A FULL CATECHISM OP The Catholic Religion, TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF THE REV. JOSEPH DEHARBE, 8.J., REV. JOHN FANDER; PRECEDED BY A SHORT HISTORY OP RELIGION FROM THE CREATION OF THE WORLD TO THE PRESENT TIME. WITH QUESTIONS FOB EXAMINATION Wctiisci, Gnlargci, anil <£iitci t>rj THE RIGHT REV. P. N. LYNCH, D.D., Bishop of Charleston. New York : THE CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY CO., 9 Barclay Street. 1883. Jmjirimatur. ¦J.N. CARD. WISEMAN. Westmon. 29 Jul. 1862. Smpnraa'ur. New York, February 19, 1876. I>3GS Copyrighted by L. Kehob. 1876. CONTENTS. PAGE Translator's Preface, 1 Preface to American Edition, ... . .4 Explanation of Abbreviations and Marks, ... 5 • HISTORY OF RELIGION. I. History before Christ. From Adam to Moses, ..... 7 From Moses to Christ, ..... 11 H. History of Christ, ...... 18 HI. History after Christ. From the Ascension of Christ to the Conversion of Constantine, ....... 24 From the Conversion of Constantine to the Rise of Protestantism in the Sixteenth Century, . . 30 From the Rise of Protestantism in the Sixteenth Centary to Pope Pius IX 42 Concluding Remarks, ...... 56 Chronological Succession of the Popes, . . 61-66 CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. Introduction 67 PART I. On Faith. Acceptation, Object, and Rule of Faith, . 70 itf IV contents. PASE Necessity of Faith, 77 Qualities of Faith, 79 On the Apostles' Creed. First Article, 82 On God, and His Attributes or Perfections, . . 82 On the Three Divine Persons, 89 On the Creation and Government of the World, . 91 On the Angels, 94 On our First Parents and their Fall, . ... 87 Second Article, . . 102 Jesus Christ the promised Messias, .... 104 Jesus Christ, true God, 108 Third Article, 112 Fourth Article ... 115 Fifth Article, 118 Sixth Article, 121 Seventh Article, 122 Eighth Article, 125 Ninth Article, 128 On the Church and the Form of her Government, . 128 On the Marks of the Church, . . 135 On the End of the Church, and on her Qualities re sulting from this End, . .... 140 (1.) On the Infallibility of the Church, . . 140 (2.) On Salvation in the true Church of Christ alone, . . .... 145 On the Communion of Saints, ' 148 Tenth Article, 150 Eleventh Article, 151 Twelfth Article, 153 PART II. On the Commandments. Oh the Commandments in general, 158 On the Chief Commandment, 158 contents. of the Saints On the Love of God. . On the Love of our Neighbor, . On Christian Self-Love, On the Ten Commandments of God, First Commandment of God, On the Veneration and Invocation Second Commandment of God, Third Commandment of God, . Fourth Commandment of God, . Fifth Commandment of God, Sixth Commandment of God, Seventh Commandment of God, Eighth Commandment of God, Ninth and Tenth Commandments of God On the Six Commandments of the Church, First Commandment of the Church, Second Commandment of the Church, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Commandments of Church, . ... Sixth Commandment of the Church, On the Violation of the Commandments, or on Sin, On Sin in general, On the different Kinds of Sin, . On Virtue and Christian Perfection. On Virtue, .... On Christian Perfection, the PAGH 159 161166 168 169174179183185193 197 199' 203207209 210214 218 220220220223 228 223232 PART III. On the Means of Grace. On Grace in general, 238 On the Grace of Assistance, 238 On the Grace of Sanctification or Justification, . 241 1. On the Sacraments, ...... 245 Baptism, 248 Confirmation, 253 Holy Eucharist, 257 VI CONTENTS. PA8B On the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, 257 On the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, . . 261 On Holy Communion, 268 Penance, 275 Examination of Conscience, . . . 278 Contrition 279 Resolution of Amendment, .... 283 Confession, 284 Satisfaction, 288 Indulgences, 291 Extreme Unction, 294 Holy Order, 297 Matrimony, 301 On Sacrament als, 308 2. On Prayer, 311 On the Lord's Prayer, 315 On the Angelical Salutation, .... 319 On Religious Practices and Ceremonies in general, and on some in particular, . ... 323 Recapitulation, ... .... 327 TEANSLATOE'S PEEFAOE. The original of this Catechism was first published in Germany in 1847, and met with such general favor that in 1853 it had numbered twenty-one editions. It has been approved by all the Archbishops and Bishops of Bavaria, and by nearly all those of the other countries in Germany, and by those of Switzerland. It has been reprinted, with the approbation of Archbishop Purcell, in the United States of America, and it has been intro duced into the German schools ; in a word, it has super seded nearly all the various German catechisms pre viously used in the dioceses of those countries, and is now almost the only authorized and standard Catechism of the whole German nation. This Catechism is founded on History ; not only on the History of the Old and New Testament, but on the History of Religion from the Creation of the world to the present time. It clearly shows how our Faith ori ginated and spread, what blessings it produced, how it confounded Infidelity and Heresy, and how it triumphed over all sorts of obstacles and persecutions in every age down to this day. It thus shows how the predictions of the Prophets, and more especially those of the Eternal Son of God, with regard to His Church, have been ful filled at all times ; thus clearly proving which one, among the many societies that now claim Christ for their Founder, is in reality His true Church, holding and professing the True and Divine Religion established by Him. 2 Translator's Preface. In presenting this view, the Catechism carries out the advice of St. Augustine, who admonishes catechists ' to give a brief acoount to the ignorant of the whole History from the Creation to the present time of the Church,* and to adduce the causes of the various events.' It is, indeed, to be regretted that this advice of the great Doctor has been so sadly neglected in later times ! Why are Protestants so much prejudiced against the Catholic Church, and why is it so difficult to convert them ? It is because from infancy the minds of their children have been impressed with a false view of the History of their Religion — a Religion that dates only from the beginning of the sixteenth century. "YV hy should not Catholics with equal, and even greater, effect confirm our children in their attachment to the Church, by showing them how to trace her to the times of the Apos tles, and even to the Creation of the world ? Is it not, then, of the greatest importance to teach them, together with their catechism, the History of their Religion ? History is a safeguard against internal doubts, and a bul wark against all external attacks. He who has, by this means, been fully strengthened in his conviction that the Catholic Church is from God, and that she is the Only True Church, cannot but love her and submit his intel lect to her doctrine and his heart to her precepts, and thus remain all his lifetime faithful to her. After this proof from History that the Catholic Reli gion is Divine., the Catechism proper commences, and teaches us that we must submit to its doctrine ; namely, that we must, 1. Believe what the Church teaches; 2. That we must also practise, that is, do the loill of Qod; and 3. That we can neither believe nor do the will of God without His grace, which we receive by means of the Sacraments and of Prayer. This division is not only dictated by reason, but it embraces also every par ticular part of the Christian Doctrine ; for instance : as Sin is the voluntary breaking of the Commandments, and Virtue the opposite of sin, these two heads belong to * Usque ad praesentia tempora Ecclesisa (De Catechis. Rudi- bus, c. 3 and 6). Translator's Preface. 3 the Second Part. It is, moreover, the only way in which the Catechism should be learnt ; for a child can not even go to Confession, unless he be instructed in the First and Second Part ; namely, upon the Creed, the Commandments of God and the Church, Sin, and Virtue. Finally, it is the easiest division of all ; and a child, with the help of a teacher, may get, in less than a quarter of an hour, such a clear view of all the general and particular parts of the Christian Doctrine that he will never forget them in after-life. But as there is a logical connection between the general parts, so there is also a connection between the questions and answers throughout each particular treatise. One question and answer leads to the following question and» answer, and these again to the next, and thus the whole treatise forms, as it were, one coherent conversation. Certainly, these are not to be considered as unimportant advanta ges in a catechism of this character. The dogmatical and moral explanation of the Chris tian Doctrine itself is comprehensive and plain, and is adapted to the present wants of youth, being proved in full from Holy Scripture, Tradition, and the General Councils. It is at the same time controversial, inas much as the objections made against it by Infidels, Here tics, and Innovators are solidly refuted ; and, therefore, it may justly be called a. full Catechism of the Catholic Religion. This Catechism, however, is not intended so much for Children and for Elementary Schools as for Colleges, for Teachers, and for Private Instruction. There are two Abridgments of it for Schools, with the same wording, and made by the author himself, which have been equally approved of throughout all Germany. The ' Short History of Religion from the Crea tion of the World to the Present Time,' which stands at the head of the Catechism, was edited with a great many alterations and additions by the Rev. Dr. Fergusson in _ 1854. The translator, who was in no way responsible for those changes, has now carefully re vised his first translation, and most faithfully expressed 4 Translator's Preface. in it the sense of the original text. Here and there, however, he has made a few, but very short, additions, which he has either translated or compiled from writers of highly approved authority. Octave of St. Stephen, January 2. FIFTH AMERICAN EDITION. In preparing this new Edition of De Harbds Fun, Catechism, the text of the English translation, used in the former editions, has been retained. But it has been thought well to introduce here and there changes in the phraseology, in order to accommodate the questions and answers to our American forms of expression, more fa miliar to young pupils, and perhaps more readily un derstood by them. Some few passages in the notes, re ferring to usages or to discipline known in Germany, but unknown in the United States, have been omitted as unnecessary. On the other hand, two or three points omitted by the learned author have been introduced, on account of their appropriateness or special impor tance in this country. In a few instances the author's meaning has been made clearer by adding a few words. In all this the editor only follows the example of the learned author himself, who in his life-time was accus tomed to introduce such changes or improvements in the successive German editions of his valuable work. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS AND MARKS USED IN THE SHORT HISTORY OF RELIGION. (d. 1584) B.C. . . A.D. . . i.e. . . viz. . . comp. §6 . . §§ 8, 9, 10 Concl. Rem Ex. . . Counc. of Tr. s ch. 11, c. 22 Page 107, Qu. Eccles. . . Ecclus. . . stands for -\ 17 Matt. xvi. 18, 19 Tob. vi. viii. andxi. died in 1584. Before Christ. Anno Domino, or in the year ( Ann our Lord* id est, or that is. videlicet, or namely. compare. Paragraph 6 of the History. Paragraphs 8, 9, 10. j Concluding Remarks ; see p. | 56. Example, or Examples. ( Council of Trent, session 6, \ chapter 11th, canon 22d. Page 107th, Question 17th. Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastieus. ( St. Matthew, chapter xvi. ( verses 18 and 19. Tobias, chaps, vi. viii. andxi. See the names of the Books of the Old and New Testaments on pages 71 and 72. SHORT HISTORY OF RELIGION. HISTORY BEFORE CHRIST. I. From Adam, to Moses. 1. In the beginning God created Heavet and feirth. He said, 'Let them be made,' and they were made. In six days God made the whole world — the sun, moon, and stars ; the plants, trees, and animals ; and, last of all, He made man to His own image and likeness. The first man was called. Adam, and the first woman Eve. They were just and holy, and the favorites of God. They lived happy in a delicious garden called Paradise, and they and their descend ants were never to die. 2. God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat, of the fruit of the tree that stood in the midst of the garden, lest they should die. But the serpent said to them : •' If you eat thereof, you shall be as Gods.' Adam and Eve believed the serpent, and broke the command of God. For this sin of disobedience pun isbment immediately came upon them and all their descendants. They were driven from the garden of Paradise, were doomed to death and many hardships, 1. How did God create Heaven and Earth ? In how tf^ny days did He create all things i When did He create roan"? How did He distinguish man from the other creatures ? What were the names of the first man and woman ? Were tfrsy also liable to sin, as we are ? Where did they live ? Were they and their children ever to die ? 2. What commandment did God give to Adam and TSr"i> ? Wnat did the serpent tell them ? What did Adam and Eve do f 8 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. and were to be banished from God for ever. Never theless, God had compassion on them, and promised them a Saviour, who should reconcile them again to Him, and make them partakers of eternal happiness m Heaven, provided they did penance (Gen. iii. 15). 3. Cain and Abel, sons of our first parents, offered sacrifice to Almighty God. God was pleased with that of the virtuous Abel, but not with that of the wicked Cain. Cain, being exceedingly angry at the preference given to his brother, killed him ; and in punishment for this crime he was cursed by God, and became a vagabond upon earth. 4. The descendants of Cain were wicked, like their father, and gradually seduced even the good ; inso much that, in process of time, all men turned away from God and sank deeper and deeper into sin and vice. God then resolved to destroy the degenerate race of Adam by a universal deluge (b.c. about 2350). The rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights, and the waters rose fifteen cubits, or twenty- seven feet and a half, above the highest mountains. All living creatures on the face of the earth perished in the flood, except the pious Noe, with his family, and the animals that were with him in the ark, which he had built by the command of God. In thanks giving for this escape, Noe erected an altar and of fered a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, who, in return, blessed him and his sons, and promised him that ' there should no more be waters of a flood, to destroy all flesh' (Gen. ix. 15). Were they punished for it ? Were they alone punished ? What punishment came upon them ? Did God then abandon them ? What did he promise them ? 3. Who were Cain and Abel ? How did they worship God ? Was God pleased with their sacrifices ? What did Cain do, and what became of him ? 4 Were the descendants of Cain good or wicked ? What evil did they do ? What did God then resolve to do ? How long did it rain ? To what height did the flood rise ? Did all living creatures perish ? What did Noe do when he came out A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 9 5. The descendants of Noe became so numerous that they soon began to spread abroad into all lands. However, before separating, they determined to build a tower, the top of which should reach to Heaven. But God confounded their language, so that they were unable to understand one another and were obliged to desist from building it ; and the tower was called the Tower of Babel, or Confusion. Noe's de scendants also gave themselves up to their wicked inclinations, and degenerated so far that, instead of adoring the true God, they worshipped the sun and the moon, men and animals, and even idols of gold and silver, and of stone and wood. This shameful idolatry brought with it all kinds of sins and vices, which again prevailed in a frightful manner among mankind. 