"ligu/eOveff Books for iiefcmfitimg-efa. Calj>eg-& in-ihtz Colore0 Bought with the income of the Alfred E. Perkins Fund, 19il~ The Index Library . CALENDAR OF WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS IN THE COURT OF THE ARCHDEACON OF (PARTS I and II, WILLS ONLY), 1537-1799- EDITED BY EDWARD ALEXANDER FRY 3Lcmt>on : ISSUED TO THE SUBSCRIBERS BY C^e TBrtti0^ EecorD ^otizty, LtmtteD, 1912. ftt)e gn&ejc library, GENERAL EDITOR . . . T. M. BLAGG, F.S.A. TAUNTON WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS (PARTS I and II, WILLS ONLY), i 537-1799- ISSUED BY C^e TBrtti^ ISecorn ^ocietr, limited. [XLV.] PREFAC E The official Registers and Calendars of Wills and Administra tions recorded in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton and now preserved at the Probate Registry at Taunton may be classed in three Parts as follows : — PART I Contains nine volumes of Registered Wills ranging from 1537 to 1593 (amongst which are a few Administrations). For want of proper covers they had become much frayed and illegible, and pages both at the beginning and end of several of the volumes have been lost. The attention of the Registrar having been called to their neglected state, new covers have been recently supplied, and it is hoped that further damage has been arrested. There were no means of ascertaining what these Registers contained until the BRITISH RECORD SOCIETY undertook to page the volumes and calendar them, and the First Part of the Calendar now printed in this volume will now enable their contents to be utilised. The dates comprised in each volume are given below, and show that many years are missing either at the beginning or end of several of them. Many of the wills having no date of probate, the year the will was made is taken instead. These wills are referred to by the volume and the page. Vol. I comprises 15 37-1 550. Vol. II comprises I557-I558- Vol. Ill comprises 1559-1560. Vol. IV comprises 1 561- 1562. 54 pages have evidently been lost from the beginning of this volume, containing wills proved in 1 561. It has been repaged as it now exists. ii TAUNTON WILLS. Vol. V comprises 1572-1580. The first 60 pages have disappeared, and their loss may perhaps account for the entire gap of 10 years between vols. 4 and 5. On page 492 is a small portion of a will, but with no name visible. 4 pages between pages 58 and 59, 8 pages between pages 80 and 8i, 8 pages between pages 399 and 400, and 24 pages between pages 492 and 493 as now numbered are missing. Vol. VI comprises 1 581-1586. Between pages 94 and 95 as now numbered, a leaf has been torn out. Pages 130 and 131 and 6"j6 to 682 are blank. Vol. VII comprises 1 587-1 588. This volume now ends at page 192, the latter half of a will written thereon being missing, together probably with wills for the years 1 588—1 591. Vol. VIII comprises 1592. Pages 220-228 are blank. Vol. IX comprises 1593. What remains of page 101 (on apparently the last leaf ofthe book) has at the top what may have been, from the few words visible, the remainder of the will of Richard Harris on page 78. If so, pages now numbered 79-100 should have come earlier, but as they contain no incomplete wills it makes little difference. Wills for 1594 and 1595 are unaccounted for. PART II. With Vol. IX the transcripts of wills end, and we are without any further wills till the year 1610. The old calendars, however, begin in 1596. Evidently the wills and administrations and inventories were originally kept on 10 files (as some of the wills now in existence are still), for the calendar states " Fila prima," " Fila secunda," up to "Fila decima." File 1 contained Wills and Administrations for the years 1603, 1604. » 2 » „ 1597, 1598, 1600, 1601. » 3 i> „ 1600-1602. >i 4 ., „ 1605. » 5 ,. „ 1604 for the most part. » 6 » „ 1600-1604. » 7 " v 1598, 1599- » 8 " » 1597- u 9 )> „ 1600, 1601. » IO " » 1596. PREFACE. iii The wills were all numbered, but the administrations were not. They are identified in Part II of this printed Calendar by i, 2, 3, to 10, and the number on the file. Some remarks as to the Administrations on these files will be found in Part III. A calendar for a regular series of wills from 1607 to 1646, both inclusive, now commences, which are identified in Part II by the year and their numbers in that year. It is not, however, till 1610 that any original will is to be found ; all previous to this year are therefore starred (*), which indicates that the document is not in existence. Then there is a list of wills originally kept on a file for the years 1619, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1626, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645. They are identified in Part II by the figure 11 and a number, but as no document of this file now exists they are all starred (*). Following this is a list of wills for the years 1647, l648, and 1649; nearly all these are in existence, and are identified in Part II by a figure 12 and a number. There is now a chasm (as is usual in all the provincial Probate Courts) from about 1652 to 1660, during which period all local wills were proved in London. The next calendar has no cover, and commences at one end with wills from 1660 to 1730. The other end has administrations from 1690 to 1728, which are contained in Part III. It should be remarked that the year 1660 contains many documents dated previous to that year (see dates within brackets), and it is conjectured that during the unsettled period of the Commonwealth these documents were not dealt with in any way, and only formally proved when things had settled down to a more normal condition in 1660. Another calendar without cover contains at one end a list of wills from 173 1 to 1770, all numbered, with administrations from 1729 to 1770 at the other. Another calendar, with a cover, contains a list of wills from 1 77 1 to 1 8 14, all numbered, and at the other end administrations from 1771 to 1 815. The calendar as here printed stops at 1799. From this point there are calendars till the present day. iv TAUNTON WILLS. There are several bundles of miscellaneous wills and adminis trations. One, identified as No. 13, contained at one time as many as 284 wills, ranging from 161 1 to 1765, but it was found on closer examination that nearly all of them belonged to the general series, and they have therefore been replaced in their respective years. A few unidentified documents, however, still remain. Another bundle of wills, inventories, acts of court, etc., called No. 14, contains 336 documents, but many are fragmentary, and as the time necessary to ascertain to which will or administration the inventories belong (for there is scarcely anything but the date to serve as a guide) would have been enormous, we have been compelled to leave them still unplaced. A calendar of wills beginning with 1610 and ending 1649 has been made in recent years of wills in existence, but it is now superseded by this printed one. PART III. Part III consists of administrations. The earliest are to be found scattered about in the 9 volumes of Registered Wills, between the years 1537 and 1593, and are calendared in Part I. The next occur in the lists of the 10 files and at the ends of the calendars of the regular series of wills as stated in Part II, but though the names appear in these calendars the documents themselves commence only at 1700 (except for the years 1643- 1644), so that all previous to 1700 are starred (*), which signifies that they are not now in existence. The Peculiar of Ilminster. The only Peculiar in the Archdeaconry of Taunton whose documents are preserved here is that of Ilminster. The earliest document is dated 1690, and they continue till the ist January, 1858, when an Act of the previous year entitled " An Act to amend the law relating to Probates and Letters of Administration in PREFACE. England" (20-21 (1857) Victoria, cap. 77) came into force and abolished Peculiars and Manorial Courts. A list of Wills in this Peculiar is printed in this volume. The Peculiar of Wivilescombe. There were at one time at Taunton a number of Wills and Administrations relating to the Peculiar of Wivilescombe. At some period or other, probably in 1858, they were transferred to the Registry at Wells, but apparently some were overlooked, and it is under consideration whether the few remaining here had not better be sent to Wells where the bulk of them now is. The plan adopted in making the lexicographical Calendar of Unregistered Wills and Administrations in Parts II and III was first of all to copy the original calendars, which begin at 1596, right away to 1799. When this was done the files and bundles were examined and ticked off on the newly made calendar. In course of this examination it was found that many docu ments had got misplaced in their respective bundles, many were altogether missing, whilst others were found which had not been calendared at all. To those missing an asterisk (*) has been put in the calendar, and since no original will is in existence previous to 1610, and no original administration previous to 1700 (except for the years 1643 and 1644), the large number of those so marked with an asterisk is accounted for. It is evidence of a negative kind that persons died about the year indicated, and may very likely be useful on this account. When this heavy work of identification was completed the manuscript calendar was cut up, sorted, and finally pasted on sheets ready for the printer. Institutions to benefices and marriage licences were numbered and left in the bundles in which they were found, and by means VI TAUNTON WILLS. of the separate lists at the end these documents can now be readily referred to. The original numbering of the wills was discontinued after 1730, and of the administrations after 1728, but now every document is numbered. At the end of the bundle of administrations for 1720 is a copy of the Parish Register of Brushford for the year 1690, containing christenings, marriages, and burials. In conclusion, the best thanks of the Society must be accorded to the President of the Probate Division for permission to print the Calendar, and also to the local registrar, Mr. Alms, and his clerks for many and great facilities given whilst preparing the same. Edw. Alex. Fry. Calenbar OF Mills anb administrations IN THE Court of tbe Hrcbbeacon of ftaunton. PART I. WILLS IN REGISTERS 1537-1 593- Year. Vol. Foi. dated 1540 I 144 1561 4 I 1566 4 214 dated 1 547 1 40S 1588 7 154 1588 7 152 dated 1538 i 19 1565 4 132 1559 3 6 1558 2 88 1577 5 291 1584 6 34i dated 1541 1 250 1565 4 113 dated 1540 l 171 1560 3 170 1586 6 656 1577 5 332 dated 1559 3 97 dated 1576 5 318 1577 5 316 1582 6 153 1592 8 '37 1561 4 9 1549 1 486 1584 6 310 1557 2 64 1 574 5 124 1557 2 42 i5§3 6 296 John, Stokegurseye (surname illegible) Exford „ „ Abcombe, Bonnde als., see Bonnde als. Abcombe. Abevan, William, Lydyard St. Lawrence Acastell, John, Northpetherton Acklande, Roger, gent., Corfe (and Exeter) Acton, Philip, Doneyeat Adam, Philippe, Stokegumber „ Richard, Dunster „ Thomas, St. Mary, Taunton „ WiUyam, Samforde britt Adams, Adames, Henry, Withill „ John, Brudgewater „ Jone, Brodeway „ William, Brodewaye Aish, see Ash. Albart, Agnes, Dunster Albud, Joan, widow, Cutcomb Aldercot, Silvester, Dunster Alderman, Jone, Lawrence Lydiard Alford, Alexander, clerk, Whitestanton „ Anthony, Whitstanton „ Joane, widow, He Abbott „ John, Swell „ Richard, Whitstanton Allen, Joane, widow, Bridgwater „ Jone, Kingston ,, Allin, John, Hillbishoppe „ John, Wembdon „ Alen, Nicolaus, Horseye „ Thomas, Kingston Taunton Wills. Allen, Alyn, William, Bowre in parish Brudgewater „ William, Bridgwater „ Allyn, William, Bridgwater „ Chilpath als., see Chilpath als. Allen. Aller, George, Withicombe „ John, Withicombe Allercote, John, Dunster Allinge, John, Pitmister Alvyne, Agnes, Pitmister „ Alvyn, Agnes, Pitmister „ Alvyn, Giles, Pitmister „ Alvyn, Joane, Pitmister „ Katheryn, Pytmister ,, Alvin, Chilpath als., see Chilpath als. Alvin. Alwey, Jone, Wellington Alwyn, Agnys, Trull „ John, Trull Ambridge, John, Swell Ambrosse, Alice, Estquantoxhed „ Ambros, Christover, Estquantokshed „ Hughe, Eastquantoxhed „ Ambros, John, Estquantokshed Americke, Willyam, St. James, Taunton Andersey, John, Northepetherton „ Anderseye, William, Northepetherton „ William, Curryryvell „ William, Northpetherton Andras als. Uppington, Thomas, Luccombe Andrews, Cooke als., see Cooke als. Andrews. Androwe, Richard, Linge „ Androw, William, Stokelinche „ Androw, William, Bridgwater Anger, Alse, widow, Stokegursey Anthony, Stodden als., see Stodden als. Anthony. Antony, Willyam, Canington Aplen, John, Hylbushoppe „ Applyn, Jone, widow, Hilbusshoppes „ Raphe, Tallinton „ Richard, widower, Henlade, parish of Ryston „ Applen, Robert, Ryston „ Applyn, Robert, Buckland Mary „ Apline, Thomas, Bradford „ Applen, William, Staple Fitzpaine Aplie als. Pitte, John, Badialton ,, Aplye, Nicholas, Aishebretell Apowell, John, Creche ,, John, Stokegursie „ Appowell, Robert, Stokegurseye „ Appowell, Thomas, St. Mary, Tanton Apperlye, Robert, Aishbretell Aprice, Lewis, Bicknoller Apuldore, John, Miluerton Archdeacon als. Hoper, Richard, Enmer Arme, Thomas, Barrington Armestronge, George, Overstoye „ Armestronnge, John, Spaxsone Arnell, Alice, Luccomb Arnolde, John, Luccombe Arnoll, Andrew, Kilton „ David, Withell „ John, Treborowe dated ¦ 1539 1 114 1548 1 495 1550 1 640 1581 6 SS 1581 6 45 1558 2 153 1577 5 307 1559 3 37 1572 5 46 1572 5 33 1572 5 '3 1558 2 198 1559 3 83 1551 1 579 dated 1540 1 215 '557 2 62 1583 6 25S 1546 1 34i 1592 8 178 1562 4 40 1575 5 225 1577 5 33i dated 1542 1 233 1558 2 167 1587 7 28 1592 8 120 1550 1 655 dated 1542 1 225 1550 1 637 dated 1542 1 23i 1582 6 125 1560 3 151 1560 3 179 dated 1545 1 35° dated 1542 1 217 dated 1541 1 187 1560 3 172 1560 3 129 1585 6 463 1562 4 38 1558 2 229 1557 2 49 1565 4 94 dated 1538 1 65 1560 3 121 1558 2 27S 1573 5 84 1573 5 60 1581 6 3 1581 6 9 1587 7 87 '593 9 25 1585 6 452 1573 5 84 1593 9 72 1581 6 39 1558 2 277 Taunton Wills. Arter, Artor, Alice, Ouerstowey „ John, Aisholt „ John, Westquantokshed „ Richard, Westquantokshed Ashcombe, Ayshecombe, Robert, Kyngston „ Ashecombe, William, Myluerton Ashe, Alice, widow, Northepetherton „ Ayshe, Christopher, Stokegurseye „ Edward, Minhed „ Asshe, Elizabeth, widow, Northepetherton „ Aishe, Isabell, widow, Aisheholte „ Aishe, John, Ilmester „ John, Huntworthy „ Aishe, John, Spaxton „ Aishe, John, Northpetherton „ Aishe, John, Crewkerne „ Margaret, Stokgurseye „ Aishe, Mathew, Northepetherton „ Aishe, Richard, Canington „ Aishe, Richard, groome, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Stapull „ Asshe, Thomasyn, widow, Staple „ William, Meriet „ Aishe, William, Northepetherton „ Aishe, William, Northpetherton „ Aishe, William, miller, Meriett „ Aishe, William, Meriett Ashelford, Mark, Loponne Ashford, Aishford, Richard, Stogumber „ Aishford, Robert, Stogumber „ Aishford, Thomas, Bicknoller Ashurst, Thomas, Lenge Ashway, Aishway, Cattford als., see Cattford als. Atcomb als. Bond, John, Yleabbott Atherley, Robert, Cothelstone Atkin, Roger, Shepton bechamp „ Atkins, William, Stoke Mary Atwell, Hughe, St. Decumans Atwood, John, Dunster Aven als. Dollen, John, Currymallet Avyer, John, Stowgurseye A Wode, John, Brudgewater „ als. Pers, William, Bradford Aylerd, Robert, Moncksilver Aysh, see Ash. Babbe, Agnes, Northpetherton „ Ede, Trull „ Isbell, Hotterhampton „ Jone, widow, Stokelond gaunt „ John, Chilton „ John, Pytmester „ John, Northepetherton „ John, Durston „ John, Trull „ Marian, Trull „ Robert, Trull „ Babb, Thomas, „ William, Stokelond Bacar, Thomas, Sevington St. Michael „ William, Kytnor Michell churche 1580 5 490 1559 3 9i 1581 6 3i 1573 5 73 dated 1542 1 225 1560 3 165 1560 3 132 dated 1540 1 140 1560 3 148 1549 1 477 1558 2 204 dated 1550 1 643 1560 3 187 1562 4 74 1583 6 302 1592 8 202 1557 2 60 1586 6 584 1565 4 122 admon. 1586 6 586 dated 1545 1 321 dated 1546 1 375 dated 1538 1 9 1549 1 486 1557 2 28 dated 1567 5 98 1574 5 165 1587 7 121 1^92 8 127 1585 6 516 1577 5 306 1559 3 81 Aishway. 1560 3 '75 1587 7 88 1576 5 275 1593 9 100 dated 1547 1 445 1557 2 62 1574 5 156 dated 1539 1 111 dated i54i 1 234 dated 1541 1 1 86 1574 5 128 1557 2 39 dated 1543 1 257 dated 1542 1 232 dated 1539 1 117 dated 1539 1 106 1547 1 404 dated 1547 1 416 1565 4 87 1582 6 135 1582 6 149 dated 1538 1 43 1586 6 672 dated 1544 i 288 dated 1538 1 12 dated 1538 1 60 Taunton Wills. Bacon, Baconn, Henry, Crocombe „ Bakon, Joane, widow, Stowgursse ,, Bakon, Richard, Lynge „ Richard, Canington „ Bakon, William, Stokgursie Badcocke, George, Porlock „ Laurance, Luccombe „ Thomas, Stogurssey Bager, Harrie, Estquantockshed Bagwell, Richard, clerk, Lawrence Lidiard Bailie, Agnes, Whitstanton „ Baylie, John, St James, Taunton „ als. Brownsey, Otts, Whitstanton „ als. Milliam, Richard, Henton St. George „ Hicks als., see Hicks als. Bailie. Bake, Nicholas, Abbot lie Baken, Margaret, Crokam Baker, Agnes, widow, Creche „ Alice, Curryrivell „ Davye, Stokegumber „ Dorothie, Bridgwater „ Edithe, Donniett „ Elizabeth, widow, Sevington ,, Elsabeth, widow, Creche „ George, Canington „ Henry, priste, Stowgursaye „ Henry, Exforde ,, Harry, Spaxton „ Isote, widow, Miluerton „ Jone, Henton St. George „ Bakers, Jone, Sowthepetherton „ Joane, Nettlecombe „ Joane, widow, Withipoole „ Jone, Exford „ Jone, Exford „ John, Wethicom „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Selworthie „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Exton ,, John, Draiton „ John, Luccomb „ Marion, Criche „ Martine, Langford Budfield „ Michael, Porlock „ Richard, Milverton „ Richard, Crewkerne „ Richard, St. James, Tanton „ Robert, Duluerton „ Roger, Myluerton „ Roger, Exford „ Thomas, Nettelcombe „ Thomas, Northe cryket „ Thomas, Nynehed „ Thomasine, widow, Miluerton „ Walter, Hawkridge „ Walter, Sehvorthy „ William, Nettlecombe „ William, Ilton ,, als. Stephens, James, Stogursie „ Farrier als., see Farrier als. Baker, 1588 7 '59 1558 2 295 dated 1539 1 1 12 1562 4 48 dated 1549 1 483 1582 6 181 1578 5 380 1578 5 426 dated 1541 1 '99 1593 9 58 dated 1 541 1 227 1593 9 96 1584 6 3&4 1585 6 510 dated 1546 1 548 '551 1 582 dated '545 1 306 '559 3 3' '551 1 573 1566 4 166 [584 6 37i dated '544 1 295 '558 2 292 '574 5 165 dated '539 1 1 10 1578 5 365 '559 3 9' '557 2 5' dated '543 1 298 '565 4 100 '573 5 "3 [582 6 180 '593 8 16 '592 8 187 dated '542 1 211 '549 1 536 '565 4 116 566 4 142 [566 4 206 [576 5 270 1582 6 164 dated 547 1 3S6 [587 7 76 582 6 165 dated '542 1 222 579 5 473 584 6 335 [584 6 324 574 5 122 158! 6 23 dated [539 1 90 dated 539 1 '34 '579 5 433 dated 1584 6 36i 573 5 56 [582 6 '77 dated 539 1 9' dated 544 1 544 575 5 203 Taunton Wills. Baker, Tomsyn als., see Tomsyn als. Baker. Bale, Margaret, Luccombe „ Michael, Luccombe „ Peter, Sampford Brett „ Walter, Luccomb Balet, Richard, Northepetherton Ball, Alice, Drayton „ Christian, Staplegrove „ Elizabeth, widow, Trull „ John, Creche Ballam, John, Stockland „ Balam, Thomas, Stockland gaunt Ballorne, Thomas, Ayshebryttell Balmond, Christian, Winsford Balweye, Agnes, widow, Bridgwater Band, Bande, John, Northpetherton „ John, Bridgwater Barbye, Philippe, Enmore Barckley, John, clerk, Chilton Barens, John, St. James, Taunton Barker, Jone, widow, Lange „ Thomas, Linge Barlie, Julian, widow, Nynehed Barne, George, Stogumber „ John, Exford „ John, Withipoole ,, als. Taylor, Joane, widow, Exford Barnfeild, John, Bicknoller „ Barnefild, John, Moncksilver Baron, Jone, widow, Wethepole Barrell, James, Clotworthy Barrett, John, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Bagborough Barrington, John, Bridgwater „ William, Linge Barrowe, Thomas, St. Mary, Taunton Barstable, John, sen., Northpetherton „ Margerie, widow, Northepetherton Bartholomew, Jone, widow, Bridgwater „ Bartholmewe, Margery, Norton „ Bartholmewe, Margery, Norton „ Bartelmew, Willyam, Norton Bartiett, Agnes, widow, St. Mary, Taunton „ Bartlet, Alice, widow, Stokegurseye „ Bartlet, Alice, widow, Kilton „ Andrew, Stogumber „ Bartelett, Christofer, Bromefylde „ Bartelet, Henry, Stokegurssey „ Bartelet, Harrye, Stogurseye „ John, Enmer „ John, Stokegursie „ Bartlet, Jone, widow, Stokegursey „ Bartlet, Jone, widow, Bromfeld „ Bartelet, Robert, Kelton „ Thomas, Stogarsey „ Thomas, Stokegursie „ Bartolett, Thomas, joyner, St. Mary's, Basseter, Leonard, Swell Bassett, Edmund, Swell Bastable, Thomas, Criche Batlet, John, sen., Stogurseye 1588 7 173 155' 1 596 1592 8 4 1582 6 168 dated 1542 1 201 1588 7 179 1558 2 261 1584 6 387 dated 1538 1 45 1561 4 4 dated 1538 1 70 dated 1539 1 122 !582 6 163 '557 2 5 1583 6 285 1592 8 147 dated 1557 2 260 1592 8 192 1578 5 346 '559 3 29 1549 1 487 dated 1540 1 188 1582 6 105 1585 6 538 1586 6 600 1588 7 138 1547 1 452 1574 5 123 dated 1544 1 267 1559 3 90 1566 4 156 '557 2 68 1583 6 260 1592 8 '73 1558 2 178 1558 2 2 46,251 1558 2 256 admon. 1582 6 166 1584 6 379 1584 6 39' 1572 5 44 1582 6 188 1546 1 339 1557 2 40 1575 5 191 '558 2 184 dated 1538 1 73 dated 1544 1 283 1561 4 12 1565 4 94 1557 2 27 1559 3 52 dated 1538 1 72 1588 7 132 1547 1 468 Taunton 1586 6 59i 1592 8 194 1592 8 81 dated 1549 1 500 dated 1542 1 201 Taunton Wills. Batt, Agnes (servant to Tho. Chappell, of Barrington) „ Bat, Christyne, Northepederton ,, Bat, Jone, widow, Nynehed Batten, Battyn, Clement, Stockland Wythe „ John, Canyngton „ John, clerk, Estdolyshe „ John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Orchard „ Richard, Whitstanton „ William, Bridgwater Bauderipe, Robert, Lylstoke Bawcon, Walter, Crocome Bawdon, Annes, Wendon (incomplete) Bawdyn, John, Chilton Baudon, John, Northepetherton John, Westmonckton John, Monkesylver John, the elder, Chilton Bawdine, Tomsine, Kingsbromton Bawdripp, Joane, widow, Lilstoke Bawler, John, the elder, Hachbechampe Baydon, John, Luxeborowe „ Philippe, St. Decumans Bayne, John, Munckton Beadon, Bedon, Harrye, Crokam „ John, Crocombe „ Bedon, William, Thurloxton Beake, Jane, Angerslie „ Jone, widow, Curryrivell „ Jone, widow, Curry Rivell „ John, Curryrivell Beall, Thomas, Wynsford „ Bele, William, St. Decuman Bearde, John, Dulverton „ Beard, Maude, widow, Otterhampton „ Walter, Dunster „ Beard, Water, Dunster ,, als. Trotte, John, Ouerstowey Beare, William, Brushford Beatte, Elizabeth, Bradforde Beck, Mary, widow, Sevington Mary ,, Becke, Standley als., see Standley als. Becke. Belamye, Nicholas, Stokegumber Bellimer, Bellymer, Agnes, widow, Northpetherton „ Walter, Northpetherton Bellringer, Alice, widow, Thornefawcon „ Belringer, John, „ John, Thornefaucon „ Belringer, Robert, Thornefaucon Belpan, John, Bridgwater Bendon, Florence, Canington Bennett, Benett, Adam, Stalleye „ Benet, Alexander, Canyngton „ Bennet, Alice, Linge „ Benett, Christen, Stallye „ James, Crewkerne „ Benet, John, Tanton „ Benett, John, Stocklinch Otersey „ Benett, John, St. James, Tanton „ Benett, John, Crukehorne „ John, Linge ) 1586 6 563 dated 1540 1 194 dated 1541 1 189 1560 3 '43 155° 1 656 1560 3 175 1565 4 12S 1558 2 261 '573 5 68 1586 6 579 1558 2 110 dated '539 1 109 dated '54' 1 197 dated '540 1 168 dated '558 2 87 1558 2 225 '559 3 48 1584 6 426 1584 6 3'7 '548 1 493 dated '551 1 577 1560 3 167 '547 1 446 '559 3 52 1558 2 225 '572 5 18 1562 4 26 '574 5 168 '575 5 218 '592 8 38 1576 5 257 dated '54° 1 212 '547 1 379 '551 1 595 '592 8 216 dated '548 1 53' '548 1 53^ '559 3 92 '573 5 63 1560 3 118 '559 3 IOI '559 3 6 '572 5 11 dated '593 9 44 1586 6 622 '578 5 368 [587 7 70 '557 2 35 '557 2 82 '592 8 1 88 1557 2 59 dated '539 1 "3 1580 5 497 1557 2 78 1575 5 241 dated 1544 1 305 1562 4 34 1562 4 64 1566 4 149 dated 1584 6 33o Taunton Wills. Bennett, Benet, Jone, widow, Angerslye „ Benet, Richard, Stapull „ Richard, St. Mary, Taunton „ Benatt, Robert, Crokam „ Benett, Robert, Stalley „ Benett, Thomas, Stalleighe „ Bennet, Thomas, Taunton „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ Benet, William, Whyttestanton „ Bennet, William, „ Benotte, William, Enmer Benttlie, John, Bridgwater Berde, Margery, Duluerton „ Michael, Spaxton „ Richard, Crookern „ Berd, Robert, Luccom See also Bird, Burd, Bere, Christopher, Selworthie Berne, Robert, Exford Berye, John, Sowthpetherton „ Bery, John, Stokegursie „ Bery, Jone, widow, Stogursey „ Berie, Martyn, Northpetherton „ Berie, Richard, Northepetherton „ Berry, Water, Stokegurseye „ Berre, William, Stokegurseye Beryman, William, Canington Besse, John, Canington Best, Beste, Richard, Nynhead „ Robert, Lopon „ Beste, Thomas, Shepton Bechamp Bestleigh, Bestlighe, John, jun., Langford „ Besleighe, Sibble, Langford Budfeld „ Bestley, Thomas, Langford Budfild Bettford, Margaret, widow, Stogursey „ Richard, Henton St. George Betty, Edith, Hatchbecham „ Richard, clerk, Buckland Mary Beydon, Alice, widow, Crocombe Beyre, John, Crukehorne Biccomb, Jeffery, Stockland Bristolle „ Bickcome, John, ffydington „ Bicomb, Thomas, Otterhampton (only the name remains) „ Byckecombe, Walter, ffydington Bickham, Byckham, Jone, widow, Fydington „ Bickam, Jone, Kittisford „ Joane, widow, Moncksilver „ John, Monkesilver „ John, Monkesilver „ Robert, Muncksilver „ William, Moncksilver Bickley, Bicklye, Alice, widow, Hilfarrance „ John, Ninehed „ Bycklye, Thomas, Hilfarance Bicknell, Bycknell, Nicholas, Northepetherton „ Nicholaus, Nynehed See also Bricknell. Bictone, Robert, Spaxton Bidgood, Alice, Northpetherton „ Bidgegood, Joan, Northpetherton „ Biggood, John, Bowre in Bridgwater 1559 3 43 1560 3 182 1582 6 136 1550 1 642 '557 2 59 1565 4 95 imon. 1577 5 292 1582 6 122 dated 1541 1 224 dated 1544 1 281 1558 2 114 dated 1550 1 646 1562 4 22 dated 1558 2 258 1578 5 403 dated 1542 1 21 1 '549 1 532 1560 3 147 1558 2 165 1565 4 93 1581 6 62 1592 8 47 1547 1 423 dated '543 1 250 dated '538 1 75 1559 3 22 1559 3 68 '559 3 28 1586 6 61S 1546 1 376 1586 6 472 '557 2 6S '585 6 496 1581 6 50 1584 6 323 1580 5 482 1578 5 363 1560 3 125 '547 1 450 1583 6 292 '558 2 247 ¦emains) 5 5" 1558 2 120 '558 2 156 '559 3 8 1566 4 171 1558 2 257 '558 2 299 '55i 1 592 1566 4 177 '558 2 219 1562 4 78 '558 2 191 '547 1 423 '558 2 284 dated '538 1 74 '575 5 182 1586 6 577 '557 2 18 Taunton Wills. Bidgood, Bidgsgood, John, Northpetherton „ Bidgegood, Richard, Northpetherton „ Bydgegood, Robert, Northepetherton „ Bidgegood, Robert, Northepetherton ,, Bidgegood, Tomasine, Langford budfild See also Bitchegood. Biffen, Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton Bifield, Byfild, Richard, Bridgwater Bin . . . (or Bud?), Jefferie, Bridgwater Bindon, David, Dunster „ John, Nettelcombe „ (John ?), Nettlecombe „ Byndon, John, Stogursey Bird, Byrde, John, Pytmester „ Birde, Sir John, vicar of Kylton „ Byrde, John, Crokam ,, Birde, John, the elder, hilbisshoppes „ Birde, John, Miluerton „ Birde, Richard, Clotworthy „ Thomas, Miluerton See also Berd, Burd. Birram, Byrram, Richard, St. James [Taunton] Birrie, Agnes, widow, Stokegursie Birt, Byrte, Elizabeth, Miluerton See also Burt. Bishop, Byshope, Joane, Crokehorne „ Busshopp, Joane, widow, Brompton Raffe „ Bishoppe, Jone, Cutcombe „ Busshoppe, John, Luccombe „ Bishopp, Julia, widow, Bridgwater „ Busshoppe, Mellior, widow, Aishebrittell „ Bushoppe, Robert, Brudgewater „ Bishoppe, Robert, Canington „ Byshope, Roger, Ashebrittell „ Bishoppe, Thomas, Wolmeston Bitchegood, John, Northepetherton See also Bidgood. Bitcombe, Byttcombe, John, Spaxton Bitford, Elizabeth, widow, Stokegursye „ Phillippe, Stokegurseye „ Bytfford, Richard, Overstowey „ Robert, Stokegurseye Bithell, Bythell, William, Northpetherton Blackmore, see Blakemore. Blackwell, Hugh, Dunster „ Blackewell, Hughe, Dunster „ Blackwill, John, Dunster „ John, Dunster „ Blackewyll, John, Dunster „ William, Dunster Blake, Agnes, widow, Cutcombe „ Humfrey, gent, Ouerstowey „ John, Kilton „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ Richard, Cutcombe „ Robert, Cutcombe „ Thomas, Cutcombe „ Thomasin, Dunster „ Water, Luccombe „ Willyam, Riston '587 7 "3 1581 6 47 1560 3 173 1562 4 84 1586 6 595 dated '585 6 445 1592 8 1 1550 1 647 1562 4 68 i55o 1 643 1550 1 663 1592 8 107 dated '538 1 37 dated 1539 1 97 '55' 1 622 '558 2 237 1573 5 70 1578 5 4'3 1580 5 502 1549 1 504 dated 1547 1 464 '577 5 3'7 1560 3 164 1566 4 172 1584 6 39° '574 5 120 1584 6 366 1572 5 24 dated 1540 1 169 i5«7 7 6S 1560 3 163 dated '539 1 132 dated 1540 1 146 1581 6 73 '559 3 59 1546 1 346 dated 1538 1 76 1550 1 620 '574 5 127 1584 6 421 1586 6 629 dated 1547 1 389 1562 4 21 1560 3 179 1572 5 32 1559 3 11 1559 3 25 1578 5 35° 1582 6 199 1588 7 '74 '547 1 450 dated 1542 1 212 '559 3 78 1581 6 83 '559 3 4i 1572 5 8 Taunton Wills. Blakemore, Blackmore, Alice, Stokeperoe „ Blackmore, Henry, Porlocke „ Blackmore, John, Duluerton „ Blackmore, Jone, Duluerton „ Thomas, Kingesbrompton „ William, Dulverton Blechlye, Richard, Creche Bleut, John, Wendon . Blewe, John, Crocombe Bluhood, Jone, widow, Doniett Blundell, Blondell, John, Wythycumbe „ Margaret, Wythycombe Blythe, John, Wendon Bober, Umfreye, Chipstable Bobett, Thomas, Lynge Boble, John, Bobutt, Reddigund, Chedsey Boby, John, Curland „ Richard, "Thrulbare „ Bobye, William, Wilton See also Boobie. Bodlie, Richard, clerk, Holford Bodye, Boddy, John, Sowthepetherton „ William, Sowthepetherton „ William, Sowthpetherton Boldie, John, Spaxon „ Boldye, John, Spaxton Bole, John, Kelton „ William, Kelton Bolpane, William, Bridgwater Boncomb, Radigund, Trull „ Bonnckcome, Thomas, Trull Bond, Bonde, Agnes, Orchard „ Bonde, Agnes, He Abbott „ Alice, Chadseye „ Bonde, Alice, Thornefawcon „ Bonde, Alwen, Thornefaucon „ Bonde, Edmunde, Brodewaie (fart only) „ Edmond, Brodway „ Bonde, Edward, Duluerton „ John, Brudgewater „ Bonde, Sir John, vicar of Canyngton „ Bonde, John, Dulverton „ Bonde, John, Pitmister „ John, lie Abbot „ John, Pitmister „ Bonnd, Richard, Sampford Arundell „ Bonnd, Richard, Linge „ Bonde, Thomas, Chedsey „ Bonde, Valentine, Orchard „ Bonde, Walter, Duluerton „ Bonde, William, sen., Duluerton „ Bonde, Willyam, servant to John Collier, < „ Bonde als. Atcombe, Jone, Abbottesyle „ Bonnde als. Abcombe, Thomas, St. Mary, Tanton „ Atcombe als., see Atcombe als. Bond. Bondefeld, Alice, St. Mary, Tanton Bone, William, Chadseye „ Bonne, William, St. James, Tanton Bonnche, Rychard, St. Mary, Tanton Boobie, Hearne als., see Hearne als. Boobie. 1578 388 1580 486 1587 117 1575 212 dated 1538 52 '55' 57' 1558 214 dated 1539 "5 1572 6 admon. 1573 98 1560 123 1572 47 dated 1 540 155 '545 293 dated 1543 4S2 dated 1539 88 '593 9 53 1560 3 128 dated 1544 1 304 1559 3 89 1586 6 660 dated 1543 1 246 dated 1540 1 172 1558 2 165 dated 1538 1 73 1558 2 177 dated 1 542 1 232 dated 1542 1 202 1557 2 81 1585 6 490 1584 6 345 1557 2 47 1581 6 99 dated 1544 1 284 1562 4 37 '557 2 38 dated 1572 5 58 1585 6 540 1572 5 8 dated 1543 1 277 dated 1549 1 610 '557 2 1 1576 5 263 1579 5 461 15S0 5 495 1586 6 603 1587 7 3 1565 4 121 1550 1 649 admon. 1572 5 9 1562 4 85 f Cory Mallet 1573 5 73 1575 5 233 , Tanton I558 2 138 1557 2 52 dated 1539 1 97 1557 2 63 '558 2 108 See also Boby. 10 Tatmton Wills. Boole, John, Kilton Boone, Henry, Westmoncton Borage, Thomas, Brusshford „ Mill als., see Mill als. Borage. Bord, John, Criche Bores, Walter, Aishbrittle Bornall, Joane, widow, Lylstoke Borne, Thomas, Aishbrittell Bost, Joane, widow, St. Mary, Taunton Bounce, Thomas, Thurlebare Bounche, Nicholas, Taunton Bounde, Ellen, Pytmyster Bovie, John, Ronnington Bow, Humphry, Charlinche „ John, Northpetherton „ Bowe, Mary, Spaxton „ Bowe, Willyam, servant to Tomsane Phelpes, of Bowbye, Agnes, widow, Thurlebeare Bowcher, John, Miluerton ,, John, Stokegursie „ Bowgcher, Dame Margarett, Northpetherton Bowden, Conand, Muncksilver „ Richard, Stokegumber „ Richard, Stokegumber „ Bowdonne, Robert, Donnington „ Bowdon, Robert, Winsford Bowie, William, Criche Bowlt, Richard, Bromfeld Bowne, Henry, West Monckton Bowring, Henry, Stogumber „ Bowering, Joan, widow, Gotehurst ,, Joan, widow, Bradford „ Bowringe, John, Trull „ Bowringe, John, Bradford „ Bowringe, William, Cutcombe Bowse, John, Miluerton Bowsen, Thomas, Gotehurste Boyce, John, Aishpriors „ Boice, Richard, Doddington „ Boice, Thomas, Selworthie Boyer, Jone, Shepton Boyton, Boyten, Joane, Riston „ William, Thornefawcon Bradford, Alice, Trull „ Bradforde, Giles, Winsford „ John, Winsford „ Bradforde, John, Withipoole „ Margaret, widow, Exton Bradlen, Raynold als., see Raynold als. Bradlen. Bradrige, Edethe, widow, Northpetherton Bragge, Elizabeth, widow, Barington „ Robert, Barrington „ Robert, Barrington „ Thomas, Dolychewake „ Thomas, Kingston „ William, Criche „ Bragg, William, Henton George Braine, Symon, Swell „ Brayne, William, Sowthpetherton „ William, Sowthepetherton Brance, John, Stokegurseye 1566 4 150 1592 8 24 1561 4 3 1559 3 78 1579 5 467 dated 1542 1 25' 1565 4 125 1547 1 4'3 1586 6 625 dated 1543 1 3°5 1548 1 505 1574 5 '47 1575 5 219 1581 6 7 1566 4 164 Yevell 1582 6 118 1558 2 '93 1562 4 69 1565 4 127 1572 5 4' '559 3 86 1558 2 8S 1572 5 23 1579 5 474 '593 9 65 1565 4 89 '559 3 5' 1587 7 105 '593 9 84 '593 9 14 '593 9 79 1546 1 349 1592 8 141 '549 1 521 1557 2 10 1574 5 '37 '58o (?) 5 489 1578 5 372 1561 4 11 dated 1539 1 '34 1557 2 82 1581 6 1 1592 S 81 1588 7 161 1579 5 435 1584 6 404 1562 4 80 1575 5 227 1557 2 56 dated 1538 1 12 1579 5 458 dated 1544 1 299 1559 3 30 1562 4 30 1592 8 '3' dated 1586 6 565 1550 1 605 1550 1 661 dated 1 547 1 412 Taunton Wills. li Braye, John, Mynhed „ Richard, Northepetherton Braylie, Widlake als., see Widlake als. Braylie. Brayme, William, Crokherne Bread als. Bryant, John, Ilebruers „ Breed als. Briant, Jone, Ilbruers Breame, Alice (widow of William), Crukehorne Brecher, Richard, Hilbisshoppes Bremble, William, Stocklinche otersey See also Brymle. Bremell, Thomas, Stockelynch Otersey „ Cabell als., see Cabell als. Bremell. Brenscombe, John, Stogursye Brevord, Nicholas, Kittesford Brewer, Agnes, widow, Radington „ Joane, Westmonkton „ John, Hawkerghe „ John, Clotworthye „ Brewar, Katherine, Brushford „ Michael, Skilgate „ Robert, Westmonckton „ Mower als., see Mower als. Brewer See also Bruer. Brice, Agnis, widow, Kingeston „ Brise, Isbell, Chedsy „ Brise, John, Denyngton „ John, Chedsey „ John, Chedsey „ Richard, Kingston „ Robert, Chedsey „ Robert, Chedsey „ William, Kingeston Bricknell, Henry, St. James, Tanton Bridge, Andrew, Kilton „ Luce, Estquantokshed „ Thomas, Clotworthie Brier, Elen, widow, Canington „ Bryer, John, Cannington „ Briar als. Briante, Walter, clerk, Tanton Brigge, Thomas, St. James, Tanton Brinsham, Jone, widow, Ylebruers Brise, see Brice. Broadmead, Philip, Withypoole Brode, Garret, Shepton becham „ Johane, Shepton Beachamp „ Jone, Shepton Beachampe Bromam, David, Porlock Brome, Robert, Angerlighe „ William, Meret Bromham, Henry, Ore Bromle, William, Shepton Beacham Bromsoy, Henry, Whitstanton Bronnsworde, John, Lidiard Laurence Bronsford, William, Estquantokshed See also Brownesford. Bronyfford, Robert, Kyngesbrompton Bronnysford, Robert, Kingesbrompton Bronsey, Alice, Whitstanton Brook, Broke, AJice, Hilfarrant „ Broke, Christian, widow, Cryche „ John, St. Mary, Tanton dated 1545 1 3'7 1559 3 61 1558 2 161 1581 6 65 1582 6 202 1573 5 81 1557 2 22 1587 7 76 dated 1538 1 10 1575 5 247 1547 1 384 1576 5 260 1583 6 217 dated 1540 1 167 1558 2 123 1559 3 4 1592 8 122 1577 5 3'4 1559 3 5 dated 1543 1 253 dated 1541 1 224 1581 6 26 1582 6 152 '557 2 37 1550 1 606 1550 1 660 '558 2 212 1578 5 377 1578 5 376 1581 6 96 155' 1 601 1572 5 1 1558 2 1S2 1578 5 359 dated 1546 1 45' 1577 5 322 1585 6 450 dated 1542 1 225 dated '544 1 276 dated 1544 1 301 1587 7 12 1557 2 8 dated 1540 1 171 dated '551 1 583 1558 2 295 1560 3 171 '575 5 194 1571 5 97 dated 1541 1 205 1549 1 522 1561 4 8 dated 1545 1 353 1560 3 186 1558 2 172 12 Taunton Wills. rton 1592 i 5 161 dated '538 t 72 1547 ( 462 1547 39o dated 1550 632 1578 > 4°° dated 1540 193 admon. 1583 < ) 214 dated '539 ' 13' 1558 '¦ ! Il8 dated 1539 92 dated 1550 1 647 '575 > 234 1576 \ 251 1592 I i IO 1576 ¦ 258 dated 1540 1 144 1557 dated 1558 46 Brook, Brooke, Samuel, Ridon, parish Northepetherton „ Broke, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Broke, Thomas, Bathialton „ Brooke, William, Bridgewater „ Brooke, William, Miluerton „ Brooke als. Smythe, Thomas, Chedsey Broughton, Jone, Wendon ,, Browghton, Luce, widow, Wembdon „ Broghton, William, Crokehorne Browne, Edwarde, Kyngsbrompton „ James, Bicknaller „ Joane, widow, St. James, Tanton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, St. Mary, Tanton „ Richard, Dunster „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Riggs, Joane, widow, ffedyngton ., Woolf als., see Woolf als. Browne. Brownesford, John, Upton See also Bronsford. Brownsey, Bailie als., see Bailie als. Brownsey. Browsheforde, James, Cutcombe Bruce, Jone, Stogursie Bruer, Adam, Fifet „ John, Exton „ John, the elder, Hawkeridge ,, John, Exford „ John, Westquantoxhed „ John, Miluerton „ Rychard, Kyttesford „ Moer als., see Moer als. Bruer See also Brewer. Bruford, Brueford, Christopher, Staulligh „ John, Badialton Bryant, Briante, Christopher, Oldeclief „ Joane, widow, Kylve „ Briant, John, Brompton Ralph ,, Briant, John, Kilve „ Briant, Marten, Brompton Regis „ Richard, Hethfilde „ Briante, William, the elder, Thurlebare „ Bread als., see Bread als. Bryant. „ Briante, Briar als., see Briar als. Briante. Bryer, see Brier. Brymle, William, Shepton becham See also Bremble. Bucke, Alice, widow, Stogursey „ Buck, Walter, Stokegursie „ Touker als., see Touker als. Bucke. Buckerell, John, Shepton becham „ John, Shepton Bechampe Bucklande, Willyam, Durley Budd, Bud, Jenett, widow, Stokegursie „ Budde, John, Northepetherton „ John, Stogursey „ Budde, Margaret, widow, Northpetherton Budge, Agnes, Chedsey ,, Joan, Northpetherton Bulford, John, Staple „ Bullforde, Thomas, Staple „ als. Pilcorne, John, Curland 1547 I 408 1577 5 295 1557 2 34 1573 5 55 1579 5 435 1586 6 664 1592 8 33 1593 9 7' 1558 2 190 1588 7 158 1559 3 34 1576 5 277 1593 9 45 1562 4 20 1562 4 50 1586 6 589 1537 1 21 1577 5 296 274 1576 5 282 1566 4 '45 1558 2 273 1558 2 293 1578 5 3&5 1549 1 492 1557 2 12 1582 6 154 1566 4 200 1584 6 3'8 1587 7 20 1572 5 18 1551 1 593 1583 6 219 Taunton Wills. i3 Bull, Elizabeth, Chaydseye „ Richard, Pitmister „ Richard, Combflory ,, Thomas, Drayton Bullyn, Andrewe, Abbott ile Bulpaine, Agnes, Northpetherton „ Bulpinn, Alice, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Joane, Northpetherton „ Bulpame, John, Northpetherton „ Bulpayne, John, Northpetherton „ John, Bridgwater „ Robert, Bridgewater „ Bulpan, Willyam, Northpetherton Bult, John, Kingston „ Bulte, Marian, Kingstone „ William, Kingston „ Bulte, W'illiam, Kingeston Bulworthy, Agnes, widow, Exton „ Bulworthie, John, Exton Buncombe, Thomas, the elder, Trull Bune, John, Criche Burage, Robert, Bicknell, parish Staple Fitzpaine Burche, Thomas, Stokegursie Burchehanger, Agnes, Hawkeridge Burd, Heughe, Bicknoller „ Joane, widow, Milverton „ Burde, Johan, widow, Bicknoller „ Burde, Joane, widow, Stogumber See also Berd, Bird. Burgan, Robert, Riston Burge, Alice, widow, Norton „ Burdge, Joane, Elworthy „ John, the elder, Stogumber „ Richard, Clatworthye „ William, Clotworthie Burgh, John, Wythypoole Burgis, Burgeis, Bartholmewe, Porlock „ Burges, Richard, Withipoole „ Roger, Mynhed „ Burgeis, Willyam, Radington Burland, John, Stowgursse ,, William, Stokegursie Burnell, Christopher, Fidington „ Burnoll, Elenor, Stogursie „ Burnall, Elizabeth, widow, Holford „ Burnall, John, Holford „ Burnoll, John, ffidington „ Burnoll, John, Stockland Bristoll „ William, fHdington „ Burnoll, William, Stokegursie Burnerd, John, ffifehed Burrell, Willmote, Clotworthie Bursell, Mawde, widow, Hatchebeacham Burston, John, Ayshpriors „ Mathewe, Kingsbrompton „ als. Hudford, Jone, Sampford Brett Burt, John, Kittesford „ Burte, Roger, Miluerton See also Birt. dated 1 540 1 146 '559 3 53 1585 6 53' 15.92 8 37 '573 5 69 1584 6 308 1592 8 9' 1582 6 158 1586 6 640 1582 6 168 '574 5 '59 1578 5 4" 1592 8 '53 dated 1541 1 '97 1580 5 496 1558 2 245 1572 5 4' '579 5 464 1587 7 11 1 1583 6 209 '573 5 85 1549 1 501 1562 4 52 1587 7 59 1573 5 66 1582 6 179 1582 6 178 1547 1 466 1581 6 21 1581 6 102 dated 1550 1 64S 1572 5 19 dated 1543 1 245 1587 7 129 dated 1541 1 206 '573 5 87 dated 1547 1 385 1583 6 218 1592 8 166 dated 1547 1 422 1583 6 264 1558 2 299 1549 1 496 1572 5 2 1575 5 201 1560 3 170 1558 2 276 1576 5 269 1592 8 98 1546 1 34' 1574 5 '3° 1582 6 1 10 1593 9 85 1587 7 8 1547 1 406 1585 6 480 1592 8 158 1582 6 '5' 1565 4 86 14 Taunton Wills. Burton, John, Wethell Busshop, see Bishop. Butcher, John, Myluerton Butler, Alice, Porlock „ Butlar, Dorathy, widow, Swell (?) „ John, Swell „ Walter, Swell „ Tomasin als., see Tomasin als. Butler. Butten, Robert, He Abbott Bythewaie, Thomas, Stokegumber Cable, Cabull, John, Tanton „ Cabull, Richard, Ourstoweye „ Cabull, Robert, Chedsey „ Thomas, Georgehenton „ Cabell als. Bremell, Mary, widow, Kingstone Cade, Jone, widow, Crowcombe „ Nicholas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Aishebryttell Came, Henry, Northpetherton „ Hugh, Wembdon „ John, Wendon „ John, Canyngton „ John, Pytmyster „ John, the elder, Northpetherton „ Jone, widow, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Wembdon „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Bridgwater Camell, William, Bridgwater Campe, Humphrey, Criche Camplin, Camplen, David, Stocklandgaunt Camplyn, John, Stogurseye Camplen, John, Stogursie Camplyn, John, Canington Camplen, Thomas, Stokegurseye Thomas, Stogumber Camplyn, William, Stogursey Canicotte, William, Staple Fitzpaine Cannon, Thomas, Ryston Canweth, Philip, widow, Norton Cape, John, Donnyat „ John, Donyat „ John, Donniatt Capner, Capener, Androwe, Dunster „ John, Dunster Caprone, Joane, Chilton Carbonell, Francis, Northepetherton Carowe, Walter, Bridgwater Carpenter, Alike, widow, Ronnington Carter, Annis, Criche Alan, Southpetherton Elizabeth, widow, Lydyard Lawrence Richard, litlecreeche Richard, West Moncton Thomas, Enmer Carvaniell, John, the elder „ Carvanyall, Jone, widow, Tanton Carver, Punter als., see Punter als. Carver. Cary, Carie, Jeine, Tanton dated 1547 1 416 1560 3 127 1583 6 209 1593 9 18 1587 7 118 1581 6 27 1582 6 192 1572 5 19 dated 1541 1 33' '557 2 29 1559 3 80 '583 6 252 1585 6 454 1560 3 109 1559 3 28 '593 9 57 '557 2 24 1565 4 107 dated 1542 1 201 1550 1 642 1558 2 208 1582 6 118 '558 2 222 1566 4 '57 1 581 6 48 '559 3 80 1566 4 '59 1562 4 25 1566 4 190 dated '544 1 263 1576 5 282 '587 7 23 1546 1 339 1587 7 129 1592 8 9 1581 6 36 dated '544 1 3°5 1587 7 104 dated 1542 1 248 dated '547 1 412 1586 6 570 '559 3 88 '545 1 292 admon. 1572 5 49 dated '544 1 286 1550 1 624 '557 2 73 '559 3 61 1 581 6 57 dated 1558 2 96 1592 8 206 '593 9 97 1558 2 182 1577 5 294 dated 1544 1 303 dated 1545 332 Taunton Wills. 15 Cary, John, Chedsey „ Thomas, Chedsey Casse, John, Duluerton Castleman, Castellman, John, Bridgwater „ Castelman, John, Brydgewater „ John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater Catell, John, Swell Catford, Catforde, George, Duluerton „ James, Duluerton „ William, Kingsbrompton „ Cattford als. Aishway, John, Duluerton Catte, John, Trull Cavell, Jone, widow, Miluerton „ Nicholas, Miluerton Cert, Robert, Lylstocke Chadsey, Nicholas, Riston „ Robert, St. Mary, Taunton Chaff, Chaaffe, Henry, Curry MaUett „ Jone, Wellington Chamberlen, John, Treborowgh Champlyn, Thomas, Stokelandgaunt Chaple, Anthony, Lopen „ Chapull, Agnes, widow, Kingeston „ Agnes, widow, Lopen, parish Southpetherton „ Joan, Alenshaye „ Chappull, John, Kyngston „ Chapull, John, Kyngston „ Chaple, John, Bridgwater „ Chapell, John, Criche „ Roger, Alampsey „ Chapell, Robert, Kingstone „ Thomasin, Dynington Chaplin, Alice, Drayton „ Chaplyn, James, Bradford ,, Chaplyn, John, Stokelondgaunte „ Chaplen, John, Treborowe „ Chapling, Richard, Drayton „ Chaplan, Robert, Stogumber „ Chaplen, Robert, St. James, Tanton „ Chaplayne, Thomas, Wellington „ Chaplen, William, Bradford „ Chapleine, William, Stowgursse „ Farmer als., see Farmer als. Chaplin. Chapman, Cheapman, Agnes, widow, Miluerton „ Chepman, Alice, Treyborowe „ Chepman, Elizabeth, Cutcomb „ Chepman, John, Treborowghe „ Chepman, John, Treborowgh „ John, Miluerton „ Cheapman, John, Oldclive „ Peter, Treborowghe „ Chepman, Peter, Dunster „ Chepman, Thomas, Northepetherton „ Chepman, Thomas, Northepetherton „ Chepman, William, Treborow „ Cheapman, William, Dunster Chard, Joane, St. Mary, Tanton Charles, Charrells, Richard, Dunster „ Thomas, Chipstable Charnock, Thomas, gent., Oterhampton 1592 8 40 1584 6 407 '559 3 46 '55' 1 575 1558 2 182 1566 4 143 1582 6 170 [546 1 369 '575 5 204 1562 4 81 '548 1 529 '592 8 129 1574 5 122 '578 5 376 '573 5 68 dated '539 1 235 1549 1 507 dated 1568 5 402 '593 9 78 '559 3 89 1578 5 37' dated '538 1 7' '558 2 200 dated '54° 1 174 '573 5 95 1581 6 9 dated '540 1 171 dated 1540 1 '74 '558 2 123 1565 4 98 1558 2 89 1572 5 39 1576 5 25' 1576 5 247 '558 2 89 dated 1540 1 '43 1558 2 267 1549 1 548 dated 1547 1 399 '558 2 214 '559 3 7i 1557 2 72 1558 2 298 1592 8 22 1586 6 5S5 1582 6 196 1566 4 170 1566 4 208 1572 5 12 1575 5 185 1547 1 436 1557 2 80 '557 2 '5 1560 3 '54 1577 5 3'7 1585 6 539 1561 4 '3 1587 7 104 1562 4 79 1581 6 '3 i6 Taunton Wills. Chead, John, Durston „ Nycholas, Canington „ Richard, Durston „ Chede, Robert, Creche „ Robert, Cryche „ Cheade, Robert, Criche „ Cheade, Thomas, Canington Cheapman, Chepman, see Chapman. Cheatt, John, St. Mary, Taunton Cheaty, John, Durston Chedsey, John, Saint Decumans „ Chedseye, John, Sanfordburt Chester, John, Kilton „ John, Kylton „ William, St. Decumans Chewne, Edward, Sowthpetherton Chichester, Agnes, Cory Mallet Chicke, Chycke, John, Northepetherton „ Chike, Jone, widow, ileabbat „ Thomas, Northepetherton Chidleye, Mestres Jone, Kyngston Chilcott, Agnes, ffiddington „ Chilcote, Henry, Monkesilver „ Chilcot, John, Dulverton „ John, Sampford Birte „ John, Duluerton „ John, the elder, Miluerton „ Chilcotte, Margerye, St. James, Tanton „ Chilcot, Reginald, Duluerton „ Reynold, Duluerton „ Robert, Dulverton Chilpath als. Allen, John, St. James, Taunton „ als. Alvin, Thomas, Pitmister Chislate, Thomas, Miriet Cholacomb, David, Withipoole Christofer, Tamsyn, Estquantokshed Chubb, Walter, St. Bartholomew „ Chube, Walter, Crokhorn Chubworthy, Chubworthie, John, Miluerton „ Hill als., see Hill als. Chubworthy. Churchell, William, Northepetherton Churley, John, Badialton ,, Walter, Chipstaple Chute, Agnes, Chilton „ Henry, Wembdon „ Chuytt, John, Brudgewater „ John, Wembdon „ Chuite, Nicholas, Wembdon „ Chut, Robert, Chilton Clale, Philippe, Wythycombe Clark, Amys, widow, Currivell „ Clerke, Bartholomew, Barrington „ Clarke, Jone, Old Clieffe „ Clarke, Joan, Miluerton „ Clearke, Joane, widow, Donniatt ,, Clerke, John, Stapilgrove „ Clarke, John, Sowthpetherton „ Clarke, John, Sowthpetherton „ Clarke, John, Sowthpetherton „ Clearke, John, Sanford Arundell „ Clarcke, John, Sowthpetherton 1593 9 70 admon. 1587 7 16 '592 8 '52 dated 1540 1 1 So '558 2 163 1572 5 '5 1588 7 158 '558 2 104 1576 5 257 dated '547 1 585 '558 2 278 557 2 56 '593 9 21 '547 1 385 '592 8 169 dated '545 1 373 '558 2 102 dated '543 1 240 '558 2 209 dated 542 1 220 575 5 20S '559 3 40 dated '54° 1 163 dated 546 1 358 '557 2 33 592 8 '93 558 2 219 559 3 39 560 4 17S 1548, 549 1 '59 583 6 243 '583 6 224 58i 6 " 9 1584 6 395 547 1 421 dated 543 1 245 dated '543 1 247 '592 8 69 '558 2 214 '574 5 116 1572 5 24 dated '545 1 3'3 '592 8 72 dated '539 1 105 [562 4 40 1566 4 150 dated '544 1 282 [572 5 48 ? 1 547 1558 2 109 '559 3 77 '587 7 1 1588 7 178 dated '542 1 217 dated 1542 1 248 '577 5 315 '577 5 324 1582 6 179 1587 7 121 Taunton Wills. 17 Clark, Clarke, Nicholas, Sowthpetherton 1557 „ Clarcke, Richard, the elder, Crewkerne 1587 „ Clerke, Stephen, Riston 1582 „ Clarke, Thomas, Sowthepetherton dated 1543 „ Clarke, William, Drayton 156° „ Clarke, William, Riston 1586 ;, Clarke, Harper als., see Harper als. Clarke. Clase, Cicilie, widow, ffifet 1 5 59 „ Classe, John, Northepetherton 1541 Clatsome, Jone, Strengston 1582 See also Claxsome, Clotsam, and Cluttsome. dated dated dated .585 1547 '558 1566158115581593 1592 1558 '545 1581 Clatter, Thomas, Hilbushoppes Clause, George, Donnyatt „ John, Donnyatt „ Clawse, John, Abbot He „ Mary, widow, Ileabbot Clavell, John, Wythicombe Clavellshay, Alice, Curryrivell „ Clavelshay, George, Donniatt „ Clawellesshay, Katherin, widow, Curryryvell „ Claveleshaie, Margaret, widow, Curryrivell Clawsay, William, Brodway Clawse, see Clause. Claxsome, Clattesham, William, Kilton Clay, Cley, John, Cannington „ Claye, John, Drayton Clement, William, Withycombe Clements, James, Minehed Clerk, see Clark. Cleve, Edithe, Drayton „ John, jun., Wellington „ John, Spaxton Clifton, Elizabeth, widow, Barrington Clogge, John, Hawkereghe „ John, Hawkerighe „ John, Withepole „ Margery, Hawkeridge „ Thomas, Duluerton Clotham, George, Crokam Clothiar, Robert, Tanton Clotsam, Jone, Stringeston See also Clatsome, Claxsome, and Cluttsome. Clottam, Gyles, Crokham 1585 „ Clotam, Thomas, Byckenoller dated 1538 Clotton, Elynor, Crocombe '558 Clowter, Margerye, Northpetherton 155° „ Marmaduke, Northepetherton 156° „ Nicholas, Wembdon '592 Cluttsome, EUinor, Culve I584 See also Clatsome, Claxsome, and Clotsam. dated admon. dateddated dated dated dated 1577 1562 1587 1560 15621572 153815571581 15411542J557 15651580 '551 1545 '543 Clyff, Robert, Cutcombe Coatt, Thomas, Curry Rivell Cobard, John, Ouerstretton Cobbe, Baldwyne, Emm Cock, Christian, Hilfarrant „ John, Tanton Cockis, John, Crokeherne (incomplete) Cocks, Cockes, Henry, Drayton „ Margery, Drayton See also Cox. Coden, John, Crokam dated dateddated dateddated '538 1586 1582 15391547 1539 1538 15811586 1558 2 76 1 3 6 3 1 6 2 1 6 5 4 7 34 5 1 26 1 1 24 511 1 6 1 2 1 6 6 11 1 1 66 70 83 '73 244 146 625 68 199 189 458428 231 184 89 1 33 137 241 374 77 322 16 96 116 77 2777 20 40 208 21 1 6699 485 563 33' 279 54' 55 255608 '34 70 358 49 561 190118 457 122 16 5° 619 2 236 c 1 8 Taunton Wills. Coden, Robert, Wynesford „ Codyn, Robert, Exton Coffyn, Richard, Selworthie „ Thomas, Mynehedd „ Coffen als. Gardener, John, Henton St. Cogan, Henry, Chedsea ,, Robert, Chedsey „ Coggan, Thomas, Curryrivell Coke, Alice, Exford „ John, Bromefeld „ Margaret, Bromefild „ Simon, Ore Cokney, Richard, St. James, Tanton „ Cocney, Robert, Orchard Cokram, John, Stokpyrow Coksley, George, Exford „ Joane, widow, Exford „ Cokesley, John, Upton „ Cockesly, Symon, Exton „ Cokeslie, Walter, Exforde Colbert, Edithe, Sowthpetherton „ Jone, Southpetherton Colchard, Thomas, Drayton Cole, Colle, Alyce, widow, Cryche „ Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ Ellen, Staplegrove „ Colle, Joane, widow, Kingston „ Colle, John, Pockington „ John, Spaxton „ John, Porlock „ John, Upton „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Curland „ Simon, Spaxton „ Stephen, Mynhed „ Thomas, Aishpriors „ Thomas, Fiffet „ Thomas, Upton „ William, Stapulgrove „ William, Charlinche Coles, Colles, Agnes, Wembdon „ Alice, widow, Northpetherton „ Colles, Andrew, Wembdon „ George, Bridgwater „ Colles, Hughe, Cotherston „ Colls, John, Wembdon „ Colles, John, Staplegrove „ Nicholas, Doniett „ Colles, Richard, St. Mary, Tanton „ Richard, Kingston „ Colles, Thomas, Stokegurseye „ Thomas, Wyviliscombe „ Thomas, Wembdon „ Thomas, Fidington „ William, Stokegursey „ William, Kilton Colford, Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton Collard, John, Northpetherton „ Jone, widow, Stogursey „ Collerd, Richard, Enmer „ Robert, St. James, Taunton George '558 2 227 1573 5 86 1550 1 657 '574 5 125 1586 6 607 1577 5 329 1541 1 3'5 1587 7 6 1560 3 ' S3 dated '539 1 109 dated '539 1 98 dated 1544 1 26S 1557 2 63 1560 3 142 dated '543 1 259 1581 6 13 1581 6 M 1578 5 367 1582 6 '5' '575 5 '95 '559 3 13 1558 2 219 1548 1 543 1558 2 124 '558 2 3°4 '573 5 93 '593 9 76 dated 1537 1 6 dated i54o 1 148 1565 4 120 1558 2 280 '573 5 72 1586 6 636 dated '544 1 278 dated 1539 1 81 dated 1549 1 509 1562 4 63 '575 5 224 1549 1 499 '592 8 150 1558 2 124 '559 3 82 1574 5 166 1557 2 '9 1578 5 352 1557 2 7 1558 2 235 1588 7 '34 1548 1 499 1592 8 83 dated 1539 1 102 '548 1 534 1558 2 "3 1583 6 230 '559 3 '7 1578 5 378 1580 5 503 imon. 1586 6 651 1580 5 502 1558 2 254 1586 6 608 Taunton Wills. 1 9 Collard als. Shalder, Richard, Hillfarance 1592 8 20 Collet, Davye, Ham, parish Bridgwater 1557 2 13 Collick, Thomas, St. James, Taunton 1566 4 194 Collins, Colynce, Agnes, Chardelynche dated 1539 1 101 „ Collens, Agnes, widow, Sheptonbechamp 1574 5 158 „ Francis, Buckland Mary 1572 5 16 „ Collens, John, Northepederton dated 1540 1 194 „ Collyns, John, Northepetherton dated 1544 1 282 „ Collyns, John, Seventon Mihell 1558 2 289 „ John, Pitmister 1559 3 36 „ Collens, Robert, Pitmister 1558 2 223 „ Collyns, Robert, Pitmister 1592 8 143 „ Tayler als., see Tayler als. Collins. See also Cullens. Collis, Colis, Isabel, widow, Donyatt 1558 2 228 „ John, Barrington dated 1538 1 17 Colman, (John ?), Sampford Arundell 1559 3 2 „ John, Chypstable 1560 3 155 „ Richard, Chipstable dated 1542 1 209 „ Coleman, Vicary als., see Vicary als. Coleman. Colnre (? Colmer), Henry, Bromfield dated 1561 4 5 Colwell, Isabell, Otterhampton dated 1545 1 315 „ Colwyll, Robert, Hotterhampton dated 1544 1 281 Colyford, Jone, Selworthie 155' ' 598 „ Richard, Thurloxton 155' ' 5°9 „ Collyford, William, St. James, Taunton 1559 3 64 See also Cullyford. Colynce, see Collins. Combe, Alice, Otterford 1560 3 185 „ Thomas, Otterforde 1558 2 138 See also Coomb. Comen, John, Duluerton 1576 5 262 „ als. Olchet, John, the elder, Duluerton 1576 5 276 „ als. Olchet, Robert, Duluerton admon. 1576 5 253 Comer, Andrew, Duluerton 156° 3 '39 „ Henry, Oke 1566 4 205 „ John, Monkesilver 15 59 3 45 „ Richard, St. James, Tanton 1548 1 5°4 „ Richard, Clotworthy 1579 5 455 „ William, Oke 155° 1 618 „ Willyam, Clotworthie 1575 5 209 Comons, Christian, widow, Duluerton 1577 5 3'8 „ Thomas, Duluerton '593 9 6r -Compton, William, Withicombe '587 7 "5 Comstoke, John, Drayton 1582 6 139 Comyne, William, Brydgwater 156° 3 'So Conohur, John, Bridgwater dated 1 547 1 399 Constable, John, the elder, Lawrence Lidiard 1583 6 246 Conwaye, Henry, Northepetherton dated 1547 1 4'4 Conyber, John, Westquantokshed 1566 4 '8o Conye, Robert, Mynehed '549 ' 5 '9 Cooke, Willyam, Bearecrokam 1575 5 216 „ als. Andrews, Joine, Bicknoller 1 592 8 74 „ als. Hooper, John, Merryot 1587 7 122 „ Pole als., see Pole als. Cooke. Cooksley, Alice, Tolland 1587 7 7 „ Cookesly, John, Tolland 1582 6 149 „ Mathew, Brompton Regis 1586 6 568 „ Thomas, Huishchampflor '592 8 78 Coole, William, East Rownington '593 9 34 20 Taunton Wills. Coomb, John, Otterford See also Combe. Coope, Thomas, Langford Cooper, Jone, widow, Trull Coore, Williames als., see Williams als. Coore. Coorte, John, Stogumber „ Simon, the elder, Northpetherton See also Courte. Coosen, Alice, widow, Northepetherton See also Cosin and Cuzens Coote, see also Cotte. Coppe, Joan, widow, Langford budfild „ John, Duluerton „ Richard, Selworthie „ Robert, mynhed „ Copp, Roger, Dunster Coram, John, Myluerton „ John, Miluerton „ Thomas, Badialton „ William, Kittisford Cordwent, Cordewent, Robert, Lilstoke „ Cordewente, Robert, Stogursie „ Thomas, sen., Stogursey Cordwin, Cordewen, John, jun., Stokegurseye „ John, Chedsey Cornale, William, Tolland Corner, Joane, Luccombe „ John, Luccombe See also Cornor. Cornishe, Alice, Northpetherton „ Alice, spinster, Canington „ Emote, Ore „ Cornysh, Henry, Ore „ Cornyshe, John, Wylton „ William, Comeflorie See also Cornys. Cornor, Jone,rwidow, Buckland marye See also Corner. Cornwall, John, Miluerton Cornys, Thomas, Spaxton „ William, Ayshe priors See also Cornishe. Corome, Elizabeth, widow, Myluerton a< Correll, John, Stogursey Cosin, Cosyn, John, Northepetherton „ Cosens, John, Northpetherton „ Richard, widower, Northpetherton „ Cozen, Richard, Thurloxton „ Cosens, William, Crukehorne See also Coosen and Cuzens. Cotes, William, Chedsey Cotte, Alice, Bridgwater ,, Custans, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ John, Coryrivell „ Cott, John, Bridgwater 1592 1566'575 1577 1583 1572 76 163 326 267 40 Cottell, Joane, ffyfet Cottrell, John, Chedsey Courte, Henry, Miluerton „ Richard, Lydyard Lawrence See also Coote. 1586 6 584 1587 7 "3 '549 1 521 '558 2 203 1586 6 653 dated '550 1 645 '573 5 58 1562 4 39 '559 3 4' '558 2 269 '575 5 233 1585 6 5°3 dated 1542 1 232 '573 5 61 158S 7 1 68 1585 6 509 '573 5 106 '585 6 55o 1587 7 103 1592 8 118 dated '538 1 56 1558 2 196 dated '539 1 126 1558 2 179 1584 6 346 dated 1539 1 100 dated 1541 1 1 88 imon. 1558 2 '59 1592 8 '45 1560 3 162 1566 4 '93 1574 5 153 1586 6 638 1550 1 633 1562 4 73 dated 1593 9 1 1557 2 53 1565 4 102 1550 1 635 1576 5 249 1558 2 231 1587 7 84 1565 4 no 1559 3 1 Taunton Wills. 21 Courte, Cowrte, Salven, Porlocke „ Thomas, Stogumber See also Coorte. Courties, John, the elder, Combflorie Courtlighe, Thomas, Chipstable Covante, John, Miluerton Cowche, John, Crokam „ John, Aisholt „ Symon, Crocombe „ Water, Crocombe „ William, Wotton Curteyn Cowkeslye, Robert, Westquantokshed „ Cowkeslie, Simon, Minehed Cowkford, John, Stowgursye Cowlen, Agnes, Kingesbrompton* „ Cowlinge, Richard, Miluerton „ Thomas, Kingsbrompton „ Cowlyn, William, Miluerton „ Cowlinge, William, Brompton Regis Cowrte, see Court. Cox, Coxe, Barnard, Crukhorne „ Coxe, Heughe, St. Mary, Taunton „ Coxe, John, the younger, Curry Rivle „ Coxe, Jone, widow, Bagboroughe „ Richard, Drayton „ Coxe, Thomas, the elder, Curry MaUett „ Coxe, William, Drayton „ Coxe als. Dipstale, Robert, Dolishewake „ als. Whitte, William, Holforde See also Cocks. Coylford, John, Aisholte Crandon, John, Brudgewater Crane, Aldean, Chedsey „ Crayne, Alys, widow, Chaidseye „ Ales, Chaidseye Crange, Willyam, Exforde Creche, Creetche, Agnes, widow, Porlocke „ Richard, Miluerton Crede, John, priste of Bridgwater Creeke, Robert, Huishe, parish Crookhorne Crempe, Thomas, Wilton Cridland, Credland, Jone, Elworthie „ Joane, Elworthie „ Crudland, John, Elworthy „ John, in margin. This should be Weaver als. John, which see. „ John, Lidiard Laurence „ Credland, Phillippe, Elworthie „ Crodlond, Richard, West Monketon „ Credland, Richard, Stogursie ,, Cridlande, William, Elworthie Croche, Antony, Ilbruers Crocker, Alice, widow, Ilebruers „ Crockhere, Harry, Ilebruers „ John, Ilbruers ,, Marie, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Samford Arundell Crodland, see Cridland. Crokam, Richard, Ronnington „ Thomas, Northpetherton Croke, John, Wethicombe 1581 6 20 1557 2 8 1566 4 '35 '574 5 '44 1574 5 104 1549 1 488 1557 2 75 dated 1546 1 34& dated '544 1 278 dated 1543 1 243 1562 4 75 1565 4 13' '559 3 22 1577 5 344 1562 4 7' 1558 2 229 1582 6 150 1588 7 162 1538 1 '9 1580 5 500 1582 6 205 1583 6 212 1587 7 120 1587 7 4' dated 1538 1 7 1583 6 213 1578 5 374 dated 1564 4 "9 dated 1541 1 197 '593 9 89 dated '539 1 "7 dated 1540 1 '45 1577 5 343 1592 8 209 1574 5 104 dated ?'538 1 78 1582 6 '75 1558 2 287 dated 1540 1 206 1592 8 125 1558 2 202 Maister J 6 653 1586 6 670 1566 4 197 dated 1545 1 327 1566 4 202 1577 5 290 1586 6 582 1573 5 56 1549 1 55' 1592 8 '74 1593 9 100 1586 6 562 1557 2 25 1557 2 57 dated 1539 1 93 12 Taunton Wills. Croke, John, Upton „ Thomas, Upton Croome, Peter, Tanton Crosse, Agnes, widow, Thurlebare „ Alyce, widow, St. Mary, Tanton „ Christopher, Coombflory „ Christopher, Northpetherton „ Francis, Tolland „ Henry, Enmer ,, John, Comeflory „ John, Creche „ John, Chipstabull „ John, Tolland ,, John, Dodyngton „ John, Spaxton „ John, Aishebrytell „ John, Stallye „ John, Durley „ John, Wembdon „ John, Luxborough ,, John, Brompton Ralph „ John, Brompfild „ John, Michael Creeche „ John, Lidiard Lawrence „ John, Langford „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Michell Creeche „ John, Canington „ Jone, widow, Thurlebare „ Raynole. Bridgwater „ Richard, Chipstable „ Richard, Criche „ Richard, Westquantokshed „ Richard, Pitmister „ Robert, Wembdon „ Roger, St. Mary, Taunton „ Syblie, widow, Miluerton „ Thomas, Tolland „ William, the elder, Charlinche Crowcombe, Christian, Northpetherton Crudland, see Cridland. Cruse, Joan, widow, Brompton Regis Cuffe, Willyam, Doniatt Cullens, John, Ourstowey „ Cullyns, Richard, Porlock See also Collins. Cullyford, George, Staple See also Colyford. Culverwell, James, Otterford „ Culverwill, John, Oterford „ Culuerwill, John, Otterforde „ Culuerwell, John, Holeford „ Culverwill, John, Withycombe „ Culverwyll, Richard, Lylstocke „ Thomas, Moncksilver „ Culverwyll, Water, Tanton Cure, Edithe, Doniatt Currill, Isabell, Stokegursie „ Currell, John, Stokegursie Curry, Margett, Crocombe „ Currie, Robert, Durleigh 1575 5 224 dated 1540 1 '63 '593 9 16 '593 9 56 '558 2 '95 1585 6 443 1592 8 58 1587 7 '9 1576 253 dated ?'538 26 dated '540 1S2 dated 1542 211 dated 1544 268 dated '552 560 1558 2 116 1558 2 l8l 1558 2 279 1560 3 136 1560 3 '83 1566 4 201 1572 5 45 '574 5 '38 1585 6 482 1585 6 547 dmon. 1587 7 45 1587 7 46 1587 7 127 1592 8 106 '575 5 210 1546 1 337 1546 1 362 '549 1 510 '559 3 5 1592 8 79 1562 4 65 1558 2 233 dated '538 1 506 1583 6 279 '558 2 305 1582 6 '43 1586 6 575 1576 5 280 '558 2 272 1592 8 88 '559 3 23 1587 7 85 '575 5 201 1577 5 3'7 '579 5 462 1581 6 '7 dated 1540 1 168 1566 4 1S5 dated 1540 1 179 1577 5 295 1562 4 '7 1571 5 9' '558 2 269 1566 4 190 Taunton Wills. 23 Curry, Robert, Durlighe Curtis, Curteis, Alice, widow, Coombflory „ Curtys, Hughe, St. Mary, Tanton ,, Curtice, Jone, widow, Comeflorye „ Richard, Comeflorye Cutboll, Jone, Pytmister „ Joane, widow, Pitmister „ John, Pytmester „ Cutbolle, Robert, Pitmister Cutler, Agnes, widow, Thornefawcon Cuzens, Joan, widow, Northpetherton See also Coosen and Cosin Dabs, Radygon, widow, Canington Dagge, William, Woollavington Dagwathe, John, Quantockehed Dagworthie, Henry, Eastquantockhed Dalamont, Laurence als., see Laurence als. Dalamont Dalen, John, Porlock Dangar, John, Westmonckton Danger, Richarde, widower, West Moncketon Daniell, Danyell, Alice, Brudgewater „ Danyell, Thomas, Brudgewater „ Thomas, Chedsey ,, Thomas, Aishbrettell Darche, Elizabeth, Curry Rivell „ Griggory, Elworthie „ John, Selworthie „ John, Ayshbryttle „ John, Huish Chamflower „ John, Curryryvell „ John, Luxborowe „ Nicholas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Luxborow „ Thomas, Ayshebryttell ,, Thomas, Luxborowe (i?tcomplete) Dariet, John, Brufeld David, John, Stogursey „ John, Stogumber „ Richard, Mynehed „ William, Kingsbrompton Davies, John, St. Mary, Taunton Davy, Davye, Alyce, Stokegumber „ Davie, Elizabeth, Bearecrokam „ Davie, Henry, Wembdon „ Heugh, Canington „ Davie, Joane, Cutcombe „ Davye, John, Brudgewater „ Davie, John, Aishpriors „ Davye, John, West Quantokshed „ Davye, John, Staplegrove „ Davie, John, Gotehurste „ Davie, John, Dunwere, parish Bridgwater „ Davye, John, Ore „ Davie, Peter, Kilve „ Davie, Robert, Exton „ Robert, Miluerton „ Davie, Robert, Thornefawcon „ Davie, Thomas, the elder, Bradford „ William, Stokegumber „ Davye, William, Brudgewater 1584 6 429 1588 7 182 1572 5 10 dated '543 1 3°4 dated 1540 1 180 dated 1538 1 33 1573 5 1 10 dated 1538 1 35 1582 6 '95 1592 8 95 1587 7 24 '593 9 8 dated 1586 6 566 dated 1538 1 77 1588 7 142 '578 5 4" 1582 6 137 1588 7 '57 dated '544 1 263 dated 1544 1 263 1566 4 '57 1578 5 385 '579 5 452 1587 7 5' 1547 1 453 '549 1 498 1548 1 529 '549 1 547 1577 5 329 1592 8 79 dated '539 1 84 dated '539 1 124 dated '539 1 212 1553 2 16 dated 1541 1 200 1587 7 33 '559 3 63 1586 6 615 1574 5 129 1558 2 190 '575 5 237 1566 4 156 1579 5 478 1549 1 538 dated 1542 1 235 '549 1 5" '557 2 75 1559 3 7 1576 5 243 1581 6 80 1592 8 "5 1586 6 614 dated 1540 1 156 dated 1576 5 402 1585 6 546 1577 5 3'4 dated 1538 1 56 dated '544 1 263 24 Taunton Wills. Davy, Davye, William, Lawrens Lydyerd „ Willyam, Dunwere in parish Bridgwater „ William, Westmoncton „ Davie, Hewghe (Hewes) als., see Hewghe (Hewes) als. Davythe, Robert, clerk, Drayton Dawe, Alice, Heathefeld „ Joane, Kingsbrompton „ John, Pokington „ John, Tanton „ John, Drayton „ John, St. James, Taunton „ John, Lilstoke „ John, Exton „ Daw, John, the elder, Drayton „ Matthew, Bromfilde „ Nicholas, Miluerton „ Robert, Kingsbrumpton „ Robert, Brompton Regis „ Thomas, the elder, Exton „ Daw, Thomas, Tolland „ William, Exton Dawye, Robert, Wendon Day, Dey, David, Stockland „ Dey, Edeth, Gotehurst „ Deye, Elizabeth, Bridgewater „ Daie, Harrye, Stowgumber „ Deye, Joane, widow, Stoklond Bristowe „ Joane, Northpetherton „ Deye, John, Stockland Bristowe „ Daie, John, the younger, Stokgumber „ John, jun., Brompton Raffe „ Dey, John, Stogursey „ John, Kingston „ John, Horsey, parish Bridgewater „ Martyn, Kingsbrumpton „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Daie, Roger, Stokegumber „ Daye, Richard, Stogurseye „ Daye, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Daye, Thomas, Brompton Regis „ Deye, William, Stockland gaunte „ Daie, William, Thornefaucon „ Deye als. Lentall, Katheren, widow, Taunton „ als. Morgan, William, Dunster Deake, George, Mynehed „ John, Mynehed Deble, Robert, Kilton „ Walter, West Monckton See also Dibble. Deboyce, John, Eastquantoxhed Deight, Robert, Doniet De la Haye, IsbeU, Tanton Dell, Ralph (rector), Thornefawcon Deman, John, Westmonktone „ Thomas, Otterhampton Demon, Edmond, Munckton Denbery, Laurence, Spaxton Dene, John, Hilferonce „ William, Brudgewater Denman, Jone, Exton „ Richard, Canington dated 1544 1 3°9 '579 5 445 '592 8 7 le (Hewes) ah -. Davie. 1560 3 169 1559 3 44 1585 6 464 dated 1538 1 '4 dated 1540 1 179 dated 1541 1 224 1558 2 262 1573 5 97 1581 6 75 1593 9 54 1572 5 32 1584 6 4'3 '551 1 564 1562 4 3° 1565 4 130 1592 8 117 1546 1 361 dated i54o 1 168 1565 4 128 1582 6 202 1547 1 3S2 '557 2 4 1547 i 383 1580 5 501 1547 1 434 '559 3 3' 1574 5 '59 1582 6 '59 1584 6 419 1588 7 162 '593 9 18 1576 5 271 1565 4 109 dated '542 1 234 '578 5 350 1587 7 116 dated 1540 1 146 dated 1560 3 97 nton 1550 1 ' 614 1586 6 615 '592 8 121 dated 1546 1 538 1562 4 77 dated 1557 2 3' '592 8 197 1559 3 21 dated '545 1 327 1587 7 44 dated '557 2 '55 '558 2 176 1559 3 50 1583 6 277 dated 1540 1 180 dated 1540 1 '51 '559 3 87 1557 2 8 Taunton Wills. 25 Denninge, Richard, Chipstable Dennis, Dennys, Henry, St. Mary, Taunton „ Denishe, Robert, Lawrence Lydiard „ Denis, William, Taunton Denscombe, Joane, Stokegursie Denshere, , Mynehed „ John, Stringeston „ Denshire, Speare als., see Speare als. Denshire. Derborowghe, Walter, Bicknaller Dere, WUIiam, Bridgwater Derom, Joane, Drayton Derrett, Henry, Bromefilde Devonshere, Robert, Stokepirowe Dey, see Day. Dibble, Dible, George, Otterhampton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Bagborough „ Dyble, Richard, Northepetherton „ Dible, Robert, Northepetherton „ Dybbell, Thomas, Holford „ Dible, Thomas, Westmonckton See also Deble. Dicke, Joane, widow, Stokeland gaunte „ Joan, Currie mallet Dighte, Gonnett, Doniet Dillington, Katheren, widow, Northpetherton Dipstale, Coxe als., see Coxe als. Dipstale. Dirham, Elazabeth, widow, Chaffcomb Divers, Agnes, Lowpnaye Dobbin, Dobine, Alice, Northepetherton „ Dobben, George, St. James „ Dobyene, John, clerk, St. Mary stoke „ Dobyn, William, Chedseye Doble, Alice, widow, Mynehed „ Heughe, Bromton Raffe ,, Hughe, Wotten Courtney „ Dobull, John, Crocom „ John, Mynhed „ John, Mynehed „ John, Crokam „ Dobell, John, Moncton „ John, Crokam „ Margaret, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Truscombe, parish Crokam „ Thomas, Crocombe • „ Walter, Northpetherton „ William, Crokam Doding, Robert, Canyngton „ Thomas, mr. mariner, Canyngton „ William, Otterton „ " Doddyg," William, Canyngton „ Dodinge, Willyam, Otterhampton Dodington, John, esq. (Ar.), Dodington Dodridge, Stephen, Criche See also Dudridge. Doff, Thomas, Chadseye Compare Dosse. Dollen, Nicholas, Luccombe „ Aven als., see Aven als. Dollen. Dolling, Dolinge, Agnes, Stokegumber „ Dolinge, John, Cudworth 1580 5 504 1560 3 187 dated 1547 1 454 1560 3 125 1565 4 93 1562 4 214 dated '544 1 282 1577 5 297 1547 1 439 dated 1573 5 98 1575 5 216 1562 4 60 1592 8 174 '557 2 2S 1583 6 216 1550 1 625 '549 1 49' dated 1542 1 234 1558 2 '73 dated '543 1 278 1558 2 230 1576 5 246 '573 5 75 1582 6 187 1558 2 295 1560 3 144 1558 2 189 1558 2 92 '557 2 82 1549 1 53' 1578 5 410 1587 7 17 dated '540 1 148 1546 1 358 1548 1 521 155' 1 574 1560 3 '35 1566 4 146 1581 6 18 '549 1 474 1558 2 257 1565 4 132 1558 2 127 dated 1540 1 '43 dated '538 1 64 dated 1540 1 146 dated 1544 1 286 1583 6 294 1573 5 50 1566 4 '55 dated 1540 1 149 1573 5 83 1565 4 103 1549 1 55o 26 Taunton Wills. Dolling, Dolyn, Roger, Henton St. George „ Dollinge, WilHam, Mynhed Dolman, Agnes, hatchbecham „ Dollman, Alice, Drayton „ Doleman, Edmund, Hatchebechamp „ Edmund, Hachebecham „ Roger, Hachebecham „ als. Sawtle, William, Drayton Domett, John, the younger, Corffe Dominell, Stephen, Myluerton Domothe, John, Trull Dorborough, Joan, widow, Kilton Dorman, Johane, Bere Crokam „ Thomas, Bearecrokam Dorsett, Alice, widow, Misterton Dosse, John, Chedsey Compare Doff. Dowche, Willyam, Curryrivell Dowding, Christian, Bridgwater „ Dowdinge, Dorathie, widow, Cannington ,, Dowdinge, John, the elder, Otterhampton Downam, Roger, Chillington Downe, Helen, St. James, Taunton „ John, clerk, Yle abbottes ,, Robert, Cuttelstone „ Willyam, St. James, Taunton Downinge, Edward, Miluerton Drew, Drue, Bartholomew, Kingston „ John, Cannington „ Drewe, Thomas, Seluington „ William, Curryrivell Dreyton, Thomas, Bromiild Duckett, John, Ilton Duckham, Duccomb, John, Stawlighe „ Jone, widow, Enmer „ Duccam, William, Enmer Dudridge, Dudrudge, John, Brompton Ralph „ John, servant to Symon Ven at Lidiard Lawrence „ Dudrigge, Richard, Wolrig, parish St. James, Tanton „ Duddridge, William, Lawrance Lydyard See also Dodridge. Dudwell, Joane, Lidiard Laurence „ Dudwill, John, Lidiard Lawrence Dun, John, Kingesbrumpton „ Richard, Brushford Dunford, Robert, Wemdon Dunscombe, Elizabeth, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ William, Exford „ als. Skuttfold, William, Luccomb Dunster, Richard, Kyngsbrompton Durborowgh, Edward, Stowgumber „ Durborowe, John, Crocombe Durley, Richard, Comeflorie Durman, Joane, Bearecrokam Durneford, Robert, Chilton, parish Bridgwater Durrom, Roger, Lidiard Lawrence Dyar, John, Hilfarrance „ Dier, Sulley als., see Sulley als. Dier. 1578 5 381 dated 1545 1 3'7 1558 2 285 '593 9 80 1560 3 104 1560 3 186 1558 2 232 1582 6 184 '558 2 234 1575 5 217 dated '54' 1 216 1588 7 '47 '549 1 543 dated '538 1 '5 1562 4 25 '549 1 473 '578 5 347 '557 2 83 1584 6 388 dated 1540 1 142 dated 1542 1 25' 1578 5 349 1577 5 3" dated i54i 1 187 1580 5 509 1587 7 106 dated '545 1 355 1587 7 123 1593 9 38 1587 7 3 dated '557 2 174 1546 1 377 1587 7 52 1558 2 266 '551 1 665 1562 4 57 1562 4 59 dated '538 1 4' '55'(? ) ' 658 1582 6 207 1562 4 68 1558 2 212 1566 4 161 1586 6 633 '573 57 1549 537 1573 84 1588 166 dated 1540 167 1574 141 1578 377 dated '538 35 1585 6 457 1574 5 '5' 1562 4 61 '559 3 38 Taunton Wills. 27 ' Dycher, Roger, Thurlbare „ Dyccher, Thomas, Thurlbare Dycke, Rychard, Corymallett Dyman, Johan, widow, Westmonketone Eare, Elizabeth, Durston „ Joane, widow, Dunster See also Eyre. Earth, Elizabeth, widow, Brodway Edbroke, Elizabeth, Winsford „ John, Exford „ "Jone" (sic), John, Exforde „ Thomas, Exford Ede, Mychael, Mynhed Edeford, John, Stoke Pirow „ John, Stokepirow Edmund, Alice, Sowthpetherton „ John, Mynehed „ Edmunde, John, Westquantokshedd „ Edmonds, Nicholas, Staple Fitzpaine „ Edmonds, William, Sowthpetherton Edney, Eddnye, John, Wyvelyscombe Edwards, Agnes, Northpetherton „ John, Dodington „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Lidiard Laurence „ John, Northpetherton „ Edward, Richard, Tanton „ Edward, Thomas, St. James, Tanton „ Edwardes, William, Northepetherton „ William, Durleigh Ellet, William, He abbatt Elliott, Eliote, John, Miluerton „ Richard, Miluerton Ellis, Elis, Christopher, Aishbretell „ John, Kingsbrumpton „ Elis, John, Kingesbrompton „ Elis, Katherine, Kingesbrompton „ Ellys, Thomas, clerk, Donyatt „ Elis, William, St. Mary, Taunton Eliot, Thomas, Aisholte Elswarr, William, Exford Elsworthye, John, Porlocke „ Elsworthy, John, Exford „ Elsworthie, John, Exford „ Elsworthie, John, Exford Emans, Willyam, Stokegursie Erne, Henry, Wottencourtny „ Jone, widow, Selworthie „ Eame, Joan, Wotten Courtney „ Joane, widow, Hawkredge „ Eame, Mary, widow, Wotton Courtney „ Hill als., see Hill als. Erne. See also Yeme. Englande, Christian, widow, Sheptonbecham „ England, John, Durston See also Ingland. Englishe, Walter, Northpetherton Escott, William, Old Cleve Est[yest], Thomas, Brudgewater 1550 1 616 1550 1 6|3 dated '55' 1 5S1 1558 2 93 1565 4 109 admon. '592 8 94 1585 6 488 '578 5 422 dated 1541 1 205 1550 1 638 1586 6 590 1560 3 '34 dated 1540 1 203 dated 1540 1 2I3 1562 4 45 1550 1 636 '575 5 184 1585 6 468 1585 6 49' '558 2 107 '575 5 19' 1578 5 399 1581 6 69 1586 6 564 1587 7 74 '574 5 '75 '572 5 118 1547 1 44i 1588 7 'S3 '593 9 34 1593 9 12 1584 6 343 1576 5 276 '559 3 103 1560 3 179 1577 5 345 1584 6 3'4 1560 3 164 1577 5 325 '557 2 42 dated '538 1 55 1572 5 5 '575 5 200 1586 6 646 1547 1 386 1577 5 3'3 1565 4 116 1586 6 606 1587 7 81 1583 6 295 1578 5 372 dated 1584 6 333 1592 8 196 1559 3 74 dated '539 1 10S Taunton Wills. Estbroke, Jone, widow, Wolverton „ Estbrowke, John, Crokhorne „ Richard, Eston, Tristram, Whitstanton Etton, John, Crokehorne Evens, William, Pitmister See also Ye vans. Everard, John, Stokland Bristowe „ Robert, Stokegursie Evered, Anne, Stogursey „ James, Stockland Bristol „ John, Stogursye „ Everedd, Walter, Oterhampton Everett, David, Stogursey „ John, Ham, parish Bridgwater „ Roger, Bradford „ Euerat, Thomas, Dunster „ Euerett, William, Stokegursie Everie, Elzabeth, Donyett „ Eurie, John, Pytmister Evett, Jefiferie, Wotton Courtney „ John, Porlock „ Margaret, widow, Exford „ Evott, Robert, Carhampton Ewdall, William, Wynsford Ewde, John, Selworthie Ewens, Joane, Westquantokshedd „ Ewen, Joane, Stogumber „ Ewen, John, Little Stocke „ Ewins, John, St. James, Tanton Exall, Joane, widow, Aishbrittell „ John, Aishbrittell Exson, John, Spaxton Exton, Gyles, Culve „ John, St. James, Tanton Eyre, Stephen, Stokelinch Magdalen See also Eare. Facrell, Edward, Northpetherton „ John, Linge „ Richard, Northpetherton Farmer, John, Nettlecombe „ Farmor, John, jun., Netlecombe „ William, Kingston „ als. Chaplin, William, Durston Farnam, John, Misterton Farrell, William, Taunton Farrier als. Baker, John, Withicombe „ Farryer als. Baker, William, Withecomb Farthinge, Christen, widow, Moncksilver „ Farthyn, John, Wethell „ Richard, Norton „ Robert, Kingston „ Fardinge, Robert, Durston „ William, Muncksilver Farthington, Joane, He Abbot Farwell, Elizabeth, widow, Dunster „ Farewell, Symon, the elder, Hilbushoppe< Father, John, Stokegursie Fausete, Robert, He Abbott Femall, John, St. Mary, Tanton dated 1542 1 227 dated 1539 1 137 1538 1 18 1581 6 56 '559 3 2 1558 2 245 1547 1 426 1550 1 629 1588 7 164 1592 8 163 1588 7 140 1546 1 389 1592 8 S3 '573 5 67 1574 5 130 '547 1 459 1547 1 442 '559 3 56 '547 1 436 1586 6 654 1566 4 168 1566 4 213 1547 1 457 1548 1 525 1586 6 650 dated 1574 5 "9 1579 5 446 1560 3 '34 1565 4 101 1572 5 10 1565 4 '3' 1572 5 40 155' 1 5S6 1575 5 '95 1587 7 119 1588 7 '9' 1592 8 197 1588 7 144 1581 6 44 1581 6 59 1566 4 2 I 2 1576 5 254 1548 1 547 dated 1543 1 242 1585 6 469 1588 7 '3' 1566 4 176 1548 1 535 1578 5 424 1566 4 140 1581 6 1 1592 8 191 '549 1 542 1546 1 3&I dated 1545 1 327 1559 3 24 '593 9 6 1573 5 117 Taunton Wills. 29 Fenaghe, Morys, Cheriton Fitzpayn Fenne, Fene, Alice, widow, „ Alson, widow, Lawrens Lydyerd „ Fene, John, Kingsbrompton Ferrer, John, Lopen „ Ferrar, Robert, Lopyn Festicombe, William, Mynhed Fiffian, see Vyvian. Fildue, Katheren, widow, Northpetherton „ Robert, Northepetherton „ Fildewe, William, Northepetherton Filye, Jone, widow, Trull Fisher, Fissher, Alexander, Wilton ,, Elizabeth, Chedsey „ John, Duluerton „ Fissher, John, Hawkeridge „ William, Bridgwater Fistemer, Alice, Sowthpetherton Fitty, John, Wethepoole „ Fittie, John, Withipoole Fleete, John, Withipoole Fleming, John, Stogursey „ Flemen, William, Stokeland ,, William, Stockland Flenger, William, Moncksilver Fletcher, John, Durston Floggen, Ann, Miluerton Florye, Richard, Bicknell Fluye, John, Bicknollar Folenton, John, Wotten „ Folentine, John, Wutton „ Folentine, Jone, Wutton Courtney Ford, Fourde, Walter, Dulverton „ Forde, Williams als., see Williams als. Forde. Fort, Elizabeth, widow, Sowthepetherton „ Forte, John, the elder, Shepton Becham „ Forte, John, Yle abbott „ Forte, John, Sowthpetherton „ Forte, Thomas, Shepton becham „ Forte, William, Southpetherton „ Forte als. Williams, John, Fiffett Fosse, see Frosse. Foster, Forster, Alice, widow, Stawlighe ,, Christian, widow, Luxborowgh „ John, Luxborowe „ Wyllyam, Mynhed Fouracre, Fowreaker, John, Hethfilde „ Fowreacre, Jone, Bradford „ Fowreacre, Joane, Hillfarant Fowler, Fowghler, Robert, Stowgurseye „ Robert, Dolishewake Foxe, Cuthbert, Yle Abbottes „ Edithe, Abbott He „ Thomas, St. James, Tanton Foxwill, Julian, Corf Francklin, Walther, Staple Fitzpaine Franke, Agnes, widow, Mynhed „ Frank, John, Stokegumber „ Francke, John, Porlocke „ Richard, Mynehed Franon, Richard, Dunster dated '543 1 239 1581 6 49 dated 1541 1 216 1581 6 45 '559 3 20 dated '539 1 136 1544 1 289 1571 5 89 dated '559 3 96 1559 3 73 '559 3 53 1562 4 46 '579 5 443 '574 5 '45 '579 5 436 '557 2 16 '549 1 544 1580 5 499 '585 6 446 1583 6 301 1592 8 57 1550 1 607 1550 1 664 1566 4 '75 1566 4 139 1581 6 12 dated 155' 2 49 1550 1 637 1547 1 419 dated 1547 1 452 1565 4 95 1558 2 166 dated 154' 1 227 1558 2 213 '559 3 47 1577 5 3°4 1577 5 3'3 1587 7 58 1546 1 374 1587 7 55 '549 1 5'8 dated '537 1 5' 1544 1 39^ dated 1538 1 3° 1558 2 291 '559 3 4 dated 1541 1 196 1576 5 252 1558 2 240 '558 2 90 dated 1537 1 42 1592 8 168 1572 5 9 1560 3 162 1548 1 528 1586 6 589 1558 2 212 dated 1539 1 82 30 Taunton Wills. Fraunce, John, Ilebruer „ William, Ilebruers Freake, Elizabeth, Mysterton Freivell, Richard, St. James, Tanton Frenche, John, Chedsey „ Robert, Chedsey „ William, Misterton Frierne, Henry, Elworthie „ Frierren, John, Elworthy Frogwell, John, Wethepowell „ John, Withipoole Froman, Joane, widow, Cannington Frome, Jone, widow, Canington Frosse (? Fosse), Willyam, clerk, Huishechamflore Frost, William, Sowthepetherton Fry, Frie, Elizabeth, Bradforde „ Frye, John, Westbucklond „ Frye, John, Ottehill, parish Crewkerne „ Frye, Richard, Northpetherton „ Frie, Robert, Miluerton ,, Frie, Robert, Miluerton „ Frie, Simon, Otterford „ Vry, Thamsin, Bradford ,, Frye, Thomas, Stockland Brystowe „ Frie, Thomas, Drayton See also Vrie. Furse, Richard, Stogumber Fursie, Joane, Aishpriors „ Fursey, Lusie, widow, Miluerton Fyffian, see Vyvian. Gade, Alice, Linge „ William, Lenge Gage, Gaidge, John, Nettlecomb „ Gaige, Jone, Netlecomb „ William, Enmer Gale, Anthony, Bridgwater „ Christyan, widow, Cryche „ John, Creche „ John, Trull „ Nicholas, Criche ,, Richard, St. James „ Robert, Creche „ Gayle, William, Holforde Galenton, Elsabeth, Northepetherton Galey, Florence, widow, Ilmyster GaUamptone, John, gent., Stockland Gaunt Galwey, Galwaie, Darbie, Bridgwater ,, John, Dunster Gamlen, Hughe, Westquantokshed ,, Gamlinge, Hugh, Miluerton „ Gamline, Joane, Estquantockhed „ John, Estquantokshed „ Richard, Monksilver „ Gamlinge, Thomas, Miluerton ,, William, Estquantokshed Gamon, Thomas, Crokeham Gapper, John, Bridgwater Gardiner, Gardyner, Alice, widow, West Monckton „ Gardener, Henry, St. Mary, Taunton dated 1 541 1 176 dated '543 1 302 1577 5 33° '574 5 109 1592 8 89 1587 7 20 '592 S 135 1587 7 10 '579 5 477 dated '540 1 162 1585 6 447 '547 1 43' dated '537 3 IOI 1577 5 299 '558 2 2S0 1566 4 185 '559 3 65 1586 6 58i '593 9 93 dated 1546 1 5°7 1581 6 100 1582 6 169 1588 7 '35 1560 3 107 '573 5 99 1576 5 265 1562 4 83 1592 8 100 1584 6 377 '557 2 83 1582 6 171 1592 S 207 '559 3 70 1581 6 21 dated 1557 2 117 dated 1540 1 190 '579 5 43' '547 1 466 1558 2 188 '557 2 32 '551 1 565 1559 3 34 dated 1549 1 55' '558 2 140 1566 4 '95 1575 5 23' 1578 5 364 1584 6 368 1587 7 I23 dated '547 1 484 1566 4 162 1587 7 87 1563 4 5' 1583 6 234 1560 3 '35 1578 5 366 1579 5 427- Taunton Wills. 3i Gardiner, Gardener, Jone, Northpetherton ,, Joane, Luxborowe „ Gardner, John, St. Mary Stoke „ John, Mary stoke „ Gardner, John, West Moncton „ Gardener, John, Luxborough „ Thomas, Northepetherton „ Gardener, Walter, Luccomb „ Gardner, William, Luccomb „ Coffen als., see Coffen als. Gardiner. Garett, Elnor, widow, St. James, Tanton Gatchell, John, the elder, Corf ,, Gachell, Walter, Corffe Gatcomb, Christian, Bowre, parish Bridgwater „ Gatcombe, John, Bower, parish Bridgewater „ Gatcombe, Thomas, East Bower, Bridgewater „ Gatcombe, William, Bridgwater Gaye, Geye, Ellis, St. Mary, Taunton „ Gaie, John, Stokegursie „ William, Staple „ Geye als. Merice, Elizabeth, widow, Stokegursie Gayle, see Gale. Gaylerd, Gailerd, Antonie, Langford „ Gailerd, John, Stocklinche Mawdlin „ John, Drayton „ Gaylar, Nicholas, Pytmyster Gayner, John, Tanton Gebons, Christopher, Trull Geere, Walter, Misterton Gelberd, William, Chedsey Gellett, Agnes, Crocombe Geninge, John, Chiptable „ Gening, Robert, Miluerton „ Robert, Currymallett „ Genings, Walter, Tanton „ William, He Abbott „ Genynge, William, Trull „ William, the elder, Trull See also Jennings. Gente, Richard, Riston Genyngam, John, Kulton See also Gunningham. Germayne, Elynor, widow, Pokyngton ,, Germaine, Elinore, widow, Puckington ,, German, John, Exford „ German, John, Norton Gibbenne, John, Wilton Gibbes, Alice, widow, Northpetherton „ Gybbes, Davye, Bridgwater „ Gybbes, John, Pytmister „ Gybbes, John, Brudgewater „ John, the younger, Abbot He „ John, Abbotyele „ John, Northpetherton „ Gybbes, Julyan, widow, Bridgwater „ Susan, Bridgwater „ William, Thurlbare „ als. Hawle, Joan, widow, Bradford Gifford, Gyfforde, als. Stephens, Thomas, Curryrivell Gilbert, Gylbarte, John, Bridgwater „ Gilberte, Richard, Bridgwater dated '557 2 39 1585 6 481 '558 2 286 1565 4 97 '574 5 164 1588 7 146 '549 1 483 1585 6 460 1582 6 '55 1562 4 27 1585 6 549 1577 5 299 1584 6 320 '559 3 79 '575 5 177 dated '549 1 489 1588 7 186 '549 1 492 '558 2 215 dated [569 5 97 1565 4 125 1566 4 142 1587 7 78 1546 1 349 dated 1540 1 182 dated 1542 1 219 '592 8 203 '579 5 432 '558 2 270 '559 3 81 1550 1 659 1581 6 5S dated 1545 1 33' 1547 1 440 '559 3 65 '593 9 52 dated '545 1 35' dated 1538 1 70 '55° 1 620 '550 1 663 1560 3 '77 1572 5 21 1592 S 41 1587 7 72 '558 2 20S dated 1538 1 36 dated 1540 1 '51 1558 2 S7 1558 2 226 158S 6 502 1574 5 136 1557 2 69 '578 5 412 1586 6 626 '55' 1 5S9 1560 3 '3° 1546 i 342 32 Taunton Wills. Giles, see Gyles. Gill, Gyll, Elizabeth, Northpetherton dated „ Jerome, Crokam „ Julian, widow, Miluerton „ Robert, Michelcreche „ Robert, Hillfarrance ,, Roger, Hilfarrante „ Thomas, Badialton „ William, Criche dated „ Gyll, William, Bridgwater „ William, Trull Gillam, William, Angerslighe Gillen, Richard, servant to Richard More, Lidiard Laurence Gillow, Gyllowe, John, Luccombe Gine, see Gyne. Giningham, Giles, Kilton Gisse, see Gysse. Glanfield, Glanfild, John, Shepton bechamp „ John, Shepton beachampe Glasse, George, Northpetherton „ Henry, Porlock ,, John, Stokegursye „ John, Duluerton „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Porlocke „ Jone, Hawkeridge „ Mawd, Outherhampton „ Glase, Nicholas, Northepetherton „ Nicholas, Northepetherton „ Phillippe, Hawkridge „ Roger, Clotworthie „ Thomasine, widow, Duluerton „ Water, Canington Glevell, William, Hilfarance Glosse, John, Stokegursey dated „ John, Hawkerudge dated „ Glose, John, Hawkridge „ William, Dulverton „ William, Porlocke „ William, Selworthie Glover, Glouer, Nicholas, Crokehorne „ Robert, Dunster „ Rawlings als., see Rawlings als. Glover. Glovier, Glouier, Elizabeth, Shepton becham „ William, Ilbruers „ Gloviar, Rawlins als., see Rawlins als. Gloviar. Goare, see Gore. God (formerly Kynge), Alice, widow, North Petherton dated „ Gefferie, Stokelynge Otterseye dated „ Godde, Harrye, Stokegursie „ Joane, Canington „ John, Stocklinche Otersey „ Godd, John, litell Criche „ Godd, John, Aisholt „ John, Durston „ Godde, Richard, Cannington See also Good. Godderd, John, Thurloxton Godinche, John, Thurloxton Golde, Bartelmue, Curryrivell „ Edward, Stogumber dated 1539 1 98 1562 4 16 1573 5 77 1578 5 379 1587 7 67 '559 3 40 1577 5 301 1545 1 356 1560 3 127 1586 6 57' 1581 6 62 1573 5 89 1560 3 112 1562 4 20 1573 5 86 1587 7 107 1587 7 62 1582 6 105 1558 2 144 1585 6 486 1586 6 643 1592 S 126 1581 6 5' 1587 7 128 1558 2 '97 1580 5 487 '593 9 84 '573 5 92 1578 5 37i '579 5 448 '558 2 211 '544 1 287 1544 1 292 1558 2 212 155' 1 567 1558 2 I46 1566 4 164 1540 1 175 1546 1 360 1558 2 239 '592 8 3° 1538 1 69 '539 1 136 1547 1 448 i55o 1 653 1558 2 256 1566 4 159 1580 5 493 1585 6 536 1549 1 490 1586 6 659 1559 3 12 1562 4 35 1536 1 634 Tatmton Wills. 32 Golde, Gold, Joan, widow, Kingston „ Goolde, Julian, Bridgwater „ Gold, Margaret, widow, Cruke „ Goolde, William, Otterhampton „ Gould, William, Barrington Goloppe, John, Buckland Marie „ Golopp, Thomasen, Buckland Marie Gonningham, Thomasin, widow, Kilton Good, Juliane, widow, Stokegursie See also God. Goodenow, John, Nettlecombe „ Godenowhe, John, Stokegurseye Goodgroome, George, Nettlecomb „ John, Nettlecomb „ Thomas, Winsford „ William, Winsford Goodin, Goodhin, Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton „ Gooden, Joane, widow, Northepetherton „ Goodyn, William, Northepetherton Goodman, Elizabeth, Clotworthy „ Harire, Wells „ Isabel, Combflory „ Joane, Clotworthie „ John, Wembdon „ Mellior, widow, Clotworthie ; Goody, John, Northepetherton Goold, see Gold. Goole, Jonsone als., see Jonsone als. Goole. Goore, Henry, Monkesilver , „ John, Monnksiluer „ Thomas, Bridgwater Gore, Goare, Alice, widow, Bridgwater „ Goare, Hugh, Stogumber „ John, Wembdon „ Thomas, Wembdon Gorwell, Agnes, Oldeclief Goue, Margaret, Cutcombe Gould, see Gold. Goved, Avis, widow, Cannington Gover, John, Oke „ Richard, Stallie Govett, Margaret, Strengston „ Robert, Stockland „ Robert, Wembdon „ Thomas, Strengston Govier, John, Eastquantoxhed „ Margaret, Stalleigh „ Govyer, Water, Hellworthie Gower, William, Spaxton Gowghe, William, St. Mary, Tanton Gowne, Agnes, Tanton Gowre, William, Wethicom Grabham, William, Stogursie „ William, Enmer Grant, Grante, Agnes, widow, Bicknoller „ John, Ilbruer „ Graunte, John, Westmonketone „ Graunte, Walter, Stogursey „ Grante, William, Aishbrittle Grave, Graue, Henry, Strengston „ Henry, Ourstowey 1588 7 152 158: 6 72 dated '539 1 136 1558 2 '83 1584 6 372 1547 1 458 1546 1 373 1574 5 '43 1572 5 5 dated 1540 1 166 dated 1545 1 3'3 1583 6 219 1586 6 649 1586 6 647 1573 5 69 1587 7 109 dated '549 1 485 1558 2 160 1562 4 39 dated 1538 r 7i 1583 6 221 '592 8 165 1576 5 287 dmon. 1592 8 3' 1560 3 116 dated I54i 1 208 1582 6 204 '575 5 216 1585 6 4S4 '592 8 15 1547 1 452 '559 3 79 1578 5 356 '548 1 530 1547 1 43° '558 2 186 '558 2 186 1582 6 201 1565 4 "3 dated 1584 6 35° 1557 2 47 1582 6 '39 1562 4 55 dated 1541 1 214 1558 2 3°4 1548 1 510 dated 1543 1 3°5 dated 1541 1 207 '575 5 209 1576 5 244 1565 4 105 dated 1539 1 250 '558 2 '9' 1577 5 3" 1583 6 250 1559 3 35 1584 6 374 34 Taunton Wills. Grave, Hooke als., see Hooke als. Grave. Graye, Andrew, Stokegursie „ John, Chadseye dated „ Richard, St. James, (Tanton ?) „ Gray, Thomas, curate of Westmuncton Gredey, Greaddie, Christopher, Samford Arundell ,, John, Samforde „ Greadie, Jone, widow, Miluerton ,, Gredye, Richard, Mylvertone „ Gredye, Robert, Sampford Arundell Gredy, Stawlighe ah., see Stawlighe als. Gredy. Green, Grene, John, Bridgwater dated „ Grene, John, the elder, Canington „ John, Bagborowe Greenfield, Grenefilde, Jone, Chafcombe Greenslade, Greneslade, Agnes, widow, Duluerton „ Grinslade, Briant, St. James, Taunton „ Grenslade, Elizabeth, widow, Skilgate „ Greneslade, Jone, Northpetherton „ Greneslade, Johan, widow, Kingsbrumpton „ Grenslade, John, Dulverton ,, John, Skilgate ,, Grynslade, Roger, Northepetherton „ Greneslede, Thomas, Kingesbrumpton „ Grenslad, Thomas, Luxborrowe „ Greneslade, William, Kyngsbrompton Greenway, Grenewaye, , Crokehorne „ Grenewaie, James, Crukhorne Grenwaye, William, Ashcombe^parish Crewkerne dateddated dated dated dated „ als. Laskyn, Nicholas, Sowthpetherton Gregory, Gregorye, Agnes, „ Gregorye, John, Ronnington ,, Gregorie, John, Langford „ Griggorie, John, St. James, Taunton „ Laurence, Lenge „ Robart, Estquantokshed „ Gregorie, Thomas, Estquantokeshed „ Gregorie, Thomas, Badialton „ Thomas, Estquantokshedd „ als. Norman, Andrew, Kilton Grenter, Robert, Stocklynche, Magdalen Greydon, Elnor, Dunster „ John, Dunster Gribble, Grybbell, John, Overstowey Griffen, Marten, Petherton „ Pyner ah., see Pyner als. Gryffen. Grigge, John, Otterfford „ Grigge, Thomas, Otterforde Grigory, see Gregory. Grime, Joane, Wembdon Groborne, Robert, Gothurst Grove, Joane, widow, Spaxton „ John, Northepetherton „ John, Canington „ Robert, Stokegursey „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Walter, Canington „ William, Stocklandgaunte „ Seller als., see Seller als. Grove. Gryne, Robert, Tanton Gulloche, Alice, Bicknell, parish Staple dated dated dateddated dated dated dated dated '559'538 1558 1592 15851560 1592'558 1558 1551 '5591586 1577 1566 '593 1592 1542 '558'55' 1582 '539'557 1560 '544'539 '549 1587 1580 1581 '557 15621581 '577 '559'545 '557 '575 1582'559'539 1539'538'557'544'5741562 '544 1586 1558 1561 '5391581 1584 '557 1539 '577 3 1 2 86 3 8 2 2 1 3 6 5 4 1 6 23 111 75 6 2 4 6 5 3 1 2 5 6 3 111 2 1 5 4 1 6 2 4 1 6 6 2 1 5 2475 9' 96 5°5 126 7' '43 218 57o 55 619302 174 98 104 233 258 567 191 "3 4 171 290 135 3«4 95 507 '5 75 54 3S 33(> 100 342 10 234 156 17 76 33 303 166 47 3°4 598 287 4 in 4 32S 7 120 293 Taunton Wills. 35 Gulloche, John, Bicknell, parish Staple fitzpaine Gully, Gullie, John, Northpetherton „ GuUay, Hethecombe ah., see Hethecombe als. Gullay Gunningham, John, the elder, Kylton See also Genyngam Gunnyngton, Richard, Stowgurseye Gurney, Richard, Corymallet Gyles, William, Wotton Coortney Gyne, Alice, Curry Rivell Gysse, Emott, Ronington Haburfeld, Thomas, Chaidseye Hackeshaw, William, Otterford Haddon, Thomas, Donyett „ William, Kingston Hadley, Christopher, Wethicombe Hadridge, John, Stockland Bristowe „ Hadrige, Richard, Hotterhampton „ Haddridge, Thomas, Westquantokshed „ Hadriche, Walter, Stockland Bristow Hagly, William, Badialton Halftherd, Thomas, Gothurst Hall, Isabell, Hotterhampton „ Halle, John, Cannyngtone „ Richard, Otterhampton „ Robert, Northepetherton „ Halle, William, Elworthy Halswell, Margerie, gent., Gotehurste „ Halsewell, Richard, Gotehurste Hame, John, Wutton Courtney Hamlyne, Thomas, Westmonckton Hamon, Thomas, Mynhed Hamott, John, Selworthy Hampton, Edward, Exford Hamwood, John, Wilton ,, Thomas, Wembdon Hamynge, Alice, Crokehorne Hancocke, Elizabeth, Wiviliscombe „ John, Luxborowe ,, Hancock, John, Luxborough „ Jone, widow, Wembdon „ Sicilie, Lydiard Laurence „ Hancock, Thomas, Copland, parish Brodway „ William, Wendon Handley, Handleye, Henry, vicar of Stokegurseye „ John, Stokegurseye Hanforde, Willyam, Taunton Haninge, John, Cheddington „ Hanninge, John, ffurlowe „ John, Crookherne ,, Richard, Crokehorne „ Thomas, Michelcreche Hanslowe, Hannslowe, Peter, Bridgwater Harcombe, Harcom, Andrew, Fedington „ Walter, Stokegursie „ William, Heathfelde Hardinge, George, St. James, Taunton „ Richard, Staple Hardman, John, Staple Fitzpaine Hardrige, Thomas, Doddington 1576 5 252 iillav. 1574 5 163 1593 9 23 1558 2 163 dated 1541 1 '77 1581 6 9' 1579 5 479 1592 8 104 dated '539 1 107 dated 154' 1 1S9 dated 1542 1 224 1592 8 112 dated 1540 1 164 1561 4 11 dated '545 1 3'3 '559 3 32 1573 5 66 dated '538 1 258 dated 1540 1 150 dated '539 1 118 '558 2 178 dated 1540 1 '54 1540 1 141 '578 5 3S9 1573 5 57 1572 5 1 1565 4 96 1558 2 '75 dated 1542 1 213 1583 6 263 dated 1559 3 55 1558 2 233 1566 4 '39 1560 3 149 1582 6 163 '559 3 62 1562 4 43 1551 1 594 1558 2 268 1587 73 dated 1539 102 dated '539 112 dated 1540 144 1577 293 1572 39 1581 6 11 1582 6 136 '559 3 44 1585 6 489 '593 9 37 dated 1540 1 149 i57i 5 87 155' 1 588 1588 7 180 1566 4 '78 1586 6 642 dated '575 5 221 36 Taunton Wills. Hare, Agnes, widow, Staple „ Alice, Thornefawcon, servant „ Alice, Enmer „ Alice, Norton „ John, Stapull „ John, Enmer „ Mawte, Staple „ Nicholas, Staple „ Richard, Westmonckton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Thornefawcon „ Harre, William, Westmonkton Harford, John, Criche Harle, Thomas, Brufeld Harlelocke, John, Kylve Ham, John, Selworthie Harper, Thomas, Staplegrove „ als. Clarke, Robert, Nettlecombe Harrell, Elizabeth, Gotehurst „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ Richard, Bromefeld „ Harryll, Richard, West Monketon Harris, George, Westbagborow „ Joane, Heathefield „ Harrys, John, St. James, Taunton „ Harrys, John, Northepetherton „ Harrys, John, Aishebrittell „ John, St. Mary, Taunton „ John, Bridgwater „ Harres, John, Oke „ John, Riston „ John, Heathfield „ Harrys, Richard, the elder, Heathfeeld „ Harrys, Robert, Northpetherton „ Robert, St. Mary, Taunton „ Robert, Stokemary ,, Thomas, „ Harrys, Thomas, Nettlecombe „ Thomas, Bagboroughe „ Harrys, William, Oke „ William, Stoke Mary „ William, Porlocke „ William, Oke Harrison, Harison, Anthony, Tanton Harrott, John, Mynehed „ John, Mynhed Harsey, Elizabeth, Bucland Mary See also Horsey. Harte, John, Myluerton „ Mitchell ah., see Mitchell als. Harte. Harton, John, Porlock „ Robert, Porlocke „ Thomas, Estquantockshed Harvye, Elyn, Brudgewater „ Harvie, Elenor, Bagborowgh „ Harvie, Sir John, priste, Tanton „ Harvie, Jone, widow, Kelton „ Katherine, Brudgewater „ Harvie, Margaret, widow, Norton „ Richard, West Bower, Bridgwater Harward, John, Hethfilde 1580 5 49S '578 5 36S 1592 8 54 1592 8 114 1560 3 119 1565 4 111 1565 4 105 1574 5 '53 1587 7 101 1587 7 89 '557 2 26 1558 2 221 dated 1546 1 352 '558 2 264 1558 2 252 '544 1 291 dated '579 5 476 1572 5 23 1588 7 '34 1 581 6 17 dated '539 1 103 dated '539 1 216 '559 3 12 1561 4 10 '558 2 104 1558 2 '75 '558 2 207 '558 2 262 '574 5 170 '575 5 239 1578 5 354 '593 9 89 dated '590 9 78 dated '539 1 97 '559 3 79 1582 6 278 dated '539 1 88 1550 1 619 1581 6 97 dated 1540 1 1S1 1581 6 35 dated 1582 6 204 1592 8 92 dated 1546 1 355 1558 2 273 1558 2 297 dated 1543 1 251 1576 5 264 1547 1 446 155' 1 590 dated '538 1 73 dated '541 1 198 '574 5 126 dated 1540 1 181 dated 1538 1 74 dated 1540 1 149 1561 4 11 dated 1538 1 67 dated •537 1 24 Taunton Wills. 27 Haslate, Robert, Canington Hatcher, Thomas, Stokegurseye Haven, Thomas, Estquantocke Hawberfilde, John, Northpetherton Hawell, Richard, Wynsford Hawker, John, the elder, Corymallet Hawkes, Robert, Stokegumber Hawkins, Edith, Southpetherton „ Elinor, widow, Puckington „ Jone, Thornefaucon „ Joane, Mynehead „ Hawkyns, John, Thornefawken „ John, Stogumber „ John, Thornfawcon „ John, Trull „ John, Stocklinche Oterseye „ John, Stokgumber „ John, Exforde „ John, Aishbrittle „ John, Miluerton „ Hawkinges, Nicholas, Stockgumber „ Hawkin, Robert, Stocklinch Otersey „ Thomas, Trull „ ah. Torre, Walter, Lidiard Lawrence Hawkwell, Robert, Duluerton Hawle, Gibbes ah., see Gibbes ah. Hawle. Hawman, John, Kingston Hawten, Gregory, Cutcombe ,, Hawtyn, Joane, widow, Winsforde „ Jone, Exton „ John, Cutcombe „ Richard, Winsford „ Hawtyn, William, Exford „ Hawtin, William, Cutcombe Hayball, William, Michell Creeche Hayes, Hayis, Cornell, St. James, Taunton „ Richard, Chedsey Hayle, Clement, Stokegurseye „ Clement, Stokegursie ,, Thomas, Dodyngton Haylowe, John, Canington Hayne, Haine, Elizabeth (widow of John), Nettlecombe „ Haynes, Joan, spinster, St. Mary, Taunton* „ John, Upton „ Haine, John, clerk, Hachbechamp „ Haine, John, the elder, Duluerton „ Hayn, Simon, Upton „ Haine, Troylous, Dunster „ Water, Ryston „ Walter, Ryshton „ Haine, William, Wilton Hayward, Agnes, widow, Puckington ,, Elnor, Netelcombe „ Joane, widow, Kilton „ Haywarde, Katheren, Spaxton „ Richard, Norton „ Haywarde, Robert, Thurlebare See also Heyward. Haywood, Hawood, Agnes, Westmonkton '573 5 112 dated '546 1 444 dated '538 1 77 1588 7 176 dated 1542 1 210 '559 3 10 '573 5 74 1587 7 2 1581 6 10 '557 2 76 '587 7 1 12 dated 1540 1 184 '547 1 467 • 548 1 506 1557 2 48 '559 3 12 '559 3 86 1578 5 401 1582 6 161 1587 7 108 1560 3 152 3 Edw .VI 1 546 '573 5 79 1592 8 '3S 1562 4 '9 1558 2 279 '575 5 215 '573 5 53 '579 5 448 1576 5 285 1566 4 '53 '558 2 152 1588 7 '53 .587 7 114 '558 2 210 1586 6 639 1546 1 338 dated 1548 1 394 '558 2 205 1572 5 27 )e 1566 4 210 '593 9 39 dated '539 1 90 1548 1 54' 1566 4 211 dated '538 1 61 '549 1 5'7 dated '544 1 307 1593 9 96 1566 4 189 1572 5 42 dated '537 1 205 1562 4 18 dated 155' 1 586 1585 6 5'4 1575 5 181 1557 * Wrongly named Hugh Cox in the margin. 38 Taunton Wills. Haywood, Richard, Northepetherton Hearne, Anthony, Thornefaucon „ Elizabeth, widow, Orchard ,, Raynolde, Taunton „ ah. Boobie, John (of Ley Grandge), Buckland Marie Heathfild, Torre ah., see Torre ah. Heathfild. Heddon, John, Cutcombe Hedford, Joane, widow, Clotworthie „ Hedforde, William, Clotworthie Heldon, John, Fyfehed Hellier, Erne, Linge „ Hellior, Emott, Brompton Regis „ Gyles, Combflory „ Helliar, John, Sowthpetherton „ Hellyer, John, Stokegurseye „ Helier, Richard, Munckton „ Robert, Brompton Regis „ Heliar, William, Kingesbrompton Helman, Baldwine, Stogursey „ John, Stokegursie „ Helman, John, Withipole „ John, Westquantokeshed Hemborough, John, Brompton Raffe „ Hemboroughe, William, Brompton Ralph Henborowe, Alice, Bradford „ Hendborowe, Emotte, widow, Kilton „ Thomas, Kilton Hendley, see Henlye. Hendon, Thomas, Dunster Henlye, Alice, Dunster „ Henley, Alson, widow, Dunster „ Hendlie, George, Tanton „ Henley, Roger, Tanton Hensley, Robert, gentleman, Porlock Herdyn, Joane, Milverton Hering, Herynge, John, Trull „ Heringe, Richard, Orchard Herlie, Torre ah., see Torre als. Herlie. Heme als. Tucker, Walter, Stokegursie Hemie, Richard, Norton Heron, John, Mary Buckland „ John, Linge „ Roger, Orchard „ als. Tocker, Jone, widow, Gotehurste Hetfield, Richard, Crokam Hethecombe als. Gullay, William, Bridgwater Hewghe, EUinor, widow, Lidiard Laurence „ Hew, John, Cutcombe „ John, Lidiard Laurence „ Hewe, Sir Richard, curate of Oterford „ Heughe, Willyam, Wiviliscombe „ Hewes als. Davie, Agnes, widow, Hilbushoppes „ als. Davie, John, Hilbishoppes ,, Hew als. Davie, Thomas, Hilbushoppes „ Hewe, Taner ah., see Taner als. Hewe. Hewlett, Alice, widow, Broomfield „ Roger, Stogumber Hewyshe, William, Porlocke Heyball, John, Crukehorne Heyton, Hughe, Bridgwater Heyward, John, Spaxton '549 1 621 1576 5 267 '592 8 189 1576 5 259 vlarie '593 9 26 1588 7 167 1588 7 140 1577 5 298 1581 6 29 '549 1 478 1587 7 108 1585 6 53° 1538 1 6 1546 1 33S '559 3 5' dated 1586 6 566 '547 1 420 '593 9 74 dated '539 1 89 '575 5 230 1547 1 424 1582 6 106 '558 2 244 '559 3 5' 1584 6 349 1584 6 411 1559 3 6 dated 1540 1 '57 dated 1540 1 163 dated '545 1 329 dated '545 1 328 '573 5 59 dated '547 1 411 '559 3 1 1565 4 88 1565 4 100 '557 2 76 dated i55o 1 609 1566 4 '94 1558 2 266 '574 5 160 1548 1 493 '549 1 483 1586 6 573 '577 5 345 1584 6 40S 1566 4 212 1582 6 161 1586 6 639 1586 6 621 1586 6 668 1583 6 217 1582 6 '47 1560 3 180 1548 1 545 1566 4 '38 dated 1543 1 249 Taunton I Vii Is. 39 dated dated dated Heyward, Heyworde, William, Northpetherton See also Hayward. Hiatt, Richard, Bridgwater Hick, John, Barrington Hicks als. Bailie, William, Puckington Hier, Stephen, Culue Higgins, Hyggens, Robert, St. Marie Magdalen, Taunton Hill, Christian, Wembdon „ Christopher, Chipstable „ Cornelius, Northpetherton „ Denes, Brompton Ralph ,, Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ Hyll, Gyles, Byknoller „ Henry, Tanton „ Harrie, Stokegumber „ John, Lange „ Hyll, John, Wotton „ John, Tanton „ Hyll, John, Carampton „ John, Linge „ John, Winsford „ John, Brushford „ John, Northpetherton „ Margaret, widow, Radington „ Nicholas, Brusheford „ Raffe, Norton „ Richard, St. Mary, Tanton Richard, Westquantoxhed „ Robert, St. James parish, Tanton „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Withipoole „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Skilgate ,, Walter, Wembdon „ William, Otterford dated „ Hyll, William, Myneheadd „ William, Mynehed „ William, Dulverton „ Hyll, William, Redington „ William, Kingesbrompton dated „ William, Whitstanton „ Hille, Willyam, Corfife „ William, Brushford „ William, Withipoole „ als. Chubworthy, Michaell, Radington „ als. Erne, Alice, Hawkridge „ als. Perry, William, Aishbrittle Hillaker, John, Brudgewater Hillard, William, Stratton, parish S. Petherton Hillinge, Alice, widow, Duluerton „ Robert, Pitmister Hilton, Elizabeth, widow, Estquantokshed Hilwaye, Jone, Porlocke „ William, Westquantockshed „ William, Westquantockshed Hinborough, Thomas, Thurlebare Hindam, Thomas, Hawkridge Hinde, Elnor, widow, Hilbusshoppes Hindon, Hyndon, William, Dunster Hire, Thomas als., see Thomas als. Hire. Hirman, Raynolde, Kingesbrompton dated 1540 1 dated dateddated 1575 '5481575 '557 1560'575 15741572 1575 1586'547 '545 '557'55715401546 154615621572 '575 '579 '573 1577 1592 1547 1587 '545'549 1582 158715871566 '539'558 '559'559156015781581 1584 1588 15871584 '573 1586 154' '593'5751585 1559 '557'54415441587 1566 '5781559 5 1 52 3 5 5 5 5 6 1 1 22 111 4 55 5 5 5 8 1 7 I 6 7 74 1 2 333 5 6 6 776 5 6 1 9 5 63 2 1 74 5 3 210543 186 9 148 235 121 3 226 644368 329 3' 43 '56 3564'2 48 12 240452 96 32320045' 54 353481 178 56 86 198 107 170 14 42 17S 3&9 3i 322 190 4 325 84 599 234 20 203 528 99 20 268 293 125 212 3S4 '5 1578 5 369 40 Taunton Wills. Hitchcocke, Elizabeth, Ronington „ Hitchcoke, Robert, Langforde Hitchfield, Thomas, Northpetherton Hitte, Thomas, Stapellgrove Hobbes, Bartholomew, St. Mary, Taunton „ David, Stokegurseye „ Harry, Porlocke „ Johan, Oldclyf „ Hobb, Jone, widow, Winsfoide „ John, Cadcombe „ John, Wynsford „ Margery, Canington „ Richard, Winsford „ Hobbs, Richard, Canington „ Hobbe, Thomasen, Cutcombe „ Hobbe, William, Brudgewater Hobman, Isabel, widow, Puckington „ Joane, widow, Puckington „ John, Pokington ,, John, Puckington Hodge, Henry, Brushforde „ John, Stokegurseye „ John, Stockland Hodges, Dorathy, Enmer ,, Hodgeis, Edward, Spaxton „ John, clerk, Gothurst „ Margaret, widow, Stogursey „ Hodgeis, William, Stokegursie „ William, Chilton ,, Hodgis, Pitte ah., see Pitte als. Hodgis. Hogge, Margaret, Canington ,, Tamsyn, Stokeperow ,, Tamsyn, Stokepirowe Hoiges, John, the elder, Stogursey Hoile, Nicholas, Winsford „ Thomas, Burton, parish Drayton „ Hoill, William, Winsforde Holcomb, Hughe, Bridgwater „ Holcombe, Peter, Enmer „ Rennould, Duluerton „ Holcombe, Thomas, Dunster „ Holcombe, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Holcombe, William, Dulverton Holden, EUinor (widow of John), Fiffhed Holeg, Elizabeth, Northepetherton Holemead, William, Brushford Holewood, William, Thornefawcon Holkyns (or Hotkyns), John, Wendon Holl, Alice, widow, Exton „ Hole, David, Mynehed „ Hole, Ellen, Winsford „ Joan, Wotton Courtney „ John, Wutton Courtneye „ Hole, John, the elder, Wynnesford „ John, Wyveliscombe „ John, Wynsford „ Holle, John, Winsford „ Holle, John, Winsford „ John, Ore „ Hole, John, Luccomb „ Hole, Margaret, widow, Luckcomb '592 8 108 dated '575 5 288 1582 6 169 '593 9 88 1585 6 545 '559 3 8 1583 6 3°4 1558 2 '53 1588 7 160 dated '539 1 81 1559 3 94 1582 6 146 dated 1562 4 35 1581 6 28 1566 4 138 dated 1542 1 200 '593 9 79 1572 5 7 '558 2 90 1582 6 '73 1561 4 12 dated 154' 1 '95 '579 5 473 dated 1592 9 9' 1561 4 9 '593 9 49 1585 6 501 1572 48 1578 4°3 1550 492 1544 291 dated 1544 294 1577 321 1582 12S '579 475 '575 212 1592 8 52 '557 2 S3 1596 9 86 1557 2 2 dated '558 2 244-5 1562 4 34 1581 6 37 dated 1539 1 118 1583 6 288 dated 1548 1 5°9 dated '539 1 104 1560 3 178 1587 7 107 1562 4 54 1575 5 '79 '557 2 1 1 dated 1558 2 147 '559 3 S8 1560 3 163 1562 4 79 1565 4 114 1579 5 437 1592 8 . 128 1584 6 405 Taunton Wills. 4* Holl, Hole, MichaeU, Wutton Courtney „ Hole, Robert, St. Decumans „ Roger, Wynsford „ Holle, Thomas, Exford Holland, Thomas, Northpetherton Holway, Luce, Aishebrittell „ Hollewaye, Richard, Ayshebryttell „ Holwaye, William, West Bagbourghe Holwill, Richard, Bruxfeld „ Thomas, Criche Holworthie, William, Kydnor Honibail, William, Thurloxton Hoochins, see Hutchins. Hooke, John, Staple „ Philippe, Staple „ Thomas, Staple „ als. Grave, John, Bridgwater Hooker, Hoker, Woodward als., see Woodward als. Hoker. Hooper, Alexander, Bicknoller „ Hoper, Alys, widow, Bromefild „ Alice, Cutcomb „ Christopher, Wilton „ Cornell, Bridgewater ,, Howper, Joane, widow, St. Decumans „ John, Stokegurseye „ Margerie, widow, Porlock „ Hoper, Archdeacon ah., see Archdeacon als. „ Cooke ah., see Cooke als. Hooper. See also Hupper. Hopkins, Thomas, Bridgwater Hopper, John, Crokam „ John, Crokam „ William, Wilton Horman, Joane, widow, Pytmyster Home, Elizabeth, widow, Selworthye „ Emote, Selworthy „ Luce, Bridgwater „ William, Selworthie „ ah. Spurier, Roger, Porlocke „ als. Spurrier, Robert, Selworthie Horsey, Christopher, Staple „ Horsie, Emett, widow, Staple „ Horsye, Jone, St. James, Taunton „ Horssey, Joane, Curland „ Horssie, Raffe, Buckland St. Mary „ Robert, Staple Fitzpaine „ William, Northepetherton „ William, Brudgewater „ William, Northepetherton „ William, mcht., St. Mary, Tanton See also Harsey. Horton, Jone, widow, Porlock „ William, Porlocke Horwood, William, Norton Hoskine, Durston, Bagborowe Houndle, John, the elder, Withipole „ Houndolle, William, Estquantoxshed House, John, Curryrivell „ William, Northpetherton Howbow, John, Chaidseye 1566 4 210 '547 1 404 '559 3 S7 1573 5 82 1588 7 172 1581 6 93 dated 1541 1 186 dated 1542 1 221 1552 2 19 1549 1 500 dated 1544 1 267 '557 2 3° 1548 1 55° '593 9 52 1584 6 321 :lmon. '592 8 3° aoker. 1559 3 64 dated 1539 1 99 '583 6 289 1573 5 61 dated 1538 1 68 '547 1 426 dated 1545 1 347 Dper. 1572 5 21 dated 1550 1 623 1548 1 494 1549 1 494 1566 4 203 '558 2 242 dated 1548 1 380 1588 7 167 1558 2 3°4 I55S 2 209 1574 5 '57 1581 6 34 1588 7 188 dated '548 1 553 1550 1 633 1584 6 323 '593 9 16 1592 8 20 1 dated 1546 1 343 dated '543 1 245 dated 1547 1 421 '559 3 105 1588 2 259 1574 5 239 1560 3 '3' 1585 6 479 1578 5 375 dated 1581 6 94 1585 6 444 1573 5 IOI dated 1539 1 106 42 Taunton Wills. Howchins, John, Crokerne See also Hutchins. Howcker, Richard, Durston Howde, John, Doniet Howe, How, Agnes, widow, Nettelcombe „ Alice, Tollond „ Davie, Lawrence Lydyerd „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogumber „ How, Henry, Stawleighe „ Joane, widow, Stokegumber „ John, Winsforde „ Lawrence, Enmer „ Richard, Stallic „ Thomas, Stokegumber „ How, Thomas, Nettelcombe ,, William, Tollande Howell, Alice, Kingston „ Hewgh, Kyngeston „ John, Aishpriors „ Jone, Kingeston Howse, Edward, Dynington „ Jone, widow, Brudgewater „ Philip, Abbott He „ Thomas, Dynnington „ William, Northepetherton Howye, Elizabeth, widow, Tolland Hucker, Henry, Hatchbeacham „ Huker, John, Haiche Becham „ William, St. James, Taunton „ William, Hatch Beachampe Huddy, Edeth, Chardlinch Hudford, Burston ah., see Burston als. Hudford. Hugket, John, Brodewaye Huishe, Richard, Stogursey „ Huyshe, Robert, St. James, Taunton „ Robert, Porlock Huitt, Joane, widow, Minehed „ Huyt, William, Horsehaye, parish Brudgewater Hulet, Jone, Bromefeld „ Hulett, Julian, widow, Linge „ Richard, Stoclond Brystowe „ Hulett, Thomas, Lynge Hull, Alice, widow, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ Rainold, Crookhorne „ Richard, Crokehorne Humfry, George, Eastquantoxhed „ Humfrey, Martin, Cannington „ Humfrye, William, Stokegursye „ Humphrie als. Tachell, Mary, Draiton Huncot, Jone, widow, Wotton Hunt, Bennett, mercer, Bridgwater „ David, Canyngton „ Hunte, Joane, widow, St. James, Tanton „ Hunte, John, Kynge Brompton „ John, Brodewaye „ Hunte, John, Cannington ,, John, Chipstabell „ Hunte, John, Kingeston „ Hunte, John, Upton „ Hunte, John, Dunster dated 1545 x dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dateddated dated dateddated dateddated dated '557 155915761565 1542 .581'575 1548 1577 '549 '559 '538 1576'55''587 '5391546'558I54S 1542'557'547 '559'5591585 1542'55'15871562 1540 1587'5581583 1566'539 15451588 1560 1587 158715881582 '559 15871592'559 1576 15401587 '539 '557 '539 '539 1546 '54715491558 1562 3 5 4 1 6 5 1 5 1 3 15 1 7 1 2 11 2 1 33 6 1 1 74 1 726 4 1 1 7 3 77 76 3 7 83 5 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 321 65 '5 263 "5 218 92 222 533 338490 4266 272 587 127127 508 '3' 540 200 '3 43° 67 43 446227 590 79 72 '73 9' 100 210 209 116 287 189 168 92 94 '54 203 3S 120 1756 2S9 166 75 105 44 86 13' 344 4'7 5'2 136 68 Taunton Wills. 43 Hunt, Hunte, John, Luccombe „ Hunte, Richarde, widow, Kingesbrompton „ Thomas, Ayshpriors „ Hunte, William, St. James, Taunton Hunycotte, John, Wutton Courtney Hupper (or Hooper), John, Stoakeperowe See also Hooper. Hurbye, John, Aisheholte Hurford, Christian, Miluerton „ Hurforde, Isot, Treyborowe „ John, Netlecombe „ John, Chardlinche „ John, Miluerton „ John, Luxborowe „ Jone, Cutcomb „ Phillipe, Treborowe „ Richard, Luxborowe „ Richard, Stogumber „ Roger, Nettlecombe „ Hurforde, Roger, Kingesbrompton „ Hurforde, Roger, Luxborowghe „ Walter, Luxborowgh „ Hurforde, William, Myluerton Hurlen, John, Thornfawcon Hurley, Christopher, St. Mary, Taunton „ Hurly, Isabell, widow, Kittesford „ Hurlye, Richard, Aisholt „ Hurly, Richard, St. Mary Magdalen, Tanton „ Hurle, Richard, Pitmister „ Hurle, Robert, Northpetherton „ Hurly, Thomas, Kytysforde „ Hurly, Thomas, senior, Kittesford „ Thomas, St. James, Taunton „ Hurly, Thomas, Stogursey „ Thamsin, Exton „ Torr als., see Torr als. Hurley. Hurlithe, Thomas, Kittysford Hurman, Edithe, widow, Ilton „ John, Ilton „ John, Bradford ,, John, Pitmister „ John, Chedseye ,, John, Chedsey „ Jone, widow, Chedsey „ Wilmot, widow of Thomas Hurman, Ilton Hurtlond, John, Bridgwater Hutchins, Alsin, widow, Riston „ Hutchin, John, Hotterhampton „ Katherine, Abbot Yele „ Raffe, St. Mary, Taunton „ Hoochins, Walter, Enmer „ Lawrence ah., see Lawrence als. Hutchins. See also Howchins. Illary, John, Durston „ Illery, Roberte, Durstone Ime, William, Hawkridge Immorsley, John, Northepetherton Ingland, Ynglon, Agnes, Shepton „ Inglon, Annis, Shepton becham „ Inglande, John, Sheptonbechamp 1565 4 123 1574 5 172 dated 1547 1 415 4 Edw. "VI 1 623 1566 4 173 '593 9 24 dated '544 1 287 1578 5 407 dated '538 1 57 '558 2 281 1565 4 98 1566 4 152 '592 8 212 dated 1582 6 233 '593 9 28 '574 141 '579 466 1566 204 1574 140 1577 343 1572 2 1576 273 1550 653 1583 288 dated 1538 32 '559 21 1573 81 '573 107 '573 70 dated 1538 29 dated 1540 181 '592 8 13 1592 8 28 '593 9 29 dated '538 1 258 1552 1 541 1546 1 372 '548 1 498 '558 2 220 '559 3 57 1580 5 510 1582 6 174 1549 1 555 '559 3 74 1558 2 220 dated 1544 1 286 '557 2 37 dated i55o 1 631 1582 6 '87 1581 6 67 1581 6 23 '549 1 535 dated '523 :?) ' 199 1558 2 3oi 1558 2 276 '575 5 231 44 Taunton Wills. Ingland, Inglond, Peter, Petrock Shepton „ Inglond, Robert, Munckton „ Ynglonde, William, Shepton bechamp See also England. Ingram, Agnes, widow, Lilstoke „ Ingrame, Christian, Kingsbrompton „ Christian, widow, Kingsbromton „ John, the elder, Dodyngton „ Yngram, John, Myluerton „ John, Durston ,, John, Kingesbrompton „ John, Tolland „ Julian, widow, Tolland „ Maude, Samford Arundle „ Robert, Sampford Arundle „ Ingrome, Thomas, Lilstoke „ William, Kingesbrompton Irishe, John, Bridgwater Isacke, John, Brushford Isam, Roger, ilbruer Ivery, Elizabeth, widow, Donniatt Jacob, John, Miluerton „ Jacobb als. Snowe, Nicholas, Luccombe James, Agnes, widow, Spaxton Jamys, Alyce, Hethfilde Christian, widow, Bromfelde John, St. Mary, Tanton John, Clotworthie John, Huishchampflore Katheren, widow, Dunington Richard, Oke Thomas, Brompfyld Thomas, Stokegumber Thomas, Bradford William, Bromefeld William, Chafcombe William, Crewkerne Jane, John, Michell Creeche „ Richard, Chafcombe Jankyn, see Jenkins. Janyn, Alys, widow, Oke Jarman, Lawrance, Northpetherton Jayn(erp), Wenllyon, Dunster Jefferie, Joane, widow, Stokgursye „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton ,, John, Stogursie „ Jeffery, John, Stocklynch „ Margaret, widow, Northpetherton „ Jeffery, Robert, Mysterton „ Robert, clerk, Wynsford „ Jeffery, Robert, Duluerton „ Jeffery, Robert, Dulynton „ Jeffery, Robert, Northepetherton „ Jefferye, Thomas, Stokelynche „ Jefferye, William, Cutcombe Jefford, Mathewe, Curry Rivell Jellett, John, Seventon Mary ,, Jellet, Margett, widow, Seventon Marie Jenkins, Jankyn, Edward, Crocombe dated 1540 1 174 '559 3 78 A 1538 1 1 1 u. 1562 4 33 dated '543 1 2 59 [583 6 274 dated 3 Edw . VI 1 573 dated '55' 1 59' '557 2 26 1574 5 156 1580 5 504 '592 8 114 1562 4 69 dated 1546 1 356 '559 3 27 '575 5 223 '565 4 124 [583 (? ) 6 227 dated '543 1 241 1586 6 605 '592 8 1 1 1 587 7 77 '559 3 9 dated 1538 1 32 '547 1 438 dated 3 Edw . VI 1 502 1565 4 88 1587 7 29 admon. [562 4 57 •558 2 268 1547 1 41S '557 2 6 1562 4 74 dated '544 1 280 '578 5 383 1581 6 24 dated 25 Eliz. 6 3°4 1550 1 650 dated •539 1 122 '577 5 302 dated 1544 1 294 '559 3 24 1566 4 204 '549 1 476 1558 2 299 1592 8 93 dated [543 1 247 '548 1 525 [560 3 '5' dated 1560 3 '58 1565 4 108 dated '544 1 296 1560 3 '85 '578 5 357 1558 2 246 •558 2 230 '558 2 183 Taunton Wills. 45 Jenkins, Edward, Bromfilde 1572 „ Jenken, Harrie, Bromfeld 1559 „ Joane, widow, Crokham 1582 „ John, Stokegumber 1572 „ Jenckins, Simon, Bicknoller 1592 „ Jenken, William, Bridgwater 1559 Jenninges, John, the elder, Hilfarantes 1576 „ Jenning, John, Hilbusshops 157S „ Jeninges, Richard, Hillbushoppes 1592 „ Jennynges, Thomas, clerk, Norton Fitzwarren 1577 „ Jening, Vincent, Canington 1562 „ Jening, William, Miluerton dated 1569 See also Geninge. Jerman, Elizabeth, widow, Northepetherton 1579 ,, William, Fiffhed 1592 Jesse, John, Stokemary 1583 J ewe, John, Kylve 1558 Jeye, EUen, widow, Stoke Marie 1585 Joce, William, Kingsbromptone 1558 „ Orom (?) ah., see Orom(?) als. Joce. Johnson, Joneson, Brome, gentleman, Sowthepetherton 1586 „ Jonson, Margaret, widow, Stokegumber 1544 „ Peter, Henton George 1547 „ Robert, Luccombe 1582 „ Sir William, Chedsey dated 1545 „ Jonsone als. Goole, Robert, Sowthpethertone 1587 Jollett, Elizabeth, Hachbechamp 1566 ,, William, Hache 1573 Jones, Alexander, priest of Byckenoller dated 1538 „ Joan, Northpetherton 1588 „ John, Sowthepetherton dated 1542 „ Robert, Caplonde 1576 „ Thomas, Bridgwater 1549 „ West als., see West als. Jones. Jording, Paule, Dulverton 155' Joyce, Joice, Joane, widow, Crockham 1585 „ Joice, John, Crokham 1582 „ Ralph, Duluerton 1573 „ Joice, Thomas, Creche 1574 Joye, Benet, Stockland 1560 Joylet, Hughe, Hache becham 1558 „ Joylett, Hewghe, Hache Becham 1558 Jurye, Margaret, Duluerton 1574 Justice, John, Durston 1566 5 3 6 5 8 3 5 5 8 5 4 5 5 86 37 49 '53 2875 '3 255417 172 335 78 45 4-12 164 250257 547 137 552 267379 200316 79 21 1 56 5° 160 2^1258 475 58554' ' 38 65 '59114 284 302 129'95 Kebbard, John, Chedsey Kebby, Henry, Bromefilde „ Keby, John, Fiddington Kedworthy, Emote, widow. Creche „ Kedworthie, John, Michelleriche Keemer, see Keymer. Keetinge, Edmund, Northpetherton Kele, David, Minehed Keley, William, Meryatt Kellitrie, Elnor, widow, Cotherston Kene, Keene, Anthony, clerk, Trull „ Davy, Canyngton „ John, Spaxton „ Jone, Trull „ Thomas, Trull '593'576'577'578 '5741583 '563 15461566 1580 dated 1544 dated 1544 dated 1538 dated 1539 72 28634236i '54 271 5' 37S 179 482 283 285 39 127 46 Taunton Wills. Kene, Walter, Canington Kent, Christian, Selworthie „ Kente, John, Elworthie „ John, Porlocke „ John, Cutcomb „ Kente, Jone, Porlocke „ Kente, William, Luccombe Ketche, Agnes, widow, Staple „ Kiche, Edithe, Staple „ Keche, Walter, Bicknell, parish Staple „ Kyche, William, Stapull Kewer, Elizabeth, the elder, widow „ Joane, widow, Orchard „ Kewar, John, sen., Orchard Keybert, John, Lenge „ Keybart, John, Chedseye Keye, Thomas, Sowthepetherton Keymer or Keemer, William, Wayford Keyward, William, Stokemary Kiche, see Ketche. Kidnor, see Kitnor. Kilbe, Richard, Tanton Kimpe, see Kympe. Kinge, Bartholomewe, Monksilver „ Bartholomew, Moncksilver „ John, Kylton „ De Kynge, John, Kyngeston „ Kynge, John, Kelton „ John, Kingestone „ Kynge, Juliane, Cutterstone „ Lawrence, Chipstable „ Lawrence, Chipstable „ Margaret, widow, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Chipstable „ Roger, merchant, Taunton „ Kynge, " Water," Brudgewater „ Kynge, now God, see God formerly Kynge. Kingman, John, ffreemason, South Petherton „ Richard, Seavington Abbot Kingsberie, William, St. James, Taunton Kissam, Moris, Bridgwater Kitnor, John, Exford „ Kydnor, John, Spaxton „ Kitnor, John, Cutcombe „ Kittner, John, Cutcomb „ Kydner, Jone, Stokegurseye „ Margaret, widow, Wutton Courtney „ Kitner, Richard, Wutton Courtney „ Richard, Luccombe „ Kidnor, Richard, Spaxton „ Kittnore, Robert, Westquantoxhed „ Roger, Cutcomb „ William, Cutcombe Knap, Dorothy (widow of Andrew), St. James, Tauntc „ Knape, Harrie, „ Knappe, Jone, Drayton Knighte, Alice, widow, Kingeston „ Annis, Enmore „ Knyghte, Bawden, Kingestone „ Elnor, widow, Miluerton „ Knight, George, Aisholt 1565 4 106 1586 6 577 '547 1 39' 1560 3 177 1582 6 '67 1558 2 148 1551 1 569 '57- 5 89 1557 2 11 '593 9 71 dated 1541 1 '75 1577 5 310 1583 6 249 '558 2 282 dated '544 1 28 1 dated '545 1 3'5 dated '54° 1 '75 1592 8 1 1 '579 5 463 1558 1586 6 477 1587 7 98 dated '539 1 116 dated '539 1 121 dated '539 1 235 '579 5 469 dated '544 1 306 '547 1 39° 1547 1 448 1566 4 147 1574 5 174 1585 6 5'9 dated 1540 1 '52 '593 9 40 1585 6 535 1592 8 39 dated '558 2 249 dated '551 1 604 1560 3 13S 1562 4 75 dated 1584 6 392 dated '544 1 . 