. THE Massachusetts colonial loan exhibit at the JAMESTOWN : TER-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION/ Miii MsfbN* WRIGHT *NI> POTTER, PRittH'lo'' eOM- 18 POST OFFJCp SQUARE 1907 ^ I ' ^ 'J s& ^lyi f**' .,»f'>r'j '^:% *^l The Massachusetts Colonial LOAN exhibit AT THE JAMESTOWN Ter-Centennial Exposition 1607-1907 BOSTON: WRIGHT AND POTTER PRINTING COM PANY, STATE PRINTERS, 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE 1907 Inarii of Jamfatomn iExpaBttton ilanagpra for Thomas L. Livekmoee, of Boston, Chairman. Akthdr Lord of Plymouth. Fkancis Henrt Appleton of Peabody. Wilson H. Faireank of Warren. Mrs. Barrett Wendell of Boston. BOSTON OFFICE, 53 STATE STREET, ROOM 54,2. Telephone Main 5679. WILLIAM A. MURPHY, Secretary. MISS EMMA A. ALLEN, Assistant Secretary. introduction. The articles enumerated in this catalogue form the Massa chusetts Colonial Loan Collection sent to the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition at Hampton Roads, Va., 1907, and were secured by the Board of Managers for Massachu setts with the co-operation of the Massachusetts Society of Colonial Dames, and prepared for exhibition by a Committee of Experts. "With few exceptions, everything in the exhibit belongs to the so-called " colonial " period. Within this period are found the articles of American and English silver which were then in use in Massachusetts. The miniatures were painted in the years between 1600 and 1810. The fans, laces, em broidery and costumes were all owned or used in Massa chusetts families during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The interesting collection of autographs of dis tinguished citizens of Massachusetts, and the complete col lection of books of Massachusetts authors, printers and publishers, are all of the period prior to the Eevolution. Some of the portraits and framed photographs which appear in the list were placed in the Massachusetts State Building by permission of their owners. The rest of the collection is exhibited exclusively in the fireproof History Building. The Board of Managers take this opportunity to make grateful acknowledgment to all who have contributed to this collection by the loan of articles, and especially to the Com mittee of the Colonial Dames of Massachusetts, who have had the charge of collecting the exhibits, and to the Committee of Experts. ffllfatrmsn of (Hammittees af ^nrwtg nf Cdalnntal Samta. Portraits, Photographs, Engravings, etc., —Miss ROSE LAMB, Boston. Furniture and China, —Miss E. W. PERKINS, Boston. MINIATURES AND FANS, — MRS. WILLIAM TUDOR, Boston. Lace and Samplers,— Mrs. ALEXANDER WHITESIDE,';Boston. Silver and Jewelry, — Mrs. WINTHROP SARGENT, Boston. Books, Manuscripts and Autographs, — Mrs. FREDERICK L. MOSELEY, Boston. ®Ifr (HammUtee nf Escpfrta. MR. FRANCIS H. BIGELOW, Cambridge. MR. HERBERT BROWNE, BOSTON. Mr. JOSEPH E. CHANDLER, BOSTON. Mr. J. T. COOLIDGE, Jr., Boston. Mr. W. C. ENDICOTT, Boston. Mr. STEPHEN S. FITZGERALD, BOSTON. Mr. FREDERICK L. GAT, Bkookline. MR. CHARLES P. GREENOUGH, Longwood. Mr. HENRY S. HOWE, LONGWOOD. Mr. GARDINER M. LANE, Boston. Mr. GEORGE E. LITTLEFIELD, Somerville. Mr. JOSEPH GRAFTON MINOT, Boston, Mr. D. B. UPDIKE, Boston. AMERICAN SILVER. Samuel Minott (mark, Minott, and M in rectangles). Boston. 1. Tankard, height, 9 inches. Engraved inscription on front : — Harvardinatibus Anno Domini MDCCLXX initi- atis, Tertium sub ejus tutela annum agentibus. Hoc poculum acceptum Refert Josephus Wil lard. On bottom : — Josephus Willard Coll : tutar Cal : Septembris electus fuit Anno MDCCLXVI. 26 oz. 16 pwt. Lent by Miss Susanna Willard. No MAEK. 3. Tankard, height, 9 inches. Engraved on bottom, -c^-^j p A 26 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mr. Dwight Blaney. E, Cobb (mark, E.Cobb in rectangle). Boston, died before 1762. 4. Tankard, height, 7^^ inches. Engraved on bottom, Anna Leonard. 22 oz. 5 pwt. Lent by Mr. Mollis French. 6 Andrew Tyler (mark, A T, crown above, cat below, in shaped shield). Boston, 1692-1741. 5. Porringer, diameter, 5% inches. Engraved M C on handle. 8 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Mr. Mollis French. Daniel Rogers (mark, D • ROGERS in rectangle). 6. Porringer, diameter, 5% inches. Engraved -^ „ on handle. 8 oz. 17 pwt. Lent by Mr. Mollis French. William Simpkins (mark, W S and W Simpkins in rec tangles). Boston, early eighteenth century. 48. Can, height, 4% inches. Engraved with Goodrich arms and E W. Belonged to Edward Warren, brother of Gen. Joseph Warren. 12 oz. Lent by Mr. W. W. Vaughan. Paul Revere (mark, -Revere in rectangle). 53. Fluted teapot, height, 4% inches. Engraved borders and garlands, and M O to E ]M E 1869 About 1790. 20 oz. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. Z. Brigden (mark, Z-Brigden, in shaped rectangle). Charlestown, Mass., 1734-1787. 54. Can, height, 5 inches. Engraved with Grey coat-of-arms. About 1750. 12 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. Z. Brigden (mark, Z-B in rectangle). 55. Pepper pot, height, 5% inches. Engraved E C to M O to E™M E 1869 (Holes in top not pierced through). About 1760. 3 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. Stephen Emery (mark, S E in oval). 64. Small ladle with wooden handle, length, 13^4 inches. Engraved crest on back of bowl (see^65). 2 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. Thomas Edwards (mark, T E, crown above, in shaped shield). Boston, 1725-1755. 65. Mug, height, 3% inches. Engraved with Andrews (?) arms on front ; S E. M , , , , on bottom. to MS 6 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. Jacob Hurd (mark, -rr ¦¦ in shaped shield, and Hurd in oval). Boston, 1702-1758. 66. Teapot, height, 5% inches. Engraved with Storer arms, and borders around top. 13 oz. 11 pwt. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. Paul Revere (mark, -REVERE in rectangle, and Pi? in rectangle ) . 69. Pear-shaped sugar bowl, height, 6% inches. Repouss^ borders and Chandler arms. About 1761. 13 oz. 15 pwt. Lent by Miss Susanna Willard. (Mark, J D in rectangle.) 71. Creamer, height, 5 inches. Beading on edge and base. Engraved monogram, IDE About 1800. 4 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Miss M. M. Whitwell. Paul Revere (mark, -REVERE in rectangle). 73. Toddy strainer, length, 10% inches. 5 oz. 3 pwt. Lent by Mr. Mollis French. Edward Winslow (mark, EW in rectangle). Boston, 1669-1753. 75. Brazier, length, 10 inches. Pierced bottom and sides. 13 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mrs. A. Whiteside. Z. Brigden (mark, ZB in rectangle). 76. Pepper pot, height, 51^ inches. Engraved on bottom, B C to E C 3 oz, 12 pwt. Lent by Mrs. A. Whiteside. Tj T3 / 1 BENJAMIN • u J ^ 1 ^ Benjamin Burt (mark, "RTTTfT ^^ shaped rectangle) . Boston, 1728-1803. 77. Tankard, height, 10^4 inches. Engraved monogram, lES on front. 39 oz. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. John Hull (?) (mark, J-H in rectangle). Boston, Free man, 1649. 78. Cup, height, 4% inches. About 1650. 8 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. 10 Daniel Henchman ( ?) (mark, D H in rectangle). Boston, 1732-1775. 79. Ladle, length, 13l?4 inches. Engraved border and J G on handle. About 1770. 5 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. B. Green (mark, B: GREEN in rectangle). 87. Spout cup with hinged cover, height, 6% inches. Whistle in end. About 1729. 12 oz. 3 pwt. Lent by Miss S. S. Perkins. Jeremiah Dujlmer (mark, I D, fleur-de-lis below, heart- shaped shield) . Boston, 1645-1718. 89. Caudle cup, height, 3% inches. Engraved on bottom, rp y^ 9 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Mrs. M. F. W. Lyouns. Josiah Austin (mark, I-A in rectangle). Charlestown, Mass., 1719-1780. 90. Pear-shaped teapot, height, 6 inches. Engraved with Gushing ( ?) arms on side. About 1740. 15 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Robert N. Toppan. 11 (Mark, S H in rectangle.) 91. Spout cup, without cover, height, 4-% inches. Engraved T. D and A. S 7 oz. Lent by Miss M. C. Wyman. No MAEK. 92 and 93. Pair of fluted fruit dishes. Inscribed with names and dates. Lent by J. A. L. Blake. J. PoTWiNE (mark, l:Potwine in shaped rectangle). Bos ton, 1702-1792. 105. Teapot, height, 5 inches. Engraved with Sargent arms and motto, " A dieu je dois tout." 14 oz. 2 pwt. Lent by Mr. Winthrop Sargent. John Noyes (mark, I N in oval). Boston, 1674-1749. 106. Two-pronged fork, length, 71/4 inches. Engraved H A on handle. About 1700. 1 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Mr. Winthrop Sargent. William Moulton (mark, MOQLTON in rectangle). Newburyport, Mass., late eighteenth century. 107. Coffee spoon, length, 5l?4 inches. Engraved border and crest. Shell on back of bowl. 8 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 12 Benjamin Burt (mark, B - BURT in rectangle). 107. Four teaspoons, length, 51/^ inches. Narrow borders, engraved crest. Shell on back of bowl. 9 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. Blowers (mark, Blowers in rectangle with rounded ends). 109. Tankard, height, 8^4 inches. Engraved E F on handle. About 1740. 23 oz. 7 pwt. Lent by Mr. F. S. Eaton. Paul Revere, senior (mark, P -Severe in rectangle, and P R in shaped shield). 118. Porringer, diameter, 514 inches. B Engraved R M on handle. M 8 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Menry B. Little. (Mark, S B, J-L in rectangles. ) 119. Porringer, diameter, 5% inches. Engraved . j 8 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mrs. W. C. Enddcott, Jr. 13 John Coburn (mark, J - COBURN in rectangle). Boston, 1725-1803. 120. Porringer, diameter, 5% inches. , Engraved S. G. on handle. 8 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mr. William Endicott Dexter. John Edwaeds (mark, I E, crowned, fleur-de-lis below, in shaped shield). 121. Spout cup, without cover, |height, 3 inches. Engraved j n^j^ on front. 4 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Miss Jane Wood. John Dixwell (mark, I D in oval). Boston, 1680-1725. 122. Porringer, diameter, 4% inches. F Engraved j y on handle. 7 oz. 17 pwt. Lent by Miss Jane Wood. Josiah Austin (mark, I Austin in rectangle) . 123. Sauce boat, height, 1%6 inches. -^ , ., RS1750 Engraved on side, j -t) tj iqoc 2 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Menry R. Dalton. Paul Revere, senior (mark, P - REVERE in rectangle). 124. Sauce pan, height, 2% inches. 6 oz. Lent by Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 14 Paul Revere (mark, -REVERE in rectangle). 125. Creamer with three legs, height, 3l%6 inches. Engraved on bottom, -p p. 3 oz. 16 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Paul Revere (mark, - REVERE in rectangle). 126. Coffee-pot, height, 11% inches. Gadrooning on cover and base, pineapple knob. 38 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Paul Revere, senior (mark, P • REVERE in rectangle). 127. Pepper pot, height, 5^/2 inches. N Engraved on side, . . 4 oz. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. Paul Revere (mark, - REVERE in rectangle) . 128. Sugar tongs. Engraved decoration. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. Paul Revere (mark, P • REVERE in shaped rectangle). 129. Brazier, diameter, 6% inches. W Engraved -r^^ ji on bottom (initials of Revere's second wife, Rachel Walker) . 22 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. 15 Paltl Revere (not marked). 130. Porringer with cover, diameter, 5^/4 inches. Made and used by Paul Revere and his family, and engraved with the monogram P R R, his own and his wife's initials. 11 oz. 19 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. Paul Revere (mark, • REVERE in rectangle) . 131. Sauce boat, length, 8 inches. 7-1-, -p on bottom. 14 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. John Burt (mark, I BURT in shaped rectangle). Boston, 1690(?)-1745. 134. Pepper pot, octagonal, height, 3^/2 inches. Engraved E H on bottom. Belonged to Thomas Hancock. About 1733. 2 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. Jacob Hurd (mark, HURD in rectangle) . 135. Can, height, 5% inches. Engraved with Vassal arms. 11 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 16 Stephen Emery (mark, S Emery in shaped rectangle). Boston, about 1790. 138. Tablespoon, length, 6i?4 inches. Engraved border and E V 2 oz. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. Paul Revere (mark, REVERE in rectangle). 154. Creamer, height, 5% inches. Engraved on front, S D S (Deborah and Stillman Smith). Beading and gadrooning on base. Date, 1762. 3 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Miss L. W. Valentine. Paul Revere (mark, REVERE in rectangle) . 155. Tea set, engraved borders and monogram E H, ex cept on sugar bowl. Teapot and sugar bowl engraved : To Edmund Hartt Constructor of the Frigate Boston. Presented by a number of his fellow citizens, as a memo rial of their sense of his Ability, Zeal & Fidel ity in the completion of that Ornament of the American Navy. 1799. Teapot, height, 7y2 inches. 23 oz. 5 pwt. Tray, diameter, 6% by 4% inches. 7 oz. 6 pwt. Sugar bowl, height, 9% inches. 13 oz. 13 pwt. Creamer, height, 7 inches. 6 oz. 16 pwt. Lent by Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 17 Halsted (mark. Hoisted in shaped rectangle). 