? I FAMILY DEVOTION; OR, AN EXHORTATION TO MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER IN FAMILIES. WITH TWO FORMS OF PRAYER, SUITED TO THOSE TWO SEASONS^* AND ALSO FITTED FOR THE USE OF ONE PERSON IN PRIVATE. TO WHICH ABE NOW ADDED, Two Shorter Forms, to be used by Children and Servants when they cannot conveniently be present at the Family Prayers. First drawn up for the Use of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Lambeth, and now Revised and Enlarged, By the Right Reverend Father in God, EDMUND GIBSON, D.D. t ? • LATE LORD BISHOP OF LONDON: THE THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION. fLontron: PRINTED FOR F. C. &-J. RIVINGTON, Booksellers tothe Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; no. 62, st. Paul's church-yard, MID HO. 3, WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL-MALL. 1821. Printed by R. Gilbert, St. JUUii's-Sqware, London. TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PARISH OF LAMBETH. MY BRETHREN, Having drawn up for your use such a form of Morn ing and Evening Prayer, as I conceive to be proper in your families, 1 now put it into your hands ; together with an earnest exhortation to the practice of Family Devotion. It hath pleased the Providence of God to commit to me the care of your souls ; and as I am obliged in a peculiar manner, to desire and endeavour the Salvation of them, so I know nothing that will for ward it more than the exercise of daily devotion in your families. The many benefits that will accrue to you and to your families from this godly practice, are plainly set down in the follovving exhortation; which I beseech you to read and consider seriously. And when you have read it, and seen the excellent ends and uses of Family De votion ; consider farther, hovv ill it becomes any Chris tian to sufifer himself and his family to live in the daily neglect of a duty, the daily practice of which would so greatly conduce to the saving of their souls. A 2 4 To the Inhabitants I consider, that many of the families under my care are such as live by the labour of their hands, and have not much time to spare ; and therefore I took care to comprehend the proper matter of both the prayers in as short a compass as might be; so short, that the longest of them may be decently read to a family in a little more than half a quarter of an hour. And they must be very indifferent Christians,, who can grudge God and their souls so small a portion of their time ; not considering, how plentifully it would be made up by the comfort and benefit of that blessing which our prayers secure to us. Where men are not inclined to exercises of this nature, it is easy to find- pretences and excuses to avoid them ; but if there be first a willing mind, time and opportunity will seldom be wanting; and to bring men to a willing mind, it should be re membered, that such excuses will only serve them in this world. This exercise of the Morning and Evening Prayer, where families have lived in the neglect of it, may ap pear somewhat strange at the beginning, as all things do that are new and unusual. But if parents and mas ters would setlle their hours of prayer, and oblige as many of their family to be present as conveniently may, it would in a little time appear as strange to omit them ; and the service of Go r> would be reckoned, as in all Christian families it ought, a necessary part of every day's business. I am aware, that extraordinary occasions sometimes will happen, which may make it necessary to omit Morning or Evening Prayer in the family, when per- Jiaps some one member of that family may be at leisure for it, 1 am also afraid, that there will be some mas ters and fathers so void of all religion, as to take no care of settling this goflly practice in their families ; nay some may be so very wicked, as even to hinder and forbid it ; when yet a wife, or a child, or a servant, may be religiously inclined, and desirous to perform their duty in private. Upon which considerations, I of the Parish of Lambeth. 5 have fitted these two Family-Prayers for the use of one Single Person, and to that end have printed them apart ; foreseeing, that if the many changes which are necessary to fit public prayer for private use, were to be made by particular persons in the act of praying, it would be" a great disturbance to their attention and devotion. I am also aware, that children and servants will sometimes be unavoidably hindered from attending the Family Hours of Prayer ; and therefore that they may not remain strangers to devotion, and that the practice of Family- Prayer may be provided for in every part, I have thought it proper to add two shorter forms, which are suited to the respective condition of clifldren and servants, who, if they cannot ordinarily be present at the prayers of the family, nor be always at leisure to use the larger forms in private, should be often ad monished by parents and masters, that they fail not at least to use the shortest forms constantly before they lie down to rest, and as soon as they rise again. As it may be necessary, on some extraordinary occa sions to omit prayers in the family ; so at other times, and especially on the Lord's Bvyt there will be more leisure than the bare performance of thisoffice requires. Which leisure ought to be employed in reading to the family some plain and easy portions of Holy Scriptures, or other books of piety and religion, and in catechising such of the children and servants who need it. Although a master or mistress shall (as becomes their character and station) take to themselves the office of , reading prayer to the rest, yet it may not be amiss to train up some other of the family to be able to perform it decently, that in case their indisposition, or unavoid able absence, the duty may not be omitted, and by degrees forgotten. You will observe that each of the two Prayers for Morning and Evening is divided into several branches ; each branch being a shorter prayer, in the manner of a collect, and containing one distinct head of the several 6 To the Inhabitants, %. matters for which a Christian is bound to pray. And I chose this method, because, in my opinion, it keeps the thoughts more distinct than they can well be kept in one long continued prayer ; and if they happen to wander, the solemn conclusion of one prayer, with the entrance upon another, and the part which every one present has in saying Amen to each, is a good means to awaken the attention, and to recall the thoughts to their proper work. May the good Spirit of God stir up every family under my charge to this practice of daily devotion, and continually aid and afflict you in it: that thereby ob taining daily supplies of Grace, and always living in his fear and obedience, you may give me cause to^bless him f6r making me in any measure the instrument of your spiritual good in this world, and may secure to yourselves an eternity of happiness in the next. Which is, and always will be, the earnest prayer of Your affectionate Brother and Pastor, EDMUND GIBSON. new-year's day, 1745. EXHORTATION FAMILY PRAYER. Prayer is the service that we owe to Almighty God, as he is our creator and preserver, and we his creatures, who depend upon him for the comforts and nee essaries of body and soul. Which service is not only most rea sonable in itself, as it is an hamble acknowledgment of God's dominion and sovereignty over us ; but is in many places of Scripture expressly enjoined by Christ and his Apostles as a necessary condition, a sure means of hav ing our wants supplied. Our Saviour (Matt. vii. 7.) makes our. asking the only meaus of our receiving ; Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and ye shall find.- And St. James expressly sailh (James iv. .2.) That zee. have not, because zee ask not ; and St. Paul's precept is, (Phil, iv, 6.) That in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we let our requests be made known unto God, Now the reason why God requires us to pray to him for his blessing and assistance, is not, that he wants to be informed what our necessities are -% for he under stands them much better than we ourselves, and, as our Saviour speaks (Matt. vi. 8.) hnozveth what things we have need of before we ask him. But the design of making prayer a religious ordinance, and of obliging Christians to ask that they may receive, is, to preserve upon their minds a constant sense of their dependance upon God, and of their manifold obliga- A 4 8 An Exhortation tions to him ; that so these daily, acknowledgments of the Divine power and goodness may keep up in crea tures a due fear and love of their Creator, and an habi tual reverence and obedience to him and his laws. From hence appears the reasonableness and neces sity of frequent praier; both in regard to the daily wants of our souls and bodies, which God has no where promised to supply, but upon our earnest prayer to him ; and also because the cares and pleasures of this world are very apt to make us forget the things of the next life, unless an heavenly temper, and a sense of God's being and goodness, be preserved upon our souls by the exercise of frequent prayer ; which is a conver sing with God, and the nearest communication we can have with him, as long as we continue in this world. The Apostle commands us (1 Thess. v. 17.) to pi ay without ceasing ;* and (Col. iv. 2.) to continue in prayer, and watch in the same ; and (Col. iv. 12.) he speaks of labouring fervently in prayer : from all which we learn, that this service must be performed by Chris tians, frequently and earnestly. We read in Scripture (Acts iii. 1 .) of the liours' of prayer ; and we find parti cularly, (Psal. Iv. 17- Dan. vi. 10.) that it was the prac tice of David and Daniel, two" eminently good and holy men, to pray to God three times in a day. As to the public service of the Church, and the times of attending that, every Christian is to be go verned by the orders and customs of the place and na tion in which he lives, and is bound in duty to attend to it, and to join with his fellow Christians in praying for their common necessaries as oft as health and business will give him leave, and more especially on the Lord's- day, which is set apart for that end. But as to that which I am now speaking of, namely, private. prayer, whether of single persons or fami lies : although there is no express and positive precept, how many times in a day it shall be |>erformed ; yet I think no person or family can be accounted religious, who do not perform their duty or praying to God at to Family Prayer. 9 least in the morning and evening. A true spirit of piety and devotion will move private Christians, who have time and leisure to retire to prayer at other hours also; especially when they find extraordinary oc casions for the comfort and assistance of- God. But I insist upon prayer in the morning and evening, as that which is not oidy reasonable in itself, but may also be made to suit the condition and business of most persons and families, if they be but religiously disposed, and have hearts willing and desirous to pray to God. In the morning, when they arise from rest, and before they enter upon their daily business, what can become Christians more, than to fall down before God, to thank and praise him for the preservation *f the past night, and to beg his blessing upon the business of the following day, and his protection to body and soul, amidst the dangers and temptations of a wicked world ? Again, in the evening, after they return from their worldly business and conversation, and before they go to rest, can any thing be more proper for devout and serious Christians, than humbly to acknowledge the goodness of God, and to make confession of their own sins and unworthiness ; and then, upon their sincere repentance, and humble trust in his mercy, to implore the continuance of his favour and protection, especially the follovving night ? They who can live in the daily neglect of so reason able a service, and can lie down and rise again without thinking of God, and go about the business of their lives, without imploring his direction and blessing : such persons can have very little religion, but may rather be said to live without God in the world. By the omis sion of this pait of their duty, it comes to pass, that they seldom have it in their minds either that there is such a being as God, or that they live under his pro vidence, or that he has given them laws to walk by, and will require an account in another world how they have observed them. And as no person, who has not these and the like thoughts frequently upon his mind, * a 1 o An Exhortation can be said to think or live like a Christian ; so such thoughts can be very little upon the mind of any per son, who lives in an habitual neglect of this duty of morning and evening prayer. For if men think n6t of these things at the most seasonable times for it, before they begin their work, and after they have ended it, it is not likely that they will fall into such thoughts in the midst of their business or pleasures. It is to be feared, that there are too many persons and families, who are sunk into this unthinking state, and this habitual forgetfulness of Almighty God : which being a condition so dangerous to their souls, we, who have the care of souls, are bound to admonish them of their danger, and to exhort them earnestly to the proper and effectual remedy : which is, this daily addressing themselves to God ; and, as it were, con versing with him in prayer. The time it will take up is very small- but the benefit which it vVill bring, is exceeding great ; no less than the entitling ourselves to the constant assistance and_ protection of God, and the keeping us in a daily preparation for heaven. And surely no person who calls himself a Christian, and doth in any degree desire to live as becomes the Gos pel of Christ, can be unwilling to enter upon a prac tice, which will be the means of gaining such valuable benefits to body and soul, especially, when that which will procure these benefits, is a work so easy and rea sonable, as the lifting up our hearts to God for so short a space before and after the business of this world. They have seen, by what has been hitherto said of family devotion, that this is a very reasonable and east/ duty ; and that the daily neglect of it is the ready way to lose all sense of God and religion. The considera tions which I shall add as a farther inducement to the daily performance of it, will shew them, that it is not only a sure preservative against that forgetfulness of Almighty God, but also an excellent help towards their growth and improvement in grace and goodness. to Family Prayer. 1 1 To make them truly sensible of this, let -them con sider the following heads. I. The great weakness and infirmity of body and soul, and the manifold dangers withyvhich both are en compassed : that the body is perpetually liable to dis- eases within, and accidents without ; and the soul al ways beset with the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. Now our only security against these dangers, is God's protection to defend the body, and his assisting grace to preserve the soul : and as there is no other way to obtain his protection and assistance against these dangers but our prayers ; so the dangers being daily, our prayers must be daily too. And the only sure way to keep up daily..devotion,1 is for every family to fix and appoint for that efW the two most convenient parts of the day, namely morning and evening. For except the times of doing it be fixed and certain,.the duty will be either wholly neglected and forgotten, or at best* there will be many pretences to omit it. Whereas, when the times of prayer are set tled in a family, they are reckoned beforehand, and all other business is laid and contrived accordingly ; so that by a little practice, morning and evening prayer is ac counted a necessary part of the busiuess of the day ; and no more to be omitted or forgotten than the pro vision or food, or raiment, and other conveniences of life. The members of any family who have been thus accustomed to daily prayer, as the only sure means of obtaining God's daily blessing, will be afraid to lay down at night, or go abroad in the morning, without first having made themselves sure of his protection and assistance, by joining with their brethren in prayer ; or where that cannot be conveniently done, by their own private devotions, or by both where there is leisure and opportunity for both. _ t II. It is a further encouragement to the beginning and carrying on this godly practice in families, that our Saviour Christ has in an especial manner promised his presence with them. For considering the circumstances a 6- 12 An Exhortation of that promise (in the xviiith of St. Matt, verses 19, 20.) it may be more strictly and immediately applied to family prayers ; I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth, as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered to- ? ether in my name, there am I in the midst of them, Without doubt Christ is ready to assist and answer the devout prayers of good men, in what place, or-at what time soever they are made ; but the joint prayers of a family must be yet more acceptable and more powerful, as they are sent up "with an unity of hearts and souls ; which is so becoming among Christians, and especially among brethren and relations, and is withal so pleasing in the sight of God. III. The practice of daily prayer settles in families a face and spirit of religion ; so as no member thereof can wholly forget God and another world, while they are every day reminded of both. By this, children are trained from their infancy to an use and habit of devo tion ; and servants are sure of due time and opportunity to serve God every day. For fathers and mothers, mas ters and mistresses, are enjoined by God to take care of the souls as well as the bodies of their children and servants ; and as it is their duty, so may it be their great comfort, to afford them this daily means of becoming and continuing the servants and children of God. Hereby they plant in their hearts a true sense of piety and devotion ; ann this prepares and disposes them, when themselves come to be parents and governors, to train up their children and servants to the same method of daily devotion. And so they who settle and keep up in their families this practice of morning and evening prayer, lake the true and effectual way, both to pre serve in their own houses a spirit of piety and religion, and also to convey that religious spirit to future gene rations. IV. Daily prayer in a family is a great check and restraint upon any member of it, who may be inclined to Family Prayer. is to sin and vice. It makes him remember, whether he will or no, that there is a God, and another world, and that they who would be happy hereafter, must heartily use their own endeavours, and beg the- assistance of Almighty God, that they may live soberly and righ teously here. This is the great end and design of all our prayers : and though persons who a~re viciously in clined may not inwardly join with their brethren in prayer: yet if they be but present they must often con sider that what the rest are doing, is in order to a life after this ; and that they, as well as their brethren, have souls to take care of; and therefore, that it cannot be safe for them to live in sins, from which they hear their fellow Christians daily beseeching God to dehjerthem. Occasional admonitions or exhortations to this pur pose may be easily forgotten or neglected by wicked men ; but when the thoughts of another world are thus daily renewed upon their minds, it must be a daily check to their wicked courses ; and, I doubt not, but very many persons of evil and debauched inclinations, have not only been much reformed, but have become virtuous and religious], by falling providentially into such regular families as have kept up this most edify ing and godly exercise of daily prayer. V. As the practice of daily prayer in families, is the best way to restrain and reform the bad members of it : so it is an excellent means to make such of them as are well disposed, to persevere in their good disposition, and to grow daily in grace and in purity of heart and affection^ and to fit them more and more for the spi ritual exercises of the next life. The heart of man is by nature carnal and earthly, set upon the Business of this world, and not easily brought to take delight in the things of the next. The work therefore which God hath appointed Christians in this world, is to purify their hearts, and to bring them to a love of hea venly things. And for the effecting of this, he hath enjoined the exercise of several means, as reading, meditation,and the like ; but of those means, none is 14 An Exhortation / more effectual for that end than this of daily prayer. It is the only way we have of prevailing with -God to send his Holy Spirit into our hearts ; and the daily practice and use of lifting up our hearts to God in prayer adds wings to the soul, and makes it move towards heaven every day more naturally and easily, and brings it to a nearer, acquaintance with God, and a better taste and relish of that spiritual life, which every one that desires heaven, must desire, and be prepared to live hereafter. To which I may add, that daily prayer, as it contains in it a solemn confession of sins, gives good Chris tians an opportunity, or rather puts them under a ne cessity of examining their lives day by day, and of re penting immediately of the sins they commit, and by this daily confession and repentance, they are kept in a right knowledge of their spiritual estate, and have then- accounts in readiness whenever God shall please to call for them. Thus all families who have settled and kept up this daily correspondence with God in prayer, do truly walk with God, and are constantly advancing towards heaven in the way that he hath appointed ; and are making themselves every day more fit for his immediate presence there. . VI.- Where daily prayer is practised in any tamilyr the members of it are accustomed to devotion, and by their appearing so frequently before God in a small congregation, can much more readily frame their heart to due attention and zeal, when they come to appear before him in a larger, I mean at the public service of the Church ; where Christians meet, with mutual unity of hearts, and send up their joint prayers to God for the common necessities of one another. For it is the same spirit of devotion that makes us both fit for pub lic and private prayer ; and unless that spirit be kept up by daily exercise, it will of course decay and lan guish ; and when Christians come to church after the disuse of devotion for some days together, they are in a manner strangers to the work they are going about ; and their hearts having been employed only about to Family Prayer. 15 earthly things, are not readily and easily raised up to heaven. Which is the true cause of that coldness, in difference and wandering of thoughts and eyes, that is so common in the public worship of God ; and I doubt it is generally true, that they who use no devotion at home, bring very little to the church. But now the use and practice of daily prayer at home trains up Christians to a spirit and habit of devotion, and keeps their minds bent towards God and heavenly things ; which by frequent exercise being made familiar to their thoughts, their hearts and affections are easily framed and composed to such attention, devotion and zeal, as becomes the house of God ; and they are also armed against the temptations to wandering, and tly>se dis turbances to devotion which frequently happen in great and public congregations. The sum of this exhortation to Family Prayer is this. Prayer to Almighty God is an ordinance which he has appointed, as the condition of having our wants supplied, and as one special means of keeping up in our hearts a constant sense of his majesty and goodness, and thereby a due fear, and love, and reverence of his name. Our wants are daily, and the temptations which draw our hearts from God to the things of this world, are also daily ; and upon both these accounts our pray ers ought also to be daily. This has been the practice of good and religious men iu all ages, and they scarce deserve the name of Christians, who can lie down to rest, without praying for the protection of God ; and rise again without thanking him for that prote'ction, an4 begging his blessing upon themselves and their un dertakings the following day. The only way to have this surely and effectually done by Christians, is to set tle the practice of morning and evening prayer in their families ; the members of which, at least the greatest part of them, are supposed ordinarily to be together at these two seasons. When the times of prayer are thus settled, it will be accounted part of the business of the day; and as the neglect of it occasions an habitual for- i6 An Exhortation, fyc. getfulness of God, and the things of another life, so The daily practice of it keeps up in families a face and spirit of religion, and is the best means that fathers and mothers, masters and mistresses can use, to pre serve in themselves, their children and servants, such a religious and heavenly frame of soul, as becomes a so ciety of Christians. It brings down upon families the blessing of God, and supplies of grace to assist and direct those members who heartily join with their bre thren in their daily prayer for it. And if there be any members of a family who are wicked, or ill-disposed, this practice is the way to reclaim them and make them good, by bringing to their minds every day the thoughts of God and another world, and keeping their con sciences awake, which would otherwise be lulled asleep in sin and security. As to those of a family who are good, and desirous to grow every day better, the prac tice of daily prayer makes them fixed and stedfast in their religious dispositions, and keeps their souls bent towards heaven and heavenly things, and raises them more and more to such a spirit of devotion, as both prepares them, while they live, to be fervent and zea lous amongst the faithful in the public service of God's Ghurch ; and when they come to die, fit them for spi ritual joys and exercises among the blessed in heaven. May all they, for whose use this exhortation to Family Prayer is designed, read it seriously, and lay it to heart as a matter that nearly concerns every Chris tian ; and may as many of them as have not already settled this godly practice in their^ families, resolve that they will no longer neglect a duty, which will so much forward their own salvation, and is such an excellent means of training up their children and servants to piety and religion. MORNING PRAYER. TO BE UgBD IN THE FAMILIES OF THE PARISH Off LAMBBTH, 7%e Master or Mistress having called together a» many of the Family as can conveniently be present,. let one of them, 'or any other whom they Shall think most proper, say a$fo,llows, all kneeling. Almighty and everlasting God, in Acknovvledgment of whom we live, and move, and, have Rod's mercy, and pre- our being, and whose mercy is over servation, especially all thy works ; we, thy needy crea- tbe n'sht past" tures, in a thankful sense of thy good providence over us, render thee our humblest praises for thy preservation of us from the beginning of our lives to this, day. Blessed be thy holy name for the continual protection of thy hand, by which we have .been defended amidst the changes and chances of this mortal life, and kept and delivered from in numerable dangers, and particularly from the ter rors and evil accidents of the past night. To thy. 18 Morning Prayer * When disturban- watcllful providence we wholly owe cesof any kind befai a it [* that no disturbance hath come family, instead of tUis, njgh us or our dwelling, but that we say, thatvolwithstand- h en;oved quiet and refreshing ing our fears and dan- """' «-"j«j~« \j o gers, we are brought in sleep, and are brought in safety to safety to the beginning the beginning of the day.] For of this day. these and all thy other mercies, our souls do bless and magnify thy glorious name ; humbly beseeqhing thee to accept this our morning sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, for his sake, who lay down in the grave, and rose again for us, thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Dedication of soul And S'"Ce, k is,°f th? I™™!' ° and body to God'b sei-- gracious Father, that another day is vice, with a resolution added to our lives ; we here dedicate ingtoh0dnf3riDS d3iIy both our souls and h0dks t0 thee and to thy service, to promote thy glory, and our own salvation, in a sober, righteous, and godly life. We renounce the devil and all his works, the vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh, desiring nothing so much as to serve thee faithfully all the days of our lives. And we sin cerely resolve'so to improve the time which thou shalt be pleased to grant us in this world, that we may every day become better Christians, and persevere in holiness and righteousness unto the end. In which resolutions do thou, O merciful God, . confirm and strengthen us ; and especially this day keep it stedfastly in the purpose of our hearts to perform them, that as we grow in age, we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. For grace to enable But, Lord, thou khowest the us to perform that re- weakness and corruption of our na ture, and the manifold temptations that we daily meet with ; we therefore humbly beseech thee to have compassion upon our infirmities, and to give us the constant assistance of thy Holy Spirit : that for a Family. ]Q we may be effectually restrained from sin, and excited to our duty. And when thou seest us giving way to any temptation, suffer us not to be tempted above that we are able, bub stretch out thy helping hand to save and deliver us. Imprint upon our hearts such a dread of thy judgment, and such a grateful sense of thy goodness to us, as may make us both afraid and ashamed to offend thee ; and above all, keep up in our minds a ¦ lively remembrance of that great day, in which we must give a strict account of our thoughts, words, and actions, and, according to the works done in the body, be eternally rewarded or punished by him whom thou hast appointed judge of quick and dead, thy Son Je sus Christ our Lord. Amen. In particular, that we may then For grace to guide be able to give account of this day ; and keep -us the fol- grant us grace to have thee and thy lowlneday- laws before our eyes, that we may walk in it accord ing to thy will, with watchfulness and circumspection. Keep us sober and temperate in our meats and drinks, and diligent in the several callings and professions which thy providence hath appointed us. ' Grant us patience under any affliction thou shalt see fit to lay upon us, and minds always contented with our present condition. Give us grace to be just and upright in all our dealings, quiet and peaceable among our neigh bours, full of compassion towards the needy and af flicted, and ever ready to do good to all men, accord ing to the abilities and opportunities which thou shalt give us : that so walking faithfully before tbee all our days, and being found watching whenever our appointed time shall come, we may, from a life of righteousness, be translated to a life of glory, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our only Saviour aud Re deemer. Amen. 20 Mo-rmng Prayer, &c. For God's u.«i»g [*And now we are entering upon* upon the business of the the business of the several stations fay., wherein thv providence hath placed t£&~uK% »-, we humbly beg thy blessing this And now we.are going day upon our honest designs and to the place of thy undertakings. Direct us in all our- SrShrHoty" ways and prosper the works of our Spirit accompany us, hands :] and as we desire to walk in and make us devout, a con>stant sense of thy all -seeing serious and atte.itive. . , , ' ". Raise our minds from providence ; so let the same good the thoughts of this providence watch over us, and pre- world to the conside- sel,ve our going out and coming in. thtaTnwe0may,Joi"fer- Defend us from all dangers and ad- vently in the prayers versaries, and be graciously pleased and praises of thy { t fc and a]1 tQ;ngs belonging. Church, and listen to . , ', , ., ¦ ° j „ our duty with an ho- to us into thy fatherly care and pro- nest heart, in order to tection. These things, O Lord, practice it. And give and wnatever eise thou shalt see he. us grace to dedicate , . . , . c this day, as thou hast cessary and convenient, either for appointed us, to thy our souls, or bodies, or estates, we service, an* the care humh\y he„ 0f tnee for the sake of of our souls. Direct t /-Hi • 1 • 1 «s in all our ways, and thy Son Jesus Christ, in whose name guide our feet in thy and words we conclude our imper- Patbs- feet prayers. Our Father, which art in heaven ; hallowed be thy, name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as ii is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead as not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and- ever. Amen. EVENING PRAYER, TO BE USED IN THE FAMILIES OF THE PARISH OP LAMBETH, The family being together, a little before bed-time, let the master or mistress, or any other whom they shall think most proper, say. as follows ; all kneeling. Most gracious and merciful God, Confession qf sins, who art of purer eyes than to behold with a prayer for con- iniquity, and hast promised mercy tn,lon and pardon- and forgiveness to all them who confess and forsake their sins ; we come before thee in. an humble sense of our own uuworthiness, acknowledging our manifold transgressions of tby righteous laws, in thought, word, and deed. We have every day. been doing those things which thou hast forbidden, and leaving undone the things which thou hast commanded ; so that when we look back upon our past lives, and remember that thou art privy to our most secret sins, we are afraid of thy judgments, and ashamed to lift up our eyes unto thee. * But, O gracious Father, who desirestnot the death of a sinner, „„/££ ^htt look upon us, we beseech thee, in pause, that every one thy Son Jesus Christ, and for the ™»y secretly confess merits of his sufferings, be thou ^^y ** merciful to our sins. Make us 9 22 Evening Prayer deeply sensible of the great evil of them, and work in us hearty contrition, and let the remembrance of them be more grievous and afflicting lo us, than of any other evil whatsoever! That we worthily lamenting our trans. gressions, and being brought to a hatred of our sins, and a hearty repentance, may obtain forgiveness at thy hands, who art ever ready to receive humble and penitent sinners ; for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Prayer for grace to And lest, through our own frailty, reform and grow betJ or the temptations that encompass us, we be drawn again to our former sins ; vouchsafe us, we beseech thee, the direc tion and assistance of thy Holy Spirit ; that as thou hast put into our hearts these desires and resolutions of amendment, so by the help of thy grace, we may bring the same to good effect, in a godly, righteous, and sober life. Reform whatever thou findest amiss in the temper and disposition of our souls ; that no un- clearvthoughts, unlawful designs, or inordinate desires, may rest there. Purge our hearts from envy, hatred, and malice, that we may never suffer the sun to go down upon our wrath, but may always go to our rest in peace, charity, and good-will, with a conscience void of offence towards thee, and towards men : that so our hearts bejng a fit habitation for thy Holy Spirit, he may continually dwell therein ; and we, whether we wake or sleep, may be under his blessed protec tion, and have^eur whole spirit, and soul, and body, preserved pure and blameless unto the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A^men. The intercession ge- Wi,th these V™1e™ in l»talf of neral and particular, ourselves, accept, O Lord, as the testimony of our love and charity, our hearty intercessions for all mankind. 'Let the light of thy Gospel' shine upon all nations; and may for a Family. 23 as many as have already heard and received it, live as becomes it. Be more especially gracious to the Church and nation whereunto we belong. Bless the King, and all who by thy providence have authority under ¦ him ; so rule their hearts and strengthen their hands, that they may neither want will nor power to punish wick edness and vice, and to maintain thy true religion among us. Send down thy blessings, temporal and spiritual, upon] all our relations, friends, and neighbours. Reward all that have done us good, and pardon all those who have done, or wish us evil, and give them repentance and better minds. Be merciful to all who are in any trouble or affliction of mind, bgdy, or estate ; and do thou, the God of pity and compassion, .administer to every one help and comfort, according to their several necessities ; for his sake, who went about doing good to the souls and bodies of men, thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen* To our prayers and intercessions The thanksgiv!ng For future blessings, we add our un- ganeralandparticular. feigned thanks for all thy mercies which from time to, time thou hast vouchsafed us ; for our being, our reason, and all other endowments and faculties of soul and body : far our health, friends, food, and raiment, and all other comforts and conve niences of life. Above all, we adore-thy tender mercy and compassion to us and all mankind, in sending thy only Son into the world, to redeem us from sin and eternal death, and in giving us the knowledge and sense of our duty towards thee. We bless thee for thy pa tience with us, notwithstanding our many and great provocations ; for all the directions, assistances, and comforts of thy Holy Spirit; for thy continual care and watchful providence over us, through the whole course of our lives ; and particularly for the mercies and benefits of the past day ; beseeching thee to con tinue these thy blessings to us, and give us grace to 8* Evening Prayer, fyc. shew our sense of them, and all thy other mercies, in a sincere obedience to his laws, through whose merits and intercession we receive them alL thy Son our Sa viour Jesus Christ. Amen. Prayer for God's In a particular manner we be- protection the follow- seech thee to continue thy gra- *ng night. cious protection to us this night. Into thy hand we commend our souls and bodies,, our substance, dwelling, and all things that belong to us. Do thou, O gracious God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest, be pleased to take both us and them this night into thy especial care and protection. Defend us from all dangers and mischiefs, and from the dread and fear of them ; that we may enjoy such quiet and refreshing sleep as may fit us for the duties of the fol lowing day. And, Lord, make us ever mindful of that time when we shall lie down in the dust ; and grant us grace always to live in such a state, that we may never be afraid to die ; but that whether we live^ we may live unto thee ; or whether we die, we may die unto thee ; so that living and dying we may be thine, through the merits and satisfaction of thy Son Christ Jesus, in whose name and words we conclude our imperfect prayers. Our Father, which art in heaven; hallowed be thy. name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it isin heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass , against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, ¦the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. MORNING PRAYER, TO BE USED AS THERE IS OCCASION, BY ONE PERSON IN PRIVATE. Almighty and everlasting God, 4„t„„„1aJ . c T ,. , j i Acknowledgment of in whom 1 live and move, and have God's mercy and pre- lny being, and whose mercy is over servation ; especially all thy works ; I thy needy creature, the night Past- in a thankful sense of thy good providence ower me, render thee my humblest praises for thy preservation of me from the beginning of my life to this day. Blessed be thy holy name for the continual protections of thy hand, by which I have been defended amidst the changes and chances of this mortal life, and kept and delivered from innumerable dangers, and particularly from the terrors and evil accidents of the past night. To thy watchful providence I wholly , When disturban. owe it, [* that no disturbance hath ces of any kind shall come nigh me, or my dwelling, but happen, instead of this that I have enjoyed quiet and re- Z'4'^/-^ freshing sleep, and am brought jn danger, I am brought safety to the beginning of this day.] •» «/<*# to the begin* For these and all thy other merries, nm- of tk,s **¦! my soul doth bless and magnify thy glorious name ; humbly beseeching thee to accept this my morning sa crifice of praise and thanksgiving, for his sake, who lay down in the grave, and rose again for me, thy Son, . my only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. And since it is of thy mercy, O Dedicatjon of soul gracious Father, that another day and body to God's is added to my life ; I here dedicate service, with a resolu- both my soul and body to thee and *(» £ £*£?** thy service, to promote thy glory B 26 Morning Prayer and my own salvation, in a sober, righteous, and godly life. I renounce the devil and all his works, the va nities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh, desiring nothing so much as to serve thee faithfully all the days of my life. And I sincerely re solve so to improve the time which thou shalt be pleased to grant me in this world, that I may every day become a better Christian, and pefsevere in holiness and righteousness unto the end. In which resolutions do thou, O merciful God, confirm and strengthen me; and especially this day keep it stedfaftty in the purpose of my heart to perform them, that as I grow in age, I may grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. But, Lord, thou knowest the •ne ^'perfOTnTthat weakness arid corruption of my na- resolution. ture and the manifold temptations which I daily meet with ; I there fore humbly beseech thee to have compassion upon my infirmities, and. to give me the constant assistance of thy Holy Spirit ; that I may be effectually restrained from sin, and excited to my duty. And when thou seest me giving way to any temptation, suffer me not to be tempted above that I am able, but stretch out thy helping hand to save and deliver me. Imprint upon my heart such a dread of thy judgments, and such a Ipve.of thy goodness towards me, as may make me both afraid and. ashamed to offend thee ; and, above a^I, keep up in my mind a lively remembrance of that great day, in which I must give a strict account of' my thoughts, words,, and actions, and according to the- works done in the body, be eternally rewarded or pu nished by him whom thou hast appointed judge of quick and dead, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. for one Person in private.' 27 In particular, that I may then be able to give account of this day; .^"^^fg! grant me grace -to have thee and thy,, lowing day. laws before my eyes, that I may walk in it according to thy will, with watchfulness and cir cumspection. Keep me sober and temperate in "my meat and drink, and diligent in the calling and profes sion which Jthy providence hath appointed me. Grant me patience under any affliction thou shalt see fit to lay upon me, and a mind, always contented with my present condition. Give me grace to be just and up right in all my dealings, quiet and peaceable among my neighbours, full of compassion towards the needy and afflicted, and ever ready to do good to_ all men, according to the abilities and opportunities which thou shalt give me : That so walking faithfully before thee all my days, and being found watching whenever my appointed time shall come, I may, from a life of righ teousness, be translated to a life of glory, through the merits apd mediation of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. [* And now I am entering upon F°r God's, blessing. the business of the station wherein ^"" ,e usme thy providence hath placed me, I * On Sunday mom- humbly beg thy blessing this day ing, instead of this say, i .. j • j j Aud now I am going upon my honest designs and under- to the place J th£ takings. Direct me 4ft all my ways public worship, I be- snd prosper the works of my hands ;] seech thee let thy and as I desire to walk in a constant ^J"^^!™?. sense of thy all-seeing providence ; vout, serious and at- so let the same good providence tentive. Raise my .i - j mind fromthe thoughts watch over me, and preserve my of this world> t0 5the going out and coming-in. Defend consideration of the me from all dangers and adversities, next,' that l may join and be graciously pleased to take ^and prais^6 of'tty me, and all things belonging to me, church, and listen to into thy fatherly care and protection; my duty with an ho- ' ' r nest heart in order to B 2 28 Evening Prayer practise it. And give These things, O Lord, and what- ine grace to dedicate , J, ¦ .. this day, as thou hast ever e,se thoH ?halt see necessary appointed me, to tby and convenient either for my soul, service, and the care my body, or estate, I humbly beg me "in all" my ways' ?f thee> for tnV Son Jesus Christ, and goide my feet in in whose name and words I con- thy paths. dude rny imperfect prayers. * Our Father which art in heaven ; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. EVENING PRAYER, TO BE USED, AS THERE IS OCCASION, BY ONE PERSON, IN PRIVATE. Confession of sins, Most gracious and merciful with a prayer for con- God, who arUof purer eyes than to trition and pardon. ^ ^^ jnjqu^ a„d bast promised mercy and forgiveness to all them who confess and forsake their sins ; 1 come before thee in an humble sense ' of my own unworthiness, acknowledging my manifold transgressions of thy righteous laws, in thought, word, and deed. I have every day been do ing those things which thou hast forbidden, and leaving undone the things which thou hast commanded : so that when I look back upon my past life, and remember that thou art privy to my most secret sins, I am afraid of thy judgments, and ashamed to lift up my eyes unto for one Person in pj'ivute. 2!) thee. * But, O gracious Father, „ Here m4ke a who oesirest not the death of a sm- tioular confession of tier, look upon me, I beseech thee, the sins and failings in thy Sdti Jesus Christ, and for of the past day" ' the merits of his sufferings, be thou merciful to my sins. Make me deeply sensible of the great evil of them, and work in me a hearty contrition, and let the remembrance of them be more grievous and afflicting to me, than of any other evil whatsoever ; that I, worthily lamenting my transgressions, and being brought to a hatred of my sins, and a hearty repentance, may obtain forgiveness at thy hands,- who art ever ready to receive humble and penitent sinners j fpr the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer. • Amen. And lest, through my own frailty,, Prayer far grace io or the temptations that encompass reform and grow bet- me, I be drawn again to my former ter' sins ; vouchsafe me, I' beseech thee, the direction and assistance of thy Holy Spirit; that as thou hast put into my heart these desires and resolutions of amend ment, so by the help of thy Grace, I may bring the same to good effect; in a godly, .righteous, and sober life. Reform whatever thou findest amiss in the tem per and dispositions of my soul ; that no unclean thoughts, unlaw ftrl designs, or inordinate desires may rest there. Purge my heart from envy, hatred, and malice, that I may never suffer the sun to go dowa upon my wrath, but may always go to my rest in. peace, charity, arid good- will, with a conscience yoid of offence towards thee and towards men ; that so my heart being a fit habitation for thy Holy Spirit, he may continually dwell therein ; and I, whether I Wake or sleep, may be! under his blessed protection, and hav» my whole spirit, and soul, and^jody, preserved pure and blameless, Unto- the coming, of my Lord and Sa viour Jesus Christ. Amen. Bf 3 30 Evening Prayer The intercession ge- Wjth these Prayers in bel,aIf of neral and particular, myself, accept, O Lord, as the tes timony of my love and charity, and my hearty intercessions for all mankind. Let the light of thy Gospel shine upon all nations ; and may as many as have already -heard and received it, live as becomes it. Be more especially gracious to the Church and nation whereunto I belong. Bless the King, and all who by thy providence have authority under him ; so rule their hearts, and strengthen their hands, that they may neither want will nor power to punish wickedness and vice, and to maintain thy true religion among us. Send down thy blessings, tempo ral and spiritual, upon all my relations, friends and neighbours. Reward all that have done me good, and pardon all those who have done, or wish me evil, and give them repentance, and better minds. Be merciful to all who are in any trouble or affliction of mind, body, or estate; and do thou, the God of pity and compassion, administer to every one help and comfort, according to their several necessities ; for his sake, who went about doing good to the souls and bodies of men, thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. The thanksgiving To our Praye,:s and intercessions general and particular, for future blessings, I add my un feigned thanks for all thy mercies which from time to time thou hast vouchsafed me ; for my being, my reason, and all other endowments and faculties of soul and body: for my health, friends, food, and raiment, and all other comforts aud conve niences of life. Above all, we adore thy. tender mercy and compassion to me and all mankind, in sending thy only Son into the world, to redeem me from sin and eternal death, and in giving me the knowledge and sense of my duty towards thee. I bless thee for thy patience with me, notwithstanding my many and great provocations; for all the directions, assistances and for one Person in private. 31 comforts of thy Holy Spirit ; for thy continual care and watchful providence over me, through the whole course of my life ; and particularly for the mercies and benefits of" the past day ; beseeching thee to continue these thy blessings to me, and give me grace to shew my sense of them, and all thy other mercies, in a sin cere obedience to his laws, through whose merits and intercession I receive them all, thy Son our Saviour ¦ Jesus Christ. Amen. In a particular, manner I beseech Prayer for God.s thee to continue thy gracious pro- protection the foilow- tection to me this night. Into thy "»s »»s°t- hand I commend my soul and body, my substance, dwelling, and all things that belong to me. Do thou, O gracious God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest, be pleased to take both me and them this night into thy especial care and protection. Defend me from all dangers and mischiefs, and from the dread and fear of them ; that I may enjoy such quiet and refreshing sleep, as may fit me for the duties of the following day. And, Lord, make me ever mindful of that time when I shall lie down in the dust : and grant me grace always to live in such a state, that I may never be afraid to die; but that whether I live, I may live unto thee ; or whether I die, I may die unto thee ; so that living and dying I may be thine, through the merits and sa tisfaction of thy Son Christ Jesus, in whose name and words I conclude my imperfect prayers. Our Father which art in heaven ; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive, us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. PRAYERS FOR MORNING AND EVENING, Suited to the Condition of CHILDREN, and to be said by them in Private ; especially when they cannot be present