Why the Republican Party Should Be Successful Next November By HARRY T. STIGER Williamsport, Pa. e Why the Republican Party Should Be Successful Next November By HARRY T. STIGER, Williamsport, Pa. That Government approaches nearest the ideal which guarantees not only full and, equal liberty and justice to its citizens, -but so shapes its policies and legislation as to afford them every opportunity to exercisfe all the talents and faculties with which they are endowed. The administration of public affairs in this country has been conducted by one or the other of two dominant political organizations, whose fun damental principles and policies of government have always been widely divergent. The sober judgment of the American people, however, in matters affecting their material welfare will assure the continuance of those policies and those principles which, in their experience, have pros pered our nation. Born during the intense heat of sectional differences, and dedicated to the principle of liberty and equality, the Republican party was first entrusted with the responsibilities of government 'at a time when our country and its institutions trembled in the balance and was facing a crisis appalling in "its every aspect. It preserved the unity of the States without damage to our Constitutional structure, disbanded a military host and sent it home as simple citizens of a land saved by American heroism. Capacity to Govern Demonstrated Conceived and baptized in a crisis, it remained to be seen whether this political party was fitted to cope with the everyday problems of our na tional life. The annals of history do not furnish a parallel for the im mense progress this country has made during its guidance under the policies of successive Republican administrations ; its capacity to govern and to meet every question that arises has been amply demonstrated. With wisdom and foresight it hastened to throw open and to distribute the public lands to settlement and to unite what was then the wilderness of the West with the thriving East by bands of steel, resulting in the foundation of loyal and prosperous commonwealths beyond the Rockies. Protection to American Industries and labor — the cardinal economic principles of the Republican party from the date of its birth— has stimu lated the industrial, commercial and agricultural interests of this country to such enormous proportions that history affords no parallel, nor any other nation a comparison. Under this system the crude rules of nature have been modified by the higher rules of human reason, to the end that we have in a large measure become master of nature instead of her slave. It has raised the wages of the American laborer and mechanic far and away beyond that paid for his hire in any other country or under any other condition ; it has made the wheels in the greatest diversity of -indus try and enterprise to turn; it has compelled the engines of commerce to pant, the forge to glow and the towering furnace to fling into the darkness of midnight its volcanic glare; it has stimulated human endeavor and ingenuity in every possible field of activity, and carried the products of our industry to the ends erf the earth. Standard of Value Maintained The Republican party has successfully withstood every radical assault on the national credit; it has maintained every dollar of our circulating medium at the highest standard of value against the persistent and foolish demands of those who would have depreciated our currency and brought dishonor, disaster and shame upon every interest. Had it accomplished little else during the last decade, the Republican party deserves the praise of our own people and the admiration of the world for the masterly manner in which it settled the disturbing and vexa tious Cuba question. The island republic, created and erected under the guiding hand of this government, is now enjoying greater prosperity and happiness than she ever knew in all her troubled history. Despite the great and hypocritical hue and cry of the opposition, the Republican party has brought to the benighted Philippines an example of the best colonial government and administration that history records; protecting the peaceful, restraining the evil, granting them the largest measure of liberty they are capable of assimilating, educating them for a higher and nobler citizenship, it has set them on the highway of peace, prosperity and orderly self-government. The most gigantic engineering enterprise of modern times — the con struction of an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama — is swiftly and surely nearing completion through the aggressive policy of the Republican party, and the visionary dreams of Balboa will soon be come a fact, and the long, anxious expectations of the world's commerce be realized. Worthy of People's Confidence The Republican party should be successful on November 3rd because it has proved itself worthy of the full confidence of the American people. It has nobly met every crisis since its formation, and its principles and performances have made us the most prosperous nation on the globe, The high station we occupy today in ,the councils of the nations has been gained by its triumphs in diplomacy in the face of Democratic pessimism and opposition. Its rule of action is not founded on theory nor the im possible dreams of the visionary, but it is founded on the rock of human reason and experience, intelligently applied and vigorously executed. It deserves to succeed because the principles espoused by its opponent are diametrically opposite and antagonistic to those which have worked the welfare of our nation. Forty-seven years of our history have been YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08886 9236 covered by Republican control and achievement, except the doleful period of 1892 to 1896. Let every man recall the past and let his experiences light his political pathway in the future ; let him be guided by reason, not by theory, passion or prejudice, and he will be persuaded that his interests and the interests of his country demand that he support, uncompromis ingly, the Republican Presidential and Congressional nominees. It will succeed because it has placed in nomination as its standard bearer a man to .whom the people can safely trust their political fortunes ; a man whose experience in government preeminently fits him for the grave responsibilities devolving on the Chief Executive of this country, and who will perpetuate the policies, principles and administrative ability that have marked Republican government.