Wis , /' ^ 23p "Igiveihefe Boohsl . for the. founding of & ColUgi in this Colony" °YA\LWm&WM!lBWTY° BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE PERKINS FUND 1903- ULc. Is !< z / (Sl^ll_^c &t- ( l ..t- , ' y'L-t^_^ Cus.* THE .ENEID OF VIRGIL TRANSLATED INTO SCOTTISH VERSE BY GAWIN DOUGLAS BISHOP OF DUNKELD. VOLUME II. PRINTED AT EDINBURGH. M.DCCC.XXXIX. T CONSTABLE, PMNTEH, EDINBURGH. THE PROLOUG OF THE NYNTH BUKE. Thir lufty warkis of hie nobilyte Agilyte dyd wryte of worthy clerkis, And tharin merkis wyfdome, vtilyte, Na vilyte, nor fie onthryfty fperkis : 5 Scurilyte is bot for doggis at barkis, Quha tharto harkis fallys in fragilyte. Honefte is the way to worthynes, Vertu, doutles, the perfyte gait to blys ; Thou do na mys, and efchew idilnes, 10 Perfew prowes, hald na thing at is hys ; Be nocht rakles to fay fone ga, I wys, And fyne of this the contrar wyrk expres. Do tyll ilk wight as thou done to waldbe ; Be nevir fie and doubill, nor git our lyght ; 15 Oys not thy mycht abufe thyne awin degre, Clym nevir our hie, nor git to law thow lycht ; Wirk na malgre, thocht thou be nevir fa wyght, Hald with the rycht, and pres the nevir to le. Eneuch of this, ws nedis prech na mor, 20 Bot, accordyng the purpos faid tofor, 3 T 514 THE PROLOUG The ryall ftyle, clepyt heroycall, Full of wirfchip and nobilnes our all, Suldbe compilit but thewhes or voyd word, Kepand honeft wys fportis quhar thai bourd, 5 All lowus langage and lychtnes lattand be, Obfervand bewte, fentens, and grauyte. The fayar eik fuld weil confider thys, Hys mater, and quhamto it entitilit is : Eftir myne authouris wordis, we aucht tak tent 10 That baith accord, and bene conuenient, The man, the fentens, and the knychtlyke ftile, Sen we mon carp of vaffalage a quhile. Gyf we defcryve the woddis, the treis, quod he, Suld conform to that mannis dignyte 1 5 Quhamto our wark we direct and endyte. Quhat helpis it ? full litill it wald delyte To write of fcroggis, broym, haddir, or rammale ; The lawrer, cedyr, or the palm triumphale, Ar mar ganand for nobillis of eftait : 20 The mufe fuld with the perfon aggre algait. Stra for to fpek of gayt to gentill wight ; A hund, a fteid, mar langis for a knyght, Quhamto efferis hant na rebald daill ; Thar fuld na knyght reid bot a knychtly taill. 2> Quhat forfis hym the buffart on the brer, Set weil hym femys the falcon heroner ? He comptis na mair the gled than the fewlume, Thocht weil hym lykis the gofhalk glaid of plume. The cur, or maftys, he haldis at fmal availl, 30 And culgeis fpangellis, to chace pertryk or quaill. OF THE NYNTH BUKE. 515 Ne byd I not into my ftile for thy To fpeke of trufis, nor nane harlotry ; Sen that myne author with fie eloquens Hys buke illumnyt hes, and hie fentens, 5 Sa frefch endyte, and fang poeticall, That it is clepyt the wark imperiall, Endyt onto the gret Octauyane, The Emperour excellent and mafte fouerane : By quham, the gofpell makis menfioun, 10 The hail warld put was to difcriptioun, To numbir all the pepill tharin fuld be, So, but rebellioun, al quhar obeyt was he. Bot, fen that Virgill ftandis but compar, Thocht in our leid hys fayngis to declar 15 I haue in ryme thus far furth tane the cur, Now war me laith my lang laubour myffur : All thocht my termys be nocht polift alway, Hys fentence fall I hald, as that I may. Gyf ocht be weill, thank Virgil and nocht me ; 20 Quhar ocht is bad, gays mys, or owt of gre, My lewytnes, I grant, hes all the wyte, Kouth not enfew hys ornat frefch endyte, Bot, with fuylhardy curage malapert, Schupe to enterprit, and dyd perchance pervert, 25 Thys maift renownyt prynce of poetry : Quhar I fa dyd, mea culpa, I cry. 3it, by my felf, I fynd this proverb perfyte, The blak craw thinkis hyr awin byrdis quhite : Sa faris with me, bew fchirris, wil ge hark, 30 Can nocht perfaue a fait in all my wark, 516 THE PROLOUG. Affe&ioun fa far my rayffon blyndis. Quhar I myfknaw myne errour, quha it fyndis For cheryte amendis it, gentil wight, Syne pardon me, fat fa far in my lycht, 5 And I fal help to fmore gour fait, leif broder ; Thus, vail que vail, ilk gude deid helpis other. And for I haue my wark addreffyt and dycht, I dar fa, baith to gentil barroun and knycht, Quhais name abufe I haue done notyfy, i o And now of prowes and hie chevelry Behuffis me to write and carp a quhile ; The mair glaidly I fal enfors my ftile, And for hys faik do fcharp my pen all new, My mafte renownyt author to enfew, 15 That thar falbe, wyll God, litill offens, Salwand owr buftuus wlgar differens. Na mar as now in preambill me lift expone, The nynt buke thus begouth Eneadon. THE NYNTH BUKE OF ENEADOS. CAP. I. Juno to Turnus in meffage Irisjent, Tojege the Troianys, Eneas tlio abfent. Quhyll on this wys, as I haue faid or this, Sik materis and ordinancis wirkand is In diuers placis, fet full fer ytwyn, Saturnus get, Juno, that lift not blyn 5 Of hir auld malyce and iniquyte, Hir madyn Iris from hevin fendys fche To the bald Turnus malapert and ftowt ; Quhilk for the tyme was with all his rowt Amyd ane valle wondyr lovn and law, 10 Sittand at eys within the hallowyt fchaw Of god Pilumnus, hys progenitor. Thamantis douchtir knelys hym befor, I meyn Iris, this ilk fornamyt maid, And with hir rofy lippys thus hym faid : 15 Turnus, behald on cace reuoluyt the day, And of hys fre will fendys the, perfay, 518 THE NYNTH BUKE Sik avantage and oportunyte, That fet thou wald haue axit it, quod fche, Thar was nevir ane of all the goddis dyng Quhilk durft haue the promittit fie a thing. 5 Eneas, defolat levand hys cite, Hys navy eik, hys ferys, and hail menge, Is till Evander focht, and Palatyne, That burgh. But not eneuch ; for farther fyne To the extreme citeis of Tufcany 10 In mont Corythus haldys he in hy, And doys affembill the wild lauboreris, That quhilum com fra Lyd, till armys in weris. Quhat dredis thou ? now tyme is to prik hors, Now tyme fortill affay gour cartis and fors. 15 Haue done, mak na mar tary nor delay, Set on thar ftrenthis fone, gif thame affray. Quod fche ; and tharwith, in hys prefens evin, With equale weyngis flaw vp in the hevin, Vndre the clowdis fchapand, quhar fcho went, 20 A gret rane bowe of diuers hewys ment. The gong man knew hir weill, and haftely Vp baith hys handis hevis to the fky, With fie wordis followand, as fcho dyd fle : Iris, thou bewte of the hevynnys hie, 25 Throw all the clowdis and thir fkyis brovn, Quha hes the fend to me in erth a dovn ? Quhow is becummyn on this wys, quod he, Sa brycht weddir and cleir ferenyte ? I fe the hevynnys oppynnyt and devyde, 30 And movand fternys in the lyftis fyde. OF ENEADOS. 519 So gret takynnys and reuelacions fchaw I fal perfew, and fallow quhat befaw ; Quhat evir thou be that callys to the weris, Thy command fal I obey, as efferis. 5 And thar withall, with wordis augurall, Eftir thar fpayng cerymonys diuynal, Onto the flude onon furth fteppis he, And of the ftremys crop a litill we The watir lyftis vp intill his handis, 10 Full gretumly the goddys, quhar he ftandis; Befekand till attend to hys prayer, The hevynnys chargeyng with feil awowis feir. With this the oftis all in the plane feild Held furth arrayt, fchynand vnder fcheld. 1.5 Men mycht behald full mony riall ftedis, Full mony pantyt targe and weirlyke wedis : Of giltyn geir dyd glytter bank and bus. The formaft batale ledis Mefapus ; The hyndmaft oftis had in governyng 20 Of Tyrrhyus the fonnys or childer gyng : Turnus thar duke rewlys the myddill oft, With glave in hand maid awful feir and boft ; Thame till array raid turnand to and fro, And by the hed alhaill, quhar he dyd go, 25 Hyear than all the rowt men mycht hym fe. In fik ordour furth haldis his menge, Lyke as fum tyme Ganges, the flude Indane, Sevyn fwelland ryveris eftir fpayt of rayn Reffauyt in hys large bofum in hy, 30 In hys deip trowch now flowys efely : 520 THE NYNTH BUKE Or as vmquhile the fertill flude, Nylus, Ourfletand all the feildis, bank and bus, Syne, eftir the gret fludis watry rage, Returnys fwagit to hys auld palTage. CAP. II. Turnus fegis the Troianys in gret ire, And all tharjchippis and navy Jet infyre. 5 Be this the Troianys in thar new cite A dufty fop vpryfand gan do fe, Full thik of ftowr vp thryngand in the ayr, And all the feildis myrknyt mair and mair. Caycus firft cryis, as he war wod, 10 Dovn from the hie garrat quhar he ftude ; O citefanys, how gret ane oft, quod he, Is lappit in gone dufty ftew I fe ! Swith hynt gour armour, tak gour wapynnys all, Bryng hydder dartis, fpeil vp on the wall, 15 Our ennemys cummys at hand, but dowt. Hay, hay, go to ! than cry thai with a fchowt, And with a huge bruyt Troianys at fchort Thar wallys ftuffyt, and clofyt euery port. For fa Eneas, mafte expert in armys, 20 At hys departing, dredand for thir harmys, Gaif thame command, gif thai affalgeit wer, Or hys returnyng, be hard fortoun of weir, OF ENEADOS. 521 That thai ne fuld in batale thame array, Nor in the plane thar ennemys affay : Bot bad thai fuld alanerly withhald Thar ftrenth within thar fowfeis, as he wald, 5 And kepe thar wallys forfely and weill, With fowcy diehis and wapynnys ftyfe of fteill. Tharfor, all thocht baith fchame and felloun ire Thar breiftis had enflambyt hait as fyre, In the plane feild on thar famen to fet, 10 ^ft neuertheles thar portis haue thai fchet, Fortill obey the command of Enee ; On bofs turrettis and on towris hie Enarmyt ftude thar fays till abyde. Turnus the chiftane on the tother fyde 15 Come to the cite, or that ony wift, Furth fieand fwipperly, as that hym beft lift, Befor the oft, quhilk went bot efy pas : With hym a twenty chofyn men he has ; Apon a fterand fteid of Trace he fat, 20 Of cullour dapill gray and wail fat, Full hie ryfand abuf his knychtly hed Hys goldin helm, with tymbrel al blude rede. Go to, gyng gallandis, quha that lift, quod he, Thar ennemys aflailge firft with me : 25 And, with that word, threw a dart in the air, As he to geif batale all redy war, Syne in plane feild with browdyn baneris gay Bargane to byde drew hym till array. Hys feris all reffauyt the clamour hie, 30 A.nd followand thar chiftane, he and he, 3 u / 522 THE NYNTH BUKE The bruyt rafyt with grifly found attanys, And gan to mervell the dolf hartit Troianys, That durft nocht, as thame femyt, in plane feild Thame felf aventour, nor git with fper and fcheld ¦> Mach with thar famen in patent bargane, Bot hald thame in thar ftrenthis euery ane. And all commovit, brym, and full of ire, Baith heir and thar Turnus the grevyt fyre Went on horfbak, feirfand abowt the wall 10 Every dern way and fecret paffagis all, Gyf ony entre or tocome efpy He myght, fortill alTail the cite by. Lyke as we fe, wachand the full fcheip faid, The wild wolf ourfet with fchowris cald 15 Of wynd and rane, at myddis of the nycht, Abowt the bowght plet all of wandis tyght Brays and gyrnys ; tharin bletand the lammys Full fovirly liggis vnder thar dammys : He brym and felloun his rage and furour 20 Aganys the abfentis, reddy to devour, Rafys in ire, for the wod hungris lyft ; Hys wyfnyt throt, havand of blude fie thrift, Gendris of lang faft fie ane appetyte That he conftrenyt is in extreme fyt. 2.5 Nane other wys, the feirfull fervent ire In Turnus breift vpkyndillis hait as fyre, Seand thir wallys and fortreflis attanys ; The huge ennoy byrnys hym throu the banys, Imagynand by quhat reffon or way 30 Hys ennemys he mycht wyn till aflay, OF ENEADOS. 523 And on quhat wys the Troianys fra thar ftrenth He mycht expell, and in plane feild on lenth Mak thame to ifche in patent batale place. And as he mufand was heiron, per cace, 5 The navy of thar fchippys he dyd invaid, That faft by j'onyt to the wall was layd, With dychys and with fowfeis dern abowt, In the flude watir, as neir owt of dowt : Quham fra he had efpyit, but abaid 10 At hys feris, quhilkis wilfull war and glaid, Eftir the fyre and kyndillyng dyd he cry, And in hys awin handis hyntis vp in hy A blefand fyrebrand of the fyrryn tre. Than byffely Rutilyanys, he and he ; 15 So the prefens of Turnus dyd thame fteir, That euery man the rekand fchydis in feir Rent fra the fyris, and on the fchippis flang : The femys crakkis, the watir byflyt and fang, The tallownyt burdis keft a pikky low, 20 Vpblefis ourloft, hechis, wrangis, and how ; Quhill myxt with reik the fell fparkis of fyre Heich in the air vpglydis byrnand fchire. CAP. III. Quhou the fyre was expellitfra the navye, ThefcMppis tran/lait in nymphis or goddeffis of fee. Say me, O Mufys, reherfes and declare, Quhilk of the Goddis fa cruel flammys fayr 524 THE NYNTH BUKE Held from Troianys? quha fa vehement fyre Drave from thar fchippis, thus wys byrnand fchire ? The deid is auld forto beleif or wry, Bot the memor remanys perpetualy. 5 The firft tyme quhen the Troiane Eneas By fey to tak hys vayage fchup to pas, And gan do beld his fchippis vp ilkane In Ida foreft, that mont Phrygiane ; The moder of Goddis, Berecyntia, 10 Spak to hir fon gret Jupiter, thai fa, With fikkynd wordis, fayand ; My child deir, Grant this ane axin quhilk I the requeir, Grant thy belovit moder bot a thing, Thou at art mafter of the hevynly ryng. 15 Apon the top of Gargarus, quod fche, Thar grew a fyr wod, the quhilk into dante Full mony geris held I, as is knaw ; Thys was my cuthill and my hallowit fchaw, Quhar that the Phrygianys maid me facrifice ; 20 Ful weill me lykyt thar to walk oft fys, With pikky treis blak fkuggit abowt, And abundans of hattyr geftis ftowt ; Quhilk glaidly I haue gevin a gong Troiane, Strang Eneas, difcend from kyng Dardane, 25 Fortill fupport the myfteris of hys navy. And now the dowtfum dreid, for the ilk quhy, Full penfyve haldis me and doith conftrene : Deliuer me of thys feir be fum meyn, My deir fon, fuffir at thy moderis requeft 30 Be admittit this a time, be the lefte, OF ENEADOS. 525 So that tha fchippis be nevir mair ourfet With contrar curs, nor git with ftorm dovn bet ; Quharby thai may haue fum avale, quod fche, At thai vmquhill grew in our hillys hie. 5 Hyr fon, the quhilk rewlys at hys lykyng The hevyn, the ftarris, and all erdly thyng, Anfuerd and faid : O moder beft belovyt, Quhou art thou thus agane the fatis amovyt ? Or quharto axis thou to thir, quod he, 10 With mortale handis wrocht of ftokkis and tre, That is to fay, thir fchippis fo habill to faill, That lefum war thai fuld be immortale ? And that Enee, in dedly corps onfure, Affoverit fermly throw all dangeris fuyr ? 15 Quhat God hes to hym grantyt fik frelage ? Bot for thy faik, quhen fully thar vayage Thai haue compleyt, and at coftis of Itale Arryvit ar, and in tha portis fet fail, And thar duke Troiane careit our the fee 20 To boundis of Lawrentum, that cuntre, Alfmony of thame as than hes efchaipe The wally fludis fall I turn and fchaip Furth of thar mortale formys corruptabill, And fall command thame forto be mair habill 25 From thens forthwart, as immortale, quod he, In Nymphes turnyt and Goddeffys of fee ; Lyke as Nereus douchter, Clotho gay, And Galathea, throw fomy fludis gray Scheryng with braid breftis delytabill. 30 Quod Jupiter : and till hald ferm and ftabill, 526 THE NYNTH BUKE Be Stix the flude, Pluto hys broderis fee, Hys godly aith and promys fworn hes he ; Be that ilk pykky laik with brays blak, And laithly fworlys, till kepe at he fpak 5 He dyd afferm hys hecht, and in takynnyng The hevynnys all maid trymmyll at hys likyng. Tharfor the day that he by promys fet Is now at hand, and the ful tyme of det, By the werd fifteris fchaip, is now compleit ; l o Quhen Turnus thus in hys iniuryus heit Admonyft hes hys pepill, and commandis, With dry fchydis and with hait fyre brandis, The moder of Goddis by fik flambys fell Furth of hir hallowyt fchippis to expell. 15 At this tyme firft apperis in thar fyght A new takynnyng of gret plefand lycht, And a braid fchynand clowd thai dyd afpy Cum from the eft, rynnand our all the fky ; The rowtis eik onone thai gan behald 20 Of Ideanys, tha wightis that in the hald Ar of the moder of the Goddis clos ; Dovn throu the air eik come a feirful voce. And fillit all the oftis baith atanys Of Troiane pepill and Rutilianys, 25 Sayand ; Troianys, dreid na thing, haift gou nocht Fortill defend my fchippis, albeit ge mocht. For that caus tak na wapynnys in gour handis : For rather, now as that the mater ftandis, Sal it be lefull Turnus fyre the fee, 30 Or that he byrn my bargis maid of tre. OF ENEADOS. 527 O ge my fchippys, now to gou I fay, Go fre at large quhar gou lift away, Go furth and fwym as Goddeffis of the fee ; The moder of Goddis commandis fo tobe. 5 And, wyth that word, als tyte furth from the bra Ilk barge bownys, cuttyand hir cabyll in twa ; Lyke delphyn fyfch onon as thai tuke kepe, Thar fnowtis dowkand held vnder the deip. Syne from the grond, a wonder thing to fay, ] 0 With als feill virgyne facis vpfprang thai, And throu the fludis, quhar thame lift, dyd fair, Quhou mony fteill ftaramyt bargis that ayr Stude by the coftis fyde, or thai war fyryt. Rutylianys wolx affrayit with myndis myryt ; 15 Mefapus mufyng can withdraw on dreich, Seand hys ftedis and the horffis fkeich ; And eik the ryver brayt with hays fovnd, Quhill Tyberinus bakwartis dyd rebound, As thocht hys curs dyd flop and ftep abak. 20 Bot netheles, for all the feir thai mak, The hie curage and forcy hardyment Baid onamovyt in Turnus ftowt entent, So that baldly with hardy wordis on hie Thar fpretis rafyt, and rycht ferfly he 25 Gan thame repreve, that tuk for nocht affray. Thir monftruus takynnys at ge fe, perfay, Sekis mifcheif to the Troianys, faid he ; And by this way gret Jupiter, as ge fe, Hes now byreft thar help and confidens, 30 Quharby thai wont war to fle for defens : 528 THE NYNTH BUKE Now nowder Rutyliane fyre nor fwerdis dynt May thai withftand, for all thar fors is tynt. Sen that thai may not efchape by the fee, Nor hes na maner hope away to fle, 5 The maift half of the Troiane help is loft ; This land is in our power, feld and coft ; So that thai fal na wys efchape our brandis, Quhou mony thoufand douchty men of handis Ar heir affemblyt, all Italyanys. to I compt na thing all thocht gon fant Troianys Rakkyn thar fatis that thame hydder brocht ; All fyk vayn ruys I feir as thing of nocht, In cace thai prowd be of the goddis anfweris, And thame avant tharof with felloun feris. 15 It may weill fuffys, and eneuch, I wys, Baith to thar fatis and Venus grantit is, That evir thir Troianys in this coft faft by Hes anys twichit the boundis of Italy. My werdis eik and fatale deftane 20 Be the contrar is grantit onto me, Thys curfyt pepill tobet down with my glave, For my deir fpous, quham byreft me thai have : Nor this ennoy alanerly twichis nocht The twa Atrydes, that Troy to rewyne brocht ; 25 I meyn the principal chiftanys, breder twa, That is to knaw, Agamemnon and Menelay ; Ne git allane this caus to armys fteris The pepill of Myce to move batale and weris ; Bot principaly this querrell myne I knaw. 30 Gif it had bene eneuch, as that thai fchaw, OF ENEADOS. 529 At thai bot anys diftroyit aucht tobe, It war eneuch and mycht fuffys, think me, That thai haue faltit anys lang tyme befor ; Quhy dowbill thai thar trefpas mor and mor ? 5 All thocht that women brocht thame to foly, <3yt hait thai not wemen aluterly. Quhat meyn thai be this myddill mantill wall ? This litill flop of dykis and fowfeis all ? Weyn thai this be a ftrenth that may thame lave ? 10 Thar lyfe is now in juperte, thai raif, Full neir thar ded thai ftand : all men may knaw Quhidder gif the wight wallys of Troy thai faw, Belt by the hand of Neptunus, that fyre, Rent and bet down, and all the town in fyre. 15 Bot O ge walyt knychtis of renown, Quham I behald with pykkis brekand dovn 3on forteres, and now prefent with me Aflalgeand this affrayt ftrenth we fe ; Ws nedis not Wlcanus armour heir 20 Aganys thir mafte fant Troianys in our weir, Nor git we myftir not a thoufand fchippis. All thocht hail Tufcany into fallofchippis With thame adione, and cum on euery fyde, Lat thame nocht dreid that we, be nyghtis tyde, 25 Sail thyftuufly Palladium fteill away, Nor fla thar wachis flepand ; na, perfay, Dern in ane horffis belly large and wyde, Thame to difiave, we fall ws neuer hyde : For we determyt haue by fors in fyght, 30 In plane batale, and on days lyght, 3 x 530 THE NYNTH BUKE With fyre and fwerd gon wallys ombefet. So dowchtely we fchape to do our det, That thai fall not beleif weir vndertane Agane Grekis, nor pepill Pelafgane, 5 Quhilkis in thar weris previt fa fpreitles men That Hector thame delayt geris ten. Now, ehofyn men, and walyt weriouris, Sen the maift part of this days howris Is gane, faid he, I hald it for the beft 10 Eftir this gud journay ge tak gou reft ; Do eys gour bodeis and gour hors quhil day, Bot hald gou reddy for the batale ay. In the meyn tyme, of the nycht wach the cure We geif Mefapus, the gettis to difcure, 15 And forto beit brycht fyris abowt the wallys. Twys fevin Rutilianys for al chance befallys Was ehofyn with knyehtis forto wach the town ; Ilkane ane hundreth fallowys reddy bown Of goung gallandis, with purpour creftis red ; 20 Thar giltyn geir maid glitteryng euery fted, Quhar fo thai walk, and rowmys ftill and foft. Thai ftalk about, and wardis changis oft, And fum tyme, on the greyn herbys down let, Thai byrll the wyne, and ilk man dyd hys det 2.r. Fortil ourturn goblettis of mettell bryght. The fchynand fyris our al the land keft lycht ; And all the forenycht thir wachis fikkyn way, But fleip, dyd fpend in revale, gam, and play. OF ENEADOS. 531 CAP. IV. Heir Nyfus car pis to his f rend Eur illy, Till midyrtak ane aventur onJiMy. The Troianys, from thar fortres quhar thai ftude All thar deray beheld and vnderftude, And baith with armour and with wapynnys brycht The towr hedys thai ftuffyt all that nyght ; 5 And feill tymys in hafty effeir for dreid The portis viffy thai, gyf ocht war neid, And drawbriggis befor the gettis vprafyt, Jun6t to the wallys, at thai fuld nocht be trafyt ; And euery man ftud reddy in hys geir 10 Enarmyt Weill, and in his hand a fpeir. Mneftheus ftern, and eik Sereftus ftowt, Ful biffy war to walk and go abowt, Tyll ordinance forto put every thing ; For thame Eneas, at his departyng, 15 Had deput rewlaris to hys gong fon deir, And mafter capitanys of hys oft in weir, Gyf fo betyd ony aduerfyte, Or aventour, befor hys returne. Ane hail legioun about the wallis large 20 Stude wachyng, bodyn with bow, fpeir, and targe : The danger was by cuttys lone decyde, At euery corner quha, or quha, fuld byde ; And euery man his curs abowt dyd fleip, Quhil that his fallow had his ward to keip. 532 THE NYNTH BUKE Nifus, Hirtacus fon, that tyme was fet, As for hys ftand, to byde and kepe the get, As he that was in armys bald and ftowt, Ane the maift valgeant intill all that rowt ; 5 Quham Ida hys moder, ane huntryce, In fallofchip fend with Ene ful wys : To caft dartis nane fa expert as he, Nor forto fchoyt fwyft arrowys half fa lie. Euryalus, hys fallow, ftude hym by, 10 Of all Eneas oft nane mair gudly, Nor git mar femly cled in Troiane armys, Stowt, of hie curage, dredand for na harmys : Hys florift gouth raveft hys viflage gyng, 3it nevir fchavyn, with pilis newly fpryng. 15 To thir twa was a will in vnyte, A lull, and mynd in vniformyte : Sammyn thai geid to mete, to reft, or play, And baith togidder in batale rufchit thai ; Now fammyn eik thai war in ftatioun fet, 20 As baith in feir to kepe the common get. Nifus thus fpekis, O brothir myne Ewrylly, Quhiddir gif the Goddis, or fum fpretis fylly, Movys in our myndis this ardent thochtfuU fyre, Or gif that euery mannis fchrewit defyre 25 Be as his God and Genyus in that place, I wait nevir how it ftandis ; bot this lang fpace My mynd movys to me, heir as I ftand, Batale or fum gret thyng to tak on hand. I knaw not to quhat purpos is it dreft, 30 Bot be na way may I tak eys nor reft. OF ENEADOS. 533 Behaldis thou not fo furely, but affray, 3on Rutylianys thame haldis glaid and gay ? Thar fyris now begynnys fchyne full fchire ; Sowpyt in wyne and fleip baith man and fyre 5 At quyet lugyng gondyr at thar will ; Queym filens haldis the large feildis ftill. Confidir this profundly, I the pray, Quhat fuld I dreid, quhat thinkis thou, now fay. Baith common pepill and the heris bald 10 To bryng agane Eneas ful fane thai wald ; Langyng ful fair eftir hys hame cummyng, And of hys mynd to haue fure witteryng, Thai all defyre fum attentik men be fend. Gyf, as I wald, thou had licens to wend, 15 Sen weill I knaw thy famus nobill dedis, In fik a cace, me think, na ma thar nedis, Vndre gon moyte the way fund weill I fe To hald onto the wallys of Pallante. Ewrialus, fmyte with hie fervent defyre 20 Of new renown, quhilk brynt hym hait as fyre, And half efchamyt of this bodword glaid, Thus til hys beft belovyt fallow faid : Nifus broder, in fouerane actis hie, For ony caus, quhou may thou refus me 25 With the to go in fallofchip as feir ? Suld I the fend allane in fik danger ? My fader, Opheltes, the quhilk all hys days The weris hantit, nevir apon that ways Inftrukkit me, nor tawcht lik cowardy. 30 Was I not lernyt to hant chevalry 534 THE NYNTH BUKE Amyd the Grekis brag, and Troiane weris ? Haue I me born with the, at thou afferis Off my curage ? the maift dowchty Enee, And of fortoun to the laft extremyte, 5 Haue I not followyt, refufand na pyne ? . Heir is, heir is, within this corps of myne, A forcy fpreit that doith this life difpys, Quhilk reputtis fair to wiffyll, apon fik wys, With this honour thou thus pretendis to wyn, 10 This mortale ftait and life that we bene in. Nifus anfweris ; forfuyth, my broder dyng, Of the, God wait, git dred I nevir fie thing ; For fo to think in faith onlefull wer. So hail and feir mot falf me Jupiter, 15 And bryng me fownd agane with victory, As euer git fie confait of the had I. To wytnes draw I that ilk God, quod he, With frendly eyn quhilk dois ws heir and fe, And in my mynd firft movit this confait. 20 Bot gif that fo betyde, as weill ge wait In fie aventouris thar bene dangeris feir, Be hard fortoun or aventour of weir, Or goddys difpofitioun happin it fall, My will was the to falue fra perrellis all : 25 Thy florift gouth is mair worthy to leif Than forto put in danger of myfcheif. I wald alffo at hame fum frend haue had That gif at I war takyn and hard ftad, Or fra me reft the lyfe, and fa withhald, 30 Quhilk my body or banys ranfon wald, OF ENEADOS. 535 And lay in grave, eftir our Troiane gys ; Or, gyf fortoun wald fuffir on na wys My body mycht be brocht to beriall, Than to hys frend the feruyce funeral 5 With obfequeis to do for corps abfent, And in my memor vp a tumbe to ftent. Ne wald I not alflo that I fuld be Caus or occafioun of fie duyll, quod he, To thy maift reuthfull mother, traft and kynd, 10 Quhilk anerly of hir maift tendir mynd, From all the other matronys of our rowt, Hes followyt the, hir luffyt child abowt, Ne for thy faik refufyt not the fee, And gave na fors of Aceftes cite. 15 The tother tho hym anfuerit fone agane : My frend, for nocht thou fays fik wordis vane, Ingirand cacis ar of nane effek ; My firft entent I lift not change nor brek. Haift ws, quod he. And tharwithall baith twa 20 The nixt wach thai walknyt quhar thai lay ; Quhilk gat on fut, and to thar rowmys went. Eurialus, to fulfill hys entent, With Nyfus furth can hald hys way onon, And to the prynce Afcanyus ar gone. 536 THE NYNTH BUKE CAP. V. Quhou at the confal thefornamyt two Ontill Eneas purcheji leif to go. Apon the erth the othir beftis all, Thar biffy thochtis feflyng, gret and fmall, Ful fownd on fleip dyd cawcht thair reft be kynd, All irkfum laubour forget owt of mynd : 5 Bot the cheif ledaris of the Troiane rowt, And flowr of fenfabill gyng men ftern and ftowt, In the meyn tyme fat at wys confell For common weill and materis hie befell, Confideryng willy quhat ado thar was, 10 Or quha fuld meflage beir to Eneas ; Amyddis thar tentis, in feild quhar thai ftand, With fcheildis fchrowd, apon thar fperis lenand. Tho Nyfus and Eurialus baith twane Glaid of this call, feand thair tyme mafte gane, 15 Befocht thai mycht be admittit to fay A gret mater of weght, quhais delay Myght harm gret deill, and eik be thar avys Thar erand was worth audiens and of price. Afcanyus firft, feand thar hafty way, 20 Admittit thar defire, and bad thame fay. Than this Nifus, Hirtacus fon, thus faid : Gentill Troianys, with equal myndis glaid Reffaue my wordis, for this thing, quod he, Quhilk I gou tell may nocht confident be OF ENEADOS. 537 With fik as ws, nor men fa gong of gheris, Bot to gour wifdomys till avys efferis. The Rutilianys, ourfet with fleip and wyne, Lyggis fowpit, fordoverit, drunk as fwyne : 5 To fet apon thame, and await with fkaith, The place furely we haue efpyit baith, Quhilk reddy may ful efely be get In gondir forkyt way, ftrekis fra the get Down to the feys coft the nerreft went ; 10 Quhar the fyris faft falgeis, neir owt brynt, So that the blak reik dyrknys all the air. Gif that ge fuffir wald, as I faid ayr, That we mycht vfe this oportunyte Quhilk fortoun has ws grant, fone fuld ge fe 15 Eneas focht by ws at Pallantyne, And hyddir brocht in fchort quhile eftir fyne, With ryche fpulge, and mekill flauehter maid. We knaw the way thidder full weill, he faid, And all the watyr of Tibyr vp and down ; 20 In dyrk valeys oft we faw the town, As we by cuftum oft the huntyng hantit. Agit Alethes, that na wifdome wantit, Bot baith was rype in confale and in gheris, Onto thir wordis digeftly maid anfueris : 25 O kyndly Goddis of our natyve landis, Vndre quhais myghtis all tyme Troy vpftandis, All thocht the weill tharof in dowt remanys, 3it lift gou not diftroy all the Troianys, Ne thame fo clene defait aluterly, 30 Sen fa ftowt myndis as we heir afpy, 3 Y 538 THE NYNTH BUKE And fa bald reddy breiftis gevin haue ghe To thir gonkeris. And fayand thus, can he The ryeht handis and fchuldris of baith embrace, With terys tryncland our his chekis and face. 5 O manly knyehtis, quhat reward condyng May ganandly be geif for fyk a thyng, Forfuyth I can nocht in my mynd devys ; Bot gour maift cheif gangeld and gyft to prys The gret Goddis mot rendyr gou, faid he, 10 And gour awin vertu mot be renownee : The remanent onone ge fall reffaue, Sa that na wys ge fal gour medis crave, By the handys of reuthfull Eneas ; Or, gif he fone from this lyfe happynnys pas, 15 Afcanyus, quhilk as git is bot page, 3ong and fordward into hys hailfum age, Sail render gour defert, I tak on hand, And fik thankis, quhil that he is levand, Sal nevir be forget nor do away. 20 The fammyn word onon, as he dyd fay, Furth of hys mowth Afcanyus hes hynt : I hecht forfuyth that deid fall nevir be tynt. For all my weil alanerly doys hyng Apon my faderis profper hame cummyng. 25 Nyfus, faid he, I gou pray and befeik, Be our Penates, kyndly goddis meik, And be Affaracus goddis domefticall, Quham ge the cheif ftok of our kynrent call, And be the fecret clofettis or entre 30 Of the venerabill auld canus Vefte, OF ENEADOS. 539 Bryng hame my fader fone, I gou exort : All that pertenyng is to me, at fchort, Baith twychand confale and commandment, Or aventouris of fortoun, in gour entent, 5 In gour willys, I put all haill, quod he, Bryng hame my fader that I may hym fe ; For had we hym reffauyt, I dar fay, Is no thing fuld ennoy ws nor effray. Twa filuer cowpys, wrocht ryeht curyufly 10 With figuris grave, and punfyt ymagery, I fall gou geif, the quhilk my fader wan Quhen conqueft was the cite Arifban ; Twa charis rych, or treftis quently fold, And twa gret talentis of the fynaft gold, 15 And eik the crafty ancyant flacconys two Quhilkis to me gave the Sydones Dido. And gyf, certis, as vi&ouris ws betydis To conquys Ital, as the fatys provydis, Tharin to bruke the crown and ceptre wand, 20 And to diftribut the pray, as lord of land ; Beheld ge nocht quhatkyn a curfour wyght, Quhou prowd armour, weil gilt and burnyft brycht, That Turnus bair this gifter nyght, quod he ? The fammyn fcheld, and helm with creftis thre 25 Semyng of fyre all rede, and the ilk fteid, Fra this fammyn hour, Nyfus, falbe thy meid ; I fall thame fort fra all the remanent. And forthir eik my fader, of hys aflent, Twelf ehofyn matronys fall gou geif all fre, 30 Tobe gour fclavys in captiuite, 540 THE NYNTH BUKE With all thar ehildryng and thar hail offpryng-, Thar moblys, catal, rentis, and armyng ; And eik that feild and pryncipal peys of land, Quhilk kyng Latinus hes now in hys hand. 5 And O thou wirfchipfull gong child, quhais age Is to my gouthed in the nerreft ftage, With all my hart I the reflaue evin heir, In all eacis as tendir fallow and feir. But the, na glorius act in my materis 10 Salbe exercyt, nother in paix nor weris : In euery thing, baith into word and deid, The maift traft falbe geif the for thy meid. Ewrialus maid this anfwer for hys fyde : That day fal neuer cum, nor tyme betyde, 15 For my defalt on worthy fall I be Fortyll attene fa fouerane dignyte. Lat fortoun fend ws gude luk, gif fcho left, Or myfaventour, I fal do my bell : Lo, this is all, na mair I may promyt. 20 Bot, abuf all thingis, a gift grant me git, That I befeik the oft and monyfald : Ane moder, cummyn of Priamus blude of aid, Within this town I haue, quhilk filly wyfe, Me forto follow not comptand hir lyfe, 25 The realm of Troy mycht not withhald, faid he. Nor git in Sycyll Aceftes fair cite. Now hir I leif onhalfyt as I ryde, Of this danger, quhat fo evir betyde, All ignorant and wait no thyng, puyr wight : 30 To wytnes draw I heir this ilk gude nyght, OF ENEADOS. 541 And thy ryeht hand, my lord and prynce mafte hie, The wepand teris may I not fuffir nor fe Of my deir moder, nor that rewthfull fyght. Bot I befeik thy gentyll hart of ryght 5 Forto comfort that cayrfull creatur ; That defolat wight to fuccur fchaw thi cuyr. Grant this a thyng, and fuffir that of the This a gude hop I bair of town with me ; And far the baldar, quhat fo fortoun fend, 10 Ontill all dangeris glaidly fall I wend. The Troianys all for reuth, at fpeke hym heris, Smyte with compaffioun, braftis furth of terys, With tender hartis menand Ewrialus ; Bot principaly lufty Afcanyvs : 15 The ymage of hys faderly piete, Prent in hys mynde, hym ftrenys fwa that he Wepand anfwerd, and faid ; my brother deir, I promys all thou defiris, out of weir, For thy commancement and ftowt begynnyng 20 Is fa douchty I may the nyte na thyng. Forfuyth this woman, quhat fo evir fcho be, Fra thyne fordwart fal moder be to me, Wantyng na mar of my moder in plane Alanerly bot Creufa, hyr name ; 25 And thus of fik a byrth na litill blys Sail hyr betyde, quhou evir eftir this The chans turnys, owder to weill or wo. Be this ilk hed I fwere to the alfo, By quhilk my fader wont was forto fwere, 30 All that I haue onto the promyft heir, 542 THE NYNTH BUKE Gyf thou returnys in profperyte, Failgeand tharof, as Jove defend fwa be, To thy moder and onto thy kynred Sail fully bene obferuyt, in thy fted. 5 Thus fayd he wepand ; and tharwith alflua Hys gyltyn fwerd he hynt his fchuldris fra, Quham wonder craftely in the land of Creyt Lycaon forgyt had, and wrocht it meyt Within a burnyft fcheith of evor bone ; 10 Thame baith togiddir he gaue Ewrill onone. Syne Mneftheus a buftuus lyon fkyn, That rowch and weirlyke tawbart na thing thyn, To Nyfus gave ; and the trafte Alethys With hym hes helmys cofyt, and gaue hym hys. CAP. VI. Furth haldis Nyfus and Eurillius baith tway, And huge flauehter thai haue maid be the way. is Onon thai held enarmyt furth thar way : Quham all the nobillys gyng and aid, perfay, Convoyt to the portis, na thyng fayn, Prayand full oft Jove bryng thame weil agane. Bot principaly the frefch Afcanyus gyng, 20 Abufe al otheris in hys commonyng Schawand the wyfdome, confait, and forfyght, Of agit man, and eik the curage wight, OF ENEADOS. 543 Gave thame feill chargis and commandmentis To beir hys fader, twychand hys ententis : Bot with the wynd tha fkatterit war on raw, And all for nocht amang the clowdis flaw. 5 Furth ifehit thai, and by the foweyis wentis, In filens of the dyrk nycht, amangis the tentis And perellus pailgeonys, to thame ennemy, Thai entrit ar, and caucht gret harm tharby : Bot netheles, or ony fkaith thai hynt, 10 The ded of mony was thar douchty dynt. Apon the gyrs, ourfet witht fleip and wyne, Fordoverit, fallyn down als drunk as fwyne, The bodeys of Rutylianys heir and thar Thai dyd perfaue ; and by the coft alquhar 15 The cartis ftand with lymowris bendy t ftrek, The men lyggyng, the hamys abowt thar nek, Or than amangis the quhelys and the thetis ; All fammyn lay thar armour, wyne, and metys, Baith men and cartis myddillyt all our ane. 20 With ane bas voce thus Nyfus fpak agane : Ewrialus, the mater now thus ftandis, Forto be ftowt and forcy of our handis; Thys is our paflage, quhilk way we mon wend. Thy part falbe to kepe and to defend 25 That nane onfet cum on ws at the bak ; Spy far about, tharto gude tent thou tak. I fall befor mak voyd paflage and way, And the convoy throu a large ftreit away. Reherfand this, onon he held hym clos, 30 So that na noys mycht thar be hard or voce : 544 THE NYNTH BUKE And tharwith eik with drawyn fwerd in pres He can aflail the pompus Rhamnetes, Quhilk lay, percace, flepand foft and fownd On prowd tapetis fpred apon the grond ; 5 A kyng he was, and a fpa man, fuyth to fayn, To Turnus kyng maft traft auguriane : Bot with hys diuinatioun nor augury The trake of deth ne cowth he not put by. Thre of hys feruandis, that faft by hym lay, 10 Ful raklefly he kyllyt, all thocht thai Amang thar fperis lyggyng war infeir ; And quellyt ane to Remus was fquyer. The cartar fyne, luggyng apon the ftreit, He hynt onon amang the horffis feyt, 15 And with hys fwerd hys nek, hyngand on fyde, In twane hes hakkyt ; and the fammyn tyde Thar lordis hed, I meyn this faid Rhamneyt, Of fmytis he, quhill all the bed wolx weyt : Lyke a ded ftok the corps wantand the hed 20 Lay buUerand, al befprent with fprayngis red, And als the erth grew warm with teppet blude. Attour he ftekit hes eik, quhar he ftude, Twa forcy men, Lamus and Lamyrus, And als the lykly gong child, Serranus, 25 That all the fornycht in ryot and in play Had fpendyt as he lyft, and now he lay With membris ftrekit, and plefand viflage brycht, Ourlet with god Bachus mekill of myght : Ful happy and weill fortunat had he be, 30 In fport and gam on the fam wys gif he OF ENEADOS. 545 All the remanent of that nycht had fpent, Quhil the lycht day, and tyl hym felf tane tent. Lyke as the empty lyoun, lang onfed, Be nychtis tyde quhen all folk fleip in bed, 5 Trubland the faid full of filly fcheip ; The wod rage of hys hungir is fo deip That he conftrenyt is fik wys to fair : He ryvis and he harlys heir and thar The tendir beftis, that for awfull feir 10 Of hys prefens dar nowder bleyt nor fteir ; He rummyfis with bludy mowth and brays. So dyd Ewrilly, and none other ways, And na les flauehter maid he in the plane, Of ire inflambyt in his wod brane. 15 A multitude of commonys of birth law, By quhilk reflbn thair namys ar onknaw, He ombefet and put to confufioun : And Fadus fyne, with Hefebus dang he down, And Arabys alfo, onwarnyftly ; 20 And Rhetus eik, lay walkand hard thame by, Behaldand all thar fterage and deray ; Bot, of the ftowt Ewrialus for affray, Behynd a wyne bote or a pype hym hyd : Quham Eurialus, as the cace betyd, 25 Keppyt on hys fwerdis poynt, that all the blaid Hyd in hys coft vp to the hyltis glaid : To ded he dufchis down bath ftyf and cald, And vp the purpour fpreit of lyf he gald, And blude and wyne mixt he can furth fchaw, 30 At he laft drank owt gefkis in the ded thraw. 3 z 546 THE NYNTH BUKE And, by fik flyght full brym, thus he enforcis To mak huge flauchtir of onweldy corpcis, Etlyng wightly to the nixt ftude faft by. Thar as Mefapus feris all dyd ly, 5 And the laft fyris almafte quynchit owt, The hors, per ordour, tyit weill abowt, Etand thar meit he mycht behald and fe : Quham fchortly Nyfus bad fes and lat be ; For he perfauyt Eurialus by his feris 10 Had our gret lull to flauehter, and dangeris Perfauyt nocht quhilkis war apperand eft : Defift, quod he, this mater mon be left, For the day lycht, quhilk is to ws onfrend, Approchis neir, we may na langar lend. 15 Gret harm is done, eneuch of blude is fched, Throw owt our fays a patent way is red. And fayng thus, thai fped thame on thar way : Behynd thame, for vptakyng quhar it lay, Mony brycht armour richly dyght thai left, 20 Cowpys and goblettis, forgyt fare, and beft Of mafly fyluyr, lyand heir and thare, Prowd tapyfry, and mekil precyus ware : Salf that Eurialus with hym turfyt away The rial trappouris, and myghty patrellys gay, 25 Quhilkis war Rhamnetes ftedis harneflyng ; And, for the mair remembrance in takynnyng, Ane rych tyfche or belt hynt he fyne, The pendentis wrocht of burnyft gold mafte fyne, Quhilk gyrdill ane Cedicus, that was than 30 Duryng his tyme ane the myghtyaft man, OF ENEADOS. 547 Bereft a ftrang Rutiliane, as thai tell, Quham he venquyft in Angular batell, And fend it fyne to ane Remulus hes he, That duke was of the Tiburtyne cite, 5 In fyng of frendfchip and ferm acquentans ; Thus athir abfent jonyt allyans ; Syne this ilk prynce, into hys legacy, That tyme apon hys ded bed dyd he ly, This gyrdill left to gongar Remulus, 10 Hys tendyr nevo, that is heir flane thus. Euryll, as faid is, hes this j'owell hynt, Abowt hys fydis it brafyng, or he ftynt ; Bot all for nocht, fuppos the gold dyd gleit : Mefapus helm fyne, for him wondir meit, 15 With fchynand tymbret and with eryftis hie, Apon hys hed onon buklyt hes he. Furth of the tentis with this bownyt thai, And fra thar fays held the fovyr way. CAP. VII. Quhou capitane Volfcens, cumand Turnus till, Recontrit Nyfus and hys fallow Ewrill. In the meyn quhile, as this other army 20 Thus at the fege gan in the feildis ly, From Lawrentum, kyng Latinus cite, War horfmen fent to Turnus, forto fe 548 THE NYNTH BUKE Quhat he plefyt, and the kyngis entent Tyll hym to fchaw, thre hundreth men furthwent With fcheild on fchuldir vndre capitane Volfcens ; And be this cummyn war to the diftens 5 Neir to thar oft, and, as the cace dyd fall, Thai held faft vnder this new cite wall ; Quhar as on far towart the left hand thai Turnand thar curs bakwart perfauyt tway : For the brycht helm in twynkland ftarny nycht 10 Mythis Eurilly with bemys fchynand lycht, Quhilk he, onwar, perfauyt nocht, allace ! And as thai fears war thus afpyit on cace, Volfcens the capitane, from amyd his rowt, Said, ftand fallowis ; and cryis with a fchowt : 1 5 Quhat is the caus of gour cummyng, faid he, That rydis thus enarmyt ? quhat ge be, And quhidder ar ge bown, ge fchaw ws plane., The tother twa maid nane anfuer agane ; Bot in the woddis hyis at the flicht, 20 Affurit gretly in dirknes of the nycht. The horfmen than prekis, and faft furth fprentis To weil beknawin pethis, and turnys wentis Baith heir and thar ; fone ombefet haue thai The owtgatis all, thai fuld nocht wyn away. 25 The wod was large, and roweh of bulkis ronk, And of the blak ayk fchaddowis dym and donk, Of breris ful, and thyk thorn ronnys ftent ; Scarfly a ftrait rod or dern narow went Tharin mycht fundyn be that men mycht pas, 30 Quharthrou Eurialus gretly cummyrrit was : OF ENEADOS. 549 Quhat for myrknes, thik bufkis, branch, and breir, And weght alfo of the new fpulgeit geir, Tharto the hafty onfet and affray Maid hym gang will in the onknawin way. 5 Nyfus was went, and by this chapyt cleir Hys ennemys, onwar quhar was hys feir : And as he ftude at that fted, eftir fyne From Alba cite clepit was Albyne, Quhar, for the tyme, this forfaid Latyn kyng 10 Hys hors at paftour held in ftabillyng, He blent abowt to fe hys frend fo deir, Bot all for nocht, thar was na man hym neir. Ewrill, quod he, allace onhappely In quhat part of this land the left haue I ? 15 Or quhar fall I the feik ? O wailaway ! Tharwith this ilk wilfum perplexit way Bakwart he held, euery futftep agane, Throw the dern wod diflaitfull and onplane ; Quhil, at the laft, amang rank bufkis he 20 Errit by the way, becaus he myght nocht fe. The hors ftampyng and the dyn he heris, The wordis and the takynnys come to hys erys Of thame quhilk at perfewit hym at the bak. A lytil fpace eftir tent gan he tak, 25 And hard a fcry : harknand quhat that fuld be, Eurilly takyn in handys dyd he fe ; Quham the diflaitfull onbekend dern way, The myrk nycht, and the hafty dowtfum fray, Betrafyt had, that all the mekill rowt, 30 Or he was war, hym lowkyt rownd about. 550 THE NYNTH BUKE Full gret debait he maid, as that he mocht ; Ourfet he was, defens was all for nocht. Quhat mycht than filly Nyfus do or fay ? Be quhat fors or wapynnys dar he aflay 5 Forto deliuer hys tendir coufyng deir ? Suld he or not aventour hym felf heir, And rufch amyd hys ennemys in that fted, To procur in haift by wondis ane honeft ded ? Vprafys he onon hys arm bakwart, 10 To thraw a gevillyng, or a caftyng dart, And, lukand vpwart towart the cleir moyn, With afald voce thus wys he maid hys boyn : O Latonya, Goddes of mekill myght, Maftres of woddis, bewte of fternys brycht, 15 Be thou prefent, and fend me thy fupple, Addres my wark, be directrix, faid he : Gif euer that Hirtacus, my fader deir, Offrit for me fum gift at thy alter ; Or gif that I of my huntyng and pray 20 Ekyt thy honour ony maner way, Or, at thy ftandart knoppit poll of tre, Thy haly tempillys rufe, or bawkis hie, Gif evir I hung or fixit ony thyng, Wild beftis hed, wapynnys, or armyng ; 25 Thoil me to trubbill this gret rowt of men, Do dres my dartis in this wilfum den, So that my fchote and myflbur may go ryeht Throw the dyrk ayr and filens of the nycht. Thus fayand, with all fors of hys body 30 The grundyn dart he leyt do glyde in hy. OF ENEADOS. 551 The fleand fchaft the nycht fchaddoys devydis, And ryeht forgane him on the tother fydis It fmate Sulmonys fcheild, hang on his bak, Quharin the querral al in fchuldir brak ; 5 Bot with the dynt the rynde is revyn fwa, Hys hart pipis the fcharp hed perfyt in twa. Down dufchis he in ded thraw all forloft, The warm blude furth bokkand of his coft, And for the cald of deth hys lungis lap, 10 With fobbys deip blawys with mony clap. Hys ferys lukis about on euery fyde, To fe quharfra the grundyn dart dyd glyde. Bot lo, as thai thus wondrit in effray, Thys ilk Nyfus, worthin provd and gay, 15 And baldar of this chance fwa with hym gone, Ane other takill aflayt he onon, And with a fownd fmate Tagus, but remede, Throu athir part or tymplis of his hed ; In the harn pan the fchaft he hes affixt, 20 Quhil blude and brane al togidder mixt. The felloun capitane, Volfcens, neir wod wendis, Seand na man quham of to get amendis : He mycht do ftanche his ire, and fyth his thocht, For quha that threw the dartis faw he nocht. 25 Thou, not the les, quod he, that ftandis by, With thy hait blude for baith twa fal aby The pane for this myfcheif; and, with that word, He ran apon Euryll with drawyn fword. Than Nifus, dredand for his fallow kynd, 30 Begouth to cry, all wod and owt of mynd, 552 THE NYNTH BUKE Nor na langar in dern hym hyde he mycht, Nor of his frend behald fa reuthfull fyght : Me, me, ge fla ; lo, I am heir, he faid, That dyd the dede ; turn hidder in me gour blaid 5 And fwerdis all, O ge Rutilyanys ! All be my flycht now gour feris flane is : That filly innocent creatur fo gyng Myght, nor git durft, on hand tak fie a thing : Be hevynnys he, and all the ftarnys, I fwer, 10 That ws behaldis with thar bemys cleir. Sik wordis faid he : for on fie maner, And fa ftrangly, his frend and fallow deir, That fa myfehancy was, belovit he, That rather for hys life him felf lift de. 15 Bot thar was na remedy nor abaid : The fwerd, wightly ftokit, or than was glaid Throu owt hys coft : allace, the harmys fmart ! That mylk quhite breift is perfyt to the hart. Down ded rufchit Eurialus right thar, 20 The blude brufchand outour his body fair, And on hys elbok lenand a litill on wry, Hys hed and hals bowys he hevely. Lyke as the purpour flour in fur or fewch, Hys ftalk in two fmyt newly with the pleuch, 25 Dwynys away, as it doith faid or de ; Or as the chefbo hedis oft we fe Bo^down thar knoppis, fowpit on thar grane, Quhen thai be chargyt with the hevy rane. Bot Nyfus than rufchit amyd the rowt, 30 Amangis thame all fekand Volfcens the ftowt, OF ENEADOS. 553 And on Volfcens alanerly areftis ; Thocht rownd about with ennemys he preft is, Quhilk heir and thar onon at euery fyde Hym ombefet with warkand woundis wyde. 5 Bot netheles thame ftowtly he affalit, Not amovit, as na thing him had alit : And euer his fchynand fwerd about him fwang, Quhil at the laft in Volfcens mouth he thrang, As he, forgane him ftandand, cryit and gapit. 10 Allace, quhat reuth was it he not efchapit ! For he deand bereft his fa the life ; Stekit and hurt fa oft with fpeir and knyfe, Fell down abuf his frendis ded body, Quhar belt him likit ded to reft and ly. 15 O happy baith, O fortunat and dyng ! Gif myne endyt or ftile may ony thing, Nevir day nor proces of tyme fal betyde, That gour renown fal owt of memor Hyde : Quhil the famyl and offpring of Ene 20 The ftane immovabill of the Capitolie Inhabitis, and fa lang as Romanys bald The monarchy of the empyre fal hald. The fchameful victouris, thir Rutilyanys, The pray and fpreth, and other geir that ganys, 25 Joyfyng but obftakil, Volfcens ded body Onto the tentis wepand bair in hy. And na les murnyng hard thai in that fted" For Rhamnetes, fund hedles, pail, and ded, Togidder with famony capitanys, 30 And gret herys, fo wrachitly as flane is ; 4 A 554 THE NYNTH BUKE Serranus gyng, and the gentill Numa, And nobill corplis brytnyt mony ma. Gret pres flokkit to fe the bodeis fchent, Sum men git throwand half ded on the bent ; 5 Of recent flauehter and the hait effray The feld abowt all warmyt quhar thai lay, That all with fpait was blandyt and on flude In bullyrrand ftremys of the fomy blude. The fpulge led away was knaw full ryeht ; 10 Mefapus rich hewmet fchynand brycht, The goldyn gyrdill, and trappouris prowdly wrocht, With mekill fwete and labour agane brocht. CAP. VIII. Ewrillys moder hirfonnys deth bewalis, And quhou Rutilianys the cytefirfi affalis. Be this Aurora, levand the fafron bed Of hir lord Tithone, had the erth ourfpred 15 With new cleirnes, and the fon fcheyn Begouth defund hys bemys on the greyn, That euery thing worth patent in the lyght : Turnus, enarmyt as ane douchty knyght, Till armys fterys euery man abowt, 20 In plait and maill full mony forcy rowt Prouocand to the bargane and aflay : Ilk capitane hys folkis fettis in array, OF ENEADOS. 555 And gan thar curage kyndill in ire to fyght, Be fchamefull murmur of this gifter nycht. And forthir eik, ane miferabill thing to fe, Ewril and Nyfus hedys, on fperis hie 5 Fixit, thai rafyt haldand to the wall, With huge clamour followyng ane and all. The forcy and the ftowt Eneadanys, That for the tyme in this cite remanys, The bront and fors of thar army that tyde 10 Endlang the wallis fet on the left fyde ; For on the ryeht hand clofyt the ryver ; Thai held the forfront quhar thar was danger, Kepand the braid fowfeis and towris hie : And as thai ftand ful dolorufly, thai fe 15 The twa hedys ftikkand on the fperis, A miferabil fyght, allace ! onto thar feris ; Thar facis war our weil bekend, baith twa, The blaknyt dedly blude droppand tharfra. In the meyn quhile, throw the drery cite 20 The weyngit meflenger, Fame, dyd fwyftly fle, And flippand come to thy moder, Ewrilly. Than fuddanly that wrachit wight onfilly Al pail become, as na blude in hir left, The naturale heit was from the banys reft. 25 Furth of hir hand the fpynnyng quheil fmate fche, The garn clewis, fpyndill, and broche of tre, All fwakkit our, and full onhappely Furth fleys fcho with mony fchowt and cry, With wepyng, and with wifly womentyng, 30 Ryvand hir haris, to the wallys can thring 556 THE NYNTH BUKE All wod enragit, and with a fpedy pays Dyd occupy tharon the formafte place, Takand nane hed, na git na maner fchame, Swa amangis men to ryn, and rowp or raym ; 5 Na maner feir of perrel feys fche, Nor mynd of dartis call that faft dyd fle. And as that from the wall hyr fonnys hede Behaldis fche, wofull, and will of rede, With hir petuus rewthfull complantis fayr 10 The hevynnys all fcho fillyt and the ayr. O my Ewryll, lamentabilly fcho cryis, Sail I the fe demanyt on fyk wys ? O thou, the latter quyet of myne age, Quhou mycht thou be fa cruell in thy rage 15 As me to leif alyve, thus myne allane ? O my maift tendir hart, quhar art thou gane ? Na licens grantit was, nor tyme, ne fpace, To me, thy wrachit moder, allace, allace ! Quhen thou thy felf onto fik perellis fet, 20 That I with the mycht famekill lafer get As forto tak my leif for evir and ay, Thy laft regrait and quethyng wordis to fay. Ichane, allace ! intill ane oncouth land, Nakyt and bair thy fair body on fand 25 To fowlys of reif and favage doggis wild Sail ly as pray, myne awin deir only child ! Nor I, thy moder, layd not thy corps on beir, Nor with my handis lowkyt thyne eyn fo cleir, Nor wyfche thy wondis to reduce thy fpreit, 30 Nor dreft the in thy lattir clathis meyt, OF ENEADOS. 557 The quhilkis I wrocht, God wayt, to mak the gay, Full biflely fpynnand baith nycht and day, And with fie wobbis and wark, for the, my page, I comfort me in myne onweldy age, 5 And irkyt not to laubour for thy fake. Quhar fall I feik the now ? allake, allake ! Or in quhat land lyis now, maglyt and fchent, Thy fair body, and membris tyrvit and rent ? O deir fon myne, O tendir get, quod fche, 10 Is this the comfort at thou dois to me, Quhilk hes the foUowyt baith our feys and landis ? O ge Rutilianys, fteik me with gour brandis ; Gyf thar be rewth or piete in gour banys, Do fwak at me gour dartis all atanys : 15 With gour wapynnys firft ge fal me 11a. O thou gret fader of Goddis, can fcho fay, Haue reuth apon me, wrach of wrachis all, And on my catyve hed thou lat dovn fall Thy thundris dynt of wildfyre fra the hevin, 20 Law vndre hell tharwith to fmyte me evin ; Sen that this langfum cruel life I ne may Confume nor endyng be nane other way. With this regrait the Troiane myndis all War fmyte with reuth ; endlang the large wall 25 The duylfull murnyng went and womentyng : Thar hie curage, to tel a wondyr thyng, That oneffrayt was batale to fuftene, Wolx dolf and dull the petuus fycht to fene. Bot as fcho thus kyndillis forow and wo, 30 Ane Ideus, and Actor, Troianys two, 558 THE NYNTH BUKE At the command of Illyoneus paft, And gyng Afcanyus wepand wonder faft, And hynt hyr vp betwix thar armys fquar ; Syne hamewart to hir lugyng thai hyr bair. 5 Bot than the trumpettis weirly blaftis abundis, With terribill brag of brafyn bludy foundis ; The fkry, the clamour, followys the oft within, Quhill all the hevynnys bemyt of the dyn. The Volfcenaris aflemblyt in a fop, 10 To fyll the fowfeis and the wallis to flop, All fammyn haftand with a pavys of tre Hefyt togidder abuf thar hedys hie ; Sa fairly knyt that maner embufchment Semyt tobe a clos volt quhar thai went. 15 Ane other fort preflyt to haue entre, And clym the wallis with leddyrris large and hie, Quhar as the army of the Troiane fyde Was thynnaft fcattyrrit on the wallis wyde, And brycht arrayt cumpany of the men 20 War dividit or floppit, at thai mycht ken The weirmen not fa thyk in fyk a place. Bot the Troianys, that oft in fik lyke cace Be lang vfage of weir war lernyt and kend Quhou thai thar town and wallys fuld defend, 25 All kynd of wapynnys and dartis at thame flyngis, And dang thame down with pikkis and poyntit ftyngis Down weltyng eik of huge weght gret ftanys, Be ony way gif tharby for the nanys Thai mycht on fors diflevyr that punge, so Quhilk thame affalgeit thekit with pavys he : OF ENEADOS. 559 For weill thai knew thar fays al maner of teyn Vndir that volt of targis myght fufteyn, Sa lang as thai fammyn onfyverit war. Bot now thai mycht thar ordour hald na mar : 5 For the Troianys, or evyr thai wald ces, Thar as the thikaft rowt was and maift pres, Ane huge weght or hepe of mekill flanys Rufchys and weltis down on thame atanys, That diuers of Rutilianys lay thar ondyr ; 1 0 The laif Ikalyt on brede ; brok was in fondir The covertouris and ordinance of thar fcheldis. Fra thens, the hardy Rutilianys in the feildis Preflyt na mar in hydlys forto fyght, Bot thame enforcis now with all thar myght, 15 With gangeis, arrowys, and with dartis flyng, Thar famen from the wallys forto dyng. And at ane other fyde with felloun feir Mezentyus the grym, apon a fpeir, Or heich ftyng or Hour of the fyr tre, 20 The blak fyre blefis of reik in fwakkis he : And Mefapus, the dantar of the horflys, Neptunus fon, with hys menge enforcis Tyl vndermynd the dike and rent the paill ; Leddyris he axis the wallys to aflaill. 560 THE NYNTH BUKE CAP. IX. Quhou Turnus fet the get towr into fyre, slnd maid gret flauehter of Troianys in his Calliope, and O ge Mufys all, Infpire me til endyte : on gou I call To fchaw quhat flauehter and occilioun, Quhou feill corpfis thar war brytnyt doun 5 By Turnus wapynnys and hys dartis fell ; Quham euery man kyllit and fend to hell : Help and aflift to revolue heir with me The extreme dangeris of that gret melle. <3he bliflyt wightis, forfuyth, ramembris weill 10 Sik thyngis, and quhar gou lyft may reveill. Thar ftude a towr of tre, huge of hyght, With batellyng and kyrnellys all at ryght, Set in ane neidfull place neir by the get, Quham to aflailge, ourcum, and down bet, 15 With hail pyffance all the Italianys At vtir power ombefet atanys : And by the contrar, on the tother fyde Alkynd defencis can Troianys provyde ; Threw ftanys down, and fillys heir and thar, 20 At euery part or oppyn fenyftar The grundyn dartis leyt down fle thikfald. Turnus the prynce, at was baith darf and bald, Ane byrnand bleis leyt at the fortres glyde, And feftynyt the fyre hard to the towris fyde. tre- OF ENEADOS. 561 Quhilk with the wyndis blaft, thar as it ftak, Vpblefyt in the burdis and the thak, And fpreddis wide amangis the geftis gret ; The byrnand low confumyt all throu hete. 5 Within thai fchuddrit for the fell effray ; Bot all for nocht to pres to wyn away, Na lafer was the danger to efcape : For as thai ran abak, and can thame fchaip Fortill withdraw towart the tother fyde 10 Quhar as the fyre was not git ourglyde, And hurlyt all togidder in a hepe, Tho with thar fwechtis, as thai reill and leipe, The byrnand towr down rollys with a rufche, Quhill all the hevynnys dyndlyt of the dufch. 15 Down weltis the men half ded with brokyn banys, The huge heip thame followit all atanys, On thar awyn wapynnys ftikkand he and he, Sum ftekit throu the coft with fpilys of tre Lay gafpand, of thame all that fcarfly tway, 20 Ane Helenor, and Lycus, gat away : Of quhom the formeft, this ilk Helenor, Now in hys florift gouth, was get and bor Betwix Meonyus kyng, in prevyte, And Lycynya the boynd wench wondir fle, 25 Quhilk hym to Troy had fend that hendyr ger, Onkend, in armour forbodyn for wer ; Delyver he was with drawin fwerd in hand, And quhite target, onfemly and evill farrand. Thys Helenor, feand hym felf in dowt 30 Amyd thoufandis enarmyt of Turnus rowt, 4 B 562 THE NYNTH BUKE Behaldand graithly apon athir hand Arrayt oftis of Latyn pepill ftand ; Lyke the wild ragyt beft, quham huntaris ftowt Hes ombefet with thyk range all abowt, 5 Seand be na meyn that fcho mycht evaid, Apon the wapynnys rynnys with a braid ; Slyppis hir felf, and with gret fors hir beris Apon the poyntis of the huntyng fperis : Nane othir wys, this ilk gong Helenor, 10 Thus ombefet behynd and als befor, Amyd hys fays rufchys reddy to de, Quhar thikkaft was the pres thar etlys he ; Quhilkis, but abaid, alflbne hes hym flane As fpark of gleid wald in the fey remane. 15 Bot Lycus, fpedyar far on fut than he, Throw owt the oftis and armyt men can fle, And to the wallys wan, and vp on hyght Enforcis hym to clym with all hys mycht, And forto gryp fum of hys feris handis : 20 Quham Turnus, lanfland lyehtly our the landis, With fpeir in hand perfewys forto fpill, And quhen he hes ourtane him at his will, Thus dyd hym chyde ; O catyve wytles knaip, Quhat wenyt thou our handis to efchaip ? 25 And tharwith drew hym doun, quhar he dyd hyng, And of the wal a gret part with hym bryng. Lyke as the egill, Jovis fquyer, ftraucht Within hys bo wand clukis had vp clawcht A gong cygnet, or quhite fwan, or a hair, 30 Tharwith refurfyng heich vp in the ayr ; OF ENEADOS. 563 Or as a ravanus bludy wplf throu flycht Hyntis in hys gowl, furth of the faid be nycht, The litill tendyr kyd, or the gong lam, With feill bletingis focht by the gait, hir dame. 5 Rutilianys for joy than rafyt a fchowt, And faft invadys the cite all abowt ; With hepys of erd the fowfy do thai fyll : Sum otheris prefyt with fchydis and mony a fyl The fyre blefys abowt the ruf to flyng. 10 Bot Ilioneus that tyme dyd doun dyng With a gret quhyn, or roch of cragy Hone, Ane Lucetyus, and brak hys nek bone, As that he dyd approche towartis the get, The hait flammys of fyre tharin to fet : 15 Liger a Troiane from the wall alfo Doun bet a Rutiliane hait Emathio : A Phrigiane eik, Afylas, ftern and ftowt, All tofrufchit Choryneus withowt, Quhilk was in dartis caftyng wonder fle ; 20 On far to fchute fcharp fianys and lat He Nane mar expert than this Emathio : Ceneus ourquhelmyt Ortygius alfo ; And this Ceneus,. quhilk than gat the maftry, Belyve Turnus with a dart ded gart ly : 25 And down dyngis alffo this ilk Turnus Ithis, Clonyus, and eik Dioxippus, Promulus als, and buftuus Sagaras, And fyne the huge byg Troiane, hait Idas, Standand forto defend the towris hie : 30 Capys, a Troiane, bet doun Pryverne, 564 THE NYNTH BUKE Quham Themyllas with a fcharp calling dart Had newly hurt and wondyt in fum part ; And he hys hand plat to the wound in hy, Hys fcheild befyde hym fwakkand fulychly, 5 So that the fedderit arrow furth dyd glyde, And nalyt hys hand plat to the left fyde : The fchaft and hed remanyt in hys coft, Be dedly wound the lyfe thus hes he loft. Arcens, Arcentis fon, ftude on the wall, 10 In brycht armour ful femly fchynand all, Hys mantill of the purpour Iberyne, With nedill wark brufyt rych and fyne, Of viflage was he plefand forto fe ; Hys fader Arcens fend him with Enee : 15 Foftyrrit he was and vpbrocht tendirly Within hys moderis hallowyt fchaw, faft by The flude Symethus into Sycill land, Quhar as the plentuus fat altar dyd ftand Of the placabill Goddis, Palycy hecht. 20 Ane gret ftaf flung byrrand with felloun weght Hynt Mezentius ; hys fcheild fyne by hym lays ; The ftryngis thrys abowt hys hed aflays, And this ilk Arcens ftandyng hym forgane Hes fmertly with a ledyn pellok flane : 25 Hys harn pan and forhed al to claif, Quhil at the led in fondir brak and raif, That he ourtumlys fpeldit on the fand. Thus gret flauchtir was maid fra hand to hand. OF ENEADOS. 565 CAP. X. Heir gyng Afcanyus theflrang Numanusfleio, Quhilk wordis owtragyus to the Troianys fchew. Afcanyus this ilk tyme, as is faid, That wont was with his fchot bot to invaid The wild beftis, quhilkis cowth do nocht bot fle, Firft heir in bargane leyt fwyft arrowys fle ; 5 And by hys handis flew ftrang Numanus, That was to furname clepit Remulus, Had laitly Turnus gyngaft fyftir wed, As for hys fpows, and brocht ontill hys bed. This ilk Numanus Remulus, in that fted, 10 Befor the frontis of the batell geyd, Furth fchawand mony diuers fawys feir, Baith ganand and onganand forto heir, Ryeht prowd and hely in his breift and hart That newlyngis of the kynrik was a part 15 To him befall ; his gret eftait this wys Wouftand he fchew with clamour and lowd cryis : Afehame ge nocht, Phrigyanys, that twys taik is, Tobe inclofyt amyd a faid of ftakis, And be aflegit agane fa oft fys 20 With akyn fpilis and dikis on fik wys ? Schame ge not to prolong gour lyvis ? faid he. Thir venquyft cowart wightis behald and fe, That dar our fpoufage into batale craif ! Quhat wild dotage fo maid gour hedis rail'? 