156. Ladle, length, 14 inches. Engraved with Johnston crest and 1750 on handle. About 1800. 6 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mrs. James A. Garland. Jacob Hued (mark, HURD in rectangle) . 158. Can, height, 4% inches. Engraved with Chauncy arms. 11 oz. 2 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Frederick 8. Moseley. Myee Myers (mark, Myers in shaped rectangle). New York, 1746-1790. 170. Tankard, height, 6% inches. Engraved with Johnston arms and crest. On bot tom, " David Johnston 1750 " (modern). 38 oz. 10 pwt. Lent by Mrs. William Tudor. ^ 13 / 1 BENJAMIN ¦ , . , 1 . Benjamin Burt (mark, bttrt ^" shaped rectangle) . 171. Sauce boat, length, 7 inches. 9 oz. 2 pwt. Lent by Mrs. William Tudor. Benjamin Pieepont (mark, B P in oval). Boston, 1760- 1790. 172. Muffineer, height, 6% inches. Engraved and repouss6 top, gadrooned base. About 1760-1770. 8 oz. 2 pwt. Lent by Mrs. William Tudor. 18 R. Geeene (mark, R:GREENE in shaped rectangle). Boston, about 1729. 173. Can, height, 5 inches. Whistle in handle. 10 oz. 11 pwt. Lent by Miss Sarah E. Munt. G. Hannees (mark, G-HANNERS in rectangle). Boston, born, 1706. 174. Coffee-pot, height, 9% inches. Engraved Field arms on side. 25 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mrs. F. R. Sears, Jr. Daniel Paeker (mark, D-PARKER and D-P). 176. Tankard, height, 9 inches. Engraved Whitington arms. About 1740. 28 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mrs. A. G. Wheelwri Daniel Rogers (mark, D -ROGERS in rectangle). New port, R. I., about 1750. 188. Porringer, diameter, 5% inches. Engraved I. H on handle. 9 oz. 3 pwt. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. 19 Benjamin Burt (mark, B-BURT in rectangle). 189. Salt cellar, with three legs, diameter, 2% inches. Engraved on bottom, R* Warren to S" Sumner 1771 to E Sumner etc. 2 oz. 16 pwt. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. (S ATFXANDFT?\ mark, ' „ SIMMONS/* 207. Ewer, height, 7% inches. Copied from a drawing made by Thomas Jefferson in 1787 of a Roman ewer in the Cabinet of Antiquities at Nimes. 39 oz. Lent by Mr. T. Jefferson Coolidge. -John Burt (?), (no mark). 295. Paten, diameter, 9% inches. Inscription : Ex Dono Pupillorum 1728 9 oz. 17 pwt. Lent by Mary Sever, Emily Sever, estate of Ellen Sever. John Buet (mark, I B, crowned, pellet below, in shield). 296. Small paten, diameter, 4i?4 inches. Inscription : Donum Pupillorum 1724 2 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mary Sever, Emily Sever, estate of Ellen Sever. 20 John Burt (mark, I B, crowned, pellet below, in shield). 297. Pair of trencher salts, height, l^-Yie inches. 1 oz. 10 pwt. 1 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mary Sever, Emily Sever, estate of Ellen Sever. John Edwards (mark, I E, crowned, fleur-de-lis below, in shaped shield) . 298. Spout cup, height, 5% inches. Engraved on bottom, p q 8 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mary Sever, Emily Sever, estate of Ellen Sever. No mark. 429. Can, height, 5% inches. 15 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Miss Jane R. Wood. R. Swan (mark, SWAN in shaped rectangle). 455. Loving cup, with cover, height, 12^/^ inches. Engraved with Pickman arms on one side; on the other the inscription : The Gift of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay to Benjamin^Pickman 1749 55 oz. Lent by Essex Institute, Salem. Paul Reveee (mark, • REVERE in rectangle) . 471. Can, height, 5^4 inches. Engraved arms on front ; on bottom : For the Rev! E* Bass 13 oz. 12 pwt. Lent by Mr. James E. Whitney. 21 Samuel Minott (mark, Minott in rectangle and M in rec tangle). Boston, 1732-1803. 472. Receiving basin, diameter, 13 inches. Inscription: The Gift of the Hon;"« THOMAS HANCOCK ESQ^ to the Chuech in Brattle Street Boston 1764. Engraved Hancock arms, and angeFs head in scrolls. 24 oz. 7 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. Edwaed Winslow (mark, EW, fleur-de-lis below, in shaped shield) . 473. Flagon, height, 121^ inches. Inscription : This belongs to the Church in Brattle Street 1713 50 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. William Cowell (mark, WC in oval). Boston, 1682-1736. 474. Baptismal basin, diameter, 13 inches. Inscription : The gift of Mr. Benj™ Edmond, late of London, Marchant, to the Church in Brattle Street, Boston N. E. 1716. 20 oz. 2 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. Nathaniel Moese (mark, NM, crowned, flower below, in shaped shield). Boston, died, 1748. 475. Flagon, height, 12 inches. Inscription : This belongs to the Church in Brattle Street. 1711 45 oz. 13 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. 22 Joseph Foster (mark, FOSTER in rectangle). Boston, about 1790. 476. Two covered chalices, height, 9% inches. Inscription : Property of Brattle Street Church BOSTON 13 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. Joseph Loring (mark, J-Loring in shaped rectangle). Boston, born, 1743. 477. Two-handled cup and cover, height, 12 inches. Inscription : Property of Brattle Street Church BOSTON. About 1790. 23 oz. 11 pwt. Lent by Church in Brattle Square, Boston. No MARK. 490. Porringer, diameter, 514 inches. Engraved crest and monogram HWS on handle. 6 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Mr. Winthrop Sargent. John Cony (mark, IC, in heart-shaped shield, fleur-de-lis below). Boston, 1656-1722. 493. Loving cup, with cover, height, 10^,4 inches. Engraved with Stoughton arms. Inscription : The Gift of the Hon . William Stough ton, who died at Dorchester, July 7th 1701. 47 oz. 15 pwt. Lent by Marvard University, Cambridge. 23 Paul Revere (mark, -REVERE in rectangle). Boston, 1735-1818. 497. Fluted teapot and tray. Teapot, height, 6 inches. 18 oz. Tray, 714 by 4% inches. 6 oz. Engraved borders and garlands; many names and dates on each piece. W. P. (Phillips) and A. B. (Bromfield) Lent by Mrs. M. P. Quincy. Paul Revere (mark. Revere in rectangle). 499. Tankard, height, IO14 inches. T Engraved on handle, ^ -o 29 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mrs. N. N. Thayer. David Moseley (mark, DMoseley in rectangle). Boston, late eighteenth century. 576. Tankard (spout later), height, 11 inches. Scratched on bottom, J Joy 46 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mrs. C. M. Joy. John Edwards (mark, IE, crowned, fieur-de-lis below, in shaped shield). Boston, 1686 or 7-1743. 577. Tankard, height, 6% inches. Engraved on handle, M H. On front, "The Gift of Miriam Clark to Benj : Clark 1748 ". About 1720. 24 oz. 13 pwt. Lent by Mrs. C. H. Joy. 24 J. Andrew (mark, I ANDREW in rectangle). 578. Can, height, 5% inches. Engraved E S (Ebenezer Storer.) 12 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mrs. C. M. Joy. John Cony (mark, IC, crowned, a cony below, in shaped shield). 581. Loving cup, with cover, height, 91/^ inches. Engraved arms on one side; on other, "Donum Pupillorum Henrico Flynt 1718 " 37 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mrs. M. P. Quincy. Paul Reveee, senior (mark, PR in shaped shield) . Boston, 1702-1754. 588. Tankard, height, 8 inches. Engraved on front, " The gift of Cap' Hen^ Love- bond In building the Ann Gaily 1726 " 27 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mr. C. A. Coolidge. 25 ENGLISH SILVER. W p William AND James Peiest (mark, V^ ). London, 1765. 2. Can, height, 5 inches. Engraved arms. 14 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mr. Dwight Blaney. (Mark, |R*I|) London, 1749. 67. Sauce boat, length, 8 inches. 10 oz. 5 pwt. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. Sheffield plate. 68. Urn, height, 14^,^ inches. Engraved borders and garlands, cipher JAA. Be longed to John and Abigail Adams. 4 oz. 14 pwt. Lent by Mr. Charles Francis Adams, 2d. Thomas Whipham (?) (mark, TW in shaped rectangle). London, 1788. 70. Ribbed cream jug, height, 5 inches. Engraved coat-of-arms on front. 7 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 26 Fuller White (mark, FW in shaped rectangle) . London, 1757. 72. Pear-shaped teapot, height, 6% inches. Repousse. 20 oz. 1 pwt. Lent by Miss M. M. Whitwell. Edwin Lewis (mark, E L in rectangle). London, 1772. 74. Pair of coasters, diameter, 4% inches. Modern bottoms, pierced sides, gadrooned edges. 4 oz. 8 pwt. 4 oz. 12 pwt. Lent by Mr. Francis M. Bigelow. Unknown. 80. Punch ladle, length, 10% inches. Wooden handle, boat-shape bowl. 3 oz. 15 pwt. Lent by Richard Sprague Stearns. (Mark, [Ts"!) 81. Punch strainer, length, 8^/^ inches. Beaded edge and handle. 3 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. Pierre Gillois (mark, PG, crowned, hand (?) below, in shaped punch) . London, 1762. 82. Tea caddy, height, 5^/2 inches. Repousse and engraved. F on front. 8 oz. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. 27 Unknown. 83. Tea strainer, diameter, 3^ inches. Beaded edge. 1 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. London, 1796. 84. Tea strainer, diameter, 3% inches. Ribbed edge. 1 oz. 19 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. (Mark, R H in oval). London, 1773. 85. Pair of salt cellars, with foot, height, 21/^ inches. Pierced sides and foot with applied garlands. 3 oz. 5 pwt. 2 oz. 19 pwt. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. (Mark, DS RS ) London, 1779. 86. Salver, diameter, 11 inches. Beaded edge ; three claw and ball feet. 24 oz. Lent by Mr. Richard Sprague Stearns. (Mark, (RR)) London, 1775. 88. Salver, diameter, 13% inches. Three ball and claw feet, gadrooned edge. En graved with Nicholls (?) arms. 34 oz. 5 pwt. Lent by Miss S. S. Perkins. 28 Sheffield plate. 93. Openwork fruit basket. Lent by Mr. J. A. L. Blake. William Gould (mark, William Gould (?)). London, 1759. 94. Pear-shaped teapot, height, 6^4 inches. Twisted ribbed base. 21 oz. 15 pwt. Lent by Mr. J. A. L. Blake. (Mark, IL IR ) Newcastle, about 1765 ( ?) . 95. Tankard, height, 7% inches. Two zones of repouss^ flowers and frosted work. 22 oz. 14 pwt. ¦ Lent by Mrs. James A. Garland. Unknown. 112. Sugar tongs, length, 5% inches. Scissors-shape, with shell ends. Dated, 1722. 2 oz. 7 pwt. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. London, 1763. 113. Small sauce boat, length, 6 inches. Engraved on bottom, p jr 5 oz. 9 pwt. Lent by Mrs. C. P. Greenough. 29 (Mark, (R C) ) London, 1776. 115. Brandy heater, length, 2% inches. Engraved cipher LEL 4 oz. 11 pwt. Lent by Miss Susan B. Willard. Unknown. 137. Sugar tongs, length, 6 inches. Pierced arms and engraved back. Dated 1785. 1 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. Unknown. 139. Table-spoon, length, 8% inches. H Engraved, S S No. 12 Dated 1766. 2 oz. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. Unknown. 157. Pair of coasters, diameter, 4% inches. Silver bottoms and pierced sides. 6 oz. 4 pwt. 6 oz. 7 pwt. Lent by Mrs. James A. Garland. 30 (Mark, T D) London, 1795. 175. Flagon, height, 14% inches. Fluted body, narrow engraved borders. 32 oz. 15 pwt. Lent by Mr. T. Jefferson Coolidge. Unknown. 195. Marrow spoon, length, 8^4 inches. 1 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. Pierre Gillois (mark, P G, crowned, hand (?) below, in shaped punch) . 299. Tea caddy, height, 6 in. Repousse, grooved cover. Engraved with crest and coat-of-arms. 9 oz. 5 pwt. Lent by Miss Ellen S. Bulflnch. London, 1763. 479. Fruit basket, diameter, 13% inches by 11% inches. Pierced sides. Engraved Johnston arms in bottom. 34 oz. 11 pwt. Lent by Mrs. James A. Garland. London, 1758. 484. Sauce boat, length, 9 inches. Q Engraved on side, P S 1758 13 oz. Lent by Mrs. Ellis L. Motte. 31 Ebenezee Cokee (?) (mark, EC in oval). London, 1770. 491. Pap boat, length, 4% inches. H S Engraved on bottom, , „„^ 2 oz. 8 pwt. Lent by Mr. Winthrop Sargent. Geoeges Wickes (mark, VJ in shaped punch) . London. 494. Loving cup, with cover, height, 10% inches. Engraved Hancock and coat-of-arms on front. 55 oz. 12 pwt. Lent by Frederick G. May. (Mark, S : L) London, 1730. 498. Pipkin, height, 3 inches. Engraved with dates and names. 6 oz. 4 pwt. Lent by Mr. William Endicott Dexter. John Fames (?) (mark, IE in rectangle) . London, 1796. 505. Oval basket tea caddy, height, 8% inches. Engraved lines and ribbed handle. Cipher EG in wreath. The covers lock. 24 oz. 18 pwt. Lent by Mrs. Menry D. Tudor. Unknown. 587. Urn-shaped pepper pot, height, 6% inches. Engraved garlands and cipher ER. Beaded edge. 4 oz. 6 pwt. Lent by Mrs. C. L. Cunningham. 32 William Pitts (?) (mark, WP in shaped punch). Lon don, 1795. 589. Octagonal teapot, height, 5 inches. Engi-aved borders, crest and coat-of-arms. 16 oz. 5 pwt. Lent by Mr. Jeffrey R. Brackett. 33 MINIATURES. Period, between 1600 and 1810 509. Miniature of Moses Titcomb. Lent by Mrs. Walter Aiken. 437. Miniature of Miss Phoebe Pope, daughter of Boston merchant, married Captain Dorr. 438. Miniature (probably by Malbone) of Martha Gold- thwaite, 1764, married Maj. George IngersoU, commander of West Point. Lent by Miss Barrett. 594. Miniature of Lydia Bowman. 595. Miniature of Isaac Bowman. Lent by Mrs. Francis Blake. 280. Silhouette: Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford), 1755. Died Auteuil, France, 1814. Lent by Mrs. Ernest Bowditch. 