall bring them unto (Ae priest, 12. bring it to (Ae priest, and (Ae priest shall 13. (the remnant) shall be (Ae priest's, 16. give it unto the priest : and the priest shall make an atonement 18. unto (Ae priest: and (Ae priest shall make 6 : 6(5 : 25 ) . a trespass offering, unto (Ae priest : 7(-:26).(Ae priest shall make an atonement 10(3). And thepriest shall put on his linen 12(5). the priest shall burn wood on it every 22(15). Andthe priest ofhis sons that is 23( 16). every meat offering for (Ae priest 26(19) . The priest that offereth it 29(22). AH the males among the priests 7 : 5. (Ae priest shall burn them 6. Every male among the priests 7. the priest that maketh atonement 8. And the priest that offereth any — thepriest shall have (lit. to the priest shall be) to himself the skin 9. all the meat offering... shall be (Ae priest's 14. it shall be (Ae priest's 31. the priest shall burn the fat 32. right shoulder shall ye give unto the priest 34. have given them unto Aaron (Ae priest 12: 6. she shall bring a lamb. ..unto (Ae priest : 8. (Ae priest shall make an atonement 13 : 2. he shall be brought unto Aaron (Ae priest, — one of his sons (Ae priests : 3. (Ae priest shall look on the plague — (Ae priest shall look on him, 4. (Ae priest shall shut up (him) 5. the priest shall look on him the seventh — (Ae priest shall shut him up 6. (Ae priest shall look on him again the — (Ae priest shall pronounce him clean: 7. after that he hath been seen of (Ae priest — he shall be seen of the priest again: 8. (if) (Ae priest see that, — (Ae priest shall pronounce him 9. he shall be brought unto (Ae priest; 10. And (Ae priest shall see (him) : 1 1 . (Ae priest shall pronounce him unclean, 12. wheresoever (Ae priest looketh ; 13. Then (Ae priest shall consider: 15. (Ae priest shall see the raw flesh, 16. he shall come unto (Ae priest; 17. the priest shall see him: — (Ae priest shall pronounce (him) clean 19. it be shewed to (Ae priest; 20. when (Ae priest seeth it, — (Ae priest shall pronounce him unclean: 21, 26. if (Ae priest look on it, — (Ae priest shall shut him up 22, 25, 27, 30. (Ae priest shall pronounce him unclean : 23, 28, 37. and (Ae priest shall pronounce him 25. (Ae priest shall look upon it: 26. (Ae priest shall shut him up 27. (Ae priest shall look upon him 30. (Ae priest shall see the plague: 31 . if the priest look on the plague — , 33. (Ae priest shall shut up (him) 32.(Aepries( shall look on the plague: 34. (Ae priest shall look on the scall: — (Ae priest shall pronounce him clean : 36. (Ae priest shall look on him : — (Ae priest shall not seek for yellow hair ; 39. Then (Ae priest shall look : 43. the priest shall look upon it: 44. (Ae jories( shall pronounce him utterly 49. shall be shewed unto (Ae priest : 50. (Ae priest shall look upon the plague, 53. if (Ae priest shall look, 54. Then thepriest shall command 55. (Ae priest shall look on the plague, 56. And if (Ae priest look, 14: 2. He shall be brought unto thepriest : 3. the priest shall go forth — (Ae priest shall Took, ,,,. ]T]2 ( 588 ) P3 Lev.] 4: 4. Then shall (Ae priest command 5, (Ae priest shall command 1 1 . (Ae priest that maketh (him) clean 12. (Ae priest shall take one he lamb, 13. the sin offering (is) thepriesfs, 14, 2b. the priest shall take (some) of the — (Ae priest shall put (it) upon the tip 15. tAe pj-iest shall take (some) of the log — the palm ofhis own (lit. tAe priest's) left 16. tAe priest shall dip his right finger in 17. the rest... shall tAe priest put upon the 18. the oil that (is) in the priest's hand — , 20. tAe priest shall make an atonement 19. the priest shall offer the sin offering, 20. tAe priest shall offer the burnt offering 23. he shall bring them. ..unto thepriest, 24. the priest shall take the lamb - — (Ae priest shall wave them 26. (Ae priest shall pour of the oil into the palm of Ins own (lit. (Ae priest's) left 27. (Ae priest shall sprinkle 28. (Ae priest shall put of the oil 29. the oil that (is) in the priest's hand 31. (Ae priest shall make an atonement 35. shall come and tell (Ae priest, 36. Then (Ae priest shall command — before (Ae priest go (into it) — (Ae priest shall go in to see the house: 38. (Ae priest shall go out of the house 39. And (Ae priest shall come again 40. Then (Ae priest shall command 44. Then the priest shall come and look, 48. the priest shall come in, — (Ae priest shall pronounce the house 15 : 14. give them unto (Ae priest : lb. the priest shall offer them, — (Ae priest shall make an atonement 29. bring them unto (Ae priest, 30. the priest shall offer the one — (Ae priest shall make an atonement 16:32. the priest, whom he shall anoint, 33. an atonement for tAe priests, 17: 5. they may bring them. ..unto (Ae priest, 6. the priest shall sprinkle the blood. 19:22. (Ae priest shall make an atonement 21 : 1. Speak unto tAe priests 9. the daughter of any priest, 10. And (he that is) tAe high priest 21. the seed of Aaron (Ae priest 22: 10. a sojourner of the priest, 1 1 . But if the pj-iest buy (any) soul 12. If the priest's daughter also be (married) 13. if (Ae pries fs daughter be a widow, 14. shall give (it) unto the priest 23:10. ye shall bring a sheaf.. .unto the priest: 1 1 . the priest shall wave it. 20. (Ae priest shall wave them — shall be holy to the Lord for the priest. 27: 8. present himself before (Ae priest, and the priest shall value him ; — shall the priest value him. 1 1 . shall present the beast before (Ae priest : 12. the priest shall value it, — (who art) (Ae priest, 14. then the pj'iest shall estimate it — as (Ae priest shall estimate it, 18. the pj-iest shall reckon unto him the 2 1. possession thereof shall be the priest's. 23. the pj'iest shall reckon unto him the Nu. 3: 3. the priests which were anointed, 6. present them before Aaron the pj'iest, 32. And Eleazar the son of Aaron (Ae priest 4: 16. of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest 28, 33. Ithamar the son of Aaron thepriest. 5: 8. (even) to the priest ; 9. which they bring unto the pj'iest, 10. whatsoever any man giveth the pj'iest, 15. the man bring his wife unto the priest, 16. the priest shall bring her near, 17. the priest shall take holy water — of the dust ... the priest shall take, 18. the priest shall set the woman — (Ae priest shall have in his hand 19.(Ae priest shall charge her by an oath, 21. the priest shall charge the woman — (Ae pj-iest shall say unto the woman, 23. tAe priest shall write these curses in a Nu . 5 : 25. (Ae priest shall take the 26. (Ae priest shall take an handful of the 30. (Ae priest shall execute upon her all this 6: 10. he shall bring two turtles, ... to (Ae priest, 1 1. (Ae priest shall offer the one for a sin 16. (Ae priest shall bring (them) before the 1 7 . (Ae priest shall offer also his meat offering, 19. tAe priest shall take the sodden shoulder 20. (Ae priest shall wave them — this (is) holy for thepriest, 7 : 8. Ithamar the son of Aaron (Ae priest. 10: 8. the sons of Aaron, (Ae priests, 15 : 25. (Ae jories( shall make an atonement for 28. (Ae priest shall make an atonement for the 16:37(17:2). Eleazar the son of Aaron thepriest, 39 ( — : 4). Eleazar the priest took the brasen 1 8 : 28 . ye shall give thereof ... to Aaron (Ae print, 19: 3. ye shall give her unto Eleazar (Ae priest, 4. Eleazar tAe priest shall take of her blood 6. (Ae priest shall take cedar wood, 7. (Ae priest shall wash his clothes, — (Ae priest shall be unclean 25 : 7, 1 1 & 26 : 1 . the son of Aaron (Ae priest, 26: 3, 63. Moses and Eleazar (Ae pj'iest 64. Moses and Aaron thepriest 27: 2. before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, 19. set him before Eleazar tAe priest, 2 1 . he shall stand before Eleazar tAe priest, 22. set him before Eleazar (Ae priest, 31 : 6. Phinehas the son of Eleazar (Ae priest, 12. unto Moses, and Eleazar (Ae priest, 13,31, 51, 54. Moses, and Eleazar tAe priest, 21 . Eleazar the priest said unto the men of 26. thou, and Eleazar thepriest, 29. give (it) unto Eleazar thepriest, 41 . unto Eleazar (Ae priest, 32: 2. to Eleazar (Ae priest, 28. Moses commanded Eleazar (Ae priest, 33:38. And Aaron (Ae priest went up into mount Hor 34: 17. Eleazar the priest, and Joshua 35 : 25. abide in it unto the death of (Ae high priest, 28. until the death of (Ae high priest : but after the death of (Ae high priest 32. until the death of the priest. Deu 17: 9. unto (Ae priests the Levites, 12. will not hearken unto thepriest 18. before the priests the Levites: 18: 1 . TAe priests . . . shall have (lit. there is to the pj-iests) no part 3. this shall be (Ae priests' due — they shall give unto the priest 19:17. tAe priests and the judges, 20: 2. tAe priest shall approach 21: 5 . (Ae priests the sons of Levi 24: 8. the priests the Levites 26: 3. thou shalt go unto (Ae priest 4. the priest shall take the basket 27 : 9. Moses and the pj'iests the Levites 31:9. (Ae priests the sons of Levi, Jos, 3: 3. and the pj-iests the Levites 6. Joshua spake unto the pj-iests, 8. thou shalt command (Ae pj-iests 13. the feet of (Ae priests that bear 14. and the priests bearing the ark 15. the feet of (Ae priests that bare 17. (Ae pj-iests that bare the ark 4: 3. where (Ae priests' feet stood firm, 9. (Ae priests which bare the ark 10. For the pj-iests which bare the ark 1 1 , the Lord passed over, and the priests, 16. Command (Ae priests 17. Joshua therefore commanded the priests, 18. (Ae priests that bare the ark — the soles of (Ae priests* feet 6: 4. seven priests shall bear... trumpets — and the priests shall blow with the trumpets. 6. Joshua... called (Ae pj'iests, — let seven priests bear seven trumpets 8.(Ae seven priests bearing the seven 9. (Ae priests that blew with the trumpets 12. (Ae pj-iests took up the ark 13. seven priests bearing seven trumpets 16. when the priests blew 8:33. (Ae pj-iests the Levites, 14: I . which Eleazar (Ae priest, pD Jos. 17 19 2021 22 Jud. 17 ISa. 1 2; 22 23 30 SSa. 8 IK. 1 : 4. they came near before Eleazar (Ae priest, -, 51 . Eleazar (Ae priest, and Joshua the son of : 6. the death of (Ae high priest l.unto Eleazar (Ae priest, 4, 13. the children of Aaron (Ae priest, 19. the children of Aaron, (Ae priests, 13, 31 , 32. the son of Eleazar the priest, 30. when Phinehas tAe priest, ; 5. who became his priest. 10.be unto me a father and a priest, 12. the young man became his priest, 13. seeing I have a Levite to (my) priest. 4. 1 am his priest. 6. the priest said unto them, 17. and the priest stood in the entering of the J8. Then said (Ae priest unto them, 19.be to us a father and a priest: (is it) better for thee to be a priest — a priest unto a tribe and a family 20. And tAe priest's heart was glad, 24. Ye have taken away . . . (Ae priest, 27. the priest which he had, 30. priests to the tribe of Dan ; 3. tAe pj-iests of the Lord, 9. Eli (Ae priest sat upon a seat :1I. child did minister. ..before Eli thepriest. 13. (Ae priests' custom with the people — the priest's servant came, 14, all that the fleshhook brought up (Ae priest 1 5. thepjiest's servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest ; 28. did I choose him out.. .(to be) my priest, 35. 1 will raise me up a faithful pj-iest, : 5. (Ae priests of Dagon, : 2. the Philistines called for the priests : 3. the Lord's priest in Shiloh, 19. Saul talked, unto (Ae priest, — Saul said unto (Ae priest, 36. Then said thepriest, : 1 (2). to Ahimelech the priest : 2(3). David said unto Ahimelech (Ae priest, 4(5). And the priest answered David, 5(6).And David answered (Ae priest, 6(7) .the pj'iest gave him hallowed (bread): 9(l0). And thepriest said, ;11. the king sent to call Ahimelech (Ae priest, — (Ae priests that (were) in Nob: 17. slay (Ae priests o/the Lord ; — to fall upon the priests of the Lord. 18. fall upon the priests. — he fell upon the pj-iests, 19. the city of (Ae priests, 21. Saul had slain the Lord's priests. 9. said to Abiathar (Ae priest, : 7. David said to Abiathar (Ae priest, :17. Zadok... and Ahimelech ... (were) (Ae priests ; 18. David's sons were chief rulers, (marg, or, princes) : 27. The king said also unto Zadok the priest, 35. with thee Zadok and Abiathar (Ae priests ? — to Zadok and Abiathar (Ae priests. : 15. unto Zadok and to Abiathar (Ae priests, ¦ 1 1(12 ). to Zadok and to Abiathar (Ae priests, '• 25. Zadok and Abiathar (were) the priests : 26. Ira.. .was a cAie/rn/er(marg. or, aprince) ; 7. and with Abiathar the priest: 8. But Zadok thepriest, 19. Abiathar thepriest, and Joab 25. and Abiathar the priest; 26. and Zadok (Ae priest, 32. Call me Zadok (Ae priest, 34. Zadok (Ae priest and Nathan the prophet 38. So Zadok (Ae priest, 39. Zadok (Ae priest took an horn 42. the son of Abiathar the priest 44. Zadok thepriest, and Nathan the prophet. 45. Zadok (Ae priest and Nathan the prophet 22. and for Abiathar thepriest, 26. unto Abiathar (Ae priest said the king, 27. thrust out Abiathar from being priest 35. Zadok (Ae priest 2. Azariah the son of Zadok thepriest, (marg. or, (Ae chief officer) 4. Zadok and Abiathar (were) (Ae priests: b. Zabud., . (was) principal officer, ( 589 ) jro IK. 8: 3. (Ae priests took up the ark. 4. fhe priests and the Levites 6. the priests brought in the ark 10. when the priests were come out 11. (Ae priests could not stand J 2 : 31 . and made priests of the lowest of 32. thepriesfs of the high places which 13: 2. (Ae pj'iests of the high places that burn 33. of the people priests of the high places: — he became (one) of the priests of the high 2K. 10:11 .his kinsfolks, and his priests, 19. all his servants, and all his priests; 11: 9. Jehoiada the priest commanded : — and came to Jehoiada thepriest. 10. did (Ae priest give king David's spears 15. Jehoiada thepriest commanded — (Ae priest had said, 18. Mattan the pj-iest of Baal • — (Ae priest appointed officers 12: 2 ( 3 ) . J ehoiada (Ae priest instructed 4(5). Jehoash said to thepjvests, 5(6). Let the pj-iests take (it) to them, 6(7). the priests had not repaired 7 (8). the priest, andthe (other) priests, 8(9). And thepriesfs consented to receive 9(10). Jehoiada the priest took a chest, — ( — ). (Ae pj-iests that kept the door 10(1 IL and the high priest came up, 16(17). it was thepriesfs'. 16: 10. sent to Urijah the priest 1 1 . Urijah (Ae priest built an altar — Urijah (Ae priest made (it) 15. Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, 16. Thus did Urijah the priest, 1 7 : 27. Carry thither one of the priests 28. one of the priests whom they had carried 32. priests of the high places, 19: 2. the elders of (Ae priests, 22: 4. Go up to Hilkiah (Ae high priest, 8. Hilkiah (Ae high pj-iest said 10. Hilkiah (Ae pj-iest hath delivered 12. the king commanded Hilkiah thepriest, 14. So Hilkiah the pj-iest, 23: 2. and the priests, and the prophets, 4. the king commanded Hilkiah (Ae high priest, and the priests o/the second order, 8. he brought all the priests — where the priests had burned incense, 9. (Ae priests of the high places 20. he slew all (Ae priests of the high 24. Hilkiah tAe pj-iest 25:18. Seraiah (Ae chief priest, and Zephaniah (Ae second priest, ICh 9: 2. (Ae priests, Levites, and the Nethinims. 10. And of tAe priests; Jedaiah, and 30. the sons of the priests 13 : 2. (Ae priests and Levites 15:11. Zadok and Abiathar (Ae priests, 14. the priests and the Levites sanctified 24. the priests, did blow with the trumpets 16: 6. Benaiah also and Jahaziel the priests 39. the priest, and his brethren the priests, 18:16. And Zadok. ..and Abimelech.. .(were) the priests; 23: 2. with thepriesfs and the Levites. 24: 6. the princes, and Zadok the pj-iest, — , 31 . the chief of the fathers of the priests 27: 5. Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, a chief pj-iest: (marg. or, principal officer) 28 : 1 3, 21. the courses of the priests 29:22. and Zadok (to be) priest. 2Ch 4: 6. the sea (was)/or (Ae priests to wash in. 9. the court of (Ae priests, 5: 5. these did the priests 7. (Ae priests brought in the ark 11. when the priests were come out — the priests (that were) present 12. hundred and twenty priests sounding with 14. thepriesfs could not stand to minister 6:41. let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed 7: 2. thepriesfs could not enter 6. And thepriesfs waited on their offices: — and the priests sounded trumpets 8: 14. the courses of (Ae priests — to praise and minister before the priests, lb. the priests and Levites ll:13..4nd thepriesfs and the Levites pa ( 590 ) irra 2Ch 11:15. he ordained him priests 13 : 9. (Ae priests of the Lord, — and have made you priests — a priest of (tbem that are) no gods. 10. and the priests, which minister 12. and his priests with sounding trumpets 14. and the priests sounded with the trumpets. 3. and without a teaching priest, 8. Elishama and Jehoram, priests. : 8. of the Levites, and (of) the priests, 11. Amariah (Ae chief priest : 1 1 . the wife of Jehoiada (Ae priest, 4. of the priests and of the Levites, 6. the priests, and they that minister 8. Jehoiada the priest had commanded, — Jehoiada the priest dismissed not 9. Jehoiada the priest delivered to 14. Jehoiada thepriest brought out — the priest said, Slay her not in 1 7. Mattan the priest of Baal 1 8. by the hand of (Ae priests 24 : 2. all the days of Jehoiada (Ae priest. b. the priests and the Levites, 1 1. (Ae high priest's officer 20. Zechariah the son of Jehoiada thepriest, 25. the sons of Jehoiada thepriest, 26: 17. Azariah thepriest — fourscore priests of the Lord, 18.(o thepriesfs the sons of Aaron, 19. he was wroth with the priests, — before the priests in the house of the Lord, 20. Azariah (Ae chief priest, and all the priests, 29: 4. the priests and the Levites, 16. the priests went into the inner part 21. (Ae priests the sons of Aaron 22. the priests received the blood, 24. (Ae priests killed them, 26. and thepriesfs with the trumpets. 34. (Ae priests were too few, — (Ae (other ) pj-iests had sanctified — to sanctify themselves (Aan tAe priests. 3. the priests had not sanctified themselves 15. and the priests and the Levites 16. (Ae priests sprinkled the blood, 21. and thepriesfs praised the Lord 24. a great number of priests 25. with the priests and the Levites, 27. thepriesfs the Levites 2. the courses of the priests and the Levites — (Ae priests and Levites for burnt offerings 4. the portion of (Ae priests 9. the priests and the Levites 10. Azariah the chief priest 15. the cities of the priests, 17. the genealogy of the pj'iests 19. the sons of Aaron the priests, — the males among the pj-iests, 5. the bones of the priests 9. Hilkiah (Ae high pj'iest, 14. Hilkiah thepriest found a book 18. Hilkiah the priest hath given me a book. 30. and thepriesfs, and the Levites, 2. the pj'iests in their charges, 8. to the pj'iests, and to the Levites: — unto the pj-iests for the passover offerings 10. the pj'iests stood in their place, 11. (Ae priests sprinkled (the blood) 14. for themselves, and for the priests: because thepriesfs the sons of Aaron — and for the priests the sons of 18. and thepriesfs, andthe Levites, 36:14. the chief of the pj-iests, Ezr. 1 : 5. and the priests, and the Levites, 2:36. Tliepriests: the children of Jedaiah, 61. the children of the priests : 63. till there stood up a priest 69- one hundred priests' garments. 70. So the priests, and the Levites, and (some) 3 : 2. his brethren the priests, 8. the priests and the Levites, 10. they set (Ae priests in their apparel 12. of the priests and Levites 6 : 20. (Ae priests and the Levites — their brethren the priests, 7: 5. the son of Aaron (Ae chief priest : 7. and of (Ae pjiests, 30 31 34 35: 10: 11: 12: Ezr. 7:11. Ezra (Ae priest, the scribe 8:15.1 viewed the people, and thepriesfs, 24, 29. the chief of (Ae priests, 30. the priests and the Levites 33. Uriah the priest; 9: 1. The people of Israel, and the priests, 7. our kings, (and) our priests, 10: 5. (Ae chief priests, the Levites, 10. Ezra thepriest stood up, 16. And Ezra (Ae priest, 1 8. the sons of (Ae priests Neh. 2 : 16. nor to the priests, nor to the nobles, 3 : 1. Eliashib (Ae high priest rose up with his brethren (Ae priests, 20. the house of Eliashib (Ae high priest. 22. after him repaired (Ae priests, 28. above the horse gate repaired thepriesfs, 5: 12. Then I called (Ae priests, 7:39. Thepriesfs: the children of Jedaiah, 63. And of (Ae priests : 65. till there stood (up) a priest 70. five hundred and thirty priests' garments. 72. threescore and seven priests' garments. 73. (Ae pj-iests, and the Levites, 8: 2. Ezra (Ae priest brought the law 9. Ezra (Ae priest the scribe, 13. (Ae priests, and the Levites, 9:32. and on our priests, and on our prophets, 34. our priests, nor our fathers, 38(10:1). our princes, Levites, (and) priests, 8(9). these (were) thepriesfs. 28 (29). the priests, the Levites, 34(35). we cast the lots among the priests, 36(37). mk(o (Ae priests that minister in the 37(38). wn(o tliepriests, to the chambers 38(39). tAe priest the son of Aaron 39(40). and the priests that minister, 3. the priests, and the Levites, 10. Of the pj'iests: 20. the priests, (and) the Levites, 1. these (are) tliepriests 7. These (were) the chief of tAe priests 12. in the days of Joiakim were priests, 22. also the priests, to the reign 26. Ezra (Ae priest, the scribe. 30. (Ae priests and the Levites purified 35. (certain) of the priests' sons 41 . And the priests ; Eliakim, 44./or (Ae priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for tAe priests 13: 4. Eliashib (Ae priest, 5. the offerings of the priests. 13. Shelemiah (Ae priest, 28. Eliashib tAe high priest, 30. the wards of the priests Job 12:19. He leadeth princes away spoiled, Ps. 78:64. Their priests fell by the sword; 99: 6. Moses and Aaron among his priests, 110: 4. Thou (art) a priest for ever 132 : 9. thy priests be clothed with righteousness ; 16. 1 will also clothe Aer priests with salvation : Isa. 8: 2. Uriah (Ae priest, 24: 2. as with the people, so with the priest; (marg. or, prince) 28 : 7. (Ae priest and the prophet have erred 37 : 2. the elders of tAe priests 61: 6. (Ae Pj'iests of the Lord: 66: 21 .for priests (and) for Levites, Jer. 1 : 1. (Ae priests that (were) in Anathoth 18. against (Ae priests thereof, 2: 8. The priests said not, 26. and their priests, and their prophets, 4: 9. (Ae priests shall be astonished, 5:31. and the priests bear rule by their means ; 6:13. from the prophet even unto (Ae priest 8 : I. the bones of (Ae priests, 10. even unto (Ae priest 13: 13. and the priests, and the prophets, 14: 18. the prophet and the priest go about 18:18. the law shall not perish from the priest, 19: 1. the ancients of (Ae priests ; 20 : 1. Pashur the son of Immer (Ae priest, 21 : I. Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, 23 : 1 1, both prophet and priest are profane ; 33. the prophet, or a priest, 34. and the priest, and the people, 26 : 7, 8. (Ae priests and the prophets tra C591 ) Jer. 26 31:32; 33:34: 37: 48:52; Lam.l Eze. 1: 7: 22;40;42:43; 1 1 . Then spake (Ae priests 16. unto the priests and to the prophets ; 16. 1 spake to (Ae priests : 1, 5. iu the presence of (Ae priests : l.to (Ae priests, and to the prophets, 25. Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah (Ae priest, and to all (Ae priests, 26. The Lord hath made thee priest in the stead of Jehoiada (Ae priest, 29. Zephaniah (Ae priest ¦ 1 4. 1 will satiate the soul of (Ae priests ; 32. (Aeir priests, and their prophets, 18. Neither shall (Ae priests 2 l.with the Levites (Ae priests, 19. the eunuchs, and the priests, 3. Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah (Ae priest 7 & 49:3. Ais priests and his princes together. 24. Seraiah (Ae chief priest, and Zephaniah (Ae second pj'iest, : 4. Aer priests sigh, 19. my priests and mine elders gave up the : 6. the king and the priest. 20. shall (Ae priest and the prophet be slain : 13. the iniquities of Aer priests, 16. respected not the persons of (Ae priests, : 3.Ezekiel the pj'iest, 26. the law shall perish from the priest, 26. Her priests have violated my law, 45, 46. (is) for the priests, ,13. the priests that approach unto the Lord 14. When the priests enter therein, 19. thou shalt give to (Ae priests 24. the priests shall cast salt upon them, 27. (Ae priests shall make your burnt offerings :15. But the priests the Levites, 21. Neither shall any priest drink wine, 22. that had a priest before, (marg./rom a priest) 30. shall be tAe priests : ye shall also give unto the priest 31 . Thepriesfs shall not eat of any thing. . .dead : 4. the land shall be for the priests 1 9. tAe priest shall take of the blood ; 2. (Ae priests shall prepare his burnt offering 19. the holy chambers of (Ae priests, 20. (Ae priests shall boil the trespass offering : 10. (even) for the priests, 1 1 . ( It shall be) for the priests 1 3. the border of tAe priests ; 4. they that strive with (Ae priest. 9. like people, (iAe priest: 1. Hear ye this, O priests; 9. the company of priests 9. the priests, the Lord's ministers, 13. Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests : 17. Let thepriesfs, the ministers of the Lord, 10. Amaziah (Ae priest of Beth- el .Il.and (Ae priests thereof teach for hire, 4. name of the Chemarims with (Ae priests ; 4. her priests have polluted the sanctuary, 1, 12, 14 &2:2. Joshua the son of Josedech, (Ae high priest, 4. 0 Joshua, son of Josedech, (Ae high priest; 11. Ask now (Ae priests 12. the priests answered and said, No. 13. the priests answered and said, : 1 . Joshua (Ae high priest 8. 0 Joshua (Ae high priest, 1 1 . Joshua the son of Josedech, (Ae high priest ; 13. he shall be a priest 3. to speak unto (Ae priests 5. Speak.. .to tAe priests, 6. O priests, that despise my name. I. 0 ye priests, this commandment 7. the priest's lips should keep knowledge, }5| \kah-he,hnf\ Ch. m. Hos. 4 56 Joel 1 2 Am. 7 Mic. 3 Zep. 1: 3 Hag.l: Zee. 3 6: 7: Mai 1 : Ezr, 6: 9. accordingto the appointment of (Ae priests 16. And the children of Israel, (Ae priests, 18. they set the priests in their divisions, 7:12. unto Ezra thepriest, a scribe 13. and (of) his priests and Levites, 16. and of thepriesfs, offering willingly 21. that whatsoever Ezra (Ae priest, 24. that touching any of (Ae priests Ex. 2940 Nu. 3 1618: 25 Jos. 18 ISa. 2 Ezr. 2 Neh. 7 13 DO n3H3 k'houn-nah' f. t ¦¦. : * 9. (Ae priest's office shall be their's ; 15. be an everlasting priesthood 10. they shall wait on (Aeir priest's office ; 10. seek ye (Ae priesthood also ? l.the iniquity of your priesthood. 7. keep your priest's office — I have given your priest's office 13. the covenant of an everlasting priesthood ; 7. the priesthood of the Lord 36. one of (Ae priest's offices, 62. put from (Ae priesthood. 64. put from (Ae priesthood. 29. they have defiled (Ae priesthood, and the covenant of (Ae priesthood, ^513 kohf-vag9 m. ISa.17: 5. And (he had) an helmet o/brass 2Ch26: 14. spears, and helmets, and habergeons, Isa. 59: 17. and an helmet of salvation upon his head ; Jer. 46: 4. stand forth M>itA (your) helmets ; Eze.27:10.they hanged the shield and helmet 38: 5. all of them with shield and helmet : T\)2 \kah-vah!\ * NIPHAL.— Future. # Pro. 6 : 28. upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Isa. 43: 2. (Aom sAaZt not be burned ; H13 see T\2 n*13 tiveey-yah', f. Ex. 21 :2o. Burning for burning, p3 kav-veen', Ch. m. pi. Dan 6 : 10( 11). and his windows being open DD13 koh-chahvf. T • Gen 1:16. (he made) (Ae stars also. 15: 5. now toward heaven, and tell (Ae stars, 22:17. as the stars of the heaven, 26: 4. as the stars o/heaven, 37 : 9. the sun and the moon and (Ae eleven stars Ex. 32: 13. multiply your seed as the stars o/heaven, Nu. 24: 17. there shall come a Star out of Jacob, Deu 1 : 10. as the stars of heaven for multitude. 4:19. the sun, and the moon, and (Ae stars, 10:22. God hath made thee as the stars of 28: 62. ye were as the stars c/heaven Jud. 5:20. (Ae stars in their courses fought ICh 27:23. ZiAe to the stars of the heavens. Neh 4:21(15). till (Ae stars appeared. 9 : 23. multipliedst thou as the stars of heaven, Job. 3 : 9. (Ae stars of the twilight 9: 7. and sealeth up (Ae stars. 22: 12. the height of (Ae stars, 2b: 5. yea, the stars are not pure 38 : 7. When (Ae morning stars sang together, Ps. 8: 3(4). the moon andthe stars, 136: 9. The moon and stars to rule 147: 4. He telleth the number of the stars ; 148: 3. praise him, all ye stars o/light. Ecc 12: 2. or the moon, or the stars, Isa. 13:10.(Ae stars of heaven 14: 13. 1 will exalt my throne above (Ae stars of 47: 13. the astrologers, the stargazers, (lit. who contemplate upon the stars) Jer. 31:35. ordinances of the moon and of the stars Eze32: 7. and make (Ae stars thereof dark ; Dan 8:10. (some) of the host and of (Ae stars tothe 12 : 3. as (Ae stars for ever and ever. DID Joel 2: 10, & 3: 15(4:15). and the stars shall withdraw Am. 5 : 26. (Ae star of your god, Obad. 4. though thou set thy nest among (Ae stars, Nah 3 : 1 6 . above the stars of heaven : *™ [*«<* <&£» * KAL.— Preterite. # "^ Isa. 40:12. and comprehended the dust of the earth # PILPEL.— Preterite. # Gen 45 : 1 1 . And there will I nourish thee ; 2Sa.l9:32(33).he had provided the king of sustenance 33(34).and I will feed thee with me 1 K. 4: 7. twelve officers... which provided victuals 27 (5 : 7 ) . And those officers provided victual 18: 4. and fed them with bread and water. Neh 9: 21. forty years didst thou sustain them PILPEL.— Infinitive. Ru. 4: 15. and a nourisher of thine old age: (marg. to nowish) 1 K. 4:7. man his month in a year made provision. 17: 4.1 have commanded the ravens to feed thee 9. have commanded a widow.. .to sustain thee. Jer. 20 : 9. 1 was weary with forbearing, PILPEL. —Future. Gen 47:1 2. And Joseph jiourished his father, 50:21. 1 will nourish you, and your little ones. 2Sa.20: 3. put them in ward, and fed them, 1 K. 8: 27. heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; 18:13. and fed them with bread and water ? 2Ch. 2: 6(5). heaven of heavens cannot contain him? 6: 18. the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee ; Ps. bb -.22(23). he shall sustain thee: 112: 5.Ae will guide his affairs with discretion. Pro.18: 14. The spirit of a man will sustam Zee 11: 16. nor feed (marg. bear) that that standeth PILPEL. —Participle. Mai. 3 : 2. who may abide the day of his coming ? # POLPAL.— Preterite. ¦& 1 K. 20:27. Israel were numbered, and were all present, (marg. or, victualled) # HIPHIL. — Infinitive. * IK. 8:64. brasen altar... (was) too little to receive 2Ch. 7: 7. brasen altar... was not able to receive Jer. 6:11.1 am weary fc>i(A holding in : Eze.23; 32. it containeth much. (lit. it is great to contain ) Am. 7 : 10. the land is not able to bear all his words. HIPHIL.— Future. IK. 7:26. it contained two thousand baths. 38. one laver contained forty baths: 2Ch 4: 5. and held three thousand baths. Jer. 2:13. broken cisterns, that cajt hold no water. 10: 10. the nations sAa/( not be able to abide Joel 2:11. and who can abide it ? 1f2)2 koo-?nahzf, m. Ex. 35:22. earrings, and rings, and tablets, Nu. 31 :50. earrings, and tablets, pl3 [koon~\. IK. 2 Pro 19 Eze 16 2Ch35 Eze 38 Am 4 1 Sa.20 JK. 2 lChl6 2Ch 8 * NIPHAL. —Preterite. -X- 46. the kingdom was established 29. Judgments are prepared for 7. (thy) breasts are fashioned, NIPHAL. —Imperative. ; 4.(2SM3) And prepare (yourselves) by the : 7. Ue (Aom prepared, and prepare for thyself, 12. prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. NIPHAL Future. 31 . (Aom shalt not be established, 12. and his kingdom was established 30. the world also shall be stable, 16. Now^all the work... was prepared ( 592 ) TO 2Ch.29:35. So the service ... was set in order. 35 : 10. So the service was prepared, 16. So all the service ... was prepared Ps.' 89:21(22). my hand shall be established: 37(38). It shall be established for ever 93: 1 . the world also is stablished, 96: 10. the world also shall be established 101: 7. he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight, (marg. be established) 102:28(29). their seed shall be established 119: 5. O that my ways were directed 140:11(12). Let not an evil speaker be established 141 : 2. Le( my prayer be set forth (marg. directed) Pro. 4:26. let all thy ways be established. 12: 3. A man shall not be established 19. The lip of truth shall be established 16: 3. and thy thoughts shall be established. 12. the throne is established by righteousness. 20: 18. (Every) purpose is established 22: 18. they shall withal befitted in thy lips. 25: b.and his throne shall be established 29: 14. his throne shall be established Jer. 30: 20. their congregation shall be established NIPHAL.— Participle. Gen41:32. the thing (is) established by God, (marg. or, prepared of God) Ex. 8:26(22). It is not meet so to do ; 19: ll.be ready against the third day: 15. Be ready against the third day: 34: 2. And be ready in the morning, Deul3:14(15).(and) the thing certain, 17: 4. (it be) true, (and) the thing certain, Jos. 8: 4. but be ye all ready: Jud 16: 26. whereupon the house standeth, 29. pillars upon which the house stood, lSa.23:23.come ye again to me with tAe certainty, 26: 4. Saul was come in very deed. 2Sa. 7: 16. thy throne shall be established 26. house of thy servant David be established 1 K. 2: 45. the throne of David shallbe established lCh.l7:14.his throne shall be established 24. (let) the house of David ... (be) established Neh 8 : 10. unto them for whom nothing is prepared : Job. 12: 5. He that is ready to slip 15:23. the day of darkness is ready at his hand. 18:12. destruction (shall be) ready at his side. 21 : 8. Their seed is established in their sight 42: 7, 8. ye have not spoken of me ... rigid, Ps. 5: 9(10). (there is) no faithfulness in.their mouth; (marg. or, stedfastness) 38: 17(18). I (am) ready to halt, 51 : 10( 12), renew a riaAt spirit within me. (marg, or, constant) 57; 7(8).My heart is fixed (marg. or, prepared), O God, my heart is fixed ; 78:37. their heart tvas not right 93: 2. Thy throne (is) established of old: 108: 1(2).0 God, my heart is /sed; 112: 7. his heart is fixed, Pro. 4:18. shineth more and more unto the perfect Isa. 2 : 2. of the Lord's house shall be established Hos 6: 3. his going forth is prepared Mic 4: 1. the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, # POLEL.— Preterite. # Ex. 15:17. thy hands Aaue established. 2Sa. 7:13. ajid I will stablish the throne of 1 Ch 1 7 : 1 2. and I ivill stablish his throne Ps. 8: 3(4). the stars, which (Aom hast ordained; 9: 7(8). Ae Aa(A prepared his throne 11 : 2. they make ready their arrow 40 : 2 (3 ) . ( and ) established my goings. 68: 9(10). whereby thou didst confirm thine in heritance, 99: 4. thou dost establish equity, 119:90. thou hast established the earth, Pro. 3 : 1 9. by understanding A at A Ae established Isa. 45:18. he hath established it, 51: 13. as if Ae were ready to destroy? (marg. or, made (himself) ready) Hab 2 : 12. and stablishet/i a city by iniquity I POLEL. — Imperative. Job 8: 8. and prepare thyself to the search Ps. 90:17. and establish thou the work of our hands — the work of our hands establish thou it. \o POLEL Future. Deu .32 ; 6. he not made thee, and established thee ? 2Sa. 7: 24. For (Aom hast confirmed to thyself Job 31 : 15. and did not one fashion us Ps. 7: 9(10).6m( esta&ZisA the just: 12(13). hath bent his bow, and made it ready. 21 :12(I3).(Aom sAait maAe ready (thine arrows) 24: 2. and established it upon the floods. 48: 8(9). God will establish it for ever. 87 : 5. the highest himself shall establish her. 107:36. (Aat they may prepare a city 119:73. hands have made me and fashioned me: Isa. 62: 7. give him no rest, till Ae establish, *PULAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 37:23. The steps of a (good) man are ordered by the Lord: (marg. or, established) Eze.28: 13. was prepared in thee in the day that * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Ex. 16: b.that.. .they skallprepare (that) which 23: 20. the place which I have prepared. Jos. 4: 4. the twelve men, whom Ae Aad prepared ISa. 13: 13. would the Lord have established thy 2Sa. 5 : 12. the Lord Aad established him 7:12. and I will establish his kingdom. IK. 2:24. the Lord liveth, which hath established me, 6:19. the oracle Ae prepared ICh 12: 39. their brethren had prepared 14: 2. the Lord Aad confirmed him 15: 3. his place, which Ae Aad prepared 12. (the place that) I have prepared for it. 17:11. and I will establish his kingdom. 22: 3. David prepared iron in abundance 10. and Iwill establish the throne ofhis 14. / Aaye prepared for the house — timber also and stone have I prepared; 28 : 2. and had made ready for the building : 7. Moreover I will establish his kingdom 29: 2. 1 have prepared with all my might 3. all that I have prepared 16. all this store that we have prepared 19. (for) the which I have made provision. 2Ch 2: 7(6). whom David my father did provide. 3 : 1. the place that David Aad prepared 12 : 14. Ae prepared (marg. or, ^.red) not his heart 19: 3. and hast prepared thine heart 20:33. the people Aad not prepared 27: 6.Ae prepared his ways before the Lord (marg. or, established) 29: 19. all the vessels,... Aaye we prepared 36. that God hadprepaj'ed the people: 30: ID. prepareth his heart to seek God, 35; 14. they made ready for themselves, — the Levites prepared for themselves, 15. the Levites prepared for them. 20. when Josiah had prepared the temple, Ezr. 7:10.Ezra Aad prepared his heart Est. 6: 4&7:10. the gallows that Ae Aad prepared Job 11:13. If (Aom prepare thine heart, 27 .he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 13(14). He hath also prepared for him 6(7). They have pj'epared a net 16. (Aom hast prepared the light 8.*et not their heart aright, 19. The Lord AatA prepared his throne 3. and set thy face against it, 7. the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, ( 593 ) DID Nu. 23:29. and prepare me here seven bullocks Jos. 1:11. Prepare you victuals ; ISa. 7: 3. and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, 23:22. Go, I pray you, prepare yet, 1 Ch 29: 18. and prepare their heart unto thee: (marg. or, stablish) 2Ch 35 : 4. And prepare ( yourselves) by the houses of 6. prepare your brethren, Ps. 119:133. Order my steps in thy word: Pro. 24: 27. Prepare thy work without, Isa. 14: 21. Prepare slaughter for his children Jer. 46 : 14. Stand fast, and prepare thee ; 51 : 12. prepare the ambushes: Eze. 38: 7. and prepare for thyself, HIPHIL.— Future. Gen43:25..dred they made ready the present Deu 19: 3. Thou shalt prepare thee a way, Jud. 12: 6.Ae could not frame to pronounce IK. 5:18(32). so they prepared timber 1 Ch 15 : Land prepared a place for the ark 22: 5./ will (therefore) now maAe preparation for it. So David prepared abundantly 2Ch 17 : 5. Therefore the Lord stablished the kingdom 26:14. And Uzziah prepared for them 31 : 11 . and they prepared (them), Ezr. 3: 3. And they set the altar upon his bases ; Job 15:35. their belly prepareth deceit. 27 : 16. and prepare raiment as the clay ; 17. He may prepare (it), but the just 29: 7. 1 prepared my seat in the street 1 38 : 41 . Who provideth for the raven Ps. 10: 17. (Aom wilt prepare (marg. establish) their heart, 65: 9(10). (Aom preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it. 68: 10(11). (Aom, O God, hast prepared 78 : 20. can he provide flesh for his people ? 89: 2 (3). thy faithfulness sAa(( (Aom establish 4(5). Thy seed will I establish for ever, Pro. 6 : 8. Provideth her meat in the summer, 16: 9. but the Lord directeth his steps. 21:29. (2»ro) the upright, he directeth his way. (marg. or, considereth [so '"ip] ) 30:25. yet they prepare their meat inthe summer; Eze. 4: 7. (Aom sAa(( set thy face toward the siege Ps. 7 57: 74; 78: 103: Eze. 4 Zep. ] 4 ICh 9 2Ch 1 2 12 31 Pro. 8 Isa. 9 40 Jer. 10 33 Eze. 7 Nah. 2 Cen43 Nu.23; HIPHIL Infinitive. :I7. And the priests... stood firm •¦ 3. where the priests' feet stood firm, :32.to prepare (it) every sabbath. : 4.(o (the place which) David had prepared : 9(8). Even to prepare me timber 1 .when Rehoboam had established 1 1 . Hezekiah commanded to prepare 27. When he prepared the heavens, : 7(6). to order it, and to establish it : 20. to prepare a graven image, ;23. (it is) not in man that walketh to direct his : 2. formed it, to establish it; ¦ U.even to make all ready; ' 3(4). in the day of his preparation, HIPHIL. — Imperative. 16. slay, and make ready; Land prepare me here seven oxen HIPHIL Participle. Ps. 65: 6(7). his strength setteth fast the mountains; '47: 8. who prepareth rain for the earth, Jer. 10:12&51:15.Ae Aa(A established the world # HOPHAL Preterite. * 5. Andin mercy shall the throne be established: 33. for the king it is prepared; 5(6). and the defence sAaW Ae prepared. 11. and it shall be established, HOPHAL. —Participle. 31 . The horse (is) prepared against the day of 43. (were) hooks, a hand broad, fastened * HITHPOLEL. —Future. * 27. the city of Sihon be built and prepared: 4(5). They run and prepare themselves : 3. by understanding it is established : 14. In righteousness sAa/( (Aom Ae established: Isa. 16: 30 Nah. 2 Zee. 5 Pro.21Eze.40 Nu. 21 Ps. 59 Pro. 24 Isa. 54 D*iJ3 kav-vah-neem' , m. pi Xf*/< Jer. 7: 18. to make caAes to the queen of heaven, 44: 19. did we make her caAes to worship her, Di3 kohs, f. Gen40: Il.and Pharaoh's cup (was) in my hand: and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave (Ae cup into Pharaoh's hand. 13. thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup 21. he gave (Ae cup into Pharaoh's hand: Lev.ll : 17. And (Ae little owl, Deu 14: 16. The little owl, and the great owl, 2Sa.l2: 3. and drank of his own cup, IK. 7 : 26. wrought like the brim of a cup, 2Ch 4 : 5. the work of the brim of a cup, Ps. 11: 6. the portion of (Aeir cup. aa DID ( 594 ) ro Ps. 16 23 75 102 116 Pro.23 Isa. 51 Jer. 16 25 35 49 51 Lam. 4 Eze.23 Hab. 2 5. of mine inheritance and of my cup : 5. my cup runneth over. 8(9). the hand of the Lord (there is) a cup, 6(7) . I am like an owl of the desert. 13. 1 will take (Ae cup of salvation, 31. when it giveth his colour in the cup, 17. the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of (Ae cup of trembling, 22. (Ae clip of trembling, (even) the dregs of (Ae cup ofmy fury ; : 7. (Ae cup of consolation : 15. (Ae wine cup of this fury 17. Then took I (Ae cup 28. if they refuse to take (Ae cup : 5. pots full of wine, and cups, :12.to drink of the cup : 7. Babylon (hath been) a golden cup :21.(Ae cup also shall pass through 31 . therefore will I give Aer cup 32. Thou shalt drink ofthy sister's cup 33. (Ae cup of astonishment and desolation, with (Ae cup ofthy sister Samaria. :16. (Ae cup of the Lord's right hand "I'D koor, ID. Deu 4: 20. brought you forth out of the iron furnace, IK. 8:51. from the midst of the furnace of iron: Pro. 17: 3 & 27 : 2 1 . and the furnace for gold : Isa. 48:10.1 have chosen thee in the furnace of Jer. 1 1 : 4. from the iron furnace, Eze.22: 18, 22. in the midst of the furnace; 20. into the midst of the furnace, p-fD koh-reen', Ch. m. pi. Ezr. 7 : 22. hundred measures (marg. cors) of wheat, rffl&S koh-shah-rdhth' , f. pi. Ps. 68: 6(7). those which are bound with chains: [perhaps into prosperity] rnrna see m&a ST3 [kah-zav']. *KAL Participle. Poel.* Ps.116: 11. 1 said in my haste, All men (are) liars. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Job 41 : 9( 1 ). the hope of him is in vain : Pro.30: 6. and thou be found a liar. # PIEL.— Preterite. * Mic. 2: 11. walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, PIEL Infinitive. Eze. 13: 19. by your lying to my people PIEL.— Future. Nu. 23: 19. God (is) not a man, (Aa( Ae should lie; 2K. 4: 16. do not lie unto thine handmaid. Job 6:28. evident unto you if Hie. 34: 6. Should I lie against my right ? Ps. 78:36.(Aey lied unto him with their tongues. 89:35(36). Iwill not lie unto David. Pro.14: 5. A faithful witness will not lie: Isa. 57 : 1 1 . (Aom Aas( lied, and hast not remembered 58 : 1 1 . a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Hab. 2: 3. it shall speak, and not lie: * HIPHIL Future. * Job 24:25. who will make me a liar, 2T3 kuh-zahv' , m. Jud.l 6 : 1 0, 1 3. hast mocked me, and told me lies ; Ps. 4: 2(3). (and) seek after (easmc ? 5: 6(7). destroy them that speak leasing: 40: 4(5). nor such as turn aside to lies. 58: 3(4). they go astray.. .speaking lies. Ps. 62: 4(5). they delight in lies: 9(10). men of high degree (are) a lie: Pro. 6: 19. A false witness (that) speaketh lies, 14: 5. a false witness will utter lies. 25. a deceitful (witness) speaketh lies. 19: 5. (he that) speaketh lies shall not escape. 9. (he that) speaketh lies shall perish. 22. a poor man (is) better than a tiar. (lit. man of a lie) 21 :28. A false witness (marg. A witness of lies) shall perish : 23: 3. (are) deceitful meat. (lit. meat of lies) 30 : 8. Remove far from me vanity and lies : (lit. word of a lie) Isa. 28 : 15. we have made lies our refuge, 17. sweep away the refuge of lies, Eze.13: 6. They have seen vanity and lying divina tion, (lit. divination of a lie) 7. si lying divination, (lit. divination of a lie) 8. ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, 9. that see vanity, and that divine lies : 19. my people that hear (your) lies? 21 :29(34).they divine a lie unto thee, 22 : 28. divining lies unto them, Dan 1 1 : 27 . they shall speak lies at one table ; Hos. 7:13. they have spoken lies 12: 1 ( 2) . he daily increaseth lies Am. 2: 4. tlieir lies caused them, to err, Zep. 3:13. shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; nJD kohagh, m. Gen 4: 3149 Ex. 9 15 32 Lev.ll 26 Nu.14:Deu 4: 8 9 Jos. 14 17 Jud 6 16 ISa. 2 2830 1 K.19 2K.17 19 lCh.26 29 2Ch 2 13 14 20 22 2526 Ezr. 2 10 Neh 1 4 Job 3 6 12. henceforth yield unto thee Aer strength ; 6. with all my power I have served 3. thou (art) my firstborn, my might, 16. to shew (in) thee my power ; 6. 0 Lord, is become glorious in power: 11. thou hast brought forth. ..with great power, 30. the ferret, and the chameleon, 20. your strength shall be spent 13. thou broughtest up this people in thy might 17. let (Ae power of my Lord be great, 37. with his mighty power 1 7 . My power and the might of mine hand 18. he that giveth thee power 29. by thy mighty power , 1 l.as my strength (was) then, even so (is) my strength now, 1 7. a great people, and hast great power : 14. Go in this thy might, 5. wherein Ais great strength (lieth), 6,15. wherein thy great strength (lieth), 9. Ats strength was not known. 17. my strength will go from me, 1 9. his strength went from him. 30. bowed himself with (all his) might ; : 9. by strength shall no man prevail. : 20. there was no strength in him ; 22. that thou mayest have strength, 4. they had no more power to weep. 8. and went in the strength of that meat 36. with great power 3. and (there is) not strength to bring forth. : 8. able men for strength for the service, 2. 1 have prepared with all my might 12. in thine hand (is) power and might; 14. that we should be able (marg. obtain strength ) to offer so willingly 6(5).isa6fe (marg. hath obtained strength) to build him an house, 20. Neither did Jeroboam recover strength 11(10). them that have no power: 6. in thine hand (is there not) power and 12. we have no might 9. the house of Ahaziah had no power 8. God hath power to help, 13. made war with mighty power, 69. They gave after their ability 13. we are notable (lit. not power) to stand 10. redeemed by thy great power, 10(4). Z'Ae strength of the bearers 17. the weary (marg. wearied (in) strength) 11. What (is) my strength, 12. (Is) my strength the strength of stones? 22. or, Give a reward for me 0/ your substance ? 4. wise in heart, and mighty in strength: ro Job 9 23:24:26: 30 3136 37 71 102 103 111 147 Pro. 5 14 20 24 Ecc. 4 9 Isa. 10 3740 49 5063 Jer. 10 273248 51 Lam 1 Dan. I 10 Hos. 7 Am. 2 Mic. 3 Nah 1 2 Hab. 1 Zee. 4 19. If (I speak) of strength, 6. plead against me with (his) great power ? 22. He draweth also the mighty with his power : 2. helped (him that is) without power ? 12. He divideth the sea with his power, 2. (Ae strength of their hands 18. By (Ae great force (of my disease) 39. eaten the fruits thereof (marg. strength) 5. (he is) mighty in strength 19. all the forces of strength. 22. God exalteth by his power : 23. (he is) excellent in power, 11. because Ais strength (is) great? 21. and rejoiceth in (his) strength: 16. his strength (is) in his loins, ,li(l6).My strength is dried up 4. the Lord (is) powerful ; (marg. in power) I0(ll).my strength faileth : 16. is not delivered by much strength. ,10(11). my strength faileth me : : 6(7). Ay Ais strength setteth fast the : 9. forsake me not when my strength faileth. :23(24).He weakened my strength :20.ye his angels, that excel in strength, : 6. shewed his people the power of his works, : 5. Great (is) our Lord, and of great power : 10. Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth ; (marg. strength) 4. by the strength of the ox. 29. The glory of young men (is) (Aeir strength: 5. a man or knowledge increaseth strength. 10. thy strength (is) small. 1 . side of their oppressors (there was) power ; lO.do (it) with thy might; : 13. By the strength of my hand 3. and (there is) not strength to bring forth. 9. lift up thy voice with strength ; 26. (he is) strong in power ; 29. He giveth power to the faint ; 31. shall renew (their) strength ; : l.let the people renew (their) strength : :12.worketh it with the strength of his arms: (lit. the arm of Ais strength) — and his strength faileth: 4. 1 haye spent my strength 2. have I no power to deliver ? : l.in the greatness of his strength ? 12. He hath made the earth by his power, 5. by my great power 17. by thy great power 45. of Heshbon because of the force: 15. He hath made the earth by his power, 6. they are gone without strength 14. he hath made my strength to fall, 4. such as (had) ability in them 6. in the fury of Ais power. 7. there was no power in the ram 22. not in his power. 24. And Ais power shall be mighty, but not by his own power : 8. there remained no strength in me: — I retained no strength. 16.1 have retained no strength. 17. there remained no strength in me, 6. she shall not retain (Ae power of the arm ; 15. neither (shall there be any) strength 25. he shall stir up Ais power : 9. Strangers have devoured Ais strength, :14. the strong shall not strengthen his force, 8.1 am full of power by the spirit 3. (is) slow to anger, and great in power, 1(2). fortify (thy) power mightily. 11. (imputing) this Ais power unto his god. 6. Not by might, nor by power, ( 595 ) vm 2Sa.l8:13.(Aere is no matter hid from the king, Zec.l 1 : 9. to be cut off, let it be cut off; NIPHAL Participle. Job 15: 28. he dwelleth in desolate cities, Zec.ll : 9. and that that is to be cut off, 16. those that be cut off, (marg. or, hidden) *PIEL Preterite. * 1 Sa. 3:18. and Aid nothing from him. Job 6: 10. / have not concealed the words 15:18. from their fathers, and Aaue not Aid (it): Ps. 40: 10( II). I have not concealed thy lovingkindness Isa. 3: 9. they hide (it) not. PIEL Future. Gen47:18. We will not Aide (it) from my lord, Jos. 7:19. Aide (it) not from me. ISa. 3:17.1 pray thee hide (it) not from me: — if (Aom Aide (any) thing from me 2Sa.l4:18. Hide not from me, I pray thee, Job 27 : 1 1 . with the Almighty will I not conceal. Ps. 78: 4. We will not Aide (them) from Jer. 38: 14. Aide nothing from me. 25. hide it not from, us, 50: 2. publish, (and) conceal not: * HIPHIL Preterite. * Ex. 23: 23. and Iwill cut them off. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. IK. 13:34. even to cut (it) off, and to destroy HIPHIL.— FM(Mre. 2Ch32:21.the Lord sent an angel, wiAicA cm( off Job 20:12. (though) Ae Aide it under his tongue ; Ps. 83: 4(5). Come, and let us cut them off Zec.ll : 8. Three shepherds also I cut off 1PI3 [kah-'ghad']. * NTPHAL.— Preterite. * *°l> 4: 7. where were the righteous cut off? 22:20. our substance is not cm( doam, Ps. 69: 5(6). my sins are not Aid from thee. 139: 15. My substance was not Aid Hos. 5: 3. Israel is not Aid from me: NIPHAL Future. El. 9:15.and (Aok shalt be cut off from the earth. _ VnS [kah-ghal']. *KAL Preterite. * Eze.23: 40. paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself ET13 kah-ghash'. * KAL.— Preterite. * 24. my flesh faileth of fatness. * NIPHAL Future. # 29. and thine enemies shall be found liars (marg. Ae subdued) *PIEL Preterite. * 2 (5: 21). and lie unto his neighbour 3{~-:22). and lieth concerning it, ; 1 1 . have also stolen, and dissembled :18. (But) Ae lied unto him. : 18. (Aen (it) shall deny him, :28. 1 should have denied the God (that) ; 9. be full, and deny (thee), (marg. belie) : 12. They have belied (lit. lied against) the Lord, : 17. labour of the olive shall fail, (marg. lie) PIEL Infinitive. : 13. transgressing and lying against the Lord, ; 2. By swearing, and lying, and killing, : 4. neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive: (marg. lie) PIEL.— Future. 15. Then Sarah denied, II. Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, : 27. lest ye deny your God. : 44(45 ) . shall submit themselves unto me. (marg. lie; or, yield feigned obedience) : 3. shall thine enemies submit themselves (marg. lie; or, yield feigned obedience) : 15(16). The haters of the Lord should have submitted themselves (marg. lied &c. ) : 2. the new wine shall fail * HITHPAEL Future. * 2Sa.22:45. Strangers shall submit themselves (marg. lie; or, yield feigned obedience) Ps.109Deu33:Lev. 6 Jos. 7 IK. 13 Job 8 31 Pro. 30 Jer. 5 Hab. 3 Isa. 59 Hos. 4 Zec.13 Genl8 Lev.19:Jos. 24 Ps. 18 6681 Hos. 9 &JT13 kah'-'ghash, m. Job 16: 8. my leanness rising up in me QQ2 wra l 59b ) vrj Ps. 59:12(13). and for cursing and lying (which) Hos. 7: 3. and the princes with (Aeir lies. 10: 13. ye have eaten the fruit of lies: 11:12(12:1). compasseth me about with lies, Nah. 3: 1. to the bloody city ! it (is) all full of lies D'^HI keh-ghah-sheem' ', m. pi. Isa. 30: 9. a rebellious people, lying children, '3 kee, m. Isa. 3: 24. burning instead of beauty. 3 kee, part. Gen 1 2 4. And God saw the light, tAat (it was) 3. because that in it he had rested 6. for the Lord God had not caused it to rain 12. When thou tillest the ground, 24. If Gain shall be avenged sevenfold, 25. instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. 15. shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah 36. Is not he rightly named Jacob ? 32. for she said, Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction ; now therefore my 37. Wliereas thou hast searched all my stuff, 12. And he said, Certainly I will be with 11. yet not ought of your work shall be 4. Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, 17. although that (was) near ; for God said, 9. seeing ye were strangers in the land 29. even every man upon his son, 18. The flesh also,)( in which, (lit. for in it) 40. And the man )( whose hair (lit. if his hair) 27. A man also or woman that hath (lit. if there be in them ) 15. Whosoever curseth (lit. a man a man if he curse) 13. except thou make thyself altogether 12. forasmuch as he hath no part 24. too long for thee, so that thou art not 6. pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, — inasmuch as he hated him not 19(18). I shall have peace, though I walk 18. in that they are turned unto other gods. 30. except )( their Rock had sold them, 12. since I have shewed you kindness, 24. Truly the Lord hath delivered 5. Now all the people that came out 1 . heard Aom; Joshua had taken Ai, 21 . And the Lord visited Hannah, 35. nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: 1 . better for me (Aa?* that I should speedily 13.^1ssMredly Solomon thy son shall reign 2. as he that is wise may be profitable 33. whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose; 10. Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield 16. Doubtless thou (art) our father, 22. why (Aen is not the health &c. &c. &c. Observe the meaning of "'S IV Gen49: 10. The sceptre shall not depart... until Shiloh 2Sa. 23:10. smote the Philistines until his hand was 2Ch.26: 15. marvellously helped, till he was strong. For the other combinations of "'S, such as DN >'3, ^3 D2SI, &c., see the respective words -with which it is so joined. T3 \_keed], m. Job 21:20. His eyes shall see Ais destruction, TIT3 [kee-ddhd'], m. Job 41 : 1 9( 1 1 ) . sparks of fire leap out. 17 2729 31 Ex. 35 1013 2332 Lev.13 2024 Nu. 16 Deu 12 1419 29 3132 Jos. 2: 5 10 ISa. 2 15 27 IK. 1 Job 22 34 Isa. 5 63 Jer. 8 |VV3 kee-dohn', m. Jos. 8:18. Stretch out (Ae spear — And Joshua stretched out the spear 26. he stretched out (Ae spear, 1 Sa. 17 : 6. and a target of brass between his shoulders. (marg. or, gorget) 45. with a spear, and with a shield: Job 39:23. the glittering spear and the shield. 41 : 29(21). he laugheth at the shaking of a spear. ler. 6:23. They shall lay hold on bow and spear; 50: 42. They shall hold the bow and the lance: *)iT3 kee-dohr', m. Job 15:24. as a king ready to the bailie. "Vl*3 keey-yohr' , m. . Thou shalt also make a laver & 31 :9 & 35: 16. (Ae laver and his foot. .he made (Ae laver (of) brass, . (Ae laver and his foot, , thou shalt set (Ae laver between , thou shalt anoint (Ae laver . he set (Ae laver between (Ae laver and his foot, he struck (it) into the pan, under (Ae laver (were) undersetters .Then made he ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths : (and ) every laver was four cubits : (and) upon every one of the ten bases one laver. . And Hiram made (Ae lavers, ten lavers on the bases ; and removed (Ae laver from off them ; He made also ten lavers, lavers made he upon the bases ; (marg. or, caldrons) Solomon had made a brasen scaffold, like an hearth of fire Ex. 30 18 28 38 8 39:39 40 7 11 30 Lev 8 11 ISa 2 14 IK. 7 3(1 3840 43 2K. 16 17 2Ch 4 6 14 fi 13 Zee 12 6 ^3 kee-lah'y, m. [see also ^3] Isa. 32: 5. nor the churl said (to be) bountiful. OVIST'S keh-lap-pohth' , f. pi. Ps. 74: 6. with axes and hammers. H^S kee-mah' , f. Job 9: 9. maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, 38: 31. the sweet influences of Pleiades, Am. 5: 8. (him) that maketh (Ae seven stars D\3 kees, m. Deu 25: 13. Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers Pro. 1 : 14. let us all have one purse : 16 : 1 1 . all the weights of the bag 23:31. (3713) when it giveth his colour in the cup, Isa. 46: 6. They lavish gold om( o/(Ae bag, Mic. 6 -.Il.and with the bag of deceitful weights .' D^S kee-rah'-yim, m. dual. Lev.l 1 : 35. oven, or ranges for pots, li£2^3 kee-shohr' , m. Pro.31 : 19. She layeth her hands to the spindle, roD ( 597 ) PI33 k ah' -chah, part. Ex. 12:11. And thus shall ye eat it ; Nu. 15:12. so shall ye do to every one 2Chl8:19. And one spake saying a/(ei- this manner, and another saying after that manner. Est. 9:26. they had seen concerning (Ais matter, Jer. 19:11. Even so will I break this people HoslO: 15. So shall Beth-el do unto you &c. With prefix rOStt? Ps. 144: 15. Happy (is that) people, (Aa( is in sucA a case Cant.5: 9. that thou dost so charge us ? 133 kik-kaW, f. Genl3: 19: Ex.25; 29: 37: Deu 34 Jud. 8 ISa. 2 10 2Sa.l2 18 IK. 7 9: 1016: 20 2K. 5: ICh 1619 20 22 29: 4, 7. 2(Jh 3: 8 4:17 8:18 9: 9 13 25: 6 9 27: 5 36: 3 Ezr 8:26 Ne! 3:22 12:28 Est. 3: 9 Pro 6:26 Jer. Jec 37:21 5: 7 , 11. all theplain 0/ Jordan, .the cities of (Ae plain, .neither stay thou in all the plain; .and all the plain, . all the land of (Ae plain, the cities of theplain, a talent o/pure gold . And one loaf of bread, a talent of pure gold .twenty and nine talents, an hundred talents, the hundred talents of silver the hundred talents, a talent for a socket. brass of the offering (was) seventy talents, . the plain of the valley Give, I pray you, loaves 0/ bread . and a morsel of bread, another carrying three loaves of bread, . a talent of gold ,by the way of (Ae plain, In the plain of Jordan sixscore talents of gold. four hundred and twenty talents, an hundred and twenty talents of gold, six hundred threescore and six talents the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents thou shalt pay a talent of silver. and took with him ten talents of silver, give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, And Naaman said.,. ..take two talents. And he urged him, and bound two talents of a thousand talents of silver, three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold. an hundred talents of silver, and a talent to every one a loaf of bread, a thousand talents of silver a talent of gold, an hundred thousand talents of cold, and a thousand thousand talents ofsilver ; three thousand talents of gold, seven thousand talents 0/ refined silver, of gold five thousand talents of silver ten thousand talents, and of brass eighteen thousand talents, and one hundred thousand talents of iron. (amounting) to six hundred talents. In the plain of Jordan four hundred and fifty talents of gold, an hundred and twenty talents oj gold, six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold; an hundred talents of silver. the hundred talents which 1 have given an hundred talents of silver, an hundred talents of silver and a talent of six hundred and fifty talents of silver, and silver vessels an hundred talents, (and) of gold an hundred talents; the men of (Ae plain. theplain country I will pay ten thousand talents of apiece 0/ bread: apiece of bread there was lifted up a talent of lead: (marg, or, weighty piece) kak-h'reen! ', Ch. f. pi. Ezr. 7:22. Unto an hundred talents ofsilver, /2 kohl, part. Properly a noun, but used very extensively as a particle. : 17. shalt thou eat (of) it all the days of :17. every thing that (is) in the earth shall die, : 4. every living substance that I have made :19. whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, :33. every one that (is) not speckled :ll.because I have enough, (lit. all) : 6. the whole assembly of the congregation : 23. and )( that which remaineth over lay : 5. whosoever (is) of a willing heart, 22. as jnany as were willing hearted, 35. to work all manner 0/ work, : 27. that eateth any manner of 'blood, :27. whoso toucheth their carcase shall be :35. thirty and two thousand persons in all, : 23. the likeness of any (thing), :35. if 1 taste bread, or ought else, : 5(6). everyman at hisbeststate (is)a((o^e(Aer : l.(Ae whole stay of bread, and the whole 1 9. give ear, all ye of far countries : ; 32. And (in) every place where the grounded staff shall pass, (marg. every passing of the rod founded) ; 7. every one that is called by my name: ; 7. howsoever (lit all that) 1 punished &c. &c. &c. Gen 3 6 7 8 30 33 Ex. 12 16 35 Lev . 7 11 Nu.31 Deu 4 2Sa 3 Ps. 39 Isa. 3 30 43 Zep 3 It is sometimes combined in translation with an accompanying negative : — Gen II : 6. nothing will be restrained from them, Pro. 13: 7. maketh himself rich, yet (hath) nothing : &c. It is often found with the article and with other prefixes, the meaning of the word itself being unchanged. The pronominal suffixes with which it is also often combined, do not influence the meaning of the word itself. ^3 kohl, Ch. ^ b3p-b3 or TVft "p "D marked 2. Ezr. 4:14. Now because 2 we have 20. which have ruled over all (countries) 5: 7. Unto Darius the king, all peace. 6 : 1 1 . a decree, that whosoever shall alter this 12. destroy all kings and people, 17. for a sin offering for all Israel, 7 : 1 3. a decree, that all they of the people of 14. Forasmuch as2 thou art sent 16. And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of' 17. That2 thou mayest buy 2 1 . do make a decree to all the treasurers which (are) beyond the river, that whatsoever 23. Wliatsoever is commanded by the God 24. that touching any of the priests 25. judges, which may judge all the people that (are) beyond the river, all such as 26. And whosoever will not do the law Dan 2: 8. because2 ye see the thing 10. therefore2 (there is) no (lit. not any) king, lord, nor ruler, (that) asked such things at any magician, or 12. For this cause2 the king — commanded to destroy all the wise 24. Therefore2 Daniel went in 30. that I have more than any living, 3d. that no (lit. any not) place was found for — a great mountain, and filled the whole 38. And wheresoever the children of men and hath made thee ruler over them all. 39. which shall bear rule over all the earth. 40. forasmuch as 2 iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all (things): and as iron that breaketh all these, ¦» ( 598 ) rfo Dan 2: 41. forasmuch as2 thou sawest the iron 44. and consume all these kingdoms, 45. Forasmuch as2 thou sawest that the stone 48. made him ruler over the u;AoZe province — over all the wise (men) of Babylon. 3: 2, 3. and all the rulers of the provinces, 5, 7, 10, 15. and all kinds of musick, 7. Therefore2 at that time, when all the people heard the sound — all the people, the nations, 8. Wherefore2 at that time 10. that every man that shall hear 22. Therefore2 because the 28. that they might not serve nor worship any 29. That every people, nation, and language, — because 2 there is no other 4: 1(3:31). unto all people, nations, and lan guages, that dwell iji all the earth ; 6(3). to bring in all the wise (men) 9(6). ajid no secret troubleth thee, 11(8). thereof to the end of all the earth: 12(95,21(18). and in it (was) meat for all: — (—).all flesh was fed of it. 18(15). forasmuch as2 all the wise (men) 20(17). and the sight thereof to all the earth ; 28(25 )..All this came upon the king 35(32L.4nda/Zthe inhabitants of the earth 37(34). all whose works (are) truth, 5: 7. Whosoever (lit. any man that) shall read 8. Then came in all the king's wise (men) : 12. Forasmuch as2 an excellent spirit, 19. all people, nations, and languages, 22. though2 thou knewest all 23. and whose (are) all thy ways, 6: 1(2). which should, be over the whole 3(4). because2 an excellent — (-).to set him over the whole realm. 4(5) . but they could find none (lit. not any) — (-). forasmuch as 2 he (was ) faithful, neither was there any error or 5(6). We shall not find any occasion against 7(8). All the presidents of the kingdom, — (-). that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, 9(10). Wherefore2 king Darius 1 0( 1 1 ) . as 2 he did aforetime. 12(l3).that every man that shall ask (a peti tion) of any God or man 15n6).That no (lit. not any) decree nor 22(23). forasmuch as2 before him innocency 23(24). and no manner of hurt was found 24(25). and brake all their bones in pieces 25(26). unto all people, nations, and lan guages, that dwell in all the earth ; 26(27 ). That in every dominion of my 7: 7. it (was) diverse from all the beasts 14.(Aa( all people, nations, and languages, 16. and asked him the truth of all this. 19. which was diverse from all the others, 23. which shall be diverse from all kingdoms. and shall devour the whole earth, 27. the kingdom under the whole heaven, — and all dominions shall serve and obey N^S [klih-ldh']. # KAL Preterite. * ISa. 6:10. and sAm( up their calves at home: 25:33^A«s( Aep( me this day Ps. 119: 101. /Aaue refrained my feet Jer. 32: 3. Zedekiah... Aad sA:t( him up, Hag 1 : 10. the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed (from) her fruit. KAL Infinitive. Ecc. 8: 8. hath power over the spirit to retain KAL. — Imperative. Nu. 1 1 : 28. My lord Moses, forbid them. KAL Future. Gen23: 6. none of us sAa/( withhold from thee Ps. 40 :_ 9(10). I have not refrained my lips, 11(12). Withhold not (Aom thy tender mercies Isa. 43: 6. Keep not back: KAL.— Participle. Paiil. Ps. 88: 8(9).(I am) shut up, and I cannot come Jer. 32: 2. Jeremiah the prophet was «Am( up * NIPHAL Future. * Gen 8: 2. and the rain from heaven was restrained; Ex. 36: 6. So the people Miere restrained Eze.31 : 15. and the great waters were stayed : * PIEL Infinitive. * Dan 9:24. to finish the transgression, (marg. or, re strain) N. B. See also H v3, with which this word is T T connected in forms, as well as often in signifi cation. fc& '3 keh'-leh, m. 1 K.22:27.Put this (fellow) in (Ae prison, (lit. house of restraint) 2K. 17: 4. him in prison, (lit. house of restraint) 25: 27. out of prison; (lit. house of restraint) 29. And changed Ais prison garments: 2Ch 18:26. Put this (fellow) in (Ae prison, (lit. house of restraint) Isa. 42: 7. out of the prison house. 22. they are hid in prison houses: Jer. 37 : 15. that (Ae prison, (lit. the house of restraint) 18. ye have put me in prison ? (lit. id. ) 52: 33. And changed his prison garments: D?N?3 kil-ah'-yim, dual. Lev.l9:19. gender with a diversehind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed : neither shall a garment mingled of linen and Deu 22 : 9. Thou shalt not sow . . . M?i(A divers seeds : 373 keh'-lev, m. Ex. 11 : 7. shall not a dog move his tongue, 22:31(30). ye shall cast it to the dogs. Deu 23 :18(19).the price of a dog, Jud. 7 : 5. as a dog lappeth, ISa. 17:43. (Am) I a dog, that thou comest to me 24: 14(15). after a dead dog, 2Sa. 3: 8. (Am) I a dog's head, 9: 8. such a dead dog as I (am) ? 16: 9. Why should this dead dog curse IK. 14:11. dieth of Jeroboam... shall (Ae dogs eat ; 16:4. dieth of Baasha ... shall (Ae dogs eat ; 21: 19. where dogs licked the blood of Naboth , shall dogs lick thy blood, 23. TAe dogs shall eat Jezebel 24. Him that dieth of Ahab ... (Ae dogs shall 22: 38. (Ae do^rs licked up his blood ; 2K. 8:13. (is) thy servant a dog, 9:10. (Ae dogs shall eat Jezebel 36. shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: Job. 30: l.the dogs of my Hock. Ps. 22:16(17).For dogs have compassed me: 20(21). from the power of (Ae dog. 59: 6(7). they make a noise like a dog, 14( 15). let them make a noise like a dog, 68: 23(24). the tongue of thy dogs Pro-26:ll.ils a dog returneth to his vomit, 17. one that taketh a dog by the ears. Ecc. 9: 4. a living dog is better than a dead lion. Isa. 56: 10. they (are) all dumb dogs, 1 1 . Yea, (they are) greedy dogs 66: 3. he cut off a dog's neck ; Jer. 15 : 3. and (Ae dogs to tear, H73 kah-lah' * KAL.— Preterite. * lSa.20: 7. evil is determined by him. 9. evil mere determined by my father 25: 17. evil is determined against our master, e finished rfa ( 599 ) rbz IK. 17: 16. the barrel of meal wasted not, Est. 7: 7. (Aere jvas evil determined against him Job 7: 9. (As) the cloud is consumed 19:27. my reins be conswned Ps. 31: 10(11). my life is spent with grief, 37: 20. they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away. 39:10(11). I am cojisumedhy the blow of 69: 3(4). mine eyes fail while I wait 73 : 26. My flesh and my heart faileth : 84: 2(3). My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth 90: 7. we are consumed by thine anger, 102: 3(4). my days are consumed 119:81. My soul/am(e(A for thy salvation: 82. Mine eyes fail for thy word, 123. Mine eyes/ai7 for thy salvation, 143: 7.0 Lord: my spirit faileth: Isa. 10:25. and the indignation shall cease, 15: 6. the grass faueth, 16 : 4. the spoiler cease(A, 21 : 16. and all the glory of Kedar shall fail : 24: 13. when the vintage is done. 29:20. and the scorner is consumed, 32: 10. the vintage shaU fail, Jer. 8:20. the summer is ended, 14: 6. their eyes did fail, Lam 2:11. Mine eyes do fail with tears, 3:22. his compassions fail not. Eze. 5:13. Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, 13: 14. and ye shall be consumed in tbe midst Danll:36.till the indignation be accomplished: Mai 3: 6. ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. KAL. — Infinitive. Ru. 2:23. unto (Ae end o/barley harvest lCh.28: 20. until thou hast finished all the work 2Ch. 8:16. until it was finished. 29:28. until the burnt offering was finished. 34. till the work was ended, 36:22. that the word of the Lord... might be accomplished, Ezr. 1: 1. (Aa( the word of the Lord... might be fulfilled, Ps. 71 : 9. when my strength faileth. Pro 5: 11. when thy flesh and thy body are consumed, Jer.44:27. until (Aere be an end of them. KAL. — Future. Gen2I : 15. And the water was spent in the bottle, 41:53. And the seven years of plenteousness,... were ended. Ex. 39:32. Thus was all the work... finished: IK. 17:14. The barrel of meal sAaZ( not waste, Job 4: 9. breath of his nostrils are they consumed. 7: 6. and are spent without hope. 11:20. the eyes of the wicked shall fail, 17: 5. the eyes of his children shall fail. 33:21. His flesh is consumed away, Ps. 71: 13. Let them be confounded (and) consumed Pro.22: S.the rod of his anger shall fail. Isa. 1:28. that forsake the Lord shall be consumed. 31: 3. they all shall fail together. Jer. 16: 4. they shall be consumed 2Q-AS. that my days should be consumed Lam 4: 17. our eyes as yet failed Eze. 5:12. with famine shall they be consumed Dan 12: 7.all these (things) shall be finished. * PIEL.— Preterite.* Genl8:33.as soon as Ae Aad left communing 24:15. before Ae Aad done speaking, 19. until they have done drinking. 22. as the camels Aad done drinking, 27:30. as soon as Isaac Aad made an ejid 41 :30. and the famine shall consume the land ; 43: 2. when they had eaten up (lit. Aad made an end of eating) the corn 44:12. began at the eldest, and left at the Ex. 5:14. Wherefore have ye not fulfilled 33: 5. 1 will come up.. .and consume thee: i-ev,16:20. And a;Aen Ae hath made an end Nu. 4; 15. And when Aaron and his sons have made aji end 25:11. 1 consumed not the children of Israel Jos. 24:20. he will turn. ..and consume you, •tod. 3:18. when Ae Aad made an end to offer Ru. 2: 21. until they have ended all my harvest. 3: 18. until Ae have finished the thing 2Sa.21 : 5. The man that consumed us, IK. 1:41. as they had made an end of eating. I Ch 27 :24. Joab. . .began to number, but he finished not 2Ch 8: 8. whom the children of Israel consumed not, 29:17.in the sixteenth day. ..they made an end. 31: 7. and finished {them) in the seventh month. Ps. 90: 9. we spend our years as a tale (that is told). 119:87. They had almost consumed me Pro.l6:30.moving his lips Ae bringeth evil to pass. Isa. 27 : 10. and consume the branches thereof. 49: 4. 1 have spent my strength for nought, Jer. 5: 3. thou hast consumed them, Lam. 2:22. hath mine enemy consumed. 4:11. The Lord Aa(A accomplished his fury ; Eze. 4: 6. And when thou hast accomplished 6:12. thus will I accomplish my fury 7 : 8. and accomplish mine anger upon thee : 13:15. TAws will I accomplish my wrath 22:31 . 1 have consumed them with the fire 42: 15. Now when he had made an end of IIos.l 1 : 6. and shall consume his branches, Am. 7 : 2. when they had made an end of eating Zee. 5: 4. and shall consume it with the timber PIEL Infinitive. 3x. 31 : 18. when he had made an end of communing 32 : 1 2. and to consume them from the face of the Lev.26:44.(o destroy them utterly, J Nu. 7 : 1. Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, 16:31. as he had made an end of speaking Deu 7: 22. thou mayest not consume them 20 : 9. when the officers Aaue made an end 28: 21. until Ae have consumed thee 31 : 24. when Moses Aad made an end Jos. 8 :24. zaAen Israel Aad made an end of slaying 10:20. when Joshua.. .Aad made an end JucL15:17. wAen Ae Aad made an end of speakingj Ru. 3: 3. until Ae shall have done eating ISa. 2:33.(o consume thine eyes, 3:12. Iwill also make an end. (marg. and ending) 13: 10. as soon as he had made an end 15: 18. until they be consumed. 18: l.when he had made an end of speaking 24:16(17). when David Aad made an end 2Sa.ll : 19. When thou hast made an end 13:36. as soon as he had made an end 22:38. until I had consumed them. 1 K. 3:1. until he had made an end 8:54.when Solomon Aad made an end 9 : 1 . when Solomon had finished the building 22: II. until thou have consumed them. 2K. 10:25. as soon as he had made an end 13: 17. till thou have consumed (them). 19. till thou Aads( consumed (it): 2Ch 7 : 1. Now when Solomon Aad made an end 18 : 10. until they be consumed. 20:23. and when they had made an end 24: 10. until they had made an end. 14. And when they had finished (it), 29:29. And when they Aad made an end 31 : l.Now when all this was finished, — until they had utterly destroyed them all. Ezr. 9: 1. Now when these things were done, 14. till (Aow hadst consumed (us), Ps. 18:37(38). till they were consumed. Jer. 9 : 16( 15 ). till / have consumed them . 26 : 8 & 43 : 1. u?Aen Jeremiah Aad made an end 49 : 37 . till I have consumed them : 51 :63. when thou hast made an end Eze. 4: 8. till (Aom Aas( ended the days of 5 : 13. when I have accomplished my fury 20: 8, 21. to accomplish my anger 13. would pour out my fury... to consume thejn. 43: 23. When (Aou Aas( made an end Dan 12 : 7. and when he shall have accomplished Ex. PIEL. — Imperative. 5:13. Fulfil your works, (your) daily tasks, Ps. 59:13(14). Consume (them) in wrath, consume (them), that they (may) not (be) : 74: 11. thy right hand? pluck (it) out PIEL.— Future. Gen 2: 2. And on the seventh day God ended 6:16. in a cubit sAa/( thou finish it 17:22.Andhe left off talking 24:19. And when she had done giving him drink, nk Gen 24: 45. before I had done speaking 49:33. And when Jacob Aad made an end Ex. 32:10.(Aa( I may consume them: 33: 3. lest I consume thee in the way. 34:33. And (till) Moses Aad done speaking 40:33. So Moses finished the work. Lev.19: 9. (Aom sAaZ( not wholly reap the corners of 23 : 22. (Aom sAaft not maAe clean riddance of Nu. 16:21. (Aa( I may consume them in a moment. 45(17: 10). (Aa( I may consume them as in a 17: 10(25). and thou shalt quite take away their Deu 26 : 1 2. When (Aom Aas( made an end of tithing 32 : 23. / will spend mine arrows upon them. 45. And Moses made an end of speaking Jos. 19:49. When they had made an end of dividing 51 . So they made an end of dividing the 1 Sa. 1 0 : 13. when he had made an end of prophesying, 2Sa. 6 : 18. as soon as David Aad made an end of 13:39. And (the soul of) king David (onjred 22:39. And I have consumed them, IK. 6: 9. he built the house, and finished it; 1 4. Solomon built the house, and finished it. 7: 1 . and he finished all his house. 40. So Hiram made an end 1 Ch 1 6 : 2. And when David Aad made an end 2Ch 4:11. And Huram finished the work (marg. finished to make) 7:11. TAms Solomon finished the house Ezr.10: 17 . And they made an end Neh 4: 2(3 : 34). will they make an end in a day ? Job 21:13. They spend their days in wealth, 31 :16.Aa»e caused the eyes of the widow to fail; 36 : 1 1 . (Aey sAaa* spend their days in prosperity, Ps. 78:33. Therefore their days did he consume Isa. 10: 18. And shall consume the glory of Jer. 10:25. and devoured him, and consumed him, Eze. 43: 8. wherefore I have consumed them 27. And when these days are expired, PIEL.— Participle. Lev.26:16.(Aa( shall consume the eyes, Job 9:22. He destroyeth the perfect and the wicked. Jer. 14: 12. 1 will consume them by the sword, *PUAL Preterite. * Ps. 72: 20. The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. PU AL. —Future. Gen 2: I. 7%ms the heavens andthe earth were^wisAed, rN. B. See also W?3, and the note at the end of the passages under that word.] ( 600 ) ^3 rta kal-lah', f. 31 . and Sarai Ais daughter in law, 1 1 . said Judah to Tamar Ats daughter in law, 16. not that she (was) his daughter in law. 24. Tamar thy daughter in law hath played 15. the nakedness of thy daughter in law: 12. if a man lie with his daughter in law, 6. she arose with her daughters in law, 7 .her two daughters in law with her ; 8. Naomi said unto Aer two daughters in law, 22. and Ruth... Aer daughter in law, 20. Naomi said unto her daughter in law, 22. Ruth Aer daughter in law, lb. thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, 19. And his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, ; 4. Tamar his daughter in law : 8. with me from Lebanon, (my) spouse, 9. ravished my heart, my sister, (my)spouse; 10. fair is thy love, my sister, (my) spouse! 11. Thy lips, O (my) spouse, 12. inclosed (is) my sister, (my) spouse; 5: 1. into my garden, my sister, (my) spouse: Isa. 49: 18. bind them (on thee), as a bride (doeth), 61 : 10. and as a bride adorn eth (herself) 62: 5. the bridegroom rejoiceth over (Ae bride, Jer. 2: 32. a maid forget her ornaments, (or) a bride 7 : 34 & 16:9 & 25 : 10 & 33: 11. voice of (Ae bride: Eze. 22 : 1 1 . defiled his daughter in law; Hos. 4:13. and your spouses shall commit adultery. 14. your spouses when they commit adultery: Joel 2: 16. and the bride out of her closet. Mic. 7 : 6. (Ae daughter in law against her mother in GenI8:Ex. 11: ISa. 20 2Chl2:Neh. 9: Isa. 10 28: Jer. 4:5: 30 46 Eze.l 1: 13: 20: Dan. 9: 11: Nah. 1 : Zep. 1: Th2kak-lah', f. T T ' 21 . whether they have done altogether I. thrust you out hence altogether. 33. Jonathan knew that it was determined 12. he would not destroy (him) altogether: 31. thou didst not utterly consume them, (lit. madest not a destruction) 23. the Lord... shall make a consumption, 22. a consumption, even determined 27. yet will I not make a full end. 10. but make not a full end: 18. 1 will not make a full end 1 1 . though I make a full end — yet will I not make a full end 28. 1 will make a full end — I will not make a full end 13. Ah Lord God ! wilt thou make a full end 13. great hailstones in (my) fury to consume 17. neither did I make an end of them 27. until (Ae consummation, 16. which by his hand shall be consumed, (lit. and destruction in his hand) 8. he will make an utter end 9. he will make an utter end: 18. he shall make even a speedy riddance Genii 38 Lev.18 20 Ru. 1 4 ISa. 4 ICh 2 Cant. 4 tvb$ k'loo, m. (np) Jer. 37: 4. they had not put him into prison, (lit, house of restraint) 52: 31. brought him forth out of prison, (lit. house of restraint) 3^3 k'loov, m. Jer. 5 Am. 8: 27. As a cage (marg. or, coop) is full of birds, 1, 2. a basket of summer fruit. rifob$ [k'loo-ldhth'l f. pi. Jer. 2 : 2. the love of (Aine espousals, rP3 keh'-la'gh, m. Job 5:26. shalt come to (thy) grave in afullage, 30: 2. in whom old age was perished? H73 [kah-leh'], adj. Deu28:32. thine eyes shall look, and fail v3 keh-lah'y, m. [see also v^Sl Isa. 32: 7. The instruments also of the churl v3 k'lee, m. Gen24:53.the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels o/gold, 27: 3. therefore take, 1 pray thee, thy weapons, 31 :37.thou hast searched, all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy houshold stuff? 42:25. Joseph commanded to fill (Aeir sacAs 43 : 1 1 . take of the best fruits . . . in your vessels, 45:20. Also regard not your stuff; 49: 5. instruments of cruelty (are in) their Ex. 3:22. shall borrow., .jewels of silver, andjewelsof 11:2. neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of 12: 35. borrowed... jewels ofsilver, and jewels of 22: 7(6). money or stuff to keep, 25: 9. all (Ae instruments thereof, 39. with all these vessels. 27 : 3. all (Ae vessels thereof 19. All the „»*«»/« nftho tnham,...!. ^3 ( 601 ) Ex. 30:27. all Ais vessels, and the candlestick and Ais ISa. 8 28. the altar.. .with all Ais vessels, 31: 7. all (Ae furniture o/the tabernacle, (marg. 40: Lev. 6 11:32, 13 Nu. 1 3 Deu 1 2223 Jos. 6 Jud 7 9 18 Ru. 2 ISa. 6 8. the table and his furniture, and the pure candlestick with all his furniture, 9. the altar... with all his furniture, 13. The table,. ..and all Ais vessels, 14. The candlestick... and his furniture, 16. his staves, and all his vessels, 22.aU. jewels of gold: 16. he made (Ae vessels 24. all (Ae vessels thereof. 3, 30. all (Ae vessels of the altar, — all (Ae vessels thereof 33. all his furniture, 36. The table, (and) all (Ae vessels thereof 37. all (Ae vessels thereof, 39. his staves, and all his vessels, 40. all (Ae vessels of the service 9. all (Ae vessels thereof: 10. the altar.. .and all his vessels, ;28(21).jBm( (Ae earthen vessel wherein it is — ( — ). and if it be sodden in a brasen pot, 11. the altar and all Ais vessels, any vessel of wood, — whatsoever vessel (it be), 33. every earthen vessel, 34. in every (such) vessel 49. in any thing of skin ; (marg. vessel, or, instrument) 52. or any thing o/skin, 53, 57. or in any thing o/skin ; 58. whatsoever thing o/skin (it be), 59. or any thing of skins , , 5, 50. in an earthen vessel 4. every thing, whereon he sitteth, 6. he that sitteth on (any) thing 12. And the vessel of earth, — and every vessel o/wood 22. whosoever toucheth any thing 23. any thing whereon she sitteth, 26. whatsoever (lit. what thing soever) she 50, 50. all (Ae vessels thereof, : 8. all (Ae instruments of the tabernacle 31. and the vessels of the sanctuary 36. all (Ae vessels thereof, : 9. all (Ae oil vessels thereof, 10. all (Ae vessels thereof 12. all (Ae instruments of ministry, 14, all (Ae vessels thereof, — all (Ae vessels of fhe altar ; 15. all (Ae vessels of the sanctuary, 16. and in the vessels thereof. 26. the instruments of their service, 32. all (Aeir instruments, — (Ae instruments of the charge ;17. in an earthen vessel ; : LalKAe instruments thereof, both the altar and all (Ae vessels thereof, 85. all (Ae silver vessels : 3. (Ae vessels of the sanctuary : 15. And every open vessel, 17. water shall be put thereto in a vessel: IS. and upon all (Ae vessels, ¦ 6. with the holy instruments, 20. all that is made of skins, — all thijigs made of wood. 50. jewels o/gold, chains, and bracelets, 51. all wrought jewels. 16. with an instrument of iron, 18. with an hand weapon of wood, 22. or have cast upon him any thing 41 . every man his weapons of war, 5. that which pertaineth unto a man, 24(25). thou shalt not put (any) in thy vessel. 19. and vessels of brass and iron, 24. and the vessels of brass and of iron, 1 1 . among their own stuff. 54. the young man Ais armowrbearer, 1 1. six hundred men appointed with weapons of 16. men appointed with their weapons of 17. appointed with weapons of war. ¦ 9. go unto (Ae vessels, and drink : 8. and put (Ae jewels of gold, ...in a coffer 15.the coffer... wherein the jewels of gold 2Sa. 1: 1718 2324 IK. 6 7 151719 2K. 4 7 111214 20232425 ICh. 9 10 18 28 2Ch. 4 ^3 : 12. to make his instrumejits of war, and in strumejits ofhis chariots. : 7. the bread is spent in our vessels, :22.he hath hid himself among (Ae stuff. : 1, 6. the young man that bare Ais armour, 7. Ais armowrbearer said unto him, 12. Jonathan and Ais armowrbearer, — Jonathan said unto Ais armonrbearer, 13. and Ais armowrbearer after him: — and Ais armowrbearer slew after him. 14, 17. Jonathan and Ais armowrbearer :2I .and he became his armowrbearer. : 22. David left his carriage (marg. vessels) in the hand of the keeper of (Ae carriage, 40. them in a shepherd's bag (marg. vessel) 49. David put his hand in his bag, 54. he put Ais armour in his tent. ; 40. Jonathan gave Ais artillery unto his lad, ; 5(6). (Ae vessels of the young men are holy, — ( — ). sanctified this day in the vessel. 8(9) . broughtmy sword nor my weapons 13. two hundred abode by (Ae stuff. 24. that tarrieth by (Ae stuff: 4. said Saul unto Ais armowrbearer, — But Ms armouj-bearer would not ; 5. when Ais armowrbearer saw 6. and Ais armowrbearer, 9. and stripped off Ais armour, 10. they put Ais armour in the house 27. and (Ae weapons of war perished ! 10. vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and vessels 0/ brass: 28. beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, 15. young men that bare Joab's armour 37 . armourbearer to Joab 22. and (other) instruments o/the oxen 7. (nor) any tool o/iron heard in the house, 45. and all these vessels, 47. Solomon left all (Ae vessels (unweighed), 48. Solomon made all (Ae vessels 51. gold, and (Ae vessels, did he put among 4. all (Ae holy vessels 21. king Solomon's drinking vessels — and all (Ae vessels o/the house of 25. vessels 0/ silver, and vessels of gold, 15. silver, and gold, and vessels. 10. a little water in a vessel, 21. and boiled their flesh with the instruments of 3. Go, borrow thee vessels — (even) empty vessels ; 4. pour out into all those vessels, 6. when (Ae vessels were full, — Bring me yet a vessel. — (There is) not a vessel more. 15. full of garments and vessels, 8, 1 1. every man w;i(A Ais weapons 13(14). any vessels of gold, or vessels 0/ silver, 14. all (Ae vessels that were found 13. of Ais armour, (marg. vessels, or, jewels) 4. all the vessels that were made 13. all (Ae vessels o/gold 14. all (Ae vessels o/brass 16. of all these vessels was without weight. 28. (Ae ministering vessels, 29. the vessels, and all (Ae instruments of the 4. Then said Saul to Ais armowrbearer, — But Ais armowrbearer would not ; 5. when Ais armowrbearer saw 9. they took his head, and Ais armour, 10. they put Ais armour in the house of 39. the armowrbearer of Joab 33. all instruments of war, 37. all manner of instruments of war 16. with instruments o/musick, 5. with psalteries (marg. with instruments of psalteries) and with harps ; 42. and with musical instruments 8. and (Ae vessels o/brass. JO. all manner of vessels o/gold 19. and the holy vessels of God, 5. with the instruments which I made, 26. any vessels of it for the service 13. all (Ae vessels of service 14. gold, for all instruments of all manner of service ; (silver also) for all instruments 0/ silver by weight, for all instruments of ,16. and all (Aeir instruments, *ta ( 602 ) ^2 2Ch. 4 5 20 Ezr. I: 8 Neh 10 12 13 Est. 1 Job 28 Ps. 2 7 31 71 Pro.20 25 Ecc. 9 Isa. 10 1318 22 32 39 52 54 6165 66 Jer. 14 18 19 21 18. Thus Solomon made all these vessels 19. Solomon made all (Ae vessels 1 . and all (Ae instrumejits, 5. all (Ae holy vessels 13. and instruments o/musick, 6. with instruments of musick 20. all (Ae drinking vessels of king Solomon (were of) gold, and all (Ae vessels of 24. vessels of silver, and vessels o/gold, 18. silver, and gold, and vessels. 25. and preciousjewe/s, 7. every man w;i(A Ais weapons 13. with instruments o/musick, 14. vessels for the house of the Lord, (even) vessels to minister, and to offer (withal), and spoons, and vessels of gold and 24. all (Ae vessels that were found in 24. (Ae vessels of the house of God, and cut in pieces (Ae vessels of the house of 18. with all (Ae vessels thereof, and the shew- bread table, with all (Ae vessels thereof. 19. Moreover all (Ae vessels, 26. the Levites stood w;i(A (Ae instruments of 27. with (Ae instruments (ordained) by 21. (singing) with loud instruments -. 27. all manner of pleasant jewels; (marg. instruments of desire) 12. that could skill of instruments o/musick. 7. Nebuchadnezzar also carried o/(Ae vesselsof 10. the goodly vessels of the house of 18. all (Ae vessels of the house of God, 19. all (Ae goodly vessels thereof. 6. with vessels of silver, 7. (Ae vessels of the house of the Lord, 10. other vessels a thousand. 11. All (Ae vessels of gold 25. the silver, and the gold, and (Ae vessels, 26. and silver vessels an hundred 27. and two vessels of fine copper, 28. (Ae vessels (are) holy also ; 30. and the gold, and the vessels, 33. the silver and the gold and the vessels : 39(40). the vessels of the sanctuary, :36.ioi(A (Ae musical instruments o/David 5. the frankincense, and the vessels, 8. all (Ae houshold stuff 9. (Ae vessels of the house of God, 7. gave (them) drink in vessels of gold, (Ae vessels being diverse one from another, (lit. and vessels different from vesseb) \7.jewels o/fine gold. : 9. like a potter's vessel. : 13(14). (Ae instruments of death ; : 12( 13) . I am ZiAe a broken vessel. :22.I will also praise thee with the psaltery, (marg. with the instrument of psaltery) : 15. but the lips of knowledge (are) a precious jewel. 4. there shall come forth a vessel for the 18. "Wisdom (is) better (Aan weapons of war: :28. he hath laid up Ais carriages : b.and the iveapons o/his indignation, 2. even in vessels of bulrushes 24. all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all (Ae vessels of flagons. (marg. or, instruments of viols) 7. TAe instruments also of the churl 2. all the house of Ais armour, (marg. vessels, or, instrujnents, or, jewels) 11. (Ae vessels of the Lord. : 16. an instrument for his work ; 17. No weapon that is formed against thee :10.adorneth (herself) with her jewels. 4. of abominable (things is in) (Aeir vessels, 20. an offering in a clean vessel 3. they returned with (Aeir vessels empty; 4. (Ae vessel that he made of clay — he made it again another vessel, : 1 1 . as ( one) breaketh a potter's vessel, 4. 1 will turn back (Ae weapons of war 7. every one with his weapons : 28. a vessel wherein (is) no pleasure? 34. ye shall fall ZiAe a pleasant vessel. 16. the vessels of fhe Lord's house 18. (Ae vessels which are left 19. and concerning the residue of (Ae vessels 21. concerning (Ae vessels that remain Jer. 28 32;4046: 48 49 5051 52: Eze. 4 9 12 3. bring again into this place all (Ae vessels of 6. the vessels of the Lord's house, 14. and put them in an earthen vessel, 10. and put (them) in your vessels, 19.fumish thyself to go into captivity: (marg. make thee instruments of captivity ) 11. hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel 12. and shall empty Ais vessels, 38. 1 have broken Moab like a vessel 29. all (Aeir vessels, and their camels ; 25. (Ae weapons of his indignation: 20. (art) my battle ax (and) weapons o/war: 34. he hath made me aji empty vessel, 18. all (Ae vessels o/brass wherewith they 20. the brass of all these vessels 9. and put them in one vessel, l.his destroying weapon in his hand. 2. every man a slaughter weapon in his hand ; 3. stuff (rnarg. instruments) for removing, 4. Then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff — as stuff for removing: 7. 1 brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for 15: 3. to hang any vessel thereon? 16: 17. Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels 39. and shall take thy fair jewels, (marg. in strujnents of thine ornament) 23:26. and take away thy fair jewels. 27: 13. and vessels o/brass in thy market. 32:27. with their weapons of war: 40:42. (Ae instruments wherewith they slew Dan 1: 2. (Ae vessels of the house of God: — he brought (Ae vessels into the treasure 11: 8. their precious vessels of silver Hos 8: 8. as a vessel wherein (is) no pleasure. 13:15. the treasure of all pleasant vessels. Am. 6: 5. invent to themselvesins(rwmem*s o/musick, Jon. 1 : 5. and cast forth (Ae wares Nah 2: 9(10).all(Aepleasanti/wrni(wre.(marg.uesse& of desire) Zee 11 : 15. (Ae instruments of a foolish shepherd. K^3 ?3 k'lee, m. (avo) Jer. 37 : 4. for they had not put him into prison, (lit. house of restraint) 52: 31. brought him forth out of prison, (lit. id.) PY3 kil-lah-yohn' , m. Deu 28 : 65. a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, Isa. 10:22.(Ae consumption decreed ni^3 Vlah-yohth', f. pi. Ex. 29 Lev. 3 4; 7; Deu32; Job 1619; Ps. 7: 16; 26; 73: 139 Pro. 23; Isa. 34 Jer. 1 1 12: 17: 20: Lain 3 and (Ae two kidneys, and the fat the caul... and (Ae two kidneys, 10, 15. And (Ae two kidneys, 10, 15. the caul. ..with (Ae kidneys, And (Ae two kidneys, and the caul... with (Ae kidjieys, And (Ae two kidneys, and the caul... with (Ae kidneys, 25. and (Ae two kidneys, the fat, and (Ae kidneys, and the kidneys, and the caul the fat of kidneys 0/ wheat; he cleaveth my reins asunder, (though) my reins be consumed 10). God trieth the hearts and reins. my reijis also instruct me try my reins and my heart. and I was pricked in my reins. thou hast possessed my reins: my reins shall rejoice, the fat of (Ae kidneys o/rams: that triest (Ae reins and the heart, and far from their reins. the Lord search the heart, (I) try the reins, the reins and the heart, to enter into my reins. ¥?. ^3 3 kah-leel', adj. ( 603 ) Ex.28 39 Lev. 6: Nu. 4 Deu 13 33 Jud.20 ISa. 7 Ps. 51 Isa. 2 Lorn 2 Eze. 1 6 27 31. thou shalt make the robe...aH (of) blue. 22. he made the robe...aH (of) blue. 22(1 5). it shall be wholly burnt. 23(16). every meat offering.. .shall be wholly 6. a cloth u>Ao% o/blue, 16(17). the spoil thereof every whit, 10. and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar. 40. (Ae flame of the city ascended up (marg. whole consumption) 9. a burnt offering wholly unto the Lord: 19(21). offering and whole burnt offering : 18. the idols he shall utterly abolish. .15. The perfection of beauty, : 14.it (was) perfect through my comeliness, : 3.1 (am) of perfect beauty. : 12. full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. ^3 [kah-lal']. * KAL. —Preterite. * Eze.27: 4. thy builders Aawe perfected thy beauty. II. they have made thy beauty perfect. ^ ??3 [k'lat], Ch. *SHAPHEL Preterite. * Ezr. 4: 12.and Aaue set Mp the walls (thereof), (marg. finished) 5:ll.a great king of Israel builded and set up. 6; 14. And they builded, and finished (it), SHAPHEL.— Infinitive. Ezr. 5: 3. and to make up this wall ? 9. and to make up these walls ? * ISHTAPHEL.— Future. * Ezr. 4:12.(3TQ) and Aaue set up the walls (thereof), (marg. finished) 13. and tlie walls set up (again), 16 . and the walls thereof set up, D1?! [kah-lam']. 2Ch.30:15. Ezr. 9: 6. Isa. 45:16. 50: 7. Jer. 22:22. 31:19. Eze. 16:54. 61. 43:11. Jer. 3: 3. 8:12. Eze. 36:32, # NIPHAL.— Preterite. * and the Levites were ashamed, I am ashamed and blush They shall be ashamed,and also confounded, therefore shaU I not 6e confounded : then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded, I was ashamed, yea, even confounded, ¦ and mayest be confounded shalt remember thy ways, and be ashamed, if they be ashamed of all that NIPHAL Infinitive. thou refusedst to be ashamed. neitlier could they blush: NIPHAL. — Imperative. be ashamed and confounded NIPHAL Future. 14. should she not Ae ashamed 4. Let them be confounded and put to shame 14( 15).a»d put to shame that wish me evil. : 6(7)./e( not those that seek thee Ae confounded 2(3).andpMt to confusion, that desire my 11. shall be ashamed and confounded: 17. ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded 4. neither Ae (Aom confounded ; 10. that they may be ashamed of their NIPHAL.— Participle. 5. the men were greatly ashamed: 3(4). as people being ashamed 5. the men were greatly ashamed. 21 . let not the oppressed return ashamed : 27. of the Philistines, luAicA are ashamed Nu.12Ps. 35 4069 70 Isa. 41 45. 54: Eze. 43 2Sa.lO: 19: ICh 19: Ps. 74: Eze 16: # HIPHIL Preterite. * ISa. 20:34. his father Aad done him shame. 25: 7. toe hurt them not, (marg. sliamed) Pro. 25: Jer. 6: Ru. 2 Job. 19 Ps. 44 Pro. 28 Jud.18Job. 11 ISa. 25 Jer. 14; 103 HIPHIL Infinitive. 8. when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. 15. neither could they A(msA : HIPHIL .FMtMre. 15. glean. . .and reproach her not : (marg. shame ) 3. These ten times Aaue ye reproached me : 9(10). hast cast off, and put us to shame ; . 7. a companion of riotous (men) shameih HIPHIL Participle. 7. that might put (them) to shame 3. shall no man make thee ashamed 9 * HOPHAL Preterite. * : 15. we were not AMr(, (marg. shamed) 3. they were ashamed and confounded, !"l»73 k'lim-mah', f. Job. 20 Ps. 4 35 44 69 71 109 Pro. 18 Isa. 30 4550 61 Jer. 3 20 51 Eze 16 32 39: 44 Mic. 2 3. 1 have heard the check of my reproach, 2(3). (will ye turn) my glory into sAame ? 26. them be clothed with shame and dishonour 15(16). My confusion (is) continually before 7(8). sAa?nehath covered my face. 19(20). my shame, and my dishonour: 13.be covered (with) reproach and dishonour 29. Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, : 13. it (is) folly and shame unto him. 3. the shadow of Egypt (your) confusion. 16. they shall go to confusion 6. 1 hid not my face from shame and spitting. 7. and (for) confusion they shall rejoice :2b. our confusion covereth us: 11. (their) everlasting confusion shall never 51 . shame hath covered our faces : 52. bear (Aine own shame — and bear thy shame, 54. That thou mayest bear (Aine oion shame, 63. because ofthy shame, 24, 25. yet have they borne (Aeir shame 30. and bear (Aeir shame 29. neither bear (Ae shame o/the heathen 6. (Ae shame of the heathen : 7. they shall bear (Aeir shame. 15. (Ae shame o/the heathen 26. After that they have borne (Aeir shame, : 13. but they shall bear (Aeir shame, 6. they shall not take shame. r\W?2 k'lim-mooth', f. Jer. 23:40. and a perpetual shame, HD3 kah-mah'. - T * KAL Preterite. * Ps. 63: 1(2). my flesh longeth for thee )122 k'moh, part. Genl9:15..dnd when the morning arose, Ex. 15: 5. they sank into the bottom as a stone. Ps. 73: 15. If I say, I will speak (Ams; Isa. 26: 17. Like as a woman with child, 18. we have as it were brought forth wind ; 51 : 6. therein shall die in like manner: &c. &c. With suffixes : — Ex. 9: 18. such as hath not been (lit. which was not (iAe it) 18. love thy neighbour as thyself: 18. As thou (art), so (were) (Aey; each one 48. make haste, (and) do as I (have done). 3. worth (marg. as) ten thousand of us : 4. / (am) as thou (art) , my people as 18. there was no passover iiAe to that kept 11. Should smcA a man as / flee ? 3. 1 have understanding as well as you ; 9. (I am) God, and (there is) none like me, 21. and they shall be Me Mnto me. 3. in comparison of it as nothing ? 3. on this side according to it ; &c. &c. Lev. 19 Jud. 8:9: 2Sa.l8 IK. 22 2Ch35:Neh 6; Job 12: Isa. 46 : Lam 1: Hag 2 Zee 5 P3 |S3 kam-nidhn', m. ( 604 ) 1J3 Isa. 28:25. and scatter (Ae cummin, 27. a cart wheel turned about upon (Ae cummin; — and the cummin with a rod. D03 [AaA-wzaw']. *KAL Participle. Paiil. # Deu32:34. (Is) not this laid up in store "lfi| [kah-mar']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Gen 43:30. his bowels did yearn upon his brother: IK. 3:26. yearned upon her son, (marg. were Aot) Lam 5: 10. Our skin was black like an oven Hos 11: 8. my repentings are kindled together. D^IM Wmah-reem' , m. pi. 2K. 23: 5. (Ae idolatrous priests, (marg. chemarim) Hos 10: 5. thepriests (Aereo/(that)rejoiced (marg. id.) Zep 1 : 4. (Ae Chemarims with the priests ; D^IOS [kim-ree-reem'], m. pi. Job 3: 5. (Ae blackness of the day |3 hehn, m. LevIK 39 Gen40:13.and restore thee unto thy place : 41 : 13. me he restored unto mine office, Ex. 30: 18. a laver (of) brass, and his foot 28 & 31 :9 & 35 : 16. the laver and his foot. 8. the laver (of) brass, and the foot of it 39 & 40 : 1 1 . the laver and Ais foot, 1 1 . the laver and his foot, 29. upon the ledges (there was) a base 31 . the work of (Ae base, Isa. 33: 23. they could not well strengthen their mast, Dan.ll: 7. shall (one) stand up in Ais estate, 20. Then shall stand up in Ais estate 21 . in Ais estate shall stand up a vile person, 38. in Ais estate shall he honour J3 kehn, m. Ex. 8:16(12). that it may become lice 17(l3). the dust of the land became lice 18(1 4). to bring forth (ice, Ps.l05;31. lice in all their coasts. Isa. 51 : 6. die in like mariner: [perhaps, like as a louse] }3 kehn, part. Gen 1 4244 Ex. 17 10 22 39 Nu. 27 Deu22 ISa. 9 2Sa.l3 IK. 10 2Ch32Pro. 28 Eze.42 7. above the firmament: and it was so. 25. and (Ams did he unto them. 10. according unto your words: )( he with 12. (Ae more (marg. so) they multiplied and )( grew. 1 1 . they also did in like manner 14. there were no swcA locusts as they, 29. Thou hast spoken well, I will see 30(29) . Likewise shalt thou do with thine 43. even so had they done it: 7. the daughters of Zelophehad speak right: 3. In like manner shalt thou do with his ass ; and so shalt thou do with his raiment ; and )( with all lost thing : 13. ye shall straightway find him, 12.no such thing ought to be done (marg. it ought not so to be done) 20. there was not (Ae like (marg. so) made 31 . Howbeit in (the business of) the 2.(Ae state (thereof) shall be prolonged. : 1 1 . as long as they, (and) as broad as thev : Am. 4: 5. for (Ais liketh you, (marg. so ye love) &c. &c. It is sometimes combined with another word in translation : — I- "^.ON Gen 6 : 4. and also after that, when the sons of God 15:14. and afterward shall they come out 23: 19. And after this, Abraham buried Sarah 41:31. by reason of that famine following; ISa. 9:13. afterwards they eat that be bidden. &c. &c. 11. by Gen 2:24. Therefore shall a man leave 10: 9. wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod Nu. 10:31.forasmncA as thou knowest Jud. 6:22. for because I have seen an angel of the Neh 6: 6.for which cause thou buildest the wall, Jer. 38 : 4. for (Ams he weakeneth the hands &c. &c. III. T2 Neh 2:16. neither had I as yet told (it) to the Jews, With prefixes : as }0"^\ Est. 4:16. and so will I go in unto the king, Ecc 8:10. And so I saw the wicked buried, & Gen 4:15. Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, Ex. 6: 6. Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, Nu. 16: 11. For which cause (both) thou and all thy 1 Sa. 28: 2. Surely thou shalt know what thy servant Zee 11: 7 . the flock of slaughter, ( even ) you, 0 poor of the flock. [The English Translation takes this for a pronominal suffix.] ( marg. verily the poor) &c. &c. \2 adj . see D\J3 j3 kehn, Ch. part. Ezr. 5: 3. and their companions, and said (Aws unto 6: 2. and therein (was) a record (Aws written: Dan 2:24. and said (Aws unto him ; 25. and said thus unto him, 4 : 1 4( 1 1 ) . He cried aloud, ajid said thus, 6: 6(7). and said (Aws unto him, 7:5. and they said thus unto it, 23. TAws he said, The fourth beast T\)2 \kah-nah!\ #PIEL Future. * Job 32 : 21 . neither let me give flattering titles unto man 22. 1 know not to give flattering titles ; Isa. 44: 5. and surname (himself) by the name of 45: 4. 1 have surnamed thee, (133 kan-nah1 \ f. Ps. 80: 15(16). Ajid the vineyard which thy right hand [perhaps a verb imperative of ^33, which see] 1123 kin-nohr* ' , m. Gen 4:21. such as handle (Ae Aarp and organ. 31 :27. with tabret, and with harp? ISa.lO: 5. a pipe, and a harp, 16: 16. a cunning player on aji harp: 23. David took an harp, and played 2Sa. 6: 5. even on harps, and on psalteries, IK. 10:12. Aarps also and psalteries for singers: ICh 13: B.and with harps, and with psalteries, 15:16. psalteries and harps 21. with harps on the Sheminith 28. making a noise with psalteries and harps. lfi- 5. with ncsiH«™0 ««*7 „..-#/. 7,„™«.. U3 ( 605 ) ^3 lCh25: 1. who should prophesy with harps, 3. who prophesied with a harp, 6. with cymbals, palteries, and harps, 2Ch 5:12. having cymbals and psalteries and harps, Q -.11. and harps and psalteries for singers: 20:28. with psalteries and haips 29: 25. with psalteries, and with harps, Neh 12:27. psalteries, and with harps. Job 21:12. They take the timbrel and harp, 30:31. My haj-p also is (turned) to mourning, Ps. 33: 2. Praise the Lord with harp: 43: 4. upon the harp will I praise thee, 49: 4(5). open my dark saying upon (Ae Aarp. 57 : 8(9). awake, psaltery and harp : 71:22. unto thee will I sing with (Ae harp, 81; 2(3). (Ae pleasant haip with the psaltery. 92: 3(4).wpon (Ae Aarp with a solemn sound. 98: 5. Sing unto the Lord with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. 108: 2(3"). Awake, psaltery and Aarp.- 137: 2. We hanged our harps upon the willows 147: 7. sing praise wpon (Ae Aarp 149: 3. with the timbrel and harp. 150: 3. praise him with the psaltery and harp. Isa. 5:12. (Ae Aarp, and the viol, 16: 11. my bowels shall sound ZiAe oji harp 23: 16. Take an harp, go about the city, 24: 8. the joy of (Ae Aarp ceaseth. 30:32. (it) shall be with tabrets and harps: Eze.26:13.the sound ofthy harps D^3 keh-neem\ adj. pi. m. Gen 42:11. we (are) tj-ue (men), thy servants 19. If ye (be) (rwe (men), 31. We (are) true (men) ; we are no spies: 33. shall Iknow that ye (are) (rwe (men) ; 34. but (that) ye (are) (rwe (men): D33 kin-nahm,J f. Ex. 8:17(13). it became lice in man, 18(l4).so there were lice upon man, NQ33 k'neh-mah' \ Ch. adv. Ezr. 4: 8. to Artaxerxes the king in this sort: 5: 4. Then said we unto them after (Ais manner, 9. said unto them thus, Il.and thus they returned us answer, 6:13. so they did speedily. JN3 [kali-nag']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * IK. 21:29. how Ahab humbleth himself before me? because Ae humbleth himself 'before me, 2Chl2: 7. the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, — They have humbled themselves ; 30 : 1 1 . humbled themselves, and came to Jerusalem. 33:23. humbled not /ranseif before the Lord, 36:12. humbled not himself before Jeremiah NIPHAL. —Infinitive. 2Chl2:12.^4nd w;Aen Ae humbled himself , 33: 19. before Ae was humbled: 23. as Manasseh his father Aad humbled himself; NIPHAL.— Future. Lev.26: 41. their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, Jud. 3:30. So JMoab was subdued that day 8:28. TAms was Midian subdued 1 1 : 33. Thus the children of Ammon M?ere subdued 1 Sa. 7:13. So the Philistines were subdued, 2K. 22: 19. and thou hast humbled thyself before the 1 Ch 20 : 4. and they were subdued. 2Ch 7: 14. If my people,. ..shall humble themselves, 12: 6. Whereupon the princes of Israel. ..humbled themselves ; 13:18. TAms the children of Israel were brought under 32 : 26 . Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled himself 33: 12. and humbled himself greatly 34:27. and thou didst humble thyself before God, — and humbledst thyself before me, Ps. 106:42. and they were brought into subjection * HIPHIL Preterite. * ICh 17: 10. Moreover I will subdue all thine enenves, 2Ch28:19.the Lord brought Judah low HIPHIL Imperative. Job 40:12. (and) bring him low; HIPHIL FM(«re. Deu 9: 3. Ae shall bring them down before thy face: Jud. 4:23. So God subdued on that day Jabin 2Sa. 8: 1. smote the Philistines, and subdued them: ICh 18: 1. smote the Philistines, and subdued them, Neh. 9:24. and thou subduedst before them the Ps. 81:14(15)./sAoMid soon have subdued their 107:12. Therefore he brought down their heart Isa. 25: 5. TAom sAa(( bring down the noise of p3 [kah-nan']. ¦£ KAL. — Imperative. -3f Ps. 80:15(16). And the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted, [perhaps, and protect that which: — see also H33] Ecc. 2 lCh22: Neh 12 Ecc. 2; 3: Est. 4: Ps. 33 Eze.22 39 Ps.147 Isa. 28 D33 \kah-nas'~\. 3f KAL. — Preterite. #¦ S.I gathered me also silver and gold, KAL. — Infinitive. 2. David commanded to gather together the 44. (o gather into them 26. to gather and to heap up, b.a. time to gather stones together ; KAL Imperative. 16. gather together all the Jews KAL. — Participle. Poel. 7. He gathereth the waters of the sea * PIEL. —Preterite. * 21 . Yea, I will gather you, :28.Am( I have gathered them PIEL Future. 2. Ae gathereth together the outcasts of Israel, * HITHPAEL.— Infinitive. * 20. (Aan tliat he can wrap himself (in) njtt3 [kin-gah']. Jer. 10: 17. Gather up thy wares out of the land, $23 k'nah'-gan, m. Isa. 23: 8. whose traffickers (are) the honourable Eze.17: 4. carried it into a land of traffick; Hos.12: 7(8). (He is) a merchant, (marg. Canaan) Zep. 1 : 1 1 . all the merchant people are cut down ; ^23 k'nah-gdnee', m. Job 41 : 6 (40: 30). part him among (Ae merchants? Pro.31 :24. delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Zec.l4:21. there shall be no more (Ae Canaanite [or perhaps, merchant) S]J3 [kah-naph']. * NIPHAL.— Future. * Isa. 30: 20. yet sAaH not thy teachers Ae removed t)33 kah-nahph', com. Gen 1:21. every winged fowl after his kind: (lit. fowl of wing) 7:14. every bird of every sort. (marg. wing) Ex. 19: 4. 1 bare you on eagles' wings, sp3 ( 606 ) ND3 Ex. 25 37 Lev 1 Nu. 15 Deu 4 22 27 32 Ru. 2 3 ISa. 15 24 2Sa.22 )K. 6 2Ch 3 Job 37:3839 Ps. 1718 36 576163 68 78 91 104139 148 Pro. 1 23 Ecc.10Isa. 6 10 1118 24 Jer. 2 48 49 Eze. 1 20. the cherubims shall stretch forth (their) wings on high, covering the mercy seat aji(A (Aeir wings, 9. the cherubims spread out (their) wings on high, (and) covered with their wings 17. he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, 38. in (Ae borders of their garments — upon the fringe of (Ae borders 17. the likeness of any winged fowl 12. (Ae four quarters ofthy vesture, (marg. wings) 30(23: 1 ). nor discover his father's sAir(. 20. he uncovereth his father's skirt. 11. As an eagle... spreadeth abroad Aer wings, 12. under whose wings thou art come 9. spread therefore thy skirt 27. he laid hold wpon (Ae skirt ofhis mantle, 4(5). cut off (Ae sAir( of Saul's robe privily. 5(6). he had cut off Saul's sAir(. 11(12). see (Ae sAir( of thy robe in my hand: for in that I cut off (Ae sAir( o/thy robe, 11. he was seen upon (Ae wings of the wind. 24. the one wing o/the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of (Ae one whig unto the uttermost part of (Ae o(Aer (lit. from the uttermost part of Ais wings to the utter most part of Ais wings) 27. stretched forth (Ae wings of the cherubims, so that (Ae whig of the one touched the (one) wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall ; and their wings touched one another (lit. whig to wing) 6. the wings o/the cherubims. 7. cherubims spread forth (their) two wings Il.and (Ae wings of the cherubims (were) twenty cubits long: one wing (of the one cherub) — and the other wing (was likewise) five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other 12. And (one) wing o/the other cherub — andthe other wing (was) five cubits (also), joining to the wing o/the other cherub. 13. TAe wings of these cherubims : 7.(Ae wings o/the cherubims: 8. the cherubims spread forth (their) wings 3. unto (Ae ends (marg. wings) of the earth. 13. hold of the ends (marg. wings) of fhe earth, 13. (Gavest thou) (Ae goodly wings unto the 26. Doth the hawk... stretch Aer wings ; 8. under the shadow of thy wings, 10(11). he did fly upon (Ae wings o/the wind. ; 7(8) . under the shadow of thy wings. 1(2). in the shadow ofthy wings , 4(5). I will trust in the covert of thy wmgs. ; 7(8). in the shadow of thy wings ;13(14).(Ae w;int7s o/a dove : 27 .feathered fowls like as the sand ; 4. under Ais wings shalt thou trust: ; 3. who walketh upon (Ae wings of the wind: ; 9. (If) I take (Ae wings of the morning, :10. creeping things, and flying fowl: (marg. birds of wing ) :17.in vain the net is spread in the sight of any 6ird. (lit. master of wing ) : 5. (riches) certainly make themselves wings; 20. that which hath wings shall tell the matter. 2. each one had six icings; (lit. six wings, six wings to one ) 8. the stretching out of his wings 14. there was none that moved (Ae wing, : 12. (Ae four corners of the earth, (marg. wings) : l.the land shadowing with wings, :16.From the uttermost part (marg. wing) of the earth :34.in thy skirts is found the blood of : 40. shall spread Ais wings over Moab. : 22. and spread Ais wings over Bozrah: : 6. every one had four wings. 8. the hands of a man under their wings — their faces and their wings. 9. TAeir wings (were) joined Il.and their wings (were) stretched upward; 23. under the firmament (were) (Aeir wings 24. 1 heard the noise of their wings, — they let down (Aeir wings. Eze. 1 : 25. had let down (AetV wings. 3 : 1 3. the noise of (Ae wings of 5 : 3. and bind them in thy skirts, (marg. wings) 7: 2. (Ae four corners of the land. 10: 5. the sound of the cherubims' wings 8. a man's hand under (Aeir wings. 1 2. and their hands, and their wings, 16. when the cherubims lifted up (Aeir wings 19. the cherubims lifted up (Aeir wings, 21. and every one four wings; — hands of a man (was) under (Aeir wings. 1 1 : 22. the cherubims lift up (Aeir wings, 16 : 8.1 spread my skirt over thee, 17 : 3. A great eagle with great wings, 7. another great eagle with great wings 23. it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; 39: 4. ravenous birds of every sort, (marg. wing) 17. Speak unto every feathered fowl, (marg. fowl of every wing) Dan 9:27. (Ae overspreading of abominations Hos. 4: 19. The wind hath bound her up in her wings, Hag. 2 : 12. one bear holy flesh in (Ae sAir( of his gar ment, and with his skirt do touch bread, Zee. 5: 9. the wind (was) in their, wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork : 8:23. of the skirt of him. that is a Jew, Mai. 4: 2 (3: 20). the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; #53 [k'nash], Ch. * P'AL.— Infinitive. # Dan 3: 2. the king sent to gather together the * ITHPAEL Participle.* Dan 3; 3. were gathered together unto the dedication 27. And. ..being gathered together, saw these nl3 [k'nahth], m. Ezr. 4: 7. rest of their companions, (marg. societies) r03 [ VnahtK], Ch. m. ' Ezr. 4: 9, 17. the rest of (Aeir companions; (marg. societies ) 23. Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, 5: 3. Shethar-boznai, and their companions, 6. Shethar-boznai, and his companions 6: 6. Shethar-boznai, and your companions (marg. societies) 13. Shethar-boznai, and their companions, D3 kehs, m. Ex. 17: 16. the Lord hath sworn (marg. the hand upon (Ae throne o/the Lord) Nt?3 keh'-seh, m. Pro. 7 : 20. the day appointed, (marg. or, new moon) ND3 kis-seh', m. Gen41 :40. only in (Ae (Arone will I be greater than Ex. 1 1 : 5. Pharaoh that sitteth upon Ais (Arone, 12:29. Pharaoh that sat on Ais throne Deul7:18.(Ae throne o/his kingdom, Jud. 3:20. And he arose out of (his) sea(. ISa. I: 9. Eli the priest sat upon a seat 2 : 8. and to make them inherit (Ae (Arone of 4:13. Eli sat upon a seat 18. he fell from off (Ae seat 2Sa. 3: 10. to set up (Ae throne o/David 7:13.1 will stablish (Ae throne of 16. thy throne shall be established 14: 9.the king and his throne (be) guiltless. IK. 1 : 1 3, 1 7, 24, 30. he shall sit upon my throne ? 20. who shall sit on (Ae throne of 27. who should sit on (Ae (Arone o/my lord 35. that he may come and sit upon my throne; KDD ( 607 ) nv2 IK. 1 : 37. make Ais throne greater (Aan (Ae (Arone of 4G. Solomon sitteth on (Ae (Arone of the 47. make Ais throne greater than thy throne. 48. hath given (one) to sit on my throne 2: 4. (Ae throne of Israel. 1 2. Then sat Solomon upon (Ae throne of David 19. sat down on Ais throne, and caused a seat 24. set me on (Ae throne o/David 33. and upon his throne, shall there be peace 45. (Ae throne of David shall be established 3; 6.hast given him a son to sit on Ais throne, 5: 5(19). whom I will set upon thy (Arone 7: 7. Then he made a porch for (Ae throne 8: 20. sit on (Ae throne o/Israel, 25. to sit on (Ae throne of Israel ; 9: 5. Then I will establish the throne of — upon the throjie o/ Israel. 10: 9. to set thee on (Ae throne o/lsrael: 18. the king made a great throne of ivory, 16: 11. as soon as he sat on Ais throne, 22: 10. sat each on Ais throne, 19. 1 saw the Lord sitting on Ais throne, 2K. 4: 10. a table, and a stool, 10: 3. set (him) on his father's throne, 30. shall sit on (Ae throne of Israel. 11: 19. he sat on (Ae throne of the kings. 13: 13. Jeroboam sat upon Ais throne : 15:12. Thy sons shall sit on (Ae throne of Israel 25: 28. and set Ais throne above (Ae (Arone o/the lCh.l7:12. 1 will stablish Ais (Arone 14. and his throne shall be established 22:10.1 will establish (Ae throne of 28: 5. upon (Ae throne of the kingdom 29:23. Solomon sat on (Ae throne 2Ch. 6:10.and am set on (Ae throne of 'Israel, 16. to sit upon (Ae throne of Israel ; 7:18. will I stablish (Ae throne ofthy kingdom, 9: 8. to set thee on Ais throne, 17. the king made a great throne of ivory, 18. six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, (which were) fastened to the throne, 18: 9.sat either of them on Ais throne, 18.1 saw the Lord sitting upon Ais throne, 23:20. upon (Ae (Arone o/the kingdom. Neh 3: 7. unto the throne of the governor Est. 1: 2. Ahasuerus sat on (Ae throne 3: Land set Ais seat above all the princes 5: l.the king sat upon his royal throne Job 36: 7. with kings (are they) on tke throne ; Ps. 9: 4(5) . thou satest in the throne 7(8). he hath prepared Ais (Arone 11: 4. the Lord's (Arone (lit. Ais throne) (is) in 45: 6(7). Thy throne, O God, (is) for ever and 47: 8(9). God sitteth upon (Ae throne o/his 89: 4(5). and build up thy throjie to all I4(l5Vthe habitation of thy throne : 29(30). and kis throne as the days of heaven. 36(37). and his throne as the sun before me. 44(45), and cast Ais throne down to the 93: 2. Thy throne (is) established of old: 94:20. Shall (Ae (Arone of iniquity have fellowship 97: 2. the habitation of Ais throne. 103: 19. The Lord hath prepared Ais throne 122: 5. set thrones of judgment, (Ae thrones of the 132:11. of thy body will I set wpon thy throne. 12. their children shall also sit upon thy throne Pro. 9:14. on a seat in the high places 16:12. (Ae (Arone is established by righteousness. 20: 8. A king that sitteth in (Ae throne 28. Ais throne is upholden by mercy. 25: 5.Ais (Arone shall be established 29: 14. his throne shall be established Isa. 6: 1. 1 saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, 9: 7(6). upon (Ae throne o/David, 14: 9.raised wpjrom their thrones all the kings 13. 1 will exalt my throne 16: 5. in mercy shall (Ae throne be established: 22: 23. he shall be for a glorious throne 47: 1. (there is) no throne, O daughter 66: l.The heaven (is) my throne, «*' 1: 15, they shall set every one Ais throne 3:17. (Ae throne o/the Lord ; 13: 13. the kings that sit upon David's (Arone, (lit. for David upon Ais (Arone) 14:21. do not disgrace (Ae throne ofthy glory: 17: 12. .4 glorious high throne 25. sitting upon (Ae throne o/David, Jer. 22: 2. sittest upon (Ae throne o/David, 4. sitting upon (Ae throne of David, (marg. for David upon Ais throne ) 30. sitting upon (Ae throne o/David, 29: 16. sitteth upon (Ae throne o/David, 33:17. (Ae throne of the house of Israel; 21. a son to reign upon Ais throne ; 36: 30. to sit upon (Ae throne o/David: 43:10. and will set Ais throne upon these stones 49:38.1 will set my (Arone in Elam, 52:32. and set Ais throne above (Ae throne of the Lam 5: 19. (Ay (Arone from generation Eze. 1 : 26. the likeness of a throne, — and upon the likeness of (Ae throne 10: l.the likeness of a throne. 26: 16. shall come down from (Aeir thrones, 43: 7. the place of my throne, Jon. 3: 6. he arose from his throne, Hag 2:22. 1 will overthrow (Ae throne o/kingdoms, Zee 6: 13. shall sit and rule upon Ais (Arone; andhe shall be a priest upon Ais throne : Plp3 [kah-sah'l * KAL.— Participle. Poel.* Pro. 12:16. but a prudent (man) covereth shame. 