566 THE NYNTH BUKE Or quhat onthrifty God in lie foly Hes gou bywavit heir till Italy ? Heir ar not the flaw weirmen Atrydes, Nor the fengear of fair fpeche Vlixes. 5 Bot we, that bene a pepill derf and dour Cumyn of kynd, as keyn men in a Hour, Our goung childring, the firft tyme born thai ar, Onto the nixt rynnand flude we bair, To hardyn thar bodeis and to mak thame bald 10 With the chil froftis and the watyr cald : Our childir gyng exercis biflely Huntyng with hundis, hornys, fchowt, and cry, Wild deir throw owt the woddis chais and mait. To dant and reyn the horflis ayr and layt, 15 That is thar game and fport thai hant on raw, Or with thar bowys fchute, or dartis thraw. Our gong fpryngaldis may all laubouris endur, Content of litill fuyde, I gou aflur, Of gouth thai be accuftumat tobe fkant, 20 The erd with plewch and h arrowys forto dant, Or than in batal bettis citeis down. In euery age with irne grath ar we bown, And pafland by the plewys, for gad wandis, Broddis the oxin with fperis in our handis : 25 Nor git the flaw nor febill onweldy age May waik our fpreit, nor mynys our curage, Nor of our ftrenth to altyr ocht or pair. The fteill helmys we thrift on hedis hair ; Beft likis ws all tyme to rug and reif, 30 To dryve away the fpreth, and tharon leif. OF ENEADOS. 567 <3our pantit habittis dois of purpour fchyne ; 3our hartis lykis beft, fo I dyvyne, In idilnes to reft abuf al thing, To tak gour luft, and go in karellyng : 5 3our cotys hes traland flevys our gour handis, 3our folj hattis trappouris and brafyng bandis. O verray Phrygiane wifis, dafyt wightis ! To call gou men of Troy that onrycht is ; 3e be onworthy to fa hie ftyle to.clame. 1 0 On Dyndyma top go, and walk at hame ; Quhar as the quhiffill rendris foundis feir, With tympanys, tawbronys, ge war wont to heir, And bos fchawmys of turnyt bufchboun tre That grew in Berecyntia montane hie, 15 Onto the moder of Ida dedicat, Callys eftir gou to dans, and nocht debait : 3eld gou to men, and leif al gour armyng, Rendir gour fwerdis, and all wapynnys refyng. Afcanyus gyng, byrnand for proper teyn, 20 Sa gret owtrage of wordis mycht not fuftene, Herand fa hie avant of pompus pryde, And fik difpyt blawyn owt apon hys fyde. Hys bow with horfis fennonys bend hes he, Tharin a takill fet of fovir tre, 25 And tafand vp his armys far in twyn, Thus onto Jove lawly dyd begyn To mak hys firft petitioun and prayer : Omnipotent hie Jupiter, me heir Affift to this hardy commancement ! 30 My felf onto thy templis fal prefent 568 THE NYNTH BUKE Solempnyt gyftis, mafte gudly may be get, And eik befor thyne altar fall I fet A goung bullok of cullour quhite as fnaw, With goldin fchakaris hys forhed arrait on raw ; 5 The beft falbe full tydy, tryg, and wight, With hed equale till hys moder on hyght, Can all reddy with hornys fuyn and put, And fcrape or fkattyr the foft fand with his fut. The fader of hevin exceppit hys prayer, 10 And, on that part quhar the lift was maift cleir, Towart the left hand maid a thundyrryng : All fammyn foundyt the dedly bowys ftryng. Quhyrrand fmertly furth flaw the takill tyte, Quyte throw the hed the Remulus dyd fmyte ; 15 The grundyn fteill outthrowch hys tympillys glaid. Hald on thy ways in haift, Afcanyus faid, Thy felf to loif, knak now fcornfully With prowd wordis all at ftandis by. Sik boydvvord heir the twys takyn Troianys 20 Sendis for hanfell to Rutylianys. Thus far fpekis Afcanyus, and na mair . Bot the Troianys rafyt a fcry in the ayr With rerd and clamour of blithnes, man and boy, That to the ftarnys thar curage fprang for joy, 25 Afcanyus extolland abuf the fkyis. And, as thai mak this ryot on fik wys, Down from the regioun of the hevin tho The brycht curland haryt Appollo, Apon a clowd fittand quhar he wald, 30 The oftis of Italianys can behald, OF ENEADOS. 569 And eik new Troys cite, with cheir glaid Till lulus the victor thus he faid : Eik and continew thy new vailgeand dedis, Thou gong child ; for that is the way the ledis 5 Vp to the ftarnys and the hevynnys hie, O thou verray Goddis offpring, quod he, That fal engendir Goddis of thy feyd. In the, be verray reflbn and of neid, All batalys, quhilkis by werd ar deftinate 10 Agane Aflaracus hows to move debait, Salbe appafit, and to quyet brocht. This litill town of Troy, that heir is wrocht, May nocht withhald the in fik boundis lyte. And fayand thus, from the heich hevin als tyte 15 Difcendis he, movand the hailfum ayr, And to the child Afcanyus focht ryeht thar : Hys figur changit that tyme as he wald In lyknes of ane Butes, hayr and aid, That purfevant tofor and fquyer had be 20 To Troiane Anchyfes, fader of Enee, And trafty kepar of hys chalmyr dur ; Now had Ene committ to hym the cur For tyll attend apon Afcanyus gyng. Lyke to this ancyent Butes in al thyng 25 Furth fteppys Phebus, baith in voce and hew, With lokkis quhite and armour na thing new, Roufty, and with a felloun found clattring, And fie wordis fpak to lulus gyng, That otherwys is hayt Afcanyus, 30 With ardent mynd of bargane defyrus : 4 c 570 THE NYNTH BUKE Eneas verray douchty fon and ayr, It may fuffice, the nedis do na mair, Sen, thou onhurt, with thy fchote in this fted The ftrang Numanus thou hes dung to ded : 5 This firft loving and eik hie renownee The fouerane Apollo grantys the, Nor na difdene at the fal haue, futhly, Tobe hys peregall intill archery. Leif of my child, and of fie batale ces ; 10 Na mair at this tyme ; draw the owt of pres. On this wys carpys the brycht Appollo, And in the myddis of hys fermond tho He vanyft far away, I wait neuer quhar, Furth of this mortal fycht in the fchire ayr. 15 The nobillys, and the Troiane eapitanys trew, Be thir takynnys the God Appollo knew, And hard hys arrowys clatterand in hys cace. Tharfor thai haue withdraw furth of that place Afcanyus, at brycht Phebus mychty charge, 20 And wald no langar thoill hym go at large, All thocht. ±o fegh,t he had defyre and joy ; Hame to feys initfys dyd thai hym convoy : Syne to the'-bargane hes thame fped agane, In oppyn'perrellys, dangeris, and all pane, 25 Thar perfonys and thar lyvys for thar town Offerand, and for defens maid thame bown. OF ENEADOS. 571 CAP. XI. Quhou Pandarus and Bitias, brethir twane, Kefi vp the gettis, and thar was Bytiasflane. Endlang the wallys kyrnellys euery ftand, The bruyt and clamour rays fra hand to hand ; Thar buftuus bowys keynly do thai bend, Scharp querrellis and caftyng dartis furth fend, 5 Quhilk thai wiffh lyamys and thwangis lang owt threw : Sa thik the gangeis and the flanys flew, That of fchaftis and takillys all the feildis War ftrowit, and the large planys ourheldis. On bos helmys and fcheldis the weirly fchote 10 Maid rap for rap, reboundand with ilk Hot. Scharp and awfull increffis the bargane, Als violent as euer the get doun rane Furth of the weft doith fmyte apon the wald, In October, quhen the twa fternys cald, 15 That clepyt beyn the Kyddis, firft vpfpryngis ; And als thik as the hail fchour hoppys and dyngis In furdys fchald, and brays heir and thar, Quhen trublit beyn the hevynnys and the ayr With ftormy tempeft and the northyn blaftis, 20 Quhill clowdis elattris, and all the lyft ourcaftis. Pandarus and Bytias, twa brethir germane, By Alcanor engendryt, that Troiane, Quham Hybera, the wild forefteres knaw, Bred and vpbrocht in Jovys haly fchaw, 572 THE NYNTH BUKE Sa byg gong men thai war, fa gret and wight, That equale femyt thame tobe of hight With fyr treis of thar landis or hillys ; And tharto eik fa egyr of thar willis 5 At thai the port, quhilk be Eneas charge Was commandyt to kepe flekit, all at large Has warpyt oppyn onbreid to the wall, And baldly dyd thar fays clepe and call To entyr, gyf thay durft, and thame aflay : 10 Sa gret confidens in thar fors had thai. And thai within ftude by the get? that tyde, Quhilk oppin was on the ryeht and left fyde, As thai had towris beyn baith gret and fquar, Enarmyt with thar wapynnys brycht and bair. 15 The hie tymbrettis of thar helmys fchane : Lyke to behald as buftuus akis-twane Befyde the beyn ryver Athefys grow, Or flowand fludis bankis of the Pow, Vpftrekand thar byg croppys to the ayr, 20 And onfned branchis wavand heir and thar. Alffwith as the Rutylianys dyd fe The get oppyn, thai rufch to the entre : Quercens formaft, and Equycoly, A lufty knycht in armys ryeht femly, 25 Wight Tynarus, fers myndyt to aflaill, And bald Hemon, with curage marcyall. Bot thai with all thar complicis in fyght War dung abak, and conftrenyt tak flyght, By Troiane rowtis, or than in that ftryfe 30 Quha that abaid loft in the port thar lyfe. OF ENEADOS. 573 Tho brymmar grew thar fers mudis within, So that the Troianys can flok and fammyn ryn Towart that place, and maid felloun debait ; So bald thai wolx that in the plane gait, 5 Ifchand without the portis on the land, Thai durft recontyr thar fays hand for hand. A meflynger to Turnus come that tyde, That wondir ferfly at ane othir fyde The town aflalgeis ; and thar he til hym fchew 10 Quhat hait flauehter hys fays maid of new, And fik a port had all wyde oppyn fet. Hys firft purpos he left, and to that get, With felloun ire movit, furth fprent he tho, Towart the Troianys and prowd brethir two : 15 And firft hes flane byg Antyphates, That him on cace met formeft in the pres, Son to the buftuus nobill Sarpedon, In purches get a Theban wench apon : Hym fmate he down with the call of a dart ; 20 The fleand fchaft Italian to his hart Glydand, throw owt the fchire ayr dufchit fone, The ftomok perfyt, and in the coft is done. The how cavern of his wond a flude Furth brufchit of the blaknyt dedly blude ; 25 So deip the grundyn fteill hed owt of fycht is, Ful hait and warm it feftnyt in his lychtis. Syne Meropes and Erymanthus he And Aphydnus flew with his hand al thre ; And eftir that, with a ftern mynd full teyn, 30 Slew Bytias, for al his glowrand eyn : 574 THE NYNTH BUKE Bot that was nother with dart, fwerd, nor knyfe ; For na fik wapyn mycht him haue reft the lyfe ; Bot with ane hydduus byfland fyry fpeir, That clepit is Phalarica in weir, 5 Quhilk with fa vehement fors this Turnus threw That as the thundris dynt at him it flew : Quham nowder fcheld of twa bull hydis thik, Nor git the dowbill malyt trafte hawbrik, All gilt with gold, mycht it refill nor ftynt : 10 The buftuus body down dufchit of the dynt, Quhil all the erd to granyt with a rattill ; The hydduus fcheild abufe him maid a brattill : Lyke as the hie pillar of marbill ftone Standand apon the coft Euboycon, 15 Vmquhile befyde Bais, the rych cite, With gryfly fwecht down dufchit in the fee ; Quhilk was of aid of mafly ftanys a byng, And by the fludis fik wys doun was dyng, Hys fall drew down the cite quhar it ftude, 20 And rufchit in a fer way in the flude : The feys mixt ourran, and all ourhed Blak flyke and fand vp poplit in the fted ; Quhill of the feirfull fovnd the ilandis twa Trymlyt, Inaryme and eik Prochita ; 25 Quhilk Inaryme, at Jupiteris command, Full hard bed is to Typheus the gyand. At this tyme Mars, the God armypotent, Ekyt the Latynys fors and hardyment, With felloun ire prikland fo thar myndis, 30 That as hym lyft he turnys fo and wyndis ; OF ENEADOS. 575 And makis the Troianys tak the flycht gud fpeid, On them he keft fik feir and fchamfull dreid. The Latyn pepill flokkis on euery fyde Quhen thai beheld the port fa oppynyt wyde, Seand thai had a rowm to fecht at will ; The God of ftryfe thar curage fteris thartill. CAP. XII. Quhou Turnus the byg Pandarus fmat down, Lyke a wod lyoun pafl within the town. Pandarus, feand hys brotheris corps at erd, And on quhat wys thus fortune with thame ferd, And quhou the chance of batale geid al wrang, 10 Full forcyly with hys braid fchuldris ftrang He thriftis to the levys of the get, And clofyt queym the entre, and furth fchet Without the port a gret fort of hys feris, In hard bargane amyd the mortal weris ; 15 And of hys ennemys fum inclofyt he, Reflavand all at thrang to the entre. A fuyll he was, and wytles in a thyng, Perfauyt not Turnus, Rutilian kyng, So violently thryng in at the get ; 20 Quham he onwar within the cite fchet, Lyke as ane rageand wild tyger onftabill Amang the febill beftis onfenfabill. 576 THE NYNTH BUKE Sone as Turnus hym hes inclufyt feyn, A glowand new lyght bryftis from hys eyn, Hys armour ryngis or elattris horribilly ; Hys eryftis trymlyt on hys hed in hy, 5 That in hys fanguane bludy fcheild als ftraucht Keft fchynand fyry bemys lyke fyre flaucht. All fuddanly, affrayit Eneadanys Hys face onfrendly perfauit and byg banys. The hydduus Pandarus than hym felf furth fchew, 10 That wonder fervent in hys furour grew, Hys broderis flauehter to revenge in will, Thus aufternly he fpekis Turnus ontill : Thys is not queyn Amatais cheif cite, Suld the be geif into dowry, faid he ; 15 Nor git the myddis of Ardea cite bald, Thi faderis burgh, Turnus, doith the withhald : Thou feys thy fays ftrenth and wallys wyde ; <3eild the for thy, thou may efchape na fyde. Turnus agane, with curage blyth and glaid, 20 Nocht abafyt, ful baldly to hym faid : My frend, begyn, gif thou hes hardyment, And mach with me allone apon this bent ; And hand for hand, gif at it be thy will, Thou fal fchaw Pryam heir thou hes fund Achill. 25 The tother tho a huge fpeir of haill tre, With bark and knottis altogidder, leyt fle In al his fors ; bot the dynt dyd no deir ; Nocht bot the ayr was wondyt with the fpeir : For wikkyt Juno, the aid Saturnus get, 30 Choppyt by the fchaft, and fixt it in the get. OF ENEADOS. 577 Ha ! quod Turnus, fa fal thou not aftart Thys wapyn now in faith or we depart, Nor on fik wys efchape this bytand brand, Quhilk my gret fors thus rollys in my hand : 5 For he that aw this fwerd, and wond fal wyrk, Is not fa faynt, ne fa fone fall nocht irk. And with that word, ftandand on hys typtays, Hevyng hys fwerd, heich hys hand dyd rays ; Down with the dynt dufchit the fteil blaid keyn 10 Amyd hys forhed, hard betwix hys eyn, Hys berdles chekis or hys chaftis rownd In fondyr fchorn hes with a gryfly wound : Sa felloun fownd or clap maid this gret elafche, That of hys huge weght, fell with a rafche, 15 The erd dyndlyt, and all the cite fchuke. So large feild hys gowfty body tuke, That fer onbreid ourfpred was all the plane, Hys armour fparkyt with hys blude and brane : Baith to and fra, apon hys fchuldris tway, 20 Hys hed clovyn in equale halfis lay. Of dreidfull raddour trymlyng for affray, The Troianys fled right faft and brak away : And gif Turnus had than incontinent Ramembryt hym, and kauch in mynd to rent 25 The lokkis vp, and oppyn the gettis wyde, So that hys feris without the port that tyde Mycht haue entryt, and cummyn in the cite, The laft day of the batale that had be, And latter finale end to the remanys 30 Of Phrigiane folkis and pepil Troianys. 4 D 578 THE NYNTH BUKE Bot lie ardent hie furour martyall, And of flauehter defire infaciable, Draif hym to follow thame that hym gaynftandis And firft he kyllit Phalarys with his handis, 5 And ane other, that Gyges hecht, alflua, Of quham the howchys bath he fmate in twa ; Syn fperis rent and hynt vp all on raw, And at the flearis bakkis faft dyd thraw, That wondir was to fe hym quhar he went, 10 For Juno ekyt hys ftrenth and hardyment. Syne ane Hales onto the corpfis ded In cumpany he ekyt in that fted ; And Phegeas doun brytnys in the feld, Spetit throw owt the body and hys fcheld ; 15 Alchandrus fyne, and the prowd Halyus, Nemonas eik, and keyn Prytanyus, Quhilkis myfknew Turnus was within the wall, And to the bargan dyd thar feris call, Apon the grund onon al ded he layd, 20 In bargan full expert : fyne dyd invaid With fchynand fwerd, hard at the dykis fyde, Ane Lynceus, the quhilk the fammyn tyde Refiftys, as he myght, with fell afferis, And eftir help cryis apon hys feris ; 25 Bot with a ftrake he fmate hys nek in twa, Baith helm and hed flaw far the body fra. And, eftir thir, ane Amycus he flew, That bayn had beyn to wild beftis enew ; Was nane other mair happy nor expert 30 To graith and til invnet a caftyng dart. OF ENEADOS. 579 And with vennom to garnys the fteil hedis. By Turnus handis the ilk tyme done to ded is Eolus fon, hait Clytius, the heynd, And Creteus alfo, was the Mufys frend ; 5 Creteus, poet to Mufys famyliar, That in hys mynd and breift all tymys bar Sangis and geftis, mufyk and harpyng ; Apon hys ftryngis playd he mony a fpryng, Lays and rymys on the beft awys, 10 And euermar hys maner and his gys Was forto fyng, blafon, and difcryve, Men and ftedis, knychthed, wer, and ftryve. CAP. XIII. The Troianys fet on Turnus dyntis rude, Quhill at he fled, and lap into the flude. At laft Mneftheus and ftrang Sereftus, The Troiane eapitanys, herand quhow that thus 15 Thar pepill flane war doun, dyd convene; Thar feris fleand pail and wan haue thai fene, And thar cheif ennemy clofyt in thar wallys. Mneftheus on thame clepys thus and callys : Quhar ettill ghe to fra hyne ? quhidder wald ghe fle ? 20 Quhat other wallys feik ghe, or cite ? Quhar haue ge other ftrenth or forteres ? O citefanys, behaldis heir expres 580 THE NYNTH BUKE Nane bot a man ftandand gou aganys, Clofyt within gour dykis and wallys of ftanys, Onrevengit, fa gret occifioun And huge flauehter fal mak within gour tovn, 5 Or la feill valgeand gyng eapitanys kend, Onrefiftit, thus down to hell fall fend ! O mafte onworthy cowartis, ful of flewth, Of gour onfelly cuntre haue ghe na rewth, Nor piete of gour ancyent Goddis kynd ? 10 Think ghe na lak and fchame into gour mynd, To do fa gret owtrage to ftrang Enee, In hys abfens thus catyfly to fle ? The Troianys by fik wordis as he faid In curage grew, and fermly all abaid, 15 Abowt thar faman flokkand in a rowt. Turnus a litil, thocht he was ftern and ftowt, Begouth frawart the bargane to withdraw, And fattil towartis the ryveris fyde alaw, Ay peys and peys, to that part of the tovn 20 Was clofyt with the ryver, rynnand dovn. Troianys, that feand, the mar apertly Aflalgeit hym with mony fchowt and cry, And thikkyt faft abowt hym inveroun. As quhen abowt the awfull wild lyoun, 25 With thar invafibill wapynnys fcharp and fquar, Ane multitude of men bilappyt war ; And he full fers, with thrawin wit, in the ftart, Seand the fcharp poyntis, recullys bakwart : Bot, forto gif the bak, and fle away, 30 Nowder hys greif nor curage fuffir may ; OF ENEADOS. 581 And, thocht he wald, for all hys mekill mycht, Agane famony men and wapynnys brycht To pres fordwart may he cum na fpeid. Nane other wys Turnus, at fik a neid, 5 Steppys abak with huly pays full ftill, Hys mynd fcaldand in greif and egir will : And forthir eik amyd hys fays he Twys rufchit in, and fchuddrit the melle ; And twys alfo that onrebutit knycht i o Endlang the wallys put thame to the flycht. Bot al togidder, intyll ane convyne, Apon hym haill the town affemlyt fyne, Nor Saturnus get, Juno, in that fyght Agane thame durft him minifter ftrenth nor mycht ; 15 For Jupiter had from the hevynnys fair Send dovn Iris, quhilk dwellis in the ayr, Onto hys fpous and lifter thar at hand Ful fcharp chargis bryngis and command, Les than Turnus, quhou evir the chance befallis, 20 Withdrew hym fra the fatale Troiane wallys : Quharthrow this valgeand campioun gong and keyn Nowder with his fcheild fa mekil mycht fuftene, Nor fie defens mak with his hand, as ayr. With dartis at him fwakkit heir and thar 25 On fik wys is he quhelmyt and confundyt, That euer in ane hys bos helm rang and foundyt, Clynkand abowt hys halfheddis with a dyn : Hys fovir armour, ftrang, and na thyng thyn, Is brokkyn and byrfyt with feill ftonys call ; 30 So thik war dyntis, and ftrakis fmyt fo faft, 582 THE NYNTH BUKE That of his helm down bettyn war the creftis ; Sa fair the bofys of hys target preft is, Hys fcheild na langar mycht fik rowtis fuftene ; The Troianys, with this Mneftheus, in thar teyn 5 Dowblys thar dyntis at hym with fperis caft, As it had bene the hydduus thundris blaft. Our all hys body furth get the fwait thik, Lyke to the trynland blak ftremys of pyk ; Ne gat he lafer anys hys aynd to draw : 10 The febillit brath ful faft can beit and blaw Amyd hys wery breift and lymmys lafch. Than at the laft, al fuddanly, with a plafch, Harnes and al togiddir, quhar he ftude, Him felf he fwakkis and lap into the flude. 15 With giltyn ftremys hym keppyt the ryver, And bar hym vp abuf hys wallis cleir ; Syne blithly careit to hys feris bedene, All blude and flauehter away was wefchyn clein. THE PROLOUG OF THE TENTH BUKE. He plafmatour of thingis vniuerfall, Thou renewar of kynd, that creat all, Incomprehenfibill thy warkis ar to confave, Quhilk grantyt hes to every wight to haue 5 Quhat thing maft ganys onto hys governall. Quhou mervellus beyn divifions of thy gracis, Diftribut fo to ilk thing in all placis ! The fon to fchyne our all, and fchaw hys lyght, The day to laubour, for reft thou ordanyt nycht ; 10 For diuers caufys fehupe feir feflbnys and fpacis. Frefch veir to burgioun herbys and fweit flowris ; The hait fymmyr to nurys corn all howris, And breid all kynd of fowlys, fyfch, and belle ; Hervift to rendir hys frutis mafte and lefte ; 15 Wyntir to fnyb the erth with frofty fchowris. Not at thou nedyt ocht, all thyng thou wrocht, Bot to that fyne thou maid all thing of nocht, Of thy gudnes tobe participant ; Thy Godhed na rychar, nor git mar fkant, 20 Nowthir now nor then, fet thou ws wrocht and bocht. 584 THE PROLOUG Thy maift fupreme indiuifibill fubftans, In ane natur thre perfonys, but difcrepans, Regnand etern, reffauys nane accident ; For quhy ? thou art ryeht at this tyme prefent 5 It at thou was, and evir fal, but varians. Set our natur God hes to hym vnyte, Hys Godhed incommixt remanys perfyte, The fon of God havand verray naturis twane In a perfon, and thre perfonys all ane 10 In deite, natur, maiefte, and delyte. The Son the felf thing with the Fader is ; The felf fubftans the Haly Gaift, I wys, Is with thame baith ; thre diftinft perlbnage, Ar, war, and be fall, euer of ane age, 15 Omnipotent, a Lord, equale in blys. Quhilk fouerane fubftans, in gre fuperlatyve, Na cunnyng comprehend may nor difcryve ; Nowther generis, generat is, nor doith proceid, Allane begynnar of euery thing, but dreid, 20 And in the felf remanys etern on lyve. The Fader, of nane generat, creat, ne boir, Hys only Son engendris evirmor ; Not makis, creatis, bot engendris all way Of hys fubftans ; and all tyme of baith twa 25 Procedis the Haly Gaift, equal in glor. OF THE TENTH BUKE. 585 Of baith, from ane begynnyng, procedis he ; So bene the warkis of the Trinite Maift excellent, and wondirfull to confave : 3it thame to trafte the mair meryte we have, 5 That be na manys rayfon prevyt may thai be. The Fader knawys hym felf, quhilk knawlege fpredis Be generatioun etern, that evir bredis Hys Son, hys word and wyfdom eternall : Betwix thir twa is luf perpetual!, 10 Quhilk is the Haly Gaift, fra baith procedis. Not at the Faderis natur mynyft is, Of hys fubftans he generis his Son in blys ; Ne fo the Son of hys kynd is ybor, That he a part hes tharof, and na mor ; 15 Bot all he gevys hys Son, and all is hys. The ilk thing he hym gevis, that he remanys : Thys fyngill fubftans indifferently thus ganys To thre in ane, and ilk ane of the thre The fammyn thing is in a maiefte, 20 Thocht thir perfonys be feuerall in thre granys. Lyke as the fawle of man is ane, we wait, Havand thre poweris diftinft and feparate, Vnderftandyng, rayfon, and memor : Intelligens confideris the thing befor, 25 Rayfon difcernys, memor kepis the confait. 4 E 586 THE PROLOUG As thai beyn in a fubftans knyt all thre, Thre perfonys ryngnys in a Deite. We may tak als ane other fimylytude, Grofly the fammyn purpos to conclud ; 5 Flame, lyeht, and hait, bene in a fyre we fe. Quhar euer the low is, lyeht and heit bene thar And had the fyre bene byrnand euermar, Evyr fuld the flambe engendrit haue hys lyght, And of the byrnand low the fiambys brycht 10 Perpetualy fuld heit haue fprung alquhar. So generis the Fader the Son with hym etern, From baith procedis the Haly Gaift coetern. Thus rude exemplys and figuris may we geif; Thocht, God by hys awin creaturis to preif, 15 War mar onliknes than liknes to difcern. Frend, farly nocht, na caus is to complene Albeit thy wyt gret God may nocht attene ; For, mycht thou comprehend be thyne engyne The maift excellent maiefte dyv.yne, 20 He mycht be reput a pretty God and meyn. Confider thy raifon is fo febill and lyte, And hys knawlage profund and infynyte ; Confider quhou he is onmenfurabill : Hym, as he is, to knaw thou art not habill ; 25 It fufficis the beleif thy creid perfyte. OF THE TENTH BUKE. 587 God is, I grant, in all thing nocht includyt ; Gevis all gudnes, and is of nocht denudyt ; Of hym hes all thing part, and he nocht mynyft ; Hail he is alquhar, not diuidit, ne fynyft ; 5 Without all thing he is, and nocht excludit. O Lord, thy ways beyn inveftigabill ! Sweit Lord, thy felf is fa ineftimabill, I can write nocht bot wondris of thy mycht, That lawyt fa far thy maiefte and hyght 10 Tobe born man intill ane oxis ftabill. Thow tuke mankynd of ane onwemmyt maid, Inclofyt within a virginis bofum glaid, Quham all the hevynnys mycht nevir comprehend ; Angellis, fcheiphyrdis, and kyngis thy Godheid kend, 15 Set thou in cryb betwix twa beftis was laid. Quhat infynyte excellent hie bonte Abufe thy warkis all, in wonderfull gre ! Lord, quhen thou man wrocht to thyne awyn ymage, That tynt him felf throu hys fulych dotage, 20 Thou man becam, and deit to mak hym fre. Maid thou not man firft prefident vnder the, To dant the beftis, fowlys, and fyfch in fee, Subdewit to him the erth, and all tharin ; Syne paradice grantit hym and all his kyn, 25 Gave him fre will, and power nevir to dee ? 588 THE PROLOUG Enarmyt him with raifon and prudence ; Only bad hym kepe thyne obediens, And to hym fuld all creaturis obey ? Bitter was that fruyt for his offpryng, and fey, 5 Maid deth onknawin be fund, and lyfe go hens. O thyne ineftimabill luf and cheryte ! Becam a thrall to mak ws bondis fre, To quykkyn thy felavys tholyt fehamfull ded mafte fell. Bliflyt be thou virginal frute, that hereit hell, 10 And pait the pryce of the forbodin tre ! Thocht thou large ftremys fched apon the rude, A drop had bene fufficient of thy blude A thoufand warldis to haue redemyt, I grant ; Bot thou the well of mercy wald nocht fkant, 15 Ws to provoik to lufe the, and be gude. Our all this fyne, thyne infynyte Godhed, Thy flefch and blude in form of wyne and bred, Tobe our fuyd of grace, in plege of glor, Thou heft ws geif, in perpetuall memor 20 Of thy paffioun and dolorus paynfull ded. Quhat thankis dew or gangeld, Lord benyng, May I, maift wracht fynfull catyve indyng, Rendir for this fouerane peirles hie bonte ? Sen body, faule, and all, I haue of the, 25 Thou art my pryce, mak me thy praye condyng. OF THE TENTH BUKE. 589 My makar, my redemar, and fupport, Fra quham all grace and gudnes cumis at fehort, Grant me that grace my myfdedis til amendj Of this and all my warkis to mak gud end : 5 Thus I befeik the, Lord, thus I exort. From the begynnyng and end be of my mufe : All other Jove and Phebus I refus. Lat Virgill hald hys mawmentis to him felf; I wirfchip nowder ydoll, ftok, nor elf, 10 Thocht furth I write fo as myne autour dois. Is nane bot thou, the Fader of Goddis and men, Omnipotent eternal Jove I ken ; Only the, helply Fader, thar is nane other : I compt not of thir paygane Goddis a fudder, 15 Quhais power may nocht help a haltand hen. The fcripture clepys the God, of Goddis Lord ; For quha thy mandat kepys in ane accord Bene ane with the, not in fubftans, bot grace, And we our Fader the clepys in euery place : 20 Mak ws thy fonnys in cherite, but difcord. Thow haldis court our criftall hevynnys cleir, With angellis, fanftis, and hevynly fpretis feir, That, but ceflyng, thy glor and lovyng fyngis : Manifeft to the, and patent, bene all thyngis ; 2.5 Thy fpows, and queyn maid, and thy moder deir. 590 THE PROLOUG. Concord for ever, myrth, reft, and endles blys, Na feir of hell, nor dreid of ded, thar is In thy fweit realm, nor na kynd of ennoy, Bot all weilfair, eys, and euerleftand joy ; Quhais hie plefance, Lord, lat ws neuer mys ! Amen. THE TENTH BUKE OF ENEADOS. CAP. I. Quhou Jupiter the court of goddis dyd call, And Venus makis complaynt amangis thame all. On breid, or this, was warp and maid patent The hevynly hald of God omnipotent. The kyng of men and fader of goddis all Ane confale or a feffioun maid do call, 5 Amang the fpretis abufe and goddis gret, Within hys fterrit hevyn and mylky fet : Quharfra, amyd hys trone fittand full hie, Our all the erd he mycht behald and fe The Troianys caftellys, and the pepill Latyne. 10 Down fat the Goddis in thar fegis dyvyne, The faldyn gettis baith vp warpyt braid ; Firft Jove hym felf begouth, and thus he faid. O hevynly wightis, of gret power and mycht, Quhou is betyd gour myndis bene fa lyeht, 15 That gour decreit fatal and fentens hie Retretit thus and turnyt bakwartis fuld be ? 592 THE TENTH BUKE Or quhy with frawart myndis now of layt Aganys gour reflbnabill oraclys ge debait ? My will was not at the Italianys In batale fuld concur contrar Troianys. 5 Quhat maner difcord be this at we fe, Expres agane our inhibitioun ? faid he : Quhat dreid or reuerens thame, or thame, hes movyt To ryn till armys, and rafys weir controvit ? Or hes lie wys perfuadyt to bargane, 10 With bludy wapynnys rent, and mony flane ? Haift not the feflbn to provoke nor prevene ; Of batale cum fal detfull tyme bedene, Heireftir, quhen the fers burgh of Cartage To Romys boundis, in thar feirfull rage, 15 Ane huge myfcheif and gret qualm fend fall, And thyrll the hie montanys lyke a wall : Than war-juft tyme in wreth to mak debait, Than war the tyme to rug and reif thus gait. Now of fie thingis leif and defift ; with me 20 Glaidly do makis frendly amyte. A few wordis on this wys Jupiter faid ; Bot not in quhoyn wordis him anfwer maid The frefch goldyn Venus : O thou, quod fche, Fader of all, O eternal powlle, 25 Regnand abufe all men, and Goddis eik, To the I cum, the rewthfully befeik, Sen thar nane other maiefte bene, ne glor, That in fik neid may help ws to implor. Thow feys quhou, with boll and felloun feir, 30 The Rutilianys makis gret derray and Heir ; OF ENEADOS. 593 And quhou Turnus, pranfand on femly ftedis, Throw owt the oftis rydis in fteill wedis ; And quhou orpyt and prowdly rufchis he Amyd Troianys, be fawour of Mars, quod fche. 5 The ftrenth of wallys, nor the portis fchet, May nocht falf Troianys ; lo, within the get, Amyd the clos muralgeis and paill, And dowbill dikis, quhou thai thame aflaill, Quhill the fowceis of blude rynnys on fpait : 10 Eneas abfent of this na thing wait. Quhidder gif that thou lift fuffir neuermar Thar fege fcalit, nor thame fre of dangar ? Behald agane abowt new Troys wall, 3it bot begyn to byg, and not clos all, 1 5 Quhou inveroun mufteris thar ennemyis : Ane other oft and fege abowt thame lyis, And newly, lo, Tedeus fon, not far From Arpos cite into Calabar, To wery Troianys movis, Diomed. 20 I feill agane my wondis newly bleid ; And I, thy blude, thi get, and douchter fehene, 3it mortale wapynnys mon thoil eik and fuftene ! Gyf the Troianys, but thy benevolens, Or repugnant to thy magnificens, 25 Hes focht onto the coft of Italy, Lat thame be punyft and thar cryme aby ; And I fall fuythly ftand content for me, Thou mak thame na kynd help nor git fupple. Bot gif thai followit haue for thar behufe 30 Sa feill refponfis of the Goddis abufe, 4 F 594 THE TENTH BUKE With fyndry admonitiouns, charge, and redis Of the infernal wightis and fpretis that ded is, Than wald I knaw the caus or reflbn quhy That ony mycht pervert or git bewry 5 Thy commandmentis ? how, or quharfor, may thai New fatys mak, and the aid do away ? Quhat nedis to rehers, quhou on the coft Of Scycilly thar fchippis brynt war loft ? Or quharto fuld I dwel, to fchaw gou thus, 10 Quhou be the God of tempeft, Eolus, The rageand wyndis fend war our alquhar, Or Iris catchit throw clowdis of the ayr ? Now movyt eyk bene fendlych wightis affrayt : Befor, only that chance was onafiayt ; 15 Bot now Alefto newly is furth fent Into the ovir warld, that fell torment, With Bacchus fury enragit by and by, Walkand throu all citeis of Italy. Na thyng I paus on the empyre, quod fche, 20 Allthocht we hoip had at lie thing fuld be, Quhen fortoun fchew tharof fum apperans : Lat thame be viftour quham thou lyft avans. And gif na realm in this warld remanys, Quhom thy ftern fpous lift geif to the Troianys, 25 I the befeik of Troy by the rewyne, By that fubuerlioun rekand, and huge pyne, Suffyr that gyng Afcanyus mot be Salf fra all wapynnys, and of perrell fre ; And, at the left, in this ilk mortall ftryve 30 Suffir thy nevo to reman e alyve. OF ENEADOS. 595 As for Ene, forfuyth, I mak na cair : Thoill hym in onkowth ftremys, as he was ayr, Be dryve, and warpyt euery fey abowt, To follow furth in danger and in dowt 5 Quhat curs and went at fortoun lyft hym fent ; Mot it pies the fader omnipotent That I may bot defend gon litill page, And hym withdraw from this fers weris rage. I haue in Cipyr the cite Amathus, 10 And the hie ftandand burgh that hayt Paphus, And eik the ille yclepyt Cythera, The hallowyt hald als of Idalya, Quhar, rendryt vp all armys in that ftede, Duryng hys age he fobir lyfe may led. 15 And command eik with gret fors and maftry The burgh of Cartage down thryng Italy ; Fra thyne fal na thing refift nor gaynftand Contrar citeis of Tyre or Affrik land. Quhat proffit has it done, or avantage, 20 Of Troys batale to haue efchape the rage, And throw amyd the Grekis fyrys eik Haue fled away, and throw the fey haue feik, Sa feill dangeris bywent and ourdryve Our ftreym and landis ; gyf that thus belyve 25 Troianys hes focht till Itaill, to vpfet New Troys wallys, tobe agane doun bet ? Had not bene bettir thame in thar natyve hauld Had fyttin Hill amang the afTys cauld, And lattyr ifillys of thar kynd cuntre, 30 Or barrand foyll quhar Troy was wont tobe, 596 THE TENTH BUKE Than thus, fra ded to ded, from payn to payn, Be catchit on, and euery day be flane ? Reftor, I pray the, to thai wrachit wightis Xanthus and Symoes, fludis quhilk of rychtis Was wont tobe thar propyr herytage : O fader, fuffir the fey Troiane barnage To feik agane quhat hard myfchance befallys To Troy or Ilion with thar brokyn wallys. CAP. II. To Venus complaynt Juno fra end till end Maid hafty anfuer, hir a&ioun to defend. The queyn Juno than, but mair abayd, l o Prykkyt with felloun fury thus furthbrayd : Quhy doys thou, faid fcho, to me fik offens, Conftrenyng me brek clos profund fylens. And with thy wordis, quhar ayr I was koy, Prouokis to publys and fchaw myne hyd ennoy { 15 Quhat maner man, or quhilk of goddis, lat fe, To move batale conftrenyt hes Ene, Or to engyre hym felf to Latyn kyng As mortal fa, within hys proper ryng ? I geif the cace, to Italy focht he 20 Of the fatys by the autoryte, Provokyt tharto be the wyld dotage Of wod Caflandra in hir fury rage : OF ENEADOS. 597 Lat fe, for all this, gyf that anys in fport To leif hys ftrenthis we dyd hym exhort ; Or forto put hys lyfe in ony danger ; To fayll, or fubmyt hym to wyndis feir ? 5 Lat fe, gyf we hym caufyt to walk at large, And till ane bab commyt the batellis charge, And governance haill of hys cite wallys? Lat fe gyf we, how evir the chance befallys, Perfuadyt hym forto commove and Heir 10 Other quyet pepill with hym to rays the weir, Or till adione vp frendfchip and ally With Tyrrhene pepill and folk of Tufcany ? Quhat God amovit hym with fie a gawd In hys dedis to oys fik llyght and frawd, 15 Or quhilk of our hard poweris wrocht fie thyng ? Quhar was Juno with all, this lady gyng ? Or quhar was fche alfo quhen, giftir nycht, Irys was fend down throu the clowdis brycht ? Is this a thing full onlefum, but let, 20 Thocht Italianys with flambys ombefet The new cite of Troy vpryfand, lo ? And is it not full gret difpyt alfo That, in hys natyve land and faderis ryng, Turnus remane, or pretend tobe kyng, 25 Quhamto the God Pylumnus grandfehir is, And haly nymphe Venylia moder, T wys ? Quhat ! thinkis thou lefum is at Troianys infeir Violens to mak with brandis of mortall weir Agane Latynys, fyk onkowth heritage 30 Tyll occupy and fubdew in bondage, 598 THE TENTH BUKE And thar catale in fpreth to dryve away? Quhat ! haldis thou lefum als, I pray the fay, From otheris to withdraw fa thyftuufly Thar eldfaderis and maift tendyr ally, 5 Or, from betwix thar breift and armys tway, Thar treutht plyght fpowfys forto reif away ? To cum and befeik trewys in ftrange landis, With fyng or takyn of paix born in thar handis ; And, netheles, to mak reddy for weir, 1 0 Purvay thar fchippis, provide armour and geir ? To falf Ene, hes thou not power and mycht From Grekis handis hym to withdraw be flycht, And fet in fted of that man, light as lynd, Owder a clowd or a waift puft of wynd ? 15 And eik thou may tranfform the fchippis, quod fche, Intil alfmony Goddeffis of the fee : Bot, be the contrary, Rutilyanys offpryng We fuld fupport, that is forbodyn thyng ! Thy fon Ene, myfknawyng this deray, 20 As thou allegis, is abfent now away : And quhat iniurys, abfent mot he remane, And ignorant for ay of this bargane ? Thow has Paphos, thyne is Idalia, And thyne. mot be the ile of Cithera : 25 Sea thou hes all thir at command and will, Lat other folkis in paix and reft dwell ftyll. Quharto aflalzeis thou a ftrang cite, That hes bene oft exercyt in melle, And lyft invaid pepill with hartis kene ? 30 I can not fynd quhat occafioun ge meyn. OF ENEADOS. 599 Haue we etlyt the Phrigyane febill geir Down from the grund to welt our into weir ? Quhidder was it we, or than Parys, that faltyt, That wrachit Troianys by Grekis war aflaltit ? 5 Quhat was the caus, that Europ and Afya To rays the weir in armys war fa thra Aganyft otheris, and thar auld allyans With thiftuus reif to brek on fie myfehans ? Was I not governour and cheif ledar thar, 10 The tyme quhen that the Troiane adulterar Ombefegyt the cite of Spartha, And the queyn Heleyn reft and brocht awa ? Or quhidder gif I evir into that weir Mynyfterit dartis, wapynnys, or fie geir ? 15 Or git that bargane ftuffyt or bet, lat fe, With Cupydis blynd lull and fubtilite ? Than had bene honeft tyme, and ganand baith, Till haue previdit for thy frendis fkaith : Now, al to layt, with thyne iniuft complantis 20 Aganyft ws thou ryfis, and attantis Forto warp owt thy vane wordis chydyng, Quhilk certis may avale the in na thing. With ficlyke wordis Juno fra end to end Gan hir querrell fuftene and als defend ; 25 And all the hevynly wightis dyd quhyfpir and rown, In opynyonys full diuers, vp and down : Lyke as firft, or wyndis blaft be perfave, The fwouch is hard within the woddis waif, With frafyng foundis quhifland, git onknaw 30 Quharof cumis this bruyt owt throw the fchaw ; 600 THE TENTH BUKE All thocht it be to maryneris a fyng, Of wyndis blaft to follow fur taknyng. The Fader than omnipotent maift hie, That our all thingis hes fouerane maiefte, 5 Begouth to fay ; and, quhen he fpak, all ceflyt : The hevynly heich hows of Goddis was pecyt ; The erthis grund fchuke trymlyng for feir, And ftill, but movyng, ftud the hevynys cleir ; The wyndis eik thar blaftis lowynt fone ; 10 The fey calmyt hys fludis playn abone. Reflaue, quod he, my fawis, and tak tent, And thir my wordis within gour myndis emprent. Sen that algatis git may not fufferit be Latynys confidir with Troianys and Ene, 1 5 Nor ge can nocht mak end of gour debait, I fall me hald indifferent, the meyn gait, And as for that, put na diuerfyte Quhiddir fo Italianys or Troianys thai be ; Quhow evir this day the fortoun with thame ftandis, 20 Bruke weill thar chance and werd on athir handis, Lat ich of thame hys hoip and fortoun few : Quhidder fo the fatys hes determyt of new Troianys tobe aflegit with Italianys To thar myfcheif, or wraik of the Troianys, 25 Quhilkis with frawart admonytions fa lang Peraventour hes errit and gane wrang ; Nowder Troianys nor Rutilianys freith will I. Lat athir of thame thar awin fortoun ftand by, And bruke thar wark thai haue begun ; but faill, 30 Kyng Jupiter falbe to all equale. OF ENEADOS. 601 The fatis fal provyd a way mair habill. And with that word, fortill hald ferm and ftabill Hys godly aith and promys fworn hes he, Be Stix the flude, Pluto hys broderis fee, 5 Be that ilk pykky layk with brays blak, And laithly golf, to kepe all that he fpak ; And, til afferm hys aith, at hys lykyng The hevynnys all maid trymbill, for a fyng. Thus endit was the confale, and al doyn, 10 And Jupiter rays fra hys goldyn troyn : Quham hevynly wightis amyddis thame with joy Ontill hys chymmys ryall dyd convoy. CAP. III. Quhou the Troianys defendis thar cyte, Eneas abfent fekand mair fupple. Duryng this quhile, all the Rutilianys ftowt The cite portis lappit rownd abowt, 15 Forto down bet the Troianys, euery fyre, Inveroun all the wallys with hait fyre. Eneas barnage, at myfchefis huge Thus ombefet, and fegyt but refuge, Inclufyt war but hop to wyn away, 20 And fobyrly at defens, as thai may, On the hie towris hedis ftud on raw : Ful thyn the cirkyllys of the wallys law 4 G 602 THE TENTH BUKE Thai mannyt abowt ; for in the firft front ftude Jafyus, Imbrafus Ion, and eik the gude Tymetes, fon of ftrang Icetoan, And by thame alflb the Aflaracus twane, 5 The eldar Thybrys with Caftor full wroth ; Brethir germane to kyng Sarpedon boith, Quham Clarus had, and Hemon, ferys twa, FoUowyt from the hie realm of Lycya. Ane Agmon of Lyrnefya faft tharby 10 Prefys with all the fors in hys body A felloun ftone to welt the wallys tyll, Quhilk femyt be a gret part of a hyll ; Na les of flatur than hys fader Clytyus Was he, nor ellys hys brother Mneftheus. 15 With dartis thai aflaill the cite faft, And thai defend with flungis and flane caft ; Sum prefys thik the wyld fyre in to flyng, The arrowys flaw fpangand fra euery ftryng. The Dardane child, the gyng Afcanyus, 20 Principall thocht and cuyr of Dame Venus, Amyd the rowtis, in covert quhar he geid, Thar mycht be feyn in hys frefch luftyhed, Lyke as ane gem, with hys brycht hew fchynyng, Departis the gold fet amydwart the ryng, 25 Or in the crownell pyght, or rych hynger, Quhilk doys the nek array, or the hed ger ; And mair femly than evir bane to fe, Craftely clofyt within the box of tre, Or than amyd the blak terebynthyne 30 Growys by Orycia : and, as the geit dois fchyne, OF ENEADOS. 603 Hys curland lokkis hyngis down weill dek About hys fchuldris our hys mylk quhyte nek ; Ane circulet of plyabill gold fo bryght Abuf hys haris apon hys hed weil pyght. 5 Thow Ifmarus, of magnanymyte Fulfyllit, eik thar myght men the fe, Invnftand venemus fchaftis the ilk tyde, Addres dartis, and wyrk wondis full wyde ; Cummyn of the gentill blude of Meony, 10 In Lyde cuntre born thou was, faft by The plentuus fulze quhar the goldyn ryver Paftolus warpys on grund the gold vre cleir. Reddy at hand was Mneftheus wight, Quham the renowne of this giftir nycht, 15 For that he Turnus our the dychys drave, Full prowd maid in hys curage our the laif : With hym was Capys thar alflb, quham by The town Capua is namyt in Champany. Thus ather party into hard barganyng 20 Stude at debait, quhill Eneas the kyng, With all hys ferys, baith day and mydnycht Slydis throw owt the fait famys lyght. For eftir that fra kyng Evander he Departit was, as heir abufe faid we, 25 And entrit in amyd the Tufcane tentis, The kyng he focht, and tald hym hys ententis, Hys name to hym reherfyng, and hys blude ; And hys defyre, fully to conclude, Hes fehawyn planely, twychand quhat he focht, 30 And quhat fupple alflb with hym he brocht ; 604 THE TENTH BUKE And tald quhat army prowd Mezentyus Had convenyt, and how the bald Turnus So violent and fers was in hys will, Exhortyng hym to tak gude heyd heirtill ; 5 And how inftabill was all warldis chance, All manis furte hyngand in ballance : And onto this hys requeft and prayer Adionyt hes on ful gudly maner. Thar was na mair delay, bot Tarchon kyng 10 Al reddy was to fulfyll hys lykyng, With moblys and all ryches at command, And vp gan knyt thar fordward and cunnand Of amyte and perpetuall ally : Than of the fatys fre, in thar navy, 15 At command of the Goddis, pepill Tufcane Ar entrit in thar fchyppys euerilkane, Submytting thame ontill a ftrange duke. Eneas barge than furth the vayage tuke Befor the laif, as almeral of the flote, 20 And in hir ftevyn kervyn full weil, God wot, The lyonys that the Phrygyane armys bene ; Abufe the quhilkis porturat fair and greyn Was Ida foreft, to fugytyve Troianys Thar beft belovyt wod and natyve wanys. 25 In hyr was fet the gret prynce Eneas, That with hym felf can mony thing cumpas Twychyng the chancis of batal in that tyde : Pallas adionyt fat by hys left fyde, And he at hym dyd wyfly afk and fpeir 30 The curs and namys of the ftarnys cleir, OF ENEADOS. 605 Quhilk in the ftyl hevyn fehynys on the nycht ; Now fperis he, franand with all hys myght, To knaw Eneas wandryng be the fee, And quhou huge payn he had on landis dre. CAP. IV. Heir comptis Virgill the pepil of Tufcane, Quhilkis with Eneas com to the bargane. 5 3ne Mufys now, fweit Goddeffis ychone, Oppyn and onclos gour mont of Helycon : Reveil the fecretis lyand in gour mycht, Entone my fang, addres my ftyle at ryeht, To fchaw quhat pyflance, oftis, and army, 10 At this tyme from the boundis of Tufcany In fallofchyp com with the prynce Ene, And ftuffyt fchippys of weir fet to the fee. Fyrft, prynce Maflyeus cummys with hys rowt, Into hys -barge Tygrys, with ftelyt fnowt, 1 5 Sowchand throw owt the fludis quhar fcho went, A thowfand ftowt gong men of hys talent Vndir hym ledyng, for the batale bown, From Clufyum com vmquhile, that nobell town, And fra the Tufcane cite of Cofa ; 20 Baith caftyng dartis and flanys vfyt tha, With arrow cafys and other quavyrris lyeht, And mortal bowys buklyt for the fyght. 606 THE TENTH BUKE Sammyn furth falys Abas ; and hym by Hys barnage ftud enarmyt rychely; Hys weirlyke fchip our the fludis ilkane Of God Appolloys goldyn flatw fchane : 5 The rych cyte of Populonyas, Hys natyve cuntre, quharof born he was, Sax hundreth men of armys in wer expert With hym hes fend ; and the ile in that part Illua callyt, within the Tufcane fee, 1 o Sa rych of fteill it may nocht waftyt be, Thre hundreth eik hes fend with hym to pas. The thryd capitane, worthy Afylas, Of Goddis eik and men interpretur, Of euery fpayng craft that knew the cuyr, 15 Quhat the hart pypis and beftis entralys ment, Quhat fignyfeit the ftarnys, quhar thai went Thar ryeht curlis abufe the hevynnys hie, And euery byrdis vocis weil knew he, And quhat betaknyt, fehynnyng from the hevyn, 20 Thyr fyry blaftis, or this thundris levyn ; A thoufand men affemlyt with hym ledis, With awful fperis and fcharp grundyn hedis : Quham the Hetrufcane cite, Pyfa gude, Inhabyt firft from Alpheus that flude, 25 Send tyll obey hym as thar capitane. Syne followys Aftur, the femlyaft of ane, Aftur, maift fovyr horfman forto feik, Of variant cullour was hys armour eik ; Thre hundreth walyt men with hym he led. so All of a will, furth to the batal fped OF ENEADOS. 607 The folkis alhail dwelt in the cite fweit Of Agelyn, otherwys callyt Cerete, And thai that dwellys in tha feldis, I wys, Endlang the bankis of flude Mynyonys, 5 Or intill ancyent Pyrgus town alflua, Or inhabytys the cyte Grauyfla, Ful contagius of tempeft and grews ayr. Suld I the pretermyt, fen thou was thar ? I meyn the, Cygnus, of Lygurianys 10 The cheif ledar, amang other eapitanys Ane the maift forcy into batal fted. Ne wil I not forget, fuld I be ded, The, ftrang Cupauus, with thy few menge, Fra quhais tymbret ryfys apon hie 15 The lufty fwannys fedrame, brycht and fcheyn : The cryme and caws of all gour woful teyn Was luf and amouris, or pompus array Schrowd in gour faderis connyfans al to gay. For, as thai tell, quhil dolorufly Cygnus 20 Maid hys complant amang the fcroggy bus Of poppill tre branfehis lang and fquar, Quharin the twa fyfteris tranfformyt war, And gan bewail Phaeton, hys beft belovyt ; Quhil that he fang and playt, as hym behwyt, 25 The dolly tonys and lays lamentabill, With fie regrate to comfort and aftabill Hys hevy amorus thochtis ennoyus, In quhite canos foft plumys joyus Became ourheld, in lyknes of a fwan, 30 And led hys age na mar furth lyke a man, 608 THE TENTH BUKE Bot tuke hys flycht vp from the erd in hy, And with a fwouchand voce focht in the Iky. Hys fon, this tyde, havand hys fallofchippys Diftribut equaly into fyndry fchippys, 5 Amang the navy and the flote at large, With ayris rollys furth hys buftuus barge, Clepyt Centaurus, and ithandly fyne he Dryvys throu fludis of the ftormy fee : Byg of llatur ftude he lyke to feght, 10 Boftand the ftreme with ballaft of huge weght, And with hys lang and lufty ballyngar Ourflydis the deip fludis in thar fair. The nobill Ocnus from hys natyve land A fair army aflemlyt brocht at hand, 15 Son of God Tibris, the Tufcane ryver, Beget apon Manthus the lady cleir, That was baith nymphe and famus prophetes : Thys Ocnus was the ilk man quhilk expres Of Mantua the cite dyd he wall, 20 And eftir hys faid moderis name can call Mantua, myghty of aid ancyftry And forfaderis : bot hys geneology Was not of ane kynrent cummyn all ; For that town had thre clannys principall, 25 And, vnder euery clan or trybe of tha, War other fobyr famyllis twys twa : Mantua eik was cheif and principal hed Till all thir pepill wonnyng in that fted, Takand thar fors and hardyment ilkane. 30 From the lynage and nobill blude Tufcane. OF ENEADOS. 609 Mezentius, throu hys auld tyrranny, Furth of this cite aganyft hym in hy Fyve hundreth men till armys maid do fteir ; Quham Myncyus, the frefch rynnand ryver, 5 That from the lowch of Bennacus ifchis down, And is ourheldyt all with redis brovn, Hes careit to the braid feys large Within thar weirly fchip and awfull barge. Furth held the ftowt and degeft Auleftes, 10 Quhilk with gret ftrenth of rowaris in that pres, Rafyng thame on thar thoftis for the nanys, The fludis fmate with hundreth arys at anys, Quhil that the famy flowr of ftremys le Vp weltis from the braid palmys of tre. 15 The mekill howk hym bair was Tryton callyt ; For in hir foreftam was the monftre ftallyt, With watry trumpe fleyand the fludis gray : Quhar as fcho falyt, men mycht fe hym ay With byrfy body porturyt, and viflage 20 All rowgh of harys, femyng of cullage In mannys form fra hys coft to hys crown ; Bot from hys belly, and thens ford wart dovn, The remanent ftraucht lyke a fyfchis tayll, In fymylitude of huddon or a quhaill ; 25 Vndre the breift of this ilk byfnyng thyng The fey wallys bulrand makis murnyng. Sa mony walyt eapitanys, nobill men, In help of new Troy, with fchippys thrys ten, Slydis throw the fait ftremys of the fee 30 With ftelyt ftevynnys and bowand bylge of tre. 4 H 610 THE TENTH BUKE CAP. V. Eneas fchippis, trarflait in Nymphis of fee, Tald hym quhou Turnus affegit the cyte. Be this declynyt was the days lyght ; The moyn intill hyr waverand cart of nycht Held rollyng throw the hewynnys myddil ward ; As Eneas, the Troiane prynce and lard, 5 For thochtis mycht na wys hys membris reft, Sa mony curys in hys mynd he keft, Bot fat in proper perfon, and nane other, To fteir hys carvell and to rewle the ruther, And forto gyde the falys takand tent. 10 Onone, amyd hys curs, thar as he went, Recontyris hym hys fallofchip in hy Of Nymphis, quham of fchippys and his navy The haly moder, clepyt Cybele, Maid to becum Goddeffys in the fee : 15 All fammyn fwam thai, hand in hand yfeir, And throw the wallys faft dyd fewch and fcheir, Als feill in numbyr Nymphys throw the flude, As laitly with thar ftelyt ftevynnys ftude Of Troiane fchippys by the coftis fyde. 20 A weil far way, as our the ftreme thai glyde, Thar kyng thai knaw, and all in carralyng About hys fchyp went circulyt in a ryng. Amangis quham, in fpeche the maift expert, Cymodocea to the wail aftert, OF ENEADOS. 611 And with hir ryeht hand can the eft cafteill Do gryp onon, that all hir bak ilk deill Abuf the fey watir dyd appeir : Beneth the calmyt ftremys fair and cleir 5 With hir left hand craftely fwymmys fche ; Syne on this wys fpekis till Enee, That of this wonderus mervell knew na thing : Walkis thou or not, thou verray Goddis offpryng, Our prynce and mafter Eneas ? now awaik, 10 Takill thy fchippys, and thy fchetis fclaik. We beyn thy navy and thy flote, quod fche, Bowyt fum tyme of fyr and bych tre, Grew in the haly top of mont Ida, And now, as prefent thou behald ws may, 15 Nymphes we beyn, and falbe euermor. For, as gon faithles Turnus by the fchor Invadyt ws with glavys and with fyre, On fors conftrenyt for the flambys fchire, Thy cabillys we in fundyr brak in haift, 20 To feik the throw the fey, as we war chaift : And than the moder of Goddis, Cybele, Havand of ws compaffioun and piete, In this figour has ws all tranflait, For euermar to be deificat, 25 As Goddeffys, quhar fo ws lykis beft, Amangis the fludis forto leif and left. Bot thy deir child, gyng Afcanyus ftowt, Befegyt is, and clofyt rownd abowt With wallys, fowcy, and trynfchis, ather fyde, 30 Amyd dartis or quarrellys faft doys glyde, 612 THE TENTH BUKE And dreidfull hoftis of ftern pepill Latyne, By weir enforfyng to diftroy all thyne. Evandrus horfmen, clepyt Arcadanys, Mydlyt fammyn with Hetrurianys, 5 Quham in thy help thou fendis by the land, Thai placis now, quhar as thou gaue command, Can occupy, abydand thy cummyng : Bot Turnus hes determyt, as certane thing, Gret garnyfonys to fend betwix thame fone, 10 That gour hoftis fall not togidder joyn. Get vp, haue done, and fone in the mornyng, Alflwyth as the brycht day begynnys to fpryng, Thy ferys haill thou fyrft to harnes call, And with thy fcheild invynfibill tharwithall 15 Thy felvyn fchrowd, quham mychty God of fyre To the, as ane maift fouerane lord and fyre, Has wrocht and gevyn, and with gold fa brycht The bordouris has ourgylt and forgit at ryeht. Gyf thou belevys not my fawys invayn, 20 The lyght of day to morn, I fchaw the playn, Huge hepys fal behald in feld dung down Of Rutilianys by fell occifioun. Thus faid fche ; and, departand with a fkyp, By hir ryeht hand fche fehowys furth the fehyp, 25 As fcho that was in that craft ryeht expert ; And throw the wallys on the tother part Glydys away undir the fomy feys, Als fwyft as gange or feddyrrit arrow fleys, That ftryvys forto pyngill with the wynd : 30 The remanent hir followys faft behynd. OF ENEADOS. 613 Anchifes fon, the gret Troiane Ene, Awondris, onwyttyng quhat this mycht be ; And, netheles, hys curage dyd avance With this ilk fatale augury or chance : 5 Syne fchortly, lukand to the hevyn abone, On this maner can pray and maid hys boyn. O blyflyt moder of the Goddis, quod he, That hallowyt art in the montane Ide, Quhamto the toppys of mont Dyndymane, 10 And eik the towryt citeis mony ane, With renyt lyonys gokkyt to the char, Ful tendyr bene and hartly euermar ; Be thou in batall now my prefident, Be my proteftrix, dewly takand tent 15 At this orakyll be haftyt to our weill ; O haly Goddes, with happy fute of feill Cum and affiftis to thyne awyn Troianys. No mor he fpak, bot, with that word atanys, In the meyn quhile vpfpryngis the brycht day, 20 Chafand the clowdis of the nycht away. And fyrft Eneas gan hys ferys command Thar baneris to difplayt and follow at hand, Thar curage eik and curace to addres, And graith thame for the batail all expres. 25 For he, be than, hys Troianys mycht behald ; And of the eft fehyp into hys town and hald Men mycht hym fe, and knaw, quhar at he ftude, Hys fchynand new fcheild from amyd the flude Into hys left hand rafyt hie on hyght. 30 The Troianys from the wallys of that fycht 614 THE TENTH BUKE War fa reiofyt, vp tha rafyt a cry That rerdis to the ftarnys in the Iky. The hoip of hys returnyng hait as fyre Dowblyt thar curage, and vprafyt thar ire, 5 That with thar handis faft thai dartis flyng, With lie a dyn of clamour and crying, And trumpys blaft rafyt within the town Sik maner bruyt, as thocht men hard the fovn Of crannys crowplyng, fleand in the ayr 1 0 With fpedy fard in randoun heir and thar ; As from the flude of Trace, hait Strymone, Vndre the dyrk clowdis, oft we fe, Thai fle the weddris blaft and rak of wynd, Thar glaidfum foundis followand thame behynd. 15 Bot quhat mycht meyn this affeir and deray A gret farly and wondyr was, perfay, To Turnus, kyng of Rutuleis, that tyde, And the Italiane dukis hym befyde : Quhill thai at laft beheld towart the coft, 20 And faw the navy cum and mekill oft, Semand the fey of fchippys all our flet. The creift or fchynand tymbret, that was let Abufe Eneas helm and top on hyght, Kelt byrnand flambys with a glytterand lyeht ; 25 And eyk the goldyn boys of hys bukleir Large fyry ftremys on breid fchew fair and cleir Lyke as the comete ftern fanguynolent, With hys red cullour tryft and violent, Schynys fum tyme apoun the donk nycht ; 30 Or frawart Syrius, that fervent liar brycht, OF ENEADOS. 615 Quhilk with the fcaldand heyt at hys ryfyng Byrnys the erth of drowth, and is the fyng Pretendand tyll all mortale folk, I ges, Contagyus infirmyteis and feiknes, 5 That with hys fchrewyt lyght canicular Infekkyt all the hevynnys and the ayr. Bot Turnus hardy ftalwart hie curage, For all this feir, demynyft nevir a ftage, Quhilk manfully fchup thame to withftand 10 At the coft fyde, and dyng thame of the land, That on na wys thar thai fuld arryve ; And with glaid femlant gan his folk belyve Exortyng forto rays thar fpretis on hie, And with hys wordis forthirmar eik he 15 Gan thame repreif of thar fa hafty feir. Lo ! now prefent, fays he, is cummyn heir The mater quhilk ge lang defyrit haue ; The tyme is now to gryp in hand gour glaif ; The tyme of batale reddy is at hand, 20 Quhar ftrenth beis fehawyn in ftalwart ftowr to ftand. Now euery man ramembir on his fpows, Thynk on thar natyve land and dwellyng hows : Reduce ge now onto gour mynd, ilkane, The worthy aftis of gour eldris bygane, 25 Thar lovabyll fame, and gour awyn renowne ; And lat ws formeft haift ws to the fee, And thar recontyr our fays, or thai land, Quhill as thai firft fet fut apon the fand, With flyde to cummyn, half deil in effray, 30 Or thai thar fut fteppis ferm, and tak array. 616 THE TENTH BUKE Hap helpis hardy men, be myne avys, That weil dar tak on hand ftowt interprys. Thus faid he ; and tharwith in hys thocht Devyfis quham maift ganandly he mocht Led with hym, to refift and meit his fays, Or quham he fuld not from the fege vprays, Bot ftyll remane to ferm and clos the town, The wallys and the trynfchis enveroun. CAP. VI. Eneas fra the fchippis landit his oft, And Turnus thame affalit at the fey cqji. In the meyn feffon, the Troiane Ene 10 Begouth hys folkis from thar fchippis hie On bryggis and on plankis fet on land : Mony abaid the ebbyng of the fand, Quhill the fwarf fard wallys abak dyd draw, Than in the fchaldis dyd thai leip on raw ; 15 And fum with ayris into coggis fmall Etlyt to land. But tho amang thame all The prynce Tarchon can the fchor behald, Thar as hym thocht fuldbe na fandis fchald, Nor git na land bryft lyppyrryng on the wallys, 20 Bot quhar the flude went ftyll, and calmyt all is But ftowr or bullyr, murmour or movyng ; Hys ftevynnys thydder lteryng gan the kyng, OF ENEADOS. 617 And on this wys hys ferys dyd exort : Now, O ge walyt flour of weir, at fehort, Bend vp gour ayris ftyth, and rays gour fchippys, Haift owr the flude, bair to the fchor with Ikyppys, 5 And with gour ftelyt ftevynnys, ane and all, Thys ground onfrendly to ws and innimicall Do fcheir and cleif in fundyr lyke a flok, Lat euery barge do prent hir felf a dok : Na fors I not in fik port by this meyn 10 To brek the fehyp, fa we the land atteyn. Fra Tarchon had thir wordis faid, but mair Hys feris itartis ilk man till ane ayr. The ftowrand famy bargis dyd rebound, Inrowand faft towart the Latyn grond, 15 Quhyl that thar ftammys tuke the bankis dry, And thar kelys flak in the flyke faft by, But ony harm or danger, euery one. Bot fa tyd not onto thy fehyp, Tarchon : For in the fchald fcho ftoppys, and dyd ftand 20 Apon a dry chyngill or bed of fand, A lang tyme all to fchakyng with the flude ; Quhill fynaly, thar rokkand as fcho ftude, To bryftis fcho, and ryvys all in fondyr, Warpyt the men amyd the faym thar vndir ; 25 The plankis, hechis, and mony brokyn ayr, That on the ftreym went flotand heir and thar, Maid to thar landing gret impediment, And flyddry glar fo from wallys went That oft thar feyt was fmyttyn vp on loft : 30 Bot finaly, all drowkyt and forwrocht, 4i 618 THE TENTH BUKE Thai falwyt war, and warpyt to the coft. Than na delay of fleuth, nor feir, ne boll, Withheld Turnus, bot with hys haill armee Aganyft Troianys by the coft of the fee 5 He dyd array all fammyn in that ftound. The trumpettis blew thar bludy weirlyke fownd : And fyrft, in fyng of gud luk in the weris, Ene the rowtis of the lauboreris, Or rurall hufbandis, invadis and ourfet, 10 And hes the Latyn commonys haill doun bet, By flauehter fyrft of thar chiftane, Theron, Amang all otheris the biggaft man of one, Quhilk fet apon Eneas or he wyft : Bot he throw owt hys fyde hys fword hes thryft, 15 Perfyt the ftalwart platit fcheild of fteill, And throw the fchynand hawbrek euery deill ; The giltyn mailgeis makis hym na fted, For in the coft he tholys dynt of ded. Syne fmate he Lychas, and hym hes al to torn, 20 That of hys ded moderis waym was furth fehorn, And onto Phebus God was confecrait, And was fa chancy in hys gong eftait That he the fwerd efchapit by hys hap ; Bot not at this tyme fo the dedis clap. 25 And not far thens this douchty Eneas Kyllyt the dowr and ftalwart Cyfleas, And put to deth the buftuus Gyas ftrang, That with hys burdoun down haill rowtis dang : Thar ftrenthy handis helpyt thame na thyng, 30 Nowder Hercules wapynnys nor armyng OF ENEADOS. 619 Mycht thame defend, nor git thar fyre, that heght Melampus, and compangeon was in feght To Hercules in hys fair journeis feill, Quhil he in erth was levand and in heill. 5 And lo, as Pharon cryis and dois rowft With haltand wordis and with mekill wouft, Eneas threw a dart at hym that tyde, Quhilk, as he gapyt, in hys mowth dyd glyde. And thou alfo, the fey Greyk, Cydon, 10 Quhilk ftrangly luffyt thir gong ehilder ichone, As thou the gyng Clytius dyd perfew, Quhais gallow berd begouth to fpryng of new, And was alhaill thy new luft and defyre, Be the ryeht hand of this ilk Troiane fyre 15 Thar had bene maid end of thy amouris greyn, And wrachitly had lyin ded, I weyn, War not the brethir of the clan Phorcanys Apon Eneas aflemblit all atanys: In numbyr fevyn thai war, and dartis fevin 20 Alfammyn thai keft, forcy as fyry levin ; Of quham fum dyd, but harm or other deir, Stot from hys fcheild, his hewmet, or hed geir ; And fum, that wald haue hyt hys corps in hy, Venus hys haly moder choppyt by. 25 Than to the traift Achates faid Ene : Reik me dartis and caftyng fperis, quod he, That in the Grekis bodeis fixit ftude, Quhilum in Troys pi anys bedyit with blude ; And my ryeht hand fall thraw thame fo ilkane 30 On Rutulanys, that nane fal fle invane. 620 THE TENTH BUKE A buftuus fchaft with that he grippyt has, And incontrar hys aduerfaris gan tays, Quhilk flaw towartis Meonyus faft by : Owt throw the fcheild platit with fteill in hy 5 Dufchyt the dynt, and throw the corflettis glydis, Gyrd throw the coft perfyng baith the fydis. Onto hym ftartis Alcanor, hys brothir, To beir hym vp, quhen that he faw hym fchuddir, With hys ryeht arm, bot throw hys gardy fone 10 The grundyn hed and bludy fchaft ar done, Furth haldand the. felf randoun as it went ; The ryght arm, from the fchulder al to rent, Apon the mankyt fennonys hyngis by, As impotent, quyte lamyt, and dedly. 