482. Miniature of Mrs. Sarah Minot, probably by Mal bone. Lent by Mrs. Edward D. Brandegee. 510. Miniature of John Clarke Brown, by Malbone. 524. Miniature of William Deblois, by Naylor. Lent by Miss A. M. Brown. 34 183. Miniature of Thomas Russell of Charlestown (1742- 1797). Lent by Mrs. Alexander Cochrane. 26. Miniature of Elizabeth Trotbeck (Mrs. Bowes), 1770. 27. Miniature of John Rowe, in his commencement dress at Harvard (1783). 283. Silhouette of Miss Trotbeck, daughter of rector of King's Chapel at time of Revolution, by Doyle. 284. Silhouette of Thomas Payson, born, 1762. 285. Silhouette of Jacob Rowe, Assistant Commissary- General with the forces in Canada, Provost of Quebec. Born, 1725. Lent by Mrs. Caleb Loring Cunningham. 434. Miniature of John Brown Fitch, by Malbone. 435. Miniature of Cotton Tufts, by Malbone. 436. Miniature of Mrs. Timothy Fitch, by Malbone. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Fenno. 439. Miniature of Benjamin Gleason, by Metcalf. 440. Miniature of Benjamin Gleason, by Doyle. Lent by Mrs. C. E. Fuller. 517. Miniature of Rev. John Clarke. Lent by First Church in Boston. 12. Miniature of Mrs. Samuel Salisbury, niece of Madam Hancock, daughter of Elizabeth Quincy and Samuel Sewall. Lent by Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. 35 45. Miniature of John Lucas, by Malbone. 46. Miniature of Mrs. Hammond, by Harvey. Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Gibson. 518. Miniature of Stephen Salisbury, by Copley. Lent by Miss Elizabeth B. Greene. 254. Miniature of David Greene of .Boston, born, 1749, by Malbone. Lent by Mr. David G. Maskins. 191. Silhouette of John Sumner, preacher at Martha's Vineyard, born, 1705 ; Harvard, 1723. 192. Silhouette of Susannah Stevens, wife of John Sum ner, 1729. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. 286. Miniature of Mary Cheever, daughter of Daniel Cheever, born in Boston, 1691 ; died in Taun ton, Aug. 7, 1775. Lent by Mrs. F. L. Migginson. 539. Miniature of Peddy Leonard, 1789. 540. Miniature (copy) of Joseph Trumbull, 1756. 572. Copy of a miniature of Rebecca Dennis, wife of Judge Seth Padelford, about 1790. Lent by Mrs. Charles T. Mubbard. 36 281. Miniature of Mary Hubbard. 282. Miniature of Henry Hubbard, by Malbone. 540. Copy of miniature of Joseph Trumbull, 1756. 598. Silhouette of Mrs. Martha Sreme, born at Brattle- borough, Mass. (now Vermont), in 1790. Lived in England. Lent by Mr. Charles W. Mubbard. 37. Miniature of Moses Black, by Malbone. 38. Miniature of William Lamb Porter. Lent by Miss Rose Lamb. 586. Miniature (pin) of John Williams Quincy, nephew of Mrs. John Hancock, 1769. Lent by Mrs. Arthur Little. 7. Miniature of Mrs. John Lowell (Rebecca Amory), 1771-1842, by Malbone, 1803. 8. Miniature of Miss Nancy Lowell (Anna Cabot Lowell), daughter of Judge Lowell, 1768-1810, by Malbone, 1803. 9. Miniature of John Lowell, by Malbone, about 1803. Lent by Mr. Arthur T. Lyman. 571. Miniature of General Knox, by Tisdale. Lent by Mrs. Francis McMurtrie. 257. Miniature of unknown southern lady. Lent by Mrs. Samuel J. Mixter. 37 39. Miniature of Alden Bradford. 40. Miniature of Catherine W. Eliot, born, 1758, mar ried to Samuel Eliot. 41. Miniature of Margaretta Stevenson, married Alden Bradford in 1795. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. 480. Miniature of Sophie Lobdell, by Inman. 481. Miniature of Charles Prentiss, by Inman. Lent by Mrs. Ellis L. Motte. 492. Miniature of Elizabeth Otis, daughter of James Otis. Lent by Mrs. Alexander S. Porter. 511. Miniature of Jesse Putnam, nephew of Israel Put nam (1754). Lent by Mr. George Putnam. 278. Miniature of Josiah Quincy, by Malbone. 279. Miniature of Mrs. Josiah Quincy, about 1800, by Malbone. Lent by Mr. Josiah Quincy. 557. Miniature of Sarah Low Frost, married Bancroft Winchester. 558. Miniature of a lady, about 1791. Lent by Mrs. Menry G. Rice. 29. Miniature of Col. Thomas Crafts, 1740-1799. 31. Miniature of Frances Crafts, wife of Thomas Crafts and sister of Governor Gore. 32. Miniature of Christopher Gore, born, 1758. Lent by the Misses Robins. 38 36. Miniature of Thomas Bromfield of London, son of E. Bromfield of Boston, born, 1733. Lent by the Misses Rogers. 51^. Miniature (copy) of Samuel Cary, by Copley. 513. Miniature (copy) of Sarah Cary, by Copley. Lent by Mrs. Robert S. Russell. 261. Miniature of Caleb Davis, Speaker of first Massa chusetts House of Representatives, 1780. Lent by Dr. George B. Shattuck. 136. Miniature of Thomas Bowman, 1794, probably by Malbone. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 251. Miniature of Paul Revere, by Gilbert Stuart New ton. Lent by Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. 43. Miniature of William ScoUay, on copper. 44. Miniature of Benjamin Whitwell, by Malbone. Lent by Mrs. William Tudor. 427. Miniature of Mrs. William Greenough, nee Sarah Gardner. 428. Miniature of William Greenough. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 515. Photograph of a miniature by Malbone of Mr. Eben Farley. 516. Photograph of a miniature by Malbone of Mrs. Eben Farley. Lent by Mrs. William E. West. 39 19. Two miniatures of the Perkins family, painted with ground-up hair. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 133. Miniature in wax of Capt. John Derby of Salem, who took in his schooner, " The Quero," the first news to England of the battles of Lexing ton and Concord. 287. Miniature of Abigail Cheever, daughter of Daniel Cheever, born, 1694; died 1771. Lent by Mrs. Alexander Whiteside. 40 FANS. Period, practically all before 1800. 597. Fan, carved ivory sticks; two painted medallion landscapes and monogram " A.D." Lent by Miss Sarah Barrett. 292. Fan, carved ivory sticks; painted with personages and lace design ; in Lent by Mrs. Frank Bolles. and lace design ; in gilt frame. 514. Fan, plain ivory sticks ; black paper lined with silver ; yellow medallions spangled in center. 560. Fan, painted and gilded wooden sticks ; painted paper top. 561. Fan, gilded wooden sticks; white spangled top. 562. Fan, carved ivory sticks; painted blue silver top; man with mandolin. 563. Fan, plain ivory sticks ; straw-colored paper top with blue medallion. Lent by Miss A. M. Brown. 293. French fan, ornate ivory sticks ; decorated with hand-painted personages. Lent by Mrs. Walter C. Cabot. 266. Old fan, carved and inlaid sticks ; paper fan with blue medallion. Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Cumston. 41 25. Marie Antoinette fan, brought from Paris in 1789 by Mr. Jesse Putnam, grandson of Gen. Israel Putnam ; very elaborate carved and painted sticks ; pastoral scene. Lent by Mrs. Caleb L. Cunningham. 17. Fan, painted on vellum. Lent by Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. 47. Fan, very elaborate, carved, mother-of-pearl sticks ; painted top. 49. Fan, very elaborate, mother-of-pearl sticks ; looking- glass in outside sticks ; many figures. 50. Fan, ivory and mother-of-pearl sticks, inlaid with gold ; blue paper, French figures. Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Gibson. 291. Wedding fan, belonged to Miss Sarah Greenleaf, married Mr. William Pierce Johnson in 1770. Lent by Mrs. Menry Bailey Little. 268. Old fan, ivory open-work sticks, silver inlaid; fig ures, on red ground ; green silk with flowers on back. Lent by Mr. Louis J. Mclntire. 596. Fan, pearl sticks; spangled; picnic party on one side ; man and woman under an arbor on the other. Lent by Mrs. S. J. Mixter. 42 252. Old French fan ; mother-of-pearl sticks, inlaid with gold ; blue stones on sticks ; prevailing colors, blue and gold. Lent by Mrs. James W. Ripley. 24. Vernis-Martin fan, late eighteenth century ; land scape and figures. Lent by Miss Mary Rivers. 28. Fan, carved ivory ; silk painted medallions ; figures on one side ; flowers on the other ; lace work on top; 1775. Lent by the Misses Robins. 34. Wedding fan, of Mrs. Abigail Bromfield, outside sticks inlaid with mother-of-pearl and silver; paper decorated. 35. Fan, open-work sticks; paper; rural scene with figures. Lent by the Misses Rogers. 384. Old family fan. 385. Old family fan. Lent by Mrs. Winthrop Sargent. 253. Old fan, shell sticks; silk and lace with spangles. Lent by Miss Melen Lynde Sullivan. 51. Fan, very small, tortoise-shell; very elaborately inlaid with round discs of silver. Lent by Mrs. Menry D. Tudor. 43 22. Fan, open work, ivory sticks; outside ones carved and painted ; man fishing on bank ; two pairs of lovers seated. 23. Fan, serpentine ivory sticks, inlaid with silver; group of ladies under tree ; river in back with boats ; feather border. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 559. Fan, carved ivory ; Chinese. Lent by Miss Susanna Willard. 582. Fan, beautiful ivory ; belonged to Miss Lucy Cobb. Lent by Miss Lucy Cobb Williams. 44 LACES. 525. American or English : a veil of machine-made net, embroidered with tambour work. Early nine teenth century. Worn by the Misses Rowe. 526. American or English : a veil of machine-made net, with the design run in. Early nineteenth century. Worn by the Misses Rowe. 527. American or English : a veil of machine-made net, embroidered with tambour work. Early nine teenth century. Worn by the Misses Rowe. 528. Flemish bobbin lace. The property of Mrs. Jacob Rowe, and like that worn on her wedding dress in 1762. White silk machine-made net, with design run in by hand. Late eighteenth, early nineteenth century. 530. American or English : black silk net scarf, machine- made net, with design run in by hand. Late eighteenth century. 535. American or English: lace cap (Crazy Jane). Machine-made net, embroidered with tambour work. Early nineteenth century. Worn by Miss Rowe. 570. Black lace shawl : machine-made, outline of loose silk run in around design. Late eighteenth to early nineteenth century. Lent by Mrs. Caleb Loring Cunningham. 45 62. English : honiton lace collar. English : honiton lace collar. 63. Piece of bobbin lace called " Old Mechlenburg." Flemish: four pieces of bobbin lace. Eighteenth century. Flemish: Brabant lace. Eighteenth century. Flemish : Valenciennes lace barbe. Eighteenth century. French: bobbin lace. Eighteenth century. 534. American or English : lace cap of white silk ma chine-made net, embroidered with tambour and raised work. Late eighteenth or early nine teenth century. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. 507. French blonde lace barbe. French blonde lace. Blonde scarf. Lent by Mrs. W. C. Endicott. 425. Probably French : linen appliqued on a silk needle point net ground in imitation of French point lace of the eighteenth century. Lent by Mrs. James A. Garland. 424. German : Saxon drawn and shadow-work, edged with Brussels bobbin lace . Eighteenth century . 508. Flemish : Brabant lace tie. Eighteenth century. 532. French : black silk lace. French : blonde lace. 533. American or English : lace cap of machine-made net, embroidered with tambour work. 46 569. French or Spanish : blonde lace. French black silk lace. American : machine-made net collar, embroidered with raised work. Early nineteenth century. Lent by Mrs. John Chipman Gray. 426. Brussels bobbin lace. Seventeenth century . ("Old Brussels point lace of the seventeenth century. It belonged to Katharine (Johnstone) Skinner, who was a van Cortlandt. She was married, October, 1761. The Johnstones were an old Scotch family, the same spoken of by Sir Walter Scott in his ' Fair Maid of Perth.' This was inherited from John Skinner by her adopted daughter, Mrs. White, and then by her daughter. Miss J. D. White, and now belongs to Mrs. William Caleb Loring, 2 Gloucester Street, Boston. Lace was probably brought to this country from Scotland in 1715, when the Skin ner ancestor was proscribed for supporting the Pretender (he changed his name from McGregor to Skinner) and settled in New Jersey.") Lent by Mrs. William Caleb Loring. 565. French : blonde lace scarf. Early nineteenth cen tury. 566. Bobbin lace collar, called " Saxon." 567. French: three pieces of blonde lace. 568. American or English : machine-made net, em broidered with raised work. Early nineteenth century. Lent by the Misses Loring. 47 367. India: embroidered muslin fichu. Formerly the property of Isabella Duncan Stevenson, 1744- 1775. Lent by Mrs. J. M. Morison. 489. English : Buckinghamshire bobbin lace fichu. Very late eighteenth, early nineteenth century. Lent by Mrs. Ellis L. Motte. 402. Possibly German : a wedding pillow-case with in sertions of darned netting. Eighteenth century. 403. Irish: Carrickmacross lace. 404. Flemish : two pieces of Mechlin lace. Eighteenth century. 405 . One piece machine-made net, with design run in with a coarse thread, called "Breton lace." 406. Antwerp bobbin lace. Late seventeenth, eighteenth century. 407. Irish : Limerick lace scarf. 408. Flemish: three pieces of bobbin lace. Seventeenth century. 409. One piece bobbin lace, called Belgian. 410. Darned netting and applique. Eighteenth century. 411. French or Spanish blonde sleeve. Eighteenth cen tury. Design and workmanship of a metal lace. 412. Bobbin lace barbe, called " Valenciennes." 413. English: Buckinghamshire lace. 414. German : Saxon drawn and shadow-work. Eigh teenth century. 415. Flemish : Mechlin lace. Late eighteenth century. 