280 1562 4 70 '548 1 534 1562 4 17 '592 8 88 1584 6 377 1583 6 248 1562 4 76 n 1581 6 46 1558 2 300 '547 1 447 '575 5 198 '559 3 54 1558 2 98 1558 2 237 1593 9 36 Taunton Wills. 47 Knighte, James, Kingston „ Knyghte, Jhone, Gotehurst „ Johan, widow, Kingstone „ Knight, John, Sampford Arundell „ Knyght, John, Oke „ John, Kingston „ Knight, John, Staplegrove „ Margaret, Binfeld „ Mary, Kingeston „ Knyghte, Rychard, Kyngeston „ Richarde, Kingston „ Richard, Kingston „ Knyghte, Robert, Enmer ,, Robert, Lydiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Pitmister „ Knight, Thomas, Kingston „ William, Canington „ Knight, William, Elworthie Knowell, Marg-aret, Trull Kood, John, Chedseye Kymbridge, Thomas, Brudgewater Kympe, Kimpe, Ame, Winsforde „ Elizabeth, widow, Netlecomb „ Kimpe, John, Dunster „ John, Chedsey „ John, Kingsbrompton „ Kimpe, Owen, Chedsey Kympland, John, Westmonckton Kyne, Elnor, hilferonce „ John, St. Marye, Taunton „ Robert, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Cannington Lace, Richard, Chedseye Lagnton, Robert, Cotherston Lamb, William, Meriett Lambert, Antonye, Bridgwater ,, Lambard, John, Pytmester „ Julian, Minehed „ Robert, Pytmester ,, Thomas, Porlocke „ Lambarde, William, Pytmester „ Lambarte, William, Angerslye Lamprey, Bawldwin, Canington Lane, Henry, Ilbruers „ John, clerk, Tanton „ John, Thurlebare Langbridge, Richard, Barrington Langdon, Deanys, widow, Kingsbrunton „ Robert, Crukehorne „ Langden, Stephen, Meriet „ Langedon, Thomas, Sowthepetherton „ Thomas, Kingsbrompton „ Walter, Sowthepetherton Lange, Humfry, Porlocke „ John, Upton „ Nicholas, Chellington „ Roger, Nynehed „ Roger, Kingeston „ Silvester, Winsforde '558 2 240 '558 2 132 '593 9 '9 dated '544 1 308 1560 3 140 dated 1583 6 262 1587 7 "5 '558 2 272 '577 5 337 '55' 1 565 '575 5 190 '585 6 506 .558 2 '55 '559 3 60 '559 3 9' 1582 6 1 11 '576 5 281 '592 8 167 '578 5 386 '558 2 144 dated '544 1 263 '575 5 200 1581 6 73 '549 1 5'7 1581 6 59 '592 8 209 '585 6 455 dated '577 5 480 dated 1542 1 218 '558 2 137 dated 1544 1 287 '559 3 S5 '558 2 100 '557 2 84 1581 6 55 1550 1 622 dated '538 1 3° '593 9 32 dated '539 1 121 '55' 1 588 '538 1 27 '558 2 180 1586 6 632 1560 3 '45 dated 1540 1 183 dated '575 5 242 1588 7 1S1 dated '543 1 260 dated '548 1 549 1559 3 58 '577 5 324 1583 6 222 1560 3 180 '592 8 21 1 dated '543 1 239 1560 3 1 10 dated '538 1 40 '559 3 36 dmon. '577 5 337 48 Taunton Wills. Lange, William, Byckenaller „ William, Porlocke „ William, Seventon Marie ,, William, Winsforde See also Lenge and Longe. Langfoord, Edward, Lynge dated Langham, Hughe, Stogumber admon. ,, Tamsine, Aishpriors See also Lannam. Langly, Gilbert, Dynnington Langman, John, Aishpriors ,, Jone, Ayshpriors „ William, Aysheprior Langtrow, Lantrowe, Elnor, Wembdon „ Lantrowe, George, Enmer „ Lantroe, John, Enmer „ Langtro, Robert, Enmer „ Robert, Enmer „ Langtro, Thomas, Enmer „ Lantro, William, Wembdon Langwill, Agnes, Luccumbe „ Jenett, Selworthie „ John, Luccumbe See also Laughwell. Lanley, John, Mynhed Lannam, Hughe, Oterhampton See also Langham. Lanne, Richard, Thurlebare Larcombe, John, Canington John, Oterhampton Larcomb, John, Stogursey Larcome, Jone, Crocome Thomas, Crocombe Larcomb, Thomas, Huishchamfiower Laskyn, Greenway ah., see Greenway als. Laskyn, Lathehm, William, Tanton Laughwell, Lawghwell, John, Cutcombe „ Lawghwell, Michael, Selworthie „ Robert, Mynehed See also Langwell. Laveman, Richard, Hotterhampton Laver, William, Westmoncton Lawgham, Alice, Westmonckton Lawme, John, Trull Lawrence, Lawrens, Alse, widow, Crokehorne „ John, Brudgewater „ Lawrance, John, Brodewaye „ Laurence, John, Lidiard Laurence ,, John, Trull „ Lawrance, Jone, widow, St. James, Tanton „ Lawrance, Sir Robert, Porlock „ Laurence, Walter, St. Mary, Taunton „ Lawrance, William, Miluerton „ Laurence, William, Crewkerne „ Laurence als. Dalamont, Hughe, Meriett „ Laurence als. Hutchins, John, St. James, Taunton „ Laurence als. Hutchins, Thomas, St. Mary, Tanton Lawtham, John, Monketon dated Lawtie, Robert, Lopen Leave, John, Spaxton „ John, Durly dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated 1558'558'558'577 '5931581[580'592.565 '557'539'5781558 1546 15401540'5421546 1560 '55i1560'539'573 '547'557 '559 '5931540'557'583 1541 1562'572 '5441592 1550 '559'539'543 1550'575 1584 1550 '549 1588 [559 '578'565'579'576'538'558 '5731584 2 119 2 201 2 243 5 334 9 33 6 58 5 5o6 42 1 5 2 1 1 111 3 1 3 1 5 1 2 3 9 1 2 6 13S118 23 128 380 121 347 167'97 202 342 161 59' 160 96 94 414 68 2! 64 '5' 22 234 1 328 4 24 5 29 7 145 2S6 33 635 33 '3' 243639 217394 627 520 183 90 366 107 47i 261 21 217 54 3'5 Taunton Wills. 49 dated 1540 1 '51 dated 1544 i 296 1581 ( 64 dated 1540 1 189 dated 1540 1 219 1572 t 1 1584 ( > 353 1572 2 '574 161 dated 1546 366 dated 1546 378 1558 : 251 dated 1542 i 220 1547 1 461 1583 < j 228 dated '547 i 422 1581 ( 5 79 dated '540 i 150 78 Leave, Leve, Robert, Spaxton Leche, Agnes, widow, Crokehorne Lee, AUice, Wutton Courtney „ Leghe, William, Kyngeston „ William, Kyngeston See also Lie, Ley, Lye. Legge, Symon, Spaxton ,, Thomas, Spaxton Leghe, see Lee. Lenge, Robert, Northpetherton „ William, Bicknoller See also Lange and Longe. Lentall, Thomas, Tanton „ Deye ah., see Deye als. Lentall. Leonard, Francis, Misterton Lewar, William, Shardiche, parish St. Mary Stoke Lewis, Lewes or Lewse, Sir Adam, St. Nycholas, [Kittisford] Lewse, Christian, Northepetherton Lewice, Margery, Northpetherton Lewse, Robyg, widow, Northepetherton Lewes, Thomas, Northpetherton Lewes, William, Stowgursey Lewice (Lewse), Tedder ah., see Tedder als. Lewice (Lewse) Lewse, see Lewis. Ley, Robert, Wynnesford 1557 See also Lee, Lie, and Lye. Lichfeild, Agnes (widow of John), Cory Mallet ., Lychfelde, John, Corymallet Lickie, John, clerk, Treborowghe ,, Likie, Richard, Holford Liddon, Lyddon, Richard, Stowgumer ,, Richard, Stogumber „ Robert, Bradford „ William, the elder, Brompton Regis Lidyard, Philippe, Sheptonbeachamp Lie, Henry, Wutton Courtney See also Lee, Ley, and Lye Lightfoote, John, Ryshton „ William, Riston „ Lightefoote, William, Riston Linden, John, Northpetherton „ Lindon, Walter, Ilton Line, Thomas, Bridgwater Linham, Joane, Gotehurst Lippescomb, William, clerk, Reddington Litlejohn, Christian, widow, Langford Budfild „ Littell John, John, the elder, Aishbrittell „ Litteljohn, Thomas, Aishbrittell Lobbe, Alice, widow, Pitmester „ Alice, widow, Pitmester „ Lobb, John, Pitmister „ Jone, Exton „ William, Norton Locke, Florence, Crocombe „ John, Crokome „ John, Withipoole „ Loke, Peter, Creche ¦ „ Thomas, Tolland „ William, West Bagborough Lockyer, Edward, Canyngton 1566 4 168 '55' 1 575 '578 5 37o 1562 4 24 '557 2 1 '578 5 39° 1562 4 80 1586 6 58S '593 9 99 1566 4 '39 fe. '593 9 18 dated 1547 1 381 dated 21 Eliz. 5 36S 1578 5 408 '549 1 543 '549 1 49' '573 5 82 1586 6 609 dated 1583 7 192 '593 9 73 1558 2 1 So dated 1540 1 182 dated 1550 1 578 1586 6 607 dated '539 1 87 1.558 2 262 dated 1544 1 284 dated 1542 1 250 1583 6 305 dated '545 1 33' 1579 5 477 1582 6 142 dated 1540 1 1 48 50 Taunton Wills. Lockyer, Lokier, Edward, Cannington „ John, Canigeton Lode, Agnes, Kyngestone „ Johan, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Northpetherton Lodge, Denys, Bridgwater Loggett, Loggott, Elizabeth, Michill criche „ John, Creche Lombard, Lumberde, Thomas, Bearecrokam „ Lomberd, William, Chaffecombe Lome, William, Thornefawcon Longe, Alson, Wynsford „ Anthony, Ilebruers „ Anthony, St. Mary, Taunton „ Collett, widow, West Monckton „ Giles, Bicknoller „ Joane, widow, St. James, Taunton „ Joane, Taunton „ John, Crukehorne „ Long, John, Crukehorne „ Margaret, Bridgwater ,, Peter, Luxborough „ Raffe, Canington „ Richard, Westmonckton „ Roger, Est dolishe „ Roger, Dolishe „ Thomas, Dolyshwake „ William, Wynsford See also Lange and Lenge. Lonynge, John, Stalleigh Losemore, Thomseyne, Brushford Love, Alice, widow, Tanton Loveless, Agnis, widow, Canington „ Lovelese, John, Bromefilde „ Loveles, John, Moncton „ Loveles, Mary, Bromfilde „ Loveles, Richard, bykeforde „ Lovelesse, Richard, Kingston Lovell, Thomas, Brudgewater Lowe, John, Trull Lowkocke, Richard, Sevington marie Lowse, Joane, widow, Ilton Lowton, Harrye, Pitmester „ Joane, widow, Pitminster „ John, Pittemister „ Robert, Curland Lucar, see Luker. Lucas, Alice, widow, Marystoke „ Luckeis, Androwe, Miluerton „ Luckis, Robert, Exforde „ William, Exford Luccocke, John, Draiton Luckill, Richard, Luccombe Luckis, see Lucas. Luckwell, Christian, Cutcombe „ Luckwill, Thomas, Cuttcomb Luker, Joane, widow, Aisholte „ Rychard, Aisholte „ Lucar, Sir William, priste, Lumberde, see Lombard. Lutley, Lutlie, John, Aishpriors dated '593 9 40 1558 2 3°5 1558 2 128 1558 2 254 '557 2 18 dated 1538 1 68 1581 6 86 1576 5 265 1558 2 206 dated 1545 1 321 1558 2 238 dated 1540 1 161 1572 5 2S 1583 6 26S 1587 7 98 1582 6 '93 '547 1 469 1584 6 340 1550 1 606 1550 1 66l '573 5 96 1580 5 506 '575 5 198 dated 1576 5 266 dated 1542 1 228 1582 6 I85 1558 2 28l dated 1540 1 166 1565 4 U7 1582 6 129 1546 1 35° 1588 7 150 '547 1 424 '574 5 141 1560 3 '67 dated '538 1 39 1572 5 34 dated 1540 1 '45 '558 2 263 dated 1539 1 126 '549 1 546 '55' 1 595 1558 2 242 1593 9 '3 dated 1544 1 302 1548 1 50S dated 1565 4 146 '577 5 343 '55' 1 576 1576 5 283 1560 3 133 1562 4 18 1586 6 611 1556 4 '54 1552 1 582 1558 2 216 1549 500 Tatmton Wills. 5* Lutley, Richard, hilfarantes „ William, Norton Lutrell, George, Dunster Lye, Walter, Wutton See Lee, Ley, and Lie. Lymber, Roger, Currymallet Lymbrie, Sir William, priste, Shepton Becham Lyncke, Richard, St. James, Tanton date Lyscum, William, Mynehed Lyston, William, Mynhed Mablie, Margaret, Stogumber Macye, Jone, widow, Chaffecombe Magot, Magote, Alexander, Ilebruers „ Thomas, Brudgewater Maide als. Mullens, John, ffiffehed Makeway, John, Canington Mandry, see Maundry. Manfild, Robert, Ilebruers Manley, Robert, Trull Mannen, see Manning. Manning, Adam, Nettelcombe „ Mannyng, Agnes, Pytmester „ Mannen, Christopher, Shepton beauchamp „ Mannynge, John, Shepton „ Maninge, John, Stogumber „ Mannynge, Thomas, St. Mary, Taunton „ Maninge, Thomas, Wembdon „ Mannyng, William, Kyngsbrumpton „ Manninge, William, Sampford Brett Mansell, see Maunsell. Manshipe, Elizabeth, Gotehurste „ Paternell, Bromfilde Manswell, Willyam, Crokham Mantell, Thomas, the elder, Crewkerne „ Mantill, Thomas, Crewkerne Marchante, William, Dunster Marche, John, clerk, Mysterton Mark, Alice, widow, Stokegurseye „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Stokegursie „ Marke, Thomas, Sowthepetherton Marks, William, Stowgursye Marler, Christopher, Riston „ Thomas, Riston Marrelcomb, Agnes, Aishepriors Marsfylde, Thomas, St. James Marsh, Mershe, Henry, Barrington „ Marshe, John, Chipstable „ Mershe, Jone, Comeflory Marshall, John, ffifett Martin, Mertin, Agnes, widow, Northepetherton „ Martine, Augustine, Canington „ Martinge, Elizabeth, widow, Kittesford „ Marten, John, Bridgwater „ Marten, John, Chipstable „ Marten, John, Bridgwater „ Marten, John, Brompton Ralph „ Martyn, John, St. Mary, Taunton „ Martyn, Phillipe, Stokegurseye 1558 2 288 1588 7 '59 1586 6 663 1558 2 169 1578 5 375 dated 1541 1 230 4 Edw. VI 1 607 dated 1543 1 261 dated '544 1 290 dated '544 1 3'8 dated 1542 1 226 '558 2 166 dated 1540 1 '49 1585 6 449 1566 4 '37 1581 6 39 1578 5 39' 1550 1 624 dated '538 1 3' '593 9 90 dated 1541 1 223 1584 6 401 1558 2 205 1562 4 44 1552 1 586 1587 7 "7 1576 5 280 '558 2 176 1583 6 220 1574 5 13' 1585 6 5'3 '55' 1 568 1560 3 181 1558 2 211 1562 4 70 '573 5 94 dated 1540 1 177 '558 2 164 1574 5 '55 dated 1545 1 332 1592 8 154 1558 2 192 '559 3 89 1574 5 169 dated '545 1 3'7 1574 5 162 1559 3 68 1577 5 328 '557 2 80 1547 1 444 dated 1548 1 535 1558 2 "5 1558 2 '33 1579 5 449 1596 1 340 52 Taunton Wills. Martin, Marten, Robert, Westmonckton „ Martine, Thomas, the younger, Wemdon „ Thomas, Brompton Raffe „ Marten, William, Stockland Gaunt „ Marten, William, Crickettmalerbye „ Marten, William, Taunton „ Martynne, Meare als., see Meare als. Martynne. Masey, Walter, Crokeham Mason, Nicholas, Criche „ Nicholas, Chryche „ Robert, Luccombe Master, Agnes, widow, Corymallet „ Maister, Agnes, Sowthepetherton „ Alice, widow, Kyngston „ Isabell, Sowthpetherton „ Maister, Joane, Southpetherton „ John, Kyngston „ John, Sowthepetherton „ John, Corymalet „ Maister, Peter, Cory Mallet „ Maister, Thomas, Sowthpetherton „ Weaver ah., see Weaver als. Master. Matcote, Richard, Westbagburghe Mate, Sibblye, widow, Angerslye Materveice, Walter, Sowthepetherton Mathewe, John, Oterford „ Mathew, Sir Thomas, Tanton „ Procter ah., see Procter ah. Mathewe. Maule, John, Durston Maundry, Mandreye, Edithe, Berecrokam „ Maundre, Richard, Bere Crocum „ Thomas, Bearecrokam „ Maundrie, Thomas, the elder, Beare Crokham Maunsell, Edithe, widow, Crowcombe „ Mauncell, John, ar., Northpetherton „ Richard, Linge Mawdesley, William, clerk, Byckenaller May, John, sen., Mayne, Joane, widow, Staple Fitzpaine „ Maine, John, the younger, Stockland Bristowe „ Water, Staple Mayre, Robert Horsey, parish Bridgwater „ Thomas, Nynhead Meade, John, Cory MaUett ,, Robert, Shepton becham „ Thomasine, widow, Curremallett ; Meare, Meire, Agnes, widow, ffyffett ,, Heughe, Lideard Laurence „ John, sen., Bradford „ Mere, Robert, Bradford „ Mere, William, Oterford „ William, Bradford „ ah. Martynne, Margaret, Cotherson Meatcalf, see Metcalf. Meath, Eustace, vicar of Stockland Bristowe Mefflyn, John, Tanton Melet, Jone, widow, Dunster Melhuishe, Alice, Brushforde „ John, Brushford Melyn, John, Dunster Menard, George, Northepetherton 1582 6 177 dated '547 1 409 '575 5 205 1566 4 '5' '573 5 99 1585 6 534 1582 6 192 1550 1 628 1560 3 '41 1572 5 48 '558 2 223 1558 2 283 dated 1540 1 172 dated '538 (?) 1 '3 1585 6 5'2 dated '539 1 128 dated '539 1 '33 dated '542 1 228 dated 1547 1 386 1538 1 8 dated '539 1 184 '558 2 164 '577 5 327 1558 2 168 dated 1540 1 184 '557 2 35 '557 2 4' dated 1540 1 141 J562 4 36 dated '593 9 25 1560 3 166 1586 6 56S '573 5 75 '558 2 '3' 1588 7 '75 1586 6 641 dated '547 1 437 '558 2 270 1560 3 '39 1560 3 117 '573 5 74 1580 5 4S5 dmon. »574 5 167 1549 1 523 1582 6 '34 '573 5 112 dated '544 1 30S dated 1540 1 1S5 1585 6 527 1593 9 95 1572 5 S2 dated '544 1 328 dated '5(4'?) 1 209 dated '547 1 4" '559 3 35 '547 1 417 1559 3 18 Taunton Wills. 53 Mephlinge, Thomas, Tanton Merche, William, Denyngton Mere, see Meare. Merice, Geye ah., see Geye als. Merice. Merishe, John, Dunster Merris, John, Stogursey Mertin, see Martin. Meryt, William, Crokerne Metcalf, Meatcalf, Agnes, Asholt „ James, Aysheholte Metforde, William, the elder, Meriet Mevye, John, Bykenaller Michell, Mychell, Henrie, Lydyard Laurence „ Mitchell, John, the elder, Samford Arundle „ Mychell, John, Culve „ John, Chedseye „ Mychell, John, Badialton „ Mychell, John, Chedsey „ Jone, widow, Hatchbecham :, Margaret, widow, Chedsey „ Richard, Chedsey „ Simon, clerk, Chellington ,, Symon, Northpetherton „ Mychell, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Chedsey „ Willyam, Lidiarde Laurence „ William, Northpetherton „ Mitchell als. Harte, Jone, St. James, Tanton „ MychaeU, Uppington ah., see Uppington als. Middleham, Mydleham, Rychard, Pytmyster Midleton, John, Curry Rivell „ Middleton, Thomas, Canington Millard, Richard, Stogursie „ Millarde, William, Staple „ Millarde, William, Stogursie Miller, James, Mary Stoke „ John, Chedsey Milliam, Bailie ah., see Bailie als. Milliam. Mills, Miles, Bartholomew, Linge „ Myll, Elizabeth, Gotehurst „ Mill, IsbeU, widow, Meriatt „ Mill, John, Hilbusshops „ Milles, John, Miluerton „ Miles, John, Enmor „ Mill, Katherine, Cutcomb „ Richard, Aishbrittle „ Milles, Robert, Durleigh „ Myles, Thomas, Kingeston „ Mill, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Myles, William, Lenghe „ Milles, William, Spaxton „ Mill, William, Meriett „ Milles, William, Langford budvild „ Mill als. Borage, Roger, Brushford Milton, Adrian, Skilgate „ Mylton, Henry, Myluerton „ Mylton, Joane, Skilgate „ Mylton, John, Radyngton „ Mylton, John, Kingsbrumpton „ Mylton, John, Skylgate „ John, the elder, Upton dated 1541 1 1S8 dated 1540 1 '75 1586 6 614 '593 9 .48 dated 1544 1 297 dated '543 1 254 dated '538 1 73 1588 7 181 dated 1540 1 165 1558 2 95 dated 1546 1 5" '55' 1 583 '557 2 83 '575 5 234 1585 6 525 dated 1580 6 2 39 1588 7 '37 '579 5 467 1572 5 46 dmon. '592 8 '45 1558 2 '43 '575 5 184 '575 5 22 1 1593 9 68 1566 4 I60 [ycnaell '1558 2 l8l '592 8 49 '573 5 106 1582 6 114 '549 1 618 '575 5 214 dated '547 1 419 1583 6 238 1572 5 7 '575 5 232 dated 1584 6 33 = 1548 1 5°5 1585 6 5 '9 1588 7 '43 1579 5 472 1587 7 91 '573 5 "3 155' - 1 569 1558 2 215 dated '543 1 244 1566 4 148 '574 5 176 1585 6 495 1562 4 S3 1585 6 482 '575 5 213 dated 1584 6 33° dated 1540 1 164 '551 1 593 1560 3 174 1572 5 26 54 Taunton \]7ills. Milton, Mylton, John, Porlock „ Mylton, Martyn, widower, Upton „ Mylton, Symon, Upton „ Mylton, Thomas, Upton „ William, Winsford Milward, Mylwarde, Christian, Stogurseye „ Mylward, John, Stogurseye „ John, Spaxton „ John, Chedsey „ Thomas, Crokam „ William, Stogursey Mocke, Agnes, widow, Sowthpetherton Mogford, William, Duluerton See also Mugford. Mogridge, Mogrige, John, Ketner „ Mockryge, John, Thornefaucon „ John, Thornefaucon „ John, Riston „ John, Exford „ Moggridge, Micall, widower, Wythycombe „ Mogrige, Robert, Wethicome „ Robert, Porlocke „ Moggridge, Thomas, Riston „ William, St. Mary, Taunton „ Willyam, Thornefawcon „ William, Thornefawcon Molet, John, Dunster Molland, Christopher, Porlocke ,, James, Porlock Mollens, William, Northepetherton See also Mullens. Molyng, Edithe, Sowthepetherton Monntie ah. Richards, Thomas, Heathfild Moore, David, Brumpton Raffe „ John, Drayton „ Jone, widow, Porlock „ Roger, Southpetherton „ William, Sowthpetherton More, Sir David, curat, of Oke „ Elizabeth, widow, Stowgursie „ Florence, widow, Westbagborough „ Henry, Heathfield ,, John, Hilfarrante „ John, Curry rivell „ John, Buckland Mary „ John, Tolland „ Jone, Mychelcreche „ Jone, widow, Stogumber „ Jone, widow. Stoke Mary „ Margaret, widow, ffififhead „ Mathew, Combflorie „ Nicholas, St. Decumans „ Richard, ffiffet „ Roberde, yleabbott „ William, ffiffett „ William, Kyngsbrompton Moren als. Pearce, James, clerk, Dunster Morforde, Thomas, Curry Rivell Morgan, Day als., see Day als. Morgan. Morley, Moreley, John, Tanton „ John, Bridgwater dated 1582 6 183 dated '543 1 243 1587 7 '3 dated 1539 1 94 1578 5 419 dated 1540 1 169 dated 1542 1 233 1547 1 482 1565 4 126 1562 4 61 1580 5 492 1550 1 625 dated 1550 1 615 dated 1540 1 156 1558 2 297 1576 5 267 '577 5 298 1582 6 203 '547 1 446 dated 1542 1 210 '592 8 162 1562 4 72 1580 5 5°3 1582 6 123 1584 6 400 dated 1540 1 167 dated 1542 1 210 1584 6 401 1557 2 29 dated 1542 1 226 1586 6 638 '593 9 '7 dated 1544 1 296 1582 6 164 '574 5 '58 1580 5 4S6 1562 4 60 1560 3 109 155S 2 271 1584 6 383 '559 3 17 1587 7 '5 '592 8 '9 '593 9 82 '577 5 34° '592 8 67 '592 S 141 1587 7 66 '55' 2 36 dated '547 1 597 '573 5 9' dated '538 1 3 '548 1 542 1560 3 '53 1593 9 12 1578 5 362 dated I53S , 3S 1550 1 630 Taunton Wills. 55 Morley, Morrle, John, Spaxton „ Morrle, John, Exton „ Morle, John, Stogumber „ Morle, Jone, widow, Stogumber „ Morle, Julian, Hilbisshoppes ,, Morlye, Katherine, Bridgwater „ Mary, (daughter of John of) Kilve „ Richard, Ouerstowey „ Morrle, Thomas, Exton „ Morle, William, Stogumber See also Murley. Morlyce, Henry, Luccom Mornord, Alice, Drayton Morrell, John, Hill bysshopps „ Moreli, Robert, Stogumber Morris, Christine, widow, Northepetherton „ Morishe, John, Coderstone „ Nicholas, Stogursye „ Morishe, Richard, Westquantockshed „ Richard, Kingston „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Morrice, Robert, Pitmister „ Morrishe, Simon, Otterhampton „ William, Northpetherton ,, Morres, William, Weyford „ Sterry als., see Sterry ah. Morris. Morse, George, Duluerton „ Mors, John, Kylve „ Mors, John, St. James, Taunton „ Mores, Jone, widow, Northepetherton „ Rebecca, Kingston ,, Reginald, Duluerton „ Richard, Duluerton „ Thomas, Kingeston „ Thomas, Staplegrove Morthe, William, Bridgwater Morus, John, Brudgewater Mossegrow, John, Kyngeston Motyer, Thomas, St. Mary, Taunton Mower, Moer als. Bruer, Henry, Whitstanton „ ah. Brewer, John, Whitestanton Mowre, Alice, He abbot Mudge, John, Thornfawcon Mugford, William, Stawle See also Mogford. Mullens, William, Ilebruers „ Maide ah., see Maide als. Mullens. See also Mollens. Munfford, Thomas, Meriet Murlye, John, Estquantokshed „ Murlie, John, Bromfeild „ Murley, John, jun., Spaxton See also Morley. Musgrove, William, Kingston Mustarde, John, Northepetherton ,, John, Northepetherton „ Musterde, John, Northepetherton „ Musterde, John, Northpetherton Myll, Mylls, see Mills. 1580 5 488 1583 6 226 1584 6 393 1578 5 361 1559 3 47 dated '55' 1 601 1582 6 200 1586 6 659 1582 6 198 1577 5 297 dated '538 1 57 1546 1 372 '557 2 c8 1547 1 458 1561 4 7 dated 1545 1 327 1574 5 '43 dated '544 1 292 '558 2 236 1581 6 52 1592 8 '5 1585 6 493 '559 3 '9 '574 5 171 '577 5 3°7 dated '539 1 no dated '557 2 44 dated 1540 1 '39 1587 7 49 '592 8 179 1560 3 14' 1562 4 69 '592 S 65 1550 641 dated 1541 199 dated '545 327 1576 272 1572 47 1546 37° '558 2 227 1592 8 0 1560 3 158 dated admon. 566 542 1 226 558 2 270 566 4 147 582 6 '34 593 9 42 547 1 383 548 1 484 558 2 '75 576 5 289 56 Tatmton Wills. Nashe, Andrew, Chedsey „ Naish, William, West Monckton Natcotte, Elizabeth, Bagborowgh Nation, Thomas, Tanton ,, William, Stokegursie Nayler, John, Chedsey Neeld, Edward, Brompton Regis ,, Joane, Brompton Regis „ Neld, John, Mynhed „ Neyld, John, Kingsbrompton Nethercote, John, Wynesford ,, Nethercott, John, Bridgwater Neuell, Robert, Stogursey Newman, Agnes, Northepetherton ,, Joane, Bridgwater „ William, Nynehead Newton, John, priste, Chedsey „ John, Miluerton ,, William, Swell Nicholas, Margaret, Tanton „ Maude, Stogursey „ Thomas, Northpetherton Nicholls, Nicoll, John, St. Decumans „ Nyccholl, Margery, Brushford „ Nicolle, Robert, Brushford „ Nicholi, WiUiam, Brusheforde „ Nichols, William, clerk, Exton and Exford Noble, Sir Martin, Munksilver Nobyn, John, jun., Cutcombe Norderone, Thomas, Wembdon Nordon, John, the elder, Myluerton Nordowe, Syblie, widow, Myluerton Norman, Henry, Kilton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Creche „ John, Criche „ John, Wiviliscombe „ John, Kitnor „ Robert, Wynsford „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Nynehed „ Gregory als., see Gregory als. Norman Norrington, Alice, widow, Northepetherton „ Norington, Thomas, Northepetherton Norris, Christian, Curryrivell „ Elnor, widow, Misterton „ Norise, George, Duluerton „ Hugh, Donyatt „ Norishe, Joane, St. Mary, Tanton ,. Norryce, John, Donnyatt „ John, Misterton „ Norrys, John, Coryrivell „ John, Chedsey „ Noryce, John, Misterton ,, Norice, John, Chedsey „ Noris, Richard, Ouerstowey „ Norrishe, Richard, Cheadsey „ Norrishe, Thomas, Coryryvell „ Thomas, Donyatt „ Thomas, Wayford Norsse, John, Curryryvell 1578 5 414 1562 4 61 '574 5 126 1546 1 35' 1574 5 126 1575 5 21 1 1587 7 98 1587 7 1 10 dated i54i 1 213 1584 6 360 1557 2 77 1575 5 21 1 '593 9 3 I55S 2 253 1583 6 28 5 dated '538 1 46 '545 (? ) ' 479 '557 2 23 '549 1 552 dated '541 1 190 1580 5 497 1580 5 4S9 '547 1 403 '578 5 352 1582 6 201 '578 5 386 1 158S 7 '75 1558 2 134 1540 1 289 '575 5 189 1560 3 160 '558 2 125 '592 8 53 dated '539 1 "5 '547 1 365 '547 1 442 1582 6 160 1586 6 613 '559 3 3° '573 5 66 dated '538 1 44 '559 3 S5 '557 2 52 1565 4 116 '559 3 67 '575 5 180 1 581 6 56 dated 1557 2 247 1546 1 37' '549 1 545 1550 1 617 '559 3 84 1576 5 281 1588 7 186 1 561 4 9 '577 5 325 dated '539 1 126 1578 5 346 1592 8 177 dated 1546 1 37' Taunton Wills. 57 North, Margaret, widow, Chaffcombe „ Northe, Marion, Westbagborowgh „ Northe, Richard, Westebagborow „ Northe, Willyam, Chafcombe Northarne, William, Wembdon Norton, Joan, widow, Bicknoller „ Robert, Chelington „ Robert, Hilbushoppes „ William, Mynhed „ William, Nynehed „ William, Nynehed See also Nurton. Nosse, Alice, widow, Bicknell, parish Staple „ John, Staple Fitzpaine „ Thomas, St. Mary, Tanton „ William, Curland Notcot, Thomas, Elworthie Nott, Alexander, Porlocke „ Alice, widow, Porlocke „ Notte, John, Aishbrittell Nowell, Alexander, Thurloxton „ James, Northpetherton „ John, Northepetherton „ Margaret, widow, Thurloxton Nurcom, John, Luxborow „ Richard, Cutcombe Nurse, Alice, Currivell Nurton, Alice, Northepetherton „ Nurtone, John, the elder, Creche „ John, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Thornefawcon „ Thomas, Northepetherton See also Norton. Nutt, William, Creche Nycolsons, John, Curryryvell Nyrcombe, William, Cutcombe Oder, Odre, John, Chaidseye „ John, Chedseye „ Odor, Walshe ah., see Walshe als. Odor. Odrouff, John, Chedsey Oke, Joane, widow, Trull „ John, Staplegrove Olchet, Comen ah., see Comen als. Olchet. Olderone, John, Cannington Oldman, Symon, Crokam Olford, Edithe, He abbott , Olforde, George, Crewkerne , John, He Abbis , William, Abbot yele Oliver, Olyuer, Avis, widow, Miluerton , Olyuer, Denys, Oterhampton , Oliuer, George, Crocombe , Oliuer, John, Ourstowey , Oliuer, John, Miluerton , Olyuer, John, Ouerstowey , Marion, widow, Stokegumber , Olyuer, Richard, Kingeston , Olyuer, Thomas, Kelue , Olyver, Thomas, Kytnor 1592 8 34 '547 1 459 1577 5 3°5 1576 5 271 '55' 1 57i 1586 6 656 dated 1542 1 22 K '573 5 72 dated '539 1 "9 dated '542 1 217 dated 1542 1 220 '557 2 36 1578 5 385 admon. '573 5 78 '558 2 267 '549 1 516 1585 6 498 1585 6 523 '547 1 449 '558 2 197 1592 8 48 dated 1546 1 345 '558 2 263 dated '539 1 85 1565 4 124 1547 1 461 dated 27 Eliz. 6 352 '557 2 10 '574 5 128 1572 5 16 admon. 1577 5 301 1558 2 257 '558 2 99 '545 1 3'7 dated '539 1 100 '558 2 '43 1548 1 490 '547 1 466 1562 4 64 dated 1542 1 249 155' 1 578 admon. 1585 6 499 admon. 1588 7 179 dated '539 1 137 dated '557 2 65 dated 1562 4 21 1546 1 340 2 Ed w. VI 1 465 dated 1558 2 256 1558 2 258 '559 3 29 1550 1 639 1565 4 87 dated 1540 1 '93 '549 1 518 58 Taunton Wills. Oliver, Olyver, William, Holford „ Willyam, Porlock „ Oliuer, William, Spaxton Oluard, William, Henton St. George Orom (?) als. Joce, Jone, Tanton Oset, John, Abbotyle Osmunde, John, Exton „ Osmunte, Richard, Luxborough Oteweye, John, Skylgat „ Otewey, John, Aishbrittell Owen, Thomas, Dunster Owslie, Eme (widow of John), Misterton Page, Jone, widow, Wendon Painter, William, Meriett „ ah. Raynie, John, Bridgwater Palfrey, John, Miluerton „ Palfrie, Thomas, Brodewaie Palmer, Elizabeth, widow, Bowre, parish Bridgewater „ Henrie, St. Mary, Taunton „ Henry, Stogumber „ Hughe, Northepetherton „ Joane, Stogumber „ Joane, widow, Kingesbrompton „ Joane, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Crokam „ John, Barrington „ Richard, Kingsbrompton „ Thomas, Northepetherton „ William, Sevington Marye „ Willyam, Chedsey See also Pawlmer and Pawmer. Palpit, John, Chorye Malet „ Pallpitt, John, Abbott ile „ Palpyt, Kateryn, Corymallet „ Palpitt, Thomas, Currymallet See also Pawpitt. Panell, John, Northpetherton Pangoose, Anthony, Chedsey See also Pawguse. Pare, John, Bridgwater Parker, Alice, Chedseye „ Harry, Canyngton „ John, Chedsey „ John, Wembdon „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Crookehorne „ Jone, widow, Wembdon „ Margaret, Chedsey „ als. Tocker, John, Crewkerne Parkeyn, Nicholas, Withicomb Parmor, Richard, Porlocke Parret, James, Staplegrove „ Parrett, John, Nynehed Parris, Henry, Miluerton „ Parys, John, West Bagburgh „ John, Miluerton „ John, Bagborowe „ Parys, Jone, Meriet Parsons, Agnes, Langford dated 1540 1 '93 1577 5 292 1586 6 610 dated 1544 1 297 dated 1 541 1 221 dated '549 1 549 1557 2 2 1572 5 21 dated '538 1 62 1565 4 130 1558 2 167 1592 8 132 dated '542 1 202 1574 5 146 1583 6 228 1587 7 92 1566 4 136 r 1592 8 46 1558 2 1 1 1 1581 6 40 '557 2 81 1566 4 187 157S 5 420 1583 6 306 '549 1 474 .582 6 "5 1562 4 20 dated 1542 1 231 dated 544 1 299 579 5 428 er. dated '539 1 120 '593 9 57 dated '545 1 321 '557 2 S4 .565 4 11S 1582 6 140 572 5 35 557 2 38 dated '539 1 "7 '548 1 481 '557 2 55 '572 5 49 .585 6 543 '558 2 210 '549 1 473 1586 6 651 1586 6 654 dated '538 1 59 [576 5 249 1592 8 '41 '587 7 96 dated 1540 1 181 1550 1 665 '584 6 396 '577 5 34i 583 6 270 Taunton Wills. 59 Parsons, Parson, Alice, widow, Bridgwater 1549 „ Parson, George, Sanford Arundle 1584 „ Parsone, John, Chardelynche dated 1539 „ Parson, John, Wilton 1 547 „ Parson, John, Pytmister 1 547 „ John, Bridgwater dated 1549 „ John, St. Mary, Taunton 1559 „ Richard, Spaxton 1581 ,, Simon, Chedsey 1560 „ Parson, Thomas, Bradford dated 1541 „ Thomas, Oke 1 586 Pasca, Jone, Ouerstowye 1559 „ jone, Ouerstowey 1559 Patchie, Thomas, Stoke Mary 1572 Patwyn, Alys, ylbrewers 1 560 Paul, see Pawle, Powle. Pawguse, John, Chedsey 1588 See also Pangoose. Pawle, Anes, widow, Stocklingmaudlen 1579 „ John, Kyngeston dated 1542 „ Marten, Sevington Mary 1573 „ als. Stephen, Peter, Meriett 1576 Pawlmer, Robert, Misterton 1 592 See also Palmer and Pawmer. Pawmer, Henry, Stokegumber 1546 „ Thomas, Moncksilver 1562 See also Palmer and Pawlmer. Pawpitt, Alice, Coriemallet 1558 „ John, Currye MaUett 1557 See also Palpit. Payne, Harrye, Ayshepriors dated 1541 „ John, Enmer 1547 „ Paine, John, Ouerstowey 1582 ,, Jone, Aysheprior dated 1544 „ Paine, Richard, Otterhampton 1574 Pearce, Pears, Alyce, Bradforde 1 5 5 1 „ Perse, Anthony, Canington 1581 „ Pears, Elizabeth, widow, Norton 1552 „ Piarce, Elizabeth, Winsford 1580 „ Giles, Taunton 1579 „ Pears, Jone, widow, Wysford dated 1539 „ Pears, Joan, Exton 1577 „ Johan, Aishbrittle 1582 „ Pearse, Joane, widow, Winsford 1592 „ Pers, John, Ashbritell dated 1538 „ Pers, John, S weie dated 1542 „ Pers, John, Charleton, parish of Criche 1551 „ Pewse [Perse], John, the elder, Exton 1557 „ Peirse, John, Exforde 1557 „ Peres, John, Creche 1559 „ Pears, John, jun., Winsforde 1 57° „ Pearse, John, Oldeclief 1576 „ Pers, John, Luxborow 1577 „ Pears, John, Winsford 1580 „ Pearse, John, Exton 1592 „ Perse, Margaret, Nynehed dated 1540 „ Pearse, Margery, widow, Canington 1 593 „ Peirs, Richard, Winnesford 1557 „ Peers, Richard, Exforde 1577 „ Perse, Robert, Mynehed dated 1539 „ Pears, Robert, Exton dated 1551 476 321 101 428433480 3 3' 6 36 3 "9 1 1 1 6 1 5 1 6 1 5 5 1 5 6 8 1 1 1 223 5 5 5 5 8 1 9 2 5 11 215 648 60 66 '4 in 185 5 474 1 219 5 63 5 246 8 186 357 42 231 7' 1S7 425 '53 306 '55 584 6 589 505 458 83 329 124 213 24 228 563 2 3 '3 254 279 3'4 500 215 185 3274 342 124 583 6o Taunton Wills. Pearce, Peers, Robert, Exton „ Pers, Thomas, Angersley „ Pers, Thomas, Creche „ Thomas, Canington „ Thomasine, Exton „ Pearse, Thomas, Curry Rivell ,, Pearse, Thomas, Winsford „ Perse, William, Chaffecombe „ Pearse, William, Canington „ Peers, William, Exton „ Perse, William, Muncksilver „ Peres, William, Bridgwater „ Pearse als. Stoddon, John, Winsford „ Moren ah., see Moren als. Pearce. „ Pers, a Wode ah., see A Wode als. Pers. Pecher, Robert, Tanton Peeke, Antonie, Abbott yle See also Pike. Peick, see Pike. Penne, John, Wysford Pennye, William, Bearecrokam Peppin, Rendall als., see Rendall als. Peppin. Peream, John, Stokperowe Perker, Thomas, Chedsey Perman, Elis, Otterford Perrmer, William, Swell Perrott, Robert, Chipstable ,, Perrett, Thomas, St. Decumans „ Perott. William, Milverton ,, Perrat, William, Norton Perry, Perye, Alice, Sowthepetherton „ Pery, Andrew, Linge ,, Pery, Joane, widow, Whitstanton „ Perye, John, Whitestanton „ Perie, John, Linge „ Perie, John, Crukhorne „ Perye, Thomas, Stokegurseye „ Perye, Thomas, Langeford „ Hill ah., see Hill als. Perry. See also Pirry. Perse, see Pearce. Peter, Peeter, Garrett, Taunton Pette, Robert, Crukhorne Pettijoh'n, William, Comidge Petwin, Thomas, Ilebruers Pewse, see Pearce. Phelpes, John, Stocklinchemagdalen ,, Katherine, Meriet Phillipps, Phillippe, Agnes, Exford „ Philips, John, Meryet ,, Phillippe, John, Mynehed „ Phelypp, John, Mynhed „ Phellippe, John, Exford „ John, Meriet „ Phillippe, Julian, widow, Selworthie „ Philppes, Margaret, widow, Merriett „ Philippes, Morgan, Canington ,, Phillip, Robert, Selworthie Pichard, Thomas, Chaffcombe Pie, Pye, Edmund, Seaborough „ John, Northpetherton '559 3 3 1538 1 25 dated 1542 1 217 1583 6 281 dated 1584 6 348 1586 6 578 '593 9 81 '542 (?) 1 22S dated '548 1 3S7 '559 3 39 1565 4 10S dated 17 Eliz. 5 231 '55' 1 602 dated '539 1 119 admon. 1592 8 102 dated '539 1 S3 155S 2 1 10 dated '543 1 240 1587 7 85 '579 5 456 1587 7 112 1584 6 416 1582 6 '35 dated '538 1 129 1558 2 265 dated '544 1 300 1566 4 166 1562 4 17 dated '543 1 296 '549 1 488 '548 1 548 dated 1539 1 "4 1560 3 159 1584 6 333 '547 1 429 '592 8 64 '557 2 4' '575 5 201 '578 5 382 '573 5 65 dated '543 1 242 1546 1 360 dated 1546 1 396 1546 1 449 '559 3 . 57 1566 4 202 '574 5 '52 1592 8 55 dated '549 1 .520 dated 1583 6 273 1581 6 ..60 1583 6 256 Taunton Wills. 61 Pie, Pye, Richard, Northepetherton Piers, Pyers, John, Curryryvell „ Pyers, John, Wellington „ Pyers, Thomas, Dymyngton „ William, Porlocke „ Piars, William, Swell Pike, Peek, George, Bridgwater „ Harry, Stokegumber „ Hughe, Stogumber „ Pyke, John, Ryston „ Pyke, John, Rystonne „ Peick, John, Bridgwater „ Pyke, John, Stogumber „ Pyke, Symon, Dunwear, parish Bridgewater „ Peyke, William, Stockegumber See also Peeke. Pikethorne, Elizabeth, Cutterstone Pilcome, Gilbert, Stogursey „ John, Curland „ John, Curlond „ Bulford ah., see Bulford als. Pilcome. Pile, John, Cannington „ John, sen., Pitmester „ John, Pitmister ,, Pyle, Jone, Chedsey „ Pyle, Walter, Canington Pileman, Alexander, Canyngton „ Pyleman, Jone, Canyngtone „ Joane, Bromfeilde Pill, Thomas, Chedsey Pine, Agnes, widow, Dunster „ Pynne, Andrew, Ouerstowey „ Pynne, Henry, Kylton „ Pyne, John, Dunster „ John, Bagborough „ Pyne, Steven, Northepetherton Pinner, Pyner als. Gryffen, Owen, St. James, Tanton „ Pynner, Standley ah., see Standlye als. Pynner. Pinny, Joane, Bearecrokam „ Pinney, John, Bradway Piper, John, Curry Rivle „, Pyper, Thomas, Curryrivell Pipin, Pypyn, Thomas, Crokeham Pipter, Nicholas, Oke Pirry, Pirrie, John, Otterhampton „ Pirry, Thomas, Chellington „ Pirry, William, Chellington See also Perry. Pitcher, Alice, widow, St. James, Taunton „ John, St. James, Tanton „ William, Crukehorne Pither, John, Thurloxton Pitt, Pytt, William, Sowthepetherton „ Pitte, Aplie ah., see Aplie als. Pitte. „ Pitte als. Hodgis, Sir William, Kingston Playse, John, Kingsbrompton Playstret, James, Skilgate Plowman, John, Porlocke Plumer, Robert, Taunton Pococke, Robert, Orchard ,, Robert, Thurlebare '549 1 478 dated '557 2 146 '559 3 84 1559 3 120 1550 1 638 '579 5 479 1583 6 22 c 1565 4 109 1592 8 86 dated '539 1 125 dated '539 1 257 1562 (?) 4 '5 1576 5 269 1581 6 84 1560 3 165 dated '544 1 306 dated 1540 1 192 1566 4 163 1582 6 186 dated '539 1 99 '55' 1 594 1572 5 17 '559 3 S6 '545 1 3'4 dated '542 1 233 dated '558 2 '45 1565 4 92 1576 5 246 1562 4 23 1562 4 76 '593 9 5' 1558 2 21 1 '558 2 237 1558 2 255 '55' 1 579 1582 6 '97 dated '543 1 247 1582 6 14S 1586 6 612 1580 5 487 '559 3 2 '549 1 485 1580 5 5.0 1580 5 498 '574 5 14S '573 5 54 1546 1 376 '558 2 215 dated '539 1 '36 '559 3 '5 '592 8 207 '55' 1 566 '593 9 43 1558 2 100 1558 2 235 1559 3 ¦ 9 62 Taunton Wills. Podger, Edith, widow, Curryryvell „ Poger, Edith, Curryryvell „ Joane, widow, Whitstanton „ John, Curry Rivell „ John, Curryrivell ,, William, Whitstanton Pole, Alexander, Northepetherton „ Jone, Bromfeld „ Poll, Joane, Pytmister „ William, Thornefaucon „ Thomas, Withecombe „ William, Stokegursye „ als. Cooke, Richard, Staplegrove Pollen, Michael, Selworthie Pollinge, John, Estquantockhed Polocke, Alice, Brudgewater Polyn, Margerie, Dunster Pomery, Alice, Tanton Ponter, John, Kilton „ Jone, widow, Kilton Poole, Elizabeth, widow, Norton „ John, St. James, Tanton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Monksilver „ Pool, Richard, Dolishe Wake „ Robert, Corf „ Robert, Stockland „ Walter, Stockgursie Poople, John, Wembdon Poore, Elizabeth, Dunster „ Pore, Thomas, Kylve Pope, Joane, widow, St. Mary Stoke „ John, Tanton „ John, Mary Stoke „ Robert, Stoke Marye „ Robert, Duluerton Popham, Popeham, Joane, widow, Cryche „ John, Stockland „ John, Huntworthie „ John, laborer, Halswaye „ Marmaduke, gent., Durlye „ Poppeham, Walter, sen., Porlocke Pople, PopeU, Jone, widow, Stockland gaunte „ Popyll, John, Stockland Brystowe „ Robert, Stockland Porker, Thomas, Bridgwater Porter, John, Withecombe „ Margaret, Northepetherton „ Marmaduke, Northepetherton „ Nycholas, Canington „ Richard, St. Awdrise Potter, Christopher, Stalighe „ John, Bridgwater „ Robert, Chardlinch Poullen, William, St. James, Taunton Pounde, Pownde, John, the youngest, Stokegursie „ John, the elder, Stogursey „ Pownde, Jone, Luccombe „ Pownde, Thomas, Luckham „ Thomas, Canington „ Pownde, Walter, St. Mary, Tanton dated 1540 1 172 dated 1540 1 177 1584 6 385 1592 8 39 admon. 1592 8 130 1562 4 42 1560 3 "5 '559 3 69 1581 6 76 '574 5 174 '557 2 62 1558 2 112 '592 8 176 1566 4 196 1588 7 '35 dated '539 1 "3 1549 1 5'9 1582 6 '57 '549 1 475 1558 2 265 1588 7 139 1565 4 86 1572 5 122 '593 9 94 1566 4 16S '573 5 in 1 581 6 3 1560 3 157 1572 5 43 1577 5 338 dated '539 1 109 1580 5 493 '549 1 5o3 1579 5 450 1557 2 64 1574 5 '57 1558 2 193 1587 7 5o 1592 8 5' dated '593 9 27 1558 2 223 dated 1544 1 289 '551 1 572 1560 3 10S admon. 1562 4 3' '557 2 72 '557 2 81 dated 1559 3 16 1558 2 206 1587 7 97 1559 3 94 1574 5 '75 1562 4 43 1572 5 17 1573 5 60 1573 5 105 '575 5 229 '559 3 16 dated 1550 1 646 1580 5 483 1562 4 63 Taunton Wills. 63 Pounsey, Thomas, Bridgwater Pouseye, John, Brudgewater Power, Agnes, widow, Kylve Powle, Joan, Thornefawcon „ John, Stogumber „ John, Pitmester „ Thomas, Stockegumber „ William, Thornefawcon See also Paul. Powlinge, Thomas, Selworthie Pownsbery, William, Wiviliscomb Powton, Thomas, Bowre in Bridgwater Poyar, Alice, widow, Northepetherton Poyeton, Thomas, Bower, Bridgwater Pranherde, John, Dunster Pratt, Elizabeth, Chipstable „ Pratte, John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Pratte, William, Lynge Prelate, John, Wotton Courtney „ William, Wutton Courtney Preston, John, sen., Cryket Priest, Priste, Harry, Pitmister „ Priste, John, Cutcombe ,, John, St. James, Tanton „ Priste, John, Wiveliscombe „ Prist, John, Pitmister „ Prist, Jone, Pitmester ,, Prys, Simon, Stapull „ Priste, William, St. James, Tanton Prince, EUinor, widow, Crewkerne „ Wilmot, Crukehorne Procter, Richard, Maristoke „ Prokter, Robert, Cryche „ als. Mathewe, Eme, Riston Prolle, Alexander, Estquantoxhed Pruett, Joane, widow, Stockland Bristowe ,, Walter, Stockland Bristow „ William, Stockland gaunt Prime, Pryme, William, Kelton Prior, AUexander, Strengeston „ Margaret, widow, Kytton „ Pryor, Richard, Crokam „ William, Angersleighe Puff [Putte ?], Thomas, pson of Fiddington Pulman, Agnes, Pitmister „ Christian, widow, Trull Pulsford, John, Duluerton „ Roger, Duluerton Punter, John, Monksilver „ als. Carver, John, Eastquantockhed Putnam, Anne, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ Puttham, Peter, Enmore „ Puttham, Walter, Cutcombe Putte, see Puffe. Pye, see Pie. Pyers, see Piers. Pyle, see Pile. Pyme, Alyce, Spaxtone „ Pym, Alson, widow, Lydyarde '575 dated 1 540 '558 1587 dated 1544155' 1560'587 1549 1582 1550 '557 1550 '577 1545 15721574 1578 '577'55'1538 15871538'558 '577 1586 '539'539156215871572 15481558 15821584 1547 1581 15581541'5751558 '55' 1577 1550 1572 15741581 1562 '539 15881580 15741584 1581 dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated 1558 dated 1539 5 1 2 7 1 3 7 1 6 1 2 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 7 1 2 5 6 1 1 4 7 5 1 2 5 6 1 6 2 15 2 1 5 15 5 6 4 1 7 55 6 6 219 192 122 79 290 562 161 81 53° '45 660 52 6053'9 3'8 49 147 349 339 560 '73 77 5S 97 300 605 190'33 74633' 5'3 101 50S 312 464 30 "4 '95 '99 252 592 3'5 627 in 'S3 2S 5' 96 '33 5°5 171 342 16 '44120 64 Taunton Wills. Pyme, John, Kilton 1565 4 129 „ Thomas, Chilton dated '543 1 253 Pyner, see Pinner. Pynkerd, John, George Henton 1547 1 435 Pyns, Henrye, Estquantockshed dated '539 1 116 Quarrell, Quarell, Agnes, Northepetherton dated '545 1 3^3 „ Jane, Northpetherton 1580 5 507 „ John, Northpetherton 1587 7 69 Quicke, Alice, widow, Duluerton 1562 4 58 ,, Isott, spinster, Stogumber 1581 6 85 „ Joane, widow, Stokegumber 1573 5 92 „ Quycke, John, Langford '557 2 80 „ Quick, William, ffidington dated 37 Henry VIII 1 344 Quirke, Robert, Mynhed dated '543 1 290 ,, Quircke, Robert, Mynehedd '573 5 56 Radberde, John, Sowthpetherton dated '538 1 7 Raffe, Peter, Fiddington 1565 4 94 „ Raff, Richard, North epederton dated 1542 1 201 Rakworthy, Hugh, Bridgwater 1584 6 410 Rawe, John, Shepton becham dated 1541 1 230 „ Raw, Joane, Oke '575 5 24' „ John, Shepton Beachampe 1587 7 104 „ Robert, Oke 1559 3 87 „ Robert, Corfe 1581 6 i°3 ,, Thomas, the elder, Shepton Beauchampe 1588 7 '5' ,, William, Thurlbare 1582 6 182 Rawle, Rawles, Anastacie, widow, Hilfarant 1558 2 292 „ Rawell, Harrye, Exford dated '544 1 289 ,, John, Selworthie dated 1540 1 '57 „ Robert, Selworthy 1578 5 39° „ Rawll, Thomas, Selworthie 1592 8 '75 Rawley, Cicilie, widow, Selworthie 1566 4 '53 Rawlinges als. Glover, Thomas, Stogursey 1592 8 10 Rawlins, Rawlens, Christian, St. Mary, Tanton '575 5 221 „ Rawlin, David, Porlock admon. 1566 4 201 „ Rawlinge, Eline, Michaell Church 1587 7 92 „ Rawlyns, Joan, widow, Shepton beachamp 1586 6 652 „ Rawlins, John, Shepton bechamp '574 5 144 „ Rawlyns, Tamsyn, Canyngton dated '544 1 283 „ als. Gloviar, John, Stogursey 1583 6 221 Raxworthy, John, Enmer 1581 6 5 Rayment, John, Stokepirowe 1562 4 59 Raynie, Richard, Linge 1587 7 72 „ Painter ah., see Painter als. Raynie. Raynold, Alice, Bromefield 1578 5 405 „ Charells, Swell 1581 6 3° ,, Raynolde, John, Bromfilde '573 5 108 „ John, Dunweare, parish Bridgewater 1578 5 374 „ Michaell, Stokelynche Oterseye '559 3 10 „ Richard, Bromfield - 1578 5 406 „ Reynald, Thomas, Wynsford '557 2 5 „ Rainold, Thomas, Winsford 1592 8 155 „ als. Bradlen, Edith, Spaxton 1583 6 229 Raynsbury, Rainsbery, Agnes, Stawleigh dated '573 5 102 ,, Rangesbury, Agnes, Stalighe '574 5 14S „ Raynesbuerie, Alice, widow, Stallye '559 3 48 „ Raynesburie, John, Stallye 1558 2 210 Taunton Wills. 65 Raynsbury, Rainsberie, Raynold, Trull „ Raynsberye, Thomas, Stauleghe Reade, Redde, Joanna, widow, Fedyngton „ John, Canyngton „ Margaret, Canyngton „ Rede, Margaret, widow, Fiddington „ Reede, Richard, Miluerton „ Robert, St. Mary, Taunton „ Rede, Walter, Fidington „ Rede, William, Fidington „ Rede, William, Fidington Redler, John, Exforde Redley, John, Northpetherton Reed, see Reade. Reeve, Christopher, West Monckton „ John, Kingston Reffert, Thomas, Stocklynch Otersey Rendall, John, Enmer ,, Mathew, Bridgwater „ Rendle, Walter, Dirston „ als. Pepen, John, Chilton „ ah. Peppin, Thomas, Otterhampton Rennall, Antony, Withipole Repe, Eme, Gotehurst „ George, Northpetherton „ Reape, Giles, Estquantokshed „ John, Gothurst Rewe, Henry, Thorne St. Margrette Rey, Jone, Puckington Riall, John, Northpetherton Richards, James, Milverton ., Richardes, James, St. James, Tanton „ Rychardis, John, Upton „ Ricarde, John, Brodewaye „ Richard, John, Cryche „ Rychardes, John, Upton „ John, sen., Creche „ Richardes, John, Oldeclief „ Richard, John, Michell Creeche ,, John, Upton „ John, Selworthie „ Ricard, Jone, widow, Criche „ Nicholas, Durston „ Richardes, William, Norton „ William, Pitmister „ Monntie ah., see Monnte als. Richards. Riche, John, servant to Jone Mitchell, widow, Lidiard Lawrens 1566 „ Jone, Sevyngton „ Robert, Wotton Courtney Richman, John, sen., Hilfarante Richmond, Elizabeth, widow, Hilfarant Ridler, Hellyn, widow, Cutcomb ,, Henry, Ore „ Margaret, Ore „ Walter, Dunster „ Walter, Porlocke „ William, Cutcombe Ridon, John, Enmer Riggs, Browne ah., see Browne als. Riggs. Rime, see Ryme. Risdon, Roger, Staplegrove 1592 8 75 dated 1548 1 512 dated '539 1 186 dated 1538 1 74 1550? 1 651 1560 3 120 1572 5 43 dmon. 1578? 5 330 '558 2 17S 1562 4 26 1557 2 1 '559 3 37 1548 1 516 1582 6 129 1586 6 623 '592 8 25 '538 1 1 1 dated 1561 4 3 1585 6 458 '557 2 24 1578 5 4i5 1576 5 264 1583 6 233 1558 2 215 1566 4 192 1578 5 348 dated '539 1 11S '593 9 28 1583 6 253 '578 5 362 dated 1546 1 400 1549 1 502 dated '538 1 61 dated 1541 1 224 '547 1 4'5 1558 2 122 1572 5 26 1576 5 277 1583 6 286 1587 7 99 1592 8 180 1580 5 502 1565 4 no 1558 2 226 1565 4 112 Lawrens 1566 4 161 dated 1541 1 223 1575 5 214 1582 6 123 1583 6 227 1586 6 657 1582 6 144 1587 7 88 1562 4 67 1585 6 518 1566 4 '35 1577 5 309 66 Taunton Wills. Rison, George, Stogumber ,, George, Staplegrove „ John, Ashpriors Rives, see Ryves. Roberts, Robarde, John, Linge „ Richard, Canington Robertson, William, Chedsey „ Robartson, William, Chedsey Robins, Robbins, Agnes, widow, Drayton „ Robyns, Agnes, widow, Langford „ William, Buckland Mary Roceter, John, Oke „ John, Weyforde „ William, Nynehed Roche, George, Hilbushoppes „ Thomas, Wotton Courtenye Rodberte, John, Sowthpetherton „ R odbert, Robert, yle Abbott Rodde, Rode, Alice, widow, Chedsey „ John, Chedsey Rodford, Roddford, John, Brusheford Rodocke, Richard, Chaidseye Roe, Robert, Mynehed Rogers, Henry, Northpetherton „ Henry, Northpetherton Roode, Robert, Northpetherton „ William, Chedseye Rooke, Edward, Staple Fitzpaine „ Esble, Meriett „ Rook, John, Pitmister „ John, Meriet „ William, Corff Roper, Thomas, Mynehed „ Wilmot, Crokehorne Rose, John, servant to Symon Sealie, of Spaxton „ Wills ah., see Wills als. Rose. Rowden, Bawden, Bridgwater Rowe, John, Bridgwater „ John, Luccombe ,, John, Fidington ,, Katherine, Luccombe „ Row, Pawle, Stocklinche otersea ,, Roger, Porlocke Rowswell, Alice, widow, Miluerton ,, Rowsell, Anstice, Spaxton „ Rowsewell, Christian, Shepton bechamp „ Cudberte, Bridgwater ,, Rowsell, John, Shepton Beacham „ Rowsewell, Jone, Ilfference „ Rowsell, Lawrence, Bradforde „ Rowsell, Richard, Canington „ Robert, Bradford „ Rowsewell, Thomas, Ryston „ Thomas, clerk, Bradford Rscobe (sic, ? Ruscombe), John, Crokam Rugge, Sir Guelles (Giles), clerk, Kylton „ Jone, widow, Wembdon „ Thomas, Lidiard Laurence Ruscombe, Harry, Crokam „ Ruscom, Simon, Crokham „ Ruscome, William, Crocombe 1583 6 291 1584 6 327 1574 5 192 1572 5 34 1587 7 120 1547 1 427 dated '547 1 484 1583 6 215 1584 6 442 dated '543 1 244 1560 3 136 '575 5 190 1592 S 140 1578 5 3S4 dated 1544 1 268 1585 6 487 1558 2 228 '559 3 56 1562 4 42 1560 3 165 dated '538 1 72 '587 7 1 12 '557 2 55 admon. '575 5 '99 1588 7 '37 1557 2 86 1592 8 14 1582 6 1S6 1562 4 85 1578 5 419 i56"6 4 167 1560 3 166 dated '534 1 '3 1566 4 192 1588 7 171 dated '549 1 491 '549 1 533 1565 4 90 1588 7 171 '575 5 220 1587 7 61 1592 8 103 1565 4 126 1558 2 • 218 1584 6 432 1584 6 342 dated '539 1 185 '575 5 '93 1581 6 78 1561 4 1 dated 1544 1 308 1558 2 199 dated '543 1 264 1558 2 285 1557 2 54 1582 6 138 1558 2 282 dated 1583 6 260 1588 7 190 Taunton Wills. 67 Rusine, John, Crocombe Russell, Elizabeth, widow, Lopon „ Peter, Sowthpetherton Rydon, John, Northpetherton Ryme, Edythe, Sowthpethertone „ Margaret, Southpetherton „ Rime, Richard, Sowthpetherton Ryve, Agnes, widow, Northepetherton „ Rive, Agnes, widow, Northpetherton „ John, Northepetherton „ Robert, Northepetherton dated '543 [588 '55' '592 '558 [573 1548 '559 1578 1558'558 245 130 5^4 21S 138 55 539 72 369 96 Sadler, Thomas, Dunster Saffen, Jone, Sanford Birt Salisburie, Nicholas, ffyffet Salmon, Jehoachim, Wotton Courtney Salter, John, Hilbushops Samise, Mary, Drayton Sampforde, Ursula, Hatchebecham Sampson, Christopher, Cricket malherb Samwyse, Jone, Northepetherton Samys, Marmaduke, Northepetherton Sander, see Saunders. Sanford, Sanneforde, John, Sowthpetherton „ Sanforde, William, Combfiorie Saphen, Thomas, Sampford Birte Saucer, see Sawcer. Saunders, Sanders, Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ Saunder, John, Estquantockshed „ Saunder, John, Canyngton „ Saunder, John, St. James, Taunton „ Richard, Canington „ Saunder, Robert, Wendon ,, Sander, Thomas, Estquantockshedd „ Thomas, Kingeston „ Sawnder, Walter, Porlocke „ Saunder, William, Stokegurseye ,, Sawnders, Willyam, Durlighe „ William, Langford Budvild Savere, John, Cryche Sawcer, John, Stapulgrove „ Saucer, John, Swell Sawtell, John, Drayton ,, Saw . . (1 ?), John, Drayton „ John, Curryrivell „ Sawtle, Dolman ah., see Dolman als. Sawtle. Sayle, Samuel, Donniett Scaddinge, John, the elder, Angersly „ William, Pitmister Scealer, see Sealy. Score, John, Stogurseye „ John, Stogursye „ John, Stogursie See also Skoar. Sealy, Catherine, widow, Canington „ Selye, John, Cannington „ John, Huishchampflower „ Scealer, John, Toland „ Sealie, John, Combflory „ Sely, John, Stogumber dated dated dated dated dated dated dated admon. dated com. '539 '558 1558 '593 •583 '573 '5851592'558 '543 1540 1572 1546 '557 '5441550'558 1588 '544 1558 '575 1592 15401582 1587 1558'547 1562 '54915501584 1592 [592 158115411558'574'579 '558 15801581 1586 1592 92 269 229 63 240 119 494 '35161 254 1 171 5 43 1 361 50 264 656 194 185 279 118 238 62 '55 141124 159 410 77 539 657 478 205 18 198 99 170 440 270209 98 574 68 Taunton Wills. Sealy, John, Canington „ Sealie, Richard, Huishchampflower „ Selie, Robert, Enmer Seaton, Richard, St. James, Taunton Sedborough, Walter, Porlocke Sedgeborowe, Hugh, Chipstable „ Sedgeborow, Richard, Chipstable Segar, Richard, Pitmister „ William, Ryston Selack, John, Enmer „ Sealack, William, Stokegumber Seller, George, Stokegumber „ George, Stogumber „ John, Brudgewater „ Jone, Tolland „ Seler, Symon, Tolond „ William, Stokegumber „ als. Grove, John, Tolland Selwood, Willyam, curate, St. James, Taunton Selwyll, Harvie, Porlock Seman, William, West Bugburghe Sender, John, Wolmeston, parish Crokhorne Sendell, John, Thurloxton Senecke, Joane, widow, Pitmyster Sercomb, Wether ah., see Wether als. Sercomb. Serell, William, Wellington Seymor, Seimor, Mary, widow, Crookhorne Shalder, Collard ah., see Collard ah. Shalder. Shaldowe, William, Combeflorie Shapland, John, Exford Sharpe, Richard, Mounton Shattock, Alexander, West Bagborowghe „ Elizabeth, Stokegumber „ Shattocke, Joane, Stokegumber ,, Shattocke, Joane, widow, Bagborowe „ John, Stogumber „ Shattocke, John, Stogumber „ William, Oke „ Shatocke, Willyam, Combflory Sheate, John, Chedsey Sheppard, Alice, Lenge Sherfforde, Jone, widow, St. Mary, Tanton Sherlocke, Joane, Crokehorne „ Sherloke, Robert, Misterton Sherman, Agnes, Radington „ Joan, Hewishe Shervord, John, Trull Shervy, John, Norton Sherwood, Alice, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ Sherewode, Sir Thomas, Sowthepetherton Sherwyn, John, Curryryvell Shewbrooke, see Showbroke. Shircombe, Jone, widow, Estquantokshed ,, Sir Thomas, p'son of Holford Sholer, Agnes, Trull Shoreland, Henry, Luxborowe Shornwaie, Joane, widow, Brompton Raffe „ Shornewaye, John, Brenton Raff ,, Shornewaye, John, Lawrens Lydyerd „ Shornwey, Robert, Brompton Ralph 1592 8 148 1586 6 646 1565 4 100 1588 7 1S2 1582 6 162 '573 5 80 1592 8 101 1588 7 189, '558 2 245 1562 4 25 '573 5 64 dated '573 5 90 1574 5 172 dated 1540 1 152 '558 2 214 dated 1539 1 S7 '559 3 49 1572 5 22 1578 5 396 dated 1539 1 85 dated '539 1 124 dated '544 1 295 dated 1546 1 347 1558 2 242 '559 3 84 admon . 1584 6 335 1547 1 365. 1583 6 299 dated 1592 9 87 dated 1546 1 352 1565 4 "4 1566 4 165 1585 6 5'5 1562 4 7i 1584 6 399 1548 1 5°7 1583 6 232- 1583 6 276 '558 2 286- '574 5 162 '547 1 407 '559 3 18 dated 1538 1 62 1538 1 63 1562 4 67 1578 5 429 1549 1 4S9 1583 6 223 dated 1539 1 124 1546 1 369- '557 2 21 1549 1 458 '547 1 43f 1585 6 467 '573 5 "5 dated '539 1 83 dated 1543 1 309 1559 3 53, Taunton Wills. 69 dated dated Shote, William, Swell Showbroke, Shewbrooke, Alice, Westquantoxhed „ William, Kittisford Showford, John, Exford Shurte, Dorothie, Cothelston „ Heughe, Kilve „ John, Cotherstone „ John, the elder, Kulve Shute, John, Kingston „ John, Kingston ,, John, Wembdon „ William, Bradford „ William, Coombflory Shutt, John, Hilbushoppes Sidenham, Sydenham, Agnes, Northepetherton „ Siddenham, John, the elder, ar., Duluerton „ Syddenham, John, gent., Langford „ Sydenham, William Northepetherton Siderven, William, Luxborowgh ,, Wilmote, Luxborough Silk, Sylke, Robert, Stokegursye Simms, see Symes. Simons, see Symons. Single, Thomas, Puckington Skees, John, Nortone Skelton, Elyn (widow of Alexander), Bridgwater Skinner, Alice, widow, Upton „ Skynner, Alice, Bagborough „ Skynner, Elsabeth, widow, Dunster „ Skynner, John, Broushford „ John, Stokgurseye ,, John, Alcombe ,, John, Alcombe „ Skynner, John, Combflory „ John, Raddington „ Skynner, John, Dunster „ Skynner, John, Withell ,, Skynner, Thomas, Radington „ Skynner, Thomas, West Bagborough „ William, Upton „ Skynner, William, Miluerton Skoar, Richard, St. Mary, Tanton See also Score. Skorier, Roger, St. James, Tanton Skosse, Joane, Bridgwater Skote, John, Staplegrove „ Richard, Stokegursye Skuttfold, Dunscombe als., see Dunscombe als. Skuttfold. Slade, John, Ylmester dated „ John, Ilmister ,, John, Ouerstowey „ John, Bradford „ Jone, Stowgursey dated ,, Nicholas, Crickett Malherb „ Robert, Oterhampton „ William, Meriet dated „ William, Duluerton Slape, Agatha, widow, Stogumber „ Baulden, Kyttesford „ John, Crokam „ Slappe, Thomas, Kyngston dated 1546 1 374 1583 6 235 1559 3 22 1584 6 357 1581 6 3S 1583 6 269 1575 5 22S 1584 6 337 1558 2 243 1559 3 82 1580 5 494 i 1551 1 563 '592 8 170 1587 7 84 1558 2 225 1561 4 6 1574 5 132 '557 2 40 1572 5 3' '579 5 472 1559 3 9 '593 9 22 1558 2 '35 1549? 1 616 '557 2 49 '573 5 62 '559 3 6 1 1543 1 267 '55' 2 5S 1565 4 90 1565 4 123 '573 5 78 '574 5 149 ¦ 581 6 IOI 1584 6 563 '573 5 62 1573 5 65 1562 4 62 1588 7 192 '551 1 574 1565 4 122 1566 4 172 1582 6 148 '559 3 23 • '549 1 605 1550 1 659 1566 4 186 1587 7 124 - '538 1 75 1592 8 '34 '557 2 56 '538 1 4 1560 3 168 '593 9 61 '549 1 498 1557 2 45 '539 1 132 70 Taunton Wills. Slococke, Ralph, Langfeld Budfeld Slocombe, Agnes, Sampfordbrete „ Slowcombe, Edithe, Hewishe Champflower „ Elizabeth, Sampford Birte „ Hand, Huishchamflor „ Joan, Aisholt „ Slocom, John, Treyborow „ Slocom, John, Sampford Birt „ Slocome, John, Treyborowe „ John, Huyshchamflower „ John, huishchamflower „ John, Huishchamflower „ WiUiam, Huishchampflower Slowlie, Alice, widow, Porlocke Smale, John, Bagborough „ John, West Bagborough „ Robert, Thurloxton Smalewood, Katherine, Smith, Alexander, Enmer „ Allice, widow, Eastquantockshed „ Anthony, St. Mary's, Tanton „ Smyth, Davy, Kytnor „ Smythe, Henrie, Estquantockshed „ Smithe, Jone, Enmer „ Joane, widow, Minehed „ Smithe, Joane, widow, Otterhampton „ Smyth, Joan, Dunster „ Smyth, Joane, Embercombe „ Smyth, John, Ore „ Smithe, John, Sanforde burt „ John, Barington „ Smithe, John, Wutton Courtney „ Smithe, John, Kingsbrompton „ John, Buckland „ Smithe, Maude, widow, West Monkton „ Paul, Mynehed „ Smythe, Rychard, St. James, Taunton „ Smithe, Richard, St. Mary, Taunton „ Smythe, Robert, Stapull „ Smythe, Robert, Trull „ Smithe, Robert, Cotherston „ Robert, Corffe ,, Smythe, William, George Henton „ Smythe, William, Drayton „ Smithe, William, Staplegrove „ Smythe, William, St. James, Tanton „ William, Stockland Graunt ,, William, St. Mary, Taunton „ Smythe, Brooke ah., see Brooke als. Smythe. „ Smithe, Tomson ah., see Tomson als. Smithe. Smitney, Gylls, Willscomb Smocke, John, Chipley, parish Nynehed Smynne, Margery, Criche Smynye, Robert, Northpethertone Snow, John, Exforde „ Snowe, John, sen., Duluerton „ Snowe, Jacobb ah., see Jacobb als. Snowe. Socke, Jone, Dynnyngton Solie, John, Porlocke „ John, Stokegursie „ John, Stokegursie 1559 3 95 1578 5 375 1560 3 182 1566 4 '33 1587 7 9' 1557 2 57 dated '539 1 95 dated 1541 1 204 dated 1541 1 208 155' 1 599 '579 5 470 1581 6 35 1577 5 326 '593 9 66 1550 1 650 dated 1550 1 664 1550 1 5'4 1549 1 494 1558 •"> '74 1581 6 63 1582 6 172 dated 1538 1 59 dated 1541 1 194 1575 5 196 1581 6 22 1581 6 54 1581 6 59 1582 6 132 dated 1538 1 56 1558 2 231 '559 3 14 1566 4 166 1585 6 509 '593 9 61 1559 2 3» 1592 8 210 1558 2 162 '574 5 147 dated 1541 1 223 dated 1547 1 432 '559 3 41 1582 6 1S3 dated 1544 1 300 1560 3 112 1573 5 71 '574 5 169 1581 ? 6 81 158S 7 165 dated 1543 1 246 1581 6 90 1550 1 621 1558 2 1S6 1575 5 197 1576 5 260 1558 2 167 dated 1541 1 206 dated 1547 1 3S8 1548 1 395 Taunton Wills. 7i Solie, Solye, Margerie, Cutcombe „ Solye, Thomas, Stokegumer „ Solye, William, Dunster Solman, John, Nynehed Somer (?), Snnor, Henry, Donnyatt „ James, Enmore ,, Jone, Bridgwater „ Joan, Nettlecombe „ John, Spaxton „ John, Spaxton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Enmer „ Rychard, Enmer „ Robert, Chardelynche ,, Sommer, Symon, Enmer „ Water, Brudgewater Someroode, Henry, Crokhorne Sooper, Stephen, Dynnington Sowthewey, Laurence, Pitmister Sowthey, Alice, Langford Budvile „ Edmond, Chipley, parish Nynehed „ John, Nynehed „ Nicholas, Ninehed Sowthwood, John, fififfitt „ Richard, Angersley Sparke, John, Porlocke Speare, Spere, John, Oke ,, als. Denshire, John, Lilstocke Spiringe, Speringe, Hewghe, Upton „ Spyringe, Joane, widow, Pytmister „ Spyringe, Jone, Pytmyster „ Nicholas, Taunton „ Richard, Pitmister „ Spyringe, William, Pytmester See also Spring. Spirtell, Sir William, Northepetherton Sporyer, Bartholomew, Porlocke Spracot, Lawrens, yle brewer Spragott, Nicholas, Ilbruers Sprake, Robert, Doliswake „ William, Kyttisford Springe, James, Pytmester See also Spiring. Spurell, John, Brodeway Spurier, Home ah., see Home als. Spurier. Squier, Agnes, Sheptonbecham „ Squyer, Alse, Wendon „ Griggory, Winsford „ Joane, Misterton „ John, Misterton „ Pascha, Shepton Beacham Squirrell, David, Porlocke „ Frances, Porlocke „ Squerell, Henry, Porlocke „ Squyrell, John, Nynhede „ Squerrill, John, Mynheade „ Squerill, Walter, Porlock Stacie, John, Northnewton Stalenge, Jone, widow, Norton „ Stallenge, Robert, Kingeston „ Stalinge, Thomas, Norton dated dated dateddated dated dated dateddateddated dated dateddateddated dated '558'55' 1560 [560 1546 '55915581582 '557 '559[560'574155815401582'544'543'559'577158715S7'5761562 '583 '583 1582 '551 1588'544'5471558'565 1588 '547 [540'539 '539 '583 '557'538'539'544 '54''5871562'5461584'585 1586 '544 1558.558'582[5871558[548'539 2 1 3 3 1 3 26 2 33 5 2 1 6 11 3 5 77 5 4 666 1 7 1 1 2 4 7 1 I11 62 11 149 599169 184 371 60 265 140 82 66 98 127127150 141 28425' 61 3°7 128 100 286 39 235280 165 577 169 294 455 93 102 '34 4°3 '9' 94 132 287 71 37 '9' 301242 198 3529 376339 461637405 264294 109 106 221 497 126 72 Taunton limits. Stalenge, Stallenge, William, Norton Stamforde, John, WTest Bagborowe ,, Stameforde, Thomas, Cannington „ William, West Bagborowe Stancom, John, Hewishe Standerde, William, Linge Standford, John, Cannington Standishe, William, Elworthie Standley als. Becke, William, Mynehed „ ah. Pynner, Elen, Stokegumber Stanfaste, Richard, Stokegumber „ Robert, Stokegursie „ William, Stokgursey Stap'child, William, Bridgwater Staple, John, Drayton ,, Richard, the elder, Clotworthie Stawlighe als. Gredy, Simon, Nynehed Steare, Agnes, widow, Sowthpetherton ,, William, Sowthpetherton Stebbey, Richard, Dunster Stembridge, Robert, Henton George Stephens, Agatha, West Moncton „ Stephen, Alice, widow, Kingestone „ Alice, widow, Lidiard Laurence „ Anthonie, Huishchamflor „ Stephen, Durston, Bradforde „ Edmond, Northpetherton „ Hughe, Clotworthy ,, Steven, James, Porlocke „ Jone, Ayshepriors „ Jone, Ayshepriors „ Stephen, Joane, widow, Treborough ,, Stephen, Jone, widow, Kingesbrompton „ John, Aishpriors „ Stephen, John, Huyshe „ Stephen, John, Porlock „ John, Clotwurthye „ John, Langford budfild „ John, no parish „ Stephen, Leonard, Clatworthie „ Stephen, Mawde, Stogumber „ Richard, Dunster ,, Steven, Symon, Ore „ Stephen, Thomas, Treborowgh „ Thomas, Aishpriors ,, Stephen, William, Bickenoler ,, Steven, William, Stogumber ,, Baker ah., see Baker als. Stephens. „ Gyfforde als., see Gyfford als. Stephens. „ Stephen, Pawle ah., see Pawle als. Stephen. ,, Stephen, Thorne ah., see Thorne als. Stephen. Stere, Jone, Tolland Sterry als. Morris, Alice, St. James, Taunton Sterte, John, Canington Stevens, see Stephens. Stewdier, John, ffyffett Stewre, Margaret, widow, Winsford Steyninge, IsbeU, widow, Stokgursie ,, John, Bicknoller Stibbes, Stybbes, Henry, Mynehedd „ John, Porlock 1585 6 460 dated 154' 1 33° 1560 3 174 dated 1545 1 330 dated '538 1 49 1588 7 148 '592 8 144 1550 1 652 1586 6 627 1566 4 205 1566 4 200 1572 5 48 '557 2 22 1558 2 216 1549 1 549 1574 5 124 1584 6 3'7 1586 6 560 1581 6 57 1588 7 '73 '547 1 469 '593 9 S7 1576 5 2S7 1592 8 157 1588 7 '73 dated 1538 1 22 1592 8 165 '559 3 5S 1560 3 150 dated 1542 1 218 dated 1542 1 220 1548 1 536 1581 6 61 dated '538 1 33 dated '538 1 63 dated '539 1 90 i5';8 2 '39 1586 6 628 1587 7 105 dated 1539 1 81 1558 2 '59 1592 8 44 I5S7 7 M 1548 1 530 1562 4 83 dated 1539 1 95 dated 1543 1 242 dated 1566 4 164 1573 5 304 1572 5 4 1548 1 52.3 1560 3 '77 1549 1 477 1572 5 6 1558 2 149 1548 I 529 Taunton Wills. 72 Stibbes, Robert, Porlocke Stillerd, William, Crewkerne Stocke, Classe, widow, Tollonde Stockham, John, Winsford „ Stockam, William, Kingsbrumpton Stodden, Christian, Selworthy „ Elene, widow, Selworthie „ Stoddyn, Henrye, Luccombe „ Hugh, Selworthy „ John, Luccombe „ John, Mynehed „ Stoddon, Michael, Selworth „ Stoddon, Philipp, widow, Elworthye „ Richard, Selworthie „ Stoddon, Richard, Selworthye ,, Stoddon, Robert, Luxborow „ Robert, Cannington „ Stephen, Mynehed „ ah. Anthony, John, Luxborough „ Stoddon, Pearse ah., see Pearse als. Stoddon. Stogell, George, Northepetherton Stoke, John, Withycombe Stoky, John, Barrington Stondon, John, Tolland Stone, Christian, St. James, Tanton „ Cicely (Sysylee), Porlocke „ Edithe, Canington „ Harrye, Porlocke „ James, Withicombe „ Jerome, Crocombe „ Joane, widow, St. James, Taunton „ Jone, widow, Canington „ John, Tanton ,, John, Aishbrittle „ John, Canyngton „ John, Aishbrittle „ John, Withell „ John, Dunster .,, Nicholas, Aishbrittell -,, Philip, Canyngton „ Richard, Chippestabell „ Robert, Ayshebryttell „ Robert, Aishbretle ,, Water, Canyngton _,, William, Canyngton „ William, Whitstanton „ William, Oterhampton „ Willyam, St. James, Taunton „ Ston, William, Canington Stoner, John, the elder, Sevington Storke, Hugh (servant to Walter Martin), Stogursey Stowe, Thomas, Wotton Courtney Stowre, Alice, widow, Sevington „ Stower, Burnell, Sevington michell „ Joane, Wotton Curtney „ John, Lenge „ Robert, Sowthepetherton „ William, Cory mallett Strange, John, Porlocke „ John, Porlocke Strattingall, Aldred, Kingsbrompton 1587 7 126 1592 8 '33 1560 3 150 '573 5 107 '559 3 63 1582 6 '55 1566 4 193 '558 2 180 1588 7 142 '573 5 S3 1584 6 324 dated '538 1 52 '557 2 61 1558 2 264 '558 2 302 dated '539 1 9' 1587 7 93 dated 1584 6 329 '583 6 223 '559 3 66 '559 3 7 1538 1 16 dated 1540 1 165 1587 7 1 10 '558 2 'S3 1562 4 3' 1557 2 61 1585 6 544 '577 5 320 1560 3 174 dated 1574 5 142 dated '539 1 123 '549 1 501 '557 2 6 1562 4 32 1587 7 80 1592 8 36 '593 9 95 dated '544 1 285 dated '539 1 88 dated '544 1 30S I55S 2 236 dated '543 1 277 dated 1540 1 147 1558 2 267 '559 3 23 1578 5 398 1582 6 68 1558 2 201 '584 6 373 '579 5 47S '558 2 283 1580 5 499 1581 6 27 1574 5 '53 dated 1541 1 176 1574 5 128 dated 1S40 1 162 1587 7 90 158S 6 47o 74 Taunton Wills. Strattinger, Agnes, widow, Exton Streate, Alice, Eastquantoxhed „ Joane, widow, Staple Fitzpaine „ Streatt, Joane, widow, Exford ,, Strete, Nicholas, Staple „ Strete, Richard, Stogumber „ Streat, Thomas, Elworthy Strobridge, Robert, Holdisworthy Stronge, Elynor, Porlocke ,, Elizabeth, widow, Dunster dated ,, Harvy, Wotton dated ,, Henry, Mylverton „ Hughe, Dunster „ Strong, Isabell, widow, Wotten Courtney ,, Jerome, Otterhampton „ Stronnge, John, Stowgursye ,, John, Norton „ Julia, widow, Luccomb dated „ Richard, West Monkton dated „ Thomas, Stokegurseye „ Thomas, Stogursey Strotingale, John, Wotton Courtney Strotinger, Agnes, widow, Dunster Stroud, Elinor, fifhed Stuckey, Stukey, Andrew, clerk, Fidyngton ,, Purnell, Sowthpetherton „ Stucky, Sir Thomas, clerk, Stocklynche (Ottersy) „ Stucky, Thomas, Sheptonbeachampe Stutt, Agnes, widow, Nynehed „ Stutte, John, Mynehead Style, Alice, Orchard ,, John, St. James, Tanton Sullenham, Elizabeth, Badialton Sully, Agnis, Moncksilver dated „ Sullie, Ann, Northpetherton „ Dorothye, Enmore „ Sullie, Joane, widow, Stokegumber ,, Sullie, Joan, widow, Sellworthy „ John, Withill „ John, Withill ,, John, Kingsbrompton „ John, Wotton Courtney „ John, Wotton Courtney „ Robert, Stogumber ,, Roger, Stokegumber „ Sullye, Thomas, Clatworthie „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Enmer „ Sullie, Thomas, Upton „ Thomas, Chipstable ,, Sullye, William, Brushford ,, Sulley als. Dier, Thomas, clerk, ffiddington See also Zolie and Zulley. Sumpter, John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Kittesford Surridge, Surrege, Agnes, widow, Miluerton „ Christian, Badialton ,, John, Chipstable Sutton, Ralph, Stogursie Swayne, Thomas, Sevington dated Sweetinge, Edith, widow, Bicknoller 15821592 1583 1586 15581592 1584 1566'558 1565'53815821565 15871583'5581572 1584 '547? 1546 1592 1582'559157S 1560 '5371581 15S7 15S31577'559 '559 '54415771587 1581 1566 '593'579 '579 1582 15821584'583 1572 15581582 1582'5751578 1592 158715471582 1562 '573 1584 1562 '541 1587 64 2 4 1 6 4 7 62 5 6 1 1 8 6 3 5 3 1 67 6 5 33 1 5 7 649 5 5 666 6 5 266 5 5 176199 283 594 263 35 3'3 170179 129 66 145 104 29 142 164 38 370 354 337 5 126 4 418 146 2 43 121 294340 80 81 310 418 32 54 '97 83 460461 190 200 3°7 223 23 292 182 188 187 353 116100 448 '47 82 no 309 28 223 IOl Taunton I Fills. 7 5 Sweetinge, Sweting, Margaret, widow, Stokgursey Swinger, Margaret, widow, West Monckton „ Swengar, Roger, West Monkton „ Swenger, William, the elder, Munckton ,, Swenger, Willyam, Nynehed Swithen, Thomas, Sanford burt Sylieghe, Edward, Brushford Sylvester, Silfester, Elizabeth, Sowthpetherton „ Syluester, John, Sowthepetherton „ Thomas, George Henton Sym, John, Sowthpetherton Symes, John, Chedsey „ Symmes, Mary, widow, Sowthpetherton Symons, Elizabeth, widow, Stokgurseye „ Joane, widow, Stogursey „ John, Northepetherton ,, Symon, John, Brudgwater „ John, Stogurseye „ John, Stowgurseye „ Simons, John, Wembdon „ Simons, John, Lenge „ Simons, John, the elder, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Wembdon „ Jeyce, Stowgursey „ Symon, Robert, Trull „ Thomas, Draiton „ William, Stokegurseye Symood, Agnes, Miluerton Syndercombe, Alsin, Staplegrove „ John, Norton „ Syndercome, Thomas, Norton Synson, John, Stogursey Syvyer, John, Cryche Tachell, Tachill, John, Baryngton dated 1540 1 172 „ Humphrie (or Umfrie) ah., see Humphrie (or Umfrie) ah. Tachell. Tackberd, Joane, Dodington Talbotte, Richard, Nettlecome dated Tamsen, Richard, Taunton Tankins, Simon, Crokam dated 1544, proved Tanner, John, Stokegursie „ John, Oldeclief „ John, Laurence Lidiard „ Margerye, widow, Bridgwater ,, Nicolas, Lawrence Lydyerd dated „ Richard, Hotterhanton dated „ Thomas, Miluerton dated „ Water, Stogurseye dated „ William, Crukehorne „ William, Merriett „ Zachary, Crokehorne „ Taner als. Hewe, John, Lukcombe Tanton, Gyles, Pitmister „ John, St. James, Tanton „ Taunton, John, West Monckton „ William, St. James, Taunton Tappett, John, Northepetherton „ Tappette, John, the younger, North Petherton dated '543 1 248 1547 1 429 '557 2 3° dated '55' 1 580 1578 5 424 '558 2 278 1558 2 203 1580 5 501 '558 2 284 dated '538 1 5 dated '538 1 3 '592 8 77 1577 5 309 1557 2 17 admon. '593 9 2 dated '538 1 7i dated '539 1 104 dated 1540 1 145 dated 1540 1 '52 1557 2 43 '557 2 44 1583 6 296 1592 8 42 '592 8 1S1 1588 7 165 '549 1 501 1592 8 156 '557 2 14 dated 1547 1 454 '559 3 52 155S 2 277 1558 2 275 1583 6 254 1560 3 '73 1560 3 '45 1572 5 80 '557 2 12 1561 1 406 1560 3 103 1578 5 35<> 1587 7 '°3 1560 3 107 '547 1 400 '538 1 70 1548 1 50S 1541 1 196 1572 5 30 1585 6 5" '559 3 45 1550 1 658 '592 8 90 1547 1 470 '577 5 310 1587 7 38 1545 1 344 '593 9 55 76 Taunton Wills. dated Tapscott, Christofer, Porlocke „ Tapiscott, Elsabeth, Selworthie „ Tapiscot, John, Stokepirowe „ Tappscott, John, Stogumber „ Tappescotte, Tamseine, Stokeperow „ Welthian, Porlocke „ Tapescott, Willyam, Selworthie Tare, John, Clotworthie Tawnynge, Roger, jun., hache becham Taylor, Alson, West Monketon „ Edward, Selworthie ,, George, Selworthie „ Henry, Bicknoller ,, Tayler, Jone, Selworthye „ Joane, widow, Selworthie „ Tailor, John, Ayshebrettal ,, John, Stogumber „ John, Badyalton „ John, Hylfarance „ Tayler, John, sen., Swell „ Tailer, John, Brompton Ralph „ Tayler, John (servant to the right worshipfuU Ladye Jane Rogers), Canington ,, Tayler, Margery, widow, Aishpriors „ Tayler, Nicholas, ffiveheade „ Tayler, Thomas, Kilton „ Thomas, Mynhed ,, Tayler, Thomas, Luccombe „ Thomas, Stokgumber ,, Teylor, William, Aishbrittle „ Tayler als. Collins, Richard, Curry mallett ,, als. Weaver, John, Northepetherton „ Barne ah., see Barne als. Taylor. Tebarne, John, Cutcombe Tedder als. Lewice, Robert, Stogursey Templeman, Edithe, widow, Meriett ,, Roger, Meryett „ William, Meriet Templer, Elizabeth, widow, Northepetherton ,, John, Northepetherton „ Jone, widow, Northpetherton „ Walter, Northpethertone „ William, Bridgwater Tette, Agnes, Waiford ,, Christable, Crokehorne „ Tete, Richard, Womsten, parish Crukehorne Tewe, Richard, Estquantokshed Thatcher, John, St. James, Taunton „ Siderack, Creeche Thomas, Christian, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Norton „ Joane, widow, Spaxton „ John, Dunster ,, John, Dunster „ John, Westbagborough ,, John, Spaxton „ John, Extone „ John, Weste monckton „ John, Exton „ Nicholas, Stokegursie „ Richard, 1592 8 210 '559 3 94 dated 1541 1 212 1588 7 135 admon. 1582 6 '33 1592 S 61 1577 5 291 dated 1545 1 3'8 dated 1542 1 22S dated 1542 1 217 1584 6 409 '549 1 5'7 '575 5 206 1558 2 254 1558 2 293 dated 1544 1 3°7 d 37 H. VIII 1 362 i55i 1 559 1558 2 198 1560 3 '53 1566 4 18S 1 Ladye 1583 6 226 1580 5 5°5 1577 5 312 1559 3 1 1 1560 3 '38 15S3 6 245 158S 7 136 1587 7 114 1584 6 316 1550 1 626 dated 1542 1 212 1585 6 500 1572 5 3° '558 2 94 '579 5 440 '557 2 46 1562 4 66 1592 8 149 1558 2 177 '576 5 251 '579 5 444 1560 3 156 '559 3 63 '573 5 110 1583 6 222 '593 9 51 1582 6 '37 1582 6 162 1578 5 365 dated '539 1 84 dated '539 1 259 1547 1 453 '557 2 9 1558 2 14S 1565 4 126 1582 6 198 1562 4 65 dated '539 1 116 Taunton Wills. 77 Thomas ah. Hire, John, Otterhampton 1585 6 465 Thomasin als. Butler, John, Henton St. George 1558 2 232 Thomkyns, Walter, Kylve 1558 2 187 Thorne, Alice, Cutcombe dated 1 540, proved 1548 1 537 „ Alice, Chilton '557 2 55 ,, Connant, Netlecombe 1581 6 7i „ Edithe, widow, Lylstoke dated 155' 1 6oo> „ Ellen, widow, Wysforde 1547 1 39S „ Joane, Kilton 1592 8 184 „ joane, Estquantokshed 1589 3 76 „ John, Pytmester dated 1538 1 34 „ John, Wynsford • dated '539 1 96 „ John, Lytlestocke dated 1540 1 '54 ,, John, Wynsford dated 1541 1 207 „ John, Chilton '547 1 460 „ John, Bridgwater I55S 2 15' „ John, Stokegursie 1561 4 2 „ John, Sowthpetherton 1574 5 123 „ John, Netlecombe 1581 6 49 , John, Estquantoxhed 1583 6 218 „ John, Bridgewater '592 8 '44 „ Margaret, widow, Lilstoke 1547 1 443 „ Richard, Kilton '575 5 228 „ Richard, Cutcombe '578 5 35& „ Robert, Hethfilde dated '538 1 25 „ Robert, Stokegursie 1550? 1 580 „ Robert, Gotehurst 1558 2 161 ,, Roger, Exffbrd dated '544 1 267 „ Stephen, Pitmister 1562 4 72- „ Thomas, Langford 1565 4 121 „ Thorne, Barrington 1558 2 222- „ William, Stockland gaunt dated 1540 1 147 ,, William, Lylstoke dated '545 1 3U „ William, Lilstoke '547 1 39' „ William, Bridgwater '557 2 9 „ William, Morton '557 2 76 „ William, Pytmyster 1558 2 154 „ William, Ore 1587 7 IOO- „ als. Stephen, John, West Monketon '539 1 123 Thrasher, Alice, Sampford brette '593 9 35 Tice, William, Beare Crokham '584 6 3'9 Tidder, Jone, Stogursie '577 5 299 „ als. Lewse, Elizabeth, Stowgurseye '558 2 162 „ Tydder als. Lewse, John, Canington '592 8 54 Tillard, John, clerk, Hewyshe Champflower 1560 3 184 Tilley, Jone, widow, Canington 1577 5 3" „ Tillie, Leonard, gent., Canington 1565 4 104 Toball, John, Trull '574 5 14a- Tocker, Heron ah., see Heron als. Tocker. „ Parker ah., see Parker als. Tocker. Togwell, Margaret, widow, Otterford dated '574 5 145 Tokysley, George, Wethell dated 1540 1 161 Tole, Henry, Curry Rivell 1586 6 587 „ Tolle, Lawrence, Coryrevell '538 1 1 „ Toll, William, Curryryvell dated 1544 1 295 „ Toll, William, Curryvell dated '544 1 297 Toleman, Richard, Kittesford 1587 7 4S „ Thomas, Henton St. George 1586 6 617 „ Tolleman, William, Langford Budfielde '593 9 62 Tomeire, Robert, Bradford dated 1549 1 502 Tomlen, Margaret, Chedsey 1546 1 343 78 Taunton Wills. Tomowre, John, St. Maryestoke Tompson, James, Lenge „ Tomson, John, Taunton „ Tomson, Richard, Chipstable „ Tomsom, Robert, Brudgewater „ Tomson ah. Smithe, William, Linge ,, Tomsyn ah. Baker, John, Henton St. George Tonayshe, Thomas, Eastequantoxished Toogood, Togood, John, Miluerton „ Nicholas, Miluerton „ Togood, Thomas, Oke „ Togood, Thomas, Miluerton Tooker, Alice, Canington „ Toker, John, Otterhampton Toose, John, Northepetherton „ John, sen., Bradforde Torinton, Robert, St. Decumans Torre, Alexander, Duluerton ,, Alice, Crokam „ Torry, Alice, widow, Thurlbare ,, Amys, Oterhampton ,, Torr, George, Bagborow „ Harry, Crocombe „ Heline, widow, Spaxton „ Jone, St. Decons „ John, Crocomb „ Torrey, John, Crocombe „ Tor, John, Crocombe „ John, Spaxton „ John, Porlocke „ John, Spaxton ,, Tor, Margaret, widow, Luccombe „ Robert, Crokam „ Robert, Stokegumber „ Torr, Symon, Chardlinche ,, Tor, Thomas, Wynsford „ Thomas, Dodington .„ Thomasen, widow, Exton „ Walter, Nettelcombe ,, als. Heathfild, Richard, Crocombe „ als. Herlie, Mawde, Stokegursie ,, Torr als. Hurly, Robert, Stogursey „ Torr ah. Hurley, William, Stogursey „ Hawkins als., see Hawkins als. Torre. Torriton, John, Otterhampton „ Torreton, John, Lydyerd Lawrence „ Robert, Buckland „ William, Spaxton Totehill, John, West Monckton To Ven, John, Tolland Towayng, Richard, Hilbushoppes Towey, John, the elder, Pitmester „ John, Pitmister „ William, Clotworthye Towill, ToowiU, Agnes, spinster, Treboroughe „ Charitie, Treborowghe „ Henry, Stogumber „ Joan, Luxborow „ John, Luxborowgh „ John, Exton „ Roger, Treborowgh '557 2 63 '577 5 328 dated 1582 6 206 1574 5 168 dated 1544 1 286 1565 4 9' dated 1544 1 301 1558 2 303 1558 2 239 '579 5 468 1557 2 60 '574 5 160 1572 5 1 1 '549 1 487 '557 2 43 '575 5 227 1547 1 444 1566 4 '37 '557 2 18 1584 6 320 1565 4 '32 1577 5 321 1547 1 44' 1582 6 J 22 '559 3 62 dated 1542 1 235 dated '543 1 253 dated '543 1 2SS '559 3 71 1572 5 20 '593 9 31 dated 1540 1 203 dated '552 1 629 '572 5 29 '575 5 191 dated 1540 1 156 '559 3 7 1566 4 203 1558 2 152 1572 5 8 '574 5 124 1592 8 1 11 '592 S 146 '548 1 493 '557 2 70 '559 3 S3 1561 4 12 dated '547 1 456 '55' 1 604 1558 2 12S '55' 1 594 '575 5 222 1565 4 IOI '583 6 219 dated 1557 2 190 1581 6 66 1586 6 645 '577 5 3.6 [586 6 655 1572 5 25 Taunton Wilts. 79 Towill, Towyll, Willyam, Exton Towninge, John, Cory mallet „ John, Hache becham „ Leonarde, Miluerton „ Richard, Hatchbeacham „ Robert, Hatchbeacham „ Thomas, Hatchbecham „ William, Hache becham Towse, Gyles, gent., Swell Tracy, Tracie, John, Chedsey „ John, Chedsey ,, Tracye, William, Chaidseye Trape, Thomas, Canington Traylman, Deanes, Spaxton Treble, Agnes, Exton „ Alice, Coombflory „ John, Combflorie „ William, Combflorie Tremlett, James, Spaxton Trenchar, Trentcher, Richard, Buckland Mary „ Robert, Whittstawnton „ William, Buckelandmarye Trent, Richard, Whitestanton „ William, Whitstanton Treworthy, Christian, widow, Durston Trigges, Richard, St. James, Taunton Trill, John, Selworthie Tristram, Thomas, clerk, Stokeperow Trobridge, John, Brusheford „ Sir William, curate of Riston „ WiUyam, St. James, Tanton Trott, Edward, Hempton St. George „ Florence, widow, Henton St. George „ Trotte, Johan, Northpetherton „ John, Spaxton „ Trotte, Richard, Meriatt ,, Richard, Luccombe „ Richard, Luccombe „ Robert, Luccomb „ Thomas, Barrington „ William, Porlock „ William, Chaffcombe ,, Trotte, Bearde als., see Bearde als. Trotte. Trowte, Troute, Agnes, Shepton beacham „ George, Duluerton „ John, Crokam „ John, Luckham „ John, Luckum „ Trowt, Willyam, Duluerton Truckwell, Richard, Elworthy Tuckberd, Richard, Wembdon Tucke, Richard, St. Mary, Taunton Tucker, Elizabeth, Kittesford „ John, Kyngsbrompton ,, John, Bridgwater „ John, Lynge ,, Lambert, Buckland Mary „ Luce, widow, Fidington „ Robert, Dulverton „ Robert, gent., Petherton „ Robert, ffiffhead 1559 3 66 dated 1550 1 612 1558 2 217 1577 5 336 1583 6 21 1 1586 6 636 1576 5 250 1559 3 '9 '592 8 1 10 1546 1 343 1583 6 241 dated 1539 1 104 1562 4 56 '579 5 428 1572 5 47 1586 6 593 '573 5 92 1574 5 161 dated 1539 1 114 1586 6 661 dated 1540 1 174 dated 1544 1 300 admon. 1576 5 245 1592 8 84 15S3 6 306 1592 8 29 1562 4 36 '578 5 360 1584 6 3S0 1562 4 30 admon. 1575 5 200 1581 6 20 1586 6 662 1558? 2 .85 1587 7 126 '558 2 279 1587 7 77 1592 8 105 1583 6 280 '579 5 44' 1546 1 363 1588 7 '39 '558 2 94 '559 3 76 '547 1 3S5 1550 1 630 1550 1 662 1582 6 132 1560 3 117 1584 6 33' 1592 8 '74 1577 5 323 1558 2 202 1584 6 424 1588 7 145 1592 8 204 '559 3 32 '557 2 77 1584 6 3" 1585 6 580 So Taunton Wills. Tucker, William, Crocombe „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Duluerton „ Touker als. Bucke, William, Stokegursie ,, Heme ah., see Heme als. Tucker. Tudbold, TudboU, Alice, widow, Chipstable „ Tydbale, Joane, widow, Brompton Raffe „ Tutbold, John, Brynton Raff „ Tutbold, John, Brenton Raffe Tuell, Sir Water, clerk, Doniet [TireU in Som. In P- 357] Turk, William, Bicknoller Turner, John, Buckland Mary „ Richard, Drayton „ William, Drayton Turrill, Joane, Bratton Tuthill, Roger, Westmonckton Tutt, Alice, St. James, Taunton „ John, St. James, Taunton Tuttwell, Anstice, Michaell Creche Tuxwell, Tuxwyll, John, Spaxton „ John, gent., Spaxton ,, John, Spaxton „ Tuxwill, Richard, Oterhampton „ Tutwill, William, Riston Tydbale, see Tudbold. Tyler, Joan, St. Peter and Paul, Taunton „ John, Stogumber Tymwell, Annis, widow, Bradford „ George, Brodford „ John, Kittisford ,, Timewell, Robert, Chipstable „ Tymewell, William, Aishbritle dated dateddated cumbents, dated dated dated dated dated 1558 2 1-584 6 1584 6 '574 5 1546 1 1547 1 '539 1 '539 ' '559 15621545'5591582 1586'575 1581 '5751586 15401584 1586'558 '574 '538 1587 '557 1558 1588'593 1565 3 4 1 3 6 6 5 6 5 6 1 662 5 1 7 2794 107 363 403 176 359418 82S5 20 66 300 75 1S5 561 23S 32 182 643 '53 435 575 116 150 28 89 45 26S 13' 4' 120 Ude, Peter, Cutcombe Umfrie, Alice, Sowthepetherton „ Umfry, Nicholas, Stokegursie ,, als. Tachell, Margaret, Drayton Underhaye, Robert, Ilmister „ William, Nortone Upcott, Robert, Kytnor „ William, Miluerton Uppington, Uppyngton, Alice, Luccombe „ Christian, widow, Bickenaller „ Henry, Exforde ,, Uppyngton, John, Bickenaller „ John, Strengton „ John, Selworthie „ Uppinton, Thomas, Selworthye „ ah. MychaeU, Robert, Mynyhed „ Andrus als., see Andrus als. Uppington. Uppon, Uphome, Joane, widow, Chipstable „ Uphom, John, Brompton Raffe „ Uppom, John, Upton „ Upphome, John, Huishe „ Uppom, Thomas, Chipstable „ Uppom, William, Withell Urfan, Tamsyn, widow, Zeborowe, parish Crukerne Urvaine, John, Scaborough Uttermere, Robert, Curry mallet 1558 1565 '5731558 '5591558 155'1573 dated 1539 dated 15401578 dated 1540 1559 1592 1547 1581 '575 dated 154015481550 15721566 1557 1566 '593 4 5 2 3 2 15 11 5 1 38 1 6 5 11 1 5 4 2 4 9 259 "7 108171 5S '45 576 7584 160 355 160 8 121 407 2'3 162528 654 5 152 86 '57 30 Taunton Wills. 81 Vag, Henry, Drayton Vaile, Katheren, widow, St. James, Tanton Vayerhere, John, Barrington Velos, John, Canington Venn, Vene, Agnes, Kingsbrumpton „ Christian, widow, Duluerton „ Ven, Harvie, St. James, Tanton ,, Ven, John, Brompton Regis „ Ven, Symon, Lidiard Laurence Venner, John, the elder, Duluerton „ John, Whitstanton Verington, William, Ilebruers Veysey, Alexander, Dunster „ Vesey, Nicholas, Wilton Vicar, Henry, Westquantoxhed Vicary, David, Exton „ Viccary, Henry, Cutcombe „ Vicarie, John, Cutcombe „ John, Exton „ Margaret, widow, Exton „ Richard, Hawkridge „ Robert, Hawkeridge „ Roger, Langford „ Vicarye, Symon, Winsford ,, Thomas, Exford „ William, Winsforde „ Viccary, William, Westquantokshed „ als. Coleman, John, Exton Vildewe, Elizabeth, Misterton „ Vildue, Harrye, Henton George Vile, Agnes, widow, Sowthpetherton Villowes, Joane, spinster, Otterhampton ,, Vyllowse, Vyncent, Cannyngton Vinicombe, Vynycombe, Avys, Northepetherton „ Venycombe, Christian, widow, Pytmister „ Vynycombe, John, Northpetherton ,, Vynicombe, Richard, Estquantokshed „ Vynicombe, Symon, Northepetherton „ Vynicombe, William, Northpetherton Vinicott, Bernard, Bridgwater „ Vynicote, John, the elder „ John, Bridgwater „ Vynicot, Margaret, Bridgwater Vinsent, Walter, Bridgwater and Ottery St. Mary Vrie, Alice, Canington See also Fry. Vursie, Robert, Miluerton Vyell, Agnes, Sowthepetherton „ Vyall, Richard, Stokelynche „ Roger, Sowthpetherton „ Viall, Walter, Stocklinche Maudleyne ffyffian, Thomas, Highbyckgton Vysedon, William, Strengiston Wade, Robert, Withipole Waglonde, Guye, Chafcombe Waite, Thomas, Langford Budfield Wake, John, clerk, Wembdon Walforde, Agnes, widow, Lawrence Lidiard „ Walford, Elizabeth, Spaxton 1558 2 '73 1548 1 504 dated '539 1 128 1558 2 255 1557 2 38 1578 5 379 1550 1 641 1587 7 42 1582 6 117 1577 5 320 1582 6 196 dated '545 1 377 1560 3 122 1588 7 144 1587 7 86 1578 5 38 ' 1582 6 167 1547 1 387 1587 7 40 1583 6 244 1585 6 516 1592 8 214 1587 7 57 1584 6 397 1583 6 300 1577 5 333 1580 5 5°3 1585 6 529 1582 6 116 1546 1 377 '579 5 438 dated '583 6 236 1558 2 184 dated '539 1 108 1558 2 199 '559 3 77 '549 1 4S0 1558 2 252 1587 7 106 1587 7 122 1550 1 652 1588 7 '45 1547 1 3SS 1588 7 140 1562 4 44 1547 1 45' dated 1544 1 298 dated 1540 1 '73 1559 3 16 1586 6 635 dated 1548 1 394 dated '543 1 241 1550 1 649 1576 5 255 1587 7 no 1584 6 376 1572 5 26 1582 6 '39 82 Taunton Wills. Walforde, Walford, John, Spaxtone „ Walford, John, the elder, Stokegursie „ John, Lidiard Laurence „ Walford, John, weaver, Stogursey „ Walford, Thomas, Stowgurseye ,, Walford, William, Stokegursie Walker, Jone, Crocombe Wall, Edwarde, Hatchbecham „ John, Bradford „ Roger, Brodwaye „ William, Hachebechamp Wallis, AUice, Drayton „ Thomas, Creche „ Willyam, Bridgwater Wallyn, John, Trull Walronde, Humphry, Langford „ Walron, John, Barrington „ Waldron, John, Curlande Walsh, Walche, John, St. Mary, Tanton ,, Walshe, John, St. Mary, Taunton „ Walshe, Walter, St. James, Taunton „ Walshe als. Odor, John, Bridgwater Walsheman, John, Stokegumber See also Welshman. Wardall, Thomas, Chaffecombe Warde, John, Porlocke Wardroppe, John, Ayshebryttell Wariner, Marmaduke, Northepetherton Warman, Elizabeth, St. James, Taunton „ John, Kylve „ Wareman, Richard, Culve „ Richard, Westmonkton „ Thomas, Lidiard Lawrence ,, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Brushforde Warme, John, West Munkton Warner, Thomas, Thornefawcon Warren, John, Badialton Washbrook, Waishbrook, John, Canington Washer, AUice, Treborough „ John, Lawrence Lyddyard ,, John, Ouerstowey ,, John, Crocombe „ Wassher, Thomas, Treborowe „ Walter, Lidiard Laurence Waterman, Agnes, Kingston ,, John, Kilve „ Richard, St. Decumans „ Robert, Wembdon „ Thomas, Kyngeston „ Thomas, Kilve Waters, Leonard, Curryrivell Watkins, John, clerk, Ouerstowey „ Jone, widow, St. James, Tanton „ William, St. James, Taunton Watt, Roph, „ Wattes, John, Durston „ Wattes, Thomas, Abbot He Way, Wey, Alice, widow, Pitmister „ Alice, Stogumber „ Wey, Gonnet, Gotehurste 1558 2 15' 1562 4 34 dated 1576 5 256 1592 8 28 dated 1540 1 196 1562 4 59 1558 2 130 1558 2 238 1560 3 166 1560 3 "3 1562 4 53 1592 8 189 1558 2 292 1559 3 64 dated 1544 1 307 '573 5 100 1538 1 18 1557 2 12 1557 2 32 1577 5 340 1559 3 65 1549 1 644 i55i 1 577 dated 1542 1 224 1577 5 320 dated 1538 1 186 1545 1 489 1587 7 82 1587 7 119 1557 2 79 1583 6 282 dated 1588 9 67 1558 2 126 1558 2 150 dated 1544 1 3°3 1585 6 544 '574 5 '73 1566 4 148 1587 7 103 dated '539 1 119 '577 5 306 1579 5 457 1578 5 421 1592 8 86 '573 5 106 1562 4 53 dated 1546 1 3S9 1576 5 248 '557 2 74 1566 4 189 1587 7 102 1560 3 137 '557 2 56 1550 1 652 '54(9?) 1 397 1573 5 in 1566 4 205 1585 6 453 1588 7 170 1577 5 3'6 Taunton Wills. 83 Way, Joan, widow, Clotworthie „ Waie, John, rector of Seaborowgh „ John, Stogumber „ Waye, John, Trull „ William, Clotworthy See also May. Weare, John, Sowthpetherton „ Weere, William, Abotyle Weaver, Weauer, John, Curry mallett „ Weauer als. Maister, Katherine, Curry mallett „ als. Master, Richard, Curry mallett „ Taylor als., see Taylor als. Weaver. Webbe, George, Crocombe „ John, Stokegursie „ John, Clotworthy „ Jone, widow, Stokegursie „ Thomas, St. James, Tanton Webber, Alexander, Duluerton „ Alexander, Trull ,, Alice, widow, Clotworthie „ Henry, Withipoole „ John, Wythell „ John, Withell „ John, Meriett „ John, Brompton Raff „ John, Clotworthie „ John, Clotworthy ,, Oliver, Aishpriors „ Richard, Norton „ Robert, Clotworthy „ Roger, Withill „ Simon, Stogumber „ Walter, Luccombe „ William, Kingesbrompton ,, William, Stogursey „ Als, widow, Nynhed Wecam, John, Dodyngton ,, Weecomb, Maude, Wembdon „ Wekam, Rychard, Holdeforde Weche, John, Badialton Weekes, Wekes, Nicholas, St. James, Tanton „ Willyam, Nynehedd Weighten, Mary, Wembdon Welland, John, Staple Fitzpaine „ Robert, Pitmister Welman, John, Lopen „ Wellman, William, Lowpen Welows, Marget, Wendon Welshe, Joane, widow, Mynehedd „ Welsh, William, Bridgwater Welshman, John, Elworthie „ John, Elworthie „ Thomas, Elworthie See also Walsheman. Welye, Alice, widow, Otterford Wensley, John, Sampford „ Walter, Stogursey Wentte, Nicholas, Orchard Were, Nicholas, Kingsbrompton „ William, Abbotsyele Wescomb, Edward, Hethfield 1587 7 10 1573 5 62 1576 5 284 1581 6 33 1579 5 455 dated 1573 5 71 1558 2 300 1557 2 70 1586 6 653 1585 6 512 '573 5 117 1562 4 49 1562 4 82 1574 5 162 1557 2 46 1584 6 326 1584 6 375 1581 6 78 1592 8 119 1560 3 183 1572 5 35 1572 5 39 1572 5 52 1576 5 284 1582 6 194 1580 5 484 1572 5 88 1577 5 294 dated 1583 6 290 1593 9 43 1587 7 no 1574 5 156 1593 9 9 1560 3 130 1560 3 in 1587 7 88 1558 2 107 dated 1544 1 3" 1574 5 167 1573 5 76 1557 2 54 1592 8 '57 1584 6 339 1559 3 20 1558 2 296 dated 1542 1 249 1573 5 88 1562 4 63 4 Edw. \ r. 1 654 1575 5 230 1585 6 449 1558 2 '57 dated 1538 1 60 dated 1580 5 491 1572 5 44 1548 1 532 1558 2 273 1579 5 476 84 Taunton Wills. Wescomb, John, Hilbushoppes Westcott, Alice, Luccomb „ Westcotte, Joane, Southpetherton „ John, Canyngton „ John, Luccombe ,, Wescott, Roger, Porlock Weste, John, Drayton „ John, Drayton „ Thomas, Miluerton „ West, William, Henton St. George „ William, Henton St. George „ Willyam, St. Mary, Taunton „ als. Jones, Thomas, Southpetherton Westerne, Richard, Luxborowe Westlake, Ebytte, widow, Nettelcombe Westron, John, St. Decuman „ Westrone, John, Duluerton „ John, Porlocke ,, Westren, Richard, Luxborowe „ Thomas, Luxborowgh „ William, Fiddington Wether, Weether, Joane, Westequantockeshedd „ John, Otterhamton „ Raynolde, Northepetherton „ Robert, Exton „ Wethers, Thomas, Stokeland brystowe „ ah. Sercomb, Elizabeth, Porlock Wetheredge, Davye, Exton „ Wetheridge, Elizabeth, widow, Exton Wey, see Way. Weycam, John, Wembdon Weyne, Robert, Sowthpetherton Whaites, Alexander, Brodwey What, Agnes, widow, Brodway Wheaddon als. Withey, Agnes, Withicomb „ Alldred, Stogursey „ Wheddon als. Withy, Giles, Withicomb „ Whedon, Withie ah., see Withie als. Whedon. Wlieler, Stephen, Northepetherton White, Alice, widow, Dunster ,, Whyte, David, Kitnor „ Davie, Selcom, parish Kitnor „ James, Canington „ Joane, widow, Pytmster „ Joane, spinster, Bagborowgh „ John, Aisholte „ Whighte, John, Dunster „ John, Aisholt „ John, Northepetherton „ Robert, sen., Aisholte „ Whyte, Thomas, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Angersley ,, William, Coombflory „ William, Hillfarrance See also Whitte. Whiteheade, John, Sanforde Arrundell „ Whitehed, Robert, Sampfford Arundell Whitfield, Whitefeld, Alson, Wynsford „ Whitfeild, John, the elder, Mynehed „ Whitfeild, John, Minehed 1586 6 620 1592 8 58 1575 5 214 1558 2 111 1587 7 78 dated 1582 6 180 admon. 1562 4 37 1583 6 214 1582 6 109 1558 2 275 1558 2 301 1583 6 272 1592 8 63 dated 1545 1 293 1558 2 92 1547 1 455 '577 5 3°3 1593 9 92 dated 1547 1 410 1549 1 532 1562 4 53 '575 5 235 dated 1547 1 416 1558 2 158 1558 2 147 dated 1547 1 405 1582 6 107 dated 1541 1 206 1579 5 447 1557 2 15 dated 1572 5 266 dated 1584 6 344 1586 6 604 1586 6 666 1592 8 97 1587 7 34 '55i 1 596 dated 1541 1 213 1581 6 25 i55i 1 648 1581 6 52 dated 1549 1 509 1562 4 49 1549 1 487 155' 1 597 1582 6 166 1559 3 72 dated 1561 4 '4 '547 1 414 '551 1 590 1582 6 '44 1582 6 127 1586 6 631 1581 6 S7 dated '544 1 3°9 dated 1542 1 213 1565 4 122 1566 4 146- Taunton Wills. 85 Whitfield, Robert, Winsford „ Whitfeld, Thomas, Wynsford dated Whitheare, Robert, Ilton Whithome, Christopher, Trull „ Whitehorne, Julian, widow, Trull WTvitingstall, Thomas, Mynehed Whitman, John, Tanton dated Whitnowe, Edward, Kingston Whitte, Alice, Bearecrokham „ Christian, widow, Thurlebare „ Joane, widow, Aisholte „ Robert, Kingston „ Robert, Pitmister „ Thomas, Aisholt „ Thomas, the elder, Kingston „ William, Crokeham „ Cox ah., see Cox als. Whitte. See also White. Whitwood, Ambrose, Chedsey Whore, John, Nettlecombe Whyet, John, Westquantokshedd Whyght, Robert, Dunster dated Wiche, George, Crokam „ John, Crocomb „ Richard, Crowcombe „ Witch, Thomas, Spaxton „ Wyche, William, Stokegurseye dated Widlake, Agnes, Winsforde „ Wydlake, John, Cutcombe „ Wydelake, Richard, Wynsford dated „ Wydelake, Robert, Cadcome dated Note that the testaments of Wydlake, Robert, of Cutcombe, and Chilcott, Robert, of Dulverton, are not writen for ctaine causes and ar in the bundell of testa ments of Dunster Denerie to be fownde as they be if searche be made for anie of them. [The first of these wills does not appear to be in existence now.'] „ Robert, Stockeperowe „ als. Braylie, Roger, Cutcomb Wiett, John, Langford „ Wiet, Luce, widow, Langford Budvild „ Walter, Bridgwater „ William, Langford See also Wyatt. Wighte, Thomas, Bromfeld Wi(ldue?), William, Aish(olte ?) Wilkins, James, Coombflory „ Wylkyn, John, Dunster dated „ John, lynen draper, Bridgwater „ Robert, Pitmister Wilks, Joan, Stoklinch ottersey Will, John, dated Willey, Willy, Isable, Southpetherton „ Willie, Jone (widow of Edmond), Southpetherton „ Robert, Stogursey dated „ Thomas, Sowthpetherton „ Willie, William, Sowthpetherton Williams, Alyce, Kyngesbrompton „ Willyams, Elenore, Holford „ George, Crokham „ Joane, widow, Vinnesford 1580 5 481 1540 1 165 1549 1 552 1566 4 158 1592 8 '43 1577 5 327 1544 1 3°9 1558 2 244 1575 5 229 1576 5 285 1583 6 275 1575 5 183 1582 6 207 1582 6 '95 1583 6 298 1582 6 197 1583 6 238 1573 5 67 1558 2 150 1538 i 54 1557 2 17 1586 6 592 1587 7 109 1593 9 47 1540 1 147 1583 6 293 1558 2 290 1539 1 87 1540 1 159 1548 "1549 1 401 1574 5 172 1586 6 597 1572 5 20 1593 9 63 1582 6 112 1572 5 '3 1559 3 54 1566 4 184 1581 6 25 1538 1 54 1586 6 642 1573 5 109 1587 7 122 1550 1 635 1593 9 6 1583 6 212 1584 6 334 1584 6 382 1550? 1 540 1558 2 187 1559 3 100 1592 8 217 1557 2 3 86 Taunton Wills. Williams, Willyams^ Jone, widow, Luccomb „ Joane, widow, Exton „ John, Wynsford „ Wyllyams, John, Crocombe „ John, St. Mary, Tanton „ Willyams, John, Exton „ Williames, John, jun., Withipole „ John, ffiffhed ,, Willyams, Katheren, widow, Canington „ Willyams, Margaret, Oldeclief „ Rise, Bridgwater „ Vincent, Canington „ Williames als. Coore, John, Stogursey „ Williames als. fforte, Henry, fyffyd „ Forte als., see Forte ah. Williams. Willis, Agnes, Stogursey „ John, Monkesilver „ Robert, Criche Wills, Willes, Henry, Wilton „ Willes, John, Currymalet ,, als. Rose, John, clerk, Northpetherton Wilmot, Wylmote, Alice, Corymallett „ Wilmott, Edith, Northepetherton „ Wilmoute, Richard, Curriemallett „ Wylmut, William, Currye malet Wilshere, Edmund, Durston Wilsonne, John, Curryrivell Wilway, Cicilie, widow, Wutton Courtney „ Willway, John, Mynehed „ Wilwey, Richard, labourer, Winsford Wind, John, Wotten Courtney Winsbere, John, Aisholte „ Richard, Aisholte „ Wynnysberrie, Robert, Aisholte Winslade, Thomas, Kyngston Winsor, Winser, Joane, Micheleriche „ Wynsor, John, Monkesilver „ Wynsor, John, Clutworthie „ Wynser, John, Creche „ Steephin, Treborough Winter, Wynter, Alse, widow, St. Awdresse, Westquantok „ Barnard, Southpetherton „ John, Trull „ John, Oldeclief ,, John, Charlinche „ Robert, Trull Wipple, Wyppell, John, Hatchebeacham „ Wippull, Jone, Hatchebecham „ Wypple, Robert, Aishbrettell „ Thomas, Aishbrittle Wirroll, Symon, Bicknoller Withell, Withill, John, sen., Dolishwake „ William, Dolishwake Witherall, Edmunde, Drayton Withers, Mary (widow of Philip), Norton „ Phillipe, Norton „ Thomas, Westqauntokshedd „ Wither, William, Luccombe „ William, ffidington Withey, Thomas, St. James, Taunton ,, Withie als. Whedon, Thomas, Withiecomb 1582 6 167 1585 6 508 1548 1 524 1558 2 127 1562 4 55 1577 5 3°3 1581 6 89 1592 8 202 1572 5 42 1578 5 357 1586 6 658 1587 7 25 1593 9 59 1560 3 181 1586 6 637 1560 3 140 1562 4 23 1566 4 207 1544 1 295 1576 5 245 1550 1 612 1562 4 32 1593 9 97 1539 1 133 1560 3 142 1576 5 283 1562 4 4i 1579 5 457 1562 4 65 1587 7 18 1573 5 82 1575 5 197 1558 2 306 1582 6 189 1566 4 154 dated 1539 1 95 dated 1540 1 '57 1558 2 275 1588 7 150 mtok 1 560 3 118 1593 9 96 '575 5 '94 1576 5 278 1583 6 290 1584 6 415 1558 2 103 '577 5 308 '559 3 33 1582 6 112 1578 5 35' 1582 6 191 '574 5 152 1551 1 5S7 '593 9 4 1593 9 49 '575 5 226 '573 5 59 1592 8 15' 1578 5 394 1584 6 354 Taunton Wills. 87 dated dated 36 Hen. 3 5 3 4 3 5 8 1 66 1 66 11 1 22262 170 69 655 128103 43 95 46 4 166 73 237 80 244 82 "9 561 126 375 90 60 440 125 334 572 327481228 Withey, Withy, Wheaddon ah., see Wheaddon als. Withy. Wodehowse, William, Northepetherton dated Wodrofe, George, Bridgwater Wodrowe, John, Wembdon „ Woodroo, John, Northepetherton „ Wodrow, Thomas, Wendon dated Wood, Woode, Agnes, Wootten Courtney „ Woode, Alis, Kingesbrompton „ George, Mynehed „ Joane, Samford Birte „ Wode, John, Kyngsbrompton „ John, Brompton Regis „ Woode, Margaret, Curryrivell „ Robert, Kingesbrompton „ Woode, Robert, Kingesbrompton „ Woode, Roger, Wethell dated „ Roger, Thorne St. Margaret „ Woode, Thomas, Braydon „ Thomas, Wooton Courtney „ Woode, William, Curryrivell „ William, Norton Woodborne, Agnes, widow, Curryrivell Woodford, Alice, widow, Lydyerd St. Laurence „ Wodford, Thomas, Lyddyard dated „ Willyam, Lidiard Laurence dated Woodland, Margaret, widow, Thurloxton „ Thomas, Meriatt „ Water, Thurloxton Woodward, Margerie, Donnyat „ ah. Hoker, Joane, widow, Donniatt Woolcott, Elizabeth, Lawrence Lidiard „ Woolcot, Elizabeth, Netlecombe „ Wolcott, James, Bicknoller „ Wulcott, Jone, Muncksilver „ Woolcot, John, Tolland „ Woolkott, Luce, Luxborowe „ Wollcotte, Luce, Luxborrowe „ Wolcotte, Richard, Selworthye „ Wolcott, Thomas, Tolland Woolf als. Browne, William, Crokehorne Wooll, William, Chedsey Woolmington, Wulmington, Thomas, Ilmister „ Wolmington, Thomas, Donnyat „ Woolmonton, William, Brodway Worthe, John, sen., Drayton Worthie, John, Curririvell Wrenkmore, John, St. Mary, Taunton „ Water, Lawrens Lydyerd Wrinkleton, John, Estquantoxhed Wryght, AUice, widow, Durland Wulcott, see Woolcott. Wyairye, John, Cutcombe dated Wyatt, Bawden, Cannington See also Wiett. Wygger, Walter, Panton dated Wykes, Alice, Stokelynch „ Wiks, Alice, Stocklinch „ Wyk, Henry, Nynehed „ Wikes, John, Stocklinche Mawdelen „ Marmaduke, Nynehead florye Wylde, ffrancis, Coombflory 1540'559 '550 1560'539 '5931581 1562157215401587'575 1562 1576 '539 1565 '55' 15821546 '587 '592 '547 '539 •584'55i1584 '549 1558 '5471565158! [588:565 572558 :558 1560¦572 559 1562 559 :572 592 1544;585 583 VIII 15851581 '54' 1546 '545'558'558'5581586'5581592 1 437 4 108 6 8 149 89 29 253 3°3 182 '9 47 56 99 33 136 299 47'225 308 527 55 208344 328274 297 '35 616 '58 23 88 Taunton Wills. Wynford, John, Whoolford Wynke, John, Canyngton Wynne, Agnes, widow, ffiddingtor. ,, Wyne, Alice, widow, Monksilver „ Willyam, ffidington Wynte, Margaret, widow, St. James, Tanton Wynycombe, Phillippe, widow, Northpetherton Wyppell, see Wipple. Wysse, John, Crokehorne Wythie, John, Wynsford Yeme, John, Hawkridge „ Yme, John, Hawkridge „ Yme, William, St. Averis, Westquantok See also Eme. Yen, Richard, Wyviliscombe Yendall, John, Skilgate „ John, Clotworthy „ Jone, Clotworthy Yerde, Agnes, widow, late wife of John Yerde of Sevington, parish Selworthie, cordwainer Yerle, William, Porlocke Yest, see Est. Yevans, Alexander, Stogursey „ Yvans, John, Oldeclief See also Evens. Yever, Katherine, widow, Canyngton Yewen, William, Stokegumber Ynglonde, see Inglonde and England. Young, Gyles, Bridgwater „ John, Wethell „ Yonge, Richard, Northepetherton „ Yonge, Tamasyn, Northepetherton „ Yonge, Thomas, Kingesbrumpton Yowde, Alice, Cutcombe „ Youde, Henry, Cutcombe Yowen, John, Stogursey Zealy, Henry, Porlock „ Zellie, John, Withell „ Zelie, William, Porlocke Zellacke, Alice, Selworthye „ Augustin, Ouerstowey „ Zelake, Christian, Crocome „ Zelack, Joane, widow, Laurence Lidiard „ Zelake, John, Tollande „ Zelack, John, Kilton „ Zelacke, Richard, West Moketon Zolie, Robert, Netelcombe „ Zolly, Robert, Estquantokshed „ Thomas, Wevell See also Sully. Zulley, Alson, Lawrence Lydyerde „ Zullie, Annes, Stokegursye ,, Zullye, John, Stokegumber „ Zullye, Robert, Porlocke „ Zullie, William, Withell See also Sully. 1586 6 649 1550 1 628 1586 6 658 '55' 1 599 1584 6 3'4 1558 2 126 1558 2 105 dated 1539 1 '34 1550 1 600 1565 4 IOI '573 5 105 1560 3 176 1548 1 526 '575 5 196 1587 7 7 1565 4 89 ngton, dated 1538 1 53 dated 1543 1 246 1582 6 '93 1578 5 355 dated '539 1 '°3 155' 1 562 1576 5 243 dated '539 1 82 '557 2 85 dated '547 1 409 dated 1548 1 5'5 '577 5 332 1588 7 144 1558 2 IOI '573 5 85 1593 9 77 dated 1538 1 207 1578 5 3S9 dated 1588 7 187 dated '538 1 68 '549 1 5" dated '551 1 598 1566 4 136 dated 1538 1 3' dated 1540 1 203 1581 6 15 dated '536 1 204 dated 1537 1 23 '559 3 23 '559 3 56 dated 1542 1 213 '574 5 164 Taunton Wills. 89 PART II. Calenbar of Mills in Bunbles, 1597—1799- An asterisk (*) denotes that the Will is not now in existence, though the name appears in the old Calendars. , Oliver, Crocombe , , Taunton Magdalen . . . mpl . . , Joan, Bridgwater . . . man, Park ah., see Park als. . . . man. A Castle, John, Taunton St. James „ Acastle, Robert, Taunton Magdalen See also Atcastle. Amorgan, Joane, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Stogursey Aprice, Henry, (? Dun)weare, parish aforesaid (? Bridgewater) Abbott, George, Porlock „ Robert, Crewkerne Abery, Prudence, Taunton Magdalen „ Aberie als. Edmunds, Eustace, Taunton Magdalen „ Aberie als. Edmunds, Gregorie, Taunton Abraham, Henry, Bagburrow „ Joane, Bagborow „ William, Dodington „ William, Merriott .Acland, Joshua, Dunster „ Ackland, William, Corfe -Acreman, Acraman, Edward, Stogursey „ Acraman, Grace, Stogursey „ Jane, Ashbrittle „ Akerman, John, Ashbrittle „ John, Ashbrittle „ John, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Ashbrittle ,, John, Stogursey „ John, Ashbrittle „ Thomas, Ashbrittle „ William, sen., Stogursey „ William, jun., Stogursey -Acton, Elizabeth, Donyett „ Richard, Barrington 43* 1 89* 1 55* 5 42* 1644 61 1787 123 1677 165* 1607 98 1674 46* 1617 9' 1725 136 1640 76 1622 2 1628 166* 1616 111 1611 161 1622 38 1667 68 1722 17 1752 12* 1614 49 1769 45 1770 1 1776 2 1691 1 i77i 73 1699 161 1730 1 '735 59 '759 2 1776 1 1721 103 1722 104 1722 119 161 1 22* 1614 90 Taunton Wills. Adams, Alice, Lopen „ Addams, Elizabeth, Samford Brett „ Elizabeth, widow, Merriott ,, Elizabeth, Lopon ,, Francis, Overstowey „ Joane, widow, Spaxton ,, Joan, Bridgwater ,, Jane, Exton „ Addams, John, Loponn „ Addams, John, Georgehenton „ Addams, John, Overstowey „ Addams, John, Loponn „ Addams, John, Overstowie „ John, Merriott „ John, Henton St. George „ John, Taunton James „ John, Taunton St. James „ John, Donyatt „ Judith, widow, Merriott ,, Lydia, Chafcombe „ Philip, Trull „ Addams, Robert, Loponn „ Robert, Westquantoxhed „ Thomas, Overstowey „ Thomas, Exton ,, Addams, William, sen., Merriett „ William, Spaxton „ Addams, William, Bridgwater „ William, Merriott ,, William, Crickett Thomas „ William, Loponn „ William, Enmore „ William, Merriott „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Enmore „ William, Lopen Addicott, Amos, Winsford „ Edward, Brushford „ Humphry, Bradford „ Adicott, Joane, Broadwaie „ Joane, widow, Brushford „ Susannah, Brushford ,, William, Brushford Adkins, John, H.M.S. " Plymouth " and Taunton Magdalen Agland, James, Ashbrittle Aish, see Ash. Aishcombe, see Ashcombe. Aishford, see Ashford. Aishillford, see Ashilford. Aishlei, see Ashley. Aishton, see Ashton. Albord, Mathew, Cutcombe Alburt, John, Luccombe Alderman, Ames, Kittisford „ Andrew, Trull „ George, Dunster „ Joan, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Milverton „ William, Dunster Alford, Agnes, widow, West Monckton „ Francis, Stogumber 33 1775 77* 10 94 1672 34 1787 52 '759 53 1712 '3 1750 33 1799 148* 161 1 41 1622 100 1623 166* 1628 91 1637 86 1681 49 1 696 120 1697 59 '774 24 '793 75 16S3 28 1722 46 1782 76* 10 112 1693 42 1756 14 1788 157* 1624 16 1630 169 1640 70 1663 28 171a 67 1711 36 1721 65 1725 93 173' 26 1761 5' 1764 82 1723 18 I7'3 '3 1729 10S 1621 3 1701 8 1716 '7 1784 "7 1711 3 1710 34* 10 190 1640 60 1677 49 1622 55 1681 123 1622 80* 1 45 1662 24 ID33 94 1687 Taunton Wills. •9J Alford, William, Westmonckton 118* 7 „ John, .... ell 92* 615 „ John, clerk, Curry Revell 26 708 „ Joseph, Stogumber 86 781 „ Margaret, widow, Buckland St. Mary 3 ' 73' „ Marie, Georgehenton 119 635 „ William, Nynehead 75 714 „ als. Griffin, Rebecca, widow, Stogumber 128 717 Allambridge, Joan, Donyatt 23 796 „ Allenbridge, William, Doniatt 15 763 Alland, John, Shepton beachamp '9 637 Allen, Alexander, Taunton James 126 677 „ Anne, spinster, Radington and Clehanger, co. Devon 137 S727 , Anne, Dunster 24 754 , Betty, Stogumber 61 799 , Christian, Bridgwater 133 63' , Christian, Monksilver 34 769 , Henry, .... water 48* 618 , Henry, Dulverton 21 686. , AUin, Joane, Pitmister 23* 3 , Allyn, John, sen., Wembdon 56* 607 , John, Beerecrocombe 23 635 , John, Southpeatherton 126* 638 , John, Stogumber 104 675 , John, Bridgwater 18 694 , John, Crewkerne 42 694 , John, Crocombe 14 698 , John, Goatehurst 5' 706 , John, Stogumber 124 707 , John, Westbagborow 186 727 , John, Bridgwater 8 741 , John, Coombflorey H 783 , Margery, widow, Taunton James 9' 666 , Mary, widow, Creech 29 694 , Mary, spinster, Bridgwater '4 720 , Mary, spinster, Norton fitzwarren 57 721 , Mathew, Northepetherton 40 611 , Maud, Stogumber 22 644 , Moses, Shepton beauchamp 61 775 , Rice, Porlocke 84 687 , Richard, Beer Crocomb 15 685 , Richard, sen., Stogumber 130 717 , Richard, Stogumber 68 732 , Richard, Stogumber 63 799 , Robert, Northpetherton 88 669 , Robert, Taunton Magdalen '38 724 , Susannah, spinster, Stogumber '53 727 , Allynn, Thomas, Shepton beacham 2I8* 609 , Thomas, Dunster 49 681 , Thomas, Stogumber 67 719 , Thomas, Wootten Courtney 49 757 , Thomas, Combflorey 23 764 , Thomas, clerk, Lydiard St. Lawrence 20 770 , William, Stogumber 57 [679 , William, Brumpton Ralph 12 710 , William, clerk, Bridgwater '3 1720 , William, Crocombe '7 723 , William, clerk, Goathurst 21 [726 , William, Stogumber '55 1727 , William, Northpetherton 66 [630 William, sen., Stogumber 120 [630 9 2 Taunton Wills. Allen, William, Stogumber „ William, Pitmister „ William, Westbagborough „ als. Quicke, Isett, widow, Stogumber „ als. Tucker, Joan, widow, Southpeatherton „ AUin, Chilper (Chilpath) ah., see Chilper (Chilpath) als. Allin „ Allene, Quick ah., see Quick als. Allene. Aller, Robert, Georgehenton Allercott, Elizabeth, Bicknoller „ Elizabeth, Dunster „ George, Bicknoller „ George, Dunster „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Withiecomb „ John, Dunster „ Alercott, Robert, Dunster. (See 2$a, 1747.) „ Robert, Dunster „ Silvester, Dunster Allerman, John, Bradford „ William, Lidiard Lawrence Alloway, Benjamin, Minehead „ John, Minehead „ Susanna, widow, Mynehead Allwyn, Thomas, Hilbushoppes Almsworthy, Amsworthie, Anne, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Exford „ Amsworth, Thomas, Exford „ Amsworthie, Thomas, Exford „ William, Exford „ William, Exford „ William, Exford Alven, Henry, Thurloxton „ John, Creech St. Michael „ Alvin, Mary, widow, Thurloxton „ Alving als. Doling, Thomas, sen., Trull „ Alvin, Chilpar als., see Chilpar als. Alvin. „ Dollen als., see Dollen als. Alven. Alway, Henry, Cheddon fitzpaine 23 1676 Amberie, Prier ah., see Prier als. Amberie. Ambrosse, Agnes, widow, Estquantoxhed 140* 1610 „ Ambrose, Michael, Northpetherton 89 1675 „ Ambrose, Collect ah., see Collect als. Ambrose. Ames, Thomas, Stogursey igg* 1616 Amory, Amery, Elizabeth, Lillstock 40 1778 „ Amery, Henry, sen., Stogumber 86 1631 „ Henry, Stogumber 84 1666 ,, Joane, widow, Stogumber 103 1674 „ Joane, widow, Ashbrittle 2 1690 „ Joane, widow, Brumpton Ralph (,a 1714 „ Amorie, John, Durston 74* i6I2 „ John, Trull 42 l6?3 „ John, Taunton Magdalen g2 1740 „ Amerie, Philipp, Bicknaller 38* !6i2 ,, Richard, Westbagborrow 66 „ Amerie, Thomas, Bicknaller 84* „ Amerie, William, Stogumber g ^4, „ William, Stogursey 64 1732 Anderdon, fferdinand, Bridgwater 26 1707 „ fferdinando, gent., Bridgwater 14 1727 „ John, M.B., Bridgwater 6 1744 Andersey, John, Northepetherton 134* !6i4 129 173' 40 1738 61 1790 58 1686 26 1639 85* 1609 5 1748 '9 1748 '5 1740 34 1784 18 1712 18 1620 43* 1646 29* 1746 25a 1747 45 1670 70* 1 58* 6 22 1745 34 1735 87 1717 8* 1612 14 1646 45 1688 5* 11 165 1640 44 1688 38 1703 22 1712 146 1670 3' 1768 112 1697 22* 2 1705 6 Taunton Wills. 93 Andersey, Lawrence, Curry Revell „ Walter, Currie Rivell „ William, Curry Rivel Andrews, Androwes, Alice, Merriett „ Androes, Christian, Stocklinch Mag. „ Clement, Thorn St. Margaret „ Andrewes, Edward, Chafecomb „ Henry, Wembdon „ Henry, Northpetherton „ Henry, Dunster ,, Isott, Northpetherton „ John, Curry Revell „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Curry Revell „ John, Curry Rivell „ Josias, Stogumber „ Mary, widow, Hinton St. George „ Mary, Thorn St. Margaret „ Roger, Thorne Margaret „ Roger, Thorne Margaret „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Andrewes, William, Bicknaller „ als. Cooke, Margaret, widow, Selworthy „ Andrewes als. ffrie, Henry, Canington „ Androes als. Smith, Richard, Donyett „ Androes, Smythe ah., see Smythe als. Androes. Anktill, ffrancis, sen., gent., Taunton James Anne, John, clerk, vicar of Pitmister Anstey, George, Clatworthy „ Grace, Dulverton „ Joan, Dulverton „ Anstie, John, sen., Dulverton „ Anstie, John, Dulverton „ Ansty, Thomas, Nettlecombe Anstice, Edmond, Southpetherton „ Josiah, Southpetherton „ Stephen, Lopen „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Piper, Margaret, (N)orton „ als. Piper, WiUiam, Norton Fitzwarren „ Piper als., see Piper als. Anstice. Anthony, Anne, widow, Dunster „ John, Dunster „ Joseph, Dunster Aplin, Aplen, Elizabeth, widow, Buckland Marie „ Emett, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Grace, Milverton „ Aplyn, Henry, Buckland Marie „ James, Wembdon „ John, Holeford „ Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicholas, Wembdon „ Peter, Brumpton Ralph „ Peter, Taunton James „ Aplyn, Richard, Pitmister „ Applin, Richard, clerk, Heathfield „ Robert, Bradford „ Timothy, Northpetherton Appledore als. Jennings, Edward, Hilfarrent 27* 1678 26 1643 19 1789 72* 1627 IOI* 3 56 1769 120 1624 121 1678 93 1680 45 1708 100 1672 11 1673 12 1690 38 1727 25 1729 71 1676 '34 1717 57 1769 96 1693 94 1710 "5 1716 108 1669 47* 1617 144 1684 99* 1608 86 1621 97 1696 52 1709 '3 1779 20 1791 18 1769 98* 1615 69 1636 80 1716 77 1699 46 '735 43 1784 12 1701 2 1748 72* 1629 63* 6 53 1727 39 1714 16 1726 182 1640 6 1678 60 1740 42* 1609 52 1673 41 1725 129 1672 129 1667 4 1703 "5 i7'3 109* 1608 33 1744 87* 6 86 1711 78 1643 94 Taunton Wills. Appledore, Apledore als. Jennings, Grace, widow, Oake „ Apledore als. Jennings, John, Oake „ Jennings ah., see Jennings als. Appledore. Appley, Abraham, Elworthie „ Apley, Abraham, Stogursey „ Apley, Henry, Crocombe „ Apply, John, Bathalton „ Applie, Pytt ah., see Pytt als. Applie. Apsley, Thomazine, widow, Nettlecombe „ Thomas, Nettlecombe Archdeacon, John, . . . . er „ Hooper ah., see Hooper als. Archdeacon. Arden, John, Crewkerne Armefeild, George, Wethiall „ Armefild, Marie, Wethell Armie als. Hawkins, James, Curry Revell „ als. Hawkins, John, sen., Hambridge, parish Currey Rivell Armstrong, James, Canington „ John, Bridgwater „ Armestrong, Thomas, Aisheholt Armsworth, Thomas, Crewkerne Arnold, Andrew, Stockpirrow „ Andrew, Luckham „ David, sen., Winsford „ David, Exford ,, James, Luxburrow „ Arnoll, John, Winsford „ Arnall, John, Stockperrow „ Arnoll, Thomas, Mynehed „ Arnoll, Wilmott, widow, Winsford ,, als. Taylor, Anthony, Treaburrowe „ als. Tailor, John, Treaburrowe „ als. Tailor, Philip, Samford Brett Arosmith, Obediah, Taunton Magdalen Arrundle, Elizabeth, Charlinch „ Arrundel, Elizabeth, Elworthie „ Arrundell, Marie, Bagburrow „ Nathaniel, clerk, rector of Exford „ Arrundell, Thomas, Bagburrowe Arthur, Joan, Stogursey „ Ottwell, Spaxton ,, Arthurr, Richard, Spaxton Ash, Abell, Milverton „ Ann, widow, Milverton „ Aishe, Edithe, Merriett? „ Aishe, Elinor, Northepetherton „ Aishe, ffaithful, Seaburrowe „ ffaithfull, Ileabbott „ Grace, widow, Northpetherton „ Henry, Dunster „ Henry, Wilton „ Aish, Hugh, Northpetherton „ Aishe, John, Merriett „ Aishe, John, Northepetherton „ Aishe, John, (M)ilverton .,, Aishe, John, Stogursey „ Ashe, Margaret, widow, Stogursey „ Aishe, Nicholas, sen., Northepetherton „ Aish, Richard, Northpetherton „ Aishe, Robert, Northepetherton .,, Aishe, Robert, Northepetherton 53 1723 43 1686 59 1624 '34 1694 17 1663 20 1631 74 1674 6o 1693 37* 5 33 1674 5' 1639 43 1635 22 1674 12* 1616 35 1678 7 1750 43* 1623 29 1716 89 1713 48 1767 64 1698 IS 1715 74 1717 94 1719 76 1736 9 1611 128 1711 in* 1607 173* 1610 95 1620 148 1670 23* 1638 83 1643 73* 4 20 1705 126* 1608 48 '735 54* 1 58* 1612 S3 1717 5' 1729 62* 3 89 1610 165 1628 7i 1728 38 1698 75 1637 79 1784 78 1677 106* 2 94 1620 48 1622 119 1628 5° 1639 50 1626 105 1720 39 1620 "3 1624 Taunton Wills. 95 Ash, Robert, Milverton „ Ruth, Westbagborough „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Ashe, Susanna, spinster, Merriott „ William, Hilfarrence Ashcombe, Aishcombe, Anne, widow, Milverton „ Aishcombe, Arthur, Bridgwater „ Edward, Bradford „ John, Bradford „ Aishcombe, John, Milverton „ Aishcomb, Philippa, widow, Bridgwater „ Aishcombe, Thomasine, widow, Bradford „ William, Bradford „ William, Bradford Ashford, Aishford, Alexander, Staplegrove „ Aisheford, Giles, Bicknaller „ James, Dunster „ Aisheford, Jane, Otterhampton „ Aishford, Ralph, Northpeatherton „ Robert, Dunster „ Aisheford, Thomas, Loponn Ashilford, Aishillford, Agnes, Loponn „ Ashelford, Henry, gent., Lopon Ashley, Aishlei, Thomas, Bridgwater Ashton, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary „ Aishton, Upton ah., see Upton als. Aishton. Askin, John, Taunton Magdalen Atcastle, John, Westmonnkton See also A Castle. Atherlye, Elinore, Bridgwater Atkins, Alexander, Crewkerne „ Henry, Wilton „ James, Dulverton „ Joane, Dulverton „ John, Brushford „ John, Dunster „ Leonard, Duluerton „ Margaret, widow, Brushford „ Margaret, widow, Bridgwater „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Susanna, widow, Dulverton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Stoke St. Mary „ Thomas, Stoake St. Marie Atlee, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Attlee, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen Attmoore, Henry, Trull „ Attmore, Hugh, Trull Atwill, Alice, Mynehead „ Atwell, Hope, widow, Crewkerne „ Mary, widow, Minehead „ John, Mynehed „ John, Mynehead „ John, Minehead „ Attwell, Leonard, Nettlecombe „ Atwell, Richard, Spaxton „ Atwell, Richard, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Minehead „ William, Stogumber „ WiUiam, Mynehead „ William, Mynehead 49 I76l 86 1777 76 1775 6i I7IO 66 l68l 44 1692 So 1632 '59 1635 7 1668 69 1674 180 1632 141 1640 233* l638 11 1703 85 l622 72* 8 55 1672 92* 1618 73 1637 36 1680 50* 5 3i 1622 7i 1717 228* 1638 6 1732 '35 1707 137 1677 130* 1608 24 1680 90 '773 '9 1712 14 1621 5 1691 22 '793 116* 1639 6 1699 9 1705 12 1725 21 1689 58* 9 59 1679 37* 1644 98 1740 87 1736 6* 1636 53 1682 103 1624 34 1675 100 '730 53* 1617 9i 1670 61 1768 3i 1639 60 1692 4i '793 95 1622 TJ-fc 1609 62 1674 56 1693 96 Taunton Wills. Atwood, Henry, Enmer „ William, Dunster Atworthie, Thomas, Langford Budfild Aty, Thomas, Wembdon Atyoe, Edward, Chedzoy Audrye, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Awdrey, Thomas, Bradford Austin, Edward, Whitstaunton „ Austen, Giles, Taunton „ Isaac, Sampford Arrundle „ John, Whitstanton Auten, Simon, Luccombe Avoke, Edithe, „ Avoake, Richard, Bridgwater Axe, John, Crewkerne „ Samuel, Southpetherton „ Samuel, sen., Southpetherton „ Stephen, Southpetherton Axford, John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater Aycock, Anthony, Winsford Aysrigg, John, Goathurst Babb, Benjamin, H.M.S. "Salisbury" and TauntonMagdalen „ Charity, widow, Pitmister „ Christopher, Pitmister „ David, Stockland Bristow „ David, Stogursey „ Edward, gent., Pitmister „ Edward, Bradford „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Oake „ Elizabeth, widow, Trull „ Henry, Creeche „ Hester, widow, Drayton ,, Joane, widow, Trull „ John, Trull ,, John, Taunton James „ John, Trull „ John, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Hillfarrence „ Marie, widow, Trull „ Mary, widow, Drayton „ Nicholas, Durston „ Babbe, Robert, Trull „ Robert, Barrington „ Simon, Chedsey „ Thomas, Canington „ Thomas, Curry Revell „ als. Brooke, John, Chedsey Bach, John, Shepton beachamp „ Mary, Bathealton Bacon, Betty, Stogursey „ Catherine, widow, Goathurst ,, Dorothe, Otterhampton „ Bakon, Henry, Goathurst ,, Isatte, Stogursey „ James, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey 35* 1612 40* 3 45 163? 95 1736 24 1701 81* 1614 5 1708 63 1698 39* 1617 45 1748 127 1711 98 1624 60* 3 11 1663 89 1623 84 1703 59 1756 73 1733 '3 1687 17 1711 6 1761 37* 1614 70 173° 100 1710 92 1678 96 1669 59 1622 116 1683 98 1680 10 1722 IOI 1677 IOI 1681 114 1688 207* 1616 42 1708 75 1633 181* 1622 9 1637 '7 1640 "3 1669 64 1689 32 1744 52 1629 39 1711 3* 1608 42* 1 12 168 1 1 10 1626 '5 1662 22 1703 87* 5 97 1688 '4 1773 66 1786 69 1707 85* 1614 67 1622 40 1628 5' 1772 '54 1632 Taunton Wills. 97 Bacon, John, Cannington „ John, gent., Langford Budvill „ John, Langford Budvill „ Joseph, Stogursey „ Margaret, Enmore „ Philip, Stogursey „ Richard, Canington „ Richard, Goathurst „ Richard, sen., Goathurst „ Roger, Taunton James „ Thomas, Canington „ William, Stogursey „ William, Goathurst Badcock, Alexander, Luccombe „ Badcocke, Edward, Brompton Regis „ Jane, Dulverton „ John, Luccombe „ Lambert, Hawkeridge „ Marie, widow, Luccomb „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Dulverton „ William, Dulverton Bagbeer, Henry, Chipley Bagg, Richard, Durleigh „ Sarah, Pitmister „ William, Bridgwater BagillhoU, Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ BagilhoU, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Bagter, Marie, Samford Arrundell Bagwell, Clement, Crewkerne „ Clement, Crewkerne „ George, Wayford „ Bagwill, Thomas, Crewkerne „ Winifred, Wayford Baker, Agnes, Miluerton „ Agnes, Winsford „ Agnes, widow, Eastquantoxhed „ Alam, Shepton Beacham „ Alice, Crewkerne „ Alice, Luxburrowe „ Amie, Stogumber „ Ann, Bridgwater „ Anthony, Bridgwater „ Bathsheba, Cutcombe „ Benjamin, Bridgwater „ Christian, Dunster „ Christopher, Shepton beachampe „ Christopher, Sampford Arrundle „ Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Deborah, spinster, Mynehead „ Diana, Estquantoxhed „ Dorothie, Southepetherton „ Dorothie, widow, Crickett Thomas „ Edith, Crewkerne „ Edmund, Hambridge, parish Currey Rivell „ Edmund, Currey Rivell „ Edmond, London and Mynehead „ Edward, Dulverton „ Elinor, Georgehenton „ Elizabeth, Taunton 30 1663 33 1712 5° 1746 '32 1728 47 1716 175* 1607 107 1625 61 1727 23 1772 142 1610 90* 3 7* 1619 22 1741 65 '633 4 1662 34 '755 32* 4 84 1611 '54* 1616 73* 1612 32 1740 30 1778 24 1743 37 1697 78 1746 9 1721 63 1749 72 1732 72* 1628 175* 1624 160* 1625 116 1637 120* 1607 68* 1619 20* 11 124* 1614 40 1668 94* 8 8* 6 177* 1607 9' 1641 10 '775 7 1699 22 1799 4 1773 32 1671 6 1647 92 1722 94 1729 38 1686 52 1661 56* 1623 38 1630 17 1785 70 1624 166 . 1624 65 1714 40 1677 109 1624 37* 11 98 Taunton Wills. Baker, Elizabeth, Wootton Courtney Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell Elizabeth, Crickett Malherby Elizabeth, Chellington ffrancis, Nynehead George, Exford George, Bridgwater George, Withipoole 1648 George, Islebrewers Giles, Cudworth Grace, Isleabbott Hannah, Halse Henry, Hatchbeachamp Henry, Creech St. Michael Humphry, Southpetherton Isabell, Shepton beacham James, Kilton James, Ileabbott James, Durleigh James, Wembdon James, Ashbrittle James, Bridgwater Jane, widow, Shepton Beachamp 1648 Jane, widow, Bridgwater Jane, widow, Charlinch Jane, Cutcombe Joane, Southpetherton Joane, Mynehed Joane, widow, Kitnor Joane, widow, Heathfeild Joane, widow, Estquantoxhed Joan, widow, Hawkeridge Joannah, Bridgwater John, Southpetherton John, Upton John, Barrington John, Barrington John, Milverton John, Elworthie John, Stogursey John, Luccombe John, Badialton John, Hawkeridge John, Southpetherton John, Southpetherton John, Curry Mallett John, Bridgwater John, Bridgwater John, Southpetherton John, Crewkerne John, Northpetherton John, Curry Mallett John, Dulverton John, Sampford Arundel John, Taunton St. James John, Bridgwater John, Puckington John, Curry Rivell John, Crewkerne John, Halse 3 1635 3' 1680 14 1752 20 1784 61 1635 23 1632 '3 1633 34 12 25 1779 1 10 1612 30 '775 3° 1759 22 '735 12 '795 34 I&35 116 1610 4 1625 53 1696 44 1717 58 1735 1 1765 9 1773 52 12 10 1676 1 1 1709 '5 1780 50* 4 '°3 1620 63 1663 76 1672 64 1707 40 1725 3 1794 39* 4 63* 4 75* 5 61* 9 10* 1610 41 1611 61 1625 32* 1638 2 1662 54 1675 "3 1675 '39 1684 44 1685 3 1686 10 1692 107 1704 52 1707 78 1708 27 1728 24 '737 45 1741 59 1741 8 '744 73 1746 9 1748 23 '755 29 1761 Taunton Wills. 99 Baker, John, Thurloxton „ John, Milverton „ John, Curry Rivel „ John, Cutcombe „ Joseph, Halse „ Josias, Southpetherton „ Margaret, Wootton Courtny „ Margaret, Drayton „ Marian, Crickett Malerbie „ Marie, Southepetherton „ Marie, widow, Bridgwater „ Marie, Exford „ Marie, Southpetherton „ Mary, widow, Milverton „ Mary, widow, Shepton beachamp „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Taunton „ Mary, Northpetherton ,, Mary, Puckington „ Matthew, Southpetherton „ Matthew, sen., Southpetherton „ Matthew, Curry Revell „ Naboth, Winsford „ Naboth, Winsford „ Peter, Milverton „ Philip, Luccomb „ Rachell, Beer Crocombe „ Richard, Chedsey „ Richard, Wayford „ Richard, Duluerton „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Oake ,, Richard, Cutcombe ,, Richard, Hillfarrence „ Robert, Currey Rivell „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Exford „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Barrington „ Robert, Beer Crocombe „ Robert, Exford „ Robert, Crickett Malherbe „ Robert, ye elder, Halse „ Robert, Halse „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Roger, Withiepoole „ Roger, Thurlebare „ Roger, Southepetherton ,, Roger, Nynehead „ Samuel, Southpetherton „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Sarah, spinster, Southpetherton „ Simon, Milverton „ Stephen, Taunton James „ Stephen, Taunton Magdalen „ Susanna, widow, Broadway „ Sybella, Isleabbott „ Thomas, Kittisford 68 775 40 780 11 794 22 796 33 774 56 756 11* 9 121 ] 638 108* 612 50 623 78 1 .632 187* ) 635 54 641 42 679 IOI 714 137 728 54 738 69 746 56 775 143 670 95 700 3° 7" '43 720 73 787 58 i 729 174* 622 10 747 159* 1 608 87* 609 '38 640 96 683 "3 684 36 768 24* 779 61* 608 44 626 108 626 64 646 27 685 10 700 '3 7'3 5 724 64 73° 29 736 '9 745 24 766 5 774 214* 610 69* 612 66 625 76 7'3 55 695 11 762 85 702 46 643 79 732 68 762 2 709 40 771 40* 11 ioo Taunton Wills. Baker, Thomas, Crewkerne Thomas, Kittisford Thomas, Wootton Courtney Thomas, Halse Thomas, Cutcombe Thomas, Hilbishoppes Thomas, Isleabbotts Thomas, Isleabbotts Thomas, Cutcombe Thomas, Langford Budvill Thomasine, Selworthie Thomasine, Luckcomb Thomazine, Hilbusshoppes Thomasin, Stogursey Walter, Porlocke William, Exforde William, sen., Southepetherton William, Kitnor William, Winsford William, Exford William, Lilstoke William, Taunton Magdalen William, Southpetherton 1647 William, Nettlecomb William, Upton William, Luxburrow William, Halse William, Upton William, Charlinch William, Selworthy WiUiam, Oare William, Bridgwater William, Donyatt William, Brumpton Regis William, Cutcombe als. Hill, John, Crickett Malherbe als. Robins, Mary, spinster, Crewkerne ah. Steevens, Thomas, Cutcomb .. Bragg als., see Bragg als. Baker. Balch, Elizabeth, widow, Broadway George, Bridgwater James, Durston Mary, spinster, Beer Crocombe Robert, Crewkerne Baulch, Robert, Crewkerne Roger, Hatchbeachamp Susanna, Bridgwater Thomas, Duluerton 1648 Thomas, Broadway als. Evans, Henry, Curland Baldon, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Baldwine, John, Bridgwater Bale, Elizabeth, Sampford bert „ Elizabeth, Withypoole „ John, Taunton James „ John, jun., Winsford „ John, Pitmister „ Mary, Oare „ (or Ball), Michael, sen., Thurlbare „ Richard, Pitmister 121* 1607 82* 1617 24 1631 64 1670 24 1676 55 1684 49 1768 27 1769 29 1781 52 1781 197* 1610 '53 1622 81 1628 255 1638 104 1724 9* 9 21* 1614 170* 1616 69 1621 10 1623 '5 1626 156* 1638 1 12 88 1661 122 1661 72 1678 84 1685 129 1690 3' 1707 "5 1707 90 1716 '3 1725 56 1730 11 1761 24 1773 52 1611 27 1716 116 1624 22 1634 '3 1678 44 1681 3 1702 26 1662 33 1663 53 1677 4 1679 3' 12 5 1670 23 1675 70 1789 24 1644 79* 4 56 1770 160 1670 132 1706 "3 1720 60 '777 108 1704 128 1730 Taunton Wills. 101 Bale, Baile, Tristram, Bridgwater ,, William, Cheddon fitzpaine „ William, Withypoole See also Ball. Bales, Bals, John, Westmonckton „ Bals, John, Bridgwater „ Roger, Enmer Ball, Betty, Stoke St. Mary „ Christopher, Thurlbare „ Collett, spinster, Thurlbare „ Elizabeth, widow, Wilton „ Francis, Thurlbere „ George, Staplefitzpaine „ Gregory, Northepetherton „ Heman, Mynehead „ Humphry, Brushford „ James, Stringstone „ Joane, widow, Creeche „ Joane, Pitmister „ Balle, John, Aishebritle „ John, Thurlebare „ John, Porlocke „ John, Creech „ John, Brushford „ John, Ruishton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Minehead „ Mary, spinster, Hilbishops „ Miriam, Taunton Magdalen „ Philip, Ruishton „ Richard, Michael Creech „ Richard, Creech „ Richard, Creech „ Robert, sen., Wilton „ Robert, Pitmister „ Robert, Stoke St. Mary „ Thomas, Creech „ Valentine, ffiddington See also Bale. Ballam, David, Stockland Bristow „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Philip, Northepeatherton „ Richard, sen., Wembdon „ Richard, Wembdon „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Thomasin, widow, Northpeatherton Ballard, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen Ballemant, Thomas, Nynehead Bailer, John, Currie Mallett Ballifant, John, Aishpriors Balman, Anne, widow, Brushford „ John, Hawkeredge „ John, Brushford Balmond, Richard, Withpoole Balmont, John, Withypoole „ Richard, Dulverton Balster, George, Pitmister 89 1626 10 1682 104 1740 98 1628 10 1640 145* 1607 42 1782 108 1661 III 1725 71 1639 72 1759 107 1697 IOO 1625 90 1727 10 1687 66 1719 70* 10 7' 1671 '33* 1610 24 i635 109 1707 33 1716 9 1728 59 '737 '5 '743 4i '759 59 1706 68 1792 34 1770 70 1643 21 1700 20 1702 123 1628 70 1671 99 1706 18 1667 171* 1624 116 1611 88 1675 47 1709 66 1764 106 1637 "4 1708 122 1713 107 1727 6 1774 45 1640 73 1732 59 1699 129 1632 28 1637 '3 1736 3'* 4 7 1735 88 1777 "5 1743 22 1795 71 1764 102 Taunton Wills. Balstone, Arthur, Westquantoxhed „ Balston, John, Tolland „ Robert, Misterton Bambury, John, sen., Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton See also Banbury. Bampfield, Amias, gent., Bicknoller „ Bamfylde, ffrances, Kingston „ Margaret, Kingston See also Banfield. Bampton, William, Northepetherton „ als. Raxworthie, Marie, Northepetherton „ als. Raxworthie, William, Northepetherton Banbury, John, Southpetherton „ William, Southpetherton See also Bambury. Banck, Elinore, Stockland Bande, Richard, Huntsworthe, parish Bridgwater „ Band, Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Band, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Band als. Wrentmore, John, Staplegrove Banfield, Bartholomew, Bridgwater „ Edward, Hilbishops „ John, Hilbishops „ Mary, widow, Wembdon „ Peter, Wembdon See also Bampfield. Banger, John, Buckland St. Mary Banton, see Baunton. Barber, Edward, Nynehed „ Barbor, Elizabeth, Nynehed ,, Grace, Minehead „ Grace, Oake „ Joane, Ninehead „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Upton „ John, Nynehed „ Barbor, John, Ninehead „ John, Nynehead „ John, Upton ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Taunton St. James „ Mary, Oake „ Nathaniel, gent., Upton „ Prudence, widow, Upton „ Richard, sen., Mynehead „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Oake „ als. Fanewell, John, Otterhampton „ Harris ah., see Harris als. Barber. Barbie, Edithe, Stawlye „ Elizabeth, Stawlie „ Barby, Mary, widow, Stawleigh „ Robert, Stawlye „ Barby, Susanna, widow, Stawleigh „ Thomas, Stawlie „ Barby, Thomas, Skilgate „ William, Milverton 72* 1689 S3 '734 S3 1661 1 1 1 1711 58 1765 7 1707 2S 1756 34 '759 42* 1612 46 1626 23* 1617 "5 1622 42 '794 32* 1609 80 1624 152* 1637 71* 2 '44* 7 63 1631 8 1756 59 1663 35 1665 90 '777 106 1710 18 '743 59* 1614 29* 1615 172* 1638 61 1777 118 1632 127 1663 73 1726 75 '631 17 1644 82 1663 129 1677 120 1722 9' 1736 36 1791 124 1716 128 1677 169 1635 "3 1725 '54 1731 60 1750 161 1624 195* 1610 46 1623 57 1709 146* 1608 60 1679 92* 6 5o 1774 35 1628 Taunton Wills. 103 Barbie, Barby, William, Milverton Barge, John, Bridgwater Bargery, John, Crewkerne Barker, Gregory, Lawrence Lidiard ,, William, Halse Barnard, Ambrose, Broadway „ Samuel, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne Barnes, Barne, Agnes, Exford „ Agnes, Runnington „ Ames, Oare „ Edward, Exton „ Giles, Crickett Thomas „ Barne, Henry, Exford „ Henry, Exton „ Henry, Exton „ Joan, Thurlbare „ Martha, Exton „ Barne, Mary, widow, Exford „ Nicholas, Crickett Thomas „ Nicholas, Chafcombe „ Barns, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Barrell, Benjamin, Spaxton „ Benjamin, Spaxton „ Catherine, widow, Kingston „ Charles, Spaxton „ Barrill, Daniel, Kingston „ Elizabeth, widow, Westbagborow „ Elizabeth, Spaxton „ George, Northpetherton „ Joan, widow, Spaxton „ John, Westbagburrowe „ John, Spaxton „ John, Spaxton „ John, Spaxton „ Barrel, Mary, Spaxton „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Westbagborowe „ Simon, Spaxton „ William, Spaxton „ Kinge ah., see Kinge ah. Barrell. Barrett, Catherine, widow, Northpetherton „ Edward, clerk, Dynnington „ Edward, Northpetherton „ James, Northpetherton „ Joane, Dinington „ John, Southpetherton „ Martha, widow, Drayton and Charlton MackereU „ Nicholas, Southpetherton „ Barret, Richard, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Northepetherton „ William, Southpeatherton „ als. Raw, Robert, Southpetherton „ Rawlins als., see Rawlins als. Barrett. Barrington, Anne, Lyng „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Jane, Linge „ Jane,lLynge „ John, Ling „ John, Lynge 76 173' 21 1632 44 1660 116* 1623 49 1710 5 '775 53 1685 26 1721 25* 11 44 1779 81 1687 63 1730 17 1674 7* 1622 22 1705 16 1758 92 1736 22 1772 60 1678 16 1667 12 1697 53 '794 156 1730 48 '754 5° 1699 59 '795 5' 1725 137 1683 62 1786 35 1797 84 '733 18* 1612 85 1691 "7 1717 47 '793 34 1758 S7* 1612 128 1661 18* 9 38 1757 89 1678 43 1632 36 1682 90 1678 38 1674 102 1688 42 1716 103 1661 22 1738 66* 4 191* 1638 185* 1607 58 1724 79 '775 187* 1607 39 '739 3° 1644 33 1679 1 04 Taunton Wills. Barrington, John, Lyng „ John, Northpetherton „ Lawrence, Linge „ Lawrence, Lyng „ Marie, Linge „ Mary, widow, Lyng ,, Nicholas, Lyng „ Nicholas, Lyng „ Nicholas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Crewkerne Barrow, William, Mynehead „ William, Mynehead Barrie, Edith, widow, Corfe „ Giles, Pitmister „ Barry, Robert, Misterton Barstable, see Bastable. Barston, Joseph, Minehead Barter, Anne, widow, Lyng „ Robert, Crewkerne ,, Samuel, Crewkerne „ als. Butcher, Abraham, Crewkerne „ Butcher als., see Butcher als. Barter. Bartholomew, Elizabeth, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Susanna, Norton ffitzwarren „ William, Nortonn „ William, Norton Fitzwarren Bartiett, Abell, Northpetherton „ Agnes, widow, Lilstocke „ Alexander, Curry Mallett „ George, Dunster „ Joane, widow, Kilton „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ Joan, Northpetherton „ John, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Westbagburrow „ John, Stogursey „ John, Westbagburrow „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Taunton James „ John, Taunton James „ Margaret, Dodington „ Martha, Crewkerne „ Mary, widow, Westquantoxhed „ Mary, Holtford ,, Nicholas, Dunster „ Richard, Stogursey „ Robert, Lilstocke ,, Samuel, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Lilstock „ William, Stogursey Bartole, John, Crewkerne „ Bartoll, Mary, widow, Crewkerne „ Bartoll, Thomas, Crewkerne Bartram, John, Heathfield „ Robert, Stogumber Bartrip, Henry, Stogumber BarweU, John, Cothelstone Baslye, Christopher, Ileabbott „ Elizabeth, Drayton 40 1723 57 1750 89 1660 69 1700 77* 8 53 1725 54 1725 54 1764 5' 1778 44 1704 84 1694 79 1716 92 1636 58 1636 75 173' 47 '744 86 1672 37 1675 3' 1725 '7 1700 3' 1727 77 '743 122* 1618 89 1661 141 1632 68 1661 18 1668 44 1706 80 1672 '3 1715 4' 1774 23* 1608 30 1620 5° 1630 108 1675 122 1697 So 1708 148 '73' 81 1732 37 1706 11 1790 104 1710 39 1736 '4 1715 85 1710 75 1669 10 1790 64 i°33 123* 1623 3' 1640 9 '734 23 '733 5o 1683 82 '733 118 1724 24 1688 103* 1619 '45 1624 Taunton Wills. 105 Baslye, Basely, Francis, Badialton Basse, George, Exford „ Bass, Joan, Brushford „ Joane, widow, Luxborrowe „ John, Exford „ Bass, John, Exford „ Bass, Thomas, Brushford Bassett, Joane, Bassiter, Agnes, Swell Bastable, Alexander, Radington „ Alice, Northepetherton „ Ann, widow, Northpeatherton „ Barstable, Henry, „ Henry, Northpeatherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Barstable, Margaret, Northpetherton „ Margaret, spinster, Northpetherton „ Bastaple, Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Barstaple, William, Aishbrittle „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton Bastin, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen Bastone, Ann, Bicknoller „ Henry, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead „ John, Bicknoller „ Baston, Nicholas, „ Robert, Bicknoller Batchelour, Mary, Kilve Bate, Jane, Broadway Bathe, Thomas, Northepetherton Batson, Joan, Taunton Magdalen „ Batstone, Margery, Bridgwater „ Bateson, Thomas, Overstowey Batt, Alice, Chedzoy „ Edward, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, Pitmister „ Henry, Canington „ Hugh, Angersly „ James, Northpeatherton „ John, Northepetherton „ Marie, Pitmister „ Richard, Northepetherton „ Richard, Lyng „ Simon, Wotton Courtnye „ William, Broadway „ WiUiam, Broadway Batten, Bartholomew, Lynge „ Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Michael Church „ George, Orchard „ Giles, Orchard „ Grace, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Michaell Church „ Henry, Durston „ Henry, Whitestanton I 1708 65 1707 8 '775 32 1686 5° 1675 11 1738 6 1775 94* 6 90 1629 89 1700 208* 1610 76 •639 151* 1607 81 1639 95 1683 84* 7 34 1682 33 1673 92 1683 '9 1710 1 1667 98 1728 47 1780 23 1788 69 1789 2 1788 77 1697 71 1713 5 1716 96* 6 5 1779 58 1696 10 '795 87* 1608 65 1762 20 1672 53 1778 107 1639 62 1699 IOI 1693 73 1781 24 1690 96 1637 42 1638 167* 1625 43 1639 57 1625 29 1779 123 1625 10 1733 9 1765 77 1670 109 1727 43 1777 98 1683 44* 6 '34 1680 85 1728 33 1776 81 1799 io6 Taunton Wills. Inv. only Batten, James, Northpetherton „ Richard, Lynge „ William, Ashpriors „ Combe ah., see Combe als. Batten. Baule, John, Hewishchamflower Baunton, Banton, Richard, Donyatt „ William, Donyatt „ als. Rexworthy, Daniel, Northpetherton Bawdon, Joane, . . . cen „ John, (Cro ?Jcombe „ John, Lyng „ Thomas, Wembdon „ Thomas, Wembdon „ Bawden, Rexworthy ah., see Rexworthy als. Bawden Bawdrip, Anne, widow, Lilstocke „ George, Lilstocke „ George, Lilstocke „ Isaac, Canington „ John, Northpetherton „ Roger, Skilgate „ Bawthripp, William, Stogumber „ Wilmot, widow, Radington Bawler, Anstice, widow, Curry Mallett „ Edward, Westmonkton „ Edward, West Monkton „ Bauler, Francis, Hebrewers „ Martha, Curry Mallett „ Philip, Curry Mallett „ Richard, Curry Mallett „ Thomazine, widow, Curry Mallett „ William, Creeche Bayham, Joane, Stockland Bristow Bayles, Betty, Milverton Bayley, Bailey, Abraham, Spaxton „ Baylie, Anne, spinster, Dinington „ Baylie, Augustine, Stringstone „ Baylie, Christopher, Stockland Bristoll „ Christopher, Stogursey „ Baylie, David, Taunton Magdalen „ Bailie, Edward, Georgehenton „ Baylie, Edward, Mynehead „ Baylie, Elizabeth, widow, Stockland Bristoll „ Baylie, Elizabeth, spinster, Dinington „ Baylie, ffrances, widow, Drayton „ Baylie, ffrancis, Northpetherton „ Baylie, Frollicke, Henton St. George „ Bayly, George, Kingston „ Bayly, Henry, Southpetherton „ Isaac, Spaxton „ James, Westquantoxhead ,, Bailie, Joane, widow, Northepetherton „ Bailie, John, Stogursey „ Bailie, John, Northepetherton „ Bailie, John, Stockland Bristow „ Baylie, John, Stockland Bristoll „ John, Staplegrove » Baily, John, Westmonckton „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Kingston „ Bayly, John, Crewkerne 74 1708 77a 1670 4 1665 73* 1617 28 1709 16 1712 87 1675 49* 1 5* 3 64 1634 13S 1631 '4 1632 53 1710 66 1700 64 1708 '7 i693 85 1675 117 1728 87* 1627 53 1 701 53 1720 88* '773 S3 1786 27 1726 27 1784 26 1784 38 1716 20 1674 92 1620 141* 7 47 1776 87 1768 39 1690 54 1692 93 1674 35 1763 116 1704 75* 1614 64 1674 "4 1680 34 1691 42 1714 63 1676 47 1674 34 '749 74 1721 44 1794 80 '799 IOI* 1623 40 1610 9* 1612 97* 1619 "5 1680 69 '734 94 1736 18 1781 3' 1783 26«* '799 Taunton Wills. 107 Bayley, Baylie, Mary, widow, Kingston „ Baylie, Mary, spinster, Westmonnckton „ Baylie, Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Mary, Oake „ Katherine, Spaxton „ Baylie, PhiUipa, Swell „ Bailie, Rawlen, widow, Taunton James „ Baylie, Richard, Drayton „ Baylie, Simon, Dodington „ Baylie, Thomas, Drayton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Baylie, William, Chellington „ Baylie, William, Stringstone „ Baily, William, Kingston „ Bayly, William, Southpetherton „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ Bayly, William, Heathfield „ Baylie als. Pyle, Joane, widow, Milverton „ als. Pile, William, Milverton „ Baylie, Brownsey ah., see Brownsey als. Baylie. „ Bailie, Jeninges als., see Jeninges ah. Bailie. „ Baylie, Pyle ah., see Pyle als. Baylie. Baynard, Dorothy, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James Baynum, Mary, widow, Northpetherton Bazely, John, Halse Beadon, Agnes, widow, Stogumber „ Alice, Canington ,, Alice, widow, Creech „ Alice, widow, Crocombe „ Catherine, Hilfarrance „ David, gent., Brushford „ Edward, Brushford „ George, Brushford „ Joane, Crocombe „ John, Stogumber „ John, Hilfarrent „ John, Hillfarrance ,, John, Brushford (imperfect) ,, John, Brushford „ Beaden, Mary, widow, Creech „ Richard, Westquantoxhead „ Roger, Hilfarence „ Roger, Pitmister „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Creech „ William, Crocomb Beage, Cicily, Selworthy „ John, Selworthy „ John, Selworthy Beager, John, Otterhampton Beague, Agnes, widow, Selworthy „ Elizabeth, widow, Selworthy „ John, Selworthy „ John, Selworthy „ Margarett, Selworthy „ Robert, Selworthy Beale, Henry, Thurlbare „ Joseph, sen., Shepton-beachamp „ Thomas, clerke, Curry Mallett 46 1676 129 1706 102 1707 60 '734 "5 '73' 125 1669 62 1624 50 1727 48 1661 29 1689 35 '738 161* 1616 "7 1694 5° 1725 43 174' 57 1754 26 1756 61 1643 43 '732 120 1675 138 1720 78 1687 53 '7'3 84 1664 9 1621 33 1676 5 1718 52 1646 3 1746 3 1696 4 1724 20 1684 '9 1634 38* 1644 39 1645 6 1719 3 1727 29 1676 62 1798 45 1666 130 1727 99 1661 45 1669 37 1634 103 1680 90 1664 93 1693 130* 1614 84 1729 "9 1717 125 173' 75 '755 81 1742 104 1711 69 1679 16 '753 23 1681 108 Taunton Wills. Beamont, Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ Beament, Henry, Crewkerne „ Beament, Henry, Crewkerne Beard, Hugo, Ouerstowie „ James, Bradford „ Bearde, Jane, Wembdon „ Margaret, Selworthie „ Thomas, Creech „ Thomas, Crewkerne Beare, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Beeare, John, Taunton „ John, Stawley „ Mary, spinster, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Winsford „ Thomas, Brompton Ralph „ Thomas, Misterton „ als. Bremblecombe, George, Charlinch See also Beere. Bearness, Ann, Exton Beaton, William, Bridgwater Beck, Alice, Dynnington „ Elizabeth, widow, Dynnington „ Becke, John, Merriott „ Becke, John, gent., Merriott „ John, Merriott „ Joseph, Dinnington „ Peter, Meriett „ Richard, Hinton St. George „ Robert, Merriott „ Robert, Merriott „ Becke, Stephen, Crewkerne „ Becke, Thomas, Merriott „ Thomas, Dinington Beddowe als. Jones, Christian, Bridgwater „ Beddow, Jones ah., see Jones als. Beddow. Beere, Abraham, Brompton R. „ (or Bear), Edward, Dulverton „ Elizabeth, widow, Misterton „ Beer, James, Langford Budvill „ John, Brusheforde „ John, Crewkerne „ Margaret, Winsford „ Robert, gent., Crewkerne „ Thomas, Misterton „ Bere, Thomas, gent., Bridgwater „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ Beeire, William, Mynehed See also Beare. Bell, Charles, Bridgwater „ Robert, Northpetherton Bellamer, Alice, Bridgwater Bellamy, Arthur, Kingston „ Bellmie, Brigette, Northepetherton „ George, Moncksilver „ Jane, Monksilver „ Bellamie, John, Monncksilver „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Monksilver „ Margerie, Stokepirrow 38 1728 34 1708 23 1771 92* 2 5o 1628 53 1630 71 1610 20 1662 49 1685 '53 1624 169 1624 64 1759 40 1661 21* 1607 23* 1607 62* 1646 126 1640 42 1742 150 1635 57* 1 '9' 1632 60 1664 6S 1724 63 1743 20 1756 107 1622 22 1782 57 1768 34 1783 37 1722 61 1691 24 I7'23 '4 1620 35 1633 32 1692 70 1706 5' 1781 22* 1609 54 1685 83 1611 30 1706 7' 1700 '9 1711 160* 1619 165* 1619 8 1699 44 1775 114* 1618 42 1665 24* 1609 60 1764 39 1796 87* 2 40 1712 98 1717 32 1779 47 1627 Taunton Wills. 109 Bellamy, Mary, widow, Monnksilver „ Mary, widow, Monncksilver „ Robert, Spaxton „ Bellanie, Samuel, Muncksilver „ Bellimei, Ursula, Northepetherton „ Bellamie, William, . . . ford „ Bellamie, William, Muncksilver „ William, Northpetherton „ William, sen., Northpetherton „ William, Taunton Magdalen ,, Buttle als., see Buttle als. Bellamy. Bellett, Hugh, Sampford Arrundle „ John, Sampford Arundel „ Simon, Pitmister Belliman, John, Northepetherton Bellimor, Robert, Michael Church Bellingsly, Benjamin, Stogursey Belringer, Allen, Taunton James „ Bellringer, Allen, Riston „ Bethame, widow, Thornefawcon „ Edward, Thornefaulcon ,, fflorence, Aishe, parish Thornefaucon „ Margaret, widow, Aish „ Marie, Thornefawcon ,, Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Bellringer, Mary, Corffe „ Bellringer, Robert, Thornefawcon „ Robert, Thornefawcon „ Bellringer, William, Thornefawcon „ William, Stoke St. Mary „ Bellringer, William, Thornefaulcon „ William, Ruishton Bendle, Hannah, Exford Bendon, Elizabeth, Linge Benfeild, Joane, widow, Crewkerne Bengey, Henry, Cannington Benisham, Agnes, Ilebruers Bennam, John, Goathurst Bennett, Agnes, Ilebruers „ Agnes, Chaffcomb „ Alexander, Canington „ Alice, widow, Milverton „ Amos, Kingston „ Anne, Dinington „ Anthony, Crewkerne „ Catherine, widow, Kingston „ Charles, Ashbrittle „ Christopher, Stawlie „ Dorothie, widow, Northpeatherton 1649 „ Bennet, Edward, Kingstone „ Edward, Taunton St. James „ Elizabeth, Brodwaie „ Elizabeth, Canington „ Elizabeth, Linge „ ffrances, widow, Creech „ George, Minehead „ Grace, Oake „ Hannah, Crewkerne „ Hannah, Taunton „ Hope, spinster, Bridgwater 69 1687 64 1713 97 1725 47 1637 36* 1609 162* 1608 103* 1610 99 1672 "3 1727 64 1792 46 1766 29 1788 66 1729 19* 1612 93 1633 69 1744 142 1717 93 1725 '52 1660 132 1681 66* 9 2 1629 '4* 9 44 1718 4 1751 58* 1619 98 1662 3 1644 120 1670 66 1778 57 1761 26 1775 93* 7 82 1630 '5 1775 40* 1613 32 '737 90* 4 5' 1641 128* 1616 61 1690 30 1793 63 1643 6* 1613 34 1645 3 1695 56* 4 46 12 23 1757 7' 1780 19* 1614 98* 1619 46* 1642 29 1668 53 1784 70* 2 33 1717 74 1737 17 1690 no Taunton Wills. Bennett, Humphrey, Radington „ Joane, Ilebruers „ Joane, Taunton James „ Joane, Kittsford „ Joan, Northpetherton „ John, Ilebruers „ John, Canington „ John, Ling „ John, Ashbrittle „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Joseph, Winsford „ Margaret, Stawlie „ Margaret, Kingston i „ Margery, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Marie, Enmore „ Marie, Ling „ Mary, Corffe „ Mary, Dinington „ Mary, Kingston ,, Nicholas, Aishebrittle „ Nicholas, Brodwaie ,, Richard, Linge ,, Richard, Canington „ Richard, Staple Fitzpaine „ Richard, sen., Linge „ Richard, Lyng „ Robert, Northpeatherton „ Robert, Ilebruers „ Robert, Creech St. Michael „ Symon, Staplegrove „ Thomas, [Lijnge ,, Thomas, Staplegrove ,, Thomas, Curry Revell „ Thomas, Regr. Riston „ Thomas, Trull „ Walter, Crewkerne „ William, Knowle ,, William, Shepton beachamp „ William, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, gent., Mynehead „ William, Crewkerne „ WiUiam, Langport Westover „ Bennet, William, Staplegrove „ William, Milverton „ W'Uiam, Cutcombe „ ah. Miall, William, Lynge „ als. Tailor, Richard, Dunster „ Gillett als., see Gillett als. Bennett. „ Royall ah., see Royall als. Bennett. Berd, Catherine, widow, Crewkerne „ Roger, Crewkerne See also Bird and Burd. Berie als. Towte, Anne, widow, Dulverton „ Towte ah., see Towte als. Berie. Berne, Agnes, Corffe Berries, John, Whitstannton Berry, Alice, Whitstanton „ Alice, widow, Pitmister 149* 1616 18* 7 46* 8 23 1643 51 '773 34* 1607 34 1627 40 1645 2 1694 '03 1728 36 1738 55 1771 80 1679 188* 1635 58 1662 58 1682 '57 1632 3' 1644 16 1665 39 1666 34 1795 63* 8 120 1611 102* 8 5* 1619 140 I&35 90 1660 80 1669 241* 1638 181 1640 22 1761 95 1662 114* 2 95 1667 33 1672 95 1678 166 1727 52* 2 8 1610 1 12 1680 98 1710 72 i7'3 32 1717 60 '743 48 1756 28 1763 25 1771 70 1675 38* 1619 37 1645 62- 1627 66 1672 184* 1635 203* 1616 '4 1631 84 1677 Taunton Wills. 1 1 1 Berry, David, ffiddington „ Elizabeth, Porlocke „ George, Bishop's Hull „ Grace, widow, Nortonn „ James, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Bishop's Hull „ Nicholas, Hilfarrance „ Peter, Wilton „ Richard, Oare ,, Richard, Oare „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Berrie, Thomas, Porlock „ Thomas, Whitstannton „ Berrie, William, Whitstannton „ William, Norton Berryman, Berriman, Alice, Dunster „ Berriman, Daniel, Buckland „ Hugh, Nettlecombe „ Joane, widow, Nettlecombe „ John, Barrington „ John, Nettlecombe „ Peter, Dunster „ Beriman, Richard, Dunster ,, Robert, Nettlecombe „ Berriman, Thomas, . . . mister Berriman, William, jun., Dunster "„ William, Nettlecombe Besea, John, Besly, Gilbert, Stogumber „ Besley, James, Stogumber „ Besley, Robert, Clatworthy „ Beslye, Simon, Stogumber Bessell, Parnell, Bridgwater „ Robert, Bridgwater Bessem, John, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater Best, Dionizius, Loponn „ Joan, widow, Lopon „ Thomas, Hinton St. George Beth, John, Wythycombe Betscomb, John, Crewkerne Bettice, Jarvis, Barrington Betty, Bettie, George, Hatchbeacham „ Bettie, George, Barrington „ George, Hatchbeachamp „ Henry, Hatchbeachamp „ Bettie, Joan, widow, Barrington 1647 „ Joane, widow, Barrington „ Bettie, John, Hatchbeacham „ John, Combe St. Nicholas „ John, Barrington „ John, Hatchbeachamp „ John, Hatchbeachampe „ John, Curry Rivel „ Joshua, Staplefitzpaine „ Bettie, Thomas, West Monckton „ Timothy, Curry Rivell „ William, Barrington „ Bettie, William, Barrington „ William, Barrington 52 1711 91 1711 12 1778 59 1633 56 1787 11 '778 77 1660 94 1768 79 I7'3' 80 1722 96 173' 37 1623 105 1693 21* 7 '39 162 1 100* 1612 '4' 1637 79 1700 65 1703 2 1667 59 '747 28 1699 92 1621 42 1695 '34* 1619 27 1632 64 1736 184* 1616 22 1639 '5' 1685 16 1697 88* 3 3 1634 176* 1622 24 1730 2 1763 72* 1616 39 '732 '9 1766 150 1724 80 1623 37* 1638 SS* 7 IOI* 7 29 1765 36 1665 62 12 3 1683 56 1634 22 1660 8 1704 37 1721 21 1738 20 1786 82 1729 103* 3 33 173' 60 12 130* 1607 2 1707 I 12 Taunton Wills. 1647 Bevan, Richard, Upton Bevis, Beevis, Mathew, Corfe „ Beavis, Rachel, widow, „ Robert, Westmonnckton Bewsey, Ann, Trull „ Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ Nehemiah, Taunton Magdalen Bezant, Jonathan, Milverton Bickham, Aldred, gent., Taunton Magdalen „ Andrew, Bridgwater ,, Ann, widow, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ ffrancis, Aishbritle „ George, Monncksilver „ George, Stogumber „ George, Stogumber „ George, Monksilver „ Henry, Cothelstone „ Isott, Spaxton „ Jane, Taunton St. James „ Joan, Kingston „ John, Spaxton ,, John, Kingeston „ John, Kingston „ John, gent., Kingston „ Mary, Stogumber „ Nathaniel, Bridgwater „ Roger, Monncksilver „ Thomas, Clotworthie „ William, Lidiard Lawrence „ William, Cothelstone „ WiUiam, Minehead „ William, Bridgwater Bickley, Bicklie, Edward, Hilfarrant „ Bicklie, Edward, Nynehed „ Edward, Nynehead „ Edward, Mynehead ,, James, Nynehead „ Bicklie, Joane, Ninehed „ Margaret, Nynehead Bicknell, (a woman), „ Ann, Badialton „ Avis, lie bruers „ Bridgett, widow, Barrington „ Daniel, Taunton Magdalen „ Edith, Taunton St. James „ Edward, Milverton „ Edward, clerk, vicar of Bradford „ Edward, Nynehead „ Elizabeth, Wembdon „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Emanuel, Hilbishops „ George, Nynehead „ George, Bridgwater „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Isaac, Trull ,, Jane, widow, Halse „ Jane, Honiton, Devon, and Thorne St. Margaret „ Jane, widow, Honiton, Devon, and Taunton Magdalene „ Joane, Barrington 75 1799 84* 5 61 12 87 '734 75 1786 48 1782 45 1797 7i 1708 59 1709 8 '777 22 1707 106 1714 76* 1646 87 1727 44 1752 67 1773 36 1793 '3 1665 100 1640 84 1777 83 1636 40* 1 34* 1615 65 1706 29 1712 49 1794 16 1681 79 1610 22* 4 8 1626 16 1638 75 1662 '3 1716 61* 2 16* 1609 84 1680 74 1714 70 1690 81* 7 Si 1716 107 1646 10 1765 97 1639 1 1674 98 '693 75 1771 178* 1622 10 1711 1 10 1730 116 1625 9 1775 52 '7'3 88 1724 4 '759 '3 1706 70 '795 24 1705 87 1740 65 1741 168 1624 Taunton Wills. "3 Bicknell, Joane, spinster, Oake „ John, sen., Wendon „ John, Miluerton „ John, Taunton James „ John, Bridgwater „ Joseph, Hatchbeauchamp. (See 1819.) „ Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Michael, Langford Budvil „ Nicholas, Sampford Arrundel „ Richard, Henton St. George „ Richard, Milverton „ Robert, Taunton James „ Samuel, Bishops Hull „ Sibelle, Nynehed „ Thomas, Stocklinche Ottersie „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Milverton „ William, Barrington „ William, Nynehead „ William, Overstowey ,, William, Ruishton „ Zacharie, Barrington Bickner, John, Cutcombe Biddell, John, ffivehead „ Thomas, Nynehead Biddlecombe, Ann, Enmore „ James, Enmore Bidgood, Ann, widow, Lyng „ ffrances, Taunton St. James „ George, Northpetherton „ George, Northpetherton ,, Hester, Northpetherton „ Humphry, Nortonfitzwarren „ Robert, Linge „ Bidggood, Robert, Bridgwater „ Sarah, widow, Pitmister „ William, Taunton St. James „ ah. Saunders, John, Badialton Biffen, Alexander, Cannington ,, David, Canington „ Biffin, Edward, Westquantoxhed „ Biffin, Elianor, Aldington „ Elizabeth, Cannington „ Joane, Otterhampton „ Biffin, Margery, Canington „ Nicholas, Canington „ William, Spaxton Biggs, Ann, Hatchbeachamp „ James, Hatchbeachamp „ Thomas, Bridgwater and Inglishcombe „ Thomas, Bridgwater Bilbowe, Robert, . . . orthie Billen, William, Buckland St. Mary Billett, Ann Allice, Enmore „ Jacob, Pitmister „ Billet, Jacob, Pitminster „ John, Sampford Arundle Billing, Jane, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Joane, Buckland Mary 1648 IOI 1694 49 1611 68 1635 85 1676 12 '743 * '775 23 1713 71 1661 46 1770 37 1709 4' 1709 "4 1714 3 '779 64* 2 23* 1613 7 '739 57 1777 2* 4 9* 1616 97 1672 4' 1712 48 1796 54„ 1621 44* 7 27 1747 82 1680 3' '799 3' 1778 69 1635 52 1735 116 1727 66 1768 12 1753 94 1728 2 1620 33 1636 85 1704 55 1748 94* 161S 9 1794 30 1719 143 1681 37 1671 22 1773 '9 12 29 1707 3' 1719 48 '793 33 1747 39 1746 '9 1708 6 1752 50* 1618 11 1791 43 1742 56* i77i 41 1772 65 1761 '7 1765 9 1706 1 1 4 Taunton Wills. Billing, John, Otterford Matthew, Otterford Nicholas, Buckland St. Marie Billinge, Richard, Taunton Magdalen Thomazine, widow, Curland William, Crewkerne William, Merriott Billin, William, Merriott Billingsley, Benjamin, Stogursey Bindego, James, Taunton Magdalen Binding, Joan, Dulverton Bindon, Agnes, Stogursey „ Agnes, Hilfarrent „ Anne, Netlecombe „ Daniell, Winsford „ David, Porlocke „ Elinore, Netlecombe „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Ellen, widow, Trull „ George, Staplegrove ,, Henry, Hilbishops ,, Henry, ye elder, Hilbishops ,, Henry, Bishops Hull ,, Jane, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Porlocke „ John, Hilfarrence „ John, Porlocke „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Taunton „ John, Runnington „ Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Hilbishopps „ Robert, Hilbishops ,, Samuel, sen., Taunton Magdalen „ William, Winsford Binford, Christian, widow, Mynehead „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen Bird, Humphry, Ninehead See also Berd and Burd. Birtche, Barbara, Canington Birte, John, Milverton See also Burt. Birth, Elianor, widow, Kingstone „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Luxbunow Bisgood, Agnes, Bridgwater Bishop, Alice, widow, Drayton „ Bishopp, Andrew, Cannington „ Anne, widow, Mynehead ,, Bishopp, Edithe, widow, Brompton Ralph „ Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne ,, Elizabeth, Mynehead „ Elizabeth, Dulverton „ Francis, Minehead ,, Buishopp, Henry, Cutcombe ,, Isabell, spinster, Curry Revell ,, Isott, Brumpton Ralph „ Bishoppe, James, Aishpriors „ Busshopp, Joane, Whitstannton 74 1768 52 '732 109 1637 5* 4 29 '7'3 39 1681 66 1708 36 1726 '3° 1681 5' 1769 '9 1772 78* 10 "3* 1608 '5 1622 92 1719 77 1664 97* 5 89 1742 53 1698 140 1685 66 1669 43 '733 4 1776 95 1746 2 2"^" 1618 72 1672 86 1674 58 1705 67 1705 52 '795 44 1758 60 1670 4' 1693 "5 1697 69 1712 76 1677 176 1730 7i 1726 52 1765 117* 1616 28* 10 47 '733 '55 '73' 37 '759 56* 1615 43 1663 23 1 64 1 37 1695 93 '635 '5 1679 68 1725 23 '777 98 1660 152* 1619 '9 1709 5 1666 iS 1640 30* 1613 Taunton Wills. 1 1 5 Bishop, Joan, widow, Brampton Ralph „ Joane, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Joane, widow, Mynehead „ Joan, Donyatt ,, Bishoppe, John, Crewkerne „ Busshopp, John, Brompton Ralph „ John, gent., Drayton „ John, Stogursey „ John, Canington „ John, Dulverton „ John, Stogursey „ John, Henton St. George „ Bishopp, John, gent., Curry Rivell „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Stogursey „ John, Drayton „ John, ye elder, Dunster „ John, Stogursey „ Margaret, widow, Fivehead „ Bysshopp, Mark, Luccomb „ Bishoppe, Marie, Aishebritle „ Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Mary, Dunster „ Buisshopp, Richard, Brumpton Ralph „ Bishopp, Richard, Winsford „ Richard, Dulverton „ Richard, Dulverton „ Richard, Puckington „ Roger, Brumpton Ralph „ Roger, Chipstable „ Samuel, Mynehead „ Susannah, Westbagborough „ Bishopp, Thomas, Wembdon „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Bishopp, William, Crewkerne ,, William, Crewkerne „ William, Overstowey Bisse, George, gent., Crewkerne „ James, Beer Crocombe ,, Biss, John, Stringstone „ Biss, John, Stogursey „ Thomas, Kilve „ William, rector, Estquantoxhed Bissen, John, Canington Biswell, William, Stogursey Bitford, William, Stogursey „ Howse als., see Howse als. Bitford. Black, see Blake. Blackaller, Elizabeth, spinster, Stogursey Blackford, Christian, spinster, Selworthy ,, Joan, Luckam „ Stodden ah., see Stodden als. Blackford. Blackmore, Abraham, Selworthy „ Agnes, Porlock „ Alice, Porlock „ Alice, Dunster „ Alice, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Alice, Taunton Magdalen 8 1660 7 1678 82 1683 24 '759 7* 1608 ,36* 1616 32 1693 81 1693 20 1671 50 1678 79 1721 24 1726 23 1729 8 1734 21 '739 86 '743 18 '748 7 '753 69 1777 74 1660 58 1610 89 1640 57 1694 3' 1784 112* 1614 130 1661 22 1689 20 1712 61 1734 6 1702 4 1760 65 1710 60 1769 33 1631 95 1664 72 1784 '3 1631 32 1690 5' 1792 24 1709 7 1672 67 '747 76* 1764 68 1717 46 1677 32 17" 87 '743 155* 1607 107 1725 69 1699 28 1766 57 1726 '7 1642 '3* 3 29* 1638 16 1694 66 '749 1 1 6 Taunton Wills. Blackmore, Christopher, Oare Christopher, Porlock Elenor, Cutcombe Elizabeth, Porlock Blackmoore, Elizabeth, Porlocke Elizabeth, Pitmister Elizabeth, Kingsbrompton Grace, Luccomb Humphry, Angersleigh James, Brushford Jane, widow, Brushford Joane, widow, Dulverton Joane, widow, Kitnor John, sen., Luccomb Blackmoore, John, Brushford John, Brushford John, Brushford John, Oare John, Oare John, Wootten Courtney John, Dulverton John, Dulverton Blackmoore, John, Brumpton Ralph Blackmoor, Jonathan, Staplefitzpaine Laurence, Brushford Mary, widow, Biumpton Regis Mary, spinster, Oare Mary, Oare Mary, Wilton Priscilla, Dulverton Blackmoor, Richard, Heathfeild Richard, Kitnor Richard, Porlocke Richard, Porlock Robert, Nettlecombe Robert, Kingsbrompton Thomas, Porlocke Thomas, Winsford Thomas, Porlocke Thomas, Porlock William, Stogumber William, Brushford William, Brushford William, Brumpton Regis Blackwell, Alice, Dunster Andrew, Dunster Blackwill, Ann, Dunster Barbara, widow, Dunster BlakweU, Elizabeth, widow, Dunster Hugh, Dunster Joane, Dunster Blackwill, Joane, Dunster John, Taunton Magdalen Blackwill, John, Dunster Blackwill, John, Mynehed Blackwill, John, Kingsbrompton Marie, Dunster Blackwill, Marie, Dunster Blackwill, Marie, widow, Dunster Mary, Dunster 66 1702 112 1728 27 '743 54 1732 42 '735 40 1741 40 '773 172* '635 1 1716 2 1689 4 1692 43 1662 63 1700 130* 1616 205* 1638 12 1661 6 1674 49 1692 82 1714 '34 1716 5o 1728 '5 1766 6 '776 45 1752 6 1663 9 1672 72 1693 102 1694 '3' 1725 17 1748 70 1637 47 1699 65 1699 45 '749 118 1685. 3' 1796 '5 1642 97 1671 103 1681 64 1729 33* 1618 5' 1621 6 1660 10 1667 22 1627 23 1631 23 1792 43 1711 40 1714 '7 '797 79* 3 47 1621 39* 6 202* 1610 91* 1619 34 1792 56* 1 35 '639 48 1646 29 '771 Taunton Wills. i 1 7 Blackwell, Peter, Estquantoxhed „ Richard, Elworthy „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Dunster „ William, Dunster Blake, Agnes, Cutcombe " „ Agnes, . . . combe „ Anne, widow, Mynehead „ Barbara, widow, Wembdon „ Elinore, Stogumber „ ffrancis, Dunster „ George, Mynehead „ Giles, Withiecomb „ Humphry, Overstowey „ James, Cutcombe „ James, Dunster „ Joane, (? Pit)mister ,, Joane, Mynehead „ Joane, Overstowey „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Withiecombe „ John, Overstowey „ John, Pitmister „ John, gent., Overstowey „ John, gent., Overstowey „ John, gent., Stogumber „ John, clerk, Curry Rivell „ (or Black), Mary, Stogumber „ Michael, Minehead „ Nathaniel, clerk, Asholt „ Nathaniel, ffitzhead „ Nathaniel, Charlinch „ Nicolas, Dunster „ Nicholas, Dunster „ Richard, Stogumber „ Richard, Dunster „ Richard, gent., Estquantoxhed „ Richard, Stogumber „ Richard, Withypoole „ Robert, gent., Pitmister „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Cannington „ Robert, Halse „ Roger, Asholt „ Roger, Mynehead „ Roger, clerk, Kilton „ Samuel, Wembdon „ Sarah, Dunster „ Thomas, Dunster „ Thomas, Angersleigh „ William, Stogumber „ William, Pitmister „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Spaxton „ William, Charlinch „ William, Minehead Blanchflower, George, Enmore „ Mary, widow, Ashpriors „ Richard, Kingstone „ Richard, Goathurst 5 1637 21 1748 82 1702 27 1778 3S 1719 63 i639 47* 1646 65 1708 '47 1681 134* 1616 38 1643 69 1688 151* 1616 69 167 1 76 1628 3° 1646 97* 1612 60 1696 53 '732 99* 8 17* 1616 93 1669 44 1682 90 1697 81 1704 28 1718 3 '753 100 1690 45 1765 2 1705 28* 1754 '3 1787 29 1646 18 1695 33* 1612 42 1667 46 1716 80 1736 88 1755 92 1711 49 1729 25 '736 29 1732 2 1702 9' 1707 43 1721 122 1714 23 1785 42* 7 1 1767 107 1672 41 1682 16 1714 61 1732 24 '736 64 1746 43 1664 3 167 1 69* 1609 54 1663 1 1 8 Taunton IJ Ylls. Blanchflower, Thomas, clerk, Gotehurst Blessett, John, Currey Rivell Blew, John, Stringstone and St. Decumans „ Margaret, widow, Crocombe „ Robert, Minehead „ Blewe, William, Milverton Blewett, see Bluett. Blickerd, Edithe, Georgehenton Blinman, Hugh, Stogursey „ Hugh, Stogursey „ Blynman, Isatt, Lidiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Samford Brett „ Thomas, Overstowey „ William, Bridgwater Blowdon, Henry, Curri Rivell Bloys, Gilbert, clerk, Bridgwater „ Bloyse, John, Bridgwater Bluett, Elizabeth, spinster, Nynehead „ Blewett, Henry, Kittisford „ John, Nynehead „ John, ffitzhead „ Blewett, Mary, Ninehead Blundell, Giles, Withiecomb „ Robert, Withiecomb Blunden, William, Taunton James Blyth, George, Dunster Board, Jane, widow, Shepton beacham „ Thomas, Otterford „ William, Buckland St. Mary Bobbett, Alexander, Bridgwater „ Alice, widow, Bridgwater „ James, Creech „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Creech „ Mathew, Bridgwater „ Robert, Creech „ Thomas, Creech „ William, Creech Bobier, see Bowbeer. Bodger, Pottinger ah., see Pottinger als. Bodger. Bodman, Joane, Dulverton „ Thomas, Minehead Body, Betty, Wembdon „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Creech St. Michael „ Boddie als. Marke, John, Wembdon ,, Bodie als. Markes, Margaret, widow, Southpetherton Boice and Bois, see Boyce. Boldye, Joane, Durlye Boles, John, Otterford Boman, Anne, widow, Canington Bommige (?), William, Stocklinche Ottersey Bond, Abraham, Oake „ Abraham, Taunton Magdalen „ Anne, Chedsey „ Anthony, Chedzoye „ Augustin, Bradford „ Betty, Westmonckton „ Bonde, Elinore, Oake „ Bonde, Elinore, Brodwaie 56 . 1661 134 1625 108 1724 21 1684 214* 1638 106* 1628 114* 1608 85 1666 '3' 1728 1* 1625 8* 1617 45 1686 1 1 1698 170 1632 '5 1720 14 1668 85 '73' 41 1626 45 1709 34 1729 52 1737 69* 1610 46* 6 1 12 1722 16 1763 5° 1 64 1 63 1776 10 1792 88 1625 32 1634 27 1674 '37 1681 44 1669 132* 1638 44 1720 15* 4 34 1661 39 1706 2 1642 87 '773 52 1769 17 1778 105 1610 281 14 6* 1620 42 1712 32 1708 76* 1615 So 1713 58 1796 32 1645 5 •638 2 1696 94 1764 '35* 1607 5o 1624 Taunton Wills. 1 1 9 Bond, Elizabeth, Staplegrove „ James, Hilfarrence „ James, Heathfield „ Joane, widow, Chedsey „ Joane, widow, Chedzoy ,, Joane, widow, Bradford „ Joan, Heathfield „ John, sen., Chedsey „ John, sen., Northepetherton „ John, Chedzoye „ John, Mynehead „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Buckland St. Mary and Chardstock, Dorset „ John, Oake „ Katherine, Minehead „ Magdalen, widow, Mynehead „ Bonde, Marriane, Pitmister „ Mary, widow, Heathfeild „ Mary, Heathfield „ Matilde, Chedsey „ Molly, Heathfield „ Rebecca, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Pitmister „ Sarah, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Pitmister „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Halse „ Thomas, Heathfield „ William, Bradford „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Wrankmore, Thomas, Heathfield „ als. Wrentmore, William, Bridgwater 1647 Bonden, Stephen, Currey Rivell Bonfeild, John, Hilbusshopps Boning, John, Stocklinch Ottersey Bonner, Anthony, Taunton James „ Margarete, Taunton James Bonvill, BondviU, John, gent., Crewkerne „ Margaret, widow, Crewkerne Boobie, Christopher, Norton „ Booby, Nicholas, Hilbishoppes „ Booby, Richard, Curry Mallett „ als. Hearne, ffrancis, Stokemarie „ Booby als. Hearne, Joan, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ als. Hearne, Robert, Corfe „ Hearne als., see Hearne als. Boobie. Boobyer, see Bowbeer. Bood, John, Milverton „ Boode, William, Porlock Booe, John, Northpetherton Bookthought, Richard, Wilton Boone, Alice, Taunton Magdalen „ Alice, Taunton Magdalen „ Boon, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen „ Christopher, Creeche „ Elizabeth, Milverton „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Boon, John, Westmonkton 33 643 37 729 3' 749 41* 609 25 671 6 716 28 765 106* 7 47 628 112 637 69 668 30 714 7 720 40 798 46 747 63 674 119* 619 44 725 29 759 36* 618 27 765 54 705 '63 684 36 785 3 737 18 665 42 698 1 734 46 768 29 793 1 709 '3 7'7 57 675 60 12 136* 607 102 620 54 726 81* 616 83* 608 28 680 3' 691 156* 619 35 621 40 694 39* 1613 121 [728 84* 3 87 1707 196* 1607 78 1629 64 '774 •55* 1619 1 1637 80 1 771 75 1621 9' 1672 107 1 691 55 '793 1 20 Taunton Wills. IOI 1611 50 77* 191* 1770 1608 1616 '4 7S 8 176416311718 39 161 17691628 Boone, Richard, Northpetherton Richard, Taunton Magdalen Robert, Taunton James Thomas, Westmonncton Thomas, Bridgwater Tobias, Creech William, Curry Mallett William, Otterhampton als. Moore, Thomas, Stogursey Moore als., see Moore als. Boone. See also Bowne. Bord, John, Creeche 102* 1609 Born, see Bourne. Bomall, Elizabeth, Cutcomb Borrow, Joane, Brompton Bossley, John, Stogumber (nuncupative) Boswell, Elizabeth, Taunton St. James Boucher, Edward, Kingsbrumpton „ Bourchier, Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead Bouldie, Robert, Charlinche „ Bouldey, Ursula, Charlinche Boulting, Hannah, Westbagborough Bounce, William, Thornefawcon Bourne, Born, Ambrose, Thorn St. Margaret „ Borne, Nevill, Badialton ,, Sarah, widow, Charlinch „ Thomas, Wembdon Bourt, John, Bridgwater Bowbeer, Edith, Chipstable „ ffrances, Chipstable „ Bowbeare, Humphry, Chipstaple „ Bowber, Joane, Buckland St. Marie „ Bowbere, John, Chipstable „ Bowber, John, jun., Buckland Mary „ Boobear, John, Buckland Marie „ John, Chipstable „ Boobyer, John, ffivehead „ Bobier, Robert, Langford Budfeld „ Bowbeere, Thomas, Chipstable Bowditch, George, Donyatt „ John, Misterton „ Bowdidge, Robert, Misterton „ Samuel, Taunton St. Mary Magdalen „ Thomas, Donyatt „ William, Taunton Magdalen Bowdon, Bowden, Agnes, Luccomb „ Bowden, Anne, spinster, Radington „ Edmund, Currey Rivell „ Bowden, George, Stogumber „ Bowden, George, Taunton Magdalen „ Humphrey, Exton „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Dolishwake „ Judith, Exton „ Bowden, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Bowden, Robert, Stogumber „ Thomas, Hawkeridge „ William, Dynington „ Bowden, William, Dynnington „ William, Dinnington 31 1633 153* 1638 66 '759 69 1799 54 1742 89 1717 6* 1612 S3 1622 61 '774 '3 1626 S7 1781 3 1697 23 1717 82 1665 '5 1716 17 '747 56 1685 32 1627 49 1638 '35 1621 139 1622 93 1636 14 I73& 28 '747 '3* 10 49 1672 47 1704 38 1789 26 1640 56 1798 39 1700 68 1780 123* 1619 45 1705 159* 1610 57 1640 78 1767 63 1660 21 1610 103 1641 80 1640 "5 1667 61* 1629 132* 1616 140 1625 106 1626 4 1633 Taunton Wills. 121 Bowdon, Bowden, William, Exton Bowe, Emne, Charlench Bowens, Stephen, Curri Mallett Bower, Elizabeth, Northepetherton Bowerman, Daniel, Stogursey „ Hannah, Creech St. Michael ,, Mogridge als., see Mogridge als. Bowerman. Bowlte, William, Kingeston Bowne, John, Riston „ Bowne (?), Thomas, Charlinch See also Boone. Bowridge, William, Southepetherton Bowring, Bridget, widow, Trull „ Bowreing, Christopher, Bradford „ Hannah, Trull „ Bowreing, Henry, Capton, parish of Stogumber „ Bowreing, Joane, Angerslie „ Bowreing, John, Bradforde „ Bowreing, John, Cutcombe „ John, Badialton „ Robert, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Bowreinge, William, Cutcombe „ Bowreinge, William, Bradford „ William, Tolland „ Bowering, William, Lydiard St. Lawrence Bowyer, Andrew, Whitstaunton „ Robert, Northpetherton Boyce, Boice, Alice, widow, Selworthie „ Joyce, widow, Staple . . . „ Bois, Robert, Stockland Bristoll „ Boyse, Ursula, Staplefitzpaine „ Boyse, Walter, Staplefitzpaine Boyer, Daniel Coate, Bridgwater „ John, Northpetherton „ Robert, Northpetherton Boyett, Robeit, Milverton Boyling, Bridgett, widow, Bridgwater Bradbeer, fferdinando, Taunton Magdalen „ Bradbeere, William, Pitmister Braddicke, John, Taunton Magdalen Bradford, Agnes, widow, Kingsbrompton Agnes, widow, Winsford Daniel, Winsford John, Winsford John, Winsford John, Pitmister John, Barrington Margaret, Winsford Peter, Winsford Robert, Uptonn Samuel, Winsford Simon, Lidiard Lawrence Simon, Lawrence Lidiard Thomazine, Winsford William, Kingesbrompton William, Creech Bradley, ffrancis, Bridgwater „ Bradlye, Robert, Overstowie Bradmeade, John, Withiepoole Bradshawe, Margery, Curland 43 1674 113* 6 119 1641 162* 1610 100 1677 '4 '794 79* 1609 14* 7 44 173° 67 1625 84 1671 12* 4 127 1675 58* 2 46* 4 60* 8 24* 9 3 1709 43 '799 62* 1607 1 19* 1607 84 1732 18 1770 118 1688 38 '735 22* 8 40 1645 9' '743 78 1666 68 1676 4 '79' 40 1783 46 1786 3' 1741 '9 1681 '75 1727 22 1628 128 1663 28 1636 "4 1662 49 1637 98 1621 96 1671 82 1722 7 1746 143* 1616 '38 1663 3'* 1619 105 1710 98* 1609 71* 1628 74* 1617 72 1631 3' 1716 3 1738 91* 1614 66* 1615 24 1623 122 Taunton Wills. Bradshawe, Bradshaw, Martha, widow, Taunton Magdalen Bragg, Elianor, widow, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, Georgehenton „ Hugh, Georgehenton „ Hugh, Misterton „ Joane, Crewkerne ,, John, Kingston „ Bragge, John, Hilfarrence „ John, Crewkerne „ Joseph, Crewkerne ,, Mary, widow, Chillington, South Petherton „ Mary, widow, Chafecombe „ Nicholas, Crewkerne „ Philippa, widow, Draston „ Phillip, Curry Revell „ Richard, Dowlishwake „ Robert, Swell „ Roger, Misterton „ Bragge, Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomazine, Crewkerne „ William, Stogumber „ als. Baker, John, Southepetherton Bramble, John, Southpetherton Brame, Thomas, Crewkerne Brance, Bartholomew, Stogursey Brangwell, Anne, widow, Ileabbotts Dorothie, Ileabbott Humphry, He abbotts Joane, spinster, Northpetherton John, Ileabbott Mary, widow, Northpetherton Brass, John, Durston Braster, Henry, Georgehenton Braugwin, John, Ileabbott Brawce, Agnes, Stogursey Bray, Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ Martha, Northpetherton Brayly, Agnes, Porlocke „ Brailey, Matthew, Taunton Magdalen ,, Brayley, Rebecca, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Brailie, Widlake ah., see Widlake als. Brailie. Brayme, Ambrose, Crewkerne „ Braime, John, Crewkerne „ Braym, John, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne Brayne, Dorothie, Misterton „ Braine, Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ Braine, John, Crewkerne „ Braine, John, Misterton „ John, Henton St. George „ Braine, Nicholas, Taunton James „ Braine, Thomas, Southpeatherton ,, Thomas, Westmonckton Braze, Richard, Stockland Bristoll Breffett, Thomas, ye elder, Milverton „ Thomas, Stoke St. Mary Bremblecombe, Beare ah., see Beare als. Bremblecombe. Brett, Jasper, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Whitstannton ,, Mary, Whitstannton See also Britt. '49 1670 6 1718 53* 5 97* 7 88 1672 IOI* 1633 237* 1638 83 1685 9 1752 3' 1743 102 1646 30 1685 37 1646 8 1632 18 1684 37 1664 17* 1619 63 1722 1 1 1637 141* 1607 56 1621 160* 1610 103 i7'3 63* 3 59 1635 59 1 716 125 1622 19* 9 "9 1727 56 1714 82 1697 28 1786 18 1637 24 1621 90* 1618 87 1711 53 '737 94 1697 52 1785 '34 1707 38 1661 2 1621 168* 1628 68 1637 156 1622 37 i7'3 20* 1617 3 1630 44 1740 80* 7 204* 1638 •43* 1608 13S 1684 28 '748 72 '755 76 1750 "9 1674 104 1666 Taunton Wills. Brewer, Adam, Creech Alice, Westquantoxhed Barbara, widow, Brumpton Ralph Catherine, Exford Bruar, Edward, Kingston Edward, Lyng Edward, Lyng Edward, Northpetherton Edward, Northpetherton Elizabeth, Kingston Bruer, Gabriel, Westquantoxhed George, Milverton Henry, Crewkerne Bruer, James, Hawkeridge James, Withyellflorey Bruer, Joane, widow, Clotworthie Joan, Hatchbeachamp Joan, Dunster John, sen., Westmoncton John, Hawkeridge John, Bicknaller John, Brushford John, Hawkeridge John, Bicknoller John, Stogursey John, Dunster John, Kingston John, Halse John, Lyng Marian, Cutcombe Mary, Halse Nathaniel, Brumpton Ralph Nathaniel, gent., Brompton Ralph Richard, Stogursey Richard, Lyng Richard, Northpetherton Robert, Norton Robert, Dulverton Samuel, Creech St. Michael Samuel, Enmore Samuel, Lyng Thomas, Upton Thomas, Brumpton Ralph Thomas, Hatchbeachamp Thomas, Lyng Thomas, Lyng Thomas, Nettlecombe Thomas, Stogursey Thomazine, widow, Brumpton Ralph Valentine, Crocombe William, Dulverton William, sen., Lyng William, Westquantoxhead William, Westquantoxhead William, Raddington William, Lyng ah. New, William, Otterford Brice, Alice, widow, Kingston Anne, widow, Liddiard Lawrence Catherine, Aisholt i '794 123 3' 1661 21* 3 5 1675 65* 6 10 1645 69 1716 83 1728 35* 1769 42 '774 23 1763 81 1640 52 1777 '5 1756 '75 1635 49 1782 23 1634 33 '737 36 1740 3* 4 69* 5 146* 1619 56 1632 57 1663 '5 1704 96 1708 40 1724 37 '744 23 1766 39 1778 6* 6 21 1779 3 1716 3 1729 25* 1608 54 1740 49 1799 37* 9 23 '795 '4 1766 39 1768 44 1784 94 1668 7 1675 72 1707 84 1728 59 '743 59 '755 52 1789 2 1674 37 1707 '4 1718 26 '757 78 1 76 1 60 1766 59 1771 29 1790 223* 1638 52 1633 60 1680 124 Taunton Wills. Brice, Edward, Cothelstone Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton George, Chedsey George, Northpetherton Henry, Ashbrittle Isotte, Taunton Magdalen Joane, . . . inge Joane, widow, Dinington John, Kingeston John, Elworthie John, Georgehenton John, Liddeard Lawrence John, clerk, Bradford John, gent., Dinington John, Dinnington John, Thurlbear John, Aisholt Josias, Taunton Magdalen Margaret, widow, Canington Margaret, Dinington Margery, spinster, Bridgwater Nathaniel Blake, clerk, Aisholt Penelope, Selworthy Richard, Kingeston Richard, Cothelstone Richard, Northpetherton Sarah, Northpetherton Susanna, widow, Dinnington Thomas, Misterton Thomas, Northpetherton Valentine, Valentin, Canington Warthington, Canington William, Taunton Magdalen William, Bicknell William, Bicknell ckenden, Elizabeth, widow, Liddiard Lawrence dge, Agnes, widow, Stogumber Anthony, Chedsey Anthony, Chedzoy Gabriel, Chedzoy George, Creech Bridg, Joane, (C)hedsoy John, Northpetherton Bridges, John, Brumpton Ralph Bridges, John, Cannington Lanncellot, Chedsey Lancelott, Chedzoy Lawrence, Hatchbeauchamp Margaret, Chedsey Robert, Creeche Bridges, Thomas, Bicknoller William, Thurloxton William, Gregoriestoke William, Creech ^48 William, Creech William, Northpetherton als. Seare, William, Kilton idgman, Thomas, Crocombe 34 1y20 BrBr Br 27 1675 68 1610 105 1728 23 1622 75 1704 2 1695 190* 1616 120* 1638 38 1664 54* 1609 81* 1610 166* 1622 62 1667 3 1675 40 1717 44 '73' 53 '754 1 1761 10S 1664 38 1640 62 1672 24 '713 1 1790 76 '773 35 1620 16 1663 85 1706 56 '777 45 1677 49 '759 54 1771 58* 3 21* 5 3S 1677 86 1610 4 1681 7 1730 66 1724 5 1634 12 '6.35 27 1669 30 1664 34 1713 49 1635 104 1670 3 1736 25 '743 61 1621 42 1678 '9 1738 74 1623 55* 10 4 1763 65* 1619 37 1628 22 12 25 1660 85 1711 81* 6 Taunton Wills. 1 2 5 Bridle, Joane, widow, Puckington „ Phillip, Taunton Magdalen Brifford, ffrancis, Trull „ Briford, Nicholas, Fivehead Brightman, Mary, widow, Northpetherton Brighton, Letece, Strengeston Brimble, Thomas, Bridgwater Brine, see Bryne. Brinscombe, Anne, widow, Hilbishops Brinsham, Henry, Otterhampton Brinsmeade, Deanes, widow, Hilbishoppes „ Jane, Hilbishops „ Jasper, London and Hilbishopps ,, Joane, Taunton „ John, Northepetherton „ Brinsmead, Richard, Hilbishops „ Simon, Hilbishoppes „ Brinsmead, Simon, Taunton Magdalen -„ Brinsmeed, Simon, Hull Bishops „ Brinsmead, William, Hilbishops „ William, Hilbishops Bristowe, Joane, Nortonn „ Bristow, John, Winsford „ Bristow, Thomas, Barrington Britt, Roger, Mylverton See also Brett. Broade, John, Shepton Beacham Broadford, Margaret, Lawrence Lidiard Broadhurst, Edward, Northpetherton Broadmead, Ann, Minehead „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, Bridgwater Brocke, Nicholas, Mynehead „ Brock, Richard, Bridgwater Brodbeere, John, Pitmister Bromeham, Henry, Oare „ Broomeham, Richard, Oare Bromfeild, Alice, Donyatt „ Broomfeild, Edward, Donyatt „ Bromefeild, John, Donyett Bronnsford, see Brownsford. Brooke, Ambrose, Curry Mallett „ Brook, Damaris, widow, Curry Revell „ Elizabeth, Minehead „ Grace, Mynehed „ Henry, Lilstocke „ Henry, Withiecombe „ Brooks, Henry, Cannington „ Jane, widow, Otterhampton „ Joane, widow, Mynehead „ John, Kingstone „ Brooks, John, Cannington „ Brook, John, Wootten Courtney „ Mary, widow, Mynehead „ Brooks, Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Melior, Lilstock (?) „ Robert, Dowlishwake „ Brook, Robert, Kingstone „ Brooks, Roger, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Northpetherton 80 1690 65 1709 154 1684 2 1632 77 1688 98* 10 8 '773 49 1664 69* 1 52 1667 59 1700 80 1685 130* 164' 27* 3 35 1689 121* 1608 18 1627 32 1732 58 1661 40 1693 39* 1 83 1780 3 1726 66* 1619 '45 1625 IOI '632 98 1707 45 1777 60 1787 3 1792 84 1669 123 1630 44 1622 26 1625 18 '633 59 1669 40 1666 111* 6 '3 1680 28 1717 48 1643 20* 1619 16 1632 16 1646 26 1743 "7 1660 65 1674 61 1704 '5 •735 56 1752 86 1670 25 1730 1 1639 55 1611 29 1787 8 1719 ma 1666 126 Taunton Wills. Brooke, Thomas, Curry Revell „ Wilmote, Crewkerne ,, als. Goord, George, Samford Arundell „ als. Goorde, Humphry, clerk, Bicknaller „ Babb ah., see Babb als. Brooke. Brookman, Josias, Bridgwater Broome, Charles, Isleabbott „ Elizabeth, widow, Broadway „ Honour, Taunton Magdalen „ Brome, Hugh, Ileabbotts „ Broom, Joan, Swell „ Broom, Joan, widow, Westmonnckton „ John, Broadway „ John, Westmonckton „ John, Brodwaie „ Brome, Mary, Broadway „ Brome, Philip, Ileabbott „ Brome, Philip, Ileabbott „ Brome, Philip, gent., Ileabbott „ Robert, Ileabbott „ Susanna, widow, Ileabbott „ Thomas, Donyett „ Brome, Thomasine, widow, Swell ,, Brome, William, Swell „ Broom, William, Buckland Mary „ Brome, William, Swell „ Brome, William, gent., Curry Mallett Brough, Valentine, Staple. (See 1633, No. 104.) „ Valentine, Staple Broughton, Erasmus, Kingestone „ Hugh, gent., Stogumber „ Marie, Kingeston Browne, Agnes, spinster, Dolishwake ,, Agnes, widow. Taunton Magdalen „ Brown, Amy, Westmonkton „ Brown, Ann, Taunton Magdalen ., Daniel, Shepton beachamp ,, Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead ,, Emlin, Chilton „ Gabriel, Mynehead „ George, Chedsey „ George, Whitstanton „ Brown, Hannah, Northpetherton „ Brown, Hannah, Hinton St. George „ Henry, Halse „ Henry, Runington „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Humphry, Taunton James ,, Brown, James, Westmonkton „ Joane, Dowlishwake „ Joane, Orchard „ Joane, Spaxton „ Joane, Barrington ,, Brown, Joan, Minehead „ Brown, Joan, Stogursey „ John, Taunton „ John, ffiddington „ Brown, John, Taunton St. James „ Brown, John, Southpetherton ,, Brown, John, Northpetherton 27 1717 122* 1614 67 1636 54 1629 17 1687 3' 1765 2 1723 47 '752 52 1691 64 1734 86 '732 3 1682 142* 1608 38 1629 1 1 '755 "3 1640 166* 1640 57 1 70S 17 1620 55 1674 92* 4 46 1698 5° 1682 20 1685 "3 1717 25 1724 165* 1632 104 1633 11* 1610 120 1681 17 1626 109 '63' '59 173' 38 1788 68 '799 140 '730 37 1686 226* 1638 107 1685 7* 1 1 97 1703 70 1768 42 1781 44 1671 IOI 1680 S5 1750 135 1680 87 1767 67* 1618 93 1625 67 1626 39 '635 57 '755 52 if98 30* 7 46* 1613 89 1740 38 1766 42 1783 Taunton Wills. 1 2 7 Browne, Brown, John, Minehead ,, Brown, John, Stogursey „ Brown, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Brown, Mary, Crewkerne „ Mellony, spinster, Sheptonbeachamp „ Nicholas, Dulverton „ Brown, Nicholas, Dulverton „ Phillip, Barrington „ Philip, Liddiard Lawrence „ Robert, Chedzoy „ Brown, Robert, Stogursey „ Thomas, West Monckton „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, Milverton „ Brown, Thomas, ye elder, Northpetherton „ William, Chedsey „ William, Orchard „ William, Dowlishwake „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton ,, William, Crewkerne Browning, Hester, Curry Rivell „ Joan, Minehead „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Isleabbotts Brownjohn, John, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton St. James Brownsell, Allis, Barrington „ Arthur, Barrington „ Arthur, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Catherine, widow, Barrington „ John, Barrington „ Mary, widow, Barrington Brownsey als. Baylie, Robert, Whitstaunton Brownsford, Bronnsford, Agnes, Kingisbrompton „ Agnes, Heathfeild ,, James, Bradford ,, Brounsford, James, Bradford ,, Brounsford, John, Radington „ Brounsford, John, Exton „ Richard, Milverton „ Bronnsford, Robert, Thurloxton „ Bronnsford, Thomas, Hewishchamflower „ William, Bradford „ William, Bradford Browse, Nicholas, clerk, Minehed „ Nicholas, Mynehead Bruer, see Brewer. Bruford, Agnes, Kittisford „ Alexander, Westmonnkton ,, Alexander, Westmonckton „ Alexander, Westmonkton „ Anne, ffitzhead „ Ann, Cheddon Fitzpaine. (See 1833.) „ Catherine, widow, Halse „ Dorothy, widow, Trull „ Edward, Bradford „ Edward, jun., Bradford „ Edward, Bradford 42 1786 61 '795 '03 1743 26 1764 117 1681 36 1708 33 1736 2 1663 54 1668 24 1675 68 1777 49* 1614 '73* 1685 35 1712 53 '747 78* 1608 18* 1618 33 1680 82 1711 83 1711 7 '734 24 1740 48* '747 21 1672 50 1769 23 1782 67 1726 53 '735 7 '747 '4 1750 147 1660 9 1729 8 1729 10 1729 39 1626 54* 1616 87 1636 7 1627 8 1713 24* 1607 72 1685 76 1631 60* 6 54* 6 100* 1638 6 1712 '44 '635 62 1666 28* 1615 73 1686 73 '749 83 1799 38* '755 * 1776 56 1700 61 1686 4 1682 1 1701 11 1705 128 Taunton Wills. Bruford, Francis, Cheddon fitzpaine „ Hannah, Bridgwater „ Joane, spinster, Halse „ Joan, Bradford „ John, Kittisford „ John, sen., Bradford „ John, Bradford „ John, Westmonnckton „ John, Lydeatd St. Lawrence „ Joseph, Bishops Hull „ Joseph, Staplegrove „ Brewford, Margaret, spinster, Halse „ Mary, Westmonkton „ Nicholas, Stawlie „ Brewford, Robert, Orchard „ Robert, Bradford ,, Thomas, Halse „ William, Halse Brumman, Anne, widow, Stogumber ,, George, Stogumber „ Brumham, Robert, Withipoole Brush, Ralph, Pitmister Bryant, Briante, Agnes, Withell Agnes, widow, Stawleigh Agnes, Selworthy Anne, widow, Brushford Anne, widow, Wythell Barnaby, Taunton James Betty, Misterton Catherine, widow, Huishchampflower Catherine, Huishchampflower Charity, Ashpriors (mucli decayed) Briant, Christian, Dulverton Christian, widow, Mynehead Clement, widow, Taunton Magdalen Edward, Minehead Edward, Thurlebare Edward, Thurlbare Briant, Elizabeth, Westquantoxhed Elizabeth, widow, Brompton Ralph Elizabeth, widow, Durston Esther, Crewkerne ffrancis, Canington Giles, Misterton Gregory, Huishchampflower Briant, Henry, Durstonn Henry, Thurlebare Henry, Orchard Henry, Thurlbare Henry, Crewkerne Isaac, Bishops Hull James, Norton fitzwarren James, ames, Huishchampflower ames, Withell ames, Bridgwater ames, esq., Withyell florey ane, widow, Dulverton Briant, Joane, widow, Heathfield Jone, widow, Pitminster 14 1791 7 1764 54 1697 20 '743 108 1623 '4 1693 10 1690 127 1700 49 1781 16 1764 62 1780 58 1717 56 '794 95* 1612 43* 1616 5 1721 3S 1699 58 1677 122 1681 104 1678 30* 1641 85 1687 15* 1610 82 169 1 46 1772 '3 1685 156 1717 .67 1684 3' '797 32 1723 52 1724 1 '749 96 1622 74 1697 52 1631 74 1637 72 1665 89 1702 '3 1622 61 1633 4i 1690 24 1784 29 1706 37 '798 53 1716 S5 1630 "9 1663 1 12 1684 162 1685 16* 1765 7 '772 93 1684 187 1685 33 1723 "4 '733 12 '775 86 1780 56 1707 '5 1643 125 1660 Taunton Wills. 129 Bryant, Joan, Luxborough „ John, Pitmister „ Briant, John, Dulverton „ Briante, John, Northepetherton „ Briante, John, Crewkerne „ Briant, John, Stogumber „ Briante, John, Kingesbrompton „ Briant, John, Brompton Regis „ John, Brompton Ralph ,, John, Stogumber „ John, Pitmister ,, John, Brushford „ John, Selworthy „ John, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Dunster „ John, Thurlebear „ John, Wilton „ John, Luxburrow „ Lawrence, Bridgwater „ Magdalen, widow, Northpetherton „ Briant, Marie, Thurlebare „ Mary, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Mary, widow, Dunster „ Mary, widow, Thurlbear „ Michael, Mynehead „ Nicholas, Cutcombe „ Briant, Ralph, Norton „ Briant, Robert, Brompton Regis „ Briant, Robert, Brompton Regis „ Briante, Robert, ffiffet „ Briant, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Briante, Robert, Brompton Regis „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Roger, Wootten Courtney „ Roger, Canington „ Sarah, widow, Crewkerne „ Sarah, Withelflorey „ Briant, Thomas, Brompton Ralphe „ Briant, Thomas, Heathfeild „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Luxburrow „ Thomas, Westbagborow ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Misterton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Briante, William, Crickett Thomas „ Briant, William, Huishchampflower „ Briant, William, Kingsbrompton „ William, Selworthie „ William, Wootton Courtney „ William, Creech „ William, Mynehead „ William, Chipstable ,, William, Treburrow „ William, Luxburrow ,, William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Langford Budvill „ Briant, William, Chipstable 45 1784 2* 12 136 1611 20* 1612 24* 1614 '77* 1616 84 1620 no* 1620 45 1629 85 1664 58 1665 1 1 1677 105 1725 100 1727 23 1732 107 '733 85 1747 38 '759 3 '735 96 1633 60* 1613 13 1669 50 173' '45 '731 63 1691 '5 '793 3° 1630 119* 6 2* 1607 6* 1609 '35* 1610 88 1611 74 '775 10S '693 20 1703 43 1694 74 1787 177* 1610 94 1636 '9 1678 83 1707 94 '739 Si '777 3' 1779 3 1780 1 1792 '3 1798 52* 8 105 1626 177* 1638 5' 1643 in 1666 3° 1676 64 1691 21 1696 98 1708 59 I7'3 83 1750 44 1773 2S 1776 1 30 Taunton Wills. Bryant, Briant, Steeven ah., see Steeven als. Briant. Bryer, Joane, widow, Taunton James Bryne, Anne, widow, Crewkerne „ Edmond, Crewkerne „ Brine, Elisha, Crewkerne „ John, sen., Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne ,, John, Bridgwater „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Richard, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne „ William, ye elder, Crewkerne Bucey, Jeremiah, Taunton St. James Buck, Agnes, Stogursey „ Catherine, Stogursey „ Edward, Cannington ,, Walter, Stogursey Buckerell, Grace, widow, Southpetherton „ John, Seavington Marie ,, Buckerill, John, Seavington Michael „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Seavington Michell „ John, Brushford ,, Thomas, Seavington 7, Thomas, Dinington ,, Walter, . . . ton Marie „ William, Seavington Abbot Bucking (Bucken), Dowdney ah., see Dowdney als. Bucking (Bucken). Buckland, Jonathan, Siheptonbeachamp Bucknell, Betty, Raddington „ James, Huishchampflower ,, Richard, Huishchampflower ,, Robert, Badialton ,, Samuel, Brumpton Ralph „ William, Chipstable „ William, Skillgate Buckthought, Mary, Taunton Magdalen Budd, Agnes, Barrington „ Anthony, Taunton Magdalen „ Betty, Crewkerne „ Christopher, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, Crewkerne „ Bud, Joane, widow, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Joane, widow, Porlocke ,, John, Bradford „ Mary, Barrington „ Roger, Stoake St. Marie „ Thomas, sen., Crewkerne ,, Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Porlocke ,, William, Crewkorn Budden, William, Crewkerne Budge, Bartholomew, Henton St. George ,, Christopher, Chellington „ John, Chillington „ Mary, widow, Chellington „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Chellington „ William, Crewkerne 134 1683 28 1725 29 1724 15 1705 30 1697 40 1728 21 1744 5 1777 '3 1749 36 1722 25 1662 18 '741 74 1780 134* 1610 93* 1627 12 1634 59* 1618 141 1670 65* 1616 '55 1640 62 1641 1 10 1681 12 1787 157* 7 3' 1700 129* 1619 5' 1624 ten). 78 1736 5o 1789 68 1727 24 '772 4 1714 7 1776 23 1743 77 '744 79 1750 36 1635 118 1667 '3 '797 107 1675 21 1781 49* 10 87 1677 '3 1667 43 1644 Si 1646 '4 1769 25 1780 "3 1670 42 '73' 26 1773 45 1693 10 1686 17 1796 iS 1691 126 1722 18 I&93 27 1721 Taunton Wills. 1 3 1 Buffett, Thomas, Stogursey Bulford, Elinor, widow, Curland Bulgin, Alice, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ Bulgen, Robert, Bridgwater Bull, George, Crewkerne „ Joane, Norton Fitzwarren „ Joane, Combflorie „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Langford Budville „ Jjoseph, Northpetherton „ als. Maveret, Anne, Trull „ Matherick ah., see Matherick als. Bull. „ Maverick ah., see Maverick als. Bull. Bullen, BuUin, Andrew, sen., Ileabbotts „ BuUin, Elianor, widow, Ilebrewers „ Joane, Hilbuishoppes „ John, Ilebrewer „ Richard, Isle abbott „ Richard, Ilebrewers „ Richard, Seavington Mary „ Richard, Seavington St. Mary „ als. Kingson, William, Barrington Buller, George, Doddington „ Jane, Lillstock „ John, Doddington „ John, Lillstock „ Margaret, widow, Spaxton „ Martha, Stringstone „ Mary, widow, Kilton „ Mary, Crowcombe „ . Richard, Westmonckton rV „ Richard,~Eastquantoxhed „ Richard, Bridgwater ,1 William, Kilton „ William, Nettlecombe Bulling, Mary, widow, Hilbishopps BuUocke, Deborah, widow, Mynehead „ James, Chilton „ Bullock, James, Chilton ,, Bullock, William, Chelton Bullworthye, Agnes, . . . er „ Bulworthy, BuUyford als., see BuUyford als. Bulworthy. BuUyford als. Bulworthy, Thomas, Dulverton Bulpin, Abraham, Bridgwater „ Alexander, Bridgwater „ Bulpan, Edith, widow, Northpetherton „ Bulpan, Edward, Northpetherton ,, Bulpan, Henry, Bridgwater „ Bulpan, Henry, Northpetherton „ Joane, Bridgwater „ Joan, Durston „ Bulpaine, John, Northepetherton „ John, Bridgwater „ William, Thurloxton ,, William, Northpetherton Bult, Agnes, widow, Taunton James ,, Ann, Brumpton Ralph „ Bulte, Elizabeth, Kingeston „ Elizabeth, Cothelston 68 1786 86 1635 25 1710 1 1 1697 4 '778 '3 '795 22* 9 179* 1607 92 1681 34 1793 54 1689 '34 1669 58 1716 63 1711 17 1641 70 1727 '43 1637 76 1707 5' 1741 5' 1787 1 1798 29 1762 21 1770 33 1697 4' 1765 112 1677 52 1774 46 1725 21 '799 33* 1613 29 1767 3 1790 64 1704 55 1750 59 1670 96 1720 27 '713 24 173' 8 '735 54* 1608 45 1716 1 1 1666 8 1787 98 1670 52* 7 15 1635 107 1670 2 1673 37 '743 "7 1624 25 1720 129 1724 62 1764 "7 1700 3 1760 5'* 4 '5' 1621 132 Taunton Wills. Bult, Grace, widow, Kingston „ James, Kingston „ James, Kingston „ Bulte, Joane, Kingeston ,, Joane, widow, Westmonnkton „ Joane, Kingston ,, Bulte, John, Kingeston „ John, Westbagburrow „ John, Kingston „ John, gent., Kingston „ John, gent., Kingston „ John, Brumpton Ralph ,, Jonathan, Bridgwater „ Margaret, Kingston „ Mary, spinster, Westmonnkton „ Mary, widow, Cothelstone „ Mary, widow, Kingston „ Mary, widow, Nortonfitzwarren „ Nicholas, Westmonnkton „ Bulte, Richard, Cotherston „ Robert, Kingston „ Robert, Taunton James „ Robert, Brompton Ralph „ Sara, widow, Kingston „ Thomas, Kingeston „ Thomas, Charlinch „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Nortonfitzwarren „ Thomas, Kingston ,, Thomas, Kingston „ Valentine, Nortonfitzwarren „ William, Westmonnkton „ William, Cothelstone , Buncombe, Alice, widow, Riston „ Betty, Westmonkton „ Bunckcombe, Catherine, Westmonckton ,, Christopher, Angerslye „ Elizabeth, Westmonnkton ,, Elizabeth, widow, Trull „ Elizabeth, Nynehead „ Buncomb, ffrances, spinster, Northepetherton „ Giles, Trull „ James, Northpetherton „ Joane, Northepetherton „ Buncomb, Joane, Riston „ Bunckombe, John, Westmonckton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Westmonnkton „ Bunkham, John, Westmonnkton „ John, Pitmister „ John, Angersleigh „ John, Westmonckton „ John, Trull „ Margaret, widow, Pitmister „ Buncomb, Marie, Trull „ Patience, widow, Westmonnckton „ Richard, West Monnckton „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Richard, Pitmister 47 1676 47 1671 5' 1702 33 1620 '3° 1678 22 1682 72* 1612 109* 1626 83 1660 82 1720 74 1728 '3 '733 iS 173' 49 1693 181 1685 26 1687 49 1699 79 1724 146 1669 70* 4 "4 1640 "9 1697 '3 1781 65 '73' 106* 6 40 1669 62 1704 '9 1718 79 1725 36 '737 46 1764 77 1704 53 1673 7 1679 5' 1692 54 '797 1 1 1* 1639 78* 8 '45 1669 136 1694 97 1707 7 1621 107 1700 120 1685 99* 1618 163 1624 10 1637 77 1674 '34 1672 142 1680 86 1704 1 1711 45 '757 74 1786 80 1691 74 1621 146 1724 '54 1717 156 '73' 55 '775 Taunton Wills. 133 Buncombe, Robert, Trull „ Robert, Creech ,, Robert, West Monnckton ,, Robert, Westmonkton „ Susanna, Trull „ Bunkcombe, Thomas, Lyng „ Thomas, Trull „ Thomas, Trull n Thomazine, widow, Westmonnckton „ William, Westmonnkton „ William, Trull „ William, Westmonnckton „ William, Pitmister „ William, gent., Trull „ William, Pitmister „ William, Westmonckton „ William, Otterhampton Bunston, John, Durston Bunter, joane, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ John, Taunton St. James „ Nicholas, Kingston „ Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Richard, Cheddon fitzpaine. (See 1817.) „ Thomas, Cheddon fitzpaine Burcher, Mary, Chipstable „ Nathaniel, Chipstable „ Nathaniel, Chipstable „ Richard, Elworthy „ Thomas, Chipstable „ William, Chipstable „ William, Moncksilver Burcombe, Grace, Canington „ Helen, Otterhampton „ Mary, widow, Otterhampton „ Thomas, Canington „ Thomazine, Otterhampton „ William, Otterhampton „ William, Otterhampton „ William, Cannington Burd, Agnes, Bicknaller „ Anne, widow, Bicknoller „ Bernard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Catherine, widow, Milverton „ Edith, Kittisford „ Elizabeth, widow, Westquantoxhed „ ffrancis, Nettlecombe „ Grace, widow, Westbagburrow „ Isott, Stogumber „ Joane, widow, Nynehead „ John, Bicknaller „ John, Bicknaller „ John, Haulse „ Margaret, Kilve „ Marie, Bicknaller „ Mary, widow, Rownington „ Nicholas, Kittisford „ Richard, Milverton „ Richard, Westbagborowe „ Richard, Milverton „ Samuel, Taunton 79 '734 77* 1617 29 169 1 '53 1717 94 1781 69 1778 69 1683 107 I7'3 71 1723 Si 1723 140 1663 116 1674 125 1704 87 I7'3 32 1718 '3' 1727 5° 1758 47 1762 33 1671 16 '733 95 1742 24 1741 28 1713 19* 1790 25 1762 '3 1772 '3 1765 11 1779 58 1694 '4 1772 3° 1707 5' 1747 19* 1615 68 1764 100 1717 21 1692 76 1768 82 1708 49 1726 '5 1790 34 1625 6 1672 97 1729 105 1640 43* 1642 120 1664 5° '737 78 1679 60 1780 75 '7'3 28* 1616 93* 1619 74 1639 83 1620 9* 1617 '3' 1730 53 1623 96* 10 132 1663 88 1681 134 Taunton Wills. Burd, Sarah, Wembdon „ Sarah, widow, Westquantoxhed „ Simon, Bicknaller „ Symon, Milverton „ Burde, Thomas, Westquantokshed ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Kittisford „ William, Milverton See also Berd and Bird. Burford, Hanna, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Manasseh, Seavington Mary Burgan, Mercy, widow, Riston „ Burgen, Robert, Westmonnkton Burge, Charity, Clotworthie „ Christopher, Elworthy „ David, Skilgate „ Diana, widow, Clatworthy „ Dorothy, Hillfarrence „ Elizabeth, Elworthie „ ffrancis, Stogumber „ Burg, George, Stogumber „ James, Bridgwater „ James, Stogumber ,, Burdge, James, Northpetherton „ Jane, Brumpton Ralph „ Joane, Chedsey „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Staple „ John, Stogumber „ John, Clatworthie „ John, Elworthy „ John, Radington „ John, ffivehead „ John, Chedzoy „ John, Wembdon ,, John, Ashbrittle „ John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Milverton „ Margaret, Kilve „ Mary, Halse „ Matthew, ffivehead „ Burdge, Nicholas, Kittisford „ Peter, Norton ffitzwarren „ Rachel, Clotworthie „ Richard, Clatworthie „ Robert, Upton „ Samuel, Stogumber „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Clotworthie „ Thomas, Clatworthy „ Thomas, Clatworthy ,, William, Chedsey ,, William, Nortonfitzwarren „ als. Saier, Robert, Langford Budfild „ Crosse als., see Crosse als. Burge. „ Hill ah., see Hill als. Burge. „ Burg, Sayer ah., see Sayer als. Burg. Burgess, Bulges, Betty, Luxburrow „ ffrances, widow, Creech „ Burges, Giles, Crewkerne 73 1792 \ "?-> 1706 63 1620 69 1708 103* 2 44 1763 77* 1616 34 1705 150 1731 123 1731 67 1676 23* 1612 '34 1621 4S 1677 89 1674 '9 1663 5° 1742 51* 10 '30 1684 '7 1621 45 1610 Si 1739 42 1787 '4 1733 33 1645 56* 10 148* 1619 97 1622 235* '638 68 1660 S3 1667 52 1677 43 1678 186 1685 1 1702 11 1713 84 1717 "70 1684 40 1733 16 1745 22 1635 29* 1609 62 1630 10* 1646 126 1716 IOI 1725 73* 6 118* 1623 21 1677 '3 1709 49 1620 90 1717 70 1627 36 1792 26 1684 '54 1622 Taunton Wills. 135 Burgess, Burges, Henry, Luxburrow „ Burges, James, Luxburrow „ Burges, James, Stogumber „ Joan, Hawkridge „ Burges, John, Luxburrow , Burges, John, Luxborow ,, Burges, John, Luxburrough ., Burges, John, Northpetherton „ Burges, Juliane, Withiepoole „ Burges, Lawrence, Creech „ Burges, Mary, spinster, Honiton, Devon, and Taunton Magdalen „ Burgis, Peter, Taunton „ Burges, Peter, Hawkeridge „ Burges, Richard, Miluerton „ Burges, Thomas, Luxburrow „ Burges, Thomas, Luxburrow ,, Burgeis, William, Brusheford „ William, Crewkerne Burgh (or Burrow), Robert, Staplefitzpaine „ Thomas, Curland Burland, David, Stogursey „ Grace, widow, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Stogursey „ John, Stokegursey „ John, Stogursey „ Matthew, Stogursey „ Richard, Stogursey ,, William, Stogursey Burman als. Mockeridge, Richard, Pitmister Burnard, John, ffivehead „ John, Crewkerne „ Robert, Minehead „ Thomas, Langford Budvill Burned, George, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton Burnett, Joseph, Mynehead Burnoll, Burnold, Agnes, Stockland Bristol „ Andrew, ffiddington ,, Anne, widow, Cutcombe „ Anthony, „ Burnell, Benjamin, Milverton „ Burnell, Edward, Stockland Bristowe ,, Elizabeth, Fiddington „ Elizabeth, widow, Stockland Bristoll „ Elizabeth, Stogursey „ Burnall, Elizabeth, Exford ,, Emma, Stogursey „ Gabriel, Lilstoke „ Gartery, widow, Cutcombe „ Gregorie, ffiddington „ Henry, Cutcomb „ Henry, Stogursey ,, Burnall, Henry, Cutcombe „ Henry, Stogursey „ Henry, Stogursey „ Jane, widow, Stogursey „ Jane, Stockland Bristoll „ Burnell, Joan, Hillfarrence „ Burnell, John, ffiddington 63 I 19 1 677758 47 ' 794 28 1 734 73 ' 717 46 1 767 4' ' 778 39 1 793 47* 10 7 682 120 716 1 10 646 53 7" 14* 12 52 693 28 74' 97* 615 45 1704 103 700 39 685 104 697 107 1722 81 1668 95* 1 80 1733 '59 1727 141 1624 64 1799 '33 '727 52 663 49 1707 90 1668 28 [705 34 '738 42 762 70 687 '3* [617 26* 1613 '9 687 40* 6 3i 1798 94 1610 in 1625 94 1674 108 [678 42 1768 144 1628 105* 1614 9 1686 63 1628 99 1631 105 [688 22 '7'4 164 [727 '39 173' 107 1711 40 1752 26 1772 41* 1613 136 Taunton Wills. Burnoll, John, Bridgwater „ John, Stockland Bristowe „ John, Kilue „ John, ffiddington „ John, Aldington „ John, Kilve „ John, Kilton „ John, Kilton „ Burnell, John, Hillfarrence „ Burnall, John, Cutcombe „ Burnall, John, Cutcombe ,, Katherine, Stogursey „ Luce, spinster, Kilve „ Burnold, Margaret, Kilve ah. Culve „ Margaret, Bridgwater „ Mariane, ffiddington „ Mary, Stogursey „ Burnell, Mary, widow, Bridgwater ,, Nicholas, ffiddington „ Burnall, Philip, Cutcombe „ Richard, ffiddington „ Burnold, Richard, Cutcombe „ Richard, Thornefaulcon „ Richard, Kilve „ Burnall, Richard, Luckham „ Burnell, Richard, ye elder, Exford „ Burnell, Richard, Winsford „ Robert, Wembdon „ Robert, Kilton „ Burnall, Roger, Cutcombe ,, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stockland Bristow „ Thomas, ffidington „ Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Walter, Cutcomb „ Burnall, Walter, Cutcombe „ William, Stockland Bristol „ William, Canington „ Burnell, William, Stogursey „ William, Stockland Bristoll „ William, Luckham „ Burnole, William, ffiddington „ William, Stogursey Burrell, Bernard, Thornfaulcon Burridge, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James „ Elizabeth, Creech „ ffrancis, gent., Thornefaulcon „ Francis, Stoke St. Mary „ Burrage, George, Taunton James „ James, Savington Michael „ Jane, widow, Stogursey „ Burredge, John, Stogursey „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Canington „ John, Ruishton „ Mary, spinster, Stoke St. Mary „ William, Taunton James „ William, Taunton St. James 131* 1614 56* 1616 71 1633 51 1662 33 1665 45 1676 61 1683 56 1724 4' 1746 27 1762 26 1771 79 1773 66 1706 8* 11 45. 1626 2 t* 1615 136 1670 17 1730 116* 6 35 1768 122 1628 21 1665 92 1668 70 1681 68 1700 38 1740 1 1 1 '743 144 1707 48 '733 12 1766 21 1706 107 1621 25 1622 43 1666 89 1711 '5 1764 IOI 1624 39 1727 '34 1660 21 1668 109 1672 90 1688 68 1706 58 1728 142 173' '35 1728 121 1716 21 1733 95 1710 41 1791 5 1632 S3 1742 1 10 1678 45 i°34 252* 1638 '9 1700 5' '795 46 1712 57 1698 92 1768 Taunton Wills. 137 Burridge, William, Stoke St. Mary „ als. Mills, Thomas, Radington Burrough, see Burrows. Burrows, Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell „ Burrough, Elizabeth, widow, Staplefitzpaine „ Burrough, George, Taunton Magdalen „ Grace, widow, Ilebrewers „ Burrowe, Joane, widow, Northpeatherton „ Joane, Curry Revell „ Burrow, John, Currie Rivell „ John, Curry Revell „ Burrow, John, Thurlbear „ Burrowes, Marmaduke, Ilebruers „ Mary, widow, Curry Revell „ Burrough, Petronell, widow, Staplefitzpaine „ Burrow, Prudence, Thurlbeere „ Burrough, Richard, Staplefitzpaine „ Burrough, Richard, Bichenhall „ Burrow, Robert, see also Burgh, Robert. „ Burrowe, Thomas, Creeche „ Thomas, Curry Rivell „ Burrow, Thomas, Drayton „ Burroughe, William, Currey Rivell „ Burrow, William, Drayton Bursell, Jeffery, Taunton James „ Susan, widow, Hatchbeachamp „ Thomas, ffiffett Burson, see Buston. Burston, James, Crocombe „ Joan, widow, Clatworthie „ John, Clotworthie „ John, Stogumber „ John, Milverton „ Richard, Crowcombe „ Thomas, Huishchamflower „ William, Crowcombe Burt, Anne, widow, Misterton „ Burte, Christian, widow, Kittisford „ Edward, Wythypoole „ John, Kingston ,, Nicholas, Dunster „ Oades, Bradford „ Robert, Dunster „ Burte, Walter, Staple „ als. Taylford, Dorothy, widow, Staplefitzpaine See also Birte. Burton, Edmond, clerk, Hatchbeachamp and Sutton Montague „ Jane, widow, Broadway „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Stogumber „ Julian, widow, Crocombe „ Robert, Crocombe „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ ah. Martin, Honour, Taunton St. James ' Bush, John, Drayton Bushen, Roger, Porlock BusseU, Benjamin, Pitmister „ Edithe, Ham, parish Bridgewater „ Hannah, widow, Pitmister „ Hugh, Hatchbeacham 67 1789 89 1622 34 1694 65 1732 67 1799 5° 1668 114 1635 10 1673 84 1637 37 1694 52 '797 56 1667 26 1678 78 1 67 1 65 '799 "7 1720 '5 1767 44 1623 23 '739 21 1785 9* 10 40 1764 77 1679 49 1667 56* 1612 16 1748 26 '6.33 76 1626 77 1703 42 1744 18 1778 Si* 1 '5 1797 70 1700 61 1677 "7 1687 50 1631 M 1682 '5 1672 40 1710 49* 1609 78 1693 23 1712 '4 1699 30 1715 73 1767 3' 1710 16 i693 67 1742 76 1776 35 1713 118 1631 3' 1770 53 1610 66 1721 117* 6 1 38 Taunton Wills. BusseU, Hugh, Hatchbechamp „ Robert, . . . de „ Robert, Seaburrow „ Thomas, ffivehead Bussey, Ralph, Bridgwater Buston, James, Milverton „ John, Porlocke „ (or Burson), John, Crocombe ,, Mary, Porlocke „ Ulalia, widow, Stogumber „ William, Exton Butcher, Edward, Milverton „ Elizabeth, widow, Chipstable „ Elizabeth, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ ffrancis, Dinington „ James, sen., Bridgwater „ James, Bridgwater „ Jeremy, Chipstaple „ John, Stogumber „ William, Misterton ,, als. Barter, John, gent., Crewkerne „ Barter als., see Barter ah. Butcher. „ Symons als., see Symons als. Butcher. Butler, Edithe, Swell „ ffrances, widow, Overstowey „ Grace, Dulverton „ Humphry, Dulverton „ John, Taunton Magdalen Butson, John, Bathealton Butt, Anne, widow, Ilebrewers ,, Bartholomew, Taunton James „ Catherine, Taunton James „ Christopher, Curland „ Christopher, Curland „ Dorothie, Swell „ Elinore, Ilbruers ,, Elizabeth, Ilebruers „ Elizabeth, Ilebrewers „ George, Pitmister „ George, Ilebrewers „ Henry, Taunton Magdalene „ John, Swell (fragment) 1650 „ Susanna, Ilebrewers „ William, Ilebruers Buttery. Joane, widow, Crewkerne Buttle als. Bellamy, Jennett, Spaxton Button, Edith, widow, Taunton Byam, Biam, Agnes, widow, Bicknaller „ Lawrence, clerk, Luccomb „ Mary, Luckham Bye, Ursula, Stogumber 1649 Cable, Edward, „ Edward, Wayford „ Florence, widow, Georgehenton „ Joane, Southepetherton ,, Cabbie, Joan, Southpetherton „ John, Lopen „ Leonard, Georgehenton „ Leonard, Henton St. George 54 1662 85* 1 43 1748 38 1676 23 1730 64 1668 1 12 1670 1 8 1696 90 1662 83 1710 45 1710 124 1628 '5 1680 '9 1784 23 1723 12 1698 3° 1720 77 1629 45 '793 63 1696 54 1707 29* 1618 IOI 1717 3' 1762 8 1751 92 1729 5 1771 67 1694 123 1675 73 1646 57* 1613 87 1629 8a 1611 61 1639 123* 1608 55 1667 211* 1610 56 1688 85 1643 12 55 1688 47 1666 130 1632 146 1727 69 12 55 1623 '35* 1614 84 1707 163* 1625 74 1638 1S5 1730 29 i635 161 1635 '37 1660 29 1791 6 1631 53 1706 Taunton Wills. 139 Cable, Cabell, Phillippe, widow, George Henton „ Richard, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Lopon „ Thomas, Curry Rivel „ William, Brimpton and Merriott Cadburie, George, Crewkerne Cadby, Edward, Taunton Magdalen Cade, Agatha, Riston Anthony, Bradford Bridgett, Aishbritle Charles, Stogumber Dorothie, Taunton Magdalen Hercules (Archelaus in Inv.), Riston Isaac, Riston James, Bradford James, sen., Wilton Jane, Durston John, Linge John, Westmonnckton Margarete, Northepetherton Mary, widow, Nynehead Mary, widow, Wilton Mary, Stogumber Nicholas, Aishebritle Roger, Langford Budfeild Simon, Wilton Simon, gent., Wilton Thomas, Langeford Budfeld Tristraham, Langford Budfeld William, Durston William, Linge William, Bradford William, Bradford Cadwallader, Henry, Estquantoxhed Robert, Eastquantoxhed Solomon, Eastquantoxhed Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Calla, Elizabeth, widow, Trull Callen, Jane, Bridgwater „ Solomon, Bridgwater Callow, John, Pitmister Came, Alice, Northpetherton „ Anne, widow, Wembdon „ Catherine, Staplegrove „ Cam, Christopher, Northepetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Pitmister „ Henry, Staplegrove „ Joane, Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater „ John, Wembdon „ John, Northepetherton „ John, Canington „ John, Northpeatherton „ John, Wembdon „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Mary, widow, Corffe „ Mary, spinster, Corfle „ Robert, sen., Wembdon „ Roger, Northpetherton 65 3 59 1684 57 1724 34 — 86 1684 5' 1625 138 1694 87 1674 3 1681 53 1634 59 1775 5'* 1615 127 1660 74 1693 15 1667 65 1774 96* 1638 46* 1609 6 1621 90* 1627 82 1662 13S 1672 70 1737 1* 1624 16* 10 126 1661 102 1729 12* 10 18* 10 37* 1609 27 1641 '4 1661 4 1697 48 1706 46 1724 3' 1729 102 1662 72 1679 8 1798 7 1798 57 1665 27* 10 '47 1724 43 1643 62* 10 43 1682 16* 1640 28 1630 61* 7 1* 10 1* 1609 in 1624 121 1639 123 1713 112 1714 7i 1667 26 1696 24 1714 90 1630 "3 1660 1 40 Taunton Wills. Came, Thomas, Corfe „ William, Wembdon Campion, William, Ileabbott Camplyn, Deborah, Milverton „ John, Bridgwater „ Camplen, John, Otterhampton „ John, Doddington „ Juliane, Stogursey „ Margaret, Kilve „ Marie, Otterhampton „ Camplin, Rebecca, Cothelstone „ Camplin, Rebecca, Cothelstone ,, Camplin, Richard, Cothelstone „ Camplin, Thomas, clerk, Vicar of Kingston „ Camplin, Thomas, Cothelstone „ William, clerk, Vicar of Stogumber Canfield, Abraham, Westmonckton Canicott, Cannecott, Edmund, Staplefitzpaine „ George, Ilebrewers „ Mabel, widow, Bicknell „ Richard, Staple Fitzpaine „ Richard, Ilebrewers „ Cannicott, Robert, Stoke St. Mary Caniford, Elizabeth, Cothelstone „ Canniford, Thomas, Cothelstone „ Canniford, Thomas, Cothelstone Cann, Henry, Chilton „ Cane, Isaac, Bridgwater „ Cane, Jane, widow, Dunster „ Joane, Northepetherton „ John, Drayton „ Peter, Northpetherton „ Peter, Northepetherton „ Can, Richard, Northepetherton „ Richard, gent., Bridgwater „ Cane, Roger, Bridgwater „ Cane, Sarah, Bridgwater „ Cane, Thomas, Dulverton Canworthy, Charles, Shilgate „ Thomasin, widow, Skilgate „ Thomas, Milverton Cape, Agnes, Georgehenton ,, Dorothy, widow, Halse „ Elisha, Creech „ ffaithful, clerk, Halse ,, Radigund, Halse „ Cappe, Robert, Donyatt „ William, Bridgwater Capon, Elizabeth, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Francis, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Chaffcomb „ John, Taunton Magdalen Capron, Agnes, Aishebrittle „ Ann, Taunton St. James „ Christopher, Aishbrittle „ Edward, Milverton „ Edward, Milverton „ Elianor, widow, Milverton „ Joane, widow, Ashbrittle „ John, sen., Aishbrittle 22 1729 174 1670 77 1730 26 1782 1 1627 67 1628 58* 1629 27 161 1 46 1781 83* 1617 23 1781 7 1788 45 1730 60 1716 '7 1787 76 1721 77 1759 76 '744 53 1 69 1 4 1715 9' 1626 68 1678 5° 1779 16 1747 '3 1726 28 1736 iS 1702 6 '759 t* 1711 32 1612 61 1720 72* 6 54 1630 60* 10 1 1 1687 20 1713 7 1792 '9 1756 1 1 1 1675 98 1678 76 1675 7 1631 66 1727 21 '734 7S 1720 69 1626 58 1669 4 '793 117 1704 72 1786 '59 1632 '3' 1683 95* 4 50 1785 2 1670 6S 1714 27 1763 70 1724 1 1696 88* 4 Taunton Wills. 1 4 1 Capron, Nicholas, „ Roger, Stawleigh „ Silvester, Aishebritle „ William, Milverton Card, Edmund, Spaxton „ Carde, Mary, widow, Lynge Carder, Richard, Aishbritle Cardott, Peter, Durston Carelton, ffrances, widow, Northepetherton Carewe, Thomas, ar., Crocombe Carey, Carry, Bartholomew, Spaxton „ Carie, Constantine, Chedsey „ Edmond, Northpetherton „ Cary, John, Bridgwater „ Cary, John, Lyng „ Cary, Nicholas, Bradford „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Carie, Thomazine, Bridgwater Carlile, Christopher, Asholt „ Esther, widow, Spaxton „ Carleile, ffrancis, Wembdon „ Henry, clerk, Spaxton Carnell, Richard, Brushford „ Carnall, Robert, Brushford Carpenter, Agnes, ffiffett „ Alice, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Bradford „ Margaret, widow, Rownington ,, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Rowington „ Robert, Taunton „ Sarah, Bradford „ Thomas, Bradford „ Thomas, Bradford „ William, Goatehurst „ William, Bradford „ William, Bradford „ als. Hawker, John, Curry Mallett Carr, Joane, widow, Thornefaulcon ,, Robert, clerk, Thornefawcon Carse, Arthur, Dulverton Carslake, Margery, widow, Nynehead „ John, Taunton Magdalen Carswell, Alice, .... ington „ Isabell, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Joane, (B)ichnaller „ John, Spaxton „ John, Charlinch „ Karswell, Katherine, (Thor)ne St. Mary „ Margery, widow, Canington ,, Symon, Bichnoller „ Coleman ah., see Coleman als. Carswell. Carter, Joane, Canington „ Joane, widow, Drayton „ John, ffiffett „ John, Drayton „ John, Trull ,, Joseph, Crocombe „ Philipp, ffivehed 56* 2 123 1728 36 1629 "3 1685 98 1713 36 1679 23 1645 15* 8 7' 1631 4'* 5 58 1633 58* 7 52 '744 70 '635 70 1716 5 1747 72 1781 161* 1619 1 •744 78 1729 125 1664 5' 1712 6 1669 2 1675 77 1643 "7 1661 118 1661 11 1722 93 1661 90 1666 37* 1607 4* 1617 9 1736 6 1723 13 1767 5 1628 2 1688 1 1780 '7 1701 "7 1663 4 1644 192 1632 61 1693 93 1696 168* 1638 89 1729 '33* 1619 74 1676 16 1692 3* 1 1 3' 1674 2 1687 9 1628 53 1728 99 1626 36 1724 66 1756 83 1640 63* 1619 142 Taunton Wills. Carter, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Kingestonn ,, Thomas, Enmer „ Ursula, widow, Canington „ William, Enmer „ William, Taunton Magdalen Cartliffe, James, Kingeston Cartwright, John, Holeford „ Thomas, Mynehead Carvaniell, Robert, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Southpetherton Carver, Caruer, Daniel, Chilton „ Hannah, Durleigh „ John, Crickett Thomas „ ah. Hellard, Richard, Northpetherton Carvin, Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen Case, Anne, widow, Dulverton „ Benjamin, Chipstable ,, Henry, Cutcombe ,, Casse, Jane, widow, Dulverton „ Jane, widow, Luxburrow „ John, Seaburrow „ Joseph, Curry Rivell „ Joseph, Curry Rivell „ Laurence, Luxburrowe „ Mary, widow, Cutcombe ,, Thomas, Luxborrowe . Caseley, Jane, widow, Lidiard Lawrence „ Casely, John, Taunton Magdalen Casey, Joan, spinster, Winsford Cassell, John, Wembdon Castlin, Henry, Dowlishwake Caswell, Richard, Crewk'ernV „ Richard, Chafcombe Catford, Edward, Dulverton „ George, Dulverton „ Joan, Duluerton „ John, Dulverton „ Lawrence, Brumpton Regis „ Margery, widow, Northpetherton „ Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Mary, spinster, Dulverton „ Robert, Northepetherton „ Robert, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Brumpton Regis „ William, Stoke St. Mary „ William, Dulverton Cattell, Henry, Swell „ John, Fivehead ,, Cattle, Richard, Drayton „ Cattle, Thomas, Crewkerne Cave, Abraham, Crewkerne „ Agnes, widow, Northpetherton „ Samuel, Stocklinch Ottei'sey Cecill, Ambrose, Crewkerne Ceech, Elliott ah., see Elliott als. Ceech. Ceely, Cely, AUin (?), Stogumber „ Ceeley, Edward, Creech St. Michael ,, Ceely, Robert, Durston „ Cealy, Ursula, Creech See also Sealey, Selly, Silly, Sully, and ZuUy. 125* 1619 107 1620 51* 1608 51 1672 5 1629 21 1643 152* 7 38 1721 90 1728 17* 1615 116 1675 21 i/43 25 1792 23 1706 98 1672 129 1680 41 '7'3 3° 1727 3S 1669 48 1636 71 1694 67 1721 1 1 1763 9 1779 97* 2 18 1719 73 1661 45 1665 59 1787 '93 1730 9' '732 53 1672. 28 1716 29 1727 150 1610 29 '773 65* 9 102* 1638 4 1721 5' 1689 34 1697 3S 1714 28 1625 32 1682 12 '7'3 94 1725 36 1781 92 161 1 48 1724 39 1697 '4 1695 24 1767 '38 1632 5° 1798 n 1752 104 1621 '4 '747 35 '74° 28 1677 Taunton Wills. 143 Chadwick, Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ Chadwicke, Joseph, Dulverton „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Chafe, Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Chafey, Henry, Merriott Chaffin, Samuel, Dunster „ Chafin, William, Mynehead Chalkwaie, Alice, Clapton, parish Crewkerne „ Chalkwaye, John, Crewkerne „ Chaulkway, Clatworthy ah., see Clatworthy als. Chaulkway. Challice, Robert, clerk, Eastquantoxhed Chamberlaine, Chamberlyne, Elizabeth, spinster, Charlynch „ Chamberlain, Elizabeth, Cannington „ John, Langford Budfild „ John, Cannington „ Hill als., see Hill als. Chamberlaine. Chambers, John, Wembdon „ Thomas, Wembdon „ als. Rawnings, Joan, Northpetherton Chance, Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Bridgwater Channell, John, Northpetherton „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Robert, Lyng Channing, Chaning, James, Southpetherton „ John, Wayford ,, John, Charlinch „ Channinge, Richard, Barrington „ Thomas, Barrington Chanter, John, Selworthie Chaplin, Abraham, Taunton Magdalen „ Chaplyn, Agnes, Taunton James „ Elizabeth, Crocombe „ George, Dunster „ James, Stawlie „ Jasper, gent., Taunton Magdalen „ Chaplen, Joane, Brompton Ralph „ Joane, widow, Skilgate ,, Chaplyn, John, Crocomb „ Chaplyn, John, Brompton Ralph „ John, Crocomb ,, Chaplen, John, Brompton Ralphe „ John, Stawleigh „ John, Crocombe „ John, Mynehead „ John, Minehead „ Chaplyn, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Chaplyn, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Stogumber „ Chaplyn, Roger, gent, Taunton James „ Simeon, Tolland ,, William, Treburrow „ als. Harmer, John, Crocombe Chapman, Chepman, Agnes, Luxburrowe ,, Chepman, Agnes, Cutcombe „ Agnes, widow, Milverton „ Alexander, Cutcombe „ Chepman, Alice, Dunster „ Ann, Sheptonbeachamp „ Chepman, Christopher, Mynehead 99 '743 43 1691 178 1727 99 1693 66 1667 59 1730 76 1716 3'* 1609 68* 2 107 1635 62 '63' '3 1792 87 1630 '5 1789 142 1720 '95 1730 13S 1622 118 1677 17 1704 53 1734 48 1701 37 1796 75 '733 105 1746 24 '799 42 1630 3 1670 158 I&35 5' 1790 19* 1618 30 1677 59 1707 58* '638 129 1683 23* 8 21 1641 95* 1610 "7 1611 93 1623 10 1624 94 1662 28 1675 67 1725 5' 1776 103 1662 104 1662 109 1680 84 1628 105 '713 '5' 1684 32 1677 1 10 1610 21 1628 79 1 66 1 56 1633 35 1623 36 1782 '39* 1608 1 44 Taunton Wills. Chapman, Elizabeth, Upton „ George, Minehead „ George, Minehead „ Hannah, Kingstone „ Chepman, Henry, Bridgwater ,, Chepman, Jane, widow, Chilton „ Chepman, Joane, Cutcomb „ Joane, Mynehead ,, Chepman, John, Dunster „ Chepman, John, . . . mb ,, John, Treburrowe „ John, Cutcombe „ John, sen., Cutcomb „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Cutcombe „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Mercy, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Robert, Mynehead „ Roger, Luccomb „ Chepman, Thomas, . . . mister „ Thomas, Upton „ Chepman, Walter, Milverton „ William, Hewishchamflor „ William, Mynehead „ William, Sheptonbeauchamp „ ah. Spark, John, Porlock „ Chepman ah. Sparke, John, Porlock „ als. Sparke, William, Porlock Chappington, Richard, Wembdon Chappie, Chappell, Agnes, Kingston „ Chappell, Agnes, Kingestone „ Agnes, widow, Bridgwater „ Chappell, Anna, Crocombe „ Chappell, Ann, Northpetherton „ David, Michell Creech „ David, Creech „ Chappell, Deanes, widow, Lopenn „ Dorothy, Hillfarrence „ Edith, spinster, Crewkerne „ Chappell, Edward, Misterton „ Chappell, Elizabeth, Creech „ George, Northpetherton „ Chappell, George, Badialton „ Chappell, George, Ilebrewers „ George, Southpetherton „ Chappell, Grace, widow, Heathfield „ Grace, widow, Mynehead „ Chappell, Grace, Minehead „ Chappell, Henry, Dulverton „ Chappell, James, Milverton „ Chappell, James, Heathfeild ,, Chappell, James, Milverton „ James, Dulverton „ James, Staplegrove „ James, Milverton „ Chaple, Jane, widow, Kingstone „ Jane, Northpetherton „ Chappell, Jasper, Staplegrove „ Chappell, Joane, Misterton „ Chappell, Joane, Creeche IOI 1639 44 '744 3' 1790 33 1792 88* 10 5' 1669 68* 1614 148* 1628 43* 3 57* 1608 no* 1616 3' 1664 16 1703 9 '776 26 1781 7 '773 37 1782 63 1703 16 1623 167* 1608 86 1636 55 1620 '37* 1616 67 1690 66 1777 70* 1616 "9 1639 104 1625 108 1635 36* 1 1 129* 1623 '3 '731 27 '73' 54 1747 no 1640 29 1708 13 1632 42 1746 3° 1691 32* 7 75 1643 102 1672 1 1698 '9 1715 63 1761 67 1669 48 1729 45 1778 3' '771 134* 161 1 7i 1707 82 1717 47 1731 29 1745 3' 1766 3° 1635 44 1762 129 1670 7-,* 5 IO 1625 Taunton Wills. 145 Chappie, Joane, widow, Creech „ Joane, widow, Staplegrove „ Chappell, Joan, Minehead „ Chaple, John, Northepetherton „ Chappe(ll ?), John, Loponn „ Chappell, John, Bridgwater „ John, Bishops Hull „ John, Holford „ Chappell, John, Bridgwater „ John, Islebrewers ,, Judith, widow, Creech „ Mary, widow, Crocombe „ Peter, Milverton „ Philip, Creech „ Chappell, Richard, Stawlie „ Chaple, Richard, Northpetherton „ Chappel, Richard, Nortonfitzwarren „ Chappell, Robert, Dunster „ Chappell, Roger, Milverton „ Roger, Stogumber „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Chappell, Thomas, Creech „ Chappell, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Chappell, Thomas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Chappell, William, Michelcreeche „ William, Creech „ Chappell, William, Staplegrove „ Chappell, William, Northpetherton „ Chappell, William, Northpetherton „ Chappell, William, Lyddiard St. Lawrence „ William, Northpetherton „ Chappell, William, Northpetherton „ ah. ffarmer, John, Stawleigh „ als. Hutchings, Elizabeth, widow, Kingston „ Chappell als. Hutchins, George, Kingston „ Chaple als. Hutchens, Marie, Georgehenton „ Chaple als. Hutchens, Roger, Georgehenton „ Chappell, Farmer als., see Farmer als. Chappell. „ Chapell, Hutchins ah., see Hutchins als. Chapell. Chard, Anne, widow, Staplefitzpaine „ Gilbert, Spaxton „ Joan, Pitmister ,, John, Ashbrittle and Burlescombe, co. Devon „ Sarah, spinster, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ William, Bridgwater Chare, Robert, Northpetherton Charles, Robert, sen., Huishchampflower „ Roger, Mynehead „ Thomas, Huishchampflower Charley, Alice, widow, Bridgwater „ Charly, Anthony, Cutcomb ., George, Northpetherton „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Charlye, John, Brompton Regis Chave, George, Curry Mallett „ John, Taunton James „ Reynold, Hilbishops „ Symon, Chipstable „ William, Ashbrittle 32 1676 103 1677 42 1795 "3* 1607 59* 2 '7 1707 n 1769 22 1769 9 1771 35 1778 3' 1681 12 1726 30 1673 '5 1739 43* S 76 1688 29 1782 22* 1632 83* 6 104 1663 129 1663 29 1696 4' 1749 6 175' 57 1767 27* 1614 20 1701 99 1704 104 1707 39 1712 39 '759 42 1775 70 1781 24 1643 49 1666 65 1663 100 1610 26 1610 120 1707 '55 1685 62 '734 1 1726 26 1700 '4 1721 120 1730 43 1703 82 1681 27 1712 28 1707 10 1622 74 1722 '4 1706 205* 1610 36 1727 87 1625 37 1689 29 1667 1 '795 Taunton Wills. Cheade, James, Creech „ Joane, Durston „ John, Northepetherton „ Margerie, Northepetherton „ Nicholas, . . . ington „ Nicholas, Spaxton „ Richard, Canington „ Chead, Robert, sen., Creech „ William, Northpetherton ,, Chead, William, Creech Chebbert, Kitnor als., see Kitnor als. Chebbert. Chedzoy, Chedsie, Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Chedsey, Joane, Stogursey ,, Chedsey, John, Westquantoxhed „ Mark, Taunton James „ Chedsie, Richard, Westquantoxhed „ William, Spaxton Cheek, Agnes, widow, Northepetherton „ Catherine, widow, Northpeatherton ,, Cheeke, Dorothy, Northpetherton „ George, Northpetherton „ Cheeke, Edward, Northpetherton „ Cheeke, Edward, Northpetherton „ Henry, sen., gent.. Northpetherton „ Cheeke, Richard, Barrington 1647 ,, Cheecke, Symon, Northepeatherton „ Cheeke, Thomas, Crewkerne ., Cheeke, Thomazine, Taunton Magdalen „ Cheeke, Trapnell ah., see Trapnell als. Cheeke. Cheeswright, Edward, clerk, Norton Fitzwarren Chepman, see Chapman. Chester, Andrea, Stokegursey „ Andree, Stokegursey „ Andrew, Chedzoy „ Dorothy, Otterhampton „ James, Otterhampton „ Joane, „ John, Eastquantoxhead „ John, Kilton „ Marie, (? Stog)ursey „ Mary, widow, Kilton „ Mary, widow, Dunster „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Samuel, Eastquantoxhed „ Samuel, gent., Kilton „ Sarah, Monksilver „ Thomas, ffidington „ William, Kilton „ William, Kilton Chesterdon, John, Hilfarrence Cheswell, Thomas, Pitmister Chibbett, Kitnor ah., see Kitnor als. Chibbett. Chibbott, Sarah, Porlock Chick, Christofer, Ilebruers ,, Chicke, George, Northpetherton „ Hugh, Kingstone „ Joan, widow, Barrington ,, Joane, widow, Ilbrewers lD48 „ John, Ileabbotts „ John, Bridgwater ZL 28 1708 160* 1628 "5 1625 163* 1610 '53* 1607 7* 1638 52 1626 54 '636 77 1663 16 '739 32 1631 8 i°33 64* 7 '°3 '733 23 1624 57 1789 37* 1618 83 1637 79* 1688 61 1736 66 1666 45 1695 34 1630 55 12 60 1638 84 1636 39 1645 86 1626 38* 2 91* 3 26 1671 63 1767 115* 1618 52* 1607 26* 1644 59 1667 ¦3* 1619 46 1699 20 1723 21 1707 45 1724 42 1729 42 1780 66* 6 159* 1628 69 1670 55 1663 "5 1728 54 '792 116* 1638 78 1674 4i 1767 85 1637 36 12 97* 6 Taunt 071 Wills. 147 Chick (or Cheek), John, Ilebrewers „ Marie, Abbott He ,, Chicke, Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Chicke, Nicholas, Bridgwater „ Robert, Ilebruers „ Samuel, Hinton St. George „ Chicke, Thomas, Crewkerne „ Chicke, Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Northpetherton Chilchot, Elizabeth, Dulverton Chilcott, Agnes, Lydiard Lawrence „ Agnes, (Mi)lverton „ Christian, Creech St. Michael „ David, Brumpton Ralph „ Edithe, Lidiard Laurence „ Elinor, Moncksilver „ Elinor, Milverton „ Elinor, widow, Heathfield „ Elizabeth, spinster, Brumpton Ralph „ Elizabeth, widow, Cothelstone „ Elizabeth, Brompton Ralph „ Francis, Hilbusshoppes „ George, Stogumber „ George, Liddeard Lawrence „ George, Sampford Brett „ Giles, Canington „ Honor, Upton „ Isott, widow, Dulverton „ Jane, Eastquantoxhead „ Joane, Monncksilver „ Joan, Elworthy „ Joan, Westmonkton „ John, ,, John, Dulverton „ John, sen., Bicknaller „ John, Milverton „ John, Bicknaller „ John, sen., Lawrence Lidiard „ John, Plie, parish Lidiard Lawrence „ John, Lawrence Lidiard „ John, Kingesbrompton „ John, Dulverton ,, Chilcoatt, John, sen., Hilbushoppes „ John, Moncksilver „ John, Liddiard Lawrence „ John, Monnksilver „ John, Brumpton Ralph „ Chilcot, John, Sampford Brett „ John, Eastquantoxhed „ John, Dulverton „ John, Tolland „ John, Wilton „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Richard, Hilbushopps „ Richard, Hilbushoppes „ Richard, Liddiard St. Lawrence „ Richard, Liddiard Laurence „ Richard, Liddiard Lawrence „ Richard, Cutcombe 78 1730 87 1628 103 1707 13 1663 67 1611 14 1770 84* 1636 56 1696 35 '794 32 1637 j3 1607 132* 1619 '9 1762 1 '757 S3 1630 104 '635 196 1638 56 1662 9 I7'3 10 1718 8 1797 77 1623 "5 1637 33 1726 65 '777 47 161 1 58 1754 3° 1709 22 1748 43 1620 40 1742 56 '785 59* 3 44* 8 88 1610 62* 1614 4'* 1615 118* 1618 1 19* 1618 '37 1624 2 1625 171* 1628 26 1636 58 1643 57 1674 104 1685 6 1714 79 1740 31 '744 25 1761 7' 1775 79 1780 65 '795 25 '797 94* 3 17* 1609 18 1643 65 1677 26 1705 4' 1727 148 Taunton Wills. Chilcott, Richard, Creech St. Michael „ Richard, Westmonkton „ Robert, Bruishford „ Robert, Dulverton „ Robert, Elworthy „ Chillcott, Robert, Bricknoller „ Roger, Dulverton ,, Thomas, Cutcomb „ Thomas, Heathefield „ Thomas, Stawleigh „ Thomas, Dunster „ Thomas, Elworthy ,, William, Chipstable „ William, Dulverton „ William, Stogumber „ WiUiam, Lidiard Lawrence „ Chillcott, William, (M)ilverton „ William, Lydiard Lawrence ,, William, Milverton „ William, Stogumber Childs, George, Hatchbeachamp „ Child, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Chilpar als. Aloin, Christiane, Pitmister „ Chilper als. AUin, William, Pytmister Chilpathe, Thomas, Pitmister „ Chilpath als. Alinn, Richard, Pitmister Chinn, Ann, Bridgwater „ Arthur, Bridgwater „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Sarah, Bridgwater „ Chin, Thomas, Chedzoy ,, Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Wembdon Chipper, John, Kingstone „ John, Kingstone „ Robert, Kingstone Chislett, Elinore, Merriett „ ffortuna, widow, Merriott 1647 „ John, Merriett „ Laurence, Taunton James „ Robert, Merriett ,, Robert, Crewkerne ,, Thomas, Merriett Chliplyn, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Chlippell, Thomas, Cholchard, Richard, Pitmister Chollocombe, Andrew, Withepoole ,, David, Withepoole „ Chollocomb, Henry, Withiepoole Chookley, see Cookley. Chorley, Aaron, Badialton „ Ann, Bathealton „ Arminell (Anamanell), Milverton „ George, Milverton „ James, Milverton „ Chorly, John, Bridgwater „ John, Kittisford „ John, Milverton „ Margaret, widow, Milverton 20 1746 77 1780 23 1640 63 1672 32 1709 2 1750 29 1693 12 1623 22 1626 86 1667 46 1708 26 1777 44* id 45* 1609 20 1623 63 1624 78 1638 86 1660 89 1681 84 1781 34 '774 107 1664 44 1624 33* 10 92* 5 11* 6 8 '793 '3 1786 8 1786 16 1729 '7 '739 5 1789 23 1707 '33 1722 54 1691 80 1707 56 1713 24* 7 5 12 46* 3 1 12 1674 48 1626 47 1694 109 1660 IOI* 1607 48* 1 20* 1645 IOI 1630 90 1625 4 1626 '4 1740 10 1781 59 1725 43 '744 50 ^777 99* 1641 52 1690 34 1752 to8 '73° Taunton Wills. 149 Chorley, Mary, Taunton St. James „ Mathias, Milverton „ Moses, Milverton „ Moses, Sampford Arundel „ Richard, Badialton „ Richard, Taunton St. James ,, Susanna, Milverton ,, WiUiam, Ninehead Christophers, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Christopher, Donell als., see Donell als. Christopher. Chubb, Alice, Misterton „ Christian, widow, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, spinster, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, Misterton „ James, Bridgwater „ James, jun., Bridgwater „ John, Misterton „ Julian, widow, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne Chubbery, Hill ah., see Hill als. Chubbery. Chubworth, Hill ah., see Hill als. Chubworth. Chuchey, Anne, widow, Wootten Courtney Chudleigh, James, Taunton Magdalen Churchill, Bartholomew, Kingstone „ Charity, widow, Kingstone „ Henry, Orchard „ John, Northepetherton „ John, Crewkerne „ Nicholas, Stogumber „ Richard, Orchard „ Sampson, Crewkerne „ Simon, Northpetherton „ Susanna^widow, Orchard „ William, Buckland Marie Churley, Gawen, Badialton „ George, Milverton „ Henry, Milverton „ Henry, Milverton ,, Hester, widow, Milverton „ Joane, Stawlie „ John, Badialton „ John, Badialton „ Nicholas, Milverton „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Badialton Chute, Christiane, widow, ffiddington „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Richard, Wembdon „ Robert, . . . water Clace, see Clase. Clanwethey, Thomas, Norton Clapp, John, Bridgwater Clare, Sarah, Crewkerne Clarke, Agnes, Lilstoke „ Agnes, Shepton Beacham ,, Andrew, Crewkerne „ Anne, spinster, Northpetherton 82 1767 46 1765 40 1775 55 1786 22 1645 94 1742 69 1714 62 1767 '3 1666 18 1717 137* 1607 34 1684 33 1691 65 1746 4 1772 5 1785 56 1740 36 1674 56 161 1 60 1634 32 1678 73 1689 in 1664 73 1728 44 '733 9' 1675 15* 1614 21 1787 126 1707 79 1714 n 1792 158 1628 99 1683 77* 4 1 1712 82 1678 162 1628 37 1698 64 1664 148* 7 37* 2 16 1661 72 1688 '7 1727 16* 1644 20 1629 17 1670 '5* 1 94* 1615 117* 1623 11 1674 34 1717 10 1621 107 1624 29 1677 55 1689 1 50 Taunton Wills. Clarke, Anne, widow, Southpetherton „ Clement, Crewkerne ,, Clark, Dionisia, Crewkerne „ Edmond, Southpetherton „ Edward, Minehead „ ffrancis, Netlecombe „ George, Mynehead ,, Clark, Giles, Seaburrowe „ Hannah, widow, Kingston - „ Clark, Hugh, Cannington ,, Isaac, Selworthy „ Clark, James, ar., Norton „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ Joane, widow, Kingstonn „ Joane, spinster, Brumpton Regis „ Joane, Taunton Magdalen „ Clark, John, Crewkerne ,, John, Chedsey „ John, sen., Southepetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Lidiard Lawrence „ John, Southpetherton „ Clark, John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ Clark, John, Stogursey „ John, Selworthy „ Clerke, Laurence, Lilstoke „ Clark, Luce, Netlecomb „ Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Clark, Mary, Seaburrowe „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Mary, Canington „ Pasche, ffivehead „ Clerk, Richard, . . . ygton „ Richard, Cannington „ Richard, Cannington „ Robert, ar., Wembdon „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Samuel, clerk, Rector of Tolland „ Clark, Susannah, Minehead „ Thomas, Eangford, Budfild „ Thomas, Chedsey „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Clark, William, Donyett „ William, Stockland, Bristoll „ William, Ashbrittle „ William, Dulverton „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, the elder, Cannington „ Clark, William, ffiddington „ William, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Clerk als. ffrewe, John, Seaburrow „ als. Harper, John, Wythycombe „ Clark als. Harper, Laurence, Netlecomb „ als Jewell, John, Langford Budvell „ als. Pasky, Mary, ffivehead „ Luke als. see Luke als. Clarke. Clase, Clace, ffrancis, Stogursey j,0 7 0 91 1710 13 1679 149* 1619 35 1637 43 1778 27 1629 55 1699 3* 1616 5S 1708 '4 1762 45 '794 68* 1612 12 1633 160 1635 12 1724 53 1741 60* 5 100 1620 55 1 62 1 86 1668 23 1636 10S 1706 74 '733 52 1754 57 1786 69 1786 5' 1796 78* 1615 89* 1608 96 1696 124* 1607 32 1663 '4 1716 21 1717 48 1668 79* 1 '4 '759 9 1766 123 1661 S5 1668 i°3 1714 58 1764 26 1630 25 1661 4 1688 55* 9 '37 1684 4 1713 49 1717 88 '739 23 '747 30 1767 12 1797 64* 3 '33 1663 '55 1608 61 1697 37 1676 Taunton Wills. i 5 1 Clase, Robert, Northpetherton „ William, Kilve Clatsom, see Clutsom. Clatworthy, Grace, Winsford „ Isatt, Winsford „ Joane, widow, Winsford „ Clotworthie, John, Cutcombe „ John, Winsford „ John, Langford Budvill „ John, Porlock „ Lawrence, Porlock „ Marmaduke, Bradford „ Mellice, Winsford „ Richard, Winsford „ Richard, Cutcombe „ Robert, Winsford „ Robert, Winsford „ Clatworthie, Rose, Exford „ Simon, Langford Budvill ,, Thomas, Winsford „ Thomas, Luckham „ Walter, Langford Budvill „ William, Kingsbrompton ,, William, Northpetherton „ als. Chaulkway, James, Taunton Magdalen Clause, Edward, ffiffhead Clavelshaie, Elizabeth, Donyett „ Clavelshay, George, Donyat ,, Robert, Donyett Cleeves, John, Bridgwater ,, Susannah, Northpetherton Clement, Anne, widow, Selworthy „ Clements, Anne, widow, Dunster „ Avis, widow, Northpetherton „ Charles, Bridgwater „ Elianor, widow, Kingston „ Hugh, Taunton „ Joane, Withicombe „ Joane, widow, Bradford „ John, Porlocke „ John, Selworthy „ John, Kingston „ John, Hilbishopps „ John, Dunster „ Lawrence, Bradford „ Leonard, Northpetherton „ Marie, widow, Doddington „ Simon, Milverton „ Susanna, widow, Kingston „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Clements, Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Kingston ,, Smith als., see Smith ah. Clement. Clerk, see Clark. Cleto, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Cletor, John, Taunton Magdalen Cleye, Elizabeth, Draiton Clift, Elizabeth, sen., widow, Ashbrittle „ Elizabeth, jun., spinster, Ashbrittle Clinch, Mary, widow, Southpetherton 81 1662 34 1762 97 1768 80 1784 121 1700 78* 1619 108 1666 90 1730 33 '757 42 '772 5 1676 '37 1663 "9 1687 •4 1776 84 '737 16 1760 92 1632 77 1728 S7 1665 94 1685 43 1723 32 1787 33 1797 '49 173' 76 1624 116* 1628 27 1729 l57* 1609 146 1624 64 1784 105 1700 41 1663 37 1682 10 1750 53 1664 86* 1639 146* 1631 3 1688 72* 3 16 1622 198* 1622 29 1686 20 1695 12 1670 7 1629 115* 1628 5' '777 48 1699 SS 1764 6 1785 48 1666 89 1620 39* 1618 40 1623 3 1690 4 1690 S3 1666 152 Taunton IFills. Clitsome, see Clutsome. Cload, John, Whitstanton Close, George, Dunster Clothier, Abraham, Minehead Clotworthy, see Clatworthy. Clouds, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater Clough, Elizabeth, widow, Brumpton Regis „ John, Brumpton Regis Clowter, Anne, Wootten Courtney „ David, Bradford „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ James, Elworthy ,, Clouter, Joane, Westmonckton „ John, Westmonckton „ John, Stogursey ,, John, Nynehead „ John, Nynehead „ Richard, Westmonckton „ Ursula, Bridgwater Clutsome, Clitsome, Ann, Wilton „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey ,, Clutsom, George, Stogursey „ Clitsome, Honour, Wilton „ Clutsom, Joan, Bridgwater ,, John, Canington „ Clutsom, John, Bridgwater „ Clitsome, John, Doddington „ Clutsom, Richard, Stogursey „ Clitsome, Robert, Wilton „ Clutsam, Thomas, . . . ford „ Clatsom, Thomas, Doddington „ Clutsham, Walter, Stogursey „ Clutsam, William, Strengeston „ Clutsham, William, Stogursey Clutterbuck, John, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater Coales, George, Donyett „ Henry, . . . ton „ Coale, Joan, widow, Northpetherton „ Richard, Lillstocke Coape, Elizabeth, widow, Henton St. George Coarding, William, Hillfarrence Coate, Abel, Northpetherton „ Ann, Northpetherton „ Christopher, Drayton ,, Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, spinster, Curry Revell „ Henry, Curry Revell „ John, Drayton „ John, Curry Revell „ Marmaduke, Currey Rivell ,, Marmaduke, Drayton „ Marmaduke, Curry Revell „ Marmaduke, Northpetherton „ Marie, widow, Currie Rivell „ Mary, widow, Ileabbotts ,, Philip, Ileabbott „ Thomas, Nor hpetherton ,, Thomas, Curry Rivell „ Thomas, Northpetherton 136* 1608 45 1711 54 1755 2 1732 4 1722 8 1681 "9 1664 39 1637 94 1708 5o 1670 126* 1607 29 1611 10S 1667 81 1675 59 1676 65 1631 "3 1626 55 1752 96 1714 79 '733 73 1778 4 1781 34 1704 7 1756 22 1765 160 1730 77 1776 84* 1 63* 1610 82* 1627 38* 7 73 1676 5 1743 20 1724 85* 1612 167* 1638 4' '633 126 1637 Si 1680 24 '735 45 1792 35 1779 82 1636 90 1669 32 '7'3 34 1663 160 1621 23 1692 12 1624 4i 1642 37 1687 100 1728 36 1631 57 1683 7i 1727 4 1628 18 '734 28 1770 Taunton Wills. 153 Coate, Walter, Northpetherton 67 1703 „ William, Northepetherton 131* 1610 „ William, Curry Revell 34 1716 „ William, Drayton 40 1781 „ als. Nethercott, Robert, Bridgwater 53 1633 Cobley, Richard, Mynehead 57 1666 „ Thomas, Mynehead 67 1667 „ Vanter ah., see Vanter als. Cobley. Cocke, William, sen., Cannington 93 1637 See also Cooke. Cockett, Jane, widow, Northpetherton 80 1697 „ Richard, Bridgwater 99* 1614 „ Robert, jun., Northpetherton 79 1687 „ Robert, sen., Northpetherton 80 1687 Cocklinge, John, Overstowie '38 1624 Cockram, Cockeram, Anthony, Dulverton 12 1628 „ AphoriUa (or AvariUa), spinster, Taunton Magdalen 87 1703 „ Charity, Dulverton 26 1624 „ Cockeram, Christian, Aishebrittle 152* 161 1 „ Cicilia, Kittisford 62 1622 „ Elizabeth, widow, Dulverton 125 1635 „ John, Kittisford 40 1665 „ Margaret, widow, Hawkeridge 57 1687 „ Mary, spinster, Taunton Magdalen 116 1690 „ Cockrom, Michael, Mynehed 54 1628 „ Cockeram, Richard, Moorebath 11* 11 „ Cockeram, Richard, Exford 3' 1625 „ Richard, Hawkeridge 79 1685 „ Cockeram, Robert, Dulverton 65 1620 Codin, Silvester, Winsford 172* 1610 „ Codinge, James, Dunster 62* 7 Codrington, Bridgett, Bridgwater 5 1741 „ Richard, Bridgwater 1 1738 Coffin, Coffyn, Alice, widow, Selworthie 76 1637 „ Gregory, Stokegumber 105 1611 „ Henry, Dunster 94 1624 „ Mary, Dunster '9 1782 „ Robert, Wootten Courtney '34 1690 „ Thomas, Taunton James 26 1623 „ Walter, Selworthy 5S 1679 „ Walter, gent., Selworthy 106 1725 Cogan, Coggan, Agnes, 86 1641 „ Anne, widow, Chipstable 23 1666 „ Edward, Chedsey 16* 1618 „ Edward, Chedzoy '3 1662 » Coggan, Edward, Durston '3 '745 „ Henry, Taunton 67* 1612 „ John, Kingston 68 1684 „ John, Kingston 25 1766 „ Coggan, Richard, Bridgwater 8 1688 „ Thomas, gent., Trull 141 1724 „ Thomas, Kingston 24 1782 „ Thomas, Kingston 28 1790 „ Thomazine, Chedsey "3* 1618 „ Thomazine, widow, Trull "3 1697 „ Coggan, William, Trull 120 1663 „ William, Wilton 58 '793 Colbert, Abigal, Hinton St. George 21* 1766 „ Colberd, Allen, Southepetherton 75* 1615 „ Colberd, Andrew, Southpetherton 98* 4 154 Taunton l-Fills. Colbert, Andrew, Lopen „ Colberd, Bridgitt, widow, Southpetherton „ Colberlt, Catherine, widow, Southpetherton „ Christopher, Southpetherton „ Colberd, Edith, widow, Southepetherton „ Eleanor, Crewkerne „ Colebert, Elizabeth, widow, Southpetherton ,, Colberd, John, sen., Northpetherton „ Colburd, John, Southepetherton „ John, Southpeatherton ,, John, Southpetherton ,, Colberd, John, Southpetherton „ Colberd, John, Southpetherton „ John, Kingstone „ Coleberd, John, Southpetherton „ Colbertt, Margarett, Southepetherton „ Thomas, Southpetherton „ Colberd, Thomas, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Hinton St. George „ William, Southpetherton Colby, Jane, widow, Liddiard Lawrence Cole, Agnes, Northpetherton „ Alice, Est Rownington „ Anstice, Kingston „ Christian, Spaxton „ Christian, Kingston „ Dunstan, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, widow, Norton Fitzwarren ,, Elizabeth, widow, Kingston „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ George, Northpetherton „ George, Stogursey „ Grace, spinster, Kingston „ Henry, Kilton „ Henry, Dunster „ Henry, Spaxton „ James, clerk, Bradford „ Jerome, Stringstone „ Joane, Charlench „ Joane, Kingston „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Joan, Bridgwater „ John, Brusheford „ John, Uptonn „ John, Cothelstone ,, John, Kingston „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Withyelflorey ,, Julian, Northpetherton „ Lawrence, Norton „ Marie, widow, Spaxton „ Mary, widow, ffiddington „ Mary, Kingston „ Philip, Canington „ Robert, Kingeston „ Robert, Curland ,, Robert, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Doddington „ Thomas, gent., Kingston 149 1640 56 1686 28 1640 68 1679 117 1635 36 1742 79 1729 5'* 1607 82 1610 8* 1646 96 1674 70 1676 "3 1724 36 1734 61 1792 18* 1619 1 12 1672 60 1684 22* 1766 42 1622 65 1724 60 1671 11* 10 49 1740 62 i°34 25 1752 95* 1614 191 1640 63 1675 '9 1799 So 1662 '33 1670 90 1633 7* 5 4' 1688 92 1690 124* '635 95 1688 53* 3 52 1664 '39 1724 12 1750 10 1611 19* 1616 89 1631 55 1696 2 1764 35 1766 95 1781 81 1663 73 1633 59 1640 50 1662 47 1746 39 1720 12* 1618 24 1646 6 1750 34 1680 76 1728 Taunton Wills. 155 Cole, William, Cannington „ William, Northpetherton Colefoxe, Agnes, Bridgwater Coleman, Colman, Agnes, Seavington Michell „ Bridgett, spinster, Bridgwater „ Catherine, widow, Dulverton „ Edward, Sampford Arrundell „ Elianor, widow, Bridgwater ,, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, spinster, Hilbishops „ Frances, Milverton „ Joane, Ashbrittle „ Joan, Bickenhall „ Colman, John, Bicknell ,, Colman, John, sen., Hatchebecham „ John, Milverton „ John, Pitmister „ Colman, John, Corfe „ Mary, Taunton St. James „ Matthew, Bridgwater „ Richard, Hilbishops „ Richard, Bickenhall „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Carswell, Joan, Aishebritle „ als. Stallenge, William, Radington Coles, Agnes, Pitmister „ Ann, Withyell „ Athelwin, Cannington „ Dennis, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Canington „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Wembdon „ Edward, Bridgwater „ Edward, Spaxton „ ffrancis, Cothelstone „ George, Bridgwater „ Giles, Lilstocke „ Giles, Goathurst „ Henry, Cannington „ Hugh, Kingeston „ Hugh, Crocombe „ Colles, Humphry, Orchard „ James, Cannington „ Joane, Pitmister „ John, Currey Rivell „ John, Otterhampton „ John, Curry Mallett „ John, Stogursey „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Dulverton „ Jonas, Canington „ Jonas, Canington „ Jonas, Cannington „ Jonas, Wembdon „ Lewis, Kingston „ Margery, widow, Lilstocke ,, Mary, widow, Curry Revell „ Nathaniel, Stogursey „ Colles, Robert, Wembdon „ Robert, Wembdon 20 1633 150 1640 167 1640 5* 1618 '5 1724 38 '683 103 1669 16 1724 '39 1694 42 1699 53 1781 1 1685 4 1774 64* 4 106* 1619 55 1729 29 1758 23 1789 64 1787 3 '793 61 1670 18 1755 '3 1707 18 1624 7 1623 29 1770 57 1793 16 '744 126 1663 17 1688 104 1708 59 1738 8 '743 61 1761 14 1726 9 1663 23 1682 52 1684 16 1754 27* 6 '5 '734 70 1693 15 1796 212* 1610 57* 9 9 1620 23 1671 106 1716 24 1727 12 1758 3' 1708 33 '7'9 16 1790 60 1790 24 1794 72 1684 45 1685 42 179' 47 1610 122 1678 156 Taunton Wills. Coles, Robert, Chedzoy „ Sarah, Cannington „ Silvester, Stogursey „ Stephen, Pitmister „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Westbagborough ,, William, Stogursey „ als. Lantrowe, William, Enmer Colford, Edward, Enmore „ Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ William, Stogursey Collard, Betty, Taunton Magdalen „ Deborah, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren „ Collerd, Edward, Lidiard Lawrence „ Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, widow, Overstowey „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen. (See 1797. „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Hugh, Taunton St. James „ Collerd, John, Spaxton „ Collerd, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Marie, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Hilbishopps „ Mary, Spaxton „ Mary, Taunton St. James „ Mary, Enmore „ Mary, Bradford „ Mary, Northpetherton „ Nicholas, Buckland St. Mary „ Peter, Dulverton „ Rebecca, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Collerd, Richard, Netlecombe „ Richard, Taunton James „ Samuel, Ninehead „ Thomas, rector of Wythycombe „ Tristram, Pitmister „ Collerd, Walter, Spaxton „ William, Bradford „ als. Shalder, Nicholas, Nortonfitzwarren „ ah. Shouler, Peter, Westmonnkton „ Shaulder ah., see Shaulder als. Collard. „ Sholer als., see Sholer als. Collard. Collect, Anthony, Northepetherton „ Colleck, Joane, Creech „ Joane, Northpetherton „ John, Northepetherton „ Collick, John, Cheddon ffitzpaine „ Colleck, William, Purland „ als. Ambrose, Joane, Northpeatherton Collier, Amos, Ileabbotts „ Christopher, Beer Crocombe „ Henry, Westquantoxhed „ Joane, widow, Curry MaUett „ John, Curry Mallett „ John, Curry Mallett „ Mary widow, Curry Mallett „ Phillip, Canington „ Phillip, Ileabbott „ Richard, Currie Mallet „ Robert, Badialton 21 1750 14 1785 74 1719 33 1763 S3 1720 67 1796 63 1626 72 1660 47 1691 127 1707 86* 5 67 1792 94 1707 53* 1639 73 1721 55 1723 — 1779 49 '797 70 1799 62* 1 40* 1609 '4 i°43 5° 1674 '53 1730 52 1752 33 1771 9 1789 33 1791 22 1764 56 1694 109 1687 62* 1623 175* 1730 32 1782 '3' 1690 SS 1662 92 1633 n 1781 77 1677 S3 1679 79* 10 85* 2 1 10 1611 75 1610 27 1750 16* 9 9 1638 3° 1 701 3 1663 S5 1620 39 1716 20 1687 20 1736 42 1685 40 1675 4' 1707 '4 1662 93* 2 Taunton Wills. 157 Collier, Thomas, Currie Mallett „ William, Curry Mallett „ WiUiam, Broadway Collins, Alice, Sheptonbeachamp „ Collings, Ebbott, Wythycomb „ Collyns, Edithe, Northpetherton „ Collyns, Edward, Bradford „ Elizabeth, Langford Budville „ ffrancis, Buckland St. Mary „ Grace, Ileabbott „ Collyns, Henry, Michelcreech „ Henry, Westmonnkton „ Henry, Creech „ Henry, Creech „ Hugh, Buckland St. Mary „ Collyns, Humphry, Ileabbotts „ Jane, Bridgwater „ Colhngs, Joan, Minehead „ Collyns, John, Sowthpetherton „ John, Northpetherton ,. John, Creech „ John, Mynehead „ John, Ileabbotts „ John, Sheptonbeacham „ Jonathan, Taunton Magdalen „ Marie, Pitmister „ Collings, Richard, Linge „ Robert, Mynehead „ Collin, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Collyns, Samuel, Staple „ Collyns, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bradford „ Thomas, Crickett Malherby „ Collyns, Walter, Bradford „ Collens, William, Buckland St. Mary „ Collyns, Tailor ah., see Tailor als. Collyns. Collyford, fflorence, Oake Colmer, Edmund, Hatchbeacham „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Colmerd, Thomas, Hilfarrants Cololye als. Vanter, John, . . . ynehed Colscott, Richard, Westmonckton Colthurst, Robert, gent., Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton Colwell, George, Otterhampton Combe, Coombe, Anne, Crewkerne „ Catherine, Curland „ Catherine, widow, Pitmister „ Edward, Stogumber „ Coombe, Edward, Northpetherton „ Elias, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, widow, Riston „ Elizabeth, widow, Otterford „ Goweng, Northpetherton „ Coombes, Guy, Donyatt „ Humphry, Milverton „ James, Otterford „ Coombe, Jeremiah, Buckland Mary „ Joane, widow, Buckland Marie 17 1703 46 1672 14 1784 79 1746 11 1 1662 191* 1607 57 1626 42 1776 8 '732 95 1638 61* 1618 141 '663 37 1672 23 1714 7 1664 23* 5 5 1788 39 1792 26* 8 79* 1623 4* 1641 93 1672 46 1693 125 1694 47 1758 23 1625 37* 7 72 1700 "3 1704 5 1787 63* 1629 5 1625 6 1668 '4 1697 83* 3 1 1 1756 34 1610 62* 1617 85 '724 126* 7 49* 1617 i* 1623 28 1715 30 1782 22 1640 '9 1737 60* 1610 104 1681 41 1623 58 1773 3° 1717 99 1697 70 1703 103 1670 '9 1769 99 1635 74 1696 21 1685 '3* 7 158 Taunton Wills. 1648 Combe, Comb, Joane, Otterford „ John, Whitstanton „ John, Buckland Marie ,, Coombe, John, Shoarditch, parish of Taunton „ Coombe, John, Crewkerne „ Comb, John, Northepetherton „ Comb, John, Donyett „ John, Kingston „ John, Buckland St. Mary „ John, Taunton St. James „ Coombe, John, Crewkerne „ Coombe, John, Northpetherton „ Margaret, Corfe „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Coombe, Mathew, Taunton St. James ,, Peter, Otterford „ Robert, Corfe „ Comb, Robert, Corfe ,, Comb, Robert, Corfe ,, Robert, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Whitstanton „ Coomb, Robert, Northpetherton „ Coombes, Robert, Taunton St. James ,, Susanna, widow, Pitmister „ Comb, Thomas, Kingestonn „ Thomas, (? Pit)mister „ Thomas, Lyng „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Pitmister ,, Coome, William, Kingston „ William, Taunton James ,, Coombe, William, Charlinch „ als. Batten, Robert, Whitstanton „ Coombe als. Batten, Sarah, spinster, Whitstanton Combstock, Mary, widow, Currie Revell „ Combstocke, John, Curry Revell „ John, Curry Rivell „ Martha, Curry Rivell ,, Robert, Curri Rivell „ Combstocke, Robert, Curry Revell Comens, Commens, Alexander, Huishchampflower „ Joane, widow, Huishchampflower „ Comyn, John, sen., Dulverton ,, Commens, Laurence, Hawkeridge „ Comins, Robert, Huishchampflower „ Comming, Thomas, Mynehead „ Thomas, Huishchampflower „ William, Duluerton Comer, Agnes, Clotworthie „ Alexander, Culve „ Chrispian, Winsforde „ Elizabeth, Clothworthie „ Elizabeth, ffitzhead „ George, Halse „ George, Halse „ Jane, Fitzhead ,, Jane, Milverton „ Joane, Winseford „ Joane, widow, Culve 168* 1610 66* 2 107* 2 20 12 50* 1616 17 1628 77 1633 28 1679 16 '713 53 1752 '9 '775 34 1785 2 1626 '59 1684 81 1773 17 1638 49* 1615 86 1630 1 12 1630 68 1666 '4' 1720 53 '773 5' 1797 88 1706 63* 1609 1* 1615 5' 1666 63 1699 S2 1724 74 1702 11* 3 5' 1626 11 1782 198 1730 197 '73° 4i 1661 18 1709 47 173° 21 1798 33 1635 '7 1709 55 1697 63 1717 22* 3 150* 1611 29 1783 44 1632 64 1694 8 1642 69* 4 7* 1642 12* 8 14* 5 23* 1748 64 1684 25 1686 20* '757 38 1762 129* 1630 47 1642 Taunton Wills. 159 Comer, John, Winsford „ John, Oake „ John, Sanford Brett „ John, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Halse „ John, sen., Kingston „ John, Milverton „ John, Crocombe „ John, Hillfarrence „ John, Kingston „ Margaret, Milverton „ Mary, widow, Halse „ Mary, widow, Milverton „ Nicholas, Milverton (fragment) 1650 — „ Nicholas, clerk, Langford Budville „ Nicholas, Withypoole „ Philip, Northpetherton „ Rebecca, Hullbishops „ Richard, Bicknoller „ Robert, Halse „ Sarah, Crowcombe „ Sarah, Milverton „ Thomas, Clotworthie ,, Thomas, Halse „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Milverton „ William, Winsford „ Phelpes ah., see Phelpes als. Comer. Conde, Thomas, Chipstaple Conibeer, George, Monnksilver „ Conibeere, George, Sampford Brett „ Conibeere, George, Coombflorey „ Jane, Westquantoxhead „ Conebeere, John, Luccombe „ Connibeare, John, Westquantoxhed „ Joseph, Bicknoller „ Conibeere, Margery, widow, Moncksilver „ Conibeere, Michael, Westquantoxhed „ Michael, Westquantoxhed „ Conibeere, Michael, Westquantoxhed „ Richard, Westquantoxhed „ Conibeere, Robert, Moncksilver See also Cunnibeare. Conier, Elizabeth, Clotworthie Conkeslie, Hugh, Oare Conniett, Marie, Sheptonbeacham Constable, Joane, Lidiard Laurence „ John, Lidiard Laurence Conway, John, Merriott See also Cunway. Cooche, Elizabeth, widow, Cannington „ John, Beerecrocombe „ Cooch, John, Bridgwater „ Cooch, William, Sampford Brett See also Couch. Coode, Michael, Taunton Magdalen Cooke, Agnes, Exforde „ Catherine, Westmonckton „ Christopher, Milverton 9* 6 168* 1616 '4 1639 95 1672 85 1685 46 1703 55 1721 32 1728 63 1728 37 '737 55 1781 50 1696 5° 1784 — 12 22 '7'5 71 1749 82 1688 17 1738 3 1668 86 1685 '9 1778 28 1797 '45* 1616 65 1684 64 '73' 23 1762 48 '77' 1 10 1693 80* 1614 81 1684 37 1758 21 1790 59 1772 34* 1619 86 1640 2 '733 45 '635 48 1640 128 1722 5° 1763 95 '744 43 1737 24* 4 82* 7 79* 1646 142 1635 65 1630 37 1701 122 1637 1* 1641 5 1781 94 1667 "7 1697 102 1626 67 1610 7i 1662 1 60 Taunton Wills. Cooke, Cook, Christopher, gent., Taunton James „ Cicilie, widow, Exford „ Elias, Exford „ Elizabeth, Rowneington „ George, Exforde „ Grace, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Joan, Wembdon „ Joane, widow, Sampford Brett „ Joan, Northpetherton „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Enmer „ John, Rector of Stocklinch Magdalen „ John, Exford „ John, Creech „ John, Milverton „ Joseph, clerk, Spaxton „ Joseph, Buckland St. Mary and Woodlands, Dorset „ (or Cock), Margaret, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Mary, widow, Exford „ Nicholas, Withiecomb „ Peter, Dunster „ Peter, Milverton „ Richard, Exford „ Richard, Exford „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Milverton „ Roger, Exford „ Ruben, Creech „ Sarah, Taunton St. James ,, Thomas, Sampford Brett „ Cook, Thomas, Chedzoy ,, William, Zeaburrowe „ William, Dunster „ William, Misterton „ William, Bridgwater „ WiUiam, Westmonnkton „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Crosse, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, als. Hoyle, Henry, Aishpriors ,, als. Pole, Philip, Creech „ als. Pole, Thomas, Kingston „ Coock ah. Pole, Walter, Kingeston „ Cook otherwise Staple, Philip, Lyng ,, Andrews ah., see Andrews als. Cooke. „ Crosse als., see Crosse als. Cooke. „ Pole ah., see Pole als. Cooke. „ Staple ah., see Staple als. Cooke. See also Cocke. Coocklie, Elizabeth, Brompton Regis ,, Cookley or Chookley, Wilmot, widow, Kilton Cookford, Elizabeth, widow, Canington Cookney, James, Exforde Cookslye, Agnes, Brompton Regis „ Cotokeslie, Ambrose, Brompton Ralph „ Cookeslye, Elizabeth, widow, Stockland Gaunt „ Cooksely, Elizabeth, Brumpton Regis „ Cooksley, ffrancis, Nynehead „ Cooksley, George, Kilton 172 1730 109 1632 45 1690 88 1624 68 1620 55 1726 257* '638 61 1726 55 1784 79 1621 155* 1625 148 1637 106 i639 144 1640 28 1691 41 1695 86 1708 8 1720 106 1708 30 1 67 1 47 1722 11* 1608 20 1621 56 1746 29* 1608 22 1621 4'* 3 93* 10 46 1722 4' 1678 56 1748 "9 1672 20 '792 98* 2 10* 9 4 1630 '7 1681 88 1699 16 1728 75 1665 26* 1645 22 1663 142 1622 212* 1616 5' '733 36* 1644 69 1717 28 1721 48 1662 20* 1607 in* 1620 '°3 1630 4i 1645 3' 1682 61 1667 Tait n ton Wills. 161 Cookslye, Cooksley, James, Kilton „ Cooksley, John, Brompton R. „ Coocksley, John, Kilton „ Cooksley, John, Kilton „ Cooksley, John, Bishops Hull „ Cookeslie, Philippe, Upton „ Cooksley, Richard, Dunster „ Cooksley, Richard, Chipstable „ Cookeslye, Robert, Uptonn „ Cooksley, Robert, Brumpton Regis „ Cooksley, Susannah, Lidiard St. Lawrence „ Cooxlie, Thomas, Withell „ Cooksley, Thomas, Upton „ Cooksley, Thomas, Luxburrow „ Cookesly, William, Otterhampton „ Cooksley, William, Upton Cookson, Elizabeth, Crewkerne Coole, George, ffiddington „ Joane, Strengeston „ Cooles, John, sen., Lilstoke „ Cooles, Nicholas, Canington „ Cooles, Walter, Bridgwater Coomer, Thomas, Clotworthie „ William, Samford brett Cooper, Dorothy, widow, Hilbishops „ James, Bridgwater „ Joane, spinster, Staplefitzpaine „ Lawrence, Staplefitzpaine „ William, Riston Coopley, William, Westronnington, parish of Langford Budfield Coplestone, Margerie, Crewkerne Copner, Edward, Aishpriors „ Joane, Winsford „ Joane, widow, Ashpriors ,, John, Ashpriors Copp, John, Mynehead „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Wootten Courtney „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Dunster „ als. Lucott, Joane, Luccomb Coram, Agnes, Thorne Margaret „ Alexander, Miluerton „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Kittisford „ Joane, widow, Bradford „ John, Stawlie „ Joseph, Crewkerne „ Juliana, Stawlie „ Nicholas, Kittisford „ Richard, Badialton „ Robert, Milverton „ Roger, Capland, parish Broadway „ Thomas, Milverton „ William, Milverton Corbee, William, Taunton Magdalen Cording, Agnes, Selworthie „ Edmond, Exton „ Edmond, Exton 70 1678 60 1630 66 1638 65 1704' 3 1797 IOI* 1619 46 1675 20 1676 68 1630 8 1693 39 1765 72* 1607 1 10 1662 48 1671 7' 1742 55 1794 18 1762 95 1633 114 1610 70* 1628 18* 1609 108* 1609 63* 2 112* 2 55 1687 1 1742 102 1711 IOI 1711 IOI 1646 37* 1 '53* 1628 55 1634 54 1627 3 1721 2 1706 147* 1616 18 1630 118 1678 10 1777 4' 1719 69* 7 '37 1669 104 1637 123 1672 39 '7'5 107 164 1 6 1676 20* 1616 37 [661 53 i637 106 1630 8* 4 64 1690 27 1635 18 1629 68 1636 81 1699 120 1625 43 1710 35 1750 M 1 6 2 Taunton Wills . Cording, Edmond, Exton „ James, Curry Revell „ Joane, widow, Exton ,, Joane, Exton „ John, Crocomb „ John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Exton ,, John, Kings Brumpton „ Judith, Dinnington „ Margaret, Dunster ,, Margaret, Dulverton „ Cordinge, Marie, Dunster „ Marie, Stogumber „ Mary, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Mary, Kingsbrumpton „ Cordinge, Robert, Exton „ Robert, Wythiell „ Robert, Exton „ Robert, Exton „ Robert, Exton „ Cordinge, Silvester, Exton „ William, Kingsbrompton Cordwent, Edward, Stogursey „ George, Kilton „ Grace, widow, Stogursey „ Grace, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Dodington „ John, Dodington „ Mary, widow, Oake „ Thomas, Stokegursey „ William, Nortonfitzwarren Corke, John, Estquantoxhed Corkey, Richard, Strengeston Cornelius, ffides, widow, Crewkerne „ Peter, Hinton St. George „ Robert, Chafcombe ,, Thomas, Taunton James ,, William, Crewkerne Corner, Agnes, Luccombe „ George, Wotton Courtnye ,, James, Brumpton Regis „ John, Luccombe ,, Robert, Selworthy „ William, Brumpton Regis Comewall, Andree, Tolland „ William, Spaxton Cornish, Ann, widow, Mynehead „ Ann, Withiel „ Charity, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Christian, widow, Oare „ Edward, Taunton St. James „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, Elianor, spinster, Exton ,, Elizabeth, Staplegrove „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ George, Staplegrove „ George, Staplegrove „ Hannah, Creech St. Michael „ Hannah, Kingston 19 1757 27 1706 16 1682 51 1717 155 1622 1 1 1672 30 1729 35 '739 26 '737 22 1756 26 1780 64 1620 188* 1622 10 1665 23 1741 161 1637 95 1668 44 1696 70 1720 57 1728 106* 1623 36 1765 102* 1614 44 1641 102 1 661 97 1664 34 1668 36 1662 102 1681 85* 5 75 1700 -1 r * 1620 "7 1630 34 1710 43 1743 21 1736 116 1706 43 1672 67* 8 '3* 6 8 1700 54 1664 73 '739 5 1726 1 10* 6 73 1620 71 1677 90 1767 118 1697 166 1632 5' 1752 89 1781 32 1699 "5 1672 179 1730 48 1786 97 '713 57 1762 21 1761 36 1761 Taunton Wills. 163 Cornish, Cornishe, Hellinore, Bagburrowe ,, Cornishe, Henry, . . . are „ Hugh, Seavington Mary „ James, Staplegrove „ James, Wythiell „ James, Dulverton „ Joane, spinster, Kingston „ Joan, Brompton Ralph „ Cornishe, John, Bagburrowe ,, Cornishe, John, Bridgwater „ Cornishe, John, Dulverton „ Cornishe, John, Holford, parish of Coombflorie „ John, Kingston „ John, Wythiell „ John, Staplegrove ,, Cornishe, Margaret, Kingeston „ Margaret, widow, Mynehead „ Margaret, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Creech ,, Mary, Nortonfitzwarren „ Matthew, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicholas, Kingston „ Nicholas, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Nicholas, Tolland „ Nicholas, Kingston „ Cornishe, Pascha, Kingeston „ Philip, Kingston ,, Phillip, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Kingston „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Kingston „ Sarah, Staplegrove „ Susanna, Pitmister „ Cornishe, Thomas, Kingston „ Cornish, Thomas, „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Wythiell „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Kingston ,, Thomas, Kingstone „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Thomas, Kingston „ Thomasine, ffitzhead „ William, Northpetherton „ Cornishe als. Tirrell, Hugh, Dynnington Corp, Christian, Fivehead „ John, Fivehead Corrie, John, Brompton Regis Cbrrock, Corrick, James, Enmore „ Corrocke, John, gent., Taunton Magdalen „ Corrocke, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Corrocke, William, Taunton Magdalen Corse, Arthur, Dulverton Cossens, Cosens, Adrian, widow, Crewkerne „ George, Kingston „ Joane, Crewkerne „ Cosens, John, Crewkerne „ Cosens, Marie, Crewkerne „ Mary, Crewkerne 22 161 1 154* 1607 32 1715 99 1675 '57 1717 22 '737 3S 1692 14 1781 32* 1607 122* 1610 '3' 1611 46* 1615 136 1631 124 1700 64 1771 1* 8 66 1668 96 1740 46 1720 59 '777 89 1721 73 1669 16 1696 58 1709 42 177' 59* 1617 72 1669 61 1682 2 1635 47 1662 56 1680 39 1763 43 '735 169 1632 102* 1640 37 1642 148 1681 58 1697 49 1725 82 1730 '5' 1730 7i 1768 36 '799 44* 1742 5S 1776 "3 1610 '9 1779 35 1771 3 1762 18 1794 125 1722 94 1702 54 1698 148 1632 72 1625 46 1750 34* 1674 127* 1638 81 1621 16 1737 164 Taunton Wills. 20 '744 74* 1619 146 1684 34 1678 3S 1742 109 1639 36 1688 M 1672 9 1661 20 '774 4 1629 26 1729 43 '73' 1 1 '773 23 1627 1 1736 57 1620 64* 1610 23 1 62 1 95* 1619 IOI 1722 160* 1607 54 1642 71 1670 Cossens, Cossins, Mary, Crewkerne „ Cosens, Robert, Georgehenton „ Robert, Staplefitzpaine „ Roger, Crewkerne „ Cossins, Roger, Crewkerne „ Silvester, Minehead „ Cossins, William, Crewkerne See also Cousens and Cussens. Coster, Joane, widow, Brushford „ John, clerk, Brushford Cotten, Mary, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Linge „ Cotton, William, Durston „ William, Durston Cotterell, Cottrall, Mary, Bridgwater „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Cottrell, William, Ashbrittle Couch, Cowch, Anne, Stogumber „ Coutche, Hugh, Wotton Courtnye „ Joane, Wootton Courtney „ Cowche, John, Crocombe „ Margery, Stogumber „ Couche, Melliore, Stockland Gaunt „ Robert, Stockland „ Elliotts als., see Elliotts als. Couch. See also Cooch. Coullard, John, Liddiard Lawrence Count, Joice ah., see Joice als. Count. Counsell, Edward, Taunton Magdalen Court, Agnes, Porlocke „ Courte, Agnes, Porlocke „ Alice, Exford „ Catherine, widow, Northpetherton ,, Diana, widow, Wythypoole „ Elianor, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Wootten Courtney „ Emmott, widow, Exford „ Grace, Bridgwater „ Courte, Joane, Stogumber ,, Courte, Joane, . . . forde „ Courte, John, Skilgate „ John, Exford „ John, Exford ,, John, Withypoole „ Petronell, widow, Skilgate „ Courte, Philippe, Milverton ,, Richard, sen., Winsford „ Courte, Robert, Porlock „ Courte, Robert, Stogumber ,, Robert, Exford „ Robert, gent., Wootten Courtney „ Courte, Roger, Exford „ Roger, Exford „ Courte, Symon, Northpetherton „ Symon, Northpetherton „ Courte, Thomas, Luccombe „ William, Dulverton „ Hurford als., see Hurford als. Court. Courtney, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen S-7 1633 9* 5 76* 5 '49 1622 68 1703 90 1719 69 '743 65 '742 41 '745 7i 1685 9 1750 139* 1616 '43* 1628 39 1646 65 1660 45 1700 '3' 1711 '9. 1633 22* 7 63 1705 137 1611 72 1624 37 1703 '54 1724 99* 1615 44 1700 37 1673 no '727 88* 1619 49 1728 108 1687 Taunton Wills. 165 Courtney, Ezekiel, Taunton Magdalen „ Ezekiell, Taunton Magdalen „ Courtnye, John, Wiltonn „ John, Wilton „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Susanna, widow, Chedzoy „ William, Taunton Magdalen Cousens, Ann, ffivehead „ Anthony, Staplefitzpaine 1647 „ Cousins, Daniel, Staplefizpaine „ Cozens, Gregorie, Crewkerne ,, Cousins, Henry, Staplefitzpaine „ Hester, widow, Staplefitzpaine „ Cozens, Jane, Bickenhall „ Cousins, John, Curland „ Robert, Bicknell „ Cousins, Robert, Staplefitzpaine „ Cousins, Thomas, ffivehead „ Thomas, Bicknell „ Cozens,William, Crewkerne See also Cossens and Cussens. Cowan, David, Mynehead Cowde, Agnes, Milverton „ John, Milverton Cowke, Alice, Seaburrowe Cowland, Elizabeth, Stogursey John, Stogursey William, Stogursey Cowlinge, Alice, Brompton Ralph Grace, Clotworthie Cowleing, John, Hewishchamflower John, Stogursey Cox, Abigail, widow, Stogursey Anne, widow, Curry Revell Anne, spinster, Enmore Arthur, Enmore Arthur, Taunton Magdalen Charles, Creech Charles, Taunton Magdalen Christopher, Thurlebare Daniell, Curry Revell Daniel, Curry Revell Dorothy, Ninehead Edmund, Bridgwater Edward, Crewkerne Edward, Crewkerne Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne ffortune, widow, Crewkerne George, Northpetherton Giles, Sheptonbeachamp Grace, Misterton Hugh, Ninehead Joane, widow, Currey Rivell John, Staplegrove John, Trull John, Westmonnkton John, Crocombe John, Crocombe John, Enmore John, Creech St. Michael 74 1665 '38 1681 12* 1610 67 1621 27 1636 '5 1723 108 1674 18 1763 12 12 67 i77i 61* 1641 66 1789 118 1720 1 1796 34 1781 11 '7'4 '4 1751 56 '73' '4 1677 76 1611 95 1727 11 1620 109* 1616 140* 1607 76 1740 132 1694 161 1727 43* 1638 94* 4 43* 5 5S 1626 1 1 1 1669 3' 1668 47 '7'4 25 1723 79 '747 27 1771 36 1788 163 1640 37 1663 24 1702 5° 1 76 1 3' 1631 5° 1685 49 1720 28 1667 3° 1670 IOI 1684 103 1725 4' 1762 66 1740 7* 1618 122 1641 95 1666 '43 1680 '3 1683 '9 1684 46 1710 '5 1748 1 66 Taunton Wills. Cox, John, Curry Rivell „ Mary, Creech „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Mellinor, Currey Mallett „ Osmund, Cricket Malberby „ Phillip, Bridgwater „ Richard, Minehead „ Richard, Taunton „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Westbagborough „ Richard, Westbagborow „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Roger, Henton St. George ,, Susanna, Puckington „ Thomas, Curry Mallett „ Travis, Curry Revell „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Northpetherton ,, William, Nynehead „ William, sen., Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne „ William, Bradford „ William, Bishops Hull „ ah. Smale, Jeffery, West Bagborow „ als. Wheller, Joyce, Swell „ ah. White, William, Holford „ Smale ah., see Smale als. Cox. Coxelie, James, Porlocke Cozens, see Cousens. Crabb, Betty, Broadway „ Hugh, Broadway „ Richard, Pitmister „ William, Whitelackington „ William, Whitelackington Craft, John, Curry Revell Crandon, John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater Crane, ffrancis, ar., Bridgwater „ Jane, widow, Chedzoy „ Joane, spinster, Chedzoy „ Joseph, Chedzoy „ Joseph, Chedzoy „ Mary, Minehead Crange, Agnes, Dulverton ,, Anastacie, widow, Brushford „ Andrew, Exford „ Elizabeth, spinster, Exford „ Richard, Brusheford ,, Richard, Exford Crankland, Nichols ah., see Nichols als. Crankland. Cranmer, John, Trull Crapp, Christian, Mitchell Creeche „ Christopher, Bridgwater Crase, Dorothie, widow, Wembdon Crasman, Thomas, Mynehead Creadle, Henry, Milverton „ Credell, Thomas, Tolland See also Criddle. Crean, Thomas, Withycombe Crease, Creese, Agnes, Northepetherton '5 1761 20 1767 66 '799 34 1628 3' 1730 6 '757 188* 1640 79 '643 89 1666 160 173' 93 '739 60* 1614 54 1677 107 1707 203* 1622 26 1681 70 1630 109 1684 62 1693 39 1713 18 1740 8 '755 3 1787 67 1686 18 1 64 1 22* 5 81* 5 4 1799 9 '757 S9 1706 no* 1729 61* 1738 23 1683 21 1611 6 1762 7 1719 28 1692 35 1710 42 1730 17 1756 -3' 1748 25* 1616 105 1630 46 1663 45 1697 99* 1612 44 1697 '43 173' 21* 1613 10 1717 119* 1616 30* 1614 99 1637 86 1746 96 1781 22* 1608 Taunton Ileitis. 167 Crease, John, Northpetherton „ Mary, Northpetherton Credland, ffrancis, Trull 1647 Creech, James, Porlocke „ James, Porlock „ Joan, Porlock „ John, Porlock „ John, Wootten Courtney „ William, Porlock „ William, Porlocke „ William, Porlock „ William, Porlocke Crewse, John, Dulverton See also Cruise. Crewys, Diana, Huishchampflower See also Cruise. Cribb, Edward, Bridgwater „ James, Bridgwater Criddle, Cridle, Alice, Chipstable „ Catherine, widow, Lawrence Lidiard ,, George, Westbagborough „ Grace, Eastquantoxhead „ James, Stogumber „ Jane, Overstowey ,, Joan, Bridgwater „ John, Elworthie „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Overstowey „ John, Spaxton „ John, Stogumber „ Matthew, gent., Bridgwater „ Cridle, Robert, Aisheholte „ Thomas, Goathurst „ Thomas, Elworthy „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Cridle, William, Elworthie „ Cridle, William, Lidiard Lawrence „ William, gent., Bridgwater „ William, EUworthy „ William, Stogumber „ William, Stockland Bristoll „ William, Stogumber See also Creadle. Cridland, ffrancis, Westmonnckton „ ffrancis, Canington „ Henry, Lidiard Lawrence „ Henry, Elworthie „ Henry, Aisholt „ Henry, Spaxton „ Henry, Halse „ Isott, Lidiard Lawrence „ Jane, widow, Canington „ Joane, widow, Lidiard St. Lawrence ,, Joane, widow, Halse „ John, Stogumber „ John, Trull „ John, Liddeard Lawrence „ John, Asholt „ John, Liddeard Lawrence ,, John, Stogumber 37 '735 4' 1756 23 12 86 1722 43 1772 55 1765 97 1640 74 1726 8 1634 76 1691 62 '739 3' 1758 5* 10 23 1738 6 1796 9 1740 117* 1614 6 1627 9' 1773 24 1785 60 1799 35 1791 11 1743 23 1644 92 1746 54 1761 32 1788 4' '797 '4 1722 '38 1625 62 1669 54 1704 '57 1730 63* 7 76* 1616 8 17'7 34 1736 46 1748 37 I7&3 53 1796 58 1634 34 1667 65 1611 100* 1618 "9 1640 '54 '73° 39 1773 107 1638 38 1675 141 i635 56 1708 IOI* 1610 78* 1617 78 1669 2 '683 63 1708 76 1742 1 68 Taunton Wills. Cridland, Magdalen, widow, Asholt „ Mary, Spaxton „ Mary (vide 1807), Coomflorey „ Richard, Westmonnkton „ Robert, Wembdon „ Rose, Taunton Magdalen „ Sarah, widow, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Westmonnkton ,, Thomas, Stogumber „ William, Lidiard Lawrence „ William, Canington „ WiUiam, Westmonnkton Cripps, Henry, Dunster Crispin, Richard, Milverton Cristopher, Mary, widow, Bridgwater Crocker, Ann, widow, Bridgwater „ James, Isleabbotts „ John, Taunton „ John, Swell „ Joseph, Hilbishopps „ Joseph, Bridgwater „ Joseph, Hilbishops „ Margaret, widow, Taunton James „ Marie, Hilbishoppes „ Philippa, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Dowlishwake „ Roger, Dolishwake „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Sarah, Milverton „ Thomas, ffivehead „ William, Milverton „ als. Grave, John, Hilbishops „ als. Grave, Richard, Overstowie „ als. Grave, Richard, Milverton „ Grave ah., see Grave als. Crocker. Crockford, Edward, Mynehead „ Edward, Winsford „ Hugh, sen., Winsford „ Hugh, Cutcombe „ James, London and Mynehead ,, John, Cutford „ William, Wootten Courtney Crocock, Grave als., see Grave als. Crocock. Crocomb, Agnes, Northepetherton „ Crocombe, Mary, Porlock „ Crocombe, Richard, Badialton „ Crocombe, Susannah, Porlock „ Crocumb, Thomas, Northepetherton „ Crocombe, Thomas, Northpetherton Crofts, William, clerk, Langford Budvill Crokeham, Elizabeth, Stawlie Crooke, John, Otterhampton „ John, Chipstable „ John, Ruiston „ Crook, John, Langford Budvill ,, Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Phillip, Dulverton „ Phillip, Dulverton „ Crook, Richard, Dulverton I 1668 62 1611 12* 1761 I 28 1697 32 1646 70 '732 Il8 1728 69 1665 68 1698 69 1723 21 '636 26 1676 12S 1678 1 1 2 1635 40 1695 18 1728 5 '733 24 1791 8* 8 '38 1730 18 1673 8 1725 63 1727 9' 1668 '47 1622 45 1630 130 1625 82 1621 7i 1765 3& 1790 39 1671 24 1770 58 1706 97* 1614 77 1680 73 1677 150 1717 129 1704 '3 1791 72 1724 '9 '739 64 17-13 29 1629 52 1780 2 1678 45 '774 26* 1615 3S '752 65 1675 55* 4 80* 2 '5 1736 65 '747 3= 1785 34 1703 42 '683 26 1 701 24 '795 Taunton Wills. 1 69 Crooke, Roger, Orchard „ Thomas, Kilton „ Thomas, Stockland Bristow „ William, Brusheford „ William, Orchard „ William, Dulverton „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ ah. Crosse, John, Taunton Magdalen Crosse, Agnes, Netlecombe „ Alexander, Staplegrove „ Alice, Thurlebare „ Ames, Liddiard Laurence „ Cross, Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Arthur, Stogursey „ Christiane, widow, Cannington „ Elias, Buckland Mary „ Elias, Buckland Mary „ Elizabeth, Brompton Ralph „ Elizabeth, Samford Brett „ Elizabeth, widow, Enmore „ Elizabeth, widow, Trull „ Elizabeth, Hillbishops „ Ellen, spinster, Buckland Mary ,, ffrances, widow, Creech „ Isott, Kilton „ George, Staplefitzpaine „ Gladwise, Buckland St. Mary „ Helene, Staple „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Westmonnckton „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Coombflorey „ Hugh, Overstowie „ Hugh, Hilbishops „ Jane, spinster, Chafcombe „ Jane, widow, Taunton James „ Jane, spinster, Orchard „ Joane, Combflorie „ Joane, Combflorie „ Joane, Spaxton „ Joane, Brompton Ralph „ Joan, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Langford Budvill „ Cross, Joan, Lydeard St. Iawrence „ John, Chipstable „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Doddington „ John, Westquantoxhed „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Aishbrittle „ John, Canington „ John, Stogumber „ John, Kingston „ John, Stogursey „ John, Durston „ John, Orchard „ John, gent., Trull „ Cross, John, Creech „ Cross, John, Creech St. Michael „ " Cross, John, Taunton Magdalen 89 1630 28* 5 So 1 64 1 150* 7 78 1690 33 1703 60 1709 43 1673 53* 10 81 1622 1 1 1633 67 1663 53 1769 127 1684 22 1629 6 1691 3 1723 8* 1608 36 1627 47 1688 1 10 1722 28 '759 9 1702 32 1688 209* 1638 16* 1645 6 '738 140 1621 18 1610 28 1644 121 1690 16 1787 118* 1616 34 1689 18 1660 102 1710 108 1720 4* 3 77* 7 14* 1608 5'* 1612 89 1624 75 1717 39 '795 34* 4 77* 1609 65* 1612 95 1621 116 1661 1 1666 '9 1668 108 1672 61 1675 123 1681 46 1687 86 1697 109 1704 24 1742 15 1752 47 1782 1 70 Taunton Wills. Crosse, Cross, John, Lydeard St. Laurence Cross, Margaret, Buckland St. Mary Margerie, Charlench Marie, widow, Westquantoxhed Mary, widow, Dulverton Cross, Mary, Cannington Nicholas, Nynehed Nicholas, Taunton Magdalen Nicholas, Taunton Magdalen Richard, Ninehed Richard, Trull Richard, Treaburrowe Richard, Aisheholte Richard, Westmonckton Richard, Langford Budvill Richard, Langford Budfield Richard, Wilton Robert, Staple Robert, Creech Robert, Enmore Samuel, Thurlbare Thomas, Enmer Thomas, Charlinche Cross, Thomas, Northpetherton William, Creech William, Stogursey William, Dunster William, Orchard William, Crocombe William, B.D., vicar, Taunton Magdalen WiUiam, gent., Orchard Cross, William, Spaxton Cross, William, Buckland St. Mary Cross, William, Kingston als. Burge, John, Northepetherton als. Burge, Thomas, North Petherton 1649 als. Cooke, John, Taunton als. Edwards, Mary, widow, Dodington Cook ah., see Cook als. Crosse. Crooke als., see Crooke als. Crosse. Edwards ah., see Edwards ah. Crosse. Towills als., see Towills als. Crosse. Crossman, Christian, Dunster Crosseman, Hugh, Stogumber Crosseman, Robert, Lyng Croyden, Anne, spinster, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton Cruffman, Bridgett, Bridgwater Cruse, Edith, widow, Exford „ John, Huishchampflower „ Nicholas, Upton „ Cruise, Nicholas, Huishchampflower „ Frost ah., see Frost als. Cruse. See also Crewse and Crewys. Cudbell, ffrancis, Curry Mallett „ Cudbull, Joane, widow, Pytmister „ Sybill, Curry Mallet Cuffe, Joane, widow, Henton St. George „ Joan, widow, Bradford „ Robert, arm., Creech 28 1791 '3 '774 12* 7 33 1641 58 1707 '7 1767 63* 1616 114 1631 84 I7'9 7* 6 48* 1609 46* 1629 "9 1630 IOI 1640 68 1683 61 1687 63 1695 in* 2 172 1640 23 1686 104 I7'3 118* 2 56* 1619 37 1779 82* 3 77* 6 102 1624 16 1639 29 1675 162 1684 69 1702 85 '743 2 1770 3' '793 38 1623 59 12 53 1642 33 1683 38* 1614 107 1669 67 1704 124 1685 77 1708 3 1759 48 1708 24 1679 119 1700 5' I7'3 5' 1720 44 1630 8 1682 11* 1607 62 1635 23 1639 Taunton Wills. 171 Culliford, George, Northpetherton „ CuUyford, Robert, Lydeard St. Lawrence Culmore, Thomas, Cannington Culverwell, Alexander, Creech „ Ann, Wilton „ Arthur, Stringstone „ Barnabee, Spaxton „ Edward, Creech „ Elizabeth, Stogursey „ Culuerwell, Elizabeth, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Taunton Magdalen „ Humphrey, Overstowey „ Joane, Overstowie „ Joane, Strengeston „ Joane, Creech „ Joan, Creech St. Michael „ Joan, Bridgwater „ John, Creech „ John, Charlinch „ Marie, Strengeston „ Mary, widow, Stogursey „ Symon, Holeford „ Thomas, Wotton Courtney „ Thomas, Dodington „ William, Gotehurst „ William, Northpeatherton „ William, Stogursey Cumbestoke, Joan, Wilton Cunniebeare, George, Muncksilver „ Cunnybeere, John, Westquantoxhed See also Conibeer. Cunway, John, Merriott See also Conway. Cupper, Robert, Ruishton Cure, Michael, Mynehead „ Annie, widow, Mynehead Curie, John, Bridgewater Currell, Anthony, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, Stogursey Curron, Joseph, Bridgwater Curry, Abraham, Overstowey „ Ann, widow, Bridgwater ,, Elinor, Misterton „ Currey, ffrancis, Misterton „ Grace, widow, ffiddington „ Jeffery, Westmonnkton „ Currey, John, Stokegursey „ Currey, John, Misterton „ John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Misterton „ Currie, Richard, Fiddington ,, Roger, Misterton „ Thomas, Misterton „ William, ffiddington Curtis, Curtice, George, Canington „ Curteis, Hugh, Combflorie „ John, Cannington „ Curtice, Marie, Canington „ Curtice, Marjory, spinster, Oare 74 '743 24 '797 9 1783 46 1728 70 1796 95 1725 3* 1607 10 1735 92* 1638 118* 1638 60 1749 170 '727 89 1725 29* 1 43* 1612 16 1709 15 1757 3 1770 25 1717 '9 1719 56 1625 107 1678 58 1687 82 1640 16 1695 13' 1631 23 1642 47 1682 34 161 1 n 1626 '99* 1610 68 1662 72 1764 73 1700 59 1703 1 '748 125 1631 79* 6 2 54* 1638 9' 1724 '3 1660 117 1621 1* 1607 47 1697 147 1694 83* 4 66* 1608 12 1691 89 1641 86 1643 65 1688 72 1663 5' 1711 187* 1616 121 1630 79 1641 4' 1627 123 1727 1 7 2 Taunton Wills. Curtis, Mary, Cannington „ Curtisse, Thomas, Canington Cussens, Francis, Spaxton „ Cuzens, Paul, Enmoore- See also Cossens and Cousens. Cuthbert, Agnes, widow, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, George, Stoke St. Mary Cutler, Joane, Thornefawcon ,, William, Ristonn „ William, Riston „ William, Riston „ William, clerk, Thornfawcon „ William, Taunton James ,, William, Creech Cutlye, Nicholas, Winsford „ Thomas, Winsford Cuttiford, Margaret, Ileabbotts „ Margaret, Ileabbott Cuxsen, Cicilie, Ciokeham Dabb, Robert, Doddington Dabinott, Dawbinott, Alice, Donyett „ Henry, . . . (V?)rington „ Dabynott, Henry, Barrington „ Dabbinat, Joane, Drayton „ Joane, widow, Barrington „ Dabinot, John, Donyett „ Dabinet, John, Barrington „ Dabbinett, Joseph, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Dabbinett, Joseph, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Dawbenett, Thomas, Crewkerne „ Dabbinett, William, Seavington Mary Dadscombe, Lewes, Nettlecombe „ als. Hill, Thomas, Brumpton Regis Daire, see Dare. Dakin, Thomas, Bridgwater Dale, Richard, Taunton Magdalen Dalliman, Dallyman, Elizabeth, Goatehurst „ Dallaman, Elizabeth, Goatehurst „ Dalliman, Richard, Enmoore Dally, Edward, Crewkerne „ John, Seaburrow „ Samuel, Crewkerne Dammett, Joane, Clapton, parish Crewkerne „ Daman, Richard, Crewkerne Dampier, Rebecca, Crewkerne Dampney als. Dominy, Thomas, Kingston Danger, Abraham, Northpetherton „ Anne, widow, Enmore „ John, Enmore „ Margery, spinster, West Monckton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ _ Thomazine, widow, Canington Daniell, Alice, widow, Bridgwater ,, Ann, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ Daniel, EUinor, Chedzoy „ Henry, Northepetherton „ Danyell, Joane, Wembdon „ Dainell, Joane, Creeche '4 1798 107* 1612 42 1769 10 1738 109 1717 123 1684 "4 1638 44* 2 55 1642 2* 1643 98 1646 "3 1674 27 1691 65* 5 50 1637 44* 1607 So* 1607 96* 2 3' 1636 10* 8 47* n 49 1641 128 1610 85 1641 57* 1639 4 1786 64 1786 59 1799 40 1704 45 1798 116 1685 8 1670 '9 1724 77 1665 ,* j 5 95* 5 27 1639 '9 1781 90 1674 1 1 1772 201* 1616 47* 3 '7 1762 84 1720 44 1796 56 1727 16 1715 '59 1660 7 1780 28 1663 20 1670 47 '754 81 1721 104 1639 144* 1608 26* 5 89* 1628 Taunton Wills. 173 DanieU, Joane, Creech „ John, Combflory „ Daniel, John, Wythyel „ John, Crocombe ,, Daniells, John, Lopon „ Richard (no parish) „ Danyell, Robert, Goatehurst „ Symon, Halse „ WiUiam, Monnksilver „ Daniel, William, Stogursey „ Daniel, William, Aisholt „ Wilmott, widow, Halse Danter, George, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead Darby, Darbie, Elinore, Othill, parish Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, spinster, Bridgwater „ John, Dinington Darch. Adam, Huishchampflower „ Gregory, Selworthie „ Hannah, Hillbishops „ Henry, Bicknoller- „ Darche, Hugh, Curry Rivell „ James, gent, Westmonnckton „ James, Luckham „ James, Selworthy „ Joane, Luccombe „ John, Ling „ Dartch, John, Huishchampflower „ John, sen., Huishchampflower „ John, Brushford „ Philip, Hull Bishops „ Richard, Huishchampflower „ Richard, elder, Huishchampflower „ Robert, Luxburrow „ Sarah, Luxbarow „ Thomas, Luxburrow Dare, Amelia, Hatchbeauchamp „ Catherine, widow, Taunton James „ John, Northpetherton „ John, jun., Taunton Magdalen „ Julyan, Northpetherton ,, Mary, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Daire, William, H.M.S. " Enterprise " and Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, ye younger, Pitmister „ William, Trull Darracott, Richard, Taunton St. James Dashwood, Elizabeth, widow, Stogumber „ Elizabeth, Westquantoxhed „ ffrancis, Stogumber „ ffrances, widow, Stogumber „ Hannah, Stoke St Mary „ John, Stogumber „ Robert, Stogumber „ Robert, Stogumber „ Robert, Stogumber Date, John, Tolland „ Samuel, Tolland „ Samuel, Dulverton 3 1633 27 1661 162 173' '4 '735 5' 1740 38* 1 1 23 1628 64 1678 73 '683 80 1764 3 •799 36 1692 84 '683 25 1673 71* 1619 16 1711 60 1720 56 1697 50* 6 46 1740 3 1775 '3* S 45 1715 56 1742 67 '775 32 '754 96 1640 58 1684 64 '717 16 1784 43 1746 55 1629 29 '754 64 1683 38 '735 43 1764 3' '795 125 1677 88 1680 87 '739 - 36 i673 136 1720 "4 '713 70 1726 82 1743 59 1749 68 '795 95 1677 74 '749 9 1629 80 1693 59 1762 102 1690 144* 1610 128 1684 98 1691 1 11 1667 127 1680 46 '717 174 Taunton Wills. Date, William, Eastquantoxhead „ Zachary, Tolland David, William, Mynehead Davidge, Davedge, Alice, Taunton Magdalen Elianor, widow, Taunton Magdalen John, Chedsey Davedge, John, Chedsey John, Northpetherton John, gent, Cheddonfitzpaine Sibell, widow, Chedsey Davie, Davey, Davy, Agnes, widow, Westmonkton Alice, Goathurst Davye, Andrew, Trull Arthur, Creeche Davey, Augustin, Ashbrittle Christopher, Westmonnckton Edithe, Stawlie Davy, Edward, Milverton Emmene, Milverton Giles, Bridgwater Davy, Griffith, Combflory Henry, Taunton Magdalen Henry, Holford Davye, Henry, Oare Davye, Hugh, Minehead Joane, Lidiard Lawrence Davye, Joane, Staplegrove Joane, Creech Joane, Pitmister Davy, Joane, widow, Bradford Davye, John, Wembdon Davye, John, Northepetherton Davy, John, Northpetherton John, Bridgwater Davy, John, Chipstable Davey, John, Nortonfitzwarren Davy, Joseph, Milverton Davy, Margery, widow, Northpetherton Davy, Mary, widow, Milverton Davy, Phillip, Milverton Richard, Minehead Davye, Richard, Minehead Davy, Richard, Langford Davy, Richard, Trull Davy, Robert, Bridgwater Thomas, Bradford Thomas, ffiddington Davy, Thomas, Northpetherton Davy, Thomazin, Kingstone Tristraham, Taunton Magdalen Davy, Ursula, Strengeston Walter, Minhead William, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater William, Staplegrove William, Creeche Davye, William, Thornefawcon William, Crocombe Davy, William, Ninehead Davy ah. Davice, John, Stogursey als. Leakie, Alexander, Stogumber 1648 26 '795 97 1710 69 1667 4' 1628 164 1684 29 1621 1 12 1625 67 1666 '9 1699 5 1630 3'* 1618 148* 1638 64* 1617 9' 1620 2 1771 1 12* 1618 37* 1612 68 1677 30* 4 87* 10 22 1699 78* 5 64* 9 15 1 62 1 81 1624 81* 1608 38 1624 118 1637 94 1663 5 1712 24 1620 92 1625 62 12 12 1663 12 1683 46 '795 5° 1671 120 1727 70 1708 5' 1671 1 1 1634 5' 1640 45 1736 55 1766 '4 1708 3S 1626 5' 1663 40 1686 24 '757 25* 1612 61 1622 129 1637 IOI* 10 87* 1616 95* 1623 20 1628 32 1669 47 1732 105 1641 39* 3 Taunton Wills. 175 Davie, Davy, Welshman ah., see Welshman ah. Davy. Davis, Davies, Davyes, Alice, spinster, Staplegrove „ Amy, Bridgwater „ Anne, Otterhampton „ Ann, Bridgwater „ Davies, Benjamin, Liddiard Laurence „ Davys, Benjamin, Liddiard St. Laurence „ Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Edward, Bridgwater „ Edward, Nettlecombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead. „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Southpetherton ,, Davies, ffrances, widow, Mynehead „ George, Bridgwater „ Davys, George, Raddington „ George, Minehead „ Hannah, Kilve „ Hannah, Bridgwater „ James, Minehead „ Jane, Bridgwater „ Jeffery, Chilton „ Davies, Jenkin, Mynehead „ Davies, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Davies, Joane, widow, Mynehead „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Davies, John, Mynehead „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Stockland Bristol „ John, Chilton „ John, Winsford „ John, Luckham „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Minehead „ John, Bridgwater „ Davise, John, Stogursey „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Davys, Judith, Milverton „ Margaret, Taunton Magdalen „ Davies, Mary, widow, Sampford Brett „ Mary, Minehead „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Michael, Overstratton Davies, Richard, Creech "„ Davies, Richard, Taunton James „ Richard, Stogursey „ Richard, Kilve „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Lydiard St. Lawrence „ Richard, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Robert, Mynehead „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Sarah, Minehead „ Sarah, Bridgwater „ Davies, Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater 99 1690 6 1742 86 1725 7 '757 27 1705 44 1729 '3 1690 '5 1727 95 1728 72 1704 2 '737 63 '737 72 1725 9 1786 54 1786 3° '797 32 '759 4 1788 55 1719 '5 '755 21 1694 9' 1720 82 1676 43 1709 1 1 i639 129 1669 72 1680 16 1708 89 1708 '9 1721 S3 '723 88 1730 17 173' 2 1742 3° '748 5 1756 63 1756 6 1769 56 1790 5° 1771 So 1750 74 i7°3 43 '759 I 2 1762 '35 1660 32 1661 1 10 1674 36 '715 33 '759 67 '759 '9 1770 27 '794 73 1724 10 1764 29 1763 6 1777 7' 1724 1 1 1744 11 '77' 176 Taunton Wills. Davis, Davys, Thomas, clerk, Raddington „ Thomas, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Davies, William, sen., Winsford ,, William, Chilton „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Chilton ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater ,, William, Cannington ,, William, the elder, Taunton St. James ,, Davice, Davy ah., see Davy als. Davice. Dawbenett, see Dabinott. Dawbeney, Elizabeth, Wayford ,, George, Misterton ,, Dawbeny, Giles, ar. Wayford „ Dawbeny, Giles, Luxburrough „ Daubney, Giles, Misterton ,, Dawbney, Hugh, Wayford „ Dawbney, John, gent, Crewkerne „ Dawbney, Magdalen, widow, Misterton „ Daubney, Mary, Misterton Dawe, Aldred, Combflorie „ Aldred, Brompton Regis „ Alice, widow, Crocomb „ Daw, Alice, Brompton Ralph „ Daw, Amy, widow, Westmonnkton „ Daw, Anthony, Merriott „ Daw, Anthony, Merriott „ Dawes, Edmond, Bridgwater ,, Daw, ffrancis, Merriott „ Daw, Francis, Merriott „ Geoffry, Lawrence Lidiard „ George, Westmonckton ,, Daw, George, Sampford Brett „ Daw, George, Drayton „ Henry, Tolland ,, Joane, Stogumber „ Daw, Joane, widow, Clatworthie ,, Daw, Joane, Brumpton Regis „ John, Kingesbrompton „ John, Wotton Courtney „ Daw, John, Huishchampflower „ Daw, John, Tolland ,, Daw, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Daw, John, Tolland ,, Richard, Wotton Courtneye ,, Daw, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Daw, Robert, Combflory ,, Daw, Robert, Huishchampflower „ Daw, Robert, sen., Liddiard Laurence „ Daw, Robert, Merriott „ Daw, Robert, Bridgwater „ Daw, Thomas, Huishchampflower „ Thomas, Drayton „ William, Withell „ William, sen., Crocombe „ William, Crocombe „ Kevill als., see Kevill als. Dawe. Day, Daye, Alice, Northepetherton I2* IDOq 50 1783 44 1799 3' 1623 '5 1698 82 1719 7 1727 4 '745 1 '759 14 1768 '9 1768 61 1796 9' 1640 24 '758 12 1630 26 '735 49 ' 1750 1 12 1662 '3 1695 68 1708 48 '744 159* 1625 33 1642 '35 i635 7 1645 102 1666 75 171 1 48 '755 8 1683 46 1723 30 '794 71* 1627 178 1635 123 1670 55 1694 9* 2 88 1626 4 1646 4 1666 57* 10 130* 1640 50 1691 146 '731 17 '753 83 1767 90* 5 1 11 1700 24 1665 5' 1691 64 1724 68 1746 2 '759 1 11* 1638 48 1675 27* 1615 125* 1630 21 1701 Taunton Wills. 177 Day, Daie, Alice, Stogursey „ Anne, widow, Stockland Bristoll „ Deye, Anne, spinster, Ashbrittle „ Ann, Kilton , Bartholomew, Creech „ David, Bridgwater „ Elianor, widow, Stockland Bristol „ Elizabeth, Taunton St. James „ Henry, Spaxton „ James, Stogursey „ James, Creech St. Michael ,, Daye, Joane, Puckington „ Joane, spinster, Stogursey „ Daye, John, Brompton Ralph „ Daye, John, ... on „ Daye, John, Stogursey „ Daye, John, Stogumher „ Dey, John, Curry Mallett „ John, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Stockland Bristoll „ John, Ilebrewers „ John, gent., Stogursey „ John, Bickenhall „ Daye, Joseph, Northepetherton „ Daye, Marie, Stogursey „ Dey, Petronell, Northpeatherton ,, Richard, Stogursey „ Daye, Robert, Stogursey „ Daye, Robert, Lilstoke ,, Daye, Robert, Lilstock „ Robert, Otterhampton „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Spaxton „ Thomas, ffidington „ Thomas, Kilton „ Daye, William, Stogursey „ William, Seaburrow „ WiUiam, Seaburrow ,, William, Pitmister Deacon, Bauldin, Kingseton „ Baldwin, Kingston „ Baldwin, minister, Kingston „ Baldwin, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Kingston „ John, Pitmister „ Lawrence, Kingston „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Trull „ William, Kingeston „ William, Kingeston Deake, Batres, Minehead „ John, Wotton Courtnye „ John, Mynehead „ John, Minehead „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Minehead 5 1611 112 1707 2 1713 28 1798 14 1644 10 1663 m 1663 90 1742 100 1664 185* 1622 17 1783 70 1625 115. 1683 50* 8 79* 8 80 1611 171* 1616 21 1667 80 1668 no 1672 93 1690 61 1711 '63 1727 S 1779 3 1623 5 1620 236* 1638 15 1644 74* 6 203* 1610 99 1611 89 1724 44 1780 67 1665 5° 1684 47 1781 77 1611 67 1634 44 1636 43 1798 3* 2 174 1635 3° 1712 56 1779 5o 1682 70 1670 73 1740 130 1622 6 1733 167* 1607 60 1611 72* 1611 '5 1637 67* 1615 61 1664 59 1768 64* 1619 in i635 44 1679 3' 1738 178 Taunton Wills. Deaken, Peter, Norton Deamont, Catherine, Merriett „ Hugh, Taunton Magdalen „ Deymond, Thomas, Taunton James „ William, Meriett Deane, Elizabeth, Southepetherton „ ffrancis, widow, Lopon „ John, Taunton St. James „ Maude, widow, Holeford „ Phillip, Taunton Deane „ Philip, Taunton St. James „ Deanes, William, East dolish „ Plowman als., see Plowman als. Deane. Debbie, Deeble, George, Dunster „ George, Creech Deboice, Alice, Estquantoxhed Deepe, Peternell, Drayton Deight, see Dight. Delbridge, George, Dunster „ George, Dunster „ George, Dunster „ John, . . . poole „ John, Dunster ,, Julian, Wythypoole „ Philip, Wythypoole „ William, Ninehead Dell, Anne, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Exton „ Samuel, clerk, Exton Demick, William, Crewkerne Denborowe, Avice, Netlecomb Denbury, Elizabeth, Kingston „ Denburie, Emmote, Stogursey „ Dembury, John, Spaxton „ John, ffiddington „ als. Lawrence, Robert, Stogursey Denham, EUenor, Estquantoxhed „ George, Canington „ Denam, Katherine, widow, Brushford „ Nicholas, Eastquantoxhed „ Thomas, Eastquantoxhed „ Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Denman, Allen, Southpetherton „ Andrew, Lopon „ Andrew, Southpetherton „ Andrew, Southpetherton „ Andrew, Curry Revell „ Andrew, Barrington „ Anne, widow, Lopon „ Elizabeth, widow, Southpetherton „ John, Loponn ,, John, Curry Rivell ,, Josias, Southpetherton „ Lawrence, Trull „ Susanna, widow, Lopon „ Susanna, widow, Southpetherton „ Susannah, Lopon „ William, Westmonckton. (See 1786.) ,, William, Westmonkton „ als. Snowe, James, Wembdon 100 1624 '33* 1628 49* 1634 5' 1631 162 1637 26 1621 85 1730 93 1742 56 1670 48 1673 122 1725 103* 1638 33 1700 45 1720 5'* 5 16* 1615 53 1694 25 1737 20 '793 2* 11 21 1756 125 1661 132 1700 44 1795 100 1693 7i 1720 47 i7'3 88 1638 126* 1614 63 1716 42 1627 '3° 1707 '3 1738 59 1621 96* 1646 '9 1716 8 1728 58 1678 77 1640 59 1732 78 1640 56 1668 103 1678 90 1693 49 1730 4 1771 72 1717 "9 1683 68 1663 18 1749 92 1664 10S 1700 73 1678 118 1681 38 1737 — 1779 78 1786 44* 1619 Taunton Wills. 179 Denman, Snowe als., see Snowe als. Denman. Denmead, Adam, Southpeatherton „ Phillip, Merriott Dennis, Arthur, Minehead „ Dennes, Jane, widow, Dunster „ Denish, John, Selworthy „ Margaret, Dunster „ Richard, Dunster „ Dennys, Thomas, Porlock Denscombe, Elizabeth, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ Richard, Stogursey Densher, Tailer als., see Tailer als. Densher. Denson, William, Trull Derham, Anthony, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, Crewkerne „ Richard, Lyng „ als. ffarmer, Ann, Michael Ch. „ als. Fermer, John, Northepetherton „ Farmer ah., see Farmer ah. Derham. Derrant, Joane, Taunton James Deryn, Richard, Buckland Marie Devinish, Joan, widow, Bridgwater Devonshire, Ann, widow, Mynehead „ Christopher, Mynehead „ Deuonsheire, Edward, . . . rrow (? Stokepirrow) „ ffrances, widow, Mynehead „ Devonsheir, George, Mynehead „ Devonsheere, James, Stokepirrowe „ Deavonshire, Joane, Stokepirrow „ John, Mynehead „ Joseph, Minehead „ Joseph, Dunster „ Robert, Minehead „ Sarah, widow, Mynehead Devor, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Dewbery, Betty, Bishops Hull Dewberry, Samuel, Bishops Hull Dewlin, Elizabeth, Crewkerne Dewnell, Richard, Crewkerne Dey, see Day. Deymond, see Deamont. Diaper, Joane, widow, Bridgwater „ Joseph, Bridgwater Dibble, Alexander, Stogursey „ Dible, Andrew, Bagburrow „ Andrew, Kilton „ Andrew, Milverton ,, Andrew, Brompton Ralph „ Ann, Kilton „ Ann, Kilton „ Ann, Holford „ Catherine, Creech St. Michael „ Edward, Goathurst „ Elianor, widow, Durston „ Dible, fflorence, Bagburrowe „ fflorence, widow, Taunton James „ George, sen., Creech „ George, Holeford. (See 1831.) 17 1646 80 1678 58 1768 62 1707 [26 1724 172* 1628 66* 1646 92* 1616 40 1627 124 1681 127 1681 128 1681 47 1791 172 1727 131* 1628 45 1776 225* 1638 33 1628 22 1623 114* 1614 '5 1674 61 1666 78 1716 179* 1610 44 1701 89 1727 27* 1619 49* 7 54 1699 36 1741 21 1793 58 1781 74 1725 116 1711 5 1798 1 1768 35 1742 14 1636 11 1717 6 1727 77 1764 64 1625 69 1694 71 1706 14 1778 25 1735 45 1746 34 1767 '9 1746 37 1699 41 1674 M3* 1607 120 1667 29 1704 1784 i8o Taunton Wills. Dibble, Grace, Brumpton Ralph „ Henry, clerk, Kingston „ Henry, Stringstone „ Dible, Hugh, Westmonnckton „ Joane, widow, Westbagborow „ Joane, widow, Stringstone „ John, Durlye „ John, Lyng „ John, Westmonnckton „ John, gent, Milverton „ John, Lynge „ John, Stringstone „ John, Westbagbarrow „ John, Westbagborough „ Dible, Margerie, Durlye ,, Dible, Marian, widow, Kilton ,, Mary, widow, Lynge ,, Nicholas, Goathurst ,, Nicholas, Westbagborow „ Nicholas, Westbagborow „ Phillip, Otterhampton „ Rachell, widow, Lyng „ Dible, Richard, Donyett ,, Richard, Bagborowe West „ Richard, Lyng „ Robert, Otterhampton ,, Robert, Dunster ,, Sarah, Stogursey „ Dible, Thomas, Kilton „ Dible, Thomas, Bagburrow „ Thomas, Westbagborow „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Brumpton Ralph „ Thomas, Brompton Ralph „ William, Brompton Ralph Dicker, John, Bridgwater Dickinson, William, Taunton Magdalen Dicks, Dix, Bridgett, widow, Creech „ Dickes, Elizabeth, widow, Elworthie „ John, Bridgwater ,, Dyxe, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Dix als. Long, ffrances, widow, Ileabbott „ Dickes, Thomas als., see Thomas als. Dickes. Dight, Agnes, widow, Trull „ Deight, Henry, Trull „ John, jun., Donyett „ Deight, Margaret, Donyett „ Marke, Donyatt ,, Marke, Donyatt „ Marks, Broadway „ Thomas, Donyatt ,, William, Taunton Magdalen Dille, Elizabeth, Northepetherton Dimon, John, Donyatt See also Dymond. Dinch, Thomas, Radington Dingley, Edward, Bridgwater „ Dingly, Luce, Bridgwater „ Stephen, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater 4 ' 1748 60 1687 63 1723 73 1709 64 1701 89 1714 74* 1618 67 1697 45 1718 5' 1719 46 1736 So 1746 86 '747 72 1795 "4 1625 59 1662 69 1675 "3 1621 89 1699 127 1706 73 1666 20 1718 81* 1617 79 1639 82 1728 77 1667 41 1702 48 1769 74* 5 70* 6 105 1666 68 1693 3 1728 15 1778 10 1787 211* 1638 9' 1739 32 1716 20 1639 141 1621 126* 1616 43 1676 no 1661 162 1624 8* 1616 60 1620 38 1663 '7 1695 2 1774 22 1775 49 1752 1* 1608 43 1675 76 1710 7 1797 4 1735 10 1786 3 1765 Taunton Wills. 1 8 1 Dingley, William, Bridgwater Dinham, Adam, Curry Mallett „ Ann, Thorn St. Margaret „ Dynham, Edward, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Bicknell „ Henry, jun., Riston „ Henry, Riston „ Henry, Ruishton „ John, Bicknell „ John, Ileabbott „ John, Ruishton „ Dynham, Robert, Staple „ Robert, Nortonfitzwarren „ William, Curland „ William, Sheptonbeachamp See also Dunham. Dinman, Henry, Bishops Hull „ Rebecca, Lopen „ Thomas, Curry Rivell See also Dunman. Dinning, Nicholas, Buckland St. Mary Dishe (Arthur?) „ Joane, Miluerton Dith, Edward, ffiffett Dobb, Agnes, Bruishford „ Edward, Brumpton Ralph „ Joane, Wotton Courtney „ Joane, widow, Dulverton „ John, Brumpton Regis „ Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Robert, Brushford „ Robert, Dulverton „ Dobbe, Thomas, Brusheforde Dobell, see Doble. Dobin, Catherine, widow, Northpetherton „ Dobyn, Edithe, Northepetherton „ Edward, Westbagborow „ Edward, Westbagborough „ Dobyn, Hellen, Northepetherton „ Henry, Northepetherton „ Hugh, Northpetherton „ Hugh, Taunton St. James „ Dobyn, John, Northepetherton „ John, Stogumber „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton Doble, Alice, Brompton Ralph „ Alice, widow, Crocombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogumber „ Elizabeth, widow, Crocombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Crocombe „ George, Lawrence Lidiard „ George, Crocombe „ George, Mynehead „ Giles, Wootten Courtney „ Henry, Stogumber „ Hugh, Otterhampton „ Doable, Hughr Wootton Courtney 18 1724 45 1672 69 1761 14 1700 156* 1637 54 1709 88 1713 37 1766 6 1684 58 1688 67 1739 106 1610 39 1794 24 1708 62* 1737 13 1773 40 1765 '9 1798 19 1755 11* 2 24* 1 40 1632 160* 1637 8 1723 87* 1646 44 1662 7 1685 49 1687 12 1685 34 1776 132 1611 108 1684 9* 1619 145 1724 66 1796 2* 1609 66 1622 84 1661 63 1796 204* 1616 102 1623 67 1691 42 1726 60 1767 62 1671 83* 5 32 1640 67 1689 5 1715 21 1721 83* 1627 64 1632 69 1680 132 1675 98 1700 57* 4 113 1622 1 82 Taunton Wills. Doble, John, Wotton Courtnye „ John, (C)rocombe „ John, Crocombe „ John, Tolland „ John, Crocombe „ John, gent, Crocombe „ John, Crocombe „ Dobell, John, Bicknoller „ Mary, widow, Selworthy „ Nicholas, Crocombe „ Oliver, Crocomb „ Philippe, widow, Tolland „ Richard, Crocombe „ Robert, Wootton Courtney „ Thomas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Stogumber „ William, Canington „ William, ar., Westmonnckton „ Dobell, William, sen., Mynehead „ als. Gamlyne, Joane, Milverton Dodd, Henry, clerk, Cricket Thomas „ James, Otterhampton „ John, sen., Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Kingston Dodderidge, see Dudderidge. Doddington, Edith, spinster, Bicknoller ,, Giles, Netherstowie „ Hugh, Hilbusshoppes Dodescombe, Robert, Bruishford Dodge, Edward, Dinnington ,, John, Taunton Magdalen Doggerall, Thomas, Southpeatherton Dollaman, Joane, Northpetherton ,, Joan, Northpetherton „ Richard, Northpetherton ,, Dolloman, William, Enmore Dollen, Ann, Pitmister ,, Christopher, Oake „ Christopher, Trull „ Daniell, Trull „ John, Dunster „ Dollin, John, Dunster „ Philip, Dunster „ Silas, Nynehead „ Thomas, Trull „ Dollin, William, Heathfield „ als. Alven, John, Currey Mallett Dolliber, John, Taunton Magdalen Dolling, Dollinge, Elizabeth, Broadway „ Dollinge, John, Capland, parish Bradwaie „ Nicholas, Trull „ Dollinge, William, Oake „ Doling, Alving als., see Alving als. Doling. Dolman, Agnes, widow, Hatchbeacham „ Doleman, Elizabeth, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Hatchbeacham „ als. Sawtle, Richard, Drayton „ Doleman, Satle als., see Satle als. Doleman. Dolphin, Agnes, widow, Taunton James ,0 jg., 82* 2 25* 1623 31 1669 121 1683 3° 1700 10 1712 30 1713 5 1758 146 1730 8 1628 105* 1609 100 1662 12* 1608 '9 1622 26 1702 96 1716 25 1636 116 1662 67 1710 144 1622 30 1730 46 1787 108 1690 106 1690 18 1788 2 1 701 124* 1618 25 1627 82 1639 17 1735 20 1630 20 1646 52 1723 70 1746 50 1739 56 1681 36 1748 1 10 1676 "7 1674 90 1702 41* 7 44 1711 36 1764 98 1720 '33 1635 34 1744 53* 1618 122 1677 132 1621 10* 1616 132 1635 48* 4 76* 7 56 1719 125 1623 '37 1628 Taunton Wills. 183 Dolphin, Dolphyn, Joane, Hilbusshoppes „ Dolphen, John, Hill Bishop „ Dolphen, William, Taunton Magdalen Doman, John, Taunton Magdalen Dominy, Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Dampney als., see Dampney als. Dominy. Dommett, Domett, Christopher, Trull „ Dionis, Trull „ Domett, Edithe, Crewkerne „ Edward, Angersleigh „ Domett, George, Hatchbeachamp „ Domett, John, Angersleigh „ Leonard, Crewkerne „ Domett, Margaret, widow, Trull „ Mary, spinster, Trull „ Domett, William, Trull Donell, William, Mynehed „ als. Christopher, George, Minehead Donham, Joan, Henton St. George Donne, Elizabeth, widow, Seavington Mary „ Elizabeth, Milverton „ Hugh, Drayton „ John, Puckington „ John, gent, Puckington „ Mary, widow, Hinton St. George „ Mary, Puckington „ Donn, Richard, Seavington Mary „ Samuel, Crewkerne „ Samuel, Crewkerne „ WiUiam, Georgehenton „ WiUiam, Seavington Michael Doob, Robert, Dulverton Doone, Mary, Seavington St. Mary Dorchester, John, Puckington „ Symon, Puckington „ Thomas, Ilebrewers Dorrant als. Quick, John, Kittisford Dorry, Jane, Hilbuishoppes Dosse, Agnes, Chedzoe „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Doss, Mary, Bridgwater „ Philip, Chedzoie „ Phillip, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Chedzoy Dotheridge (Dudrige), Anne, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Crocombe „ Samuel, Canington See also Dudderidge. Douch, James, clerk, Westmonnkton „ John, clerk, Westmonnckton „ Douche, William, Crewkerne DowdaU, John, Spaxton Dowdle, William, gent., Orchard Dowding, Andrew, Stogursey „ Charity, widow, Stogursey „ Joane, Stogursey „ Dowdding, John, Stokegursey „ Dowdinge, John, Wembdon „ Margaret, widow, Stogursey „ Mary, spinster, Otterhampton 40* 1607 42* 4 54* 5 46 1763 56 1796 7' 1679 108 1630 58* 5 '3 1640 3' 1777 2 1710 43 1633 79 1676 9' 1696 98 1666 96* 1607 90 1622 56 1639 '32 1684 41 1744 n 1758 64 1721 IOI 1731 65a 1681 68 1767 92 1713 24 1699 35 1711 ga 1611 137 1730 27 '744 77 '773 93 1675 74 1691 57 1716 59 1634 39* 1638 '35 1641 17 1706 6 1765 81 1637 22 1694 7 1640 169 1727 33 1660 33 1670 67 1698 7' 1709 122 1624 57 1778 100 1681 "4 1683 95 1714 136 1637 98* 1 '39* 1619 134 1632 83 1704 1 84 Taunton Wills. Dowding, Mary, widow, Otterhampton „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Otterhampton „ Robert, Stogursey „ Robert, Stockland Bristoll „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stockland Bristoll Dowdney, George, Bridgwater „ George, Canington „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Otterhampton „ John, Otterhampton „ Dowdnye, Nicholas, Aishebrittle „ Doudney, Roger, Stogumber, and Kingsale, co. Cork „ Walter, Thorne St. Margaret „ als. Bucking, Samuel, Northpetherton Dowe, Robert, Spaxton Dowlinge, William, Georgehenton Downe, Alice, Kingesbrompton „ Jane, Taunton Magdalen „ Down, Jane, Sampford Arundel „ John, Dunster „ John, Elworthy „ Down, John, Selworthy „ Richard, Bicknoller „ Thomas, Stogursey „ William, Combeflory „ als. Lockier, Alice, Elworthie „ als. Lokier, William, Northepetherton Downham, Emlen, widow, Chellington Downton, Andrew, Canington Drady, Richard, Taunton Magdalen Drake, Ambrose, Donyatt „ Anne, Wembdon „ Anne, spinster, Pitmister „ Anne, widow, Kingston „ Edith, widow, Westmonnkton „ Drak, Elizabeth, widow, Donyett „ Emanuell, gent., Pitmister „ Emanuell, Kingston „ Erasmas, Trull „ Jane, widow, Trull „ Joane, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton James „ John, Bridgwater „ Mary, spinster, Pitmister „ Mary, Kingston „ Phillip, Westmonnkton „ Richard, (? Bridgwat)er „ Richard, Puckington „ Richard, Bridgwater ,i Sarah, spinster, Pitmister „ Thomas, Abbatt He Draper, Richard, Chillington Drayton, Grace, widow, Barrington „ Henry, Barrington „ Henry, Barrington „ John, Barrington „ John, Barrington 48 1726 92 1622 94 1680 55 1686 112 173' 103 1690 112 1694 18 1676 37 1677 16 1666 47 1726 49 1795 52 1627 154 1727 70 1679 78 1662 23* 1609 29* 7 22 1625 89* 1612 68 1776 108* 1620 61 1669 72 1777 4 1695 IOI 1706 '55 1631 49 1642 168* 1622 20 1681 131* 1608 87 1721 35 1683 9 1626 85 1690 52 1725 "7 1691 92 1631 103 1683 37 1692 '35 1694 57 1695 '3' 1720 74 1622 60 1698 7 1774 86 1690 40 1784 '35 1690 45* 1617 10 1638 14 1731 78 1691 '3 1628 '5 1750 14 1730 n 1710 8 1747 7 1689 21 1764 Taunton Wills. 185 Drayton, John, Barrington „ Joseph, Drayton „ Mary, spinster, Drayton „ Peter, Barrington „ Robert, Drayton „ Roger, Drayton „ Thomas, Barrington Drew, Agnes, Canington „ Drewe, Alice, widow, Sheptonbeacham „ Alice, widow, Hilfarence „ Anthony, Merriott „ Edith, Currie Rivell „ Grace, Bridgwater „ James, Curry Revell „ John, Beer Crocombe „ John, Stocklinch Ottersey „ John, Cannington „ John, Bridgwater „ Joyce, widow, Currie Revell „ Marie, Kingeston „ Mary, widow, Dunster „ Mary, Cannington „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Phillippa, widow, Crewkerne „ Robert, Dunster „ William, Bridgwater Drewer, Richard Seavington Michell „ Thomazine, widow, Seavington Michell Drewsse, Richard, Merriotte Ducke, Robert, ffiddington „ Duck, Thomas, Curri Rivell „ Duck, William, Drayton Duckworth, Cicilia, Curry Mallett Dudderidge, Dudridge, Alice, Stogumber „ Duderidge, Jacob, Kilve „ James, Kilve „ James, Bridgwater „ Jane, widow, Northpetherton „ Dudridg, Joane, Stokegumber „ Dodderidge, Joan, North Petherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Crocombe „ Maurice, Taunton Magdalen „ Dudridge, Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Westmonnckton „ Dudridge, Walter, Staplegrove „ William, Bridgwater See also Dotheridge. Duddrige, see Dotheridge. Dudding, John, Stockland Bristow „ John, jun., Otterhampton „ Duding, John, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey Dudlestone, Margery, widow, Canington „ Duddlestone, Thomas, Canington Dudwill, Henry, Taunton James Duke, Grace, Stogursey „ Michael, Canington Dulin, William, Crewkerne 5 1786 43 1696 52 1728 34 1624 46 1661 55 1660 '4 1713 93* 3 44 1633 44 1666 68* 1646 34 1638 '3 1771 44 1707 14 1685 87 1704 8 1763 10 1768 '3 1664 80* 3 41 1714 9 1763 6 1768 12 1771 29 1671 15 1681 5 1797 "5 1720 in 1681 25 1645 48 1714 25 1635 26 1778 7 1766 38* 1613 64 1663 57 1696 4 1792 104 1727 in* 7 55 1773 68 1740 '9 '793 134 1720 67* 1607 96 1703 49* 1619 6 1789 122 1630 68 i°33 149 1660 98 1677 3' 1711 28 1706 137 1625 73 1729 18 1700 3' 1717 i86 Taunton Wills. Dunellie, Alice, Curry Rivell Dungie, John, Corfe „ Dungey, Mary, widow, Corffe „ Symon, Corfe Dungus, Henry, Milverton Dunham, Christopher, Georgehenton „ Dorothy, Dinnington „ Dunhim, Richard, Ashbrittle See also Dinham. Dunkerton, John, Bridgwater Dunman, John, Taunton James „ Nicholas, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Nicholas, Westmonkton „ Rachell, widow, Cheddon fitzpaine „ William, Westmonnckton See also Dinman. Dunn, Agnes, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ David, Selworthy „ Peter, Henton St. George Dunscombe, Bartholomew, Canington „ Christopher, Dulverton „ David, Winsford „ Dunsecomb, James, Winsford „ John, Selworthy „ Mary, widow, Stogursey „ Richard, Westmonkton „ Thomazine, widow, Exton „ William, Stogursey „ William, Dulverton „ Dunscomb als. Stutfold, William, Selworthie Dunsford, John, Dulverton Dunstan, Cicilie, Bridgwater Dunster, Henry, Buckland St. Mary „ Joane, widow, Riston and Taunton St. James „ John, Seavington Mary „ John, Wilton „ Nicholas, „ Richard, Whitstanton „ Roger, Donyatt „ William, Crickett Malherby Dunstone, Elizabeth, widow, ffivehead „ Nicholas, ffivehead „ William, Bridgwater Duran, John, Milverton Durborow, Joane, spinster, Crocombe „ John, Crocombe „ John, Spaxton „ Nicholas, Crocombe „ Durbrow, Nicholas, Crocombe „ Nicholas, Aisholt „ Durbrow, Nicholas, Ashpriors „ Durborrowe, Richard, Stokegumber „ Robert, Kingston „ Sarah, widow, Spaxton „ Durburrow, Walter, Wembdon „ Durborough, William, Ashpriors Durling, John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Sarah, widow, Northpetherton „ Thomazine, Northpetherton 1 08* 2 141 1631 16 1691 86 1623 6* 4 4 1634 '9 1791 2 1729 65 1621 71* 5 28 1690 89 1773 26 1694 85 1732 44 1673 64 1765 65 1681 20 1717 42 1662 50 1715 6 1610 3' 1788 107 1716 76 1780 21 1705 105 1667 47 1678 52 1632 65* 8 47 1625 6 1677 102 1680 95 1690 121 1704 93* 6 in 1626 40 1700 18 1744 5' 1716 49 1688 49 1621 30* 1766 32 1710 28 1678 114 1694 30 1672 29 1702 1 1764 3 1777 79* 1608 79 1707 103 1716 94 1628 2 1685 16 1635 73 1696 29 1715 99 1670 Taunton Wills. 187 Durling, William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton „ Terry als., see Terry als. Durling. Durman, Francis, Crewkerne „ George, Beer Crocombe „ George, Beercrocombe „ Thomas, sen., Crewkerne Durneford, Agnes, Wembdon „ James, Wembdon „ John, Durley „ Richard, Northepetherton Durston, Christian, widow, Wilton „ Creasy, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Trull „ Joane, widow, Wilton „ Martha, Bishops Hull „ Mary, widow, Chedzoy „ Robert, Wilton „ Thomas, Wilton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Durstonn, William, Wiltonn „ William, Chedzoy „ William, Wilton „ William, Durston „ William, Wilton Dussen, William, Otterhampton Dwelly, Edward, Durston „ Henry, sen., Curry Revell „ Robert, Curry Rivell „ Robert, Durston „ William, Durston Dyer, Alice, Barrington „ Arthur, Otterhampton „ Caleb, Taunton Magdalen „ Dionisia, Hilfarrent „ Edith, spinster, Milverton „ Edward, Hilfarrence „ Edward, Pitmister „ Elizabeth, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Elizabeth, Hillfarrence „ Hanna, Taunton James „ Henry, Stogumber „ Henry, Tolland „ Henry, Milverton „ Hugh, Stogumber „ James, Milverton „ Jane, spinster, Stogursey „ Dier, Joane, Porlock „ Joane, spinster, Aldington „ Joan, Corffe „ John, Luccombe „ John, Badialton ,, John, Hilbishops „ John, gent, Bridgwater „ John, Hillfarrence „ John, Milverton „ John, Corfe „ Joseph, Milverton „ Mary, spinster, Milverton „ Dier, Philip, Kilve 79 1663 123 1685 39 1660 3 1707 2 1798 44 1627 19* 4 167 1632 81* 3 83* 1607 '39 1683 79 1777 127 1690 189 1684 n 1765 36 1677 74 1640 120 1678 5 1767 58* 8 21 1663 139 1672 36 1702 95 1739 46 1762 38 1743 '3 1705 '3 1761 32 1776 34 1664 100* 1614 99 1694 55 1741 165* 1622 88 1720 65 1670 84 1690 7i 1675 32 1786 80 1732 106* 1616 41* 1636 4' 1701 63 1726 40 1786 7 i633 132* 1614 74 1636 12 1752 234* 1638 4 1670 63 1681 20 1711 32 1749 21 1758 20 1765 77 1683 77 173' 50* 1608 1 88 Taunton Wills. Dyer, Richard, Staplegrove „ Robert, Northepetherton „ Robert, Curry Revell „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Hillfarrence „ Dier, Walter, ,, William, Hilfarrence „ William, Halse „ William, Milverton „ als. Lawrence, Christopher, Otterhampton „ als. Lawrence, John, Taunton James „ als. Lawrence, Hugh, Overstowey „ als. Lawrence, Richard, Asholt ,, Dier als. Lawrence, William, Bridgwater „ als. Sullie, Henry, Stogumber „ Lawrence ah., see Lawrence als. Dyer. „ Sealy ah., see Sealy als. Dyer. Dyke, Alexander, Staplefitzpaine „ Betty, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Dulverton „ Joane, widow, Kingston „ Margaret, widow, Dulverton „ Margaret, Kingston „ Richard, Kingston „ Robert, Brompton Ralph „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Dykes, William, clerk, Elworthie „ WiUiam, Brumpton Regis „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen Dyker, George, Bridgwater „ George, Bridgwater „ Joseph, Lopen Dyment, Benjamin, Spaxton „ Margaret, widow, Charlinch „ Paull, Wayford „ Thomas, Crewkerne Dymett, Thomas, Dymicke, Thomas, Crewkerne Dymond, John, Trull „ Katherine, Minehead Dynham, see Dinham. Eades, John, Crewkerne „ Joseph, Crewkerne Eame, Alice, widow, Luckham George, Wotton Courtney Gyles, Luccombe Eeme, John, Luccombe John, Luccomb Eames, John, Stringstone John, Luckham John, Luckham See also Dimon. 116 1707 38* 1615 24 1681 84 1750 92 1672 157 1684 3° 1735 9i 1768 20 1794 92* 1609 45 1719 23 1726 35 1772 7* 1636 1 11 1674 9' 1697 3 1786 39 1610 56 1637 96 1667 78 1775 23 1737 64 1700 32 1703 34 1765 29 1679 99 1622 82 1672 47 1703 5° 1759 '3' 1635 12 1678 98 1733 96 1746 '5 1731 3 1767 66 1675 86 1768 3° 1733 13S 1716 '9 1774 5 5* 1608 3' 1684 88 1781 52 1784 97* 1636 27 1680 46 1721 141 1683 146* 1616 68* 5 '3 161 1 124 1669 65 1697 49 1767 Taunton Wills. 189 Eame, Mathew, Luccombe „ Eames, Thomas, Stogumber ,, Thomas, Luckham „ Eames, Thomas, Minehead „ Eames, Tristram, Otterhampton „ Eamie, William, Dunster „ Eames, William, Clatworthy „ Eames, William, Clatworthy „ William, Luckham Earish, Joane, widow, Dynnington Earle, Giles, Taunton James Eason, Andrew, Barrington „ Andrew, Southpetherton „ Andrew, Barrington „ Andrew, Lopen „ Elizabeth, Barrington „ John, Southpetherton „ Marie, Southpeatherton „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Susanna, Henton St. George „ William, clerk, Stoke St. Mary „ William, Merriott „ Wansey als., see Wansey als. Eason. East, Alexander, Crewkerne „ Easte, Christopher, (Pit ?)mister „ Robert, Beer Crocomb Easterbrook, Jacob, Taunton Magdalen Easterling, Stradling als., see Stradling als. Easterling. Eastmond, John, Barrington Easton, Abell, Bradford „ Elizabeth, Currey Mallett „ Henry, Whitstanton „ Jane, Loponn „ Martha, widow, Whitstanton „ Eastonn, William, Tauntonn Eaton, Robert, Hewishchampflower Eccles, Daniel, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater Ecclestone, Robert, Stogursey „ Robert, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stogursey Edbrooke, Abraham, Stockpirrow „ Alice, Minehead „ James, Cutcombe „ Edbrook, Joane, Cutcomb „ Edbroke, Joan, Cutcombe „ John, Exford „ Nathaniel, Cutcombe „ Philip, Exford „ Richard, Exford „ Richard, Exford „ Robert, Winsford „ Silvester, the elder, Exford „ Sylvester, Cutcombe „ William, Exford Edgar, Agnes, Misterton „ Robert, clerk, Stogumber Edington, Thomas, Bradford Edmunds, Agnes, Crewkerne „ Edmonds, Ann, Southpetherton 35 1641 89 1688 74 1694 43 1789 100 1632 24* 1616 30 1688 20 1732 53 1733 76 1633 9' 1671 9 1704 124 1717 11 1729 16 1770 1 175' 9' 1664 14* 1638 102 1678 42 1750 '35 1730 67 1746 41* 1629 36* 5 8 1672 116 1697 3 1624 3 1750 49 1627 '35 1663 58 1722 122 1664 82* 1615 21* 1612 4 1765 7 1784 64 1679 62 1689 82 1693 54 1686 32 1766 8 178S 10 1634 23 1799 4i 1664 12 1791 92* 1607 59* 1646 47 1708 105 1625 12 1738 21 1775 35 1693 46 1776 76 1703 89 1611 105 1620 42 1741 1 90 Taunton Wills. Edmunds, Edmints, Catherine, spinster, Charlinch „ Edmonds, Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ Edmonds, Giles, Dunster „ James, Lopon „ Edmonds, John, Southpetherton „ Edmonts, John, Southbredon „ Edmonds, John, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, Joseph, Drayton „ Edmond, Margaret, Mynehed „ Edmonds, Margaret, widow, Shepton beachamp „ Edmonds, Mathew, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, Meshach, Taunton Magdalen „ Edmund, Rachel, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Westquantoxhed „ Edmonds, Samuel, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, Thomas, Milverton „ Edmonds, Thomas, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, Thomas, Isleabbotts „ Edmonds, William, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, William, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, William, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, William, Southpetherton „ Edmonds, William, Drayton „ Aberie ah., see Aberie als. Edmunds. Edney, John, Wembdon „ Ednye, Launcelet, Charlinche „ Nicholas, Nynehead „ Nicholas, Nynehead „ Robert, Charlinch „ Robert, Wembdon „ Thomas, Enmore „ Thomas, Spaxton „ Ednye, Thomazine, Taunton James „ William, Cannington Edwards, Agnes, Milverton „ Andrew, Chilton „ Elianor (Ellender), widow, Milverton „ Elizabeth, Chedsey „ Elizabeth, Milverton „ George, Cutcombe „ George, Curry Revell „ Henry, Drayton „ Henry, Wythycombe „ Henry, Drayton „ Henry, Liddeard St. Lawrence „ Henry, Stockland. (See No. 46, 1779.) „ Henry, Stockland „ Honor, widow, Chedzoy „ Humphry, Southpetherton „ Isaac, Taunton Magdalen „ Isaac, Puckington „ James, Cutcombe „ James, Pitmister „ Joane, Durlye „ Joane, Cutcombe „ John, Netlecombe ,, John, Durleigh „ John, Northepetherton „ John, the elder, Crewkerne „ John. Chedsey 28 1687 43 1796 39 1724 63 1683 98 1687 98 1711 7o 1767 29 1744 31* 6 99 1716 79 1636 49 1770 88 1768 127 1624 61 1789 63 1668 41 1748 39 1776 82 1668 123 1694 54 1695 65 1784 27 1789 53 1770 16* 1612 87 1661 60 1676 26 1670 65 1796 44 1719 120 1728 77* 1627 6 1748 28* 4 22 1664 9' 1684 89 1621 35 1741 93 1643 25 1683 4 1643 178 1684 41 1708 38 1749 64* 1778 46 1779 39 1717 27 1610 122 1722 102 1731 35* 1615 67 1699 67* 4 32 1662 37* 3 146 1622 207* 1622 11 1629 14 1635 Taunton Wills. 191 Edwards, John, Badialton „ John, Durleigh „ John, Drayton ,, John, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ Joseph, Curry Revell „ Margaret, Northepetherton „ Mary, Trull „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Phillis, widow, Durleigh „ Robert, Northpeatherton „ Sarah, spinster, Trull „ Symon, Northpeatherton „ Simon, Northepetherton „ Simon, Crewkerne „ Edwardes, Thomas, Abbott He „ Thomas, Chedsoy „ Thomas, Curry Revell „ Edward, Thomas, Ileabbotts ,, Ursula, widow, Cutcombe „ Edwardes, Walter, Shepton beacham „ Edwardes, William, Chedsey „ William, Chedsey „ William, Chedsoy „ William, Chilton „ William, Nortonfitzwarren „ William, Corffe „ als. Crosse, William, Strengeston „ als. Ibbott, Thomas, Huishchampflower „ Crosse als., see Crosse als. Edwards. „ Florence als., see Florence als. Edwards. Elby, Thomas, Crewkerne Elford, Anne, widow, Exton and Brushford „ John, clerk, rector of Westbagborow Ellard, Robert, Monksilver EUery, Joane, Chedzoy „ Joan, Enmore „ Elarie, Richard, Taunton James Ellesdon, Joane, widow, Misterton Ellett, John, Orchard „ Ellet, John, Goathurst „ Thomas, Northpetherton Elliott, Andrew, sen., Southpetherton „ Anne, widow, Southpetherton „ Anne, spinster, Bridgwater „ Ann, Southpetherton „ Elyott, Beata, ffivehead „ Catherine, widow, Southpetherton „ Christian, widow, Southpetherton „ Henry, Wayford „ James, Dowlishwake „ James, Southpetherton „ John, Seavington St. Michael ,, John, Southpetherton „ Peter, gent, StockUnch Ottersey „ Robert, Ristonn „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, sen., Southpetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton 64 1640 40 1670 41 1677 33 1694 27 1781 36 1687 109 1625 114 1697 3 1763 12 1790 42 1681 1* 1636 58 1695 30* 11 161* 1621 37 1630 78 1611 27 1692 56 1720 72 1727 23 1661 50* 1609 56* 1609 57 1611 123 1621 28 1634 93 1670 40 1707 83 1626 28 1695 33 1690 48 1716 125 1706 37 1793 29 1669 3° 1737 114 1641 62 1696 16 1631 21 1757 76* 1 181 1635 49 1682 '3 1721 42 1785 27 1749 140 1670 in 1690 "3 1637 54 1669 87 1702 78 1773 56 1795 141 1727 132 1632 104 1661 86 1710 64 1762 192 Taunton Wills. Elliott, Sarah, spinster, Curry Revell „ Sarah, widow, Southpetherton „ Susan, widow, Southpetherton ,, Susanna, widow, Creech „ Susannah, Seavington Michael ,, Thomas, Asholt „ William, Orchard „ William, Southpetherton „ als. Ceech, Joane, widow, Asholt „ Elliotts als. Couch, Christopher, Asholt Ellis, Alice, spinster, Moncksilver „ Catherine, widow, Dunster „ Katherine, Asholt „ Ethelred, Luckham „ Ethelred, Luckham „ ffrancis, Asholt „ James, Misterton „ Jane, widow, Luxburrow „ Ellisse, John, Aisheholte „ John, Overstowie ,, John, Asholt ,, John, Riston ,, John, Minehead „ Julian, Wayford „ Marie, Hilbusshoppes „ Marie, widow, Brompton R. „ Mary, widow, Mynehead „ Ellisse, Thomas, Brompton Regis „ Susanna, Taunton Magdalen, and of St Mewan, Cornwall „ Ellisse, William, Brompton Regis „ William, Brompton Regis Ellite, Joan, Aisheholt Elmes, Christian, widow, Westmonnckton „ John, Westmonnkton „ Elms, Timothy, Ruishton Elsdon, Mary, wife of Thomas, Stoke St. Mary Elson, Agnes, Chipstable „ EUson, George, Dunster „ John, Upton „ John, Langford Budvill „ Peter, Radington „ Ellsonn, Rebecca, widow, Dunster „ Thomas, Lydiard St. Lawrence ,, Thomas, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Lydeard St. Lawrence Elston, John, Selworthie ,, als. Hooper, Joane, widow, Selworthy „ Elstone als. Hooper, Thomas, Dunster „ Elstone als. Hooper, WiUiam, Dunster Elsworthy, Ann, widow, Wythycombe ,, Arthur, Wythycomb „ Elsworthie, Joane, Exford ,, Joane, widow, Upton „ Elsworthie, Nicholas, Duluerton „ Elsworthie, Thomas, Hawkridge „ Thomas, Dunster „ Elsworthie, William, Curry Rivell „ Elsworthye, William, Ilebruers „ Streattinger ah., see Streattinger als. Elsworthy. „ Elsworthie, Ward ah., see Ward als. Elsworthie. 25 1697 62 1723 '36 1660 30 1681 71 1776 2 1726 106 1611 no 1690 1 1681 1 1705 92 1635 43 1670 1 1727 55 1764 55* 1768 3 1672 7i 1704 33 1701 93* 1612 70 1666 1 1714 107 1717 46 1761 129 1711 73 1623 "3 1632 82 1694 93* 4 56 1705 26* 6 25 1624 75* 1627 124 1704 109 1693 60 '737 5o 1790 12 1 705 29 1632 10S 1662 81 1727 52 1692 3' 1632 56 1733 47 1742 37 1778 127* 1607 97 1678 5' 1681 63 1720 74 1709 168 1670 64* 1615 121 1697 212* 1638 41 1643 24 1796 40* 4 57* 1612 Taunton Wills. 193 Elworthy, Anne, widow, Taunton James „ Elworthie, Joane, Stogumber „ John, Taunton Magdalen (Inv. only) „ Elworthie, Richard, Mynehed Emmett, William, Bridgwater Emott, Ann, Stockland Bristoll England, Elizabeth, ffivehead „ George, Merriott „ Hagar, widow, Chedzoy „ Henry, Durleigh „ Henry, Durston „ James, Chedzoy ,, Jane, Hillfarrence „ Joane, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Joan, Hillfarrence „ John, Canington „ John, Chedsey „ John, Sheptonbeacham „ John, Sheptonbeacham „ John, Westmonckton „ John, Durston „ John, Westmonnkton „ John, Southpetherton ,, John, Creech St. Michael „ Justine, Durston ., Robert, Durston „ Robert, Merriott „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Sarah, Chedzoy „ Susanna, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Creech ,, Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Thomas, Milverton „ William, Southpetherton „ William, Durston „ William, Chedzoy „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Southpetherton See also Ingland. English, John, Northpetherton „ Roger, Northpetherton Engram, Joane, Northpetherton „ John, Durston „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton Erlam, William, Corfe Escott, Agnes, Dunster „ Alexander, Bridgwater „ Bickham, Kittisford „ Edward, Porlock „ Francis, Eastquantoxhead „ George, jun., Taunton Magdalen „ George, gent, Bridgwater „ George, Stogumber „ Grace, Dunster „ Hugh, Withycombe „ Hugh, Wythicombe „ John, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Dunster „ Meliora, widow, Kilve "5 1714 103* 7 85 1726 59* 10 1 1791 64 1775 52 1675 62 1742 28 1703 66 1685 49 1727 18 1689 33 1780 33 1715 21 1794 63* 1 29* 1616 86* 1618 '5 1625 17* 1645 38 1684 108 1696 75 1699 5 1745 201* 1610 37 1700 39 1789 170 1685 26 1774 57 '795 3' 1676 98 1716 42 1747 12 1631 40 1663 20 1750 8 1778 41 '794 S3 1725 55 1734 53 '739 14* 4 104 1720 69 1740 66* 10 34 1750 7 1796 3' '754 172* 1607 20 1769 109. 1714 '4 1724 70 1771 33 1784 98 1736 21 '753 4 1783 54 1728 5° '733 194 Taunton Wills. Escott, Richard, gent., Dunster „ Richard, Withycombe „ Walter, Cutcombe Essemay, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Estcourt, Susanna, widow, Overstowey Eune, George, Wotton Courtnye Evans, Elizabeth, widow, Westquantoxhed „ Elizabeth, widow, Ilebrewers ,, Elizabeth, Westquantoxhed „ Grace, Sampford Brett „ Henry, Bridgwater „ James, Seaborough ,, John, Liddiard Lawrence „ Evens, John, Westmonnckton „ John, Minehead „ John, Chedzoy „ Mahlah, spinster, Dunster „ Evan, Nicholas, Langford „ Nicholas, . . . ton „ Rebecca, widow, Westmonnckton „ Robert, . . . ilton ,, Robert, Halse „ Samuel, Dulverton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Westquantoxhed ,, William, Eastquantoxhed „ Evan, William, Mynehead „ William, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Eastquantoxhed „ William, Canington „ Evens, William, Creech „ William, Bridgwater „ Balch ah., see Balch als. Evans. Evatt, Evett, Anne, widow, Dunster „ Evett, Bartholomew, Samford Brett ,, James, Luxburrow ,, Evett, James, Mynehead „ James, Hull Bishops ,, Laurence, Exton „ Thomas, Luxburrowe ,, Evett, Thomas, Dulverton Evemay, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Everard, John, gent, Spaxton „ John, Stockland Bristol „ Robert, Spaxton „ Robert, Stogursey „ Robert, Stockland Bristol „ Robert, Stockland Bristoll „ Thomas, Stockland Bristowe „ Evererard, William, Stockland Bristoll „ Every als., see Every als. Everard. Evered, Agnes, Stockland „ Alice, Stokegursey „ Alice, Stogursey ,, Everad, John, Bradford Everest, John, Bridgwater Everett, William, Otterhampton „ William, Stockland Bristoll Every, Ames, gent, Pitmister „ Elizabeth, Crewkerne 52 1727 75 1795 22 1688 52. 1738 128 1685 24* 1617 34 1633 63 1706 76 1756 116 173' 47* 9 9S '743 57 1710 65 1712 29 1738 27 1774 33 '733 21* 4 98* 1612 46 1715 119* 1638 26 1695 24 1792 S3 1632 75 1756 '4 1673 85 1694 "9 1716 67 1720 36 1728 37 1730 5 1778 54 1681 21 1621 55 1627 1 10 1685 44 '743 58 1641 193* 1616 39 1680 64 1686 82 1696 30 1718 IOI 1663 104 1667 102 1669 1 10 1683 100* 4 96 1687 3 1611 34* 1 dated 1603 '47 1610 97* 1609 5 1773 29* 10 94 1690 77 1691 35 1708 Taunton Wills. 195 Every, Everie, Anastacie, Pytmister „ Francis, Pitmister „ Guy, Donniatt (Inw. only) „ Everie, Hugh, Pitmister „ Mary, Pitmister „ Richard, Pitmister „ Richard, Pitmister ,, Richard, Stoke St. Mary ,, Thomas, Donyett „ Everie, Valentin, Pitmister „ William, Otterford „ als. Everard, Robert, Crewkerne Ewens, Alexander, Mynehead „ Dorothy, Hilfarrant ,. Henry, Milverton ,, Ewings, James, Hilfarrence ,, Joan, Mynehead „ John, Bicknoller „ Joseph, Crewkerne „ Mary, Milverton „ Richard, Stogumber Exhole, Agnes, Bradford Exon, Anne, widow, Stogursey ,, James, Bicknoller „ John, Lillstock „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Kilton „ William, Westquantoxhead Exton, Catherine, Bicknaller „ John, Halse „ Walter, Milverton „ William, the elder, North Petherton Eyre, Joane, widow, Stocklinch Magdalen Facey, Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Humphry, Taunton Magdalen ,, Facie, Robert, Canington Fackerel, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Fackerell, Henry, Northpetherton „ Fackrell, Jane, widow, Northpetherton „ Fackrell, Jonas, Northpetherton „ Fackerell, Nicholas, Northpetherton Fairechild, Miles, Winsford Falvey, Luke, Sellworthy Fane, Symon, Lynge Fanewell, Barber ah., see Barber als. Fanewell. Farden, Joane, widow, Mynehead Farding, Ley ah., see Ley als. Farding. Farmer als. Chappell, Jane, widow, Thorne St. Margaret „ als. Chappell, Thomas, Thorne Margaret „ als. Derham, James, Lyng „ als. Derham, John, Carrey Mallett „ Chaplin ah., see Chaplin ah. Farmer. „ Chappie als., see Chappie als. Farmer. „ Derham ah., see Derham als. Farmer. „ Sully als., see Sully als. Farmer. Farnham, Christopher, Orchard „ Francis, Misterton „ Giles, Misterton „ Farneham, Joane, Misterton 20 1611 53 1726 39 1639 37* 1616 65 1767 99 1680 92 1716 7i '755 40 1630 38 1610 5o 1709 34 1669 61 1674 27* 9 63 1740 54 1680 '47 1635 3 1698 7 1758 49 '755 52 1639 64 1621 162 1727 5 1665 32 1775 77 1767 36 '739 57 1794 45* 5 25 1712 3° 1741 116 1660 21* 6 99 1746 34 1745 96 1635 11 1764 49 1778 46 1789 54 '739 46 1692 70 1712 73 1750 6S 1675 56 1702 34 1718 97 '693 62 1714 38 1627 109 206 5130 1728 1622 17211634 196 Taunton Wills. Farnham, John, Crewherne „ John, Pitmister „ Lawrence, gent, Orchard „ Farnam, Richard, Misterton „ Ruth, widow, Misterton ,, Thomas, clerk, Staplefitzpaine Farr, Deborah, Taunton St. James Farrant, Robert, Staplefitzpaine Farrer, Anthony, Loponn „ Elizabeth, Loponn Farthing, Alice, Withell Farthinge, Alice, widow, Cutcomb Anne, widow, Stogursey Ann, Lidiard St Lawrence Bartholomew, Nynehead Bartholomew, Oake Bartholomew, Stogursey Farthinge, Catherine, Kingestonn Christopher, Charlinche Edward, Stogursey Elizabeth, widow, Dulverton Elizabeth, widow, Kingston Elizabeth, Westmonnckton Ellen, Oake EUinor, widow, Kingston George, Westmounckton Farthinge, Giles, Northepetherton Henry, Staplegrove Farthinge, James, Cutcombe James, Cutcomb Jane, Halse Joane, Taunton James Joane, Kingestonn Joan, Nettlecombe Farthinge, John, Brompton Regis John, Kingston John, Kingston John, Spaxton John, Badialton John, clerk, Halse John, Pitmister Lewis, Dulverton Margaret, Kingston Mary, widow, Kingston Mary, Kingston Mary, Nortonfitzwarren Richard, Taunton James Richard, Cutcombe Richard, Taunton James Richard, Hillfarrence Richard, Kingston Richard, Nortonfitzwarren Farthen, Robert, Taunton James Robert, Taunton Magdalen Samuel, Kingston Samuel, Spaxton Thomasine, widow, Oake Farthinge, William Farwell, James, clerk, Rector of Nortonfitzwarren „ Margaret, widow, Hilbishops 35 1681 '34 1727 97 173' 46 '734 73 1711 '39 1727 75 1747 '36 i73o 27 1622 1* 1618 75* 3 104 1631 '33 1694 37 1762 86 1724 45 1726 '41 173' 86 1620 '53 1621 140 '73' 38 1680 62 1716 86 '734 66 1736 146 1635 '75 173' 52 1622 112* 1641 48 1625 33 i633 22 '779 7S* 7 S 1620 69 '742 143* 1610 3S 1709 40 1729 77 1736 4 '737 27 1772 4' 1790 45 '713 54 '743 43 1665 53 1743 5' '775 91* 7 92 1626 140 1631 5' 1742 5' '743 37 1772 142 1640 68 [765 52 '743 74 '755 61 1729 20* 10 79 1697 '7 1718 Taunton Wills. 197 Farwell, Richard, Bradford „ Farewell, Richard, Hilbishops ,, Thomas, Stogumber Fathers, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen Faun, Edward, Creech St. Michael Fawcitt, Catherine, Bridgwater Feare, Joane, Whitstanton „ Sarah, widow, Northpetherton Feaver, Edward, Corffe Febditch, William, Puckington Feen, George, Mynehed Feildes, John, Rowington Feltham, John, Eastquantoxhead „ Feltum, William, Durston Femell, Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Femall, Joane, Taunton Fermer, Derham ah., see Derham ah. Fermer. Ferris, George, Langford Budvill „ Ferriss, John, Stockpero „ Margery, widow, Milverton „ Mary, widow, Stockpirrow „ Mary, Milverton „ Michaell, Stockpirrow „ Robert, Canington Fewtrell, Susanna, Crewkerne „ William, clerk, Hinton St. George Fickus, Edmund, Taunton Magdalen Fidoe, John, Curry Revell ,, John, Curry Rivel „ Richard, Curry Revell „ Richard, sen., Curry Revell „ Richard, Curry Rivell „ William, Curry Rivell Fildue, Agnes, Aishebrittle „ Fildew, Anne, widow, Aishbrittle „ Fildew, Catherine, Northepetherton „ Dorothie, Northpetherton „ Fildew, Elizabeth, Northepetherton „ James, Aishebrittle „ John, Aishebrittle Filkins, John, Kittisford „ William, Minehead Filpott, John, Pitmister ,, Robert, Sampford Brett Finner, Agnes, widow, Chedzoy „ Fimier (Finner?), Dorothie, Cheddon ,, Edward, Northepetherton „ Richard, Fiddington „ Thomas, Chedsey Fish, Agnes, widow, Ashbrittle „ Fishe, Ambrose, Aishbritle „ Amos, Bishops Hull „ Ann, Stogursey „ Jonas, Luckham „ Fishe, Richard, Chedsey „ Fishe, Roger, Aishebritle „ Roger, Ashbrittle ,, William, Stogursey „ William, Stogursey Fisher, Alice, widow, Chedsey 70* 1611 56 1711 176 1632 '77 1727 17 1789 1 1779 IOI* 2 44 1726 IOI* 1638 79 1768 37 1627 36* 1607 43 1764 35 i643 26* 7 83* 1615 40 1747 63 1792 80 1683 7i 1729 61 1742 84 1691 34 1696 '5 '795 3' 1792 69 1756 3' 1662 18 1776 25 1678 37 1727 35 '73' 27 '733 77 1620 1 1661 41* 1618 76 1629 102* 1622 in* 1616 95 1628 38 1642 45 1739 44 1611 62 1726 35 1640 171* 1625 107 1611 117 1639 30 1627 4 1705 80 1636 18 1764 50 1741 37 1780 90 1628 132* 1610 1 1693 47 1698 78 '739 48 1635 198 Taunton Wills. Fisher, Catherine, widow, Dulverton „ David, Spaxton „ Edward, Dunweare, par. Bridgwater „ Edward, Spaxton „ Fysher, Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, Chedzoy „ Francis, Taunton James „ Hannah, Bridgwater „ James, . . . dem „ James, Linge ,, John, Crewkerne „ John, Chedsey ,, John, Chedsey „ John, Dulverton ,, John, Dulverton ,, John, jun., Spaxton ,, John, Taunton James „ John, Chedzoy „ John, Westquantoxhead ,, John, Chedzoy „ John, Thurloxton „ Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Nicholas, Dulverton „ Nicholas, Brushford „ Oliver, Chedsey „ Philippe, Winsford „ Robert, Chedsey „ Robert, Dulverton ,, Robert, Chedzoy „ Robert, Overstowie „ Sarah, Brushford „ Thomasine, widow, Crewkerne Fistmore, Turner ah., see Turner als. Fistmore. Fitchett, Ephraim, Crewkerne „ Joanna, Crewkerne „ Lydia, Crewkerne „ Sarah, widow, Crewkerne Flatcher, Joan, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater Fleay, Flea, Joane, widow, Langford Budvill „ John, Crocombe „ Mary, widow, Crocombe Fleete, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Flete, William, clerk, Selworthie Fletcher, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater Flewe, John, sen., Canington „ John, Canington Flinger, Ann, Northpetherton „ Robert, Northpetherton Flood, George, Whitstaunton Florence als. Edwards, John, Bridgwater Flower, Christian, Milverton „ Elizabeth, Milverton „ Thomas, Mynehead Floyd, Aaron, Mynehead „ Flooyd, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ Grace, Porlocke „ Floyde, John, Minehead ,, Thomas, Minehead 51 1660 121 1635 62* 1616 5 1641 98 1661 25 1776 61 1695 1 1 1723 n* 4 72* 7 136* 1614 99 1620 no 1621 146 1 62 1 77 1630 66* 1640 7' 1641 39 1704 '9' '730 26 1776 59 1798 65 1672 52 1660 3 1718 44 1610 44* 5 m* 1618 28 1665 20 1693 63 1721 10 1785 24 12 37 1742 16 1776 17 1737 50 173° 5 '744 23 1727 59 1710 28 1740 16 1723 121 1640 3* 1617 10 1773 11 1784 66* 1 31* 1616 39 1798 39 1772 '47 1717 98* 8 37 12 14' 1622 24 1629 81 1711 5 1727 IOI 1724 65 '743 189* 1638 Taunton Wills. 199 Floyd, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Luckham Fludd, Bartholomew, Broadway „ John, Netherstowey 1648 Fly, Elizabeth, Taunton St. James „ John, Taunton James Fogg, Anne, Taunton Magdalen Follett, Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton „ William, Southpetherton Fooke, Catherine, Lynge „ Peter, Durston „ Fooks, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen Foott, Anne, widow, Southpetherton Ford, Alexander, Crewkerne Andrew, Northpetherton Christopher, Crewkerne Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne Giles, sen., Milverton Hannah, Taunton James Jane, Langford Budvill Joan, Stogumber John, Bridgwater Forde, John, Chedsey John, Taunton Magdalen John, Crewkerne John. Crewkerne John, Taunton St. James Mary, widow, Dunster Forde, Richard, Crewkerne Robert, Bradford Robert, Merriott Stephen, Crewkerne Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Thomas, Porlock Tnstrum, Fitzhead Forest, Giles, Stogursey Jane, widow, Mynehead Forrest, Richard, Mynehead Forrington, Robert, Otterhampton Fort, Andrew, Taunton Magdalen Andrew, Overstowie Foort, Henry, Brumpton Regis Henry, Southpetherton Henry, Sheptonbeachamp Joane, widow, Southpetherton Joane, widow, Sheptonbeachamp Forte, John, Swell John, Overstowey John, Southpetherton John, Southpetherton Phillipe, Southpeatherton Roger, Southpeatherton Foartt, Roger, sen., Southpetherton Forte, Roger, gent, South Petherton Forte, Thomas, Hambridge Forte, Thomas, Sheptonbeacham Thomas, Southpetherton Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Thomas, Southpetherton 7 1762 3' 1785 34 1631 33 12 55 1769 67 1756 "3 1678 5o 1698 80 1729 43 1794 64 1687 60 1669 '34 1724 "9 1669 35 1635 66 1693 8 1758 39 1728 74 1711 69 1784 100 1685 47 1785 42* 1615 36* 1617 86 1628 20 1664 23 1709 S3 '737 54 1672 10 1629 36 1630 29 1725 12 '734 120 1725 48 1762 38 1750 95 1625 45 1679 73 1704 1 11 1670 5' 1633 2S 1645 1 I 1688 "4 1675 i°3 1706 103 1688 61 1723 34* 9 68 1671 66 1744 36 1758 53 1641 61* 1646 98 1714 2* 1608 139* 7 40 1624 105 1661 100 1714 75 1721 200 Taunton Wills. Fort, Thomasine, widow, Badialton „ Forte, William, Mag. (? Taunton Mag.) „ als. Williams, Henry, Drayton Forty, William, Bridgwater Forward, James, Sampford Arrundle „ Jane, Pitmister ,, Joane, spinster, Sampford Arrundle „ Thomas, Pitmister Forwood, Elizabeth, widow, Pitmister Fossett, Agnes, Kingeston ,, Robert, Kingston Foster, Catherine, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, Fivehead „ Emma, Luxburrowe „ Hugh, Fivehead „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton ,, Forster, Nathaniel, clerk, Crewkerne „ William, Northpetherton „ William, sen., Northpetherton Fowell, Bridgett, gentlewoman, Hilbishops Foweracre, Christopher, Bradford ,, Emanuel, Bradford „ Fouracre, Emanuel, Bradford ,, George, Milverton „ Fouracre, Grace, Heathfield „ Henry, Hilfarrent „ Foweraker, Hugh, Staplegrove „ Fouracres, Hugh, Northpetherton „ Jane, widow, Bradford „ Fouracre, Jasper, Staplegrove „ Fouraker, John, Hilfarrence „ Fouracre, John, Taunton James „ Fouraker, John, Westmonkton „ Thomas, Bradford ,, Thomazine, Bradford ,, Fouraker, William, Kittisford Fowler, Elianor, spinster, Milverton „ Hannah, widow, Milverton „ Henry, Ilbruers „ Henry, Crewkerne „ John, Crickett Thomas „ Mary, widow, Milverton „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Richard, Broadway „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Foxe, Edward, Brusheford „ Fox, Henry, Hilbishops „ Fox, Isatt, widow, Hilbishops „ Fox, Joane, widow, Hilbishops „ Fox, John, Creech „ Fox, Richard, West Bagborow „ Fox, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Foxwell, Ann, Ilmister „ Charles, Pytmister „ Elizabeth, Otterford Foye, Marie, Buckland Marie „ Foy, Nicholas, Porlocke „ Foy, Nicholas, Porlocke 102 ID37 80* 8 42 1684 23 1704 39 1752 9' 1663 9' 1713 87 1687 52 1701 58* 1623 47* 6 24 1780 25 1765 9' 1621 28 '793 40 1726 45 1796 10 1752 81 1708 4' 1783 49 1702 76* 4 3'* 2 4 1684 168* 1619 37 1776 155* 1637 38 1646 29 '757 59 1637 46 1769 62 1706 116 1714 96 1768 30* 2 69 1611 54 1696 42 1709 72 1716 25 1640 '5 1783 109* 2 81 1670 16 1783 8 1792 128 1640 '39 1681 127* 1630 52 1683 36 1689 23 1705 21 1693 62 1741 168 1685 82 1771 103* 1616 37 1635 60 1631 77 1666 100 1683 Taunton Wills. 201 Foye, Foy, Nicholas, Porlock „ Theophila, Buckland St. Marie Frace, John, Luccomb Frackpitt, Henry (? Bridg)water ,, Fraikpitt, Thomas, Aishpriors See also Frankpitt. Frampton, John, Fivehead „ John, sen., Wayford „ Thomas, Fivehead ,, William, Fivehead Frances, John Kingsbrompton Francis, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Hannah, widow, Bridgwater ,, Frauncis, James, Bridgwater „ Joane, Volmiston, par. Crewkerne „ Fraunceis, John, ar., Combflory „ Lionell, Merriott „ Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Frauncis, Thomas, Kingestone „ Franceis, Thomas, esq., Combflory „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater „ Fraunceis, William, ar., Combflory „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater Frank, Francke, Agnes, Porlocke „ Francke, Agnes, spinster, Porlocke „ Franke, Joane, Porlocke „ Joan, Minehead „ Franck, John, Bossington, parish Porlocke „ Francke, Robert, Porlocke „ Franck, Roger, Porlock „ Franck, Thomas, sen., Porlock „ Francke, Thomas, Porlocke „ Franke, Walter, Mynehead „ Walter, Minehead Franklin, Francklin, Christian, widow, Chedzoy „ Francklin, Daniell, Chedzoy „ Elizabeth, widow, Hatchbeachamp „ Francklin, Hannah, spinster, Bridgwater „ Francklin, Jane, widow, Hatchbeachampe „ Joane, Chedsey „ Francklyn, John, Chedsey „ Francklyn, John, Chedsey ,, Francklin, John, Bicknell ,, Francklin, John, Bridgwater „ Francklin, John, Bicknell „ Mary, widow, Chedzoy „ Nicholas, Westmounckton ,, Francklin, Roger, Bicknell „ Sarah, Curry Rivell „ Francklin, Thomas, Chedsey „ Francklyn, Thomas, Chedsey „ Francklyn, Thomazine, Chedsey „ Francklin, William, He Brewers ,, Francklin, Pole ah., see Pole als. Francklin. Frankpitt, Dorothy, widow, Ashbrittle See also Frackpitt. Freake, Agnes, widow, Misterton 81 '743 57 1646 98* 5 48* 1614 184 1632 20 1726 92 '773 5° 1714 38 '733 35 1789 18 1666 12 1708 10 '754 6* 8 42 1720 74 1716 3 1712 10 1666 '54 1625 16 1686 8 1661 12 1676 4' 1720 6 '736 1 1 1796 61 1638 120 1684 84 1722 21 1788 88* 5 88 1677 122* 1619 125 1632 89 1662 61 1703 5i 1784 16 1699 18 1697 25 1726 18 1714 36 1693 60 1621 1* 1610 117* 1610 126 1625 9 1699 10 1716 iS 1725 147 1728 8 1669 33 1781 60* 4 90* 1612 70 1620 47 1740 1 1691 73 1636 202 Taunton Wills. Freeman, Felix, Hinton St. George „ Mary, Lopen „ Miles, Hinton St. George „ Stephen, Hinton St. George „ Thomas, Charlinch „ Thomas, Minehead „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, William, Crewkerne French, Agnes, Misterton „ Frenche, Agnes, Canington „ Alexander, Crewkerne „ Arthur, Merriott „ Christopher, Luxburrowe „ Edith, widow, Misterton ,, Frenche, Francis, Taunton James „ George, Misterton „ George, Crewkerne „ Grace, widow, Crewkerne „ Hester, Crewkerne „ Hezekiah, Merriott ,, Hezekiah, Merriott „ Joan, Crewkerne „ Frenche, John, Stockland Bristoll „ John, Merriott ,, John, Stogumber „ John, sen., Crewkerne „ John, Merriott „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ Joseph, Crewkerne „ Laurence, Creech „ Mary, Oare „ Matthew, Merriott „ Richard, Sheptonbeacham ,, Richard, Misterton „ Richard, Hinton St. George „ Samuel, Crewkerne „ Samuel, clerk, Crickett Malherby „ Thomas, Merriott ;, Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Cannington ,, William, Merriott „ Frenche, Mark ah., see Mark als. Frenche. Frewe, Clerk ah., see Clerk als. Frewe. Frind, John, Taunton Magdalen Frogwill, Ann, Withypoole „ Frogwell, John, Wythypoole „ John, Wythypoole Frost, Agnes, widow, Hawkeridge „ Andrew, Dulverton „ George, Overstowey „ John, Sheptonbeachamp „ Froste, Robert, Southepetherton „ Robert (the elder), Milverton „ William, Hawkeridge „ William, Exford „ ah. Cruse, Marie, Dunster Fry, Alice, widow, Cannington „ Frie, Christopher, Northepetherton 30 1777 44 1776 29 1796 3° 1765 '7 1702 5' '755 10 1776 6 '793 '4 1777 S5 1621 155* 1628 38 1690 S5 1681 105* 161S 74 1683 83* 1618 75 1724 '4 1749 48 1707 32 1714 81 1717 22 1718 22 1755 80* 1615 88 1684 129 1684 '9 1701 64 1725 16 1736 '9 '744 20 1737 '5 1725 58 1784 33 1783 32* 9 125* 1638 33 1761 25 1693 '3 1752 47 '734 32 1742 22 '733 39 1762 88 1668 1 10 '733 129 1700 126 1725 24 1695 36 1725 54 1778 116 1681 '45* 1619 38 1796 59 173' 41 1742 71* 7 58 1640 '53* 1619 Taunton Wills. 203 Fry, Christopher, Otterhampton Christopher, Sampford Arundel Edmond, Lynge Edward, Sampford Arrundell Edward, Sampford Arundel Elianor, widow, Taunton James Elianor, widow, Sampford Arrundle Elianor, Sampford Arundell Frye, Elizabeth, Mynehed Elizabeth, Northpetherton Elizabeth, Ileabbott James, Orchard Frye, Joane, Linge Joane, Otterford Joane, widow, Canington Joan, Northpetherton Joan, Drayton Frie, John, Dunster Frie, John, Northpeatherton John, Northpetherton John, Northpetherton John, Ileabbott John, Curry Revell John, Cannington John, Northpetherton John, Whitstaunton John, Ninehead John Brett, Sampford Arundel Robert, Mynehead Frie, Roger, Dunster Thomas, Porlocke Thomas, Northpetherton Thomas, Sampford Arundle Frie, William, Puckington Frie, William, Northepetherton William, Porlocke William, Stogursey Frie, Andrewes ah., see Andrewes als. Frie. Fudge, John, Kingston Fugars, Charity, Mynehead ,, Humphrey, Mynehed „ James, gent, Minehead „ Thomas, Mynehead Fulford, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen Fuljames, Anthony, Corffe „ Mary, widow, Corffe „ Mary, Angersleigh „ Thomas, Angersleigh Fuller, John, jun., Crewkerne Furlon, John, Crewkerne Furnival, John, Taunton Magdalen Furse, Fursse, Alice, Cothelston „ David, Hillfarrence „ Joane, Kingestone „ Furze, Joane, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ John, Spaxton „ John, Kingston „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Staplegrove 120 1660 69 1767 76 1670 109 1683 69 '773 124 1690 72 1703 76 '739 65* 1615 193* 1622 72 1728 99 1681 32 1628 222* 1638 16 1662 27 1770 30 17S4 53 1628 77 1638 76 1662 77* 1662 47 1719 21 1732 17 1746 3S 1779 7' 1787 40 1796 59 1778 55 1671 40* 7 119 1684 90 1694 5S 1732 96* 5 .58 1624 9' 1661 "5 1669 43 1767 63 1641 32* 1613 132 1637 75 1677 "5 1711 109 1708 24 1668 23 1668 1 1669 2 1669 141 1625 32 1687 88 1742 55 1610 26 1785 93* 1616 9' 1688 74 1620 73 1727 48 1770 100 1716 204 Taunton Wills. Furse, Furze, Thomas, Stoke St. Mary „ Furze, Thomas, Stoke St. Mary Fursedon, John, Bradford Furser, John, Crewkerne Fursland, William, Southpetherton Fusdon, Joan, Luckham Gadd, Amy, widow, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Emanuel, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, George, Northpetherton „ George, surgeon, Northpetherton „ John, Taunton James „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Mary, widow, Cothelstone „ Philip, Taunton St. James „ Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Robert, Taunton James „ Samuel, Halse „ Thomas, Cheddon Fitzpaine Gage, Humphry, Exton „ Joane, widow, Goathurst „ John, Goathurst „ John, Goatehurst „ John, sen., Netlecombe „ John, Netlecombe „ John, Northpetherton „ Richard, Stogumber ,, Thomas, Enmore „ William, Dulverton Gaige, Elizabeth, widow, Enmore ,, Hugh, Milverton „ John, Netlecombe „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Enmore Gale, Agnes, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Alice, Taunton James „ Catherine, spinster, Nynehead „ Dorcas, spinster, Staplegrove ,, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Edith, widow, Staplegrove „ Edward, Nynehead „ Edward, Nynehead ,, Elizabeth, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater „ George, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Dunster „ Henry Proctor, Taunton Magdalen „ Jane, Taunton James „ Joane, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Joane, widow, Ninehead „ Joan, widow, Westmonnckton „ Joan, Upton „ John, Pytmister „ John, Taunton James „ John, Hilfarrence „ John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Staplegrove „ John, clerk, Creech "9 1680 141 1685 1 1 '733 27 1626 36 1637 52 1740 61 1699 97 1733 4 1770 14* 1618 75 1690 35 1630 38 1718 79 1665 32 1666 37 '745 3' 1667 23 1774 78 1665 57 173' 24 1725 45 1683 52 1708 I A* 1 55* 6 148* 1616 107 1626 5S 1750 80 1626 46 1684 43 1716 54 ^73^ 68 '743 S8 1632 82 1675 44 1690 93 '733 72 1643 47 1633 122 1717 n 1668 88 1714 9 1627 73 1708 85* 8 107 1714 25 1783 66 '795 132 1669 28 1694 76 1725 105 1740 81 '775 30* 8 105* 1612 108 1638 6 1681 "3 1681 27 1696 Taunton Wills. 205 Gale, John, gent, Staplegrove John, Staplegrove Margaret, Taunton Magdalen Marie, Taunton Magdalen Nicholas, Staplegrove Peter, Westmonckton Peter, Westmonnkton Peter, clerk, Angersleigh Richard, Kingsbrumpton Robert, St. James Robert, Taunton Magdalen Robert, Staplegrove Robert, Staplegrove Roger, Taunton Magdalen Roger, Westmonnkton Roger, Westmonnckton Thomas, Curland Thomas, Taunton James Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Thomas, arm., Hilbishops Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Thomas, Upton Walter, Staplegrove Walter, Staplegrove William, Creech St Michael Gaihampton, Cresseta, Northpetherton Edward, gent., Tolland Mary, widow, Oake Oliver, clerk, Enmore Gallhampton, Richard, Northpetherton Richard, Northpetherton Gallampton, Sara, . . . st Francis, gent, West Newton Gallant, John, Fitzhead Galler, Henry, Broadway See also Gawler. Galliford, John, Exton See also Gulliford. Gallop, Robert, Staplefitzpaine Galpine, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ Galpin, Mary, widow, Liddiard Lawrence Galton, Sarah, Taunton Magdalen Galway als. Marrian, Robert, butcher, Bridgwater Games, Grace, widow, Bridgwater Gamlin, Gamlyn, Joane, Milverton „ Joane, Westquantoxhed ,, Robert, Milverton „ Thomas, Milverton ,, Thomas, Milverton „ als. Rowswell, John, Milverton „ Gamlyne, Doble als., see Doble als. Gamlyne. „ Gamlen, Lease als., see Lease als. Gamlen. ,, Gamlinge, Lease als., see Lease als. Gamlinge. Gammon, John, Cutcombe Gandell, Nicholas, Bishops Hull Gander, Jane, spinster, Stogumber „ Joan, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater 1648 59 1726 5^ '749 90 1768 128 1621 61* 8 "3 1635 184 1684 1 1704 27 1766 37 1643 64 1692' "7 1707 66 1750 60 1682 182 1685 72 1709 21 1688 123 1690 58 1712 108 '7'3 56 1717 49 '738 Si 1771 52 1635 7' 1703 20 1749 23* 1 SS 1703 64 1699 47 1677 94* 7 81 1725 35* 1613 64 12 24* 1765 7 1728 '7 1763 10S 1697 6 1726 61 1680 55 1754 1 1 1662 '4 1703 '5* 1607 147 1663 3' 1794 35 1726 4' 1780 65 1664 35 1730 4 1798 124 1720 9 1762 5 '759 190* 1610 206 Tattnton Wills. Gane, Agnes, Langport Westover Gange, John, Bickenhall „ William, Bickenhall Gannett, Matthew, Taunton James Gannett, Richard, Taunton James „ Robert, Taunton James Gapper, John, Chedzoy ,, Joseph, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Crewkerne Gard, Ann, Swell „ Elizabeth, Swell ,, Elizabeth, Dunster „ John, Liddeard Lawrence „ Nicholas, Lydiard St. Laurence „ Peter, Southpeatherton Gardner, Anne, widow, Taunton James „ Christian, Riston „ Christopher, Wilton „ Christopher, Bicknoller „ Christopher, Bridgwater „ Dorothy, Taunton James „ Elizabeth, Luccombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Frances, widow, Hilbishops „ Francis, Hilbishops „ George, Wilton „ Giles, Northpetherton „ Gregory, gent, Brumpton Regis „ Gregory, Kingsbrumpton „ Hannah, widow, Taunton James ,, Henry, Trull „ Hugh, Northpetherton ,, Hugh, Bicknoller „ Jane, widow, Ristonn „ Joane, widow, Staplegrove „ John, Kingeston ,, John, Ristonn „ John, Durleigh „ John, Enmore „ John, Sampford Brett ,, Joseph, Bridgwater ,, Leonard, „ Marie, Ruishton „ Mary, Trull ,, Mary, widow, Enmore ,, Mary, widow, Hilbishops „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Michael, Luccomb „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, Hilbishops ,, Thomas, Elworthy „ William, Luxburrow „ William, Luccombe Garland, Anthony, Islebrewer „ Edithe, Donyet „ George, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Canington 64 1611 I 1785 3 1798 125 1711 68 1784 173 173° 3° 1728 20 1663 116 1635 63 '759 63 '734 35 1776 32 1726 3S '744 59* 1638 59 1705 164* 1638 131 1663 10 1675 2 1782 28* 1641 '45 1632 3 1674 IOI 1746 4i 1721 54 1716 24 1751 IOI 1720 5 1702 36 '744 121 1661 12S 1690 38 1712 2 1756 70 1632 '43 1727 22* 1613 54* 1613 33 1668 4i 1697 55 1701 '9 1714 46* 1607 44 1643 156 1684 47 1710 18 1718 4 1787 iS* 2 82 '744 1* 1613 123 1640 27 1679 43 1700 35 1626 144 1632 4i 1736 '5 1624 56 1698 20 1668 Taunton Wills. 207 Garland, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Garlant, John, Northpetherton „ Jonathan, Bridgwater Garlicke, Margaret, Taunton James „ Margaret, Taunton Garliford, John, Duluerton Garnsey, Agnes, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Edward, Brushford Garnshay, Baldwin, Langford budviUe Garragwyne, Nicholas, Northpetherton Garrett, Richard, Curry Revell „ William, Currie Rivell Gaspie, Robert, Taunton Gatch, Bartholomew, Otterford Gatchell, Edith, widow, Bicknoller „ Edward, Corfe l7 Edward, Pitmister „ Henry, ar., Northpetherton „ Jane, Skilgate „ John, Staple ,, John, Corfe „ John, Eastquantoxhead ,, Joseph, Bicknoller „ Gatchill, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Mary, Westmonckton „ Robert, gent, Trull „ Thomas, Monksilver Gatcombe, Edith, widow, Chedzoy „ Edith, widow, Northpetherton „ Edward, Chedsey „ Edward, Chedsey „ Gatcomb, Edward, Chedsey ,, Gatcomb, Joan, Chedsey „ Joane, Chedsey ,, Joan, Northpetherton ,, John, Chedzoy „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Joseph, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Northebower „ Richard, Chedsey „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton ,, William, Bridgwater Gater, Francis, Bradford „ James, Ashbrittle „ James, Ninehead „ John, Milverton „ Nathaniel, Ashbrittle „ Nicholas, Trull Gates, Walter, Crichett Thomas Gawen, Hannah, widow, Bridgwater Gawler, Ann, Broadway „ Jane, widow, Southpetherton 49* 8 S3* 2 3 1757 75 1640 17S 1640 12 1636 5 1722 6 1735 65 1637 '33 1632 45 1707 57 1631 35 1645 43 1712 7 1694 42* 6 IOI* 1609 84 1725 16 1751 91* 10 69* 1607 32 1799 8 1671 85 1742 73 1714 86 '755 142 1724 63 1768 48 1672 9' 1683 n* 1609 13* 1609 16 1624 64* 1609 52 1630 67 1740 '7 1680 90 173' 4' 1796 53 1777 142* 1607 27* 1623 10 1671 5 1688 97 1728 57 1784 38 1772 70 1667 68 1691 4 1667 9 '73' 3 1699 65 1781 105 1730 4 1699 168 1730 4* 1616 '9 1728 3 1774 142 1670 208 Taunton Wills. Gawler, Joane, Southpetherton „ John, Broadway „ John, clerk, Henton St. George „ Mary, widow, Broadway „ Mary, Broadway „ Samuel, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Brodwaie „ Thomas, Broadway Gay, Alice, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Gaye, John, Georgehenton ,, Geye, John, Creeche „ Gaye, William, Creeche Gaydon, Thomas, Minehead Gaylerd, Agnes, spinster, Ileabbott „ Gaylard, Christopher, Pytmister „ Gaylard, Edith, Drayton ,, Edmund, Pytmister „ Gaylard, Edmond, Pitmister ,, Gaylard, George, Pitmister „ Hugh, Pytmister ,, Gaylard, Joane, widow, Barrington „ Gaylard, John, Drayton „ Galard, John, clerk, Selworthy „ Gaylard, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Gaylard, John, Chaffcombe „ Geylerd, Roger, Draiton „ Gaylard, Samuel, Drayton „ Gaylard, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Galard, Susanna, widow, Selworthy ,, Gaylard, Thomas, Chafcomb Geale, Hawkins ah., see Hawkins als. Geale. Gear, Geere, Francis, Misterton „ John, Henton St. George „ William, Misterton Gearman, Robert, Exford Gedge, John, Crewkerne Gee, John, Northpetherton Geenes, Isotte, widow, Stokepirrowe Gefford, Thomas, Canington Gelley, John, Curry Revell Gennings, Elizabeth, Hillbusshops Gent, Alice, Wilton ,, Anthony, Wilton ,, Catherine, Langford Budvill ,, James, Bradford „ Geint, John, sen., Pitmister „ John, ye elder, Pitmister „ John, Nortonfitzwarren „ Richard, Lyng ,, Sarah, Pitmister Gentle, Gentell, Andrew, Southpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell „ Hercules, Curry Revell „ Hercules, Southpetherton George, Florence, widow, Westmonnkton German, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Exford „ Germayne, John, Fiffet „ Thomas, Thurlbear Gerrard, Alice, Whitstaunton 79 1671 10 1705 54 1724 n -1702 '4 1710 82 1666 33 1625 4 1756 S6 1 67 1 92* 1608 205* 1616 57* 8 66* 1643 '75 1632 60* 9 46* '638 39* 1614 '93 1663 82 1667 no* 1614 47 1630 74 1630 "9 1724 101 '743 21 1768 39 1623 27 1689 3 1747 120 1724 '9 1675 102 1685 34 '739 34 1798 21 1782 49* 5 "4 1730 S5 1640 38 1696 188 1685 71* 10 104 1696 107 1693 36 1775 7 '779 5' 1 701 72 1742 45 '795 59 1722 70 1764 92 '743 '4 1686 32 1680 59 1765 "5 1687 '3° 1680 26 '793 86* 1607 9' '744 138* 1608 Taunton Wills. 209 Gerrard, Robert, Pitmister Gerrod, Henry, Crewkerne Gesse als. Gisse, Agnes, Rownington Gibbins, Gibbans, Alexander, Withiecombe „ Gibbens, Charles, Wembdon „ Gibbens, Edithe, Wythicomb „ Gibbons, Elizabeth, Kilve „ Gibbens, Elizabeth, (Taun)ton Magdalen „ Gibbens, Henry, Trull „ Gibbence, Henry, sen., Wilton „ Joane, Oake „ Gibbons, John, Nynehed „ John, Nynehed „ Gibbons, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, gent, . . . Mag. ,, Gibbens, John, Westmonnkton „ Gibbon, Rice, Taunton Magdalen Silvester, Whitstanton "„ Simon, Taunton Magdalen Gibbs, Gibbes, Alexander, Crewkerne „ Alexander, Crewkerne „ Catherine, widow, Thornefawcon „ Dorothy, spinster, Chipstable „ Gibbes, Elizabeth, Stogumber „ Elizabeth, widow, Chedzoy „ Elizabeth, Barrington „ Gibbes, George, Brompton Ralphe „ George, Crewkerne „ Gregory, esq., Wayford „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Jermin, Bridgwater „ Gibbes, Joane, widow, Hilfarrence „ Gibbes, John, Taunton „ Gibbes, John, Dunster „ John, clerk, Clatworthy „ John, Lydiard St. Lawrence „ Magdalen, widow, Crewkerne „ Gibbes, Mathew, Pitmister „ Morgan, Crewkerne „ Gibbes, Richard, Chilton „ Gibbes, Richard, Dunster „ Robert, Ileabbott ,, Simon, Wilton „ Gibbes, Thomas, Ileabbotts „ Gibbes, WiUiam, Withiepoole „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ WiUiam, Taunton Magdalen Giddings, Isaac, clerk, Bridgwater Gifford, James, Lopon „ Jane, widow, Canington „ Joyce, Taunton „ Martha, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Brushford „ Thomas, Sampford Arundel Giggs, Thomas, Northepetherton Gilberd, Arthur, Dulverton „ Gilburd, George, Taunton Magdalen Joane, widow, Norton Fitzwarren „ Gilbert, Joane, widow, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater „ Gilbert, Joane, widow, Bridgwater 83 1722 8 1643 150* 1619 151* 1619 '33 1706 56 1622 48* 10 145* 1635 n* 1618 39 1621 161* 1625 16* 1608 97* 1 204* 1610 84* 1616 93 1671 88 1703 n 1625 189* 1616 So* 1619 12 1748 86 1637 21 1702 65 1622 29 1692 9 1756 129* 1616 32 1724 '37 1680 '52 1670 3 '734 46 1674 108* 1614 151* 1628 27 1676 30 1798 36 1660 94 1625 '9 1729 <,* 1609 28 1624 45 1671 80 1780 119* 2 129 1610 97 1637 76 1679 '5 1678 39 1780 52 1672 63* 1617 12 1760 4 1719 48 1772 68 1632 46 '73' 132 1680 64* 6 95* 8 2IO Taunton Wills. Gilberd, Gilbert, Joane, Mynehed „ Gilbert, John, Otterhampton „ Gilbert, Margaret, Netlecomb „ Gilbert, Margery, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicholas, Netlecomb „ Gilbert, Thomas, Taunton James „ Gilbert, William, Bridgwater ,, Gilbert, William, Northpetherton Gilboume, Elizabeth, Minehead Giles, Geiles, Alice, Mynehed „ Gyles, Alice, widow, Mynehead „ Alice, widow, Mynehead „ Gyles, Anne, widow, Ileabbatt ,, Ann, Bridgwater ,, Gieles, Edward, Mynehed „ Elizabeth, widow, Dunster ,, Elizabeth, spinster, Liddiard Lawrence „ Elizabeth, Chedzoy ,, Grace, widow, Mynehead ,, Henry, Mynehead „ Gieles, Jane, Mynehed „ Jeremy, Bridgwater ,, Joan, widow, Mynehead „ Geiles, John, jun., Mynehed „ John, Dunster ,, John, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead „ John, Mynehead „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Selworthy „ John, Bridgwater „ Michael, Mynehead „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Selworthy „ Geiles, Thomas, Mynehead „ Gyles, Thomas, Minehead „ Gyles, Thomas, Minehead „ Thomas, Mynehead „ Thomas, Mynehead „ Thomas, Minehead „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Walter, Mynehead „ William, Mynehead „ William, Chedzoy Gilham, Elizabeth, Exton „ John, Exton „ Martha, widow, Crocombe „ Martha, widow, Crocombe „ Gillam, Joane, widow, Luckham Gill, Agnes, widow, Stogursey „ Agnes, Lyng ,, Guyll, Alice, Pitmister „ Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Dorothy, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Crocombe „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater 40* 1614 45 1787 12* '613 no 1700 23* 6 120 1661 17 1677 56 '773 49 1777 70* 1607 69 1663 83 1684 75 1630 2 '793 12* 9 47 1706 57 1725 23 1767 7' 1710 36 1686 102* 1610 18 1681 96 1660 IOI* 4 98 1641 S7 1670 SS 1670 S3 1681 69 I7'3 92 '727 4 '743 44 1769 9 '777 94 1720 26 1689 43 1702 37 1768 52 1787 75* 1617 130* 1638 49* 1646 85 1684 38 1726 5' 1734 3 1789 70 1680 60 1666 10 1780 93 1626 16 1621 19 1676 S 1679 98 1685 56 1636 55 1690 112* 1619 104 1664 104 1 69 1 20 '747 8 1781 Taunton Wills. 2 1 1 Gill, Gabriel, Milverton „ George, Pitmister „ George, Lyng „ Gyll, Hugh, Otterhampton „ Hugh, Stogursey „ Hugh, Crocombe „ James, Pytmister „ Joane, Minehead' „ Joan, Henton St. George „ John, Whitstaunton „ John, Crocomb „ John, Taunton „ John, Creech „ John, Thurlebare „ John, Trull „ John, Lyng „ John, Trull „ John, Fiddington „ John, Westquantoxhed „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Creech St. Michael „ Juliane, widow, Dunweare, par. Bridgwater „ Nathaniel, Crocombe „ Guill, Richard, Milverton „ Robert, Pitmister „ Robert, Creech „ Sarah, spinster, Trull „ Symon, Stockland Bristol „ Thomas, Linge „ Thomas, Lyng „ Thomas, Stockland Bristol „ Thomazine, widow, Staplegrove „ Valentine, Trull „ Walter, Lydiard St. Lawrence „ William, Dunweare, par. Bridgwater „ William, Spaxton „ William, Spaxton „ William, Otterhampton ,, William, Fiddington „ William, Crocombe „ William, Trull Gill, Holt ah., see Holt als. Gill. Gillard, Samuel, Drayton Gillett, Brian, Seavington Mary „ Elianor, Buckland Mary „ Elianor, widow, Buckland St. Mary „ Elias, clerk, Misterton „ Henry, Shepton Beauchamp „ Jane, widow, Chafcombe „ John, Chellington „ John, Northpetherton „ Marie, Loponn „ Mary, widow, Chafecombe „ Matthew, Buckland Mary „ William, Chaffcombe „ als. Bennett, Hannah, widow, Crewkerne Gilling, David, Bridgwater „ Joane, Bridgwater Gillingham, Ann, Misterton „ George, Taunton Magdalen 58* 1609 75 1666 78 1727 66 1626 7 1644 22 1701 100 1630 88* 1636 48 1768 133 1611 178 1632 "5 164 1 36 1643 116 1664 112 1667 79 1669 87 1729 24 1748 28 175' 8 1768 18 1790 88* 1616 33 1704 74 1626 87 1631 88 1643 '33 1728 no 1717 75 1623 93 1685 61 1786 104 1680 20 i635 3' 1769 91* 1612 m 1630 26 1635 98 1694 16 1718 26 1725 65 '778 4i 1764 104* 6 7* 1716 7 '732 56 1703 142 1730 25 1704 6* 1618 25 1718 "5 1635 17 1660 4 1693 '3 1641 32 1687 1 1 1719 '7 1717 35 1798 89 1736 212 Taunton Wills. Gillingham, Ralph, Misterton „ Robert, clerk, Ilebrewers „ Urban, Isle Brewers „ William, Misterton Gimlett, Mathew, Kingesbrompton „ Gymlett, Richard, Stockland Bristow or Durston „ William, Northpetherton Ginner als. Perham, Prudence, widow, Stogursey Girdler, John, Henton St. George Gisse, Gesse als., see Gesse als. Gisse. Gittoe, Edward, Mynehead „ Jane, Minehead „ Joane, widow, Mynehead „ Robert, Mynehead Glanfeild, William, Sheptonbeachamp See also Grandfield. Glanvill, John, Taunton James Glasbrooke, James, Goathurst Glasse, Alexander, gent, Stogumber „ Glass, Alexander, Stogumber „ Anne, spinster, Bridgwater „ Dinah, spinster, Selworthie „ Elizabeth, widow, Bagborowe „ Emmote, Hawkridge „ George, Bridgwater „ Glass, George, Bridgwater „ Grace, Stogursey „ Henry, Northepetherton „ Henry, Northpetherton ,, Henry, Northpetherton „ Humphrey, Charlinche „ Joane, Northpetherton „ John, Hawkeridg „ John, Stogursey „ Glass, John, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Glass, Mary, Wooten Courtney „ Glass, Ralph, clerk, Thurloxton „ Richard, Clotworthie „ Glass, Sarah, Stogumber „ Thomas, Porlock „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomasine, Dulverton ,, Walter, Bridgwater „ William, Stogursey „ William, Dulverton „ William, Dunster Glover, Catherine, Ilebruers „ Elizabeth, widow, Southpetherton „ Joane, Southpetherton „ Joseph, Seavington Michael „ ah. Rawlins, Marie, widow, Stogursey „ Philip, Southpeatherton „ William, Southpetherton „ Rawlins ah., see Rawlins als. Glover. Glyde, Elizabeth, Lyng „ William, Crewkerne Glye, Anne, widow, Crewkerne ,, Bernard, Crewkerne Goadinche, Justinia, widow, Thurloxton 1648 94 173° 33 '734 22 1763 36 1798 36* 10 "3 1623 89* 5 106 171 1 18 1715 70 1688 39 1756 S3 1694 66 1710 90 '733 no 1691 46 1702 152 1727 69 1737 >5 1660 75 1635 6 1644 106* 1609 18 1678 4 '757 142 1628 4' 1625 75 1687 96 1717 9* 1615 17* 6 45* 9 93 1628 9 '744 39 1698 77* 1765 74 1750 63* 1614 30 '745 149* 1611 '7 1666 109 1 62 1 '5 1677 28 12 69* 1614 5' 1678 108 1 61 1 108 1677 4* 1618 124 '73' 120 '639 '9 1646 118 1669 37 1789 16 1750 48 1720 47 1720 47 1 64 1 Taunton Wills. 2 i 3 Goble, Alice, widow, Lyng Godbeere, Alice, Bridgwater „ Thomazine, Taunton James Godd, Ellene, Westmonnckton George, Westmonnkton George, Westmonnkton James, Rector of Charlinch Joane, Taunton James Joane, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine John, . . . John, Northpetherton John, Aisholt John, Creech John, Cheddonfitzpaine Philip, Brodwaie Richard, Westmonckton Robert, Westmonckton Thomas, Cheddon Fitzpaine Thomas ah., see Thomas als. God. Goddard, Amos, Bicknell Anthony, Staplefitzpaine Dorothy, widow, Northpetherton Elizabeth, widow, Staplefitzpaine Jane, " Spaple " (? Staple) Job, Northpetherton Job, North-Petherton John, Durston John, Northpetherton John, Northpetherton Robert, Northpetherton Robert, Northpetherton Thomas, clerk, Southpetherton William, Staplefitzpaine William, Crewkerne ah. Savory, Thomas, Northpetherton Goden, Thomas, Nettlecombe See also Gooden. Godfrey, Agnes, Chedsey „ Alice, widow, Northpetherton „ Barbara, widow, Northpetherton „ Edmund, Wembdon „ Edmund, Wembdon „ Elizabeth, widow, Wembdon „ Elizabeth, Buckland St. Mary „ Francis, Selworthy ,, George, Isleabbotts „ George, Chedzoy „ George, Northpetherton „ Hannah, widow, Mynehead „ Henry, Lydard St. Lawrence „ Joan, Creech „ John, Chedzoy „ John, Northpetherton „ Godfrie, Juliane, Bridgwater „ Margaret, widow, Wembdon ,, Godfrie, Marie, Merriett „ Mary, widow, Chedzoy „ Richard, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Wembdon „ Thomas, Chedzoy 67 1661 64* 1612 3* 1615 25* 1614 85 1665 '43 1669 80 i643 38* 5 iS 1683 47* 1 3* 3 127 1637 21 1662 11 1682 96* 1 81 1643 102* 3 53 1669 6 1669 97 1667 37 1705 77 167 1 3'* 1617 72 1690 60 1736 60 1660 60 1699 7' 1743 S7 1669 35 1705 55 1783 98 1667 '4 1765 61 1676 90 1681 5'* 1614 87 1680 75 1708 93 1703 58 1738 123 1714 4 1747 47 1790 43 1755 16 1769 47 '795 73 1725 23 1797 '5 1779 23 1701 43 1726 174* 1628 130 1667 39* 10 27 1703 27 1773 1 10 1666 23 -1694 214 Taunton Wills. Godfrey, Thomas, Thornfaulcon „ Thomas, Westmonkton „ Walter, Chedzoy ,, Walter, Chedzoy „ Godfry, William, the elder, North Petherton ,, Gotfrey, William, Northpetherton „ William, Chedzoy „ William, Mynehead „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton Godhurd, John, Durston Godsall, John, Corffe „ Robert, Taunton James Godwin, Elizabeth, widow, Creech „ Robert, clerk, Crewkerne „ Goodwyn, Thomas, Beercrocombe Goff, see Gough. Gold, Richard, Bathealton „ WiUiam, Withypoole „ William, Luckham Goldsworthy, Samuel, Nortonfitzwarren „ Samuel, Norton Fitzwarren Gollopp, Robert, „ Gollop, William, Buckland Marie Goningham, Margaret, Kilton Good, Benjamin, Bridgwater „ Joan, widow, Aisholt „ John, Wiveliscombe „ John, Milverton „ John, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Aisholt „ Thomas, Asholt ,, Goode, Thomazine, widow, Durleigh ,, William, Bridgwater Gooden, Ellinore, widow, Northpeatherton „ Joseph, Chedzoy See also Goden. Goodenow, Jane, widow, Nettlecombe „ Goodinough, John, Nettlecombe „ Goodanow, Martha, widow, Nettlecombe ,, Richard, Holeford „ Samuel, Overstowey „ Samuel, Overstowey Goodge, John, Northpetherton Goodgrome, Conan, Mynehed „ Goodgroome, Jane, widow, Mynehed ,, Goodgroome, Jane, widow, Exton „ Goodgroome, John, the elder, Winsford Gooding, Christopher, Liddeard Lawrence ,, Goodinge, Edward, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Brompton Ralph „ George, Brushford „ Henry, Halse „ Hugh, the elder, Staplefitzpaine „ Isael, Enmore „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ Joane, Tauntonjames „ Joane, widow, Bradford „ Gooddinge, John, Northepetherton „ Goddinge, John, Creeche 75 1777 49 1791 3' 1685 22 1700 III 1660 8o 1663 '9 1680 65 1722 52 1771 57 1773 18 1639 '7 1635 4 1637 102 1632 46 1694 11 1789 3 '795 130 1711 40 1737 79 1706 78 1714 47* 1607 43* 1615 "4 i6n 8 1769 3 1660 42 i693 40 1701 14 1707 18 1645 2 1692 '3 1673 21 1722 '3 1644 96 1636 53 1629 39* 9 95 1684 5' 1696 7i 1664 130 '685 68* 10 54* 4 23* 1618 49 1677 158 1660 23 1715 49* 1608 12 1781 2 1698 57 1677 49 1748 37 '733 So 1674 170 1684 n 1711 114* 1607 "5 1610 Taunton Wills. 2 1 5 Gooding, Goodding, John, Northepetherton „ John, Chedsey „ John, Northpeatherton ,, John, Northpetherton „ John, Monksilver „ John, Westbagborough „ Margery, widow, Goathurst „ Mary, spinster, Halse „ Mary, Stogumber „ Nicholas, Brushford „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Halse „ Robert, Goatehurst „ Robert, Mounchsilver „ Robert, Stogumber „ Thomas, Halse „ Thomas, Brushford „ als. Goodwin, Symon, Bradford Goodland, Benjamin, Hinton St. George „ Henry, Lopon „ Henry, Pitmister „ Jane, Pitmister „ William, Northpetherton Goodman, Hugh, „ James, Skilgate „ Joane, „ John, Dulverton ,, John, Milverton „ John, Skilgate „ John, Skilgate „ Mary, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Nathaniel, Skilgate „ Nathaniel, Skilgate „ Patience, widow, Brompton Regis „ Phillip, Hewishchamflower „ PhiUip, Clotworthie „ Philip, Brumpton Ralph „ Phillip, Brumpton Regis „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Brumpton Regis „ William, Skilgate Goodricke, Anne, Chedzoy Goodridge, Hannah, Curland „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Goodwin, Agnes, Bridgwater „ John, D.D., clerk, Lawrence Lidiard „ Gooding als., see Gooding ah. Goodwin. Goole, John, Southpetherton 89* 2 See also Poole. Goomers, William, Sheptonbeacham 96* l6o9 Goord, Brooke ah., see Brooke als. Goord. Goore, Goare, Agnes, Taunton Magdalen George, Netlecomb George, Strengeston Hugh, sen., Lidiard Laurence Goare, John, Wembdon Goare, John, Stogumber Gore, Mary, Moncksilver Gore, Richard, Monnksilver 51 1622 48 1627 40 1637 74 1710 67 1743 55 1785 22 1726 26 1686 57 1792 '7 1713 61 1671 93 1683 5° 1680 50 1713 33 '735 68 1773 63 1684 5 1719 8 1706 27 1783 64 1680 66 1767 54 1775 54 1777 57* 3 14* 6 46* 1 14* 1610 47 1689 60 1689 95 1704 5 1728 93 1677 92 1687 '5 1696 52* 9 62* 9 4 1709 9 1724 118 1610 '3 1688 96 1704 20 1690 14 '739 7S 1732 24 1626 '7 1629 74* 1629 30* 3 46* 1618 6S 1627 7.S* 8 59* 1636 59 1764 53 1719 2 1 6 Taunton Wills. Goore, Gore, Thomas, Stogumber „ Goare, William, Winsford „ William, Winsford Gortly, John, Milverton Gorton, Christopher, Tolland „ John, Poshill, parish Milverton „ John, Liddiard Laurence „ John, Huishchampflower „ Margaret, Stogumber ,, Roger, clerk, Hewishchamflowre „ Roger, Huishchampflower „ Thomas, Liddiard Laurence Gosham, Richard, Crewkerne Goslyn, Francis, Crewkerne „ Gosling, John, Westmonckton Gosse, Francis, Chedsey „ Francis, Chedsey „ Giles, Chedsey „ John, Chedsey „ Joseph, Chedsey „ Leonard, Dunster „ WiUiam, Bridgwater ,, William, Nettlecombe „ Goss, William, Bridgwater Gotheridge, Richard, Northepetherton Gotterell, Hugh, Michelchurch Gough or Goff, Grace, widow, Skilgate „ John, Milverton „ Margaret, widow, Ashbrittle „ Richard, Langford Budvill „ William, Milverton Gould, Goold, Catherine, Stoak Marie „ David, Wythypoole „ Elizabeth, Wythypoole „ George, Merriott „ John, Curry Revell „ Malachi, Wythycombe „ Richard, Wythypoole „ Richard, Kingstone „ Richard, Winsford „ William, . . mb „ William, Sheptonbeachamp Gove, Anne, Pitmister „ Leonard, Pitmister Gover, John, Stawlie Govett, Agnes, Otterhampton Agnes, widow, Stringston Clement, Strengeston Govet, Clement, Kilton George, Stogursey George, Stringstone James, Otterhampton Joan, Stringstone John, Strengeston Marie, Stogursey Govet, Mary, Kilton Richard, Stringstone Richard, Stringstone Robert, Fidington Govice, Ann, Sheptonbeacham 129 1717 193* 1607 144 1683 54 1638 '36 1628 71* 8 53 1666 44 i7°3 84 1625 180* 1622 39 1676 39 1709 30 1622 10* 1618 76 1726 21* 1618 27 1620 in 1622 5° 1625 54* 1614 4' 1724 '9 1672 S3 1675 9 '739 4 1623 88* 1627 97 1716 11 1751 3 1711 42 1784 28 '735 25 1642 130 1700 100 1742 77 1711 21 1674 127 1716 180 1684 61 1708 127 1725 130* 1619 94 '7'3 42 1705 92 1697 89 1625 88 1630 24 1636 67* 6 39 1767 47 '749 53 '774 11 1630 49 1785 82* 1618 100 1626 40 1767 S3 169 1 66 '755 50 1688 17* 1614 Taunton Wills. 217 Govier, Anthony, Ashbrittle ,, Christopher, Thorn St. Margaret „ Edith, widow, Stowleigh „ Humphry, Aishbrittle „ Humphry, Ashbrittle „ James, Ashbrittle „ James, Ashbrittle „ James, Pitmister „ John, Milverton „ John, Stawley „ John, Stawley „ Richard, Kingston „ Robert, Ashbrittle „ Thomas, Dulverton ,, Thomas, Pitmister „ Thomas, Ashbrittle „ William, Huischampflower „ William, Lydeard Laurence „ William, Lydiard St. Laurence Grabham, Catherine, Taunton James „ George, Donyatt ,, George, Taunton Magdalen „ Hector, Durleigh „ Jane, Wembdon „ John, Goatehurst „ John, Wembdon „ John, Curland ,, Phillis, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Wembdon „ als. Winter, Alice, Goathurst ,, als. Winter, Thomas, Goatehurst See also Grobham and Grubham. Graddon, Gradon, Emma, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Gradon, Richard, Taunton Magdalen, fragment „ Thomas, Dulverton „ Gradden, William, Nettlecomb Grady, Lucy, Spaxton „ Nathaniel, Spaxton „ Richard, Bridgwater Granfield or Glanfield, John, Enmore ,, George, Stringstone „ Grandfeild, Robert, Spaxton Granger, Copston, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Taunton James „ John, Taunton James „ Nicholas, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Milverton „ Grainger, Roger, sen., Taunton Magdalen „ William, clerk, vicar of Milverton „ William, gent, Halse Grant, Graunt, Abraham, Lawrence Lidiard „ Alexander, Crocombe „ Graunt, Alice, widow, Spaxton „ Edward, Langford Budfield „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ James, Buckland St. Mary ,, Grante, John, Crocomb „ John, Crocombe „ John, Stogumber I 1686 74 1771 124 1684 1 1671 2 1775 n 1677 I 1747 64 1767 So 1670 96 1743 65 1765 27 1779 1 '739 5o 1660 S7 1662 1 1743 48 1710 38 '747 43 1776 160* 1616 29 1699 181 1730 27 1786 54 1785 61* 1612 70 1787 18 1789 12 '755 77 1784 34 1622 10* 7 64 1629 1650 — 12 9 '753 5' 1628 47 '748 4S 1748 18 167 1 70 1660 56 1679 39* 2 138* 1628 177* 1628 124 1675 34* 5 5° 1776 125 1621 78 1694 54 1700 40* 1618 26 173' '4 '753 29 '636 83 1744 93 1740 6 1794 '63 1637 19 1671 75 167 1 2l8 Taunton Wills. Grant, John, clerk, Dunster „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, Pitminster „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Samuel, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Spaxton „ William, Ashbrittle Grateleef, Alice, Brompton Ralph Gratwick, Charles, Curry Mallett Grave, Elizabeth, „ Francis, Cannington (Hook ah. Grave in Inv.) „ Henry, Crocombe ,, als. Crocker, Humphry, Overstowie „ als. Crocker, John, Hilbusshoppes „ als. Crocker, John, Overstowie „ ah. Crocker, Thomas, Bradford „ als. Crocock, Humphry, Owerstowie „ als. Hook, Richard, Cannington „ als. Hook, Robert, Spaxton „ als. Hooke, Robert, Spaxton „ Crocker ah., see Crocker als. Grave. „ Hook als., see Hook als. Grave. Gray, Catherine, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Graye, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Graye, George, Crewkerne ,, Hugh, Taunton Magdalen „ Graie, Margaret, St. James, Taunton Greedy, Agnes, Bradford „ Greedie, Alice, Sampford Arrundel „ Edward, Miluerton „ Greedie, George, Samford Arundell „ Greedie, Grace, . . . rd Arrundell „ Grace, widow, Sampford Arundell „ Greedie, John, Langford Budfild ,, John, Thorne St Margaret „ Greedie, Marie, Milverton „ Thomas, Thorn St. Margaret „ Greedie, Thomas, . . . thpetherton Green, Anne, widow, Crewkerne „ Greene, Francis, Canington „ John, Bagburrowe „ Margery, widow, Durleigh „ Mary, Elworthy „ Mary, Taunton St. James „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen Greenfield, Grenfeild, Robert, Otterhampton „ Greinfeild, Robert, Chedzoy ,, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Greenfeild, Symon, Stringstone Greenham, Agnes, Estquantoxhed „ Grinham, John, Estquantoxhed „ Grynham, Robert, . . . (? r)ett „ Grinham, Thomas, Stogursey Greenslade, Agnes, Brompton Regis „ Agnes, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Amos, Winsford „ Anne, spinster, Cutcombe and Martinhoe, Devon „ Christian, Selworthy „ Elizabeth, widow, Upton 29 1703 72 1723 51 1735 30 1758 94 1746 18 1799 5S '749 1 1787 115* 6 '9 '736 43 1645 10 1680 24 1711 21* 1609 4* 1612 76 1620 '4 1667 3'* 1 30 1660 44 1645 109 1681 106 1664 '3' 1624 82 1638 '51 1670 5.* 1 40 1631 85 1610 24 1641 81* 1615 86* 1616 121 1672 18 1644 33 1718 '7 1623 74 1784 2* 7 32 1697 no 1631 69 1627 36 1697 42 1719 62 1787 74 1789 97 1681 23 1691 8 1762 "4 1672 100 1639 7* 1626 95* 1609 34 1621 104* 2 10 1708 149 1724 21 1716 60 1778 142 1681 Taunton Wills. 219 Greenslade, Grinslade, Gregory, Dulverton „ Henry, Dulverton „ Grinslade, Hugh, Creech „ Joane, Cutcombe „ John, Stogursey „ Greeneslade, John, Crewkerne „ Greneslade, John, sen., Kingesbrompton „ John, Brumpton Regis „ Grinslade, John, Cutcombe „ Grenslade, John, Exford „ John, Ruishton „ John, Wooten Courtney ,, Margaret, widow, Winsford „ Mary, Minehead ,, Greneslade, Nicholas, Brusheforde „ Prudence, Exton „ Robert, Porlock „ Robert, Samford „ Robert, Exford „ Samuel, Riston „ Greeneslade, Thomas, Luxburrowe ,, Grinslade, Thomas, Winsford „ Thomas, Exford ,, Thomas, Selworthy „ William, Winsford „ WiUiam, Winsford „ Grinslade, William, Upton Greenewaye, Adam, Crewkerne „ Greenway, John, Crewkerne „ Greenway, Josias, Southpetherton „ Greeneway, Robert, Crewkerne „ Greeneway, Thomas, Crewkerne ,, Usabe, . . . combe, parish Crewkerne „ Greenway, Valentine, Crewkerne Greenwood, Mabel, spinster, Wilton Gregory, Alice, Exford „ Gregorie, Edward, Hatchbeacham „ Elinor, Nynehead „ Grace, widow, Wootten Courtney „ Gregorie, John, Shepton Beacham „ Gregorie, John, Thornefawcon „ John, Cutcombe „ Lucy, widow, Holeford „ Marie, Nynehead „ Mary, Wythypoole „ Michael, Kilve „ Oliver, Exford „ Gregorie, Richard, Exford „ Gregorie, Richard, Exford „ Richard, Exford ,, Samuel, Exford „ Silvester, Exford „ Silvester, Exford „ Gregorie, William, Ninehead „ William, Exford „ als. Pinn, Jeffery, Milverton „ Gregorie, Pinne ah., see Pinne als. Gregorie. „ Gregorie, Rundle als., see Rundle als. Gregorie. „ Gregorie, Torr als., see Tor als. Gregorie. Gresley, Ferrars, esq., Langford Budvill 80 1620 20 1679 103* 1633 28 1724 4* 1613 97 1620 150 1628 9 1703 40 1727 26 '754 80 1781 82 1786 '3' 1640 46 1778 1S* 8 54 1632 49* 1616 65 1643 29 '795 78 1696 5* 9 213* 1638 46 1697 75 1764 68 1701 18S 1727 44 '757 1 1630 3' 1706 67 1679 25 1666 8 1624 1* 7 38 1688 100 1702 201* 1622 '3 1627 109 1640 90 1699 93* 1 94 1631 28 1781 5' 1700 92* 1641 130 1663 89 1685 66 1660 14* 1607 35* 1619 57 1681 43 1768 42 1668 27 1777 246* 1638 27 1795 80 1661 39 1692 220 Taunton Wills. Gribble, Agatha, Dunster „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Overstowie „ Grible, Richard, Overstowie „ Grible, Joane, Ouerstowie Gridley, Mary, Stringstone „ Gridly, William, Stringstone Griffin, Ann, Minehead „ Griffyn, Catherine, Kingestone ,, Griffen, Edward, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Stugursey „ John, Taunton „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Seavington Mary ,, Griffen, Mary, Seavington Mary „ Thomas, Dunster ,, Alford ah., see Alford als. Griffin. Griffith, Alice, Minehead „ Ann, widow, Minehead „ David, Mynehead „ Edward, Crowcombe „ Eleanor, Minehead „ Elizabeth, widow, Dunster „ Margaret, Minehead „ Griffeth, Nicholas, Dunster ,, Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Selworthy „ Rowland, Dulverton „ Thomas, Dunster „ Walter, Mynehead „ William, Dunster ,, Griffeth als. Pearce, Agnes, widow, Mynehead Grigg, John, Kilton „ Richard, Otterford „ Thomas, Otterford Grimsteed, William, Donyatt Grimwaie, Laskyn ah., see Laskyn als. Grimwaie. Grinham, see Greenham. Grinslade, see Greenslade. Gristock, George, Northpetherton ,, George, Northpetherton „ Grestock, Joane, widow, Creech „ John, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton Grobham, John, Enmore „ Robert, Donyat „ Winter ah., see Winter als. Grobham. See also Grabham and Grubham. Grove, Alice, Fiddington „ Groue, Andrew, Fiddington ,, Andrew, Fiddington „ Andrew, Fiddington „ Andrew, Taunton James ,, Groue, Catherine, Cannington „ Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Edmund, Cannington ,, Groue, Edward, Fiddington „ Edward, Fidington 90 1621 51 1770 41* 1 68* 1 29* 5 45 1779 54 '774 56 1736 94* 1616 6S 1768 64 1756 120* 7 158* 1619 122 173' 53 '795 34 1725 192* 1638 97 1730 59 1666 3' 1776 59 1746 40 1691 39 1787 28 1631 34 1683 25 1689 124 1724 40 1683 43 1684 92 1707 77 1625 85 '633 45* 1618 34* 2 56 1689 59 1720 81 1724 45 1789 23 1721 45 '775 54 '773 69 1781 48 1667 15* 1640 32 1625 59* 1609 96* 1615 75 1685 118 1704 16* 1 iS 1722 93 1641 113* 7 m 1632 Taunton Wills. 2 2 1 Grove, Elinor, Fidington „ Groue, Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ George, Bridgwater „ Groves, George, Stogursey „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Humphry, Fiddington „ Joane, widow, Spaxton „ Joane, widow, Canington „ John, Fiddington „ John, Spaxton ,, John, Canington „ John, Bridgwater „ Josie, Fiddington „ Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Michael, Cannington ,, Robert, Fiddington „ Thomas, physician, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Stogursey Groves, Hook als., see Hook als. Groves Grubham, James, Doniatt See also Grabham and Grobham. Grymes, Henry, Kilve „ Joane, Kilve Gubb, Richard, Chedsey „ Richard, Chedsey Gubbery, Thomas, Milverton Gubbett, Alice, widow, Milverton Guddridge, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Isaac, Taunton St. James „ Gudridge, John, Taunton Magdalen See also Gutheridge. Gudge, Pentecost, Broadway Gulliford, William, Orchard See also Galliford. Gully, Gullie, Alice, Thornefawcon „ Henry, Westmounkton „ Henry, Hilbishops „ James, Taunton Magdalen „ Gullie, Joane, Stokemarie „ John, Ilebruers ,, Magdalen, Taunton St. James „ Gullie, Margerie, Taunton „ Mary, widow, Thornefaucon ,, Mary, Curry Revell „ Mary, widow, Mynehead „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Gulley, Nicholas, widow, Ristoun „ Gulley, Nicholas, Staple „ Gullye, Robert, Thornefawcon „ Gulley, William, Taunton James „ Gullie, William, Thornefawcon Gulson, Elizabeth, spinster, Southpetherton „ Joane, widow, Southpetherton Gummer, Dorothy, Leavington Mary „ Sarah, Hinton St. George „ Susannah, Lopen Gundry, Gundie, Elizabeth, widow, Staple „ Gundrie, James, Exford „ Gundrie, Joane, widow, Southpetherton 140 1622 93 1639 '9 1707 17 1708 56 1762 75 '737 109* 6 "5 1677 26 1683 48 1683 IOI 1669 41 1675 18 1677 44* 1614 "7 '7'3 3 1639 52 1687 121 1711 58 '759 32 1771 56* 9 55* 1616 80 1610 45 1632 81 1661 72 1662 13 1760 i°5 1743 80 1790 6 1670 70 1702 7* 1617 123 1667 26 1679 79 '737 192* 1616 39 1665 88 1746 180 1640 S7 1640 3° 1668 85 1670 156 1670 10* 10 43* 1609 45* 1614 17* 1613 44 '638 109 1716 59 1701 74 1671 20 1766 35 1762 63 1635 9 1634 66 1636 222 Taunton Wills. Gundry, Gundrie, Michael, Southpetherton ,, Gundrie, Nicholas, Southpetherton ,, Nicholas, Southpetherton Gunn, Arthur, Mynehead Gunningham, Anthony, Cutcombe „ Robert, Kilton „ Samuel, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Walter, Kiltonn „ William, Kilton Gunny or Gunning, Anne, widow, Bicknoller Gunston, Anne, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Gunstone, Anthony, Staplegrove „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Staplegrove „ Hugh, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, widow, Staplegrove ,, Sir Thomas, lent, Bradford „ Thomazine, widow, Staplegrove Gunter, John, Winsford „ Robert, sen., Winsford Guppy, Thomas, Misterton „ Thomas, Crewkerne Gutheridge, John, Brompton Ralph See also Guddridge. Guy, John, Taunton Magdalen Habberfield, Ann, Northpetherton „ Haberfeild, Andrew, Northpeatherton „ Haberfield, Edward, Northpetherton „ Haberfeild, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Habberfeild, George, Bridgwater „ Haberfield, John, Northepetherton „ Haberfeild, Martin, Northpetherton ,, Haberfeild, Thomas, Goathurst „ Habberfeild, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Haberfield, Thomas, Northpetherton Haches, Elizabeth, Crocombe Hacker, Osmund, Pockington „ Tobias, Taunton Magdalen Hackshawe, Robert, Georgehenton Hadderidge, Elizabeth, widow, Dodington „ Hadridge, George, Stogursey „ Haddridge, John, Doddington „ John, Halse Haddon, Hadden, Agnes, widow, Runington ,, Christopher, Kingston „ Christopher, Kingston ,, Christopher, Runnington ,, Christopher, Pitmister „ Christopher, Kingstone „ Hadden, Henry, Runington ,, James, Fitzhead ,, James, Runnington „ John, Staplegrove „ Hadden, John, Doddington „ John, Kingston „ John, Staplegrove „ Jonathan, Kingston 44* 1609 87 1641 88 1693 36 1695 9' 1633 35 1634 35 1787 94 1630 '95* 1616 9 1691 122 1690 37 1636 62 1692 "4 1663 119 1677 128 1670 127 1672 112 1663 4 '797 70 1719 69 1701 48 1715 7i 1716 21 '755 n 1787 '73 1727 48 1780 87 1639 65 1666 20* 1615 86* 2 69 1620 60 1721 48 1697 118 1730 33 '794 35 1660 '55* 1638 93 1702 85* 1629 55 1669 150 1660 72 1646 43 1693 105 1672 59 1697 30 1726 40 '748 52 1792 33 1796 104 1683 60 '735 46 '749 73* 10 37 1691 42 1773 60 1786 9 1760 Taitnton Wills. 223 Haddon, Jonathan, Kingston Thomas, Bratton, parish Mynehed Thomas, Bridgwater Thomazine, widow, Kingeston als. Mitchell, John, Merriett als. Mitchell, William, Barrington Michell ah., see Michell als. Haddon. Hag, Surredge als., see Surredge als. Hag. Haggett, Mary, Southpetherton „ William, Barrington Hagley, Ambrose, Langford BudviUe „ Haglie, Humphrie, Westmonnckton „ Jane, widow, Westmonnkton „ Joane, widow, Westmonnkton ,, Joan, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Hagleighe, John, Dulverton „ Haglye, John, Dulverton „ Hagly, Jonah, Stogumber „ Surrage ah., see Surrage als. Hagley. Hailston, William, Bridgwater Haine, Anne, widow, Hatchbeachamp ,, Anne, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, Trull „ Hayne, Henry, Ruishton „ Haynes, James, Thornfaulcon „ Haynes, John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Hatchbeachamp „ Richard, Hatchbeachamp „ Roger, Hatchbechamp „ Haynes, Sarah, Thornfaulcon „ Haines, William, Dulverton Hake, Elizabeth, Whitstaunton „ John, Buckland St. Mary „ Mary,, widow, Whitstaunton „ Rebecca, Buckland St. Mary „ Haakes, Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Whitstanton „ Thomas, Whitstanton Hall, Elianor, widow, Taunton James „ Eleanor, Taunton James „ George, Crocombe ,, George, Stogumber „ Henry, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, Henry, Drayton „ Henry, Swell „ Hugh, . . . sey „ Jane, widow, Chafcombe „ John, Elworthie „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Hilbishops „ John, Porlocke ,, John, Ashpriors „ John, Creech St. Michael „ Mary, Carhampton „ Peter, Porlocke „ Richard, Hillfarrence „ Robert, Curry Revell „ Halle, Thomas, Stokegursey „ Thomas, jun., gent., Northpetherton „ Thomas, Dunster 37 1799 120* 1610 4 1758 146 1628 102* 1612 44* 1613 39 1766 3 1754 74 1681 1 1643 118 1 69 1 70 1698 26 1768 24* 1619 22 1630 83 '733 14 1771 22 1695 '39 1717 117 1664 84 1641 76 1789 '7 1799 77 1672 61 1684 78 1685 53 '793 39 1663 88 1665 1 1 1785 65 1695 7 1765 90 1626 84 1734 118 '743 76 1723 68 1756 27 1725 74 '744 27 1643 12 1673 53 1756 126* 1619 24 1716 70* 1646 86 1719 79 1720 109 1720 2 1765 3° 1768 16 1761 44 '754 25 1790 29 1681 55* 3 45 1692 27 '739 224 Taunton Wills. Hall, Welthian, Porlocke „ William, Drayton Hallett, Barbara, widow, Merriott ,, Barnaby, Misterton ,, Barnaby, gent, Misterton „ Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ Emme, widow, Sheptonbeacham „ Mary, widow, Chellington „ Mary, Misterton „ Merefield, gent, Misterton ,, Peter, Corfe „ Samuel, Chellington „ Samuel, gent, Misterton ,, Stephen, Corfe „ Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp „ Walter, Corfe Hallingworth, Francis, inholder, Bridgwater Hallock, Elizabeth, Westmonckton Hallway, Peter, Overstowey Halswell, Hugh, Goatehurst ,, William, Spaxton Ham, Andrew, Northpetherton „ Catherine, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton James „ William, Southpetherton „ William, sen., Taunton Magdalen Hambilton, Michael, Holford Hamblin, Elizabeth, spinster, Thurlebare „ Thomas, Thurlbare „ William, Thurlbare Haming, Thomas, Crewkerne Hamline, Catherine, widow, Thurlbare ,, Hamlen, Thomas, Thurlebare „ Hamlen, Thomas, Thurlebare Hammard, Joane, widow, Sampford Arundle Hammett, Ann, Taunton St. James „ Ann, Taunton Magdalen ,, Catherine, widow, Luccombe „ Hammitt, Elizabeth, widow, Luckham „ Hammet, Henry, Luckham „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen Hammon, Agathe, Stogursey Hammond, John, clerk, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Maurice, Taunton Magdalen ,, Hamond, Maurice, Thornefaulcon Hamwood, Nicholas, Northpetherton „ Peter, Nynehead Hancocke, Abraham, Halse ., Hancock, Alexander, Northepetherton ,, Hancock, Alice, Charlinche „ Alice, widow, Nettlecombe „ Anstice, spinster, Halse „ Hancock, Bartholomew, Canington „ Hancock, Betty, Taunton Magdalen „ Catherine, Liddeard Lawrence „ Hancock, Christian, Luxburrowe „ Edward, Northpetherton „ Hancock, Elinore, Fiddington „ Hancock, EHnor, Luxborow 9' 1662 3° 1689 64 1696 81 1669 77 1724 5° 1720 124 1694 20 '73' 37 1790 21 1718 36 '73° 21 1708 46 1729 156* 1621 121 173' '3 '634 7 1662 57 1748 98 1681 '45 1622 29* 1607 67 1781 12 1674 43 1715 9' 1667 80 '734 20 '735 78 1699 77 1676 56 1695 27 1662 102 1691 167 1635 168* '635 97 1687 54 1769 55 '779 55 1668 62 1687 67 173' "5 1704 127 1722 74 1610 47 1784 "3 1667 '38 1669 73 1667 1 12 '73° 35 1692 120 1631 7* 1614 86 1694 32 1689 160* 7 67 '795 52 1676 96* 1612 92 1717 124* 1616 So 1622 Taunton Wills. 225 Hancocke, George, Treaburrowe Giles, Stogursey Henry, Staplegrove Henry, Liddiard Lawrence Hancock, Henry, Heathfield Hancock, Honor, Withyell James, Luxburrow Hancock, James, Dunster Joane, spinster, Liddiard Lawrence Hancock, Joan, Heathfeilde Hancock, Joan, Halse Hancock, John, Lawrence Lidiard Hancock, John, Canington Hancock, John, Lidiard Lawrence Hancock, John, Lidiard Lawrence John, Lidiard Lawrence John, Canington John, Heathfield Hancock, John, Halse Hancock, John, Northpetherton Hancock, John, Withyellflorey Margery, widow, Halse Hancock, Marie, Canington Mary, widow, Luxburrow Hancock, Mary, Taunton Magdalen Hancock, Moses, Hillfarrence Hancock, Philipp, Charlinch Phillip, Liddiard Laurence Hancock, Philip, Halse Hancock, Philip, Lydeard St. Laurence Hancock, Richard, Otterhampton Richard, Wythiell Robert, Canington Robert, Northpetherton Robert, Wythiell Hancock, Robert, Cannington Hancock, Samuel, Dunster Hancock, Susannah, widow, Bridgwater Thomas, Mynehead Thomas, Creech Thomas, Northpetherton Thomas, Halse Thomas, Liddiard Lawrence Hancock, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Hancock , Thomasin, Bridgwater Hancock, William, Durleigh Hancock, William, Netlecombe William, Lidiard Lawrence Handcocke, William, Angersleigh William, Lideard Laurence Hancock, William, Halse Hancock, William, Halse Handcock, William, Bridgwater als. Thomas, George, Cothelstone Handford, Agnes, Milverton Handole, Joane, widow, Bridgwater „ Margarete, . . . eerocomb „ Mary, Otterford Hanken, Robert, Curry Revell Hanning, Barnaby, Henton St. George 52 1638 129 1681 83 1664 62 '7'3 10 1751 96 1742 65 1680 25 '734 63 1713 30 '734 12 1770 16* 3 24* 5 102* 7 82 1635 36* 1636 22 1684 55 1711 25 1769 43 '774 85 1780 58 1711 25* 5 53 '693 49 1766 40 1746 33* 6 55 1725 76 1730 32 1793 64 1626 109 1666 210* 1638 7i 1690 '55 1717 '7 1777 23 1761 20 1728 68 1668 46 1669 103 1684 55 1714 49 1721 64 '795 142* 1638 20* 7 5>* 9 1 10 1630 3° 1645 69* 1646 3° 1732 36 1771 8 1774 '59* 1638 32 1791 6 1664 128* 1619 53 1765 21 1703 47 1768 226 Taunton Wills. Hanning, Haning, George, Merriott „ John, Southpetherton „ Hanninge, Richard, Crewkerne Harbert, William, Kilton Harbret, Thomas, Bridgwater Harcombe, Alexander, Bicknoller „ Harcomb, Elizabeth, Ninehead „ Elizabeth, Hillfarrence „ Elizabeth, Orchard Portman ,, James, Hilfarrence „ Joane, widow, Kingstone „ Joane, spinster, Stogumber „ Harcomb, John, Cotherston „ John, Bicknaller „ John, Stogursey „ John, Orchard „ Katherine, Ninehead „ Margaret, widow, Bicknoller „ Mary, Merriott ,, Sarah, Pitmister „ Thomas, Westmonnckton „ Harcomb, William, Mynehed Hardacre, Mary, Bridgwater Harden, Joan, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Lyddiard St. Laurence Hardiman, William, Taunton Magdalen Harding, Abraham, Southpetherton „ Aldred, Porlock „ Hardinge, Andrew, Luccombe ,, Anne, widow, Milverton „ Dunstan, Chedsey „ Edmond, Bridgwater „ Hester, Minehead ,, James, Bridgwater „ Joan, Porlocke „ John, Porlocke „ John, Porlock „ Nicholas, Westquantoxhed „ Nicholas, Luckham ,, Heardinge, Robert, Crewkerne Hardman, Francis, Taunton Magdalen Hardwill, William, Thurlbear Hardy, Robert, Chillington „ Miller ah., see Miller als. Hardy. Hare, Alexander, Enmer „ Christopher, Westmonnkton „ Christopher, West Monckton ,, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Staple „ George, Orchard „ George, Taunton Magdalen „ Giles, Southpetherton „ Gladwice, Curland „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Jane, spinster, Gregorie Stoake ,, Joane, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ John, West Monncton „ John, Westmonnkton „ John, Orchard „ Hares, Marie, widow, Withiecomb 107 1637 S3 1781 40 1629 61 t73^ 133* 1638 7 1669 103 1622 '5 1738 53 1761 57 1717 49 1640 93 1687 74* 1609 4 1660 '3' 1694 60 '755 58 1747 12 1704 45 1799 34 '757 47 '7'5 136* 1619 '3 '799 7 1725 43 1736 9' 1746 5S '795 10 1636 36 1 64 1 Si 1683 185* 1632 1 1 1746 53 1750 1 1 '774 43 '754 63 1719 106 '73' 65 1686 36 1762 105 1628 128 1683 48 1763 30 1736 77* 1607 "5 1662 57 1735 79 '755 34* 1609 83 1708 21 1751 109 1706 35 1781 61 1634 101 1637 29 1685 26 12 127 1678 81 1713 6 1635 Taunton Wills. 227 Hare, Mary, Westmonnkton Mary, widow, Westmonnckton Moses, Spaxton Nicholas, Westmoncton Nicholas, Cheddon Fitzpaine Nicholas, Curland Nicholas, Staplefitzpaine Nicholas, Cheddon Fitzpaine Nicholas, Westmonckton Oliver, Thurlbare Richard, Westmonnckton Richard, Bridgwater Richard, Cheddonfitzpaine Richard, Cheddonffitzpaine Ruth, widow, Orchard Sarah, Combflory Thomas, Westmoncton Hares, Thomas, Minehead Thomas, clerk, Crewkerne Tristraham, Curland Vere, Taunton Magdalen WilHam, Staplefitzpaine William, Orchard William, Staplefitzpaine William, Nortonfitzwarren Harell, Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton Harford, Emanuel, clerk, Taunton Magdalen „ John, clerk, Orchard Harle, Alexander, Durleigh „ Edward, Northpeatherton „ Harlie, Thomas, Stogursey Harman, Jonathan, Taunton Magdalen „ Josias, Taunton Magdalen Harn, John, Creech St. Michael Harper, John, Spaxton „ Clarke ah., see Clarke als. Harper. Harred, John, Thornefaulcon Harod, Nicholas, Porlock See also Horrad and Hurred. Harris, Agnes, widow, Oake „ Agnes, Ninehead „ Alice, Westbagborowe „ Andrew, Canington „ Anne, Aishbrittle „ Catherine, widow, Canington „ Edmond, Hilfarrence „ Elinore, Oake „ Elizabeth, widow, Stoake Marie „ George, Taunton Magdalen „ Giles, Northpetherton „ Grace, widow, Merriott „ Humphry, Kinstone ,, Isaac, Merriott „ James, Oake „ James, Kingstone „ Jane, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Joane, Netlecombe „ Joane, widow, Heathfield „ Joan, Merriott „ John, Westbagburrow 142 1663 123 1704 245* 1638 5* 7 28 1671 3S 1685 '43 1685 23 1725 74 1765 83 '739 115* 1616 104 1638 27 1672 7 1738 5' 1709 21 1747 '59* 1607 29 1752 16 1782 74* 1628 37 1788 '45 1684 86 1706 77 '739 30 1757 66 1691 120 1706 39 1627 35 1724 46 1640 74* 1646 73 1784 65 1792 '9 '749 40 1763 84 1767 33 1632 38 1682 67 1764 56* 1646 20 1697 16 1642 35 1704 S2 1685 52* 1613 '38 '637 62 1712 52 1747 57 1671 28 1627 66 1688 103 1637 56 1722 66 1663 .5* 1613 109 1630 22 1770 7* 1 228 Taunton Wills. Harris, John, Thurlebare „ John, Trull ,, John, Stokemarie „ John, Thurlebare „ John, Thurlebare ,, John, Aishebrittle „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Westbagborowe „ John, Westbagborowe ,, John, Canington ,, John, Hilfarrence „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Westbagborough ,, John, Dinnington „ Marie, Thurlebare „ Mary, Hilfarrence „ Mary, widow, Westbagborow „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Matthew, Stogumber „ Oliver, Staplefitzpaine „ Harrice, Peter, Lidiard Lawrence „ Rebecca, Creeche „ Richard, Stokemarie „ Richard, Thurlebare ,, Robert, Stokemarie ,, Robert, clerk, Halse „ Robert, Corffe ,, Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Roger, Merriott „ Samuel, Northpetherton „ Sarah, Northpetherton „ Stephen, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Hilbishoppes ? „ Thomas, Michelcreeche „ Thomas, Stoke St. Mary „ Walter, Porlock „ William, Chedsey „ William, Westbagborow „ WilHam, Dunster „ William, Kingston „ William, Stocklinch Ottersey „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton ,, ah. Barber, Joane, Southepetherton „ als. Barber, Richard, Southpetherton Harrison, Agathe, Luccombe „ Alexander, esq., Northpetherton „ Alexander, Westquantoxhead „ Ames, Westquantoxhed „ Amos, Westquantoxhed „ Anes, Westquantoxhed ,, Clement, Chafcombe „ George, Luccombe „ George, Mynehead „ George, Minehead „ Henry, Minehead „ John, Wootten Courtney „ John, Selworthy „ John, Minehead „ Margerie, widow, Westquantoxhead 50* 3 100* 1609 116* 1618 126* 1623 60 1624 86* 1629 47 1632 32 1643 55 1646 29 1674 65 1678 '5 1707 90 '732 3' '755 77 1628 54 1688 68 1692 9 1798 102 1674 89* 1638 6 1641 130* 1628 86* 1612 89* 1614 48* 1619 189 1640 25 1714 92 1781 56 1768 39 '754 32 1797 22 1710 149* 1607 7 1624 4' 17S2 49 1625 37* 1617 '35 1677 53 1678 67 1684 9' 1714 60 1719 9' '73' 7 1611 90* 2 '9 1626 70 •743 77 1789 133 1690 177 173' 22 1622 20 1696 65 1646 63 1664 46 '777 33 '748 102 1696 92 '733 47 '777 17s 173' Taunton Wills. 229 Harrison, William, Luccombe Hart, Ann, Bridgwater „ Benjamin, Bridgwater „ Francis, Northpetherton „ Grace, widow, Durston „ James, Skilgate „ Joane, Selworthy „ Harte, Joan, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Aishbrittle „ Joan, Bridgwater „ Harte, John, Ham, parish Bridgwater „ Harte, John, Chafecombe „ Harte, John, Hame, parish Bridgwater „ John, sen., Goathurst „ John, Chillington „ Matthias, Merriott „ Harte, Miriam, widow, Currey Revell „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Susanna, Goathurst „ Harte, Thomas, Hame, parish Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Skilgate Hartland, Thomas, Drayton Hartley, Edward, Taunton Magdalen HartnoU, HartneU, George, Langford Budvill „ Hannah, Taunton St. James „ or Hurtnall, John, Badialton „ John, Sampford Arundel ,, Susanna, Langford Budvil „ WilHam, Westmonnckton ,, William, Taunton St James Harton, Christopher, Porlock ,, Joane, widow, Porlock „ John, Porlocke Hartrey, Frances, widow, Durleigh „ Mary, Doddington Hartwell, Anna, spinster, Broadway „ Mary, widow, Hilbishops Harvard, Robert, Isleabbotts Harvea, Valentine, Wayford Harvey, Augustine, Southpetherton „ Barbara, widow, Bridgwater „ Constance, widow, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Creech St. Michael „ Hervey, James, Kilton „ Joan, widow, Bridgwater ,, Joseph, Chilton „ Katherine, St. James „ Harvie, Marie, Thurlebare „ Mary, Bridgwater ,, Harvie, Richard, Whitstannton „ Harvie, Richard, Goathurst „ Harvie, Richard, Crewkerne „ Robert, Chilton „ Robert, Chilton ,, Roger, Taunton James „ Tacy, Chilton „ Thomas, Hilbishops „ Harvie, William, Nynehed 45* 1615 11 1768 16 1689 108 1727 38 1700 116 1717 '7 1622 73 1627 4 1669 10 1774 89* 6 61* 1609 29* 1617 49 1724 22 1743 32 '735 47 1685 6 1780 25 1756 88* 1612 119 1631 16 1675 92 1714 5' 1727 IOI 1740 63 1714 81 '755 5 1723 28 1788 42 '734 88 1732 80 '755 58 1630 59 1628 73 1640 40 1690 39 1742 1 173' 60 1700 42 '755 156 1660 118 1683 19 1677 10 1719 15 1747 52 1710 14 1671 27 1746 76 1643 '39 1631 O 1747 64 1628 8* 1638 27 1667 33 1730 17 1757 162 1670 16 1757 73 1672 69* 2 230 Taunton Wills. Harvey, Harvie, William, Northpetherton See also Harwey. Harward, Andrew, (Rector of) Aisholt Harwey or Harvey, Sarah, Bicknoller Harwood, Alice, widow, Wythypoole „ Anne, widow, Curland „ Arthur, bachellor, Wythypoole „ John, Wythypoole „ John, Luccombe „ Josiah, Orchard Portman Hascoll, Hascole, Christian, widow, Lynge „ Edmond, Durston ,, EHzabeth, Durston „ Haskoll, Farnham, Taunton St. James ,, Robert, Durston „ Hascall, Robert, Durston „ Robert, Durston Haselbeere, Robert, Crewkerne Haselwood, Elizabeth, Whitelackington Haskett, Thomas, gent, Taunton Magdalen Haskins, Jane, Pitmister „ Harskins, Joane, widow, Currey Revell ,, John, Pitmister „ Haskyns, Thomas, Spaxton Haslelberry, Henry, Crewkerne Hassell, John, Holeford „ John, Wembdon „ Peter, Canington „ Samuel, Hilbishops „ Thomasine, widow, Holford „ Hasell, Walter, Charlinch Hassum, Joseph, Taunton St. James Hasswell, John Cannington Hathaway, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen Hatherley, Charity, widow, Mynehead Hatsell, Agnes, Minehead „ Symon, Mynehead Haviland, Elizabeth, widow, Langford Budvill Elizabeth, Runnington John, Charlinch John, Runington John, Langford Budvill Mary, Langford Budvill Matthew, Langford Budvil Matthew, Langford Budvil Tacia, widow, Taunton Hawdon, EHzabeth, Pytmister Hawken, Simeon, Bicknoller Hawker, Ann, Bridgwater „ Edward, Overstowey ,, Elinor, widow, Chellington ,, Grace, Curry Mallett „ Joane, widow, Overstowey ,, John, sen., Curry MaUett „ John, Creech „ Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Philip, Curry Mallett „ Richard, Chilton „ Richard, Coombflorey „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen 87 1678 1 1662 6 '755 '37 1672 26 1672 126 1678 167 1670 32 1712 52 1778 7S 1670 38 '725 29 1774 54 1779 '3 1682 3' 1750 18 1782 4' 1630 n 1* '729 "4 171 1 34 1782 21 1724 126 1730 127* 1616 4* 1631 18 1632 130 1675 66* 1616 55 1708 64 1637 27* 1 74 '747 100 1641 46 1791 81 1678 65* 1638 116* 1619 47 1721 61 1784 27 1663 73 1736 35 1786 37* 1792 27 1738 35 '775 46 1631 27* 1613 4 '755 10 1741 109 1670 7i 1636 22 1740 97 1683 53* 1608 23 1697 '23 1663 23 1740 2S 1728 '4 1780 125 1663 Taunton Wills. 231 Hawker, Sarah, spinster, Barrington „ William, Creech (2 wills, different dates) „ William, Barrington „ Carpenter ah., see Carpenter als. Hawker. Hawkes, George, Stogumber „ Henry, Eastquantoxhead „ Jane, Kilton „ John, Pitmister „ Robert, Kilton „ Hawks, Thomas, Eastquantoxhead „ William, Eastquantoxhead Hawkesland, Alice, Brusheford Hawkins, Agnes, spinster, Milverton „ Alice, Thornefawcon „ Alice, widow, Thorne Margarett „ Alice, Pockington „ Alice, widow, Dowlishwake „ Ann, Stogursey „ Barnabee, Stogumber „ Christopher, Stogumber ,, Christopher, Dodington „ Hawkyns, Edithe, Puckington „ Elizabeth, Thornefawcon „ Elizabeth, widow, Broadway „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogumber ,, Florence, widow, Stogumber „ George, Brumpton Regis „ George, Brumpton Regis „ George, Stogumber „ James, Kingstone „ Hawkens, Jane, widow, Stogumber „ Joane, Nortonfitzwarren „ Joan, Doddington „ John, Netlecombe „ Hawkyns, John, Puckington „ John, Netlecombe „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Trull „ John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Trull ,, John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Hillfarrence „ Lewis, Goathurst ,, Margerie, widow, Stockland Bristow „ Marie, widow, Puckington „ Michael, Hillfarence „ Nicholas, Stogursey „ Nicholas, Dowlishwake „ Peter, Chipstable „ Richard, Brumpton Regis „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Hawkings, Richard, Stogumber „ Richard, Hewishchampflower ,, Robert, Stockland Bristow „ Robert, Clotworthie „ Robert, Stogumber „ Hawkyns, Thomas, Puckington „ Thomas, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Combflory „ Thomas, Winsford (vide 1823) 15 1730 177, 177a 1640 4 1694 74* 1607 18 1779 45 1750 79 1691 37 1749 44 1691 3) 27* 1793 107 1628 2 1633 36* 3 8 1629 57 1643 32 1700 75 1767 116 1724 126 1717 33 1740 87* 1614 '54 1631 1 1663 123 1720 76 1671 6 1671 11 1724 62 1799 32 1796 96 1662 93 1728 16 '794 39* n 27* 1607 104* 1620 '59* 1621 89 1637 8 1665 141 1681 6 1687 16 1738 26 1765 54 '635 42 1640 33 '795 ,47 56 12 40 1716 '3 1697 4 1674 102 1727 5o '749 32 '795 29 1631 12* 1642 127 1717 50* 1615 48 1674 18 1675 49 1715 232 Taunton Wills. Hawkins, Thomas, Kingston „ Valentine, Brompton Regis ,, Hawkyns, William, Thornefawcon „ Hawkyns, WilHam, Netlecombe „ William, Stogumber „ William, Stogumber „ William, Crowcombe „ ah. Geale, John, Swell ,, als. Torr, Catherine, Ashpriors „ Arniea/^., see Arnie als. Hawkins. „ Torre als., see Torre als. Hawkins. HawkweU, Hawkewell, Elizabeth, Canington ,, Frances, Cutcombe „ Joane, widow, Wythypoole „ John, Cutcombe ,, John, Cannington „ Hawkewell, Mary, widow, Wythypoole Hawle, Edward, Wembdon Hawlet, Trologm als., see Trologm als. Hawlet. Hawten, Elizabeth, widow, Winsford Gregory, Winseford Gregory, Exford James, Winsford Joane, Exton Joane, widow, Winsford Nicholas, Nettlecombe Hauten, Oliver, Exton Richard, Winsforde Richard, Porlock Hauten, Walter, Porlock William, Exton Hawtheringe, William, Cothelston Haycocke, Joane, widow, Creech S. Michael „ Richard, Michael Creech Haydon, Edward, Taunton St. James „ Samuel, Mynehed „ Heydon, Thomas, Charlinch Hayes, Hayse, Agnes, widow, Northpetherton „ Alexander, Fivehead „ Alexander, Fivehead „ Alice, widow, Northpeatherton „ Anne, widow, Thurlbare ,, Ann, Broadway „ Betty, Broadway „ Florence, widow, Combflory „ Giles, Cutcombe „ Joan, spinster, Orchard „ Joanes, spinster, Combflory „ John, Northepetherton ,, John, Combflorie ,, John, Northpetherton and Nynehead „ John, Combflory „ Mary, Brumpton Regis „ Haise, Thomas, Northepetherton ,, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary „ Thomas, Broadway „ Thomas, Kingsbrompton „ William, Northpetherton ,, William, Lyng „ William, Trull 32 1792 II 1664 39* 1615 2* 1619 129 1660 94 1714 12 '794 44 1625 1 1684 99* 1619 33 1662 '32 1690 71* 1618 27 1660 136 1672 158* 1607 '57 1660 75* 1619 6 1646 172 1670 80* 1617 81 1679 97 1684 '3* 1610 16* 1616 29* 1619 '38 1611 183* 1622 '5 1628 29 1670 69 1643 60 1741 27* 1616 '7 1732 78 1688 67 1707 69 1730 99 1639 1 12 1678 16 '773 1 1 '793 43 1720 126 1632 85 1725 32 1730 '3' 1621 3' i634 4' 1686 26 1691 1 1752 88* 1618 1 1719 3 1720 36 '774 39 1705 68 1711 49 1763 Taunton Wills. 233 Hayman, Elizabeth, spinster, Buckland St. Mary (imperfect) „ George, sen., Mynehead „ George, Mynehead „ Joane, widow, Mynehead „ or Haymond, Richard, Brompton Ralph „ Richard, Buckland St. Mary ,, Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Mynehead „ Samuel, gentleman, Minehead „ Speed, Kilve „ William, Buckland St. Mary „ William, Buckland St. Mary „ als. Samuell, Joane, Mynehead Haymond, see Hayman. Hayne, John, Thornefaulcon Hayte, Roger, Seavington Mary Hayward, Alice, spinster, Porlocke „ Edward, Curry Revell „ Joan, Porlocke „ John, Stogumber ,, Margery, Stogumber „ Phillip, Creech „ Thomas, jun., Taunton Magdalen „ William, Porlocke ,, als. Poole, Agnes, Porlock „ als. Poole, John, Porlock „ als. Poole, William, Porlock „ als. Row, Joan, Minehead „ Sweeting ah., see Sweeting als. Hayward. Hazell, Francis, Langford Budvill Head, Anne, widow, Chedzoy Headford, William, Charlinch Heale, Samuel, Bridgwater „ William, sen., Bridgwater Heard, Abraham, Dulverton „ Charles, Cutcombe ,, Elizabeth, Dulverton „ John, Exton „ Peter, Cutcombe Hearinge, Christopher, Estquantoxhed „ Hearing, Edward, Hilbuishoppes „ John, . . . pr „ John, Trull „ Mathew, Hilbushopps „ Mathew, Hilbuishoppes „ Hearing, Richard, Pitmister ,, Hearing, William, Trull „ William, Hillbushoppes Hearly, John, Stogumber „ Hearley (Herly), Tarr ah., see Tarr als. Hearley. Hearman, Joane, Winsford Hearne, Heme, Andrew, clerk, Doddington „ Anne, widow, Creech „ Arthur, Buckland Mary ,, Hearn, Cicely, Northpetherton „ Edward, Durleigh „ Elias, Buckland St. Mary „ George, Northpetherton „ Henry, Creech „ Heme, Henry, Crewkerne 4 1725 68 1690 47 1729 86 1717 10 1696 6 1740 22 1704 54 1721 84 1726 '5 1770 5 1740 1 1 '777 65* 1624 65 1787 1 1621 121 1684 9 1682 41 '735 127 1694 7i 1699 39 1678 123 1722 52 1679 93 1624 121* 1619 36 1624 37 1756 IOI 1685 26 1703 25 1799 5 '793 '4 '799 18 '735 9 1772 5 1760 29 1786 28 1784 52* 5 37 1640 88* 1 194* 1616 54* 3 '36 1632 53 1635 106* 3 27* 1617 107 1663 102* 4 67* 1616 8 1673 3 1703 68 1781 56 1672 3 1680 59 1776 ¦19 1667 16 1785 234 Taunton Wills. Hearne, Joane, spinster, Buckland Mary „ John, Ristonn „ John, Ristonn „ John, Creech „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton ,, Jonathan, Merriott ,, Lawrence, Creech „ Matthew, Pitmister „ Nicholas, Durlie „ Robert, Barrington „ Thomas, Creech ., Hearn, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton „ als. Boobie, Henry, Orchard „ Heme ah. Booby, John, Buckland Mary „ als. Tucker, James, Durleigh „ Booby ah., see Booby als. Hearne. Hearse, John, Bridgwater Heathfield, Torr ah., see Torr als. Heathfield. Hebditch, Henry, Creech „ Henry, Creech „ Robert, Creech „ Robert, Southpetherton „ William, Southpetherton Hedford, Giles, Withicombe „ John, Withycomb „ John, Nettlecombe „ Richard, Clotworthie „ Robert, Withiecombe „ William, Wythycombe Hedgcocke, Bridgett, widow, Crewkerne Heggins, William, Stockland Bristol Heifer, Redigan, spinster, Nettlecombe Heiffers, Valentine, Brushford Hele, Thomas, Northpetherton Hellard, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Southpetherton „ Carver ah., see Carver als. Hellard. Helliar, Adam, Henton St. George ,, Agnes, widow, Taunton James „ Charity, spinster, Pitmister „ Charles, Hinton St. George „ Hellior, Christopher, Brompton Regis „ Hellier, Copleston, Georgehenton „ Edith, spinster, Stoke Marie ,, Helliare, Edward, Taunton ,. Hellier, Henry, Bridgwater „ Hellier, Hugh, Georgehenton „ Hellier, Hugh, Henton St. George ,, Hellier, Joane, Coombflorie „ Hellier, John, Northepetherton ,, John, sen., Henton St. George „ Hellier, John, Hatchbeachamp „ Thomas, Brompton Regis „ Thomas, Exton „ Hellier, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Hellier, Thomas, Bridgwater '9 1685 98* 1616 '7 1625 23 '7'9 108 1728 46 1780 52 1721 35 1688 84 1674 4 1639 10 1720 18 1662 34 '794 53 '744 79 1635 127 1631 171* 1622 9 1695 24 1687 23 1663 25 1684 56 '799 40 1766 5° 1646 17* 2 28* 1618 92 1630 60 1641 69 1686 32 1696 128 1728 97 1720 2 1779 45 1786 1 12 1700 ' 38 1707 '37 1724 84 1668 54 1706 '33 1669 84 1704 33 1762 95 1624 192* 1610 44 1637 72 1639 6 1790 59 1620 44 1693 121* 7 160 1632 104 1641 24 1686 9 1667 43 1667 20 1669 7 1768 Taunton Wills. 235 Helliar, Hellier, William, Stogursey „ Hellier, WiUiam, Kingesbrompton „ Hellior, William, Brompton Regis ,, William, Sheptonbeachamp Hellinge, Elizabeth, Milverton „ Hellings, George, Milverton „ Hellings, Grace, Porlock „ Hellings, James, Chipstable „ Hellings, James, Stawly „ Hellings, James, Fitzhead ,, Hellins, Jane, widow, Radington „ Helling, Joane, widow, Langford Budfild „ Hellings, Joane, widow, Milverton „ Hellings, John, Brumpton Regis ,, Helling, John, Radington „ Hellings, John, Porlocke „ Hellings, John, Radington „ Hellings, John, Raddington „ Hellings, John, Stawley „ Hellings, Mary, Milverton „ Hellings, Mellier, Ashbrittle „ Michael, Langford Budfeild „ Hellings, Richard, Chipstable „ Helling, Richard, Milverton „ Hellings, William, Brumpton Regis See also Hilling. Helman, William, Dunster Helpe, EHzabeth, widow, Bridgwater Hember, Thomas, Taunton St. James Hemborowe, Henborowe, Agatha, Brompton Ralph „ Hembrough, Christian, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Henburrowe, George, Dunster „ Henburrowe, James, Milverton „ James, Brompton Ralph „ Hemborough, James, Brumpton Ralph „ Henburrow, John, Brompton Ralph „ Henborough, John, Holeford „ Hemborowe, John, Brompton Ralph „ Hembrew, John, Brumpton Ralph „ Hembrough, John, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Hembrough, John, Combflory „ Hembrow, Phillip, gent., Holeford „ Hemborow, Redigan, Holford „ Hembrough, Reuben, Brompton Ralph „ Hemborough, Richard, Otterhampton „ Hembrow, Richard, Stogumber „ Robert, Brumpton Ralph „ Henborowe, Roger, Stogursey „ Henborowe, Thomas, Brompton Ralph „ Hembrow, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Henburrow, Thomas, Doddington „ Henburrowe, W'illiam, . . Hampton „ Henborowe, WilHam, Brompton Ralph „ Hembrow, William, Northpetherton „ Hemborow, William, Chipstable Hembury, Agnes, spinster, Northpetherton „ Edward, Bridgwater „ Henberie, John, sen., Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Bridgwater 30 1621 21 1634 12 1637 68 1719 84 1624 34 1698 62 '755 57 1685 95 '743 29* 1749 109 '73' 82 i633 43 1692 5 1668 53 1692 65 1719 SS 1722 61 177' 48 1790 22 1788 2 1777 4i 1624 '9 1725 48 1761 7 1670 24* 1618 25 1669 57 1783 1 1 1 1 63 1 5 1681 56 1660 '37* 1608 9 1660 4 1718 1* 3 36 1632 '37 1632 6 1666 37 1670 24 1706 3i 1689 34 1636 4 '779 87 1725 57 1775 6 1667 15S 1727 46 1632 97 1670 43 1677 47* 1614 '36 1641 53 1689 S 1748 93 1681 20 1677 n* 1615 16 1704 16 1671 236 Taunton Wills. Hembury, Hembrey, Mary, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Henbury, Thomas, sen., Bridgwater „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Bridgwater Hemings, Simon, Lyng „ Hemmings, Still, Ruiston Hempston, Alice, Dulverton „ Hempton, John, Dulverton, and E. Ansty, co. Devon Henborow, see Hemborough. Hendlie, John, Taunton Hendy, John, Curry Revell „ John, Barrington „ Thomas, Barrington ,, Hendie, William, Sheptonbeacham Hensley, Alice, Mynehead ,, Elianor, widow, Selworthy „ George, Selworthy „ George, Selworthy „ George, Porlock „ George, Porlock ,, Henslye, Henry, Minehead „ James, Minehead „ Joan, Porlock „ John, Dulverton „ John, Minehead „ Hensleigh, Mary, widow, Dulverton „ Henslie, Michael, Mynehed ,, Robert, Selworthy „ als. Taylor, George, Selworthie ,, als. Tailer, John, Selworthy „ Hensly, Tayler als., see Tayler als. Hensly. Henson, Roger, Luckham Herdor, John, Stogumber Herman, Thomas, Brompton Regis Heme ah. Boobie, William, Pitmister Herniman, George, Lydeard St. Laurence „ John, Brushford Herring, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Ellen, widow, Hilbishopps „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, the elder, Hilbisshopps „ John, Hilbishopps „ John, Hilbishops „ John, Hilbishops „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Pitmister „ Mary, widow, Westmonnckton „ Sarah, widow, Westmonnkton „ Heringe, William, Trull Hervey, see Harvey. Hester, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen Hewes, Henry, Liddiard Laurence „ Martin, Thorne St. Margaret See also Hughes. Hewett, James, Curland „ Thomazine, Northepetherton „ William, Northepetherton 21 1678 69 1630 34 1673 62 1736 5 1757 61 1714 64 '747 32 '736 40 1722 43 1611 20 1709 '3 1741 7 1729 9' 1631 79 1675 106 1672 57 1689 5° 1695 39 1748 37 1797 94 1622 47 1778 53 '759 44 1661 45 1/44 64 1672 IOI 1620 99 1667 106* 1607 105* 4 S9 '73° 21 1639 42* 3 210* 1610 36 1787 8 '759 54 1748 49 1668 S3 1699 So 1660 59 1661 60 1663 5' 1697 69 1732 81 '737 85 1677 129 1716 '4' 1680 45 16 1 1 93 1632 95* 1627 53 1703 77 1719 35 1720 208* 1616 146 1611 Taunton Wills. 237 Hewett, William, Ruiston Hewish, Roger, „ William, Stogursey „ William, Stogursey See also Huish. Hewlett, Francis, Taunton James „ Richard, Thornefaulcon ,, Samuel, Eastquantoxhead Hewstice, Robert, Trull Hext, William, Stocklinch Ottersey Heydon, see Haydon. Hibborne, Thomas, Islebrewers Hickes, Richard, Hilbishops „ Hicks, Sarah, widow, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton „ Hicks, WilHam, Northpetherton „ Hicks, Towill ah., see Towill als. Hicks. Higgins, John, Crewkerne „ Higgens, John, Bridgwater „ Joseph, Chaffcombe „ Sarah, Crewkerne „ Sarah, Bridgwater „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Bradford „ William, Crewkerne Hilbert, Catherine, Otterhampton „ Hilbertt, Edward, sen., Otterhampton Hilborne, Hayes, Northpetherton „ Jane, widow, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater Hiles, Christopher, Wythycombe „ George, Minehead „ Joane, widow, Wythycombe „ Hyles, Joan, Cannington ,, John, Wythycombe „ Hyles, Joseph, Cannington ,, Hyles, Mary, widow, Dunster „ Hyles, Richard, Wythycombe „ Sampson, Minehead ,, Hyles, William, Withicomb „ William, Stogumber „ William, Stogumber Hill, Abraham, Luxburrow „ Adrian, Stokepero „ Agnes, Exforde „ Agnes, spinster, Chipstable „ Alexander, Otterford „ Alexander, Otterford (codicil) „ Alexander, Taunton Magdalen ,, Alice, Taunton Magdalen „ Ambrose, Stokepirrowe „ Anne, Exton „ Anne, spinster, Westmonnckton „ Bartholomew, Sampford Brett „ Catherine, Rownington „ Charity, Skilgate „ Charity, Skilgate „ Charles, Mynehead „ Christian, Stokepirrowe „ Christopher, Skilgate 63 1744 41 1645 31* 1 1 112 1622 '32 1683 83 1721 '9 '794 164 1685 47 1770 26 1790 '9 1682 84 1688 102 1684 45 1780 3° '743 8 '754 11 1788 20 1781 1 '793 84 1675 7 1706 '4 1756 64 1624 121* 1623 97 1717 24 1710 '3 1700 138 1683 52 '755 1 So 168? 18 1768 169 1670 16 1767 39 1691 123 1664 57 1764 102 1631 82 1736 5' '774 5o 1781 56 1630 6 1629 3' 1688 36 1621 38 1621 89 1703 21 1624 91* 1618 5° 1663 '3' 1722 108 1681 '44* 1607 50 1634 85* 1646 90 1720 26* 1619 7* 7 238 Taunton Wills. Hill, Christopher, Chipstable David, Lydiard St. Lawrence Edmond, sen., Winsford Edward, widow, Skilgate Hyll, EHnor, Bridgwater Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Elizabeth, Stokepirrow Elizabeth, Crocombe Elizabeth, widow, Skilgate Elizabeth, Crocombe Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Florence, Bridgwater Francis, sen., Crocombe Francis, gent, Milverton Gabriel, Winsford George, Taunton George, Bridgwater George, Heathfield Gregory, Lyddeard St. Lawrence Henry, Crocombe Henry, Crewkerne Hugh, gent., Taunton Magdalen Hugh, Skilgate James, Kingesbrompton James, Upton James, sen., Upton James, Sampford Brett James, Broadway Jeffery, clerk, Nynehead Joane, widow, Radington Joanna, widow, Langford Budfild Joane, widow, Brumpton Ralph Joan, Withypoole John, Stokepirrowe John, Wiltonn John, John, (? Bridg)water John, Brusheford John, Buckland Marie John, Dulverton John, Dunster John, Langford Budfild John, clerk, Staplegrove John, Brumpton Regis John, Thorne Margaret John, Skilgate John, Wythypoole John, Hatchbeachamp John, sen., Skilgate John, clerk, Badialton John, Huislichampflower John, sen., Luxburrow John, Skillgate John, Bridgwater John, Luckham John, Withpoole John, Lydeard St. Lawrence John, Bradford Jonas, Merriett Margaret, Stokepirrowe 25 1694 43 1761 121 1714 '39 1640 IOI* 1614 iS 1631 76 1668 20 1729 148 '73° 22* 1746 So 1747 '93 1638 32 1704 86 1727 108 1632 72* 1615 8,9 1674 25 1772 38 '732 27 1702 12 1732 27 1634 49 1756 50* 1617 121 1667 '39 1707 53 '749 5 1799 76 1700 73 1630 6.3 1632 9 1678 Si 1786 82* 1 119* 7 41* 9 50* 1612 46* 1619 5'* 1619 7* 1620 1 1 1623 20 1625 104 1677 10 1688 68 1689 87 1690 106 1693 5o 1700 93 1700 10 1710 26 1712 3' 1712 72 1750 7 '759 29 1772 89 '777 46 1784 10 1791 16* 1614 48* 1617 Taunton Wills. 229 Hill, Margaret, Dunster „ Martha, Taunton Magdalen „ Martha, widow, Crewkerne „ Marie, Creeche „ Marie, Stokepirrowe „ Marie, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Marie, Creech ,, Mary, widow, Ashbrittle ,, Mary, spinster, Northpetherton „ Peter, Radington „ Peter, Skilgate „ Phillip, jun., Clatworthy „ Richard, Stogumber „ Richard, Skilgate „ Richard, Exford „ Richard, Skilgate ,, Richard, clerk, Coombflorie „ Richard, Hawkeridge „ Richard, Curry Rivel ,, Richard, Mynehead „ Richard, Ashbrittle „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Chipstable „ Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Dulverton „ Roger, Hatchbeachampe „ Samuel, Fivehead „ Samuel, Crocombe „ Sarah, widow, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Minehead „ Thomas, Chipstaple ,, Thomas, Lawrence Lidiard „ Thomas, Brompton Regis „ Thomas, Drayton „ Thomas, Brompton Regis ,, Thomas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Milverton ,, William, Skilgate „ William, Stogumber „ WilHam, Northpetherton „ William, Brumpton Ralph ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Chilton ,, William, Exton „ William, Upton ,, William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Skilgate „ William, Stogumber „ William, Skilgate „ als. Burge, Anne, widow, Stogumber „ als. Chamberlaine, Henry, Upton „ als. Chubbery, Christopher, Withipoole „ als. Chubbery, William, Chipstable „ als. Chubworthe, Richard, Miluerton „ als. Chubworth, Richard, Raddington „ als. Chubworth, Sylvestrie, Preston, parish Milverton „ als. Stodden, Grace, widow, Mynehead „ Baker ah.; see Baker als. Hill. „ Rill als., see Rill ah. Hill. 78 625 103 626 3' 696 34* 1 1 70* 615 5? 623 2 32^" 638 5 705 84 7" 142* 616 52 624 18 698 '55* 7 3' 611 85* 611 36 625 17 636 26 638 100 646 3' 698 3 700 '39 635 1 1 676 16 680 35 697 29 729 33 732 61 68 1 '3 757 8 721 58* 12 55 628 129 631 43 6.37 16 679 '3 696 28 702 53 729 107* 4 85* 628 IOI 670 6 675 '5 675 17 '683 46 683 "4 687 63 701 34 715 44 74' 55 '795 67 '723 66* 1614 70 639 17 1721 35* 1 35* 1609 64* 10 79 [681 240 Taunton Wills. Hill, Dadscombe als., see Dadscombe als. Hill. „ Stoddon ah., see Stoddon als. Hill. Hillaccar, Jane, Otterford Hillard, Christian, Southpeatherton „ Christopher, Curry Rivell „ Clifton, Curry Revell „ Clifton, Curry Rivell ,, Dorothy, Curry Rivell „ Joane, widow, Curry Revell „ John, jun., Southpetherton „ John, Wembdon „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton ,, Matthew, Minehead „ Robert, Curri Rivell „ Robert, Curry Rivell ,, Robert, Southpetherton „ Thomas, gent, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Curry Rivel „ William, Curry Revell „ WilHam, Langford Hillary, Hillarie, John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne ,, William, Misterton Hillier, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen Hillinge, Alice, Kingesbrompton „ Henry, Langford Budvil „ Hillinges, John, Brompton Regis „ Hilling, John, Milverton ,, Robert, Dulverton „ Robert, Pytmister See also Helling. Hillyard, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen Hilpe, John, Wembdon „ Margaret, Wembden Hinde, Christian, Hilbushoppes „ Thomas, Hilbuishoppes Hindham, Alice, Dulverton „ Anne, widow, Hawkeridge „ Hyndham, Annes, Dulverton ,, Emmotte, Winsford „ Hinddam, John, Duluerton ,, John, sen., Dulverton ,, Hindhame, John, Dulverton „ Michael, Winsford „ Hindam, Robert, Dulverton „ William, Winsford „ William, Hawkeridge „ Zacharie, Hawkeridge Hindley, Edward, Staplefitzpaine Hindon, Agnes, Dunster „ Clement, Dunster Hine, Ann, Bishops Hull „ James, Bishops Hull „ James, esq., Bishopps Hull „ Richard, Hilbishops „ Hines, William, Taunton Hineham, John, Dulverton ,, Mary, widow, Dulverton 49 1792 3' 1646 8 1745 24 1678 25 1740 24 '739 46 1685 33* 7 75 1726 63 1771 82 1781 56 1764 32 1636 8 1726 60 1789 53 1695 '7 1780 '7 1725 44 1771 3'* 7 37 1660 57 1702 158 1684 45* 10 84 1660 85* 4 176 1635 72* 10 25 1626 87 1744 43 '757 38* 1617 56 1629 166* 1625 12 1644 2 1639 78 1660 7o 1621 64 1639 104 4 56* 1617 47 1643 60 1637 115* 7 58* 1637 38 1638 5 1646 IOI 1700 61 1623 SS* 1609 6 1798 2 1784 3 1785 65 1669 '3 1639 21 1741 47 1681 Taunton Wills. 241 Hineham, Hinam, Thomas, Hawkeridge Hipditche, Robert, Creech Hiscock, Aaron, Westmonkton Hitch, Parry ah., see Parry als. Hitch. Hitchcocke, Agnes, widow, Langford Budvill „ Hitchcock, Ambrose, Langford Budfild „ Jennett, widow, Stogumber „ Mary, widow, Wayford „ Hitchcock, Richard, Ashbrittle „ Stephen, Crewkerne „ Hitchcock, Thomas, Langford Budfeild „ William, Stogumber „ Hitchcock, William, Taunton Magdalen Hite, Agnes, Hilbushoppes „ Frances, widow, Bicknoller „ Joane, Staplegrove ,, John, Brumpton Ralph „ Mary, widow, Staplegrove „ Sarah, spinster, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ WiUiam, Aisholt Hitt, Joane, Linge ,, Hytt, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Hitte, Sarah, widow, Heathfeild „ William, Linge Hix, John, Bridgwater „ Williams, Northpetherton „ Towell ah., see Towell als. Hix. Hoare, Betty, Taunton Magdalen „ Edith, Curry Rivell „ George, Broadway „ Hoar, Giles, Nettlecombe „ Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Mary, Bridgwater ,, Hore, Thomasine, Samford Brett Hobart, Francis, sen., gentleman, Taunton Magdalen Hobbs, Hobb, Anthony, Withiepoole „ Hobbes, David, Exton „ Elizaheth, Bruishford „ Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ EUinor, Stogursey „ Gregory, Selworthy „ Hobbes, Henry, Cutcombe „ Hobbes, Humphrey, Dulverton „ Hobbes, James, Cutcombe „ Joan, Luckham „ Hobbes, John, Withiepoole „ Hobbes, John, Luccombe „ John, Dunster „ Hobbes, Richard, Kiltonn ,, Richard, gentleman, Crewkerne ,, Robert, Luckham „ Samuel, Winsford „ Hobbes, Thomas, sen., Stogursey „ Hobbes, Pawle ah., see Pawle ah. Hobbes. Hobhouse, John, Mynehead Hobman, John, Puckington ,, John, Puckington „ John, Puckington Hocke, John, Northpetherton 50 1722 31 1627 67 1783 50 1666 94* 1609 103 1675 '54 1677 1 1729 3' 1671 5'* 6 109 1669 116 1722 9* 1 4 1683 97 1690 '5 1669 61 1679 100 1704 '77 1635 90* 1638 112 1611 175* , 1622 49 1690 1* 1612 14 1719 39 1686 7i 1786 17 1749 1 1707 56 1739 S 1709 8 1740 73 1621 79 1719 4S 1610 100 1611 52 1621 34 1690 126* 1641 95 '713 123* 2 142 161 1 7' 1623 38 1739 27* 2 28* 1614 98 1622 '9 1620 17 1689 80 1728 96 1764 24* 1615 79 1711 28* 1607 '32 1685 103 173' 77 1713 242 Taunton Wills. Hocke, Hock, John, Northpetherton 67 1768 Hockey, Catherine, Taunton 71* 1615 Hodges, Anne, widow, Estquantoxhed 49 1706 , Barbara, widow, Crewkerne 50 1707 , Bartholomew, Otterhampton 119 1660 , Hodge, Charles, Stogursey 62 1778 , Christopher, Crewkerne 24 I7°3 , Edward, Sheptonbeachamp 104 1674 , Elizabeth, Stokegursey 94* ro , Hodge, Elizabeth, widow, Creech 38 1678 , Emmett, Stogursey 218* 1638 , Francis, Holeford 52 1674 , Frances, widow, Spaxton 107 1683 , George, jun., Crewkerne 38 I7'3 , Henry, Stogursey 26* 1 1 , Jane, widow, Crewkorn 38 1731 , Hodge, John, 105* 3 , John, Enmer 128* 7 , John, Stogursey 239* '638 , Hodge, John, Creech 28 1668 , John, Stogursey 99 1677 , John, gentleman, Estquantoxhed 36 1703 , Hodge, John, Bridgwater 21 1720 , John, Southpetherton and Kingsbury Epi. 126 1720 , Hodge, John, Stogursey 41 1766 , John, Isleabbotts 38 1767 , Margaret, Chilton 92 1628 , Margaret, widow, Crewkerne 36 1714 Marie, Wembdon 70 1610 , Marriane, Taunton Magdalen 164* 1616 , Richard, Otterhampton 1 12* 1607 , Richard, sen., Stogursey 63* 1615 , Richard, Goatehurst 3° 1631 , Richard, Kingston 215* 1638 , Richard, Spaxton 63 1786 , Robert, Spaxton 116* 1641 , Robert, gentleman, Merriott and Sevington Mary 89 1707 , Ruth, widow, Southpetherton 118 173' , Susanna, Crewkerne 25 1767 , Hodge, Thomazine, Creeche 48 1623 , Hodge, Walter, Bridgwater 18 1710 , William, Creeche 6* 1615 , William, Stogursey 182 1632 , William, Stogursey 3* 1638 , William, Stogursey io3 1667 , William, Eastquantoxhead 35 1676 , Hodge als. Jerroll, Elizabeth, Bridgwater 21 173° Hodgkins, Joane, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine 16 1688 Hodgland, John, Taunton Magdalen 109 1664 Hodye, Robert, sen., Crewkerne 2* 1610 „ Robert, Crewkerne 32* IOI* 16171641 Holburne, Margaret, Dunster Holcombe, Agnes, Dunster 29* 141* 3 1608 , Alice, Bridgwater , Anne, widow, Bridgwater 1 1 1693 , Atwell, Stogursey '47 1685 , Charles, Bridgwater 12 1774 , John, Dulverton 68 16851688 , John, Stogursey 106 , John, Liddiard Laurence 79 1727 Taunton Wills. 243 Holcombe, John, Hawkeridge „ Margaret, widow, Bridgwater „ Nicholas, Fitzhead „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Bridgwater „ Holecomb, Robert, Bridgwater „ Robert, Milverton „ Susanna, Bridgwater Holdrich, Daniel, Minehead „ Elizabeth, Minehead Hole, Holle, Abraham, Porlocke „ Agnes, Winsford „ Holl, Agnes, Exforde „ Alice, widow, Wootton Courtney ,, Alice, Brompton Regis ,, Alice, widow, Wootten Courtney „ Ames, Winsford ,, Ames, Winsford „ Amos, Winsford ., Amos, Withypoole ,. Anne, widow, Winsford ,, Ann, Porlock „ Cary, Curry Rivell „ Catherine, widow, Exford „ Edithe, Winsford ,, Edith, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, widow, Winsford „ Gabriel, Winsford „ Giles, Wotton courtny ,, Henry, Wotton Courtnye „ Henry, Withell „ Hugh, Wootten Courtney „ James, Porlock „ Jane, widow, Selworthy „ Jane, widow, Luccomb „ Holle, Joan, widow, Exford „ Joane, widow, Winsford ,, Joane, Exford „ Joane, widow, Wooten Courtney „ Joane, widow, Winsford „ John, Cannington ,, John, Mynehead „ John, Exford „ John, Porlock „ Marie, Luccombe .,, Michael, Mynehead „ Michael, Selworthie „ Michael, Wootten Courtney „ Nicholas, Luccomb „ Oliver, Stogursey ,, Richard, Winsford „ Richard, Winsford „ Richard, Brumpton Regis ,, Richard, Winsford „ Robert, Cutcombe .,, Robert, Westquantoxhed ,, Robert, Wooten Courtney „ Robert, Winsford 31 1761 29 1643 9 1751 in 1641 6 1688 40 1633 16 1687 24 1728 54 1781 8 1698 47 '747 33 1754 107 1694 19* 1607 49 1661 '39 1632 37 1641 no 1708 '45 1637 116 1688 74 '759 76 '795 182 1684 55 '759 48 1730 47 1663 36* 1614 119 1675 '27 1667 144* 1616 j2 3 S* 1615 56* 1618 94 1671 62 1744 90 1708 57 '7'3 16 1637 129 1661 5' 1687 '24 1688 93 1719 29 1660 66 1690 28 1701 60 1773 46* 5 7 1635 '49 1637 122 1688 S6 1726 75* 1608 38* 1 48 1637 9 1708 167 '73' 70 1633 104 1746 76 1765 98 1781 244 Taunton Wills. Hole, Roger, Wootton Courtney „ Holle, Roger, Selworthie „ Holle, Sybill, widow, Exforde „ Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ Thomas, ye elder, Wootten Courtney „ Thomas, Wooten Courtney „ WilHam, Brampton Ralph „ William, Luccombe „ Holl, William, Stogumber „ William, Porlocke „ William, Porlock Holeman, Anthony, Milverton Holland, Mary, widow, Southpetherton Hollmead, Cicilie, Brushford „ Holmead, William, Brushford Holly ah. Holway, John, Goathurst Holmes, Holms, Agnes, Doniatt „ Alexander, Bridgwater ,, Ann, widow, Bridgwater ,, Bryant, Northpetherton „ Humphrey, Donyett „ Jacob, Bicknell „ Jasper, Northpeatherton ,, Martha, Donyatt „ Richard, Donyett Holt, EHzabeth, Crewkerne „ James, Northpetherton „ James, Nettlecombe „ Thomas, Crewkorn ,, als. Gill, Roger, Crewkerne „ als. Gill, Thomas, Crewkerne Holway, Hollway, John, Goathurst „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Asholt „ John, Cannington ,, Sarah, Bridgwater ,, Holwaie, Thomas, Bagburrowe „ William, Ninehead „ Holly ah., see Holly als. Holway. Holwell, John, Rownington „ Holwill, Mary, Minehead „ Peter, Bagburrowe „ Holwill, Sarah, widow, Mynehead „ Thomas, Dulverton Holworthe, Robert, Bridgwater „ Holworthie, John, Northpetherton Homet als. Prelat, John, Wotton Courtny „ Homitt, Joane, Porlock Honibone, Thomas, Beercrocomb Honniball, Betty, Oake „ Hunniball, Grace, Bagborow „ Honyball, John, Stogursey „ Honiball, John, Oake „ Honeyball, Robert, Stogursey „ Honiball als. Selleck, Humphrey, Overstowey „ Selleck ah., see Selleck als. Honiball. HonyweU, Hunywell, Alexander, Hilbushoppes „ Hunywell, George, „ George, Bridgwater '3 1621 130 1637 5° 1661 1640 IOI 1702 "4 '743 62 1774 6 1698 79 1640 82 1641 5° 1726 63 ^773 50 1729 '37 1670 123 1641 53 1643 3° '749 35 1764 17 1714 5 1734 85 1661 67 1633 8 1730 42 1639 10 1770 121* 1616 34 1706 IOI 1728 76 '743 39 173' 33 1702 35 1722 52 1716 3' 1720 3 1740 '3 1785 2 1794 42* 1608 57 '739 67 1641 5' 1750 55* 1618 9' 1728 93 1622 48* 3 61* 6 1 1 1636 63 1729 5 1730 4S '795 38 1622 71 '744 43 1783 67 1786 58 '739 10* 1614 148* 1607 19 1632 Taunton Wills. 245 Hood, Arthur, Dowlishwake Hooke, Anne, widow, Mynehead ,, Francis, jun., Spaxton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Goathurst ,, John, Stogumber „ Hook, Richard, Spaxton „ Hook, Richard, Enmore „ als. Graue, Alice, Bridgwater „ als. Graue, Elizabeth, Spaxton „ als. Grave, Joane, widow, Goathurst „ Hook als. Groves, Joan, Crocombe „ Hook als. Grave, Mary, widow, Crocombe ,, als. Graue, Robert, Spaxton , „ als. Grave, Robert, Asholt „ als. Grave, Stephen, Spaxton „ Hook als. Groves, William, Crocombe „ Hook als. Grave, see Grave (only). „ Grave ah., see Grave als. Hooke. Hookier, Lawrence, Nortonfitzwarren „ Richard, Norton Hookins, Henry, Hilbishops „ Hookings als. Venn, Edward, Milverton „ Ven ah., see Ven als. Hookins. Hoole, Robert, Wotton Courtny Hooper, Agnes, Heathfeild „ Anstice, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Anthony, Bridgwater „ Arthur, Exford ,, Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Cornelius, Staplegrove „ Edithe, Creeche „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ George, Heathefeild ,, George, Taunton James „ George, St. James „ George, Exford „ George, Westmonkton „ George, Westmonkton ,, Henry, Bradford ,, Henry, Canington „ Isaac, Puckington „ James, Exford „ Joane, Exton „ John, Porlock „ John, sen., Samford Arundell „ John, Taunton ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Westmonnckton „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Combflory „ John, Goathurst ,, John, Exford „ John, Spaxton „ John, Exford „ John, Spaxton „ Matthew, Dunster „ Nicholas, Taunton Paul, Dulverton 25 1759 105 1685 64 1723 97 1611 73 1720 "4 1724 60 1765 37 1784 34* 1608 2 1645 49 1697 26 1750 29 1730 1 1645 4 1677 SS 1674 25 1750 5S 1699 32* 1618 5' 1724 40 '744 113* 1614 55* 1617 114 1661 16 1626 27 1792 84* 1612 74 1736 73* 1616 33 1630 '3 1671 41* 10 20 1634 253* 1638 69 1672 95 1768 61 1798 14 1692 39 1730 39 1785 38 1784 169* 1607 125 1625 '4 1628 42 1645 135. 1724 78 1726 '5 1728 20 '734 45 1742 28 1777 39 1782 3° 1789 54 1789 36 1668 11 1645 4' 1640 246 Taunton Wills. Hooper, Robert, Holeford „ Robert, Stockland Bristoll „ Robert, Heathfeild ,, Robert, Taunton James „ Robert, Wembdon „ Robert, Cannington „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Sarah, Broadway „ Symon, Combflory „ Thomas, Watton Courtnye „ Thomas, Merriett „ Thomas, Hilfarrence „ Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Sampford Arrundle „ William, Spaxton „ William, Oake „ William, Chilton „ William, Broadway „ als. Archdeacon, Joane, Enmer „ Elston als., see Elston als. Hooper. „ Jeanes ah., see Jeanes als. Hooper. „ Smale ah., see Smale ah. Hooper. Hoore, Richard, Beercrocombe Hopkins, George, Drayton „ John, Westmonnckton Hopper, Smale ah., see Smale als. Hopper. Horlock, Richard, Bridgwater Horman, Joan, Minehead Horn, Christian, Porlocke „ Francis, Selworthy „ Home, Henry, Winsford „ Home, Henry, Selworthy „ Home, Henry, Selworthy „ Home, Jane, Stokepero „ Home, Joane, widow, Selworthy „ Home, Joane, Porlocke and Kidnor „ Home, Phillip, Porlock ,, Robert, Taunton St. James „ Home, William, Selworthie „ Home, William, Selworthie „ William, Selworthy „ William, Selworthy „ Home, William, Porlock „ Home als. Spurrier, Juliane, Selworthie Horrad, John, Barrington „ Horrod, Margaret, widow, Stogumber See also Harred. Horsey, Agnes, Staple „ Andree, Buckland Mary ,, Edward, Aishpriors „ Henry, Staple „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Ashpriors „ John, Northpetherton Horsford, Joseph, Dulverton Horsman, Elizabeth, Northpetherton Horton, William, Porlocke Hosegood, Andrew, Brumpton Regis „ Andrew, Mynehead „ Anne, widow, Mynehead 5' 1674 55 1679 62 1681 1 1 1 1691 196 1730 '5 1782 2 1791 1 1 1747 52 1669 15* 6 75* 1607 40 1671 49 1709 47 1712 '43 1660 '3' 1685 37 1720 9 1785 49* 4 5 1692 33 1693 66 1712 11 1640 38 1792 60 1723 72 1767 75* 10 140 1640 100 1706 47 1769 69 1719 98 1724 3' 1638 89 1746 Si 1629 90 1637 5° 1762 43 1766 38 1 791 172* 1625 2 1722 '49 1685 90* 7 4* 2 3 1669 22* 10 13* 1 2 1717 7° 1740 '4 1763 48 1778 82 1713 3 1676 90 1707 75 1716 Taunton Wills. 247 Hosegood, James, Kingsbrompton „ Laurence, Porlocke „ Mary, Bathealton „ Hoasegood, Robert, Withiepoole „ Hosgood, Robert, Mynehead „ Hosgood, Thomas, Mynehead „ William, Badialton „ Winifred, widow, Brumpton Regis Hoskins, Hoskyns, Elizabeth, West Bagburrowe „ Henry, Crewkerne „ Joane, Bagburrowe „ John, Crewkerne „ Mary, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Richard, Crewkerne „ William, Puckington „ Lantrowe ah., see Lantrowe als. Hoskyns. Hossey, Job, Newton Fitzwarren Hossom, Elizabeth, Dunster „ Hossome, John, Dunster „ Hossome, John, Dunster „ Terrell, Dunster Houlden, Henry, Fivehead Houndle, Dinah, Exford „ Elizabeth,- spinster, Exford „ John, Withiepoole „ Joseph, Exford „ Peter, Wythycombe „ Peter, Exford Hounsell, William, Crewkerne House, Florence, widow, Dinnington „ Francis, Beerecrocombe „ Henry, Dynington „ Howse, Hugh, Curry Mallett „ Howse, Joane, Currey Mallett „ Howse, John, Currey Rivell „ Margaret, widow, Kingston „ Mary, widow, Westmonnckton „ Mary, Westmonckton „ Howse, Nicholas, Creeche „ Redigond, widow, Lynge „ Richard, sen., Curry mallett „ Howse, Richard, Currey Mallett „ Richard, Bradford „ Richard, Curry Rivel „ Robert, Currey Mallett „ Thomas, Westmonckton „ Howse, William, Dynnington „ William, Gregory Stoke „ William, Fivehead „ William, jun., Westmonnckton „ Howse als. Bitford, Catherine, Stogursey How, Abraham, Luxburrow „ Agnes, widow, Fidington „ Anne, spinster, Fidington „ Dorothy, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Howe, Elizabeth, Netlecombe „ Elizabeth, Fiddington ,, George, Canington „ Henry, Fiddington and Spaxton 30 1787 87 1722 4 '775 79* 1628 32 1698 94 1727 12 1747 7 1686 28 1611 10 1772 116* 1607 25 1746 114 1704 '5 '733 23 1780 76 1666 '3 1751 24 '734 42 1702 27 1709 27 1767 '47 1621 44 1680 43 1680 104* 7 '5 1673 146 1681 44 1683 20 1771 20 1637 3 1667 '38* 1607 28 1762 20* 1613 124* 1619 5S 1680 in 1708 57 1772 98 1620 24 1682 99* 6 73* 1628 8 1783 18 '793 5* 1614 95 1764 75 1611 52 1662 23 1679 65 1705 61* 1614 52 1703 53 1717 66 1730 6 1704 67* 10 39 1750 30 1674 156 1685 248 Taunton Wills. How, Joane, Goathurst ,, Joane, widow, Exton ,, Joane, widow, Wootten Courtney „ Howe, John, Cannington 1647 „ Howe, John, Spaxton „ John, Luxburrowe „ John, Porlocke „ John, Liddiard Lawrence „ John, Dulverton „ John, Exton ,, John, Moncksilver „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Fiddington „ John, Asholt „ John, Spaxton „ Judith, Exton „ Judith, spinster, Exton „ Lawrence, Exton „ Lawrence, Exton „ Lawrence, Exton „ Lawrence, Exton „ Martin, jun., Brumpton Regis „ Mary, Exton „ Nathaniel, Langford Budvill „ Philip, Wythypoole „ Richard, Westbagburrow „ Richard, Westmonnckton „ Richard, Spaxton ,, Richard, Lydiard St. Lawrence „ Richard, sen., Westbagborough „ Robert, Brumpton Regis „ Robert, Brumpton Regis „ Robert, Swell ,, Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Exford ,, Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ Ursula, widow, Luxburrowe „ William, Dulverton „ William, Westbagborough Howdon, Andrew, Pytmister Howell, David, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ Hopkin, Dunster „ Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ Martha, spinster, Bridgwater „ Moses, Minehead „ William, Northpetherton Hoyle, Hoile, Elizabeth, Corfe „ Elizabeth, widow, Upton „ George, Drayton „ Giles, Holford „ Henry, Upton ,, Henry, Stowey „ Joane, widow, Drayton „ John, Upton ,, Hoyles, John, Dunster „ Richard, Dulverton „ Richard, Brompton Ralph „ Richard, Upton „ Cooke ah., see Cooke als. Hoyle. 201* 1638 39 1703 125 1713 '3 12 75 1626 65 1636 S3 1687 58 1691 '5 1726 55 '727 88 1727 34 1730 35 1746 1 177S 52 1796 44 1667 46 1690 73 1685 45 1696 35 1773 25 1798 3 1719 3' 1789 99 1685 73 '759 '45 1728 199 173° 62 1762 25 1763 50 1791 12 1694 6 1707 63 1795 S3 1676 44 1702 124 1713 22 1673 17 1779 82 1780 53* 8 26 1685 7 1696 72* 1608 147 1632 22 1728 3' 179' 46 1701 43* 6 68 1709 61 1626 28 '732 93 1768 54 1798 35 1680 59 1769 25 1796 '9 1624 97 1625 57 1766 Taunton Wills. 249 Hoyte, Hoyett, Elizabeth, Seavington Marie 102* 1628 „ Hoite, Elizabeth, widow, Seavington St. Mary 70 1729 „ Hoite, Henry, Curry Revell 22 1683 „ Hoyt, Joane, widow, Seavington Mary 101 1678 „ John, Upton 24* 1 1 „ Roger, Wayford <6 1643 „ Hoite, Roger, Curry Revell 36 1663 „ Hoite, Thomas, Seavington Mary 48 1695 „ William, Curry Rivell 34 1743 Hucker, Elizabeth, widow, Broadway 7 1717 ,, Henry, Durston 117* 1637 „ Henry, Broadway 10 1702 „ John, Durston 102* 1616 „ John, Taunton 1 10 1624 ,, John, the elder, Durston 62 1660 ,, John, Broadway 2 '739 „ John, Northpetherton 37 1752 „ Richard, Wilton 121 '7'3 „ Thomas, Hatchbeacham 85 1623 „ Thomas, Northpetherton 80 1725 „ Thomas, Chedzoy 19 '747 Hucklebridge, John, Taunton James 86 1676 „ Thomas, Combflory 21 1 67 1 Huddle, John, Dunster 157* 1628 Huddy, Henry, 89 1665 Hue, Christopher, Trull 109 1661 Huel . . , John, Stocklinch Magdalen 91* 1639 Hughes, Agnes, widow, Liddeard Lawrence 73 1675 „ Alice, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine 23 1693 „ Christian, widow, Winsford 130 1677 „ Jane, Taunton James 116* 2 „ Robert, Liddiard Lawrence 5° '693 „ Thomas, Lidiard Lawrence 59 1631 „ Thomas, Lyddiard St. Lawrence 40 '734 „ William, Taunton Magdalen 125 1672 See also Hews. Hughlett, Catherine, Linge 53 1611 Huish, Catherine, Clatworthy 17 1790 „ Huishe, Ebbotte, Norton 78 1628 „ Henry, Spaxton "3 1677 „ Huishe, John, Stogursey 14* 1626 „ John, gent, Taunton Magdalen 118 1690 „ John, Clatworthy 5 175' „ Mary, Taunton James So* 1665 „ Robert, Taunton James 84* 1635 „ Robert, Taunton St. James S5 '739 „ Roger, Taunton James 215* 1616 ,, William, Upton 86 1750 „ William, Clatworthy 12 1782 „ William, clerk, Northpetherton 82 1677 See also Hewish. Hukely, George, Westbagborow 11 1 1693 Hulett, George, Lyng 1649 48 12 „ Henry, . . . etherton 93* 1609 „ Milverton, Milverton 68 •7'3 ,, Thomas, Lyng 46 1665 Hull, Arabella, Chaffcombe 14 1787 „ George, Cricket Thomas '5 1771 ,, John, Crewkerne 61 1627 ,, Thomas, Crewkerne 75 1636 250 Taunton Wills. Hull, Thomas, Nynehead „ Thomas, Crewkorn „ William, Charlinch Hullocke, John, Durston „ Rachell, widow, Durston Humber, Stephen, Taunton Magdalen Humpcott, Joan, Wotton Courtnye Humphry, H umfrie, Dorothie, Sheptonbeacham ,, Humphrie, Edward, Swell „ Humphrie, Elizabeth, Drayton „ Humphrie, Elizabeth, Stogursey ,, Elizabeth, widow, Drayton „ Humphrie, Hugh, . . . sey „ Jane, widow, Southpetherton „ Joane, Trull ,, John, Drayton „ Humphryes, John, Sampford Arrundle „ John, Southpetherton „ Mary, widow, Drayton „ Humphrie, Thomas, Seavington „ Humphries, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Humphreys, Thomazine, widow, Stogumber „ Humphrie als. Tatchell, Alexander, Draiton „ als. Tatchell, Jone, widow, Drayton „ als. Tatchell, John, Drayton „ Humphrie ah. Tachell, Roger, Drayton „ als. Tatchell, Roger, Drayton „ Humphrie als. Tatchell, Thomas, Fiffett „ Humphrie als. Tatchell, William, Draiton Hunt, Hunte, Alice, widow, Taunton James ,, Alice, widow, Broadway „ Ann, Stocklinch Magdalene ,, Hunte, Giles, Stocklinche Magdalen „ Hannah, widow, Milverton „ Hannah, Westmonkton „ Jeremiah, Pitmister ,, Hunte, John, Curry Rivell „ John, sen., Dolishwake „ Hunte, John, Thurloxton „ Hunte, John, Uptonn ,, Hunte, John, . . . etherton ,, Hunte, John, sen., Dowlishwake „ John, Curry Revell „ John, Stocklinch Magdalen „ John, Broadway ,, John, Northpetherton „ John, Westmonckton „ John, Creech „ Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Nicholas, Westmonnckton „ Samuel, Milverton „ Samuel, Milverton ,, Samuel, Stogumber „ Thomas, Westmonnkton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, ye elder, Westmonckton ,, Thomas, Westmonnckton ,, Thomas, Seavington St. Mary „ William, Pitmister Hunyball, see Honiball. 77 1722 40 173' 54 1631 29 1665 40 1667 114 1667 77* 161a '5 1634 Si 1638 97 1610 56* 1624 38 1697 91* 1615 140 1684 73 1665 12 1682 95 1716 66 172& 28 1689 65* 161& 5 1783 77 1721 7* 1613 47 i66r 57 1669 27 1637 38 1691 176* 1638 122* 2 7 1630- 22 1641 103 1646 6* 1608 56 1721 82 '799 44 1705 35* 5 43* 11 186* 1607 7* 1610 85* 1616 174* 1624 3° 1662 105 1680 5 1700 36 1705 5' 1763 12 1777 86 1661 183 1685 68 1696 1 06 1730 43 1752 64 1682 76 1708 1 10 '743 92 '744 5' 1756 74 1746 Taunton Wills. 2 5 1 Hunywell, see HonyweU. HurchiU, Mary, widow, Thorne St. Margaret Hurcombe, William, Currey Rivell Hurford, Agnes, widow, Luckham „ Alice, spinster, Durleigh „ Alice, Thorne St. Margarett „ Anne, Exton „ Anthony, Treaburrowe „ Francis, Taunton Magdalen „ Francis, the elder, Taunton Magdalen „ Gabriel, Netlecombe ,, Giles, Crocombe „ Henry, Netlecomb „ Henry, Dunster „ Henry, Charlinch „ Hugh, Creech „ Humphry, Charlinch „ James, Charlinch „ James, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Dunstex „ Joane, widow, Charlinch „ Joane, Dunster „ Joan, Langford Budvill „ John, Treaburrow „ John, Crocombe ,, John, Luxburrowe „ John, . . . ewe „ John, Badialton „ John, Durleigh „ John, Charlinch ,, John, Charlinch „ Jonathan, Liddeard St. Lawrence „ Mary, widow, Luxburrowe „ Mary, widow, Charlinch „ Mary, widow, Charlinch „ Mary, Selworthy „ Richard, Milverton „ Robert, Milverton ,, Roger, Stockland Bristow „ Sarah, Brushford „ Sarah, Winsford „ Silvester, clerk, of Stockland Bristoll, living in Stogursey „ Thomas, Treaburrowe „ Thomas, Luxburrow „ Thomas, Luxburrow „ Thomas, Luxborough „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Upton „ William, Luxburrowe „ William, Chedzoy „ William, Dunster „ William, Stogursey „ William, Thorne St. Margarett „ als. Court, Henry, Silstocke Hurler, Dorothy, widow, Crewkerne Hurley, Agnes, widow, Crocombe ,, Anne, widow, Stogursey „ David, Stogursey „ Edward, Ashbrittle „ Elizabeth, Milverton IOI 1662 132 1628 40 1709 65 1685 18 1751 33 i639 100* 1 11 1 1688 62 1749 103 1639 114* 7 83* 7 47 1629 29 1666 42 1728 25 1672 20 1660 141 1717 39 1719 22 '73' 52 '73' 27 1748 74* 3 59* 9 23* 1619 1 1642 '7 1661 45 1687 20 1694 21 '737 39 '749 74 1661 20 1675 6 1679 57 '749 74 1680 89 1636 '5* 1645 9 '793 64 1798 90 1 69 1 181 1632 48 1676 64 1716 68 173' 52 1790 76 1799 21 1626 60 1636 45 1675 '37 173' '9 1751 63 1680 5' 1685 28 1688 109 1678 100 1674 2 1799 35 1790 252 Taunton Wills. Hurley, Grace, spinster, Kingstone „ Hurlie, Henry, Taunton „ James, Riston „ Hurlye, Joane, Holford „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Hurlie, John, Crocombe „ Hurlie, John, Tolland ,, Hurley, John, Northpetherton ,, Marian, widow, Westmonnckton „ Mary, Milverton ,, Hurlie, Robert, Crocombe „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Hurly, Samuel, Crowcombe „ Hurly, Thomas, Kingston ,, Valentine, ,, WilHam, Spaxton „ ah. Torr, Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Torr ah., see Torr als. Hurley. Hurman, Alice, Chedsey ,, Elianor, widow, Curry Revell ,, George, Currie Rivell „ Grace, Kingston ,, John, Chedsey „ John, Chedzoy „ Marie, Currie Rivell „ Mary, Chedzoy ,, Richard, Chedzoy „ Stephen, Barrington „ Thomas, Chedzoy „ Human, William, Chedsey „ William, Barrington „ William, Chedzoy Hurred, John, Taunton Magdalen See also Harred and Horrad. Hurrell, Richard, Overstowie Hurston, John, Durston Hurt, Agnes, widow, Northpetherton „ Hurte, Joane, Canington ,, Joane, spinster, Otterhampton ,, Hurte, John, Goatehurst „ John, Goatehurst „ John, Westmonnckton „ Margaret, widow, Goatehurst „ Hurte, Robert, Otterhampton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Enmore „ Thomas, Goathurst Hurtnoll, Jonathan, Westbagborough „ Mary, widow, Bradford „ William, Westmonnkton „ Nicholas, Treburrowe Hutchings, Hutchens, Alice, Georgehenton „ Ann, Seavington St. Mary „ Barnard, Lopen „ Hutchins, Christopher, Ileabbott ,, Hutchins, Edward, Dinington ,, Hutchins, Eleanor, widow, Bradford „ Hutchens, EHzabeth, Georgehenton ,, Hutchins, Elizabeth, widow, Barrington „ Hutching, Fortune, widow, Seavington Mary S3 173° 45 '643 47* 1695 47 1609 120 1690 64 1636 94 1637 56 1747 129 1725 32 1738 10 1633 124 1677 '9 1785 28 1726 42 1686 68 1747 148 1660 123 163. 48 1685 53 1631 34 1786 '55 1621 28 16*64 "5 1638 '3 1766 29 1764 49* 2 9 1780 45* 1607 8 1687 17 '793 76 '777 37 1620 10 1715 90 1680 34* 6 71 1635 4 1611 48 1690 128 1706 42 1703 1 10* 1619 23 1646 49 1662 55 1670 5' 1791 12 1693 184 1685 118 1663 1 12 1639 86 1764 52 1767 200* 1622 6 1760 10 1730 '43 1625 10 '732 114 1717 Taunton Wills. 253 Hutchings, Fortune, Kingstone „ Hutchens, George, Ileabbotts „ Hutching, George, Bradford ,, Hutchins, Henry, Bridgwater „ Henry, Corffe „ Hutchins, Hugh, Georgehenton ,, Hutchins, Jane, widow, Seavington St. Mary ,, Hutchens, Joane, Kingestone „ Joane, widow, Kingston ,, Joane, widow, Seavington Mary „ Hutchens, John, Kingestone „ Hutchins, John, Spaxton ,, Hutchens, John, Bradford „ Hutchins, John, Hinton St. George ,, John, Henton St. George „ John, sen., Seavington St. Mary ,, John, Seavington Mary „ Joseph, Seavington Abbott „ Hutchens, Mary, Kingestone „ Nicholas, Kingstone ,, Richard, Crewkerne „ Hutchens, Richard, Bridgwater ,, Hutchins, Richard, gent, Henton St. George „ Hutchins, Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Hinton St. George „ Hutchins, Robert, Pitmister ,, Hutchins, Roger, ,, Sarah, Ileabbotts ,, Hutchins, Stephen, Seavington Mary „ Stephen, Seavington Mary „ Susan, widow, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Seavington Mary „ Hutchens, William, He Abbotts ,, WilHam, Georgehenton „ Hutchens, William, Henton St. George ,, William, Seavington Mary „ Zachary, Cricket Thomas „ als. Chappie, Dorothy, widow, Seavington Mary „ Hutchens als. Chappell, Edward, Merriett „ Hutchens als. Chaple, John, Kingestone „ Hutchens als. Chappie, John, Seavington Marie „ als. Chappell, John, Ileabbotts „ Hutchins als. Chaple, Joseph, Ileabbotts „ Hutchins als. Chapell, Roger, Kingstone „ als. Chappie, Thomas, Seavington Mary „ Chappie als., see Chappie als. Hutchings. Hydon, Anne, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Charity, Brumpton Regis ,, Christopher, Thurloxton „ Christopher, Thurloxton „ Hidon, Christopher, Northpetherton „ Elianor, widow, Thurloxton ,, Joane, widow, Thurloxton ,, John, Brumpton Regis „ Hiddon, Peter, Weethell „ Thomas, Crewkerne ,, William, Thurloxton Hyer, Clement, Stringstone „ Hier, Elizabeth, Strengeston „ als. Thomas, William, Northpeatherton 34 1777 66 1684 2 1719 7 '733 28 '755 23 1637 13S 1727 33 1624 57 1680 78 1710 '34* 1 60S 124 1621 29 1630 68 i634 79 1660 5° 1756 63 1784 94 1688 46* 1608 46 '733 25 1680 9 1796 40 1721 1 1 1750 156 1631 57 1723 1* 1 1 81 1720 84 1702 99 1722 55 1662 '7 '75' 108* 3 94 1640 35 '737 69 1750 20 1783 IOI 1667 !47*teV)i6n 90* 1607 93* 1614 53 1667 102 1621 55 1724 121 1694 6 1709 5 '749 52 1698 3' 1718 3S 1783 90 1696 '35 1717 2 1716 11* 1642 17 1705 "3 1711 112 1683 74 1616 40* 1640 254 Taunton Wills. Hyer, Hier, Thomas ah., see Thomas als. Hier. Hymons, Thomas, sen., Currey Rivell „ William, Currey Rivell Hyndam, William, Dulverton Hynham, John, Kitner Ibbott, Edwards ah., see Edwards als. Ibbott. Icasse, John, Stokemarie Ilbery, Dorothie, Haulse Ilett, Agnes, Barrington „ Phillip, Ileabott „ Richard, Ileabbott „ Richard, Ileabbotts „ Ileett, Thomas, Ileabbott „ Illett, William, . . abbotts ,, Illett, William, sen., Ileabbott ,, William, sen., Ileabbott ,, WilHam, Ileabbott „ William, Ileabbott IUarie, Michael, Chedsey Imberlie, Christian, Sheptonbeacham „ Imberley, John, Sheptonbeacham Indoe (or ? Iudoe), Edward, Merriott Ingepin, Richard, Northpetherton Ingland, John, Sheptonbeacham ,, Pascha, Shepton Beacham „ Richard, Sheptonbeauchamp See also England. Ingram, Agatha, widow, Winsford „ Anna, Northpetherton „ Alexander, Durston ,, Ingraham, Catherine, widow, Milverton ,, Catherine, Milverton ,, Christopher, Stogursey ,, Cressete, Durston „ David, Tolland ,, Dorothy, Huishchampflower ,, Edward, Estquantoxhed ,, Elizabeth, widow, Lyng ,, Humphry, Northpeatherton ,, Joane, widow, Brompton Regis ,, Joane, spinster, Brumpton Regis „ Joane, Northpetherton ,, John, Durston ,, Ingrame, John, Spaxton ,, John, Milverton . „ John, Spaxton „ (Eniggram), John, Milverton „ John, Overstowey „ John, Trull „ Magdalen, Stogumber ,, Martin, Brumpton Regis „ Mary, Miluerton „ Mary, spinster, Stogursey ,, Mary, spinster, Northpetherton „ Michael, Northpetherton „ Michael, Northpetherton ,, Nathaniel, Dunster „ Richard, Durston ,, Robert, Dulverton 48 1620 14 1625 "5 1630 37 1734 79* 1619 94* 1646 12* 1638 87 1685 42 1721 56 1683 29 1695 4* 1 1 18* 1 1 '63 1632 64 1706 34 '747 S7* 1615 171* 1619 81* 1619 53* 1767- 122 1685 66* 3 33 1622 25 1621 '3° 1706 49 1786 35* 3 4' 1679 61 1668 21* 1615 '79* 1616 73* 1 58 1663 60 1625 66 1661 78 1639 67* 1614 5 1685 60 1776 84* 1607 86* 1614 17 1630 S9 1639 70 1677 97 1694 140 1724 32 1642 10 1672 "3 1639 148 1685 "5 '73° 70 1696 84 1697 24 '749 82 1632 '3' 1625 Taunton Wills. 255 Ingram, Roger, Crocombe „ Simon, Stogumber „ Ingaram, Simon, Winsford ,, Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Kingston „ William, Brompton R. „ William, Durston „ William, Otterhampton ,, William, Stogumber „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Stogumber Innall, William, Lyng Iremonger, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Vincent, Taunton Magdalen Irish, Ireishe, Alice, Hatchbeachampe „ Irishe, Hugh, Dynnington „ John, Bradford „ Robert, Minehead „ Samuel, Halse „ William, Halse Irland, Thomas, Kingstone Isaac, Isaake, Anna, Dulverton „ Isaacke, John, Dulverton „ Isaac, Thomas, Dulverton „ Thomas, Mynehead ,, William, Lyng Ivery, Guy, Doniett Jacob, Dorothy, Stogumber „ Humphry, Hilfarrence „ Humphry, Nynehead ,, Jane, Nynehead „ Jacobs, Joan, Bishops Hull „ John, Minehead „ Jacobs, John, Hillfarrence „ Philip, Stogumber „ Richard, Buckland St. Mary „ Robert, Nynehead „ Symon, Stogumber ,, Jacobs, Thomas, Bishops Hull „ Jacobb, Walter, Luccombe ,, Jacobs, William, Taunton Magdalen ,, als. Snow, Emmotte, Porlock „ ah. Snow, Margaret, Luccomb James, Agnes, Chafecomb „ Alice, widow, Dunster „ Ambrose, Nettlecombe „ Anne, widow, Dodington „ Ann, Dunster „ Benjamin, Michael Church „ Christian, Sheptonbeacham „ Christian, widow, Dunster ,, Edith, widow, Nettlecombe „ Elianor, widow, Curry Revell ,, Elizabeth, widow, Riston „ George, Chafecomb „ George, Henton St. George „ Hugh, Dynnington „ Jane, widow, Chaffcomb „ Joane, Chafecombe 149* 1628 131 1670 90 1750 86 1664 20 1673 99 1625 69 1631 156 1632 69 1641 1 12 1660 79 1668 68 1716 118 1725 67 1765 20 1738 5* 1616 1 1 '732 57 1781 36 1729 74 1730 34 1789 3' 1630 "3 1628 45 1644 65 1690 37 1787 39 1639 79 '736 67 1681 66 1703 78 1722 4 1795 34 '779 22 1791 81 1736 2 1712 81 1674 94 1677 3 1784 '47 1611 58 1787 98 1631 105 1637 105 1624 35 1668 "9 1685 38 1702 3' 1773 49 1784 73 1626 42 1 7 1 1 59 1693 18 1690 88 1688 146 1607 74 1672 79 1611 146 1632 15* 10 256 Taunton Wills. James, Joane, widow, Bradford „ John, Fivehed „ John, Oake ,, Josuah, Stogumber ,, Mariane, Oake „ Richard, Pitmister ,, Richard, Dowlishwake „ Robert, Stogursey „ Stephen, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Dinington ,, Thomas, Chilton „ Thomas, Huischampflower ,, Timothy, Bridgwater „ Walter, Dolishweak „ Walter, Westbagborow „ Pearce als., see Pearce als. James. Jandall, Thomas, Clatworthy Jane, Agnes, Thurlebare „ Agnes, Creeche ,, Agnes, Corfe „ Edmund, Westmonckton ,, Edmund, Creeche ,, Gregory, Westmonckton „ Joane, Southepetherton „ Janes, John, Milverton „ Robert, Westmonckton Jarvice, John, Stockpirrow Jarman, Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Bridgwater ,, Hannah, Taunton Magdalen ,, James, Hilfarrance „ John, Bishops Hull „ Mary, Bradford „ Nicholas, Fyfett „ Susanna, widow, Ashbrittle ,, Thomas, Norton See also Jerman. Jaye, Thomas, Thornefawcon See also Jey. Jeane, Agnes, widow, Westmonnckton „ Jeanes, Ann, Northpetherton „ Jeanes, Bartholomew, Taunton Magdalen „ Edith, widow, Kingston „ Edmond, Westmonnkton „ Jeanes, Edmond, Ilebrewers „ Elizabeth, Kingston „ Gregory, Bradford „ Gregory, Northpetherton „ Jeans, James, Enmore „ Jeanes, Jane, widow, Kittisford „ John, Westmonnkton „ Jeanes, John, Southpetherton „ John, Kingston ,, John, Westmonnkton ,, John, Bradford „ John, gent., Westmonnckton „ Jeanes, John, Northpetherton „ Jeanes, Mary, widow, Ileabbots „ Jeanes, Mary, spinster, Bridgwater ,, Mary, Bridgwater 14 1670 29* 9 62 1729 82 1768 106* 1618 88 1700 24 1786 94 1704 136 1724 63 1625 3S 1720 4' '755 81 1631 27 1640 149 1694 27 1710 20* 1618 54 1620 '43 1631 90* 10 14 1627 '95* 1638 24 1628 73 16S8 28* 2 62 1771 80 '744 6 1783 41 '757 4' '733 '7 1764 3 1673 32* 1615 1 1720 140* 1628 16 1620 '93 '727 26 1788 73 1761 65 1700 129 1678 45 1725 33 1765 6 '747 55 1747 27 '759 62 1700 98 1668 120 1683 59 1688 127 1697 9 1711 '94 1727 25 1788 28 1712 16 1717 5 '754 Taunton Wills. 257 Jeane, Jeanes, Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Jeanes, Nathaniel, Chedzoy „ Richard, sen., Westmonnckton „ Richard, gent., Westmonnckton „ Richard, gent., Westmonnckton „ Susannah, Bradford „ Jeanes, Thomas, Lynge ,, Jeanes, William, Southepetherton „ William, Westmonckton „ Jean, William, Bradford „ Jeanes, William, Wembdon ,, Jeanes, William, Taunton Magdalen „ Jeanes als. Hooper, Robert, Southpetherton Jefferie, Anne, widow, Durston „ Jefferyes, Edmond, Northpetherton „ Jefferyes, Isett, Creech „ Jeffrys, James, Stocklinch Ottersey „ Jefferye, John, Misterton „ Jeffery, John, Henton St. George „ Jeffery, John, Beer Crocombe „ Jeffries, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Jefferys, Katherine, Bridgwater „ Jeffery, Marie, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Nicholas, Stocklinche Ottersey „ Jeffry, Richard, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Robert, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Jeffery, Roger, Crewkerne „ Jefferies, Thomazin, Henton St. George Jefford, Symon, Hilfarrence Jenkins, Ann, Clatworthy „ Anthony, Stogumber „ Arthur, Fidington „ Jenkens, Barbara, widow, Minehead „ Catherine, Stogumber „ David, Liddiard Lawrence „ David, Porlock „ David, Milverton ,, Elizabeth, Fiddington „ Jenkyn, Hillary, Dunster „ Jacob, Trull „ Jane, widow, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Durleigh „ Joane, widow, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Joan, Bicknoller „ Jenkyn, John, Crewkerne ,, John, Bicknoller „ John, sen., Bicknoller „ Richard, Carhampton „ Jenkyns, Robert, Bicknaller „ Robert, Stogumber „ Thomas, Spaxton „ Thomas, Bicknoller ,, William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Milverton „ William, Nortonfitzwarren „ William, Milverton „ William, Stogursey „ Williams ah., see Williams als. Jenkins. Jennings, Jeninges, Agnes, Milverton „ Benjamin, Bridgwater 60* 25 17961716 91 1635 64 1705 195 1727 10 1749 78 1684 104* 1614 66 1635 10 1756 9i 1777 54 1787 53 1787 37 1725 69 1691 4' 1685 74 1729 28 1622 68 1728 4 1740 32 1745 10 1743 132 1641 74* 1615 67 1776 54* 9 3° 1684 10 '753 120 1641 25 '755 5' 1779 33 1699 95 1660 59 1686 79 1717 126 1727 52 1729 '9 1763 61 1620 73 1771 n '731 17 1712 S5 1720 12 '744 n* 1612 8 1691 4 1749 '3 '734 168* 1608 50 1754 86 1693 16 1768 36* 1613 76 1680 7i 1746 33 1756 53 1783 8* 1607 1 1766 s 86 1691 S7 1724 1 1 1.695 3' 1735 64* 1 35 1723 83 1 64 1 15* 5 73 1706 33 1705 20* 1610 102 1717 16 1792 39 1679 60 1711 49 1723 40 '739 22 1757 124* 161 1 52 1665 42 1696 70* 1638 64 1669 48* 1612 92 1684 100* 10 258 Taunton Wills. Jennings, Elianor, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Elianor, widow, Nynehead „ Francis, Canington „ Hannah, Milverton „ Jenninges, Isabelle, Curry Rivell ,, Jane, Ileabbotts ,, Joane, widow, Trull „ John, Milverton „ John, Milverton „ Pasche, Milverton ,, Jenninges, Robert, Burton, parish Currey Rivell „ Robert, Oake ,, Samuel, Curry Rivel ,, Sarah, widow, Milverton ,, Sibell, spinster, Ileabotts „ Thomas, Milverton ,, Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Hillfarrence „ Jenninges, WilHam, Thurlebare „ William, Milverton „ William, Drayton „ als. Appledore, Alice, Hilfarrent „ als. Appledore, George, Hilfarrence „ Jeninges ah. Apledore, Joane, Hilfarrant ,, als. Appledore, John, Milverton ,, Jenninge als. Apledore, Thomas, Hilfarant „ Appledore als., see Appledore als. Jennings. „ Jeninges als. Bailie, John Badialton '33* 1616 „ Appledor ah., see Appledor als. Jennings. „ White ah., see White als. Jennings. Jent, William, Taunton Magdalen Jerish, William, Goathurst Jerman, Edward, Fivehead „ Jermin, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, Jermin, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Fivehead „ John, Stoke St. Mary „ Marmaduke, Fivehead „ Ralph, Nortonfitzwarren „ Ralph, Hilfarrence „ Ralph, Hilfarrence „ Thomas, Hilbishops „ Thomas, Fivehead „ William, Norton „ William, Pitmister „ als. Leek, John, sen., Southepetherton Jerrard, Richard, Stogursey Jerritt, Henry, Bridgwater „ Henry, Bridgwater Jerroll, Hodge ah., see Hodge als. Jerroll. Jesipp, Robert, Taunton Jesope, Anne, widow, Stogumber Jesse, Elianor, widow, Currie Revell „ John, Ilebrewers „ Mary, Curry Rivell „ Thomas, Thurlebare Jeuett, John, Withipoole Jewell, Hugh, Langford Budvill „ Hugh, Langford Budvill „ Jane, widow, Langford Budvill I 10 1664 36 1746 44* 12 103 1691 46 1758 49 1684 62 1732 46 1696 42 1624 63 1669 68 1670 48 1702 29 1723 57 1624 43 1631 58* 4 63 1778 27 1730 5 1791 28* 1608 106 1669 42 1661 5' 1690 10 1748 96 1710 120 1637 67 1683 58 1710 60 1710 Taunton Wills. 259 Jewell, Joane, spinster, Langford Budvill „ John, Milverton „ John, Donyatt „ John, Langford Budvill „ John, Badialton „ John, Whitstaunton „ John, Bridgwater „ Margaret, widow, Langford Budvill „ Mary, spinster, Stockland Bristoll „ JewiU, Mary, widow, Langford Budvil „ JewiU, Mary, Langford Budvil „ Richard, Milverton ,, Robert, Langford Budvile „ Thomas, Langford Budvill ,, Thomas, Langford Budvill „ William, Stockland Bristoll „ William, Stockland Bristoll „ Clarke ah., see Clarke als. Jewell. Jeyej Christopher, Stokemarie „ Christopher, Stokemarie „ Jey, Joan, Stokemarie ,, Jey, Robert, Stoake Mary See also Jay. Jobe, John, Treburrowe John, Sarah, Minehead Johnson, Elizeus, Southepetherton ,, John, Crewkerne „ Johnston, John, Northpetherton „ Ralph, Barrington „ Robert, Crewkerne „ Tayler ah., see Tayler als. Johnson. jollett, Henry, Hatchbeacham „ Hugh, Buckland Marie „ Joane, widow, Westmonnkton Jolliffe, Greenway, Wayford Jollop, John, Cheddonfitzpaine Jones, Agnes, Aishbritle „ Alexander, Aishebritle „ Cecill, widow, Bridgwater „ Charles, clerk, rector of Nettlecombe and High Ham ,, Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, widow, Minehead „ Grace, Minehead ,, Gregory, Porlock „ Henry, Gotehurst „ Jane, Clatworthy _,, Jane, Chedzoy „ Jane, widow, Estquantoxhed .„ Jasper, Crewkerne t, Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ John, Sheptonbeacham .,, John, Southepetherton „ John, Crewkerne „ John, sen., Dunster ., John, jun., Dunster „ John, Overstowey „ John, Westquantoxhead .,, Joanes, Magdalen, Stogursey „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen .„ Joanes, Mary, Dunster 76 1717 21 1625 18 1726 70 1731 7 1684 54 1752 3 1768 66 1680 89 169 1 55 '733 44 1736 34 1756 62 1743 27 1698 60 1724 125 1670 54 1701 90* 1614 6 1626 S7 1643 56* 1638 28* 1617 44 1761 65 1623 29 1697 105 1727 1S7 1638 46 1660 75* 7 72 1626 100 1666 124 1667 '5 '754 150 1622 58* 1 16 1716 7S 1725 41 1694 54 1719 36 '754 28 '745 75* 1 17 1667 '9 1689 42 1700 20 1692 14 1679 76 1623 3' 1628 133* 1641 42 1706 43 1706 88 1725 54 1770 29 1634 '35 1720 26 1767 260 Taunton Wills. Jones, Phillip, Minehead „ Phillip, Luckham „ Reece, Bridgwater „ Joanes, Richard, clerk, Norton Fitzwarren 1649 „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Overstowey „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater „ als. Beddow, Geoffry, „ als. Beddowe, John, Bridgwater „ Beddowe ah., see Beddowe als. Jones. „ als. Scout, Robert, Taunton James Jordan, Richard, Crickett Thomas „ Roger, Selworthy Jouxson, Benjamin, Thornefaulcon Joyce, Joice, Agnes, Wotton Courtnye Agnes, Exton Agnes, widow, Milverton Alexander, Creech Alice, widow, Brumpton Regis Christopher, Brompton R. Christopher, Huishchampflower Dinah, Brompton Regis Elianor, widow, Cutcombe Grace, widow, Exton Henry, Bathealton Jane, Clatworthy Joice, Joane, widow, Estquantoxhed Joice, John, Exton John, Brompton Regis John, Brumpton Regis John, Brumpton Regis Joice, Richard, Kingston Richord, single woman, Dulverton Robert, Miluerton Robert, Pitminster Roger, Ileabbott Joice, Thomas, Westmonnckton Joyes, Thomas, Selworthy Thomas, Brumpton Regis Ursula, Duluerton Joice, William, Brompton Regis William, Brumpton Regis William, Creech Wilmot, Brompton R. Joice als. Count, Elizabeth, Bridgwater Jullett, Alice, Northepetherton Jurdaine, Reginald, Northepetherton Jurden, Simon, Taunton James Jutson, Richard, Milverton Juxson, Ruth, Thornffaulcon Juxton, Oliver, Thornfaulcon Kardell, John, Northpetherton Karswell, see also Carswell. Kates, Peter, Hillbishops „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen Keache, John, Bicknell 19 1636 70 1711 6 '754 3 49 12 20 1727 66 1722 69 1764 21 '7'3 9 1727 '3 1691 56* 1608 96* 1608 92 1703 16 1664 116 1670 82 '739 120* 1619 10 1626 90 1636 18 1635 6 1686 39 1634 67 1727 3« 1660 16 1683 48 '713 6 1771 14 '737 103* 1618 30* 1618 54<** 1646 1 1 1665 9 1700 35 '795 '9 1679 122 1635 46 1686 46 1719 no* 1628 72 '739 12 '759 45 1661 33* 1619 9 1665 36 1672 4 1642 82* 10 108 1631 104 1623 58* 1617 102 1660 Si 1747 70 '759 40 '756 32 '739 99 1740 127 1625. Taunton Wilts. 261 Kearle, Mathew, Bridgwater Keary, Elizabeth, Drayton Keate, Joane, widow, Corfe Keates, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen Keats, John, Donyatt Kebby, EHzabeth, widow, Fiddington „ Frances, spinster, Goathurst „ Joane, widow, Riston „ John, sen., Fiddington „ John, Fidington „ Kebbie, Richard, Fiddington „ Simon, Northpetherton ,, Simon, Charlinch Kedworthie, Robert, Netlecomb Keeby, John, Winsford Keeke, John, Northpetherton Keene, Alice, Lawrence Lidiard „ Alice, widow, Canington ,, Arthur, Milverton ,, Christopher, Trull „ Edith, spinster, Westbagborow „ Edward, Trull „ Edward, Trull „ Etheldred, Trull „ George, Lidiard Lawrence „ Kene, George, the elder, Lidiard Lawrence „ Keen, Henry, Bridgwater „ James, Northpetherton „ Keen, Jane, Westbagborough „ Joane, widow, Canington „ John, Whitstanton ,, Margaret, Wembdon „ Sydwell, widow, Liddiard Lawrence „ Sidwell, spinster, Liddiard Lawrence „ William, jun., Trull „ William, Stockland Bristowe ,, Keen, WilHam, Milverton Keepe, Hester, . . . hepetherton Keeper, John, Minehead „ als. Parker, Rebecca, widow, Doddington Keetch, Ann, Curry Rivel „ Robert, Curry Rivel Keirle, Marmaduke, Northpetherton Kellaway, Bridgit, Bridgwater James, Curry Rivel „ Kelway, Jane, Bridgwater „ Kelway, Joane, Northpetherton ,, Kelway, John, Northpetherton „ Joseph, Bridgwater „ Kelway, Thomas, Bridgwater Kelly, Richard, Luccombe Kemberlaine, Jane, widow, Wilton Kempe, Agnes, widow, Brompton Regis „ Andrew, Westquantoxhed „ Giles, Northepetherton „ Hester, widow, Northepetherton ,, Kemp, Jane, Crewkerne „ John, . . . dington „ John, Chedsey „ ah. Marten, John, Netlecombe 91 1628 17 1769 19 1660 '3' 1724 57 1730 59 1681 49 1683 94 1706 73 1660 44 1668 14* 1612 58 '755 '5 1791 6* 7 '3' 1706 69 1703 129 1621 '9 1688 24 '745 37* 4 '52 1717 167 1624 "5 1688 93 1638 45* 2 88 1660 10 1784 95 1681 112 '733 103* 6 38* 6 7' 1624 65 1687 80 1717 109* 1607 151* 1611 41 '739 164* 1608 9 1622 129 1635 22 1786 20 '795 4' '775 3 1748 '5 1792 6 1662 3i 1673 95 173' 12 1746 10 1674 30 1679 141 1716 88 1639 '44 1663 42 1 62 1 88* 1608 24 1764 166* 1608 16 1610 65* 1613 262 Taunton Wills. Kempland, Thomas, Charlinch Kempster, Edward, Canington Kender, John, Taunton Magdalen Kennaway, William, Crewkerne Kennock, Jane, Crewkerne „ Joane, Taunton Magdalen Kent, Kente, Alice, Mynehed „ Andrew, Porlocke „ Andrew, sen., Porlocke „ Andrew, Selworthy „ Anne, spinster, Kitnor als. Culbone „ Christian, Luccombe „ Cyprian, Luckham „ Kente, Edward, Porlock „ Elizabeth, Porlock „ Elizabeth, Minehead „ George, Selworthy ,, George, Selworthy „ Joan, Luckham „ Joan, Minehead „ John, Luccombe ,, John, Selworthy „ John, Luckham „ John, Milverton „ John, Selworthy ,, John, Luckham „ Kente, Joseph, Selworthie ,, Joseph, Selworthy „ Joseph, Selworthy ;, Mary, Milverton „ Mary, Cutcombe „ Mary, Selworthy „ Nicholas, Selworthie ,, Samuel, Luckham „ Sidwell, widow, Selworthy „ Spirian, Selworthie „ Thomas, Selworthy „ Thomas, Cutcombe „ Thomas, Selworthy „ Walter, Brumpton Regis „ William, Exton „ William, Selworthy „ WilHam, Selworthy Kentisbeer, Francis, Cricket Thomas „ Kentsbear, John, Crickett Thomas „ Kentesbeer, Sarah, Taunton Magdalen Kenwaie, Charles, Sheptonbeacham Kepper, Agnes, Minehead Kerby, John, Dulverton „ Thomas, Spaxton Kerle, Jacob, Chilton ,, John, Westmonnkton KerreU, Catherine, widow, Abbatt He Kerslake, Betty, Sampford Arundel „ Humphry, Stawleigh „ John, Ashbrittle „ Mary, widow, Ashbrittle „ Robert, Milverton Kerswell, WilHam, Canington Ketnor, James, Mynehead 25 1670 23 1687 59 1695 '3 1793 63* 1608 17* 4 4* 9 116 1684 5' 1726 S5 1740 '57 1635 33* 1638 72 1694 16 1611 72 1746 47 1761 IOI 1687 68 1771 29 1741 44 1789 40 1641 95 1693 54 1733 32 1741 52 1756 5° 1757 '59* 1624 73 1 67 1 120 1717 47 1765 21 1777 5' 1783 186* 1638 43 177.1 88 1664 10* 1 1 9' '733 26 '755 40 '757 '4 1711 187 1640 48 '779 40 1791 24 1781 27 1736 76 '737 103* 1612 96 1641 42 1688 140 1660 22 1762 72 1686 149 1624 61 1780 1 12 1717 3 1713 1 1724 39 '775 43 1669 64 1703 Taunton Wills. 263 Ketnor, Margaret, widow, Wootten Courtney Kevell, Agnes, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Keevill, John, sen., Stoake St. Mary „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Joshua, Wayford „ Samuel, Stoke St. Mary ,, Keevill, WilHam, Nynehead „ Keevill, William, Taunton James ,, William, sen., Stoke St. Mary „ Kevill als. Daw, John, Trull „ Kevill als. Dawe, Thomas, Trull Kewe, Nicholas, Badialton Kewer, Christopher, Pitmister „ Joane, Oarchard „ John, Orchard ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Creech ,, Robert, Creech „ Roger, Orchard „ Kewar, Roger, Hatchbeachampe Keybard, Edward, Chedsey Keyt, Mary, Thurloxton Kibby, Anne, spinster, Bridgwater „ Francis, Charlinch Kidgell, John, Curry Mallett „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Stephen, Bridgwater Kidner, Alice, widow, Spaxton „ Amos, Wembdon „ Anastacie, Spaxton „ Kidnor, Andrew, Chedsey „ Kidnor, Avis, widow, Westquantoxhed „ Kidnor, Christian, widow, Porlocke „ Kidnor, Francis, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Westmonckton „ Joseph, Westmonkton „ Mary, widow, Enmore „ Richard, Overstowey „ Richard, Spaxton „ Robert, Spaxton „ Kidnor, Susan, Spaxton „ Thomazine, Bridgwater See also Kitnor. Kift, Richard, Oake Kimberley, Francis, Corffe Kimbrell, Alice, widow, Crewkerne Kimpe, William, Hawkridge Kimpland, Richard, Taunton Magdalen Kindor, Henry, Dowlishewake „ Thomas, Dolishwake King, Amy, Pitmister „ Ann, Pitmister „ Kinge, Christopher, Chilton, parish Durlie „ Kinge, Edmund, Milverton „ Emblin, Broadway ,, Francis, Northpetherton „ Kinge, Gartered, Selworthie „ Kinge, Gartered, Porlock „ Henry, Northpetherton 74 1689 96 1722 '45 1660 '52 '73' '45 1720 47 '735 no 1660 127 1677 48 '738 86 1622 43 1622 '32 1625 3 1625 105 1638 3* 1609 39 1622 '9 1698 25 1742 169* 1622 21 1640 9' 1611 40 1758 12 1689 11 1783 22 1750 12 '73' 4 1742 '44 1660 '34 1722 115* 1614 164* 1625 146 1663 106 1717 10 1697 iS 1708 58 1772 55 1770 43 1697 67 1671 77 1742 108 1688 6 '638 21 171 1 92 1675 26 1675 35 1690 52* 1617 "5 1690 19* 1619 87 1610 55 1780 56 1765 10* 1619 40* 1617 118 1621 47 '775 140 161 1 '43 1611 72 1714 264 Taunton Wills. King, Kinge, James, Kingeston „ James, Pitmister „ James, Pitmister „ James, Northpetherton „ Jane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Kinge, Joane, Mouncksilver ,, Joane, Chipstable „ Joane, widow, Taunton James „ Kinge, John, Bridgwater „ Kinge, John, Kingeston „ Kinge, John, Kingestone „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Kilton „ Joseph, Bridgwater ,, Margaret, widow, Chipstable „ Kinge, Margerie, Kingston „ Margerie, spinster, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Wilton „ Melior, Chipstable „ Kinghe, Philipp, Dunster „ Kinge, Robert, Kingeston „ Kinge, Robert, Southpetherton „ Sarah, Porlock „ Kinge, Thomas, Chilton, parish Bridgwater 1648 ,, Thomas, Fivehead „ Kinge, William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Sheptonbeauchamp „ Kinge als. Barrell, Elizabeth, Stockland Gaunte Kingdon, Andrew, Winsford „ John, Withypoole „ John, Withypoole „ Margaret, widow, Lynge „ Phillip, Lynge „ Richard, Kitnor „ William, Upton „ William, Withypoole Kingesburie, didsill, Taunton James Kingford, Robert, clerk, vicar of Dulverton „ Jane, widow, Dulverton Kinglake, Catherine (Christian in Inv.), Northpetherton „ Catherine, widow, Westmonnkton „ George, Northpetherton Kingland, Thomas, Mynehead Kinglin, Thomazine, Mynehead Kingman, James, Southpetherton „ John, Gotehurst ,, William, Nortonfitzwarren Kingson, BuUen ah., see BuUen als. Kingson. Kingstone, Amy, Buckland St Mary „ Kingston, Augustin, Minehead ,, Christian, widow, Halse „ Kingeston, Simon, Heathefield „ Kingston, Thomas, Bridgwater Kinsey, Robert, Northpetherton Kiste, James, Aishpriors „ Kist, Joane, widow, Oake Kitch, Catherine, widow, Northpetherton „ Hester, Northpetherton „ Hannah, Northpetherton Kitchen, John, Bridgwater 21* 8 5S 1737 44 1772 24 1788 42 1643 182* 1607 3° 1667 168 1684 S7* 7 151* 7 78* 1627 122 1631 25 1698 21 1669 48 1669 82* 4 93 1631 140 1716 '7 1664 121* 1618 16* 5 28 1628 76 1781 40 12 33 1729 62* 1619 64 1789 63* 1613 88 1771 93 1781 77 '795 64 1688 78 1681 4' 1784 121 1706 74 1792 51* 3 34 1700 49 1704 57 1633 141 1669 10S 1670 S6 1632 14S 1610 80* 1646 75 1660 56 '776 5 1776 45 1761 54 1674 '47 1624 3 1782 5' 1761 47 1638 7i 1693 3S 1705 49 '775 100 1720 11 '749 Taunton Wills. 265 Kitnor, Agnes, widow, Wootton Courtny „ Andrew, Porlocke „ Emme, Porlock „ Giles, Ouerstowie „ Kittner, Henry, Cutcombe „ Joane, Stokepirrowe „ Joane, Selworthie „ Joane, Porlock „ Kitner, John, sen., Selworthie „ John, sen., Exford ,, John, Hilbishoppes „ John, Porlock „ Matilda, Selworthie ,, Mellis, Exford „ Michael, Porlock ,, Kittnor, Richard, Aisholte „ Kitner, Susanna, Exford „ Kittnor, William, Northpeatherton „ Wilmotte, Cutcombe „ als. Chibbett, Joane, Wootten Courtney „ als. Chebbert, John, Wootten Courtney See also Kidner. Knapp, Absolom, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Henrie, Drayton ,, Joane, spinster, Northpetherton „ John, Lidiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Curri Rivell Knight, Abraham, Elworthy „ Agnes, widow, Drayton „ Amy, widow, Stogumber „ Anne, widow, Trull „ Anne, widow, Broadway ,, Avis, spinster, Pitmister ,, Bawldwin, Kingestone „ Knighte, Bawldwin, Pitmister ,, Baldwin, Durlie „ Baldwin, Pitmister „ Baldwin, Dunster „ Charles, Overstowey ,, David, Oare „ Dorothy, widow, Drayton „ Edward, Trull „ Elizabeth, widow, Drayton „ Elizabeth, Kingston ,, Elizabeth, spinster, Bridgwater ,, Elizabeth, Kingston „ Ellen, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Francis, Asholt „ Francis, Kingston „ George, Kingston „ Hannah, Pitmister „ Hannah, Pitmister „ Hanna, widow, Nynehead „ Henry, Stogumber „ Henry, Thurloxton „ Hugh, Bridgwater „ Hugh, Kingeston „ Hugh, Westmonkton ,, James, Elworthy 4 '635 53 1709 6i 1750 1* 6 219* 1638 23* 1616 32* 1619 144 1621 65* 1614 50 1621 '77* 1622 37 1748 131* 1638 '95* 1622 21* 1617 52* '636 35 1632 5° 1638 18 1623 142 1707 125 1700 72 1670 53 1660 83 1697 15* 1609 81 1677 179 1632 45 1663 42 1636 72 1699 124 1672 8 1697 86 I7'3 107 1610 IOI* 1618 99 1632 85 1713 48 173' 52 1775 5 1644 12 1718 90* 6 44 1642 71 1669 7 1683 3° 1754 60 1712 1 1699 26 1748 5' 1664 106 1681 43 1705 84 173' '33 1637 no 1687 80* 1609 89* 1618 77 1786 48 1688 266 Taunton Wills. Knight, James, Elworthy „ Joane, Broadway „ Joane, Pitmister ,, Joane, widow, Luckham „ Joan, Crewkerne „ Joan, Broadway „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, sen., Hilbishops „ John, Drayton „ John, Pitmister ,, John, Kingston „ John, Cheddonfitzpaine „ John, Pitmister „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Dunster „ John, Selworthy ,, John, Sampford Arrundel „ John, Porlock „ Joseph, Broadway „ Marie, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Bradford „ Mary, Bridgwater ,, Nicholas, Sampford Arundle „ Richard, Stogursey „ Richard, Stokegursey „ Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Richard, Pitmister „ Knighte, Robert, Milverton „ Robert, Kingston „ Robert, Brumpton Ralph „ Robert, Combflory „ Robert, Overstowey „ Robert, Crewkerne „ Roger, Selworthy „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Sarah, widow, Kingston „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ Simon, gent, Broadway „ Thomas, Kingeston ,, Thomas, Kingeston „ Thomas, Kingeston „ Thomas, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Thomas, Pitmister „ Thomas, gent., Kingston ,, Thomas, gent., Kingston . ,, Thomas, Goathurst „ Thomas, Kingston „ Thomas, Kingston ,, Walter, Staplegrove „ Samuel, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Knighte, WilHam, Crewkerne „ Knighte, WilHam, Milverton „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Kingston „ William, Kingston ,, William, Nynehead „ William, Cannington ,, WilHam, Brumpton Ralph 34 1721 99* 1633 94 1669 42 1689. 34 1742 '5 1 773 i* 1619. 40 1699 "4 1637 87 i7oo< 63 1704 22 1708 111 1720' 58 1721 89 173' 77 1732 23 '734 75 '773 69 1747 78 1781 3 1756 32 1620 8 1694 1 1 '775 88 '733 47* 4 84* 4 '9 1703. "3 1728 77* 1614. 44 1634 7 1666 12 1705 38 I73» 33 1742 65 1723 74 1732 32 1 701 95 1740 6 1692 85* 6 38* 1616 49 1628 25 1644 "5 1684 20 1715 67 1717 18 1766 4' '773 35 1777 '47 1637 24 1704 54* 1619 74* 1627 16 1678 39 1689 75 1727 in 1730- 16 1732 '3 '747 Taunton Wills. 267 Knight, William, Kingston Knighton, Arthur, Dulverton Knott, Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Dinnington „ William, clerk, Puckington Knowles, Betty, Chipstable „ James, Chipstable ,, John, Bridgwater ,, Knolles, Mary, widow, Mynehead „ Knowels als. Saunders, Robert, Beerecrocomb Koope als. Wheller, John, Curry Revell Kymer, Gilbert, gent, Buckland St. Mary Labie, Elizabeth, Currey Mallett „ Thomas, Fiffett „ Laby, Thomas, Curry Revell (? 45) Lacey, Edith, Stogursey „ George, Dinington „ George, clerk, Dinington „ Lacy, Nicholas, gent., Stogumber „ Lacy, William, Bridgwater Lack, William, Elworthy Lackington, George, Milverton Laffiwell, John, Wootten Courtney Lafthey, John, Taunton St. James Lainge, Sidwell, Exford Lake, Andrew, clerk, Kingesbrompton „ Elizabeth, Langford Budvil „ EHzabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen Lamb, John, Pitmister, Hilfarrant „ Lambe, Thomas, clerk, Fiffet Lambert, Anne, widow, Chilton in Durleigh „ Bartholomew, Bridgwater „ Daniel, Whitstaunton „ Frances, widow, Chilton „ Lamberd, Francis, Beerecrocomb „ John, Pyttmister „ Lamberd, Robert, Chafecombe „ William, Bridgwater Lamblye, Richard, Bridgwater Lambrey, Amey, widow, Ileabbott Lamprey, Christopher, Ileabbott „ Lamperie, John, Abbatt He „ Lampry, Thomas, Langford Budvil Lancaster, Joan, Milverton „ William, Milverton Lanclarke, Joane, widow, Mynehead Lane, Alice, Taunton „ Bettie, Westhatch „ Daniell, Curry Revell „ Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell „ George, Crewkerne „ John, Ilebruers „ John, Chedzoy „ Marie, Curry Rivell „ Mary, Crewkerne „ William, Curry Revell „ William, Langford Budvill Langbridge, Alice, Crewkerne „ Benjamin, Crewkerne 30 1769 114 1628 83 1773 23 1759 38 1785 21 1784 22 1784 16 1677 83 1669 71* 1612 '5 1664 7 1711 12 1627 148* 1631 25 1681 50 1794 61 1685 34 1724 79 1693 18 1716 21 1769 47 1799 124 1697 73 1786 52 1628 52* 1623 49 1630 45 1673 160* 1622 34* 8 49 1660 7 1663 120 1700 38 1672 2* 2 129* 1607 1* 5 3 1664 92* 8 1 12 1632 57 1662 23 1626 25 1757 125* 1641 99* 10 84 1684 106* 1641 92 1732 25 1702 24 1692 36 1661 100* 3 9 1718 IOI 1 62 1 22 1768 26 1677 61 1724 28* 8 5 1643 268 Taunton Wills. Langbridge, Joseph, Crewkerne Langdon, Charity, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elinor, widow, Merriett „ Elianor, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Elianor, widow, Merriott ,, Elizabeth, widow, Upton „ Elizabeth, widow, Exton „ Fortune, widow, Merriott „ George, Exton „ George, Winsford „ Giles, Merriett „ Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, jun., Brushford „ Henry, Brushford „ Hissett, widow, Merriott „ John, Merriett „ John, Brushford „ John, Brumpton Ralph „ John, Exton ,, John, Upton ,, John, Kingsbrumpton „ John, Kingsbrompton „ John, Kingsbrompton „ Martin, Upton „ Martin, Upton ,, Martin, Upton „ Mary, Upton „ Mary, Kingsbrompton ,, Moses, Upton „ Robert, Brumpton Regis „ Robert, Exton „ Stephen, Merriett „ Thomas, Exton ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis „ Thomas, Exton ,, Thomas, clerk, Kittisford „ Thomas, elder, Exton „ William, Merriett ,, William, Exton „ William, Brumpton Regis „ William, Merriott „ William, sen., Brumpton Regis ,, William, Brumpton Regis „ William, Creech St. Michael „ William, Taunton Magdalen ,, Oliver ah., see Oliver als. Langdon. Lange, Richard, Wynsford ,, Riehard, Winsford „ Lang, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Upton Langford, Osmond, Westmonnckton ,, Lanford, Thomas, Southpetherton „ WilHam, Linge Langham, Langeham, Agnes, Taunton James „ Alice, Taunton James „ Alice, widow, Toobridge ,, Elinore, Holford „ Hugh, Milverton ,, Joane, Bricknaller IOI* 1628 '57 173' 128 1635 8 1690 72 1674 '35 1683 46 1700 26 1682 46 1714 85 1734 47* 2 72* 1765 48 1766 9 1710 12 1736 67 1687 in* 5 1 1 1685 6 1706 49 1716 10S 1743 48 1746 44 1767 40 1776 140 1669 109 '733 58 '779 109 1743 3' 1787 59 1779 4 1728 19 1797 10* 1612 42 1666 4 1720 69 1720 36 1723 '5 '745 3* 9 102 i635 5 1674 84 1681 7 1697 4 1712 '3 1775 69 1792 85* 1608 1 12* 1610 52 1748 62 1682 147 1707 32 1635 '9 1640 82* 1612 41* 1612 120 1640 185* 1610 34 1726 29* 4 Taunton Wills. 269 Langham, John, Taunton James „ John, Taunton James „ Margaret, widow, Taunton James ,, Robert, Stogumber ,, Robert, Taunton James „ Robert, Taunton St. James Langley, Elizabeth, Southpetheton ,, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Hugh, Southpetherton Langman, John, Kilve ,, Margaret, Wembdon „ William, Crewkerne Langwell, John, Milverton Langworthy, Henry, Luckham Lansdowne, Landsdown, Abraham, Taunton Magdalen „ Rebecca, widow, Taunton Magdalen Lanthrow, George, Cannington „ Lantroe, Anthony, Wembdon „ Lantrow, David, Canington ,, Lantrow, David, Canington „ Lantroe, Edward, Enmore „ Lantrow, Elizabeth, Wembdon „ Lantrow, George, Canington ,, Lantroe, Grace, Bridgwater „ Lantroe, James, Spaxton „ Lantroe, John, Chedsey „ Lantroe, John, Enmer ,, Lantrowe, John, Bridgwater „ Lantroe, John, Canington „ Lantrow, John, Wembdon „ Lantroe, William, Taunton „ Lantrowe, Willmote, widow, Enmer ,, Lantrowe als. Hoskyns, Thomas, Staple ,, Lantrowe, Coles ah., see Coles als. Lantrowe. Lanzey, Edward, Overstowey „ Landsey, John, Overstowey „ Lansey, Thomas, Creech St. Michael Larcombe, Elizabeth, spinster, Elworthy ,, Larcomb, Elizabeth, widow, Wembdon „ Larcom, James, Brushford ,, John, Eastquantoxhed „ Leonard, Elworthie ,, Mary, spinster, Pitmister „ William, Wembdon Larder, Arthur, Dunster „ Robert, Crewkerne Largin, Thomas, „ Largen, William, Northepetherton Larkham, Lawrence, Hilfarrence Laroche, William, Bridgwater Larremy, John, Porlocke Larthy, John, Buckland St. Mary Lasher, Henry, Bridgwater Laskyn als. Grimwaie, Margaret, Merriett Latcham, George, Creech „ John, Creeche Lathy, Margaret, Taunton St. James Laughwell, Edward, Minehead „ Lawghwell, Joanna, Taunton „ John, Mynehed 72* 1614 6 1632 93 1666 103 1621 49 1626 107 1662 82 1703 70 1761 114 1706 65 1711 68* 6 14 1757 38 1679 5' 1693 76 1732 37 1718 '4 1732 157* 1616 39 1675 21 1714 7i 1660 IOI 1729 36 1696 58* 1616 '7 1610 '37* 1610 23 1611 '3 1625 238* 1638 '47 1669 40* 1644 66 1629 5* 1615 53 1775 53 1799 12 1792 46 i7'3 179 '73' 10 1799 95 1631 85* 1618 43 1698 148 1669 79* 1615 23 '754 104* 3 "5 1611 23 1695 10 1771 5' 1679 9 1767 4 '754 16* 1607 40 1685 4 1624 50 1797 95* 1646 76 1621 8* 9 270 Taunton Wills. Laughwell, Richard, Cutcomb „ Wilmot, widow, Cutcombe Lave, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Lavor, Agnes, widow, Stokemarie „ Lauers, Christopher, Charlinche „ Dorothy, widow, Drayton „ Lavers, Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, widow, Drayton „ George, Drayton „ Joane, Drayton „ John, Drayton „ John, Sheptonbeachamp „ John, Curry Rivell „ Mary, widow, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Samuel, Henton St. George ,, Samuel, Crewkerne Law, Thomas, Broadway Lawfeild, John, Wootton Courtney Lawfull, George, Selworthy „ Nathaniel, Luckham Lawrence, Agnes, widow, Stogumber Anne, widow, Crewkerne Christian, Overstowey Clement, Kingeston Daniel, Chafcombe Denis, widow, Broadway Elizabeth, Broadway George, the elder, Crewkerne George, Broadway George, Crewkerne Lawrance, George, Crewkerne Hannah, Donyat Henry, Overstowie Hugh, Overstowie Jane, Wembdon Jane, spinster, Merriott Joane, widow, Chedsey Joane, widow, Northpetherton John, Wembdon John, Fiddington John, Taunton John, Chedsey John, Stogumber John, Crewkerne John, sen., Merriett John, Northpetherton John, Merriott John, Merriott John, Northpetherton John, Merriott John, Merriott John, Northpetherton Mary, spinster, Merriott Mary, widow, Chafcombe Mary, Misterton Peter, Overstowie Philip, Misterton Richard, Milverton Richard, Overstowey Richard, Donyatt 20* 6 34 1662 9' 1781 SS* 1615 109* 1612 42 1674 102 1663 43 1714 40 1697 iS* 1638 50 1704 104 1706 24 1729 105 1706 48 1691 3' 1697 7 1692 129 1697 44 1748 37 1739 164 1640 30 1687 84 1662 102 1625 36 1707 10 1683 5 1714 38 1660 4 1680 '4 1712 '3 '735 22 1790 147* 1608 45* 8 24 1622 61 1725 104* 1612 85 1700 '4* 1 IOI* 5 55* 8 48* 9 93 1611 47* 1613 58 1620 '4 1642 48 1665 S4 1670 5° 1679 45 1732 64 1733 58 1777 59 1690 29 1722 48 '759 79* 1627 47 1771 94* 1612 '33 1640 29 1789 Taunton Wills. 2 7 1 Lawrence, Robert, Merriott „ Robert, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Merriett „ Thomas, Merriott „ Thomas, Elworthy „ Thomas, Chaffcombe „ William, Stogursey „ als. Dyer, Agnes, Overstowie „ als. Dyer, Andrew, Overstowie „ als. Dyer, Andrew, Overstowey ,, als. Dyer, Edward, Overstowey „ als. Dyer, Grace, spinster, Stogursey „ als. Dier, James, „ als. Dyer, Joan, widow, Otterhampton „ als. Dyer, John, . . . sey „ als. Dyer, John, Stogursey „ als. Dyer, John, Otterhampton „ als. Dyer, Justin, Canington „ als. Dier, Magdalen, Fiddington „ als. Dyer, Mary, Otterhampton „ als. Dier, Richard, Stogursey „ als. Dyer, Robert, Otterhampton „ als. Dyer, Thomas, Stogursey „ als. Dyer, William, Stogursey „ Denbury ah., see Denbury als. Lawrence. „ Dyer ah., see Dyer als. Lawrence. ,, Palfrey ah., see Palfrey als. Lawrence. Lay, Susanna, widow, Chipstable Lea, Clement, Northepetherton „ George, Exton „ Hannah, gentlewoman, Bridgwater „ Lee, John, Trull „ Lee, John, Badialton „ John, Dulverton „ Richard, Northpeatherton „ Robert, Winsford „ Lee, Robert, Ashbrittle „ William, sen., Whitstaunton „ William, Whitstaunton Leach, Andrew, Hawkeridge „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Margaret, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Nathaniel, Stogursey „ Richard, Goathurst „ Robert, Brompton Ralph „ Leache, Thomas, Spaxton „ William, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ William, Cheddonfitzpaine Leacheland, Ellene, Westmonnckton Leamon, Dorothy, widow, Badialton „ Leaman, George, Trull „ Leman, George, Pitmister „ Lemmon, Joan, widow, Northpetherton „ Leman, Mary, Pitmister „ Leman, Mary, Otterford „ Lemmon, Richard, Fitzhead „ Leaman, Wilmote, Pitmister Leane, Agnes, Spaxton „ Agnes, widow, Milverton „ Humphry, Spaxton 29 1698 28 1764 82 1637 67 1662 5S 1681 18 1774 146 1685 148 1624 10 1620 86 1688 77 1690 69 1632 41* 6 73 1639 182* 1616 106 1678 82 1704 35 1728 57* 1615 62 1719 163* 1619 80 1667 106 1667 62 1632 22 1702 104* 1616 49 1713 '5 1729 97 1666 8 1757 29 1778 247* 1638 97 1641 1 1786 38 1628 63 1682 '9 1673 124 1683 22 1675 61 1778 62 1727 6 1665 33* 1 24 1660 25 1700 163* 1616 5 1695 78 1676 37 1791 94 '731 42 1779 44 '793 '7* '745 41 1738 154 1608 77 1661 115* 1607 272 Taunton Wills. Leane, Margaret, Mynehed „ Thomas, . . . water Lease als. Gamlinge, Marie, Monncsilver „ als. Gamlen, Marie, Monncksilver Leathermore, Jasper, Ashbrittle Leaues, see Lewes. Leave, Denis, Spaxton Edward, Canington Edward, Charlinch Francis, Spaxton John, Spaxton Leaves, John, Crewkerne Richard, Canington Robert, Westbagborow Thomas, Chilton Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Tristram, Charlinch Ledden, Robert, Beerecrocomb Ledgingham, Frances, widow, Pitmister Leek, Jerman ah., see Jerman als. Leek. Leekey, Leakey, Fortune, Meriott „ Hugh, Nettlecombe „ Leekie, John, Weacombe, parish Stogumber „ Leekye, John, Holford „ Leakey, John, sen., Gregory Stoke 1649 „ Lekey, John, Dowlishwake „ Lewes, Nettlecombe „ Richard, Holeford „ Leakey, Susanna, Mynehead „ Leaky, Thomas, Stogumber „ Leakie, William, Charlinche ,, Leaky, William, Stogumber „ Leakey, William, Dowlish Wake „ Leakie, Davie ah., see Davie als. Leakie. Legatt, John, Spaxton „ WilHam, Drayton 1647 Legg, Anne, widow, Goatehurst „ Anthony, Goathurst „ Anthony, Goathurst „ Anthony, Goathurst „ Marie, widow, Hatchbeacham „ William, . . nington Leigh, Leighe, Alice, Brompton Regis ,, Alice, Wooton Curtney „ Anstice, Ashbrittle „ EHzabeth, Dunster „ Henry, Dulverton „ Henry, Westquantoxhed „ Henry, Brompton Ralph „ Humphry, Exton „ Joane, widow, Brumpton Regis „ John, Exton ,, John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Exton „ John, Brompton Ralph „ Joseph, Dunster „ Katherine, widow, Exton „ Mary, Exton „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Minehead 27 1631 42* 9 35* n 128* 1623 5 1713 1 1628 2 1622 26 1722 90 1687 121 1670 35 1714 7' 1620 135 1716 79 1632 46 1752 29 1687 73 1632 93 1711 22 1758 80 1700 150* 1616 65 1628 70 12 40 1681 "7 1685 39 1693 63 1634 170* 1622 40* 1608 7' 1622 20 1741 42 1625 5° 12 77 1685 17 1682 41 1740 25 1748 96 1632 73* 1629 37* 1619 129 1641 2 1787 '5 1758 4S 1687 148 1724 12 1789 33 1692 11 1678 47 1683 7 1703 44 1722 18 1773 23 '775 62 1730 23 1756 124 1722 32 1748 Taunton Wills. Leigh, Thomas, Dunster „ Walter, Wooton Courtny „ William, Dulverton Lekier, Elizabeth, Overstowie Lementon, Thomas, Bridgwater Lenasher, Thomazine, Stogursey Leonard, Morgan, Michelchurch „ William, Taunton Lesland, John, Langford Budvill Lessey, Thomas, clerk, Canon Resid. of Wells, Liddiard Lawrence 58 „ Theophilus, clerk, Westbagborough Lested, John, Curry Mallett Lethbridge, William, Bicknoller Levashe, John, Stogursey Levasher, Edith, widow, Otterhampton „ John, Stogursey „ Leversha, John, Stogursey „ Levershere, Peter, Fiddington Lewellin, Jane, widow, Sheptonbeachamp „ John, Sheptonbeachamp „ John, gent, Sheptonbeachamp Lewerthy, see Lewry. Lewis, Lewes, Agnes, widow, Withiecombe „ Leweis, Alice, Stogumber „ Lewes, Anne, Stogumber „ Lewes, Ann [Agnes in calendar], Taunton James „ Lewes, Ann, Bridgwater „ Anthony, Timberscombe „ Catherine, widow, Lynge „ Lewes, Conand, Stogumber „ David, Porlocke .„ Lewse, Giles, Northepetherton „ Hannah, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren „ Henry, Spaxton „ James, clerk, Kilton „ Lewes, John, Stogumber „ Lewes, John, . . . petherton „ John, the elder, Bridgwater „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Dulverton „ Mary, widow, Stogumber „ Mary, Minehead „ Lewes, Rebecca, widow, Staplegrove „ Lewes, Richard, Ling „ Leweis, Robert, Orchard „ Lewes, Robert, Dunster „ Samuel, Bicknoller „ Lewes, Simon, Otterhampton ,, Simon, Lynge „ Thomas, Stogumber „ Thomas, Northpeatherton „ Thomas, Exton ,, Thomas, Exton „ Thomas, Drayton „ Thomas, Kingsbrompton „ Leweis, Thomazine, Bicknaller „ Lewes, Thomazine, widow, Stogumber „ Lewes, Walter, Michaell Church „ Leweis, William, Northepetherton 28 1777 29 1644 24 1771 53* 1609 6 1787 98* 1614 2* 9 142* 7 43 1689 58 1725 60 1774 43 1685 2 1796 44* 1 1 7i 1640 96 1677 53 1798 43 1668 118 1707 in 1680 75 1693 '5 1629 82* 1609 170* 1638 126 1675 4 1752 '5' 1660 76 1678 '53 1685 5o 1701 68* 1628 76 1714 102 1704 46 1746 98* 1608 80 1630 10 1660 112 1681 84 '744 16 1752 121 1681 98 1730 47 1705 82* 1646 60* 1623 56 1635 '4 1704 74* 1614 9' 1660 34 1623 73 1643 16 1673 44 1674 55 1730 21 1797 124 1625 95 1691 69 1639 40* 1615 274 Taunton Wills. Lewis, Leaues, WilHam, sen., Spaxton „ William, Taunton James „ William, sen., Dulverton „ als. Teder, John, Otterhampton „ Leweis als. Tither, Thomas, Stockland „ Lewes, Tidder als., see Tidder als. Lewes. Leworthy, Alice, widow, Oare Lewry or Lewerthy, Wilmot, Porlocke Leye, Alexander, Hambridge, parish of Currey Rivell „ Anne, Milverton „ Ley, Arthur, Exford „ Ley, Edward, Oake „ Ley, Edward, Milverton „ Ley, EHzabeth, widow, Whitestaunton 1649 „ Ley, George, Winsford „ Ley, James, Nynehead „ Ley, James, Nynehead ,, John, Winsford „ Ley, John, Wythypoole „ Ley, John, Wythypoole „ Ley, John, Wythypoole „ Margerie, Winsford „ Richard, Lynge „ Ley, Thomas, Chipstable „ Ley als. Farding, Alice, Taunton Magdalen Lickey, Elizabeth, Hilfarrents Lidberrie, Agnes, Staplegrove Light, Ann, Northpetherton „ Lytte, John, Hatchbeacham „ John, Northpetherton „ Lighte, Robert, Hatchebeacham „ Robert, Creech „ Stephen, Ryston „ Stephen, gent, Southpetherton Lightfoot, James, Northpetherton „ James, Northpetherton „ Lighfoote, John, sen., Ruishton „ John, Ruishton 1651 „ William, Riston „ William, Northpetherton Lile, Lislye als., see Lislye ah. Lile. Lilly, Richard, Kingston Limbury, Josias, Canington „ Limbry, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Limbrey, Thomas, Curry Mallett „ Limbry, William, Curri Mallet Lincolne, Abigail, widow, Crewkerne „ Mary, spinster, Crewkerne Lindon, Lyndon, Hester, widow, Milverton „ John, Bradford „ Mary, Creech St. Michael „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Durston „ Lyndon, Thomas, Westquantoxhead Linn, Jane, widow, Taunton James Linton, Henry, Bridgwater „ Lynton, John, Bridgwater „ John, Northpetherton „ Lawrence, Northpetherton Liscombe, James, Winsford 142 1660 "4 1674 22 '734 79 1743 175* 1628 105 1707 75 1668 82* 1619 53 1626 27 1723 78* 1612 29 1673 9 47 12 '36 '663 88 1683 S7 1694 20* 1609 65 1682 178 1685 128 1716 127* 1614 6 1630 18 1699 75* 1612 129 1622 165* 1616 26 1770 77 1632 63 1764 79* 1618 12 1664 98* 163S 122 1694 48 1709 36 '735 9 1644 1 1 12 106 1638 105 1670 62 1675 34 168 1 "4 1678 21 1676 34 1646 29 1684 25 1709 63 1690 9 1759 '4 '744 ^2 '739 16 1772 "i 1778 119 1667 9 1684 '5 1676 66 1742 116 1730 84 1723 Taunton Wills. 275 Liscombe, James, Winsford „ John, Winsford „ Nicholas, Winsford „ William, Bradford Lislye als. Lile, Cave, Southpetherton Lissant, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Taunton James „ George, Taunton James ,, George, gent., Taunton James „ George, Ruishton „ Philip, sen., Taunton 1648 Lite, Robert, Fifhed Litlejohn, Augustin, Kittesford „ Joane, Brodwaie „ Littlejohn, Joan, Seavington Michael „ Littlejohns, John, Broadway ,, Littlejohns, John, Broadway „ Littlejohns, Michael, Kingston „ Nicholas, Langford Budfild „ Littlejohn, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Roger, Aishebritle ,, Littlejohns, Sarah, Bickhenhall „ Littlejohn, Thomas, Hilfarrence „ Littlejohns, William, Broadway Loader, John, Combflorey „ Sarah, Coombflorey Lobb, Arthur, Barrington „ Christian, Winsford „ Elizabeth, Luccombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Luccombe „ James, Kingston „ James, Winsford „ John, Clehanger, co. Devon (Brushford) „ John, Mynehead „ Peter, Norton „ Roger, Cutcomb „ Thomas, Staplegrove Locke, Allen, Taunton Magdalen „ Lock, Andrew, Westbagburrow „ Lock, Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Lock, Christian, Bagburrow „ Elizabeth, widow, Westbagborow „ George, Stogursey „ Henry, Westbagborough „ Henry, Winsford „ Lock, Hugh, Netlecombe ,, Lock, Hugh, Wayford .,, Lock, Joane, Bagburrowe „ Joane, widow, Cutcombe _,, John, Tolland ,, John, Wythypoole ,, John, Westbagborow „ Lock, Margerie, Netlecombe „ Mary, spinster, Tolland „ Lock, Monmouth, Treborrow .„ Lock, Monmouth, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Upton „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Lock, Thomas, Tolland „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen 91 1767 57 1785 54 1758 1 1687 no* 7 122 1640 162* 1638 '3' 1669 '33 1683 65 '755 65 12 132* 7 75* 4 97* 1616 6r '759 3 1704 1 1741 35 1774 98 1635 '36 1707 140 1632 6 '749 38 1729 7 1708 32 1781 16 1791 3 1761 '73 1640 2 1* 1619 17 1633 61 1632 103 1635 10 1661 92 1670 35 1622 67 1635 80* 1616 118 1711 26* 1616 74 1761 70* 8 136 1677 108 1711 146* 1638 103* 1702 176* 1607 49 1758 20* 1 37 1669 68 1639 125 1678 •5' 1717 69* 1615 108 1722 93 1764 84 1773 118 i7'3 1 10 1669 1 10 1725 59 1796 276 Taunton I Fills. Locke, William, Westbagburrow „ William, sen., Westbagborow „ Lock, William, Westbagborow Lockett, Margaret, Ruishton „ Timothy, Westmonnkton „ William, gent, Riston Lockier, Alice, Milverton „ Anne, widow, Milverton „ Arthur, Milverton „ David, Charlinch „ Lokier, Edward, Miluerton „ Edward, Goatehurst ,, Lockyer, Edward, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Milverton „ Elizabeth, widow, Kingston ,, Lockyer, Elizabeth, Wembdon „ Lockyer, Jone, Bridgwater „ Lokier, John, Canington „ Lokier, John, Canington „ Lokier, John, sen. (? Bridg)water ,, Lokier, John, Charlinch „ Lockyer, John, Bridgwater „ John, Cannington ,, John, Canington „ Lockyer, John, Curry Mallett „ John, Milverton „ Lockyer, John, Charlinch „ Lockyei, John, Wembdon „ Lockyer, John, Milverton „ Mary, widow, Goathurst „ Mary, spinster, Charlinch ,, Rebecca, widow, Charlinch „ Lokier, Richard, Wembdon „ Richard, Canington „ Robert, Milverton „ Lockyer, Robert, Broadway „ Lokier, Symon, Canington „ Thomas, Mynehead „ Lockyer, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Tryphena, Charlinch „ Locier, William, Milverton „ William, Goathurst „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Spaxton „ Lockyer, William, Northpetherton „ Lockyer, William, Lyng „ Downe ah., see Downe als. Lockier. Locock, Thomas, Witstaunton Lodge, Mary, Hinton St. George Lody, John, Cutcombe Long, Longe, Agnes, Pitmister „ Longe, Agnes, Georgehenton ,, Agnes, widow, Swell „ Alexander, Isleabbotts „ Alice, Kingstone „ Atwell, Westmonnkton „ Catherine, widow, Dunster „ Charity, Upton „ Longe, Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Christopher, Bicknoller 127 i66r 91 1721 75 1765 72 1736- 120 1688 '32 1730- 28 1639 58 1703 9' 1624 21 1 69 1 59 1641 76 1685 39 1779- Si 1636 59 1687 69 1787 12 1740 99* 1 124* 1610 180* 1610 74 1631 4' 1632 80 1638 3' 1670 30 '73' 4' '737 26 1740 60 '779 4' '795 44 1664 24 1717 27 1704 104 1640 36 1678 57 1703 9 1792 126* 1610 89 1670 7 1740 10 1782 62 1690 72 1720 1 12 1727 85 '733 54 '734 26 1794 74 1762 41 1781 '5 '794 99* 7 66* 1618 5' 1682 34 1732 77 1621 S6 1665 40 1688 109 1662 55* 1613 6 '713 Taunton Wills. 277 Long, Elias, Liddiard Lawrence S5 1672 , Longe, Elizabeth, Georgehenton 144 1625 , Elizabeth, widow, Bicknoller 5 1678 , Elizabeth, Westmonnckton '34 1711 , Elizabeth, Stogumber 81 1746 , Francis, Overstowey 127 1685 , Francis, Crocombe 38 1707 , Francis, Bridgwater 3 1769 , GabrieU, Dunster 42 1663 , Longe, George, Samford Brett 35* 1614 , Grace, Thurloxton 54 '735 , Humphry, Bicknoller 1 1 1675 , James, Selworthie 32 1632 . Longe, Joan, widow, Holford 46 1636 , Joane, spinster, Porlocke, late of Monksilver 90 1661 , Joane, widow, Henton St. George 5' 1667 , Longe, John, Georgehenton 77* 3 , Longe, John, Westmonnckton 99 1630 , John, Westmonnckton 107 1710 , John, Minehead 44 1737 , John, Taunton Magdalen 5' 1738 , John, Michaelchurch 27 1758 , Joseph, Fivehead 49 1700 , Joseph, Swell 81 1781 , Joseph, Kingstone 29 1785 , Joseph, Taunton Magdalen 45 1791 , Lewes, Creech 30 1675 , Margaret, widow, Kingston 58 1683 , Margaret, spinster, Liddeard Lawrence 4' 1689 , Mary, widow, Holeford 50 1667 , Mary, widow, Crocombe 27 1688 , Longe, Nicholas, Bridgwater 48 1628 , Longe, Richard, Taunton Magdalen 60* 1616 , Richard, " Saint Michaels Church, Tanner " 39 1744 , Robert, Kilton 60 1683 , Robert, Taunton Magdalen '76 1727 , Robert, Thurloxton '34 1728 , Sarah, Northpetherton 42 1796 , Thomas, Kingstone 29 1622 , Thomas, Crewkerne 32 1684 , Thomas, Kingstone 44 1721 , Thomas, Westmonckton S7 1747 , Walter, Bicknoller 168 1632 , Walter, Bicknoller 5 1699 , Longe, William, Monncksilver 37* 1608 , Longe, William, Holford 34* 1616 , Longe, William, Kinston '9 1638 , William, Westmonnckton '43 1663 , William, Westmonnkton 93 1721 , William, Bridgwater 10 1744 , Dix ah., see Dix als. Long. Longbe, Elizabeth, widow, Chellington 25 1713 Longman, Alexander, Stogursey 49 174' Loosemore, Richard, Dulverton 24 1689 Loring, Susannah, Hinton St. George 38 1771 Loscombe, Jonathan, Northpetherton 65 1764 „ Stephen, Fivehead 38 1671 „ William, Northpetherton 5o 1765 Lott, Edward, Minehead 102 '73° Lc uch, Charles, Curry Rivell 19 1777 278 Taunton Wills. Louch, Samuel, Lopen Louse, Morgan, Stogumber „ Morgan, Stogumber Love, John, Taunton Magdalen Loveabee, William, Curry Mallett Loveder, Richard, Northpetherton „ Robert, Goathurst „ Thomas, Northpetherton Lovelace, Henry, Halse „ Henry, Liddiard Lawrence „ Jane, spinster, Northpetherton „ Robert, Halse „ Robert, Halse „ Samuel, Minehead „ Thomas, Holford „ William, Halse Loveless, Loveliss, George, Minehead „ Henry, Overstowey „ Lovelis, Joane, widow, Halse „ Lovelesse, John, Corffe Lovell, Joan, Bicknoller ,, William, Chilton Loveridge, Joane, widow, Barrington Loveringe, Hugh, Georgehenton Lovibond, Alice, widow, Curry Mallett „ Edward, Northpetherton „ Loveabond, Grace, Curry Mallett „ Peter, Thurlbare „ William, Curry Mallett Low, John, Taunton James „ Peter, Taunton Magdalen „ Lowe, Roger, Lawrence Lidiard „ Roger, Taunton James „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ als. Wytherell, John, Kingstone Lowles, Simon, Aishepriors Lowman, Robert, Crewkerne Lowton, Catherine, Pytmister Lucar, Elizabeth, Overstowey „ George, Dodington Lucas, EHzabeth, Dunster „ Hannah, Oake „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, gent, Dulverton „ John, Dulverton „ Robert, Dulverton Luccock, Purnell, Seavington Michell „ Richard, Seavington Marie „ Lucocke, Stephen, Seavington Michael „ Lucocke, John, Seavington Mary Luckis, John, Milverton „ Luckes, John, Sampford Brett „ Luckies, Robert, Withiepoole „ Robert, Selworthy „ William, Miluerton Luckwell, Barnabe, Cutcombe „ Henry, batchelor, Cutcombe „ John, Exford „ Lettice, widow, Cutcombe 40 1777 15* 1 1 8 1645 169 1685 '5 1684 59 1750 '5 1788 83 1700 62 1670 58 1714 72 1696 74 1707 65 1728 40 '774 33 1767 75 1730 59 1781 4' 1779 55 1675 22 1668 5 '736 18 1792 '3 1681 73* 1619 20 1699 79 1674 '4 '734 99 1708 33 1768 103 1710 75 '775 166* 1610 92 1666 75 1736 46 '794 81 1707 17* 1607 '4 '795 90* 1608 '25 '730 9 1715 '3 1788 39 1741 "9 1706 44 1713 13 1718 46 1681 84* 1609 '53* 1610 100 1678 '33 1684 78 1680 88 1708 96* 1616 S7 1691 185 1638 72 1630 '9 1691 '53 1611 32 1685 Taunton Wills. 279 Luckwell, Richard, Dunster ,, Thomas, Cutcombe Lucott, Copp als., see Copp als. Lucott. Luffe, Anne, Rappes, parish Brodwaie „ Frances, spinster, Ilebruers „ Luff, John, Ilebruers „ John, Ilebruers „ Matthew, Bridgwater ,, Matthew, Bridgwater ,, Matthew, Bridgwater „ Luff, Rebecca, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater Luke als. Clarke, John, Dulverton „ als. Clarke, Thomas, Dulverton Luklie, John, Kingston Lumbard, Francis, Beer Crocombe „ Francis, Beer Crocombe „ Francis Paul, Beercrocombe „ Joane, Chaffcombe „ John, Chaffcomb „ John, Chafcomb „ Luce, Beerecrocomb „ Martha, Beer Crocombe „ Marie, Chafcomb „ Mary, widow, Chafcomb „ Lumberd, Robert, Wayford „ Stephen, Chafecomb „ Lumberd, Stephen, Chafcombe „ Thomas, Hatchbeachamp ,, Thomas, Creech „ Thomas, Beer Crocombe Lumberrtt, Elinore, Durston Lundon, Alexander, Northpetherton „ London, EHzabeth, widow, Northpetherton „ Joan, Northpetherton Luscombe, Charles, Bradford „ Peter, Bradford „ Luscomb, William, Bradford Lush, Mary, spinster, Bridgwater Lussey, Adam, Taunton James Lutley, Alice, widow, Sampford Arrundle „ Charles, Pitmister „ Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ David, Hilfarrence „ Edmond, Sampford Arundell „ Lutlye, Joane, Cothelston „ Mary, Hilfarence „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Buckland St. Mary Luttrell, Alexander, Esq., Dunster „ LuttereU, Cicilie, Estquantoxhed „ LuttereU, James (or Elizabeth), Lillstocke „ Lucy, widow, Dunster „ Thomas, ar., Lilstoke Lux, Richard, Selworthy Lyddon, Lidden, Alice, widow, Withell „ Anne, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Benjamin, Minehead „ Liddon, Christian, Brompton Regis ,, Liddon, Christopher, Kingsbrompton 129* 1638 16 1668 104* 1607 188 1632 45 1627 187 1632 23 1669 32 1720 8 1727 7 1787 s '739 46 1678 40 1702 40* 1642 2 1708 9 '732 1 1788 1 2 1 641 28 1635 41 1672 62* 1638 2 '754 So 1 62 1 40 1672 165 1670 27 1621 '9 1683 73 1730 20 '733 9 '747 43* 1618 72 1743 35 1673 57 1747 '3 1661 '35 163' 18* 1608 21 1728 74* 1641 107 1680 95 1669 68 1778 56 1687 120 1672 25* 1607 46 1664 35 1788 1 1 '795 40 1711 11* 1613 87 1638 36 1719 93 1630 88 1691 120 1632 '3 171 1 48 '737 42* 250 1638 280 Taunton Wills. Lyddon, Christopher, Brumpton Regis Elizabeth, widow, Crocombe Grace, Winsford Henry, Brumpton Regis Liddon, Humphry, Lidden, Joan, Brompton Regis Joane, widow, Winsford John, Stogursey John, Exton John, Bridgwater Katherine, Winsford Meriam, wife of James, Minehead Nicholas, Kingesbrompton Nicholas, batchelor, Brumpton Regis Nicholas, gent., Dulverton Nicholas, Winsford Nicholas, Winsford Liddon, Robert, Withell Robert, Withell Robert, Winsford Robert, Winsford Thomas, Wythycombe Thomas, Brumpton Regis Thomas, Dulverton Thomas, Winsford Thomas, gent, Kingsbrompton Thomas, yeoman, Kingsbrompton Liddon, William, Brompton Regis Lydden, William, Crocombe William, Brumpton Ralph William, Elworthy William, Milverton Lyde, Gregory, Bridgwater Gregory, Chedzoy Gregory, Chedzoy John, Bridgwater John, Creech St. Michael Lide, Richard, Bridgwater William, Bridgwater William, Creech Lye, Edward, Crewkerne Edward, Crewkerne Elizabeth, widow, Henton St. George George, Barrington Joan, Barrington 1540 John, Wotton Courtney John, Curry Rivell John, Georgehenton Mary, widow, Crewkerne Samuel, Barrington Lyman, Elinore, Goatehurst Lyng, Elianor, widow, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton „ Francis, Northpetherton „ George, Durston ,, Joan, Westmonkton ,, John, sen., Northpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ Ling, John, Northpetherton „ Linge, Marmaduke, Northpetherton - __- -. . 6 1685 21 1680 63 1798 7 1681 54* 2 6 1642 1 68 '73' 100 1661 24 1756 11 1776 61 1769 28 1782 136 1624 3 1691 1 1 1715 69 1796 25 '75' 18* 1616 127* 1623 169 173' 72 1756 '33 1675 9 1677 3' 1740 53 1758 3S 1777 39 '777 I 2* 5 33 1677 2 '744 30 '795 32 1798 3 1622 34 1677 44 1678 74* 10 14 1748 89* 1607 116* 1608 30 1716 37 1688 14 '793 "5 1640 86 1624 53 12 '3* 1608 100 1621 61 1624 25 1699 11 1704 114* 6 35 1682 61 1 72 1 47 1701 36 1691 85 '767 84 1700 48 1732 46 '775 3* 8 Taunton Wills. 281 Lyng, Marmaduke, Northpetherton „ Marmaduke, Thurloxton „ Ling, Mary, Northpetherton „ Ling, Richard, Northpetherton Lynham, Hugh, Goatehurst „ John, Goathurst „ Lyneham, William, Bridgwater Mab, John, Bridgwater „ Mabb, Mary, Bridgwater ,, Mabb, Robert, Crewkerne Mabbard, George, Southpetherton Macie, Agnes, widow, Westmonnkton „ Macy, Christoper, Dolishwake „ George, Pitmister „ Macey, George, Pitmister „ Joane, Dowlishwake „ John, Otterhampton ,, John, Otterhampton „ Macey, Robert, Chellington „ Roger, Crewkerne „ Macey, Susannah, Taunton St James „ Macey, William, Westmonnckton „ Macy, William, Porlocke Macknesse, Hugh, Dunster „ Macknes, Robert, Dunster Maddock, John, Milverton Major, Maior, George, Bradford „ Maior, Margaret, Bradford „ Maior, Thomas, Bradford „ Betty, widow, Northpetherton „ Charles, Pitmister „ Charles, Thurloxton ,, Charles, Thurloxton „ Henry, Northpetherton ,, Jane, widow, Stogumber „ Joane, Bradford „ John, Milverton „ John, Creech „ Susanna, widow, Milverton „ Thomas, Thurloxton „ William, sen., Thurloxton Male, Joan, Barrington „ John, Barrington „ Mary, Barrington Mallack, John, ye elder, Pitmister „ Mallacke, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mallacke, Susanna, widow, Pitmister Mallett, Catherine, widow, Northpeatherton „ Christiane, Thornefawcon „ Hugh, Sampford Arrundell „ Mary, Draiton ,, Marie, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Marie, Skilgate „ Richard, ar., Westquantoxhed „ William, ar., Westquantoxhed Man, Henry, Stogursey „ Mary, Stogursey Manchip, Bartholomew, Bridgwater ,, George, Bridgwater 28 '757 41 1758 50 '744 54 '737 77 1624 3° 1723 61* 1615 3 1741 9 1743 S9* 4 126 1680 121 1888 102* '633 27* 4 45* 6 41* 4 2* 5 70* 1609 24 1667 65* 1607 73 1780 89 1676 no 1707 70* 5 53 681 53 1736 62* 1609 45* 1613 25* 2 39 1790 74 1666 75 1784 69 1795 43 1762 64 1726 5 1707 78 1661 3' 1704 So 1694 70 '775 39 1758 7 1790 8 1765 10 1736 27 '745 95 1702 66 1699 S6 1646 16 1625 9' 1674 20* 9 5° '635 53* 9 57* 1614 35* 1644 78 '733 76 '733 27 1727 1 1 1671 282 Taunton Wills. Manchip, Robert, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Manchipp, William, Bridgwater ,, WilHam, Bridgwater Mander, Roger, Bicknoller Manfeild, Isabell, Ilebruers „ Joane, Westover Manger, Mary, Bishops Hull Manley, Elizabeth, Milverton „ James, gent, Taunton Magdalen „ John, gent, Milverton „ Manlie, John, Currey Mallett „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, (Ba)gborow Manning, Maninge, Ebutte, Stogumber „ Edward, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Edward, Kingstone „ Emmett, widow, Overstowey „ Henry, Milverton „ Henry, Ashpriors „ Humphry, Milverton „ Jane, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Joan, Fitzhead „ Joan, Ashpriors „ John, Wembdon „ Maninge, John, sen., Sheptonbeachamp „ John, Seavington Mary „ Mary, spinster, Sheptonbeachamp „ Mary, Dinnington „ Nicholas, Milverton „ Maninge, Richard, Sheptonbeacham „ Richard, Buckland Mary „ Richard, Stringestone „ Richard, Halse „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Ashpriors „ Samuel, Kingstone „ Stephen, Sheptonbeachamp ,, William, Sheptonbeauchamp ,, William, Milverton Mantle, Catherine, Aishepriors „ Christopher, Aishpriors „ Mantell, Elinore, Crewkerne „ Henry, Crewkerne „ John, Aishepriors „ Mary, widow, Crewkerne „ Mantell, Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Taunton Magdalen March, Hannah, widow, Taunton James Marchant, Gregory, Luckham ,, Marchante, Henry, Aisholte „ John, Upton „ Richard, gent, Kilve „ Richard, Bridgwater „ William, Upton Marder, John, Crewkerne Mardie, Richard, Currey Mallet Mare, Betty, Pitmister „ Humphry, Ashpriors „ John, Bradford 12 1671 '4 1687 26 1730 2 1789 6 1694 2* 6 38* 4 7 1775 57 1746 109 '713 85 1727 '54* 1619 66 1762 '36 1622 28* 7 97 1675 (vide 1 8 1 : 0 '7* 1788 83 1662 35 16981754 33 '738 7 1695 34* 1746 3 '755 130* 1623 27 1628 98 1722 56 1726 iS 179' 23 1770 87* 1619 5 1682 89 1690 40 1755 80 '775 1 1770 45 '755 SS 1704 64 1780 56 1781 '35* 1619 no 1641 188* 1610 45 1694 180* 1607 36 1706 187* 1610 74 1679 65 1692 77 1727 47* 161 5 123 1716 26 1752 8 1764 72 1726 32 1675 41* 8 48 '787 1 1672 '5 1692 Taunton Wills. Mare, John, Hilfarrence „ Robert, Pitmister „ William, Combeflorie Markdare, William, Swell Marker, William, Pittmister „ William, Pitmister Markes, Alice, widow, Southpetherton „ Marks, Anne, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Southpetherton „ Francis, Southpetherton „ Marks, James, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ Marke, John, Southpetherton „ Marke, John, Southepetherton „ John, Fivehead „ Marks, John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ Marke, John, sen., Pitmister „ Marks, Margaret, widow, Southpeatherton „ Mary, Merriett „ Mark, Mary, Ruishton „ Methusela, Crewkerne „ Peter, Merriott „ Marke, Robert, Pitmister „ Marke, Robert, Pitmister „ Sarah, widow, Southpetherton „ Marks, Sarah, widow, Donyatt „ Thomas, Merriott ,, Marke, Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Marke, William, Taunton Magdalen „ Marks, William, Merriott . „ Marks, William, gent, Donyatt „ Mark als. Frenche, William, Dulverton „ Marke, Boddie ah., see Boddie als. Marke. Marlecombe, Nicholas, Aishpriors Marler, Christopher, Riston „ Dorothy, Ruishton „ Elizabeth, Creech „ James, Ruishton „ John, Ristonn „ John, Creech „ John, Ruishton „ Peter, Taunton Magdalen ,, Peter, Durleigh ,, Samuel, Riston „ Stephen, Riston „ Susannah, Ruiston „ Tobias, clerk, Creech -_ „ William, Riston „ William, Ruishton „ William, Taunton Magdalen Marley, William, Porlock Marlow, Richard, Stockland Bristow 1647 Marrian, Galway als., see Galway als. Marrian. Marsh, Charity, widow, Milverton „ Edward, Huishchampflower „ Marshe, Elizabeth, Chipstable „ Marshe, Elizabeth, Chellington „ Elizabeth, Taunton James „ Henry, Crewkerne 283 53 1700 36 1766 81* 4 114* 1619 56 1732 71 '733 119 168 1 141 1728 109 1677 90 1667 '3° 1694 25 1703 90* 8 74 1632 52 1640 IOI 1688 99 1691 7' 1702 6 1639 77* 1615 57 177' 28 1693 105 1660 56 1761 57 1780 49 1705 35 1725 21 1637 106 1661 118 1675 54 1767 '7 1726 151* 1610 90 1631 98 1697 65 1750 24 1674 18 1642 49 1632 20 1666 70 1736 37 1633 35 1684 108 1646 67 1729 84 '743 118* 1641 46 1705 61 '737 85 1773 60 1784 9 12 85 1717 52 1706 19* 2 157* 1610 203* 1638 26 1733 284 Taunton IF ills. Marsh, Henry, Crewkerne „ Henry, Crewkerne ,, Honor, Stogumber „ James, Milverton „ Marshe, John, sen., Hewishchampflower „ John, Huishchampflower ,, John, Chipstable „ John, Huishchampflower „ John, Halse ,, Luke, Crewkerne ,, Marmaduke, Sheptonbeachampe „ Mary, Crewkerne „ Ralph, Sheptonbeacham „ Richard, Huishchampflower ,, Richard, Upton ,, William, Taunton James „ Marshe, Zachary, Hambridge, parish Currey Rivell Marshall, Andrew, Holeford ,, Edward, Chellington ,, Gilbert, Bridgwater „ John, Enmore „ Judith, Chellington ,, Mary, widow, Chellington „ Nicholas, gent, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Taunton James ,, Mashell, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Stawell, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Goathurst „ William, Thornefawcon ,, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton Marshfeild, Alice, Trull „ Marshfield (or MarshweU), EHnor, Northpeatherton „ Marshefield, Elizabeth, Kingeston „ John, clerk, Holeford „ Marshefield, John, Bridgwater MarshweU, see Marshfield. Marthers, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen Martimer, John, Bridgwater Martin, Marling, Alice, Luckham Amos, clerk, Crewkerne Amy, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine Barbara, widow, Stoke St. Mary Christopher, Brumpton Ralph Marten, David, Northepetherton Edward, Brumpton Ralph Elias, Riston Martaine, Elizabeth, widow, Milverton Marten, Elizabeth, widow, Creech Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen Elizabeth, Brumpton Ralph' Elizabeth, Seaborow Francis, Bridgwater George, Taunton Magdalen Henry, Crewkerne Henry, Thurlbear Humphry, Milverton Marten, James, Taunton James, Brumpton Regis 15 1776 20 1796 65 1789 25 1715 8l* 1607 6l 1661 49 1669 69 1727 40 1750 15* 1765 105 1683 '5 1777 1 1 1632 3S 1693 55 1772 82 1732 26* 9 53 1697 36 1669 7 1789 59 1639 54 1640 '5 1700 62 1709 41* 1617 9' 1764 16 '799 90 1683 28 1792 16* 11 84 1716 '°3 1727 80* 6 42 1641 '59* 1616 54 1714 '59* 1619 100 '733 IOI* 8 34 '775 34 171 1 27 1694 63 1732 16 1669 107* 1614 iS 1661 93 1706 '37 1637 90 1639 96 1729 10 1755 49 1796 2 '745 58 1621 39 1661 84 '746 39 '774 38* 8 '5 1694 Taunton Wills. 285 Martin, James, Brumpton Regis „ James, Taunton Magdalen (not proved) „ Marten, Joane, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Brumpton Ralph „ Joane, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Joane, widow, Riston „ Marten, John, Kilve ,, Marten, John, Hewishchamflower „ Marten, John, Monncksilver „ Marten, John, Lynge „ John, Brompton Ralph „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Crewkerne ,, John, Taunton „ John, esq., Westmonnckton „ John, Ruishton „ Joseph, Riston „ Mary, Northpetherton „ Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Melior, spinster, Brompton Ralph „ Nicholas, Sampford Brett „ Peter, Westmonnckton „ Peter, Isleabbotts „ Marting, Philippe, Linge „ Robert, Heathfield „ Sibella, Isleabbott „ Marten, Stephen, Culve „ Susanna, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Tolland „ Marten, Walter, Stokegursey „ William, Brompton Ralph „ William, Ashbrittle „ William, Goathurst „ William, Milverton „ WiUiam, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Brumpton Ralph „ Marten ah. Mason, Henry, Mynehed „ Barton als., see Barton als. Martin. „ Marten, Kempe ah., see Kempe als. Marten. „ Marten, Mason als., see Mason als. Marten. „ Martyn, Williams als., see Williams als. Martyn. Mason, Edward, Stogursey „ John, Overstowie „ Priscilla, Stogursey „ Robert, Porlock „ Masonn, Thomas, Dunster „ als. Marten, Margaret, Mynehed Masters, Maisters, Hugh, Kingeston „ Maisters, Hugh, Kingston „ Joane, Currie Mallet „ Joan, Lopon „ John, Porlock „ Joseph, Lopen „ Lettice, Southpetherton „ Maisters, Mary, Kingestone „ Marie, widow, Southpeatherton „ Peter, Southpetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Goatehurst 1 1 1708. 66 1741 87* 4 '4 1669 72 1675 108 1717 104* 1608 105* 1619 56 1628 88 1631 4i 1638 12 1717 45 1727 77 '734 5S '748 58 1771 74 1740 85 1678 '39 1720 4 1 701 '39 1660 87 1732 35 1761 144 1637 4' 1671 29 '775 137* 1614 96 1702 122 1632 77* 2 6 1673 4 1710 75 1720 89 1720 179 1727 4 '733 3 '744 141* 1628 1648 77 1740 35 1624 162 1730 '33* 1614 169* 1608 152* 1616 162* 7 33* 11 206* 1638 29 1766 49 1783 50 1764 7i '739 123* 1607 25 1639 88 1710 109 1690 '5 12 286 Taunton Wills. Masters, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Broadway „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Southpetherton „ WiUiam, Beer Crocombe ,, als. Weever, Henry, Curry Revell „ als. Weaver, John, Curry Revell „ als. Weaver, Thomas, Curri Mallett „ Maisters, Weaver ah., see Weaver als. Maisters. Matherick als. Bull, William, . . . sey Matravers, Elizabeth, Southepetherton „ Matraverse, John, Southpetherton „ William, Southepetherton Matthews, Mathew, Anne, widow, Curland „ Mathew, Dorothie, Crewkerne ,, Dorothy, Minehead „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead „ EHzabeth, widow, Dunster „ Hugh, Dunster ,, Hugh, Dunster „ Jane, Mynehead „ Mathewe, Jesper, Taunton Magdalen „ Mathew, John, Crewkerne „ Mathew, John, Barrington ,, Mathew, John, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton St James ,, Mathew, Robert, Riston „ Robert, Southpetherton ,, Mathew, Simon, clerk, Exton ,, Thomas, Mynehead ,, Thomas, Minehead „ Mathew, William, Staplefitzpaine „ Mathew als. Prockter, Anne, widow, Riston „ Mathew als. Procktor, Frances, Westmonnckton ,, Mathew als. Prockter, Joane, spinster, Westmonnkton „ Mathew ah. Prockter, John, Westmonnkton „ Mathewe als. Prockter, Mary, Riston „ Mathew als. Prockter, Phillip, Westmonnkton „ Mathewe, Proctor ah., see Proctor als. Mathewe „ Mathewe, Weare ah., see Weare als. Mathewe. Mattock, Reuben, Pitmister „ Robert, Pitmister „ Samuel, Thurlbear „ Thomas, Pittmister Mauncell, John, Aishpriors Maunder, Ann, Taunton Magdalen ,, Ann, Taunton Magdalen ,, Eleanor, Stogumber Maundrell, Catherine, Bridgwater „ Elinore, Enmer ,, Richard, Bridgwater Maundry, Maundrie, Agnes, Combflorie „ Maundrey, Arthur, Beerecrocombe „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicholas, Puckington „ als. Pollard, William, Taunton Magdalen Maveret, Bull ah., see Bull als. Maveret. Maverick als. Bull, Edithe, Trull 85 1716 3 1788 47 1792 '7 1634 6 1724 24 '683 39 1687 1 66* 1635 i So* 1616 7* 1616 161 1685 121* 1614 25 1667 82 1623 3° 1738 177 1730 8i 1681 6i 1730 49 173' 28 1789 46 1689 69* 1617 114 1621 83 1624 116 1678 H4 1725 7' '799 120 1621 55 1756 63* 5 72 1677 48 '734 63 1621 79 1664 43 1630 1 82 1679 148 1683 258 1638 IOI 1666 56 1780 4' 1769 58 1769 105 '73' 125* 7 67 1762 79 1767 53 '779 48* 1613 70* 1618 9* 1725 122* 7 35 1629 52 1766 93 1724 130 1669 4' 1616 Taunton Wills. 287 Maxie, Emanuel, clerk, Langford Budfild, and Clehanger, Devon May, Maye, Anne, Mynehed „ Edward, Minehead „ Elizeus, Huishchampflower „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Roger, Mynehead „ WiUiam, Cannington Maydman, William, Wembdon Mayes, Edith, widow, Hilfarrence „ Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Mays, Sarah, Taunton St. James „ William, Hilfarrence Mayger, Humphry, Creech Maynard, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Jonathan, Orchard „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Ruishton Mayne, Richard, Taunton Magdalen Mayo, William, gent., Withycombe Meacham, Ambrose, Crookherne „ Amery, yeoman, Whitstanton ,, Meachampe, Christian, widow, Whitstaunton „ Elizabeth, Buckland St. Mary „ John, Whitstaunton „ Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Whitstaunton Meade, Agnes, Beer Crocombe ,, Mead, Daniel, Puckington „ Elizabeth, Ristonn „ Francis, Fivehead „ Francis, Fivehead „ Francis, Drayton „ Mead, Francis, Elworthy „ Grace, widow, Fivehead ,, Hugh, Georgehenton „ Jeremiah, Curry Mallett „ Jerome, Swell „ Jeronim, Curry Mallett „ Joane, widow, Curry Mallett „ Joane, Fivehead „ John, Currey Mallett „ John, Ristonn „ John, Lyng „ John, Fivehead „ John, Beer Crocombe „ John, Lyng „ Mead, John, Curry Mallett „ John, Northpetherton „ Mead, John, Lyng „ Mead, John, Lyng „ Mary, spinster, Northpetherton „ Mary, Stogursey or Ashill „ Mary, widow, Curry Mallett „ Mary, widow, Curry Mallett ,, Mead, Mary, Curry Mallett „ Nicholas, Langeford Budfeild „ Philip, Drayton „ Mead, Philip, Lynge „ Richard, Currey Mallett „ Mead, Richard, Curry Mallett 50 1633 147 163' 33 1790 27 i695 9 1787 26 1673 '4 1790 244* 1638 25 1679 '33 1724 76 1747 55 1677 66 1631 57 1790 79 1722 48 1752 5° '795 47 1797 183 1727 123 '638 '73 173' 86 i699 9 '749 123 1697 35 1669 '44 1724 4 1691 67 1767 90 1620 47 1690 34 1709 28 '737 17 1766 36 1699 65 1632 42 1707 '57* 1638 134* 1607 17 1668 5' 1714 30* 1612 61* 1613 63 1662 47 1668 4 1716 69 1706 8 1766 66 1664 37 1774 39 1786 65 1693 5° 1712 52 1720 21 1729 7 1770 32 1623 58 1672 48 1736 18 1628 21 1740 288 Taunton Wills. Meade, Richard, Northpetherton Mead, Robert, Drayton William, Northpetherton William, gent, Drayton William, sen., Curry Mellett William, Fivehead Mead, William, Curry Mallett Mead, William, Lyng Mead, William, Durston Meadow, Robert, Langford Budvill Meadue als. Mullens, Owen, Swell Meare, Alice, Bradford „ Anstice, widow, Milverton „ Christian, Stoke Mary „ Edward, Mynehed „ Joane, Nynehed „ Joane, widow, Nettlecombe „ John, Bradford „ John, Bicknaller „ John, Bradford „ John, Elworthy „ John, Nettlecombe „ Richard, Miluerton „ Robert, Bradford Mecho, John, Crocombe Meddell, Philipp, Currymallett Meire, Thomas, Nynehed Melhuish, Christopher, Charlinch „ Meluish, EHzabeth, Brumpton Regis „ Melhuishe, Humphry, Dulverton „ James, Kingsbrumpton „ John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Exton „ John, Kings Brompton „ Robert, Brumpton Regis Mellens, Richard, Stogursey „ Mellins, Thomas, Stockland Bristol „ Mellins, Thomas, Stockland Bristoll Melton, Edward, Brumpton Regis „ John, Northepetherton Membury, Membry, Christopher, Crickett Malherbe „ Memburie, Henry, Crickett Malherbe ,, John, Crickett Malherb „ Robert, Taunton James Mercen, Emne, Sheptonbeacham Mercer, Anne, Enmer „ Samuel, Enmer Merchant, Edward, Luccombe „ Richard, Luckham „ Sarah, Kilton „ William, Upton Meredith, Agnes, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Westbagborough „ Elizabeth, widow, Westmonnckton „ Humphry, Taunton Magdalen Merefield, Merifeild, Anne, Crewkerne „ Edward, gent., Merriott „ Merifield, George, Crewkerne „ George, Crewkerne i(,aj „ Merefeild, George, Crewkerne 28 1758 25 1732 62 1676 38 1711 33 1713 55 '73' 23 1742 38 '778 26 1789 66 1683 30* 9 55* 1614 74 1663 191* 1622 66* 1607 ~> Tiv 1617 60 1702 88* 6 86* 7 2* 1617 37 1740 45 1701 9 1643 '3 1670 24 1722 '33* 7 '45 1611 '9 1674 7 1761 26* 1618 44 '755 8 1703 34 '733 40 '799 6 1693 87 1620 1 10 1663 11S 1672 12 1711 99 1610 26 1661 69* 1619 1 1 1680 118 1700 4* 1609 109 1622 10* 3 67 1716 75 1684 37 1761 82 '747 62 1701 66 1682 "9 '7'3 '53 1660 30 1610 47 1723 54 1643 8 12 26 1709 Taunton Wills. 289 Merefield, Merefeild, Mary, spinster, Henton St. George ,, Merefeild, Robert, Crewkerne Merimouth, Humphry, Mynehed Merricke, John, Pitminster „ Merrick, Martin, Taunton „ Nathaniel, Taunton Magdalen Merring, Sarah, widow, Stogumber Merriott, John, Drayton Merry, Giles, Bicknoller „ Giles, Crewkerne ., James, Crewkerne „ John, Bricknoller „ John, Heathfield „ Robert, Halse ,, Merrie, Walter, Kiltonn ,, Merrye, William, Bicknaller Merson, Francis, Chilton Metford, Richard, Merriett ,, Richard, Merriett ,, William, Taunton St. James Methuen, Ann, Bridgwater ,, Methwin, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Methwen, Francis, Bridgwater „ Methwen, William, jun., Bridgwater ., Methwin, William, Bridgwater Mewdon, John, Nortonfitzwarren „ Peter, Norton Mewe als. Seller, John, Taunton James Miall, Bennett ah., see Bennett als. Miall. Mico, Emanuel, Taunton James „ Micoe, John, Taunton Magdalen Middle, Jane, widow, Currie Mallett Middleton, Edith, Brumpton Regis ,, Edmund, Fivehead ,, Midleton, Edward, Chafecombe „ Edward, Ashpriors ., Elizabeth, Ashpriors ., Elizabeth, Stogumber ,, Jane, widow, Westbagborow ,, John, Ashpriors „ John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Fivehead ., John, Ashpriors „ Myddleton, Robert, Currey Rivell „ Roger, Cothelstone „ Symon, Crocombe „ Thomas, Hilbishops ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis „ Thomasine, widow, Monnksilver „ William, Kingsbrompton Midlam, Alice, Pitmister „ Nicholas, Pytmister „ Midlom, Robert, (T)rull „ William, Pitmister Midwinter, Edward, Crewkerne Milberie, John, Linge Milborne, Edward, Netlecomb „ WilHam, Dowlishwake Miles, Alice, Combflory „ Florence, widow, Combeflorie 42 1725 39 1688 37 1626 5° 1686 240* 1638 "9 1661 '59 1730 39 1708 189* 1622 16 1777 27 1799 1 1 1667 34 1780 26 1769 129 1611 26* 2 17 1719 21* 10 37* 10 90 1740 13 1768 9 1698 18 1730 20 1730 18 1687 81 ; 1680 67 1643 70* 1629 "3 1664 41 1715 49 1639 '9 1661 48 1722 28 . > 1610 2 1721 4 1777 46 : 1793 '87 1727 4 1671 10 1677 49 1714 2 1749 25* 1610 12 1680 32 1660 57 1711 8 1761 70 1662 3' - 1775 56* 1610 7* 2 53 1620 '33 1685 51* 1616 175* .1616 49* 6 38 1706 25 '744 170 1640 290 Taunton Wills. Miles, Hugh, Westbagborow ,, Hugh, Westbagborow ., Hugh, Westbagborow ,, Jacob, Goathurst ,, Joane, widow, Northpetherton ,, John, Combflory ,, John, Combflory ,, John, Westbagborough ,, John, Westbagborough ,, John, Westbagborough ,, Mary, Exton , Mary, spinster, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Durston ,, Richard, Durston „ Robert, Combflory ,, Robert, Durston ,, Robert, Westbagborough ,, Thomas, Mynehead ,, Thomas, Westbagborough ,, Myles, William, Northepetherton „ William, Westbagborow Millard, EHzabeth, Stogursey „ Joane, Chedsey ,, Millerd, John, Stogursey ,, John, Stogursey ,, Richard, Taunton James „ Sara, Stogursey ,, Thomas, Chedzoy ,, Thomas, Chedzoy „ Millerd, William, Stogursey Miller, Anne, Crewkerne „ Clement, Wayford „ Edward, sen., Stocklinch Magdalen ,, Geoffrey, Taunton „ Hannah, Taunton Magdalen „ James, Stockland Bristow „ Jane, widow, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Joane, Samford Brett „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ John, sen., Crewkerne „ John, Taunton St. James „ Roger, Henton St. George „ Susan, widow, Misterton „ Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne „ WilHam, Crewkerne „ William, Stockland Bristoll „ William, Crewkerne „ William, Cheddonfitzpaine „ William, Crewkerne „ als. Hardy, Jane, Crewkerne Millett, John, Dunster Mills, Ann, Stockland Bristoll Anthony, Durleigh Anthony, Enmore Atwell, Gharlinch Avis, widow, Southpetherton Cecilia, Bridgwater Charles, Bridgwater Edmond, Southpetherton 136 1716 61 1748 99 1768 37 1746 69 1664 22 1677 18 1701 54 1793 60 1794 53 1797 48 1670 107 1684 45 1681 47 1687 25 1691 27 1701 81 1780 69 1710 68 1796 in* 1619 103 1740 164* 7 121 1641 43* 1610 '35 173' 132 1672 136 173' 30 1669 47 1672 '37 1631 5 1624 184 1727 90 I7'3 170* 1624 71 1789 10 1644 10 1709 77 1626 100 1684 120* 1614 20 1751 46 1666 46 1732 '3 1732 14* 8 183* 1610 42 1637 3° 1678 '3 1684 33 1708 26 1719 57 1660 61 1756 45 1717 43 1719 6 1637 124 1680 7 1736 21 1704 141 1684 Taunton Wills. 291 Mills, Edmund, clerk, Aishbritle 21 1635 „ Edward, Bridgwater 10 1698 „ Elizabeth, widow, Southpetherton 104 1704 „ Francis, Bridgwater 113* 2 „ Francis, Oake 24 1645 „ Hugh, Durleigh 84 1643 ,, Jane, widow, Durleigh 48 1727 „ Joane, Spaxton 45 1621 „ Joane, widow, Langford Budvil 148* 1621 ,, Joan, widow, Charlinch 98 1637 „ Joane, widow, Bridgwater 22 1672 „ Joane, widow, Crewkerne 44 1672 ,, Joane, Goathurst 76 1720 „ John, Canington 121 1622 „ John, Southpetherton 121 1669 „ John, Chilton 39 1672 „ John, Southpetherton 95 1674 „ John, Southpetherton 86 1696 ,, John, Southpetherton IOI 1697 ,, John, Bridgwater n 1727 ,, John, Crewkerne 43 1727 „ John, Southpetherton 111 1706 ,, John, Bridgwater 9 '733 „ John, Bridgwater 10 1746 „ Milles, Marie, Merriett 68 1625 „ Mary, widow, Durleigh 44 1677 ., Mary, Taunton Magdalen 94 1733 „ Mary, Bridgwater 4 T767 „ Matthew, Bridgwater 3 1778 „ Milles, Michael, Southpetherton 157 1631 „ Mylles, Nicholas, Spaxton 30* 1616 „ Milles, Nicholas, Cannington 3' 1660 „ Nicholas, Durleigh 161 1660 „ Prudence, widow, Taunton Magdalen 56 1682 „ Mylls, Richard, Goatehurst 140* 1 60S „ Richard, Bridgwater 18 1704 ,, Robert, Ilebruers 71 1646 ,, Robert, Otterhampton 1 ti 1728 ,, Robert, Stogursey 7i 1750 „ Samuel, Southpetherton 92 1710 „ Symon, Southpetherton 60 1701 ,, Thomas, Spaxton 112 1621 ,, Thomas, Stogursey 48 1698 „ Thomas, elder, Southpetherton 79 1742 „ Thomazine, Canington 38* 1607 „ Mill, William, Langford '5* 3 „ Mylles, William, Bridgwater 18* 1615 „ William, Bridgwater 6 1756 „ William, Northpetherton 88 1716 „ William, Merriott 55 1740 „ Burridge als., see Burridge als. Mills. Millward, Esther, widow, Thornefaulcon 128 1724 „ Samuel, Liddiard Lawrence and Combe Flory 48 1721 Milner, John, Bridgwater 14 1676 „ John, Bridgwater 6 1701 Milton, Abraham, Cannington '7 1791 „ Adrian, Brompton Ralph 36 1623 „ Agatha, Skilgate 45* 1638 „ Alice, Upton 28* 3 „ Alice, Stogursey 24 1630 292 Taunton Wills. Milton, Alice, Northepetherton „ Anne, spinster, Dunster ,, Christian, widow, Skilgate „ Christopher, Skilgate „ Christopher, Withiecombe ,, Elianor, Wythycomb „ George, Stogursey „ George, Wythycombe „ George, Dunster ,, Giles, Upton ,, Giles, Upton „ Henry, Milverton „ Henry, Brompton Regis „ James, Milverton „ James, Upton ,, Joan, Upton „ Joane, Brompton Regis ,, Joane, Brompton Regis „ Joane, spinster, Exford ,, John, Brompton Regis ,, John, Skilgate „ John, Brompton Regis „ John, Milverton ,, John, Brompton Regis „ John, Kingsbrompton „ John, Cheddonfitzpaine „ John, Upton ,, John, Dulverton „ John, Minehead „ Mary, Cheddon ,, Mary, Dunster ,, Richard, Kingesbrompton ,, Richard, Raddington ,, Thomas, Exford „ Thomas, Dulverton „ Thomas, Upton ,, William, Uptonn „ William, Brompton Regis ,, William, Brompton R. „ William, Brompton R. „ William, Upton Minard, Jane, Taunton James Minifee, Arthur, Taunton James „ Minifie, Edward, Wilton ""^i „ Minevee, Elizabeth, widow, Kingstone „ Minifye, Elizabeth, widow, Kingstone „ Minifie, Mary, Taunton St. James Minson, Joseph, Donyatt „ Robert, Kingstone Mitchell, Anne, widow, Merriott „ Ann, Northpetherton ,, Michell, Anthony, Chedsey „ Anthony, Taunton Magdalen „ Michell, Bennett, Kittisford „ Blanch, widow, Taunton St. James „ Bridgett, spinster, Taunton Magdalen ,, Catherine, widow, Donyatt ,, Dorothie, Bridgwater „ Michell, Emanuel, Stogumber ., Michell, Francis, Brodwaye 42 1634 61 1707 99 1664 121 1611 173* 1628 103 1696 30* 5 '79 1685 54 1727 64 1638 108 '733 30 1624 '55 1635 79 1683 53 1785 4* 1 24* 2 21* 1642 65 1730 75* 2 130* 7 61 1611 123* 1616 45 1624 "4 1624 24 1724 184 1730 3° 1740 30 1791 9 1737 18 1757 25* 1617 66* 1641 141* 1619 106 1632 68 1749 84* 8 97 1624 162 1635 108 1639 7' 1795 88 167 1 IOI 1710 SS 1719 54 1690 45 1721 107 '743 3' 1746 33 1777 87 1684 46 1792 207* 1638 59 1682 7S 1630. 168 1727 109 169 1 35 1664 94 1623 45 1637 '9 162& Taunton Wills. 293 Mitchell, Francis, Holeford 5° 1690 ,, George, Bridgwater 1* 1626 ,, George, Dunster 40 1664 ,, George, Fivehead 46 1668 ,, Michell, Henry, Hatchbeacham 97* 1618 „ Hugh, Merriott 70 1704 ,, James, Lynge 50* 1629 ,, James, Merriott 89 1684 ,, Jane, widow, Curland 35 1707 „ Michell, Joane, Northepetherton 32* 10 ,, Joane, Bradforde 5* 1607 ,, Mytchell, Joaine, Chedsey 30* 1609 ,, Joane, Chellington 93 1610 ,, John, sen., Donyett in* 1608 „ John, Bridgwater 1* 1617 „ John, Puckington 105 1694 ,, John, Merriott 66 1714 „ Mitchill, John, Nettlecombe 58 1744 „, John, elder, Bridgwater '3 1754 ,, John, Merriott 47 1773 ,, Joseph, Dulverton 43 1683 „ Juliane, Southepetherton 123* 1614 ,, Martha, widow, Dunster 44 1670 „ Michell, Marie, Canington '34 1622 ,, Mary, widow, Lynge 75 1681 „ Mary, widow, Kilve 49 1703 „ Nicholas, Merriott 56 1671 „ Peter, Merriott 69 1722 ,, Richard, Selworthy 92 1693 ,, Robert, Southepetherton 92* 1610 ,, Robert, Fivehead 45 1668 ., Robert, Staplefitzpaine 142 1685 „ Sarah, widow, Lyng 56 1664 „ Stephen, Stocklinch Ottersey 90 1700 ,, Thomas, Merriott 82 1669 ,, Thomas, Chedzoy 35 1677 „ Thomas, Bridgwater 10 1691 ,, ' Thomas, Pitmister 94 1716 ,, Thomas, Bridgwater 16 1722 ,, Thomas, Merriott 4i 1789 „ Walter, Chedzoy 12 1712 ,, Michell, William, Strengeston 146* 7 „ Michell, William, Meryett 32 1622 „ Michell, William, Michael ch/ 227* 1638 „ William, Fivehead 35 1699 „ WiUiam, clerk, rector of Porlocke S5 1714 „ William, Merriott 37 '775 ,, Michell als. Haddon, Merriott 43 1636 „ Haddon ah., see Haddon als. Mitchell. Moate, William, Taunton James 4 1632 Mockredg, Catherine, spinster, Thornefawcon 39 1631 „ Mockeridge, John, Taunton St. James 73 1775 „ Mockridge, Thomas, (Th)ornefawcon 131* 1619 „ Mockeridge, Burman ah., see Burman als. Mockeridge. Moffatt, Moffett, Bridgett, widow, Ashbrittle 1 1717 „ Moffett, John, Dunster 4' 1717 „ Thomas, Stogursey 108 1725 Mogford, Anne, widow, Bradford 12 1703 „ Jane, Langford Budvill 56 1674 ,, Lewes, Langford Budvil 74 1669 2 94 Taunton Wills. Moggridge, Alice, Porlock „ Mogridge, Anne, widow, Thornefawcon „ Mogridge, Brigett, Riston „ Mogridge, Christian, widow, Porlocke „ David, Porlock „ EHzabeth, widow, Aishbrittle „ Frances, Minehead „ Mogridge, Grace, Kitnor als. Calbone „ Mogridge, Henry, Ristonn „ Henry, Northpetherton ,, Mogridge, Hugh, Northpetherton ,, Mogridge, Hugh, Northpetherton ,, Mogridge, James, the elder, Aishebrittle „ Mogridge, Jane, widow, Thornefaulcon „ Mogridge, Joane, widow, Kitnor ,, Mogridge, Joane, Porlocke ,, Joan, Porlock ,, Mogridge, John, Riston ,, Mogridge, John, Northepetherton ,, Mogridge, John, Kitnor „ Mogridge, John, Hilbishopps ,, Mogridge, John, Northpetherton ,, John, Northpetherton „ Mogridge, Margerie, Thornefawcon ,, Marie, Thornefawcon „ Marie, widow, Thornefawcon ., Mary, spinster, Northpetherton ,, Mogridge, Nicholas, Porlock , Mogridge, Nicholas, Porlocke ,, Mogridge, Richard, Thornefawcon ,, Mogridge, Robert, Northpetherton ,, Mogridge, Stephen, Riston ,, Mogridge, Symon, Kitnor „ Mogridge, Thomas, Riston ,, Mogridge, Walter, Porlocke ,, Mogridge, William, Kitnor ,, Mogridge als. Bowerman, Margaret, Pitmister Mogward, Mary, Hilbushoppes Mogworte, Geofifry, Aishepriors Mohun, M argaret, spinster, Carhampton and Southpetherton Moisteram, Elizeus, Northpetherton Mollineux, John,- Dulverton Molton, William, Doniett Monday, see Munday. Moon, Elizabeth, Enmore „ John, Enmore ,, John, Enmore „ Moone, WilHam, Enmore Moorden, Ralph, Canington Moore, Alexander, Whitstanton ,, Ambrose, Dunster ,, Annie, widow, Merriott ,, Bartholomew, Nettlecombe , Benjamin, Stogumber „ Betty, Charlinch ,, Charles, Liddiard Lawrence „ Christian, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Christian, Goatehurst ,, Christian, Dowlishwake ,, Christopher, Stogumber 3S 1748 97 1662 90 1624 118 1684 88 1635 22 1642 44 1765 109* 1628 73* 2 58 1719 90 1675 86 1716 69 1629 '39 1669 60 1662 117 1684 54 1799 76* 2 158* 1616 8 1623 42 1671 S3 1716 59 1719 42 1623 12* 1 1 in 1637 83 1724 IOI* 1616 100 1680 77* 5 100 1707 97 1663 7i 1681 114 1670 92 1662 20 1622 92 1663 63* 9 49* 3 IOI '713 106 1684 25 '795 175* 1638 30 1780 44 1724 40 1768 36 1784 54 1625 73* 1618 '5 1682 87 1728 61 1702 65 1773 12 1772 3' 1726 125* 1607 69 1622 26 '734 127 1621 Taunton Wills. 295 Moore, More, Edward, Dolishwake „ Edward, Lynge ,, Elianor, widow, Durston „ Elizabeth, Coombeflorie ,, Elizabeth, Monnksilver ,, Elizabeth, Stockland Bristoll ,, EHzabeth, Merriott „ Francis, Bicknell ,, Francis, gent, Westbagborow Francis, Bickenhall , George, Dowlishwake „ George, Dunster , Giles, Brompton Ralph „ Giles, gent., Henton St. George ,, Henry, Donyatt ,, Hu^h, Combflorie ., Hugh, Curland , Hugh, ... be ,, Hu>;h, Nettlecombe ., Hugh, Bickenhall , Jane, Stogursey ,, Joane, Currey Rivell ,, Joane, (? Gote)hurst ., Joane, Stokemarie ,, Joane, widow, Northpetherton ,, John, sen., Lidiard St. Lawrence „ John, Trull ., John, clerk, Creech ,, John, Bicknell „ John, Merriott „ John, Stogumber ,, Margaret, Crocombe „ Marie, widow, Milverton „ Moor, Mary, Porlock ,, Priscilla, Stogumber ,, Richard, Bradford ., Richard, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Richard, Combflorie ,, Richard, Staplegrove „ Richard, Staplegrove ,, Richard, Curry Rivell ., Robert, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Nettlecombe „ Robert, Bridgwater , Robert, Withypoole ,, Samuel, Hawkeridge „ Sarah, widow, Stockland , Stephen, Milverton , Symon, sen., Bicknell ., Symon, jun., Bicknell ,, Thomas, (Sel ?)ueington ,, Thomas, Southpetherton ., Thomas, Langford Budfild ,, Thomas, Doniett „ Thomas, clerke, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Minehead ,, Thomas, Curry Revell ,, Uria, Dunster , William, Lidiard Lawrence „ William, Currey Rivell 76 1632 25 1682 18 1686 63* 1611 69 1662 IOO 1697 28 1752 7 1700 62 1698 11 1757 45* 1608 22 1631 112* 6 67 1728 41 1687 54* 7 54 1633 92* 1646 57 1719 '3 1744 86* 6 17* 9 49* 1612 164* 1628 64 1 67 1 88* 8 170* 1607 3' 1683 6 1711 42 1737 69 '755 17 1761 18 1636 47 '783 62 1765 62* 2 30* 6 91* 6 1 1 1 1683 102 1677 '9 '754 121 1685 58 1734 6 1764 58 1794 33 1789 79 1696 5' 1627 n 1720 12 1720 72* 1 48* 6 5° 1627 67 1637 106 1727 55 1767 18 1723 60* 1646 9* 1614 83 1623 296 Taunton Wills. Moore, More, William, Stogumber „ William, Milverton ,, WilHam, Combflory ,, William, Stogumber ,, William, Bicknoller ,, WilHam, Stockland Bristoll ,, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton „ William, Stogumber ,, als. Boone, Edithe, Northepetherton ,, als. Boone, Mary, widow, Northpetherton ,, Boone als., see Boone als. Moore. Morcombe, John, Trull „ John, Donyett „ Richard, Dunster „ William, Kingston Mordle, Thomas, Westbagborow Morey, James, Taunton Magdalen ,, Morie, Joane, widow, Crewkerne ,, Mory, Richard, Wayford „ Richard, Merriott ,, Simon, Wayford „ , Mory als. Norris, Martha, Wayford Morgan, Agnes, Bridgwater „ Alice, widow, Minehead „ Anstice, spinster, Stogumber „ Charles, esq., Sheptonbeachamp „ Christopher, Stogumber ,, Edward, Northpetherton ,, Elizabeth, Shepton Beachamp ,, Giles, Canington ,, Henry, Misterton „ James, Stogursey „ John, Stockland Bristoll „ John, Lyng „ Judith, Bridgwater „ Richard, Winsford ,, Robert, Crewkerne ,, Robert, Dunster „ William, Mynehed ,, William, Charlinch ,, ah. Thomas, Giles, Canington „ als. Thomas, Grace, widow, Durleigh „ Thomas ah., see Thomas als. Morgan Morland, Martin, Taunton Magdalen Morle, Anne, widow, Ashpriors Christopher, Hilbuishoppes Dorothe, widow, Halse Edward, Chilton Helen, Hilbushoppes James, Halse Nathaniel, Overstowey Richard, Liddiard Lawrence Roger, Lidiard Lawrence William, Westbagborow Morles, John, Southpetherton Morley, Adam, Donyatt ,, Alexander, clerk, Elworthy ,, Morlye, Catherine, Spaxton ,, Jane, widow, Beer Crocombe S4 1630 56 1642 18 1664 105 1675 5 1689 76 1693 61 1719 56 1784 66 1784 16 1628 63 1666 '54* 1637 9* 1641 45 1684 53 1668 89 1767 75 1679 S4 1633 146 1720 62 1725 171 1731 '39 1716 8 '795 '5 1637 100 1700 72 '747 5' '749 78 1663 61 1762 3' 1721 45 1620 '57 1727 13S 1685 58 1743 27 1720 95 1671 '7 1736 30 '744 54* 1617 22 1774 28 1719 37 1680 130 1683 1 1728 4i 1635 25 1695 20 1789 48 1621 53 1674 59 1773 55 1710 94 1633 79 1761 150 1727 42 1670 53 173' 138* 1610 3 1714 Taunton Wills. 297 Morley, Joane, Spaxton „ Morlye, Joane, Bridgwater „ John, Overstowie „ John, the elder, clerk, Northpetherton ,, John, Northpetherton „ Katherine, Northpetherton ,, Morlye, Mark, Beerecrocomb „ Mary, widow, Beere-Crocombe „ Morlye, Richard, Beerecrocomb „ Richard, Beer Crocomb „ Roger, Beerecrocomb „ Morlye, Simon, Spaxton M orrell, John, (? Hil)busshopps „ John, Stogumber „ John, Stogumber „ John, Selworthy ., Peter, . . . nn „ Morell, Robert, Halse „ Morell, Symon, Westbagborow Morren, John, Bridgwater , Robert, Hilbishops „ Robert, Bridgwater ,, Sarah, Broadway „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Crickett Malherbe Morri . . . , Edithe, Crocombe Morrife, Christiane, Winseford Morris, Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Morrice, Edward, Bridgwater „ Edward, Crewkerne ,, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, Morrisse, George, Stogursey , Jane, Kingston „ Morrice, John, Winsford „ John, Milverton ,, Katherine, Northpetherton ,, Malachi, Bishops Hull „ Morrisse, Margaret, Pitmister „ Marie, Northpeatherton „ William, Northpetherton. Morrish, Bernard, Kittisford ,, Christopher, Whitstaunton „ Francis, Stogursey „ Francis, Westmonkton „ Francis, Cothelstone ,, George, Bridgwater „ Isaac, Westbagborough ,, James, Taunton St. Mary M. „ John, Goatehurst „ John, Bishops Hull „ Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Mary, widow, Goathurst ,, Morrishe, Robert, Chedsey „ Robert, Ouerstowie ,, Thomas, Staple Fitzpaine ,, William, Northpetherton Morse, Abraham, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater „ Morsse, Avisse, Bridgwater „ Morsse, Bartholomew, Wembdon 55* 7 152* 1608 107 1623 i'5 1660 89 1694 71 1781 192* 1607 3 1661 17* 1608 16 1685 76 1635 215* 1610 14* 1619 64 1623 50 1640 1 1 1 641 15* 1619 55 1706 136 1675 '3 1724 53 1683 3 '739 16 1710 61 1709 139 1728 '5 1699 90* 1 91* 1623 54 1766 50* 1607 104* 1619 70 1765 99* 1607 42 1767 14 1611 112 1685 56 1750 6 1758 53* 6 45* 1 1 86 1675 79 1730 124* 1638 163 '730 83 1775 23 1784 173* 1622 64 1783 55 1798 49 1722 '3 1789 94 1694 61 1728 65* 1641 10 '64.3 44 1639 93 1694 3* 10 36* 1 106 1625 Taunton Wills. Morse, Catherine, widow, Northpetherton or Moss, Christian, widow, Halse Edward, Fitzhead Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater Ethelwin, Bridgwater Jane, widow, Northpetherton Joane, Ling John, Wembdon Morrse, John, Brushefbrd John, Northpeatherton John, Overstowey John, schoolmaster, Taunton Magdalen John, Taunton Magdalen John, Bridgwater Morsse, Juliane, Creeche Margaret, Porlocke Mary, widow, Bridgwater Nicholas, Donyatt Phillip, Halse Morrse, Richard, Mynehed Morsse, Roger, Westmonckton Rose, widow, Wembdon Sarah, spinster, Westbagborow Morsse, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Thomas, Taunton James Thomas, WTestbagburrow Thomas, Chedzoy Thomas, Chedzoy Thomas, Westbagborough Walter, Wembdon Morsse, William, Taunton Magdalen William, Dulverton William, Dulverton William, Northpetherton William, Northpetherton WiUiam, Westbagborow William, Ashbrittle Mortimore, John, Northpetherton Morton, Richard, Crewkerne Moses, Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Sarah, Nortonfitzwarren ,, WiUiam, Bradford ,, William, Bradford Moss, see Morse. Motley, Thomas, Lyng Mott, Matthew, Dunster Moulton, Edithe, Donyett ,, Henry, Northpetherton Mounke, Jasper, Ilebrewer Mounstevens, Alice, widow, Chedzoy ,, Mountsteeven, Anthony, Corfe , Mounsteven, Dorothy, widow, Nynehead . Mountstephen, George, Corfe ., Mountstephen, John, Corfe ., Mountsteeven, Richard, Chedsey , Mountstephen, Robert, Chedzoy „ Mountsteven, William, Corfe Mounter, George, Curry Rivel ,, Mountier, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Mountier, Richard, Bridgwater 64 1702 57 1700 59 1728 18 1727 '4 1678 7' 1696 40 1621 10* 1609 32* 1614 72 1640 1 1 1 1684 7' 1680/ 10S 1691 20 1707 56* 5 75 1 69 1 9 1696 38 1668 39 1721 14* 1613 23* 2 171 1640 119 1 69 1 '52 1624 102 1693 123 I70O' 36 1710 26 1716 59 '735 28 1629 72* 2 40 1674 42 1675 67 1693 32 1763 59 1766 1 '799' 86 1678 3' 1687 54 1741 66 1781 9 1685 '4 1729 69 173' 38 1781 108* 7 43 1775 77 1707 38 1710 63 1633 99 1720 53* 1607 18 1663 '7 1624 17 1740 86* 3 23 '787 22* 1615 58 1627 Taunton Wills. 299 Mountsheir, Dorothy, Bridgwater ,, Mounsher, John, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater Mow, William, Moncksilver Mowrie, William, Southpetherton Mudford, Anne, widow, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, Crewkerne „ John, Staplegrove ,, Rachell, Wootten Courtney ,, Thomas, Crewkerne Mulford, Edith, Northpetherton Mullens, Florence, widow, Bagborowe ,, Mullings, Francis, Westbagborow „ Francis, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Mullins, George, sen., Taunton James „ James, Spaxton or Bradford ,, Mullins, John, Canington „ John, West Bagborough ,, Lawrence, Bagborow ,, Mullins, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, MuUins, Richard, Westbagborough „ MuUins, Thomas, Westbagborow ., William, Bagburrowe ., Mullins, William, Canington ,, Mullins, William, Liddiard St. Lawrence „ Meadue als., see Meadue als. Mullens. Mumford, Richard, Crewkerne Munday, Mundaie, Agnes, Mylverton Monday, Alexander, Sampford Arundel Edward, Durston Mundaie, Joane, (? Ta)unton John, Sampford Arundle Mundy, Matthew, Taunton Magdalen Mundaye, Richard, Crewkerne Thomas, gent, Taunton Magdalen Mundy, Thomas, Creech William, Milverton Munden, Thomas, Taunton Munley, Richards ah., see Richards als. Munley. Munte als. Richards, Joane, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren Murcombe, Robert, Porlocke Murford, John, Broadway Murlace, Bernard, Thornefaulcon Murley, Barnaby, Otterhampton „ Christian, Merriott ,, Murly, Roger, Misterton Murlis, Henry, Taunton Magdalen Murry, Mary, Northpetherton „ Thomas, the elder, Cannington Musgrave, Alice, widow, Kingston „ Ann, Taunton Magdalen ,, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Edward, Westmonnkton „ Edward, gent, Westmonnckton ,, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, Elianor, widow, Creech „ Musgrove, Elizabeth, Westmonckton „ Elizabeth, widow, Hilbishops „ Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ George, Staplefitzpaine II 1742 12 1754 '3 1742 25 1758 42 1738 79 1703 '9 1761 7' 1773 '53 1724 8 1715 34 1797 13' 1632 79 1723 28 1794 60 1705 46* 1616 22 1687 97 1736 85 1643 102 1708 84 i77i 144 1720 127 1611 20 1688 78 1728 27 1668 36* 9 65 1734 28 1643 62* 1608 89 1733 93 1729 9* 3 136 1717 9 1726 66 1674 108* 1607 78 1704 9' 1706 9 1666 iS 1753 118 1660 36 1756 35 1783 70 1784 65 1768 21 1746 45 1703 7' 1761 1 1 1721 185 1684 S9 1719 180 1727 30 1694 33 1621 66 1728 2 1777 66 177' 300 Taunton Wills. Musgrave, George, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, widow, Stoke-Mary ,, Hannah, widow, Wilton ,, Humphry, Kingston „ James, Taunton Magdalen ,, James, Taunton Magdalen ,, James, Ruishton „ Musgrove, John, Ristonn „ John, Taunton James ,, Musgrove, John, Kingston ,, John, Stogumber ,, John, Kingston „ Musgrove, John, Holeford „ John, Wilton ,, Musgrove, John, gent, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Holeford ,, John, Ruiston ,, Lawrence, Kingston „ Mar)', Ruishton „ Nathaniel, Seavington Mary „ Musgrove, Robert, Kingestone „ Robert, Northpetherton ,, Sarah, widow, Northpetherton ,, Musgrove, Thomas, Westmonnckton ,, Thomas, Kingston , Thomas, Kingston ,, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Holeford ,, Thomas, Riston „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Westmonckton „ William, Northpetherton Mutter, Isaac, Otterford „ John, Buckland St. Mary „ John, Otterford „ Susan, widow, Broadford Muttleberry, Edward, Donyatt „ John, Creech St. Michael Muxford, Marian, Liddiard Lawrence „ William, Liddeard Lawrence Muxom, Josias, clerk, Sampford Brett Napper, Edward, Durleigh ,, James, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Corfe „ Thomas, Michaell Church Nash, Naish, Joane, widow, Seavington St. Mary „ Naish, John, Drayton „ Nashe, Richard, Bridgwater ,, Samuel, ye elder, Northpetherton ,, Naish, Thomas, Seavington St. Mary Nashen, Sara, Northpetherton Natcott, Ann, Moncksilver Elizabeth, widow, Monnksilver John, Elworthy Margaret, Stogumber Margaret, Bagburrowe Nattcott, Rachell, widow, Monncksilver Nattcott, Richard, Monnksilver 57 1796 96 1700 142 1716 69 1678 94 1696 88 1736 32 1758 127 1632 125 1675 59 1683 93 1691 30 1695 24 1698 S7 1699 9S 1702 60 1704 64 1744 i/3 I&35 7' 1736 60 1759 108* 1618 72 1722 in 1727 27 1627 59 1680 61 1688 '5 1714 60 1717 89 1722 28 173° 76 1761 5i 1723 72 1768 7 1724 59 1784 Si 1635 39 1668 20 1762 58 1674 77 1669 40 1673 26 1759 "5 166 1 118 1630 53 1671 122 1728 57 1678 69* 10 75 1743 43 1770 '44 1631 43 '747 I03 1685 4i 1668 r8 1611 14* 1615 60 1725 87 1672 Taunton Wills. 301 Natcott, Thomas, Monksilver See also Notcutt. Nation, Nashion, Francis, Kingstone ,, Nashion, Henry, Northpetherton , Hugh, Kingeston ,, Joane, Kingeston ,, Joan, Clatworthie , Joan, Kingston ., John, Taunton James ., John, Langford Budvil ,. John, Halse ., Margaret, Northpetherton ., Mary, widow, Halse ., Rabidge, Wembdon ,, Richard, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Richard, Northpetherton „ Richard, Stogumber ., Nashion, Robert, Kingston ,, Robert, Halse ., Robert, Northpetherton ., Thomas, Canington ,, William, Withecombe ,, William, Stockland Bristoll „ William, Ashpriors Natt, Marie, Kingston Nayle, Walter, Taunton Magdalen Nayler, John, Kingeston Neale, Alexander, Bridgwater ,, Alice, Bridgwater ,, Christian, widow, Mynehead „ Elizabeth, Minehead , Joane, Dunster ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater Neclis, John, Linge Needs, Alee, widow, Bridgwater , Edward, jun., Bridgwater ,, Robert, Northpetherton „ Sarah, widow, Bridgwater Nelmes, Michael, Whitstanton Nelson, Stephen, clerk, Canington Nethercott, John, sen., Wembdon ,, Margerie, widow, Wembdon ,, Mary, widow, Winsford ,, William, Dulverton „ Coate ah., see Coate als. Nethercott Nevill, Alexander, Durston „ Nevell, Joane, Stokegursey New, Nicholas, Bridgwater „ Brewer als., see Brewer als. New. Newberry, Jane, widow, Creech Newcomen, Bridget, Taunton Magdalen „ John, clerk, Thornfaulcon Newell, George, Currey Rivell Newman, Abraham, Northpeatherton „ Jane, Bridgwater , Joane, widow, Curry Revell „ John, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Thurlebare „ Richard, Bridgwater 62 '733 116 1640 3* 1612 4i 1620 65 1626 62 1643 35 1780 72 1622 57 1668 55 1700 1 1633 70 1669 135* 1638 69* 6 40 1620 66 1773 89* 1646 23 1735 3' 1782 24 1664 64* 1613 124 1670 1 1680 '73 1632 44* 1612 55* 1609 57 1627 33* 2 77 1716 41 1792 67* 1609 76* 1609 8 1742 44 1620 '7 1675 4 1764 26 1718 8 '733 '36 1680 112* 1616 "3 1611 60 1635 145 1707 67* 7 26 1792 50* 9 17 1724 26 1674 9° 1781 58 1790 39* 1609 59 1643 2 1767 34 1672 5 1768 132 1707 6 1661 302 Taunton Wills. Newman, Sarah, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Hilbishops Newnam, Hugh, Stogumber „ Newnum, John, Stogumber Newport, Emanuel, Blaxoll, parish Enmer Newton, Agnes, Milverton Agnes, Trull Agnes, Curland Andrew, Wiihycombe Anne, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren Elizabeth, widow, Milverton Elizabeth, Milverton Francis, Taunton James Francis, Taunton Magdalen Francis, Crocombe George, Taunton Magdalen Giles, Sampford Brett Jame*, Milverton Joan, Taunton Magdalen John, Trull John, Milverton John, Wythycombe John, sen., Milverton John, Taunton Magdalen John, Nortonfitzwarren John, Taunton Magdalen John, Taunton Magdalen Mary, Southpetherton Nicholas, Bicknell Phillip, Milverton Phillippa, Northpetherton Richard, Bridgwater Robert, Wythycombe Robert, Southpetherton Thomas, gent, Ilebrewers Thomas, Taunton Magdalen William, Taunton James William, Crocombe Niches, Thomas als , see Thomas als. Niches. Nicholas, Alice, widow, Linge ,, Elizabeth, Taunton ,, Joane, Kiltonn „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Bridgwater „ Petronell, widow, Enmore „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Susanna, spinster, L\ ng Nicholls, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen ,, Brigett, Combflorie ,, Nic«>lls, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater ,, Nicholi, Edward, Brushford ,, EHzabeth, widow, Mynehead ,, Nicolls, Henry, clerk, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Uptnnn „ Nicolls, John, Upton „ J"hn, Dunster ,, Nichols, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicolls, Katheiine, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Katherine, White Lackington '9 1765 65 1727 97 1691 95 1687 118* 6 63 1622 66 1627 '5 1772 70 1749 82 173' 84 1727 107 1730 66 1692 97 1702 25 1725 136 1681 1 10 1697 55 1676 65 '749 59* 1613 76* 1617 '34 1675 73 1697 108 1714 99 1727 53 1766 78 1777 49 '749 9 1664 119* 1623 48 1679 2 1680 68 1686 102 1725 29 1701 63 1709 169 1730 23 '773 3 1637 9* 1607 17* 1617 "5 1700 '3 1676 5' 1661 109 1674 34 1712 42 1763 123* 7 '5 1671 '54 1635 62 1664 7 1687 82* 5 116 1630 "3 1687 '4 1758 Si '744 10 1724 120 1743 Taunton Wills. 303 Nicholls, Mary, Dinnington „ Nicolls, Nicholas, Canington ,, Nickles, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Nicolls, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Nicolls, Robert, Enmore ,, Nicholi, Robert, Duluerton „ Thomas, Upton „ Nicholi, William, Brusheford „ Nichols als. Crankland, John, Radington Noake, Margerie, Goatehurst Nobis, Christopher, Eastquantokshed ., Thomas, Fiddington Noble, Jane, Taunton St. James „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen Norcombe, Hannah, Minehead Norcott, George, Stogumber „ Robert, Bishop's Hull ,, William, Nortonfitzwarren „ Norcatt, William, Nortonfitzwarren Norden, Edith, widow, Otterhampton „ John, Stockland Bristow Norman, Agnes, Orchard „ Asenes, widow, Skilgate „ Alexander, Stogursey ,, Alexander, gent, Taunton Magdalen „ Ann, Kingston „ Catherine, widow, Stogursey „ Catherine, spinster, Skilgate „ Christian, Heathefield „ Christopher, Ashbrittle „ Edward, Skilgate ,, Edward, Skilgate „ Elenor, Bridgwater ,, Ellen, Milverton „ George, Monnksilver „ George, Monncksilver ,, Grace, Aishbritle „ Grace, widow, Northpetherton „ Gregory, Otterhampton „ Hugh, Orchard ,, James, Heathfeild „ James, Heathfeild „ James, Milverton „ James, Halse „ James, the younger, Nortonfitzwarren „ James, Exton „ James, Winsford „ Joane, widow, Wythiell „ John, Bradford „ John, Skilgate „ John, Otterhampton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Aishbrittle ,, Joseph, Islebrewers „ Josias, Bradford „ Marie, Bradford „ Mary, widow, Hilfarrence „ Mary, Nortonfitzwarren 33 1725 48 1634 146* 1610 81 1632 148 1635 48 1642 112 16S7 93* 8 6* 1623 108 1625 28 1633 53 1670 S3 1777 69 1689 '37 1707 89 1744 32 1790 99 1700 '3 1778 83 1663 59 '734 86 1663 186* 1635 6* 1 1 123 1669 198* 1638 81 1719 38 '799 109 1663 81 1696 59 1610 1 1690 98 1664 92 1688 4 1762 33 1772 82 1684 75 1694 34* 1644 88 1678 70* 1641 23 1623 49 1680 35 1709 33 1752 24 1769 49 1780 21 '79' 73 '795 61 1705 99* 1616 96 '713 80 1714 4 '739 1 1746 32 1777 4 1784 3> 1624 70 1707 48 1799 304 Taunton Wills. Norman, Patience, widow, Heathfield and Wellington ,, Richard, Kilve ., Robert, Aishbritle ,, Robert, Northpetherton ., Robert, Brumpton Regis ,, Robert, Huishchampflower ,, Samuel, Winsford „ Sarah, Cannington ,, Sarah, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Winsford ,, Thomas, Fidington ,, Thomas, Orchard ,, Thomas, Creech ,, William, Hilfarrence „ William, Southpetherton „ William, Fivehead Norris, Agnes, Chedsey ,, Agnes, Chedzoy „ Alice, Crewkerne „ Norrish, Anne, widow, Cutcombe „ Catherine, Wayford, parish Crewkerne ,, Norrishe, Charity, Chedsey „ Elizabeth, Currie Mallett ,, Elizabeth, widow, Wayford ,, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James „ George, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Giles, Pytmister ,, Giles, Wayford ,, Henry, Currey Rivell ,, Henry, Wayford ,, Norrishe, Hugh, Exford ,, Hugh, Misterton ,, Hugh, gent, Misterton , Joane, widow, Exford ,, Joane, Chipstable ,, John, Misterton „ John, Milverton ,, John, Chedzoy ., John, sen., Chedzoy „ John, clerk, Brushford ,, John, Donyatt „ Mary, Dunster „ Mary, widow, Sheptonbeachamp ,, (Matilde), Crewkerne „ Matthew, Wayford „ Matthew, Crewkerne „ Nicholas, Chipstable „ Ozias, Exford ,, Peter, Brumpton Regis ,, Norrish, Peter, Brumpton Regis „ Richard (or Ralph), Currie Rivell „ Richard, Misterton ,, Richard, Wythycombe ,, Norrisse, Robert, Curry Rivell ,, Robert, Currey Rivell , Norrish, Robert, Chipstaple ,, Robert, clerk, Brushford „ Robert, Wayford „ Robert, Curry Rivell ,, Susannah, Donyatt 43 1725 186* 1616 164* 1610 79 1677 4 1717 28 1785 60 1738 25 1781 39 1757 74 1635 5' 1684 122 1727 44 1728 37 1693 58 1756 32 1789 iS* 1 5' 1611 84 1626 26 1713 2* 1616 47 1624 91* 1638 "7 1708 41 1718 104 1725 26* 1614 '37 1716 57* 1607 149 1717 24 1632 59 1664 86 1728 3' 1665 22 1666 29 1628 104 1646 22 1681 20 1719 4 1746 29 '755 39 1674 72 1729 8 1630 '45 1683 20 1740 23 1662 67 1660 1 1 1689 9 1723 IQO 1638 82 1661 114 1691 27* 7 118* 1619 52 1642 6 1708 55 '735 22 1736 28 1780 Taunton Wills. 305 Norris, Thomas, Misterton „ Norrish, Thomas, Cutcombe „ William, Wotton Courtney „ Norries, WilHam, Misterton ,, William, Chipstaple „ William, Dulverton „ William, Wayford „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ WilHam, Exton „ Mory ah., see Mory als. Norris. Norse, Elizabeth, widow, Nynehead „ Thomas, Fivehead North, Agnes, widow, Clotworthie „ Noarth, Alice, Westbagborrow „ Edmund, Curland „ Edmund, Curland „ Edward, Chaffcombe „ Elizabeth, Staplefitzpaine „ George, Clotworthie „ Nourthe, Jasper, Bagburrowe „ John, Chafcombe „ Northe, John, . . . ington „ John, Liddiard Lawrence „ John, Chaffcombe „ Richard, Bagborow „ Samuel, Stogumber „ Thomas, Chaffcombe „ Thomas, Chaffcombe „ William, Westbagborough Northam, Catherine, Durston „ Richard, Westmonckton Northerne, Robert, Chilton Norton, John, Fivehead „ John, Fivehead „ Robert, Bicknaller See also Nurton. Nosse, Arthur, Kittisford „ Christopher, Taunton James „ Elizabeth, Bicknell, parish Staple „ Elizabeth, Taunton James ,, George, Milverton „ James, Taunton James „ John, Staplefitzpaine „ John, Miluerton .„ Marie, Staple Fitzpaine „ Oliver, Staple „ Peter, Westmonnckton „ Robert, Heathfield „ William, Buckland Marye „ William, Fivehead Nossiter, John, Hatchbeachamp Notcott, John, Stogumber See also Natcott. Notley, Joan, Chillington Nott, Hugh, Ashbrittle „ John, Aishebritle „ John, Ashbrittle ,, Joseph, Creech St. Michael ,, Margaret, Aishbritle „ Thomas, Aishbrittle "7 1622 23 1699 52* 1 197* 1622 52* 1614 25* 1619 77 1723 100 1743 42 1764 96 1672 60 1681 15' 1632 151* 1638 16* 1740 64 1741 29 1640 43 1791 53 1627 113* 1616 '7 1699 152* 1607 5° 1721 11 '735 5 1621 5' 1798 30 1640 23 1744 in 1733 62* 8 64* 1641 23 1664 61 1694 21 1695 68* 1627 3'* 1613 185* 1616 96* 4 72 1623 53 1668 112 1688 21 1629 n* 1646 2 1631 72* 4 20 1626 1 1635 140 1637 '7 1715 21 '735 89 1633 24 1778 2 1665 169 1610 3 169^ 12 1780 1 48 1622 2 1661 306 Taunton Wills. NoweU, Alexander, Northpetherton „ Edgar, Northpetherton „ Edgar, Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Northepetherton „ EHzabeth, Westmonckton „ Jasper, Northepetherton „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Westmonckton „ Mabell, widow, Thurloxton „ Richard, Thurloxton „ Richard, Thurloxton „ Thomas, Northpetherton Nowess, Thomazine, Ilton Nunney, Andrew, Durlye „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton Nurcomb, Bartholomew, Treburrow ,, Nurcombe, John, Porlock „ Nurcombe, Nicholas, Luxburrowe „ Nurcombe, Robert, Cutcombe Nurdon, John, Milverton Nurse, George, Curry Rivell Nurthe, Agnes, Westbagburrowe „ John, (? Bic)knell Nurton, Alice, Bicknaller „ Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Linge „ Henry, Curry Revell ,, Joane, widow, Bicknoller „ Margaret, Bridgwater ,, Philippe, widow, Fiffett „ Thomas, Fifehed „ William, Northepetherton See also Norton. Nutcombe, John, Aishbritle „ Richard, Taunton Nuton, John, Crocombe Nutt, John, Milverton (fragment) „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Bridgwater Oake, Anthony, Pitmister „ Dorothy, widow, Pitmister „ Michael, Miluerton „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Pitminster „ William, Kingestonn Oatway, Joshua, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Nettlecombe „ Mary, Nettlecombe „ Sarah, Bishops Hull „ William, Nettlecombe See also Otey. Odell, Elizabeth, Taunton St. James „ Odiell, John, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, Taunton James Odery, William, Bishops Hull 1650 63 1702 74 1667 67 1664 IOI 1622 85 '755 24 1624 44 1791 85 1777 '47 1670 45 1622 129 1720 92 1680 46 '743 m* 1614 85 1680 1 10 1667 25 1646* 53* 1615 29 '73' 125* 1611 36 173' 60* 1615 182* 1610 47 1636 5' 1766 O2 1610 3 1646 38 1694 9 1675 6 88 1641 78* 4 120 1622 '4 1641 37 1611 22 1643 — 12 '4 1702 5 1790 '3 1740 49 1774 88 1687 100* 2 57 1682 47 1686 106 1620 52 1741 57 1744 25 1770 11 1767 96 1728 92 "1742 63 1678 84 1721 122 1716 4 1796. Taunton Wills. 307 Odford, John, Northpetherton Odree, Robert, Chedzoy Offield, Francis, Bridgwater „ Offeild, John, Bridgwater Oines, Thomas, Wootten Courtney Oland, Allice, Luckham „ Ilett, Porlock „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, jun., Porlock „ Margaret, widow, Upton „ Robert, Northpetherton ,, Samuel, Upton „ Symon, Taunton Magdalen „ Symon, Porlocke „ William, Nynehed „ als. Taller, Simon, Durston See also Woollen. Old, Anna, widow, Henton St. George „ Edward, Dinington „ Joan, widow, Dynnington „ Joane, Creech „ John, Milverton ,, John, Creech 1647 „ Mary, spinster, Langford Budvill Oldford, Anne, widow, Curry Revell „ Olferd, Edward, Curri Rivell „ Oldvord, Joan, Ileabott „ Olford, Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ Olford, Juliane, „ Olford, Robert, Curri Rivell „ Roger, Crewkerne Oldman, Cicilie, widow, Crocombe „ Galfry, Crocombe „ Lawrence, Westbagborough „ Mary, widow, Westbagborrow „ William, Crocombe See also Olmand. Oldmixon, Elianor, widow, Bridgwater Oliver, Christiane, Porlock „ Gilbert, Enmore „ Henry, Wythypoole „ Joane, Lidiard Laurence „ Joane, „ John, Kingeston „ John, Kitnor als. Culbone „ Olliver, John, . . . ton „ Olliver, John, Ouerstowie „ John, Bridgwater „ Oliver, Peter, Corffe „ Peter, Pitmister „ als. Langdon, John, Northpetherton Olmand or Oldman, Robert, Currey Rivell Olverd, Marie, Ileabbott Onslo (?), see Owsley. Orchard, Hugh, Nynehed „ James, Ileabbotts „ James, Ileabbotts „ Jane, widow, Luxburrow „ John, Staplegrove „ Mary, widow, Ileabbott 40 1790 28 1669 '7 '729 23 1728 140 '683 4' 1799 39 1791 125 1683 64 1776 125 1716 76 1674 100 1696 107 1674 S3 1690 '3 1624 59 1660 60 173' 37 1662 3' 1635 '9 1662 38 1633 7 7 12 5' 1703 29 1680 26 1634 85 1625 44 1694 95* 6 109* 1641 20 1778 92 1639 105 1632 84 1643 188 1664 55 1635 '5 1689 118* 1608 46 1 69 1 '3' 1700 19* 5 79* 5 4* 1619 '3 1623 45* 1636 '39* 1638 2 1766 '7 1665 40 '794 123* 6 56 1626 24 1638 19* 1617 54 I7'3 23 1752 62 1697 73 1773 70 1728 3o8 Taunton Wills. Orchard, Nicholas, Staplefitzpaine „ Robert, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Robert, Crickett St. Thomas „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Luxburrow „ William, Trull Organ, John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater Ormerod, Richard, Nortonfitzwarren Orum, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Oram, John, Taunton Magdalen Osborne, Christopher, „ Osborn, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Hugh, Sheptonbeachamp „ Osburne, Joane, widow, Kingston ,, John, Bridgwater ,, Melia, Bridgwater ,, Nicholas, Kingeston ,, Roger, Crewkerne „ Osburne, Roger, Taunton „ Osburne, Roger, Crewkerne „ Theophila, widow, Taunton James „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Chellington ,, Osborn, William, Bridgwater Osier, Adam, Chedsey ,, Ostler, Christian, Taunton Magdalen ,, Ostler, John, Chedzoy „ John, Bridgwater „ Ostler, Mary, widow, Curry Revell „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater Osment, Joan, Minehead Osmond, Dorothy, widow, Stogumber ,, Grace, widow, Otterford „ Robert, Ashbrittle „ Osmund, Thomas, Bicknaller ,, Osmund, Thomas, Otterford Osmonton, Francis, gent., Taunton Magdalen Otway, see Otey. Otye, Edithe, widow, Linge „ Otey, Henry, Linge „ Otey or Otway, John, Lynge „ Otty, John, Ling ,, Otey, Stephen, Linge „ Otey, Thomas, Linge See also Oatway. Overy, Agnes, widow, Northpetherton Owen, Agnes, Bicknaller „ John, Bicknaller „ John, Milverton „ John, Wembdon „ John, Milverton „ Richard, Milverton „ Robert, Milverton ,, Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ WilHam, Milverton „ William, Milverton Owsley, Edith, widow, Trull III 1717 82 1707 9 '735 44 1786 35 '759 67 1787 '7 1678 12 1700 86 1669 167 1685 105 1691 33* 1616 '3 1784 118 1670 57 1667 16 '755 7 1781 52* 3 41* 1644 36* 1616 36* 1645 172 1685 10 1731 60 1643 4 1780 45 1641 40* 5 '9 1693 9 1742 35 1687 5 1765 6 1741 32 1769 105 1669 87 1706 1 1772 '35 1625 40 1705 105 1714 '5 1620 68* 8 60 1633 21* 1645 54* 10 159* 7 73 1668 S 1611 26* 4 20 1638 1S5 1685 48 1765 42 1789 4i 1786 73 1680 72 1789 50 1750 34 1790 121 1663 Taunton Wills. 309 Owsley, Owslye, Edward, Crewkerne Elizabeth, spinster, Sheptonbeachamp Owslye, George, Crewkerne James, Pitmister Owslye, John, Southpetherton John, sen., Georgehenton Owslie, John, Georgehenton Lawrence, Goathurst Martha, Broadway Mary, widow, Curry Rivell Rebecca, widow, Buckland Mary Robert, Southpetherton Owslye, Roger, Chellington Thomas, Curry Rivell William, Henton St. George William (? Onslo), Buckland Mary William, Capland Oxenham, Henry, Winsford Henry, clerk, Winsford William, sen., Winsford Padden, Elizabeth, Stringstone „ Paddon, George, Stringstone ,, Paddon, George, Stogursey ,, James, Thurloxton „ Paddon, John, Crocombe „ John, Stringstone ,, Paddon, John, Stringstone „ Paddon, Thomas, Dunster Paddock, James, Drayton „ John, Currey Rivell Page, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Bridgwater „ Margery, widow, Bridgwater „ Samuel, Hinton St. George „ Susanna, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Nortonfitzwarren „ Thomas, Chillington „ William, Stratton, parish Southpetherton Painter, John, sen., Merriett „ Raynie ah., see Raynie als. Painter. Palfrey, Ann, Langford Budvill ,, als. Lawrence, Catherine, Brodwaie ,, Palfry, Eve, Westbagborow „ Palfry, Henry, Westbagborough „ James, Westbagborow „ James, Westbagborough ,, Palfrie, Margaret, Brodwaie „ Robert, Brumpton Ralph „ Palfrie, Simon, Milverton „ Palfrie, Simon, Milverton „ Paulfrie, William, „ Palfrie, William, Brodwaie „ William, Westbagborow Pa'mer, see Palmer. Palmer, Agnes, Dolishwaike „ Alexander, Luxburrow ,, Ann (or Agnes), widow, Northpetherton 2 1628 147 1727 79 1630 "4 1684 61* 1610 1618 85* 1619 74 1720 10 1769 33 1666 10 1706 1 1 1 1716 1* 1614 34 1666 47 1664 22 1685 10 1766 70 1709 189 1727 127 1704 82 1710 '43 1730 79 1764 166 1730 88 1640 "3 1707 43 1797 88 1726 25 '793 66* 1612 105 1708 22 1713 '5 1719 23 1769 "7 1716 121 1677 So 1724 33 1764 '5* 1616 8* 1618 38 1761 27* 1612 88 1767 22 '753 47 1757 70 1778 109* 3 12 1767 '3 1630 1 1634 19* 10 22* 1612 126 1706 5 1622 75 1661 33 1646 3io Taunton Wills. Palmer or Pa'mer, Anne, widow, Cutcombe „ Barnard, Staplegrove „ Charity, Swell ,, Dorothy, spinster, Cutcombe ,, Edith, widow, Crewkerne ,, Edward, Dowlishwake „ Edward, Milverton ,, Elianor, spinster, Whitstaunton „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Misterton „ Elizabeth, Ashbrittle „ Emma, widow, Crewkerne ,, George, Taunton James ,, Giles, Cutcombe „ Grace, Milverton ,, Gregorie, Westquantoxhed „ Gregory, Westquantoxhed „ Plannah, widow, Crewkerne „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Henry, Crewkerne ,, Henry, Misterton „ Joane, Moncksilver „ Joane, Bicknell, parish Staple „ Joan, Crewkerne „ Joane, Milverton „ John, Brodwaie „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Chafecomb ,, John, Wembdon „ John, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Chafecombe ,, John, Crewkerne ,, John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Crewkerne ,, John, jun., Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne ,, John, Nortonfitzwarren „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Pitmister „ John, Ashbrittle „ John, Misterton „ Juliane, Chafecomb „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, Chedzoy „ Nathaniel, Stawleigh „ Peter, Bridgwater „ Richard, Northepetherton „ Richard, Dunster „ Richard, Milverton ,, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Stawley „ Robert, Clotworthie ,, Robert, Crewkerne ,, Robert, Taunton James „ Sarah, Stawley „ Thomas, Bicknell 27 1724 127 1670 "5 1621 28 173' 36 1690 73 1611 52 1736 123 1706 127 16S3 74 173' 1 1740 36 1713 89 1671 8 '738 51* 1613 138* 1616 '45 1663 42 1704 '23 1632 '3 1636 38 1790 93* 1607 53* 1613 83 1646 42 '739 59* 1 9* 1618 '5' 1624 '49 1669 47 1679 26 1688 49 1694 3° 1696 5' 1707 '3 1708 33 1724 '3 '756 16 1762 36 1772 63 '777 35 1785 53 1792 7 '795 46 1799 68* 1608 '3 1646 87 1719 iS '739 124 1728 1 1 1798 '5 1623 87 1637 60 1668 '54 1670 85 1729 38* 1608 27 1693 43 1718 So 1773 25* 10 Taunton Wills. 3 1 1 Palmer, Thomas, sen., Stawleigh „ Thomas, Curry Revell „ Thomas, Stawley „ Thomas, Misterton „ Thomas, Stawley ,, Thomas, Stawley „ Thomas, Crewkerne ,, William, Trull „ William, Seavington Marie „ William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne ,, William, Cannington Palpitt, Richard, Curreymallet Pardon, Edward, Cheddon Pare, George, Mynehead „ William, Pitmister Parish, Parrish, see Parris. Park, Edward, Spaxton „ als. . . . man, (Henry?), Parker, Anne, widow, Misterton „ Edmund, Selworthie „ Edward, Crewkerne „ Edward, Crewkerne „ Elizabeth, Withiecomb „ Gresagan, widow, Taunton „ Hugh, Taunton Magdalen „ Jane, widow, Chedzoy „ Joane, Crewkerne „ Joane, Crewkerne „ John, Misterton ,, John, Mynehead „ John, Doddington „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ als. Tucker, John, Crewkerne „ Matthew, Crewkerne „ Nicholas, Pitmister „ Richard, Misterton „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Roger, Misterton „ Samuel, Milverton „ Thomas, Estquantoxhed „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, South Petherton (guardianship) „ William, Kingston ,, Keeper ah., see Keeper als. Parker. „ Tucker ah., see Tucker als. Parker. Parkes, Richard, Currymallett Parkins, Bartholomew, Enmer „ John, Ileabbott „ Thomazine, Spaxton „ Parkyns, William, Spaxton Parkman, John, Nettlecombe „ Margerie, widow, Nettlecombe Parramore, Agnes, widow, Luccombe „ Paramore, Hugh, Luccomb „ John, Luccombe „ Paramore, John, Stokeperow „ Lewes, Stockpirrow 75 1702 29 1711 68 1744 66 1746 54 1756 58 1778 20 1780 86* 4 4 1622 88 1666 '5 1695 10 1726 12 1796 3'* 9 40 1730 93 1707 1* 4 76* 1627 10* 2 64 1722 61* 1616 1 1 '734 20 '739 22 1620 96 1639 1 12 1626 24 1691 C2* 1616 '9 1665 So 1635 38* 1641 45 1678 22 1780 18 1786 123 1624 25 1676 93 1678 56 1666 36 1718 39 1701 45 1734 70* 7 "3 1688 52a '754 66 '73' 27 1722 118 1625 88 1637 53* 4 20* 1608 78 1724 88 173' 81 1641 19* 3 100 1631 40 1782 119 1694 3 1 2 Taunton Wills. Parramore, Paromore, Mary, Stockperowe „ Mary, widow, Porlocke „ Paramore, Nicholas, Stockpearow Parrett, Gregory, Overstowey „ Joane, widow, Brompton Ralphe „ William, Taunton ,, William, Langford Budvil Parris, Edmond, Hatchbeachamp „ Edmund, Hatchbeachampe „ Parish, Francis, Lydiard St Lawrence „ Parrish, Henry, Brushford „ Henry, Milverton „ Parrish, Jane, Milverton „ Joane, widow, Miluerton ,, Joane, widow, Milverton „ Parrish, John, Exton „ Paris, Julian, Chedzoy „ Lewes, Milverton „ Lewis, Milverton „ als. Parrish, Lewis, Milverton „ Parish, Margaret, widow, Milverton ,, Peter, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Milverton „ Samuel, Hatchbeachamp „ Thomas, Whitstannton „ Thomas, Ileabbott „ Parish, Winifred, spinster, Bishops Lyddeard Parrish, see Parris. Parrock, Parricke, Joane, Whitstanton „ Richard, Whitestanton Parry als. Hitch, John, Taunton Magdalen Parse, Robert, Lukham Parsley, Susannah, Puckington ,, WilHam, Barrington Parsmore, Roger, Withipoole „ Parsemore, Valentine (VaUington), Selworthy Parsons, Agnes, widow, Pitmister ,, Agnes, widow, Hilbishops ,, Ames, Hilbishopps „ Amie, Beercrocombe „ Amos, Bishopshull „ Andrew, Spaxton „ Andrew, Spaxton „ Anne, widow, Oake „ Ann, Bridgwater „ Arthur, gent, Canington „ Arthur, Hilbishops „ Benjamin, Crocombe „ Benjamin, Bicknoller „ Catherine, widow, Skilgate „ Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Christopher, Oake ,, Edmund, Sampford Arundle „ Parsonn, Edward, Kingeston ,, Edward, Oake „ Edward, Hilbishops ,, Edward, Durleigh ,, Elizabeth, Oake „ Francis, Taunton Magdalen ,, George, Northpeatherton 32 1641 103 1724 67 1737 39 1682 178* 1616 50* 7 106 1640 47 1702 56 1716 40 1761 5 1663 70 1674 34 1741 10 1639 40 1679 66 1707 5 '753 5' 1665 75 1680 46 1627 68 1674 3' 1745 87 1681 42 1740 66 1695 61 1700 '53 1684 216* 1638 106 1622 '54 1660 37 1732 63 1739 '3 1730 '57 1621 106 1700 n 1644 43 1699 28 1686 33 . 1640 9 '755 '36 1684 106 1706 65 1671 10 1742 '5 1691 23 1698 24 1661 20 1764 61 1689 188* 1638 8S 1663 66 1761 56* 8 86 1662 58 1700 58 1720 194* 1607 84 1676 84* 1646 Taunton Wills. 3 1 Parsons, George, Northpetherton „ George, sen., Ileabbott „ George, Northpetherton „ George, Creech „ Grace, widow, Langford Budvill „ Grace, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Sampford Arundell ,, Henry, Northpetherton „ Isotte, Bridgwater „ Jacob, Islebrewers „ James, Bradford „ Joane, Oake „ Joane, widow, Kingston „ Joane, widow, Bicknoller „ Joane, widow, Langford Budvill „ Joane, widow, Hilbishopps „ Joan, Bicknoller „ Joan, Northpetherton „ Parson, John, Pitmister „ John, Bicknaller ,, Parson, John, Kingston „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Bicknoller ,, John, Pitmister „ John, Crocombe „ John, Bradford „ John, Charlinch ,, John, Bicknoller „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Bicknoller „ John, Beercrocombe ,, John, Kingston ,, John, Bishops Hull „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Joseph, Northpetherton „ Marie, widow, Hilfarrence „ Mary, widow, Beerecrocomb „ Mary, widow, Crocombe ,, Mary, Bridgwater „ Moses, Spaxton „ Moses, Spaxton „ Moses, Charlinch „ Richard, Taunton James „ Parson, Richard, Langford Budfild „ Richard, Ileabbott „ Richard, Currymallett ,, Richard, Oake „ Richard, Oake „ Robert, Staplegrove „ Robert, Bicknaller „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Robert, Thorne Margaret „ Robert, Northpetherton „ Robert, Stogumber „ Samuel, Taunton James „ Samuel, Buckland St. Mary „ Susanna, widow, Northpetherton „ Tacy, widow, Canington „ Thomas, Ouerstowie „ Thomas, Beerecrocombe 104 1684 66 1717 82 1725 21 1767 3' 1686 72 1737 94 1664 106 1670 88* 1614 27 1798 12 1722 '5 1 64 1 65 1661 1 1673 67 16S0 33 1689 6 1746 32 '794 173* 1625 2 1640 112 1640 1648 27 12 5 1661 S3 1677 59 1685 1 1 1690 16 1 70 1 7 171a "5 1727 4 '736 3 '749 41 1776 8 179' 48 1797 55 1777 38 1635 5° 1636 34 1660 20 1720 68 1665 S3 1693 20 1742 118 1611 9 1633 128* 1638 2S 1666 96 1680 4' 1634 12* 1 73* 8 So 1688 109 1688 5' '759 56 1792 40 1718 9 1778 96 1694 3° 1708 4* 7 29 1624 3 1 4 Taunton Wills. Parsons, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Hilbishops ,, Thomas, Taunton James ,, Thomas, Charlinch „ Thomas, Taunton St. Magdalen ,, Thomas, Islebrewers „ William, Pitmister ,, William, sen., Trull ,, William, Bicknaller „ William, Trull ,, William, Pitmister „ William, Northpetherton „ William, Bicknoller ,, William, Northpetherton „ William, Bridgwater Partridge, Elizabeth, widow, Misterton „ Nathaniel, Misterton „ Robert, Misterton „ Sarah, Crewkerne „ William, Crewkerne Pasky, Clarke als., see Clarke als. Pasky. Passemore, Joane, widow, Cutcombe ,, Pasmore, John, Cutcombe „ Pasmore, Margaret, Minehead ,, Passmore, Michael, Wythypoole „ Pasmore, Richard, Mynehead ,, Pasmore, Sollomy, widow, Withypool „ Passmoore, Walter, Withipoole ' Patch, Isabella, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton ,, John, Southpetherton „ Nicholas, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Patricke, Joan, Minehead Patten, Edward, Crewkerne „ Frances, Taunton Magdalen „ Hugh, Bradford ,, John, ye younger, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Misterton ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Margaret, Bradford ,, Mary, widow, Stogumber „ Mary, spinster, Misterton ,, Robert, Southpetherton Pattimore, John, Merriott Patwyn [sic], Juliane, Ilebruers Paull, Alice, Buckland Mary „ Pawle, Edithe, Merriett „ Paul, Edmund Perris, Donyatt „ Paul, Francis, Beercrocomb „ Pawle, George, Bridgwater „ Paul, George, Hatchbeachamp „ Paul, Grace, Westmonckton „ Paule, Henry, Minehead ,, Henry, Westmonnckton „ James, Ileabbotts „ Paul, Jane, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, Joane, widow, Crewkerne „ Pawle, John, Crewkerne „ John, Mynehead 72* 1618 62 1678 118 1714 43 1730 7' '737 32 1765 39* 1616 4 1638 180* 1638 '3 1643 72 167 1 9' 1681 7 1722 54 '744 7 1769 30 1705 58 1690 S3 1727 16 1798 16 1756 18 1674 '3 1776 130 1621 70 1686 76 1697 182 '727 39 1636 '53 1640 93 1722 60 1792 29 1637 39 1673 '5' 1637 iS 1785 79 1771 '3 1693 64 '749 76 1724 42 '757 4 1726 125 1720 95 1730 1 10 1706 48 1784 149* 1611 8 1702 101* 6 21 '795 4 1730 40 1622 38 1746 52 1763 73 1662 200 173° 3' 1701 67 '755 20 1698 26 1626 72 1632 Taunton Wills. 3 1 5 Paull, John, Southpetherton „ Paul, John, Merriott „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Puckington „ John, Stocklinch Ottersey „ Paul, John, Huishchampflower „ Paule, Joseph, Seavington Mary „ Paul, Joseph, Henton St. George „ Paul, Joseph, Hatchbeachamp „ Martin, Crewkerne ,, Mary, widow, Seavington Mary „ Mary, spinster, Crewkerne „ Peter, Merriott „ Richard, Puckington „ Pawle, Robert, Southepetherton „ Robert, Pokington „ Paul, Robert, Puckington „ Robert, Southpetherton ,, Pawle, Stephen, Puckington „ Stephen, Westmonnckton „ Paul, Stephen, Westmonkton „ Symon, Curry Revell „ Pawle, Thomas, Stocklinche Magdalen „ Paul, Thomas, Seavington Mary „ Thomas, Seavington „ Thomas, Puckington „ Paul, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Pawle als. Hobbes, Thomas, Canington „ Pawle, William, Merriett „ Paul, William, Curry Mallett Paulpett, Helline, Curry Mallett Pavey, Pavy, Adam, Creech „ Benjamin, Westmonnkton „ Pavie, Elianor, widow, Langford Budvill „ Pavie, Elizabeth, widow, Creech ,, Simon, Whitstanton Paviott, John, Barington „ Jonas, gent, Taunton James Paviour, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Hatchbeachamp „ Mary, Creech St. Michael „ Pavior, Sarah, spinster, Taunton James ,, Pavior, William, Creech St. Michael „ William, Creech St. Michael Pawgus, Henry, Chedzoy „ Pawgoose, Joane, Chedsey ,, John, sen., Chedsey Pawpitt, Christian, Currey Mallett Payne, Ann, Taunton Magdalen „ Paine, Christopher, Bridgwater „ Florence, Taunton ,, George, Mynehead „ Paine, Henry, Stogumber „ Paine, John, sen., Taunton „ Paine, John, Ruishton „ Pain, Joseph, Charlinch „ Paine, Joseph, Otterhampton „ Paine, Mary, widow, Northpetherton „ Pawlett, gent, Westmonnckton 76 1699 45 '759 144 1670 38 1673 100 1725 23 '794 '3' 1684 4' 1750 3° 1761 34 1714 41 1673 33 1714 59 1702 126 1660 69 1625 21 1631 90 1663 90 1710 S4 1623 66 1701 86 1767 23 1696 57* 1616 48 1631 73 1703 9' 1716 119 1730 "7 1625 25* 7 8 1770 107* 6 3* 1631 116 1687 62 1677 39 1644 172 '73' 2 1697 '37 1720 77 1771 75 1776 28 1796 18 1783 '74 1730 21 1762 9 1782 25 1 701 105* 2 107* 1618 105* 1616 66 1792 12 1706 66 1611 9' 1632 100 1722 127* 6 65 '739 25 1768 44 1783 S3 1706 176 173' 316 Taunton Wills. Payne, Philip, Taunton „ Richard, Wembdon „ Richard, Mynehed „ Pain, Robert, Stockland Bristol „ Robert, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Paine, Ruth, widow, Taunton James „ Paine, Ruth, widow, Ruishton ,, Paine, Thomas, Thorne St. Margaret ,, Pain, Thomas, Cannington „ Paine, William, clerk, Stockland Bristol „ Paine, William, Lyddiard St Lawrence „ Paine, William, Ashbrittle Peace, Amos, Winsford „ Luce, Spaxton Peacocke, Benjamin, Curry Revell „ Peacock, Josiah, Taunton Magdalen Peake, Joane, widow, Monncksilver „ Robert, Sampford Brett Pearce, Agnes, Nynehed „ Agnes, Cutcombe „ Agnes, Mynehed „ Agnes, Taunton James „ Alice, Badialton „ Alice, Staplegrove 1649 „ Amos, Winsford ,, Andrew, Brushford „ Pearse, Anne, widow, Nynehead „ Anne, widow, Creech „ Ann, Stogumber „ Barnard, Taunton Magdalen „ Pearse, Benjamin, Wythypoole ,, Pearse, Bennett, Canington „ Pearse, Catherine, Winsford „ Christian, Minehead „ David, . . . burrow „ David, Winsford „ Pearse, Dorothy, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Taunton James „ Pearse, Edward, clerk, vicar of Pitmister „ Pearse, Elizabeth, Winsford ,, Elizabeth, widow, Cheddon „ Pearse, Elizabeth, widow, Seavington Michell ,, Ellen, widow, Wythypoole „ Pearse, Frances, spinster, Winsford „ Pearse, Francis, Exford „ Francis, Minehead „ George, Withiepoole ,, George, Southpetherton „ George, Wythypoole „ James, Badialton „ Peerce, James, Winseford „ James, Minehead „ James, Brushford „ Pearse, James, Badialton „ Pearse, James, Mynehead „ James, Sampford Brett „ James, Minehead „ Jane, Kilve ,, Joane, Merriett „ Peirce, Joane, Staplegrove 1648 109 1620 17* 1 53 1621 65 1756 42 1799 1 12 1664 72 1733 72 1776 '4 1782 98 1706 40 '759 2 1761 177 1685 37 1639 29 1714 77 '777 38 1701 136 1685 91* 4 45* 7 KO* 10 95* 1616 3'* 1612 7' 12 57 1797 5 1683. 73 1687 28 1696 46 1785 46 1673 179 1684 3' 1722 66 1623 83 1639 98* 7 79 1679 100 1740 161 1670 84 1713 1 1 1 1623 22 1661 49 1695 49 1673 66 1632 56 1704 45 1771 96* 1610 120 1669 9' 1719 75* 6 108* 1613 52 1644 5 1689 5 1694 56 1699 65 '775 53 1776 47 1750 92* 1619 38 12 Taunton Wills. 3 1 7 Pearce, Pearse, Joane, widow, Exton „ Joane, Mynehead „ Pearse, Joane, widow, Exton „ Pearse, Joane, widow, Winsford ,, Joane, widow, Wythypoole „ Joan, widow, Minehead ,, Joan, Sheptonbeauchamp ,, John, Swell ,, John, Kingestone „ John, Winsford ,, John, Crocombe „ John, Otterhampton ,, John, Exford „ John, Luxborrowe ,, Pearse, John, Milverton „ John, Wootten Courtney „ Pearse, John, Wythypoole „ Pearse, John, Exton „ Peirce, John, Drayton „ Pearse, John, Winsford ,, Pearse, John, Exford „ John, Milverton „ John, Exford ,, Peirce ah. Pearse, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Pearse, Jonas, Milverton „ Pearse, Joseph, Crewkerne „ Justiniane, Winsforde „ Margaret, Otterhampton „ Peirce, Margery, widow, Crocombe „ Marie, Chafecomb „ Marie, Brompton Regis „ Marie, widow, Taunton James ,, Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Pearse, Mary, spinster, Brushford „ Mary, widow, Selworthy „ Mary, Selworthy ,, Pearse, Mary, widow, Winsford „ Mary, widow, Crocombe ,, Pearse, Mary, Sampford Brett „ Michael, Cutcombe ,, Nicholas, Chaffcomb „ Nicholas, Exon. ,, Nicholas, Seavington Michell „ Nicholas, Winsford „ Pearse, Phillippe, widow, Wythypoole ,, Pearse, Philip, Wythypoole „ Richard, Badialton ,, Richard, Mynehed „ Richard, Taunton James „ Pearse, Richard, Huishchampflower ,, Peirce, Richard, Seavington Mary „ ah. James, Richard, Chafecombe „ Robert, Brompton Regis „ Peerce, Robert, Coombflorie „ Pearse, Robert, Exton „ Peirce, Robert, Goathurst „ Pearse, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Pearse, Roger, Kingsbrompton „ Silvester, Crocombe „ Peirce, Stephen, Henton St. George 60 1694 68 1688 47 1700 '3' 1716 78 1723 57 '733 39 1797 61* 10 158* 1608 103* 1609 54* 1610 19* 1613 55 1637 ' S3 1640 78 1683 126 1713 146 1717 43 1722 30 1750 46 1757 34 '773 58 '733 25 1787 165 1684 in 1685 '9 1740 79* 1614 50* 1619 43 1645 150* 1608 141* 1610 7i 1643 122 1675 5 1697 105 1697 57 1701 68 1712 23 1724 62 1784 7* 8 49 1636 54 1646 108 1683 89 1750 "5 1691 164 173' 102* 1607 17 161 1 53* 1614 49 1691 7S 1668 '35* 7 7* 1607 75* 1616 114 1622 62 1728 89* 1739 33 1787 '9 1664 27 1686 3 1 8 Taunton Wills. Pearce, Susan, widow, Southpetherton Peirce, Susanna, widow, Seavington St. Mary Thomas, Winsford Peirce, Thomas, Mynehed Thomas, . . . lverton Thomas, clerk, Ninehead Thomas, Badialton Pearse, Thomas, Winsford Thomas, Exford Thomas, Porlock Pearse, Thomas, Winsford Thomazine, Winsforde Pearse, Ursula, Winsford Walter, Minehed Walter, Halse Walter, Crewkerne William, Brompton Regis William, Winsford William, Stockland Bristoll William, Mynehead Pearse, William, Winsford Peirce, William, Kingston William, Minehead William, Winsford Pearse, William, Winsford Pearse, William, Exford Griffeth ah., see Pearce als. Griffeth. als. James, Alice, Chaffecombe Pears, Joan, Clatworthy Pease, Henry, Bridgwater Pecke, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Marrian, widow, Ristonn Peddle, Henry, Lynge Peeke, Elizabeth, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater „ John, Taunton James ,, Peke, Melior, widow, Sampford Brett Peether, Phillip, Thurloxton Penbrooke, William, Stogursey Penfold, Alice, widow, Bridgwater Pennel, Robert, Thurlbeare Penny, Edward, Stogumber „ Pennye, James, Chedsey „ Pennye, Joane, widow, Goatehurst „ Pennie, John, Goatehurst „ John, Stogumber „ John, ship " Heme " and Stogumber „ Peney, John, Stogumber „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Pennye, Richard, Ouerstowie „ Pennie, Robert, Fifehead „ Penney, Robert, Taunton James „ William, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Taunton Magdalen Pepper, John, Overstowey ,, Mary, Brompton Regis „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Pepperell, Joane, Langford Budvill Pepperhill, Humphry, Crocomb Peppin, Peppen, Catherine, Bicknaller „ Geoffry, Stogumber So 1671 90 • 1714 104* 1609 '74* 1610 52* 1618 94 1638 5' 1642 67 1712 25 1785 44 1790 62 1790 156* 1608 163 1622 106 1621 56 1706 25 '733 74* 2 66 1637 92 1700 76 1706 1 12 1708 36 1732 35 '754 S7 1771 53 1791 18 1797 70* 3 36 '743 30 1626 S6 1703 84 1667 45 1729 51* 8 38 1634 89 1704 Si 1671 35 1611 100 1633 56 1766 102 1697 17 1627 32 1630 125* 1618 66 1689 100 1713 S3 1768 68 1789 131* 1607 So* 4 87 1676 89 1764 69 1780 44 1686 5 1662 no 1714 5' 1620 in 1640 2 1636 73* 1609 Taunton Wills. 3*9 Peppin, George, Crocombe „ John'gent, Dulverton „ John, Hawkeridge „ Sydenham, Taunton Magdalen „ Theodore, Woolavington „ Peppen, William, Crocombe Peppinge, Agnes, Cutcombe Pepwall, Frances, widow, Bridgwater Percye, Elinora, Bridgwater ,, Percie, Elinore, Bridgwater Perham, Ginner ah., see Ginner als. Perham. Perker, Thomas, Withell Perkins, John, Exford „ Katherine, Spaxton „ William, Dunster Perren, Alice, widow, Spaxton „ Perren, Edward, Stogursey „ Peren, John, Southpetherton Perriam, Elizabeth, Hullbishop „ Periam, Mary, widow, Hilbishops „ Periam, Robert, Crocombe „ Periam, Susanna, Spaxton Perrim, Bartholomew, Spaxton „ Edward, Stogursey Perrin, Elizabeth, Dunster „ Perryn, James, Southpetherton Perrish, John, Milverton See also Parris. Perrott, Ann, Bradford „ Perratt, Bridget, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Perrett, Christian, Stawlie „ Perrett, Christian, widow, Staplegrove „ Perratt, David, Upton „ Perratt, Edward, Lyddiard St. Lawrence „ Perratt, George, Stogursey „ Perrat, George, Overstowey „ Perrat, Gregory, Stogursey „ Perratt, Hannah, Upton „ Perrett, Hugh, Skilgate „ Perrat, James, Crocombe „ Perratt, James, Nortonfitzwarren „ Perratt, James, Chipstable „ James, Dunster „ Perratt, Joan, Oake „ Perrat, John, Chipstable „ John, Oake „ Perrett, John, Chipstable „ Perratt, John, Chipstable „ Perratt, Luce, Aishbritle „ Perratt, Mary, widow, Upton „ Perratt, Nicholas, Stawlie „ Perratt, Richard, Nortonfitzwarren „ Perriott, Richard, Milverton „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Perratt, Robert, Bridgwater „ Perratt, Thomas, Norton „ Perratt, Thomas, Staplegrove „ Perratt, Thomas, Staplegrove „ Perratt, Thomas, Staplegrove „ Perratt, Thomazine, widow, Skilgate 1649 62 1620 48 1704 30 1792 55 1787 61 12 116 1632 40* 2 5 1664 Q2* 1627 71 1629 18 1634 3' 1780 '55 '73° 74 1625 3' 1642 95 1615 58 1786 29 1734 4' 1699 24 1774 29 1644 117* 1641 109 1667 60 1730 29 1718 36 1698 '9 1764 3' 1756 89* 1609 38 1636 '3° 1690 27 1752 1 1 1 1678 99 173' 36 1763 87 1750 95 1706 178* 1638 74 1668 21 1681 5' '73' 61 '744 47 1639 87 1697 8 1712 '9 1717 94 1635 63 1712 6* 1 126 1631 109 1646 "4 1727 22 1730 102* 2 37 1625 "5 1663 148 1684 "3 '73' Taunton Wills. Perrott, Perrett, Thomas, Overstowey „ Thomas, Kingsbrompton „ Perrett, Thomas, Stogursey „ Perrat, William, Stogursey Perry, Perrie, Andrew, Bridgewater „ Ann, Stockland Bristol „ Ann, Bridgwater ,, Dyonesius, Wembdon ,, Edith, widow, Overstowey „ Edward, Milverton ,, Jane, widow, Wembdon ,, Perrie, Joane, widow, Nynehed ,, John, Crewkerne ,, John, Chellington ,, John, Sampford Arrundell ,, John, Sampford Arundell „ John, Taunton St. James „ Marie, Langfordbudfild „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Rebecca, Cheddonfitzpaine ,, Richard, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Langford Budfild ,, Roger, Donyet „ Samuel, gent, Taunton Magdalen ,, Sarah, Dowlishwake „ Symon, Curry Mallett ., Thomas, Fivehead ,, Thomas, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Thomas, Stockland Bristoll ,, Thomas, Ninehead ,, Thomas, Cheddonfitzpaine Persey, Elizabeth, Canington Peryman, Elizabeth, Taunton St. James Pester, James, Holford „ Philip, Ilebrewers ,, Robert, Hinton St. George ,, WilHam, Cannington „ William, Dulverton Peter, James, Langford Budvill „ Peeters, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Peeter, Thomas, Langford Budfild Petten, Edward, Fivehead ,, Hugh, Curry Revell „ Hugh, Fivehead ,, John, Fivehead „ John, Corfe „ Richard, Curry Revell ,, Susannah, Bishops Hull Pettitt, James, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater Pettrum, Agnes, Chafecomb „ George, Chafecombe Petty, Joane, Liddiard Lawrence Petwin, Francis, Curry Revell „ Francis, Curry Revell ,, Grace, widow, Curry Revell Pexford, Peter, Crewkerne Phelps, Abraham, Porlocke „ Abraham, Porlock „ Phelpes, Agnes, Merriett 78 '743 36 1778 5S 1792 7S 1764 '4 1660 73 1744 5 1796 "5 1708 69 1693 7' 1714 122 1704 96 1630 40 1660 30 1661 "5 1670 122 1672 76 1771 94 1639 53 1738 20 1759 IOI 1672 63 1637 73 1622 128 1680 24 1787 27 1666 55 1661 24 1700 86 1733 39 '735 10 1758 37 1678 52 1772 56* 7 69 1728 17 1758 56 1640 37 1781 32 1679 85* 1627 '67 1619 '5 1718 35 1660 53 1663 5' 1673 6 1737 34 1687 5 1746 12 1723 2 1679 6* 1616 52"* 1615 54 1666 28 1714 33 1722 '9 1723 7 '7'5 100 '724 75 1781 122* 1607 Taunton Wills. 321 Phelps, Phelpes, Agnes, Porlock .36* 1610 „ Agnes, widow, Luckham 75 1670 „ Agnes, widow, Porlocke 90 1706 „ Elizabeth, Curry Rivell '9 '773 „ Phelpes, George, Selworthie 66* 5 „ George, Drayton 44 1714 „ German, sen., Chellington 27 1711 „ Giles, Dowlishwake 23 1783 „ Grace, widow, Porlock 76 1636 ,, Henry, Porlocke 61 1636 „ Henry, Luckham 95 1685 „ Phelp, Joan, Stogumber 7' 1771 „ Phelpes, John, Merriett 81 1623 „ Phelpes, John, Selworthy '7 1643 „ John, Northpetherton 55 1665 „ John, Northpetherton 49 1679 „ John, Merriott 52 1719 ,, John, Porlocke 64 1719 ,, John, Selworthy 126 '73' „ John, Porlocke 68 1736 „ John, Drayton 25 '747 „ John, Bridgwater 2 1783 „ Phelp, Margaret, Mynehed 116* 7 ,, Phelpes, Margarete, Chilton 78* 1609 „ Margaret, Porlock 62 '773 ., Mary, widow, Northpetherton 76 1663 „ Phelpes, Richard, Stogumber 28 1620 „ Richard, Crewkerne 6 1766 „ Phelpes, Robert, sen., Porlock 64* 1616 „ Phelpe, Robert, Selworthie 3' 1643 „ Robert, Lopon 86 1720 „ Robert, Porlock 57 '737 „ Samuel, Bridgwater 2 1769 „ Phelpes, Thomasine, Linge 41* 1610 „ Phelpes, Walter, Stocklinch Ottersey '75 1640 „ Phelpes, William, Meriett 62* 4 „ Phelpes, William, Chiltoun 39* 8 „ William, Stogumber 7S 1622 ,, William, Crewkerne 32 1706 ,, Phelpes als. Comer, John, Dowlishwake 24* 1612 Phillips, see Philps. Philpott, James, Dunster 33 '755 „ Jenkin, Dunster 45 1766 „ Margaret, widow, Dunster 63 1707 „ Mary, Sampford Brett 77 1702 „ Mary, widow, Sampford Brett "7 '73' Philps or Phillips, Abraham, Upton '43 1724 „ Philippes, Agnes, Orchard 170* 1610 „ Phillips, Collard (or CoUett), Westmonnckton 67 1701 „ Phelipes, Christiane, Selworthie 33 1626 „ Edward, Merriott 73 1674 „ Phillips, Elizabeth, Pitmister 56 1665 „ Phillips, Francis, Upton 69 1709 „ Phillippes, Gawen, St. James 20 1643 „ George, Upton 174 1684 ,, Phillips, Isott, Upton '45 '7'7 „ Phillips, Joane, widow, Upton 99 1696 ,, Philips, Joane, Stocklinch Magdalen S4 1742 ,, Philps, John, Selworthie 53 1632 „ Phillips, John, Bridgwater 55 1633 Taunton Wills. Philps or Phillips, John, Selworthie „ Phillips, John, Chedzoy ,, John, Upton „ Phillips, John, Chedzoy „ Phillips, Margerie, Drayton 1649 „ Phillipps, Richard, Selworthie „ Phillippes, Thomas, Netlecomb „ Phillips, Thomas, Westmonnckton „ Phillipps, William, Draiton „ Phillips, William, Pitmister „ Phillips, William, Chedzoy „ Phillips, Tailer ah., see Tailer als. Phillips. Phipps, Susanna, widow, Westquantoxhed Phivian, Thomas, Draiton Pichfeild, Alice, Misterton Pickeringe, George, Taunton James Pieles, Pilcome, Joane, Bridgwater ,, John, Otterhampton ,, John, Stogursey Pill, Elizabeth, Selworthie „ Marie, widow, Luxborowe „ William, Chedsey Pillard, Frances, widow, Taunton Magdalen Piller, John, Taunton Magdalen Pillock, James, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater Pinkard, John, Staplegrove „ William, Southpetherton Pinke, Jane, Luccombe Pinn, Edward, Bridgwater „ EHzabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ Pynne, John, Sampford Brett „ Marrian, widow, Taunton James ,, Robert, Stogumber „ William, Stogumber „ Gregory ah., see Gregory als. Pinn. Pinney, Pynnye, Agnes, widow, Brodwaie „ Pinny, Agnes, Beerecrocomb „ Pynnye, Alexander, Buckland St. Marie „ Anne, widow, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Edmond, Broadway „ Pinny, Grace, spinster, Staplefitzpaine „ John, sen., Buckland Mary „ John, Drayton „ John, Buckland Mary ,, John, Curland „ John, Curland „ Nathaniel, Ileabbotts „ Pynnie, Robert, Trull „ William, Crickett Thomas „ William, Staplefitzpaine Piper, Elizabeth, Currey Rivell ,, Henry, Staplegrove „ Marie, widow, Currie Rivell „ Marmaduke, Currey Rivell „ Ralph, Currey Rivell „ als. Anstice, William, Northpetherton „ Anstice ah., see Anstice als. Piper. Pippin, John, Bicknaller 74 24 1634 21 173' 72 1792 I I 1797 45 12 34* 1614 145* 1610 77 1726 iS* 5 9 1645 '5 1683 "5 '733 85* 10 161* 1610 18* 1613 44* 1 5* 1617 '4 1630 84 1710 189* 1632 85 1639 60 1612 '53 1670 106 1691 58 1622 9* 4 66 '732 100 1688 67 1675 '4 1725 19 1727 49* 9 "4 1664 54 1796 59 1780 12* 1607 3i 1621 '54* '638 106 1724 4 1661 81 1729 8 1689 40 1706 3 1708 iS 1765 16 1771 45 '743 89* 1616 23 1711 S3 1740 44* 9 76 1702 '35 1637 25* 1613 169* 1619 9' 1680 Taunton Wills. 