15 Than Numytor furth of hys brotheris corps Ruggis the trunfehoun, and with all hys fors It fwakkis at Ene ; bot he na mycht Had till attane ne wond the nobill knycht : 3yt with the dynt the gret Achates thee 20 He hurt and ftrengeit has a litill wee. With this come Clawfus, full of vaflalage, Confidand in hys gouth and florift age, The Curytanys with hym brocht in the pres, And with a lang ftyf fpeir ane Dryopes 25 Smate in the hals, vnder the chyn, fa fair That hym byreft was in the place ryeht thar Baith voce and fpreit of lyfe ; and that na wondir ; For hys nek bayn and throte war carf in fondir, That doun he dufchys with a felloun rerd, 30 Quhil that hys forret rafchit on the erd, OF ENEADOS. 621 And of hys mouth, a petuus thing to fe, The lopprit blude in ded thraw voydis he. Thre otheris fyne this ilk Clawfus has flane, Born into Trace of the clan Boryane ; 5 And thre com fra the cite of Idas, And other thre of cite Ifmaras, By diuers chancis put he al to ded. Alefus hym recontris in that fted, And all the barnage com from Aurunca, 10 That auld cite ; and thame followys alflua To that melle the fon of Neptunus, That is to knaw, the worthy Mefapus, Quhilk into horfman craft was maift expert. Now prefys this fyde, and now gonderwart, 15 To reill abak and to expell in fyght Thar aduerfaris, and mak thame tak the flycht : Thus by the coft Aufonya that tyde Hard wolx the batale apon athir fyde. As thocht fum tyme amyd the large ayr 20 The contrar wyndys ftryvys heir and thar, With brethfull blaftis in thar equale mychtis : Nane lyft obey tyll other, all fa wight is ; Nowder thai amang thame felf, nor git the clowdis, Ne git the rageand feys, quhilkis fa lowd is ; 25 So that the bargane lang ftandis in dowt, Quha falbe viftor, and quha vnderlowt : Sa forcyly remanys the elementis Contrary otheris to thar awin ententis. Nane other wys the Troiane hoftis in feild, 30 And Latyn rowtis gokkit vnder fcheild, 622 THE TENTH BUKE Metys in the melle : jonyt fammyn than Thai fewtyr fut to fut, and man to man. CAP. VII. Quhou Pallas confortis his oft of Archadye, Quhilkis gave the bak and tuke purpos to fle. Bot quhen that Pallas at ane owtyr fyde Perfavyt hys Arcad army that tyde 5 In fie a place had takyn land attanys, Quhar as a burn had warpyt rowand ftanys, And bulkis with the brays down had bet, That thai war in fa hard myfcheif ourfet, As men nocht vfyt forto go feght on fute, 10 And than, conftrenyt, knew nane other buyt, For fcharpnes of that fted, bot leif thar hors ; That weil perfauyt he how that on fors Thai gave the bak, and fehupe to tak the flycht, The Latynys followand thame in all thar mycht : 15 Than, quhile with prayer, now with wordis fowr, Thar curage he enflambis to the ftowr, Quhilk maner havyng is fuyth, as is the creid, As vtir poynt remedy at fik a neid. My ferys, fays he, quhidder do ge fle ? 20 I gou befeik, be gour gret renowne, And be gour forcy dedis done of aid, And by gour pryncis fame, Evander bald, OF ENEADOS. 623 And be the oftis and mony victorys That ge in weir and batale wan feill fys, And be my gude beleif and hoyp, that now With haill confidens reftis fixt in gow, 5 As to atteyn onto my faderis glore, To ondertak fik dedis done before ; Do nevir, for fchame, onto gour felf that lak, To lyppyn in fpeid of fute and gyf the bak. With fwerdys dynt behuffis ws, perfay, 10 Throw amyddis our ennemys red owr way. Quhar gondir fop of men thikkis in a rowt, fondir is the paflage quhar we mofte wyn owt ; fondir gour noble cuntre wyl ge pas ; 3on way to wend exhortis gour duke Pallas. 1 5 Heir is na power of dyvynyte, Nor Goddis mycht gaynftandyng ws, quod he : Nane other bargane haue we in thir fyghtis Bot agane dedly and with mortale wightis : Alfmony mortale bodeis heir haue we, 20 And als feill handis to debait the melle. Behaldis, quhou the fey with obftakill gret Inclufys ws, and at our bak can bet ; On land is left ws heir na place to fle : Quhat ! wald ge ryn to Troy owt throw the fee ? 25 Thus faid he, and furthwith, or he wald ces, Amyd hys fays rufchit in the pres, Quhar as the rowtis thikaft war in ftowr. And firft of other, to hys fatale howr, Hym metys Lagus, a Rutilyane ; 30 Quham fyrft ourrollyt with a mekill ftane, 624 THE TENTH BUKE Throw gyrd hys coft fyne with a caftyng dart, Perfyng hys rybbys throuch, at the ilk part Quhar beyn the cupplyng of the ryg bone, And the ilk fchaft flak in hys cors onone. 5 Pallas it joggillit, and furth drew in hy : Quham ane Hylbon, ftandand neir tharby, Wenyt to have kawcht, bot the gryp he falyt ; For as onwar he ftowpyt, and devalyt, Wod wroth for wo of this myfchews ded l o Of hys deir fallow, in the ilk fted Pallas hym keppyt fyk wys on hys brand That all the blaid, vp to the hylt and hand, Amyd hys flaffand longis hyd has he, On fik maner that na man mycht it fe. 15 Syne Pallas fet apon Anchemolus, And Sthenelus, that of the kyng Rhetus Prynce of Marrubyanys, ancyent pepill, beyn ; The quhilk Anchemolus was that ilk, I weyn, Defowlyt hys faderis bed inceftuufly, 20 And had forlayn hys awyn ftepmoder by. And ge alflb, ftowt gemel brether twa, Childer and fonnys onto hym Dawcya ; Tymber, I meyn, and thy brother Laryde, Amyd the feild Rutiliane dyd abyde ; 25 5e war fa lyke in form and fymylitude Nane mycht decern betwix gou quhar ge ftude : Quhilk maner errour, or fik mylknawyng, To fader and mother is oft plefand thyng. Seand thar childer refembill ane lyknes : 30 Bot at this tyme has Pallas, as I ges, OF ENEADOS. 625 Markyt gou fwa with fie rude differens, That by hys keill ge may be knaw fra thens. For fwa ftud with the, Tymber, thou art ded, Evandrus fwerd hes fwepyt of thy hed ; 5 And thy ryeht arm of fmyttyn, O Laryd, Amyd the feild lyis the befyde, And half lyfles thi fyngyrris war fterand, Within thy neif doys gryp and faik the brand. Than fchame and dolour, mydlit baith ourane, 1 o Baldis the pepill Arcad eueryane To the bargane aganyft thar ennemys, For Pallas wordis maid thar curage rys, And eik, for thai beheld befor thar eyn Hys douchty dedis, thai hym love and meyn. 15 For Pallas than throw gyrd Rheteus the kyng, As he on cace glaid by on char fleyng : Na mair fpace was of tary ne delay That Ilus deth prolongit the ilk day ; For as agane the, Ilo, with fell feir 20 Pallas addreflyt had a ftalwart fpeir, Rhetheus ftart in betwix, and cawch the dynt, As he on cace was fleand fers as flynt From thy handis, the maift forcy Teucras, And thy brother Tyres, that by the was : 25 Ourweltis Retheus in ded thrawys atanys, And with hys helys fmayt the Rutilian planys, Tumlyt from hys hie cart chargit quhar he fat, And on the grand rebundis with a fquat. And lyke as fum tyme in the fymmyris drowth, 30 Quhen wyndis ryfys of the north or fowth, 4 K 626 THE TENTH BUKE In feir placis the hyrd, at hys defire, Amang the fcroggy rammell fettis the fyre ; Wlcanus hoftis of brym flambys red Spredand on breid, vpblefys euery fted ; 5 Than he that fet the kyndillyng glaid and gay Behaldis quhou that the low doys mak deray, Blefand and crakand with a nyce reuery : Non other wys, the Archadanys in hy All fammyn focht in feild with all thar mycht, 10 And maid debait to help Pallas in fyght. Bot tho Alefus, keyn into batale, Thame to recontyr etlys, and aflaill, And gan hym felf weil fchrowd vnder his fcheild ; Syne manfully rufchit amyd the feild, 15 Quhar that he flew ane Ladon, and Pheres, And Demodocus eftir in the pres : As hym Strymonyus by the gorget grippyt, With hys brycht brand hys ryeht hand he of quhyppyt ; And Thoas fyne fa fmayt apon the hed 20 With a gret flane, quhil mixt of blud all red The harnys poplit furth on the brayn pan. Thys ilk Alefus fader, as witty man, Forto efchew hys fonnys fatys ftrang, Hyd hym prevely the thik woddis amang : 25 Bot, fra the auld Alefus lay to de, And geldis vp the breth with wawland E, The fatale fyfteris fet to hand onon, And can this gong Alefus fo difpon, That by Evandrus wapynnys, the ilk ftownd, 30 He deftinat was to caucht the dedis wond. OF ENEADOS. 627 Towart quham Pallas bownyt has ful fone, And in hys renk on this wys maid hys boyn : Now grant, thou God and fader Tyberyne, Gude chance and fortoun to this hed of myne 5 The quhilk I tays apon this caftyng fpeir, That it may throw Alefus body fcheir ; And gon harnes, cote armour, and fpulge brycht, Quhilk now fa weirly fchynys on gon knycht, Sail hyng apon ane ayk faft by thi bra. 10 The God hys afkyn hard, as he dyd pray : For quhil Alefus onavifytly Cled with hys fcheild Imaonus, hym by, That was to hym hys frend and fallow deir, Hys breift ftud nakyt, but armour or geir, 15 Quharin he Pallas dedly fchaft reflauyt. Bot Lawfus, wilfull hys fyde to haue favyt, As he that was a gret part of the oft, And lyft not fuffir, with fik feir na bofl, Or flauchtir maid be Pallas and deray, 20 At his cumpangeis fuld caucht mair affray, Rufchit in the melle ; and firft in hys teyn Slew Abas, that gret bargane dyd fuftene. The thikaft fop or rowt of all the pres, Thar as maift tary was, or he wald ces, 25 Thys Lafus al to fparpillyt and invadys : Down bettyn war the barnage of Archadys ; Down bettyn eik war the Hethruryanys ; And ghe alfo, feil bodeis of Troianys, That war not put by Grekis to vtyrrans. 30 Than all the oftis femlyt with fpeir and lans> 628 THE TENTH BUKE The chiftanys all jonyt with hail poweris, The hyndmaft wardis fwarmyt all yferis ; So thik in ftaill all marryt wolx the rowt, Oneys mycht ony turn hys hand abowt 5 To weild hys wapyn, or to fchuyt a dart. Full douchtely Pallas on the ta part Inforcis hym to greif hys fays that tyde ; Lawfus refiftis on that othir fyde. Thar agis was not far indifferent, 10 And of maift femly ftatur, quhar thai went, Thai war excellent of bewte baith tway ; Bot fo it ftude, at fortoun, walloway ! Wald nother fuffir to hys realm refort. And, netheles, to meyt fammyn at fehort, 15 As into feild to preif thar hardyment, The governour of hevyn omnipotent Lyft na way thoill : for, belyve. eftir this, To athir of thame thar dedly fatys, I wys, To ane far grettar aduerfar remanys, 20 As heir onon doys follow vnder anys. CAP. VIII. Quhou that fers Turnus has gong PaUas flane, For quham hysfolkis makis gret dolour and mayn. Duryng this fervour of the bargane fwa, The haly nymphe, clepit Juturna, OF ENEADOS. 629 Hir brother Turnus dyd monys and exhort To fuccur Lawfus, and hys folk fupport ; The quhilk Turnus, as in hys fpedy char The myd rowtis went floppand heir and thar, 5 Beheld hys ferys debatand with Pallas : Lo, now is tyme to defift, and lat pas All fie bargane, quod he ; ceffis in hy ; For I will fet on Pallas anerly ; Only to me, and to nane other wight, 10 The viftory pertenys of fik a knycht ; Glaidly I wald hys fader ftude heirby, This interprys to dereyn and afpy. Thus faid he, and hys feris at command Voydit the feild, and all plane left the land. 15 Than gong Pallas, feand Rutylianys Withdraw the feild fa fwith, and rovm the planys, At the prowd byddyng of thar prynce and kyng, Amervellit full gretly of this thing, And farly can on Turnus to behald, 20 Our all hys buftuus body, as he wald, Rollyng hys eyn, and all hys corps in hy With thrawyn luke on far begouth afpy ; Syne movyng fordwart, with fie wordis on hie, To anfwer Turnus fpeche, thus carpys he : 25 Owthir now, quod he, for ay be lovyt I fall Of rych kyngly fpulge triumphall, Quhilk heir I fall rent from myne aduerfar, Or than falbe renownyt evirmar Of ane excellent end moift gloryus. 30 Do wa thy boft and mannance maid to ws : 630 THE TENTH BUKE For my fader, quhom thou defyris befyde, Reputtis all elyke, quhou evir the chance betyde. And fayand thus, amyd the plane furth ftartis : The blude congelyt abowt Arehadyane hartis. 5 Turnus down lepys from hys twa quhelit char, And bownys faft towartis his aduerfar. Lyke as ane lyoun from the hillys hycht, Amyd the valle had fcharply gottin a fycht Of fum prowd bull, with hys horn in the plane 10 Addrefland hym reddy to mak bargane, Cummys bradand on the beft faft in a lyng ; On ficlyke wys was Turnus tocummyng : And quhen that Pallas faw hym cum fa neir He mycht areke to hym a calling fpeir, 15 Formaft he bownys to the jonyng place, Gyf fa betyd that fortoun, of hir grace, Hys interprys for ftowt ondertakyng Wald help, or hym fupport in ony thing, As he that gong was, and of ftrenth all owt 20 Na wys compeir to Turnus ftern and ftowt ; And to the gret Goddis in hevyn abone Apon this maner prayand faid he fone : I the befeik, thou myghty Hercules, Be my faderis geftnyng, and the ilk des 25 Quhar thou ftrangear was reflauyt to herbry, Affift to me, cum in my help in hy, To perform this excellent fyrft journe ; That Turnus in the ded thraw may me fe Bereif fra hym hys bludy armour red, 30 And, galdand vp the breth in the ilk fted, OF ENEADOS. 631 Mot with hys eyn behald me hym befor In hie tryumphe, with ourhand as viftor. Gret Hercules the gong man hard onon, And from the boddum of hys hart can gron, 5 Hydand hys fmert for rewth of Pallas gyng, Seand the fatys wald haue hys endyng ; And for ennoy fait terys, all in A'ayn, Furth gettyng our hys chekis thyk as rayn. Tho Jupiter, hys curage to aftabill, 10 Thus to hys fon fpak wordys amyabill. Tyll euery mortale wofull wight, perfay, Determyt ftandis the fixit lattir day ; Ane fehort and onrecoverabill term is fet Of lyfe, quhen all moft neydlyngis pay that det : 1 5 Bot, to prolong thar fame by nobill dedis, Fra vertuus wark that cumys and procedis. Quhou mony fonnys and deir ehildryn, faid he, Of goddis kyn, vnder Troy wallys hie War done to ded, and brytnyt blude and bone ! 20 So that amangis all otheris Sarpedon, My tendir get, my kyn, and blude, lyis flane. Forfuyth alfo, I fay the into plane, The fynale fayt awatis Turnus in feild, The dait and methis approchis of hys eild. 25 On this wys fpak gret Jove to Hercules ; And, with that word, hys eyn towart the pres On the Rutilian feild addreffis he. And, the ilk ftownd, gong Pallas lattis fle With mekill fors at Turnus a gret fpeir, 30 And fyne onon hys brycht brand burnyft cleir 632 THE TENTH BUKE Hyntis furth of the fcheith to mak debait. The fchaft flaw towart Turnus, and hym fmait Apon the fchulder, abuf the gardis hie That ryfys vmaft tharvpon we fe, 5 And throw the bordour of the fcheild fwa perfyt, Quhill fynaly in fum deill it traverfyt, And hurt a part of Turnus byg body. Than Turnus fmyttyn, full of felony, A buftuus lance with grundyn hed ful kene, 10 That lang quhile tayfyt he in proper teyn, Leyt gyrd at Pallas, and thus wys faid he : Confider goungkeir, gyf our lancis be, Bettir of tempyr and mair penytratyve. And, with the word, the fchaft flaw furth belyve, 1 5 So that the fcharp poynt of the brangland fpeir Throw owt amyddis of the fcheild can fcheir, Perfand fa mony platis of irne and fteill, And fa feill plyis of bull hydis ilk deill, All fammyn cowchit in hys target ftrang, 20 The buftuus ftrake throw all hys armour thrang, That ftyntit na thing at the fyne hawbryk, Quhil throu the coft thyrlyt the dedly pryk. Pallas, nocht fchrynkand for the mortale dynt, Invane the hait fchaft of hys wond hes hynt ; 25 For al togidder by the fammyn way The blude and fawle paflys hyne bath tway. Apon hys wond onon he rufchis down : Abuf hym rang hys harnes with a fovn : And that onfrendly erth inimycall, 30 That in hys deth he fuld not fcryk nor call, OF ENEADOS. 633 As was the gys, with bludy mowth bait he. Turnus, abufe hym ftandand, carpys on hie : O ghe pepill of Arcaid, takis tent, A nd my wordis do rehers and prefent 5 To kyng Evander, fayand hym playnly, That hys fon Pallas to hym fend haue I In fik array as that he hes defervyt ; And, of my gentrys, wil he be prefervit To all eftait and honour funerall, 10 With all folace pertenyng beryall Of tumbe and of entynnent, as efferis. Na lytill thyng, perfay, into thir weris Hes hym bycoft the frendfchip of Ene. And, fayand thus, with hys left fut hes he 15 Pallas ded corps our welt, or euer he ftent, And fyne abowt hys fydis fone has rent Hys goldyn gyrdill, pafand a gret deill, Quharin was gravin craftely and weill Of Danavs douchteris the iniquyte, 20 Quhou that the fyfty gong men, fchame to fe, War To wily murthuryt on the firft nycht, As thai war fpowfyt to thar ladeis brycht ; The chalmeris portyrit war byfprent with blude : Quhilk hilloreis Eurition, warkman gude, 25 Had carvyt weill and wrocht full craftely In weighty platis of the gold mafly ; Of quhais fpulge now is Turnus glaid, Joyfull and blyth that he it conqueft had. O mannis mynd, fo ignorant at all 30 Of thingis tocum and chaneis quhilkis may fall ! 4 L 634 THE TENTH BUKE Vpheit fone in blynd profperyte, Can not be war, nor myflbur hald with the ! The tyme fall cum quhen Turnus fall, perfay, Hait and wary this fpulge and this day, 5 Defyrand he mycht by for mekill thing That he had nevir twichit Pallas gyng. Abowt the corps aflemblit tho his feris, With mekill murnyng and huge plente of terys ; Apon a fcheild Pallas body thai laid, 10 And bair hym of the feild, and thus thai faid : 0 Pallas, quhou gret dolour and wirfchyp To thy fader, and all hys fallofchip, Sail thou rendir and bryng hame, faid thai : This was to the in weyrfar the firft day, 15 Quhilk firft in bataill dreflyt the to go ; The ilk for ay has the bereft tharfro ! And, not the les, thy fwerd leiffis in the planys Gret hepys ded of the Rutilianys. CAP. IX. The rich Magus na ranfon mycht rejkew, And preift Hemonydes, baith Eneas flew. Tho nane incertane rumour nor demyng, 20 Bot fovyr boydword cam thar, and warnyng, Ontill Eneas of this gret myfchance, Schawand quhou that his folkis ftud in ballanee, OF ENEADOS. 635 As bot in litill diftans all from ded ; The tyme requiryt forto fet remeid, And fuecur Troianys quhilkis had tane the flycht. Than, as wod lyon, rufchit he in the fight, 5 And all quham he arekis nerreft hand Without relkew dovn mawis with his brand ; The bytand blaid abowt hym inveroum Amyd the rowtis reddis large rovm. Enragit and infiambit thus in ire 10 Throw owt the oftis Turnus, that prowd fyre, Quhilk had this new flauchtir maid, focht he : Ay prentand in hys mynd befor hys E The gudly Pallas, was fa ftowt and gyng, And the gret gentryce of Evander kyng ; 15 The cheir and fell hym maid bot a ftranger ; Per ordour all thing, quhou and quhat maner He was reflauyt, and tretit thankfully; Syne of hys band of frendfchip and ally With athis fworn and interchangit handis, 20 Remembryng tho his promys and eunnandis. Amovit in this heit, or euer he Hynt, Four gong men quyk he hes in handis hynt, That born was of the cite hecht Sulmon ; Alfmony fyne he takyn has onon 25 Bred and vpbrocht befyde the flude Vfens, Quham that he etlys forto fend from thens To Pallas lykewalkis and obfequeis, To ftrow his funeral fyre of byrnand treis, As was the gys, with blude of prefoneris, 30 Eftir the aid rytis into mortale weris. 636 THE TENTH BUKE Syne hynt Eneas a perellus lance in hand, And it addreffis far furth on the land To ane Magus, that fubtell was and fle, And jowkit in vnder the fpeir has he ; 5 The fchaft fchakand flaw furth abufe hys hede ; And he Eneas in that famyn fted Abowt the kneis grippyt humylly, With petuus voce fyne thus begouth to cry : Be thy deir faderys goft I the befeik, 10 And be that gude beleif quhilk thou has eik Of Afcany vs vpryfyng to eftait, Thys filly fawle of myne, fa faynt and mayt, Thow falf to my a fon and fader deir. I haue a hows, rych, full of ir.obillis feir, 15 Quharin bedel vyn lyis a gret talent, Or charge of fyne filuer, in vefchell quent Forgyt and punfyt wonder craftely ; Ane huge weght of fynafi gold tharby, Oncungeit git, ne nevir put in wark : 20 Sa thou me falf, thy pyffans is fo ftark, The Troianys glory nor thar victory Sal na thyng change nor dymynew tharby, Nor a puyr fawle, thus hyngand in ballanee, May fik diuifioun mak nor difcrepans. 25 Thus faid this filly Magus, all invane. Quhamtill Eneas anfweris thus agane : Sa mony talentis of fyne filuyr and gold, Quhilkis thou reherfand heir befor hes told, Do kepe onto thy fmall childyr and ayris ; 30 Lat thame bruke weill, I confent it be tharis. OF ENEADOS. 637 All interchange and ranfonyng, perfay, In this batale Turnus hes done away, Now laitly flayand gong Pallas, allace ! That rewthfull harm, and that myfchews cace, 5 Felys baith Afcanyus and my faderis goft, For thai na litill thyng tharby hes loft. Thus fayand, by the helm hym grippys he With hys left hand, and faft as he mycht dre Writh down hys nek, quharin, but mair abaid, 10 Hys bludy brand vp to the hyltis flaid. Not far thens ftude Hemonydes allane, Preft onto Phebus and the thrynfald Dyane, On quhais hed wympillit holy garlandis With thar pendentis lyke to a mytyr ftandis, 15 Hys habyt as the fcheyn fon lemand lyeht, And all hys armour quhite and burnyft brycht ; Quham Eneas aflalyt myghtyly, And gan do chays owt throw the feld in hy, That fleand ftummyrryt and to grond went fone : 20 The Troiane prynce down lowtis hym abone, And with hys brand hym brytnys at devys, In maner of ane offerand facryfys. The large fchaddow of Eneas in feild Dyd haill the ded corps of this preift ourheld. 25 Sereftus fortis vp hys armour gay, And on hys fchuldris careit hes away, To hyng as trophe or fyng viftoriall Tyll Mars the God, quhilk Gradyus is call. 638 THE TENTH BUKE CAP. X. Quhat douchty chiftanys of the Latyn land That day Eneas kyllit with hys hand. Ceculus, difcendit of Wlcanus blude, And Vmbro eyk, the ftalwart chiftane rude, That cum was fra the montanys Marfyane, The bargane ftuffis, relevand in agane. 5 Bot Eneas, difcend from Dardanus, Ganftandis thame, ful brym and furyus, And onto ane, hecht Anxurus, in the feild Of ftrak the left arm all dovn with the fcheld ; Quhilk had maid fum gret vant, fpekand prowdly, 10 Wenyng that in hys fa wys by and by Thar had bene gret effeft and hardyment, As thocht he wald extoll in hys entent Hys manhed to the hevyn and ftarnys hie, And promys to hym felf, for hys bonte, 1 5 Agit cannos hayr and lang proces of geris : Lo, now he lyggis law, for all hys feris ! Syne baldly with glaid curage, as I ges, Agane Eneas can Tarquytus dres, In fchynand armour wonder prowd and gay, 20 Of Dryope born, the nymplie or fehene may, To Fawnus wonnyng in the woddis greyn ; And, to recontyr Ene inflambyt in teyn, Keft hym felvyn : bot the tother, but feir, Buyr at hym mychtyly with a lang fpeir OF ENEADOS. 639 Throw owt hys fcheild of pays and hawbrik fyne, That to the grond gan dovn hys hed declyne ; All thocht he than full humylly hym befocht, And fehupe to fay mekill, all was for nocht. 5 Hys pallat in the duft bedowyn ftude, And the body baithit in the hait blude Ene ourweltis, fayand thir wordis withall, With trublit breifl and mynd inimicall : Now ly thow thar, that wenyt the fo wight 10 That thou was feirfull ontill euery wight. Thy beft belovyt mother fall the not haue To erd, as cuftum is, nor delf in grave, Na do thy bonys honour with fik cuyr As thame to lay in fadyrris fepultur ; 15 Bot falbe left to the wild beftis fuyd, Or than the fpait watir of this flude Sal bair the in the deip, and thar on raw With empty throtis fal thy banys gnaw Thir fey monftreys in thar wod rage, 20 And lape thy blude thar hungar to aflwage. Syne, but delay, Antheus and Lycas, Quhilkis that of Turnus firft ward ledaris was, Perfewys he, and alfo Numa bold, And Camerthes, brycht fchynand all of gold, 25 Son of the manly Volfcens capitan ; In all the fertill grond Aufonyane The richaft man, and kyng was this Volfcens Of Amyclys the cite of filens. And lyke as Egeon, the kyng of gyandis, 30 Quhilk had, thai fay, ane hundreth armys and handy? 640 THE TENTH BUKE And fyfty mowthys, of quham the fyre dyd fchyne, As he into the batale gigantyne Incontrar Jovis thundir and fyre fiaucht With alfmony fcharp drawyn fwerdis fawght, 5 Clatterand in bargane with famony fcheildis : The fammyn wys, enragent throw the feildis Went Eneas, as viftor with ourhand, Fra tyme that anys bedyit hys burnyft brand And wet he had in hait Rutiliane blude. 10 So that alflb, in this ilk fury wod, He draif at Nypheus amyd the brefte bane, Set in hys fourquhelit chariot allane : Bot fra the hors on far dyd hym afpy Sa grym of cheir ftalkand fa buftuufly, 1.5 For feir thai ftart abak, and furth can I'wak The duke Nypheus wyd oppyn on hys bak, And brak away with the cart to the fchor, With ftendis feill and mony bray and fnor. The felf ftound, amyd the pres fut hoyt 20 Lucagus entyris in hys chariote, With quhyte hors drawyng wonder luftely, Hys brother Lyger fittand neir hym by ; Thys Lyger led the rengeis with hys hand, Bot bald Lucagus fwakkis a burnyft brand. 25 Eneas mycht nocht fuffir nor fuftene Of thame fie fervour in thar felloun teyn, Bot rufchit furth, and with a gret fpeir Forganyft thame can into fycht appeir ; Quhamto this Liger carpys apon he : 30 Thou feys nocht Dyomedis ftedis heir, faid he, OF ENEADOS. 641 Nor git Achillis char perfavis draw, Thocht athir venquyft the in feild, we knaw ; Nor git the Troiane planys behaldis thou : The end of thyne age and of bargane now 5 Salbe maid in thir landis on this grond. Sic wordis vayn and onfemly of fovnd Furth warpys wyde this Lyger fulychly : Bot the Troian barroun onabafitly Na wordis preflis to rendir hym agane, 10 Bot at hys fa leyt fle a dart or flayn, That hyt Lucagus ; quhilk, fra he felt the dynt, The fchaft hyngand into hys fcheild, but ftynt Bad dryf hys hors and char al fordwart ftrecht, As he that hym addreffit to the fecht, 15 And ftrekit furth hys left fut in hys char: Bot fone Eneas fpeir was reddy thar, Beneth hys fchynand fcheild reverfyt law, So that the grondyn hed the ilk thraw At hys left flank or leifk perfyt tyte, 20 Quhill clar owt our the charyot is he fmyte, And on the grond weltis in the ded thrawys. Quham on this wys with fowr wordis and fawys The petuus Eneas begouth to chyd : Lucagus, faid he, forfuyth as at this tyde 25 Na fla curs of thy horflys onweldy Thy cart has rendryt to thyne ennemy, Nor git na vayn wrathys nor gaiftis quent Thi char conftrenyt bakwart forto went, And malgre thyne withdraw thi fays gryppys ; 30 Bot lo now, of thy fre will, as thou Ikyppys .4 M 642 THE TENTH BUKE Owtour the quhelys of thy cart, God wait, Levand the renys and hors all defolat. Thys beand faid, the horfis renys he hynt. The tothir fey brother, or evyr he ftynt, 5 Lap fra the cart, and kneland petuufly, Vphevand hys bayr handis, thus dyd cry : O Troiane prynce, I lawly the befeik, Be thyne awyn vertues and thy thewys meyk, And be thy parentis maift of renowne, 10 That fik a child engendryt hes as the, Thow fpair this wofull fylly fawle at left, Haue rewth of me, and admyt my requeft. With wordis feill as he thus can requer, Ene at laft on this wys maid anfwer : 15 Syk fawys war langer furth of thy mynd. Sterve the behuffis, les than thou war onkynd As for to leif thy broder defolait All hym allane, na follow the fam gait. And tharwithall the hyrnys of hys goft 20 He rypyt with the fwerd amyd hys coft, So tyll hys hart ftoundis the pryk of deth : He weltis our, and galdis vp the breth. Thys Dardane prynce as viftor thus in weir Sa mony douchty corpfis brocht on beir, 25 Amyd the planys reddand large gait, As doys a rowtand ryver red on fpait ; That for hys dyntis wolx hys fays agaft, As for the feirfull drumly thundris blaft. Quhil fynaly Afcanyus the gyng page, 30 And the remanent of Troian barnage, OF ENEADOS. 643 Quhilk war, as faid is, befegyt invane, Thar ftrenth hes left, and takyn hes the plane. CAP. XI. Juno ryeht quayntiy cattfys Turnus to fle, Ane fengeit flgour perfewand of Ene. The ilk ftound, of hys awyn fre volunte, Jove callys Juno, and thus carpys he : 5 O thou my fyftir german and my feir, My beft beluffyt fpows, moft leif and deir, Thyne opynyon has not diffauyt the, As thou belevyt : now may thou not fe Quhou Venus doys fufteyn and fortyfy 10 The Troiane rowtis and pyflans by and by? Nane actyve handis, nor ftowt myndis, I weyn, Nor bodeys reddy all perrellys to fuftene, Haue thai, thou may fe be experiens. Quhamto Juno, with humyl reverens, 15 Anfweryt; my fweit and maft gudly hufband, Quharto lyft the renew my forow at hand, As cayrfull wight, that lykis nocht fie bourdis ? All efferd of thy fatal dreidfull wordis I am beftad : bot war I now, I weyn, 20 Als ftrangly belovyt as I fum tyme haue bene ; Thocht git, God wait, accordyt fo tobe Baith to myne honour and thy dignyte ; 644 THE TENTH BUKE I fay, war I beluffyt as I was ayr, Thou Jove almyghty ryngand euermar Suld not deny me fa fobyr a thyng, Bot at I mycht withdraw, at my lykyng, 5 Furth of the feild Turnus, and hym fave Onto hys fader Dawnus, that our the lave Belovyt hym, as rayfoun wald, quod fche. Now fall he peryfch, and now fal he de, And fched hys gentyll blude fa pacient, 10 In grews panys be Troianys tort and rent : And netheles hys kyn origynall Is renownyt of godly ftok ryall, Difcendit of our feid and hevynly clan, Fra God Pylumnus to rekkyn the ferd man ; 15 And eik, thou wait, full oft with large hand, With mony oyftis, and ryght fair offerand, Thy templys and thyne altaris chargit has he, In wirfchyp of thy myghty maiefte. The fouerane kyng of hevyn etherial 20 In few wordis maid anfwer thus at all : Gif thow alkis a refput or delay, Bot for a tyme, or tyll a certane day, Of thys evident deth of Turnus gyng, Defyrand I fuld grant the fik a thyng, 25 All thocht he mortale be ryeht fone we knaw ; I leif the to remove hym and withdraw, And from this inftant perrellus hard fayt Steill hym away, and gyde hym by the gait : For fo lang fpace gyt reftis at will of me 30 To lenth hys lyfe, quhilk I the grant, quod he. OF ENEADOS. 645 Bot gif fa beys, that vndre thy requeft Mair hie pardon lurkis, I wald thou cell : For gif thou wenys that all the viftory Of the batale, and chaneis by and by, 5 May be reducyt and alterat clar agane, A myfbyleve thou fofteris all invane. To quham Juno on this wys faid wepyng : Quhat harm mycht fall, thocht be fum takyn or fyng Thow fchew thy mynd, and grantit that, quod fche, 10 Quhilk be thy wordis of fatale deftane Now grunfchis thou to geif or to conceid ? That is to fa, quhat fors, thocht thou in deid Waldyfl appreif and ratyfy agane That Turnus lyfe a lang tyme fuld remane ? 15 Bot now approchis to that innocent knycht A feirfull end ; he fal to ded be dicht, Or than my fawys ar voyd of veryte. And O, wald God, at rather fa fuld be That I diflavyt war bot with fals dreid, 20 And at thou lift, as thou has mycht in deid, Thy fatale promys and thy ftatutis ftrange In bettir purpos to tranflait and change ! Fra fcho thir wordis had faid, the ilk tyde Dovn from the hevyn fcho leyt hir felvyn flyde, 25 Befor hyr dryvand a tempeftuus wynd, And all abowt, befor and eik behynd, Within a clowd of myft circulyt cleyn : So throw the air bownyt furth this queyn Towart the Troiane hoftis in the planys, 30 And to the tentis focht of Lawrentanys. 646 THE TENTH BUKE Thys Goddes than furth of ane boys clowd In lyknes of Ene dyd fchaip and fchrowd A voyd figur, but ftrenth or curage bald, The quhilk wondyrus monftre to behald 5 With Troiane wapynnys and armour grathis fche, With fcheild, and helm, and tymbret fet on hie, Be femlant lyke Eneas godlyhed ; And tharto ekis fcho in euery fted Quent fengeit wordis, fant and contyrfait, 10 With voce, but mynd, or ony other confait ; And fengeis eik hys concernans and pacis ; Syklyke as that, thai fay, in diuers placis The wraithis walkis of goiftis that ar ded, Or as the llepy dremys, fra fted to fted 15 Fleand in fwevyn, makis illufionys, Quhen mennys myndis oft in dravillyng gronys : And all befor the forfront of the feild Richt haltandly, as curageus vnder fcheild, Mufturis this ymage, that with dartis keyn 20 Aggrevyt Turnus, and dyd hym chyde in teyn, Prouocand hym to bargane and tyl ire. And Turnus tho als hoyt as any fyre Thys figur dyd invaid, and tharat he In gret difpyte a quhirrand dart leyt fle : 25 Bot this ilk fchaddo, as fum deill addred, Turnyt abowt, and gaif the bak and fled. Then Turnus, wenand Ene had tane the flycht, And al awondryt of that felcouth fyght, Within hys mynd a vayn comfort kawch he, 30 And cryis lowd ; quhidder fleys thou now, Ene ? OF ENEADOS. 647 Leif nevir, for fchame, thus diflblait and waift Thy new allyans promyft the in haift, Of Lavynya the fpoufyng chalmyr at hand, And all this ilk regioun and this land, 5 Quhilk thou fa far has focht owt our the fe : My ryeht hand fal the fayfyng geif, quod he. With fik wordis he fchowtand dyd perfew, And ay the glymmyrand brand baith fchuke and fchew, Na thyng perfavand quhou this myrth and blys 10 Away quyte with the wynd bewavit is. On cace thar ftude a mekill fchip that tyde, Hyr wayl jonyt til a fchor rokis fyde, With plankis and with bryggis layd on land, The entre reddy grathit weill thai fand ; 15 In the quhilk fchip Ofynyus kyng, I wys, Come laitly from the cite of Clufys. Thydder went this wrath or fchaddo of Ene, That femyt, all abafyt, faft to fle, And hyd hyr dern vndre hychis tharin. 20 Na flawar Turnus haftis hym to ryn, That but delay he fpedis to this fehyp, Ran owr the bryg, and in with burd can Ikyp ; And fears was entrit in the forcaftell, Quhen Saturnus douchter faw hir tyme befell : 25 Than foyn the cabyll in fondir fmytis fche, And fra the fchor draif the fchip throu the fee. Bot Turnus abfent thus that fammyn howr Eneas feyrflys throw amyd the ftowr, And in hys renk quham euer he met lay ded ; 30 Full mony a man he kyllit in that fted. 648 THE TENTH BUKE And tharwithall hys lyeht and fengeit goft, Fra tyme the fchip was chargyt fra the coft, No langar fekis hyrnys hir to hyde, Bot flaw vp in the ayr the fammyn tyde, 5 And al diflbluyt into a dyrk clowd. The meyn feflbn, can fors of wyndis lowd Turnus far furth amyd the deip fey dryve : He dyd behald abowt hym tho belyve, All ignorant quhat wys this chance was wrocht, 10 And of hys lyfe falvyng na thyng he rocht ; With handis junft vphevit towart hevin, Syk wordis he furth braid with drery ftevyn : Almychty fader of the hevynnys hie, Has thou me reput on fie wys tobe 15 Confufyt in this fchame for myn offens? And will I fuffyr fyk torment and pennans ? Quhidder am I dryue, and from quhens am I cumyn ? Quhat maner efehewyng or fleyng haue I nummyn ? In quhat eftait fall I return agane ? 20 Sail I evir fe the wallys Lawrentane. Or evir eft my tentis fall I fe ? Quhat may gon oft of men now fay of me, Quhilkis my querrell and me followit to feild, Quham now, allace ! lo, fechtand vnder fcheild 25 gondii", fchame to fay the harm, fa wikkytly Reddy to myfehews deth beleft haue I ? Lo, I behald thame fleand paill and wan, And heris the granyng of mony douchty man In my defalt falland fey to grond. 30 Quhat fal I do ? allace the wofull ftond ! OF ENEADOS. 649 Or quhilk land, thocht a thoufand tymys I ftervit, May fwelly me fa deip as I haue fervyt ? Bot, O ge wyndis, rather haue mercy, On rowkis and on craggis by and by 5 Do fwak this fehyp, fen heir na erth I fe, And haue of wrachit Turnus fum pyete, Quhilk of hys fre will, Had in this maner, Befekis gow with all hartly prayer ; Do warp my body on the fchaldis onkend, 10 Far furth on Syrtys at the warldis end, Quhar Rutilyanys me nevir fynd agane, Sa that na fame nor rumour may remane Eftir my deth of this fchaymfull trefpas. And, fayand thus, in mynd dyd he cumpas 15 Full mony chaneis rolland to and fro, Quhidder gif he fuld, for proper lak and wo, Into this fury fmyte hym with hys brand, And thryft the bludy blaid in with hys hand Throw owt hys rybbys, and fched his hart blude ; 20 Or than to fwak hym felf amyd the flude, Swymmand to feik the nerreft coftis bay, In feild agane the Troianys to aflay. Athir way till aflay thrys prefyt hes he : And thrys hym ftyntis Juno, queyn maft hie, 2.5 Havand compaffioun of this gong man bald, And can aflwage hys mynd, and hand withhald. Furth held the fchip, flydand owt our the fludis, With profper wynd and followand tyde fa gude is, Quhill he is careit fuyrly throw the fee 30 Tyll Ardea, hys faderis auld cite. 4 N 650 THE TENTH BUKE CAP. XII. In Turnus fted Mezentius dydfucceid, Killyt doun his fays, andfpulgeit of thar weid. Durand this quhile, in fatis marciall, Mezentyus movyt with ardour bellycall, Be inftigatioun of Jove in that neid, Can to the batale in hys place fucceid ; 5 And the Troianys to invaid na thing fparis, That femyt prowd as all the feild war tharis. Than fammyn to ;recontyr hym atanys Semlyt haill oftis of Hethrurianys, And all aflailgeit Mezentius allone ; 10 Aganyft a man thai rowtys euery one, Inflambyt all in malyce, maid perfutys, And thik as haill fchour at hym fchaftis fchutis. Bot he, lyke to a ferm rowk, quhilk we fe Strekyt on lenth amyd the large fee, 15 Sytuat aganys the rageand wyndis blaft, And brym wallys boldynnand wondyr faft, From all that violens doys hym felf defend, And haill the fors fuftenys to the end Baith of the hevynnys and byr of feys rage, 20 Remanand onremovyt ferm in hys ftage : Als ftern ftandis Megentius in that Hound. And firft he hes fellit and laid to the grond Hebrus, the fon of ane Dolycaon, And hym befyde Latagus flew onon, OF ENEADOS. 651 And Palmus eik, accuftumat to fle : Bot with a ftane Latagus brytnyt he Quhilk of a montane femyt a gret nuke, With quham hym on the viflage he ourtuke ; 5 And Palmus howgh fennonys fmait in tway Maid hym fa flaw he mycht nocht fle away ; Thar armour fyne to Lawfus gevyn hes he To weir on hys fchuldris, and crovn on hie Thar creiftis fet, the quhilk fa rychly fchane. 10 He flew alfo Evantes a Troiane, And Mynas fyne he kyllys in the feild, Quhilum to Parys compangeoun and evin eild ; Quham on a nycht Theana, gude and fair, To hys fader Amycus in Troy bair, 15 Quhen Heccuba, douchter of Cifleus, Dremyt fcho was gret, the ftory tellis thus, With a fyre broynd, and the felf famyn nycht Was delyver of Parys, the fey knycht, Quhilk in hys natyve cite maid hys end : 20 Bot thir feildis Lawrentan ombekend Withhaldis now the body of Mynas : So brym in ftowr that ftond Mezentyus was. Lyke to the ftrenthy fangler, or the bore, Quham hundis queft with mony quhryne and rore 25 Down dryvyng from the hightis maid difcend, Quhilk mony wyntyr tofor had hym defend In Vefulus, the cauld montane hie, That is ourheldyt with mony fyr tre ; Or than the buftuus fwyne weil fed, that bredis 30 Amang the bufkis rank of ryfpe and redis, 652 THE TENTH BUKE Befyde the layk of Lawrens, mony gheris, Quhen that he is betrappyt fra his feris Amyd the huntyng ralys and the nettis, Standis at the bay, and vp hys byrfys fettis, 5 Grafland hys tulkis with aftern fyry eyn, With fpaldis hard and harfk awfull and teyn, That nane of all the huntmen thar prefent Hym to engreif has ftrenth or hardyment, Nor dar approchyng within hys byt neir, 10 Bot ftandand far on dreich with dart and fpeir, Aflbverit of hys reik, the befte allays, With felloun fchowtis, buftuus cryis, and brays. Nane other wys ftud all the Tufcane rowt This ftalwart knycht Mezentius abowt ; 15 And, thocht thai juft caws had of wreth and feyd, Thar was nane of thame durft hym put to ded, Nor curage had with drawyn fwerd in hand Hym till aflaill, nor mach apon the land ; Bot with takillis and caftyn dartis on far 20 Thai warp at hym, bot durft not ane cum nar, And with huge clamour hym infeftis that tyde : He, onabafyt, abowt on euery fyde Behaldis, gyrnand full of proper teyn, And with hys fcheild choppyt by fchaftis bedene. 25 Furth of the ancyent boundis of Coryt tho Was cum a Greik, quhilk clepyt was Aero, That fugityve into his lufty heyt Had left hys fpowfal trewth plicht oncompleit : Quham as Mezentius faw amyd the, rowt 30 Hym grevand foir, as weriour ftern and ftowt, OF ENEADOS. 653 And faw the plefand plomys fet on hycht Of hys tymrell, and eik the purpour brycht, Quhilk of his trewthplycht lufe he bair in fyng ; Than, lyke a hungry lyon rumyfyng, 5 Conftrenyt by hys rageand empty maw, The beiftis dennys circuland all on raw, Gif he on cace afpys a fwyft ra, Or the gyng hart with fpryngand tyndis twa, Joyful he bradis tharon difpytuufly, 10 With gapand gowle, and vprafys in hy The lokkyrris lyand in his nek rowght, And all the beftis bowellis thrymlys throwght, Hurkylland tharon, quhar he remanyt and ftude, Hys gredy gammys bedyis with the red blude : 15 On the fammyn wys, Mezentius ryeht baldly Mydwart hys fays rowt rufchit in hy ; Down fmytis fey Acron amyd the oft, That in the ded thraw, galdand vp the goft, Smate with hys helys the grond in maltalent, 20 And brokkyn fchaftis with hys blude byfprent. This ilk Mezentius eik dedengeit nocht To fla Orodes, quhilk than was onflocht, That is to knaw, quhill frawart hym he went, And reput na wys, as by hys entent, 25 Syk ane fleand to wond into the bak, Onawarnyft, quhen he na defens mycht mak, Bot ran abowt and met hym in hys rays ; Than athir man aflemblit face for face ; Orodes mair of prattik was all owt, 30 Bot the tother in dedis of armys mair ftowt, 654 THE TENTH BUKE That to the erth ourthrawyn he hes his feir, And, pofland at hym with hys ftalwart fpeir, Apon hym fet hys fut, and thus he faid : O now my feris, beys blyth and glaid ; 5 Lo, a gret party of this weir, but les, Heir lyis at erd, the douchty Orodes. Hys feris fammyn rafyt vp a cry, With joyus found in fyng of viftory, And blew the prys triumphall for his deth : i o Bot this Orodes, galdand vp the breth, Onto Mezentyus carpys thus on hie : Me onrevengit, thou fal nocht viftour be, For weill I wait that fone I falbe wrokyn, Na, for all thy prowd wordis thou has fpokkyn, 1 5 Thou fall nocht lang endur into fik joy ; Bot ficlyke chaneis and femblant ennoy Abydis the, thocht thou be nevir fa bald, Thys fammyn feild fall thy ded corps withhald. To quham Mezentius fmyland faid in teyn ; 20 Thou fall de firft, quhat evyr to me forfeyn Or previdyt has myghty Jove, quod he, Quham fader of Goddis and kyng of men eleip we. And fayand thus, the fchaft the ilk thraw Furth of hys wond and body dyd he draw. 25 Tho Orodes the hard reft doith oppres, The cauld and irny llepe of dethys ftres, And vp the breth he gald onon ryeht With eyn clofyt in evir leftand nycht. Cedicus al totrynfchit Alcathous, 30 And Sacrator to grund laid Hydafpus ; OF ENEADOS. 655 Rapo, ane Arcaid, has Parthenyus flane, And Orfes, wondir byg of blude and bane ; And Mefapus kyllyt the ftowt Clonyvs, And Erycates with Lychaonyus ; 5 The formaft lyggand at the erd he ouvraucht, That by hys hedftrang hors a fall had caught, And Lychaonyus eik, a fut man, he Lyghtit on fut and flew in the melle. Aganys hym than went a man of Arge, 10 Hait Lycyus, bodyn with fpeir and targe ; Bot by the way Valerus, gude in nedis, Nocht inexpert in douchty eldris dedis, Recontryt hym, and put hym to the ded : Salyus a Troiane in that fammyn fted 15 Atronyus flew; and Nealces, expert To fchut the fleand arrow or caftyng dart, Quhilk invadis a man or he be war, Slew Salyus with fchot, beand on far. CAP. XIII. Quhou Eneas the gong Lawfus has flane, Quhilk fred his fader hurt in the bargane. Thus awfull Mars equaly with hys brand 20 The forow rafyt apon athir hand : Huge flauehter maid was and feir woundis wyd, Thai kyll and ar bet down on euery fyde, 656 THE TENTH BUKE That fammyn in the feild thai fall infeir, Baith the viftouris, and thai that venquyft weir, And nother party wift, nother he nor he, To falf hym felf quhar away to fle : 5 So that the Goddis in Jovys hevynly hald Had compaffioun and rewth for to behald The wroith and ire of athir in the fightis, That fik diftres rang amang mortal wightis. Venus towart the Troiane fyde tuke tent : 1 o Aganyft quham, all full of maltalent, Saturnus douchter Juno, that full bald is, Towart the party aduerfar behaldis ; And the pail furour of Tyfiphone Walkis wod wroth amydwart the melle. 1 5 Bot pryncipaly Mezentyus all engrevyt, With a gret fpeir, quharwith he feill myfchevit, Went brangland throu the feild all hym allon : As buftuus as the hydduus Orion, Quhen he on fut woyd throu the mekill fee, 20 Scherand the ftreym with hys fchuldris hie, Abufe the wallys of the flude apperis ; Or lyke ane ancyent ayk tre, mony gheris That grew apon fum montane toppys hycht, Semand fo hie to euery manis fycht, 25 Quhilk, thocht hys rutis fpred in the grond all lydis. Hys crop vpftraucht amyd the clowdis hydis : Syk lyke Mezentius muftyrris in the feild, With huge armour, baith fpeir, helm, and fcheild. Aganyft quham Eneas faft hym hyis, 30 Fra tyme amyd the rowt he hym afpyis. OF ENEADOS. 657 The tother, onabafyt, all reddy thar The cummyng of hys douchty aduerfar Abydis ftowtly, fermyt in hys fors, And maffely vpftude with buftuus cors ; .5 And, mefurand with hys E als large fpais As he mycht thraw a caftyng fpeir, thus fays : My ryeht hand, and this fleand dart mot be, Quhilk now I tays, as verray God to me ! Affiftyng to my fchot I gou befeik ; 1 0 For I awow, and heir promittys eyk, In fyng of trophe or triumphall meith, My lovit fon Lawfus forto cleith With fpulge and all harnes rent, quod he, Of gondir rubbaris body, fals Enee. 15 Thus faid he ; and fra hys hand the ilk tyde The caftyng dart faft byrrand lattis glyde, That fleand fclentis on Eneas fcheild ; Syne, ftandand far on rovm gond in the feild, Smate worthy Anthores the ilk thraw, 20 Betwix the bowellys and the rybbys law : Anthores, ane of gret Hercules ferys, That come from Arge into hys lufty gheris, Inherdand to Evander the Arcaid, And had hys dwellyng and hys refidens maid 25 In Palentyn, cite Italian; Onhappely now lyggis thus down flane, All of a wound and dynt quhilk in the fycht Addreffit was towart ane other knycht. 3it, deand, he beheld the hevynnys large, 30 And can ramembir hys fweit cuntre of Arge. 4 o 658 THE TENTH BUKE Than the reuthfull Eneas keft hys fpere, Quhilk throu Mezentius armour all dyd fehere ; Throw gyrd hys targe platyt thrys with fteill, And throw the cowchit lynnyn euery deill, 5 And thrynfald plyis of the bullys hydis, That law down in hys flank the dynt abydis : Bot it byreft hym nowder lyfe ne mycht. Eneas tho, quhilk was expert in fyght, Joyful! quhen that Mezentius blude faw he, 10 Furth hynt hys fwerd at hang law by hys thee, And fervently towart hys fa can pas, Quhilk, for the dynt, fum deill aftonyft was. Quhen Lawfus faw this aventour of weir, He wepyt wail fair for hys fader deir ; 15 Sa wobegone becam this lufty man That fait teris faft our hys chekis ran. Forfuyth, I fall not ourflyp in this fted Thy hard myfchance, Lawfus, and fatale ded, And thy maift dowchty aftis bellycall : 20 O frefch gongker, maift dyng memoriall I fall rehers, gyf ony faith may be Gevyn to fa gret dedis of antiquyte. With this Mezentyus menzeit drew abak, Harland hys leg quharin the fchaft flak, 25 That quhar he went he baris our the feild Hys ennemys lance fixit in hys fcheild. Betwix thame rufchys in the gong Lawfus, Amyd thar wapynnys, ftern and curagus, Hym felf has fet forto fuftene the fyght : 30 Vnder Eneas ryeht hand rafyt on hycht, OF ENEADOS. 659 That reddy was to fmyte a dedly wond, In fteppis he, and baldly the ilk ftound The bytand brand vphevyt keppyt he, And can refift and ftynt the gret Enee. 5 Hys feris followys with a felloun fchowt : Quhill that Mezentius of the feild wan owt, Diffend and coverit with hys fonnys fcheild, Thai caft dartis thikfald thar lord to held, With fchaftis fchot, and flanys gret plente, 10 Perturband thar ftern aduerfar Ene ; That all enragyt hys fovir targe erekkit, And thar vndre hym haldis clofly dekkyt. And lyke as fum tyme clowdis bryftis attanys, The fchowr furthgettand of hoppand hailftanys, 1 5 That all the j>lewmen and thar hynys inhy Fleis of the croftis and feildis by and by ; And eik the travellour gond vnder the wald Lurkand withdrawys to fum fovir hald, Owdir vndir watyr brays and bankis dern, 20 Or in fum craggis clyft, or deip cavern, So lang as that the fchour leftis on the plane, That he may, when the fon fchynys agane, Exers hys journe, or hys wark alffaft : Syk wys Ene with fchoit and dartis caft 25 Was all ourheld, and ombefet ilk fyde, Quhil he the pres of batale ftyntis that tyde, And all thar fors fuftenyt and deray ; Reprevand Lawfus, thus begouth to fay, And mannanfyt hym with brand of blude all red : 30 Quhidder haftis thou fa faft apon thy ded ? 660 THE TENTH BUKE Or quhou dar thou ondertak into fyght Syk interprys, quhilk is abuf thy mycht ? Thou art nocht wys ; thy tendir hart, quod he, And rewthfull mynd all owt diffavis the. 5 Bot for all thys gong Lawfus, vail que vaill, Wald no wys ces Eneas till affaill. Than hyear rays the wraith and felloun ire Of the ilk manfull Troiane lordly fyre, And eyk the fatale fifteris tho in deid 10 Had wymplyt vp this Lawfus lattyr threid : For fo Eneas ftokis hys ftyf brand Throw owt this gongker, hard vp to hys hand, That fwerd, befor maid mannanfyng and boft, Throw gyrd that gentill body and hys coft, 15 Hys target perfand, and hys armour lyeht, And eik hys cote of goldyn thredis brycht Quhilk hys moder hym fpan ; and, to conclude, Hys bofum all is fillyt of hait blude : Sone eftir is the fpreit of lyfe furth went 20 Down to the goiftis law with fad entent, And left the body ded, and hyne dyd pas. Bot quhen Anchifes fon, fers Eneas, Beheld hys wit and contenans in deyng, Hys fweit viflage fa in the ded thrawyng 25 Becummyn wan and paill on diuers wys, He fychit profundly owder twys or thrys, And drew abak hys hand, and rewth has hynt ; For fo into hys mynd, eftir the dynt, The ymage of hys faderly piete 30 Imprentit was, that on this wys faid he : OF ENEADOS. 661 O douchty gynglyng, worthy tobe menyt, Worthy tobe bewalyt and complenyt, Quhat fall the reuthfull compacient Ene For fa gret loVabill dedis rendir the ? 5 Or quhat may he the geld fufficient For fik natural and inborn hardyment ? Thyne armour, quharof fumtyme thou reiofyt, With the I leif, for ay to beyn eniofyt : Onto thy parentis handis and fepultre 10 I the beleif tobe entyrit, quod he, Gyf that fie maner of triumphe and coft May do thame plefour, or eys onto thy goft. Bot thou, onfilly child, fa will of red, Do comfort heirwith thy lamentabill ded, 15 That thou ourmatehit art and thus lyis flane By the gretaft Eneas handis twane. Syne he hys feris can repreif and chyde, That thai fa lang delayt hym befyde, Makand na haift to bair hys corps away ; 20 And he hym felf betwix hys armys tway The ded body vpliftis fra the grond, That with the red blude of his new grene wond Befparklyt had hys gallow lokkis brycht, That ayr war kemmyt and addreflyt ryeht. 662 THE TENTH BUKE CAP. XIV. Fra Mezentius knew gong Lawfus deces, Hym to revenge his lyfe loft in the pres. The meyn feflbn, hys fader with his feris, Down at the fludis fyde of Tyberis, Stanfchit his wondis with watyr by and by, Wefchand the blude and fwait from hys body. 5 Hys helm of fteil befyde hym hang weil ne Apon a grayn or branch of a grene tre ; Hys other weghty harnes, gud in neid, Lay on the gyrs befyde hym in the meid ; Hys trafty ehofyn verlettis hym abowt : 10 And he ful for wondyt, all in dowt, Stude lenand with hys wery nek and bonys Owt our a bowand tre, with fair gronys ; Hys weil kemmyt berd, hyngand ful ftraucht Apon his breift, onto hys gyrdill raucht : 15 And feill tymys on Lawfus menys he, Prayand full oft he mycht hym falfly fe, And mony meflyngeris onto hym hes fend, To withdraw hym the feild, and to defend That he abyde na langar in bargane, 20 And fchaw quhat forow for hym hys fader had tane. Bot than Lawfus ded owt of the feild Hys wofull feris careit apon a fcheild, Wepand fa gret a man was brocht to grond, And difcumfyt with fa gryfly a wond. OF ENEADOS. 663 Mezentius mynd and confait, the ilk tyde, Sufpekand the harmys quhilkis war betyde, On far confiderit the caus of thar murnyng, And on hys canos hair the duft can flyng, 5 With mekill powdir fyland hys hafart hed ; And baith hys handis in that fammyn fted Towart the hevin vphevis in a fary, And he the Goddis and ftarnys faft dyd wary ; Syne, lenand on hys fonnys corps, thus cryis : 1 0 O my deir child and tendir get heir lyis ! Had I fa gret appetit and delyte Onto this wrachit- lyfe, fa ful of fyte, That I the fufferit to entyr in my fted Vndre our fays hand, and with thy ded 15 My lyfe is falfit? Ha, I thy fader heir, Quhilk the begat, my only fon fa deir, Suld I be falf and lyfand eftir the, Throu tha fa grifly wondis that I fe ? Allace, onto me, wrachit catyve thing, 20 Myne exill now at laft and banyfyng Becummyn is hard and infufferabill ! The ftound of deth, the panys lamentabill, Is deip engravyn in my hart onfound ; Now am I fmyttyn with the mortal wond ! 25 I, the felf man was the caus of thy ded, With my trefpas, my child, in euery fted Filyt the glor and honour of thy name, Thy hie renovn befpottand with my fchame, As I that was, by invy and haitrent 30 Of my awin pepill, with thar haill aflent, 664 THE TENTH BUKE Expellit from my ceptre and my ryng, And was adettyt, for my myfdoyng Onto our cuntre, till haue fufferit pane : I aucht and worthy was to haue bene flane, 5 And to haue gald this wikkyt fawle of myne Be all maner of turment and of pyne, Fortill amend myne offencis and fed. Ha, now I lyf, allace ! and thou art ded ! 3it want I not off men the cumpany, 1 0 Nowder lyght of lyfe, ne cleirnes of the Iky, Bot foyn I fal thame leif and part tharfra. And fayand thus, fammyn with mynd ful thra He rafyt hym vp apon hys wondit thee, And determyt to revenge hym or de : 15 For thocht the violens of hys fair fmart Maid hym onfery, git hys ftalwart hart And curage ondekeit was gude in neid. He bad ga fech Rhebus, hys ryall fted, Quhilk was hys wirfchip and hys comfort haill, 20 And hys fupport hys fays to aflaill ; For by thys hors in euery gret iourne Hame fra the feild viftour efchapit he. Quhamto Mezentyus, but mair abaid, Seand the fteid drowpand and fad, thus faid : 25 Rhebus, we twa hes levit lang yfeir, Gyf that to mortal wightis in this erd heir Ony tyme may be reput lang, quod he. Owder this day beys thou revengear with me Of Lawfus dolorus deith, and wrek our fchame, •30 And fall as viftour with the bryngyn hame OF ENEADOS. 665 3on bludy fpulge, and Eneas hed ; Or, gif na fors nor ftrenth into that fted Will liiffir ony way that it be fo, We fal in feild fammyn de baith two. 5 For, O moift forcy fteid, my lovyt foill, I can na wys beleif at thou may thoill To be at ony otheris commandment, Nor that the lift dedeyn, gif I war fchent, Till obey ony matter or lord Troiane. 10 And fayand thus, ful towartly onane The fteid bekend held to hys fchulder plat, And he at eys apon hys bak doun fat ; And bath hys handis fillyt with dartis keyn, With helm on hed burnyft brycht and fcheyn, 15 Abuf the quhilk hys tymbret buklyt was, Lyke till a lokryt mayn with mony fas. And into fik array with fwyft curs he Furth fteris hys fteid, and draif in the melle. Deip in hys hart boldynnys the felloun fchame, 20 Myxit with dolour, angir, and defame ; The fervent luf of hys fon gyng of age Gan catchyng hym into the furyus rage ; Tharto alflb perfuadis to the fyght Hys hors weil knawin hys hardyment and mycht : 25 And, in fik poynt, throw owt the rowtis all With mychty voce thrys dyd Eneas call. Eneas hard hym cry, and weil hym knew, And glaid tharof can towartis hym perfew, And prayand fays ; the fader of Goddis hie, 30 And eik mychty Apollo, that grant to me, 4 p 666 J THE TENTH BUKE Thou wald begyn in bargan on this land To mell with me, and to meyt hand for hand. Thus earpyt he, and with ftern lance, but tary, Furth fteppys forto meyt hys aduerfary. 5 Bot Mezentius, feand hym cumand, Cryit to hym onon and bad hym ftand : O thou maift cruel! aduerfar, faid he, Quhat wenys thou fo to effray and boft me, Sen thou my fon has me bereft this day, 10 Quhilk was only the maner and the way Quharby thou mycht ourcum me and diftroy ? Now, fen that I haue tynt all warldis joy, Nowder I abhor the ded, to ftarve in fyght, Nor rak I ocht of ony Goddis mycht. 15 Defift, and ces to boft me or manas, For I am cum to de in this ilk plas ; Bot firft I bryng the thir rewards, quod he. With that word, at his fa a dart leyt fle, And eftir that ane other has he caft, 20 And fyne ane other has he fixit faft, About hym prekand in a cumpas large : Bot all thir dyntis fuftenyt the goldin targe. Thrys on the left half faft, as he war wod, About Eneas raid he quhar he ftude, 25 Thik with hys handis fwakkand dartis keyn : And thrys this Troiane prynce our all the greyn, Intil hys ftalwart ftelyt fcheild ftikand owt, Lyke a hair wod the dartis bair abowt. At laft, as he ennoyt of this deray, 30 This irkfum trayfyng, jowkyng, and delay, OF ENEADOS. 667 And cumryt wolx fa mony dartis invane Thus oft to draw furth and to caft agane, As he that was matchit that tyme, but faill, With hys fa man in bargane inequale, 5 Quhilk ay was at avantage and onflocht, Full mony thing revoluyt he in thocht ; Syne on that weirman rufchit he in teyn : In the forhed, betwix the horfys eyn, He keft hys fpeir with all his fors and mycht. 10 Vpftendis thar the ftalwart fteid on hycht, And with his helys flang up in the ayr ; Down fwakkis the knycht fone with a fellon fair, Foundris fordwart flatlyngis on hys fpald, Ourquhelmyt the man, and can hys feit onfald. 15 Than the Latynys, and eik pepill Troianys, The hevynnys dyndlit with a fchowt at anys. Eneas gyrd abufe hym with a braid, Hynt furth hys fwerd, and forthir thus he faid : Quhar is he now, Mezentius, fa ftern ? 20 Quhar is the fers ftowt curage of that bern ? Quhamto Mezentius, this ilk prynce Tyrrheyn, Fra that he mycht alyftyn vp his eyn To fe the hevynnys licht, and draw hys braith, And hys ryeht mynd agane recoverit haith, 25 Thus anfweris : O thou difpituus fo, Quharto me chydis thou reprochand fo, And manancis me to the ded by and by ? Of my flauehter I think na villany, Nor on fik wys heir com I not in feild, 30 That I ftand aw to fweit vnder my fcheild ; 668 THE TENTH BUKE Nor, I beleif, na frendfchip in thy handis, Nane fyk trety of fawchnyng nor eunnandis, My fon Lawfus band vp with the, perfay. Bot of a thyng I the befeik and pray, 5 Gif ony plefour may be grantit or beld Till aduerfaris, that lyis venquyft in feild ; That is to knaw, fuffir my body haue Ane fepultur, and with erd be bygrave. I knaw abowt me ftandand in this fted 10 My folkis byttyr haitrent and gret feid : Defend me from thar furour, I requeir, And grant my corps, befyde my fonnys infeir, Into fum tumbe entyrit for tobe. And fayand thus, knawand at he moft de, is Befor hys eyn perfavyt the burnyft brand, That throueh hys gorge went from Eneas hand ; Within hys armour, fchortly to conclude, Furth brufchit the fawle with gret ftremys of blude. Be this the fon declynyt was almoft, 20 So that the Latynys and Rutilian oft, Quhat for the abfens of thar duke Turnus, And new flauehter of bald Mezentius, Withdrew thame to thar rafet in affray, And Troianys went onto thar reft quhil day. THE PROLOUG OF THE ELEVINT BUKE. Thow hie renown of Martis chevalry, Quhilk gladis euery gentill wight to heir, Gif thou mycht Mars and Hercules deify, Quharfor beyn nobillys to follow prowes fwer ? 5 Weill auchtin eldris exemplis ws to fteir Tyll hie curage, all honour till enfew : Quhen we confider quhat wirfchip tharof grew, All vyce deteft, and vertu lat ws leyr. Prowes, but vyce, is provit lefull thyng 10 By haly fcriptur into fyndry place, Be Machabeus, Jofue, Dauid kyng, Mychael, and eyk hys angellys full of grace, That can the dragon furth of hevynnys chace With vailgeand dyntis of ferm myndis contrar : 15 Nane other ftrokis nor wapynnys had thai thar, Nother fpeir, buge, pol ax, fwerd, knyfe, nor mace. In takynnyng that in chevalry or fyght Our myndis fuld haue juft ententioun, The grond of batale fundyt apon ryeht ; 20 Not for thou lyft to mak difcentioun, 670 THE PROLOUG OF To feik occafyons of contentioun, Bot rype thy querrell, and difcus it plane : Wrangis to reddres fuld wer be vndertane, For na conqueft, reif, fkat, nor penfioun. 5 To fpeke of moral vertuus hardyment, Or rather of dyvyne, is myne entent ; For warldly ftrenth is febill and impotent In Goddis fight, and infufficient. The Pfalmyft fays, that God is not content 10 In mannys ftalwart lymmys nor ftrenth of cors, Bot into thame that traftis in hys fors, Afkand mercy, and dredand jugement. Strang fortitud, quhilk hardyment eleip we, Abuf the quhilk the vertu fouerane 15 Aceordyng pryncis, hecht magnanymyte, Is a bonte fet betwix vicis twane : Of quham fuyl hardynes clepit is the tane, That vndertakis all perrellis but avice ; The tother is namyt fchamefull cowardyce, 20 Voyd of curage, and dolf as ony ftane. The firft is hardy all owt by mefur, Of tyme nor rayfon gevis he na cuyr, No dowt he caftis, bot all thinkis fuyr, Nocht may he fuffir, nor hys hait endur : 25 The tother is of all prowes fa puyr, That evir he ftandis in feir and felloun dreid, THE ELEVINT BUKE. 671 And nevir dar vndertak a douchty deid, Bot doith all curage and all manheid fmuyr. The firft foundis towart vertu fum deill, Hardy he is, couth he be avyfe ; 5 Of hardyment the tother has na feill : Quhou may curage and cowardys agre ? Of fortitud to compt gou euery gre, As Areftotill in hys Ethikis doith expres, It wald, as now, conteyn our lang proces ; 10 Quharfor of other chevalry carp will we. Gyf Cryftis faithfull knyehtis lyft ws be, So as we aucht, and promyft hes at font, Than mon we byde baldly, and neuer fle, Nowder be abafyt, tepyt, nor git blunt, 15 Nor as cowartis to efchew the firft dunt. Pawle witneffith, that nane fall wyn the crown, Bot he quhilk dewly makis hym reddy bown To ftand wightly, and feght in the forfront. And quha that fall nocht wyn the crown of meid, 20 That is to fay, the euerleftand blys, The fyre eternall neidlyngis moft thai dreid : For Cryft into his gofpell fays, I wys, Quha bydis nocht with me contrar me is : And gif thou be aganyft God, but weir 25 Than art thou wageour onto Lucifer. God falf ws all from fik a fyre as this ! 672 THE PROLOUG OF The armour of our chevalry, perfay, So the Apoftyll techis ws expres, Not corporall bot fperituall beyn thai, Our conquyft haill, our vaffellage and prowes, 5 Aganyft fpretis and pryncis of myrknes ; Not agane man, owr awyn brother and mait, Nor git aganyft our maker to debait, As rabell tyll all vertu and gudnes. The flefch debatis aganys the fpiritual goft, 10 Hys hie curage with fenfual lull to law, And, be the body viftor, baith ar loft ; The fpreit wald vp, the cors ay down lift draw : Thy fecund fa the warld, ane other thraw, Makis ftrang aflaltis of covatys and eftait, 1 5 Aganyft quham is full perrellus debait ; Thir fays famyliar beyn full quaynt to knaw. Lyff in thy flefch as mafter of thy corps, Lyf in this warld as nocht ay to remane ; Refift the fendis flycht with all thy fors, 20 He is thy ancyent ennemy, werft of ane ; A thoufand wylys he hes, and mony a trane, He kendillis oft thy flefch in byrnand heit, He caufys wrachit plefans feym full fweit, And, for nocht, of this fals warld makis the fane. 25 He is thy fa and aduerfar principall, Of promyflioun wald the expell the land, THE ELEVINT BUKE. 673 For he the fammyn loft, and caucht a fall ; Enfors the ftrangly contrar hym to ftand. Rays hie the targe of faith vp in thy hand, On hed the halfum helm of hoip onlace, 5 In cheryte thy body all embrace, And of devoit oryfon mak thy brand. Stand at defens, and fchrynk not for a fchore : Thynk on the haly marthyris at ar went, Thynk on the payn of hell, and endles glore, 10 Thynk quhou thy Lord for the on rude was rent, Thynk, and thou fle fra hym, than art thou fchent, Thynk all thou fufferis ontyll hys paynis nocht is, Thynk with quhou preeyus pryce as thy fawll bocht is, And ay the moder of grace in mynd enprent. 