48 416. Flemish : four pieces of bobbin lace, made by peas ants for their own use. Probably late seven teenth, early eighteenth century. 417. Irish : Limerick lace. 418. Flemish : two pieces of bobbin lace. Eighteenth century. 419. French : Valenciennes lace. Eighteenth century. Lent by Mrs. T. F. Richardson. 263. English: Honiton lace collar. 264. English : Honiton lace collar. Lent by Mrs. Joseph Ballister Russell. 421. Flemish: Mechlin lace. Eighteenth century. Worn by Mrs. Jonathan Mason on her wedding dress. 422. Bobbin lace, called "Mechlin." 423. Irish : Limerick lace barbe. Lent by Mrs. W. W. Vaughan. 371. Point and bobbin lace, edged with Honiton lace. Eighteenth century. From John Hancock's christening blanket. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 355. French: Blonde lace fichu. 359. American : Triangular cap, machine-made net, em broidered with tambour work. Early nine teenth century. 360. French : three pieces of blonde lace. Early nine teenth century. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 531. Black silk lace. Lent by Mrs. Alexander Whiteside. 49 EMBROIDERY. 362. Piece of muslin, embroidered in colors by the Misses Rowe. Lent by Mrs. Caleb Loring Cunningham. 111. Embroidered frame, executed by Mary Cook Fowle, wife of John Fowle of Watertown, Mass., captain in Revolutionary War. Lent by Mrs. Menry F. Durant. 378. Embroidered strip of crewels on green stuff. 379. Quilt embroidered in crewels on handspun linen, 1757, by Miss Elizabeth Rolfe. 380. Quilt, one hundred and twenty-five years old, wrought by Elizabeth Emery. Lent by the Misses Emery. 200. Sampler, work of Susanna Sumner; ended in the thirteenth year of her age, 1771. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. 369. Sampler, framed ; Elizabeth Marshall, married Samuel Eliot, 1736. 370. Strip of cambric embroidery. Lent by Mrs. J. M. Morison. 50 224. Sampler; a narrative ofbirths and deaths by Rebecca Hearsey. Lent by Mrs. Andrew Peters. 536. Worsted-work embroidered fan-screen, with stick. Lent by Mrs. Menry G. Rice. 260. Sampler framed in gold. 276. Samplers, "Moses in the Bulrushes" and " Pha- roah's Daughter," marked, in gilt letters, "Eliza Hillyard." 277. Sampler, " Affection Weeps and Heaven Rejoices," marked, in gilt letters, "Harriett Hillyard." Lent by Mrs. Joseph B. Russell. 333. Satin square, yellow flowers on tea-colored ground, 1796, by a child of twelve years. 381. Four samplers, sewed together, 1757, 1777, 1786, 1800. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 169. Sampler; Mary Sigourney ended this sampler in the fourteenth year of her age, 1750. Lent by Mrs. Frederick Tudor. 420. Half of waistcoat, made by Mary Dudley. Lent by Mrs. W. W. Vaughan. 358. Strip of muslin embroidery. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 372. Sampler, Sarah Cheever, about 1700. 373. Sampler, Eleanor Cheever, about 1765. Lent by Mrs. Alexander Whiteside. 51 MISCELLANEOUS COSTUMES. These articles have been in possession of Massachusetts families since the Revolution. 227. Embroidered white muslin dress. Lent by Mrs. Charles K. Bolton. 363. Wedding dress, Penelope Phillips, 1762 ; Mrs. Jacob Rowe. 529. Gauze scarf. Lent by Mrs. Caleb Loring Cunningham. 56. Dress of yellow brocade; Madam Storer. 57. Waistcoat of green satin brocaded and velvet; Ebenezer Storer, Jr., 1730. 58. Waistcoat of black brocaded velvet. 59. Child's suit of three pieces, — coat, waistcoat and breeches, 1737 ; E. Storer, Jr. 60. Bodice worn by Hannah Quincy (wife of Ebenezer Storer, Jr.), 1741, when five years old. Lent by Miss G. G. Eaton. 376. Embroidered pocket-book belonging to Eliphalet Emery. 377. Small embroidered pocket-book. Lent by the Misses Emery. 52 353. Portion of the wedding dress of Rebecca, daughter of Hon. Roger Sherman and Rebecca Prescott ; clusters of flowers and grapes painted on silk. Lent by Miss Elizabeth Foster. 555. Court suit, consisting of coat, waistcoat, breeches and ruffles, mustard color, with engraved copper buttons, worn on his presentation to Louis XVI, by Dr. Samuel Guild, assistant surgeon on the "Bon Homme Richard." Dr. Guild was the last man to leave the ship after her victory over the " Serapis." Lent by Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. 196. Bead bag, about 1760. 500. Three-piece costume, consisting of dress of ashes of roses satin with lace, silk bonnet and cardinal coat. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. 364. Embroidered muslin cape. 365. Embroidered muslin shawl. 366. Embroidered muslin shawl. 367. Embroidered muslin fichu. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. 483. Embroidered linen waistcoat. Lent by Mrs. Ellis L. Motte. 461. Piece of green flowered brocade from dress of Mrs. S. P. Savage. Lent by Mr. Lawrence Park. 53 496. Waistcoat, of delicate fawn color, embroidered with little roses. Lent by Mrs. Perry. 289. Yellow satin waistcoat, embroidered with flowers. 290. Muff of yellow satin, embroidered with flowers. Lent by Miss Julia Robins. 203. Blue brocade satin dress and petticoat. (Worn by Mrs. Roger Sherman at a dinner given by Gov ernor Hancock to General Washington.) Lent by Mrs. Robert B. Storer. 382. White cashmere shawl with border. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 108. Apron belonging to Mrs. John Hancock, moir6 silk embroidered with ^animals, etc., trimmed with gold lace. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 583. Embroidered waistcoat, belonged to Gen. James Warren, born, 1726. Lent by Miss C. B. Warren. 579. (a) One piece of wedding dress, bright yellow brocade. (b) One piece of wedding dress, delicate mauve and white. Lent by Mrs. William C. West. 54 20. Pau" of brocade slippers, made by Jonathan Hose & Son, at the Rose, Cheapside, near Milk Street, London ; in Blanchard family. 354. Muslin cape embroidered. 356. Gauze scarf. 357. Embroidered muslin shawl. 361. Old lace veil. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 110. Pair of brocaded shoes. 374. Embroidered pocket-book. 375. Baby's dress. Lent by Mrs. Alexander Whiteside. 383. Portion of eighteenth century waistcoat. Lent by Miss Susanna Willard. 462. White silk apron, embroidered with flowers. Lent by Mrs. Joshua Loring Woodward. 55 HANCOCK COLLECTION. 11. Part of Madam Hancock's Cook-book, fi-amed. Lent by Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. 545. Autograph resolutions of the Continental Congress of Nov. 12, 1776, signed by John Hancock as its President. Lent by Mr. Curtis Guild, Sr. 267. Autograph of John Hancock as one of selectmen of Boston. Lent by Miss Melen F, Kimball. 140. Pair of Sheffield plate candlesticks from Hancock house; belonged to Governor and Mrs. John Hancock. 141. Cake basket of Sheffield plate from Hancock house ; also belonged to Governor and Mrs. Hancock. 142. Salver of Sheffield plate; also from Hancock house and formerly belonging to Governor and Mrs. Hancock. Lent by Mr. and Mrs. James L. Little. 202. Framed fire-board : Beacon Hill and Boston Com mon, picture of Hancock House ; given by Samuel Adams to John Hancock. Lent by Mrs. Robert B. Storer. 56 205. Photograph of John Hancock. 206. Photograph of Hancock house. 537. Framed photograph of a portrait of Thomas Han cock, by Blackburn, painted about 1758. 538. Framed photograph of a portrait of Madam Lydia Hancock, nee Henchman, wife of Thomas Han cock, by Blackburn, about 1750. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 107. Five teaspoons belonging to John Hancock, with his crest on each. 108. Apron belonging to Mrs. John Hancock, moire silk, embroidered with animals, etc., trimmed with gold lace. 371. Lace from christening blanket of John Hancock. Lent by Mrs. Barrett Wendell. 57 MISCELLANEOUS. 590. Large map of Virginia, 1781, chart of coast. Lent by Mr. Francis M. Bigelow. 265. Old Strasse brooch, green and white stones in crown-shaped silver setting. Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Cumston. 580. Pair of cut steel and copper shoe buckles. Lent by Mr. W. C. Endicott. , 10. Book of old continental money. 11. Part of Madam Hancock's Cook-book, framed. 13. Pearl and amethyst necklace. 14. Old Strasse necklace. 15. Silver nutmeg grater, English mark. 16. Ivory vinaigrette. Lent by Mrs. Desmond FitzGerald. 550. Sword of Gen. John Stark, the victor at Bennington. 551. Trade tomahawk, with hatchet blade and pipe. Early seventeenth century. 552. Spontoon carried by an officer in ,the Pepperell company at the Siege of Louisbourg, 1745. 553. Tower musket of the revolutionary period ; gun and bayonet, being the regulation arms of the British infantry of the period and used on the royal side. 554. Sword of the revolutionary period ; the regulation side arm of an officer of British infantry. Lent by Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. 58 190. Pair of paste shoe buckles, belonging to Gov. In crease Sumner, 1746-1799. 194. Seal, with black fob, belonging to Governor Dum- mer, 1716-1729. 201. Tea caddy, ivory or composition, Susanna Boylston Sumner, 1757. Lent by Mrs. John Meard. 463. Sheet of continental money, framed. Lent by Mr. Gideon M. Mansfield. 272. Carved ivory seal, butterflies and serpents. 273. Round pewter snuff-box, 1780. Lent by Mr. Louis J. Mclntire. 256. Silver snuff-box ; belonged to Benjamin Franklin. Lent by Mrs. Samuel J. Mixter. 368. Old pin-cushion. Lent by Mrs. John F. Morison. 288. Necklace of large crystals, and ear-rings. Lent by Mrs. John F. Pearson. 42. Case containing six silver knives, six spoons, six forks, made in England about 1717 ; probably intended for the army. Lent by the Misses Rogers. 182. Governor Belcher's wooden snuff-box. Lent by Mrs. John F. Tarbell. 59 584. Pair of shoe buckles. Lent by Miss C. B. Warren. 114. Sheffield plate candlestick, festoons with tassels. 116. Sheffield plate cake basket, S. J. Thaxter on handle. 117. Cloisonne vase, pewter inlaid with silver and gold; supposed to be the only one in the country ; known to be over two hundred years old. Lent by Miss Susan Barker Willard. 21. Watch, with chatelaine and two cases, about 1750. Lent by Mrs. Andrew Wheelwright. 60 PICTURES. 221. Copy of portrait of John Adams, original by Stuart. 222. Copy of portrait of Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, original by Stuart. 223. Copy of portrait of John Quincy Adams, original by Stuart. Lent by Mr. Charles Francis Adams. 187. Boston Common in 1768. 391. Color print, view of Harvard College yard. 392. Reprints from Paul Revere plates, Boston Mas sacre ; Long Wharf ; Boston Harbor. 393. Three engravings. Old Boston State Houses. 394. Two engravings. Monument on Beacon Hill ; Boston State House. 395. Engraving, Boston Troops on Boston Common, 1800. 467. Bonner's Section of Map, 1743 edition, colored. 468. Print of portions of Price's View of Boston, about 1724. 469. View of print of obelisk erected under Liberty Tree on the rejoicing for the repeal of the Stamp Act (Paul Revere, sculptor). 470. Section of old map of Boston. Lent by Dr. J. B. Ayer. 592. Copy of Stuart's portrait of George Washington, by Charles E. Mills. 593. Copy of Stuart's portrait of Martha Washington, by Charles E. Mills. Lent by Mr. Menry Bacon. 6] 144. Portrait of Rev. John Lowell, 1703-1767, first minister to Third Church in Newbury, now First Newburyport ; Harvard College, 1721. 348. Copy of portrait of Judge John Lowell (original by Blackburn), judge of First District Court, appointed by Washington ; Harvard College, 1760; LL.D., 1792. 350. Copy of portrait, after Copley, of Katharine Greene, 1731-1777 ; married John Amory, 1757. Lent by Mr. J. A. L. Blake. 225. Framed photograph of Patrick Tracy, born, 1711. 226. Framed photograph of Stephen Higginson, 1743. 464. Two photographs framed together, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson. Lent by Mrs. S. P. Blake. 184. Engraving of William Pynchon. Lent by Mr. C. K. Bolton. 386. Copy of portrait (attributed to Van Dyke) of Gov. John Winthrop. Lent by Boston Athencsum. 104. A view of the year 1765, pen and ink drawing, framed by Paul Revere. Engraved, printed and sold by Paul Revere, Boston. Lent by Mrs. Ernest W. Bowditch. ¦ 573. Copy of portrait of Mrs. John Langdon when a child, after Blackburn. Lent by Mrs. Edward Brandegee. 62 178. Enlarged photograph of a whaler sailing. 179. Enlarged photograph of whalers at wharf. Lent by Board of Jamestown Exposition Managers for Massachusetts. Copy of J. S. Copley's portrait of John Hancock, by Walter Oilman Page. Lent by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Copy of J. S. Copley's portrait of Samuel Adams, by Walter Oilman Page. Lent by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 591. Portrait of Mrs. Padishal and child. Artist un known. Lent by Mrs. Greeley S. Curtis. 396. Photograph from portrait of Gov. William Dummer. 397. Photograph from portrait of Katherine Dudley Dummer. 398. Photograph from portrait of Major Robert Pike, 1616-1706. 399. Photograph from portrait of Col. Jeremiah Lee. 400. Photograph from portrait of Mrs. Lee. Lent by Miss Margaret W. Cushing. 343. Copy of portrait of Gov. John Endecott, made by James Frothingham. Lent by Mr. W. C. Endicott. 63 502. Framed photographs of colonial worthies : Benjamin Franklin ; President James Madison, from por trait by Stuart ; Alexander Hamilton ; President Thomas Jefferson, from portrait by Stuart; General Knox ; George Washington ; Judge David Sewall, by J. Johnston ; Apostle John Eliot. Lent by Foster Brothers. 220. Portrait of Thomas Dawes, by Stuart, copied by Miss Furness. Lent by Mr. Dawes Eliot Furness. 478. Copy of portrait of Mrs. MacSparren, original by Smibert. Lent by Mr. R. M. Gardiner. 208. Photogravure of the Rev. Charles Brockwell, by Peter Pelham. 209. Photogravure of Sir William Pepperell, Bart., after Smibert, by Peter Pelham. 210. Photogravure of Rev. Cotton Mather, by Peter Pel ham. 211. Photogravure of Rev. John Moorhead, printed by J. Buch. 212. Photogravure of John Adams, printed by E. Savage. 213. Photogravure of Rev. Henry Caner, by Peter Pel ham. 214. Photogravure of Rev. Timothy Cutler, by Peter Pelham. 215. Photogravure of Thomas Prince, A.M., printed by J. L. Buch. 64 216. Photogravure of Gov. William Shirley, by Peter Pelham. 217. Photogravure of Rev. William Hooper, by Peter Pelham. 218. Photogravure of Matthew Byles. 219. Photogravure of Rev. Benjamin Colman, after Smi bert, by Peter Pelham. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 401. Photograph from portrait of Rev. Caleb Cushing. Lent by Mrs. Elizabeth Cushing Goodhue. 501. Ten framed photographs of Quincy family : Josiah Quincy, Jr., Judge Edmund Quinpy, Edmund Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Edmund Quincy, Eliza Susan (Morton) Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Mrs. Shaw, John Quincy, Mrs. Shepherd. Lent by Miss Alice B. Gould. 390. Engraving, portrait of Sir Harry Vane. Lent by Mr. C. N. Greenough. 556. Framed picture of the old elm on Boston Common. The wood on which this picture is printed is a veneer cut from the tree itself. The tree was destroyed by a tempest in 1876. It was older than the colony. One of its limbs was used for the colonial gallows during the witchcraft craze. Lent by Mr. Curtis Guild, Sr. 65 103. Photograph from portrait of Robert Gibbs, aged four and one-half years, 1670. Lent by Miss S. B. Magar. 351. Portrait, Stuart's picture of John Heard of Ipswich, copied by Miss Alice Heard. Lent by Miss Alice Meard. 193. Engraving of Increase Sumner, Governor of Massa chusetts, born in 1746. 197. Photograph of Rev. John Wheelwright, came to Boston, 1636 ; died 1679. 198. Photograph of Mary Wheelwright, wife of Rev. John Wheelwright. 199. Photograph of Esther Wheelwright, Mother Superior of the Ursulines' Convent in Quebec, 1785 ; stolen by Indians when a child ; recaptured by the French. Lent by Mrs. John Meard, Jr. 430. Photographs of Governor Bowdoin and family, etc., by Stuart, Copley, etc. : James Bowdoin, 1747, by Joseph Badger ; Mrs. William Bowdoin, by Robert Feke, dated 1748 ; Hon. William Bow doin, by Robert Feke, dated 1748 ; Dr. James MacSparren, original by John Smibert ; Hon. James Bowdoin, original by Gilbert Stuart; Mrs. James Bowdoin, original by Gilbert Stuart; Thomas Flucker, Esq., colonial sec retary, original by John Singleton Copley ; Bowdoin Family Portrait, dated 1647 ; Gov- 66 ernor Bowdoin in his youth ; Madam Bowdoin, by Robert Feke, dated 1748; Governor Bow doin, by Robert Feke, dated 1748 ; Hon. James Bowdoin and Lady Temple in their youth ; Governor Bowdoin, original by John Singleton Copley ; Mrs. Judith Bowdoin Flucker ; Gen eral Samuel Waldo. Lent by Mr. Menry Johnson, Curator of the Art Museum at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. 503. Picture of three ladies weeping over Washington's tomb. 504. Framed photograph of Rebecca Taylor Orne. Lent by Mr. Francis M. Lee. 147. Map of Boston, 1722. 387. Large print, Boston from the east and its harbor in 1723. 388. Color print, Boston Massacre. 389. Print, Boston Common in 1763. Lent by Mr. A. W. Longfellow. 255. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Lent by Mrs. Samuel J. Mixter. 97. Photograph of portrait of James Otis, 1725—1783. 98. Photographs, framed together, of portraits of James and Mary AUeyne Otis, father and mother of James Otis, 1702-1778. 99. Photographs, framed together, of Harrison Gray and Sallie Foster Otis, 1765-1848; 1770- 1830. 67 100. Photograph from the portrait of Harrison Gray, 1710-1794. 101. Photographs from portraits of Thomas and Isabella (Duncan) Stevenson, framed together, 1742- 1775; 1744-1775. 102. Photographs, framed together, from portraits of Elizabeth Gray and Samuel Alleyne Otis, 1764; 1740-1814. 168. Engraving, Battle of Bunker Hill, from Trumbull. 185. Coat-of-arms of Otis family. 331. Original oil painting of Sally Foster (Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis), born, 1770; married, 1790. 332. Oil portrait (probably by Smibert) of Grace Spear, who married William Foster in 1768. 352. Gray coat-of-arms, Elizabeth Gray married S. Alleyne Otis, 1764. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. 574. Photograph of monument in memory of Gosnold, and pamphlet. Lent by Old Dartmouth Society. 456. Framed photograph of Samuel Phillips Savage, 1718-1797. 457. Framed photograph of Mrs. Samuel Phillips Sav age, 1718-1764. 458. Framed photograph of William Tyler, 1688-1758. 459. Two framed photographs of Habijah Savage and his wife, 1674-1746; 1681-1751. 460. Photograph of Thomas Savage, 1710-1760. 495. Framed photograph of Mrs. Cornelius Waldo, 1683- 1760. Lent by Mr. Lawrence Park. 68 344. Copy of portrait of Elizabeth Shrimpton. 345. Copy of portrait of Col. S. Shrimpton, 1647. 346. Copy of portrait of Mrs. S. Shrimpton. 347. Copy of portrait of Anthony Stoddard, second hus band of Mrs. Shrimpton, 1685. Lent by Miss E. W. Perkins. 177. Portrait of Rebecca, wife of Hon, Timothy Picker ing, copy by Miss Furness of Stuart portrait. Lent by the Misses Pickering. 146. Photograph of James Otis, from original portrait by Blackburn. Lent by Miss Mary Otis Porter. 259. Portrait of Francis Rodman. Lent by Mr. Francis Rod 258. Silhouette of William Rotch. Lent by Miss Mary Rodman. 204. Small woodcut of Thomas Savage, born in England, 1608 ; came in ship " Planter," 1635. Lent by Mrs. William B. Rogers. 262. Photographic enlargement from miniature of Caleb Davis, Speaker of First Massachusetts House of Representatives. Lent by Dr. George B. Shattuck. 69 143. Picture, "Perspective View of Boston Harbor," engraved by Sidney L. Smith for members of Odd Volumes Club. Lent by William Green Shillaber. 522. Portrait (copy) of Cotton Mather. 523. Portrait (copy) of John Cotton. Lent by Rev. Roland Cotton Smith. 205. Photograph from portrait of John Hancock. 206. Photograph of Hancock house. 537. Framed photograph of a portrait of Thomas Han cock by Blackburn, painted about 1758. 538. Framed photograph of Madam Lydia Hancock, n6e Henchman, wife of Thomas Hancock, from por trait by Blackburn, about 1750. Lent by Mrs. L. B. Taft. 519. Colored print of a whaling fleet. 520. Colored print, " Harpooning a Whale." 521. Colored print, " Cutting up a Whale." Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Taylor, Jr. 186. Hatchment from the Tracy family, Newburyport. Lent by Miss Mary Lee Ware. 575. Portrait of Lafayette, by Philipon. 585. Prints : A View of Boston, etc. ; British Ships of War Landing Troops, 1768. Lent by Dr. J. C. Warren. 70 349. Copy of portrait of Hon. and Col. Jacob Wendell, of Boston, died, 1761-71 ; painted about 1720 by Smibert, copied by F. D. Millet, May, 1881. Lent by Mr. Jacob Wendell, Jr. 18. Copy of portrait of Mrs. Samuel Barrett, by Copley. Lent by Mrs. Andrew C. Wheelwright. 341. Portrait of Daniel Hubbard, by Copley; copied by Miss Whitwell. 342. Portrait of Mary Greene Hubbard, by Copley; copied by Miss Whitwell. Lent by Miss M. H. Whitwell. 145. Engraving of Gov. Jonathan Belcher, born, Cam bridge, Mass., 1681 ; died, Elizabethtown, N. J., 1757; Governor of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New Jersey, 1730-1741. Lent by Mrs. Robert Willard. 275. Copy of portrait of Rev. President Samuel Willard, pastor of Old South Church, President of Har vard College. 465. Copy of a portrait on wood of William Hickling, born in England, 1704, died in Boston, 1780. 466. Framed photograph of Lucretia Chandler, 1728- 1768, wife of Col. John Murray, after Copley. 564. Photograph of a silhouette of Rev. Joseph Willard, President of Harvard College, 1781-1804. Lent by Miss Susanna Willard. 71 AUTOGRAPHS. 300. Autograph of Sir William Phipps. 301. Autograph of William Shirley. 302. Autograph of Simon Bradstreet. 303. Autograph of John Pynchon. 304. Autograph of Samuel Shute. 305. Autograph of Sir Francis Bernard. 306. Autograph of Spencer Phips. 307. Autograph of Jonathan Belcher. 308. Autograph of Joseph Dudley . 309. Autograph of Samuel Sewall. 310. Autograph of William Stoughton. 311. Autograph of Sir William Pepperell. 312. Autograph of Rev. Cotton Mather. 313. Autograph of Josiah Winslow. 314. Autograph of Sir Harry Vane. 315. Autograph of John Endecott. 316. Autograph of Peter Faneuil. 317. Autograph of John Leverett. 318. Order to arrest Witch, 1692. 319. Autograph of John Winthrop. Lent by Mr. Charles P. Greenough. 541. Autograph letter from John Endecott, Governor of Massachusetts, May 6, 1661, requesting Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of the Netherlands, to return to English jurisdiction the regicides Whalley and Goffe. 72 542. Autograph letter from Gen. William Heath of Massa chusetts, Feb. 6, 1778, informing General Bur- goyne that an escort is ready to convey the British general's officer to the Continental Con gress. It was General Heath who pursued the British troops from Concord bridge, April 19, 1775. 543. Autograph letter from Samuel Adams of Massachu setts, Nov. 6, 1778, requesting, in the name of the Marine Committee, from Governor Johnston of Maryland, the release of certain stores needed for the use of the army. 544. Autograph letter of Gen. Thomas Gage, British commander in Boston, 1774-1775, Camp of Oswego, Sept. 18, 1759, asking Governor Bradstreet for provisions and artillery stores. 545. Autograph resolutions of the Continental Congress of Nov. 12, 1776, signed by John Hancock of Massachusetts as its president. 546. Autograph commission of David H. Randolph as marshal of Virginia, signed by George Wash ington and Timothy Pickering. 547. Autograph letter from Gen. Israel Putnam, born in Massachusetts, Bristol, Jan. 5, 1777, request ing from the Committee of Safety the services of the militia to follow up the results of Trenton and Princeton. 548. Autograph letter from Gen. Benjamin Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., Mt. Pleasant, June 11, 1777, ordering Captain Lee to forward a prisoner to Morristown . 73 549. Autograph commission issued on a petition in bank ruptcy by Benjamin Franklin, born in Massa- sachusetts. Lent by Mr. Curtis Guild, Sr. 267. Autograph of John Hancock as one of the select men of Boston. Lent by Miss Melen F. Kimball. 96. Captain's commission issued to Gamaliel Bradford, Jr., by Thomas Pownal, Governor-General of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1758. Lent by Mrs. John M. Morison. 159. Manuscript trial of a soldier . (Boston Massacre . ) Lent by Mrs. Fitch E. Oliver. 167. Autograph of Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of Massachusetts, commission to William Pres cott, 1772. Lent by Mrs. Linzee Prescott. 165. Autograph of Samuel Green. 166. Autograph of Stephen Day. (The first printer in the English Colonies in America, Cambridge, 1638.) Lent by Mr. William G. Shillaber. 74 485. Manuscript muster-roll of company in French War, 1756. 486. Printed broadsides, Suffolk Resolves, " At^a Meet ing of Delegates." 487. Printed broadside. Address to Governor Hutchin son against the Solemn League. 488. Manuscript resolves of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress. Lent by Miss Thompson. 75 BOOKS OF MASSACHUSETTS AUTHORS, PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS OF THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 148. Ratio Disciplinse Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faith ful Account of the Discipline professed and practiced ; in the Churches of New-England. With Interspersed and Instructive Reflections on the Discipline of the Primitive Churches. Boston : Printed for S. Gerrish in Cornhill. 1726. Lent by Mrs. Dwight Foster. 149. Lyon, James. Urania, or A Choice Collection of Psalm-Tunes, Anthems, and Hymns, From the most approv'd Authors, with some Entirely New ; in Two, Three, and Four, Parts. The whole Peculiarly adapted to the Use of Churches, and Private Families ; To which are Prefix'd The Plainest, & most Necessary Rules of Psalmody. By James Lyon A. B. Hen. Daw- kins fecit 1761 Philad^ Price 15y'. Lent by Mrs. Dwight Foster. 76 150. The John Eliot Bible. Mamusse Wunneetupana- tamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinncumon Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu outchetdt Printeuoomuk. Cambridge : Printenoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. Lent by Boston Athenteum. 