I '111 1 |||j|j|ljiii!|':; "y 01 '•f^$^;fgtinc£[)ig ef. a CoUege in, this Colony' l G-iffc of the Publishers 3M, THE RELIGION OF THE SOUL PUBLISHED BY Society for Religious Education GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. (POSTPAID $1.50) COPYRIGHT 1922, BY MARK SANDS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFACE There is One God, one Will of God and there fore one religion. The ungodly strife among creeds with their in veterate traditional prejudices, and the consequent mental and sentimental confusion, is the result of the fact that none of them directly appeals to conscience as our inward bond with God. Notwithstanding the universal conviction that conscience is the supreme tribunal of worthiness and judgment, no creed has ever attempted to explain the might of conscience as the living Voice of God and the supreme source of religion. Though historical creeds possess a large volume of more or less sublime religious aspirations, the absence of the Voice of God in their fundamental doctrines makes it impossible for them to substantiate the spiritual honor of the soul, to establish religious harmony among themselves, and to lead mankind to that godly mutuality which is the desire of every righteous heart. No religious cult or form has any intrinsic value unless it is strictly based on conscience, the sole might and inspiration of religious truth. 3 4 PREFACE Conscience is the real temple of religion, where the Voice of God is clearly audible. In this holy temple we see and feel the father hood of God, our divine childship and immortal brotherhood, the three eternal gospels of religion and the theme of all great prophets and teachers of humanity. The cry for religion in the human heart was never so potent as it is to-day. But we must first know and possess conscience, before we shall be able to understand the true religion of the soul. To all men of good will, interested in their own consciences and in the conscience of mankind, these pages are offered in profound esteem and sincere affection. 1 922 Justus. Further works of the author will soon be pub lished in the following order: 1 . Virtues, the Eternal Essence and Form of Religion. (A critical and formal exposition of the essence of religion.) 2. Soul and Conscience. (A psychology based on conscience and logic and the intrinsic interrelation of these sciences. ) 3. The Face of God and the Plan of Divine Creation. (A universal theosophy including the struc ture of the natural universe.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 5 Religion in General 9 Origin of Religion 10 God 12 The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Holy Will of God. 13 Divine Holiness 13 Divine Perfection 14 Divine Eternity 16 The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Holy Truth of God . 1 7 Divine Contemplation 17 Divine Omniscience 19 Divine Omnipresence 21 The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Holy Love of God. 23 Divine Love 23 Divine Justice 25 Divine Goodness 27 Conscience 30 The Eternal Origin and Form of Conscience 32 The Commanding Might of Conscience 37 The Soul 39 The Reason for the Existence of the Soul 44 The Great Destiny of the Soul 46 The Fulfilment of our Holy Destiny 52 Virtues the Eternal Voice of God in Conscience and the Substance of Religion 55 Virtues of the Will 59 The Virtue of Humility 59 1 Page The Virtue of Fortitude 63 The Virtue of Beatitude 68 Virtues of the Mind 72 The Virtue of Divine Light 73 The Virtue of Wisdom 76 The Virtue of Simplicity 80 Virtues of the Heart 90 The Virtue of Love 90 The Virtue of Righteousness 96 The Virtue of Goodness 100 The Inward Likeness of the Religious Soul 107 The Cult of God 112 Sacramental Confession of the Church of God 115 The Decalog of Religious Life 117 Passions of the Soul 119 Passions of the Will 119 Pride 119 Religious Indolence ... 125 Spiritual Misery 128 Passions of the Mind 132 Conceit 132 Religious Ignorance 135 Duplicity 138 Passions of the Heart . 144 Hate 145 Unrighteousness 1 50 Selfishness 1 54 The Body of the Soul 164 The Future Life 1 70 The Ascent or Inward Course of Life 1 79 The Fall or Outward Course of Life 190 The Last Word of Conscience 202 The Religion of the Soul RELIGION IN GENERAL What is religion? Religion according to its Latin derivation "re- ligere," "to esteem," and "religare," "to bind," means the holy bond between God and the soul. This holy bond demands the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the soul and the knowledge of the soul's relation to God. These are the three essential objects of religion. It is the absolute demand of our conscience that we know God and our soul in order to understand clearly our relation to Him. Ignorance of God arises from unwillingness and neglect of the understanding of things divine, and is in