15 Feill beyn thy fays, fers, and full of flycht, Bot be thou ftalwart campioun and knycht ; In feild of grace with forfaid armour brycht Thou may debait thame lyghtly in ilk fyght : For of fre will thyne afton is fa wight 20 Nane may it pers, wilt thou refift and ftand ; Becum thow cowart, crawdoun recryand, And by confent cry cok, thy ded is dycht. Thynk quhou that fa is waik and impotent, May venquys nane bot thame lyft be ourcum ; 25 He fal the nevir ourfet, but thy confent. Eith is defens to fay nay, or be dum ; 4 a 674 THE PROLOUG OF And for thy weill, lo, thys is all and fum : Confent nevir, and thou fall nevir be loft, By difaflent thou may venquys ane oft, And, for anys ga, tyne thy meid euery crum. 5 Na wondir is ; for by exempill we fe, Quha fervys hys fouerane intill all degre Full mony days, and eftir fyne gif he Commyttis anys trayfon, fuld he nocht de, Les than hys prynce, of gret humanyte, 1 o Pardoun hys fait for hys lang trew feruys, Gyf he wald mercy craif? The fammyn wys We beyn forgevyn, fo that repent will we. Bot quhat avalys begyn a ftrang melle, Syne geld the to thy fa, but ony quhy, 1 5 Or cowartly to tak the bak and fle ? Na ; thar fall nane optene hie viftory, Les thai fuftene the bargane dowchtely ; And quha fo perfeueris to the end Ane conquerour and campioun euir is kend, 20 With palm of triumphe, honour, and glory. The maift onfilly kynd of fortoun is To haue beyn happy ; Boetius techis fo ; As, to haue beyn in welth and hartis blys, And now tobe dekeit and in wo : 25 Rieht fo, quha vertuus was, and fallys tharfro, Of verray rayfon malewrus hait is he ; THE ELEVINT BUKE. 675 And git, by grace and hys fre volunte, He may recovir meryt agane alflb. I fay, be grace ; for quhen thou art in grace, Thou may eik grace to grace, ay mor and mor ; .5 Bot quhen thou fallys be fyn tharfra, allace ! Of thy meryte thou gettis hyr nevirmor : 3it quhen thou dewly difponys the tharfor, Doand all that in the thar may be done, Of hys gudnes the etern Lord alffbne 10 Reftorys the meryt, with grace in arlys of glore. Haill thy meryt thou had tofor thy fall, That is to fay, thy warkis meritabill, Reftorit ar agane baith gret and finall, And grace tharto, quhilk is fa profitabill 15 That thou tharby to eik meryt art habill ; Bot nocht ilk gre of grace thou had befor ; That gettis thou not fa foyn, quhill forthyrmor : Be war tharfor, fall not, bot ftandis ftabill. For lyke as quha offendit had hys lord, 20 That lang tofor hys trew fervand had bene, And fyne agane becumis at ane accord With hys mafter, all thocht hys lord wald meyn On hys aid feruyce, git netheles, I weyn, He fall nocht foyn be tendir, as he was ayr : 25 Be war tharwith, and kepe gou fra the fnair, Tyne nocht gour laubour and gour thank betweyn. 676 THE PROLOUG. Exempill takis of this prynce Ene, That, for hys fatale cuntre of beheft, Sa feill dangeris fuftenyt on land and lee, Syk ftryfe in Hour fa oft with fpeir in reft, 5 Quhill he hys realm eonqueft bath weft and ell : Sen all this dyd he for a temporall ryng, Pres ws to wyn the kynryk ay leftyng, Acldres ws faft fortill opteyn that feft. He may be callyt, as fays fanft Auguftyn, 10 Ane delicat, owr efy, cryftyn knycht, Refufys to thoill traval, Hurt, or pyne, And but debait wenys till optene the fyght. To wyn the feild, and nevir preif thy mycht, That war nyce thyng : thy kyng Cryfte in batell 15 Quhat fufferit he for the, O catyve wight ! Lyis thou at eys, thy prynce in bargane fell ? Afchamys of our fleutht and cowardyce ! Seand thir gentyles and the paganys aid Enfew vertu, and efchew euery vyce, 20 And for fa fehort renown warryn fo bald To fufteyn weir and panys teyr ontald ; Than lat ws ftryve that realm forto pofleid, The quhilk was hecht till Abraham and hys feyd : Lord, at ws wrocht and bocht, grant ws that hald ! THE ELEVINT BUKE OF ENEADOS. CAP. I. Eftir the feild Enee maid f aerify ce, Offerand the fpulge to Mars, as was the gys. Duryng this quhile, furth of the fey dyd fpryng The frefch Aurora with the brycht dawyng. Ene, albeyt hys hafty thochtfuU curis Conftrenyt hym, as twychyng fepulturis 5 Of hys folkis new flane and berying, Forto provide a tyme maft aceordyng, And gretly eik in mynd he trublyt was For the flauchtyr and ded corps of Pallas ; <3it netheles, as firft the fon vpfprent, 10 Scheddyng hys bemys in the orient, As viftor he onto the Goddis als tyte With facryfyce can hys vowys acquyte. Ane akyn tre, was huge gret and fquar, The branchis fned and kut abowt alquhar, 1 5 Apoun a motys hycht vpfet has he, And all with fchynand armour cled the tre : 678 THE ELEVINT BUKE The coyt armour and fpulge tharon hang Of Mezentius, the vailgeand campioun ftrang ; To the, gret God of ftryfe, armypotent, In fyng of trophe tharon was vpftent 5 Hys cryft and hewmet all befprent with blude, The brokyn trunfchions of hys fperis rude, And hys fyne hawbryk, with fpeir, fwerd, and macis, Affayt and perfyt into twys fax placis ; Hys ftelyt fcheild dyd on the left fyde hyng ; 10 Abowt hys gorget, or hys nek armyng, Was hung hys fwerd with evor fcawbart fyne. And thus exortis Ene hys ferys fyne : The chiftanys all abowt hym lowkyt war, Quhilk glaidfum warryn of this joyus fair. 15 O douchty men, quod he, worthy in weris, The grettaft part of our warkis and afferis Beyn endit now, fa that in tyme cummyng All feir and dreid ar paflyt of ony thyng : Thir bene the fpulge, and firft weirly weid, 20 Reft from the prowd kyng be my handis in deid ; Lo, heir Mezentius venquyft lyis doun bet. Now to the wallys of Lawrent and the get The way is maid to kyng Latyn to wend. Tharfor addres gour myndis, and attend 2.5 To armys and to weirfar euery ane, Provydand in gour confatis for bargane ; So that ghe reddy be, and na delay May ftoppyn gou, nor ftunnys ane other day, Be gour awyn fleuth, for lak of gude forlycht, 30 Gif ge onwarnyft beys callyt to the fycht : OF ENEADOS. 679 Alflbne as fyrft the Goddis omnipotent By fum fygnys or takyn lyft confent The enfengeis and baneris be vphynt, And all the gonkeris meyt for fwerdis dynt, 5 Of thar tentis convoyt in array, Se ghe all reddy be than, but delay. And, in the meyn quhile, lat ws to erd haue The corpfys of our fallowys onbegraue ; Quhilk only honour is haldyn in daynte 10 At Acheron, the laweft hellys fee. Pas on, he faid ; tha fawlys valgeant, Quhilk, with habundans of thar blude byfprent, Has conquyft ws this realm apon fik wys, Do honour with thar funeral fervys, 15 And wirfchip with thar finale laft rewardis. Bot firft, befor all corpfis of tha lardis, Ontill Evandrys dolorus cite Of gong Pallas the body fend mon we ; Quham, wantand na vertu nor prowes, 20 The wofull day hes ws byreft expres, And with a wofull flauehter caucht, allace ! Thus faid he, wepand fait terys our hys face : Syne tuke hys vayage towart the ilk fted Quhar Pallas lyfles corps was lyggand ded ; 25 Quham ancyent Acetes thar dyd kepe, With flottyryt berd of terys all beweip ; The quhilk Acetes had tofor ybe Squyer to kyng Evander, from the cite .Of Parrha cummyn into Arcady, 30 And at thys tyme was fend in cumpany 680 THE ELEVINT BUKE With hys deir foftyr child he had in cur, Bot not, as ayr, with happy aventur. About the corps alhaill the multitud Of fervyturis and Troiane commonys ftud, 5 And dolorus Phrigyane wemen, on thar gys, With hair down fehaik, and petuus fpraichis and cryis. Bot, fra that enterit was Eneas bald Within the portis of that large hald, A huge clamour thai rafyt and womentyng, i o Betand thar breftis quhill all the lyft dyd ryng ; So lowd thar wofull bewalyng habundis That all the palyce dynnys and refoundis. Thys prynce hym felf, fra that he did behald The fnaw quhite viflage of this Pallas bald, 1 5 Hys hed vphald, mycht nocht the felf fuftene, And eik the gapand dedly wond hes fene, Maid by the fperys hed Rutilyane Amyd hys fnerth and fair flekyt breift bane, With terys bryftand from hys eyn, thus plenyt : 20 O douchty child, maift worthy tobe menyt, Has fortoun me envyit fa far that, eft Our weill is cummyn, thus thou art me bereft, Sa that thou fuld not fe our ryng, faid he, Nor git as viftor with profperyte 25 Onto thy faderis cite hame retour ? Syk promys hecht I not the lattir hour To thy fader Evandrus, quhen that he At my departyng laft embrafyt me, And fend me to conquys a large empyre : 30 And, dredand eyk for the, that lordly fyre OF ENEADOS. 681 Vs monyll tobe war and avyfe, Becaus the men quhamwith to do had we War bald and ftern ; faid, we had wer at hand With buftuus folk, that weill in ftryfe durft ftand. 5 Now, certis, he levand in hoip, invane, For thy profper returnyng haym agane Perchans doith mak prayer and offerandis, Chargeand the altaris oft with hys awyn handis : Bot we hys lyfles child, quhilk aw na thyng 1 0 Onto the Goddis of the hevynly ryng, With womentyng heir menand tendyrly, And vayn honour, accumpaneis by and by. O fey onhappy kyng Archadian ! Now thy fonnys ded corps cruelly flane 15 Thou fal behald: allace, the panys ftrang! This is our haymcom thou defyrit lang ; This falbe our triumphe thou lang abaid, To fe thy a fon on hys beir tre laid ! Ha ! quhat, is this my promys and gret faith ? 20 Bot, O Evander, beys not with me wraith ; Thou fall not fe thy fon was dryve abak With fchamefull wondis that he caucht in the bak : Ne thou hys fader, war he alyve this day, Suld nevir haue lak of hym, ne for hym pray 25 For hys defert he deit a fchamefull deth ; And now with honour hes he gald the breth. Bot netheles, quhat harm, ful ways me ! Quhou large fupport, hey ! quhat beld or fupple In hym hes tynt Aufonya the ryng, 30 And quhou gret deill hes loft Afcanyus gyng ! 4 R 682 THE ELEVINT BUKE CAP. II. Qong Pallas corps is till Evanderfent, With all honour aceordyng hys tyrment. Quhen he bewalyt had on this maner, This wofull corps he bad do lyft on beir, And with hym fend a thoufand men in hy Walyt of euery rowt and cumpany, 5 Forto convoy and do hym fallofchip At hys laft honour and funeral wirfchip, And tobe prefent at the lamentyng Of hys fader, to comfort hys murnyng ; Thocht fmal folace was that to hys regrait, 10 Quhilk was fa huge, bot to hys eftait Accordit weill that fik thingis fuld be, Quhen all wightis mycht rew on hym to fe. Sum of Eneas ferys biflely Flakis to plet thame prefys by and by, 1 5 And of fmall wikkyris forto beld a beir Of fowpill wandis and of bronys feir, Bund with the fyonys or the twyftis fle Of fmall rammell or ftobys of akyn tre. Thyr beddis beldyt, or funeral lytteris, 20 Syk tumbys as for ded corps efferis, With greyn burgionys and branchys fair and weill Thai gan ourheld, and ftentys euery deill : Amyd the quhilkis, of blumys apon a byng Strowyt full hie, thai laid this Pallas gyng ; OF ENEADOS. 683 Lyggyn tharon als femly forto fe As is the frefch flowris fchynand bewte, Newly pullyt vp from hys ftalkis fmaill With tendyr fyngeris of the damyfaill, 5 Or the foft violet that doys frefch ly fchyne, Or than the purpour flour, hayt jacynthyne ; Quham all thocht the erth hys moder with lap Hym nurys not, nor comfortis on hir lap, 3yt than hys fehene cullour and figur glaid 10 Is not all went, nor hys bewte defaid. Eneas fyne twa robbys furth gart fold Of rych purpour and ftyf burd of gold, Quhilk vmquhil Dydo, Quheyn of Sydones, Of fik laubour full byfly tho, I ges, 15 As at that tyme to pies hym wonder glaid, With hir awyn handis to hym wrocht and maid, Wovyn full weill, and brufyt as rych wedis, Of coftly ftuf and fubtell goldyn thredis ; And with the tane of thir full dolorufly 20 Eneas cled the gyng Pallas body, Tobe hys finall and hys laft honour : Hys lokkis and hys harys the felf hour, Quhilkis war forto be brynt in aflys cald, Into the tother habyt dyd he faid. 25 Abuf all thys, rewardis mony ane, Yconqueft in this batall Lawrentane, In haill hepys with hym hes he fend, And bad thai fuld tak gud kepe and attend To leid the pray per ordour pompufly. 30 Feill horflys als he gaue thame by and by, 684 THE ELEVINT BUKE With wapynnys eik, and other preeyus geir, That he had reft hys fa men in the weir : The prefoneris alflb, quham he had tak, He fend with handis bund behynd thar bak, 5 Quhilkis, at the obfequies or entyrment, To the infernal goftis fuldbe fent, And with thar bludis fched, as was the gys, The funeral flambe ftrynkyll in facrifys. He bad the eapitanys and the dukis all, 10 In fyng of trophe or pomp triumphall, Gret perkis bair of treyn faplyng that fquair is, Cled with the armour of thar aduerfaris, To wryte and hyng tharon baith all and fum The namys of thar ennemys ourcum. 15 Furth led was the onfilly Acetes, Ourfet with age, and forow mycht nocht ces ; Now bludyand hys awyn breift with hys fyftis, Now with hys nalys hys face rentis and bryftis, And oft down fallys fpaldit on the erd, 20 With mony gowl, and a full petuus rerd. And furth war led rych cartis for the nanys, Befprent with blude of the Rutylianys. And eftir com Aethon, hys werly fteid, Difpulgeit of hys harneflyng and weid ; 25 Wepand he went for wo, men mycht haue feyn With gret terys floddyrrit hys face and eyn. Ane bair hys helm, ane other bair hys fpeir ; For the remanys of hys harnes and geir, Syk as hys rych gyrdill, and cotarmour, 30 Turnus viftor byreft hym in the Hour. OF ENEADOS. 685 Furth haldis fyne the drery cumpany Of Troianys, and Tyrrheyn dukis thame by ; And wofull Archadis, in fyng of dolour, weris Scheldis reverfyt, and doun turnyt thar fperis. 5 And eftir that, per ordour, by and by, Thai beyn furth paflyt euery cumpany, Eneas tho can ftyntyng and abaid, And with a petuus regrait thus he faid : The horribill batellys of thir fammyn weris 10 Tyll otheris funerall womentyng and terys Callys ws from thens ; we may nocht follow the, Thyne entyrment forto behald and fe. Adew for ay, Pallas, beluffyt beft, Fair weill for evyr intill eternall reft ! 15 Na mair he faid, bot went towart new Troy, Entrand tharin with terys of ennoy. CAP. III. Quhou Eneas onto the Latynys gave Twelfdays ofrefpyt the ded corps to grave. Be this war cum fra kyng Latynys cyte Ambaflatouris, with branch of olyve tre, Befekand favouris and benevolens ; 20 That he wald fuffir tobe eareyt from thens Tha corpfys ded, quhilkis on the feldis broun Lay ftrowyt heir and thar, with fwerd bet down, 686 THE ELEVINT BUKE And thame reftor agane of hys gentre, To fuffyr thame begravyn for tobe ; Afluryng hym, thar mycht be led na weir On venquyft folkis, that lyfles mycht not fteir, 5 And prayt fpair thar pepill at fyk myfchans, Quhylum clepyt hys frendis and acquentans. Quhen that Eneas, heynd, curtas, and gud, Thar peticioun fa reflbnabill vndirftud, As man that was fulfillyt of bonte, 10 Thar hail defyre full glaidly grantit he, And forthir eik onto thame thus he faid : O Latyn folkis, quhat myffortoun onglaid Has gou involuyt in fa onhappy weir That ghe chays ws away, gour frendis deir ? 15 Defyre ghe paix bot for thame that bene loft By marcyall fayt, and flane into this oft ? And I, forfuyth, tyll all that levand be Wald glaidly grant the fammyn, I fay for me. Neuir hyddyr had I cummyn, wer not, perfay, 20 Into this fted the fatys hecht for ay Our reftyng place providit and herbry ; Ne na weirfar with gour pepill led I. Bot gour kyng has our confiderans vpgeif, And rather hes fettyn all hys beleif 25 On Turnus vaflalage and his hie prowes : Thocht mor equale and ganand war, I ges, To this Turnus, the brekar of our paix, Till aventour hymfelf to de in pres. Gif he pretendis in batale with a brand 30 To end the weir, or Troianys of this land OF ENEADOS. 687 Forto expell, heir femyt hym vnder fcheild With wapynnys to recontre me in feild, That nane bot ane of ws war left levand, Quhais lyfe God lyft withhald, or hys ryeht hand. 5 Now haldis on, and all the lyfles banys And corpfis of gour wratchit citeganys Do byrn, and bery eftir gour awyn gys : Says Eneas, the Troiane war and wys. Than of hys fpeche fo awondrit war thai, 10 Kepit thar filens, and wift nocht quhat to fay; And athir towards otheris turnys, but mayf, And can behald his fallow in a ftair. The eldaft man amang thame, finaly, Clepyt Drances, that had full gret envy 15 At gyng Turnus, all way to hym infeft For aid malyce or of cryme manyfeft, Begouth to fpeke and anfuer thus agane : O huge gret is thy fame, thou Duke Troiane, Bot far grettar all owt we may afpy 20 Thy dedis of armys and thy chevalry : With quhat lovyngis equaill may I compair The to the Goddis in hevyn abuf the ayr ? Quhidder fall I fyrft extoll, and wonder in the, Thy gret gentryce and fa juft equyte, 25 Or thy gret fors and laubour bellicall ? Glaidly, forfuyth, now haymwart bair we fall Ontill our natyve bundis and cite Thir fa gret fygnys of humanyte ; And, gif that ony chans can fynd the way, 30 We fall do fully all that evir we may 688 THE ELEVINT BUKE The to conione with kyng Latyn in hy : Lat Turnus quhar hym lift go feik ally. And forthir eik weil lykis ws at all To help till rays this fatale mafly wall, 5 And forto ber apon our fchuldris war joy Thir ftonys gret to thys new wark of Troy. Thus faid Drances, and all the remanent Tharto annerdis with haill voce and confent. Twelf days of trewys thai band, to ftanch debait, 10 Forto kepe paix, and werys fequeftrate : Than throu the woddis and thir holtis hie Troianys and Latynys fammyn, he and he, Quhar fo thame lift, wandris but danger. The heich efchis foundis thar and heir 1 5 For dyntis rude of the fcharp ftelyt ax ; Down weltit ar with mony granand ftrakis The fyrrys rekand to the fternys on hie ; The mekill fyllis of the warryn tre With weggis and with proppis beyn devyd ; 20 The ftrang guftand cedyr is al to fchyde ; Ne ces thai not apon the jargand wanys The gret akys to turs away atanys. CAP. IV. The kyng Evander complenytfor and wareit, Quhen his fon Pallas ded was to hym careit. Than Fame with this, alffaft as fcho mycht fpryng, As meflynger of fa gret womentyng, OF ENEADOS. 689 Flaw furth, and all with murnyng fillys fche Evander kyng hys palyce and cyte, Quhilk layt tofor had fehawyn that Pallas In Latyum landis fa viftoryus was ; 5 Now fays fche, lo, is he brocht on beir ! The Archadis rufchit to the portis in feir, And euery wyght in handis hynt als tyte Ane hait fyre broynd, eftir the aid ryte, In lang ordour and rabill, that all the ftretis 10 Of fchynand flambys lemys brycht and gletis, Quhil all the large feildis of the light Myght feueraly be raknyt at a fight. The Troiane rowtis, on the tother hand, With thame adionys thar folkis fair wepand ; 15 Quham as the matronys beheld on fik wys So duylfully wend to the kyngis palys, The dolorus town in euery ftreit and way With petuus fcrykis and gowlyng fyllit thai. Than was na fors Evander mycht refreyn, 20 Bot in amyddis thame with gret difdene He rufchis, plenand on wofull maner, And fell on growf abuf ded Pallas beir, Wepand and waland as his hart wald breke ; Embrafyt hym, bot no word mycht he fpeke ; 25 And fears at laft with gret difficulte The cundytis of his voce war lowfyt fre ; Quhen he mycht fpeke, than thir hys wordis was : This is nocht thy laft cunnand, fon Pallas ; Thou promyft not fo vnto thy fader deir, 30 Bot at thou fuld pas mair warly in weir, 4 s 690 THE ELEVINT BUKE And not in danger of the cruell Mart. Owr weill I wift, with harmys at my hart, Quhat aventour, and of quhou mekill mycht Till ony gong man, the firft feld in fight, 5 Was gret defire of new loif or glory, And how fweit was renown of chevalry. Allace ! the firft commancement and aflays To gyng men beyn in weir full fey always ; And ryeht hard bene the firft entechment 10 Of hafty batall to thame bene not acquent. My vowys nor my prayeris gret and fmall War not accept to nane of Goddis all. O thou my bliflyt fpows, deceflit or now, Full happy of that ded in faith was thou, 15 That to thys forow not prefervyt was ! Bot be the contrar I, allace, allace ! Ourlevit has my fatys profitabill, And am aly ve as fader miferabill : Quham, wald God, in gon fammyn mortale weris 20 Rutilyanys had ourquhelmyt with thar fperis, That, followand to the feild my feris of Troy, I mycht haue gald this fawle full of ennoy, So that this funeral pomp, quhilk heir is wrocht My body, and nocht Pallas, hame had brocht ! 25 Ne byd I nocht gou, Troianys, to argew Of amyte and allyance bund of new, Ne our ryeht handis and promys, quhilkis we In frendfehip knyt and hofpitalyte : This myffortoun is myne of aid thirlage, 30 As tharto detbund in my wrachit age. OF ENEADOS. 691 Bot had this hafty ded, fa ondigeft, Haue fufferit bot my fon a ftound to left, Quhill of Rutilianys he had flane thoufandis, And inveltit the Troianys in thar landis, 5 That is to fay, in Latyum or Lavyn, Weill lykyt me that he had endyt fyne. And forthir eik, Pallas, my fon fo deir, Na mair rychly cowth I the lay on beir, Nor with mair wirfchip lift me entyre the, 10 Than is providit be reuthfull Enee, Be myghty Troianys and pryncis Tyrrheyn : For all the Tufcane menge, as heir is feyn, Gret trophe and rich fpulge hyddir bryngis, On perkis rychly cled with thar armyngis 15 Quham thy rieht hand in feild had put to ded. Bot, O thou Turnus, in this fammyn fted Amangis otheris heir fuld thou haue be, In form and maner of a flok of tre, Gyf ghe of age had beyn equale and perys, 20 And baith elyke cummyn to gour ftrenthy gheris. Bot now, allace ! I, fey onhappy wight, Quharto delay I Troianys from the fyght ? Pas haym in haift, and remember to fay Thir my defiris to gour prynce, I gou pray : 25 Evander fays that thy ryght hand, Ene, Is all the caws that he delays to de, Or that this haitfum lyfe fuftene he wald, Sen now is loft hys fon Pallas the bald : Sa till hym that he oblift is of det, 30 Baith to the fon and the fader, to fet 692 THE ELEVINT BUKE 3on Turnus flauehter for owr recompens : To the Eneas only, but offens, And to fortoun, remanys this journay git, Quharwith thou may thankfully be acquyt. 5 Tell hym, na lull to lyf langar feyk I ; Onlefum war fyk plefour I fet by ; Bot for a thraw defyre I to left heir, Turnus flauehter and deth with me to beir, As glaid tithandis onto my child and barn, 10 Amang the goftis law in Ikowgis dern. CAP. V. Heir athir party takis byffy cuyr The ded bodeis to graif infepultur. The meyn feflbn Aurora rafyt hir lyeht, Rieht confortabill for euery mortall wight, Rendryng agane the oportunyte Of laubour and of wyrkyng, as we fe. 15 The prynce Eneas, and the kyng Tarchon, Gret byngis has of treys mony one Vpbeldyt, by the bowand coftis bay. Thydder euery ane dyd cary, but delay; Eftir thar eldris gys, onto that fted 20 The corpfis of thar frendis that war ded, As for to do thar obfervans of det ; And thar vnder the fmoky fyre has fet, OF ENEADOS. 693 Quhill that the hevynnys hye dyd walxin dirk, Involuyt with the reky ftewys myrk. And thrys on fut all fammyn euery man In fchynand armour abowt the fyris ran, 5 And thrys the wofull funerall inglys thai Circulyt abowt on horfbak in array, With gowlyng and with vocis myferabill ; Quhill that of trigland terys lamentabill The feildis ftrowyt war in euery place, 10 Armouris all wet with wepyng, and thar face. The clamour of the men and trumpys ftevyn Gan fpryngyng vp on hight onto the hevyn. Syne cumis fum, and in the fyre dyd flyng The weirly wedis, fpulge, and armyng, 1 5 Rent from the Latynys flane into the weir ; As helmys, fcheildis, and rych fwerdis feir, Brydillys, and all thir ftedis trappouris fair, The hafty hurland charyot quhelys fquair : And other fum keft in the fyre fyk geir 20 As weilbekend the corps was wont to weir, Thar awyn wapynnys, and thar onfilly fcheildis, Quhilk mycht thame nocht defend into the feildis. Full mony carcage of thir oxin gret Abowt the fyris war brytnyt and downbet, 25 And buftuus bowkis of the byrfyt fwyne, Our feildis all byreft from euery hyne ; Thai fteik the beiftis, and fwakkis in the fyre, Endlang the coflis all tho byrnand fchyre ; And can behald quhou that thar feris brynt, 30 Obfervand weill the gledis half owt quent, 694 THE ELEVINT BUKE And eik the aflys half brynt of the ded : Ne may thai thens be harlyt of that fted, Quhill at the hevyn ourquhelmyt the dyrk nycht, That ganand is for fyry fternys brycht. 5 And, netheles, the Latynys lamentabill In placis feir fyris innumerabill Vpbeldit has, and fum with wofull rerd Feill corpfis deip bedel vys vnder erd ; And fum alflb in cartis haue thai fent 1 0 To townys in the feildis adiacent ; And fum alflb war fend to the cite, Tobe entyrit as thame accordyt be : The remanent all fammyn aflemlyt ourane, But numbyr and but ordour, euery ane, 15 Of corpfys flane in huge heip byrn thai : And thus, on athir fydis, the hie way And large feildis dyd oft of fyris fchyne. As that the thryd days lyeht eftir fyne The dyrk nycht removyt from the Iky, 20 The aflys deip, murnand with mony a cry, Down dyd thai caft, and fcrapis owt atanys The hait amyrris and the byrflyt banys ; And git all warm, onculyt, fone thai have Bedelvyn thame, and in the erd begrave. 25 Bot, certis, than renewys the womentyng Within the mychty burgh of Latyn kyng, The rumour rays and murmour principaly Of bewalyng all owt the maift party. The wofull moderis and matronys wepis heir, 30 The eldmoderis, and eyk the fyfteris deir ; OF ENEADOS. 695 Thar mycht be hard with duylfull breiftis greyt The gyng babbys walyng on the flreyt, That had thar faderis flane this hyndir day, Cryand, ichane, allace ! and weill away ! 5 Thai curs and wary faft this vengeabill weir, And Turnus wedlok bannys with mony a teir : All in a voce thai cry, defirand he Suld ondertak the batall and melle, And feght allane to mak end of this thing, 10 As he the quhilk pretendis to weld the ryng Of Italy with honour pryncipall, Defyrand that he fuld be lord of all. The brym Drances aggregis weill this thyng, And buyr on hand baldly befor the kyng 15 Nane bot this Turnus challance wald Enee, Turnus only to feght defyris he. And, be the contrar, mony fenfymentis For Turnus fchawys evident argumentis : Of queyn Amatha the gret authoryte 20 Dekkis and defendis hym with wordis fle ; And hys gret fame and aftis triumphall Hys querrell dyd fulleyn agane thame all. CAP. VI. Befor kyng Latyn and hys con/ale in deid Venulusfchawis refpons of Diomeid. Abuf all this, lo, the ilk ftound onon Thyr meffvngeris, all trift and wobegon, 696 THE ELEVINT BUKE Returnyt haymwart into thar maift neid From the gret cite of fchir Dyomed ; Reportand anfwer, that alhaill was loft Thar lang travale and maift fumptuus coft ; 5 Schortly, thai had doyn thar na thyng at docht, The rych gyftis nor gold avalyt nocht, For all thar large requeftis and prayeris ; To help the Latyn pepill in thar weris Behuffyt thame to feik other fupple, 10 Or to mak paix with Troiane prynce Ene. Herand thir wordis, this aid Latyn kyng Falys all curage, with gret lamentyng : For patently the Goddis wraik, hym thocht, Schew that by fait Ene was thyddir brocht, 15 And manifeft mycht of Goddis hym dyd fuftene, That fchew the new gravys befor thar eyn. Quharfor, a gret confale aflemlys he, And callys the cheif ledaris of hys menge, Chargeand thai fuld in hys palyce conveyn 20 Onto the riall chymmys. Tho bedeyn Thai flok fo faft that euery way was hyd. Thys ancyent kyng dyd fet hym dovn amyd The cepturyt men, as firft and pryncipall, Bot no thyng femyng glaid of cheir at all. 25 Than the ambaflat, that was returnyt agane From Dyomedis cite Etholiane, He bad do fchaw the credens that thai brocht, Per ordour haill thar anfwer, faland nocht. Silens was maid, ilk man hys tong held than, 30 And Venulus, of thame the gretaft man, OF ENEADOS. 697 Begouth fortill obey the kyngis charge, And fchew hys credens planely thus at large : O citeganys, we haue vifleit Diomed, And feyn thai ftrenthys by thame of Arge in deid 5 Vpbeldyt in the boundis of Italy ; The ways thiddir we haue met by and by, And efchapyt all dangeris by the gait, All thocht our journay was nocht fortunait. We haue twichit that fammyn douchty hand 10 By quham of Troy diftroyt was town and land ; Quhilk now as viftor, in the feildis plane Befyde the fkyrtis of the mont Gargane, Within boundis of Japigya fulge, That now on days Apulge clepyng we, 1.5 Vprafyt hes the cite Argyripas, Quham fra hys natyve pepill namyt he has. Fra that we entryt war in hys prefens, And forto fpeik was geif ws audiens, The gyftis and rewardys prefent we ; 20 Our credens, our eftait, and our cuntre, Declaryt plane, and quha with wer ws focht, And quhat occafioun had ws thidder brocht. He hard ws weill, and on a frendly wys Thus anfwer maid with wordis war and wys : 25 O fortunat folk, quhar Saturn regnyt fwa, 3he ancyent pepill of Aufonya, Quhat myfaventour and onkyndly heyt 3ou fteris from gour lang reft and quyet, Prouocand gou to movyng, rays, and fteir, 30 Sa peralus, onkowth, and onthrifty wer ? 4 T 698 THE ELEVINT BUKE For euery ane of ws that dyd offens In Troys bundis with fwerd and violens, Or cruell handis fet fortill invaid Kyng Priamus, and of hys realm degraid ; 5 ( I leif ontald all thai that in the feld By Troys wallys hes fweit vnder fcheld, Or that the flude of Symois by the town Drownyt in ftremys warpis vp and dovn ; ) Our all the warld of ws hail the remanys 10 Beyn punyft fore with onreherfabill panys, And fufferit hes all maner of turment : Ful weill knawis my wordis, quhat I ment, The forofull conftillatioun of Mynerve, Quhilk caufyt mony douchty man to fterve ; 15 And on the coftis of Euboica The rokis beris witnes git alflua, And the montane Caphareus, God woit, That vengeans tuke and wraik apon our floyt. From that weirfar and curfyt chevalry 20 We cachyt ar to fyndry coftis, far by Our natyve bundis and aid heritage. Lo, Menelay, ane of the cheif barnage, And Atrius fon, yclepyt Atrydes, To Protheus pillaris, hait Pyramydes, 25 Conftrenyt is in exill forto wend ; Vlixes alflb, as full weill is kend, Bewavyt is wyd quhar our all the fee, So that the Ciclopes of Ethna faw he. Quhat fuld I tell of Neoptolemus, 30 That other wys to name is hait Pyrrhus, OF ENEADOS. 699 The hard myfchans and tynfell of hys ryng? Or quhou aganys Idomeneus the kyng Hys kyndly Goddis and cuntre dyd rebell, And hym gan of hys natyve realm expell ? 5 Or quhou the Locrys> Aiax Oelyus oft, Now doys inhabyt the waift Lybyan coft ? Sen he hym felf the gret Agamemnon, The kyng of Myce, and cheif ledar of on Of all the Grekis oftis in batale, 10 Ha, fchame to fay ! fowlely befell, That by the handis of hys awyn wife The firft nycht in hys palyce loft hys lyfe. And he that venquyft Afya lyis ded ; The fle adultrar occupiis hys fted. 15 The Goddis eik fa far did me invy, That in my natyue land neuer fall I fpy My chaift fpoufage, lyke as befor hes bene, Ne Calydon my realm of crymys cleyn. And now alflb, a grifly thyng to fe ! 20 Ane felcouth monftre, lo, betyd hes me : My ferys loft with plumys in the ayr As thame beft lykis ar fleand our al quhar, Allace of my folkis the vengeabill wraik ! Tranfformyt in fowlys, wandris by the laik, 25 And of thar lamentabill and wofull fowndis The large coftis dynnys and redoundis. Thir myfchevys for my trefpas and cryme, I may traift, hes betyd me fen that tyme That I, witles and fo rakles, perfay, 30 The hevynly bodeis durft with fwerd aflay, 700 THE ELEVINT BUKE And with fmert wond was our prefumptuus To violat the ryeht hand of Venus. Solift na mar, quod he, perfuaid me nocht That to fo dangerus batellis I be brocht. 5 Eftir the bettyng down of Troys wallys, With the Tewcranys, quhat chance that euir befallis, I will na mair debatis mak. nor weris ; Nor of our aid ftryfe thir hyndir gheris, That fo myfchews was and bad to fe, 1 o May I glaidly remember now, faid he. Tha giftis rych, and mony fair prefandis, Quhilkis ge to me hes brocht furth of gour landis, Return and beir onto the Prynce Ene. Contrar hys keyn dartis ellis ftand haue we, 15 And hand for hand matchit hym in fycht : Beleif me as expert, quhou ftowt and wight Is he owther in batale place or feld, And how fternly he rafys vp hys fcheild, Or with quhou gret a thud in the melle 20 Ane lance towartis hys aduerfar thrawys he. Forthir, he faid, I certify gou alfua, That, gif the forfaid grond of Phrygia Twa othir fik men fofterit had or bred, The citeis all of Arge mycht fore haue dred, 25 And the offpryng of Dardan efely Mycht in our realmys arryvit by and by, So that Grece fuld haue murnyt, euery tovn, The fatis aid reuerfit vp fyd dovn. Alhail the flop, refiftans, and delay, 30 Mayd at Troy wallys, quhil the fege thar lay, OF ENEADOS. 701 Was by the handis of Heftor and Ene ; The Grekis conquyft lang tyme, traftis me, By thame was ftyntit, apon fik maner That it prolongit was quhil the tent ger. 5 Athir of thame in bonte and curage Excelland war, and full of vaflalage ; Athir of thame maift fouerane and douchty In dedis of armys, prowes, and chevalry : Bot this Ene was firft all owt expres 10 Of reuth, compaffioun, and of gentilnes. Tharfor all fammyn adionys gour ryeht handis In ferm allyance of concord, and fik bandis Be ony wys fe ghe optene, quod he ; For, gif thai ftart till armys in melle, 15 Be war with thame fortill debait, I red. Maift nobill kyng of kyngis, in this fted Hys anfwer hes thou hard, as I haue tald, And twichand this gret batale quhat he wald. CAP. VII. The kyng proponys with Enee to tak pes Incontrar Turnus ; tharto perfuadis Drances. Scars had the meflyngeris thir wordis faid,? 20 Quhen all the Latynys, trublyt, full onglaid, Fra hand to hand quhifpyris faft and roundis, On diuers wys demyng with murmour foundis : 702 THE ELEVINT BUKE Lyke as the fwyft watir ftremys cleir Sum tyme rowtand men on far may heir, Quhar it is ftoppit with thir ftanys round, That of the ryveris brute and brokkyn found, 5 Bryftand on fkelleis our thir demmyt lynnys, The bankis endlang all the fludis dynnys. Bot eftir that thar mudis mefyt wer, Thar waverand wordis ftanchit and fik beir, With reuerens firft blyfland the Goddis mycht, 10 The kyng thus carpys from hys trone on hycht : O Latyn pepill, forfuyth I wald al gait, And fo had beyn far bettir, weill I wait, Full lang or now avifyt had we be Twychand the common weill and materis hie ; 15 And not at fik a poynt, apon this wys, Our confale to aflembill and to avys, Quhen that our fays and aduerfaris ar bown Forto byfege the wallys of our town. O citeganys, we move and ledis at hand 20 Ane wer inoportune, quhilk is onganand, Aganys folkis of Goddis clan difcend, That beyn invincybill, and weill can defend So that na bargane may thame irk nor tyre ; Nor thocht thai venquyft war, baith man and fyre, 25 May thai defift, ne withdraw the melle. Gif ony hope or confidens had we In chevalry of the Etholianys, Quhilkis in Napillis with Dyomed remanys. And for thir men of armys thidder fend, 30 Do all fik trafte away, and gou defend : OF ENEADOS. 703 Lat euery man in his awyn felf haue hope. But quhou febill fik trafte is ge may grope, And eik befor gour eyn cleir may ge fe In quhou gret perrell and proplexite 5 All other materis lyis now or ftandis ; All fie thyngis bene braid amang gour handis. I will accus nor argu now na wight. All haill the fors or ftrenth mycht be in fycht Exercyt was, I wait ; fen all the flour 10 And pyflans of this realm dyd ftryve in ftour. Now fo it is that I will breifly end, And in fehort wordis mak onto gou kend The dowtfum purpos in my mynd remanys ; Attendans geif, and harkis all at anys. 15 I haue, befyde Tyber the Tufcane flude, Ane aid feld onprofitabill and rude, Far ftrekand weft to the bundis quhar remanys The Scicyll pepill, quhilkis clepit ar Sycanys : The folk Auruncane and of Rutuly 20 This grund fawys full onthriftely, With fcharp plewis and fteill fokkis feir Thai hard hillys hyrftis forto eyr, And on thir wild holtis harfk alflb In faynt paftur doith thar beftis go. 25 All that cuntre and band of hillis hie, Sa full of rochis pynnakillis, as we fe, Lat it be geif for amyte and concord To the Troianys, and Eneas thar lord ; Syne offer thame equale trety condyng, 30 And, as our perys, do call thame in this ryng ; 704 THE ELEVINT BUKE All fammyn lat thame dwell heir by and by, Gif thai haue fik defyre to Italy, Do lat thame beld thar cite wallys fquar. Bot gif fo be that thai lyft ellis quhar 5 To othir coftis or pepill forto wend, Thar dwellyng place for ay to apprehend, And poffibill be that of our boundis thai May fo depart, and from thens wend away ; Twys ten fchippis lat ws beld agane 1 0 Of ftrang tymmyr and treis Italyane, And gif thai wald compleit ma in this land, The ftuf lyis all reddy by the ftrand : Of thar fchippis the numbir and maner Lat thame command, and we fal furnys heir 15 The irne graith, the warkmen, and the wrychtis, And all that to the fchippis langis of rychtis. And forthir eik it lykis me, quod he, To ber my wordis to this prynce Ene, And to conferm our frendfchip and our pes, 20 Ane hundreth gay ambaflatouris, but les, Of gretaft blude of the Latyn menge, And in thar handis reke furth the peaceable tre : And bair hym giftis and rewardis large, Of gold and evoir mony fovm and charge, 25 The char or fete aceordyng for the ryng, Our rob ryall, enfengeys of a kyng. Avys heiron amangis gou for the beft, And help to bryng our febill weill to reft. Ane Drances tho vpftud, and fpeke began : 30 The quhilk Drances was the felf man OF ENEADOS. 705 That, as we faid haue laitly heir tofor, Was ryeht moleft to Turnus euermor, Quham the renovn of Turnus and glory Prikkyt full for with lurkand hyd envy ; 5 Of moblis rych and plentuus was he, And mafte expert in fpeche and wordis lie, Bot of his handis into batale fted Full cald of curage, dolf as ony led, And into confalys gevyng he was hald 10 A man nocht indegeft, bot wys and cald ; Bot ane feditioun or a brek to make Sa mafterfull, tharin was nane hys mayk : The nobill kynrent of hys moderis fyde Maid hym full gret of blude, and full of pryde ; 15 Hys fader was oncertane and onknaw. And vp he ftartis in this ilk thraw, With thir wordis Turnus to ourcharge, Aggregyng on hym wrath and malyce large : O douchty kyng, thou axis confale, faid he, 20 Of that mater quhilk, as femys me, Is nother dyrk nor dowtfum, bot full cleir, That myfteris not our avicis beyn heir. The pepill haill grantis that thai wait Quhat forton fchawys, and in quhat eftait 25 Our materis ftandis ; bot thai ar arch to fchaw, Quhifpirand amangis thame, thai ftand fik aw. Bot caus hym geif thame liberte to fpeke, Do way his boft, at thar breth may outbreke ; I meyn of hym, by quhais onhappy werd, 30 And fraward thewys, now ded on the erd 4 u 706 THE ELEVINT BUKE Samony cheif chiftanys and dukis lyis : Forfuyth, I fall fay furth all myne avys, All thocht with brag and boft, or wapynnys, he Me doith await, and mannans forto de : 5 For by hys dedis may we fe expres Thys cite haly plungit in diftres, Quhillys that he has maid hym to allay The Troianys ftrenth, and Hall fa fone away, Havand aflurans to withdraw and fle, 10 And into armys dois boft the hevynnys hie. Bot, O thou all thar beft and riall kyng, To all thir gyftis ekis bot a thyng ; Onto thir prefandis, and wys wordis feir, That to Troianys thou has byd fay and beir, 15 Ekis a gift, and lat neuer demyt be The buftuufnefs of ony may dant the, Bot that thi douchter, O thou fader gude, Onto gon worthy prynce of gentill blude Be gevyn, tobe thy fon in law, I wys, 20 As he that worthy fik a wedlok is ; And knyt vp paix, but mor dhTeuerans, With that eternall band of allyans. And gif fa gret raddour or dreid haue we Within our myndis or our breiftis, quod he, 25 That, for Turnus, we dar nocht do fik thyng ; Than lat ws for the weilfar of this ryng Befeik hym tharfor, and with haill entent Require hym at he wald grant hys confent, So that the kyng, at hys fre volunte, so Mycht oys and do hys proper dewyte, OF ENEADOS. 707 And, for the weill publik of this land, Defyre that he na wys tharto ganeftand. O Turnus, hed and caufar verraly Of thir myfchevis gret in Italy, 5 Quharto fa feill fys in playn perrellis now Thir fylly wrachit citeganys warpis thou ? Nane hoip of weilfar haue we in this wer : For paix halely we all the requer, Togiddyr with Lavinia the fehene may, 10 Quhilk is the pand or plege, this dar I fay, Of paix tobe kepit inviolate. And I forfuyth, quhilk, as be thy confait, Thou fenys thyne evill willar forto be, And for the common weill, fa mot I thee, \5 So forto cum I refus nocht, gud broder, Bot lo me heir, now formeft of all other Humylly the befekyng : I requer, Haue mercy, lord, of thyne awyn frendis deir, Lat be thy ftowt mynd, go thy way but lak, 20 With ane mair ftrang rebute and dryve abak. Ded corpfis bet down enew haue we feyn, Our large feldis and boundis all betweyn Left defolate and waift of induelleris. Bot gif thy fame and gret renown the fteris, 25 Gyf in thy breift fa hie curage and mycht Thou has confauyt, thynkand the fa wight, And gif that on fik wys this hald ryall Suldbe thy dowry and rych gyft dotall Thou berys in hart, and is to the fa deir ; 30 Do vndyrtake this thyng, and end the weir : 708 THE ELEVINT BUKE Addres thy body baldly, and not fpayr Forto recontyr alone thyne aduerfar, To that entent, that Turnus all hys lyfe May weld the kyngis douchter to hys wyfe : 5 So that we, dolf of curage as the led, Be not doun ftrowit in the feildis ded, In cumpaneis onberyit or bewalyt. Bot thou, that has in feild fa feil aflalyt, Gyf ony ftrenth thou has or hardyment, 10 Or marciall prowes fteryng thyne entent For thy cuntre ; aganyft the, for hys ryeht, Behald thy fa prouocand the to fyght, fondir all reddy to mak hys party gude : Delay no mor, bot manfully go to it. CAP. VIII. Turnus, at Drances fpeche commovitfair, Ryeht fubtelly allegis the contrar. 1 5 The fers mude of Turnus, this bald fyre, At fik fawys kyndillyt hait as fyre ; Sychand ryeht for deip in hys breift onon, Thir wordis pronuncis with a petuus grone : Drances, faid he, forfuyth euer hes thou beyn 20 Large and to mekill of fpech, as weil is feyn Now, quhen the batale defyris wark at hand ; The confale fyttand, firft thou doys vpftand. OF ENEADOS. 709 Bot not with wordis fuld the cowrt be fillyt, Set thou be gret tharin, and ful evill willyt, With haltand wordis fleand from the heir, Quhen thou affouerit art of al danger, 5 So lang as that our ftrenthy wallys gude Our ennemys debarrit doith exclude, Or quhil the fowceis of our forteres Rynnys not our of bludy fpait, I ges. Tharfor trump vp, blaw forth thyne eloquens, 10 As thou was wont to do, mak thy defens : Bot than thou may, Drances, be myne avice, Me to reproch of feir and cowardyce, Quhen that thi ryeht hand into batale fted Sa mony hepis of Troianys hes laid ded, 15 And quhen thou takynnyt hes fo worthely With fyng tropheall the feildis, as haue I. Full eith it is fortill aflay, and fe Quhat may our fprety fors in the melle ; And, as full weill is knawyn to ws eik, 20 Our fais beyn not far from hens to feik, Bot plant about the wallis of our town : Aganyft thame go mak ws reddy bown. Quhy duellys thou and tareis thus al day ? Quhidder gif thy marcial dedis, as thai war ay, 25 Into thy wyndy clattrand tung falbe, And in tha cowart feit, euir wont to fle ? Says thou I was repulfyt and dryve away? O maift onworthy wight, quha can that fay ? Or me juftly reprochyng of fyk lak, 30 That I rebutyt was or dung abak, 710 THE ELEVINT BUKE By me quhen thou behald mycht Tyber flude Boldyn and ryn on fpait with Troian blude, And all the famyll of Evander kyng Brocht onto grond alhail and his offpryng ; 5 And the Archadis, confundyt and ourfet, With mony ma in armys I doun bet ? The gryfly Bytias, and Pandarus his brother, Thai ar expert gif I fled one or other, And eik thai thoufand fawlys on a day 10 As viftor I to hell fend hyne away, Quhen that I was inclufyt at diftres Amyd myne ennemys wallis and forteres. Thou fays, in weir na hoip is of weilfare : O wytles wyght ! pronunce that, and declare 15 Sik chance betyd gon Dardan capitane, And fpa fik thyng onto thy dedis ilkane. And forthir eik, fen thou art mad becum, Ces not forto perturbill all and fum, And with thy felloun raddour thame to fley ; 20 The febill myghtis of gon pepill fey, Into batale twys venquyft fchamefully, Spare not fortill extoll and magnyfy ; And, be the contrar, the piflans of Latyn kyng Do fet at nocht, bot lyehtly, and down thryng. 25 Now the nobill Myrmydon eapitanys Quakis in armys for feir of the Troianys, And now Tedeus fon Diomedes Agaft is, and Lariffyane Achilles : And Aufidus, the fwyft flowand ryver, 30 Rynnys contyrmont frawart the fey for feir. OF ENEADOS. 711 And quhill alflb this ilk fchrewit wight, That is controvar of mony wykkyt flycht, Fengeis hym fleyt or abafyt tobe, That he dar not chide furth incontrar me, 5 Than with hys dreid and fle controvit feir My cryme aggregis he on hys maner. Defift, Drances, be not abafyt, I pray, For thou fal neuer los, fchortly I the fay, By my wapyn nor this ryeht hand of myne, 10 Sik ane pevych and catyve faule as thyne : Nay ; lat it duell with the, as beft may gane, Within that wrachit corps, and thar remane. Now, O thou gret fader and prynce fouerane, To the and thy confale I turn agane. 15 Gyf thou lift no thyng trafting nor affy Into our armys nor our chevalry ; Gyf that we be of help all defolate, And hail at vnder into this laft debait, Diftroyt for ay, and na help may mak, 20 For that our oft was anys drevyn abak, And forton hes na return ne regres ; Lat ws befeik for paix at fik diftres, Mak hym requeft to rew apon our harmys, And reke hym furth our ryght hand bair of armys. 25 Quhoubeit, O ! wald God, in this extreme neid That ony thyng of curage or manheid Remanyt, as was wont with ws tobe : Abufe the laif thame worthy thinkis me, Maift fortunat in fatys marcyall, 30 And excellent in hie curage our all, 712 THE ELEVINT BUKE Quhilk wilfully, as that thame felvyn wald, At thai ne fuldyn fik myfcheif behald, Fell ded to grond by fatale happy werd, And with thar mowth anys bait the erd. 5 Bot gif we haue ryches and moblys feir, And nevir aflayt git frefch gong power, And, in our helpyng, of Italianys Citeis and pepillys habundis and remanys ; Or gif that alfo to the Troiane fyde, 10 With effufioun of blude and wondis wyde, This viftory betyd is ; traftis me, Thai haue als feill ded corpfis as haue we : Gyf this tempeftuus trake of the batale On baith the halfis is all owt equale, 15 Quhy failge we fo fchaymfully our mycht Into the firft entre of the fycht ? Quhy quakis thus our membris vp and dovn, Befor the bludy blaft and trumpis fovn ? For tyme, feill fys, and eik the variant chance 20 Of our onftabill lyfe hung in ballanee, Reducit hes full mony onlykly thyng To bettir fyne than was thar begynnyng ; And fortoun interehangabill with blenkis quent Full mony ane diflauyt hes and fchent, 25 Syne eftir in a thraw, this weill I wait, Reftoryt thame agane to thai' ferm ftait. I put the cace, fet the Etholianys, With Dyomed and the pepill Arpanys, Lyft not cum in our helpyng nor fuple ; 30 3ft than the bald Mefapus weill wylbe, OF ENEADOS. 713 And the happy Tolumnyus alflb, With all tha other dukis mony mo That fra fo feill pepillys beyn hydder fent : And na litill renown, be myne entent, 5 Followys the ehofyn folkis of Italy, Nor thame that duellis in Lawrent feildis heirby. Haue we not eik the ftalwart Camylla, Of the famyll and kynrent of Volfca, Ledand thir armyt oftis and ftern feildis, 10 In byrnyft plait arrayt and fchynand feheldis ? Bot gyf the Troiane pepill, euery ane, Defyris me to feght in feild allane, Gif that be plefand onto the, fchir kyng, And I fa far, eftir Drances menyng, 15 Gaynftandis the common weill ; into that cace, That fchame fal nevir betyd me in na place : For viftory me hatis not, dar I fay, Nor lyft fyk wys withdraw thir handis twa, That I refus fuld to aflay ony thyng 20 Quhilk mycht fa gret beleif of weil inbryng. With ftowt curage agane hym wend I will, Thocht he in prowes pas the gret Achill, Or fet in cace fik armour he weris as he, Wrocht by the handis of God Vulcanus fle. 25 To gou, and kyng Latyn my fader in law, I Turnus heir, quham full weill ge knaw No thyng behynd, nor tobe reput les, To nane of all our eldris in prowes, This faul and life, the quhilk fa weil I lufe, 30 Doith promys and awowis for gour behufe. 4x 714 THE ELEVINT BUKE Thai fay, allone me challancis Ene ; And I befeik gret God he challance me : Ne byd I not that Drances deir aby Ocht with hys deth, quhar that appofit am I ; Nor, quhidder this turn to Goddis wrethfull wraik, Or hardyment and honour, we ondertake, Na thing at all tharof falbe his part ; The chans is myne, I will it not aftart. CAP. IX. Duryng this difputatioun, as is faid, Enee hys oft abowt the town has laid. Quhill thai thus at gret altricatioun wer 10 Amangis thame felf in dowtfum thingis feir, Eneas all his oft and haill army Hes rafyt, trumpyng to the town in hy. A meflynger com rufchand in with haift, Amyd the rowtis ran as he war chaift, 15 That with huge rumour and a feirfull dyn Fillit onon the kyngis riall In, And with gret dreid the cite ftuffit alquhar ; Schawand quhou that thar fays cummyn war In plane batale arrayt, to conclude, 20 The Troiane barnage from Tibir the flude, With ordinance of Tufcan, that dyd fpreid In forfront al the large feildis on breid. OF ENEADOS. 715 Onon the pepillis hartis effrayt wer, And commonys breiftis proplexit all for feir ; In fum, the greif and ire dyd faft habund, Rafyt with brethfull ftangis full onfond, 5 And with a felloun dreid all on fteir Thai hynt to harnes, and cryis eftir thar gere : Harnes, harnes, all the gong citeganys With fellon brute and noys fchowtis atanys ; The febill and agyt faderis wobegone 10 Can pi eyn and weip with mony a petuus grone. In euery part the gret clamour and cryis In diuers opinionys rays vp to the fkyis : Nane other wys than as fum tyme we knaw The flycht of byrdis fordynnys the thik fchaw, 15 Or than the rawk vocit fwannis in a rabill, Sondand and fwouchand with noys lamentabill Endlang the bemand ftankis and ftremys cleir Of Padufa, fa full of fyfchis feir. Turnus, that fand hys tyme fa oportune, 20 Now baldly fays he, citeganys haue doyn ; Do call gour confale, takis avyfment, Sittand at eys ilkane fay his entent, Carpys of paix, and ruys it now, lat fe, Quhen that thai gonder invadis gour cuntre, 25 3our mortale fays inarmyt gou to aflaill. Na mair he faid, bot ftartis vp fans faill, And of the cheif palyce ifehit furth in hy, Thus carpand to the noblys ftud hym by : Go tyte, Volufus, to the banereris 30 Of the Volfeanys, and thame that ftandartis beris : 716 THE ELEVINT BUKE Charge thame thar enfengeis forto rays on hycht, And in thar armour adres thar men to fyght : And ghe, Mefapus, Coras, and gour broder, The horfmen all enarmyt, ane and other, 5 Convoys furth onto the feildis braid. A party of the citeganys, he faid, Do ftuf the entreis, and the portis defend ; Sum to the towris and wall hedis afcend ; The remanent of all our haill menge, 10 Quhen I command, lat thame fet on with me. Onon our all the cite by and by Vp on the wallys ryn thai than in hy. The kyng Latyn hys confale, full onglaid, And gret materis quhilkis he begunnyn had, 15 Left and differrit quhil ane other day, Trift in his mynd, and trublit of that delay : And mony ways hym felf he accufyt, That he fa lang had flewthit and refufyt To reffaue glaidly the Troiane Ene ; 20 Repentyng for, for weill of his cite, That he had not requirit hym and draw, Or than, to be his mawch and fon in law. Sum tho, thar cite entre forto kepe, Befor the portis delvis trynfchis deip ; 25 Sum to the gettis weltis weghty ftonys, And fum gret jeftis and fillys for the nonys : The bas trumpet with a bludy fovn The fyng of batell blew our all the tovn. The wallis than thai ftuffit rownd abowt 30 With diuers fortis of mony fyndry rowt : OF ENEADOS. 717 Baith wifis, barnys, childer, men, and page, Na kynd of ftait was fparit tho, nor age ; The hyaft poynt and lattir refiftens Callit euery wight to laubour and defens. 5 The queyn alfo, Amata, furth can hald Onto the tempill and Pallas fouerane hald, Born in hir char, and walkyng hir abowt Of matronys and nobil wemen a rowt ; Offerandis and gyftis brocht with hir fcho had : 10 Nixt hand hir went Lavynia the maid, The caus of all this harm and wofull teyn, That down for fchame dyd caft hyr lufty eyn. The matronys entris in the Goddis prefens, And fmokis the tempill with fweit vapour and fens, 15 And reuthful vocis warpis lovd on hie. Alflbne as thai attenyt the entre, O thou, faid thai, Pallas armipotent, Tritonia clepit, maid, and prefident Of batale and of weris eueryone, 20 With thy virginal handis breke onon 3on Troiane revaris wapynnys and his fpeir ; Hym felf als tyte dovn to the grund thou ber, Vndre our portis and our wallis hie Down warp hym ded, that we that fycht may fe. 718 THE ELEVINT BUKE CAP. X. Heir Turnus and Camylla gan devys Pratlikis of weir, the Troianys tofupprys. Turnus hym felf, als fers as ony gleid, Ful biflely addreflyt on his weid, Defyrus of the batale and bargane. Intil a clos curas Rutilyane 5 Be than his body Weill embrafyt had he, Hys burnyft armour, awfull for to fe, With lymmys elafpit in platis gilt with gold, And hed all bair ; git, as hym felvyn wold, Hys dedly brand he beltis by his fyde ; 1 0 And, fchynand all of brycht gold, faft can glide Throw owt the palyce ryall heir and thar, Reiofyt in his mynd, as thocht he war In ferm beleif fortill ourfet his fo : And on fik wys gan walkyng to and fro, 15 With hart hyngand on the joly pyn. As, fum tyme, dois the curfer ftart and ryn, That brokkyn hes his band, furth of his ftall, Now gois at large out our the feldis all, And haldis towart the ftudis in a rage, 20 Quhar merys rakis in thar pafturage, Or than onto the deip rynnand ryver, Quhar he was wont to drynk the watir cleir ; He fprentis furth, and full provd walxis he, Heich ftrekand vp his hed with mony a ne, OF ENEADOS. 719 Out our his fpaldis and nek lang by and by His lokkyrrit mayn fchakand wantonly : Siklyke this Turnus femys, quhar he went. And, as he bradis furth apon the bent, 5 The maid Camylla cummis hym agane, Accumpaneit with hir oftis Volfcane : Befor the portis dovn lyghtis the queyn, Quham all the rowt hes followyt bedeyn, Difcendand from thar horflis efely ; 10 Syne on lie wys this lady fpak on hy : Turnus, fays fche, gif ony hardy wight May trafte or afiure in thar awyn mycht, I vndertak, and dar promys, allane To mach in feild the oftis Eneadane, 15 And baldly dar recuntir in melle All the horfmen of the Tufcane menge. I the requyr, fuffir me to aflay With my retenew and thir handis tway The firft danger in batale, or I ftent : 20 Byde thou behynd on fut in enbufchment, And kepe the wallis of this tovn, fcho faid. Turnus his eyn hes fixit on this maid, That weirlike was and awfull onto fe, Syne on this maner to hir anfueris he : 25 O thou virgyn, glory of Italy, Quhat thankis geld or rendir the may I, Or quhat may I refer of thy renovn ? Bot, fen thou art to all thyng reddy bovn, Surmontyng all in curage fouerane, 30 Now at this tyme of fie laubour and payn 720 THE ELEVINT BUKE Grant me my part, fo that on athir fyde Betwix ws twa the bargane be dyvyde. Hark, I fall fchaw gou myne avys, quod he : <3on deteftabill and myfchews Enee, 5 As that the rumour furely hes maid kend, And als my fpyis fchawis was thidder fend, A eertane horfmen, lyeht armyt for the nanys, Hes fend befor forto forray the planys ; Hym felf afcendis the hie band of the hyll 10 By wentis ftrait and paflage fcharp and wyll, Schaip on our cite fortocum prevely. Tharfor a prattik of weir devys will I, And ly at wait in quyet enbufchment At athir pethis hed or fecrete Went ; 15 In the how flak, be gonder woddis fyde, Full dern I fall my men of armys hyde. Set thou apon the Tufcan horfyt rowt, With pynfellis femlyt fammyn with a fchowt : The ftalwart Mefapus with the fall go, 20 The Latyn barnage, and the brethir two, Thai eapitanys come fra Tyburtyn cite* With all thar ordinance and hail menge : Tak thou the cuyr with thame to rewle and fteir Alhaill that ryall army into weir. 25 Thus faid he, and with fie Wordis at fehort Mefapus to the fight he dyd exhort, And all his feris, fyne euery capitane ; And fyne towart his aduerfaris is gane. Thar lay a valle in a crukyt glen, 30 Ganand for flycht till enbufch armyt men, OF ENEADOS. 721 Quham, wonder narrow, apon athir fyde The bewys thik hampirris and doith hyde With fkowgis darn and full obfcur, perfay, Quharthrow thar ftrekit a rod or a ftrait way, 5 Ane narrow peth, baith outgang and entre, Full fcharp and fchrowit paflage wonder lie : Abufe the quhilk, apon the hill on hycht, Quhar men may fpy about a weil far fycht, Thar lyis a playn to the Troianys onknaw ; 10 Bot, quha fo lift towart that fted to draw, It is a ftellyng place and fovir harbry, Quhar oft in flail or enbufchment may ly, Quhidder men lift the bargane to abyde Owder on the ryeht hand or on the left fyde, 15 Or on the hycht debait thame for the nanys, And on thar fays welt dovn weghty ftanys. Thyddir gong Turnus held and dyd afcend, As he that all the paflage weil bekend ; The place he tuke, and ful prevy, onknaw, 20 Lyggis at wait vnder the darn wod fchaw. CAP. XI. Quhou that Opts was doun from Dy ane fend, And of quhat kyn Camylla was difcend. The meyn feffon, Latonas douchter Dyan, Within hir fete of hevynnys fouerane, 4 Y 722 THE ELEVINT BUKE The fwyft Opys, a nymphe ane of hir feris, Ane haly virgyne of hir fort mony gheris, To hir callis, ryeht dolorus and onglaid, And, fychand fair, to hyr fyk wordis faid : 5 O virgyn deyr, lo now, Camylla gays To cruell batall aganyft hyr mortal fays, And, al in vayn, with hir into fyk werys Our wapynnys and our armour with hyr berys. I the declar and certifeis, quod fche, 10 Abuf all other full deyr is fche to me : Ne this luf, fuythly, is nocht cummyn of new, Nor git of lait in Dyanys breft vpgrew, And with a hafty fweitnes movyt my fpreit, Bot of aid kyndnes lang tyme onforleit. 15 For quhen hir fader, Metabus the kyng, Was throw invy expellit hys ancyent ryng Of Pryvernum, and for the cruelte Of his pepill fled from that cite, With hym he bair this gong infant fa deir, 20 Tobe his fallow in exill, and play feir, And eftir hir moderis name, hait Cafmylla, Camylla hes clepit, a lettir tane awa. Befor hym in hys bofum he hyr bair, And focht onto the wilfum holtis hair. 25 Hys cruel fays with thar wapynnys keyn Hym ombefet on all partis in teyn : With armyt men and wageouris the Volfeanys So neir almoft bylappyt hym at anys, Thar was na paflage quhar away to fle. 30 For lo ! amyd the went quhar etlyt he, OF ENEADOS. 723 Amafenus, that ryver and frefch flude, Abuf the brays bulryt as it war wod ; From the clowdis was bryft fik fpait of rayn The ryver flowis our the large plane. 5 He, drefland hym to fwym, at the bank fyde For luf of the gong bab moft neid abyde, And, for his deir byrdyng dredand foir, Ilk chance in haift dyd roll in his memor ; And fears this fentens prent into hys mynd, 10 Hys douchtir forto clos within the rynd And ftalwart fapplyn or bark of cork tre : For in hys hand the felf tyme had he A buftuus fpeir, percace, baith ftyth and ftuyr, As he that was a worthy weriour ; 15 The fchaft was fad and found, and weill ybaik : Ywympillit in this bark tho dyd he take Hys gong douchter, and with hys awyn hand Amyddis of this lans full fuyrly band ; Quhilk tafand with hys ryeht hand, fone on hye 20 Onto the hevyn abuf thus carpys he : O bliflyt maid Latonya, our alquhar Of wild foreftis the inhabitar, I, fader, heir profeflys fervand to the This tendir gonglyng, bund onto this tre ; 25 Fleand hys fays throw the fkyis, lo, Knyt to thy fchaft, lawly befekis fcho. Reflaue hir, lady, and teftify, God wait, As thyne alhail, onto the dedicate, Quhilk now thou feis ftandis in danger, 30 Commyttit to the wyndis and the ayr. 724 THE ELEVINT BUKE Thus faid he, and onon with a fwak Hys gardy vp has bendit far abak, And threw the fpeir with all hys fors and mycht ; The ftremys foundyt of the fchaftis flycht : 5 Owr this fers ryver to the farthyr bra This fey onfilly bab, gong Camylla, Flaw knyt onto this quhirrand fchaft of tre. Bot this Metabus, quhen that he dyd fe The gret pres of hys fays cum fa neir, 10 Na langar duelt, bot fwam throu the ryver ; And, cummyn to his purpos blyth and glaid, The fpeir onon, fa buklyt with the maid, In prefand onto the thrynfald Dyane, Furth of the grefy fward he has vptane. 15 Na rurall byggyngis, nor git na ftrang cite, Wald hym reflaue within thar wallys he, Nor, thocht thai wald hym to harbry haue tane, Hys fers mynd couth not fubdew to nane : So that, in maner of hyrdis in pafturage, 20 On wild montanys he wonnyt all his age ; Quhar that his dochtyr, amang bufkis ronk, In dern fladis and mony fcroggy flonk, With mylk he nurift of the beiftis wild, And with the pappis fofterit he his child 25 Of favage ftude meris in that foreft ; Oft tymys he thar breiftis mylkit and preft Within the tendir lippys of his get. And, fra the child myght fut to erd fet, And with hir folis firft dyd mark the grond, 30 With dartis keyn and hedis feharply grand OF ENEADOS. 725 Hir fyftis and hir handis chargyt he ; And at hir fchuldir buklyt hes on hie Ane propir bow and litil arow cace : And for hir goldyn garland or hed lace, 5 In fted eik of hir fyde garmont or pall, Our the fchuldris fro hir nek down with all The grifly tygrys fkyn of rent dyd hyng. The felf tyme git fche bot tendir gonglyng Thir dartis and the takillis fwyft leit glyde ; 10 And oft abowt hir hed the ilk tyde Wald warp the ftryngis of the ftowt ftaf flyng, Quharwith feill fys to grand ded wald fcho dyng The cran of Trace, or than the quhite fwan. For nocht fcho was defirit with mony a man, 15 And moderis feill throu the townys Tufcane Defirit hir thar gud douchter, in vane : For fcho only, full ferm in hir entent, Of Diane, Goddes of chaftyte, ftud content, And lift to hant evyr in woddis with me 20 The dartis fchutyng, and love virginyte, Remanand incorrupt and a cleyn maid. I wald, forfuyth, at this tyme fcho abaid, And had not haftit to fie chevalry, Forto moleft the Troianys ftowt army; 25 Bot that ane of my ferys fcho fuld be, As fcho that is at all tyme deir to me. Haue done onon, thou nymphe Opys, fcho faid, With wikkyt fatis fen beftad is gon maid, Thou flyde down from the hevyn, and that in hy ; 30 The Latyn feildis thou vifly and afpy, 726 THE ELEVINT BUKE Quhar, in the wofull batale and melle, To ane onhappy chance betaucht is fche. Tak thir dartis, and fone owt of my cays That ilke revengeabill arow thou owt rays : 5 Quha evir with wond doys hurt or violat Hyr haly body onto me dedicat, Quhidder he be Troiane or Italiane, All is in like, that he onon be flane, And with hys blude myn offens deir aby. 10 My felf thar eftir the reuthfull corps in hy Amyd a boys clowd fall cary away, Onfpulgeit of hir armour or array, And hir bygrave, reducit to hir cuntre, In fepultur full gloryus, faid fche. 15 Than Opys lyghtly of the hevynnys glade, Throw owt the fkyis fowchand faft doun flaid, Perfand the ayr with body all ourfchrowd And dekkyt in a watry fabill clowd. CAP. XII. Quhou that Eneas with hys haill power Towart the cyte wallys drawis neir. Dvryng this quhile, the Troiane power all 20 Approchys faft towart the cite wall, The Tufcane Dukis and horfmen rowtis alhaill Arrayt in batale, euery ward and ftaill. OF ENEADOS. 