NWv S A CAUTION. My friend, Do you know where you are going ? Have you reflected what you are engaged in ? Is it an object you will be able to think upon to-morrow with plea sure ? Would you pursue it if you were sure you should die to-night? Have you or can you ask God to bless it ? If you have not done this, if you cannot do this, then reflect ; «m^. FOR ALL THESE THINGS GoD*WILL BRING THEE INTO JUDGMENT, Eccles. xi. 9. Stop, and consider before it is too late — there is yet time, but you know not how short it may be. — O flee to the Saviour for the pardon of your sins — *pray that Divine grace may be given to you — entreat the Holy Spirit to convince you of the evil of sin, and its dreadful consequences, and to influence your heart and mind to those things which alone can bring you peace at | the last. Read your Bible ; all these truths I are taught therein. £>u^?f Printed by \V, Clow as and Soto, Onlte-Btt«t, Lambeth , »old at S6, Fate r new ter-rw. — No. 8. ^ '*