23. A prudent man concealeth knowledge: KAL — Participle. Paiil . Ps. 32: 1. (whose )sin( is) covered. # NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Jer,51:42.sAe is covered with the multitude NIPHAL Infinitive. Eze 24: 8. that it should not be covered. # PIEL Preterite. * Gen37:26.if we slay our brother, and conceal his 38 : 15. sAe Aad covered her face. Ex. 10: b.And they shall cover the face of the earth, 15 : 10. the sea covered them : Lev. 13 : 12. and the leprosy cover all the skin 13. (if) the leprosy have covered 16: 13. that the cloud of the incense may cover 17 : 13. and cover it with dust. Nu. 4: 5. and cover the ark of testimony 8. and cover the same with a covering 9. and cover the candlestick 1 1 . and cover it with a covering 12. and cover them with a covering 9: 15. the cloud covered the tabernacle, 16:42(17:7). the cloud covered it, 22: 5. (Aey cover the face of the earth, Deu 23: 13(14). and shalt turnback and cover that Job 15:27. Ae covereth his face with his fatness, 23: 17. (neither) Aa(A Ae covered the darkness 31 :33. If I covered my transgressions 36: 30. and cooere(A the bottom of the sea. 32. With clouds Ae covereth the light ; Ps. 32: 5. mine iniquity Aaue I not hid. 40:10(11)./ have not Aid thy righteousness 44: 15(16). the shame of my face Aa(A covered me, 69: 7(8). shame Aa(A covered my face. 78:53. the sea overwhelmed their enemies, (marg. covered) 85: 2(3). thou hast covered all their sin. 104: 6. Z!Aow coveredst it with the deep 143: 9.1 flee unto thee to hide me. (marg. Aide me with thee) Isa. 29: 10. the seers hath he covered. 51:16. 1 have covered thee in the shadow of 58: 7. the naked, that thou cover him; Jer. 51 : 51. shame Aa(A covered our faces: Eze. 7 : 18. and horror sAa# cover them ; 18:16. and Aa(A covered the naked 26 ; 19. ajid great waters sAatf cover thee ; 31: 15. /cowered the deep for him, 32: 7. And.. .Iwill cover the heaven, Hab 3: 3. His glory covered the heavens, Mai 2; 16./or (one) covereth violence PIEL.— Infinitive. Ex. 26:13. it shall hang over...(o cover it. 28: 42. breeches to cover their nakedness ; . Nu. 4:15. have made an ehd of covering 1 K. 7: 18. network, to cover the chapiters \1D2 ( 608 ) TO 1 K. 7: 41. networks, to cover the two bowls 42. to cover the two bowls of the chapiters 2Ch 4 : 12, 1 3. to cover the two pommels Ps. 104: 9. that they turn not again to cover Eze 24: 7.(o coyer it with dust; 38: 9. like a cloud to cover the land, 16. as a cloud to cover the land ; Hos 2: 9(11). to cover her nakedness. Mai 2:13. covering the altar of the Lord PIEL. — Imperative. Hos 10: 8. they shall say to the mountains, Cover us , PIEL Future. Gen 9 : 23. and covered the nakedness of their father ; 38:14. and covered her with a vail, Ex. 8: 6(2). the frogs came up, and covered the 10: 15. For they covered the face of the whole 14:28. the waters returned, and covered 15: 5. The depths have covered them : 16:13. the quails came up, and covered the camp : 21 :33. if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover it, 24: 15. and a cloud covered the mount. 16. and the cloud covered it six days : 40:34. TAen a cloud covered the tent Nu. 9 : 16. the cloud covered it (by day), 16: 33. and the earth closed upon them: 22: 11. which covereth the face of the earth: Deu 13: 8(9). neither sAa(( (Aow conceal him: 22:12. wherewith (Aow coverest (thyself). Jos. 24: 7. the sea upon them, ajtd covered them; Jud. 4:18. and when... she covered him with a mantle. 19. and gave him drink, and covered him. ISa 19 : 13. and covered (it) with a cloth. IK. 1 : 1. and they covered him with clothes, 2Ch 5: 8. and the cherubims covered the ark Neh 4: 5(3:37). And cover not their iniquity, Job. 9:24. Ae covereth the faces of the judges 16: 18. cover not (Aow my blood, 21 : 26. the worms shall cover them. 22: 11. abundance of waters cover thee. 33: 17. and Aide pride from man. 38:34. that abundance of waters may cover thee ? Ps. 44: 19(20). and covered us with the shadow of 55 : 5(6). and horror Aa(A overwk elmed me . 106:11. Andthe waters covered their enemies: 17 .and covered the company of Abiram. 140: 9(10). let the mischief.of their own lips cover them. Pro.lO: 6, 1 1. violence covereth the mouth of the 1 2. but love covereth all sins. Isa. 6: 2. with twain Ae covered his face, and with twain Ae covered his feet, 26:21.sAaZZ no more cover her slain. 60: 2. darkness shall cover the earth, 6. The multitude of camels shall cover thee, Jer. 3: 25. and our confusion covereth us : 46: 8. 1 will go up, (and) will cover the earth ; Eze 12: 6. tkou shalt cover thy face, 12. he shall cover his face, that he see not 16: 8. and covered thy nakedness: 10. and I covered thee with silk. 18. and coveredst them : 18: 7. Aa(A covered the naked 26 : 1 0. their dust shall cover thee : 30:18. a cloud shall cover her, 32: 7. Iwill cover the sun with a cloud, Obad 10. shame shall cover thee, Jon. 3: 6. and covered (him) with sackcloth, Mic. 7 : 10. and shame shall cover her Hab 2 : 14. as the waters cover the sea. 17. the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, PIEL Participle. GenI8: 17. ShaU I Aide from Abraham that thing Ex. 29: 13, 22. the fat (Aa( covereth the inwards, Lev. 3: 3,9, 14&4:8& 7:3. the fat that covereth the Ps.147: 8. Who covereth the heaven with clouds, Pro. 10:18. He that hideth hatred 1 1 : 13. a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. 17: 9. He that covereth a transgression 28: 13. He that covereth his sins Isa. 11: 9. as the waters cover the sea. Eze. 1:11. and two covered their bodies. 23. two, which covered on this side, — two, which covered on that side, *PUAL Preterite. # Ps. 80: 10(1 1). The hills were covered Pro. 24: 31. nettles Aad covered the face thereof, PUAL Future. Gen 7:19. and all the high hills,. ..were covered. 20. and the mountains u?ere covered. Ecc. 6; 4. his name shall be covered with PUAL. —Participle. ICh 21: 16. the elders (of Israel, who were) clothed in Eze. 41 : 16. the windows (were) covered; * HITHPAEL Future. * Gen 24: 65. she took a vail, and covered herself. 2K. 19: I . and covered himself with sackcloth, Pro.26: 26. (Whose) hatred is covered by deceit, Isa. 37 : 1. and covered himself with sackcloth, 59 : 6. neither shall they cover themselves Jon 3: 8. But let man and beast be covered HITHPAEL.— Participle. IK. II :29.he Aad clad himself with a new garment* 2K. 19: 2. the elders of the priests, covered with Isa. 37 : 2. the elders of the priests covered !lp3 keh'-seh, m, [see also MDS] Ps. 81: 3(4),in the new moon, in the time appointed, riD3 kis-seh', ra. [see also MB3] IK. 10:19. The throne had six steps, andthe top of (Ae throne Job.26: 9. He holdeth back the face of (his) throne, ^D3 [kah-soofy], m. Nu. 4: 6. (Ae covering o/badgers' skins, 14. a covering o/badgers' skins, nffl3 V sooth, f. Gen20:16.he (is) to thee a covering of the eyes, Ex. 21 : 10. her food, Aer raiment, and her duty of 22:27(26). his raiment for his skin: Deu 22: 12. the four quarters of thy vesture, Job 24: 7. (they have) no covering in the cold. 26: 6. destruction hath no covering. 31 : 1 9. or any poor without covering ; Isa. 50: 3.1 make sackcloth their covering. rtD3 [kah-sa'gh']. KAL -Participle. Paul. Ps. 80:16(17). burned with fire, (it is) cutdown: Isa. 33: 12. (as) thorns cut up shall they be h P3 k'seel, m. Job 9: 9. "Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, (marg. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah) 38:31 . loose the bands of Orion ? Ps. 49: 10(1 1 ) . the fool and the brutish person 92 : 6( 7) . neither doth a fool understand 94: 8. and (ye) fools, when will ye be wise? Pro. 1: 22. and fools 'hate knowledge? 32. the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 3:35.6«( shame shall be the promotion of fools. 8 : 5. and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding 10: I. a foolish son (is; the heaviness of his 18. he that uttereth a slander, (is) a fool. 23. sport to a fool to do mischief: 12: 23. the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness. 13: 16. but a /oodayeth open (his) folly. 19. (it is) abomination to fools to depart from 20. a companion of fools shall be destroyed. » 14: 7. Go from the presence of & foolish man, 8. the folly of fools (is) deceit. 16. but the fool rageth, and is confident. 24. the foolishness of fools (is) folly. *D3 Pro.U:33.(that which isl in the midst of finis 15 : 2 . the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. 7. the heart of the foolish (doeth) not so. 14. the mouth of foots feedeth on foolishness. SO. out s. foolish irian despiseth his mother. 1 7 : 1 0. an hundred stripes into a fool. 12. rather than a fool in his folly. 16. the hand of n fool 21 . He tliat begetteth a fool 24. the eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of the 25. A foolish son '(is 1 a grief to his rather, 18: 2. A fool hath no delight in understanding, 6. A fbor$ lips enter into contention, 7. A fooFs mouth (is) his destruction, 19: 1. (he that is) perverse ... and is a fool. 10. Delight is not seemly ./<»' ti fool : 13. A foolish son (is) the calamity of his 29. stripes for the back of fools. 21 :20.6m* & foolish man speudeth it up. 21: 9. Speak not in the ears of a fool : 26: 1. honour is not seemly for a fool. 3. a rod for the fools' back. 4. Answer not a fool according to his folly, 5. Answer a fool according to his folly. 6. sendeth a message bv the hand of a fi*>l 7. so (is) a parable in the mouth of fools. 8. he that giveth honour (o a fool. 9. so (is) a parable in the mouth of foals. 10. both rewardeth the fool. II. a fool returneth to his folly. 12. (there is) more hope of a fool 26. that trusteth in his own heart is a fool .¦ , 11. A fool uttereth all his mind: 20.(there is) more hope of a fool 14. but the fool walketh in darkness: 15. As it happeneth to tlie fool, 16. of the wise more than of the fool — how dieth the wise (man) ? as the fool. 4:5. The fool foldeth his hands together, 13. on old and foolish king, 5: 1(4: 17). than to give the sacritiee of fools : S(2).a fooTs voice (is known) 4(3). the hath) no pleasure in fools: 6: 8.Forwhat hath the wise more than tJiefool? 7 : 4. the heart of fijols 5. for a mau to hear the song of fools. 6. so (is) the laughter of the fool: 9. anger resteth in the bosom of fools. 9:17. him that ruleth amo»Q fools. 10: 2. a Joon heart at his left. 12. the lips of afiiol will swallow up himself. 15. The labour of the foolish Isa. IS: 10. heaven and the constellations thereof Am. 5: 8. that maketh the seven stars .:/*./ Orion, ( 609 ) *)D3 I2p3 kis-le/iv', m. Neh 1: l.in the month Chisleu, Zoo 7 : 1 . (even ) in Chisleu ; DD3 [kah-sam']. Eze. 44: * KAL Infinitive. * 20. they shall only poll i lit, in polling they shall 29 Ecc. 2 Pro, 0 nb>V$ k'see-looth', f. \3. A foolish woman (is") clamorous: htt [kah-sal']. Jer. 10: * KAL.— Future. * V. they are altogether brutish and foolish : poll ) their heads. KAL Future. Eze. 44 : 20. (Aey sAoU only poll their heads. HOPS koos-seh'-meth, f. Ex. 9:32. tlie wheat and the rie were not smitten: Isa. 28:25. and (Ae rie in their place? (marg. or spelt) Eze. 4: 9.1entiles,midmiUet,aiid/tcAes,(marg.iU) Ex. 12: DD3 [kah-sas']. * KAL— Future. * 4. every man...sAa!/ maAe your count t)D3 [kah-saph']. *KAL Future. # : 15. tliou wilt have a desire to the work of : 1 2. Like as a lion ( tliat) is greedy of his prey, * NIPHAL Preterite. * 30. thou sore longedst after thy father's house, 2(S).Sly soul longeth, yea, even fainteth NIPHAL.— Infinitive. 30. thou sore longedst (lit. in longing thou longedst) after thy father's house, NIPHAL.— Participle. Zep. 2: 1. gather together, O nation not desired; (marg. desirous) Job 14 Ps. 17 Gen31 Ps. 84 GenSl : 3 keh'-seph, m. GenlS; 17 oAed they him to anger. 21.1 will provohe them to anger Jud. 2: 12. and provoked the Lord to anger. ISa. 1: 7. so she provoked her; IK. 22:53(54). and provoked to anger the Lord 2Ch28: 25. and provoked to anger the Lord Ps. 78:58. For they provoked him to anger 106:29. TAms they provoked (him) to anger Jer. 25: 6. provoke me not to anger HIPHIL Participle. 1 K. 14: 15. provoking the Lord to anger. 2K. 21 : 15. Aaue provoked me to anger, Isa. '65: 3. A people that provoketh me to anger Jer. 7 : 1 9. Do they provohe me to anger ? 32 : 30. have only provoked me to anger rjy.S kgeh'-neth, Ch. part. Ezr. 4:10, 11. the river, and at such a time. (marg. Cheeneth ) 7:12. perfect (peace), and at such a time. DJ/3 kah-gas'. *KAL Preterite.* Ps. 112:10. The wicked shall see (it), and be grieved ; Ecc. 5 : 17(16). and he hath much sorrow and wrath KAL. — Infinitive. Ecc. 7 : 9. Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry : KAL Future. 2Ch.l6:10. TAen Asa was wroth Neh 4: 1(3:33). and took great indignation, Eze 16:42. and will be no more angry. * PIEL Preterite. * Deu 32: 21. (Aey Aaue provoked me to anger ISa. 1: 6. And her adversary also provoked her # HIPHIL.— Preterite. * IK. 15:30.Aepro»oAed the Lord God of Israel to anger. 21 : 22. (Aou Aast provoked (me) to anger, 2K. 23:26. Manasseh had provoked him Neh. 4: 5(3:37). (Aey have provoked (thee) to anger Jer. 8:19. Why Aaue they provoked me to anger Eze. 32: 9. 1 will also vex the hearts of (marg. provoke to anger, or, grief) Hos.12 : 14(15). Ephraim provoked (him) to anger HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Deu 4:25.(0 provoke him to anger : 9:18. the Lord, to provohe him to anger. 31 : 29. to provohe him to anger IK. 14: 9. images, to provohe me to anger, 16: 2. to sin, to provoke me to anger 7 .in provoking him to anger 13. in provoking the Lord Godof Israel toanger 26, 33. to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger 2K. 1 7 : 1 1 . to provoke the Lord to anger : 17. the Lord, to provoke him to anger. 21 : 6. to provoke (him) to anger. 22: 17. that they might provoke me to anger 23: 19. to provoke (the Lord) toanger, 2Ch 33 : 6. to provoke him to anger. 34: 25. that they might provoke me to anger Jer. 7:18. that they may provoke me to anger. 1 1 : 1 7 . to provoke me to anger 25: 7. that ye might provohe me to anger 32 : 29, 32 & 44 :3. to provohe me to anger. 44: 8. In that ye provohe me unto wrath Eze. 8:17 & 16:26.(0 provohe me to anger: Dy_3 kah'-gas, m. Deu32 ISa. 1 IK. 15 21 2K. 23 Ps. 6 10 3185 Pro. 12 17 2127 Ecc. 1 2 7 11 Eze.20 19. because of the provoking ofhis sons, 27.1 feared (Ae tura(A o/the enemy, 6. her adversary also provoked her sore, (lit. provoked her even to vexation) 16. the abundance ofmy complaint and grief 30. by his provocation wherewith he provoked : 22. (Ae provocation wherewith thou hast : 26. of all the provocations (marg. angers) 7(8). Mine eye is consumed because of grief; : 14. thou beholdest mischief and spite, 9( 10). mine eye is consumed with grief, 4(5). cause thine anger toward us to cease. 16. A fool's wrath is presently known: 25. A foolish son (is) a grief to his father, 19. a contentious and an angry woman. (lit. a woman of contentions and of auger) 3. but a fool's u>ra(A ^is) heavier than 18. in much wisdom (is) much grief: 23. and his travail grief; 3. Sorrow (is) better than laughter: (marg. or, Anger) 9. anger resteth in the bosom of fools. 10. remove sorrow from thy heart, (marg. or, anger 28. the provocation of their offering: fc?J?3 kah'-gas, m. Job 5: 2. !ura(A killeth the foolish man, 6 : 2. Oh that my grief were throughly weighed, 10:17.increasest thine indignation 17: 7. Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, HJ?3 k'geth, Ch, part. Ezr. 4:17. Peace, and at such a time. P|3 kaph, f . Ex, Gen 8: 9. no rest for the sole of her foot, 20: 5.innocency of my hands 31 : 42. the labour ofmy hands, 32:25(26). he touched (Ae hollow ofhis thigh; and (Ae hollow of Jacob's thigh 32(33). (Ae AoHow o/the thigh, unto this day: because he touched (Ae hollow o/ Jacob's 40:11.1 gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand. 2 l.he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: 4: 4. it became a rod in his hand: 9 : 29. 1 will spread abroad my hands 33. spread abroad Ais Aands unto the Lord: 25: 29. the dishes thereof, and spoons thereof, 29: 24. in (Ae Aands of Aaron, and in the hands of 33: 22. will cover thee with my hand 23. 1 will take away mine hand, 37 : 16. the table, his dishes, and Ais spoons, 8:27. he put all upon Aaron's Aands, and upon his sons' hands, 28. Moses took them from off (Aeir Aands, 9: 17. took an Aandful (marg. filled Ais hand) 1 1 : 27. whatsoever goeth upon Ais paws, 14:15. (Ae palm ofhis own left hand: 16, 27. the oil that (is) in Ais left hand, Lev *p ( 613 ) ns3 Lev.l4:17, 28. the oil that (is) in Ais Aand 18. the oil that (is) in the priest's Aand 26. (Ae palm o/his own left hand: 29. the oil that (is) in the priest's Aand 23:40.6rancAes of palm trees, Nu. 4: 7. the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, 5:18. the offering of memorial in her hands, 6: 19. upon (Ae Aands o/the Nazarite, 7:14. One spoon often (shekels) 20. One spoon of gold often (shekels), 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80. One golden spoon often (shekels), 84. twelve spoons of gold: 86. The golden spoons (were) twelve, — (weighing) ten (shekels) apiece, (lit. (Ae spoon) — all the gold of (Ae spoons (was) 24:10. he smote Ais hands together: Deu 2: 6. a foot breadth ; (marg. the treading of (Ae sole of the foot) 1 1 : 24. whereon (Ae soles of your feet shall tread 25:12. Then thou shalt cut off Aer Aand, 28:35./rom (Ae sole ofthy foot 56. to set (Ae sole of her foot upon 65. shall (Ae sole ofthy foot have rest: Jos. 1 : 3. the sole of your foot shall tread 3:13. (Ae soles of the feet of the priests 4:18. (Ae soles of the priests' feet Jud. 6: 13. into (Ae Aands o/the Midianites. 14. from the hand of the Midianites : 8: 6, 15. (Ae hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now 12: 3.1 put my life in my hands, 14: 9. he took thereof in Ais hands, ISa. 4: 3. out of the hand of our enemies. 5: 4. both the palms o/his hands 19: 5. he did put his life in his hand, 25 : 29. the middle of ( lit. of (Ae hoUow of) a sling. 23:21.1 have put my life in my hand, 2Sa.l4:16. out of the hand o/the man (that) 25./rom (Ae sole of his foot 18: 12. thousand (shekels) ofsilver in mine hand, 14. he took three darts in his hand, 19: 9( I0).o«( o/tAe Aand o/our enemies, and he delivered us out of the hand o/the 22: I. out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: IK. 5: 3(17). under (Ae soles o/his feet. 7:50. and the basons, and the spoons, 8: 22. spread forth Ais hands toward heaven: 38. and spread forth Ais hands 54. with his hands spread 17: 12. an handful of meal in a barrel, 18:44. ariseth a little cloud.. JiAe a man's Aand. 2K. 4:34. and his hands upon Ais hands : 9:35. and the palms o/(her) hands. 11:12. they clapped their hands, 16: 7.o«( of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, 18:21. if amau lean, it will go into his hand, 19:24.toi(A (Ae sole of my feet have I dried up 20: 6. and I will deliver.. .out of the hand of the 25:14. and the snuffers, and (Ae spoons, ICh 12: 17. (there is) no wrong in mine liands, 2Ch 4:22. and (Ae spoons, and the censers, 6: 12. and spread forth Ais Aands .• 13. and spread forth Ais hands toward heaven, 29. and shall spread forth Ais Aands 24: 14. and spoons, and vessels of gold and silver. 30: 6. out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. 32: 11. out of the hand of the king of Assyria ? Ezr. 8:31./rom (Ae Aand o/the enemy, 9: 5. and spread out my hands Job 2: 7. from the sole of his foot unto his crown. 9:30. and make my hands never so clean ; 10: 3, the work of (Aine hands, H: 13. stretch out (Aine Aands toward him ; 13: 14. and put my life in mine hand? 21. Withdraw (Aine Aand far from me: 16:17. (any) injustice in mine hands: 22:30. the pureness of thine hands. 27:23. (Men) shall clap (Aeir hands 29: 9. and laid (their) Aand on their mouth. 31 : 7. and if any blot hath cleaved to mine hands; 36:32. With clouds he covereth the light ; 41 : 8(40:32). Lay (Aine Aand upon him, P& 7: 3(4). if there be iniquity in my hands; 9:16(17). the work of Ais oion hands. Ps. 18 [title] ( I ).from the hand of all his enemies, 24: 4. He that hath clean hands, 26: 6. 1 will wash mine hands in innocency: 44: 20(21). stretched out our liands 47: 1(2). O clap your Aands, all ye people ; 63: 4(5). I will lift up my hands in thy name. 71: 4. out of the hand of the unrighteous 73: 13. washed my hands in innocency. 78:72. by the skilfulness of Ais hands. 81: 6(7). Ais hands were delivered from 88: 9(10). I have stretched out my hands 91 : 12. They shall bear thee up in (their) hands, 93: 8. Let the floods clap (their) hands: 119:48. My hands also will I lift up 109. My soul (is) continually in my hand: 1 28 : 2 . thou shalt eat the labour of (Aine liands : 129: 7. the mower filleth not Ais Aand; 139: 5. and laid (Aine Aand upon me. 141 : 2. the lifting up of my hands Pro. 6: 1. (if) thou hast stricken (Ay Aand with 3. into the hand of thy friend j 10: 4. poor that dealeth (with) a slack Aand.- 17:18. man void of understanding striketh hands, 22:26. (one) of them that strike hands, 31 : 13. worketh willingly with Aer hands. 16. the fruit of Aer hands 19. and her hands hold the distaff. 20. She stretcheth out Aer Aand to the poor ; Ecc. 4: 6. an handful (with) quietness, Cant.5: 5. upon (Ae handles o/the lock. Isa. 1 : 6. From the sole o/the foot even unto the 15. when ye spread forth your hands, 28 : 4. while it is yet in his hand 33: 15. shaketh Ais Aands from holding of bribes, 36: 6. it will go into his hand, and pierce 37:25.ioi(A (Ae sole ofmy feet have 1 dried up 38: 6. And I will deliver.. .out of the hand of the 49: 16. upon the palms of (my) hands; 55:12. all the trees. ..shall clap (their) hands. 59: 3. your hands are defiled with blood, 6. the act of violence (is) in their hands. 60: 14. bow themselves down at (Ae soles of thy 62: 3. in the hand of thy God. Jer. 4:31. (that) spreadeth Aer hands, 12: 7. into the liand of her enemies. 15:21. out of the hand of the terrible. 52: 18. the bowls, and (Ae spoons, 1 9. (Ae spoons, and the cups ; Lam.2: 15. All that pass by clap (their) hands 19. lift up thy hands toward him 3:41. lift up our heart with (our) Aands Eze. 1: 7. and the sole of their feet (was) (iAe the sole of a calf's foot: 6:11. Smite with thine hand, 21: 11(16). that it may be Aandled: (lit. to be held in the hand) 14(19). smite (thine) Aands together, (marg. Aand to hand) 17(22). I will also smite mine hands together, (lit. my hand to my hand) 24(29). ye shall be taken tei(A (Ae Aand. 22: 13. 1 have smitten mine hand 29. 7. they took hold of thee by thy hand, 43 : 7. the place of (Ae soles of my feet, DanlthlO. and (upon) the palms of my hands. .Ion. 3: 8. the violence that (is) in their hands. Mic. 4: lO.from the hand of thine enemies. 7 : 3. That they may do evil with both hands Nah. 3:19. shall clap (Ae Aands over thee : Hab. 2: 9.from the power (marg. palm of the hand) of evil 1 Hag. 1 : 1 1 . all the labour of (Ae hands. Mai. 4: 3(3:21). under (Ae soles of your feet PIS? [kah-phah']. * KAL.— Future. * Pro.21 :14. A gift in secret pacifieth anger: MS3 kip-pah', Job 15:32. and his branch shall not he green. Isa. 9: 14(13). head and tail, branch and rush, 19: 15. the head or tail, ArancA or rush, 133 ( 614 ) "133 1133 k'phohr, m. Ex. 1 6 : 14. (as) small as (Ae hoarfrost on the ground. 1 Ch 28 : 1 7 . and for th e golden basons ( he gave gold) by weight for every bason; (lit. for bason and bason) and (likewise silver) by weight for every bason of silver (lit. and for the basons of silver for bason and bason) Ezr. 1:10. Thirty basons o/gold, silver basons of a 8:27. Also twenty basons of gold, Job 38 : 29. and the hoary frost of heaven, Ps. 147 : 16. he scattereth (Ae hoarfrost like ashes. D*S3 keh-pheem', m. pi. Job 30: 6. (in) caves of the earth, and(in) theroeks. Jer. 4:29. and climb up upon the rocks: D^SS kah-phees', m. Hab 2: 11. and the beam out of the timber shall answer (marg. or, piece, or, fastening) "V53 k'plieer, m. .Tud.14 Neh. 6 Job 4 38 Ps. 17 343558 91 104 Pro. 19 2028 Isa. 5 11 31 Jer. 2 25 51: Eze. 19 32 38 41 Hos 5 Am. 3 Mic 5 Nah 2 Zec.ll 5. a young lion (lit. a whelp of lionesses) 2. in (some one of) (Ae villages 10. the teeth of (Ae young lions, 39. fill the appetite of (Ae young lions, 12. and as it were a young lion 10(11). TAe young lions do lack, and suffer 17. my darling from the lions. 6(7). the great teeth of (Ae young lions, 13. (Ae young lion and the dragon 21 . TAe young lions roar after their prey, : 12. king's wrath (is) as the roaring of a lion ; 2. of a king (is) as the roaring of a lion : I . the righteous are bold as a lion. 29. they shall roar (iAe young lions : 6. and the young lion and the fatling together ; 4. Like as the lion and the young lion roaring 15. TAe young lions roared upon him, 38. He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion : 38. They shall roar together like lions : 2. nourished her whelps among young lions. 3. it became a young lion, 5. made him a young lion. 6. he became a young lion, 2. Thou art like a young lion 13. all (Ae young lions thereof, 19. the face of a young lion j : 14. and as a young lion to the houseof Judah: 4. will a young lion cry out of his den, 8(7). as a young lion among the flocks of : 1 1 ( 1 2) . the feedingplace of the young lions, 13(14). and the sword shall devour thy young lions : 3. a voice of the roaring of young lions ; ^33 [kah-phal']. Ex. : * KAL Preterite. * 9. and shalt double the sixth curtain KAL Participle. Paiil. Ex. 28:16. Foursquare it shall be (being) doubled; 39 : 9. they made the breastplate double : — a span the breadth thereof, (being) doubled. * NIPHAL Future. # Eze. 21: 14(19). and let the sword be doubled 733 keh'-phel, m. Job. 11: 6. secrets of wisdom, that (they are) double 41 : 13(5). who can come (to him )«;i(A his do«A(e Isa. 40 : 2. received of the Lord's hand double |S3 [kah-phan']. -X- KAL Preterite.* Eze. 17: 7. this vine did bend her roots toward JS3 kah-phahn', m. Job. 5:22. At destruction and famine thou shalt 30: 3. For want and famine (they were) solitary; t|S3 kah-phaph'. * KAL Preterite. # Ps. 57: 6(7). my soul is bowed down : KAL Infinitive. Isa. 58 : 5. to bow down his head as a bulrush, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Ps. 145:14. all (those that he) bowed down. 146: Q.them that are bowed down: * NIPHAL.— .FBtnre. * Mic 6: 6. (and) bow myself before the high God? -)£3 [kah-phar']. Gen 6:14. Ex. 30: Lev. 4 19 Nu. 6 15 Deu 32 Eze.43 45 Ex. 29 30 Lev. I 6 *KAL.— Preterite. * and shalt pitch it within KPIEL Preterite.* And Aaron shall make an atonement and the priest shall make an atonement for 3 Land the priest shall make an atonement and the priest shall make an atonement for 10,13,18&6:7(5:26). and the priest shall make an atonement for him and make an atonement for her ; and the priest sAaZZ make an atonement for 20. and the priest shall make an atonement and make an atonement for him and the priest shall make an atonement for and make an atonement for the house: and the priest shall make an atonement for and the priest shall make an atonement for and make an atonement for himself, and shall make an atonement for himself, And he shall make an atonement for the and have made an atonement for himself, and make an atonement for it ; and make an atonement for himself, And the priest,... shall make the atonement, And he shall make an atonement for the And the priest shall make an atonement for and make an atonement for him, 28. And the priest shall make an atonement and will be merciful unto his land, thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it. so shall ye reconcile the house. 16 17 23 Nu. 8 15 2831 ICh 6 2Ch29 NehlOIsa. 47: Eze.l 6 45 Dan 9 PIEL. — Infinitive. :36. when thou hast made an atonement for it, : 15, 16. (p make an atonement for your souls. : 4. to make atonement for him. : 30(23). to reconcile (withal) in the holy : 15.(0 make reconciliation upon it. 34. to make an atonement for you. : 17.(o maAe atonement for them : 2 l.(o make an atonement for him, 29. to make an atonement for him : I0.(o make an atonement with him, 17. to make an atonement in the holy (place), 20. when he hath made an end of reconciling 27. blood was brought in to make atonement 34. to make an atonement for the children of : 1 1 . to make an atonement for your souls: :28.(o make an atonement for you : 1 2. to make an atonement for the Levites. 19. and to make an atonement for the children : 28.(0 make an atonement for him; 22, 30 & 29:5. to make an atonement for you. 50. to make an atonement for our souls 49(34) . and to make an atonement for Israel, 24. to make an atonement for all Israel: 33(34). (o make an atonement for Israel, ll.be able to put it off: (marg. expiate) 63. when I am pacified toward thee 15.(o maAe reconciliation for them, 17.(o maAe reconciliation for the house of : 24. and to make rectmcilintinn Fnr iniquity, 133 ( 615 ) "13 PIEL. — Imperative. Lev. 9: 7. and make an atonement for thyself, — and make an atonement for them ; ¦^ Nu. \6:4&(l7:ll). and make an atonement for them: *Jleu21 : 8. Be merciful, 0 Lord, unto thy people — «»Ps. 79: 9. deliver us, and purge away our sins, PIEL.— Future. ^ Gen32:20(21)./a>ifi appease him with the present Ex. 29:37. (Aow shalt make an atonement 30: 10. once in the year sAaZZ Ae maAe atonement 32:30. 1 shall make an atonement Lev. 5:16. the priest shall make an atonement 7: 7. the priest that maketh atonement 16:30. sAaii (the priest) maAe an atonement 33. shall make an atonement for the tabernacle — and Ae shall make an atonement for the 17: 11 .the blood (that) maketh an atonement Nu. 5: 8. atonement shall be made for him. 8: 21. and Aaron made an atonement 16:47 (17:12). and made an atonement fpr the \25: 13. and made an atonement for the children of 2Sa.21: 3. wherewith shall I make the atonement, 2Ch 30:18. The good Lord pardon every one Ps. 65: 3(1). thou shalt purge them away. 78:38./oryaue (their) iniquity, Pro.l6:14.a wise man willpacify it. Jer. 18:23./oryiue not their iniquity, Eze. 43:26. shall they purge the altar * PUAL.— Preterite. * Ex. 29:33. things wherewith the atonement was made, Isa. 28 : 18. And your covenant with death shall be dis annulled, PVAli.—Fufure. Nu. 35: 33. the land cannot Ae cleansed Pro. 16: 6. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged : Isa. 6: 7. and thy sin purged. 22: 14. this iniquity shall not be purged 27: 9. shall the iniquity of Jacob Ae purged; * HITHPAEL Future. * ISa. 3:14. of Eli's house shall not le purged * NITHPAEL.— Preterite. * Deu21 : 8. And the blood sAai( be forgiven them. Nu. 5 : 8. the ram of (Ae atonement, 29: 1 1. the sin offering of atonement, Ex. *lS3 [kah-pkahr'], m. Jos. 18:24. And CAepAar-haammonai, (or, and (Ae village o/Ammonai) lCh27:25.in the cities, and in the villages, Cant.7:ll(12).let us lodge in the villages. Gen 6 Ex.21 30 Nu.35 ISa. 6 12 Job 3336 Ps. 49 Pro. 6 13 21 Cant.] 4 Isa. 43 Am. 5 *l§3 koh'-pher, m. 14. pitch it within and without with pitch. 30. If there be laid on him a sum of money, 12. then shall they give every man a ransom :31.ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of 32. ye shall take no satisfaction for him : 18. and of country villages, 3. of whose hand have I received (any) bribe (marg. ransom) 24. found a ransom, (marg. or, atonement) 18. a great ransom cannot deliver thee. 7(8). nor give to God a ransom for him: :35. He will not regard any ransom; ¦ 8. TAe ransom of a man's life (are) his riches : 18. The wicked (shall be) a ransom for the 14. a cluster of camphire 13. camphire, with spikenard, 3. 1 gave Egypt (for) thy ransom, : 12. they take a bribe, (marg. or, ransom) D*"]S3 kip-poo-reem' , pi. m. Ex. 29:36. a sin offering for atonement: 30: 10. the sin offering of atonements : 16. thou shalt take the atonement money Uv.23:27. (there shall be) a day of atonement: 28. it (is) a day of atonement, 25: 9. the day of atonement T\~p2 kap-poh'-reth, f. . thou shalt make a mercy seat . the two ends of (Ae mercy seat. . of (Ae mercy seat shall ye make . covering (Ae mercy seat toward (Ae mercy seat .put (Ae mercy seat above upon the ark ; . from above (Ae mercy seat, . put (Ae mercy seat upon the ark . before (Ae mercy seat . the mercy seat that (is) thereupon, . The ark,. ..(with) (Ae mercy seat, . he made (Ae mercy seat .on the two ends of (Ae mercy seat; . out of (Ae mercy seat ¦ over (Ae mercy seat, to the mercy seatward .The ark.. .and (Ae mercy seat, . and put (Ae mercy seat above . the vail before (Ae mercy seat, in the cloud upon (Ae mercy seat. . of the incense may cover (Ae mercy seat , upon (Ae mercy seat eastward ; and before (Ae mercy seat shall he . sprinkle it upon (Ae mercy seat, and before (Ae mercy seat: Nu. 7 : 89. from off (Ae mercy seat 1 Ch 28 : 1 1 . the place of (Ae mercy seat. 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 26:34 30 6 31 7 35 12 37 6 7. 8. 9. 39:35 40:20 Lev.16: 2 13 14 15, E>33 [kah-phash']. * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Lam.3:16.Ae Aa(A covered me with ashes, (marg. rolled me in) J1S3 [k'phath], Ch. *P'IL Preterite.* Dan 3:21. Then these men were bound in their coats, * PAEL Infinitive. * Dan 3 : 20. mighty men that (were ) in his army to bind PAEL Participle. Dan 3: 23. fell down bound into the midst 24. Did not we cast three men bound liPlSS kaph-tohr', m. Ex. 25 : 31 . his bowls, Ais lumps, and his flowers, 33. a knop and a flower — a knop and a flower: 34. (Aeir knaps and their flowers. 3b. And (there shall be) a Anop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop 36. TAeir hnops and their branches 37 : 1 7. his bowls, Ais knops, and his flowers, 19. a Anop and a flower ; — a knop and a flower: 20. Ais knops, and his flowers : 21. And a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches 22. TAeir hnops and their branches Am. 9: 1. Smite (Ae lintel of the door, (marg. or, chapiter, or, knop) Zep. 2:U.in the upper lintels of it; (marg. id.) "13 kar, m. Gen31:34.put them in the camel's furniture, Deu 32 : 14. with fat of lambs, 1 Sa. 1 5 : 9. of the fatlings, and (Ae lambs, 2K. 3 : 4. an hundred thousand lambs, Ps. 37 : 20. as the fat of lambs : 65:13(14). The pastures are clothed with flocks; Isa. 16: 1. Send ye (Ae lamb to the ruler of the land -o ( 616 ) ra Isa. 30:23.day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures. 34: 6. the blood of lambs and goats, Jer. 51 :40. 1 will bring them down like lambs Eze. 4: 2. set (battering) rams against it (marg. or, chief leaders) 21:22(27). to appoint captains, (marg. rams, or, (battering) rams) — ( — ).to appoint (battering) rams 27 : 21 . occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, 39 : 1 S . of rams, of lambs, and of goats, Am. 6: 4. eat the lambs out of the flock, 13 kohr, m. IK 4:22(5:2). thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measwes of meal, (marg. cors ) 5: 11(25). twenty thousand measures of wheat — ( — ).and twenty measures of pure oil: 2Ch 2: 10(9). twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of 27: 5. ten thousand measures of wheat, Eze.45 : 14. the tenth part of a bath out of the cor, n3 Ch. see pi3 NT? [k'rah], Ch. *ITHP'EL Preterite. * Dan. 7:15.1 Daniel was grieved in my spirit Wp [kir-behl']. * Participle. Passive. * ICh 15: 27. (was) clothed with a robe of fine linen, ^313 [kar-b'lah'l Ch. f. Dan. 3: 21. their hosen, and their hats, and their (marg. or, turbans) n*13 kah-rah'. * KAL Preterite. * Gen50: 5. my grave which I have digged Nu. 21: 18. the nobles of the people digged it, 2Chl6:14. sepulchres, which Ae Aud made (marg. digged) Ps. 7: 15(16). He made (marg. digged) a pit, and 22:16(17). they pierced my hands and my feet. 40: 6( 7). ears hast thou opened: (marg. digged) 57: 6(l) . they have digged a pit 1 1 9 : 85 . The proud Aaue digged pits Jer. 1 8 : 20. they have digged a pit for my soul. 22. they have digged a pit to take me, KAL.— Future. Gen26:25. and there Isaac's servants digged a well. Ex. 21 : 33. if a man sAa/( dig a pit, Deu 2 : 6. Ye shall buy meat of them 2K. 6:23. And he prepared great provision Job 6:27. and ye dig (a pit) for your friend. 41: 6(40:30). Shall the companions maAe a banquet Hos. 3 : 2. So I bought her to me KAL Participle. Poel. Pro.l6:27. An ungodly man diggeth up evil: 26:27. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall * NIPHAL Future. * Ps. 94:13. until thepit Ae digged Note In Ps. 22:16(17).the reading of the printed Hebrew copies is "HNS (like a lion) some MSS. however read TINS, 'others JpNS or ^13, this -: t T t is evidently the true reading, and is followed by the English version. rH3 keh-rah'. T" 2K. 6 : 23. he prepared great provision 2T\2 k'roov, m. Gen 3 Ex. 25 Nu. 7 ISa. 4 2Sa. 6 22 IK. 6 2K. 19 ICh 13 28 2Ch 3 Ps. 18 80 99 Isa. 37 Eze. 9 10; 24. the east of the garden of Eden Cherubuns, : 18. thou shalt make two cherubims 19. one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: (even) of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims 20. the cherubims shall stretch forth (their) — the faces of the cherubims 22. between the two cherubims : 1 . cherubims of cunning work 31 . with cherubims shall it be made: : 8. cherubims of cunning work 35. cherubims made he it of cunning work. : 7. he made two cherubims (of) gold, 8. One cherub on the end on this side, and another cherub on the (other) end on that side : out of the mercy seat made he tke cherubims 9. the cherubims spread out (their) wings ¦ — the faces of the cherubims. : 89. from between the two cherubims : 4. which dwelleth (between) the cherubims: 2. that dwelleth (between) the cherubims. 1 1 . he rode upon a cherub, :23.he made two cherubims 24. the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub .- 25. the other cherub (was) ten cubits: both the cherubims (were) of one measure 26. height of the one cherub (was) ten cubits, and so (was it) of the other cherub. 27. he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, — of the other cherub touched the other wall ; 28. he overlaid the cherubims with gold. 29. about with carved figures of cherubims 32. carvings of cherubims — spread gold upon the cherubims, 35. he carved (thereon) cherubims : 29. lions, oxen, and cherubims : 36. he graved cherubims, : 6. the wings of the cherubims. 7. tke cherubims spread forth (their) two — the cherubims covered the ark : 15. which dwellest (between) tlie cherubims, : 6. that dwelleth (between) the cherubims, : 18. the chariot of the cherubims, : 7. graved cherubims on the walls. 10. he made two cherubims of image work, 1 1 . the wings of the cherubims — reaching to the wing of the other cherub. 12, (one) wing of the other cherub — the wing of the other cherub. 13. The wings of these cherubims 14. wrought cherubims thereon. ; 7. under the wings of the cherubims: 8. the cherubims spread forth (their) wings — the cherubims covered the ark ; 10(11). he rode upon a cherub, 1 (2). that dwellest (between) the cherubims, l.he sitteth (between) the cherubims; 16. that dwellest (between) tke cherubims, 3. the glory.. .was gone up from the cherub, 1 . the head of the cherubims 2. ( even) under the cherub, — from between the cherubims, » 3. Now the cherubims stood on the right side 4. the glory... went up from the cherub, 5. the sound of Me cherubims' wings 6. from between the cherubims ; 7. And (one) cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims unto the fire that (was) between the cherubims, 8. there appeared in the ckerubvns 9. behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherJib : 14. the first face (was) the face of a cherub, 1 > Hip ,/,,.,¦,,},;.„? ii-^v.. \:e*nA .,„ 113 ( 617 ) D-13 Eze.lO:I6.when the cherubims went, the wheels went by them: and when (Ae cherubims lifted 18. stood over (Ae cherubims. 19. (Ae cherubims lifted up their wings, 20. 1 knew that they (were) (Ae cherubims. 11:22. (Ae cherubims lift up their wings, 28: 14. Thou (art) (Ae anointed cherub 16. 1 will destroy thee, O covering cherub, 41:18. And (it was) made with cherubims and palm trees, so that a palm tree (was) between a cherub and a cherub; and (every ) cherub had two faces ; 20.cAerKoims and palm trees made, 25. cherubims and palm trees, like as Th3 [kah-rohz'], Ch. m. Dan 3: 4. Then an herald cried aloud, To you H3 [k'raz], Ch. * APHEL Preterite. * Dan 5:29. and made a proclamation concerning him, '13 kah-ree', in. pi. 2Sa.20:23. (JTO) (was) over (Ae Cherethites 2 K. 11 : 4. with the captains and the guard, 19. (Ae captains, and the guard, nirnS k'ree-thooth', f. Dcu24: 1 . bill of divorcement, (marg. cutting off) 3. and write her a bill of divorcement, Isa. 50: l.the bill of your mother's divorcement, Jer. 3: 8. given Aer a bill of divorce ; 33^.3 kar-kohv', m. Ex. 27: 5. the compass o/the altar 38: 4. under (Ae compass thereof D315 kar-kohm', m. Cant 4:14. Spikenard and saffron ; nnjn.3 kir-kah-rohth' , f. pi. Isa, 66: 20. upon mules, and upon swift beasts, D-)3 keh'-rem, com. Gen 9:20. and he planted a vineyard : Ex. 22: 5(4). a field or vineyard — the best of Ais own vineyard, 23: 11. thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, Lev.l9:10.jlnd thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather (every) grape ofthy vineyard; 25: 3. thou shalt prune thy vineyard, 4. nor prune thy vineyard. Nu. 16: 14. inheritance of fields and vineyards: 20: 17. through the fields, or through the vineyards, 21 : 22. or into the vineyards ; 22:24. in a path of (Ae sineyards, Deu 6:11. vineyards and olive trees, 20: 6. (he) that hath planted a vineyard, 22: 9. Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with — the fruit of (thy) vineyard, 23:24(25).in(o thy neighbour's vineyard, 24:21. the grapes of thy vineyard, 28: 30. thou shalt plant a vineyard, 39. Thou shalt plant vineyards, Jos. 24:13. (Ae vineyards and oliveyards Jud. 9:27. and gathered (Aeir vineyards, 11:33. unto the plain of (Ae vineyards, 14; 5. (Ae vineyards of Timnath : Jud.15: b. the vineyards (and) olives. 21 :20. lie in wait in the vineyards ; 21. then come ye out of (Ae vineyards, 1 Sa. 8:14. your fields, and your vineyards, lb. and of your vineyards, 22: 7. give every one of you fields andvineyards, IK. 21: 1. Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, 2, 6. Give me thy vineyard, — a better vineyard than it ; 6. 1 will give thee (another) vineyard for it: and he answered, I will not give thee my vineyard. 7. 1 will give thee (Ae vineyard of 15, 16. (Ae vineyard of Naboth 18. in (Ae vineyard of Naboth, 2K. 5:26. garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, 18:32. a land of bread and vineyards, 19:29. sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, lCh.27:27.over (Ae vineyards (was) Shimei the Ramathite: over (Ae increase of the vine yards (marg. (Aa( which (was) of the vineyards) Neh 3:14. the ruler of part of Beth-Aaccerem; (lit. house of (Ae vineyard) 5: 3. our lands, vineyards, and houses, 4. our lands and vineyards. 5. other men have our lands and vineyards. 11. their lands, (Aeir vineyards, 9:25. wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, Job. 24: 6. and they gather (Ae vintage of the wicked. 18. he beholdeth not the way of (Ae vineyards. Ps. 107: 37. sow the fields, and plant vineyards, Pro. 24:30. (Ae vineyard of the man void of 31 : 16. she planteth a vineyard. Ecc. 2 : 4. 1 planted me vineyards : Cant 1: 6. they made me keeper of (Ae vineyards; (but) mine own vineyard have I not 14. in (Ae vineyards of En-gedi. 2:15. the little foxes, that spoil (Ae uines.- for our vines (have) tender grapes. 7 :12(13). Let us get up early to the vineyards ; 8:11. Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon ; he let out (Ae vineyard unto keepers ; 12. My vineyard, which (is) mine, Isa. 1 : 8. as a cottage in a vineyard, 3: 14. ye have eaten up (Ae vineyard; 5: l.my beloved touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a vineyard 3. betwixt me and my vineyard. 4. been done more to my vineyard, 5. what I will do to my vineyard: 7. the vineyard of the Lord of hosts 10. ten acres of vineyard 16: 10. and in the vineyards there shall be no . 27 : 2. A vineyard of red wine. 36 . 1 7. a land of bread and vineyards. 37 : 30. sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, 65: 2 l.they shall plant vineyards, Jer. 6: I. a sign of fire in Beth-Aaccerem : (lit. house of (Ae vineyard) 12:10. Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, 31: 5. Thou shalt yet plant times 32: 15. Houses and fields and vineyards 35 : 7. nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, 9. neither (lit. and not) have we vineyard, 39: 10. and gave them vineyards and fields Eze. 28: 26. build houses, and plant vineyards; Hos. 2: 15(17). I will give her Aer vineyards Am. 4: 9. your gardens and your vineyards 5 : 1 1 . ye have planted pleasant vineyards, 17. in all vineyards (shall be) wailing: 9:14. they shall plant vineyards, Mic. 1: 6. as plantings of a vineyard: Zep 1:13. they shall plant vineyards, Tfi"l3 kar-meel', m. 2Ch. 2: 7(6). in purple, and crimson, and blue, 14(13).in fine linen, and in crimson; 3: 14. purple, and crimson, and fine linen, WET\2 koh-rmeem', m. pi. 2K. 25:12. (to be) vinedressers and husbandmen. 2Ch 26: 10. and vine dressers in the mountains, D13 ( 618 ) Isa. 6 1 : 5 . your plowmen and your vinedressers. Jer. 52: 16. the poor of the land for vinedressers Joel 1 : 11. howl, 0 ye vinedressers, 7D13 kar-mel', m. Lev. 2: 23: 2K. 4; 19: 2Ch.26 ¦ Cant 7 Isa. 10: 16 29 32 37 Jer. 2 4 48 Am. 1 9 Mic. 7 14. beaten out of full ears. 14. nor parched corn, nor green ears, 42. and full ears of corn in the husk thereof. 23. forest of Ais Carmel. (or, fruitful field) 10. in the mountains, and in Carmel ; (marg. or, fruitful fields) 5(6). Thine head upon thee (is) like Carmel, (marg. or, crimson) 18. of his forest, and of his fruitful field, 10. and joy out of the plentiful field ; 17. Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be : 15. the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. 16. righteousness remain in the fruitful field. 24. the forest of Ais Carmel. (marg. or Ais fruitful field) 7 . 1 brought you in to a plentiful country, 26. (Ae fruitful place (was) a wilderness, 33. gladness is taken from (Ae plentiful field, : 2. the top of Carmel shall wither. 3. they hide themselves inthe top of Carmel, 14. in the midst of Carmel : KCH3 kor-seh', Ch. m. Dan 5: 20. he was deposed from his kingly throne, 7 : 9.1 beheld till the thrones were cast down, . — his throne (was like) the fiery flame, DD*13 [keer-sehmf]. Future. Ps. 80:13(14). boar out of the wood doth waste it, JH3 kah-ragf. # KAL.— Preterite. * Gen49: 9. he stooped down, he couched Nu. 24: 9. i?e couched, he lay down as a lion, Jud. 5:27. At her feet he bowed,he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell 7 : 6. the rest of the people bowed down I K. 1 9 : 1 8 . all the knees which have not bowed 2Ch.29:29.all that were present. . .bowed themselves, Ps. 20: 8(9) . They are brought down Isa. 10: 4. Without me they shall bow down 46: 1. Bel boweth down, 2. they bow down together ; KAL. — Infinitive. 1 K. S'.o'i.from kneeling on his knees KAL.— Future. 5. every one that boweth down 19. and when. ..she bowed herself and 13. and fell on his knees before Elijah, (marg. bowed) 24. and lie sujik down in his chariot, (marg. bowed) 3. Ajid when all. ..Me*/ bowed themselves with 5. 1 fell upon my knees, : 2. Mordecai bowed not, ; 10. let others bow down upon her. 3. They bow themselves, they bring 29(30). all they that go down.. .shall bow 9. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow 6. let us worship and bow down : 23. unto me every knee shall bow, 12. ye shall all bow down KAL. — Participle. Poel. : 2. bowed, and reverenced Haman: 5. Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, 4: 4. thou hast strengthened the feeble knees. (marg. bowing) Jud 7 ISa 4 2K. 1 9 2f'h 7 Ezr. 9 Est. 3 Job 31 39 Ps. 22 72 95 Isa. 45 65 Est. 3 Job 4 /TO # HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Jud. 1 1 : 35. daughter I (Aom hast brought me very low, Ps. 78:31. smote down the chosen (men) HIPHIL.— 1 Jud. 11:35. hast brought me very low, (lit. bringing low hast brought me low) HIPHIL Imperative. Ps. 17:13. disappoint him, cast him down: HIPHIL.— Future. 2Sa.22:40. Aas( (Aou subdued under me. (marg. caused to bow) Ps. 18: 39(40) . (Aom Aas( SMiduedunder (marg. id. ) B$*13 k'rah-gah'-yim, f. Ex. 12: 9. his head with Ais legs, 29: 17. the inwards of him, and his legs, Lev. 1 : 9. his inwards and his legs 13. the inwards and the legs , 4: 1 l.with his head, and with Ais legs, 8 : 21 & 9 : 14. the inwards and (Ae legs 11:21. which have legs above their feet, Am. 3; 12. out of the mouth of the lion two le DQ")3 kar-pas' ', m. Est. 1 : 6. white, green, and blue, (hangings), TO [kah-rar']. * PILPEL.— Participle. * 2Sa. 6 : 14. David danced before the Lord 16. saw king David leaping and dancing fcTl.3 [k'rehs], m. Jer. 51 :34. he hath filled his belly with rn3 kah-rathr. # KAL.— Preterite. * Gen 15: 18. the Lord made a covenant Ex. 24: 8. the covenant, which the Lord hath made 34:27.1 have made a covenant with thee Nu. 13:24. the children of Israel cut down Deu 4:23. the covenant... which he made 5 : 2. The Lord our God made a covenant 3. The Lord made not this covenant 9: 9. the covenant which the" Lord made 20: 20. thou shalt destroy and cut them down; 29: 1(28:69). the covenant which lie made 25( 24) . the covenant of the Lord God. . .which he made 31:16. my covenant which I have made Jos. 9: 16. they had made a league Jud. 6:30. Ae hath cut down the grove lSa.24: 5(6). he had cut off SauTs skirt. IK. 8: 9. the Lord made (a covenant) 21. the covenant of the Lord, which he made 2K. 17:15. his covenant that he made 38. the covenant that I have jnade 18: 4. and cut down the groves, ICh 16: 16. (the covenant) which he made 2Ch 5:10. the Lord made (a covenant) 6:11. the covenant of the Lord, that he made 7:18.1 have covenanted with David 21 : 7. the covenant that he had made Job 31 : 1. 1 made a covenant with mine eyes ; Ps. 89: 3(4). I have made a covenant with 105: 9. (covenant) he made with Abraham, Isa. 18: b. he shall both cut off the sprigs 28 : 15. We have made a covenant Jer. 10: 3. (one) cutteth a tree out of the forest, 11:10. my covenant which / made 22 : 7. and they shall cut down thy choice cedars, 31:31. that I will make a new covenant 32. the covenant that / made 32:40. And Iwill make an everlasting covenant 34:13. 1 made a covenant with v/»i» £>*i,«rs Ex. n~v ( 619 ) Jer. 34: 18. the covenant which they had made — they cut the calf in twain, 46:23. They shall cut down her forest, ^^'i*""8,"^ ™th aem a covenant 37:2b.Jlforeo»er I will make a covenant Hos. 2 : 1 8 ( 20) . Hiifi / make a covenant Hag. 2: 5. 1 covenanted with you Zee.lhlO.my covenant which Ihad made KAL. — Infinitive. Deu 19: 5. to cut down the tree, 29: 1(28: 69). covenant, which the Lord com manded Moses to make lSa.22: 8.that my son hath made a league 21:U(l2).intkat Icut offthe skirt In o !>' i?0). (o A™. timber like unto the Sidonians. 20h 2: 8(7). to cut timber m Lebanon; 29:10.(0 maAe a covenant with the Lord Neh 9: 8. and madest a covenant with him Isa. 44:14.fle Aetoe(A him down cedars Jer. 34: 8. after that the king Zedekiah Aad made a Hos 10: 4. in making a covenant: KAL — Imperative. Jos. 9: 6, ll.maAeyealeague with us. lSa.ll: I . AfaAe a covenant with us, 2Sa. 3:12.ilfaAethy league withme, Jer. 6: 6. Hew ye down trees, 50:16. Cut offthe sower from Babylon, KAL Future. Gen21:27.andboth of them made a covenant. 32. TAns they made a covenant 26:28. and let us make a covenant 31 :44. let us make a covenant, 4:25. and cut offthe foreskin of her son, 23:32. Thou shalt make no covenant 34:12, 15. lest (Aom maAe a covenant 13. and cm( down their groves: Nu. 13:23. and cut down from thence a branch Deu 7: 2. (Aom shalt make no covenant 20: 19. (Aom shalt not cut them down Jos. 9: 7. how shall we make a league 15. and made a league with them, 24:25. So Joshua made a covenant Jud. 2: 2. ye shall make no league 6: 25. and cut down the grove 26. the grove which (Aom shalt cut down. 9:48. and cut down a bough from the trees, 49. And all the people.. .cm( down every man 1 sa. 1 1 : 2. will I make ( a covenant) with you, 17:51. and cm( qffhis head 18: 3. Men Jonathan and David made a covenant, 20 : 16 . So Jonathan made ( a covenant ) ( marg. cut) 23:18. And they two made a covenant 24: 4(5). and cut offthe skirt of Saul's robe 31 : 9. And they cut off his head, 2Sa, 3:13. 1 will make a league with thee: 21. that they may make a league 5: 3. and king David made a league 10:4. and cut off their garments 20:22. And they cut offthe head of Sheba 5: 6(20). (Aa( they hew me cedar trees 12( 26 ). and they two made a league 15:13. and Asa destroyedher idol, (marg. cutoff) 20:34. So he made a covenant with him, -K. 1 1 : 4. and made a covenant with them, J 7. ^4nd Jehoiada -made a covenant 17:35. With whom (lit. And with them) the Lord Aad made a covenant, 19:23. and will cut down the tall cedar trees 23: ¦Land made a covenant before the Lord, 14. and cut down the groves, 11 1 1 : 3. and David made a covenant IK. 19: 4. and cut off their garments *Ui 2:16(15). we will cut wood out of Lebanon, 15:16. she had made an idol.. .and Asa cm( down 23: 3. And all the congregation made a covenant 16. And Jehoiada made a covenant 34:31 . and made a covenant before the Lord, Ezr.10: 3.let us make a covenant Job 41 : 4(40: 28) . Will he make a covenant rs. 83: 5(6) . (Aey are confederate (lit. they have made . a covenant) isa, 37: 24. and I will cut down the tall cedars 55: 3. and I will make an everlasting covenant 57: 8. and made a covenant with them; (marg. or, hewed it) jtd Isa. 61 : 8. / will make an everlasting covenant Jer. 11:19. and let us cut him off 'from the land 31 : 33. the covenant that Twill make 34: lb. and ye had made a covenant Eze. 17:13. and made a covenant with him, 31:12. And strangers, the terrible of the nations, Aaue cm( Aim off, Hos. 12: 1(2). they do make a covenant KAL Participle. Poel. Ex. 34: 10. Behold, I make a covenant: Deu29:12(ll).oath, which the Lord thy God maketh 14(13). do I make this covenant 2Ch 2:10(9). the hewers (Aa( cut timber, Neh 9:38(10: l).we maAe a sure (covenant), Ps. 50: 5. (Aose that have made a covenant Isa. 14: 8.no feller is come up against us. KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Lev.22:24.is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut; Deu 23: 1(2). or hath his privy member cn( off ISa. 5: 4.the palms of his hands (were) cutoff * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Genl7:14.that soul shall be cut off Ex. 12: 15. that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 19. etien that soul shall Ae cut off from the 30:33, 38.sAa(( even be cut off from, his people. 31 : 14. that soul shall be cut off Lev. 7 : 20, 21 . even that soul shall be cut off 2b. even the soul.. .sAaZZ Ae cm( off from 27. even that soul shall Ae cm( off 17: 4. and that man sAaZZ Ae cut off 9. shall be cut off from among 18:29.euen the souls that commit (them) sAaZZAe cm( off 19: 8. and that soul sAaZZ Ae cut off 20 : 1 7 . and (Aey shall be cut off 1 8. and both of them shall be cut off 22: 3. that soul shall be cut off 23:29. Ae shall be cut off from among Nu. 9:13.e«en the same soul shall be cut off 1 5 : 30. and that soul sAaZZ be cut off 19:13. and that soul shall Ae cm( off 20. that soul shall be cut off 3:16. the waters...towardth'esea of the plain,... were cut off: 4 : 7 . the waters of Jordan were cut off — the waters of Jordan were cut off: 37 : 28. the seed of the wicked sAaZZ Ae cut off. 38. the end, of the wicked shall be cut off. Isa. 22:25. and the burden that (was) upon it shall be cut off: 29 : 20. and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: Jer. 7 : 28. truth is perished, and is cut off Joel 1 : 5. the new wine ; for it is cut off 16. Is not the meat cm( off Obad. 10. and thou shalt be cut off Nah. 1 : 15(2: 1 ). the wicked... Ae is utterly ck( off. I Zep. 1:11. they that bear silver are cut off. Zee. 9: lO.and the battle bow shall be cut off: NIPHAL Infinitive. Nu. 15:31. that soul shall utterly be cut off; (lit. being cut off shall be cut off) Ps. 37:34. wAen the wicked are cut off, NIPHAL.— Future. Gen 9: 11. neither sAaZZ all flesh Ae cut off 41 : 36. the land perish not (marg. Ae not cm( off) Lev.l7:14. whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. Nu. II :33.the flesh.. .ere it was chewed, 15: 31. that soul shall utterly Ae cm( off; Jos. 3:13. the waters of Jordan shall be cut off 9 : 23. (Aere shall none of you Ae freed (marg. not Ae cm( off from you) Ru. 4:10. that the name of the dead Ae not cut off 2Sa. 3:29.(e( (Aere not fail from the house of Joab IK. 2: 4. (Aere shall not fail thee., .a man (marg. be cutoff) 8:25 & 9 :5. There sliall not fail thee a man (marg. id. ) 2Ch 6:16 & 7:18. TAere shall not fail thee a man (marg. id. ) Job 14: 7. there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, Ps. 37 : 9. evildoers shall be cut off: 22. (they that be) cursed... shall be cut off. Jos. Ps J-113 ( 620 ) Pro. 2 : 22. the wicked sAaZZ Ae cm( off 10:31. the froward tongue shall be cut out. 23: 18. thine expectation sAaZZ not be cut off. 24: 14. thy expectation shall not Ae cm( off. Isa. 11:13. the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: 48 : 19. his name should not have been cut off 55: 13. everlasting sign (that) shall not be cut off. 56: 5. everlasting name, that shall not Ae cwt off. Jer. 33:17. David shall never want (marg. Thereshall not Ae cm( off from David) 18. shall the priests the Levites want ( lit. (Aere shall not Ae cut off from the priests) 19. Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man (marg. TAere shall not a man Ae cm( off from Jonadab) : 26. shall Messiah Ae cw( off, 4. that (Aey may be cut off. 9. may be cut off by slaughter. 9(8). all thine enemies shall be cut o. 7. their dwelling should not fee cut q; 8. two parts therein shall be cut off : 2. the people shall not fee cm( off * PUAL Preterite. * :28.the grove was cut down that (was) by it, " 4. thy navel was not cut, * HIPHIL Preterite. * 10. and will cut him off from among his people. 3. and will cut him off from among his people ; b.and will cut him off and all 6. and will cut him q/f from among : 22 . and destroy your cattle, and make you few 30. and cut down your images, 9. and cut off our name from the earth: 4. all the nations that / have cm( off, : 24. until they had destroyed Jabin : 9.Ae Aa(A cut off those that have familiar : 7. TAen will I cut off Israel : 16. until Ae Aad cut off every male : 10. and will cut ojf from Jeroboam .21. and will cut off from Ahab : 8. and I will cut off from Ahab : 22. and cut off from Babylon the name, 8. and I wilt cut him q^from the midst 13. and will cut off man and beast 17. so that I cut off man and beast 3( 8) . and will cut off from thee the righteous 4(9). I will cut off from thee the righteous 7. and I will cut thee off from the people, 1 3. and will cut off man and beast 16. and I will cut offthe Cherethims, 8. and cut off man and beast 15. and I wilt cut offthe multitude of No. 7. and cut off from it him that passeth out 5. and cut offthe inhabitant 8. And I will cut offthe inhabitant 3. And Iwill cut off the judge : 10(9). (Aat J will cut off thy horses 11(10). And I will cut offthe cities 12(11 ).And I will cut off witchcrafts 13(12). Thy graven images aZso will I cut off, 13( 14) . and 1 will cut off thy prey 3. and Iwill cut off man A. and I will cut offthe remnant of Baal 6. 1 have cut offthe nations: 6. and I will cut offthe pride of the 10. And I will cut offthe chariot HIPHIL.— Infinitive. 9(b) . to destroy the frogs from thee 15. when the Lord Aa(A cut off' 4. wAen Jezebel cut offthe prophets 7 . the Lord had anointed to cut off 16(17). (o cut offthe remembrance of them B.that I may cut off all wicked doers 13. Let his posterity fee cut off; 7. to destroy and cut off nations 9. that I cut thee not iff. 21(20). (o cut offthe children 7. (o cut off from you man and woman, 8. that ye mipAt cut yourselves off, 1 1 . and to cut off all Judah. 4.(0 cm( off from Tyrus and Zidon 62. spoken against this place, to cut it off, 19, 21 . to cut off from it man and beast: 17.(o cut off many persons: 14. to cut off those. ..that did escape ; 35 Dan. 9 Hos. 8 Obad. Mic. 5. Zep. 3: Zec.l 3 14 Jud. 6 Eze. 16 Lev.l 7 20 26 Jos. 7 23 Jud. 4 ISa. 28 IK. 9 11 1421 2K. 9 Isa. 14 Eze.14; 29: 3035 Am. 1: 2: Mic. 5 Nah. 2 Zep. 1 3 Zee. 9 Ex. 8 ISa. 20 IK. 18 2Ch22Ps. 34 101 109 Isa. 1048 Jer. '9 44 4751 Eze.14 17 Obad. Nu. 4: Deu 12: 19: Jos. 1 1 : ISa. 2: 20:24: 2Sa. 7: IK. 14: 18: ICh 17: Ps. 12: 109: Isa. 9: Jer. 48: Nah. 1 : 3: Zec.13: Mai. 2 W3 HIPHIL.— Future. 18. Cut ye not offthe tribe of 29. the Lord thy God shall cut offthe nations l.the Lord thy God Aa(A cm( offthe nations, 21. and cut offthe Anakims from the 33.1 shall not cut off from mine altar, 15. (Aom sAaZ( not cm( off thy kindness 21 (22) . thou wilt not cut off my seed 9. and have cut off all thine enemies 14. who shall cat off the house of Jeroboam 5. that we lose not (marg. we cut not off) all 8. and have cut off all thine enemies 3( 4 ) . The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, 15. that he may cut off the memory 14(13). Therefore the Lord will cut off from 2. and let us cut it off from (being) a nation. 14. will I cut offthe graven image 15. the sword shall cut thee off, 2. / MiiZZ cat offthe names of the idols 12. The Lord will cm( ojf the man * HOPHAL Preterite. * Joel 1 : 9. the drink offering is cut off rh3 k'rohth, f. pi. const. Zep. 2: 6. cottages for shepherds, nirns kWoo-mhth' , f. Pi. IK. 6 : 36. a row of cedar beams. 7: 2. with cedar beams upon the pillars. 12. a row of cedar beams, TtO k'reh-thee' , m. 2Sa. 8 15 20 : 1 8. Ao(A (Ae Cherethites and the Pelethites ; :18.all(Ae Cherethites, : 7. and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, 23. over (Ae Cherethites IK. 1:38, 44. and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, 1 Ch 1 8 : 1 7. (Ae Cherethites and the Pelethites ; Eze.25: 16. 1 will cut off(Ae Cherethims, Zep. 2: 5. the nation of (Ae Cherethites! 3^| keh'-sev, m. Gen30:32. all the brown cattle among the sheep, 33. the goats, and brown among the sheep, 35. all the brown among the sheep, 40. And Jacob did separate (Ae lambs, Lev. 1 : 10. of (Ae sAeep, or of the goats, 3: 7. If he offer a lamb 4: 35. as the fat of (Ae ZamA is taken away 7 : 23. or of sheep, or of goat. 17: 3. that killeth an ox, or Zanife, 22 : 1 9. of the sheep, or of the goats. 27. a bullock, or a sheep, Nu. 18:17. the firstling of a sheep, Deul4: 4. the ox, (Ae sAeep, (lit. the lamb of sheep) H3b>3 kis-bati, f. t : ' Lev. 5 : 6. a lamb or a kid of the goats, Hb3 [kah-sah']. * KAL Preterite. # Deu 32: 15. (Aom art covered (with fatness); V^3 kash-sheel', m. Ps. 74: 6. wi(A axes and hammers. bra ^3 kuh-shal'. * KAL.— Preterite. * Lev.26:37. .4nd (Aey shall fall one upon another, Neh. 4:10(4). The strength. ..is decayed, Ps. 27: 2. (Aey stumbled and fell. 31:10(11). my strength faileth because of mine 107:12.(Aey/e/Z down, and (there was) none to 109:24. My knees are weak through fasting ; Isa. 3: 8. For Jerusalem is ruined, 8: 15. And many among them shall stumble, 28: 13. that they might go, and fall backward, 31 : 3.feo(A he that helpeth shall fall, 59: 10. we stumble at noon day as in the night ; 14. truth is fallen in the street, Jer. 6:21. and the fathers and the sons together sAaZZ fall 46 : 6. (Aey sAaZZ stumble, and fall toward the north 12. the mighty man Aa(A stumbled 50:32. And the most proud shall stumble Lam. 5: 13. the children fell under the wood. Hos. 4: 5. Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee 5: 5. Judah also shall fall with them. 14: 1(2). (Aom hast fallen by thine iniquity. Nah. 3: 3. they (lit. and they) stumble upon their corpses: KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 40: 30. the young men shall utterly fall: (lit. falling shall fall) KAL.— Future. Pro. 4:16. (3TD) unless (Aey cause (some) tofall. KAL Participle. Poel. 2Ch28:15.carried all the feeble of them upon asses, Job 4: 4. him (Aa( was falling, Ps.l05:37. (there was) not one feeble (person) Isa. 5:27. None shall be weary nor stumble among 35: 3. confirm the feeble knees. Jer. 46:16. He made many tofall, (marg. multiplied the fuller) * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Danll -.14. to establish the vision ; Am( (Aey shall fall. 19. but he sliall stumble and fall, 33. yd they shall full by the sword, NIPHAL.— Infinitive. Pro.24:17. and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth : Dan 11:34. Now when they shall full, they shall be NIPHAL.— Future. Ps. 9: 3(4). (Aey shall fall and perish at thy Pro. 4: 12. when thou runnest, (Aom sAaZZ not stumble. 19. they know not at what (Aey stumble. 24:16. the wicked shall fall into mischief. Isa 40:30. the young men shall utterly fall: 63: 13. (that) they should not stumble? Jer. 6:15. (that) I visit them (Aey shall be cast down, 8: 12. of their visitation they shall be cast down, 20: 11. therefore my persecutors shall stumble, 31 : 9. wherein (Aey sAaZZ not stumble: Eze.33: 1 2. Ae shall not fall thereby Dan 1 1 :35. (some) of them ofunderstanding shall fall, 41. many (countries) sAaZZ fee overthrown: Hos. 5: 5. therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall 14: 9(10). the transgressors shall fall therein. Nah. 2: 5(6). (Aey shall stumble in their walk; 3: 3. (3sru) (Aey stumble upon their corpses: NIPHAL.— Participle. ISa. 2: 4. and (Aey that stumbled are girded with Zec.12: 8.Ae that is feeble among them (marg. fallen, or, abject) * PIEL Future. * Eze.36: 14. neither bereave thy nations any more, (marg. caMse tofall) * HIPHIL Preterite. * Urn. 1 : 14. Ae Aa(A made my strength to fall. Mil. 2: 8. ye Aaue caased many to stumble (marg. fall) at the law ; HIPHIL Infinitive. 2Ch 25 : 8. God hath power to help , and to cast down. 28:23. they were the ruin of him, ( 621 ) 3/13 HIPHIL Future. 2Ch 25: 8. God sAaZZ maAe thee fall Ps. 64: 8(9). So they shall make their own tongue to fall Pro. 4: 16. unless (Aey cause (some) tofall. Jer. 18:15. and they have caused them to stumble in theiT Eze.36: 15. neither sAaZ( (Aom caase thy nations tofall * HOPHAL Participle. * Jer. 18:23. let them be overthrown before thee ; Pro kish-shah-lohn' , m. 16:18. an haughty spirit before a fall. S]fc?3 [kah-shaph']. 2Ch Ex. DeuDan Mai, # PIEL Preterite. * 33: 6. used enchantments, and used witchcraft,' PIEL Participle. 7:11. the wise men and the sorcerers : 22: 18(1 7). Thou shalt not suffer a a>i(cA to live. 18:10. or an enchanter, or a witch, . 2: 2. and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, . 3: 5. will be a swift witness againstthe sorcerers, P|^3 [kash-shahph.'], m. Jer. 27 : 9. nor to yowr sorcerers, CSiJ^ M shah-pheem' , m. pi. 2K. 9:22. and her witchcrafts (are so) many? Isa. 47: 9, 12. the multitude ofthy sorceries, Mic. 5: 12(1 1 ). I will cut off witchcrafts Nah. 3 : 4. the mistress of witchcrafts, — families through her witchcrafts. ")fc?3 kah-shehr' . * KAL Preterite. * Est. 8: 5. and the thing (seem) right before the KAL FMtMre. Eccl 1 : 6. thou knowest not whether shall prosper, * HIPHIL.— Infinitive. * Ecc.10: 10. wisdom (is) profitable to direct. \)~W2 kish-rohn', m. Ecc. 2: 21. in knowledge, and in equity; 4: 4.1 considered all travail, and every riyA( (marg. all (Ae rightness of) work, 5: 11 (10). good (is there) to the owners thereof, 3J°l3 kah-thav' . - T * KAL Preterite. * Ex. 24: 1 2. commandments which I have written; 32 : 32. thy book which thou hast written. 34: 1 . and I will write upon (these) tables Nu. 5 : 23. And the priest shall write these curses Deu 6: 9. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of 11 :20. And thou shalt write them upon the door 17:18. (Aa( Ae sAaZZ write him a copy 24: 1 . (Aen let him write her a bill of 3. and write her a bill of divorcement, 27: 3. And thou shalt write upon them 8. And thou shalt write upon the stones Jos. 8 : 32. Ae wrote in the presence of 2K. 17:37. which Ae wrote for you, 2Ch 26:22. did Isaiah the prophet,. ..write. 30: 1 . wrote letters also to Ephraim 32: 17.n.To(e also letters to rail on the Lord God Ezr. 4: 6. wrote (Aey (unto him) an accusation 7. wrote Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, Est. 8: b. he wrote to destroy the Jews 9 : 23. as Mordecai Aad written unto them ; Job 31 : 35. mine adversary had written 3/13 Pro. 22: 20. Have not I written to thee Jer, 36: 2. and write therein all the words 6. thou hast written from my mouth, 17. How didst thou write all these words 27 . the words which Baruch wrote 29. Why hast thou written therein, KAL. — Infinitive. Deu 31 : 24. Moses had made an end of writing Jos. 18: 8. them that went to describe the land, Ps. 87: 6. when he writeth up the people, Jer. 32: 44. and subscribe evidences, 45 : 1 . when he had written these words KAL. — Imperative. Ex. 17:14. Write this (for) a memorial 34 : 27 . Write thou these words : Deu31 : 19. Now therefore write ye this song Jos. 18: 8. walk through the land, and describe it, Est. 8; 8. Write ye also for the Jews, Pro. 3: 3 & 7:3. write them upon the table of Isa. 8: Land write in it with a man's pen 30 : 8. write it before them in a table, Jer. 22:30. Write ye this man childless, 30: 2. Write thee all the words 36: 28. and write in it all the former words Eze.24: 2. write thee the name of the day, 37: 16. take thee one stick, and write upon it, — take another stick, and write upon it, 43 : 1 1 . and write ( it) in their sight, Hab. 2: 2. Write the vision, KAL Future. Ex. 24: 4. And Moses wrote all the words 34: 28. And he wrote upon the tables 39: 30. and wrote upon it a writing, Nu. 17 : 2(17) . write thou every man's name 3(18). And thou shalt write Aaron's name 33: 2. And Moses wrote their goings out Deu 4: 13. and he wrote them upon two tables 5:22(19). And he wrote them in two tables 10: 2. .And I will write on the tables 4. And he wrote on the tables, 31 : 9. And Moses wrote this law, 22. Moses therefore wrote this song Jos. 8:32.j4nd he wrote there upon the stones 18 : 4. and go through the land, and describe it 6. Ye shall therefore describe the land 9. and described it hy cities 24:26. And Joshua wrote these words Jud. 8:14. and he described (marg. writ) unto him 1 Sa. 1 0 : 25 . and wrote ( it ) in a book, 2Sa. 11 : 14. that David wrote a letter to Joab, 15. And he wrote in the letter, IK. 21 : 8. So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, 9. And she wrote in the letters, saying, 2K. 10: l.And Jehu wrote letters, and sent to 6. Then he wrote a letter lCh24: 6. And Shemaiah... (one) of the Levites, wrote them Est. 8:10. Andhewrote in the king Ahasuerus' name, 9:20. And Mordecai wrote these things, 29. Then Esther.. .and Mordecai.. wrote with Job 13: 26. thou write.st bitter things Isa. 10: 19. that a child may write them. 44: 5. another shall subscribe Jer. 31 :33. write it in their hearts ; 32:10. And I subscribed the evidence, 36: 4. and Baruch wrote from the mouth of 32. who wrote therein from the mouth of 51 :60. So Jeremiah wrote in a book Eze.37:20.the sticks whereon thou writcst Hos. 8: 12. 1 have written to him the great things KAL. — Participle. Poel. Neh. 9:38(10:1). make a sure (covenant), and write Jer. 32: 12. the witnesses that subscribed 36: 18. 1 wrote (them) with ink KAL . — Participle. Paiil. Ex. 31 : 18. written with the finger of God. 32: 15. the tables (were) written on both their — on the other (were) they written. Nu. 11 : 26. they (were) of them that were written, Deu 9:10. written with the finger of God ; 28:58. that are written in this book, 61. (is) not written in the book of this law, 29:20(19). the curses that are written in this book 21(20). that are written (marg. is written) in ( 622 ) 3713 Deu 29 : 27( 26 ). the curses (Aa( are written in this book : 30: 10. his statutes wAicA are written in this book Jos. 1: 8. all (Aa( is written therein: 8:31. as it is written in the book 34. according to all (Aa( is written 10:13. (Is) not this written in the book of Jasher? 23 : 6. all (Aa( is written in the book of the law 2Sa. 1 : 18. (it is) written in the book of Jasher. IK. 2: 3. as i( is tori((en in the law of Moses, 1 1 :4I . (are) they not written in the book 14: 19. (are) written in the book of the chronicles 29. not written in the book of the chronicles 15: 7,23,31 &16:5, 14, 20,27. written in the book 21 : 1 1 . as it (was) written in the letters 22:39, 45 (46) . written in the book of the 2K. 1:18 & 8:23 & 10:34 & 12:19(20) & 13:8, 12. written in the book of the chronicles 14 : 6. according unto that which is written 15, 18,28 & 15:6, 11, 15,21, 26,31, 36& 16:19 & 20:20 & 21:17, 25. written in the book of the chronicles 22:13. that which is written concerning us. 23: 3. words of this covenant (Aa( were written 21 . as (it is) written in the book 24. the words of the law which were written 28 & 24 : 5. written in the book of the chronicles 1 Ch 4:41 . these written by name came 9 : 1 . written in the book of the kings 16:40. that is written in the law 29: 29. written in the book of Samuel 2Ch 9 : 29. written in the book of Nathan 12:15. written in the book of Shemaiah 13: 22. written in the story of the prophet Iddo. 16:11. written in the book of the kings 20:34. written in the book of Jehu 23:18. as (it is) written inthe law of Moses, 24:27. written in the story of the book of 25: 4. as (it is) written in the law in the book of 26 & 27 : 7 & 28 : 26. written in the book of the 30: 5. (in such sort) as it was written. 18. the passover otherwise (Aan it was written. 31 : 3. as (it is) written in the law of the Lord. 32 : 32. written in the vision of Isaiah 33: 19. written among the sayings of the seers. 34: 21. all (Aa( is written in this book. 24. the curses (AaZ are written in the book 31 . words of the covenant w>AicA are written 35:12. as (it is) written in the book of Moses. 25. written in the lamentations. 26. according lo (that which was) unitten 27 & 36:8. written in the book of the kings Ezr. 3: 2. as (it is) written in the law of Moses 4. They kept also thefeast... as (it is) written, 4: 7. written in the Syrian tongue, Neh. 6: 6. Wherein (was) written, 7: 5. and found written therein, 8:14. And they found written in the law 15. to make booths, as (it is) written. 10:34(35), 36(37). as (it is) written in the law: 1 2 : 22. recorded chief of the fathers 23. written in the book of the chronicles, 13: I .therein was found written, Est. 6: 2. it was found written, 10: 2. written in the book of the chronicles Ps. 40: 7(8).the volume of the book (it is) written 149 : 9. execute upon them the judgment written : Ecc. 12: 10. and (that which was) written (was) Isa. 4: 3. every one (Aa( is written among 65: 6. (it is) written before me: Jer. 17: l.The sin of Judah (is) written with a pen 25: 13. all that is written in this book, 51 :60. all these words (Aa( are written Eze. 2:10.it (was) written within and without: and ( there was ) written therein lamentations, Dan. 9:11. written in the law of Moses 13. written in the law of Moses, 12 : 1 . that shall be found written * NIPHAL Future. * Ezr. 8:34. and all the weight was written Est. 1:19. and let it be written among the laws 2:23. and it was written in the book of the 3 : 9. let it be written that they may be destroyed:' 12. and there was written according to all that 8 : 5. let it be written to reverse the letters 9. and it was written according to all that Job 19:23. Oh (AaZ my words were now writtenl 3/13 Ps. 69:28(29). not Ae written with the righteous. 102: 18(19) . This sAaZZ Ae written for the generation 139: 16. in thybook all (my members) were written, Jer. 17:13. they that depart from me sAaZZ Ae written Eze. 13: 9. neither shall (Aey fee written Mai. 3: 16. and a book of remembrance was written NIPHAL Participle. Est. 3 : 12. the name of king Ahasuerus was it written, 8: 8. the writing wAicA is written 9:32. and it was written in the book. * PIEL Preterite. * Isa. 10: 1. (which) they have prescribed ; PIEL.— Participle. Isa. 10: 1 . and that write grievousness ( 623 ) ei/13 hh2 [koh'-thel], ICh 28:19, 2Ch 2:11 35: 4 Ezr. 2:62 4: 7 Neh. 7:64, Est. 1:22 3:14 4 13 9:27, Eze. 13: 9 Danl0:21 3H3 k'thahv, m. . the Lord made me understand in writing (10). the king of Tyre answered in writing, according to the writing o/David These sought (Aeir register and the writing o/the letter . These sought (Aeir register & 3: 12. according to the writing thereof, . The copy of (Ae writing for a . the copy of (Ae writing o/the decree .for (Ae writing which is written in the . according to the writing thereof, to the Jews according to their writing, copy of (Ae writing for a commandment according to their writing, .neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, which is noted in the scripture of truth: 3F)3 k'thahv, m. Ch. Ezr. 6: 18. as it is written in the book of Moses. (marg. according to (Ae writing) 7: 22. and salt without prescribing (how much). Dan 5: 7. Whosoever shall read this writing, 8. but they could not read (Ae writing, 15. that they should read this writing, 16. now if thou canst read (Ae writing, 17. yet I will read (Ae writing 24. and this writing was written. 25. And this (is) (Ae writing that was written, 6: 8(9). the decree, and sign (Ae writing, 9(10). king Darius signed (Ae writing 10(ll).when Daniel knew that (Ae writing 3H3 k'thav, Ch. * P'AL Preterite. * Ezr. 4: 8. and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter Dan 6:25(26). Then king Darius wrote unto all 7: 1. then Ae wrote the dream, P'AL.— Future. Ezr. 5:10. that toe might write the names P'AL Participle. Active. Dan 5: 5. forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote — king saw the part of the hand that wrote. P'AL Participle. Passive. Ezr. 5: 7. sent a letter unto him, wherein was written 6: 2. and therein (was) a record thus written: rdlS k'thoh'-veth, f. bev.!9:28. nor print any marks (lit. and an inscrip tion of a mark) upon you: IVriS kah-theeth', f. Ex- 27:20.pure oil olive beaten for the light, 29:40. fourth part of an hin of beaten oil ; ¦ jje,,24: 2. pure oil olive Aea(en for the light, ™.28: 5.fourth (part) of an hin of beaten oil. t '*• 5:11(25). twenty measures of pure oil: m. Cant.2: 9. he standeth behind our wall, Ezr. 5: Dan 5: hr\2 [k'thal], Ch. m. 8. and timber is laid in the walls, 5. upon the plaister o/(Ae wall of the DPS [kah-tham']. * NIPHAL Participle. * Jer. 2: 22. thine iniquity is marked before me, DJ13 kek'-them, m. Job 28: 16. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, 19. neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 3 1 : 24. or have said to the fine gold, Ps. 45: 9(10).hand did stand the queen in gold of Pro. 25: 12. an ornament of fine gold, Cant. 5 : 1 1 . (Ae most fine gold, (lit. gold fine gold ) Isa. 13:12. than the golden wedge of Ophir. Lam 4: 1 . (how) is the most fine gold changed ! Dan 10: 5. with fine gold o/Uphaz: Gen 3 37: Ex. 28 rtihS k'tkoh'-neth & n.3fi3 koot- toh'-neth, f. 21. did the Lord God make coats of skins, 3. he made him a coat of (many) colours. * c1 zp 23. stript Joseph out of Ais coat, (his) *coat of 3 l.they took Joseph's coat, — dipped (Ae coat in the blood ; h.a.-c iU$ hi 32. they sent (Ae coat of (many) colours, — know now whether it (be ) thy son's coat or 33. (It is) my son's coat ; 4. and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a 39. thou shalt embroider (Ae coat 40. for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coals, 29: 5. put upon Aaron (Ae coat, 8. and put coats upon them. 39:27. they made coats (of) fine linen 40: 14. and clothe them with coals : Lev. 8: 7. he put upon him (Ae coa(, 13. put coats upon them, 10: 5. carried them in their coats 16: 4. He shall put on (Ae holy linen coat, 2Sa.l3:18. (she had) a garment of divers colours 19. and rent her garment of divers colours 15:32. Hushai. ..came to meet him with Ais coat Ezr. 2:69. and one hundred priests' garments. Neh 7 : 70. five hundred and thirty priests' garments. 72. and threescore and seven priests' garments. Job 30:18. bindeth me about as the collar ofmy coat. Cant 5: 3.1 have put off my coat; Isa. 22:21.1 will clothe him with (Ay robe, £|n3 kah-thehph', f. Ex. 27 : 14. The hangings of one side lb. And on the other side 28: 7. It shall have (Ae two shoulderpieces thereof 12. (Ae shoulders of the ephod — upon Ais two shoulders 25. on (Ae shoulderpieces of the ephod 27. the two sides of the ephod 38: 14. The hangings of (Ae one side lb. And for the other side of the court gate, 39: 4. They made shoulderpieces for it, 7. he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, 18.(Ae shoulderpieces of the ephod, 20. (Ae two sides of the ephod Nu. 7: 9. they should bear upon their shoulders. 34:11. (Ae side of the sea of Chinnereth Deu33: 12. he shall dwell between Ais shoulders. Jos. 15: 8.(Ae south side of the Jebusite ; 10. unto (Ae side of mount Jearim, 1 1 . (Ae side of Ekron northward : 6|/D ( 6'24 ) KV Jos. 18:12. to tfAe side 0/ Jericho 13. to the side o/Luz, 16. to the side o/Jebusi 18. And passed along toward the side 19. to the side of Beth-hoglah Jud. 16: 3. put (them) upon his shoulders, 1 Sa. 1 7 : 6. a target of brass between his shoulders. IK. 6: 8. the right side ofthe house: (marg. shoulder) 7:30. the four corners thereof had midersetters : under the laver ( were) undersetters And (there were) four undersetters to the four corners of one base: (and) the un dersetters (were) of the very base itself. the right side ofthe house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side ofthe house 2K. 11:11 .from the right corner of the temple to the left corner of the temple, 34. 39. ICh 15: 2Ch 4: 23: 35 Neh 9 Job 31 : Isa. II 30: 46: 49: Eze. 12 15. bare the ark of God upon their shoulders 10. ;10 41 Zee. 7 he set the sea on the right side from the right side of the temple to the left side of the temple, 3. a burden upon (your) shoulders : 29. and withdrew the shoulder, 22. (Then ) let mine arm fall from my shoulder 14. upon the shoulders o/the Philistines 6. the shoulders of young asses, 7. They bear him upon the shoulder, 22. shall be carried upon (their) shoulders. 6. bear (it) upon (thy) shoulders, 7.1 bare (it) upon (my) shoulder 12. shall bear upon (his) shoulder 4. the thigh, and the shoulder ; 9. open the side (marg. shoulder) of Moab 7. rend all their shoulder : 18. every shoulder (was) peeled: 2 1 . have thrust with side and with shoulder, 1 8. the side of the gates 40. at the side without, as one goeth — . and on the other side, which (was) at the 41. by the side of the gate; 44. the side ofthe north gate ; — at tke side of the east gate 2. and the sides of the door (were) five 26. on the sides ofthe porch, 19. at the side ofthe gate, I. from the right side ofthe house, 2. there ran out waters on the right side. 11. to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder. "IH3 [kah-thar']. * PIEL Preterite. * Jud. 20:43. (Thus) (Aey inclosedthe Benjamites round about, Ps. 22: 12(13). (bulls) of Bashan Aaue Aese( me round. PIEL. — Imperative. Job 36: 2. Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee * HIPHIL.— Future. * Ps. 142: 7(8). the righteous shall compass me about ; Pro.l4:18.the prudent are crowned with knowledge. HIPHIL.— Participle. Hab 1 : 4. the wicked do(A compass about the iri3 keh'-ther, m. Est, ltll.the queen before the king mitA (Ae crown 2 : 1 7. he set (Ae royal crown upon her head, 6 : 8. (Ae crown royal which is set upon his ITinS koh-theh'-reth, f. IK. 7:16. And he made two chapiters — the height of (Ae one chapiter (was) five cubits, andthe height of (Ae other chapiter 17. for the chapiters which (were) upon the — seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter. 18. to cover (Ae chapiters — so did he for the other chapiter. 19. And the chapiters that (were) upon the IK 2K 7:20. And the chapiters upon the two pillars — round about upon (Ae other chapiter. 31 . the mouth of it within the chapiter 41 . the (two ) bowls of (Ae chapiters — the two bowls of (Ae chapiters 42. the two bowls of (Ae chapiters 25: 17. and the chapiter upon it (was) brass: and the height of (Ae chapiter three cubits ; and the wreathen work, and pomegra nates upon (Ae chapiter 2Ch. 4:12. the pommels, and tlie chapiters — , 13. the two pommels of (Ae chapiters Jer. 52:22. And achapiter o/brass (was)upon it; and the height of one chapiter (was) five cubits, with network and pomegranates upon (Ae chapiters trn3 [kah-thash']. * KAL.— Future. * Pro. 27: 22. Though (Aom shouldest bray a fool nrj3 [kah-thath']. * KAL.— Preterite.* Ps. 89:23(24). And I will beat down his foes K A L Infinitive. Isa. 30: 14. the potters' vessel (Aa( is broken in pieces ; KAL. — Imperative. Joel 3: 10(4: 10). Beat your plowshares into swords, KAL. — Future. Deu 9:21. burnt it with fire, and stamped it, KAL. — Participle. Paiil. Lev 22 : 24. or crushed, or broken, or cut ; * PIEL.— Preterite. * 2K. 18: 4. and brake in pieces the brasen serpent 2Ch34: 7. Aad beaten the graven images into powder, Isa. 2: 4. and they shall beat their swords into Mic 4: 3. and they shall beat their swords into Zee. 11: 6. and they shall smite the land, * PUAL Preterite. * 2Ch. 15 : 6. And nation was destroyed of nation, * HIPHIL.— Future. * Nu. 14:45. smote them, and discomfited them, Deu 1 :44. and destroyed you in Seir, * HOPHAL.— Future. * Job. 4 : 20. 77iey are destroyed from morning to Isa. 24: 12. the gate is smitten with destruction. Jer. 46: 5. their mighty ones are beaten down, (marg. broken in pieces ) Mic. 1: 7. images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, 7 lah'-med. The twelfth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. N? Idh, Ch. part. Ezr. 4:13. (then) will they not pay toll, tribute, 14. and it was not meet for us to see the king's 16. by this means thou shalt have no portion 21. and that this city be not builded, 5: 5. that they could not cause them to cease, 16. and (yet) it is not finished. 6: 8. that they be not hindered. 9. be given them day by day without fan: (lit. so that not) 7: 22. and salt without prescribing (how much). 24. it shall not be lawful to impose toll, 25. and teach ye them that know (them) not. 26. And whosoever will not do Jer. 1 0 : 1 1 . The gods that have not made the heavens Dan 2: 5, 9. if ye will not make known unto me the 10. There is not a man upon the earth that — ¦ (there is) no king, lord, nor ruler, (that) 1 J . there is none other that can shew it — whose dwelling is not with flesh. 18. should not perish with the rest N7 ( 625 ) ab Dan. 2:27. cannot the wise (men), the astrologers, 30. this secret is mo( revealed to me for 34. a stone was cut out without hands, (lit. not in hands) 35. that no place was found for them: 43. but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. 44.kingdom, which shall never (lit. not ever) be destroyed: kingdom shall not be left to other people, 45. cut out of the mountain withoMt hands, 3: 6, 11. falleth not down and worshippeth 12. these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor (lit. and not) worship the golden image 14. do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the 15. but if ye worship not, 16. we (are) not careful to answer thee 18. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor 24. Did not we cast three men bound 25. and they have no hurt ; 27. upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them. 28. that they might not serve nor worship any 29. there is no other God that can deliver 4; 7(4). but they did not make known 9(6). and no secret troubleth thee, 18(15). are not able to make known unto me 30(27). Is not this great Babylon, that I 35(32). of the earth (are) reputed as nothing : — ( — ).and none can stay his hand, 5: 8. but they could not read the writing, 15. but they could not shew the 22. hast not humbled thine heart, 23. which see not, nor hear, nor know: 6: 2(3). the king should have no damage. 4(5). they could find none occasion nor fault ; 5(6). We shall not find any occasion against 8(9). that it be not changed, according to the law of... which altereth not. 12(13). Hast thou not signed a decree, — ( — ).and Persians, which altereth not. 13(14). regardeth not thee, O king, 17( 18). that the purpose might not be changed 18(19).nei(Aer were instruments of musick 22(23). that they have not hurt me: — ( — ).thee, O king, have 1 done no hurt. 23(24). no manner of hurt was found upon 24( 25 ) . or ever they came at the bottom of the 26(27). his kingdom (that) which shall not be 7: 14. which shall not pass away, and his kingdom (that) which shall not be destroyed. N1? & XiS loh, part. adv. Gen 2: 5. the Lord God had not caused it U: 6.nothing will be restrained (lit. every thing will not be) 15: 3. to me thou hast given no seed: 16: 1. Abram's wife bare him no children: 18:15.he said, Nay ; but thou didst laugh. 21:26.neither didst thou(lit. and moreover thou didst not) tell me, neither yet heard I 12.seeiny thou hast not withheld thy son, 16. and hast not withheld thy son, 6. none of us shall (lit. a man of us shall not) withhold from thee 11. Nay, my lord, hear me: the field 14. We cannot do this thing, 22. and said, I cannot find her ; 9. nei(Aer hath he kept back any thing 19. such as I neuer saw in all the land 24. such as there was none like it 6. nor (lit. and not) shall be like it any 29. None devoted,. ..shall be (lit. all.. .shall no( be) 9. unto the sons of Kohath he gave none : 11. how long will it be ere they believe me, 2. upon which never came yoke: : 9. thou shalt eat bread withou( scarceness, :19.but could not drive out the inhabitants :24(25).and had neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor (lit. and not) 22:23:34:38: 39: 41: Ex. 9: 11: Lev 27: Nu. 7; 14:19: Deu 8 Jud. 1 2Sa.lg 2Sa.l9:28(29).For all (of) my father's house were but dead men (lit. were not but &c. ) 23: 4. (even) a morning without clouds ; 2K. 25:16. of all these vessels was without weight. 2Ch.32:15.how mucA less shall your God deliver Ps. 35: 8. come upon him at unawares; (marg. (which) he knoweth not of) 43: l.my cause against an Kngodly nation: 49: 19(20), they shall never (lit. not for ever) see Pro.27 : 20. Hell and destruction are never ( marg. not) Ecc.12: 6. Or ever (lit. until that not) the silver cord Isa. 16: 14. small (and) feeble, (marg. or, not many) 63: 16. though Abraham be ionorant of us, Jer. 31 : 18. as a bullock unaccustomed ( to the yoke): 33:17. David shall never want (marg. There shalV not be cut off from David) a man 47: 6.how long (will it be) ere thou be quiet? Hos. 8: 5. how long (will it be) ere they attain Am. 3: 8. God hath spoken, who can but prophesy ? Zep. 2: 2. before )( the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you, before ) ( the day &c. &c. It occurs with prefixes : as, i. b5b? Lev.l5:25.many days out o/the time Nu. 35:22. thrust him suddenly without enmity, 23. a man may die, seeing (him) not, Deu 32: 21. to jealousy toi(A (that which is) not God ; lCh.l2:17. seeing (there is) no wrong in mine hands, 2Ch.30:18.eat the passover otherwise than it was Job. 15:32. It shall be accomplished 6e/orehis time, Psa. 17: l.( that goeth) not out of (marg. without) Pro. 13:23. destroyed for want of judgment. Isa. 55: 2. money for (that which is) not bread? and your labour for (that which) satisfieth not? Jer. 5: 7. sworn by (them that are) no gods: 22: 13. buildeth his house by wnrighteousness, Lam 4 : 14. so that men could not touch (marg. or, in that they could not (but) ) &c. &c. ii. sib? Obad 16. they shall be as though they had not been. III. s^b 2Ch.l3: 9. a priest of (them that are) no gods. 15: 3. without the true God, and without a teach ing priest, and without law. Job 26: 2. helped (him that is) without power ? 3. counselled (him that hath) no wisdom? 39:16.as though (they were) not her's: Isa. 65: 1.1 am sought of (them that) asked not (forme); I am found of (them that) sought me not : Am. 6:13. Ye which rejoice in a thing of nought, It is sometimes combined in translation with another word, when it commonly retains its negative force without farther affecting the sense. Some combinations require a particular notice : as, fcib CM Gen42 : 16. or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye 44:23. Except your youngest brother come Ex. 22: 8(7). (to see) whether he have put his hand Nu. 14:28. .ks truly as I live saith the Lord, 35. 1 the Lord have said, I will surely do it Jos. 7: 12. except ye destroy the accursed IK. 20 : 23. and surely we shallbe stronger than they. Job 1:11. andhe will curse thee (marg. ifhe curse thee not) to thy face. Isa. 5: 9. Of a truth (marg. If not) many houses Jer. 15:11. Verily it shall be we'll with thy remnant; &c. &c. •¦a sb dm Deu32:30. except their Rock had sold them, tth loo, (pro). 2Sa.l8:12. Though I should receive 19: 6(7). I perceive, that if Absalom had lived, r\xb ( 626 ) nt6 \lah-ah'\ * KAL.— Future. ¦# Genl9: 11. so that they wearied themselves to find Job 4: 2. commune with thee, wilt thou be yj-ieved? 5. it is come upon thee, and thou faintest ; * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ex. 7:18. and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink Ps. 68: 9(10). thine inheritance, when it was weary. Pro.26: 15.it grieveth him to bring it again (marg. or, he is weajy) Isa. 1 :14. 7 am weary to bear (them). 16:12. Moab is weary on the high place, 47 : 13. Thou art wearied in the multitude Jer. 6:11./ am weary with holding in : 9: 5(4) . weary themselves to commit iniquity. 15: 6. lam weary with repenting. 20: 9. and I was weary with forbearing, # HIPHIL Preterite. # Job 16: 7 .he hath made me weary : Eze.24: 12. She hath wearied (herself) with lies, Mic. 6: 3. wherein have I wearied thee? HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Isa. 7:13. (Is it) a small thing for you fo weary men, HIPHIL.— Future. Isa. 7 : 13. will ye weary my God also ? Jer. 12: b.and they have wearied thee, ti\vh & dfc1? Voh levncLjoit, cbvrif' m, m. ill [In the singular it occurs only five times, marked *] Gen25:23.two manner of people — and( the one)peoplel shall be stronger tliaji (the other) people1 ; 27: 29. nations bow down to thee: Ps. 2 : 1 . and the people imagine a vain thing ? 7 : 7(8). the congregation of the people 9 : 8( 9 ) . minister judgment to the people 44: 2(3). thou didst afflict the people, 14(15). shaking ofthe head among tke people. 47: 3(4). and the natiojis under our feet. 57: 9(10). sing unto thee among the nations. 65: 7(8Vand the tumult of the people. 67: 4(5). O let the nations be glad — (-). and govern the nations upon earth. 105: 44. inherited the labour of the people; 108; 3(4). praises unto thee among the nations. 148: 11. Kings ofthe earth, and all people; 149: 7. punishments upon the people; Pro.ll :26. the people1 shall curse him: 14:28. but in the want of people 1 34. sin (is) a reproach to any people. 24 :24. nations shall abhor him: Isa. 17:12. to the rushing of nations, 13. The Jiations shall rush like 34: 1. and hearken, ye people: let the earth 41 : Land let tke people renew (their) strength: 43 : 4. ajid people for thy life. 9. let the people be assembled : 49 : 1 . hearken, ye people, from far ; 51: 4. and give ear unto me, O my nation:* 55: 4. given him (for) a witness to the people, a leader and commander to tke people. 60 : 2. gross darkness the people : Jer. 51: 58. and the people shall labour in vain, Hab. 2 : 13. that the people shall labour mh lah-at'. * KAL.— Preterite. * 2Sa.l9: 4(5). the king covered his face, bsblaht, m. Jud. 4 : 21. and went softly (lit. with secresy) unto Gen 6 Ex, 28 36 Nu. 16 24 32 Deu 4 2829 Jos. 1 1 14 Jud. 5 h t3N? see &N 2*7 27 lehv, m. : 5. imagination ofthe thoughts ofhis heart 6. it grieved him at his heart. :2I.the Lord said in his heart, — the imagination jof man's heart : 17. and said in his heart, : 5. and comfort ye your hearts; : 45. before I had done speaking in mine heart, - : 4 I.Esau said in his heart, : 20. Jacob stole away unawares to Laban (marg. the heart o/Laban) : 3. and spake kindly unto (marg. to the heart of) the damsel. \2%. their heart failed (them), : 26. Jacob's heart (marg. his heart) fainted, :21. kindly unto them. (lit. to their hearts) : 14. he will be glad in his heart. 21.1 will harden his heart, : 3.1 will harden Pharaoh's heart, 13. he hardened Pharaoh's heart, 14. Pharaoh's heart (is) hardened, 22. Pharaoh's heart was hardened, 23. neither did he set his heart to : 1 5( 1 1 ) . he hardened his heart, 1 9( 1 5) . Pharaoh's heart was hardened, 32(28). Pharaoh hardened his heart : 7. the heart o/Pharaoh was hardened, 12. the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, 14. send all my plagues upon thine heart, 21. he that regarded not (marg. set not his heart unto) the word of the Lord 34. and hardened his heart, 35. the heaj't o/Pharaoh was hardened, : 1 . 1 have hardened his heart, and the heart of 20, 27 & 11 : 10. Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, : 4. 1 will harden Pharaoh's heart, 8. the Lord hardened the heaj't of Pharaoh 17.1 will harden the hearts ofthe Egyptians, : 8. in the heart ofthe sea. : 2. giveth it willingly with his heart (lit. whom his heart will make liberal) : 3. (that are) wise hearted, (lit. wise of heart) 29. the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, 30. they shall be upon Aaron's heart, — upon his heart before the Lord : 6. and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted (lit. wiseof/iearO : 5. whosoever (is) of a willing heart, (lit. willing of his heart) 10. every wise nearted 21 . every one whose heart stirred him up, (lit, whom his heart stirred up) 22. as many as were willing hearted, 25. the women that were wise hearted 26. the women whose heart stirred them up (lit. whom their heart stirred up) 29. whose heart made them willing (lit. whom their heaj't made willing) 34. he hath put in his heart 35. hath he filled with wisdom of heart, : 1. every wise hearted man, 2. every wise hearted man, in whoseheart the Lord had put wisdom, ( even) every one whose heart (lit. whom his heart) stirred 8. every wise hearted man :28. (I have) not (done them) of mine own mind. : 13. do (either) good or bad of mine own mind; ; 7. tke heart of the children of Israel 9 . they discouraged the heart of : 11. unto the midst (marg. heart) o/heaven, :65. a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, : 4(3). the Lord hath not given you an heart , 19(18). walk in the imagination of mine heart, \ : 20. of the Lord to harden their hearts, ; 8. made the heart ofthe people melt: : 9. My heart (is) toward the governors of 15. (there were) great thoughts of heart. 16. (there were) great searchings of heart. 3. their hearts inclined to follow 15. when thine heart (is) not with me ? 17. That he told her all his heaj't, 18. he had told her all his heart, — he hath shewed me all his heart. 25. when their hearts were merry, 20. the priest's heart was glad, 3. to speak friendly (marg. to her heart) unU 3T> Jud. 19: 5. Comfort thine heart with a morsel of 6. let thine heart be merry. 22. they were making their hearts merry, Ru. 2:13. thou hast spoken friendly (marg. to the heart) unto thine handmaid, 3: 7. kis heart was merry, ISa. 1:13. Hannah, she spake in her heart ; 2: 1 . My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, 4:13. his heart trembled for the ark of God. 20. she answered not, neither did she regard (lit. set not her heart) 6: 6. and Pharaoh hardened their hearts 9 9: 20. set not thy mind on them ; 10: 9. God gave him another keart: 26. men, whose hearts (lit. intheir hearts) 17:32. Let no man's heart fail 24: 5(6). David's heart smote him, 25:25. not my lord,... regard (lit. set Ais heart) 31 . nor offence of heart unto my lord, 36. and Nabal's heart (was) merry 37. his heart died within him, 27 : I . David said in his heart, 28: b.kisneart greatly trembled. 2Sa. 6: 16. she despised him in Iter heart. 7:21. and according to thine own heart, 27. thy servant'found in his heart to pray 13:20. regard not (marg. set not thine heart) this 28. when Amnon's Aear* is merry 33. not my lord.. .take the thing to his heart, 14: l.the king's heart (was) toward Absalom. 15: 6. Absalom stole the hearts o/the men 13. The hearts o/the men of Israel 17: 10. he also (that is) valiant, whose (lit. who his) heart (is) as the heart of a lion, 18: 3. they will not care for (marg. set (their) heart on) us ; neither if half of us die, will they care for us: (lit. id. ) 14, thrust them through the heart of Absalom, while he (was) yet alive in tke midst (marg. heart) ofthe oak. 19: 7(8). speak comfortably unto (marg. to tke heart of) thy servants : 19(20). the king should take it to his heart. 24:10. David's keart smote him 1 K. 3 : 9. thy servant an understanding heart 12. thee a wise and an understanding heart ; 4:29(5:9). and largeness of heart, 8:23. walk before thee with all their heart: 47. if they shall bethink themselves (marg. bring back to their heart) 66. joyful and glad of heart 9: 3. mine eyes and mine heart shall be there 10:24. God had put in his heart. 11: 3. his wives turned away Ais heart. 12:26. Jeroboam said in his heart, 27. the heart o/this people turn again 33. devised ofhis own heart ; 18:37. thou hast turned their keart 21 j 7. let thine heart bemerry: 2K. 5:26. Went not mine heart (with thee), 6: 11. Me heart o/the king of Syria 9: 24. the arrow went out at his heart, 12: 4(5). that cometh into any man's heart 14: 10. thine heart hath lifted thee up: 23: 3. with all (their) heart and all (their) soul, lCh.l2:33, (they were) not of double heart, (marg. without a heart and a heart) 38. the rest also of Israel (were) of one heart 15:29. she despised him in her heart. 16: 10. let tke keart of them, rejoice that seek the 17: 19. and according to thine own heart, 28: 9.5erve him with a perfect keart 29: 9. with oerfect heart they offered 2Ch. 6:14. walk before thee with all their hearts : 38. return to thee with all their heart 7 J 10. glad and merry in heart 11. all that came into Solomon's heart I6.mine eyes and mine heart shall be there 9:23. God had put in his heart. 12:14. he prepared not his heart 17: 6.Azs heart was lifted up 24: 4. Joash was minded (lit. it was in the heart of Joash) to repair the house 25:19.*Aine Aear* lifteth thee up 26: 16. Ais heart was lifted up 29:31. as many as were of a free heart 30:12. to give them one heart ( 627 ) ±> 2Ch,30: 22. Hezekiah spake comfortably unto (marg. to (Ae Aear( of) 32:25. Ais Aear( was lifted up: 26. the pride of Ais heart, Ezr. 6 : 22. (Ae Aear( of the king of Assyria 7: 27. in the king's heart, Neh 2: 2. nothing (else) but sorrow of Aeart. 12. God had put in my heart 4: 6(3:38). the people had a mind to work. 5: 7.1 consulted (marg. my heart consulted) 6: 8. thou feignest them out of thine own heart. 7: b. my God put into mine heart Est. 1 : 10. (Ae Aear( o/the king was merry with wine, 5: 9. joyful and with a glad heart: 6: 6. Now Haman thought in his heart, 7: 5. that durst presume in Ais Aeart Job 1: 8. Hast thou considered (marg. set thy heart- on) my servant Job, 2: 3. Hast thou considered (lit. id. ) my 7 : 17. set (Aine Aear( upon him ? 8:10. and utter words out of their heart ? 1 1 : 1 3 . If thou prepare (Aine Aear(, 12:24. the heart o/the chief of the people 15:12. Why doth (Aine Aear( carry thee away? 17: 4. thou hast hid (Aeir Aear( 23: 16. God maketh my heart soft, 29:13. and I caused the widow's Aeart to sing 31 : 7 .mine heart walked after mine eyes, 9. If mine heart have been deceived 27. my heart hath been secretly enticed, 33: 3. the uprightness of my heart: 34 : 14. If he set Ais Aear( upon man, 36: 5. (he is) mighty in strength (and) wisdom. (marg. heart) 13. the hypocrites in Aeart heap up wrath: 37 : 1 . At this also my heart trembleth, 24. any (that are) wise of heart. 41 : 24( 16). Bis heart is as firm as a stone ; Ps. 4: 7(8 ). Thou hast put gladness in my heart, 7:10(11). which saveth the upright in Aeart. 9 : 1 (2) . with my whole heart ; 10: 6, 11, 13. He hath said in his heart, 17. thou wilt prepare (Aeir Aeart, 11 : 2. the upright in heart. 12: 2(3). with a double heart do they speak. (marg. an heart and an heart) 13: 5(6). my Aeart shall rejoice in thy salvation. 14: l.The fool hath said in his heart, 16: 9. Therefore my heart is glad, 17: 3. Thou hast proved mine heart; 19: 8(9). rejoicing (Ae heart: 14(15). the meditation of my heart, 21 : 2(3) . Thou hast given him Ais heart's desire, 22:14(15). my heart is like wax ; 26: 2. try my reins and my heart. 27: 3. my heart shall not fear: 8. my Aeart said unto thee, 14. he shall strengthen (Aine heart: 28: 7. my Aeart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth ; 31 : 12(13) . a dead man om( qfmind: 32:11. (ye that are) upright in Aeart. 33:11. the thoughts of Ais Aeart 15. He fashioneth (7ieir Aearfs alike ; 21 . our heart shall rejoice in him, 34: 18( 19). them that are of a broken Aeart ,• 35 : 25. Let them not say in their hearts, 36 : 1(2). saith within my heart, 10(11). the upright in Aeart. 37 : 4. the desires of (Aine Aeart. 15. enter into their own heart, 31. The law ofhis God (is) in his heart; 38: 8(9). the disquietness ofmy Aeart. 10(11). My heart panteth, 39: 3(4). My heart was hot within me, 40: 10( 1 1 ). thy righteousness within my heart ,¦ 12( 13). therefore my heart faileth me. 41 : 6(7). Ais Aeart gathereth iniquity 44: 18( 19). Our heart is not turned back, 21 (22). the secrets of (Ae heart. 45: 1(2). My heart is inditing a good matter: 5(6). in the heart ofthe king's enemies ; 46 : 2(3 ) . into the midst ofthe sea ; (marg. Aeart of the seas) 48: 13(14). Mark ye well (marg. Set your heart to) her bulwarks, 49- 3(4).the meditation of my heart ss2 lb Ps. 51: 10(12). Create in me a clean heart, 17(19). a broken and a contrite heart, 53: 1 ( 2). The fool hath said in his heart, 55 : 4(5). My heart is sore pained 21(22). war (was) in his heart: 57: 7(B). My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is 58: 2(3). in heart ye work wickedness; 61: 2(3). my heart is overwhelmed: 62: 10(11). set not your heart (upon them). 64: 6(7). and the heart, (is) deep. 10( 1 1 ). all the upright in heart shall glory. 66:18. If I regard iniquity in my keart, 69:20(21 ). Reproach hath broken my heart; 74: 8. They said in their hearts, 76: 5(6). The stoutAearfed (lit. stout of keart) 78: 8. (that) set not their heart aright, 37. For their heart was not right with him, 81 : 12( 13). I gave them up unto their own heart's 83: 5(6). consulted together with one consent : 84: 2(3). my heart and my flesh crieth out 94: 15. all the upright in keart 97:11. gladness for the upright in heart . 102: 4(5). My heart is smitten, 1 05 : 3 . *Ae heart of them rejoice that 25. He turned their heart to hate his people, 107:12. he brought down their keart 108: 1(2). O God, my heart is fixed ; 109: 22. and my heart is wounded within me. 112: 7. Ais heart is fixed, 8. His heart (is) established, 119: 2. seek him with *Ae whole heart. 10. With my. whole heart have I sought thee: 11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, 32. thou shalt enlarge my heart. 34. observe it with (my) whole heart. 36. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, 58. favour with (my) whole heart: 69. thy precepts with (my) whole heart. 70. Their heaj't is as fat as grease ; 80. Let my heart be sound 11 l.the rejoicing of my heart. 112.1 have inclined mine heaj't 145.1 cried with (my) whole heart; 161. my heart standeth in awe 131 : 1 . my heart is not haughty, 138: l.with my whole heart: 140: 2(3). imagine mischiefs in (their) heart; 141: 4. Incline not my heart 143: A. my heart within me is desolate. 147: 3. He healeth the broken in heart, Pro. 2: 2. apply thine keart to understanding ; 10. wisdom entereth into thine heart, 3: 1 . let thine heart keep my commandments: 3. the table of thine heart : 5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; 4: 4. Let thine heart retain my words: 23. Keep thy heaj't with all diligence ; 5:12. jny heart despised reproof; 6:14. Frowardness (is) in his heart, 18. An heartthat deviseth wicked imaginations, 21. Bind them continually upon thine heart, 32. whoso committeth adultery.. .lacketh un- dei'standing: (marg. heart) 7 : 3. the table of thine heart. 7. a young man void of understanding, 10. and subtil of heaj't. 25. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, 5. be ye of an understanding heaj't. 4, 16. him that wanteth understandmg, 8. wise in heart will receive commandments : 13. that is void of understanding, (marg. heaj't) 20. the heart ofthe wicked (is) little worth. 21. fools die for want of ivisdom. (marg. heart) 11:12. He that is void of wisdom (marg. id. ) 20. They that are of a froward heart 29. the wise of heaj't. 8. a perverse heart shall be despised. 1 1 . he that followeth vain (persons is ) void of undej'Standing . 20. in the heart of them that imagine evil: 23. but the heart of fools proclaimeth 25. Heaviness in the heai-f o/man '3:12. Hope deferred maketh the heaj't sick: ,4:10. The heart knoweth his own bitterness ; 13. Even in laughter the heaj't is sorrowful ; 14. The backslider in heart 30. A sound heart (is) the life ofthe flesh: 12: ( 528 ) x> Pro. 14:33, Wisdom resteth in the heart of 15: 7 . but the heart of the foolish 13. .4 merry heart maketh a chearful coun, tenance: but by sorrow of tke heart tha 14. The heart of him that hath 15. he that is of a merry heart 21. to (him that is) destitute of wisdom: (marg. heart) 28. The heart o/the righteous 30. The light ofthe eyes rejoiceth the heart: 32. that heareth reproof getteth understanding. 16: 1 . The preparations of / Ae heart 5. Every one (that is) proud in heart 9. A man's heart deviseth his way: 2 1 . The wise in heart shall be called prudent : 23. The heaj't of the wise teacheth 17: 16. seeing (he hath) no heart (to it )? 1 8 . A man void of understanding ( marg. heart ) 20. He that hath a froward heart 22. A merry heart doeth good 18: 2. that Ais heart may discover itself. 12. the heart of man is haughty, 1 5 . The heart ofthe prudent getteth knowledge ; 19: 3. his keart fretteth against the Lord. 8. He that getteth wisdom (marg. an keart) 21 .many devices in a man's heart; 20: 5. Counsel in tke heart of man 9. 1 have made my keart clean, 21 : 1 . The king's heart (is) in the hand of 4. An high look, and a proud Aeart, 22: 11. He that loveth pureness of keart, 15. Foolishness (is) bound in tke heart of 1 7. and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. 23: 7. but Ais heart (is) not with thee. 12. Apply tkine heart unto instruction, 15. thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, 17. Let not thine keart envy sinners: 19. guide tkine keart in the way. 26. My son, give me thine heart, 33. and tkine keart shall utter perverse things. 34. lieth down in the midst of '(marg. heart) 24: 2. their heart studieth destruction, 1 7. let not thine keart be glad when 30. the man void ofunderstanding; 32. 1.. .considered (marg. set my heart) (it) well: 25: 3. and the heart of kings (is) unsearchable. 20. he that singeth songs to an heavy heart. 26: 23. Burning lips and a wicked heart 25. seven abominations in his heart. 27 : 9. Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: 1 1 . make my heart glad, 19.*Ae heaj-t o/man to man. 23. look well (marg. set thy keart) to thy 28: 14. he that hardeneth Ais heart 26. He that trusteth in his own heart 30:19. ship in the midst (marg. heart) o/the sea; 31 : 11 . TAe heaj't of 'her husband Ecc. 1 : 13. 1 gave my heaj-t to seek and search 16. 1 communed with jnine own keart, — yea, my heart had great experience 17.1 gave my keart to know wisdom, 2: I.I said in mine heaj-t, 3. 1 sought hi mhie heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with 10. 1 withheld not my keart from any joy ; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: 15. Then said I in my heart, — Then I said in my heart, 20. to cause my heart to despair 22. and of the vexation of Ais heart, 23. Iris heart taketh not rest in the night. 3 : 1 1 . he hath set the world in their heart, 17. 1 said in mhie keaj-t, 18. 1 said in mine heart 5 : 2(1). and let not tkine heart be hasty to utter 20(19). in the joy of his heart. 7 : 2. the living will lay (it) to Ais keart. 3. the sadness ofthe countenance the heart 4. The heart of the wise (is) in the house of mourning ; but the heart of fools 7. a gift destroyeth tke heart. 21 . take no heed (marg. give not thine keart) unto all words that are spoken ; 22. tkine own heart knoweth that 25.1 applied mine keart to know, (lit. land my heart compassed) 2b ( 629 ) 2b Ecc. 7:26. the woman, whose heart (is) snares 8; 5. a wise man's heart discerneth 9. and applied my heart unto every work 11. tke heart of the sons of men 16, 1 applied mine heart to know wisdom, 9: 1 . 1 considered in my heart 3. the heart o/the sons of men 7. drink thy wine with a merry heart; 10 : 2. A wise man's heart (is) at his right hand ; but a fool's heart 3. Ais wisdom (marg. keart) faileth (him), 11 ; 9.1et thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, 10. remove sorrow from thy heaj't, Cant.3: 11. in the day ofthe gladness of Ais heart. 5; 2.1 sleep, but my heart waketh: 8: 6. Set me as a seal upon (Aine heart, Isa. 6:10.Make the heart of this people fat, 15: 5. My heart shall cry out for Moab ; 24: 7. all the merryAearted (lit. merry of heart) 29:13. but have removed (Aeir Aear( far from me, 32: 6. and his heart will work iniquity, 33:18. TAine keart shall meditate terror. 35 : 4. them (that are) of a fearful heart, 38: 3. and with a perfect heart, 40: 2. Speak ye comfortably (marg. to the heart) 41:22. we may consider (marg. set our heart) 42:25. yet he laid (it) not to heart. 44: 19. none considereth in Ais heart, 20. a deceived heart hath turned him aside, 46: 8. (it) again to mind, O ye transgressors. 12. Hearken unto me, ye stoutAear(ed, 47: 7.didst not lay these (things) to thy heart, 10. thou hast said in thine heart, 51 : 7. the people in whose heart (is) my law ; 57: l.no man layeth (it) to heart : 11. nor laid (it) to thy heart? 15. the keart o/the contrite ones. 17.frowardly in the way of Ais keart. 59:13. uttering/rom the heat-t words of 61: l.to bind up the brokenA earned, 63: 4. the day of vengeance (is) in mine heart, 17. hardened our heart from thy fear ? 65 : 14. my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of Aear(, 17. come into mind. (marg. upon (Ae heart) 66:14. your heart shall rejoice, Jer. 3:10.jaot turned unto me with Aer whole heart, 15. according to mhie keart, 16. neither shall it come to mind: (marg. upon (Ae heart) 17. the imagination of their evil heart. 4: 9. (Ae heart o/the king shall perish, and the heart o/the princes ; 14.0 Jerusalem, wash (Aine Aear( 18.it reacheth unto (Aine heart. 19.1 am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me ; 5:21.0 foolish people, and without understand ing; (marg. heart) 23. hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; 7:24. the imagination of their evil heart, 31. neither came it into my heart. 8:18. my Aear( (is) faint in me. 9:14(13). the imagination of their own heart, 26(25). the house of Israel (are) uncircum cised in the heart. 11:8. the imagination of (Aeir evil Aear( : 20. that triest the reins and (Ae heart, 12: 3. and tried mine heart toward thee: ll.no man layeth (it) to heart. 13:10. the imagination of their heart, U:14. the deceit of their heart. I6;I2.the imagination of Ais evil Aear(, ' 7 : 1 . graven upon the table of (Aeir Aear(, 5. whose heart departeth from 9. TAeAear((is) deceitful above all (things), 10. 1 the Lord search (Ae heart, 18:12. the imagination of Ats evil heart. 19: 5. neither came (it) into my mind: 20: 9. (his word) was in mine heart 12. seest the reins and the heart, 22:17. thine eyes and thine heart 23: 9. Mine heart within me is broken 16. they speak a vision of (Aeir own heart, 17. after the imagination of Ais own heaj't, Jer. 23: 20. performed the thoughts of Ais heart : 26. in the heaj't ofthe prophets — the deceit of their own heart ,- 24: 7. 1 will give them an heart to know — return unto me with their whole heaj't. 30: 21 . engaged Ais heart to approach unto me ? 24. performed the intents of Ais heart : 31 : 21. set (Aine heart toward the highway, 33. and write it in (Aeir hearts; 32:35. neither came it into my mind, 39. 1 will give them one Aear(, 41. with my whole heart 44: 21. and came it (not) into Ais mind? 48: 29, the haughtiness of Ais heaj't. 36. mine heart shall sound for Moab like pipes, and mine heart shall sound like pipes 41. the mighty men-'s hearts in Moab at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in 49: 16. the pride of thine heaj't, 22. (Ae Aear( of the mighty men of Edom be as the heaj't of a woman in her pangs. 51: 1. against them that dwell in the midst (marg. heart) o/them that Lam. 1 : 20. mhie heart is turned within me ; 22. my sighs (are) many, and my heart (is) 2:18. TAeir heart cried unto the Lord, 19. pour out (Aine heart like water 3:21. This I recall to my mind, 33. he doth not afflict willingly (marg. from his keart) 65. Give them sorrow of Aear(, 5:15. The joy of our heart is ceased ; 17. For this our heart is faint ; Eze, 2: 4. impudent children and stiffAear(ed. 3 : 7. of Israel ( are) impudent and hardAear(ed. 6: 9. 1 am broken with (Aeir whorish heart, 11:19.1 will give them one Aear(, — I will take (Ae stony Aear( out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of 21 . (as for them) whose heart walketh after (Ae Aear( of 13: 2. them that prophesy out of their own hearts, 17. which prophesy out of their own heart; 22. ye have made (Ae heart ofthe righteous 14: 3. set up their idols in (Aeir heart, 4. setteth up his idols in Ais Aear(, 5. take the house of Israel in their own heart, 7. setteth up his idols in Ais heart, 18:31. make you a new Aear( 20: 16. their heart went after their idols. 21 : 7( 12 ).every Aear( shall melt, 15(20). that (their) heart may faint, 22:14. Can (Aine Aear( endure, 27: 4. Thy borders (are) in the midst (marg. heart) of the seas, 25. made very glorious in the midst of 26. broken thee in the midst ofthe seas. 27. thy company... shall fall into the midst (marg. heart) of 28: 2. (Aine heart is lifted up, — in the midst ofthe seas; (marg. Aear() — though thou set (Aine heart as the heart of 6. as the heart of God ; 8. (them that are) slain in the midst of the 17. TAine heart was lifted up 32: 9. 1 will also vex (Ae hearts of 33 :31. their heart goeth after their covetousness. 36:26.-4 new Aear( also will I give you, I will take away (Ae stony Aear( out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of 40: 4. set (Aine heart upon all that 44: 5. Son of man, mark well, (marg. set (Aine Aear( ) — and mark well (lit. id. ) the entering in 7. strangers, uncircumcised in heart, 9. No stranger, uncircumcised in Aear(, Dan. 1 : 8. Daniel purposed in Ais Aear( 10: 12. thou didst set (Aine Aear( to Hos. 2: 14(16). speak comfortably (marg. to Aer heart) 4: Il.and new wine take away tke heart. 7: 6. they have made ready (Aeir Aear( like an 1 1 . is like a silly dove without Aear( .- 14. have not cried unto me wii(A (Aeir heart, 10: 2. TAeir Aear( is divided ; 11 : 8. mine heart is turned within me, 13: 6 . (Aeir Aear( was exalted ; 8. will rend the caul of (Aeir heart, n^> ( 630 ) na1? Am. 2:16. (he that is) courageous (marg. strong of Ais heart) Obad. 3. The pride of (Aine Aeart — that saith in his heart, Nah. 2:10(11). and the heart melteth, Zep. 3: 14. be glad and rejoice with all (Ae Aeart, Zee. 7:12. Fea, they made (Aeir hearts (as) an 10: 7. their heart shall rejoice as through — (Aeir Aeart shall rejoice in 12: 5 . governors of Judah shall say in their heart, Mai. 2: 2. if ye will not lay (it) to Aear(, — ye do not lay (it) to Aear(. 4: 6(3:24). he shall turn (Ae Aeart o/the fathers to the children, andthe heart ofthe ih [lehv], Ch. m. Dan 7: 28. but I kept the matter in my heart. r\)a^?[fvdh-dhth'],f.v\. Nah. 2: 12(13). and strangled for his lionesses, Wity? I'vah-eem' , m. pi. Ps. 57: 4(5). My soul (is) among lions : 2T? [lah-vav']. * NIPHAL.— Future. * Job 1 1:12. vain man would be wise, * PIEL.— Preterite. * Cant.4: 9. Thou hast ravished (marg. taken away) my heart, my sister, — (Aon Aas( ravished my heart with one of PIEL.— Future. 2Sa. 13 : 6. and make me a couple of cakes 8. and make cakes in his sight, 2j? leh-vahv' , m. Gen20: 31 Ex. 14 Lev.19 26 Nu. 15 Deu 1 24 5 . in the integrity of my heart 6. in the integrity of (Ay Aeart ; 26. stolen away unawares to me (lit. stolen from my heart) b.the heart of Pharaoh 17. shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart ; 36.1 will send a faintness into their hearts 41 . if then (Aeir uncircumcised hearts he 39. ye seek not after your own heart 28. our brethren have discouraged oar Aeart, 30. and made Ais Aeart obstinate, 9. lest they depart from thy heart 29. seek him with all (Ay Aear( 39. consider (it) in (Aine Aeart, 29(26). that there were such an Aeart in them, (lit. (Aeir AearZ this to them) 5. love the Lord. ..with all (Aine AearZ, 6. these words,... shall be in thine heart: 17. If thou shalt say in thine heart, 2. to know what (was) in thine heart, 5. Thou shalt also consider in (Aine heart, 14. (Aine AearZ be lifted up, 17. And thou say in thine heart, 4. Speak not thou in thine heart, 5. the uprightness of (Ziine heart, 12. serve the Lord thy God with all (Ay Aear( 16. the foreskin of your heart, 13. serve him with all your heart 16. that your heart be not deceived, 18. lay up these my words in your heart 3(4). love the Lord... with all your heart ' 7 . thou shalt not harden (Aine AearZ, 9. a thought in thy wicked Aear(, 10. (Aine heart shall not be grieved i 1 7. that Ais Aear( turn not away: 20. That Ais Ziear( be not lifted up :21.if thou say in thine heart, ¦ 6. while Ais Aeart is hot, : 3. let not your hearts faint, Deu20: 8.and faintAearted ? (lit. tender of AearZ) — brethren's AearZ faint as well as his heart. 26:16. and do them with all (Aine heart, 28:28. and astonishment of Aear( : 47. with gladness of heart, 67. for the fear of (Aine Aeart 29:18(17). whose heart turneth away 19(18). he bless himself in his heart, 30: 1. thou shalt call (them) to mind 2. and thy children, with all (Aine Aeart, 6. will circumcise (Aine Aeart, and (Ae heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all (Aine heart, 10. turn unto the Lord.. .with all (Ziine AearZ, 14. in thy mouth, and in thy heart, 17. if (Aine Aeart turn away, 32:46. Set your hearts unto all the words Jos. 2:11. our hearts did melt, 5 : 1 . (Aeir AearZ melted, 7 : 5. (Ae Aearts o/the people 14: 7. as (it was) in mine heart. 