itself sinful, a fact which has never been suf ficiently impressed on the human conscience. From the ignorance of God follows the ignorance of our soul, and this ignorance causes confusion and sinfulness. If we do not know the absolute source of our being it is impossible to understand rightly 9 K) RELIGION OF THE SOUL the great courses and final evolutions of our spiritual capacities and the essential rules of life. No vital question can be solved without religion, because religion is the sole answer to all intimate and important questions of life. ORIGIN OF RELIGION What is the origin of religion ? The origin of religion lies in conscience, the ever- living Voice of God. God as our Creator, as our Lord and our eternal Father, is .the Leader and Teacher of our inward ness. For this reason our responsibility to God is al ways the first responsibility. It precedes all other responsibilities, a fact which is proved by the instant consciousness and feeling of having performed a good deed or of having committed an evil deed. Conscience is the continuous and everlasting con tact of the soul with God. God guides and teaches through conscience and he who is attentive to the dictates of conscience and who follows these dic tates unhesitatingly is on the path to holy life, while the one who is neglectful in the execution of these dictates is bound to fall beneath his human dignity and suffer shame and punishment. RELIGION IN GENERAL 11 Natural existence is external and transient. Spiritual existence is supernatural, because it has a higher dignity through personal cooperation with the Will of God, and personal responsibility. But conscience is superspiritual, because it is the holiest Voice of God which dominates our soul. Conscience, therefore, is the holy origin and bond of religion, the sole ground of our personal honor, the one true light which guides our judgments, and the immaculate and beautiful warmth of pure senti ments. GOD What is God? God is the Superpersonal and Superspiritual might from which all life, spiritual and natural, derives. What are the intimate features of God? The inward superspiritual manifestations of God are Holiness, Truth and Love, the fundamental trinity of His inherent Divine life. Why do xve call God superpersonal? We call God superpersonal because God is not a personal and relative being like ourselves, but the one, absolute and superpersonal Superbeing, eter nally creating and dominating the existential being of which our souls are a part. Why do Tee call God superspiritual? We call God superspiritual because His might surpasses infinitely the power of all created souls and because God creates our spiritual essence and dominates our spiritual life. Now let us behold and study the three funda mental superspiritual manifestations of God, His majestic Holiness, His contemplative Truth and His sacrificial Love. 12 GOD 13 The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Holy Will of God Divine Holiness What is the Holiness of God? Divine Holiness is the absolute, perfect and eternal Will of God, Who rules in supreme majesty, Who acts almightily, and Who lives in His eternal superspirituality. What do we understand by the absolute Will of God? By the absolute Will of God we understand the one holiest voluntary might which is related to noth ing superior and to nothing equal except itself. By the absolute Will of God we also understand the supreme superpersonal might which always and everywhere, through all ages and spheres, rules in eternally adorable majesty. The Will of God is the one supreme and majestic Will which all saintly and virtuous souls adore and love and all wicked souls fear and hate. The Will of God is the law of all laws, the supreme leader of worthy deeds, the sole sanctifier of holy life, the most bountiful bestower of heavenly gifts and the most merciful savior of fallen souls. The majestic holiness of God inherently possesses H RELIGION OF THE SOUL the omnipotent perfection and superspiritual eternity as the integral mights and revelation of the Divine Will. Indeed, holy, holy, holy is the Will of God ! Divine Perfection What is Divine Perfection? Divine Perfection is the plenitude of the holiest mights of God in all their manifestations. It con tains the almighty attributes of God which emanate from His Holiness like luminous rays issuing from an infinite and holy fire. What are the almighty attributes pertaining to the holy Will of God? 1 — The majestic Holiness. 2 — The omnipotent Perfection. 