6. God, however, provided that the true faith and the hope in a future Redeemer should not entirely vanish from the earth. For this purpose He chose Abraham (b.c. 1920), made a particular covenaut with him, and promised him that the 'Messiah' should be born of his posterity, saying : ' In thee shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed ' (Gen. xii. 3). Therefore God also distinguished Abraham and his descendants — who were called Hebrews, and afterwards Israelites, or Jews — from all other nations, and, during the course of time, often revealed Him self to them in a wonderful manner. 7. In order to try the faith of Abraham, God com. of the ark ? What new kindness did God show to Noe and his sons ? 5. Did the descendants of Noe multiply much ? What did they attempt to do ? How was their undertaking frustrated f What was the tower called ? Did the descendants of Noe re main faithful to God ? What was the consequence of their idolatry ? 6. Were the true religion and the hope in the Redeemer en tirely to vanish ? How did God prevent it ? How were the descendants of Abraham called ? What favor did God bestow on them ? , , , 7. How did God try the faith of Abraham 1 How did he 10 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. manded him to offer his only son Isaac in sacrifice upon Mount Moria. Abraham set out without hesi tation. He himself placed the wood for the burnt offering upon his son, and ascended the mountain with him. When they had reached the summit, Isaac willingly laid himself on the wood to be offered up in sacrifice ; but God saved the pious Isaac through an angel, blessed Abraham for his obedience, and re newed his former promises to him. Isaac was here a figure of the future Saviour of the world, who, in obedience to His Father, took the wood of the cross upon His shoulders, and carried it to Mount Cal vary, to sacrifice Himself upon it for our redemption. 8. The patriarch Jacob was the son of Isaac, and lived with his family in the land of Chanaan, the country into which God had called Abraham. He had twelve sons, who became the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. One of them, Joseph, was chosen by God to be, through what happened to him in his life, a figure of Jesus Christ. Having been sold by his brothers, he was carried into Egypt, where he was falsely accused and cast into prison. After recover ing his liberty, the king made him chief ruler over all Egypt ; and as, by his wisdom and prudence, he saved the country during seven years from a dreadful famine, he was called ' Saviour of the world ' (Gen. xli. 45). Jacob also, at his invitation, went down, with all his family, into Egypt and settled there. Be fore his death he pronounced this remarkable proph ecy regarding the Redeemer : ' The sceptre (supreme power) shall not be taken away from (the tribe of) Juda (his son) till He come that is to be sent ; and He shall be the expectation of nations' (Gen. xlix. 10), fulfil the command of God ? What did Isaac do ? Did God suffer him to be killed ? How did God reward Abraham ? What mysterious signification does the sacrifice of Isaac con tain ? 8. Who was Jacob, and where did he live ? How many sons had he, and. what did they become afterwards ? What was Joseph chosen by God to be ? What happened to him ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. n And, in fact, when Christ, who was sent by God, was born, Herod, an Idumean, sat on the throne of the kings of Juda, and the kingdom was evidently ap proaching its end. II. From Moses to Christ. 9. After Joseph's death, the Israelites grew into a great people, insomuch that the Egyptians, fearing they might become too powerful, reduced them to the hardest slavery. At length the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush, and commissioned him to lead the children of Israel back to Chanaan (b.c. 1500). Pharao, iing of Egypt, would not let them go ; and therefore Al mighty God sent dreadful plagues over all his do minions. At last an angel in one night slew all the first-born of the Egyptians. But the destroying an gel did not harm the Israelites, because they had sprinkled the doors of their houses with the blood of the paschal lamb, which, according to God's com mand, they ate that very night. By this was foreshown how, one day, mankind should be delivered from eternal death by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the true Divine Paschal Lamb, which we eat in the Holy Eucharist. 10. Then Pharao permitted the Israelites to de part ; but he soon regretted it. In all haste he col lected his troops, and pursued the unarmed Israelites to the shores of the Red Sea. Here, struck with alarm and dread of being drowned or slaughtered, they im plored the assistance of God; and Moses, by the corn- Did Jacob remain in Chanaan ? What did he prophesy before his death, and about whom ? How was it fulfilled ? 9. What happened to the children of Israel in Egypt ? Whom did God appoint to deliver them ? How did He appear to Moses ? Did Moses meet with any opposition ? What did God do to the Egyptians ? Did the angel hurt also the Israel ites ? Why did he not hurt them ? What did the blood of the paschal lamb signify ? 10. Did Pharao continue keeping the Israelites in bondage ? 12 ' A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. mand of God, stretched forth his rod over the Red Sea; and, behold, the waters were divided before them, and stood like a wall on their right hand and on their left, and they passed through on dry ground. Pharao rushed furiously after them into the midst of the sea ; whereupon Moses once more stretched forth his rod over the waters, and they suddenly returned to their former place, and buried Pharao with his whole army in the deep. 11. The children of Israel had now to travel through , a vast wilderness, and came, fifty days after their de parture from Egypt, to Mount Sinai, where God, amidst thunder and lightning, gave them tlie Ten Commandments, written on two tables of stone. He also renewed with them the covenant He had made with their fathers, and regulated their religious and civil duties by most salutary laws. But the people soon forgot the Commandments and blessings of God, and continually complained and murmured; nay, they debased themselves to such a degree that they made a golden calf, and adored it as their god. 12. In punishment of these and many other grievous sins, the Israelites had to remain forty years in the desert, until another and better generation had grown up. Nevertheless, God continually bestowed favors upon them"; He rained bread, called manna, from Heaven for them, and gave them water from a rock ; and at last, after Moses' death, He conducted them into Chanaan, or Palestine, the promised land, which What did he do soon after ? What did the Israelites do on their part ? How were they delivered f How did God punish Pharao ? 11. Did the Israelites now go on straight to Chanaan ? How long were they journeying from Egypt to Mount Sinai ? What happened at Mount Sinai ? Did God give them the Ten Com mandments only ? What return did they make for all these benefits ? 12. How was their ingratitude punished ? Did God aban don them altogether ? What favors did He still show them ? When, and how, did they get possession of Chanaan ? Is there not a figure in all this? What does the deliverance from Egypt A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 13 they conquered with His powerful assistance, and di vided into twelve parts, giving one of them to each of the twelve tribes. All this was a figure of the future salvation of mankind (1 Cor. x. 6). The deliverance from the bondage of Egypt signifies our liberation from the slavery of Satan by Jesus •Christ. The journey through the wilderness signifies our pilgrimage in this world, where God gives us His laws, nourishes us with the true Bread of Heaven, and strengthens us with the life-giving fountains of grace. The land of promise refers us to Heaven, which we can conquer and take possession of only after combating the world, the flesh, and the devil. 13. In this beautiful country the Israelites lived happy, and were blessed by God, until, contrary to His express command, they united themselves by marriage to the Gentiles, or Pagans, and thereby fell again into vice and idolatry. As often as they turned away from God He abandoned them to their enemies; but when they returned to Him, He raised among them pious heroes called Judges, such as Gedeon, Jephte, and Samson, who rescued them from their foes. 14. For more than four hundred years the people of Israel were ruled by the high-priests and Judges, who were invested with supreme authority over them ; but at length they desired to be governed, like the neighboring nations, by a king. In compliance with their wish, God appointed Saul to be their king, and the Prophet Samuel anointed him in 1095 B.C. He was, however, afterwards rejected by God for his disobedience, and was succeeded by David in 1055. David was strong and mighty: when only a youth, he signify ? What does the journey through the desert signify ? What does the promised land call to our mind ? 13. How long did the Israelites remain happy in the promised land ? What happened to them when they offended God J How did God help them when they repented ? 14. Who were the first rulers of the people of Israel ? How long were they governed by them ? Who was the first King of Israel f Why was he rejected by God ? By whom was 14 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. had slain the giant Goliath; and having been made king, he extended his kingdom by splendid victories. He served God with an upright heart, and composed in His honor those beautiful sacred songs called Psalms, in which, by Divine inspiration, he prophe sied many things concerning the Redeemer of, the world, who was to be born of his family, and whose kingdom should have no end. For this reason Christ is also called the Son of David. 15. Solomon, his son and successor, was a wise and great king. He built a magnificent temple to the Lord in Jerusalem about the year 1000 B.C. The Sanctuary, or Holy of Holies, was overlaid with plates of the purest gold ; and in it was kept the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the two Tables of Laws written by God Himself. The high-priest was the only person who was allowed, once a year, to enter the Sanctuary. The people of Israel had no other tem ple, nor was any one permitted to offer up sacrifice in any other place, than the temple of Jerusalem. Solo mon, however, did not persevere in wisdom and good ness. He married pagan wives, and, towards the end of his life, had the misfortune of being seduced by them from the service of God into the impious prac tices of idolatry. 16. After Solomon's death, his kingdom was divided (B.C. 980). The tribes of Juda and Benjamin re mained faithful to King Roboam, his son, and formed , the kingdom of Juda, the chief city of which was Je- he succeeded ? What can you tell me of David ? Was he also pious ? Why are his Psalms so very remarkable ? Why is Christ also called the Son of David ? 15. Who was Solomon ? What famous building did he erect ? How was the Sanctuary decorate ', and what was kept in it ? What did the Ark of the Covenant, contain ? Who was permitted to enter the Sanctuary, and how many times a year ? Had the people of Israel any other temples, or altars ? Did Solomon remain wise and good ? What made him leave the service of God ? 16. What happened after Solomon's death ? Which tribes formed the kingdom of Juda ? Who was its first king ? Which A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 15 rusalem. The other ten tribes chose Jeroboam for their King, and made Samaria the capital of their kingdom, which from that time was called the king dom of Israel. At the same time they abandoned the religion of their fathers, built a temple for them selves at Samaria, and introduced many kiads of the most abominable idolatry. God, therefore, delivered them into the hands of the pagan king, Salmanasar, who dsstroyed the kingdom of Israel for ever, and led the people to Ninive, into the Assyrian Captivity (%.C. 718). The kingdom of Juda was also repeatedly chastised by God for its many transgressions. In 606 Nabuchodonosor (Nebuchadnezzar) II. took Jerusa lem, pillaged the temple, and sent the sacred vessels and a large number of Jews to Babylon ; and in 588 he entirely demolished the temple and the city, car ried Sedecias, the last King of Juda, with the rest of the inhabitants, into the same Babylonian Captivity. But the kingdom of Juda was not destroyed for ever, like the kingdom of Israel, that had forsaken the re ligion of its fathers. 17. These severe judgments of God did not by any means overtake Juda suddenly and unexpectedly. Men enlightened by God, who were called Prophets, had announced them long before, confirming their words by great miracles, in order to rouse the people to repentance. These same prophets also promised pardon to those who should repent, and prophesied of the Redeemer who was to come. In their books, written many centuries before Christ, we read all the was its capital ? How many tribes constituted the kingdom of Israel ? Whom did they choose for their king ? Which- was the capital of the kingdom of Israel ? Did it remain faithful to God ? How did God punish it ? Did the kingdom of Juda also sin against the Lord ? Was it also chastised, and how ? Was not its punishment less severe than that of the kingdom of Is rael, and why ? 17. Did the judgments of God come upon them quite unex pectedly ? How did God forewarn the people ? Did the pro phets only announce God's judgments ? What have they fore- 1 6 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. circumstances of His life and sufferings: His birth of a Virgin at Bethlehem, His office of teaching, His miracles, His passion, His death, His resurrection, the sending of the Holy Ghost, the destruction of Jerusa lem, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the splendor of the Christian Church; nay, Daniel foretold the very year in which the Saviour was to appear. The most remarkable amongst the prophets are Elias, Eliseus, Isaias, Jeremias, Ezechiel, and Daniel. 18. During the time of the Captivity, illustrious examples o£ rare virtues were given by Tobias at Nin ive ; and at Babylon, by the chaste Susanna, by the three young men in the fiery furnace, and by Daniel in the lions' den. The Babylonian Captivity had al ready lasted seventy years, when Cyrus, King of Per sia, took Babylon, and, by Divine inspiration, gave permission to the Jews to return to their own country (B.C. 536) and to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. In a short time the second temple was finished; and when the old men began to complain that its magni ficence was far inferior to that of the first, the Pro phet Aggeus foretold'to them that the glory of this latter house should be greater than that of the for mer, because the 'Desired of all nations,' the Mes- sias, would enter it (Agg. ii. 8-10). 19. Esdras and Nehemias now reestablished the Di vine service in conformity to the law, and collected the Sacred Scriptures, which thenceforth were dili gently read and interpreted. All the people shed tears and repented most sincerely. They never more told of the Messias ? Which prophet foretold the time of His coming most precisely ? Which are the most remarkable among the prophets ? 18. Who distinguished themselves by their virtues at Ninive and Babylon ? How long did the Babylonian Captivity last ? How was it brought to an end ? What did the Jews most ur gently set a,bout after their return ? Was the new temple as magnificent as the one that had been demolished ? In what was it superior to the first one ? 