22 : 5. to serve him with all your heart 23: 14. ye know in all your hearts 24 : 23. incline your heart unto the Lord Jud.I9: 8. Comfort ZAine AearZ, 9. that (Aine AearZ may be merry ; 1 Sa. ] : 8. why is (Ay Aear( grieved ? 2: 35. in mine heart and in my mind: 6 : 6. Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, 7: 3. return unto the Lord with all your hearts, — prepare your hearts unto the Lord, 9: 19. all that (is) in thine heart. 1 2 : 20. serve the Lord with all your heart ; 24. serve him in truth with all your heart .' 13: 14. a man after his own heart, 14: 7, all that (is) in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I (am) with thee according to thy heart. 16: 7. the Lord looketh on the heart. 17 : 28. the naughtiness of (Aine Aeart ; 21 : 12(13). David laid up these words in Ais heart, 2Sa. 7: 3. do all that (is) in (Aine Aeart; 19: 14(15). (Ae Aeart of all the men of Judah, IK. 2 : 4. with all (Aeir Aeart 44. wickedness which (Aine Aeart is privy to, 3: 6. uprightness of AearZ 8: 17. -in (Ae Aeart o/David 18.it was in (Aine Aeart to build — that it was in (Aine Aeart. 38. every man the plague of Ais own AearZ, 39.wAose (lit. who Ais) Aeart thou knowest; for thou, (even) thou only, knowest the hearts of 48. return unto thee with all (Aeir Aeart, 58. That he may incline our hearts 61. Let your heart therefore be perfect 9: 4. in integrity of Aeart, 10: 2. all that was in Aer AearZ. 11: 2. they will turn away your heart 4. his wives turned away Ais AearZ after other gods: and Ais AearZ was not perfect with the Lord his God, as (was) (Ae Aeart of 9. Ais AearZ was turned from the Lord 14: 8. followed me with all Ais Aeart, 15: 3. Ais Aeart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as the heart o/David 14. Asa's Aear( was perfect 2K. 10: 15. Is (Aine Aear( right, as my heart (is) with Z7iy AearZ ? 30. all that (was) in mine heart, 31 . with all Ais Aeart .* 20: 3. in truth and with a perfect AearZ, 22: 19. thine heart was tender, 23: 25. that turned to the Lord with all Ais AearZ, 1 Ch 1 2 : 1 7 . mine heart shall be knit unto you : 38. came wiZA a perfect AearZ 17: 2. Do all that (is) in (Aine Aeart; 22: 7. in my mind to build an house 19. set your heart and your soul to seek 28: 2. 1 (had) in mine heart to build 9. the Lord searcheth all hearts, 29: 17. thou triest (Ae AearZ, — in the uprightness of mine heart 18. the thoughts of (Ae Aeart o/thy people, and prepare (Aeir Aeart unto thee: 19. give unto Solomon my son a perfect AeorZ, 9.Cb. I'll RpcniKp ihis wnc in fhinp heart, an*> 2Ch. 6: 7. it was in (Ae Aeart of David 8. Forasmuch as it was in (Aine Aear( — in that it was in thine heart : 30. whose (lit. who Ais) Aeart thou knowest; for thou only knowest (Ae hearts of 37. (if) they bethink themselves (marg. bring back to (Aeir heart) 9: l.all that was in her heart. 11 : 16. such as set (Aeir hearts to seek the Lord 13: 7. Rehoboam was young and tenderAearted, (lit. tender of heart) 15:12. with all (Aeir Aeart and with all their soul; 15. they had sworn with all (Aeir heart, 17. the heart of Asa was perfect 16: 9. (them) whose heart (is) perfect 19: 3. hast prepared (Aine lieartto seek God. 9. and with a perfect Aeart. 20:33. the people had not prepared (Aeir hearts 22: 9. sought the Lord with all Ais Aeart. 25: 2. not with a perfect heart. 29: 10. (it is) in mine heart to make a covenant 34. the Levites (were) more upright in Aeart 30: 19. prepareth Ais Aeart to seek God, 31: 21. he did (it) with all Ais heart, 32: 6. spake comfortably (marg. to (Aeir heart) to 31. all (that was) in his heart. 34: 27. Because (Aine Aeart was tender, 31. his commandments,... with all Ais heart, 36: 13. hardened Ais Aeart from turning unto Ezr. 7:10. Ezra had prepared Ais Aeart Neh. 9: 8.foundest Ais Aeart faithful Job. 1 : 5. and cursed God in their hearts. 9: 4. (He is) wise in heart, 10: 13. these (things) hast thou hid in thine heart: 12: 3. 1 have understanding as well as you ; (marg. an heart) 17: 11. the thoughts of my heart. 22:22. lay up his words in thine heart. 27: 6. my Aeart shall not reproach (me) 34:10. ye men of understanding : (marg. heart) 34. men of understanding (marg.Aeart) tellme, Ps. 4: 4(b). commune with your own heart 13: 2 (3). sorrow in my heart daily ? 15: 2. and speaketh the truth in his heart. 20: 4(5). according to thine own heart, 22:26(27). your heart shall live for ever. 24: 4. that hath clean hands, and a pure Aeart ; 25:17. The troubles of my heart are enlarged: 28: 3. mischief (is) in their hearts. 31:24(25). he shall strengthen your heart, 62: 8(9). pour out your heart before him: 69:32(33). yonr Aeart shall live that seek God. 73: l.such as are of a clean Aeart. 7. they have more than Aeart could wish. 13.1 have cleansed my heart (in) vain, 21. Thus my heart was grieved, . 26. My flesh and my heart faileth: (but) God (is) the strength of my heart, 77: 6(7). I commune with mine own heart: 78: 18. they tempted God in their heart 72. according to the integrity of Ais heart ; 84: 5 (6). in wAose Aeart (are) the ways (of them). 86:11. unite my heart to fear thy name. 12.1 will praise thee,.. .with all my heart : 90: 12. that we may apply (our) hearts unto 95: 8. Harden not your heart, 10. a people that do err in (Aeir Aeart, 101 : 2. walk within my house with a perfect Aeart. (lit.in the perfection of my heart) i.A froward Aeart shall depart from me : 5. an high look and a proud AearZ 104:15.malceth glad (Ae Aeart o/man, — bread (which) strengthened man's Aeart. 109: 16. the broken in heart. Ill: 1. praise the Lord with (my) whole Aeart, 119: 7. with uprightness of Aeart, 139:23. Search me, O God, and know my heart : Pro. 4: 21. in the midst of (Aine AearZ. 6:25. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart ; Ecc. 9: 3. and madness (is) in their heart 'sa. 1 : 5. and (Ae whole Aeart faint. 6: 10. and understand with (Aeir Aeart, 7: 2. And Ais Aeart was moved, and the heart of i.neither be fainthearted (marg. & lit. and let not (Ay Aeart be tender) 9: 9(8). in the pride and stoutness of Aeart, ( 631 ) lib Isa. 10: 7 •neither doth Ais Aear( think so ; but (it is) in his heart to destroy 12. (Ae stout Aear( o/the king of Assyria, 13: 7. every man's Aear( shall melt: 14:13. thou hast said in thine heart, 19: Land (Ae Aear( o/Egypt shall melt 21 : 4. My heart panted, 30:29. and gladness of heart, 32: 4. The heaj-t also o/the rash 47 : 8. that sayest in thine heart, 49: 21. Then shalt thou say in thine heart, 60: 5. and (Aine Aear( shall fear, Jer. 4: 4. the foreskins of your heart, 5 : 24. say they hi their heart, 13:22. if thou say in thine heart, 15:16. the joy and rejoicing of mine heart : 29 : 1 3. search for me with all your heart, 32:40. put my fear in their hearts, 51 :46. lest your heart faint, 50. let Jerusalem come into your mind. Lam 3:41. Let us lift up our heart Eze. 3: 10. receive in tkine heart, 28: 5. (Aine Aear( is lifted up 6. thou hast set (Aine Aear( 31 : 10. Ais Aear( is lifted up 36: 5. the joy of all (their) Aear(, 38: 10. shall things come into thy jnind, Dan. 8: 25. and he shall magnify (himself) in his keart, 1 1 : 12. Ais Aear( shall be lifted up ; 25. he shall stir up his power and his courage 27. both these kings' hearts ( marg. (Aeir hearts ) 28. and his heart (shall be) against the holy Hos. 7: 2. they consider not in their hearts Joel 2:12. turn ye ( even) to me with all your heart, 13. And rend your heart, Jon. 2: 3(4). in the midst (marg. heart) ofthe seas ; Nah. 2: 7(8). tabering upon (Aeir breasts. Zep. 1 : 12. that say in their heart, 2: 15. that said in her heart, Hag 1: 5, 7. Consider (marg. Set your keart on) your ways. 2: 15. consider (lit. set your keart on) from 18. Consider (lit. Set your keart on) now from — consider (lit. id.) (it.) Zee. 7:10. none of you imagine evil. ..in your heart. 8 : 1 7 . let none of you imagine evil in your hearts 25? VvaV) Ch. m. Dan. 2:30.mightest know the thoughts ofthy heart. 4:16(13). Let Ais kearthe changed from man's, andlet abeast's Aear( be given unto him ; 5: 20. But when Ais heart was lifted up, 21. and his heart was made like the beasts, 22. O Belshazzar, hast nothumbled (Aine heart, 7 : 4. and a man's Aear( was given to it. rfQT? Vvee-vohthf ', f. pi. *o*Hv$ 2Sa.l3: 6.make me a couple of caAes 8. and did bake (Ae caAes. 10. Tamar took (Ae cakes which she had made, T\lh \lab-bah'\ f. Ex. 3: 2. angel of the Lord appeared.. .in a flame of Ttb [Ub-bah'], Ps 7: 9(10). the righteous God trieth (Ae hearts ' 125- 4. (them that are) upright in their hearts. Pro. 15: 11. (Ae Aearts o/the children of men ? 17: 3. the Lord trieth (Ae Aearts. 21 : 2. the Lord pondereth (Ae hearts. 24- 12. he that pondereth (Ae Aeart Isa. 44: 18. he hath shut their eyes,. ..(and) tAeir hearts, Eze. 16: 30. How weak is (Aine Aeart, TMfih fvoh-nah', f. Ex. 30: 34. sweet spices nu'ZA pure frankincense ¦ Lev. 2: Land put frankincense thereon: •ab Lev. 2: 2, 16. with all the frankincense thereof, 15. and lay frankincense thereon: 5:11. shall he put (any) frankincense thereon: 6:15(8). all the frankincense which (is) upon 24: 7. thou shalt put pure frankincense upon Nu. 5:15. nor put frankincense thereon; ICh. 9: 29. and the frankincense, and the spices. Neh 13: b. the frankincense, and the vessels, 9. the meat offering and the frankincense. Cant 3: 6. perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, 4: 6. the hill of frankincense. 14. with all trees of frankincense ; Isa. 43:23. nor wearied thee with incense. 60: 6. they shall bring gold and incense ; 66: 3. he that burneth incense, Jer. 6 : 20. cometh there to me incense 17:26.meat offerings, and incense, 41: 5. with offerings and incense in their hand, ( 632 ) 22l> WZ1? Vveey-yah', f. Eze.19: 2. What (is) thy mother? A lioness: mih Vvoosh, m. Gen 49 2Sa. 1 20: 2K. 10 Est. 4: Job 24 3031 3841: Ps. 22: 35: 45 69 102 104 Pro.27 31: Isa. 14:63; Jer. 10 Lam 4 Mai. 2: 11. he washed Ais garments in wine, 24. ornaments of gold upon your apparel. 8. Joab's garment that he had put on 22. Bring forth vestments for : 2. none (might) enter into the king's gate clothed with (lit. in clothing of ') sackcloth. : 8. Let (Ae royal apparel be brought 9. let (Ais apparel and horse be delivered to 10. take (Ae apparel and the horse, 1 1 . Then took Haman (Ae apparel : 15. in royal apparel of blue and white, ; 7. cause the naked to lodge without clothing, 10. cause (him) to go naked without clothing, : 18. is my garment changed: : 19. have seen any perish for want of clothing, : 9. 1 made the cloud (Ae garment thereof, 14. they stand as a garment. : 13(5). can discover the face of Ais garment ? :18(19).cast lots upon my vesture. : 13. my clothing (was) sackcloth: : 13(14). Aer clothing (is) of wrought gold. : 1 1 ( 1 2 ). I made sackcloth also my garment ; : 26(27). as a vesture shalt thou change them, : 6. it with the deep as (with) a garment : : 26. The lambs (are) for thy clothing, -.22. her clothing (is) silk and purple. 25. Strength and honour (are) Aer clothing ; 19. ZAe raiment of those that are slain, : l.this (that is) glorious in his apparel, 2. Wherefore (art thou) red in thine apparel, 9. blue and purple (is) (Aeir clothing : 14. men could not touch (Aeir garments. 16. (one) covereth violence with Ais garment, &d? [I'voosh], Ch. m. Dan. 3: 21. rcnd (Aeir (other) garments, and were cast 7: 9. ivhose garment (was) white as snow, mh [lah-vatf]. # NIPHAL.— Future. X Pro.lO: 8, 10. a prating fool sAaZZ/aZZ. (marg. bebeaten) Hos. 4:14. the people (that) doth not understand shall fall, (marg, or, be pmiisked) H'2l 7 lull- vee , com. Gen49: Nu. 23: 24: Deu 33: Job 4: 38 Isa. 5 30: Hos.13 Joel 1 Nah. 2 9. he couched as a lion, and as an old lion ; 24. the people shall rise up as a great lion, 9. he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion . 20. he dwelleth as a lion, 11. the stout lion's whelps are scattered 39. Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion ? 29. Their roaring (shall be) ZiAe a lion, 6. whence (come) ZAe young and old lion, 8. there will I devour them ZiAe a lion : 6. the cheek teeth of a great lion. 11(12). the lion, (even) (Ae old lion, p7 [lah-vekn']. * KAL. — Infinitive. * Ex. 5: 7. give the people straw to make brick, 14. fulfilled your task in making brick KAL Future. Genl 1 : 3. Go to, let us make brick, * HIPHIL Preterite. * Joel 1 : 7. the branches thereof are made white. HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Dan.ll:35.to purge, and to make (them) white, HIPHIL.— Future. Ps. 51: 7(9). Ishall be whiter than snow. Isa. 1:18. ZAey shall be as white as snow ; * HITHPAEL Future. * Dan 12:10. Many shall be purified, and made white, \y? lah-vahn', adj. Gen.30:35 37 Ex. 16:31 Lev.13: 3 4 10.13. 21 24. 25 26 38 3942 43 Ecc. 9: 8, Zee. 1: 8, 6: 36. every one that had (some) wAiZe and pilled white strakes in them, and made (Ae white appear like coriander seed, white; . the hair in the plague is turned white, If the bright spot (be) a;Ai(e the hair thereof be not turned ioAi(e ; (if) the rising (be) KiAiZe in the skin, and it have turned the hair white, it is all turned n?Ai(e : and be changed unto white, (if) the plague be turned into white ; a white rising, or a bright spot, white, the hair thereof be turned white ; (there be) no white hairs therein, have a white bright spot, somewhat reddish, or white ; (if) the hair. ..be turned tc-AiZe, (there be) no zoAiZe hair . (even) white bright spots ; the skin of their flesh (be) darkish white; a u'Aite reddish sore ; (if) the rising of the sore (be) wAi(e Let thy garments be always white; red horses, speckled, and white. in the third chariot white horses ; and the white go forth after them ; P? 7 [/ah-vehn'], adj. Gen49: 12. andhis teeth uiAite with milk. ni^7 Vvah-nati ', f. Cant 6:10. fair as tlie moon, clear as the sun, Isa. 24: 23. Then (Ae moon shall be confounded, 30: 26. the light of (Ae moon shall be as the light M^5? rveh-nah', f. Genii : 3. Go to, let us make brick, — they had brick for stone, 1 : 14. in morter, and in brick, 5: 7. give the people straw to make AricS, 8. the tale of (Ae bricks, 16. and they say to us, Make AricA : 18. yet shall ye deliver the tale of oricAs. 19. from your bricks of your daily task. 9:10(9). TAe bricks are fallen down, 65: 3. burneth incense upon altars cf brick; (marg. bricks) Eze. 4 : 1 . son of man, take thee a tile, Ex. Isa. Zep. 1: 12b ( 633 ) i"I3j? liv-neh', m. Gen30:37. Jacob took him rods of green poplar, Hos. 4: 13. oaks and poplars and elms, Htt1? [liv-nah'], f. Ex. 24: 10. a paved work of a sapphire stone, n!? rvbh see nab1? Wlhlah-vash' & B^ lah-vehsti. * KAL Preterite. * Lev. 6:10(3). 4nd the priest skallput oji his linen 11(4). and put on other garments, 16: 4. and (so) put them on. 23. the linen garments, which Ae put on 2A.ajidput on his garments, 32. and shall put on the linen clothes, Jud. 6:34. the Spirit of the Lord came upon (marg. clothed) Gideon, lCh!2:18.the spirit came upoji (marg. id.) Amasai, 2Ch24:20.the Spirit of God came upon (marg. id. ) Zechariah Est. 6: 8. the royal apparel. . . which the king (useth) to wear, (lit. clotheth with it) Job 7: 5. My flesh is clothed with worms 29:14. 1 put on righteousness, Ps. 65: 13(14). The pastures are clotked with flocks ; 93: l.Ae is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clotked with strength, 104: l.(Aow art clothed with honour and majesty. Eze.42: 14. and shall put on other garments, 44: 19. and they skallput on other garments; KAL. — Infinitive. Gen28: 20. bread to eat, and raiment to put on, Lev.21 : 10. to put on the garments, Hag. 1: 6.ye clothe you, KAL. — Imperative. 2Sa.l4: 2, and put on now mourning apparel, IK. 22:30./ns( thou on thy robes. 2Chl8:29.pzrf thou on thy robes. Isa. 51: 9. Awake, awake, put on strength, 52: 1. Awake, awake; put on thv strength, O Zion ; put on thy beautiful Jer. 46: 4. put on the brigandines. KAL Future. Gen38:19. andput on the garments of her widowhood. Ex. 29:30. skallput tkem on seven days, Lev, 6 : 10(3) . his linen breeches sAaZZ Ae put upon 16: 4. He shall put on the holy linen Deu22: 5. shall a man put on a woman's garment: 11. Thou shalt not wear a garment of lSa.28: 8. and put on other raiment, 2Sa. 13:18. were the king's daughters... apparelled. 2Ch 6:41. let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed Est. 4: l.rent his clothes, and put on -sackcloth 5: I. that Esther put on (her) royal (apparel), Job 8:22.They that hate thee shall be clothed with 27:17. the just shall put (it) on, 29:14.1 put on righteousness, ajid it clothed me: 40:10.and array thyself with glory and beauty. "s. 35:26. let them be clothed with shame 109: 18. 4s Ae clothed himself with cursing 29. Let mine adversaries 6e clothed with shame, 132: 9. Let thy priests be clothed with Cant.5: 3. how shall I put it on? Asa* 4: l.eat our own bread, and wear our own 49;18.(Aom sAaZ( surely cZo(Ae (Aee 59:17. For he put on righteousness — and he put on the garments of :Ler- 4:30.(Ao« cZo(Aes( thyself with crimson, Kze- 7: 27. the prince sAaZZ be clothed with 26: 16. they shall clothe themselves with 34: 3. ye clothe you with the wool, 42: 14. (nTO) and shall put on other garments, 44: 17. they shall be clothed with linen garments ; J». 3; 5. proclaimed a fast, andput on sackcloth, *ec,l3: 4. neither shall they wear a rough garment KAL Participle. Poel. 8. all such as are clothed with strange KAL. — Participle. Paiil. ISa. 17: 5. he (was) armed with a coat of mail; (marg. clotked) Pro.31 :21.all her houshold (are) clotked with scarlet Eze. 9: 2.one man., .(was) clothed with linen, 3. the man clothed with linen, 11 & 10:2, 6. the man clothed with linen, 10: 7. (him that was) c/o(Aed with linen: 23: 6. (Which were) clothedwith blue, 12. and rulers clothed most gorgeously, 38: A. clothed with all sorts (of armour), DanlO: 5. a certain man clothed in linen, 12: 6. said to the man clothed in linen, 7.1 heard the man clothed in linen, Zee. 3: 3. Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, # PUAL.— Participle. * IK. 22 : 1 0. having put on their robes, 2 Ch 5:12. arrayed in white linen, 18: 9. clothed in (their) robes, Ezr. 3 : 10. they set the priests in their apparel # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Gen27 : 16. sAe put the skins of the kids Ex, 28:41.^0* (Aom shalt put them upon Aaron 29: b.and put upon Aaron the coat, 8. and put coats upon them. 40 : 13. And thou shalt put upon Aaron 14. his sons, and clothe them with coats: Nu. 20: 26. and put tkem upon Eleazar 2Ch 28: 15. c/o(Aed all that were naked Est. 6: 9. (Aa( they may array the man Isa. 22:21. Ajid Iwill clothe him with thy robe, 61 : 10. Ae hath clothed me with the garments of HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Est. 4: 4. sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, Zee. 3: 4. and I will clothe (lit. and to clothe) thee HIPHIL.— Future. Gen 3:21. did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed thejn. 27:15. and put (Aem upon Jacob her younger son: 41 : 42. and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, Lev. 8: 7. and clothed him with the robe, 13. and put coats upon them, Nu. 20:28. and put them upon Eleazar ISa. 17:38. And Saul armed (marg. clotked) David — also he armed him with a coat of mail. 2Ch 28:15. and arrayed tk em, and shod them, Est. 6:11. and arrayed Mordecai, Job 10: 11. TAom Aas( clotked me with skin 39 : 1 9. Aas( (Aom clothed his neck with thunder ? Ps.l32:16. 1 will also clotke her priests 18. His enemies will I clothe with shame: Pro. 23:21. drowsiness shall clothe (a man) with rags. Isa. 50: 3. 1 clothe the heavens with blackness, Eze. 16: 10.7 clothed thee also with broidered work, Zee. 3: 5. and clothed kim with garments. HIPHIL.— Participle. 2Sa. 1 : 24. Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, &i? [fvashl Ch. *P'AL Future. * Dan 5: 7. shall be clothed with scarlet, 16. thou shalt be clothed with scarlet, * APHEL.— Preterite. * Dan 5: 29. and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, J? hhg, m. Lev. 14:10. and one log of oil. 12, 24. and (Ae log of oil, lb. (some) o/(Ae log of oil, 21. and a log of oil; TV lah, Ch. part, (rrro) Dan 4:35(32). (arc) reputed as nothing : nb (634) TV loh, part, (riTo) Deu 3:11. (is) it not in Rabbath 3H' 7M' hav, m. and Jud. 3: 22. the haft also went in after (Ae AZade the fat closed upon (Ae blade, 13: 20. when (Ae flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of Job 39:23. the glittering spear and the shield. 41 -.21(13) . and a flame goeth out ofhis mouth. 13: 8. their faces (shall be as) flames, (marg. faces of (Ae flames ) 29: 6. and the flame 0/ devouring fire. 30:30. and (with) the flame of a devouring fire, 66:15. his rebuke with flames of fire. 2: 5. like the noise of aflame of fire Isa. Joel Nah. 3: 3. both the bright (marg. the flame o/the) sword and the glittering spear: TX2TV leh-hah-vah' & T\2TV lah- T T V V ¦" _ hehf-veth, f. Nu. 21:28. aflame from the city of Sihon: 1 Sa. 1 7 : 7. and his spear's Aead (weighed) six hundred Ps. 29: 7. The voice of the Lord divideth the flames 83: 14(15). and as theftajne setteth the mountains 105:32. flaming fire in their land. 106: 18. (Ae flame burned up the wicked. Isa. 4: 5. the shining of afiamhig fire 5:24. (Ae flame consumeth the chaff, 10:17. his Holy One for a flame : 43: 2. neither (lit. and not) shall (Ae flame kindle 47 : 14. themselves from the power of the flame : Jer. 48:45. aflame from the midst of Sihon, Lam. 2: 3. burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, Eze.20:47(21 -.3). the flaming flame shall not be Danll:33. they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, Hos. 7 : 6. in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire. Joel 1 : 19. the flame hath burned all the trees 2: 3. behind them a fame burneth: Obad. 18. the house of Joseph aflame, yrh lahf-hag9 m. Ecc.12: 12. and much study (marg. reading) (is) weariness ofthe flesh. T\rh [lah-hah']. * KAL.— Future. * Gen47:13. so that., .(all) the land of Canaan fainted * HITHPALPEL Participle. * Pro. 26:18. As a mad (man) who casteth firebrands, Vrb [lah-hat']. Ps. 57 104 Joel 1 Mai. 4 Deu32 Job 41 Ps. 83: 97: 106 Isa. 42 Joel 2 * KAL.— Participle. Poel.* 4(5). (even among) ZAem (Aa( are set on fire, 4. Who maketh. . .his ministers a flaming fire : * PIEL.— Preterite. * 19. the flame Aa(A burned all the trees 1(3:19). and the day that cometh shall burn them up, PIEL.— Future. 22. and set on fire the foundations of the 21( 13V His breath kindleth coals, 14(15) . the flame setteth the mountains on fire; 3. A fire goeth before him, and burneth up 18. the flame burned up the wicked. 25. and it Jiath set him on fire 3. behind thcin a flame burnetii : vrb rrb lah' -hat, m. Gen 3:2A.a flaming sword which turned every way, &QTb [I'hah-teem'], m. pi. Ex. 7:11. did in like manner with (Aeir enchantments. GTV \lah-ham'\ * HITHPAEL.— Participle. * Pro.18: 8&26:22.of a talebearer (are) as wounds, (marg. like as when men are wounded) \TV lah:hehn', part. Ru. 1:13. Would ye tarry for them till they were grown ? would ye stay for them [perhaps lit. therefore. ..therefore'] jn? lah-hehn', Ch. part. Ezr. 5:12. But after that our fathers had Dan 2: 6. therefore shew me the dream, 9. therefore tell me the dream, 11. except the gods, whose dwelling is not 30. but for (their) sakes that shall 3: 28. except their own God. 4:27(24). Wherefore, O king, let my counsel 6: 5(6). except we find (it) against him 7 (8), 12(1 3). thirty days, save of thee, O king, npD? [lah-hakah'}, f. lSa.l9:20.(Ae company ofthe prophets Gen 17 23 3050 Nu. 14 2022 Deu 32 Jos. 7 Jud. 8 13 ISa. 14 2Sa.l8 19 Job 6 16 Ps. 81 Eze.14Mic. 2 V loo, part. :18. O that Ishmael might live : 13. if thou (wilt give it), Ipray thee, hear me: : 34. / would it might be according to thy word. : 15. Joseph will peradventure hate us, : 2. Would God that we had died — would God we had died in this wilderness ! : 3. Would God that we had died : 29 . / would there were a sword :29. O that they were wise, : 7. would to God we had been content, : 19. if ye had saved them alive, :23. If the Lord were pleased to kill us, :30. if haply the people had eaten : 12. Though I should receive a thousand : 6(7). if Absalom had lived, : 2. Oh that my grief were : 4. if your soul were in : 13(14). Oh that my people had hearkened : 15. If I cause noisome beasts to pass : 1 1 . if a man walking in the spirit tfl' V loo, part. ISa. 14:30. (2TP) if haply the people had eaten Isa. 48 : 18. O that thou hadst hearkened 64: 1(63:19). Oh that thou wouldest rend the TXv? [lah-vah']. # KAL. —Preterite. * Neh 5; 4. We have borrowed money KAL. — Future. Dcu28:12.thou shalt not borrow. Ecc. 8:15. that shall abide with him KAL — Participle. Ps. 37:21. The wicked borroweth, Pro.22 : 7 . (Ae borrower (is) servant to the lender. Isa. 24: 2. so with the borrower ; * NIPHAL Preterite. * Nu. 18: 4. And they shaU be joined unto thee, Ps. 83: 8(9). Assur also is joined with them: rrf> ( 635 ) 1* 1 . and the strangers sAaZZ Ae joined 3. the stranger, (Aa( hath joined himself to 5. and let us join ourselves to the Lord 34. but many sAaZZ cleave to them 11(15). .Andmany nations shall be joined to the NIPHAL Future. 34. this time will my husband be joined unto 2. that they may be joined unto thee, NIPHAL.— Participle. 27. all such as joined themselves 6. that join themselves to the Lord, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * : 12. and thou shalt lend unto many nations, HIPHIL.— Future. 25(24). If (Aom lend money 44. He shall lend to thee, and thou sAaZZ not lend to him: HIPHIL Participle. Ps. 37:26. (He is) ever merciful, and lendeth; 112: 5. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth . : Pro. 19: 17- pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord ; 22: 7. the borrower (is) servant to the lender. (marg. to the man that lendeth) Isa. 24: 2. as u>i(A (Ae lender, so with the borrower ; Isa. 14: 56 Jer. 50 Danll Zee. 2 Gen29 Nu.18 Est 9 Isa. 56 Deu 28: Ex. 22 Deu 28 rb \_iooz]. * KAL.— Future. * Pro. 3:21. let not (Aem depart from thine eyes: * NIPHAL Participle. * Pro. 2: 15. and (they) froward in their paths: 3:32. (Ae/roroard (is) abomination to the Lord: 14: 2.but (he that is) perverse in his ways Isa. 30: 12. trust in oppression and perverseness, * HIPHIL Future. * Pro. 4:21. iet (Aem not depart from thine eyes ; rb looz, m. Gen30:37.and ofthe hazel and chesnut tree ; T}V loo'agh, m. Ei. 24 2731 32 Deii 4:59 IK. 7 8 2Ch. 5 12.1 will give thee tables of stone, 8. with boards shalt thou make it: 18. two tables of testimony, (aAZes of stone, 15. the two tables of the testimony (were) in his hand: the tables (were) written on 16. And the tables (were) the work of God, and the writing (was) the writing of God, graven upon (Ae (aiZes. 19. he cast (Ae (aAZes out of his hands, 1. Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first : and I will write upon ( these ) (aAZes the words that were in (Ae first tables, 4. he hewed two tables of stone — took in his hand (Ae two (aAZes of 28. he wrote upon (Ae tables 29. the two (aAZes of testimony 7. he made the altar hollow with boards. 13. he wrote them upon two ZaAZes of stone. 22(19).he wrote them in two tables of : 9. to receive (Ae tables of stone, (even) ZAe tables ofthe covenant 10. the Lord delivered unto me two ZaiZes of 11. the Lord gave me the two tables of stone, (even) the tables ofthe covenant. 15. (Ae two tables of the covenant 17. 1 took (Ae two tables, 1. Hew thee two (aAZes of stone 2. 1 will write on (Ae tables the words that were in ZAe first (aAZes which thou 3. and hewed two tables of stone — (Ae two (aAZes in mine hand. 4. he wrote on (Ae tables, 5. and put (Ae tables in the ark 36.ZA*pZaZes ofthe ledges thereof, 9. (Ae two tables of stone, 10. (Ae two tables which Moses put Pro. 3: 3&7:3. write them upon (Ae table of thine Cant.8 : 9. we will inclose her with boards Isa. 30: 8. write it before them in a table, Jer. 17: l.ZAe (a&Ze of their heart, Eze.27: 5. thy (ship) boards of fir trees Hab. 2: 2. make (it) plain upon (aAZes, ob [loot]. *KAL Participle. Poel. * Isa. 25 : 7 . the covering cast over all people, KAL Participle. Paul. ISa. 21: 9(10). wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod: * HIPHIL Future. * IK. 19:13. (Aa( Ae wrapped his face in his mantle, 1317 Wit, m. Isa. 25 : 7 . the covering cast over all people, T\e( every one with his servant lodge 20. So the merchants and sellers of all kind of ware lodged 2. doth not mine eye continue (marg. lodge) : 4. mine error remaineth with myself. : 19. the dew lay all night upon 32. The stranger did not lodge in the street: 9. Will the unicorn. ..abide by thy crib ? 22(14). In his neck remaineth strength, : 13. soul shall dwell at ease ; (marg. lodge in goodness) : 5(6). weeping may endure for a night, :12(13).man (being) in honour abideth not: : 7(8). (and) remain in the wilderness. 1 5(16). and grudge if they be not satisfied. 31. that heareth the reproof of life abideth 23. (he that hath it) sAaZZ abide satisfied ; : 13. Ae shall lie all night betwixt my breasts 11(12). let us lodge in the villages :21 . righteousness lodged in it ; 1 3. in Arabia shall ye lodge, : 4. and lodge in the monuments, . 14. the bittern sAaZZ lodge in the upper lintels KAL Participle. : 21 . Why lodge ye about the wall ? * NIPHAL Future. X .24. And the people murmured 2. And. ..the children of Israel murmured 7 . ( 3TD) ye murmur against us ? : 2. And all the children of Israel murmured 36.(:rriD) and made all the congregation to murmur 1 1 . ( 3TD ) ye murmur against him ? 41(17:6). But... the children of Israel mur mured 18. And all the congregation murmured * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 29. which Aaye murmured against me, HIPHIL.— Future. 7. ye murmur against us? 3. and the people murmured against Moses, 36. and made all the congregation to murmur 11. ye murmur against him? 7. They cause the naked to lodge 14. How long sAaZZ thy vain thoughts lodge [Gesen. how long wilt thou harbour vain thoughts] HIPHIL Participle. Ex. 16: 8. yc murmur against him: Jer. 14: Genl9 Nu.22 Jud. 19 Ru. 3 Joel 1 Genl9: 24:28:31: 32 Ex. 23 34 Lev. 19: Deu 16 21 Jos. 3 4 Ii8 Jud. 18 19 Ru. 1 2Sa.l7 19: IK. 19 ICh. 9 Neh. 4 13 Job 17 19 20 3139 41 Ps. 25 3049 5559 Pro. 15 19 Cant. 1 7 Isa. 1 2165 Zep. 2 Neh 13 Ex. 15 16: Nu. 14 16 ( 636 ) I Nu. 14: nb Jos 9 Nu. 14 Ex. 16 17 Nu. 14 16 Job 21 Jer. 4 17 Job 39 Ps. 91: 27. this evil congregation, which murmur — they murmur against me. 5(20). they murmur against you. * HITHPALPEL Future. * 28. She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, 1 . shall abide (marg. lodge) under the shadow yb [loo'a'g]. Job 6 Obad. *KAL Preterite. * 3. my words are swallowed up. 16. and they shall swallow down, (marg. sup up) yb [lootz]. Pro. 9 Ps.Pro. 22 24: Isa. 29: Ps. 119 Pro. 3: 14: 19 Gen 42 2Ch.32Job 16: 33: Isa. 43: Isa. 28: * KAL Preterite. * 12. but (if) (Aom scornest, KAL. — Participle. 1. nor sitteth in the seat of (Ae scornful. 22. and the scorners delight in their scorning, 34. he scorneth ZAe scorners : 7. He that reproveth a scorner 8. Reprove not a scorner, 1 . AmZ a scorner heareth not rebuke. 6. .4 scorner seeketh wisdom, 12. A scorner loveth not one that reproveth 25. Smite a scorner, 29. Judgments are prepared/or scorners, 1. Wine (is) a mocker, 11. When ZAe scorner is punished, 24. Proud (and) haughty scorner 10. Cast out (Ae scorner, 9. (Ae scorner (is) an abomination 20. and (Ae scorner is consumed * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 51. proud Aatie Aad me greatly in derision: HIPHIL.— Future. 34. he scorneth the scorners: 9. Fools make a mock at sin : 28. An ungodly witness scorneth HIPHIL.— Participle. 23. he spake unto them by an interpreter. 31. in (the business of) (Ae ambassadors (marg. interpreters) 20. My friends scorn me: (marg. (are) my scorners) 23. an interpreter, one among a thousand, 27. and thy teachers (marg. interpreters) have * HITHPALPEL.— Future.* 22. be ye not mockers, &b loosh. * KAL Infinitive. * Hos. 7 : 4. after he hath kneaded the dough, KAL — Imperative. Gen 18 : 6. three measures of fine meal, knead (it), KAL Future. ISa. 28:24. and took flour, and kneaded (it), 2Sa. 13: 8. she took flour, and kneaded (it), KAL.— Participle. Poel. Jer. 7:18. the women Anead (their) dough, HP [I'vahth], Ch. part. Ezr. 4: 12. the Jews which came up from Vzooth, f. Pro. 4 : 24. and perverse (lit. and perverseness of) hns Gen30: Nu. 6: TV la'gh, adj. 37. Jacob took him rods of green poplar, 3. nor eat moist grapes, i 03/ ; Jud.16: 7. bind me with seven green withs (marg. moistf or, new cords) 8. seven green withs which had not been Eze. 17: 24. have dried up the green tree, 20:47(21 :3). shall devour every green tree rb [leh-agh'l m. Deu34: 7. nor Ais natural force abated, (marg. mois ture fled) Din? [Tghooni], m. Job 20: 23. shall rain (it) upon him white he is eating. Zep. 1:17. and their flesh as the dung. Aen ye did fight ? IK. 12:21. to fight against the house of Israel, 22 : 32. they turned aside to fight 2K. 3:21. the kings were come up to fight 8:29. when he fought against Hazael 9:15. when he fought with Hazael 16: 5. besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome 19: 9.he is come out to fight 2Ch.l 1 : 1 . to fight against Israel, 18:31. they compassed about him to fight : 20:17. Ye shall not (need) to fight 22: 6. 10/ien he fought with Hazael 32: 8. and to fight our battles. 35:20.Necho king of Egypt came up to fight 22. that he miglit fight with him, — came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. Neh 4: 8(2). to fight against Jerusalem, Isa. 7 : 1 . to war against it, but could not prevail 37 : 9. He is come forth to make war with thee. Jer. 33 : 5 . They come to fight with the Chaldeans , 41 : 12. to fight with Ishmael the son of 51 :30.men of Babylon have forborn to fight, 19: 24 Jud. 1: Dm ^ u* Dan 10: 20. now will I return to fight Zec.14: 3. as when he fought in the day of battle. NIPHAL. — Imperative. Ex. 17: 9.goout,/#A(with Amalek: Jud. 9:38. go out, I pray now, and fight 1 Sa. 1 8 : 1 7 . and fight the Lord's battles. 2K. 10: 3. and/i#A( for your master's house. Neh 4:14(8). and fight for your brethren, NIPHAL.— .Pto-e. Ex. 14:14. The Lord shall fight for you, 17:8. came Amalek, and fought with Israel Nu. 21 : 1 . (Aen he fought against Israel, 23. and fought against Israel. Deu 1 : 30. he shall fight for you , 42. Go not up, neither fight ; Jos. 10: 5. and made war against it. 29. and fought against Libnah: 31. and fought against it: 34. and fought against it: 36. and they fought against it: 38. and fought against it: 47. the children of Dan went up to fight 8. arid they fought with you: 9. Balak... arose and warred against Israel, 1 1 . and the men of Jericho fought against you, 3. that we may fight against the Canaanites ; 5. and they fought against him, 8. Now the children of Judah had fought 9:39. and fought with Abimelech. 52. and fought against it, 11:4. (Aa( the children of Ammon made war 6. that we may fight with the children 20. and fought against Israel. 12: 4. and fought with Ephraim: ISa. 4: 10. Andthe Philistines fought, 12: 9. and they fought against them. 14:47. and fought against all his enemies 17:10. (Aa( we may fight together. 19: 8. David went out, and fought 23: 5. and fought with the Philistines, 2Sa.lO:17.in array against David, and fought 11 : 17. the men of the city went out, and fought 12:26. And Joab fought against Rabbah 29. Kabbah, and fought against it, 21:15. David went down,... and fought IK. 12: 24. nor fight against your brethren 20: 1. besieged Samaria, and warred 23. let us fight against them in the plain, 25. and we will fight against them 22:31. Fight neither with small nor great, 2K. 12:17(18). king of Syria went up, and fought lCh,19:17 .they fought with him. 2Ch 11:4. nor fight against your brethren: 13: 12. fight ye not against the Lord 18:30. Fight ye not with small or great, 26 : 6. he went forth and warred Neh 4:20(14). our God shall fight for us. Ps.109: 3.andfought against me without a cause. Isa. 20: Land fought against Ashdod, and took it; Jer. 32: 5. though ye fight with the Chaldeans, Zec.14: 14. Judah also shall fight NIPHAL Participle . Ex. 14:25. the Lord fighteth for them Deu 3: 22. your God he shall fight Jos. 10: 14. the Lord fought for Israel. 25. your enemies against whom ye fight. 42. the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. 23: 3. he that hath fought for you. 10. he (it is) that fighteth for you, ISa. 17: Vd. fighting with the Philistines. 23: l.the Philistines fight against Keilah, 25:28. my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord, 28: 15. the Philistines maAe war against me, 31: 1 . the Philistines fought against Israel : 2K, 6: 8. king of Syria warred (lit. was warring) 19: 8. found the king of Assyria warrhig Isa. 37: 8. found the king of Assyria warring Jer. 21 : 2. king of Babylon maketh war against us ; 4. ye fight against the king of Babylon, 32: 24. the Chaldeans, that fight against it, 29. the Chaldeans, that fight against this city, 34 : 1 . all the people, fought 7. the king of Babylon's army fought 37:10. the Chaldeans that fight Dm lah- g hem* \ m. Jud. 5: 8. then (was) war in the gates: nrh leh'-gh em, m. Gen 3: 14:18: 2125:27: 28 31: 37 39 4143 49 Ex. 2 16 34 3539 40 Lev. 3 7 21 22 23 Nu. 4: 14 15 2128: Deu 8:9: 10: the sweat ofthy face shalt thou eat Aread, of Salem brought forth Aread and wine: I will fetch a morsel of Aread, and took bread, and a bottle of water, Jacob gave Esau Aread and pottage she gave the savoury meat and (Ae bread, and will give me bread to eat, called his brethren to eat bread: and they did eat bread, they sat down to eat bread: the bread which he did eat. in all the land of Egypt there was bread. the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: they heard that they should eat bread Set on bread. the Egyptians might not eat bread with laden with corn and bread Joseph nourished his father,:. .with bread, And (there was) no bread in all the land ; Give us bread: Joseph gave them bread he fed them a>iZA Aread buy us and our land for bread, Out of Asher Ais Aread (shall be) fat, call him, that he may eat bread. when we did eat bread to the full ; I will rain bread from heaven and in the morning Aread to the full ; the morning ye shall be filled with bread; the bread which the Lord hath given they gathered twice as much bread, on the sixth day (Ae bread of two days j (Ae bread wherewith I have fed you to eat bread with Moses' he shall bless thy bread, set upon the table shewAread . And unleavened bread, anil cakes loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread, . the bread that (is) in the basket, . if ought... of (Ae bread, remain . he did neither eat Aread, nor drink water. . his vessels, and (Ae shewAread, . the vessels thereof, and (Ae shewAread, . he set (Ae Aread in order , 16.(Ae/ood o/the offering made by fire . leavened bread with the sacrifice the basket of unleavened bread, . the bread that (is) in the basket .that which remaineth.. .and ofthe bread the bread 0/ their God, . he offereth (Ae Aread o/thy God: .to offer (Ae bread (marg. food) o/his God. . to offer (Ae Aread o/his God. . He shall eat (Ae bread ofhis God, because it (is) his food. . they shall eat of his meat. .she shall eat o/her father's meat: . (Ae Aread o/your God ye shall eat neither bread, nor two wave loaves offer with the bread seven lambs (Ae Aread o/the firstfruits on the bread for a memorial, ye shall eat your bread to the full, the staff of your Aread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they1 shall deliver (you) your bread and the continual bread shall be ¦ for they (are) bread for us: when ye eat o/(Ae bread ofthe land, for (there is) no bread, our soul loatheth this light bread. my bread for my sacrifices (Ae meat o/the sacrifice man doth not live by bread only, A land wherein thou shalt eat bread I neither did eat Aread I did neither eat bread, in giving him food and raiment. on1? ( 639 ) anb Deu 16 23 29 Jos. 9 Jud. 78 13: 19: Ru. 1 2: ISa. 2 30 :Sa. 3 12 1316 IK. 45 7 11 13 f 22 IK. 4: f 6: 18: 25: ICh. 9: 12:16: 23: 3. (Ae Aread of affliction ; 4(5). they met you not toiZA bread 6(5 ). Ye have not eaten Aread, 5. all (Ae Aread of their provision 12. This our Aread we took hot 13. a cake of barley bread 5. Give, I pray you, loaves of Aread 6.thatweshould give bread unto thine army? 15. that we should give bread unto thy men 16.1 will not eat of thy bread : 5. Comfort thine heart with a morsel of bread, 19. there is Aread and wine also for me, 6. visited his people in giving them bread. 14. eat of (Ae bread, 5. hired out themselves for bread; 36. and a morsel of bread, — that 1 may eat a piece of Aread. 7. (Ae Aread is spent in our vessels, : 3. another carrying three loaves of bread, 4. and give thee two (loaves ) of bread ; 24, 28. (be) the man that eateth (any) food — none ofthe people tasted (any) food. 20. an ass (laden) with bread, :17.this parched (corn), and these ten Zoaues, 24. the king sat him down to eat meat. 27. cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, 34. and did eat no meat : 3(4). give (me) five (loaves of) bread 4(5). (There is) no common Aread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; 6(7). there was no Aread there but (Ae shew Aread, that was taken from before the Lord, to put hot bread in the day :13.in that thou hast given him Aread, : 11 . Shall I then take my bread, 18. and took two hundred loaves, :20.he had eaten no Aread all the day, 22. let me set a morsel of bread before thee ; Il.and gave him bread, and he did eat ; 12. for he had eaten no bread, :29.or that lacketh bread. 35. to cause David to eat meat — if I taste Aread,. ..till the sun be down. :19.to every one a cake of bread, : 7. thou shalt eat Aread at my table 10. that thy master's son may have food to eat: but Mephibosheth... shall eat bread : 17. neither did he eat Aread 20. they set Aread before him, 21. thou didst rise and eat bread. : 5.my sister Tamar come, and give me meat, : 1. two hundred (loaves) of Aread, 2. and the bread and summer fruit for the 22(5:2). Solomon's provision (marg. bread) 9(23). in giving food for my houshold. : 48. table of gold, whereupon (Ae shewAread : 18. and appointed him victuals, : 8, 16. neither will I eat bread 9. Eat no bread, nor drink water, 15. Come home with me, and eat bread. 17. Thou shalt eat no bread 18. that he may eat Aread and drink water. 19. he went back with him, and did eat Aread 22. and hast eaten bread and drunk water — Eat no bread, and drink no water ; 23. after he had eaten bread, : 3. take with thee ten loaves, : 6. the ravens brought him Aread — and bread and flesh in the evening ; 11. Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of Aread : 4. fed them with Aread and water. 13. and fed them with bread and water ? : 4. and would eat no bread. b.that thou eatest no bread? 7. arise, (and) eat bread, 27. feed him with bread of affliction : 8. she constrained him to eat bread. — he turned in thither to eat bread. 42. bread ofthe firstfruits, twenty loaves of :22.set bread and water before them, 32. a land of bread and vineyards, 3. there was no Aread for the people 29. he did eat bread continually 32. the Kohathites, (were ) over (Ae shewAread, 40. Aread on asses, and on camels, 3. to every one a loaf of bread, 29. Both for the shewAread, and for the fine 2Ch. 4:19. tables whereon (Ae shewAread (was set) ; 13:11. (Ae shewAread also (set they in order) 18:26. feed him with bread of affliction Ezr.10: 6. he did eat no bread, Neh. 5:14. (Ae bread o/the governor. 1 5. and had taken of them Aread and wine, 18. (Ae tread o/the governor, 9: lb. And gavest them bread from heaven 10:33(34). For the shewAread, 13 : 2. met not the children of Israel with bread Job 3: 24. cometh before I eat, (lit. before my bread) 6 :. 7. as my sorrowful meat. 15:23. He wandereth abroad for bread, 20: 14. his meat in his bowels is turned, 22 : 7 . withholden bread from the hungry . 24: 5. the wilderness (yieldeth ) food for them 27 : 14. offspring shall not be satisfied with Aread. 28: 5. the earth, out of it cometh bread: 30: 4. cut up... juniper roots (for) theirmeat. 33 : 20. his life abhorreth bread, 42 : 1 1 . and did eat bread with him Ps. 14: 4. eat up my people (as) they eat bread, 37: 25. forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 41: 9(10). which did eat of my Aread, 42: 3(4). My tears have been my meat 53: 4(5). eat up my people (as) they eat bread . : 78:20. can he give bread also? 25. Man did eat angels' food: (marg. Every one did eat (Ae Aread ofthe mighty) 80: 5(6). Thou feedest them with (Ae bread of 102: 4(5). I forget to eat my bread. 9(10). I have eaten ashes ZiAe bread, 104:14.he may bring forth food out ofthe earth ; 15. and bread (which) strengtheneth man's 105 : 16. he brake the whole staff of bread. 40. and satisfied them with (Ae bread of 127: 2. to eat (Ae Aread o/ sorrows: 132: 15. 1 will satisfy her poor with bread. 136:25. Who giveth food to all flesh: 146: 7. which giveth food to the hungry. 147: 9. He giveth to the beast Ais food, Pro. 4:17. they eat (Ae Aread of wickedness, 6 : 8. Provideth Aer meat in the summer, 26. (a man is brought) to a piece of Aread .• 9: 5. Come, eat ofmy bread, 17. and bread (eaten) in secret is pleasant. 12 : 9. that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread. 1 1 . He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: 20: 13. thou shalt be satisfied with bread. 17. Bread of deceit (is) sweet to a man ; 22: 9. he giveth of his bread to the poor. 23: 3. dainties: for they (are) deceitful meat. 6. (Ae bread of (him that hath) an evil eye, 25:21. If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread 27 : 27. goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food ofthy houshold, 28 : 3. a sweeping rain which leaveth no food. 19. tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread : 21 . a piece of bread (that) man will transgress. 30 : 8 . feed me with food convenient for me : 22. a fool when he is filled with meat ; 25. they prepare (Aeir meat in the summer; 31 : 1 4. she bringeth her food from afar. 27. and eateth not (Ae bread of idleness. Ecc. 9: 7. eat thy bread with joy, 1 1 . neither yet bread to the wise, 10 : 19. A feast is made for laughter, 11: J . Cast thy bread upon the waters : Isa. 3: 1 . the whole stay of bread, 7. neither Aread nor clothing: 4: 1 . We will eat our own bread, 21:14. they prevented with their bread 28:28. Bread (corn) is bruised; 30:20. (Ae Aread of adversity, 23. and bread ofthe increase of the earth, 33:16.Aread shall' be given Aim; 36: 17. a land of Aread and vineyards. 44:15. he kindleth (it), and baketh Aread,- 19. 1 have baked bread upon the coals 51:14. nor that Ais Aread should fail. 55: 2. (thatwhich is) not bread? 10. seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 58: 7. to deal thy bread to the hungry, 65:25. dust (shall be) the serpent's meat. Jer. 5:17. eat up thine harvest, and thy bread, ll:19.Letus destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, an1? ( 640 ) *7 Jer. 37384142 44 52 Lam 1 45 Eze. 4 5 1213141618 24 44:48: Dan 10 Hos. 2 9 Am. 4 78 Obad.Hag 2 Mai. 1 : 21 . give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' street, until all (Ae Aread in the 9. no more bread in the city. : l.they did eat bread together : 14. nor have hunger of bread; 17. had we plenty of victuals, (marg. Aread) 6. there was no bread for the people 33. he did continually eat bread 1 1 . All her people sigh, they seek bread ; 4. the young children ask Aread, 6. to be satisfied with bread. 9. We gat our bread with ( the peril of) : 9. make thee Aread thereof, 13. (Aeir defiled bread among the Gentiles, 15. thou shalt prepare thy bread 16.1 will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem : and they shall eat Aread by weight, 17. That they may want Aread : 16. will break your staff of bread: 18. Son of man, eat thy bread with quaking, 19. They shall eat (Aeir Aread with carefulness; 19. handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread. 13. will break the staff of (Ae Aread thereof, : 19. My meat also which I gave thee, 49. fulness of bread, and abundance of : 7. given Ais bread to the hungry, 16. hath given Ais bread to the hungry, : 17. and eat not (Ae bread of men. 22. nor eat (Ae bread of men. 3. to eat bread before the Lord ; 7. when ye offer my bread, 18. for food unto them that serve the city. : 3.1 ate no pleasant bread, 5(7). give (me) my bread and my water, 4. as the bread of mourners ; — (Aeir bread for their soul : 6. want of bread in all your places : 12. and there eat bread, 1 1 . not a famine of bread, 7. (they that eat) thy bread have laid 12. with his skirt do touch bread, 7. Ye offer polluted bread STY? I'ghem, Ch. m. Dan 5: I. Belshazzar the king made a great feast n$h [Pgheh-nah'], Ch. f. Dan 5: 2. and his concubines, might drink therein. 3. and his concubines, drank in them. 23. and thy concubines, have drunk wine in P^ lah- ghats'. * KAL Preterite. * 3. mightily oppressed the children of Israel. 1 2. and the Maonites, did oppress you ; 32. and hold him fast at the door: 4. the king of Syria oppressed them. 22. Hazael king of Syria oppressed 14. and they shall afflict you KAL. — Future. 21(20). vex a stranger, nor oppress him: 9. thou shalt not oppress a stranger : 2b. and crushed Balaam's foot 34. And the Amorites forced the children of 1(2). he fighting daily oppresseth me. 42. Their enemies also oppressed them, KAL. — Participle. Ex. 3 : 9. the Egyptians oppress them. Jud. 2: 18. them ZAaZ oppressed them 6: 9. all (Aa( oppressed you, 1 Sa. 1 0 : 18. (Aem (AaZ oppressed you : Isa. 19:20. because of (Ae oppressors, Jer. 30:20.1 will punish all (Aa( oppress them. * NIPHAL.— Future. * Nu. 22:25. And when the ass...sAe thrust AerseZ/unto Jud. 4: 10: 2K. 6 13: Am. 6: Ex. 22 23 Nu.22Jud. 1 Ps. 56 106 Y Ps.134: l.by night stand in the house ofthe Lord. 136: 9. The moon and stars to rule by night: 139: 11 . even the night shall be light 12.6u( (Ae nipA( shineth as the day: Pro. 7 : 9. in the black and dark night: 31 :15. She riseth also while it is yet night, 18. her candle goeth not out by night. Ecc. 2: 23. his heart taketh not rest in the night. 8:16. neither day nor night seeth sleep Cant.3 : 1 . By night on my bed I sought him 8. because of fear in the night. 5: 2. with the drops of ZAe night. Isa. 4: 5. a flaming fire by night: lb: l.in the night Ar — in the night Kir 16: 3. make thy shadow as the night 21: 8.1 am set in my ward whole nights: (marg. or, every night) 1 1 . Watchman, what of the night ? Watchman, what ofthe night ? 12. The morning cometh, and also ZAe night: ; 9. 1 desired thee in the night; : 3. 1 will keep it nipAZ and day. : 19. by day and by night: 7. as a dream of a night vision. 29. have a song, as in the night 10. It shall not be quenched night nor day ; 12, 13. from day (even) to nipAZ 11. they shall not be shut day nor night; 6. never hold their peace day nor night: 5. let us go by night, 1(8:23). that I might weep day and nipAZ 17. eyes run down with tears night and day, 13. serve other gods day and night; 35. the stars for a light by night, 20. my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night 25. my covenant (be) not with day and night, 30. in the night to the frost. 4. went forth out of the city by night, 9. if thieves by night, 7. went forth out ofthe city by night 2. She weepeth sore in the night, 18. tears run down likeariver day and nipAZ .• 19. Arise, cry out in the night: 5. the prophet also shall fall. ..in the night, 6. their baker sleepeth all ZAe night; 8. maketh the day dark with night: 5. If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, 17(2:1 ).of the fish three days and three nights. 10. came up in anight, and perished in a night: 6. night ( shall be ) unto you, 8. 1 saw by night, 7. not day, nor night: 26272829 303438 60 62. Jer. 6 9: 14 16: 31:33: 3639 4!) 52 Lam. 1 2 Hos. 4 7 Am. 5 Obad. Jon. 1 4 Mic. 3 Zee. 1 14 Jos. 11 15 Jud. 1 ISa. 14 2Sa.l2 2K. 17: 2Chl5: 17: Jer. 32: 34:37:38: Danll: Am. 3; Jer. 18: 32: Am. 3: tibb leh-Pyah', Ch. f. Dan. 2:19. revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. 5: 30. in that night was Belshazzar 7 : 2. 1 saw in my vision by Jiight, 7, 13.1 saw in the night visions, T\bb lee-leeth' Isa. 34:14. (Ae screec A owl( marg r, f. or, nigktmonstej') also }b see \b &b lah'-yish, m. Job 4:11. TAe old Uoji perisheth for lack of prey, Pro.3U:30. A lion (. which is) strongest among beasts, Isa. 30: 6. the yc .ig and old lion, h DeuJos. 10 17? luh-chad'. -KKAL.— Preterite. #- 35. the spoil of the cities which we took. 21. the ambush kad takeji the city, 1. Joshua Ziad taken Ai, 28. Joshua took Makkedah, 42. their land did Joshua take ( 642 ) iy? all the kings of them, did Joshua take, all their kings Ae took, that smiteth Kirjath-sepher, and taketh it that smiteth Kirjath-sepher, and taketh it Saul (ooA the kingdom and have taken the city of waters. the kingof Assyria (ooA Samaria, the cities which Ae Aad (aAen cities of Ephraim, which Asa.. . kad taken. 28. king of Babylon, and he shall take it/ they shall fight against it, and take it, and fight against this city, and take it, Babylon's army, which shall take it. and take the most fenced cities: and shall take many: if Ae Aaye taken nothing ? KAL. — Infinitive. 22. they have digged a pit to take me, 24. they are come unto the city to take it ; 5. and have taken nothing at all ?( lit, and taking have taken nothing) K AL . — Imperative. Jud. 7 : 24. and take before them the waters 2Sa. 1 2 : 28. encamp against the city, and take it .¦ KAL.— Future. Nu. 21 :32. and they took the villages thereof, 32:39. went to Gilead, and took it, 41 . and took the small towns thereof, 42. Nobah went and took Kenath, Deu 2 : 34 & 3 : 4.' And we took all his cities at that time, Jos. 6:20. and they took the city. 7: 14. tribe which the Lord taketk (lit. taketk it) — family which the Lord shall take (lit. id. ) — houshold which the Lord skalltake (lit. id.) 17. and he took the family of the Zarhites: 8:19. they entered into the city, and took it, 10:32. which took it on the second day, 35. And they took it on that day, 37. And they took it, and smote it 39. And he took it, and the king thereof, 11:10. Joshua at that time turned back, and took 15:17. And Othniel... took it: 19:47, to fight against Leshem, andtook it, Jud. 1 : 8. fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, 13. And Othniel the son of Kenaz,. ..took it : 18. Also Judah (ooA Gaza 3: 28. and took the fords of Jordan 7 : 24. ajid took the waters unto Beth-barah 25. And they took two princes 8: 12. and took the two kings of Midian, 14. And caught a young man 9:45. and he took the city, 50. Then went Abimelech... and took it. 12: 5. Andthe Gileadites (ooA the passages 15 : 4. And Samson went and caught three 2Sa. 5: 7. Nevertheless David (ooA the strong hold 8 : 4. And David (ooA from him a thousand' 12: 26. ajid took the royal city. 28. lest I (aAe the city, 29. and fought against it, and took it. IK. 9: Id. king of Egypt had gone up, and taken 2K. 12:17(18). fought against Gath, andtook it: 18 : 10. And at the end. of three years (Aey took it : lCh.l 1 : 5. Nevertheless David took the castle 18: 4. Ajid David took from him a thousand 2Ch. 12: 4. And Ae (ooA the fenced cities 13: 19. and took cities from him, 22: 9. he sought Ahaziah: and tkey caught him, 28: 18. and had taken Beth-shemesh, 32: 18. that they might take the city. 33:11. the captains of* the host...M?AicA took Neh 9:25. And they took strong cities, Ps. 35: Q. let his net that he hath hid catch kimself: Pro. 5 :22. His own iniquities shall take the wicked Isa. 20: 1. fought against Ashdod, and took it; Jer. 5 :26. they set a trap, tkey catch men. Am. 3: 5. have takeji nothing at all? Hab. 1 : 10. they shall heap dust, and take it. KAL. —Participle. Poel. Job 5: 13. He taketh the wise in their own Pro. 16:32. (Aan Ae that taketh a city. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * IK. 16: 18. when Zimri saw that the city was taken, 1D7 ( 643 ) 1Kb 2K. 18 Ps. 9 Pro. 6 Isa. 8. 28' Jer. 38 48: 50 51: Lam 4 Zec.14 : 10. Samaria was taken. : 15(16). which they hid is their own foot (aAen. : 2. (Aon art taken with the words ofthy : 1 5. and be snared, and be taken. il3.be broken, and snared, and taken. : 28. the day that Jerusalem was taken : andhe was (there) when Jerusalem was taken. : l.Kiriathaim is confounded (and) taken: 41. Kerioth is taken, : 2. Babylon is taken, 24. (Aom art also taken, : 31 . the king of Babylon that his city is taken 41 . How is Sheshach taken I 56. her mighty men are taken, :20.the anointed ofthe Lord, was taken : 2. and the city shall be taken, NIPHAL Future. : 16. and the tribe of Judah was taken : 17. and Zabdi was taken : IS. and Achan, the son of Carmi,... was taken. : 20. And when., .the tribe of Benjamin was taken 2 l.the family of Matri was taken, and Saul the son of Kish was taken : 41. And Saul and Jonathan were taken : 42. And Jonathan was ZaAen. 8. Ae holden in cords of affliction ; 12(13). let tkem even be taken in their pride: ; 6. transgressors shall be taken 26. the sinner shall be taken by her. 18. out of the midst of the pit shall be taken 11. the husband with the wife sAaZZ Ae (aAen, 9. they are dismayed and taken : 7. thou shalt also 6e taken : 44. shall be taken in the snare : 9. sAe shall be taken : NIPHAL Participle. 7: 15. Ae ZAaZ is taken with the accursed thing * HITHPAEL Future. * Job 38: 30. face of the deep is frozen, (marg. taken) 41 ; 1 7(9). they stick together, Jos. 7 lSa.10 14 Job 36: Ps. 59: Pro.llEcc. 7 Isa. 24. Jer. 6:8: 43:50: Jos. 1& [leh'-ched], ra. Pro. 3:26. shall keep thy foot from being taken. T\ibhloo-lah-dkth', f. pi. Ex. 26: 4. thou shalt make loops o/blue 5. Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one cur tain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in — that ZAe loops may take hold 10. thou shalt make fifty loops — fifty loops in the edge 1 l.put the taches into the loops, 36: 11. he made loops o/blue 12. Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty Zoops made he in the edge — (Ae loops held one (curtain) to another. 17. fifty loops upon the uttermost edge — fifty loops made he upon the edge la? lah-mad' . * KAL.— Preterite. * I. that ye may learn them, 13.may'hear, and learn to fear the Lord 3. /neither learned wisdom, 9. the inhabitants ofthe world will learn. 10. will he not learn righteousness: KAL. — Infinitive. 7. when Ishall have learned thy righteous 16. they will diligently learn (lit. learning they will learn) KAL.- — Imperative. Isa- 1:17. iearn to do well ; KAL Future. Deu 4:10. that they may learn to fear me 14:23. that thou mayest learn to fear 17 : 19. that Ae may learn to fear Deu. 5 31 Pro. 30 Isa. 26 Ps.119Jer. 12 Deu 18: 9. (Aom sAaZZ not learn to do after 31 : 12. that they may learn, and fear Ps. 106: 35. and learned their works. 119: 71. that I might learn thy statutes. 73. that I may learn thy commandments. Isa, 2: 4. neither shall they learn war any more. 29:24. they that murmured sAaZZ learn Jer. 10: 2. Learn not the way of the heathen, 12:16. if zAcy will diligently learn Eze. 19: 3. and it learned to catch the prey ; 6. and learned to catch the prey, Mic. 4: 3. neither shall they learn war KAL — Participle. Paiil. 1 Ch. 5:18. and skilful in war, * PIEL Preterite. * Deu 4: 5. 1 have taught you statutes II :19. And ye shall teach them your children, Ps. 71:17. (Aom Aas( taught me from my youth : Ecc.12: 9. Ae still taught the people Jer. 2:33. Aas( thou also taught the wicked 9: 6(4). (Aey have taught their tongue to speak 14(13). their fathers taught them: 12; 16. (Aey taught my people to swear 13:21. (Aom Aas( taught them (to be) captains, PIEL Infinitive. Deu 4: 14. to teach you statutes 6 : 1 . commanded to teach you, Jud. 3: 2. lo teach them war, 2Sa. 1:18. he bade them (eacA the children of Judah 2Ch 17: 7. (o (eacA in the cities of Judah. Ezr. 7:10. and to teach in Israel statutes Ps. 60[title](l).Michtam of David, to teach; Jer. 32:33. though I taught them, rising up early and teaching (them), Dan 1 : 4. and whom they might teach PIEL — Imperative. Deu31 : 19. and teach it the children of Israel : Ps. 25 ; 4. 0 Lord ; teacA me thy paths. 5. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: 119:12, 26, 68, 124. ZeacA me thy statutes. 64. teacA me thy statutes. 66. Teach me good judgment 108. ZeacA me thy judgments. 135. and teach me thy statutes. 143: 10. TeacA me to do thy will ; Jer. 9:20(19). and teach your daughters wailing, PIEL Future. Deu 4:10. (Aey may teach their children. 5:31(28). (Aom shalt teach them, 20 : 18. ZAey ZeacA you not 31 : 22. and taught it the children of Israel. 2Chl7: 9. And they taught in Judah, — and taught the people. Job 21 :22. SAaZZ (any) ZeacA God knowledge? Ps. 25 : 9. and the meek will he teach 34: 11 (12). I will teach you the fear ofthe Lord. 51: 13(15). (Then) will I teach transgressors 94 : 12. teachest him out of thy law ; 1I9:171.ZAom AasZ taught me thy statutes. 132: 12. my testimony that I shall teach them, Cant 8: 2. (who) would instruct me: Isa. 40 : 14. and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, Jer. 31 -.34. they shall teach no more PIEL.— Participle. Deu 4: l.the judgments, which I teacA you, 2 Sa. 22: 35. .He teacheth my hands to war ; Ps. 18:34(35). He teacheth my hands to war, 94:10.Ae ZAaZ teacheth man knowledge, 119:99.more understanding thanallmy teachers: 144: 1 . which teacheth my hands to war, Pro. 5:13. nor (lit. and not). ..to them that instructed me I Isa. 48:17.wAicA teacheth thee to profit, *PTJAL Preterite. * Jer. 31 : 18. a bullock unaccMsZomed (to the yoke) : PUAL. — Participle. I Ch.25 : 7 . their brethren ZAaZ were instructed Cant.3: 8. (being) expert in war: tt2 107 ( 644 ) Isa. 29 : 1 3. their fear toward me is taught Hos.10: 1 1 . Ephraim (is as) an heifer (that is) taught, r\bh. no1?, naS see no )u? Fmoh, part. Job 27: 14. be multiplied: (it is) for the sword, 29: 21. and kept silence at my counsel. 38: 40. abide in the covert to lie in wait ? 40: 4. 1 will lay mine hand upon my mouth. *1M37 lim-mood', adj. Isa. 8 50 16. the law among my disciples. 4. the tongue ofthe learned, (lit. disciples) — to hear as the learned, (lit. id.) 54:13. all thy children (shall be) taught ofthe Jer. 2:24. A wild ass used (marg. taug lit) to the 13:23. that are accustojned (marg. taught) to do \Vth see JJffi ^ [/«//<#], m. Pro. 23: 2. And put a knife to thy throat, 3j6 [/rtA-££> ) »WJ Nu. 31 : 39. thirty thousand and five hundred ; 43. three Awndred thou sand and thirty thousand (and) seven thousand and five hundred 45. thirty thousand asses and five hundred, 48, 52. captains of hundreds, 52. sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty 54. captains of thousands and of hundreds, 33:39. Aaron (was) an hundred and 23 years old Deu 1:15. captains over hundreds, 22:19. amerce him in ajt hundred (shekels) 31 : 2.1 (am) aji hundred and twenty years old 34: 7. Moses (was) an hundred and 20 years old Jos. 7 : 21 . Babylonish garment, and two hundred 24:29. an hundred and ten years old. 32. of Shechem for an hundj'ed pieces of Jud. 2: 8. an hundred and ten years old. 3:31. slew ofthe Philistines six hundredmen 4: 3, 13. nine hundred chariots of iron ; 7: 6. to their mouth, were three hwndred men: 7. By the three hundj'ed men that lapped 8. and retained those three hundred men: 16. he divided the three hundred men 19. Gideon, and the hwndred men 22. And the three hundred blew the trumpets, 8: 4. and the three hundred men that (were) 10. an hundred and twenty thousand men 26. a thousand and seven hundred 11 :26.by the coasts of Arnon, three hundj'ed 15: 4. Samson went and caught three kwridj-ed 16: 5. we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred (lit. a thousand and a hundj-ed) 17: 2. The eleven hundred (lit. id. ) (shekels) of 3. when he had restored the eleven hundred (lit. id.) (shekels) ofsilver 4. his mother took two hundred (shekels) of 18 : 1 1 . six hundred men appointed 16. And the six hundred men appointed 17. the six hundred men (that were) appointed 20: 2. four hundred thousand footmen 10. take ten men of an hundred throughout all the tribes of Israel, and aji hundred 15, 16. seven hundred chosen men. 17. four hundred thousand men 35. that day 25,000 and aji hundred men: 47 . But six hundred men turned and fled 21 : 12. four hundred young virgins, that had ISa. 11: 8. Israel were three hundred thousand, 13:15 & 14:2. about six hundredmen. 15: 4. in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, 17: 7. spear's head (weighed) six hundred shekels 18:25. but an hundred foreskins ofthe Philistines, 27 . slew of the Philistines two hundred men ; 22: 2. were with him about four hundred men. 7- captains of hundreds ; 23: 13. about six hundred, arose 25: 13. went up after David about four hundred men ; and two hujidred abode by the 18. took two hundred loaves, — and an hundj'ed clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, 27 : 2. he passed over with the six hundred men 29: 2. of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, 30: 9. David went, he and the six hundred men 10. David pursued, he and four hundred men : for two hundred abode behind, 17. four hundred young men, which rode 21 . David came to the two hundred men, 2Sa. 2: 31. three hundred and threescore men 3: 14. which I espoused to me for an hundred 8 : 4. seven hundred horsemen, — reserved of them (for) an hundred chariots. 10: 18. David slew (the men of) seven hmidred 14:26. hair ofhis head at two hundred shekels 15:11. with Absalom went two hundred men 18. the Gittites, six hundred men 16: l.upon them two hundred (loaves) of bread, and an hundred bunches of raisins, ajid an hundred of summer fruits, 18: 1. captains of hundreds 4. all the people came out by hundreds 2 1 : 1 6 . ( weighed ) three A undred ( shekels ) of 23: 8. against eight hundred, whom he slew 18. lilted up his spear against three hundred, 24: 3. soever they be, an hundredfold, 9. eight hundred thousand valiant men five hundred thousand men. IK. 4:23(5:3). ajid an hundred sheep, besideharts, HND t, 0£t> ; 11: 20 1-1 2K. 3 141819 23 ICh. 45 IK. 5: 16(30). three thousand and three hundred, 6: 1 . in the four hundred and eightieth year 7: 2. the length thereof (was) an hundred 20. the pomegranates (were) two hundred 42. And four hundred pomegranates for 8:63. an hundred and twenty thousand sheep. 9:14. Hiram sent to the king sixscore (lit. a hundred and twenty) talents of gold. 23. five hundred and fifty, 28. four hundred and twenty talents, 10: 10. an hundred and twenty talents of gold, 14. six hundred threescore and six talents of 16. Solomon made two hundred targets (of) beaten gold: six hundred (shekels) 17. (he made) three hundred shields 26. a thousand, and four hundred chariots, 29. for six hundred (shekels) ofsilver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: 3. he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: 21 . an hundred and fourscore thousand 4. Obadiah took an hundred prophets, 13. how 1 hid an hundred men 19. of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, 22. four hundred and fifty men. 15. they were two hundred and thirty two: 29. an hundred thousand footmen in one day. 6. the prophets together, about four hundred : 4. an hundred thousand lambs, and an hun dred thousand rams, 26. he took with him seven hundred men : 43. should I set this before qji hundred men ? : 4, 19. the rulers over hundreds, 9. the captains over (Ae hujidreds 10. the captains over hundreds 15. the captains of (Ae hundreds, : 13. unto the corner gate, four hundred cubits. : 14. of Judah three hundred talents : 35. an hundred fourscore and five thousand: 33. a tribute of an hundred talents : 42. of the sons of Simeon, five hundred men, : 18. 44,000 seven hundj-ed and threescore, 21 . sheep two hundred and 50,000, and of asses 2000, and of men an hundred thousand. 7: 2. two and twenty thousand and six hundred. 9. valour, (was) 20,000 and two hundred. 11.1 7,000 and two hundred ( soldiers), fit to 8:40. sons, and sons' sons, an hundred and fifty. 9: 6. six hundred and ninety. 9. nine hundred and fifty and six. 13. seven hmidred and threescore ; 22. the gates (were) two hmidred and twelve. 11:11. lifted up his spear against three hundred 20. lifting up his spear against three hundred, 12: 14. one ofthe least (was) over an hundred, 24. six thousand and eight hundred, 25. for the war, 7000 and one hundred. 26. four thousand and six hundred. 27. three thousand and seven hundred; 30. twenty thousand and eight hundred, 32. the heads of them (were) two hundred; 35. twenty and eight thousand and six hundred. 37 .an hundred and twenty thousand. 13: 1 . captains of thousands and hundreds, 15: 5. his brethren an hundred and twenty: 6. his brethren two hundred and twenty : 7. his brethren an hundred and thirty: &.the chief, and his brethren two hundred: 10. his brethren an hundred and twelve. 18: 4. but reserved of them an hundred chariots. 21 : 3.TheLordmakehispeoplean A7/ndredtimes 5. a thousand thousand and aji hundred thousand men that drew sword: and Judah (was) four hundred 25. gave to Oman for the place six luindred 22:14. Lord an Aundred thousand talents of gold, 25: 7. was two hmidred fourscore and eight. 26 : 26 . captains over thousands and hundreds, 30. of valour, a thousand and seven hundred, 32. two thousand and seven hundred chief 27: 1. captains of thousands and hundreds, 28: 1. captains over (Ae hundreds, 29: 6. captains of thousands and of hundreds, 7. one hundred thousand talents of iron. 2Ch. 1 : 2. the captains of thousands and of hundreds, 14. a thousand and four hundred chariots, 2Ch. 1 4: 26 36 Ezr. 1 17. a chariot for six hundred (shekels) of sil ver, and an horse for an hundred ajid 2(1). three thousand and six hundred 17(16). found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hujidred. 18(17). three thousand and six hundred 4. the height (was) an hundred and twenty: 8. gold, (amounting) to six hundred talents. 1 6- and made an hundred pomegranates, 8. And he made an hundred basons of gold. 13. four hundred pomegranates on 12. an hundred and twenty priests sounding 5. an hundred and twenty thousand sheep: .10. officers, (even) two hmidred and fifty, 18. four hundred and fifty talents of gold, 9. an hundred and twenty talents of gold, 13. six hundred and threescore and six talents 15. Solomon made two hmidred targets (of) beaten gold: six hundred (shekels) 16. three hundred shields (made he of) beaten gold: three hundred (shekels) of gold I . an hundred and fourscore thousand 3. "With twelve hundred (lit. a thousand and two hundred) chariots, 3. four hundred thousand chosen men: — eight hundred thousand chosen men, 17. five hundred thousand chosen men. 8(7). of Judah three hundred thousand; — (-). two hundred and fourscore thousand: 9(8) . and three hundred chariots ; II. had brought, seven hundred oxen 11.7000 and seven hundred rams, and 7000 and seven hundred he goats. 14. men of valour three hundred thousand. 15. and with him two hundred and 80,000. 16. and with him two hundred thousand 17. with bow and shield two hundred thousand. 18. an hundred and fourscore thousand, 5 . together of prophets four hundred men, 1,9, 14, 20. the captains of hundreds, 15. aji hundred and thirty years old 5. captains over hundreds, — three hundred thousand choice (men), 6. an hundred thousand mighty men of valour out of Israel for an hundred 9. for the hundred talents which I have given 23. to the corner gate, four hundred cubits. 12. two thousand and six hundred. 1 3. three hundred thousandand seven thousand and five hundred, 5. gave him the same year an hundred talents 6. an hundred and twenty thousand 8. of their brethren two hundred thousand, 32. an hundred rams, (and) two hundred 33. consecrated things (were) six hundred 8. two thousand and six hundred (small cattle), and three hundred oxen. 9. thousand (small cattle), and five hundred 3. condemned the land in an hundred talents 10. silver basons... four hundred and ten, 1 1 . five thousand and four hundred. 3. of Parosh, 2000 an hundred 72. 4. of Shephatiah, three hundred 72. 5. of Aran, seven hundred seventy and five. 6. of Pahath-moab,, ..2000 eight Awndredand 7. of Elam, 1000 two hundred 54. 8. of Zattu, nine hundred forty and five. 9. of Zaccai, seven hundred and threescore. 10. of Bani, six hundred forty and two. 1 1 . of Bebai, six hundred twenty and three. 12. Azgad, 1 000 two hmidred twenty and two. 1 3. of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six. 15. of Adin, four hundred fifty and four. 17. of Bezai, three hundred twenty and three. 18. of Jorah, an hundj'ed and twelve. 19. of Hashum, two hundred twenty and three. 21 . Beth-lehem, an hundred twenty and three. 23. of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and eight. 25. Beeroth, seven hundred and 43. 26. of Ramah and Gaba, six hundred 21. 27. of Michmas, an hundred twenty and two. 28. Beth-el and Ai, two hundred 23. 30. of Magbish, an hundj'ed fifty and six. 31. of the other Elam,. ..1000 two hundred 54. 32. of Harim, three hundred and twenty. 33. and Ono, seven hundred twenty and five. 34. of Jericho, three hundred forty and five. nun (657 ) 67 Neh 3; 5: 7: Ezr. 2:35. of Senaah, 3000 and six hundred and 30. 36. of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy and three. 38. of Pashur, 1000 two hundred 47. 41 . of Asaph, an hundred twenty and eight. 42. (in) all an hundred thirty and nine. 58. (were) three hundred ninety and two. 60. of Nekoda, six hundred fifty and two. 64.42,000 three hundred (and) threescore, 65.7000 three Atmdred thirty and seven: and (there were) among them two hundred 66. Their horses (were) seven hundred 36; their mules, two hundred 45 ; Their camels, four hundred 35; (their) asses, 6000 seven hundred and twenty. and one hundred priests' garments. .ofthe males an hundred and fifty. and with him two hundred males. and with him three hundred males. . with him two hundred and eighteen males. . an hundred and threescore males. . and with him an hundred and ten males. two hundred and twenty Nethinims: . six hundred and fifty talents of silver, and silver vessels an hundred talents, (and) of gold an hundred talents ; .even unto the tower of Meah (lit. the tower of (Ae hundred) .also the hundredth (part) ofthe money, . an hundred and fifty of the Jews . Parosh, 2000 an hundred seventy and two. Shephatiah, three AMndredseventyandtwo. of Arah, six hundred fifty and two. of Pahath-moab,. ..2000 and eight hundred (and) 18. . of Elam, 1000 two hundred fifty and four. . of Zattu, eight hundred forty and five. .of Zaccai, seven hundred and threescore. of fiinnui, six hundred forty and eight. of Bebai, six hundred twenty and eight. Azgad, 2000 three hundred twenty and two. of Adonikam, six hundred 67. . of Adin, six hundred fifty and five. . Hashum, three hundred twenty and eight. of Bezai, three hundred twenty and four. of Hariph, an hundred and twelve. . and Netophah, an hundred 88 . . of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and eight. . Beeroth, seven hundred forty and three. and Gaba, six hundred twenty and one. Michmas, an hundred and twenty and two. and Ai, an hundred twenty and three. ofthe other Elam, 1000 two hundred 54. . of Harim, three hundred and twenty. of Jericho, three hundred forty and five. and Ono, seven hundred twenty and one. of Senaah, 3000 nine hundred and thirty. of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy and three. of Pashur, 1000 Ztco hundred 47. of Asaph, an hundred forty and eight. of Shobai, an hundred thirty and eight. three hundred ninety and two. . six hundred forty and two. ,42,000 three hundred and threescore, (there were) 7000 three hundred 37: and they had two hundred 45 singing men Their horses, seven hundred 36: their mules, two hundred 45 : camels, four hundred thirty and five : 6000 seven hundred and twenty asses. five hundred and thirty priests' garments. and 2000 and two hundred pound of silver. four hundred threescore and eight valiant Sallai, nine hundred twenty and eight. eight hundred twenty and two : ofthe fathers, two hundred forty and two: an hundred twenty and eight: (were) two hundred fourscore and four. an hundred seventy and two. the tower of Meah, (lit. (Ae hundred) an hundred and seven and twenty an hundred and fourscore days. an hundred ) ( twenty and seven province*, slew and destroyed five hundred men. have slain and destroyed five hundred men and slew three hundred men at Shushan ; (Ae hundred ) ( twenty and seven provinces five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred 67 70. 71. 11: 6. 8. 12. 13. 14. 18. 19. „ 12:39. Est. 1. i. 4. 8: 9. 9: 6. 12. 15. 30. Jol> .1: 3. Job 42:16 Pro.l7:10 Ecc. 6: 3 8:12 Cant.8: 12. Isa. 37:36. 65:20 Jer. 52: 23. 29. 30. Eze. 4: 5, 40:19. 23. 27. 47. 41:13 17 14. 1112 Am. 5: 3 Dan 8: 12:1 . lived Job an hundred and forty years, .than an hundred stripes into a fool. .If a man beget an hundred (children), . Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, . and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred. . a hundred and fourscore and five . the child shall die an hundred years old ; but the sinner (being) an hundred . upon the network (were) an hundred .from Jerusalem eight hundred thirty and . seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons (were) four thousand and six hundred. ,9. three hundred and ninety days: . an hundred cubits eastward and northward. .from gate to gate an hundred cubits. .toward the south an hundred cubits. .measured the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, . the house, an hundred cubits long ; the walls thereof, an hundred cubits long ; .place toward the east, an hundred cubits. , on the other side, an hundred cubits, .Before the length of an hundred cubits .before the temple (were) an hundred , 17, 18, 19. five hundred reeds, . five hundred (reeds) long, and. five hundred . for the sanctuary five hundred (in length), with five hundred (in breadth), square . out of the flock, out of tivo hundred, . 16, 16, 16, 30, 32, 33, 34. four thousand and five hundred, 17, 17, 17. two hundred and fifty, two thousand and three hmidred days ; a thousand two hundred and ninety days. the thousand three hundred and five and . thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth (by) an hundred HK» m'Tih, Ch. f. t : " Ezr. 6: 17. an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs ; 7: 22. Unto an hundred talents ofsilver, and to an hundred measures of wheat, and to an hundred baths of wine, and to an hundred baths of oil, Dan 6: 1 (2). an hundred and twenty princes, D^lNft \niah-avahy-yeem'\ m. pi. Ps.140: 8(9). Grant not, O Lord, (Ae desires ofthe MXfi moom, in. Job 31: 7. if any blot hath cleaved to Dan 1: 4. (2T0) Childreninwhom(was)noAZemisA, Gen22 3039 40 Nu.22Deu 13 24 Jud. 14 ISa. 12 20 nz2'Nz2 moo-mah', f. t : 12. neither do thou any thing unto him: 31. Thou shalt not give me any thing : 6. he knew not ought he had, 9. neither hath he kept back any thing 23. looked not to any thing 15. have I done noZZiino 38. 1 now any power at all to say any thing / 17(18). shall cleave non<7AZ(lit. not anything) 10. dost lend thy brother any thing, . 6. (he had) nothing (lit. not any thing) in : 4. neither hast thou taken ought 5. ye have not found onaAt .26. Saul spake not any thing 39. the lad knew not any thing :_ : 2(3) . Let no man know any thing : 7 .neither was there ought missing 15. neither missed we any thing, 21. nothing (lit. not any thing) was missed u u WD lSa.29: 3.1 have found no fault (lit. not any thing) 2Sa. 3 : 35. if I taste bread, or ought else, 13: 2. thought it hard for him to do any thing IK. 10 : 21 . it was nothing accounted of in the days 18:43. looked, and said, (There is) nothing. 2K. 5:20. and take somewhat of him. 2Ch. 9:20.it was (not) any thing accounted of in the Ecc. 5: 14(1 3). (there is) nothing in his hand. 15(1 4). and shall take nothing ofhis labour, 7: 14. to the end that man should find nothing 9: 5. but the dead know not any thing, Jer. 39:10. the poor. ..which had nothing, 12. do him no harm ; (lit. not any harm) Jon. 3: 7. herd nor flock, taste any thing : "TlXD muh-ohr' , m. Gen 1 : 14. Let there be lights in the firmament 15. let them he for lights in the firmament 16. God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and (Ae lesser light Ex. 25: 6. Oil for the light, spices for 27: 20. pure oil olive beaten for the tight, 35: 8. And oil for the light, and spices for 14. The candlestick also for (Ae light, — with the oil for (Ae light, 28. And spice, and oil for the light, 39:37. the vessels thereof, and the oil for light, Lev.24: 2. pure oil olive beaten for the light, Nu. 4: 9. cover the candlestick of (Ae light, 16. the oil for (Ae light, Ps. 74: 16. hast prepared (Ae light and the sun. 90: 8. in (Ae light ofthy countenance. Pro. 15:30. Tlie light ofthe eyes rejoiceth the heart: Eze.32: 8. All the bright lights (marg. lights of the light) of heaven will I ( 658 ) ]XD ICh 12:40. on oxen, (and) meat, meal, (marg. or, victual of meal) 2Ch 9: 4. And the meat o/his table, 11:11. put captains in them, and store of victual, Ezr. 3: 7. and meat, and drink, and oil, Neh 9:25./rni( trees (marg. tree of food) in Job 33 : 20. his soul dainty meat. Ps. 44:11(12). like sheep (appointed) for meat ; 74:14. gavest him (to be) meat 79: 2. servants have they given (to be) meai Pro. 6: 8. gathereth Aer food in the harvest. Isa. 62: 8. give thy corn (to be) meat ler. 7:33& 16: 4. shall be meat for the fowls 19: 7. will I give to be (lit. for) meat 34:20. their dead bodies shall be for meat Eze. 4: 10. And thy meat which thou 47 : 12. shall grow all trees for meat, — the fruit thereof shall be for meat, Dan 1 : 10. who hath appointed your meat Hab. 1:16. and their meat plenteous. Hag. 2:12. or wine, or oil, or any meat, iYtttttp [moo-rah], f. Isa. 11 : 8. put his hand on the cockatrice' den. D^fKfi moh-z^nak ' -yim, dual. Lev.l9:36. Just balances, just weights, Job 6: 2. my calamity laid in the balances 31 : 6. Let me be weighed in an even balance, Ps. 62: 9(10). to be laid in the balance, Pro.ll : 1. A false balance (is) abomination to the 16: 11. just weight and balance (are) the Lord's: 20:23. and a false balance (is) not good. Isa. 40: 1 2, and the hills in a balajice ? 15. counted as the small dust of (Ae balance : Jer. 32: 10. weighed (him) the money in the balances. Eze. 5: l.then take thee balances to weigh, 45: 10. Ye shall have just balances, Hos 12: 7(8). (Ae balances of deceit (are) in his hand: Am. 8: 5. falsifying (Ae balances by deceit? Mic. 6: 11. pure witli the wicked balances, !?3TNI0 [moh-znah'-yin], Ch. dual. Dan 5:27. Thou art weighed in the balances, 7D&0 mah-achahl1 \ m. t ~: - • Gen 2: 9. pleasant to the sight and good for food; 3: 6. saw that the tree (was) good for food, 6:21. unto thee of all food that is eaten, 40: 17. all manner of hakemeats for Pharaoh; (marg. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker) Lev.l 9: 23. planted all manner of trees for food, Deu 20:20. that they (be) not trees for meat, 28:26. thy carcase shall be (lit. for) meat Jud. 14: 14. Out ofthe eater came forth meat, IK. 10; 5. And the meat ofhis table, ropKD mah-achcli'-leth, f. Gen22: 6. took the fire in his hand, and a knife; 10. took (Ae knife to slay his son. Jud. 19:29. he took a knife, and laid hold Pro. 30 : 14. and their jaw teeth (as ) knives, TYpQfc mah-achoh'-leth, f. Isa. 9: 5(4). shallbe withburning (and )/mbZ (marg. meat) of fire. 19(18). shall be as the fuel (marg. meat) of D^ONft \mah-amatz-tzeem''], m. pi. Job 36: 19.nor all the forces 0/ strength. *l/?&i? mah-dmar' , m. Est. 1:15. hath not performed (Ae commandment of 2 : 20. Esther did (Ae commandment of Mordecai, 9:32. And the decree 0/ Esther confirmed IfiXK meh-mar' ', Ch. m. Ezr. 6: 9. according to the appointment ofthe Dan 4: 17(14). and the demand Ay (Ae word ofthe jN/2 [mahii], Ch. m. Ezr. 5:14. And (Ae vessels also of gold and silver 15. Take these vessels, go, carry them into 6: 5. golden and silver vessels o/the house 7:19. TAe vessels also that are given thee Dan 5 : 2. to bring the golden and silver vessels 3. Then they brought ZAe golden nesse/s 23. and they have brought ZAe vessels of his {&£ mah-ehn' . Ex. * PIEL. —Preterite. * 7:14. Ae refuseth to let the people go. 10: 3. How long wilt thou refuse to humble 16 : 28. How long refuse ye to keep my Nu. 22 : 13. the Lord refuseth to give me leave 14. Balaam refuseth to come with us. Deu 25: 7. My husband's brother refuseth 1 K. 2! : 15. Ae refused to give thee for money: Job 6: 7. The things (that) my soul refused Ps. 77: 2(3). my soul refused to be comforted. 78:10. refused to walk in his law ; Pro.21 : 7. they refuse to do judgment. 25. his hands refuse to labour. Jer. 3: 3. (Aow refusedst to be ashamed. 5: 3. (Aey have refused to receive correction: — they have refused to return. 8: 5. they refuse to return. 9: 6(5). through deceit they refuse to know 11 : 10. forefathers, which refused to hear my 15:18. refuseth to be healed? 31: 15. refused to be comforted for her children, 50:33. held them fast ; they refused to let them Hos 11 : 5. they refused to return. PIEL Infinitive. Ex. 22:17(16). Ifher father w((erZy refuse (lit. refusing shall refuse) PIEL.— Future. Gen37:35.6«( Ae refused to be comforted ; 39: 8. But he refused, and said 48:19. And his father refused, and said, Ex. 4 : 23. if thou refuse to let him go, 22: 17(16). If her father utterly refuse Nu. 20:21 . Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage ISa. 8:19.iVe»er(AeZess the people refused 28 : 23. But he refused, and said, 2Sa. 2:23.IToH>6ei( Ae refused to turn aside: 13: 9. before him ; but he refused to eat. ]K. 20:35. And the man refused to smite him. 2K. 5: 16. he urged him to take (it) ; but he refused. Neh 9:17. And refused to obey, Est. 1 : 12. But the queen Vashti refused to come Pro. 1 : 24. 1 have called, and ye refused ; Isa. 1 : 20. But if ye refuse and rebel, Jer.25:28.if they refuse to take the cup Zee. 7:11. But they refused to hearken, |X0 mah-ehn\ adj. Ex. 8: 2(7:27)& 9:2. if thou refuse (lit. refusing) 10: 4. if thou refuse to let my people go, Jer.38:21.if thou refuse to go forth, D^Xfi meh-aneem' \ adj. pi. Jer. 13:10. This evil people, which refuse to hear DXfi mah-as' ' . - T * KAL Preterite. * 43. (Aey despised my judgments, 44. 1 will not cast them away, 20. ye have despised the Lord 3 l.the land which ye have despised. 38. the people that (Aom hast despised ? 7. they have not rejected thee, but (Aey Aa»e rejected me, :19.ye Aane this day rejected your God, 23, 26. (Aom hast rejected the word ofthe Lord, 1 . 1 have rejected him from reigning 7. because 1" have refused him : 27. and will cast o/this city :16. Iloathe (it); 1 would not live alway: : 18. young children despised me ; 1 . whose fathers / would have disdained 33. whether ZAom refuse, or whether thou 5(6). God Aa(A despised them. :22.The stone (which) the builders refused :24. despised the word ofthe Holy One : 6. this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah : 8. Ae Aa(A despised the cities, : 9. 1 have chosen thee, and not east thee away. 37. the Lord hath rejected thy confidences, :30. (thy) lovers toiZZ despise thee, :30.the Lord hath rejected them. . :29. the Lord hath rejected and forsaken : 9. (Aey have rejected the word ofthe Lord ; ¦ 19. Hast thou utterly rejected Judah ? ( 659 ) "1ND Lam. 5 : 22. (Aom hast utterly rejected us ; Eze. 5: 6. (Aey Aatie refused my judgments 20: 13. (Aey despised my judgments, 16. (Aey despised my judgments, 24. but Aad despised my statutes, Hos. 4 : 6. (Aom AasZ rejected knowledge, Am. 5:21.7 despise your feast days, KAL Infinitive. Isa. 7:15. that he may know to refuse 16. before the child shall know to refuse 30: 12. Because ye despise this word, Jer. 14:19. Hast thou utterly rejected Judah ? Lam.3:45. the offscouring and refuse in the midst 5:22. thou hast utterly rejected us ; Am. 2: 4. they have despised the law KAL. —Future. Lev. 26:15. if ye shaU despise my statutes, ISa. 15: 23. Ae Aa(A also rejected thee from (being) 26. and the Lord AaZA rejected thee 2K. 17:15. ^Ind (Aey rejected his statutes, 20. And the Lord rejected all the seed of Job 5:17. despise not (Aom the chastening of 8:20. God will not cast away a perfect (man), 9:21. 1 would despise my life. 10: 3. that (Aom shouldest despise the work 31 : 13. If / did despise the cause of 36: 5. God (is) mighty, and despiseth not (any): 42: 6. Wherefore I abhor (myself), and repent Ps. 36: 4(5) . Ae abhorreth not evil. 78: 59. and greatly abhorred Israel: 67. Moreover Ae refused the tabernacle of 89:38(39). thou hast cast off and abhorred, 106:24. Yea, they despised the pleasant land, Pro. 3:11. despise not the chastening of th e Lord ; Isa. 31 : 7. every man shall cast away his idols Jer. 6:19. nor to my law, but rejected it. 31:37.1 will also cast off all the seed of Israel 33:24. Ae AaZA even cast them off? 26. Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, Hos. 4: 6. 1 will also reject thee, 9: 17. My God will cast them away, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Pro.l5:32.He that refuseth instruction despiseth Isa. 33: 15. Ae (Aa( despiseth the gain of Eze.21 :10( 15 ).iZ contemneth the rod ofmy son, 13(18). if (the sword) contemn even the rod ? * NIPHAL.— Future. * Isa. 54: 6. when thou wast refused, NIPHAL. —Participle. Ps. 15: 4. In whose eyes a vile person is contemned ; Jer. 6:30. Reprobate (marg. or, Refuse) silver shall Lev.26Nu.ll 14 Jud. 9 ISa. 8 10 15 16 2K.23 Job 7 1930 34 Ps. 53 118 Isa. 5 8 3341 Jer. 2 4 6 7 8 14 DKfi [mah-as1']. * NIPHAL Future. * Job 7: 5. my skin is broken, and become loathsome. Ps. 58: 7(8). Let them melt away as waters Plfitfz? [mah-apheh'], in. Lev. 2 : 4. a meat offering AaAen in the oven, ?SXz5 mah-aphehl', m. Jos. 24: 7. he put darkness between you rr?SND mah-peh-l'yah', f. Jer. 2 : 31 . a land of darkness 1 -|ND [mah-ar']. * HIPHIL Participle. X- Lev. 1 3:51 . the plague (is) a fretting leprosy ; u u2 -IND ( 660 ) Q-IQ Lev.l3:52& 14:44. it (is) a fretting leprosy ; Eze.28: 24. there shall be no more a pricking brier 31N/S mah-arahv', m. t -: - Jos. 8: 9. they went to lie in ambush, Jud. 9 : 35. from lying in wait- 2Ch 13 : 1 3. Jeroboam caused an ambushment and the ambushment (was) behind them. Ps. 10: 8. He sitteth in the lurking places of niKz2 m' eh -rah', f. Deu28:20.The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, Pro. 3:33. 7'Ae curse ofthe Lord (is) in the 28: 2 7. shall have many a curse. Mai. 2: 2. 1 will even send a curse upon you, 3: 9. Ye (are) cursed with a curse : nPTlO miv-dah-lohth' , f. pi. Jos. 16: 9. And ZAe separate cities for the children of Jud. 1:24. 25. :25:16 2Sa. 3: 2K. 11: Ntafi mah-voh' , com. Deu 1 1 : 30. where the sun ooeZA down, Jos. 1 : 4. toward ZAe going down of the sun, 23: 4. unto the great sea westward, (marg. at ZAe sunseZ,- lit. ZAe going down ofthe sun) . Shew us, ...ZAe entrance into the city, .when he shewed them ZAe entrance into . (3'rQ) thy going out and ZAy coming in, .the way by the which the horses came (lit. (Ae Entrance o/the horses ) the king's entry without, they went to the entrance of Gedor, keepers of (Ae entry. at his pillar at the entering in, when she was come to (Ae entering of unto ZAe going down thereof. the sun knoweth Ais going down. unto ZAe going down of the same at (Ae coming in at the doors. prophet unto him into (Ae third entry as men enter into (marg. according to the enterings of) a city situate at ZAe entry ofthe sea, as the people cometh, (marg. according to the coming of the people ) (aTD) ZAe entry on the east side, mark well ZAe entering in of he brought me through the entry, from the west country ; (marg. the country of ZAe going down of the sun) Mai. 1:11. unto ZAe going down ofthe same Gen 1 0 : 32. nations divided i n the earth after the flood. 11:10. two years after the flood: Ps. 29: 10. The Lord sitteth upon the flood; D*JiJ£? m 'voh-neem' ', m. pi. 2Ch35: 3. (3TD1 the Levites ZAaZ taught all Israel, PlDtttt mvoo-sah', f. t : 7 Isa. 18: 2. a nation meted out and trodden down, (marg. and treading underfoot) 7. meted out and trodden underfoot, 22: 5. of trouble, and of treading down, Jzj)3£? mab-boo'dg, m. Ecc. 12: 6. or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, Isa. 35: 7. the thirsty land springs of water: 49 : 10. (Ae springs of water shall he guide them. nj^flip vfvoo-kah' , f. Nah. 2:10(11). She is empty, and void, 2K. liPftz? miv-'ghohr' , m. 3:19. fenced city, and every cAoice city, 19: 23. the choice fir trees thereof: 16: ICh 4:9; 2Ch23:Ps. 50: 104: 113: Pro. 8: Jer. 38: Eze.26: 27: 33: 42:44:46: Zee. 8: nptoz? mvoo-'chah', f. Isa. 22: 5. and of perplexity by the Lord Mic. 7: 4. now shall be their perplexity. 7Gb mab-bool' , IT). Gen 6:17.1, do bring afiood of waters 7: 6. wAen ZAe flood of waters was upon 7. because ofthe waters of the flood. 10. the waters of the flood were upon 17. the flood was forty days upon the earth ; 9: 11. by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood 15. the waters shall no more become afiood 28. Noah lived after the flood 10: 1. sons born after the flood. ^Il5P \iniv-ghahr'~], m. Gen23: 6. in the choice of our sepulchres Ex. 15: 4. his chosen captains also are drowned Deu 12: 11. your choice vows (marg. cAoice of your vows) which ye vow Isa. 22: 7. choicest (marg. (Ae cAoiee o/thy) valleys 37:24. the choice fir trees thereof: Jer. 22 : 7. shall cut down thy choice cedars, 48: 15. and his chosen (marg. the choice of) young Eze.23: 7. with all them (that were) the chosen (marg. id. ) men 24: 4. fill (it) with the choice bones. 5. Take ZAe choice ofthe flock, 31 : 16. ZAe choice and best of Lebanon, Danll : 15. neither his chosen people, (marg. the people of Ais choices) tOSfi [mab-baht'], m. Isa. 20: 5. Ethiopia ZAeir expectation, 6. such (is) our expectation, t25£? [meh'-vat], m. Zee. 9: 5. Ekron ; for her expectation Nttoz? miv-tah', m. Nu. 30: 6(7). uttered ought out of her lips, 8(9) . ZAaZ wAicA sAe uttered with her lips, Ilb5£ miv-tahgh, m. Job 8: 14. wAose trust (shall be) a spider's web. 18: 14. His confidence shall be rooted out 31 :24. fine gold, (Thou art) my confidence; Ps. 40: 4(5). that maketh the Lord Ais trust, 65 : 5(6 ) . ZAe confidence of all the ends of the 71 : 5. my trust from my youth. Pro. 14 : 26. the fear of the Lord (is) strong confidence: BSD ( Pro.21 :22. the strength of (Ae confidence thereof. 22: 19. That (Ay trust may be in the Lord, 25:19. Confidence in an unfaithful man Isa. 32: 18. and in sure dwellings, Jer. 2:37. the Lord hath rejected thy confidences, 17: 7. whose hope the Lord is. 48:13. Beth-el (Aeir confidence. Eze.29: 16. it shall be no more (Ae confidence 661 ) "UD th'&ti mig-bah-lohth' , f. pi. Ex. 28:14. pure gold at the ends; Tri viz? mav-lee-geeth' , f. Jer. 8: 18. (When) I would comfort myself (lit. my consolation) against sorrow, PQ50 [miv-neh'], m. Eze.40: 2.by which (was) as the frame of a city "1X55 miv-tzahr' , id. Jer. :19. in tents, or in strong holds; : 17. shall dwell in the fenced cities 36. fenced cities: and folds for sheep. :20. entered into fenced cities. ; 29. to the strong city Tyre ; 35. the fenced cities (are) Ziddim, Zer, :18./eneed cities, and of country villages, : 7. came to (Ae strong hold of Tyre, :19.ye shall smite every fenced city, : 12. (Aeir strong holds wilt thou set on fire, : 2.a/eneed city also, and armour ; : 9&18:8.the watchmen to the fenced city. :19.the king put in the fenced cities :40(41).hast brought Ais strong holds to ruin. :10(ll).will bring me into the strong city? : 3. The fortress also shall cease .12. And the fortress ofthe high fort : 13. brambles in the fortresses thereof: : 18. 1 have made thee this day a defenced city. : 5. let us go into the defenced cities. 17. impoverish thy fenced cities, 27. a fortress among my people, 14. let us enter into the defenced cities, 7. for these defenced cities remained 18. he shall destroy (Ay strong holds. 2. ZAe strong holds ofthe daughter of Judah ; 5. he hath destroyed Ais strong holds, lb. take the most fenced cities : (marg. city of munitions) 24. devices against (Ae strong holds, 39. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (marg. in the fortresses of munitions) Hosl0:14.all thy fortresses shall be spoiled, Am. 5: 9. shall come against the fortress. Mic. 5: 11(10). throw down all thy strong holds: Nah. 3:12. All (Ay strong holds 14. fortify (Ay strong holds: Hab. 1 : 10. they shall deride every strong hold; Nu. 13 32 Jos. 10 19 ISa. 6 2Sa.24 2K. 3 8 1017 2Chl7Ps. 108 Isa. 17 2534 1 45 6 8 3448 Lam. 2 Danll ntySiz? mig-bah-gohth' , f. pi. Ex. 28 : 40. and bonnets shalt thou make 29: 9. put (Ae bonnets on them: 39: 28. goodly bonnets (of) fine linen, Lev. 8:13. put bonnets upon them ; 1iD meh'-ged, m. Deu33:13./or the precious things of heaven, 14. And for the precious fruits (brought forth) by the sun, and for the precious things lb. and for the precious things ofthe lasting 16. And for the precious things of the earth Cant.4: 13. an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant 16. and eat his pleasant fruits. 7:13(14).all manner of pleasant (fruits), hito mig-dahl', m. Genii: TTpfc [miv-rahgh1]. Eze.l7:21. Ats fugitives with all his bands D^4& [m>voo-skeem'~] m. pi. Deu 25: 11. taketh him by the (lit. Ais) secrets: ribySQ nivash-slilohth', f. pi. Eje.46:23. and (it was) made wi(A boiling places 3z3 mahg, m. fe-39: 3, 13.Nergal-sharezer, Rab-mao, (perhaps lit. chief Magian) 35 Jos. 15 19 Jud. 8 2K. 9 17 ICh 27 2Chl4 26 2732 Neh. 3 12 Ps. 4861 Pro. 18 Cant.4 5 Isa. 8 2: 5 3033 Jer. 31 Eze.26 27 Mic. 4 Zec.14 : 4. let us build us a city and a tower, 5. to see the city and ZAe lower, 21 . beyond (Ae (otoer of Edar. 37. and Migdal-gad, (or, (Ae (otoer of Gad) :38. Iron, and Migdal-el, (or, ZAe tower of El) : 9. 1 will break down this tower. 17. he beat down (Ae tower of Penuel, :46, 47. all the men of (Ae tower of Shechem 49. all the men of ZAe Zotcer of Shechem 51 . But there was a strong tower — gat them up to the top of (Ae tower. 52. Abimelech came unto (Ae tower, — went hard unto the door of ZAe tower 17. there stood a watchman on ZAe tower : 9 & 18: 8. from the tower o/the watchmen :25.in the villages, and in the castles, : 7(6). make about (them) walls, and towers, : 9. Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem 1 0. Also he built towers in the desert, 15. to be on ZAe towers : 4. he built castles and towers. : 5. and raised (it) up to (Ae towers, : l.even unto (Ae tower of Meah they sancti fied it, unto (Ae tower of Hananeel. 11. (Ae tower ofthe furnaces. 25. and the tower which lieth out 26. and the tower that lieth out. 27. over against (Ae great (otoer : 4. stood upon apulpit (marg. tower) o/wood, : 38. from beyond the tower of 39. and the tower of Hananeel, and the towel- of : 12( 13). tell (Ae towers thereof. : 3(4). a strong tower from the enemy. : 10. the Lord (is) a strong tower: : 4. Thy neck (is) ZiAe (Ae tower of David :13. as a bed of spices, (as) sweet flowers : (marg. towers of perfumes) : 4(5). Thy neck (is) as a tower of ivory ; — (-). thy nose (is) as the tower of Lebanon : 10. my breasts ZiAe towers: 15. upon every high tower, ; 2. built a tower in the midst of it, : 25. great slaughter, when (Ae towers fail. ; 18. where (is) he that counted (Ae towers? -.38. from the tower of Hananeel 4. break down Aer towers : 9. and with his axes he shall break down (Ay towers. 11. the Gammadims were in (Ay towers : : 8. thou, O tower of the flock, : 10. and (from) (Ae (otoer of Hananeel TTJz? mig-dohl', m. 2Sa.22:51. (He is) (Ae tower of salvation Eze.29: 10. from the tower of Syene even unto 30: 6. from the towel- of Syene shall "UD fillip mig-dah-nohth1 ', f. pi. Gen24:53.he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things. 2Ch 21 : 3. of gold, ajid of precious things, 32:23. and presents (marg. precious things) to Ezr. 1: 6. and with precious things, ( 662 ) PD rtaz? mgil-lah!, Ch. f. Ezr. 6: 2. a roll, and therein (was) a record thus "ifaD mdh-gohr' , m. Ps. 31:13(14)./ear (was) on every side: Isa. 31: 9. over to his strong hold for fear, Jer. 6:25./ear (is) on every side. 20: 3. Mayor-missabib.(marg. Fear round about) 4. 1 will make thee a terror to thyself, 10. fear on every side. 46 : b.fear ( was) round about, 49:29. Fear (is) on every side. Lam. 2: 22. my terrors round about, "MS \muh- goor'], m. Genl 7 : 8 & 28 : 4. the land wherein ZAom art a stranger, (marg. the land of zAy sojournings) 36: 7. the land wherein ZAey were strangers 37 : 1 . the land wherein his father was a stranger, (marg. ofhis father's sojournings) 47 : 9. the years of my pilgrimage — in the days of their pilgrimage. Ex. 6: 4. the land of ZAeir pilgrimage, Job 18:19. nor any remaining in his dwellings. Ps. 55:15(16). wickedness (is) in their dwellings, 119:54. in the house ofmy pilgrimage. Eze.20:38.the country uiAere ZAey sojourn, rnfol!? [m'gdh-rah'~\9 f. Pro.10-.24. Thefear ofthe wicked, rnUO mgoo-rah' ', f. Ps. 34: 4(5). delivered me from all my fears. Isa. 66: 4. and will bring their fears upon them ; Hag. 2:19. Is the seed yet in (Ae barn? PnUft \inag-zeh-rah!\ f. 2Sa. 12:31. and under axes of iron, MDJO [ni gam-mah'], f. Hab. 1 : 9. sAaZZ sup up (as) the east wind, (marg. ZAe opposition 0/ their faces toward the east) |J& [mah-gan']. * PIEL.— Preterite. * Genl4 : 20. AaZA delivered thine enemies into thy hand. PIEL.— Future. Pro. 4: 9. a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. (marg. or, sAe shall compass thee with &c.) Hos.ll : 8. (how) shall I deliver thee, \)fo mah-gehn', m. hx. ?50 mag-gdhl', m. Jer. 50: 16. that handleth ZAe sickle (marg. Joel 3: 13(4: 13). Put ye in (Ae sickle, , scythe) !"I?jIa? in gll-lah' , f. Ps. 40: 7(8). in the volume o/the book Jer. 36: 2. Take thee a roll of a book, 4. upon a roll of a book. 6. and read in the roll, 14. Take in thine hand ZAe roll — took ZAe roll in his hand, 20. but they laid up ZAe roll 21 . sent Jehudi to fetch (Ae roll: 23. until all (Ae roll was consumed 25. that he would not burn (Ae roll: 27. the king had burned ZAe roll, 28. Take thee again another roll, — ¦ that were in ZAe first roll, 29. Thou hast burned this roZZ, 32. Then took Jeremiah another roll, 9. a roll of a book (was) therein ; 1 . eat that thou findest ; eat this roll, 2. he caused me to eat that roll. 3. fill thy bowels with this roll 1 . behold a flying roll. 2.1 see a flying roll; Eze. 2: Gen 15 Deu 33 Jud. 5 2Sa. 1 22 IK. 10 14 2K. 19 ICh 5 2Ch 9 12 14 17 232632 Neh 4 Job 1541 Ps. 115119144 Pro. 2 6 2430 Cant.4 Isa. 21 2237 Jer. 46 Eze.23: 27:3839 1. Fear not, Abram: I (am) thy shield, : 29. (Ae shield of thy help, 8. was there a shield or spear 21 . there (Ae sAieZd of the mighty is vilely cast away, (Ae shield of Saul, 3. my shield, and the horn ofmy 31. he (is) a buckler to all them 36. given me (Ae sAieZd o/thy salvation: 17. three hundred shields — of gold went to one shield: 26. he took away all ZAe shields of 27. made in their stead brasen shields, 32. nor come before it with shield, 18. men able to bear buckler : 16. three hundred shields — . of gold went to one shield. 9. carried away also (Ae shields of gold 10. Rehoboam made shields o/brass, . 8(7). that bare shields and drew bows, 17. bow and shield two hundred : 9. spears, and bucklers, and shields, 14. throughout all the host shields, 5. made darts and shields 27. for spices, and for shields, ; 16(10). the spears, (Ae shields, 26. the thick bosses of Ais bucklers: :15(7).(His) scales (marg. strong pieces of shields) (are his) pride, : 3(4). thou, O Lord, (art) a shield .10(11). My defence (is) of God, (marg. My bucklei' ("is) upon) : 2(3). my buckler, and the horn ofmy 30(31). he (is) a buckler to all 35(36). given me ZAe shield ofthy salvation: : 7. The Lord (is) my strength and my shield; :20.he (is) our help and om»' shield. ; 2. Take hold of shield and buckler, : 9(10) . for ZAe shields ofthe earth : 11 (12). O Lord owr shield. 3(4). (Ae shield, and the sword, : 9(10). Behold, O God our shield, 11(12). the Lord God (is) a sun and shield: 18(19). For the Lord (is) onr defence: (marg. or, our shield (is) ofthe Lord) : 9, 10, 11. he (is) their help and their shield. : 114. my hiding place and my shield: : 2. my deliverer ; my shield, : 7. a buckler to them that walk 1 1. as an armed man. (lit. man of a shield ) 34. as an armed man. (marg. a man of shield) : 5. he (is) a shield unto them : 4. there hang a thousand bucklers, : 5. arise, ye princes, (and) anoint (Ae shield. 6. Kir uncovered (Ae shield. 33.norcomebefore it with shields, (lit.shield) 3. Order ye ZAe buckler and shield, 9. that handle (Ae shield; 24. buckler and shield and helmet 10. hanged (Ae shield and helmet 4. company (with) bucklers and shields, 5. all of them with shield and helmet: 9. AoZA ZAe shields and the bucklers, PD Hos. 4: 18. Aer rulers (marg. shields) (with) shame Nah. 2:. 3(4). The shield o/his mighty men !"I3#? [m1 gin-nah'], f. Lam. 3: 65. Give them sorrow (marg. or, obstinacy) of l"fij$3 mig-geh'-reth, f. Deu28:20.reonAe, in all that thou settest n||lD mag-geh-phah' , f. Ex. 9:14.1 will at this time send all my plagues Nu. 14:37. died Ay (Ae plague 16:48(17: 13). and the plague was stayed. 49(— : 14). they that died in the plague 50( — -.15). and the plague was stayed. 25: 8. So (Ae plague was stayed 9". those that died in the plague 18. in the day of the plague 26: 1(25:19). it came to pass after the plague, 31:16. there was a plague among ISa. 4:17. there hath been also a great slaughter 6: 4. one plague (was) on you all, 2Sa.l7: 9. There is a slaughter among the people 18: 7. there was there a great slaughter 24:21. that the plague may be stayed 25. and ZAe plague was stayed lCh21:17.not on thy people, (Aa( (Aey should be plagued, (lit. for plague) 22. that (Ae plague may be stayed 2Ch21:14.with a great plague (marg. stroke) will the Ps.l06:29.(Ae plague brake in upon them. 30. (Ae plague was stayed. E2e.24:16.the desire of thine eyes aiiZA a stroke: Zec.14: 1 2. this shall be ZAe plague lb. the plague ofthe horse, — in these tents, as this plague. 18. there shall be (Ae plague, *1JE> [mah-gar'\ * KAL Participle. Paiil. * Eze.21: 12(17). terrors by reason of the sword (marg. (Aey are thrust down to the sword. See Tun. T * PIEL Preterite. * Ps. 89:44(45). cast his throne down to the ground. Xp [mgar'], Ch. * PAEL.— Future. * Ezr. 6: 12. destroy all kings and people, that PHJD ni geh-rah', f. 2Sa. 12:31. put (them) under saws, JK. 7:9. hewed stones, sawed wiZA saws, lCh20: 3. cut (them) with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. ftiJ/"^& mig-rak-gohth\ f. pi. liv. 6: 6. he made narrowed rests (marg. narrowings, or, rebatements) HS^/P [meg-rdh-phdk'], f. ™el 1:17. is rotten under (Aeir clods, &JH5z? mig-rdhsh1 ', m. lev.25:34.But the field of ZAe suburbs of ( 663 ) -)JD Nu. 35: 2. and ye shall give (also) unto the Levites suburbs 3. and the suburbs of them shall be 4. And the suburbs ofthe cities, 5.(Ae suburbs ofthe cities. 7. with (Aeir subuj'bs. Jos. 14: 4. with their suburbs for their cattle 21 : 2. with the suburbs thereof 3. these cities and (Aeir suburbs. 8. these cities with (Aeir suburbs, 1 1 . with (Ae suburbs thereof 13. Hebron with Aer subwbs, — and Libnah with Aer suburbs, H.Jattir with her suburbs, and Eshtemoa with Aer suburbs, 15. Holon with her suburbs, and Debir with Aer suburbs, 16. Ain with her suburbs, and Juttah with her suburbs, (and) Beth-shemesh with her suburbs; 17. Gibeon with her subwbs, Geba with her suburbs, 18. Anathoth with Aer suburbs, and Almon with Aer suburbs ; 19. thirteen cities with their suburbs. 21. Shechem with Aer suburbs — and Gezer with Aer suburbs, 22. Kibzaim with her subwbs, and Beth-horon with Aer suburbs; 23.Eltekeh with Aer suburbs, Gibbethon with her suburbs, 24.Aijalon with Aer suburbs, Gath-rimmon with Aer subwbs ; 25. Tanach with her suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with Aer suburbs; 26. ten with their suburbs 27. Golan in Bashan with Aer suburbs, — Beesh-terah with Aer suburbs; 28. Kishon with Aer suburbs, Dabareh with Aer suburbs, 29.Jarmuth with Aer suburbs, En-gannim with Aer suburbs; 30.Mishal with Aer suburbs, Abdon with Aer suburbs, 31 . Helkath with Aer suburbs, and Rehob with Aer suburbs ,- 32. Kedesh in Galilee with Aer suburbs, — Hammoth-dor with Aer suburbs, and Kar- tan with Aer suburbs; 33. thirteen cities with their suburbs. 34. Jokneam with Aer suburbs, and Kartah with Aer suburbs, 35.Dimnah with Aer suburbs, Nahalal with Aer suburbs; 38(36). Ramoth in Gilead with Aer suburbs, — ( — ).Mahanaim with Aer suburbs, 39(37). Heshbon with Aer suburbs, Jazer with Aer suburbs ,- 41 (39 ).fortyandeightcitiesw;i(A (Aeir swonr&s. 42(40). every one w;i(A (Aeir suburbs ICh 5:16. in all (Ae suburbs of Sharon, 6:55(40). (Ae suburbs thereof 57(42). Libnah with Aer suburbs, and Jattir, and Eshtemoa, with (Aeir suburbs, 58(43). Hilen with Aer suburbs, Debir with Aer suburbs, 59(44). Ashan with Aer suburbs, and Beth- shemesh with Aer suburbs: 60(45) . Geba with Aer suburbs, and Alemeth with Aer suburbs, and Anathoth with Aer suburbs. 64(49). (these) cities with (Aeir suburbs. 67(52). Shechem in mount Ephraim with Aer suburbs; — ( — ). Gezer with Aer suburbs, 68(53) . Jokmeam with Aer suburbs, and Beth- horon with Aer suburbs, 69(54). Aijalon with Aer suburbs, and Gath- rimmon with Aer suburbs ; 70(55). Aner with Aer suburbs, and Bileam with Aer suburbs, 71(56). Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with Aer suburbs: 72(57). Kedesh with Aer suburbs, Daberath with Aer suburbs, 73(58). Ramoth with Aer suburbs, and Anem with Aer suburbs: ¦uo ( 664 ) m& ICh 6: 74(59). Mashal with Aer suburbs, and Abdon with Aer suburbs, 75(60). Hukok with Aer suburbs, and Rehob with Aer suburbs: 76(61). Kedesh in Galilee with Aer suburbs, and Hammon with Aer suburbs, and Kirjathaim with Aer suburbs. 77(62). Rimmon with Aer suburbs, Tabor with Aer suburbs: 78(63). Bezer in the wilderness with Aer suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs, 79(64). Kedemoth also with Aer suburbs, and Mephaath with Aer suburbs: 80(65). Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs, and Mahanaim with Aer suburbs, 81(66). Heshbon with Aer suburbs, and Jazer with Aer suburbs. 13: 2. (which are) in their cities (and) suburbs, 2Ch 1 1 : 14. left (Aeir suburbs and their possession, 31 : 19. in the fields of (Ae suburbs of Eze.27: 28. TAe suburbs (marg. or, waves) shall shake 36: 5. to cast it out for a prey. 45: 2. round about for (Ae suburbs (marg. void places) 48: 15. for dwelling, and for suburbs: 17. the suburbs ofthe city *7ft [mad], m. Lev . 6 Jud . 3 5 ISa 4 17 18 2 Sa.20 21 Job 11 Ps. 09 Jer. 13 :10(3). priest shall put on Ais linen garment, : 16. he did gird it under Ais raiment :10.ye that sit in judgment, :12. with his clothes rent, and with earth : 38. Saul armed David with Ais armour, (marg. clothed David with Ais clothes) 39. David girded his sword upon his aj-mour, : 4. and his garments, even to his sword, : 8. Joab's garment that he had put :20.(3.TlD)where was a man of (great) stature, : 9. The measure thereof (is) longer : 18. with cursing like as with his garment, : 25. of thy measures rirjO [mad-bagh'], Ch. m. Ezr. 7:17. and offer them upon (Ae altar *)|fp mid-bahrf,m. GenH 16 Ex. 6. which (is) by (Ae wilderjiess. 7. a fountain of water in the wilderjiess. 21: 14. wandered in the wilderness o/Beer-sheba. 20. he grew, and dwelt in tke wilderness, 21. he dwelt in tke wilderness o/"Paran: 36: 24. found the mules in the wilderness, 37:22. into this pit that (is) in the wilderness, 3 : 1 . to the backside of (Ae desert, 18. three days' journey into the wilderness, 4:27. Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. 5 : 1 , hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. 3. three days' journey into the desert, 7 : 16. they may serve me in the wilderness : 8 : 27 (23 ) . three days' journey into the wilderness, 28(24). the Lord your God in the wilderness; 13:18. the way of (Ae wilderness ofthe Red sea: 20. in Etham, in the edge of (Ae wilderness. 14: 3.(Ae wilderness hath shut them in. 11. away to die in the wilderness? 12, that we should die in the wilderness. 15:22. they went out into (Ae wilderness of — they went three days in the wilderness, l.came unto the wilderjiess of 2. Moses and Aaron in the wilderness : 3. brought us forth into this wilderness, 10. they looked toward (Ae wilderness, 14. upon the face of (Ae wilderness 32. 1 have fed you in tke wilderness, I. journeyed from the wilderness of Sin, 5. his wife unto Moses into (Ae wilderness, l.came they (into) (Ae wilderness of Sinai. 2. were come (to) (Ae desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness ; 23 ;31. and from the desert unto the river: 14 16 17: 18: 19: Lev. 7:38. in (Ae wilderness of Sinai. 16: 10. for a scapegoat into the wilderness. 21 . a fit man into the wilderness : 22. let go the goat in the wilderness. Nu. 1 : 1 . unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, 19. he numbered them in the wilderness of 3: 4. before the Lord, in the wilderness of 'Sinai, 14. spake unto Moses in the wilderjiess of 9: l.unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, 5. at even in the wilderness of Sinai: 10: 12. journeys out of the wilderness of Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of 31. we are to encamp in tke wilderness, 12:16. pitched in the wilderness q/"Paran. 13: 3. sent them from the wilderness of 21. from the wilderness of Zin 26. unto (Ae wilderness o/"Paran, 2. we had died in this wilderness I 16. hath slain them in the wilderness. 22. in Egypt and in the wildej-ness, 25. get you into the wilderness 29. shall fall in this wilderness ; 32. they shall fall in this wilderness. 33. shall wander in the wilderness — be wasted in the wilderness. 35. in this wilderness they shall be 15:32. were in the wilderness, 16 : 13. to kill us in the wilderness, 20: 1 . into the desert of Zin in the first 4. into this wilderness, that we 21 : 5. out of Egypt to die in (Ae wilderness ? ll.Ije-abarim, in the wilderness 13. which (is) in the wilderness that cometh 18. And from the wilderness (they went) 23. out against Israel into the wilderjiess : 24: l.set his face toward (Ae wilderness. 26 : 64 . of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai . 65. They shall surely die in the wilderness. 27: 3. Our father died in tke wilderness, 14. in the desert of Zin, in the strife — in Kadesh in (Ae wilderness of Zin. 32: 13. made them wander in the wilderjiess 15. leave them in the wilderness ; 33: 6. which (is) in the edge of (Ae wilderness. 8. into the wilderness, and went three days' journey in the wilderness of 11. encamped in the wilderness of Sin, 12. journey out ofthe wilderness of Sin, 15. pitched in the wilderness of Sinai. 16. removed from tke desert of Sinai, 36. pitched in the wilderness of Zin, 34: 3. fj'om tke wilderness of Zin Deu 1 : 1 . Jordan in the wilderjiess, 19. that great and terrible wilderness, 3 1 . And in the wilderness, where thou 40. take your journey into the wilderness 2: 1 . took our journey into the wilderness 7. walking through this great wilderness : 8. by the way of the wilderness of 26. sent messengers out ofthe wilderness of 4:43. Bezer in tke wilderness, 8 : 2. these forty years in the wildej-ness, 15. through that great and terrible wilderness, 16. Who fed thee hi the wilderness 9:' 7. thy God to wrath in the wilderness: 28. to slay them in the wilderness. 11:5. what he did unto you in the wilderness, 24. from (Ae wildej-ness and Lebanon, 29 : 5(4) . led you forty years iji the wilderness : 32: 10. He found him in a desert land, 51 . in (Ae wilderness of Zin ; Jos. 1 : 4. From the wilderjiess and this Lebanon 5: 4. died in the wilderness by the way, 5. born in tke wilderness 6. walked forty years in tke wilderness, 8: 15. fled by the way ofthe wilderness. 20. that fled to (Ae wilderness 24. in the wilderness wherein 12: 8. and in the wilderness, and in the south 14 : 10. wandered in tke wilderness : 15: 1 . (Ae wilderness of Zin southward 61. In the wilderness, Beth-arabah, 16 : 1 . to (Ae wilderness that goeth up 18:12. at the wilderness o/Beth-aven. 20: 8. Bezer in the wilderness 24: 7. ye dwelt in the wilderness a long season, Jud. 1 : 16. of Judah into (Ae wilderness of Judah, Jer. StD ( 665 ) Jud. 8: 7. with the thorns of (Ae wilderness 16. and thorns of the wilderness and briers 11:16. walked through the wilderness 18. went along through the wilderness, 22.from (Ae wilderness even unto Jordan. 20:42. unto the way of (Ae wilderness ,- 45. fled toward the wilderness 47. turned and fled to the wilderness ISa. 4: 8. with all the plagues in the wilderness. 13: 18. of Zeboim toward the wilderness. 17:28. left those few sheep in the wilderness? 23: 14. David abode in the wilderness — in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziph. 15. David (was) in the wilderness o/Ziph 24. and his men (were) in the wilderness of 25. abode in the wilderness o/Maon. — after David in the wilderness o/Maon. 24: 1(2). David (is) in the wilderness 25: l.went down to (Ae wilderness of Paran. 4. David heard in (Ae wilderness 14. sent messengers out ofthe wilderness 21 . hath in tke wilderness, 26: 2. went down to (Ae wilderness of Ziph, — to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph. 3. in (Ae wilderness, and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness. 2Sa. 2: 24. by the way of (Ae wilderness of Gibeon. 15:23. toward the way of ZAe wilderness. 28. tarry in the plain of ZAe wilderness, 16: 2. such as be faint in the wilderness 17: 16. in the plains of (Ae wilderness, 29. thirsty, in the wilderness. IK. 2:34. in his own house in the wilderness. 9: 18. Tadmor in the wilderness, 19: 4. a day's journey into the wilderness, 15. on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus : 2K. 3: 8. The way through (Ae wilderness o/Edom. ICh 5: 9. the entering in of (Ae wilderness 6: 78(63). Bezer in the wilderness 12: 8. into the hold to (Ae wilderness 21: 29. Moses made in (Ae wilderness, 2Ch 1 : 3. had made in the wilderness. 8: 4. Tadmor in the wilderness, 20: 16. before (Ae wilderness of Jeruel. 20. went forth into the wilderness of 24. the watch tower in the wilderness, 24: 9. (laid) upon Israel in the wilderness. 26: 10. he built towers in the desert, Neh 9: 19.forsookest them not in the wilderness : 21. sustain them in the wilderness, Job 1 : 19. a great wind from the wilderness, 24: 5. wild asses in the desert, 38:26.(Ae wilderness, wherein (there is) no man; Ps. 29: 8. the Lord shaketh (Ae wilderness; the Lord shaketh (Ae wilderness of 55: 7 (8). remain in the wilderness. 63 : [title] (1). when he was in the wilderness of 65: 12(13). the pastures ofthe wilderness : 75: 6(7). nor from the south, (marg. desert) 78:15. He clave the rocks in the wilderness, 19. God furnish a table in the wilderness ? 40. they provoke him in the wilderness, 52. guided them in the wilderness 95: 8. the day of temptation in tke wilderness : 102: 6(7). I am like a pelican of (Ae wilderness : 106: 9. the depths, as through the wilderness. 14. exceedingly in the wilderness, 26. overthrow them in the wilderness: 107: 4. They wandered in the wilderness 33. He turneth rivers into a wilderness, 35. He turneth (Ae wilderness 136: 16. led his people through the wilderness : rro.21:19. better to dwell in (Ae wilderness, (marg. land of (Ae desert) Cant.3: 6. that cometh out ofthe wilderness 4: 3. and thy speech (is) comely: 8: 5. that cometh up from (Ae wilderness, Isa. 14:17. made the world as a wilderness, 16: l.from Sela to the wilderness, 8. they wandered (through ) (Ae wilderness : 21 : 1 . The burden of (Ae desert of the sea. — ¦ cometh from the desert, 27: 10. forsaken, and left ZiAe a wilderness: 32: 15. (Ae wilderness be a fruitful field, 16.judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, 35: 1. TAe wilderness and the solitary place 6. in (Ae wilderness shall waters tto Tsa. 40: 3. of him that crieth in the wilderness, 41 : 18. make (Ae wilderness a pool of water, 1 9. 1 will plant in the wilderness 42 : 1 1 . Let (Ae wilderness and the cities 43: 19. make a way in the wildej-ness, 20. 1 give waters in the wilderness, 50: 2. 1 mdke the rivers a wilderness : 51 : 3. will make Aer wilderness like Eden, 63:13. as an horse in the wilderness, 64:10(9). Thy holy cities are a wilderness, Zion is a wilderness, 2: 2. wentest after me in the wildej-ness, 6. led us through the wilderness, 24. A wild ass used to (Ae wilderness, 31. Have I been a wilderness 3: 2. as the Arabian in the wilderness; 4:11. the high places in the wilderness 26. fruitful place (was) a wilderness, 9: 2(1). Oh that I had in the wildej-ness 10(9). habitations of (Ae wilderjiess 12(11). is burned up 7iAe a wilderness, 26(25). that dwell in the wilderness : 12:10. pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. 12. high places through the wilderness: 13:24. by the wind of (Ae wilderness. 17: 6. the parched places in the wilderness, 22 ; 6. 1 will make thee a wilderness, 23: 10. the pleasant places of (Ae wilderness 25: 24. people that dwell in the desert, 31: 2. found grace in the wilderness; 48: 6. be like the heath in the wilderness. 50:12. of the nations (shall be) a wilderjiess, Lam.4: 3. like the ostriches in the wilderness. 19. laid wait for us in the wilderness. 5': 9. the sword of (Ae wilderness. Eze. 6: l4.more desolate (Aan (Ae wilderness 19: 13. she (is) planted in the wilderness, 20: 10. brought them into (Ae wilderness. 13. rebelled against me in the wilderness : ¦ — my fury upon them in the wilderness, 15. unto them in the wilderness, 17. an end of them in the wilderness. 