151. The book of the general laws and libertyes concern ing the inhabitants of the massachusets, col lected out of the records of the general court, for the several years wherein they were made and established. And Now Revised by the same Court, and disposed into an Alphabetical order, and published by the same Authority in the General Court holden at Boston in May 1649. Cambridge, Printed according to the Order of the General Court, 1660. Lent by Boston Athenaeum. 153. The Humble Petition and Address of the General Court sitting at Boston in New-England, unto The High and Mighty Prince Charles the second And presented unto His Most-Gracious Majesty Feb. 11. 1660 Printed in the Year 1660. Lent by Mr. William C. Endicott. 77 160. A Confession of Faith Owned and consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches. Assembled at Boston in New-England . May 1 2 . 1680 Being the second Session of that Synod Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1680. Lent by Mr. W. G. Shillaber. 161. Walter, Thomas. A Sermon Wherein is Shewed, I That the Ministers of the Gospel need, and ought to desire the Prayers of the Lord's People for them. II That the People of God ought to Pray for His Ministers. Preached at Roxbury, October 29, 1718. When Mr. Thomas Walter Was Ordained a Pastor in that Church, by his Grand-Father Increase Mather. D.D. Boston : Printed by S. Kneeland for J. Edwards, at his Shop next door to the Light-House Tavern. . . . Lent by Mr. W. G. Shillaber. 162. Moodey, Samuel. The Doleful State of the Damned ; Especially such as go to Hell From under the Gospel ; Aggravated from their Apprehensions of the Saints Happiness in Heaven. Being the Substance of several Sermons. Preached at York, in the Province of Main. By Samuel Moodey, M. A. Pastor of the Church of Christ there. Boston : Printed & Sold by Timothy Green in Middle Street. Also Sold by Benj. Eliot in King Street. 1710 Lent by Mr. W. G. Shillaber. 78 163. Norman, John. The Boston Directory, containing A List of the Merchants, Mechanics, Traders, and others, of the Town of Boston ; in Order to enable Strangers to find the Residence of any Person. To which is added, Public Offices, where, and by whom kept. Barristers and Attorneys at Law, and where Residing. Physi cians, Surgeons, and their places of Abode, President, Directors, days and hours of Busi ness at the Bank. Names and places of abode of all the Engine-men . Illustrated with a Plan of the Town of Boston . Boston : Printed and sold by John Norman, at (Ol)iver's-Dock. 1789 Lent by Mr. W. G. Shillaber. 164. Torrey, Samuel. A Plea For the Life of Dying Religion from the Word of the Lord : in a Ser mon Preached to the General Assembly of the Colony of the Massachusets at Boston in New- England, May 16. 1683. Being the Day of Election there. By Mr. Samuel Torrey Pastor of the Church of Christ at Waymouth. Boston- in-New-England Printed by Samuel Green for Samuel Sewall. 1683. Lent by Mr. W. G. Shillaber. 180. The Daniel Catcher. The Life of the Prophet Daniel : in a Poem. To which is Added Earth's Felicities, Heaven's Allowances, A Blank Poem. With several other Poems. By R. S. Printed in the Year 1713. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 79 181. New Englands First Fruits; in respect First of the f Conversion of some Conviction of divers of the Indians. . Preparation of sundry 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge, at Cambridge, in Massacusets Bay. with Divers other speciall Matters concerning that Coun- trey. Published by the instant request of sundry Friends, who desfre to be satisfied in these points by many New-England Men who are here present, and were eye or eare-witnesses of the same. London, Printed by R. O. and G. D. for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his Shop in Popes- -head- -Alley. 1643 Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 228. Flavell, John. Englands Duty, Under the Present Gospel Liberty From Revel. HI. vers. 20. Wherein is Opened The Admirable Condescen sion and Patience of Christ, in waiting upon tri(fl)ing and obstinate Sinners. The wretched State of the Unconverted. The nature of the Evangelical Faith, with the Difficulties, Tryals, and Means thereof. The Riches of Free-grace in the Offers of Christ, Pardon, and Peace to the worst of Sinners. The invaluable Priviledges of Union, and Communion, granted to all that re ceive him, and the great Duty .of opening to him at the present Knocks and Calls of the Gospel ; with the danger of neglecting these Loud (and it may be) last Knocks and Calls of Christ, dis covered. By John Flavell, Preacher of the 80 Gospel at Dartmouth in Devon. (Lon) don Printed for Matthew Wotton at the Three (Da)ggers near the Inner-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1689 Lent by Mr. Withington, Newburyport, Mass. 229. Historical Manuscripts and Reprints, No. 3. July 1894 Fac-simile of the First Draft of the Free men's Oath, in the Handwriting of Governor John Winthrop, and of the Servant's Oath to gether with a Modification of the Freeman's Oath Both in the Handwriting of Governor Thomas Dudley, with a Note by the Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, LL.D. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 230. TuUey, John. Tulleyl698. An Almanack For the Year of our Lord, M DC XC VHI. Being Second after Leap- Year, and from the Creation 5647. Wherein is Contained the Lunations, Courts, Spring-tides, Planets, Aspects and Weather, the Rising and the Setting of the /Sun, together with the Sun and Moons place, and time of Full Sea, or High- Water, with an account of the Eclipses, Conjunctions, and other Configurations of the Caelestial Bodies, Calculated for and fitted to the Meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole ¦ 81 is Elevated 42. gr. 30 min. But may indiffer ently serve any part of New-England . By John TuUey, Licensed by Authority. Boston, N. E. Printed by Bartholamew Green, and John Allen, Sold at the Printing-House at the South End of the Town 1698. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 231. Stone, Samuel. A. Short Catechism Drawn out of the Word of God By Samuel Stone, Minister of the Word at Hartford, on Connecticot. Boston, in New-England, Printed by Samuel Green, for John Wadsworth of Farminton, 1684. Reissued, With an Introductory Sketch, from the Original Edition printed in 1684 Acorn Club Connecticut MDCCCXCIX. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 233. Foxcroft, Thomas. Observations, Historical and Practical on the Rise and Primitive State of New-England With a special Referance to The Old or first gather'd Church in Boston. A Ser mon preach'd to the said Congregation Aug. 23, 1730. Being the last Sabbath of the first Century since its Settlement. By Thomas Fox croft, M.A. Boston. N. E. Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for S. Gerrish in Corn- hill MDCCXXX Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 82 235. Mather, Cotton. The Wonders of the Invisible World, Observations As well Historical as The ological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. Accompany'd with, I. Some Accounts of the Grievous Molestations, by Daemons and Witchcrafts, which have lately annoy'd the Countrey ; and the Trials of some eminent Malefactors Executed upon occasion thereof: with several Remarkable Curiosities therein occurring. II. Some Councils Directing a due Improvement of the terrible things, lately done, by the Unusual & Amazing Range of Evil-Spirits, in Our Neighbourhood : & the methods to prevent the Wrongs which those Evil Angels may intend against all sorts of people among us ; especially in Accusations of the Innocent. IH. Some Conjectures upon the great Events, likely to befall, the World in General, and New- England in Particular ; as also upon the Ad vances of the Time, when we shall see Better Dayes. IV. A short Narrative of a late Outrage committed by a knot of Witches in Swedeland, very much Resembling, and so far Explaining, That under which our parts of America have laboured ! , V. The Devil Discovered : In a Brief Discourse upon those Temptations, which are the more Ordinary Devices of the Wicked One. By Cot ton Mather. Boston . Printed by Benj . Harris for Sam. Phillips. 1693. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 83 236. Hale, John. A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft, And How Persons Guilty of that Crime may be Convicted : And the means used for their Discovery Discussed, both Negatively and Affirmatively, according to Scripture and Experience. By John Hale, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Beverley Anno Domini. 1697. Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot under the Town House, 1702 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 237. Mason, John. A Brief History of the Pequot War : Especially Of the memorable Taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut In 1637 : Written by Major John Mason, A principal Actor therein, as then chief Captain and Commander of Con necticut Forces. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prince. Boston : Printed & Sold by. S. Kneeland & T. Green in Queen-Street, 1736. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 238. Sewall, Samuel. PhaenominaquaedamApocalyptica Ad Aspectum Novi Orbus configurata. Or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven As It makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. By Samuel Sewall A. M. 84 and sometime Fellow at Harvard College at Cambridge in New-England. The Second Edi tion. Massachuset ; Boston, Printed by Bar tholamew Green : And sold by Benjamin Eliot, Samuel Gerrish & Daniel Henchman 1727 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 239. Shepard, Thomas. The Parable of the Ten Virgins opened & applied : Being the Substance of divers Sermons on Matth. 25. 1, . . . 13. Wherein, the Difference between the Sincere Christian and the most Refined Hypocrite, the Nature & Characters of Saving and of Common Grace, the Dangers and Diseases incident to most flourish ing Churches of Christians, and other Spiritual Truths of greatest importance, are clearly dis covered, and practically Improved, By Thomas Shepard Late Worthy and Faithful Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New- England. Now published from the Authors own Notes, at the desires of many, for the common Benefit of the Lords people. Jonathan Mitchell Minister at Cam bridge By Tho. Shepard, Son to the Reverend \ in New- Author, now Minister at Charles-Town : England. Re-printed, and carefully Corrected in the Year, 1695 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. The Four Viz. The 85 240. Several Poems Compiled with a great variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delights ; Wherein espe cially is contained a compleat Discourse, and Description of ElementsConstitutions, Ages of Man, Seasons of the Year. Together with an exact Epitome of the three first Monarchyes Assyrian. Persian, Grecian, And beginning of the Romane Common-wealth to the end of their last King : With diverse other pleasant & serious Poems, By a Gentlewoman in New-England. The second Edition, Corrected by the Author' and enlarged by an Addition of several other Poems found among her Papers after her Death Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1678 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 241. Wise, John. The Churches Quarrel Espoused : or in Reply In SatjTC, to certain Proposals made, in Ailswer to this Question, What further Steps are to be taken, that the Councils may have due Constitution and Efficacy in Supporting, Pre serving, and Well-Ordering the Interest of the Churches in the Counfry? By John Wise, 86 Pastor to a Church in Ipswich. The Second Edition. Boston, Reprinted : Sold by Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1715 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 242. Mather, Increase. Angelographia, or A Discourse Concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, and the Great Benefit which the True Fearers of God Receive by their Ministry : De livered in several Sermons : To which is added, A Sermon concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels : Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical- Apparitions. By Increase Mather, Praesident of Harvard Colledge, in Cambridge, and Preacher of the Gospel at Boston, in New- England. Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1696. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 243. Mather, Increase. An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences : Wherein an Account is given of many Remarkable and very Memo rable Events, which have hapened this last Age, Especially in New-England. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church at Boston in New- England. Boston in New-England, Printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning, and are to be Sold at his Shop at the corner of the Prison- Lane next the Town-House. 