19. What is to be observed about Esdras and Nehemias ? How did the people then behave ? Did they remain faithful to A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 17 returned to the sin of idolatry, which had brought upon their fathers the grievous sufferings of their captivity. When, some time later, Antiochus, King of Syria, tried to compel them to adore idols, they re sisted most courageously under the command of the High- Priest Alathathias and his sons ; nay, many of them, animated by the glorious example of the aged Eleazar,. of the seven brothers, commonly called the Machabees, and of their heroic mother, preferred to suffer the most atrocious of deaths, rather than dis obey the law of God (b.c. 170-143). 20. Four thousand years had elapsed since the creation of the world, and the signs that weie to pre cede the coming of the Redeemer of mankind were now accomplished. The Jews longed for it with the greatest anxiety, and even among the Gentiles there was a current opinion that a great Ruler was to rise in Judea. The corruption in which the world was sunk was unbounded. The Jews, indeed, still ac knowledged the one true God ; but impious sects, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, had sprung up amongst them, and a great corruption of morals had gained ground. Most of them honored God only with their lips, but their conduct was according to the sin ful desires of their heart. All other nations, even the most enlightened among them, the Greeks and Ro mans, were devoted to the most shameful idolatry. Innumerable were the gods and goddesses to whom they built temples and altars, and offered sacrifices, even of human beings; and whom they believed they particularly honored when they extolled their infa mous vices and imitated them without shame or fear. their Lord and God ? How did they show their fidelity ? Who especially distinguished themselves at that time ? 20. How many years had the world existed before the coming of the Messias ? Were all the signs of His coming accomplished at that time ? What was the prevalent feeling of the Jews and the pagans ? What was the state of the world ? How did this corruption appear among the Jews ? And how amongst the other nations ? In what did the abomination of idolatry con- 1 8 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. Such were the heathens, as St. Paul testifies (Rom. i. 29-31) : ' Filled with all iniquity, malice, fornica tion, avarice, wickedness ; full of envy, murder, con tention, deceit, malignity; whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inven tors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dis solute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.' Who was then able to help and save man kind ? God alone ; and He did help and did save them. As He had promised to our first parents in Paradise, and foretold by the prophets, He now showed mercy to mankind, when in their utmost de generacy, and sent them a Redeemer and Saviour ; for 'God so loved the world as to give His Only- Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting' (John iii. 16). HISTORY OF CHRIST. 21. The world was at peace ; Augustus was Emperor of Rome, and Herod, the Idumean, King of Judea (§ 8), when the promise of God and the predictions of the prophets were accomplished. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, was born, in a stable at Bethlehem, of Mary, a virgin, de scended from the royal family of David. His birth was announced by angels to the shepherds at Bethle hem, and by a star to the Wise Men in the East. The cruel Herod made every effort to discover the Di vine Infant, that he might put Him to death ; but by the Lord's command, Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus, fled with Him and His mother to Egypt, and sist ? What character does St. Paul give of the heathens ? Was there any one then who could help mankind ? Did He help them, and how ? What did Christ Himself say on this subject ? 21. Under what emperor and what king was the Redeemer born ? Where, and of whom, was He born ? Who was first told of His birth, and by whom ? What did King Herod try to discover, and why ? What did St. Joseph do ? Where did A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 19 did not return till after the death of Herod. Jesus then led a retired life at Nazareth in Galilee, was sub ject to His parents, and < advanced in wisdom, and age, and grace with God and men' (Luke ii. 52). When He was twelve years old. He went with His parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the Pasch, or Pass over, and remained there three days in the temple, as tonishing even the Scribes, or doctors of the law, by His wise questions and answers. At the age of thirty He went to the river Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist. When He came out of the water, the Holy Ghost descended upon Him in the shape of a dove, and a voice came from Heaven, saying : v This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased' (Matt. iii. 17). 22. Jesus then retired into the desert, and after having fasted and prayed there forty days and forty nights, He began to preach the Gospel — that is, the good tidings of the kingdom of God on earth. He travelled about the towns and villages, and proved His Divine mission and the truth of His doctrine by His holy life, by miracles and prophecies. Those who heard Him were filled with wonder and. amazement. Multitudes of people followed Him, praised and ex tolled Him as the true Messias, and said, ' Never did man speak like this man' (John vii. 46). Jesus select ed from His followers twelve men whom He called His Apostles or messengers. They were to be wit nesses of His doctrine and works, that, after His as cension into Heaven, they might preach what they had seen and heard of Him to all nations. These are the names of the twelve Apostles : Simon, who is Jesus spend His childhood after His return from Egypt ? How did He live there ? What did He do when He was twelve years old ? What did He do when He was thirty ? What happened at His baptism ? 22. What did Jesus do after His baptism ? What does the word Gospel mean ? How did Jesus prove His Divine mission ? What impression did He make upon the people ? How many Apostles did He choose ? Wijat does the word Apostle signify ? 20 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. called Peter, and Andrew, his brother ; James (the elder), the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother ; Philip and Bartholomew ; Thomas and Matthew ; James (the Less), the son of Alpheus, and Thaddens, his brother, sometimes called Jude; Simon, the Cha- naanite, and Judas Iscariot, who afterwards betrayed Him. Moreover, He chose seventy- two disciples, ' and He sent them two and two before His face into every city and place, whither He Himself was to come' (Luke x. 1). The twelve Apostles, the sev enty-two disciples, and the others who adhered to Jesus, formed the beginning of that society of all the faithful which we call the Church of Christ. He appointed Peter to be the visible Head of His Church on earth, called him the Rock upon which He said He would build His Church, against which the gates of hell should never prevail, and promised him the keys of the kingdom of Heaven (Matt. xvi. 18, 19). 23. Jesus bestowed favors upon the Jews such as no one had ever witnessed before : He made the blind to see and the lame to walk ; He restored thesick to health, and raised the dead to life ; in a word, He relieved every kind of suffering and misery- Nevertheless, He had many enemies, especially among the Scribes and Pharisees, who hated Him because He reprimand ed them for their sins and vices, and also because He would not establish a temporal kingdom and elevate them to high dignities. They watched all His words and actions ; but they could not convict Him of any sin. In the third year of His public teaching, and shortly before the Pasch or Easter, Jesus raised Why did He choose them ? What are their names ? How many other disciples did He elect, and for what purpose ? Who formed the beginning of the Christian Church ? What did Jesus promise to His Church ? Whom did He appoint to be her visible Head on earth ? By what expressions did He intimate this ? What did He promise to give him ? 23. What sort of favors did Jesus confer upon the Jews ? How did the Jews behave towards Him ? Why did the Scribes and Pharisees especially hate Him ? Why did they watch all His words and actions ? Could they convict Him of any sin ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 21 Lazarus to life after he had lain four days in the grave. The people, hearing of this miracle, greatly rejoiced; and when Jesus went to Jerusalem, they came forth in crowds to meet Him, with branches of palms and olives in their hands, spread their garments in the way, and cried, saying, ' Hosanna to the Son of David : Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest ' (Matt. xxi. 9). ; This triumphant entry of Jesus exasperated His ene mies still more, and from that day they sought to put Him to death. 24. Jesus knew that the time of His bitter Passion was at hand. Resigned to the will of His Heavenly Father, He prepared to pass out of this •world. Whilst, in conformity with the Jewish law, He was eating the Paschal Lamb with His Apostles, He took bread into His holy and venerable hands, lifted up His eyes toward Heaven, to God His Almighty Father, gave thanks, blessed and broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, ' Take ye, and eat ; this is my Body which shall be delivered for you.' After that, He took the chalice with wine in it, again gave thanks, bless ed and gave it to His disciples, saying, ' Drink ye all of this ; this is my Blood of the New Testament, which shall be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins. As often as you do this, do it for the commemoration of me.' Thus Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, wherein, under the appearance of bread and wine, He gives Himself truly to us foi the nourishment of our souls. After the Last Sup per, Jesus continued speaking for some time to His Apostles in the most affectionate manner, and prom- What special miracle did Jesus perform in the third year of His teaching ? What impression did this make on the people ? In what words did they express their feelings ? What effect did this reception of Jesus produce on His enemies ? 24. How did Jesus meet His approaching Passion ? How did He celebrate the Last Supper with His Apostles ? What commandment did He give them at the end of it ? What sacrament did He institute by this ? What did He promise to 22 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ised to send them, for their Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, who should teach them all things, and abide with them for ever. After this, He went into the garden of Gethsemani, on the Mount of Olives, to pray. '25. There all His coming sufferings were most sensi bly displayed before His soul. A violent agony came over Him, and His sweat became as drops of blood trick ling down upon the ground. ' My Father,' said He, 'if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt ' (Matt. xxvi. 39). In the meanwhile, Judas, who was about to betray Him, approached with a band of armed men ; and Jesus suffered Himself to be taken, bound, and led before the Chief Council, where He was mocked, spit upon, and buffeted. The chief priests then delivered Him up as guilty of death to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, who, on his part, sent Him to King Herod ; but neither of them could find any evil in Him. Nevertheless, He was scourged and crowned with thorns ; and at last, in compliance with the clamorous and threatening de mands of the chief priests and the Jewish rabble, who preferred the murderer Barabbas before Him, Pilate delivered Him unto them to be crucified. 26. Jesus, like one of the greatest criminals, was loaded with a heavy cross, and conducted to Mount Calvary, a place of execution, where He was crucified between two thieves. As the prophets had foretold, so it was now accomplished : His hands and feet were His Apostles after the Last Supper ? Whither did He go after wards ? 25. What did Christ suffer in the garden of Gethsemani ? What memorable prayer did He say there ? By whom was He then betrayed ? And how was He apprehended '? Whither did they lead Him then ? How was He treated before the Chief Council ? To whom did the chief priests, and to whom did Pilate, deliver Him up ? What did Pilate and Herod think of Him ? What else had Christ to suffer ? 26. What did they make Jesus carry ? Where, and between whom, was He crucified ? How were then the prophecies ful- A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 23 o-ierced with nails ; the soldiers divided His garments among them, and upon His vesture they cast lots. \/hen tormented with burning thirst, they gave Him vinegar iind gall to drink. Even the chief priests and ancients scoffed at Him ; but Jesus suffered all these cruelties "with the most wonderful patience and meekness. Nay, He even prayed for His enemies, saying: 'Father, forgive them', for they know not what they do.' For three hours Jesus was hanging upon the cross, suffering the most dreadful pains. The sun was darkened, and all nature mourned. At last, with a loud voice He exclaimed, ' It is consum mated ; Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit': and bowing His head, He gave up the* ghost. The moment He expired the earth quaked, the iccks split asunder, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom, the graves were opened, and many bodies of the Saints that had slept arose and appeared in Jerusalem. The centurion or cap tain and the soldiers, who stood near the cross, were struck with awe, and said, ' Indeed this was the Son of God.' Thus Jesus became ' the propitiation for our sins ; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world ' (1 John ii. 2). 27. It was on Good Friday, about three o'clock in the afternoon, that Jesus expired. In order to assure themselves that He was dead, one of the soldiers with a spear opened His side, and immediately there came out blood and water. His body was taken down from the cross, and laid in a new sepulchre hewn out in a rock. The Jews sealed it and set a guard before it. filled in Him ? Whan hanging on the cross, how did He suffer, and for whom did He pray ? How long did He hang on the cross? What great miracle happened during that time ? How did our Lord expire ? What miracles illustrated His death ? What benefit did Jesus confer by His death on us and on the whole world ? 27. On what day. and at what hour, did Jesus expire ? How did they assure themselves of His death ? And what resulted from this ? What was done with His sacred body ? What did 24 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. But early on the third day, before sunrise, there was a great earthquake, and Christ crucified arose glorious from the sepulchre. During forty days afterwards He often appeared to His disciples, instructed them concerning the kingdom of God — that is, the Church — gave them power to forgive sins, and installed Peter Head of the Church, with these words : ' Feed my lambs ; feed my sheep ' (John xxi. 15, 17). When He appeared for the last time in the midst of the eleven, He commanded them to go into the whole world, to preach the Gospel to all nations, and to baptize them ' in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.' For that purpose He gave them the same power which He had received from His Heavenly Father, and promised to be with them all days, even to the consummation of the world. Final ly, on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, He led His Disciples to. the Mount of Olives, where He lifted up his hands over them, and, whilst He blessed them, ascended in their sight up to Heaven. HISTORY AFTER CHRIST. I. From the Ascension of Christ to the Conversion of Constantine. 