no. 4- / A0Q21 1922 THE ANGLO-HELLENIC LEXgUE. Books which we recommend to our Members who intend to visit Greece. The book* in this List can still be obtained at first hand. Abbot (G. F). " The Tale of a Tour in Macedonia — Turkey in Tran sition." London, 1909. " Greece in Evolution." (Studies prepared under the auspices of the French League for the Defence of the Rights of Hellenism. Translated from Homolle (infra). (with a preface by Sir Charles Dilke.) 5/- net. (Unwin.) London, 1909. Allinson (F. G. and A. C. E.). " Greek Lands and Letters." 7/6 (Unwin.) London, 1910. Atkinson (Miss Sophie). "An Artist in Corfu" 16/-. (Herbert & Daniel.) London, 1911. Baedeker (K.). " Guide to Greece." 8/-. (Unwin.) London, 1909. " Griechenland." 8M. (Baedeker.) Leipzig, 1914. Berard (V.). " La Turquie et l'Hellenisme contemporain." 3frs. 50. (Alcan.) Paris, 1911. " La Macedoine." 3frs. 50. (Alcan.) Paris, 1900. " Les Affaires de Crete." 3frs. 50. (Alcan.) Paris, 1900. Bosanquet (Mrs. R. C). " Days in Attica." (Deals also with Crete.) 7/6 net. (Methuen.) London, 1914. Cassavetti (D. J.). " Hellas and the Balkan Wars." (Contains a great deal of up-to-date information about Greece, as well as a complete account of the two wars from the Greek j side.) 10/6 net. (Unwin.) London. 1914. Chantepleure (Guy). " La \"ille Assiegee." 3frs. 50. (Colmann Levy.) Paris, 1913. Christmas (Capt. Walter). " The Life of King George of Greece." 15/- net. (Eveleigh Nash.) London, 1914. David (Robert). " La Grece et l'Epire." lfr. 50. (Lecene.) Paris. Demetrios (George). " When I was a boy in Greece. " (A description of Greek life in Macedonia just before the outbreak of the Balkan War.) (Lothrop.) Boston, 1913. Deschamps (G.). " La Grece d'aujourd'hui." 3frs. 50. (Colin.) Paris, 1897. Dragoumis (Julia D.). "Tales of a Greek Island." 5/- net. (Constable.) London, 1912. Drakoules (Platon E.). " Neo-Hellenic Language and Literature." 2/-. (Simp- kin.) London, 1897. Ferriman (Z. D.). " Home Life in Hellas." 10/-. (Mills.) London, 1910. " Greeks, Bulgars and English Opinion." 6d. (Bonner.) London, 1913. Foord (E. A.). " The Byzantine Empire, the Rear-Guard of Europe." 7/6 net. (Black.) London, 1911. Fraser (J. G.). " Pausanias and other Greek Sketches." 4/- net. (Macmillan.) London, 1900. Gardner (E. A.). " Ancient Athens." 21/- net. (Macmillan.) London, 1907. Gardner (Mrs.). " A Short and Easy Modern Greek Grammar." 5/-. London, 1910. Garnett (Miss Lucy). " Greece of the Hellenes." 6/- net. (Pitman & Sons.) London, 1914. Hellenic Society's Library Catalogue. 3/6 net. Various dates. Hellenic Studies, Journal of. Annually to Members of the Hellenic Society. London. Homolle (Th.), Houssaye (H.), etc. " La Grece." 3frs. 50. (Lecene.) Paris, 1908. Hore (The Rev. A. H.). " Students' History of the Greek Church." Jebb (R. C). " Modern Greece." 4/- net. (Macmillan.) London, 1908. Lascaridis. " Modern and Ancient Greek English Dictionary." London, 1882. Legrand (E.). " Dictionaire grec-moderne — francais et francais- grec-moderne." 10/- net. (Gamier.) Paris. "Bibliographie albanaise." lOfrs. (Welter.) Paris, 1912. Legrand (E.). Pernot (H.). " Bibliographie ionienne." 2 Vols. Paris, 1910. Macmillan. " Greece, the Archipelago, Constantinople, the Coasts of Asia Minor, Crete and Cyprus." 9/- net. (Mac millan.) London, 1910. Mahaffy (J. P.). " Rambles and Studies in Greece." 5/- net. London, 1910. " Greek Pictures, Drawn in Pen and Pencil." 8/-. (Religious Tract Society.) London, 1890. Manatt (J. Irving). "^EgeanDays." 12/- net. (Murray.) London, 1913. Manek (F.). " Albanesische Bibliographie." 4/- net. Vienna, 1909. Martin (P. F.). " Greece of the Twentieth Century." 15/- net. (Unwin.) London, 1913. Mavrogordato (John). " Letters from Greece Concerning the War of the Balkan Allies, 1912-1913." 2/-, 1/-. London, 1914. 3 VALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY I llllllllllill llllll lllll ^ 3 900208954 0257 \ \ " Mediterranean Pilot." Vol. III., 4/-. \Vo\L IV., 4/8. London, 1908. Miller (W.). " The Ottoman Empire, 1801-1913." 7/6. (Cambridge University Press.) 1913. " Greek Life in Town and Country." London, 1905. Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Greece. 20/-. (Murray.) London, 1900. Pausanias. " Description of Greece." Translated by Dr. J. G. Frazer. (A second century (A.D.) guide-book to Greece.) 6 Vols. £6 6s. 1898. Pavlides (K. N.), Nerhem (F. D.). " An Elementary Primer of Modern Greek, especially as used in Cyprus." 3/6 net. (Nutt.) London, 1905. Phillips (W. Alison). " War of Greek Independence." (A good short history.) (Scribners.) New York, 1897. Puaux (Rene). "LaMalheureuse Epire." 3frs. 50. (Perrin.) Paris, 191 I. Rodd (Sir J. Rennell). " The Violet Crown." 3/6 net. (Arnold.) London, 1913. Sergeant (Lewis). " Greece in the Nineteenth Century." 15/-. (Unwin.) London, 1897. Struck (Ad. Von). " Griechenland." Part I., Athen und Attika. 5/- net. Leipzig, 1911. Vellay (Charles). " LTrredentisme hellenique." 3frs. 50. (Perrin.) Paris, 1913. Vincent (E.), Dickson (T. G.). " A Handbook to Modern Greek." 6/-. (Macmillan). London, 1881. Weller (C. H.). " Athens and its Monuments." 17/- net. (Macmillan.) London, 1914. A further list — of books which are of importance but are out of print and can on y be obtained second-hand— will be issued to Members shortly.