1684 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 87 244. Prince, Thomas. A Chronological History of New- England in the Form of Annals : being A sum mary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurences relating to This Country, in the Order of Time wherein they happened, from the Discovery by Capt. Gos nold in 1602 to the Arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730. With an Introduction, Containing A brief Epitome of the most remarkable Trans actions and Events Abroad, from the Creation : Including the connected Line of Time, the Succession of Patriachs and Sovereigns of the most famous Kingdoms & Empires, the gradual Discoveries of America, and the Progress of the Reformation to the Discovery of New England. By Thomas Prince M.A. Boston N. E. Printed by Kneeland & Green for S. Gerrish MDCCXXXVI Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 245. Wood, William. New England's Prospect, being A true, lively, and experimental Description of that part of America commonly called New- England : Discovering The State of that Country, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters : and to the old Native In habitants, and Laying down that which may both enrich the knowledge of the Mind-traveling Reader, or benefit the future Voyager. The Third Edition. By William Wood. London, Printed 1639. Boston, New-England, Re printed, By Thomas and John Fleet, in Corn- hill ; and Green and Russell, in Queen-Street, 1764 Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 246. Mather, Increase. A RELATION of the Troubles which have hapened in NEW-ENGLAND, By reason of the Indians there. From the Year 1614. to the Year 1675. Wherein the Frequent Conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt of the English, and the wonderful provi dence of God, in disapointing their devices, is declared. Together with an Historical Discourse concerning the PREVALENCY of PRAYER; shewing that New Englands late deliverance from the Rage of the Heathen is an eminent Answer of Prayer. By INCREASE MATHER Teacher of a Church in Boston in New England. BOSTON, Printed and sold by John Foster, 1677. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 247. Winthrop, John. A Journal Of the Transactions and Occurrences in the settlement of Massa chusetts, and the other New-England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644 : Written by John Winthrop Esq. First Governor of Massachu setts : And now first published from a correct copy of the original Manuscript. Hartford : Printed By Elisha Babcock. M, DCC, XC. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 89 248. Bonifacius. An Essay Upon the Good, that is to be Devised and Designed by those Who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life, and to Do Good While they Live. A Book Offered, First, in General, unto all Christians, in a Personal Capacity, or in a Relative. Then more Particu larly, Unto Magistrates, unto Ministers, unto Physicians, unto Lawyers, unto Scholemasters, unto Wealthy Gentlemen, unto several Sorts of Officers, unto Churches, and unto all Socie ties of a Religious Character and Intention. With Humble Proposals, of Unexceptionable Methods, to Do Good in the World. Boston in N. England : Printed by B. Green for Samuel Gerrish at his Shop in Corn Hill 1710. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 249. Mayhew, Experience. Indian Converts : or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a considerable Number of the Christianized In dians of Martha's Vineyard, in New-England. Viz. I. Of Godly Ministers. II. Of other Good Men. III. Of Religious Women. IV. Of Pious young Persons . By Experience May hew. M.A. Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of that Island. To which is added. Some Account of those English Ministers who have successively presided over the Indian Work in that and the adjacent Islands by Mr. Prince. London, Printed for Samuel Gerrish, Book seller in Boston in New-England ; and sold by 90 J. Osborn and T. Longman in Paternoster- Row, M. DCC. XXVII. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 250. de la Guard, Theodore. The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Willing to help Mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to be paid for his work by Old English wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch all the year long, gratis. Therefore I Pray Gentleman keep your Purses. By Theodore de la Guard. The Fifth Edition, with some Amendments. London : Printed by J. D. & R. T. Reprinted at Boston in N. England, for Daniel Henchman, at his Shop in King Street, 1713. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 320. Bible Title Page missing. John Alden his booke on fly leaf of The New Testa-ment of our Lord Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Greeke by Theod. Beza : With briefe Summaries and expositions upon the hard places by the said Authour , Joac. Camer. and P. Loseler, Villerius. Englished by L. Tomson. Together with An notations of Fr. Sunius upon the Revelation of S . John . Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most Excellent Magistie. 1599 Lent by Mr. Charles P. Greenough. 91 321. The Psalms, Hyms, & Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New Testament, Faithfully translated into English Metre. Being the New-England Psalm- Book Revised and Improved ; By an Endeavour after a yet nearer Approach to the inspired Original, as well as to the Rules of Poetry. With an Addition of Fifty other Hyms on the most important Subjects of Christianity ; with their Titles, placed in Order, from . . . The Fall of the Angels and Men, to . . . Heaven after the General Judgement. Boston : N. E. Printed, and Sold by D. Henchman, in Cornhill and S. Kneeland in Queenstreet. 1758. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 322. The New-England Primer Improved For the more easy attaining the true reading of English To Which Is Added The Assembly of Divines Catechism. Boston : Printed and Sold by the Book-Sellers. M. DCCLXXXIV. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 323. A Sermon Delivered By Thomas Prince, M.A. On Wednesday, October 1. 1718. at his Ordination to the Pastoral Charge Of the South Church in Boston, N. E. In Conjunction with the Reverend Mr. Joseph Sewall Together with The Charge, By the Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. And a Copy of what was said at giving the Right Hand of Fellowship : By the Rev- 92 erend Cotton Mather, D.D. To which is added A Discourse Of the Validity of Ordination by the Hands of Presbyters, Previous to Mr. Sewall's on September 16. 1713. By the Late Reverend and Learned Mr. Ebenezer Pem- berton. Pastor of the same Church. Boston : Printed by J. Franklin for S. Gerrish, and Sold at his Shop near the Old Meeting House . 1718. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 324. Morton, Charles. The Spirit of Man : or. Some Meditations (by way of Essay) on the Sense of that Scripture. Thes. 5. 23. And the very God of Peace Sanctifie you wholly, and I pray God, your whole Spirit, and Soul, and Body, be Preserved Blameless unto the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. By Charles Morton, Minister of the Gospel at Charlestown in New- England. Boston. Printed by B. Harris, for Duncan Campbell, at the Dock-Head, over against the Conduit, 1693. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 325. The Accomplished Singer. Instructions How the Piety of Singing with a True Devotion, may be obtained and expressed ; the Glorious God after an uncommon manner Glorified in it, and His People Edified Intended for the Assistance of all that would Sing Psalms with Grace in their Hearts ; But more particularly to accompany the Laudable Endevours of those who are Learn- 93 ing to Sing by Rule, and seeking to preserve a Regular Singing in the Assemblies of the Faith ful Boston : Printed by B. Green, for S. Ger rish, at his Shop in Cornhill 1721. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 326. Mather, Cotton. The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion in America. The Life of the Re nowned John Eliot ; A Person justly Famous in the Church of God, Not. only as an Eminent Christian, and an Excellent Minister, among the English, But also. As a Memorable Evan gelist among the Indians, of New-England ; With some Account concerning the late, and strange Success of the Gospel, in those parts of the World, which for many Ages have lain Buried in Pagan Ignorance. Written by Cot ton Mather. Boston, Printed by Benjamin Harris, and John Allen, for Joseph Brunning at the corner of the Prison-Lane. 1691 Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 327. Shepard, Thomas. The First Principles of the Oracles of God Collected by Thomas Shepard, Formerly of Emanuel College in Cambridge in England : afterwards Minister of Cambridge in New-England. Boston : Printed and Sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-street 1747. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 94 328. Hill, Thomas. The Young Secretary's Guide : or A speedy help to Learning. In Two Parts. Part I. Containing the most curious Art of In diting familiar Letters, relating to Business in Merchandise, Trade, Correspondence, Famil iarity, Friendship, and on all occasions : also Instructions for Directing, Superscribing and Subscribing of Letters with due Respect to the Titles of Persons of Quality and others : Rules for Pointing and Capitalling in Writing, &c. Likewise a short English Dictionary, Explain ing hard Words. Part II. Containing the nature of Writings Obligatory, &c. With Ex amples of Bonds, Bills, Letters of Attorney, Deeds of Sale, of Mortgage, Releases, Ac quittances, Warrant of Attorney, Deeds of Gift, Assignments, Counter Security, Bills of Sale, Letters of License, Apprentices Indent ures, Bills of Exchange, & many other Writ ings made by Scriveners, &c.. With a Table of Interest Made suitable to the People of New- England. The Sixth Edition. With large and useful Additions. By Thomas Hill, Gent. Boston Reprinted for Nicholas Boone at the Bible in Cornhill, 1727. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 329. Strong, Nathaniel. England's Perfect School-Master. or Directions for exact Spelling, Reading, and Writing. Shewing how to Spell or read any Chapter in the Bible by four and twenty Words only. With Examples of most Words, from 95 one to six Sylables, both in whole Words, and also divided : With Rules how to Spell them. Also how to Spell all such Words which are alike in Sound, yet differ in their Sense and Spelling. Together with the true meaning and use of all Stops & Points to be observed by all that would Read and Write well. With a Table of Orthography, shewing how to write true English As also Variety of Pieces both of English and Latin Verse, on the most remark able Passages mentioned in Scripturre, and very useful for Writing-Schools . Lastly , Directions for Writing Letters, Acquittances, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Parcels, Bills of Debts, Bonds, &'c. How to state Accompts aright, &c. The Thirteenth Edition, much Enlarged. By Nathaniel Strong, School-Master in London : At the Hand & Pen on Great-Tower-Hill, in Red-Cow Alley. Boston in N. E. Reprinted for N. Buttolph B. Eliot, and D. Henchman and Sold at their Shops 1720. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 330. A short Introduction to the Latin Tongue : For the use of the Lower Forms in the Latin School ; Being the Accidence, abridged and compiled in that most easy and accurate method, wherein the famous Mr. Ezekiel Cheever taught, and which he found the most advantageous, by seventy years experience. To which is added, A Cat alogue of Irregular Nouns and Verbs, Disposed 96 Alphabetically. The Eighteenth Edition. Printed by John My call, for E. Battelle, and sold by them at their shops in Boston and New- bury-port. M,DCC,LXXXV. Lent by Mr. George E. Littlefield. 334. Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England, Composed in three Bookes. The first Booke setting forth the originall of the Natives, their Manners and Customes, together with their tractable Nature and Love towards the English. The second Booke setting forth the naturall Indowments of the Country, and what staple Commodities it yealdeth. The third Booke setting forth, what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable acci dents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their Tenents and practice of their Church. Written by Thomas Morton of Cliffords Inne gent, upon tenne years knowl edge and experiment of the Country. Printed at Amsterdam, By Jacob Frederick Stam In the Yeare 1637. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 335. Morton, Nathaniel. New-Englands Memoriall : or, A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England in America ; With special Reference to the first 97 Colony thereof. Called New-Plimouth. As also a Nomination of divers of the most Emi nent Instruments deceased, both of Church and Common-wealth, improved in the first begin ning and after-progress of sundry of the respec tive Jurisdictions in those Parts ; in referance unto sundry Exemplary Passages of their Lives and the time of their Death. Published for the Use and Benefit of the present and future Gen erations, By Nathaniel Morton, Secretary to the Court of Jurisdiction of New-Plimouth. Cambridge : Printed by S. G. & M. J. for John Usher of Boston 1669. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 336. Mather, Cotton. The Wonders of the Invisible World : Being an Account of the Tryalls of Several Witches, Lately Executed in New- England : And of several remarkable Curiosities therein Occuring. Together with, I Obser vations upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. II A short Narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of Witches in Swede-land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. Ill Some Councels directing a due Improvement of the Terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing Range of Evil-Spiri(ts) in New-England. IV A brief Discourse upon those Temptations which are the more ordinary Devices of Satan. By Cot ton Mather. Published by the Special Com- 98 mand of his Excellency the Governour of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England. Printed first, at Bostun in New- England : and Reprinted at London, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. 1693. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 337. Wigglesworth, Michael. The Day of Doom : or, A Poetical Description of The Great and Last Judgement, with A Short Discourse about Eternity. By Michael Wigglesworth, Teacher of the Church at Maldon in N. E. The Fifth Edition enlarged with Scripture and Marginal Notes. Boston : Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot, at his Shop under the West End of the Town-House. 1701 Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 338. Mather, Cotton. Parentator. Memoirs of Remark- ables in the Life and the Death of the Ever- Memorable Dr. Increase Mather. Who Expired, August 23, 1723. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nathaniel Belknap, at the Corner of Scarlets-Wharff. 1724. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 339. Symmes, Thomas. LovewellLamented.or, a Sermon Occasion'd by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Love well And Several of his Valiant Company, In the late Heroic Action at Piggwacket. Pro- 99 nounc'd at Bradford, May 16, 1725 By Thomas Symmes, V.D.M. Boston in New-England : Printed by B. Green Junr. for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill. 1725. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 340. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana : or the Ecclesiastical History of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. I. Antiquities : In Seven Chapters. With an Appendix. II. Containing the Lives of the Governours, and the Names of the Magistrates of New-England : In Thirteen Chapters. With an Appendix. III. The Lives of Sixty Famous Divines, by whose Ministry the Churches of New-England have been Planted and Con tinued. IV. An Account of the University of Cambridge in New-England ; in Two Parts. The First contains the Laws, the Benefactors, and Vicissitudes of Harvard College ; with Re marks upon it. The Second Part contains the Lives of some Eminent Persons Educated in it. V. Acts and Monuments of the Faith and Order in the Churches of New-England, passed in their Synods; with Historical Remarks upon those Venerable Assemblies ; and a great Variety of Church-Cases occurring, and resolved by the Synods of those Churches : In Four Parts. VI. A Faithful Record of many Illustrious, Wonderful Providences, both of Mercies and 100 Judgements, on divers Persons in New-Eng land. In Eight Chapters. VII. The Wars of the Lord. Being an History of the Mani fold Afflictions and Disturbances of the Churches in New-England, fromtheir Various Adversaries, and the Wonderful Methods and Mercies of God in their Deliverance : In Six Chapters : To which is subjoined. An Appendix of Remark able Occurrences which New-England had in the Wars with the Indian Salvages, from the Year 1688, to the Year 1698. By the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, M.A. And Pastor of the North Church in Boston, New-England. London Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible andThree Crownsin Cheapside. MDCCII. Lent by Mr. Frederick L. Gay. 431. Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley of Bos ton, in New England. London. Printed for A. Bell, Bookseller, Aldgate ; and sold by Messrs. Cox and Berry, King-Street, Boston, M D CCLXXIII. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 432. Mather, Increase. KOMH TOT POI A or a Dis course Concerning Comets ; wherein the Nature of the Blazing Stars is Enquired into : With an Historical Account of all of the Comets which have appeared from the Beginning of the World unto this present Year , M . D . C . LXXXIII . Ex- 101 pressing The Place in the Heavens, where they were seen. Their Motion, Forms, Duration ; and the Remarkable Events which have followed in the World, so far as they have been by Learned Men Observed. As also two Sermons Occasioned by the late Blazing Stars. By In crease Mather, Teacher of a Church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New England. Printed by S. G. for S. S. and sold by J. Browning at the corner of Prison Lane next the Town House 1683. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 433. Norton, John. The Heart of New-England Rent at the Blasphemies of the present Generation. Or a brief Tractate, Concerning the Doctrine of the Quakers, Demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to Religion, the Churches, and the State ; with consideration of the Remedy against it. Occasional Satisfaction to Objections, and Confirmation of the contrary Truth. By John Norton, Teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston, who was appointed thereunto, by the Order of the General Court. London. Printed by J. H. for John Allen at the Rising-Sunne in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1660. Lent by The Public Library of Boston. 441. Cotton, John, B.D. Gods Promise To His Planta tion. 2 Sam. 7. 10. Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and I will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their 102 owne, and move no more. As it was delivered in a Sermon, by John Cotton, B.D. and Preacher of Gods word in Boston. London, Printed by William Jones for John Bellamy, and are to be solde (Golden Lyons by the Royal Exchange 1630.) Lent by Marvard College Library. 442. Hubbard, William. A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians In New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607. to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675. and 1676 To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods In the year 1637. By W. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich. Published by Authority. Boston ; Printed by John Foster, in the year 1677. Lent by Marvard College Library. 443. Penhallow, Samuel. The History of the Wars of New-England, With the Eastern Indians, or, a Narrative Of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from the 10th of August, 1703. To the Peace renewed 13th. of July, 1713. And from the 25th. of July, 1722. To their Sub mission 15th. December, 1725. Which was Ratified August 5th. 1726. By Samuel Pen hallow, Esqr. Boston : Printed by T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish at the lower end of Cornhill, and D. Henchman over-against the Brick Meeting- House in Cornhill, 1726. Lent by Marvard College Library. 103 444. Dummer, Jeremiah. A Defence of the New-England Charters. By Jer. Dummer. London : Printed by W. Wilkins, and sold by J. Peele, at Locke's- Head in Pater-noster-Row. M D CCXXI. Lent by Marvard College Library. 445. The Redeemed Captive, Returning to Zion. A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurances, in the Captivity and the Deliverance of Mr. John Williams : Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield, Who in the Desolation which befel that Plan tation, by an Incursion of the French & Indians, was by Them carried away, with his Family, and his Neighborhood, unto Canada. Whereto there is annexed a Sermon Preached by him, upon his Return at the Lecture in Boston, Decemb. 5, 1706. On those Words, Luk. 8. 39. Return to thine own House, and shew how great Things God hath done unto thee. Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green for Samuel Phil lips, at the Brick Shop, 1707. Lent by Marvard College Library. 446. Otis, James. The Rudiments of Latin Prosody : with A Dissertation on Letters, and the Prin cipals of Harmony, in Poetic and Prosaic Com position. Collected from some of the Best Writers. Boston. N. E. Printed and Sold by Benj. Mecom, at the New Printing-Office, near the Town-House, M, DCC, LX. Lent by Marvard College Library. 104 447. Bayley, Nathan. English and Latine Exercises for School-Boys Comprising all the Rules of Syn- taxis with Explanations, and other necessary Observations on each Rule, and shewing The Genitive Case, and Gender of Nouns and Pro- nowns ; as also the P perfect Tense, Supine, and Conjuga(tion) of Verbs. Answering Per fectly to the Design of Mr. Gar . . . ai)d Hermes Romanus, in bringing on Learners most gradually and exped(it)ously to the Translating of Engl(ish . . . Latine. By N. Bayley, Schoolmaster. The Fifth Edition, newly Im- prov'd and Revis'd by several Hands. Boston : Printed by T. Fleet, for the Booksellers & Sold at their Shops. 1720 Lent by Harvard College Library. 448. Culman, Leonard. Sententiae Pueriles Anglo Latinae, Quas e diversis authoribus elim colle- gerat, Leonardus Culman ; Et in Vernaculum Sermonem nuperrime transtulit, Carolus Hoole : Pro primis Latinae Linguae Tyronibus. Sentences for Children, English and Latin. Col lected out of sundry Authors long since. By Leonard Culman : And now Translated into English By Charles Hoole : For the First Entrers into Latin. Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1702. Lent by Harvard College Library. 105 449. Mather, Increase. An Essay For the Recording of Illustrious Providences, Wherein an Account is given of many Remarkable and very Memorable Events, which have happened in this last Age ; Especially in New-England. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church at Boston in New- England. Boston in New England Printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning. And are to be sold at his Shop at the corner of the Prison Lane. 1684 Lent by Marvard College Library. 450. Church, Thomas. The Entertaining History of King Philip's War, Which began in the Month of June, 1675. as also of Expeditions more lately made Against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern Parts of New-England : With some Account of the Divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church : By Thomas Church Esq. his Son. The Second Edition. Boston : Printed, 1716. Newport, Rhode Island : Reprinted and Sold by Solomon South- wick, in Queen-Street, 1772 Lent by Marvard College Library. 451 . Mather, Increase. A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New-England. From June 24. 1675. (when the first Englishman was Murdered by the Indians) to August 12, 1676. when Philip, ahas Metacomet, the princ(i)pal Author and Beginner of the War, was slain. Wherein the 106 Grounds, Beginning, and Progress of the War, is summarily expressed. Together with a seri ous Exhortation to the Inhabitants of that Land. By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church of Christ, in Boston in New-England. London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, according to the Original Copy Printed in New-England 1676. Lent by Harvard College Library. 452. Mather, Increase. The Life and Death of That Reverend Man of God, Mr. Richard Mather, Teacher of the Church in Dorchester in New- England. Cambridge : Printed by S. G. and M. F. 1670. Lent by Harvard College Library. 453. Hodder, James. Hodder's Arithmetick : Or, That Necessary Art Made most Easy. Being ex plained in a way familiar to the Capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. By James Hodder, Writing- Master. The Twenty Eighth Edition, Revised, Augmented, and above a Thousand Faults Amended, by Henry Mose late Servant and Successor to the Author London : Printed for N. & M. Bod- dington at the Golden Ball in Duck Lane ; B. Tooke, at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet- Street ; D. Midwinter, at the Three Crowns and B. Cowse, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard 1719. Lent by Harvard College Library. 107 454. Pietas et gratulatio coUegii cantabrigiensis apud novanglos. Bostoni-Massachusettensium Typis J. Green & J. Russell MDCCLXI. Lent by Marvard College Library. 506. Willard, Samuel. A Compleat Body of Divinity in Two Hundred and Fifty Expository Lectures on the Assembly's Shorter Catechism Wherein The Doctrines of the Christian Re ligion are unfolded, their Truth confirmed, their Excellence display 'd, their Usefulness improv'd ; confrary Errors & Vices refuted & expos'd, Objections answer'd. Controversies settled. Cases of Conscience resolv'd ; and a great Light thereby reflected on the present Age. By the Reverend & Learned Samuel Willard, M. A. Late Pastor of the South Church in Boston, and Vice-President of Harvard College in Cam bridge, in New-England. Prefac'd by the Pastors of the same Church. Boston in New England : Printed by B. Green and S. Knee land for B. Eliot and D. Henchman, and Sold at their Shops. MDCCXXVI. Lent by Mr. Joseph Willard. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08954 1636 V''::Sf