28. Aftek the Ascension of our Lord, His disciples returned to Jerusalem, where they persevered in prayer, expecting the coming of the Holy Ghost, whom He had promised to send them. In the meantime, the Apostles chose Matthias one of the disciples, in the His enemies then do ? When, and how, did Christ rise to life ? How long did He yet remain on earth ? What did He do dur ing that time ? What did He command His Apostles to do when He appeared the last time among them ? What power, and what promise, did He give them ? When, where, and how did He ascend into Heaven ? 28. How did the disciples prepare for the coming of the A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 25 place of Judas. On the tenth day, the Feast of Pen tecost, there came suddenly a sound from Heaven, as of a mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were assembled. Over the head of each one there appeared the form of a fiery tongue ; and all of them, being filled with the Holy Ghost, began to speak in divers languages and to praise the Loid their God. Peter, the Head of the Apostles, stood up and declared to the innumerable multitude of the Jews who had come together that the same Jesus whom they had crucified, and whom God had raised from the dead, was their Lord and Redeemer, and he called upon them to believe in Him. His discourse was so powerful that no less than three thousand came at once and asked to be baptized. Soon after, Feter and John went to the temple to pray. A lame man was lying there at the gate, and asked an alms of them. Peter said to him : ' Silver and gold I have none ; but what I have I give thee : in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk ' ; and forthwith the lame man sprang to his feet and walked joyfully with them into the temple, thanking and praising God. All the people were filled with amazement at this miracle, and five thousand more of them asked to be baptized. 29. The Apostles preached the Resurrection of Je sus Christ with great power, and did many signs and wonders. By this their authority increased so much that the people brought the sick into the streets, in order that, when Peter passed by, his shadow, at least, might fall upon them, and deliver them from their in firmities. The chief priests and their adherents, see ing all this, were greatly exasperated. They caused Holy Ghost ? Whom did the Apostles choose in the place of. Judas ? When, and how, did the Holy Ghost come ? What change did He produce in them ? What did Peter, the Head of the Apostles, do ? What was the result of his sermon ? How was the lame man at the temple-gate healed ? What effect had this miracle on the Jews ? 29. By what else did the Apostles spread the doctrine of Christ ? What did the people do in consequence of this ? What impression did this make upon the chief priesta and their 26 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. the Apostles to be apprehended and scourged, and forbade them to preach in the name of Jesus ; they stirred up the people against them, insomuch that St. Stephen was stoned to death ; and they perpetrated many other acts of violence. But no earthly power was able to prevent the spreading of the doctrine of Jesus. The Apostles did not cease to preach the cru cified Saviour, both in the temple and from house to house ; and the number of those who presented them selves to be baptized increased exceedingly every day. Even Saul, afterwards called Paul, the most furious enemy and persecutor of the Christians, became, through the grace of God, an Apostle of Jesus Christ and the most zealous propagator of the Gospel. 30. The new converts in Jerusalem and its neigh borhood formed the first Christian community, call ed the Church. Their conduct was unblemished and irreproachable ; they served God with gladness and in simplicity of heart. They all lived in the greatest harmony, and had but one heart and one soul. None of them suffered want ; for the rich willingly sold, for the relief of the poor, what they could spare, such as houses and lands, and laid the proceeds at the feet of the Apostles, that they might divide them among the needy. The Apostles wore the rulers of the Church,as Christ had ordained; they taught, baptized, and administered the other sacraments ; they managed all ecclesiastical affairs, and governed Ihe community. 31. Although many of the Jews embraced the doc trine of Christ, yet the greater part of them remained obstinate and hardened. God, therefore, permitted adherents ? What did they do to the Apostles ? Who was the first martyr ? Did the Apostles, on being persecuted, cease preaching ? What can you relate of St. Paul ? 30. Of whom was the first Christian community composed ? What was their conduct, and how did they serve God ? Was there any dissension amongst them ? Did any of them suffer from want ? How were the poor relieved ? By what authority, nnd how, did the Apostles govern this first community ? 31. Were the Jews all converted ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 27 the punishment they had been threatened with to be inflicted upon them ; and in the seventieth year after the birth of Christ Jerusalem was destroyed, and the temple burnt, by the Romans. One million and a hundred thousand Jews lost their lives, and the rest were banished from their country and dispersed all over the world, that they might be everywhere and at all -times living witnesses of the Divine judgment. The stubbornness of the Jews, and still more an ex press command of God, had early determined the Apostles to go and preach to the pagans or heathens. Poor and persecuted though they were, they an nounced to the nations of the earth the good tidings of salvation, under thousands of hardships and jjerils, even of death. Therefore God visibly blesseatheir efforts ; and thirty years had scarcely elapsed after the Descent of the Holy Ghost, when there were already Christian communities in all parts of the world. Over these Churches the Apostles placed bishops, to whom they communicated their powers by special forms of prayer and the imposition of hands, and whom they appointed their substitutes and successors. All these communities were most closely united to gether, and formed, under their common Head, St. Peter, the One, Universal — that is, Catholic — Church. St. Peter was first Bishop of Antioch, and afterwards Bishop of Rome, where he suffered martyrdom under Nero a.d. 67 ; and then the supreme authority over the whole Church devolved on his successors, the Bishops of Rome, or the Popes. Did those who refused to believe in Christ remain unpunished ? What punishment was inflicted on them ? Why were they dis persed all over fhe world ? What determined the Apostles to go and preach to the pagans ? Under what difficulties, and with what success, did they preach to them ? How did the Apostles organize the new Christian communities ? Were these com munities separated, and independent of one another ? Who was their common Head ? What do we call all these com munities together ? What is the meaning of Catholic ? Where was St. Peter bishop, and where did he die ? Upon whom did his supremacy over the whole Church devolve ? 28 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 32. The pagans were greatly alarmed at the rapid spreading of the Christian religion, which openly condemned their vicious lives and their monstrous idolatry, and they resolved to exterminate it. The Christians had either to abjure their faith or to die under the most cruel torments. They were scourged and lacerated, and were cast before wild beasts ; their sides were torn with iron hooks or burnt with torches. They were thrown into caldrons of boiling oil, muti lated, sawn in pieces, and crucified. They were cov ered with pitch and set fire to, that they might serve to light the nocturnal games of the pagans. Every where the Christians suffered tortures beyond all de scription. The whole earth was drenched with their blood, and hundreds of thousands of every age, sex, and condition died under the most dreadful torments. Rome especially, the capital of paganism, and the seat of all the abominations of idolatry, overflowed, as it were, with the blood of the Christians. The number of those who suffered martyrdom in that city surpasses all belief ; and their bones, which are still to be seen in the subterraneous caverns or Catacombs, where they were entombed by their fellow-Christians, are witnesses of it to this day. 33. These terrible persecutions lasted, with few in terruptions, for three hundred years. Had Christi anity been the work of man, it would certainly have been extirpated by the blind fury of its enemies ; but being the work of Jesus, the Son of God, it took deeper and deeper root, and spread more and more over the world. The signs and wonders which the confessors of Christ did, but, above all, 32. What impression did the spreading of Christianity make on the pagans ? How did they expect to exterminate it ? What torments did they inflict upon the Christians ? Were there many thus tortured and killed ? Where did the persecu tion of the Christians chiefly rage ? Have we any evidonoe of this nowadays f 33. How long did these persecutions last ? Was the Chris tian religion extirpated by them ? Why not ? What con- A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. " 29 the imperturbable serenity of mind and cheerfulness of heart with which they suffered the most cruel tor ments and the most painful deaths, convinced the pagans that only the God of the Christians could be the true God. It even often happened that, whilst the Christians were suffering these most horrible tor tures, many of the pagan spectators were heard to cry out : ' We also are Christians ; kill us together with them ! ' and thus the blood of the martyrs was the fruitful seed from which new Christians continu ally sprang up. 34. By permitting all this, God had sufficiently shown to the world that the establishment of the Church was His work, and that all the power* of the earth could not prevail against her. He now bestowed peace on her by calling Constantine the Great to be the protector of Christianity. This Emperor, while still a pagan, was at war with Maxentius. Seeing that his enemy's army was far greater than his, Con stantine prayed fervently to the true God for assist ance ; and behold, a bright cross appeared in the sky to him and to his whole army, with the following in scription upon it : 'In this sign thou shalt conquer.' In imitation of this cross, Constantine ordered a ban ner to be made, and had it carried before his army in battle. He then bravely attacked the superior forces of Maxentius, and overcame them; and from that time (a.d. 312) Constantine became the defender and protector of Christianity. vinced the pagans of the Divine origin of Christianity ? What occurred oftentimes while the Christians were tortured ? With What, then, may the blood of the martyrs justly be compared ? 34. Why did God permit these persecutions ? Whom did He call to put an end to them ? Who was Constantine, and what can you relate concerning his victory ? In what year did Constantine gain the battle and become the protector of Chris tianity ? 30 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. II. From the Conversion of Constantine to the Rise of Protestantism in the Sixteenth Century. 35. The cross, that had hitherto been the sign of the greatest ignominy, now became a sign of honor and victory. It glittered on the imperial crown of Con stantine, and was displayed in Rome — till then the principal seat of paganism — on the pinnacle of the temple of Jupiter, the Capitol; and it thus announced the triumph of the crucified God-Man to the whole world. Constantine granted the free practice of their religion to the Christians, built splendid churches for them, and showed marks of great honor and distinc tion to priests, and especially to the Popes. His ex ample prompted thousands of the pagans to embrace the Divine doctrine ; and the idols were soon aban doned and their temples deserted. In a short time paganism was completely overthrown throughout the Roman Empire, and the Christian Religion was per manently established. 36. The Catholic Church had now to gain victories of another kind — namely, over her internal enemies, the heretics. Several heretical and schismatical doc trines had already been broached at different times and in different places ; they had, however, soon dis appeared. But now, by God's permission, some new heretics arose, and gained many followers by cunning and fraud. They impudently left the Church, and formed separate and vast communions or sects, which were mostly named after their founders ; as the Arians, Nestorians, Eutychians, Pelagians, etc. 35. What had the cross been before this, and what did it become now ? Where was it particularly seen, and what did it announce to the world ? What did Constantine do for the Christian Religion ? What effect had his example upon the pagans ? What became of paganism, and what was established m its place ? 36. Were the contests of the Church now at an end ? Who were her new enemies ? Had there not been heresies before ? And what was the difference between them and these new ones ? Whence did the sects take their names ? How did they A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 31 • These heretics often succeeded in gaining the favor of princes and emperors, under whose protection they most cruelly oppressed and persecuted the faith ful. In the same way as the Apostles had formerly assembled in order to settle, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and under the presidency of St. Peter, such differences as had arisen in matters of religion (Acts xv.), so now also their successors, the bishops of the Catholic Church, assembled under the presi dency of the Pope1,.*- or of his legates, consulted about the heretical doctrines, and then condemned them. Such an assembly of bishops is called a General Council ; and the decisions of such a council in mat ters of faith, when confirmed by the Pope, ar»infalli- ble, because they proceed from the Church, which the Holy Ghost invisibly governs and preserves from all error. One of the most famous councils is that of Nice, in Bithynia, which was held in 325. Three hundred and eighteen bishops were assembled there ; and amongst them were many holy men who, during the persecutions, had suffered for Christ's sake, and had lost their hands or eyes. They unanimously con demned the impious doctrine of Arins, who obsti nately maintained that Jesus Christ was not God from all eternity, and they cut him off from the communion of the faithful. Although this sect, called Arians, was at that time very powerful, the Church, by her solemn decision, had set the seal of reprobation on it, and consequently it'was gradually to vanish from the face of the earth. The same sentence of condemna tion was passed on all the other heresies that sprang up in subsequent ages ; and however hard the con- behave towards the faithful ? How did the Church oppose these heresies ? What is the name of a general assembly of the bishops of the Catholic Church ? When and why are the decisions of a General Council infallible ? When was the Council of Nice held ? How many, and what, bishops were assembled there ? What, sentence did they pass ? What error did Arius maintain ? What became of these sectarians after their condemnation ? How did it fare with all subsequent heresies ? And what became of the Catholic Church ? 32 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. flicfcs were in which the Church had to engage, she has always come off victorious. 