3 — The superspiritual Eternity. What are the almighty attributes pertaining to the holy Truth of God? 1 — The creative contemplation of God. 2 — The omniscient predestination of God. 3 — The omnipresent providence of God. What are the almighty attributes pertaining to the holy Love of God? 1 — The eternally guiding sacrifice of God. GOD 15 2 — The eternally ruling justice of God. 3 — The eternally saving goodness of God. A knowledge of these attributes is essential to our knowledge of God, our eternal Creator, Lord and Father. If we do not know the holiest per fections and omnipotent attributes of God, we do not know God, and, consequently, are bound to fail in our faith in Him and in our devotion and gratitude to Him. The Divine attributes constitute the holiest proto type of holy life, and the eternal ground of the liv ing faith in God, and of profoundest devotion and gratitude to Him and all things divine. Religious life intrinsically consists in adoring, contemplating and following the holy attributes of God, because these holy attributes are the eternal prototypes of holy life. Our wills, our minds and our hearts are made for the exclusive purpose of participating in, of co operating with and of affirming the Life of God, and of affirming our own souls in His eternal Life. There is no greater purpose of life than this divine purpose. No minor purpose is sufficient to fill the life of a spiritual being. And any other purpose is absurd, mad and disastrous. 16 RELIGION OF THE SOUL Divine Eternity What is Divine Eternity? Divine Eternity is the state of the holiness and perfection of God, His celestial dwelling above all time and space. Eternity is the most adorable life of God, from whence radiates Divine Truth and Love. It is the domain of the holiest attributes of God, the living heaven of never vanishing grandeur, splendor, beauty and beatitude. Around this holy eternity of God dwell the sanctified heroes of virtue, who faithfully participate in the life of God, and who with profoundest grati tude for their divine childship and amidst never ceas ing blessing, devotedly cooperate with the holy Will of God. Heaven is the source and life of holy sacrifice, whence all divine treasures flow. For this reason all virtuous souls strive with all their power to reach heaven, that they too may possess and perform sacrifices, the sole proof of the soul's innocence and greatness. Likewise, for this reason the weak and the wicked are so restless and miserable, because, not having the purpose of sacrificial striving in their lives, they GOD 17 can have no taste of heaven, and hence no security and no lasting peace and joy. All souls have an inward longing for heaven. Either in distress or exultation man raises his heart to the heights above him. Every great resolution, every expression of truth, every oath of truthfulness, every serious pledge and every inward pleading consciously or subconsciously feels the might of this heavenly influence and power. Immortality is the desire of every soul, but the fulness of immortality is attained in the heaven of Divine eternity. It is this subconscious attraction of heaven which causes the desire for immortal life. The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Holy Truth of God Divine Contemplation What is Divine Truth? Divine Truth is an inward act of the Divine contemplation of God's holiest attributes, from which act emanates and radiates all light, as from a holy eternal fire. Thus Divine Truth is the eternal light and rev elation of Divine Holiness, that its majestic might and grandeur may be adored, comprehended and loved. \J> RELIGION OF THE SOUL The whole creation is embraced and permeated by this holy light, and by virtue of it the whole content and all forms of life are revealed and ex pressed. Each soul is permeated by the light of truth and is unable to give a true statement without its demand and sanction. In all our mental searching and sentimental long ing we want to see and to have the true and not the false understanding. Because of the understanding and feeling of the holiness of truth we loathe and disdain falsehood. Divine truth surrounds holiness as light surrounds fire and is as inseparable from holiness as the revela tion of an act is inseparable from the act itself. Truth is the shining might of God, through which God is seen in His real Divinity, absolutely tran scending the whole being, regardless of its magnitude. The absolute oneness, the absolute perfection and the absolute eternity of God constitute the resound ing voice of truth in the whole creation. We are overwhelmed by the grandeur of Divine creation of which we see only an infinitesimal frag ment. This overwhelming fragment of creation is the consequence of only a little motion of the almighty GOD 19 creativeness of God, the fulness of which is beyond our human vision. Truth, being the revelation of Divine holiness, must be searched for with holy sentiments, with intense veraciousness and with the sacrificial spirit which truth itself reveals. Darkness, confusion and ignorance derive from the lack of love for holy light. Divine