/ tp, **£?* ^i4tiL ^ \N?H 7 c ^sJzv .. mm, v\k ^6 m$[ x| 7- f A* v 4 DE CLARATION MA N I°FRE S T O, VVhcrein the Roman Imperiall Majefly makes known to the States StPeers ofHungark, what reafons and motives have compelled him to ^.proceed in open Wane againft the Prince of Transylvania. VVhereby alfo His Imperiall Majefly admoniflieth them to a due confideration of their Loyaltie and Obedience, as alfo to a zea lous and joynt oppofition againft the faid Prince o£ TrMtfilvama, bearing date the 23. of February, 1644. Printed according to Order for B,Blackmr<^, M DC xz,m (I) ThzManifeJlo or ggg otC 5l)j F %Sb SfesJ»/S) SJjfi «= ^EtN^E" E RD I N A N D the third by the grace of God Elected Roman Em- perouroi Germanif, Hungary, Bo hemia , Dtlmatia , Croatia and Sclavonia, King, Arch-Duke of Auflria, Duke oiBurgundie, Slj- ria,Karndten anl Craitte, Marquis of Moravia^ Count of Tyr oil and Govt**} d-c.Toall and every one of our wet beloved amdloyalPrekts, Nobles, Barons, Knights, Gentle men, and all other States and Peeres of our Kingdorne of Hun gary and other Provinces belonging thereunto,Greeting. With, what fatherly care ever fince wee begun to enter in to our Royall Government, we have continually ftrived, that this our herebefore much afflifted Kingdom e afHmgarie, as a wall and Bull wark to Chriftendomein thefe mod.r.ie heavy troubles and diftradions,might be preferved in a g&od cenditi- on,peacc and tranquillity, is not unknown ts any ef ©arloyall Subjects ef the faid Kingdg me : to which end alio jn thefe Ut- A 3 ter tcryeares we h*ve of fet purpofe entred into peaceable treaties with the#u5rleVafid' ad^atM'noflvrrigrthat 'hlth^beeri advanta geous and ferviceable to theprefervatiou of a firm peace, fafety or tranquility of the Kirigdome. But irr the meane time the Prince of Tranfjlvania, Giorge.F agocz.it, unknowne to Us, what htath caufed.and moved Him hereunto,hatb,luficred Him- felfe to be feduced;that, thbugfi We for our part have given un to Him not any caufe or occafion hereunto,He notwithstanding hath entred into a moft dangerous and molt pernitious league with Our enemies the Swedes and. French,that He thereby alfo might highly endanger this Our Kingdom o(H$t»garie} which hitherto through GoJs mercy hath fate in peace and quietnefle, and draw,and involve the fame in this heavy warre, wherewith diverfe Countries in Chriftendomc are now over whelmed, yea fofarrealfo, that prefently in the beginning of the aforefaid league He did not ftickupon it to pawne byway ofpromife Histwofonnts, that all the day es of His life He would further and advance with all his ftrength and power the profit,wellfare and benefit of the Confederates ; whereof the letters and trea ties, that paffed betwixt Them by Gods fpeciall mercy and providence are come to Our hands and are ftill with Us in originall ; By which principally and moll clearly appeareth, with what earntftnefle , as alfo with , what high promifes. , and pref.nrs, as well alfo through perfwa- fion of the AmbalTadours of Our publick enemies and Rebells, He hath follicited theTurke for Hisaffent and approbation,that He firft of all might invade Hrtngarie ,*nd then afterwards fome other of Our Countries, fubdue Ourloyall Subjects in a War like manner, extreamelyafrli&them,, and thereby difturbe and dtftioy the common peace and tranquillity : He hath tied and bound Himfelf alfo fo fall to His Fellow Confederates, that neither He, nor His Succeffours, neither the States and Peeres of TrartfylvaniajyuT alfo the Inhabitants of Hungary, that take His part,(hall have any power to enter into any treaty with Us or conclude any Peace or ceflation of Arrays without the knowledge and confent of all the Confederates, promifing withal), not onely to introduce into Hungary the Swedes, and their hoftile. Army, but alfo to deliver over into their hands cer- taine tame places>efpecially our Cities of Jirna and fresbmg, which places are ordained for the prefervationof the Crown of the Kingdom, infomuch that highly is to be feared.that thereby the glorious and precious treafure of that Crowne, which hitherto hath been