37. During this period, God illustrated His Church also by many holy and learned men who glorious! j defended the true doctrine. They are called Doctors of the Church, or Fathers of the Church. Such were St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, who had to endure from the Arians a long and severe persecution for the true faith (d. 373) ; St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Csesarea (d. 379) ; St. Gregory Nazian- zen (d. 389), and St. John, surnamed Chrysostom, that is, Golden Mouth (d. 407), both Patriarchs of Constantinople ; St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem (d. 386), and St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria (d. 444) ; St. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan (d. 397) ; St. Jerome, celebrated for his Latin translation of the Holy Scriptures, called the Vulgate (d. 420); St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in Africa, one of the brightest luminaries of the Church (d. 430) ; and the holy Popes St. Leo the Great (d. 461) and St Gregory the Great (d. 604). Whilst the Holy Father of the Church especially distinguished themselves as defenders of the true faith, the Hermits, or Solitaries, and monks, shone as models of the most austere pen ance. The hermits were pious Christians who fled from the seductive pleasures of the world, to prepare themselves in solitude, by prayer and self-denial, for a happy death. A cavern in a rock, or a hut made of branches, was their abode ; the bare ground, or a few leaves, their bed ; roots and herbs were their food, and water was their drink. They renounced all the comforts of life, that they might entirely die to the world, and live only for God. The first hermit was 37. By whom did God especially illustrate His Church at this time ? How are those holy and learned men called ? Can you name any of them ? Did any other men distinguish them selves in the Church about this time ?# Who were the hermits ? What was their abode ? What was their food and drink ? Why did they renounce all comforts ? Who were the first and most famous hermits f What did the solitary Life give rise to A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. t>5 St. Paul, who died about 340. St. Antony, to satisfy the importunities of others, built the first monastery, and is called the Patriarch of Monks (d. 356). Thus the Solitary Life gave rise to the Monastic Life, which was so opportunely and successfully propagated in the West by the great St. Benedict, noted for the wonders he had done. For, not to speak of his mir acles, we may safely say that Europe is especially in debted to the religious order he established for the cultivation of its soil and the conversion of its in habitants. He died in 543. St. Augustine, the Apostle of England, was a Benedictine monk, and introduced this order into England in 596. 38. In the fifth and six centuries the Chui»h was exposed to new dangers, when rapacious pagan na tions left their own wild homes, and overran the Christian countries in countless swarms, laying waste all before them with fire and sword. This is called the Migration of Nations. Some of them were named Huns, Alans, Heruli, Goths, Suevi, Lombards, Bnr- gundians, Vandals, Franks, Angles, Saxons; but the most merciless and savage of all these barbarian tribes were the Huns, under their king, Attila, who called himself the Scourge of .God. The most celebrated towns were utterly destroyed, and whole countries laid waste and almost depopulated. The Roman Empire, more than one thousand years old, and once so powerful, could no longer resist these savage tribes, and was at last completely overthrown. Odoacer, King of the Heruli, took Rome, and was proclaimed afterwards ? Who built the first monastery ? Who particu larly advanced the Monastic Life in Europe ? For what is Europe especially indebted to the Benedictine Order ? When, and by whom, was it introduced into England ? 38. What was the cause of the dangers to which the Church was exposed during the fifth and sixth centuries ? What is this called in history ? Can you name any of these rapacious tribes ? Which of them was the most savage and cruel ? Who was their king, and what did he call himself ? Did these savage tribes do much harm ? What became of the Roman Empire ? Who was made King of Italy ? In what year ? By 34 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. King of Italv in 476. It is impossible to describe the extent of misery which these barbarous hordes inflicted on all Europe, until finally God subdued and civilized them by means of that very Church which they had threatened with destruction. Holy men were sent by the Popes to announce the good tidings of salvation to them. They took the cross and the Gospel in their hands ; and although they were ex posed to the greatest dangers, they preached, with no less courage and confidence in God, the doctrine of the Saviour of the world. St. Patrick was sent by Pope Celestine, in a.d. 432, to Ireland, and labored there for many years, converting the entire king dom to Christianity, and establishing many epis copal sees, churches, and monasteries. This is the only instance in the history of the Church of the conversion of an entire people without a single martyrdom. St. Patrick has been deservedly styled the Avostle of Ireland, and Ireland was called the Island' of Saints. In the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries Germany was also converted and civilized. St. Severinus is called the Apostle of Austria, because he converted that country to the Christian faith. He died in 482. St. Colum- ban and St. Gall, both natives of Ireland, preached near the Lake of Constance and in Switzerland ; St. Kilian, a holy Irish monk, and St. Willibald, an English West-Saxon, in Franconia ; St. Rupert and St. Corbinian, both French missionaries, in Bavaria and the surrounding countries ; St. Ludger, a native of Friesland, in Westphalia ; St. Anscharius, a French Benedictine monk, in Scandinavia and Lower Ger many (d. 865). But the most indefatigable and suc cessful preacher of the Gospel in Germany was St. what means did God subdue the barbarians ? How was this done ? When was Ireland converted, and by whom ? What peculiarity was there in the conversion of the Irish ? In what centuries was Germany converted and civilised ? Who is the Apostle of Austria ? Can you name any more of the missionaries to whom Germany owes its conversion ? Who A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 35 Winfrid or Boniface, who is therefore justly called the Apostle of the Germans. He was born at Credi- ton, in Devonshire, about the year 680, and was a Benedictine monk at Exeter. On account of his great merits he was created Archbishop of Mentz in 732, by Pope Gregory III. ; and whilst he was en gaged in preaching the Gospel to the infidel inhabi tants of the northern parts of Friesland, he was martyred, in 755. As soon as the missionaries had got a footing in a country, they made it their first business to erect one or several monasteries. These sanctuaries of religion then sent forth holy men to spread the seeds of Christianity over the country, es tablished schools for the education of young pnests, and taught the barbarians to leave off their savage manners, and to follow peaceful and useful occupa tions. Thus the wild Germans were taught agricul ture, the duties of domestic life, trades, and mechan ical arts. By the industry and labor of the monks deserts were changed into rich fields, and dark forests into pleasant abodes; in all respects they were the greatest benefactors of mankind. The Emperor Charlemagne, who had especially the propagation and prosperity of the Christiau Church at heart, founded more than twenty-four monasteries, and erected several episcopal sees, which he most liber ally endowed with lands and estates. His example was followed by the pious King Stephen, to whom Hungary is indebted for her conversion to Christianity. 39. Whilst the Christian faith was propagated' in is called the Apostle of the Germans ? Where was he born ? To what order did he belong ? Of what town was he made Archbishop ? How, and in what year, did he die ? What die1 the missionaries usually do when they had'settled in a country i' What did, then, the monasteries do for the spreading and strengthening of the faith ? For what else is Germany indebt ed to the monks ? What emperor in those days interested himself particularly for the prosperity of the Christian Church, and what did he do ? To whom does Hungary owe her conver sion ? 39. What happened in the East, whilst the Christian feith 36 A Catechisnl of the Catholic Religion. the West with gratifying success, most fatal and de plorable disturbances arose in the East. The Greek Emperors at Constantinople, instead of humbly sub mitting themselves to the Church, wanted to rule her, and obtrude upon her .their opinions as articles of faith. The people were heedless, the clergy frequent ly forgot their duties, and pride and dissension sup plied at last what was still wanting to bring about that lamentable Schism by which the greater portion of the Greek or Eastern Church seceded from the Pope, the common Head of the Church of Christ (a.d. 1054). But God did not delay to inflict upon them the punishment they had so well deserved. As informer times He had chastised the Israelites for the neglect of His laws, so He now punished the degene rate Christians also. In the beginning of the seventh century (a.d. 622), there had appeared in Arabia an arrogant impostor called Mahomet, who pretended to be a messenger of God, and patched up a new religion out of Pagan, Jewish, and Christian observances and doctrines. At the head of a band of robbers, he first plundered caravans, soon after took cities and coun tries, and, sword in hand, forced the inhabitants to embrace his religion. His successors, who were called Caliphs, continued, by the force of arms, to subdue one country after another in Asia and Africa, and to spread the doctrine of their false prophet, and, at the same time, barbarism, profligacy, and the most op pressive slavery. Christianity, it is true, was not en tirely rooted out in those countries; but being separat ed from the true Church, it fell into a state of tor pidity and debasement, under which it is still languish- • ing at the present time. fras successfully spread in the West ? Who was the chief cause Of those disturbances ? To what were the people and the clergy inclined ? What was the unfortunate result of all this ? Did God suffer all this to remain unpunished ? Who was Mahomet f What did he pretend to be ? Of what did he form his new reli gion ? How did he spread it ? , What did his successors do ? Was the Christian religion totally destroyed under them 1 What became of it, and what was the reason ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 37 40. In the year 637 Jerusalem, the capita] of the Roly Land or- Palestine, had fallen under the pow^r of the Mahometans or Saracens (i.e., Arabians ; so called from sara, a desert), and had groaned under their yoke four hundred and forty-two years, when, in 1079, it was conquered, together with the fairest por tions of Western Asia, by the Seljukian Turks, a Tar tar tribe, who came in 1048 from the Caspiati Sea, and had in the eighth century embraced Mahometanism. The latter were the most relentless foes of .Christianity. The enormities which they committed in the Holy Land, and the cruel treatment which they inflicted upon the Christian pilgrims who resorted thither from the West, gave rise, about the close *>f the eleventh century, to the Crusades. Peter of Amiens, a pious hermit, who had made a pilgrimage to Jeru salem, reported to Pope Urban II. how the Holy Places, where our Saviour had lived and suffered, were profaned by the Infidels, and to what outrages the Christians were there exposed. The Pope was so sen sibly affected that he resolved to put an end to the insolence and insatiable rapacity of the Mahometans. He summoned the Christian princes and knights to a Council at Clermont in Auvergne (a.d. 1095), called upon them to engage in a military expedition against the Infidels, and excited their enthusiasm to such a pitch that the whole assembly spontaneously ex claimed, 'God wills it ! God wills it! ' This cry re echoed through the whole West, and shortly after there stood ready a tremendous host of men armed at all points. They wore, as a badge of their engage- 40. In what year did Jerusalem fall under the power of the Mahometans ? What do you understand by Mahometans, and. what by Saracens ? When was Jerusalem conquered by the Turks ? What do you call those Turks, and whence did they come ? What was their religion ? Were they friends of the Christians ? What was the cause of the Crusades ? Who was Peter of Amiens, and what did he report to Urban II. ? What did the Pope do ? What did he effect at the Council of Cler mont ? In what year was the Council of Clermont held ? What ensued in the West ? What is the origin of the name of Cru- 3 8 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ment, a red cross on their right shoulder, whence ori- giriated the name of Crusaders and Crusade. Full of joy and courage, they marched to Palestine. After having endured inexpressible hardships, and fought many a hot battle, they at last took Jerusalem; and the brave hero, Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lor raine, was proclaimed King a.d. 1099. Being present ed with a golden crown, he refused to wear it, saying that he would never consent to wear a crown of gold where the Redeemer of the world had worn a crown of thorns ; and he never gave himself any other title but that of Duke Godfrey. The new kingdom, how ever, lasted only eighty-eight years. Owing to the treachery of the Greeks, and to the want of discipline and harmony among the Crusaders, it was unable to resist the superior forces of the Turks, although it repeatedly obtained auxiliaries from the West ; and thus Jerusalem was taken by Saladin, Sultan of Egypt, jn 1187. About the year 1300, fresh hordes of Turks,- called the Ottomans, poured down from Tartary, sub dued the Seljukians, and extended their conquests over Western Asia, Rumelia, Moldavia, Servia, Bul garia, Greece, and the Morea ; until at last, under that monster of brutality and voluptuousness called Mahomet (II.) the Great, they rendered themselves masters of Constantinople, the capital of the Greek Empire (a.d. 1453), which calamity God no doubt permitted in punishment for the grievous offences it had committed against Him. The further progress of the Turks, however, was checked by the ardent zeal and heroic valor of the Christian princes Hun- sade ? What can you relate of the first Crusade ? In what year was Jerusalem taken ? What can you relate of Godfrey of Bouillon ? How long did the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem last ? What caused its fall ? When, and by whom, was it conquered ? About what year, and by what Turks, were the Seljukians sub dued, and how far did they extend their conquests ? In what year, and by whom, was Constantinople taken ? Who checked the further progress of the Turks ? By Whom were they at last A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 39 iades and Scanderheg, of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem (who from 1310 were called Knights of Rhodes, and from 1530 Knights of Malta), and of other Christian Orders of Chivalry, till they were at last completely overthrown by the united forces of the Pope, of Spain, and of Venice, and by the evident help of the glorious Mother of God, in the famous battle of Lepanto (a.d. 1571). The result of this victory was notNmly a check to the progress of the Ottomans, but also the beginning of the decline of their power; and thus Cathplic Europe, and es pecially Germany, was saved from the imminent dan ger of being likewise overrun and subjugated by those ferocious Infidels. 41. In the Western countries of Europe, ike Cru sades everywhere roused the people to a more vigorous exertion of their mental powers, and to a new spiritual life. During the destructive Migration of Nations (§ 38), the sciences had found an asylum in the mon asteries ; but now they spread among the people, and were ardently cherished by them Celebrated schools and universities were established ; and men of won derful erudition, as St. Anselm (d. 1109), Albertus Magnus (d. 1280), St. Thomas of Aquino (d. 1274), and others, occupied the professorial chairs. Those times, generally called ' The Middle Ages,' are still more renowned for the lustre of Christian virtues, for the firmness of faith, for childlike simplicity, and for an ardent love of God and man. Even at the present time we behold with surprise and wonder those ancient gigantic cathedrals which were erected by the piety of our ancestors ; and we are enraptured at the most tender devotion, expressed in the paint- completely overthrown ? In what battle, and in what year ? What was the result of this victory ? 41. What influence had the Crusades on Western Europe ? Where had the sciences found an asylum during the invasions by the barbarians, and among whom were they now spread ? What learned men of those times can you name ? What do we call those times, and what are they particularly remarkable 4o A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ings and statues with which they adorned the build ings consecrated to God. Such great and charming works could only be produced by the Religion which filled their hearts and governed all their actions. This same Religion also poured out the greatest bless ings over the earth through the holy Founders of Religious Orders, St. Romuald (d. 1027), St. Bruno (d. 1101), St. Norbert (d. 1134), St. Bernard (d. 1153), St. Dominic (d. 1221), St. Francis of Assisium, surnamed the Seraphic (d. 1226), and many other men of God. The niimerous monasteries which they built not only produced many great Saints and en lightened prelates, but they also cherished piety and religious zeal among the lower classes of the people. They relieved the wants of the poor, sheltered and nursed the sick, and redeemed those who had been made prisoners and slaves ; they sent missionaries into all parts of the world, and obtained, by their devout prayers, abundant graces from Heaven on countries and nations. 42. In the meantime, there appeared also an ex uberant growth of cockle among the wheat in the field of God (Matt, xiii.) There were pernicious feuds and wars, various acts of injustice and violence, and many scandals. In several places, and particularly in Ger many, the custom had been introduced by temporal princes of putting the newly elected bishops and abbots in possession of their benefices by giving them the Ring and the Crosier, the symbols of Pas toral authority, which ceremony was called Investi ture, and seemed to imply the conferring of spiritual for ? What monuments give, even at the present time, evidence of the piety of our ancestors ? What enabled them to produce such stupendous works ? Through whom in particular did the Catholic Religion pour out its blessings at that time ? What fruits did the numerous monasteries bring forth ? 42. Was there in those times no cockle in the field of God ? What kind of cockle was it ? What custom had been intro duced in some places by the temporalprinces ? What is sym bolized by the Ring and Crosier ? What was this ceremony called, and what did it seem to imply ? What did. the Emperor A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 41 jurisdiction. Not content with this, the Emperor Henry IV. used to bestow bishoprics and abbeys upon the most unworthy candidates, and even on such as offered him the largest sums of money. Pope Gregory VII. courageously inveighed against those crying abuses; and hence ensued, about 1076, a long and tedious contest, called The Contest of Investiture, out of which the Church indeed came forth victori ous, but not till after many hard trials. After that there arose heretics who kindled the fire of revolt first against the Ecclesiastical, and then against the Secular authorities ; as in France the Albigenses, in Upper Italy the Waldenses, in England the Wickliff- ites or Lollards, in Bohemia the Hussites. Peace, it is true, was restored to the Church, and mefl, mighty in words and deeds, as St. Vincent Ferrer (d. 1419) and St. John Capistran (d. 1456), went through the countries of Europe, preaching penance to princes and people. Nevertheless an unholy fire lay hidden under the ashes ; feelings of disrespect and hostility to the Church, and a fondness for innovations, had gained ground, and were increased by many other at tendant evils. Nothing was wanted for the fatal eruption of this volcano of wickedness and rebellion but an opportunity ; and this presented itself in the beginning of the sixteenth century in Germany. Like a contagious disease, this lamentable evil spread abroad ; thousands and thousands abandoned the Catholic Church ; bloody wars, revolts, and corrup tion of morals ensued; the most splendid establish ments, founded by the piety of former ages, were destroyed, and unspeakable misery was prepared both for time and eternity. Henry IV. use to do ? Who opposed him ? What is this con test called, and when did it take place ? How did the Church get out of it ? What evil came afterwards on the West of Europe ? Which were the most notorious hereMcs of that time ? Whom did God send to preaehpenance to them ? Was the evil then entirely suppressed ? How and when did the slumbering fire break out into a flame ? What was the conse quence of this ? 42 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. III. From the Rise of Protestantism to Pope Pius IX. 43. Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk and a professor in the University of Wittenberg, a man of an irritable and turbulent disposition, began in 1517 by exclaiming against the abuses which are said to have been practised in the publication of the Indul gences granted by Pope Leo X. to those who should contribute to the rebuilding of St. Peter's Church in Rome. But soon after he arbitrarily set himself up as a reformer of the Church, inveighed agaihst the Ecclesiastical authorities, especially against the Pope, whose supreme power he denounced as usurpation and tyranny, and which he said he would bring to a miserable end. In pursuance of his wrong views, he rejected many articles of faith which the Church had received from Christ and His Apostles. He discarded the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Fasting, Confession, Prayers for the Dead, and many other pious practices ; he declared good works to be useless, and taught that man is justified and saved by faith alone. Moreover, he threw open the monasteries and convents, and gave leave to the monks and nuns to marry ; and he presumed to award to princes and sovereigns the right of confiscating the property of churches and convents, and of assigning it to any use they pleased. Finally, he broke the vow of chastity which he had solemnly made as a monk and as a priest, and com mitted the double sacrilege of taking a nun for his wife. Luther boasted that he took his doctrine from the Bible only; but being misled by the false rule of private judgment in its interpretation, he soon fell into the most palpable contradictions and errors. 43. Who was the author of Protestantism ? What sort of a man was he ? When and how did he begin his conflict with the Church ? Did he stop there ? How did he behave towards the Pope ? What innovations did he introduce ? What did he do with regard to monasteries, monks, and nuns ? What pretended right did he give to princes and sovereigns ? Was his conduct edifying ? Whence did he pretend to take his doc trine ? How did he interpret the Bible ? Did he teach the pure A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 43 Thus he asserted that ' man has no free will, and con sequently can neither keep the commandments nor avoid evil ' ; * ' that sin does not condemn man, pro vided he firmly believe,' f etc. Nevertheless, he soon obtained many followers ; for the thoughtless multitude were very much pleased with such easy doctrine, which allowed them to lead a dissolute life and covetous princes found nothing more conforma ble to their wishes than the suppression of churches and monasteries. Besides, Luther eagerly embraced any opportunity of increasing his party, and for this purpose he permitted the Landgrave of Hesse to con tract a second marriage whilst his .first wife ^vas still living. The way of innovation and revolt being once' opened by Luther, several others soon followed him, and they went even further than he did. Zwinglius, in Switzerland, denied the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Calvin, at Geneva, taught that ' God has predestined a part of mankind, without any fault of theirs, to eternal damnation, aud that therefore He blinds and hardens the heart of sinners.' % The Anabaptists proclaimed a kingdom of Christ on earth, in which there was to be no private property, no law, no magistrates. Zwinglius, Calvin, and other Sectarians totally demolished in the churches what had been spared by Luther. The images of the Crucified Redeemer and of the Saints, pictures as well as statues, and masterpieces of art, were hewn in pieces; the organs and altars were shattered ; nay, even the graves were ransacked, and the bones of the Saints trampled upon and burnt to Word of God ? Can you name any of bis errors ? How was his doctrine received by the people, and how by some Princes ? What did he do to gain the favor of the Landgrave of Hesse ? Did any imitate Luther's example ? Where and what did Zwinglius teach ? Where and what did Calvin teach ? What did the Anabaptists proclaim 1 What havoo did the Zwinglians and the Calvinists make ? Did the different Sects agree among * De Servo Arbitrlo. , __ . + Bpist. ad Melaneht. an. 1531. De Captivtt. Bobyl. torn. H. fol. 281. tlnstit. Belig. Christ. 44 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ashes. Although these pretended Reformers com bated and anathematized one another, nevertheless their several doctrines spread most rapidly. United only in their hatred against the Catholics, they con trived all imaginable measures to gain the superiority over them. By thousands and thousands of pam phlets they disseminated their erroneous principles, and, at the same time, they most virulently attacked and calumniated the Pope and the Catholic Clergy. Moreover, in many places crying acts of violence were committed, and people were forced by all sorts of oppression and persecution to renounce the Holy Catholic Faith. 44. The Catholics, on their part, made several at tempts to restore peace to the Church, by entering into amicable discussions with their opponents ; but the hatred which Luther bore to the Pope, the Head of the Church, continued implacable. To check the pro gress of heresy and wickedness, the Emperor Charles V. assembled in 1529 a second Diet at Spire, where a decree was issued that, until the decision of a General Council, Lutheranism should be tolerated wherever it had already been established, but should not be spread any further ; that no one should be hindered from saying or hearing Mass ; and that all invectives against any religion should be prohibited. The Lutherans protested against this decree, and from this circumstance is derived their name of Protestants ; which appellation has since been given also to the other Sects into which they have divided. At length the Holy Father convoked a General Council at Trent, in the* Tyrol, in the year 1545. themselves ? Did their disagreement prevent the spread of their doctrines ? In what were they united ? What measures did they contrive to propagate their principles ?, What means did they use in many places to make the Catholics renounce their faith ? 44. What did the Catholics do for the restoration of peace, and what was the result ? In what year, and by whom, was the Diet of Spire assembled ? What famous decree was issued there ? How did the name of Protestants originate ? Are only the Lutherans now called Protestants ? What measures did A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 45 The doctrine of the innovators was examined and unanimously condemned; at the same time, many excellent decrees concerning Ecclesiastical institu tions and the reformation of abuses were issued ; in a word, the vigorous and decisive action of this Council gave fresh beauty and new life to the Catho lic Church. The Protestants had been repeatedly invited to the Council, as they had in the beginning expressly wished for it in order to adjust their differ ences ; but they refused to appear at Trent. Con sequently, the unfortunate Schism continued, and brought unspeakable misery and endless calamities upon the greater part of Europe. Lusher had preached liberty and reviled the Emperor, the princes, and bishops ; the peasants lost no time in freeing themselves from their masters. They traversed the country in lawless bands, burnt down the castles and monasteries, and committed the most horrible cruel ties against the nobility and clergy. More than one hundred thousand persons were slain during this frightful insurrection (a.d. 1525). Other religious wars ensued, and Germany, which once had been so flourishing, became at last the scene of the most frightful desolation and of the most horrible atroci ties during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). The other countries which had embraced the new doctrine were likewise devastated by religious and civil wars. In Switzerland, Zwinglius fell in a bloody battle which he fought against his own countrymen. In France, the Calvinists, called Huguenots, kept, with a devastating army, the field for many years against the Holy Father at last take ? In what year was the Council of Trent convoked, and what was done by it ? What did the Church gain by this Council ? Did the Protestants come to it ? What was the effect of Luther's preaching liberty ? What took place during the war of the peasantry ? Were there any other wars in Germany, and how long did the great religious war last in that country ? What was the consequence of this war ? Were any other countries involved in war, and which ? Where and how did Zwinglius end his life ? What are the French Protestants called, and what atrocities did they commit ? l6 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. the crown and the Church. In their blind fury, they massacred numbers of priests, monks, and nuns; they ravaged villages and towns, and burnt or pulled down many thousands of churches, some of which were magnificent monuments of Christian art. England also suffered severely for her apostasy, begun by King Henry VIII., who abandoned the Catholic Church because the Pope would not allow him to repudiate his lawful wife, Catharine, and marry Anne Boleyn. From that time, the country was drenched in human blood; even King Charles I., a successor of the tyrannical Henry, was beheaded by rebels who boasted of professing and practising the pu.rest of all Christian Doctrines. 45. The loss which the Church had suffered from the apostasy in Europe was to be amply compensated by the conversion of innumerable heathens in other parts of the globe. Missionaries went forth in every direction, and announced the salutary doctrines of the Gospel with wonderful success. It is truly astonish ing what St. Francis Xavier, the Apostle of the In dies, who was so eminently favored by Heaven, alone accomplished. Glowing with zeal for the salvation of the pagans, he crossed the vast ocean, and landing at Goa, in the year 1542, he began his mission by walk ing through the streets with a bell in his hand, and calling the children to come and be instructed. They joyfully attended and listened to the holy man, who spoke to them' so affectionately of their dear Redeem er. When they had returned home, they repeated what they had heard, and so induced the adult persons to come likewise and hear the holy preacher. God re warded his zeal, and granted him, as He had done to Who introduced Protestantism into England, and for what rea son ? Did England gain anything by the change ? What do you know of Charles I. ? 45. How was the Church compensated for her loss in Eu rope ? How was this effected ? What is the name of the Apostle of the Indies ? Where did he land, and in what vear ? How did he begin his mission ? What did the children do ? How did God reward and assist his zeal ? In what countries A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 47 the first Apostles, the power of healing the sick, of raising the dead to life, of commanding the storms ; in short, the power of working the most stupendous miracles. With untiring energy he went from coun try to country, from island to island, through all In dia and Japan, and converted, in the short period of ten years, many tribes and kingdoms. He himself testifies in one of his letters that in one month he administered Holy Baptism to ten thousand heathens. After his death, other missionaries continued the pi ous work, and introduced the Religion of Jesus into China also, that immense, unknown, and till then in accessible empire. That these heath enf had been truly converted was proved in the most convincing manner when the persecution of the Christians broke out in Japan. About one million, one hundred thousand * died for their faith, and the greatest part of them were most horribly tortured. Even tender children, weak old men, and women of rank hastened with joy to martyrdom, dressed in their holiday attire, as if they were going to a wedding feast. So sincere and strong was their faith that even the survivors and their children have continued to preserve it under most adverse circumstances. Though shut out for over two hundred years from the Christian world, and without a priest, and subjected to tyranny and perse cution, they taught the Catechism, recited the Catho lic prayers they had learned, baptized thtir chil dren, and strove to live piously. A few years ago the Japanese were forced to repeal their laws for the total exclusion of foreigners. Missionaries have again entered, and have found villages of these faith ful Japanese Catholics. In America also, that did he work, and how long ? What was the result of his la bors ? How many heathens did he christen or baptize in one month ? Was Christianity also introduced into China ? How was the sincerity of the new Christians, especially in Japan, proved ? How many were martyred in Japan ? Does the hatred against the Christians still continue there ? What can * Some authors reckon 1,900,000. 48 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. newly-discovered world, the light of the Gospel spread, and overthrew the most abominable idolatry with all its horrors and vices. No people on earth offered up more human sacrifices than the natives of America. The Mexicans sacrificed about twenty thou sand human victims every year, and when they had no captives for this purpose, they did not spare eyen their own children. It is impossible to describe what the heroic missionaries suffered, and what dangers they incurred among those bloodthirsty savages. They had to struggle not only against the cruelties and vicas of the natives, but also against the insatiable avarice of the European settlers. Yet their labors were crowned with success, and the Christian faith was firmly and permanently established on this Conti nent. The mission of Paraguay, in South America, especially flourished. The brutish natives, who lived among the wild beasts in the forests, who thought of nothing but plundering, murdering, and revenge, who delighted only in eating human flesh, in voluptuousness and drunkenness, were transformed by the" indefatigable missionary priests into devout Christians. They became models of modesty and charity, of innocence and piety, and by their untiring industry and labor changed their wild country into a delicious paradise. 46. The holy men who, with such indefatigable zeal, ani often even to the shedding of their blood, devoted themselves to the conversion of the pagans, belonged for the most part to Religious Orders. St. Francis Xavier, and those others who planted the faith in China and Paraguay, were Jesuits — that is, members of the Society of Jesus. This order was you relate of America in general, and of Mexico in particular ? Was the work of the missionaries easy there ? What particular obstacles did they encounter ? Did they succeed the less for all that ? How did the savages of Paraguay live ? What did they become after their conversion to Christianity ? 48. To what class of men did most of the missionaries be long ? Of what order were the Apostle of the Indies, and the first planters of Christianity in China and Paraguay ? When, A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 49 founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius of Loyola, a man filled with the most ardent zeal for the honor of God. These religious exerted themselves especially in pro pagating the Catholic Faith, and defending it against the new-fangled doctrines ; and consequently they drew upon themselves implacable hatred and grievous persecutions from the enemies of Religion. God raised also other orders, that might, in concert with the Secular Clergy, heal the wounds which Luther and other heretics had inflicted on the Church. The pi ous Capuchins, who sprang in 1528 from the Order of St. Francis of Assisiuui, labored especially for the salvation of souls, and distinguished themselves by their affectionate zeal and austere life. The Orato- rians, or Fathers of the Oratory, which was founded in 1574 by St. Philip Neri, devoted themselves to prayer and the instruction of the people, to visiting the hospitals, to attending the poor and the sick, and to literary pursuits. The fathers of the Pious Schools occupied themselves with the instruction of youth, and other religious, again, with the nursing of the sick. There arose also communities of religious wo men for the training up of young girls to a pious and godly life; as the Orders of the Visitation, of the Ursulines, and of the Good Shepherd, and the Insti tute of English Ladies.* Above all, this period was and by whom, was this order established ? In what did these religious especially exert themselves ? How were they requited for their labor by the enemies of Religion ? Did God raise any other orders at that time, and for what purpose ? When and how did the Order of Capuchins originate, and by what were they particularly conspicuous ? When and by whom was the Oratory founded, and to what does it devote itself ? What was the object of the fathers of the Pious Schools, and of other orders ? What communities of religious women arose at that time ? What do they devote themselves to ? What is the origin of the Institute of the English Ladies ? In what was this epoch especially rich ? Can you tell me anything remarkable * This Institute was established in the Netherlands for English ladies who were persecuted under Queen Elizabeth for their attach ment to the Catholic Faith, and soon spread over Germany, where it is still nourishing under the above name, though its members have long ceased to be English. 50 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. exceedingly rich in heroes of faith and virtue. St. Charles Borromeo, Cardinal Archbishop of Milan (d. 1584), set a bright example of true Christian charity during the plague, by visiting the sick in the most dangerous places, in lazarettos and hospitals, and by giving up all his property, even his bed, for the relief of the sufferers. St. Francis of Sales, Prince-Bishop of Geneva (d. 1622), converted, by the irresistible power of his meekness and humility, seventy-two thousand Savoyards from the errors of Calvin to the true Faith. St. Vincent of Paul (d. 1660) devoted his whole life to the poor and distressed ; no misery, of whatever kind or form, escaped the ardor and abundance of his love. He founded orphanages and foundlirg hospitals ; he established a Congregation of Missionary Priests (called Lazarists, from St. Laza rus' College in Paris) for the instruction of ignorant country people ; an association for the refoiming of convicts, and also the admirable Institute of the Sis ters of Charity for nursing the sick. In Geimany, especially in Austria and Bavaria, and in Switzer land, the Venerable Peter Canisins opposed himself as a mighty barrier against Heresy ; he combated it by his writings and incessant preaching, and founded schools and pious institutions for preserving and enlivening the true Faith established by Christ and His Apostles. The sixteenth and seventeenth centu ries were also illustrated by St. John of God,- St. John of the Cross, St. Thomas of Villanova, St. Ca- jetan, St. Peter of Alcantara, St. Camillus of Lellis, St. Joseph Calasanctins, St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Francis Borgia, St. Pins V., St. Fidelis of Sigma- ringen, St. Aloysins Gonzaga, St. Stanislas Kostka, of St. Charles Borromeo ? What do you know of St. Francis of Sales ? What did St. Vincent of Paul in general do for the temporal and eternal welfare of his fellow-men ? What chari table institutions did he found in particular ? Who especially labored in the sixteenth century in Germany and Switzerland for the preservation of the true Faith ? Were there any other princi pal Saints who shone in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 51 and by many other men eminent for the sanctity of their lives ; and among the female sex were especially distinguished St. Teresa, St. Rose of Lima, St. An gela of Brescia, St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. Catherine of Ricci, etc. Iu the eighteenth century there shone among others, as one of the brightest ornaments of the Catholic Church, St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha, near Naples (d. 1787), who established the Congregation of the Redemptorists for the instruc tion of the people. All these Saints did great deedg and wrought innumerable, miracles by their mighty intercession with God ; and thus they»irrefragably proved that the true spirit of Christianity, the spirit of charity, of humility, and self-denial, had not de parted from the Church, as the blind adversaries of our faith unfortunately often assert. 47. Awful events, which make nature shudder, re main as yet to be related. We would fain pass them over in silence, if they were not most instructive for us. As with all human productions, so it fared with the doctrine of Luther ; it became antiquatsd, it altered and entirely changed. Sects upon Sects arose : Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Qua kers, Methodists, Moravians, etc. Each one of these Sects presumed, after the example of Luther, to reform the faith. At last impious Free-thinkers, first in England and afterwards in France, carried their presumption to the highest pitch, and contrived the infernal scheme totally to abolish Religion, and to exterminate for ever the Belief in Christ. Under the pretence of enlightening mankind, they deluged and who were they ? Bywhat Saints was the female sex distin guished at that time ? What Saint did particularly illustrate the eighteenth century? What Religious Order did he found ? What did all these Saints especially do, and what did they prove by their works and miracles ? \ 47. What became, in process of time, of the doctrine of Luther ? What was the final result of its alterations and, changes ? What did the Sectarianism lead to ? What did the\ Free-thinkers contrive to do ? What principal means did they 52 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. the world with writings in which they scoffed at all holy things, grossly calumniated the Pope and the Clergy, and openly advocated the most shameful li centiousness. Their books, written in most attrac tive language, and sparkling with witticism and satire, .found their way too readily among all classes of people, and at the same time the spirit of profli gacy and impiety spread with surprising rapidity. The enemies of God now felt themselves powerful enough to execute their horrible plan. They first attacked the Priesthood, that they might the more easily scatter the sheep after they had smitten the shepherd. The ecclesiastical property was confis cated and sold in France about the close of the eighteenth century ; the monks and nuns were turn ed out of their peaceable abodes by force, and the religious houses were plundered and pulled down. Soon after, a sanguinary edict was issued against all priests who should continue faithful to the discharge of their duties. Was any one discovered refractory, he was cast into prison, or immediately hanged up to the nearest lamp-post. The Christian era was annul led, the celebration of the Sundays and Festivals was abolished, the churches were profaned and devastated. Everything that reminded them of Christianity was destroyed. Finally, the madness of these men ar rived at such a pitch, that they proclaimed Reason to be the Supreme Being, and conducted a vile woman as an emblem of the Deity, on a triumphal car, into the Cathedral of Paris, where they placed her on the high altar, in the place of the figure of our Crucified Redeemer, and sang hymns in her honor. Order, prosperity, and public safety disappeared together make use of ? Why were their books well received by the peo- ple ? Whom did the infidels first attack, and why ? What became of the ecclesiastical property, the monks and nuns, and the religious houses ? What edict was issued against the priests ? What did the infidels do to destroy the very name of Christian ity ? With what particular infamy did they brand themselves in their madness ? Why did prosperity and public safety dis- A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 53 with Religion ; even the throne was overturned and shattered to pieces. Louis XVI., a pious and bene volent but rather too good-natured King, -was be headed in 1793, and soon after him his wife and his sister suffered the same death. France was for two years the scene of such horrible atrocities as are un equalled in the annals of history. Human blood flowed in torrents. Neither age nor sex was safe from the fury of those monsters. In the Vendee, five hundred children, the oldest of whom was four teen, were shot, because their fathers remained faithful to God and their King. The total number of the people slaughtered in this Reign of Terror was, according to some, two millions. And all this was done under the pretence of promoting the happiness of mankind. Enlightenment was their word when they abolished Religion ; Liberty and Equality, when they murdered their fellow-men. At last the sanguinary despots began to tremble for their own lives, and, in order to stop the complete anarchy that prevailed, they solemnly proclaimed that the nation should once more believe in God and the immortality of the soul. In the year 1799, Napoleon, in quality of First Consul, seized upon the sovereign power ; but he did not venture to govern a people without Religion. He therefore restored the Catholic Religion in France, and made a solemn Concordat with the Pope (a.d. 1801). How ever, the Church did not long enjoy this peace. Napoleon, blinded by fortune, attempted to extort from the Supreme Head of the Church certain concessions which he could not grant. The French troops invaded Rome, and carried away Pius VII. appear ? What happened to Louis XVI. and his family ? What became then of France ? Were children, at least, spared ? How many people are said to have been slaughtered during the Reign of Terror ? Under what pretence were all these horrible crimes committed ? What did the impious wretches finally do in the utmost necessity ? By whom, when, and why was the Catholic Religion restored in France ? Did fNapoleon remain a 54 A Catechism of tfie Catholic Religion. prisoner in 1809. But as God had visibly protected His Church ten years before, when Pope Pius VI. had died a captive at Valence in France, so now He did not abandon her to her enemies. Napoleon was vanquished by the Confederate Powers of Europe, and dispossessed of his crown, and the Pope re-en tered triumphant into Rome (a.d. 1814). Pius VII. was succeeded in the Holy See by Leo XII., Pius VIII., Gregory XVI., and Pius IX. ; and from the 20th of February, 1878, the Papal throne has been occupied by Leo XIII., who, in an uninterrupted succession of Popes from St. Peter, is the two hun dred and sixty-third. (See pp. 61-66.) 48. By this terrible French Revolution, Divine Pro vidence intended to show to the world what misery awaits those who fall off from God and the Religion of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, this warning was not generally heeded, and the pretended enlightening system of the French Free-thinkers was also adopted in other countries. Many ancient and venerable in stitutions were abrogated, monasteries and convents were suppressed, the authority and influence of the Church diminished, her rights derogated, her benefits .and blessings disowned, and shameless infidelity, with its pernicious principles, was publicly taught in the universities. However, Almighty God has not ceased to protect His Church, and even to glorify her by many incontestable miracles. But the greatest miracle, perhaps, is the continual spreading of the Church in all parts of the world, notwithstanding the faithful son of the Church ? How did he treat Pius VTI. ? Did God ever withdraw His band from the Church ? What be came of Napoleon, and what of the Pope ? In what year did Pius VII. return to Rome ? Who were his successors ? Who is the present Pope ? How many Popes have there been from the time of St. Peter ? 48. What does the French Revolution teach us ? Was this warning properly heeded ? What influence had this Revolution on other countries ? Did God cease to protect His Church ? Which is the greatest miracle of that time ? How does this i A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 55 great) and numerous obstacles which are everywhere thrown in her way. This is peculiarly striking in North America, where, in the United States alone, sixty seven dioceses, with seminaries, monasteries, convtntsj colleges, and other pious institutions, have been founded within less than seventy years. Among; some nations of Asia, the blood of martyrs has be"- comdthe seed of new Christians. In England, the Cathflic churches, monasteries, convents, and schools are nsibly multiplying, owing to the continual in- creas! of the number of those who re-enter into the pale |f the, true Church. In Germany, monasteries, convents, and charitable institutions have been re-es- tabliiied for nursing the sick, for instructing youth, for educating poor children, for opening alliums to penit nts of both sexes, and for promoting the propa gation of Faith. Literary pursuits have become more Christian, a new zeal has been revived, and it is be ing mkre and more understood that unity, peace, and etemi salvation are only to be found in the Catho lic Chkrch. If, on the other hand, many Christians,. enslavd to the love of earthly things, have become indiffe-ent towards God and His Holy Religion, if the C urch is still continually oppressed and perse cuted, this ought not to shake our faith, but rather confirm us in it ; for even in this we see the accom- plishmint of the Prophecies recorded in the Gospel, and of! the prediction that one day a great revolt shall tace place from God and Christ, the Saviour of the wojld (2 Thess. ii. 3, 4; Luke xviii. 8). Every one, therefore, must take heed that he be not led astray, hit remain faithful until death, that he re ceive th crown of life (Apoc. ii. 10). appear in! North America, especially in the United States ? How in Jsia ? How in England ? What change has taken place in (lermany ? Where can one be sure to find unity, peace, andeternal salvation ? What should we think of the indifferentsm of some Christians, and of the continual persecu tion of thi Church ? What, therefore, should every one of us do? 56 . A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. CONCLUDING REMARKS OS THE HISTORICAL EVIDENCES OF THE TRUTH OF OUR DIVINE RELIGION". We have now, in a small compass, surveyed the history of our Holy Religion, and considered the blessings it has conferred upon mankind from .Adam, our first parent, to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and from Him, the Divine Head and foun der of our Church, to His present Vicegerent. Leo XIII. How sublime and beautiful is the Religion we profess ! Everything connected with it calls out to us : God alone could have given such '~a^Re4fgion to mankind. V. Man has not invented it ; God Himself, has taught it to us, and has commanded us to obsa-ve it. He revealed it by holy men in the Old Testament (§§ 6, 11, 7) ; and in the New, precisely as tlie Pro phecies of the Old Testament had foretold. His Only-Begotten, Eternal Son appeared on earfli, and most convincingly confirmed His Divine Docirine by numerous miracles, especially by His Resuirection from the dead (§§ 21, 22, 23, 26, 27). God has spoken, and no one has a right to be indiffirent to His word ; to despise or reject it would be to con demn one's self to everlasting hell fire. 2. The Religion to which we belong did lot take rise only a few centuries ago ; properly speJking, it dates from the beginning of the world. For its first seeds were laid in Paradise when God proniied a Re deemer to our First Parents after their fall; and the whole of the Old Law, with its sacrifices anc wonder ful events, was but a figure of the New Lav, which What have we now surveyed ? What have we chsfly consid' ered in the history of our Religion ? 1. Whence does our Religion come ? By whomhas God re vealed it to us ? How did Jesus Christ confirm His Divine Doctrine ? Is it indifferent which religion we prof6S ? 3. How old is our Religion ? How do you explau and prove its great age ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 57 contains the fulfilment and accomplishment of the Old (§§ 2, 7, 9, 12, and others). The Old Law be lieved in the Redeemer to come, and the New believes in Him already come. But it is the same belief in the same Redeemer, and therefore it is essentially the same Religion. 3. Although our Holy Religion is coeval with the beginning of mankind, and its history embraces about six thousand years, yet its beginning is not lost in ob scure fables of ancient times ; on the contrary, its truth is evident and obvious to all. For it exhibits, from the remotest anticprity down to the present time, an uninterrupted series, as it were, of public and uni versally known facts and events, which perfectly agree with one another, and with all the monuments of past ages, as also with the annals of the various nations of the world, and with the discoveries made by natural philosophers. They have been so mani foldly and' irrefragably attested that he who would not believe them might just as well deny any other historical truth. We count, and can even name, the generations exactly as they succeeded one another from Adam to Christ (Luke iii. ; Matt, i.), and all the Supreme Pastors or Popes from St. Peter to our Holy Father, Leo XIII., who is now gloriously govern ing the Church established by the Son of God (§ 47 at the end; and pp. 61-66). What a wonderful con catenation, and what an unparalleled succession ! 4. Even the Jews, the most obstinate adversaries of our faith, bear witness to its truth. For they care fully keep upon record, in their Holy Books, the whole history and all the Prophecies of the Old Tes tament, to which we appeal in order to prove the Divine Origin of Christianity ; insomuch that no one can for a morneut suppose that the Christians have 3. Is the history of our Religion perhaps uncertain, because it_ dates from the origin of the world, and embraces so long a' period ? Why not ? 4. What evidence do even the Jews give to the truth of our Religion ? What does this prove ? 58 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. perverted or invented such passages in the Old Testa ment as refer to our Saviour (§ 17). 5. Nor can it be denied that it is entirely through the mighty help of God that the Christian Religion has spread over the whole earth. The Apostles who first preached it were from the lowest class of the people, poor, unknown, even without eloquence or learning. Their doctrine of the Cross, which con tains the inscrutable mysteries of penance, humility, and mortification, was not likely to please the proud and licentious pagans, who found in their abominable mythology (i.e., fabulous history of their gods), not only an excuse, but even a justification, for all their vices. The rich and the great looked with disdain upon the poor fishermen ; the witty and the learned derided them; and the mighty rulers of the earth, as even pagan writers testify, took all possible pains to destroy them with fire and sword. During three centuries, persecution and martyrdom were the com mon lot of the Christians. Nevertheless, the doctrine of the poor fishermen, as we have seen, triumphed over all its enemies, and thus proved to be the Doc trine of God (§§ 29-35). It spread so rapidly that, soon after the death of the Apostles, St. Justin ven tured to affirm before the whole world : ' There is no people, neither among the Barbarians, nor among the Greeks, nor in any other known nation, among whom prayers and thanksgivings are not offered up to the Father and Creator of the Universe in the name of Christ Crucified.' Who else but the Almighty could have performed such an inexplicable wonder ? St. Augustine, the celebrated Father of the Church, makes a striking observation upon this : ' If the mira cles,' he says, 'wrought by the Apostles could be denied, this would be the greatest miracle : that the world believed without miracles.' 5. How do you prove that the Christian Religion was spread through the help of God ? About what time did St. Justin live ? What does he testify of the propagation of Christianity ? What observation does St. Augustine make ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 159 6. But the Christian Church is not only t founded on miracles ; her duration itself is a continual and perpetual miracle. Kingdoms and empires, in spite of their power, perish in the course of time; the Kingdom of Christ alone outlasts them all, and is constantly increasing. If it decreases in one part of the world, it spreads so much the more in another (§ 45). From the time of its foundation, it has been assailed by innumerable enemies from within and from without ; their power is terrible, their hatred implacable. The Church of Christ, on her part, has no army to repulse their assaults, no sword to oppose their rude violence. Had not the arm of God pro tected her, she would long since have been overcome by the force and fraud of her enemies (88 32, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 48). 7. The Christian Church appears still more glori ous, if we consider the benefits and blessings which she has at all times conferred on mankind. It was she that subdued the brutality of the barbarians, that abolished slavery and human sacrifices, and promoted public and domestic happiness. It was she that found ed charitable institutions and innumerable hospitals for the reception of the sick and distressed ; it was she that amended the existing laws or made new ones ; it was she that taught concord and charity, and dif fused learning and true enlightenment (§§ 30, 38, 41, 45, 46). She can truly be called the Tree of Life which God has planted, that all men should peaceful ly rest under its shade, and refresh themselves with its fruit. Never has a nation abandoned this Tree of Life without plunging itself into indescribable misery. We know very well what has become of the nations in Asia and Africa who were formerly so happy, and 6. How do you prove that the duration or permanent continu ance of the Christian Church is a miracle ? 7. What fruits did the Christian Faith produce for mankind ? What, on the contrary, were the fruits which heresy and infi delity brought forth ? What conclusion must we draw from these different fruits ? 60 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. what fruit the an ti- Christian Free-thinkers have pro duced in' Europe (§§ 39, 47, 48). If 'the tree is to be known by its fruits' (Matt. vii. 16), every one must see that the Christian Faith, which diffuses nothing but happiness and blessings, is the most valu able gift of God ; that, on the contrary, infidelity, which produces but misery and vexation, can only proceed from the spirit of evil. 8. Now, this Church which Almighty God has founded on miracles, nay, which is herself a con tinual miracle ; this Church which incessantly pours out the greatest benefits over the universe, can be no other but the Roman Catholic Church. History clearly proves that it is she, and no other, that forms that community of the faithful which Christ has established for the salvation of the world, in which the bishops, as the successors of the Apostles, under the supreme authority of the Pope, the Successor of Saint Peter, exercise their Teaching and Pastoral Offices in an uninterrupted succession (§§ 22, 30, 31). It is impossible that any Sect, whatever may be its name, should be the Church founded by Christ ; for it is well known that every one of them began to exist long after Christ, and that even then they owed their origin to their defection and separation from the Church of Christ (§§ 36, 42, 43). We see, therefore, that in all these Sects the words of Jesus are sooner or later fulfilled : ' Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up ' (Matt. xv. 13). Their existence is not lasting ; they spring up, make some noise, and disappear again "(§ 36 at the end ; § 47 at the beginning). It is not so with the Catholic Church. Thousands of years pass away ; neither does she vanish, nor does she grow old ; for to her was made the promise of our Lord : ' Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her' (Matt. xvi. 18). 8. How do you prove from history that the Church estab lished by God can be no other than the Roman Catholic » What has Christ foretold of ail Sects ? What promise has He given to the Catholic Church ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. t. Eusebius, Calabria 33. St. Melchxades Africa 34. St. Sylvester I., Rome 35. St. Marcus, Rome 36. St. Julius I. , Rome 37. St Liberius, Rome 38. St. Felix II., Rome 39. St. Damasus, Spain Date of Acces sion. 67 78 9° 100112121 132 142154 15a •6?17s 182 '93 203221227233238 240=54255257 260 261 27227S283296 3°4 ?°9 311 314337341352 363 366 Date of Death. 78 9° 100 132142154158 167 ¦75182 193203 220 227 =33 238 239253 255257260p_6i272 27";283 296 304309 3113M337 340352 363365 384 Duration of Pontificate. 17 5 65 25 7 27 62 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. NAME. Duration of Pontificate. 40. St. Siricius, Rome , 41. St Anastasius I., Rome , 42. St. Innocent I., Albano 43. St. Zozimus, Greece 44. St. Boniface I., Rome 45. St. Celestine I., Rome 46. St. Sixtus III., Rome 47. St. Leo I. (the Great), Tuscany.. , 48. St. Hilary, Sardinia 49. St. Simplicius, Tivoli 50. St. Felix III , Rome 51. St. Gelasius I., Africa 52. St. Anastasius II.. Rome 53. St Symmachus, Rome 54. St. Hormisdas, Frosinone 55. St. John I , Tuscany, Mart 56. St. Felix IV., Benevento 57. Boniface II., Rome 58. John II., Rome 59. St. Agapitus, Rome.. .! 60. St. Silverrus, Frosinone, Mart 61. Vigilius Rome 62. PeTaeiusI., Rome 63. John III. . Rome 64. rienedict I., Rome 65. Pelagius II , Rome 66. St. Gregory I. (the Great), Rome. 6j. Sabinianus, Volterra 68. Boniface III., Rome 69. St. Boniface IV , Marso 70. St. Adeodatus 1., Rome 71. Boniface V , Naples 72 Honorius I., Capua 73. Severinus, Rome 74. John IV., Dalmatia 75. Theodorus I., Greece 76. St. Martin L, Todi, Mart 77. St. Eugenius I., Rome 78. St. Vitalian, Segni 79. Adeodatus II., Rome 80. Domnus I., Rome , 8i. St. Agatho, Greece 82. St. Leo II., