YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1947 ftbe IRegister OF THE flbarisb of Bbbington, BUCKINGHAMvSHIRE. TRANSCRIBED by THE REV. R. USSHER, with the permission of THE REV. MACKWOOD STEVENS, Rector. BAPTISMS - 1558 to 1837. MARRIAGES - 1558 to 1908. BURIALS - - 1558 to 1837. Indexed and edited by William Bradbrook, and privately printed and issued to Subscribers by the Bucks Parish Register Society, November, 1916. VOL. XX. AYLESBURY : Printed by G. T. De Fraine & Co., Ltd., "Bucks Herald" Office. 1916. Bt34 £SZ„ parish IReGister of Hbbington. The first volume of the Addington Eegister is of parchment, and consists of eighteen leaves, including the outside pages It has no cover, and is in a very poor condition. Part of the first page has gone. It measures 11 by 8 inches, and is the original. On the outside, A Register of all ye names of such as have (leaf gone) Addington since y© death of Mr. Richard Bradford. MARRIAGES. 1558. Imprimis, Thomas Juet and Christian Emerton, Nov. (date gone). 1559. Thomas Grymes and Ann Mundie, May 28. Richard Bowden and Anis Underwood, July 5. Roger Ffox and Cicely Shepheard, July 30. Nicholas Okley and Aelis Jacson, Oct. 5. Henry Eversley and Isabell Standley, Nov. 2. Nicholas Emerton and Amy Ffaulkner, Nov. 30. 1561. William Pintson and Ellen Ffreeman, Aug. 22. Richard Hickcock and Elizabeth Tailer, Aug. 28. Richard Davies and Annes Mylls, Oct. 19. Thomas Smith and Mary Hutchinson, Jan. 25. 1562. Anthony Simpson and Annes Arden, April 13. 1563. Richard Motte and Annes Burbage, Oct. 26. 1564. John Brickhill and Jone Seaman, Nov. 5. Thomas Elborn and Jone Holding, Feb. 5, The "Register of Addington. 1565. William Durrant and Alis Yemes, Oct. 6. Richard Gampsam and Allis Saunders, Oct. 15. John Deveril and Elizabeth Whiting, Nov. 18. John Hapsam and Alis Deveril, Nov. 20. Richard Hilsden and Alis Skegs, Nov. 27. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 10, 1566. 1566. Roger Ffox and Katerine Allet, Nov. 25. Edward Burbage and Elisabeth Skegs, March 24. Exhibited at Newport, Oct. 10, 1567. 1569. John Badely and Marian Ardern, July 6. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct.10. Edmund Holdin and Dorothy Ardern, Nov. 18. 1570. Edward Prest and Jane Skigs, July 3. Exhibited at Newport, Sep. 30. Mr. Edmund Townley and Mrs. Catherine Cursson, Nov. 6. Raphe Smith and Agnes Brown, Nov. 7 .. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 8. 1571. Thomas Palin and Joane Hill, Feb. 2. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 3, 1572. 1572. Edward Palmer and Anne Broune, Nov. 10. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 5, 1573. Thomas Smith and Prudence Philpot, Oct. 28. Tho too of next page is gone. All that is legible is Ann Bull were married, Nov. 23. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 2, and so it was exhibited at Buckingham 1575. Cudsden and Margaret Skegs, Jan. 22. 1576. Henry Brampton and Jone Twelve, May 22. Exhibited at Stratford, Sep. 1, 1576. John Chinnoll and Jone Love, Oct. 20. Richard Shefeld and Margaret Pitkins, Nov. 19. Exhibited at Stratford, Sep. 27, 1577, The Register of Addington. 1577. George Gybs and Frances Skygs, Nov. 11. 1578. George Warner and Dorothy Croxton, June '9. Edward Prest and Joan Carter, June 30. No wedings in 1579, and so it was exhibited at Newport the third October. 1581. William Aloway and Elizabeth Neale, July 9. Exhibited at Stony Stratford last Sep., 1581. 1582. Peter Franklin and Margaret Bowden, Oct. 27. Peter Warner and Jone Robinson, Nov. 30. 1584. William Gyles and Margaret Biggins, June 1 . Edward Lester and Alis Beck, July 13. Thomas Okley and Katherne Mathews, Aug. 6. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 1584. John Chappel and Jone Dosington, Oct. 26. 1585. Thomas Browne and Annes Dere, Oct 1. Exhibited at Brickhill, Oct. 8, 1585. Thomas Frees and Joane Davies, Oct. 9. 1586. Gilbert Kempsall and Margaret Bellow, Aug. 1. Exhibited at Newport, Sep. 30, 1586. William Garret and Margaret Hancocke, Nov. 26. John Scott and Alis Okley, Feb. 11. On the next page comes November the 19th FS. E Staunim aught, the Register Booke of Addington, made in anno 1590, William Staunninaught Parson and John Smith Curate. Henry Brampton and John Cowly Churchwardens. Mariages in the 33 year of the rayne of our good queene Elizabeth et in Anno Dui, 1590. Anthony Dostington and Syble Myller, Nov. 23. 1592. John Woodfield and Margaret Heanie, May 8. 1595. Edward Drewrie and Jone Eversley, May 6. William Whitborne and Barbara Phipps, Nov. 2 6 The Register of Addington. 1597. Thomas Hall and Joane Wheeler, April 18. Nicholas Cooke and Isabel Adams, married the Moonday before Midsummer Day. 1598. John Smith and Luce Marcey, Oct. 4. 1600. Richard Miller and Isable Wiseman, Nov. 10. 1602. Richard Bond and Prudence Smith, June 21. 1605. Thomas Waulduck and Agnes Coper, April 8. 1606. Henry Blince and Mary Holdin, Oct. 8. 1610. Alexander Reave and Frances Miller, Nov. 12. 1612. Thomas Harrope and Jone Croxton, May 22. William Rice and Mary Croxton, July 12. 1620. Thomas Glenister and Luce Stopp, May 8. 1622. Thomas Barton and Elizabeth Tomlins, April 29. Robert SnacEston and Sisley Roo, Feb. 24. 1623. Roger Hinton and Frances Browne, Oct. 6. Thomas Browne and Jane Poose, Oct. 25. Thomas Beayles and Elizabeth Ffrwincks, June 23. Exhibited at Brickel, April 6. 1624. George Shaw and Jone Illing, May 4. Richard Heyward and Mould Waham. May 17. Jeffery Smith and Isabell Millar, Aug. 9. Leonard Hybbs and Agnes Eeles, Dec. 13. 1626. John Dandridge and Frances Dosenton, Aug. 4. William Hale and Hellen Smith, Oct. 1. William Seare and Isabell Arnall, Feb. 14. 1628. Richard Butcher and Katherine Stapp, Nov. 24. The Register of Addington. 1629. Mr. John Rye and Mrs. Marie Busbye, Jan. 13. 1630. Mr. William Gibson and Mrs. Judeth Busbye, Sep. 7. Thomas Smith and Katherine Miller, Sep. 15. Thomas Dewse and Joane Bartin, Oct. 3. 1631. Thomas Boulter and Alice Busbye, Sep. 11. 1633. William Guinne and Elizabeth Busbye, Feb. 17. 1634. Thomas Chapman and Anne Brampton, April 14. Richard Benet and Elizabeth Watson, March 29. Richard Hall and Jane Ward, Oct. 20. Simon Woodree and Prudence Ward, Oct. 20. 1636. William Bland and Joane Stop, Aug. 2. John Stop and Cathine Crosse, Oct. 31. 1638. Thorns Browne and Anne Heyward, Oct. 4, Thorns Brotherton and Elizabeth Daw, Oct. 28. 1639. Thorns Ward and Anne Chaunler, May 19. Heny Prat and Anne Lovell, June 9. Thorns Bot and Sarah Gren, July 4. William Ellard and Elizabeth Smith, Aug. 25 1648. Mr. Thomas Adams and Mrs. Mary Benson, May 23. 1653. John Hewcombe and Urselah Bartin, June 5. BAPTISMS. 1558. Frances Hill, d. Richd., March 5. 1559. Edmund Bradford, July 28. Edward Windsore, s. Walter, Aug. 12. Edmund Okley, Sep. 8. Ursula Bowden, Nov. 17. Thomas Croxton, Dec. 28. 8 The Register of Addington. Annes Elborne, Jan. 12. Anthony Ffox, March 9. Jone Eversley, Sep. 28. 1560. 1561. Edward Simpson, May 29. Jane Dosington, July 7. Edmund Davers, Aug. 9. Jone Smith, d. Richd., Sep. 27. Jone Miller, d. Will, Nov. 15. 1563. Annes Hill, d. Richd., July 30. William Knight, s. Will, Nov. 30. Kathine Davers, Dec. 9. Jeffery Smith, Jan. 21. Elizabeth Elborn, d. Thos., Feb. 7. Edward Eversley, s. John, March 5. 1564. Kathrine Mot, d. Richd., Aug. 29. Kathine Simpson, d. Anthony, Nov. 28. Sybill Miller, d. Will, Dec. 31. Thomas Smith, s. Thos., Jan. 26. Anthny Dosington, s. Will, Feb. 5. Exhibited at Stony Stratford, Oct. 1. 1565. Anthny Gybbs, s. George, Dec. 26. Edmund Alcoek, s. Thos., Jan. 27. Edmund Elborn, s. Thos., March 16. 1566. Alis Lewsley, d. John, Sep. 1. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 10, 1566. Agnes Durram, d. Will, June 19. Dorothy Smith, d. Thos., June 19. Edmund Chester, s. Will, a stranger, Feb. 2. Anthy Alcoek, s. Thos., March 2. 1567. Richard Hill, s. Richd., April 7. Thorns Burbyge, s. Edward, June 29. Richard Miller, s. Will, Aug. 3. Mary Deveril, d. John, Aug. 31. Edmund Dosyington, s. Will, Oct. 5. Thomas Simpson, s. Anthy, Jan. 25. The Register of Addington. 1568. John Fox, s. Roger, May 27. Jone Warren, Sep. 12. Alis Gybbs, d. George, Sep. 19. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 11. William Eversley, s. John, Feb. 20. 1569. Thomas Davers, s. Richd., Sept. 21, being St. Mathew's Day Jone Smith, d. Thos., Oct. 9. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 10. 1570. Jane Eversley, d. John, April 25. Edmund Ffilpot, s. David, May 28. Alis Deveril, d. John, July 2. — . Symes, d. Lenard. Exhibited at Newport, Sep. 30. Jone Ranckhorne, Sep. 2i. 1571. Mary Goldin, d. Edmund, April 25. Thomas Eversley, s. John, Aug. 19. Jane Gybbs, d. George, Aug. 26. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 8, 1571. Prudence Smith, d. Thos., Jan. 27. Robert Davers, s. Richd., March 5. 1572. Peter Symes, s. Lenard, June 30. Walter Ffilpot, s. David, Aug. 10. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 3. Anne Townley, d. Mr. Edmund, Nov. 2. 1573. John Holdin, s. Edmund, April 5. Edmund Prest, s. Edward, June 21. Syssely Emerton, d. Thos., June 21. John Towneley, s. Mr. Edmund, July 9. Robert Gelis, s. of one Ellen Gylis, Sep. 6. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 8. John Gyles, s. George, Feb. 15. 1574. Mary Palmer, d. Edward, Aug. 20. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 2. 10 The Register of Addington. 1575. Thomas Towneley, s. Edmund, Esquier, Oct. 31. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 5. William Miller, s. Will, Feb. 19. Edward Holdin, s. Edmund, Nov. 13. 1576. Frances Prest, d. Edward, May 13. Elizabeth Smith, d. Raph, June 17. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 1. William Ward, s. Henry, Dec. 23. 1577. Alis Smith, d. Thos., April 24. Walter Lewsley, s. Will, May 12. Edward Brampton, s. Henry, Mar 26. Exhibited at Stratford, Sep. 27. Mary Sheffeld, Dec. 15. William Cudsden, s. John, Jan. 12. 1578. Thomas Haldin, s. Edmund, June 15. John Laurens, s. John, Sep. 14. Exhibited at Newport, Sep. 30. William Gybbs, Dec. 27. Robert White, s. Robt., Jan. 1. Agnes Miller, d. Will, March 8. Amey Brampton, d. Henry, March 22. 1579. Edward Towneley, s. Mr. Edward, May 29. John Prest, s. Edward, Aug. 9. Exhibited at Newport, Oct. 3 Isabell Sheffeld, d. Richd., Nov. 1. Christopher Skygs, s. John, Nov. 15. Jone Pereson, d. Will, Nov. 22. Henry Chinnol and Frances, s. and d. John, Dec. 22. Jaiio Ward, d. Henry, Jan. 17. Richard Warner, s. Myles, Feb. 21. Exhibited at Buckingham, Oct. 6. 1580. Francis Townly, s. Mr. Edward, Esquier, Oct. 23. Amy Holden, d. Edmund, Nov. 1. Joane Brampton, d. Henry, Feb. 19. The Register of Addington. ll 1581. Richard Cursson, s. Mr. Francis, April 23. Margaret Lewsley, alias Eversley, d. John, July 24. Thomas and Elizabeth ShefBld, s. and d. Richd., Aug. 14. Elizabeth Smith, d. Thos., Sep. 24. George Pereson, s. Will, Jan. 19. Frances Miller, d. Will, Feb. 25. 1582. Kathine Warner, d. Myles, Oct. 8. Alis Gybs, d. George, March 10. Nicholas Holden, s. Edmund, March 22. 1583. Elizabeth Brampton, d. Henry, July 6. Susan Herd, d. John, Dec. 8. 1584. Alis Steinton, d. Will, citizen, May 9. Frances iSheffeld, d. Richd., Sep. 14. Thomas Brampton, s. Henry, Jan. 16. 1585. Robert Chappoll, s. John, May 9. Elizabeth Holden, d. Edmund, June 14. Thomas Townley, s. Edmund, Jan. 2. 1586. George Gybs, s. George, April 26. Mary Moris, d. of one called Henry Moris, of Magdalen Parish in Oxford, Sep. 25. Thomas Chappel, s. John, Feb. 19. 1587. John Sheffild, s. Richd., June 4, Whitsunday. Robert Holden, June 27. Mary Jastin, d. Gabriel, March 2. 1590. Jane Theed, d. Thos., Dec. 11. 1591. Nathaniel Smith, s. John, clarke, March 28. Elizabeth Dossingtcn, d. Anthony, Oct. 3. Sarai Crockston, d. Edmund, Feb. 6. 1592. Anthony Holdin, s. Edmond, March 28. Francis Haule, d. Henry, March 31. Anne Leister, d. Edmond, M-.y 21. 12 The Register of Addington. Henry Browno, s. Thomas, Sep. 16. Thomas Theede, s. Thomas, Nov. 17. Anne Lucas, d. Jthn, Jan. 22. 1593. Alice Miller, d. James, July <±. 1594. Alexander Hawll, s. Henry, April 9. Dorothy Crockston, d. Edmund, Dec. 15. Thomas Leister, s. Edward, Jan. 6. Lucie Stopp, d. Robt., Jan. 19. 1595. Thomas Browne, s. Thomas, Sep. 14. Thomas Carpenter, Sep. 21. 1596. Thomas Cowley, s. John, April 6. Frances Dussington, d. Anthny, Oct. 8. Thomas Haul, s. Henry, Dec. 7. 1597. Alice Theed, d. Thos., Sep. 17. John Stopp, s. Robt., Nov. 5. Frances Crockston, d. Edmond, Jan. 28. 1599. Joan Haule, d. Henry, Jan. 1. 1600. Richard Smith, s. John, Sep. 6. Richard Smith, s. Jeffery, Jan. 4. Thomas White, s. Thos., Feb. 18. 1601. Elizabeth Crockston, d. Edmond, March 29. Agnes Wingfield, d. Anthony, May 3. Margaret Androws, May 3. May Stopp, d. Robt. 1602. Mary Smith, d. Jeffery, Feb. 9. 1603. William Miller, s. Richd., April 9. Mary Ward, d. Raph, May 22. Nicholas Haul, s. Henry, Oct. 31. Henry White, s. Thos., Dec. 24. The Register of Addington. 13 1604. Robert Stopp, s. Robt., May 5. Mary Millard, d. Richd., Oct. 6. William Browne, s. Reynold, Feb. 6. Henry Ward, s. Raph, Feb. 28. 1605. John White, s. Thos., Nov. 7. Thomas Ward, s. Raph, Feb. 19. 1606. Richard Hall, s. Henry, June 21. Catherni Stopp, d. Robt., Nov. 28. Annes Smith, d. Jeffery, March 4. Martha, daughter of a stranger, Feb. 20. 1607. Joan White. William Curson, s. Sir John Curson, Knight, Nov. 7 Dorothy Blince, d. Henry, Feb. 8. Alice Ward, d. Raph, March 15. 1608. Thomas Browne, s. Reinold, May 1. Katherine Millard, d. Richd., May 14. Margaret Hall, d. Henry, June 2. Thomas Stopp, s. Robt., Oct. 16. Margaret Brampton, d. Edward, Dec. 23. Frances Curson, d. Sir John, Feb. 8. 1609. John Smith, s. Jeffery, Sep. 23. John Brampton, s. Edward, Dec. 18. 1610. Richard White, s. Thos., Dec. 16. Henry Brampton, s. Edward. Dec. 16. Prudence Ward, d. Raph, Dec. 28. Anthony Browne, s. Reinold, Jan. 6. 1611. Dorothy Hall, d. Henry, Jan. 6. Henry Smith, s. Jeffery, Jan. 22. 1612. Annes Brampton, d. Edward, July 10. Jane Ward, d. Raph, March 13. Thomas Harrup, s. Thos., March 18. 14 The Register of Addington. 1613. Mary Brampton, d. Edward, Aug. 1. Thomas Sear, s. Will, Jan. 9. 1614. Mary Moores, d. Will, Dec. 4. John Harrap, s. Thos., Jan. 19. Elizabeth Smith, d. Jeffery, Feb. 6. 1615. William Sear, s. Will, July 23. Anne Browne, d. Reinold, Feb. 15. 1616. Jane Ward, d. Raphe, Nov. 6. Thomas Moores, s. Will, Aug. 7. Margaret Sear, d. Will, March 8. 1617. Joane Deely, d. Thos., Aug. 5. Sibell Smith, d. Jeffery, Dec. 2. Edward Harrup, s. Thos., Nov. 5. 1618. Jane Sear, d. Will, Nov. 26. Thomas Deely, s. Thos., Nov. 19. Elizabeth Moores, d. Will, Dec. 3. Elizabeth Munday, d. Richd., Feb. 21. 3019. Isabel and Jane Ward, d. Raphe, Aug. 9. William Deely, s. Thos., Dec. 27. 1620. Thomas Sear, s. Will, May 7. Henry Harrup, s. Thos., Oct. 15. Frances Ward, d. Raphe, Nov. 5. Jane Munday, d. Richd, Nov. 12. Henry Moores, s. Will, Jan. 7. 1621. Elizabeth Meakes, d., John, Aug. 22. Jane Hoden, d. Anthony, Sep. 16. Sibyle and Elizabeth Ward, d. Raphe, Dec. 17. Thomas Deely, s. Thos., Dec. 25. 1622. Elizabeth Keene, d. Edward, May 5. Richard Newman, s. Azariaa, Feb. 3. The Register of Addington. 15 1623. Mary Munday, d. Richd., March 30. John Moores, s. Will, April 1. 1624. Antony Meakes, s. John, April 18. John Deely, s. Thos., June 14. Mary Harrop, d. Thos., Sep. 7. 1625. Jone Mores, d. Will, May 1. Edward Keene, s. Edward, Sep. 25. Jane Waineman, d. Mr. Thos., July 8. Mary Stopp, d. John, Jan. 8. Henry Deely, s. Thos., March 18. 1626. Frances Meakes, d. John, Dec. 10. 1627. Charles Whitehall, s. Robt., Oct. 28. Margery Mores, d. Will, Feb. 8. 1628. Job Seares, s. Will, Sep. 21. Marie Holway, a poore begger woeman'a child, Nov. 9. Margaret Harrup, d. Thos., Jan. 11. Thomas Meakes, s. John, March 11. 1629. Edward Keene, s. Edward, June 14. Anthonie Deely, s. Thos., July 16. 1630. William Eversley, s. Edward, April 11. Anne Mores, d. Will, Oct. 1. John Rye, s. Mr. John, Oct. 28. Marie Hall, d. Thos., Nov. 1. Grace Stopp, d. Robt., Dec. 5. Robert Whitehall, Rector, Richard Ward, Thomas Smith, Churchwardens . 1631. Richard Smith, s. Thos., June 29. Joseph Meakes, s. John, July 10. 1632. Thomas White, s. Richd., March 28. Esther Ambridg, d. Will, Aug. 5. Richard Whitehall, a. Robt., Nov. 25, 16 The Register of Addington. Jeffery Smith, s. Thos., Dec. 9. Alice Tomkins, d. Will, Dec. 26. Anne Eversley, d. Edward, Feb. 24. Joseph White, s. Richd., March 17. 1633. John Benson, s. Solomon, vagrant, April 10. Anthonie Mores, s. Will, Nov. 15. Anne Miller, d. Will, Dec. 5. 1634. Ehas Roden, s. Henry, vagrant, Nov. 3. Jane White, d. Richd., Jan. 4. Elizabeth Whitehall, d. Robt., Jan. 25. 1635. Abegail Busbye, d. Mr. Robt., May 28. Marie Miller, d. Will, May 29. Joane Chapman, d. Thos., June 4. Elizabeth Eversley, d. Edward, July 18. John Hall, s. Richd., Jan. 22. 1636. John Busbye, s. Mr. Robt., May 29. Dorothie Chapman, d. Thos., Dec. 15. Richard White, s. Rich., Dec. 7. James Whitehall, s. Robt., March 1. 1637. Robert Busbye, s. Robt., May 28. Mary Smith, d. Thos., Aug. 13. Margaret Banister, d. John, vagrant, Nov. 20. John Stop, s. John, Dec. 10. Marie Ambridg, d. Will, Feb. 10. Katherine Humbles, d. Edward, Feb. 14. 1638. Henry Smith, s. Henry, Ap. 22 Joane Eversley, d. Edward, Ap. 29. Elizabeth Busbie, d. Mr. Robt, June 17. Anne Pose, d. John, Jan. 13. Elizabeth Chapman, d. Thos., Jan. 27. Marie Smith, d. Henry, March 15. The Register of Addington. 17 1639. Anne White, d. Richd., July 7. Elizabeth Hall, d. Richd. Oct. 6. Elizabeth Humbles, d. Edward, Jan. 14. William Ambridge, s. Will, Feb. 16. 1640. Thomas Ward, s. Thos., Aug. 24. Jeffery Smith, s. Henry, Nov. 8. William Humbles, s. Edward, Dec. 2. Dorothie Whitehall, d. Robt., Dec. 20. Elizabeth Ellard, d. Will, Jan 17. William Busby, s. Mr. Robt., Feb. 28. 1641. Jane Chapman, d. Thos., May 2. 1642. Elizabeth Stop, d. John, March 28. Henry Ward, s. Thos., May 8. Thomas Smith, s. Henry, Aug. 14. Anne Browne, d. Thos., Nov. 25. John Whitehall, s. Robt., Feb. 12. Elizabeth Meakes, d. Will, Feb. 15. 1643. Margaret Hawkins, Nov. 8. Elizabeth Ambridge, d. Will, Dec. 16. Elizabeth Roberts, d. Daniel, Jan 17. 1644. Elizabeth White, d. Richd., March 25. BURIALS. 1558. John Shalton, June 10. John Prest, June 10. Richard Bradborn, late Parson of Addington, June 25. John Dare, Aug. 10. Humphrey Hey, Sep. 10. William East, Sep. 20. Christian Dusington, Oct. 10. William Lewsley, alias Eversley, Nov. 4. William Underwood, Jan. 23. Alis Clowdsley, Feb. 5. David Cox, Feb. 12. Jone Hewster, March 7, 18 The Register of Addington. Alis Fox, Ap. 8. Thomas Burbage, May 23. Richard Lod, July 28. Annes Tapping, Sep. 7. Dorotey Warde, Nov. 2. Thomas Juat, Feb. 4. 1559. 1560. John Arden, March 31. John Borsley, May 27. Isabel Shepheard Thomas Sheepheard, July 12. 1561. Katherine Bradford, June 22. Jeffery Rose, June 24. Mary Hamden, Aug. 15. 1562. Arthure Miller, July 20. Edmund Davers, Nov. 9. Margery Eversley, Nov. 11. 1563. Peter Deverel, Aug. 20. Katherne Davers, Feb. 14. Gualfride Smith, March 8. Anne Elborne, March 29. Elizabeth Elborne. 1564. 1565. Annes Hill, Aug. 9. Agnes Hapsam, Sep. 14. Exhibited at Stonie Stratford, Oct. 6. Edmund Edmunds, of Winslow, Oct. 10. Deans Burbage, Nov. 4. Edmund Alcocke, Feb. 3. Sybbel Ponde, Feb. 26. 1566. becyly Fox, Ap. 17. Agnes Durrant, Jan. 22. Ales Durrant, Jan. 31. 1567. Richard Hill, Ap. 1. The Register of Addington. 19 1568. Anthony Alcocke, Aug. 17. Agnes Sheffeld, Oct. 12. William Eversley, Feb. 6. Roger Fox, Sep. 9. Kathine Fox, Oct. 4. Jone Alcocke, Oct. 17. Susan Prest, March 19. Jone Warde, March 22. 1569. 1570. George Ward, Ap. 2. — . Tyms. Jane Eversley, Sep. 3. Exhibited at Newport, Sep. 30. Robert Wootton, Nov. 2. James Partrech, stranger, Nov. 3. 1571. William Bonam, June 24. Exhibited at Stratford, Oct. 8. 1572. Richard Hill, Nov. 15. Robert Wildman, May 17. Agnes Smith, July 4. Peter Tyma, July 22. 1573. Elin Gybes, June 3. John Townley, s. Mr. Edmund, July 10. 1574. Mr. Edmund Windesor, esquire, Aug. 26. Margery Prest, Jan. 14. 1576. Hugh Jones, stranger, Ap. 12. Frances Prest, June 11. 1577. Jane Prest, May 6. 19th, Elizebeth. John Tyms, Jan. 17. 1578. Gabriel Rastel, June 20. Robert Nicol, Servant to Edw. Palmer, July 11. John Laurens, Sep. 27. Alis Evans, a stranger, March 24, born at Weedon. 20 The Register of Addington. 1579. Edmund Warner, of Middlecley-don, June 15. Francis Chinnol, Dec. 15. Henry Chinnol, Dec. 17. John Prest, Jan. 8. 1580. Agnes Warner, Dec. 12. Isabel Sheffeld, Feb. 23. 1581. Elizabeth Sheffeld, Sep. 22. George Pereson, Jan. 15. 1583. Jane Warde, May 9. Joane Pereson, July 21. Walter Lewsley, alias Eversley, March 7. 1584. Christopher Cursson, gentleman, Aug. 14 Frances Sheffeld, Oct. 18. Alis Deverel, Dec. 28. 1585. Elizabeth Lered, June 1. Elizabeth Holden, June 30. Exhibited at Brickhill, Oct. 8. Annes Lered, Nov. 9. 1586. Katherine Davie, May 3. Mary Shefeld, Nov. 3. 1587. Jane Ffrie. Richard Sheffeld, Aug. 29. Thomas Andrews Parson, Oct. 14. George Gybbs, Oct. 19. Elizabeth Caurssenden, Nov. 10. Ales Skygge, Dec. 4. Edward Prest, Feb. 5. 1590. Alles Crockston, Dec. 4. 1591. Anne Curson, d. Mr. Curson, Aug. 28. The Register of Addington. 21 1592. Mathow Deely, June 10. Anne Browne, Ap. 18. John Lewsley, March 13. James Miller, Nov. 7. Thorns Theed, Dec. 6. 1593. John Croyson, June 1. Alice Miller, Aug. 30. William Miller, Sep. 22. 1595. Mistress Anne Windsor, Ap. 3. Thomas Browne, June 6. Thomas Cowley, March 7. 1596. John Whitbourne, Feb. 8. 1597. William Dustington, Aug. 2. Anne Pearson, Oct. 10. 1598. Mary Smith, Oct. 8. John Deverill, March 6. Annes Miller, Jan. 8. 1599. Joan Hall, Feb. 4. 1601. Ales Deveril, June 24. 1602. Mary Smith, Feb. 2. 1604. Henry Ward, March 2. 1606. Anthonie Grannt, July 30. 1607. Joan White, Ap. 25. 1608. Mr. John Curson, March 12. 1609. John Brampton, Feb. 21. 22 The Register of Addington. 1610. Edmund Crockston, June 1. Henry Brampton, March 2. 1613. Mary Brampton, Aug. 20. Thomas Sear, May 5. 1614. Thomas Smith, Nov. 27. Walter Curson, gentleman, March 7. 1615. Robert Sear, Sep. 25. 1616. Marian Eversley, Feb. 8. Henry Brampton, Feb. 18. Joan Browne, Feb. 20. Elizabeth Wendelborow, Feb. 16. Joane Millard, Dec. 26. Tomas Deely, Nov. 18. Annes Smith, July 6. Isabel Ward, Aug. 18. Mary Munday, Sep. 7. Jane Ward, Sep. 20. Dorothy Hodin, Oct. 10. 1618. 1619. 1620. Joane Dozington, Nov. 16. Frances Ward, Dec. 1. Edmund Hodin, March 5. 1621. Sibyl Ward, Dec. 18. Richard Wendelborow, Feb. 2. 1622. Margaret Varney, May 9. Anne Sear, May 16. Jane Ward, Sep. 18. Thomas Eversley, Nov. 3. 1623. Margaret Brampton, Oct. 8. Mary Smith, Nov. 28. Exhibited at Little Brickhill, April 6. The Register of Addington. 23 1624. Thomas Wayneman, s. Mr. Thos., June 3. Richard White, Feb. 16. 1625. Margaret Smith, April 5. Jane Browne, May. 15. 1626. Marie Wenman, d. Mr. Thos., Nov. 4. A poor woeman's child, Feb. Widow Brampton, sometimes the wife of Henry, Feb. 27. Mrs. Frances Wenman, March 12. Edward Keene, March 14. 1627. Isabel Smith, June 22. A poore begger woeman, Aug. 8. 1628. Florence Eversley, March 2. 1629. Robert Stop, April 7. Joane Fries, Nov. 7. Jeffery Smith, Dec. 22. 1630. John Askew, a begger, Feb. 28. Robert Whitehall, Rector, Michael Ward, Thos. Smith, Churchwardens. 1631. Thomas Deely, Aug. 25. Thomas Hall, Oct. 18. 1632. Thomas White, March 31. Anne Browne, June 15. Anne Moores, Dec. 2. 1633. Priscilla Deeley, Nov. 18. John Meakes, March 7. 1634. Thomas White, April 17. Joane War, April 20. An Eversley, June 25. Richard Davis, traveller, found dead in ye field, Dec. 4. 2*4 The Register of Addington. 1635. Denys Stop, June 9. Mr. John Busbie, June 11. Anne UmBles, Aug. 28. Joane Stop, Sep. 16. Alice Davis, Nov. 29. John Harrop, Dec. 18. Sibel Dozington, April 8. Alice Hall, April 24. Henry Smith, April 24. Ralph Ward, April 30. Joane Worrall, Sep. 15. Marie Miller, Nov. 5. William Miller, Dec. 13. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. Elizabeth Humbles, Jan. 3. 1640. Thomas Fries, April 24. Edward Harrop, Sep. 6. 1642. Richard Langston, Sep. 12. Anne Browne, Nov. 26. Mary Humbles, Dec. 19. John Whitehall was baptized (buried) Feb. 12. Elizabeth Meakes. Mistress Abigail Busbie, d. Mr. Robt., Feb. 23. 1643. Elizabeth Brotharton, May 16. Anthonie Dozington, July 30. Anne Chapman, Feb. 8. 1644. Thomas Smith, July 21. Jane Eversly, Sep. 6. Charles Browne, March 17. 1645. Catherine Stop, Dec. 30. The Register of Addington. 25 1646. Alice Collins, May 20. Mary Ward, Oct. 30. Thomas Browne, Feb. 7. 1647. Edward Bramton, Jan. 3. 1648. Thomas Dier, a traveller, fell downe from a tree and was taken up dead, May 17. Anne Browne, June 1. John Meakes, a poore child, June 8. Elizabeth Ward, July 23. Anne Hall, Aug. 31. Esther Keene, Dec. 18. John Meakes, an infant buried in June. 1649. Anthonie Meakes, Aug. 4. 1650. Frances Meakes, May 2. Joseph Whitehall, a child, June 12. John Hall, Sep. 29. 1651. Michael Ward, Sep. 26. Edward Eversley, Jan. 22. 1652. Joane Brampton, April 23. 1653. Job Ambridge, Aug. 30. Mr. Robert Busbie, Sep. 26. Daniel Meakes, Dec. 24. 1654. Edward Richardson, vagrant, April 30. Mrs. Sarah Whitehall, Sep. 23. 26 The Register of Addington. The Second Volume of the Addington Register is of Parch ment and consists of nine leaves, it measures — . On the out side leaf it has Register de Addington on the first page. A Register of all the names of such as have beene married In the Church of Addington since > Mr. Robert Whitehall being then Rector, 1656. 1656. Edward Carter and Elizabeth Whitehall, Dec. 9. 1657. John Juffrey and Mary Freeman, March 14. 1658. Thomas Brown and Jone Tayler, Jan. 24. 1660. Georg Master, Esq., and Mrs. Judith Wase, Aug. 2. 1662. Sir John Busby, Knt. and Mistress Mary Dormer, of Lee Grange, were married by licence from my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Nov. 3. 1663. Samuel Harland and Elizabeth White, Oct. 13. Henry Moores and Mary Ambridge. 1665. Thomas Meakes and Joan Kimwell, May 30. 1668. Richard Collins, and Anne White, Nov. 18. 1670. Thomas Gamball and Elizabeth Hall, Jan. 29. 1675. Thomas Clements, of Hoggeston, and Elizabeth Tatham, of North Marston, June 14. 1676. Robert Cook and Mary Maplin, May 4. 1677. Joseph Bowden and Mary Moores, Feb. 12. 1679. Mr. William Butterfield, Rector of Mid Claydon, and Mrs. Sarah Lovett, da. of Mr. Laurence Lovett, of Ethropp, June 12. William Karrold and Elizabeth Ward, Oict. 8. William Ellard and Elizabeth Beeson, Oct. 29. The Register of Addington. 27 1680. Thomas Brier, of Quainton, and Alice Bowden, June 27. 1681. Thomas Parrott, of Hillesden, and Mary Haynes, March 16, Lie. On the second page is A Register of Marriages since ye 29th of Sept, Ann. Dom. 1683, Edw. Sherrier being Rect. 1684. Will Judy and Sarah Hare, April 10. Steeven White and Alece Brice, of Quainton, April 22. 1694. John Tripper, of Tingewick, and Mary Smith, Sep. 24. 1695. Robert Torose, of S. Giles, London, and Elizabeth Prentice, Sep. 18. 1698. Joseph Meakes and Joane Falkner, of Middle Claydon, Oct. 2. 1699. Robert Gayton, of Singleborough, and Elizabeth Brown, Oct. 17. 1700. William Scott, of Linningstone Dayrell, and Anne Deely, of Winslowe, Aug. 27. 1701. Francis Coy, of Little Horwood, and Ann Tattum, of Great Horwood, Sep. 29. Robert Willason, of Newton Longfield, and Elizabeth Dean, Oct. 17, Lie. John Winston and Mary Curie, of Swanburn, Sep. 20, Lie. 1702. Thomas Tharp and Elizabeth Ward, April 10. 1703. Anthony Scott and Judith Toe, of Adstock, Jan. 1. Robert Bowden and Jane Cap, of Gt. Horwood, Feb. 2. 1704. Richard Spires, of Marsh Gibbon, and Elizabeth Quainton, of Chetwood, Sep. 14, Lie. 28 The Register of Addington. 1705. William Osmon, of Stony Stratford, and Ann Turvey, of Shenley, Sep. 14, Lie. Thomas Clark, alias Boterel, of Stony Stratford, and Phyllis Hollyhawk, of Wolverton, Sep. 16, Lie. Mathew Jerroms, of Newton Longfield, and Elizabeth Beal, of Stony Stratford, Sep. 22. 1706. Richard Everatt and Ann Piddington, of Whaddon, March 31. 170T. William Hawes and Joyco Kemp, of Horwood Magna, Feb. 12, Lie. William Smith, of Winslow, and Mary Webb, servant, April 19, Lie. John Ashby, of Edlesborough, and Mary Carey, of Linchlade, Nov. 6, Lie. Tho. Carr, of Thornborough, and Mary Mayo, Sep. 12. 1708. William Cooper and Mary Butcher, both of Adstock, April 26, Lie. Georg Stevens, of Potters Perry, and Mrs. Mary Treble, May 27, Lie. Robert Squire, of Winslow, and Margery Smith, Sep. 26. 1709. Mr. John Lacy, of Barkhamstead, and Mrs. Margot Giles, of Winslow, Aug. 25, Lie. 1710. John Tatnall and Eliz Toiler, Oct. 2. 1711. John Thimbs and Frances Reeve, both of Buckingham, April 29, Lie. Edward Hill and Mary Busby, May 7. BAPTISMS. 1644. Sarah, d. Henry Smith, July 19. Charles Browne, s. Thos., Nov. 20. 1645. Henry, s. Henry Smith, Feb. 8. The Register of Addington. 29 1646. Edward, s. Edward Humbles, May 30. John, s. John Meakes, Aug. 23. Mary, d. Will Ellard, Sep. 14. Thomas, s. Thos. Browne, Feb. 2. Job, s. Will Ambridge, March 5. 1647. Alice, d. Richd. Hall, April 17. Richard, s. Henry Smith, Aug. 8. Abigail, d. Mr. Robert Busbie, Oct. 14. Anthony, s. John Meakes, Jan. 22. William, a. Will Ellard, Feb. 6. John, s. Anthonie Meakes, March 4. 1648. Joseph, s. Robt. Whitehall, May 22. John, s. Will Meakes, Jan. 14. Anne, d. Will Ambridge, March 23. Martha, d. Thos, Ward, March 24. 1649. Mary, d. Anthonie Meakes, April 2. EUzabeth, d. Henry Smith, July 29. Thomas, s. John Meakes, Sep. 24. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Greene, Oct 14. Thomas, s. Richd. Prentice, Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Browne, Oct. 26. 1650. Mary, d. Will Elard, Sep. 30. Thomas, s. Anthonie Meakes, Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. Edward Humbles. 1651. Thomas, s. James Hall, May 11. John, s. Henry Smith, Aug. 5. 1652. Thomas, s. Thos. Browne, April 17. Joseph, s. John Meakes, May 15. Anthoney, s. Anthonie Do., Feb. 25. 1653. Daniel, s. John Do., Dec. 23. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Ward, Feb. 28. William, s. Henry Smith, March 6. 30 The Register of Addington. 1654. Edward and Hannah, s. and d. Elizabeth Richardson, vagrant, May 28. Sarah, d. Wil Meakes, June 5. Frances, d. Thos. Do., Jan. 9. Francis, s. Peter Lad, Jan. 21. 1655. Francis, e. John Meakes, April 15. Margarett, d. Anthony Do., May 11. Thomas, a. Thos. Judge, July 17. Anne, d. Thos. Browne, Aug. 18. Sarah, d. Richd. Hall, Feb. 18. 1656. William and John, s. Thos. Judge, Sep. 11. Hester, d. Peter Lad, Oct. 31. Joseph, s. Anthony Meakes, Dec. 6. Eliz, d. Thos. Do., Jan. 9. 1657. Eliz, d. John Meakes, April 18. Jane, d. Michael Wallice, My 8. Charles, s. Will Meakes, Aug. 4. Francis, s. Mr. Thos. Sandars, Dec. 8. John, s. Thos. Browne, Feb. 26. 1658. Mary, d. Thos. Green, July 9. Elizabeth, d. Anthony Meakes, Sep. 29. Thomas, s. Michael Wallice, Nov. 18. John, s. John Jeffery, Nov. 25. Elizabeth, d. Peter Lad, Dec. 8. Elizabeth, d. John Meakes, Feb. 14. Abigail, d. Mr. Thos. Sanders, March 8. 1660. Hester, d. Anthony Meakes, April 25. Hester, d. Mr. Thos. Sanders, May 16. 1662. Anne, d. Michael Wallis, March 26. Thomas, s. Thos. Green, April 9. 1664. John, s. Anthony Meakes, March 29. William, s. Thos. Carter, July 19. The Register of Addington. 31 1665, Mary, d. Thos. Smith, Aug. 2. 1666. Mary, d. Thos. Greene, June 2. Thomas, s. Thos. Meakes, March 9. 1667. Anne, d. Thos. Smith, April 4. Mr. John Busby, s. Sir John, Knight, June 13. Ann and William, d. and s. Edward Beeson, June 29. Joane, d. Michael Wallis, Aug. 15. Frances, d. Anthony Meakes, Feb. 14. 1668. Mr. Thomas Busby, s. Sir John, Knt., Aug. 16. Rebecka, d. Thos. Meakes, Sep. 29. Thomas, s. Thos. Meakes, March 17. 1669. Mr. Richard Busby, s. Sir John, Knt., March 19. 1670. Henry, s. Thos. Green, April 29. Martha, d. Thos. Smith, Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Moores, Dec. 17. 1671. Mrs. Mary Busby, d. Sir John, Knt., Sep. 14. William, s. Anthony Meakes, March 23. 1672. Jane, d. Thos. Smith, March 29. William, s. Thos. Hall, June 21. Anne, d. Thorns. Moores, July 7. Mrs. Judith Busby, d. Sir John, Knt., Oct. 13 1673. Sarah, d. Thoe. Meox, Nov. 7. Mrs Abigail Busby, d Sir John, Knt., Jan. 8. Thorns, s. Thos. Smith, Jan. 23. 1674. Anne, d. Thos. Green, April 3. 1675. Mrs. Elizabeth Busby, d. Sir John, Knt., Nov. 23. Mary, d. Will Hancocks, Dec. 3. 32 The Register of Addington. 1676. Rebekah, d. Thos. Smith, April 14. Mary, d. Thos. Meox, Dec. 15. 1677. Mr. John Busby, s. Sir John, Knt., July 23. William, s. Thos. Green, Feb. 2. John, s. Thos. Smith, March 16. 1678. Anne, d. Isaac Hare, July 20. Mrs. Anne Busby, d. Sir John, Knt., Nov. 24. John, s. Joseph Bowden, Dec. 20. 1679. Elizabeth, d. Edward Creek, July 5. Henry, s. Thos. Smith, Jan. 10. Isaac, s. Isaac Hare, March 19. 1680. Elizabeth, d. Will Ellard, Aug. 31. Robert, s. Robt. Harrup, Oct. 3. Robert, s. Joseph Bowden, Nov. 12. Thomas, s. Thos. Hall, Jan. 21. 1681. Mrs. Arabella Busby, d. Sir John, Knt., July 18. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Ward, July 29. Ann, d. John Wright, Oct. 4. Mary, d. Will Ellard, Jan. 20. Ann and Edward, d. and s. Edward Creek, Feb. 18. 1682. William, s. Isaac Hare, Oct. 15. 1683. Elizabeth, d. Will Ellard, May 25. Susan, d. Thos. Ward, June 8. 1684, Edw. Sherrider, Rector. Mrs. Mary, d. Sir John Busby, Knt., June 8. Ann, d. Robt. Harrup, Oct. 10. Ann, d. Will Ellard, Dec. 14. 1685. John, s. Isaac Hare, May 29. Mary, d. Robt. Bowden, Aug. 9. Thomas, s. Will Judg, Sep. 29. Ann, d. Thos, Ward, Oct. 19. William, s. Will Bull, Feb. 13. William, s. Will Judg. The Register of Addington. 33 1686. Will, s. Will Ellard. 1687. Elener, d. Ed. Sherrider, Sep. 16. Elizabeth, d. Robt. Bouden, Sep. 18. Thomas, s. Thos. Ward, Feb. 3. Rebecca, d. Isaac Hare, Feb. 12. 1688. Mrs. Susan, d. Sir John Busby, Knt., June 15. Mary, d. Edw. Sherrider, Oct. 25. William, s. Robt. Bouden, Feb. 16. 1689. William Harrop, s. Robt., Aug. 4. William, s. Roger West, Feb. 2. John, s. WiU Ellard, March 8. 1690. Richard, s. Thos. Steevens, Oct. 5. Susan, d. Edw. Sherrider, Oct. 19. 1691. Sarah, d. Roger West. 1694, Thomas Busby, Rector. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Stephens, Aug. 5 . Elizabeth, d. Roger West, Jan. 23. John, s. John Hawkins, March 4. 1695. Henry, s. Thos. Woodstock, March 22. Hannah, d. Do., March '22. 1696. John, s. Thos. Stevens, July 26. William, s. John Hawkins, Aug. 25. 1697. May, d. Thos. Woodstock, Oct. 1. 1698. Mary, d. John Hawkins, May 22. Ann, d. Thos. Steevens, Oct. 16. 1700. John, a. John Hawkins, Nov. 10. William, 9. Thog. Stevens, Nov. 26. 34 The Register of Addington. 1702. John, s. John Hawkins, July 19. Robert, s. Thos. Stevens, Jan. 31. 1703. John Wynton had a child born in the month cf August, 1703, which died immediately before it could ba christened. 1704. Elizabeth, d. John Wynton, June 7. Mary, d. John Hawkins, June 11. Daniel, s. Will Hall, Aug. 6. Thomas, s. Thos. Tharp, Feb. 11. 1706. Joseph, s. Robt. Bouden, Oct. 6. 1707. William, s. Will Hall, March 27. Frances, d. John Wynton, June 4. 1708. Robert, s. Robt. Bowden, May 2. Elizabeth, d. Thos. Tharp, May 2. Edward, s. Anthony Scott, Feb. 13. 1709. Mary, d. John Wynton, Aug. 9. Mary, d. Thos. Busby, July 8. Roase, d. Will Meakes, Nov. 13. Francis, s. Joseph Fennimore, May 23. 1710. William, s. Hugh Ward, Nov. 5. 1711. Georg, s. Thos. Tharp, April 30. Joseph, s. Joseph Fennimore, May 23. BURIALS. 1654. Mrs. Sarah Whitehall, Sep. 23. Jane Harrup, Nov. 10. Eliz White, Jan. 15. 1655. Thomas Stop, Sep. 5. Renoles Browne, Dec. 24. The Register of Addington. 35 1656. Jane Hall, April 13. Timothy Browne, Oct. 4. 1657. Katherne Greene, April 1. Eliz Brotherton, Aug. 10. Edward Humbles, Aug. 12. Thomas Brotherton, Aug. 17. Thomas Bowers, Aug. 24. Eliz Meakes, Oct. 1. 1658. William Mores, Aug. 3. William Ambrige, Sep. 4. Mary Green, Sep. 11. Mr. Robert Whitehall, late Minister, Oct. 1. Elizabeth Meakes, Nov. 1. John Jeffery, Nov. 30. Elizabeth Lad, Dec. 6. John Meakes, Jan. 15. William Ellard, Feb. 10. 1659. Jane Chapman, April 28. 1660. Edward Keene, Oct. 3. William Greene, Feb. 13. Elizabeth Eursily, Feb. 18. 1661. Mrs. Elizabeth Busby, June 18. Thomas Harrup, Dec. 22. 1662. Thorns Brown, June 11. 1664. Joan Woodwards, Aug 25. Thomas Brown, Nov. 16. 1665. Francis Meakes, April 15. John Kerby, servant to John Dandridg, May 10. 1666. John Stop, Feb. 7. 36 The Register of Addington. 1667. Mary Holdin, Sep. 7. Thorns Ward, Oct. 19. 1668. Mr. John Busby, July 14. Jane White, Oct. 19. — . Moores, Nov. 7. Thomas Meakes, March 15. 1669. Richard Hall, Aug. 9. Anthony Holdin, Aug. 29. 1670. Elizabeth Browne, Jan. 2. Mr. Robert Busby, Esq., Jan. 24. 1672. Edward Beeson, April 1. Frances Dandridg, April 1 . 1673. Elizabeth Smith, Nov. 3. 1674. Mrs. Judith Busby, died at Adstock, June 26. 1676. Henry Moores, July 24. 1677. William Smith, May 10. Grace Lathwell, May 20. 1678. Joseph Allen was buried Nov. 10, being wound up in a shrowd made of seepes wooll onely as appears by Affidavit made by Hellen Bener in the presence of Robt. Bowden and Hanna Stormer before Sir John Busby, of Addington, Knt., one of His Majesties Justices of Peace for the County of Bucks. Elizabeth Williat, March 6. 1680. Elizabeth Ellward, Dec. 11. John Bowden, Jan. 26. The Register of Addington. 3? 1681. Mrs. Mary Busby, August 8. 3Lrs. Mary Busby, Oct. 25. Elizabeth Rocheford, wife of William, Rector, March 6, anno ejusdem oetatis proedictce Eliz centesimo aut supra. 1682. Thomas Meakes, April 7. Isaac Hare, July 25. William Meox, Sep. 13. Richard White, Dec. 6. Anne Ward, March 5. 1683. John Dandridg, April 6. William Rochford, late Rector, Oct. 6. Non aliter cinorea opto jacere Meos. Will Beeson, Jan. 2. William Hare, May 20. Thomas Meaks, Sep. 9. Thomas Mors, Sep. 9. Ralf Beeson, Sep. 12. An Ellard, Dec. 25. Tho. Judg, Nov. 8. Eliz Randal, Feb. 9. Will Meaks, Feb. 11. Tho. Hall, Aug. 12. Anto Meaks, July 28. Eliz Bowden, Oct. 1. Joseph Do., Oct. 6. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1681.1688. Joan Meaks, Oct. 2. Henry Smith, Jan. 13. 1689. John Meaks, husbandman, Aug. 17. 1690. Elizabeth Ellard, Nov. 4. 88 The Register of Addington. 1693. William Hawkins, Feb. 17. 1694. Mary Prentice, Nov. 9. 1695. Ann Stanbidge, of Kingswood, Nov. 8. 1696. Rebeckah Smith, March 30. Martha Do., April 27. 1697. Elizabeth Meaks, of Steeple Claydon, Sep. 9. 1698. Thomas Ward, Oct. 5. 1699. Thorns Hall, July 29. Frances Meakes, Oct. 24. Mrs. Elizabeth Busby, Dec. 1. 1700. Sir John Busby, Knt., Jan. 10. 1701. William Hancock, farmer, April 25. Mary Hawkins, May 7. John Do., May 11. Robert Harrup, July 9. Francis Dobson, a servant, July 18. John Meakes, Oct. 7. 1702. Jane White, maiden, May 8. Mrs. Arabella Busby, May 11. 1703. Clement Fennymore, a servant, why by accident was drowned in the Parsonage Close Pond, May 17. John Wynton has an anomlous child buryed August 1704. Elizabeth Ellard, Aug. 4. 1705. Frances Everatt, Oct. 15. Mary Bowden, Nov. 1. The Register of Addington. 39 1706. Ann Smith, Feb. 27. 1707. Margaret Wallis, Dec. 2. Mrs. Abigail Tryst, Dec. 31. 1709. Anthony Moores, April 7. Mary Busby, July 11. 1710. Will Ellard, of Swanburn, Feb. 8. Elizabeth Tharp, June 14. 1711. Alice Turnham, a poor woman, of Hogston, Oct. 2. Robert Harrup, grazier, Oct. 18. The Third Volume is of the very unusual size of — and is of parchment bound in calf of the 18th Century ; two pages have been cut out at the commencement of the volume. It con sists of thirty-four pages altogether, but many have been cut out in the middle and at the end. It commences with A Register of the Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in the Parish of Addington, in the County of Bucks. Beginning at Lady Day, 1725. Wm. Butterfuld, Minister. Js. Cook, Churchwarden. BAPTISMS. 1727. William Milward, s. John, Dec. 15. 1729. Elizabeth Groom, d. Will, Feb. 1. 1730. Mary Harvy, d. Will, Sep. 20. 1731. Mathew Morris, s. Mark, Nov. 10. Sarah Groom, d. Ann, Dec. 5. 1733. Thomas Tharp, s. Geo., Aug. 19. William Needle, s. Sarah, Oct. 14. Martha Britan, d. James, March 17. 40 The Register of Addington. 1734. Stephen Morris, s. Mark, May 24. Thomas Ward, s. Will, Sep. 22. Hannah Orcherd, d. Geo., Nov. 10. 1736. Timothie Tharp, s. Geo., June 13. Thomas Hogge, s. Thos., Aug. 29. Thomas Miller, s. Hugh, Jan. 9. James and Hannah Brittan, s. and d. James, Feb. 6. William Gibbs, a. Thos., Feb. 20. 1737. William Harvey, s. Will, July 3. Bety Tharp, d. Geo., Aug. 14. Thomas Gibbs, s. Thos., Nov. 29. Thomas Scott, s. Henry, Jan. 29. 1738. Jane Bates, d. Francis, April 16. 1739. Ruth Brittan, d. James, June 24. William Hogge, s. Thos., Oct. 14. Elizabeth and Sarah Thurland, d. Thos., Oct. 14. Elizabeth Gibbs, d. Thos., Jan 6. Anthony Scott, s. Henry, Feb. 10. 1740. Ann Colton, d. Robt., Aug. 3. John Brittan, March 15. 1741. Ann Gibbs, d. Thos., May 19. 1742. William Brittan, s. James, Feb. 20. 1743. John Gibbs, s. Thos., Sep. 11. William Whitehead, s. Joshua, March 18. 1744. Ann Gibbs, d. Thos., Feb. 24. 1745. Ann Hogge, d. Thos., June 17. The Register of Addington. 41 1746. Susan Gibbs, d. Thos., June 22. 1747. James Whitehead, s. Joshua, June 14. John Gibbs, s. Thos., Dec. 9. 1748. Sarah Hogg, d. Thos., July 24. Thomas Coulson, a. Will, Dec. 11. 1749. Sarah Whitehead, d. Joshua, May 21. Sarah Coulson, d. Will, Dec. 31. John Hogg, s. Thos., March 4. Stephen Gibbs, s. Thos., March 11. 1750. Mary How, d. John, a traveller, July 22. Hannah Stevens, d. James, Aug. 12. Ann Shilton, d. Gilbert, Aug. 28. John Gibbs, s. Thos., Jan. 20. 1752. John Shelton, s. Gilbert, June 14. Christopher Clark, s. Joseph, June 21. Anne Coulson, d. Will, Aug. 23. Susan Gibbs, d. Thos., Oct. 22. James Stevens, s. James, Nov. 20. 1753. Ann Coulson, d. Richd., May 20. 1754. Thomas Shelton, s. Gilbert, Jan. 6. Elizabeth Clark, d. Joseph, Feb. 10. Robert Coulson, s. Robt., Nov. 24. Thomas Coulson, s. Richd., Nov. 24. Jcanna Hogg, d. Thos., Nov. 24. Sarah Gibbs, d. Thos., Dec. 22. 1755. William Stevens, s. James, Feb. 2. 1756. Mary Shelton, d. Gilbert, Feb. 6. 42 The Register of Addington. 1767. Mary Coulson, d. Will, Jan. 17. Dorothy Coulson, d. Robt., June 26. 1758. Gilbert Shelton, s. Gilbert, April 9. John Roads, s. John, July 9. 1759. Martha Coulson, d. Will, Jan. 14. John Stevens, s. James, May 13. Sarah Roads, d. John, Dec. 16. 1761. Mary Coulson, d. Will, Jan. 18. William Shelton, s. Gilbert, March 22. William Roads, s. John, Aug. 2. Joanna Coulson, d. Will, Dec. 6. 1762. Thomas Coulson, s. Will, Jan. 24. May Tayler, March 7. Ann Roads, d. John, Dec. 27. 1763. Elizabeth Stevens, d. James, Feb. 6. 1764. Ann Roads, d. John, Aug. '5. 1766. Stephen Shelton, s. Gilbert, Aug. 10 Thomas Coulson, s. Will, Sep. 7. 1767. Thorns. Hogg, s. Thos., Oct. 18. 1768. May Hogg, d. Will, March 27. 1769. Elizabeth Clarke, d. Will, Jan. 9. Richard Shelton, s. Gilbert, Aug. 6. Sarah Hogg, d. Thos., Aug. 28. 1770. Matthew Clark, s. Will, March 18. 1771. William Hogg, s. Will, May 31. The Register of Addington. 4a 1772. Ann Hogg, d. Thos., March 8. Thomas Hogg, s. Will, June 17. William Clark, s. Will, April 26. 1773. Simon Coney, Nov. 21. 1774. William Hogg, s. Will, March 20. William Hogg, s. Thos., May 1. 1776. Anne Hogg, d. Will, March 24. Robert Towns, Sep. 15. Robert Coulson, s. Robt., Dec. 20. 1777. Jane Hogg, d. Thos., Feb. 24. 1778. Richard Shelton, s. Gilbert, Feb. 1. Thomas Adams, s. Thos., April 5. Mary Hogg, d. Will, Aug. 9. William Gibbs, s. John, Oct. 27. 1779. Cathine Coulson, d. Robt., Jan. 30. Jane Stevens, d. James, April 11. Joseph Shelton, s. Gilbert, Oct. 17. 1780. William Stevens, s. James, July 30. Susan Adams, d. Thos., Aug 7. Hannah Coulson, d. Robt., Aug. 23 John Adams, s. Robt., Oct. 21. 1781. John Gibbs, s. John, June 11. Daniel Jobson, Sept. 16. 1782. Anne Adams, d. Robt., April 17. Edmund Stevens, s. James, May 7. Mary Adams, d. Thos., July 2. 1784. Mary Gibbs, d. John, Feb. 22. Robert Adams, s. Thos., May 28. Robert Adams, s. Robt., Aug. 23. 44 The Register of Addington. 1785. Elizabeth Adams, d. Thos., April 11. 1786. Aron Smith, s. James, gypsy, pauper, Feb. 9. Thomas Gibbs, s. John, July 9. Elizabeth Coulson, d. Thos., Nov. 19. 1787. Elizabeth Adams, d. Robt., April 11. 1788. Judith Shelton, d. Gilbert, Aug. 3. James Smith, s. James, Aug. 24. Hannah Gibbs, d. John, Aug. 26. Alice Harding, d. Benjamin, Sep. 29. John Stevens, s. James, Oct. 15. Charlotte Shelton, d. Will, Oct. 19. 1789. Anne Coulson, d. Thos., Jan. 4. Thomas Adams, s. Robt., April 1. 1790. Martha Pearce, d. Will, pauper, Feb. 28. Sophia Shelton, d. Will, April 25. John Pinfold, s. Edward, May 23. Sarah Harding, d. Benjamin, May 28. 1791. Robert Gibbs, s. John, Jan. 16. Sarah Berry, March 27. William Adams, s. Robt., May 20. Anne Shelton, d. Will, Sep. 18. William Coulson, s. Thos., Oct. 9. Thomas Pinfold, s. Edward, Nov. 20. Thomas Stevens, s. James, Dec. 4. MARRIAGES. 1730. Daniel Wellton and Susanna Whitehead, July 30. 1732. John Colton, of Hogson, and Margaret Maull, of East Claydon, Dec. 28. 1733. Henry Harap and Mary Winton, both of Great Horrod, March 29. The Register of Addington. 45 1737. William Winsor, of Stubbly, and Elizabeth Norris, Nov. 9. 1738. John Miller and Mary Hall, both of Mursley, March 4. 1739. Roger Goass, of Stubbly, and Jone Colls, of Mursley, Nov. 1. 1740. William Clemance and Susanah North, June 22. John Brown, of Whaddon, and Dorothy Wise, of Mursley, Dec. 31. 1741. William Edward and Ann Inwoods, both of Mursley, Aug. 2. 1742. Thomas Ward and Martha Smith, Aug. 23. 1743. Henry Wise, of Mursley, and Susanna Oasbun, of Swanburne, Sep. 22. 1744. John Eats and Mary Edings, both of Mursley, May 13. 1746. Christopher Buley and Elizabeth Rolfe, both of Tring, Nov. 17, Lie. 1747. John Bedford and Mary Walduck, both of Newton Longville, July 5. 1748. James Stevens and Hannah Cowley, June 27. John Bowler and Mary Cook, of Bierton, Sep. 4, Lie. John Woodward and Mary Turner, of Mursley, Sep. 18. 1749. Henry Harrup and Sarah Cowper, of Great Horwood, Feb. 26. 1750. Thomas Blick, of Dunton, and Rebecca Carl, of Swanburn, Oct. 15, Lie. 1751. John Redding and Joanna Jarvis, May 21, 46 The Register of Addington. BURIALS. 1725. The Rev. Doctor Thomas Busby, Rector, April 21. Rebecca Hare, May 4. 1726. Elizabeth Stevens, March 27. Sarah Mayne, of Dinton, wife of Thos., gent., July 1. Susannah Ward, of Chitwood, Oct. 20. Anne Meaks, of Whaddon, March 5. Mary Ward, March 17. IV 27. Mary Harrop, March 31. John Harrop, dairyman, Aug. 25. Margaret Fennimore, Oct 29. Mile Wallis, formerly Clark of the Parish, aged 106, Nov. 17. William Milward, Dec. 22. Here ended Mr. Butterfield's ministry, Dec. 23, 1727. Thomas Wallis, Blacksmith, Dec. 30. 1728. Elizabeth Betts, Jan. 8. Mary Bates, March 16. Thomas Tharp, Dairyman, Dec. 6. Francis Hinton, labourer, March 12. 1729. Mrs. Mary Fall, from Woning, Jan. 13. 1730. Elizabeth Meeks, May 24. Mary Harvy. 1731. Cathine Hinton, Oct. 5. William Groom, Dairyman, Oct. 10. Francis Meaks, Dairyman from Middle Claydon, March 5. 1732. Ann Wallis, a traveller, June 20. Joseph Meeks, Dairyman, Oct. 1. 1734. Isaac Hare, laborer, Oct. 17. 1735. Jane Wallis, Feb. 29. The Register of Addington. 47 1736. Timothy Tharp, Aug. 15. Sarah Bates, Oct. 20. Benj. Reynolds Curate. 1737. Sarah Tharp, Feb. 4. 1738. Bety Tharp, June 26. 1739. Elizabeth Thurland, Oct. 27. 1740. Thomas Meeks, from Whaddon, May 24. 1741. Elizabeth Smith, July 8. Mary Colson, July 30. Ann Gibbs, Oct. 1. 1742. John Chambers, a traviling man, May 30. Thomas Stevens, laborer, July 16. William Brittan, Feb. 24. 1743. Mary Harvey, April 15. John Gibbs, Dec. 11. 1745. Ann Hagge, June 20. Robert Coulson, Dairyman, March 17. 1746. Ann Meeks, April 26. Susan Gibbs, Sep. 21. John Winson, Clark of the Parish, Oct. 16. Ann Busby, relict of the Revd. Doctor Busby, Dec. 16. 1747. James Whitehead, Nov. 25. John Gibbs, Dec. 14. 1748. Thomas Coulson, March 19. 1751. Elizabeth Coulson, March 26. Richard Hurst, April 11. Joan Wallis, Dec. 26. 48 The Register of Addington. 1752. Ann Meakes, July 19. Susan Gibbs, March 29. John Stevenson, traveller, July 9. 1753. Thomas Thurland, bonesetter, Sep. 16. 1754. Anne Coulson, March 28. Mary Alard, April 25. 1756. Sarah Gibbs, June 8. Anne Harvey, June 15. Mary Meax, Nov. 16. 1757. Elizabeth Sheppard, June 6. Dorothy Coulson, July 7. Joanna Hogg, Dec. 23. 1758. William Sheppard, Feb. 7. 1759. Jane Clay, a traveller, Dec. 27. 1760. Thomas Coulson, from London, Jan. 16. 1762. Robert Coulson, Dairyman, July 22. 1763. Ann Roads, Jan 18. William Stevens, laborer, April 24. 1765. Catherine Thurland, March 13.1766. Sarah Hogg, April 22. Hannah Stevens, July 6. Anne Elliot, a vagrant, Dec. 31. 1767. Joshua Whitehead, laborer, March 22 1768. Mary Hogg, July 17. The Register of Addington. 49 1770. Richard Shelton, April 18. 1771. William Hogg, July 29. 1772. William Stevens, Aug. 18. 1773. William Coulson, laborer, May 5. 1774. Hannah Stevens, Jan. 7. Elizabeth Smith, Feb. 15. Ann Shelton, June 9. 1775. William Harvey, labourer, March 20. Mary Harvey, Dec. 4. 1776. Anne Shelton, June 28. 1777. Thomas GibBs, Dairyman, Jan. 22. 1779. Anne Talbot, April 7. Judith Chappel, Jan. 25. Elizabeth Gibbs, Oct. 9. 1780. Richard Irish, late butler to Sir Charles Tynte, July 18. This family of Irish had its habitat at Edgcote, Co. Bucks, 1781. Hannah Coulston, Jan. 19. 1782. Samuel Phillips, Dec. 2. 1784. Susannah Whitehead, June 2. Robert Adams, July 2. Anne Phillips, in linnen and penalty paid, Dec. 30. 1785. Jane Stevens, June 27. Jennett Morgan, Oct. 27. Mary Hobbs, Nov. 14. 50 The Register of Addington. 1786. Thomas Hogg, Dairyman, July 29. Thomas Phillips, Attorney and Coroner for Middlesex, Sept. 30. John Phillips, gent., Oct. 10. Martha Shelton, Dec. 4. Richard Thurland, bonesetter, Dec. 9. 1787. George Orchard, carpenter, Feb. 2. Francis Waklin, who was killed by ye loading of a cart falling in upon him, July 24. Thomas Adams, dairyman, Nov. 5. 1788. Hannah Gibbs, Sept. 23. Hannah Wiggs, Dec. 2. Elizabeth Gough, Dec. 5. 1791. Elizabeth Irish, March 17. On 2 loose pieces of paper in this, the third Volume are (1) William Stares of the Parish of Granboroh and Ann Paxson of this Parish. (2) May 16th, pd for a pare of showes for Bety Smith, 2. 10. February 20, pd the barber for shaven Bety Smith head. March 1, pd for a lock for Bety Smith, 6d. February 23, pd to Joshua Whitehead, 2. 0. March 13, pd to John Everard for a pare of handcufs for Bety Smith, 0. 1. 0. 5 Yards of Linsy at 15d 0 6 3 5 Ells of Linen Cloth at 12d 0 5" 0 Binding 0 0 1 0 11 4 Reed. Jan. 16, 1752, of Mr. Coulson and Mr. Hogg the pontes of this bill Geobge Clakke, The Register of Addington. 51 ADDINGTON BAPTISMS, 1792. In a Book "bound in Vellum, 12J x 8 inches. 1792. Martha Harding, dr. of Benjamin and Mary Harding, June 19th. 1793. Mary Shelton, dr. of William and Charlotte Shelton, April 12th. 1794. Hannah Colson, dr. of Thomas and Mary Colson, Feb. 18th. Benjamin Harding, son of Benjamin and Mary Harding, June 25th. 1795. Jane and Hannah Shelton, twin drs. of William and Charlotte Shelton, Jan. 23rd. 1796. Mary Adams, dr. of Robert and Ann Adams, Feb. 1st Hannah Gibbs, dr. of John and Mary Gibbs, March 13th. Henry Harding, son of Benjamin and Mary Harding, June 8th. Robert Stevens, son of James and Sarah Stevens, Sept. 11th. 1797. William Shelton, son of William and Charlotte SheTton, March 26th. John Colson, son of Thomas and Mary Colson, April 16th. Elizabeth Pearoe, dr. of William and Amey, July 2nd. Samuel Phillips, son of William and Catherine, Sept. 3rd. 1798. John Shelton, son of Richard and Elizabeth, July 15th. Edward Pinfold, son of Edward and Rosanna, Sept. 9th. Thomas Harding, son of Benjamin and Mary, Sept 23rd. Susanna Adams, dr. of Robert and Ann, Oct. 18th. 1799. Richard Phillips, son of William and Catherine, April 28th. Elizabeth Shelton, dr. of Richard and Elizabeth, Dec. 30th. Esther Shelton, dr. of William and Charlotte, July 7th. 1800. Robert, son of Thomas and Mary Colson, labourer, August 24th, 52 The Register of Addington. 1802. Thomas Shelton, son of Richard and Elizabeth, April 4th, Labourer. Jane Stevens, dr. of William and Ann, Sept. 26th, Labourer. 1803. Elizabeth Ann, dr. of Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Bradbury, August 17th. John Kent, son of William and Ann, Oct. 2nd. Servant. 1804. William Pinfold, son of Edward and Hannah, April 8th, Labourer. William, son of Richard and Elizabeth Shelton, Nov. 30th, Labourer. 1805. Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bradbury, May 1st. 1807. Sarah, dr. of William and Ann Kent, Jan 29th. Mary, dr. James and — Knibbs, March 17th. 1808. Mary, dr. of William Kent, Feb. 24th. John, son of David and Mary Spratly, January 3rd. 1809. Joseph, son of Richard and Elizabeth Shelton, April 2nd. 1810. George, son of William and Ann Kent, July 4th. Thomas, son of David and Mary Spratly, July 4th. Thomas, son of Thomas and — Higham, Nov. 27th. 1811. Rebecca, dr. of Thomas and Ann Colston, June 9th. Mary, dr. of Richard and Elizabeth Shelton, Aug. 4th. John Adkins, son of Thomas and Mary Higham, Oct. 13th. 1812. Henry, son of William and Elizabeth Kent, July 12th. In this same Book are the Burials commencing at the other end. In the usual Act of Parliament Book. 1813. Ann, dr. of William and Judith Beckett, Jan. 10th Robert, son of Thomas and Ann Colton, Feb. 7th. The Register of Addington. 53 1814. Ann, dr. of Thomas and Elizabeth Higham, Dairyman, Feb. 20th. Charlotte, dr. of Richard and Elizabeth Shelton, March 26th. Ann, dr. of John and Ann Vicars, dairyman, April 18th. Richard, son of William and Ann Kent, Steward, May 29th. 1815. James, son of William and Mary Cotchin, farmer, Jan. 15th. Agnes and Jane, twins, drs. of William and Mary Cotchin, farmer, Jan. 15th. William, son of William and Judith Beckett, March 19th. John, son of John and Ann Vicars, Dairyman, April 23rd. Rosanna, dr. of Thos and Ann Colton, June 25th. 1816. Sarah Atkins, dr. of Thomas and Eliz Higham, Dairyman, March 3rd. Martha, dr. of Richard and Elizabeth Shelton, Nov. 24th. John, son of Thomas and Ann Stevans, Dec. 22. 1817. Richard, son of John and Ann Vicars, Dairyman, March 16th. Elizabeth, dr. of James and Mary Dover, Dairyman, May 4th. James, son of Thomas and Ann Colton, June 22nd. Daniel, son of John and Sarah Nail, Aug. 24. Jane, dr. of William and Ann Kent, Steward, Nov. 16th. 1818. Jane, dr. of Thomas and Ann Stevans, Oct. 23. 1819. Louisa, dr. of John and Ann Evans ? Grocer, June 6th James, son of John and Ann Vicars, July 25th. Selinda, dr. of John and Sarah Nail. 1821. Thomas, son of Thomas and Ann Colton, April 1st. Emily, dr. of Thomas and Ann Stevans, May 3rd. Caroline, dr. of John and Ann Higson, July 15th. Mary, dr. of James and Mary Dover, October 7th. 1822. William James, son of William and Esther Lucas, Dairyman, June 23rd. Joseph, son of William and Esther Lucas, Dairyman, June 23rd. Sarah, dr. of John and Sarah Nail. 54 The "Register of Addington. 1823. George, son of Thomas and Ann Colton, Aug. 31st 1825. Alice, dr. of John and Sarah Neal, laborer, April 18th 1826. Mary, dr. of Thomas and Ann Colton, March 26th. 1828. Joseph, son of Thomas and Ann Colton, Feb. 3rd. 1829. Ann, dr. of John and Sarah Shelton, Oct. 25th. Rosanna, dr. of Thomas and Ann Colton, Dec. 6th. 1831. Richard, son of John and Sarah Shelton, March 20th. 1833. William, son of John and Sarah Shelton, Nov. 3rd. Rachel, dr. of William and — Corbett, Adstock, Nov. 29th. 1834. Thomas, son of John and Sarah Shelton, March 13th. Sarah, dr. of Thomas and Ann Colson, March 20th. Emma, dr. of James and Ann Pease, July 17th. Mary, dr. of Edmond and Charlotte Betts, of London, Sept. 11th. ADDINGTON MARRIAGES COMMENCING 1754. A quarto book bound in Vellum. 1754. Robert Coulson, W., and Ann Brill, August 3rd. Lie. 1756. William King and Martha King, September 14th, Lie. 1757. John Roads and Sarah Harris, August 16th, Lie. John Gilbert, of Willen, and Elizabeth Tomkins, August 28th William Tomes and Mary Burnall, October 3rd. 1760. Richard Allen, of Ailesbury, and Ann Colson, June 8th. William Coulson and Sarah Core, of Solden, in ye Parish of Mursley, October 5th, Lie. The Register of Addington. 55 1761. William Allen, of Akeley, and Mary Williams, April 13th. 1763. Thomas Price and Elizabeth Parker, May 30th. 1764. William Doe and Hannah Lane, April 22nd, Lie. Robert Henley, of Swanbourne, and Hannah Orchard, April 30th, Lie. William Blake, of Winslow, and Ann Coulson, W., June 6th, Lie. 1766. Thomas White, of Kidlington, Oxon, and Catherine Brock, January 20th. William Clarke and Ann Gibbs, December 9th, Lie. 1768. Edward Tattam, of Wing, and Ann Sheppard, February 14th. Thomas Wilkinson and Sarah Hogg, October 13th, Lie. nn. William Chappel, of Leckhamsted, and Elizabeth Lock, October 28th, Lie. 1772. Thomas Southam, of East Claydon, and Elizabeth White head, September 24th. Thomas Juett and Susannah North, October 9th, Lie. 1774. William Line, of Shippen, in ye Parish of Winslow, and Anne Barb, December 18th. 1776. William Robinson, of Leckhamstead, and Elizabeth Shelton, December 3rd. 1777. Robert Towns, of Tring, in ye Co. of Herts, and Elizabeth Wrighton, September 11th, Lie. 1778. James Stevens, W., and Sarah Makepeace, February 9th. John Leason, of Swanbourne, and Annie Townshend, October 11th. 1779. John Clements and Catherine Clarke, September 25th, Lie. Richard Inwood and Elizabeth Gilks, October 11th. 56 The Register of Addington. 