727 Our all the planys brays the ftampand ftedis, Full galgeart in thar bardis and weyrly wedis, Apon thar ftrait born brydillis brankand faft, Now thrympand heir, now thar, thayr hedis can caft : 5 The large grond worth gryfly onto fe Of fteill wapynnys and fcharp fpeir hedis hie ; And as the fyre all byrnand fchayn the feildis Of brycht armour, heich helmys, and braid fcheildis. Aganyft thame alflb onon apperys 10 The bald Mefapus, valgeant in werys ; The agill Latyn pepill with hym was, And duke Catyllus, with his brother Coras, And eik the weyng of Wolfcane pepill in feild With the ftowt wench Camylla vnder fcheild ; 15 And furth thai ftreik thar lang fperis weill far, Drew in thar armys with fchaftis chargit on far, Tafyt vp dartis, taclys, and fleand flanys : The contyr or firft tocome for the nanys Full ardent wolx, and awfull forto fe, 20 The men byrnand to joyn in the melle, And furour grew of ftedis fterand on ftray. Now thai, approchyng fammyn in array Within ane arow fchot on athyr fyde, Syne maid a litill flop, and flill dyd byde ; 25 Rafyt vp a fchowt, bad on thame with a cry, Quhil bruyt and clamour fordynnyt the fky ; Thar fers ftedis dyd for the bargane cheir ; On athir half thai mak a weirlike feir : And thar withall at anys on every fydis 30 The dartis thik and fleand takyllys glydis, 728 THE ELEVINT BUKE As doith the fchour of fnaw, and with thar flycht Dyrknyt the hevynnys and the fkyis lyght. Tyrrhenus tho, ane of the Tufcane rowt, And Acontevs, a Rutilyane full ftowt, 5 Togidder femblyt with thar fperis ran, To preif the firft fall fammyn, man for man : Thai meit in melle with a felloun rak, Quhil fchaftis al to fchuldris with a crak ; Togiddir dufchis the ftowt ftedis atanys, 10 That athyris contyr frufchyt otheris banys. And Aconteus, lyke to the thundris blaft, Smyte from hys fadill a far way was caft, Or lyke a ftayn warpyt from the engyne, That al tofrufchit dovn he dyd declyne, 15 With fik rebund and rewyne wonder fair That he his lyfe hes iparpellit in the ayr. All fuddanly the Latynys tuke affray, And gaue the bak bedeyn, and fled away, Thar feheldis our thar fchuldris keft behynd, 20 And to the tovn fpurris als fers as wynd. The Troianys dyd perfewyng on the chays, And faft invadis thame Prynce Afyllas. Quhen thai approchyng to the portis neir, The Latyn pepill returnys all infeir, 25 Thar weill dantit hors nekkis quhelit abowt, Syne gaue a cry, and on thame with a fchowt : The tother party than hes tane the flyght, Leit ga the brydill, and fled in all thar mycht. Lyke as the flowand fey with fludis rude 30 Now rufchis to the land, as it war woyd, OF ENEADOS. 729 And on the fkelleys at the coftis bay Vpfwakkis faft the fomy wallys gray, And with his jawpys coverys in and owt The far fandis our the bay abowt ; 5 Now with fwyft fard gois ebband faft abak, That with hys bulrand jafchis and owt fwak With hym he fowkis and drawys mony ftayn, And levis the ftrandis fchald and fandis plane : The Tufcane folk the Latynys on fik wys 10 Onto the cite wallys chafyt twys ; And twys thar felf dyd fle and gif the bak, With feheldis at defens behynd thame fwak. Bot thareftir the thryd aflay thai mak, The oftis fammyn jonyt with a crak, 15 That euery man hes ehofyn hym his feir : And than, forfuyth, the granys men mycht heir Of thame that ftervyn and dovn bettyn beyn, That armour, wapynnys, and ded corps bedeyn, And ftedis throwand on the grond that weltis, 20 Mydlit with men quhilk gald the gafte and fweltis, Bedowyn lay full deip in thar awyn blude : The ftowr encreffis furyus and woyd. Orfilochus, a Troiane, with all his fors Dreffis his lans at ane Remulus hors, 25 For hym to meit he ftude a maner feir ; The hed remanyt vnder the horffis eyr. The fteid enragit for the cruell dynt, And lanfys vp on hycht als fers as flynt, As he that was inpacient of his wond, 30 That Remulus down weltis on the grond. 4 z 730 THE ELEVINT BUKE Catillus, ane of the brethir Tyberyne, Iollas down bet, and thareftir fyne The gret Hermynyus, wondir byg of corps, Bot far byggar of curage and of fors ; 5 Quhais hed and fchuldris nakyt war and bare, And on his crovn bot lokrand gallow hair ; And thocht he nakyt was, and voyd of geir, Na wond nor wapyn mycht hym anys effer : Forgane the fperis fo buftuus blomyt he, 10 That this Catillus ftalwart fchaft of tre Throw gyrdis baith hys braid fehulder banys, And with the dynt ftud fchakand all at anys, Tranffixit fo, and perfand euery part, It dowblis and renewys the mannis fmart. 15 The blaknyt dedly blude on athir fyde Furth rufchis owt of workand wondis wyde ; The fwerdis baithit wolx in bargane red ; Feill corpfis kyllit in the feild fell ded, And caucht a douchty end to fweit in fyght, 20 By hurtis feill forto manteym thar ryeht. CAP. XIII. Quhou Camylla hir fays doun can dyng, And venquyft Awnus,for all his fair flechyng. The awfull maid Camylla the ilk tyde, With cace of arrowis tachit by hyr fyde, OF ENEADOS. 731 Amyd the flauehter and melle apon hyr foyn Prowdly pranfys lyke a wench Amagon, That, forto hant the bargane or aflay, Hyr ryeht pap had cut and brynt away : 5 And now the fowpill fchaftis baldly fche On athir fydis thik fparpellis and leit fle ; Now, not irkyt in batale ftith to ftand, Ane ftalwart ax fcho hyntis in hir hand : Apon hir fehulder the giltyn bow Turcas, 10 With Dyanys arowys clatterand in hyr cays. And gif that fo betyd into that fight Hyr ferys gave the bak and tuke the flycht, Into the chais oft wald fcho turn agane, And, fleand, with hir bow fchuyt mony a flane. 15 Abowt hir went hir walit ftalwart feris, The maid Laryna, and Tulla gong of gheris, And Tarpeia, that ftowtly turnys and fwax With the weil ftelit and braid billit ax ; Italyanys born ; quham the nobil Camylla 20 Had to hir lovyng and honour deput fwa, Tobeyn hir fervandis in ganand tyme of paix, And in batale to ftand by hir in pres. Lyke as of Trace the wenchys Amagonys Dyndillis the flude Thermodoon for the nonys, 25 As in thar payntit armour do thai fyght, Owder abowt Hippolita the wight, Or by the weirlyke maid Penthefile, Rolland hir cart of weir to the melle ; The wemen rowtis baldly to the aflay, 30 With felloun bruyt, gret revery, and deray, 732 THE ELEVINT BUKE Furth haldis fammyn our the feldis fone, With crukyt feheldis fchapyn like the moyn. 0 thou ftern maid Camylla, quhat fall I fay ? Quham firft, quham laft, thou fmait to erth that day ? 5 Or quhou feil corpfis in the batale fted Thou laid to grond, ourthrew, and put to ded ? With the formaft, Ewmenyus, that was one Son to Clyfius ; quhais braid breift bone With a lang ftalwart fpeir of the fyr tre io Throw fmyttyn tyte and perfyt fone hes fche : He cavis owr, furthbokand ftremys of blude, And with his teith eik, fchortly to conclude, The bludy erd he bait ; and, as he fweltis, Apon hys wond oft writhis, tumlys, and weltis. 15 Abuf this nixt fcho ekis other two, Lyris, and ane Pegafyus alflb ; Of quham the tane, that is to fay, Lyris, As that he fordward ftowpand was, I wys, To hynt hys horflis reyn that gan to fundir, 20 And the tother prefent, to kep hym vndir, Furth ftraucht his febill arm to ftynt his fall, To grand togidder rufchit ane and all. And to thir fyne the fon of Hyppotes, Amaftrus hait, ded fcho adionyt in pres ; 25 And lenand fordwart on hir lance of tre, Terreas and Harpalicus chafys fche, Perfewand eik full buftuufly onon The bald Chromys, and ftrang Demophoon : Quhou feill dartis with hir hand keft this maid, 30 Alfmony Troianys ded to grand fcho laid. OF ENEADOS. 733 Ane Ornytus, ane huntar, far on raw, In armour and in cognyoens onknaw, Raid on a curfer of Apulge throu the feild : Hys braid fchuldris weill cled war and ourheld 5 With a gong bullis hyde newly of hynt ; Hys hed coverit, to falf hym fro the dynt, Was with ane hydduus wolfis gapand jowis, With chaftis braid, quhyte teith, and buftuus powis. To mak debait, he held intill his hand 1 0 A rural club or culmas infted of brand ; And, quhar he went, amyd the rowtis on hie Abuf thame all his hail hed men myght fe. Camylla hym at myfcheif hes on fet, Scho bair hym throw, and to the grund dovn bet ; 15 Nor na gret curage, forfuyth, was that, na mycht, For all his rowt tofore had tane the flycht. Bot forthir eik this forfaid Camylla, With mynd onfrendly, can thir wordis fa : Thou Tyrrheyn fallow, quhat, wenyt thou tobe 20 In woddis chafand the wild deir ? quod fche : The day is cummyn that gour prowd wordis hait A womanis wapyn fal refift and debait. And, not the les, na litill renowne From thens thou fal do turs away with the, 25 And to our faderis goftis blythly fchaw That with Camyllais glave thou art ourthf aw. Incontinent this madyn eftir thys Slew Orfilochus, and ane that hait Butys, Twa biggaft men of body and of banys 30 Of all the oft and fallowfchip Troianys. 734 THE ELEVINT BUKE Bot this ilk Butys, ftandand hir befor, Out throu the nek dyd fcho pers and bor, Betwix the hawbrig and the helm in hy, Quhar that his hals fcho dyd nakyt afpy ; 5 For our his left fehulder hang his fcheld. Bot this Orfilochus fled hir in the feild, And gan to trump with mony a turnyng went ; In cireulis wyde fcho drave hym our the bent, With mony a curs and jowk, abowt, abowt ; 10 Quhar euer he fled fcho followis in and owt : And at the laft fcho has ourtak the man, And throw hys armour all, and his ham pan, Hyr braid poll ax, rafyt fo on hie, With all hir fors and mycht fyne ftrykis fche ; 15 As he befocht for grace with gret requeft, Scho dowblit on hir dyntis, and fo hym preft, With feil wondis his hed has tort and rent ; Hys harnys hait our all his viflage went. Than Awnus fon, quhilk alfo Awnus hait, 20 On cace betyd approche in the debait Towart this maid, and, alflbne he hir faw, Abafyt huvis ftill for dreid and aw : Into the mont Appennynus dwelt he, Amang Liguriane pepill of his cuntre ; 25 And not, forfuyth, the lakeft weriour, Bot forfy man, and ryeht ftalwart in ftour, So lang as fatis fufferit hym in fycht To excers prettykis, juperty, or flycht. This Awnus, fra that weil perfavit he 30 Na way to fle nor efchew the melle, OF ENEADOS. 735 Nor mycht efchaip the queyn, ftude him agane ; Than he begouth aflay hir with a trayn, And with a fle diflait thus firft he faid : Quhat honour is till a ftowt wench or maid 5 Fortill aflur and traft in a ftrang hors ? Leif thy fwyft fteid, and trafte in thyne awyn fors ; At nane avantage, quhen thou lyft to fle, Lyght on this plane, and hand for hand with me Addres ws to debait on fut allone : 10 Thar fall thou fe, thar fall thou knaw onone, Quhamto this wyndy glore, vouft, or avantis, The honor, or, with payn, the lovyng grantis. Thus faid he : bot fcho than als hait as fyre, Aggrevit for, inflambit in^ felloun ire, 15 Alycht, and to hir mait the hors betaucht ; At his defyre onon on fut vpftraucht, With equal armour bodyn wondir lyeht, The drawyn fuerd in hand that fchane full brycht, And onabafyt abaid hym in the feild, 20 Abylgeit only bot with a quhite fcheild. The gong man, wenyng with his fle diflait He had begilit hir be his confait, Abowt his bridill turnyt but mair delay, And at the flycht fprent furth and brak away, 25 And feil fys leit the hors fydis feill The fcharp irne fpurris prik apon his heill. O, quod the maid, thou fals Liguriane, Our wanton in thy prowd mynd, all invayn ; O variant man, for nocht perfay, quod fche, 30 Hes thou aflayt thy cuntre craftis fle : 736 THE ELEVINT BUKE Diflaitfull wight, forfuyth I to the fay, Thy flycht and wylis fall the nocht beir away, Nor hayl fearth hyne do turs the hame fra ws Onto thy faderis hows, the fals Awnus. 5 Thus faid the wench onto this other fyre, And furth fcho fprent as fpark of gleid or fyre ; With fpedy fut fo fwyftly rynnys fche, By paflyt the horflis renk, and furth can fle Befoj hym in the feild with gret difdeyn, 10 And claucht onon the curfer by the reyn ; Syne fet apon hym baldly, quhar fcho ftude, And hir revengit of hir fays blude : Als lyehtly as the happy goifhalk, we fe, From the hycht of a rokis pynnakill hie 15 With fwyft weyngis perfewis wonder fair The filly dow heich vp into the ayr, Quham finaly he clippis at the laft, And lowkyt in his punfys farris faft, Thriftand his tallons fa throu hir entralis 20 Quhill at the blude abundantly furth ralys ; And, with hir beik deplumand, on al fydis The lyeht downys vp to the Ikyis glidis. CAP. XIV. Tarchon, gret chiftane of the Tufcan oft, The fleand folkis to turn agane can boft. The fader of Goddis and men with diligent eyn Has all hir dedis vnderftand and feyn, OF ENEADOS. 737 And, fituat in his hevynly hous on hie, Inducis and commovis to the melle Tarchon, of Tufcanys pryncipall lord and fyre, In breithfull ftoundis rafyt brym as fyre ; 5 So that amyd the ful myfchewos fyght, The gret flauehter and rowtis takand the flycht, On horfbak in this Tarchon baldly draw, Wilfull his pepill to fupport and faw : The wardis all of euery natioun 10 With admonitiouns feir and exhortatioun And diuers wordis tyftis to feght, for fchame, Clepand and calland ilk man be his name, Quhill thai that drevyn war abak and chafte Relevys agane to the bargane in haift. 15 O Tufcane pepill, quhou happynnys this, faid he, That ghe fal evir fa doillyt and bowbartis be Onwrokyn fik inurys to fuffir heir ? O, quhat be this ? quhou gret a dreid and feir, Quhou huge dolfnes, and fchaymful cowardice, 20 Hes ombefet gour myndis, apon fik wys That a woman allon, and thus belyve, Apon fik wys fal fcattir gou and dryve, And gar fa large rowtis tak the flycht ? Quharto bair we thir fteill egis in fyght ? 25 Or quhat avalys to hald in hand, lat fe, For nocht thir wapynnys, gyf we a wife fall fle ? <3e war not wont tobe fa lyddyr ilkane At nycht batellys and workis venerian, Or quhar the bowand trumpet blew the fpryng, 30 At Bachus dans to go in caralyng, 5 A 738 THE ELEVINT BUKE Syne go to feft at tabill, and fyt at des, Se cowpys full, and mony danty mes : Thar was gour luft, plefour, and appetite, Thar was gour bifly cuyr and gour delyte ; 5 Quhen that the happy fpayman, on hys gys, Pronuncit the feftual haly facryfys, And the fat offerandis dyd gou call on raw To banket amyd the dern bliflyt fchaw. And, with that word, amydwart the melle, 10 Reddy to fterf, his hors furth fterys he, And awfully onon with all his mayn Rufchit apon Venulus, ftud hym agane ; And with hys ryeht arm can hys fa enbras, Syk wys he dyd hym from hys hors arrais, 15 And with huge ftrenth fyne dyd hym cowch and lay Befor his breift, and bair hym quyte away. The Tufcanys rafyt a clamour to the fky, And Latynys all thar eyn abowt dyd wry. This Tarchon, ardent as the fyry levyn, 20 Flaw furth fwyft as a fowle vp towart hevyn, Berand with hym the armour and the man ; And fra his fperis poynt of brak he than The ftelit hed, and fyne feyrfis all artis, Euerilk entre, and all the oppyn partis, 25 Quhar he mycht fynd into fa litil ftovnd A place patent to geif hym dedis wond : And, be the contrar, Venulus full wight Maid all debait and obftakill at he mycht, And can hys hand from hys throt oft fys chop 30 With all hys ftrenth, hys violens to flop. OF ENEADOS. 739 Lyke as, fum tyme, the gallo egill be fycht The eddir hyntis vp and careis on hyght, Syne, fleand, in hir feit ftrengeis fa faft That oft hyr punfys out throw the fkyn dois thraft : 5 Bot the ferpent, wondyt and al tofchent, In lowpyt thrawys wry this with mony a fprent, Hyr fprutlyt fkalys vpfet gryfly to fe, With quhifland mouth ftrekand hir hed on hie ; All thocht fcho wreill, and fprynkill, bend, or fkyp, 10 Evir the farar this ern ftrenys hys gryp, And with hys bowand beik rentis grewfly, Sammyn with hys weyngis fourfand in the Iky : Noyn othyr wys, this Tarchon turfys hys pray Throw owt the Tyburtyn rowtis glaid and gay. 15 The pepill Tufcane, quhilum cum fra Lyde, Seand the exempill and profper chans that tyd Of thar ftowt duke, followys hys hardyment, And with a rufeh fammyn in the bargane fprent. Quhen as ane Aruns, by hys mortal fait 20 Onto myfchewos ded predeftinate, Cireulis at the wait, and afpyis abowt" The fwyft madyn Camyll, of all the rowt In honeft fait of armys maift expert, And beft betaucht to fchute or caft a dart : 25 He fekis by quhat ways or fortoun To fynd the faflbun and tyme oportune Maift efely this lady to aflaill ; And all the wentis and renkis, fans faill, This furyus maid held mydwart the melle, 30 The fammyn gait and paflage haldis he, 740 THE ELEVINT BUKE And prevely hir futfteppys dyd efpy ; And quhar fcho dyd return with viftory, With fut bakwart frawart hir aduerfar, This ilk Aruns was ful reddy thar, 5 And thyftuufly onon the fam way he Withdrew hys pays, and held on hir hys E : Lurkand at wayt, and fpyand rownd abowt, Now this tocome, now that onfet, but dowt, At euery part thys pevech man of weyr, 10 And fchuke in hand hys onefchewabill fpeir. CAP. XV. Aruns the preift flays Camylla be flycht, Syne cowartly onon takis the flycht. Per chans that tyde Choreus, of gret eftait, Ane fpiritual man bliflyt and confecrat, That to Cybele fum tyme preift had be, A weill lang fpace gond in the melle 1 5 Abilgeit rychly and full gloryus fchane In pompus armour and array Phrygiane : Furth dryvys he the fomy fterand fteid, With weirlyke bardis cled, and fovir weid Of coyrbulge or leddir with gilt nalys, 20 Cowchyt with plait of fteill als thik as fkalys ; And he hym felf, in brovne fangwane weill dycht, Abuf hys onkouth armour blomand brycht, OF ENEADOS. 741 Schaftis he fchot, and takillys wrocht in Creyt, With Lycyane bow nokkyt with hornys meyt, And clattryng by hys fchuldyr for the weir Hys gange cays and goldyn awblafter ; 5 The helm of gold fchane on the preftis hed ; Of fafron hew, betwix gallow and red, Was hys rych mantill, of quham the forbreift lappys, Ratlyng of brycht gold wyre, with gyltyn trappys Or cordys fyne was buklyt with a knot ; 10 Of nedill wark all brufyt was hys cote ; Hys hofyng fchane of wark of barbary In porturatour of fubtell brufery. Thys man only of all the mekyll rowt The maid Camylla followis faft about ; 15 Quhyddir fo it was that Troiane armour fche Lyft hyng in tempill for memor of trophe, Or than defyryt this wantoun hunteres In goldyn attyre hir felwyn to addres, Quhilk fcho in feild byreft hyr aduerfar ; 20 Throw owt the oft onwarly went alquhar, Blynd in defyre this Troiane to aflay, In womanly appetyt ardent of this pray, This preeyus fpulge, and array fa prowd, Quharwith, as faid is, was this preift yfchrowd. 25 This forfaid Aruns liggyng at the wait, Seand this maid onflocht at fik eftait, Chofys hys tyme that was maft oportune, And towart hir hys dart adreffyt fone. With voce expres hys prayer thus maid he : 30 O brycht Apollo, fouerane God maft hie, 742 THE ELEVINT BUKE Of haly mont Soraftis the wardane, Quham pryncipaly we wirfchip euery ane, Quhamto the fyry fmok of fens, we fe, Blefys in the kyndillit byngis of fyr tre ; 5 As we that wirfchippis the with obefans, Be fupport of thy devoyt obfervans, Oft with our futfteppys and our nakyt folys Down thryngis feil hait fyndris and fyry colys ; Grant me, fader almychty, now I pray, 10 With our wapynnys this fchame to do away. I afk na trophe, nor the pompos weyd Of this maid dovn bet or repulfyt in deid, Nowder byd I therof fpulge nor renovn ; My other dedis fyne mot mak me bovn 15 To report honour and lawd eftir this : Bot at this time I byd na mair, I wys, Salf that this wench, this vengeabill peft or trake, Be bet dovn ded by my wond and fmart ftrake, And fyne that I may to my kynd cite 20 But ony glor return alyve, quod he. Phebus hym hard, and grantit to fulfyll Of hys axin a party, at hys wyll ; Bot for the tother part, fuyth to fay, He leit do waif with the fwyft wynd away : 25 Confentand that he fuld doun bet and fla By hafty ded the awfull Camylla ; Bot, at hys cuntre hail fearth haymwart brocht Suld fe hym eftir that, he grantit nocht ; And in the clowdy blaftis of the fky 30 That voce and wordis flaw away in hy. OF ENEADOS. 743 So that, als faft as from hys hand, that ftond, Thirland the ayr this takill gaue a found, The rowtis can aduert and takis tent, Turnand thar fyghtis, ilk wight, with a blent 5 Towart the queyn, thar lady, this Camyll : Bot fcho nane heyd nor tent hes tane thartill, Nowder of the hafty motioun of the ayr, Nor git the byrrand fovnd this flycht maid thar, Nor git perfauyt this awfull fchaft of tre 10 Difcendand fwyftly fra the hevyn on hie ; Quhill that the lance hir fmate and hurt, perfay, Quhar that hir pap was fehorn and cut away, And weggyt deip within hir coft ftude, Furth fowkis largely of this madynnys blude. 15 Hyr complicis alfammyn in this neyd Start to thar lady in affray and dreid ; And fone thai claucht and lappyt in thar armys This queyn, that funderand was for hir fmart harmys. Bot fyrft of all, for feyr and fell affray, 20 Thys Aruns fled full faft and brak away, With blythnes mydlyt havand paynfull dreid : For he na langar durft into this neyd Aflure forto debait hym with hys fpeir, Na git abyd the virgynys wapyn, for feyr. 25 And lyke as that the wild wolf in hys rage Knawand hys recent fait and gret owtrage, Quhen that he hes fum gret gong oxin flane, Or than weryit the nolt hyrd on the plane, Tofor hys fays with wapynnys hym perfew, 30 Onon is he to the heich mont adew, 744 THE ELEVINT BUKE And hyd hym felf full far owt of the way ; Hys taill, that on hys ryg befor tymys lay, Vnder hys waym lattis fall abafytly, And to the wod can haft hym intill hy : .5 Nane other wys Aruns, that fleyt wight, Fled, and belyve withdrew hym owt of fycht ; Content only to gyf the bak and fle, Amang the thikaft pres hym hyd hes he. And this Camylla, ftervand the ilk ftound, i o The fchaft hes pullyt of hyr dedly wound With hir awyn hand ; bot git amang the banys The fcharp fteill hed fixt to the rybbys remanys, In a full deip wond and a grewos fayr. All paill and bludles fwarthis fcho ryeht thar, 15 And in the deth clofys hir cald eyn; The rudy cullour, vmquhile as purpour fcheyn, Blaknyt, and fadys quyte out of hir face : And, galdand vp the goft in the ilk place, Onto ane of hir damyfellis and ferys, 20 Clepyt Acca, that had beyn mony gheris Only mafte traft, and hald in fpeciall To Camylla abuf the otheris all, That knew alhaill the fecretis of hir hart, With quham hir thochtful curys wald fcho part, 25 That tyme fcho fpak, and faid on this maner : Acca, Acca, my leif fyftyr deyr, Onto this hour I haue done at I myght ; Bot now this dolorus wond fo lies me dycht That all thyng dymmys and myrknys me abowt. 30 Go faft thy way, and hy the of this rowt ; OF ENEADOS. 745 Schaw Turnus thir my laft commandis, quod fche ; Byd hym entyr in fecht infted of me, And fra the cite thir Troianys dryve away : Adew for evir ! I haue na mar to fay. 5 Sammyn with that word the rengeis flyp leyt fche, And flayd to grond, nocht of fre volunte. Than the cald deith and laft flondis mortall The fpreit diflbluyt from the corps our all ; Hyr fowpil crag inclynand and nek bayn, 10 Bowyt dovn hyr hed that was with deth ourtane ; Furth fprent hyr armys in the ded thrawyng, And fra hir keft hir wapynnys and armyng : The fpreit of lyfe fled murnand with a grone, And with difdene dovn to the-goftis is goyn. CAP. XVI. Opis the nymplie with dartis of Dyane, Camylla to revenge, has Aruns flane. 15 Ane huge clamour than dyd rys on hycht, That femyt fmyte the goldyn ftarnys brycht ; The bargane walxis mair cruell and het Quhar that the ftowt Camylla was down bet : For all the rowtis of the bald Troianys, 20 The Tyrrheyn dukis femlyt all at anys, And eik Evandrus wardys of Arcadys, Sammyn in the pres thar aduerfaris invadis. 5 B 746 THE ELEVINT BUKE Bot Opis tho, the nymphe, that weill neir by Be thrynfald Dyane fend was to efpy, Sat a lang fpace apon ane hillys bight, And onabafyt dyd behald the fyght. 5 Syne thareftir on far fcho can efpy, Amyd quhar as thir gonkeris rafyt this fcry, With fchaymfull deth ourtane, Camyll the maid Scho wepyt foir, and plenand thus fcho faid, Sobband full deip law from hir breift within : 10 Allace ! virgyne, to mekill, and that is fyn, To mekill all owt, fa cruell punyfyng Has thou fufferit, certis, for fik a thyng, Becaus thou heft inforfyt in all thy mycht Fortill ennoy the Troianys in this fight. 15 Quhat proffitis the in bulkis thyne allane To haue fervyt fo lang the bliflyt Diane ? Or by thy fyde, or than on fchuldir hie, So lang our quavyrris to haue born ? quod fche. And, netheles, but honour in this fted 20 Thy queyn hes not the left in poynt of ded ; Nor this thy flauehter but ramemberyng Amang all pepill fall not be, nor menyng ; Ne fait thou not that fchame fuffir, traft me, Forto be tald thou fuld onwrokyn be : 25 Quha evir with wond hes fchent or violait Thy fair body, to Dyane dedicate, He fal repent the tyme that evir thou ftervit, And with his deth aby, as he hes fervyt. Vnder the montane law thar ftude fute hoit 30 A byng of erth, vphepit like a moyt, OF ENEADOS. 747 Contenyng the cald affis and brynt banys Of aid Dercennus, kyng of Lawrentanys, Ourheld with akyn treis and bewys rank : Thyddir this Goddes, haltand dovn the bank, 5 Hyrfelf hes eareyt, and thar huvys ftyll, And from this knowys hycht, or lityll hyll, Abydis this ilk Aruns till efpy. And fra fcho hym perfavys glydand by, In rich armour fchynand wonder brycht, 1 0 And all invayn, prowd, wantoun, gay, and lyeht ; Quhy haldis thou awaywart fo ? quod fche : Dres hyddirmar thy futfteppis towart me ; Now cummys hyddir to perys and to fterve, And caucht dewly, as that thou hes deferve, 15 Thy reward for Camyllys ded, perde. On Dyanys dartis, ha, fuld fyk ane de ? And with that word, lyke a ftowt wench of Trace, The fwyft gilt arow fchuke owt of hir cace, And, ryeht amovit, hir horiiyt bow has bent, 20 Quharin onon the takill vp is ftent ; Syne halys vp in ire and felloun haift, Quhill that the bow and nokkis met almaift : And now hir handis raxit hyt euery fled, Hard on the left neyf was the fcharp fteill hed, 25 The ftryng, vp pullit with the ryeht hand in feir, Went by hir pap almafte ontil hir eyr. Aruns onon the motioun of the ayr Sammyn with the quhiflyng of the takill fquar Perfavit hes, and eik the dynt atanys ; 30 The dedly hed throu gyrd his body and banys. 748 THE ELEVINT BUKE Hys ferys all hes hym forget allane, Quhar as he fweit with mony a wofull grane, And in ane onkouth feld hes left hym ded, Bedoif in dull and puldyr, will of red : Syne Opys with hir weyngis fwyft can fle Abufe the fkyis heich in the hevynnys hie. CAP. XVII. Acca to Turnus fchawys Camyllais chance, Hir army fled, and left all ordinans. The fwyft army and active rowt wyth this Of Camilla fled firft the feld, I wys, For thai had loft thar lady and capitane : 10 The piflans haill and oftis Tyburtane Affrayt all togyddir gave the flycht ; The bak hes tane Atynas bald and wight ; The chiftanys brak array, and went thar gait, The banneris left all blowt and defolait, 15 Socht to warrand on horfbak, he and he, Frawart thar fays, and held to the cite. Nor nane of thame, fa mayt and fa agaft, The fers Troianys, quhilk thame aflalgeit faft. Onto the ded and myfcheif dyd invaid, 20 With wapynnys anys to ftyntyng maid a braid, Nor thame fuftene ne git refift thai mycht, Bot all atanys fammyn tuke the flycht, OF ENEADOS. 749 And on thar wery fchuldris with gret fchame Thar byg bowys onbent has turfyt hame ; ./- And the ftowt ftedis with thar huvys fovnd With fwyft renkis dyndlyt the dufty grond. 5 The blak ftowr of puldir in a flew Als dyrk as myft towart the wallys threw ; On the barmkyn abufe, and turettis hie, The wemen bet thar breiftis, was reuth to fe, Rafand atanys a wofull wyfly cry 10 Went to the ftarnys and thyrlyt throw the iky. And quha mycht formeft, with fwyft curs hes thame fet To brek in at the oppyn patent get ; The rowtis of thar ennemys myxt ourane Apon thame rufchis, and owrthrawys mony ane : 15 Nor thar efchape thai nocht the wrachit deth, Bot in the portis galdis vp the breth, . Stekit amyd thar native wallys hie, And amang howfis quhar fovir femyt thame tobe. A part clofyt the entre and the portis ; 20 Ne to thar ferys, nor git nane other fortis, The gettis liftyng oppyn, nor mak way, Nor, thocht thai oft befekyng thame and pray, Durft thame refiaue within thar wallys fquar : A duylfull flauehter onon vprifys thar 25 Of thame in arrays ftude the portis to defend, And thame with glavys Avar kyllyt and maid end. The fonnys furthfchet, that pety was to feyn, Befor thar wepand wofull faderis eyn, Sum in the holl fowcy war tumlyt dovn, 30 Sa thik thame eummyrris the pres throng to the tovn ; 750 THE ELEVINT BUKE Sum hafty and onwarly at the flycht Selakis thar brydillys, fpurrand in all thar mycht, Can with a ram rays to the portis dufche, Lyke with thar hedis the hard barris to frufch. 5 The moderis eik and wemen albedene, Fra tyme Camylla kyllyt haue thai fene, Knawand thar was extreme neceffite, With all debait ftude on the wallys hee ; Sik thyng to do that tyme and tak on hand 10 The perfyte luf thame taueht of thar kynd land ; And all agaft dartis and ftanys doun threw : The fyllys fquare and hedyt ftyngis enew, And perkis gret with byrflyt endis and brunt, Full haftely doun fwakkis, dunt for dunt, 15 And, for defens of thar kynd wallys hie, Offerit thame felf with the formeft to de. In the meyn quhile, as Turnus at the wait Lay in the wod, faft by the paflage ftrait, All the maift cruell tithingis fillys hys erys : 20 For Acca fchawys to hym and all hys ferys The huge affray, quhou the batale was gane, The Volfcane oftis diftroyt, and Camyll flane, Thar noyfum fays encreflyng furyus rage, And by thar profper Martis vaflallage 25 Difcumfyft all hys oftis, euery rowt, That now the cite wallys ftud in dowt. He walxis brayn in furor bellicall, So defyrus of dedis martiall, For the hard fatys and ftrang mychtis he 30 Of the gret Jove wald that it fo fuld be : OF ENEADOS. 751 The hyllys heich he left quhar at he lay, And from the dern woddis went away. And fcarfly was he paffyt owt of fyght, In the plane feild cummyn all at ryeht, 5 Quhen that the prynce Ene with all his men Hes entryt in and paflyt throu the glen, And our the fwyre fchawys vp at hys hand Efchape the dern wod, and won the evyn land ; So that baith twa with thar haill rowtis at laft 10 In all thar fpeid held to the cite faft. And na lang fpace thar oftis war in fondir, Bot that Ene the feildis reik lyke tundir Of dufty ftowr perfauyt a far way, And faw the Latyne rowtis ryde away; 1 5 And fers Eneas, wyrkar of hys harmys, Turnus perfauyt alfo ryde in armys, The dynnyng of thar hors feit eik hard he, Thar ftampyng fterage, and thar ftedis ne. Incontinent thai had to batale went, 20 And in the bargane previt thar hardyment, Ne war, as than, the rofy Phebus red Hys wery ftedis had dowkyt our the hed Vnder the ftremys of the occeane fee, Reducyng the dyrk nycht, thai mycht not fe ; 25 Alhail declynyt had the days lyeht. To tentis than befor the tovn ilk wight Bownyng to reft, al thai that war withowt, And delvys trynfehis all the wallys abowt. THE PROLOUG OF THE TWELT BUKE. Dyonea, nycht hyrd, and wach of day, The ftarnys chafyt of the hevyn away, Dame Cynthia dovn rollyng in the fee, And Venus loft the bewte of hir E, 5 Fleand efchamyt within Cylenyus cave ; Mars onbydrew, for all his grundyn glave, Nor frawart Saturn from hys mortall fpeir Durft langar in the firmament appeir, Bot ftall abak gond in hys regioun far 10 Behynd the circulat warld of Jupiter ; Nycthemyne, affrayt of the lyght, Went ondir covert, for gone was the nycht ; As frefch Aurora, to myghty Tythone fpows, Ifehit of hir fafron bed and evir hows, 15 In crammyfyn cled and granyt violat, With fangwyne cape, the felvage purpurat, Onfchet the wyndois of hir large hall, Spred all with rofys, and full of balm ryall, And eik the hevynly portis criftallyne 20 Vpwarpis braid, the warld to illumyn. The twynklyng ftremowris of the orient Sched purpour fprangis with gold and afure ment, THE PROLOUG. 753 Perfand the fabill barmkyn nofturnall, Bet doun the fkyis clowdy mantill wall : Eous the fteid, with ruby hamys red, Abuf the fey lyftis furth hys hed, 5 Of cullour foyr, and fum deill brovn as berry, Forto alichtyn and glaid our emyfpery, The flambe owtbraftyng at his noys thyrlys ; Sa faft Phaeton with the quhyp hym quhyrlys, To roll Appollo hys faderis goldyn char, 10 That fchrowdith all the hevynnys and the ayr ; Quhill fchortly, with the blefand torch of day, Abilgeit in hys lemand frefch array, Furth of hys palyce ryall ifehit Phebus, With goldyn crovn and viflage gloryus, 15 Cryfp haris, brycht as chrifolyte or topace, For quhais hew mycht nane behald hys face, The fyry fparkis braftyng from hys eyn, To purge the ayr, and gylt the tendyr greyn, Defundand from hys fege etheryall 20 Glaid influent afpeftis celicall ; Before hys regale hie magnificens Myfty vapour vpfpryngand, fweit as fens, In fmoky foppys of donk dewis wak, Moich hailfum ftovys ourheldand the flak ; 25 The aureat fanys of hys trone fouerane With glytrand glans ourfpred the occiane, The large fludis lemand all of lyeht Bot with a blenk of hys fupernale fycht. Forto behald, it was a glor to fe 30 The ftablit wyndis and the cawmyt fee, 5 c 754 THE PROLOUG OF The foft feflbn, the firmament fereyn, The lowne illumynat ayr, and fyrth ameyn ; The fyluer fcalyt fyfchis on the greit Ourthwort cleir ftremys fprynkland for the heyt, 5 With fynnys fchynand brovn as fynopar, And chyflell talys, ftowrand heir and thar ; The new cullour alychtnyng all the landis, Forgane thir ftannyris fchane the beriall ftrandis, Quhil the reflex of the diurnal bemys 1 o The beyn bonkis keft ful of variant glemys : And lufty Flora dyd hyr blomys fpreid Vnder the feit of Phebus fulgart fteid ; The fwardit foyll enbrovd with felcouth hewys, Wod and foreft obumbrat with thar bewys, 15 Quhois bliffull branfchis, porturat on the grund, With fchaddoys fehene fchew rockis rubicund ; Towris, turettis, kyrnellis, pynnaclys hie Of kyrkis, eaftellis, and ilke fair cite, Stude payntit, euery fyall, fayn, and ftage, 20 Apon the plane grund, by thar awyn vmbrage. Of Eolus north blaftis havand no dreid, The fulge fpred hir braid bofum on breid, <3ephyrus confortabill infpiratioun Fortill reflaue law in hyr barm adoun ; 25 The cornys croppis and the beris new brerd With glaidfum garmont reveftyng the erd ; So thik the plantis fprang in euery peyce, The feildis ferleis of thar fruftuus fleyce ; Byfly dame Ceres, and provd Pryapus, 30 Reiofyng of the planys plentuus, THE TWELT BUKE. 755 Plenyft fa plefand and maft propyrly, By natur nuryfyt wondir nobilly, On the fertill fkyrt lappys of the grund Strekyng on breid ondyr the cyrkyll rovnd ; 5 The variand veltur of the venuft vaill Schrowdis the fcherald fur, and euery faill Ourfret with fulgeis of figuris full diuers, The fpray byfprent with fpryngand fprowtis difpers, For callour humour on the dewy nyght, 10 Rendryng fum place the gers pilis thar hycht, Als far as catal, the lang fymmyris day, Had in thar paftur eyt and knyp away ; And bliffull bloffummys in the blomyt gard Submittis thar hedis in the gong fonnys falfgard : 15 Ive levys rank ourfpred the barmkyn wall, The blomyt hawthorn cled hys pykis all ; Furth of frefch burgionys the wyne grapis gyng Endlang the treilgeis dyd on twyftis hyng ; The lowkyt buttonys on the gemmyt treis 20 Ourfpredand leyvis of naturis tapeftreis, Soft grefy verdour eftir balmy fchowris On curland ftalkis fmylyng to thar flowris ; Behaldand thame fa mony diuers hew, Sum pers, fum paill, fum burnet, and fum blew, 25 Sum greyce, fum gowlys, fum purpour, fum fangwane, Blanchit or brovne, fawch gallow mony ane, Sum hevynly culloryt in celeftiall gre, Sum watry hewit as the haw wally fee, And fum depart in freklys red and quhite, 30 Sum brycht as gold with aureat levys lyte. 756 THE PROLOUG OF The dafy dyd on breid hir crownell fmaill, And euery flour onlappyt in the daill ; In battill gyrs burgionys the banwart wild, The clavyr, catcluke, and the cammamyld ; 5 The flour delys furthfpred hys hevynly hew, Flour dammes, and columby blank and blew : Seir downys fmaill on dent de lyon fprang, The gyng greyn blomyt ftraberry levys amang ; Gymp gerraflouris thar royn levys onfchet, 10 Frefch prymros, and the purpour violet; The roys knoppys, tutand furth thar hed, Gan chyp, and kyth thar verm el lippys red, Cryfp fcarlet levis fum fcheddand, baith atanys Keft fragrant fmell amyd from goldyn granys ; 15 Hevynly lylleis, with lokrand toppys quhyte, Oppynnyt and fchew thar creiftis redymyte, The balmy vapour from thar filkyn croppys Diftilland hailfum fugurat hunny droppys, And fyluer fchakaris gan fra levys hyng, 20 With cryftal fprayngis on the verdour gyng ; The plane pulderit with femly fettis fovnd, Bedyit full of dewy peirlys rovnd, So that ilk burgioun, fyon, herb, and flour, Wolx all embalmyt of the frefch liquor, 25 And bathit hait dyd in dulce humouris fleyt. Quharof the beys wrocht thar hunny fweit, By myghty Phebus operatiouns, In fappy fubtell exalatiouns. Forgane the cummyn of this prynce potent, 30 Redolent odour vp from rutis fprent, THE TWELT BUKE. 757 Hailfum of fmell as ony fpicery, Tryakill, droggis, or eleftuary, Seroppys, fewane, fugur, and fynamome, Preeyus invnftment, falve, or fragrant pome, 5 Aromatik gummys, or ony fyne potioun, Muft, myr, aloes, or confeftioun ; Ane paradyce it femyt to draw neir Thir galgart gardyngis and ilke greyn herbere. Maift amyabill walxis the amerant medis ; 10 Swannys fwouchis throw owt the ryfp and redis, Our al thir lowys and the fludis gray Seirfand by kynd a place quhar thai fuld lay : Phebus red fowle hys corall creift can fteir, Oft ftrekyng furth hys hekkill, crawand cleir, 15 Amyd the wortis and the rutys gent Pykland hys meyt in alleis quhar he went, Hys wifis, Toppa and Partelot, hym by, As byrd al tyme that hantis bigamy : The pantyt povn, pafand with plomys gym, 20 Keft vp his taill, a provd plefand quheil rym, Yfchrowdyt in hys fedramme brycht and fcheyn, Schapand the prent of Argus hundreth eyn : Amang the bronys of the olyve twiftis Seir fmaill fowlys wirkand crafty neftis, 25 Endlang the heggeis thyk, and on rank akis, Ilk byrd reiofyng with thar myrthfull makis : In corneris and cleir fenyftaris of glas Full biflely Aragne wevand was, To knyt hir nettis and hir wobbys fle, 30 Tharwith to caucht the myghe and litill fle : 758 THE PROLOUG OF So dufty pulder vpftowris in euery ftreit, Quhil corby gafpyt for the fervent heit. Vnder the bewys beyn in lufty valys, Within fermans, and parkis cloys of palys, 5 The buftuus bukkis rakis furth on raw ; Heyrdis of hertis throw the thyk wod fchaw, Baith the brokkettis, and with braid burnyft tyndis, The fprutlyt calvys fowkand the red hyndis, The gong fownys followand the dun days, l o Kyddis fkippand throw ronnys eftir rays ; In lyflburis and on leys litill lammys Full tayt and tryg focht bletand to thar dammys, Tydy ky lowys, veilys by thame rynnys ; All fnog and flekit worth thir beftis fkynnys. 15 On fait ftremys wolx Doryda and Thetis, By rynnand ftrandis Nymphis and Naedes, Sik as we clepe wenfchis and damyfellis, In grefy gravys wandrand by fpryng wellis, Of blomyt branchis and flowris quhite and red 20 Plettand thar lufty chaplettis for thar hed ; Sum fang ryng fangis, danfys ledys, and rovndis, With vocis fchill, quhill all the daill refovndis ; Quharfo thai walk into thar caralyng, For amorus lays doith the rochys ryng : 25 Ane fang, The fehyp falys our the fait faym, Will brynq thir merchandis and my lemman haym ; Sum other fyngis, I wilbe Myth and lyeht, Myne hart is lent apon fa gudly wight. And thochtfuU luffaris rowmys to and fro, 30 To lys thar pane, and pleyn thar joly wo ; THE TWELT BUKE. 759 Eftir thar gys, now fyngand, now in forow, With hartis penfyve, the lang fymmyris morow : Sum ballettis lyft endyte of hys lady, Sum levis in hoip, and fum aluterly 5 Difparit is, and fa quyte owt of grace, Hys purgatory he fyndis in euery place. To pleys his lufe fum thocht to flat and feyn, Sum to hant bawdry and onlefum meyn ; Sum rownys to hys fallow, thame betwene, 10 Hys myrry ftouth and paftans lait gifterevin: Smyland fays ane, I couth in previte Schaw the a bovrd. Ha, quhat be that ? quod he ; Quhat thyng ? that moft be fecrete, faid the tother. Gud Lord ! myfbeleif ge gour verray broder ? 15 Na, neuer a deill, bot harkis quhat I wald ; Thou mon be prevy : lo, my hand vphald. Than fal thou walk at evin : quod he, quhidder ? In fik a place heir weft, we baith togydder, Quhar fcho fo frefchly fang this hyndyr nycht ; 20 Do choys the ane, and I fal quynch the lyeht. I falbe thar I hope, quod he, and lewch ; 3a, now I knaw the mater weill eneuch. Thus oft dywlgat is this fchamefull play, Na thyng aceordyng to our hailfum May, 25 Bot rathar contagius and infeftive, And repugnant that feflbn nutrytyve, Quhen new curage kytlys all gentill hartis, Seand throu kynd ilk thyng fpryngis and revertis : Dame naturis menftralis, on that other part, 30 Thar blyffull bay entonyng euery art, 760 THE PROLOUG OF To beyt thir amorus of thar nychtis baill, The merl, the mavys, and the nychtyngale, With mery notis myrthfully furth breft, Enforcyng thame quha mycht do clynk it beft : 5 The cowfchet crowdis and pyrkis on the rys, The ftyrlyng changis diuers ftevynnys nys, The fparrow chyrmys in the wallis clyft, Goldfpynk and lyntquhite fordynnand the lyft ; The gukgo galys, and fo quytteris the quaill, 10 Quhill ryveris rerdit, fehawis, and euery vaill, And tender twyftis trymlyt on the treis, For byrdis fang, and bemyng of the beys ; In wrablis dulce of hevynly armonyis The larkis, lowd relefchand in the fkyis, 15 Lovys thar lege with tonys curyus, Baith to dame Natur, and the frefch Venus, Rendryng hie lawdis in thar obferuance ; Quhais fuguryt throtis maid glaid hartis dans. And al fmail fowlys fyngis on the fpray : 20 Welcum the lord of lyeht, and lamp of day. Welcum foftyr of tendir herbys grene, Welcum quyknar of floryft flowris fcheyn, Welcum fupport of euery rute and vayn, Welcum confort of alkynd fruyt and grayn, 25 Welcum the byrdis beild apon the brer, Welcum mafter and rewlar of the ger, Welcum weilfar of hufbandis at the plewys, Welcum reparar of woddis, treis, and bewys, Welcum depayntar of the blomyt medis, 30 Welcum the lyfe of euery thyng that fpredis, THE TWELT BUKE. 761 Welcum ftorour of alkynd beftiall, Welcum be thy brycht bemys, gladyng all, Welcum celeftial myrrour and afpy, Attechyng all that hantis fluggardy ! 5 And with this word, in chalmer quhair I lay, The nynt morow of frefch temperit May, On fut I fprent into my bair fark, Wilfull fortill compleit my langfum wark Twichand the lattyr buke of Dan Virgill, 10 Quhilk me had tareit al to lang a quhile ; And to behald the cummyng of this kyng, That was fa welcum tyll all warldly thyng, With fie tryumphe and pompos curage glaid Than of hys fouerane chymmys, as is faid, 15 Newly aryflyn in hys eftait ryall, That, by hys hew, but orleger or dyall, I knew it was paft four houris of day, And thocht I wald na langar ly in May Les Phebus fuld me lofanger attaynt : 20 For Progne had, or than, fung hir complaynt, And eik hir dreidfull fyftir Philomeyn Hyr lays endyt, and in woddis greyn Hyd hir felvyn, efchamyt of hir chance ; And Efacus completis hys pennance 25 In ryveris, fludis, and on euery laik : And Periftera byddis luffaris awaik ; Do ferve my lady Venus heir with me, Lern thus to mak gour obferuanee, quod fche, Into myne hartis ladeis fweit prefens 30 Behaldis how I beynge, and do reuerens. 5 D 762 THE PROLOUG. Hyr nek fcho wrynklys, trafyng mony fold, With plomys glitterand, afur apon gold, Rendryng a cullour betwix greyn and blew, In purpour glans of hevynly variant hew ; 5 I meyn our awyn natyve byrd, gentill dow, Syngand in hyr kynd, / come hydder to wow ; So pryklyng hyr greyn curage forto crowd In amorus voce and wowar foundis lowd, That, for the dynnyng of hir wanton cry, 10 I irkyt of my bed, and mycht not ly, Bot gan me blys, fyne in my wedis dres, And, for it was ayr morow, or tyme of mes, I hynt a fcriptour and my pen furth tuke : Syne thus begouth of Virgill the twelt buke. Explicit fcitus prologus ; Quharof the autour fays thus. 15 The lufty crafty preambill, perle of May I the entitil, crownyt quhil domyfday ; And al with gold, in fyng of ftait ryall, Moft beyn illumnyt thy letteris capital. THE TWELT BUKE OF ENEADOS. CAP. I. Turnus, perfavand the Latyn pepill faill, Promittis Eneas allone hym tyll affaill. Quhen Turnus knew the Latyn pepill haill Irk of the weir, and faw thar curage faill, By the frawart aduerfiteis of Mart, Quhilk war tofor onbrokyn and ftowt of hart, 5 And thocht the tyme requiris hym, but abaid, Forto compleit the promys he had maid, Semyng as towartis hym tho euery wight To that effect addreflyt thar luke and fycht : Than, onrequirit, by infaciabill defyre 10 Langang to feght, and byrnand hait as fyre, Full hie rafand hys curage and hys cheir, He gan amyd the audiens .appeir. Fers as a wild lyoun gond in Trace, By the huntar wondyt in the chace, 15 Quhen the fmert ftraik in hys breift all faft is, For ire the lokkyrris of hys nek vpcaftis, 764 THE TWELT BUKE Than firft begynnyng to rays hys ftern moyd, Reiofyt of the bataill, fers and wod, Onabafytly rafchand the fchaft in fundir, And on the man liggand at wait thar vndir, 5 Hym to revenge, with bludy mouth doys bray ; Nane other wys ferd Turnus the ilk clay, Smytyn fo brym in fervent violens, That all commouyt in the kyngis prefens On this maner begouth to fpeke and fay : 1 0 Thar fall in Turnus be fund na delay ; And al for nocht gon cowart Eneadanys Thar promys and thar wordis cumis aganys, Willyng retreit thar beheftis and fawys ; Sa fall thai nocht ; we wil nane fik lawys : 1 5 I fal thar falfhed refift and ganeftand* And feght contrar thar chiftane hand for hand. Thou ryall prynce and fader, kyng Latyne, Do faery fy and conferm this convyne : For owdyr fal I with thir handis twa 20 <3on ilk Troiane, forhowar of Afya, Do put to deth, fend down to hell, quod he ; Lat Latyn pepill fyttyng by to fe Quhou, myne allane with fwerd in thar prefens I fall revenge and end our allyris offens ; 25 Or than, gyf fo betyd he wyn the gre, Lat ws all venquyft to hym fubieft be, geld hym the crown enduryng term of lyve, And lat hym joys Lavinia to hys wyfe. Kyng Latyn tho with fad and degeft mynd 30 To hym anfweris, and faid apon this kynd : OF ENEADOS. 765 O douchty gyngkeir, excellent of curage, Quhou far as by thy forcy vaflallage My febill age thou doith exceid, quod he, Als far mair diligently pertenys me, 5 And ganand is, to confell and provyde, And exemyn euery chance may betyde, As I that has in part a maner feir, Be lang experiens knawand the dowtis of weir. Thow weldis Dawnus thy faderis realm and land, 10 And feil citeis eonqueft with thyne awyn hand; Tharto thou has alflb a gentill hart, Liberall and fre, and in weir moft expert, And kyng Latyn hes gold to geif the eik. Perfay, enew otheris, not far to feik, 15 Of madynnys beyn onwed in Latyum wyde, And in the Lawrent feildis heir befyde, Of blude and frendfehip na thyng myflemand, Bot worthy tobe queyn of ony land. Thoill me, I pray the, al diflait done away, 20 Thir wordis quhoyn of weght to the till fay ; And fammyn prent thir fawys in thy wyt. Onlefum is I fuld in wedlok knyt My douchtir till aid wowaris of this land, That hir tofor had axit in fik band : 25 All the fpa men and Goddis revelyng Declarit plane that was onlefum thyng. And netheles, I, venquyft cleyn but weir, For luf of the my fpowfys coufyng deir, Ourcummyn be hir wofull terys and fyte, 30 All maner bandys now hes brokyn 4uyte ; 766 THE TWELT BUKE And fra my fon in law, full wrangwifly, Hys fpous onto hym promyft reft haue I, And forthir on hym movit a wikkyt weir. Sen fyne in quhat chance I ftand and danger, 5 And quhou fers batellis now perfewys me, Full weill thou wait, and feis, Turnus, quod he, And quhou huge travale thou has tholit and pane, As principall mafte douchty capitane. Lo, twys in batale venquyft haue we be, 10 And now fcantly within our wallit cite The hope and weill of Italy defendis ; Now of our recent blude, as noterly kend is, The flude of Tibir walxis hait agane, And of our huge banys quhite femys the plane. 1 5 Quhou am I fterit thus in purpos feir ? And quhidder flow I thus oft thar and heir ? Quhat mad foly all to changis my thocht ? Gyf that I reddy be and dowtit nocht The Troianys for my frendis to reffaue, 20 Gif fo war Turnus ded war and bygrave, Quhat ! aucht I nocht far rather end the weir He beand in profperyte haill and feir ? Quhat wald our cofyngis, the Rutilianys, Or quhat wald fay the other Italianys, 25 Gyf the I fuld thus wys fa wilfully, Axyng our douchteris wedlok and ally, Expone or offer to the ded ? quod he : Fortoun defend that chance at fa fuld be ! Behald the chance of batale variabill, 30 Perfave of weir the fykkill ward onftabill : OF ENEADOS. 767 Haue reuth and mercy of thy fader aid, Quham Ardea now, hys cuntre, doys withhald, Diuidit far and difleuerit from the, And for thy faik quhou wobegone is he. 5 Thus faid the kyng ; bot the violent curage Of Turnus hie mynd bowit neuer a ftage ; Quha wald with cuyr of medycyne hym meys, The moir encreflys and growys hys mail eys : And, eftir that he firft mycht fpeke agane, 10 Thus he began expreym with wordis plane. O thou maift fouerane fader, I the pray, To falue my honour, thou wald do away Thir curis, thochtis, and folieitude, For me thou takis ; and, fchortly to conclude, 15 Suffir me forto plege my deth in wage, For gloryus renovn of vaffillage : For we, fader, can fwak dartis and brandis, Nocht with febill bot ftalwart ryeht handis, And of our wondis the red blude rufchis owt. 20 To gonder provd Troiane, clepit fa ftowt, Hys moder at this tyme falbe far to feik, Quhilk Goddes with hir fubtell flychtis eik Hir fon, accuftumat to tak the flycht, Was wont to dek, and to hyde owt of fycht 25 Within a wifly clowd, as for a trayn, And heild hir felf alflb in fchaddowis vayn. 768 THE TWELT BUKE CAP. II. The queyn perfwadis Turnus fra ftryfe defifi, Bot he for batal can agane rejift. Be than the queyn Amata, all in feir Of this onkouth and new maner of weir, Wepyng full for, all dedlyke, full of harmys, Hyr fon in law Turnus hynt in hir armys, 5 That was fa fervent in his ardent defyre. Turnus, faid fcho, thou beft belovit fyre, Be thir ilk wofull terys I the pra, And be the wirfchip thou aw till Amata, Gyf ony honour of hyr or thy kyn 10 Twichys or movys into thy breift within, I the befeik a thyng, myne awyn knycht ; Defift and ces to mach Troianys in fight. Thou only comfort of our febill eld, Thou all our reft, our weilfar, and our beld, 15 Haue reuth and piete of my wofull baill : In thy power and mycht reftis alhaill The wirfchip and empyre of kyng Latyn ; Hys hows and famyll, now lyke to declyne, In the remanys, and is by the vpbore. 20 I the afluyr, and certifeis tharfor, Quhat aventour in this fight fall happyn the, The felfin chance, Turnus, fall betyd me : Sammyn with the, gif thou endis in that ftryfe, I fal depart furth of this irkfum lyfe, OF ENEADOS. 769 Nor nevir thrall fall I remane to fe gon ilk Eneas fon in law to me. Lavinia the maid, with foir fmert, Hyr moderis wordis felt deip in hyr hart, 5 So that the rud dyd hyr viflage glow, And full of terys gan hyr chekis ftrow ; The fervent fyre of fchame ryfys on hie, Kyndland mar large the red culloryt bewte, So that the natural heit the blude dyd chace 10 Our all the partis of hir quhitly face : Quhill that this virgyn, in this wofull rage, Syk cullouris rendris from hir frefch viflage, As quha byfpark wald the quhite evor Indane With fcarlet droppis or with brovn fangwane, 15 Or quhar the fcheyn lylleis in ony fted War pulderit with the vermel rofys red. The hait luf trublys for the knyght, That on this maid he fixis all hys fycht, And all the mair he byrnys in defyre 20 Of bargane into armys, hait as fyre ; Syne to the queyn Amata, but abaid, In few wordis on this wys he faid : O my deir moder, of thy wepyng ho, I gow befeik, do not, do not fo, 25 Perfew me not thus with gour grete and teris, Nor quhen I pas onto thir mortall werys, In marciall bargane contrary my fo, Do wa to prefent me fik takyn of wo : In Turnus myghtis lyis nocht, quod he, 30 The chance of deth to mak hym felvyn fre. 5 E 770 THE TWELT BUKE I %> gyf deth this way be to me fchaip, Now may I not aftart, nor it efchape. For at this tyme inftant my meflynger, Idmon clepyt, my credens hecht to ber 5 Now to gone Troiane tyrrand, reherfyng My wordis, quhilkis lykis hym na thyng : That is to knaw, to morow, als ayrly As brycht Aurora in the orient fky With rofy chariot lyftis vp hir hed, 10 The firmament fehrowdyng in cullour red, That he move not aganys Rutilyanys Hys oftis, nor nane army of Troianys ; Bot athir half fra batale, for the beft, Baith fall Troianys and Rutilianys thame reft 15 And lat ws twa, this bargane to conclude, Betwix ws only dereyn with Our blude, And into gonder feld, in ftalwart ftryfe, Lat athir feik Lavinia to hys wyfe. Fra this was faid, faft to hys in he fpedis, 20 And bad onon do lat hym fe hys ftedis : Behaldand thame reiofys he in hart, To fe thame ftand fa fers with curage fmart ; Quhilk kynd of horfis quhilum, as thai fay, Orythia, the lufty frefch may, 25 Of Athenis the kyngis douchter and ayr, As ane mafte ryall prefand, wonder fair, Send from hir cuntre to kyng Pilumnus, Was foregrandfehir onto this ilk Turnus ; The quhilk ftedis, fchapyn at all delyte, 30 Excedit far the fnaw in cullour quhite; OF ENEADOS. 771 To fpeke of fpeid, thar fwyftnes was ontald, For thai the wyndis blaftis forryn wald. The byfly knapys and verlettis of hys ftabill Abowt thame ftud, full gaip and feruyabill, 5 And with thar holl luyffis gan thame cheir, Dyd clap and ftraik thar leyndis to mak thame fteir, Thar lokrand manys and thar creftis hie Dreflys with trelgeis and camys honeftlye. Fra thens onto hys chalmyr went he fyne ; 10 Abowt his fchuldris aflays hys halbryk fyne, Of burnyft maill, and fchynand rychely Of fynaft gold and quhitly alcomy. Tharwith alflb hys fwerd addreffis he, Quhat way he wald it oys in the melle ; 15 Hys fovir fcheld aflays he alflb, And eik hys tymbret helm with creftis two ; Quhilk fwerd was maid onto Dawnus hys fyre Be Wlcanus, the myghty God of fyre, That forgyt this blaid and temperit with hys handis, 20 Hait glowand dyppyt in the Stigiane ftrandis. Syne with gret fors, enarmyt in all hys geir, Full lyehtly vp he hynt hys ftalwart fpeir, Quhilk tho amyddis the hall lenand ftud Vp by a pillar huge fquare and rude ; 25 Quhilum the fpulge he byreft from ane Clepyt Actor, a capitane Auruncane : The fchaft he fchuke, and branglys luftely, Tharto with lowd voce thus can he cry ; O now thou fpeir, that nevir failgeit thy deid 30 Quhen I the callyt to my defyre in neid, 772 THE TWELT BUKE Quhilum the weldit Aftor, maft douchty knycht, Now the in hand withhaldis Turnus wight ; Now is the tyme that I mafte myfter the : Forto dovn bet the corps thou grant to me 5 Of gondir Phrigiane, is flcant half a man, That with my ftalwart handis I may than Hys halbrik of hys body to arras, Hakkyt, and rent, and perfyt in mony place, And in the dufty puldyr heir and thar 10 Suddill and fyle hys crifpand gallow hair, That are maid creys, and curlys now fa weill, Yplet ilk nycht on the warm broch of fteill, Dekkyt and donk, on hys wifly maner, Of fragrant myr and other envnftmentis feir. 15 With fykkyn fury rage catchy t is he, That thus he carpys till a fchaft of tre ; And from the viflage of this ardent fyre The fparkis glydis as the hait fyre, For veray fervour of the feirfull teyn 20 Schynys and bryftis furth of baith hys eyn : Lyke as the bull, that bargane begyn wald, Gevis terribill rowftis and lowis monyfald, Or than aggrevit, buftuus, and furthborn, Prefys hys ire to aflay with hys horn, 25 Lenand hys fpald to the ftok of a tre, And with hys dynt the wynd to rentis he, Or, forto mak debait apoun the land, With hys hard clufe vpwarpys faft the fand. In the felf tyme, na les of curage, Enee, 30 Cled in hys moderis armour awfull to fe, OF ENEADOS. 773 Scharpys hym felf in furour marciall, Rafand hys greif for ardour bellicall, And joyus wolx of weir to mak ane end By fyk proffer and poyntment as was fend. 5 Syne comfortis he hys ferys dolorus, And mefyt the dreid of fad Afcanyus, Declarand thame the fatale ordinans, Thar deftyne, and Goddis purvians ; And to the kyng of Lawrenteis, Latyn, 10 Twychand this forfaid trety and convyne, Bad the meflyngeris bair hame but delay Sovir anfwer, as thai defyrit alway, And of the peys and trewys, as thai fpak, Proclame articulis and lawys of contract. CAP. III. Juno, knawand Turnus laft day at end, To flop the bargane has Juturnafend. 15 Scarfly vpfprang the nixt day folio wyng, Scheddand the bemys of hys bryght mornyng Apoun the toppis of the montanys hie, As Phebus ftedis firft of the deip fe Rafyt thar hedis and noys thirlys on hight, 20 Our all the feildis blawand the cleir lyght ; Quhen that the Troianys and Rutilianys The grund myflburis, evynnys, diehtis, and planys, 774 THE TWELT BUKE Vndir the wallys of the cheif cite, Thar as the feild and fechtyng place fuld be : Amyddis quham the harthis vp thai fet, Quharon the fyris fuld be maid and bet, 5 And to the common Goddis eik bedeyn The altaris coverit with the fcherald greyn. Sum otheris brocht the fon tane watir fair, And fum the haly ingill with thame bair ; With lynnyng valis or lyke apronys lyeht 1 0 Thai war arrayt, and thar hedis dicht In wyppys of the haly herb vervane. The legion ys tho furth haldis to the plane, And all the rowtis of Awfonyanys, That otherwys ar hait Italyanys, 15 Furth thryngis at the portis full attonys, With lancis lang and pykkis for the nonys. Thyddir all the Troianys wardis, by and by, And Tyrrheyn oftis rufchis haftely, Bodyn full weill in nobill armour feir ; 20 Nane otherwys with wapynnys and with geir Arrayt for the batale all at ryeht, Than thocht the fury of Mars thame callit to fycht. Amyd the thoufandis fwyftly throw the planys Furth fprentis luftely thir eapitanys, 25 In rich purpour arrayt and fyne gold brycht, Affaracus fonnys and Mneftheus wight, And on the tother part ftrang Afilas, And bald Mefapus alfo with hym was, Neptunus fon, expert in hors dantyng. 30 And eftir that the trumpet blew a fyng, OF ENEADOS. 775 Than euery partyment bownys to thar ftand, And gan thar fperis ftik doun in the land, Set by thar fcheildis, to behald the fyne. The wemen wedois and the matronys fyne, 5 Defyrus forto fe the bargane ftowt, Of childyr and of commonys mony a rowt That couth na wapynnys weld, nor armour weir, With the onweldy agit folk infeir, Clam on the hight and hedis of the towris, 10 The wallys all and howfis ryggyngis fiowris ; And fum abufe apon the portis hie Afcendit ar to behald the melle. Bot Juno tho dovn from the hycht, I wys, Of the montane that Albane clepit is 15 Now in our days, fet than this hyllys dovn Had nowder name, honour, nor renovne, Scho dyd behald amyd the feldis plane Athir batellis and the oftis twane, Baith of the Troianys and the Laurenteis, 20 And kyng Latynus cite eik fcho feys. Onon to Turnus fyftyr vp on hie, That clepit was Juturna, carpys fche, Thys Goddes to that haly Nymphe, maftres Of wellys, ftankis, and rowtand ftremys expres ; 25 Quhilk honour Jove, the kyng of hevynnys hie, Hyr gave for the byreft virginite : Said, O thou Nymphe, wirfchip of fludis cleir, That to my faul is hald mafte leif and deir, Thou knawys weill, I the preferrit ay 30 To all the otheris damyfellys, perfay, 776 THE TWELT BUKE Of Latyn cuntre, quhat fo evir thai wer That wrangwifly afcendit or drew neir The bed onprofitabill of Jupiter maft hie ; And glaidly eik haue I not ftakyt the 5 Intill a party of the hevyn alflua ? Hark now thy forow, thou Juturna, And wyte me not bot I the warnyt haue. Turnus and thy cheif cite haue I fave, Sa lang as that the fatis fufferit me, 1 0 And quhill werd fifteris fa tholyt tobe : Bot now I fe that gong man hafte, but faill, To mach in feild with fatis inequaill ; The lattir day and term approchis ne Of fatale fors and ftrangaft deftyne. 15 Nowder this bargane gonder on the greyn Nor confideratioun may I fe with eyn. Pas thou on, for thy deir brothir germane Gyf thou dar fuffir ony mar dreidfull pane ; To the this femys and pertenys, quod fche, 20 Gyf that, perchans, ony bettyr may be, . Or eft betyd onto gon catyvis kend. Scars had Juno thir wordis brocht to end, Quhen that the nymphe Juturna bedeyn Plente of terys furthget from hir eyn ; 25 Hyr fair quhite breift, thar as fcho dyd ftand, Thrys or four tymys fmait with hir awyn hand. Saturnus get, this Juno, fays ; tha terys Na wys to this tyme pertenys nor efferys : Haft the, gyf that thou can be ony way 30 Withdraw thy brother from the deth away ; OF ENEADOS. 777 Or than do mak the oftis baith on fteir, Provok the batale,' and thame move to weir, And this convyne and trety, new confave, Do brek, difturby and with the wynd bywave. 5 I fall the warrand and the wyrkar be To mak the baldly vndertak, quod fche. On this wys Juno can this nymphe exort, And left hir hail in weir and dowt, at fehort, With mynd full tryft, wobegone, and onfound, 10 Full deip fmyttyn with the forowfull wound. CAP. IV. Heirfollowis the f aerify ce and prayer, Fyrft of Eneas, fyne kyng Latyn infeir. In the meyn tyme, the kyngis of athir rowt From thar citeis and ftrenthis ifchis owt. Amyd a four quhelit char Latyn that thraw With huge pomp by ftedis fowr was draw, 15 Quhais haris and hys tymplis war weil dycht With ryall crown of fyne gold burnyft brycht, Quharon ftud turrettis twelf, lyke bemys fcheyn, As it ane rych enornament had beyn Of cleir Phebus, that was hys grandfehir hald : 20 Nixt quham furth rollyt was prynce Turnus bald Within a twa quhelyt chariot of delyte, That drawyn was with ftedis twa mylk quhyte ; 5 F 778 THE TWELT BUKE In athir hand held he, in feir of weir, The braid hed brangland on the jevillyng fpeir. The fader Eneas alflb furth withall, Of Romane lynnage the originall, 5 Apon the tother half com thame agane, With byrnyft fcheild that brycht as ftarris fchane, And hevynly armour lemand all of lyeht : Befyde hym raid Afcanyus the fweit wyght, That femyt weil, till euery manis doym, 1 o Ane other gude beleif and hope to gret Roym. Furth come the prefte, quhamto accordyt mak The facrifice of concord and contraft, In veftment cleyn, for fyk religioun wrocht, And a gong byrfyt fwyne befor thame brocht, 15 With a roweh twyntyr fcheip fammyn infeir, Quhais woll or fleyce was neuer clyp with fcheir ; The beftis furth hes turfyt this ilke fyre Onto the altar blefand of hait fyre. The prineis tho, quhilkis fuld this payee makyng, 20 Turnys towartis the brycht fonnys vpryfyng, With the fait meldyr in thar handis raith ; The forrettis of thir beftis toppys baith They clyp and rnyflbur, as tho was the gys, And cowpys full of wyne in facryfys 25 Abowt the altaris gettis he and he. With drawyn fwerd fyne the reuthfull Enee Hys orifon furth maid, and thus he faid : O thou brycht fon, with thy fcheyn bemys glaid. Be wytnes now till my beheft, I pray ; 30 And this ilk grund mot teftyfy quhat I fay, OF ENEADOS. 779 For quham fa gret payn and aduerfyte I fufferit haue feill fyth on land and fee ; And thou almychty Jove heir my prayer ; Saturnus douchtir, thou hys fpows fa deir, 5 Now mor benyng than thou was of befor, Sweit Goddes, heir me now, I the implor ; And gentill Mars now takis tent heirtill, That withhaldis and writhis at thy will Every batale, ftryfe, weirfar, or debait, 10 Vndyr thy hie power deificait : All fludys I call, fontanys, and ftremys cleir, And all maner of reuerend Goddis feir Abuf the hevyn ydred and ftarrit fky ; And gow eik, blyflyt wightis, I teftify, 15 That vnder erth or law in hell doun beyn, Or in the fomy feis ftremys greyn : Gif fo betyd, that fallys the viftory To Turnus on the Aufonyan party, It is conuenient, and we grant to fle, 20 As venquyft folk, till Evandrus cite : Afcanyus fall als tyte thir feildis withdraw, Nor Eneadanys neuir, from the ilk thraw, Aganyft gou fall rebell nor move weir, Ne with na wapynnys eft thys cuntre deir. 25 Bot gif fo beys, Mars our God glorius The viftory and ouyrhand grantis ws ; As I beleif far rathar fall befall, And that als tyte conferm mot Goddis all Throw the gret mychtis of thar deite ! 