18. their children in the wilderness, 21. anger against them in the wilderjiess. 23. unto them also in the wilderness, 35. bring you into (Ae wilderness of 36. with your fathers in the wilderness of 23:42. Sabeans from the wildej-ness, 29; 5. leave thee (thrown) into the wildej-ness, 34: 25. dwell safely in the wilderness, Hos. 2: 3(5). make her as a wilderness, 14(16). bring her into (Ae wilderness, 9: 10. like grapes in the wilderness ; 13: 5.1 did know thee in the wilderness, 15. come up from the wilderness, Joel 1 : 19, 20. the pastures of (Ae wilderness, 2: 3. behind them a desolate wilderness; 22. the pastures ofthe wilderness do spring, 3: 19(4: 19). Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, Am. 2: 10. forty years through the wildej-ness, 5:25. sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness Zep. 2: 13. dry like a wilderness. Mai. 1: 3. the dragons of (Ae wilderness. *H& mah-dad' '. * KAL — Preterite. •* Nu. 35 : 5. And ye shall measure from without Deu2l : 2. and they shall measure unto the cities Isa. 40: 12. Who Aa(A measured the waters 65 : 7. therefore will I measure their former work Eze.40:20.Ae measured the length thereof, 24. and he measured the posts thereof 35. and measured (it ) according to 41 :13. So he measured the house, 15. And he measured the length 42: 15. ajid measured it round about. 16. He measured the east side 17. He measured the north side, 18. He measured the south side, 19- (and) measured five hundred reeds 20. He measured it by the four sides : 43 : 10. and let them measure the pattern. KAL. — Infinitive. 2: 2(6). To measure Jerusalem, Zee. T?D ( 666 ) KAL. — Future. Ex. 16:18. And when they did mete (it) Ru. 3: 15. ^4nd when...Ae measured six (measures) of Eze.40: 5. so he measured the breadth 6. and measured the threshold ofthe gate, 8. He measured also the porch 9. Then measured he the porch 1 1 . And Ae measured the breadth 13. He jneasured then the gate 19. TAen Ae measured the breadth 23, 27- and Ae measured from gate to gate 28. and he measured the south gate 32. and he measured the gate 47. So he measured the court, 48. and measured (each) post 41: 1 . and jneasured the posts, 2. and he measured the length thereof, 3. and measured the post of the door, 4. So he measured the length 5. After he measured the wall of the house, 45 : 3. shalt thou measure the length 47: 3. And when the man...Ae measured a 4, 4. Again he measured a thousand, 5. Afterward he measured a thousand ; 18. ye shall measure from Hauran, # NIPHAL.— Future. # Jei.31 : 37. If heaven above can be measwed, 33:22. neither the sand ofthe sea measured: Hos. 1 : 1 0(2 : 1 ). which cannot be measured #PIEL Future. * 2Sa. 8: 2. and measured them with a line, — eyen with two lines measured lie Ps. 60: 6(8) & 108:7(8). and mete out the valley of # POLEL.— Future. # Hab. 3: 6. He stood, ajid measured the earth: * HITHPOLEL.— Future. # IK. 17 :21 . And he stretched (marg. measured) himself upon the child lr[t? mid- dad! ' , m. Job 7: 4. and the night be gone? (lit. the flight of the night ; marg. the evening be mea sured) ?\1& mid-dak* ', f. Ex. 26: 2. the curtains shall have one measure. 8. ( all ) of one measure. 36: 9. the curtains (were) all of one size. 15. the eleven curtains (were) of one size. Lev.l9:35. in jneteyard, in weight, Nu. 13 : 32. all the people. . . ( are ) men of a great stature. (marg. of statures) Jos. 3: 4. about two thousand cubits by measure : IK. 6:25. of one measure and one size. 7*. 9. according to the measures of hewed stones, 11. after the measures of hewed stones, 37. one jneasure, (and) one size. ICh 11 :23 & 20:6. a man of (great) stature, (marg. of measure ) 23 : 29. all manner of measure and size ; 2Ch 3: 3. after the first measure Neh 3:11 . repaired (Ae other piece, (marg. second measure ) 19. another piece over against 20. earnestly repaired the other piece, 21 . the son of Koz another piece, 24. the son of Henadad another piece, 27. the Tekoites repaired another piece, 30. the sixth son of Zahiph, another piece. 5: 4. borrowed money for the king's tribute, Job 28: 25. he weigh eth the waters by measure. Ps. 39: 4(5). and (Ae jneasure ofmy days, 133: 2. went down to the skirts of Ais gaj-ments ; Isa. 45: 14. the Sabeans, men of stature, Jer. 22 ; 14. 1 will build me a wide house (lit. a house of measures) 31 : 39. the measuring line shall yet go Eze.40: 3. in his hand, and a measuring reed ; 5. in the man's hand a measuring reed 10. they three (were) of one measure: and the posts had one measure HD Eze. 40:21. after the measure o/the first gate: 22. after the measure o/the gate 24, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35. according to these mea sures. 41:17. within and without, by measure, (marg. measures) 42: 15. when he had made an end of measuring 16, 16, 17, 18, 19. with the measuring reed, 43: 13. (Ae measures of the altar 45: 3. of this measure shalt thou measure 46: 22. these four corners (were) of one measure. 48:16. these (shallbe) the measures thereof ; 30, 33. four thousand and five hundred mea sures. Zee. 2: 1 (5). a man with a measuring line TPti mid-dah', f. Ezr. 4:20. and toll, tribute, and custom, was paid 6: 8. (even) of (Ae tribute beyond the river, (See also i"n30). rDrnfi mad-heh-vah' , f. Isa. 14: 4.(Ae golden city (marg. exactress of gold) H£? [meh'-dev], m. 2Sa. 10: 4. cut off their garments 1 Ch 1 9 : 4. cut off (Aeir garments riVl?? [mad-veh'], m. Deu 7: 15. none ofthe evil diseases c/Egypt, 28: 60. bring upon thee all (Ae diseases of Egypt, CnHD mad-doo-gheem' , m. pi. Lam. 2:14. false burdens and causes of banishment. |H<& mah-dohn' , m. Ps. 80 Pro. 6 151617 18 21 27 2829 Jer. 15 Hab. 1 6( 7) . Thou makest us a strife 14. he soweth discord. 18. A wrathful man stirreth up strife : 28. A froward man soweth strife: 14. The beginning of strife (is as) when 19. (nTO)and (their) contentions (are) like 9. ( ) than with a brawling woman (marg. a woman of contentions) in a wide house. 19.(:WD) than with a contentious and an angry woman, (lit. a woman of con- tentions) 10. contention shall go out ; 29. (^TO) who hath contentions? 24. ( ) than with a brawling woman 20. no talebearer, (Ae strife ceaseth. 21.(3TO) so (is) a contentious man (lit. a man of contentions) to kindle strife. 15.(nTO) and a contentious woman (lit. a woman of contentions) are alike. 25. a proud heart stirreth up strife .• 22. An angry man stirreth up strife, 10. a man of contention to the whole earth ! 3. raise up strife and contention. jHD mah-dohn', m. 2Sa. 21: 20. where was a man of (great) stature, yjnfi mad-doo'ag, part. adv. Gen26 : 27. Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye Ex. Isa. Jer. 1:18. Why have ye done this thing, 2:18.floni(isitthat)yearecomesosoontoday? 3: 3. this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. 5 : 4. wherefore. . .brought it forth wild grapes . 2:14. wAy is he spoiled ? &c. no ( 667 ) t£HD li-10 [m'ddhr], Ch. m. Dan 4:25(22).(Ay dwelling shall be with the beasts 32(29) . thy dwelling (shall be) with the beasts 5:21 . and Ais dwelling (was) with the wild asses : rnYl/ip m'doo-rah', f. Isa. 30:33. (Ae pile thereof (is) fire £ze.24: 9. even make (Ae pile for fire great. l"irn& mid-ghehf3 m. Pro.26:28.a flattering mouth worketh ruin. r\h\y]timad-gkeh-phohthf, f. pi. Ps.l40:ll(12).the violent man to overthrow (him). ^fi mad-dahfy9 adv. 2Ch30: 3. had not sanctified themselves sufficiently. IK. 20 Ezr. 2 Neh 1 7 11 Est. Ecc. 25 Lara. 1 Eze. 19 Dan 8 11: PI2H5 mdee-nahr, f. :14, 15, 17, 19. the princes of the provinces. 1 . the children of (Ae province 3. The remnant that are left... in the province 6. the children of (Ae provhice, : 3. the chief of (Ae province : 1. an hundred and sevenand twenty provinces: 3. and princes ofthe provinces, 16. (Ae provinces ofthe king Ahasuerus. 22. all the king's pj'ovinces, into every province (lit. province and province) : 3. in all (Ae provinces ofhis kingdom, 18. he made a release (o'(Ae provinces, : 8. (Ae provinces of thy kingdom ; 12. the governors that (were) over every pro vince, (lit. province and pj-ovince) and to the rulers of every people of every province ( lit. id. ) 13. all the king's provinces, 14. The copy... to be given in every province (lit. every province and province) : 3. And in every province, (lit. id.) 11. the people ofthe king's provinces, : 5. in all tlie king's provinces: 9. rulers of (Ae provinces — an hundred twenty and seven provinces, unto every provhice (lit. province and province) according to the writing II. all the power ofthe people and province 12. (Ae provinces o/king Ahasuerus, 13. The copy.. .to be given in every province (lit. every province and province) 17. And in every province, (lit. every province and province) : 2. throughout all (Ae provinces ofthe king 3. the rulers of (Ae provinces, 4. throughout all (Ae provinces : 12. the rest ofthe king's provinces ? 16. in the king's provinces 20. (Ae provinces ofthe king 28. every family, every province, (lit. province and province ) 30. the hundred twenty and seven provinces '• 8. treasure of kings and of (Ae provinces: • 8(7). of judgment and justice hi aprovince, • 1 . princess among the provinces, : 8. from tke provinces, : 2. in the province of Elam ; 24. the fattest places of the province ; nri$ [mdee-ndh'], Ch. f. Ezr- 4: 15. and hurtful unto kings and provinces, 5: 8. that we went into (Ae province 6: 2. that (is) in the provmce ofthe Medes, Ezr. 7: 16. canst find in all (Ae province q/*Babylon, Dan 2 : 48. over (Ae whole province of Babylon, 49. the affairs of the province of Babylon: 3: l.Dura, in the pj-ovince o/Babylon. 2, 3. and all the rulers of (Ae provinces, 12. the affairs of (Ae province o/Babylon, 30. and Abed-nego, in the province of Babylon. D*JH& mid-ydh-neem' ', m. pi. Pro.l8:18.The lot causeth contentions 19. and (their) contentions (are) like 19:13. (Ae contentions of a wife 21: 9. than with a brawling woman (marg. a woman of contentions) 19. a contentious and an angry woman. 23: 29. who hath contentiojis ? 25:24. than with a brawling woman 26: 21. a contentious man to kindle strife. 27: 15. and a contentious woman are alike. rD1"!^ ni doh-chahf , f. Nu. 11 : 8. or beat (it) in a mortar, njOnto mad-meh-nak\ f. Isa. 25: 10. trodden down for (Ae dunghill. D*y]/!? m^dak-neem! \ m. pi. Pro. 6:14(1T!D). he soweth discord. 19. he that soweth discord among 10:12. Hatred stirreth up strifes : JHO mad-dahgf & $n& mad-dagr, m. 2Ch 1 :10. Give me now wisdom and knowledge, 1 1 . hast asked wisdom and knowledge 1 2. "Wisdom and knowledge (is) granted unto Ecc. 10 : 20. Curse not the king, no not in thy thought ; (marg. conscience) Dan 1: 4. understanding science, 17. God gave them knowledge and skill nnpT°]z? [mad-kdh-rohth'\ f. pi. Pro. 12: 18. ZiAe (Ae piercings of a sword: Ttft mddhr, Ch. m. Dan 2:11. whose dwelling is not with flesh. n^Tlfi mad-reh-gah', f. Cant.2:14.in the secret (places) of ZAe stairs, Eze. 38: 20. (Ae steep places (marg. or, towers, or, stairs) shall fall, 'TJTTX? mid-ra'ch' , m. Deu 2: 5. not so much as a foot breadth; (marg. (Ae treading ofthe sole ofthe foot) Bhl/2 mid-rash' , m. 2Ch 13 : 22. written in (Ae story (marg. or, commentary) ofthe prophet Iddo. 24:27. written in (Ae story o/the book (marg. id.) n%hp [ni doosh- shah'], f. Isa. 21 : 10. 0 my threshing, and the corn of my floor: no ( 668 ) srra PlzO mah, part. Gen20: 10. What sawest thou, that thou hast done Nu. 23: 8. How shall I curse, whom God hath not Jud. 8: 1. Why (marg. What thing) hast thou 1 Sa. 19: 3. and ndiat 1 see, that I will tell thee. 2Sa. 18:22. But Aorosoever, (marg. be what (may) ) Pro. 9: 13. (she is) simple, and knoweth nothing. Lam. 2 : 1 3. What thing shall I take to witness for thee ? Mai. 2:14. Yet ye say, Wherefore? (flQ bl?) &c. With prefixes; as, i. nssa. T _ Genl5: 8. whereby shall I know that I shall Jud. 6:15.u)Aereu)i(A shall I save Israel ? 1 Sa. 14 : 38. wherein this sin hath been this day. &c. ii. rrs?. Gen47: Q.How old (art) thou? (marg. How jnany (are) the days &c. ) Job 7 : 19. How long wilt thou not depart Ps. 78:40. How oft did they provoke him Zee. 2: 2(6). to see what (is) the breadth thereof, and what (is) the length thereof. iii. nab, nab. T T T T Genl8:13. Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, 27:45. why should I be deprived also 46. u>Aa( good shall my life do me ? 33:15. What needeth it? (marg. Wherefore (is) this) Job 30: 2. w?Aere(o (might) the strengthof their hands Isa. 1:11. To what purpose (is) the multitude Am. 5:18.(o what end (is) it for you? &c. iv. rrabttJ. T T - Cant.1: 7. for why should I be as one that turneth H/5 meh, part. [i.q. n»]. Gen 4:10. And he said, What hast thou done ? Jos. 7 : 25. l^Ay hast thou troubled us ? 2Sa. 1: 4. How went (marg. What was) the matter? Jer. 5:19. Wherefore doeth the Lord our God &c. It occurs with the prefixes 2, D, 7, which affect its sense just as they do that of HD. HITHPALPEL Future. Genl9:16. And while he lingered, Hab. 2: 3. though it tarry, wait for it ; HITHPALPEL. —Participle. 2Sa. 15 : 28. 1 will tarry in the plain n&lilft m'hoo-mah', f. Deu 7 : 23. destroy them with a mighty destruction, 28: 20. send upon thee cursing, vexation, ISa. 5: 9. with a very great destruction : 11. there was a deadly destruction 14: 20. a very great discomfiture. 2Ch 15: 5. great vexations (were) upon all Pro.l5:16. and trouble therewith. Isa. 22 : 5. For (it is) a day of trouble, Eze. 7: 7. the day of trouble (is) near, 22: 5. infamous (and) much vexed. Am. 3: 9. (Ae great tumults in the midst thereof, Zec.l4:l3.a great tumult from the Lord THS mah-heerf, adj. Ezr. 7: 6. he (was) a ready scribe Ps. 45: 1(2). tongue (is) the pen of a ready writer. Pro. 22: 29. Seest thou a man diligent Isa. 16: 5. and hasting righteousness. bT\l2 [mah-hal'\ * KAL Participle. Paiil. * Isa. 1 ;22.thy wine mixed with water: iprtz!? mah-hala'ck ', m. Neh. 2: 6. how long shall thy journey he? Eze.42: 4. before the chambers (was) a walk of Jon. 3: 3. great city of three days' journey. 4. enter into the city a day's journey, H/p mah, Ch. part. Ezr. 4:22. why should damage grow to the hurt 6: 9. And ZAaZ which they have need of, 7:1%. And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, 23. for why should there be wrath against Dan. 2: 15. U7iy (lit. upon what) (is) the decree (so) 22. he knoweth what (is) in the darkness, 28. what shall be in the latter days. 29. what should come to pass hereafter: — known to thee what shall come to pass. 45.tt>Aa( shall come to pass hereafter: 4: 3(3:33). How great (are) his signs 1 andhow mighty (are) his wonders ! 35(32) . or say unto him, What doest thou ? ^7!$? [mah-haldhl'], m. Pro. 27:21. so (is) a man to Ais praise, (lit. to the mouth of Ais praise) ni, aSna Pro. 18 19 mah-haloom-mohih' , f. pi. 6. his mouth calleth for strokes. 29. and stripes for the back of fools. lTnbr]z? mah-hamoh-rohth' , f. pi. Ps. 140:10(11). into the fire; into deeppits, nnfi [mah-hah'^. * HITHPALPEL Preterite. * Gen43 : 10. For except we had lingered, surely Jud. 19: 8. And they tarried until afternoon, Ps. 1 19:60. 1 made haste, and delayed not HITHPALPEL Infinitive. Ex. 12:39. and could not tarry, Jud. 3:26. Ehud escaped while (Aey tarried, HITHPALPEL. —Imperative. Isa. 29: 9. Stay yourselves, and wonder ; npS^lzp [mah-peh-'chah'], f. Deu29:23(22).ZiAe (Ae overthrow of Sodom, Isa. 1: 7. as overthrown by strangers, (marg. as the overthrow of) 13:19. as when God overthrew Sodom (lit. as the overthrowing o/God) Jer. 49: 18. As in (Ae overthrow of Sodom 50:40. As God overthrew Sodom (lit. as the overthrowing of God) Am. 4: 11. as God overthrew Sodom (lit. id.) D^nz? mah-peh'-'cheth, f. 2Ch 16:10. put him in a prison house ; Jer. 20: 2. put him in (Ae s(ocAs 3. Jeremiah out of (Ae stocks. 29:26. that thou shouldest put him in prison, inn ( 669 ) N1D Tl& \mah-har'\ * KAL.— Preterite. # Ps. 16: 4. (that) Aasten (after) another (god): (marg. or, give gifts to another) # NIPHAL Participle. # Job 5:13. counsel ofthe froward is carried headlong. Isa. 32: 4. The heart also ofthe rash (marg. hasty) 35: 4. (o (Aem (Aa( are of a fearful heart, (marg. hasty) Hab. 1 : 6. (that) bitter and hasty nation, * PIEL.— Preterite. * Gen27:20.How (is it) that (Aom AasZ found (it) so quickly, (lit. that (Aou Aas( hasted to find) 45:13. and ye shall haste and bring down Ex. 2:18. How (is it that) ye are come so soon to day ? (lit. ye Aaue hastened to come) ISa. 4:14. And the man came in hastily, (lit. hasted and came in) 25:34. except (Aow hadst hasted and come 2Ch 24 : 5. the Levites hastened (it) not. Ps. 106:13. They soon forgat (marg. Theymade haste, they forgat) his works ; Isa. 49: 17. Thy children shall make haste; 51: 14. The captive exile hasteneth Jer. 48: 16. his affliction hasteth fast. PIEL.— Infinitive. Ex. 12:33. send them out ofthe land in haste; 1 Ch 1 2 : 8. as swift (marg. to make haste) as the roes Pro. 7: 23. as a bird hasteth to the snare, Isa. 8: 1. concerning .MaAer-shalal-hash-baz. (marg. ' in making speed to the spoil &c. ) PIEL. — Imperative. Genl8: 6. Make ready quickly (marg. Hasten) three 19:22. JJdsZe (Aee, escape thither; 45 : 9. Haste ye, and go up to my father, Jud. 9:48. maAe AasZe, (and) do as I (have done). ISa. 9:12. make haste now, for he came 23:27. Haste thee, and come ; 2Sa. 1 5 : 14. make speed to depart, IK. 22: 9. Hasten (hither) Micaiah 2Chl8: 8. Fetch quickly (marg. Hasten) Micaiah Est. 5: 5. Cause Haman to make haste, 6: 10. .MaAe AasZe, (and) take the apparel PIEL Future. 6. And Abraham hastened into the tent 7. and Ae hasted to dress it. :18. and she hasted, and let down her pitcher 20. And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher 46..4nd sAe made haste, and let down her 30. And Joseph made haste ; : 11. TAen (Aey speedily took down (lit. and they hasted and took down) :16. TAen Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste; (lit. and hasted to call) 8. And Moses made haste, : 10. and the people hasted and passed over. 14.(Aa( (Aey hasted and rose up early, 19. and hasted and set the city on fire. 10. And the woman made haste, 48. (Aut David hasted, 18. TAen Abigail made haste, 23. And when Abigail saw David, sAe hasted, 42. And Abigail hasted, and arose, :20. TAen Saul fell straightway (marg. made haste, and fell) all along on the earth, 24. and site hasted, and killed it, : 14. lest Ae overtake us suddenly, (lit. lest Ae maAe AasZe and overtake us) • 16(17). And Shimei... hasted and came down 33. and did hastily catch (lit. and they hasted and caught) il. And he hasted, and took the ashes 13. TAen ZAey hasted, and took 5. and see that ye hasten the matter. 16. and make haste to shed blood. 2(l).Ze( not thine heart Ae AasZy to utter 19. Let him make speed, (and) hasten his 4. tongue of the stammerers shall be ready 7. and they make haste to shed innocent 18( 17). And let them make haste, and take 5(6). ZAey sAaZZ make haste to the wall GenlS 24 43 44 Ei. 10 34 Jos. 4 Jud.13 lSa.17 25 2Sa.lj 19 IK. 20 2K. 9 2Ch24 Pro. l Ecc. 5 Isa. 5 32:59: Jer. 9: Nah. 2: PIEL Participle. Gen41 :32. and God will shortly (lit. and (is) hastening to) bring it to pass. Pro. 6: 18. feet (Aa( Ae swift in running to Mai. 3 : 5 . 1 will be a swift witness "Tito [mah-har'\ 3f KAL Infinitive. & Ex. 22:16(15). he shall surely endow (lit. endowing he shall endow) her KAL Future. Ex. 22:16(15). Ae shall surely endow her *V\fomah-hehr', adj. Zep. 1:14. The great day ofthe Lord (is) near,. ..and hasteth "intt mah-hchr', adv. Ex. 32: 8. They have turned aside quickly Deu 4:26. ye shall soon utterly perish 7 : 4. against you, and destroy thee suddenly. 22. thou mayest not consume them aZ once, 9: 3. and destroy them quickly, 1 2. get thee down quickly — they are quickly turned aside 16. ye had turned aside quickly 28:20. until thou perish quickly ; Jos. 2: 5. pursue after them quickly; Jud. 2: 17. they turned quickly out ofthe way 23. without driving them out hastily; Ps. 69:17(18). I am in trouble: hear me speedily. (marg. AasZe to hear me) 79 : 8. let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us : 102: 2(3). (when) I call answer me speedily. 143: 7. Hear me speedily,*0 Lord: Pro. 25: 8. Go not forth hastily to strive, inb moh'-har, m. Gen34:12. Ask me never so much dowry Ex. 22:17(16). according to the dowry of virgins. lSa.l8:25.The king desireth not any dowry, nTlO m'hth-ruh', f. t " : Nu. 16:46(17: 11). go quickly unto the congregation, Deu 1 1 : 1 7 . (lest) ye perish quickly Jos. 8:19. the ambush arose quickly 10: 6. come up to us quickly, 23 : 16. ye shall perish quickly Jud. 9:54. he called AasZiZy unto the young man lSa.20:38.ilfnAe speed, haste, stay not. 2Sa.l7:16.Now therefore send quickly, and tell 18. they went both of them away quickly, 2 Land pass quickly over the water: 2K. 1:11. Come down quickly. Ps. 31: 2(3). deliver me speedily: 37 : 2. they shall soon be cut down 147:15. his word runneth very swiftly. Ecc. 4: 12. a threefold cord is not quickly broken. 8: 11. sentence... is not executed speedily, Isa. 5:26. they shall come with speed swiftly: 58: 8. thine health shall spring forth speedily: Jer. 27: 16. Lord's house shall now shortly be brought Joel 3: 4(4:4). speedily will I return rftanna mah-hdthal-lohth' , f. pi. Isa. 30:10. unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits; /"Sift mohl. [2TOforVin] Neh 12:38. the other (company). ..went over against mn Niift moh-vah', m. T ' 2Sa. 3: 25. thy going out and thy cojning in, Eze.43: 11 . and the comings in thereof, and all Eze.21 Ps. 46 Isa. 64 Am 9 Ex. 15 Jos 2 ISa. 14 Isa. 14 Jer. 49 Nah . 2 Ps. 75: Job 30: Ps. 65: Nah. 1 : Ps. 107 Am. 9 31/3 moog. * KAL.— Infinitive. * : 15(20). that (their) heart may faint, KAL — Future. : 6(7). he uttered his voice, the earth melted. : / '(6). and hast consumed (marg. melted) us, : 5. toucheth the land, and it shall melt, * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * : 1 5. the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away. : 9. inhabitants of the land faint (marg. melt) 24. the inhabitants of the country do faint (marg. id. ) : 16. the multitude melted away, :31.thou, whole Palestina, (art) dissolved: :23. tkey are fainthearted; (marg. melted) : 6(7). palace shall be dissolved, (marg. molten) NIPHAL.— Participle. 3 (4). the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: * POLEL Future. * 22. and dissolvest my substance. 10(11). (Aow makest it soft (marg. dissolvest it) * HITHPOLEL.— Preterite. * 5. and the hills melt, HITHPOLEL.— Future. 26. their soul is melted 13. all the hills shall melt. ( 670 ) 7ID Ps. 21: 7 (8). he shall not be moved. 30: 6(7) .1 said, I shall never Ae moved. 46: b(6). she shall not be moved: 62 : 2(3 ). / shall not be greatly moved. 6(7). I shall not Ae moved. 82 : 5. foundations of the earth are out of course. 93: 1 . stablished, ZAaZ it cannot be moved. 96 : 1 0. established (Aa( it shall not Ae moved: 104: 5. (that) it should not Ae removed 112: 6. he shall not be moved for ever; 125: 1. as mount Zion, (which) cannot be removed 140:10(11). Let burning coals jZaZZ upon them: Pro. 10:30. The righteous shall never Ae removed: 12 : 3. root of the righteous shall not Ae moved. Isa. 40 : 20. a graven image, (that) shall not Ae moved. 41 : 7. (that) it should not Ae moved. * HIPHIL.— Future. * Ps. 55: 3(4). ZAey casZ iniquity upon me, 140: 10(11). (a-nD) Let burning coals fall upon * HITHPAEL.— Preterite. * Isa. 24: 19. the earth is moved exceedingly. JTlto mok-ddhg' & JTfto mdh- dag', m. Ru. 2 : 1 . Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's, Pro. 7: 4. and call understanding (thy) kinswojnan: njnte [moh-dah'-gath], f. Ru. 3: 2. (is) not Boaz of our kindred, ttibmoht, f. * KAL._Pre(eri(e. # Lev.25 : 35. and fallen in decay with thee ; (marg. his handy. light (was) against light .eastward over against the south. .over against the mulberry trees. .east end, over against the south. .ye pull off the robe with (marg. over against) the garment JT17I& moh-leh' '-deth, f. Genii : 28. in the land of Ais nativity, 12: l.out ofthy country, and from thy kindred, thus moo-lohth' \ f. pi. Ex. 4:26. A bloody husband (thou art), because of the cij'cumcision. ffift moom, m. Lev.21 : 22 24; Nu. 19; Deu 15 17: 32; 2Sa.l4; Job 1 1 : Pro. 9; Cant.4: Dan I: their generations that hath (any) blemish, man (he be) that hath a blemish, No man that hath a blemish he hath a blemish; he shall not because he hath a blemish; whatsoever hath a blemish, there shall be no blemish therein. (and) blemishes (be) in them: if a man cause a blemish he hath caused a blemish a red heifer... wherein (is) no blemish, be (any) blemish therein, (as if it be)lame, or blind, (or have) any ill blemish, (any) bullock, or sheep, wherein is blemish, their spot (marg. (Aeir blot) (is) not there was no blemish in him. lift up thy face without spot; a wicked (man getteth) himself a blot. my love ; (there is) no spot in thee. Children in whom (was) no blemish, ICfiO moo-sav', m. Eze.41 : 7. for (Ae winding about ofthe house went 1U)& moo-sahd', m. 2Ch 8: 16. the day of the foundation of Isa. 28:16.a sure foundation: (lit. a founded foun dation) PHMzS moo-sah-dah' f. TT ' Isa. 30:32. every place where the grounded staff shall Eze.41 : 8. the foundations o/the side chambers nnpifi moh-sah-dohth' , f. pi. Deu 32: 22. the foundations ofthe mountains. 2Sa.22: 8. (Ae foundations o/heaven moved 16. the foundations ofthe world were Ps. 18: 7(8). ZAe foundations also ofthe hills moved 15(16). ZAe foundations o/the world were 82: 5. all the foundations ofthe earth Pro. 8:29. appointed Ihe foundations ofthe earth: Isa. 24:18.(Ae foundations ofthe earth do shake. 40 : 21 . (Ae foundations of the earth ? 58:12. ZAe foundations of many generations ; Jer. 31 -.37. the foundations ofthe earth searched out 51 :26.a stone for foundations ; Mic. 6: 2. ye strong foundations o/the earth: Din ( 672 ) inn ^Dlfi moo-sa'ch', m. 2K. 16:18. (Ae covert for the sabbath that they had Job 39; Ps. 2: 107: 116: Isa 28: 52: Jer 2: 6: 27: 30: Nal i. 1: ^Eto \moh-sehr'\ m. 5. or who hath loosed (Ae bajids ofthe wild 3. Let us break (Aeir bands asunder, 14. and brake (Aeir bands in sunder. 16. thou hast loosed my bonds. 22. lest your bands be made strong: 2. loose thyself from (Ae bands ofthy neck, 20. broken thy yoke, (and) burst thy bands; 5. broken the yoke, (and) burst (Ae bonds. 2. Make thee bonds and yokes, 8. and will burst thy bonds, 13. and will burst thy bonds in sunder. Deull: Job 5: 12: 20:36: Ps. 50: Pro. 1; 15 24 Isa. 2653 Jer. 2 57; 1017 30 3235 F.ze. 5 Hos. 5: Zep. 3: ^lMfi moo-sahr' \ m. 2. (Ae chastisement ofthe Lord your God, 17 .therefore despise not thou (Ae chastening of 18. He looseth the bond of kings, 3. 1 have heard the check ofmy reproach, 10. He openeth also their ear to discipline, 17. Seeing thou hatest instruction, ; 2. To know wisdom and instruction; 3. To receive (Ae instruction of wisdom, 7. fools despise wisdom and instruction. 8. hear (Ae instruction ofthy father, ; 11. despise not (Ae chastejiing ofthe Lord ; l.ye children, (Ae instruction of a father, 13. Take fast hold of instruction ; 12. How have I hated instruction, 23. He shall die without instruction; 23. reproofs of mstructioji (are) the way of 22. (Ae corj-ection ofthe stocks ; 10. Receive my instruction, and not silver ; 33. Hear instruction, and be wise, 17. the way of life that keepeth instrjtction : 1. loveth instruction loveth knowledge: 1 . wise son (heareth) his father's instruction ; 18. him that refuseth instruction: 24. he that loveth him cAas(eneth him betimes. (lit. betimes seeketh correction for him) 5. A fool despiseth his father's instruction: 10. Correction (is) grievous unto him 32. refuseth instruction (marg. or, correction) 33. the instruction of wisdom ; 22. but the instruction of fools (is) folly. 20. Hear counsel, and receive instruction, 27. Cease, my son, to hear (Ae instruction 15. the rod of correction shall drive it far from 12. Apply thine heart unto instruction, 13. Withhold not correction from the child: 23. and instruction, and understanding. 32. looked upon ( it, and) received instruction. 16. thy chastening (was) upon them. 5.(Ae chastisement of our peace (was) upon 30. they received no coj-rection: 3. they have refused to receive correction: 28. nor receiveth correction: 8. the stock (is) a doctrhie of vanities. 23. might not hear, nor receive instruction. 14.(Ae chastisement of a cruel one, 33. have not hearkened to receive instruction. 13. Will ye not receive instruction 15. an instruction and an astonishment 2.1 (have been) arebuker (marg. a correc tion) of them all. not correction; (marg. or, instruction) thou wilt receive instruction; njtffi moh-gehd', m. Gen 1:14. let them be for signs, and for seasons, 17:21.a( this set time in the next year. 18:14. At tke time appointed I will return 21 : 2. at the set time of which God had spoken Ex. 9: 5. the Lord appointed a set time, 13: 10. keep this ordinance in his season 23: 15. in (Ae time appointed of the month Abib ; Ex. 27:21 &28:43&29:4, 10, 11, 30,32, 42.44&30: 16, 18,20,26,36&31:7&33:7,7.the taber nacle of (Ae congregation 34: 18. in (Ae time ofthe month Abib: 35 : 21 & 38 : 8, 30. tabernacle of (Ae congregation, 39:32. the tent ofthe congregation 40. the tent ofthe congregation, 40 : 2, 6, 7, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35. the tent of the congregation. 12. door ofthe tabernacle of (Ae congregation, Lev. 1: 1,3,5&3:2,8,13&4:4,5,7,7,14,16,1S,18& 6:16(9), 26(19), 30(23) & 8:3, 4, 31,33, 35 & 9:5, 23 & 10: 7, 9 & 12:6 & 14: II, 23 & 15:14, 29 & 16:7, 16, 17, 20, 23,33 & 17:4,5,6, 9& 19:21. the tabernacle of the congregation, 23: 2. (Concerning) the feasts ofthe Lord, — these (are) my feasts. 4, 37. These (arc) the feasts ofthe Lord, — ye shall proclaim in their seasons. 44. of Israel the feasts ofthe Lord. 24: 3. in the tabernacle of^Ae congregation, Nu. 1: 1&2:2,17&3:7,8,25,25,38&4:3,4,15,23, 25, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 47 & 6: 10, 13, 18 & 7:5, 89 & 8:9, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation, 9: 2. keep the passover at his appointed season. 3. ye shall keep it in his appomted season : 7. in his appointed season among the children 13. of the Lord in his appointed season, 10: 3. the tabernacle ofthe congregatibji. 10. and in your solemn days, and in the 1 1 : 16, & 1 2:4& 14: 10. the tabernacle of (Ae con- gregation, 15: 3. in your solemn feasts, to make 16: 2. famous in (Ae congregation, 18, 19, 42(17:7), 43(17:8), 50(17:15) & 17:4 (19) & 18:4,6,21,22,23,31 & 19:4 & 20:6 & 25:6&27:2.the tabernacle of (Ae congregation 28: 2. offer unto me in their due seasoji. 29:39. ye shall do. ..in your set feasts, 31:54. the tabernacle ofthe congregation, Deul6: 6. at the season that thou earnest forth 31 : 10. in the solemnity ofthe year 14, 14. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation, Jos. 8: 14. at a time appointed, before the plain ; 18: 1 & 1 9 : 5 1 . the tabernacle of (Ae congregation Jud.20: 38. Now there was an appointed sign (marg. or, time) ISa. 2: 22. the tabernacle ofthe congregation. 9: 24. unto this time hath it been kept 13: 8. according to the set time that Samuel 1 1 . thou earnest not within the days appointed, 20:35. at the time appointed with David, 2Sa.20: 5. he tarried longer than (Ae set time 24:15. morning even to the time appointed: 1 K. 8:4. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation, 2K. 4: !6..46on( this season, (marg. set time) 17. bare a son at tliat season 1 Ch. 6 : 32( 1 7 ) & 9 : 21 . tabernacle of the congregation 23:31. and oji the set feasts, by number, 32. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation, 2Ch. 1 : 3, 6, 13. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation 2: 4(3). and on the solemji feasts ofthe Lord 5 : 5. the tabernacle of (Ae congregation, 30:22. they did eat throughout the feast 31: 3. for the new moons, and for the set feasts, Ezr. 3: 5. all (Ae set feasts ofthe Lord Neh 10:33(34). thesei feasts, and for theholy (things), Job 30:23. the house appointed for all living. Ps. 74 : 4. the midst of thy congregations; 8. have burned up all (Ae synagogues of God 75: 2(3). When I shall receive (Ae cojtgregation 102: 13(14). yea, (Ae set time, is come. 104: 19. He appointed the moon for seasons : Isa. 1:14. Your new moons and your appomted feasts 14:13. the mount ofthe congregation, 33:20. the city of our solemnities: Jer. 8: 7. in the heaven knoweth her appointediimes ; 46 : 17. he hath passed (Ae time appointed. Lam. 1 : 4. none come to (Ae solemn feasts : 15. he hath called an assembly 2: 6. hath destroyed Ais places of the assembly: the Lord hath caused (Ae solemn feasts 7. the day of a solejmi feast. 22. Thou hast called as' in a solemn day yia Eze.36:38. of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts ; 44:24. my statutes in all mine assemblies: 45:17. all solemnities ofthe house of Israel: 46: 9. before the Lord in the solemn feasts, 1 1 . in the feasts and in the solemnities Dan. 8: 19. at the time appointed the end ( shall be). 11 -.27. the end (shall be) at the time appointed. 29. At the time appointed he shall return, 35. (it is) yet for a time appointed. 12: 7. (it shall be) for a time, times, and an half; Hos. 2: 9(11 ). my wine in (Ae season thereof, 1 1( 13) . her sabbaths, and all Aer solemn feasts. 9: 5. What will ye do in the solemn day, 12: 9(10). the days of ZAe solemn feast. Hab. 2: 3. the vision (is) yet for an appointed time, Zep. 3: 18. (them that are) sorrowful for the solemn assembly, Zee. 8:19.joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; (marg. or, solemn, or, set times) ( 673 ) sia Neh 9: 1 0. shewedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, Ps, 71: 7.1 am as a wonder unto many ; 78: 43. and his wonders in the field of Zoan: 105: 5. Ais wonders, and the judgments ofhis 27. and wonders in the land of Ham. 135: 9.( Who) sent tokens and wonders Isa. 8:18. for signs and for wonders in Israel 20: 3. a sign and wonder upon Egypt Jer. 32 : 20. Which hast set signs and wonders 2 l.with signs, and with wonders, Eze.I2: 6. 1 have set thee (for) a sign 1 1 . Say, I (am) your sign : 24:24. Ezekiel is unto you a sign : 27. thou shalt be a sign unto them ; Joel 2:30(3-3). I will shew wonders in the heavens Zee. 3: 8 . men wondered at : (marg. men of wonder) TJTlfc \mok-1gahdf\ m. Isa. 14:31. (shall be) alone in his appointed times. rnj^O moo-gdh-ddh' \ f. 2Ch. 8:13. the new moons, and on the solemn feasts 1TO0 moh-gddohth' , f. pi. Jos. 20: 9. These were the cities appointed rnp3 [moo-geh'-deth], adj. f. Pro.25:19.and a foot out of joint. Sp?1D moo-gahph', m. Isa. 9: 1(8:23). (Ae dimness (shall) not (be) such s rfotfto moh-geh-tzohth' , f. pi. Ps. 5:10(11). letthem fall Ay (marg. or, from) their own counsels; 81:12(13). they walked in (Aeir own counsels. Pro. 1:31. and be filled with their own devices. 22: 20. excellent things in counsels Jer. 7:24. in the counsels (and) in the imagination Hosll : 6.(them), because of their own counsels. Mic. 6:16. ye walk in their counsels; npjjlfi moo-gah-kdh' , f. Ps. 66:11. thou laidst affliction upon our loins. H3iD moh-phehth' , m. Ki. 4:21. do all those wonders before Pharaoh, "r. 3. my wonders in the land of Egypt. 9. Shew a miracle for you : II: 9. that my wonders may be multiplied 10. Moses and Aaron did all these wonders Deu 4:34. by signs, and by wonders, 6:22. the Lord shewed signs and wonders, 7: 19. the signs, and the wonders, 13: 1(2). giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2(3). the sign or the wonder come to pass, 26: 8. with signs, and with wonders : 28:46. for a sign and for a wonder, 29: 3(2). the signs, and those great miracles : 34:11. all the signs and the wonders, 'K. 13: 3.he gave a sign the same day, saying, This ( is ) ZAe sign which the Lord hath spoken ; 5. according to the sign which the man lcli 16:12. Ais wonders, and the judgments ofhis 2Ch32-"' ' ¦ " -- — pib [mootz]. * KAL. —Participle. * Isa. 16: 4. (Ae extortioner (marg. wringer) is at an pa see p N¥ia moh-tzah', m. Nu. 30 33 Deu 8 23 2Sa. 3 IK. 10 2K. 2 2Ch 1 32 Job 2838 Ps. 19 65 75 89 107 ! Isa. 41 58 Jer. 17 Eze.l 2 42 43 44 Dan 9 Hos. 6 '•24. and he gave him a sign. 31. (Ae wonder that was (done) in the land, 12(13). whatsoever proceeded out of her lips 2. Moses wrote their goings out — their journeys according to their goings out. 3. every ( word) (Aa( proceedeth out of the 23(24). That which is gone out ofthy lips 25. to know thy going out and thy coming in, 28. And Solomon had horses brought out of (marg. (Ae going forth of the horses (which was) Solomon's) 21 . he went forth unto (Ae spring ofthe waters, 16. Ajid Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, (marg. (Ae going forth of the horses which (was) Solomon's) 30. the upper watercowrse of Gihon, 1 . Surely there is a vein (marg. or, mine) for 27. to cause the bud ofthe tender herb 6(7 ). His going forth (is) from the end of 8(9). the outgoings ofthe morning and evening : 6(7). neither from tke east, 34(35). nor alter (Ae thing that is gone out of 33. and tke watersprings into dry ground ; 35. dry ground into watersprings. : 18. the dry land springs of water. 1 1 . and like a spring of water, 16. that which came out ofmy lips 4. as they that go forth into (marg. (Ae goings forth of) captivity. 11 .(Aeir goings out (were) both according to 1 1 . fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof 5. every going forth ofthe sanctuary. 25. the going forth ofthe commandment 3. Ais going forth is prepared as the morning ; niNXia moh-tzdh-ohth' , f. pi. 2K. 10:27. and made it a draught house unto Mic. 5: 2(1). whose (lit. who Ais) goings forth (have been) from of old, p^ia moo-tzahk' , m. IK. 7:37. all of them had one casting, Job 38:38. the dust groweth into hardness, (marg. into mire) ptflO moo-tzahk', & J33PI& moo-tzak', m. Job 36:16. where (there is) no straitness ; 37 : 1 0. ofthe waters is straitened, (lit. in straitness) Isa. 8 : 22( 23 ) . darkness, dimness of anguish ; x x xia ( 674 ) K/in fljWa [moo-tzeh'-keth], f. 2Ch 4: 3. cast, icAen iZ was casZ. Zee. 4: 2. seven pipes to the seven lamps, p'la [wiOo/f]. * HIPHIL fuZure. * Ps. 73: 8. Z'Aey are corrupt, and speak wickedly "tpia moh-kehd' , m. Ps.102: 3(4). my bones are burned as an hearth. Isa. 33: 14. who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings ? rnpia moh-k'dah' , f. Lev. 6: 9(2). because of ZAe burning Ex. 102334 Deu 7 Jos. 23: Jud. 2 8 lSa.18 2Sa.22Job 3440 Ps. 18: 64 69 106 140 141 Pro. 1213 14 18 20 22 29 Isa. 8 Am. 3 ^pia moh-kehsh', ta. 7 . How long shall this man be a snare 33.it will surely be a snare unto thee. 12. lest it he far a snare in the midst of thee: 16. that (will be) a snare unto thee. 13. they shall be snares and traps unto you, 3. their gods shall be a snare unto you. 27. which thing became a snare unto Gideon, 21. that she may be a snare to him, 6. the snares of death prevented 30. lest the people be ensnared. 24. (his) nose pierceth through snares. 5(6). (Ae snares of death prevented me. 5(6). they commune of laying snares 22(23). Let their table become a sjiare 36. which were a snare unto them. ; 5(6). they have set ghis for me. 9. the gins ofthe workers of iniquity. 13. The wicked is snared (marg. The sjiare of the wicked (is ) ) by the transgression of : 14. depart from the snaj-es of death. "!7. depart from the snares of death. 7. his lips (are) (Ae S7*are ofhis soul. : 25. (It is) a snare to the man 25. get a snare to thy soul. 6. In the transgression of an evil man (there is) a snare : 25. The fear of man bringeth a snare .- 1 4. and for a snai-e to the inhabitants of 5-wltej-e no gin (is) for him? *110 see lb Jer. 48 Jer. 2 Lev.27Ps. 46 Lev.27 Ps. 15 106 Eze.48 Hos. 4 Mic. 2 "fifo [moor']. # NIPHAL.— Preterite. * 11 .and his scent is not changed. # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # 11. my people have changed HIPHIL.— Infinitive. 10. if he shall at all change (lit. changhig he shall change) 33. if he change it at all, (lit. id. ) . 2(3). though the earth be removed, HIPHIL.— Future. 10. nor change it, a good for a bad, — if Ae shall at all change 33. neither shall lie change it : and if Ae change it at all, 4. (He that) sweareth...and changeth not. 20. Thus they changed their glory 14. neither exchange, nor alienate 7. ivill I change their glory 4.Ae Aa(A changed the portion SOia moh-rdh' ', m. Gen 9: 2. thefear of you and the dread of you Deu 4:34. a stretched out arm, and by great terrors, 11:25. and the dread of you upon all the land 26: 8. and with great terribleness, 34:12. all (Ae great terror which Moses shewed 9:20(21). Put them in fear, O Lord: 76:11(12). bring presents unto him that ought to be feared, (marg. to fear) 8:12. neither fear ye their fear, 13. (let) him (be) your fear, Jer. 32:21. a stretched out arm, and with great (error ; Mai. 1 : 6. if I (be) a master, where (is) my fear'/ 2: 5. ZAe /ear wherewith he feared me, Ps. Isa. JHia moh-rag' , m. 2Sa. 24:22. and threshing instruments and (other) 1 Ch 21 : 23. and the threshing instruments for wood, Isa. 41 : 15. a new sharp threshing instrument Tlia moh-rahd', m. Jos. 7 : 5 . smote them in the going down .- (marg. or, in Morad) 10:11. were in (Ae going down to Beth-horon, 1 K . 7 : 29. certain additions made of thin work. Jer. 48: 5. in (Ae going down of Horonaim Mic. 1: 4. the waters (that are) poured down a steep place, (marg. a descent) miD moh-raft, m. Jud.13: 5. and no razor shall come on his head: 16: 17. There hath not come a razor upon mine 1 Sa. 1:11. and there shall no razor come upon his mifi moh-rah' m. T ' Ps. 9:20(21). (1TO) Put them in fear, O Lord: rniD moli-reft ', m. Ps. 84 : 6 ( 7 ) . (Ae rain also filleth the pools. Joel 2: 23. he hath given you (Ae Jormej' rain mode rately, (marg. or, a teacher of righteous ness) — the former rain, and the latter rain Enia see era ^"fia moh-rahsh' , m. Job 17:ll.(Ae thoughts (marg. possessions) ofmy heart. Isa. 14:23. 1 will also make it a possession for the Obad. 17. of Jacob shall possess their possessions. ft&'-mmoh-rah'-shahj. Ex. 6: 8.1 will give it you for an heritage: Deu 33 : 4 . ZAe inhei itance of the congregation of Eze.l 1:15. unto us is this land given in possession.^ 25: 4.theeto the men of the east for apossession 10. will give them in possession, 33:24. the land is given us for inheritance. 36 : 2. ancient high places are our's in possession 3. that ye might be a possession 5. appointed my land into their possession ^a moosh. * KAL Preterite. * Nu. 14:44. and Moses, departed not n: 9. and I will remove the iniquity : 4. and half of the mountain shall remove Zee. 3 14 t£>m ( 675 ) KAL.— Future. Jos. 1 : 8. This book of the law sAaZZ not depart Jud. 6:18. Depart not hence, Pro. 1 7 : 13. evil s/iaZZ not depart Isa. 22:25. sAaZZ the nail...6e removed, 54: 10. the mountains sAaZZ depart, — my kindness shall not depart 59; 21. my words... sAaZZ not depart Jer. 31 :36. If those ordinances depart * HIPHIL Future. * Ex. 13:22. He took not away the pillar 33 : 1 1 . Joshua, ...departed not Job 23:12. Neither have I gone back from Ps. 55:11(12). deceit and guile depart not Pro.l7:13.(3>nD) evil sAaZZ not depart Isa. 46: 7. from his place sAaZZ Ae not remove: Jer. 17:8. neither sAaZZ cease from yielding Mic. 2: 3. ye sAaZZ not remove your necks ; 4. how AaZA Ae removed (it) from me ! Nah 3: 1 . the prey departeth not ; B^ltt moosh. *KAL.— Future. * Gen27:21.ZAa( Imayfeel thee, * HIPHIL Imperative. ¦» Jud.l6:26. Suffer me (Aa( I may feel HIPHIL Future. Ps. 115: 7. They have hands, but ZAey AcrndZe not: X*ia moh-shahv', m. Genl0:30. ZAeir dwelling was from Mesha, 27 :39. ZAy dwelling shall be the fatness of the 36:43. according to their habitations in the land Ex. 10:23. had light in their dwellings. 12:20.in all your habitations shall ye eat 40. Now the sojourning of the children of 35: 3. kindle no fire throughout your habitations Lev. 3: 17. throughout all your dwellings, 7:26. in any of your dwellings. 13:46. without the camp (shall) Ais habitation 23: 3. of the Lord in all your dwellings. 14, 31 . your generations in all your dwellings. 17. Ye shall bring out of your habitations 2 l.for ever in all your dwellings 25: 29. if a man sell a dwelling house Nu. 15: 2. the land of your habitations, 24:21. Strong is ZAy dwellingplace, 31:10. burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, 35:29. in all your dwellings. ISa. 20: 18. because ZAy seat will be empty. 25. the king sat upon Ais seat, as at other times, (even; upon a seat by the wall: 2Sa. 9: 12. all (AaZ dwelt in the house of Ziba IK. 10: b.and the sitting p/his servants, 2K. 2:19. the situation o/this city (is) pleasant, ICh 4:33. These (were) their habitations, 6:54(39). these (are) their dwelling places 7:28. their possessions and habitations 2Ch 9: 4. and tlie sitting of his servants. Job 29: 7. 1 prepared my seat in the street 1 rs. I: 1. nor sitteth in the seat ofthe scornful. 107: 4. they found no city to dwell in. 7. that they might go to a city of habitation. 32. and praise him in the assembly ofthe 36. that they may prepare a city for habitation; 132:13. he hath desired (it) for his habitation. kze. 6: 6. In all your dweltingplaces 14. in all (Aeir habitations : 8: 3. (Ae seat ofthe image of jealousy, 28: 2,1 sit (in) (Ae seat of God. 34:13. all (Ae inhabited places ofthe country. 37:23. save them out of all (Aeir dwetlingplaces, 48:15./or dwelling, and for suburbs: tiOfto moh-sKchdhth' , f. pi. J°° 38:31. or loose (Ae bands of Orion ? ma nij?K>ia moh-shdh-'gbhth' , f. Ps. 68: 20(21). the God of salvation ; nia mootii pi. I. #KAL Preterite. # Gen 7: 22. all that (was) in the dry land, died. 19:19. lest some evil take me, ajid 1 die : 33: 13. them one day, all the Hock will die. 35:18. as her soul was in departing, for she died 42:38. for his brother is dead, 44: 9. it be found, both let him die, 20. and his brother is dead, 22. father, (his father) ( lit. and) would die. 3 1 . the lad ( is ) not ( with us) , that he will die : 48: 7. Rachel died by me 50: 15. saw that their father was dead, Ex. 4; 19. all the men are dead 7: 21. the fish that (was) in the river died; 9: 6. of the cattle ofthe children of Israel died 7. there was not one of the cattle of the Is raelites dead. 19. hail shall come down.. .and tkey shall die, 11 : 5. And all the firstborn. ..shall die, 21:12. He that smiteth a man, so that he die, 20. and he die under his hand ; 28. gore a man or a woman, that tkey die : 35. if one man's ox hurt another's, that he die; 22: 2(1). breaking up, and be smitten that he die, 10(9). and it die, or be hurt, 14(13). and it be hurt, or die, 28: 43. that they bear not iniquity, and die : Lev.22: 9. lest they bear sin for it, and die Nu. 4:15. not touch (any) holy thing, lest they die. 20. they shall not go in...ies( they die. 14: 2. Would God (A«( we kad died in — would God we had died in this wilderness ! 20: 26. gathered (unto his people ), and shall die 26 : 1 1 . the children of Korah died not. 27 : 3. Our father died in the wilderness, — but died in his own sin, Deu 5:25(22). voice ofthe Lord. ..(Aen we shall die. 10: 6. there Aaron died, and there he was 13: 10( 1 1 ). stone him with stones, that he die ; 17: 5. stone them with stones, till they die. 12. even that man shall die : 18: 20. even that prophet shall die. 19: 5.1ighteth upon his neighbour, that he die ; Il.and smite him mortally (Aa( Ae die, 1 2. and deliver him...(Aa( Ae may die. 21:21. stone him with stones , that he die : 22 : 2 1 . stone her with stones (Aa( sAe die ; 22. then they shall both of them die, 24. stone them with stones (Aa( they die; 25. then the man only that lay with her shall die : 24: 7. then that thief shall die ; 25: 5. dwell together, and one of them die, 32:50. Aaron thy brother died Jos. 1 : 2. Moses my servant is dead ; 5: 4. all the men of war, died 10: 11. more which died with hailstones than 24: 33. Eleazar the son of Aaron died; Jud. 4: 1. sight ofthe Lord, when Ehud was dead. 8: 33. as soon as Gideon was dead, 9:55. Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, ISa. 4: II. the two sons of Eli, ...were slam. 17. Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, 19. that her father in law and her husband were dead, 5: 12. the men that died not 14:45. people rescued Jonathan, that Ae died not. 17:51. Philistines saw their champion was dead, 25:39. when David heard that Nabal was dead, 26: 10. his day shall come to die; (lit. and he shall die) 28: 3. Now Samuel was dead, 31 : 5. his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead, 7. Saul and his sons were dead, 2Sa. 1: 4. Saul and Jonathan his son are dead 5. Saul and Jonathan his son be dead ? 2: 7. your master Saul is dead, 31 . three hundred and threescore men died. 4 : 1 . Abner was dead in Hebron, 10. Behold, Saul is dead, x x 2 /T)D 25a. 11 : 15. that he may be smitten, and die. 21, 24. Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead 26. Uriah her husband was dead, 12: 18. feared to tell him that the child was dead: — if we tell him that the child is dead ? 19. David perceived that the child was dead: — Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead. 21. when the child was dead, 23. But now Ae is dead, wherefore 13:32. Amnon only is dead : for by 33. that all the king's sons are dead: for Amnon only is dead. 39- Amnon, seeing Ae was dead. 18:20.because the king's son is dead. 19:10(1 1). Absalom,... is dead in battle. IK. 1 : 52. but if wickedness shall be found in him, Ae shall die, 3:21. my child suck, behold, it was dead: 11:21. Joab the captain of the host was dead, 14: 12. into the city, the child shall die. 17. came to the threshold... the child died ; 17: 12. that we may eat it, ajid die. 21:15. Naboth is not alive, but dead. 16. when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, 2K. 4: l.Thy servant my husband is dead ; 7: 3. Why sit we here until we die? 4. and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. — if they kill us, we shall but die. 11: 1. Athaliah. ..saw that her son was dead, ICh 10: 5. his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead, 6. and all his house died together. 7. Saul and his sons were dead, 2Ch 22:10. Athaliah. ..saw that her son was dead, Ecc. 4: 2. the dead which are already dead Jer. 16: 6. Both the great and the small shall die Eze.l 1:13. Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. 18:26. committeth iniquity, and dieth in them ; 28: 8. and thou shalt die the deaths of 33: 18. Ae shall even die thereby. Am. 2 : 2. and Moab shall die with tumult, 6: 9. ten men in one house, (Aa( (Aey shall die. KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 2: 17. shalt surely die. (marg. dying shalt die) 3: 4. shall not swre/ydie:(lit. dying shall notdie) 20 : 7. thou shalt suj-ely die, (lit. dying shalt die ) 25:32. 1 (am) at the point to die: 26: II. He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death, (lit. dying shall be caused to die) 47: 29. the time drew nigh (Aa( Israel must die : Ex. 14: 11. taken us away to die in the wilderness ? 12. than that we should die in the wilderness. 16: 3. Would to God we had died 19:12. whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death: (lit. dying shall be caused to die) 21: 12. He that smiteth a man,. ..shall be surety put to death, (lit. id. ) 14. take him from mine altar, (Aa( Ae may die. 15. he that smiteth his father,... shall be surely put to death, (lit. dying shall be caused to die ) 16. he that stealeth a man,. ..shall surely he put to death, (lit. id.) 17. he that curseth his father,... shall surely be put to death, (lit. id.) 22: 19(18). Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death, (lit. id. ) 31:14. that defileth it shall surely be put to death : (lit. id.) 15. he shall surely be put to death, (lit. id.) Lev.20: 2. he shall surely be put to death: (lit.dyino shall be caused to die) 9. that curseth his father.. .shall be surely put to death: (lit. id.) 10. the adulterer... shall surely be put to death. (lit. id. ) 11, 12. both of them shall surely be put to death ; (lit. id. ) 13, 16. shall surely be put to death ; (lit. id. ) 15. he shall surely be put to death: (lit. id.) 27. a wizard, shall surely be put to death: (lit. id.) 24:16. he that blasphemeth. ..shall surely be put to death, (lit. id. ) ( 676 ) JY1B Lev.24:17.he that killeth any man shall sur'ely he put to death, (lit. id. ) 27:29.(but)shallswre/ybeputto death, (lit. id.) Nu. 15:35. The man shall be surely put to death: (lit. dying shall be caused to die) :22.1est they bear sin, and die. (marg. to die) : 4. that we and our cattle should die : 5. to die in the wilderness? : 65. They shall surely die in the wilderness. (lit. dying they shall die) : 16, 17, J 8. the murderer shall surely be put to death, (lit. dying shall be caused to die) 2 1 . he that smote ( him ) shall surely be put to death ; (lit. id. ) 30. against any person (to cause him) to die. 31. a murderer, which (is) guilty of death (marg. todie): but he shallbe surely put to death. : 16. the men of war were consumed and dead : 14. thy days approach (Aa( thou must die : :14. Our life for your's, (marg. instead of you to die) : 18. jeoparded their lives unto the death :22. Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, (lit. dying we shall die) : 16. his soul was vexed uuto death ; : 5. He shall surely be put to death, (lit. dying shall be caused to die) : 20. about the time of Aer death :39. though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die. (lit. dying shall die) 44. thou shalt surely die (lit. id. ), Jonathan. : 16. Thou shalt surely die, (lit. dying shall die) : 14. the child also (that is) born.. .shall surely die. (lit. dying shall die) : 14. For we must jieeds die, (lit. id. ) : 33( 1 9 : 1 ) . would God I had died for thee, : 3. shut up unto the day of (Aeir dea(A, : 1 . of David drew nigh that he should die ; 37, 42. that thou shalt surely die: (lit. dying shalt die) :31. When I am dead, then bury me in : 4. requested for himself (Aa( Ae might die ; : 4, 6, 16. shalt surely die. (lit. dying shalt die) : 10. he shall surely die. (lit. dying he shall die) : 1 . was Hezekiah sick unto death. : 1 1 . to die by famine and by thirst, 24. Hezekiah was sick to tke death, : 2. A time to be born, and a time to die; : l.was Hezekiah sick unto death. : 8. Thou shalt surely die. (lit. dying shalt die) :26. return to Jonathan's house, to die there. : 18. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt suj-ely die ; (lit. dying shalt die) : 13. abominations; he shall surely die; (lit. dymg shall be caused to die) : 8.0 wicked (man), thou shalt surely die; (lit. dying shalt die) 14. unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die ; (lit. dying shalt die) Jon. 4: 8. and wished in himself to die, and said, Deu. 2 31 Jos 2 Jud . 5 13 16 21 ISa 4 14 22 2Sa.l2 14 18 20 IK. 2 13 19 2K. 1 8 20 2Ch32 Ecc . 3 Isa. 38 Jer. 26 38 Eze . 3 18 33 KAL. — Imperative. Deu32:50. And die in the mount Job 2: 9. curse God, and die. KAL Future. Gen 2:17. thou shalt surely die. 3 : 3 . neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4. Ye shall not surely die : 5: 5. Adam lived were 930 years: and he died. 8. days of Seth were 912 years: and he died. 1 1 . days of Enos were 905 years : and he died. 14. days of Cainan were 9 1 0 years : and Ae died. 17. of Mahalaleel were 895 years: andhedied. 20. days of Jared were 962 years: andAe died. 27. of Methuselah were 969 years: andhedied. 31. days of Lamech were 777 years: andhedied. 9 : 29 . days of Noah were 950 years : and he died. 1 1 : 28. And Haran died before his father 32. and Terah died in Haran. 7. thou shalt surely die, 2. And Sarah died in Kirjath-arba; 8. and died in a good old age, 17. and he gave up the ghost and died; 9. Lest J die for her. 20: 23: 25: 26: 27: 4. that my soul may bless thee before I die. mo ( 677 ) mo Gen 35: 8. But. Deborah Rebekah's nurse died, 19. And Rachel died, 29. Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, 36:33. And Bela died, 34. And Jobab died, 3b. And Husham died, 36. And Hadad died, 37. And Samlah died, 38. And Saul died, 39. And Baal-hanan the son of Achbor died, 38: 1 1 . Lest peradventure Ae die also, 12. the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; 42: 2. that we may live, and not die. 20.be verified, and ye sAaZZ not die. 43: 8. that we may live, and not die, 45 : 28. 1 will go and see him before / die. 46: 12. but Er and Onan died in the land 30. Now let me die, since I have seen 47 : 15. why should we die 19. Wherefore shall we die — that we may live, and not die, 50:26. So Joseph died, (being) an hundred Ex. 1:6. And Joseph died, and all 2:23. (Aa( the king of Egypt died : 7: 18. the fish that (is) in the river shall die, 8:13(9). and the frogs died out ofthe houses, 9: 4. (Aere shall nothing die 6. and all the cattle of Egypt died: 10:28. day thou seest my face thou shalt die. 20: 19. let not God speak with us, lest we die. 21: 18. one smite another.. .and Ae die not, 28:35. that Ae die not. 30 : 20, 21 . that (Aey die not ; Lev. 8:35. of the Lord, that ye die not: 10: 2. and they died before the Lord. 6. neither rend your clothes ; lest ye die, 7. ye shall not go out.. .lest ye die : 9. Do not drink wine. ..lest ye die: 1 1 : 39. if any beast, . . .die ; 15:31. that (Aey die not in their uncleanness, 16: l.they offered before the Lord, and died; 2, 13. that Ae die not: 20: 20. (Aey sAaZZ die childless. Nu. 3: 4. And Nadab and Abihu died 4: 19. that they may live, and not die, 6: 9. if any man die very suddenly 14:35. and there ZAey sAaZZ die. 37. Even those men. ..died 15:36. stoned him with stones, and he died; ' 16:29. If these men die the common death 17:10(25). from me, that (Aey die not. 13(28). cometh any thing near.. .shall die: 18: 3. that neither they, nor ye also, die. 32. neither shall ye pollute... lest ye die. 19: 13. body of any man that is dead, 14. when a man dieZA in a tent: 20 : 1 . and Miriam died there, 28. and Aaron died there 21 : 6. and much people of Israel died. 23: 10. Let me die the death of the righteous, 26:19. and Er and Onan died in the land 61 . And Nadab and Abihu died, 65. They shalt surely die 27: 8. If a man die, and have no son, 33: 38. the commandment ofthe Lord, and died 35: 12. that the manslayer die not, 16. if he smite him. ..so tAat Ae die, 17. wherewith Ae may die, and he die, 18. wherewith Ae may die, and he die, 20. if he thrust him...(Aa( Ae die ; 21. Or in enmity smite him...ZAa( Ae die : 23. wherewith a man may die, — cast (it) upon him, (Aa( Ae die, Deu 5:25(22). Now therefore why should we die? 18: 16. let me see this great fire. ..that Idle not. 20: 5, 6, 7. lest Ae die in the battle, 24: 3. if the latter husband die, 33: 6. Let Reuben live, and not die; 34: 5. So Moses the servant of the Lord died Jos. 10:11. upon them unto Azekah, and they died: 20: 9. and not die by the hand ofthe avenger 2i:29. that Joshua the son of Nun,... died, 'ud, 1: 7. him to Jerusalem, and there Ae died. 2: 8. And Joshua the son of Nun,. ..died, 21 . the nations which Joshua left when he died: 3:11. And Othniel the son of Kenaz died. 4:21. hewas fast asleep and weary. So he died. Jud. 6:23. fear not: thou shalt not die. 30. Bring out thy son, (Aa( Ae may die : 8:32. And Gideon the son of Joash died 9:49.so that all the men.. '.died 54. young man thrust him through, and he died. 10; 2. Israel twenty and three years, and died, b. And Jair died, and was buried 12: 7. Then died Jephthah the Gileadite, 10. Then died Ibzan, 12. And Elon the Zebulonite died, lb. And Abdon the son of Hillel... died, 13:22. We shall surely die, 15:18. and now shall I die for thirst, 16:30. Let me die with the Philistines. 20: 5. my concubine have they forced, (Aa( sAe is dead. Ru. 1: 3. And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; b.And Mahlon and Chilion died 17. Where thou diest, will 1 die, 1 Sa. 2 : 33. the increase of thine house shall die 34. in one day (Aey sAaZZ die 4:18. his neck brake, andhe died: 12: 19. Pray for thy servants.. .that we die not: 14 : 39. Ae shall surely die. 43. (and), lo, I must die. 44. thou shalt surely die, Jonathan. 45. Shall Jonathan die, 20: 2. God forbid; thou shalt not die : 14. the kindness ofthe Lord, that I die not: 22:16. Thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, 25: 1. And Samuel died; 37. ZAaZ his heart died within him, 38. the Lord smote Nabal, ZAaZ Ae died. 31: b.and died with him. 6. So Saul died, and his three sons, 2Sa. 1 : 4. of the people also are fallen and dead ; 15. he smote him ZAaZ Ae died. 2: 23. and died in the same place: — Asahel fell down and died 3:27. smote him there. ..(Aat Ae died, 33. Died Abner as a fool dieth ? 6: 7 .and there Ae died by the ark of God. 10: l.ZAaZ the king of the children of Ammon died, 18. the captain of their host, zoAo died 11:17. and Uriah the Hittite died 21. that he died in Thebez ? 24. and (some) ofthe king's servants Ae dead, 12:13. (Aow shalt not die. 14. born unto thee shall surely die. 18. on the seventh day, (Aa( the child died. 14: 5. and mine husband is dead. 14. we must needs die, (lit. dying we shall die) 17:23. and hanged himself, and died, 18: 3.i/half of us die, 19:23(24). Thou shalt not die. 37(38). (Aa( I may die in mine own city, 20: 10. struck him not again ; and he died. 24: 15. and there died of the people IK. 2 : 25 . he fell upon him (Aa( Ae died. 30. but IwiU die here. 37, 42. ZAow shalt surely die : 46. and fell upon him, ZAaZ Ae died. 3:19. And this Woman's child died 12:18. stoned him with stones, (Aa( Ae died. 16:18. king's house over him with fire, and died, 22. so Tibni died, and Omri reigned. 21 : 10. stone him, (Aa( Ae may die. 13. stoned him with stones, (Aa( Ae died. 14. Naboth is stoned, and is dead. 15. that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, 22 : 35; against the Syrians, and died at even : 37. So the king died, 2K. 1: 4, 6,1 6. but sAaZZ surely die. 1 7. So Ae died according to the word 4 : 20. sat on her knees till noon, and ( then) died. 7: 17. trode upon him in the gate, andhe died, 20. trode upon him in the gate, and he died. 8:10. Ae shall surely die. 15. spread (it) on his face, so that he died: 9:27. he fled to Megiddo, and died there. 12:21(22). his servants, smote him, andhe died; 13:14. his sickness whereof Ae died. 20. And Elisha died, and they buried him. 24. So Hazael king of Syria died ; 14: 6. (Tra) shall be put to death for his own 18:32. that ye may live, and not die: JTID 2K. 23:34. he came to Egypt, and died there. 25: 25. and smote Gedaliah, (Aa( Ae died, 1 Ch 1 :44. And when Bela ivas dead, 45. And when Jobab was dead, Husham 46. And when Husham was dead, Hadad 47. And when Hadad was dead, Samlah 48. And when Samlah was dead, Shaul 49. And when Shaul was dead, Baal-hanan 50. And when Baal-hanan was dead, 5 1 . Hadad died also. 2: 19. And ivhen Azubah ivas dead, 30. but Seled died without children. 32. and. Jether died withfiut children. 10: 5. he fell likewise on the sword, ajid died. 6. So Saul died, and his three sons, 13. So Saul died for his transgression 13: 10. and there Ae died before God. 19: I. that Nahash the king,. .died, 23:22. And Eleazar died, and had no sons, 24: 2. But Nadab and Abihu died 29 : 28. A nd lie died in a good old age, 2Ch 10: 18. stoned him with stones, that he died. 13: 20. the Lord struck him, and lie died. 16:13. and died in the one and fortieth year of 1 8 : 34. and about the time of the sun going down Ae died. 21 : 19. so he died of sore diseases. 24: 1 5. was full of days when he died ; 25. slew him on his bed, and he died : 25: 4. The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers, but every man shall die for his 35: 24. brought him to Jerusalem, and he died, Job 1 : 19. the young men, and they aj-e dead; 3:11. Why died I not from the womb ? 4: 21. (Aey die, even without wisdom. 12: 2. wisdom shall die with you. 14: 8. the stock thereof die in the ground ; 10. But man dieth, and wasteth away: 14. If a man die, shall he live (again)? 21 :23. One dieth in his full strength, 25. another dieth in the bitterness of 34: 20. In a moment shall they die, 36: 14. They die (marg. Their soul dieth) in youth, 42: 1 7. So Job died, (being) old and full of days. Ps. 41 : 5(6). When shall he die, and his name 49:10(ll).he seeth (that) wise men die, 82: 7. ye shall die like men, and fall like 118:17. 1 shalt not die, but live, Pro. 5 : 23. He shall die without instruction ; 10:21. fools die for want of wisdom. J5:10.he that hateth reproof shall die. 19: 16. he that despiseth his ways shall die. 23: 13. him with the rod, lie shall not die. 30: 7. deny me (them) not before Idle: Ecc. 2: 16. how dieth the wise (man) ? 7:17. why skojtldest thou die before 9: 5. the living know that they shall die : Isa. 22: 13. let us eat and drink; for to morrow iv shall die. 14. shall not be purged from you till ye die, 18. there shalt thou die, 50: 2. their fish stinketh,.. .and dieth for thirst. 61 : 6. they that dwell therein shall die 12.be afraid of a man (that) shall die, 14. that Ae should not die in the pit, 59: 5. he that eateth of their eggs dieth, 65: 20. the child shall die an hundred years old ; 66:24. their worm shall not die, Jer. 11:21 .that (Aon die not by our hand: 22. the young men shall die by the sword: their sons and their daughters shalt die 16: 4. They shall die of grievous deaths ; 20: 6. and there thou shalt die, 21 : 6. they shall die of a great pestilence. 9. He that abideth... shall die 22: 12. Ae shall die in the place 26. and there shall ye die. 26: 8. saying, Thou shalt surely die. : 13. Why ivill ye die, thou and thy people, Jer. 38 :10. 24. 42 :16. 17. 22. 44 :12. Eze. 3 :18. 19. 20. 5 12. 6 12. 7 15. 12 13. 13 19. 17 16. 18 4, 17. 21, 24. 26. 31. 24 18. 28 10. 33 8, 9. 11. 13. 15. 27. Hos 13. 1. Am. 7. 11. 9: 1 7. 10. Hab. 1 12. Zec.ll: 9. 27 28: 17. So Hananiah the prophet died 31 : 30. every one shall die for his own 34: 4. Thou shalt not die by the sword: 5. thou shalt die in peace: 37: 20. lest I die there. 38: 2. He that remaineth. ..shall die 9. and he is like to (marg. will) die for hunger ( 678 ) mo .take up Jeremiah... before Ae die. . and thou shalt not die. .and there ye shall die. . they shall die by the sword, know certainly that ye shall die . they shall die, from the least . Thou shalt surely die ; the same wicked (man) shall die . he shall die in his iniquity ; , Ae shall die : because thou hast not given him warning, Ae shall die in his sin, A third part of thee shall die with He that is far off shall die he that remaineth.-.sAaZZ die he that (is) in the field shall die though he shall die there. the souls that should not die, in the midst of Babylon Ae shall die. 20. the soul that sinneth, it shall die. he shall not die for the iniquity 28. surely live, Ae shall not die. in them shall he die. for his iniquity. ..shall he die. why will jjc die, O house of Israel ? and at even my wife died; Thou shalt die the deaths of 1 4. (Aon shalt surely die ; that wicked (man) shall die he shall die in his iniquity ; why will ye die, O house of Israel ? Ae shall die for it. surely live, Ae shall not die. shall die of the pestilence. but when he offended in Baal, Ae died. Jeroboam shall die by the sword, thou shalt die in a polluted land: All the sinners of my people shall die we shall not die. that that dieth, let it die ; KAL. — Participle. Gen20: 3. thou (art but) a dead man, 23 : 3. Abraham stood up from before Ais dead, 4. that I may bury my dead 6. choice of our sepulchres bury thy dead; — that thou mayest bury thy dead. 8. that I should bury jny dead 11. give I it thee: bury thy dead. 13. 1 will bury jny dead there. 15. bury therefore thy dead. 30: 1. Give me children, or else I die. 48:21. Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die; 50: 5. made me swear, saying, Lo, I die: 24. Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: Ex. 12:30. a house where (there was) not one dead. 33. We (be) all dead (men). 14:30. Israel saw the Egyptians dead 21: 34. and (Ae dead ^beast) shall be his. 35. (Ae dead (ox) also they shall divide. 36.ajid the dead shall be his own. Lev.21 : 1 1 . Neither shall he go in to any dead body, Nu. 6: 6. he shall come at no dead body. 9. if any man die very suddenly 12: 12. Let her not be as one dead, 16:48(17: 13). between (Ae dead and the living; 49( — : 1 4) . they that died in the plague — ( — : — ) . them that died about the matter of 19: 1 1 . He that toucheth (Ae dead body 13. Whosoever toucheth (Ae dead body 16. or a dead body, or a bone of a man, 1 8. or one slain, or one dead, 25: 9. (Aose that died in the plague Deu 4:22.1 jnust die in this land, 14: 1 . nor make any baldness... for the dead. 17: 6. shall Ae (Aa( is worthy of death 18: 1 1. or a wizard, or a necromancer, (lit. one that enquires of (Ae dead) 25: 5. the wife of (Ae dead 6. the name of his brother (which is) dead, 26:14. nor given (ought) thereof for the dead: Jud. 3:25. their lord (was) fallen down dead 4:22. Sisera lay dead, 16:30. the dead which he slew at his death Ru. 1 : 8. as ye have dealt with (Ae dead, 2: 20. to the living and to (Ae dead. 4: 5. wife of (Ae dead, to raise up the name of the di'ftfl mo ( 679 ) mo Ru. 4 ISa. 24: 2Sa. 9: 14: 16: 19: IK. 3: 16: 21 2K. 48 19; 2023: Ps. 3188 106 115143 Ecc. 4 9 Isa. 8 22 26 37 3859 Jer. 16 2228 Lam. 3 Eze.l 24 44 Zec.ll 2Sa. 1 Jer. 20 Ps.109 Jud. 9 2Sa. 1 ISa 17 28a. 1 Ps. 34 lSa.14 Ex. 1 21 Nu. 14 16 Jud.16 ISa 15 17 30 2Sa 3 13 14: 21 2K. II 14 16 ICh 19 2Ch22 10. the name of (Ae deadupon his inlierilancc. that the name of (Ac dead be not cut off 14(15). after a dead dog, after a flea. 8. such a dead dog as I ( am ) ? 2. a long time mourned for (Ae dead: 9. M'hy should this dead dog curse 6(7 ). all we Aad died this day, 20. laid her dead child in my bosom. 22.ZAedead(is) thy son. And this said, No; but ZAe dead (is) thy son, 23. and thy son (is) (Ae dead, and the other saith, Nay ; but thy son visJ (Ae dead, 1 1 . Him that dieth of Jeroboam — and him that d'uth in the field 4. Him that dieth of Baasha — . and him that dieth of his in the fields 24. Him that dieth of Ahab — and him that dieth in the field 32. the child was dead, 5. he had restored a dead body 35. they (were) all dead corpses. 1. tliou shalt die, and not live. 30. his servants carried him ill a chariot dead 12(13). I am forgotten as a dead man 5(6). Free among the dead, 10(11). "Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead:' 28. and ate the sacrifices of ZAe dead. 17. TAe dead praise not the Lord, ; 3. as Z/tose ZAaZ Aaue been long dead. : 2.1 praised (Ae dead 3. and after tliat (they go) to (Ae dead. 4. a living dog is better than a dead lion. 5.6wt (Ae dead know not any thing, 1 9. unto their God ? for the living to (Ae dead / 2. slain with the sword, nor dead in battle. 14. ( They are) dead, they shall not live ; 19. TAy dead (men) shall live, 36. they (were) all dead corpses. l.thou sAaZZ die, and not live. 10. (we are) in desolate places as dead (men). 7. to comfort them for ZAe dead; 10. Weep ye not_/or ZAe dead, : 16. this year thou shalt die, : 6. us ( they that be ) dead of old. :18.Ae sAaZZ die in his iniquity. 32. the death of Aim (AaZ dieZA, 17. make no mourning for the dead, 25. they shall come at no dead person 9. ZAut that dieth, let it die ; * POLEL Preterite. # 16. Ihave slain the Lord's anointed. 17. Ae slew me not from the womb ; POLEL. — Infinitive. 16. ZAaZ Ae might even slay the broken in heart. POLEL Imperative. :54. Draw thy sword, and slay me, : 9. Stand, 1 pray thee, upon me, and slay me: POLEL.— Future. :51. and slew him, and cut off his head : 10. 1 stood upon him, and slew him, :21(22). Evil shall slay the wicked: POLEL.— Participle. 13. and his armourbearer slew after him. * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * 16. if it (be) a son, then ye shall kill him: 29. but that lie hath killed a man 15. Now (if) (Aom shalt kill (all ) this people 41(17:6). Auce killed the people of tlie Lord. 30. dead which Ae slew at his death were more than (they) which Ae slew in his life. 3. but slug both man and woman, 35. and smote him, and slew him. ¦l.they slew not any, either great 30. Ae 'had slain their brother 2$. then Mil him, fear not: 32. (that) they hare slain all the young men 32.be (any) iniquity in me, let him kill me. 1. because Ae slew the Gibeonites. 20. (Aey dew Athaliah with the sword 6. the' children ofthe murderers Ae slew not: 9. to Kir, and sZeu: Hezin. IS. killed Shophach the captain ofthe host. 11. so that sAe sZeic him not. IK. 2K. 2Ch 23:21. ZAey had slain Athaliah 25: 4.Ae slew not their children, Isa. 14:30. and Iwill kill thy root with famine, 65: 15./or the Lord God shall slay thee, Jer. 26: 19. Did Hezekiah. ..put him at all to death ? 41 : 8. slew them not among their brethren. Hos. 2: 3(5). and slay her with thirst. 9: 16. yeZ will I slay (even) the beloved (fruit) HIPHIL Infinitive. Gcnl8:25. to slay the righteous with the wicked: 37: 18. they conspired against him to slay him. Ex. 4:24. met him, and sought to /till him. 16 : 3. (o kill this whole assembly 17 : 3. Zo AiZZ us and our children Lev.20: 4. and AiZZ him not: Nu. 16: 13. to kill us in the wilderness, Deu 9:28. to slay them in the wilderness. 13: 9(10) & 17: 7. upon him to put him to death, Jud.l3:23.If the Lord were pleased to kill us, 15:13. 6mZ surely we will not kill thee. (lit. but hilling we will not kill thee) ISa. 2: 25. because the Lord would slay them. b: 10. Zo slay us (lit. me) and our people. 19 ; I . that they should kill David. 2. Saul my father seeketh to kill tkee: 5. to slay David without a cause ? 1 1 . and to slag him in the morning: 15. Bring him up to me.,.ZAaZ I may slay him. 20:33. determined ofhis father to slay David. 28: 9. a snare for my life, Zo cause me to die? 2Sa. 3 .37. it was not of the king to slay Abner 8: 2. with two lines measured he toput to death, 20: 19. thou seekest to destroy a city 21: 4. neither for us sAaZZ (Aon AiZZ 3:26, •Il.and in no wise slay it. (lit. and slaying slay it not) 11 :40. Solomon sought therefore to kill Jeroboam. 17: 1 8. to remembrance, and to slay my son ? 20. brought evil upon the widow.. .Ay slaying 18: 9. into the hand of Ahab, to slug me? 5: 7.(0 AiZZ and to make alive, 11 : 15. him that followeth her AiZZ Est. 4:11. one law of his to put (him) to death, Ps. 37:32. and seeketh to slay him. 59[title]( 1 ).they watched the house to kill him. Pro. 19:18. spare for Ais crying, (marg. or, to Ais destruction: or, to cause him to die) Jer. 26:19. Hezekiah... put him at all to death ? (lit. putting to death put they him to death) 21 . the king sought to put him to death : 24. should not give him. ..to jont Aim to death. 38: 15. not sureZy put me to death? (lit. putting to death wilt thou not put me to death) 41: 4. after he had slain Gedaliah, 43: 3. that they might put us to death, Eze.13: 19. to slay tlie souls that should not die, HIPHIL. —Imperative. lSa.20: 8. slay me thyself ; for why 22:17. Turn, and slay the priests ofthe Lord ; HIPHIL.— Future. Gen38: 7. and the Lord slew him. 10. wherefore he slew him also. 42:37. Reuben spake... saying, Slay my two sons, Nu. 35:19. of blood himself sAaZZ siay the murderer: when he meeteth him, Ae sAaZZ slay him. 21 . the revenger of blood shall slay Deu32:39. 1 kill, and I make alive ; Jos. 10:26. Joshua smote them, and slew them, 11 : 17. and smote them, and slew Hum. Jud.I5: 13. but surely ice ic-iZZ not kill thee. 20: 13. ZAaZ we may put them to death, and put 1 Sa. 5:11. that i'Z slay us not, and our people : 11 : 12. the men, (AaZ we may put them to death. 17:50. smote the Philistine, and slew him; 19: 17.whv should I kill //iff/ 22: 18. he fell upon the priests, and slew 30: 15. that (Aou u ill. neither kill me, 2Sa. 4: 7. they smote him, and slew him, 14: 6. the one smote the other, and slew him. 7. ZAaZ ice may kill him, for the life 18:15. and smote Absalom, and slew him. 21:17- smote the Philistine, and killed him. IK. 1 :51.that Ae uill not slay his servant 2: 8. 1 will not put thee to death 26. / will not at this time jiuZ (Aee to death, JT1D ( 680 ) mo IK. 2: 3: 13:15: 2K. 16:19: 7: !4: 15: 21: 23: 25: ICh 2- 10: 2Ch22: 23; 33: Job 5:9: Ps.105Pro.21 ; Isa. 11: Jer. 38: 34. and fell upon him, and slew Mm: 26, 27. and in no wise slay it. 24. a lion met him by the way, and slew him ; 26. hath torn him, and slain him, 28. Even in the third year of Asa.. .did Baasha slay him, 10. went in and smote him, and killed him, 17. him that escapeth... shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth. ..shall Elisha slay. 4. if they kill us, we shall but die. 19. and slew him there. 10. smote him before the people, and slew him, 14. smote Shallum.. .and slew him, 25. and he killed him, and reigned in his room. 30. smote him, and slew him, 23. and slew the king in his own house. 29. and he slew him at Megiddo, 21. the king.. .smote them, and slew them : 3. in the sight of the Lord ; and he slew him. 14. therefore he slew him, and turned : 9. and token they had slain him, they ; 14. Slay her not in the house 15. and when. ..they slew her there. :27.to Lachish after him, and slew him there. 24. conspired against him, and slew him 2. envy slayeth the silly one. 23. If the scourge slay suddenly, 29. waters into blood, and slew their fish. 25. The desire ofthe slothful killeth him; 4. shall he slay the wicked. 15. wilt thou not surely put me to death? 16. Iwill not put thee to death, 'lo.ioe will not put thee to death; 41 : 2. smote Gedaliah. ..and slew him, 8 . Slay us not : for we have treasures 52:27. smote them, andput them to death HIPHIL Participle. ISa. 2: 6. The Lord killeth, 2K. 17:26. and, behold, they slay them, Job 33:22. his life to the destroyers. Jer. 26: 15. if ye put me to death, # HOPHAL.— Preterite, w Deu 21 : 22. and he be to be put to death, 2Sa.2t : 9. and were put to death in the days of harvest, 2K. 11: 2. so that he was not slain. HOPHAL.— Future. Gen26: 1 1 . shall surely be put to death. Ex. 19: 12. whosoever.. .shall be surely pat to death: 2 1 : 12. smiteth aman, ...shall be surely put lo death. 15. smiteth his father,. ..shall be.. .put to death. 16. Ae shall surely be put to death. 17. his mother, shall surely be put to death. 29. his owner also shall be put to death. 22:19{\&) &31: 14. shall surely be put to death. 31 : 15. Ae shall surely be put to death. 35 : 2. doeth work therein shall be put to death. Lev. 19. 20. they shall not be put to death, 20: 2, 15. Ae shall surely be put to death: 9. shall be surely put to death: 10. the adulteress shall surely be put to death. 11, 12. of them shall surely be put to death; 13, 16. they shall surely be put to death ; 21. a wizard, shall surely be put to death: 24: 16. Ae shall surely be put to death, — (ofthe Lord), shall be put to death. 17. any man shall surely be put to death. 21 . Ae shall be put to death. 27: 29. (but) shall surely be put to death. Nu. 1:51. that cometh nigh shall be put to death. 3:10, 38. the stranger... shall be put to death. 15:35. The man shall be surely put to death: 18: 7. the stranger... shall be put to death. 35: 16, 17, 18. murderer shall surely be put to death. 21. he that smote (him) shall surely be put to death; 31 . Ae shall be surely put to death. Deul3: 5 (6). shall be put to death ; 17: 6. shall he that is worthy of death be put to death ; — he shall not be put to death. 24 : 16. The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death Jos, 1 : 18. he shall be put to death: only Jud. 6:31. let him be put to death whilst 21 : 5. He shall surely be put to death. lSa.ll:13. There shall not a man be put to death 19: 6. (As) the Lord liveth, Ae shall not be slain. 20:32. Wherefore shall he be slain? 2Sa. 19:21(22). Shall not Shimei be put to death 22{23). shall there any man be put to death IK. 2:24. Adonijah shall be put to death 2K. 11; 8. within the ranges, let hvn be slain: 15. Let her not be slain in the house of the 16. and there was she slain. 14: 6. The fathers shall not be put to death for fhe children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers ; but every man shall be put to death for 2Chl5:13.not seek the Lord...sAow7d be put to death, 23: 7. the house, Ae shall be put to death: 14. let him be slain with the sword. Jer. 38: 4. let this man be put to death: Eze. 18: 13. Ae shall surely die; his blood HOPHAL.— Participle. 1 Sa. 1 9 : 1 1 . to morrow thou shalt be slain. 2K. 11: 2. the king's sons MiAicA were slain; 2Ch 22: 11. the king's sons (Aa( were slain, rYlfi mahl~veth, m. V T 3 Gen21 : 25: 26 27 50 Ex. 10 Lev.ll 16 Nu. 6 16 23: 26: 33: 35 Deul9 21 Jos. 30 31 20 Jud. 1 o 1316 Ru. 1 2 ISa. 5 15 20 26: 2Sa. 1 12: 5 Let me not see ZAe deaZA of the child. after ZAe deaZA of Abraham, after ZAe deaZA of Abraham: I know not the day of my death : and bless thee. ..before my death. that he may bless thee before Ais death. Thy father did command before Ae died, take away from me this deaZA when they be dead, shall be unclean when they are dead, doth fall, after ZAe deaZA of the two sons or for his sister, when they die: If these men die ZAe common deaZA of all men, (marg. as every man dieth) Let me die ZAe deaZA of the righteous, when that company died, when he died in mount Hor. unto the death of the high priest, until the death of the high priest: but after ZAe deaZA of the high priest until ZAe deaZA o/the priest. he (was) not worthy of death, man have committed a sin worthy of death, in the damsel no sin (worthy) of death: life and good, and deaZA and evil ; I have set before you life and death, how much more after my death? I know that after my death the children of Israel before Ais deaZA. And Moses. ..when he died: after (Ae dea(A of Moses deliver our lives from death. until (Ae deaZA o/the high priest after ZAe deaZA 0/ Joshua when the judge was dead, from the womb to the day of Ais deaZA. the dead which he slew at his death (if ought) but deatA part thee and me. since (Ae deaZA of thine husband: there was a deadly destruction (lit. de struction of deaZA ) Surely the bitterness of deaZA is past. until the day of his death: but a step between me and death. for he shall surely die. (marg. (is) the son of dea/A ) worthy to die, (marg. the sons of death) after ZAe deaZA of Saul, and in their death they were not divided: Died Abner as a fool dieZ/i ? Michal.. .had no child unto the day of Aer death. this (thing) shall surely die: (marg. (is) worthy Zo die; lit. (is) a son of death) whether in death or life, 29). all (of) my father's house were but dead men (marg. men of death) mo 2Sa.22: 5. When the waves of deaZA compassed me, 6. the snares of death prevented me ; |K. 2:26. worthy of deaZA.- (marg. a man of deaZA) 11 :40. until (Ae deaZA of Solomon. 2K. 1 : 1 ¦ after ZAe death of Ahab. 2:21. any more deaZA or barren (land). 3: b.when Ahab was dead, 4:40. (there is) deaZA in the pot. 14: 17. after (Ae deaZA of Jehoash 15: 5. a leper unto the day of his death, ICh 2:24. after that Hezron was dead 22: 5. prepared abundantly before Ais death. 2Ch22: 4. after ZAe deaZA o/his father 24: 15. hundred and thirty years old.. .ivAen he died. 17. after (Ae deaZA of Jehoiada 22. And when he died, he said, 25. after ZAe deaZA of Joash 2 1 . a leper unto the day of Ais death, 33. did him honour at his death. 7. when her father and mother were dead, 21 . Which long/or death, 20. he shall redeem thee from death: \b. death rather than my life. 13. the firstborn of death 15. that remain. ..shall be buried in death: 22. Destruction and death say, 23. thou wilt bring me (to) death, 17. Have the gates of death been opened 5(6). in deatli (there is) no remembrance of 13(14). the instruments of death; 13(14).tiftest me up from the gates of deaZA . • 3(4). lest I sleep the (sleep of) death; 4(5). The sorrows of death compassed me, 5(6). the snares of death prevented me. 15( 16). brought me into the dust of death. 19. To deliver their soul from death, 14(15). deaZA shall feed on them; 17( 18). roAen Ae dieZA he shall carry nothing 4(5). the terrors of death are fallen upon me. 15Z16). Let deaZA seize upon them, :13(14).hast delivered my soul from death: :20(21 ).the issues from death. 4. (there are) no bands in their death: 50. spared not their soul from death, 48(49). What man. ..shall not see death? 18. they draw near unto the gates of death. 3. The sorrows of death compassed me, 8. delivered my soul from death, 15. (Ae deaZA of his saints. 18.6nZ he hath not given me over unto death. 18. her house inclineth unto death, 5. Her feet go down to death; 27. the chambers of death. 36. all they that hate me love death. 2& 1 1 :4. righteousness delivereth/romdeaZA 7. When a wicked man dieZA, 19. he that pursueth evil...(o Ais own death. 28. the pathway (thereof there is) no deuZA. 1 4. to depart from the snares of death. 12. the end thereof (are) the ways of death. 27. to depart from the snares of death. 32. the righteous hath hope in his death. :14,(as) messengers of death: 25. the end thereof (are) the ways of death. 21. Death and life (are) in the power ofthe 6. tossed to and fro of them that seek death. 1 1 . (them that are) drawn unto death, : 18. firebrands, arrows, and death, '¦ \9.as the one die(A, so dieZA the other ; : I . the Aay of death than the day of one's birth. 26. more bitter Z/tan dea(A the woman, : 8. power in the day of death: : l.Dead flies (marg. Flies of deaZA) cause the ointment of the : 6. love (is) strong as death; I. In the year (Aa( king Uzziah died 28. In the year that king Ahaz died 8. He will swallow up deaZA 15, We have made a covenant with death, 18. your covenant with deaZA 18.deaZA can (not) celebrate thee: 9. with the rich in his death; (marg. deaths) 12. poured out his soul nnZo death: 3. death shall be chosen 21(20). deaZA is come up into our windows, 2. Such as (are) for dea/A, to death; 21. let their men be put to death; 25 2632 Est. 2 Job 3 5 7 18 27 28 3038 Ps. 6 13 13 2233 49555668 7378 89 107116 118 Pro. 2 57 1618 21 24 26 Ecc. 3 7 8 10 Cant.8 Isa, 6 14 2528 53 ler. 89 15 IS ( 681 ) nto Jer. 18:23. all their counsel against me to slay (me) : ( marg. for death ) 21 : 8. the way of life, and the way of death. 26: II. This man (is) worthy to die; (marg. The judgment of death (is) for this man) 16. This man (is) not worthy to die : (lit. id.) 43:11. such (as are ) for death to death ; 52: 11. in prison till the day of Ais death. 34. a portion until the day of Ais death, Lam. 1:20. at home (there is) as death. Eze.l8:23.ZZia( the wicked should die? 32. no pleasure in the death of him 28:10. die (Ae deaths ofthe uncircumcised 31 : 14. they are all delivered unto death, 33: 1 1 . no pleasure in the death o/the wicked ; Hos.l3:14.I will redeem them from death: O death, Jon. 4: 3. (it is) better for me to die 8. (It is) better for me to die than to live. 9. to be angry, (even) unto death. Hab. 2: 5. his desire as hell, and (is) as deaZA, 1TD mohth, Ch. m. Ezr. 7:26. whether (it be) unto death, or to TrM2 mooth, m. Ps. 9[title](l). chief Musician upon JWaZA-labben, 48:14(15). our guide (even) unto deaZA. Iflifi muh-thuhr' , m. Pro. 14: 23. In all labour there is profit: 21 : 5. (tend) only to plenteousness ; Ecc. 3: 19. so ZAaZ a man hath no preeminence nSTO miz-beh'agh, m. Gen 8: 12: 13: 22 26 33 35 Ex. 17 20 20. Noah builded an altar — offered burnt offerings on the altar. 7. there builded he an altar 8. there he builded an altar 4. Unto the place of (Ae altar, 18. built there an attar unto the Lord. 9. Abraham built an altar there, — laid him on (Ae altar 25. he builded an altar there, 20. And he erected there an altar, 1 . make there an altar unto God, 3. 1 will make there an altar 7. he built there an altar, 15. And Moses built an altar, 24. An altar of earth thou shalt make 25. if thou wilt make me an altar of 26. go up by steps unto mine altar, 14. thou shalt take him from mine altar, 4. builded an altar under the hill, 6. the blood he sprinkled on (Ae aZ(ar. 1 . thou shalt make an altar — ZAe altar shall be foursquare : 5. compass of ZAe altar beneath, that the net may be even to the midst of ZAe altar. 6. thou shalt make staves for the altar, 7. be upon the two sides of ZAe altar, : 43. when they come near unto ZAe altar : 12. put (it) upon the horns of ZAe altar — beside the bottom of ZAe aZZar. 13. burn (them) upon the altar. 16. sprinkle ( it) round about upon ZAe altar. 18. burn the whole ram upon the altar: 20. sprinkle the blood upon ZAe altar 21. the blood that (is) upon (Ae altar, 25. burn (them) upon ZAe altar 36. thou shalt cleanse ZAe altar, 37, an atonement for the altar, and sanctify it; and it shall be an altar most holy: what soever toucheth ZAe altar shall be holy. 38. thou shalt offer upon ZAe altar; 44. the congregation, and (Ae altar: 1 . thou shalt make an altar to burn 18. the congregation and (Ae altar, 20. when they come near to ZAe altar 27. and ZAe attar of incense, 28. (Ae «Z(nr of burnt offering 31: 8. (Ae altar of incense, 27 30 3,0 ( 682 ) 2t0 Ex. 31 : 9.(Ae altar o/burnt offering 32: 5. he built an altar before it ; 34: 13. Rut ye shall destroy (Aeir altars, 35: \5.the incense altar, and his staves, 16. 7'Ae altar o/burnt offering, 37:25. he made (Ae incense altar 38: l.he made (Ae altar o/burnt offering 3. he made all the vessels of the altar, 4. he made for the altar a brasen grate 7. the rings on the sides of (Ae altar, 30. and the brasen altar, — all the vessels of the altar, 39:3$. the golden altar, and the anointing oil, 39. The brasen altar, and his grate 40: 5. thou shalt set (Ae altar of gold 6. set (Ae altar ofthe burnt offering 7. the tent ofthe congregation and (Ae altar, Ju. shalt anoint (Ae altar of the burnt offering, and all his vessels, and sanctify the altar: and it shall be an altar most holy. 26. he put (Ae golden altar in the tent 29. he put (Ae altar o/burnt offering 30. tent of the congregation and the altar, 32. they came near unto (Ae altar, 33. round about the tabernacle and the altar, Lev. 1: 5. blood round about upon (Ae altar 7. shall put fire upon (Ae altar, 8, 12. the fire which (is) upon (Ae altar: 9. the priest shall burn all on the altar, 1 1 . kill it on the side of (Ae altar — blood round about upon (Ae altar. 13. burn (it) upon the attar: 15. the priest shall bring it unto (Ae altar, — on the altar; and the blood thereof shall be wrung out at the side of (Ae altar: 16. cast it beside (Ae altar 17. the priest shall burn it upon the altar, 2: 2. burn the memorial of it upon the altar, 8. he shall bring it unto (Ae altar. 9. shall burn (it) upon the altar: 12. shall not be burnt on (Ae altar 3: 2. shall sprinkle the blood upon (Ae altar 5. shall burn it on the altar 8. round about upon the altar. 1 1 . the priest shall burn it upoji the altar : 13. upon (Ae altar round about. 16. priest shall burn them upon the altar: 4: 7. blood upon the horns of (Ae altar of — the bullock at the bottom of (Ae altar of 10. shall burn them upon (Ae altar of If. blood upon the horns of (Ae altar — the blood at the bottom of (Ae altar of 19. burn (it) upon the altar. 25, 30, 34. (it) upon the horns of (Ae altar of — blood at the bottom of the altar 26. burn all his fat upon the idtar, 30. thereof at the bottom of (Ae altar. 31. shall burn (it) upon the altar 34. blood thereof at the bottom of (Ae altar: 35. shall burn them upon the altar, 5: 9. upon the side of (Ae altar; — out at the bottom of (Ae altar: 12. burn (it) on the altar, 6: 9(u).thc burning upon (Ae altar — (-).the fire of (Ae altar shall be burning lo(3). with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar. 12(5). the fire upon (Ae altar shall be 13(6). shall ever be burning upon (Ae altar; 14(7 ). before the Lord, before the altar. 15(8). sliall burn (it) upon the altar 7: 2. sprinkle round about upon (Ae altar. 5. the priest shall burn them upon the altar 31. shall burn the fat upon the attar: 8 : 1 1 . he sprinkled thereof upon the altar — and anointed the altar and all 15. put (it) upon the horns of the altar — and purified the altar, and poured the blood at the bottom of the altar, 16.JVIos.es burned (it) upon the altar. 19, 24. sprinkled the blood upon the altar 21. burnt the whole ram upon the altar: 28. burnt (them) on the altar 30. the blood which (was) upon (Ae altar, 9: 7. Go unto the altar, 8. Aaron therefore went unto the altar, 9. put (it) upon the horns vf the altar, Lev, 17: Nu. 18: 9: 9. the blood at the bottom of (Ae altar: 10. he burnt upon the altar; 12. sprinkled round about upon (Ae altar. 13. and he burnt (them) upon (Ae altar. 14. the burnt offering on the altar. 17. burnt (it) upon (Ae altar, 18. which he sprinkled upon (Ae altar 20. he burnt the fat upoji the altar: 24. upon the altar the burnt offering 10:12. eat it without leaven beside the altar: 14:20. the meat offering upoji tlie altar: 16: 12. burning coals of fire from off the altar 18. he shall go out unto (Ae altar — put (it) upon the horns of (Ae altar 20. the altar, he shall bring 25. shall he burn upon the altar. 33. of the congregation, and for (Ae altaj; 6. sprinkle the blood upon (Ae altar of 1 1 . to you upon the altar 21 : 23. nor come nigh unto (Ae altar, 22 : 22. an offering by fire of them upon (Ae altar 3: 26. by (Ae altar round about, 31. the candlestick, ajid the altars, 4:11 . upon (Ae golden altar they shall spread 13. take away the ashes from (Ae altar, 14. all the vessels of (Ae altar; 26. by (Ae altar round about, 5:25- offer it upon the altar: 26. and burn (it) upon the altar, 7: 1 . both the altar and all the vessels 10. offered for dedicating of (Ae altar — offered their offering before (Ae altar. ll.for the dedicating of (Ae altar. 84, 88. This (was) the dedication of (Ae altar, 1 6 : 38( 17: 3) . plates (for) a covering ofthe altar : 39( — : j|, (plates for) a covering ofthe altar: 46( — : 11). put fire therein from off the altar, 3. the vessels of the sanctuary and (Ae altar, 5. the charge of (Ae altar: 7. for every thing of (Ae altar, 17. sprinkle their blood upon (Ae altar, 23: 1, 29. Build me here seven altars, 2. on (every ) altar a bullock and a ram. 4. 1 have prepared seven altars, — upon (every ) altar a bullock and a ram. 14. and built seven altars, — , 30. a bullock and a ram oji (every) altar. Deu 7: 5. ye shall destroy (Aeir altars, 12: 3. ye shall overthrow (Aeir altars, 27, 27. upon (Ae altar o/the Lord 16:21. trees near unto (Ae altar of 26: 4. set it down before (Ae altar of 27 : 5. shalt thou build an altar — an altar of stones: 6. build the altar o/the Lord thy God 33: 10. burnt sacrifice upon thine altar. Jos. 8:30. Then Joshua built an altar 3l.au altar of whole stones, 9:27. and for the altar o/the Lord, 22 : 10. there an altar by Jordan, a great altar 1 1 . have built an altar over against 16. in that ye have builded you an altar, 19. in building you an attar beside the altar of the Lord 23. That we have built us an altar 2G, prepare to build us an altar, 28. behold the pattern of (Ae altar of 29. to build an altar for burnt offerings, — beside (Ae altar ofthe Lord 34. called (Ae altar (Ed): Jud. 2: 2. ye shall throw down their altars: 6. 24. Then Gideon built un altar there 25. throw down (Ae altar o/Baal 26. And build an altar unto the Lord 28. (Ae altar (/Baal was cast down, — second bullock was offered upon (Ae altar 30. he hath cast down (Ae aliur (/Baal, 3! .because (one) hath cast down Ins altar. 32. because he hath thrown down his aliur. 13: 20. toward heaven from eff the altar, — in the flame of (Ae altar. 21: 4. built there aji altar, ISa. 2: 28. to offer upon mine altar, 33. 1 shall not cut off from mine altar, 7: 17. and there he built an altar 14:35. And Saul built an altar.. .the same was the first altar nto 2Sa.24:18.rear an altar unto the Lord 21. to build an altar unto the Lord, 25. David built there an altar IK. 1:50, 51. hold on the horns of the altar. 53. brought him down from (Ae altar. 2:28. caught hold on the horns of (Ae altar. 29. behold, (he is) by (Ae altar. 3: 4. did Solomon offer upon that altar. 6:20. and (so) covered ZAe altar 22. also ZAe whole altar 7:48. ZAe altar o/gold, and the table of gold, 8:22. Solomon stood before ZAe altar ofthe Lord 31. the oath come before ZAine altar 54. he arose from before ZAe altar of 64. (Ae brasen altar that (was) before the Lord 9:25. upon ZAe altar which he built 12:32, 33, 33. he offered upon (Ae altar. 13: 1. Jeroboam stood by the altar 2. he cried against (Ae altar in the word of the Lord, and said, 0 altar, altar, 3. the altar shall be rent, 4. which had cried against ZAe altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from ZAe altar, 5. The altar also was rent, and the ashes poured out from ZAe altar, 32. against ZAe altar in Beth-el, 16:32. he reared up an aZZar for Baal 18:26. they leaped upon ZAe altar 30. he repaired (Ae altar ofthe Lord 32. And with the stones he built an altar — he made a trench about (Ae altar, 35. the water ran round about (Ae altar; 19:10, 14. thrown down (Aine altars, 2K. 1 1 : 1 1 . by the altar and the temple. 18. Ais altars and his images — the priest of Baal before (Ae altars, 12: 9(10). set it beside the altar, 16: 10. saw an altar that (was) at Damascus: — the fashion of ZAe aZ(a7*, 1 1 . And Urijah the priest built an altar 12. the king saw (Ae altar: and the king approached to (Ae altar, 13. his peace offerings, upon (Ae altar. 14. he brought also ZAe brasen altar, — from between ZAe altar — put it on the north side of ZAe altar. lb. Upon (Ae great altar burn — and the brasen altar shall be for me 18:22. whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away, — Ye shall worship before this altar 21: 3. he reared up altars for Baal, 4. he built altars in the house of the Lord, 5. he built altars for all the host of heaven 23: 9. came not up to ZAe altar o/the 12. ZAe altars that (were) on the top — and (Ae altars which Manasseh had made 15. (Ae aZZar that (was) at Beth-el, — made, both that altar and the high place 16. burned (them) upon (Ae altar, 17. that thou hast done against (Ae altar of 20. that ( were) there upon ZAe altars, ICh. 6:49(34). Aaron and his sons offered upon ZAe altar of the burnt offering, and on ZAe aZZar of incense, 16: 40. upon ZAe altar ofthe burnt offering 21: 18. set up an altar unto the Lord 22. that 1 may build an altar 26. David built there an altar unto the Lord, — by fire upon ZAe altar o/burnt offering. 29. and (Ae altar ofthe burnt offering, 22: l.this (is) ZAe altar ofthe burnt offering 28:18. And for the altar of incense 2Ch. 1: b. Moreover the brasen nZZar, that Bezaleel 6. went up thither to ZAe brasen altar 4: 1. Moreover he made an altar o/brass, 19. ZAe golden altar also, 5: 12. stood at the east end ofthe altar, 6:12. he stood before ZAe altar of 22. and the oath come before ZAine altar 7: 7. ZAe brasen altar which Solomon had 9. kept the dedication of (Ae altar 8:12. on ZAe altar ofthe Lord, 14: 3(2). For he took away ZAe altars 15: 8. renewed ZAe aZZar o/the Lord, 23: 10. along by the altar and the temple, 17. brake Ais altars and his images — the priest of Baal before ZAe altars. ( 683 ) JIO 2Ch 26 : 16. to burn incense upon ZAe altar of 19. from beside ZAe incense aZZar. 28:24. he made him altars in every corner 29 : 1 8. (Ae altar of burnt offering, 19. they (are) before ZAe altar ofthe Lord. 21. to offer (them) on ZAe altar of 22. sprinkled (it) on the altar: — , 22. they sprinkled the blood upon the altar 24. their blood upon the altar, 27. the burnt offering upon the altar. 30: 14. they arose and took away (Ae altars 31 : 1 . ZAe altars out of all Judah 32: 12. taken away his high places and Ais altars, — Ye shall worship before one altar, 33: 3. he reared up altars for Baalim, 4. Also he built altars in the house 5. he built altars for all the host of heaven 15. all ZAe altars that he had built 16. he repaired (Ae altar of the Lord, 34: 4. they brake down ZAe altars of Baalim 5. bones of the priests upon their altars, 7. when he had broken down (Ae altars 35 : 16. to offer burnt offerings upon ZAe altar of Ezr. 3 : 2. builded ZAe altar of the God of Israel, 3. they set ZAe altar upon his bases ; Nehl0:34(35).to burn upon ZAe aZZa?- of Ps. 26: 6. so will I compass (Aine altar, 43: 4. Then will I go unto ZAe aZZar of God, 51 : 1 9(21 ). they offer bullocks upon (Aine altar. 84: 3(4). (even) thine altars, O Lord of hosts, 118: 27. unto the horns of the altar. Isa. 6 : 6. taken with the tongs from off (Ae altar : 17: 8. he shall not look to ZAe altars, 19:19. In that day shall there be an altar 27 : 9. maketh all the stones of ZAe altar 36: 7. whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away, — Ye shall worship before this aZZar / 56: 7. accepted upon mine altar; 60: 7. with acceptance on mine altar, Ser. ll:13.have ye set up altars to (that) shameful thing, (even) altars to burn incense 17: 1 . upon the horns of your altars ; 2. their children remember ZAeir altars Lam. 2: 7. The Lord hath cast off Ais altar, Eze. 6: 4. your altars shall be desolate, 5. scatter your bones round about your altars. 6. that your altars may be laid waste 13. round about (Aeir altars, 8 : 5. at the gate of (Ae altar 16. between the porch and ZAe altar, 9: 2. stood beside ZAe brasen altar. 40: 46. the keepers ofthe charge of (Ae altar: 47. and the altar (that was) before 41 :22. The altar of wood 43: 13. measures of ZAe altar after the cubits: — the higher place of ZAe altar. 18. These (are) the ordinances of ZAe altar 22. they shall cleanse ZAe aZZar, 26. Seven days shall they purge (Ae aZZar 27. make your burnt offerings upon (Ae altar, 45: 19. the four corners ofthe settle ofthe altar, 47 : 1 . at the south ( side ) of the altar. Hos. 8:11. Ephraim hath made many a/tars to sin, altars shall be unto him to sin. 10: 1 . he hath increased ZAe altars; 2. he shall break down ZAeir altars, 8. shall come up on ZAeir altars; 12:ll(]2). their altars (are ) as heaps Joel 1:13. howl, ye ministers of (Ae altar : 2: 17. between the porch and the altar, Am. 2: 8. laid to pledge by every altar, 3:14.1 will also visit ZAe altars of Beth-el: the horns of ZAe altar shall be cut off, 9: 1. 1 saw the Lord standing upon ZAe altar: Zee. 9: 15. as the corners of ZAe aZZar. 14:20. be like the bowls before ZAe altar. Mai. 1: 7. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar , ; 10. do ye kindle ( fire) on mine altar 2:13. covering (Ae altar o/the Lord JTfa [meh'-zeg], m. Cant.7: 2(3). a round goblet, (which) wanteth not liquor: (u:arg. mixture) nto HTp [wzaA-ze/V], adj. Deu 32:24. (They shall be) AwraZ with hunger, iTz3 [wzeA'-zew], m. Ps. 144: 13. o«i* garners (may be) full, nma m #00- l(lh\ f. Ex. 12: 21 Deu 6 II Jud.16 ISa. 1 IK. 67 Pro. 8 Isa. 57 Eze.41 4345 19. 46: 2, strike (it) on (Ae two side posts the two side posts with the blood on (Ae two side posts, or unto (Ae door post; write them upon the posts ofthy house, write them upon (Ae door posts of and (Ae two posts, sat upon a seat by a post of the temple the lintel (and) side posts the door of (Ae temple posts all the doors and posts waiting at (Ae posts of my doors. the doors also and the posts hast thou set The posts (marg. post) ofthe temple and their post by jny posts, put (it) upon the posts o/the house, upon (Ae posts of the gate shall stand by (Ae post of the gate, ( 684 ) DID n?3T0 mzim-mah' \ f. Job 21 \27. and tlie devices (which) ye wrongfully 42: 2. no thought can be withholden from thee. Ps. 10: 2. let them be taken in the devices 4. God (is) not in all Ais thoughts. 21:11(12). they imagined a mischievous device, 37 : 7 . man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. 139: 20. they speak against thee wickedly, Pro. 1 : 4. the young man knowledge and discretion. (marg. or, advisement) 2:11. Discretion shall preserve thee, 3:21. keep sound wisdom and discretion: 5 : 2. That thou mayest regard discretion, 8: 12. find out knowledge of witty inventions. 12: 2. a man of wicked devices will he condemn. 1 4 : 1 7 . a man of wicked devices is hated. 24: 8. called a mischievous person, (lit. a mis chief 'master) Jer. 11:15. she hath wrought lewdness 23:20. have performed (Ae thoughts o/his heart: 30:24. have performed (Ae intents ofhis heart: 51 : ll.for his device (is) against Babylon, |1M3 mah-zohn\ m. Gen 45: 23. laden with corn and bread and meat 2ph.l 1 :23. he gave them victual in abundance. pTO mah-zohn' \ Ch. m. Dan 4:l2(9),21(18).andin it (was) meat for all: ^VlTfi mah-zohr1) m. Jer. 30:13. to plead thy cause, that thou jnayesf be bound up: (marg. for binding up, or, pressing ) Hos. 5:13. Judah (saw) Ais wound, — nor cure you of your ivound. nilfi mah-zohr' ', m. Obad, 7. thy bread have laid a wound (perhaps, lit. a snare) Pitt? mtti-za'gh & !TTz2 m'zee'agh, m. Job 12:21. weakeneth (Ae strength of the mighty. Ps.l09:l9. and for a girdle wherewi'th he is girded Isa. 23: 10. (there is) no more strength, (marg. girdle) h '|0 maz-lehg', m. ISa. 2:13. with afleshhook of three teeth 14. all that the fleshhook brought up T\)!bp miz-lah-gohth' ', f. pi. Ex. 27: 3. and his fleshhooks, 38: 3. the basons, (and) the fleshhooks, Nu. 4: 14. the censers, (Ae fleshhooks, 1 Ch 28. 17. Also pure gold for the fleshhooks, 2Ch. 4: 16. the shovels, and the fleshhooks, tybfi maz-zuh-lohth' , f. pi. 2K. 23: 5. to the moon, and to the planets, (marg. or, twelve signs, or, constellations) "VlfoT/3 miz-mohr', m. Ps. 3 &4&5 &6&8&9&12&13&15&19&20 & 21 & 22 & 23[title](l).4 PsaZm of David, 24[title](l).yl Psalm of David. 29[title1(l).4 Psalm of David. 30Ltitle](l).^ Psalm (and) Song (at) the dedi cation of the house of David. 31 & 38 & 39[title]( 1 ). A Psalm of David. 40 f ¦•¦ 4147 48 ;title](l).jl Psalm of David. title]( 1 ). A Psalm of David. title" ( 1 ) . A Psalm for the sons of Korah. title" ( 1 ) . A Song ( and) Psalm for the sons of Korah. 49 [title] ( 1 ) . A Psalm for the sons of Korah. 50 [title] ( I). A Psalm of Asaph. 51&62&63 8c64[title](l).J Psalm of David, 65 [title] (1).^4 Psalm (and) Song of David. 66 [title] (I ). To the chief Musician, A Song (or) Psalm. 67[title](l). Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm (or) Song. 68[title]( 1).^1 Psalm (or) Song of David. 73 [title] (1). A Psalm of Asaph. 75 & 76 [title] (I). A Psalm (or) Song of Asaph. 77 [title] (1 ). A Psalm of Asaph. 79 'title] (I). A Psalm of Asaph. 80 "title] (1 ).A Psalm of Asaph. 82 title] ( 1 ) . ^4 Psalm of Asaph. 83 [title] (1). A Song (or) Psalm of Asaph. 84 & 85[title] (1 ). A Psalm for the sons of Korah. 87 [title] (I). A Psalm (or) Song for the sons of Korah. 88 [title] (1). A Song (or) Psalm for the sons of Korah, 92 [title] ( 1 ). A Psalm (or) Song for the sabbath 98\title'(l).A Psalm. 100 "title" (I). A Psalm of praise. 101 "title" (I). A Psalm of David. 108[title](l). A Song (or) Psalm of David. 109&110&139[title](l)..l Psalm of David. 140& 141 & 143[title] (1). A Psalm of David. nnpji? maz-mtli-rohth' , f. pi. Isa. 2: 4. their spears into pruninghooks: (marg. scythes) 18: 5. cut offthe sprigs wizA pruninghooks, Joel 3: 10(4: 10). and your pruninghooks (marg. scythes) Mic. 4: 3. their spears into pruninghooks: nilz?Tz? m 'zam-mrohtk ', f. pi. IK. 7 : 50. the bowls, and the snuffers, 2K. 12: 13(1 4). bowls ofsilver, snuffers, 25: 14. the pots, and the shovels, and ZAe snuffers, 2Ch. 4: 22. A ml the snuffers, and the basons, Jer. 52: IS.unrl /Ap ™„no * ITHP'AL.— Future. * Ezr. 6: 11. let him be hanged (marg. destroyed) thereon ; Isa. 32: tf^rp mah-ghaveh' , m. 2. a man shall be as an hiding place CXhna mah-ghavoh-eem' ', ni. pi. ISa. 23:23. take knowledge of all ZAe lurking places ni"l3np mghab-b'rohtti , f. ICh .22: 3. the gates, and for the joinings; 2Ch.34: 11. stone, and timber for couplings, Pl. rVl3n£ magh-beh'-reth, f. Ex. 26: 4. curtain, in the coupling o/the second. 5. that (is) in the coupling ofthe second ; 28:27. over against the (other) coupling thereof, 36:1 1 .from the selvedge in the coupling: — , 12. hi the coupling o/the second. 17. of the curtain in the couplhig, 39: 20. against (Ae (other) coupling thereof, roni? mak-ghavath', f. Lev. 2: 5. a meat offering (baken) in a pan, (marg. or, on a fat plate, or, slice) 6:21(14). In a pan it shall be made 7: 9. in the fryingpan, and in (Ae pan, (marg. or, on the flat plate, or, slice) 1 Ch 23: 29. ajid for (that which is baked in) (Ae pan, (marg. or, flat plate) Eze. 4: 3. take thou unto thee an iron pan, (marg. or, a flat plate, or, dice) filing mah-ghagoli '-reth, f. Isa. 3:24. a girding of sackcloth ; nnG mah-ghah*. T T O • ¦» KAL.— Preterite. # Gen 7: 4. and every living substance. ..will I destroy (marg. blot out) Nu. 5:23. ajid he shall blot (them) out Deu 29:20(19). aad the Lord shall blot out his name 2K. 21 ;13. and I will wipe Jerusalem as (a man) wipeth a dish, wiping (marg. Ae wipeth) Ps. 9: 5(6). thou hast put out their name Pro.30:20. she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, Isa. 25: 8. and the Lord God ivill wipe away tears 44:22. 1 have blotted out,., .thy transgressions, KAL. — Infinitive. Ex. 17:14.1 will utterly put out the remembrance (lit. putting out I will Sec. ) 2K. 14:27. that he would blot out the name of Israel KAL. — Imperative. Ex. 32:32. blot me, I pray thee, out of Ps. 51: 1(3). blot out my transgressions. 9(11). blot out all mine iniquities. KAL. — Future. Gen 6: 7. And the Lord said, I will destroy man Ex. 17:14. Iwill utterly j>u£ out the remembrance of 32:33. Aim will I blot out ofmy book. Deu 9; 14. and blot out their name from under 25: 19. (Aow shalt blot out the remembrance 2K. 21 ;13.as {a man) wipeth a dish, K A L. — Participle. Poel . Isa. 43: 25. he that blotteth out thy transgressions •X- NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Eze. 6: 6. and your works may be abolished. NIPHAL Future. Gen. 7:23. And every living substance was destroyed — and they were destroyed from the earth: Deu25: 6. that his name be not put out Jud. 21 : 17. that a tribe be not destroyed Neh. 4: 5(3:37). let not their sin be blotted out Ps. 69:28(29). Let them be blotted oid 109: 13.Ze( their name be blotted out. 14. Ze/ not the sin of his mother be blotted out. Pro. 6:33. his reproach shall not Ae wiped away. * HIPHIL.— Infinitive. # Pro.31 : 3. to that which destroyeth kings. HIPHIL Future. Neh 13:14. wipe not out my good deeds Jer. 18:23. neither blot out their sin PlHD [mah-ghah]. X PUAL.— Participle. * Isa. 25; 6. of fat things full of marrow, nnD mah-ghah' '. T T O • #KAL.— Preterite. # Nu. 34 : 1 1 . and shall reach unto the side of n^inp nighoo-gali , f. Isa. 44:13. and he marketh it out with (Ae compass, TirtO [mah-ghohzf], m. Ps. 107: 30. bringeth them unto their desired haven. b in?3 mah-'gholil', m. Ps 30 : 1 1 ( 12 ). for me my mourning into dancing: 149: 3. praise his name in the dance: (marg. with the pipe ) 150: 4. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: (marg. pipe) Jer. 31 : 4. shalt go forth in the dances of them 13. Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, Lam. 5: 15. our dance is turned into mourning. Tvf\rM? [m'ghdh-la/i'l f. Ex. 15:20. with timbrels and with dajices. 32: 19. saw the calf, and the dancing: Jud.l 1 : 34. with timbrels and with dances : 21 ; 2 [.come out to dance in dajices, ISa. 18: 6. singing and dajicing, 21:11(12). sing one to another of him in dances, 29: 5. whom they sang one to another in dances, Cant. 6 : 1 3( 7 : 1 ) . As it were the company of two armies. HTHD mah-gMzeh* \ m. Gen 15: l.the Lord came unto Abram /// a vision, Nu. 24: 4, 16. saw the vision ofthe Almighty, Eze. 13: 7. Have ye not seen a vain vision, HTfiO meh-ghtzah'9 f. IK. 7: 4. and light (was) against light (marg. sight against sight ) 5. and light (was) against light *nO ru' ghee 9 m. Eze.26: 9. And he shall set ejiyines of war 'no nVTS? mee-gf/yati ', f. ( 637 ) ono T\ppTp mah-ghaloli'-keth, f. Gen45: 5. did send me before you to preserve life. Lev. 13: 10. and (there be) quick raw flesh (marg. (Ae quickening of living flesh) 24. tke quick (flesh) that burneth Jud. 6: 4. left no sustenance for Israel, 17: 10. a suit of apparel, andthy victuals. 2Ch 14: 13(1 2). that they could not recover themselves; (lit. they had no life) Ezr. 9: 8. giv6 us a little reviving 9. to give us a reviving, TPjJ? mgheer, m . 26: 27: Deu23 2Sa.24 IK. 10 21 2Ch. 1 Job 28 Ps. 44 Pro.17: 27 Isa. 45 55: Jer. 15. Lam.5:Danll Mic. 3 18(19). or the price of a dog, 24. 1 will surely buy (it ) of thee at a price : 28. received the linen yarn at a price. 2. 1 will give thee (Ae loorZA : 16. received the linen yarn at a price. 15.be weighed (for) the price thereof. 1 2(13). increase (thy wealth) by their price. 16. a price in the hand of a fool 26. and the goats (are) (Ae price ofthe field. 13. not for price nor reward, 1. without money and without price. 13. will 1 give to the spoil without price, 4. our wood is sold unto us. (marg. cometh for price) 39. divide the land for gain. (marg. a price) 11. the priests thereof teach for hire, rbnti mah-ghalth1 ' , m. 2Th21:Pro.18; 15. sickness by disease o/thy bowels, 14. spirit of a man will sustain Ais infirmity ; fvQO mah-ghalati \ f. Ex, 15:26.1 will put none of these diseases 23; 25. 1 will take sickness away IK. 8:37. plague, whatsoever sickness 2Ch 6: 28. whatsoever sore or whatsoever sickness Jos. 11 :23 &1 2;7 & 18:10. according to their divisions I Sa.23:28. called that place Sela- ham/nahlekuth. (marg. The rock of divisions) 1 Ch 23: 6. divided them into courses (marg. divisions) 24: 1. (these are) the divisions of the sons of Aaron, (lit. unto the children of Aaron (Aeir divisions) 1. Concerning the divisions of the 12. Among these (were) (Ae divisions of 19. These (are) (Ae divisions o/the porters l.in any matter of (Ae courses, — course (were) twenty and four thousand. 2. Over the first course ¦ — his course (were) twentyandfourthousand. 4. over (Ae course o/the second month — and of his course (was) Mikloth also the ruler: in his course likewise 5,7,8,9, 10, J 1, 12, 13, 14, 15.his course (were) twenty and four thousand. Q.and in his course (was) Ammizabad 28: 1 . companies that ministered to the king by course, 13. Also for the courses o/the priests 21. behold, (Ae courses o/the priests 2Ch 5: II. did not (then) wait by course: 8: 14. (Ae courses ofthe priests — the porters also by their courses 23: 8. the priest dismissed not (Ae courses. 31 : 2. appointed (Ae courses of the priests and the Levites after (Aeir courses, 15. to give to their brethren by courses, 16. in their charges according to their courses ; 17. their charges by their courses; 35: 4. fathers, after your courses, 10. the Levites i« (Aeir courses, Nehl 1:36. ofthe Levites(were) divisions (in) Judah, Eze.48:29. these (are) their portions, rrVho see rhinb rfalQm'ghil-tokt/i'.f. pi. Isa. 2:19.and into the caves ofthe ea'th, E"!?n0 mah-ghaloo-yeem' , m. pi. 2Ch24:25.they left him in great diseases, niS^nfi) ma'gh-Vphohth' , f. pi. Jud. 16: 13. If thou weavest (Ae seven locks 19. shave off (Ae seven locks tf»?0& mah-ghalah-pheevi \ m. pi. ^zr- 1: 9. nine and twenty knives, niXTitt mah-ghulah-tzoktti ', f. pi. |sa. 3:22. The changeable suits of apparel, ^ec. 3: 4. clothe thee with change of raiment. np'prtn [magh-rm'], ch. f. *&• 6: 18. and the Levites in their courses, rbnti mah-ghalath' ', f. Ps. 53 [title] M ). To the chief Musician upon Malm- lath , 88[title](l).the chief Musician upon Muhalatk Leannoth, fi&OrtO mah-ghamah-ohth', f. pi. Ps. 55:21(22). (The words) of his mouth were smoother than butter, (lit. smooth are the milkinesses o/his mouth) Ifoftti [magh~mahd,\ m. IK. 20: 6. whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes, (marg. desirable; lit. (Ae desire of thy eyes) 2Ch 36 : 19. all the goodly vessels thereof. Cant 5: 16- yea, he (is) altogether lovely. Isa. 64: 1 1 ( 10 ). all our pleasant things are laid Lam. 1 : 10. his hand upon all Aer pleasant things: 1 1 . they have given (Aeir pleasant thhigs 2: 4. all (that were) pleasant to the eye Eze.24: 16. away from thee (Ae desire of thine eyes 21. (Ae desire of your eyes, 25. the desire of their eyes, Hos. 9: H. the pleasant (places) for their silver, (lit. (Ae desire for the silver) 16. (Ae beloved (fruit) (marg. desires) of their Joel 3: 5(4:5). and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things : DHzpllfi [malt-ghaviood-deemf], m. pi. Lam.l : 7. all Aer pleasant (marg. desirable) things 11 . (3TD)have given (Aeir pleasant things 7finto [mdgh-mahl1], m. Eze.24: 21. and that which your soul pitleth; (marg. (Ae pity of 'your soul) arm ( 6 rtiHO mah-ghaneh' ', com. Gen32: 2(3). This (is) God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahajiaim. (marg. Two hosts) 7 (8). the camels, into two bands; 8(9). If Esau come to (Ae one company, and smite it, then (Ae other company which 10(11). now I am become two bands. 21 (22). lodged that night in the cojnpany. 33; 8. What (meanest) thou by all this drove 50: 9. it was a very great company. Ex. 14: 19. which went before (Ae camp of Israel, 20. it came between (Ae camp ofthe Egyptians and (Ae camp of Israel ; 24, 24. (Ae host ofthe Egyptians 16: 13. covered (Ae camp: andin the morning the dew lay round about the host. 19: 16. people that (was) in the camp trembled. 17. the people out of (Ae camp 29: 14. burn with fire without (Ae camp: 32 : 1 7 . a noise of war in the camp . 19. as he came nigh unto (Ae camp, 26. stood in the gate of (Ae camp, 27. from gate to gate throughout the camp, 33: 7. pitched it without (Ae camp, afar off from (Ae camp, — which (was) without (Ae camp. 1 1 . he turned again into (Ae camp : 36: 6. proclaimed throughout the camp, Lev. 4:12. he carry forth without (Ae camp 21. the bullock without (Ae camp, 6: 11(4). the ashes without (Ae camp 8: 17 & 9: 1 1. burnt with fire without (Ae camp; 10: 4. before the sanctuary out of (Ae camp. 5. their coats out of (Ae camp; 13 : 46. without (Ae camp (shall)hishabitation (be). 14: 3. shall go forth out of (Ae camp; 8& 16:26. come into (Ae camp, 16:27- carry forth without (Ae camp; 28. he shall come into (Ae camp. 17: 3. lamb, or goat, in the camp, or that killeth (it) out of (Ae camp, 24: 10. strove together in the camp; 14. him that hath cursed without (Ae camp; 23. had cursed out of (Ae camp, Nu. 1 :52. every man by Ais own cajnp, 2: 3. the standard of (Ae camp of Judah 9. All that were numbered in the camp of 10. the standard of (Ae camp of Reuben 16. All that were numbered in the camp of 17. with (Ae camp ofthe Levites in the midst of (Ae camp : 18. standard of (Ae camp of Ephraim 24. that were numbered ofthe camp of 25. The standard of (Ae camp o/Dan 31 .they that were numbered in the camp of 32. that were numbered of (Ae camps 4: 5. when (Ae camp setteth forward, 15. as (Ae camp is to set forward ; 5: 2. put out of (Ae camp every leper, 3. without (Ae camp shall ye put — that they defile not (Aeir camps, 4. put them out without (Ae camp: 10: 2. for the journeying of the camps. 5, 6. then (Ae cajnps that lie 14, 18, 22, 25. the standard of (Ae camp of 25. the rereward of all (Ae camps 34. they went out of (Ae camp. 11: 1 . the uttermost parts of (Ae camp. 9. the dew fell upon (Ae camp 26. remained two (ofthe) men in the camp, — prophesied in the camp. 27. Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp. 30. Moses gat him into the camp, 31. let (them) fall by (Ae camp, — the other side, round about (Ae camp, 32. themselves round about (Ae camp. 12: ) 4. let her be shut out from (Ae camp 15. Miriam was shut out from (Ae camp 13:19. whether in tejits, or in strong holds ; 14:44. departed not out of the camp. 15:35. stone him with stones without (Ae camp. 36. brought him without (Ae camp, 19: 3. bring her forth without (Ae camp, 7. afterward he shall come into (Ae camp, 9. without (Ae camp in a clean place, ) JTO Nu. 31: 12. unto the camp at the plains of Moab, 13. to meet them without (Ae camp. 19. do ye abide without (Ae camp 24. ye shall come into (Ae camp. Deu. 2:14. wasted out from among (Ae Aos(, 15. destroy them from among (Ae host, 23: 9( 10). When (Ae host goeth forth 1 0( 1 1 ) . shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp: 1 1 ( 1 2) . he shall come into (Ae camp 12(13). have a place also without the camp, 14( 15) . God walketh in the midst of thy cump, — ( — ). therefore shall thy camp be holy : (lit! thy camps) 29:11(10). thy stranger that (is) in thy camp, Jos. 1:11. Pass through (Ae Aos(, 3 : 2. that the officers went through (Ae Aos(; 5: 8. they abode in their places in the camp, 6: 11. they came into (Ae camp, and lodged in the camp. 14. returned into (Ae camp: 18. make (Ae cajnp of Israel a curse, 23. left them without (Ae camp of 8: 13. all (Ae Aos( that (was) on the north 9: 6. went to Joshua unto (Ae camp 10: 5. they and all (Aeir hosts, 6. sent unto Joshua to (Ae camp 15, 43. all Israel with him, unto (Ae camp 21. all the people returned to (Ae camp 1 1 : * 4. all (Aeir hosts with them, 18: 9. came (again) to Joshua to (Ae Ao.s( Jud. 4: 15. all (his) chariots, and all (his) host, 16. and after (Ae Aos(, ^ — all (Ae host of Sisera fell 7: l.so that tke host ofthe Midianites 8. and the host of Midian was 9. get thee down unto the host; 1 0. with Phurah thy servant down to tke host. .- ll.be strengthened to go down unto the host. — armed men that (were) in the host. 13. barley bread tumbled into the host of 14. Midian, and all (Ae Aos(. 15. and returned into (Ae host of Israel, — (Ae Aos( of Midian. 17. when I come to the outside of (Ae camp, 18. also on every side of all (Ae camp, 19. came unto the outside of (Ae camp 21 . in his place round about the camp : and all (Ae host ran, 22. even throughout all the host: and the host 8: 10. and (Aeir hosts with them, — all that were left of all (Ae hosts of 11. smote (Ae Aos(.- for the host was secure. 12. discomfited all (Ae host. 13: 25. him at times in the camp o/Dan (or, Mahaneh Dan) 18:12. called that place Mahaneh-oan (lit. (Ae camp of Dan ) 21 : 8. there came none to (Ae camp 12. they brought them unto the camp 1 Sa. 4: 3. the people were come into (Ae camp, 5. the Lord came into (Ae camp, 6. the noise of this great shout in the camp of — ark of the Lord was come into (Ae cajnp. 