Omniscience What is Divine Omniscience? Divine Omniscience is the application of Divine Truth to Divine Holiness. Truth, being inseparable from Holiness, follows Holiness like a vision that follows each activity. Truth is the visual attribute of God and the activity of this visual attribute is omniscience. God is superconscious of the inexhaustible, ever- inspiring and beatifying might and treasures of His dominating holiness as well as of the creative al- mightiness which derives from His holiness. God's plan of creation is holy, full of truth and sacrifice and, accordingly, the whole creation is pre determined to holiness, to truth and to sacrifice. It has no other aim. God calls into life an incalculable number of 20 RELIGION OF THE SOUL spiritual beings in order to participate in, cooperate with and affirm His Divinity and to affirm them selves in His holy, perfect and beatifying eternity. In order to impart His Divine superspirit, God creates spiritual beings, endowed with immortal will, intellect and sentiment, for the purpose of following His holy Will, of seeing His holy Truth and of embracing His holy Love. This is the true reason and destiny of our life, which accords us the immortal honor of divine child- ship, which we feel in the depth of our inwardness and the desecration of which causes our debasement, falsehood and spiritual misery with its awful con sequences. This we are told plainly by the immovable, under- dwelling and everpresent divine superspirit which we call conscience, on which each soul lives and with out which no soul can live. The fact that we have the consciousness of holi ness, truth and love, and the fact that this trinity of holy life is the basic form of all righteous and har monious relations, proves overwhelmingly our direct relation to the dominating Will of God. Once this predetermined relation is obscured, weakened or severed, sins and crimes take hold of the soul like weeds in uncultivated ground and establish themselves therein. GOD 21 Divine omniscience constitutes the superessential source of Divine predestination and therefore sees each motion of every soul like an open book. The soul itself is like a living book, in which all deeds, thoughts and sentiments are engraved by the ineffaceable might of divine justice. The form and face of each being proves this fact plainly. Divine Omnipresence What is Divine Omnipresence? Divine Omnipresence is the continuous manifesta tion of Divine mights. Our souls and the whole natural universe live by virtue of Divine mights only. Nothing can live by virtue of its own force, be cause this force must be created in order to live. That it is created is evident in the manifestation of its fundamental plan of life. The plan of the soul's life is worthiness, truth and love. The power of will is for the sake of our worth iness, which is the chief interest of our lives. The power of intellect is for the sake of seeing and understanding the holy truth of God, that we may be essentially truthful and by this truthfulness maintain our supreme honor as children of God. The power of heart is for the sake of preserving, 22 RELIGION OF THE SOUL guarding and cultivating the sublimest and purest sentiments, that we may continually have the beati fying taste and joy of holy life.. The consequences of following this Divine plan are manifest in the noble achievements of great souls, and equally manifest in sinfulness and dishonor are the consequences for those who disregard this holy plan. This is the omnipresence of the creative plan of God. But a more tangible omnipresence of God is in our conscience, where God is not only our Creator, but also our heavenly Father, Guide and Savior. In conscience dwells the everpresent contact of Divine superspirituality with our spiritual essence. It is a strictly personal contact, by virtue of which we are uplifted, encouraged, rejoiced and blessed in our good deeds, and admonished, restrained, threat ened and punished for our evil deeds. Thus the attention to the heavenly Voice of God is of the utmost importance and the object of our most ardent solicitude. None can live worthily, maintain his spiritual honor and grow in worthiness and holy life without being in continuous contact with the omnipresent Voice of God. The first fall of the soul is the result of the in- GOD 23 attention to God's holy Voice, and habitual sinful ness comes from habitual inattention to His holiest Voice. The Voice of God is the ultimate verdict in all our decisions, thoughts and sentiments and each im portant issue is judged by this holy verdict. The virtuous soul prefers to die rather than be faithless to the holy Voice of God. The Almighty Attributes Pertaining to the Love of God Divine Love What is Divine Love? Divine Love is the giving might of God, the might of sacrifice. Holiness