30 Gif that fa fair fortoun betydis me, 780 THE TWELT BUKE Ne will I not command Italianys Tobe fubieft, nor obey the Troianys, Ne git this realm defyre I not to me : Bot athir of our pepill mot go fre, 5 Onthrall, onvenquyft, in lawys all evynly Confiderat in perpetuall ally. The wirfchipyng of Goddis in facryfice I fal thame lern and tech at my devys : My fader in law, the kyng Latinus heir, 10 Moft rewle the pepill baith in peax and wer; My fader in law, as fouerane lord and fyre, Duryng hys lyfe moft bruke folempnyt empyre. Suffir my Troianys than, as we ar bovn, For me to beild a ftrenth and wallyt tovn, 15 And to this cite, quhar we fall duell at hame, Lat the madyn Lavinia gif the name. Thus firft Eneas faid ; and eftir fyne Apon this wys hym followys kyng Latyn, Behaldand towart hevyn quhar he dyd ftand, 20 And to the ftarnys vphevyis hys ryeht hand : By this ilk erth, feys, and ftarnys hie, I fweir in like wys onto gou, Enee, And by Latonas byrth or twynnys twa, The brycht Apollo, and chaft Diana, 25 And by the dowbill frontit Janus, and all The pyflans of the Goddis infernal, And by the dyrk fanftuary, blak as fabill, Of grevos Pluto, that God revengeabill : The hie fader abuf mot heir my cry, 30 That dois with thundir fik concord ratify. OF ENEADOS. 781 I twich thyr altaris, and ingill prefent, quod he, And teftifyis ilk godly maiefte ; Sail nevir tyme, feflbn, nor day betyde, To breke this peax on the Italian fyde, 5 Ne this confiderans anys part in two, Quhat way that evir happynys the mater go ; Ne na manner of violens, boft, nor aw, Sail ony wys me tharfra withdraw, Bot ferm and ftabill all fall haldyn be : 10 AH thocht the erth wald myddill with the fee, And with diluge or invndatioun fchent Covir and confund athir eliment ; Or thocht the hevyn in hell refolue wald, Our promys fall inuiolat be hald. 15 Lyke as this ilk ceptour wand ghe fee, (Perehans that tyme a ceptour in hand bair he) Sail nevir burgioun, nor fpred branfchis lyte, Nowder rank levys, nor blofum of delyte, Sen it is anys in wod, thar as it grew, 20 Law from hys ftok hard by the rutis hew, And wantis now hys moder of nuryfyng ; For all the fyonys and twyftis wont to fpryng Or grow thar fra, as ghe may fe perfay, With egge lumys bene fned full quyte away ; 25 Vmquhile a growand tre, thar it dyd ftand, That now thus by the crafty warkmanis hand Inclufyt is and coverit luftely In burnyft gold and finaft alcomy, And gevyn our forfaderis of Latyn land, 30 As ceptour ryall, forto bere in hand. 782 THE TWELT BUKE With wordis fik, and ferm relatioun, This fynal fuyr confideratioun Athir pryncis has confermyt and fworn, Amyd thar nobillys ftandyng thame beforn : 5 Syne, eftyr thar auld cerymonys and gys, The beftis dewly adreft for facryfys Thai brytnyt haue amyd the flawmys red, And rentis out, or thai war fully ded, The entralys of all thir beftis git alyve ; i o Syne furth of platis or ballancis belyve With pafyt flefch plenyft the altaris large, Tharon beftowand in hepys mony a charge. Bot tho begouth of new this ilk bargane Semyng to the Rutilianys, euery man, 15 Tobe ane ryeht onevynly interprys, And diuers rumour can in thar breftis rys, With mony fyndry demyng and confait ; He thynkis thus, and he ane other gait ; And ay the nerrar and mar diligently 20 At thai the mater confider and afpy, Weill thai perfaue and behaldis, fans faill, Thir campionys war not of ftrenth equaill. And onto this opinioun the ilk thraw Helpit mekill, that with ftill pays fo flaw 25 This Turnus mufand towart the altar paft, And it lawly adornyt with face doun caft, With chekis walxin leyn, to thar femyng, Quharon the foft berd newly dyd furth fpryng, As all to gyng with fie ane to haue daill, 30 Thai thocht hys viflage all becummyng paill. OF ENEADOS. 783 CAP. V. Quhou Juturna be flycht and enchantment Brekis the peax, and hafty batale fent. And eftyr that this ilk commonyng Thus walxand mare and mare by mony a fyn£ Juturna hys fyftyr dyd perfaue, And faw the common wlgar hartis wave 5 In diuers fentens and ententis feir ; Than in amyd the rowtis drew fcho neir, In form and lyknes of Camertis bald, Of nobill blude cummyn and lynage aid, And of hys fader the bruyt and renowne 10 Was magnifeit in wirfchip wondir hie, Tharto hym felf mafte douchty cheveller In dedis of armys and in fait of weir. Amyd the oftis this wys dyd fcho thryng, Not onexpert to convoy fik a thing, 15 And diuers rumouris in the pres flcalis fche, Syne ficlyke wordis carpis apoun hie : O Rutilianys, afehame ghe not for feir Into fa gret a perrell and danger A fylly fawle to put in aventour, 20 That for gow all fall vndirly fik cuyr ? Quhidder ar we not equale in our entent To the Troianys in number or hardyment ? Lo, all the Troianys and Archadianys Befor ws heir arrayt on the planys : 784 THE TWELT BUKE The fatall piflans is hail in this fted, And the Tufcanys that Turnus hes at fed. Sa few tha beyn, ghe may behald and fe, That gif we lift mak onfet, traftis me, 5 The half of all our menge gret and fmall Sail not fynd gondyr a fa to mach withall. 3on Turnus, to the Goddis abuf full ftraucht, To quhais altaris hym vowyt and betaucht He hes for gou, as that ghe fe, faid fche, 10 With fame eternal fal vpheit be, As euermar alyve and maift name couth, Carpit and fung in euery mannis mowth ; Quhen we, as thrallys, leif fal our natyve land, And onto prowd tyrrantis, hes the ovirhand, 15 Salbe compellit as lordis till obey, That now, thus fleuthfully, fa fant and fey Hufys ftill on thir feldis as we war ded, And for our felf lift fchape for na remeid. With ficlike wordis the myndis and confait 20 Of the gongkeris was inflawmyt hait, And mair and mar now, all the feld abowt, The murmur crepys out throw euery rowt ; So thai quhilkis air defyrit peax and reft, And for the common weill thocht it was beft 25 To mak end of the bargane on this wys, Ar alterit haly in ane other avys : For now defyre thai batale, but abaid, Prayand God this contraft had neuer bene maid, And has compaffioun caucht in hart, but faill, 30 Of Turnus chans, femyng fo inequale. OF ENEADOS. 785 Thys felf tyme eik hes Juturna, I wys, Ane other grettar wondir ekit to this, And heich vp from the hevyn befor thame plane A takyn hes fcho fehawyn auguriane ; 5 Syk a fyng, that nane other to that entent Was mar effeftuus nor conuenient To trubbill Italian myndis, and mak thame raif, And with fals demonftratioun to diflaue. For Jovis fowle, the ern, com forand by, 10 Fleand vp heich towart the brycht red fky, Befor hym catchand ane gret flycht or oft Of fowlys that dyd hant endlang the coft, Quhilk on thar weyngis, fair dredand hys wraik, Skrymmys heir and thar with mony fprauch and craik ; 15 Quhil fuddanly this egill with a furs, As he towartis the fludis maid hys curs, Difpittuufly infill hys punfys he Hes claucht a fwan excellent of bewte. Than the Italianys apon athir fyde 20 Rafyt thar myndis to fe quhat fuld betyde ; And fone the other fowlys heich in the fky Turnyt agane with mony fcreym and cry, To chais and to aflail thar aduerfar, A wondir thing to fe ! vp in the air : 25 The lyght thai dirkyn with thar pennys thik, And throw the fkyis with mony a ftrake and pik, Sammyn in a fop, thik as a clowd, but baid, Thar fa thai dyd aflalge and invaid, Sa lang, quhil that by fors he was ourfet, 30 And of the hevy byrdyng fa mait and het 5 G 786 THE TWELT BUKE That hys mycht falgeit, and- of his clukis rude The egil leit hys pray fall in the flude, And vp amang the clowdis flaw away. Than the Rutilianys all, full glaid and gay, 5 With huge brute and clamour lowd onane Saluft this fyng or takyn augurian ; Syne fped thar hand, and maid thame for the fight. And, firft of othir, Tolumnyus- the wight, That was a fpa man and diuinour fle ; 1 0 3a> this was it, ga, this was it, quod he, Quhilk oft I vifleit and defirit by and by : This gud takyn I reflaue and ratify, And knawys the Goddis favour in our fupple. Rutilianys, hynt gour wapynnys, and follow me, 15 Quham now gon vauengeour, gon ilk ftranger, Affrays fo with hys onworthy weir, Lyke tyll onweldy fowlys on the coft, And our marchis with fors and mekill boft Inuadis, rubbis, and fpulgeis, as ge fe : 20 He fall, for fer, fone gif the bak and fle, Mak fail onon, and hald for euer away Throu the deip fey outour the fludis gray. Tharfor ghe fall all fammyn, with ane aflent, Aflembil now gour rowtis heir prefent, 2.5 And into feild defend, as men of mayn, 3our kyng Turnus he be nocht reft and flane. Thus faid he, and with that word als fa faft Towartis his fais forganys hym dyd caft A weirly dart onon with all his byr : 30 The fovir fchaft flaw quhifland with a quhir, OF ENEADOS. 787 Thar as it flydis fcherand throw the ayr, Onefchewabill, bath eertane, lang, and fquar. Sammyn with this, vp ryfis for the nanys Ane huge noys and clamour all at anys ; 5 With fik affray and hydduus dyn and beir The wardis all and oftis war on fteir, That, for the rerd and deray, hait in ire The hartis kyndillis of euery bald fyre. Furth flaw the takill ryeht our forgane his face, 10 Thiddir as for the ilk tyme ftude, percace, Nyne brethir germane, frefch and gyng of age, Nane in thar oft mair femly perfonage, Quham the trew faithfull wife Tyrrhene ilkane Bair till hir fpows Gilip Archadiane ; 15 Of quham this dart hyt ane, thar he dyd ftand, A gudly fpryngald, a fair gyng galland, Rieht fchaiply maid, in armour fchynand brycht, And at the myddill markyt hym full ryeht, Quhar as the wovyn gyrdill or tyfche 20 Abufe his navill was beltit, as we fe, And fmate hym evyn into the fammyn place Neyr quhar the bukkill hys fydis dyd enbrace, Throw gyrd hys body with a grevos wond, And fpaldyt hym flark ded apon the grond. 25 Bot than hys bald brethir in a rowt, Wod wraith for wo, fum hyntis fwerdis owt, Sum elaucht in hand the dart with the fteil hed, And in thar blynd fury, full of fed, Rufchit on thar fays with a feirfull braid. 30 Aganys quham to refift and invaid, 788 THE TWELT BUKE The rowtis of the army Lawrentanys Ran to recontyr thame : and tho atanys Agane afiemblit, as a fpait of flud, The Troianys and the Tufeanys wraith and wod, 5 With thame of Arcad in arrayt feildis, With burnyft armour and thar payntit fcheildis ; Apon fik wys that all, with ane aflent, Caucht haill defyre to feght apon the bent, And to dereyn in feild with bytand brand 10 The haill mater. Sum fchot doun with thar hand The altaris markyt for the facryfys : Belyve our all the lyft vp femyt rys The fell tempeft of dartis fchote and flanys, So thik as ony fchour of fcharp hailftanys, 15 As dyd incres this flycht of ftelit hedis ; Full grewos grew the bargane in all ftedis : - Sum ran to the wyn flacconys for gret ire, And fum hynt vp the furnace full of fyre. The kyng hym felf, Latinus, for the affray 20 Fled to the cite, and turfyt with hym away Hys Goddis and hys mawmentis, drevyn abak With a fchamefull rebute and mekill lak, Left the concord ondone, not brocht till end. Sum brydillys ftedis, and cartis vp dyd bend, 25 And fum in haift with a lowp or a fwak Thame felf vpcaftis on the horfys bak, And war all reddy in the ftowr at hand With drawyn fwerd and nakit burnyft brand. Mefapus, full defyrus in the pres 30 Fortill confund the trety and the pes, OF ENEADOS. 789 A kyng Tyrreyn, Auleftes, in that fted With kyngis enfengeis and with crown on hed, Affrays fore, at hym dryvand hys fteid : The tother drew away for feir and dreid, 5 And bakwartis fallys on hys fchuldris and crovn, Onhappely, apon ane altar dovn, Quhilk ftud percace behynd hym on the land. Mefapus than, full fers, with fpeir in hand Apon hym drave, thocht he befocht hym fair, 10 And with this fchaft, that was als rude and fquar As it had beyn a cabyr or a fpar, Dovn from hys ftowt curfor, na thyng fkar, Smait hym a grewos wond and dedly byt, And fyne thir wordis faid ; Ha, art thou hyt ? 15 Ha, that thou has : this is, be myne avys, To our gret Goddis mair ganand facrifys. Italianys hurlys on hym in a floyt, Spulgeit hys corps, hys membris git all hoyt. Chorineus tho, that was a ftowt Troiane, 20 To meit ane Ebufus, com hym agane, That wald haue fmyt hym with a buftuus dynt, And on ane altar a byrnand fchide has hynt, And gan it ryeht amyd hys viflage flair, That blefyt vp hys lang berd of hair, 25 Quhilk, fcaldit thus, a ftrang fleur dyd caft. And forthir this Chorineus alflb faft Rufchit on hys fa, thus fyrefangit and onfaucht, And with hys left hand by the hair hym elaucht ; Syne with, hys kne hym poflit with fie a plat, 30 That on the erd he fpaldit hym all flat, 790 THE TWELT BUKE And with hys ftyf ftok fwerd in fik eftait Throu baith the fydis at the firft dynt hym fmait. And Podalirius with drawyn fwerd lift not ces Alfus the hyrd to perfew throu the pres, 5 Quhilk rufchis abak for feir, hys life to fave, In the vangart, throw mony a poyntit glave : Bot, quhen he faw his fa fa neir invaid That he na wys mycht efchew nor evaid, Vphefit he hys braid ax rude and fquair, 10 And akwartly ftrake at hys aduerfar, Quhilk from amyd hys forhed, neir hys crovn, Onto hys chyn the egge dyd carvyn doun, That far onbreid hys armour, quhar he ftude, Was all byfprent and blandit full of blude. 15 Tho Podalirius the hard reft dyd oppres, Or cald and irny fleip of dethis fires ; And vp the breith he gald into thar fycht, With eyn clofyt in euerleftand nycht. CAP. VI. Enee fair wondyt of the feild dyd pas; In quhais abfens Turnus mair cruell was. Than the reuthfull and pacient Eneas, 20 Behaldand quhou all wrang the gem dyd pas, Hys ryeht hand onenarmyt, to ftynt thar fed, Furth ftrekis, and oncoverit hes hys hed, OF ENEADOS. 791 And cryis and clepis on his pepill tho ; My frendis deir, quhidder now hurl ge fo, Ilkane aganys other ? quhou may this be ? Quhat has movit this hafty difcord ? quod he. 5 O, ftanch gour wraith for fchame, or all is lorn ! The payee and concord now is twichit and fworn, And the articulis and the lawys dyng Appunftit vp, and promift euery thing : Of det and ryght I aucht apon this land 1 0 Allane Turnus recontyr, hand for hand : Suffir me perform my dereyn by and by, And do away all dreid and villany. I fall with my hand fone mak ferm and ftabill Our appoyntment, for evir onvariabill ; 1.5 For this ilke facrifice violate in this fted Sail rendir onon Turnus to me ded. Amyd fie fawys, as he thir wordis faid Forto aflwage thar mynd, but mar abaid A quhirrand arrow, lo, with fedderit flycht 20 At fwift randon dyd in hys the bayn lyeht ; Oncertane fra quhat hand that it was fent, Quhat kynd of fchote, nor of quhat inftrument. The hie glory of fa notabill a deid Is hyd, that nane knew quha it dyd but dreid, 25 Nor wift quha wrocht had to the Rutilianys Sa gret wirfchip and lovyng for the nanys ; Quhidder it betyd on cace and aventur, Or of fum God be difpofitioun fuyr ; Nor nevir perfon eftir, he nor he, 30 Dyd hym avant he wondit had Ene. 792 THE TWELT BUKE Quhen Turnus all the chiftanys trublit faw, And Eneas fair wondit hym withdraw, Than, for this hafty hope als hait as fyre, To mell in feght he caucht ardent defyre : 5 He afkis hors and harnes baith at anys, And haltandly in hys cart for the nanys He fkippis vp and mufturis wantonly, Furth fprentand throu the feildis by and by, And at his will, quharfo hym lift tobe, 10 With hys awyn hand the rengeis rewlis he. And dryvand furth thus into his ire Laid feill corpfis ded, and mony bald fyre ; Down ftrowand eik vnder fut in the plane Diuers otheris git throwand and half flane : 15 Owder with his cart the rowtis he drave away, Or, as thai tuke the flycht for gret affray, Caftyng fperis and dartis fcharp hynt he, And leit thame thik amang his fays fle. Sik wys as bludy armipotent God Mars, 20 Befyde hys frofty flude Hebrum in Tras, Full haftely bownand to batale feild, Makis gret bruyt and elatteryng with hys fcheild, Quhen he lift movyng weir maft chevalrus ; Furth fteris hys ftedis, fers and furyus, 25 Quhilk fleys furth fa fwith with mony a ftend Owtour the planys at large quhar thai wend, That thai forryn and goys befor alway ^ephyrus und Nothus, fwyfteft wyndis tway: And, with the dyn of thar feyt and hys cart, 30 All Trace gronys onto the ferthar part. OF ENEADOS. 793 Abowt hym walkis, as hys godly feris, Dreid with paill face, Debait, and mortale Weris, The Wraith, and Ire, and eik fraudfull Diflait, Lyggyng vndir covert at enbufchment or await. 5 Turnus ficlike, als chery, prowd, and lyeht, Amyd the batale catchys to the fycht Hys ftedys, rekand of fwete quhar thai raid, And fa baldly hys fays dyd invaid, With fik flauehter, that piete was to fe ; 10 And fik deray has maid in the melle, That hys fwyft ftedis hovys, quhar thai went, Spangit vp the bludy fparkis our the bent, Quhil blude and brane, in abundans furth fched, Mydlit with fand vndir hors feit was tred. 15 For he, or now, hes doun bet Sthenelus, And kyllit eik Thamyrys and Polus : The formaft twa he flew machit at hand ; And this Polus, as he far of dyd ftand : On far eik flew he of Imbrafyus 20 The fonnys twa, Glawcus and Iafus, Quham this Imbrafyus fofterit had, baith twa, Into the far cuntre of Lycia, And thame inftrukit had full equaly In fait of armys, and to hant chevelry ; 25 Owder till affaill befor, or git behynd, Or with fwift hors for till forryn the wynd. 3ond, in ane other part, amyd the feild The fers Eumedes walkis vnder fcheild, Quhilk was the fon and air, as that thai tell, 30 Of agit Dolon valgeant in batell : 5 H 794 THE TWELT BUKE The name he bair of hys fore grandfchir wight, Bot the ftrang handis and ftowt curage in fight Of hys awyn fader, this Dolon, he bair ; Quhilk at Troy vmquhile, as the fege lay thar, 5 Ane was of fa ftowt curage and hie will That he durft afk the chariot of Achill To his reward, for that he fa baldly The Grekis tentis tuk on hand to afpy : Bot the fon of Tedeus, Diomed, i o Ane other faflbun hes hym quyt his meid For fa ftowt ondyrtakyn, and hym fleuch : And git for all his renovn, provit eneuch, Ne durft anys pretend, for all hys dedys, That he was worthy to weld Achillys ftedys. 15 Bot to our purpos ; this forfaid Eumedes As Turnus dyd behald gond in the pres, On the plane feld thar as he dyd ryde, Firft weill a far way at hym leyt he glyde A fleand dart ; and furth with that, ryeht thar, 20 Gan ftynt hys horffis and his quliirland char, And ferely dyd lepyng from hys cart, And fone apon hys aduerfar aftart, Quhilk tho was fall to grond, and half deill ded : Syne with hys fut doun thryft in the ilk fted 25 Hys fair nek bayn, and owt of hys ryeht hand Rieht aufternly has he thrawyn the brand, Quhilk fchynand brycht into hys throte he wet, And tharto ekyt thir wordys wondyr het : 0 thow prowd Troian, lyggand thar at grond, 30 Now may thou myflbur the feld at thou has fund ; OF ENEADOS. 795 Lo heir the bundis, lo heir Hefperia, Quhilk thou to feik in weirfar was fa thra : Thys is the bentay thai fal bair away That dar with wapynnys or armour me affay ! 5 To hym in feir alfo has he laid With a fcharp caftyn hed, but mair abaid, Ane Butys, and eftyr hym ane Chloreus, Syne Sybar, Dares, and Therfilocus, And Thymetes, a man of full gret fors, 10 Caftyn from hys ftaffage, fkeich, and hedftrang hors. And as the blaftis with thar buftuus fovn From mont Edon in Trace cumis thuddand doun On the deip fey Egean faft at hand, Chafand the flud and wallys to athir land ; 15 And quhar the wyndis aflalys, the fuyth to fay, The clowdis fleys faft our the hevyn away : The fammyn wys, quhat way at Turnus went, The rowtis red hym plane rovm on the bent, And all the oftis faft abak dyd fle ; 20 For, with fik fors and fard furth dryvys he, Hys bifly movand tymbrell euery art Catchis the wynd and ayr forgane hys cart. Phegeus, a Troiane, feand Turnus all mad Sa inftantly aflaill with ftrakis lad, 25 Na langar mycht hym thoill, bot with bald hart Hym felf keft in the way to meit hys cart ; And he the renys in hys ryght hand hynt, Syne writhit hes about, or euer he ftynt, The fomy mowthis of the hafty ftedis. 30 And as this douchty man, fa gud at nedis, 796 THE TWELT BUKE Thus hang and harlyt was in euery art By the lymouris and hamys of the cart, That he hys body mycht nocht kepe nor held, To covyr with hys armour and his fcheld, 5 The fpeir hym followis with fcharp hed and braid, And rent hys hawbrik of dowbill plyis maid, Hurt his body fum deill, nocht fully fond, Perfand the hyde, and maid a litill wond. He, nocht the les, agane hys fa furth fprent, 1 0 With hys braid fcheild or target evir vp ftent, And in hys hand held drawyn the burnyft blaid, Cryand for help his aduerfar till invaid ; Quham tho, allace, gret piete was to fe ! The quhirland quheill and fpedy fwyft extre 1 5 Smate doun to grond, and on the erd lay plat : And, as he fell, Turnus followis with that, And evyn betwix the helm can hym arras And vmaft roll or hem of hys curas, Smait of his hed clenly with hys brand, 20 And left the corps lyke a flok in the fand. CAP. VII. Na mannys cuyr nor craft offurrurqyne Mycht heill Eneas, bot Venus medycyn. And as Turnus thus in the batale fted With the ovirhand fa feil corps laid ded, OF ENEADOS. 797 The meyn quhil Mneftheus and trafte Achates Hes led the bald Eneas of the pres, Afcanyus gyng with thame in cumpany, And to the tentis brocht hym all bludy, 5 With fteppis flaw furth ftalkand all in feir, Lenand ilk pays on a lang poyntit fpeir. Wod wroth he worthis, for dyfdene and difpyte That he ne mycht hys ferys fuecur als tyte : He wrythis, and enforfys tyll owtdraw 10 The fchaft in brokkyn, and the hed withall : He axis help at all thar ftandand by, Quhat was the nerreft way and maift reddy ; And bad thai fuld with a fcharp knyf that tyde Scheir doun the wond, and mak it large and wyde, 15 Rype to the boddum weill, and tak gude tent To fers the hyrnys quhar that the hed was went, That thai mycht haft thame felf, but mair delay, To the batale, forto ftynt this effray. Now was thar than prefent in the pres 20 lapis, that was fon of Iafides. Abuf all otheris to the God Phebus he Was beft belovyt and haldyn in dante ; With quhais favour vmquhile ftrangly caucht, This God Appollo gladly has hym taueht 25 Hys craftis and his officis, by and by, Of diuinatioun or of augury, The mufik tonys to play on harp waill fle, And forto fchute and lat fwyft arrowis fle. Bot this lapis, fortill prolong, perfay, 30 Hys faderis fatis, quhilk as bedrall lay 798 THE TWELT BUKE Befor hys get, of hys lyfe in difpar, Had levyr haue knawyn the feiens and the lair, The myght and fors of ftrenthy herbys fyne, And all the cunnyng of vfe of medycyne, 5 And with fik fecrete craftis prevely To leid hys lyfe and tyme mair efely. Eneas ftandis byttyrly chidand, Lenand apon a buftuus fpeir in hand, Amyd gret confluens of thir childer gyng, i o And eik his fon Afcanyus fair wepyng ; Bot he na thing hym movit at thar terys. Than this lapis, fage and aid of gheris, With habyt fchapyn on furrugyn mak, Vprollit weill and wymplit far abak, 15 Ryeht biflely with hys nait handis tway Begouth fortill exem, and till aflay The wond with mony crafty medycyn, And mychty lierbys taueht be God Appollyn ; Bot all for nocht his travale and hys pane. 20 Oft with hys ryeht hand ferfis he, invane, To rype the owtgait of the wond fa wyde, And forto feik the fchaft on euery fyde, With hys wynrys and grippand turcas fle To thrift the hed, and draw furth, preflis he : 25 Bot, for na chance that evir betyd may, Wald fortoun dres hys hand the fovir way ; Na thing avalyt hys crafty medycyne, Nor ocht hym helpys his mafter Appollyn. And now the grifly dreid, ay mair and mair, 30 Our all the feildis walkis heir and thar, OF ENEADOS. 799 Nerrar drawys the perrell and affray ; So that all dyrknyt wolx the cleir day Of dufty puldir in the hevyn dyd ftand ; The horfmen all approchis faft at hand, 5 That dartis thik amyd the tentis fell : Wofull clamour with mony cry and gell Went to the fkyis of gong men faucht in feild, And thame that fweit, fair wondit vnder fcheild. Venus hys moder tho, this pane to meys, 10 Caucht rewth and piete of hir fonnys dyfeys, And from the wod of mont Ida in Creit Vp hes fcho pullit diftam, the herb fweit, Of levis rank, rypit, and wondir fair, With fprowtis, fprayngis, and vanys our alquhar, 1 5 As that we fe on fik verdour fpryngand, And on the top a purpour flour curland : Sik grefis gude beyn no wys onknaw To the wyld beftis, quhen that ony thraw Thai with the fleand arrow beyn ourtak, 20 The hed ftikand owther in fyde or bak. Thiddir brocht Venus this herb ; and fcho was fchrowd Baith face and body, in a watry clowd ; And with the herb alflb mydlit hes fche The hailfum thryfty watir wondir fle, 25 That from hir brycht lippys fcho get in hy ; And temperis and enbalmys prevely The plaftyr tharwith, ftrynkland all ourane The hailfum jus of herb ambrofian, And the weill fmelland herb hait panaces. 30 This ancyent furrigian, Iapes, 800 THE TWELT BUKE With fik watir or jus, that he nocht knew, The wond mefys, and foftnyt hes of new : And fuddanly the payn vanyft als cleyn Of hys body, as thocht it had beyn 5 Bot a dyrlyng or a litill ftond ; All blud ftanchit and ftud in the deip wond. Tharwith baith hed and fchaft com owt droppand, But ony pull following of manis hand, That ftrenth and fors of new to mak debait 10 Reftoryt war onto thar aid eftait. Harnes, harnes, bryng hym hydder in hy ! Quhy ftand ge fa ? lapis gaue a cry ; And with this word aganyft thar fays he Hes firft thar fpreit inflammyt to melle. 15 O Eneas, quod he, I mak gou fuyr, Throw manis mycht was neuer wrocht this cuyr, Nor be na maftir craft of medycyne ; Thou art not helyt by this hand of myne, Bot be fum grettar God, full weill I fe, 20 The quhilk to grettar workis prefervis the. Eneas tho, defyrus of bargane, Hys lymmys in legharnes gold begane Clafpyt full elos, and dyd hym felf array ; Bad fpeid in haift, for he hatit delay : 25 He fchuke and branglit faft his fpeir that tyde. And eftir hys aftive fcheild was by his fyde Cowchit full meit, and on his bak full thik Sefyt his curace or hys fyne hawbrik, Afcanyus gyng tendirly the ilk place, 30 With all his harnes bilappit, dyd embrace, OF ENEADOS. 801 And throw his helmys ventall a litill we Hym kyflyt hes ; fyne on this wys faid he : O thou my child, do lernyng, I the pray, Vertu and verray laubour till aflay 5 At me, quhilk am thy fader, as thou wait ; Defyre tobe chancy and fortunate As othir pryncis, quhilkis mair happy beyn. Now fall my ryeht hand thy querrpll fufteyn, And the defend in batale by and by, 10 To mak the partifman of gret fengeory. Do thou ficlyke, I pray the, myne awyn page, Als faft as thou cumis to perfyte age, Ramembir heiron, and revolue in thy mynd Thy lynage, thy forbearis, and thy kynd ; 15 Exempill of prowes in the fteris frendis befor, Baith fader Eneas and thyne vncle Heftor. CAP. VIII. Juturna gydys hir brotheris cart ryeht fle Frawart the batal, he fuld nocht mache Enee. Quhen this was faid, furth at the portis hee, Schakand in hand a gret fpeir, ifehit he : • With hym alfo to the feild rufchis owt 20 Anteus, Mneftheus, and ane full thyk rowt ; Alhaill the barnage flokkis furth atanys, Left voyd the tovn and ftrenth with wafty wanys. 5 i 802 THE TWELT BUKE Than was the playn ourfet, quha com behynd, With dufty flew of puldyr maid folk blynd, And, for ftampyng and fell dynnyng of feyt, The erd movit and trymlyt euery ftreyt. 5 Turnus, apon the party our ryeht forgane, Perfauyt thame thus fterand throw the plane, Thame faw alfo the pepill Aufonyanys, And the cald dreid for feir ran throw thar banys. Firft of the Latynys all, this ilke maid 10 Tuturna thame knew, and was not glaid; Scho hard the foundis and the fell deray, And quakand faft for feir hes fled away. Bot this Eneas, full bald vndyr fcheild, With all hys oft drave throw the plane feld, 15 And with hym fwyftly bryngis our the bent A rowt coill blak of the flew, quhar he went. Lyke as the bub or plaig of fell tempeft, Quhen that the clowdis brekis eft or weft, Dryvys by fors throw the fey to the land, 20 Doand the cayrfull hufbandis vnderftand The gret myfcheif tocum, and felloun wraik ; Quhilk, with fair hartis quakand, allake, allaik ! Says, lo gon bub fall ftryke dovn growand treys, Doun bet our cornys, and by the ruyt vpheis, 25 And far onbreid ourturn all doys vpftand : Hark ! heir the fwouch cumis brayand to the land. On ficlyke wys this ilk chiftane Troian The corfy pafand Ofyris hes flane : Mneftheus kyllyt Archet, and Achates 30 Byhedit has the wight Epulones ; OF ENEADOS. 803 Gyas doun bet Vfens the gret captane ; Dovn fell alfo the gret augurian, Tolumnyus him felf, that the ilk day Threw the firft dart hys fays till aflay. 5 Vpryfis than the clamour, and a fcry Quhilk femyt wend onto the ftarnyt fky. Thar curs abowt than the Rutilianys Hes tane the flyght, and gave the bak atanys, Skatterit throw owt the feldis heir and thar, 10 Quhil ftovr of puldir vpftrikis in the air. Bot the chiftane, this vailgeant Ene, Dedengeit nane doun bet as thai dyd fle, Ne thame invaid that met hym face for face, All thocht thai fawght with wappyn, fwerd or mace ; 15 Bot throw the thikaft fop of duft in hy Only Turnus went to feik and afpy, And hym allane, aceordyng the tretye, He alkis and requiris into melle. With dreid heirof the mynd was fmyttyn fo 20 Of Juturna, the verray virago ; Quhilk term to expone, be myne avys, Is a woman exerfand a mannys offys ; Amyd the lyamys and the thetis thar Doun fwakkis fcho Metifcus the cartar, 25 That Turnus char had forto rewle on hand, And left hym lygand far gond on the land, Fra the cart lymmowris warpit a gret way ; And fcho, in fted, hys office dyd aflay, And with hir handis abowt writhis fche 30 The flexibill renys frawart the melle, 804 THE TWELT BUKE Berand the lyknes in all maner thing Of Metifcus voce, perfon, and armyng. Als feill wrynklis and turnys can fcho mak As dois the fwallow with hir plumys blak, 5 Fleand and feirfand fwiftly thar and heir Our the gret lugyngis of fum myghty heir, Apon hir weyngis fcummand euery fyde Thir heich hallys, bene full large and wyde, Gadderand the fmall morcellis eft and weft 10 To bair hir byrdis chepand in thar neft ; Now into gowfty porchis doith fcho fle, Now by the donky ftankis foundis fche : In ficlike wys this Juturna belyfe Throw owt the oftis gan the horffis dryfe, 15 Circuland abowt with fwift fard of the cart The feildis our all quhar in euery art, And fchew hir bruthir Turnus in his char, Now brawland in this place, now vouftand thar ; Na be na way wald fcho fuffir that he 20 Aflembill hand for hand fuld with Enee ; Bot fled hym far, and frawart hym held ay, Writhand hir cartis curs ane other way. In na les haift Eneas on the bent Hys quhelys turnys and writhis mony a went ; 25 The man he feirfis throw the effrait routis, And on hym eallis with lowd cry and hie fchowtis. And als feill fys as he his eyn keft Apon his fa, al tymys he hym adreft To chas hym with fwyft curs throu the melle, 30 On hors that femyt ryn as fowle dois fle ; OF ENEADOS. 805 Bot evir als oft Juturna ane other art Awaywart turnys and writhis hyr broderis cart. And thus Eneas remanys all on flocht In fyndry motioun of ire, bot all for nocht : 5 Allace ! ne knawis he not now quhat to do : Diuers thochtis, and feir confatis, lo, Hys mynd in mony contrar purpos fent. And as he thus was trublit in entent, Mefapus, that on cace was neirhand by, 10 And in hys left neif haldis all reddy Twa fowpill caftyng fperis hedit with fteill, Of quham that ane full fovirly and weill Towart Ene addreflit leit he glyde. Eneas hovit ftill the fchote^to abyde, 15 Hym fchrowdand vndir his armour and his fcheild, Bowand hys howch, and ftude a litill onheld : And, netheles, this fpeir, that feharply fchar, Of hys bafnet the tymbrell quyte doun bair, And fmait away the creiftit toppis hie. 20 Than mair in greif and ire vpgrowis he, Seand hym catchit with diflait and flycht, Quhen that he hes perfauyt in his fycht Turnus horfis drevyn ane other art, Awaywart turnyng fa feill fys his cart : 25 Tho mony tymys lowd did he teftify Gret Jupiter, quhou that fa wrangwifly He was iniurit, and conftrenyt to fight ; To witnes drew he als with gret onrycht The altaris of confiderans violate ; 30 And now at laft, full furyus and hait, 806 THE TWELT BUKE The mydwart of his ennemys dyd invaid : With profpir chance of batale, fa onglaid And terribill to his fays walxis he, That hail, but ony differans of degre, All goith to wraik ; for na man lift he fpair : A cruell flauehter he hes rafit thar. All kynd of wreth and breithfull ire now he Leyt flyp at large, but brydill, with rengeis fre. CAP. IX. Heir followys of the flauehter mony faid Maid by Turnus and be Eneas bald. Quhat God fall now me techyng to endite 1 0 Sa mony wondis and this cairfull fyte ? Or quha me lern in metyr to declar Sa feill and diuers flauchteris as was thar, And gret deces of dukis in that fted, Our all the feildis ftrowyn lyggis ded, 15 Quham euery ane fammyn hys curs abowt Now down bet Turnus, now Eneas ftowt ? O Jupiter, was it plefand to the, With fa gret motioun of crudelyte Athir pepill fuld rufeh on other in pres, 20 Quhilkis eftir fuldbe ane in etern pes ? Eneas firft, that tareit not to lang, Smate ane Sucron, a Rutilian ftrang ; OF ENEADOS. 807 A grevous wond he hyt hym in the fyde, Throw owt hys rybbys can the ftif fwerd glide, Perfyt hys coft and breiftis cundyt in hy, Thar as the fatale deth is mafte hafty : 5 This bargane firft fermyt Troianys to ftand, That langeir fled Turnus fra hand to hand. Tho Turnus has rencontyrit in the pres Amycus, and hys brother Diores, Quham, fra thar horffis on the grond doun bet, 10 On fut in feild ftrangly he ombefet : And the formaft with a lang ftif fpeir Smate ded, and with a fwerd the tother in feir, •Syne baith thar hedis hakkit of in hy, And at his cart thame hyngis by and by, 15 The blude tharfra dreippand, turfys away. The felf ftound Eneas at ane aflay, Or ane onfet, hes kyllit Tanaus, Talon alfo, and the ftowt Cethegus ; Syne, eftyr thame, he kyllyt in the pres 20 The fad and ay forofull Onytes, Renownyt of Thebes blude, and the offpryng Difcendyng down from Echion the kyng, And of hys moder born, Peridia. This othir chiftane, Turnus, killit twa, 25 That brethir war, and owt of Lycia fend, Appollois cuntre, Troianys to defend ; And eftir thame ane Meneit hes he flane, A gong man that was born ane Archadane, That all his days evir hatit the melle, 30 Bot all for nocht, for he moft neid thus de : 808 THE TWELT BUKE About the laik of Lern and fludis gray Hys craft was forto fyfchyng euery day ; A puyr cote hous he held, and buyr hym law ; Rewardis of rich folkis war to hym onknaw ; 5 Hys fader eyrit and few ane peys of feld, That he in hyregang held tobe his beild. And lyke as that the fyre war new vpbet, And in fum dry wydderit wod vpfet, Baith heir and thar, at diuers partis feir, 10 Amyd the fovnd and bufkis of lawrer ; Or quhar the fomy ryveris, red on fpait, Hurlys doun from the month a large gait, With hydduus bruyt and felloun fard atanys, Thar as thai ryn ourflowand all the planys ; 15 Ilkane diftroys, waftis, and dry vis away All that thai fynd befor thame in the way : Na flawar baith this Turnus and Ene Hurlys and rufchis fers throw the melle. Now, now, the brethfull ire and felloun thocht 20 Within thar myndis boldynnys all on flocht, And tha breiftis, can na wys venquyft be, Now briftis full of greif and cruelte ; Now lafch thai at with bludy fwerdis brycht, Fortill mak wondis wyd in all thar mycht. 25 The tane of thame, that is to knaw, Enee, Kyng Murranus, of ancheftry maift hie, Sovndand the name of his forfaderis aid, Our all the clan of Latyn kyngis bald Obfervyt man by man onto his day, 30 Furth of hys cart hes fmyttyn quyt away, OF ENEADOS. 809 And bet hym doun onto the erd wyndflaucht, With a gret roik or quhirrand flane ourraucht ; That this Murranus the renys and the thetis, Quharwith hys ftedis gokkit war in thretis, 5 Vndyr the quhelis hes do weltit doun ; Quhar, as he lyggis in hys mortall fwoun, Of hys awyn ftedis abuf hym rap for rap The fterand hufis, ftampand with mony clap, Ourtreddis and doun thryngis thar mafter law, 10 And gan thar lordis hie eftait myfknaw. And Turnus hes recontryt ane Hilo, That rufchand hurlit throw the melle tho, Full fers of muyd and auftern of curage : Bot this Turnus, for all hys vaflalage, 15 At hys gilt halffettis a grundyn dart dyd thraw, That fixit throu hys helm the fchaft flaw, Perfand hys brane, quhill owt brufchit the blude. Nor thy ryeht hand, Creteus, fa gude, Thou forcyaft Greik, cumyn from Archad land, 20 Mycht the deliuer from this ilk Turnus brand : Nor all hys goddis Cupencus in the plane Myght defend from Ene, com hym agane, Bot at hys breift with the fteill poynt is met, That thirlyt hes throu all, and hym doun bet, 25 That nother fcheild nor obftant plait of fteill This catyvis breift hes helpit neuir a deill. O Eolyn, the feildis Lawrentane Hes the behald tharon dovn bet and flane, And with thy braid bak in thy rich weid 30 The grand thou hes byfpred ryeht far onbreid : 5 K 810 THE TWELT BUKE Thar lyis thou ded, quham Gregioun oftis in fyght Nothir venquys nor to the erth fmyte mycht, Nor fers Achilles to the grund couth bryng, That was ourquhelmar of kyng Pryamus ryng : 5 Heir war thy methis and thy term of ded : The hous and famyll or the nobill fted Of thy kynrent flant vndir mont Ida, In the gret cyte of Lyrneffia; Bot in the feildis of Lawrentane fulge 10 Thy fepultur is maid for ay tobe. Apon this wys the oftis and wardis haill On athir part returnyt in bataill, Aganyft othir to feght fammyn attanys, All the Latynys and alhaill the Troianys ; 15 Duke Mneftheus, and the ftern Sereftus, And, on the tother half, prynce Mefapus, That of gret hors the dantar clepit was, And with hym eik the ftalwart Afylas, The Tyrreyn rowtis femblit all atanys, 20 And kyng Evandrus army Archadianys : Euery man for hym felf, as he beft mycht, At the vtyrrans of all hys fors gan fyght. No reft nor tary was, thai fo contend, Sum to confoundyng all, fum to defend. OF ENEADOS. 811 CAP. X. Quhou Eneas fegit the tovn agane, And queyn Amata hir felf for wo hasflayn. At this tyme, the bargane induryng thus, Eneas moder, the fareft dame Venus, Into hys mynd fcho has put this entent, To hald onto the wallys incontinent, 5 And fteir hys oft the cyte till aflay With hafty onfet and fuddane affray, At gret myfcheif the Latynys to effeir, Quhilk of hys cummyng tho onwarnyt wer. And as at he held movyng to afpy 10 Turnus throu fyndry rowtis by and by, On euery fyde he has caftyn hys E ; And at the laft behaldis the cite, Saikles of batale, fre of all fyk ftryfe, But payn or travale, at quyet man and wyfe. 15 Than of a grettar bargane in hys entent All fuddanly the figour dyd imprent : He callys Mneftheus and eik Sergeftus, Chiftanys of hys oft, and ftrang Sereftus, And on a lytill mote afcendit in hy, 20 Quhar fone forgadderit all the Troian army, And thik abowt hym flokkyng can, but baid ; Bot nother fcheld nor wapynnys doun thai laid. And he amyddis on the knollis hight Onto thame fpak thus, herand euery wight : 812 THE TWELT BUKE Heir I command no tary nor delay Be maid of my preceptis, quhat I fal fay, Nor fe that na man be fweir nor flaw to ryn ; Till our hafty onfet we will begyn, 5 Sen Jupiter affiftis onto our fyde. Now harkis quhat I purpos do this tyde : This day I fal diftroy and cleyn bet doun Of Lawrent haill the cite and the tovn, Quhilk is the caus of all our werying, 10 And quyte eonfund the kyng Latinus ryng, Les than thai wil reflaue the bridill at hand, Be at obeyfans, and grant my command ; And gon hie turrettis, and tha toppis hie Of rekand chymnais gondir, as we fe, 15 I fal mak plane and equale with the grond. Quhat fuld I tary or delay a ftond, Abydand heir into fik plyte, quod he, Quhil Turnus lyft feght with ws in melle ; Or quhil that he, ane other tyme agane 20 Ourcum and venquyft into batale plane, May haue refuge to this tovn to releif, Syne eftir in feild vs recontyr and greif ? O citeganys, the hed is this cite Of our weirfair, and cheif of iniquyte : 25 Turs thiddir in hy the hait byrnand fyre brandis, And with the blefand flawmys in gour handis Renewys and requir agane, faid he, The trety fworn and promyft gou and me. Quhen this was faid, thai put thame in array, 30 Togiddir all the cite tyll aflay : OF ENEADOS. 813 Thai pyngill thraly quha mycht formeft be With dowr myndis onto the wallys hie ; Knyt in a fop, with gret piflans thai thrift The leddyrris to the wallys, or ony wift, 5 And hafty fyre blefis dyd appeir. Sum otheris of the Troianys rufchit infeir Onto the portis, and the firft thame met Hes kyllyt at the entre and doun bet : Sum otheris fchutis dartis, takillis, and flanys, 10 At thame quhilkis on the barmkyn hed remanys, That with the flycht of fchaftis heir and thar Thai dyrknyt all the fkyis and the air. Ene hym felf with the formaft can ftand Vndyr the wallys, puttand to hys hand 15 To the aflalt, and with lowd voce on hie The kyng Latinus faft accufys he ; Drawand the Goddys to wytnes, quhou agane He is conftrenyt on fors to move bargane ; And quhou at the Italianys, thus twys 20 At fyndry tymys, fchew thame hys ennemys ; And how falfly that day thai brokyn had The fecund confideratioun fworn and maid. Amang the citeganys, into gret affray, Vprais difcord in mony fyndry way : 25 Sum bad onclos the cite, and als faft Warp vp the portis, and wyde the gettis caft To the Troianys, and thar gret prynce Ene Reflaue as for thar kyng in the cite ; Otheris ftart to thar wapynnys and thar geir, 30 Forto defend thar tovn in feir of weir : 814 THE TWELT BUKE As we may geif a fymylitude, wail lyke Quhen that the hyrd hes fund the beys byke, Clofit vnder a dern cavern of flanys, And fillit hes full fone that litill wanys 5 With fmoik of fowr and byttir rekis ftew ; The beys within, affrayt all of new, Ourthwort thar hyvis and walxy tentis rynnys, With mekill dyn and bemyng in thar innys, Scharpand thar ftangis for ire, as thai wald fycht : 10 Swa heir, the laithly odor rais on hycht From the fyre blefis, dyrk as ony roik, That to the ruffis toppys went the fmoik ; The flanys warpit. in faft dyd rebund, Within the wallis rays gret bruyt and found, 15 And vp the reik all void went in the air, Quhar as na tenementis ftud nor howfis war. Betyd alflb to thir wery Latynys, Quhilk fo irkit at fik myfcheif and pyne is, Ane chance of myffortoun, that all the tovn 20 With womentyng ftraik to the boddum doun. For as the queyn Amata faw fyk wys The cyte ombefet with ennemys, The wallys kyndlyt be with flambys heit, The fyre blefis abuf the ruffis gleyt, 25 Na Turnus army cumand thame aganys, Nor git nane oftis of Rutilianys ; Scho, full onhappy, in the batell fted Wenyt gong Turnus feghtand had bene ded : And tho for verray forow fuddanly, 30 Hyr mynd trublit, gan to rame and cry, OF ENEADOS. 815 Scho was the caus and wyte of all this greif, Baith crop, and ruyte, and hed of fik myfcheif; And in hir dolorus fury thus myndles, All enragit for duyll tho dyd expres 5 Full mony a thing, and reddy to de with all Rent with hir handis hyr purpour weid ryall, And at ane hie balk teyt vp fcho has With a lowp knot a flark cord or a las, Quharwith hir felf fcho fpilt by fchamefull ded. 10 And fra the Latyn matronys, will of red, Perfavit hes this vile myfchewos wraik, Thai rent thar hair, with harrow, and allaik ! Hyr douchter firft befyde the ded corps ftandis, Ryvand hyr gyltyn treflys with hir handis, 15 Hyr rofy chekis to tor and fcartis fche : Than all the laif, that piete was to fe, Of ladeis that about the ded corps ftud, Rentis and ruggis thame felf as thai war wod, That of thar gowlyng, greting, and deray, 20 The large hald refundis a far way, Quhil from the kyngis palyce inveroun Dywlgat went and fpred our all the tovne The fey onhappy fame of fik a deid ; Than euery wight tynt hart for wo and dreid. 25 With habyt rent kyng Latyn on the gait Walkis wobegone, aftonyft of the fait Of hys deir fpous, and of the cite fyne, That femyt brocht onto fynall ruyne : Hys canos hair, fair movit in hys entent, 30 With onclene puldyr has he all byfprent, 816 THE TWELT BUKE And mony tymys hym felvyn hes accufyt, That he fa lang had lachit and reffufyt To reflaue glaidly the Troiane Ene ; Repentyng fair, for weill of the cyte, That he had nocht requirit hym, and draw Or than tobe his mawche and fon in law. CAP. XI. The quenys decesfra Turnus cleirly wift, Went to the fege Eneas to refift. In the meyn tyme, as weriour vnder fcheild, Turnus gond at the far part of the feld A few menge perfewand our the plane, 10 Quhilk at the ftragill fled in all thar mayn, Sum deill or than walxis dolf this fyre, Seand his horffis begyn to fowpe and tyre ; That euer the les and les joyus was he Of thar renkis and gait throu the melle. 15 Tharwith the wynd and fowehquhyng of the air This feirfull clamour brocht to hym ryeht thar, Mixt with oncertane terrour and affeir ; The confufioun of fovnd fmait in hys eyr, Com from the cyte, of felloun murmuryng, 20 Ryeht onglaid bruyt of cayr and womentyng. Ha, ways me ! he faid, quhat may this be ? Quhou beyn the wallys trublit of this cite OF ENEADOS. 817 With fo gret duyll and forrow as I heir ? Or quhou thus rufchis fo felloun noys and beir And clamour from the tovn at euery part ? Thus has he faid, and can do ftynt his cart, 5 And all enragit tyt the rengeis abak. Quhamto his fiftir tho Juturna fpak, As fcho that was turnyt, as I faid air, In femlant of Metifcus the cartar, That horffis, rengeis, fyd rapis, and cart, dyd fche 1 o Rewle and direft amydwart the melle ; With fie wordis fcho anfueris hym fute hait : Turnus, lat ws perfew Troianys this gait, Quhar viftory ws fehawis the reddy way ; Thar beyn enew otheris, be my fay, 15 Forto defend and weill manteym the tovn. 3 on is Eneas makis the brute and fovn, That can invaid Italianys, as ge heir, Mydlit in batale on fik feir of weir. Tharfor lat ws with cruell hand in this fted 20 Lay als feill corpfis of the Troianys ded ; For with na les numbir flane vnder fcheild, Nor les honour, fall thou wend of the feild. Turnus anfweris ; O thou my fiftyr deir, I knew full weill at it was thou, langere, 25 That be thi craft and quent wylis fa fle Our confideratioun trublit and trete, And entrit in this batell quhilk thou wrocht : And now, Goddes, thy wylis ar all for nocht. Bot quha was that fend the from hevyn fo fcheyn, 30 So huge fturt and travell to fufteyn ? 5 L 818 THE TWELT BUKE Quhidder gif thou com to that entent to fe The .cruell deth of thy fey brother ? faid he : Quhat fall I do, lat fe ; quhar fall I now ? Or quhat fuccurs promittis fortoun, and quhou ? 5 I faw myfelf befor myne eyn langere Gret Murranus, quham nane mair leif and deir Onto me was that levand is this day, Swelt on the grund, and with lowd voce, perfay, On me dyd call, quhar as he lay onfound 10 At erth difcomfyt with ane grifly wond : And lo, doun bet and flane in hys defens Is not alflb the ftowt capitane Vfens, That he fuld not our lak and fchame behald ? Hys corps and armour doys Troianys baith withhald. 15 Sail I als fuffir thame doun the cyte dyng ? Of our myfcheif thar reftis bot that a thing : Nor fall I not with this ryeht hand in hy Confund fchir Drances langage onworthy ? Sail evir this grund behald or fe fik lak, 20 That I fall fle, or Turnus gif the bak ? Is it all owt fa wrachit thing to de, That, or thai ftervyn, men fuld rathar fle ? <3he Manes, clepit Goddis infernal, Beis to me frendly now, fen that all 25 The Goddis myndis abuf ar me contrar; Be ghe benevolent quhen that I cum thar : Ane haly faule to gou difcend fall I, Saikles of all fie cryme or villany, Na wys onworthy namyt forto be 30 With my eldris and forfaderis maft hie. OF ENEADOS. 819 Scars hes he faid, quhen, lo, throu the plane Rufchand amyd hys fays, com hym agane Ane Sages, montit on a fomy fteid ; And he was wondit fair, and gan to bleid, 5 In the face with ane arrow vndir the E, Cryand, help, Turnus, be his name, quhar is he ? Turnus, quod he, in the and thy twa handis The extreme help and lattir weilfar ftandis : Haue reuth and piete of thyne awin menge. 10 Now, as the thundris blaft, faris Ene In bargane, fo enragit he doith mannays The cheif cyte of Italy doun to arrays, And into fynal ruyne to bet doun The principall palyce and all the ryall tovn ; 15 And now onto the thak and ruffis hie The flambys and the fyre blefys doys fle. In the thar wltys, in the thar eyn, but faill, The Latyn pepill dreffyt hes alhaill : The kyng hym felf Latinus, the gret heir, 20 Quhifpyris and mufys, and is in maner feir Quham he fall cheis or call, into this thraw, Tobe hys douchteris fpous, and fon in law, Or to quhat frendfchip or allyans fyne Is beft hym felwyn at this tyme inclyne. 25 And forthirmore, Amata the fair queyn, Quhilk at all tymys thyne afald frend has bene, With hir awyn hand doith fterve, now liggand law, And for affray hir felf hes brocht of daw. Only Mefapus and Atynas keyn 30 At the portis doys the ftour fufteyn : 820 THE TWELT BUKE Abowt thir twa on athir fyde thik ftandis Arrayt rowtis, with drawyn fwerdis in handis, Full horribill and auftern athir barnage, Cled in fteill weid with wapynnys, man and page : 5 And thou, thus rollyng furth thy cart bedene, Walkis at avantage on the void grene. Turnus aftonyft ftude dum in ftudeyng, Smyt with the ymage of mony diuers thyng : Deip in hys hart boldynnys the felloun fchame, i o All mixt with dolour, angyr, and defame ; Syne fervent luf hym catchit in fury rage, And hys bykend hardyment and curage. As firft the fchaddois of pertrublans Was dryve away, and hys rememberans 15 The lyeht of reflbun has recoverit agane, The byrnand fycht of baith his eyn twane, Sore aggrevit, towart the wallys he keft, And from hys cart blent to the cyte preft. Bot lo, a fworll of fyre blefys vpthraw ! 20 Lemand towart the lyft the flambe he faw, Amang the plankis and the loftis fchire Stremand and kyndland faft the hoyt fyre, That caucht was in a mekill towr of tre ; Quhilk towr of fillys and geftis gret belt he, 25 And thar vnder, to roll it, quhelis fet, With ftaris hie and batelling weirly bet. Now, now, fyftir, quod he, lo all and fum The fatis has vs venquyft and ourcum : Defift tharfor to mak me langar tary ; 30 Lat ws follow that way, and thiddir cary, OF ENEADOS. 821 Quhar God and this hard fortoun callys me. Now ftandis the poynt, I am determyt, quod he, Eneas hand for hand fortill aflaill ; Now ftandis the poynt, to fuffir in bataill 5 The bittir ded and all paynfull diftres : No langar, fiftir germane, as I ges, Sail thou me fe fchamefull onworthy wight. Bot, I befeik the, manly as a knycht Into this fervent furour fuffir me 10 To go enragit to batale, or I de. Thus has he faid, and from the cart in hy Apon the land he lap deliuerly, And left his fiftir trift and diflblate ; Thrift throu hys fays and wapynnys all, fute hait, 15 And with fa fwift fard fchot throu the melle That the myd rowtis and wardis fchuddris he. And like as the gret roch crag with a fovn From the top of fum montane tumlyt doun, Quhen at it is our fmyt with wyndis blaft, 20 Or with the drumly fchowris fpait doun caft, Or than be lang proces of mony gheris Lowfyng tharfra the erd, and away weris, Is maid to fall and tumbill with all his fwecht, Lyke till a wikkit hill of huge weght, 25 Halding his fard the difcens of the bra With mony fkyp and ftend baith to and fra, Quhill that he fchut far on the plane grund, And all that he ourrekis doith eonfund ; Woddis, heyrdis, flokkis, catale, and men, 30 Our welterand with hym in the deip glen : 822 THE TWELT BUKE Towart the wallys Turnus rufchit als faft Throw owt the rowtis, by hys fard doun caft, Quhar tho the grund wet and bedyit ftude A weill far way with effufioun of blude, 5 And large on breid the fkyis and the ayr For fchaftis fchot dyd quhiffilling heir and thar : A bekyn with hys hand to thame maid he, And fammyn eik with lowd voce cryis ; lat be ! Stynt, ghe Rutilianys, fe ghe feght na mair, 10 And, ghe Latynys, gour dartys caftyng fpar; Quhou evir the fortoun ftandis at this tyde, The chance is myne, the fait I mon abyde. It is mair juft and equale I allane For gou fuftene the payn was ondertane, 15 And purge the cryme, fo happynnyt now of lait, Of this confideratioun violate : Lat me ftand to my chans, I tak on hand Forto derene the mater with this brand. Than euery man amydward thame betwene 20 Can draw abak, and maid rovm on the greyn. CAP. XII. Eneas feghtis and Turnus, hand for hand, And Turnus fled, for he had brokkyn his brand. Thys fader than, this gret prynce Ene, Herand the name of Turnus cryit on hie, OF ENEADOS. 823 The wallys left, and fra the tovn went away Rieht haftely, fecludand all delay ; Styntis all the wark that he begunnyn had, And hoppit vp for joy, he was fo glaid : 5 The huflyng in his armour dyd rebund, And keft a terribill or a feirfull found. Vpraxit hym he hes amyd the place, Als byg as Athon, the hie mont in Trace, Or heich as mont Erix in Scycily, 10 Or than the fader of hillys in Italy, Clepyt mont Apennynus, quhen that he Doith fwouch or bray with roky quhynnys hie, And joys to ftreik hys fnawy top on hycht Vp in the ayr amang the fkyis brycht : 15 That is to fay, amang all other wightis Eneas femyt to furmontyn in hyghtis The remanent of all the mekill rowt, As thir montanys excedis the knollys abowt. And than, forfuyth, Rutilianys egyrly, 20 And all the Troian oftis or army, Towart thar dukis dyd return thar eyn ; The Rutilianys, I fay, and eik bedeyn All the Latynys that on the wallys ftud, And all thai als, tofor as thai war woid 25 The barmkyn law fmait with the rammys faft, Now of thar fchuldris can thar armour caft. The kyng hym felf, Latyn, abafyt to fe Twa men fa byg of huge quantite, Generit and bred in realmys far infundir 30 Of feir partis of the warld, that it was wondir 824 THE TWELT BUKE Twa of fik ftatur, onmyfurly of hycht, Fortill aflembill fammyn into fyght, Or forto fe thame, matchit on the greyn, Dereyn the bargane with thar wapynnys keyn. 5 And than athir thir campionys vndir fcheild, Quhen voydit weill and rowmyt was the feild That patent was the plane a weil large fpace, With hafty fard on far hes tane thar rays, And can thar fperis caft, or thai cum neir, 10 Quhil fcheildis foundit and all thar other geir; Ane marcial batale thai begyn, but baid, And athir fternly dyd hys fa invaid. So dyd the ftrakis dyn on thar fteill weid, The erd granys and dyndlys far onbreid, 15 Syne rafchit togidder with fwerdis, or euer thai ftynt, And rowtis thik thai doublit, dynt for dynt ; With fors of prowes and fatale aventur Mydlit fammyn the bargane thai endur. Lyke as twa buftuus bullys by and by, 20 On the hie month Taburn in Champany, Or in the mekill foreft of Syla, Quhen thai aflembill in auftern bargane thra, With front to front, and horn for horn, attanys Rufchand togiddir with cronys and feirfull granys, 25 That fe mafteris and hyrdmen, euery wight, Abafyt gevys thame place, fo brym thai fight ; For feir the beftis dum all ftandis by, And all in dowt fquelys the gong ky, Quha falbe mafter of the catal all, 30 Or quhilk of thame the bowys follow fall : OF ENEADOS. 825 Tha twa bullys, thus ftryvand in that ftond, By mekill fors wyrkis other mony a wond, And dufchand feftynnys faft thar hornys ftowt, Quhill that abundans of blude ftremys owt, 5 That can do wefch, bedy, or all to baith, Thar grym nekkis and thar fpaldis baith ; That of thar rowftyng all the large plane And woddis rank rowtis and lowys agane. Nane other wys Ene, the Troian heir, 1 0 And Dawnus fon, Turnus, fammyn infeir Hurlys togiddir with thar fcheildis ftrang, That for gret rafchis all the hevynnys rang. Thus Jupiter hym felf hes atheris chance A weill lang fpace to hungyn in ballanee 15 Be equale myflbur, and pafyt hes alflb The fatis diuers of thame baith two ; Quham the ftowt laubour fuld deliuer fre, And quham the pafand wecht ourwelt to de. Turnus at this tyme walxis bald and blyth, 20 Wenyng to caucht a ftound hys ftrenth to kyth But ony danger or aduerfyte ; He raxis hym, and hevis vp on hie Hys bludy fword, and fmait in al hys mayn. A gret clamour gave the pepill Troian, 25 And eik the Latynys quakyng gaue a fchowt, Full preft thame to behald ftud athir rowt. Bot this ontrafte fals blaid is brokyn in fundyr, And ardent Turnus brocht hes in gret blundir ; For it amyddis of hys dynt hym falys, 30 And diflblet hym left, that nocht avalys 5 M 826 THE TWELT BUKE To hym hys ftrenth, hardyment, and mycht, Les than he tak for hys defens the flycht : 3a, fwyftar than the wynd he fled, I ges, Quhen that he faw hys ryeht hand wapynles, 5 And perfauyt the plummet was onknaw. For fo the fame is, at the ilk thraw Quhen he firft rufchit in hys cart inhy, And gart do gok hys ftedis by and by To go onto the batale the fam day, 10 That, for the fuddand onfet and effray, The cartar Metifcus fword he hynt in hand, And all forget hys faderis nobill brand : And this ilk fwerd was fufficient a lang fpace, Quhill that he followit the Troianys in the chais, 1 5 That gaue the bak, as we haue faid or this ; Bot alffaft as it twichit and matchit is With dyvyn armour maid by God Wlcan, And tharon fmyttyn in al Turnus mayn, This ontrew temperit blaid and fykkill brand, 20 That forgit was bot with a mortal hand, In flendris flaw, and at the firft clap, As brukkill ice, in litill pecis lap, Quhil the fmall partis of the blaid brokin in twa As glas gletand apon the dun fand lay. 25 Quharfor this Turnus, half myndles and brane, Socht diuers wentis to fle throu owt the plane ; With mony wyndis and turnys, all on flocht, Now heir, fyne thar, onfovirly he focht. Troianys ftude thik bylappit inveroun 30 In maner of a conpas or a crovn ; OF ENEADOS. 827 And on the ta half eik a laik braid Hym fo inclufyt that he mycht nocht evaid, And on the tother fyde fermyt als was he With the hie wallys of the cheif cyte. 5 And thocht the wond tarreis Ene fum deill, Wrocht to hym by the takill with hed of fteill, To weild hys kne maid fum impediment, That he mycht nocht braid fwyftly our the bent, With na les pres and haift git, nocht for thy, 1 0 He, fute for fut, perfewys him fervently : Lyke as, fum tyme, quhen that the huntar ftowt Betrappit has and ombefet about With hys ralys and with hys hundis gude The mekill hart fwymmand amyd the flude, 15 Quhilk thar inclufit neidlingis mon abyd ; For he may not efchape on nother fyd, For feir of hundis, and that awfull bern Baryng fchaftis fedderit with plumys of the ern ; The rynnyng hund dois hym aflail in threte 20 Baith with fwift rays and with hys queftis grete : Bot this hart, all abafyt of thar flycht, And of the ftrait and flay bankis gret hycht, Can fle and eik return a thoufand ways ; Bot than the fwypir Tufcan hund aflays 25 And nerys faft, ay reddy hym to hynt, Now, now, almafte lyke, or euir he ftynt, He fuld hym hynt, and, as the belle war tak, With hys wyd chaftis at hym makis a fnak, The byt oft falgeis for ocht he do mycht, 30 And chakkis waift togiddir hys wapynnys wycht. 828 THE TWELT BUKE Rieht fo, at this tyme, apon athir fyde The clamour rays, that all the laik wyde And brays abowt thame anfwerd, fo thai ferd, The hevyn our all eik rumlyt of ther rerd. 5 And Turnus, fleand, fammyn faft can call Rutilianys, chidand baith ane and all, Every man clepand by hys proper name, To reke hym hys traift fwerd for fchame : And by the contrar, awfully Ene 1 0 Can thame mannans, that nane fa bald fuldbe, And fchew prefent the deth all reddy heir To thar ondoyng, gif that ony drew neir, And quakyng for affeir maid thame agaft ; Schorand the cite to diftroy and doun caft, 1 5 Gif ony help or fupple to hym fchew, And, thocht he fair was, ferfly dyd perfew. Thus fyve tymys round intill a rays About the feild can thai fle and chais, And als feill fys went turnyng heir and thar, 20 Lyke as befor the hund wifkis the hair. And na wondir ; for fa the mater lyis, To na bowrdyng twichit thar interprys, Na for fmall wagis thai debait and ftryfe, Bot apoun Turnus blude fchedding and lyfe. 25 On cace, amyd this feild had grow of lait Ane wild olyve to Fawnus confecrait, Quharon grew bittyr levys, and mony gheris Was hald in wirfchip with all maryneris ; At the quhilk tre, quhen thai efchapit had 30 The ftormys blaft, and wallis maid thame rad, OF ENEADOS. 829 Tharon thar offerandis wald affix and hyng Onto this God vmquhile of Lawrent kyng, And tharon eik the clathis bekend vpftent : Bot tho the ftok of this tre doun was rent 5 By the Troianys, mylknawand it hallowit was, To that entent to plane the batale place. Eneas byg lance or hys caftyng fpeir Percays apon the poynt was ftykand heir ; Thiddir this fchaft the gret fors of his caft 10 Had thraw the ilk ftund, and thar fixit faft, Amang the grippill rutis faft haldand, Weggit full law the lance on end dyd ftand. The Troiane prynce it grippis in that fted, Willyng in hand to pull owt the fteill hed, 15 With caft tharof to follow hym at the bak, Quham he throw fpeid of fut mycht nocht ourtak. Bot than Turnus, half mangit in effray, Cryis, O thou Fawnus, help, help ! I the pray ; And thou Tellus, maft nobill God of erd, 20 Hald faft the fperis hed by gour werd ; As I that evir has wirfchipit on thir planys <3our honour, that be the contrar Eneadanys Hes violet and prophanyt be ftryfe, quod he, With blude feheddyng, and down hewyn gour tre. 25 Thus faid he, and no thyng in vane, I wys, The Goddys help he axit ; for, at hys wys, A full lang tyme wrelis and tareis Ene Furth of the teuch rutis of this ilk tre Hys fpeir to draw, and bytis on his lip ; 30 Bot feftynnyt fa is in the war the gryp, 830 THE TWELT BUKE That by na maner fors, thocht he was wight, Furth of the ftok the fchaft vp pull he mycht. And as he brymly thus inforcis faft To draw the fpeir, this Goddes at the laft, 5 I meyn Juturna, douchter of Dawnus king, Owt throw the feld com rynnand in a lyng, Changit agane, as that befor fcho was, Into Metifcus femlant and lyknes, And to hir brother hes hys fwerd betaucht : 10 Quhar at Dame Venus gret difdenge caucht, Sik thyng fuldbe tholit this bald nymphe to do ; Than fuddanly to the fpeir rakis fcho, Baith fchaft and hed onon, or evir fcho ftent, At the firft pull from the deip rute hes rent. 15 Than athir reftit and refrefchit weill Baith in curage and fcharp wapynnys of fteill, He traftand in hys fwerd that weill wald fcheir, And he full prowd and ftern of hys byg fper ; Incontrar otheris baldly lang thai ftand 20 In marciall batale athir refiftand, Ilkane full wilfull otheris till ourthraw, At lie debait that baith thai pant and blaw. CAP. XIII. Quhou Jupiter and Juno dyd contend Eneas ftryfe and Turnus fortill end. The fader almychty of the hevyn abuf, In the meyn tyme, onto Juno his lufe, OF ENEADOS. 831 Quhilk tho down from a watry gallow clowd Beheld the bargane, therof na thing prowd, Thus fpak and faid ; O my deir fpous, quhat now ? Quhat end falbe of this mater, or quhou ? 5 Quhat reftis finaly now atall ? lat fe. Thou wait thi felf, and grantis thou wait, Enee Is deftinat onto the hevin to cum, And for tobe clepit with all and fum Amang the Goddis a God Indigites, 10 And by the fatis forto reft in pes, Sefit abuf the ftarry fkyis hie. Quhat purpofis or etlys thou now ? lat fe ; Or into quhat beleif, or quhat entent, Hyngis thou fwa in the cald firmament ? 1 5 Was it honeft a godly dyvyne wight With ony mortal ftrake to wond in fight ? Or git ganand, the fwerd loft and adew, To rendir Turnus, lo, hys brand of new, And ftrenth encrefs to thame at venquift be ? 