at the Public or Family Prayers. MORNING PRAYER. When you rise out of bed in the morning say, I laid me down ana slept, and rose up again, for the Lord sustained me, Psal. iii. 5-. When you have put on your cloathes, say the following Prayer. O Almighty God, who madest and governest all things in heaven and earth, and whose mercy is over all thy works : I give thee humble thanks, for that thou hast delivered me from the perils and dangers of the past night, and brought me safely to the beginning of this day. Protect me in it, I beseech thee, by thy good providence, and give me grace to be diligent in my business, and dutiful and obedient to my parents and governors. Preserve me from sickness and dan gers, and air evil accidents, but especially from sin and vice, and from the snares and temptations of profane company and evil examples. Keep up in me an awful reverence of thee and thy name, that I may at all times behave myself in the holy offices of religion -with se riousness and attention, and carefully abstain from va nity and prb'faneness of all kinds. Imprint upon my mind such a sense and fear of thy all-seeing eye, as may keep me from falsehood and lying, and every evil Ptayers for Children. S3 way ; remembering that thou beholdest the most secret thoughts and actions of my heart and life. That walk ing always in thy fear, and being protected by thy good providence both in body and soul, 1 may evermore serve and please thee ; and as I grow io age, may also grow in grace and goodness. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ, my only mediator and advocate. Amen. EVENING PRAYER. Almighty God, in whom I live and move, and have my being, and to whose gracious providence over me I owe all the blessings and benefits %vhich 1 enjoy j I give thee humble thanks for thy preservation*of me, and for all thy other mercies towards me, from the be- . ginning of my life to this day ; beseeching thee to par don all the sins and failings by which I have at any time offended thee, and to give me grace to avoid them for the time to come. I thank thee more especially for the blessing which thou hast vouchsafed me, of a pious and virtuous education ; and I pray thee to make me sensible of the great benefit of it, and careful to im prove it, in a sober, serious, and regular life ; that so I may lay a sure foundation for my own happiness, and be a faithful servant to thee, and a ' _, , , , ,' , ' , * To my dear fa- comfort* to my dear parents, whom ther or n)0ti,er> if one I beseech thee ever more to bless be dead ; or, to my and reward for all their care and relations and gover- , , tiii- noes, if the pareuts be love towards me. I thank thee, in both dead. particular, for the preservation of me throughout the past day, and beseech thee to con tinue thy gracious protection to me this night, and to give me such quiet and .refreshing sleep, as may fit me for the duties of the following day. All which I beg of thee, for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ, my bles* sed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen, S4 Prayers for Servants. Our Father which art in heaven ; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us fhis day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen. When you lie down in bed, say, I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest, for it is thou, Lord only, that makest me dwell in safety. Psal. iv. Q. PRAYERS FOR MORNING AND EVENING. Suited to the Condition of SERVANTS, and to be said by them in Private ; especially when they cannot be present at the Public or Family Prayers. MORNING PRAYER, When you rise out of bed in the morning, say, I laid me down and slept, and rose up again, for the Lord sustained me. Psal. iii. 5. When you have put on your clqalhes, say the following prayer. Almighty and everlasting God, in whom I live, and move, and have my being, and whose mercy is over all thy works ; I render thee my humble thanks for thy Prayers for Servants. 35 preservation of me from the beginning of my life to this time. In particular I thank thee for that thou hast. protected me from the perils and dangers of the night past, and hast given me quiet and comfortable rest, and brought me safely to the beginning of this day. Let the same good Providence still watch over me, and preserve my going-out and my comiug-iu ; that I may be defended from all dangers and mischiefs, and from the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Give me Grace to behave myself with sobriety, diligence, and honesty, in the business of my station, and with duty and submission to those whom thou hast set over me ; and to desire and endeavour to live in peace and love with my fellow-servants. Preserve in me a strict regard to truth and sincerity in all my words and actions, and let no fear of punishment or displea sure from men ever make me transgress my duty to thee. And to the end I may, walk in thy fear this day, and all the days, of my life ; keep up in my mind a due sense and reverence of thy all-seeing eye, and a lively remembrance of tbat great day in which 1 must give a strict account of my thoughts, words, and actions; and according to the works done in my body, be sentenced to happiness or misery, to all eternity. Grant this, O Father, for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ, my bles sed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. EVENING PRAYER. Most gracious God, who by thy wise providence -hast appointed to mankind their several stations and offices in this life,, I acknowledge thy wisdom and goodness in this and all . thy other dispensations ; de siring in all things to pay a ready and cheerful submis sion to thy holy will. To this end, endue- me with such a spirit of humility, patience, and contentment, as is suitable to the condition in which thy providence hath placed me. Bless me with health of. hody, and + 36 Prayers for Servants. comforts of mind, that I may perform the offices which belong to me with cheerfulness and resignation ; doing my duty as unto thee, and not only unto men, and resting upon thy gracious promises for a reward upon my labour and obedience in this life. And since, through the frailty o/ my nature, and the manifold temptations which I daily meet with, I cannot always stand upright ; I pray thee to forgive all transgressions of my duty, whether in thought) word, or deed, and especially forgive me the sins and failings of the past day, and enable me by thy Holy Spirit to avoid them for the' time to come, and to be ever growing in the graces and virtues of the Christian life, as long as thou shalt be pleased to continue me in this world. I thank thee for thy constant care over me, amidst all the changes of this mortal life, and in particular for thy preservation of me throughout the past day; and I be seech thee to continue thy gracious protection to me this night, that I may enjoy such quiet and refreshing sleep, as may fit me for the duties of the following day. All which I beg of thee, in the name and for themerits of thy Son Jesus Christ, my blessed Saviour and Re deemer. Amen. Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ^ When you lie down in bed, say, I wjll lay me down in peace, and take my rest, for it is thou, Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety. Psal. iv. 9- the end. Printed by R. Gilbert, St. John's Square, London. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 09861 0190