7. God is come into (Ae camp. . 11:11. they came into the midst of (Ae host 13: 17. spoilers came out ofthe camp of 14: 15. there was trembling in tke host, 19. the noise that (was) in the host of 21 . went up with them into the camp 17: 1 . gathered together (Aeir armies 4. out ofthe camp o/the Philistines, 17. run to (Ae camp to thy brethren ; 46. 1 will give the carcases of (Ae host of 53. they spoiled (Aeir tejits. 26: 6. go down with me to Saul to (Ae camp? 28: l.the Philistines gathered (Aeir armies — thou shalt go out with me to battle, (lit. into the camp) 5. when Saul saw (Ae host ofthe Philistines, 19. also shall deliver (Ae Aos( o/Israel 29 : 1 . gathered together all (Aeir arjnies 6. thy coming in with me in the host 2Sa. 1 : 2. a man came out of (Ae camp 3. Out ofthe camp of Israel 5: 24. to smite (Ae host o/the Philistines. 23:16. brake through the host of the Philistines, jno ( 689 ) ino IK. 16: 22 2K. 3 56 7 19 ICh. 9 16. king over Israel that day in the camp. 34. carry me out of ZAe AosZ; 36. proclamation throughout (Ae Aos( 9. there was no water for the host, 24. when they came to (Ae camp of Israel, 15. he and all Ais company, 24. Syria gathered all Ais Aost, 4. let us fall unto (Ae Aos( ofthe 5. to go unto (Ae camp of the Syrians: and when they were come to the uttermost part of (Ae camp of 6. For the Lord had made (Ae Aos( of 7. even (Ae camp as it (was), 8. came to the uttermost part of (Ae camp, 10. We came to (Ae camp ofthe Syrians, 12. are they gone out of (Ae camp 14. the king sent after (Ae AosZ of 16. spoiled (Ae tents ofthe Syrians. : 35. smote in the camp ofthe Assyrians : 18. they (were) porters in the companies of 19.fathers, (being) over (Ae Aos( of the Lord, 11: 15. and the host ofthe Philistines 18. the three brake through the host of 12:22. (it was) a great AosZ, ZiAe ZAe AosZ of God. 14:15. to smite ZAe AosZ o/the Philistines. 16. they smote (Ae AosZ ofthe Philistines 2Ch 14:13(12). before the Lord, and before Ais AosZ; 18:33. carry me out of (Ae AosZ; 22: I. that came with the Arabians to the camp 31: 2. ZAe tents ofthe Lord. 32:21. the leaders and captains in the camp of Ps. 27 : 3. Though an host should encamp 78:28. fall in the midst of their camp, 106:16. They envied Moses also in the camp, Cant6:13(7:l).the company of two armies, (marg. or, Mahanaim) Isa. 37:36. smote in the camp ofthe Assyrians Eze. 1 : 24. as the noise of an host : 4: 2. set ZAe camp also against it, Joel 2:11. for Ais camp (is) very great: Am. 4:10.the stink of your camps to come Zec.14: 15. that shall be in these tents, pynti mah-ghanak' , m. Job 7:15. So that my soul chooseth strangling, PlDH/D mdgh-seh', m. Job 24: Ps. 14 46;61: 62: 71:73:91;94: 104142 Pro. 14 Isa. 4 2528 Jer. 17 Joel 3 8. embrace the rock for want of a shelter. 6. because the Lord (is) Ais refuge. 1(2). God (is) our refuge and strength, 3(4). For thou hast been a shelter 7(8). rock ofmy strength, (and) my refuge, 8(9). God (is) a refuge for us. 7. but thou (art) my strong refuge. 28.1 have put my trust in the Lord 2. my refuge and my fortress: 9.the Lord (which is) my refuge, 22. my God (is) the rock of my refuge. 18. The high hills (are) a refuge 5(6). Thou (art) my refuge (and) my portion 26. his children shall have a place of refuge. 6. and for a place of refuge, and for 4. a refuge from the storm, 15. for we have made lies our refuge, 17. shall sweep away ZAe refuge of lies, 17. thou (art) my hope in the day of evil. 16(4:16). ZAe hope o/his people, DiDriz? mdgh-sohm' , m. Ps. 39: 1(2). I will keep my mouth with a bridle, "TiDHz? magh-sohr', m. Deul5: 8. lend him sufficient for Ais need, Jui.l8:I0.a place where (there is) no want 19: 19. no icant o/any thing. 20. all thy wants (lie) upon me ; {* 34: 9(10). for (there is) no want to them ™. 6: 11 , and thy want as an armed man. Pro. 11:24. but (it tendeth) to poverty. 14:23. talk ofthe lips (tendeth) only topenury. 21 : 5. every one (that is) hasty only to want. 17. He that loveth pleasure (shall be) a poor man: (lit. a man of want) 22:16. tothe rich, (shall) surely (come) to want. 24:34. and thy want as an armed man. 28 : 27. He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack : (lit. shall not have ioan() ym mah-ghatz # KAL.— Preterite. * Nu. 24: 17. and shall smite the corners of Moab, Deu32 : 39. / wound, and I heal : Jud. 5:26. wAen sAe Aad pierced and stricken Job 26: 12. Ae smiteth through the proud. Ps. 1 10: 5. at thy right hand shall strike through 6. Ae shall wound the heads Hab. 3: 13. ZAon woundedst the head KAL Imperative. Deu33 : 1 1 . smite through the loins of them KAL Future. Nu. 24: 8. and pierce (them) through with his arrows. 2Sa.22:39.I have consumed them, and wounded them, Job 5:18. Ae woundeth, and his hands make whole. Ps. 18:38(39). I have wounded them 68 : 21 (22) . God shall wound the head of 23(24). That thy foot may be dipped in y ftti mah'-ghatz, m. Isa. 30: 26. and healeth ZAe stroke of their wound. yiTyo ma'gh-tzehv', m. 2K. 12: 12(13). to buy timber and Aeioed stone (lit. stones of hewing) 22: 6. Aeion stone (lit. id. ) to repair the house. 2Ch34:ll.to buy Aeam stone, (lit. id.) and timber nyilO meh-ghUzah! ', f. Nu. 31:36.(Ae half, (which was) the portion 43. ZAe half (that pertained unto) the rVXn/3 mah-'ghahtzeeth' , f. Ex. 30:13. half a shekel after the shekel ofthe an half shekel (shall be) the offering 15. give less ZAan half a shekel, 23. sweet cinnamon half so much, 38:26. half a shekel, after the shekel of Lev. 6:20(13). half of it in the morning, and half thereof 'at night. Nu. 31:29. Take (it) o/(Aeir half, 30, 42. And ofthe children of Israel's AaZf, 47. Even o/the children of Israel's half, Jos. 21 : 25. And out of the half tribe IK. 16: 9. Zimri, captain of half (his) chariots, ICh. 6:61(46). out ofthe half tribe, 70(55). And out ofthe half tribe Neh. 8: 3. from the morning until midday, pnD [mak-ghak']. * KAL.— Preterite. * Jud. 5:26.sAe smote off his head, IpriD [meh-glikahr']. Ps. 95: 4. In his hand (are) (Ae deep places of "1(173 mah-ghahr', m. Gen30:33.in time to come, (lit. in the day of to morrow) Y v nrrD ( 690 ) WTO Ex. 8 9: 101316 17 19 32 Nu. 1 1 1416 Den. 6 Jos. 34 Jud.19 20 ISa. 9 11 19 20 28 2Sa.ll IK. 1920 2K. 6 7 10 2Ch20 Est. 5 9 Pro. 3 27 Isa. 22 56 10(6). And he said, To jnorrow. (marg. or, Against to morrow) 23(19). (o morrow (marg. or, by to morrow) shall this sign be. 29(25). that the swarms (of flies) may depart ...to jnoj-row: 5. To morrow the Lord shall do this 18.(o morrow about this time 4. to morrow will I bring the locusts 14. when thy son asketh thee ht time to come, (marg. to jnorrow) 23. To morrow (is) the rest ofthe holy sabbath 9. to morrow I will stand on the top 10. sanctify them to day and to morrow, 5. To morrow (is) a feast to the Lord. 18. Sanctify yourselves against to morrow, 25. To mojroiv turn you, and get you 7. put incense in them...(o morrow : 16. thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow: 20. when thy son asketh thee in time to come, (marg. tomorrow) 5. to morrow the Lord will do wonders 6. when your children ask... in time to come. (marg. to morrow) 21. "When your children shall ask... in time to come, (marg. id. ) 13. Sanctify yourselves against to morrow : 6. to morj'ow about this time 18.(o morrow he will be wroth 24. In time to come (marg. To morroiv) your children mijht speak 27. say to our children in time to come, 28. us or to our generations in time to come, 9. to morrow get you early on your way, ; 28. to morj-ow I will deliver them 16. To morrow about this time ; 9. To jnorrow, by (that time) 10. To morrow we will come out : 1 1 . to morrow thou shalt be slain. 5.(o morrow (is) the new moon, 12. about to morrow any time, 18. To morrow (is) the new moon: 19, and to morrow (shalt) thou and thy sons (be) with me: :12. and to morrow I will let thee depart. : 2.(o morrow about this time. 6. to morrow about this time, 28. we will eat my son to morrow. 1, 18. To morrow about this time 6. by to morrow this time. 16. To morrow go ye down 17.(o morrow go out against them: 8. and I will do to morrow as the king hath 12.(o morrow am I invited : 1 3. to do to morrow also 28. and to morrow I will give ; 1. Boast not thyself of to morrow ; 13. to morj-ow we shall die. 12. to morrow shall be as this day, rfiWTjb mah-gkarah-ohth'9 f. pi. 2K. 10:27. (3TD) made it a draught house fiBhHO mah- ghar eh -shall1 , f. 1 Sa. 13 :20. his ax, and his jnattock. 21 . Yet they had a file for the mattocks, flEHrjO [mah-ghareti-sheth], f. ISa. 13:20. to sharpen every man Ais share, rnfifi moh-ghftrahth' ', f. Genl9:34.it came to pass on the morrow, Ex. 9: 6. tlie Lord did that thing on the morrow, 18: 13. it came to pass on the morrow, 32: 6. they rose up early on the morrow, 30. it came to pass on the morrow, Lev. 7:1:3. and on the morrow also the remainder Lev. 19: 6. and on the morrow: and if ought 23:ll.on the morrow after the sabbath 15./rom ZAe morrow after the sabbath, 16. Even unto the morrow after the Nu. 1 1 : 32 . and all the next day, 16:41(17:6). But on the morrow 17: 8(23). on the morrow Moses went into 33: 3. on (Ae morrow after the passover Jos. 5:11. on the morrow after the passover, 12. the manna ceased on the morrow Jud. 6: 38. he rose up early on the morrow, 9:42 & 21 : 4. it came to pass on the morrow, ISa. 5: 3. of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, 4. they arose early on the morrow 11 :11. it was (so) on tke morrow, 18: 10 & 20:27. it came to pass on the morrow, 30: 17. the evening ofthe next day: 31 : 8. it came to pass on the morrow, 2Sa. 1 1 : 12. in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow. 2K. 8: 15. it came to pass on the morrow, 1 Ch 1 0 : 8. it came to pass on the morrow, 29:21. on ZAe morrow after that day, Jer. 20: 3. it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur Jon. 4: 7. when the morning rose (Ae neaiZ day, fpPl/!? mdgh-sohph' , in. Gen30:37.and made the white appear PQK'nJb mah-ghashah-vah! ', f. Jer. 18:11. and devise a device against you: 49:30. hath conceived apurpose n^H/p mah-ghasheh' ¦ veth, f. Gen 6 Ex. 31 35 2Sa.l4 ICh 28 29 2Ch. 2 26 Est. 8 9 Job 5 21 Ps. 33 40569294 Pro. 6 12151619 2021 Isa. 55 59 6566 Jer. 4 6 1118 29 49 61 : 5. imagination of (Ae thoughts o/his heart : 4. To devise cunning works, :32.to devise curious works, 33. to make any manner of cunning work. (lit. work of invention) 35. those that devise cunning work. ; 14. yet doth he devise means, 9. all the imaginations of ZAe thoughts: : 18. in the imagination of ZAe thoughts of 14(1 3). to find out every device 15. engines, invented by (lit. ZAe invention of) cunning men, 3. his device that he had devised 5. letters devised by (lit. ZAe device of) Haman 25. by letters that Ais wicked device, 12. He disappointeth ZAe devices of 27. 1 know your thoughts, : 10. maketh ZAe devices of the people 1 1 . ZAe thoughts of his heart 5(6). and thy thoughts (which are) to us- ward : 5(6) . all (Aeir thoughts (are) against me 5(6) . thy thoughts are very deep. 1 1 . The Lord knoweth ZAe thoughts o/man, 18. that deviseth wicked imaginations, 5. TAe thoughts o/the righteous 22. Without counsel purposes are 26. TAe thoughts ofthe wicked 3. and thy thoughts shall be established. 21 . many devices in a man's heart ; 18. (Every) purpose is established 5. The thoughts o/the diligent 7. and the unrighteous man Ais thoughts: 8. For my thoughts (are) not your thoughts, 9. and my thoughts than your thoughts. : 7. blood: their thoughts (are) thoughts of : 2. after their own thoughts : : 18. their wrorks and their thoughts: : 14. How long shall thy vain thoughts : 19. the fruit of (Aeir thoughts, : 1 9. they had devised devices : 1 2 . we will walk after our own devices, 18. let us devise devices against :ll.Iknow(Ae thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, 20 & 50 : 45. and his purposes, thai he hath : 29. every purpose of the Lord shall be tyno ( 691 ) niao Lam.3:60.all (Aeir imaginations against me. 61 . all (Aeir imaginations against me ; Eze.38:10.thou shalt think an evil thought: (marg. or, conceive a mischievous purpose) Dan 11 :24. he shall forecast Ais devices 25. they shall forecast devices Mic. 4: 12. they know not ZAe thoughts ofthe Lord, mdgh-shah'cti ', m. Ps. 74:20./or ZAe dark places ofthe earth 88: 6(7). in darkness, in the deeps. 18(19). mine acquaintance into darkness. 143: 3. hath made me to dwell in darkness, Isa. 29:15. their works are in the dark, 42:16.1 will make darkness light before them, Lam.3: 6. He hath set me in dark places, fundi? mdgh-tuh', f. Ex.25 273738 Lev.10 16 Nu. 4 16: 38. and the snuffdishes thereof, 3. his fleshhooks, and his firepans : 23. his snuffers, and his snuffdishes, 3. the fleshhooks, and the firepans: l.took either of them Ais censer, 12. he shall take a censer full 9. his tongs, and Ais snuffdishes, 14. ZAe censers, the fleshhooks, 6. This do ; Take you censers, 17. take every man Ais censer, — before the Lord every man Ais censer, two hundred and fifty censers; — each (of you) Ais censer. 18. they took every man Ais censer, 37(17:2). that he take up ZZie censers 38( — :3). The censers of these sinners 39( — :4).the priest took ZAe brasen censers, 46( — :ll).Take a censer, and put fire therein 50. the spoons, and the censers (marg. osA pans) 15. (Ae firepans, and the bowls, 22. the spoons, and the censers, 19. the basons, and (Ae firepans, (marg. or, censers) flfinip m'ghit-tah' , f. Ps. 89:40(41). hast brought his strong holds to ruin. Pro.l0:14. mouth ofthe foolish (is) near destruction. 15. (Ae destruction of the poor 29. but destruction (shall be) to the 13: 3. wide his lips shall have destruction. 14:28. people (is) the destruction o/the prince. 18: 7. A fool's mouth (is) his destruction, 21:15. but destruction (shall be) to the workers Isa. &i:li. and from terror; for it shall not come Jer. 17:17. Be not a terror unto me: 48:39. a derision and a dismaying IK. 7 2K.252Ch.4Jer. 52 ni^ni? mdgh-teh'-reth, f. Ex. 22: 2(1). If a thief be found breaking up, Jer. 2:34. 1 have not found it by secret search, (marg. digging) MD» & fflD& m'tah', Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. * Dan, 4:22(19). and reacheth unto heaven, 24( 21 ) . which is come upon my lord the king : 28(25). All this came upon the king 6:24(25). or ever they came at the bottom of 7:13.and came to the Ancient of days, 22. the time came that the saints possessed P'AL Future. Dan. 4 : 1 1 ( 8 ) , the height thereof reached unto heaven, 20(17). whose height reached unto the heaven, KtD^tpO mat-ateh', m. fa- 14:23. sweep it with ZAe besom of destruction, ll5l?zD mat-bth'a'gh, m. Isa. 14:21. Prepare slaughter for his children ni3i? mat'-tah, adv. Ex. 262728 3638 39 Deu 28 2K. 19 ICh 27 2Ch32Ezr. 9 Pro. 15 Ecc. 3 Isa. 37 Jer. 31 Eze. 1 : 24. coupled together beneath, : 5. the compass of the altar beneath, 27. the two sides ofthe ephod underneath, 29. they were coupled beneath, 4. beneath unto the midst of it. 20. the two sides ofthe ephod underneath, : 13. thou shalt not be beneath ; 43. thou shalt come down very low. (lit. low, low) : 30. shall yet again take root downward, : 23. from twenty years old and under: : 30. brought it straight down : 13. thou our God hast punished us less (marg. withheld beneath our iniquities) ; 24. that he may depart from hell beneath. : 21 . the spirit of the beast that goeth downward :31. shall again take root downward, :37.the foundations of the earth searched out AeneaZA, :27&8:2.the appearance of his loins even downward, MtSO mat-teh', com. Gen38: 18. Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff 25. the signet, and bracelets, anil staff. Ex. 4: 2. in thine hand ? And he said, A rod. 4. it became a rod in his hand: 17. thou shalt take this rod 20. Moses took ZAe rod of God 7: 9. Take thy rod, and cast (it) 10. Aaron cast down Ais rod 12. they cast down every man Ais rod, — but Aaron's rod swallowed up ZAeir rods. 15. and the rod which was turned to a serpent 17.1 will smite toiZA ZAe rod 19. Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, 20. he lifted up ZAe rod, 8: 5(1 ). Stretch forth thine hand toiZA thy rod 16(12). Stretch out thy rod, and smite 17 (13). stretched out his hand wiZA Ais rod, 9 : 23 & 1 0 : 1 3 . Moses stretched forth Ais rod 14: 16. But lift thou up (Aw rod, 17 : 5. and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the 9. w/itA (Ae rod of God in mine hand, 31: 2.o/(Ae(riAeo/ Judah: 6. of the tribe of Dan: 35 : 30. of the tribe of Judah ; 34. o/(Ae tribe of Dan. 38:22.o/ (Ae tribe of Judah, 23. of the tribe o/Dan, Lev.24:ll. of the tribe o/Dan: 26:26.1 have broken the staff of your bread, Nu. 1: 4. there shall be aman of every tribe; 16. princes of (Ae tribes 21. of the tribe of Reuben, 23. o/(Ae (riie of Simeon, 25. of the tribe of Gad, 27. of tlie tribe of Judah, 29. of the tribe of Issachar, 31. of the tribe o/Zebulun, 33. of the tribe of Ephraim, 35.o/(Ae tribe o/Manasseh, 37. of the tribe o/Benjamin, 39. of the tribe of Dan, 41.o/(Ae (riAe of Asher, 43. of the tribe c/Naphtali, 47. the Levites after the tribe of their fathers 49. (Ae (riAe o/Levi, 2 : 5 . (Ae tribe of Issachar : 7.(Ae tribe of Zebulun: 12. the tribe of Simeon: 14. TAen the tribe o/Gad: 20. (Ae (riAe o/Manasseh: 22. TAen tlie tribe o/Benjamin: 21. the tribe of Asher: 29. TAen (Ae (riAe o/Naphtali: 3 : 6. Bring (Ae (riAe of Levi near, nzao ( 692 ) Nu. 7: 2. the princes of (Ae tribes, 12. son of Amminadab, ofthe tribe of Judah: 10:15. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Issachar 16. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Zebulun 19. the tribe ofthe children of Simeon 20. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Gad 23. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Manasseh 24. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Benjamin 26. (Ae (ri6e o/the children of Asher 27. (Ae tribe o/the children of Naphtali 13: 2.of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send 4. of the tribe of Reuben, 5. Ofthe tribe of Simeon, 6. Of the tribe of Judah, 7. Ofthe tribe of Issachar, 8. Ofthe tribe of Ephraim, 9. Ofthe tribe o/Benjamin, 10. Ofthe tribe of Zebulun, J 1 . Ofthe tribe of Joseph, — o/(Ae (ri6e o/Manasseh, 12. Of the tribe of Dan, 13. Ofthe tribe of Asher, 14. Ofthe tribe o/Naphtali, 15. Of the tribe of Gad, 17: 2(17). take of every one of them a rod (lit. a rod, a rod according &c. ) according to the house of (their) fathers, — ( — ). twelve rods .- write thou every man's name upon his rod. 3(18). write Aaron's name upon (Ae rod of Levi: for one rod (shallbe) for the head 5(20). man's rod (lit. Ais rod), whom I shall 6(21 ). every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece, (marg. a rod for one prince, a rod for one prince) —{ — ). twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron (was) among (Aeir rods. 7(22). Moses laid up (Ae rods 8(23).(Ae rodof Aaron for the house of Levi 9 (24). Moses brought out all (Ae rods — ( — ).and took every man Ais rod. 10(25). Bring Aaron's rod again 18: 2. And thy brethren also of (Ae (n'6e o/Levi, 20: 8. Take (Ae rod, and gather thou 9. Moses took (Ae rod 11. with his rod he smote the rock 26:55. (Ae tribes of their fathers 30: 1(2). the heads of the tribes 31: 4. Of every tribe (marg. A thousand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe) a thousand, throughout all (Ae tribes 5. a thousand of (every) tribe, 6. a thousand of (every) (ri6e, 32:28. (Ae tribes of the children of Israel; 33:54. according to tke tribes of your fathers 34: 13. to give unto (Ae nine tribes, and to (Ae half tribe: 14. (Ae tribe ofthe children of Reuben — and the tribe o/the children of Gad — half (Ae tribe o/Manasseh 15. The two tribes and (Ae half tribe 18. one prince of every (rioe, 19. Ofthe tribe of Judah, 20. And ofthe tribe of the children of Simeon, 21. Ofthe tribe o/Benjamin, 22. And. ..of the tribe qf the children of Dan, 23. for the tribe o/the children of Manasseh, 24. j4nii...o/(Ae(rioeo/thechildren ofEphraim, 25. And.. .of the tribe of the children of Zebulun, 26. And.. .of the tj-ibe of the children of Issachar, 27. And. ..of the tribe ofthe children of Asher, 28. And... of the tribe of the children of Naphtali, 36: 3, 4. the inheritance of (Ae tribe 4. (Ae tribe o/our fathers. 5. TAe (ri6e o/the sons of Joseph 6. (Ae tribe of their father 7. remove from tribe to tribe: — (Ae tribe o/his fathers. 8. in any tribe ofthe children of Israel, — unto one ofthe family of (Ae tribe of 9. from (one) tj-ibe to another tribe; but every one of (Ae tribes o/the children 12. in (Ae tribe o/the family Jos. 7: 1, 18, the son of Zerah, ofthe tribe of Judah, Jos. 13: 14 15 22 lSa.14IK. 78 ICh. 6 12 2Ch. 5 Ps.105 110 Isa. 9 10 HtOD 15. gave unto the tribe o/the children of 24. gave (inheritance) unto the tribe o/Gad, 29. the half tribe o/the children of Manasseh 1 . (Ae tribes of the children of Israel, 2. for (Ae nine tribes, and ( for) (Ae half tribe. 3. two tribes and an half tribe on the other side 4. the children of Joseph were two tribes, 1, 21. of the tribe o/the children of Judah 20. (Ae tribe o/the children of Judah 8.(Ae tribe o/the children ofEphraim l.a lot for the tribe o/Manasseh ; 11. (Ae tribe o/the children of Benjamin 21.o/(Ae tj-ibe o/the children of Benjamin l.for (Ae tribe o/the children of Simeon 8.(Ae tribe ofthe children of Simeon 23- (Ae tribe ofthe children of Issachar 24./or (Ae tj-ibe o/the children of Asher 31. (Ae tribe o/the children of Asher 39. (Ae tribe o/the children of Naphtali 40. for the tribe o/the children of Dan 48. (Ae tribe o/the children of Dan 51 . o/(Ae tribes ofthe children of Israel, 8. out ofthe tribe of Reuben, — out ofthe tj-ibe of Gad, — out ofthe tribe o/Manasseh. l.(Ae tribes ofthe children of Israel; 4. out of the tribe of Judah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin, 5.(Ae tribe ofEphraim, ajid out of ike tribe of Dan, — , 6. (Ae half (ri6e o/Manasseh, 6. (Ae tribe of Issachar, and out ofthe tribe of Asher, and out ofthe tribe o/Naphtali, 7. out of Ike tribe of Reuben, ajid out ofthe tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zebulun, 9.ou( o/(Ae tribe of the children of Judah, and out ofthe tribe of 17. And out ofthe tribe o/Benjamin, 20. out ofthe tribe of Ephraim. 23. And out ofthe tribe o/Dan, 25. (Ae half tribe o/Manasseh, 27. the (other) half tribe o/Manasseh 28. Ajtd out ofthe tj-ibe of Issachar, 30. And out ofthe tribe o/Asher, 32. And out ofthe tribe o/Naphtali, 34. (Ae tribe of Zebulun, 38(36). And out ofthe tribe o/Gad, 1. and (Ae half tribe o/Manasseh, 14. throughout all (Ae tribes o/Israel; 27. put forth the end of (Ae rod 43. the rod that (was) in mine hand, 14. a widow's son ofthe tribe o/Naphtali, 1. all the heads of (Ae tribes, :60 (45). And out ofthe tribe o/Benjamin; 61(46). the family of that tribe, (were cities given) out of (Ae half tribe, 62(47) . out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Asher, and out of the tribe o/Naphtali, and out of the tribe of Manasseh 63(48). out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of tke tribe of Zebulun, 65( 50) . out ofthe tribe ofthe children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, 66(51 ). out of the tribe o/Ephraim. 70(55). (Ae half (rioe o/Manasseh; 71(56). (Ae half tribe o/Manasseh, 72(57). And out ofthe tribe of Issachar ; 74(59). And out ofthe tribe of Asher ; 76(61 ). And out ofthe tribe ofNaphtali ; 77(62). out ofthe tribe 0/ Zebulun, 78(63). out ofthe tribe 0/ Reuben, 80(65). And out of the tribe of Gad ; 31 . And of (Ae half tribe o/Manasseh : 2. all the heads of (Ae tj-ibes, 16. he brake (Ae whole staff of bread. : 2. The Lord shall send (Ae rod of thy strength 4(3). thou hast broken (Ae staff of his shoulder, : 5. and the staff in their hand 15. as if (Ae staff should lift up (itself), rrao Isa. 1014 2830 Jer. 48 Eze. 4 5 7 Mic. 6 Hab. 3 24. and shall lift up his staff against 26. and (as) Ais rod (was) upon the sea, 5. hath broken (Ae staff of the wicked, 27. the fitches are beaten out wizA a staff, 32. where (Ae grounded staff shall pass, 17. How is ZAe strong sZa^f broken, 16. 1 will break ZAe staff of bread 16. will break your staff of bread: ,10. ZAe 7-od hath blossomed, 11. Violence is risen up into a rod of wicked ness: 13. will break (Ae staff of the bread : 1 1 . she had strong rods 12. her strong rods were broken 14. fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, — she hath no strong rod : 9. hear ye (Ae rod, and who hath appointed ; 9. (according) to the oaths of (Ae tribes, 14. Thou didst strike through with his staves ( 693 ) -iao JtffD mat-tahg', m. ffiSD mit-tah, f. Gen47; 48 Ex.ISa. 19 28 2Sa. 34 IK. 17 21 2K. 1 4 11 2Ch22 24 Est. 1 7 Ps. 6 Pro.26 Cant.3 Eze.23: Am. 36 31 . Israel bowed himself upon (Ae Aed's head. 2. and sat upon (Ae Aed. 33. he gathered up his feet into (Ae Aed, 3(7:28). thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, : 13. Michal took an image, and laid (it) in the bed, 15. Bring him up to me in the bed, 16. (there was) an image in the bed, 23. and sat upon (Ae bed. 31. king David (himself) followed (Ae bier. ( marg. bed) 7. he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, : 19. and laid him upon Ais own bed. f : 4. he laid him down upon Ais Aed, : 4, 6, 16. that Aed on which thou art gone up, 10. let us set for him there a Aed,' 21. laid him on (Ae bed of the man of God, 32. the child was dead, (and) laid upon Ais bed. 2. hid him,. ..in the Aedchamber 11. put him and his nurse in a Aedchamber. : 25. and slew him on Ais Aed, 6. ZAe Aeds (were of) gold and silver, 8. Haman was fallen upon the bed 6(7). all the night make I my bed to swim ; : 14. the slothful upon Ais Aed. : 7. Behold Ais bed, which (is) Solomon's ; 41. And satest upon a stately bed, :12.in the corner of a bed, 4. That lie upon Aeds of ivory, HI3/2 moot-teh', m. Eze. 9: 9. the city full of perverseness : (marg. or, wresting of (judgment) ) H)S?D mat-veh' , m. Ex. 35:25. and brought (Aa( which they had spun, niCS/3 moot-tohth' , f. pi. 'sa. 8: 8. (Ae stretching out o/his wings T'tpfi rriteel, in. lob 40:18. his bones (are) ZiAe bars of 'iron. jifitofi mat-nibhn', m. uen43:23.hath given you treasure . J* 3:21. dig for it more than for hid treasures; Pro. 2: 4. and searchest for her as (for) Aid treasures; Isa. 45: 3. and hidden riches of secret places, «'¦ 41: 8. for we have treasures in the field, Isa. 60: 21. the branch of my planting, 61 : 3. (Ae planting o/the Lord, Eze. 17: 7. the furrows of her plantation. 31 : 4. her rivers running round about Ais plants, 34:29. 1 will raise up for them a plant Mic. 1: 6. as plantings of a vineyard: JYlfiytpfi mat-gam-mohth' , f. pi. Pro.23: 3. Be not desirous ofhis dainties : 6. neither desire thou Ais dainty meats : L?/2J?fcp£ mat-gam-meem' , m. pi. Gen27 : 4, 7. make me savoury meat, 9. 1 will make them savoury meat 14. his mother made savoury meat, 17. she gave (Ae savoury meat 31 . he also had made savoury meat, ftnStpD mit-pahf-ghath, f. Ru. 3:15.Bring (Ae vail (marg. or, sAee(, or, apron) that (thou hast) Isa. 3:22. the mantles, and the wimples, "ItOfi [mah-tar'\ # NIPHAL.— Future.* Am. 4: 7. one piece was rained upon, # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Gen 2: 5. the Lord God had not caused it to rain 19:24. the Lord rained upon Sodom and Am. 4: 7 .and I caused it to rain lilPmL.—InJijiitwe. Job 38:26. To cause it to j-aiji on the earth, Isa. 5 : 6. command the clouds that they rain no rain HIPHIL.— Future. Ex. 9: 23. and the Lord rained hail Job 20:23. and shall rain (it) upon him Ps. 11 : 6. Upon the wicked Ae shall rain snares, 78:24. And had rained down manna 27- He rained flesh also upon them as dust, Eze.38 : 22. / will rain upon him, Am. 4: 7. and caused it not to rain — the piece whereupon it rahied HIPHIL Participle. Gen 7: 4. 1 will cause it to rain Ex. 9: 18. 1 will cause it to rain 16: 4.1 will rain bread from heaven 1J0/3 mah-ta.hr', m. T T 7 and the rain was not poured upon the ZAe rain and the hail and the thunders .drinketh water o/(Ae rain o/heaven: I will give (you) ZAe rain of your land the heaven, that there be no rain, to give ZAe rain unto thy land (Ae rain of thy land powder My doctrine shall drop as the rain, . he shall send thunder and rain ; the Lord sent thunder and rain neither (let there be) rain, clear shining after rain. and there is no rain, and give rain upon thy land, there shall not be dew nor rain I will send rain upon the earth. and there is no rain, and send rain upon thy land, If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, Who giveth rain upon the earth, he made a decree for the rain, they waited for me as for the rain ; they pour down rain according to Ex. 9:33 34 Deu 11 .11 14 17 28 12 24 32 2 lSa.12 17 18 2Sa . 1 21 23 4 IK 8 .35 36 17 1 IS 1 2Ch 6:26 27 7 13 Job 5 10 28 26 29 23 36:27 -)ZOD ( 694 ) D^ Job 37 38: Ps. 72 135 147 Pro.26: 28: Isa. 45; 30; Jer. 10; Zec.10: 6. likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain o/his strength, (marg. and to the shower of rain, and to the showers of rain ofhis strength) :28.Hath (Ae rain (lit. is there to the rain) a father ? 6. He shall come down ZiAe rain 7. he maketh lightnings for the rain ; 8. who prepareth rain for the earth, Land as rain in harvest, 3. a sweeping rain which Ieaveth no food. 6. a covert from storm and from rain. 6. that they rain no rain 23. Then shall he give (Ae rain ofthy seed, 13 & 51: 16. he maketh lightnings with rain, (marg. for rain) 1 . Ask ye of the Lord rain — and give them showers of rain, X^£ mat-tah-rah' \ f. Lam. 3:12. set me as a mark iTT&O mat-tah-rah', f. ISa. 20:20. as though I shot at a mark. Neh 3:25. by the court of the prison. 12:39. they stood still in the pj-ison gate. Job 16; 12. set me up for his mark. Jer. 32: 2. shut up in the court of the prison, 8. to me in the court of (Ae prison 12. that sat in the court of the prison. 33 : 1 . shut up in the court of (Ae prison, 37 : 21 . into the court of (Ae prisoji, — remained in the court of (Ae prison. 38: 6. that (was) in the court of (Ae prison ; 13. remained in the court of (Ae prison. 28. abode in the court of (Ae prison 39: 14. out of the court of (Ae prison, 15. shut up in the court of (Ae prison, *ftmee> part. pron. Gen. 3:11. Wlio told thee that thou (wast) naked ? 19: 12. Hast thou here ajiy besides? 24:23. Whose daughter (art) thou? 65. What man (is) this that walketh Ex. 16: 3. Would to God (]JT1> >Q) we had died 24:14. if any man have any matters to do, Deu. 5:29(26). O that QFl) ND) there were such an Jos. 24: 15. choose you this day whom ye will serve ; Jud.20: 18. Which of us shall go up first 2Sa.20:ll.i/e that favoureth Joab, and he that (is) for David, Ecc. 9: 4. For to him that is joined to all the living Isa. 54: 15. whosoever shall gather together against &c. "With prefixes the signification of **12 is not changed. 2ft^5 ??ieh~tavf, m. Gen47: 6. in (Ae best ofthe land make thy father 11. in the best ofthe land, in the land Ex. 22: 5(4). of the best ofhis own field, ajid of the best ofhis own vineyard, ISa. 15: 9.(Ae 6es( o/the sheep, and of 15. spared (Ae best o/the sheep ?y& mee-chal', m. 2Sa.l7:20. They be gone over (Ae orooA of water. Q^ft mahf-yim, m. dual. Gen 1 : 2. upon the face of (Ae waters. 6. in the midst of (Ae waters, and let it divide (Ae waters from the waters. 7. and divided (Ae waters which (were) under the firmament from (Ae ivaters 9. Let (Ae waters. ..he gathered *x\r'*'th«r Gen 1:10. the gathering together of (Ae waters 20. Let (Ae waters bring forth 21 . (Ae waters brought forth 22. fill (Ae waters in the seas, 6:17. do bring a flood of waters 7: 6. the flood of waters 7. because ofthe waters o/the flood. 10.(Aa( (Ae waters ofthe flood 17. and (Ae waters increased, 18. And (Ae waters prevailed, — upon the face of (Ae waters. 19. And the waters prevailed exceedingly 20. Fifteen cubits upward did (Ae waters 24. And (Ae waters prevailed upon 8: Land (Ae waters asswaged. 3. And (Ae waters returned from off — (Ae waters were abated. 5. And the waters decreased 7. until (Ae waters were dried up 8. to see if (Ae waters were abated 9.(Ae waters (were) on the face of 11. (Ae waters were abated 13. (Ae waters were dried up 9 : 1 1 . by tke waters of a flood ; 15. (Ae waters shall no more become a flood 16: 7. found her by a fountain of water 18: 4. Let a little water, I pray you, be 21:14. took bread, and a bottle of water, 15. tke water was spent in the bottle, 19. she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, 25. because of a well of water, 24: 1 1 . by a well of water at the time 13. (here) by the well of water; — come out to draw water : 17, 43. a little water ofthy pitcher. 32.ajid water to wash his feet, 43. 1 stand by the well of water; 26:18. digged again the wells of water, 19. a well of springing water. 20. The water (is) our's: and he called 32. said unto him, "We have found water. 30:38. the gutters in the watering troughs (lit. troughs of water) 37: 24. the pit (was) empty, (there was) no water 43:24. and gave (them) water, and they 49: 4. Unstable as water, thou shalt not Ex. 2:10.1 drew him out of (Ae water. 4: 9. take of the jvater ofthe river, — and (Ae water which thou takest 7:15. he goeth out unto the water ; 17. upon (Ae waters which (are) in the river, 18, 21 . drink of (Ae water of the river. 19. upon (Ae waters o/Egypt, — upon all (Aeir pools of water, (marg. ga thering of their waters) 20. the waters that (were) in the river, — (Ae waters that (were) in the river 24. digged round about the river for water — they could not drink of the water of 8 : 6(2) . his hand over (Ae wafers of Egypt ; 20(16). lo, he cometh forth to the water ; 12: 9. nor sodden at all with water, 14:21. (Ae waters were divided. 22, 29. and the waters (were) a wall unto 26. that (Ae watej-s may come again 28. And (Ae waters returned, 15: 8.(Ae waters were gathered together, 10. they sank as lead in the mighty waters. 19. brought again (Ae waters ofthe sea 22. wilderness, and found no water. 23. the waters of Marah, 25. (which) when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: 27 . twelve wells of water, — they encamped there by (Ae waters. 17: 1 . no water for the people 2. Give us water that we may drink. 3. the people thirsted there for water; 6. there shall come water out 20: 4. in (Ae water under the earth: 23 : 25. he shall bless thy bread, and thy water ; i 29: 4. shalt wash them with water. 30: 18. thou shalt put water therein. 20. they shall wash with water, 32:20.stra\ved (it) upon (Ae water, 1 "nk water. D^D Ex. 40: 7. and shalt put water therein. 12. wash them with water. 30. and put water there, to wash Lev. 1: 9.his inwards.. .shall he wash in water : 13. he shall wash the inwards... with water : 6:28(21). both scoured, and rinsed in water. 8: 6. and washed them with water. 21 .he washed the inwards.. .in water ; 11: 9. all that (are) in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, 10. all that move in (Ae waters, and of any living thing which (is) in the waters, 12. hath no fins nor scales in the waters, 32.it must be put into water, 34.on which (such) water cometh 36. (wherein there is) plenty of water, 38. if (any ) water be put upon the seed, 46. every living creature that moveth hi the waters', 14: 5, 50. an earthen vessel over running water : 6. killed over (Ae running water : 8. and wash himself in water, 9. he shall wash his flesh in water, 51. and in tke running water, 52. and with the running water, 15: 5, 6,7,8, 10, 11,21, 22, 27. and bathe (him self) in water, 1 1 . hath not rinsed his hands in water, 12. vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water. 13. and bathe his flesh in running water, 16. he shall wash all his flesh in water, 17. shall be washed with water, 18. shall (both) bathe (themselves) in water, 16: 4. wash his flesh in water, 24. shall wash his flesh a;i(A water 26, 28. and bathe his flesh in water, 17: 15. and bathe (himself) hi water, 22: 6. he wash his flesh with water. Nu. 5:17. the priest shall take holy water — andput (it) into (Ae water : 18. (Ae bitter water that causeth the curse : 19.be thou free from this bitter w;a(er 22. this water that causeth the curse 23. blot (them) out with the bitter water : 24. to drink (Ae bitter water that causeth the curse: and (Ae water that causeth 26. cause the woman to drink (Ae water. 27. made her to drink (Ae water, — (Ae water that causeth the curse 8: 7. Sprinkle water of purifying 19: 7. he shall bathe his flesh in water, 8. shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in water, 9. for a water of separation: 13. (Ae water of separation was not 17. running water shall be put thereto 18. take hyssop, and dip (it) in the water, 19. and bathe himself in water, 20. (Ae «;a(er of separation hath not 21. he that sprinkleth (Ae water of — he that toucheth (Ae water of 20: 2. there was no water for the congregation: 5. neither (is) there any water 8. it shall give forth Ais water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the 10. must we fetch you water 1 1 . the water came out abundantly, 13. (Ae water of Meribah ; because 17. (Ae water ofthe wells: 19. if I and my cattle drink of thy water, 24. at tke water of Meribah. 21 : 5. neither (is there any) water ; 16. 1 will give them water. 22. (Ae waters ofthe well: 24: 6. as cedar trees beside (Ae waters. 7. He shall pour (Ae water out — his seed (shall be) in many waters, 27: 14. to sanctify me at the water before their eyes: that (is) (Ae water of Meribah 31 :23.«>z'(A (Ae water of separation: — shall make go through the water. 33: 9. twelve fountains of water, 14.no water for the people Deu 2: 6. ye shall also buy water 28. and give me water for money, 4:18 Sc 5:8. in the ivaters beneath the earth: 8: 7. a land of brooks of water, ( 695 ) n^o Deu 8:15. where (there was) no waiter; who brought thee forth water 9: 9. 1 neither did eat bread nor drink water: 18.1 did neither eat bread, nor drink water, 10: 7. a land of rivers of waters. 11: 4. made (Ae water o/the Red sea to 1 1 . water of the rain of heaven : 12:16, 24. pour it upon the earth as water. 14: 9. all that (are) in the waters: 15:23. pour it upon the ground as water. 23: 4(5). met you not with bread and with water 1 1( 12). he shall wash (himself) with water : 29:11(10). the drawer of thy water : 32:51. at the waters o/Meribah- Kadesh, 33: 8.at(Ae waters o/Meribah; Jos. 2:10. (Ae water o/the Red sea 3: 8. (Ae water of Jordan, 13. in (Ae waters of Jordan, (that) (Ae waters of Jordan shall be cut off' (from) the waters that come down 15, in the brim of (Ae water, 16. the waters which came down 4: 7. That (Ae waters of Jordan were cut off — (Ae waters of Jordan were cut off: 18. (Ae waters of Jordan returned 23. dried up (Ae waters of Jordan 5 : 1 . dried up (Ae waters of Jordan 7: 5. hearts ofthe people... became as water. 9:21, 23, 27. hewers of wood and drawers of water 11: 5. at (Ae waters of Merom, 7 . by (Ae waters of Merom 8 . chased them unto. . .Misrephoth-waim, (lit, of water ) 13: 6. from Lebanon unto Misrephoth-maim, 15: 7. toward (Ae ivaters o/En-shemesh, 9, the water o/Nephtoah, 19. give me also springs of water. 16: l.unto the water of Jericho 18: 15. the well of waters o/Nephtoah: Jud. 1 : 15. give me also springs of water. 4:19. Give me, I pray thee, a little water 5: 4. the clouds also dropped water. 19- by (Ae watej-s of Megiddo ; 25. He asked zoater, (and) she gave (him) 6: 38. a bowl full of water. 7: 4. bring them down unto (Ae water, 5. brought down the people unto the water : — Every one that lappeth of (Ae water 6. down upon their knees to drink water. 24. before them (Ae waters unto Beth-barah — took (Ae watej-s unto Beth-barah 15: 19. there came water thereout ; ISa. 7: 6. they gathered together.. .and drew water, 9:11. young maidens going out to draw water, 25 : 1 1 . Shall I then take my bread, and my water, 26 : 1 1 - and the cruse of water, 12. took the spear and the cruse of jvater 16. the cruse of carter that (was) at his bolster. 30 : 1 1 . they made him drink a>e[(er ; 12. nor drunk (any) water, 2Sa. 5 : 20. as the breach of waters. 12:27. and have taken the city of waters. 14:14. and (are) as water spilt on the ground, 1 7 : 20. gone over the brook of water. 21 . Arise, and pass quickly over (Ae a>a(er .- 21 : 10. until water dropped upon them 22: 12. dark watej's, (and) thick clouds 17. he drew me out of many waters ; 23: 15. (Ae water of the well of Beth-lehem, 16. and drew water out of the well I K. 13: 8. neither will I eat bread nor drink water 9. Eat no bread, nor drink water, 16. will I eat bread nor drink water 17. eat no bread nor drink water 18. that he may eat bread and drink water. 19.and did eat bread.. .and drank water. 22. hast eaten bread and drunk water , Eat no bread, and drink no water; 1 4 : 1 5 . as a reed is shaken in the water, 1 7 : 10. Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water 18 : 4. and fed them with bread and water. 5. unto all fountains of water, 13. and fed them with bread and water ? 33(34). Fill four barrels with water, 35. the water ran round about he filled the trench also with a;o(er. D^D ( 696 ) CPD IK. 18:38. (Ae water that (was) in the trench. 19: 6. a cruse of water at his head. 22:27. with water of affliction, 2K. 2: 8, 14. and smote (Ae waters, 14. he also had smitten (Ae ivaters, 19. but tke water (is) naught, 21. the spring of (Ae waters, . — 1 have healed these waters ; 22. So (Ae waters were healed unto this day, 3 : 9. there was no water for the host, II. poured water on the hands of Elijah. 17. that valley shall be filled with water, 19. and stop all wells of water, 20. there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water. 22. the sun shone upon (Ae water, and the Moabites saw (Ae water 25. they stopped all the wells of water, 5:12. all (Ae waters o/Israel ? 6: 5. the ax head fell into (Ae water: 22. set bread and water before them, 8: 15. a thick cloth, and dipped (it) hi water, 18:27. and drink their own piss (marg. (Ae water of their feet) 31. (Ae waters o/his cistern: 19:24.1 have digged and drunk strange waters, 20: 20. and brought water into the city, ICh 11: 17. tAe water ofthe well of Beth-lehem, 18. and drew water out ofthe well 14:1 1, like the breaking forth of waters : 2Ch 18: 26. and with water of affliction, 32: 3. (Ae waters o/the fountains 4. and find much water ? 30. the upper watercourse of Gihon, Ezr.lO: 6. he did eat no bread, nor drink water: Neh 3: 26. over against the water gate 4:23(17). every one put them off for washing. (marg. for water) 8: I, 3. the street that (was) before the water gate; 16. in the street ofthe water gate, 9: 11. as a stone into the mighty waters. 15. and broughtest forth water for them 20. and gavest them water for their thirst. 12:37. even unto the water gate 13 : 2. of Israel with bread and with water, Job 3: 24. roarings are poured out like the tvaters. 5: 10. and sendeth waters upon the fields: 8: 11. can the flag grow without water ? 9:30. If I wash myself with snow water, 11:16. remember (it) as ivaters (that) pass away: 12:15. he withholdeth (Ae waters, 14: 9. through the scent of water 11 . ( As) the waters fail from the sea, 19. TAe waters wear the stones: 15:16.drinketh iniquity like water? 22: 7. hast not given water to the weary 11. abundance of waters cover thee. 24: 18. He (is) swift as (Ae waters ; 19. Drought and heat consume the snow waters : 26: 5. from under the watej's, 8. He bindeth up (Ae waters 10. He hath compassed (Ae waters 27: 20. Tenors take hold on him as waters, 28:25. ajid he weigheth (A e waters by measure . 29: 19. My root (was) spread out by the waters, 34: 7. drinketh up scorning iz'Ae water ? 36:27. he maketh small the drops of water : 37: 10. the breadth ofthe ivaters is straitened. 38:30. TAe waters are hid as (with) a stone, 34. that abundance of waters may cover thee ? Ps. 1: 3. a tree planted by the rivers of water, 18: 11(12). dark waters (and) thick clouds 15(16). the channels of waters were seen, 16(17). he drew me out of many waters. 22:14(15). I am poured out ZiAe ivater, 23: 2. he leadeth me beside (Ae still waters. 29: 3. of the Lord (is) upon (Ae waters: — the Lord (is) upon many waters. 32 : 6. in the floods of great watei's 33 : 7. He gathereth (Ae waters of 42: 1(2). As the hart panteth after the water brooks, 46: 3{4). the waters thereof roar 58: 7(8). Let them melt away as waters 63 : 1(2). where no water is ; Ps. 65: 9(10). the river of God, (which) is full of water : 66 : 12. we went through fire and through water .* 69: I (2). (Ae waters are come in unto (my) soul. 2(3). I am come into deep waters, 14(15). out of (Ae deep waters. 15(16). Let not the «?a(erflood overflow me, 73:I0.ana,w«z(erso/afull (cup) 74:13.brakest the heads of the dragons in tke waters. 77:16(17). TAe waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee ; 17(18). The clouds poured out water: 19(20). thy path in the great waters, 78:13. made (Ae waters to stand as an heap. 16. caused waters to run down like rivers. 20. (Ae waters gushed out, 79: 3, Their blood have they shed like water 81 : 7(8). I proved thee at (Ae waters of Meribah. 88: 17(18). They came round about me daily like water; 93: 4. the noise of many waters, 104: 3. Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: 6. the waters stood above the mountains. 105:29. He turned (Aeir waters into blood, 41 . (Ae waters gushed out ; 106 : 1 1 . (Ae waters covered their enemies : 32. (Ae waters of strife, 107: 23. that do business in great watej-s; 33. (Ae u>a(ersprings into dry ground ; 35. a standing water, and dry ground into a?a(ersprings. 109: 18. let it come into his bowels like water, 114: 8. Which turned the rock (into) a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters. 1 19: 136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, 124: 4.(Ae waters had overwhelmed us, 5. (Ae proud waters had gone over our soul. 136: 6. that stretched out the earth above the waters : 144: 7. deliver me out of great waters, 147: 18. to blow, (and) (Ae waters flow, 148 : 4. and ye watej's that (be) above the heavens. Pro. 5:15. waters out of thine own cistern, 16. rivers of waters in the streets. 8: 24. no fountains abounding with water. 29. that the ivaters should not pass his com mandment: 9:17. Stolen waters are sweet, 17:14. when one letteth out water: 18: 4. of a man's mouth (are as) deep waters, 20: 5. Counsel.. .(is like) deep water ; 21: l.(as) the rivers of water ; 25:21. give him water to drink: 25. (As) cold waters to a thirsty soul, 27: 19. As in water face (answereth) to face, 30 : 4. who hath bound (Ae waters in a garment ? 16. the earth (that) is not filled with water; Ecc. 2: 6.1 made me pools of water, 11: 1 . Cast thy bread upon (Ae waters : Cant.4: 15. a well of living waters, 5: 12. by the rivers of waters, 8: 7. Many waters cannot quench love, Isa. 1 -.22. thy wine mixed with water : 30. as a garden that hath no water. 3 : 1 . the whole stay of water, 8 : 6. (Ae waters of bhiloah that go softly, 7.(Ae waters o/the river, 11 : 9. as (Ae waters cover the sea. 12: 3. with joy shall ye draw water 14:23. for the bittern, and pools of water: 15: 6. (Ae waters o/Nimrim shall be desolate: 9. (Ae waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: 17:12. like the rushing of mighty waters ! 13. like the rushing of many waters; 18: 2. in vessels of bulrushes upon (Ae waters, 19: 5. (Ae waters shall fail from the sea, 8. they that spread nets upon (Ae waters 21:14. brought water to him that was thirsty, 22: 9. (Ae waters o/the lower pool. 11. for the ivater o/the old pool: 23: 3. And by great waters the seed of Sihor, 25:10. (3TQ) trodden down for (lit. according to UTO, in the water of) the dunghill. 28 : 2. as a flood of mighty waters 17. (Ae waters shall overflow the hiding place. D^ Isa. 30:14. to take ivater (withal) out ofthe pit. 20. and the water of affliction, 25.rivers (and) streams of waters 32: 2. as rivers of water in a dry place, 20. Blessed (are) ye that sow beside all waters, 33:16. Ais waters (shall be) sure. 35: 6. in the wilderness shall waters break out, 7. the thirsty land springs of water: 36:12.and drink their own piss (lit. water of their feet) 16. (Ae waters o/his own cistern ; 37:25.1 have digged, and drunk water; 40:12. Who hath measured (Ae waters 41 : 17. (When) the poor and needy seek water, 18. 1 will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. 43: 2. When thou passest through the waters, 16. in the sea, and a path inthe mighty waters ; 20.1 give waters in the wilderness, 44: 3. 1 will pour water upon him that is thirsty, 4. as willows by the water courses. 12. he drinketh no water, and is faint. 48: Land are come forth out of the waters of Judah, 21 . he caused (Ae waters to flow out of the rock — (Ae waters gushed out. 49: 10. by the springs of water shall he guide 50: 2. because (there is) no water, 51 : 10. (Ae waters o/the great deep ; 54: 9. this (is as) (Ae waters of Noah unto me: for (as) I have sworn that (Ae waters of 55: l.come ye to the waters, 57:20. whose waters cast up mire 58 : 1 1 . and like a spring of water whose waters fail not. 63: 12. dividing the water before them, 64: 2(1). the fire causeth (Ae watcj's to boil, Jer. 2: 13. the fountain of living waters, — that can hold no water. 18. to drink (Ae waters o/Sihor? — to drink (Ae waters o/the river ? 6: 7. As a fountain casteth out Aer waters, 8:14. given us water o/gall to drink, 9: 1(8:23). Oh that my head were waters, 15(14). give them water o/gall to drink. 18(17). our eyelids gush out with waters. 10:13. (there is) a multitude of waters in the 13: Land put it not in water. , 14: 3. their nobles have sent their little ones fo tke waters : they came to the pits, (and) found no water ; 15:18.(and as) waters (that) fail? 17: 8. he shall be as a tree planted by (Ae watej-s, 13. the fountain of living waters. 18:14. (Ae cold flowing waters 23:15. make them drink (Ae water o/gall: 31: 9. to walk by the rivers of waters 38: 6. in the dungeon (there was) no water, 41:12.(Ae great waters that (are) in Gibeon. 46: 7 .whose waters are moved as the rivers? 8. (his) waters are moved like the rivers ; 47: 2.w;a(ers rise up out ofthe north, 48:34. tlie waters also o/'Nimrim shall be desolate. 50:38. A drought (is) upon Aer waters ; 51 : 13. 0 thou that dwellest upon many waters, 16. (there is) a multitude of waters in the heavens ; 55. when her waves do roar (iAe great waters, Lam.l : 16. mine eye runneth down with water, 2:19.pour out thine heart iiAe water 3:48. runneth down with rivers of water 54. Waters flowed over mine head ; 5: 4. We have drunken our water Eze. 1 :24. like the noise of great ivaters, 4:11. Thou shalt drink also water by measure, 16. and they shall drink water by measure, 17. That they may want bread and water, 7: 17. all knees shall be weak (as) water. 12:18. and drink thy water with trembling 19. and drink (Aeir water with astonishment, 16: 4. neither wast thou washed in water 9. Then washed I thee with water; 17: 5. he placed (it) by great waters, 8. in a good soil by great waters, 19: 10. planted by (Ae waters ; she was fruitful and full of branches by reason ofmanywaters. 21: 7(12). all knees shall be weak (as) water: ( 697 ) rD Eze.24: 3. also pour water into it: 26: 12. and thy dust in the midst of (Ae water. 19. great waters shall cover thee ; 27: 26. Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters : 34. in the depths of (Ae waters 31 : 4. TAe waters made him great, 5. because ofthe multitude of waters, 7. his root was by great waters. 14. all the trees by (Ae wattrs exalt themselves — , 16. all that drink water: 15. the great waters were stayed: 32: 2.troubledst (Ae waters with thy feet, 13. from beside (Ae great waters ; 14. Then will I make (Aeir wafers deep, 34: 18. to have drunk of (Ae deep waters, 36:25. will I sprinkle clean water upon you, 43: 2. like a noise of many waters : 47 : 1 . waters issued out from under — and the waters came down 2. there ran out waters on the right side. 3. he brought me through the waters; the waters (were) to the ancles. 4. brought me thj-ough the waters ; the waters (were) to the knees. — (Ae waters (were) to the loins. 5.(Ae waters were risen, waters to swim in, 8. These waters issue out toward the east — (Ae waters shall be healed. 9. because these waters shall come thither: 12. (Aeir waters they issued out 19.(Ae watej-s of strife (in) Kadesh, 48:28. (Ae waters of strife (in) Kadesh, Dan 1:12. and water to drink. 12: 6,7. upon (Ae waters ofthe river, Hos, 2: 5(7). give (me) my bread and my water, 5:10.1 will pour out my wrath upon them like water. 10: 7 . as the foam upon (Ae water. Joel 1 : 20. the rivers of waters are dried up, 3:18(4:18). of Judah shall flow with waters, Am. 4: 8. wandered unto one city, to drink water; 5: 8. that calleth for the waters o/the sea, 24. let judgment run down as waters, 8:11. nor a thirst for water, 9: 6. he that calleth for the waters ofthe sea, Jon. 2: 5(6). TAe waters compassed me about, 3 : 7. let them not feed, nor drink water : Mic. 1: 4. as (Ae waters (that are) poured down Nah 2: 8(9). Nineveh (is) of old likeapool of water: 3: 8. (that had) (Ae waters round about it, 14. Draw thee waters for the siege, Hab. 2: 14. as the waters cover the sea. 3:10. the overflowing of (Ae water passed by : 15. (through) the heap of great waters. Zee. 9: 11. the pit wherein (is) no water. 14 : 8. living waters shall go out from Jerusalem ; J*0 [meeri], m. Gen 1:11. yielding fruit after his kind, 12. herb yielding seed after his kind, — whose seed (was) in itself, after his hind: 21. forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind : 24. the living creature after his kind, — beast ofthe earth after his kind: 25. the beast ofthe earth after kis kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth. ..after his kind: 6:20. Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing ...after his kind, 7 : 14. every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing... after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, Lev.l 1 : 14. the kite after his kind; 15. Every raven after kis kind; 16. the hawk after his kind, 19. the heron after her kind, 22. the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. ro ( 698 ) mo Lev.l 1 : 29. the tortoise after his kind, Deu 14:13. the vulture after his kind, 14. every raven after his kind, 15. the hawk after his kind, 18. the heron after her kind, Eze.47:10. their fish shall be according to their kinds, IJO^aO meh-sach! ', m. 2K. 16:18. (nTD) And (Ae covert for the sabbath that they had built ps meetz* m. Pro.30:33.(Ae churning o/milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so tke forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife. niK^D mee-shohr', m. Deu. 3:10. All the cities of (Ae plain, 4:43. in the plain country, Jos. 13: 9. all theplain o/Medeba 1 6. all (Ae plain by Medeba ; 17- all her cities that (are) in theplain; 21 . all the cities of (Ae plain, 20: 8- the wilderness upon tke plain IK. 20:23. let us fight against them in the plain, 25. we will fight against them in the plain, 2Ch 26 : 10. both in the low country, and in tke plains : Ps. 26 : 1 2. My foot standeth in an even place : 27: II. lead me in a plain path, (marg. way of plainness ) 45: 6(7). of thy kingdom (is) a right sceptre. 67: 4(5). thou shalt judge the people righteously, 143: 10. lead me into the land of uprightness. Isa. 11: 4. reprove with equity for the meek 40 : 4. the crooked shall be made straight, (marg. or, a straight place) 42: 16. and crooked things stj-aight. (marg. into straightness) Jer. 21:13. rock of (Ae plain, 48: 8. (Ae plain shall be destroyed, 21 .judgment is come upon the plain country ; Zee. 4: 7. (thou shalt become) a plain: Mai. 2: 6. he walked with me in peace and equity, CHt^fi meh-shah-reem', m. pi. 1 Ch 29: 1 7. and hast pleasure in uprightness. Ps. 9: 8(9). judgment to the people in uprightness. 17:2. thine eyes behold (Ae things that are equal. 58: 1(2). do ye judge uprightly, 75 : 2(3). I will judge uprightly. 96: 10. he shall judge the people righteously. 98: 9. the people with equity. 99: 4. thou dost establish equity, Pro. 1: 3. justice, andjudgment, and equity; (marg. equities) 2: 9. righteousness, and judgment, and equity; 8: 6. opening of my lips (shallbe) right things. 23: 16. when thy lips speak right things. 31 . it moveth itself aright. Cant.l : 4.(Ae upright love thee. (marg. they love thee uprightly) 7: 9(10). that goeth (down) sweetly, (marg. straightly) Isa. 26: 7. The way of the just (is) upj-jghtness : 33: 15. speaketh upj'ightly ; (marg. in upright- jiesses) 45: 19. 1 declare things that are right. Danll: 6_,to make an agreejnent: {marg. rights) ^lJVfi [meh-thahr{\ m. Ex. 35:18. the pins ofthe court, and (Aeir cords, 39:40. Ais cords, and his pins, Nu. 3:26. and (Ae cords of it 37. their pins, and their cords. 4: 26. (Aeir coj-ds, and all the instruments Nu. 4 : 32. their pins, and their cords, Ps. 21: 12(13). ready (thine arrows) upon thy strings Isa. 54: 2. lengthen thy cords, Jer. 10: 20. all my cords are broken: SiX3£ mdch-ohvf, m. Ex. 3: 7.1 know (Aeir sorrows; 2Ch. 6: 29. his own sore and his own grief, Job 33: 19. He is chastened also with pain Ps. 32:10.Many soirows (shall be) to the wicked: 38: 17(18). and my sorrow (is) continually before 69:26(27). they talk to (Ae grief of those whom Ecc. 1:18. increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. 2:23. For all his days (are) soj-rows, Isa. 53: 3. a man of sorrows, and acquainted 4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: Jer. 30: 15. (Ay sorrow (is) incurable 45: 3. the Lord hath added grief to Jny sorrow; 51: 8. take balm for her pain, Lam. 1:12. see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, 18. behold my sorrow: my virgins 1352? mich-bahr1 \ m. Ex. 27 : 4. thou shalt make for it a grate 35 : 16. with his brasen grate, 38 : 4. he made. . .a brasen grate 5. the four ends ofthe grate 30. and the brasen grate 39:39. The brasen altar, and his grate 13515 mach-behrr, m. 2K. 8:15. he took a thick cloth, H3& wiak-kahr, f. Lev.26Nu. 11 Deu25: 26: 29 Jos. 10 Jud 1115; ISa. 4; 6 1419 23 IK. 2022 2K. 2Ch 2 13 2'228 Est. 9 Ps. 64 Pro.20Isa. 1 1014 27 30 Jer. 6 10141519 30 21 . 1 will bring seven times more plagues 33. the people with a very great plague. 3. beat him above these with many stripes, 59. the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and (Ae plagues ofthy seed, (even) great plagues, 6 1 . every sickness, and every plague, :22(21 ). when they see (Ae plagues of that 10. slew them with a great slaughter, 20. slaying them with a very great slaughter, 33. with a very great slaughter. 8. hip and thigh with a great slaughter 8. smote the Egyptians with all the plagues 10. there was a very great slaughter; 19. of the people with a great slaughter. I -i. that first slaughter, which 30. a much greater slaughter 8. slew them with a great slaughter; 5. smote them with a great slaughter. :21 .slew the Syrians with a great slaughter. :35. the blood ran out of (Ae wound :29&9:15.(Ae wounds which the Syrians had 1 0( 9) . measures of beaten wheat, 17. slew them with a great slaughter: 6. the woujids which were given him 5. who smote him with a great slaughter. 5. with (Ae stroke ofthe sword, 7(8). suddenly shall they he wounded, (lit shall (Aeir wounds be) :30.5o (do) stripes the inward parts 6. and bruises, ajid putrifying sores ; :26. according to the slaughter 0/ Midian 6. with a continual stroke, 7. as he smote (marg. accoj'ding to the stroke of) those that smote him? 26.healeth the stroke of their wound. 7. continually (is) grief and wounds. 19. my wound is grievous: 17. with a very grievous blow. 1 8. and my wound incurable, 8. because of all the plagues thereof. \2.thy wound (is) grievous. POD ( 699 ) 130 Jer. 30:14.1 have wounded thee with the wound of 17. and I will heal thee of thy wounds, 49:17. all (Ae plagues thej'eof. 50:13. hiss at all Aer plagues. Mic 1 : 9. Aer wound (is) incurable ; Nah. 3:19. thy wound is grievous: Zec.13: 6. What (are) these ivounds in thine hands? T\\yi2 mich-vah\ f. Lev.l 3: 24. in the skin... a hot burning, and the quick (flesh) that burneth 25. a leprosy broken out ofthe burning ; 28. a rising of (Ae burning, — an inflammation of the burning. J13fi mah-ckdhn', m. Ex. 15:17. the place, O Lord, (which) thou hast IK. 8: 13. a settled place for thee 39, 43, 49. in heaven thy dwelling place, 2Ch. 6: 2. and a place for thy dwelling 30. heaven thy dwelling place, 33, 39./rom thy dwelling place, Ezr. 2:68. the house of God to set it up in hisplace: Ps. 33: 14. From the place ofhis habitation 89: 14(15). (Ae habitation (marg. establishment) of thy throne : 97: 2. (Ae habitation o/his throne, (marg. id.) 104: 5. the foundations o/the earth, (marg. bases) Isa. 4: 5. every dwelling place of mount Zion, IS: 4. 1 will consider hi my dwelling place (marg. set dwelling ) Dan. 8:11. the place ofhis sanctuary IK. P1313D mchoh-nahf, f. 7: 27. he made ten bases — the length of one base, 28. the work of (Ae bases 30. every base kad four brasen wheels, 32. the axletrees... (were joined) to the base: 34. the four corners of one 6ase.- (and) the undersetters (were) of (Ae very base 35. in the top of (Ae base — on the top of (Ae base 37. he made (Ae ten bases: 38. upon every one ofthe ten bases (lit. upon one base of (Ae ten bases) 39. he put five bases on the right side 43. And (Ae ten bases, and ten lavers on the 2K. 1 6 : 1 7 . cut off the borders of ( Ae bases, 25: 13. and (Ae bases, and the brasen sea 16. and (Ae bases which Solomon had made 2Ch 4:14. He made also bases, and lavers made he upon (Ae bases; Ezr. 3: 3. they set the altar upon Ais bases; Jer. 27 : 19. and concerning (Ae bases, 52:17. the bases, and the brasen sea 20. twelve brasen bulls that (were) under (Ae HMO see Pu50 Pl'tOft [rri'choo-rah1'], f. Eze.I6: 3. Thy birth (marg. cutting out, or, habitation) and thy nativity 21:30(35). in the land ofthy nativity. 29: 14. the land of (Aeir habitation; (marg. or, AZr(A) "5p?? \mah-'chdch'~\. * KAL.— Future. * Ps. 106:43. and were brought low for their iniquity. (marg. or, impoverished, or, weakened) * NIPHAL.— Future. * Ecc. 10: 18. much slothfulness the building decayeth ; * HOPHAL.— Preterite. * Job 24:24. are gone and brought low ; Tw->& mi'ch-lah' ', f. t : * Ps. 50: 9. (nor) he goats out of thy folds. 78:70. and took him from the sheep/oZrts : Hab. 3:17. the flock shall be cut off from the fold, 7l?3£ mick-lohl', m. Eze.23 : 12. captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, 38 : 4. with all sorts (of armour) , HPSP mi'ch-lohth' , f. pi. 2Ch 4:21. (and) that perfect (marg, perfections oj ') gold. 7?5zD mi'ch-lal', m. Ps. 50: 2. ZAe perfection o/beauty, Dy?3z5 ma'ch-loo-leem' , m. pi. Eze.27 : 24. thy merchants in all sorts (of things), (marg. or, excellent things) rr?3£? mak-koh'-leth, f. IK. 5:11(25). twenty thousand measures of wheat (for) food D\SMp \mich-man-neem'\ m. pi. Danll : 43. ouer ZAe treasures a/" gold and ofsilver, "lfiDP \jndch-mohr'\ m. Ps. 141 : 1 0. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, 105P mich-mahr' , m. Isa. 51 :20. as a wild bull in a net : niz25P \?nich-meh' -reth~\. Hab. 1:15. gather them in their drag: (marg. flue net) 16. burn incense unto their drag ; )Tp?£? mich-moh' -reth , f. Isa. 19; 8. they that spread nets rtJ^P \rri'choo-nah'~\, f. Zee. 5: 11. set there upon Aer own base. D*DJ5P [mi'ch-ri1 sah' -yini], dual, m. Ex. 28 : 42. thou shalt make them linen breeches 39:28. linen breeches (of) fine twined linen, Lev. 6: 10(3). and his linen breeches shall he put 16 : 4. and he shall have ZAe linen breeches upon Eze. 44: 18. and shall have linen breeches upon their D30 ¦ ODD meh'-'ches, m. ( 700 ) 130 Nu. 31: 28. levy a tribute unto the Lord 37. the Lord's tribute ofthe sheep 38. of which the Lord's (riZra(e(was)threescore 39. of which the Lord's tribute (was) threescore 40. of which the Lord's tribute (was) thirty 41 . Moses gave ZAe tribute, np3P \mich-sah'~\, f. Ex. 12: A. according to the number ofthe souls; Lev.27 : 23. (Ae worth ofthy estimation, MpDp mich-seh' , m. Gen 8:13. Noah removed ZAe covering ofthe ark, Ex. 26: 14. make a covering for the tent — and a covering above (of) badgers' skins. 35:11. The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, 36: 19. he made a covering for the tent — and a covering of badgers' skins 39:34. (Ae covering of rams' skins dyed red, and (Ae covering o/badgers' skins, 40 : 19. (Ae covering of the tent Nu. 3: 25. the tent, (Ae covering thereof, 4: 8, 1 1 , 12. with a covering o/badgers' skins, 10. a covering o/badgers' skins, 25. the tabernacle... Az's covering, and the cover ing of the badgers' skins PlMip m'chas- seh' ', m. Lev. 9:19. and that which covereth (the inwards), Isa. 14: 11. and the worms cover thee. 23:18. and for durable clothing. Eze.27: 7. of Elishah was ZAat which covered thee. "D5 niah-'char' '. Gen31 37 4547 Ex. 21 22 Lev.25 27 Deu 24 32 Ru. 4 Isa. 50 Eze.30 Joel 3 Ex. 21 Deu 14 21 Neh 10 13 Am. 2 Gen25; 2K. 4: Gen25: 37: * KAL — Preterite. * 15. for Ae AaZA sold us, and hath 36. And the Midianites sold him 4. your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. 5. be not grieved,... that ye sold roe : 20. the Egyptians sold every man his field, 22. they sold not their lands. 16. stealeth a man, and selleth him, 35. then they shall sell the live ox, l(21:37).andkillit, or sell it ; :2b. and hath sold away (some) of his pos session, 27. the man to whom Ae sold it ; : 20. if Ae Aaue sold the field 7. merchandise of him, or selleth him; :30. except their Rock Aad sold them, 3. selleth a parcel of land, 1 . to whom / have sold you ? : 12. and sell the land into the hand of : 3(4:3). and soZd a girl for wii:e, 6(-:6).ye sold unto the Grecians, 7(-:7).the place whither ye have sold them, 8(-: 8). And I will sell your sons — (- : -).and they shall sell them to the Sabeans KAL. — Infinitive. : 8. to sell her unto a strange nation :21.ZAou mayest sell it unto an alien: : 14. but thou shalt not sell her at all (lit. and selling thou shalt not sell) : 31 (32). victuals on the sabbath day to sell, : 15. the day wherein they sold victuals. : 6. ZAey sold the righteous for silver, KAL — Imperative. 31 . Sell me this day thy birthright. 7. sell the oil, and pay thy debt, KAL.— Future. 33, and he sold his birthright 27. and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, 28. and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites Ex.21: 7 . if a man sell his daughter Lev.25: 14. if ZAoa sell (lit. ye shall sell) ought unto 1 5. of the fruits Ae shall sell unto thee : 29. if a man sell a dwelling house Deu21 : 14. ZAom shalt not sell her at all Jud. 2: 14. and he sold them into the hands of 3: 8. and he sold them into the hand of 4: 2. And the Lord sold them 9. the Lord shall sell Sisera 10: 7. and he sold them into the hands of lSa.12: 9. And when they forgat.. .Ae sold them into Neh 5 : 8. will ye even sell your brethren ? Ps. 44: 12(13). Tkou sellest thy people for nought, Pro. 23:23. Buy the truth, and sell (it) not ; 31 :24. She maketh fine linen, and selleth (it) ; Eze. 48 : 14. ZAey shall not sell of it, KAL.— Participle. Poel. Lev.25: 16. the fruits doZA he sell unto thee. Neh 1 3 : 1 6 . and sold on th e sabbath 20. the merchants and sellers of all kind of Isa. 24: 2. as with the buyer, so with the seller ; Eze. 7:12. nor the seller mourn : 13. ZAe seller shall not return Nah 3: 4. that selleth nations Zee. 11: 5. and they that sell them say, * NIPHAL Preterite. * Ex. 22: 3(2). (Aen Ae shallbe sold for his theft. Lev. 25: 39. and Ae sold unto thee ; 47 .and sell himself unto the stranger 48. After that Ae is sold 21:21. then it shall be sold according to Neh 5 : 8. or shall they be sold unto us ? Est. 7 : 4. For we are sold, I and my people, — if we had been sold for bondmen Ps.105: 17. Joseph, (who) was sold for a servant: Isa. 50: 1 . Aaye ye sold yourselves, and for 52: 3. Ye have sold yourselves for nought ; NIPHAL Infinitive. Lev.25 : 50. the year ZAaZ he was sold NIPHAL Future. Lev.25:23. The land sAaZZ not Ae sold for ever: 34. the field... may not Ae sold; 42. ZAey shall not Ae sold 27:28. no devoted thing, ...shallbe sold Deu 15:12. if thy brother,... Ae sold unto thee, Jer. 34:14. which AaZA been sold (marg. or, hath sold himself) unto thee ; NIPHAL.— Participle. Neh 5: 8. our brethren. ..which were sold * HITHPAEL Preterite. # Deu 28: 68. and there ye sAaZZ Ae sold unto your IK. 21 :2b. did sell himself to work wickedness HITHPAEL Infinitive. 1 K. 2 1 : 20 . ZAom AasZ sold thyself HITHPAEL Future. 2K.17 :17 .and sold themselves to do evil 13P meh'-'cher, m. Nu. 20 : 1 9 . 1 wi 11 pay for it : ( lit. I will give (Ae price of them) Neh 1 3 : 1 6 . all manner of ware, Pro.31 : 10. Aer price (is) far above rubies. "l3b [mak-kahr'], m. 2K. 12: 5(6). every man ofhis acquaintance: 7 (8). receive no (more) money of your ac quaintance, fTpD [mich-reh'l, m. Zep. 2 : 9. the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, JTpO \iii'chch-rah'\ f. Gen49: 5. instruments of cruelty (are in) their ha bitations. iTpO see TVyfy ( 701 ) N^B h)W2t2 mich-shohl, m. Lev.l 9 lSa.25: Ps.119: Isa. 8 57 Jer. 6 Eze. 3 7 14 18 14. nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, 31. nor offence of heart unto my lord, 165.no(Ain£r shall offend them. (lit. there shall be no stumbling block to them) 14. for a rock of offence to both the houses 14. take up (Ae stumbling block 21. Iwill lay stumbling blocks before this people, 20. 1 lay a stumblingblock before him, I9.it is the stumblhtgbtock of their iniquity. 3. and put (Ae stumblingblock of their iniquity 4,7. and putteth (Ae stumblingblock of his iniquity 30. iniquity shall not be your ruin. (lit. shall not be for a stumbling block to you ) ; 15(20). (their) ruins be multiplied: : 12. caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity ; (marg. were for a stumbling- block of iniquity unto) PPtSbD mdch-sheh-lah1 ', f, Isa. 3 : 6. and (let) this ruin ( be) under thy hand : Zep. 1: 3. and the stumblingblocks (marg. or, idols) with the wicked ; 2FpD mich-tahv1 \ m. Ex. 32:16. and tke writing (was) (Ae writing of God, 39: 30. wrote upon it a writing, Deu 10: 4. according to tke first writing, 2Ch2l : 12. there came a writing to him 35: 4. and according to the writing of Solomon his son. 36:22. (put it) also in writing, Ezr. 1: 1. (put it) also in writing, Isa. 38: 9. The writing of Hezekiah Ps. T\POp [mchit-tahf\ f. Isa. 30:14. shall not be found in the bursting of it DJjl?z3 mich-tahm' , m. Ps. 16rtitleJ(l)..Mi'cAZain of David. 56[title](I).McAZamof David, when the Phi listines 57[title](l ).Michtam of David, when lie fled 58[title](l) &59[title](l).Al-taschith, Michtam of David. 60 [title] (l).MtcA(am of David, to teach; $£Oz? ma'ch-tehsh' , m. Jud.15: 19. God clave an hollow place Pro. 27: 22. Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar ^% mah-leh' & tibti [mah-lah'l * KAL Preterite. * Gen 6:13. the earth is filled with violence 29: 21. my days are fulfilled, Ex. 8 : 2 1 ( 1 7 ) . and the houses of the Egyptians sAaZZ be full 10: 6. And they shall fill thy houses, 40:34, 35. the glory of the Lord filled Lev,19:29. and the land become full of wickedness. Jos. 3:15. Jordan overfloweth (lit. filleth over) all his banks Jud,16:27.the house was full of men and women ; 1 Sa. 1 8 : 26. the days were not expired, (marg. fulfilled) IK. 8 : 1 0. the cloud filled the house 11. the glory ofthe Lord had filled 2K. 6:17. the mountain was full o/horses ICh 17 : 1 1 . when thy days Ae expired <-^' 2Ch 5:13. the house was filled with a cloud, 2Ch 5:14. the glory ofthe Lord hadfiUedthe house. 7 : 1 . the glory of the Lord filled the house. 2. the glory ofthe Lord had filled the Lord's house. Est. 7: 5. where is he, that durst presume (marg. whose heart hath filled him) Job 20:11. His bones are full o/(the sin) of 21 :24. His breasts are full c/milk, 32:18./ am full of matter, 36 : 16. on thy table should be full of 11 .thou hast fulfilled the judgment of — 10: 7. His mouth is full of cursing 26: 10. their right hand is full of (marg. filled with) bribes. 33: 5. the earth is full o/the goodness of 38: 7(8). my loins are filled with a loathsome 48 : 1 0( 1 1 ) . thy right hand is full (/righteousness. 65: 9(10). the river of God, (which) is full of water: 74:20. the dark places of the earth are full of 104:24. the earth is full ofthy riches. 110: 6.Ae shall fill (the places) mii'zA 119:64. The earth, O Lord, is full ofthy mercy: Pro.l2:21.the wicked sAaZZ be filled with Ecc. 8:11. the heart of the sons of men is fully set 9: 3. heart ofthe sons of men is full of evil, Isa. 1:15. your hands are full of blood . 2 : 6. ZAey 6e replenished from the east, 11 : 9. the earth shall be full ofthe knowledge 13:21. and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures ; 14:21. nor fill the face ofthe world with lb : 9. the waters of Dimon shall be full o/blood: 21: 3. my loins filled with pain: 22: 7. thy choicest valleys shall be full of 21: 6. and fill the face of the world with 28: 8. all tables are full of vomit 30: 27. his lips are full 0/ indignation, 34: 6. The sword of the Lord is filled with blood, 40: 2. her warfare is accomplished, Jer. 6:11./ am full ofthe fury of the Lord ; 16: 18. ZAey have filled mine inheritance with 19: 4. and have filled this place with 23:10. the land is full 0/ adulterers ; 25:34. your dispersions are accomplished; r — 46: 12. thy cry hath filled the land: 51: 5. their land was filled with sin Lam. 4:18. our days are fulfilled ; Eze. 7:23. the land is full o/bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. 8:17. ZAey have filled the land with violence, 9: 9. the city/dZ o/perverseness: 10: 3. the cloud filled the inner court. 4. and the court was full ofthe brightness 28 : 1 6 . ZAey have filled the midst of thee uit'ZA 30:11. and fill the land with the slain. 43 : 5. the glory of the Lord filled the house. 44: 4. the glory ofthe Lord filled the house Joel 2:2i. And the floors shall be full 0/ wheat, 3:13(4:13). the press is full, Mic. 3: 8. 1 am full 0/' power by the spirit 6: 12. the rich men thereof are full 0/ violence, Hab. 3: 3. the earth was full o/his praise. Zee. 9: 15. and they shall be filled (marg. or, fill both the) like bowls, KAL Infinitive. Lev. 8 : 33. the days of your consecration Ae at an end : 12: 4. until the days of her purifying be fulfilled. 6. And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, 25:30. within (Ae space (lit. the fulfilling) o/afull year, 6: 5. until the days be fulfilled, 13. when the days of his separation are ful filled: 4: 6. when the vessels were full, 1: 5. And when these days were expired, Job 20:22. In the fulness ofhis sufficiency Jer. 25: 12. when seventy years are accomplished, 29: 10. after seventy years Ae accomplished Eze. 5: 2. when the days of the siege are fulfilled : DanlO: 3. till three whole weeks were fulfilled. KAL . — Imperative. Gen 1: 22. and fill the waters in the seas, 28. and replenish the earth, 9 : 1 . and replenish the earth. Nu. 2K. Est. K^D Ex. 32:29. Consecrate yourselves to day (marg. Fill your hands) IK. 18:33(34). OT four barrels with water, Jer. 51:11. gather the shields : KAL. — Future. Gen25:24.And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, 50: 3. And forty days were fulfilled for him ; for so are fulfilled the days of those Ex. 15: 9. my lust shall be satisfied upoji them; (lit. my soul shall be full of them) 2Sa. 7:12. when thy days be fulfilled, Est. 2: 12. were the days of their purifications ac complished, #¦ NIPHAL— Preterite. * Cant.5 : 2. my head is filled with dew, NIPHAL Future. and the earth was filled with violence. and the land was Jilted with them. . And seven days were fulfilled, ,the earth shall be filled with theman...mns( be fenced (marg. filled) with .and he was filled with wisdom, that valley shall be filled with and the country was filled with water. ¦and the house of Baal was fill then was Haman full of wrath. Ae was full of indignation /( sAaii be accomplished (marg. or, cut off) Let my mouth be filled with and let the whole earth be filled with Then was our mouth filled with So shall thy barns be filled with his mouth shall be filled with shall the chambers be filled with nor the ear filled with hearing. the appetite is not filled. If the clouds be full of rain, Their land also is full of silver their land is also full of horses, Their land also is full of idols ; the house was filled with smoke. 12. Every bottle shall befitted with and the land is full of (marg. filled with) and the house was filled with the cloud, Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness I shall be replenished, (now) she is and thou wast replenished, and made the rivers shall befall of thee. the earth shall be filled the streets. ..shall be full of hoys and girls ¦# PIEL.— Preterite. -Jf Ex. 28: 3. whom I have filled with the spirit 17. And thou shalt set (marg. fill) in it settings of stones, 41. and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, (marg. and fill their hand) 29: 9. and thou shall consecrate Aaron (marg. and thou shalt fill the hand of) 35:35. Them Aa(A he filled with wisdom Lev.21 : 10. and that is consecrated (lit. and that hath filled his hand) Nu. 3: 3. whom Ae consecrated (marg. whose hand he filled) to minister 32 : 1 1 . they have not wholly followed (marg. fulfilled after) 12. they have wholly followed (lit. id.) the Lord. Deu. 1:36. Ae Aa(A wholly followed (marg. fulfilled (to go) after) the Lord. 6: 11. houses full of all good (things), which thou filledst not, Jos. 9:13. these bottles of wine, which we filled, 14: 8. i" wholly followed ( lit. filled after) the Lord 9. (Aom hast wholly followed (lit. id. ) 14. Ae wholly followed (lit. id.) IK. 1:14. thee, and confirm (marg. /// up) thy words. 8:15. Aa(A with his hand fulfilled 24. and hast fulfilled (it) with thine hand, 11: 6. went not fully after (marg. fulfilled not after) the Lord, 18:35. lie filled the trench also ivith water 20:27. the Syrians filled the country. 2K. 3:25. cast every man his stone, and filled it; 9:24. Jehu drew a bow with his full strength (marg. filled his hand with a bow) Gen 6 11. Ex. 1 7 7 25 Nu 14 21 2Sa .23 7 IK. 7 14 2K. 3 17 20. 10 21. Est 3 5. 5 9. Job 15:32. Ps. 71 8. 72 19. 26 2. Pro 3: 10. 20 17. 24 4. Ecc . 1- 8. 6 7. 11 3. Isa. 2 7. 8. 6: 4. Jer. 13 12, Eze . 9. 9. 10 4. 23 33 26 2. 27 25 32 6. Hal 2 14. Zee . 8 5. ( 702 ) tfbft 2K. 21 : 16. till Ae had filled Jerusalem 2Ch. 6: 4. who hath with his hands fulfilled 15. and hast fulfilled (it) with thine hand, 16:14. the bed which was filled with sweet odours 29: 31. ye have consecj-ated yourselves (marg. ye have filled your hand) Ezr. 9:11. have filled it from one end to another with Job 22: 18.he///ed their houses with good (things) : Ps. 107 : 9. and filleth the hungry soul with 127: 5. the man that Aa(A his quiver full of 129: 7.Wherewi(Athemower/iie(A not his hand; Isa. 23: 2. (Aow whom the merchants of Zidon,...Aaye replejiished. 33 : 5. Ae Aa(A filled Zion with judgment Jer. 15: 17. (Aow hast filled me with indignation. 31:25. 1 have replenished every sorrowful soul. 41 : 9. Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it 44:25. spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled 51 ; 14. / will fill thee with men, 34. Ae hath filled his belly with my delicates, Eze.l 1 : 6. and ye have filled the streets thereof with 32 : 5 . and fill the valleys with thy height. 35 : 8. and I will fill his mountains with 43 : 26. and they shall consecrate themselves, (marg. ///their hands) Hag. 2 : 7. and I will fill this house with glory, Zee. 9: 13. filled the bow with Ephraim, PIEL. — Infinitive. Ex. 29:29. and to be consecrated (lit. and to fill their hand) 33.(o consecrate (lit. to fill their hands) (and) to sanctify them : 31: 5. in cutting of stones, to set (them), 35:33. in the cutting of stones, to set (them), IK. 2:27.(Aa( Ae might fulfil the word ofthe Lord, ICh 29: 5. to consecrate his service ( lit. to fill his hand) 2Ch 13: 9. to consecrate himself {marg. to fill his hand) 36:21. To fulfil the word of the Lord — to fulfil threescore and ten years. Job 20:22. (nTQ). In the fulness o/his sufficiency 23. (When) he is about to fill his belly, Pro. 6: 30. if he steal to satisfy his soul Jer. 33: 5. but (it is) to fill them with the dead bodies Dan. 9: 2. that he would accomplish seventy years PIEL Imperative. Gen29:27. Fulfil her week, 44: 1 . Fill the men's sacks with food, 1 Sa. 16 : 1 .fill thine horn with oil, Ps. 83:16(17). Fill their faces with shame ; Jer. 4: 5. gather together, and say, Assemble Eze. 9: 7. and fill the courts with the slain: 10: 2. and fill thine hand with coals 24: 4. fill (it) ioi(A the choice bones. PIEL Future. Gen21 : 19. and filled the bottle with water, 24: 16. and filled her pitcher, and came up. 26: 15. and filled them with earth. 29:28. Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: 42:25. commanded to fill (lit. and they filled) Ex. 2: 16. and filled the troughs to water 23:26. the number ofthy days I will fulfil. 29:35. shalt tkou consecrate them. (lit. fill their hand) 31 : 3. And I have filled him with the spirit 35:31. Andhe hath filled him with the spirit 39:10. And they set {lit. filled) in it four rows Lev. 8:33. shall he consecrate you. (lit. /// your hand} 9: 17. and took an handful (marg. and filled his hand) 16:32. whom Ae shall consecrate (lit. whose hands Ae shall fill) Nu. 14:24. and hath followed me fully, (lit. hath filled. after me) Jud. 17: 5. and consecrated (marg, and filled the hand of) one of his sons, 12. And Micah consecrated (lit. filled the hand of) the Levite ; ISa. 18: 27. and they gave them in full tale to the IK. 13:33. Ae consecrated him, (lit. he filled his hand) 2K. 23:14. and filled their places u>i(A the bones of 24: 4. for he filled Jerusalem with innocent Job 8 : 21 . Till he fid thy mouth with laughing, 15: 2. and fill his belly with the east wind? 23: 4. and fill my mouth with arguments. K^O C-703 ) Job 38:39. or fill the appetite ofthe young lions, 39: 2. the months (that) they fulfil? 41: 7(40: 31 ). Canst thou fill his skin with barbed Ps. 17:14. whose belly thoufillest with thy hid 20 : 4( 5 ). and fulfil all thy counsel. 5(6). the Lord fulfil all thy petitions. 80: 9(10). and it filled the land. 81 : 10( 1 1 ) . open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. Pro. 1:13. we shall fill our bouses with spoil: 8:21./ will fill their treasures. Isa. 65:20.an old man that AaZA not filled his days: Eze. 3: 3./ZZ thy bowels with this roll 7:19. neither fill their bowels : Nah. 2: 12(13). and filled his holes uu'ZA prey, PIEL.— Participle. lChl2:15.when it Aad over/own (marg. filled over) all his banks ; Job 3:15. who filled their houses with silver: Isa. 65:11. and that furnish the drink offering Jer. 13: 13. 1 mil fill all the inhabitants Zep. 1: 9. which fill their masters' houses * PUAL.— Participle. * Cant.5:14.gold rings set (lit. filled) -with the beryl: * HITHPAEL.— Future. * Job 16:10. ZAey Aaue gathered themselves together tibh? [m'lah], Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite. ¦» Dan 2:35. andfillecl the whole earth. * ITHP'AL Preterite. * Dan 3:19. Then was Nebuchadnezzar full (marg. filled) of fury, K7» niloh, m. Gen23 41 tihti mah-lehr, adj. Nu. 7 Deu 6 3334 Ru. 1 2Sa.232K. 4 7- IChll: 21 Neh 9 Ps. 7375 144 Pro.17 Ecc. 1 11 Isa. 1 6: 22 51: Jer. 4: 12: 2335: Eze. 1: 1017: 28:36: 37: Am. 2: Nah 1; 3: 9. money as it is worth (marg. full money) 7. the seven rank and full ears. 22. seven ears came up. ..full and good: 13. both of them {were) full of tine Hour 14, 20. One spoon... of gold, full of incense : 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61,67, 73, 79. both of them full of tine flour 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80. One golden spoon... full of incense: 86. The golden spoons (were) twelve, full of 11. houses full of all good (things), :23. and full with the blessing of the Lord: 9.full o/the spirit of wisdom ; 21.1 went out full, 11. a piece of ground full of lentiles: 4. and thou shalt set aside that which is full. 15.full of garments and vessels, :13.aparcel of ground full o/barley; :22. grant it me for the full price: 24. buy it for the full price: 25. possessed houses full of all goods, 10. waters of a full (cup) 8(9). it is full of mixture; 13. (That) our garners (may be) full, l.an house full of sacrifices 7. yet the sea (is) not full; 5. the womb of Aer (Aa( is with child : 21. it was full of judgment ; righteousness l.his train filled the temple. 2. Thou that art full of stirs, 20. they are full of the fury of the Lord, 12.a full wind from those (places) 27.Asacage is full of birds, so (are) their houses full of deceit: 11. the aged with (him that is) full of days. 6. they have called a multitude (marg. or, cried... fully) 24. Do not I fill heaven and earth ? 5. pots full o/wine, and cups, 18. their rings {were) full of eyes 12.full of eyes round about, 3. long winged, full of feathers, 12. full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 38. so shall the waste cities he filled with l.the valley which (was) full of hones, 13. as a cart. .full of sheaves. 10. as stubble fully dry. Lfutt of lies (and) robbery ; i multitude (marg. Gen48:19.his seed shall become ¦< fulness) of nations. Ex. 9: 8. Take to you handfuis of ashes (lit. the fidness of your hands) 16:32. Fill an omer of it 33. put an omer full (lit. the fulness of an omer) of manna Lev. 2: 2. he shall take thereout his handful (lit. (Ae fulness of his hand) 5: 12. the priest shall take his handful of (lit. (Ae fulness ofhis hand) 16: 12. he shall take a censer full (lit. the fulness of a censer) — and his hands full (lit. and the fulness of his hands ) Nu. 22 : 1 8 & 24 : 13. If Balak would give me his house full (lit. the fulness ofhis house) Deu 33:16. things ofthe earth ajid fulness thereof, Jud. 6:38,a bowl full of water. 1 Sa.28:20. Saul fell straightway all along (marg. (Ae fulness ofhis stature) on the earth, 2Sa. 8: 2. and with one full line (lit. the fulness of a line) to keep alive. IK. 17:12. an handful of meal in a barrel, 2K. 4:39. gathered... wild gourds his lap full, ICh 16:32. Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: Ps. 24: l.The earth (is) the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; 50:12. world (is) mine, and the fuhiess (Aereo/. 89: 11(12). the world and the fulness thereof, 96:11 & 98: 7. the sea roar, ajid the fulness thereof. Ecc. 4: 6. Better (is) an handful (with) quietness, (Aan both the hands full Isa. 6: 3. the whole earth (is) full of his glory. (marg. his glory is (Ae fulness of the whole earth) 8: 8. shall /# the breadth of thy land, (marg. fulness of the breadth of thy land shall be) 4. a multitude of shepherds 1 . the earth hear, and all that is therein ; 10. the sea, and all that is therein; (marg. tke fulness thej-eof) Jer. 8:16. land, and all that is in it; (marg. id.) 47: 2. land, and all that is therein; (marg. id. ) Eze.l2:19. desolate from all that is therein, (marg. the fulness thereof) 19: 7. the land., .and the fulness thereof, 30:12. the land. ..and all that is therein, {marg. the fulness thereof) 32:15. of that whereof it was full, (marg. fromtlie fulness thereof) 41: 8. of the side chambers (were) a full reed Am. 6: 8. the city with all that is therein, (marg. (Ae fulness thereof) Mic. 1 : 2. O earth, and all that thereinis: (marg. id.) P!K/£ mleh-ah1 \ Ex. 22:29(28). (Ae first ofthy ripe fruits, (marg. thy fulness ) Nu. 18:27 .and as the fulness ofthe winepress. Deu 22 : 9. (Ae fruit of thy seed n«?0 [j nil-loo- ah' \ f. Ex. 28: 17. set in it settings of stones, {marg. fillings) 20. set in gold in their inclosings. (marg. id. ) 39:13. inclosed.. .in (Aeir inclosings. D*N;?fi mil-loo-eem! ', m. pi. Ex. 25: 7.(o be set in the ephod, . 29: 22, a ram of consecration : 26. the ram of Aaron's consecration, 27, 31. the ram of (Ae consecration, 34. the flesh of (Ae consecrations, 35 : 9, 27. stones to be set for the ephod, Lev. 7:37. and ofthe consecrations, and ofthe 8 : 22. the ram of consecration ,< 28. consecrations for a sweet savour : 29. of the ram of consecration fc^D ( 704 ) N^D Lev. 8:31. in the basket of consecrations, 33. the days of your consecration ICh 29: 2. and (stones) to be set, glistering stones, ^Nt??? mal-ahch!, m. Genl6 Ex. 32 33 Nu. 20 2122. 24 Deu 2 Jos. 6 Jud. 13 ISa. 6 11 7 . (Ae angel of the Lord found her 9,10,11. And (Ae angel o/the Lord said unto her, 1. there came two angels to Sodom 15. then (Ae ajigels hastened Lot, : 17. (Ae angel of God called to Hagar 11. (Ae angel o/the Lord called unto him 15. (Ae angel o/the Lord called unto 7. he shall send Ais angel 40. will send Ats angel with thee, 12. (Ae angels of God ascending M . the angel of God spake unto me 1(2) . on his way, and (Ae angels of God met him. 3(4). Jacob sent messengers before 6(7 ). the messengers returned to Jacob, : 16. TAe Angel which redeemed me : 2. (Ae angel ofthe Lord appeared : 19. (Ae angel of God, which went before :20. 1 send an Angel before thee, 23. mine Angel shall go before thee, :34. mine Angel shall go before thee: : 2. 1 will send an angel : 14. Moses sent messengers 16. he heard our voice, and sent an angel, $1. Israel sent messengers unto Sihon ; 5. He sent messengers therefore 22. (Ae angel ofthe Lord stood 23,25,27. the ass saw the angel of 24. (Ae angel of the Lord stood 26. (Ae angel of the Lord went further, 3 1 . he saw (Ae angel of the Lord 32. (Ae angel o/the Lord said unto him, 34. Balaam said unto (Ae angel of 35. the angel o/the Lord said unto Balaam, .12. Spake I not also to thy jnessengers 26. 1 sent messengers out ofthe wilderness 17. she hid (Ae messengers that we sent. 25. she hid (Ae messengers, which Joshua 22. So Joshua sent messengers, : Lan angel (marg. or, messenger) of the Lord 4. when (Ae angel o/the Lord spake 23. Curse ye Meroz, said (Ae angel of the Lord, 11 .there came an angel ofthe Lord, 12. (Ae angel of the Lord appeared 20. (Ae angel of God said unto him, 21. (Ae angel o/the Lord put forth — TAen (Ae ajigel o/the Lord departed 22. perceived that he (was) an angel of — I have seen an angel ofthe Lord 35. And he sent messengers throughout all — and he sent jnessengers unto Asher, 24. And Gideon sent messengers 31 . he sent messengers unto Abimelech 12. Jephthah sent messengers unto the king 13. (Ae messengers of Jephthah, 1 4. Jephthah sent messengej-s again 17. Israel sent messengers unto the king 19. Israel sent messejigers unto Sihon 3. (Ae angel of the Lord appeared 6. the countenance of an angel of 9. (Ae angel of God came again 13, 16.(Ae angel o/the Lord said 15, 17. Manoah said unto the angel o/the Lord, 16. Manoah knew not that he (was)anangre(o/ 18. And the angel of the Lord said 20. (Ae angel of the Lord ascended 21. (Ae angel ofthe Lord did no more appear — Manoah knew that he (was) an angel of 21 . they sent messengers to the inhabitants 3. that we may send messengers 4. Then came (Ae messengers to Gibeah 7. by the hands of messengers, saying, 9. they said unto the messengers — (Ae messengers came and shewed 19. Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, 11. Saul also sent messengers unto 14,20. Saul sent messengej-s to take 15. Saul sent (Ae messengers (again) 16. when (Ae messengers were come 1 Sa. 19: 20. the messengers of Saul, and they 21 .he sent other messengers, and they — Saul sent messengers again 23:27. But there came a messenger unto Saul, 25 : 14. David sent messengers 42. she went after (Ae messengers of 29: 9. in my sight, as an angel of God: 2Sa. 2: 5. David sent messengers 3:12. Abner sent messengers 14. David sent messengers 26. he sent messengej's after Abner, 5:11. Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers 11: 1. (pTU)when kings go forth 4. David sent messengers, 19. And charged the messenger, 22. So (Ae messenger went, 23. the messenger said unto David, 25. David said unto (Ae messenger, 12:27. Joab sent messengers 14: 17. as an angel of God, so (is) my lord 20. to the wisdom of an angel of God, 19:27(28). the king (is) as an angel of God: 24:16. when (Ae angel stretched out his hand — to the angel that destroyed the people, — And the angel of the Lord was by 1 7. (Ae angel that smote the people, IK. 13: 18. and an angel spake unto me 19: 2. Jezebel sent a messenger 5. an angel touched him, 7.(Ae angel ofthe Lord came again 20; 2. he sent messengers to Ahab 5. the messengers came again, 9. unto the messengers of Ben-hadad, — (Ae messengers departed, 22:13. And the messenger that was gone 2K. 1 : 2. he sent messengej's, 3. But the angel ofthe Lord said — (Ae messengers ofthe king of Samaria, 5. when (Ae messengers turned back 15. the angel of the Lord said 16. thou hast sent messengers to enquire 5: 10. Elisha sent a messenger 6:32. ere (Ae messenger came to him, ¦ — when (Ae messenger cometh, 33. (Ae messenger came down unto him: 15,(Ae messengers returned, 18. The messenger came to them, 8. there came a messenger, 8. Amaziah sent messengers 7. Ahaz sent messengers 4. he had sent messengers to So 9. he sent messengers again unto 14. letter ofthe hand of (Ae messengers, 23. By thy messengers thou hast reproached 35. (Ae angel of the Lord went out, 1 . Hiram king of Tyre sent jnessengej-s 2. David sent messengers 16. they sent messengers, and drew 21: 12. and the angel of the Lord destroying 15. God sent an angel unto — to the angel that destroyed, — And the angel of the Lord stood 16. saw (Ae angel of the Lord stand 18. Then the angel ofthe Lord commanded 20. Oman turned back, and saw the angel; 27. And the Lord commanded (Ae ajigel; 30. the sword of (Ae angel of the Lord. 2Ch 18:12. And the messenger that went to call Micaiah 32: 21. the Lord sent an angel, 35: 2 1. he sent ambassadors to him, 36: 15. sent to them by Ais messengers, 16- they mocked (Ae messengej-s of God, Neh 6 : 3. And I sent messengers unto them, Job 1:14. And there came a messenger unto Job, 4:18. and his angels he charged with folly : 33 : 23. If there be a messenger with him, Ps. 34: 7(8). TAe angel ofthe Lord encampeth 35: 5. and let (Ae angel of the Lord chase (them). 6. and let (Ae angel ofthe Lord persecute them. 78:49. by sending evil angels (among them). 91 : 1 1 . he shall give Ais angels charge over thee, 103: 20. Bless the Lord, ye Ais angels, 104 : 4. Who maketh Ais angels spirits ; 148: 2. Praise ye him, all Ais angels: Pro. 13:17. A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: 16: 14. (as) messengers of death: 17:11. therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent ICh 1419 Ecc. 5: 6(5). neither say thou before the angel, Isa 14:32. (Ae messengers of the nation ? 18: 2. Go, ye. swift messengers, 30: i.and his ambassadors came to Hanes. 33: 7.(Ae ambassadors of peace shall weep bit terly. 37 : 9. he sent messengers to Hezekiah, 14. from the hand of (Ae messengers, 36. (Ae anaeZ of the Lord went forth, 19. as my messenger (that) I sent ? 26.performeth the counsel of his messengers, 9. and the angel of his presence saved them : 3. by the hand of ZAe messengers 15. in sending Ais ambassadors into Egypt, 16. sent messengers unto them into Chaldea. 40. unto whom a messenger ( was ) sent ; ; 9. In that day shall messengers go forth : 4(5). he had power over ZAe angel, : 13(14). the voice of ZAy messengers : 13. Haggai the Lord's messenger : 9. the angel that talked with me 1 1 . they answered ZAe angel of the Lord 12. the angel ofthe Lord answered 13. the Lord answered ZAe angel 14. ZAe angel that communed with me 19(2:2). I said unto ZAe angel : 3(7). ZAe angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out : 1 . ZAe angel of the Lord, and Satan 3. stood before ZAe angel. 5. And the angel of the Lord stood by. 6. ZAe angel of the Lord protested : 1. ZAe angel that talked with me came 4. spake to ZAe angel that talked with me, 5. ZAe angel that talked with me answered 5. (Ae angel that talked with me went 10, Then said I to (Ae angel : 4. 1 answered and said unto (Ae angel 5. ZAe angel answered and said 8. as the angel of the Lord : 7.ZAc messenger ofthe Lord of hosts. : 1 . 1 will send my messenger, even the messenger of the covenant, 42: 44:63: Jer. 27: Eze.l 7: 23: 30. Hos.12Nah 2 Hag. 1 Zee. 1 56 12 Mai. 2 3 ¦^6zp [mal-ahch'l Ch. m. Dan 3 : 28. who hath sent Ais angel, and delivered 6:22(23). My God hath sent Ais anaeZ, and hath rtivhft mlah-'chah', f. t t : • Gen 2: 2. on the seventh day God ended Ais work — on the seventh day from all Ais work 3. he had rested from all Ais work 33:14.according as ZAe cattle (marg. according tothe foot of ZAe work).. .be able 39: 11. went into the house to do Ais business; Ei. 12: 16. no manner of work shall be done 20: 9. and do all ZAy work : 10. (in it) thou shalt not do any work, 22: 8(7), 11(10). put his hand unto his neigh bour's goods. 31 : 3. and in all manner of workmanship, 5. to work in all manner of workmanship. 14. whosoever doeth (any) work therein, 15. Six days may work be done ; — whosoever doeth (any) work 35: 2. Six days shall work be done, — whosoever doeth work therein 21. to (Ae work ofthe tabernacle 24. for any work ofthe service, 29. to bring for all manner of work, 31 . in all manner of workmanship ; 33. to make any manner of cunning work. 3b. to work all manner of work, ofthe engraver, — them that do any work, 36: I. all manner of work for the service 2. to come unto (Ae work 3. for the work ofthe service of the sanctuary, 4. wrought all (Ae work o/the sanctuary, came every man from his work 5. the service o/(Ae work, 6. nor woman make any more work 7. For the stuff they had was sufficient for all (Ae work ( 705 ) Vibo Ex. 36: 8. that wrought (Ae woj'k ofthe tabernacle 38:24. the gold that was occupied for the work in all (Ae work o/the holy (place), 39:43. Moses did look upon all (Ae work, 40:33. So Moses finished (Ae work. Lev. 7: 24. may be used in any other use : 11:32. wherein (any) work is done, 13:48. any thing made o/skin ; (marg. any work o/skin) 51. (or) in any a>orA that is made of skin ; 16:29. and do no work at all, 23: 3. Six days shall work he done: — ye shall do no work (therein): 7, 8, 2 1 , 25, 35, 36. ye shall do no servile work 28. ye shall do no wqj-Ii in that same day: 30. that doeth any work in that same day, 31 . Ye shall do no manner of work : Nu. 4: 3. to do (Ae work in the tabernacle 28: 18. ye shall do no manner of servile woj-k 25, 26, & 29:1. ye shall do no servile work. 29; 7. ye shall not do any work (therein) : 12, 35. ye shall do no servile work, Deu 5 : 13. and do all thy work : 14. thou shalt not do any work, 16: 8. thou shalt do no work (therein). Jud.16 : 1 1 . new ropes that never were occupied, (marg. wherewith work hath not been done) ISa. 8: 16. and put (them) to his work. 15: 9. every thing (that was) vile and refuse, IK. 5: 16(30). officers which (were) over (Ae work, — ( — ).the people that wrought in the work. 7: 14. cunning to work all woj'ks — and wrought all Ais work. 22. the work o/the pillars finished. 40. Hiram made an end of doing all (Ae work 51 . So was ended all (Ae work 9:23. that (were) over Solomon's work, — the people that wrought in tke work. 11 : 28. that he was industrious, (marg. did work) 2K. 12:11(12). the hands of them that did (Ae work, 14(15). they gave that to the worAmen, (lit. doers of the work) 15(16). the money to be bestowed on work men: (lit. doers of (Ae u;orA ) 22: 5. deliver it into the hand ofthe doers of (Ae work, — let them give it to the doers of (Ae woj'k 9. into the hand of them that do (Ae work, ICh 4:23. they dwelt with the king for his work. 6: 49(34). all (Ae work ofthe (place) most holy, 9:13. very able men for (Ae woj-k of 19. (Ae work o/the service, 33. they were employed hi (that) work 22:15. (there are) awAmen (lit. doers of (Ae work) with thee ¦ — for every manner of work. 23 : 4. (Ae work of the house of the Lord ; 24. that did (Ae work for the service 25: l.the number of the uwAmen (lit. men of w;orA) 26: 29. his sons (were) for the outward business 30. in all (Ae business ofthe Lord, 27:26-that did the work ofthe field 28: 13. for all (Ae work ofthe service J 9. (even) all (Ae u?orAs o/this pattern. 20. until thou hast finished all (Ae work for 21 . for all manner of workmanship 29: Land (Ae work (is) great: 5 . for all manner of work 6. with the rulers ofthe king's w>orA, 2Ch 4:11. Huram finished (Ae work 5: 1 . all (Ae vjork that Solomon made 8 : 9. make no servants for his work ; 16. all (Ae work of Solomon was prepared 13: 10. the Levites (wait) upon (their) business 16: 5. and let Ais work cease. 17:13. And he had much business 24: 12. such as did (Ae work of 13. So the workmen (lit. doers of (Ae worA) _ (Ae work was perfected (marg. the healing went up upon tke work) 29: 34. till (Ae work was ended, 34:10. they put (it) in the hand ofthe workmen — ¦ they gave it to the workmen 12. the men did (Ae u>orA faithfully: 13. all that wrought (Ae uJorA 17. to the hand ofthe wor Amen z z aba Ezr. 2: 69 .the treasure of (Ae work 3: 8. to set forward (Ae work of 9. to set forward the wor Amen 6: 22. to strengthen their hands in the work of 10:13. nei(Aer ( is this) a work of one day or two: Neh. 2: 16. nor to the rest that did (Ae work. 4:11(5). cause (Ae work to cease. 15(9). every one unto Ais work. 16(10). of my servants wrought in tke work, 17(11). one of his hands wrought in (Ae work, 19(13). TAe work (is) great and large, 21(J5).So we laboured in the work: 22(16). and labour on the day. 5:16. 1 continued in the work o/this wall — gathered thither unto (Ae work. 6: 3. 1 (am) doing a great work, — why should (Ae work cease, 9. hands shall be weakened from (Ae work, 16. this work was wrought of our God. 7 : 70. the fathers gave unto the work. 71 . the treasure of (Ae work 10:33(34). (Ae work o/the house of our God. 11 : 12. their brethren that did (Ae work 16. (Ae outward business ofthe house of God. 22. (Ae business o/the house of God. 13 : 10. Levites and the singers, that did (Ae work, 30. every one in his business ; Est. 3: 9. those that have the charge of (Ae business, 9 : 3 . officers (marg. those which did (Ae business ) of the king, Ps. 73 : 28. that I may declare all thy works. 107:23. that do business in great waters ; Pro. 18: 9. He also that is slothful in his work 22:29. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? 24:27. Prepare thy work without, Jer. 17:22. neither do ye any work, 24. to do no woj-k therein ; 18: 3. he wrought a work on the wheels. 48:10.(Ae wwrA o/the Lord deceitfully, 50:25. this (is) (Ae work ofthe Lord Eze.15 : 3. wood be taken thereof to do any work ? 4. Is it meet for {any) work ? 5. it was meet for no work: — shall it be meet yet for (any) ivork, 28:13. (Ae workmanship ofthy tabrets Dan. 8:27.1 rose up, and did the king's business; Jon. 1 : 8. What (is) thine occupation ? Hag. 1 : 14. they came and did work nUK?^ mal-achooth' \ f. const. Hag. 1 : 13. in the Lord's message unto the people, ( 706 ) 1tt> Job 4: 4. Thy words have upholden him f/ 6:26. Do ye imagine to reprove words, 8:10. utter words out of their heart ? ^ V 1 2 : 1 1 . Doth not the ear try words ? V 13:17. Hear diligently my speech, 15: 3. or with speeches wherewith 13.1ettest (such) words go out of thy mouth? 16: 4.1 could heap up words against you, 18: 2. (ere) ye make an end of words'! 19: 2. and break me in pieces with words? 23. Oh that my words were now written ! 21 : 2. Hear diligently my speech, 23: 5. 1 would know ZAe words (which) 24:25. and make my speech nothing worth? 26: 4. To whom hast thou uttered words? 29: 9. The princes refrained talking, 22. my speech dropped upon them. 30 : 9. 1 am their byword. 32 : 1 1 . ye searched out what to say. (marg. words) 14. hath not directed (his) words against me: 15. they left off speaking, (marg. removed speeches from themselves) 18.1 am full of matter, (marg. words) 33 : 1 . Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, 8. 1 have heard the voice of (thy) words, 32. If thou hast any thing to say, 34: 2. Hear my words, O ye wise (men) ; 3. the ear trieth ivords, 16. hearken to the voice ofmy words. 35: 4.1 will answer thee, (marg. return to thee words) 16. he multiplieth words without knowledge. 36: 2. that (I have) yet to speak (marg. words) 4. my words (shall) not (be) false: 38: 2. that darkeneth counsel by words Ps. 19: 4(5). (Aeir words to the end ofthe world. 139: 4. not a word in my tongue, Pro.23: 9. the wisdom of (Ay words. fl^O mil-lthth', Cant.5: 12. His eyes (are) as (the eyes) of doves., fitly set. (marg. sitting in fulness) fc^SpD mal-boosh' \ m. IK. 10: 5. his ministers, andtheir apparel, 2K. 10:22. he brought them forth vestments. 2Ch. 9: 4. his ministers, and their apparel; his cup bearers also, and their apparel; Job 27: 16. and prepare raiment as the clay ; Isa. 63: 3.1 will stain all my raiment. Eze.l6:13. and thy raiment (was of) fine linen, Zep. 1 : 8. such as are clothed with strange apparel. fl/ip mal-behn', m. 2Sa. 12:31. made them pass through the brickkiln : Jer. 43: 9. the clay in the brickkiln, Nah. 3:14. make strong (Ae brickkiln. H?zD mil-lah', f. 2Sa.23: 2. and his word (was) in my tongue. Job 4: 2. who can withhold himself from speaking? (marg. from words) 2.' rte mil-lah', Ch. f. Dan. 2: 5. TAe thing is gone from me: if ye 8. ye see (Ae thing is gone from me. 9. prepared lying and corrupt words 10. that can shew the king's matter: — lord, nor ruler, (that) asked such things 1 1 . And ( it is) a rare ZAino that the king 15. Arioch made ZAe zAiuy'known to Daniel. 17. and made ZAe thing known to Hananiah, 23. made known unto us the king's matter. 3:22. the king's commandment was urgent, 28. and have changed the king's word, 4:31(28). While (Ae word (was) in the king's 33(30). The same hour was (Ae (Aim; fulfilled 5 : 1 0. the queen by reason of ZAe words of _ 15. not shew the interpretation of (Ae ZAiny: 26. This (is) the interpretation of ZAe ZAinjr: 6:12(13). TAe thing (is) true, 14(15). Then the king, when he heard (these) words, 1:1. (and) told the sum of (Ae matters, (marg. or, words) 11 . the voice of (Ae great words 16. the interpretation of (Ae things. 25. And he shall speak (great) words 28. Hitherto (is) the end of (Ae matter. — but I kept ZAe matter in my heart. te, ttfai, see ite D^fe see Wife® n^fi mal-loo'ach, m. Job 30: 4. Who cut up mallows by the bushes, rote mHoo-'chah', f. !Sa.l0:16.the matter ofthe kingdom, 25. the manner of (Ae kingdom, te ( 707 ) .rte lSa.ll:14.and renew ZAe kingdom 14:47. Saul took ZAe kingdom 18: 8. (what) can he have more but ZAe kingdom 9 2Sa.l2:26.and took the royal city. (lit. city of ZAe kingdom) 16: 8. the Lord hath delivered the kingdom ]K. 1 ;46. the throne of ZAe kingdom. 2:15. ZAe kingdom was mine, — (Ae kingdom is turned about, 22. ask for him (Ae kingdom 11 :35. 1 will take (Ae kingdom 12; 21. to bring (Ae kingdom again 21 : 7. (Ae kingdom of Israel ? 2K. 25: 25. the seed royaZ, (marg. (Ae kingdom) ICh 10: 14. turned (Ae kingdom unto David Ps. 22:28(29). (Ae kingdom (is) the Lord's: Isa. 34: 12. call the nobles.. .to (Ae kingdom, 62 : 3. a royaZ diadem ( lit. diadem of ZAe kingdom) Jer. 41: l.the seed royal, (lit. seed of the kingdom) Eze.l 6: 13. thou didst prosper into a kingdom. 17: 13. hath taken of (Ae king's seed, (lit. of the seed of (Ae kingdom) Dan. I: 3. and of (Ae Amy's seed, (lit. id.) Obad. 21.(Ae kingdom shall be the Lord's. p70 mah-lohn' , in. Gen42:27.to give his ass provender in the inn, 43:21 .when we came to ZAe inn, Ex. 4:24. by the way in the inn, Jos. 4: 3. leave them in the lodging place, 8. unto (Ae place where they lodged, 2K. 19:23. 1 will enter into ZAe lodgings of Isa. 10:29. they have taken up their lodging Jer. 9: 2( 1). a lodging place of wayfaring men ; rtJvz? m loo-nah' , f. Isa. 1 : 8. as a lodge in a garden 24:20.shall be removed ZiAe a cottage; rte i ^[mah-lagh']. #KAL Future. * Lev. 2:13.sAa!Z (Aom season (lit. ZAou sAaZZ salt) with * PUAL Participle. * Ex. 30:35. tempered together, (marg. salted) pure * HOPHAL Preterite. * Eze.16: 4. (Aou wast not salted at all, HOPHAL Infinitive. Eze.16: 4.thou wast not salted at all, (lit. being salted thou wast not salted) PHp [mah-la'gh']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Isa, 51 : 6. the heavens shall vanish away TUQ meh' GenU 19 Lev. 2 Nu.I8 34 Deu 3 29 Jos. 3: 121518 Jud. 9; 2Sa.8: 2K. 2: 14: lagh, m. 3. the vale of Siddim, which is the salt sea. :26.she became a pillar of salt. 13. shalt thou season toiZA salt ; neither shalt thou suffer (Ae salt of — all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt. : 19. a covenant of salt for ever ¦ 3. outmost coast ofthe salt sea eastward: 12. at the saZZ sea: this shall be 17. the sea ofthe plain, (even) the salt sea, 23(22). land thereof (is) brimstone, and salt, 16. the sea ofthe plain, (even) the salt sea, 3. the salt sea on the east, 2. the shore of the salt sea, 5. the east border (was) the salt sea, 19. the north bay ofthe salt sea 45. down the city, and sowed it with suit. 13. in the valley of salt, 20. Bring me a new cruse, and put salt 21 . and cast ZAe salt in there, 7. in the valley of salt ICh 18:12. in the valley of salt 2Chl3: 5. by a covenant of salt? 25 : 1 1 . and went to the valley of saZZ, Job 6: 6. which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? Ps. 60[title](2).in the valley of salt Eze.43:24. the priests shall cast salt upon 47 : 1 1 . they shall be given to salt. Zep. 2: 9. the breeding of nettles, and saZZpits, rh% [mlaghl Ch. *P'AL.— Preterite. # Ezr. 4:14. Now because we have maintenance (marg. are salted with the salt of) n?$ mldgh, Ch. m. Ezr. 4: 14. because we have maintenance from the (marg. are salted with (Ae salt of) 6: 9. wheat, salt, wine, and oil, 7 :22. and salt without prescribing rhts 7& [_mal-lahghr~\ m. Eze.27: 9. the ships. ..with their mariners 27. thy mariners, and thy pilots, 29. (Ae mariners, (and) all the pilots Jon. 1 : 5. (Ae mariners were afraid, r\rhti r)ileh-ghah\ f. Job 39: 6. (Ae barren land (marg. salt places) his Ps. 107:34. A fruitful land ijito barrenness, Jer. 17 : 6. a salt land and not inhabited. Q*n?0 mlah-ghee?7if, m. pi. Jer. 38: 11. old cast clouts and old rotten j-ags, 12. old cast clouts and rotten rags narhs mil-ghah-mah' , f. Genl4 Ex. 1 1315 17 32 Nu. 10 2131 32 Deu 1 2 2129 Jos. 4 2. made war with Bera king of 8. they joined battle with them : 1 0. when there falleth out any war, : 17. repent when they see war, : 3. The Lord (is) a man of war : :16.the Lord (will have) war with Amalck : 17. (There is) a noise of war in the camp. 9. if ye go to war in your land 14. in the book of ZAe tears of the Lord, 33. to the battle at Edrei. 14. came from the battle, (marg. host of war) 21. the men of war which went to (Ae battle, 27. them that took ZAe war 28. the men of war which went out 49. the sum ofthe men of war 6. Shall your brethren go to war, 20. go armed before the Lord to war, 27. before the Lord to battle, 29. every man armed to battle, :4I. every man Ais weapons of war, (lit. the weapons of Ais war) : 9. neither contend with them in battle : 14. the generation ofthe men of ivar 16. all the men of war were consumed 24. contend with him in AaZZZe. 32. Sihon came out... to fight : 1 . he and all his people, to battle -.34. by signs, and by wonders, and by war, : 1 . when thou goest out to battle 2. when ye are come nigh unto the battle, 3. ye approach this day unto battle 5, 6, 7. lest he die in the battle, 12. will make war against thee, 20. the city that maketh war : 10. When thou goest forth to war : 7 (6). came out against us unto battle, ;13. unto battle, to the plains z z 2 rte ( 708 ) Jos. 5: 6: 14 17: Jud. 3: 18 20 21 ISa. 4 3031 2Sa. 1 4. all the men of war, died 6. all the people (that were) men of war, 3. all (ye) men of war, l.take all the people of war 3. Joshua arose, and all the people of war, 1 1 . (even the people) of war that (were) 14. went out against Israel to battle, 7. all the people of war 24. the captains of the men of war 7. all the people of war 1 8. Joshua made war a long time 19. all (other) they took in battle. 20. should come against Israel in battle, 23. the land rested from war. 1 l.so (is) my strength now, for ivar, 15. the land had rest from war. 1 . he was a man of war, I . all (Ae wars of Canaan ; 2. to teach them war, 10. and went out to war: : 13. Gideon. ..returned from battle ; 1 1 . six hundred men appointed with weapons of war. 16. (Aeir weapons of war, (lit. the weapons of (Aeir war) 17. (that were) appointed with weapons of war. 14. to go out to battle 17. all these (were) men of war. 18. Which of us shall go up first to the battle 20. the men of Israel went out to battle — the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight (lit. arrayed a battle) 22. and set their battle again in array 23. Shall I go up again to battle 28. Shall I yet again go out to battle 34. and the battle was sore: 39. the men of Israel retired in the battle, — as (in) (Ae first battle. 42. but the battle overtook them ; 22. to each man his wife in the war: l.out against the Philistines to battle, 2. when they joined battle, 7: 10. the Philistines drew near to battle 8: 12. Ais instruments of war, (lit. instruments of Ais waj') 20. and fight our battles. 13:22. in the day of battle, 14:20. and they came to (Ae battle: 22. followed hard after them in the battle. 23. and the battle passed over unto Beth-aven. 52. sore war against the Philistines 16 : 1 8. a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, 17: 1 . gathered, together their armies to battle, 2. and set (Ae battle in array 8, come out to set (your) battle in array ? 13. followed Saul to the battle: — three sons that went to the battle 20. and shouted for the battle. 28. that thou mightest see (Ae battle. 33. he a man of war from his youth. 47. (Ae battle (is) the Lord's, 18: 5. Saul set him over the men of ivar, 17. fight the Lord's battles. 19: 8. And there was war again: 23: 8. called all the people together to war, 25: 28. my lord fighteth (Ae battles of 26 : 10. he shall descend into battle, 29: 4. not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary 9. He shall not go up with us to the battle. 24. that goeth down to the battle, 3. the battle went sore against Saul, 4. the people are fled from (Ae battle, 25, in the midst of (Ae battle I 27. the weapons of loar perished ! 2:17. there was a very sore battle 3: 1. there was long war 6. while there was war 30. he had slain their brother... in (Ae battle. 8:10. Hadadezer had wars with Toi. 10: 8. and put (Ae battle in array 9. the front of (Ae battle 13.nn(o (Ae battle against the Syrians: II: 7. and how (Ae war prospered. 15. in the forefront of (Ae hottest battle, 18. all the things concerning (Ae war; 19. an end of telling the matters of (Ae war 2Sa.ll 17 18 19 21 22 23 IK. 2 5 8 9 12 20 2K. 3 13 1416 18 24 25 ICh. 5 12 19 20 22 26 28 2Ch. 6 8 rhAenAe%an to reign, 29: 3. in the first year ofhis reign, 33 : 1 , 21 & 34 : 1 . years old when he began to reign, 34: 3. in the eighth year ofhis reign, 8. in the eighteenth year ofhis reign, 36: 2, 5, 9, 1 1 . years old when he begaji to reign, 20. until (Ae reign ofthe kingdom Est. 1 : 3. In the third year ofhis reign, Job 34:30. That the hypocrite reign not, Ecc. 4: 14. out of prison he cometh to j'eigji; Jer. 1 : 2. in the thirteenth year of his reign. 51 :59. in the fourth year ofhis reign. 52; l.when Ae begaji to reign, (marg. reigjied) 4. in the ninth year ofhis reigji, Dan 9: 2. In the first year ofhis reign KAL. — Imperative . Jud. 9: 8. Reign thou over us. 10, 12. Come thou, (and) reign over us. 14. Come thou, (and) reign over us. KA.L.— Future. Gen36:32. And Bela the son of Beor reigned 33. and Jobab the son of Zerah. ..j-eigned 34. and Husham of the land of Temani reigned 35. and Hadad the son of Bedad,... reigned 36. and Samlah of Masrekah reigned 37. and Saul of Rehoboth... reigned 38. and Baal-hanan the son of Achbor reigned 39. and Hadar reigjied in his stead: 37: 8. Shalt thou indeed reign over us ? Ex. 15:18. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. ISa, 8: 9. the king that shall reign over them. 1 1 . the king that shall reign over you : 11:12. Shall Saul reign over us ? 12 : 1 2. a king shall reign over us : 23:17- thou sAa(( be king over Israel, 24: 20(21). well that thou shalt surely be king, 2Sa. 8: 15. .4nd David reigned over all Israel ; 10 : 1 . and Hanun his son reigned in his stead. IK. 1: 5. himself, saying, Iwillbeking: (marg. reign) 13, 17, 30. Solomon thy son shall reign 24. Adonijah shall reign after me, 35. he sAa/( be king in my stead: 11:24. and reigned in Damascus. 25. and reigned over Syria. 43. and Rehoboam his son reigned 12:17. Rehoboam reigned over them. 14:20. and Nadab his son reigned in his stead. 31. And Abijam his son reigned in his stead. 15: 8. and Asa his son reigned 24. and Jehoshaphat his son reigned 25. and reigned over Israel two years. 28. and reigned in his stead. 16: 6. and Elah his son reigned lO.aJid reigned in his stead. 22. Tibni died, and Omri j-eigned. 28. and Ahab his son reigned 29. and Ahab the son of Omri reigned 22:40. and Ahaziah his son reigned 50(51). and Jehoram his son reigned 51 (52). and reigned two years over Israel. 2K. 1 : 17. Ajid Jehoram reigned in his stead 3: 1. and reigned twelve years. 27. his eldest son that should have reigned 8:15. and Hazael reigned in his stead. 24. and Ahaziah his son reigned 10:35. And Jehoahaz his son reigned 12:21(22). and Amaziah his son reigned 13: 9. and Joash his son reigned 24. and Ben-hadad his son reigned in his stead. 14:16. and Jeroboam his son reigned 29. and Zachariah his son reigned 15: 7. and Jotham his son reigned 10, 14, 30. slew him, and reigjied in his stead. 13. and he reigned a full month in Samaria. 22. and Pekahiah his son reigned 25. and reigned in his room. 38. and Ahaz his son reigned 16: 20. and Hezekiah his son reigned 19:37. And Esarhaddon his son reigned 20:21. ajid Manasseh his son reigned 21:18. and Amon his son reigjied 26. and Josiah his son reigned 24: 6. and Jehoiachin his son reigned ICh. 1:44. And when Bela was dead, Jobab... reigned 45. And when Jobab was dead, Husham... reigned 46. And when Husham was dead, Hadad... reigned 47. And when Hadad was dead, Samlah... reigned 48. And when Samlah was dead, Shaul... reigned 49. And when Shaul was dead, Baal-hanan ...reigned ibD ( 712 ) Tte ICh. 1:50. And when Baal-hanan was dead, Hadad reigned 3: 4. and there Ae reigned seven years and six months: 14. So David reigned over all Israel, 1 . of Ammon died, and his son reigned 28. and Solomon his son reigned 13. and reigned over Israel. ;30. And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem 31 . and Rehoboam his son reigned 17. But (as for). ..Rehoboam reigned over 13. Rehoboam strengthened himself ... and reigned: 16. and Abijah his son reigned 1 . Now. ..began Abijah to reign 1 ( 1 3 : 23 ). and A sa hi s son reigned l.And Jehoshaphat his son reigned 31. And Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah: 1. And Jehoram his son reigned l.So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah reigned. 3. Behold, the king's son shall reign, 27. And Amaziah his son reigned 23. and Jotham his son reigned 9. and Ahaz his son reigned 21. and Hezekiah his son reigned 33. And Manasseh his son reigned 20. and Amon his son reigned 8. and Jehoiachin his son reigned 4. let the maiden... Ae queen 10. The Lord shall reign for ever, 1 5. By me kings reign, 22. a servant when Ae reigneth; 1 . a king sAaZZ reign in righteousness, 38. and Esar-haddon his son reigned lb. Shalt thou reign, because thou closest l.And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned ¦ Eze.20: 33. with fury poured out, will I rule KAL Participle. Poel. 3. Athaliah did reign over the land. 1 2. Athaliah reigned over the land. l.this (is) Ahasuerus wAicA reigned, 11. Shallum the son of Josiah... loAicA reigned 21. a son to reign upon his throne ; * NIPHAL Future. * Neh. 5: 7. !TAen I consulted with myself, (marg. my heart consulted in me) ¦» HIPHIL Preterite. * 22. and make them a king. (lit. cause a king to reign) 11. that I have set up Saul (to be) king: 35. repented that Ae Aad made Saul king 43. David AatA made Solomon king. 1 .thou hast made thy servant king 8. and hast made me to reign in his stead. 9. thou AasZ made me king over 1 1 . over whom / Aaye made thee king : I . king of Babylon made king 4. They have set up kings, but not HIPHIL.— Infinitive. I . to make him Ain^r. 21. followed Tibni. ..to make him king; 10. strengthened themselves.. .to make him king, 31. to come and make David king. 38. Zo make David king over all Israel: — of one heart Zo make David king. 4. to make (me) king over all Israel: 1 . were all Israel come to make him king. 22. (he thought) to make him king. 18:19: 29: 2Ch. 1 : 9 10: 12: 1314 17 2021:22. 23 24: 26:27: 28: 32;33' 36: Est. 2 Ps.146; Pro 8: 30 Isa. 32 37: Jer. 22 37: 2K. 11: 2Ch22: Est. 1; Jer. 22 33: ISa. 8: 15 IK. 1 3 2Ch. 1 Jer. 37: Hos. 8 IK. 12 16 1 Ch 1 1 : 12 28: 2Chl0: 11: HIPHIL Future. Jud. 9: 6. and made Abimelech king, 16. in that ye have made Abimelech king, 18. and have made Abimelech,. ..king ISa.ll : 15. and there they made Saul king 12: 1 . and have made a king over you. 2Sa. 2: 9. And made him king over Gilead, IK. 12:20. and made him king over all Israel: 16: 16. wherefore all Israel made Omri,. ..king 2K. 8:20. and made a king over themselves. 10 : 5. we will not make any king : 1 1 : 12. and they made him king, 21 . and made him king 21. and they made Jeroboam. .. king : 24. the people ofthe land made Josiah... king 30, and made him king in his father's stead. 