20 For quhat avalit Juturna, but thy fupple ? Defift heirof, now at laft, be the left, And condifcend to bow at our requeft ; Ne fuffir not thy hyd forrow, I pray, Na langar the confume and waift away, 25 That I na mar fik wofull thochtis fe Schyne nor appeir in thy fweit face, quod he : For now is cum the extreme lattir punft. Thou mycht, quhil now, haue eatchit at difiunft The filly Troianys baith be fey and land ; 30 And eik thou mycht alflb at thyne awin hand 832 THE TWELT BUKE A fell ontellabill batal rays or weir, Deform the howfhald, and bryng all on fteir Be mony diuers ways of fury rage, And all with murnyng mixt thar mariage : 5 Bot I forbyd gou ony mar fie thing. Thus fpak and earpis Jove, gret hevynnys kyng. Saturnus dochtir, Juno the Goddes, Anfuerit on this wys, caftand doun hir face : O Jupiter, deir lord, certis, faid fche, 10 Becaufe this thy gret will was knawyn to me, On fors tharfor, and incontrar my mynd, I left the erd and my frend Turnus kynd. Ne, war not that, fuld thou me fe allone Thus fittand in the ayr al wobegone, 15 Suftenand thus al maner of myfcheif, And euery ftres, baith lefum and onleif ; Bot at I fuld, gyrthit with flambis red, Stowtly haue ftandyn in gon batale fted, And fuld haue drawyn gon Troianys, ane and all, 20 Into fell mortal bargane inimicall. I grant, I dyd perfuading owt of dreid Juturna to pas doun at fik neid To hir broth ir, and for his lyfe eik I Approvis weill, and als dois ratify, 25 To vndertak mair than to hir pertenyt ; Bot I forfuith perfuadit neuer, nor menyt, That fcho fuld dartis caft, or takillis draw, Nor with the bow mak debait ony thraw : I fwer tharto be the onplefand well 30 Of Stix, the flud and cheif fontane of hell, OF ENEADOS. 833 Quhais only dreidfull fuperftitioun heir The Goddis kepis, that nane dar it forfwere. And now, forfuith, thy will obey fall I, And giffis owr the caus perpetualy ; 5 And heir I leif fik werys and debait, The quhilk, certis, I now deteft and hait. Bot for the land of Latium or Itaill, And for maiefte of thine awin blude, fans faill, A thing I the befeik, quhilk, weill I wait, is 10 Na wys include in flatutis of the fatis : That is to knaw, quhen that, as weill mot be, With happy wedlok and felicite 3on pepillis twane fall knyt vp peax for ay, Bynd confiderans baith coniunft in a lay, 15 That thou ne wald the aid inhabitantis Byd change thar Latyn name nor natyve landis, Ne charge thame nother tobe callyt Troianys, Nor git be clepit Phrigianys nor Tewcranys ; Ne git the Latyn pepill thar leid to change, 20 Nor turn thar clething in other habyt ftrange. Lat it remane Latium, as it was air ; And lat the kyngis be namyt euermar Pryncis and faderis of the ftile Albane ; The lynage eik^nd gret offpring Romane 25 Mot difcend tharfra potent and mychty, Vndir the virtuus titill of Italy. Troy is doun bet ; doun bet lat it remane, With name and all, and neuer vprys agane. Than gan to fmyle Jupiter the gret kyng, 30 That is producear of men and euery thing : 5 N 834 THE TWELT BUKE Syftir germ an, quod he, to Jove art thou, And fecund child to Saturn aid ; ha, quhou Sa gret a ftorm or fpait of felloun ire Vndir thy breift thou rollis hait as fyre ? 5 Bot wirk as I the byd, and do away That wreth confauyt but ony caus, I pray. I geif and grantis the thi defyre, quod he ; Of fre will, venquyft, referris me to the. Thir ilk pepill clepit Aufonyanys, 10 On otherwys callit Italianys, The auld vfans and leyd of thar cuntre Sail bruke and joys, and eik thar name falbe As it is now, and as thar ftile remanys : Alanerly thar perfonys the Troianys 1 5 Sail entyr myddill and remane thame amang : The faflbnys and the ritis, that nocht ga wrang, Of facrifice to thame flatute I fall, And Latyn pepill of a tung mak thame all. The kynd of men difcend from thir Troianys, 20 Mydlit with kyn of the Italianys, Thou fall behald in piete and gentilnes To go abufe baith men and Goddis expres ; Nor neuer clan or other nation by Lyke thame fall hallow, ne git fanftify 25 Thy wirfchip, eik and honour, as thai fall do. Juno anerdit, and gaue confent heirto, Ful blith and joyus of this grant, perfay, Fra hir aid wraith hes writhit hir mynd away ; And in the meyn tyme onto the hevyn hir drew. 30 And left the clovd, and bad Turnus adew. OF ENEADOS. 835 Thys beand done, as faid is, on fik wys, This hie fader can with hym felf devys Ane other craft ; and providis the way Quhou that he fall Juturna dryfe away 5 From helpyng of hir brother infill armys. Thar beyn twa vengeabill monftreis full of harmys, Clepit to furname Dire, wikkit as fyre, That is to fay, the Goddis wraik or ire : Quhilk myfchewos and cruell fifteris twa, 10 Sammyn with the hellys fury Megera, Bair at a birth, for na thing profitabill, The Nycht thar moder, that barntyme miferabill ; And all elike wymplit and cled thir trakis With eddris thrawin, and harys full of fnakis, 15 And tharto ekit weyngis fwift as wynd. Thir wikkit fchrewys reddy fal ge fynd Befor the troyn of Jove, and eik alfo Within the wanys of cruell kyng Pluto : Thai fcharp the dreid to mortale wrachit wightis, 20 Quhen euir the kyng of Goddis by his myelitis The deth, or the contagius feiknes feir, Difponys hym to fend in the erth heir, Or quhen that hym lift do fmyte and affray Citeis with weirfar, as defervit haue thai. 25 Jove ane of thir, full fwipper to difcend, Furth of the hevin abuf onon hes fend, And bad hir hald doun baldly to the erd, Forto refift Juturnais ire and werd. And fcho onon doun flaw, to pies the lard, 30 And to the grund thuddis with hafty fard : 836 THE TWELT BUKE Nane other wys than from the ftryng doith fle The fwift arrow owt throw the ayr we fe, Or, into bittyr vennom wet, fum flane Caftyn or fchot by fum archer Perfayn, 5 By fum Perfayn or man of Cydony The fchaft thrawyn, that quhirris throu the fky, And, quhar it hyttis, wirkis a wond of pylie, Oncurabill by the craft of medycyne, And fa fwiftly flydis throu the clowdis gray 10 That quhar it went nane may perfave the way. On fik maner the Nyghtis douchtir onflocht Throw the fkyis doun to the erth fone focht : And eftir that fcho faw the Troian oftis, And Turnus rowtis arrayt on the coftis, 15 Scho hir tranfformyt in lyknes of a fowle, Quhilk we a litil howlet eleip, or owle ; That fum tyme into gravis, or ftokkis of tre, Or on the waift thak, or hows rufis hie, Sittand by nycht fyngis a forowfull toyn 20 In the dyrk fkowgis, with fcrykis inoportoyn : This vengeabill.wraik, in fik form changit thus, Evyn in the face and viflage of Turnus Can fle and flaf, and maid hym forto grow, Scho foundis-fo with mony hys and how, 25 And in hys feheild can with hyr weyngis fmyte. A new dolfnes diflbluyt hys membris tyte ; For verray dreid and for gret horrour als Vp flert hys hair, the voce flak in hys hals. Bot as Juturna foyn on far dyd heir 30 Of this fury the quhiflyng and the beir, OF ENEADOS. 837 The fwouchyng of hir weyngis and hir flycht, This woful lifter hyr hair rent for that fycht, With nalys ryvand reuthfully hir. face, And fmytand with hir nevis hirTbreift, allace ! 5 Turnus, my beft belovit brother, quod fche, Quhat may thy fiftir help now, wa is me ¦! Or quhat now reftis to me, wrachit wight ? Thy life prolong quhou may I ? Be quhat flycht May I oppone me to refift or ftryve 10 With fik a monftre ? Na, nane wight alyve. Now, now, I leif the feild, and goys away. O ge myfchewos fowlis, I gou pray, Do me na mair agrys trymland for feir ; The clappyng of gour weyngis I knaw and heir, 15 And eik the dedly fovndis weill on far : The provd command of myghty Jupiter, That gydis al thing by hys maiefte, - Dois me not now aftart, for I it fe. Is this the gangeld that he rendris me 20 In recompens of my virginite ? Quharto eternal lyfe hes he me geif? Quharto fuld I on this wys euer leif? Quharto is me byreft the faculte Of deth, and grantit immortalite ? 25 For, gif I mortal war, now, now fuythly, Thir fa gret dolouris mycht I end in hy, And with my reuthfull brother go withall Amangis the dym fchaddoys infernall. O deir brother german, without the 30 Is na thing fweit nor plefand onto me. 838 THE TWELT BUKE O now quhat grund, land, or erd tewch Sal fwelly me tharin half deip eneuch, And, thocht I beyn a Goddes, doun me draw, And fend ontil infernal wightis law ? Thus mekil faid fcho ; and tharwith bad adew, Hir hed valit with a haw claith or blew, And, murnand gretly thar as that fcho ftud, This Goddes dowkit deip vnder the flud. CAP. XIV. At Eneas Turnus a flane dyd caft ; Bot Eneas has flane hym at the laft. Ene with this inftantly lift not ces 10 Forto recontyr Turnus in the pres, And hys big fpeir apoun hym fchakis he, Quhilk femyt rude and fquar as ony tre ; And with a bald and buftuus breift thus fpak : Quhat menys this langfum delay ghe mak ? 1 5 Quhy tary ge for fchame, Turnus, all day ? Quharto withdrawis thou the fo away ? We pyngill not for fpeid na curs to ryn, Bot we debait fuld, this barres within, With wapynnys keyn and with our burnyft brandis. 20 Togiddir met dereyn it with our handis. Do change thy felf, or turn at thy awyn eys In all maner of figuris as the pleis ; OF ENEADOS. 839 Gaddir togiddir and aflembill now, lat fe, All that thou has of ftrenth or fubtelte ; Wys now to fle vp to the ftarnys on hycht With fedderit weyngis forto tak thy flycht, 5 Or forto cloys thy felf this ilk thraw Into fum cavern vnder the erd law. Turnus, fchakand hys hed, faid, thou fers fo, Thy fervent wordis compt I not a ftro, Thy fawis makis me not agaft, perfay ; 10 It is the Goddis that doith me affray, And Jupiter becummyn myne ennemy. Ne mor he faid, bot blent about in hy, And dyd afpy quhar that a gret roke lay, Ane aid crag ftane huge gret and gray, 15 Quhilk on the plane, percace, was liggand neir, A marche fet in that grund mony geir Of twa feildis, forto decern tharby The aid debait of pley or contrauerfy ; Scarfly twys fax ftowt walit men and wight, 20 Quhilk now the erd producis, hes fik mycht To charge it on thar fchuldris or to beir ; Quham full lyehtly Turnus, that nobill heir, Hynt in hys hand, and fwakkit at his fo, And raxit hym on hicht thar vndir alflb, 25 And tharwith chargit a full fwyft curs ran. Bot fa confundit is this douchty man, That he ne knew hym felvyn in that fted, Nowder quhar that he ran, nor quhar he ged, Nor felt hym felf liftand on the land 30 The mekill ftane, nor fteir it with his hand : 840 THE TWELT BUKE Hys kneis ftummerit, and hys lymmys flydis, The blude congelit for feir within hys fydis ; So that the ftane he at his foman threw Fayntly throwowt the voyd and waift air flew, 5 Ne went it all the fpace, as he dyd mynt, Nor, as he etlyt, perfornyft not the dynt. Lyk as, fum tyme, in our fwevyn we tak keip, Quhen langfum dravillyng or the onfound fleip Our eyn ourfettis in the nyghtis reft, 10 Than femys ws full bifly and full preft That we ws ftreke, and doith adres in hy Lang renkis for to mak and ryn fwiftly : Bot all for nocht, for at the firft aflay, Or in the myddis of the ftart, by the way, 15 All fante we faill, as forfeblit war we ; The tung avalis not, it will not be ; Ne git the ftrenthis in our body knaw Semys fufficient to ws at that thraw ; For, fet we pres ws faft to fpek owt braid, 20 Ne voce nor wordis followys, nocht is faid. Siklyke wys hes this Goddes myfchews Ombefet all the ways of Turnus : Quhat evir to do by hys ftrenth etlyt he, Scho maid obftakill ; all that ganeftandis fche. 25 Than in hys mynd becom his wittis ftrange, And begouth forto vary and to change; And oft he dyd behald Rutilianys, And oft the cite with all that ryall wanys : He hovirris all abafyt for dreid and feir, 30 And gan do quaik, feand at hand the fpeir ; OF ENEADOS. 841 Ne can he fynd quhiddir away to wend, Nor on quhat wys hym felf he may defend, Nor with quhat ftrenth aflaill hys aduerfar, Nor be na ways perfaue hys cart or char, 5 Nor fe hys fiftir, that had hys cartar be. And as he ftud on hovyr thus, Ene The fatale dedly fpeir in hand gan tays, And with hys eyn markit and walit has Ane place be fortoun to fmyte oportune, 10 And with the hail fors of hys body foyn Furth from hys hand weil far the lance gan thraw. Neuer fa fwiftly quhidderand the ftane flaw Swakkit from the engyne onto the wall, Nor fulderis dynt, that caufis towris fall, 15 With fik a rummyll com bratland on fa faft. Lyke the blak thud of awfull thundris blaft Furth flaw the fchaft to fmyte the dedly ftraik, And with it brocht cruell myfchewos wraik ; Quhilk throu the hawbrik lkyrtis perfyt has, 20 And the extreme bordour gan arras Of hys ftrang fcheild, cowchit of fevyn ply, And quhirrand fmait hym throw the thee in hy : That with the dynt huge Turnus, full onfound, With faldyn howchis dufchit to the grund. 25 Vpftart Rutilianys fammyn complenyng With a gelloch and cairfull womentyng, Quhill all the hillys rumyfit thame abowt, And far on breid thyk woddis gaue a fchowt. And Turnus than, quhar he at erth dyd ly, 30 Addreffis furth full humyll and lawly 5 o 842 THE TWELT BUKE Towart Ene hys fyght and eyn tway, And ftrekis eik hys ryeht hand hym to pray : And thus he faid ; forfuyth, I haue deferve The deth, I knaw, and of thy hand to fterve, 5 Ne wil I not befeik the me to fpair ; Oys furth thy chance : quhat nedis proees mar ? Bot gif that ony cuyr or thocht, quod he, Of ony wofull parent may twich the, Haue rewth and mercy of kyng Dawnus the aid ; 1 o Thou had forfuyth, as I haue hard betald, Anchifes, fik a fader as is he ; And me, or than, gif bettir lykis the, My body, fpulgeit and the life byreft, Onto my folkis thou may rendir eft. 15 Thou hes me venquyft, I grant, and me ourcum ; Italian pepill prefent all and fum Hes fene ftreke furth my handis humylly ; Lavinia is thy fpows, I not deny : Extend na forthir thy wraith and matalent. 20 Eneas ftern in armys tho prefent Rolland hys eyn toward Turnus dyd ftand, And lyft nocht ftryke, bot can withdraw hys hand ; And mor and mor thir wordis, by and by, Begouth inclyne hym to reuth and mercy, 25 Abydand lang in hovir quhat he fuld do : Quhen, at the laft, on Turnus fchuldir, lo ! The fey gyrdill hie fet dyd appeir, With ftuthis knaw and pendes fchynand cleir, The belt or tyfche of the child Pallas, 30 Quhilk by this Turnus laitly venquyft was, OF ENEADOS. 843 As we haue faid, and with a grews wond Slane in the feld, bet doun, and brocht to grund ; And Turnus, in remembrans of this thing, Abowt his fchuldris bair this onfrendly fyng. 5 Bot eftir that Eneas with hys eyn Sa cruell takynnys of dyfeys hes feyn, And can fik weid byreft thar afpy, All full of furor kyndlys he inhy, Full brym of ire and terribill thus can fay : 10 Sail thou efchape me of this fted away, Cled with the fpulge of my frendis deir ? Pallas, Pallas, with this wond ryeht heir Of the ane offerand to the Goddys makkis, And of thy wikkit blude punytioun takkis. 15 And fayand thus, full fers, with all hys mayn, Law in hys breift or coft, lay hym forgayn, Hys fwerd hes hyd full hait ; and tharwithall The cauld of deth diflbluyt hys membris all : The fpreit of lyfe fled murnand with a grane, 20 And with difdeyn vnder dyrk erth is gayn. 844 HEIR THE TRANSLATOUR OF THIS BUK MAKIS MENSIOUN OF THRE OF HYS PRYNCIPALL WARKIS. Lo thus, followand the flowr of poetry, The batellys and the man tranflait haue I : Quhilk goir ago in myne ondantit gouth, Onfruftuus idylnes fleand, as I couth, Of Lundeys Lufe the Remeid dyd tranflait ; And fyne of hie Honour the Palyce wrait ; Quhen paill Aurora, with face lamentabill, Hir ruflet mantill bordowrit all with fabill, &cc. TO KNAW THE NAYM OF THE TRANSLATOUR. The Gaw onbrokkyn mydlyt with the Wyne, The Dow jonyt with the Glas rieht in a lyne : Quha knawys nocht the Tranflatouris naym, Seik na forthar, for lo, with litill pyne Spy leill this vers ; men clepys hym fwa at haym. Quod the compilar G. D. THE PROLOUG OF THE THRETTENE BUKE OF ENEADOS EKIT TO VIRGILL BE MAPHEUS VEGIUS. Towart the evyn, amyd the fymmyris heit, Quhen in the Crab Appollo held hys fete, Duryng the joyus moneth tyme of June, As gone neir was the day, and fupper doyn ; 5 I walkyt furth abowt the feildis tyte, Quhilkis tho replenyft ftud full of delyte, With herbys, cornys, catal, and frute treis, Plente of ftoir, byrdis and byfly beys In amerant medis fleand eft and weft, 10 Eftir laubour to tak the nychtis reft. And as I lukit on the lift me by, All byrnand red gan walxin the evyn fky : The fon enfyrit haill, as to my fight, Quhirlit about hys ball with bemys brycht, 15 Declynand faft towart the north in deid, And fyry Phlegon, his dun nychtis fteid, Dowkit hys hed fa deip in fludis gray That Phebus rollis doun vndir hell away ; And Efperus in the weft with bemys brycht 20 Vpfpryngis, as forrydar of the nycht. 846 THE PROLOUG OF Amyd the hawchis, and euery lufty vaill, The recent dew begynnys doun to fcaill, To meys the byrnyng quhar the fon had fchyne, Quhilk tho was to the neddir warld declyne : 5 At euery pilis poynt and cornys croppis The techrys ftude, as lemand beryall droppis, And on the hailfum herbis, cleyn but wedis, Lyke criftal knoppis or fmal filuer bedis. The lyght begouth to quynchyng owt and faill, 10 The day to dyrkyn, declyne, and devaill; The gummys rylis, doun fallis the donk rym, Baith heir and thar fcuggis and fchaddois dym : Vpgois the bak with hir pelit ledderyn flycht, The lark difcendis from the fkyis hycht, 15 Syngand hir complyng fang, eftir hir gys, To tak hir reft, at matyn hour to rys : Owt our the fwyre fwymmys the foppis of myft, The nycht furthfpred hir cloke with fabill lyft, That all the bewte of the fruftuus feld 20 Was with the erthis vmbrage cleyn ourheld ; Baith man and befte, fyrth, flude, and woddis wild, Involuyt in tha fchaddois warryn fyld. Still war the fowlis fleis in the air, All ftoir and catall feyfit in thar lair, 25 And euery thing, quharfo thame lykis beft, Bownys to tak the hailfum nychtis reft Eftir the days laubour and the heyt. Clofs warryn all and at thar foft quyet, But flerage or removing, he or fche, 30 Owder beft, byrd, fyfeh, fowle, by land or fey : THE THRETTENE BUKE. 847 And fchortlie, euery thing that doith repare In firth or feild, flude, foreft, erth or ayr, Or in the fcroggis, or the builds ronk, Lakis, marrafis, or thir pulys donk, 5 Aftabillit lyggis ftill to flepe, and reftis ; Be the fmaill byrdis fyttand on thar neftis, The litill mygeis, and the vrufum fleys, Laboryus emmotis, and the bifly beys ; Als weill the wild as the taym beftiall, 10 And euery othir thingis gret and fmall, Owtak the mery nyehtgaill, Philomeyn, That on the thorn fat fyngand fra the fpleyn. Quhais myrthfull notis langyng fortil heir, Ontill a garth vndir a greyn lawrer 15 I walk onon, and in a fege down fat, Now mufyng apon this and now on that. I fe the poill, and eik the Vrfis brycht, And hornyt Lucyne caftand bot dym lyeht, Becaus the fymmyr fkyis fchayn fa cleir ; 20 Goldyn Venus, the maftres of the geir, And gentill Jove, with hir participate, Thar bewtuus bemys fched in blyth eftait : That fchortly, thar as I was lenyt doun, For nychtis filens, and this byrdis fovn, 25 On fleip I flaid : quhar fone I faw appeir Ane agit man, and faid ; quhat dois thou heir Vndir my tre, and willyft me na gude ? Me thocht I lurkit vp vnder my hude To fpy this aid, that was als ftern of fpech 30 As he had beyn ane medicyner or lech ; 848 THE PROLOUG OF And weill perfavit that hys weid was ftrange, Tharto fo aid, that it had not beyn change, Be my confait, fully that fourty geir, For it was threidbair into placis feir : 5 Syde was this habyt, round, and clofyng meit, That ftrekit to the grund doun our his feit ; And on his hed of lawrer tre a crown, Lyke to fum poet of the aid faflbun. Me thocht I faid to hym with reuerens ; 10 Fader, gif I haue done gou ony offens, I fall amend, gif it lyis in my mycht ; Bot fuythfaftly, gyf I haue perfyte fycht, Onto my doym, I faw gou nevir ayr : Fayn wald I wyt quhen, on quhat wys, or quhar, 15 Aganyft gou trefpaflit ocht haue I. Weill, quod the tother, wald thou mercy cry And mak amendis, I fal remyt this fait ; Bot, other ways, that fete falbe full fait. Knawis thou not Mapheus Vegius, the poet, 20 That onto Virgillis lufty bukis fweit The thretteyn buke ekit Eneadane ? I am the fammyn, and of the na thyng fayn, That hes the tother twelf into thy toung Tranflait of new, thai may be red and foung 25 Our Albyon ile into gour wlgar leid ; Bot to my buke git lyft the tak na heid. Maftir, I faid, I heir weill quhat ghe fay, And in this cace of perdon I gou pray : Not that I haue gou ony thing offendit, 30 Bot rathir that I haue my tyme myflpendit, THE THRETTENE BUKE. 849 So lang on Virgil lis volume forto flair, And laid on fyde full mony grave mater, That, wald I now write in that trety more, Quhat fuld folk deym bot all my tyme forlore ? 5 Als, fyndry haldis, fader, traftis me, 3our buke ekit but ony neceffite, As to the text aceordyng neuer a deill, Mair than langis to the cart the fift quheill. Thus, fen ghe beyn a eriftyn man, at large 10 Lay na fik thing, I pray gou, to my charge ; It may fuffys Virgill is at ane end. I wait the ftory of Jherom is to gou kend, Quhou he was dung and beft intill hys fleip, For he to gentilis bukis gaif fik keip. 15 Full fcharp repreif to fum is write, ge wift, In this fentens of the haly Pfalmyft ; Thai ar corruppit and maid abhominabill In thar ftudeyng thingis onprofitabill : Thus fair me dredis I fal thoill a heit, 20 For the grave ftudy I haue fo long forleit. 3a, fmy, quod he, wald thou efchape me fwa ? In faith we fall nocht thus part or we ga ! Quhou think we he eflbngeis hym to aftart, As all for confeiens and devoit hart, 25 Fengeand hym Jherom forto contyrfeit, Quhar as he lyggis bedovyn, lo, in fweit ! I lat the wyt I am nane hethyn wight ; And gif thou has afore tyme gayn onrycht, Followand fa lang Virgill, a gentile clerk, 30 Quhy fchrynkis thou with my fehort eriftyn wark ? 5 P 850 THE PROLOUG OF For thocht it be bot poetry we fay, My buke and Virgillis morall beyn, baith tway : Len me a fourteyn nycht, how evir it be, Or, be the faderis fawle me gat, quod he, 5 Thou fait deir by that evir thou Virgill knew. And, with that word, doun of the fete me drew : Syne to me with hys club he maid a braid, And twenty rowtis apon my riggyng laid, Quhil Deo, Deo, mercy dyd I cry ; 10 And, be my ryeht hand ftrekit vp inhy, Hecht to tranflait his buke, in honour of God And hys Apoftolis twelf, in the numbir od. He, glaid tharof, me be the hand vptuke ; Syne went away, and I for feir awoik, 15 And blent abowt to the north eft weill far, Saw gentill Jubar fchynand, the day flar, And Chiron, clepit the fyng of Sagittary, That walkis the fymmyrris nycht, to bed gan cary. 3ondyr dovn dwynys the evyn fky away, 20 And vpfpryngis the brycht dawyng cf day Intill ane other place nocht far in fundir, That to behald was plefans, and half wondir : Furth quynchyhg gan the ftarris, one be one, That now is left bot Lucifer allone. 25 And forthirmor to blafon this new day, Quha mycht difcryve the byrdis bliffull bay ? Belyve on weyng the bifly lark vpfprang, To falus the blyth morrow with hir fang : Sone our the feildis fchynys the lyeht cleir, 30 Welcum to pilgrym baith and lauborer : THE THRETTENE BUKE. 851 Tyte on hys hynys gaif the greif a cry, Awaik on fut, go till our hufbandry ; And the hyrd eallis furth apon hys page, Do dryve the catall to thar pafturage : 5 The hynys wife clepis vp Katheryn and Gill ; 3a, dame, faid thai, God wait, with a gude will. The dewy greyn, pulderit with dafeis gay, Schew on the fwerd a cullour dapill gray ; The myfty vapouris fpryngand vp full fweit, 10 Maift confortabill to glaid all manis fpreit ; Tharto, thir byrdis fyngis in the fchawys, As menftralis playng, Thejoly day now dawys. Than thocht I thus": I will my cunnand kepe, I will not be a daw, I will not flepe, 15 I will compleit my promys fchortly, thus Maid to the poet mafter Mapheus, And mak vpwark heirof, and cloys our buke, That I may fyne bot on grave materis luke : For, thocht hys ftile be nocht to Virgill lyke, 20 Full weill I wayt my text fall mony like, Sen eftir ane my tung is and my pen, Quhilk may fuffys as for our wlgar men. Quha evir in Latyn hes the bruyt or glor, I fpeke na wers than I haue doyn before : 25 Lat clerkis ken the poetis different, And men onletterit to my wark tak tent ; Quhilk, as twiching this thretteynt buke infeir, Begynnys thus, as furthwith followis heir. _y THE THRETTENE BUKE. CAP. I. Rutilian pepill, eftir Turnus deces, Obeys Eneas, and takis thame to hys pes. As Turnus, in the lattir bargan loft Venquyft in feild, gald furth the fleand goft, This marciall prynce, this ryall lord Enee, As viftor full of magnanymyte, 5 Amyddis baith the rowtis baldly ftandis ; That to behald hym apon athir handis Aftonyft and aghaft war all hym faw. And tho the Latyn pepill haill on raw A fellon murnyng maid and wofull beir, 10 And gan devoid and hoftit owt full cleir Deip from thar breiftis the hard forow fmart, With curage loft and doun fmyttyn thar hart : Lyke as the huge foreft can bewaill Hys granys doun bet and his branchis fkaill, 15 Quhen thai beyn eatchit and all to fchakyn faft With the fell thud of the north wyndis blaft. THE THRETTENE BUKE. 853 • For thai thar lancis fixit in the erd, And lenys on thar fwerdis with a rerd ; Thar feheldis of thar fchuldris flang away, That bargan and that weir faft wary thai, 5 And gan abhor of Mars the wild luf, Quhilk laitly thay defyrit and dyd appruf : The brydyll now refus thai nocht to dre, Nor gok thar nekkys in captiuite, And to implor forgifnes of all greiff, 10 Quyet, and end of harmys and myfcheif. As quhen that twa gret bullys on the plane Togiddir rynnys in bittir gret bargane, Thar lang debait mydland quhar thai ftand With large blude feheddyng on athir hand, 1 5 Quhill athir of thame onto the batalis fyne Hys awyn beftis and heyrdis doys inclyne : Bot, gyf the prys of viftory betydis Till ony of thir twa on athir fydis, Onon the catall, quhilkis favorit langer 20 The beft ourcummyn as thar cheif and heir, Now thame fubdewis vndir his ward inhy Quhilk has the ovirhand wonnyn and maftry, And of fre will, thocht thar myndis be thra, Aflentis him till obey : and evin ryeht fwa 25 The Rutilianys, all thocht the gret fyte Thar breiftis had bedowit and to fmyte, With gret effray of flauehter of thar duke, 3it thocht thame levir, and haill to purpos tuke, To follow and obey, for all thar harmys, 30 The gentill chiftane and bettir man of armys, 854 THE THRETTENE BUKE And thame fubdew to the Troian Enee, And hym befeik of peax and amyte, Of reft and quyet evirmar from the weir, For thame, thar landis, moblis, and other geir. 5 Eneas tho with plefand voce furth braid, And, ftandand abuf Turnus, thus he faid : O Dawnus fon, quhou com this hafty rage Into thy breift with foly and dotage, That thou mycht nocht fuffir the Troianys, i o Quhilkis at command of Goddis onto thir planys, And by power of hie Jove ar hiddir cary, Within the bundis of Italy to tary, And, all invane, thame fo expellyng wald Of thar land of beheft and promyft hald ? 1 5 Lern forto dreid gret Jove, and nocht gaynftand, And to fulfyll glaidly the Goddis command ; And for thar greif weill audit we tobe war : Sum tyme in ire will grow gret Jupiter, And oft remembrans of the wikkit wraik 20 Soliftis the Goddis tharof vengeans to take. Lo, now of all fik furour and effeir The lattir meith and term is prefent heir, Quhar thou aganyft refoun and equyte, Aganyft lawte, and brokyn all vnyte 25 Of confideratioun fworn and bund or now, The Troian pepill fair trublit hes thow. Behald and fe the extreme fynale day, To geif all otheris gud exempill for ay, That it mot nevir lefull be agane 30 Tyll ony to contempne gret Jove invane, OF ENEADOS. 855 As forto rays with fik dreid and effeir Sa onworthy motioun of wikkit weir. Now beis glaid, bruke thyne armour but pled : Allace, a nobill corps thou lyggis ded, 5 The gret Turnus ! and, as to my demyng, Lavynya has the coft na litill thyng : Nor thou na fchame nedys thynk in na part, That of Eneas hand thou kyllit art. Now cumys heir Rutilianys, but delay, 1 0 The body of gour duke turs hyne away ; I grant gou baith the armour and the man : Hald on, and do tharto all that ge can, As langis onto the honor of bereyng, Or to bewail the deth of fik a kyng. 15 Bot the gret pafand gyrdill, and fik geir That Pallas, my deir frend, was wont to weir, To Evander I will fend, for tobe Na litill folace to hym, quhen he fall fe Hys felloun fa is kyllit thus, and knaw, 20 Full glaid tharof, Turnus is brocht of daw. And netheles now, ge Italianys, That otherwys be clepe Aufonyanys, Ramembir heirof, and lern in tyme cummyng With bettir afpeftis and happy begynnyng 25 To move and tak on hand debait or weir : For, be the blyffit fternys brycht I fweir, Neuir nane oftis nor git armour glaidly Aganyft gou in batal^ movit I ; Bot conftrenyt by gour fury, as is kend, 30 With all my fors I fet me to defend 856 THE THRETTENE BUKE The Troian party and our awyn offpryng, As, lo, forfuyth this was bot lefum thing. No mor Eneas faid, bot tharwithall Addreflys hym towart hys cite wall, 5 And throu the feildis focht full joyufly To hys new Troian refet and herbry. Sammyn hym followis all the rowt atanys, The piflans haill and gynkeris of Tewcranys, And our the planys, glaid and wondir lyeht, 10 Thar fwyft ftedis, as the fowle at flycht, Throw fpeid of fut aflays by and by, And oft with bittir mouth dyd crying, fy ! And can accus the Latyn pepill all, Oft fant folkis and fleuthfull dyd thame call ; 15 That with thar rerd and bemyng, quhar thai fair. For the deray full heich dynnys the air. CAP. II. Quhou Eneas, glaid of hys viclory, Lovyt the Goddis, and can thame f aery fy. And thocht Ene the bifly thochtfuU curis Conftrenyt has, as twychand fepulturis Of hys folkis yflane, and bereyng, 20 With funeral fyre and flambis aceordyng ; 3it, netheles, in hys breift rollys and fterys Ane grettar mater and largyar, as efferis. OF ENEADOS. 857 For firft the fouerane honour, on thar gys, On the altarys with detfull facrifice He ordand has, and than, fra hand to hand, Eftir the ryte and vfans of thar land, 5 The gyng oxin gan thai fleik and fla : Within thar tempill haue thai brocht alflua The buftuus fwyne, and the twynteris fnaw quhite, That with thar clovis can the erth fmyte, With mony palt fcheddand thar purpour blude. 10 Furth haue thai rent thar entralis, full onrude, And gan denude and ftrippyn of thar hydis ; Syne hakkyn thame in talgeis, and befydis The hait flambis brochit hes thame laid. And furth thai get the wyne in cowpis glaid, 15 God Bachus giftis faft thai multiply : With platis full the altaris by and by Thai can do charge, and wirfchip with fat lyre ; The fmelland fens vpblefis in the fyre. Than throu that hald thai feft and mak gud cheir ; 20 Vprays the mery rerd and joyus beir : Thai dyd extoll and lovyng with gret wondir Gret Jupiter, the feirfull God of thundir, And dame Venus thai wirfchippit alflb, And the, Saturnus douchter, queyn Juno, 25 Now pacifyit, and bettir than befor, Ane huge lawd thai gald to the tharfor ; And eik hym felf Mars, the gret God of armys, Thai magnyfy, as wrekar of thar harmys : Syne haill the remanent of the cumpany 30 Of the Goddys thai name furth by and by, 5 Q, 858 THE THRETTENE BUKE With hie vocis and with lowd cryis Lovit and born vpheich abufe the fkyis. Befor thame all mafte gracius Eneas Hys handis twa, as tho the cuftum was, 5 Towart the hevyn gan vplift and arays, And fyne the child Afcanyus dyd enbras, Sayand a few wordis, that all mycht heir : O thou my fon and only child maft deir, In quham only reftis thy faderis beleve, 10 Quham throu famony laubouris of myfcheve I careit haue, eatchit full mony gatis Be the hard fortoun and the frawart fatis, Lo, now our reft and quyet fund for ay ! Lo, now the laft and maift defyrit day, 1 5 To mak end of our harmys and diftres ! Our paynfull laubour paffit is expres : Lo, the acceptabill day for euermor, Quhilk I full oft haue fchawin the befor, Quhen ontill hard bargan callit was I, 20 This was tocum and betyd by and by Be difpofitioun of the Goddys abufe. And now, my derreft child, for thy behufe, To morn, foyn as Aurora walxis red, To the cite of Lawrent, that ryall fted, 25 I fall the fend, as viftor with ovirhand, Tobe maftir and to maynteym this land. And eftir this he turnyt hym agane Onto hys folkis and the pepill Troian, And from the boddum of hys breift weill law 30 With foft fpech furth gan thir wordis draw : OF ENEADOS. 859 O ge my ferys and my frendis bald, Throu mony hard perrellis and thikfald, Throw fa feill ftormys baith on land and fe Hiddir now careit to this coft with me, 5 Throu fa gret fervour of batall into ftowr, And dowbill fury of weirfar in armour, Be fa feill wynteris blaftis and tempeftis, By all ways noyfum and onreftis, And all that horribill was, or git hevy, 10 Wofull, hydduus, wikkyt, or onhappy, Or git cruell or myfchews ; now ftad In bettir hoip, return gour mynd, beys glaid : Now is the end of all ennoy and wo, The term is cumyn, heir fall thai ftynt, and ho : 15 And, lyke as we defyrit for the beft, With Latyn pepill in ferm peax and reft We fall conioyn, and leif in vnite ; And Lavinia, of that ilk blude, quod he, Quham I defendit haue in ftrang bargan, 20 Of Troian kyn, with blude Italian Sammyn mydlit, to me as fpous in hy Sal geld lynnage to ryng perpetualy. A thing, my fallowis and my frendis deir, I gou befekyng, and I gou requer ; 25 Bair gour myndis equale, as all anys, And common frendis to the Italianys, And to my fader in law, the kyng Latyn, Obeis all, and with reuerens inclyn : Ane myghty ceptre and riall beris he : 30 This is my mynd, this is my will, perde. 860 THE THRETTENE BUKE Bot into batale and douchty dedis of armys, 3ou forto wreke and revenge of gour harmys, Lern forto follow me, and tobe meik, 3he contyrfyt my reuth and piete eik. 5 Quhat glor is ws betyd full weill is knaw : Bot the heich hevyn and ftarris all I draw To witneflyng, that I, the fammyn wight Quhilk gou deliuerit hes into the fight From fa huge harmys and myfchevis feir, 10 I fall gou feys and induce now, but weir, In far largyar rewardis myghtyly, And gou rendir gour defert by and by. With fik wordis gan he thame comfortyng, And in his mynd full mony fyndry thyng 15 Of chaneis bipaft rollyng to and fro, Thynkand quhou he is brocht to reft alflb With na litill laubouris, fturt, and panys ; And with excedand luf of the Troianys Full ardently he flowis all of joy, 20 Glaid at the laft from danger and ennoy, So huge and hevy perrellis mony faid, Thai war efchapit, and brocht to fovir hald. Lyke as quhen that the gredy gled on hycht Scummand vp in the ayr oft turnys hys flycht, 25 With felloun fard waehand the chiknys lyte, Thar deth mannafand, reddy forto fmyte : The criftit fowle, thar moder, tho full fmert For hyr pullettis, with harmys at hir hart, Affrait gretly of thar wofull chance, 30 Gan rax hir felf and hir curage avans, OF ENEADOS. 861 Forto refift hir fa fcharpand hir byll, And with haill fors, and mycht, and egir will, Apon hir aduerfar baldly fettis fche, Quhill, at the laft, to gif the bak and fle 5 With mekill payn and verray violens Scho hym conftrenys, and to pyk hym thens : Hyr byrdis fyne, clokkand, fcho fekis on raw, And all affrait dois thame fammyn draw, Ennoyt gretly for hir childir deir ; 10 And quhen thai beyn aflemlit all infeir, Than glaid fcho worthis, and thar meyt gan ferape, For that thai haue fa gret perrell efchape. Nane other wys, the fon of Anchifes With frendly wordis thus amyd the pres 15 The Troian myndis gan meys and aflwage, As man fulfillit of wit and Vaflalage, Dryvand furth of thar hartis all on flocht The aid dreid and byrnand hevy thocht, That weill thame lykis now thar joy and eys 20 At laft fundyn eftir fa lang difeys ; And it that layt tofor was tedyus To fuffir or fuftene, and ennoyus, Now to ramember the fammyn, or reherfyng, Doys to thame folace, comfort, and lykyng : 25 Bot maift of all onto the gret Ene, Quhilk in excelland vertu and bonte Excedit all the remanent a far way ; And for fa feill dangeris and mony affray The Goddis power and mychty maiefte 30 With gyftis gret and offerandis wirfchippis he ; 862 THE THRETTENE BUKE Eyk Jupiter, the fader of Goddis and kyng, Gan to extoll with maift fouerane lovyng. CAP. III. Quhou Turnus folkis for hym maid fair regrait, And kyng Latyn contempnys his wrachit eftait. In the meyn tyme the Rutilianys ichone The gret ded corps reuthfull and wobegone 5 Of thar duke Turnus, flayn, as faid is air, Within the cite of Laurentum bair, With mekill murnyng in thar myndis enprent, And from thar eyn a large fchour furth fent Of teris gret, as thocht the hevyn dyd rayn, 10 And far on breid dyd fyll the erys twayn Of kyng Latyn with cry and womentyng, That al to irkyt was the nobill kyng, And in his breift, the felf tyme, in ballanee Was rollyng mony diuers felcouth chance. 15 Bot quhen he hard thar lowd womentyng Increflyng mair and mair, and Turnus gyng With fa gryfly a wond throw gyrd hes feyn, Than mycht he nocht fra terys hym conteyn ; And fyne this rowt, fa tryft and wobegone, 20 Full curtefly chargis be ftill onon, Baith with hys hand and wordis in his prefens Inionyt has and commandit thame filens. OF ENEADOS. 863 Lyke as quhen that the fomy bair hes bet With his thunderand awfull tufkis gret, Throw owt the coft and eik the entralis all, Ane of the rowt, the hund mafte principall ; 5 Than the remanent of that quelling fort, For this onlilly chance effrait, at fehort Withdrawys, and about the mafter hunteir With quhyngeand mouthis quakand ftandis for feir, And with gret gowlyng doith compleyn and meyn : 1 o Bot quhen thar lord rafys hys hand bedeyn, And byddys ces, thai hald thar mowthis flill, Thar quhyngng and thar queftyng at his will Refrenys, and all clos gan thame withhald : The fammyn wys thir Rutilianys, as he wald, 15 Gan at command debait thar voce and ces, To heir the kyngis mynd, and held thar pes. Than thus, wepyng, from hys hart ruyt waill law The kyng Latyn begouth thir wordis fchaw : O quhou gret motioun, quhat alteryng onftabill, 20 Quhou oftfys interchangit and variabill Beyn the aftis and dedis of man ! quod he. With quhou gret trubill, but tranquylyte, Is quhirlit abowt the lyfe of man, behald ! O dampnabill pryde and ambitioun, that wald 25 Bruke crovn or ceptre, prowd in thyne entent, Quhilk beyn fa fragill, and not permanent ! O fury, 0 luft, that beyn our gretumly Bred in our breftis, to covat fengeory ! Thou blynd defyre infaciabill, may not tary, 30 Our mortal myndis quhidder doith thou cary ? 864 THE THRETTENE BUKE O glory and renoun of loys, in vayn Conqueft with fa feill perrellis and huge pane, To quhat conditioun or to quhat eftait Thou fterys furth thir provd myndis inflait ! 5 Quhou mony flichtis and diflatis quent With the thou turfis ! quhou mony ways to fchent, Quhou feill maneris of deth and of diftres, Quhou feill tormentis, gret harm, and wikkytnes ! Quhou mony dartis, quhou feill fwerdis keyn, 10 Gyf thou beheld, thou hes befor thyne eyn ! Allace ! thou fweit vennom fehawis, and git This warldly wirfchip hes the dedly byt. Allace ! the forofull reward in all thyng Of realmys, and thame covatis forto ryng, 15 Quhilk coftis oft na litill thing, but weir. Allace ! the hevy byrdyng of warldly geir, That nevir hour may fuffir nor permyt Thar pofleflbur in reft nor peax to fyt. Allace ! the miferabill chance and hard eftait 20 Of kyngly honour fa myffortunate : The chance of kyngis ftandis onderlowt, To mekill dreid ay fubieft, and in dowt From thar eftait to dekey fuddanly, That all quyet and eys is thame deny. 25 O Turnus, quhat avalit the to fteir In huge bargan fo and feir of weir All Italy with fik deray atanys, And to perturbe the ftrang Eneadanys, Conftrenyng thame hard batal to aflay ? 30 Or quhat avalis now, I pray the fay, OF ENEADOS. 865 Fortill haue brokkyn, violate, or fchent, The haly promys and the bandis gent Of peax and concord oblifit and fworn ? Quhou was thi mynd to rent and all to torn 5 With famekill impaciens on this wys, That the lyft move the weir, but myne avys, With tha pepill, fa ftrang, bald, and fage, That beyn difcendit of the Goddys lynnage, And at command of Jove the God of thundir 10 Ar hyddir careit? and forto mak fie blundir, That wilfully, but motyve, fo belyve Enforfyt the thame from our coft to dryve ? And forto brek the band that promyft we Of our douchtir tilhour gude fon Ene ? 15 And with thy hand hard bargan rays and fteir, Quhen I planely denyit to move weir ? Quhou was fa gret foly and dotage Involuyt in thy mynd with fury rage ? Quhou oft, quhen thou to awfull batale wend 20 Amyd thy rowtis, and on thy fteid afcend, In fchynand armour arrayt all at ryeht, I aflayt the to withdraw from fycht ! And feill tymys defendit the and forbad To go the way that thou begunnyn had ; 25 And all efferit, quhen thou wald depart, Amyd the get the ftoppit with fair hart ! Bot all for nocht ; no thyng mycht ftyntyng the. Quhat I haue fufferit fen fyne, quhou ftandis with me, Our cyte wallys wytneflyng fut het, 30 With tenementis and biggyngis half doun bet, 5 R 866 THE THRETTENE BUKE And the large feldis ftrowit quhite of banys, And haill the piflans of Italianys All waftit and diftroyit thus, alake ! The huge flauchtir and myfchews wrake, 5 And all the fludis walxyn red or brovn Of mannys quelling gret and occifioun, The lang abafit quakyng feirfull dreid, And hard laubour, quhilk in extreme neid I in myne age fa oft hes ondertane, 10 In fa feill dangeris quhar remed was nane. Bot now, Turnus, heir thou lyggis ded : Quhar is the nobill renovn of thy gouthed ? And quhar is thyne excellent hie curage ? Quhiddir is went thy ftrenth and vaflallage ? 1 5 Quhar is the ftaitly bewty of thy face ? Quhar is thy fchynand figur now, allace ! Of thy fair viflage quhidder ar gone, but weir, Thy plefand forret fchaply and eyn cleir ? Ha, quhou feill terys and wofull dolouris fmart 20 Sail thou, Turnus, rendir to Dawnus hart ! And with quhou large wepyng, duyll, and wa, Ourfleit fal all the cite of Ardea ! Bot thai fal nocht behald the with fik lak Throu gyrd with fchamefull wond caucht in the bak, 25 Ne noyt the of na cowardys in thar mynd, Nor that thou was degenerit owt of kynd ; And to thy wofull fader, will of red, At left this falbe folace of thy ded, All thocht thy harmys doith hym foir fmart, 30 That gret Eneas fwerd hes perfyt thy hart. OF ENEADOS. 867 And, fayand thus, with terys of piete Hys chekis baith and face ourchargit he : Syne, turnand hym towart the mekill rowt, The reuthfull corps of this ilk Turnus ftowt Bad turs away, and cary furth onon Ontill hys faderis cite wobygone ; And commandit to do the body cald All funerall pomp, eftir the vfage aid. CAP. IV. Quhou Turnus corps till Ardea wasfent, Quhilk was by fuddand fyre brynt doun and fchent. The Rutilianys onon all in a rowt 10 This ded corps, that flayn lay, ftart abowt : The gentill body of this ftowt gongkeir Thai haue addreffit, and laid on a rich beir ; And with hym eik feill takynnys by the way, Reft from Troianys in the bargan, bair thai, 15 Baith helmys, hors, fwerdis, and other geir, Scheildis, gittarnys, and mony ftalwart fpeir. Syne eftir this hys wery cart furth went, Of Troian flauehter and hait blude all byfprent. Furth haldis wepand Metifcus, the carter, 20 As he that in the craft was not to leir, Ledand the fteid bedowyn all of fwete, And chekis wait of flotterand terys grete ; 868 THE THRETTENE BUKE Quhilk fteid had careit Turnus oft tofor As viftor hame with gret triumphe and glor Full pompufly, apon ane other wys, Eftir fervent flauehter of his ennymys. 5 3onchr otheris, about hym inveroun, Baris thar armour and fcheildis turnyt dovn ; The remanent fyne of the haill barnage Followys wepand, knycht, fwane, man, and page, With habundans of mony trigland teyr 10 Wetand thar breftis, wedis, and other geir : And thus wery furth went thai euery wycht Amyd the dirk filens of the nyght, Betand thame felf with wondir drery cheir. And kyng Latyn, with all thame with hym wer, 15 Towart hys palyce gan return onon, With mynd trublit, trift, and wobygone, For fa excelland ded corps as was flane ; Terys all fammyn furth gettis euery ane, Baith agit men, matronys, and childer lyte, 20 The cite fyllis with womentyng and fyte. Dawnus, hys fader, na wys wittand tho He fuld remane to fe fik duyll and wo, Nor that his fon hys ftalwart fpreit had gald, And maid end in the lattir bargan bald, 25 That thus was brocht to tovn ded by his feris With fik plente of bittir wepand terys ; The fammyn tyme with othir dyfeys was focht, At mekill fad dolour and hevy thocht. For, as the Latyn pepill war ourfet 30 Into batall by Troianys, and dovn bet, OF ENEADOS. 869 And Turnus be his hait and recent ded Had with hys blude littit the grond all red, A fuddan fyre within the wallys hie Ombefet halyly Ardea cite : 5 The biggyng of this fader wobegon, Brynt and doun bet, of reky flammys Ichone, And all returnys infill aflys red ; The fyry fparkis into euery fted Twynkland vpfpringis to the ftarnys on hie, 1 o That now na hope of help may fundyn be : Quhidder fo it was onto the Goddis lykyng, Or that the fatis befor lift fchaw fum fyng Of Turnus deth, in horribill batal flane. And quhen the pepill faw remed was nane, 15 Belyfe the wofull trublit citefanys, Thar drery breftis betand all atanys, Gan faft bewaill with petuus wepand face Of this onhappy chance the wrachit cace ; In lang rabill the wemen and matronys 20 With all thar fors fled reuthfully atonys From the bald flammys and brym blefys ftowt. And lyke as that of emottis the blak rowt, That ithandly laubouris and byfly be, Had beldit, vnder the ruyt of a heich tre, 25 Infill a clift thar byke and duellyng fted, To hyd thar langfum wark and wyntry bred : Gyf fo betyde thai feill the ax fmyte Apoun the treis fchank, and tharon byte, So that the crop doun weltis to the grund, 30 That with the felloun rufeh and gryfly found 870 THE THRETTENE BUKE Thar fmall cavernys all to brok and rent is ; Than fpedely this litill rowt furth fprentis All will of red, fleand thai wait nocht quhar, Turfand thar byrdyngis affraytly heir and thar : 5 Or lyke as that on the hous fyde the fnaill, Schakand hir coppit fchell, or than hir taill, Fleand the byrnand heit that fcho doith feill, A lang tyme gan do wraflill and to wreill, Thriftand faft with hir feit onto the wall, 10 And git hir hed with fors and ftrenthis all Frawart the fervent flammys faft withdrawys ; Scho fcaldis, and with mony wrikis and thrawys Prefys forto efchew the feirfull heit : Nane other wys in fa feill perrellis gret 15 Thir woful citefanys gan thame felf flyng, Rufchand with trublit mynd infill a lyng Baith heir and thar, and wift not quhar away. Bot maift of all, allace ! and weil away ! With reuthfull vocis cryand to the hevyn, 20 The agit kyng Dawnus with wofull ftevyn Gan on the Goddis abuf clepe and call. And tho amyd the flambis furth with all Ardea the fowll, quham a heron clepe we, Betand hir weyngis, thai behaldyn fle 2.5 Furth of the fyre heich vp in the air, That baith the name and takyn our alquhar Baris of this cite Ardea the aid ; Quhilum with wallis and towris hie ontald Stud weirly wrocht, as ftrenth of gret defens, 30 That now is changit and full quyte goyn hens, OF ENEADOS. 871 With weyngis wyde fleand baith vp and doun, Now bot a fowle, was ayr a ryall tovn. Aftonyft of this nyce and new cace, And of the wonderus mervellis in that place, 5 Quhilk femyt no thing litill fortobe, As thocht thai fend war by the Goddis hie, The pepill all confufyt flill dyd ftand, Thir byrdyngis on thar fchuldris caryand, And movit nowthyr fut, tung, nor mouth : 10 And kyng Dawnus, for this affray onkouth, With ardent luf fmyttin and hait defyre Of hys cheif fete diftroyt and brynt in fyre, The hard dolour and the forow fmert Haldis full clos, deip gravyn in hys hart. CAP. V. Fra that Dawnus his fon Turnus faw ded, Huge lamentatioun maid he in that fted. 15 Amyd all this deray and gret effeir, Fame, of dyfeys forrydar and meflynger, Com hurland with huge movyng faft to tovn, And with large clamour fyllys inveroun Thar myndis all ; quhou ane ded corps new than 20 Was cumand at hand, with mony wofull man, And Turnus lyfles laid with mortal wond, In feld difcomfift, flane, and brocht to grund. 872 THE THRETTENE BUKE Than euery wight, trublit and wobegone, The blak blefand fyre brandis mony one, As was the gys, hes hynt into thar handis ; Of fchynand flammys glitteris all the landis : 5 Thus thai reeuntyrrit thame that cumand weir, And fammyn jonyt cumpaneis in feir. Quham alffaft as the matronys gan efpy, Thai fmait thar handis, and rafyt vp a cry, That to the fternys went thar wofull beir. 1 o Bot fra Dawnus the corps of hys fon deir Beheld, he gan ftynt and arreft hys pais : And fyne, half deill enragit, in a rays, With huge forow fmyte, in rufchis he Amyd the rowt, that reuth was forto fe, 15 And apon Turnus corps hym ftrekis doun, Enbrafyng it ongrouf all in a fwoun ; And, alffaft as he fpek mycht, hes furth braid With wordis lamentabill, and thus wys he faid : Son, the dyfeys of thy fader thus dreft, 20 And of my febill eild the reuthfull reft Now me byreft, quhy hes thou fo, allace ! Into fa gret perrellys and in fik eace Me eatchit thus, and dryve quhidder ? quod he And vndir cruell bargan, as I may fe, 25 Now fynaly thus venquyft and ourcum, Quhar is thy worthy valour now becum ? Quhar hes the douchty conftans of thy fpreit Me careit thus from reft and all quyet ? Is this the notabill honour and lovyng 30 Of thy manned, and glory of thy ryng ? OF ENEADOS. 873 Is this the gret wyrfchip of thyne empyre ? O my deir fon, quhilum thou bald fyre, Bryngis thou ws hame fikkyn triumphe as this ? Is this the reft and eys thou dyd promys 5 To thy fader, fa tryft and wobegone, And oft ourfet with ennemys mony one ? Is this the meith, and finale term or end Of all laubouris, as we defyrit and wend ? O ways me, wrachit and wofull wyght ! 10 Quhou haftely doun fallyn from the hight Thir flyddir warldly chaneis dryvis faft ! With quhou gret fard ourrollyt and down caft So haftely beyn thir fatis, behald ! He that was laitly fa ftowt, heich, and bald, 15 Renownyt with gret honour of chevelry, And haldyn gret throu owt all Italy, Quham the Troianys fa awfull felt in armys, And dred fa oft hys furour, wrocht thame harmys ; Myne awyn Turnus, lo now apon fik wys 20 Ane lamentabill and wofull corps thou lyis : * Now dum and fpechles that hed liggis thar, Quhilum in all Italy none fa fair, Nor nane mair gracius into eloquens, Nor nane fo byg but harnes, nor at defens ! 25 Son, quhar is now thy fchynand luftyhed, Thy frefch figour, thy viflage quhite and red, Thy plefand bewte, and thyne eyn twane With thar fweit blenkand lukis mony ane, Thy gracyus glitterand femly nek lang, 30 Thy vocis fovn, quhilk as a trumpet rang? 5 s 874 THE THRETTENE BUKE The glor of Mars in batale or in ftowr Is conqueft with fik aventouris fowr. Had thou fie wyll thy felvyn to fubmyt To fervent bargan, and to dedis byt, 5 Quhen thou departit of this fted fra me, Forto return with fik pompe as we fe ? 0 haitfull deth ! that only, quhar thou lykis, With thy revengeabill wapynnys fa fair ftrikis, That thou thir prowd myndis brydill may ; 10 To all pepill elyke and common ay Thou haldis evyn and baris thi ceptre wand, Eternaly obfervand thy cunnand, Quhilk gret and fmall doun thryngis, and nane rakkis, And ftalwart folkis to febill equale makkis, 15 The common pepill with the eapitanys, And gouth and age aflemblys baith attanys. Allace, deteftabill deth, dyrk and obfeur ! Quhat chance onworthy or myfaventur Hes the conftrenyt my child me to byreif, 20 And with a cruell wond thus ded to leif? O fyftir Amata, happy queyn, quod he, * Be glaid of fa thankfull chance hes hapnyt the, And of thyne awyn flauchtir be blith in hart, Quharby thou has fa gret dolour aftart, 25 And fled fa huge occafions of myfcheif, Sa hard and chargeand huge wo and greif ! O Goddis abuf, quhat ettill ge mor to do Onto me wrachit fader? fen ellys, lo, My fon ghe haue byreft, and Ardea 30 My cite, into flambis brynt, alflua OF ENEADOS. 875 Confumyt is, and turnyt in affis red, With weyngis fleys a fowle in euery fted. Bot ha, Turnus ! mar trift and wo am I For thy mafte petuus flauehter fa bludy : 5 Wantit this laft myfehance git or fik thing To thyne onweldy fader, auld Dawnus kyng. Bot fikkyrly, with fie conditioun ay Thir warldly thingis turnys and writhis away, That quham the furyus fortoun lyft infeft, 10 And eftir lang quyet bryng to onreft, Brayand apon that catyve for the nanys, With all hir fors aflalgeis fcho attanys, And, with all kynd of torment, in hir greif Conftrenys hym with ftundys of myfcheif. 15 This faid he, wepand fadly, as man fchent, With large flude of teris hys face byfprent, Drawand the fobbys hard and fychis fmart, Throw rageand dolour, deip owt from hys hart : Lyke fo as quhar Jovis byg fowle, the ern, 20 With hir ftrang tallonys and hir punfys ftern ¦ Lychtyng, had elaucht the litill hynd calf gyng, Torryng the fkyn, and maid the blude owt fpryng The moder, this behald and, is all ourfet With forow, for flauehter of hir tendir get. 876 THE THRETTENE BUKE CAP. VI. Kyng Latyn till Eneas fend mejfage For peax, and eyk hys douchteris mariage. The nixt day followyng with hys bemys brycht The warld on breid illumnyt hes of lyeht : The kyng Latinus tho feand, but let, Italyanys difcumfyt and ourfet 5 By the fatale aventour of weir, And weill perfavit quhou and quhat maner The fortoun haill turnyt to ftrang Enee ; And in hys mynd revoluyt eik hes he The huge dowt of batall and deray, 10 Full mony feirfull chance and gret effray, Hys confideratioun and hys fworn band, The wedlok promyft, and the ferm cunnand, And fpoufal of hys douchtir hecht withall : Of all the rowt ontill hym gart he call 15 A thoufand worthy men walit at ryeht, The quhilkis the Troian duke and dowchty knycht, Quham he defyrit, fuld convoy to town : In robbys lang alfo, or traill fyde govh, With thame he jonyt oratouris infeir, 20 And to thame gaif feill ftrait commandis feir : And forthir eik, quhen thai depart can, Of hys fre will thame chargit euery man, That, fen be favouris and admonyfyngis Of the Goddis, be mony feirfull fyngis, OF ENEADOS. 877 Expedient it was the kyn Troian Conioyn and myddill with blude Italian ; At tharfor glaidly to thame gang wald thai, And with gud willis vifly, and aflay 5 Forto convoy the faid Eneadanys With joy within hys hie wallys attanys. In the myd quhile, hym felf full bifly went, The cite, quhilk was difarayt and fchent, To put to poynt and ordinans agane, 10 And the onweldy common pepill ilkane To caus adres eftir thar faculte ; Thar myndis mefys and eftabillis he, And gan thame promys reft in tyme eummyng, And quhou, within fehort tyme, he fuld thame bring 15 Intyll eternall peax for evirmar. Syne chargit he the pepill our alquhar, In joy, blithnes, folace, and deray, Tryumphe to mak, with myrth, game, and play, As was aceordyng, and in lugyngis hie 20 Thar kyngly honour and fport ryall tobe ; And merely commandis man and page, With ane aflent, blith wit, and glaid viflage, Hys gud fon thai fuld do welcum and meit, And with hail hart reflaue apon the ftreit 25 The Troian pepill, feftand thame in hy With glaid femlant, ryot, and melody ; And to fur thfehaw feir takynhys of kyndnes, And of new peax fo lang difirit foles. Be this the rowt, as thai inftrukkit wer, 30 In full gude rewle and ordinans infeir 878 THE THRETTENE BUKE Ar entrit in the Troianys new cite, And on thar hed garlandis of oly ve tre ; Peax thai befocht as cheif of thar meflage. Quham gentill Eneas, euery man and page, 5 Within hys palys ryall to prefens Chargit convoy, and gafe thame audiens, And of thar cummyng the caufys and maner With viflage full debonar dyd inqueir. Than the agit Drances with curage hoyt io Begowth the firft hys toung forto noyt, As he that was baith glaid, joyfull, and gay For Turnus flauehter, that tho was doyn away : And thus he faid ; O gentill duyk Troian, Ferm hope and glory of the pepill Phrigian, 1 5 To quham of piete and dedis of armys fair In all the warld thar may be na compair ; We venquyft folkis to witneflyng doith call, And by the Goddis fweris and Goddeffis all, Contrar hys willis fair the kyng Latyn 20 Beheld the gret aflemly and convyn Of the Italyanys and folk of Latyn land : Agane his flomak eyk, I bair on hand, Owtragyufly the contraft is ybrokkyn, Ne nevir he in deid nor word hes fpokkyn 25 That mycht the Troian honour trubbill ocht ; Bot far rathar, baith in deid and thocht, Sen that the Goddis refponfis fwa hes tald, The weddyng of hys douchter grant gou wald, And with full gret defyre, full weill I knaw, 30 Oft covat gou tobe hys fon in law. OF ENEADOS. 879 For, all the brek and fterage that hes beyn In feir of weir and burnyft armour keyn, With fa gret rage of laubour and of payn, The wild fury of Turnus, now lyis flayn, 5 Infl ambit with the flang of wikkytnes, And infekkit with hie haitrent expres, Hes brocht on hand, and movit fa to fteir ; Agane thar will to rays batale and weir The Latyn pepill conftrenyng by and by, 10 Quhilk thai playnly refufyt and gan deny : Hym all the oft, turnand bakwart agane, Befocht to ces, and draw fra the bargane, And fuffir the gret Anchifes fon of Troy Hys wedlok promyft enioys but ennoy. 15 Syne the maift nobill kyng Latyn, full fayn Hym forto breke and to withdraw agane, Hys auld onweldy handis twa dyd hald, Hym to requir hys purpos ftynt he wald ; For weill he faw, in our ardent defyre 20 Of the bargan he fcaldit hait as fyre : Bot all our prayeris and requeftis kynd Mycht nowder bow that dowr mannys mynd, Nor git the takynnys and the wondris feir From Goddis fend with dyvyne anfuer, 25 Bot that evir mor and mor ferfly he Furth fpowtit fyre, prouocand the melle. And, for fyk fuccudrus ondertakyng now, Hys awin myfcheif, weill worthy to allow, He fundyn hes ; quhilk finaly, on the land 30 Thou beand viftour with the ovirhand, 880 THE THRETTENE BUKE Hym bet to grond hes maid do gnaw and byte The blak erd infill hys mortall fyte. Now lat that ilk rahatour wend inhy The blak hellys byggyngis to vifly, 5 Vndir the drery deip flude Acheron ; Lat hym go fers, fen he is thiddir gone, Other oftis or barganys in hys rage, And als ane other maner of mariage. Thou, far bettir, and gret deill worthiar 10 To bair the riall ceptyr, and tobe ayr, Succeid to realm and heritage fall Of Lawrent cuntre with the moblys all : In the alhaill the hows of kyng Latyn, And hys onweldy age, lyke to declyne, 1 5 Hys hope and all beleif reftis in the ; And the only Italianys all, faid he, Abufe the fchynand fternys, as gold brycht, Full wylfull ar fortill vphie on hycht ; As mafte excelland worthy weryour 20 Thai the extoll in batale and in ftowr, Thy hevynly armour eik, with lowd flevin, And thy verray renoun fyngis to the hevyn. The graue faderis of confale venerabill In thar digeft decrefis fage and ftabill, 25 The ancyent pepill onweldy for age, The glaid gong gallandis ftalwart of curage, The lufty matronys newfangill of fik thyng, Wenfchys onwed, and litill ehildryn gyng, All, with a voce and haill aflent at accord, 30 Defyris the as for thar prynce and lord, OF ENEADOS. 881 And joyus ar that into feild, fut het, Vndir thy wapynnys Turnus lyis doun bet : The all Itaill, clepit Aufonya, Befekis heirof, and forthirmor alflua 5 Doith the extoll mafte worthy, wys, and wight ; In the only returnyt is thar fyght : The kyng hym felf Latinus, now full aid, Hys ancient onweldy lyfe to hald, Hes only this beleif and trafte, quod he, 1 0 That he hys douchter may do wed with the, Quhilk of kyn, fucceflioun, and lynnage, Be that ilk fouerane band of mariage, Of Troian and Italian blude difcend Sail ehildryng furth bryng, quhill the warldis end 15 Perpetualy to ryng in hie impyre. Tharfor haue doyn, cum on thou gudly fyre, Thou gret ledar of the Troian rowt, Cum entyr in our weirly wallys ftowt ; Reflaue this worthy notabill fair proffyr, 20 And faifyn tak of honouris quhilkis we offir. Thus endit he ; and all the remanent Infill a voce fammyn gave thar confent : Quham the reuthfull Eneas with glaid cheir Reflauyt hes full tendyrly infeir ; 25 And, in few wordis and a frendly mynd Thame anfuerand, he carpys on this kynd. Not gou, nor git the kyng Latyn, but les, That wont was forto ryng in plefand pes, Will I argew of this maner offens : 30 For fuyth I wait, the wilfull violens 5 T 882 THE THRETTENE BUKE Of Turnus all that gret wark brocht abowt ; And I am fovir eik, and owt of dowt, Sa gret danger of batale it was he Provokit fwa, and movit to melle, 5 For gyng defyre of hie renown, perfay, And loys of prowes mair than I byd fay. And netheles, quhou evir it be, I wys, This fpowfage Italian, at me promyft is, Ne will I not refuys on nakyn wys, 10 Nor forto knyttyng vp, as ghe devys, This haly peax with frendly allyans, With etern concord, but difleuerans. The fam kyng Latyn, my gud fader aid, Sail hys impyre and venerabill ceptour hald, 15 And I Troian for me vp in this feild Ane new reflet and wight wallys fall beld, Quhilk cite fall reflaue hys douchteris naym ; And my Goddis domefticall, that fra haym With me I brocht, I fall with gou conioyn ; 20 In concord and in vnyte all commoun, In tyme tocum fammyn athir fallofchip Vndir a law fall leif in gret frendfchip. In the meyn tyme go to, and fpeid ws foyn Onto our wark that reftis git ondoyn, 2.5 And lat ws byrn the bodeis, and bery eft, Quham the hard wofull rage hes ws byreft, And into batale kyllyt lyis ded: Syne, tomorn ayrly, as the fon worthis red, And with hys cleir days lyght doyth fchyne, 30 Blithly we feik to cyte Lawrentyne. OF ENEADOS. 883 Thus faid he ; and the Latynys, quhill he fpak, With viflage Hill beheld hym ftupifak, Of hys wys gracius anfweris wonderand all, And of fik wordis debonar in fpeciall ; 5 Mayr evidently gan mervell he and he Of hys gret warkis of reuth and fik piete : Belyve, with all thar forcis, euery wyght Weltis doun treys grew full hie on hycht, And haftely togiddir gadderit has 10 In hepys gret, the funerall fyre to rays, And thar abuf thar citeganys hes laid, Vndir quham fyne thai fet in blefys braid : The flambe and reik vpglydis in the ayr, That of the laithly fmokis heir and thar 15 The hevyn dyrknyt and the firmament. Thai hynt from all the feildis adiacent Innumerabill roweh twyntir fcheip fyne, And of thir akeorn fwellyaris, the fat fwyne ; And tydy gyng oxin fteik thai faft, 20 And in the funerall fyris dyd thame caft : The large planys fchynys all of lyeht, And, throw thir hait fealdand flambys brycht, Stude blowt of beftis, and of treys bair : With huge clamour fmyt, dyndillit the ayr. 884 THE THRETTENE BUKE CAP. VII. Quhou kyng Latinus metis with Eneas keyn, And frendly talking was thir twa betweyn. Be this the fchynand fecund days lyght - Vprafit Phebus with goldyn bemys brycht : Than all the Troianys and Aufonyanys, Full blithly in a rowt aflemblit attanys, 5 Montit on hors, and held thar ways fyne Onto the maftir cite Lawrentyne, With wallys hie and biggingis weirly maid. Befor thame all rewthfull Eneas raid; And nixt per ordour Drances, that to the kyng 10 As agit man earpis of mony thyng; Syne come hys only child Afcanyus, That otherwys was clepyt Julus ; Nixt hym Alethes, with mynd full digeft, Grave Uyoneus, Mneftheus, and ftern Sereft ; 15 Syne followys thame the forcy Sergeftus, Gyas alflb, and ftalwart Cloanthus : Eftir quham, mydlit fammyn, went arayn The other Troianys and folk Italian. In the meyn quhile the Latyn citeganys 20 Without thar wallys ifehit furth atanys, That with gret lawd, in mych folempnyte And triumphe ryall has reflauyt Enee. Be this thai cummyn war onto the town ; Quham with blith front, to meyt thame reddy bown, OF ENEADOS. 88< The kyng Latyn with huge cumpany Thame welcumis and feftis by and by. And fra that he beheld amyd the rowt Eneas cumand, the Dardan capitan ftowt, 5 Hys verray figur dyd hym nocht diflaue ; For, quhar he went, excellent all the lave And hyear far a gret deill femys he, That far on breid his ryall maiefte And pryncely fchynand countenans dyd appeir. 