preferved and protected with fo much blood of the Hungarians may fall intoftrangers hands and betranfported o- vtr fca into a ftrange Country. That He alfo may involve this. Kingdome.and Himfelf yet deeper into this heavy fire of War, He did not ftick alfo upon it topromiie, that as often as Our enemies fhould be invaded in a warlike manner, as often He together with His Confederates flbould be bound to take up armes,and faithfully to afiiftthem, as necelfify fhould require : He declares Himfclfe thereby further, that His principall defire is to fall upon Us and Our loyall Subjects in a warlike manner, and to /oyne with His forces to the enemies forces in the King- dome it felf. AH which and yet much more largely appeareth, as well by the Articles of the league, (the acceptation and con firmation whereof the faid Prince with much opportunity de- fires of both the Crownes Trance and Sweden) as by the Princes, Mailer Bifterfields, and other our enemies letters. Whereby the mofl pernitious defigne of the faid Prince is come to light how He namely forgetting all duty to the Native Country intends to kindle a fire to the ruine of the Country,' to difturbe the Common peace and tranquillity of Our loyall SubjecTrs, to fet the Tranfylvanians and Hungarians by the eares together for to deftroy one another themfelves with their own fword$,and thus to draw the Hungarian Nation,which in former overthrowes hath already been weakened verymuch,in- to a Civill Warre, and to the flaedding of their own blood and of their own kindred. Hereby appeareth alfo the great ingra titude of the aforefaid Prince of Tranfylvama to Us and Our Illuftrious Houfe of A*ftria,fiom whichHis Predeceflburs have received great benefits and priviledges, whereas they were not ontly railed from a low condition to Honour and Dignity j but alfo his Fatner Sigismnnd Ragtczii was richly rewarded, and had.beftewed cpon him large dominions and lands, yea this Prince himfelf had bellowed upon him the moll rich and fairs Dominion of Monchatz., and other piefents *. But to paffe by A % all (A) all thefe things,yet contrary to allDivine and Humane right,his faith, troth, corporall oath, and his own bonds and obligations (wherein He more then once bound Himfelfeto Us and Our CrowneJI He hath entred with others in an agreement and league,as well to the great prejudice and dammage to His own Countrymen and Hungarian Nation, as to Our and the King* domes, yea alfo the Countries of Tranfylvania: And firil againft Our felves, whereas He hath promifed to invade in a hoftile manner not onely Our Kingdome of Hungarie, but alfo others of Our hereditary Countries and Kingdames, andtacenquer them: And then alfo againft the Hungarian Natioa it felf, be- caufe the rifing of an Inlandifh Prince and the taking up of armes will produce nothing elfe but their utter ruine and de finition : Further alfo againft the Kingdomcs Rights , and Priviledges/whereas He hath fought to include the inhabitants without their knowledge and confent in his fecret league and confederacy,and under a pretenfe of their names to make agree ments : Nolfifle ajfoto the prejudice of the Country of Tran- fyhania it felf, which by thefe fecret treaties and agreements with Our and the Crownes enemies He putpofeth to make it wholy fubjicl and hereditary unto Htnifelfv For ,He hath brought the two Crownes France and Sweden (o farre,that they have promifed to grot eel by force all his Heires andSucceflburs in the PriHdpalityofZra^/zwM^albeitlongagoc a free ele ction was promifed to the Tranfjlvanians. Herewith not yetbei>gfau$fied,the faid Prince hath labour ed with all his ftrength, and confiderable prefents and fummes ofmony toannullandtomakevoid the peace with the Em- perour of Turfy, ("which hath been hitherto obtained with fo great charges,paine6 and fo much blood, and hitherto alfo with muchadoe prcferved) and to movetheTurkesto the breaking thereofto the hazard and great'dammage of the Kingdome of Hu»g4rie,tnd his own Nation. Of all which calaroitie, as alfo fr>edding of Chriftian blood* ruineof the Countrie, hazard of Hungarie^nd other inconveniences,whichufe to rife and piing out of the like infurr eft ions, there is no other eaufe but the pri vate afic&iona and the Princes untimely pride and haughtinefle. At AS for Us,We p?*>teu befoveGod and the whole worId,that to thefe troubles We have given no caufe to the Prince, but that WefeekanddtfirenothingeHie, but the preftrvation and up holding of Our Royall Right, (which We have received from God) and protection of Our loyall Snb/e&s, which God hath put to Our truft, ' and that to all thefe things We are provoked end forced. Declaring further, and withall afiuring all Our loving and loyallSub/efts and Inhabitants of the Kingdome, that by this taking up of armes, and introduction of a fuccour of German forces We aime at nothing elfe, but that after dri- vingoutofallOur enemies, and laying down of armes, yeebe reduced, your former peafce and tranquillity, and thereby all Spates and Peeres of the Kingdome may continue without di minution in the enjoying of the Rights and Privilcdgcs, And hereupon We gracioufly admonifh and exhort all our faid Kingdoires,Prelates,Earles, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Cities, Provinces and Frontier Towne«,as alfo the Hey ducks and Souldlers, that they will continue firme andftedfaft in the loyalty and obedience which next unto God they owe unto Us and theKingd6meof Hungarie, and not take partunder any title or pretenfe with the faid Prince, much leffe yeeld to his obeyfance/Brit rather valiantly take armes in hand,oppofe Him in all.piaccs andtimts,beate Him back, and thereby ftiewunto Us with ufrwearyed care and with undaunted courage all due obedience. But if there be fome, that hitherto being compel led by force or f eare have been fickle in their loyalty, and adhe red the faid Prince,thofe we will receive infaveuragain,andac- cufe them of no difioyalty, if they do turne but in tithe, come a- way from the adverfary party, yeeld again to Our due obedi- ence,fervice,and loyalty ,and prefent themfelves to our trufty and well beloved the Right Honourable Count Nicalao, Eflerhafi of GW^wffc^ Palatirieof our above named Kingdome of Hun gary, ox to our Military Generalls. But thofc that will not ob- j ferve neither the Diyjne Juftice nor the due obedience towards their Kin.^ but go on in their obffinacy, and boldnefle, adhere % yet further to ihe Prince not depart from Him, and thus neglect their obedience towards Us, th^fhallbe Proclaimed publick '¦''•¦* * enemies (6) enemies to their native Country, and that they fhall fall into our Imperiall difgrace, and by force of , our armes be fcVerely punifoed according to their demerits. But the States and Fel ls w Members of the Country of Tran/jjvama,whh whom We and Our Kingdome of Hung ary by many treaties of peace and firme leagues are tiedfaftoneto another, We admoniih of their faith and troth, and obligations in writing moft gracioufly, that they will wholly abftaine from all hoftility againft the Kingdome and ourloy all fubjefts, and in no way undertake to invade our Countries,but rather keep firme the agreement s>and thus not draw upon themfelves a ruinous war, and involve themfelves perhaps meerely in regard of their privat profit, fa vour or hate into the moil dangerous tempeftof war, which ftormes as yet heavily at Chriftendome. For we perceive, that principally in regard of force and feare of their Prince they are fallen into thefe troubles out of which they may eafily efcape a- gain, if they do turne but without delay, and by laying down of armes rcturne home to their own and betake themfelves to peace and quietnefle, and then all their tranfgreflion and fault Ihall rather be afcribed to the oppreffion of their Prince, then to their feverall contrary opinions and inclinations. Given in our Auftrian City. e/Vienna the 23 . day ^"February in , the jeare of Our Lord God 1 644. Of Our Raigne of the Ro- ¦ man Empire the eight, of the Hungarian and the reft the 19, But of Our Bohemian the 1 8. jeare. Ferdinand. Stephanus BoiThiack £/*#.• Efife: Vefprinicnfis Cancellarius^ Georgius Orofly secretmut, F 1 5VC / s. * «vV\\\ r>^^ ¦^ar* '$ % in JNsjVs.