34. And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim. ..king 17. And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah ...king 1. So when David was old... Ae made Solomon ...king 22. And they made Solomon. ..king 8. and made themselves a king. l.And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah. ..king 1 1 . and made him king. l.took Uzziah, ...and made him king 2b. and the people of the land made Josiah... king 1 . and made him king in his father's stead 4. And the king of Egypt made Eliakim... king 10. and made Zedekiah... king Il.and made her queen 6. and set a king in the midst HIPHIL Participle. Eze.17: 16. (where) the king (dwelleth) ZAat made him king, * HOPHAL Preterite. # Dan. 9: 1 . Darius.. .which was made king 2K. 1417 212324 ICh 23: 29 2Ch21 22 2326 3336: Est. 2 Isa. 7 : Genl4: 1 2 ^7fi meh'-k'ch, m. Es. 9 18 21 22 17:~6 16. 20: 2 26: 1 8 35:1136:31,39:2040: 1 5 41:4649:20 1: 8 15 17. 18 2:23.3:18 19. 5: 4. 6:11, 13.27.29. 14: 5. in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations ; with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, .and the kings that (were) with him, . there went out (Ae king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela . With Chedorlaomer (Ae king of Elam, and with Tidal king of nations, and Am raphel king o/"Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar ; four Aiw^rs with five. . (Ae kings of Sodom and Gomorrah . And (Ae king of Sodom went out to meet and of (Ae kings that (were) with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which (is) the king's dale. . And Melchizedek king of Salem brought And (Ae king of Sodom said unto Abram, . Abram said to ZAe king of Sodom, . and kings shall come out of thee. kings of people shall be of her. .Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Abimelech king o/the Philistines looked and kings shall come out of thy loins ; (Ae kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king the king's prisoners (were) bound: the butler of (Ae king of Egypt and (his) baker had offended their lord (Ae king of Egypt. . butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt- and he shall yield royal dainties, (lit. dainties of a king) there arose up a new king over Egypt, ZAe king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew as ZAe king of Egypt commanded ZAe king of Egypt called for the midwives, that ZAe king o/Egypt died: and the elders of Israel, unto ZAe king of Egypt, ZAe king of Egypt will not let you go, And ZAe king of Egypt said unto them, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, spake to Pharaoh Ming of Egypt, speak thou unto Pharaoh king of Egypt it was told ZAe king of Egypt the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, •\bo ( 713 ) -te a. 20:U.from Kadesh unto the king of Edom, 17- by (Ae king's (high)way, 21: 1. king Arad the Canaanite, 21. unto Sihon king ofthe Amorites, saying, 22. by the king's (high)way, 26. Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king o/Moab, 29. unto Sihon king o/tfee Amorites. 33. Og the king of Bashan went out against 34. didst unto Sihon king ofthe Amorites, 22: 4. Balak the son of Zippor (was) king of 10. king of Moab, hath sent unto me, 23: 7. the king o/Moab hath brought me 21. the shout of a king (is) among them, 24: 7. Ais king shall be higher than A gag, 31: S.they slew (Ae kings of Midian, — five kings of Midian: 32:33. kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, ^ 33:40. kin OjArad the Canaanite, leu 1 : 4. the king »£¦ the Amorfr6e, whioh dwelt in Heshbon, and Og (ne king of Bashan, * 2:24. Sihon-the -Amorite, king of Heshbon, 26. unto Sihon king of Heshbon with words 30. king of Heshbon would not let us pass 3: L Og (Ae king of Bashan came out against 2. as thou didst unto Sihon king ofthe 3. into our hands Og also, the king o/Bashan, 6. as we did unto Sihon kmg of Heshbon, 8. out ofthe hand ofthe two kings o/the 11. only Og king o/Bashan remained 21 . done unto these two kings .- • 4:46. in the land of Sihon king *f the Amorites, 47. the land of Og king o/Bashan. two kings ofthe Amorites, 7: 8. from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 24. he shall deliver (Aeir kings II: 3. unto Pharaoh the king o/Egypt, 17:14.1 will set a king over me, 15. set (him) king over thee, — shalt thou set king over thee : 38:36. The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king 29: 7(6). Sihon the king of Heshbon, and Og (Ae king of 31 : 4. as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings of the 33: 5. he was king in Jeshurun, Jos. '2: 2. it was told (Ae king of Jericho, saying, 3.(Ae king of Jericho sent unto Rahab, 10. what ye did unto the two kings o/the 5: 1. all the kings &£&& Amorit&s, which (were) on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings «£ tfe £an*Jt^n«,'-f~ 6: 2. Jericno, and the king thereof, b: l.I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, 2. Ai and her king — Jericho and her king; 14. when the king of Ai saw (it), that they 23.(Ae king of Ai they took alive, 29. (Ae king of Ai he hanged on a tree 9: 1. the kings which (were) on this side Jordan, JO.he did to the two kings of the Amorite/, that(were)beyondJordan.to Sihon lung of Heshbon, and to Og king of Bashan, 10: l.Adoni-zedec king of Jerusalem had — as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; 3.Adoni-zedec king of Jerusalem sent unto Hoham Jang of Hebron, and unto Piram Ahmj of Jarmuth, and unto Japhia king of i Lachish, and unto Debir king of Eglon, . 5.Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, t the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron , the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish. I the king of Eglon, gathered themselves , 6. all the kings ofthe Amorites that 16. these five kings fled, 1 7. The five kings are found hid 22. bring out those five kings 23. brought forth those five Aino"S unto him out of the cave, (Ae king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, tlie king of Lachish. (and) (Ae king of Eglon. 24. when they brought out those kings — your feetupon the necks of these kings. 26. and the king thereof he utterly destroyed, — he did to tlie king of Makkedah as he did unto tke king of Jericho. Jos. 10:30. 40 42 11: 1 10 12 17 18 12: 1 9 10 11. 12 13.14 1516 17 IS19 20 21 22 23 24. ' 13:10 21 2730 24: 9 12 Jud. 1: 7 3: S 121 19 4: 2 17 2-324 5: 3 19 8: 5, 12 1?.26. 9: 6 15. 11:12, and (Ae king thereof, into the hand unto the king thereof as he did unto the king of Jericho. Horam king of Gezer came up to help and (Ae king thereof, and all he took it, and the king thereof, and all he did to Debir, and to the king thereof; as he had done also to Libnah, and to her king. So Joshua smote.. .all (Aeir kings: all these Ai»^s and their land Jabin king of Hazor had heard (those things), that he sent to Jobab king of Madon, and to (Ae king of Shimron, and to (Ae king of the kings that (were) on the north when all these kings were met and smote (Ae king (Aereof'with the sword: the cities of those kings, and all (Ae kings of tkem, all tlieir kings he took, Joshua made war.. .with all those kings. the kings ofthe land, Sihon Aim; nf the Amorites, the coast of Og king of Bashan, the border of Sihon king of Heshbon. (Ae kings ofthe country TAe king of Jericho, one ; (Ae king of Ai, ...one; . TAe king of Jerusalem, one ; (Ae king of Hebron, one ; The king of Jarmuth, one ; the king of Lachish, one ; The king of Eglon, one; (Ae king of Gezer, one ; TAe king of Debir, one; (Ae king of Geder, one ; TAe king of Hormah, one; the king »f Arad, one ; The king of Libnah, one ; (Ae king of Adullam, one ; The king of Makkedah, one; the king of Beth-el, one ; The king of Tappuah, one ; the king of Hepher, one ; TAe king of Aphek, one; the king of Lasharon, one ; The king of Madon, one ; (Ae king of Hazor, one ; TAe king of Shimron-meron, one ; the king of Achshaph, one; . TAe king of Taanach, one ; (Ae king of Megiddo, one ; . TAe king of Kedesh, one; the king of Jokneam of Carmel, one ; . TAe king of Dot in the coast of Dor, one; the king ofthe nations . TAe king of Tirzah, one: all the kings the cities of Sihon king ef the Amorites, kingdom of Sihon king ^T the Amorite*, the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, . the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, Balak the son of Zippor, Aing of Moab, .(even) (Ae twoi£ira/£*>f4fae Amori^; Threescore and ten kings, 10. Chushan-rishathaim king of Mesopo tamia: 14, Jo. Eglon the king o/Moab Eglon king of Moab : . a secret errand unto thee, O king : . into the hand of Jabin fang of Canaan, . Jabin (Ae king of Hazor . subdued on that day Jabin (Ae king of against Jabin the king of Canaan, until they had destroyed Jabin Jang of Canaan. Hear, O ye kings ; The kings came (and) fought, then fought (Ae kings of Canaan Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian. and took the two kings o/Midian, the children of a king. raiment that (was) on (Ae kings o/Midian, and made Abimelech king, The trees went forth. ..to anoint a king If in truth ye anoint me Jang 13, 14, 2$. the king of the children of Amnion, Tte 1719 21 ISa. 2 Jud. 11:17. messengers unto (Ae king o/Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but the. king of Edom would not hearken (thereto). And in like manner they sent unto (Ae king o/Moab: 19. Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, (Ae king of Heshbon ; 25. Balak the son of Zippor, king o/Moab ? 6 & 1 8 : 1 . no king in Israel, l.when (there was) no king in Israel, 25.no king in Israel: 10. he shall give strength unto his king, 5. now make us a king 6. Give us a king to judge us. 9, 1 1 . the manner of (Ae king 10. asked of him a king. 18. your king which ye shall have chosen 19. we will have a king 20. that our king may judge us, 22. and make them a king. 19. but set a khig over us. 24. God save (Ae king. l.have made a king over you. 2. the king walketh before you: 9. into the hand of the king of Moab, 12. the king ofthe children of Ammon — a king shall reign over us: when the Lord your God (was) your king. 13. (Ae king whom ye have chosen, — the Lord hath set a king over you. 14.(Ae king that reigneth over you 17. sight ofthe Lord, in asking you a king. 19. (this) evil, to ask us a king. 25. both ye and your khig. 47. against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, l.king over his people, 8. he took Agag (Ae king o/tbe Amalekites 1 1. 1 have set up Saul (to be) king: 17. the Lord anointed thee king 20. have brought Agag (Ae king of Amalek, 23. rejected thee frojn (being) king. 26. from being khig over Israel. 32. Bring ye hither to me Agag (Ae king of l.I have provided me a king 25. (Ae khig will enrich 55. 0 king, I cannot tell. 56. (Ae khig said, Enquire 6. to meet king Saul, 18. son in law to the khig? 22. (Ae king hath delight in thee, — be (Ae king's son in law. 23. to be a king's son in law, 25. TAe king desireth not any dowry, — avenged of (Ae king's enemies. 26. to be the king's son in law: 27. in full tale to the king, that he might be (Ae king's son in law. 4. Let not the king sin against his servant, 5. to sit with (Ae king at meat: 24. (Ae king sat him down to eat 25. (Ae king sat upon his seat, 29. cometh not unto (Ae Ainu's table. 2(3). TAe king hath commanded me 8(9). (Ae king's business required haste. 10( 1 1 ). went to Achish (Ae king of Gath. 11(12). (Is) not this David (AeAinr/ o/the land? 1 2 ( 1 3) . sore afraid of Achish (Ae 'king of Gath. 3. and he said unto (Ae king o/Moab, 4. brought them before (Ae Ain^r o/Moab: 1 1. Then (Ae king sent — they came all of them to (Ae khig. 14. Ahimelech answered (Ae king, — (Ae khtg's son in law, 15. let not (Ae king impute 16. And (Ae king said, 17. the king said unto the footmen — the servants of (Ae king 18. the king said to Doeg, 20. Now therefore, 0 king, come down — to deliver him into (Ae king's hand. 8(9). My lord Me king. 14( 15) . After whom is (Ae king o/Israel come 36. like the feast of a king; 14. thou (that) criest to (Ae king ? 15. not kept thy lord (Ae king? for there came one... to destroy (Ae king ( 714 ) ISa. -te 18 21 •1-1 24 2Sa. 26:16 17.19 20. 22. 27: 2.6. 28:1329: 3 2: 4,7 11 3: 3 17 21 23 24.31323336373839 4: 8 5: 2. 3 6 111217 6:12 16 20 7: 1 2 3. 18 8: 3. 5.8.9. 10 11 9: 2 3. 13 10: 1 56 19 11: 1 2 6 9 19 2024 12: 7 30 13: 4 6 13.18. 21. 23. 24. 25.26. 27.29. 30. see where (Ae Arab's spear (is), (It is) my voice, my lord, O king. let my lord ZAe king hear (Ae king of Israel is come out to seek Behold (Ae king's spear ! Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath. Ziklag pertaineth unto the kings 0/ Judah (Ae king said unto her, .the servant of Saul (Ae king 0/ Israel, the enemies ofmy lord the king? . they anointed David king . have anointed me king the time that David was king the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur ; . Ye sought for David. ..(to be) king . my lord ZAe king, . Abner the son of Ner came to ZAe king, . Joab came to (Ae king, . And king David (himself) followed . (Ae king lifted up his voice, (Ae king lamented over Abner, whatsoever (Ae king did . it was not o/(Ae king to slay Abner . ZAe Aim? said unto his servants, though anointed king; . and said to ZAe king, :he Lord hath avenged my lord ZAe king . when Saul was king over us, .the elders of Israel came to (Ae king to Hebron ; and king David made a league they anointed David king . (Ae king and his men went to Jerusalem . Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers the Lord had established him king they had anointed David king it was told king David, . and saw king David leaping . How glorious was (Ae king of Israel . when (Ae king sat in his house, . (Ae king said unto Nathan . Wathan said to (Ae king, . Then went king David in, , 12. son of Rehob, king of Zobah, , to succour Hadadezer king of Zobah, . king David took exceeding much , When Toi king of Hamath heard , Toi sent Joram his son unto king David, . king David did dedicate . (Ae king said unto him, , And (Ae king said, Ziba said unto (Ae king, the king said unto him, Where (is) he? And Ziba said unto (Ae king, . Then king David sent, . Then (Ae king called to Ziba, Then said Ziba unto (Ae king, my lord (Ae king hath commanded as one of (Ae king's sons. . did eat continually at (Ae king's table ; , (Ae king ofthe children of Ammon . (Ae king said, Tarry at Jericho and of king Maacah a thousand all ZAe kings ( that were) servants the time when kings go forth (to battle), the roof of ZAe king's house: Uriah departed out of ZAe king's house, there followed him a mess... from ZAe king. the door of (Ae king's house telling the matters... unto (Ae king, . that (Ae king's wrath arise, and (some) of (Ae king's servants be dead, I anointed thee king he took (Aeir king's crown thou, (being) (Ae king's son, when (Ae king was come to see him, Amnon said unto (Ae king, speak unto ZAe king ; the king's daughters when king David heard invited all (Ae king's sons. Absalom came to (Ae king, let ZAe king, ...go with thy servant. And (Ae king said to Absalom, (Ae king said unto him, Why should he let Amnon and all (Ae Ainp's sons Then all (Ae king's sons arose, Absalom hath slain all (Ae king's sons, *te ( 715) -te 1.13:31 32.33. 35. 36. 37 39 14: 1 3, 4 Then (Ae king arose, and tare his all the young men (Ae king's sons ; let not my lord (Ae king take the thing to his heart, to think that all (Ae king's sons are dead: And Jonadab said unto (Ae king, Behold, (Ae king's sons come: (Ae king's sons came, (Ae king also and all his servants wept the son of Ammihud, king of Geshur. (the soul of) king David longed (Ae king's heart (was) toward Absalom. come to the king, tlie woman of Tekoah spake to (Ae king, and said, Help, 0 king. . the king said unto her, . tlie king said unto the woman, . the woman of Tekoah said unto (Ae king, My lord, 0 king, the iniquity (be) on me, and on my father's house: and the king and his throne (be ) guiltless. . And (Ae king said, Whosoever . let ZAe king remember .speak (one) word unto my lord (Ae king. . (Ae king doth speak this thing ZAe king doth not fetch home . speak of this thing unto my lord ZAe king, I will now speak unto (Ae king; it may be that (Ae king will perform . For (Ae king will hear, . The word of my lord (Ae king so (is) my lord the king to discern . Then (Ae king answered Let my lord ZAe king now speak. .And (Ae king said, (Is not) (As) thy soul liveth, my lord the king, my lord (Ae king hath spoken: .(Ae king said unto Joab, . and thanked ZAe king : grace in thy sight, my lord, 0 king, in that (Ae king hath fulfilled And (Ae king said, Let him saw not ZAe king's face. after (Ae king's weight. and saw not ZAe king's face. to have sent him to ZZie king ; that I may send thee to (Ae king, let me see (Ae king's face ; Joab came to (Ae king, he came to (Ae king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground before ZAe king and ZAe king kissed Absalom. when any man. ..came to (Ae king no man (deputed) of (Ae king all Israel that came to (Ae king Absalom said unto (Ae king, the king said unto him, (Ae king's servants said unto (Ae king, Be hold, thy servants ( are ready to do ) what soever my lord (Ae Ainp shall appoint. 17. And ZAe king went forth, And ZAe king left ten women, passed on before the king. Then said (Ae king to Ittai and abide with (Ae king : Ittai answered ZAe king, (as) my lord ZAe king liveth, surely in what place my lord ZAe king shall be, ZAe king also himself passed over ZAe king said unto Zadok, TAe king said also unto Zadok I will be thy servant, 0 king ; out of ZAe Amp's house, (Ae king said unto Ziba, — (Ae king's houshold 3. And (Ae king said, And where — And Ziba said unto (Ae king, 4. Then said (Ae Ainp to Ziba, — find grace in thy sight, my lord, 0 king. 5. when king David came 6. the servants of king David: 9. unto (Ae Ainp, Why should this dead dog curse my lord (Ae king ? 10. And (Ae Ainp said, What 14. (Ae king, and all the people 16. God save (Ae Ainp, God save (Ae king. 17: 2. 1 will smite (Ae Ainp only: 15: 2.36 7 9 15 23. 25. 27, 34. 35. 16: 2. 2Sa.l7: 16. lest (Ae king be swallowed up, 17. they went and told king David. 21. went and told Ainp David, 18: 2. ZAe Ainp said unto the people, 4. ZAe king said unto them, (Ae Ainp stood by the gate side, 5.(Ae Ainp commanded Joab . — when ZAe Ainp gave. ..charge 12. against ZAe Ainp's son: for in our hearing (Ae Ainp charged thee 13.no matter hid from (Ae king, 18. in (Ae king's dale: 19. run, and bear (Ae king tidings, 20. (Ae king's son is dead. 21. Go tell (Ae king 25. the watchman cried, and told (Ae king. And (Ae king said, 26. (Ae Ainp said, He also bringeth tidings. 21 .the king said, He (is) a good man, 28. And Ahimaaz. ..said unto (Ae king, . — to the earth upon his face before the king, — their hand against my lord ZAe king. 29. ZAe king said, Is the young man — When Joab sent ZAe king's servant, 30. And ZAe king said (unto him), 31. Tidings, my lord ZAe king : 32. And (Ae king said unto Cushi, — The enemies of my lord (Ae king, 33( 19:1). (Ae Ainp was much moved, 19: 1(2). ZAe king weepeth and mourneth 2(3). (Ae king was grieved for his son. 4(5). But the king covered his face, and (Ae Ainp cried with a loud voice, 5(6). Joab came. ..to the king, 8(9). Then (Ae king arose, — (-).the king doth sit in the gate. And all the people came before the king : 9(10). The king saved us out of the hand 10(11). not a word of bringing ZAe Ainp back ? 11( 12). And Ainp David sent to Zadok — ( — ). Why are ye the last to bring ZAe Ainp back — ( — ).the speech of all Israel is come to (Ae Ainp, 12(1 3). are ye the last to bring back (Ae king? 14(15). they sent (this word) unto ZAe Ainp, 15(16). So (Ac king returned, and came to Jordan. And Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet (Ae king, to conduct (Ae king 1 6( 1 7 ) . the men of Judah to meet Ainp David. 17 (1 8). went over Jordan before ZAe king. 18(19). to carry over ZAe king's houshold, — ( — ).fell down before the king, as he 19(20). And said unto the king, — ( — ). the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, that (Ae Ainp 20(21). to go down to meet my lord (Ae Ainp. 22(23). I (am) this day Ainp over Israel? 23(24).(Ae Ainp said unto Shimei, Thou shalt not die. And (Ae king sware unto him. 24(25). of Saul came down to meet ZAe Ainp, — ( — ).from the day ZAe Ainp departed 25(26). to meet (Ae king, that (Ae king said 26(27). And he answered, My lord, O king, — ( — ).ride thereon, and go to (Ae Ainp; 27 (28). slandered thy servant unto my lord (Ae king ; but my lord the king 28(29). dead men before my lord (Ae king : — ( — ).to cry any more unto (Ae king ? 29(30). And (Ae Ainp said unto him, 30(31). Mephibosheth said unto the king, __( ). forasmuch as my lord (Ae Ainp 31 (32). went over Jordan with the king, _ 32(33). and he had provided ZAe Ainp of 3.3(34). And ZAe Ainp said unto Barzillai, 34(35). And Barzillai said unto ZAe king, — (— ).that I should go up with ZAe king 35( 36 ) . be yet a burden unto my lord ZAe king ? 36(37). over Jordan with the king: and why should ZAe king recompense it 37(38 ). let him go over with my lord ZAe king ; 38(39). And ZAe king answered, Chimham 39(40). u>Aen (Ae king was come over, (Ae king kissed Barzillai, 40(41). Then (Ae Ainp went on to Gilgal, ( ).all the people of Judah conducted (Ae Ainp, •f?D' ( 716 ) Tte 2Sa. 19: 41 (42). all the men of Israel came totheking, and said unto (Ae king, — ( — ).away, and have brought (Ae king, 42(43). Because (Ae king (is) near of kin to us: — {¦ — ).have we eaten at all of (Ae king's (cost) ? 43(44). We have ten parts in the king, — ( — ) . in bringing back our king ? 20: 2. the men of Judah clave unto their king, 3. the king took the ten women 4. Then said (Ae king to Amasa, 21 . lifted up his hand against the king, 22. Joab returned to Jerusalem unto (Ae khig. 21 : 2. (Ae king called the Gibeonites, 5. And they answered (Ae khig, 6. And (Ae Icing said, I will give (them). 7-(Ae king spared Mephibosheth, 8. the king took the two sons of Rizpah 14. all that (Ae king commanded. 22:51. the tower of salvation for Ais khig : 24: 2. (Ae king said to Joab 3. Joab said unto (Ae king, — the eyes ofmy lord the king may see (it) : but why doth my lord (Ae king delight 4. (Ae king's word prevailed — went out from the presence of (Ae khig, 9. Joab gave up the sum.. .unto (Ae king : 20. Araunah looked, and saw (Ae king — bowed himself before the king 21. Wherefore is my lord the king come 22. Let my lord (Ae king take and offer 23. did Araunah (as) a king (lit. (Ae king), give unto the Icing. And Araunah said unto (Ae king, 24. the king said unto Araunah, IK. 1: 1 . Now king David was old 2. Let there be sought for my lord (Ae king a young virgin: and let her stand before (Ae knig, — that my lord (Ae king may get heat. 3. and brought her to the king. 4. and cherished (Ae king, — but the king knew her not. 9. his brethren the king's sons, and all the men of Judah the Icing's servants: 13. get thee in unto king David, — Didst not thou, my lord, O king, 14. while thou yet talkest there with (Ae king, 15. Bath-sheba went in unto (Ae king into the chamber: and the king was very old ; and Abishag the Shunammite minister ed unto (Ae king. 16. Bath-sheba... did obeisance unto the king. And (Ae king said, 18. my lord (Ae king, thou knowest (it) not: 19. hath called all the sons of (Ae king, 20. And thou, my lord, 0 king, — on the throne ofmy lord (Ae king 21 .when my lord (Ae king shall sleep 22. while she yet talked with (Ae king, 23. And they told (Ae king, — when he was come in before (Ae khig, he bowed himself before (Ae king 24. Nathan said. My lord, 0 king, hast thou 25. hath called all (Ae king's sons, — God save king Adonijah. 27. Is this thing done by my lord (Ae king, — sit on the throne of my lord (Ae king 28. Then king David answered and said, — she came into (Ae twig's presence, and stood before (Ae khig. 29. And (Ae king sware, and said, 31. and did reverence to the king, and said, Let my lord king David live 32. And king David said, Call me Zadok — And they came before (Ae king. 33. The khig also said unto them, Take 34. anoint him there king over — , 39. God save king Solomon. 36. Benaiah.. .answered (Ae king, — Amen: the Lord God ofmy lord (Ae king 37. with my lord (Ae king, — than the throne of my lord Jiing David. 38. upon king David's mule, 43. our lord king David 44. (Ae khig hath sent with him Zadok IK. 1:44. upon the king's mule: 45. have anointed him king 47. the king's servants came to bless our lord khig David, . — And (Ae king bowed himself 48. also thus said (Ae king, 51. Adonijah feareth king Solomon: — Let khig Solomon swear unto me 53. So king Solomon sent, — bowed himself (o king Solomon: 2; 17. Speak,. ..unto Solomon (Ae king, 18. 1 will speak for thee unto (Ae king. 19. Bath-sheba therefore went unto king — And (Ae king rose up to meet her, — a seat to be set for (Ae khig's mother ; 20. And the king said unto her, 22. khig Solomon answered 23. Then king Solomon sware 25. And ki'/ig Solomon sent 26. unto Abiathar the priest said (Ae king, 29. it was told king Solomon 30. Thus saith (Ae king, — Benaiah brought (Ae king 31 . (Ae king said unto him, 35. (Ae king put Benaiah... in his room — Zadok the priest did (Ae king put 36. the king sent and called for Shimei, 38. Shimei said mito the king, The saying (is) good : as my lord (Ae king hath said, 39. Achish son of Maachah king of Gath. 42. the king sent and called for Shimei, 44. TAe king said moreover to Shimei, 45. And king Solomon (shall be) blessed, 46. So (Ae king commanded 3: l.made affinity with Pharaoh Ainy o/Egypt, 4. (Ae khig went to Gibeon 13. there shall not be any among the kings 16. came there two women,. ..unto (Ae khig, 22. Thus they spake before (Ae king. 23. Then said (Ae king, The one saith, 24. the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword before (Ae king. 25. the king said. Divide the living child 26. the living child (was) unto (Ae king, 27. the king answered and said, Give her 28. the judgment which (Ae king had judged ; and they feared (Ae king ; 4: 1 . So king Solomon was king over all Israel. 5. principal officer, (and) the king's friend: 7. provided-victuals for (Ae khig r 19. Sihon (jtinjflffi the Amorite, and of Og A ing o/Bashan ; 24(5:4). ali (Ae kings on this side the river: 27(-: 7). provided victual for Amy Solomon, and for all that came unto king 34(-: 14). all kings o/the earth. 5: 1(15). And Hiram king of Tyre sent his — ( — ).they had anointed him king 13(27). khig Solomon raised a levy 17(31 ). And (Ae king commanded, 6: 2. the house which king Solomon built 7: 13. king Solomon sent and fetched 14. he came to king Solomon, 40. the work that he made king Solomon 45. Hiram made to king Solomon 46. did (Ae king cast them, 51. the work that king Solomon made 8: 1 . unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, 2. assembled themselves unto king Solomon 5. And king Solomon, and all the 14. (Ae king turned his face 62. And the fling, and all Israel 63. So (Ae king and all the children of Israel 64. did (Ae king hallow the middle ofthe 66. and they blessed the king, 9: l.when Solomon had finished.. .(Ae king's 10. the house of the Lord, and (Ae king's 11. Hiram (Ae king of Tyre had furnished — khig Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities 14. Hiram sent to tke king 15. the levy which king Solomon raised ; 16. Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up, 26. king Solomon made a navy 28. and brought (it) to king Solomon. 10: 3. there was not (any) thing hid from (Ae king, 6. she said to the king, f70 ( 717 ) Tte IK. 10: 9. therefore made he thee king, 10. she gave (Ae khig an hundred and twenty — queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon. 12. (Ae king made ofthe almug trees — of the Lord, and for (Ae king's house, 13. And king Solomon gave unto the queen — gave her of his royal bounty, (lit. as the hand of (Ae king ) 15. and of all (Ae kings of Arabia, 16. khig Solomon made two hundred targets 17. (Ae king put them in the house 18. (Ae khig made a great throne 21. all king Solomon's drinking vessels 22. the king had at sea a navy 23. king Solomon exceeded all (Ae kmgs of 26. with (Ae khig at Jerusalem. 27. (Ae king made silver (to be). ..as stones, 28. (Ae king's merchants received ^ * 29. the kings ofthe Hittites, and for the kings of 11 : 1. But king Solomon loved many strange 14. of (Ae king's seed in Edom. 18. unto Pharaoh king of Egypt ; 23. from his lord Hadadezer 'king of Zobah: 26. he lifted up (his) hand against the king. 27. he lifted up (his) hand against the king : 37. and shalt be king over Israel. 40. unto Shishak king o/Egypt, 12: 2. fled from the presence of king Solomon, 6. khig Rehoboam consulted 12. as the khig had appointed, 13. (Ae king answered the people 15. Wherefore (Ae king hearkened not 16. that (Ae king hearkened not — the people answered the king, 18. king Rehoboam sent Adoram, — Therefore king Rehoboam made speed 23. Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, khig of 27. unto Rehoboam king of Judah, — and go again to Rehoboam khig of Judah. 28. Whereupon (Ae king took counsel, 13: 4. when king Jeroboam heard the saying 6. (Ae khig answered and said — tke king's hand was restored 7.(Ae king said unto the man of God, 8. the man of God said unto (Ae king, 11. he had spoken unto the king, 14 : 2. told me that ( I should be ) khig {lit.forking) 14. the Lord shall raise him up a king 19. of the chronicles o/(Ae kings o/Israel. 25. in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, (that) Shishak king of Egypt came up 26. the treasures of the king's house; 27. king Rehoboam made in their stead — kept the door of (Ae king's house. 28. when (Ae king went into the house 29. of the chronicles of (Ae kings of Judah? 15: l.in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam 7, 23. of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? 9. twentieth year of Jeroboam king o/Israel 16. between Asa and Baasha king of Israel 17. And Baasha king of Israel went up — come in to Asa king of Judah. 18. the treasures ofthe king's house, — king Asa sent them to Ben-hadad, ...king of Syria, 19. thy league with Baasha king o/Israel, 20. Ben-hadad hearkened unto king Asa, 22. Then king Asa made a proclamation — king Asa built with them 25. in the second year of Asa Ain<7 of Judah, 28. the third year of A sa king of Judah 31. of the chronicles of (Ae kings of Israel? 32. between Asa and Baasha king o/Israel 33. third year of Asa khig of Judah 16: 5, 14, 20, 27. chronicles ofthe kings of Israel? 8. twenty and sixth year of Asa king of 10, 15. twenty and seventh year of Asa king of 16. and hath also slain (Ae king: 18. the palace of (Ae king's house, and burnt (Ae king's house 23. thirty and first year of Asa king of 29. thirty and eighth year of Asa king of 31 . Ethbaal king ofthe Zidonians, 33. all (Ae kings of Israel that were before him. 19: 15. anoint Hazael (to be) king 16. anoint (to be) king (lit. for khig) over Israel: 1 K. 20 : 1 . Ben-hadad (Ae king of Syria gathered — (there were) thirty and two kings 2. to Ahab king o/lsrael into the city, 4.(Ae king of Israel answered and said, M\ lord, O king, 7. Then (Ae king o/Israel called 9. Tell my lord (Ae king, All that 1 1 . (Ae king of Israel answered and said, 12. and the kings in the pavilions, 13. came a prophet unto Ahab king of Israel, 16. he and the kings, the thirty and two kings 20. Ben-hadad (Ae king of Syria escaped 21. (Ae king o/Israel went out, and smote 22. the prophet came to (Ae king o/Israel, — (Ae kingof Syria will come up against 23. the servants of (Ae king of Syria said 24. Take (Ae kings away, 28. of God, and spake unto (Ae khig of Israel, 31. (Ae kings of the house of Israel (are) merciful kings; — and go out to (Ae king o/Israel: 32. on their heads, and came to (Ae king of 38. and waited for the king by the way, 39. And as (Ae khig passed by, he cried unto (Ae king: 40. (Ae king o/Israel said unto him, 41. (Ae king o/lsrael discerned him 43. (Ae king of Israel went to his house 21 : l.by the palace of Ahab khig of Samaria. 10. Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. 13. Naboth did blaspheme God and the king. 18. go down to meet Ahab king o/Israel, 22: 2. Jehoshaphat (Ae king of Judah came down to (Ae king o/Israel. 3. (Ae king of Israel said unto his servants, — out of the hand of (Ae king of Syria ? 4. Jehoshaphat said to (Ae king of Israel, 5. Jehoshaphat said unto (Ae king o/Israel, 6. (Ae king of Israel gathered the prophets ¦ — into the hand of (Ae Aim?. 8. And (Ae king of Israel said . — Let not (Ae king say so. 9.(Ae king o/Israel called an officer, 10. And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat (Ae king of 12. deliver (it) into (Ae Ainu's hand. 13. (declare) good unto (Ae king 15. So he came to thehing. And the king said — into the hand of (Ae king. 16. the king said unto him, 18.(Ae king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, 26. And (Ae king of Israel said, Take - — Joash (Ae king's son ; 27. Thus saith (Ae king, 29. (Ae king of Israel and Jehoshaphat (Ae king of Judah went 30. (Ae king o/Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, — And (Ae king of Israel disguised himself, 31. But the king of Syria commanded — save only with the king of Israel. 32, they said, Surely it (is ) (Ae king of Israel. 33. perceived that it (was ) not the king o/Israel, 34. smote (Ae king of Israel between 35. and the king was stayed up 37. So (Ae king died, and was brought to Samaria ; and they buried (Ae king 39. the chronicles of the kings of Israel ? 41 . in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel. 44(45). Jehoshaphat made peace with (Ae king of 45(46). the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? 47( 48) . no king in Edom : a deputy (was ) king. 51 (52). of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, 2K. 1 : 3. to meet the messengers of (Ae king of 6. turn again unto (Ae king 9. the king hath said, Come down. 1 1 . thus hath (Ae king said, 15. went down with him unto (Ae king. 17. Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of 18. the book ofthe chronicles o/(Ae kings of 3: 1 - eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of 4.Mesha king of Moab was a sheepmaster, and rendered unto the king o/Israel 5. the king o/Moab rebelled against theking of 6. king Jehoram went out of Samaria 7. to Jehoshaphat (Ae king of Judah, saying, TAe king o/Moab hath rebelled -\ba ( 718 ) ite 2K. 3: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 4:135: 1 6: 8.9 1011 12. 21 2426 2830 9: 3. 14 151618 21 2734 10: 4. 6 78 13 (Ae king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom: (Ae king of Israel said, Alas ! that the Lord hath called these three kings one of (Ae king of Israel's servants the king o/Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king o/Edom went down Elisha said unto (Ae king of Israel, And (Ae khig of Israel said unto him, Nay : for the Lord hath called these three kings the presence of Jehoshaphat (Ae khig of the kings were come up (Ae khigs are surely slain, when (Ae khig o/Moab saw that the to break through (even) unto (Ae king of wouldest thou be spoken for to (Ae king, . captain of the host of (Ae king of Syria, . And (Ae Ain<7 of Syria said, Go to, a letter unto (Ae king of Israel. .he brought the letter to the lung o/Israel, .when (Ae king of Israel had read. . heard that (Ae king of Israel had rent his clothes, that he sent to the king, . Then the khig of Syria warred against . the man of God sent unto (Ae king of . the king of Israel sent to the place the heart of (Ae king of Syria was which of us (is) for (Ae king o/lsrael? None, my lord, 0 khig: telleth (Ae king o/Israel .(Ae king of Israel said unto Elisha, . Ben-hadad king of Syria gathered as (Ae king of Israel was passing Help, my lord, 0 king. the king said unto her, What when (Ae king heard the words a lord on whose hand the king leaned (Ae king o/Israel hath hired against us (Ae kings o/the Hittiltfc, and (Ae kings of the Egyptian 3, ^{(yf'VtfUHi we may go and tell (Ae king's houshold. they told (it) to (Ae king's house (Ae king arose in the night, (Ae king sent after the host messengers returned, and told (Ae king. Ajid the king appointed the lord when (Ae king came down to him. as the man of God had spoken to (Ae khig, .to cry unto the king . And the king talked with Gehazi . as he was telling (Ae king cried to (Ae king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O lung, when (Ae king asked the woman, So the king appointed Ben-hadad (Ae king of Syria was sick ; (Ae king said unto Hazael, Thy son Ben-hadad khig of Syria thou (shalt be) king over Syria. .Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat (being) then khig o/Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of . he walked in theway of (Ae khigs o/Israel, . and made a king over themselves. . of the chronicles o/(Ae kings of Judah ? .Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram kingof Judah the daughter of Omri king of Israel. Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth-gilead; . king Joram went back to be healed against Hazael king of Syria. And Aha ziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah 6, 12. 1 have anointed thee king because of Hazael king of Syria. . king Joram was returned. when he fought with Hazael king of Syria. . Ahaziah king of Judah was come down 19. Thus saith (Ae king, Joram khig of Israel and Ahaziah king of .when Ahaziah (Ae king of Judah saw .bury her: for she (is) a king's daughter. .two khigs stood not before him: . (Ae king's sons, (being) seventy persons, . they took (Ae king's sons, . the heads of (Ae king's sons. the brethren of Ahaziah king of Judah, the children of (Ae king 13: 2K. 10:34. the book ofthe chronicles of (Ae kings of 11:2. the daughter of king Joram, — from among (Ae king's sons 4. and shewed them (Ae king's son. 5. keepers of the watch of (Ae king's house ; 7. they shall keep the watch...about(AeAinr/. 8. ye shall compass (Ae khig — oe ye with (Ae king 10. king David's spears and shields, II. round about (Ae king, from the right 12. he brought forth (Ae king's son, . — God save (Ae Ain^r. 14. (Ae king stood by a pillar, — and the trumpeters by (Ae Ain^, 16. came into (Ae king's house: 17. a covenant between the Lord and the khig — between (Ae king also and the people. 19. they brought down the king — the gate of the guard to (Ae king's house. And he sat on the throne of (Ae kings. 20. with the sword (beside) (Ae king's house. 12: 6(7). three and twentieth vear of king 7(8). king Jehoash called for Jehoiada 10(11). (Ae king's scribe and the high priest 17(18). Hazael king of Syria went up, 18(19). Jehoash khig of Judah took — ( — ). kings of Judah, had dedicated, — ( — ),and in (Ae king's house, and sent (it) to Hazael king of Syria: 19(20). the chronicles ofthe kings of Judah? 1 . Joash the son of Ahaziah king of 3. the hand of Hazael king of Syria, 4. (Ae king of Syria oppressed them. 7.(Ae king of Syria had destroyed them, 8, 12. the chronicles o/(Ae kings o/Israel? 10. thirty and seventh year of Joash king of 12. fought against Amaziah king of 13. buried in Samaria with (Ae kings of Israel. 14. Joash (Ae king o/Israel came down 16. And he said to the king o/Israel, — Elisha put his hands upon (Ae king's hands. 18. And he said unto the king o/Israel, 22. But Hazael king of Syria oppressed 24. So Hazael khig of Syria died ; 14: l.of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah. 5. which had slain the king his father. 8. Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of 9. And Jehoash (Ae king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, 11. Jehoash khig of Israel went up; and he and Amaziah king of Judah 13. And Jehoash king o/Israel took Amaziah khig of Judah, 14. in the treasures of Me king's house, 15. fought with Amaziah king of Judah, — ofthe chronicles ofthe kings o/Israel? 16. buried in Samaria with (Ae kings of 17. Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah — Jehoash son of Jehoahaz king o/ Israel 18. the chronicles o/(Ae kings of Judah? 22. after that (Ae king slept 23. Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel 28. the chronicles o/(Ae khigs o/Israel? 29. his fathers, (even) with the kings o/Israel ; 15: 1 . the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam khig of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah 5. the Lord smote (Ae king, — Jotham (Ae king's son (was) over the house, 6, 36. the chronicles of the Jihigs of Judah ? 8. year of Azariah Icing of Judah 11, 15, 21, 26, 31. the chronicles of the kings of 13. year of Uzziah king of Judah ; 17. year of Azariah khig of Judah ao 19. Pul *A» king of Aaoywa came against i*My& 20. to give to the king of Assyria. So (Ae king o/ Assyria turned 23. the fiftieth year of Azariah king of 25. in the palace of (Ae khtg's house, 27. two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of 29. In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, 32. Pekah the son of Remaliah king o/Israel TxL lte ( 719 ) Tte 2K. 15:32. Jotham the son of Uzziah king 0/ Judah 37. against Judali Rezin (Ae king 0/ Syria, 16: 1. Ahaz the son of Jotham king 0/ Judah 3. walked in the way of (Ae kings o/Israel, 5. Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king o/Israel came up 6. Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath 7. to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, — save me out of the hand of (Ae king o/Syria, and out of the hand of (Ae king of Israel, 8. the treasures of (Ae king's house, and sent (it for) a present to the king 0/ Assyria. . And (Ae king of Assyria hearkened unto him: for (Ae king of Assyria went up king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser king 0/ Assyria, king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest .king Ahaz had sent from Damascus: king Ahaz came from Damascus. when (Ae khig was come from Damascus, (Ae king saw the altar: and (Ae king approached to the altar, .king Ahaz commanded Urijah and (Ae king's burnt sacrifice, . all that khig Ahaz commanded. .king Ahaz cut offthe borders . the king's entry without, of the Lord for (Ae king of Assyria. the book ofthe chronicles of (Ae kings of . the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah but not as the kings o/Israel Shalmaneser king of Assyria ; (Ae king of Assyria found conspiracy to So king of Egypt, and brought no pre sent to the king of Assyria, as (he had done) year by year: therefore (Ae king of tke king of Assyria came up ninth year of Hoshea (Ae king 0/ Assyria under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and of (Ae kings of Israel, which they had (Ae king of Assyria brought (men) they spake to the king of Assyria, Then (Ae king of Assyria commanded, of Hoshea son of Elah king of 'Israel, (that) Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah like him among all (Ae kings of Judah, rebelled against the king of Assyria, in the fourth year of khig Hezekiah, of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, (that) Shalmaneser king o/Assyria came the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel, (Ae king of Assyria did carry away the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king 0/ Assyria come up .Hezekiah king of Judah sent to (Ae king of And (Ae king of Assyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of Judah the treasures of (Ae king's house. which Hezekiah king of Judah had over laid, and gave it to the king of the king of Assyria sent... to king Hezekiah when they had called to (Ae king, saith (Ae great king, (Ae king of Assyria, so (is) Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all pledges to my lord (Ae king of Assyria, Hear the word of the great king, the king of Assyria: Thus saith the king, Let not Hezekiah be delivered into the hand of the king of for thus saith the khig of Assyria, out ofthe hand of (Ae king of Assyria? for (Ae king's commandment was, when king Hezekiah heard (it), (Ae king of Assyria his master hath sent the servants of king Hezekiah the servants of (Ae king of Assyria have found (Ae king of Assyria warring heard say of Tirhakah king 0/ Ethiopia, Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of into the hand of (Ae king 0/ Assyria. what the kings 0/ Assyria have done (Ae king of Hamath, and the king of Arpad, and the king of the city of Sepharvaira, *Ae kings 0/ Assyria have destroyed against Sennacherib king of Assyria the Lord concerning the king 0/ Assyria, So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, 1617 18 19 17: 1 2, 34 56 7.8. 24.26.27, 18: 1. 5. 7. 9. 1516 17 18 19 21,23.28, 29.30.31,33.36. 19: 1. 4. 5.6. 8. 9. 10.II. 13. 17. 20. 32. 2K. 20: 6. out of the hand of (Ae king 0/ Assyria ; 12.Berodach-baladan,...Aino" o/Babylon, 14. Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, 18. in the palace of (Ae king of Babylon. 20. the chronicles o/(Ae kings of Judah ? 21 : 3. a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel ; II. Manasseh king 0/ Judah hath done 17, 25. the book of the chronicles o/(Ae kings of Judah ? 23. and slew (Ae king in his own house. 24. conspired agaiust king Amon ; 22: 3. in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, ( that ) (Ae king sent Shaphan 9. came to the king, and brought (Ae king word 10. Shaphan the scribe shewed (Ae king, — Shaphan read it before the king. 1 1 . when (Ae king had heard the words 12. (Ae king commanded Hilkiah — Asahiah a servant of (Ae king's, 16. of the book which (Ae king 0/ Judah hath 18. to the king 0/ Judah which sent you 20. And they brought (Ae king word again. 23: 1 . And the king sent, 2. (Ae king went up into the house 0 3. (Ae king stood by a pillar, 4. (Ae king commanded Hilkiah 5. whom (Ae kings of Judah had ordained 1 1 . that (Ae kings 0/ Judah had given to the sun, 12. which (Ae kings of Judah had made, — did (Ae king beat down, and brake 13. Solomon (Ae king o/Israel had builded — did (Ae king defile. 19. which (Ae kings o/Israel had made 21. (Ae king commanded all the people, 22. nor in all the days of (Ae khigs of Israel, nor ofthe kings of Judah ; 23. in the eighteenth year of Icing Josiah, 25. like unto him was there no king before 28. the chronicles o/(Ae Ain^s 0/ Judah? 29.Pharaoh-nechoh king of Egypt went up against (Ae king of Assyria — king Josiah went against him ; 24 : 1,11. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came 5. the chronicles o/(Ae kings of Judah? 7. (Ae king o/Egypt came not again — (Ae king o/Babylon had taken from . — all that pertained to the king o/Egypt. 10. of Nebuchadnezzar king o/Babylon 12. Jehoiachin (Ae king of Judah went out to (Ae king o/Babylon, — and the king o/Babylon took him 13. and the treasures ofthe king's house, — vessels of gold which Solomon king of 15. and (Ae king's mother, and (Ae king's wives, 16. them (Ae king of Babylon brought captive 17. (Ae king o/Babylon made Mattaniah 20. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of 25 : 1 - Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, 2. the eleventh year of king Zedekiah. 4. by (Ae king's garden: 5. of the Chaldees pursued after (Ae Icing, 6. So they took (Ae king, and brought him up to (Ae king of Babylon 8. the nineteenth year of king Nebuchad nezzar king of Babylon, — a servant ofthe king o/Babylon, 9. house ofthe Lord, and (Ae khig's house, 1 1 . fell away to (Ae king of Babylon, 19. that were in (Ae king's presence, 20. brought them to (Ae king o/Babylon 21 . (Ae king of Babylon smote them, 22. whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 23. (Ae king o/Babylon had made Gedaliah 24. and serve (Ae king o/Babylon ; 27. the captivity of Jehoiachin king of — Evil-merodach king o/Babylon lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of 28. above the throne of (Ae kings 30. allowance given him of (Ae king, ICh. l:43.(Ae kings that reigned in the land of Edom before (any) king reigned 3: 2. the daughter of Talmai king of 4: 23. they dwelt with the king 41. in the days of Hezekiah king 0/ Judah, 5: 6. king of Assyria carried away (captive): 17. in the days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam king o/Israel. Tte ICh. 5:26. the spirit of Pul king 0/ Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of 9 : 1 . (Ae kings of Israel and Judah, 18. hitherto (waited) in (Ae king's gate 1 1 : 2. when Saul was king, 3. came all the elders of Israel to (Ae king — they anointed David king 14: 1. Hiram king of 'Tyre sent messengers 2. the Lord had confirmed him king 8. David was anointed king 15:29. saw king David dancing 16: 2 1. he reproved kings for their sakes, 17:16. David (Ae king came and sat 18: 3. smote Hadarezer king of Zobah 5. to help Hadarezer king of Zobah, 9. Tou king of Hamath heard how David — the host of Hadarezer king of Zobah ; 10. sent Hadoram his son to king David, 1 1 . Them also king David dedicated 17. the sons of David (were) chief about (Ae king. 19: 1 . the king of the children of Ammon 5. (Ae king said, Tarry at Jericho 7- and (Ae king 0/ Maachah and his people ; 9. and the kings that were come 20: l.the time that kings go out (to battle), 2. David took the crown of (Aeir king 21 : 3. but, my lord (Ae king, (are) they not 4. (Ae king's word prevailed 6. the king's word was abominable 23. let my lord (Ae king do 24. king David said to Oman, 24: 6. wrote them before (Ae Ainp', 3 l.in the presence of David (Ae king, 25 : 2. according to the order of the king. 5. Heman (Ae Ainu's seer 6. according to (Ae king's order 26:26. David (Ae king, and the chief fathers, 30. the service of (Ae king. 32. king David made rulers — affairs of (Ae king. 27 : 1 . officers that served (Ae king in any 24. the chronicles of king David. 25. over (Ae king's treasures (was) Azmaveth 31. the substance which (was) king David's. 32. of Hachmoni (was) with (Ae king's sons: 33. Ahithophel (was) the king's counsellor : and Hushai the Archite (was) (Ae king's companion: 34. the general of (Ae king's army 28: 1. ministered to (Ae king by course, — substance and possession of the king, 2. David (Ae king stood up 4. to be king over Israel for ever: 29 : 1 . David the king said 6. the rulers of (Ae king's work, 9. David the khig also rejoiced 20. worshipped the Lord, and the king. 23. Solomon sat on the throne... as king 24. the sons likewise of king David, submitted themselves unto Solomon (Ae king. 25. as had not been on any king before 29. the acts of David (Ae king, 2Ch. 1 : 12. none of (Ae kings have had 14. with (Ae king at Jerusalem. 15. (Ae king made silver and gold at 16. (Ae king's merchants received 1 7. for all (Ae kings of the Hittites, and for (Ae kings of Syria, 2: 3(2). sent to Huram (Ae king of Tyre, 11(10). Huram (Ae king of Tyre answered — ( — ).he hath made thee king 12(11). hath given to David (Ae king 4:11. the work that he was to make for king 16. make to king Solomon 1 7. In the plain of Jordan did (Ae king cast 5: 3. assembled themselves unto the king 6. Also king Solomon, and all the congregation 6: 3. And (Ae king turned his face, 7 : 4. TAen the king and all the people 5. king Solomon offered — (Ae king and all the people 6. David (Ae king had made to praise 1 1 . the house ofthe Lord, and (Ae king's house : 8: 10. the chief of Ainp Solomon's officers, 1 1 . in the house of David king of Israel, 15. the commandment of (Ae king ( 720 ) l^D 2Ch. 8:18. brought (them) to king Solomon. 9: 5. And she said to (Ae king, 8. (to be) king for the Lord thy God: — therefore made he thee king over them, 9. she gave (Ae king an hundred and twenty talents — the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon. 1 l.the king made (of) the algum trees — and to (Ae king's palace, 12. And king Solomon gave to the queen of ¦ — which she had brought unto (Ae king. 14. all (Ae kings 0/ Arabia 15. king Solomon made two hundred targets 16. (Ae king put them in the house of the forest 17. the king made a great throne of ivory, 20. all the drinking vessels of king Solomon 21. the king's ships went to Tarshish 22. And king Solomon passed all (Ae kings of 23. all (Ae kings ofthe earth sought 25. with (Ae king at Jerusalem. 26. he reigned over all (Ae kings 27. the king made silver in Jerusalem as stones, 10: 2. the presence of Solomon (Ae king, 6. king Rehoboam took counsel with the old 12. as (Ae king bade, 13. the king answered them roughly ; and king Rehoboam forsook 15. So tke king hearkened not unto the people: 16. (Ae king would not hearken unto them the people answered (Ae king, 18. Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram — But king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to (his) chariot, 11:3. Speak unto Rehoboam. ..Ainp 0/ Judah, 12: 2. in thefifth year of king Rehoboam Shishak king o/Egypt came up against Jerusalem, 6. the princes.. . and the king humbled them selves ; 9. Shishak king of Egypt came up — the treasures of (Ae king's house ; 10. king Rehoboam made shields of brass, - — that kept the entrance of (Ae king's house. 1 1 . the king entered into the house of the Lord, 13. Ainp Rehoboam strengthened himself 13: 1 . the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam 15: 16. the mother of Asa (Ae king, 16: 1 . Baasha king of Israel came up — to Asa king of Judah. 2. and of (Ae king's house, and sent to Ben- hadad king of 3. break thy league with Baasha king of 4. Ben-hadad hearkened unto king Asa, 6. Asa the king took all Judah ; 7. came to Asa king of Judah, and said — thou hast relied on (Ae king of Syria, therefore is the host ofthe king of Syria (Ae khigs of Judah and Israel. These waited on (Ae king, beside (those) whom (Ae king put And Ahab king of Israel said unto Jeho shaphat king of Judah, 4. Jehoshaphat said unto (Ae king of 5. the king of Israel gathered together -— God will deliver (it) into (Ae king's hand. 7- (Ae king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, — Let not the king say so, 8. And (Ae king of Israel called for one (of) 9. And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat either of them 1 1 . the hand of the king. 12. the words of the prophets (declare) good to (Ae king 14, when he was come to (Ae king, the king said unto him, 15. And (Ae king said to him, 17. And (Ae king of Israel said 19. Who shall entice Ahab king o/Israel, 25. Then (Ae king o/Israel said, — and to Joash (Ae Icing's son ; 26. Thus saith the king, 28. the king o/Israel and Jehoshaphat (Ae Ainp 0/ Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead. 29. (Ae king o/Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, — (Ae king of Israel disguised himself; 30. Now the king of Syria had commanded — save only with (Ae king o/Israel. 31. they said, It (is) (Ae king o/Israel. 11 17:19 18: 3 Tte ( 721 ) 1^ .18:32 33 34. 19 : 1 2. 11 20 :15 34. 35 21 : 2. 6. 8. 12. 13 17 20. 22 : 1. 23: 357.9 10 1112131516. 20 24: 6 11.12 1416 17 212223 25 27 25: 37 16 17 18 2123 24 25 26. 26: 2 111318 2123 27: 5 7, 28: 2 5 perceived that it was not (Ae king of smote (Ae king o/Israel between howbeit the king o/Israel stayed (himself) Jehoshaphat (Ae Ainp of Judah returned and said to Ainp Jehoshaphat, for all (Ae king's matters : and thou king Jehoshaphat, in the book of (Ae kings of Israel. after this did Jehoshaphat Ainp of Judah join himself with Ahaziah Ainp o/Israel, the sons of Jehoshaphat Ainp of Israel. in the way of (Ae kings of Israel, made themselves a king. nor in the ways of Asa Ainp of Judah, hast walked in the way of (Ae kings of that was found in (Ae Ainp's house, the sepulchres of (Ae Ainps. Ahaziah the son of Jehoram Ainp of Judah the son of Ahab Ainp o/Israel to war against Hazael Ainp of fought with Hazael king of Syria. And Azariah the son of Jehoram Ainp of Judah the daughter of (Ae king, stole him from among ZAe king's sons the daughter of king Jehoram, made a covenant with ZAe Ainp ZAe Ainp's son shall reign, a third part (shall be) at ZAe Ainp's house ; the Levites shall compass ZAe Ainp round but be ye with ZAe Ainp when he cometh that (had been) Ainp David's, by ZAe Ainp round about. Then they brought out ZAe Ainp's son, God save ZAe Ainp. running and praising ZAe Ainp, ZAe Ainp stood at his pillar the princes and the trumpets by (Ae Ainp : the horse gate by (Ae king's house, between all the people, and between ZAe Ainp, brought down (Ae Ainp from the house the high gate into (Ae king's house, and set (Ae Ainp upon the throne (Ae Ainp called for Jehoiada at (Ae king's commandment (lit. (Ae Ainp commanded) they made a chest, was brought unto (Ae king's office (Ae king's scribe and the high priest's (Ae Ainp and Jehoiada gave it to such the rest of the money before (Ae Ainp they buried him. ..among (Ae kings, made obeisance to the king. Then ZAe Ainp hearkened unto them. • at the commandment of ZAe Ainp JoashZAe Ainp remembered not the kindness the spoil of them unto the king of in the sepulchres of (Ae Ainps. the story of the book of (Ae Ainps. that had killed ZAe Ainp his father. came a man of God to him, saying, 0 Ainp, Art thou made of ZAe king's counsel ? Amaziah Ainp of Judah took advice, and sent to Joash, the son... king of Israel, Joash Ainp of Israel sent to Amaziah Ainp of Judah, saying, Joash ZAe Ainp of Israel went up ; he and Amaziah Ainp of Judah, Joash (Ae Ainp of Israel took Amaziah Ainp of Judah, the son of Joash, the treasures of (Ae Ainp's house, Amaziah the son of Joash Ainp of Judah death of Joash son of Jehoahaz Ainp of Israel (Ae Ainps of Judah and Israel ? after that (Ae Ainp slept with his fathers. (one) of (Ae Ainp's captains. to help ZAe Ainp against the enemy. And they withstood Uzziah ZAe Ainp, Uzziah (Ae Ainp was a leper Jotham his son (was) over (Ae Ainp's house, the field.. .which (belonged) to the kings; He fought also with (Ae Ainp of the (Ae kings of Israel and Judah. the ways of ZAe kings of Israel, into the hand of (Ae Ainp of Syria ; into the hand of (Ae Ainp o/Israel, slew Maaseiah (Ae Ainp's son, Elkanah (that was) next to (Ae Ainp. 2Ch.28:16 19. 20. 21. 22.23.26, 27. 29:15. 18. 19. 20. 23.24. 25. 27. 29. 30. 30: 2. 4. 6. 12. 24. 26. 31: 3. 13. 32: 1. 4. 7. 10. 11. 20. 21.22. 23. 32. 33:11. 18. 25. 34:11. 16 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 29, 30,31. 35: 3.4,7. 10. 15.16.18. 20, 21. 23, 27. 36: 3.4.6. 8. 10. 13.17. 18 22. 23 Ezr. 1: 1 . At that time did Ainp Ahaz send unto (Ae Ainps of Assyria low because of Ahaz Ainp of Israel ; Tilgath-pilneser Ainp of Assyria came the house of (Ae Ainp, and of the princes, and gave (it) unto the king of Assyria: this (is that) king Ahaz. the gods of (Ae kings of Syria help them, (Ae kings of Judah and Israel. into the sepulchres of (Ae kings of Israel : according to the commandment of (Ae Ainp, Then they went in to Hezekiah (Ae Ainp, which Ainp Ahaz in his reign did cast Then Hezekiah (Ae Ainp rose early, before (Ae Ainp and the congregation ; for (Ae Ainp commanded of Gad (Ae Ainp's seer, (ordained) by David Ainp of Israel. ZAe Ainp and all that were present ZAe Ainp and the princes commanded For the king had ta.ken counsel, the thing pleased (Ae Ainp the letters from (Ae Ainp according to the commandment of (Ae Ainp, escaped out of the hand of (Ae Ainps of the commandment of (Ae Ainp Hezekiah Ainp of Judah did give to Solomon the son of David Ainp of Israel (Ae Ainp's portion of his substance at the commandment of Hezekiah (Ae Ainp, Sennacherib Ainp of Assyria came, Why should (Ae kings of Assyria come, nor dismayed for (Ae Ainp of Assyria, upon the words of Hezekiah Ainp of did Sennacherib Ainp of Assyria send unto Hezekiah Ainp of Judah, and Thus saith Sennacherib Ainp of Assyria, out of the hand of (Ae king of Assyria ? Hezekiah (Ae Ainp, and the prophet Isaiah captains in the camp of (Ae king of Assyria. from the hand of Sennacherib ZAe Ainp of and presents to Hezekiah Ainp of Judah: ZAe kings of Judah and Israel. captains of the host of the king of Assyria, in the book of (Ae Ainps o/Israel. conspired against Ainp Amon ; which (Ae kings of Judah had destroyed. Shaphan carried the book to (Ae Ainp, and brought (Ae Ainp word Shaphan the scribe told (Ae Ainp, Shaphan read it before ZAe Ainp. (Ae Ainp had heard the words of the law, (Ae Ainp commanded Hilkiah, a servant of (Ae king's, (they) that (Ae Ainp (had appointed), they have read before (Ae Ainp of Judah : as for (Ae Ainp of Judah, who sent you So they brought (Ae Ainp word again. ZAe Ainp sent and, gathered together (Ae Ainp went up into the house ofthe Lord, ZAe Ainp stood in his place, Solomon the son of David Ainp o/Israel the writing of David Ainp of Israel, these (were) of ZAe Ainp's substance. according to ZAe Ainp's commandment. Jeduthun ZAe Ainp's seer ; to the commandment of Ainp Josiah. neither did all ZAe Ainps of Israel keep Necho Ainp of Egypt came up to fight have I to do with thee, thou Ainp of Judah ? the archers shot at king Josiah ; and (Ae Ainp said (Ae kings of Israel and Judah. ZAe Ainp of Egypt put him down at ZAe Ainp o/ Egypt made Eliakim his came up Nebuchadnezzar Ainp o/Babylon, ZAe kings of Israel and Judah : Ainp Nebuchadnezzar sent, and brought also rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar, brought upon them ZAe Ainp o/the Chaldees, the treasures of ZAe Ainp, the first year of Cyrus Ainp of Persia, the spirit of Cyrus Ainp of Persia, Thus saith Cyrus Ainp of Persia, 1 . in the first year of Cyrus Ainp of Persia, — the spirit of Cyrus Ainp of Persia, ~.Thus saith Cyrus Ainp of Persia, 3A Tk ( 722 ) l^D 9: 7 Ezr. 1: 7.^A?oCyrus(AeAinpbroughtforththevessels 8. those did Cyrus Ainp o/Persia bring 2 : 1. Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king of Babylon 3: 7. the grant that they had of Cyrus king of 10. after the ordinance of David king of 4: 2. the days of Esar-haddon king of Assur, 3. as Ainp Cyrus (Ae king of Persia hath 5. all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia. 7. companions, unto Artaxerxes king of 6: 22. turned the heart of (Ae king of Assyria 7 : l.in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, 6. (Ae Ainp granted him all his request, 7. in the seventh year of Artaxerxes (Ae Ainp. 8. the seventh year o/(Ae king. 11. the letter that the king Artaxerxes 27. (such a thing) as this in (Ae Ainp's heart, 28. hath extended mercy unto me before (Ae khig, and his counsellors, and before all (Ae king's mighty princes. 8 : l.in the reign of Artaxerxes (Ae king. 22. to require of (Ae king a band of soldiers — we had spoken unto the king, 25. which (Ae king, and his counsellors, 36. they delivered (Ae king's commissions unto (Ae Ainp's lieutenants, have we, our kings, (and) our priests, been delivered into the hand of (Ae kings of the lands, in the sight of (Ae kings of Persia, I was the king's cupbearer. the twentieth year of Artaxerxes (Ae king, I took up the wine, and gave (it) unto the khig. the king said unto me, Why (is) thy said ujito the king, Let (Ae king live for ever: (Ae king said unto me, For what dost 7. 1 said mito the king, If it please (Ae king, the king said unto me, the queen also So it pleased (Ae Ainp to send me ; the keeper of the khig's forest, And (Ae king granted me, according and gave them (Ae Ainp's letters. Now (Ae king had sent captains and to (Ae king's pool: also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. will ye rebel against (Ae king? of the pool of Siloah by (Ae king's garden, which lieth out from (Ae Ainp's high house, borrowed money for (Ae king's tribute, the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes (Ae king, that thou mayest be their king, (There is) a Ainp in Judah: and now shall it be reported to the king Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king of Babylon the land of (Ae king of Heshbon, and the land of Og Ainp of Bashan. with their kings, and the people on our kings, on our princes, (Ae kings of Assyria our kings, our princes, .unto the kings whom thou hast set over us .(it was) (Ae Ainp's commandment con cerning them, Pelhahiah...(was) at (Ae Ainp's hand in all in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto (Ae king, and after certain days obtained I leave of (Ae king : .Did not Solomon king of Israel sin among many nations was there no king God made him king over all Israel: (Ae king Ahasuerus sat on the throne (Ae king made a feast the court ofthe garden of (Ae Ainp's palace; 7. according to the state of (Ae king. 8. for so the khig had appointed 9. which (belonged) to king Ahasuerus. 10. the heart ofthe Icing was merry — in the presence of Ahasuerus (Ae king, 11. bring Vashti the queen before the king 12. refused to come at (Ae khig's commandment — therefore was (Ae king very wroth, 13. (Ae Ainp said to the wise men, which knew the times, for so (was) (Ae king's manner Est. 9 Neh. 1:11. 2: 1 14.18.19. 3:15. 25. 5: 4. 14. 6: 6.7. 7: 6. 9:22, 24 32.34 . 37, 11:2$ 24. 13: 6 26 Est. 1: 25 20 2122 2: 1 2 346 14 2223 3: 1 2 9 13 15 4: 2.3 5 6 7 8 1) 1316 5: I which saw (Ae king's face, the commandment of (Ae king Ahasuerus Memucan answered before the king and the princes, Vashti the queen hath not done wrong to (Ae king only, all the provinces of (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus. TAe king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti say this day unto all (Ae Ainp's princes, If it please (Ae king, before Ainp Ahasuerus ; and let (Ae king give her royal estate (Ae Ainp's decree which he shall the saying pleased (Ae Icing and the princes ; and (Ae king did according he sent letters into all (Ae Ainp's provinces, the wrath of king Ahasuerus was appeased, said the king's servants that ministered young virgins sought for the king: the king appoint officers in all the provinces Hege (Ae king's chamberlain, the maiden which pleaseth the king And the thing pleased (Ae king ; Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchad nezzar (Ae king of Babylon had carried (Ae Ainp's commandment. ..was heard, brought also unto (Ae Ainp's house, out of (Ae king's house: to go in to king Ahasuerus, thus came (every) maiden unto (Ae Ainp; ofthe women unto the king's house. (Ae king's chamberlain, which kept the concubines: she came in unto (Ae king no more, except the king to go in unto (Ae king, she required nothing but what Hegai (Ae king's chamberlain, So Esther was taken unto Ainp Ahasuerus (Ae king loved Esther above all the Then (Ae king made a great feast according to the state ofthe king. then Mordecai sat in (Ae Ainp's gate. while Mordecai sat in (Ae Ainp's gate, two of (Ae king's chamberlains,. ..sought to lay hand on (Ae king Esther certified the king (thereof) the book of the chronicles before (Ae king. did Ainp Ahasuerus promote Haman all (Ae king's servants, that (were) in (Ae Ainp's gate, (Ae king had so commanded (Ae Ainp's servants, which (were) in the king's gate, said unto Mordecai, Why transgressest thou (Ae king's in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, neither keep they (Ae king's laws: there fore it (is) not for the king's profit to suffer them. If it please (Ae king, to bring (it) into (Ae Ainp's treasuries. (Ae Ainp took his ring from his hand, (Ae king said unto Haman, The silver Then were (Ae king's scribes called commanded unto the king's lieutenants, in the name of king Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with (Ae king's ring. all (Ae king's provinces, being hastened by the Icing's commandment, Andthe king and Haman sat down to drink; came even before the king's gate: for none (might) enter into (Ae king's gate (Ae king's commandment... came, (one) of the king's chamberlains, which (was) before the king's gate. to pay to (Ae Ainp's treasuries for that she should go in unto (Ae king, All (Ae Ainp's servants, and the people of (Ae Ainp's provinces, do know, man or woman, shall come unto (Ae king to whom (Ae king shall hold out not been called to come in unto (Ae king thou shalt escape in the king's house, so will I go in unto (Ae king, the inner court of the king's house, over against (Ae Ainp's house: and the king sat upon his royal throne when (Ae Ainp saw Esther the queen and (Ae king held out to Esther the golden l^n ( 723 ) ite Est 5: 3. Then said ZAe Ainp unto her, What wilt 4. If it seem good unto ZAe Ainp, let ZAe Ainp and Haman come this day 5. Then (Ae Ainp said, — So (Ae Ainp and Haman came 6. (Ae Ainp said unto Esther 8. found favour in the sight of (Ae Ainp, and if it please (Ae Ainp to grant — let (Ae Ainp and Haman — to morrow as (Ae Ainp hath said. 9. Haman saw Mordecai in (Ae king's gate, 1 1 . (Ae Ainp had promoted him, — above the princes and servants of (Ae Ainp. 12. the queen did let no man come in with (Ae Ainp — am I invited unto her also with (Ae Ainp. 13. Mordecai the Jew sitting at (Ae Ainp's gate. 14. speak thou nnio (Ae Ainp — go thou in merrily with (Ae Ainp 6: 1. could, not (Ae Ainp sleep, — and they were read before (Ae Ainp. 2. two of (Ae king's chamberlains, — sought to lay hand on the king 3. the king said, What honour and dignity — Then said (Ae Ainp's servants 4. the king said, Who (is) in the court ? Now Haman was come into the outward court of (Ae Ainp's house, to speak unto the king 5. the king's servants said unto him, — ZAe Ainp said, Let him come in. 6. (Ae Ainp said unto him, What shall be done unto the man whom (Ae Ainp — To whom would (Ae Ainp delight 7. Haman answered (Ae Ainp, For the man whom (Ae Ainp delighteth to honour, 8. which (Ae king (useth) to wear, and the horse that (Ae Ainp rideth upon, 9. one of (Ae Ainp's most i;r.! le princes, — , 9, 1 1 . whom (Ae Ainp delighteth to honour, 10. Then (Ae Ainp said to Haman. — that sitteth at (Ae Ainp's gate ¦• 12. Mordecai came again to (Ae king's gate. 14. came (Ae Ainp's chamberlains, 7: l.(Ae Ainp and Haman came to banquet 2. (Ae Ainp said again unto Esther 3. 0 king, and if it please (Ae Ainp, 4. could not countervail (Ae king's 5. (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus answered 6. Haman was afraid before (Ae Ainp 7. And the king arising from the banquet — determined against him by (Ae king. 8. TAen (Ae Ainp returned out of the palace garden — Then said (Ae Ainp, Will he force — the word went out of (Ae king's mouth, 9. one of the chamberlains, said before (Ae Ainp, — who had spoken good for (Ae Ainp, — Then (Ae Ainp said, Hang him 10. Then was ZAe Ainp's wrath pacified. 8: l.did (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus give the house of — And Mordecai came before (Ae Ainp,- 2.(Ae Ainp took off his ring, 3. Esther spake yet again before (Ae Ainp, 4. (Ae Ainp held out the golden sceptre — So Esther arose, and stood before (Ae Ainp. 5. If it please (Ae Ainp, — the thing (seem) right before (Ae Ainp, — which (are ) in all (Ae Ainp's provinces : 7. Then (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus said 8. in (Ae Ainp's name, and seal (it) with the king's ring: for the writing which is written in (Ae Ainp's name, and sealed with (Ae king's ring, 9. Then were (Ae Ainp's scribes called 10. he wrote in (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus' name, and sealed (it) with (Ae Ainp's ring, 11. Wherein (Ae Ainp granted the Jews 12. all the provinces of king Ahasuerus, 14. pressed on by (Ae Ainp's commandment 15. Mordecai went out from the presence of (Ae Ainp 17. whithersoever (Ae Ainp's commandment... came, 9: l.(Ae Ainp's commandment and his decree 2, 20. the provinces of (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus, 3. officers ofthe Ainp, Est. 9 10 Job 3 1215:1829 343641 Ps. 2 47 72 74 76 84: 89959899 102 105 4. Mordecai (was) great in (Ae Ainp's house, 1 1 . was brought before (Ae Ainp. 12. And (Ae Ainp said unto Esther in the rest of (Ae Ainp's provinces ? 13. If it please (Ae Ainp, 14. (Ae Ainp commanded it so to be done: 16. in (Ae Ainp's provinces gathered 25. (Esther) came before (Ae Ainp, 1 . (Ae Ainp Ahasuerus laid a tribute 2. whereunto (Ae king advanced him, — the chronicles ofthe kings of Media 3. next unto Ainp Ahasuerus, 14. kings and counsellors of the earth, 18. He looseth the bond of kings, 24. as a king ready to the battle. 14.it shall bring him to the king of terrors. : 25. dwelt as a king in the army, : 1 8. ( Is it fit ) to say to a king, 7. with Ainps (are they) on the throne ; 34(26). he (is) a Ainp over all the children of pride. 2. TAe kings o/the earth set themselves, 6. Yet have I set my king 10. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings : 2(3). my King, and my God: 16. The Lord (is) King for ever and ever: 50(51). Great deliverance giveth he to Ais Ainp; 9(10). let (Ae Ainp hear us when we call. 1(2). TAe Ainp shall joy in thy strength, 7(8). For (Ae Ainp trusteth in the Lord, 7,9. (Ae King of glory shall come in. 8. Who (is) this King of glory? 10. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he (is) (Ae King of glory. 10. the Lord sitteth King for ever. 16. There is no Ainp saved by the multitude of an host: 4(5). Thou art my King, 1(2). the things which 1 have made touching the king : 5(6). the heart of (Ae Ainp's enemies ; 9(10). Kings' daughters (were) among 11(12). So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: 13(14). TAe Ainp's daughter (is) all glorious within. 14(15). She shall be brought unto the king 15( 16). they shall enter into (Ae Ainp's palace. 2(3). (he is) a great King overall the earth. 6(7). sing praises unto our King, 7(8). (Ae King of all the earth: 2(3) . the city of (Ae great King. 4(5). (Ae kings were assembled, 6(7). Thou wilt prolong (Ae Ainp's life: 11(12). But the king shall rejoice in God ; 12(13). Kings of armies did flee 14( 15). When the Almighty scattered kings 24(25). the goings of my God, my King, 29(30). shall Ainps bring presents 1 . Give (Ae Ainp thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto (Ae Ainp's son. 10. TAe kings of Tarshish — (Ae Ainps of Sheba and Seba 11. all Ainps shall fall down before him: 12. God (is) my King of old, 1 2(13). (he is) terrible (o(Ae Ainps o/the earth. 3(4) . my King, and my God. 18(19). the Holy One of Israel (is) our king. 27(28). higher than ZAe kings o/the earth. 3. and u great King above all gods. 6. a joyful noise before the Lord, (Ae King. 4. TAe king's strength also loveth judgment; 16( 16). all (Ae Ainps o/the earth 14. he reproved kings for their sakes ; 20. TAe Ainp sent and loosed him ; 30. the chambers of (Aeir Ainps. 5. shall strike through Ainps 46. 1 will speak of thy testimonies also before 110 119 135 : 1 0. and slew mighty kings ; 11. Sihon Ainp o/the Amorites, and Og Ainp of Bashan, 136: 17. him which smote great kings: 18. And slew famous Ainps .- 19. Sihon Ainp of the Amorites: 20. And Og (Ae Ainp o/Bashan: 138: 4. All (Ae Ainps o/the earth shall praise thee, ¦f» 20: 21: Ps.l44:10. giveth salvation unto kings : 145: l.I will extol thee, my God, 0 king ; 148:11. Kings o/the earth, and all people ; 149: 2.children of Zion be joyful in their King. 8. To bind (Aeir Ainps with chains, Pro. 1 : 1 - David, king of Israel ; 8 : 15. By me kings reign, 14:28. In the multitude of people (is) (Ae Ainp's honour: 35. The king's favour (is) toward a wise ser vant : 16- 10. divine sentence (is) in the lips of the king: 1 2 . an abomination to kings to commit wicked ness: 13. Righteous lips (are) the delight of Ainps ; 14. The wrath of a Ainp (is as) messengers of death : 15. In the light of (Ae Ainp's countenance (is) life ; 19:12. The king's wrath (is)asthe roaring of a lion ; 2. The fear of a king (is) as the roaring of a lion: 8. A king that sitteth in the throne 26.^4 wise khig scattereth the wicked, 28. Mercy and truth preserve (Ae Ainp : L The king's heart (is) in the hand of the Lord, 22:11. (Ae king (shall be) his friend. 29. he shall stand before kings; 24:21. fear thou the Lord and the king: 25 : 1 . Hezekiah king of Judah 2. the honour of kings 3. the heart of kings (is) unsearchable. 5. Take away the wicked (from) before (Ae khig, 6. thyself in the presence of (Ae king, . 4. JVieAinpbyjudgmentestablisheththeland: 14. TAe Ainp that faithfully judgeth the poor, 30:27. The locusts have no king, 28. is in kings' palaces. 31. and a Ainp, against whom (there is) no rising 31 : 1 . The words of king Lemuel, 3. that which destroyeth kings. 4. (It is) not for kings, O Lemuel, (it is) not for kings to drink wine ; Ecc. 1 : 1 . king of J erusalem. 12.1 the Preacher was king over Israel 2 : 8. the peculiar treasure of kings 12. the man (do) that cometh after (Ae Ainp ? 4:13. than aji old and foolish king, 5 : 9( 8) . (Ae king (himself) is served by the field. 8: 2. to keep (Ae king's commandment, 4. Where the word of a king (is), 9:14. there came a great king 10: 16. Woe to thee, O land, when thy king (is) a child, 17. when thy king (is) the son of nobles, 20. Curse not (Ae king, Cant. 1 : 4.(Ae Icing hath brought me into 12. While (Ae king (sitteth) at his table, 3: 9. King Solomon made himself a chariot 1 1. behold king Solomon with the crown 7: 5(6). (Ae Ainp (is) held in the galleries. Isa. I: l.Ahaz, (and) Hezekiah, Ainps of Judah. 6: 1 . In the year that king Uzziah died 5. have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. 7: l.Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, Ainp of Judah, (that) Rezin (Ae king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king o/Israel, 6. set a king in the midst 16. forsaken of both her kings. 17. (even) (Ae king o/Assyria. 20. beyond the river, by (Ae king of Assyria, 8: 4. shall be taken away before (Ae Ainp of Assyria. 7. the king of Assyria, and all his glory: 21 . and curse (Aeir Ainp and their God, 10: 8. (Are) net my princes altogether kings ? 12. the stout heart of (Ae king of Assyria, 14: 4. this proverb against (Ae king o/Babylon, 9. all (Ae kings o/the nations. 18. All (Ae Ainps o/the nations, (even) 28. In the year that Ainp Ahaz died 19: 4. and a fierce king shall rule over them, 29: ( 724 ) "pO Tsa. 1 9 : 1 1 . the son of an cient kings ? 20: 1 . Sargon (Ae Ainp of Assyria sent 4. So shall (Ae king of Assyria lead 6. delivered from (Ae king of Assyria: 23: 15. according to the days of one king : 24: 2 Land (Ae Ainps o/the earth upon the earth. 30: 33 .for the king it is prepared ; 32: l.a Ainp shall reign in righteousness, 33: 17. Thine eyes shall see (Ae king 22. the Lord (is) owr Ainp; 36 : 1 . in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah, (that) Sennacherib king of Assyria 2 . (Ae king of Assyria. . .unto king Hezekiah 4. Thus saith (Ae great king, the king of Assyria, 6. so (is) Pharaoh king o/Egypt to all 8. to my master (Ae king of Assyria, 13. Hear ye the words of (Ae great king, the khig of Assyria. 14. Thus saith (Ae khig, Let not 15. delivered into the hand of (Ae Ainp of 16. thus saith (Ae king of Assyria, 18. out ofthe hand of (Ae king of Assyria? 21. (Ae khig's commandment was, 37: l.when Ainp Hezekiah heard (it), 4.(Ae king of Assyria his master 5. the servants of king Hezekiah 6. the servants of (Ae khig of Assyria 8. found (Ae king of Assyria warring 9. concerning Tirhakah khig of Ethiopia, 10. shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, — given into the hand of (Ae king of Assyria. 1 1 . thou hast heard what (Ae khigs of Assyria 13. Where (is) (Ae king of Hamath, ajid the king of Arphad, and the king of 18. (Ae kings of Assyria have laid waste 21 . prayed to me against Sennacherib king of 33. concerning (Ae king of Assyria, 37. Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, 38: 6. out ofthe hand of (Ae king of Assyria: 9. The writing of Hezekiah king of Judah, 39: 1 . king of Babylon, sent letters 3. came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, 7. in the palace of (Ae khig o/Babylon. 41 : 2. and made (him) rule over kings ? 21. your strong (reasons), saith (Ae Kingof Jacob. 43:15. the creator of Israel, your King. 44: 6. the Lord (Ae King o/Israel, 45: l.I will loose the loins of kings, 49: 7. Kings shall see and arise, 23. Ainps shall be thy nursing fathers, 52 : 15. (Ae Ainps shall shut their mouths 57 : 9. thou wentest to the king 60: 3. and kings to the brightness of 10. and their kings shall minister unto thee : 1 1 . and (that) (Aeir kings ( may be) brought. 16. shalt suck the breast of kings : 62: 2. all kings thy glory: Jer. 1 : 2. Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, 3. Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainpo/Judah, — Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, 18. against the kings of Judah, 2:26. their kings, their princes, 3: 6. in the days of Josiah (Ae king, 4: 9. the heart of (Ae king shall perish, 8: l.the bones of (Ae kings of Judah, 19. (is) not Aer Ainp in her? 10: 7. Who would not fear thee, O King of nations ? 10. living God, and an everlasting king : 13: 13. (Ae Ainps that sit upon David's throne, 18. Say unto the king and to the queen, 15: 4. Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, 17: 19. whereby (Ae Ainps of Judah come in, 20. the word ofthe Lord, ye kings of Judah, 25. kings and princes sitting upon 19: 3. the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah, 4. nor the kings of Judah, 13. the houses of (Ae kings of Judah, shall be defiled 20: 4. all Judah into the hand of (Ae king of 5. all the treasures of (Ae kings of Judah 21: l.when king Zedekiah sent unto him Pashur 2. king of Babylon maketh war Tte ( 725 ) I^D • Ainp of Jer.21 : 4. ye fight against (Ae Ainp o/Babylon, 7.1 will deliver Zedekiah Ainp of Judah, — into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar Ainp of 10. shall be given into the hand of (Ae Ainp of 1 1 . touching the house of (Ae Ainp of Judah, 22: 1 . to the house of (Ae Ainp of Judah, 2. the wordof the Lord, 0 king of Judah, 4. Ainps sitting upon the throne of David, .6. ZAe Ainp's house of Judah ; 1 1 . Shallum the son of Josiah Ainp of Judah, 18. Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainp of 24. Coniah the son of Jehoiakim Ainp of 25. into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar Ain 23: 5. a King shall reign and prosper, 24; l.Ainp of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim Ainp of 8. So will I give Zedekiah ZAe Ainp of Judah, 25 : 1 . son of Josiah Ainp of Judah , that ( was ) the first year of Nebuchadrezzar Ainp of 3. Josiah the son of Amon Ainp of Judah, 9. ZAe Ainp o/Babylon, my servant, 1 1 . shall serve (Ae Ainp of Babylon 12.1 will punish (Ae Ainp o/Babylon, 14. and great kings shall serve themselves 18. the cities of Judah, and (Ae Ainps thereof, 19. Pharaoh Ainp o/Egypt, and his servants, 20. all (Ae kings of the land of Uz, and all (Ae Ainps o/the land ofthe Philistines, 22. all (Ae Ainps of Tyrus, and all (Ae Ainps of Zidon, and (Ae Ainps o/the isles 24. all (Ae Ainps of Arabia, and all (Ae Ainps of 25. all (Ae kings of Zimri, and all (Ae kings of Elam, and all (Ae Ainps o/the Medes. 26. all (Ae Ainps o/the north, — and the king of Sheshach shall drink 26: I . Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainp of 10. they came up from (Ae Ainp's house 18. prophesied in the days of Hezekiah kingof 19. Did Hezekiah Ainp of Judah and 21 . when Jehoiakim (Ae Ainp, . . .heard his words, (Ae Ainp sought to put him to death : 22. Jehoiakim (Ae Ainp sent men 23. brought him unto Jehoiakim (Ae Ainp ,- 27: 1 . Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainp of 3. send them to (Ae Ainp o/Edom, and to (Ae Ainp of Moab, and to (Ae Ainp of the Ammonites, and to (Ae Ainp of Tyrus, and to (Ae Ainp of Zidon, by the hand of the messengers which come to Jerusa lem unto Zedekiah Ainp of Judah ; 6, 8. Nebuchadnezzar (Ae Ainp of Babylon, 7. and great kings shall serve themselves 8. neck under the yoke of (Ae Ainp of 9, 14. Ye shall not serve (Ae Ainp of Babylon : 11, 12. under the yoke of (Ae Ainp o/Babylon, 12.1 spake also to Zedekiah Ainp of Judah 13. that will not serve (Ae Ainp of Babylon ? 17. serve (Ae Ainp of Babylon, and live: 18. (in) the house of (Ae Ainp of Judah, 20. Ainp of Babylon took not, — the son of Jehoiakim Ainp of Judah 21. (in) the house of (Ae Ainp of Judah 28: l.the reign of Zedekiah Ainp of Judali, 2. the yoke of tAe Ainp o/Babylon. 3. Nebuchadnezzar Ainp of Babylon took away 4. Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim Ainp of — I will break the yoke of (Ae Ainp of 11. the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar Ainp of 1 4. serve Nebuchadnezzar Ainp of Babylon ; 29: 2. that Jeconiah (Ae Ainp, and the queen, 3. whom Zedekiah Ainp of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of 16. (Ae Ainp that sitteth upon the throne 21 . hand of Nebuchadrezzar Ainp of Babylon ; 22. whom (Ae Ainp o/Babylon roasted 30: 9. serve the Lord.. .and David (Aeir Ainp, 32 : 1 . the tenth year of Zedekiah Ainp of Judah, 2. then (Ae Ainp of Babylon's army — which (was) in (Ae Ainp of Judah's house. 3. Zedekiah Ainp of Judah had shut — into the hand of (Ae Ainp o/Babylon, 4. Zedekiah Ainp of Judah shall not escape — be delivered into the hand of (Ae Amp // 28. into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar Ainp of 32. their kings, their princes, 36.be delivered into the hand of (Ae Ainp of Jer. 33: 4 34: 1 234 56 7 8 21 35: 1 36: 1, concerning the houses of (Ae kings of Judali, Ainp o/Babylon, and all his army, speak to Zedekiah Ainp of Judah, into the hand of (Ae Ainp of Babylon, shall behold the eyes of ZAe Ainp of O Zedekiah Ainp of Judah ; ZAe former Ainps which were before thee, unto Zedekiah Ainp of Judah When (Ae Ainp of Babylon's army (Ae Ainp Zedekiah had made a covenant Zedekiah Ainp of Judah and his princes into the hand of (Ae Ainp o/Babylon's army, Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainp of Judah, Ainp of Babylon came up into 9. Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Ainp of went down into (Ae Ainp's house, We will surely tell (Ae Ainp they went in to (Ae Ainp told all the words in the ears of (Ae Ainp, ZAe Ainp sent Jehudi Jehudi read it in the ears of ZAe Ainp, and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside (Ae Ainp. Now the king sat in the winterhouse (Ae Ainp, nor any of his servants made intercession to the king the king commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech, (marg.or, ZAe Ainp) after that (Ae Ainp had burned the roll, Jehoiakim (Ae Ainp of Judah hath burned. say to Jehoiakim Ainp of Judah, TAe Ainp of Babylon shall certainly come thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim Ainp of Jehoiakim Ainp of Judah had burned Ainp Zedekiah the son of Josiah whom Nebuchadrezzar Ainp of Babylon Zedekiah (Ae Ainp sent Jehucal Thus shall ye say to (Ae Ainp of Judah, Zedekiah ZAe Ainp sent, and took him out : and ZAe Ainp asked him secretly be delivered into the hand of ZAe Ainp of Jeremiah said unto Ainp Zedekiah, TAe Ainp of Babylon shall not come I pray thee, O my lord ZAe Ainp : Zedekiah ZAe Ainp commanded the hand of ZAe Ainp o/Babylon's army, the princes said unto ZAe Ainp, Then Zedekiah ZAe Ainp said, ZAe Ainp (is) not (he that) can do Malchiah the son of Hammelech, ( marg. or, ZAe Ainp) which was in ZAe Ainp's house, (Ae Ainp (Aen sitting in the gate went forth out of (Ae Ainp's house, and spake to (Ae Ainp, My lord (Ae Ainp, these men (Ae Ainp commanded Ebed-melech went into the house of ZAe Ainp Zedekiah ZAe Ainp sent, (Ae Ainp said unto Jeremiah, Zedekiah (Ae Ainp sware go forth unto (Ae Ainp of Babylon's not go forth to (Ae Ainp' of Babylon's .And Zedekiah (Ae Ainp said that are left in (Ae Ainp of Judah's house (shall be) brought forth to (Ae Ainp of taken by the hand of (Ae Ainp of . what thou hast said unto (Ae Ainp, what (Ae Ainp said unto thee : my supplication before (Ae Ainp, .these words thattAe Ainp had commanded. . In the ninth year of Zedekiah Ainp of came Nebuchadrezzar Ainp o/Babylon 3. the princes of (Ae king o/Babylon Zedekiah (Ae Ainp of Judah saw thein, by the way of (Ae Ainp's garden, 5. brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar Ainp of 6. (Ae Ainp of Babylon slew the sons of _ ZAe Ainp o/Babylon slew all the 8. the Chaldeans burned ZAe Ainp's house, 11. Nebuchadrezzar Ainp o/Babylon gave 13. all (Ae Ainp o/Babylon's princes ; 40: 5. whom (Ae Ainp of Babylon hath made 7. (Ae Ainp of Babylon had made Gedaliah 9. and serve (Ae Ainp of Babylon, 1 1 . that (Ae Ainp of Babylon had left 14. Baalis (Ae Ainp o/the Ammonites 22.24. 25 26.27. 28 29. 30. 32, 37: 1. 3. 7. 17, 19 20. 21. 38: 34. 5. 9 101114 16 1718 19 222325 26 27 39: 1 3.4 l"?D Jer. 41:1. the princes of (Ae king, 2. whom (Ae Ainp o/Babylon had made 9. which Asa (Ae king had made for fear of Baasha king o/Israel: 10. (Ae king's daughters, and all the people 18. whom (Ae king of Babylon made 42: 11. Be not afraid of (Ae king o/Babylon, 43: 6. and children, and (Ae Ainp's daughters, 10. take Nebuchadrezzar (Ae king o/Babylon, 44: 9. the wickedness of (Ae kings of Judah, 17. our kings, and our princes, 21. your kings, and your princes, 30. Pharaoh -hophra king of Egypt — Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, 45 : 1 . Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, 46 : 2. the army of Pharaoh-necho king of Egypt, — Nebuchadrezzar king o/Babylon smote in — son of Josiah king of Judah. 13. king o/Babylon should come 17. Pharaoh king of Egypt (is but) a noise ; 18. ( As") I live, saith (Ae king, 25. with their gods, and (Aeir kings; 26. into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of 48: 15. (Ae Ainp, whose name (is) the Lord of hosts. 49: l.why (then) doth (Aeir king (marg. or, Melcom) inherit Gad, 3. (Aeir Ainp (marg. or, Melcom) shall go into captivity, 28. Nebuchadrezzar king o/Babylon shall 30. Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath 34. the reign of Zedekiah Ainp of Judah, 38. (Ae king and the princes, 50: 17 -the king of Assyria hath devoured him ; — king of Babylon hath broken his bones. 18.1 will punish (Ae king of Babylon and his land, as I have punished (Ae king of 41 . and many kings shall be raised up 43. The king o/Babylon hath heard the 51:1 l.the spirit of the kings ofthe Medes: 28. nations with (Ae kings o/the Medes, 31. to shew (Ae king o/Babylon that his city 34. Ainp o/Babylon hath devoured me, 57. (Ae Ainp, whose name (is) the Lord of hosts. 59. with Zedekiah (Ae king o/Judah 52: 3. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of 4. king o/Babylon came, he and all 5. the eleventh year of king Zedekiah, 7. by (Ae king's garden ; 8;the Chaldeans pursued after (Ae king, 9. Then they took (Ae king, and carried him up unto the king o/Babylon 10. (Ae king o/Babylon slew the sons 1 1 . (Ae king of Babylon bound him in 12. the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of (lit. of Icing Nebuchadrezzar Icing of) Babylon, — (which) served (Ae king o/Babylon, 13. And burned.. .(Ae Ainp's house ; 15. fell to (Ae king o/Babylon, 20. which king Solomon had made 25. that were near (Ae Ainp's person, 26. brought them to (Ae king o/Babylon 27. the king o/Babylon smote them, 31. the captivity of Jehoiachin king of — Evil-merodach king of Babylon — the head of Jehoiachin Icing of Judah, 32. (Ae kings that (were) with him 34. diet given him of (Ae king o/Babylon, Lam. 2: 6. hath despised.. .(Ae king and the priest. 9. Aer king and her princes (are) among the Gentiles: 4: 12. TAe kings ofthe earth, Eze. 1 : 2. the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's 7:27. The king shall mourn, 17:12. (Ae king o/Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, 16. in the place (where) (Ae king (dwelleth) 19: 9. brought him to (Ae king of Babylon: 21:19(24). the sword of (Ae king o/Babylon may come: 21 (26). the Icing of Babylon stood at the 24: 2.(Ae king of Babylon set himself 2(5: 7. king o/Babylon, a king of kings, from the 27;33.(Ae kings ofthe earth 35. and their Icings shall be sore afraid, 28: 12. a lamentation upon (Ae king of Tyrus, Eze.28 29 30 3743 Dan. 1 ( 726 ) "jte .17.1 will lay thee before kings, : 2. set thy race against Pharaoh king of 3. (am) against thee, Pharaoh Icing o/Egypt, 18, 1 9 & 30 : 1 0. Nebuchadrezzar king of :21, 22. Pharaoh king o/Egypt ; 24, 25, 25. (Ae Ainp o/Babylon, 2 & 32 : 2. Pharaoh king of Egypt, 10. and their kings shall be horribly afraid 11. The sword of (Ae king of Babylon 29. There (is) Edom, Aer kings, :22. and one king shall be king to them all: 24. David my servant (shall be) Ainp : 7. (neither) they, nor their kings, — ,9. the carcases of their kings l.of the reign of Jehoiakim Icing of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king o/Babylon 2. the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of 3. the king spake unto Ashpenaz 4. to stand in (Ae Ainp's palace, 5.(Ae king appointed them a daily provision of (Ae king's meat, — they might stand before (Ae king. 8. the portion of (Ae Ainp's meat, 10. 1 fear my lord (Ae khig, — endanger my head to the king. 13, 15. the portion of (Ae Ainp's meat: 18. (Ae king had said he should bring them in, 19. And (Ae king communed with them ; — therefore stood they before (Ae king. 20. (Ae Ainp enquired of them, he found 21. the first year of king Cyrus. 2: 2. (Ae king commanded to call the magicians, — to shew (Ae king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king. 3. the king said unto them, 4. Then spake the Chaldeans to tke king 8 : 1 . third year of the reign of king Belshazzar 20. (Ae kings of Media and Persia. 21. the rough goat (is) (Ae king of Grecia: — the great horn. ..(is) (Ae first king. 23. a king of fierce countenance, 27. 1 rose up, and did (Ae Ainp's business ; 9: 6. to onr kings, our princes, 8.(o our kings, to our princes, 10: 1 . the third year of Cyrus king of Persia 1 -> i remained there with (Ae Ainps of 11 . _. them shall stand up yet three kings 3. a mighty Ainp shall stand up, 5 . the. king of the south shall be strong, 6. iht, king's daughter of the south shall come to (Ae king of the north 7. the fortress of (Ae king o/the north, 8. continue (more) years (Aan (Ae king of 9. the king o/the south shall come 11. (Ae king ofthe south shall be moved — (even) with (Ae king o/the north: 13. (Ae king ofthe north shall return, 14. stand up against (Ae khig ofthe south. 15. So (Ae Ainp ofthe north shall come, 25. against (Ae king of the south with a great army; and the king o/the south 27. both these kings' hearts 36. (Ae Icing shall do according 40. shall (Ae king of the south push at him: and (Ae king ofthe north shall come 1 . Ainps of Judah, and in the days of Jero boam the son of Joash, king o/Israel. 4. shall abide many days without a king, 5. seek the Lord their God, and David (Aeir king ; 1 . O house of (Ae king; 13. and sent to king Jareb: 3. They make (Ae Icing glad 5 . In the day of our king 7. all (Aeir kings are fallen: 10. the burden ofthe king of princes. 3. We have no king, — what (Aen should a king do to us ? 6. a present to king Jareb: 7. Samaria, Aer king is cut off 15. in a morning shall (Ae king of Israel 11:5. the Assyrian shall be Ais Icing, 13:10.1 will be thy khig .- — Give me a king and princes ? 1 1 . 1 gave thee a king in mine anger, Am. 1: l.ofUzziah king of Judah, — Jeroboam the son of Joash Icing of Israel, Hos. I 3 57 8 10 Tte ( 727 ) i?o Am. 1: 15. 2: 1. 5 26. 7 1. 10.13. Jon. 3 6. 7. Mic. 1 1. 14. 2 13. 4 9. 6 5. Nah 3:18. Hab 1 10. Zep 1 1. 5. 8. 3:15. Hag 1 1. Zee 7 9 5] 9. 11 6. 14 5.9. 10.16, Mai 1 14. their king shall go into captivity, burned the bones of (Ae king o/Edom the tabernacle of your Moloch (or, your king) the latter growth after (Ae king's mowings. Beth-el sent to Jeroboam king o/Israel, for it (is) (Ae Ainp's chapel, word came unto (Ae khig of Nineveh, the decree of (Ae king Ahaz, (and) Hezekiah, kings of a lie to the kings of Israel. (Aeir king shall pass before them, (is there) no king in thee ? what Balak king o/Moab consulted, Thy shepherds slumber, 0 khig of they shall scoff at the kings, Josiah the son of Amon, king 0/ Judah. that swear by Malcham; (or, (Aeir king) the princes, and (Ae king's children, (Ae king 0/ Israel, (even) the Lord, 15. the second year of Darius (Ae king, the fourth year of king Darius, (Ae king shall perish from Gaza, behold, thy King cometh unto thee: and into the hand of Ais khig : in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: the Lord shall be king over all the earth: unto (Ae king's winepresses. 17. to worship (Ae King, the Lord of hosts, I (am) a great King, *y£ mehf-kch, Ch. m. Ezr. 4: 8 11. 12,, 19. 20.22.23. 24. 5: 6. 7.8. 11. 12.13. 14.17. 6: 1. 3 10, 12,13, 14, 15. 7:12 14. 15. 20. 21,23,26. Dan. 2: 4. 5. 7, 10, Artaxerxes (Ae Icing in this sort: unto Artaxerxes (Ae king; Be it known unto the king, Be it known now unto the king, endamage the revenue of (Ae kings. it was not meet for us to see (Ae king's sent and certified (Ae king; hurtful unto kings and provinces, We certify (Ae king that, (Then) sent (Ae king an answer hath made insurrection against kings, There have been mighty Icings grow to the hurt of (Ae kings? when the copy of king Artaxerxes' ofthe reign of Darius king of Persia. sent unto Darius (Ae king : Unto Darius (Ae king, all peace. Be it known unto the king, which a great king of Israel builded of Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king o/Babylon, in the first year of Cyrus (Ae khig of Babylon (the same) king Cyrus those did Cyrus (Ae king Now therefore, if (it seem) good to (Ae king, let there be search made in (Ae king's treasure house, a decree was made of Cyrus (Ae king let (Ae king send his pleasure Then Darius (Ae king made a decree, In the first year of Cyrus (Ae king (the same) Cyrus (Ae king expences be given out of (Ae Ainp's house: that of (Ae king's goods, and pray for the life of (Ae king, destroy all kings and people, that to that which Darius (Ae king had sent, and Artaxerxes king of Persia. the reign of Darius (Ae khig. Artaxerxes, khig of kings, Forasmuch as thou art sent of (Ae king, which (Ae king and his counsellors out of (Ae king's treasure house. I Artaxerxes (Ae king, do make the realm of (Ae king and his sons ? and the law of (Ae king, O khig, live for ever: 8, 26. TAe king answered and said Let (Ae king tell his servants Chaldeans answered before (Ae king, that can shew (Ae king's matter: therefore (there is) no king, lord, nor ruler, And (it is) a rare thing that (Ae khig Dan. 2:11. that can shew it before (Ae king, 12. For this cause (Ae king was angry 14. Arioch the captain of (Ae king's guard, 15. to Arioch (Ae Ainp's captain, Why (is) the decree (so) hasty from (Ae king? 16. and desired of (Ae king that he would give him time, and that he would shew (Ae king 2 1. he removeth kings, and setteth up Ainps .- 23. known unto us (Ae king's matter. 24. whom (Ae Aiwp had ordained — bring me in before (Ae king, and I will shew unto the king 25. Daniel before (Ae king in haste, ¦ — that will make known unto the king 27. answered in the presence of (Ae khig, and said, The secret which the khig — the soothsayers, shew unto the khig; 28. known to the khig Nebuchadnezzar 29. As for thee, O king, 30. the interpretation to the king, 31. Thou, O king, sawest, 36. interpretation thereof before the king. 37. Thou, O king, (art) a king of kings: 44. in the days of these khigs 45. made known to the king 46. Then (Ae king Nebuchadnezzar 47 . The khig answered unto Daniel, — ¦ and a Lord of kings, 48. Then (Ae king made Daniel 49. Then Daniel requested of (Ae king, — Daniel (sat) in the gate of (Ae Ainp. 3 : 1. Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king made 2. Then Nebuchadnezzar (Ae khig — which Nebuchadnezzar (Ae Ainp had set up. 3. the image that Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king 5. Nebuchadnezzar (Ae king hath set up: 7. that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. 9. They spake and said to (Ae king Nebuchad nezzar, O king, live for ever. 10. Thou, O king, hast made a decree, 12. these men, O king, have not regarded 1 3. they brought these men before (Ae Ai?*p. 16. answered and said to the king, 17. out of thine hand, O king. 18.be it known unto thee, O king, 22. because (Ae king's commandment 24'. Nebuchadnezzar (Ae Ainp was astonied, — They answered and said ujito the king, True, O king. 27. and (Ae Ainp's counsellors, 28. and have changed (Ae king's word, 30. Then (Ae Ainp promoted Shadrach, 4: 1(3:31). Nebuchadnezzar (Ae Amp, unto all 18( 15) . This dream I Ainp Nebuchadnezzar 1906), 30(27). TAe Ainp spake, and said, 22(19). It (is) thou, O king, that art grown 23(20). And whereas (Ae Ainp saw 24(21"). This (is) the interpretation, O king, — ( — ). which is come upon my lord (Ae Ainp ; 27(24). Wherefore, O king, let my counsel 28(25). came upon (Ae khig Nebuchadnezzar. 31(28). While the word (was) in (Ae Amp's — ( — ). (saying), O king Nebuchadnezzar, 37(34). and honour (Ae King o/heaven, 5 : 1 . Belshazzar (Ae king made a great feast 2. that (Ae Ainp, and his princes, 3. and (Ae king, and his princes, 5. of the wall of (Ae Ainp's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand 6. Then (Ae Ainp's countenance was 7. TAe king cried aloud to bring in — (And) (Ae king spake, and said 8. Then came in all (Ae khig's wise — nor make known to the king 9. was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, 10. the queen by reason of the words of (Ae Ainp — the queen spake and said, O king, 11. whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, (Ae king, (I say), thy father, 12. whom (Ae Ainp named Belteshazzar: 13. Daniel brought in before (Ae Aij*p. (And) (Ae king spake and said unto Daniel, — whom (Ae Ainp my father brought 17. and said before (Ae Ainp, -f>D ( 728 ) 2bD Dan. 5:17.1 will read the writing unto the king, 18. 0 thou Ainp, the most high God gave 30. Belshazzar (Ae Ainp o/the Chaldeans slain. 6: 2(3). and the king should have no damage. 3(4). and the king thought to set him over 6(7). assembled together to (Ae Ainp, and said thus unto him, King Darius, 7(8). to establish a royal statute, — (-) . save of thee, 0 king, 8(9). Now, 0 king, establish the decree, 9(10). Wherefore Ainp Darius signed 12(13). and spake before (Ae Ainp concerning (Ae king's decree ; — (— )• 0 king, shall be cast into the den of lions ? TAe Ainp answered and said, 13(14). and said before (Ae Ainp, — ( — ).regardeth not thee, 0 king, 14(15). Then (Ae Ainp, when he heard 15(16). these men assembled unto (Ae Ainp, and said unto the king, Know, 0 king, —( — ).(Ae Ainp establisheth may be changed. 16(17). Then (Ae Ainp commanded, — ( — ). (Now) (Ae king spake and said unto 17(18). and (Ae Ainp sealed it with his own 18( 19). Then (Ae Ainp went to his palace, 19(20). Then (Ae Ainp arose very early 20(21 ).(Ae Ainp spake and said to Daniel, 21(22). said Daniel unto (Ae Ainp, 0 king, live for ever. 22(23). also before thee, O Ainp, have I done no hurt. 23(24). Then was (Ae Ainp exceeding glad 24(25). And (Ae Ainp commanded, 25(26). Then Ainp Darius wrote unto all 7 : 1 . In the first year of Belshazzar Ainp of 17. These great beasts, which are four, (are) four kings, 24. out of this kingdom (are) ten Ainps — and he shall subdue three kings. ^r: ?p [m'la'ch], Ch. m. Dan 4:27(24). O king, let my counsel be acceptable rVpta [mal-koh'-deth], f. Job 18: 10. and a trap for him in the way. n370 mal-kah' ', f. IK. 10: l.when the queen 0/ Sheba heard 4. when (Ae queen of Sheba had seen 10. (Ae queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon. 13. Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba 2Ch 9: 1 . when the queen of Sheba heard 3. when (Ae queen of Sheba had seen 9.(Ae queen of Sheba gave king Solomon. 12. Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba Est. 1 : 9. Vashti (Ae queen made a feast 11. To bring Vashti (Ae queen 12. (Ae queen Vashti refused 15. What shall we do unto the queen Vashti 16. Vashti (Ae queen hath not done wrong 17. (this) deed of (Ae queen — commanded Vashti (Ae queen to be brought 18. the deed of the queen. 2:22. told (it) unto Esther (Ae queen ; 4: 4. Then was (Ae queen exceedingly grieved ; 5: 2. when the king saw Esther (Ae queen 3. What wilt thou, queen Esther? 12. Esther (Ae queen did let no man come 7 : 1 . to banquet with Esther the queeji.' 2. What (is) thy petition, queen Esther? 3. Esther (Ae queen answered 5. and said unto Esther (Ae queen, 6. before the king and the queen. 7. request for his life to Esther (Ae queen; 8. Will he force (Ae queen also 8: 1,7 & 9: 12. unto Esther (Ae queen. 9:29. Then Esther the queen, 31. Mordecai the Jew and Esther (Ae queen Cant.6: 8. There are threescore queens, 9. the queejis and the concubines, ri^D [mal-kah'], Ch. f. Dan 5:10. (Now) (Ae queen by reason of the words — (Ae pneen spake and said, O king, rffi mal-choo', Ch. f. Ezr. 4: 24. the second year of (Ae reipn of Darius 6:15. in the sixth year o/(Ae reipn 0/ Darius 7: 13. priests and Levites, in my realm, 23. why should there be wrath against (Ae realm Dan 2:37. God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, 39. shall arise another kingdom — and another third kingdom of brass, 40. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong 41 . (Ae kingdom shall be divided ; 42. (Ae kingdom shall be partly strong, 44. the God of heaven set up a kingdom, — and the kingdom shall not be left — and consume all these kingdoms, 4: 3 (3 : 33). Ais kingdom (is) an everlasting Ainpdom, 17(14), 25(22), 32 (29). the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, 18(15), all the wise (men) ofmy kingdom 26(23). thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, 29(26). he walked in the palace of (Ae kingdom 30(27). for the house of (Ae kingdom 31(28). TAe kingdom is departed from thee. 34(31 ).and his kingdom (is) from generation 36(33). and for the glory ofmy kingdom, — ( — ). I was established in my kingdom, 5: 7. shall be the third ruler in the kingdom. 1 1 . There is a man in thy kingdom, 16. shalt be the third ruler in the kingdom. 18. Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, 20. he was deposed from Ais kingly throne, 21. God ruled in the kingdom of men, 26. Mene ; God hath numbered thy kingdom, 28. Peres; Thy kingdojn is divided, 29. should be the third ruler in the kingdom. 31(6: l).the Median took (Ae kingdom, 6: 1(2). Darius to set over (Ae kingdom — ( — ) . should be over (Ae whole kingdom ; 3(4). thought to set him over (Ae whole realm. 4(5). against Daniel concerning (Ae Ainp- dom ; 7(8). All the presidents of (Ae kingdom, 26( 27 ) . That in every dominion of my kingdom — ( — ).and his kingdom (that) which shall not be destroyed, 28(29). So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius, and hi the reign of Cyrus 7:14. and glory, and a khigdojn, that all — and his kingdom (that) which shall not be destroyed. 18. of thr, most High shall take (Ae kingdom, and possess (Ae kingdom for ever, 22. that the saints possessed (Ae khigdom. 23. shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, 24. the ten horns out of this kingdom 27. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of (Ae khigdom under — whose kingdom (is) an everlasting Ainp- dom, t\)y?ti mal-chooth! \ f. Nu. 24: 7. Ais kingdom shall be exalted. 1 Sa.20: 31. shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom IK. 2:12. Ais kingdom was established ICh 1 1 ; 10. with him hi his kingdom, 12:23. (Ae kingdom of Saul to him, 14: 2. his kingdom was lifted up 17:1 i .1 will establish Ais kingdom. 14. and in juu kinadom for i*\rv ate (729 ) pte 20: E«r. 1 4 7 Neh 9 12 Est. 1 lCh.22:10.I will establish the throne of Ais kingdom 26 : 31 . In the fortieth year of (Ae reipn of 28: 5. the throne of (Ae kingdom of 7. 1 will establish Ais kingdom for ever, 29:25. (such) royal majesty (lit. majesty of tAe kingdom ) 30. his reign and his might, 2Ch. I: 1. Solomon... was strengthened in his king dom, 2: l(l:18),12(ll).an house for his kingdom. 3: 2. in the fourth year of his reign. 7:18. will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, 11 : 17. they strengthened (Ae kingdom of Judah, 12: 1. Rehoboam had established (Ae kingdom, 15:10.in the fifteenth year o/(Ae reipn of Asa. 19. the five and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa. 16: 1 . the six and thirtieth year of the reign of 12. the thirty and ninth year ofhis reign 30. the realm of Jehoshaphat : 19. king Ahaz in his reign : 13. brought him... into his kingdom. : 19. o/(Ae reipn of Josiah : 20. until the reign of (Ae kingdom of Persia: 22. throughout all Ais kingdom, : 1 . throughout all Ais kingdom, : 5. the reign of Darius 6. And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the be ginning of Ais reipn, : 1 & 8 : 1 . in the reign of Artaxerxes : 35. have not served thee in their kingdom, :22. the reign of Darius the Persian. : 2. on the throne of Ais kingdom 4. the riches of Ais glorious kingdom 7. royal wine (marg. wine of (Ae kingdom) in abundance, 9. the royal house (lit. house of (Ae kingdom) which (belonged) to king 11. the crown royal, (lit. crown of (Ae Ainp- dom) 14. sat the first in the kingdom ; 19. let there go a royal commandment (lit. commandment of (Ae kingdom) — and let the king give Aer royal estate 20. throughout all Ais empire, : 3. the provinces of Ais kingdom, 16. into Ais house royal (lit. house of Ais Ainp- dom) — in the seventh year ofhis reign. 17. he set the royal crown (lit. crown of (Ae kingdom) upon her head, : 6. throughout (Ae whole kingdom 8. the provinces of (Ay kingdom ; : 14. thou art come to the kingdom : I.Esther put on (her) royal (apparel), — the king sat upon Ais royal throne (lit. throne of Ais kingdom) in (Ae royal house, (lit. house of (Ae kingdom) 3. given thee to the half of (Ae kingdom. 6. even to the half of (Ae kingdom : 8. Let the royal apparel (lit. apparel of (Ae kingdom) be brought — the crown royal (lit. crown of (Ae Ainp- dom) which is 2. to the half of (Ae kingdom. 15. royal apparel (lit. apparel of (Ae kingdom) of blue and white, 30. provinces of (Ae kingdom 6(7). the sceptre of thy kingdom 19. his kingdom ruleth over all. :1 l.the glory of thy kingdom, 12. the glorious majesty of Ais kingdom. 13. Thy kingdom (is) on everlasting kingdom, 14. (he that is) born in his kingdom l.in all their kingdoms, :34. (Ae reipn of Zedekiah 31. in the (first) year of Ais reipn lifted l.of the reign of Jehoiakim 20. astrologers that (were) in all Ais realm. l.of the reign o/Nebuchadnezzar l.of the reign of king Belshazzar 22. four kingdoms shall stand up 23. in the latter time of (Aeir kingdom, l.the realm ofthe Chaldeans ; 13. (Ae kingdom of Persia 2. against (Ae realm of Grecia. 7: 9 Ps. 45 103 145 Ecc. 4 Jer. 10 49 52 Dan I, i 9 10 Danll: Dan 11: 4. Ais kingdom shall be broken, Ais kingdom shall be plucked up, 9. shall come into (his) kingdom, 17. the strength of Ais whole kingdom, 20. the glory of (Ae kingdom : 21. the honour of (Ae kingdom: — and obtain (Ae kingdom n^O m'leh'-cheth, f. Jer. 7:18. make cakes to the queen o/heaven, (marg. or, frame, or, workmanship) 44:17. to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, (marg. frame) 1 8, 25. to burn incense (o (Ae queen o/heaven, 19. we burned incense to the queen o/heaven, y» [mah-lal']. * KAL.— Participle. Poel. Pro. 6 : 13. Ae speaketh with his feet, *PIEL Preterite.* Gen21 : 7. Who would have said unto Abraham, Job 33: 3. my lips shall utter knowledge PIEL Future. Job 8: 2. How long wilt thou speak Ps. 106 : 2. Who can utter the mighty acts ofthe Lord? y* [m'-lal], Ch. * PAEL.— Preterite. * Dan. 6: 21 (22). Then said Daniel unto the king, PAEL Future. Dan. 7:25. Ae shall speak (great) words against the most High, PAEL Participle. Dan. 7 : 8. and a mouth speaking great things. 1 1 . the great words which the horn spake : 20. a mouth that spake very great things, "Tpte [mal-mahd'], m. Jud. 3:31. slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad : fiti [mah-latz']. * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Ps. 119:103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! lite mel-tzar', m. Dan. 1:11. Then said Daniel to Melzar, (marg. (Ae steward) 16. Thus Melzar took away the portion pte mah-lak'. * KAL Preterite. * Lev. 1:15. and wring off his head, (marg. or, pinch offthe head with (Ae naii) and burn (it) 5: 8. and wring off his head from his neck, nipte mal-koh'agh, m. Nu. 31:11. they took all the spoil, and all (Ae prey, 1 2. they brought the captives, and (Ae prey, 26. Take the sum of (Ae prey 27. divide the prey into two parts ; 32. (Ae booty, (being) the rest of the prey Ps. 22:15(16). my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; Isa. 49:24. Shall (Ae prey be taken from the mighty, 25. and the prey of the terrible pte Vftthti mal-kohsh', m. ( 730 ) Deul 1 : 14. the first rain and the latter rain, Job 29:23. they opened their mouth wide (as) for the latter rain. Pro.l6:15.as a cloud of (Ae latter rain. Jer. 3: 3. and there hath been no (atier rain; 5:24. rain, both the former and the latter, Hos. 6: 3. as (Ae latter (and) former rain Joel 2: 23. the former rain, and the latter rain ZeclO: l.in the time of (Ae latter rain; D?n|7?D mel-kah-ghah'-yim, m. dual. IK. 7:49. the lamps, and the tongs (of) gold, 2Ch. 4:21. the lamps, and the tongs, Isa. 6: 6. he had taken with the tongs D?np?A? [mal-kah -ghah' -yim\ m. dual. Ex. 25:38. And the tongs thereof, and the 37: 23. he made his seven lamps, andhis snuffers, Nu. 4: 9. his tongs, and his snuffdishes, nnJTO mel-tah-ghah' , f. 2K. 10: 22. him that (was) over (Ae vestry, ntyfte [mal-tah-gdhth'l f. pi. Ps. 58: 6(7). break out (Ae prea( (eetA PhlZfeti mam-m goo-rohth' , f. pi. Joel 1 : 17. (Ae barns are broken down ; DHfiD [mmad-deem'~\, m. pi. Job 38: 5. Who hath laid (Ae measures thereof, nto^ [mah-mohth'~\, m. Jer. 16: 4. They shall die of grievous deaths; Eze.28: 8.(Ae deaths of (them that are) slain Deu 23 Zee. 9 *lM?£? mam-zehr' ', m. 2(3). A bastard shall not enter 6. a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, "13a?a5 mim-kahr' , m. Lev.25:14.if thou sell onpA( (lit. a selling) unto thy neighbour, 2b. that which his brother sold. 27 . the years of (Ae sale thereof, 28. (Aat which is sold shall remain 29. a whole year after it is sold; 33. the house that was sold, 50. the price of his sale Deu 18; 8. that which cometh of the sale of his patri mony, (marg. Ais sales by the fathers) Nehl3:20.sellers of all kind of ware Eze. 7: 13. return to (Aa( which is sold, n^ft mim-Mi'-reth, f. Lev.25 :42. they shall not be sold as bondmen, (marg. with the sale of a bondman) GenlO 20 Ex. 19 Nu. 32 Deu. 3: 17: 28 Jos. 10 11 ISa. 10 13 24 27 28 2Sa. 3 5 7 IK. 24 9 1011 12 14 18 2K. 11 14 1519 lCh.16 29 2Ch. 9 11 12 13 20 222325 29 3236 Ezr. 1 Neh 9 Ps. 46 68 79 102105 135 Isa. 9 10 13 1417 19 2337 47 teo i"D7fi£ mam-lah-choh' f. t t : - • ' 10. the beginning of his kingdom 9. on me and on my kingdom 6. a kingdom of priests, 33. (Ae kingdom of Sihon king of the Amo rites, and (Ae kingdom of Og 4, 10. (Ae kingdom o/Og in Bashan. 13. (Ae kingdom of Og, gave I 2 1 . (Ae kingdoms whither thou passest. 18. the throne of his kingdom, 20. prolong (his) days in Ais kingdom, 25. all the kingdoms ofthe earth. 2. one of the royal cities, 10. the head of all those kingdoms. 18. out ofthe hand of all kingdoms, 13. have established thy kingdom 14. thy kingdom shall not continue: 20( 21 ).(Ae kingdom of Israel shall be established 5. should thy servant dwell in the royal city 17. the Lord hath rent (Ae kingdom 1 0. To translate (Ae kingdom 28. 1 and my kingdom ( are) guiltless 12. he had exalted Ais kingdom 12. 1 will establish Ais kingdom. 13.1 will stablish the throne of Ais kingdom 16. thine house and thy kingdom 46. And the kingdom was established 21(5: 1). Solomon reigned over all kingdoms 5. the throne of thy kingdom 20. not the like made in any kingdom. 1 1 . 1 will surely rend (Ae kingdom 13. 1 will not rend away all (Ae kingdom ; 31.1 will rend (Ae kingdom 34.1 will not take (Ae whole kingdom 26. Now shall (Ae kingdom return 8. rent (Ae kingdom away 10. no nation or kingdom, — he took an oath of (Ae kingdom 1 . destroyed all the seed royal, (marg. of (Ae Ainpo*om) 5. as soon as (Ae kingdom was confirmed 19. to confirm (Ae kingdom 15, 19. (Ae kingdoms ofthe earth; 20. and from (one) kingdom to another people ; 11. thine (is) (Ae kingdom, O Lord, 30. (Ae kingdoms o/the countries. 19. not the like made in any kingdom. 1 . that he might bring (Ae kingdom 8. service of (Ae kingdoms o/the countries. 5.(Ae kingdom over Israel 8. (Ae kingdom ofthe Lord 5(4). (Ae kingdom was quiet 5. the Lord stablished (Ae kingdom 10. the kingdoms o/the lands 6. (Ae kingdoms of the heathen ? 29. (Ae kingdoms of (those) countries, : 3. (Ae kingdom gave he to Jehoram ; 4. Jehoram was risen up to (Ae kingdom of : 9. to keep still (Ae kingdom. 10. destroyed all the seed royal 20. the throne ofthe kingdom. 3. when (Ae kingdom was established :21.a sin offering for (Ae kingdom, : 15. no god of any nation or kingdom was able : 23. All (Ae kingdoms ofthe earth : 2. (Ae kingdoms ofthe earth; 22. gavest them kingdoms and nations, 6(7). the kingdoms were moved: : 32(33). Sing unto God, ye kingdoms : 6. the kingdoms that have not called upon :22(23). When the people are gathered.. .and the kingdoms, :13. from (one) kingdom to another people ; 11. all (Ae kingdoms of Canaan: : 7 (6). upon Ais kingdom, : 10. (Ae kingdoms ofthe idols, 4.(Ae kingdoms of nations 19. Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, 16. that did shake kingdoms ; 3. and the kingdom from Damascus, 2. city against city, (and) khigdom againsi kingdom. 1 1 . he shook (Ae kingdoms : 1 7. (Ae kingdoms of the world : 16, 20. (Ae kingdoms of the earth : : 5. The lady of kingdoms. tea ( 731 ) P Isa. 60: Jer. 1: 15: 18: 24: 25: 27: 28: 1. Lam 2: Eze.17: 29;37: Am. 6: 7: 9 Mic. 4: Nah 3: Zep. 3 Hag 2 the nation and kingdom that will not serve . over the nations and over (Ae kingdoms, the families of (Ae kingdoms of all kingdoms ofthe earth, 9. concerning a kingdom, the kingdoms of the earth (Ae kingdoms of the world, thebeginning of (Ae reign of Jehoiakim nation and kingdom which will not serve the beginning of (Ae reign of Zedekiah .against great kingdoms, &34:1, 17. all (Ae kingdoms ofthe earth, . and coneernmg the kingdoms of Hazor, .with thee will I destroy kingdoms ; . call together against her (Ae kingdoms of Ararat, . he hath polluted (Ae kingdom . That (Ae kingdom might be base, .they shall be there a base kingdom. . the basest of (Ae kingdoms ; . divided into two kingdoms . better than these kingdoms ? . king's court, (marg. houseof the kingdom) . upon the sinful khigdom, . the kingdom shall come .will shew...(Ae kingdoms thy shame. . that I may assemble (Ae kingdoms, . the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of (Ae kingdoms of rxhaQ 3 [mam-lah-chooth'\ f. Jos. 13:12, 31. (Ae kingdom o/Og in Bashan, 21 . (Ae kingdom of Sihon king of 27. the rest of the kingdom of Sihon 30. (Ae kingdom of Og king of Bashan, ISa.l5:28. The Lord hath rent (Ae kingdom o/Israel 2Sa.l6: 3. (Ae kingdom ofmy father. Jer. 26 : 1 . the begi nning of (Ae reign of lios. 1 : 4. (Ae kingdom of the house of mim-sahch! ', m. Pro. 23:30. they that go to seek mixed wine. Isa. 65: 11. that furnish (Ae drink offering *1$3 meh'-mer, m. Pro.l7:25.and bitterness to her that bare him. D^tefi mam-m roh-reem' , m. pi. Job 9:18. but filleth me im'tA bitterness. TWtifo mim-sha'cti ' , m. Eze.28: 14. the anointed cherub Xto& mim-shahl', m. t : - * ICh 26: 6. (Aa( ruled throughout the house Dan 1 1 : 3. that shall rule with great dominion, 5. a great dominion. TV$titi mem-shah-lah' , f. T T ; v > Gen 1: 16. the greater light to rule (marg. for the rule of) the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: IK. 9:19. in all the land of Ais dominion. 2K. 20: 13. in all Ais dominion, 2Ch 8: 6. all the land of his dominion. 32: 9. all Ais power (marg. dominion) with him, Ps. 103: 22. in all places of Ais dominion; 114: 2. Israel Ais dominion. Ps.136: 8. The sun to rule by day: 9. The moon and stars to rule by night: 145: 13. (Ay dojninion (endureth) Isa. 22:21. and I will commit thy government 39: 2.in all his dominion, Jer. 34 : 1 . the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion, (marg. (Ae dominion ofhis hand) 51: 28. all the land of Ais dominion. Danll: 5. his dominion (shall be) a great dominion. Mic. 4: 8. even (Ae first domhiion ,- pfeWpD mim-shak1 \ m. Zep 2: 9. (Ae breeding of nettles, D*p?ft££ mam-tak-keem', m. pi. Neh 8:10. eat the fat, and drink (Ae sweet, Cant 5: 16. His mouth (is) most sweet : }fi malm, m. Nu. 11: Ex. 16: 15. they said one to another, It (is) manna: (marg: or, What {is) this? or, It(is) a portioji) 31 . called the name thereof Manna : 33. put an omer full of jnanna therein, 35. the children of Israel did eat maima ¦ — they did eat manna, until 6. (there is) nothing at all, beside this manna, 7. And the manna (was) as coriander seed, 9. (Ae manna fell upon it. Deu 8: 3. fed thee with mamia, 16. Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, Jos. 5:12. And (Ae mmma ceased on the morrow — neither had the children of Israel manna any more ; Neh 9:29. and withheldest not thy jnanna from their mouth, Ps. 78: 24. had rained down manna upon them {£ [?na/i7i~\,Ch.. pron. interrog. Ezr. 5: 3. TFAo hath commanded you to build 4. What are the names of the men 9. Who commanded you to build Dan 3: 6, 11 .And whoso2 falleth not down 15. and who (is) that God that shall deliver 4:17(14), 25(22), 32(29). and giveth it to whom soever he will, 5: 21. he appointeth over it whomsoever 2 he will. p see D*90 p min, part. prep. Gen 2: 5 2125 Ex. 2 Lev. 9 11 14 Nu. 15 31 Deu 33 ISa. 17 30 IK. 6 2K. 21 6. went up a mist from the earth, 7. man (of) the dust ofthe ground, 9. out ofthe ground made the Lord God :29. oecanse o/the ground which the Lord : 15. the water was spent in the bottle, : 30. Feed me, I pray thee, wi(A that 23. sighed by reason ofthe bondage, 1 0. caul above the liver of the sin offering, 13. have in abomination among the fowls ; 37. in sight (are) lower (Aan the wall ; :30.born in the land (lit. o/the native), or a stranger, (lit. and of the stranger.) : 43. seven thousand and five hundred sheep, (lit. of sheep, &c.) :ll.hate him, (Aa( they rise no( again. ;50. David prevailed over the Philistine 19. lacking to them, neither small nor great, (lit. from small to &c. ) 16. both the floor and the walls (lit. from the floor to &c. ) 15. since the day their fathers came p ( 732 ) run ICh. 8: 8. after he had sent them away ; Ps. 104: 7. At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice Cant.5: 4. My beloved put in his hand Ay the hole Isa. 28: 7. erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, Eze.36: 24. take you frojn among the heathen, &C.