10 And quhen that he cummyn was fo neir That athir gudly to othir fpeke mycht, And heir the wordis earpyt apon hycht, And, lyke as thai defyrit, on the land To lap in armys, and adion hand in hand ; 15 The kyng Latinus, as a curtas man, With glaid femblant thus firft to fpeke began : Weill be ge cummyn finaly, Enee, And the ferm hope hes not diflavit me Of my defyrus mynd, now full of joy ; 20 O fchynand gloryus light to folkis of Troy ! Quham the command of the gret Goddis mycht, Throu fa feill chaneis eatchit and evill dycht, In Italy within our boundis plane Hes deftinat and ordanyt to remane : 25 All thocht that manis wanton willfull offens, Be our malapert and ondantit licens, In thar fury with brag and mekill onreft Tha haly lawis trublit and infeft, Prouocand and commovand the Goddis greif ; 30 So that alflb, quhidder me war loith or leif, 886 THE THRETTENE BUKE Full oft refiftand and denyand the weir, Conftrenyt I was, and warpit thar and heir, That, mawgre my hed, me behuffit fufteyn The hard dangeris of Mars and mekill teyn. 5 Now is it endit ; bot, certis, na litill thyng Has it coft fum man fik undertakyng : The godly power, wilfull vengeans to tak, Havand difdeyn at fik deray was mak, Onto tha wikkyt fawlys for the nanys 10 Hes fend eondyng punytioun and juft panys. Haue doyn, gret Troian prynce, now I the pray, Sen baith the crop and rutys ar away Of all feditioun and difcord, I wys, And wyrkaris of fa gret trefpas and mys ; 15 Cum and reflaue thy fpows and mariage To the promyft ; fucceid to heritage. Realmys I haue, and citeys mony ane Full ftrangly beldit with hie wallis of flane, And fum alflb that I in weir conqueft, 20 And thar barmkynnys to grund bet and doun keft : Bot only the beleif and beld, quod he, Of my wery age and antiquyte, A douchtir haue I, quhilk fuld be myn ayr : Quharfor in tyme cummyn for euermar 25 I the reflaue, and haldis in dante, As fon in law and fucceflbur to me. To quham the gentill Eneas reuerently This anfuer maid agane, and faid in hy : Maift ryall kyng, all tyme accuitumate 30 To lyf in plefand peax, but all debait, OF ENEADOS. 887 Of this weirfar and fa gret ftryfe, quod he, I traftit evir thar was no wyte in the : Tharfor, my derreft fader, I the pray, Do all fik dowtis of fufpicioun away, 5 Gyf ony fik thochtis reftis in thy mynd, And traftis weill Enee afald and kynd. Now am I prefent, reddy as ge wald, That gou reflavis and fra thens fall hald As fader in law, and in all chaneis, per de, 1 0 As verray fader that me bigat, but le : The figour of the gret Anchifes ded I fe heir prefent to me in this fted ; And I agane in fervent hayt defyre 3ow forto pies, my fader, lord, and fyre, 15 Sail byrn in lufe, as fum tyme wont was I Towartis hym me engendrit of his body. CAP. VIII. Heir Eneas, that worthy nobill knycht, Wasfpowfyt with Lavinia the brycht. With fikkyn fermond athir othir grat, And fammyn to the cheif palys with that Thai held infeir : than mycht thou fe with this 20 The matronys and gong damyfellis, I wys, That gret defyre hes fik thing to behald, Thryng to the ftretis and hie wyndoys thik faid ; 888 THE THRETTENE BUKE The agit faderis, and the gyng gallandis, Per ordour eik aflemlyt reddy ftandis In gret rowtis, to vifly and to fe The gudly perfonys of the Troian menge. 5 Bot fpecialy, and firft of all the laif, The gret capitan Enee notyt thai haue, Attentfully behaldand euery wight Hys ftowt curage, hys byg ftatur and hycht, And in thar mynd comprafyt hys kyn mafte hie, 10 Hys plefand viflage, and knychtly large bonte ; And, glaid and joyfull, extoll and loif thai can The gret apperans of gud in fik a man, And fa fair gyftis and beleif, but les, As thai defyrit, of finale reft and pes. 15 Lyke as, quhen the gret ithand weit or rayn, From the clowdis furth get our all the playn, Haldis the hufbandis ydill aganys thar will, Lang with hys crukyt beym the plewch lyis ftill Syne, gif brycht Tytan lift do fchaw hys face, 20 And with fwyft curs far furth a large fpace Doith each hys ftedis and hys giltyn char, And kythis hys goldyn bemys in the ayr, Makand the hevynnys fair, cleir, and fcheyn, The weddir fmowt, and firmament fereyn ; 25 The landwart hynys than, baith man and boy, For the foft feffoun ourflowis full of joy, And athir otheris gan exhort in hy To go to laubour of thar hulbandry. Nane other wys the pepill Aufonyan 30 Of this glaid tyme in hart wolx wonder fayn. OF ENEADOS. 889 Be this the kyng Latyn, lord of that land, With mafte nobill Eneas hand in hand, Within the cheif palys, baith he and he, Ar entryt in the faill ryall on hie ; 5 Quham followys nixt the gyng Afcanyus fair, That was hys faderis only child and ayr ; Syne folk of Itaill, mydlit with Troianys, Ar entrit in that riall hall attanys : With pompos feft and joyus myrth our all 10 Refoundis tho baith palys, bowr, and hall, And all the chymmys riall rownd abowt Was fyllyt with thar tryne and mekill rowt. And tharwithall, of chalmyr by and by, With fa gudly a fort and cumpany 15 Of ladeis fair and damyfellys onwed, Innumerabill almaft, als furth was led The fair frefch Lavinia the may, Amyd thame fchynand in hir ryall array ; The cryftall bemys of hir eyn twane, 20 That as the brycht twynkland ftarnys fehayn, Sum deill efehamyt, towart the erth doith hald. Quham as this Troian prynce firft gan behald, Of bewte, fchape, and all afferys, perfay, Sa excelland that wondir war to fay, 25 At the firft blenk aftonyft half wolx he, And mufyng hovirris ftyll on hir to fe ; And in hys mynd gan rew the hard myfchans Of Turnus, quham na litill apperans Sa baldly movit to dereyn bargane, 30 To rays the weir, and feght for fykkyn ane : 5 u 890 THE THRETTENE BUKE For weill, he thocht, the hope of fyk a wight To dedys of armys aucht conftreyn ony knycht. Syne, to abbryge our mater, hand in hand Thai war coniunft infill eternall band 5 Of matrimonye ; and tho at all devys Thar wedlok with honour, as was the gys, By menftralys and herraldis of gret fame Was playd and fung, and throw the cowrt proclame. Than joy and myrth, with danfyng and deray, 10 Full mery noys, and fovndis of gam and play, Abuf the bryght ftarnys hie vpwent, That femyt forto pers the firmament, And joyus vocis ryngis furth alflb Our all the palys ryall to and fro. 15 And fyk ryot indurand amyd the pres, Ene thus carpys to trafte Achates, And bad hym go belyve, but mair delay, Do fech the rych robbys and array, The frefch attyre, and all the preeyus wedis, 20 Wrocht craftely, and weif of goldyn thredis, Quhilum be fair Andromachais hand, By quham thai war hym gevyn in prefand ; And eyk the collar of the fyne gold brycht, With preeyus flanys and with rubeys pight, 25 Quham fcho alfo abowt hir hals quhyte Was wont to weir in mafte pompe and delyte, Quhill that the Troian weilfar ftud abufe ; The gret cowpe eyk, the quhilk in fyng of lufe Quhilum kyng Priam to hys fader gave, 30 Aid Anchifes, of fyne gold weill engrave. OF ENEADOS. 891 Than, but delay, Achates at command Brocht thir rych gyftis, a wonder fair prefand : Syne to hys fader in law, the kyng Latyn, The preeyus cowp gave he of brycht gold fyne, 5 And to hys fpows, Lavinia the may, The wedis ryall and the collar gay. Than athir dyd thar dewly obferuans With breiftis blyth and plefand dalyans, To feftyng, entertenyr, and cherys 10 Thar ferys abowt on the maift gudly wys : With diuers fermond carpyng all the day, Thai fehort the howris, and dryvis the tyme away. CAP. IX. Gret myrth and folace was maid at thefeftis, Reherfand mony hiftories aid and geflis. Be this it walxis layt towart the nycht, And faft declynyng gan the days lyeht, 15 The tyme requiring, eftir the aid maner, To go to meyt and fyt to the fupper : Onon the bankat and the mangeory For feft ryall aceordyng, by and by, With all habundans pertenyng to fyk thyng, 20 As weill efferit in the hows of a kyng, With alkyn maner ordinans was maid Amyd the hallys heich, lang, and braid, 892 THE THRETTENE BUKE Apparalyt at all devys and array. Onto the bankat haill aflemlyt thai, And on the carpettis fpred of purpour fyne To tablis fet, quhar thai war fervit fyne 5 With alkyn danteys, and with metys feir, That all to rakkyn prolixit war to heir : As quhou the cryftall eweris to thar handis The watir gave, and quhou feill fervandis ftandis To mak thame miniftratioun in all curys, 10 And quhou thai trafyng on the large flurys With blyth viflage intil euery fted, And quhou that firft on burdis thai fet bred : Sum with mefys gan the tabillys charge ; Ane other fort doith fet in all at large 15 The cowpys gret and drynkyn taffis fyne, And gan do fkynk and byrll the nobill wyne : That to behald thame walkyn to and fro Throw the rowm hallys, and fa byfly go, And thame at tabillis makand fa glaid cheir, 20 A paradys it was to fe and heir. Bot with hys eyn onmovit Latyn kyng Gan faft behald the child Afcanyus gyng, Wondrand on his afferis and viflage, And of the fpeche and wordis grave and fage 25 Of fik a childis mowth fyk wys fuld fall, And of his digeft and reddy wyt withall, Befor the gheris of maturyte ; And of feill thingis hym demandis he, Athir to other renderand mony a faw : 30 And fyne wald he alflb, ane other thraw, OF ENEADOS. 893 Full tendirly do kyfs hys lufty face, And lap hym in hys armys and embrace ; And, wondirly reiofyt, declare wald he Happy and to the Goddis bedettit Ene, 5 Quhilk hym had gevin fyk a child as that. And quhillis thai thus at the fupper fat, Eftir that with famony danteis feir Thar appetit of metis afluagit were, With commonyng and carpyng euery wyght 10 The lang declinand and ourflippand nyght Gan fehape full faft to mak fehort and ourdryve : Now the Troianys hard aventouris belyve Reherfyng our, and all the Grekis flycht ; Now the fers bargan and the awfull fight 15 Of Lawrent pepill callyng to thar mynd : As quhou, and quhar, quham by, and be quhat kynd, The oftis firft difcumfift war in feild ; And quhar that athir rowtis vndir fcheild, With dartis caftyng, dynt of fwerd and mays, 20 Conftrenyt was to fle in fyk a place, And leif the feild ; and quha beft dyd hys det, Quha bald in ftowr eyk maid the firft onfet ; And quha firft, on ane ftartland curfour gude, Hys burnyft brand bedyit with red blude. 25 Bot principaly Eneas Troian bald, And Latinus the kyng fage and aid, Of conquerouris and foueran pryncis dyng The geftis can rehers fra kyng to kyng, Twichand the ftait, quhilum be days gone, 30 Of Latium that myghty regioun : 894 THE THRETTENE BUKE Quhou vmquhile Saturn, fleand hys fonnys brand, Lurkyt and dwelt in Italy the land, Be quhilk rayfon he dyd it Latium call ; That kynd of pepill, dwelt fkatterit our all 5 In montanys wild, togyddir maid eonveyn, And gaif thame lawys and ftatutis, and full beyn Tawcht thame to grub the wynys, and al the art To eyr, and faw the cornys, and gok the cart : And quhou the gret Jupiter, God dyvyne, 10 To this hys faderis reflet focht hes fyne ; And quhou that he engendrit thar alflua On Atlas douchter, the fair wench Eleftra, Schir Dardanus, that eftir, as thai fayn, Hys awyn brother Jafyus hes flayn ; 15 Syne from the cyte Choryte in Italy To fey is went with a gret cumpany, And gan arryve eftir in Phrigia, And belt the cyte on the mont Ida : And quhou that he, in fyng, for hys baner, 20 From Jupiter reflauyt, hys fader deir, The fleand egill difplayt fair and playn, Ane knawyn takyn to pepill Heftorian, As the firft nobill armys and enfenge Baith of the Troian anciftre and menge, 25 By hym erekkit and vprafyt ftud, Was firft begun, and cheif flok of that blude. Thus, with fyk maner talkyn, euery wight Gan dryvyn our and fchortis the lang nycht. Tharwith the bruyt and noys rays in tha wanys, 30 Quhill all the large hallys rang attanys OF ENEADOS. 895 Of mannys voce and found of inftrumentis, That to the ruyf on hie the dyn vp went is ; The blefand torchys fehayn and fergis brycht, That far on breid all lemys of thar lyeht ; 5 The harpys and the githornys plays attanys : Vpftart Troianys, and fyne Italianys, And gan do dowbill brangillys and gambatis, Danfys and rowndis trayfyng mony gatis, Athir throu Other reland, on thar gys : 10 Thai fut it fo that lang war to devys Thar hafty fair, thar revellyng and deray, Thar moryfis and fyk ryot, quhil neir day. Bot for to tellyng quhou with torch lyeht Thai went to chalmer, and fyne to bed at nycht, 15 Myne author lift na menfioun tharof draw ; Na mair will I, for fik thingis beyn knaw ; All ar expert, eftir new mariage, On the firft nycht quhat fuld be the fubcharge. CAP. X. Eneas foundis a wallit town and fquair ; Quhamto Venus can diuers thingis declare. And thus thai feftyng days nyne at all, 20 With large pompe, and kyngly apparall, Aceordyng fych a fpowfage as was this. And, quhen the tent morrow cummyn is, 896 THE THRETTENE BUKE Than this ilk fouerane and mafte douchty man, Eneas, for to found hys town began : Fyrft gan he mark and cirkill with a pleuch Quhar the wallys fuld ftand, thar drew a fewch : 5 Syne Troianys fundis tenementis for thame felf, And gan the fowceis and the diehis delf. Bot lo, onon, a wonder thing to tell ! Ane huge bleys of flambys braid doun fell Furth of the clowdis, at the left hand ftraucht, 10 In maner of a lychtnyng or fyre flaucht, And dyd alicht ryeht in the fammyn fted Apon the crown of fair Lavinias hed ; And fra thyne hie vp in the lyft agane It glaid away, and tharin dyd remane. 15 The fader Eneas aftonyft wolx fum deill, Defyrus this fyng fuld betakyn feill ; Hys handis baith vphevis towartis hevin, And thus gan mak hys boyn with myld ftevin : O Jupiter, gif euer ony tyme, faid he, 20 The Troian pepill, baith by land and fee, Thyne admonitions, command, and impyre, Obeyt has, page, man, or fyre ; Or gif that I gour power and godhed Dred, and adornyt intyll ony fted 25 3our altaris, or ony wirfchip dyd tharto ; And be that thyng git reftis for to do, Gif ony thyng behynd git doith remane ; With this gour happy takyn augurian 3eld ws gour plefand reft and ferm pes, 30 Mak end of all our harmys, and caus thame ces. OF ENEADOS. 897 As he fik wordis warpys owt that tyde Hys goldyn moder apperis hym befyde, Confeffand hir tobe the fair Venus, And with hir bliflyt mowth fcho earpis thus : 5 Son, do fyk thocht and dreid furth of thy mynd, Reflaue thir godly fyngis in bettir kynd, And joyufly enioys, myn awyn Enee, The gret weilfar fra thens fal betyd the : Now is thy reft and quiet fund and kend, 10 Now of thy harmys is cummyn extreme end ; Now at the laft, as thou defyris, perfay, This warld with the fal knyt vp peax for ay. Abhor thou nocht the fyre and flambis brycht, From thy deir fpowfys hed glaid to the hycht, 1 5 Bot conftantly thy mynd thou now addres ; It falbe fcho, I the declar expres, That fall with blude ryall thy douchty name, Thy fucceflioun, renown, and nobill fame, And Troian pryncis, of thy feid difcend, 20 Abufe the clowdis hie and fternys fend. Scho fall of thy lynnage, my fon Enee, Bair ehildryng full of magnanymyte, Of quhais offfpryng fik men fall fucceid, That all this large warld far onbreid 25 With thar excelland wirfchip fall fulfill, And by thar mychty power, at thar will, As conquerouris, vnder thar fengeory Subdew and rewle this warldis monarchy ; Of quham the fchynand fouerane glor fall wend, 30 And far begond the occean fee extend, 5 x 898 THE THRETTENE BUKE Makand thame equale with the hevynnys hie : Quham, finaly, thar ardent gret bonte And foueran vertu, fpred fa far onbred is, Eftir innumerabill fa feill douchty dedis, 5 Sail mak thame Goddis, and thame deify, And thame vpheis full hie abufe the fky. This flambe of fyre the wirfchip and renovn Doith fignyfy of thy fucceflioun ; The God almychty from his ftarrit hevin 10 Has fehawin tharfor this fyng of fyry levin : Tharfor, in recompens of fykkyn thyng, And famekill wirfchip of hir fal fpring, This cite, quhilk thou clofys with a wall, Eftir thy fpowfis name clepe thou fall. 15 And forthir eyk, the Goddis quhom thou hynt Of Troy, that tyme quhen it in flambys brynt, Penates, or the Goddis domefticall, Thou fet alflb within the fammyn wall : Tharin thou gar thame foyn be brocht in hy, 20 In hie honour and tyme perpetualy Thar to remane, eternally to dwell. I fall to the of thame a wonder tell ; Thai fall fa ftrangly luf this new cyte, That, gyf thame happynys careit for tobe 25 Tyll ony other fted or place tharby, All be thame felf agane full haftely Thai fall return to this ilk town of thyne, That thou beildis in boundis of kyng Latyn : 3 a, quhou oft fys that thai away be tayn, 30 Thai fal return haymwart agane ilkane. OF ENEADOS. 899 O happy cyte, and weil fortunat wall, With quham fa gret rellykis remane fall, Quharin thou fall in tyme tocum, but leys, Govern the Troian folk in plefand pes ! 5 Eftir this at laft Latyn, thy fader in law, Wery of hys lyfe, and far in age ydraw, Doun to goftis in the campe Elyfe Sail wend, and end his dolly days, and de : Onto hys ceptre thou fall do fucceid, 10 And vnder thy fengeory, far onbreid, Sail weld and led thir ilk Italianys, And common lawis for thame and the Troianys Statut thou fall ; and fyne thou fall afcend, And vp to hevyn glaidly thy felf fend : 15 Thus ftandis the Goddis fentens and deereit. Na mair fcho faid ; bot, as the gleym doith gleit, From thens fcho went away in the fchyre ayr, I wait nocht quhidder, for I com neuer thar. Enee aftonyft, havand hys mynd fmyte 20 With fyk promys of renown and delyte, Hys bliflyt moderis command gan fulfill : And now at plefand reft, at hys awyn will, The Troian pepill rewlit he in pes. With this the kyng Latynus can deces, 25 And left the ceptre vacand to hys hand : Than the reuthfull Ene our all the land Of Italy fuccedis in hys fted, And gan full large bundis in lordfchip led, That halely obeyt to hys wand, 30 And at hys lykyng rewlit all the land. 900 THE THRETTENE BUKE Now equaly of fre will euery ane, Baith pepill of Troy and folk Italian, All of a ryte, manerys, and vfans, Becummyn ar frendly but difcrepans ; Thar myndis and thar breftis in amyte, In ferm concord and gret tranquylite, Gan leif at eys, confiderat in ally, As vnder a law fammyn coniunft evynly. CAP. XI. Quhou Jupiter, for Venus caufe and lufe, Has fet Eneas as God in hevyn abufe. Venus with this, all glaid and full of joy, 1 0 Amyd the hevynly hald, ryeht myld and moy, Befor Jupiter down hir felf fet, And baith hir armys abowt hys feyt plet, Enbrafand thame and kyfland reuerently ; Syne thus with voce expres fcho faid in hy : 15 Fader almychty, that from thy hevynly ryng At thy plefour rewlys and fterys al thyng, That manis dedys, thochtis, and aventuris, Reknys and knawys, and therof hes the curis ; Weill I ramember, quhen that the pepill Troian 20 With hard onfrendly fortoun was ourtane, Thou promyft of thar laubouris and diftres Help and fupport, and eftir dyfeys foles. OF ENEADOS. 901 Nowder thy promys, fader, nor fentens Hes me diflauyt : for lo, with reuerens All the faderis of Italy hes fe, But difcrepans, fully thir gheris thre, 5 In blyflyt peax my fon enioys that land : Bot certis, fader, as I vndirftand, Onto the ftarnyt hevynly hald on hie Thou promyft rays the mafte douchty Enee, And, for hys meryt, abufe thy fchynand Iky 10 Hym forto place in hevyn, and deify. Quhat thochtis now doith rollyng in thy mynd ? Sen, ellys, doith the vertuus thewys kynd Of this reuthfull Eneas the requyr Abuf the polys brycht to rays that fyre. 15 The fader tho of men and Goddis all Gan kys Venus hys child, and tharwithall Thir profund wordis from hys breift furth braid : My deir douchtir Citherea, he faid, Thow knawys quhou ftrangly the mychty Ene, 20 And the Eneadanys all of hys menge, Ithandly and onyrkyt luffyt haue I, On fe and landis cachit by and by In perrellis feir, and quhou that oft tyme eik, Havand piete of the my douchtir meik, 25 For lufe of the, for thar dyfeys was wo ; And now I haue, lo, finaly alflb All thar harmys and ennoy brocht till end, And maid Juno, as that full weill is kend, Forto becum frendly and favorabill : 30 Now lykis me, forfuyth, all ferm and ftabill 902 THE THRETTENE BUKE My fentens promyft to compleit, quod he, Quhen that the riall Troian duke Ene Amang the hevynnys inftitut I fall, And hym to numbyr of the Goddis call : 5 All this I grant with gud willis perfay. Tharfor, fe that thou clenge and do away, Gif thar be in hym ony mortall thyng, And fyne abuf the ftarnys thou him bryng : I fall alflb heich ony of hys kyn, 10 Quhilk of thar proper vertu lyft do wyn Perpetuall lovyngis by dedis honorabill, And doith contempn the wrachit warld onftabill ; Thame in lykewys abufe the hevynnys hie I fal do place and deify, quod he. 15 The Goddis abufe alhaill gave thar confent, Nor ryall Juno, at that tyme prefent, Lyft not contrary, bot gan perfwaid full evyn To bryng the gret Ene vp to the hevyn, And frendly wordis of hym carpys thar. 20 Than Venus flaid difcendand throw the ayr, And focht onto the feildis Lawrentane, Neir by quhar that Numycus throu the playn, That frefch ryver, flowys to the fee, Dekkyt abowt with redis growand hie ; 25 Quharin the body of hir fon fa deir Scho maid do wefeh, and vnder the ftremys deir All that was mortale or corruptibill thyng Gart do away ; and fyne, at hir lykyng, The recent happy fawl with hyr hynt fche, 30 And bair it vp abuf the ayr full hie OF ENEADOS. • 903 Onto the hevyn, quhar reuthfull Eneas Amyd the ftarnys ehofyn has his place : Quham the famyll and kynrent Julian Doith clepe and call amangis thame euery ane Indigites ; quhilk is alfmekill to fay, As God induellar, at thar fudiornys ay ; And, in remembrans of this ilk turn, Thai gan hys templis wirfchip and adorn. CONCLUSIO. Now is my wark all fynyft and compleit, Quham Jovis ire, nor fyris byrnand heit, Nor trynfehand fwerd fal defas, ne doun thryng, Nor lang proces of age, confumys al thyng. 5 Quhen that onknawyn day fall hym addres, Quhilk not bot on this body power hes, And endis the dait of myn oncertan eld, The bettir part of me falbe vpheld Abufe the ftarnys perpetualy to ryng, 10 And heir my naym remane, but enparyng; Throw owt the Ile yclepit Albyon Red fall I be, and fung with mony one. Thus vp my pen and inftrumentis full gore On Virgillis poft I fix for evirmore, 15 Nevir, from thens, fyk materis to diferyve : My mufe fal now be cleyn contemplatyve, And folitar, as doith the byrd in cage, Sen fer byworn is all my childis age, And of my days neir paflyt the half dait 20 That natur fuld me grantyn, weil I wait. 905 Thus fen I feill down fweyand the ballans, Heir I refyng vp gyngkeris obfervans : Adew, gallandis, I geif gou all gud nycht, And God falf euery gentill eurtas wight ! Amen. HEIR ENDIS THE THRETTEYN AND FINAL BUKE OF ENEADOS UUHILK IS THE FIRST CORREK COPPY NIXT EFTIR THE TRANSLATIOUN WRYTT1N BE MASTER MATHO GEDDES SCRIBE OR WRITAR TO THE TRANSLATAR. 5 Y 906 HEIR THE TRANSLATAR DIREKKIS HYS BUK AND EXCUSIS HYM SELF. My Lord, to gour nobilyte in effeft, To quham this wark I haue abufe direft, Gawyn, gour coufyng, proveft of Sanft Geill, Gretyng in God ay leftyng, and gud heill. 5 Reflave gude will, quhar that my cunnyng falys, And gyf within this volume ocht avalys, Or is onto gour plefour aggreabill, Than is my laubour fum thyng profytabill : Quhar I offendit, or myfteris correftioun, 10 Vndir gour falfgard and proteftioun I me fubmyt ; ghe be my fcheld and defens Aganys corruppit tungis violens, Can nocht amend, and git a fait wald fpy : Quhen thai bakbyte, quhen evir thai clepe and civ, 15 Gyf neyd beys, for gour kynyfman and clerk Than I proteft ge anfuer, and for gour wark. Gyf thai fpeir quhy I dyd this buke tranflait, 3he war the caus tharof, full weill ge wait ; 3he cawfyt me this volume to endyte, 20 Quharthrow I haue wrocht myfelf fyk difpyte, 907 Perpetualy be chydit with ilk knak, Full weill I knaw, and mokkyt behynd my bak Say thai nocht, I myne honefte haue degraid, And at my felf to fchute a but hes maid ? 5 Nane othir thyng, thai threpe, heir wrocht ha Bot fengeit fabillys of idolatry, With fik myfcheif as aucht not namyt be, Oppynand the gravis of fmert iniquyte, And on the bak half wrytis wyddyr fynnys 10 Plente of lefyngis, and aid perverfyt fynnys. Quhar that I haue my tyme fuperexpendyt, Mea culpa, God grant I may amend it, With grace and fpace to vpfet this tynfell ; Thocht not be far fa largely as thai tell, 15 As that me femys, git offendit haue I : For weill I wait, our wark to mony a wy Sail baith be plefand and eyk profitabill, For tharin beyn feir doftrynys full notabill ; It fal eik do fum folk folace, I ges, 20 To pas the tyme, and efchew idylnes. Ane othir proffit of our buke I mark, That it falbe reput a neidfull wark To thame wald Virgill to ehildryn expone ; For quha lyft note my verfys, one by one, 25 Sail fynd tharin hys fentens euery deill, And almafte word by word, that wait I weill : Thank me tharfor, mafteris of grammar fculys, Quhar ge fyt techand on gour benkis and ftulys Thus haue I not my tyme fwa occupy 30 That all fuld hald my laubour onthryfty : 908 For I haue not interpryt ne tranflate Every bural ruyd poet dywlgait, Na meyn endyte, nor empty wordis vayn, Common engyn, nor ftile barbarian ; 5 Bot in that art of eloquens the flude Mafte cheif, profund and copyus plenitude, Surs capitall in veyn poeticall, Soverane fontane, and flum imperiall : Quham gif I haue'offendit, as thai meyn, 1 0 Deym as ge lyft, quhen the wark is ourfeyn : Be as be may, gour frendfchip, weill I wait, Wrocht mair at me than dyd myne awyn eftait ; For kyndnes fo myne eyn almaift maid blynd, That, gow to pleys, I fet all fchame behynd, 15 Offeryng me to my weriouris wilfully, Quhilk in myne E faft ftaris a mote to lpy. Bot quha fa lawchis heirat, or hedis noddis, Go reid Bochas in the genology of Goddis ; Hys twa laft bukis fall fwage thar fantafy, 20 Les than na reflbn may thame fatyffy. I rak nocht quhidder fulys hald me devill or fan ft, For gou maid I this buke, my Lord, I grant, Nowder for pryce, det, reward, nor fupple, Bot for gour tendir requeft and amyte, 25 Kyndnes of blude grundyt in natural law. I am na cayk fydlar, full weill ge knaw : No thing is myne quhilk fall not gouris be, Gyf it afferis for gour nobilyte ; And of gour moblys and all other geir 30 3ne will me ferve fiklyke, I haue na weir. 909 Bot as twychyng this our wark now in hand, Quhilk oft is faid was maid at gour command, To quhat effeft, gyf ony wald inqueir ; 3e may anfwer, thocht I neid not gow leir, 5 That Virgill mycht infill our langage be Red lowd and playn be gour lordfehip and me, And othir gentill compangeonys quha fa lyft ; Nane ar compellit drynk not bot thai haue thryft : And quha fa lykis may taftyng of the tun 10 Onforlatyt, new from the berry run, Reid Virgill baldly, but mekill offens Except our wlgar toungis differens, Kepand na facund rethoryk caftis fair, Bot haymly playn termys famyliar, 15 Na thing alterit in fubftans the fentens, Thocht fcant perfyte obfervyt beyn eloquens ; I will weill otheris can fay mair curyufly, Bot I haue faid eftir my fantafy. I covait nocht to prefer ony wight, 20 It may fuffice I faid na thing bot ryeht ; And, fet that empty be my brayn and dull, I haue tranflait a volum wondirfull : So nrofund was this wark at I haue faid. 910 Quha wenys I fay thir wordis bot in vane, Lat thame aflay als lang laubour agane, And tranflait Ovid, as I haue Virgill ; Perehans that wark fall occupy thame a quhile : 5 3ft haue I hard oft faid be men na clerkis, Tyll idyll folk full lyeht beyn lukand warkis. To gou, my Lord, quhat is thar mair to fay ? Reflaue gour wark defyrit mony a day ; Quharin alfo now am I fully quyt, i o As twichand Venus, of myn aid promyt Quhilk I hir maid weil twelf gheris tofor, As wytneffith my Palyce of Honour : In the quhilk wark, ghe reid, on hand I tuke Forto tranflait at hir inftance a buke : 15 Sa haue I doyn abufe, as ge may fe, Virgillis volum of hir fon Enee, Reducit, as I cowth, infill our tong. Be glaid, Ene, thy bell is hiely rong, Thy fame is blaw, thy prowes and renown 20 Dywlgat ar, and fung fra town to town, So hardy from thens, that other man or boy The ony mair reput traytour of Troy, Bot as a worthy conquerour and kyng The honour and extoll, as thou art dyng. 25 My Lord, all thocht I dyd this wark compyle, At gour command, infill owr wlgar ftyle, Suffir me borrow this a word at the leift, Tharwith to quyte my promys and behefte, And lat dame Venus have gud nycht adew, 30 Quhamto fum tyme ghe war a fervand trew. 911 I haue alflb a fehort comment compyld To expon ftrange hiftoreis and termys wild ; And gif ocht lakis mar, quhen that is doyn, At gour defyre it falbe writtyn foyn. And forthir, fo that I be nocht prolixt, The etern Lord, that on the ruyd was fixt, Grant gow and ws all in this lyfe weilfair, With euerleftand blys quhen we hyne fair ! Amen. Quod Gawinus Dowglas. ANE EXCLAMATIOUN AGANYST DETRACTOURIS AND ONCURTAS REDARIS, THAT BEYN OUR STUDYUS, BUT OCCASIOUN, TO NOTE AND SPY OWT FALTIS OR OFFENCIS IN THIS VOLUM, OR ONY OTHER THRYFT Y WARKYS. Now throw the deip faft to the port I mark, For heir is endyt the lang defparyt wark, And Virgyll hes hys volum to me lent : In fovir raid now ankyrrit is our bark ; 5 We dowt na ftorm, our cabillys ar fa ftark ; We have efchapyt full mony perrellus went : Now God be lovyt, has fyk grace tyl ws fent ! Sen Virgyll beys wydquhar in Latyn foung, Thus be my laubour red in owr wlgar toung. 10 Bot quhat danger is ocht to compyle, allace ! Herand thir detraftouris intil euery place, Or evir thai reid the wark, byddis byrn the buke : Sum beyn fa frawart in malyce and wangrace, Quhat is weill faid thai love not worth ane ace, 15 Bot caftys thame euer to fpy owt fait and cruyk ; All that thai fynd in hydlys, hyrn, or nuyk, Thai blaw owt, fayand in euery manis face Lo, heir he failgeis, fe thar he leys, luyk ! 913 Bot, gyf I le, lat Virgyll be owr juge, Hys wark is patent, I may have na refuge ; Tharby go note my faltis one by one : No wondir is, the volum was fo huge, 5 Quha mycht perfytely all hys hie termys luge In barbar langage, or thame dewly expone ? Bot weill I wait, of hys fentens wantis none. Quha can do bettir, lat fe quhar I forvayt ; Begyn of new ; all thing is gud onaflayt. 10 Far eithar is, quha lyft fyt doun to moyt, Ane othir fayaris faltis to fpy and noyt, Than but offens or fait thame felf to wryte : Bot forto chyde fum beyn fo brym and hoyt, Hald thai thar peax, the word Wald fcald thar throte, 15 And has fik cuftum to jangill arid to bakbyte, That, bot thai fchent fum, thai fuld bryft for fyte. I fay na mair, quhen all thar rerd is rong, That wight mon fpeke that can nocht hald hys tong. Go, wlgar Virgill, to euery churlych wight 20 Say, I avow thou art tranflatit ryeht, Befeyk all nobillys the coreft and airiend, Beys not afferyt to cum in pryfaris fycht ; The nedis nocht to afehame of the lyeht, For I haue brocht thy pufpbs to gud end : 25 Now fait thou with euery gehtilf Scot be kend, And to onletterit folk be fed on hycht, That erft was bot with clerkis comprehend. Qd Douglas. 5 z HEIR FOLLOWYS THE TYME, SPACE, AND DAIT, OF THE TRANSLATIOUN OF THIS BUKE. Completyt was this wark Virgilian Apon the feft of Mary Magdelan, Fra Cryftis byrth, the dait quha lyft to heir, A thoufand fyve hundreth and thretteyn geir ; 5 Quhilk, for othir gret occupatioun, lay Onfteryt clos befyd me mony day : And netheles, quhidder I ferve thank or wyte, Fra tyme I tharto fyrft fet pen to wryte, 10 Thocht God wait gyf thir bundis war full wyde To me, that had fyk byflynes befyde, Apon this wys, as God lyft len me grace, It was compylit in auchteyn moneth fpace ; Set I feil fyth fyk twa monethis infeir 15 Wrait neuir a word, nor mycht the volum fteir, For grave materis and gret folicitud, That all fik laubour far befyde me ftud. And thus gret fcant of tyme and bifly cuyr Has maid my wark mair fubtell and obfcur, 20 And nocht fa plefand as it aucht tobe ; Quharof ghe eurtas redaris perdon me, 915 3he writaris all, and gentill redaris eyk, Offendis nocht my volum, I befeik, Bot redis leill, and tak gud tent in tyme. 3he nother maggill nor myfmetyr my ryme, Nor alter not my wordis, I gou pray : Lo, this is all ; now, bew fchirris, haue gud day- Qd Gawinus Douglas. MANTUA ME GENUIT, CALABRI RAPVERE, TENET NUNC PARTHENOPE; CECINI PASCUA, RURA, DUCES. OF MANTUA AM I BEGET AND BOIR, IN CALABRE DECESSIT AND FORLOR, NOW STANT I GRAVE IN NAPLYS THE CITE, THAT IN MY TYME WRAIT NOTABILL WARKIS THRE ; OF PASTURAGE, AND EIK OF HUSBANDRY, AND DOUCHTY CHIFTANYS FULL OF CHEVALRY. Quod Gawinus Douglas. THE COMMENT. I HAUE ALSSO A SCHORT COMMENT COMPYLD TO EXPON STRANGE HISTOREIS AND TERMYS WILD. P. 6. 1. 15. — Innatyoe is alsmekil to say as inborn, or that quhilk cumis till ony person be thar natural inclinatioun of kynd throw thar forbearis. P. 6. I. 18.— Ptholome kyng of Egipt, the famous gret clerk, astronomour, and discryvar of the warld, that causit lxxij interpretouris to translat the bibill, had sa gret plesour and delyte of bukis that he gadderit togidder in ane librar xxxvj thousand volummys. P. 10. /. 10. — Thistory of Saul and the spreit of Samuel rasyt by the Phitones is in the first buk of Kyngis, in the xxviij. c. P. 14. I. 21. — Oppetere is alsmekil to say as ore terrain petere, lyke as Seruius exponys the sammyn term, quhilk to translate in our tung is, with mowth to seik, or byte, the erd. And lo, that is ane hail sentence for ane of Virgillis wordis. P. 15. /. 15. — As for animal and homo in our langage is nocht a propir term, and thai be bot bestis that exponys animal for a beste. Ane beste is callit in Latyn bestia and pecus, and animal betakynnys all corporall substans that has ane saull quhilk felis payn, joy, or ennoy : and vndyr animal beyn contenyt all mankynd, beist, byrd, fowll, fisch, serpent, and all other sik thingis at lyfis and steris, that has a body ; for all sik, and euery ane of thame, may be pro perly callit animal. And thus animal is ane general name for al sik maner thingis quhat- sumeuer. Homo betakynnys baith a man and a woman, and we haue na term corespondent tharto, nor yit that signifyis baith twa in a term alanerly. P. 15. 1. 19. — Genus is that thing quhilk is common, and may be verefyt of mony other thingis different in kynd, or of diuers kyndis : as this word, a beste, may be verefeit and is common till al and syndry kynd of bestis ; for a hors is a beste, ane ox a beste, a scheip a beste, a dog a beste ; and swa of otheris. Species is that thing or word that is common, or may be verefeit of mony thingis different in numbir : as this word, a man, may be verefeit and is common till al maner of man particular ; for Johne is a man, Thomas a man, Wilyam a man; and furth of otheris. Syk lyke, this word, a hors, is common to this hors, and that hors ; the gray is a hors, the blak a hors, the quhite a hors. Sexus is the discretioun, diuersitie, or diffe- rens in schap, betwix the mail and the female in al maner corporal creatouris : for thocht a man and a woman beyn baith of a kynd and natur, yit ar thai different and diuers in thar schap. Ryeht swa is ane hors fra a mair, quhilk ar bath of a kynd ; siklyke, a cok from a hen, 11 a kow from a bull ; and swa is of all kyndis quhar the mail is distinct fra the femell. P. 17. 1. 13. — This argument excusis nocht the tratory of Eneas, na his maynsweryng, con sidering quhat is said heirafoir, in the ij. c. of this prolog ; that is, Juno nor Venua godde8 neuer war, Mercur, Neptun, Mars, nor Jupiter, Of forton eik, na hir necessitie, Sic thingis nocht attentik ar, wait we. It followis than, that Eneas vroucht not be com mand of ony goddis, bot of his awyn fre wyl, be the permission of God, quhilk sufferis al thing, and stoppis nocht, na puttis nocht neces- site to fre wyll. He falit than gretly to the sueit Dydo ; quhilk fait reprefit nocht the god- dessis diuinite, for thai had na diuinite, as said is befoir. P. 17. /. 25. — Heir he argeuis better than befoir. P. 23. I. 1. — Virgille reherssis not Eneas naim, bot eallis him The Man, be excellens ; as thocht he said, The mast soueran man. P. 23. /. 3. — Lavyn, Lavinium, Lawrentum, stud viij. mylis fra the mowth of Tibyr, and was cyte of the king Latynus ; of quham eftyr in the vij. buyk, quhill the end of this volume. P. 23. I. 8. — Quhat is Latium, or Latio, luyk eftyr in the vj. c. of the viij. buyk. The cite of quham heir is mention was new Troy, quham Eneas beggit at the mouth of Tibir, and fra Ene bein namyt the Latynis, and nowdir fra the cyte nor the land. P. 23. /. 11.— Of Alba cyte luyk eftyr, in the fyfte c. of this buyk, and in the fyrst c. of the viij. buyk. P. 23. /. 13. — Musa, in Grew, signifeis an inuentryce, or inuention, in our langgage ; and of the ix Musis sum thing in my Palyce of Honour, and be Mastir Robert Hendirson in New Orpheus. P. 23. /. 14. — The poet inqueris quhat ma- ieste or power offendyt of Juno, quhilk is fen- yeit to haf many poweris : sche is clepit queyn of goddis, mastres and lady of realmys, preci- dent of byrthis, spous and sistir to Jupiter, &c. P. 24. /. 12. — Samo is an ile in Trace, quhar Juno was weddit and born, as sais Seruius ; and ther, as vitnessyth Sanct Jerom, stud the farest tempil of Grece, dedicat to Juno. P. 24. /. 12.— Hir see, hir geit. P. 24. I. 21. — Lybia, or Liby, is the thrid part of the warld, callit Affryk, quham now we call the land or cost of Barbary. P. 24. I. 29. — The jugement of Paris is com mon to all knawis the sege of Troy. P. 25. /. 5. — Hebe, douchter of Juno, and goddess of youth, seruyt Jupiter of his covp : quhilk, at a fest amang the goddis makand hir seruice, slaid and schew hir schame in al thar presens ; for the quhilk lak Jupiter gaif to this Ganymedes, son to kyng Troyus, hir office. Of the ravisyng of this Ganymede ye haf benayth, in the v. c. of the v. buyk ; and of this Hebe sum thyng in the prolog of the vij. buyk. P. 25. I. 16. — And as the Troianys &c. First abuyf the poete proponis his entent; sayand, The batellis and the man &c. nyxt makis he inuocation, calland on his muse to tech hym thar ; 0 thou my Muse &c. and ther, lyke as his muse spak to hym, declaris the caussis of the feid of Juno, sayand, Ther was an anckient Cyte, hecht Cartage. Now heir thridly procedis he furth on his narration and history, and beginnys at the sevint yeir of Eneas departyng of Troy, as ye may se in the end of this first buyk, and eftyr the deces of his fadir Anchises, quham he erdit in Sycill at Drepanon, as ye haf in the end of the thrid buyk ; the remanent of his auenturis being reseruyt, be craft of poetry, to the banket of queyn Dido, quhar thai be then at lenth rehersit by Eneas in the secund and thryd. P. 25. /. 29. — This offence was the ravisin" of Cassandra furth of the tempill of Pallas, as ye haue in the vij. cheptour of the secund buke following. And sum says this Aiax oppressit HI hir in the tempill : quhilk Aiax was son to kyng Oylus, prince of Locria, or Locrida, and his pepyll beyn namyt Locrj or Locranys. Thocht, in verite, Juno was bot ane woman, dochter to Saturn, sistir and spows to Jupiter king of Crete, yit quhen poetis namys hir swa, thai ondirstand sum tyme by Juno the erth and the watir, and by Jupiter the ayr and the fyre : and for als mekyll as the ayr and the fyre is actyve, and the watyr and the erth patient, and that all corporall thyngis beyn engondrit therof., heirfoir bein thaj clepit spowsis. Bot, for that sum tym Juno betakinys alanerly the ayr, and Jove the fyre, than, be raison of ther contegwyte and qualite convenient, bein thai clepit sistyr and brothir : and for that all thyngis, by the in- fluens of the planetis, starnys, and hevinnis abufe, be maid of thir elymentis, therfor bein thaj clepit kyng and queyn, fadir and mothyr to goddis and men. And ferthyr as twychyng this Juno, hir other namys and proprieteis, I refer to John Bocas in the Genealogy of gentille Goddis, onto the nynt buyk therof, and first c. of the sammyn. P. 26. 1. 13. — The cuntre or realm of Eolus, clepit Eolia, lyis betwix Sycill and Italy, vij. ilandis in the sey, of quham thir be the namys ; Lipara, Hiera, Strongile, Didyme, Eriphusa, Phe- nycusa, and Evomynos. And for alsmekyll as thir ilis bene full of cavernys, with bryntstan blawand and byrnand ondir the erd, that ther- by, throw the swouch of the fire, may be per- sauyt a day or twa befor fra quhat part or art the wynd is for to cum ; and this Eolus kyng therof, as an naturall man, first be experiens per- sauit this, and wald schaw the pepill therby, weill twa or thre dais befor, the wynd was to blaw from syk an art : for the quhilk rayson, with the rude pepill, was he namyt kyng or god of windis. And thai put that he had vj sonnys and vj dochtiris, quhilkis ar nocht ellis bot the xij wyndis, of quham the namys, to begin at the est and go round abowt, bein thir ; Subso- lanus, Ewrus, Nothus, Auster, Affricus, Zephy- rus, Fauonius, Circius, Chorus, Boreas, Aquilo, and Wlturnus. P. 26. I. 22. — John Bocas, be Eolus set hie in his chare to rewle and dant the windis, ondir- standis Raison set hie in the manis hed, quhilk suld dant, and includ law in the cave ot boddum of the stomach, the windis of peruersit appe- tyte, as lord and syre set be God almychty therto. P. 27. 1. 15. — Ilion, or Ilium, was the cyte of Troy, havand his naym fra king Ilus, fader to Laomedon. The hayll cuntre was callit Troy fra kyng Tros, or Trojus, fadir to this Ilus : the awld naim therof is Phrigia, bot oft bein ather of all ther namys takin for other ; as Troy, als weill for the cyte as the realm. And heir, he a maner dispite, Juno, for the pepill or gudis of Ilion, namys the hail cyte. P. 28. I. 2. — For alsmekill as I hafe said abufe Juno hetakinnys the air, in quham blawis thir windis, and by quham the mater quhareof windis bein engendrit beyn producit to ther perfection, therfor justly and of ryeht Eolus grantis him to hald his ring of Juno. P. 28. 1. 15. — Ewrus is heir takyn for the gret est wynd, thocht it be bot the wind est to sowthin ; siklyke, Nothus for the mayn sowth, thocht it be south to est : and Affricus is takin for plat west wynd, that is bot sowth sowth west. And thus heir the thre principall gret windis contrarius blew attanys apon thaim, and the north wind also in the nyxt c. ; A blastirrand bub owt from the north braying &c. P. 29, 1. 1. — Here fyrst namys Virgill Eneas. This cald, sais Seruyus, coym of dreid; not that Eneas dred the ded, bot this maner of ded : and alsso he that dredis na thyng, nor kan haf na dred, is not hardy, but fuyll hardy and beistly. P. 29, /. 6.— The maner was swa in tha dais, that nobillis slan in feld tuke ther mouth full of erd, to that effect that in the ded thrawis nain myssyttand word nor voce suld be hard of ther mowth. P. 29, 1. 11. — Sarpedon, son of Jupiter and IV Laodomya, dochtyr to Bellerophon, was kyng of Lycia ; of huge statur, and slane by Patroclus. P. 30. 1. 5.— Thar lyis betwix Affryk and the ile of Sardynia, amyd the sey, a hirst or ryg of craggy rolkis, quhilk beyn callit altaris ofsuple or help, becaus therat, on a tyme, the pepill of Affrik and Romanys band vp perpetwall payee. And thir schald bankis of sand, heir nammyt, bein the twa dangeris of the sey Affrican, callit Syrtis, the mair and the les ; mar perellus than Yairmuth sandis or Holland cost. P. 30. II. 1 2 & 1 5. — Off Orontes and Lewcaspis sum thing in the v. c. of the vj. buyk ; and of this Pander or Pandarus, in the ix. c. of the v. buyk. P. 30. I. 22. — Of this Ilioneus, and the otheris Troianys heir nammyt, beyn oft benath maid mensioun. P. 30. 1. 30. — Neptun, or Neptunus, brother to Jove and Pluto, and son to Saturn. For that the partis of his heritage lay in Creit by the sey cost, and for he vsit mekill salyng and rowyng, and fand the craft or art therof, therfor is he clepit god of the sey. He was alsswa ane the first tawcht to dant and taym horssis : and onto hym beyn consecret the fundment of wallis, for alsmekill as it is said he biggyt the wallis of Troy, or than becaus the watyr inclusyt ondyr the erth is oft tymys caus of erdqwkyng, and trimbillyng or moving of the erth, as we se by experiens in watyr brekis. And, perehans, thir thre poweris signefeis the thre granyt ceptour, quhilk his statw in aid days hair in hand, lyk a crepar or a graip wyth thre granys. Tha dis- cryve hym rydand in a cart, quhilk betakinnys the weltyng our of the sey wallys, that rollys, hurlys, and brais, lyke cart quhelis. Quha lykis mair of him, go reid Bocas, in the first c. and tent buyk of the Genealogy of Goddis. P. 31. I. 15. — Heir is an notabyll doctryn, that nane nobill man suld hastely reveng him eftir his greif. Tharfor was gevin consell to August Octavian, the empriour, that eftir his commotioun, or euer he did or said ocht, he suld wryte xxiiij lettiris. P. 31. I. 21. — This thre granyt ceptour in sum part haf I twychit abuf : it may betakyn alsswa the thre properteis of the water, quhilk is flowand, drynkabyll, and ganand to sayll or swym in tyll. P. 32. 1. 1. — Cymothoe, as sais Seruyus, is, in Grew, als mekyll to say in our langage, as the flowand or rinnand flud, quhilk may be clepit a ganand dochtir to Neptun, god of seys. Trytton, as sais Bocas, is the bruyt or rowtyng of the wally sey ; quharfor justly is he fenyeit trumpet to the occian, and son to Neptun. Ne- theles, Plynyus in his natural history reherssis that Triton is a verray monstre of the sey, and that in the tym of Tyberius the emperour syk ay was hard and seyn. His schap and porta- tour is discryvit in the x. buyk, in the iiij. c. ; and lie slais Mesenus in the iij. c. of the vj. buyk. P. 32. /. 8. — Noyte Virgill in this comparison and symilytude, for therin and in syk lyke baris he palm of lawd, as I haf said in my proheme. It is to be considderit alsso that, our all this wark, he comparis batell tyll spait or dyluge of watyr, or than to suddan fyr, and to nocht ellis. P. 32. I. 16. — Cristoferus Landynus, that writis moraly apon Virgill, says thus : Eneas purposis to Italy, his land of promyssioun ; that is to say, a just perfyte man entendis to mast soueran bonte and gudnes, quhilk, as witnessyth Plato, is situate in contemplation of godly thingis or dyvyn warkis. His onmeysahill ennymy Juno, that is fenyeit queen of realmys, en tendis to dryve him from Itall to Cartage ; that is, Avesion, or concupissence to ryng or haf warldly honouris, wald draw him fra con templation to the actyve lyve; quhilk, quhen scho falis by hir self, tretis scho with Eolus, the neddyr part of raison, quhilk sendis the storm of mony warldly consalis in the just manis mynd: bot, quhoubeyt the mynd lang flowis and delitis heirintyll, fynaly by the fre wyll and raison pre- domynent, that is, ondirstand, by Neptun, the storm is cessit, and, as followis in the nyxt c, arryvit in sond havln, quhilk is tranquilite of consciens : and fynaly Venus, in the vj. c. fol lowing, schawis Ene his feris recouerit again ; quhilk is, fervent lufe and cherite schawis the just man his swete meditationys and feruor of deuotion, quham he tynt by warldly curis, re- storit to hym again ; and all his schippis bot on, be quham I ondyrstand the tyme lost. P. 33. 1. 1 8. — Nympha may be clepit a spows, or a damysell. Bot thai bein takyn with poetis for goddessis of woddis, wildirnessis, fludis, or wellis : and Nympha is a generall naym to all syk Nymphis of wellis, bein callit Naydes ; of hillis or montanys, Oreades ; of woddis and forestis, Dryades ; of salt fludis, Nereides ; of flouris, Napee and Hamadriades, ar fenyeit to grow and de wyth the tre, as quha wald say the sawle of the tre. P. 34. I. 5. — Ye sail ondirstand, Virgill, in all partis of his proses, quhat maner or fassoun he discrivis ony man at the begynnyng, sa con- tinewys he of that samin person all thro ; and Eneas in all his wark secludis from all vylle offyce : bot, as twychand materris of pyety or devotion, thar labowris he euer wyth the first, as ye may se in the beginyng of the vj. buke. P. 34. /. 1 3. — Thocht sum wald say, perehans, that in Affrik bein na hartis, therto answeris Landinus that albeit perehans now ther be nain, in tha days tha war not to seyk: Or thocht in the ferther partis of Affrik be nain, in the hiddir partis, quharto was Eneas dryve, ther beyn mony. P. 34. I. 29. — Acestes, kyng of Sycilly; of quham in the first c. of the v. buke. P. 35. 1. 7. — Sylla and Charybdis bein twa gret dangeris in the Sycill sey ; of quham in the vj. and viij. c. of the thrid buke. P. 35. /. 10. — Off thir Cyclopes alsso, in the ix. and x. c. of the thrid buyk. P. 36. 1. 2. — Wyne the eldar the bettir, sa that it be fresch ; and euery man knawis venny- son owt of ply tynys the sesson. P. 36. 1. 16.— -Jove, or Jupiter, by the gen- tillis was clepit the mast soueran god, fader of goddis and men, and all the otheris war bot haldyn as poweris dyuers of this Jupiter, callit juuans pater, the helply fadir ; bot quham we eleip swa I haf writyn in my proloug of the x. buyk. Of Jupiter, as writis Sanct Augustyn in his volume clepit the Cyte of God, in the vij. buke and ix c. therof, thus writis poetis : Jupiter omnipotens, regum. rex ipse, deusque, Progenitor genitrixque deum, deus vnus, et omnes. Jupiter omnipotent, king of kingis, and god, fader and moder of goddis, an god, and all the goddis. Of him largly spekis he alswa, reprev- and the gentile opinyonys, in the sam volum, in the first buk and xj. c. therof; and in the xij. c. repreuys the opynion of Plato, that haldis God the sawl of the warld. Of Jupiter sais the poet Lucan, Jupiter est quodcunque vides, quocunque moueris: Jupiter is all that euer thou seis, and all that euer movis. Bot quhou ther beyn thre syndry Jupiteris, reid John Bocas in his Genealogy of Goddis, in the first c. of the xj. buyk, quhar he tretis of Jupiter, kyng of Crete, quhilk was Jupiter the thrid : and ther, at the full, of all the fiction and fabillis therof, and quhy he is clepit gret god, and of this Jupiter in the recol- lectis of Troy. Of the secund Jupiter, kyng of Archad, and syne of Athenes, quhich slew Ly- caon, and was fadyr to Dardanus, of quham caym the Troianys, he writis in the first c. of his v. buyk : and of Jupiter the first, callit Lysanyan, and kyng Athenes, in the ij. c. of his ij. buke, quhar he tretis the proprieteis of Jupiter the planeyt. And now to speyk of Jupiter the planete, quhilk is secund in ordour, and vnermaste nyxt Saturn ; he is gentyll and meyk, and full of gud influens, and profitabill aspectis, in sa far that gif he conionys with a frawart planete, sik as Mars, or Saturn, he meysis ther wreth : gif he conjonys with a meyn planete, as the Sone, the Moyn, or Mercury, he drawis thaim and makis inclyn to his gudnes. Quhen he conjonys with Venus, or is partici pant with hir, as he stud in the ascendent at VI this tym of Eneas landyng, quhilk is fenyeit the commonyng betwix hym and Venus, than, as heir apperis, hatakynnys all gud ; for Jove is clepit, Fortuna maior, and Venus, Fortuna minor. He completis his curs in xij yeris ; and, by this constylation betwix him and Venus, Seruius ondirstandis felicite to cum be a woman ; as followis be Dido : And that Venus was soro- full, that is to knaw, discendent, and nocht in hir strenth, signifeis the sorefull departyng and myschans of Dido. P. 37. I- 18. — Becaus ther is mensioun of Anthenor, quham many, followand Gwydo De Columnis, haldis tratour, sum thing of him will I speyk, thocht it may sums for his purgation that Virgill heir hayth namit him, and almaste comparit him to the mast soueran Eneas; quhilk comparison na wys wald he haf maid for lak of Eneas, gif he had bein tratour. Bot to schaw his innocens, lat vs induce the mast nobill and famus historian and mylky flud of eloquens, gret Tytus Lyuius, quhilk of Anthenor and Eneas sais thir wordis in his beginning : It is weill wyt that, Troy beand takin, in all the otheris Troianys crudelite was exersit, excep- pand twa, Athenor and Eneas : to quham the Grekis did na harm, bot abstenytfra aU power qf batell as twichyng thaim, becaus of the ray son of hospitalile ; for thai had beyn ther aid hostis and all tymys thai war solistaris and warkkaris to rendyr Helen and to procur paice. Now I beseik yow, curtes redaris, considdir gif this be punctis of traison, or rathar of honour ; and wey the excellent awtorite of Virgill and Tvtus Lyuius with your pevach and corrupt Gwido. Landinus sais als of this Anthenor that, for his sone Glaucus followit Paris, he depechit him of him, and for that sam caus, quhen he was aftyr slan byAgamemnon,he maid na duyll forhisded. P. 37. 1- 19- — Uyria hes his naym fra Illyrus, son to Polyphemus, and, as sais Sextus Rufus, it contenys xvij provyncis. It extendis endlang all the gret flud Danubyum, callit Hister, on bayth the sydis, and in it is Vngary, Pannony, Sclauony, Bohem, Denmark, and Macydon: and this Lyburnya is bot a part therof, contenand certan ilis. Timauus is a flud in Lumbardy, in the Venytian landis, that cumis furth of the Duch Montanys at ix heginnyngis, quhilk all rynnys in a loch, quham the pepill adiacent eallis a sey ; and from this loch cumys the flud that rynnys to Padva, byggit be Anthenor, as heir ye may se. Bot it is to be notyt that Virgill sais abuf, in the first c, Eneas coim fyrst fra Troy to Italy; and heir it apperis Anthenor caym befor him. To that sais Seruyus, tha partis quhamto coyni Anthenor beyn not haldyn of Italy, bot of Lumbardy, callit Gallia Cysalpina : or mayr evidently may we say that Ene was the fyrst coim to Italy by fait, and at the goddis command ; Anthenor coym at his awin auentur, and nocht be destine. P. 38. I. 11. — Venus is clepit Cytherea fra the ile Cythera, besid Creyt, quhar scho was norysit ; or fra the mont Cytheron, quhar scho was gretly wirscheppit. P. 38. I. 13. — The cyte of Rome, or than of new Troy. P. 38. I. 15. — The deyfication of Eneas is eftyr, in the last c. of the xiij. buyk. P. 38. /. 21. — Of the barganyng or batellis of this Eneas, her in dyuers bukis followand ; and of the beldyng of this cyte, and how lang his ryng endurit, in the last and penult c. of the xiij. buyk. P. 38. I. 29.— Julus is thre sillabis, spellit wyth i per se and v per se. P. 39. /. 4.— The cite Alba, biggit by Asca- nius son of Creusa, eftyr Virgill had his naim fra the quhite swyn, as ye may se in the first c. of the viij buk ; and was clepit Lang Alba, for it was set end lang the band or rygof a law hill, as writis Tytus Lyuius, and was distroit by Tullus Hostilius, thrid king of Rom; and tharof in the xj. c. of the xiij. buke. P. 39. /. 6. — Pepill Hectorean, hardy as Hector, or of the kinrent and blude of Hector ; for this Ascanyus was his fift son. Vll P. 39. /. 11. — Of Romulus ye sail knaw, that Porcas, the xj kyng of Alba or Albanys, gat twa sonys, Numytor and Amulyus, betwyx quham he dividit his realm. Bot this Amulyus banyst his brother Numytor, and slew his son Lawsus, and his dochtir, callit Ilya or Rhea, consecrat a nun onto the goddes Vesta, to that effect scho suld haf na succession ; for in tha dais sik nunis, gif thai brak ther virginite, war eyrdit qwyk. Bot this Ilia consauyt and brocht furth twa childyr mayll, quham thai fenze to haf beyn engendyrit of Mars, becaus thai war bellicos and chevalrus, and bygettin of sum dowchti man ; and than this Amulyus gart put this Ilia to ded, and bad kast tha childyr in Tybyr. Bot the flud be an speyt was flowyn sa far our the brays thai mycht nocht wyn to the crocis of the water, and thus war thai left on the bra; and ane Fastulus, an hyrd, had thaim horn to his hows, and maid Acca his wyf, other wys callyt Lupa, nuryce thaim : and, for that Lupa batakinnys a wolf, and scho was callit Lupa, therfor is it said a wolf fosterit Romulus and Remus. And becaus this said Acca or Lupa maid Romulus hir ayr, therfor sais Virgill he was cled in his motheris or nuryce tawbart. And eftyr, quhen thai worth men, thai becam for the nanys briggantis of the wod, and by a maner pollycy or practyk convenyt that the tayn of thaim suld tak his brother and all his complicis, and sa thai did, and brocht him befor ther vncle the kyng Amulyus, as thocht he wald accus him of a dedly cryme. And quhen thai war in presens cumin, thai bayth attanys rays apon Amulyus and slew him, and ther declaryt ther blud and genealogy ; and therefter brocht haim thar grandsyr Numytor, and restoryt to him his realm : syn went ther way, and for thaim selvyn biggit Roym and wallyt fyrst. And, for thai war bayth of a byrth, thai beguyth debait for the naim of the eyte. Than was appunctyt that on the morn quha saw the mast nobyll syng, or takin Au- gurian, suld geif the cyte his naym : and Remus fyrst saw vj gripis, and Romulus eftyr hym xij gripis. Than said the tayn his takyn was mast nobyll, for that he saw thaim first; and the tother na, becaus he saw ma : bot quhiddir it was for that debait, or for the goyng our the wallis, as otheris will say, Remus was slayn be Fabyus, chyftan of weyr to Romulus, and the cyte clepit Roma eftyr Romulus. And quhou or quhy that he is callit Quyrites, and of his dowt- sum end, and of the sonnis eclips the tym of his ded, and quhy he was repute a god, reid Titus Lyuius, John Bocas in the last c. of the Genealogie of Godis, in the ix. buke, and Au- gustyn in the Cyte of God, in the xv. c. of the iij. buke. And sum thing heireftir in the xiij. c. of the vj. buke and the x. c. of the viij. buyk. P. 39. /. 15. — Sanct Augustyn in his volum clepit De verbis Domini, in the xxix sermond, mokkis at this word, sayand, Yit is not the end, and the empyr is translat to the Almanys : bot Virgill was crafty, sais he, that wald not on his awyn byhalf rehers thir wordis, bot maid Jupiter pronunce thaim ; and as he is a half fenzeit god, swa is his prophecy. P. 39. I. 26. — Pthyia was the cuntre of Achylles ; Myce, or Mycene, the realm of Agamemnon ; Arge the realm of kyng Adras- tus, pertenyng eftir to Diomed be raison of his moder; and it is oft tane for all Grece, and the Grekis therfra bein oft clepit Argiui, or pepill of Arge. P. 40. 1. 2. — Of Julius Cesar, quhen I behald his Commentareis, and the gret volum of Lucan, and quhat of hym writis Swytoneus, I thynk bettyr hald styll my pen than wryt lytill of sa large a mater, and sa excellent a prynce. Bot ye sail knaw that the principall entent of Virgill was to extoll the Romanys, and in specyal the famyllye or clan Julyan, that comin from this Ascanyus, son to Eneas and Crevsa, otherwais callyt Julus ; becaus the empryour August Oc- tauyan, quhamto he direkkit this wark, was of that hows and blud, and sistyr son to Cesar Julyus. And therfor, quhen Cesar was slayn Vlll by the Sanatouris, Octavyan had revengeit his deth, and rang passabilly at the byrth of our salviour, quhen the starn of Bethliam apperit. Than, to pies Octavian, said the Romanys, that was the sawll of Cesar quhilk was deifyit ; and this opynion heir twichis Virgill, and als in his Bucolyqueys. P- 40. I. 13.— Off the stek and of closyng of the tempill of Janus in tym of weyr and of pace, ye haf in the vij. buyk, in the x. c. And this tempill of Janus was twys closit befor Octauian; anys be Numa Pompilius, and the secund tym be Tytus Manlyus ; and thris be Octavyan : and this tym heyr markyt was the last tyme, at the cumyng of Cryst, quhen all the warld was in pace. In wytnes therof the angellis sang pace in erd, the tym of bryth ; the ij. c. of Sanct Luke. P. 40. 1. 22. — Off Mercury red in the v. c. of the iiij. buke : and that Mercur heir was send doun from Jupiter is nocht ellis bot the planet Mercur was at disces, and Jove ascendent; quhilk signifeit frendschip in hast to cum, bot not to lest lang. P. 41. c. VI. — In this cheptir ye haf that Eneas met his moder Venus in liknes of a vir- gyn, or a mayd ; by the quhilk ye sail vndir- stand that Venus is fenyeit to be modyr to Eneas, becaus that Venus was in the ascendent, and had domynation in the hevyn, the tym of his natyvite : and, for that the planet Venus was the signifiar of his byrth, and had domination and speciall influens towart hym, therfor is scho fenzeit to he his mother; and thus it that poetis fenzeis bein full of secreyt ondyrstandyng ondyr a hyd sentens or fygur. And weyn nocht for this, thocht poetis fenzeis Venus the planet, for the caus foirsaid, to be Eneas mother, at thai beleve nocht he was motherles, bot that he had a fayr lady to his moder, quhilk for hir bewte was clepit Venus : and that Venus metis Eneas in form and lyknes of a maid is to he onderstood that Venus the planete that tym was in the syng of the Virgyn, quhilk betakyn- nyt luf and fawouris of wemen. And of Venus and hir son Cupyd I sail say sum thyng in the x. c. of this sam buke. P. 41. I. 20. — Mony expqndis Achates for thochtfull cuyr or solicitud, quhilk all tymys is feyr and companyeon to prineis and gret men. P. 42. 1. 1. — The madynnis of Sparta bene the Amasonys. P. 42. 1. 2. — Harpalica douchter to Ligurgus kyng of Trace, hir fader beand tane be the pepil of Getya, assemblit hir power, and with sa gret haist persewit thame, that scho semyt in swiftnes to forryn the swiftast flude of Trace, callit Hebrun ; and, with mair agilite and hardyment than is almaste to be belevit, res- kewit hir fader and ourcome hir aduersaris. P. 43. 1. 5. — Thus said scho for to dissimyll hyr self, or than becaus that in Cypir was scho wirscheppit only wyth insens and flouris, and nayn other sacrifyce, sa that it was onlefull ony blud war sched in hir tempyll. P. 43. /. 1 2. — Of Agenor ye sal knaw that Jupiter engendrit Ephaphus, quhilk gat Belus the first, that engendrit this Agenor, and he begat Phenix, fra quham the realm of Tyre was namyt Phenycia, and the pepil bath of Tyre and Cartage Phenycianys, or Punycianys. This Phenix begat Belus the secund, otherwys callit Methres, and he was fader to this Pygmaleon, and queyn Dido, otherwys nemmyt Elissa. This ilk Phenix also engendrit Philistenes, quhilk begat this Sycheus, otherwys callit Sicarbas, spous to this ilk Dido, and gret preste to Her cules. P. 44. /. 30. — Sum sais scho gave als mekyll gold as wald gang in a bul hid for this grund ; sum haldis opynyon that in thai dais the monye was mad of cuyrbulye or leddyr, and this castell hes his naym therfra, for, in the langage of Affrik, byrsa betakynnys leddyr, or a hyd : bot Seruyus is of Virgillis opynion, sayand, Dido maid carve the bull hid in sa small twhangis that it cumpassyt abowt the spas of xxij stageis, that is thre myllis quarter les. IX P. 45. /. 17. — That Eneas heyr commendis his self, it is not to be tayn that he said this for arrogans, bot for to schaw his scyll ; as a kyng or prince onknawin in an onkowth land, may, but repreif, rehers his estate and dygnite, to mak him be tretyt as afferis. And als, becaus he trastyt he spak with a goddes, that scho suld nocht aschaym to remayn and talk with hym therfor : and becaus scho was a woman, he schew that he was a man of autorite, with quham thai nedis nocht ascham to speyk ; for he was that man quhilk, by the common voce, was clepit Eneas full of pyete. And for that Virgill clepis hym swa all thro this buyk, and I interpret that term, quhylys, for rewth, quhils, for devotion, and quhilis, for pyete and com passion ;. tharfor ye sail knaw that pyete is a vertu, or gud deid, be the quhilk we geif our dylligent and detfull lawbour to our natyve cun tre, and onto thaim beyn conionyt to vs in neyr degre : and this vertu, pyete, is a part of jus- tyce, and hes ondyr hym twa other vertws; amyte, callyt frendschip, and liberalyte. P. 45. I. 24. — Varo sais that Eneas, fra his departing of Troy quhil he coym in the feldis of Lawrentum, all the day saw the starn of Venus; and quhen he was thiddir cummyn he saw it na mair, quharby he ondirstud that was his grund fatayll. P. 46. 1. 10. — Parentis betakynnys the childis fader and moder baith. P. 46. I. 13.— The Egill be -poetis is fenyeit to be Jovis fowle, and that he'maid ministra tion to him of the thunder and wapynnys the tyme of the battale betwix the god Dis and the gyantis. Bot, war it lefull to compar prophane fabillis to haly Scriptour, Sanct John the ewan- gelist is verray Jovis egill, and clepit son of thundir. P. 50. I. 6.— Attrides beyn in Latyn clepit thus Thir nevois reput of kyng Attryus, That in our langage are the broder tway, Kyng Agamemnon, and Duke Menalay. P. 63. I. 8. Of Typhon, or Typheus, in the xi. c. of the ix. buke. CETERA DESUNT. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08954 4291