1784. Richard Lake, of Middle Claydon, and Sarah Whitehead, April 11th. 1786. Ferdinand Buckingham, of Steeple Claydon, and Mary Bowden, March 21st. 1787. Gilbert Shelton and Anne Coulson, October 22nd. 1794. Richard Cox, of Winslow, and Joanna Coulson, November 3rd. 1795. John Sheppard, of Quainton, and Elizabeth Dyton, January 7th, Lie. 1797. John Stevens and Elizabeth Harris, July 17th. John Dover, of Northmarston, and Ann Hogg, October 2nd, Lie. 1803. Henry Butcher, of Steeple Claydon, and Ann Wolfe, November 9th, Lie. 1804. Thomas Harwood, of Padbury, and Susanna Adams, June 14th, Lie. 1806. Edward Bunce, W., and Amelia Darby, of Winslow, June 30th. 1807. Henry George, of Thornborough, and Ann Holdom, July 19th. David Spratley and Mary Gibbs, December 17th. 1809. William Exton, of Padbury, Schoolmaster, and Elizabeth Briggs, June 29th. William Cherry, of East Claydon, and Sarah Cox, October 23rd. 1811. William Turner, a Plaisterer, and Ann Bignall, of Winslow, September 10th, Lie. 1812. William Beckett and Judith Shelton, February 23rd. The Register of Addington. 57 The remainder of this Volume is filled with Notices of Banns, but in 1858 occurs the following George Glading, of Holy Trinity, Westminster, and Jane Peasland, April 5th, 1858. 1859. Saul Saul and Elizabeth Clare, February 15th. 1861. Edward Ridgway, of Adstock, and Elizabeth Adams, December 12th. 1862. John Thomas Moore, of Balby, in the Parish of Trnham, Co Lincoln, and Emma Peasland, Nov. 11th. 1865. William Mansey, of Gatton, 'Surrey, and Annie Stewart, August 28th. 1866. Samuel Young, of Adstock, and Mary Chafer, February 26th. 1873. Robert Gibbs and Jane Bull, of Adstock, October 9th. William Gibbs, of Adstock, and Mary Dickinson, October 9th. 1876. Charles Elley, of Winslow, and Mary Hootten, January 20th. 1877. Thomas Wright, of St. Paul's, Crewe, and Sarah Ann Colton, April 2nd. Henry Edwin Burt and Hannah Scopes, May 3rd. 1881. William Thomas Charge, of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, and Ann Elizabeth Bamford, August 22nd. 1882. Thomas Gander, of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, and Matilda Ann Wesley, April 10th. Robert William Batty, of St. Paul, Manchester, and Mary Isabella King, August 7th. 1883. Walker Vincent and Elizabeth Hunt, January 1st. 1888. George Barker, of Aldershot, and Clemency Hubbard, September 30th. 58 The Register of Addington. 1891. Charles Thomas Withey Sickling, of the Parish of Acklam, Middlesbrough, and Mary Isabella Perkins, January 28th. Frank Wingfield, of St. Peters, Marlborough, and Gertrude Mary Sirett, July 8th. Alan Sarratt, of Moreton, Dorset, and Janie Anderson Mathison, September 16th. George Duddy, of Bromley, Kent, and Eliza Rebekab Garrett, November 3rd. 1892. George Humphrey Sickling, of Acklam, Yorkshire, and Jessie Mathison, June 30th. Morice Leslie, of St. George's, Hanover Square, London, and Ethel Alexandra Macdonald Ritchie, October 25th, Lk. 1894. George Gardner, of Alderminster, Co. Worcester, and Martha Mary Bay lis, October 2nd. 1896. Alfred William Smith, of St. John's, Tunbridge Wells, and Catherine Mathison, June 16th. 1899. Thomas Capel, of Thornborough, and Sarah Jane White, November 15th. 1900. Thomas Edward Scott, of Adstock, and Edith Phillips, November 19th. 1901. Percy Collier, of St. Mary, Lambeth, and Adele Dundas, December 14th. 1903. Joseph Gurney Fox, W., of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, and Agnes Dorothea Hubbard, April 28th. 1905. William Thomas Kibble and Louisa Atkins, of Winslow, April 29th. Joseph Gibbard, of St. Pancras, London, and Edith Lewis, April 26th. Edward William Cross, W, of Middle Claydon, and Catherine Ellen Hunt, June 7th. Herbert Long, of Holy Trinity, Hounslow, and Margaret Mathison, July 13th. The Register of Addington. 59 1906. Francis Woodhouse Saunders, W., of Sandy, Bedfordshire, and Jane Prior, August 14th. 1907. Alfred Richard Sadler, of Cranford, Middlesex, and Rose Annie Sirett, December 31st.1908. Frederick John Pritchard and Elizabeth Louisa Jones, of Winslow, August 31st. All the above from 1812 downwards must be in the Act of Parliament Book, but are also recorded in this book. In the usual Act of Parliament Book. 1813. George Grenville, Baron Nugent of Stowe, Bucks, and Anne Lucy Poulett, September 6th. 1817. Edmond Newman and Emma Phelps, April 14th. 1819. Richard Howes, of Hoggeston, and Mary Garrett, October 10th. 1820. James Peas and Ann Verney, October 16th. 1821. David White and Elizabeth Walker, of Swanbourne, October 29th. William Stares, of Grandborough, and Ann Paxton, November 5th. 1822. Joseph Evans and Hanah Shelton, January 14th. John Goldsworth, of Silverston, Northants, aDd Mary Shelton, March 11th, Lie. Thomas Brooks Clarke and Ann Dover, September 19th, Lie. 1824. Thomas Shelton and Mary Butler, November 8th. 1825. Benjamin Sear, of Adstock, and Mary Adams, April 7th, Lie 1826. John Peas and Katherine Hunt, June 26th. 60 The Register of Addington. 1829. Thomas White and Hannah Coker, October 19th. 1830. William French and Mary Ann Maunders, October 10th. 1831. Edward Allen and Sarah Gunthorp, October 17th. 1836. George Smith, of Adstock, and Mary Wilkins, September 7th. ADDINGTON BURIALS, 1792. 1792. Revd. Morgan Morgan, Rector, February 3rd. In 1793-4. None. 1795. Emma Wilkes, January 27th. Hannah Colson, August 19th. Ann Colson, March 20th. 1796. None. 1797. George Hobbs, January 22nd. Labourer. John Wilkes, March 14th. Carpenter. 1798. None. 1799. Mrs. Ann Lucy Poulett, wife of the Honble. Vere Poulett, of Chesham, Bucks, June 5th. 1800. Mrs. Ann Parsons, Inmate with Mrs. Busby, June 13th. Mrs. Jane Busby, being the last of the family, August 6th. Charlotte Shelton, wife of William Shelton, August 15th. Robert Colson, infant son of Thomas and Mary, labourer, November 25th. 1801. William Hogg, farmer, February 28th. 1802. Elizabeth Shelton, dr. of Richard and Elizabeth, July 28th. 1803. Gilbert Shelton, aged 74. Parish Clerk. June 15th. Jane Stevens, dr. of William and Ann, August 13th. Ann Stevens, wife of William above, September 17th. William Barratt, son of Thomas and Sarah, December 8th. The Register of Addington. 61 1804. Elizabeth Morgan, of Tingewick, dr. of Revd. Morgan Morgan, late Rector of this Parish, Spinster, January 5th. William Worthington. Servant. October 3rd Elizabeth Adams, Spinster, November 15th. 1806. Mrs. Reade, wife of Robt. Reade. Dairyman. January 8th. Edward Pinfold, a poor man, killed by a waggon passing over him, June 6th. Hester Sheltbn, 7 years old, September 8th. 1807. James Stevans. Poor Man. January 29th. Mr. Robert Reade. 70. Dairyman. November 4th. 1810. William Stevans. Poor Man. July 19th. 1811. Miss Jane Poulett, April 19th. 1812. The Honble. Vere Poulett, who succeeded Mrs. Busby at Addington, was buried in the Chancel, aged 50 years, March 31st. Thomas Gibbs. Poor Man. May 5th. — . Barrett, Infant, October 24th. In the usual Act of Parliament Book. 1813. Edmond Watts, November 14th, 83. 1814 William Pinfold, December 15th, 11. 1815. Thomas Barrett, Adstock, infant, October 10th. 1816. William Hogg, Aylesbury, February 8th, 65. Widow Shelton, April 4th, 60. — . Colton, infant, May 3rd. 1817. William Thurland, Buckingham, August 17th, 80. Mrs. Mary Thurland, Buckingham, September 5th, 83. 1818. Mrs. Mary Adams, June 4th, 63. 62 The Register of Addington. 1819. — . Barrett, infant, Adstock, May 3rd. 1823. Thomas Hutton, Padbury, January 2nd, 70. Mary Gibbs, January 27th, 90. Robert Colton, August 20th, 10. 1824. Mr. Thomas Adams, churchwarden, December 29th, 48. 1826. Elizabeth Penfold, October 14th, 40. Emily Paxton, October 24th, 11. 1827. — .Barrett, Adstock, July 16th, 11. John Pinfold, October 4th, 37. 1832. Rose Anna Colton, November 11th, 2. George Pease, Adstock, December 20th, 9. 1833. William Shelton, late Parish Clerk, October 3rd, 73. 1834. John Gibbs, September 24th, 86. Hannah Pinfold, November 20th, 77. (Illegible) Davis, November 29th, 91. INDEX. (Compiled by William Bradbrook.) N.B. — A name often occurs more than once on a page. Adams 6, 7, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 59, CI 62. Alard 48. Alcock(e) 8, 18, 19. Allen 36, 54, 55, 60. Allet 1. Alowaty 6. Ambridg(e) 15, IG, 17, 25, 26, 29, 35. Andrews 12, 20. Arde(r)n 3, 4, 18. Arnall b. Ashby 28. Askew 23. Atkins 58. Badely i. Bamford 57. Banister 16, Barb 55. Barker 57. Barrett, Barratt 60, 61, 62. Bates 40, 46, 47. Batty 57. Baylis, Beayles 6, 58. Bartin (ton) 6, 7, 7. Beal 28. Beayles (see Baylis) Beck 5. Beckett 52, 53, 56. Bedford 45. Beeson 26, 31. 36, 37. Bellow 5. Bener 3G. Benson 7, 16. Benet 7. Berry 44. Betts 46, 54. Biggins 5. Bignall 5C. Blake 55. Bland 7. Blick 45. Blince 6, 13. Bonam 19. Bond 6. Borsley 18. Bot V. Boterel 28. Boulter 7. Bouden Bowden .,. , } 3, 5, 7, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 56, INDEX. Bowers 35. Bowler 45. Bradborn 17. Bradbury 52. Bradford 3, 7, 18. Brampton 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25. Brice 27. Brickhill 3. Brier 27. Briggs 56. Brill 54. Brit(t)ain 39, 40, 47. Brock 55. Brotherton 7, 24, 35. Brown(e) 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, H, 17, 21, 22, 23,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 45. Buckingham 56. Buley 45. Bull 4, 32, 57. Bunco 56. Burbage, Burbyge 3, 4, 8. 18. Burnall 54. Burt 57. Busby(e), Busbie 7, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39: 46. , 47 , 60. Butcher 6, 28, 56. Butterfield 26, 39, 46. Butler 59. Cap 27. Capel 58. Carl 45. Carpenter 12. Carr 28. Carter 5, 26, 30. Casey 28. Caurssenden 20. Chafer 57. Chambers 47. Chapman 7, 16, 17, 24, 35. Chappel(l) 5, 11, 49, 55. Charge 57. Chaunler 7. Cherry 5fi. Chester 8. Chinnoll 4. 10, 20. Clare 57. Clark(e) 28, 41, 42, 43, 55, 59. Clay 48. Clements, Clemance ... , 26, 45, 55. Clowdeley Cokcr " ..'. 60. Colchin 53. Collier 58. Collins 25, 26. Colls 45. Coney 43. Coolt(e) 6, 26, 39, 45. Coper 6. Cooper 28. INDEX. £ol«°u 47, 61. 54, 60. Colston 49, 52. Colton ..." 40* 4A, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 62. Core 54. Coulson 41, 42, 43, 44. 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56. Cowper 45, Cowl(e)y j ... "... 