is sacrificial in its action, truth is sacri ficial in its light and love is the divine issue and rev elation of sacrificial holiness and truth. Therefore, nothing is worthy unless it is holy and nothing is true unless the testimony is holy. Evil deeds and falsehoods are denounced on the ground that they are neither holy nor true. Our conscience, our very soul, everything that lives, indeed the whole creation, is the evident and universal fact of Divine sacrifice. Nothing is esteemed unless it has the spirit of sacri- 24 RELIGION OF THE SOUL fice and nothing is considered unless it has some sacrificial value. For this reason the love of God has always and will always be supremely adored, and for this reason also each act of human sacrifice is so highly admired and extolled. Were it not for the sacrificial sublimity of life, our soul, driven by the misery of its own selfishness, would, as a result of utter worthlessness, strive to destroy itself. Divine sacrifice is the very love and life of God, the sole purpose and plan of His Divinity. Accordingly, all that is made by God is made for the sake of sacrifice, which is the supreme real ity of holy life. Therefore, each meritorious deed is judged by the purity and volume of its sacrificial motive. As in God, so in each virtuous soul, sacrifice is the supreme reality of life, and, according to the measure of this holy reality, each soul obtains its station in the future life. Among the countless selfish ambitions of life a quiet and blessing sacrifice always stands out and all who have conscience and honor in their inward ness lift their eyes and hearts to this sacrifice as to the saving anchor of life. Divine sacrifice is the holy guide of worthy life, GOD 25 which insists on the holy life with God and leaves no alternative but the unholy life without God. The proofs of holy life are sacrificial deeds and the proofs of unholy life are selfish ambitions, selfish mentality and selfish sentiments. Divine Justice What is Divine Justice? Divine justice is the eternal guardian of holy values. It upholds the righteousness and the dignity of holy deeds, of holy thoughts and of holy senti ments. Divine justice is the eternal might of holy execu tion. No soul, no form of religion, no nation and no community has an assured station and power with out the sanction of the justice of God. The whole activity of our life, our honor, our rights and our duties, adheres to and depends on the ruling justice of God. Were it possible to eliminate justice from our conscience, the entire humanity would become in carnate devils. Our most incessant and most practical work is the work of justice. All our acts, all our thoughts and all our sentiments continually stand before this supreme tribunal from which is proclaimed the ab solute verdict. 26 RELIGION OF THE SOUL Divine justice strengthens the virtuous soul in his earthly suffering and bids him to await in patience the time of his deliverance. In the same way it fol lows the criminal soul which searches in vain for a path of escape. Divine justice, being the executive might of Divine love, is supremely charitable. It immediately blesses and rewards each good deed, thought and senti ment in our inwardness by imparting greater dig nity, clearer vision and profounder sentiments and thus prepares us for higher spheres of beatitude in our future life. It also expostulates with and punishes the evil in our inwardness through the lowering of our sense of worthiness, through the feeling of shame, through confused thoughts and through the denunciation of our selfish sentiments. This fact is strictly charitable, because its purpose is to guard and sustain the dignity of the soul, that it may rise to God and be blessed in His eternity. All courses of Divine justice are charitable, but the alternative is inexorable. The one, who, in his malice and perversity, disdains charity and does not wish to live in charity, must live beyond the pale of charity, in the dark and low spheres of animal life. Even in these low spheres the holy gates of GOD 27 charity are open, and through these gates the lowest souls must take their painful course of atonement Their debts are enormous, and every part of the debt must be paid. No soul can escape this inexorable demand of Divine justice, but the one who performs the act of restitution receives bountiful assistance from the goodness of God and every good man. Thus justice begins and ends in charity, for justice is the executing motive of the supreme charity of God. Divine Goodness What is Divine Goodness? Divine goodness is the holy sympathy of God toward His creatures. This holy sympathy derives from the might of all Divine perfections; it is their eternal breath and fragrance. For this reason everything good is so attractive and beautiful. In Divine holiness lies the eternal source of good ness. In Divine truth shines the eternal light of goodness and in Divine love dwells the eternal warmth and joy of goodness. Goodness is the most effective superspiritual might 28 RELIGION OF THE SOUL of Divinity. Hence each soul, be it superhuman, human or animal, wants and longs for goodness, it loves to see goodness and is most strongly attracted by goodness. Take away the might, the light and the joy of goodness from our life and, immediately, we lose faith in God and man. Without goodness we become devoted only to our selfish desires and, such being the result, we be come devoid of all feeling of gratitude. The eternal sympathy of God is the holy bond of all human relations. Its might imparts binding sympathy. It introduces friendships and love, the dearest treasures of life. It confounds, shames and disarms the wicked by the power of its beauty and innocence. Not only men but even animals are enthralled by goodness and made better by its might. For this reason, and particularly in our low world, goodness has the greatest saving might. It saves the sinner from habitual trespasses. It paves the path to heaven, for in itself it is the divine guide to heaven that gently invites our souls to Divine eternity, the final goal of our life. Goodness is the eternal beauty of Divinity. Hence no man, regardless of fame, is beautiful unless he is good. GOD 29 As in God goodness constitutes the last attribute of His almighty love, thus in man the test of his true honor, worthiness and sublimity of character is found in the degree of his goodness. Therefore, according to the measure of his good deeds he receives his deserved station in the future life. CONSCIENCE What is conscience? Conscience is the living image of Divinity, the living reflex of Divine life and the sublimest gift of God. To "what end does God create conscience? God creates conscience for the sake of the soul, that it may participate in divine life, cooperate with His holy Will and affirm God in its inwardness and itself in God. What does conscience effect in our soul? Conscience effects in our soul its affinity to God, its affiliation with God and the power of imitating God's holiest life. The consequence of this state is that conscience constitutes the holy form of our soul, which is the ground, the bond and the might of religion. For this reason the might of conscience is the sole urging, enlightening and righteous might of the soul. Everything sublime and important is performed through conscience and everything base is performed without conscience. 30 CONSCIENCE All great deeds, all profound convictions and all spiritual sacrifices have their source in the sacredness of conscience. Religion in its purity is the simple life of conscience and the fact that, in our human cults, conscience has not been propounded and explained as the sole source and form of religion accounts for the failure of the living faith in God and for the selfish ambi tions, envies, jealousies, greed and worldy lust of men under the cover of religion. Conscience is the most palpable gift of God. Everybody refers to conscience, everybody uses conscience and everybody depends on it, but only a few love conscience and make it the chief interest of deeds, thoughts and sentiments. Where the interest in conscience is tardy and pas sive, selfish and dishonorable aims become the chief interest of our lives. Without conscience, no love of God, no love of our neighbor, no righteousness, no mutuality among men, no living religion, no true sense of human dig nity, no esteem for virtue, no truthfulness and no pure sentiments can exist. It cannot be otherwise, for conscience is the sacrificial form of the speaking Voice of God and the living reflex of His holiest attributes. 32 RELIGION OF THE SOUL The Eternal Origin and Form of Conscience The manifestation of any power or force of life is possible only when there is an origin and motive for its manifestation. Since conscience is the imperative manifestation of worthy life, its origin and motive lies in Divine holiness, the absolute Will of God. That conscience imparts to and demands from us worthiness, truth and love is a universally accepted fact which cannot be denied even by the wicked. Each soul appeals to the might of conscience though it does not always follow it. Conscience, being our supreme law and sole power of right, can only derive from the holiness of God, the sole source and might of all laws. No law is as complete, concrete and consistent as conscience, for, issuing from the holiness, truth and love of God, it constitutes the immutable ground, course and aim of worthy life. If this holy fact is not clearly understood and not accepted as the supreme guide of life, the logical and rightful basis for religion, personal honor, veracity