&C. With prefix ; as, ]T2t? Ex. 9: 18. since (lit. from the day of) the foundation thereof even until Deu. 9: 7. from the day that thou didst depart 2Ch.l5:13.«jAe(Aer small or great, &c. &c. The signification of ]Zp with pronominal suffixes remains unchanged. jQ min, Ch. part. prep. 2 Marks D"Tp. as being combined with ]Q in translation : 3 marks ^ similarly combined. Ezr. 4:12. Jews which came up from thee 1 5. sedition within the same of old \9.And /commanded, (marg. hy me a decree is set) — of old time hath made insurrection 2 1 . commandment shall be given from me. 23. when 3 the copy of king 5:12. after that our fathers had provoked 14. took out ofthe temple that (was) — take out ofthe temple of Babylon, 16. and since that time 17. a decree was made of Cyrus 6: 4. be given out ofthe king's house: 5. took forth out ofthe temple 6. be ye far from thence: Q.Moj'eover /make a decree (marg. by me a decree is made) 1 1 . Also I have made a decree, ( lit. id. ) • — timber be pulled down from his 1 4. according to the commandment of the God 7:13. /make (lit. byme is made) a decree, that all they ofthe people 14. art sent of (marg. from before) the king, 20.ow( ofthe king's treasure house. 21. And /(lit. and by jne), (even) I 23. commanded by (marg. ofthe decree of) the God of heaven, 26. judgment be executed speedily upon him, Dan 2: 5. The thing is gone from me : 6. ye shall receive of 'me gifts 8.1 know of certainty that — the thing is gone from me. 15. the decree (so) hasty from2 the king? 16. went in, and desired ofthe king 1 8. desire mercies of2 the God of heaven 20. Blessed be the name of God for ever 23. what we desired of thee : 25. a man of the captives of Judah, 30. that I have more (Aan any living, 33. feet part of iron and part of clay. 35. chaff ofthe summer threshingfloors; 39. another kingdom inferior to thee, 4Lpart of potters' clay, and part of - — but there shall be in it ofthe strength 42. part of iron, and part of clay, (so) the kingdom shall be partly (lit. of part) strong, and partly 47. Of a truth (it is), that 49. Daniel requested ofthe king, 3:15. deliver you out o/my hands ? 17. from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver (us) out of 22. because 3 the king's commandment 26. forth ofthe midst of the fire. 29. Therefore I make (marg. made by me) 4: 6(3). therefore made / (lit. id.) 12(9). and all fiesh was fed of it. 13(10). an holy one came down from 14(11). beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from 16(1 3). his heart be changed frojn man's, 23(20). holy one coming down from heaven, 25(22). shall drive thee from men, 26(23). after that thou shalt have known Dan 4 : 31 (28) . fell a voice from heaven, — ( — )„ Xhe kingdom is departed from thee. 32(29). And they shall drive thee from 33(30). and he was driven from men, 5 : 2. had taken out of the temple 3. that were taken outofthe temple 13. of the children ofthe captivity — my father brought out of Jewry? 19. And for the majesty that — trembled and feared before2 him: 20. deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory frmn him : 21. And he was driven from the sons of 24. part of the hand sent from him ; 6; 2(3). over (Aese three presidents; of whom 7(8). 0/ any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, 10(11). as he did aforetime, (lit. from the former time of this) 12(13). of any God or man within thirty days,. save of thee, 13(14). which (is) ofthe children of 20(21) . able to deliver thee from the lions ? 23( 24) . out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of 26(27). I make (lit. from before me is made) a decree, _( — ). before2 the God of Daniel: 27(28)./rom the power ofthe lions. 7: 3.fj-om the sea, diverse one from another. 4. was lifted up from the earth, 7. di verse from all the beasts 8. before2 whom there were three ofthe first 10. issued and came forth from before him: 11. because o/the voice ofthe great 16. one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth 17. shall arise out ofthe earth. 19. which was diverse from all the others, 20. and before 2 whom three fell ; — more stout than his fellows. 23. shall be diverse from all kingdoms, 24. horns out o/this kingdom — shall be diverse/rom the first, K3D see P0& ny^S [man-gee-nah'], Lam.3:63.I (am) (Aeir musick. rn}£ min-dah', Ch. f. Ezr. 4:13. (then) will they not pay toll, 7 : 24. it shall not be lawful to impose toll, JTUO man-dag', Ch. m. Dan 2:21. and knowledge to them that know under standing : 4:34(31). ami mine understanding returned unto 36(33). my reason returned unto me ; 5: 12. excellent spirit, and knowledge, Hitt mah-nak ' . * KAL. —Preterite. * Nu. 23: 10. Who can count the dust of Jacob, Isa. 65 : 1 2. Therefore will 1 number you to the KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 13: 16. if a man can number the dust 1 Ch.21 : ] . provoked David (o number Israel. 17. commanded the people to be numbered? (lit. to number the people) 27:24. Joab. ..began to number, 90: 12. teach (us) to number our days, KAL Imperative. 2Sa.24: I . number Israel and Judah. Ps TOO ( 733 ) "03 KAL Future. IK. 20:25. And number thee an army, 2K. 12: 10( 1 1 ). and told the money that was found in KAL Participle. Poel. Ps.147: 4. He telleth the number ofthe stars ; Jer. 33: 13. the hands of him that telleth (them), * NIPHAL Preterite. * Isa. 53:12. Ae was numbered with the transgressors; NIPHAL.— Infinitive. Ecc. 1:15. that which is wanting cannot Ae numbered. NIPHAL Future. Gen 13: 16. (then) shall thy seed also Ae numbered. IK. 3: 8. a great people, that cannot be numbered 8 : 5. that could not be told nor numbered 2Ch 5 : 6. which could not be told nor numbered * PIEL.— Preterite. * Job. 7: 3. wearisome nights are appointed to me. Dan 1:10. who A«tA appointed your meat 11. the prince ofthe eunuchs Aad set over PIEL. — Imperative. ps. 61 : 7(8). 0 prepare mercy and truth, PIEL.— Future. Dan 1 : 5. And the king appointed them a daily pro vision Jon. 1:17(2:1 ). Now the Lord Aad prepared a great fish 4 : 6. And the Lord God prepared a gourd, 7. But God prepared a worm 8. (Aa( God prepared a vehement east wind ; * PUAL Participle. * ICh. 9:29. (Some) of them also (were) appointed nj^ & 60J? mnah'9 Ch. * P'AL.— Preterite, w Dan 5:26.Mene ; God hath numbered thy kingdom, P'AL. — Participle Passive. Dan 5; 25. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. * PAEL.— Preterite. # Dan 2: 24. whom the king had ordained 49. and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and 3: 12. whom tkou hast set over the affairs PAEL. — Imperative. Ezr. 7 ;25. set magistrates and judges, PI3D mah-nah' f. T T * Ex. 29 Lev. 78 ISa. 1: 9 2Ch3 Neh. 8 Est. 29 Ps. 16 Jer. 13 26. and it shall be thy part. 33. have the right shoulder for (his) part. 29. the ram of consecration it was Moses' part; 4. and her daughters, portions : 5. unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion ; 23. Bring (Ae portion which I gave thee, 19. to give portions to all the males : 10. and send portions unto them for whom 12. to drink, and to send portions, 9. with sncA things as belonged to her, (marg. her portions) 19, 22. sending portions one to another. 5. The Lord (is) (Ae portion of 25. thy lot, (Ae portion of thy measures PIIB mah-neh' , m. IK. 10: 17. three pound of gold went to one shield: Ezr. 2 : 69. five thousand pound of silver, Neh 7:71. two thousand and two hundred pound of silver. 72. two thousand pound of silver, Eze.45: 12. fifteen shekels, shall be your maneh. PttO see D'JO 3PI3£ min-hahg\ m. 2K. 9:20. and tke driving (marg. marching) {is) like the driving of Jehu niVtifi min-hah-rohthfy f. pi. Jud. 6: 2. the children of Israel made them (Ae dens TliO [mah-nohd'], m. Ps. 44:14(15). a shaking of the head among people. the TV\yt2 mah-noh'agh, m. Gen 8: 9. the dove found no rest Deu28:65. neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: Ru. 3 : 1 . shall I not seek rest for thee, ICh. 6:3\{16). after that thearkhadrest. {lit. after the rest ofthe ark) Ps. 116: 7 . Return Jinto thy rest, Isa. 34:14. find for herself a place of rest. Lam 1 : 3. she findeth no rest : nrfiJD mnoo-ghafi' ', f. ; 15. he saw that rest (was) good, 33. to search out a resting place 9. ye are not as yet come to (Ae rest .43. trode them down with ease (marg. or, (from) Menuchah) ; 9. that ye may find res(, .17. shall now be comfortable: (marg. for rest) 56. the Lord, that hath given rest 9. who shall be a man of rest ; 2. to build an house of rest 2. he leadeth me beside the still waters. (marg. waters of quietness) 11. they should not enter into my rest. : 8. Arise, O Lord, hito thy rest; 14. This (is) my rest for ever: 10.- Ais rest shall be glorious. ; 12. This (is) (Ae rest (wherewith) 18. in quiet restbig places ; 1 . where ( is ) the place of my rest ? 3. and I find no rest. 59. Seraiah (was) a quiet prince, "(marg. or, prince of Menucha, or, chief chamber lain) : 10. this (is) not (your) rest: 1. Damascus (shall be) (Ae rest thereof : ji3Q mah-nohn! ', m. Pro. 29: 21. shall have him become (his) son Gen 49 Nu 10 Deu 12 Jud.20 Ru 1 2Sa.I4 IK 8 ICh 22 28 Ps. 23 95 132 Isa. 11 28 32 66 Jer. 45 51 Mic . 2 Zee . 9 DiJfi mah-nohs', m. 2Sa.22: 3. my high tower, and my refuge, Job. 1 1 : 20. and they shall not escape, (marg. and flight shall perish from them) Ps. 59: 16(17). thou hast been my defence and refuge 142: 4(5). refuge failed me ; Jer. I6:19.mp refuge in the day of affliction, 25:35. the shepherds shall have no way to flee, (marg. /ipAt shall perish from the shepherds ) 46: 5. and their mighty ones.. .are fled apace, (marg. a flight) Am. 2 :li. the flight shall perish from the swift, JlpUfi mnoo-suh', f. Lev.26 : 36. flee, as fleeing from a sword ; Isa. 52: 12. not go out with haste, nor go by flight . "liifi [mah-nohr'], m. 1 Sa. 17: 7. the staff.. .(was) like a weavers' Aeam, 2Sa.21 : 19. the staff... (was) ZiAe a weavers' beam. ICh 11 :23.a spear like a weavers' beam; 20: 5. spear staff (was) like a weavers' beam. miiO mnoh-rah! \ f. Ex. 25:31 32, 33. 34. 35. 1:35. 1:27. : 8. >:14. :17. 3940 Lev.24 Nu. 3 4 IK. 7: 2K. 4: ICh 28 2Ch. 4. 13 Jer. 52 Zee. 4 thou shalt make a cajidlestick (of) pure gold: (of) beaten work shall (Ae candle stick be made: 32. three branches ofthe candlestick six branches that come out of (Ae candle stick. And in the candlestick (shall be) four bowls six branches. ..out of (Ae cajidlestick. the candlestick over against the table (Ae candlestick and his vessels, (Ae pure candlestick The candlestick also for the light, he made (Ae cajidlestick (of) pure gold: (of) beaten work made he (Ae candle stick ; 18. three branches of (Ae candlestick six branches going out of (Ae candlestick. And in the candlestick (were) four bowls TAe pure candlestick, (with) the lamps thou shalt bring in the candlestick, he put (Ae candlestick in the tent the lamps upon (Ae pure candlestick and the candlestick, and the altars, (Ae candlestick ofthe light, 3. over against (Ae cajidlestick. this work of (Ae candlestick so he made (Ae candlestick. the candlesticks of pure gold, a table, and a stool, and a candlestick : the weight for the cajidlesticks of gold, by weight for evej-y cajidlestick, (lit. candlestick and candlestick) and for the candlesticks of silver by weight, {hoth) for the candlestick, the use of every candlestick, (lit. candlestick and candlestick) he made ten candlesticks of the candlesticks with their lamps, and the candlestick o/gold . (Ae candlesticks, and the spoons, a candlestick all (of) gold, upon the right (side) of the candlestick D*1T3J? \_min-n zah-reemr~\y m. pi. Nah. 3:17. Tliy crowned (are) as the locusts, HITM? min-ghahr9 f. Gen. 4: 3. an offering unto the Lord. 4. respect unto Abel and to Ais offej-ing : 5. to his offering he had not respect. 32:13(14). a present for Esau his brother; 18(19). it (is) a present sent unto my lord 20( 21 ). I will appease him with the present 21 (22). So went (Ae present over 33: 10. then receive mypresejit at my hand: 43 : 1 1 . carry down the man a preseJit, 15. the men took that present, 25. they made ready (Ae presejit 26. they brought him the present Ex. 29:41. according to the meat offering ofthe 30: 9. nor meat offering ; neither shall ye 40:29. and (Ae meat offerhig ; Lev. 2 : 1 . when any will offer a meat offering 3. the remnant of (Ae meat offering 4. if thou bring an oblation of a jneat offering 5. And if thy oblation (be) a jneat offering 6. it (is) a meat offering. 7. if thy oblation (be) a meat offering 8. thou shalt bring (Ae jneat offering 9. the priest shall take from (Ae jnnat offering 10. that which is left of (Ae meat offering 11. No meat offering, which ye shall 13. every oblation of thy jneat offering — to be lacking from thy meat offer ing : 14. if thou offer a meat offering of ( 734 ) rttD Lev. 2: 14. thou shalt offer for (Ae meat offering of 15.it (is) a meat offering. 5:13. the priest's, as a meat offering. 6:14(7). this (is) the law of (Ae meat offering: 15(8). the flour ofthe meat offering, — (-). which (is) upon (Ae meat offering, 20(13). for a meat offering perpetual, 21(14). the baken pieces of (Ae meat offering 23(16). every meat offering for the priest 7: 9. all (Ae meat offering that is baken 10. every meat offering, mingled with oil, 37. the burnt offering, o/(Ae meat offering, 9: 4. and a meat offering mingled with oil: 17. he brought (Ae meat offering, 10:12. Take (Ae meat offering that remaineth 14:10. deals of fine flour (for) a meat offering, 20. (Ae meat offering upon the altar: 21. fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering, 31 . with (Ae meat offering: 23:13. And the meat offering thereof 16. ye shall offer a new meat offering 18. unto the Lord, w:i(A (Aeir meat offering, 31. a burnt offering, and a meat offering, Nu. 4: 16. and (Ae daily meat offering, 5: 15.it (is) an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, 18. put (Ae offering o/memorial in her hands, which (is) (Ae jealousy offering: 25. the priest shall take (Ae jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave (Ae offering before the Lord, 26. the priest shall take an handful of (Ae offering, 6:15. and their meat offering, and their 1 7. the priest shall offer also Ais meat offering, 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73, 79. mingled with oil/or a meat offering: 87. twelve, wi(A (Aeir meat offering: 8 : 8. a young bullock with his meat offering, 15: 4. bring a meat offering of 6. thou shalt prepare (for) a meat offering 9. a meat offering of three tenth deals of flour 24. with his meat offering, and his 16:15. E.espect not thou (Aeir offering: 18: 9. every meat offering of their's, 28: 5. of flour for a meat offering, 8. as the meat offering ofthe morning, 9, 12. two tenth deals of flour (for) a meat offering, 1 2. And three tenth deals of flour (for) a meat offering, 13. (for) a meat offering unto one lamb ; 20. their meat offering (shall be of) flour 26. when ye bring a new meat offering 28. (Aeir meat offering of flour mingled with 31 .burnt offering, and his meat offering, 29: 3, 9, 14. And their meat offering (shall be of) 6. and his meat offering, and the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, 11 . and the meat offering of it, and their 1 6, 25, 3 1 , 34. Ais meat offering, and his drink 18, 21 , 30, 33. And their meat offering and their 19. and the meat offering thereof, and their 22, 28, 38. and his meat offering, and his drink 24, 37. TAeir meat offering and their drink 27.^1nd (Aeir meat offering 39. and for your meat offerings, Jos. 22: 23. burnt offering or meat offering, 29. for burnt offerings, for meat offerings, Jud. 3:15. sent a present unto Eglon 17. he brought the present unto Eglon 18. to offer (Ae present, he sent away the people that bare (Ae present. 6: 18. and bring forth my present, (marg. or, meat offering) 13:19. Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, 23. a meat offering at our hands, ISa. 2: 17. men abhorred (Ae offering o/the Lord. 29. at my sacrifice and at mine offering, — the chiefest of all the offerings of 3:14. not be purged with sacrifice nor offering 10: 27. and brought him no presents. 26 : 1 9. let him accept an offering : 2Sa. 8: 2. the Moabites.. .brought gifts. 6. and the Syrians. ..brought p:/(s. IK. 4: 21 (5:1). they brought presents, tod nmO min- ghah', Ch. f. Ezr. 7: 17. lambs, ici(A (Aeir meat offerings Dan 2: 46. and commanded that they should offer an oblation IK. 8:64. offered burnt offerings, and meat offerings, — to receive the burnt offerings, and meu( offerings, 10: 25. they brought every man his present, 18:29, 36. the offering of (Ae (evening) sacrifice, 2K. 3 : 20. when (Ae meat offering was offered, 8: 8. Take a present in thine hand, 9. and took a present with him, 16:13, ld.and Ais meat offering, lb. the evening meatoffering, — and their meat offering, 17: 3. and gave him presents, (marg. or, tribute) 4. brought no present to the king of Assyria, 20: 12. sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah; ICh 16: 29. bring an offering, and come before him: 18: 2. David's servants, (and) brought pi/ts. 6. David's servants, (and) brought gifts. 21 :23. wheat for the meat offering; 23:29. fine flour for meat offering, 2Ch 7: 7. and (Ae meat offerings, and the fat. 9: 24. brought every man his present, 17: 5. brought to Jehoshaphat presents ; II . Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents, 26: 8. the Ammonites gave gifts 32:23. And many brought gifts Ezr. 9: 4. until (lit. until to) the evening sacrifice. 5. And at the evening sacrifice NehlO:33(34).(Ae continual meat offering, 13: 5. they laid (Ae meat offerings, 9. (Ae meat offering and the frankincense. Ps. 20: 3(4). Remember all thy offerings, 40: 6(7). Sacrifice and offering thou didst not 45:12(13). the daughter of Tyre (shall be there) with a gift ; 72:10. kings of Tarshish. ..shall bring presents : 96: 8. bring an offering, and come 141: 2. the lifting up of my hands (as) tin evening sacrifice. Isa. 1:13. Bring no more vain oblations ; 19: 21 . shall do sacrifice and oblation ; . 39: 1 . letters and a present to Hezekiah : 43:23. to serve with an offering, 57: 6. hast offered a meat offering. 66: 3. he that offereth an oblation, 20. an offering unto the Lord — bring a?i offering in a clean vessel Jer. 14:12. offer burnt offering and an oblation, 17:26. and meat offerings, and incense, 33: 18. to kindle meat offerings, 41:5. n>i(A offerings and incense in their hand, Eze.42:13.most holy things, and the meat offering, 44: 29. They shall eat (Ae meat offering, 45: 1 5. for a meat offering, and for 17. burnt offerings, and meat offerings, — (Ae meat offering, and the burnt offering, 24. And he shall prepare a meat offering 25. and according to the meat offering, 46: b.And the meat offering (shall be) — and the meat offering for the lambs 7. he shall prepare a meat offering, 11. (Ae meat offering shall be an ephah 14. And thou shalt prepare a meat offering — a meat offering continually by a perpetual 15. (Ae meat offering, and the oil, 20. they shall bake (Ae meat offering; Dan 9:21. the time of (Ae evening oblation. 27. the sacrifice and the oblation Hos 10: 6. a present to king Jareb : Joel I: 9, 13. TAe meat ojferinp and the drink offering 2: 14. a meat offering and a drink offering Am. 5:22. and your meat offerings, I will not 25. and offerings in the wilderness Zep. 3:10. shall bring mine offering. Mai. l;10.nei(Aer will I accept an offering 1 1 . and a pure offering : 13. thus ye brought an offering: 2: 12. him that offereth an offering 13. he regardeth not (Ae offering 3: 3. an offering in righteousness. 4.(Ae offering of Judah and Jerusalem ( 735 ) jno *J£? mnee', m. [Perhaps a proper name]. Isa. 65 : 1 1 . furnish the drink offering unto that number. Ps. 45: 150: W^12 min-neem', m. pi. 8(9). whereby they have made thee glad. 4. praise him n>i(A stringed instruments CJto moh-neem' , m. pi. Gen31 : 7. changed my wages ten times; 41 . thou hast changed my wages ten times. [J3& [min-yahr/], Ch. m. Ezr. 6:17. according to tke number ofthe tribes Hp^? \min-leh!\ m. Job 1 5 : 29. shall he prolong (Ae perfection thereof Jtfft mak-nag'. X KAL.— Preterite. * Gen30: 2. who hath withheld from thee the fruit of Nu. 24: 11. the Lord Aa(A Aep( (Aee back lSa.25:26.the Lord Aa(A withholden thee 34. Aa(A kept me back from hurting thee, IK. 20: 7. and Idenied him not. (marg. kept notback from him) Neh. 9: 20. and withheldest not thy manna Ps. 21: 2(3). Aas( not withholden the request Ecc. 2:10.7 withheld not my heart Jer. 5:25. your sins Aaue withholden good Am. 4: 7 . / have withholden the rain KAL. — Imperative. Pro. 1:15. refrain thy foot from their path : Jer. 2; 25. Withhold thy foot from being unshod, 31 : 16. Refrain thy voice from weeping, KAL.— Future. 2Sa.l3:13.Ae will not withhold me Job 20: 13. but keep it still within his mouth: 22 : 7 . thou Aas( withholden bread from the hungry. 31: 16. If I have withheld the poor Ps. 84: 1 1 (12). no good (thing) will he withhold Pro. 3 : 27 .Withhold not good from them 23:13. Withhold not correction from the child: 30: 7. deny me (them) not before 1 die: Jer. 42: 4rI will keep nothing AacA Eze.31 : 15. and I restrained the floods thereof, KAL. — Participle. Poel. Pro. 11:26. He that withholdeth corn, Jer. 48: 10. Ae that keepeth back his sword # NIPHAL— Preterite. * Joel 1 : 13. the drink offering is withholden NIPHAL. - Future. Nu. 22:16. Let nothing,... hinder thee (marg. Be not (Aon letted) Job 38: 15. ^wo1 from the wicked their light is with holden, Jer. 3 : 3. Therefore the showers have been withholden, ^39 man-gool' , m. Neh. 3: 3, 13, 14, 15. (Ae locks thereof, and the bars thereof. 6. and the locks thereof, and the bars thereof. Cant.5: 5. upon the handles of (Ae lock. ^ $2 [min-gahl'], m. Deu33:25. Thy shoes (shall be) iron and brass ; WD ( 736 ) TOD DV3j£lJ3 [man-gam-meem'], m. pi. Ps. 141 : 4. let me not eat of (Aeir dainties. Wy.'Wfe ninah-gan-geem, m. pi. 2Sa. 6: 5. on timbrels, and on cornets, Wjpi?? m'nak-keey-yohtti ' , f. pi. Ex. 25; 29. covers thereof, and bowls thereof, 37: 16. his spoons, and Ais bowls, Nu. 4: 7. the spoons, and (Ae bowls, Jer. 52: 19. (Ae bowls, and the caldrons, np30 see pJ1 fljp mnahth)f. 2Ch3I: 3. (He appointed) a?so the king's portion 4. to give (Ae portion o/the priests Neh 1 2 : 44. (Ae portiojis of the law for the priests 47. ga^ the portions o/the singers 13:10. (Ae portions ofthe Levites had not been given Ps. II: 6. (this shall be) the portion of their cup. 63:10(11). they shall be a portion for foxes. DD maths, adj . Job 6:14. To him that is afflicted (marg. melteth) DD mas, m. Gen49 Ex. 1 Deu20 Jos. 1617 Jud. 1 2 Sa.20 IK. 4 12 2Ch. 8 10 Est. 10 Pro.12; Isa. 31 Lam. 1 : : 15. became a servant unto tribute. : 11. they did set over them (asAmasters (lit. princes of tribute) 1 1 . shall be tributaries unto thee, 10. and serve under tribute. : 13. they put the Canaanites to tribute; : 28. they put the Canaanites to tribute, 30. and became tributaries. 33. Beth-anath became tributaries 35. so that they became tributaries. :24. Adoram (was) over (Ae tribute: 6.Adoniram...(was) over (Ae tribute, (marg. or, levy) : 13(27). king Solomon raised a levy (marg. tribute ( of men ) ) out of all Israel ; and (Ae levy was thirty thousand men. 14(23 ).Adoniram (was) over (Ae levy. : 15, (Ae levy which king Solomon raised ; 21. did Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice : 18. Adoram, who (was) over (Ae tribute; : 8. to pay tribute until this day. : 18. Hadoram that (was) over the tribute; : 1 . the king Ahasuerus laid a tj-ibute : 24. the slothful shall be under tribute. ; 8. his young men shall be discomfited, (marg. for melting, or, tribute, or, tributary) I. (how) is she become tributary I rnipfi mi$-gehf-reth, f. Ex. 25:25. make unto it a border of an hand breadth — a golden crown to the border thereof 27. Over against (Ae border shall the 37: 12. made thereunto a border — a crown of gold for the border thereof 14. Over against (Ae border 2Sa. 22: 46. afraid out of their close places, IK. 7:28. they had borders, ajid the borders (were) between the ledges: 29. on (Ae borders that (were) between the 31.gravings with their borders, 32. under the borders (were) four wheels ; 35. and the borders thereof (were) of the same. 36. (Ae borders thereof, he graved cherubims, 2K. 16:17. And king Ahaz cut off (Ae borders ofthe bases, Ps. 1 8 : 45(46 ) . and be afraid out of their close places. Mic. 7: 17. they shall move out of their holes HDft mas- sad! \ m. IK. 7: 9. even from the foundation unto the coping, jiTjpfi [mis-d'rohnf~\, m. Jud. 3:23. Then Ehud went forth through the porch, Hpti [mah-sahf~\. # HIPHIL.— Preterite. # Jos. 14: 8. made the heart ofthe people melt: HIPHIL.— Future. Ps. 6: 6(7). I water my couch with my tears. 39 : 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . thou makest his beauty to consume away 147: 18. sendeth out his word, and melteth tkem: PlBb \mis-sah!\ f. Deu 16: 10. with a tribute of a freewill offering iDO meh-sav\ m. IK. 6:29. the walls ofthe house round about 2K. 23 : 5. and in the places round about Jerusalem ; Job 37: 12. it is turned round about by his counsels: Ps.140: 9(10). the head of 'those that compass jne about, Cant.l : 12. While the king (sitteth) at his table, *UDft 7ihr', m. 2K. 24:14. and all the craftsmen andsmiths: 16. and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, Ps.142: 7(8). Bring my soul out of prison, Isa. 24:22. shall be shut up in (Ae prison, 42: 7. to bring out the prisoners from the prison, Jer. 24: l.with the carpenters and smiths, 29: 2. and the carpenters, and the smiths, !"!D£ mas-sah' , f. Ex. 17: he called the name of the place Massah, (marg. i.e. Tentation) Deu. 4:34. by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, 6:16. as ye tempted (him) in Massah. 7: 19. TAe great temptations which thine eyes 9:22. at Massah, and at Kibroth-hattaavah, 29: 3(2). The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, 33: 8. whom thou didst prove at Massah, Job 9:23. he will laugh at the trial o/the innocent. Ps. 95: 8. the day of temptation in the wilderness: HpD mas-veh', m. Ex. 34:33. he put a vail on his face. 34. he took (Ae vail off, 35. and Moses put (Ae waiZ upon his face again, rDffiip m'soo-'chah', f. Mic. 7: 4. the most upright (is sharper) (Aan a thorn hedge : MDfi mas-sah'ch! ', ra. 2K. 11: 6. the house, (Aai it be not broken down. (marg. from breaking up) *)n!?a [mis-ghahr'], m. K. 1 0:1 5. and ofthe traffick o/the spice merchants, 1DB ( 737 ) DDfc *?|D0 mah-sdch!. # KAL.— Preterite. # Ps. 1 02 : 9( 1 0) . and mingled my drink with weeping, Pro. 9: 2. sAe Aa(A mingled her wine ; 5. the wine (which) I have mingled. Isa. 19:14. The Lord Aa(A mingled KAL. — Infinitive. Isa. 5:22. men of strength to jningle strong drink: Ex 26:36 37 27:16 35:12 15 17. 36:37 38:18. 39:34 38. 40. 40: 5. 8. 21. 28. 33. Nu 3:25 26. 31 4: 5. 25. 26. 2Sa.l7:19. Ps.105: 39 Isa 22: 8. ^D23 mah-sah'ch', m. thou shalt make an hanging for the door thou shalt make for the hanging five pillars for the gate of the court (shall be) an hanging and the vail of (Ae covering, and (Ae hanging for the door at the entering (Ae hanging for the door ofthe court, he made an hanging for the tabernacle And the hanging for the gate of the court and the vail of (Ae covering. and (Ae hanging for the tabernacle door, (Ae hanging for the court gate, (Ae hanging o/the door to the tabernacle. hang up (Ae hanging at the court gate. set up the vail of (Ae covering, he set up (Ae hanging (at) the door of the tabernacle. and set up (Ae hanging of the court gate. and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle (Ae curtain for the door ofthe court, and the hanging, and all the service they shall take down the covering vail, and (Ae hanging for the door of the tabernacle and (Ae hanging for the door of the gate the woman took and spread a covering He spread a cloud for a covering ; he discovered (Ae covering of Judah, ¦5|tt3 meh'-se'ck, m. Ps. 75: 8(9). it is full of mixture; tlSOb [msook-kah'], f. Eze.28: 13. every precious stone (was) (Ap covering, !"DS& mas-seh-'chah' , f. Ex. 32: 4. he had made it a molten calf: 8. they have made them a molten calf, 17. Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. 4. nor make to yourselves molten gods: 52. destroy all (Aeir molten images, 12. they have made them a molten image. 16. had made you a molten calf: 15. that maketh (any) graven or molten image, 3,4&18:14. a graven image and a molten image : 17, 18. the teraphim, and the molten image : 9. made thee other gods, and molten images, 16. made them "molten images, 2. made also molten images 3, 4. the carved images, and the molten images. 18. made them a molten calf, 1 9. worshipped (Ae molten image. 1 . that cover with a covering, 22. the ornament of thy molten images of 17. that say to the molten images, Ye (are) our 2. have made them molten images 14. the graven image and the molten image : 18. (Ae molten image, and a teacher of lies, 34: Lev. 19 Nu. 33 Deu 9: 27: Jud.17 18; IK. 14: 2K. 17 2Ch28 34 Neh 9 Ps.106:Isa. 30:42 Hos. 13 Nah I Hab. 2 PODfi mas-seh-'chah', f. T '• - * Isa. 25: 7. (Ae vail that is spread over all nations. 28: 20. and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself ? mi$-kehnr , adj. Ecc. 4:13. Better (is) a poor and a wise child than 9: 15. there was found in it a poor wise man, — no man remembered that same poor man. 16. (Ae poor man's wisdom (is) despised, 1TD5PP mls-V nohth' , f. pi. Ex. 1:11. they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, IK. 9 : 1 9. all the cities of store that Solomon had, 2Ch 8: 4. all the s(ore cities, which he built in Hamath. 6. all the store cities that Solomon had, 16: 4. all the store cities of Naphtali. 17:12. he built in Judah castles, and cities of store. 32 : 28. Storehouses also for the increase of corn, rOSD^ mis-keh-nooth', f. Deu 8: 9. wherein thou shalt eat bread icitAout scarceness, ft3BO [mas-sek f-cheth~\9 f. Jud. 16:13. weavest the seven locks of my head with (Ae web. 14. with the pin of the beam, and with (Ae web. !"!pp£ msil-lah' , f. Nu. 20 Jud. 5 20 21 ISa. 6 2Sa. 20 2K. 18 ICh 26 2Ch 9 Ps. 84 Pro. 16 Isa. 7 II 19 333640 4959 62 Jer. 31 Joel 2 19. We will go by the high way : 20. the stars in their courses (marg. paths) 31 . kill, as at other times, in the highways, 32. draw them from the city unto (Ae highways. 45. they gleaned of them in the highways 19. on the east side of the highway 12. went along the highway, 12. in blood in the midst of (Ae highway. — he removed Amasa out ofthe highway 13. When he was removed out of (Ae highway, 17. in the highway ofthe fuller's field. IG.by the causeway of the going up, 1 8. four at the causeway, ( and ) two at Parbar. 11. the king made (of) the algum trees terraces (marg. highways, or, stairs) : 5(6). ill whose heart (are) (Ae ways (of them). 17. The highway ofthe upright (is) to depart from evil: : 3. in (Ae highway of the fuller's field ; : 16. there shall be an highway for the remnant :23. In that day shall there be a highway : 8. 7'Ae highways lie waste, 2. in (Ae highway ofthe fuller's field. 3. make straight in the desert a highway 1 .and my highways shall be exalted. : 7. wasting and destruction (are) in their paths. 10. cast up (Ae highway ; 21 . set thine heart toward the highway, : 8. they shall walk every one in his path : 7Y7DO mas-lool', m. Isa. 35: 8. an highway shall be there, *10D0 [mas-mehr1], m. ICh 22: 3. iron in abundance for the nails 2Ch 3: 9. the weight of the nails (was) fifty shekels of gold. Isa. 41 : 7. he fastened it with nails, Jer. 10: 4. they fasten it u-ithnails and with hammers, DDfi [mah-sas']. * KAL.— Infinitive. # Isa. 10: 18. as when a standardbearer/ain(e(A. 3b DDD * NIPHAL Preterite. * ( 738 ) 3DD Ex. 16:21 .and when the sun waxed hot, it. melted. 1 Sa. 1 5 : 9. every thing (that was) vile and refuse, Ps. 22: 14(1 5). it is melted in the midst 97: 5. The hills melted like wax 112: 10. he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away : Isa. 34: 3. and the mountains sAaiZ Ae melted Eze.21 : 7(12). and every heart shall melt, Mic. 1 : 4. And the mountains sAaii Ae molten Nah. 2: 10(11). and the heart melteth, NIPHAL. — Infinitive. 2Sa.l7:10. whose heart.. .shall utterly melt:(lit. melt ing shall melt) Ps. 68: 2(3). as wax melteth before the fire, NIPHAL.— Future. Deu20 : 8. lest his brethren's heart faint (marg. melt) Jos. 2 : 1 1 . our hearts did melt, 5 : 1 . (Aa( their heart melted, 1 : 5. wherefore the hearts of the people melted, Jud. 15: 14. and his bands loosed (marg. were melted) 2Sa. 17: 10. whose heart.. .sAaii utterly me(( : Isa. 13: 1. every man's heart shall melt : 19: 1 . the heart of Egypt shall melt # HIPHIL Preterite. # Deu 1 : 28. our brethren Aaue discouraged J?DJ? mas-sahg' , m. Job 41: 26(1 8). the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon. ypfi mas-sah'g' , m. IK. 6: 7. stone made ready before it was brought yabi m. Genl3: 3. he went on his journeys Ex. 17: 1. after their journeys, according 40:36. Israel went onward in all their journeys: 38. throughout all their journeys. Nu. 10: 2. and for the journeying ofthe camps. 6. blow an alarm for their journeys. 12. the children of Israel took their jouj-jieys 28. the journey ings ofthe children of Israel 33: l.the journeys ofthe children of Israel, 2. goings out according to their journeys — their jojirneys according to their goings Deu 10: 11. take (thy) journey (lit. go in journeying) *$£?£ mis-gahd', m. IK. 10:12. the king made of the almug trees pillars (marg. a prop, or, rails) Gen50 ; Est. 4 Ps. 30 Isa. 22 Jer. 6: 48' Eze.27:Joel 2 Am. 5: Mic. 1 Zee. 12 "J£?t?2? mis-pe/id', m. 10. a great and very sore lamentatioji : 3. fasting, and weeping, and wailing ; 11(12). turned for me my mourning into dancing: 12. call to weeping, and to mourjiing, 26. most bitter lamentatioji : 38. (There shall be) lamentation generally 31 . bitterness of heart (and) bitter ivailhig. 12. with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning : 16. Wailing (shall be) in all streets ; — ajid such as are skilful of lamentation to wailing. 17. in all vineyards (shall be) wailing: 8. wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls. I l.came not forth in (Ae mournhig of Beth- ezel ; 10. as one mourneth for (his) only (son), Zec.I2:l I. shall there be a great mourning in Jeru salem, as the mourjiing of Hadadrimmon &0BDD mis-poh' ', m. Gen24:25. We have both straw and provender enough, 32. and gave straw ajid provender for the camels, 42: 27. to give his ass provender 43: 24. he gave their asses provender. .Iud.19: 19. there is both straw and provender for our asses ; ninSDS? mis-pah-ghohth1 , f. pi. Eze.l3:18.make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature 21. Your kerchiefs also will I tear, JinBDJ? mis-pah'-ghath, f. Lev.13: 6. it (is but) a scab: ¦> 7. if the scab spread much abroad in the skin, 8. behold, (Ae scab spreadeth in the skin, Gen34:30, 41 49 Ex. 16 16. 23 26 Lev .25 15 16. 50 Nu 1 2. 18, 3 222840 43 9 20 14 :29 .34 15 12 23:10 26:53 29 18 31 36 Dei 4 27 25 2 32 8 33 6 Jus 4 5 8 Jud 6 5 7 6 12 15 21 23 ISa 6 4 18 27 7 2Sa 2 11 15 21 2(1 24 29 IK. 18 31 ICh . 7 2 ^SDD mis-pa hr'9 m. I (being) few in number, they shall gather themselves for (it was) without njimber. (according to ) (Ae number of your persons ; (Ae number ofthy days I will fulfil. According to the number of years according unto the number of years (according) to (Ae number (of the years) ofthe fruits according unto the number of years, with the nujnber of (their) names, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. according to the number of the names, 34. according to the number of all the males, In the number of all the males, take (Ae number of their names. by the number of names, when the cloud was a few days (lit. days of number) upon the tabernacle ; according to your whole Jiumber, After the number o/the days According to the number that ye shall pre pare, to every one according to their number. and the jmniber of the fourth (part) of Israel ? according to the jiumber of names. 21 , 24, 27 , 30, 33, 37. accordhig to their num ber, after the manner: was hi njimber three hundred thousand ye shall be left few in number to his fault, by a certain number. according to the number of the children of Israel. let (not) his men he few. (lit. let his men be a numbej-) according mito the number of the tribes of accoj-dhtg to the j/ujnber ofthe tribes of and their camels were without number ; the number of them that lapped, their camels (were) without jiumber, Gideon heard (Ae telling ofthe dream, wives, according to their nuniber, the number of the lords ofthe Philistines: (Ae number of all the cities ofthe Philistines And the time (marg. (Ae number of days) that David dwelt the time (marg. (Ae njimber of days) that David was king in Hebron there arose and went over by number four and twenty in number ; that I may know (Ae member ofthe people. the sum of the number ofthe people according to the number ofthe tribes whose munber (was) in the days of David 3DD ( 739 ) nyD ICh 7:40.(Ae number throughout the genealogy of them 9: 28. bring them in and out by tale. (marg. bring them in by tale, and carry them out by tale) 1 1 : 1 1 . (Ae number of the mighty men whom David had; 12:23.(Ae numbers o/the bands (that were) ready armed 16: 19. When ye were but few, (marg. men of number) 21 : 2. bring (Ae number of them to me, 5. And Joab gave the sum of (Ae number of the people 22: 4. cedar trees in abundance: (lit. without number) 16. the brass, andthe iron, (there is) no number. 23: 3. (Aeir number by their polls, 24. they were counted by number of names by their polls, 27. Levites (were) numbered (marg. number) from twenty years old 31. Ay number, according to the order 25: l.the (lit. (Aeir) number ofthe workmen 7.(Ae number of them, with their brethren 27: l.the children of Israel after their number, 23. David took not (Ae number of them 24. neither was (Ae number put in the account ofthe chronicles of king David. 2Chl2: 3. the people (were) without number 26:11- according to the number of their account 12. TAe whole number of the chief of the fathers 29:32. (Ae number ofthe burnt offerings, 35: 7.(o (Ae number of thirty thousand, Ezr. 1: 9. And this (is) the number of them : 2: 2. The number of the men of the people of Israel: 3: 4. the daily burnt offerings by number, 8:34. By number (and) by weight of every one: Neh 7: 7. TAe number, (I say), of the men of the people Est. 9:ll.(Ae number of those that were slain Job 1: 5. (according) to (Ae number of 'them all: 3: 6. not come into the number of the months. 5: 9. marvellous things without number : 9: 10. and wonders without number. 14: 5.(Ae number of his months (are) with thee, . 15:20.and (Ae number of years is hidden 16:22. When a few years (marg. years of number) are come, 21:21. when the number o/his months is cut off 33. as (there are) innumerable (lit. without number) 25: 3.1s there any number ofhis armies ? 31:37.1 would declare unto him (Ae number of my steps ; 36: 26. neither can (Ae number ofhis years 38:21. or (because) (Ae number of thy days (is) great? Ps. 40:12(13). For innumerable (lit. without number) evils have compassed me about: 104:25. wherein (are) things creeping innnmer- able, (lit. id.) 105 -.12. When there were (but) a few men in number ; 34. caterpillers, and that without number, 147: 4. He telleth (Ae number ofthe stars ; 5. his understanding (is) infinite, (marg.no number) Ecc. 2: 3.effthedays (marg. the number ofthe days) of their life. 5:18(17). all the days (marg.id.) ofhis life, 6: 12. all the days (marg.id. ) of his vain life Cant6: 8. and virgins without number. Isa. 10:19.the trees ofhis forest shall befew, (marg. number) 21: 17. the residue of (Ae number of archers, 40:26. that bringeth out their host by number: Jer. 2:28.(Ae number ofthy cities are thy gods, 32. forgotten me days without number. ll:13.(according to) (Ae number ofthy cities — and (according to) (Ae nnm&er o/the streets 44: 28. a small number that escape the sword 46: 23. more than the grasshoppers, and (are) innumerable, (lit. without number) &e. 4; 4, 9. (according) to the number ofthe days Eze. 4: 5. according to the number ofthe days, 5: 3. take thereof a few in number, 12:16.1 will leave a few men (marg. men of number) Dan 9: 2. 1 Daniel understood by books (Ae number ofthe years, Hos. l:10(2:l).(Ae number o/the children of Israel Joel 1 : 6. strong, and without number, 1DD [mah-sar'\ ¦3f KAL Infinitive. •Sf Nu. 31 : 16. lo commit trespass against the Lord * NIPHAL Future. * Nu. 31 : 5. So there were delivered out of the thousands 1D12 [fnoh-sahr'], m. Job 33:16. and sealeth (Aeir instruction, rnpft mah-soh'-reth, f. Eze.20: 31. into the bond ofthe covenant: "linpip mis-tohr', m. Isa. 4: 6. and for a covert from storm and from rain. *1FlDJ5 mis-tahr', m. Ps. 10: 8. in the secret places doth he murder 9. He lieth in wait secretly (marg.in (Ae secret places) 17:12. lurking in secret places. 64: 4(5). That they may shoot in secret at the perfect: Isa. 45 : 3. hidden riches of secret places, Jer. 13:17. my soul shall weep in secret places 23 : 24. Can any hide himself in secret places 49: 10. 1 have uncovered Ais secret places, Lam 3:10. (as) a lion in secret places. Hab. 3: 14. their rejoicing (was) as to devour the poor secretly. 13$? [mag-bahd'], m. Job.34:25. Therefore he knoweth (Aeir roorAs, *T3J?» [mag-bahd'], Ch. m., Dan 4:37(34). all mAose works (are) truth, [mah-gaveh'], m. IK. 7:46.the king cast them, in the clay ground (marg.in (Ae thickness ofthe ground) ¦ttSp [mah-gavahr'], m. Gen32: 22(23). passed over the ford Jabbok. 1 Sa. 13:23. of the Philistines went out to (Ae passage Isa. 30:32.ecerp place where the grounded staff shall pass, (marg. every passing of the rod founded) m35?£ mag-bah-rah1 ', f. Jos 2- 7. the way to Jordan unto (Ae/ords . r Jud' 3:28. took the fords of Jordan toward Moab, 12: 5. the Gileadites took (Ae passages of Jordan 6. slew him at (Ae passages of Jordan: ISa.14: 4- between the passages, Isa 10:29. They are gone over (Ae passage : 3e2 l^D Isa. 16: 2. Moab shall be at the fords 0/ Arnon. Jer. 51 : 32. And (Aa( (Ae passages are stopped, hxyb mag-gahl', m. lSa.26: 5. Saul lay in the trench, (marg. or, midst of his carriages) 7. Saul lay sleeping toiiAin (Ae trench, Vs. 23: 3. he leadeth me in thepathsof righteousness 65 : 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . and thy paths drop fatness. 140: 5(6) . they have spread a net by the wayside ; Pro. 2: 9. judgment, and equity; (yea), every good path. 4:11.1 have led thee in right paths. 26. Ponder (Ae path of thy feet, Isa. 26: 7. dost weigh the path o/the just. rbtyp mag-gah-lah' , f. ISa. 17:20. he came to the trench, (marg. or, place of the carriage) Ps. 17: 5. Hold up my goings in thy paths, Pro. 2:15. (they) froward in their paths : 18. and her patlis unto the dead. 5: 6. Aer ways are moveable, 2 1 . he pondereth all Ais goings. Isa. 59: 8. (there is) no judgment in their goings: 374352 60 108 Pro.lOIsa. 17 23 TJJD [mah-gad']. •3f KAL Preterite. * :37.my feet did not slip. :36(37 ).my feet did not sZip. KAL. — Future. : I. (therefore) I shall not slide. : 31. none ofhis steps shall slide. KM..— Participle. Poel. Job 12: 5. He that is ready to slip (lit. to those that slip) with (his) feet * HIPHIL.— Imperative. * Ps. 69: 23(24). maAe their loins continually to shake. 2Sa.22 Ps.18 Ps. 26 37 ( 740 ) TVO Ps. 31: 2 (3). be thou my strong rock, (lit. to me a rock of strength) 4(5). thou (art) my strength. 39. (he is) their strength in the time of trouble. • 2 thou (art) the God of my strength: ¦ 7(9) man (that) made not God Ais strength ; • 7(9). Ephraim also (is) (Ae strength of mine ¦ 8(9) Ephraim also (is) (Ae strength of mine ¦29 The way ofthe Lord (is) strength to the ': 9. In that day shall Ais strong cities (lit. the cities of Ais strength) 10. hast not been mindful of the rock of thy zfypnoth. : 4. (even) (Ae strength o/the sea, 11. to destroy (Ae strong holds (marg. strengths) thereof. Ii. your strength is laid waste. 25: 4. thou hast been a strength to the poor, u strength to the needy 27 : 5. let him take hold of my strength, 30: 2. to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, 3. Therefore shall (Ae strength 0/ Pharaoh Jer. 16:19. O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, Eze.24:25.when I take from them (Aeir strength, 30: 15. will pour my fury upon Sin, (Ae strength of Dan 11: 1 . to confirm and to strengthen him. 7. shall enter into the fortress ofthe king 10. and be stirred up, (even) to his fortress. 19. he shall turn his face toward the fort of 31 . they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, 38. shall he honour the God of forces : (marg. Mauzzim; or, munitions) 39. in the most strong holds (marg. fortresses of munitions) Joel 3 : 1 6 (4 : 1 6) . and the strength of the children of Nah. 1: 7. a sironp Aoid (marg. strength) in the day of trouble ; 3:11. thou also shalt seek strength n#P [mah-gddahn'], m. Gen49:20.he shall yield royal dainties. 1 Sa. 15: 32. And Agag came unto him delicately. Pro.29: 17. he shall give delight unto thy soul. Lam. 4: 5. They that did feed delicately are desolate jtyO mah-gohn', m. rflinyO mah-gadan-nohth' , f. pi. Job 38 : 31 . thou bind (Ae stoeei influences of Pleiades, ^typmag-dehr', m. Isa. 7: 25. shall be digged with the mattock, n}£> [mah-gah'], f. Isa. 48:19. the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; JiyO mah-gohg' , m. IK. 17: 12.1 have not a cake, but an handful of meal Ps. 35 : 16. With hypocritical mockers in feasts, TtyD mah-gohz', m. Jud. 6:26. build an altar.. .upon the top of this rock, 2Sa. 22:33. God (is) my strength (and) power: Neh. 8: 10. the joy ofthe Lord is your strength. Ps. 27 : 1 . the Lord (is) (Ae strength of my life ; 28: 8. and he (is) (Ae saving strength of his anointed. Deu 26: ISa. 2: ICh 4: 2Ch 30 36: Ps. 2668 71 9091 Jer. 9 102549 51 Nah. 2 Zep. 3 Zee. 2 15. Look down from thy holy habitation, 29.1 have commanded (in my) habitation; 32. shalt see an enemy (in my) habitation, 41 . (Ae habitations that were found there, : 27 . prayer came ( up ) to his holy dwelling place, (marg. (Ae habitation of his holiness) :15.his people, and 011 his dwelling place : : 8. 1 have loved (Ae habitation o/thy house, : 0(6). God in his holy habitation. : 3. Be thou my strong habitation, : 1 . Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place : 9. (even ) the most high, thy habitation; : 1 H 10). heaps, (and) a den of dragons; : 22. desolate, (and) a den of dragons. : 30. and utter his voice from his holy habitation ; -.33. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons, :37. heaps, a dwellingplace for dragons, :11( 1 2). Where (is) (Ae dwelling o/the lions, : 7. (Aeir dwelling should not be cut off, : 13( 1 7 ). is raised up on( of his holy habitation. (marg. (Ae habitation of his holiness) rnfy!? mgoh-nah', f. Deu 33:27. The eternal God (is thy) refuge, Job 37 : 8. into dens, and remain in Iheir places. 38:40. When they couch in (their) dens, Ps. 76: 2( 3). and his dwellingplace in Zion. 104: 22. and lay them down in (Aeir dens. Cant.4: 8. from the lions' dens, Jer. 21 :13.who shall enter into our habitations? Am. 3: 4. will a young lion cry out of his den, Nah. 2: 12(13). his holes with prey, and his dens with S]ty& [ma/i-gooph'], m. Isa. 8:22. darkness, dimness 0/ anguish ; 'ityfi [mah-gohr'\ m. Hab. 2: 15. that thou mayest look on (Aeir n Ps. EBH3 ( 741 ) &K& [mah -gat']. *KAL — Infinitive. -K Lev.25: 16. according to the fewness of years KAL. — Future. Ex. 12: 4. if the houshold Ae too little Neh 9:32. let not all the trouble seem little Ps.101 -.39. Again, they are minished and brought Pro. 13: 11. Wealth (gotten) by vanity shall be di minished : Isa. 21 : 1 7. of Kedar, shall be diminished : Jer. 29: 6. increased there, and not diminished. 30: 19. and (Aep shall not be few ; * PIEL — Preterite. * Ecc. 12: 3. the grinders cease because (Aep are few, * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * Lev.26:22. and make you few in number ; Eze.29:15./or I will diminish them, that they shall mPHIL.— Future. Ex. 30: 15. the poor shall not pice less (marg. diminish) than Lev.25:16.(Aon shalt diminish the price Nu. 26:54. to few (Aom shalt give the less (marg. di minish ) 33:54. to the fewer ye shall give the less (marg. id. ) 35: 8. from (them that have) few ye shall give few : 2K. 4: 3. borrow not a few. (marg. or, scant not) Ps. 107:38. suffereth not their cattle to decrease. Jer. 10:24. lest (Aon bring me to nothing, (marg, di minish me) HIPHIL Participle. Ex. 16: 17. and gathered, some more, some less. 18. and Ae (Aa( gathered tittle had no lack ; Nu. 11 :32. Ae (Aa( gathered least gathered ten homers oyo BJO mgat & tyfp mvgaht, m. Genl8: 4. Let a little water,. ..be fetched, 24: 17. Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water 43. Give me, I pray thee, a little water 26: 10. one of the people might lightly have lien 30 : 1 5 . ( Is it ) a small matter that thou hast taken 30. (it was) little which thou hadst 43: 2. Go again, buy us a little food. 11. carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, 44:25. Go again, (and) buy us a little food. 47: 9./eto and evil have the days.. .been, Ex. 17: 4. they be almost ready to stone me. (lit. yet a little and they will stone me) 23:30. By little and little I will drive them out Lev.25:52. if there remain but few years Nu. 13: 18. strong or weak, few or many ; 16: 9. ( Seemeth it but) a small thing unto you, 13. (Is it) a small thing that thou hast brought us up 26;54. and to few thou shalt give the less 56. between many and few. 33:54. and to the fewer ye shall give the less 35: 8. but from (them that have) few Deu 7: 7. ye (were) the fewest of all people: 22. put out those nations before thee by little and little : 26: 5. and sojourned there with a few, 2S-.S8.and shalt gather (but) little 62. ye shall be left few in number, Jos. 7: 3. for they (are but) few. 22:17. (Is) the iniquity of Peor too little for us, Jud. 4:19. Give me, I pray thee, a little water Ru. 2: 7. she tarried a little in the house. ISa. 14: 6. to save by many or by few. 29. because I tasted a tittle of this honey. 43. 1 did but taste a little honey 17:28. with whom hast thou left those few sheep 2Sa.l2: 8. if (that had been) too little, 16: l.when David was a little past the top 19:36(37). Thy servant will go a tittle way over Jordan IK. 17: 10. Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water 1 2. and a little oil in a cruse : 2K. 10: 18. Ahab served Baal a little ; ICh 16: 19. even a fetv, and strangers in it. 2Chl2: 7. 1 will grant them some (marg.or, a little while) deliverance ; 29: 34. But the priests were too few, Ezr. 9: 8. And now for a little space — give us a little reviving in our bondage, Neh 2:12.1 and some few men with me ; 7: 4. the people (were) few therein, Job 10:20. (Are) not my days few ? — that I may take comfort a little, 15:11. (Are) the consolations of God small with thee? 24:24. They are exalted for a little while, 32:22. my maker would soon take me away. 2:12. his wrath is kindled but a little. 8: 5(6). thou hast made him a little lower 37 : 1 0. For yet a little while, 16. A little that a righteous man hath 73: 2. my feet were almost gone ; 81: 14(15). I should soon have subdued their enemies, 94:17. my soul had almost (marg. or, quickly) dwelt in silence. 105:1 2. yea, very few, and strangers in it. 109: 8. Let his days hefew; 1 1 9 : 87 . They had utmost consumed me upon earth ; Pro. 5: 14. 1 was almost in all evil 6:10. (Yet) a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding ofthe hands to sleep: 10:20. the heart ofthe wicked (is) little worth. 15: 16. Better (is) little with the fear of the Lord 16: 8. Better (is) a little with righteousness 24:33. (Yet) a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding ofthe hands to sleep: Ecc. 5: 2( 1). therefore let thy words be few. 12(ll). whether he eat little or much: 9: 14. a little city, and few men within it ; 10: 1. (so doth) a little folly Cant.3: 4. but a little that I passed from them, Isa. 1 : 9. a very small remnant, 7 : 13. ( Is it) a small thing for you to weary men, 10: 7 . cut off nations not a few. 25. For yet a very little while, 16: 14. the remnant (shall be) very small (lit. little small) 26:20. hide thyself as it were for a little moment, 29: 1 7. (Is) it not yet a very little while, Jer. 42: 2. we are left (but) a few of many, 51 :33. yet a little while, Eze. 5: 3. take thereof a few in number, 11:16. yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary 16 : 20. ( Is this) of thy whoredoms a small matter, 47 .as (if that were) a very little (thing), 34 : 1 8. ( Seemeth it) a small thing unto you Dan 11:23. shall become strong with a small people. 34. they shall be holpen with a little help: Hos. 1 : 4. for yet a little (while), 8: 10. they shall sorrow a little Hag. 1 : 6. Ye have sown much, and bring in little ; 9. Ye looked for much, and, lo, (it came) to little ; 2: 6. Yet once, it (is) a little while, Zee. 1:15.1 was but a little displeased, toytt [7?iah-goktf], adj. Eze.21 : 15(20). (it is) wrapped up (marg. or, sharpen ed) for the slaughter. Isa. 61 i"ltpj#? \inah-gatth'\ m. 3.(Ae garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness ; ni5£0J#? inah-gatah-phohth' \ f. pi. Isa. 3:22. and tke mantles, and the wimples, Tjflp mgee, m. Isa. 17: 1 . it shall be a ruinous heap. T$? m'geel, m. Ex. 28: Lev. 8: ISa. 2: 15:18: 24: 28: 2Sa.l3 ICh 15: Ezr. 9: Job 1: 2: 29 Ps.109Isa. 59 61 Eze.26: 16 and a robe, and a broidered coat, thou shalt make (Ae robe o/the ephod the hem of (Ae robe round about. and (Ae robe ofthe ephod, he made (Ae ro6e o/the ephod (there was) an hole in the midst of (Ae ro6e, they made upon the hems of (Ae robe upon the hem of (Ae j-obe, round about the hem of (Ae ro6e . clothed him with (Ae robe, Moreover his mother made him a little coat, he laid hold upon the skirt of Ais mantle, Jonathan stripped himself of (Ae robe 5). cut offthe skirt of Saul's robe privily. '12). see the skirt of thy robe in my hand: for in that I cut offthe skirt of thy robe, he (is) covered with a mantle. with such j-obes were the king's daughters David (was) clothed with a robe of fine linen, I rent my garment and my mantle, having rent my garment and my mantle, Then Job arose, and rent Ais mantle, (marg. or, robe) they rent every one Ais mantle, my judgment (was) as a robe their own confusion, as with a jnantle. was clad with zeal as a cloke. he hath covered me with (Ae robe of right eousness, . and lay away (Aeir robes, ( 742 ) bya Job 30:27. My bowels boiled, Ps. 22: 14( 15). in the midst of my bowels. 40: 8(9). thy law (is) within my heart, (marg. in the midst of my bowels) 71 : 6. out of my mother's Aoioeis .• Cant.5: 4. and my bowels were moved 14. Ais Ae% (is as) bright ivory Isa. I6:ll.mp bowels shall sound 48: 19. the offspring of thy bowels 49: 1. from the bowels ofmy mother 63: 15. the sounding of thy bowels Jer. 4:19. My bowels, my bowels! I am pained 31 :20. my bowels are troubled Lam. 1 :20. my bowels are troubled ; mine heart 2:11.7np bowels are troubled, my liver Eze. 3: 3. and fill thy bowels with this roll 7:19. neither fill (Aeir bowels : Jon. 1:11(2:1). in the belly (marg. bowels) ofthe fish 2: 1(2). Jonah prayed unto the Lord...on( of the fish's belly, \yp mag-yahn', m. Gen 7:ll.all(Ae/onn(ains o/the great deep 8: 2. The fountains also ofthe deep Lev.ll : 36. Nevertheless a fountain or pit, Jos. 15: 9. the fountain o/the water of Nephtoah, 18:15. (Ae well of waters of Nephtoah: IK. 18: 5. unto all fountains of 'water, 2K. 3: 19. arid stop all wells of water, 25. they stopped all (Ae wells of water, 2Ch32: 4. stopped all the fountains, Ps. 74: 15. Thou didst cleave the fountain 84: 6(7 ).the valley of Baca make it a well; 87: 7. all my springs (are) in thee. 104:10. He sendeth (Ae springs into the valleys, 114: 8. the flint into a fountain of waters. Pro. 5 : 16. Let thy fountains he dispersed abroad, 8:24. when (there were) no fountains 25: 26. a troubled fountain, Cant.4: 12. a fountain sealed. 15. A fountain of gardens, Isa. 1 2 : 3. draw water out of the wells of salvation. 41 : 18. and fountains in the midst ofthe valleys; Hos.13: 15. his fountain shall be dried up: Joel 3: 18(4:18). and a fountain shall come forth D'VO [meli-geem'], m. pi. Genl5: 4. 25 23 Nu. 5 22 m,. 1 11 2Sa 7 16 1211 20 10 2Ch 2 1 15 18 19 32 21 Job 20 14 come forth ow( of thine own bowels shall be separated from thy bowels; this water.. .shall go into thy bowels, (are) there yet (any more) sons in my womb, which shall proceed ow( of thy bowels, which came forth of my bowels, and shed out Ais bowels to the ground, of (At/ bowels, until thy bowels fall out the Lord smote him in his bowels his bowels fell out they that came forth of Ais own bowels his meat in his bowels is turned, }*$#? [ntgeen], Ch. m. pi. Dan. 2:32. Ais belly and his thighs of brass, *=jj#? [mak'gack']. * KAL.— Participle. Paiil. * Lev.22 : 24. Ye shall not offer unto the Lord (Aa( which is bruised, lSa.26: 7. his spear s(neA in the ground * PUAL.— Preterite. ¦# Eze.23: 3, there were their breasts pressed, 7$$ mah- gal'. Lev. 6 26 Nu. 5 Deu 32 Jos. 22 ICh 2 10 2Chl2 26 29 30 Ezr. 10 Eze. 1 5 1718 39 Dan. 9 Nu. 5 2Ch28 36 Neh 13 Eze. 1 4 20 Lev. 5 Nu. 5: # KAL Preterite. # 2(5:21). If a soul sin, and commit a trespass : 40. which they trespassed against me, : 12. and commit a trespass against him, 51 . Because ye trespassed against me : 16. trespass (is) this that ye have committed 20. Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass 31. ye have not committed this trespass 7. who transgressed in the thing accursed. : 13. So Saul died for his transgression which Ae comjnitted (marg. trajisgressed) : 2. they had transgressed against the Lord, ; 18. for (Aon Aas( trespassed ; 6. For our fathers have trespassed, ; 7. which trespassed against the Lord : 2. We have trespassed against our God, 10. Ye have transgj-essed, and have taken strange wives, 8. they have committed (marg. trespassed) a trespass, 20. Ae hath trespassed against me. 24. in his trespass that Ae hath trespassed, 23. because tkey trespassed against me, 26. they have trespassed against me, 7. they have trespassed against thee. KAL. — Infinitive. 6. to do a trespass against the Lord, (lit. to trespass a trespass) 19. transgressed sore against the Lord. 22. did he trespass yet more (lit. did he add to trespass) 14. transgressed very much (lit. multiplied to trajisgress transgression) 27. to trajisgress against our God 13. the land sinneth against me by trespassing 27. in that they have comjnitted (marg. tres passed) a trespass KAL Future. 15. If a soul commit a trespass, 27. and have done trespass against her husband, ( lit. and have fj-«iw/«»/i t™**r.—\ byo ( 743 ) bya Jos. 7 : 1 . But the children of Israel committed a ICh 5:25. And they transgressed against the God of 2Ch26: 16. for he trajisgressed against the Lord Neh. 1 : 8. (If) ye trajisgress, I will scatter you Pro.l6:10.his mouth transgresseth not in judgment. ^VP mah' -gal, m. Lev. 5: 6 26 Nu. 5: 31 Jos. 7 ICh 9: 10: 2Ch28: 29. 33:36: Ezr. 9: 10: Job 21 Eze.14 15: 1718 2039 Dan. 9 1 5. If a soul commit a trespass, 2(5 : 21 ). commit a trespass against the Lord, 40. tcitA (Aeir trespass which they 6. to do a trespass against the Lord, 12. commit a frespass against him, 27. have done trespass against her husband, 1 6. to commit trespass against the Lord 1 . children of Israel committed a trespass 16. trespass (is) this that ye have committed 20. Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass 22. if in transgression against the Lord, 31 .ye have not committed this trespass l.away to Babylon for their transgression. 13. So Saul died for his transgression 19. transgressed sore (lit. transgressed a transgression ) 19. did cast away in his transgression, 19. all his sins, and Ais trespass, 14. the people, transgressed vei-y much (lit. multiplied to transgress transgression) 2. and rulers hath been chief in this trespass. 4. the transgression of those that had been 6. he mourned because of (Ae transgression of 34. in your answers there remaineth false hood? (marg. transgression) : 13. the land sinneth... by trespassing griev ously, (lit. a trespass) 8. they have committed a trespass, 20. will plead with him there for Ais trespass 24. in Ais trespass tliat he hath trespassed, 27. in that they have committed a trespass against me. 26. and all (Aeir trespasses 7. because of their trespass that they Gen 6: 7: 22: Ex. 20:25:26:28:303637: 38 39 40 Lev.ll 27 Nu. 1 14 2632 Deu. 4 28: Jos. 7$?0 mah' -gal. ribvnV, rhytf?n2, bran' 16. in a cubit shalt thou finish it above2, • 20. Fifteen cubits upward2 did the waters 9. on the altar upon3 the wood. 4. (of any thing) that (is) in heaven above5, 20. stretch forth (their) wings on high1, 21 . mercy seat above2 upon the ark ; 14. a covering above2 (of) badgers' skins. 27.aAoue3 the curious girdle ofthe ephod. 14. from twenty years old and above, 19. covering (of) badgers' skins above2 9. spread out (their) wings on high 1, 26. from twenty years old and upward, .20. above3 the curious girdle ofthe 31. fasten (it) on high2 upon the mitre ; 19. covering of the tent aooae2 upon it ; 20. the mercy seat above2 upon the ark: 21. which havelegs above3 their feet, 7. from sixty years old and above; 3, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45. From twenty years old and up ward, : 15, 22, 28, 34, 39, 40, 43. from a month old and upward 3, 23, 30, 35, 39, 43, 47. From thirty years old and upward 6. shall spread over2 (it) a cloth 25. that (is) above2 upon it, : 24. from twenty and five years old and upward : 29 & 26 : 2, 4. twenty years old and upward, : 62. from a month old and upward: : 1 1 . from twenty years old and upward, ;39.he (is) God in heaven above3, 8. that (is) in heaven above3, 1 3. thou shalt be above1 only, 43. up above thee very high; (lit. a6o»e above) II. he (is) God in heaven above3, 13. waters that come down from above2; Jos. 3: Jud. 1: 7: ISa. 9 10: 16 30: IK. 7 2K. 3: 19 ICh 14: 22:23: 29 2Ch 1: 4: 5: 16: 17:20: 25: 26:31;34: Ezr. 3:9: Job 3: 18: 31: Ps. 74: 78: Pro. 8: 15; Ecc. 3: Isa. 6: 1:8: 14: 37 45: Jer. 4: 31; 3543 52 Eze. 1: 10 37:41: 23. If 25. 3. 11. 20. 25.29 31 : 7 232130 2 53 17. 2427 3 25. 1. 4.8. 12.12. 19. 5 8. 16.17. 4 8.6.4. 16. 2. 28. 5. 23.28.24. 21. 2. 11. 21. 13. ,31. 8. :28, 37. ; 4, :10:32. 11,22.26.27 : 2 ;19 87 43: Dan 12 Am. 2 Hag. 2 waters which came down from above2 from the rock, and upward. and overturned it, (lit. overturned it upward 1 ) from his shoulders and upward from his shoulders and upward. upon David from that day forward. fromthatdayp'britiard, (marg. andforward) covered with cedar aooue 3 And above2 (were) costly stones, (had pomegranates) also above3, the sea (was set) above2 upon them, (there was) a base aAoue3; within the chapiter and above and the staves thereof above 2. no God like thee, in heaven above3, able to put on armour, and upward, and bear fruit upward ' . his kingdom was lifted up on high 1 , (must be) exceeding1 magnificat, from the age of thirty years and upward : the sons of Rehabiah were very1 many. (marg. highly multiplied) from the age of twenty years and upward. from twenty years old and above: over l and above all tliat I have magnified Solomon exceedingly ' and magnified him exceedingly1. the sea (was set) above2 upon them, the staves thereof above2. until his disease (was) exceeding 1 (great) : waxed great exceedingly 1 ; with a loud voice on high1. from twenty years old and above, he strengthened (himself) exceedingly'. from three years old and upward1, from twenty years old and upward l, the images, that (were) on high l from twenty years old and upward, iniquities are increased over1 (our) head, let not God regard it from above3, and above 3 shall his branch be cut off. what portion of God (is there)/rom above 3 ? denied the God (that is) above3. according as he had lifted up 1 (lit. bring ing on high) commanded the clouds from above 3, established the clouds above3 : The way of life (is) above1 the spirit of man that goeth upward1, Above3 it stood the seraphims: or in the height above ' . and look upward1. above 3 the stars of God : and bear fruit upward1 : Drop down, ye heavens, from above3, the heavens aooue3 be black: If heaven aAoue2 can be measured, which (was) above3 the chamber will set his throne upon3 these stones set his throne above3 the throne their wings (were) stretched upward2; stretched forth over their heads above. And above 3 the firmament appearance of a man above2 upon it. appearance ofhis loins even upward1, . from his loins even upward ' , & 11:22. God of Israel (was) over them above2. .the skin covered them above2: .winding about still upward1 (lit. upward upward) went still upward1 (lit. id. ) round about the house: therefore the breadth of the house (was still) upward', . and from the altar and upward1 (was) upon3 (marg. from above) the waters . which (was) upon 3 the waters of the river, . I destroyed his fruit from above3, . consider from this day and upward, . Consider now from this day and upward, ^% )fi [iiich-gahl'l, Ch. m. Dan. 6:14( 15). laboured till (Ae going down ofthe sun i ^yhmdh'-gal, ra. Neh. 8: 6. witA lifting up their hands : Ex. 20: IK. 10: 2K. 9 20: ICh 17 2Ch 9 Ezr. 7 Neh. 3 12 Ps.120 121 122 123 124 125127128131 132 1.3.3 134 Isa. 38 n?J?.0 mah-galah' , f. 26. Neither shalt thou go up by steps 19. The throne had six steps, 20. on the other upon (Ae six steps : 13. on the top ofthe stairs, 9. shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees 9 1 0. a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. 1 1 . he brought the shadow ten degrees back ward, by which (lit. by the degrees which) it had gone down in the dial (marg. degrees) of Ahaz. 17. to the estate of a man of AipA degree, 1 8. ( there were) six steps to the throne, 19. and on the other upon (Ae six steps. 9. the first month began Ae to go up (marg. (Ae going up ) ]5.the stairs that go down from the city 37. (Ae stairs o/the city of David, title title' title'title' 'title' ( 1 ) . A Song of degrees of David. 'title " titletitle' ( 1 ). A Song of degrees. ( 1 ). A Song of degrees. ( 1 ) . A Song of degrees of David. (1 ) . A Song of degrees. / I '. A ftnnn- nf donrvoe r Eze.ll 40 43 Am. 9 ( 1 ) & 1 26 [title] ( 1 ) . A Song of degrees. (1).A Song of degrees for Solomon. (1) & I29[title(l) & 1 30 [title] (1). A Song of degrees. title] ( 1 ) . A Song of degrees of David. 'title' (1)-A Song of degrees. title' ( 1 ). A Song of degrees of David. 'title" ( 1 ). A Song of degrees. ' 8. 1 will bring again the shadow of the degj-ees, which is gone down in the sun dial (marg. degrees) of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone 5. for 1 know (Ae things that cojne into your 6. and went up (Ae stairs thereof, 22. and they went up unto it by seven steps,- 26. And ( there were ) seven steps to go up to it, 31 . and the going up to it (had) eight steps. 34, 37. the going up to it (had) eight steps. 49. and (he brought me) by the steps whereby 17. and his stairs shall look toward the east. 6. he that buildeth Ais stories in the heaven, (marg. ascensions, or, spkej-es) "73$ mah-galeh! ' , m. Nu. 34: 4.(o (Ae ascent o/Akrabbim, Jos. 10: 10. the way that goeth up to Beth-horon, 15: 3. the south side to .Maa/eA-acrabbim, (marg. or, (Ae going up to Acrabbim) 7. befoj-e the going up to Adummim, 18:17. over against (Ae going up of Adummim, Jud. 1 : 36. from the going up to Akrabbim, (marg.or, Maale- Akrabbim ) 8:13. from battle before the sun (was up), ISa. 9: 11. they went up (Ae Ai/((o(lit. in (Ae ascent of) the city, 2Sa,15:30. went up by the ascent of (mount) Olivet, 2K. 9:27. at the going up to Gur, which (is) by 2Ch20: 16. come up by the cliff {marg. ascent) of Ziz ; 32: 33. they buried him hi the chiefest (marg. or, highest) ofthe sepulchres Neh. 9: 4.(Ae stairs, (marg. or, scaffold) o/the I2:37.a( the going up o/the wall, Isa. 15: 5.(Ae mounting vp of Luhith .ler. 48: 5. in (Ae going up of Luhith Eze. 40 : 3 1 . the going up to it ( had ) eight steps. 34, 37. and (Ae going up to it (had) eight steps. hhy_£ [mah-glileel'l m. Zee. I: 4. (3TO) from your evil ways, and (from) your evil doings: Deu 28 Jud 2 ISa. 25 Neh 9 Ps. 28 77: 78: 106: Pro.20 Isa. 1 : Jer. 4: ( 744 ) ]$D 7J533 [mah-galahlf\ m. 20. because ofthe wickedness ofthy doings, 19. they ceased not from their own doings, 3. (was) churlish and evil in his doings; 35. turned they from their wicked works. 4. to the wickedness of their endeavours: 11 (12). I will remember (Ae works o/the 7. and not forget (Ae works of God, 29. they provoked (him) to anger with their inventions: 39. went a whoring with their own inventions. 1 1 . a child is known by his doings, 1 6. put away the evil of your doings Q.and their doings (are) against the Lord, 10. they shall eat the fruit of (Aeir doings. 4. because ofthe evil of your doings. 18. Thy way and thy doings have procured 7: 3. Amend your ways ajid your doings, 5. amend your ways and your doings ; 11 :18.then thou shewedst me their doings. 17: 10. according to the fruit of Ais doing ... 18:11. make your ways and your dohigs good. 21 :12. because ofthe evil of your doings. 14. according to the fruit of your doings, 23: 2. visit upon you the evil of your doings, 22. and from the evil of (Aeir doings. 25: 5. and from the evil of your doijigs, 26: 3. because of the evil of their doings. 13. amend your ways and your doings, 32: 1 9. according to the fruit of Ais doings: 35: 15. amend z/our doings, and go not after 44:22. because of the evil of your doings, Eze.36: 3 Land your doings that (were) not good, Hos. 4: 9. and reward them their doings. 5: 4. They will not frame their doings to turn 7 : 2. their own doings have beset them about ; 9: 15. for the wickedness of their doings I will 12: 2(3). accoj'ding to his doings will he Mic. 2: 7. straitened ? (are) these Ais doings ? 3: 4. behaved themselves ill in (Aeir doings. 7:13. for the fruit of (Aeir doings. Zee. 1: 4. ways, and (from) your evil doings: 6. and accoj'ding to our doings, so hath he *1Q$J$ \inah-ngamahd'\ m. IK. 10: 5. and the attendance (marg. standing) ofhis 1 Ch 23 : 28 . (Aeir office {marg. station) (was) to wait 2Ch 9: 4. and the attendance of his ministers, 35:15. the sons of Asaph (were) in (Aeir place, (marg. station) Isa. 22:19. and from thy state shall he pull thee *T£$3 moh-gomdhdf, m. Ps, 69: 2(3). where (there is) no standing : HD&JS? mali-gamTih-sah! , f. Zec.12: 3. in that day will I make Jerusalem a bur densome stone {lit. of burden) E^^P mah-gdmak-keem' ', m. pi. Ps. 69: 2(3). into deep (marg. depth of) waters, 14(15). and out of the deep waters. 130: 1. Out ofthe depths have I cried Isa. 51; 10. that hath made (Ae depths ofthe sea Eze.27: 34. by the seas hi the depths o/the waters P$? mahf-gan, part. [Always occurring with 7 prefixed! Gen 12: 13. that it may be well with me for thy sake; 18:24. spare the place for the fifty righteous 50:20.(o bring to pass, as (it is) this day, to Ex. 8:22(18). (0 the end thou mayest know that I IK. 8: 41. but cometh.. .for thy name's sake ; 2K.. 13:23. the Lord was gracious... because nfh\$ Jer. 43: E2e.40: 1VD ( 745 ) 3. against us, for to deliver us Eze.27 4. for to the intent that I might shew &c. &c. is sometimes combined in translation with another word, as with "ltt/S Nu. 16:40(17:5). a memorial.. .(Aa( no stranger, With eft Ps. 125 : 3. lest the righteous put forth their hands With pronominal sufiBxes the signification of ^3?y? remains unchanged. HJyfi mah-ganahl ', f. lSa.l4:14.as it were an half )( acre (marg. or, half a furrow of an acre) of land, Ps.129: 3. (iTDJthey made long their furrows. ^r$Q mah-ganeh' , m. Job 32: 3. they had found no answer, 5. saw that (there was) no answer Pro. 15: I. A soft answer turneth away wrath: 23. A man hath joy by the answer of his 16: 1 . (Ae answer of the tongue, 4. hath made all (things)/or himself: 29:19. though he understand he will not answer. Mic. 3: 7. (there is) no answer of God. ij?d 19. and calamus, were in thy market, 25. sing of thee in thy market : 27. Thy riches, and thy fairs, (Ap merchandise, — the occupiers of (Ap merchandise, 33. thy riches and of (Ap merchandise. 34. (Ap merchandise and all thy company JVJJJp [mah-grineeth'], f. Ps.129: 3. they made long their furrows. T\y$$£ mah-gatzeh-vah', f. Isa. 50: 11. ye shall lie down in sorrow. T^Hp mah-gatzahd' , m. Isa. 44: 1 2. The smith wi(A (Ae tongs (marg. or, an ax) Jer. 10: 3. hands ofthe workman, with the ax. litfyip mag-tzohr', m. lSa.14: 6. (there is) no restraint to the Lord Pro.25 *)XJ#? mag-tzahr' , m. 28. He that (hath) no rule over his own !">|*>y£ mah-gakeh' , m. Deu22: 8. thou shalt make a battlement a. 42 mah-gakash-sheem' , m. pi, 16. before them, and crooked things straight. IK. 7: Nah 3: 1JM3 mah' -gar, ni. 16. according to the proportion (marg. naked ness) of every one, 5.1 will shew the nations (Ap nakedness, yi$b [mah-garahv'], m. Eze.27: 9. to occupy (Ap merchandise. 13. vessels of brass in thy market, (marg. or, merchandise) 17. they traded in thy market ViVP mah-garahv' , m. 1 Ch 7 : 28. and westward Gezer, 12: 15. toward the east, and toward the west. 26: 16. (the lot came forth) westward, 1 8. At Parbar westward, 30. on this side Jordan westward 2Ch 32: 30.(0 (Ae west side ofthe city 33: 14. on the west side of Gihon, Ps. 75: 6( 7). from the east, nor from the west, 103:12. As far as the east is from the west, 107: 3. from the east, and from the west, Isa. 43: 5. and gather thee from the west; 59: 19. fear the name of the Lord from the west, Dan 8 : 5 . an he goat came from (Ae west T\yyHp mah-garah-vah' , f. Isa. 45: 6. of the sun, and from the west, ^IS-P [mah-gdreh'], m. Jud. 20: 33. out ofthe meadows of Gibeah. ITnyO mah-garohth' , f. pi. ISa. 17:23. (3TD) ow( o/(Ae armies o/the PTTJJO m'gah-rah' , f. Gen 19: 30. and he dwelt in a cave, 23 : 9. That he may give me (Ae cave of 1 1 . the field give I thee, and the cave 11 .and the cave which (was) therein, 19. in (Ae cave o/the field 20. the field, and the cave 25: 9. in (Ae caue of Machpelah, in the field 49:29. in (Ae cave that (is) in the field 30. In the cave that (is) in the field 32. The purchase ofthe field and of the cave 50:13. buried him in the cave ofthe field Jos. 10: 16. hid themselves in a cawe 17. The five kings are found hid in a cave 18. stones upon the mouth of (Ae cane, 22. Open the mouth of (Ae cave, — five kings unto me out of (Ae cave. 23. five kings unto him out of (Ae caye, 27. cast them into (Ae cave ¦ — laid great stones in (Ae care's mouth, 13: 4. and Mearah (marg.or, (Ae caj>e) that (is) Jud. 6: 2. in the mountains, and caves, lSa.13: 6. the people did hide themselves in caves, 22: 1 . escaped to (Ae cave Adullam ; 24: 3 (4). where (was) a cave; and Saul — (-).in the sides of (Ae cafe. 7(8). Saul rose up out ofthe cave, 8(9). went out ofthe cave, 10(1 1). to day into mine hand in the cave : 2Sa.23:13.unto (Ae cave of Adullam: IK. 18: 4. hid them by fifty in a cave, 13. 1 hid an hundred men. ..in a cave, 19: 9. he came thither unto a cave, 13. in the entering in of (Ae cane. 1 Ch 1 1 : 15. into (Ae cave of Adullam ; Ps. 57 [title] (1). when he fled from Saul in the cave. 142[title] ( 1 ). when he was in the cave. Isa. 2: 19. into the holes ofthe rocks, 32:14. the forts and towers shall be for dens Jer. 7 : 1 1 . a den of robbers in your eyes ? Eze.33: 27. in the forts and in the caves T}$? [mah-garali'ch'], m. Pro. 16 : 1 . The preparations (marg. disposings) of the -lyD Hi^JJlO mah-gdrah-chdh' , f. ( 746 ) Ex. 39:37. (with) the lamps to be srf in order, Lev.24: 6. thou shalt set them in two rows, Jud. 6:26. in the ordered place, and take ISa. 4: 2. they slew o/t/ie armp (marg. (Ae array) 12. a man of Benjamin out of tlie army, 16. 1 (am) he that came out of (Ae army, and I fled to day out of (Ae army. 17: 8. and cried unto (Ae armies of Israel, 1 0. 1 defy (Ae armies of Israel this day ; 20. host was going forth to (Ae fight, (marg. or, battle array, or, place of fight) 21 .battle in array, army against army. 22. and ran into the army, 23. out ofthe armies o/the Philistines, 26. that he should defy (Ae armies ofthe 36. seeing he hath defied (Ae armies of 45. the God of (Ae armies o/Israel, 48. David hasted, and ran toward the army 23: 3.(Ae armies ofthe Philistines? ICh 12:38. these men of war, that could keep ranA, 1^315??? mah- garth' -cheth, f. Lev.24: 6. six on a row, upon the pure table 7. pure frankincense upon (each) row, ICh 9:32. the sAeiobread, (marg. bread of ordering) 23:29. Both for the sAewbread, and for 28 : 16. gold for the tables of shewbread, 2Ch 2: 4(3 ). and for the continual shewbread, 13: 11 .the sAewbread also (set they in order) 29 : 1 8. and the shewbread table, Neh 10:33(34). For the sAezobread, and for tPffiiyp[niah-garoom-meem'~\, m. pi. 2Ch 28 : 1 5. clothed all (Aa( were naked among them, n^^to mah-gdrdh-tzdh' , f. Isa. 10:33. of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: Gen 5 20 40 4446 Ex. 5 1 23 ¦ Y.) ftWyfo mah-gdseh' , m. 29. concerning our work and toil 9. thou hast done deeds unto me : 1 7 . of bakemeats for Pharaoh ; ( marg. meat of Pharaoh, (Ae work of a baker) :15. What deed (is) this that ye have done? :33 &47:3. What (is) your occupation? 4. let the people from their works ? 13. Fulfil your works, (your) daily tasks, 20. (Ae work that they must do. : 1 2. Six days thou shalt do (Ap icorA, 16. the firstfruits of thy labours, — (Ap labours out ofthe field. 24. nor do after their works : : 10. as it were a paved work : 1. cherubims of cunning work (marg. (Ae work of a cunning workman) 31 . line twined linen of cunning work : 36. twined linen, wrought with needlen?orA. : 4. a grate of netioorA 16. twined linen, wrought with needleicorA : : 6. with cunning n'orA. 8. the same, according to the work thereof; 1 1 . (Ae work of an engraver 14. (of) wreathen work shalt thou make 15. with cunning work; after the work ofthe 22. wreathen work (of) pure gold. 32. a binding of woven n;orA 39. make the girdle (of) needleioorA. :25, 35. after (Ae art ofthe apothecary: : 16. the tables (were) (Ae work of God, :10.(Ae work ofthe Lord: : 8. cherubims of cunning work 35. made he it of cunning work. 37. fine twined linen, of needleworA; : 29. according to (Ae worA o/the apothecary. : 4. a brasen grate of network 18. for the gate. ..(was) needleirorA, : 3. the fine linen, (with) cunning work. 5. the same, according to the work thereof; Ex. 39 Lev.18 Nu. 8 16 31 Deu 23 4: 111415 16:24:27:28: 30:31: Jos. 24: Jud. 2: 13: 19 ISa. 8 192025 IK. 7 1316 2K. 16 19 22 23 ICh 9 23 2Ch 3 4 16 17 203132 34 Ezr. 9 Neh 6 Est. 10 Job 1 14 33: 34: 37: Ps. 8: 19: 28: 33:45:62:64:66: : 8. (of) cunning work, like the work o/the 15. wreathen work (of) pure gold. 22. the robe ofthe ephod (of) woven work, 27. fine linen (of) woven work 29. purple, and scarlet, (of) needlework ,- : 3. After the doings ofthe land of Egypt, — and after the doings ofthe land of : 4. And this work ofthe candlestick : 28. hath sent me to do all these works ; 20. all work of goats' (hair), 51 . all wrought jewels. ( lit. jewels of morA) : 7. in all (Ae works of thy hand : 24. according to thy works, and according 28. gods, (Ae work of men's hands, 3. Ais acts, which he did in the midst of 7. all (Ae great acts of the Lord 29. in all (Ae work of thine hand 10. God shall bless thee in all thy works, 15. all (Ae morAs of thine hands, 19. all (Ae worA of thine hands. 15. (Ae work ofthe hands ofthe craftsman, 12. to bless all (Ae work of thine hand: 9. in every work of thine hand, 29. through (Ae work o/your hands. 31. all (Ae works ofthe Lord, 7. all (Ae great works ofthe Lord, 10. (Ae works which he had done 12. and (how) shall we do unto him ? (lit. and his work; marg. (what, shall be) Ais work ; or, (what) shalt he do) 16. there came an old man from Ais work 8. the works which they have done 4. Ais works (have been) to thee- ward very 19. when (Ae business was (in hand), 2. a man in Maon, whose possessions (marg. or, business) 8. was of tke (iAe work. 17. checker work, and wreaths of chain work, 19. the chapiters.. .(were) of lily work 22. top ofthe pillars (was) lily work: 26. wrought like (lit. like the work of) the brim 28. (Ae work ofthe bases 29. certain additions made of thin w-'orA. 31 . (Ae loorA o/the base, 33. And the work of the wheels (was) like the work of a chariot wheel: 1 1 . all (Ae works that the man of God 7. to anger with the work o/his hands, : 10. to all (Ae workmanship thereof. 18. the work of men's hands, 17. all (Ae works of their hands; 1 9. all (Ae acts that he had done 31. (Ae things that were made in the pans. 28. and the work o/the service ofthe house 10. two cherubims of image work, 5. like the work ofthe brim of a cup, 6. such things as they offered for the burnt offering (marg. (Ae work of burnt offer- , ing) . , 14. (spices) prepared by the apothecaries art : 4. not after (Ae doings o/Israel. 37. the Lord hath broken (Ap works. 21. in every icorA that he began 19. (Ae loorA o/the hands of man. 30. Hezekiah prospered in all Ais works. 25. all (Ae works of their hands ; \3.for our evil deeds, and for our great 1 4. according to these (Aeir works, 2. all (Ae acts o/his power 1 0. thou hast blessed (Ae work of his hands, 15. a desire to the work of thine hands. 17. man (from his) purpose, (marg. work) 19. they all (are) (Ae work ofhis hands. 7. that all men may know Ais work. 3(4). thy heavens, (Ae work ofthy fingers, 6(7). o»er (Ae works ofthy hands; 1 (2) . and the firmament sheweth his handy- work. 4. give them after the work of their hands; 5. nor (Ae operation o/his hands, 4. all Ais icorAs (are done) in truth. 15. he considereth all (Aeir works. 1(2). the things which I have made touching 12(1 3). to every man according to his work. 9(10) .for they shall wisely consider of Ais doing. 3. How terrible (art thou in) thy works! tt^D £6 : 8- (are there any works) like unto thy i 90:1,. and establish thou (Ae work o/our hi ( 747 ) *3D Ps. 86: cm au: there ant ,vorl:M I ;!...< „„m ih,j work ' hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands 92: 4(5). I will triumph in the works of 5(6). O Lord, how great are thy works I 102:25(26). and the heavens(are) (Ae work of thv 103 : 22. Bless the Lord, all Ais toorAs 104:13. the fruit of (Ay works. 24. 0 Lord, how manifold are (Ap works I 3 l.the Lord shall rejoice in his works. 106:13. They soon forgat Ais works; 35. the heathen, and learned (Aeir works. 39. defiled w;i(A (Aeir own worlts, 107: 22. declare Ais works with rejoicing. 24. These see (Ae works ofthe Lord, 111: 2. TAe works o/the Lord (are) great, 6. shewed his people the power of Ais worAs, 7. TAe works o/his hands (are) verity and 115: 4. (Ae work . "men's hands. 118:17. declare (A..- works ofthe Lord. 135: 15. (Ae work of men's hands. 138: 8. forsake not (Ae works of thine own hands. 139: 14. marvellous (are) (Ap toorAs ; 143: 5.1 muse on the work ofthy hands. 145 : 4. One generation shall praise (Ap works 9. tender mercies (are) over all Ais works. 10. All (Ap aiorAs shall praise thee, 17. holy in all Ais works. Pro.16: 3. Commit thy works unto the Lord, 11. the weights ofthe bag (are) Ais work. 31: 31. let Aer own works praise her Ecc. 1 : 1 4. all (Ae works that are done under the sun ; 2 : 4. 1 made me great works ; (lit. I greatened my works) 11. 1 looked on all (Ae works 17. (Ae work that is wrought under 3 : 1 1 . (Ae morA that God maketh 17. a time. ..for every work. 22. a man should rejoice in kis own works; 4: 3.(Ae evil work that is done 4. and every right work, 5: 6(5). destroy (Ae icorA of thine hands? 7: 13. Consider (Ae work of God: 8: 9. applied my heart unto every work 1 1 . sentence against an evil work 14. according to the work ofthe wicked ; — according to the work o/the righteous: 17.1 beheld all (Ae work of God, that a man cannot find out (Ae loorA 9: 7. God now accepteth (Ay works. 10. (there is) no work,.. .in the grave, 11:5. thou knowest not (Ae works of God 12:14. God shall bring every work into Cant.7: 1(2). (Ae work ofthe hands of a cunning Isa. 2: 8. (Ae work of their own hands, 3: 24. instead of well set hair (lit. (Ae work of the curling tool) baldness ; 5:12. neither consider (Ae operation ofhis hands. 19. make speed, (and) hasten Ais work, 10: 12. the Lord hath performed Ais whole work 17: 8. the altars, (Ae work o/his hands, 19: 14. Egypt to err in every work thereof, 15. Neither shall there be (any) work for 25. and Assyria (Ae ajorA ofmy hands, 26:12. hast wrought all our works 28:21. he may do Ais work, kis strange work; 29: 15. (Aeir works are in the dark, 16. shall (Ae work say of him that made it, 23. his children, (Ae work of mine hands, 32:17. (Ae work of righteousness 37:19. (Ae work of men's hands, 41 : 29. (Aeir works (are) nothing: 54: 16. forth an instrument for his work ; 57: 12. declare thy righteousness, and thy works; 59: 6. cover themselves with their works: their works (are) worlts (/iniquity, 60: 21. my planting, (Ae worli ofmy hands, 64: 8(7). and we all (are) (Ae work ofthy hand. 65:22.(Ae work of their hands. 66: 18. 1 (know) (Aeir works and their thoughts: Jer. 1 : 16. (Ae works of their own hands. 7 : 13. ye have done all these urorAs, 10: 3. (Ae work ofthe hands of the workman, 9. (Ae work ofthe workman, — (Ae work of cunning men. 15. vanity, (and) (Ae work of errors: 25: 6, 7. n>i(A (Ae works o/your hands ; Jer.25:14.andaccordmp to the works of their own 32:30. toi(A (Ae work of their hands, 44: 8. ye provoke me...u>i(A (Ae works of 48: 7. thou hast trusted in thy works 51 : 10. (Ae worA o/the Lord our God. 18. vanity, (Ae work of errors: Lam 3:64. according to the work of their hands. 4: 2. (Ae work ofthe hands of the potter 1 Eze. 1:16. and their work (was) like unto the — their appearance and their work 6: 6. your works may be abolished. 16:30. (Ae icorA of an imperious whorish woman ; 27:16, 18. multitude of (Ae wares of thy making: (marg. (Ap works) 46 : 1 . the six working days ; (lit. days of work) Dan 9: 14. our God (is) righteous in all Ais icorAs Hos 13 : 2. (Ae worA ofthe craftsmen: 14: 3( 4 ). to the work of our hands, Am. 8: 7. 1 will never forget any of their works. Jon. 3 : 10. And God saw (Aeir works, Mic. 5:13(12). (Ae W07-A of thine hands. 6: 16. (Ae worlts ofthe house of Ahab, Hab 3: 17. (Ae labour ofthe olive shall fail, Hag. 2:14. every work of their hands ; 17. in all (Ae labours of your hands; *WV£ mah-gasehr' , m. Genl4:20. And he gave him (i(Aes of all. Lev.27: 30. all (Ae (itAe ofthe land, 31. redeem (ought) ofhis tithes, 32. concerning (Ae (i(Ae o/the herd, Nu. 18:21. the children of Levi all (Ae (en(A 24. (Ae (itAes o/the children of Israel, 26. ye take of the children of Israel (Ae (i(Aes • — (even) a tenth (part) ofthe tithe. 28. all yonr tithes, which ye receive Deu] 2: 6. your tithes, and heave offerings 1 1 . your tithes, and the heave offering 17. (Ae (t(Ae o/thy corn, or of thy wine, 14:23. (Ae (i(Ae ofthy corn, ofthy wine, 28. all (Ae (itAe of thine increase 26:12. all (Ae tithes of thine increase — (which is) the year of tithing, 2Ch31 : 5. and (Ae (itAe o/all (things) 6. (Ae (i(Ae of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of holy things 12. and the tithes and the dedicated (things) Nehl0:37(38). and the tithes of our ground 38(39). the Levites shall bring up (Ae (i(Ae of the tithes 12:44. for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, 13: b.and the tithes of 'the corn, 1 2. Then brought all Judah (Ae (i(Ae of Eze.45 : 1 1 . (Ae (entA part of an homer : 14. (Ae (en(A part of a bath Am. 4: 4. your tithes after three years: Mai. 3 : 8. In tithes and offerings. 10. Bring ye all (Ae (i(Aes nij2$J#? mah-gdshak-kohth' , f. pi. Pro. 28: 16. great oppressor: (lit. great of oppressions) Isa. 33: 15. he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, (marg. or, deceits) Job J^SD miph-gahg' , m. 7:20. why hast thou set me as a mark Jer. Hfi£ map-poo' agh, m. 6:29. TAe bellows are burned, D30 map-pahgh, m. Job 11 :20.(Ae giving up of the ghost, (marg. or, a puff of breath) in. pSQ meh-pheetz Pro. 25: 18. that beareth false witness... (is) a maul, hm ¦?3D map-pah I', m. ( 748 ) nstd Job 41:23(15). TAe flakes (marg. fallings) of his flesh are joined together: Am. 8: 6. and sell (Ae refuse ofthe wheat? nx^lU? [miph-ldh-dh'], f. Job 37 : 16. (Ae wondrous works of him which is perfect rflinSO miph-lag-gohth', f. pi. 2Ch 35:1 2. according to the divisions o/the families !"l7Sfi map-pah-ldh' , f. Isa. 17: 1. Damascus... it shall be a ruinous heap. (lit. a heap of rain) n?Sfi map-pth-lah' , f. Isa. 23: 13. he brought it to ruin. 25 : 2. a defenced city a ruin : L27$fi miph-laht' , m. Ps. 55: 8(9). I would hasten my escape n^S!2 miph-leh' -tzeth , f. IK. 15:13. she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed Aer idol, 2Ch 15: 16. she had made an idol (marg. horror) in a grove : and Asa cut down Aer idol, &*?#? [miph-lahs'], m. Job 37: 16. thou know (Ae balancings ofthe clouds, ryBJ? map-pehf-leth, f. Jud. 14: 8. aside to see (Ae carcase ofthe lion: Pro.29: 16. the righteous shall see their fall. Eze.26: 15. the isles shake at the sound of thy fall, 18. the isles tremble in the day of 'thy fall; 27:27. in the day ofthy ruin. 31 : 13. Upon Ais j-uhi shall all the fowls... remain, 16. 1 made the nations to shake at the sound of Ais full, 32:10. his own life, in the day of thy fall. ^1 J7SQ [miph-'gahl'], m. Pro. 8: 22. before Ais works of old. rr#M? [viiph-grth-iah'i f. Ps. 46: 8 (9). behold (Ae works ofthe Lord, 66: 5. Come and see (Ae works of God: Y&to [map-pahtz'], m. Eze. 9: 2. every man a slaughter weapon (marg. a weapon of Ais breaking in pieces) YBti map-pehtz' , m. Jer. 51 :20. Thou (art) my battle ax (and) weapons *7j3$£ miph-kahd' , m. 2Sa. 24: 9. Joab gave up the sum of (Ae number o/the 1 Ch 21 : 5. Joab gave the sum of (Ae number ofthe 2Ch31 :13.a( (Ae commandment of Hezekiah Neh. 3:31. over against the gate Miphltad, (lit, or of command) Eze.43:21.he shall burn it in (Ae appointed place of the house, flSfi [miph-rahtz'], m. Jud. 5:17. Asher.. .abode in his breaches, (marg. or, creeks) JljTlfiJ? [mapk-reh'-keth], ISa. 4: 18. and Ais necA brake, and he died: EJHSft miph-rahs' , m. Job 36:29. (Ae spreadings o/the clouds, Eze.21: 1. that which thou spreadest forth nj?jj>j3ft miph-sah-gah', f. 1 Ch 19: 4. off their garments... hard by (Aeir buttocks PlflSO maph-teh'dgh, m. Jud. 3: 25. therefore they took a Aey, 1 Ch 9:27. (Ae opening thereof every morning Isa. 22:22. (Ae key ofthe house of David nFlipft [miph-tahgh'~\, m. Pro. 8: 6. and the opening ofmy lips }WBp miph-tahn', m. ISa. 5: 4. hands (were) cut off upon (Ae threshold; 5. tread on (Ae threshold of Dagon Eze. 9: 3. he was, to (Ae threshold of the house. 10: 4. over (Ae threshold ofthe house ; 18.off(Ae threshold of the house, 46: 2. at (Ae threshold o/the gate: 47 ; 1 . under (Ae threshold of the house Zep. 1 : 9. those that leap on (Ae threshold, yti mohtz, m. Job 21 : 18. and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. Ps. 1 : 4. like the cluiff which the wind driveth 35: 5. Let them be as cA«Jf before the wind; Isa. 17:13. chased as the chaff o/the mountains 29: b.and the multitude...( shall be) as cAajf 41 : 15. and shalt make the hills as chaff. Hos 13: 3. as the chaff (that) is driven with the Zep. 2: 2. (before) the day pass as (Ae chaff, K?P mdh-tzdh'. *KAL.— Preterite. -K Gen 2:20.for Adam there was not found an help 6: 8. Noah found grace in the eyes 8: 9. dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, 18: 3. if now / have found favour 19:19. thy servant hath found grace 26:32. We have found water. 30 : 27 . if / Aat'e found favour 31 : 33. he found ( them ) not. 34.but/onnd (them) not. 35.but/onnd not the images. 37. what Aas( thou found of all 33: 10. it now I have found grace 36:24. Anah that found the mules 37:32. This Aaue we found: know now 38 : 20. but Ae found Iter not. NitD ( 749 ) NUD Gen38:22. 1 cannot find her; 23. thou hast not found her. 44: 8. the money, which we found 16. God Aa(A found out the iniquity 47:29. If now 7 Aaue found grace in thy sight, 50: 4. If now 7 have found grace in your eyes, Ex. 15:22. they went three days. . . and found no water, 16:27. and they found none. 18 : 8. the travail that Aad come upon them (marg. found them) 22: 6(5 ). If fire break out, and catch in thorns, 33 : 1 2. (Aou Aas( also found grace 1 3. if / Aaue found grace 16. have found grace in thy sight? 17. (Aow liast found grace in my sight, 34: 9. If now I have found grace Lev. 6: 3(5:22). have found that which was lost, 4(-:23).the lost thing which he found, 25: 26. himself be able (marg. his hand hath attained and found sufficiency) to redeem 28. if he be not able (lit. if his hand Aa(A not found a sufficiency) to restore Nu. 11:11. Aare I not found favour 15. if / Aare found favour 22. Shall the flocks.. .be slain. ..to suffice them? (lit. and find) — shall all the fish.. .be gathered. ..to suffice them? (lit. id.) 20:14. the travel that Aa(A befallen us: (marg. found us) 31:50. what every man Aa(A gotten, (marg. found) 32 : 5 . if we have found grace 35:27. And the revenger of blood find him Deu 4:29. But if '...thou shalt find (him), if thou seek 30. and all these things are come upon thee, 19: 5. and tighteth upon (marg. findetli) his neighbour, 22: 3. hath lost, and thou hast found, 14. 1 found her not a maid: 17. 1 found not thy daughter a maid ; 23. and a man find her ill the city, 21. he found her in the field, 24 : 1 . Ae Au(A found some uncleanness 31: 17. and many evils and troubles shall befall (marg. find) them; — Are not these evils come upon us, Jos. 2:22. pursuers sought... but found (them) not. Jud. 6: 13. why then is all this befallen us? 17. If now I have found grace 14: 12. and find (it) out, then I will give 18. ye had not found out my riddle. 21: 14. yet so (Aey sufficed them not. (lit. (Aey found so not for them) Ru. 2:10. Why Aaue I found grace in thine eyes, ISa. 9: 4, 4. but (Aey found (them) not: 1 1 . they found young maidens 10: 2. (Aen (Aom shalt find two men 3. and there shall meet thee three men 12: 5. ye have not found ought 14:30. spoil of their enemies which they found? 16:22. Ae hath found favour in my sight. 20: 3. 1 have found grace in thine eyes ; 29. if I have found favour 27: 5. If Ihave now found grace 29: 3. 1 have found no fault in him 6. 1 have not found evil in thee 8. what Aast tkou found in thy servant 2Sa. 1:21. hath thy servant found in his heart 14:22. / have found grace 17:20. they had sought and could not find 20: 6. lest Ae get him fenced cities, IK. 21 :20. 77ast thou found me, O mine enemy ? — 7 Aaue /ound (thee): because thou 2K. 2:17. they sought three days, but found him not. 7: 9. some mischief will come upon us: (marg. we shallfind punishment) 9:3o. tkey found no more of her 10: 13. Jehu met with (marg. found) the brethren 22: 8.7 have found the book . 23:24. the book that Hilkiah the priest/onnd lChl7:25.thy servant hath found (in his heart) 2Ch 20:16. and ye shallfind them at the end 29:16. they found in the temple 32: 4. and find much water ? 34: 14. Hilkiah the priest found a book 15.7 have found the book Ezr. 8: 15./ound there none of the sons of Levi. Neh. 5: 8. and found nothing (to answer). 9: 8. Andfoundest his heart faithful 32. the trouble... that Aa(A come upon us, Est. 5: 8. If I have found favour in the sight of 7 : 3. If 7 have found favour in thy sight, 8: 5. if 7 have found favour in his sight, Job 31: 25. mine hand had gotten much ; 29. when evil found him : 32 : 3. (Aey had found no answer, 13. We have found out wisdom: 33:24. Ihave found a ransom. 37 :23. we cannot find him out: Ps. 69:20(21). I looked (for)... comforters, but 7 found none. 76: 5(6). have found their hands. 84: 3(4). the sparrow hath found an house, 89:20(21). Ihave found David my servant ; 107 : 4. (Aey found no city to dwell in. 116: 3 . the pains of hell gat hold upon me : (marg. found me) 119: 143. Trouble and anguish Aare taken hold on me: (marg found me) 132: 6. we found it in the fields Pro. 3:13. the man (that)^nde(A wisdom, 8:35. whoso findeth me findeth life, 18:22. (Whoso) findeth a wife findeth a good (thing), 24: 14. when thou hast found (it), 25 : 1 6. Hast thou found honey ? Ecc. 7: 27. this have I found, 28. Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found ; but a woman among all those Aaue I not found. 29. this only Aare I found, 9:15. Now there was found in it Cant 3: 1,2.1 sought him, but I found him not. 3. The watchmen.., found me: 4. but I found him whom my soul loveth: 5: 6. 7 could not find him; 1. The watchmen.., found me, Isa. 10:10. As my hand hath found the kingdoms of 34:14. and find for herself a place of rest. 57 : 10. (Aou hast found the life of thine hand ; Jer. 2:5. What iniquity Aaue your fathers found 34. 7 Aare not found it by secret search, 14: 3. (and) found no water ; 23 : 1 1 . Aare I found their wickedness, 29: 13. ye shall seek me, and find (me), 31: 2. The people... found grace 45 : 3. I find no rest. Lam 1: 3. she findeth no rest: 6. like harts (that) find no pasture, 2: 9. her prophets also find no vision 16. we have found, we have seen (it). Eze.22 : 30. but I found none. Hos. 9: 10. 1 found Israel like grapes 12: 8(9). I have found me out substance: KAL. — Infinitive. Genl9:ll.they wearied themselves to find the door. 27:20. How (is it) that thou hast found (it) so quickly, (lit. hasted to find) 32: 5(6). (Aa( I may find grace in thy sight. 19(20). speak unto Esau, toAen ye find him. 33: 8. to find grace in the sight of Ps. 32: 6. in a time when (Aou mayest be found: (marg. of finding) 36: 2(3). until his iniquity be found (marg. to find his iniquity) Pro. 19: 8. thatkeepeth understanding shallfind good. Ecc. 7 : 27. to find out the account: 8:17. a man cannot find out the work — shall he not be able to find (it). 12:10.(0 find out acceptable words: Isa. 58:13. nor finding thine own pleasure, KAL. — Imperative. Ru. 1: 9.that ye may find rest, ISa. 20:21. Go, find out the arrows. 36. Run, find out now the arrows Pro 3: 4. So shalt thou find favour Jer. 6:16. and ye shallfind rest for your souls. KAL.— Future. Genii: 2. that they found a plain 16: 7 . Andthe angel of the Lord found her 18:26. If I find in Sodom NSD Genl8: Ex. 1719: ICh. 4 10 20; 2Ch20; 22: 25: Neh. 7 : Est. 8 Job 3 11 28. If J find there forty and five, 30. if I find thirty there. 12. and received in the same year 19. and found there a well 14. and found mandrakes in the field, 32. With whomsoever thoufindest Ib.let me find grace in the sight 1 1 . Let me find grace in your eyes, 15. And a certain man found him, 17. and found them in Dothan. 4. And Joseph found grace in his sight, 38. Can we find (such a one) as this (is), 34. the evil that shall come on (marg. find) my father. 25. let us find grace in the sight ofmy lord, 11. get you straw where ye can find it: 25. ye shall not find it in the field. 13. that 1 may find grace in thy sight: 8. if she be not able to bring (marg. her hand find not sufficiency of) a lamb, 32. And while... they foundaman that gathered 23.be sure your sin will find you out. : 25. if a man find a betrothed damsel 28 . If a man find a damsel l.shefind no favour in his eyes, 21, when many evils and troubles are befallen 10. He found him in a desert land, 5. And they found Adoni-bezek 30. Have they not sped? 33. as thou shalt find occasion, (marg. thine hand shallfind) 15. And he found a new jawbone 8. to sojourn where Ae could find (a place): 9. 1 go to sojourn where Imayfind (a place). 12. And they fomid among the inhabitants 2. in whose sight I shall find grace. 13. Let me find favour in thy sight, 18. Let thine handmaid^nrf grace 13. ye shall straightway find him, — about this time ye shallfind him. 7. do as occasion serve thee; (marg. thine hand shallfind) 17. the hand of Saul.. .sAaZZ not find thee; 1 9( 20) . if a man find his enemy, : 8. Wherefore let the young men find favour — whatsoever cometh to thine hand (lit. thy hand shallfind) 1 1 . And they found an Egyptian 3. and the archers Ai( (marg. found) him, S.that they fomid Saul and his three sons 25. if I shall find favour 4. (that) I ma y find grace 3. and found Abishag a Shunammite, 19. And Hadad found great favour 29.(Aa( the prophet... found him in the way ; 14. and found him sitting under an oak: 24. And when... a lion met him by the way, 28. he went and found his carcase 5. peradventure we may find grass 10. that they found thee not. 12. Ae cannot find thee, 19. and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, 36. And as soon as he... a lion found him, and slew him. TAen he found another man, if thou meet any man, and foujid a wild vine, and met him in the portion of Naboth And when he was...Ae lighted oji (marg, found) Jehonadab the son of Rechab 4. And the king of Assyria found conspiracy 8. ajid found the king of Assyria 40. And they found fat pasture 3. and the archers Ai( (marg. found) him, S.that they found Saul and his sons 2. and found it to weigh a talent of gold, 25. And when. . .tkey found among them in ; 8. and found the princes of Judah, ; 5. and found tkem three hundred thousand ; 5. And I found a register of the genealogy — and found written therein, : 14. And they found written in the law : 6. the evil that shall cojne unto my people ? 22. glad, when (Aey can find the grave? ; 7. Canst thou by searching find out God ? cajist thou find out the Almighty 17:10, I cannot find (one) wise (man) 47: 5: 16: 33: Lev.12: Nu. 15: 32: Deu22 24: 31:32: Jud. 1: 5:9: 15: 17: 21: Ru. 2: ISa. 1: 9: 10: 23: 24: 25: 30: 31: 2Sa.l5: 16: IK. 1: 11: 13: 18 37 2K. 4:29 39 :21:15 9: 10: ( 750 ) ttSD Job 20: 8. and shall not befoujid: (lit. they shall not find him) 23: 3. Oh that I knew where Imightfind him! 33:10. Ae findeth occasions against me, Ps. 10: 15. out his wickedness (till) thou find none. 17: 3. hast tried me, (and) shalt find nothing; 21: 8(9). Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shallfind out 116: 3. 1 found trouble and sorrow. 132: 5. Until I find out a place for the Lord, Pro. 1:13. We shallfind all precious substance, 28. they shall not find me : 2: 5. and find the knowledge of God. 6:33. A wound and dishonour shall he get; 7: 15. to seek thy face, and I have found thee. 8: 12. find out knowledge of witty inventions. 17- those that seek me early shall fijid me. 16:20. a matter wisely shallfind good: 17:20. froward heart findeth no good: 20: 6. a faithful man who can find? 21: 21. He that followeth after righteousness... findeth 23 : 23. shallfind more favour than 31 : 10. Who can find a virtuous woman ? Ecc. 3 : 1 1 . no man can find out the work 7 : 14. that man should find nothing 24. who can find it out? 8:17. yet Ae sAaZZ not find (it) ; 9: 10. Whatsoever thy hand findeth 11: 1 . (Aon shalt find it after many days. Cant 5: 8. if ye find my beloved, 8: l.(when) I should find thee without, Isa. 10: 14. And my hand Aa(A/ownd...the riches of 37 : 8. and found the king of Assyria 41:12. and shalt not find them, 58 : 3. in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, Jer. 2:24. in her month they shallfind her. 5 : 1 . if ye can find a man, 10: 18.(Aa( (Aey may find (it so). 41 : 12. and found him by the great waters Eze. 3: 1. Son of man, eat that thoufindest; Dan. 1 :20. he found them ten times better than Hos. 2: 6(8). she shall not find her paths. 7(9). she shall seek them, but shall not find (them): 5: 6. they shall not find (him) ; 12: 4(5) . Ae found him (in) Beth-el, 8(9) . (Aey shallfind none iniquity Am. 8:12. and shall notfind (it). Jon. I: 3. ano3 Ae found a ship going to Tarshish: KAL.— Participle. Poel. Gen. 4: 14. every one that findeth me 15. lest any finding him should kill him. Nu. 15: 33. (Aey that found him gathering Jos. 2:23. told him all (things) that befell them: (lit. that found them) 2Sa.I8:22.thou hast no tidings ready? (marg. or, convenient) Ps.ll9:162. as one that findeth great spoil. Pro. 4:22. life unto those that find them, 8: 9. to them that find knowledge. 35. whoso findeth me — ( nTQ) findeth life, Ecc. 7:26. And I find more bitter than death Cant8:10. as one that found favour. Jer. 50: 7. All that found them have devoured * NIPHAL.— Preterite. * Gen44: 16. with whom the cup is found. 17. in whose hand the cup is found, Ex. 21 : 16. or if Ae be found in his hand, 35:23. with whom was found blue, and 24. with whom ivas found shittim wood Deu22:20. virginity be not found 28. with her, and they be found; Jos. 10: 17. The five kings are found hid ISa. 9: 8.1 have hej-e at hand (marg. there is found in my hand) the fourth part of a 20. as for thine asses. ..(Aey are found. 10: 2. The asses. ..are found: 16. told us plainly that the asses were found. 21. Ae could not be found. 13:22. (Aere was neither sword nor spear found 2Sa. 17: 12. where Ae shall be found, 13. until (Aere be not one small stone found IK. 14; 13. in him (Aere is found (some) good NitD 2K. 20 25 ICh 4 29 2Chl9 34 Ezr. 2 Neh 7 13 Job 19: 42 Ps. 37 46 Pro. 6 Isa. 39 65 ; 13. all (Aai was found in his treasures: 19. which were found in the city, : 41. the habitations that were found there, 17. people, icAicA are present (marg. or, found) 3. there are good things found in thee, 21. the book that is found: 62. by genealogy, but (Aey were not found : 64. by genealogy, but it was not found : : Land therein was found written, 28. the root ofthe matter is found lb. were no women found (so) fair as :36.but Ae could not be found. 1(2). a verypresen( (lit. much found) help 31. But (if) AeAe found, : 2. all that was found in his treasures: ; 1 . 7 am found of ( them that) sought me not : Jer. 2:34. in thy skirts is found the blood of 5:26. among my people are found wicked 11: 9. A conspiracy is found among the men of 15:16. Thy words were found, 29:14. And I will be found of you, 41 : 3. the Chaldeans that were found there, 8. ten men were found among 48:27.toos he found among thieves? 60:24. (Aou art found, and also caught, 52:25. which were found in the city; Eze.28: 15. till iniquity was found in thee. Dan 1:19. was found none like Daniel, Hos.14: 8(9). From me is thy fruit found. Mic. 1:13. the transgressions of Israel were found Mai. 2: 6. iniquity was not found in his lips: NIPHAL. —Infinitive. Ex. 22: 4(3). the theft be certainly found (lit. being found he found) Isa. 55: 6. the Lord while he may be found, NIPHAL Future. Genl 8:29. Peradventure (Aere shall be forty found 30. Peradventure there shall thirty be found 31 . Peradventure (Aere shall be twenty found 32. Peradventure ten shall be found there. 44: 9. With whomsoever... it be found, 10. Ae with whom it is found 12. and the cup was found in Benjamin's Ex. 9:19. man and beast which shall be found 12:19. shall there be no leaven found 22: 2(1). If a thief be found breaking up, 4(3). If the theft Ae certainly found 7(6). if the thief be found, 8(7). If the thief be not found, Deu 17 : 2. if (Aere be found among you, 18:10. Thereshall not be found 21: 1. If (one) be found slain 17. that he Aa(A .• (marg. is found with him) 22:22. If a man be found lying with a woman 24: 7. If a man be found stealing Jos. 17: 16. The hill is not enough for us: lSa.l3:!9. there was no smith found 22. but with Saul... was there found. 25:28. evil Aa(A not been found IK. 1 :52. if wickedness shall be found in him, 2K. 12: 5(6). wheresoever any breach shall befound. ICh 24: 4. And there were more chief men found 26:31. and (Aere were found among them 28: 9. he will be found of thee; 2Ch 2:17(16). and they were found 153,600. 15: 2. heicill befound of you; i.But when they...Ae was found of them. lb. and he was found of them: Ezr. 10: 18. (Aere were found that had taken strange Est. 2: 23. the matter, it ivas found out ; 6: 2. And it was found written, Job 28:12. where shall wisdom befound? 13. neither is il found in the land ofthe Pro.lO: 13. wisdom is found : 16:31. (if) it befound in the way of Isa. 30: 14. (Aere shall not befound 35: 9. it shall not befound there ; 51: 3. joy and gladness shall befound 65: 8. As the new wine is found Jer. 2:26. As the thief is ashamed when Ae is found, 50:20. (Aey shall not befound: Eze.26:21.sAa(( (Aou never befound Danll:19.he shall stumble.. .and not befound. zep. 3: 13. neither shall a deceitful tongue befound zec, 10: 10. (place) shall not befound <¦ 751 ) n^D NIPHAL.— Participle. 15. thy two daughters, which are here; (marg. are found) 14. the money (Aa( was found : 1 1 . the people (Aa( is found : 48. all tliat came to hand: (marg. was found) — all the cities that they came to. (marg. were found) 15. people (Aa( were present (marg. found) 16. and the people (Aa( were present with : 3(4). or what there is present, (marg. found) :10(11). the money that was found 18(19). all the gold that was found 14. the vessels that were found 8. the silver and gold that was found 15. the silver (Aat was found 4. the remnant that are left. (marg. found) 9. the money (Aa( was found 13. this book (Aa( is found : 2. the book ofthe covenant a-AicA was found 19. (Aa( w;ere found in the city : 8..4nd they with whom (precious) stones were found 1 1 . priests (Aa( were present ( marg. found) 17. the substance (Aa( was found 24. all the vessels (Aa( were found 29. all (Aat were present (marg. found) 21. of Israel (Aat «?e7Te present (marg. found) I. all Israel (Aa( were present (marg. found) 17. the money (Aa( was found 30. the book...(Aa( was found 32, 33. all (Aa( were present (marg. found) l.for all (Aa( were present, 17. of Israel (Aa( were present (marg. found) 1 8. and Israel (Aa( were present, : 8. and that which was found in him, :25.all Israel (there) present, : 5. all the people (Aa( were present (marg. found) : 16. all the Jews (Aa( are present (marg. id. ) : 15. Every one (Aat is found : 3. all that are found in thee : 4. the remnajit (Aa( is left. (marg. found) : 25. which were found in the city ; : 1 . every one (Aa( shall befound * HIPHIL.— Preterite. * : 13. (Aey presented the burnt offering : 8. and Aaue not delivered thee into HIPHIL Future. Lev. 9:12, 1 8. and Aaron's sons presented J oh 34 : 1 1 . and cause every man to find according to 37: 13. 77e causeth it to come, HIPHIL. —Participle. Zec.ll : 6.1 will deliver (marg. maAe to befound) the Genl9 47 Deu 20 Jud.20 ISa. 13 21 2K. 1214161819 22 2325 ICh 29 2Ch 5 2125 293031 34 35 36 Ezr 8 Est 1 4 Isa. 13 22 37 Jer. 52 Dan 12 Lev 9 2Sa 3 y$ti \matz-tzahv(\ m. Jos. 4: 3. out of tke place where the priests' feet stood 9. tke place ichere the feet of the priests... stood : ISa. 13:23. (Ae garrison (marg. or, standing camp) of 14: 1 . let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, 4. to go over unto the Philistines' garrison, 6. let us go over unto (Ae garrisoji 1 1 . (Ae garrison o/the Philistines: 15. (Ae garrisoji, and the spoilers, 2Sa.23:14. and the garrison o/the Philistines (was) then (in) Isa. 22:19.1 will drive thee from thy station, y$& mootz-tzalw' ', m. Isa. 29: 3. lay siege against thee with a mount, T\y&2 matz-tzah-vah' \ f. !Sa.l4:I2.the men of the garrison answered rft¥£ mitz-tzah-vak \ f. Zee. 9: 8. encamp about mine house because of (Ae army, n^D ( 752) 12JD flitttt matz-tzeh-vahf , f. set it up (for) a pillar, this stone, which I have set (for) a pillar, thou anointedst (Ae pillar, took a stone, and set it up (for) a pillar. this heap, and behold (this) pillar, (this) pillar (be) witness, thou shalt not pass over... this pillar Jacob set up a pillar Jacob set a pillar quite break down their images. an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars, break (Aeir images, {marg. statues) neither rear you up a standing image, and break down (Aeir images, (marg. statues, or, pillars) break (Aeir pillars, Neither shalt thou set thee up (any) image; (marg. statue, or, pillar) they also built them high places, and images, (marg. standing images, or. Gen28:18. 22, 31:13, 45, 51, 52 35:14, 20, Ex. 23:2424: 4. 34:13- Lev.26: 1, Deu 7: 5 12: 3 16:22. IK. 14:23. 2K. 3: 2. he put away (Ae image (marg. statue) of Baal 10: 26. they brought forth the images 27. And. they brake down (Ae image o/Baal, 17: 10. they set them up images {marg. statues) 18 : 4. brake (Ae images, (marg. id. ) and cut down 23:14. he brake in pieces (Ae images, {marg.id.) 2Ch 14:3(2). brake down (Ae images, {marg.id. ) 31 : 1 . brake (Ae hnages (marg. id. ) in pieces, Isa. 19:19. and a pillar at the border thereof Jer. 43:13. He shall break also (Ae images of (marg. statues, or, standing images) Eze. 26:11. and thy strong garrisons shall go down Hos. 3: 4. without an image (marg. a standing, or, statue), and without an ephod, 10: l.they have made goodly images, (marg. statues, or, standing images) 2. he shall spoil (Aeir images. Mic. 5: 13( 12). and thy standhig images (marg.or, statues) out ofthe midst n3V£ wiatz-tzeh'-veth, f. Gen 35: 14. (even) a pillar of stone: 20. that (is) (Ae pillar of Rachel's grave 2Sa. 18:18. Absalom... reared up for himself a pillar, — he called (Ae pillar after his own name: Isa. 6: 13. whose swos(ance (marg. or, stock, or, stem) — the holy seed (shallbe) the substajtce thereof. PKD matz-tzati \ f. 7!£% mtzahd & nx& m'tzad, m. Jud. 6: 2. in the mountains,. ..and strong holds. lSa.23:14. in the wilderness in strong holds, 19. hide himself with us in strong holds 29(24:1 ). dwelt in strong holds at En-gedi. ICh 1 1 : 7. David dwelt in the castle ,¦ 12: 8. into the hold to the wilderness 16. there came...(o the hold Isa. 33 : 16. (Ae munitions of rocks : Jer. 48: 4 1. and (Ae strong holds are surprised, 51 :30.they have remained in (their) holds: Eze.33: 27. they that (be) in the forts TlV2 \_mah-tzahr\ # KAL.— Preterite. # Isa. 51: 17. (and) wrung (them) out. Eze. 23: 34. Thou shalt even drink itandsuck (it) out, KAL.— Future. Jud. 6: 38. and wringed the dew out ofthe fleece, Ps. 75: 8(9). the wicked.. .shall wring (them) out, # NIPHAL.— Preterite. # Lev. 1:15. and the blood thereof shall be wrung out NIPHAL.— Future. Lev. 5: 9. the blood shalt be wrung out Ps. 73: 10. waters.. .are wrung out to them. Gen 19 Ex. 12 1323 2934 Lev. 2 3. and did bake unleavened bread, : 8. roast with fire, and unleavened bread; 15. Seven days shall ye eat ujileavened bread; 17. (the feast of) imleavened bread; 18. ye shall eat unleavened bread, 20. shall ye eat urdeavened bread. 39. they baked unleavened cakes 6. thou shalt eat unleavened bread, 7 . Unleavejied bread shall be eaten : 15. the feast of unleavened bread : thou shalt eat unleavened bread 2. And unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened tempered with oil, and wafers unleavened anointed 23. basket of (Ae unleavened bread 18. The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat un leavened bread, : 4. unleavejied cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavejied wafers anointed 5. fine flour unleavened, 16(9). with unleavened bread 12. unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed 2. a basket of unleavened bread ; 26. the basket of unleavened bread, — he took one unleavened cake, 12. eat it without leaven 6. the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord : seven days ye must eat unleavejied bread. 15. a basket of unleavened bread, — wafers of unleavened bread 1 7. the basket of unleavened bread ; 19. one 7/n(eai)eneo'cake outofthe basket, and one unleavejied wafer, 1 1 . eat it with unleavened bread 1 7. shall unleavened bj-ead he eaten. 3. shalt thou eat unleavened bread 8. thou shalt eat imleavened bread : 16. the feast of unleavened bread, 1 1 . unleavened cakes, and parched (corn) 19. unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: 20, 21 . the flesh ajid the unleavened cakes, 2 l.the flesh and tke unleavejied cakes. lSa.28:24.did bake unleavened bread 2K. 23: 9. they did eat of (Ae unleavened bread I Ch 23 : 29. for (Ae imleavened cakes, 2Ch 8: 13. in the feast of unleavened bread, 30: 13, 2 l.the feast of unleavened bread 35: 17. the feast of unleavejied bread seven days. Ezr. 6 : 22. the feast of unleavened bread Eze.45: 2 1. unleavejied bread shall be eaten. Nu. 6 28 Deu 16 Jos. 5 Jud. 6 Pttft matz-tzah', f. T - ' Pro. 13: 10. by pride cometh contention: 1 7 : 1 9. He loveth transgression that loveth strife: Isa. 58: 4. ye fast for strife ajid debate, niSriVO mitz-hdlokth', f. pi. Jer. 8: 16. at the sound of (Ae neighing o/his strong 13: 27. thine adulteries, and (Ay neighings, TOO [mdh-tzohd'\ m. Pro. 12: 12. The wicked desireth (Ae net (marg. or, fortress) o/evil (men): Ecc. 7:26. the woman, whose heart (is) snares and 9: 14. and built great bulwaj-ks ¦fiXft \riiah-tzood!\ m. Job 19: 6. and hath compassed me with Ais net. TPfiSO mtzoh-dah', f. Ecc. 9: 12. the fishes that are taken in an evil net, Isa. 29: 7. against her and her mujhtion, Eze. 19: 9. they brought him hito holds, 1X0 ( 753 ) x&n r\yM}mtzoo.dahf,L lSa.22 24 2Sa. 5 22 23 IChllJob 39 Ps. 18 31 66 7191 144 Eze. 12 13 17 : 4. all the while that David was in the hold. 5. Abide not in the hold; : 22(23). David and his men gat them up unto the hold. : 7. David took (Ae strong hold of Zion: 9. David dwelt in the fort, 17. and went down to (Ae AoZa*. : 2. The Lord (is) my rock, and my fortress, : 14. David (was) then in an hold, : 5. David took (Ae castle of Zion, 16. David (was) then in the hold, : 28. of the rock, and the strong place. 2(3) . The Lord (is) my rock, and my fortress, 2 (3 j . for an house of defence 3(4). my rock and my fortress ; 11. Thou broughtest us into tke net; 3. my rock and my fortress. 2. my refuge and my fortress : 2. My goodness, and my fortress ; : 13. he shall be taken in my snare : 21.be no more in your hand to be hunted 20. he shall be taken in my snare, Gen 26 Ex. 15 16 2024 Lev. 4 27: Nu.15 36: Deu 4 T\\$f2 mitz-vdh', f. 5. my commandments, my statutes, !6.give ear to his commandments, :28.to keep my commandmejits : 6. and keep jny commandments. : 12. a law, and commandments 2, 13, 22. any of (Ae commandments of the Lord 27. any ofthe commandmejits ofthe Lord : 17 .the commandments ofthe Lord ; -.31. Therefore shall ye keep my commandmejits, : 3. and keep my commandments, 14. do all these commandments ; 15. do all my commandments, 34. These (are) (Ae commajidments, 22. all these commandments, 31. hath broken Ais commandment, 39. (Ae commandments o/the Lord, 40. do all my commandments, 13. These (are) (Ae commandments 2. (Ae commandments o/the Lord 40. his statutes, and Ais cojnjnandments, : 10. and keep my commandments. 29(26). keep all my commajidments 31(28). all (Ae commandments, : L these (are) (Ae commandments, 2. his statutes and his commandments, 17. the commandments o/the Lord 25. to do all these commandments : 9. keep Ais commandments 11. keep (Ae commajidments, : 1. All (Ae commandments which 2. wouldest keep Ais commandments, 6. the commandments ofthe Lord 11. keeping Ais commandments, :l3.(Ae commandments o/the Lord, : 1. his judgments, and kis commandments, 8. keep all (Ae commandments 13. my commandments which I command 22. all these commandmejits 27, 28. (Ae commandments o/the Lord 4(5). keep Ais commandments, 18(l9).keep all Ais commandments 5. to do all these commandments 20. turn not aside from (Ae commandment, 9. keep all these commandments 13. all thy comjnandments — I have not transgressed thy commandments, 17. ajid his commajidments, and his judgments, 18. keep all Ais commandments ; I. Keep all (Ae comjnandments 10. and do Ais commandments l.to do all Ais commandments 9, 13. (Ae commandments ofthe Lord 15. to do all Ais commandments 45. to keep Ais commandments, 8. do all Ais commandments 10. thy God, to keep Ais commandments 1 1 . this commandment which I command thee 16. and to keep Ais commandments Deu 31 : 5. all (Ae commandments Jos. 22: 3. the charge of (Ae commandment of 5. to do (Ae commandment — to keep Ais commandments, Jud. 2:17 & 3:4- (Ae commandmejits o/the Lord ; 1 Sa. 13: 13. thou hast not kept (Ae commandment of IK. 2: 3. his statutes, and Ais commandments, 43. (Ae commandment that I have charged 3:14.tokeepmy statutes and my commandments, 6 : 12. keep all my commandments 8:58, 6 l.to keep Ais commandments, 9: 6. keen my commandments 11 :34.he kept my commandments 38. my statutes and my commandments, 13: 21. hast not kept (Ae commandment 14: 8. David, who kept my commandments, 18:18. (Ae commandments o/the Lord, 2K. 17: 13. keep my commandments 16. (Ae commandments ofthe Lord 19. Judah kept not (Ae commandments of 34. or after the law and commandment 37. the law, and the commandment, 18: 6. kept Ais commandments, 36. the king's commandment was, 23: 3. to keep Ais commandments 1 Ch 28 : 7 . to do my commandments 8. the commandments o/the Lord 29: 19. to keep (Ay commandments, 2Ch 7:19. my statutes and my commandments, 8 -.13. according to the commandment o/Moses, 14. had David the man of God commanded. (marg. (was) the commandment o/David) 15. (Ae commandment ofthe king 14: 4(3). the law and the commandment. 17: 4. and walked in his commandments, 19: 10. between law and commandment, 24:20. (Ae commandments o/the Lord, 21. at the commajidment o/the king 29: 15. according to the commandment of the king, 2d. according to the commandment o/David, — (Ae commandment of the Lord 30: 6. and according to the commandment of 12. (Ae commandment of the king 31:21. and in the commajidments, 34: 3 l.to keep Ais commandments, 35:10. according to the king's commandment. 