5, 12, 21, 45. Corbett 54. Cox 56. Coy 27. Creek 32. Cross(e) , 7, 58. Croyson 21. Croxton, Crockston 5, 6, 7. 11. 12, 20, 22 Cudsden 4, 10. Curl© 27. Curs(s)on i, 11, 13, 20. 81, 22. Dandridg(e) 6, 35, 36. 37. Darby 56. Dare 17. Davers 8, 9, 18. Davie 20. Davi(e)s 3, 5. 23, 24, 62. Daw 7. Dean 27. Deely 1*. 15. 21, 22, 23. 27 Dere 5. DeveriKl) 4> 8. 9. 18, 20, 21 Dewee , 7. Dier 25. Dickenson 57. Dobson 38- Doe 55. Dormer 26. Dos(s)ington, Dosington, Dust ington, Dosenten, etc 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24. Dover 53, 56, 59. Drewie 5. Duddy 58. Dundas 58. Durrani 8. Durrant *> 18. Dyton 56. East 17- Eats , 45. Edmunds 18. Edward *5- Eeles •• 6- 0 „ P.lhnrnfa^ 3, 8, 18. Ellard I ... '.'.'¦ 7> 17> 26> w- 32' 33> X' 37' X' 39' EUey .'.'.' .'.'.' .'.'.' 57. Elliot f' Ellward 3°- Emerton i 19' SS! 59. Evans if.' ' Everard „„' ,Q Everatt w- 38' IV. INDEX. Eversley Exton Falkner Fall Fennimore Filpot Fox Franklin Freeman French Frie(s) Frivincks Gamball Gampsam Gander Gardner Garret(t) Gayton George Gibbs, Gybbs Gibson Gibbard Gilbert Giles, Gylee Gilks Glading Glenister Goass Goldin Goldsworth Gough Grannt Green(e) Grenville Groom Grymes Guinne Gunthorp Hale Hall, Haule, Hawll Hamden Hancock(es) ... . Hapsam Harding Hare Harland Harris Harrup, Harrop(e) Harv(e)y Harwood Hawkins Haynes Heanie 3, 5, 8, 9, 11. 15, 16, 17, 18. 13. 22, 23, 24, 25, 35. 56. 3, 27. 4G. 34, 38, 46. 9.3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 19, 58. 5. 3, 26. 60. 5, 20, 23, 24. 6. 26. 4. 57. 58. 5, 58, 59. 27. 56. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62. 7. 58. 54. 5, 9, 28. 55. 57. 6. 59. 50. 21. 7. 29, 30, 31, 32, 35. 59. 39, 46. 3. 7. 60. 6. 13. 5,4, 44, 27,26. 54, 6, 39,56. 17, 27. 5. 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 45. 31, 38. 18. 51. 32, 33, 37, 46. 56 . 13, 14, 15, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 89, 44, 45, 46. 40, 46, 47, 48, 49. 28, 33, 34, 38. Henley Herd '." \" ",] Hewoombe ' Hewster Hey ;; ;;; ;;; Heyward Hickcock ... Higham ".' "] Higson Hiii ;;; Hilsden Hinton Hobbs. Hybbs .'. Hogg(e) Holdin(g), Hoden, Hodin Holdom Hollyhawk Holway Hootten How(es) Hubbard Humbles Hunt Hurst Hutchinson Hutton Illing Inwood(s) Irish Jacson Jarvis Jastin Jeffery Jerroms Jobson Jones Judg(e) Judy Juett Karrold Keene Kemp Kempsall Kent Kerby Kibble Kirnwell King Knibbs Knight Lacey Lad, Lod Lake LaneLangston Inde!. 55. 11. 7. 17. 17. 6,3. 52, 53. *,4.6,6, 40, 7. 53. 7, 8, 18, 19, 28. 46. 49, 60. 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56, 60, 61. 4, 6. 9, 10, 11, 14, 20, 22, 36. 59. 58.17, 24, 29, 35. 58, 59. 3, 56. 28. 15. 57. 41,57,16, 57,47. 3. 62. 6. 45. 55. 49, 50. 3. 45.11. 26, 30, 85. 28. 13. 19, 59. 30, 32, 37. 27. 3, 18, 55. 26.14, 15, 23, 25, 35. 28. 5. 52, 53. 35. 58. 26.54, 57. 52. 8. 28.18, 30, 35. 56. 55. INDEX. Lathwell Laurens Leason Le(i)ster Lered Leslie Lewis Lewsley (see Eversley) ... Line Lock Long Love Lovell Lovett Lucas Makepeace Mansey Maplin Marcey Master Mathews Mathison Maull Maunders Mayne Mayo Meakes, Meek(e)s, Meox Millard Miller, My Her, Millar ... Milward Moor(e)s, Mores Morgan Mor(r)is Mot(te) Munday, etc Mylls Neal, Nail Newman Nicol North ... • Norris Oasburn Okley Orchard ... Osmon Palin Palmer Parker ... Parrott Parsons Partrech Paxton, Paxson Pearce Peas(e) 36. 10, 19. 55. 5, 11, 12. 20. 58. 58. 8, 11, 11. 17, 20. 55. 55. 58. 4. 7. 26. 12, 53. 55. 57. 26. 6. 26. 5. 58. 44. 60. 46. 28. 14, 15, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48 13, 22. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 21, 24, 40, 45. 39, 46. 14, 15, 16, 23, 26, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 57. 49, 60, 61. 11, 39, 40. 3, 8. 8, 14, 15, 22. 3. 5, 53, 54. 14, 59. 19. 45, 55. 45. 45. 3, 5, 7. 40, 50, 55. 28. 4. 9. 55. 27. 60. 19. 50, 59, 62. M, 51. 54, 59, 62. INDEX. Peasland Pearson, Pereson Perkins Phelps Phillips Philpot Phipps Piddington Pinfold Pintson Pitkins Po(o)se Ponde Poulett Prentice Prat Prest Price Prior Pritchard 57.10, 11, 20, 21. 58. 59. 49^ 50. 51, 58. 4.5. 28 44] 51, 52, 61, 62. 3.4. 6, 16. 18. 59, 60, 61. 27, 29. 38. 7. 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 19, 20. 55.59.59. Quainton .. RanckhorneRandalRastel Reade Redding Reeve ReynoldsRice RichardsonRidgwayRitchieRoads RobertsRobinsonRoden Rocheford ., Rolfe ... ., Roo Rose ... ., Rye 27. 9. 37. 19. 61.45. 6, 28. 47. 6. 25, 30. 57.58. 42, 48, 54. 17. 5, 55. 16. 37. 45. 6. 18. 7, 15. Sadler Saunders ... . Saul Scopes Scott Seaman ... . S'ear(es) ... . Shaw Sheffield Shelton ... ¦ She(e)phe(a)rd Sherrier ... . Sherrider ... . Sickling ... ¦ Simpson ... . 59. 4, 30, 59. 57. 57. 5, 27, 34, 40, 58 3.6,6.4, 17, 14, 15, 22, 59. 3, 27. 83. 58. 8, 6, 10, 11, 19, 20. 41 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62. 18, 48, 55, 56. INDEX. Sirett, Sarratt Skegs, S'kigs, Skygges Smith Snackston Southam Spires Spratley Squire StanbridgeStandley StauningnaughtStares 9teinton Stevens, Stephens Stevenson Stewart Stopp, Stapp Stormer Symes Talbot Tapping Tatham, Tattam Tatnall Tayler, Tailer Tharp Theed(e) Thimbs Thurland Toe Tomkins Tomes Tomlins Torose Townley Town(e)s Townshend Treble Tripper Tryst Turner Turnham Turvey Twelve Tyms Tynte TJmbles UnderwoodVerney, Varney Vicars Vincent Waham Waklin Wa(u)lduck 58, i,3, 6. 55. 27. 52, 28. 38. 3.5. 50,11. 28, 48. 57. 6, 36. 9. 59. 5, 10, 20. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 58, 60. 56. 59. 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61. 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 34, 35. 49. 18. 26, 27, 55. 28. 3, 26, 28, 42. 27, 34, 39, 40, 46, 47. 11, 12, 21. 28. 40, 47, 48, 50, 61. 27. 16, 54. 54. 6. 27. 4, 9, 10, 11, 19. 43, 55. 55. 28. 27.39. 45, 56. 39. 28. 4. 19. 49. 24. 3, 17. 22, 59. 53.57. 6. 50. 6, 45. INDEX. Walker . „ Wilkes ... ;;; ;;; ;;; ™- W^f w '¦ ¦•" •'•'¦ "• 30- 31, 39, 46, 47. 'vara, War 7j 10> u, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, Warner 36' 37' 38* *°' ^ 46" ^arn6r 5, 10, 11, 20. Warren g Was© „»' watte ... ..; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; gj- Watson . r." Webb or' weiiton ... .;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; £; Wendleborow 22. Wenman, Waineman ... ... 15, 23. Wesley 57' west ;;; ;;; .;; 33; Wheeler g. 21. Whitbourne 5, ^ White io' 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26, 27, 34, 36, 37, 38, 55, 58, 59, 60. Whitehall 15, io, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 34, 35. Whitehead 40, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56. Whiting 4. Wiggs 50. Wildman 19. Wilkins 60. Vvilkinson 55. Williams 55. Williat 36. Willason 27. Wingfield 12, 58. Windsore 7, 19, 21, 27, 45, 47. Winton, Wynton 34, 38, 44. Wise 45. Wiseman 6. Wolfe 56 Woodfield 5. Woodree 7. Woodstock 33, 35, 45. Worrall 24. Woodward(e) 35, 45. Wootton 19. Worthington 61. Wright 32, 57. Wrighton 55. femes 4. Young 57. INDEX. INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES. N.B. — A name may occur more than onee on a pagt. Adstock Alderminster, Co. Worcester Aldershot Aylesbury Balby, Trnham, Co. Lincoln Barkhamstead Bierton Briokel Brickhill, Little Buckingham Bromley, Kent Chesham Chetwood Claydon, East Middle „ Steeple Cranford, Middlesex Crewe, St. Paul's Dinton , Dunton , Edgcote Edlesborough - Ethropp Gatton, Surrey Grandborough Hemel Hempstead Hillesden Hoggeston Horwood, Great „ Little Hounslow, Holy Trinity Hurstpierpoint, Sussex 27, 28, 36, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62. 58. 57. 61, 57. 28. 45. 5, 22. 4, 58. 6, 20. 5, 8, 9, 10, 28, 61. 60.27, 46. 44, 55, 56. 20, 26, 27, 46, 56, 38, 56. 59. 57. 46.45. 49. 28.86. 57. 50, 59. 57. 27. 26, 39, 44, 59. 27, 28, 44, 45. 27.58.57. 58. Kensington, -S*. Mary Abbotts ... 58. Kidlington, Oxon 55. Kingswood 38. Lambeth, S'. Mary 58. Leckhamsted 55. Lee Grange 26. Linchlade (Linslade) 28. Linningstone Dayrell 27. London 48, 54. ,, S. George, Hanover Square 58. „ S. Pancras 58. Manchester, S. Paul 57. Marlborough, 9. Peters 58. Marsh Gibbon 27, INDEX. ?». Middlesborough, Acklam ., Middlesex Moreton. Dorset ... ... " Mursley Newport Newton Longville ..'. .. North Marston Oxford, Magdalen parish .. Padbury Potters Perry Quainton Salden, Mursley Sandy, Beds Shenley Shippen, Winslow Singleborough Silverstone, Northants Stratford „ Stony Stowe Stubbly Swanbourne Thornborough Tingewick Tring Tunbridge Wells, 9. John's Weedon Westminster, Holy Trinity Whaddon Wing Winslow Wolverton Worning 58. 50. 58. 45. 4, 5. 9. 10. 19. 27, 28, 45. 26. 56. 11. 56, 62. 28. 27, 56. 54.59. 28. 55.27. 59. 4, 9, 10, 19. 5, 8, 18, 28. 59.45.27, 39, 45, 55, 59. 28, 55, 56, 58. 27, 61. 45. 58.19. 57.28, 45, 46, 47. 55 28, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. 28. 46. Attorney BarberBaron Beggar Blacksmith Bonesetter ButlerCarpenter Churchwarden CitizenClarke ¦¦¦ Clerk, parish Coroner Curate <•¦ INDEX OF DESCRIPTIONS. 50. 50. 59. 15, 23. 46. 48, 50. 49. 50, 60. 5, 15, 23, 39, 62, 11. 11. 46, 47, 60, 62. 50. 5, 47, xii. INDEX. Dairyman 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 61. Esquire 10, 19, 26. Farmer 38. 53, 60. Gentleman 20, 22, 50. Grocer 53. Gipsy 44. Honourable 60, 61. Husbandman 37. Justice of Peace 36. Knight 13, 26, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38. Laborer 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 60. Maiden 38. Minister 35, 39. Parson 5, 17, 20. Pauper 44. Poor Man, Woman, Child 23, 25, 39, 61. Rector 15, 23, 26, 27, 32, 33, 37, 46, 60, 61. Schoolmaster 56. Servant 19, 35, 38, 52, 61. Stranger 8, 19, 13. Steward 53. Traveller 23, 25, 41, 46, 47, 48. Vagrant 16, 25, 30, 48. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08937 4202 jlgjjp