323 Pippin, John, Holeford Pirry, Joanna, Chellington „ Pirrey, John, Langeford Budfild „ John, Northpetherton „ Pirrye, Suzanne, Donyett Pitcher, Agnes, widow, Drayton „ Amos, Merriott „ Catherine, widow, Merriott „ Christian, widow, Merriett „ Elianor, widow, Southpetherton „ George, Merriott „ John, Taunton James „ John, sen., Merriett „ John, sen., Southepetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ Margaret, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Hilbishops „ Samuel, Drayton „ Samuel, Drayton „ Susannah, Merriott „ William, Merriott „ William, Southpetherton „ WiUiam, Merriott ,, William, Drayton Pither, John, Thurloxton Pitt, Alice, widow, Bagborrowe „ Arthur, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Stogursey „ Joane, widow, Ileabbott „ John, sen., Ileabbott „ John, Ileabbott „ Pytt Marie, widow, He Abbotts „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, armiger, Crickett Malherby ,, Pitts, Suzanne, Merriett „ Pytt, Thomas, Abbottyle „ Pytt als. Applie, Elizabeth, Badialton Pittard, Pitterd, Henry, Broadway ,, Humphry, Stoke St. Mary ,, Pitterd, John, Stocklinche Otersey „ John, Southepetherton „ John, Puckington „ Robert, Curry Mallett „ Samuel, Drayton „ Vincent, Curry Rivell „ Pitterd, Walter, Merriet „ William, Curry Revell „ William, Curry Rivell Pitter or Peter, Elianor, widow, Langford Budvill Pittman, Alexander, Ileabbott „ Pitman, Cressett, widow, Northpetherton ,, George, Dowlishwake „ Pitman, James, Bicknell „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Pytman, John, Bridgwater „ John, Dowlishwake ,, Philip, Luckham „ Richard, Dowlish „ Robert, Stogumber 1647 40 1676 38 1632 84* 1618 15 1632 96 1625 41 1696 64 1710 78 1711 76 1630 57 1686 70 1722 85* 3 104 1624 '47 1625 '38 1670 59 1789 107 1708 21 1752 54 1694 5' 1728 32 1772 76 1683 49 1698 44 1732 29 1799 30* 1617 11 12 115* 1619 77 '733 55 1680 38* 1618 42 1676 62 1640 80 1777 23 1688 57* 5 106* 1612 142 1632 '3 1699 117 1680 '39* 1607 3° 1628 108 1707 '5 1744 39 1781 25 '739 '3* 4 46 1707 18 1746 62 1708 5' 1668 4' 1726 24 1789 5 1696 97 1740 9 1741 25 1789 25 1705 28 1799 68 1723 324 Taunton Wills. Pittman, Pitman, Thomas, Northpetherton „ Pitman, William, sen., Northpetherton ,, Pitman, William, Northpetherton Pittwood, George, Dunster Plaice, Playce, Hugh, Curry Revell „ James, Huishchampflower ,, Playce, Joan, Brompton Regis ,, Joane, spinster, Dulverton „ John, Dulverton „ John, Dulverton „ Plaise, Margaret, widow, Dulverton ,, Plaise, Richard, Dulverton „ Plaise, Thomas, Brumpton Regis ,, Plaise, Thomasine, widow, Duluerton Plane, John, sen., Dulverton Plant, Joane, Chellington Player, Anne, widow, Bridgwater „ Lucie, Bridgwater Please, Henry, Hawkeridge „ Pleise, Jane, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Joane, widow, Taunton St. James „ Pleise, John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Dulverton ,, John, Brumpton Regis „ Pleis, John, Kings Brumpton „ Pleace, John, Kingsbrompton ,, Mary, Kings Brumpton „ William, Dulverton „ William, Brushford „ William, Brushford Plentie, Agnes, Northepetherton „ Plentye, Richard, Durston „ Thomas, Bridgwater Plestway, John, Dunster Plowman, Agnes, widow, Minehead „ Cicilie, Porlock „ Edward, sen., Crewkerne „ John, Porlock „ John, Minehead „ als. Deane, Giles, Holeford Pocock, Alice, Currey Rivell „ Pococke, Augustine, Bradford ,, Pococke, George, Curry Revell „ Jane, Dunster „ Robert, Linge „ Pococke, Robert, Creech „ Pococke, Robert, Creech „ Robert, Michael Creech „ Thomas, Creech „ Pococke, William, Creech „ WilHam, Northpetherton Poder, Ralph, Curland Podger, Alice, Curry Rivell ,, Elizabeth, Currey Rivell ,, Elizabeth, widow, Currey Revell „ George, Seavington Michael „ George, Crickett Malherby „ Henry, Currey Rivell „ Henry, Curry Revell „ John, Bridgwater 50 1775 103 1720 59 1767 28 1638 16 1700 53 1708 97 1621 37 1708 62 1621 9' 1625 59 1630 39 1696 3 1666 '32 1640 69* 1616 '34 1635 24 1707 60 1627 60* 1608 7 1667 124 1725 12 1665 35 1700 6 1703 57 '743 25 1791 56 '743 43 '7'3 '4 1714 1 2 '739 156 1624 12S 1628 66 1621 42 1687 46 1646 96 1621 25 1773 44* 1608 99 1621 57 1670 89* .6.5 6 1700 55 1720 26 1796 '34 1640 33 1688 1 1 1718 68* '743 7 '737 26 1717 64 1768 86* 10 47* 8 90 1610 30 1680 79 1666 24 1677 83* 1619 36 1694 81 1630 Taunton Wills. 325 Podger, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Lawrence, Curry Revell „ Margaret, Currey Rivell „ Marmaduke, Curry Revell ,, Marmaduke, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Curry Rivell „ Robert, Currey Rivell „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ., Samuel, Curry Revell „ Susanna, widow, Curry Revell „ Susanna, widow, Drayton ,, Thomas, Curry Revell ,, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary „ Tristram, Whitstanton Pody, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ Podve, John, sen., Bridgwater Pole, Edward, Trull „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, George, Thornefaucon „ George, Creech St. Michael „ Humphry, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Creech „ John, Corfe „ John, Fivehead „ John, Riston „ John, Fivehead „ John, Ninehead „ John, Milverton „ Marian, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Poale, Marie, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, widow, Lidiard Lawrence „ Nicholas, Taunton James „ Philip, Taunton Magdalen „ Philip, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Westmonnkton „ Richard, Nortonfitzwarren „ Robert, Halse „ [Powell in Inv.], Robert, Creech ,, Timothy, Creech „ William, Durston ,, als. Cooke, John, Staplegrove „ als. Cooke, William, . . eston „ als. Francklin, John, Creech „ Cooke ah., see Cooke als. Pole. Pollard, Florence, Holeford ,, Joan, Stogursey „ John, Minehead „ Pollerd, Juliane, . . t „ Lewis, Kilton „ Michael, Kilton „ Nicholas, Stogursey „ Richard, Bridgwater „ William, Kilve „ Maundry ah., see Maundry als. Pollard. Polyn, Robert, Mynehed „ Thomas, Taunton Pomroy, John, Staplegrove ,, John, Staplegrove „ Katherine, widow, Staplegrove ,, Katherine, Skilgate 120 1677 23 1703 52 1625 27 1697 "3 1700 34 173' 54* 1612 17' 1685 '7 1684 25 1665 22 1723 38 1670 17 1742 37 1629 46 1637 72 1620 53 1705 127 1669 107 1661 28 1670 i/S 1730 32 12 23 1667 7' 1672 54 1679 5' 1708 59 1729 35 '756 '9 1655 7* 161 1 S5 1660 176* 1628 103 161 1 5* 1612 125 1714 5' 1737 3S 1637 29 1690 34 1688 4' 1680 7 1632 181* 1610 24 1697 56 1677 75 1740 64 '743 51* 1618 62 1663 60 1667 36 '757 145* '638 36 '795 107* 1616 109* 1614 41 1741 82 1742 60 1726 63 1762 326 Taunton Wills. Pomroy, Mary, Staplegrove „ Nicholas, Kingston „ Pomeroy, Samuel, Broadway „ Pommerye, Thomas, Merriett „ Thomas, Skillgate „ William, Staplegrove Pond, James, Taunton Magdalen Ponger, Alice, Curland Ponter, Anthony, Bridgwater Pooke, Thomas, Lopen Poole, Alexander, Bicknaller „ Alice, Crocombe „ Ann, Luckham „ Ann, Crewkerne ,, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen ,, Benjamin, Curland „ Betty, Stockland Bristol „ Charity, Stogursey „ Clement, Nettlecombe „ Edmund, Minehead ,, Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ George, Canington „ George, gent., Seavington Mary „ George, Monnksilver „ [Goole in body of Will], George, Stogursey „ George, Crewkerne „ George, Nettlecombe „ George, Luckham „ George, Heathfield „ Grace, widow, Westbagburrow „ Grace, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Hugh, Muncksilver „ Hugh, Porlock „ Humphrie, Bridgwater „ James, Cannington 1647 „ James, Stogursey ,, James, sen., Taunton Magdalen „ James, Elworthy „ Joane, Taunton „ Joane, widow, Dowlishwake ,, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, _ „ John, Dowlishwake „ John, Taunton James ,, John, Crocombe ,, John, Nortonn, „ John, Canington „ John, Canington „ John, Eastquantoxhead „ John, Bradford ,, John, Nortonfitzwarren ,, John, Westbagborow „ John, Lilstocke „ John, Milverton „ John, Canington ,, John, gent., Chellington „ John, Nettlecombe „ John, Ellworthy „ John, Elworthy 51 1748 50 1768 17 1773 38* 10 70 1747 IOI 1716 69 1762 147* 1607 180* 1635 5' 1767 3'* 8 27* 8 26 '76.3 25 1764 1 12 '7'3 23 1722 49 '793 57 '759 5° '773 63 1746 1S0 '73° 6 1628 96 1690 72 1711 75 1719 18 1761 61 1767 35 1792 20 '797 139 1680 137 1717 89 1668 12 1626 55 1778 63 1627 43 12 117 1669 S4 1699 26 1732 2* 1630 24 1640 174 1727 50* 1 7* 4 9* 8 107* 1607 34* 1617 121 1631 16 1636 48 1638 1 1664 69 1666 164 1670 33 1686 79 1694 35 1696 '5 1 72 1 56 '734 56 '755 34 '799 Taunton Wills. 2*7 Poole, Juliane, Stogursey „ Marie, Muncksilver „ Pool, Mary, Luckham „ Mary, Stogursey „ Mary, Porlock ,, Mary, Elworthy ,, Mary, Luckham „ Matilde, Creech „ Nicholas, Crocombe ,, Peter, Bradford ,, Richard, Stogursey „ Richard, Brompton Ralph „ Richard, Liddiard Laurence „ Robert, Buckland Mary „ Robert, Kingstone ,, Roger, Monksilver „ Samuel, Buckland St. Mary „ Susannah, Kingston „ Sylvester, Stogursey „ Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Milverton „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Seavington St. Mary „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Seavington St. Mary „ William, Lilstocke „ William, gent, Stogursey „ WilHam, Luckham ,, William, Stogursey „ WilHam, Stogursey „ William, Porlock „ Hayward ah., see Hayward als. Poole. Poope, Thomas, Taunton James Poore, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ George, Brompton Regis „ Joan, widow, Selworthie „ Joan, Minehead „ John, Riston „ Robert, Selworthie Pope, Alice, spinster, Bridgwater „ Emme, Thornefawcon „ Hannah, Taunton James „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton „ John, Stoke St. Mary „ John, Hilbishops ,, Joseph, Westmonnkton „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Peter, Bridgwater Popham, Alexander, Thurloxton „ Alexander, gent, Northpetherton „ Alexander, Northpetherton ,, Catherine, Staplegrove „ Elizabeth, Cannington „ Elizabeth, spinster, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Otterhampton „ John, Northpetherton „ Julian, widow, Thurloxton „ Phillip, Bridgwater 9* 1609 62 1637 79 1728. 68 '737 46 1756 21 1772 42 '777 74* 7 20 1680 '3 1692 i°3 1687 1 1 1696 72 173' '4 1688 2S 1779 IOO 1660 12 1756 27 1790 62* 1610 '9 1644 70 1697 75 1742 87 1764 1 1 1786 55 1792 66 1704 129 1728 32 1756 84 1768 45 1782 48 1789 '3* 1615 9 1676 5 1642 76* 1618 40 1787 96 1678 156* 1616 12 1702 21* 1 75 1761 102 '743 106* 1614 63 1665 53 1722 141 1677 54 1790 10 1695 156* 7 S3 1688 61 1764 56 1783 220* 1638 9 1692 102 1630 79 1667 99 1707 116 1663 M 1681 ¦528 Taunton Wills. Popham, Richard, Westquantoxhed „ Susanna, Otterhampton „ Thomas, Cannington „ Thomas, gent, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, West Bagborow „ William, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater „ WilHam, Lilstock „ William, Eastquantoxhed Pople, PopeU, Agnes, widow, Bridgwater ,, Charity, widow, Bridgwater ,, EHzabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Chedsey „ PopeU, John, Bridgwater „ Michael, Samford Brett „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Horsey, par. Bridgwater Porker, Abell, Southpetherton „ Agnes, widow, Southpetherton ,, Benjamin, Crewkerne ,, Dorothy, widow, Southpetherton ,, Henry, Northpetherton ,, Joane, Horsey, par. Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Wembdon „ Mary, Southpetherton ,, Robert, Whembdon „ Sarah, Wembdon „ Thomas, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Canington Porrett, William, clerk, Swell Portbury, Hugh, gent, Hawkeridge Porter, Adrian, Northepetherton „ Agnes, Kilton ,, Catherine, Stokeperrou(?) „ Cicilie, Northpeatherton „ Edward, Canington ,, Grace, Spaxton „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ James, Northepetherton „ James, Northpetherton „ James, Bradford „ Jasper, Kilton ,, Jesper, Stockland ,, Joan, widow, Northpetherton „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Norton ,, John, Michaelchurch „ John, Michaelchurch „ John, „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Margaret, Cannington ,, Margarete, Chedsey „ Mary, Enmore ,, Richard, Northepetherton 122 1700 78 1667 7' 1637 25 1685 92 1750 8;* 1607 8 1663 76 1727 27 '754 5 1667 16 1670 12 1727 197* 1616 1 1 1725 184* 1607 '4 1663 82* 8 93 1662 66 1665 19 1771 65 1665 152 1628 81* 1612 213* 1610 85 '737 S3 1668 77 1761 38 '745 99 1663 113 1672 "4 1707 '9 173' 138 1 62 1 35 1729 '34 1628 76* 1608 J2 8 125 1640 36* 1640 6l 1765 123* 1618 80 1676 86* 1615 47 1692 7 1782 55 1713 90 '743 "7 1730 2S 1646 84 1622 "5 1631 2 1634 166* 1638 "3 1661 '59 1670 90 1729 108 1640 112* 7 37 1750 6* 2 Taunton Wills. 329 Porter, Richard, Lyng Richard, Brumpton Ralph Richard, Spaxton Richard, Northpetherton Richard, Durston Robert, Northepetherton Robert, Northpetherton Roger, Samuel, Northepetherton Silvester, Westquantoxhead Susannah, Bradford Thomas, Northepetherton WilHam, Chedsey William, Northpetherton William, Northpetherton William, Enmore Portnell, Joane, Southpetherton Potenger, Anne, widow, Drayton „ Pottenger, Frances, Curry Revell „ Pottinger, Thomas, Curry Rivell „ William, Drayton „ Pottinger als. Bodger, Mary, widow, Drayton Potman, Thomas, Aishbrittle Potter, Alice, widow, Wembdon Daniel, Ashbrittle Elizabeth, Stawlie Henry, Bridgwater Henry, Cannington Henry, Elworthie James, Langford Budvill John, sen., Thorne Marga John, Wembdon John, Elworthy John, Pitmister John, Thorne St Mary John, Cannington John, Radington John, sen., Cannington John, Milverton Margaret, widow, Pitmister Mathew, Stawlegh Richard, Stawleigh Roger, . . rton Roger, Thome Margaret Sarah, Stogumber Thomas, Milverton Thomas, Stogumber Thomazine, widow, Thorne Margaret Potts, George, Staplefitzpaine Poughnell, George, Northpetherton Pound, Pownde, David, — — Emme, Stogursey Joane, St James Pounde, John, Stokegursey John, Mynehed Pownde, Margaret, Porlock Nathaniel, Crewkerne Ralph, Wythycombe Poundsbury, David, Heathfield David, Heathfield 47 1665 5 1706 67 '734 73 '743 12 1788 108* 1608 48 1775 93* 1646 157* 1607 76 '759 8 1789 74* 1608 89* 3 63 1693 49 1744 26 1749 1 10 1 7 16 43 1717 16 '7'9 21 1742 42 1717 64 1685 I 1670 119 1632 I 1762 97* 4 88 1621 20 '799 9 1635 36 1780 161* 7 75* 1629 61 1640 102 1683 '52 1684 26 1736 64 '739 16 1789 4* 8 IOI 1683 36 1622 10 1641 49* 1618 79 1631 3S 1770 39 1695 94 '743 82 1671 46 174' 94 1681 32* 5 28* 1612 '3* 1642 3'* 10 129* 1614 140* 1619 iS 1736 '44 1681 5' '683 52 1742 3 30 Taunton Wills. Poundsbury, Pounsbery, David, Taunton Magdalen Poundsford, Thomas, Taunton James Pounser, Roger, Georgehenton „ Pouncer, Roger, Georgehenton Powell, Ambrose, Oare „ Andrew, Fiddington „ Anne, widow, Creech „ Anthony, Minehead „ Charles, Minehead ,, Edward, Hillbishops „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James „ Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell „ Elizabeth, Stockland Bristoll „ George, Wilton „ Hester, widow, Staplegrove ,, Jeremiah, Creech „ Joan, Porlock „ Joane, Kitnor „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Meredith, Brompton Raph ,, Samuel, gent., Curry Revell „ Thomas, Taunton James „ Thomas, Fiddington „ Thomas, Thornefaulcon „ Thomas, Lyng ,, Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Porlock „ Thomas, Otterhampton „ William, gent, Staplegrove See also Pole. Powlett, Edward, gent, Northpeatherton „ Poulett, Malett, Milverton „ Poulett, Malett, Milverton „ Poulett, William, gent, Henton St. George Powne, Juliane, widow, Norton Poyer, George, Staplegrove „ John, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Staplegrove Poyle, John, Dulverton Poynter, Marie, Crewkerne Poyntington, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Poyton, Ellen, Canington „ John, Kingesbrompton „ Poyeton, Richard, Overstowie „ Robert, Aisholte „ William, Canington „ WilHam, Cannington Prance, John, Bridgwater ,, Praunce, Lewis, Crocombe „ William, Bridgwater Pratt, Agnes, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Anne, widow, Bridgwater „ Edmond, Southpetherton „ John, Linge „ John, Northepetherton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton James ,, Mary, Thurloxton „ Mary, Combflorey 70 1786 143 '717 120* 1616 102* 1619 100* 1608 52 1670 24 1684 44 '778 99 1730 3' '739 98 1696 23 1702 54 1762 190 1684 64 1665 3° 1683 78 1768 38 1723 69 1633 "4 1690 ¦9 1642 32 1722 92 1623 1 10 1625 1 1 1 1687 66 1697 78 1721 73 1742 50 1786 5S 1689 72 '635 49 1671 67 1674 39 1699 106 1631 118* 1614 95 1711 116 1672 3' 1774 18* 1614 69 '759 89 1635 3° 1639 '23 1660 117* 1608 130* 1610 29 1663 11 1740 '44 161 1 '7 1716 57 1664 22 1670 "7 1683 C-* 7 70 1622 49 1623 47 1673 87 1746 18 1771 Taunton Wills. 331 Pratt, Sarah, Northpetherton „ Thomas, sen., Taunton James „ WiUiam, Taunton St. James ,, Wyatt, clerk, Nortonfitzwarren Prelat, Homet als., see Homet als. Prelat. Prellett, Henry, Fidington Prescott, Lewis, Brushford „ Margaret, widow, Bradford ,, Margaret, spinster, Bradford „ Robert, Bradford „ William, Cannington „ William, Luccomb Press or Preast, John, Hilfarrence Preste, Griffith, Stogursey „ Prest, John, Crocombe Prefer, Thomas, Selworthie Prettyjohns, Thomas, Bridgwater Prew, George, Bridgwater „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Lynge ,, Thomas, Thurloxton Prewett, Elizabeth, Stockland Gaunt Price, Charles, Dunster ,, Francis, Bridgwater „ Joan, widow, Mynehead „ John, Withycombe „ Richard, Stringston „ William, Mynehead Prickman, EHzabeth, widow, Trull Prickwood, Nicholas, Treaburrowe Priddix, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Priddux, John, Dulverton Priddy, Priddie, Agnes, Westmonnckton ,, Elizabeth, Langford Budvill „ John, Kingstone ,, John, Bridgwater „ Priddie, Marie, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Thornefaulcon „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Priddie, Valentine, clerk, Kittisford „ William, Kittisford „ William, Milverton Pride, Giles, Netlecomb Pridham, Ann, Dulverton „ John, Cannington „ William, Charlinch Priest, Francis, Corfe „ George, Pitmister „ Giles, Pitmister „ Joane, widow, Pitmister „ John, Pitmister „ Preist, John, Pitmister „ Preist, Mary, Pitmister „ Prieste, Petronell, Pitmister „ Roger, „ Stephen, Pitmister „ Thomas, Staplegrove ,, Thomas, Creech St. Michael Prigg, Anne, Curry Revell „ Catherine, widow, Drayton 36 1752 1 1 1 1722 SS 174° 70 1742 70 1672 5 1680 2 1720 8 173' 1 1718 149 1621 44 1635 39 1729 46 1610 '3 1635 92* 1619 29 1720 12 '749 '7 1743 34 1679 '36 1669 171* 1607 6 '753 '59 1637 33 1698 58 1785 49 1772 S5 1683 61 1701 82* 1629 86 1721 24 '747 1 1 1* 1628 50 1676 92 1640 '7 1694 57* 1617 '3' 1707 166 1684 40* 1616 57 1697 86 1707 82* 161 1 16 1779 16 '775 3' 1781 26 1711 106 1707 n* 1614 92 1661 9 1630 66 1676 76 1696 198* 1610 192 1640 152 1640 94 1722 27 '755 32 1672 47 1675 332 Taunton Wills. Prigg, Elizabeth, Barrington „ Joan, Drayton ,, John, Barrington „ Prigge, John, Drayton ,, John, Drayton ,, Margaret, Drayton „ Mary, widow, Barrington „ Nicholas, Currie Rivell „ Prigge, Richard, Drayton „ Samuel, Barrington Prince, Joan, Norton Fitzwarren „ John, Bridgwater „ Margaret, Westmoncton „ Richard, Crewkerne ,, Thomas, Westmoncton Pring, Agnes, Thornefawcon „ Benjamin, Ninehead „ Edward, Milverton ,, Elizabeth, Minehead „ Henry, Nynehead ,, Joane, Nynehead „ John, sen., Milverton „ John, Ninehead ,, Letitia, Bradford Priscott, Ann, Cuttcombe „ Henry, Exford „ William, sen., Cutcombe ,, William, Cutcombe Proall, WilHam, Spaxton Prockter, Alexander, Riston „ Proctor als. Mathewe, Christopher, Creech St. Michael „ Dorothy, Ruishton „ Elizabeth, spinster, Westmonnkton „ Elizabeth, widow, Riston „ Procter, Frances, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Procktor, Honor, widow, Westmonnkton ,, Joane, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Procter, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, widow, Stoake St. Mary „ Joan, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Stoke St. Mary „ John, Westmonckton „ Mary, widow, Riston „ Procktor, Stephen, Stokemarie „ Thomas, Stoke St. Mary „ William, Riston „ William, Riston „ Mathew als., see Mathew als. Prockter. Prole, Anne, Dunster „ Francis, Northpetherton ,, Henry, Dunster „ Hugh, Dunster „ Jane, widow, Dunster „ John, Dunster ,, John, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Joseph, Cheddon Fitzpaine Prowle, George, Dunster Prowse, Amy, widow, Dinington ,, Prouse, Anthony, Nortonfitzwarren „ Edmund, Crewkerne 3 1745 33 1746 53 1624 54 1660 40 1662 57 1621 7 1721 52 1641 16 1766 I3* '739 53' 1619 14 1689 '53* 7 20 1624 '34 1637 99 1662 59 '744 47 '759 60 1746 96 1707 46 1709 54 1729 65 1740 5 1784 1 1 1737 3i '737 36 1720 24 1744 74 '773 107 1681 89* 8 44 '735 69 1698 1 1 1 1707 7' '732 107 1696 116 1680 160 1684 56 1692 14 1760 82 1664 "3 '733 106 1694 90* 1623 106 1683 53 1679 77 1710 41 1667 49 1732 60 1707 97* 1646 46 1662 16* 7 14 1746 14 '754 '5' '635 5' 1694 37 1738 23 1768 Taunton Wills. Prowse, George, Pitmister „ Prouse, Joane, Crewkerne ,, John, Nynehead „ Katherine, Dunster „ Prouse, Mary, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Bradford „ Thomas, Dunster „ Uriah, widow, Stogursey Pryor, Anne, Kilton „ Prior, Barbara, Crewkerne ,, Christian, Spaxton „ Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ Prior, George, Tolland „ Prior, Henry, Brodwaie ,, Jane, spinster, Dunster „ Joane, widow, Stogursey ,, Joane, widow, Crewkerne ,, Prior, John, sen., Lilstocke „ John, Kilton „ John, Crewkerne „ John, Bridgwater „ Prior, John, Bridgwater „ Prior, Martha, Stringstone „ Prior, Martha, Stringston „ Matthew, Sheptonbeauchamp „ Sarah, spinster, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Lilstocke „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Prior, William, Lilstock „ William, Kilton „ William, Crewkerne „ Prier als. Amberie, William, Stogursie Puckeridge, Richard, Crewkerne „ Richard, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Northpetherton Puddy, Richard, Spaxton Pugsley, Edmund, Eastquantoxhed „ Edmund, Eastquantoxhed „ Edmund, Kilve „ Puggeslye, Suzan, Milverton „ Pugslie, William, Duluerton „ WilHam, Dulverton Pulford, Richard, Bruishford „ Robert, Duluerton Pullen, Francis, Stogursey „ Isott, widow, Dunster „ Pullin, John, Ilebrewers „ Pullin, Peter, Enmore „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Pulman, Avice, Crewkerne „ Pullman, Benjamin, Pitminster „ Henry, Misterton „ Henry, Misterton „ James, Taunton St. James „ John, Cothelston „ William, Misterton „ Pullman, William, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Seaburrow Pulsford, Ambrose, Dulverton „ Hugh, Brushford -, -, 1 42 1790 15 1762 82 1674 9 1770 86 '756 118 1628 28 '739 "4 1669 4S 1743 '5 '737 129 1707 14 1683 66 1787 '3* 9 56 1728 57 1692 25 1721 75 1628 72 1681 28 1684 17 1720 6 '795 1 1 1760 52 1762 47 1798 16 1706 73 1684 82 1721 So 1631 3' 1695 35 1706 78 1610 26 1693 75 1722 36 1779 107 1706 39 1740 25 1777 36 1789 32* 2 '5 1639 38 1639 23* 1 1 47* 7 125 1684 32 1639 62 1711 23 1765 1 1 1 1661 81* 10 94 1675 150 1625 89 1672 70 1792 4* 1614 79 1670 70 1689 1 10 1724 127 1628 5 1679 334 Taunton Wills. Pulsford, Humphrey, Milverton „ Humphry, Brushford „ John, Dulverton „ Katherine, Dulverton „ Richard, Hawkridge Pumroy, John, sen., Staplegrove Punter, Alice, widow, My . . „ Alice, widow, Mynehead ,, Dorothy, widow, Dunster ,, John, Dunster ,, Mary, widow, Mynehead „ Peter, Minehead ,, Robert, Mynehed „ Symon, Mynehead Purchase, Edward, Porlocke „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ Mary, widow, Westmonnkton Purdy, Bartholomew, Taunton James „ Purdie, Edward, Crickett Thomas „ George, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne „ Purdoy, William, Crewkerne „ als. Spaniell, Edward, Taunton St. James Purkis, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Pursey, Ann, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Christopher, Hilbishops „ Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ Edward, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Crewkerne „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Stogumber Pursley, Dorcas, widow, Wilton Putham, Christopher, Cutcomb „ John, Minehead „ Michael, gent, Mynehead „ William, Cutcombe Putterfield, Amy, widow, Canington Puttome, Alice, Estquantoxhed Pyck, John, Merriott Pye, Sarah, Porlock Pyford, Robert, Bridgwater Pyke, Amy, spinster, Stogumber „ Pike, Christopher, gent, Thurlbeere „ Dorothy, widow, Southpetherton „ Edmond, Ciewkerne „ Edmund, Crewkerne „ Elianor, spinster, Nynehead „ Henry, Stogumber, ,, Hugh, Dowlishwake „ Hugh, sen., Stogumber ,, Hugh, Stogumber „ Pike, Isott, widow, Stogursey ,, Pike, Joane, Bridgwater „ John, jun., Merriett ,, John, Dowlishwake „ John, Stogumber „ John, Merriott „ Pike, Philip, Durston „ Robert, Crewkerne '35 1622 '3 1714 36 1684 22 '759 71* 1638 7' 1721 83 1610 58 1666 38 1666 65* 1610 80 171 1 45 1646 7* 9 43 1701 65 1676 117 1725 74 1686 "5 1722 102* 6 37 1728 '9 1786 10 1734 106 1662 55 1705 Q2 1739 182 '73° 3' '723 75 1732 5° 1752 2 2 1771 100 1746 47 1766 '32 1725 56* 16 14 48* 1 1 77 1706 39 1669 2S 1674 10 1627 177 1632 46 '774 19* 6 150 1685 165 1730 112 1690 38 1681 3' 1724 76 1722 132 1670 36* 6 126 1694 '3' '73' 8 1644 21* 1608 '5 1630 36 1664 73 '734 63 1781 39 1764 33 1669 Taunton Wills. 335 Pyke, Pike, Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, Merriott „ Pike, Simon, Stogumber „ Steephen, Crewkerne „ Susanna, widow, Merriott „ Pike, Thomas, Dowlishwake „ Pike, Thomas, Merriett „ Pike, Thomas, Merriett „ Thomas, Milverton „ Pike, Thomas, Dowlishwake „ Thomas, Dowlishwake „ William, . . . therstowie „ Pike, William, Dolishwake „ William, Ouerstowie „ Pike, William, Dowlishwake „ Pike, William, Merriott „ WilHam, Dowlishwake Pyle, Edward, sen., Selworthie „ Edward, Selworthy ,, Edward, Selworthy „ Pile, Grace, widow, Nortonfitzwarren „ Hannah, widow, Stogumber „ Henry, Mylverton „ James, Bradford „ John, Selworthy „ Peter, Mynehed „ Phillip, Creech „ Richard, Luxburow „ Pile, Richard, Dulverton ,, Richard, Milverton „ Richard, Dulverton „ Thomas, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Milverton „ William, Bradford „ William, Ashpriors „ Pile als. Baily, John, Milverton „ als. Baylie, William, Milverton „ Baylie ah., see Baylie als. Pyle. Pym, Pymme, Andrew, Kilve ,, Humphry, Pitmister „ James, Pitmister „ James, Angersleigh „ Pymm, John, Buckland St. Mary „ Peter, Stogursey „ Robert, Buckland St. Mary „ Robert, Buckland St. Mary „ Samuel, Eastquantoxhead „ Sarah, Buckland St Mary „ Welthyan, widow, Pitmister Pyme, Agnes, Lidiard Lawrence „ Ferdinando, Southpetherton „ Humphry, sen., Spaxton „ Joane, widow, Pitmister „ Jozyan, widow, Kilton „ Mary, spinster, Ashpriors Pyne, Pine, Augustine, Lyng „ Charles, Curry Mallett „ Charles, esquire, Curry Mallett „ Frances, Curry Mallett "5 1675 66 1687 123 1635 36 1681 67 1677 131* 7 9* 1613 5 1626 28 1682 34 1702 iS 1705 35* 8 49* 1 1 101* 1608 7 1625 66 1725 5° 1694 122* 1616 •57 1685 96 1688 IOI 1727 127 173' 61 1637 6 1728 66 1723 3'* 1614 3' 1690 54 1622 41 169 1 32 1752 32 '774 43 1640 118 1716 35* 10 4 1676 1 1682 "4 1630 75 1663 n 1624 97 1724 52 1726 2 1773 9 1707 9' 1691 2 1762 5 1782 42 1722 5 1738 46 1695 63* 1612 49 1798 61* 5 4' 1705 23 1629 1 1710 59 1742 9 1712 37 1716 12 '735 336 Taunton Wills. Pyne, Pine, James, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, esquire, Curry Mallett 1, Pine, Rachael, widow, Pitmister „ Thomas, Taunton James ,, Pine, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, WilHam, Chedzoy „ Pynn als. Gregorie, Richard, Lawrence Lidiard „ Pinne als. Gregorie, Thomas, Lidiard Lawrence Pyther, Joane, widow, Thurloxton „ Joseph, Thurloxton Quancock, Henry, Isleabbotts Quante, George, Taunton Magdalen Quantocke, Joane, widow, Sheptonbeachamp „ Quantock, Robert, Sheptonbeachamp „ Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Quarle, John, Northpeatherton ,, John, Northpetherton Quarrell, Catherine, Northepetherton ,, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater „ Marie, Northepetherton „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Peter, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Northepetherton Quartly, Quartlie, Agnes, Clotworthie „ Quartlie, Edward, Winsford „ Henry, Stockperow „ James, Exford ,, Joane, widow, Winsford „ John, Chipstaple „ Quartley, John, Withypoole „ Quartley, William, Huishchampflower „ Quartely, William, Brumpton Regis Quash, Henry, Taunton „ Quashe, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Symon, Taunton Magdalen Question, Andrew, Dunster ,, Joanna, Minehead „ John, gent., Wythycombe „ John, Minehead „ John, Minehead „ Mary, Minehead Quever, WilHam, Westquantoxhed Quick, Alice, Mynehed „ Dorothy, widow, Stockland Bristol „ Quicke, Edward, Hilfarrence „ Quicke, Elizabeth, widow, Selworthy „ Honore, Westmonnckton or Taunton Magdalen ,, Hugh, Stogumber „ Joane, Hilfarrent „ Joane, Hilfarrent „ Joane, Northepeatherton „ John, Stockland Bristoll ,, John, Brumpton Regis ,, Quicke, Mary, widow, Brushford „ Radulph, Langforde 9 1764 2* '735 1 1760 32 1764 127 1730 '43 1694 4 1768 37 1710 100* 1619 102 161 1 52 1682 52 1705 37 1767 67 1623 119 1707 99 1669 "5 1717 136* 1638 107 1720 190* 1607 9 1662 65* 1608 24 1669 59 1 72 1 63* 1607 10* 1642 I IO 1623 83 '746 29 '739 3' 1641 30 1629 5° 1782 52 1714 4 1738 36 1642 59 1632 16 1643 9 1636 54 1678 53 '755 129 1722 59 1740 3S 1756 66 '743 128 1624 17* 3 11 1 173' 21 1682 '°3 1711 93 1620 44* 1615 So* 1608 -> r"3v- 1609 57* 1638 127 1728 1 1 '759 4, 1707 35* 4 Taunton Wills. 227 Quick, Quicke, Richard, Brushford „ Quicke, Sarah, Minehead ,, Thomas, sen., Dulverton „ als. Allene, Francis, Stogumber „ Quicke als. Allen, Francis, Stogumber „ Quicke, Allen als., see Allen als. Quicke. „ Dorrant ah., see Dorrant als. Quick. Quier, John, Crewkerne Quirck, Agnes, Minehead „ Quircke, Izott, Minehead „ Quirke, John, Mynehead „ Querke, John, Minehead „ Mary, widow, Minehead ,, Quirke, Robert, Selworthy „ Quircke, Robert, Mynehead Rackleffe, Joane, Winsford Raddibone, William, Kilve Radford, John, Bridgwater „ John, Dunster „ John, Bridgwater Radnedge, Sarah, Overstowey Ragland, Marie, widow, Westquantoxhed Raindle, Robert, Merriott „ Susannah, Merriott „ Raindell, William, Chellington See also RandeU and Rendall. Rainsbury, Dorothy, widow, Langford Budvill „ Rainsburie, John, Stawlie „ Rainsburie, Mathew, Stawlie „ Rainsburie, Nicholas, Stawleigh „ Richard, Langford Budvill Ralle, Gregory, Selworthie „ Rail, Peter, Selworthy Ralph, Rafe, Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton „ Joane, Nettlecombe „ Joane, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Marie, widow, Durleigh „ Mary, Northpetherton „ Ralfe, Nicholas, Stogursey „ Ralphe, Richard, Northepetherton „ William, Liddiard Lawrence Rampson, William, Wembdon Ramsburie, Edithe, Stawlie Ramster, EHzabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen RandeU, Alice, Kingestone „ John, Kingeston „ Randall, John, Northpetherton See also Raindle and Rendall. Rane, Thomas, Cheddon Fitzpaine Raw, Rawe, Alice, Selworthie „ Rawe, Alice, Southpetherton „ Elizabeth, widow, Curry Mallett „ Joannah, Crewkerne „ Rawe, John, Kingestone „ Rawe, John, Southepetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ Rawe, Thomas, Shepton Beacham „ Thomas, Curry Mallett -> 1703 49 '737 24 1783 16 1 64 1 101 1690 148* 1608 '43 1621 60 1768 61 1696 64 1742 103 1730 93 1714 Si 1731 181 1684 63 1661 37* 1613 IOI 1635 7 1701 45 1783 103* 10 61 1781 42 1792 1 1 1684 62 1724 71* 4 157* 1619 77 1 64 1 64 1714 "3 1625 SS 1690 25 1629 81 1700 55 1703 "3 163 1 99 1684 29 1620 14* 10 57 1690 '34 1663 55* 1619 92 1696 84* 1619 72* 5 89 1716 36 1670 61* 1607 82* 1607 25 1677 18 1750 ^2"^" 1608 148 1625 '45 1670 142 1624 21 1683 33« Taunton Wills. Raw, Thomas, Shepton beachamp „ Rawe, William, Ilebruers „ Barrett ah., see Barrett als. Raw. Rawbone, Philip, Bridgwater Rawle, Alice, widow, Oare „ Rawl, Andrew, Porlock ,, Charles, Dunster ,, Christian, widow, Oare „ Christopher, Porlock „ Christopher, Oare ,, Christopher, Oake ,, Dorothy, Dunster ,, George, Dunster ,, Grace, Oare „ Gregory, Wootten Courtney „ Henry, Selworthye ,, Henry, Kitnor „ Hugh, Stockpirrow „ John, Oare „ John, Porlock „ John, Oare ,, John, Northpetherton „ Marie, widow, Oare „ Mary, Porlock „ Peter, Selworthie „ Peter, Luckham „ Samuel, Oare ,, Thomas, Porlocke „ Thomas, Porlock „ William, Sampford Brett ,, als. Yeoud, Edward, Selworthie „ Raule, Youd ah., see Youd als. Raule. Rawles, Agnes, widow, Hilfarrence ,, Marie, Stogursey ,, WilHam, Stogursey „ William, proceedings re Stogursey Rawlins, Rawlings, Ann, Stogursey „ Francis, Stogursey „ Isaac, Lopon ,, Rawlyns, John, Stogursey ,, Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Stogursey „ William, Stogursey „ William, Stogursey „ als. Barrett, David, Southpetherton „ als. Barrett, Robert, Southpetherton „ als. Barrett, Robert, Southpetherton ,, als. Glover, John, Stogursey „ ah. Glover, John, Stogursey „ Rawlyns als. Glo(verr), Margaret, Stogursey ,, Glover ah., see Glover als. Rawlins. Rawnings, Chambers als., see Chambers als. Rawnings. Raxworthie, Elinore, Bridgwater „ John, Chilton, par. Bridgwater ,, John, sen., Milverton „ Raxworthy, John, Miluerton „ Rexworthy als. Bawden, Margret, widow, Stogursey „ Bampton ah., see Bampton als. Raxworthie. 98 1688 76* 1607 13 '755 53 1640 49 1762 28 1746 98 '731 41* 1619 48 1692 104 1717 20 '748 24 1775 88 1697 128 '725 '94* 1610 79 1672 73 1777 40 '735 61 1755 75 176S 46 1796 16 1633 74 '739 20* 2 7' 171 1 73 1693 99 1724 53 1786 54 '749 68 1638 67 1670 '32 1622 1 1622 89 1643 89 '743 59 '792 40 '732 64* 1608 126 1684 81 1702 '38 '73' 85 1768 '33 '73' 62 1756 89 1696 104 1688 70 '739 1 12 1669 80 1721 107* 1608 184* 1610 73* 1607 132 1631 25 1648 Taunton Wills. 339 Raxworthie, Rexworthy, Baunton ah., see Baunton als. Rexworthy. Ray als. Roy, WiUiam, Taunton Magdalen Raybone, Philip, Stogursey Rayer, Elizabeth, widow, Westmonnkton ,, William, Westmonnckton Rayman, Florence, Sanford Brett Raymond, George, Creech „ Gertrude, widow, Oake „ Henry, Winsford „ Rayment, Mary, Winsford „ Samuel, Creeche „ Samuel, Milverton „ Susanna, gentlewoman, Milverton „ Thomas, Winsford „ William, Dulverton Rayney, Rainey als. Painter, Betty, Bridgwater „ als. Painter, Edmond, Bridgwater „ Rainey als. Painter, Edmond, Bridgwater „ Raynie als. Painter, Joane, Bridgwater Reason, Edward, Spaxton „ Joane, widow, Spaxton „ William, Spaxton Redding, Edward, Holeford Reddutt, George, Bridgwater Reed, Alexander, Bridgwater „ Alexander, Bridgwater, and Neath, co. Glamorgan „ Read, Alice, Chedzoy ,, Benjamin, Taunton Magdalen „ Catherine, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Reede, Christopher, Langford Budfild „ Christopher, Taunton St. James „ Eliza, widow, Bridgwater ,, Reade, Elizabeth, Fiddington „ Reede, Elizabeth, widow, Cannington „ Read, EHzabeth, widow, Dolishwake ,, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Francis, Stringstone „ George, Stringstone „ Hannah, Minehead „ Henry, Exford „ Hugh, Dunster „ Jeremiah, Bridgwater ,, Jeremiah, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Westmonnckton „ Read, John, Bridgwater „ Reade, John, Spaxton „ Reede, John, Chedzoy „ Reade, John, Luccombe „ Reade, John, Fidington „ John, Westmonnckton „ John, Bridgwater „ Read, John, Minehead „ John, Taunton St. James „ Read, John, Bridgwater „ John, Exford „ Jonas, Stringstone „ Mary, Cheden „ Mary, Bridgwater „ Philip, Dunster 78 1750 83 1627 144 1669 176* 1616 229* 1638 22 1671 66 1671 94 '744 96 1668 150 1632 72 1706 66 1713 25 1637 22 '777 2 1781 14 '743 '4 '755 10 1662 (Inv. only) Si 1726 103 1704 "7 1672 59 1717 12 1768 8 1662 in 7 1726 230* 1638 43 1763 28 1711 39 1633 58 '74' 3 1732 68* 1613 49 1633 41 1637 7 174' 70 1780 S5 1696 84 1696 42 1765 4' 1768 3' 1736 9 1701 9 1709 130 1725 1 1 1621 39 1628 9' 1636 23 1673 52 1717 132 1722 10 1723 3° 1752 47 . 1763 3 1781 28 '795 "3 1683 3' 1742 7 '743 3° 1762 34° Taunton Wills. Reed, Read, Richard, Chellington „ Richard, Dunster ,, Robert, Exford „ Roger, Taunton Magdalen „ Roger, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Samuel, Taunton St. James „ Temperance, widow, Stringstone „ Theophilus, Monksilver ,, Read, Thomas, Bridgwater „ Reede, William, Fiddington „ Reede, William, Fiddington „ WilHam, Drayton „ William, Taunton James Reedwood, Francis, Upton Reend, James, Wotton Courtney Reepe, Reape, Alice, Goatehurst ,, Catherine, Brushford „ Reape, John, Goatehurst „ Margaret, Northepetherton „ Reape, Nicholas, Lyng „ Reape, Nicholas, Lyng „ Reape, Symon, Northpetherton „ William, Northepetherton Reeve, Agnes, spinster, Northepetherton ,, George, Kingeston ,, Reeue, Joane, Cotherston ,, Michael, Cothelstone „ Robert, Northpetherton Reeves, Joane, widow, Westmonnkton ,, Joane, widow, Staplefitzpaine ,, John, Northepetherton ,, John, Chedsey ,, Mary, Chedsey „ Thomas, Staplefitzpaine Rendall, Rendell, Abraham, Porlock „ Anne, Bridgwater „ Rendoll, David, Kitnor „ Dorothy, Spaxton ,, Rendle, Elizabeth, Porlock „ Rendle, Francis, Wilton „ Rendell, Henry, Selwoi thie „ Rendle, Hugh, sen., Oare „ Reindle, John, Spaxton „ John, Selworthie „ John, Riston „ Rendell, John, Bradford ,, Rendle, John, Porlock ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Rendle, Juliana, Ruishton „ Mart, widow, Seavington Michell „ Sarah, Taunton St. James „ Rendell, William, Creeche „ Rendle, William, Bradford „ William, Trull See also Raindle and RandeU. Rendolph, Anne, widow, Bradford „ John, Bradford Rew, Francis, Hilbishopps ,, George, Taunton Magdalen ,, Rewe, Henry, Mynehed 26 '744 30 1746 68 1720 128 1669 '3 1698 82 1737 89 1687 63 '733 7 1744 7* 1609 164* 1619 40 1 70S 42 1718 57 1779 242* 163S 62* 1615 '3 1672 So* 10 37 161c 55 1664 7i 1683 68 1664 67 1627 5' 1636 19* 1609 151* 1608 107 1631 89 1669 128 1675 81 169 1 55 1624 25 1641 '9 1641 1 10 1694 77 1768 '43* 1638 45 1764 79* 1607 50 1787 58 1766- 65a 1635 104 1694 6* 1617 65* 1635 4° 1639 2 1760 49 1787 73 1789 '3* 1645 52 1686 57 179S 206* 1616 6 1763 64 1796 5 1725 1 '7'5 49 1674 53 1790 40 1626 Taunton Wills. 341 Rew, Rewe, James, sen., Ashbrittle „ James, Ashbrittle „ John, Dodington „ .John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Liddeard St. Lawrence „ Rewe, Robert, Samford Arundell „ William, Ashbrittle „ WilHam, Ashbrittle ,, William, Stawley Reye, Edward, Puckington Reynolds, Raynolds, Andrew, Taunton Magdalen „ Andrew, Taunton Magdalen „ Charles, Fivehead „ Charles, Swell „ Raynold, Edward, Milverton „ Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Raynold, John, Milverton „ Josias, Swell „ Raynold, Margaret, Swell „ Raynolls, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Raynolls, Thomas, Stogursey „ Raynold, Thomas, Swell „ Reynold, Thomas, Milverton Rice, David, Wooten Courtney „ Marie, widow, Cannington ,, Moses, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Wootten Courtney ,, Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ Ryce, William, Bridgwater ,, William, Minehead Rich, Betty, Overstowey „ Charles, Liddeard Lawrence „ Charles, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Edward, Overstowey „ Edward, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Liddiard Lawrence „ Riche, Francis, Overstowie „ Francis, Taunton Magdalen, H.M.S. ship " Gratton ¦ „ Francis, Overstowey ,, George, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Hannah, widow, Overstowey „ Hugh, Overstowey „ Joane, spinster, Overstowey „ Joan, Overstowey ,, Joan, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, John, Kittisford „ John, Sampford Brett ,, John, Overstowey „ John, Seavington St. Mary ,, John, Tolland ,, John, Overstowey „ Mary, widow, Overstowey „ Nicholas, Liddiard Lawrence „ Nicholas, Stocklinch Ottersey „ Nicholas, Lidiard St Lawrence ,, Samuel, Overstowey ,, Samuel, Charlinch „ Thomas, clerk, Estquantoxhed „ Thomas, gent, Liddiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Kingston I 1697 I 1745 34 1719 81 1750 iS 1758 62* 1618 3 1705 2 1743 44 1766 20* 1614 142 1621 90 1703 45 1680 So 1702 1 1 1643 "3 1690 116* 1614 94 1700 14* 3 12 1640 75* 1646 So 1666 56 1676 63 1774 3 1632 '5 '799 71 1796 79 1799 16 '73' 59 1736 38 1769 53 1702 69 1704 £9 1697 55 1796 61 1722 '9 1623 132 1720 44 1774 25 1782 54 1723 76 1667 65 1702 59 '739 41 1777 20 1636 in 1697 61 1747 62 '759 75 1789 43 '793 73 1691 60 '7'3 '33 1730 47 1764 100 173' 3' 1764 3° 1699 77 1717 25 1794 34^ Taunton Wills. Rich, Thomazine, widow, Liddiard Lawrence ,, William, Liddiard Lawrence „ WilHam, Clatworthy „ WilHam, Lydiard St. Lawrence „ William, Spaxton See also Ritche. Richards, Alexander, Bridgwater „ Alice, Pitmister „ Anne, widow, Seavington Mary „ Ann, Bradford „ Daniell, Kingston „ Daniel, Kingston „ Edward, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Elinore, Seaburrowe „ Elinor, Donyett „ Elizabeth, Heathfeild ,, Elizabeth, widow, Milverton ,, George, sen., Norton ,, George, Nortonfitzwarren ,, George, Bridgwater ,, Henry, Pitmister ,, James, Pitmister ,, James, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, John, Seaburrowe ,, Richard, John, Selworthie „ John, Selworthie „ John, Canington „ John, Canington ,, John, Buckland Mary „ John, Milverton „ John, Cutcombe ,, John, Trull ,, Lewis, Luccombe „ Margery, widow, Milverton „ Margery, Milverton „ Mary, widow, Kingston „ Mary, Ninehead ,, Peter, Wythypoole „ Philip, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Creech St. Michael „ Richard, Creech St. Michael ,, Samuel, Creech St. Michael „ Symon, Westbagborrow „ Simon, clerk, Chipstable „ Simon, clerk, Chipstable ,, Thomas, sen., Norton ,, Thomas, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Thomas, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ William, Pytmister „ William, Upton „ William, Canington „ William, Mynehead „ WilHam, Bradford „ als. Munley, John, Norton „ Munte ah., see Munte als. Richards. „ Richard, Stone als., see Stone als. Richard. Richardson, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Creech St. Michael „ William, Durston Rickards, Margaret, widow, Northpetherton (duplicate) (Inv. only) 67 1706 54 1702 12 '757 4' 1761 56 1789 '9 1669 72* 1609 120 1694 5 '795 53 1690 63 '73' 5' 1746 188* 1616 97 1635 76* 6 52 1 67 1 '5 '633 "5 l6Sq 8 1796 68 1623 197* 1607 53 1746 50* 2 1 -^fr 4 67 1631 106 1635 32 1670 12 1692 44 '734 iS '754 83 '755 144* 1619 27 1673 28 1673 87 1726 40 1779 '32 1677 '4 1674 }- 1781 I 6 1788 '4 '775 94 1703 2 1751 '5 1781 '5 1631 59 1 67 1 30 1790 28* 9 206a* 1638 35 1685 92 1720 6 1784 83 1726 1 11 1704 '3 1748 '7 1772 72 1691 Taunton Wills. 343 Rickards, Rickard, Richard, the elder, Michael Creech „ Rickerd, Robert, Michael Creech Rickett, Joane, Riston Ridge, Grace, widow, Stogumber „ John, Pitmister Ridgell, Lyonell, Lynge Ridgway, Francis, Corffe Ridler, Agnes, Cutcomb „ Christopher, Cutcombe ,, Christopher, Cutcombe ,, Christopher, Luckham „ David, Luckham „ David, Luckham „ Elias, Porlock ,, Elizabeth, widow, Exton and Cutcombe ,, Elizabeth, widow, Cutcombe „ EHzabeth, Wootten Courtney „ Elizabeth, Porlock „ George, Porlocke „ George, Stogursey „ George, Stogursey „ Grace, Dunster „ Gregory, Cutcombe „ James, Porlock „ Joane, Porlock „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe ,, John, Porlock „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Porlocke ,, John, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ Joseph, Minehead „ Julian, widow, Stockpirrow „ Mary, widow, Selworthy „ Mary, Porlock ,, Mary, Porlock „ Mary, Winsford ,, Michael, Wootten Courtney „ Michael, Cutcombe ,, Nicholas, Cutcomb „ Richard, Stockpirrow ,, Richard, Porlock „ Redler, Robert, Dulverton „ Thomas, Cutcombe ,, Redler, Thomas, Dulverton „ Thomas, Porlock „ Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ William, Cutcombe „ William, Porlocke ,, William, Selworthy ,, Redler, WilHam, Dulverton „ William, Porlock „ William, Porlock „ William, Cutcombe „ William, Lilstock Ridout, Mary, Bridgwater Rill als. Hill, William, Rownington Risdon, Anne, Stogumber „ Risdonn, Emanuel, Stogumber 5° 1632 I IO* 1638 ¦7 7* 1644 69 1624 73 1702 93 660 23 73' 36 634 83* 1 3' 694 32 783 42 723 28 772 63 755 32 694 36 7" 48 757 61 773 58 723 77 755 49 779 39* 619 33 664 74 781 66* 7 57* 619 '5 627 7 639 22 678 108 694 16 759 16 793 33 798 9' 687 123 724 74 742 63 750 78 799 127 7'3 16 797 '43 635 72 721 62 747 '3 758 21 1 697 38 i 724 127 727 161 1 73' 16 1 702 105 717 97 722 47 727 '3 753 47 756 22 792 37 795 6 78i 102* 10 53 638 24 1625 344 Taunton Wills. Risdon, Henry, Overstowey „ Mary, widow, Milverton „ Thomas, Aishpriors „ William, Stockland Bristol See also Rysonn. Ritche, John, Dunster „ Ritch, John, Seavington Marie „ Samuel, Overstowie See also Rich. Ritherdon, Alexander, Clatworthy „ Francis, gent, Langford Budvil „ Joane, widow, Bradford „ John, Bradford ,, Malachi, Bradford „ Nicholas, Langford Budvil 164S „ Nicholas, Bradford „ Nicholas, Langford Budvill „ Roger, Bradford „ William, Langfordbudvil Sce also Rutherdon. Roach, Henry, Exford „ John, Bridgwater „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ WilHam, Taunton James Roberts, Anne, widow, Mynehead „ Christopher, Bridgwater „ Eperminando, Bridgwater ,, James, Bridgwater ,, Joan, Taunton St. James „ John, gent, Stogursey „ John, clerk, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Bridgwater Robins, Alexander, Buckland Mary ,, Alexander, Buckland St. Mary „ Anne, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Elianor, Langford Budvil „ Robyns, Francis, Buckland Marie „ Francis, Buckland Mary ,, Francis, Buckland St. Mary ,, George, Hilfarrant „ James, Buckland Mary „ James, Luxburrow „ Robbins, Jenkin, Taunton ,, Joane, widow, Broadway ,, John, Curri Rivell ,, John, Curri Rivell „ John, Creech „ John, Drayton „ John, Buckland St. Mary „ John, Drayton ,, John, Southpetherton ,, Robbins, Margaret, Chellington „ Robbins, Philip, Northepetherton „ Robbins, Richard, Brumpton Regis „ Robbins, Roger, Langford Budfeld „ Robbins, Roger, Mynehed ,, Robbins, Stephen, Buckland St. Mary „ Thomas, Drayton ,, Thomas, Drayton ,, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary 129 1685 48 1689 126 1622 67 1732 139 161 1 28 1626 97* 1623 2 2 1696 70 1661 10 1694 9 '73° 10 1778 '7 12 '3 1762 53 1768 iS 1672 61 1662 '57 1622 23 1710 ' 38 1717 125 1690 39 1726 17 1676 '3 1728 '9 1720 67 1749 '45 1685 79 1744 12 1721 2 1686 9 1797 8 1714 30 1686 36 1610 79 1622 8 1724 23* 9 90 1641 65 1683 3 1629 9 1697 79 1633 256* '638 33 1661 55 1678 S 1684 41 1684 64 1773 3 1627 5* 1623 5 1709 '73* 1607 '9 1630 8 '749 44 1663 63 1685 5 '737 Taunton Wills. 345 Robins, Robbins, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary „ Thomas, Buckland St. Mary „ Walter, Langford Budfild „ Walter, Buckland Mary „ Robbins, William, Drayton ,, William, Dulverton „ William, Buckland Mary „ William, Dulverton ,, William, Drayton „ William, Crickett Thomas „ "Robbins, Wilmote, Langford Budfild „ Baker ah., see Baker als. Robins. Robinson, Avilia, Langford „ John, Enmore „ John, Sheptonbeauchamp „ Rebecca, Mynehead „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen Roche, Patrick, Merriott Rodbeard, Joane, Southpetherton „ Rodberd, John, Southepetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ John, sen., Southpetherton „ Rodbard, John, S. Petherton „ Rodberd, John, Southpetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton „ Rodberd, William, Southpetherton Rodd, Edward, sen., Bridgwater ,, Edward, Bridgwater „ Leonard, Currey Rivell „ Rod, Margaret, widow, Currey Rivell „ Phillipe, widow, Bridgwater Rodmore, WilHam, Overstowie Roe, Hercules, Goathurst John, Canington John, Otterhampton John, Charlinch Martha, Bridgwater William, Goathurst WilHam, Canington Rogers, Roogers, Alice, Alice, Stoakmarie Dorothy, widow, Enmore Dorothy, Pitmister Elianor, widow, Bridgwater Roogers, John, Langeford Roogers, John, Whitstaunton John, Stoke St. Mary John, Trull Joseph, Taunton Magdalen Mariane, Whitstaunton Marie, Taunton Magdalen Maryan, widow, Milverton Richard, Taunton Magdalen Roogers, Robert, Bridgwater Solomon, Taunton Magdalen Roogers, Thomas, Holford William, Enmore William, Stockland Bristol als. Troake, Marie, Langford Budfield Role, John, Southpetherton 12 1741 14 1786 I 1646 2 1668 21 1633 67 1685 9 1689 42 1691 45 '73' ->*> 1754 73* 1608 90 1640 5° 1687 50 '793 74 1700 73 1737 65 '7'3 97 1674 10S 1624 66 1679 SS 1702 '39 1730 85 I736 88 1696 122 1680 1 1 1706 4 1785 97 1626 57 1629 20 1710 91* 1627 30 1747 23 1684 124 1727 28 1771 12 1776 158* '638 34 1728 163 1608 '4 1634 74 16S5 83 1714 23 1685 24* 10 iS* 1607 161 1632 '35 1669 92 1764 166* 1607 40 1634 7' 1697 82 1699 18* 4 102 1746 43* 4 55 1704 96 1725 3° 1637 72* 1617 346 Taunton Wills. Rolls, Thomas, Crocombe Rood, Ann als. Agnes, Chedzoy „ Christian, Chedzoy „ Elianor, widow, Chedzoy ,, James, Northpetherton „ James, Chedzoy ,, James, Chedzoy ,, Joan, widow, Chedzoy „ Mary, Lyng ,, Robert, Chedzoy ,, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Stogursey ,, Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Chedzoy „ William, Puckington Rooke, Abraham, Kingston ,, Rook, Abraham, Dowlishwake ,, Anne, widow, Crewkerne „ Benjamin, Bridgwater „ Edmond, Staplefitzpaine „ Elinor, widow, Thornefawcon „ Joane, widow, Staple „ John, Creeche ,, Richard, Staplefitzpaine Roper, Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Roger, Crewkerne Rose, Anne, Milverton „ Edward, Crewkerne ,, John, Curry Revell ,, Marie, widow, Donyett „ Marie, Donyett „ Petronelle, Northpetherton „ Robert, Donyett „ William, Donyatt Rosewell, John, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Westmonnckton See also Rowsell and Rowswell. Rossiter, Andrew, Elworthy Anstice, widow, Taunton Magdalen Charles, Holford Charles, Bridgwater David, Creech Rocetor, Edward, Oake Rossitter, Elianor, widow, Barrington Rositer, Elizabeth, Northpetherton Ellen, widow, Spaxton George, Bathialton Isotte, Oake James, Creech St. Michael John, Porlocke John, Taunton Magdalen Rossitter, John, Ashpriors Rositer, John, Northpetherton John, Northpetherton Rositer, Mary, Barrington Roseter, Mary, Bridgwater Mary, Bridgwater Nicholas, Liddiard St. Lawrence Robert, Donyett Robert Tolland 2 2 1680 7 '752 27 1768 3' 1713 1 07 1728 26 1762 1 1 1780 23 1776 53 1740 16 1698 9 1683 106 1722 9 1754 iS '759 33 1782 52 1702 20 1785 6 1682 ,5* 1612 95 166 1 117 1640 62 1633 10* 1615 63 1679 55 1632 33 1710 69 1696 52 173° 35 1716 So* 1612 55* 1615 '99* 1622 83 1631 52 1694 119 1690 89 1732 39 1743 121 1722 32 1778 5 1794 24 1719 98 1646 5 171 1 5' 1765 '35 1684 2 1727 21* 9 24 1750 81 1690 IOI 1708 2 1730 55 1744 40 1793 5 1763 1 1782 10 1796 4' '734 35* 9 7i 1665 Taunton Wills. 247 Rossiter, Robert, Bradford „ Rossitor, Roger, Ashpriors „ Samuel, Taunton Magdalen „ Rocester, Thomas, Crewkerne „ Thomas, sen., Barrington „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Barrington „ Thomas, Barrington „ Thomas, Barrington ,, Rosciter, Thomazine, Donyett ,, William, Stogumber ,, William, Bridgwater Rotche, Hugh, Mynehed Rotherdon, John, Bradford Rotter, Elizabeth, Durstonn Rouckliffe, Jane, Bridgwater „ Roucliffe, John, Bridgwater Rouse, Joane, Canington Routley, John, Stogumber „ Routly, Richard, Stogumber Rowden, Augustin, Holeford „ Thomasine, Charlinche Rowe, Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead „ Row, Henry, Canington „ Jane, Taunton Magdalen „ Row, Joan, Stogumber „ Mary, Stogursey „ Row, Richard, Bridgwater ,, William, Bicknoller „ Row, Robert, Winsford ,, Robert, Stogursey „ Row, Samuel, Seavington St. Michael „ Row, Susannah, Taunton Magdalen „ Row, Thomas, Bicknoller „ Row, Thomas, Bridgwater „ WilHam, Enmore „ Row, Hayward ah., see Hayward als. Row. Rowland, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater „ John, Rimington „ John, Westmonnckton „ Robert, Runington „ Talland, Milverton Rowley, Thomas, Bridgwater Rowsell, Adam, Ileabbott „ Ann, Swell „ Ann, Merriott „ Catherine, Henton St. George „ Christopher, Curry Rivell „ Henry, Septon Beachamp ,, Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ Joane, Shepton Beauchamp „ John, Fivehed „ John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Sheptonbeachamp „ Rousell, John, Crewkerne „ John, Sheptonbeauchamp „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen „ Meriam, Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Staplegrove „ Sarah, Cheddon Fitzpaine 8 i 710 58 1 631 140 1 72S 33 ' 627 12 1 629 50 1 6S9 6 1 690 11 1 72S 8 i 776 98* 1 618 81 i 733 9 ' 78i 48* 1 616 26* 1 609 11 1 628 2 792 12 1 784 129 1 628 65 i 786 68 i 755 158 , 632 87 ) 622 74 ' 706 21 725 5° 735 70 777 48 785 4 734 10 681 126 697 5' 789 44 798 78 77i 6 73° 4 74' 42 697 16 660 94 678 128 700 89 677 24 715 6 797 70 636 41 763 29 797 45 740 34 629 84 1764 90 1764 54 1611 67* 1619 69 1726 65 177' 10 1779 48 1798 50 1766 74 1776 5° 1772 10 '783 348 Taunton IFills. Rowsell, Rowsall, Thomas, Merriott „ Thomas, Whitstaunton ,, Thomas, Staplegrove ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ WilHam, Stoke St. Mary See also Rosewell and Rowswell. Rowswell, Agnes, Stockland Christopher, Shepton beacham EUinor, Fiffett Henry, Shepton beachamp Henry, Shepton beachamp Henry, Barrington Joanna, widow, Shepton beacham John, Ileabbotts John, Dynnington 1647 John, Sheptonbeachamp John, Sheptonbeachamp John, Shepton beauchamp Mathew, Northepetherton Michael, Hilfarrents Peter, Shepton beacham Rouswell, Thomas, Shepton beachamp William, Curry Revell Gamlin ah., see Gamlin als. Rowswell. See also Rosewell and Rowsell. Roxworthie, see Raxworthie. Roy, Ray als., see Ray als. Roy. Royall ah. Bennett, Thomas, Lynge Royse, John, Barrington ,, John, Barrington ,, John, Barrington ,, Mary, widow, Barrington ,, Thomas, Barrington „ Thomas, Barrington ,, William, Barrington Rude, Edmund, Porlock Rudge, William, Goatehurst Rugg, Ann, Milverton „ Rugge, Cuthbert, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, Elizabeth, Ileabbott „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, John, Bickenhall „ Lawrence, Lidiard Laurence „ Nicholas, Ninehead „ Nicholas, Heathfield „ Nicholas, Heathfield „ William, Milverton Rumbelow, John, Brumpton Regis (Inv.) ,, Nicholas, Skilgate „ William, Skillgate Rundle, Rundell, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Oare „ Robert, Kingston „ als. Gregorie, Alice, widow, Donyatt „ als. Gregorie, John, Donyett Ruscombe, Benjamin, Cannington ,, Henry, Spaxton „ Henry, Spaxton „ Henry, Durston 77 1694 73 '756 76 1767 82 1773 76 1729 '93* 1610 98* 6 2* '638 99 1688 116 1720 1 1723 "7 1631 9* 1 1 10 12 106 1674 102 1714 '5 '753 26 1 61 1 37 1622 67* 1 139 1685 9 1673 36 1628 3 1684 10 1704 10 1767 12 1728 4 1700 7 '749 iS 1685 76* 3 53 1684 56 1767 Si 1664 54 1667 126 1672 12 1632 10 '757 1* 1631 65 1736 20 1763 37 1771 S3 1678 9 1670 122 1669 82 1764 10S 1708 85 1662 122 1638 9 1632 108* 6 20 1768 52 1712 45 '735 38 1764 Taunton Wills. 549 Ruscombe, Jane, Cannington John, Spaxton John, Cannington Joseph, Cannington Margery, widow, Spaxton Ruscomb, Mary, widow, Spaxton Susanna, widow, Canington William, gent, Canington William, Lynge William, Duddlesone, Cannington Rush, Ann, Stocklinch Magdalen „ Robert, Stocklinch Magdalen Russe, Anne, Puckington Russell, Anthony, Kingestone Edmond, Loponn Elizabeth, Southepetherton Elizabeth, Taunton James Elizabeth, Southpetherton Elizabeth, widow, Sheptonbeachamp Elizabeth, Chafcombe Isabell, Southpetherton Joane, Looponn Joane, Loponn Joane, widow, Broadway John, Southpetherton John, Southepetherton John, Loponn John, Southpeatherton John, Southpetherton John, Broadway John, Southpetherton Robert, Loponn Thomas, Loponn Thomas, Curry Revell William, Lopon Rutherdon, Daniel, Hillfarrence ,, Tristraham, Langfordbudvil See also Ritherdon. Rutley, Abraham, Milverton Ryall, Peter, Trull Rydon, Ryden, Elizabeth, widow, Northepetherton James, Northepetherton Joane, spinster, Northpetherton Ridon, John, Northpetherton Millicent, spinster, Northpetherton Richard, Northpetherton Ridon, Walter, Northpetherton Rysonn, Henry, Norton Fitzwarren „ Rison [Risdon in Inv.], John, the elder, Milverton Ryves, George, Staplefitzpaine Saffin, Elias, Winsford Elizabeth, Stogumber Joane, widow, Brompton Ralph Joane, widow, Monncksilver John, Bicknoller Rebecca, widow, Bicknoller Thomas, Winsford William, Bicknaller 18 1777 "4 1677 26 1746 10 763 106 16S0 7' 630 3' 666 3° yy> 81 728 '5 732 62 792 35 782 no 720 30* 608 84 621 149 625 60 632 1 1 1 677 60 732 32 733 40* s 3'* 615 So* 627 9 716 97* 10 34 620 172* 624 "9 637 1 12 675 1 1 683 87 710 142* 619 22 610 28 68 1 39 723 34 737 7 646 35 686 96 666 104 630 140 624 85 697 163* 7 84 724 64 i 666 103* 8 65 1 629 103 i 660 62 679 119 678 80 639 53* 1 48* 608 '54 621 2 73' 171 1 670^ 169* 1 638 nc0 Taunton Wills. Saffin, WiUiam, Bicknoller „ William, gent., Mynehead Safford, Catherine, widow, Riston „ Thomas, Bicknoller Sage, Bridgett, Luccombe „ David, Linge „ EHzabeth, Selworthy „ George, Selworthy „ John, Linge „ Marian, Linge Saint, Henry, Wayford Saintabon als. Saintealbon, John, Strengeston St. Albon, George, gent, Elworthy „ St. Alban, George, Holford „ St. Alban, John, esq., Stringston Salisbury, James, sen., Westdowlish „ James, Westdowlish „ John, West Dowlish „ John, Sheptonbeachamp „ John, Shepton beachamp „ Mary, Shepton beauchamp „ William, Bridgwater „ WilHam, Shepton Beauchamp Salmon, Adrian, spinster, Chedzoy ,, Elizabeth, Chedzoy ,, Francis, Chedzoy „ James, jun., Chedzoy „ James, Chedzoy „ John, Sheptonbeacham ,, John, Sheptonbeachamp Salter, Amy, widow, Canington „ Jerome, Staplefitzpaine „ John, Trull Salway, Salwaie, Bartholomew, Currey Rivell „ Francis, Fiffett „ George, Fivehead ., Joane, widow, Ilebrewers ,, Salwaie, John, Fivehed ,, Salwaie, Laurence, Curry Rivell ,, Mary, Islebrewer „ Thomas, Curry Revell „ William, Southpetherton „ WiUiam, Northbradon Sam, Catherine, widow, Curry Mallett „ Humphry, Curry Mallett ,, John, Currie Mallet „ John, Curry Mallett „ Sams, Nicholas, Thurlbare Sammage, Sarah, Donyatt Sampe, Joan, widow, Broadway Sampford, Joane, Overstowie ,, Samforde, John, Wembdon Sampson, Lawrence, Taunton Magdalen „ . Thomas, Taunton St. James Samuell, Hayman als., see Hayman als. Samuell. Samwaies, Anastacie, Whitstanton ,, Sam ways, William, Crewkerne Sandellan, John, Estquantoxhed Sandeys, Edwin, Southpetherton ,, Sandys, Joane, widow, Southpetherton 6 1722 75 '725 98 1669 4 1706 4' 1641 62* 5 44 1782 54 '795 57* 7 35* 1616 68 1787 40* 9 5° 1717 43 1750 72 1744 92 1721 106 1740 "9 1688 45 1698 78 1702 67 '777 '3 1727 78 1740 12 1695 29 1664 12 1783 iS 1721 32 1727 69* 1618 120 '73' 32 16S1 57 1641 73 1799 91* 1609 114 1632 108* 1641 57 1688 94* 1614 61* 1 40 1736 14 1664 89 1667 140 1727 26 1692 '5 1693 47 1634 26 1665 78 1719 32 1746 7S 1 64 1 65* 1 92* 1614 '33 1625 84 '739 2* 1618 '5 '759 '3* 1614 64 1761 "9 173' Taunton Wills. 351 Sandeys, Sandys, John, Southpetherton „ Sandie, William, Southpetherton Sandford, Ashford, clerk, Westmonckton „ Francis, Taunton St. James „ John, Merriett Sanger, William, Southpetherton Sansam, Ann, Lynge Sansome, Edithe, Taunton „ Peter, Taunton Magdalen „ Peter, Taunton Magdalen Sant, Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead Sargent, Edward, Chilton Satchell, Edward, Milverton „ Hannah, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Sachell, Henry, Taunton Magdalen ,, Henry, sen., Taunton James „ John, Taunton James ,, John, Kingsbrompton „ Satchell, Marian, widow, Riston „ Mathew, Nortonfitzwarren „ Richard, Taunton James „ Robert, Taunton James „ Susanna, widow, Taunton James Satell, John, Dowlishwake ,, Satle als. Doleman, John, Westmonnkton See also Sawtell Saunders, Alice, Crickett Malerbie Alice, Swell Saunder, Andrew, Porlocke Catherine, Estquantoxhed Christopher, Taunton Christopher, Lidiard Lawrence Daniel, Estquantoxhed Dorothe, widow, Estquantoxhed Sanders, Elizabeth, widow, Fivehead Elizabeth, widow, Pitmister George, Liddeard Lawrence George, Lydeard St Lawrence Henry, Estquantoxhed Henry, Kilton Hugh, Dunster Joane, Kilton Sanders, Joane, widow, Dunster Joane, widow, Northpetherton Joane, spinster, Fivehead John, Estquantoxhed John, Brumpton Regis John, Fivehead John, ye elder, Taunton Magdalen Marie, Durlye Matilda or Maud, Taunton Magdalen Matthew, Mynehead Melior, widow, Estquantoxhed Michael, Hilfarence Sanders, Petronell, widow, Exton Richard, Shepton Beacham Richard, Pitmister Robert, Estquantoxhed Simon, Bagborow Simon, Taunton Magdalen 89 1710 94* 1 (Inv. only) 80 1726 7i 1792 86* 1619 42 1752 92 1660 66 1610 21 1627 56 1631 57 1699 30* 10 56 1729 73 1679 (fragment) 1651 — 12 66 1709 169 1684 30 1796 45 1682 142 1637 94 1643 '4 1624 105 '733 37 1674 '44 1680 39 1611 58 1625 131 1637 66* 1613 '3* 1612 6S 1624 3S 1620 95 1635 4S 1700 44 1712 34 1695 5' 1768 140* 7 3° 1636 39 1664 202* 1638 42 1646 52 1689 45 1702 53 1661 8 1680 34 1692 82 1750 34* 1618 4 1 62 1 77 1675 54 1661 45 1664 40 1703 103* 1628 105 1681 96 1611 116 1621 45 1758 ;52 Taunton Wills. Saunders, Sanders, Thomas, Exton „ Thomas, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Thomas, Bishops Hull „ Sander, William, Crewkerne „ William, sen., Estquantoxhed ., William, Northpetherton „ William, Northpetherton ,, William, Bridgwater ,, William, Langford Budvill ,, Winifred, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ als. Taylor, John, Swell ,, als. Vicarie, John, jun., Wilton ,, als. Vicarie, John, Taunton Magdalen „ Bidgood ah., see Bidgood als. Saunders. „ Knowels ah., see Knowels als. Saunders. „ Tayler ah., see Tayler als. Saunders. ,, Thomas ah., see Thomas als. Saunders. Savage, Agnes, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Savidg, Catherine, Taunton Magdalen ,, Joane, widow, Creech „ Savedge, John, . . . mag „ Savedge, John, Currey Rivell ,, John, Pitmister ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Savedge, Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Taunton Magdalen Savonett, James, Mynehead Savor, Edward, clerk, Treaburrowe „ John, Hilfarrence „ Welthiane, Treburrow Savory, Goddard ah., see Goddard ah. Savory. See also Seavery. Sawcer, Henry, Northepetherton Sawer, John, Heathfield Sawman, Catherine, widow, Shepton beacham „ William, Bridgwater Sawtell, Sawtle, Anne, widow, Fivehead ,, Ann, Curry Rivell „ Elizabeth, Currey Rivell „ James, Curry Rivell „ Sawtle, Joane, Curry Rivell ,, Sawtle, Dolman ah., see Dolman als. Sawtle. See also Satell. Saye, Agnes, Fivehead Sayer, Alice, Dulverton „ Saier, Ambrose, Duluerton „ Sayur, Henry, Georgehenton „ John, Ashbrittle „ Katherine, Taunton Magdalen „ Margaret, Mynehed „ Robert, Halse ,, Samuel, Mynehead „ als. Burg, Catherine, widow, Skilgate „ Saier, Burge ah., see Burge als. Saier. Scadding, Agnes, Bradford ,, Agnes, widow, Pitmister „ Scaddinge, Elizabeth, Trull ,, Scadden, Elizabeth, widow, Angerslie „ James, Pitmister 45 1691 52 1768 '5 1774 8* 1613 104* 1618 77 1687 34 1791 7 1793 34 1796 52 1666 43 1634 3" '634 44 1645 '33 1680 130* 1635 iS '733 160* 1608 64* 1614 129 1730 77 1737 43 1624 96 '733 '3' 1680 70 '7'3 66 1620 37 1665 '94* 1622 72 162 1 27 '775 100 1663 12 1716 47 1696 23 1736 '55* 1610 25 177S 21 1646 68 1621 41* 1614 6* 9 67* 1613 1 1789 87 '742 97 1628 75 1707 80* 1628 48 1705 5 1671 77 1696 114* 1616 97 1638 77 1746 Taunton Wills. 353 Scadding, James, elder, Pitmister „ Scaddinge, Joane, Pytmister „ Scaddinge, John, Angerslye ,, John, Angersleigh „ John, Pittmister „ Mary, Pitmister „ Scading, Nicholas, Pitmister „ Scaddinge, Richard, Pitmister „ Scadden, Richard, Pitmister „ Richard, Pitmister „ Robert, Pytmister „ Scadden, Simon, Pitmister „ Thomas, Angersly „ Thomas, Pitmister Scirfeild, Elizabeth, widow, Canington Score, Catherine, widow, Northpetherton „ Edmund, Linge „ Edward, Wilton „ Elizabeth, Cannington „ Richard, Spaxton „ als. Williams, WiUiam, gent, Fidington „ Williams ah., see Williams als. Score. Scott, Anne, spinster, Curry Revell „ Betty, Stogumber „ Dorothy, widow, Drayton „ Elizabeth, widow, Curry Revell „ Frances, widow, Skilgate „ Francis, Mynehead „ James, Drayton „ John, Curry Rivell ,, John, Crocombe „ Marmaduke, Drayton „ Mary, Curry Mallett „ Skott, Thomas, Drayton „ WilHam, Drayton Scout, Jones ah., see Jones als. Scout. Scriven, James, Taunton Magdalen (proved again 1782) „ Screven, Richard, Crickett Thomas „ Robert, Chafecombe „ Thomas, Crickett Thomas „ Skryven, Thomas, Cricket Thomas „ Thomas, Crewkerne Seager, Seagar, Alice, Stogursey „ Ann, Creech „ John, Riston „ John, Stogursey „ Seagar, John, Pitmister „ Seagar, John, gent, Riston „ John, Shepton beachamp „ Seagar, Leonard, Pitmister „ Mary, widow, Creech „ Seger, Nicholas, Stocklinche Otterseye ,, Richard, Shepton beacham „ Robert, Creeche „ Seagar, Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Minehead „ Thomas, Doddington „ Thomas, Pittmister „ Seagar, Timothy, Creech „ Seagar, William, Stogursey 42 '754 28* 1613 48 1630 151 1640 69 1736 47 1796 95 1724 42 1620 182* 1635 114 1728 92* IO 47 1622 9' 1622 47 I787 34 1670 63 I67I 38 l6ll 166 173' '3 1780 4i 1770 34 1699 38 1687 49 1790 35 1671 3' 1672 80 I7IO 94 1660 54 1730 7 1745 '9 1783 39 1662 22 1783 122* 6 '9 1705 97 1746 21 1687 96* 8 108 1622 11 1631 53 1730 68 163 1 '5 1741 58 161 1 102 1667 94 1711 45 1712 148 1727 124 1640 43 1728 43* 1619 94* 1607 2* 1612 72 1687 52 1776 4i 1681 57 '732 29 1710 102 1722 2 A 354 Taunton Wills. Sealy, Catherine, widow, Brumpton Regis Sealey, Catherine, Michael Creech Christian, widow, Spaxton David, Bridgwater Dorothy, widow, Hilfarrence Sealie, Edward, Overstowie Edward, Bridgwater Elianor, widow, Northpetherton Seely, Elias, gent, Chafcombe EHzabeth, Taunton Magdalen Elizabeth, Creech Frances, widow, Taunton Magdalen Sealie, Giles, Lillstocke Sealie, Henry, Taunton Magdalen Sealie, James, Brompton Regis Jane, Dunster Sealie, Joane, Brompton Ralph or Cely, Joane, widow, Stogumber Sealie, John, Crocombe John, Bridgwater John, Brumpton Regis John, Upton John, Northpetherton John, Brumpton Regis John, Minehead John, gent, Bridgwater John, Aisholt Launcelott, Holeford Lawrence, Overstowey Seely, Lawrence, Chafcombe Sealie, Marie, Ouerstowie Sealie, Marie, widow, Brompton Ralph Mary, widow, Dulverton Mary, widow, Kilve Mary, widow, Trull Mary, Bridgwater Mary, Bridgwater Sealie, Nicholas, Duluerton Nicholas, Dulverton Philip, Huishchampflower Sealie, Richard, Brompton Ralphe Sealie, Richard, Kilve als. Culve Sealey, Richard, Langford Budfild Robert, Taunton Magdalen Robert, Spaxton Samuel, Chafcombe Symon, Spaxton Simon, Spaxton Sealye, Thomazine, Overstowie William, Brumpton Regis William, Hilfarrence William, Kilve William, Kilve William, Bridgwater William, Dunster William, Stogumber William, Westmonckton als. Dyer, John, Brumpton Ralph See also Ceely, Selly, Silly, Sully, and ZuUy. Seaman, Aldred, Milverton yI 12 1688 25 '745 75 1676 16 1690 52 1700 13S 1638 8 1696 79 1708 23 1716 155 1670 25 173' "5 1725 146 1637 98 1623 67* 5 32 '755 158* 1625 105 1663 35* 1607 46 1628 6 1683 172 1684 75 1688 5 1703 96 1730 11 '754 2 '755 5' 1688 92 1669 22 1690 149 1635 95 1637 4' 1683 48 1703 114 1716 '4 1728 8 1780 126 1635 49 1678 56 1675 80* 1618 112 1624 5 1636 S3 1719 49 1754 iS 1742 81 1710 38 1782 116* 1616 12 1672 20 1682 63 1688 5° 1703 17 1710 66 1720 46 1738 S5 1771 3 1685 Taunton Wills. 355 Seaman, Aldred, Milverton Edmond, sen., Oake Edmund, gent., Oake Henry, Brushford Hugh, Westbagborowe John, Ilebruers John, Chilton John, Bridgwater Mary, widow, Oake Nicholas, Taunton James Thomas, Combflorie Thomas, Combflory Seamour, see Seymour. Seare, Bridge ah., see Bridge als. Seare. Searle, Edward, Aishbritle John, Angersleigh Serie, Oades, Kittisford Robert, Northpetherton Susannah, widow, Fivehead WiUiam, Taunton Magdalen William, Fivehead Seavery, Elizabeth, widow, Wotton Courtney See also Savory. Seaward, David, Mynehead „ Francis, Bridgwater „ Henry, Bridgwater „ Seward, John, Curry Revell „ Richard, Crewkerne „ William, Whitestaunton Sedgebury, Ames, Dulverton „ Sedborough, Hugh, Chipstable „ Joane, widow, Dulverton „ Sedgburrow, John, Staplegrove „ Sedgborow, Nicholas, Chipstable „ Sedgborowe, Thomas, Chipstaple Seeines, John, Westquantoxhed Self, John, clerk, Hinton St. George „ John, clerk, Hatchbeauchamp „ Selfe, William, gent, Henton St. George „ Selff, William, Henton St. George Selleck, Sellecke, Agnes, Chipstable „ Arthur, Westmonckton „ Sellecke, David, Liddeard Lawrence „ Sellecke, David, Brumpton Ralph „ Sellecke, David, Stogumber „ David, Brumpton Ralph ,, Elizabeth, Lidiard Lawrence „ Sellecke, Elizabeth, widow, Liddiard Lawrence „ Elizabeth, widow, Taunton Magdalen ]2= jg „ Elizabeth, Clatworthy ,, Hannah, Northpetherton „ Henry, Westmonckton „ Sellecke, Henry, Westmonckton „ Sellecke, Henry, gent, Westmonnckton ,, Henry, sen., Hullbishops „ Sellick, Izett, Moncksilver „ Sellecke, James, gent., Northpetherton , Sellick, Joan, Stogumber „ Sellecke, John, Dulverton „ John, Brumpton Ralph 48 1723 So 1704 81 1722 6 1680 124 1632 117* 1607 3° 1611 14 1717 124 1730 "5 1664 76 1641 20 1721 5° 1643 4 1672 64 1661 98 1640 5° 1716 161 1684 H 1738 '3' 1677 97 1660 18 1720 7 1688 20 1773 37 1681 So 1786 32 1721 14 1701 4' 1722 87 1708 25 1706 26 1642 n* 7 42 1743 3' 1786 61 1717 44 1746 H 1684 186* 1622 63 1667 11 1707 70 1723 2 1757 43 1625 53 1676 73 1723 18 1767 4' 1787 71* 1609 5' 1646 '33 1711 iS 1738 5' 1771 93 1717 72 1771 48 1678 2 1736 356 Taunton Wills. Selleck, John, Clatworthy „ Sellick, Rebecca, Luxburrough „ Richard, Westmonckton „ Robert, Tolland „ Sellecke, Robert, Clatworthy „ Robert, Stogumber „ Robert, Clatworthy ,, Stephen, Clatworthy „ Sellecke, Susanna, Liddiard Lawrence „ Sellick, Thomas, Dunster „ Sellack, William, Kilve als. Culve ,, William, Overstowie ,, Sellicke, William, Liddiard Lawrence „ William, Lydeard Lawrence „ Sellick, William, Clatworthy ,, Sellecke, William, Elworthy ,, als. Honiball, Hugh, Stogumber „ Honiball ah., see Honiball als. Selleck Seller, Alice, Muncksilver „ Joseph, Brompton Ralph „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ William, Tolland „ Mewe als., see Mewe als. Seller Selly, Ann, Minehead „ Selley, Christopher, Dulverton „ George, Nettlecombe „ or Sully, Jane, widow, Minehead „ Richard, Mynehead „ Richard, Mynehead See also Sealey, Silly, Sully, and ZuUy. Sendell, Joane, Goathurst „ Marie, widow, Thurloxton Senior, Margaret, Dinington Sentle, Bartholomew, Minehead Seriaunt, Henry, Taunton Serry, John, Crewkerne ,, William, Crewkorn Sesse, Hugh, Kittisford „ John, Taunton James ,, Sarah, Halse Sevier, Seauier, Henry, the elder, Heathfield ,, Joane, widow, Samford Brett Seymour, Abigail, Henton St. George „ Seamour, Ann, Wayford „ Elizabeth, Henton St. George „ Seamore, Elizabeth, Wayford „ Seymore, James, Wayford „ Seamer, Mary, widow, Wayford ,, Seamore, Mary, Wavford Shalder, Collard als., see Collard als. Shalder Shapcott, James, Dulverton Shapland, John, Luccomb „ Shappland, John, Exford ,, Michael, Dulverton „ Petronell, Exford ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis Sharland, James, Nynehead „ John, Aishebritle Sharlocke, Hannah, widow, Crewkerne „ John, Crewkerne 21 '759 '7 1770 71* 6 28* 1623 23 1674 70 '734 12 '737 iS 1747 21 1673 '9 1741 29* 2 94* 2 35 1701 39 '747 24 '755 35 '755 113* 1619 3* 1 5° 1620 24 1685 97* 3 35 '735 69 16S5 96 1670 104 173° 10S 1685 62 1703 61 1631 73 1625 3° 1703 55* 1638 75 1624 26 1680 4' '73' 45 1699 67 1709 32 1734 76 1660 90 1632 20 1752 7i 1762 35 1744 88 1750 116 1708 1S5 1727 60 '754 61 1628 26 1637 5' '638 29 1740 195* 1607 '5 17" 37 1712 50* 1614 25 1719 33 1711 Taunton Wills. 257 Sharlocke, Thomas, Loponn „ Thomazin, spinster, Lopen „ Sharlock, William, Misterton Sharman, John, Northepetherton Sharpe, Christopher, Taunton James „ Edward, Milverton „ Geoffry, Cothelston „ John, Milverton „ Margaret, spinster, Hilbishoppes ,, Michaell, Cothelstone „ Richard, Milverton „ Thomasin, Cothelstone Sharpsheire, George, Brushford Shattock, Anne, widow, Staplegrove „ Ann, Otterford „ Archilaus, Langford Budvill „ Christopher, Stogumber „ Christopher, St. James „ Shattocke, Christopher, Staplegrove „ EHnor, widow, Nortonn „ Shattocke, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James „ Shattocke, Frances, spinster, Westmonnkton ,, Shattocke, Henry, Staplegrove „ Shattocke, Henry, Westmonnckton „ Henry, Westmonckton ,, Shattocke, Henry, Staplegrove „ Shattocke, Henry, Staplegrove „ Shattocke, Hugh, Canington „ Isatte, Stogumber „ Joane, Bagbarrow ,, Joane, widow, Bagburrowe „ Shattocke, Joane, widow, Staplegrove „ John, Staplegrove „ John, sen., Staplegrove „ John, Staplegrove ., Shattocke, John, Nortonfitzwarren „ Shattocke, John, Creech St. Michael „ Shattocke, John, Westbagborow „ Shattocke, John, Liddiard Lawrence „ Shattocke, John, Westmonnckton „ John, the elder, Staplegrove „ John, Staplegrove „ Mary, Milverton „ Mary, Westmonckton „ Mary, Staplegrove „ Nicholas, Milverton „ Richard, Nortonn „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Bridgwater „ Ruth, Runnington „ Simon, Milverton „ Thomas, Crocombe „ Shattocke, Thomas, Canington „ Shattocke, Thomas, Langford Budvill „ Shattocke, Thomas, Staplegrove „ Shattocke, Thomas, sen., Creech „ Shattocke, Thomas, Runington „ Thomas, Staplegrove „ Thomas, Runington „ William, Estquantoxhed 39 1642 39« 1642 124* 1608 16* 1617 21 1630 75 1675 64* 1618 6S 1687 54 1684 24 1670 184 1638 56 1641 103* 4 144 1727 42 1798 44 1723 90* 1619 22 1638 98 1675 172 1632 5 1645 S4 1679 32* 1 1 73 1610 42* 1613 '53 1637 121 1717 27 1664 10* 6 74* 1 108* 1616 126 1670 89* 7 64 1630 165 1635 5' 1637 27 1670 176 1685 54 1710 80 1723 7i 1747 45 1766 12 '75' 86 177' 6.3 1775 33 1741 42* 1617 38 1625 S 1640 43 1779 33 1779 26* 1607 41 1669 44 1689 55 1692 28 1704 92 1706 150 1730 63 1747 39* 1607 358 Taunton Wills. Shattock, Shattocke, William, West Bagburrow „ Shattocke, William, Westbagborough „ William, Kittisford Shaulder als. Collard, Nicholas, Nortonfitzwarren Shawle, Thomas, Northpetherton Shears, John, Stogursey Sheldon, Anne, Dunster Snellen, Thomazin, Puckington Shenton, Catherine, widow, Dunster „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Dunster ,, William, Dunster Sheppard, Catherine, widow, Halse ,, Edward, Clatworthy ,, Elizabeth, widow, Cannington „ Ezekiel, Cannington ,, George, Stringstone ,, Shiphard, George, Stogursey „ Henry, Otterhampton ,, Shepherd, Henry, Broadway ,, Shepherd, James, Stogursey „ John, Bridgwater ,, Tohn, Canington ,, Shepperd, Julian, Bridgwater „ Shepard, Richard, Bridgwater „ Shepperd, Richard, Lynge „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen „ Shepherd, Robert, Halse „ Roger, Lyng „ Shepperd, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Shepheard, Thomas, Nynehead „ Shepperd, William, Milverton „ Shippard, William, Bridgwater Shercomb, Shercombe, Henry, Bridgwater „ Hugh, Culve „ Thomas, Bridgwater Sherford, Agnes, Taunton James „ John, gent., Trull „ William, Trull Sherlocke, Sherlock, Bartholomew, Misterton „ Gregory, Exford ,, Lawrence, Misterton ,, Mary, Exford ,, Sherlock, Richard, Misterton „ Richard, Crewkerne „ Roger, Exford „ William, Misterton „ WilHam, Crewkerne ,, William, Crewkerne Sherring, John, Exton „ John, Exton Sherry, WilHam, Taunton James Shervie, Edithe, Fiddington „ Florence, Otterhampton ,, John, Otterhampton „ John, Fidington ,, John, Fidington ,, Shervey, John, Stogursey Sherwood, Alice, widow, Durston ,, Anne, widow, Pitmister 10S 1637 44 1715 28 1769 81 1706 35* 7 '34 1670 '4 1623 33 1770 62 1720 22 1698 44 1708 40 1696 59 1711 20 1775 32 1674 20 1776 5S 1761 52 1783 85 1663 12 1699 42 '797 14 1666 19 1697 6 1611 121 1621 121 1628 171 1727 57 1661 64 1667 54 1624 7S 1697 S3 1625 18 1670 136* 7 79* 1617 89* 10 6rt* 1634 167 1727 59* 5 204* 1622 70 1685 65 1667 47 1684 205* 1622 43 1704 48 1663 7' 1663 26 1668 30 1702 49 1663 42 1664 90 167 1 84* 1629 61* 1619 32* 1616 "3 1641 32 1665 97 1700 39 1684 '32 1727 Taunton Wills. 359 Sherwood, Elizabeth, widow, Staplegrove „ Elizabeth, Crewkerne ,, Francis, Crewkerne ,, Joane, Hambridge ,, John, Pitmister „ John, Pitmister „ Mary, widow, Pitmister ,, Thomas, Staplegrove 1648 ,, Thomas, Crewkerne ,, WiUiam, Enmer „ William, Lynge Shinner, John, Meriet Shire, Shires, Abraham, Goathurst „ John, Crewkerne „ John, clerk, Buckland St. Mary „ Margaret, widow, Crewkerne Shirt, Alice, spinster, Holeford „ Shirte, William, Kulve See also Shurt. Sholer, Agnes, Hilbishopps „ Sholler, Henry, Westbagborow „ Susanna, widow, Combflory ,, Thomas, Hilbusshoppes ,, als. Collard, Anne, widow, Nortonfitzwarren Sholford, Henry, Exford „ Henry, Exford Shoobrooke, John, Durston Shorland, Isott, Dunster „ James, Bradford „ Joan, Milverton „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Staplegrove ,, Mary, Taunton St. James ,, Thomas, Northepetherton ,, Thomazine, (? Aishb)ritle Shorlock, William, Lopon Shorney, James, Aishebrittle „ Nathaniel, Overstowey „ Sarah, Aisholt „ William, Liddiard St. Lawrence Shornway, Joan, " Bropton" Ralph „ Shorneway, John, Brumpton Ralph ,, John, Brumpton Ralph „ Mellior, widow, Brompton Ralph „ Shorneway, Nathaniel, Elworthy „ Shorneway, Robert, Brompton Ralph Short, John, Bicknoller ,, John, Hilbishops „ Mary, spinster, Curry Revell „ Samuel, Taunton James „ Samuel, Taunton James „ WilHam, Taunton James Shorway, Samuel, Asholt Shotter, John, Bridgwater Shouler, Collard als., see Collard als. Shouler. Shrapnell, Noah, Taunton Magdalen Shuger, John, Drayton Shurfford, Elizabeth, Hilbushopps Shurt, Edward, Stogursey „ Shurte, Hugh, Kilve 98 1690 7 1763 3° 1725 83* 10 S4 1708 93 1716 97 1669 21 12 29 '743 4* 1610 77 1678 108 1660 6S 1707 48 1694 5 1772 24 '733 42 1632 76* 1612 Si 1685 120 1691 '9 1666 44* 1618 77 1714 34 1637 57 1704 40 1680 56 1669 '7 1672 5' 1736 "3 1694 73 1764 33 1788 144 1624 12* 1619 173* 1638 49 1629 5' 1780 1 1769 n 1753 5 1766 7 1671 4 1750 94 1632 3' 1709 9 1688 5 1693 80 1720 40 1687 39 1718 170 1730 104 1733 1 1756 36 1633 9' 1740 28 1744 88* 2 IOI 166 1 52 1668 ;6o Taunton Wills. Shurt, James, Kilve „ Joane, Kilve als. Culve „ John, Kilve „ John, Kilve „ Shurte, John, Kilve „ Julian, Kilve „ Shurte, Lancellott, Kilve „ Shurte, Richard, Kilve „ Richard, Stogursey „ Shurte, Robert, KUtonn „ Thomas, Holford „ William, Crocombe „ WilHam, Overstowey See also Shirt. Shurvy, WilHam, Bicknaller Shute, Arthur, Milverton „ Catherine, Bridgwater „ George, Kingeston „ George, Hilfarrence „ Joane, Bradford „ John, Kingstone ,, John, Holeford „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, Taunton St. James „ Richard, Norton „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ William, Norton Shutler, John, Merriott „ William, Merriott Shutt, Anne, Stogursey „ Edward, Aishepriors „ Edward, Bradford „ George, Hilfarrence „ John, Norton Fitzwarren „ Margerie, Nortonn „ Richard, Kingstonn „ Richard, Hillfarence ,, Robert, Bradford „ Robert, Doddington ,, Robert, Bradford „ Roger, Stringston Shutter, John, Durleigh. Sibley, Alphonse, Crewkerne „ Siblie, Avice, Draytonn ,, Henry, Southpetherton ,, Jacob, Misterton „ John, Southpetherton ,, John, Stogumber „ Siblye, Margaret, Abbott He „ Mary, widow, Badialton „ Samuel, Misterton „ Thomas, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Southpetherton „ William, Seaborrow Siderfin, Syderfin, Augustin, Selworthy „ Elizabeth, Selworthy ,, Grace, Selworthy ,, Joan, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe 57 1714 39 1641 69* 1681 7' 1684 66 171 1 81 1672 24 1627 82 1625 76 1719 130* 1611 47 1635 27 1740 32 1757 30 1632 48 1776 3 1791 33* 1610 60 1706 78* 6 5'* 1610 63 1694 23 1720 53 1748 73 1765 39* 1608 69 1765 "7 1632 40 1762 29 '794 70 1744 Si* 1618 '3 1677 53 1688 88 1620 58* 1618 78 1620 '3 1770 17 1669 32 1725 12 1729 7 1643 99 1640 37 1690 123 1611 7S 1742 57 1740 1 1 1 1724 85 1781 24* 1608 4 1723 3S '793 32 1702 102 1713 83 1764 5' 1762 86 1740 58 1799 16 '795 21 1783 Taunton Wills. 361 Siderfin, Syderfin, Mary, widow, Luxburrow „ Mary, Exton „ Mary, Minehead „ Robert, Selworthy ,, Syderfin, Thomas, Luxburrow „ William, gent, Mynehead Silk, Ann, Holford „ Silke, Bartholomew, Stogursey ,, Bartholomew, Holford ,, Silke, Edward, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Stockland Bristoll „ Silke, Joane, Stogursey „ Joan, Otterhampton ,, Silke, John, Stringstone ,, Silke, John, Stringston „ John, Cannington „ Silke, Richard, Stogursey „ Thomas, Otterhampton „ William, Cannington Sillivan, Alice, widow, Lynge „ Ann, Minehead „ Sillivent, George, Mynehead „ Silliven, Joane, widow, Mynehead „ John, gent., Mynehead ,, Mary, Minehead ,, Sillivant, Robert, Mynehead „ Susanna, Mynehead „ Silliven, Thomas, Lyng See also Sullivan. Silly, Sillie, Elizabeth, Brusheford „ Elizabeth, Mynehead „ Sylly, John, Brushford „ William, Thurloxton See also Sealey, Selly, Sully, and ZuUy. Silver, Dorothy, widow, Chedzoy „ Sillver, George, Lynge „ John, Bridgwater Silvester, EHzabeth, Southepetherton „ Elizabeth, Southpetherton „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Southepetherton „ John, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton ,, Mary, Hinton St. George „ Thomas, Stogursey „ Silfester, Thomas, Ashbrittle ,, WilHam, Southpetherton Sinckler, John, Crewkerne Sindercomb, Bartholomew, Staplegrove „ Emanuel, Aishebrittle „ Joane, Staplegrove „ John, Linge „ William, Linge Single, Edmond, Donyatt „ Joane, Puckington „ Joane, Puckington „ Joane, Dinington „ Margaret, Puckington ,, Mary, Donyatt „ Thomas, Puckington 54 1693 35 '733 5° '747 30 1788 64 1675 45 1723 20 1779 '3' 1681 32 1767 62 1665 '34 1730 58 1624 5° 1792 S3 1736 So 1740 3° 1764 123 1707 44 1787 12 1779 60 1722 46 1771 80 1681 S3 1683 98 1727 44 1739 106 1685 93 1720 59 1724 87* 3 67 1688 1 1722 123 1672 34 1707 47 1736 '3 1703 70* 1619 59 1786 3'* 1608 158* 1610 73 1719 43 1738 3S '773 '56 1727 1 1786 1* 1616 120 1635 43 1628 49* 1610 39 1624 51* 7 79* 2 62 1685 17* 8 76* 8 38 1722 95* 1607 27 '737 105 1622 362 Taunton Wills. Singleton, Ann, Chillington ,, George, Milverton ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Miluerton „ Thomas, Spaxton „ Wilmot, spinster, Milverton Skellen, Joan, widow, South Bradon ,, John, Southpeatherton „ Thomas, Savington St Mary Skelling, George, South Braden ,, SkiUing, John, sen., Southepetherton „ Skillinge, John, sen., Southepetherton ,, Stephen, Southbradon Skinner, Anne, widow, Stogumber ,, Skynner, Edward, Dunster „ Elinor, widow, Brompton Ralph „ George, Brumpton Ralph „ George, sen., Brumpton Ralph „ George, jun., Brumpton Ralph „ Katherine, widow, Minehead ,, James, Uptonn „ James, Radington „ James, Raddington „ John, Merriott „ John, Ashpriors „ Margery, Wythill ,, Matthew, Dulverton „ Richard, Upton ,, Richard, Trull „ Susannah, Skilgate „ Thomas, Nynehed ,, Skynner, Thomas, Milverton ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis Slade, Elianor, Bradford ,, Elizabeth, widow, Stogumber ,, Joane, widow, Milverton „ John, Selworthy „ Sarah, Beer-crocombe „ Symon, Nettlecombe „ Simon, Bicknoller „ Thomas, Wayford ,, Thomas, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Thomas, Beercrocombe „ William, Bridgwater ,, William, Merriott Slape, Agnes, Norton fitzwarren „ Agnes, widow, Doniet „ Anstice, widow, Stoke St. Mary „ Eleanor, Hillfarrence „ Elizabeth, spinster, Trull „ Elizabeth, widow, Nortonfitzwarren „ Emanuel, Norton „ Emanuel, Nortonfitzwarren „ George, Thurloxton „ Israel, widow, Taunton St. James „ James, Nortonfitzwarren ,, James, Trull „ Joane, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Taunton James „ John, Wilton 18 1796 57 1729 42* 1614 76 1661 5' 1630 42 1732 74 '734 170 1635 75 '734 68 1750 70* 1608 86* 1608 109 1724 "7 1724 58* 1607 7 1660 7 1690 S 1722 9 1722 28 1738 91* 8 '35 1685 60 1771 23 1718 1 1797 96 1744 48 1717 10* 1617 93 1668 43 1769 107* 7 15* 1636 10 1761 4 1673 27 1633 69 1724 "9 1728 12 1799 75 1674 5 '755 146 1683 72 1708 2 1797 125 1624 38 1787 6* 1619 63 1636 107 1724 33 1778 165 1685 80 1706 168* 1607 69 1690 9 1624 123 1725 3' 1757 6i 1783 12* 6 116 1700 43* 1607 Taunton Wills. 3&: Slape, John, Taunton James „ John, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, sen., Stoke St. Mary „ John, sen., Trull „ John, gent, Bridgwater „ Katherine, Kingestone „ Mary, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren „ Peter, gent, Taunton James „ Ralph, Norton Fitzwarren ,, Ralph, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Ralph, Nortonfitzwarren „ Richard, Donyett ,, Robert, Nortonfitzwarren „ Robert, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Robert, Hillfarrence ,, Sarah, Trull „ Thomas, Kingeston „ Thomazine, widow, Stoke St. Mary ,, William, Doniet „ William, Nortonfitzwarren „ William, Crocombe „ William, Norton Fitzwarren „ William, gent., Taunton James ,, William, Norton Slater, Thomas, clerk, Barwick St. Leonards, co. Wilts. Sleman, Joane, Wembdon Slocock, Augustin, Milverton „ Christopher, Langford Budvil „ Joane, Stogumber ,, Slowcock, Nicholas, Langford Budfeld ,, Slococke, Nicholas, Thorne Margaret Slocombe, Alice, Bridgwater ,, Anne, widow, Westbagborow „ Christopher, Durston „ David, Taunton Magdalen ,, Deanes, widow, Durston „ Edward, Northpetherton ,, Elizabeth, Sampford Brett „ George, Durston „ Slocomb, Henry, Dunster „ Henry, Sampford Brett „ James, Hewishchamflower ,, Joane, Aishpriors „ Joane, Selworthie „ Joane, Ashpriors „ Joane, Clatworthy „ Joane, Kingston „ John, Pitmister „ John, Wythycombe „ John, Clatworthy ,, John, Northpetherton ,, Margery, Durston „ Marie, Hewishchampflowre „ Mary, widow, Minehead „ Richard, Holford „ Richard, Crocombe ,, Robert, Crocombe „ Robert, Huishchampflower „ Robert, Overstowie 124 630 131 I 672 55 698 58 ) 701 109 i 722 21 1 727 7* 1 612 7' 722 113 j 722 57 ' 622 58 ' 671 83 ' 73' 17* 5 95 ' 707 5' ' 732 35 ' 799 106 1 713 59 ' 623 114 ] 681 62 i 636 94 670 29 1 672 24 i 718 75 1 723 109 i 739 28 i 661 105* 6 104* 8 137 ' 621 109 611 '74* i 607 9 639 77* 612 121 691 61 660 75 750 43 681 36 769 67 761 49 643 100 622 81 764 94* 608 2 lT^ 1 1 80 633 99 646 '9 767 29 769 93 697 '5' 724 21 749 4' 754 34 1676 95* 2 99 1660 150 163' 35 1743 160 1624 124 [637 124 1660 364 Taunton Wills. Slocombe, Robert, Clatworthy 19 1742 „ Slocomb, Thomas, Withiecomb 18 1621 „ Thomas, Overstowie 12 1625 „ Thomas, Selworthie 59 1625 „ Thomas, Selworthie 78 1636 „ Walter, sen., Mynehead 100 1635 „ Walter, Cannington 69 1638 „ Walter, Dunster 41 171 1 „ William, Durston 60 1672 ,, William, Crocombe 31 1677 „ William, Stogumber 65 1689 ,, William, Clatworthy 19 1750 Slowley, Anne, widow, Porlocke 87 1714 ,, David, Porlock 29* 11 „ David, Minehead 58 1740 „ John, gent, Porlocke 86 1714 „ John, Porlock 52 1786 „ Slolie, Margaret, Porlock 85* 7 „ Robert, Minehead 52 1750 Slucocke, Richard, Taunton Magdalen in 1714 „ Richard, Stogursey 35 171 r ,, Slewcock, Thomas, Crocombe 4* 1607 „ William, Canington 36 1685 Sly, Thomas, Stogursey io6 1675 Smale, Small, Alexander, Northpetherton 70 1691 „ Elizabeth, Oare 62 1721 ,, Smalle, Isaac, Lyng 4I 10g2 „ Joane, Bagburrowe 30* 1607 „ Joane, Taunton Magdalen 187* 1622 „ SmaU, John, Bagborrow leg j522 ,, John, Liddiard Lawrence 54 1703 ,, John, Liddiard Lawrence 56 1710 „ Margaret, widow, Thurloxton 48 1641 „ Margery, Creech 84* , „ Marie, Taunton James II2 1623 ,, Roger, Taunton James 85* 1615 „ Small, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen 89 1768 ,, Thomas, Bagburrowe 72 j6io „ als. Cox, Jeffery, Westbagborow 66 1686 „ Cox ah., see Cox ah. Smale. „ als. Hopper, Agnes, Bridgwater 168 1640 „ als. Hooper, Emblin, Northpeatherton 224* 1638 „ als. Hooper, James, Northepetherton 20 1620 Smalland, Mellanie, Creech 34* - Smarte, Anthony, Dunster 94* Iolg Smeath, Smeth, Frances, widow, Sheptonbeachamp and Ilminster 113 16S0 „ Frances, spinster, Stogumber I28 1694 „ Richard, Stogumber ,„ l6g. „ Susanna, Lyng 2g bminey, Bartholomew, Treborow cc jCig „ David, Kingston 4t % „ Joane, widow, Kingston rg 1708 " j0}™' Kingston 6o l6gg " |°^n' Kingston 6 „ John, Kingston -I ' R „ Robert, Kingston l\ \7f „ Sminney, Robert, Kingston iZ l7"A „ Sminney, Thomas, Kingston 6; '\^ „ Sminney, Thomas, Kingston 2C> ,£.- Smith, Smythe, Agnes, Monncksilver „* ^ Taunton Wills. 365 Smith, Smythe, Alexander, Minehead Alexander, Mynehead Smythe, Andrew, Merriett Anne, widow, Crewkerne Anne, spinster, Sheptonbeachamp Smyth, Anthony, Georgehenton Arthur, Taunton Magdalen Smyth, Bartholomew, Taunton Benjamin, Crewkerne Charity, widow, Taunton Magdalen Christian, widow, Thornefaulcon Christopher, Trull Smythe, David, Northepetherton Smythe, Edward, Trull Edward, Crewkerne Smythe, EHzabeth, Drayton Smythe, Elizabeth, Staplegrove Elizabeth, widow, Ileabbotts Elizabeth, widow, Mynehead Elizabeth, widow, Wivelscombe Elizabeth, spinster, Canington Elizabeth, widow, Stocklinch Bristol Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Francis, Taunton Magdalen Smythe, Frisweed, Netlecombe Smyth, George, Southpetherton George, Westdowlish Grace, widow, Stogumber Gregory, Wilton Henry, Hawkridge Henry, Milverton Henry, Otterford Henry, Otterford Isotte, widow, Dunster Jacob, Taunton Magdalen James, Bridgwater James, Ruishton Smyth, Jane, widow, Mynehead Jane, spinster, Trull Smythe, Jasper, Withiecombe Smythe, Joane, widow, Barrington Smythe, Joane, Canington Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen Joane, Taunton Magdalen Joane, widow, Southpetherton Smyth, John, Wutton Courtnye Smyth, John, Netlecombe Smyth, John, Pitmister Smythe, John, Taunton Magdalen Smythe, John, Trull John, Crewkerne John, gent, Taunton Magdalen John, Taunton Magdalen John, Ilebrewers John, Skillgate John, Wooten Courtney John, Lyng Judith, widow, Bridgwater Smythe, Margaret, Kittisford Smythe, Margaret, Cutcombe 50 1611 179 1635 41* 1607 44 1727 '41 1730 15* 9 '33 1707 I 2* 3 3° 1724 38 1715 163 1685 3 1642 125* 1616 125 1610 21 1771 '33* 1608 130 1624 55 1683 86 1683 47 1717 40 1720 75 1729 56 '754 ' 37* 1635 86 161 1 4* 6 65 1701 158 1730 56 '738 27 1642 29 1682 46 1726 48 '792 58 1660 140 1717 6 '773 38 '797 '74 1632 126 1690 22* 1616 103* 1614 81 1626 53 1636 81 1676 S7 1693 77* 1 33* 3 69* 3 91* 1608 2 161 1 118 1635 '37 1694 116 1716 65 1717 47 1741 75 '759 38 1780 22 1711 15* 1615 102* 1618 366 Taunton Wills. Smith, Margaret, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Marmaduke, Northpeatherton „ Mary, Wilton „ Mary, Dunster „ Smyth, Michael, Southepetherton „ Smythe, Pawle, Taunton „ Peter, Ilebrewers ,, Smythe, Richard, Durston „ Smyth, Richard, Barrington „ Smythe, Richard, Barrington „ Richard, Crewkerne „ Richard, Nettlecombe ,, Richard, Bridgwater „ Smythe, Robert, Crewkerne „ Robert, Trull „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, sen., Fivehead „ Robert, Liddiard Lawrence „ Robert, Fivehead „ Smythe, Roger, Staplegrove ,, Sarah, spinster, Taunton Magdalen „ Smythe, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Smyth, Thomas, Taunton „ Thomas, the elder, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Seaburrow ,. Thomas, Stogursey „ Thomas, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Upton „ Thomas, Drayton „ Thomas, Merriott „ Thomas, Hilbishops „ Thomas, Broadway ,, Thomas, Otterford „ Thomas, Cannington ,, Smythe, Tristraham, Brodwaie „ Valentine, Bridgwater ,, Smythe, Walter, Draiton „ Smythe, William, Taunton ,, Smythe, William, Trull „ Smythe, William, Cannington „ Smythe, WilHam, Ileabbott „ WilHam, Crewkerne „ William, Corffe „ William, Canington ,, William, Stogursey „ William, Oare „ Smythe als. Androes, Joane, Puckington „ als. Clement, Sarah, Bridgwater „ Smyth als. Widdon, Edward, Dunster „ Androes ah., see Androes ah. Smith Smither, Francis, Crewkerne ,, Smyther, James, Crewkerne Smocke, Edmund, Ninehead Snelling, John, Minehead Snooke, James, Pitmister Snow, Andrew, Stockpirrow ,, Andrew, Stockpirrow „ Florence, Canington „ Snowe, Joane, spinster, Cutcombe ,, Joane, widow, Chedzoy 112 1725 7 1641 90 ' 1721 33 1750 82 1626 "5 1623 46 1671 2* 1 41* 11 IOI* 1612 32 1691 72 1710 4 '744 2 1627 152 1635 80 1699 33 1709 56 1725 27 1732 '54 1624 116 1725 3* 1614 58* 1639 42 1660 97 1661 87 1666 33 1678 61 1698 38 1708 76 1711 53 I7'4 6 1717 37 1769 '4 1789 73* 1615 7 1698 162* 1607 128* 1607 23* 1615 162* 1616 55 1631 28 1662 n 1679 32 1719 '34 1731 52 1799 42 1611 12 1660 44* 3 12 '793 16 1781 1S9 1635 33 1637 97 1680 119 1670 41 1752 243* 1638 44 1629 18 1680 Taunton Wills. 367 Snow, Joan, Porlock „ Snowe, John, Dulverton „ John, Porlocke and Stoke Rivers, Devon „ John, Selworthy ,, Snowe, Nicholas, Bridgwater „ Nicholas, Porlocke „ Nicholas, Taunton Magdalen „ Nicholas, Porlock „ Nicholas, Luckham „ PhiUipp, widow, Bridgwater „ Snowe, Richard, Withell „ Richard, Stockpirrow „ Richard, Taunton James „ Richard, Taunton James „ Richard, Luxborow „ Robert, Porlock „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ Snowe, Simon, Canington ,, Walter, Luckham „ Walter, Luckham „ William, Porlock „ William, Wootten Courtney „ Snowe als. Denman, William, Canington „ Snowe als. Denma(n), William, Canington „ Snowe, Denman ah., see Denman als. Snowe. „ Jacob ah., see Jacob als. Snow. Snowke, John, . . . Soaper, Francis, Misterton „ Soper, Geoffrey, Lynge ,, Soper, Henry, Taunton St. James „ Sooper, John, Henton St. George „ Richard, Henton St. George Sock, Joanna, widow, Dynnington „ Socke, John, Dinnington Sogg, Agnes, widow, Mynehead Solmon, John, Shepton Beacham Somer, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ Joane, Northebower, parish Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Crewkerne „ William, Bridgwater Somerhayes, Thomas, Buckland St. Mary Somers, Richard, Charlinch „ Robert, Charlinche „ Sommers, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Somerville, John, Nettlecombe Sooper and Soper, see Soaper. South, Sowthe, Elizabeth, Langford Budfeld „ Sowthe, Philip, Kingston Southcott, Richard, Mynehead Southele, Mary, widow, Ashbrittle Southerd, Southerwood ah., see Southerwood als. Southerd. Southerwood als. Southerd, William, Taunton Magdalen Southey, Agnes, Langeford ,, Bridgett, widow, Wilton „ Sowthey, Christopher, Westmonnckton „ Elizabeth, Pitmister „ Sowthey, John, Westmonckton „ Sowthey, Nicholas, Ruishton 48 1783 77* 1619 102 1724 '45 1730 29 1633 97 1697 "3 1714 80 '743 43 1773 8 1676 26 1620 9' 1700 9' 1702 98 1729 92 1730 39 1738 49 '735 92* 1612 32 1695 60 1714 128 '727 72 1749 '9 1610 121* 1610 3'* 5 60 1691 164 1632 155 1660 231* 1638 '57 1640 75 1632 1 1629 78 '73' 130 1660 73 1624 10* 1613 98 1611 26 1622 39 1629 21 1622 '5 1768 3' 1626 79* 1616 "7 1722 37 1783 88* 1607 127 1635 70 1725 5 1710 150 1670 150 1 62 1 64 1695 147* 1619 75 1746 56 1772 66 '739 368 Taunton J Fills. Southey, Philip, Westmonnckton „ Sowthey, Robert, Pitmister „ Thomas, Milverton „ William, Langford Budvill Southwell, John, gent, „ Southwill, Marie, Stogursey Southwood, Elizabeth, Bishops Hull ,, Henry, Dynnington „ Jeffery, Stogumber „ John, Stokegomer „ Peter, Pitmister „ Phillip, Wilton „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Samuel, gent, Pitmister „ Thomas, Pitmister „ Thomas, Pitminster ,, William, Pitmister Spackman, Stephen, Overstowey Spaniell, Purdy als., see Purdy als. Spaniell Sparke, Agnes, Porlock „ Agnes, Luckham „ Anthony, Bridgwater „ Dorothie, Chedsey ,, Dorothy, widow, Chedzoy ,, Spark, Jane, spinster, Porlock „ Spark, Jane, widow, Porlock „ Joane, widow, Chedzoy ,, John, Porlocke „ John, Chedzoy „ John, Porlocke ,, Lawrence, Porlocke „ Spark, Lawrence, Porlock „ Richard, Chedsey „ Richard, Chedzoy „ Spark, Richard, Chedzoy „ Richard, Chedzoy „ Spark, Sarah, Chedzoy ,, Thomas, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Bridgwater ,, William, jun., Porlocke „ William, jun., Porlock „ William, Luckham ,, William, Chedzoy „ Chapman ah., see Chapman als. Sparke. Speed, Joane, Goathurst „ Richard, Brumpton Ralph Speere, John, Kingston Spencer, Agnes, Crewkerne „ Joane, Wootten Courtney Spiller, Bartholomew, Staplefitzpaine „ Margaret, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Hilfarrence Spiring, John, Halse Spoor, Ann, widow, Taunton James ,, Spoore, Christian, spinster, Northpetherton „ Spoore, Hugh, Taunton James Sprackett, Agnes, Ilebruers „ John, Ilebruers ,, John, Ilebruers ,, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen 174 173' 143* 1619 38 1695 37 1765 95 1643 83* 1609 2 1768 47 1660 129 1694 Inv. only) 82 1726 83 1690 "7 1688 53 1772 129 1727 Si 1667 49 1686 1 1632 56 1723 30* 1619 64 1697 28 1685 35« 1636 20 1689 10S 173' 55 1732 9 1679 S7 1688 38 1704 67 '736 86 1700 49 1789 S3 1633 23 1700 22 1767 21 1792 28 1768 16 1741 9 '795 74 1624 92 1624 55 1691 24 1776 3' 1767 8 1678 69 1684 36 1646 '38 1680 68 '734 63 1686 53 1675 73 1707 171 1730 88 1711 116 1613 128 1632 73* 1614 62 1661 i°3 1708 Taunton Wills. 3^9 Sprackling, James, Crewkerne Spraggett, Joane, Aishebrittle „ Spraggatt, Thomas, Ilebruers Sprague, Alexander, Pitmister ,, James, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Martha, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Mary, Minehead „ Richard, Bishops Hull „ Sprage, Robert, Mynehead „ Sprage, Robert, Minehead Sprake, Christian, Donyett Spratt, William, Pitmister Spreate, Alice, widow, Milverton „ Spreet, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Spreat, Joan, Milverton „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Osmund, Taunton Magdalen ,, Spreat, Thomas, Heathfield ,, Spreat, Thomas, Milverton „ William, Milverton Spring, Christopher, Bridgwater „ Springe, Elize . . , Spurle, Richard, Westmonkton Spurrier, Bartholomew, Porlock „ Edmond, Mynehead ,, Elizabeth, Minehead ,, Francis, Taunton Magdalen „ Hester, Porlocke ,, Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Porlock ,, John, Mynehead „ John, Minehead „ Mary, widow, Oare „ Mary, widow, Selworthy „ Peter, Porlock „ Phillip, Oake „ Phillip, Porlocke „ Robert, Mynehead „ Robert, Minehead „ Sarah, Minehead ,, Sarah, Oare ,, Walter, Selworthy ,, William, Oare „ WilHam, Oare „ Home ah., see Home als. Spurrier. Squibbs, Henry, Crocombe „ Walter, Bicknoller Squier, Agnes, Shepton Beacham „ Agnes, Winsford „ Anne, Oake „ Anne, Oake „ Squire, Gregory, Ileabbott „ Joane, Shepton Beacham „ John, Sheptonbeacham ,, John, Shepton Beaucham „ Squire, Margaret, Brumpton Regis ,, Squire, Mary, Minehead „ Richard, sen., Shepton Beachamp „ Thomasin, Winsford Stabbs, Agnes, Taunton Magdalen 17 1776 64* 8 26* 10 48 '774 21 1776 22 1789 45 1747 6 1782 43 1679 52 '734 10 1628 47 '774 58 1676 1 12 1704 49 1776 85 1671 87 1671 3' 1747 46 '759 67 1714 248* 1638 13* 2 55 1797 1 10 1635 32 1705 58 '736 'S3 '73' 88* 1646 52 1678 87 1624 69 1725 101 1730 41 1698 125 1724 1* 1644 103 1717 27 1718 74 1677 38 '775 63 '742 45 1762 104 17 16 87 1663 103 1694 16 1780 6 1786 43* 9 176* 1610 120* 1623 2 1624 S3 1635 99* 4 59* 1616 87 1621 7 1665 4S 1777 '3' 1660 .56 1635 3 1 64 1 2B 270 Taunton Wills. Stacey, Agnes, widow, Bradford „ Anne, Bradford „ Edward, Bradford ,, Edward, Bradford „ Stacy, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton or N. Curry „ Stacie, George, Enmore ,, Henry, Northpetherton „ Joane, spinster, Nynehead ,, Stacie, John, Northepetherton „ Stacie, John, Bradford „ Stacy, Joseph, Northpetherton „ Stacie, Simon, Northpetherton „ Symon, Lyng „ Stacie, Thomas, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ William, Stogursey Staddier, Richard, Enmer Staddon, George, Stogursey „ Stadden, James, Luxburrow „ John, Shepton beacham „ John, Pitmister „ John, Kilton Stalling, Stalleng, EUinor, widow, Creech „ Stallenge, George, Durstonn „ Stalleng, Giles, Bridgwater „ Stalleng, Joane, Durston ,, John, Creech „ Nicholas, Cotherston ,, Roger, Sampford Brett „ Stalinge, Thomas, Taunton James ,, Stallenge, William, Wembdon „ Stallenge, Coleman als., see Coleman als. Stallenge. Stallington, Amy, widow, Wembdon ,, John, Wembdon „ Mary, Bridgwater Stambury, Henry, Bridgwater Stamford, Alice, Stokegursey Stampero, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Stancombe, Wood als., see Wood als. Stancombe, Standard, Standerd, Christian, . . nge „ Standerd, Christian, . . inge „ Standerd, Elizabeth, jun., Northpetherton „ Elizabeth, Northpeatherton „ George, sen., Northpetherton „ George, Northpetherton „ Henry, Fiffett „ Standerd, James, Linge „ James, Lynge ,, James, the elder, Lyng „ James, Lyng „ Standerd, Leonard, ,, Martha, Lyng „ Standerd, Robert, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Ling „ Thomas, Lyng „ William, Lyng Standerwick, Isaac, Broadway „ Isaac, Broadway ,, Standerwicke, John, Bicknell 6 1725 IO 1714 4 1704 '4 1774 26 1641 164 1635 92 1694 87 1683 63 1623 '5 1670 '7 1632 8* 1 92 1685 '45 1631 3' 1715 69 1768 55 1762 100* 7 104 1687 49 1736 S5 1667 '34 1685 3' '759 121 1632 84* 1614 '5' 1631 190* 1632 20 1700 127* 7 1 11 1694 42* 1616 129* 1608 180 '73' '35 1722 24 1672 3 1772 86* 8 105 1662 10* 4 36* 8 5S 1635 '37* 1638 117* 1628 60 1729 '54* 1640 6 1643 24 1673 52 '733 57 1742 183* 1616 5S 1742 38 '794 165* 1638 60 1742 72 '683 5 1717 6 1772 7 I7'3 Taunton Wills. 371 Standerwick, John, Taunton Magdalen „. Sarah, spinster, Bicknell „ Standerwicke, William, Broadway Standfast, Agnes, widow, Stogursey „ Alice, Lawrence Lidiard „ Anne, widow, Stogumber „ Anne, widow, Stogursey „ Barnaby, Taunton Magdalen „ Dorothie, widow, Tolland „ Edward, Stogursey „ Grace, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Hellene, Tolland „ James, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Jane, Taunton Magdalen „ Stanfast, Joane, Culue als. Kilue „ Standfaste, Joane, Stogursey „ Stamfast, John, ,, John, Tolland „ John, Stogumber „ John, Lidiard Lawrence „ John, Liddeard Lawrence „ John, Liddiard Lawrence „ Lucy, widow, Kilve „ Mary, widow, Taunton James „ Richard, gent, Cheddonfitzpaine „ Richard, Liddeard St. Lawrence „ Richard, Wilton „ Thomas, sen., Liddiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Liddiard Lawrence „ William, Lawrence Lidiard „ William, Stogursey „ William, Holeford Standish, Edward, Bridgwater Standlake, Abraham, Westmonnkton „ Abraham, Riston „ Joane, widow, Riston Stanford, Michael, Overstowie Staning, Susanna, spinster, Pitmister „ Walter, sen., Pitmister „ Stanning, Walter, Pitmister Stanley, Dorothy, widow, Southpetherton „ John, Southpetherton Staple, Anne, widow, Crewkerne „ Catherine, Chaffcombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne „ EHzabeth, spinster, Crewkerne „ Henry, Merriott „ Joane, Clotworthie „ Joane, Winsforde ,, John, Orchard Portman „ Timothy, Buckland St. Mary „ William, Southpetherton „ als. Cooke, Richard, Draiton „ als. Cooke, Winifred, Currey Rivell „ Cook als., see Cook als. Staple. Starcey, William, Crewkerne Starkey, Starke, Hugh, Crickett Thomas „ Starke, Rebecca, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Starkye, Richard, Northepetherton „ Richard, Chilton 42 1758 12 1714 I 1688 '9 1643 109* 1619 no 1680 105 1690 85 1744 146 1640 65 1679 27 1690 52* 6 59 1691 90 1744 17* 1 1 38* 1609 12* 2 79 1620 48 1624 147 1645 76 1669 56 1690 82 1660 42 1715 11 1712 38 '734 59 '794 60 1697 78 1717 49* 1607 17 1639 52 1696 7 1676 '38 1677 114 1720 116 1728 76* 1619 94 1724 75 1710 56 '759 '5' 1727 93 1708 53 i7°7 7 1794 3' 1663 28 1697 37 1726 112* 1608 7S* 1614 4' 1798 10 1707 62 1789 99* 1609 75 1622 46 1727 5> 1635 55 1682 37* 1615 25 1675 372 Taunton Wills. Starkey, Richard, Creech „ Samuel, Spaxton Starr, Richard, Curry Revell „ Thomas, Bridgwater Start, Richard, Mynehead Starton, William, Ilebrewers Stawell, Ralph, . . xton Stawlie, George, . . ri Rivell „ Stawle, William, Bridgwater Stawtle, Joane, widow, Curri Rivell Staynings, Charles, esquire, Selworthy „ Steynings, Joane, gentlewoman, Selworthy „ John, Winsford Stear, see Steer. Steart, Richard, Chilton Stebbs, Christopher, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen Steener, WilHam, Withiecombe Steere, Steer, Agnes, Withypoole „ Steares, George, Thorne St. Margaret „ Joane, Barrington „ Joane, Porlocke „ Steare, John, Selworthie „ John, Porlocke „ Steare, John, Winsford „ John, Sampford Arrundle „ Steare, Laurence, Canington „ Marie, Luccombe „ Richard, Winsford „ Stear, Robert, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Selworthie ,, Steare, Thomas, Southpeatherton „ Thomas, Hawkerudge „ Welthian, widow, Cannington Steet, James, Dulverton Steeving, Elizabeth, Mynehed Stembridge, Peter, Crewkerne „ Peter, Henton St. George „ Robert, Crewkerne „ Robert, Merriott Stenner, John, Selworthy „ John, Withycombe Stenton, Elizabeth, widow, He Abbott Stephens, Steephens, Agnes, widow, Westmonnkton ,, Steevens, Alexander, Canington „ Stevens, Alexander, Porlock „ Stevens, Alice, Luxburrow „ Stevens, Alice, widow, Porlock „ Steephens, Anne, widow, Langford Budvill ,, Anthony, Huishchampflower ,, Betty Ann, Shepton beauchamp „ Steevens, Catherine, Michelchurche, par. Northepetherton „ Steevens, Christopher, . . ere „ Christopher, Brumpton Ralph „ Stevens, David, Elworthy „ Dorothy, Bridgwater „ Stevens, Edward, Milverton ,, Steephens, Elianor, widow, Wembdon „ Steephens, Elias, Stogumber „ Elizabeth, spinster, Buckland Mary 7 1712 58 1789 22 1676 9 1746 3' 1705 26 1726 150* 1607 14* 1640 '5 1708 21 1646 104 1700 9' 1693 34 1634 22 1667 121 1675 76 1665 21* 2 77 1799 97* 1608 66* 8 96 1697 78* 1623 95 1697 95 1703 98 1704 33* 1623. 94 1621 45* 1612 '7 1728 106* 4 22 1637 49 1742 37 1637 18 1756 76 1625 56* 6 5°* 1642 29 1626 104 1660 69 1771 65 1798 98 1639 85 1679 62* 6 125 1727 5° 1719 90 1725 28 1698 56 1684 69 '776 .'ton 75 1620 6* 3 5 1687 26 '747 3 '773 29 1748 146 1680 108 1663 '5 1688 Taunton Wills. 373 Stephens, Steephens, Elizabeth, Stogumber Elizabeth, Enmore Steephens, Francis, Huishchampflower Stevens, George, Lydiard St. Lawrence Stephen, George, Crowcombe Steevens, Giles, Oare Hannah, Staplegrove Steeven, Henry, Stogumber Stevens, Henry, Combflorie Henry, Aishbrittle Steevens, Hugh, Withiecombe Stevens, Hugh, Wythycombe Joane, Wembdon Steevens, Joane, widow, Spaxton Stevens, Joane, Brumpton Regis Joane, Westmonnkton Joan, Southpetherton Steeven, John, Steevens, John, Withiecomb John, Hewishchampflower Steven, John, Crocomb John, Michelchurche Stevens, John, Crocombe Steevens, John, Lawrence Lidiard Steevens, John, Spaxton Steeven, John, sen., Stogumber John, Wythycombe John, Crocombe Steephens, John, Upton Stevens, John, Buckland St. Mary Steephens, John, Wembdon Steephens, John, Westmonnkton Steephens, John, Selworthy John, Oare Stevens, John, Kilve Stevens, John, Creech Steevens, John, Staplegrove Stevens, John, Porlock John, Bridgwater Stevens, John, Northpetherton Stevens, John, Ruishton Stevens, John, Oake Stevens, Margaret, Dunster Steephens, Mary, widow, Selworthy Steephens, Mary, widow, Creech Steevens, Mary, widow, Liddeard Lawrence Stevens, Mary, Porlocke Mary, Elworthy Mary, Trull Stevens, Phillip, Westmonnkton Richard, Michaelcreeche Stevens, Richard, Westmonckton Richard, Langford Budvill Robert, Kingesbrompton Steevens, Robert, Porlock Steven, Robert, Brompton Regis Steephens, Robert, Spaxton Stephen, Robert, Brumpton Regis Stevens, Roger, Nynehead Simon, Uptonn 94 1691 32 1762 57 1684 26 1741 22 '787 125 1628 55 '774 116 1622 70 1626 1 1750 75* 1618 124 1678 59 161 1 152 1632 10 1678 '45 1680 67 '744 14* 2 6* 5 48* 8 4* 1608 128 1611 21* 1616 61* 1617 no* 1618 148 1640 124 1664 25 1668 92 1671 5 1677 '33 1677 '47 1683 158 1685 79 1690 47 1693 3° 1704 97 '743 32 1770 8 1771 52 '773 45 1790 5' 1799 21 1765 89 1664 47 1669 74 1678 45 1754 38 1768 74 '799 124 1714 23 1633 47 1640 45 1689 78* 1607 29* 1614 28 1642 102 1664 4 1675 82 1716 26 1632 374 Taunton Wills. Stephens, Stevens, Symon, Liddiard Lawrence „ Simon, Enmoore „ Steeven, Thomas, Brompton R. „ Steevens, Thomas, Lidiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Westmonkton „ Steephens, Thomas, Pitminster „ Stevens, Thomas, Oake „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Ashbrittle ,, Thomas, Sheptonbeauchamp „ Thomas, Sheptonbeauchamp ,, Stevens, Thomas, Crowcombe „ Steevens, Tobias, Creech „ Steevens, William, Wembdon ,, Steevens, William, Kingesbrompton „ William, „ Steephens, Williams, Huishchampflower „ William, Milverton „ William, Westquantoxhed ,, Stevens, William, Staplegrove „ Stevens, WilHam, Chipstable ,, Steeven als. Briant, John, Swell „ Steevens, Baker ah., see Baker als. Steevens. „ Wills ah., see Wills ah. Stephens Sterte, Joan, widow, Stockland Bristol Stibbs, Susan, widow, Taunton Magdalen Stiby, William, Crewkerne Stickland, Francis, Trull ,, Francis, Kingston Sticks, Anne, Brumpton Ralph „ Elizabeth, Brompton Ralph „ James, Crowcombe „ John, Brumpton Ralph „ John, Brumpton Ralph „ John, Lyddon, Brompton Ralph Still, Grace, Ashbrittle „ Margaret, widow, Durleigh „ Roger, Nynehead Stillard, John, Crewkerne „ StiUerd, Thomas, Wayford, parish Crewkerne „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Stillinge, Marie, Northpetherton Stinton, John, Hatchbeacham Stoate, Agnes, Selworthy „ Edward, Selworthy „ EHzabeth, Selworthie „ Francis, Selworthy „ Grace, Porlock „ Stote, Joane, Selworthie „ Stote, John, Selworthie ,, Stote, John, Selworthy ,, John, Selworthy „ John, Selworthy ,, Stote, Margaret, Exford „ Stote, Marie, Exford „ Richard, Selworthy „ Richard, Kingston „ Roger, Wythypoole „ Samuel, Selworthy „ William, Selworthy 61 1713 29 1737 '33 1621 37 1624 160 1660 95 1675 1 10 1728 7 '754 1 1775 70 1776 56 1786 '4 1797 24 1721 60* 1 40* 10 178* 1610 48 1696 85 1707 148 1717 37 '757 1 1 1766 '57* 1608 '33 1660 126 1683 9 1790 79 1699 30 1783 8 1705 9 1791 25 1784 7 1702 4 173' 9 1799 1 1777 84 1639 95 1670 59 1629 71* 1617 8S 1622 131* 1641 47 1620 So 1742 79 1702 128 1641 121 1724 79 1781 28* 1619 25 1633 IOI 1675 69 1676 73 1747 60* 1607 27* 1 1 100 1687 35 '747 '45 1681 76 '755 '42 1684 Taunton Wills. 375 Stoate, William, Selworthy „ William, Minehead Stock, Catherine, Porlock Stocker, Charles, Pitmister ., Henry, Bridgwater „ Nicholas, Northepetherton „ Richard, Pitmister Stockham, Stockambe, Catherine, Exford „ Joane, Dulverton ,, Wilmot, Brompton Regis Stockman, Elizabeth, Spaxton Stodden, Agnes, Selworthie „ Agnes, Selworthie „ Agnes, Selworthie „ Alice, Selworthie „ Alice, widow, Liddiard Lawrence „ Christian, Selworthie „ Elizabeth, Luccomb „ Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton „ George, Selworthie ,, Henry, Selworthie ,, Henry, Lidiard Laurence (1650) „ Isott, widow, Selworthy „ Stoden, Joane, Selworthie „ Joane, widow, Liddiard Lawrence „ Joan, Selworthie „ John, Stokegursey „ John, Selworthie „ John, Selworthie „ John, Selworthie ,, John, Stogursey „ Joseph, Trull „ Lewis, Selworthie „ Matthew, Stogursey „ Maud, spinster, Stogursey „ Peter, Selworthie „ Robert, Selworthie ,, Robert, Selworthie „ Robert, Selworthy „ Robert, Kilton „ Roger, Stogumber ,, William, Selworthie ,, William, Selworthie „ William, Selworthie „ als. Blackford, Christian, widow, Selworthie „ als. Blackford, Richard, Selworthie ,, als. Hill, Aldred, Dunster „ Stoddon als. Hill, John, Minehead „ Hill ah., see Hill als. Stodden. Stodgell, Henry, Northpetherton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Northpetherton „ Richard, Northpetherton „ Robert, Creech St. Michael Stogell, George, Northepetherton „ Henry, Northepetherton „ Robert, Northepetherton Stokes, Alexander, Canington „ Bartholomew, Staplegrove „ Stoakes, Joan, widow, Cannington 65 1737 55 '755 47* 1619 78 1664 46 1641 52 1620 65 1721 74 1633 7' 161 1 98* 3 8* 1636 4* 5 91* 5 33* 1614 no* 1639 69 1661 50* 1610 213* 1616 89 1683 43 1626 52* 10 87 1660 106 1697 7i 1621 45 1625 59 1626 4* 10 '35 1611 70* 1617 69 1640 74 1699 54 1682 20 1640 92 1704 160 1727 8 1625 67 1638 53 1686 94 1693 49 1743 69* 8 6* 10 9 1625 10* 1635 34 1640 32 1626 88 1623 14 1622 62 1702 20 1632 93<* 1680 3' 1763 18 1787 '3 1620 17 1631 19 1627 162 1622 7' 1719 2 1644 27& Taunton Wills. Stokes, Stoakes, John, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Canington Stone, Abraham, Bridgwater „ Alice, widow, Oake „ Amos, Kingston „ Anne, Wilton ,, Austin, Brompton Ralph ,, Avice, Canington „ Avice, Canington „ Bridget, Cannington ,, Christopher, Stogursey ,, Christopher, Ashbrittle „ Eleanor, Fivehead „ Elizabeth, Chipstable „ Florence, Taunton James „ George, Sampford Brett „ Giles, . . thicombe „ Grace, spinster, Crocombe „ Henry, sen., Canington ,, Henry, Cannington „ Humphry, Chipstable „ Isaac, Cannington „ James, Trull „ Jenny, Skilgate „ Joane, Otterhampton „ Joane, widow, Bridgwater ,, Joane, widow, Langford Budvil „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ Joan, Chipstable „ Joan, Chipstable „ John, Hill in Otterhampton „ John, Chipstable „ John, Canington „ John, sen., Otterhampton „ John, Otterhampton ,, John, Creech „ John, Miluerton ,, John, Canington „ John, Stogursey „ John, sen., Oake „ John, Northpetherton „ John, Oake „ John, Crocombe „ John, Cannington ,, John, Northpetherton „ John, Stogumber „ Katherine, Heathfield „ Margaret, Canington ,, Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Margaret, Fivehead „ Margaret, Milverton ,, Martha, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, Curry Rivell ,, Mary, Bishops Hull „ Matthew, Westquantoxhead „ Nicholas, Chipstable ,, Nicholas, Langford Budvill „ Nicholas, Sampford Brett „ Peter, Taunton James „ Phillip, Chipstable 17* 7 170* 1628 10 1725 90 1724 36 1777 118 1664 17 1768 33* 1617 66* '634 54) 28 1660 109 1725 2 1790 45 1768 17 '775 "3* 1638 64 1777 90* 1646 26 1690 34* 1612 '39 1637 3* 1636 47 1631 62 1783 44 1770 172* 1622 '9 1629 44 1665 39 1722 '9 1796 '5 1798 n* 1 167* 1610 68 1622 120* 1628 46 1630 6 1634 182* 163S 33 1667 95 1708 Si 1714 99 1717 7i 1740 17 1741 28 1742 6S 1742 66 '747 32 1761 3' 1620 132 1724 60 1728 29 '735 '33 1720 '5 1746 7 1791 '92 '73° 47* 1616 3i 1679 80 1768 60 1626 '5 1686 Taunton Wills. 