15. according to the commandment o/David, 16. according to the commandment o/king Ezr. 7:11. (Ae commandments o/the Lord, 9: 10. we have forsaken (Ay commandments, 14. break (Ay commandments, 10: 3.a( (Ae commandmejit o/our God; Neh 1 : 5. observe Ais commandments : 7. have not kept (Ae commandments, 9. and keep my commajidments, 9:13. good statutes and commandments : 14. and commandedst them precepts, 16. hearkened not to (Ay commandments, 29. hearkened not unto thy commandments, 34. nor hearkened unto (Ay commandments 10:29(30). (Ae commandments ofthe Lord 32(33). we made ordinances for us, 11: 23. the king's commandment 12: 24, 45. according to the commandment of David 13: 5. which was commanded (to be given) to the Levites, (marg. (Ae commandment of the Levites) Est. 3: 3. the king's commandmejit? Job 23:12. (Ae commandment o/his lips ; Ps. 19: 8{9). the cojnmandmejit of the Lord 78 : 7. but keep Ais commandments : 89: 31 (32). and keep not my cojnmandments ; 112: 1 . delighteth greatly in his commandmejits. 119: 6. have respect unto all (Ay commandments. 10. wander from thy commandments. 19. hide not (Ay commandments 21 . do err from thy commandments. 32. the way ofthy commandmejits, 35. the path of (Ay commajidments ; 47. in thy commandments, which I 48. unto (Ay commandments, which I 60. to keep (Ay commandments. 66. 1 have believed thy commandments. 73. that I may learn (Ay commajidments. 86. All (Ay commandments (are) faithful: 96. thy commandmejit (is) exceeding broad. 98- through (Ay commandments 3 c 12D Psll9:115.(Ae commandmejits ofmy God. 127.1 love (Ay commandments 131.1 longed for thy commandments. 143. (Ay commandments (are) my delights. 151. all (Ay commandments (are) truth. 166. and done (Ay commandments. 172. all (Ay commandments (are) righteousness. 176. 1 do not forget (Ay commandments. Pro. 2: Land hide my commandments with thee ; 3 : 1 . but let thine heart keep my commandments : 4: 4. keep my commandments, and live. 6: 20. keep thy father's commandment, 23. (Ae commandment (is) a lamp ; 7 : 1 . and lay up my commandments 2. Keep my commandments, and live ; 10: 8. wise in heart will receive comjnandments : 13: 13. he that feareth (Ae commandment 19:16. He that keepeth (Ae commandment Ecc. 8: 5. Whoso keepeth (Ae commandment 12:13. Fear God, and keep Ais commandments; Isa. 29 : 1 3. by the precept of men : 36 : 21 . the king's commandment 48: 18. hearkened to my commandments I Jer. 32:11 . (according) to (Ae law and custom, 35 : 14. obey their father's commandment : 16. (Ae commandmejit of their father, 18. (Ae commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all Ais precepts, Dan 9: 4. them that keep Ais commandments ; 5. departing fj-om thy precepts Mai. 2: 1. 0 ye priests, this commandment (is) for 4. 1 have sent this commandment n$fa& [mtzoh-uk'\ f. Ex. 15: 5. they sank into the bottom Neh 9:11. thou thre west hito the deeps, Ps. 88: 6(7). in darkness, in the deeps. K 754 ) bXQ 2K. 19:24. the rivers of besieged (marg. or, fenced) places. 24:10&25:2. the city was besieged, (marg. came into siege) 2Ch 8: h. fenced cities, with walls, gates, and bars* 11:5. Rehoboam. , .built cities for defence 32: 10. in the siege (marg. or, strong hold) in Ps. 31 :21(22).kindness in a s(ron# (marg. or,/enced) city. 60: 9(11). (into) the strong city? (marg. city of strength ) Isa. 19: 6. the brooks of defence shall be emptied 37:25. (Ae besieged places, (marg.or, fenced and closed) Jer. 10: 17. 0 inhabitant of the fortress. 19: 9. hi the siege and straitness, 52: 5- city was besieged (lit. came into siege) Eze. 4 : 2. And lay siege against it, 3. it shall be besieged, (lit. in a siege) 7. tke siege of Jerusalem, 8. the days ofthy siege. 5: 2. when the days of (Ae siege are fulfilled: Mic. 5: 1(4:14). he hath laid siege against us: 7: 12. (from) the fortified cities, and from the fortress even to the river, Nah 3:14. Draw thee waters for (Ae siege, Hab 2: l.me unon tke tower, {marg. fenced place) Zee. 9: 3. Tyrus did build herself a strong kold, 12: 2. they shall be in tke siege rhtipnitzoo-ldh'J. Job 41:31 (23). He maketh (Ae deep to boil Ps. 68: 22(23 ).from the depths o/the sea: 69: 2(3). I sink in deep mire, (marg. the mire of depth) 15(16). neither let (Ae deep swallow me up, 107:24. and his wonders in the deep. Jon. 2: 3(4). thou hadst cast me into (Ae deep, Mic. 7:19. into the depths ofthe sea. Zec.10 : 1 1 . (Ae deeps of the river shall dry up : piXfi mah-tzohk', m. Deu 28:53, 55. in the siege, and in the straitness, 57. in the siege and straitness, ISa. 22: 2. every one (that was) in distress, Ps.119: 143. Trouble and anguish have taken hold Jer. 19: 9. in the siege and straitness, pNft mah-tzook' , m. ISa. 2: 8. (Ae pillars ofthe earth (are) the Lord's, 14: 5. The forefront ofthe one (was) situate HjjWJJ mtzoo-kdh', f. Job 15:24. Trouble and anguish shall make him Ps. 25: 17. (O) bring thou me out ofmy distresses. 107: 6. he delivered them on( of their distresses. 13. he saved them out of their distresses. 19. he saveth them out of their distresses. 28. and he bringeth them on( of their distresses. Zep. 1:15. a day of trouble and distress, *li5ttj mah-tzohr' , m. Deu20:I9.to employ (them) in (Ae siege: 20. thou shalt build bulwarks 28:53, 55. in the siege, and in the straitness, 57. in tke siege and straitness, n*Tl5fD mtzoo-rah', f. 2Ch 1 1 : 1 0. in Judah and in Benjamin fenced cities. 1 1 . he fortified (Ae strong holds, 23. unto every fenced city: 12 : 4. he took the fenced cities 14: 6(5). he built fenced cities 21 : 3. fenced cities in Judah: Isa. 29: 3. 1 will raise forts against thee. .Nah 2: 1 (2). keep (Ae munition, watch the way, T\W2 [matz-tzooth'], f. Isa. 41 : 12. them that contended with thee ; (marg. the men of (Ay contention) nS£ mek'-tzagh, com. Ex. 28:38. it shall be upon Aaron's forehead, — it shall be always upon his forehead, lSa.l7:49. smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into kis forehead; 2Ch 26:19. the leprosy even rose up in his forehead 20. he (was) leprous in his forehead, Isa. 48: 4. and thy brow brass ; Jer. 3: 3. and thou hadst a whore's foj-ekead, Eze. 3 : 7. the house of Israel (are) impudent (marg. stiff of forehead) 8- thy forehead strong against their foreheads. 9. than flint have I made thy forehead: 9: 4. set a mark upon the foreheads MTOD [mitz-'ghdh'l f. ISa. 17: 6. (he had) greaves o/brass upon his leg rb?p mtzool-ldh', f. Zee. 1 : 8. that (were) in the bottom; ffafc m'tzil-lohth', f. pi. Zec.l 4: 20. upon (Ae bells (marg. or, bridles) o/th: DTI???? mtzil-tah'-yim, dual. ICh 13: 8. with timbrels, and with cymbals, 15:16. psalteries and harps and cymbals, 1 9. to sound witA cymbals of brass ; 28. with trumpets, and with cymbals, 1 Ch 16: 5. Asaph made a sound u>i(A cymbals ; 42. with trumpets and cymbals 25 : 1'. with psalteries, and with cymbals : 6. with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, 2Ch 5 : 12. cymbals and psalteries and harps, 13. with the trumpets and cymbals 29 : 25. with cymbals, with psalteries, Ezr. 3:10. the sons of Asaph witA cymbals, Neh 12:27. (with) cymbals, psalteries, and with ( 755 ) IpD n|3V£ mitz-neh'-pheth, f. Ex. 28: 4. a mitre, and a girdle: 37. maybe upon themitre; upon the forefront of (Ae mitre it shall be. 39. make (Ae mitre (of) fine linen, 29; 6. put (Ae mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon (Ae mitre. 39:2S. And a mitre (of) fine linen, 31. on high upon (Ae mitre ; Lev. 8: 9. he put (Ae mitre upon his head ; also upon (Ae mitre, 16: 4. and with the linen mitre Eze.21: 26(31). Remove (Ae diadem, J^fi matz-tzdhg' , m. Isa. 28:20. For (Ae bed is shorter *TJ$? [mitz-gdhd'l m. Ps. 37:23. TAe steps of a (good) man Pro.20 : 24. Man's goings (are) ofthe Lord; Danll :43.the Ethiopians (shall be) at his steps. iTVyjfP rnitz-gee-rdh' , adj . f. Dan 8: 9. of one of them came forth a little horn, *ij$£ mitz-gdhr' , m. Genl9:20.and it (is) a little one: — (is) it not a little one ? 2Ch 24:24. ici(A a small company of men, Job 8: 7. Though thy beginning was small, Ps. 42: 6(7). hill Mzar. (marg. or, the little hill) Isa. 63: 18. possessed (it) but a little while : P1SV£ mitz-peh', m. 2Ch 20:24. when Judah came toward (Ae watch towei Isa. 21 : 8. 1 stand continually upon (Ae watch-tower D'JMfi [matz-poo-neem'], m. pi. Obad 6. (how) are his hidden things sought up ! ptt? [mah-tzatz']. * KAL Future. * Isa. 66 : 1 1 . that ye may milk out, and be delighted TSD mth-tzar', m. Ps.U6: 3. and the pains c/hell gat hold upon me: 118: 5. 1 called upon the Lord in distress : Lam. 1 : 3. overtook her between (Ae straits. matz-rehph' , m. Pro.17: 3. The fining pot (is) for silver, 27:21. the fining pot for silver, f~ p& mak, m. Isa. 3:24. of sweet smell there shall be stink; 5:24. their root shall be as rottenness, H3j5to [mak-kah-vah'], f. IK. 6: 1. neither hammer nor ax (nor) any tool Isa. 44: 12. and fashioneth it with hammers, Jer. 10: 4. they fasten it with nails and with hammers, n5j5^ mak-keh' -veth , f. Jud. 4:21. took an hammer in her hand, Isa. 51 : l.tAe hole o/the pit (whence) ye are Ex. 15:25 Lev.12: 1619 2021 26: Nu. 3 10 1819 Jos. 24 ICh 22 28 2Ch20 26 29 3036 Neh 10 Ps. 68 7374 78 96: Isa. 8 1660 63 Jer. 17 51 Lam. 1 2 Eze. 5: 45 Ehj?P mik-duhsh', m. 17. (in) (Ae Sanctuary, O Lord, which thy 8. let them make me a sanctuary ; 4. nor come into the sanctuary, 33. make an atonement for (Ae holy sanctuary, '60. and reverence my sanctuary: 3. to defile my sanctuary, 12. Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane (Ae sanctuary of his God ; 23. profane not my sanctuaj-ies : 2 . and reverence my sanctuary : SI. your sanctuaries unto desolation, 38. keeping the charge of (Ae sanctuary 21. bearing the sanctuary : 1 . shall bear the iniquity of (Ae sanctuaj-y : 29. (Ae hallowed part thereof out of it. 20. he hath defiled (Ae sanctuary ofthe Lord: ;26.that (was) by the sanctuary ofthe Lord. ; 19. build ye (Ae sanctuary o/the Lord God, 10. to build an house for the sanctuary: ; 8. have built thee a sanctuary 18. go out of (Ae sanctuary; 21. for (Ae sanctuary, and for Judah. : 8. enter into his sanctuary, :17.the bouse of their sanctuary, 39(40). (are) the vessels of (Ae sanctuary. :35(36).0 God, (thou art) terrible out of thy holy places : . 17. Until I went into (Ae sanctuary of God ; ; 7. They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, 69. he built Ais sanctuary like high (palaces), 6. strength and beauty (are) in his sanctuary. 1 4. he shall he for a sanctuary; 12. he shall come to Ais sanctuary to pray ; : 13. to beautify the place of my sanctuary; : 18. our adversaries have trodden down (Ay sanctuary. : 12. the place of onr sanctuary. :51. strangers are come into (Ae sanctuaries of : 10. the heathen entered into Aer sanctuary, : 7. he hath abhorred Ais sanctuary, 20. the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of 11 . because thou hast defiled my sanctuary 6. 1 should go far off from my sanctuary ? 6. and begin at my sanctuary. 16. yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary 2(7) . drop (thy word) toward (Ae holy places, 38. they have defiled my sanctuary 39. they came the same day into my sanctuary : 21 . 1 will profane my sanctuary, 3. Because thou saidst, Aha, against my sanctuary, 18. Thou hast defiled (Ay sanctuaries 26. will set my sanctuary in the midst of them 28. my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them 21 .without (Ae sanctuary. I . the gate of (Ae outward sanctuary 5. with every going forth of (Ae sanctuary. 7. to be in my sanctuary, 8. keepers ofmy charge in my sanctuary 9. shall enter into my sanctuary, 1 1 . they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, 15. kept the charge ofmy sanctuary 16. They shall enter into my sanctuary, : 3. in it shall be (Ae sanctuary 4. the ministers of (Ae sanctuary, — and an holy place for the sanctuary. 18- cleanse (Ae sanctuary: 12. they issued out of (Ae saJictuary: 8. (Ae sanctuary shall be in the midst 10. (Ae sanctuary o/the Lord shall be in the 21.and the sanctuary o/the house ipn ( 756 ) Dan. 8:1 l.the place of Ais sanctuary was cast down. 9:17. cause thy face to shine upon (Ay sanctuary 11:31. they shall pollute (Ae sanctuary Am. 7 : 9. and the sanctuaj-ies of Israel 13.it (is) the king's chapel, fiV?np£ mak-heh-lohthf \ f. pi. Ps. 68:26(27). Bless ye God in tke congregations, Dvllp]!? mak-heh-leem' \ m. pi. Ps. 26: 12. in the congregations will I bless the Lord. KlpO mik-vehf, m. 1 K. 10 ; 28. Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarn : the king's merchants received (Ae linen yarn at a price. 2Ch 1 : 16. Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yam: the king's merchants received (Ae Ihien yarn at a price. npfi mik-vehf , m. Gen. 1:10. and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas : Ex. 7: 19. upon all their pools of water, (marg. gatherhig of their waters) Lev.l 1 : 36. a fountain or pit, ( wherein there is ) plenty of water, ICh 29: 15. (there is) none abiding, (marg. expectation) Ezr.lO: 2. yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Jer. 14: 8. 0 the hope. o/Israel, the saviour thereof 17:13.0 Lord, (Ae Aojoe of Israel, 50: 7 .even the Lord, (Ae hope of their fathers. Hlpfi mik-vah\ f, Isa. 22 : 1 1 . Ye made also a ditch between the two wall j Dlpfo mah-kohm' ', com. be gathered together unto one place, the land unto the place of Sichem, the place where his tent had been Unto the place of the altar, look from (Ae place where thou art spare the place for the fifty righteous I will spare all (Ae place for their sakes. Abraham returned Jinto his place. bring (them) out of this place: For we will destroy this place, Up, get you out of this place; Abraham gat up early.. .to the place the fear of God (is) not in this place; at every place whither we shall come, he called that place Beer-sheba ; (Ae place of which God had told him. saw the place afar off. (Ae place which God had told him of; the name of that place. Jehovah-jireh: is there room (in) thy father's house for us to lodge in? provender enough, and room to lodge in. the house, and j-oom for the camels. .the men of (Ae place asked (him) lest, (said he), the men of the place should . he lighted vpon a certain place, he took of the stones of that place, and lay down in that place to sleep. Surely the Lord is in this place; How dreadful ( is) this place! he called the name of that place again upon the well's mouth in his place. gathered together all the men of the place, It must not be so done in our country, (marg. place) that I may go unto mine own place, Gen. 1- 9. 12 6. 13 3. 4. 14. 18:24. 26. 33. 19 12. 13. 14. Ti. 20 11. 13. 21 31. 22 3. 4. 9. 14. 24 23. 25. 31. 26 7 28:11 1617 19 29: 3 22 26 30:25. Gen31: 32 36 38 39 40 Ex. 3 16 17 18 20 21 2329 33 Lev. 1 4 10 16 24 Nu. 9 101113 14 1819 20 21 22 23 24 32 Deu 1 9 1 12 14 15 lpD 55(32:1). Laban departed, and returned unto his place. 2(3). called thename of that piace Mahanaim. 30(31) . called the name of (Ae place Peniel : 17. the name of (Ae place is called Succoth. 7. and called (Ae place El-beth-el: 13. in the place where he talked with him. 14. Jacob set up a pillar in the place 15. Jacob called the name of the place 40. after their places, by their names ; 2 1 . he asked the men of (Aa( place, 22. also the men of (Ae place said, 20. a piace where the king's prisoners 3. the place where Joseph (was) bound. 5. (Ae place whereon thou standest 8. unto (Ae place o/the Canaanites, 29. let no man go out ofhis place l.he called the name of (Ae place Massah, and Meribah, 23. people shall also go to (Aeir place in peace. : 24. in all places where I record my name : 13. appoint thee a place whither he shall flee. :20. into (Ae place which I have prepared. 31 . seethe his flesh in the holy place. : 21. Behold, (there is) a place by me, 16. east part, by (Ae place ofthe ashes: : 12. without the camp unto a clean place, 24, 33. in the place where they kill the burnt 29. in the place ofthe burnt offering. : 11(4). forth the ashes... unto a clean piace. 16(9) . shall it be eaten in the holy place; 25( 18). (Ae place where the burnt offering is 26( 19). in the holy place shall it be eaten, 27(20). it was sprinkled in the holy place. : 2. In the place where they kill the burnt 6. it shall be eaten in the holy place: : 13. ye shall eat it in (Ae holy place, 14. shall ye eat in a clean place; 17. eaten the sin offering in the holy place, : 19. in the place o/the boil there be : 13. in (Ae place where he shall kill the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the holy place : 28. upon (Ae place ofthe blood ofthe trespass offering : 40. shall cast them into an unclean place 41 . without the city into an unclean place : 45. out of the city into an unclean piace. 24. his flesh with water in the holy place, 9. they shall eat it in the holy place: : Il.and in the place where the cloud abode, : 29. We are journeying unto (Ae place : 3. he called the name of (Ae place Taberah : 34. he called the name of that place 24. TAe place was called the brook Eshcol, : 40. will go up unto (Ae place 31 . ye shall eat it in every place, 9. without the camp in a clean place, 5. to bring us in unto this evil place? it (is) noplace of seed, or of figs, 3. he called the name of (Ae place Hormah. 26. and stood in a narrow place, : 13. Come,. ..with me unto another place, 27. 1 will bring thee unto another place; 11. Therefore now flee thou to thy place: 25. went and returned to his place: : l.that, behold, (Ae place (was) a place for cattle ; 17. we have brought them unto their place: 31 . until ye came into this place. 33. search you out a place to pitch your tents 7. until ye came unto this piace, : 5. until ye came into this place; 24. Every place whereon the soles of your feet 2. Ye shall utterly destroy all (Ae places, 3. destroy the names of them out of that place. b.the place which the Lord your God shall 1 1 . a place which the Lord your God 13. offer not thy burnt offerings in every place 14. But in the place which the Lord shall choose 18. in the place which the Lord thy God 2 1 . (Ae place which the Lord thy God hath 26. go unto (Ae place which the Lord :23. in (Ae place which he shall choose 24. if (Ae place be too far from thee, 25. go unto (Ae place which the Lord 20 & 16:2. in the place which the Lord shall )pQ ( 757 ) lpD 1718 2123 2629 31 Jos. 1 3 4 5 9 20 Jud. 2 7 9 11 151819 Deu 16 : 6. at (Ae place which the Lord thy God 7. thou shalt roast and eat (it) in the place 11. in the place which the Lord thy God hath 1 5. in the place which the Lord shall choose: 16. in (Ae place which he shall choose ; : 8. get thee up into (Ae piace which the Lord 10. the sentence, which they of that place : 6. (Ae place which the Lord shall choose ; 19. unto the gate of Ais place; 16(17). in that place which he shall choose : 2. shalt go unto the place which the Lord 9. he hath brought us into this place, : 7(6). when ye came unto this place, : 1 1 . in the place which he shall choose, : 3. Every place that the sole of your foot : 3. then ye shall remove from your place, : 18. waters of Jordan returned wn(o their place, : 9. the name of (Ae place is called Gilgal 15. the place whereon thou standest (is) holy. : 26. the name of that place was called, 19. the ambush arose quickly ow( of their place, 27. in (Ae place which he should choose. 4. give him a place, that he may dwell 5. they called the name of that place 7. go every man unto his place. 55. they departed every man unto his place. 19. through thy land into my place. 17. and called that place Ramath-lehi. 10. a place where (there is) no want of any 12. they called that place Mahaneh-dan 13. let us draw near to one of these places 16. the men of (Ae place (were) Benjamites. 28. gat him unto his place. 22. in the place where they put themselves in 33. the men of Israel rose up out of their place, — came forth out of their places, 36. men of Israel gave place to the Benjamites, 7. went forth out of (Ae place where she was, 4. shalt mark (Ae place where he shall lie, 10. and from the gate of his place: 20. they went unto their own home. 2. Eli (was) laid down in his place, 9. Samuel went and lay down in his place. 3. Dagon, and set him in his place again. 11. let it go again to his own place, 2. wherewith we shall send it to his place. 1 6. judged Israel in all those places. 22. made them sit in (Ae chiefest place 8. made them dwell in this place. 46. the Philistines went to their own place. 19. to the place where thou didst hide thyself 25, 27. David's place was empty. 37. was come to (Ae place ofthe arrow 2(3). (my) servants to such and such a place. 22. see Ais place where his haunt is, 28. they called that place Sela-hammahlekoth. 5. came to (Ae place where Saul had pitched: and David beheld (Ae place where Saul 13. a great space (being) between them: 25. Saul returned to his place. 5. let them give me aplaee in some town 4. that he may go again to his place 31. the places where David himself : 16. that place was called Helkath-hazzurim, 23. as many as came to (Ae place 20. called the name of that place 8. called the name of (Ae place Perez-uzzah 1 7. the ark of the Lord, and set it in Ais place, 1 0. 1 will appoint a place for my people 16. he assigned Uriah unto a place 19. return to thy place, and abide with the 21 . in what piace my lord the king shall be, 9. (other) place : (lit. in one of (Ae places) 12. come upon him in some piace (lit. id.) 39(40). he returned unto his own place. 28(5: 8). brought they unto (Ae place 9(23) . (Ae place that thou shalt appoint me, 6. brought in the ark.. .unto Ais place, 7. (their) two wings over (Ae place ofthe 21.1 have set there a place for the ark, 29. toward (Ae place of which thou hast said, thy servant shall make toward this place. 30. they shall pray toward this place : and hear thou in heaven thy dwelling piace : 35. if they pray toward this place, 1 0 : 1 9. on (Ae place of the seat, 13: 8. nor drink water in this place: 20 Ru. 1 34 ISa. 2 3 5: 6:7 9 1214 20 26 27 29 30: 2Sa. 2 7 11 15 17 19 IK. 4: 5 8 IK. 13: 2021 2K. 5 23 ICh 131415 16 17 21 2Ch 35 Ezr. 1 9 Neh 1 2 4 12 Est. 4 Job 2: 6 7 8 9 141618 202728: 34 37 38 Ps. 24263744 103 16. nor drink water with thee in this piace .• 22. eaten bread and drunk water in the place, : 24. every man out of his place, \9.In the place where dogs licked the blood 11. strike his hand over (Ae piace, 1 . (Ae place where we dwell 2. let us make us a place there, 6. he shewed him (Ae place. 8. In such and such a place (shall be) my 9. pass not such a place ; 10. the king of Israel sent to (Ae place 25. against this piace to destroy it ? 16.1 will bring evil upon this place, 17. wrath shall be kindled against this place, 19.1 spake against this piace, 20. 1 will bring upon this place. 14. filled (Aeir places with the bones of men. 1 1 . that place is called Perez-uzza 1 1 . the name of that place Baal-perazim . 1 . prepared a place for the ark 3. the ark of the Lord unto Ais place, 27. strength and gladness (are) in his place. 9. 1 will ordain a place for my people 22. Grant me (Ae place of (this) 25. David gave to Oman for the place 1 . (Ae place that David had prepared 7. unto Ais place, to the oracle 8. (their) wings over (Ae place of 20. upon (Ae place whereof thou hast said — prayeth toward this place. 21. toward this place: hear thou from thy dwelling place, 26. if they pray toward this place, 40. the prayer (that is made) in this place. 12. have chosen this place 15. the prayer (that is made) in this place. 18. stays on each side of (Ae sitting place, 26. (Ae same place was called, The valley of 1 1 . carried it to Ais place again. 10. to go Aome (marg. to their place) again: — they returned Aome in great anger. 1 9. his trespass, and the places wherein 24. 1 will bring evil upon this place, 25. shall be poured out upon this place, 27.heardest his words against this place, 28. the evil that I will bring upon this place, 4. whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of Ais place 17. Iddo the chief at (Ae place Casiphia, — the Nethinims, at (Ae place Casiphia, 8. to give us a nail in his holy place, 9. will bring them unto the place 14. (there was) no place for the beast 12(6). From all places whence ye shall 13(7). in the lower places (lit. from the lower parts ofthe place) 20(14). In what place (therefore) ye hear the 27. sought the Levites out of all (Aeir places, 3. whithersoever (lit. tke place which) the 14. arise to the Jews from another place ,- 17.n>Ai(Aersoever (lit. tke place which) the 1 1 . every one from his own place ; 17. they are consumed ow( of their place. 10. neither shall Ais place know him any 18. If he destroy him from his place, 6. Which shaketh the earth out of her place, 18. the rock is removed out of his place. 18. let my cry have no place. 4. shall the rock be removed out ofhis place ? 21. this (is) tke place (of him) 9. neither shall Ais place any more behold 21.hurleth him out of his place. 23. shall hiss him out ofhis place. Land a place for gold (where) they fine 6. The stones of it (are) (Ae piace of 12, 20. where (is) the place a/understanding? 23. he knoweth (Ae place thereof. 26. in the open sight of others ; (marg. in the place o/beholders) 1. moved out ofhis place. 1 2. the dayspring to know, Ais place ; 19. where (is) the place thereof, 3. who shall stand in his holy place? 8. and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 10. diligently consider his place, 19(20). sore broken us in the place of 16. the place thereof shall know it no more, lpD ( 758 ) VpD Ps.103 104132 Pro. 15: 2527: Ecc. 1; 6:8 1011 Isa. 5 7 13 1418 22 26 28 334546 49 546066 Jer. 4. 7 24: 29: 3233 40 42 44 4551 Eze. 3 6 101217 2131 22. in all places o/his dominion : 8. by the valleys unto (Ae place 5. Until I find out a place for the Lord, 3. The eyes of the Lord ( are ) in every place, 6. and stand not in the place of great (men) : 8. a man that wandereth from his place. 5. hasteth to his place 7. unto the place from whence the rivers 16. (Ae place of judgment, (that) wickedness (was) there ; and the place of 20. All go unto one place; 6. do not all go to one place ? 10. gone from the place o/the holy, 4. leave not (Ay place ; 3. in the place where the tree falleth, 8. (that) lay field to field, till (there be) no place, 23. (that) every place shall be, 13. the earth shall remove out of her place, 2. bring them to (Aeir place : 7. to the place o/the name ofthe Lord 23. fasten him (as) a nail in a sure place ; 25. the nail that is fastened in the sure place 21. the Lord cometh out of his place 8. (there is) no place (clean). 21 . a place of broad rivers ( and ) streams ; 19. in a dark place ofthe earth: 7. they carry him, and set him in his place, 20. TAe place (is) too strait for me: 2. Enlarge the place ofthy tent, 1 3. to beautify (Ae place of my sanctuary ; and I will make (Ae place ofmy feet 1. where (is) the place ofmy rest? 7. he is gone forth from kis place 3. 1 will cause you to dwell in this place. 6. shed not innocent blood in this place, 7. cause you to dwell in this place, 12. go ye now unto my place 14. and unto the place which I gave to you 20. shall be poured out upon this place, 32. bury in Tophet, till there be no joZace. 3. which remain in all (Ae places 7 . took the girdle from (Ae place 13. give you assured peace in this place. 2. sons or daughters in this place. t 3. the daughters that are born in this place, 9. 1 will cause to cease out of this place 12. (Ae place of our sanctuary. 3. 1 will bring evil upon this place, 4. have estranged this place, . — have filled this place with the blood 6. this joZace shall no more be called Tophet, 7. of Judah and Jerusalem in this place ; 11. till (there be) no place to bury. 12. Thus will I do unto this place, 13. as tke place of Tophet, 3. neither shed innocent blood hi this place. 11. went forth out of this place; 12. he shall die in tke place 5. whom I have sent out of this place 9. in all places whither I shall drive them. 22. restore them to this place. 3. will I bring again into this place — took away from this place, 4. 1 will bring again to this place 6. from Babylon into this place. 10. causing you to return to this place. 14. from all (Ae places whither I have driven — I will bring you again into (Ae place 37 . 1 will bring them again unto this place, 10. there shall be heard in this place, 12. Again in this place, which is desolate 2. pronounced this evil upon this place. 12. the Jews returned out of all places 18. ye shall see this place no more. 22. ire (Ae place whither ye desire to go 29. 1 will punish you in this place, 5. in all places whither thou goest. 62. thou hast spoken against this place, 1 2. the glory of the Lord from his place. 13. (Ae place where they did offer sweet 1 1 . to (Ae place whither the head looked 3. shalt remove from thy place to another joZace 16. in the place (where) the king (dwelleth) 30(35). I will judge thee in the place 12. deliver them out of all places Eze.38:15.thou shalt come from thy place 39 : 1 1 . 1 will give unto Gog a place 41:11. and the breadth of (Ae place 42: 13 .' (Ae place (is) holy. 43: 7.(Ae place of my throne, and (Ae place of the soles of my feet, 45 : 4. it shall be a place for their houses, 46:19. there (was) aplace on the two sides 20. This (is) the place where the priests Hos. 1:10(2:1). in the place where it was said 5: 15. 1 will go (and) return to my place, Joel 3: 7(4:7). I will raise them out of the place Am. 4: 6. want of bread in all your places: 8: 3. many dead bodies in every place; Mic. 1: 3. the Lord cometh forth out of his place, Nah 1 : 8. an utter end of (Ae place thereof, 3:17. (Aeir place is not known Zep 1 : 4. the remnant of Baal from this place, 2 : 1 1. every one from his place, Hag 2: 9. and in this place will I give peace, Zec.14: 10. from Benjamin's gate unto the place of Mai 1 : 1 1 . in every place incense ( shall be ) offered ^ipto mah-kohrf, m. Lev.12: 7. she shall be cleansed from the issue of 20: 18. he hath discovered Aer fountain, andshe hath uncovered the fountain of her Ps. 36: 9(10). with thee (is) the fountain o/life: 68: 26(27). the Lord, from the fountain o/Israel. Pro. 5: 18. Let thy fouidain be blessed: 10:11. mouth of a righteous (man is) a well of 13:14. law ofthe wise (is) a fountain o/life, 14:27. fear ofthe Lord (is) a fountain o/life, 16:22. Understanding (is) a wellspring o/life 18: 4.(Ae wellspi-ing o/wisdom (as) a flowing 25:26. and a corrupt spring. Jer. 2: 13- forsaken me the fountain of living waters, 9; 1(8:23). mine eyes a fountain of tears, 17: 13. forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living 51 :36. dry up her sea, and make Aer sprhigs dry. Hos 13:15. Ais fountahi shall be dried up : Zec.l 3: l.that day there shall be a fountain opened npfi mik-kagh' ', m. 2Ch 19: 7. respect of persons, nor taking of gifts. niPtpD mak-kah-gkohth\ f. pi. Neh 10 : 31 (32) . (if) the people of the land bring ware Ex. 30: *l£0pfi mik-tar' ', m. 1 . an altar to burn incense upon : nnt?p2? nikat-frdhth', i. pi. 2Ch30:14.all (Ae altars for incense took they away, rngf?a mik-teh'-reth, f. !Ch26: 19. (had) a censer in his hand £ze. 8:11. every man Ais censer in his hand ; hbti mak-kehl ', m. Gen30:37. Jacob took him rods of green poplar, — which (was) in (Ae rods. 38. And he set (Ae rods 39. the flocks conceived before (Ae rods, 41 . Jacob laid (Ae rods — might conceive among the rods. 32 : 1 0( 1 1 ). with my staff I passed over Ex. 12:11. and your staff in your hand ; Nu. 22: 27. he smote the ass »i(A a staff. lSa.l7:40.he took Ais sio^fin his hand, 43. that thou comest to me with staves ? Jer. 1 : 1 1 . 1 see a rod of an almond tree. 48: 17. staff broken, (and) (Ae beautiful rod! "?pD Eze.39: 9. and the handstoes (marg. or, javelins), Nu. 31 and the spears, Hos 4:12. and their staff declareth unto them: Zec.ll: 7.1 took unto me two staves; 10. And I took my staff, 14. 1 cut asunder mine other staff, fc^pO mik-lahf, m. Nu. 35: 6. (there shall be) six cities for refuge, 1 1 . to be cities of refuge for you ; 12. they shall be unto you cities for refuge 13. six cities shall ye have for refuge. 14. (which) shall be cities of refuge. 15. These six cities shall be a refuge, 25. restore him to the city of Ais refuge, 26. the border of the city of Ais refuge, 27. the borders ofthe city of Ais refuge, 28. he should have remained in the city of Ais refuge 32. him that is fled to the city of Ais refuge, Jos. 20: 2. Appoint out for you cities of refuge, 3. they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood. 21 ; 13, 21, 27, 32, 38(36). (to be) a city of refuge for the slayer ; ICh 6:57(42). Hebron, (the city) of refuge, 67(52) . they gave unto them, (of) the cities of refuge, ny?jpD mik- lah' -gath, f. IK. 6:18. the house within (was) carved (lit. (Ae carving) 29. carved figures of cherubims 32. carvings of cherubims 7: 31. upon the mouth of it (were) gravings ( 759 ) spa : 9. the spoil of all (Aeir cattle, 32 : 1 . Now. . .had a very great multitude of cattle : — the place (was) a place for cattle ; 4. Israel, (is) a land for cattle, and thy servants have cattle : 16. sheepfolds here for our cattle, 26. Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, Deu 3:19. your little ones, and your cattle, (for) I know that ye have much cattle, Jos. 1:14. your little ones, and your cattle, 14: 4. suburbs for their cattle 22: 8. and with very much cattle, Jud. 6 : 5. came up toi(A (Aeir cattle 18:21 . the little ones and (Ae cattle ISa. 23: 5. and brought away (Aeir ca((ie, 30:20.before those (other) cattle, 2K. ' 3:17. and your cattle, and your beasts. ICh 5: 9. because (Aeir cattle were multiplied 2 l.they took away (Aeir cattle; 7:21 .down to take away (Aeir cattle. 28 : 1 . and possession of the king, 2Ch 14: 15( 14) . also the tents of caftie, 26: 10. for he had much cattle, 32: 29. provided him cities, and possessions of Job 1: 3. iTis substance (marg. or, cattle) also was seven thousand 10. and his substance (marg.id. ) is increased 36:33. the cattle also concerning the vapour. Ps. 78: 48. and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. Ecc. 2: 7. of great and small cattle Isa. 30:23. thy cattle feed in large pastures. Jer. 9: 10(9). hear the voice of (Ae cattle ; 49,: 32. multitude of (Aeir cattle a spoil: Eze.38: 12. which have gotten cattle and 13. to take away cattle and goods, flJM? mik-neh', m. Gen 4 13 26:14, 31: 33:17.34; 5. 23. 36: 6.7. 46: 6. 32.34. 47: 6. 16. 17 49 Ex. 9 1012:17: 34 Nu. 20: .and (of such as have) cattle. . very rich in cattle, in silver, . herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herd- men of Lot's cattle : For he had possession of flocks, and pos session of herds, neither (is it) time that (Ae cattle how thy cattle was with me. (Ae ca(((e of your father, carried away all Ais cattle, the cattle of his getting, which he had gotten and made booths for his cattle : his sons were with Ais cattle ( Shall) not (Aeir ca(((e and their Ais cattle, and all his beasts, bear them because of (Aeir cattle. And they took (Aeir cattle, their trade hath been to feed cattle ; (lit. they are men of cattle) trade hath been about cattle make them rulers over my cattle. Joseph said, Give your cattle ; and I will give you for your cattle, they brought (Aeir cattle unto for horses, and for the flocks (lit. cattle of sheep), and for the cattle ofthe herds, for all (Aeir cattle for that year. also hath our Aerds of cattle ; TAe purchase of the field hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle sever between (Ae cattle of Israel and (Ae cattle of Egypt: all (Ae cattle of Egypt died : but ofthe cattle ofthe children ofthe cattle ofthe Israelites now, (and) gather thy cattle, his servants and Ais cattle and Ais cattle in the field. Our cattle also shall go with herds, (even) very much cattle. our children and our cattle firstling among thy cattle, I and my cattle drink of thy HJpp mik-nah', f. Genl7: 12. or bought with money of any 13. and he that is bought with thy money, 23. all (Aa( were bought with his money, 27. and bought with money of the stranger, 23:18. Unto Abraham for apossession Ex. 12:44. servant that is bought for money, Lev.25 : 16. shalt increase (Ae price thereof, — diminish the price of it : 51 . money that he was bought for. 27 : 22. field which Ae Aa(A bought, Jer. 32: 11, 12, 16. the evidence of the purchase, 12. the book of (Ae purchase, 14. this evidence of (Ae purchase, DDDD mik-sam', m . Eze.l2:24.vain vision nor flattering divination 13: 7. and have ye not spoken alying divination, $Xj5p mik-tzoh'ag, m. Ex. 26 : 24. they shall be for (Ae two corners. 36:29. he did to both of them in both (Ae corners. 2Ch26: 9. at (Ae turning (ofthe wall), Neh 3:19,20, 24,25. (Ae turning (of the wall). Eze.41: 22. and the corners thereof, and the length thereof, 46:21. by (Ae four corners of the court; and, behold, in every corner of the court (there was) a court, (marg. a court in a corner of a court, and a court in a cor ner of a court) 22. In (Ae four corners ofthe court niySpD mak-tzoo-gohth' , f. pi. Isa. 44: 13. he fitteth it with planes, nVVjt? mkoo-tz'gohth', f. pi. Ex. 26:23. make for the corners ofthe tabernacle 36:28. made he for the comers ofthe tabernacle PPD ( 760 ) N1D Ps. 38: Isa. 34: Eze. 4: 24: Lev.26 Zec.14Eze.33 Zec.14 PpD [mah-kak']. * NIPHAL Preterite. * 5(6). My wounds stink (and) are corrupt 4. ^ndall the host of heaven sAaZZ Ae dissolved, 17. and consume away for their iniquity. _ 23. but ye shall pine away for your iniquities, NIPHAL Future. 39. they that are left of you shall pine away — sftaZZ they pine away with them. ; 12. their eyes sAaZZ consume away their holes, and their tongue shall consume away NIPHAL Participle. : 10. we pine away in them, * HIPHIL.— Infinitive. * : 12. Their flesh shall consume away *1D mar, adj. fcHpD mik-rah! ' , m. Ex. 12:16, 16. an holy convocation, Lev.23: 2, 4, 37. holy convocations, 3,7,8, 21,24, 27, 35, 36. an holy convocation, Nu. 10: 2./or (Ae calling o/the assembly, 28:18, 25, 26 & 29: 1, 7, 12. an holy convocation ; Neh 8: 8. caused (them) to understand (Ae reading, Isa. 1 : 13. the calling of assemblies, 4: 5. upon Aer assemblies, fnpD mik-rch' ' , m. Ru. 2: ISa. 6: 20: Ecc. 2: 3. Aer hap was to light on a part of the field 9. a chance (that) happened to us. 26. Something hath befailejt him, 14. that one event happeneth to them all. 15. As it happeneth to the fool, 19.(Aa( which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts ; even one thing befalleth them: 2. one eyen( to the righteous, 3. one event unto all: n^pfi mkah-reh1 ', m. Ecc. 10:18. By much slothfulness (Ae building H^pO mkth-rah' ', f. Jud. 3: 20. he was sitting in a summer parlour, (marg. a parlour of cooling) 24. covereth his feet in his summer chamber. 7W$12 mik-shdh', f. Ex. 25: 18. (of) beaten work shalt thou make them, 31. (of) beaten work shall the candlestick be made: 36. one beaten woj-k (of) pure gold. 37: 7. two cherubims... beaten out of one piece 17. (of) beaten work made he the candlestick; 22. one beaten work (of) pure gold. Nu. 8: 4. the candlestick (was of) beaten gold, — unto the flowers thereof, (was) 6ea(en work : 10: 2. of a whole piece shalt thou make Jer. 10: 5. They (are) upright as the palm tree, T\p$b mik-shdh', f. Isa. 1 : 8. as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, PlE'pD mik-sheh', m. Isa. 3:24. instead of well set Aair (lit. the work of curling) baldness ; a great and exceeding bitter cry, waters of Marah, for they (were) bitter: the Ai((er water that causeth the curse: be thou free from this bitter water blot (them) out with the bitter water: to drink the bitter water , 27. enter into her, (and become) Airier. . lest angry (marg. Ai((er of soul) fellows run upon thee, not Naomi, call me Mara: (marg. Bitter) she (was) in bitterness (lit. bitter ) of soul, . Surely the bitterness 0/ death is past. .every one (that was) discontented, (marg. bitter of soul ) . it will be bitterness in the latter end ? .and they (be) chafed in their minds, (marg. and bitter o/soul) . cried with a loud and a bitter cry ; . life unto the bitter (in) soul ; . I will complain in the bitterness ofmy soul. . I will speak in the bitterness ofmy soul. .another dieth in (Ae bitterness of his soul, (4). (to shoot) their arrows, (even) Ai((er . her end is bitter as wormwood, . the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet. . unto those that be of heavy hearts, (marg. bitter of soul) \ . more bitter than death the woman, .put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter 1 . ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly. . in the bitterness ofmy soul. .for peace I had great bitterness: . (it is) an evil (thing) and 6i((er, . thy wickedness, because it is 6i((er, . I went in bitterness, (marg. bitter) . and shall cry bitterly, . they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart (and) bitter wailing. . the end thereof as a bitter day. . Chaldeans, (that) bitter and hasty nation, . the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. ID mar, m. Isa. 40:15. as a drop of a bucket, "l&mohr, m. Ex. 30:23. of pure myrrh five hundred (shekels). Est. 2:12. six months with oil of myrrh, Ps. 45: 8(9). All thy garments (smell) of myrrh, Pro. 7:17.1 have perfumed my bed with myrrh, Cant. 1 : 1 3. A bundle of myrrh 3: 6. perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, 4: 6.1 will get me to the mountain of myrrA, 14. myrrA and aloes, with all the chief spices: 5: 1. 1 b.ave gathered my myrrh 5. my hands dropped (with) myrrh, and my fingers (with) sweet smelling myrrh, 13. dropping sweet smelling myrrh. Gen27: 34. Ex. 15: 23. Nu. 5: 18. 19. 23.24. Jud. 18 25 Ru. 1 20 ISa 1 10 15 32 22 0 2Sa 2 26 17 8 Est. 4 I Job 3 20 7 11 10 1 21 25 Ps. 64 3 Pro 5 4 27 7 31 6 Ecc 7 26 Isa. 6 20 33 7 38 15 Jer. 2 19 4 18 Eze 3 14 27 3031 Am 8 10 Hab . 1 6 Zep 1 14 KHD [mah-rdh']. mtf-Twi' * KAL Participle. Poel. * Zep. 3 ; 1 . Woe to Aer (Aa( isfiltlty and polluted, * HIPHIL.— Future. * Job 39:18.sAe lifteth up herself on high, KID mah-reh' ' , Ch. m. mafi^ Dan. 2: 47. and a Lord o/kings, 4:19(16). My lord, the dream (be) to them 24( 21 ). which is come upon my lord 5 : 23. thyself against (Ae Lord of heaven ; N1D ( 761 ) :dd •~oi «A n*jn& mar-cih\ f. Gen46: Ex. 38: Nu. 12: ISa. 3: Eze. 1: 8: 40: 43: Dan 10: 2. God spake unto Israel in tke visions ofthe 8. of the lookingglasses (marg. or, brasen glasses) of (the women) 6. make myself known. ..in a vision, 15. Samuel feared to shew Eli (Ae vision. 1 . 1 saw visions of God. 3. brought me in tke visions of God 2. In the visiojis of God brought he me 3. and the visions (were) like the vision 7.1 Daniel alone saw (Ae vision: for the men... saw not (Ae vision; 8. saw this great vision, 16. by the vision my sorrows are turned PINTS mar-ehf, m. yyiwi'dh Gen 2 12 24 41 Ex. 3 24 LevJ3 14 Nu. 8 9 12 Deu 28 Jos. 22 Jud. 13: lSa,16, 17 2Sa.Il 14 23 Est. 1: Job 4: 41: Ecc. 6: Cant.2: 5 Isa. II 5253 Eze. 1 : ; 9. pleasant to the sight and good for food ; : 1 1 . a fair woman to look upon .- .16. the damsel (was) very fair to look upon, (marg. good of countejiance ) : 7. she (was) fair to look upon. : 17. Rachel was beautiful and well /mjow retf. ; 6. (a) goodly (person), and well favoured. : 2. seven well/auowred kine 3. seven other kine.. .ill favoured 4. the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well/m>o«retf 21. but tkey (were) still Unfavoured, (lit. and their appearance was bad) : 3. see this great siyA(, : 17. And the sight ofthe glory of the Lord ; 3. and the plague in sight (be) deeper than 4. in sight (be) not deeper 12. wheresoever the priest ZooAeth ; (lit. to all (Ae sight ofthe eyes ofthe priest) 20. in sight lower than the skin, 25. and it (be in) siyA( deeper than the skin ; 30. in sight deeper than the skin ; 31. not in sight deeper than the skin, 32. and the scall (be) not in sight deeper than the skin ; 34. nor (be) in siyA( deeper than the skin ; 43. as the leprosy appeareth 37. which in sight (are) lower than 4. according unto the pattern which 15. as it were the appeaj-ance o/fire, 16. and the appearance o/fire by night. 8. speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, 3b. for the sight of thine eyes 67. and for the sight of thine eyes which thou 10. a great altar to see to. 6. A man of God came unto me, and his countenance (was) like tke countenance of an angel 7. Look not on Ais countenance, 42. ruddy, and of a fair countenance. 2. very beautiful to look upon. 27. a woman of a fair coujitenance. 21. an Egyptian, a goodly man: (marg. a man of countenance, or, siyA( ) 11. she (was) fair to look on. (marg. good of countenance) ^r^icC-Co trfiCun^ 2. Let there be/air (lit. good of countenance) young virgins sought for 3. all the fair (lit. id. ) young virgins 7. the maid (was) fair and beautiful; (marg. and good of countenance) 16. 1 could not discern tke form thereof: 9(1). cast down even at the sight of him? 9. the sight ofthe eyes 9. in (Ae siyA( of thine eyes: 14. let me see (Ay countenance, — (Ay countenance (is) comely. 15. Ais countenance (is) as Lebanon, 3. shall not judge after the sight o/his eyes, 14. Ais visage was so marred 2. no 6eaw(y that we should desire 5. this (was) (Aeir appeaj-ance; 13. (Aeir appearar^ce ( was ) like burningcoals of fire, (and) ZiAe (Ae appearance of lamps; 14. as the appearance of a flash of lightning. 16. TAe appearance o/the wheels and their appearance and their work 26. as the appearance of a sapphire Eze. 1 : 26. as the appearance of a man 27 . as the appearance o/fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance o/his — as it were the appearance of fire, 28. As the appearance o/the bow — (Ae appearance of the brightness round about. This (was) (Ae appeaj-ance ofthe 8: 2. a likeness as the appearance of Hve: fj-ojil tke appearance of his loins — as the appearance of brightness, 4. according to tke vision that I saw 10 : Las the appearance ofthe likeness of a throne. 9. and the appearance ofthe wheels 10. And (as for) (Aeir appearances, 22. their appearances and themselves: 11 ;24. brought me in a vision by the Spirit — the vision that I had seen 23: 15. all of them princes to look to, 16. as soon as she saw them (marg. at the sight of her eyes) 40: 3. a man, whose appearance (was) ZiAe (Ae appearance o/brass, 41:21. (Ae appearance (ofthe one) as the appear- ajice (ofthe other). 42 : 1 1 . ZiAe (Ae appearance of the chambers 43: 3. And (it was) according to the appearance ofthe vision which I saw, (even) accoi-d- ing to the vision that I saw . — like tke vision that I saw Dan, 1: 4. Children. ..well favoured (lit. good of countenance) 13. let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance ofthe children 15. (Aeir countenances appeared fairer 8: 15. as the appearance of a man. 16. make this (man) to understand (Ae vision. 26. And the vision ofthe evening and the 27. 1 was astonished at (Ae vision, 9:23. consider (Ae vision. 10: 1 . had understanding o/(Ae vision. 6. as tke appearance of lightning, 18. ZiAe (Ae appearance of a man, Joel 2: 4. The appearance of them (is) as tke appear ance of horses ; Nah. 2: 4(5). (Aey shall seem (marg. their shoio) like torches, HX^fi \moor-ah\ f. Lev. 1 : 16. he shall pluck away Ais crop nmip mrah-ash'ohth', f. pi. Gen28 : 1 1 . he took of the stones. . .and put ( them for ) Ais pillows, 18. the stone that he had put (for) Ais pillows, ISa.19: 13. a pillow of goats' (hair) for kis bolster, 16. a pillow of goats' (hair) for kis boUter. 26: 7. spear stuck in the ground at his bolster : 11. the spear that (is) at his bolster, 16. the cruse of water that (was) at his bolster. IK. 19: 6. cruse of water at his head. (marg. bolster) ntMjnfi mar-ah-shohth' ', f. pi. Jer, 13: 18. your principalities (marg. or, AeacZ tires) shall come down, DH51P mar-vad-deem' , m. pi. Pro. 7: 16. decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, 31 :22. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry ; r\2°p'mar-beh'9 m. Isa. 9: 7(6). Of the increase o/(his) government 33 : 23. the prey of a great spoil divided ; n-)D ( 762 ) \11ft TiTfo mir-bah', f. Eze.23: 32. and had in derision ; it containeth mwcA. fVSTO mar-beet h* ', f. Lev.25: 37. nor lend him thy victuals for increase. ISa. 2:33. all (Ae increase of thine house shall die ICh 12:29. (Ae greatest part of them had kept the ward 2Ch 9: 6. the greatness of thy wisdom 30: 18. a multitude o/the people, 1*515 mar-behtz', m. Zep. 2:15. a place for beasts to He down in I Y^y^ mir-batz' ', m. Eze.25: 5. a couchingplace for flocks: p3Tfi mar-behk'7 m. ISa. 28: 24. woman had a /a ( calf (lit. calf of (Ae stall) Jer. 46: 21. her hired men (are )... like fatted bullocks; (marg. bullocks ofthe stall) Am. 6: 4. out of the midst of (Ae stall; Mai. 4: 2(3: 20). grow up as calves ofthe stall. ^iilTfi mar-gohfag9 m. Jer. 6:16. ye shall find rest for your souls. rthi ID mar-g'lohth', f. pi. Ru. 3: 4. uncover his feet, and lay thee down ; 7. she came softly, and uncovered his feet, 8. a woman lay at his feet. 14. she lay at his feet until the morning: DanlO: 6. his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, nDjTlD mar-geh-mah' , f. Pro.26: 8. he that bindeth a stone in a sling, (marg. or, putteth a (precious) stone in an heap of stones) PlJ^nD mar-geh-gah' , f. Isa. 28: 12. this (is) (Ae refreshing: "HD [mah-rad'\ * KAL Preterite. # Genl4: 4. in the thirteenth year (Aey rebelled. 2K. 1 8 : 20. (Aon rebellest against me ? 2Ch36: 13. Ae also rebelled against king Isa. 36: 5. (Aon rebellest against me? Eze. 2: 3. nation that hath rebelled against me: Dan. 9: 5. done wickedly, and have rebelled, 9. though we have rebelled against him ; KAL.— Infinitive. Jos. 22:16. (Aa( ye miaA( rebel this day 29. God forbid that we should rebel Neh. 6: 6. thou and the Jews think to rebel: KAL.— Future. » Nu. 14: 9. rebel not ye against the Lord, Jos. 22: 18. ye rebel to day against the Lord, 19. rebel not against the Lord, nor rebel against 2K. 18: 7. and Ae rebelled against the king of Assyria, 24: 1 . he turned and rebelled 20. (Aa( Zedekiah rebelled against 2Ch 13: 6. and Aa(A rebelled against his lord. Neh. 9:26. and rebelled against thee, Jer. 52: 3. that Zedekiah rebelled Eze.17 : 15. But he rebelled against him KAL Participle. Poel. Neh. 2:19. will ye rebel against the king ? Job 24: 13.o/ (Aose (Aa( rebel against the light ; Eze. 2 : 3. a rebellious nation that hath rebelled 20:38. will purge out from among you (Ae rebels, "HD m'rad, Ch. m. Ezr. 4:19. and (that) rebellion and sedition have been Tip meh'-red, m. Jos. 22 : 22. if (it be) in rebellion, or if in transgression Tip [mah-rahd'\ Ch. adj. Ezr. 4:12. building the rebellious and the bad city, 15. and know that this city ( is ) a rebellious city, Jin*lD mar-dooth' , f. 1 Sa.20 : 30. Thou son of the perverse rebellious (marg. perverse rebellion) woman, &)Tlp moor-dahph' , m. Isa. 14: 6. ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, rnp mah-rah! . *KAL Preterite. * Nu. 20 : 24. ye rebelled against my word 27 -.14. ye rebelled against my commandment 1 Sa. 1 2 : 15 . but rebel against the commandment IK. 13:21. (Aon Aas( disobeyed the mouth of the Lord, 26. the man of God, who was disobedient Ps. 5 : 10( 1 1 ) . (Aey have rebelled against thee. 105:28. (Aey rebelled not against his word. Isa. 1 : 20. if ye refuse and rebel, 50: b. I was not rebellious, 63:10. (Aey rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: Jer. 4:17. sAe Aa(A Aeen rebellious against me, Lam. 1:18. Ihave rebelled against his commandment: 20. / Aaue grievously rebelled: 3:42. We have transgressed and have rebelled: Hos.l3:16(14:l).sAe Aa(A rebelled against her God: KAL. — Infinitive. Lam. 1:20. 1 have grievously rebelled: (lit. rebelling I have rebelled) KAL Participle. Poel. Nu. 20:10. Hear now, ye rebels; Deu21 : 18. a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, 20. This our son (is) stubborn and rebellious, 2K. 14:26. the affliction of Israel, (that it was) very bitter : Ps. 78: 8. a stubborn and rebellious generation; Jer. 5: 23. a revolting and a rebellious heart ; * HIPHIL Preterite. * 33. (Aey provoked his spirit, 1 1 . (Aey rebelled against the words of God, HIPHIL Infinitive. Job 17: 2. and doth not mine eye continue in their provocation? 17. by provoking the most high in the to provoke the eyes of his glory. HIPHIL Future. 26, 43. Zm( rebelled against the commandment 23. (Aen ye rebelled against the commandment 18. Whosoever (he be) that do(A rebel 14. not reAei against the commandment 26. were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, Ps.106; 107: Ps. 78: Isa. 3: Deu 1:9: Jos. 1 : lSa.12: Neh. 9: ma ( 763 ) HID Ps. 78:40. How oft did they provoke (marg. or, reAei against) him 56. tempted and provoked the most high God, 106: 1. but provoked (him) at the sea, 43. (Aey provokel (him) with their counsel, Eze. 5: 6. Andshe hath changed my judgments 20: 8. But they rebelled against me, 13. But the house of Israel rebelled against me 21 . Notwithstanding the children rebelled Deu 9: HIPHIL Participle. , 24 & 3 1 : 27. ye have been rebellious PHD [mor-rah'], f. Pro. 14: 10. The heart knoweth his own bitterness,- (marg. (Ae bitterness of his soul) PHD [moh-rah'], f. Gen26:35. a gri°f of mind (marg. bitterness of spirit) unto Isaac Dip [mah-rood'], m. Isa. 58: ".poor that are cast out (marg. or, afflicted)- Lam 1 : 7. days of her affliction and of her miseries 3:19. mine affliction and my misery, nilD mro'dgh, adj. m. const. Lev.21: 20. or hath his stones broken: Q11D mah-rohm' , m. Jud. 5 2Sa.222K. 19 Job 5 16 253139 Ps. 7 10 18 566871 73 75 92 93 102144 148 Pro. 8 9 Ecc.10Isa. 2224 40:57:58 :18. in (Ae highplaces ofthe field. 17. He sent from above, 22. lifted up thine eyes on high? 23. (Ae height of the mountains, : 1 1 . To set up on high those that be low ; 19. my record (is) on high. (marg. in the high places) : 2. he maketh peace in his high places. : 2. inheritance of the Almighty from on high ? 18.1ifteth up herself on high, 7(8). return thou on high. : 5 .judgments (are )far above out of his sight : :16( 17). He sent from above, 2(3). that fight against me, O thou most high. : 18(19). Thou hast ascended on high, : 19. Thy righteousness also, O God, (is) very high, 8. they speak loftily. : 5(6). Lift not up your horn on high: 8(9). thou, Lord, (art most) high 4. The Lord on high (is) mightier than :19(20).down/rom (Ae AeioAi o/his sanctuary; 7. Send thine hand from above, : 1 . praise him in tke heights. 2. in the top of high places, : 3. (Ae highest places ofthe city, 14. on a seat in (Ae highplaces 6. Folly is set in great dignity, (marg. heights) 16.heweth him out a sepulchre on high, : 4. the haughty people of the earth 1 8. the windows from on high 21 .the host of (Ae high ones (that are) on high, . 5. them that dwell on hig h; 15. the spirit be poured upon us from on high, 5. he dwelleth on high: 16. He shall dwell on high : (marg. heights, or, high places) 23. lifted up thine eyes on high? 24. (Ae AeioAi o/the mountains, — (Ae height ofhis border, H.mine eyes fail (with looking) upward: 26. Lift up your eyes on high, 15.1 dwell in the high and holy (place), 4. to make your voice to be heard on high. Jer. 17:12. A glorious high throne 25:30. The Lord shall roar from on high, 31 : 1 2. sing in (Ae AeiaAi of Zion, 49: 16. that holdest (Ae height ofthe hill: 51 : 53. she should fortify (Ae height of her strength, Lam 1:13. From above hath he sent fire Eze. 1 7 : 23 & 20 : 40. In the mountain of (Ae height of 34: 14. (Ae high mountains of Israel Obad. 3. whose habitation (is) AiyA; Mic. 6: 6. bow myself before the AiyA God? Hab. 2 : 9. that he may set his nest on high, fi")p meh-rohtz' , m. Ecc. 9:ll.(Ae race (is) not to the swift, T\VTp [mroo-tzdh'l f. 2Sa,18:27.(Ae running of the foremost is like (Ae running of Ahimaaz Jer. 8; 6. every one turned to his course, 22: 17. for oppression, and for violence, (marg.or, incursion ) 23:10. (Aeir course (marg.or, violence) is evil, LT'j^nD [m roo-keem'~\, m. pi. Est. 2:12. the days of (Aeir purifications rTHD mar-zeh'dgh, m. Jer. 16: 5. Enter not into the house of mourning, (marg. or, mourning feast) nr)D ynlr-zugh', m. Am. 6: 7. (Ae banquet of them that stretched PHD [mdh-ragh'\ * KAL.— Future. * Isa. 38:21. lump of figs, and lay (it) for aplaister 2rnD mer-ghahv' , m. 2Sa. 22:20. brought me forth also into a large place : Ps. 18:19(20). me forth also into a largeplace; 31 : 8(9) . hast set my feet in a large room. 118: 5. (set me) in a large place. Hos. 4:16. feed them as a lamb in a large place. Hab. 1: 6. through the breadth (marg. breadths) of prnp mer-ghahk' , m. 2Sa. 15:17. in a place that was far off. Ps.138: 6. the proud he knoweth afar off. Pro.25:25.good news from afar country. 31 : 14. she bringeth her food from afar. Isa. 8: 9. all ye of far countries : 10: 3. desolation (which) shall come fromfar? 13: 5. They come from a/ar country, 17:13. they shall flee far off, 30:27. the name ofthe Lord cometh fromfar, 33 : 17. the land (Aa( is very far off. (marg. of far distances ) 46: 11 .my counsel from a/ar country: Jer. 4:16. watchers come from a far country, 5: 15. bring a nation upon you from far, 6:20. the sweet cane from a/ar country? 8: 19. them that dwell in a far country: (marg. the country of them that are far off) 31:10. in the isles afar off, Eze.23: 40. sent for men to come from far, Zee 10: 9. remember me in far countries ; , mo ( 764 ) 51D n^TlD mar-gheh'-sheth, f. Lev. 2: 7. a meat offering (baken) in the fryingpan, 1: 9. all that is dressed in the fryingpan, tO"lp [mdh-rat']. * KAL Infinitive. * Eze.21:ll(16).he hath given it to be furbished, KAL Future. Ezr. 9: 3. and plucked off the hair of my head Neh 13: 25. and plucked off tkeir hair, KAL Participle. Poel. Isa. 50: 6. my cheeks to them that plucked offthe hair: KAL Participle. Paiil. Eze.21 : 9(14). is sharpened, and also furbished : 28(33). for the slaughter (it is) furbished, 29:18. every shoulder (was) peeled : w NIPHAL.— Future. * Lev.13: 40. whose Aair is fallen offimarg.head is pilled) 41. he that Aa(A Ais hair fallen off * PUAL.— Participle. * IK. 7:45. (of) bright brass, (marg. brass made bright, or, scoured) Isa. 18: 2. a nation scattered and peeled, l.a people scattered and peeled, Eze.21:10(15).it is furbished that it may glitter: 11(16). and it is furbished, trip [mrat], Ch. *P'IL.— Preterite. * Dan 7 : 4. till the wings thereof were plucked, no m ree, m. Nu. 17: Deu31. ISa. 15: Neh 9: Job 23: Pro.17:Isa. 30: Eze. 2; 10(25). a token against (Ae rebels ; (marg. children of j-ebellion) 27. 1 know thy rebellion, 23. rebellioji (is as) the sin of witchcraft, 17. in their rebellion appointed a captain 2. Even to day (is) my complaint 6i((er ; 1 1 . evil (man ) seeketh only rebellion : 9. this (is) a rebellious people, 5. they (are) a rebellious house, 6. though they (be) a rebellious house. 7. they (are) most rebellious, (marg. rebellion) 8. thou rebellious like that rebellious house: 9. though they (be) a j-ebeltious house. 26, 27. they (are) a rebellious house. 2. in the midst of a rebellious house, — they (are) a rebellious house. 3. though they (be) a rebellious house. 9. the house of Israel, the rebellious house, 25. for in your days, O rebellious house, 12. Say now to the rebellious house, 3. utter a parable unto the rebellious house, 6. thou shalt say to (Ae rebellious, jno m ree, m. 2Sa. IK.. Isa. 6: 13. he sacrificed oxen and fallings. 1: 9. sheep and oxen and fat cattle 19, 25. hath slain oxen and fat cattle 1:11. the fat of fed beasts ; 11: 6. the young lion and the failing Eze.39 : 1 8. all of them fallings of Bashan. Am. 5:22. the peace offerings of your fat beasts. rQ'HP mree-vah', f. Genl3: 8. Let there be no strife, Ex. 17: 7. called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, (marg. Chiding, or, Strife) Nu. 20:13. This (is) the water of Meribah; (marg. Strife) 24. at the water of Meribah. Nu. 27:14. in the strife ofthe congregation, that (is) the water of Meribah in Kadesh Deu32:61.the waters of MeriAaA-Kadesh, (marg.or, strife at Kadesh ) 33 : 8. at the waters of Meribah ; Ps. 81: 7(8). waters of Meribah. (marg. strife) 95: 8. your heart, as in the provocation, (marg. contention) 106:32. (him) also at the waters of strife, Eze.47 : 19. to the waters of strife (marg. or, Meribah) 48:28. the waters of strife (in) Kadesh, (marg. MeriAaA-kadesh) T\)yp mree-rooth', f. Eze.21 : 6(11). and with bitterness sigh before their ^""ID mree-ree', adj. Deu32:24. and with bitter destruction: TlD moh'-re'eh, m. Lev.26:36. 1 will send afaintness into their hearts 231D [mer-kahv'], m. Lev.15: 9. what saddle soever he rideth upon IK. 4:26(5:6). stalls of horses for his chariots, Cant.3: 10. (Ae covering of it (of) purple, ni31D mer-kak-vah1 ' , f. Gen41 :43.he made him to ride in (Ae second chariot 46 : 29. Joseph made ready Ais chariot, Ex. 14:25. took off (Aeir chariot wheels, 15: 4. Pharaoh's chariots and his host Jos. II: 6. burn (Aeir chariots with fire. 9. burnt (Aeir chariots with fire. Jud. 4:15. Sisera lighted down off (his) chariot, 5:28. why tarry the wheels of Ais chariots? ISa.' 8: 11. will take your sons,.., for his chariots, — (some) shall run before Ais chariots. 2Sa. 15 : 1 . Absalom prepared him chariots and IK. 7:33. like the work of a chariot wheel: 1 0 : 29. a chariot came up and went out of 12:18. made speed to get him up to his chariot, 20:33. caused him to come up into (Ae chariot. 22:35. the king was stayed up in his chariot 2K. 5:21. he lighted down from (Ae chariot 26. the man turned again from Ais chariot 9:27. Smite him also in (Ae chariot. 10: 15. took him up to him into (Ae chariot. 23: 1 1 . burned (Ae chariots o/the sun / 1 Ch 28 : 18. (Ae chariot of the cherubims, 2Ch 1 : 17. brought forth out of Egypt a chariot 9: 25. thousand stalls for horses and chariots, 10: 18. made speed to get him up to (his) chariot, 14: 9(8). and three hundred chariots; 18: 34. the king of Israel stayed (himself) up in (his) chariot 35 -.24. took him out of that chariot, Cant.6: 12. (like) (Ae chariots o/Amminadib. Isa. 2: 7. neither (is there any) end of their chariots: 22 : 1 8. (Ae chariots ofthy glory 66:15. with Ais chariots like a whirlwind, Jer. 4:13. Ais chariots (shall be) as a whirlwind: Joel 2: 5. Like the noise of chariots Mic. 1 : 13. bind (Ae chariot to the swift beast: 5: 10(9). I will destroy (Ay chariots : Nah 3: 2. the pransing horses, and of (Ae jumping chariots. Hab 3: 8. (Ay chariots of salvation? Hag 2:22.1 will overthrow (Ae chariots, Zee. 6: 1. there came four chariots 2. In the first chariot (were) red horses ; and in the second chariot black horses ; 3. in the third chariot white horses ; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay 3"ID ( 765 ) [mar-koh'-leth], f. "«> 4 Eze.27-: 24. of cedar, among thy merchandise. Gen 27 34: 2K. 9 Job 15 31 Ps. 5 1017243435363843 50 bl55 109 Pro.ll 12 1420 26. Isa. 53 Jer. 59 Dan 8 11 Hosll 12 Am. 8 Mic. 6 Zep. 1 np*lD mir-mah', f. 35. Thy brother came roi(A subtilty, 13. the sons of Jacob answered... deceitfully, 23. (There is) treachery, O Ahaziah. :35. their belly prepareth deceit. 5. if my foot hath hasted to deceit ,- 6(7). the bloody and deceitful man. (marg. man of bloods and deceit) 7. His mouth is full of cursing and deceit (marg. deceits) 1 . my prayer, ( that goeth ) not out of feigned lips. 4. unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 13(14). and thy lips from speaking guile. 20. they devise deceitful matters 3(4). The words ofhis mouth (are) iniquity and deceit : 12(1 3). and imagine deceits all the day long. I. me from the deceitful and unjust man. (marg. a man of deceit and iniquity) : 19. thy tongue frameth deceit. ; 4(6). O (thou) deceitful tongue. 1 1 ( 12). deceit and guile depart not 23(24). bloody and deceitful men (marg.men of bloods and deceit) 2. and the mouth of (Ae deceitful (marg. deceit) are opened 1. A false balance (marg. Balances of deceit) (is) abomination to the Lord: 5. the counsels of the wicked (are) deceit. 11. a false witness deceit. 20. Deceit (is) in the heart of them that imagine evil: 8. the folly of fools (is) deceit. 25. a deceitful (witness) speaketh lies. 23. and a false balance (marg. balances of deceit) (is) not good. 24. layeth up deceit within him ; 9. neither (was any) deceit in his mouth. 27. their houses full of deceit : 6(5). Thine habitation (is) in the midst of deceit ; through deceit they refuse to know me, 8(7). it speaketh deceit : 25. he shall cause craft to prosper 23. he shall work deceitfully : 1 2( 1 2 : 1 ) , and the house of Israel wi(A deceit : 7(8) . the balances of deceit ( are) in his hand: 5. falsifying the balances by deceit ? 1 1 . the bag of deceitful weights ? 9. houses with violence and deceit. DD^D mir-mahs', m. t : - 7 Isa. 5: 5. it shall be trodden down: (marg. for a treading) 7:25. for the treading of lesser cattle. 10: 6.(o tread them down (marg. to lay them a treading ) like the mire 28 : 18. ye shall be trodden down (marg. a treading down to it) Eze.34: 19. (Aa( toAicA ye have trodden with your feet ; Dan. 8:13. the host to be trodden underfoot? Mic. 7 : 10. now shall she be trodden down y_"lp [meh-reh'dg'], m. Gen26:26. Ahuzzath one of his friends, Jud. 14: 1 1 . they brought thirty companions 20. wife was (given) to his companion, 15: 2. 1 gave her to thy companion: 6. given her to his companion. 2Sa. 3: 8. to his brethren, and to his friends, Pro. 1 9 : 7 . do Ais friends go far from him ? nyip mir-geh', m. Gen47: 4. thy servants have no pasture ICh 4:39.to seek pasture for their flocks. Job 39 Isa. 32 Lam. 1 Eze.34 Joel 1 Nah. 2 HDD 40. they found fat pasture 41. pasture there for their flocks. 8. range of the mountains (is) Ais pasture, 1 4. a pasture of flocks ; 6. like harts (that) find no pasture, 14.1 will feed them in a good pasture, — and (in) a fat pasture shall they feed 18. eaten up (Ae good pasture, — the residue of your pastures ? 18. are perplexed, because they have no pasture ; 11 (12). and thefeedingplace ofthe young lions, STjnP mar-geeth', f. : 1 . the sheep of (Ay pasture ? : 13. thy people and sheep of thy pasture : 7. we (are ) the people of Ais pasture, 3. his people, and the sheep of his pasture. : 9. (Aeir pastures (shall be ) in all high places. :21.all their flocks shall be scattered. l.the sheep of my pasture ! 36. the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. 3 1 . the flock of my pasture, 6. According to their pasture, so were they Ps. 74 7995 100 Isa. 49 Jer. 10 23 25 Eze.34Hos 13: N2*lD mar-peh', m. 2Ch21 36 Pro. 46 1213 16 29 Jer. 8 14 33 Mai. 4 18. the Lord smote him. ..with an incurable (lit. no curing) disease. 16. the wrath ofthe Lord arose.. .till (there was) no remedy, (marg. healing) 22. health (marg. medicine) to all their flesh. 15. shall he be broken without remedy. 18. the tongue ofthe wise (is) health. 17. a faithful ambassador (is) health. 24. and health to the bones. 1 . be destroyed, and that without remedy. 15. We looked. ..for a time of health, 19. (there is) no healing for us ? — and for the time of healing, 6. 1 will bring it health and cure, 2(3:20). the Sun of righteousness arise with healing XS*!p mar-peh' \ m. Pro. 14 15 30. A sound heart (is) the life ofthe flesh: 4. A wholesome tongue (marg Thehealing of the tongue) (is) a tree of life: Ecc. 10: 4. yielding pacifieth great offences. bSHp mir-pas', m. Eze.34: 19. and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet. pip [mdh-ratz']. * NIPHAL Preterite. * Job 6:25. How forcible are right words ! NIPHAL. —Participle. IK. 2: 8. cursed me with a grievous (marg. strong) curse Mic. 2: 10. even with a sore destruction. * HIPHIL Future. * Job 16: 3. what emboldeneth thee that thou answerest? Ex. 21 Deulo J$1P mar-tzeh'ag, m. 6. shall bore his ear through with an aul; 17. Then thou shalt take an aul, nS?T!P mar-tzeh'-pheth, f. 2K. 16:17. put it upon a pavement of stones. pno p*lp [mah-rdk1]. ( 766 ) X1D0 *KAL. — Imperative. * Jer. 46: 4.furbish the spears, (and) put on KAL. — Participle. Paiil. 4:16. for the house ofthe Lord of AriyAi (marg. made bright, or, scoured) brass. *PUAL.— Preterite. * 6:28(21 ). it shall be both scoured, and rinsed 2Ch Lev. pip mah-rak', m. Jud. 6:19. and he put (Ae ArotA in a pot, 20. pour out (Ae Aro(A. Isa. 65: 4. and broth (marg. pieces) of abominable (things) nnplp mer-kah-ghah' , f. Job 41:31 (23). maketh the sea like a pot of ointment. Eze.24: 10. consume the flesh, and spice it well, (lit. season it with a seasoning of spices) DTlpIp mer-kah-gheem', m. pi. Cant.5: 13. cheeks (are) as a bed of spices, (as)sa>eet flowers: (marg. or, towers of perfumes) n^pIP mir-kah'-ghath, f. Ex. 30:25. an ointment compound (lit. an ointment of ointment) ICh 9:30. sons of the priests made (Ae ointment 2Ch 16: 14. (spices) prepared by the apothecaries' art: lip [mah-rar'\ * KAL.— Preterite, * Ru. 1:13. for it grieveth me much (marg. I Aane much bitterness) ISa. 30: 6. the soul of all the people was grieved, (marg. bitter) 2K. 4:27. her soul is vexed (marg. bitter) Isa. 38 : 1 7. 1 Aad great bitterness: Lam. 1 : 4. she is in bitterness, (lit. is bitter to her) KAL Future. Isa. 24: 9. strong drink shallbe bitter * PIEL Future. * Gen49 : 23. The archers Aaue sorely grieved him, Ex. 1:14. And (Aey made their lives 6i((er Isa. 22: 4.1 will weep bitterly, (marg. / will be bitter in weeping) * HIPHIL Preterite. ¦» Ru. 1:20. the Almighty Aa(A dealt very bitterly Job 27: 2. the Almighty, (who) hath vexed my soul; (marg. made my soul bitter) HIPHIL.— Infinitive. Zee. 12:10. and sAaZZ Ae in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for HIPHIL Future. Ex. 23:21. provoke him not ; * HITHPALPEL Future. * Dan. 8: Land he was moved with choler 11: 11. And the king of the south shallbe moved with choler, Hllp [mreh-rdh'\ f. Job 16: 13. he poureth out my gall riTlp [mroh-rah'l, f. Deu32: 32. their clusters (are) bitter: Job 13:26. thou writest bitter things against me, 20: 14. (Ae gall o/asps within him. 25. the glittering sword cometh out of his gall: D*lilp mroh-reem', m. pi. Ex. 12: 8. with bitter (herbs) they shall eat it. Nu. 9: 11. unleavened bread and bitter (herbs). Lam 3:15. me with bitterness, (marg. bitternesses) fiJTBhD mir-shah' -gath, f. 2Ch24: 7. Athaliah, (Aa( wicked woman, DTnp nirah-thah'-yim, f. dual. Jer. 50:21. up against the land of Merathaim, (marg. or, (Ae rebels, lit. double rebellion) KBPip massah', rn. Ex. 23: 5. the ass.. .lying under Ais burden, Nu. 4: lb. the burden of the sons of Kohath 1 9. every one to his service and to Ais burden : 24. to serve, and for burdens: 27. the Gershonites, in all (Aeir burdens, — unto them in charge all (Aeir burdens. 31 . the charge of (Aeir burden, 32. instruments ofthe charge of their burden. 47. the service of (Ae burden in the tabernacle 49. according to Ais burden : 11:11. (Ae burden of all this people 17. they shall bear (Ae burden o/the people Deu 1 : 12.yonr burden, and your strife ? 2Sa.l5:33.thou shalt be a burden unto me: 19:35(36). should thy servant be yet a burden 2K. 5: 17. two mules' burden of earth? 8 : 9. forty camels' burden, 9:25. the Lord laid this burden upon ICh 15:22. Chenaniah,.. .(was) for song (marg. lift ing up) : he instructed a6on( (Ae song, (marg. or, (was) for the carriage: he instructed about the carriage) 27. the master of (Ae song (marg.or, carriage) 2Ch 1 7 : 1 1 . presents, and tribute silver ; 20:25. jewels, ...more than they could carry away : 24:27. the greatness of (Ae burdens (laid) upon 35: 3. a burden upon (your) shoulders: Neh 10: 31(32). and the exaction of every debt. 13: 15. all (manner of) burdens, 19. (that) there should no burden he brought Job 7 : 20. 1 am a burden to myself? Ps. 38: 4(5). as an heavy burden they are too Pro.30: 1 . the son of Jakeh, (even) (Ae prophecy : 31: 1 . king Lemuel, (Ae prophecy that his mother taught him. Isa. 13: 1. TAe burden of Babylon, 14: 28. that king Ahaz died was this burden. 15: 1. The burden o/Moab. 17: 1. 27ie burden of Damascus. 19: 1. The burden c/Egypt. 21 : 1 . TAe burden o/the desert of the sea. 11. TAe burden c/Dumah. 13. TAe burden upon Arabia. 22: 1. TAe burden ofthe valley of vision. 25. (Ae burden that (was) upon it 23 : 1 . TAe burden of tyre. 30: 6. TAe burden ofthe beasts ofthe south: 46: l.a burden to the weary (beast). 2. they could not deliver (Ae burden, Jer. 17:21. bear no burden on the sabbath day, 22. Neither carry forth a burden 24. to bring in no burden 27. not to bear a burden, 23:33. What (is) (Ae burden ofthe Lord? — shalt then say unto them, What burden ? 34. that shall say, TAe burden ofthe Lord, 36. And the burden ofthe Lord — every man's word shall be his burden ; 38. ye say, TAe burden of fhe Lord; — this word, TAe burden of the Lord, — not say, TAe burden ofthe Lord ; Eze.12: 10. This burden (concerneth) the prince 24:25. that whereupon they set their minds, (marg. (Ae lifting up of their soul) Hos. 8:10./or (Ae burden o/the king Nah 1: 1. TAe burden of Nineveh. Hab 1:1. TAe Anrden which Habakkuk the prophet Zee. 9: 1 & 12:1. TAe Aurden o/the word of the Mai. 1 : 1. The burden o/the word of the Lord 1WI3 ( 767 ) KWti mas-sdh, m. 2Ch 19: 7. with the Lord.. .nor respect of persons, ?\#WQ mas-sah~ah', f. Isa. 30 -.27. tke burden (marg. or, grievousness of flame) (thereof is) heavy: rWD mas-ehth', f. Gen 43: 34. he took (and sent) messes unto them — but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of their's. (lit. than the messes of all) Jud.20: 38. make a great flame (marg. elevation) 40. But when tke flame began to arise 2Sa. II: 8. followed him a mess ( of meat) from 2Ch24: 6. bring in out of Judah.. .(Ae collection, 9. to bring in to the Lord (Ae collection Est. 2:18. he made a release. ..and gave gifts, Ps.141: 2. (Ae lifting up ofmy hands Jer. 6: 1 . set up a sign of fire 40: 5. the guard gave him victuals ajid a reward, Lam.2:14. false burdens and causes of banishment. Eze.20:40.the firstfruits of your oblatiojis, Am. 5: 11. and ye take from him buj-dens of wheat: Zep. 3: 18. the reproach of it (was) a burden. ISK^ib mis-gahv' ', m. 2Sa.22: 3. my high tower, and my refuge, Ps-. 9: 9(10). be a refuge (marg. an high place) for the oppressed, a refuge in times of 18: 2(3). my salvation, (and) my high tower. 46: 7(8), 11 (12). God of Jacob (is) our refuge. (marg. an high place for us) 48: 3(4). known in her palaces for a refuge. 59: 9(10), 17(18). God (is) my defence, (marg. Ai^A place) 16(17). thou hast been my defence 62: 2(3), 6 (7). (he is) my defence; (marg. high place) 94:22. the Lord is my defence ; 144: 2. my fortress ; my high tower, Isa. 25:12. the fortress ofthe high fort of 33:16. Ais place of defence (shall be) the Jer. 48: 1 . Misgab (marg. or, (Ae Ai^A place) is !Wp [m 'soo-'chdh'], f. Pro.I5:19. slothful (man is) as an hedge of thorns: Isa. 5: 5. 1 will take away (Ae Aed^e thereof, *Wfi mas-sohrr, m. Isa. 10:15. shall (Ae saw magnify itself rn^tt msoo-rah\ f. Lev.l9:35.in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. ICh 23: 29. all manner of measure and size ; Eze. 4: 11. Thou shalt drink also water by measure, 16. they shall drink water by measure, b^ft niah-sohs' m. T * Job 8:19. the joy of his way, Ps. 48: 2(3). (Aejoy o/the whole earth, Isa. 8: 6. and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son ; 24: 8. TAe mir(A o/tabrets ceaseth, — the joy ofthe harp ceaseth. 1 1. (Ae mirth o/the land is gone. 32:13. all the houses of joy 14. a joy of -wild asses, 60: 15. a joy of many generations. 62: 5. and (as) the bridegroom rejoiceth 65 : 18. Jerusalem arejoicing, and her people a joy. 66: lO.rejoice for joy with her, Jer. 49:25. the city of my joy 1 Lam. 2: 15. The joy o/the whole earth? 5:15. The joy of our heart is ceased ; NttfD Eze. 24:25. the joy of their glory, Hos. 2: 11(13). I will also cause all Aer mir(A to cease, pnB'P mis-ghahk' , m. Hab. 1:10. the princes shall be a scorn HDDto mas-Wi'-mah', f. Hos. 9: 7. for the multitude of thine iniquity, and (Ae great hatred. 8. hatred in the house ofhis God. JV3^D mas-keeth', f. Lev.26: l.(any) image of stone (marg. a stone of picture, or, figured stone) in your land, Nu. 33:52. destroy all (Aeir pictures, Ps. 73: 7. they have more than heart could wish. (marg. pass (Ae thoughts ofthe heart) Pro. 1 8 : 1 1 . as an high wall in Ais own conceit. 25 : 1 1 . apples of gold in pictures of silver. Eze. 8:12. in the chambers of Ais imdgej-y ? rni^O mas-kohf-reth, f. Gen 29: 15. tell me, what (shall) thy wages (be)? 31 : 7. changed my wages ten times ; 41. thou hast changed my wages Ru. 2:12. a full reward be given thee of the Lord (lit. let thy reward be full) fYnpSpp mas-mrohth', f. pi. Eccl 2: 11 .and as nails fastened (by) the masters of PlSK>2? mis-pah gh! \ m. Isa. 5: 7. he looked for judgment, but behold op pression ; n^O mis-rah\ f. Isa. 9: 6(5). (Ae government shall be upon his 7(6). Of the increase of (his) government niS'lto \mis-rah~phohthr\ f. pi. Jos. 11 : 8. Zidon, and unto ilfisre/>Ao(A-maim,(marg. burnings, or, salt pits ) 13: 6. from Lebanon unto ikfisre/jAofA-maim, Isa. 33: 12. the people shall be (as) the burnings of lime: Jer. 34: 5. and with tke burnings of thy fathers, nif>p mas-rehth', f. 2Sa. 13: 9. she took a pan, and poured N&S'D mash-shah' , m. Neh 5: 7. Ye exact usury, 10. let us leave off this wsnry. WZitpt? mash-ab-beem' , m. pi. Jud. 5:11. thenoise of archers in the places of drawing water, HKK'P [mash-shah-ah'], f. Deu 24 : 1 0. When thou dost lend thy brother any (Ainy, (marg. (Ae loan of any thing) Pro. 22: 26. them that are sureties for debts. pXK'p mash-shah -ohn', m. Pro. 26: 26. (Whose) hatred is covered by deceit, rbwti N'tfD ? [mish-dh-lah'], f. Ps. 20: 5(6). the Lord fulfil all (Ay petitions. 37 : 4. (Ae desires of thine heart. nitf^p [mish-eh'-reth], f. Ex. 8 : 3( 7 : 28) . into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs : (marg.or, dough) 12:34. (Aeir kneadingtroughs (marg. or, dough) being bound up Deu 28: 5. Blessed (shallbe) thy basket and thy store. 17. Cursed (shall be) thy basket and thy store. ( 768 ) rnra TqiMfo ?nshoo-v7ih\ f. Pro. 1 :32. (Ae turning away of the simple Jer. 2: 19. and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: 3; 6. (that) which backsliding Israel hath done? 8. backsliding Israel committed adultery 1 1 . The backsliding Israel hath justified herself 12. Return, thou backsliding Israel, 22. 1 will heal your backslidings. 5: 6. their backslidings are increased. 8: 5.slidden back by a perpetual backsliding1? 14: 7. our backslidings are many ; Hos 11: 7. my people are bent to backsliding from me: 14: 4(5). I will heal (Aeir backsliding, mWti mish-Vtzohth' , f. pi. Ex. 28: 11. set in ouches ofgold. 13. thou shalt make ouches (of) gold ; 14. fasten the wreathen chains to (Ae ouches. 25. thou shalt fasten in (Ae two ouches, 39: 6. onyx stones inclosed in ouches o/gold, 13. (they were) inclosed in ouches of gold 16. they made two ouches (of) gold, 18. they fastened in (Ae two ouches, Ps. 45:13(14). her clothing (is) of wrought gold. TIlBfy? mash- be hr' ', m. 2K. 19: 3. the children are come to (Ae oir(A, Isa. 37: 3. the children are come to (Ae birth, Hos 13: 13. in (the place of) (Ae breaking forth of children. *QGJ*a mish-bahrf, m. 2Sa.22: 5. "When (Ae waves (marg. or, pangs) of death compassed me, Ps. 42: 7(8). all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. 88: 7(8'). afflicted (me) with all thy waves. 93: 4. (Ae mighty waves ofthe sea. Jon. 2: 3(4). all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. 1-lW'p [rnshoo-gdti], f. Job 19: 4. mine error remaineth with myself. fcDWp mah-shoht', m. Eze.27: 29. all that handle (Ae oar, ®\Wti[mish-s/idht'], m. Eze.27 : 6. ( Of ) the oaks of Bashan have they made (Aine oars ; TfoWQ mshoos-sah' f. t : 5 Isa. 42:24. (ITI^Who gave Jacob for a spoil, D^3£5^ \mish-bat-teemf\ m. pi. Lam. 1 : 7. the adversaries saw her, (and) did mock at her sabbaths, (perhaps lit. destructions) flSt^t? mish-geh! 9 m. Gen 43:12. peradventure it (was) an oversight . i"l$? [mdh-shdh']. *KAL — Preterite.* Ex. 2:10. / drew him out of the water. * HIPHIL.— Future. * 2Sa.22: 11 . he drew me out of many waters; Ps. 18:16(17). Ae drew me out of many waters. n^D [mask-sheh'], m. Deu 15 : 2. Every creditor (marg.masterof (Ae lending ofhis hand) that lendeth riKi^p m'shoh-ah', f. Job 30: 3. in former time desolate and waste. 38 -.27. satisfy the desolate and waste (ground) ; Zep 1 : 15. a day of wasteness and desolation, TfSiXffl} mash-shoo-ohtti ', f. pi. Ps. 73 : 1 8 . castcdst them down into destruction. 74: 3.nn(o (Ae perpetual desolations ; Gen31 Ex. 2829 30 40 Nu.35 ISa 9 10 16 2Sa 2 5 12 19 IK. 1 5 19 2K. 9 2Ch 22 Ps. 45 89 Isa. 61 Lev 7: Jud 9: ISa 15: Jer. 22 Dan .9: 1 Sa.l 6: Isa. 21: Ex. 30: Lev. 8: HEJ'D muh-sha'sh' '. - t o • * KAL. —Preterite. # :13. where (Aom anointedst the pillar, : 41 , and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them,. 7. pour (it) upon his head, and anoint him. ' 36. and thou shalt ajioint it, to sanctify it. 2Q.And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle 9. and anoint the tabernacle, \0.And thou shalt anoint the altar 11. And thou shalt anoint the laver 13. the holy garments, and anoint him, 15.-4*10? (Aow sAai( anoint them, as (Aom didst anoint their father, : 25. the high priest, which was anointed : 16. and thou shalt anoint him (to be) captain : 1 . the Lord Aa(A anointed thee : 3. and thou shalt anoint unto me (him ) : 7. the house of Judah Aaue anointed me king : 1 7 . they had anointed David : 7- 1 anointed thee king : 10( 1 1 ) . Absalom, whom we anointed :34. And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him : 1(15). (Aey kad anointed him king : 15. and when thou comest, ajioint Hazael : 3, 6, 12. 1 have ajiointed thee king ; 7.whom'the Lord had anointed {lit. anointed h im ) : 7(8). thy God, hath anointed thee :20(21).with my holy oil have I anointed him : : 1 . the Lord Aa(A anoijited me to preach KAL. — Infinitive. :36. in the day that he anointed them, : 8. The trees went forth (on a time) to anoint a king : 1. The Lord sent me to anoint thee : 14. with cedar, and painted with vermilion. .24. and to anoint the most Holy. KAL . — Imperative. 12. the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: : 5. arise, ye princes, (and) anoint the shield. KAL.— Future. ; 30. (Aom shalt anoint Aaron : 10. and ajiointed the tabernacle 1 1 . and anointed the altar rwn ( 769 ) Wt2 Lev. 8: 12. and anointed him, to sanctify him. 16:32. And the priest, whom Ae shall anoint, Nu. 7: l.set up the tabernacle, and had anointed it, — the vessels thereof, and had anointed them, 1 Sa. 15 : 1 7 . and the Lord anointed thee king 16:13. and anointed him in the midst ofhis 2Sa. 2: 4. and there they anointed David king 5: 3. and they anointed David king IK. 1 : 39. and anointed Solomon. 4b. And Zadok the priest and Nathan. ..Aaue anointed him king 19:16. Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint — Elisha.. .shalt thou anoint 2IC. II :12.they made him king, and anointed him; 23:30.areaf ajiointed him, and made him king ICh 11: 3. and they anointed David king 29:22. and anointed (him) unto the Lord 2Ch 23:11. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him. Am. 6: 6. anoint tkejnselves with the chief KAL. — Participle. Poel. Jud. 9: 15. If in truth ye anoint me king K AL. — Participle. Paiil. Ex. 29: 2. wafers unleavened anointed with oil: Lev. 2: 4 & 7: 12. unleavened wafers anointed with Nu. 3: 3. the priests which were anointed, 6:15. wafers of unleavened bread anointed 2Sa. 3:39. (am) this day weak, though anointed king; * NIPHAL Preterite. * ICh 14: 8. David was anointed king NIPHAL Infinitive. Lev. 6:20(13). in the day when he is anointed; Nu. 7: 10. in the day (Aa( it was anointed, 84. in the day u;Aen it was anointed, 88. after that it was anointed. Ezr. 6; 7; r\p% m'shagh', Ch. m. 9. wheat, salt, wine, and oil, 22. and to an hundred baths of oil, nn^O mish-ghak ', f. .spices for anointing oil, .Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, . and of the anointing oil, . an oil of holy ointment, ¦ it shall be an holy anointing oil. . This shall be an holy anointing oil . And the anointing oil, .and spices for anohiting oil, . and the anointing oil, .and for the anointing oil, . he made the holy anointing oil, . and the anointhig oil, .thou shalt take the anointing oil, . (the portion) of (Ae anointing of Aaron, and of (Ae anointing of his sons, .and the anohiting oil, . Moses took the anointing oil, .he poured ofthe anointing oil , Moses took ofthe anointing oil, .the anointing oil o/the Lord , whose head the anohiting oil was poured, the crown ofthe anohiting oil and the anointing oil, Ex. 25 6 29 . 7 21 30:25 31 31 11 35 8 15 28 37 29 39:38 40 9 Lev. 7 35 8 2. 10. 12. 30. 10 7. 2J 10 Jer. 51 : 25. against thee, O destroying mountain, Eze. 5:16. which shall be for (their) destruction, 9: 6. Slay utterly (marg. to destrjtction) old (and) young, 21 : 31 (36). skilful to destroy. 25: 15. to destroy (it) for the old hatred ; Dan 10: 8. was turned, in me into corruption, ^PIK^ mish-ghahr* \ m. Ps. 110: 3. the womb of (Ae morning : T\T0ti mash-ghehth' \ f. Eze. 9: l.Ais destroying weapon in his hand. nn^D mish-ghath' ', in. Isa. 52:14. his visage was so marred PJlpQ mosh-ghahthf9 m. Lev.22:25.(Aeir corruption (is) in them, HitD^p mish-toh'agh, m. Eze.47 : 10. a (place) to spread forth nets ; riD^p mish-tagh' , m. Eze.26: 5. (a place for) (Ae spreading of nets 14. (a place) to spread nets upon; Nu. 4:16. nriTO mosh-ghah', f. Ex. 29:29.(0 be ajiointed therein, 40: 15. (Aeir anointing shall surely be Nu. 18: 8. given them by reason ofthe anointing, JYriBto mash-gheetti, f. Ex. 12: 13. be upon you to destroy (you), (marg. for a destj'uction) 2K. 23:13. the right hand of the mount of corruption, 2Ch20: 23. every one helped to destroy (marg. for the destruction) another. 22: 4.death ofhis father to his destruction. Jer. 5 ;26«they set a trap, they catch men. Ita^jQ mish-tahr\ m. Job 38:33. canst thou set (Ae dominion thereof in *$$ meh'-shee, m. Eze.16: 10. 1 covered thee M>i(A silk. 13. thy raiment (was of) fine linen, and silk, ITE573 mah-shee'agh, adj. m. Lev. 4: 3, 5, 16. the priest (Aa( is anointed 6:22(15). the priest ofhis sons (Aa( is anointed ISa. 2: 10. and exalt the horn of Ais anointed. 35. he shall walk before mhie anointed 12: 3. before the Lord, and before Ais ajiointed : 5. Ais anointed (is) witness this day, 16: 6. the Lord's anointed (is) before him. (lit. before the Lord (is) Ais anointed) 6(7). unto my master, the Lord's anointed, — (-).he (is) (Ae anointed of the Lord. 10(11). he (is) the Lord's anohded. 9. his hand against the Lord's ajiointed, 1 1 . mine hand against the Lord's anointed : 16. your master, the Lord's anointed. 23. against the Lord's anointed. 2Sa. 1 : 14. to destroy the Lord's anointed ? 16.1 have slain the Lord's anointed, 21. (as though he had) not(beeii) anointed 19:21(22). he cursed the Lord's anointed? 22:51. sheweth mercy to his anointed, 23 : 1 . (Ae anointed of the God of Jacob, I Ch 16 : 22. Touch not mine anointed, 2Ch 6:42. turn not away the face of (Aine ajiointed: Ps. 2: 2. against the Lord, and against Ais anohded, 18:50(51). sheweth mercy to kis anointed, 20: 6(7). the Lord saveth Ais anointed ; 28: 8. the saving strength of Ais anointed. 84 : 9( 1 0 ) . look upon the face of (Aine anointed. 89:38(39). hast been wroth with (Aine anointed. 51(52). the footsteps of thine anointed. 105: 15. Touch not mine anohded, 132:10. turn not away the face of thine anointed. 3d 24: 26: Ps. 132: 1 7. 1 have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. Isa. 45: l.Thus saith the Lord to his anointed. Lam. 4 : 20. (Ae anointed of the Lord, was taken in their Dan 9: 25. unto (Ae Messiah the Prince 26. shall Messiah be cut off, Hab 3 -.13. for salvation with (Aine anointed ¦ Gen37 Jud.20 Neh 9 Job 21 41 Ps. 28 85 Jer. 38 Hos 11 1[!2>p mah-sha'ch' . * KAL.— Preterite. * Deu21 : 3. which ha(h not drawn in the yoke ; Jud, 4: 6. and draw toward mount Tabor, 7. And Iwill draw unto thee to the river IK. 22:34. a (certain) man drew a bow 2Chl8:33.a (certain) man drew a bow Job 24:22. He draweth also the mighty Jer. 31: 3. with lovingkindness Aaue 1 drawn thee. Hos. 7: 5. Ae stretched out his hand with KAL. — Infinitive. Ex. 19:13. icAen the trumpet soundeth long, Jos. 6: b.when they make a long (blast) Ps. 10: 9. when he draweth him into his net. Ecc. 2 ; 3. to give myself unto wine, (marg. to draw my flesh with wine) KAL. . — Imperative. Ex. 12:21. Draw out and take you a lamb Ps. 36:10(ll).O continue (marg. draio out at length) Cant. 1 : 4. Draw me, we will run after thee : Eze.32 : 20. draw her and all her multitudes. KAL Future. : 28. and they drew and lifted up Joseph 37. and the liers in wait drew (themselves) along, 30. Yet many years didst thou forbear (marg. protract over ) :33. every man shall draw after him, : 1 (40:25). Canst thou draw out leviathan : 3. Draw me not away with the wicked, b(6).wilt (Aou draw out thine anger : 13. So they drew up Jeremiah ; 4. / drew them with cords KAL Participle. Poel. Jud. 5:14. (Aey tkathandle (marg. draw with) the pen ofthe writer. Ps. 109: 12. Let there be none to extend mercy Isa. 5:18. (Aem (Aa( draw iniquity with cords of vanity, 66:19. (Aa( draw the bow, Am. 9: 13. Aim (Aa( soweth (marg. draweth forth) seed ; # NIPHAL Future. X Isa. 13:22. her days sAaii not Ae prolonged. Eze. 12: 25. it shalt be no more prolonged : 28. There sAaii none of my words Ae prolonged *PUAL Participle. * Pro. 13:12. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: Isa. 18: 2. a nation scattered and peeled, 7. a people scattered and peeled, ^g>p meh'-shech, m. Job 28:18./or (Ae price of wisdom (is) above rubies. Ps. 126: 6. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, (marg. or, seed basket) ME'D mish-kahv' , m. Gen 49: 4. thou wentest up to thy father's bed; Ex. 8: 3(7: 28). bedchamber, and upon (Ay bed, 21:18. but keepeth (his) bed: Lev.15: 4. Every bed, whereon he lieth 5. whosoever toucheth Ais bed 2 1 . whosoever toucheth Aer bed 23. if it (be) on (her) bed, 24. all (Ae bed whereon he lieth 26. Every bed whereon she lieth — unto her as the bed of her separation: 18 :22. not lie with mankind, as with womankind : (lit. (Ae lying of a woman) ( 770 ) DttfD Lev.20:I3.as he lieth witha. woman, (lit.(Ae lying of a woman) Nu. 31 : 17. woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18. known a man by lying with him, (lit, known (Ae lying of a. man) 35. known man by lying with him. Jud,21:ll.that hath lain by man. (marg. knoweth (Ae lying (with) man) 12. known no man by lying with any male:, 2Sa. 4: 5. who lay on a bed at noon. 7. he lay on his bed in Ais oeefchamber, 1 1 . in his own house upon Ais bed 9 11: 2. David arose from off Ais bed, 13. he went out to lie on his bed 13: 5. Lay thee down on thy bed, 17: 28. Brought beds, and basons, IK. 1 : 47 . the king bowed himself upon (Ae bed. 2K. 6 : 12. words that thou speakest in thy bed chamber. 2Ch 16: 14. laid him in the bed Job 7: 13. my comcA shall ease my complaint; 33: 15. in slumberings upon (Ae bed ; 19. chastened also with pain upon Ais bed, Ps. 4: 4(5). commune with your own heart upon your bed, 36: 4(5). He deviseth mischief upon Ais bed; 41 : 3(4). wilt make all Ais bed in his sickness. 149; 5. let them sing aloud upon (Aeir beds. Pro. 7:17-1 have perfumed my bed 22: 27. why should he take away thy bed Ecc.l0:20. curse not the rich in thy oeachamber: Cant. 3 : I . By night on my bed I sought him Isa. 57: 2. they shall rest in (Aeir beds, 7. high mountain hast thou set thy bed : 8. thou hast enlarged thy bed, — lovedst (Aeir bed where thou sawest Eze.23: 17. came to her into the bed of love, 32:25. They have set her d bed Hos. 7:14. they howled upon (Aeir beds : Mic 2: 1. work evil upon (Aeir beds I 35^p [mish-kav'\ Ch. m. Dan 2 ; 28. the visions of thy head upon thy bed, 29. came (into thy mind) upon thy bed, 4: 5(2). and the thoughts upon my bed 10(7). the visions of mine head in my bed; 13( 10). the visions of my head upon my bed, 7: 1 - and visions of his head upon Ais bed ; J3^D mish-kahnr, m. Ex. 25: 9. the pattern ofthe tabernacle, 26: l.thou shalt make (Ae tabernacle 6. it shall be one tabernacle. 7 . to be a covering upon (Ae tabernacle : 12. hang over the backside of (Ae tabernacle. 13. hang over the sides ofthe tabernacle 15. shalt make boards for the tabernacle 17. for all the boards of the tabernacle. 18. make the boards for the tabernacle, 20. the second side of (Ae tabernacle 22. for the sides of (Ae tabernacle 23. make for the corners of (Ae tabernacle 26. the boards of the one side of (Ae tabernacle, 27. the other side of the tabernacle, — the boards of the side of (Ae tabernacle, 30. thou shalt rear up (Ae tabernacle 35. the table on the side ofthe tabernacle 27: 9. shalt make the court ofthe tabernacle: 19. All the vessels of (Ae taberjiacle 35 : 1 1 . TAe tabernacle, his tent, 15. at the entering in of (Ae tabernacle, 18. The pins of the 'tabernacle, 36: 8. wrought the work of (Ae tabernacle 13. so it became one tabernacle. 14. for the tent over (Ae tabernacle: 20, 23. he made boards for the tabernacle 22. for all the boards of"(Ae tabernacle. 25. for the other side of (Ae tabernacle, 27. for the sides of (Ae tabernacle 28. for the corners of (Ae tabernacle 31 . boards of the one side of the tabernacle, DWD ( 771 ) btPD Lev. 8 1517 26 Nu. 1 Ex. 36:32. the other side of (Ae tabernacle, — bars for the boards of (Ae tabernacle 38 : 20. all the pins of the tabernacle, 21. This is the sum of (Ae tabernacle, (even! of (Ae tabernacle of testimony, 31 . and all the pins of (Ae tabernacle, 39:32. Thus was all the work of (Ae tabernacle of 33. they brought (Ae tabernacle 40. the vessels of the service of (Ae tabernacle, 40: 2. set up (Ae tabernacle ofthe tent 5. hanging ofthe door to tke tabernacle. 6. the door ofthe tabernacle of 9. anoint (Ae tabernacle, 11. the tabernacle was reared up. 18. Moses reared up (Ae tabernacle, 19. spread abroad the tent over (Ae tabernacle, 21. brought the ark into (Ae tabernacle, 22. the side of (Ae tabernacle northward, 24. on the side of (Ae tabernacle 28. hanging (at) the door o/(Ae tabernacle. 29. the door of (Ae tabernacle o/the tent 33. the court round about (Ae tabernacle 34, 35. glory of the Lord filled (Ae tabernacle. 36. taken up from over (Ae tabernacle, 88. of the Lord (was) upon (Ae tabernacle 10. anointed (Ae tabernacle and all 31 . when they defile my tabernacle 4. before (Ae tabernacle o/the Lord ; 1 1. 1 will set my tabernacle among 50. Levites over (Ae tabernacle of testimony, — they shall bear (Ae tabernacle, — shall encamp round about (Ae tabernacle. 51 . when (Ae tabernacle setteth forward, — and when (Ae tabernacle is to be pitched, 53. pitch round about (Ae tabernacle of — shall keep the charge ofthe tabernacle of 1, 8. to do the service of (Ae tabernacle. 23. pitch behind (Ae tabernacle 25. (Ae tabernacle, and the tent, 26. which (is) by (Ae tabernacle, 29. pitch on the side of (Ae tabernacle 35. pitch on the side of (Ae tabernacle 36. the boards of (Ae tabernacle, 38. those that encamp before (Ae tabernacle 16. the oversight of all (Ae tabernacle, 25. shall bear the curtains of (Ae tabernacle, 26. which (is) by (Ae tabernacle 31 . the boards of (Ae tabernacle, 17. that is in the floor of (Ae tabernacle 1 . had fully set up (Ae tabernacle, 3. brought them before (Ae tabernacle. 15. day that (Ae tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered (Ae tabernacle, — even there was upon (Ae tabernacle 1 8. the cloud abode upon (Ae tabernacle 19. cloud tarried long upon (Ae tabernacle 20. cloud was a few days upon (Ae tabernacle; 22. the cloud tarried upon (Ae tabernacle, 1 1 . taken up from off (Ae tabernacle of 11. the tabernacle was taken down ; — bearing (Ae tabernacle. 21. did set up (Ae tabernacle 9. to do the service of (Ae tabernacle of 24. from about (Ae tabernacle o/Korah, 27. they gat up from (Ae tabernacle o/Korah, 13(28). near unto (Ae tabernacle ofthe Lord 13. defileth (Ae tabernacle ofthe Lord ; 5. (Ay tabernacles, O Israel ! 30, 47. the charge of (Ae tabernacle ofthe Lord. 19. wherein the Lord's tabernacle dwelleth, 29. that (is) before Ais tabernacle. 6. walked in a tent and in a tabernacle. 32(17). ministered before (Ae dwelling place of 48(33). manner of service of (Ae tabernacle of 39. the priests, before (Ae tabernacle of 5. and from (one) tabernacle 29. For the tabernacle ofthe Lord, 26. shall no (more) carry (Ae tabernacle, 5. had made, he put before (Ae tabernacle of 6. from the habitation ofthe Lord, 21. such (are) (Ae dwellings ofthe wicked, 28. (are) the dwelling places of the wicked? (marg. the tent of (Ae tabernacles) 6. and the barren land Ais dwellings. 8 the place where thine honour dwelleth. (marg. of (Ae tabernacle ofthy honour) 3. thy holy hill, and to (Ay tabernacles. 10 16 1719 2431 Jos. 22 2Sa. 7 ICh. 6 1617 2123 2Ch 1 29 Job 18 21 39 Ps. 2643 Ps. 46: 4(5). (Ae tabernacles o/the most high. 49 : 1 1 ( 1 2 ) . (Aeir dwelling places to all generations , 74: 7.(Ae dwelling place ofthy name 78:28. round about (Aeir habitations. 60. he forsook (Ae tabernacle of Shiloh, 84: 1 (2). How amiable (are) (Ay tabernacles, 87: 2. Zion more than all (Ae dwellings of Jacob. 132: 5. an habitation (marg. habitations) for the mighty (God) 7. We will go into his tabernacles: Cant.l : 8. feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents. Isa. 22: 16.graveth an habitation for himself 32:18. and in sure dwellings, 54 : 2. forth the curtains of (Aine habitations : Jer. 9:19(18). onr dwellings have cast (us) out. 30: 18. and have mercy on Ais dwellingplaces ; 51 :30. they have burned Aer dwellingplaces; Eze.25 : 4. make (Aeir dwellings in thee : 37:27. My tabernacle also shall be Hab. 1: 6. to possess (Ae dwellingplaces Ezr. p^D [mish-kan'\ Ch. m. 7:15. whose (lit. who Ais) habitation (is) Jerusalem, hi W& mah-shal' . * KAL.— Preterite. # Deu 15: 6. and thou shalt reigji over many nations, Ps. 103: 19. his kingdom rM(e(A over all. Isa. 3:12. women rule over them. 63: 19. thou never barest rule over them ; Lam. 5: 8. Servants Aaue ruled over us: DanI 1 : 3. that shall rule with great dominion, 4. his dominion which Ae ruled: 5. he shall be strong above him, ajid have dominion ,- 43. But he shall have poiver over the treasures Zee. 6:13. and shall sit and rule upon his throne ; KAL. — Infinitive. Gen 1 : 18. And to rule over the day and over the night, 37: 8. shalt thou indeed have dominion (lit. having dominion shalt thou have domi nion) over us? Jud. 9: 2. either that... threescore and ten persons, j-eign over you. or (Aa( one reign ov er you ? Pro.lO: 10. for a servant to have j-ule over princes. 29 : 2. but when the wicked beareth rule, Eze.l9:14.no strong rod (to be) a sceptre to rule. Joel 2:17.(Aa( the heathen should rule over (marg. or, Mse a byword against) them: KAL. — Imperative. Jud. 8:22. Rule thou over us, both thou, KAL. — Future. Gen. 3:16. and he sAa(( rule over thee. 4: 7. and (Aom shalt j-ule over him. 37: 8. shalt thou indeed Aaue dominion Ex. 21 : 8. a strange nation Ae shall have no power, Deuf 5 : 6. they shall not reign over thee. Jud. 8:23.1 will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the Lord shall rule over you. Ps. 19:13(14). let them not Aaue dominion over me: 106 :4I . and they that hated them ruled over them. Pro.l 2 : 24. The hand of the diligent shall bear rule : 17: 2. A wise servant shall Aaue j-ule 22: 7. The rich ruleth over the poor, Isa. 3: 4. babes sAa/i rule over them. 19: 4. a fierce king shall rule over them, KAL.— -Participle. Poel. Gen24: 2. his eldest servant ofhis house, (Aa( ruled 45: 8. and a ruler throughout all the land 26. he (is) governor over all the land Jos. 12: 2. (and) ruled (lit. ruling) from Aroer, b.And reigned in mount Hermon, Jud.14: 4. the Philistines had domhiion 15: 11. the Philistines (are) rulers over us? 2Sa.23: 3. He (Aa( ruleth (marg. or, Be thou j-uler, &c. ) over men (must be) just, ruling in the fear of God. *WD ( 772 ) DttfD IK. 4:21(5:1). Solomon reigned (lit. was. ruler) over all kingdoms ICh 29: 12. and thou reignest over all; 2Ch 7:18. shall not fail thee a man (to be) rider 9:26. reigned (lit. was rw/er) over all the kings 20: Q.rutest (not) thou over all the kingdoms 23:20.(Ae governors ofthe people, Neh. 9:37. they have dominion over our bodies, Ps. 22 : 28( 29 ) . and he ( is ) (Ae governor among the 59: 13(14). them know that God ruleth in Jacob 66: 7. He ruleth by his power for ever ; 89: 9(10). Thou rw/es( the raging ofthe sea: 105:20. (Ae rMier ofthe people, 21 . and ruler of all his substance: Pro, 6: 7. no guide, overseer, or ruler, 16:32. and he that j-uleth his spirit 23: 1. When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, 28 : 1 5. a wicked ruler over the poor people. 29 : 1 2. If a ruler hearken to lies, 26. Many seek (Ae rulej-'s favour ; Ecc. 9:17. the cry of him that ruleth among fools. 10: 4. If the spirit of the ruler rise Isa. 14: 5. the sceptre of (Ae j-ulers. 16: 1. Send ye the lamb to (Ae ruler ofthe land 28:14. ye scornful men, (Aa( rule this people 40: 10. his arm shall rule for him: 49 : 7 . a servant of rulers, 52: 5. they that rule over them make them Jer. 22: 30. ana* ruling any more in Judah. 30: 21 . and their governor shall proceed from 33:26.rM*ers over the seed of Abraham, 51 :46. violence in the land, ruler against ruler. Eze. 19:11. the sceptres of them that bare rule, Mic. 5: 2( 1 ). to be j-uler in Israel ; Hab. 1 : 14. (that have) no ruler over them ? # HIPHIL.— Preterite.* Danl 1 -.39. and Ae shall cause them to rule over many, HIPHIL. —Infinitive. Job 25: 2. Dominion and fear (are) with him, HIPHIL Future. Ps. 8: 6(7). Tkou madest him to have dominion over b&D [mah-shal'}. # KAL.— Infinitive. * Eze.18: 3.(o use this proverb in Israel. KAL. — Imperative. Eze. 17: 2. and speak a parable unto the house of 24: 3. And utter a parable unto the rebellious KAL. — Future. Eze. 12:2.3. (Aey shall no more use it as a proverb 16:44. shall use (this) proverb KAL Participle. Poel. Nu. 21 : 27. (Aey (Aa( speak in proverbs say, Eze. 16: 44. every one that useth proverbs 18: 2. that ye use this proverb * NIPHAL. — Preterite. * Ps. 28 : l.I become like them that go down 49:12(13). Ae is tike the beasts 20(21 ).is like the beasts (that) perish. 143: 7.ies( I be like unto them that Isa. 14: 10. art thou become like unto us? * PIEL — Participle. * Eze.20: 49(21: 5 ).Doth he not speak parables? * HIPHIL Future. * Isa. 46: b.and compare me, that we may be like ? # HITHPAEL. -Future. # Job 30: 19. and I am become like dust hem mah-shahl' , m. Nu. 2.3: 7,18&24:3,I5,20,2J,23.tookupAisnaraWe, and said, Deu28:37.a proverb, and a byword, ) Sa.l 0: 12. Therefore it became u proverb, 24: 13( 14). As saith (Ae proverb ofthe ancients, 1 K. 4:32(5:12). he spake three thousand proverbs : 9: 7. Israel shall be a proverb 2Ch 7 : 20. a proverb and a byword Job 13:12. Your remembrances ( are) ZiAe unto ashes, 27 : 1 & 29: 1 . Job continued Ais parable, Ps. 44: 14(15). Thou makest us a byword 49: 4 (5). I will incline mine ear to a parable : 69:11(12). I became a proverb to them. 78: 2. 1 will open my mouth in a parable: Pro. 1 : 1 . 2'Ae proverbs of Solomon 6. To understand a proverb, 10: 1. The proverbs of Solomon. 25 : 1 . also proverbs of Solomon, 26: 7, 9. so (is) a parable in the mouth of fools. Ecc. 12 : 9. set in order many proverbs. Isa. 14: 4. take up this proverb (marg. or, taunting speech ) Jer. 24: 9. a reproach and a proverb, Eze.l2:22. that proverb (that) ye have in the land 23. 1 will make this proverb to cease, 14 : 8. will make him a sign and a proverb, 17 : 2. speak a parable unto the house 18: 2. that ye use this proverb 3. to use this proverb 20:49(21:5). Doth he not speak parables? 24: 3. utter a parable unto the rebellious house, Mic. 2: 4. take up a parable against you, Hab. 2: 6. Shall not all these take up a parable 7#ti [moh'-shel], m. Job 41 :33(25). Upon earth there is not Ais like, Danll: 4. according to his dominion Zee. 9:10. and Ais dominion (shall be) from sea (even) to sea, ^b'p mshohl, m. Job 17: 6. He hath made me also a byword rthtih mish-loh'agh, m. Est. Isa. 9: 19. and of sending portions one to another. 22. feasting and joy, and of seJidhig 1 1 : 14. they shall lay their hand (marg. (Ac layhig oji of their hand) rbflp mish-ldgh! \ m. Deul2: 7. rejoice in all that ye put (lit.in all pidtivg of) your hand unto, 1 8. in all that thou puttest thine hands 15: 10. in all that thou puttest thine hand 23:20(21 )& 28: 8, 20. in all that thou settest thine hand Isa. 7t25.be/or (Ae sending forth of oxen, nrh&ti mish-lak '-phattt \ f. Ps. 78:49. by sending evil angels Ecc. 8: 8. (there is) no dischaj-ge (marg. or, casting °ff (weapons)) in (that) war; ft&Wti m$ham-mah\ f. Isa. 15: 6.Nimrim shall be desolate: (marg. desola- Uojis) Jer. 48:34. Nimrim shall be aTeso/a(e.(marg.irf. ) Eze. 5: 15. instruction and an astonishment 6:14. yea, more desolate than the wilderness 33: 28. lay the land most desolate, (marg. desolation and desolatioJi) 29. laid the land most desolate (lit. desolation and desolatioJi) 35: 3. and I will make thee most desolate, (marg. desolation and desolation) f£?^0 mish-maii! ' , m Gen27:28.and (Ae fatness of the P.2? mash-man-neem' ', m. pi. Neh 8:10. eat the fat, and drink the sweet, J?D^D mish-mag\ m. Isa. 11: 3. reprove after the hearing o/his ears: n^D^D \mish~mah! -gath\ f. 1 Sa. 22 ; 14. king's son in law, and goeth at thy bidding, 1 2Sa.23:23. David set him over Ais guard, (marg. at Ais command, or, council) 1 Ch 1 1 : 25. David set him over Ais guaj-d. Isa. 11: 14. the children of Ammon shall obey (Aem. (marg. (Aeir obedience) Gen 40: (Ae 4142: Lev.24:Nu. 15 ICh 26 Neh 4: 7: 12:13: Job 7: Pro. 4: Jer. 51 : Eze.38: "IfiBfo mish-mahr', in. 3. he put them in ward in the house 4. they continued a season in ward. 7. officers that (were) with him MJara* of 10. put me in ward in the 17. he put them all together into ward 19.be bound in the house of your pj-ison .- 12. they put him in ward, 34. they put him in ward, 16. going up, ward against ward. 9(3). set a watch against them day and night, 22(16). in the night they may be a guard 23( 17). nor the men of (Ae guard 3. the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one in kis watch, 24. ward over against ward. 25. porters keeping (Ae ward 14. and for (Ae offices (marg. or, observations) thereof. 12. that thou settest a watch 23. Keep thy heart with all diligence ; (marg. above all keephig ) 12. make (Ae watch strong, 7. be thou a guard unto them. Tftt$?fe misk-mehr-reth, f. Gen26: 5. obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, Ex. 12: 6. And ye shall Aeep it (lit. and it shall be to you for keeping) 16:23. for you to be kept until the morning. 32. omer of it to be kept for your generations ; 33. lay it up before the Lord, to be kept 34. before the Testimony, to be kept. Lev. 8:35. keep (Ae charge ofthe Lord, 18:30. shall ye keep mine ordinance, 22: 9. They shall therefore keep mine ordinance, Nu. 1 :53. the Levites shall keep (Ae charge of 3: 7- they shall keep his charge, andthe charge of the whole congregation 8. (Ae charge o/the children of Israel, 25. And the charge ofthe sons of Gershon 28. keeping (Ae charge ofthe sanctuary. 31 . And their charge (shall be) the ark, 32. keep (Ae charge o/the sanctuary. 36. the custody and charge of 38. keeping (Ae cAar^e o/the sanctuary for the charge ofthe children of Israel; 4:27. appoint unto them in charge all 28. and their charge (shallbe) under 31. this (is) (Ae charge of their burden, 32. instruments of (Ae charge of their burden. 8: 26. congregation, to keep (Ae charge, — the Levites touching their charge. ( 773 ) JttfD Nu. 9 : 19. the children of Israel kept (Ae charge of 23. they kept (Ae charge ofthe Lord, 1 7 : 10(25) . to be kept for a token 18: 3. shall keep thy charge, and the charge of 4. keep (Ae charge of the tabernacle 5. keep (Ae charge ofthe sanctuary, and (Ae charge ofthe altar: 8. 1 also have given thee (Ae charge of mine 19: 9. it shall be kept for the congregation (lit. it shall be for keeping to ) 31: 30. which keep (Ae charge o/the tabernacle 47. which kept (Ae charge ofthe tabernacle Deu 11: 1 . keep Ais charge, and his statutes, Jos. 22 : 3. but have kept (Ae charge of the ISa. 22: 23. but with me thou (shalt be) in safeguard. 2Sa.20: 3. put them in ward (lit. a house of ward), and fed them, IK. 2: 3. keep (Ae charge ofthe Lord 2K. 11: 5. shall even be keepers of (Ae watch of 6. so shall ye keep the watch of 7. even they shall keep (Ae watch of ICh 9: 23. house of the tabernacle, by wards. 27. because (Ae charge (was) upon them, 12 : 29. part of them had kept (Ae ward of 23;32.(Ae charge of the tabernacle of the con gregation, and the charge of the holy (place), and (Ae charge of the sons of 25: 8. they cast lots, ward against (ward), 26:12. vmrds one against another, 2Ch 7: 6. priests waited on (Aeir offices : 8: 14. the Levites to (Aeir charges, 13:11. for we keep (Ae charge o/the Lord 23: 6. all the people shall keep (Ae watch of 31 : 16. for their service in their charges 17. upward, in their charges 35: 2. set the priests in (Aeir chaj-ges, Neh 7: 3. appoint watches o/the inhabitants 12: 9. over against them in the watches. 45. porters kept (Ae wardof their God, and the ward o/the purification, 13:30. appointed (Ae wards ofthe priests Isa. 21 : 8. 1 am set in my ward whole nights: Eze.40:45.the keepers of (Ae charge (marg.or, ward, or, ordhiajice) o/the house. 46. the keepers of (Ae charge o/the altar: 44: 8. ye have not kept (Ae charge of — ¦ ye have set keepers of my charge (marg. or, ward, or, ordinance) 14. make them keepers of (Ae charge of 15. kept (Ae charge ofmy sanctuary 16. they shall keep my charge. 48: II. which have kept jny charge, (marg. or, ward, or, ordinance) Hab. 2 : l.I will stand upon my watch, Zee. 3: 7. keep my charge, (marg.or, ordinance) Mai 3: 14. that we have kept Ais oj-dinance, (marg. observation) Gen 41 -, 43: Ex. 16: Deu 15: 17: Jos. 8: ISa. 8: 15: 17:23: 2Sa. 3: 2K. 22:23: 25: ICh 5: 15:16: 2Ch 28: 3134 35:24 HJEJ'ft mish-neh1 ', m. he made him to ride in the second chariot take double money in your hand ; and they took double money twice as much as they gather they gathered twice as much worth a double hired servant he shall write him a copy o/this law a copy ofthe law of Moses, the name of Ais second, ajid of the fatlings, (marg. or, second sort) and next unto him Abinadab, I shall be next unto thee ; And kis second, Chileab, now she dwelt in Jerusalem in (Ae college ; (marg.or, hi tke second part) the priests of (Ae second order, Zephaniah (Ae second priest, Shapham (Ae next, their brethren of (Ae second (degree), and jtext to him Zechariah, Elkanah (Aa( (was) next (marg. (Ae se cond) to the king. Shimei his brother (was) (Ae next. now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college : (marg. school, or, secojid part) put him in the second chariot 3»D ( 774 ) BttfD Ezr. 1 : 10. silver basons of a second (sort) Neh 11 : 9. of Senuah (was) second over the city. 17. Bakbukiah (Ae second among Est. 10: 3. Mordecai the Jew (was) next unto Job 42: 10. gave Job twice as much (marg. double) Isa. 61: 7. (ye shall have) double; — they shall possess (Ae double : Jer. 16: 18. their sin double ,¦ 17: 18. ana* destroy them with double destruction. 52:24. Zephaniah the second priest, Zep. 1 : 10. an howling from (Ae second, Zee. 9: 12. (that) I will render double unto thee ; ft&WQm'shis-sah', f. 2K. 21 :1 4. and a spoil to all their enemies; Isa. 42: 22. delivereth ; for a spoil, (marg. treading) 24. Who gave Jacob for a spoil, Jer. 30: 16. they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, Hab 2: 7. thou shalt be for booties Zep 1 : 13. their goods shall become a booty, hWti mish-gbhl' m. Nu. 22:24. of the Lord stood in a path of yWti mish-gte' \ m. Eze.l6: 4. wast thou washed in water to supple (thee)) (marg.or, when I looked (upon thee)) fj^fi mish-gahr/, m. 2Sa.22: 19. but the Lord was my stay. Ps. 18: 1 8(19). but the Lord was my stay. Isa. 3: l.the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water, Isa. mash-geh?i' ', m. 3 : 1 . from Judah (Ae stay and the staff, iJS^O mash-geh-nah' ', f. Isa. 3 : 1 . from Judah the stay and the staff, n^fi mish-geh'-mth) f. Ex. 21:19. walk abroad upon Ais staff, Nu. 21:18. (of) the lawgiver, with their staves. Jud. 6:21. put forth the end of (Ae s(ajf 2K. 4:29. take my staff in thine hand, — lay my staff upon the face ofthe child. 31 . laid (Ae staff upon the face of the child ; 18:21. thou trustest upon (Ae staff of Ps. 23: 4. thy rod ajid thy staff they comfort me. Isa. 36: 6. thou trustest in the staff of Eze.29: 6. they have been a staff of reed Zee. 8: 4. every man with Ais staff in his hand >tD mish-pahtf, m. Genl8:19.to do justice and judgment; 25. the Judge of all the earth do right? 40: 13. after tke former manner Ex. 15:25. a statute and an ordinance, 21: 1. these (are) the judgments 9. after the manjier of daughters. 31. according to this judgment 23: 6. Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of 24: 3. all the judgments : 26:30. according to the fashion thereof which was 28: 15. make the breastplate of judgment 29. the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, 30. put in the breastplate of judgment — Aaron shall bear thejudgjnent of Lev. 5:10&9: 16. according to tke manner: (marg. OJ'dinance) 18 : 4. Ye shall do my judgmejits, 5. keep my statutes, and my judgments : 26. keep my statutes and my judgments, 19: 15, 35. no unrighteousness in judgment; 37 & 20: 22. statutes, and all my judgments, 24:22. Ye shall have one jnamier of law, 25: 18. statutes, and keep my judgmejits, 26: 15. if your soul abhor my judgments, 43. because they despised jny judgments, 46. the statutes and judgments Nu. 9: 3. all (Ae ceremonies thereof, 14. and accoj'ding to the manner thereof, \ 15:16. One law ajid one manner '21. according to the manner, (marg. ordinance) 27: 5. Moses brought (Aeir cause 1 1 . of Israel a statute of judgment, 21. after the judgment of Urim 29: 6. according unto their manner, 18,21,24, 27,30,37. their number, after the jnajiner : 33. to their number, after the manner: (lit. (Aeir manner) 35:12. before the congregation in judgment. 24. according to these judgments : 29. for a statute of judgjnent 36: 13. commandments and the judgments, Deu. 1:17. respect persons in judgjnent ; — for the judgment (is) God's: 4: 1. statutes and unto thejudgjnents, 5. taught you statutes and judgments, 8. that hath statutes and judgments 14. teach you statutes and judgments^ 45. the statutes, and the judgments, 5: 1 .the statutes and judgmejits 31(28) &6: 1, 20. statutes, and the judgments, 7:11. the statutes, and (Ae judgments, 12. if ye hearken to these judgmejits, 8: Il.and his judgjnents, and his statutes, 10;18. He doth execute the judgment of II; 1 . his statutes, and his judgmejits, 32. to do all the statutes and judgments 12: I. These (are) the statutes and judgments, 16:18. the people with }ust judgment. 19. Thou shalt not wrest judgment ; 17 : 8. matter too hard for thee in judgment, 9. shew thee the sentence of judgment: 1 1, according to thejudgjnent 18: 3. this shall be the priests' due 19: 6. whereas he (was) not irorthy of death, (lit. to him was not judgmejit of death) 2l:17.(Ae right ofthe firstborn (is) his. 22. committed a sin worthy of death, (lit, judgment of death) 24: 17. pervert the judgment o/the stranger, 25: l.they come unto judgment, 26: 16. to do these statutes and judgments : 1 7. commandments, and his judgments, 27:19. he that perverteth the judgment of 30: 16. his statutes and his judgmejits, 32 : 4. for all his ways ( are) judgment : 41. mine hand take hold on judgment ; 33: 10. They shall teach Jacob thy judgmejits, 21. and his judgments with Israel. Jos. 6: 15. after the same manner 20: 6. the congregation/, 24: 25. a statute and an ordinance ( 776 ) SWO Jud. 4: 5. Israel came up to her for judgment. 13: 12. How shall we order (marg. What shall be (Ae manner of) the child, 18: 7. after the manner ofthe Zidonians, ISa. 2:13. And the priests' custom 8: 3. took bribes, and perverted judgment. 9. shew them (Ae manner ofthe king 11. This will be (Ae manner of 10:25. told the people (Ae manner of 27 : 1 1 . so (will be ) Ais manner 30:25. and an ordinajice for Israel 2Sa. 8:15. David executed judgment and justice 15: 2. came to the king for judgment, 4. which hath any suit or cause 6. that came to the king for judgment : 22:23. all his judgments (were) before me: IK 2: 3. commandments, and his judgmejits, 3:1 1 . understanding to discern judgment; 28. all Israel heard of the judgment — God (was) in him, to do judgment. 4: 28(5: 8). every man according to his charge. 6:12. and execute my judgments, 38. according to all the fashion of it. 7 : 7. the porch of 'judgment : 8:45, 49. maintain (Aeir cause, (marg. or, right) 58. his statutes, and his judgments, 59. that he maintain (Ae cause of his servant, and the cause o/his people Israel 9: 4. keep my statutes and my judgmejits : 10: 9. to do judgment and justice. 1 1 :33.my statutes and my judgments, 18:28. cut themselves after their manner 20:40. So (shall) thy judgment (be) ; 2K. 1: 7. What manner of man (was he) 11 : 14. by a pillar, as the manner (was), 17:26. know not (Ae jnanner ofthe God — know not (Ae manner o/the God 27. teach them (Ae manna- o/the God 33. after the manner of the nations 34. they do after the former manners: — or after their ordhiances, 37. the statutes, and (Ae ordinances, 40. they did aftej- their former manner. 25: 6. they gave judgment upon him. ICh 6:32(17). according to their order. 15: 13. sought him not after ike due order. 16: 12. and tke judgments o/his mouth ; 14. his judgments (are) in all the earth. 18:14. executed judgment and justice 22:13. to fulfil the statutes and judgments 23:31- according to the order commanded 24: 19. of the Lord, according to their manner, 28: 7. my commandments and my judgjnents, 2Ch 4: 7. gold according to their form, 20. they should burn after the manner 6:35, 39. maintain (Aeir cause, (marg. or, rioA() 7 : 17. observe my statutes and my judgments; 8:14. according to the order o/David 9 : 8 . to do judgment and justice. 19: 6. who (is) with you in thejudgment. (marg. matter of judgment) S.for the judgjnent o/the Lord, 10. commandment, statutes and jjtdgments, 30 : 16. stood in their place after their jnajiner, 33: 8. the statutes and the oj-dinances 35: 13. with fire according to the ordinance: Ezr. 3: 4. accoj'dhig to the custom, as the duty 7: 10. teach in Israel statutes ajid judgments. Neh. 1 : 7. the judgments, which thou commandedst 8: 18. according ujito the manner. 9: 13. gavest them right judgments, 29. but sinned against thy judgments, 10:29(30). and kis judgments andhis statutes; Job 8: 3. Doth God pervert judgment? 9:19. and if of judgment, 32. we should come together injudgmejit. 13:18. 1 have ordered (my) cause; 14: 3. bringest me hito judgment 19: 7. but (there is) no judgment-. 22: 4. will he enter with thee into judgment? 23: 4. 1 would order (my) cause 27 : 2. hath taken away jny judgment; 29 :14. my judgment (was) as a robe 31 : 13. despise (Ae cause ofmy manservant 32: 9. do the aged understand^ndt/men*. 34: 4. Let us choose to us jjidgmerit: 5. God hath taken away my judgment. the SttfD Job 34: 6. Should I lie against my right? 12. neither will the Almighty pervert/u<2p»ie»*. 17. Shall even he that hateth right govern? 23. he should enter into judgment with God. 35: 2. Thinkest thou this to be right, 36: 6. but giveth right to the poor. 17. judgment and justice take hold 37 : 23. excellent in power, and in judgment, 40: 8. Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? Ps. 1 : 5. shall not stand in the judgment, 7: 6(7). awake for me (to) the judgment 9: 4(5). For thou hast maintained my right 7(8). prepared his throne for judgment. 16(17). (Ae judgment (which) he executeth: 10: 5. thy judgjnents (are) far above 17: 2. Let my sentence come forth 18:22(23}. all his judgments (were) before me, 19: 9(10).(Aet/ndome?i(s o/the Lord 25: 9. The meek will he guide in judgment : 33: 5. He loveth righteousness and judgment: 35:23. awake to my judgment, 36 : 6(7). thy judgments ( are ) a great deep : 37: 6.ajid thy judgment as the noonday. 28. For the Lord loveth judgjnent, 30. his tongue talketh or judgment. 43 : 11 ( 12) . because of thy judgments. 72: I. Give the king thy judgmejits, 2. thy poor with judgment. 76: 9(10). When God arose to judgment, 81: 4(5 ). a law of the God of Jacob. 89:14(15). Justice and judgment 30(31). and walk not in my judgments ; 94: 15. But judgment shall return 97: 2. righteousness and judgment 8. Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, 99: 4. strength also loveth judgment; — thou executest^'wdgmejiC 101 : l.I will sing of mercy and judgment: 103: 6. and judgjnent for all that are oppressed. 105: 5. and the judgments o/his mouth ; 7. his judgments (are) in all the earth. 106: 3. Blessed, (are) they that keen judgment, 111: 7. of his hands (are) verity and judgment; 112: 5. he will guide his affairs with discretion. (marg. judgment) 119: 7. have learned thy righteous judgments. 13. declared all the judgments of 20. unto thy judgments at all times. 30. thy judgments have I laid 39. for thy judgments (are) good. 43. for I have hoped in thy judgments. 52.1 remembered thy judgments 62. because ofthy righteous judgments. 75. that thy judgmejits (are) right, 84. when wilt thou execute judgjnent 91 . this day according to thine ordinances : 102. 1 have not departed from thy judgments . 106.1 will keep thy righteous judgments. 108. and teach me thy judgments. 120. and I am afraid of thy judgments. 121. 1 have done judgment and justice: 132. as thou usest to do unto (marg. according to the custom towards) those 137. upright (are) thy judgments. 149. quicken me accoj'ding to thy judgment. 156. quicken me according to thy judgments. 160. every one ofthy righteous judgjnents 164. because ofthy righteousju;d