Mv i %ihl*, fnft'g femaM fatji. DISCOTJKSE, PKEACHED IN TIIE Southbridge, Mass. march 18, 1849. BY EBER CARPENTER. Published bt bequest. ' We have not followed cunningly devised fables." 2 Peter, 1 s 16. WEST BROOKFIELD. POWER PRESS OF OLIVER S. COOKE &, CO,. 1849. What affec tionate parent," said he, " would pardon me if I could any longer give myself to study ? Would he not hate that strength of mipd, if I, who have survived all my family, could make any other use of my voice than to blame the gods, and to testify that no provi- *Arvjlns THE BIBLE, GOD'S REVEALED TRUTH. S.9 dence looks down upon the earth." How different the sweet submissive language of the most patient man ! " The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name ofthe Lord." What was the remedy devised by the celebrated in fidel, Hume, for the afflictions of life ? It is found in his " Essay on the Propriety and Lawfulness of Suicide;" a publication so monstrous, that his ad mirers and friends were absolutely ashamed of it, and endeavored, in the face of positive evidence, to deny that he was the author. The vaunted discoveries of this despiser of the Bible, afford no better refuge than SELF murder to the broken-hearted sinner ; while that blessed Book, points to " a blood that speaketh better things," and will at once purify and set the guilty conscience at peace. VIII. Are you, my brethren, infidels ? You shud der at the very question. O, let not your abhorrence of such impiety, or pity for such folly, conceal from your view a much more important subject — I mean the real nature and effects of the faith which you profess. Tn proportion as you discern the evidences for the divine origin and truth of the Bible, is the re sponsibility which attaches to your profession. Faith is a matter of deep personal concern. The gospel is a scheme of redemption in which you must have a personal interest, or worse than none at all. To be lieve that Jesus is the Christ, includes much of which the world of mere nominal Christianity knows but little. Is yours a faith which has purified your hearts, which has rescued you from the trammels of the world, and caused you to live superior to its blandishments, and 20 THE BIBLE, GOD'S REVEALED TRUTH. unawed by its frowns, a life of holy devotedness to your Redeemer ? Has it subdued your evil passions, and substituted the mind of Christ ? Has it regulated your vain imaginations, and induced that^calm sobriety of temper and demeanor, that affectionate zeal for the welfare of souls, that tender solicitude for the spirit ual good of all around you, which glowed within the heart, and shone forth in the spotless life of your Redeemer ? Has it exalted to you, as " the chiefest among ten thousand," that once despised, but now highly honored Messiah, " in whom we have redemption through hisblood," and " SANCTIFICATION through his Spirit ?" Is he your WISDOM, and your righteousness, your friend and intercessor, your Saviour and the Lord of your worship ? O, my brethren, if this, or something like this, be not your faith, beware, lest you have "a name to live and are dead." " Be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain, which are ready to die," lest you should be " weighed in the balances and found wanting."