277 Stone, Philip, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Redigund, Chipstable „ Richard, Chipstable ,, Robert, Milverton „ Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Robert, Stockland Bristoll „ Robert, Doniatt „ Robert, Chipstable „ Samuel, Fivehead „ Sarah, Bishops Hull „ Sarah, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Thomas, Crocombe „ Thomas, Raddington „ Thomas, sen., Stogursey „ Thomas, Stogursey ,, Thomas, Langford Budvill „ Thomas, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ Thomazine, Taunton James ,, William, sen., Whitstanton „ William, . . ve „ William, Withiecomb „ William, Canington „ William, Clatworthy „ William, Langford Budvill „ William, Bridgwater „ William, Langford Budvil „ William, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ als. Richard, John, Northpetherton „ als. Ven, John, sen., Chipstaple Stoner, William, Misterton Stoodley, Samuel, Crewkerne Stook, Lawrence, Chipstaple Stotfold, WiUiam, Selworthie. See also Stutfold Stott, John, Exforde Stowell, Francis, Stoke St. Mary „ John, Kingeston „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Kingston „ Peter, St. James, Taunton Stower, Agnes, Ileabbott „ John, Merriett „ John, Seavington Marie ,, John, Currie Mallett „ Marie, Currey Rivell „ Richard, Seavington Michell „ Thomas, Seavington Mary Stowey, Dorothy, widow, Cutcombe Stoye, Gregorie, Cutcombe „ Walter, Winsford „ William, Cutcombe Stoyle, Joan, Stoke St. Mary „ Richard, Porlock Stracey, Stracie, John, Northpetherton ,, Marleine, widow, Westmonnkton „ Robert, Creech „ Thomas, Westmonnkton Stradling, Anne, widow, Chedzoy „ Edward, Chedzoy „ Edward, elder, Chedzoy „ Edward, Chedzoy 37 1786 25 1634 16 1734 59 1668 124 1711 60 1756 18 1772 '5 1787 1 1 1770 3 1796 35 1796 132* 1608 103 1631 105 1722 5S 1726 47 '755 33 '793 87* 8 52* 1608 83* 1616 80 1625 36 1667 12 1686 29 1705 18 1706 27 '735 38 1795 78 1624 n* 1617 37 1741 9 1758 3' '733 128 1660 '3'* 1616 58 1762 S3* 1612 22 1669 40 1689 123 1637 87* 1607 68* 3 104 1622 no 1637 35* 1617 11* 1616 68 1699 18 1646 1 12* 1628 40 1636 116 1631 42 1748 77 1781 9* 7 '39 1677 40 1678 140 1677 '9 1732 35 1717 21 1754 10 1797 578 Taunton Wills. Stradling, Stradlinge, Joane, Bridgwater ,, Joane, Sampfordarrundle „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Chedzoy „ John, Chedzoy „ Marie, Bridgwater „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Richard, clerk, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Chedzoy ,, Thomas, Bridgwater „ als. Easterling, Thomas, Sampford Arundel Strange, Giles, Crocombe „ Henry, Wotton Courtney „ William, Norton „ William, Wotton Courtney Strangways, William Sealy, Taunton St James Stratingall, John, Brompton Regis Strattinger als. Elsworthy, Roger, Wotton Courtnye Street, Streete, Elinor, Canington „ Francis, Buckland St. Mary ,, George, Buckland Mary „ Streete, Gerrete, Pitmister „ Streete, Hugh, Overstowie „ Jane, Staplefitzpaine „ Streate, Joane, Overstowie ,, Streete, John, Staplefitzpaine „ Streete, John, Bicknoller „ John, Spaxton „ Jonas, Asholt „ Luce, widow, Bicknoller „ Streete, Margaret, Chedsey „ Streete, Marmaduke, Buckland Marie ,, Streat, Michael, Eastquantoxhed „ Streete, Nicholas, Staplefitzpaine ,, Philip, Creech ,, Richard, Staplefitzpaine „ Sarah, widow, Kilve ,, Streete, Thomas, Spaxton „ William, Fiddington Strenge, George, Norton Fitzwarren „ Strengg, Peter, Norton Streter, Joane, Taunton James Strickland, Edward, Corffe „ Elizabeth, widow, Corffe ,, John, Trull Stride, John, ye elder, Westquantoxhed Stringer, Catherine, Minehead ,, John, Stockland Bristol Strode, Montgomery, Mynehead ,, Still, clerk, Taunton James ,, WilHam, Fivehead Strong, Stronge, Agnes, Norton „ Stronge, Alice, Porlock „ Anne, widow, Taunton James ,, Daniel, Pitmister ,, Edith, Henton St. George „ Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, Ruiston „ Elizabeth, Minehead ,, Stronge, Henry, Mynehead 105 1623 97 1711 4 1620 37 1704 '3 1783 170* 1619 20 1704 6 1792 '9 1792 9 1768 4' 1785 12 1662 2* 3 29 1627 72 1638 72 1780 '5* 1608 1 1 16 1 1 84* 1608 2 '753 5 1690 36* 4 42* 1618 61 1665 21 1620 43* 1613 9 1681 44 1785 1 1763 3 1692 162* 1625 25 161 1 64* 1635 171 1632 26 1742 60 '795 47 1725 55* 1612 26 1783 24* 1613 52* 4 3'* 1607 12 1684 39 1707 S5 1746 75 '749 48 '773 45 1769 80 '731 104 1693 58 1704 68* 1607 55 1636 "5 1678 96 1724 8 1760 98 1633 83 1743 34 '754 71 1680 Taunton Wills. 279 Strong, Stronge, Isotte, widow, Duluerton „ James, Nortonfitzwarren „ James, rector of ErnshiU, vicar of Curry Rivell „ Stronge, Joane, Wotton Courtnye „ Joane, widow, Wootten Courtney „ Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Canington „ Stronge, John, Stogursey „ John, Durleigh „ John, Dunster „ John, Halse „ Stronge, Juliane, Porlock „ Stronge, Margery, Stokegursey „ Stronge, Matilda, Stokegursey „ Peter, Pitmister ,, Peter, Milverton „ Stronge, Richard, Wotton Courtnye „ Richard, Milverton „ Robert, Dunster ,, Roger, Combflorie „ Sarah, Dunster „ Thomas, Dunster „ Stronge, William, Wotton Courtny „ Stronge, William, Doddington „ Stronge, Winifred, Wotton Courtney Strowde, Elizabeth, widow, Fiffett ,, Mary, widow, Fivehead „ Stroode, Mary, widow, Ileabbot „ Mathew, Fifehed „ Stroude, Matthew, Ileabbott „ Strowd, Roger, Fiffett „ Stroud, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Stroud, Sarah, Bridgwater „ William, Fivehead Stubbs, Charles, Taunton Magdalen „ Hannah, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ Hugh, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen Stuckey, Alice, widow, Barrington „ Anne, widow, Barrington „ Catherine, widow, South Petherton „ Damaris, Barrington „ Dorothy, widow, Southpetherton ,, Stuckie, George, Shepton beacham „ George, Cheddon Fitzpaine „ Grace, widow, Merriott „ Stuckie, Joane, Barrington „ Joane, widow, Curry Revell „ Stuckie, John, Spaxton „ Stuckie, John, Barrington „ Stucky, John, Crewkerne „ Stuckie, Marie, widow, Shepton beacham ,, Mary, spinster, Barrington „ Mathew, Sheptonbeacham „ Matthew, Southpetherton „ Stuckie, Paul, Seavington Abbott ,, Richard, Southpetherton „ Stookey, Richard, Spaxton „ Robert, Barrington „ Stuckie, Roger, Southepetherton (1647) 84 1640 80 1680 35 1694 67* 1617 '35 1672 58 1730 ,22* 1608 209* 1616 9 1738 32 1750 27 1796 59* 1607 -,r* 6 59* 4 1 12 1720 64 1740 '7* 1612 50 '755 47 171 1 75* 1609 14 '745 46 1706 65* 7 96 1626 S9 1629 162 1632 46 1680 66 1694 '33 1624 38 1689 62 1639 M 1742 2 '734 82 1622 59 1712 118 1706 57 1705 140 1694 1 1678 6 1721 55 12 4 1708 123 1680 96 1623 22 1732 60 1690 42* 1607 26 1697 24 1611 86* 1627 20 1665 43 1627 '7 1685 119 1624 99 1687 35 1638 121 1680 66 1734 10 1728 76* 1614 380 Taunton Wills. Stuckey, Stephen, Corfe „ Thomas, Barrington „ Thomas, Spaxton ,, Thomas, Cannington „ Stuckie, William, Sheptonbeacham „ William, Southpetherton „ William, Barrington ,, William, Donyatt Stuckley, Robert, gent, Dunster Studdier, George, Enmore „ Symon, Taunton Magdalen Sturton, Francis, Southpetherton „ Mary, widow, Southpetherton ,, Phillippe, widow, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Southpetherton Stutfold, John, Selworthy „ John, Fiddington „ Dunscomb ah., see Dunscombe als. Stutfold. Stutford, Joane, widow, Selworthy Stutt, Stut, Barberie, widow, Nynehead „ John, Ninehead „ John, Milverton „ Simon, Milverton Stutter, Elizabeth, Bridgwater Style, John, Fivehead Sugg, Francis, Estquantoxhed Sullivan, Sullevan, Alice, Mynehed „ George, Lyng „ Mary, Lyng ,, Thomas, Lyng See also Sillivan. Sully, Sullie, Alice, widow, Weethiell „ Alice, widow, Wythiell „ Alice, widow, Upton ,, Alice, widow, Crocombe ,, Bridgett, widow, Holford ,, Sullie, Christopher, Winsford „ Christopher, Winsford „ Pulley, Christopher, Winsford „ Sulley, Conand, Netlecombe ,, Sullye, Dorothee, Monncksilver ,, Edward, Northpetherton ,, Elianor, Chipstable „ Sulley, Elizabeth, Netlecomb „ Elizabeth, Staplegrove „ Francis, Northpetherton „ Grace, widow, Crocombe „ Sulley, Henry, Stogumber „ Sulley, Henry, Staplegrove ,, Sullie, Henry, Crocombe „ Henry, Chipstable „ Henry, Crocombe „ Henry, Kingston „ Sullye, Humphry, Mynehed „ Sullye, Joane, widow, Nettlecombe ,, Joane, Monncksilver „ Sullye, John, Cutcombe „ John, Cutcombe „ John, Upton „ John, Stogumber 30 1710 1647 or 1648 66 12 107 1688 8 1772 37 1631 93 1667 4 1702 3° '755 16* 2 159 1640 126 1669 5' 1698 81 1703 100 1 69 1 48 1682 142 1727 44 1764 See also Stotfold. 83 1729 149 1631 127 1622 46 '773 27 '797 4 '794 5' 1677 95 1630 7 10 20 1788 36 1796 38 1786 3 1640 121 1664 '73 1684 '7 1691 1648 41 12 5 1639 132 1716 112 1743 78* 2 IOI 1626 100 1670 '5 1663 55 1626 42 1770 76 1687 '3 1686 42 1626 26 1627 161* '638 20 1678 25 1687 62 1688 103* 1607 77 1636 78 1678 46 1624 25 1663 136 1683 132 '73' Taunton Wills. 38i Sully, John, Luxburrow „ Sulley, John, the elder, Stogumber „ John, Withycombe „ Sulley, Juliane, Northepetherton „ Sullye, Margaret, Cutcombe „ Sullie, Margaret, widow, Thornefawcon „ Margaret, widow, Wythycombe „ Sulley, Mary, widow, Northepetherton „ Sullie, Marie, Monncksilver „ Mary, widow, Kingstone „ Mary, Lidiard St. Lawrence „ Mary, Minehead ,, Sullye, Richard, Northepetherton ,, Sullye, Richard, Winsford „ Sullye, Richard, Weethill „ Richard, Bridgwater „ Sulley, Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Staplegrove „ Robert, Dulverton „ Thomas, Northpetherton „ Thomas, Winsford „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Sulley, William, Wembdon „ Sulley, William, Chipstable „ Sulley, William, Netlecomb „ Sullye, William, Stogumber „ Sullie, WiUiam, Weethell „ William, Fiddington ,, William, Stogumber „ William, Monnksilver „ William, sen., Stogumber „ William, Elworthy „ William, Luxburrow „ William, Winsford „ als. Farmer, John, Wythyell ,, Sullie, Dyer als., see Dyer als. Sullie. See also Ceeley, Sealy, Selly, Silly, and Zully. Summers, Jane, Minehead „ . Sumers, Richard, sen., Taunton Magdalen „ Richard, Taunton Magdalen Sunter, Walter, Nynehed Surrage, Elizabeth, Ashbrittle ,, James, Raddington ,, James, Chipstable „ Surridge, Lawrence, Radington „ Surridge, Lawrence, Skilgate „ Margaret, Ashbrittle ,, Surridge, William, Radington „ Surredge als. Haglye, James, Milverton „ als. Hagley, James, Chipstable ,, als. Hagley, James, Chipstable ,, Surredge ah. Hag, Joane, Chipstable „ Surredge als. Haglie, John, Chipstaple „ als. Hagley, John, Chipstable Swaine, Swain, Arthur, Taunton St. James „ James, Enmer „ Joane, widow, Seavington Mary „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Seavington Mary ,, WilHam, Seavington Mary 50 '736 52 ¦749 72 1778 125* 1608 105* 1607 Sa 1637 123 1678 36 1611 122 1625 45 '733 25 '74' 43 1786 123* 1610 109 1623 126* 1630 '3 1701 16* 1613 "3 1663 37 1714 '53 1631 '3' 1661 68 '759 43* 10 32 161 1 47* 1612 9 1623 5' 1632 39 1643 70 1665 54 1671 IOI 1674 48 171 1 27 '74' 84 1780 66 1698 44 '747 95 1729 95 '733 30* 1615 3 1776 57 1765 27 1776 105 1724 81 1768 1 '773 '36 1727 16 1629 24 1662 24 1666 ,4* 1609 66* 1617 M 1709 9i '742 14* 1617 77 1668 '57 1670 63* 1789 '37 1685 l82 Taunton Wills. Swaine, Swayne, William, Westmonnkton Swan, John, Enmore „ Marmaduke, Bridgwater Swanger, Elizabeth, Southpetherton „ Swenger, James, Cutcomb Swankin, George, clerk, Wembdon „ Swankins, Joane, widow, Bridgwater Sweet, Sweete, Agnes, Bicknell, parish Staple „ Anna, widow, Crewkerne „ Edward, Crewkerne „ Edward, Minehead „ George, Taunton St. James ,, Joane, widow, Donyatt „ John, Seavington Mary „ Nathaniel, Stoke St. Mary „ Robert, Kingston ,, Thomas, Bicknell Sweeting, Catherine, Stogumber „ Christian, widow, Bicknoller „ Elizabeth, Tolland ,, Elizabeth, widow, Staplegrove „ Giles, Bicknaller „ Henry, Stogumber ,, Henry, Samford Brett ,, Henry, Elworthy ,, Henry, Kilve „ Henry, Kilve ,, Henry, Kilve ,, Hugh, Stogumber „ Hugh, Stogumber „ Hugh, Stogumber ,, Sweetinge, Isotte, Stogumber ,, Joane, widow, Crocombe „ John, Taunton ,, John, Staplegrove ,, John, Bicknoller „ John, Staplegrove „ John, Sampford Brett ,, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen „ Joseph, Stogursey ,, Sweetinge, Juliane, Milverton „ Lewes, Overstowey „ Mary, widow, Bicknoller „ Mary, Stogumber „ Sweetinge, Richard, Milverton „ Richard, Stogumber ,, Robert, Sampford Brett „ Susanna, widow, Stogumber „ Susanna, Stogumber „ Thomas, Stogumber ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Stogursey „ William, Bicknaller „ William, Elworthie ,, William, Bicknoller „ als. Hayward, John, Hilbusshoppes Sydenham, Catherine, Minehead „ Elizabeth, widow, Skilgate „ John, Lydeard St. Lawrence „ John, Minehead 148 1694 163* 1635 206* 1610 62 1 76 1 105* 1608 "9 1622 36 1639 202* 1616 33 1684 52 1685 45 '737 Si 1767 4' 1700 77 1693 no '73' 50 '743 4 1663 172* 1619 8 1675 '35 1624 59 1689 '49* 7 179* 1622 61 1630 26 1723 42 1736 47 '743 33 1786 68 1611 60 1686 So '739 82* 1616 22 1721 69 1623 '47 1684 4 1689 52 1695 S3 1696 54 1772 53 1789 196* 1616 103 1672 8 1711 45 1738 77 1610 84* 1638 61 1692 '31 1717 '30 '73' 96 1706 5' '794 4' 1621 21 1623 82 1631 1 1 168 1 1 1 1 1610 55 1776 46 1682 39 1737 42 1759 Taunton Wills. 38^ Sydenham, Margery, Liddeard Lawrence „ Sidenham, Radigunde, Dulverton „ Siddenham, Roger, gent. Northe Quarum, parish of Exton or Dunster „ Roger, Skilgate „ Roger, gent, Dulverton „ Sarah, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, gent, Lidiard Lawrence „ Thomas, Liddiard St. Lawrence „ Thomas, Minehead „ Walter, gent, Liddeard Lawrence Symes, Syms, Agnes, Bridgwater „ Syms, Anne, spinster, Bridgwater „ Benjamin, Bridgwater „ Syme, Edith, widow, Bridgwater „ Elizabeth, Southepetherton „ Syms, Henry, Southpetherton „ Syms, Joane, Southepetherton „ Syms, Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Whitstanton „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgewater „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Seaborough „ John, Seaborough „ John, Hatchbeauchamp „ Katherine, widow, Bridgwater „ Simes, Mary, widow, Bridgwater „ Rachel, widow, Pitmister „ Roger, Bridgwater „ Samuel, Bridgwater „ Sarah, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Bridgwater „ Syme, William, Southpetherton „ William, esquire, Pitmister Symons, Ann, Stogursey „ Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Bartholomew, Stogursey 1647 „ Bartholomew, Stogursey 1647 „ Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Symmons, Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Bartholomew, Stogursey „ Christian, Drayton „ Edward, Stogursey „ Symonds, Edward, Dowlishwake „ Symonds, Edward, Dinnington „ Elizabeth, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, Taunton „ Elizabeth, Wembdon „ Symmons, Elizabeth, Stogursey „ Elizabeth, widow, Wembdon „ Symonds, Emme, Taunton „ Francis, Stogursey „ Joane, Linge „ Joane, Pitmister „ Joane, widow, Wembdon 55* 1702 148 161 1 79* 1612 1 10 1675 29 1709 98 1746 64 1662 87 1730 32 1785 70 1694 '5' 1622 10 1 70 1 2 1780 7 1661 121 1624 126 1728 53 1622 62 1686 13* 5 18 1707 20 1722 6 '743 7 1767 8 1767 66 1775 66 1776 29 1792 '41 1611 '4 1690 5° 1692 '4 1681 1 1 1741 7 1785 12 1687 1 12 1724 2 '738 5i* 2 86 1687 57 1774 29 '639 63 12 1 1660 126 1681 105 1687 56 1774 106 1624 122 1707 4S 1728 23 1786 20* 4 65* 10 '73 1670 50 1705 '34 1706 17* 1618 104 1610 27* 5 57* 1618 7' 1686 384 Taunton Wills. Symons, John, senior, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey „ John, Strengeston „ John, Chedzoy „ John, Stogursey „ John, Wembdon ,, Magdalen, widow, Stogursey ,, Margaret, widow, Stogursey „ Mary, widow, Spaxton ,, Simons, Richard, Stogursey „ Robert, Porlock „ Suzanne, Stogursey ,, Thomas, Wembdon ,, Thomas, Stogursey „ Simons, Thomas, Nettlecombe „ Simmons, Thomas, Spaxton „ William, Stogursey ,, William, Wembdon „ William, Hilbuishopps ,, WilHam, Bridgwater „ William, gent, Bridgwater „ ah. Butcher, Thomas, Bridgwater Tachell, see Tatchell. Tackford, Thomas, Kingestone Tackle, Henry, Luxborow Tagbeard, John, Holford Talbott, Florence, Milverton George, Aishbritle George, Ashbrittle James, Brushford and Morebath, Devon Joane, widow, Milverton Joane, widow, Taunton Magdalen John, Chipstable John, Ashbrittle John, Milverton John, Ashbrittle Mary, widow, Brushford Mary, Taunton Magdalen Richard, Taunton Magdalen Richard, Taunton Magdalen Robert, gent, Drayton Sarah, widow, Taunton Magdalen Taller, Oland ah., see Oland als. Taller. Tamblett, Susanna, widow, Upton Tamkyns, Richard, Kilve „ Tankens, William, Currie Rivell Tamson, Elizabeth, Kilve „ Tamsen, Faith, Brompton Ralph „ Tampson, John, Ristonn „ Tampson, Roger, Chipstable „ Tamsen, William, Orchard Tanner, Elizabeth, Stockland Bristol „ George, Bridgwater „ Henry, Taunton Magdalen ,, James, Bridgwater „ John, Crewkerne „ Margerie, Georgehenton „ Mary, Minehead „ Methusale, Bicknaller 69* 1608 128* i6o3 173* 1624 144* 1638 10S 1680 75 1689 78 1703 99 1674 '34 1684 22 1636 66 1628 84* 10 S3 1665 103 1697 66 '733 33 1758 51* 1609 141* 1638 68 1641 26 1669 16 1720 12 1666 139* 1610 47 1767 3' 1629 54 1736 2 1660 2 1714 9 1690 58 1702 in '7'3 22* 1 2 1677 79 1680 6 1710 2 1693 23 175' "7 1675 123 1711 53 1704 S5 1719 144 1694 82* 1 60S 174* 1638 So 1730 83 1638 167* 1628 8 1621 '9 1639 126* 6 46 1620 61 1712 5 1792 26 1666 '35* 1608 43 '795 115* 1608 Taunton I Fills. 385 Tanner, Symon, Taunton Magdalen Tapley, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen ,, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen Tapp, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, als. Tilley, Richard, Stockland Bristow Tapper, Christopher, Lynge ,, Christopher, Lyng ,, Grace, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Northpetherton Tappett, John, Estquantoxhed „ Tupput, John, Thurlbare Tapscott, David, Minehead ,, Francis, Minehead „ George, Selworthie ,, Jane, widow, Mynehead „ Joane, widow, Dunster ,, John, Milverton ,, Robert, Stokegursey Tarr, Christopher, Winsford ,, "Edward, Canington ,, Elizabeth, Spaxton ,, Elizabeth, Spaxton „ George, Brumpton Regis ,, George, Kingsbrompton ,, James, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Huishchampflower „ Mary, widow, Crocombe ,, Peter, Winsford ,, Simon, Westquantoxhed ,, als. Hearly, Elizabeth, widow, Brompton Regis ,, als. Herly, James, Brompton Regis ,, als. Hurlye, Edward, Westquantoxhed See also Torr. Tatchell, Henry, Draiton ,, Joane, widow, Donyatt ,, John, Southpetherton ,, TatchoU, Lydia, spinster, Southpetherton „ Martin, Curry Rivell ,, Humphry als., see Humphry als. Tatchell. Taunton, Daniel, Westmonckton ,, Giles, Canington ,, Richard, Northepetherton ,, Richard, Westmonckton ,, Roger, Westmonckton Taylford, Burt als. , see Burt als. Taylford. Taylor, Tailor, Abraham, Taunton Magdalen Teyler, Amos, Brushford Andrew, Selworthie Tayler, Anne, Crewkerne Tayler, Ann, Kilton Ann, Bridgwater Anthony, Bridgwater Tayler, Bernard, Cutcombe Catherine, Swell 1648 Catherine, Crewkerne Tayler, Dorothee, Fivehead 88 1721 93 '746 60 i7«3 106 1687 158* 7 60 1674 7° 1683 118 1722 64 1709 S6 "737 14* 1614 76 1676 49 '747 46 1739 62 1629 58 1623 40 1719 49 1689 107* 3 "3 1708 '3' 1622 46 1621 99* 1623 8 1736 22 1797 7 1709 3§ '736 27 1714 74 '795 '52 1622 4 1732 S 1732 no* 1607 71* 1607 37 1668 «3 i7°3 106 1704 29 1728 92 1637 189* 1610 79 1620 124 1661 42 1635 105 1621 3 1678 78 1637 158* 1621 5° 1740 5 1764 6 1739 22 1706 39 12 20 1787 78* 1 C c 386 Taunton Wills. Taylor, Tayler, Dorothy, widow, Bridgwater 19 1704 ,, Tayler, Edward, Stogursey 86 1666 ,, Tayler, Eliotte, widow, Stogumber 154 1685 ,, Tayler, Elizabeth, Stogumber 56* 1709 ,, Elizabeth, widow, Selworthy 105 1716 ,, Tayler, Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne 27 1719 ,, Tayler, Elizabeth, spinster, Northpetherton 102 1728 ,, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater 1 1732 ,, Elizabeth, Crewkerne 20 1761 ,, Elizabeth, Bridgwater 6 1791 ,, Emmote, Otterhampton 40* 1619. ,, Tailer, Emmote, Lilstoke 118 ^22 ,, Tailer, Francis, Lilstoke 16 1627 ,, George, Swell 44 s(,31 ,, Tayler, George, Exford 43 ^g ,, George, Ilebrewers 44 1699, ,, George, Ilebrewers 34 1723 „ George, Bridgwater 5 I7gQ ,, Giles, Lillstoke 5c 1639 ,, Honor, widow, Westmonnkton 97 1668 „ Tayler, Humphry, Bridgwater 13 2680, ,, James, Porlock 7I# IgI5. ,, James, Lilstoke 67 1630, „ James, Taunton Magdalen 158 Iy^I ,, Joane, Currymallet ai* 2 ,, Tailor, Joane, Stokegumber. 107* 1609 ,, Tayler, Joan, spinster, Crewkerne 17 id^j ,, Joane, spinster, Wootten Courtney 126 1700 ,, Joan, Selworthy -^ I7g ,, Joan, Selworthy 42 I7g6 ,, Joan, Goathurst 32 I7g0 ,, Tailor, John, Wotton Courtnye gi* 2 ,, Tailor, John, Crewkerne 67* 3 ,, Tailor, John, Swell 7I* j50g „ Tailor, John, Lilstoke : 1qii ,, John, Stogumber g7* jgjg ,, John, Cutcombe 14I* l(>l^ " J°Jin> 43* 1617 John, le Tayler, John, Durston 1617 John, Porlock l62* l6 John, Otterhampton I22* tg2^' Tailor, John, Wotton Courtney I43 !624 Tayler, John, Westbagborow ,„ x63, John, Ilebruers -- l6 John, Stogursey * ^ Tayler, John, Swell IOO l6g7 Tayler, John, Westmonnkton 1yQ 1(,7o John, Selworthy I02 l6? 27 1699. Tayler, John, Wootten Courtney ~gi i6qq Tayler, John, Westmonnckton !46 i7q7 Tayler, John, Porlocke g, I7Qg John, Selworthy ' ' Tayler, John, Bridgwater John, Crewkerne John, Porlocke 79 '7'° 17 1722 ¦4 '723 59 1723 John, Bridgwater ^ ' jj Taunton Wills. 387 Taylor, John, Creech 45 1728 John, Creech 19 1733 John, Hatchbeachamp 42 '733 John, Kingston 62 173 1 John, Fivehead 29 x747 Tayler, John, Fivehead 28 1749 Tayler, John, Ilebrewers 24 I752 John, Porlocke 46 '754 John, Bradford 7 1755 John, Kingston 29 1756 John, Goathurst 29 '777 John, Islebrewers 44 1781 John, Selworthy 43 1782 John, Abbotts Isle 1 1784 John, Bridgwater 7 1786 John, Porlock 43 '79° Joseph, Northpetherton 106 1720 Joseph, Kingston 36 J747 Lambart, Porlocke 94 1641 Lewis, Selworthie 121 1637 Tailor, Margaret, Currymallett 5* 2 Tailor, Margaret, Thurloxton 87 1623 Marmaduke, White Lackington 119* 1743 Tayler, Mary, Ileabbott 67 1678 Mary, Taunton St. James 90 1746 Nicholas, Holford 19* 8 Tayler, Patience, Bridgwater 27 !7°7 Peter, Bridgwater 136 1635 Peter, Beer Crocombe 16 1742 Tailer, Philip, Selworthie 182* 1622 Phillip, Westmonnckton 132 171 1 Tayler, Raynold, Creech 17 1662 Tayler, Reynold, Creech 15 !7°9 Tailor, Richard, Thurloxton 54* 16 18 Richard, Ileabbott 45 1633 Richard, Porlock 183* 1635 Tayler, Richard, Ileabbott 78 1672 Tayler, Richard, Crewkerne 33 1706 Richard, Kingston 48 1725 Richard, Thurloxton 86 1773 Richard, Crewkerne 19 *787 Tailor, Robert, Stogumber 164* 1607 Robert, Hilfarrence 171 l635 Tayler, Robert, Selworthie 150* l638 Tayler, Robert, Taunton Magdalen 92 '7°2 Robert, West Monckton 56 J73S Robert, Moncksilver 26 1758 Robert, Taunton St. James 71 '759 Robert, Taunton Magdalen 67 1778 Samuel, Islebrewers 45 '78' Thomas, Lidiard Laurence 43* 2 Thomas, sen., Fifett 28* 6 Thomas, Bridgwater 59 l627 Thomas, Luckham 74 l67° Thomas, Luckham 97 l68S Thomas, Mynehead 73 '7' 3 Tayler, Thomas, Fivehead 55 J7'7 :88 Taunton Wills. Taylor, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Kingston ,, Tayler, Thomasin, Porlock ,, Tailor, Timothy, Selworthie ,, William, Thurloxton ,, William, Oake 1648 ,, Tayler, William, Selworthy ,, Tayler, William, Taunton Magdalen ,, Tayler, William, Goathurst ,, William, Crewkerne ,, William, Crewkerne ,, William, Porlock ,, Wilmot, Porlock ,, Tailor als. Collyns, Philip, Curry Mallett „ Tailer als. Densher, Michael, Minehead ,, Tayler ah. Hensly, Mary, Ninehead ,, Tayler ah. Johnson, Margaret, widow, Ilebrewers „ Tailer als. Phillips, Hugh, Pytmister „ Tayler als. Sanders, Adrian, widow, Swell ,, Tayler ah. Saunders, Audre}', Swell ,, Tayler ah. Saunders, John, Swell ,, Tailor, Arnold als. , see Arnold als. Tailor, ,, Tailor, Bennett als. , see Bennett als. Tailor. ,, Henslye ah. , see Henslye als. Taylor. , , Saunders als. , see Saunders als. Taylor. , , Olland ah. , see Olland als. Taylor. Teage, Andrew, Mynehead Teague, Joane, Thurloxton ,, Robert, Mynehead Teale, Gawen, Fiddington ,, Gowen, Spaxton Teape, John, Taunton Magdalen Teate, John, Crewkerne Tedball, Ann, Minehead John, Mynehead John, Minehead Robert, Mynehead Robert, Minehead Uri, widow, Mynehead Tedbury, John, Cheddon Fitzpaine Teder, Lewis als. , see Lewis als. Teder. Teiver, see Tiver. Tellerd, Anthony, Canington Telly, John, Curry Revell Templeman, Alice, Merriott ,, Ann, Merriott ,, Christian, widow, Merriott ,, Elizabeth, Meriett ,, Elizabeth, widow, Merriott „ Elizabeth, widow, Merriott ,, Ellen, spinster, Merriott ,, Fortune, Merriott ,, Giles, Merriott ,, Giles, Merriott ,, Giles, Merriott ,, Henry, Broadway 19 1730 13 '749 33 '749 5578* 120* 17991618 6 29 12 '43 6360 1 1 16841692 1727 '748 2053 46 106* '7551780 l634 1608 1 1 1622 192* 1622 68 1681 8* 2 99 90 17131690 70 1721 44 1709 no 1688 74 1724 58 1727 55 1709 5° 1738 29 1610 40 1792 96 1727 49 1734 60 r7°3 56 i75S 93 1727 9 1680 194* 1638 27 1681 64 1781 43 1792 49 1665 90* 1615 69 1697 67 1724 66 1696 33 1766 70 1668 63 1710 62 1781 8 1666 Taunton Wills. 389 Templeman, Isabell, Merriett '45* 7 ,, John, Merriott 37 1679 ,, John, Merriott 88 1707 ,, John, Meriott 23 '758 ,, John, Langford BudviUe 35 '793 ,, Katheren, Merriott 49 1765 ,, Richard, Merriott 82 1727 ,, Richard, Merriott 3' 1772 ,, Robert, Merriott 43 1780 ,, Thomas, Merriett 39 1630 ,, Thomas, Merriott 82 1670 ,, Thomas, Henton St. George 54 1708 ,, Thomas, Merriott 62 1710 ,, Thomas, Donyatt 37 1724 ,, Thomas, Merriott 44 '759 ,, William, Merriett 46* 2 ,, William, Merriott 7' 1674 ,, William, Merriott 27 1682 ,, William, Merriott 65 1696 Templer, Alexander, Northepetherton 3 1626 ,, Bartholomew, Northpetherton 7' 1691 ,, Elizabeth, widow, Lynge 77 1684 ,, Englishe, Broadford 77 '635 ,, Jacob, Taunton Magdalen 29 1645 ,, Joane, Pitmister 71* 3 ,, John, Dunster 4' 1646 ,, John, Northpetherton 1 10 1684 ,, John, Lyng 70 1717 ,, Robert, Linge 26* 1612 ,, Templar, Thomas, Chellington 10 1 63 1 „ Robert, Northpetherton 73 1690 „ William, Bridgwater 22 1720 Templett, Temlett, John, Tolland 88 1729 ,, Temlett, John, Bathealton .8 1799 ,, Mary, Westbagborough 7& 1786 ,, Temlett, Richard, Taunton Magdalen 34 1788 „ William, Tolland 06 1765 Teow, John, Doddington 44 1628 Terrill, Eleanor, Fiddington 41 1743 ,, Eleanor, Luckham 40 '749 ,, Grace, Luccombe 4' '747 ,, Terrell, John, Luckham 4' '723 ,, Terrell, John, Porlock 72 1740 „ Richard, Porlock 55 1761 ,, Terrell, William, Minehead 44* 1646 ,, Terrell, William, Porlocke S3 i7J3 ,, Terrell, William, Bridgwater 1 '737 ,, William, Fiddington 3° '739 Terry, Andrew, Taunton Magdalen 105 1664 ,, als. Durling, Joan, widow, Northpetherton 136A 1 64 1 Tett, Leonard, Wayford 146 1625 ,, Samuel, Hinton St. George 22 '794 ,, Thomas, Wayford 62 169S Tew, Mary, widow, Dunster 52 1681 See also Teow. Thatcher, Christian, Milverton 65 1668 „ Thetcher, Richard, Holcomb Regis 10 1669 390 Taunton Wills. Thomas, Abraham, Oake 74 1664 ,, Agnes, Trull 185* '635 ,, Alice, Stawlie 4* 1636 ,, Alice, Oake 64 1676 „ Andrew, Mynehead 88 1717 ,, Andrew, Minehead 60 1781 ,, Azariah, Crewkerne 28 '743 ,, Buttolph, Angersleigh 1 1695 ,, Christopher, Stawlie 98* 1632 „ Christopher, Durleigh 47 1728 ,, Christopher, Stogursey 79 '739 ,, Daniel, Shilgate 3° 1625 ,, Edward, Bicknoller 1 1783 „ Elizabeth, widow, Hilfarrence 55 1716 ,, Elizabeth, Wayford 106 1746 ,, Ely, Durleigh 31 1693 „ Francis, Dunster 184* 1622 ,, Gabriel, Bishopshull '4 1741 ,, Grace, Northpetherton 160 1640 ,, Howell, Taunton Magdalen 119 '725 ,, Jane, Minehead 47 '739 ,, Jane, Pitmister 35 '757 ,, Jasper, Bradford 9 1668 ,, Joane, widow, Ashbrittle i 1683 ,, Joane, widow, Curry Mallett 39 1694 ,, Joanna, Drayton 25 1786 ,, John, sen., Holford 5* 8 ,, John, Trull 32* 1624 ,, John, Langford Budfild 58* 1632 „ John, Badialton 183* 1638 „ John, Aishbritle 4' 1639 „ John, Milverton 72 1697 ,, John, Langford BudviUe 68 1704 ,, John, Taunton Magdalen "3 '7'3 ,, John, Mynehead 67 1722 ,, John, Westbagborow 125 !725 ,, John, Bridgwater 5 1739 ,, John, Nortonfitzwarren 38 1741 ,, John, Spaxton 73 '755 „ John, Dunster 37 1764 ,, Lucie, widow, Stawlie 2* 10 ,, Margaret, widow, Trull 56 1712 ,, or Tommas, Margaret, widow, Curry Mallett 26 1724 ,, Marie, Pytmister 127* 1608 „ Mathew, Stawlie 21* 1638 ,, Morgan, Dunster 42 1724 ,, Nicholas, Milverton 64 1622 ,, Nicholas, Langford Budvill 59 1696 „ Osborn, Crewkerne 8 J752 ,, Rabidge, Taunton James 76 1638 ,, Richard, Oake 90 1711 ,, Robert, Trull 122* 1639 ,, Robert, 92 l643 ,, Robert, Trull §3 1671 ,, Robert, Wootten Courtney 123 1688 ,, Robert, Eastquantoxhed 34 1693 „ Robert, Pitmister 76 1746 Taunton Wills. 59i Thomas, Roger, Dulverton ,, Roger, Badialton ,, Roger, Thorne St. Margt. ,, Saiwell, widow, Badialton ,, Samuel, Northpetherton ,, Tommas, Sarah, Curry Mallett ,, Thomas, Duluerton ,, Thomas, Staplegrove ,, William, Trull ,, William, Creech ,, William, Brompton Regis „ William, Langford Budvill ,, William, Trull „ William, Luckham ,, William, Wootten Courtney ,, William, Hilfarrence ,, William, Staplegrove „ William, Minehead „ William, sen., Northpetherton ,, als. Dickes, John, Stawleigh ,, als. God, James, Stogursey „ als. God, John, Stogursey „ als. Hier, Robert, Otterhampton ,, als. Morgan, Elizabeth, Bridgwater „ als. Morgan, William, Bridgwater ,, als. Niches, Peter, Dunster „ als. Saunders, Mathew, Langford Budfeild ,, als. Welshman, Bartholomew, Stokegursey ,, Hancocke als. , see Hancocke ah. Thomas. , , Hyer als. , see Hyer ah. Thomas. , , Morgan als. , see Morgan als. Thomas. Thomson, James, Taunton Magdalen „ Thompson, Samuel, doctor of physick, Taunton Thorne, Agnes, widow, Wythiell „ Alice, Langford Budfild „ Bartholomew, Chilton ,, Catherine, Chilton ,, Catherine, widow, Cutcombe ,, Daniel, Bicknoller „ Dinah, widow, Southpetherton ,, Edward, Wythicombe ,, Elizabeth, Wythicombe ,, EUinor, widow, Sheptonbeacham ,, Emmotte, Langford Budfild ,, Esther, Spaxton ,, Frances, spinster, Clatworthy ,, Francis, Spaxton ,, George, Exford ,, George, Hilfarrence ,, George, Enmore ,, George, Wythycombe ,, George, Creech St. Michael ,, Gilbert, Canington ,, Giles, Crocombe ,, Grace, Creech St. Michael „ Gregory, Canington „ Thorn, Hannah, Bridgwater ib* 91* 1616 86 1729 166* 1619 36 1794 22 1742 48* 7 149 1730 2* 1614 '°S 1646 3 1662 5' 1676 140 1681 76 1684 120 1687 77 1720 114 173' 23 1745 37 1794 55 1701 6 1640 3* 7 63 1638 7 1783 10 1762 88 1629 68* 1617 54* 8 43 '758 en 117 1690 129 1675 4* 4 63 1640 97* 1607 22 1665 5 1729 109 1711 189 1730 77 '756 24 1639 33* 1609 77 1729 6 '7'5 S7 1667 127 1 64 1 56 1663 46 1688 62 '7°5 16 1778 39 1677 67 1632 22 1781 29 1721 6 1767 392 Taunton Wills. Thome, Thorn, Hannah, Bridgwater Henry, Spaxton Henry, Spaxton Henry, Enmore Henry, Canington Henry, Cannington Joane, Cutcombe Joane, widow, Spaxton Joane, spinster, Luxburrow Joan, spinster, Milverton Thorn, Joanna, Creech Thorn, Joan, Spaxton Joane, Westquantoxhead John, Kilton John, Withiecombe John, Taunton John, Crocombe John, jun., Southepetherton John, Canington John, Langford Budfield John, Otterford John, Brompton Regis John, Westquantoxhed John, Luckham John, Brumpton Regis John, Broadway John, Luxburrow John, Angersleigh John, Kilton John, Spaxton John, Stockland Bristol John, Canington John, Spaxton John, Porlock John, Spaxton John, Cannington Lucy, Cannington Marie, Exford Mary, Canington Thorn, Mary, widow, Treburrough Mary, Spaxton Martin, Exford Thorn, Matthew, Bridgwater Peter, Wetheell Peter, Treburrow Priscilla, spinster, Westquantoxhed Richard, Extonn Richard, Cutcombe Richard, Canington Richard, Spaxton Robert, Goathurst Robert, Sheptonbeacham Thomas, Cutcomb Thomas, Oldcleeve Thomas, Milverton Thomas, Westquantoxhead Thomazine, Northepetherton '3 1764 55* 1607 152* 1638 49 1670 37 1696 12 1769 61* 4 100 1669 58 '7'3 5° 1723 27 1742 55 1789 56 1797 125* 6 147* 7 10* 1607 207* 1610 12 1620 3' 1629 84 1631 42 1645 - 20 1661 126 1667 73 1670 4 1685 4 1696 63 1697 1 1700 5' 1710 54 1712 9' 1722 33 1727 152 1730 68 1733 82 1740 '9 1776 '4 1796 63* 1646 21 1699 S3 1732 62 '775 '55* 1616 3, 1758 1 12* 1638 1 10 1704 145 1694 161* 1607 '5 1646 36 1704 47 1738 29* 1612 8 1631 92* 7 IA 1664 8l 1694 79 1786 209* 1610 Taunton Wills. 393 Thorne, Thomas, Chilton ,, Valentine, Kilve ,, Vincent, Chellington ,, William, Bridgwater ,, William, Stogursey ,, William, Cutcombe ,, William, Wythycombe ,, William, Bicknoller „ Wilmett, widow, Bicknoller Thresher, Arthur, Milverton ,, Charles, Crowcombe ,, Christian, Culve ,, Elizabeth, Sampford Brett „ Henry, Sampford Brett ,, John, Sampford Brett ,, John, Kilve ,, John, Milverton ,, Margaret, Samfordbrett ,, Ursula, Milverton ,, Thrasher als. Hill, Joan, widow, Puckington Thromelbie, Thomas, Aishebritle Thruston, Anne, spinster, Nynehead ,, Ann, Taunton Magdalen ,, Dorothy, Taunton Magdalen ,, Grace, Nynehead Thyer, John, Curry Rivel Tibbs, Joseph, Bridgwater ,, Thomazine, widow, Southpetherton Tice, see Tyce. Tidball, Agnes, Withypoole ,, Christopher, Tidball „ John, Withypoole ,, Robert, Wythypoole Tidberie, George, Kingesbrompton ,, Tidbury, Mary, Cheddon Fitzpaine Tidder als. Leweis, Elizabeth, spinster, Stogursey ,, als. Lewes, Francis, Stogursey ,, als. Lewes, William, Stogursey Tiller, John, Corfe Tilley, Tilly, Andrew, Barrington ,, Andrew, Barrington , , Tapp als. , see Tapp als. Tilley. Timlett, Roger, Upton Tipper, Catherine, widow, Bicknoller Tirrell, Joane, widow, Mynehead John, Porlocke Terrell, John, sen., Porlocke Marie, Mynehed Mary, widow, Mynehead Michael, Mynehead Michael, Mynehead Michael, Minehead Richard, Porlock Thomas, Mynehed Cornish als. , see Cornish als. Tirrill. Tirrey, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Tither, Leweis ah., see Leweis als. Tither; 20 1642 58 1667 80 1629 8 1641 116 1669 42 1672 '77 1684 '3 1704 7 '7o5 62 1 668 '4 1792 25 1625 46 1790 122 1670 '35 1628 26 1698 27 '757 47* 1618 "4 1685 67 1648 172* 1616 7§ 1700 104 '743 35 1745 77 1700 10 J794 '3 i743 "3 1716 96 1736 97 1742 75 1780 190 '73° 165* 1624 32 1667 72 1633 6 1625 80 i7°3 25 1688 1 1 1736 1 i753 "7 1678 8 1707 42 1 70 1 86 1677 49 1701 12 161 1 97 1727 '7' 1610 70 1710 60 '733 69 '733 59* 7 107* 1619 394 Taunton Wills. Tiver, Bethia, Bridgwater Eleanor, Bridgwater Tyver, George, North Petherton George, Bridgwater Teiver, Joane, North Petherton Tyver, Thomas, Northepetherton Tizzard, Martha, Merriott Tobarne, Henry, Stogumber Toby, Tobie, Alexander, Northpetherton „ Meriam, Misterton ,, Richard, Crewkerne Tole, Giles, Barrington ,, John, Lynge ,, Marmaduke, Curry Revell Toleman, Tolman, Ann, Halse ,, Anthony, Stocklinch Magdalen ,, Francis, Stocklinch Otterseye ,, Toalman, George, Brumpton Ralph ,, Henry, Hinton St. George ,, John, Chedzoy ,, Tolman, John, Halse ,, Robert, Wembdon ,, Tolman, Robert, Chedzoy ,, Thomas, Chedzoy „ Thomas, Chedzoy ,, WilHam, Ilebrewers ,, William, Southpetherton ,, William, Ilebrewer Tolly, Elkanah, Brushford Toman, Mary, Hillfarrence ,, William, Hillfarrence Tommas, see Thomas. Tompkins, Tompkin, George, Stogumber ,, Tomkins, John, Kilve ,, Tomkins, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Marie, Bridgwater ,, William, Selworthy Tompson, Alice, St. James ,, George, Taunton Magdalen ,, James, Ristonn ,, John, Taunton James Toms, John, Spaxton ,, Tomes, Richard, Bagburrowe Tomye, John, Taunton James Toogood, na, Twogood, Edith, Milverton Hannah, Creech Joan, Radington John, Crewkerne John, Milverton John, Milverton John, Bicknell John, Crewkerne John, Bicknell Towgood, Katherine, Oake 1647 Twogood, Lawrence, Milverton Mary, widow, Bicknell 8 1784 1 '758 43 1641 2 '758 106 1728 66 '633 76 1694 '3* 1607 54 1665 36 '783 9 1788 6 1689 59 [674 5° 1669 21 1763 75 744 92 1677 4 1727 27 7«5 38 717 22 752 i'3 [691 41 '73° 36 717 37 717 59 675 !°S 677 78 1707 '9 7'3 34 '778 36 776 S2 '779 7i 1678 128* 1630 93 1640 127 1724 3° '643 112 1 661 J43 1632 85 1632 40 1770 '33* 1607 5 2* 1609 45* 1 77* 646 r4 '779 65 '744 46* 1 1 189* 1607 24 1642 5 1672 33 '675 11 1716 3 12 78* 1646 7 1691 Taunton Wills. 395 Toogood, Rebecca, Thornefaulcon ,, Robert, Ashbrittle „ Sampson, Oake ,, Thomas, Stogumber ,, Togood, William, Milverton ,, William, Raddington ,, William, Pitmister Tooker, Toker, John, Buckland Mary ,, William, Bridgwater ,, see also Tucker. Toole, William, Hambridge, Curry Rivell Toose, Towse, Agnes, Bradford ,, Towse, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Dunster „ Robert, Kilve ,, William, Milverton Topp, Margaret, Linge ,, William, Linge Torr, Cuthbert, ,, Elizabeth, Westbagborow ,, George, Westbagborrow „ Grace, widow, Spaxton ,, John, Exton ,, John, Winsford ,, John, Wembdon ,, Mary, widow, Exton ,, Mary, Whembdon ,, Simon, Spaxton ,, Thomas, Winsford ,, William, Westquantoxhed ,, ah. Gregorie, John „ als. Hawkins, Thomas, Ashpriors „ als. Heathfield, John, Bridgewater 1648 ,, als. Heathfield, Robert, Stogumber ,, als. Heathfield, Robert, Crocombe ,, ah. Heathfield, William, Crocombe „ als. Hurlye, Agnes, Crocombe ,, ah. Hurlie, Christian, widow, Stogursey ,, als. Hurley, George, Stogursey ,, ah. Hurlye, Joane, Stogursey ,, als. Hurlye, John, Stogursey ,, Hawkins als. , see Hawkins als. Torr. ,, Hurly als., see Hurly als. Torr. Torriton, John, Otterhampton Torry, Joane, spinster, Stoke St. Mary ,, Torrie, John, Staple ,, John, Thurlebare ,, William, Stoke St. Mary Torsell, Edward, Wembdon Toser, John, Stogumber Totterdell, Charles, Taunton James Charles, Hullbishops Elizabeth, Milverton Totterdle, George, Liddeard Lawrence Totterdle, George, Milverton John, Liddiard Lawrence Totterdale, Symon, Liddiard Lawrence "7 1677 i 1677 83 1674 117* 1638 54 1634 96 1675 45 1772 44 1621 9 '774 '3* 1616 119 1621 196 1610 90* 1616 49 1746 43 1739 29* 1623 30* 1623 80* 5 '35 1675 186 1684 88 1667 41 1666 107 1666 48 1758 59 1678 '5 1760 99* 2 106 1666 45* 1619 '5* 2 1 1689 5' 12 126 1624 '7 1692 54 1623 83* 1628 24 1637 104 1690 '53* 1608 '3* 1618 121* 2 "5 1681 35* 1608 '58 1622 118 1680 84 '747 58 1692 114 1722 37 '736 33 1769 5' 1699 40 '795 62 1722 73 '73' 396 Taunton Wills. TotterdeU, Totterdle, Thomas, Lyddiard St. Lawrence ,, Thomas, Milverton Toup, Susannah, Pitmister Tout, Towte, Abraham, Stockland Bristol ,, Dorothy, widow, Dulverton ,, Francis, Clatworthy ,, Jane, widow, Brushford ,, John, Dulverton ,, John, Dulverton ,, John, Brushford ,, Toute, John, Upton ,, Toute, Robert, Upton , , Toute, Sara, Yonghull „ Toute, Thomas, Upton ,, William, Upton ,, William, Dulverton ,, als. Berie, John, Dulverton ,, Berie als. , see Berie als. Towte. Towill, Agnes, widow, Treburrow ,, Towell, Amy, widow, Westmounkton ,, Towills, Arthur, gent., Taunton Magdalen ,, Towills, Arthur, Enmore ,, Elizabeth, spinster, Westmounckton ,, Isabella, Stogumber ,, Towell, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Towell, John, Kingston ,, John, Treburrow ,, Towell, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Towills, John, Enmore ,, Towills, John, Enmore ,, Towell, Mary, Taunton Magdalen ,, Towels, Susanna, Stocklinch Magdalen ,, Susanna, Taunton Magdalen „ Towell, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, gent., Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Towills, William, Cothelston ,, Towills als. Crosse, John, Kilton ,, als. Hicks, Charles, Luckham ,, als. Hixe, John, Treaborowe ,, Towell als. Hix, Mary, widow, Mynehead Towning, Grace, widow, Hatchbeacham ,, Joane, Hatchbeacham ,, Towneinge, Joane, Hatchebeacham ,, Joan, Crewkerne ,, John, Hatchbeachamp ,, John, Curry Mallett ,, Towneinge, Robert, Hatchbeacham ,, Robert, Curry Mallett ,, Robert, Hatchbeachamp ,, Towneing, Roger, Hatchbeachamp „ Towneinge, Thomas, Hatchbeacham , , Thomas, Fivehead ,, William, Fivehead Townsend, Anne, widow, Mynehead ,, Elinor, Bridgwater 39 '734 58 1746 46 1783 66 '737 4' 1662 '3 '737 7 1674 46* 7 46* 9 12 1677 140 1707 IOI 1696 '47 162& 1 20 1714 S3 '747 3° '773 67 1672 87 1668 106 1696 '5' '73' 36 '733 104 1729 47 1772 94 1740 1 79* 1638 116 1677 166 1685 32 1729 '9 '735 22 !7S' 5' '754 44 1797 107 1687 9' '7°3 80 1737 54 '794 109* 1618 25 1630 73 1694 5 '635 57 1693 64 1681 58* 10 140* 1616 21 1778 52 1722 3' '73' 27 1625 20 1683 62 1684 39 1632 23 16 10 47 1724 40 1740 3° 1698 48 1629 Taunton Wills. 397 Townsend, George, Bishops Hull ,, Henry, Crewkerne ,, Joan, Crewkerne ,, Joan, Barrington „ Joan, Taunton Magdalen ,, Tounsend, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater „ Samuel, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Crewkerne Tracy, Edmond, clerk, Crewkerne ,, Elianor, widow, Chedzoy ,, George, Hilfarence „ Tracey, Jane, widow, Crewkerne „ Tracey, Joan, Hillfarrance ,, Tracie, John, sen., Chedsey „ Walter, Chedzoy ,, Tracey, William, Kilton TraUman, Gilbert, Cannington ,, Traylman, Joane, Canington Trapnell, James, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton ,, als. .Cheeke, Hugh, Spaxton Trapp, John, Cannington Trass, Ann, Merriott Tratt, Eleanor, widow, Wilton ,, Henry, Crewkerne ,, James, Stogursey ,, Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ John, Taunton ,, Michael, Northpetherton ,, Peter, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Buckland Mary ,, Richard, Buckland St. Mary „ Robert, Pitmister „ Simon, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Newton, parish Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Heathfeild ,, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, William, Badialton Treagle, Frances, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, George, Taunton Magdalen Treble, Treable, Agnes, widow, Coombfiorie ,, Alice, spinster, Brompton Ralfe ,, orTribill, Ann, widow, Combflory ,, Ann, Lydiard St. Lawrence ,, Edward, Kingestone ,, Edward, Coombflorey ,, Elizabeth, Taunton St. James ,, Francis, Hull Bishops „ Hugh, gent., Westbagborow ,, Jane, Coombflorey „ Joan, Coombflorey ,, John, Combflorie ,, Mary, spinster, Combflory ,, Thomas, Combflorie 1 1 1799 21 1698 33 1696 5 !735 8b 1742 '4 1675 '9 1694 24 1746 '83 '73° 35 1674 3' 1678 30 1692 54 1711 24 1693 3' i734 108 1610 21 1719 49 '733 71* 1614 4 1627 53 1771 92 J73' 96* 1627 23* 10 40 1789 79 1726 '3 1629 52* 1612 80 1677 18 1625 86 1680 105 1684 4 1698 '5 i7J3 105* 7 §7 1716 36* 7 110* 1608 98 1684 7 1742 6 '73' 116 1667 "7 1667 105 1631 'So 1637 '7 1696 42. 1 76 1 120* 1608 30 1776 63 1787 3' '732 100 1729 '3 1782 '3 1769 73* 7 16 '725 47 1626 398 Taunton Wills. Treble, Treable, Thomas, Charlinch ,, Thomas, Combefflorey ,, William, gent., Combflory ,, William, Bradford Treevett, Robert, jun., Northpetherton Trego, John, Charlinch ,, Martha, Charlinch ,, Tregoe, Thomas, jun., Durleigh Treherne, Rise, Minehed Trelawney, John, Southpetherton Trell, John, Selworthy Treloggan, Eleanor, Canington Trencher, George, Buckland Marie ,, Simon, Crickett Thomas Trent, William, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater Trevelyan, Anne, widow, Nettlecombe ,, Bridgett, Curry Rivell ,, Francis, gent, Nettlecombe ,, Trevillian, John, esq., Drayton ,, Trevillian, Ralph, Drayton ,, Trevellian, Thomas, proceedings re Milverton Trewle, Anastacie, Canington Treyman, Henry, Draiton Tribill, see Treble. Tricker, Joane, Taunton James Trickey, Joane, Taunton James ,, Trickhay, Richard, Corffe Tricks, Robert, Kingston Triggs, Anthony, Milverton ,, Joane, Milverton ,, Joane, widow, Milverton Trill, John, Selworthy ,, Tryll, Suzanna, Selworthie ,, Thomas, sen., Selworthy ,, Thomas, Selworthy Tripp, Charles, Taunton Magdalen ,, Hannah, Taunton St. James ,, Henry, gent, Kingstone ,, John, Taunton St. James „ Mary, Taunton Magdalen Trisser, Thomas, Drayton Trivitt, James, gent., Creech ,, James, Northpetherton ,, John, Creech St. Michael ,, Trivett, Mary, Thurloxton „ Trivett, Richard, Northpetherton ,, Trivett, Richard, Northpetherton ,, Trivett, Thomas, Thurloxton ,, Trivet, Thomas, Lyng ,, Trivett, William, Northpetherton ,, Trivett, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton Troake, Rogers ah. , see Rogers als. Troake. Trobbs, Agnes, widow, Charlinch 23 1665 Trologm als. Hawlet, Walter, Canington 10* 1 Troode, James, Bradford 2 1664 24 1671 33 !743 20 1714 '5 1742 2S 1 16 1796 30 1781 8 '753 47* 5 84 '736 100 J675 42 1669 87 l635 67* 2 10 1 72 1 5 '75° 74 '7'3 35 1666 78 1706 23 '749 74 1643 9' l643 122 1621 22* 1607 94* 5 57* 6 36* 1638 48 1740 69 1677 55 1666 90 1684 122 1724 69 1628 75 i7°3 38 '758 82 1777 106 J743 81 1730 80 1767 81 '734 95* 1640 4' 1728 39 1783 22 1776 69 i775 52 1761 34* 1766 5S '774 27 1791 44 1695 55 1737 57 1776 Taunton Wills. 399 Troote, Trood, William, Bridgwater ,, Joane, Dulverton Trott, Agnes, widow, Bradford ,, Agnes, widow, Spaxton ,, Alexander, Milverton „ Anne, widow, Taunton James ,, Catherine, Barrington ,, Christian, Bradford ,, Dorothy, widow, Brompton Regis „ Elias, Chafcombe ,, Elizabeth, spinster, Bradford ,, Elizabeth, widow, Spaxton ,, Henry, Chellington , , Hannah, Taunton James ,, James, Northpetherton . ,, Joane, widow, Bradford „ John, Barrington ,, John, Kingesbrompton ,, John, Curland ,, John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton James ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Northpetherton „ Magdalen, Chafcombe „ Margaret, Northepetherton ,, Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary [sic], Taunton Magdalen ,, Richard, Crocombe ,, Simon, Northepetherton „ Thomas, Spaxton ,, William, ,, William, Taunton Magdalen Trow, Jane, widow, Stogursey ,, Trowe, Joane, widow, Stogursey ,, Thomasine, Stogursey Trowbridge, , Taunton 1649 ,, Charles, Winsford „ Ishmael, Wembdon ,, Trobridge, Jane, widow, Winsford „ John, Spaxton ,, John, Asholt ,, Trobridge, William, Taunton Magdalen ,, Trobridge, William, Sampford Brett Trowde, William, Bradford „ William, Bridgwater Trowte, Alice, Dulverton „ Trout, John, Donyatt ,, Robert, Dulverton Troyte, Francis, Taunton Magdalen Trubbes, William, Aisholt Truckwell, John ,, Richard, Brumpton Ralph ,, Thomas, Brompton Ralph Trull, Thomas, Selworthie Trump, Edmund, Staplefitzpaine ,, Trumpe, EUen, widow, Staplefitzpaine 10 1684 34* 3 18 1669 §4 1693 57 1676 85 1699 85 1624 12 '733 1 1 1699 16 1721 10 '7°3 128 1707 45* 1616 82 1734 74 1688 7 '723 33* 9 174* 1616 '5 1668 9 1669 117 1714 68 1726 18 1729 58 1767 16 1674 60* 1629 99 '733 IOI '733 1 1 1726 157 1625 85 1693 84* 1610 5' 1785 63 1689 96 1664 97 1677 68 12 '94 '73°- 56 '793 146 1694 98 '725 3 1771 44* 1616 93 1688 76 1640 '7 1671 26 1631 3' 1703. 7 1628 95 1696 S 1639 96* 7 7 1677 5 1673 104 1626 65 1780 121 1707 4-QO Taunton Wills. Trump, Trumpe, Hester, widow, Staplefitzpaine ,, William, Bickenhall Trutch, George, Spaxton ,, Richard, Spaxton Tubb, Thomas, Donyatt Tue . . . , William, Southpeatherton Tucker, Amy, Northpetherton Ann, Minehead Christopher, Exford Christopher, Northpetherton Edward, Taunton Edward, Westmonnkton Elinore, Crewkerne Elizabeth, Lynge EHzabeth, widow, Bridgwater Grace, widow, Brumpton Regis Henry, Northpeatherton Henry, Northpetherton James, Lyng Joane, Northpetherton Joane, Exford Joan, Henton St. George Joan, Minehead John, Currey Rivell John, sen., Stogursey John, Wayford John, Exford John, Canington John, Exford John, Southpetherton John, Exford John, Goathurst John, Stockland John, Cutcombe Lawrence, Lyng Marie, Mary, widow, Crewkerne Ralph, Stogumber Richard, Northpetherton Robert, Exford Robert, Durleigh Robert, Goatehurst Robert, Merriott Samuel, Bridgwater Samuel, the elder, Bridgwater Sarah, widow, Bridgwater Simon, . . . ton Thomas, Brompton Regis Thomas, Northepetherton Thomas, Heathfeild Thomas, Heathfeild Thomas, Cheddonfitzpaine Thomas, Radington Thomas, Treburrow Thomas, Northpetherton Thomas, Stogursey Thomasine, widow, Pitmister 1648 102 1700 '4 1767 '45 1727 99 1725 39 1667 45* 1642 42 '793 37 '754 36 1620 74 1690 181* 1638 'S3 1684 7' 1625 23 1630 10 1693 7 1704 iS 12 9' 1694 '9 1788 39* 7 45 1714 18 '745 54 1776 46* 1612 59* 1612 5* 1613 36* 1619 96 1620 46 1667 160 1685 44 1710 59 1727 67 1780 29 1784 41 i732 95* 7 5' 1730 70* 1623 95 1694 57* 1610 44 '675 50 1706 89 1728 26 1727 8 1746 '3 1674 6!* 3 18* 6 52* 1619 60 1661 52 1688 32 1707 130 '730 167 1730 65 '733 60 '775 72 1702 Taunton Wills. 40 1 Tucker, Tristram, Spaxton Walter, Canington or Tooker, Welthian, widow, Crocombe William, Brompton Regis William, Lynge William, Crocombe William, sen., Luccombe William, Luckham William, Northpetherton als. Parker, Alice, Wolmeston als. Weare, Hugh, Porlock Allen als., see Allen als. Tucker. Hearne als. , see Hearne als. Tucker. Parker als. , see Parker als. Tucker. Ware als., see Ware als. Tucker. Warr als. , see Warr als. Tucker. Weaver als. , see Weaver als. Tucker. See also Tooker. Tudball, Abraham, Dulverton Alexander, Exford Tutball, Christopher, Cutcombe Christopher, Wythypoole James, Upton Tudbole, John, Chipstable John, Exford John, Liddiard Lawrence Judith, Upton Tudbole, Robert, Chipstable Robert, Westbagborow Sarah, widow, Mynehead Thomas, Upton Walter, Spaxton Walter, Exford See also Tutball. Tudble als. Tudbole, Alice, Chipstable Tudbole, Tudble als., see Tudble als. Tudbole. Tuffe or Tust, Giles, Misterton Tupp, Nicholas, Taunton Magdalen ,, Sibelah, Crickett Thomas ,, Thomas, Crickett Thomas Turke, Elizabeth, Bicknoller ,, John, Bicknaller ,, John, Bicknaller ,, Marie, Bicknaller ,, Thomas, Westbagborow Turle, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton James ,, Mary, Bishops Hull Turner, Abraham, Bradford ,, Abraham, Bradford ,, Agitha, Bridgwater ,, Ann, Northpetherton ,, Ann, Chilton ,, Daniel, Hilbishops ,, Daniel, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Dorothy, widow, Dunster ,, Edith, widow, Northpetherton 161 1640 34 1685 26 1714 8* 5 79 1684 29 1700 55 1746 20 '758 5° 1778 108* 1628 1 90* 1622 '9 1686 45 1722 19 1696 46 1718 76 1784 !36 1621 5' 1675 36 1 70 1 93 1736 124 1622 90 1643 75 1706 140 1720 9 1610 1 10 1632 42* 5 35 1695 40 i7'5 3' 1728 25 1722 57 1634 81* 8 91* 1607 47* 1608 '5° 1694 '33 1672 '47 '73' 10 '793 10 1685 6 1779 5 i752 35 '752 6 1770 64 1727 27 1788 44 1684 122 1730 D d 402 Taunton Wills. Turner, Edmund, Corfe ,, George, Northpetherton ,, Henry, Northpetherton ,, Hugh, Taunton Magdalen ,, Hugh, Bridgwater ,, James, Staplefitzpaine ,, Jane, Pitmister ,, Joane, widow, Bridgwater ,, John, jun., Northpetherton ,, John, sen., Northepetherton ,, John, Hilbishopps ,, John, Pitminster ,, John, Bradford ,, John Westmonnckton ,, John, Pitmister ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater ,, Joseph, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Joseph, Pitmister ,, Joseph, Northpetherton ,, Josias, Northpetherton ,, Martha, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Mary, widow, Langford Budvill „ Mary, Northpetherton ,, Rebecca, spinster, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Richard, Northpetherton ,, Richard, Bridgwater „ Robert, Fivehead ,, Stephen, Thurlbare „ Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomazine, widow, Taunton James ,, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Bradford ,, William, Bradford ,, William, Chilton ,, als. Fistmore, Richard, Draiton Turrell, Dorothy, widow, Dulverton Tust, see Tuffe. Tutball, Elizabeth, Spaxton Tutchin, Richard, Southepetherton ,, Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Tutchen, William, Southpetherton ,, Tutchen, William, Southpetherton ,, Tutchen, William, Crewkerne Tuthill, Francis, Bridgwater „ Joane, Westmonnkton Tutt, Henry, Ristonn „ James, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Penelope, widow, Creech ,, Thomas, Riston ,, William, Creech Tutten, Tutton, David, Charlinch ,, Joane, widow, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Lillstock Tuttiett, Martha, widow, Bridgwater 26 1728 71 1668 96 1681 86 '744 12 1798 48 1712 30 1770 26 1720 117* 1618 8* 1619 58 1670 48 1686 9 1694 126 1704 84 1714 12 1742 10 1798 55 *739 60 '739 42 1749 Si 1697 35 1748 7' '73 ' 10 1760 79 1704 102 1670 1 1679 44 1768 149 1684 102 1720 58 1698 73 1 7 10 '5 1717 1 1 1739 '9 '743 25 1768 98* 1610 20 1686 IOI 1664 23* 1614 37 1770 '45 1640 107 1677 8 1790 1 1 1700 54 1673 32 1621 '38 1728 77 1747 30 1690 53 1625 160* 1638 20 1777 '5 1706 52 1764 16 1727 Taunton Wills. 403 Tuttle, John, Wythycombe Tutwell, Henry, Creech Tuxwell, Alice, ,, Jane, widow, Otterhampton ,, Joane, Otterhampton ,, Mary, Canington Tyce, Tice, Elizabeth, Thurloxton „ Francis, Hatchbeachampe ,, Joane, widow, Hatchebeachampe ,, Tice, Thomas, Northpetherton Tyler, Elizeus, Northepetherton ,, Honour, Bishops Hull ,, Tylor, Joseph, Crewkerne ,, Robert, Crewkerne „ Robert, Crewkerne ,, Robert, Crewkerne TymeweU, Alice, widow, Brumpton Regis ,, Timewell, Anstice, Badialton ,, Edmond, gent., Bradford ,, Edward, Oake ,, Edward, Bradford „ Edward, Oake ,, Timewell, Elizabeth, Chipstable ,, Timewell, Joan, Chipstable ,, John, - ,, Judith, widow, Oake „ Richard, Oake ,, Susanna, Ashbrittle ,, Thomas, Kittisford ,, Thomas, Badialton ,, Thomas, Ashbrittle Tyrling, Benedicta, Taunton Magdalen ,, Nathaniel, Taunton Magdalen Tysse, John, Ileabbotts Tyver, see Tiver. Umphrie, Umfrie, Dionizie, Estquantoxhed ,, John, Draiton ,, als. Tatchell, Catherine, Barrington Upcott, George, Stogumber ,, Philip, Dunster ,, Robert, Stogumber Upham, Alice, Dulverton ,, Amie (?), Dulverton ,, Christian, Hewishchampflower „ Christopher, Upton ,, Francis, Stogumber ,, George, Elworthy ,, Gregorie, Draiton ,, Henry, Porlocke ,, Humphry, Liddeard Lawrence ,, Humphry, Stoke St. Mary „ Jane, Westbagborough ,, John, Westmonnkton ,, John, Elworthy ,, John, Brumpton Regis '65 J73i 78 1621 161* 1608 84 1663 72 1666 25 1664 '5° 1684 59 i7°4 50 1724 79 1662 40 1625 7 1771 31 1702 4' 1704 '5 1769 21 1780 11 1694 2 1718 '5 1661 24* 6 20* 8 3 1619 '33 1622 24 1762 33* 8 104 1672 7' 1666 2 1740 44 1676 3 1723 1 1730 35 1718 119 1722 80 1637 63* 10 59* 1608 48* 1615 39 1770 34 1639 106 1663 58 1628 53 1646 15 1611 149 1632 72 '734 49 '743 70* 1612 76 1664 75 1678 80 1696 65 i7»3 140 1680 43 1690 10 i7'3 404 Taunton Wills. Upham, Margaret, widow, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Thomas, Westmonnkton ,, William, Milverton See also Upton. Uppington, Anne, widow, Mynehead ,, Elizabeth, Stogumber ,, Upington, Henry, Dulverton ,, Joane, widow, Dunster „ John, Brumpton Regis ,, Upington, Richard, Stogumber ,, Symon, Dulverton ,, Walter, Mynehed Uptonn, Joane, Rownington ,, Upton or Upham, Robert, Brumpton Ralph ,, als. Aishton, William, Donyett Urnar, see Vraar Urvin, Urvyn, Dorothie, widow, Northepetherton „ Lewis, Northpetherton ,, Urvine, Thomas, Seaburrow Urwin, Thomas, Crewkerne Uttermare, Anne, widow, Curry Mallett ,, John, Curry Mallett ,, John, jun., Hatchbeachamp ,, John, Curry Mallett ,, Uttermear, Robert, Currie Mallett Vaham, John, Spaxton Vaine, George, Taunton James ,, Mary, widow, Taunton James Valentine, Edmund, Dulverton ,, Elizabeth, Minehead ,, Henry, Luccombe ,, Joane, widow, Wotton Courtney ,, John, Pytmister ,, John, Dulverton ,, John, Otterford ,, Valenton, Simon, Mynehead ,, Thomas, Wootten Courtney „ VaUentine, Thomas, Minehead Vallacott, Dorothy, widow, Sampford Brett ,, Joane, widow, Sampford Brett ,, John, Sanford Brett Vallens, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton St. James ,, Elizabeth, widow, Taunton James ,, John, Taunton St. James , , Vallins, Robert, Taunton James Vanter als. Cobley, Henry, Mynehead , , Cololye als. , see Cololye als. Vanter. Vater, Agnes, widow, Exford Vaux, Vax, Agnes, Merriott ,, Vaxe, Alice, Southepetherton ,, Amy, Southpetherton „ James, clerk, Crickett Malherby ,, Joane, Broadway ,, John, Southpetherton ,, Josias, Southpetherton 62 1680 122 1667 54* 1615 75 1697 130 1670 35 1719 25 1631 '4 1694 125 1707 44 1716 60* 7 27* 1608 12 1669 181* 1607 3' ^37 1 1 1635 '5* 7 22 1709 35 1727 25 1708 44 175° 19 1795 64=:= '643 2 1 6* 1616 59 1698 57 1712 3° 1771 55 1736 64* 5 142 1683 6* 1614 37 1684 60 1744 92 1728 13S 167S 50 1734 109 1697 80 1664 103 1640 121 i725 99 1729 130 1724 142 1694 78 1675 28 1723 5° 1665 65 1625 66 1780 '7 1698 '5 1710 7' 1767 36 1770 Taunton Wills. 405 Vaux, Vax, Mary, spinster, Southpetherton ,, Vax, Thomas, Southpeatherton ,, William, Southpetherton Vellacott, John, Sampford Brett Vellett, Adam, Taunton James Venicott, Vinycott, Abraham, Bridgwater ,, Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater , , George, Dunweare, par. of Bridgwater ,, Venycott, George, Northepetherton ,, Vennicott, Giles, Bridgwater ,, Giles, Bridgwater ,, Venecott, Giles, Bridgwater „ James, Bridgwater ,, Vennicott, James, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Bridgwater ,, Vennicott, Richard, Bridgwater See also Vinicott and Vellacott. Venn, Agnes, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Alice, Upton ,, Alice, Kingsbrompton ,, Ann, Northpetherton ,, Ciclie, Kilve als. Kulve ,, Ebbott, widow, St. James ,, Elizabeth, Skilgate ,, Elizabeth, Wythyell ,, Jane, widow, Liddeard Lawrence „ Joane, Upton ,, Joan, Porlock ,, John, Lidiard Lawrence ,, John, Clotworthie ,, Ven, John, Brompton Regis ,, John, Liddeard Lawrence ,, Margerie, Kingesbrompton „ Martin, Brompton Regis , , Matilde or Maude, Lawrence Lidiard ,, Ven, Nicholas, Wythyell ,, Peter, Uptonn ,, Radigun, widow, Brompton Regis ,, Richard, Kingesbrompton ,, Richard, Stogumber ,, Richard, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Robert, Kingesbrompton ,, Robert, Stogumber „ Ven, Robert, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Withiel ,, Robert, Kingsbrompton ,, Simon, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Symon, Hilfarrence ,, Thomas, Uptonn ,, Thomas, Kilve ,, Thomas, Upton ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis ,, Thomas, Combflory ,, Thomas, Lydiard Lawrence ,, William, en ,, William, Kingesbrompton „ William, Wythiell 86 1702 35* 1646 69 1739 90 1677 163 1670 129 1624 '9 1706 '9 1625 165* 1625 115* 2 137* 7 12 1668 12 1719 '5 1722 1 1620 10 1668 83* 8 118 1674 35 '734 5' '739 72 1637 2 1637 109 1675 102 1702 33 1695 120* 1618 61 1739 35 1610 7 1634 4 1640 40 1692 164 1624 12 1696 S5 1626 '43 1728 128* 1614 10 1699 40* 1612 77 1639 36 1786 65* 1617 '57* 1637 121 1727 72 1762 48 1781 62 1683 5° 1697 109 1610 81 1620 99 1666 4 1668 22 '747 39 1761 55* 2 '34 1624 125 1667 406 Taunton Wills. Venn, William, Wythiell ,, William, Northpetherton ,, Ven als. Hookins, William, Milverton ,, Hookins als. , see Hookings ah. Venn ,, Ven, Stone als. , see Stone als. Ven Venner, Elizabeth, widow, Lidiard Lawrence ,, Gustavus, Milverton ,, John, Goatehurst ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, Taunton Magdalen ,, Richard, Bicknoller ,, Roger, gent., Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Mynehead „ William, Taunton James Venton, Robert, Dulverton Vernam, Robert, Doddington Verrier, Verier, Agnes, widow, Hilbishopps ,, Verrior, Charity, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Guy, Thornefawcon ,, Verrior, John, Curry Mallett ,, John, Lovibond, Curry Mallett ,, John, Thornefalcon ,, Mary, Curry Mallett „ Verier, Richard, Knolle ,, Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Northpetherton ,, Thomas, Taunton James ,, Verrior, Thomas, Lynge ,, William, Hilbushoppes Veysey, Catherine, Nynehead ,, Hugh, Exford Viall, Catherine, Stocklinche Magdalen ,, William, Southepetherton ,, Vyall, William, Stocklinch Magdalen Vicars, John, Extonn ,, John, Brumpton Regis Vicary, Viccary, Adrian, Exton ,, Vicarie, Alice, Exford ,, Catherine, Hawkeridge „ Vicarie, Catherine, Taunton „ Vicarie, Christian, Extonn ,, Vicarie, Edmund, Dulverton ,, Vickery, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen ,, Francis, Wythypoole ,, Vicarie, Jane, widow, Extonn ,, Vicarie, Jane, Dunster ,, Vickery, Joane, spinster, Ashbrittle ,, Vicarie, John, Exton ,, Vicarie, John, Hawkeridge ,, Vicarie, John, Brompton Regis ,, John, Ashpriors ,, Vickery, John, Ashbrittle „ John, Winsford „ John, Luxborrow „ John, Minehead ,, Vickery, John, Hillfarrence 1 20 1704 64 1764 70 1714 37 1632 62 1768 53 l6l2 86 '739 33 '745 4 1687 104 1714 105 1635 99* 3 47 1670 3 1620 '4 1645 119 1711 67 1646 46 1730 18 1798 72 1799 6 '745 '9 1645 n7 1706 90 '739 76 1704 85 1721 86 1730 96 1628 '37 1640 20 1782 165* 1610 95* 1608 1 1 1627 '35* 1616 5 1686 33 1721 5* 6 28 1621 221* 1638 125* 1614 54 1626 57 1787 "3 1662 26 1629 158* 1637 2 1728 73* 3 64* 1607 36* 1608 2 1700 2 171 1 120 '7'3 93 1730 57 1736 '9 '752 Taunton Wills. 407 Vicary, Joseph, Dulverton ,, Vickery, Margaret, Ashbrittle ,, Vickery, Mary, Aishbrittle ,, Maude, Stogumber ,, Phillip, Exton ,, Vickary, Robert, Dunster ,, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Dulverton ,, Vicarie, Roger, Exford „ Vickary, Roger, Dunster ,, Vicarie, Thomas, Exton ,, Thomas, Hawkeridge ,, Thomas, Hawkeridge ,, Thomas, Stogursey „ William, Minehead „ Vickery, William, Halse ,, Vicarie, Saunders ah., see Saunders als. Vicarie. Vildewe, Vildue, Isabella, widow, Misterton „ John, Aishbritle ,, Margerie, Crewkerne „ William, Misterton Vile, Vyle, Catherine, widow, Southpetherton „ Edmond, Southpetherton ,, Edmond, Southpetherton ,, Edmund, Southpetherton ,, Edmond, Southpetherton ,, Joan, South Bradon ,, John, Ileabbott „ John, Southpetherton ,, John, Southpetherton ,, John, Islebrewers ,, Joseph, Curry Revell ,, Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, Seavington Marie ,, Robert, Southpetherton ,, Robert, Southepetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton ,, Robert, North Braden „ Susanna, widow, Southpetherton „ Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Stocklinch Ottersey ,, Thomas, Beerecrocombe ,, William, Seavington marie ,, William, Ileabbott „ William, Southpetherton Vilhouse, Elizabeth, widow, Cannington Villett, Tristram, Buckland Marie Villons, John, Horsey, parish Bridgwater ,, John, Aisheford, parish Canington Vilven, Joane, widow, Pitmister ,, Vilvain, Thomas, Bradford Vincent, Giles, Wayford ,, Jane, widow, Henton St. George ,, Jane, spinster, Ilebrewers ,, Jane, widow, Wilton „ John, Wilton ,, Mary, spinster, Wayford 29 i75o I J733 2 1746 105 1678 3° 1665 55 1728 7 1777 22 1785 186* 1610 89 1726 2 3* 7 196* 1622 52 1697 74 1767 47 1737 39 '755 '56 1640 72 1636 8* 3 '53 1625 10 1632 92 1667 93 1710 112 1716 93 1743 55 1749 61 1663 '59 1685 1 12 1711 36 1767 24 1696 24* 1610 14* 1616 9 1631 7° 1631 97 1714 56 '744 72 1719 67 x75° 53 1762 1 1774 100* 6 5° 1702 '°5 1704 73 1631 132 1624 19* 7 3* 1613 65 1729 9 1714 647 4 12 52 1680 64 1711 187 1730 103 1729 99 1702 408 Taunton Wills. Vincent, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Southpetherton ,, William, Staplefitzpaine Vinecomb, Mary, widow, Southpetherton Viney, Thomas, Wembdon Vinicott, Vyimacott, John, Dunweare, parish Bridgwater ,, John, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Northpetherton ,, Sarah, widow, Bridgwater ,, William, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpetherton See also Venicott. Virgin, William, Orchard Vivian, Matthew, Bridgwater See also Phivian. Vosse, Paul, Ashbrittle Voysey, Mark, Dulverton „ Voisey, Thomas, Hillfarrence Vrnar, Agnes, Winsford Waddon, Joan, Bradford ,, Robert, Wayford ,, Robert, Crewkerne Wade als. Culbone, Alice, widow, Kitnor ,, Elizabeth, Brusheford ,, Mary, Minehead „ Matilde, Otterhampton ,, Silvester, Kitner ,, Thomas, Brusheford Wadge, Ralph, Kitnor Wadham, Phillip, Ashbrittle Wadland, John, Canington Waight, Barnard, Exford Waites, Ruth, widow, Bicknell ,, William, Stringston ,, Waits, William, Holford Wakelie, Elinore, Mynehed ,, William, Whitstanton „ Waklie, William, Ylebrewers Walden, Phillip, Dowlishwake ,, Philip, Kingstone „ William, Ileabbotts Waldron, Best, Langford Budvil ,, Charity, widow, Ashbrittle ,, Elizabeth, Curland ,, Jane, Curland ,, Waldaron, Joan, Milverton ,, John, Bicknell „ John, Staplefitzpain ,, Margaret, Milverton ,, Matthew, Aishbrittle ,, Waldrond, Robert, Bicknell „ Waldrond, William, Barrington See also Walrond. Wale, Samuel, Donyatt 109 '635 I 12 1706 44 1738 97 1706 I25 1728 120 1674 43* 1614 10 1740 78 173' 16 1730 65 1691 104 1728 44 '756 25 1707 1 1675 109* 7 28 '775 68* 1615 10 1789 170 '73' 10 1788 98 1630 9' 1610 48 1739 11* 8 '37 1622 86* 1609 41 1665 2 1699 29 1661 47 1667 4 1729 144 1730 43 1781 170* 1625 49 1624 91* 1646 46 1704 26 1766 54 1722 20 1644 1 1676 70 1640 163* 1638 42* 1642 8 1664 68 1761 '53 1632 5 1669 95 1632 125 1637 1715 Taunton Wills. 409 Walford, Agnes, Stockland Bristow „ Anthony, Stogursey ,, Cicily, widow, Stogursey ,, David, Overstowey ,, David, Stockland Bristoll „ Edward, Durleigh ,, James, Stogursey ,, Joane, Stockland Bristowe ,, John, Stockland ,, John, Stockland Bristow ,, John, Fiddington ,, Richard, Canington ,, Wanford, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Spaxton ,, Simon, Aisholt „ Thomas, Overstowey ,, Walter, Stogursey ,, Walter, Stogursey ,, William, Bridgewater ,, William, Bridgewater Walker, Joyce, Taunton James „ Mary, Minehead Wall, Alice, spinster, Bicknell ,, Anne, Kingesbrompton „ Anthony, Bridgwater „ Bartholomew, Bicknell ,, Daniel, Kingesbrompton ,, Edith, Broadway ,, Elizabeth, Curland „ John, Northepetherton ,, or Will, John, Drayton „ Margaret, ,, Mary, widow, Corffe ,, Mary, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Kingesbrompton ,, Thomas, Canington ,, William, Brumpton Regis ,, Wilmot, Brompton Regis Walland, Margaret, Oare ,, Walter, Porlock Walling, Henry, Bridgwater „ Henry, Bridgwater ,, William, Bridgwater Wallis, James, Taunton St. James ,, .Walliche, Joane, Lidiard Laurence ,, Margaret, widow, Mynehead ,, Nicholas, Taunton James ,, PhilHppa, Westmonckton ,, Robert, Northepetherton ,, Robert, Buckland Mary ,, Samuel, Bridgwater „ Thomas, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Bridgwater „ William, Curry Rivell Wallrond, William, Southepetherton or Ilebruers ,, Walrond, William, Isle Abbott See also Waldron. 128 1631 102 1687 164 1730 27 i645 99 1678 29 1780 60* 1609 36* 1612 99* 5 138* 7 53 1687 33 1681 20* 5 129* 7 103 1632 92 1724 1 1 1 1621 4' 1631 '5 i7°3 9 1784 79* 7 49 '773 3° 1633 26* 1617 39* 1612 3 1621 68* 1616 114 1639 §5* 1638 102* 1608 '34* 1 64 1 181* 1616 '9 1702 5 1761 23 1620 '54* 1628 10 1670 3 ^45 164* 1622 89 1632 '3 1668 16 1707 2 '7'5 90 1736 102 1639 90 1670 119 1704 46 1639 '39 1624 106 1646 5 1769 99 1710 82 1643 5 1770 167* 1616 39 1771 410 Taunton Wills. Walsh, Agnes, widow, Fivehead Andrew, gent, Curry Revell Daniell, Curry Revell Daniell, Curry Mallett Edmond, Fivehead Florence, spinster, Curry Revell George, Chipstable Isott, widow, Crickett Malberby Joane, widow, Curry Revell Walshe, John, Taunton Walshe, John, Taunton James John, gent., Curry Revell Marmaduke, Curry Rivell Robert, Curry Rivel Susanna, widow, Curry Revell Thomas, gent., Curry Revell William, Currie Rivell Walter, Henry, Creech Joan, Southpetherton or Walker, Joseph, Dodington Richard, Taunton Magdalen Robert, Taunton Magdalen Robert, Taunton James Sarah, Chedzoy William, Curry Rivell Walterman, Thomas, Currey Mallett Walters, Francis, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Ashpriors ,, John, Stogursey „ William, Chedzoy Waltham, Mary, widow, Liddiard Lawrence ,, Thomas, Dunster Wansey als. Eason, Andrew, Southepetherton „ Wansie als. Easen, Elizabeth, Southepetherton Want, Edward, Mynehead Warberton, Catherine, Ling Ward, Agnes, spinster, Wythypoole ,, Warde, Arthur, Withypoole „ Gyles, Mynehed ,, Joane, Mynehed ,, Joan, Withypoole ,, John, Winsford ,, Marmaduke, sen., Curririvell ,, Mellonie, Currie Rivell ,, Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Richard, Wythiel ,, Richard, Withypoole ,, Thomas, Northpetherton „ ah. Elsworthie, Robert, Currie Rivell Ware, Andrew, Exford ,, Bartholomew, Durston ,, Catherine, widows, Badialton ,, Charles, Stockpirrow ,, Humphrie, Brushford ,, John, Brushford ,, John Doble, Doddington „ War, Richard, Minehead 61 1678 26 1704 16 1684 23 '75° 34 1665 43 1707 55 1685 33 1707 29 1717 68 '643 171 1684 36 1716 37 !73' '7 1792 47 1707 54 1720 '3* 1638 22 1662 68 '739 iS 1679 109 1700 46 1633 102 1733 28 '773 37 1666 50* 1613 '58 1670 1 1692 122 1720 '9 1759 57 1 69 1 43 1724 86 1633 178* 1607 7' 1687 99* 1638 163 173' 116 1743 36 1626 22* 6 S7 '755 '39 1663 5 1631 '5 1638 22 1693 '43 1707 39 '745 94 1683 40* 1638 59 1694 68* 1609 3 1693 118 1694 126 1628 32 1633 27 1780 27 1782 Taunton Wills. 4 1 1 Ware, Symon, Luckham ,, William, Wembdon ,, als. Tucker, Alice, Kingsbrompton ,, als. Tucker, John, Brumpton Regis ,, als. Tucker, Michael, Mynehead Warfeild, John, Bridgwater Waring, Warring, Abraham, Taunton Magdalen ,, Agnes, widow, Taunton James ,, Warring, Julian, Trull ,, Warring, William, Taunton James See also Warren. Warkham, John, Selworthy Warman, Anstice, Creech George, gent., Taunton James John, Hilfarrence John, Cannington Mary, Fidington Richard, Westmounckton Richard, Otterhampton Thomas, St. James Thomasine, widow, Otterhampton Warmoth, James, Brumpton Ralph Warner, John, Northpetherton ,, Mary, Northpetherton ,, Robert, Hilbusshoppes ,, Thomas, Northpetherton ,, William, Hilbishops Warr, Bartholomew, Durston ,, Warre, Dorothy, widow, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Warre, Edward, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Warre, Edward, Durston „ Elizabeth, Chipley ,, Warre, Sir Francis, Bart., Kingston ,, Warre, Francis, clerk, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Warre, Henry, clerk, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Warre, Isaac, Milverton ,, John, Minehead ,, Warre, Martha, widow, Bicknoller ,, Warre, Martha, spinster, Stogumber ,, Richard, sen., Hestercombe ,, Warre, Samuel, Oake ,, Sarah, Oake „ Warre, William, Durston Warren, Amy, spinster, Milverton ,, Aron, Buckland St. Mary ,, Charity, widow, Otterford ,, Charles, Otterford ,, Christopher, Trull ,, Christopher, Creech ,, Edward, Milverton ,, Edward, Milverton ,, Elizabeth, spinster, Duluerton ,, Elizabeth, Westbagborow ,, Elizabeth, Cannington ,, George, Northpeatherton ,, George, Otterford ,, Grace, widow, Trull 74 1684 18 1626 34 '734 5 '73' 83 1680 16 1676 29* 1613 136 1728 122 1663 144 1717 5° 1796 3' 1675 74 '723 66 1670 23 1746 67 1730 126 1621 22 1633 14* 1646 95 1636 8 1677 43 '749 5° '799 63* 1618 53 1665 50 1664 48 1611 33 720 27 [671 40 '7i3 63 649 48 719 1 1 745 '5 702 36 712 49 739 11 670 I32 ! 717 120* 2 40 772 36 797 6l 1 672 67 ) 7'3 6 1 734 67 i 702 68 1 702 94 ' 666 25 ' 674 62 1 691 34 ' 772 52 1 634 103 1 746 8 1 794 5 ' 640 3' ' 645 "5 ' 674 4 1 2 Taunton Wills. Warren, Hannah, Crewkerne 9 '745 , Joane, Durston 96* 3 , John, Fidington '34* 1638 , John, Crewkerne 35 1675 , John, Hilfarrence 62 1694 , John, Wilton i°S 1696 , John, Westmounckton 148 1728 , John, Taunton Magdalen 77 !75° , John, Northpetherton 61 1776 , Joseph, Stogursey 67 1784 , Laurence, Milverton 62 1740 , Laurence, Milverton 49 1771 , Marie, Langeford Budfeld 36* 2 , Mary, widow, Crewkerne 27 1684 , Richard, Northpetherton 83* 1614 , Richard, Charlinch 22 1717 , Richard, Taunton 76 '734 , Richard, Trull 52 '793 , Robert, Taunton James 84* 1615 , Robert, Hilbishops 48 1664 , Robert, Milverton 34 1686 , Robert, clerk, vicar of Misterton 67 1708 , Robert, Chillington 10 1745 , Thomas, 86* 1 , Thomas, Crewkerne 11* 1638 , Thomas, Crewkerne 26 1667 , Thomas, Kingstone 36 '749 , William, Kittisford 6S 1694 , William, Bathealton 2 1778 See also Waring. Warriner, John, Taunton Magdalen 90* 1609 Warry, Henry, Bridgwater 20 1706 „ Henry, Crickett Malberby 34 1768 „ James, Durleigh 57 1672 ,, Samuel Haselber, Crewkerne 26 1699 Washer, Agnes, Kingston 123 1639 ,, Alice, Treaburrow 29* 8 ,, Catherine, widow, Oake 9' 1678 ,, Christian, widow, Luxburrowe 44 1640 ,, Edith, Crocombe 29 1678 ,, Joane, Oake '45 1628 ,, Joane, widow, Brumpton Regis 6 1697 ,, John, Treaburrow 107 1640 ,, John, Raddington 98 1663 , , Mary, widow, Brumpton Ralph 5 1720 ,, Michael, Oake 95 1680 ,, Robert, Brumpton Ralph 12 1730 ,, Walter, Heathfeild 6S 1669 ,, William, Milverton 67 1696 Wasley, William, Buckland Mary- 12 35 1647 Waterman, Abel, Goathurst 27 1787 , Baldwin, Bridgwater 7 1637 , James, Goathurst 3° 1786 , John, Kingeston 93* 1 608 , Mary, Goathurst 23 1790 , Philip, Thornefawcon 7' 1632 , Stephen, Bridgwater 9* 1640 Taunton Wills. 413 Waterman, Thomas, Kingston ,, William, Stokegursey Waters, Anne, Stogursey ,, Henry, Stogursey ,, Water, William, Stockpero Watham, Agnes, Minehead Wathen, James, Mynehead ,, Joane, widow, Westquantoxhead Watkins, Barnard, Curland ,, Edward, Canington ,, Edward, Bridgwater ,, Watkyns, George, Canington „ George, Minehead „ Watkyns, George, Canington ,, John, Bridgwater ,, Joseph, Bridgwater ,, ah. Watts, George, Wembdon Watts, Ann, Bridgwater ,, Watt, Edmond, Ileabbott ,, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, George, Selworthy ,, George, Nettlecombe „ Grace, widow, Nettlecombe ,, James, Bridgwater ,, John, sen., Porlock ,, John, Bosington, parish Porlock ,, Watt, John, clerk, Stogumber ,, John, Selworthy ,, Margaret, widow, Porlocke ,, Marie, Porlock ,, Michael, Riston „ Peter, Kingston ,, Richard, Abbott lie ,, Samuel, Bishops Hull ,, Thomas, Dunster ,, William, Southpetherton , , Watkins als. , see Watkins als. Watts. Waule, Alice, Bicknell „ Cicilie, ter ,, Edmund, Capland, parish Brodwaie Way, Edith, Trull ,, George, Clatworthy ,, George, Clatworthy ,, George, Clatworthy ,, Joane, Hilbishoppes ,, Joane, widow, Brumpton Ralph ,, Waye, John, Bradford ,, John, Cannington ,, John, Clotworthie ,, John, Clatworthy ,, John, Upton ,, John, Clatworthy ,, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen ,, Joseph, Taunton Magdalen ,, Waye, Marie, Clotworthie ,, Phillip, widow, Luckham 35 1631 25* 9 97 1708 121 1720 30 1638 46 1737 79 I731 130 1716 22 1624 73 1635 2 1682 76 1610 12 1622 3 1628 6 1633 9 1719 5' 1673 4 1766 '52 1621 54 1754 87 1664 86 173' 87 173' 3 1766 78* 1616 27* 1618 '39 1628 94 1661 89 1663 IOI 1625 122 1684 73 1681 8* 1614 16 1774 64 1720 127 1720 169* 1628 87* 1 95* 10 128 1622 33 1685 22 1739 29 1776 65 1640 11 1730 82* 1628 155 1632 52 1637 '5 1697 126 1711 28 1727 59 1783 9' 1729 57 1741 188* 1607 96 1685 414 Taunton Wills. Way, Robert, Clatworthy Robert, Luccombe Robert, Clatworthy Robert, Huishchampflower Thomas, Trull William, Brumpton Ralph William, Luckham See also Wey. Weare, Edithe, Otterhampton ,, Francis, Exford ,, Were, Joane, widow, Sampford Arrundle ,, Were, John, Sampford Arrundle ,, John, Southpetherton ,, John, Southpetherton ,, Mary, widow, Selworthy ,, Pentecost, widow, Exford „ Robert, Southpetherton ,, als. Mathewe, Thomas, Ileabbotts ,, Tucker als. , see Tucker als. Weare. Weaver, Alice, widow, Currie Mallett ,, Catherine, Currey Mallett ,, Catherine, widow, Curry Mallett „ John, Linge „ John, (? Curry M)allet ,, John, Curry Mallett ,, Mathew, Currey Mallett ,, Richard, Curry Mallett ,, als. Maisters, Hugh, Currey Mallett ,, als. Tucker, Jasper, Milverton , , Masters als. , see Masters als. Weaver. Webb, Alice, widow, Whitstaunton ,, Anne, Northpetherton ,, Bartholomew, Crewkerne ,, Edmund, Crocombe ,, EUinor, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Emanuel, Crocombe ,, Emanuel, Crocombe ,, Hannah, widow, Crewkerne ,, Henry, Henton St. George ,, Henry, Drayton ,, Henry, Crewkerne ,, Henry, Drayton ,, Henry, Drayton ,, Hugh, Crewkerne ,, Joane, Crocomb „ Joane, Crewkerne ,, Joane, widow, Netlecomb ,, John, sen., Crewkerne ,, John, sen., Crocombe ,, John, Crocombe ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, the younger, Wilton ,, John, Crewkerne ,, Joseph, Cuttcombe ,, Laurence, Bridgwater ,, Martin, Drayton ,, Martin, Drayton 14 1665 64 1677 38 173° 58 '731 75 1641 5 1701 61 '743 12* 1617 49 1711 68 1721 9' 1690 123 1717 40 1797 '°5 1711 50 1711 26* 1608 '45* 1608 48 1639 88* 1628 23 1678 '43* 7 34* 1613 12 1763 5' 1623 32 '73' 138* 1619 61 1740 1 12 1691 124* 6 176 1640 "5 1639 2 1646 12 1709 12 J745 21 1709 9 1646 36 1683 11 1686 5' 1704 41 1706 19 1780 5* 1610 35 1625 97 1631 '52 1610 59* 1615 28 1700 25 1727 nb 1733 '5 J749 10 J737 128 1637 38 1662 59 1672 Taunton Wills. 4 1 5 Webb, Mary, Taunton Magdalen ,, Nathaniel, Crewkerne ,, Rachel, Bridgwater ,, Richard, Netlecomb ,, Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Robert, Crewkerne ,, Thomas, Crocombe ,, Thomas, Nettlecombe ,, William, Crewkerne ,, William, Fivehead Webber, Agnes, Rode, parish Northepetherton ,, Agnes, Kingsbrumpton ,, Agnes, Brumpton Ralph „ Alexander, Duluerton ,, Alexander, clerk, Bathealton ,, Andrew, the elder, Otterhampton „ Anne, widow, Upton ,, Ann, Kilve ,, Arthur, Minehead „ Catherine, widow, Brumpton Regis „ Christopher, Luxborrowe ,, David, Elworthy ,, David, Taunton Magdalen ,, David, Brumpton Ralph ,, Dinah, Exford ,, Dorothie, Lidiard Laurence ,, Edward, Taunton Magdalen ,, Elianor, widow, Clatworthy ,, Elizabeth, Northpetherton „ Florence, Stogursey „ Francis, gent., Northpetherton ,, Francis, gent., Northpetherton ,, George, Luccombe ,, George, Huishchampflower ,, Gertrude, spinster, Brumpton Regis ,, Hannah, Porlock „ Henry, Winsford „ Henry, Wootten Courtney ,, Henry, Porlock ,, Ishmael, Kingsbrompton ,, James, Stogursey ,, James, Nynehead ,, James, Corfe ,, Jane, Ninehead ,, Joane, Withell ,, Joane, rrow ,, Joane, Withell ,, Joanna, Mynehead ,, Joane, widow, Wethiall ,, Joane, spinster, Brusheford ,, Joane, widow, Charlinch ,, Joane, widow, Luxburrow ,, John, Exton ,, John, Clotworthie ,, John, Luccombe ,, John, Luxburrowe ,, John, Stogursey 78 1737 18 '775 8 1785 121 1625 142 1728 '7 '75° 36* 1615 96 1684 41 1660 26 1787 124 1624 21 '745 2 '752 87 1632 4 1782 44 '749 119 1714 39 1799 54 1647 8 1686 38* 1645 69 1660 88 J744 3 '752 36 J75° 5° 1622 '34 1681 21 1664 84 1678 217* 1638 89 1680 99 1728 68* 1629 46 1742 10 1689 54 1765 128 1667 '75 1684 54 1780 35 1765 92 1691 74 1704 '7 1782 33 1785 13* 1613 93* 1615 8* 10 34 1632 '3 1637 1 1 1661 22 1691 55 1693 40 '635 81* 2 54* 1607 56 1627 79 1638 416 Taunton Wills. Webber, John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Brompton Regis „ John, Halse ,, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Nettlecombe ,, John, Westbagborrow ,, John, Canington ,, John, Skilgate ,, John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Badialton ,, John, Minehead ,, John, Brumpton Regis „ John, Cutcombe ,, John, Porlock ,, John, Stogumber „ Judith, widow, Clatworthy ,, Leonard, Skilgate ,, Lettice, widow, Sampford Brett ,, Margaret, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Margaret, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Margaret, Exford ,, Mary, widow, Charlinch ,, Mary, widow, Halse „ Mary, widow, Taunton Magdalen ,, Mary, widow, Northpetherton ,, Mary, spinster, Langford Budvill ,, Mary, Bridgwater ,, Matilde or Maud, Netlecomb ,, Oliver, Brompton Ralph ,, Peter, Chipstable ,, Peter, Kingsbrompton ,, Richard, Halse „ Richard, Brumpton Regis ,, Richard, Cheddon Fitzpaine ,, Richard, Canington ,, Robert, Dunster ,, Robert, Exton ,, Robert, Brumpton Regis ,, Robert, Clatworthy ,, Robert, Chipstable ,, Robert, Clatworthy ,, Robert, Thornefaulcon ,, Samuel, Brumpton Regis ,, Samuel, sen., Kings Brumpton ,, Samuel, Upton ,, Sarah, Kitesford ,, Sarah, Bathealton ,, Simon, Lilstock ,, Thomas, Extonn ,, Thomas, sen., Northepetherton ,, Thomas, sen., Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Huishchampflower ,, Thomas, Brumpton Regis ,, Thomas, Halse „ Thomas, Clatworthy ,, Thomas, Skilgate ,, Thomas, Northpetherton 21 1661 10 1664 43 1671 12 1675 46 1679 I87 1684 18 1688 99 1711 2 '725 7* '73' 62 1746 10 *759 17 '759 54 J759 38 1763 18 i7°3 95 1722 104 1669 130 1672 94 1684 35 1736 26 1663 75 1672 120 171 1 73 1722 80 1727 4 1790 34 1626 64 1631 8* 7 '53 1635 59 1677 7 1680 26 1710 3° 1721 75 1625 17 1673 8 1685 '5 1701 25 1774 '5 1785 58 1798 2 1666 55 1743 63 1783 24 1763 7 1799 24 '738 94 1611 33* 1615 147* 1638 53 1662 1 1 1669 63 1670 29 1688 59 1692 43 1695 Taunton Wills. 4 1 7 Webber, Thomas, Elworthy Thomas, Brumpton Regis Thomas, sen., Brumpton Regis Thomas, Mynehead Thomas, the elder, Kingsbrumpton Thomas, Aisholt Thomas, Bathealton Thomazine, widow, Northpetherton Thomazine, gentlewoman, Spaxton Ursula, widow, Cutcombe William, Cutcombe William, Huishchamflower William, Brumpton Regis William, Nynehead William, clerk, rector of Oake William, Brompton Regis William, Brumpton Ralph William, gent., Badialton William, sen., Exford William, Nynehead William, Langford Budvil William, Stockland Bristol William, Exford William, Langford Budvill William, Langford Budvil William, Creech St. Michael William, Brompton Ralph William, Dulverton William, Kilve Wilmot, Elworthie Weech, Weetch, Abraham, Bicknoller Elizabeth, Crocombe Fabian, Bridgwater Weetch, Isaac, Stogumber Weetch, Jeremiah, Crocombe John, Bridgwater Weetch, Joseph, Lilstock Margaret, widow, Durston Weetch, Thomas, Bicknoller Weetch, Thomas, Westmonkton William, Bridgwater Weekes, Agnes, Nynehed Alice, Georgehenton Christopher, Bridgwater Henry, Taunton Magdalen Joane, widow, Nynehead John, Taunton Magdalen Weeks, John, Taunton Magdalen Joseph, Sampford Arrundle Margaret, widow, Nynehed Marke, Misterton Richard, Bridgwater Weeks, Richard, Crewkerne Susanna, Spaxton Weklin, Thomas, Minehead Welleck, Walter, Lidiard Laurence Wellmont, William, Drayton 3' 1699 5 1704 7 1714 91 .1717 37 '747 1 1755 6 r 799 35 1682 102 1716 19 1692 3* 6 '35 1632 8 1667 88 1694 100 1694 J4 1696 13 1710 4 171 1 35 1721 "3 1730 26 '738 81 1740 18 "752 49 1764 38 '774 8 1782 '5 1784 23 1793 29 1798 12* 1615 2 1785 '3 '759 2b 1646 58 1780 27 1700 3 1742 54 1746 17 1686 3 1725 48 1791 27* 1646 18* 1617 200 1610 4 1664 61 '749 75 1667 78 '747 7' 1784 97 1704 32 1629 90 1672 3 1679 '3 1712 35 1642 59 '733 38 1631 55 1707 Ee 4 1 8 Taunton Wills. Wells, Anne, widow, Bridgwater John, Bridgwater John, Bridgwater John, Bridgwater Joseph, Bridgwater Mary, Bridgwater Mary, Bridgwater Richard, Bridgwater Toby, Bridgwater Welly, Wellie, William, Otterford Welman, Cicilie, widow, Misterton ,, Elizabeth, Pitmister ,, George, Misterton ,, Wellman, Michael, Lopenn ,, Prudence, widow, Pittmister ,, Richard, Crewkerne ,, Wellsman, Richard, Northepetherton ,, Wellman, Thomas, Kingstone ,, William, Chaffecomb ,, Wellman, William, Misterton ,, Wellman, William, Wayford Welmond, Phillip, Ilebrewers Welshe, Emmotte, Creeche George, Hambridge, parish Currey Rivell Welsh, James, Chipstable Welch, James, Chipstable Welsh, James, Dulverton Welsh, James, Skilgate Welch, James, Staplegrove Joane, Lidiard Laurence Welch, Joan, Taunton St. James John, Curry Rivell John, Stokemarie John, Otterford Welch, John, Sheptonbeachamp Welsh, Phoebe, Curry Mallett Welsh, Sarah, Staplegrove Welsh, Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Welsh, Thomas, Sheptonbeachamp Welsh, Thomas, Huishchampflower Welch, Thomas, Huishchamflower Welch, Thomas, Huishchampflower Welsh, William, Luxborrow Welsheire, Thomas, Stringston Welshman, Elinor, widow, Spaxton ,, Welsheman, Elizabeth, zeston ,, Henry, Elworthie ,, Isotte, widow, Elworthy 1648 ,, Welchman, John, Spaxton ,, Thomas, Langford Budvil ,, Welsheman, William, Nynehed ,, ah. Davy, John, Creech , , Thomas als. , see Thomas als. Welshman. Welshow, Agatha, widow, Bicknoller „ Henry, Crocombe „ Welshowe, John, Crocombe „ Joseph, Crocombe 15 1687 4 1686 24 1720 '9 1722 8 1701 9 1693 22 1727 93* 5 8 1692 24* 8 60 • 1628 64 '755 101 1660 26 1628 104 '73' 37* 6 43* 1608 49 1719. 88 '633 79 1678 67 1692 54 1683 33 1611 200* 1616 10 1679 22 1716 57 1720 '47 1730 74 1777 58* 1614 62 1796 1 10* 2 33* 4 2 5* 8 63 1765 21 1796 72 '773 '05 1674 69 1721 35* 1767 3S 1776 28 1/83. 9' 1685 104 1632 78 i635 2* 1615 74 161 1 42 12 85 1636 30 1772 21 1* 1616 32 1683. 4 1678 33 1728 86 1625 27 1665, Taunton Wills. 4 1 9 Welshow, Joseph, Crocombe ,, Richard, Bicknoller Welshworthie, Elinor, Bicknaller Welsworthie, Richard, Westmoncton ,, Welworthie, Richard, Bicknaller Wembridge, Phillis, Beercrocomb Wenslye, Francis, Stogursey ,, Wensley, Margaret, widow, Huishchampflower ,, William, Wottoncourtnye ,, Wensley, William, Huishchampflower West,- Edward, Trull ,, Edward, Spaxton ,, Elizabeth, Pitmister „ George, Northpetherton ,, Joane, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Currie Rivell „ John, Ileabbott „ John, Drayton ,, Joseph, Spaxton ,, Marie, Taunton Magdalen , , Mary, ye elder, Stogursey ,, Nicholas, Draiton ,, Richard, Drayton „ Robert, Ashpriors ,, Roger, Taunton James ,, Sara, Broadway ,, Thomas, sen., Taunton Magdalen Westaway, Richard, Staplefitzpaine Westcombe, Westcomb, Agnes, Taunton Magdalen Bartholomew, Canington Elizabeth, Heathfield Elizabeth, widow, Stogursey Henry, gent, Hilfarrence Wescome, Hugh, Hilfarrence Hugh, Hillfarrence Joane, Nynehed John, Fiddington John, Stogursey John, Halse Josias, Stogursey Mary, spinster, Pitmister Mary, Taunton Magdalen Michaell, Angersleigh Michael, Hilbishops Robert, jun. , Heathfeild Robert, Heathefeild Robert, Hilfarence Robert, Milverton Robert, Heathfeild Sarah, widow, Stogursey Thomas, Trull Thomas, gent., Taunton Magdalen William, Fidington William, Halse William, Fiddington Westcott, Andrew, Merriott Catherine, widow, Southpetherton 25 1690 9 1671 85* 1635 41* 1608 156* 1628 3 '73° 96 1624 45 1674 43* 7 32 1747 20 1641 65 '759 26* 3 72 1667 167* 1622 '97* 1638 60 1675 39 1710 56 1778 2* 1 641 '5 175' 35* 2 3 1643 3 1717 '38 1635 1 '725 1 10 '7'3 93 '7'3 49* 1613 60* 1619 4' 1676 72 1676 24 1712 61 1706 7 1760 92* 3 54 1670 107 1690 3& 1709 102 1706 75 1696 78 1744 2 1671 7i 1730 91* 1 3* 1610 90 1635 73 1663 38 1665 37 1715 60 1622 100 1708 54* 1639 39 1733 37 '755 83 1670 IOI 1691 420 Taunton Wills. Westcott, Catherine, spinster, Southpetherton „ Edithe, Southepetherton ,, Westcot, Edward, Seavington Michael ,, Wescott, Elianor, widow, Kingston ,, Wescott, EHzabeth, spinster, Luckham „ Elizabeth, Langford Budvill ,, George, Lidiard St. Laurence ,, Henry, Merriott ,, Joane, Wootten Courtney ,, John, Southpetherton „ John, sen., Luccombe ,, Wescott, John, Wootten Courtney ,, Wescott, John, Sampford Arrundle ,, John, clerk, Hatchbeachamp ,, John, Goathurst ,, Mary, widow, Merriott ,, Mary, Hatchbeachamp ,, Michael, Cutcombe „ Wescott, Naomi, widow, Mynehead ,, Wescott, Nicholas, Mynehead ,, Robert, sen., Southpetherton ,, Robert, Southpetherton „ Robert, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Southepetherton ,, Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Wescott, Thomasin, widow, Southpeatherton ,, Wescott, Thomazine, widow, Southpetherton ,, William, Brusheford ,, William, Merriott Westerne, Elizabeth, widow, Porlocke ,, John, Luccombe ,, John, Porlocke ,, John, Staplegrove ,, Thomas, Milverton ,, Western, Thomas, Withell Westlake, George, Brumpton Regis ,, Henry, Nettlecombe ,, Jane, widow, Brumpton Regis ,, Richard, Westmonckton ,, Roger, Seavington Marie „ Weslake, Thomas, Otterford „ William, Hawkeridge Westouer, Francis, Taunton Westron, EUinor, Luxburrow ,, Westren, Joan, Porlocke ,, Westren, Robert, Taunton Magdalen Westway, Robert, Bruishford Wetherell, Emlen, Drayton Wey, Joane, spinster, Luccombe ,, Weye, John, Overstowie ,, John, Huishchampflower ,, Robert, Clatworthy See also Way. Weymouth, William, Overstowey Whaits, John, Brodwaie Whale, Robert, Westmonkton Wheddon, Attowell, Wootten Courtney 92 1708 191* 1610 8 ¦ '637 83 1672 69 1711 45 1767 48 1764 73 1716 166 1670 14* 1 1 100* 1616 88 1676 70 '750 37 1773 24 1790 63 '72S 48 1742 20 1708 68 1710 68 1680 15b* 1610 89 1693 128 1720 62 1625 62 1737 67 1640 81 1666 47 1623 87 1720 85 1674 65 1662 75 1664 IOI 1704 82* 6 40 '745 '3 1694 26 1745 3 1715 73 1762 119* 1608 62 '75° 67 1620 92* 1 102 1641 27 1638 122 1711 22* 1 1 43 1687 66 1716 66* 1609 65 1694 '4 1680 47 1789 '52 1625 5' 1782 130 1722 Taunton Wills. 421 Wheddon, Attiwill, Wootten Courtney ,, Wheadon, Catherine, Stogursey ,, Florence, Stogursey ,, Frances, widow, Wythiell ,, Wheedon, Francis, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Hugh, Wootten Courtney ,, John, Wythiell ,, John, Wootton Courtney ,, John, Westbagborough ,, Wheadon, John, Donyatt ,, Wheaton, Marie, Taunton James ,, Richard, Wootten Courtney „ Samuel, Kilve ,, Thomas, Wootten Courtney ,, Thomas, Wootten Courtney ,, William, Porlock „ William, Wootten Courtney ,, Wheadon, William, Donyatt Whelecke, George, Cothelston „ Whellicke, Thomas, Milverton Whelledge, George, Northpetherton ,, Whellerdg, Joane, Northpetherton ,, Whelegg, John, Northpetherton ,, Whelledg, Richard, Northpetherton Wheller, Christopher, Swell „ Whellier, Elizabeth, widow, Swell „ James, Drayton „ John, Fivehead ,, John, Curry Rivel „ Wheeler, Joseph, Taunton St. James ,, Marmaduke, Fivehead ,, Whellier, Marmaduke, Fivehead „ Richard, Curry Revell ,, Wheeler, William, Chedzoy „ Cox ah., see Cox ah. Wheller. „ Koope als. , see Koop als. Wheller. Whetham, Elianor, widow, Swell Whettenn, Elizabeth, widow, Crewkerne Whibben, George, Hilfarrent ,, Whibbin, Joane, Bicknell, parish Staple Whiddon, Joane, Stokegursey ,, Justin, Curry Mallet Whilks, John, Minehead Whiple, John, Ashbrittle See also Wipple. Whitby, Francis, Bridgwater White, Agnes, sen., Overstowie ,, Alice, widow, Southepeatherton „ Alice, Kitnor als. Culbone ,, Anne, widow, Creech „ Ann, Dulverton ,, Anne, Milverton ,, Barnard, Canington ,, Catherine, widow, Combflory ,, David, Kitnor ,, Dorothy, widow, Dulverton ,, Edithe, Merriett 19 1753 27 1624 57 1647 125 1697 52 1746 82 1775 176 1684 74 1756 S3 1 771 33 1773 '9 1631 '33 1716 48 '750 124 1706 '52 1724 107 '731 60 '748 32 '773 81 1633 42 1692 32* 6 16* 4 35* 1618 44 1644 119 1720 "5 1694 30 1799 57 1727 20 1790 36 '745 47 1680 48 1684 29 '733 ¦7 1697 "7 1670 34 1722 62 1628 81* 1609 53* 2 74* 4 61 1746 1 1706 86* 1638 53* 1616 57 1636 34 1641 35 1661 28 '750 38 1754 35 1667 21 1690 90 1685 39 1683 422 Taunton Wills. White, Elizabeth, Kitnor als. Culbone Elizabeth, widow, Stringstone Elizabeth, widow, Beer Crocomb Elizabeth, widow, Bridgwater Elizabeth, Bridgwater Elizabeth, Crewkerne Elizabeth, Dunster Francis, Mounksilver Francis, Crewkerne Francis, Northpetherton George, Stogumber George, Porlocke Grace, widow, Shoarditch Henry, Ashpriors Henry, Elworthy Hester, Taunton Magdalen Hugh, Nettlecombe Humphry, Westmonckton Joane, Angerslie Joanna, singlewoman, Netlecombe Joane, spinster, Stogursey Joane, widow, Michael Creech Joane, Westquantoxhed Joane, widow, Southpetherton Joane, widow, Cutcombe Joane, Southpetherton Joane, (called spinster, butwifeof Robert White), Spaxton 118 Joane, widow, Ashpriors Joan, Skilgate John, Canington John, sen., Canington John, Bridgwater John, Elworthie John, Kingsbrompton John, Stoke Mary John, Stringston John, Southpetherton John, Drayton John, Bridgwater John, Elworthy John, Combflory John, Canington John, Cotherstone John, Halse John, Cheddon Fitzpaine John, Kingston John, Combflorey John, Southpetherton John, Spaxton John, Westbagborough John, Dulverton Margaret, Netlecombe Margery, Buckland Mary Marie, widow, Canington Marie, widow, Thornefawcon Mary, widow, Ashpriors Mary, Combflory 2S 1632 116 1694 2 1704 21 1710 8 '75° 18 1780 23 1798 54 1676 16 J705 84 1706 82 1620 70 '733 12 1646 3 1665 20 1772 78 '734 202* 1622 49 1631 42* 1619 28 1632 "5 1632 5' 1634 '4 1637 106 1677 12 1679 '25 1680 118 1717 2 1724 62 1777 19* 1 95* 1618 78 1626 5 1633 46 '635 43 1644 103 1663 '39 1670 36 1671 '3 i675 49 '675 18 1692 22 1692 20 '725 33 '739 30 1742 55 1742 25 '749 57 '756 35 i7S8 78 1784 22 1798 82 1624 1 1 1692 29 1625 55 1625 1 1694 '9 '734 Taunton Wills. 423 White, Mary, Oake Mary, Stogumber Mary, Nettlecombe Nicholas, Crocombe Nicholas, Netlecombe Nicholas, Dulverton Peter, Cutcombe PhiUipa, widow, Beerecrocombe Richard, Orchard Richard, Westbagburrow Richard, Bicknoller Richard, sen., Spaxton Robert, Southpetherton Robert, Holford Roger, Luxborow Sarah, Wilton Sibelle, Stogumber Susanna, widow, Creech Thomas, Canington Thomas, Trull Thomas, Aishpriors Thomas, Ashpriors Thomas, Stogumber Thomas, Crewkerne Thomas, Stogumber Walter, Canington William, Upton William, Kitnor William, sen., Creech William, Currie Rivell William, Combflory William, Curry Revell Whitt, William, Exton William, Ashpriors William, Curry Rivell William, Crewkerne William, Staplegrove als. Jennings, Bartholomew, Trull White, Cox als., see Cox als. White. Whiterowe, Mark, Chafecomb Whitfield, Whitefield, Ann, Cutcombe ,, Ellen, widow, Cutcomb ,, Whitefielde, Frances, Minehead ,, Whitfeild, James, Exton ,, Whitfeild, John, Winsford „ Whitfeild, John, Canington „ Whitfeild, John, Cutcombe ,, Whitefield, John, Cutcombe ,, John, Cutcombe „ Whitfill, Robert, Cutcombe Whithead, David, Durston ,, Whitehead, Edward, Bridgwater „ Joane, widow, Bridgwater ,, John, Chedzoy Whitheare, Whiteheare, George, Dulverton „ John, Thorne Margaret ,, Peter, Dulverton 61 1750 70 '755 54 1784 59* 1619 117* 1619 32 1668 37 1667 48 1633 72 1664 81 1665 12 '773 43 '785 65* 2 27 1756 105* 1639 72 1787 79 1626 25 1711 29* 6 46 1622 42 1633 2 1672 7' '734 22 1778 48 1794 156* 1625 43 1621 7' 1626 33 1629 '74 1640 28 1672 35 1672 22 1679 2 1681 '4 1761 23 '778 63 1780 122 1683 '5' 1625 24 1771 IOI 1631 3' '752 50 1677 121* 6 26 1664 32 1664 42 1727 27 1764 I 29 1640 30 '774 '3 1702 21 1670 34 1642 46 1670 20 1627 21 1679 424 Taunton IFills. Whitheare, Richard, Dulverton „ Robert, Dulverton ,, Robert, Dulverton ,, Robert, Dulverton „ Whitehair, Thomas, Dulverton Whithorne, Elizabeth, Pitmister ,, Whitehorne, Thomas, Pitmister Whitlock, Bridgett, Crocombe ,, Whitlocke, Richard, Crocombe „ Whitlocke, William, Crocombe Whitmarsh, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen Whitson, David, Canington Whitteridge, Thomas, Bridgwater Whitting, Martha, Westmonkton ,, Nicholas, Lynge ,, Richard, Lynge ,, Whiting, Richard, Durston Whittnell, Grace, Huishchampflower ,, Whitnole, William, sen., Sheptonbeachamp Wich, Witche, Fabian, Bridgwater ,, Thomas, Bicknoller Wichehalse, Susannah, spinster, Westquantoxhed Wickham, Alexander, Stogursey ,, Alexander, Stogursey ,, Elizabeth, Stogursey „ John, Stogursey ,, John, sen., Stogursey ,, Joseph, Lilstock „ Mary, widow, Stogursey ,, Richard, Stogursey ,, Richard, Stogursey ,, William, Stogursey Widdon, Smythe als. , see Smythe als. Widdon. Widlake, Alice, widow, Cutcombe „ Christian, widow, Cutcombe „ George, Exton ,, George, Luxburrow ,, Henry, Cutcombe ,, James, Luxborowe ,, James, Cutcombe „ Joane, Extonn ,, Joane, Mynehed ,, Joane, Cutcomb ,, John, Stokepirrow ,, John, Winsforde ,, John, Dulverton ,, John, Minehead ,, John, Luxburrow ,, John, Luxburrough ,, Laurence, Cutcombe ,, Robert, Cutcombe ,, Robert, Cutcombe ,, Thomazine, Winsford ,, William, Luxburrow ,, William, Luxborrow ,, als. Brayly, John, Stokeperow „ als. Brailie, Walter, Porlock 35 '7°3 67 1630 4° l643 34 1671 25 '775 94* 1627 46 1625 140* 1638 58 1685 26 1706 55 1790 15* 1618 '5 1690 78 1780 63 1687 35 1679 40 1684 48 1680 100 1711 16* 1619 3 1687 146 1728 67 1624 '35 1670 214* 1616 11* 5 59* 6 46 1755 5' 1705 96* 1619 93 1704 79* 1629 21 i675 22 '725 93 1621 25 '738 24 1663 84 1672 7 '748 2* 8 118* 1607 55 1639 81* 1611 96 1631 43 1661 54 i75o 36 '759 30 1779 35 1662 27 1630 22 1697 99 1628 59 1714 54 1768 77 1622 55 1630 Taunton Wills. 425 Wiggins, Thomas, Southpetherton Wiggood, John, clerk, Langford Budvil Wigwood, Juliane, Crewkerne ,, Thomas, Langford Budvil Wilce, Ann, Crewkerne ,, John, Crewkerne ,, John, Crewkerne ,, Mary, Crewkerne „ Thomas, Crewkerne Wilcoxe, Hester, widow, Ilebruers „ Wilcox, John, Northpetherton „ Willcocks, John, Ninehead ,, Wilcox, Mary, widow, Bradford Wild, Francis, Coombflorie ,, John, Coombflorie Wilkes, Jane, widow, Stocklinch Ottersie ,, Wilks, Katherine, Minehead Wilkins, Alice, widow, Dunster ,, Elinor, spinster, Wayford ,, George, Mynehead ,, Henry, Bridgwater ,, James, Croscombe ,, Wilkyns, Joane, bflorie „ Joane, widow, Mynehead ,, Wilkens, John, Dunster ,, John, Broadway ,, Wilkyns, Marie, Crewkerne ,, Mary, Dunster „ Matthew, Exford ,, PhiUipa, widow, Chellington ,, Richard, Crewkerne ,, Richard, Stogursey „ Wilkench, Sarah, widow, Broadway ,, Thomas, Dunster Williams, Abraham, gent., Dodington ,, Agnes, Mynehed ,, Andrew, Withiepoole ,, Ann, Westbagborough ,, Christian, Exton „ Christopher, Wythypoole ,, Edward, Bridgwater ,, Elizabeth, Exford ,, Elizabeth, widow, Hilbishops „ Elizabeth, widow, Dodington ,, Elizabeth, widow, Porlock „ Evan, Northpetherton ,, Evan, Porlocke ,, Florence, Minehead „ Francis, Minehead „ George, Crocombe ,, George, Taunton Magdalen ,, Henry, Stogumber ,, Jane, Dulverton ,, Jennett, widow, Nettlecombe ,, Joane, Bicknaller ,, Joane, Northepetherton ,, Joane, Brompton Regis 35 1770 72 1661 65* 1609 118 1640 13 1790 21 1789 26 '799 '3 1777 '7 1798 184 1640 94 1717 34 1748 ib 1672 169 1625 168 1625 65 1634 46 '744 Sa '634 97 1632 9' 1727 6 1778 '93 1632 165* 1608 80 1675 8 1622 -> 1741 '54* 1610 24 1798 22 1686 16 1634 57 1632 107 1667 3 1689 97 1630 37 1702 149 1610 57 1630 87 1777 68* 7 118 1687 '3 1722 64 1660' 57 1706 42 1710 92 i725 70 1664 SS 1722 74 1662 43 1765 95 1626 73 1776 85 1764 68 1672 27 i7'5 10* 1608 98 1626 68 1640 426 Taunton Wills. Williams, Joane, widow, Mynehead ,, Joan, Porlock „ John, Dunster ,, John, ,, John, Dunster ,, John, Exton ,, John, Cannington ,, John, Westbagborow ,, John, Brumpton Regis ,, John, Mynehead ,, John, Winsford ,, John, Porlock ,, John, sen., Winsford ,, John, Stogumber ,, John, Fiddington „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Katherine, Bridgwater ,, Leonard, Hilfarence ,, Margaret, Exton „ Marie, Stogursey „ Mary, spinster, Dulverton ,, Mary, Bridgwater ,, Mary, Dunster ,, Mary, Curry Mallett ,, Peter, Brompton Regis ,, Richard, Winsford „ Richard, Exton „ Richard, Stogumber ,, Richard, Wythypoole „ Robert, Exford ,, Robert, Charlinch ,, Robert, Combflorey „ Robert, Exford ,, Silvester, Exford ,, Silvester, Minehead ,, Simon, Mynehead ,, Simon, Mynehead ,, Susanna, widow, Fivehead ,, Thomas, Mynehead ,, Thomazine, spinster, Kilve ,, Welthian, Bridgwater ,, William, Exton ,, William, Kilve ,, William, Nettlecombe ,, William, gent., Mynehead ,, William, Minehead „ William, Cannington ,, als. Jenkins, Marquis, widow, Canington ,, als. Martyn, Ephes., Fivehead ,, ah. Score, Joane, Stockland Bristow ,, als. Score, Robert, Stockland Bristoe ,, als. Score, Robert, Stockland Bristow ,, als. Score, Robert, Stockland Bristoll , , Fort als. , see Fort als. Williams. , , Score als. , see Score als. Williams. Willicome, Gilbert, Lyng ,, Willicombe, Gilbert, Westmounckton 109 1685 34 1763 '9 1611 46* 1614 57 1628 107 1632 26 660 '75 685 7 &93 95 720 61 74' 45 756 98 768 58 775 39 784 52 794 103 1 625 124 631 36 676 249* 1 638 42 j 7'3 7 ' 778 32 1 784 17 1 795 42* i 629 100* 5 42 j 680 96 1 691 116 i 691 42 1 628 17 1 754 32 1 768 34 ' 771 49 ' 708 42 1 778 8 1 635 71 j 725 54 ' 717 68 1 667 55 722 23 672 45 667 88 1 685 26 1 7'5 53 ' 721 44 777 '3 796 7 673 54 687 72 641 '43 640 73 1641 103 664 56 [691 93 [744 Taunton Wills. 427 Wiltis, Benjamin, Overstowey ,, Benjamin, Overstowey ,, Christopher, Ashbrittle ,, Willes, Edward, Cannington ,, Elizabeth, Taunton Magdalen „ Willes, Gilbert, Langford Budvil ,, Joane, widow, Overstowey ,, John, Crocombe ,, John, Goathurst „ John, Goathurst ,, Willice, Martha, Stogursey ,, Mary, Stogursey „ Richard, Goatehurst ,, Thomas, Cannington „ William, Thornfaulcon „ William, Crewkerne Wills, Alice, Stocklinche Magdalen ,, Annize, Crewkerne ,, Edward, Wembdon ,, Edward, Bridgwater ,, Gilbert, Cannington ,, Henry, Otterhampton ,, James, Wythypool ,, John, Seaburrowe ,, John, Henton St. George ,, John, Merriott ,, John, Crewkerne „ Joseph, Southpetherton ,, Joseph, Henton St. George ,, Melicent, widow, Seaburrow . , , Robert, Crickett Thomas „ Thomas, Mynehed ,, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen „ Thomas, Henton St. George „ Thomas, Stringstone ,, Thomas, Bridgwater ,, Will, William, vicar, Stockland Bristoll ,, William, Cannington ,, als. Stephens, William, Canington Willy, Adam, Southpetherton ,, Anne, widow, Southpetherton „ Henry, Southpetherton ,, Willye, Elizabeth, spinster, Otterford ,, George, Curry Rivell ,, Willie, John, Georgehenton ,, John, Southpetherton „ John, sen., Southpetherton „ Willie, John, Otterford „ John, Sheptonbeachamp ,, Laurence, Southpetherton ,, Laurence, Southpetherton „ Mary, widow, Southpetherton ,, Richard, Southpetherton ,, Willey, Robert, Otterford ,, Willie, Robert, Otterford ,, Robert, Southpetherton „ Willie, Thomas, sen., Southpetherton 40 1682 4° 1698 1 1781 '5 1786 58* 1646 55 1641 82 1687 60 1685 39 1725 28 1761 60 1 76 1 88 '743 99 1624 29 1742 144 1 73 ' 18 '737 119 1610 60* 2 208* 1638 12 1764 4 '753 9' 1669 '44 1728 118 1624 S3 1724 88 1728 '7 1781 1 10 171 1 43 1740 90 1722 23 1670 81 1625 114 1700 62 1717 48 1741 3 '743 132* 1607 21 '773 35 1670 1 1 1 1672 65 1726 S7 1696 76 1690 28 '733 '34* 7 "3 1706 99 1714 67 1733 54 '783 1 10 1677 82 1746 9' 1708 '49 1727 73 1664 73 1768 57 1799 '38 1660 428 Taunton Wills. Willy, Willey, Thomas, Southpetherton ,, Thomas, Southpetherton Wilmont, Anthony, Dowlishwake ,, Willmont, John, Curry Mallett „ Nicholas, Curry Mallett ,, Willment, Richard, Curry Mallett ,, Willmont, William, Beerecrocomb Wilmott, Willmott, Henry, Crewkerne ,, Willmot, Hester, Kingstone ,, Jane, widow, Bridgwater ,, Phillip, Corffe ,, Wilmothe, Robert, Taunton Magdalen ,, Willmott, Robert, Dowlishwake ,, Samuel, Corfe ,, William, Northpetherton Wilshire, Wilsheire, Elinore, Northpetherton ,, Wilsheere, George, Northpeatherton ,, George, Northpetherton ,, Joane, widow, Lynge ,, Wilsheire, John, Linge ,, John, Northpetherton ,, Wilsheere, Nicholas, Cannington ,, Willsheere, Thomas, Northepetherton ,, William, Northpetherton Wilshowe, John, sen., Crocombe Wilson, Edward, Kingsbrompton ,, Joane, Dulverton ,, Joane, widow, Dulverton ,, John, Thorne Margaret „ John, Dulverton ,, Richard, Porlock ,, Robert, Upton „ Thomas, Dulverton ,, William, Cothelston ,, William, Cothelstone Wilway, Wilwaie, Joane, Withiecomb ,, Juliana, Stogursey ,, William, Luccombe Winde, Margaret, Wotton Courtny Windsor, Agnes, widow, Holford ,, Hugh, Overstowie ,, John, Holford ,, John, Nettlecombe , , Winsor, Samuel, the elder, Misterton ,, Susan, Bridgwater Wines, Robert, Drayton Winicott, Henry, Taunton Magdalen ,, Henry, Taunton Magdalen „ John, Taunton Magdalen Winpenny, John, clerk, Kingston ,, Mary, Kingston Winslade, John, Creeche ,, John, Northpetherton ,, William, Northpeatherton Wintell, Arnold, Mynehead Winter, Abraham, Crocombe ,, Alexander, Milverton 108 1716 48 '749 30 1693 16 1746 7 1718 iS '795 4 1761 36 '675 35 '749 10 1727 25 1696 '73* 1616 44 1687 22 1724 9' 1630 5* 5 45 1639 IOI 1707 77 1681 198* 1616 72 1668 34 '643 1 10 1622 32 1673 '5* 1617 26 1779 36 1700 39 1702 63 1630 48 1681 65 1776 141 1707 23 1689 1* 9 23 1677 12* 1612 25 1643 42 1631 38* 3 57 i637 103 1623 6* 1622 57 1734 61 '733 60* 1618 28 1767 56 1741 72 1761 7° 1762 4' 1771 37 1777 26* 1 62 1776 29 1642 67 1668 171* 1638 74 i675 Taunton Wills. 429 Winter, Alice, Luxburrowe ,, Charles, Stogumber ,, Christopher, Luxbourrow ,, David, Brumpton Ralph ,, Edward, Brompton Ralph ,, Edward, Brumpton Ralph ,, Edward, Brumpton Ralph ,, Elizabeth, Brompton Ralph „ Elizabeth, Southepetherton ,, Galhampton, Coombflorev „ George, Luxborow ,, George, Luxburrowe ,, Hugh, Stogumber ,, Jacob, Westmonkton ,, Jacob, Westmonkton ,, James, Winsford ,, James, Luxburrow ,, Joane, Crocombe ,, Joane, Trull ,, Joane, widow, Brompton Ralph ,, Joan, widow, Oake „ John, Capton, parish Stogumber ,, John, Southepetherton ,, John, Brompton Ralph ,, John, Wilton ,, John, Luxborowe ,, John, Sanford Brett ,, John, Brumpton Ralph „ John, Taunton Magdalen ,, John, Taunton St. James ,, Winte , Josias, Swell ,, Margaret, 11 ,, Mary, widow, Tolland ,, Mary, widow, Stogumber ,, Philip, Halse ,, Rachell, Brumpton Ralph ,, Richard, Halse ,, Robert, ,, Robert, Luxburrow „ Robert, Winsford ,, Robert, Winsford ,, Samuel, Trull ,, Samuel, Lydeard St. Lawrence ,, Simon, Lanfordbudfild ,, Thomas, Samford ,, Thomas, Ashpriors ,, Willmot, widow, Luxburrow ,, William, Bradford ,, William, Enmore jt , als. Grobham, Catherine, Westmounkton , , Grabham als. , see Grabham als. Winter. Wipple, Anne, Abbatt He ,, Wippell, Elizabeth, widow, Radington ,, Emeline, Aishebritle ,, Wiple, George, Ashbrittle ,, Wippell, James, Radington ,, Robert, Aishbritle 95 1 64 1 128 '73' 200* 1638 9 1769 '39 1625 6 '695 12 '7°7 38* 9 8* 1609 '7 1786 H3 622 58 1664 133 717 66 '783 78 1789 J43 [683 43 729 10* 5 149* 1608 136 625 122 1660 6* 607 96* 614 66 624 79 624 J4 633 66 639 5 698 45 763 72 i 775 96* 661 127* 619 '33 681 "5 724 28 787 6 720 51 722 48* 1 607 62 i 662 128 704 97 ' 78i '55 ' 684 26 1 797 60 1 639 95 ' 639 1 1 7'3 54 ' 637 45* 3 60 1 640 103 ' 666 '55* ] 624 69 729 82* 1 614 2 i 684 68 1 729 .5* 1 43° Taunton Wills. Wipple, William, Stogumber See also Whiple. Wise, Alice, Mynehed ,, Wyse, Edithe, Bagborowe ,, James, Bridgwater ,, John, Mynehed Wiseman, Elizabeth, Curry Mallett WithereU, Agnes, widow, Dynnington Arthur, Kingstone John, sen., Drayton Wytherell, John, Drayton Witherall, John, Dinington John, Bridgwater Mary, Broadway Witherall, Richard, Drayton Wytherell, Low als. , see Low als. Wytherell. Withers, Alice, spinster, Heathfeild Emm, Taunton James Wither, Emmote, Exton George, Aisholte Humphrey, Overstowie James, Crocombe Jane, Eastquantoxhead Wythers, Joane, widow, Heathfeild John, Langford Budfeld Wither, John, Brompton Regis John, Taunton Magdalen Wythers, John, Brumpton Ralph John, Stogursey Joseph, Orchard Portman Joseph, Orchard Portman Joseph, Stogumber Margarete, Heathefeild Martha, Westbagborough Wither, Marie, widow, Heathfeild Mary, Stogumber Nicholas, Heathefeild Wither, Osmund, Taunton James Richard, Richard, Estquantoxhed Richard, Stogumber Richard, Heathfield Wither, Robert, Exton Robert, Stogumber Robert, Dunster Wither, Thomas, Extonn Thomazine, WilHam, Westquantoxhed William, Heathfield William, Fidington William, Stoke St. Mary Withiell, Elizabeth, Drayton Withy, John, Curry Rivell „ Thomas, Bridgwater Withycombe, Withecombe, Grace, Withycombe ,, John, Wythicombe Withyman, William, Staplefitzpaine 75 1639 96* 1618 142 1631 13 1719 18* 3 19 1690 48 1660 60 1708 97* 8 5& 1678 '5 1712 7 '795 1 1703 99 1646 "3 1630 '79 1640 52* 1610 95 1611 162 1640 57 '635 35 1784 69 1669 17* 109 2S 1638 124 1663 2 1676 62 '795 40 1769 50 1 780 45 178S 33* 1608 52 1791 69 1637 60 1762 156* 1607 100 1637 57* 2 87 1611 98 1625 72 1730. 95* 3 59 1761 28 1778 42 1610 33* 5 '75 1610 58 1675 4' 1703 87 '733 39* 5 20 1798 3 1783 S2 1770 188 '73° 44 1698 Taunton Wills. 431 Witten, Thomazine, spinster, Lynge Witts, Thomas, Curry Rivel ,, Thomas, Bridgwater Woar, John, Cutcombe Wolcott, Joane, Netlecomb ,, John, Netlecomb „ Simon, Heathfield Woldridge, John, Taunton James Wolfery, Abraham, Wilton ,, Wolfory, Isaac, Wilton ,, Woolfry, John, Drayton ,, Wolfrey, Thomas, Wilton Woll, John, (? Che)dsey ,, Richard, Chedsie Wollen, Thomas, Bridgwater WoUington, Catherine, ,, Marie, Wollmington, Agnes, widow, Brodwaie ,, John, Taunton ,, Wolmington, John, Doniett ,, Woolmington, John, Donyatt ,, Woolmington, John, Isleabbotts „ Wolmington, Richard, Brodwaie ,, Wolmington, Roger, Brodwaie ,, Woolmington, Thomas, Broadway ,, Woolmington, Thomazine, widow, Broadway ,, Woolminton, Wiley, Isleabbotts ,, William, Crewkerne „ Wolmington, Winifrid, Brodwaye Wood, Agnes, Sampford Arundel „ Alice, Combfflorey „ Ambrose, Miluerton ,, Ann, Chedzoy „ Anthony, Currey Rivell „ Charles, Exton ,, Edmund, Weethiell ,, Edmond, Rumington ,, George, Chedzoy ,, George, Chedzoy ,, Isotte, widow, Mynehed ,, James, Treburrow „ Joane, Norton ,, Joane, widow, Langford Budvill „ John, Mynehed „ John, Duluerton ,, John, Southpeatherton ,, John, Withell „ John, Bridgwater „ John, Brompton Regis ,, John, Wythyell „ John, Chedzoy ,, John, Northpetherton ,, John, Wythyell ,, John, Oake ,, John, Bridgwater „ John, Kingsbrompton ,, Leonard, Treburrow 76 1681 21 1786 I I 1660 18 '732 3°* 1 20* 3 25* 3 I°3 1693 57 '738 86 1737 7 '75' 186 '730 58* 1608 19* 1608 '7 '755 73* 1638 75* 1638 43 1629 64 1627 71* 1 35 1691 35 '732 5* 1608 3' 1610 3 1706 8 1708 34 1761 '3* 1 1 100* 1607 40 '785 20 '754 251* 1638 29 1768 62 1626 26 1798 118 1639 96 1663 '3 1763 '7 1771 '4 1629 82 '755 24* 3 63 1724 117* 7 42* 10 ! 30 1648 129 1625 8 1627 4 1645 65 1698 22 1719 117 1727 181 1727 60 '747 5 1762 ib 1788 106 '733 43 2 Taunton Wills. Wood, Leonard, Luxborough „ Margaret, Mynehed ,, Mary, widow, Dunster ,, Mary, Hillbishops ,, Peter, Ilbrewers ,, Philip, Combefflorey ,, Richard, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Duluerton ,, Robert, Bridgwater ,, Robert, Dunster ,, Thomas, Brompton Regis ,, Thomas, Withell ,, Thomas, Ilebruers ,, Thomas, Ilebruers ,, Thomas, Dulverton ,, William, Kingsbrompton „ WilHam, Wythiell ,, William, Dulverton „ William, Nettlecombe ,, William, Luxborow ,, William, Sampford Arundel ,, als. Stanckomb, Emling, widow, Rumington ,, als. Stancombe, John, Rownington Woodall, Hannah, Bridgwater ,, William, Nynehead „ William, Trull Woodason, Ann, Bridgwater Woodborne, Henry, Drayton Henry, Drayton James, Drayton John, Curry Rivell John, Curry Revell Woodbourne, Mary, widow, Drayton William, Drayton Woodborow, John, Seavington Woodbury, Jeremiah, Sampford Arundel ,, Woodbery, Robert, Seavington ,, Woodbery, Stephen, Seavington Mary ,, William, Sampford Arundell Woodford, Agnes, Nortonfitzwarren ,, Avis, widow, Liddeard Laurence ,, Thomas, te ,, Thomas, Liddiard Laurence Woodhouse, Edward, Northpetherton ,, Jasper, Northpetherton ,, Jasper, Northpetherton „ Woddhouse, John, Northepetherton ,, John, Creech ,, John, Bradford ,, John, Goathurst ,, Justine, Northepetherton ,, Richard, Northpetherton Woodland, Elizabeth, Trull ,, Joane, Northepetherton ,, Joan, Chaffcombe ,, John, Durleigh ,, Mary, widow, Thurloxton 45 '773 78* 3 37 1719 23 '779 16 1647 32 1743 1* 2 65* 4 97 '633 43 1708 '54* 7 128 1625 104* 1628 10 1630 21 1712 109* 1638 5o 1673 57 1707 30 1763 53 1764 70 '773 95 1663 119 1625 16 '743 74 1687 102 1740 4 1789 4' 1670 35 1702 ¦7 1794 20 1667 27 1677 52 1704 26 1786 92 1674 5' 1793 91 1677 S3 1702 46 1798 '37* 1619 34 1701 11* 1619 66 1677 85 1688 11S 1727 123 1730 163* 1607 '7 '733 8 1668 18 1682 2* 1613 64 1693 210* 1616 12 1621 16 1786 21 '723 '65 1727 Taunton Wills. 433 Woodland, Richard, Durleigh ,, Richard, Durleigh ,, Samuel, Taunton Magdalen ,, William, Durleigh ,, William, Durleigh ,, William, Durleigh ,, William, Northpetherton Woodman, Charles, Pitmister ,, John, Pitmister ,, Sarah, Taunton Magdalen ,, Sarah, Pitmister Woodroffe, Augustine, Chedzoy ,, Woodruffe, Peter, Bridgwater ,, Woodroofe, Thomas, Chedzoy Woodrowe, Philip, Linge Woodwall, Peter, Bridgwater Woodward, Elizabeth, widow, Donyatt ,, George, Buckland St. Mary ,, Hugh, Donyatt ,, Joane, widow, Donyett ,, John, Douyatt „ Jonathan, Bridgwater ,, Mary, widow, Bridgwater ,, Mary, Donyatt ,, William, Dunster ,, William, Donyett ,, William, Donyatt Wool, Woule, John, Chedsey „ Wooll, Leonard, Chedzoy Woolcott, Abraham, Heathfield ,, Agnes, Bicknoller ,, Benjamin, gent., Tolland ,, Elizabeth, widow, Luxburrow ,, Elizabeth, widow, Northpetherton ,, Elizabeth, Fiddington ,, George, Nettlecombe ,, Henry, Tolland, Somerset, and Windsor, New England ,, Woolcot, Henry, Northpetherton ,, Hugh, Stogumber ,, Hugh, Nettlecombe ,, Isaac, Westmonkton ,, James, Northpetherton ,, John, sen., Tolland ,, Richard, Stogumber „ Richard, Enmore , , Robert, Sampford Brett ,, Thomas, Tolland ,, Thomas, clerk, Fidington ,, William, sen., Lynge ,, William, Wootten Courtney ,, William, Dunster ,, Wilmott, widow, Cannington Woollen, or Olland ah. Taylor, Edward, Milverton ,, Woollan, Robert, Northpetherton ,, Wooland, WiUiam, Hatchbeacham Woolsford, Anne, Crewkerne Wootten, George, clerk, vicar of Bridgwater 37 1683 25 1754 77 '775 3' 1692 26 '739 24 1761 47 1786 106 1694 37 1785 58 1783 5' 1786 22 '744 42* 8 23 1708 40 1646 1 1 1691 42 1690 6 1729 '7 1679 '34 1631 34 1740 9 1717 28 1720 27 '734 59* 8 124* 1623 42 1677 98* 1607 21 1666 53 1742 55 1622 130 1720 49 1676 82 1706 36 '773 77 1725 55 1712 95 1717 ' S3 1632 38 1798 60 1798 82 1700 114 1623 9' 1704 '9 1726 75 1739 "5 1706 50 1708 '50 1624 '74 1685 28 1729 21 1644 85 1669 63 1736 67 1629 3' 1714 '9 1670 Ff 434 Taunton Wills. Wootten, George, Eastquantoxhead ,, Sarah, widow, Bridgwater Woottey, George, Lynge ,, Wotty, Thomas, Lyng Worley, Thomas, Sheptonbeauchamp Wormouth, Peter, Lidiard Laurence Wornel, Thomas, Staplegrove Worrell, Catherine, Cheddon Fitzpaine Worth, Cicily, Luccombe „ Elizabeth, widow, Northepetherton ,, Worthe, John, Northpetherton ,, John, gent., Luccombe ,, Margaret, Thorne St. Margaret , , Mary, widow, Luckham ,, Sarah, spinster, Luckham ,, Sarah, spinster, Luccombe ,, WilHam, Dunster Worthy, Worthie, Agnes, Fivehed ,, Christian, widow, Curry Revell ,, Edith, widow, Swell ,, John, Swell ,, John, Curry Rivell ,, Marmaduke, Curry Revell ,, Mellyor. Curry Rivell ,, Worthie, Richard, Curri Rivell ., Richard, Curry Revell , , Richard, Swell ,, Richard, Swell ,, Richard, Curry Rivell ,, Robert, Curry Revell ,, Robert, Curry Rivell ,, WilHam, Fivehead Wotlye, Joane, Beerecrocombe Wrankmore, Bond als. , see Bond als. Wrankmore. Wrentmore, John, Taunton Magdalen ,, Richard, clerk, Tolland ,, Thomas, Lidiard Laurence , , Band als. , see Band als. Wrentmore. , , Bond ah. , see Bond als. Wrentmore. Wright, Write, Alice, Currey Mallett ,, Henry, Currie Mallett ,, Jane, widow, Dunster ,, John, Curland ,, Nicholas, Staplefitzpaine ,, Thomas, Taunton ,, Thomas, Staplefitzpaine Wrinch, William, Southpetherton Wyatt, Agnes, widow, Langford Budfild „ Anne, Hilfarrence „ Wiatt, Christopher, Corfe ,, Daniel, Buckland Mary ,, Wyett, Daniel, Buckland St. Mary ,, Emett, widow, Pitmister , , George, Taunton James ,, Wyett, George, Ouerstowie ,, Wyett, Henry, Nynehed ,. Henrv, Trull 27 1761 1 1 1701 80 1684 4° 1649 47 1779 77 1631 84 1740 '4 '705 66 1662 48 1632 5 1627 21 '7'5 25* 4 52 1699 53 1699 65 1716 1,7* 2 4* 16.5 27 1708 7o 1699 93 1664 21 '774 25 1692 ib '749 22 1646 39 1670 51 1686 5' 1695 '7 '734 29 1662 8 *737 68 '73° 68* 1618 33 1634 45 1623 124* 7 68 1626 149* 1638 '9 1695 34 1727 7S '755 12 1645 5o 1748 120 1680 112 1631 6b 1678 56 1620 9 1687 10 '739 42 1682 141 1694 35 1636 58* 1613 123 X683 Taunton Wills. 435 Wyatt, Wiett, Humphrey, Nynehed ,, Wyett, John, Stratton, parish Southpetherton ,, Wyett, John, Beerecrocomb ,, John, Nynehead ,, Wiat, John, Bridgwater ,, John, Buckland St. Mary ,, Marie, Beerecrocomb ,, Mar}', Hilfarrence „ Wvett, Philip, Stogursey „ Phillip, Buckland Mary ,, Wiatt, Prudence, Bishops Hull ,, Wyett, Richard, Trull „ Wyett, Robert, clerk, Porlock ,, Robert, clerk, Chipstable ,, Roger, Langford Budvill ,, Wyat, Roger, Langford Budvill ,, Wvett, Thomas, Milverton William, Buckland Mary ,, William, Buckland St. Mary ,, Zachary, Taunton James Wyborne, John, Dunster ,, Wyburne, Margaret, Dunster ,, Wybourn, Thomas, Taunton Magdalen Wynne, Wyne, Ann, Halse ,, Wyne, Joane, Stawlie „ Joane, widow, Northpetherton „ Wyne, Peter, Cutcomb Wytherell, John, Curry Rivell „ John, Curry Rivell Wythers, Elizabeth, Westquantoxhed ,, W3'ther, Joane, Exton Wythycombe, Wytbycomb, Christian, spinster, Dunster ,, Elizabeth, widow, Holeford ,, James, Dunster ,, Jane, Dunster ,, Wythicombe, Joan, widow, Kingstone Yard, Yeard, Andrew, clerk, Kingston Elizabeth, widow, Staplefitzpaine John, Stoke St. Mary Yeard, Richard, Staple Robert, Staplefitzpaine Robert, Thurlbere Samuel, Orchard Thomas, Bicknell William, Creech St. Michael Yates, Yeates, Edward, Hilfarrence ,, Thomas, Bridgwater Yeaires, Francis, Stocklinch Ottersey YeandaU, Yendle, Alice, Kingesbrompton Yendle, Andrew, Skilgate Yandell, Catherine, Exton Yandall, Catherine, Exton Yendall, Edward, Northepetherton Yendall, George, Northepetherton George, Bridgwater 183* 1607 46* 10 169* 1616 84 1632 3 1764 12 1785 '45 1621 53 1680 62* 1612 3 1722 9 1761 107 1630 6 1624 24 1694 57 1722 9\ 1730 126* 1611 6 '7°5 18 1784 60 1695 22* 1619 'S3* 1616 7° '756 36 1736 90 161 1 5° '732 18 1622 36 1666 '4 1 69 1 84 1665 19 1621 &5 1720 64 1728 4' 1716 24 1732 84 '73° 48 1693 '44 1685 7' 1777 67* 1608 90 1704 59 1790 43 '756 3 i733 '3 '794 b* 1645 5 1742 199* 1638 60* 1617 39 1640 12 1643 55* 1643 32* 1 56* 3 '5 1666 436 Taunton Wills. YeandaU, Yendle, Henry, Kingesbrompton Henry, Northpetherton Yeandell, Henry, Luxburrow Yendoll, Henry, Northpetherton Yandall, Joane, Northepetherton Yendle, John, Brusheford Yandle, John, Skilgate John, Clatworthy John, Clatworthy Yendole, John, Northpetherton Yendall, Joseph, Bridgwater Mary, Clatworthy Yandall, Nathaniel, Cutcombe Yeandell, Nathaniel, Cutcombe Yeandle, Richard, Skilgate Yendall, Richard, Skilgate Richard, Badialton Richard, Clatworthy Samuel, Radington Yendle, Thomas, Skilgate Yeandle, Thomas, Radington Yendell, Thomas, Northpetherton William, Radington William, Clatworthy Yeandle, William, Upton Yearne, John, Wotton Courtny Yeatford, Georg-e, Broadway Yemans, John, Crickett Malherby Yeo, Yea, Agnes, Miluerton Agnes, widow, Westmonckton Yeawe, Elizabeth, Aisheholte Yew, Bridgett, widow, Westmounkton Yeaw, Joane, widow, Canington Yeaw, Joane, widow, Kingston John, Westmounckton Yeaw, John, Chipstable John, Canington John, Chilton Yea, John, Canington Yeaw, John, Cannington Yaw, Luce, widow, Asholt Margaret, spinster, Bridgwater Mary, spinster, Canington Pascue, Canington Yea, Richard, Bridgwater Yeaw, Robert, Canington Yeaw, Robert, Kingston Yeow, Sarah, Northpetherton Yea, Simon, Spaxton Yawe, Thomas, Bridgwater William, Westmounkton Yeaw, William, Cannington Yetford, George, Barrington Yewens, Alice, Luccombe ,, Yewns, Henry, Westquantoxhed ,, Youens, Richard, Taunton Magdalen ,, Yovens, Thomas, Porlock "5 1624 126 1 686 (?) 67 1700 121 1730 56* 1613 89* 1619 186* 1632 '5 1665 22 1722 4° '754 4 1769 22 1749 37 1711 16 '735 28* n 39 1625 12 1667 20 1691 60 1665 77 '637 '35 1727 43 1787 59 1665 '3 1723 84 '755 12 1639 83 1 62 1 20 1716 48* 5 '3° 1631 16* 6 142 1677 27 1683 37 1723 93* 1618 122 1622 50 1672 23 1690 29 1719 3 '75' 1 .665 8 1695 29 1683 37 1685 55* 1 28 1683 5° 1710 '25 1685 25* 1 70* 1614 142 1669 '7 '744 9 1720 3'* 3 103* 1608 46 1797 127 1640 Taunton Wills. 437 Youd, Yowde, Edward, Selworthie Yeoude, John, Selworthie als. Raule, Amie, Selworthie Yeoud, Rawle ah. , see Rawle als. Yeoud. Young, Edward, Merriott Younge, Elizabeth, Merriett Elizabeth, Combflory Younge, George, Merriett Hannah, Northpetherton Henr)', Merriott Younge, Hugh, Bridgwater Younge, Joane, Merriett Joane, widow, Combflory Younge, John, Brompton Regis (?) John, Taunton Magdalen John, Swell Joseph, Northpetherton Mary, widow, Durleigh Richard, Bridgwater Younge, Robert, Merriett Thomas, Bridgwater Thomas, Islebrewers Ursula, spinster, Southpetherton Younge, William, Taunton James Younge, William, Merriett William, Stogursey Zealeck, Elizabeth, Westmounckton Zugg, Agnes, widow, Eastquantoxhed Zullye, Ellene, widow, Porlock See also Sully. ADDENDA. Taylor, Richard, Crewkerne Templeman, Dorothy, widow, Meryott ('657) Templer, Thomas, Northpetherton Thorne, John, Kilton Tollman, Richard, Stocklinch Ottersey Towte, Thomas, Brushforde ('659) Treble, William, sen., Combflory Tucker, Thomas, Stockland Bristol Tutball, Phillip, Spaxton Tylor, Joan, spinster, Crewkerne Vax, John, Merriett (1657) 7* 78 16151633 35 1627 68 114 1697 1626 28 163* 1676 1628 5' '744 44 4b48*27 7* '35 17921611 2 1687 3 1681 1 20 1720 81 1688 4' 1710 18 171 1 14.2 12 16251786 23 1791 125 62* 1717 1613 100* 1628 49 1712 58* 85 2 5* 16151631 1618 45 107 1660 1660 "4 1660 81 1660 i46 5 1660 1660 21 1660 '32 1660 '4' 1660 43 10b 16601660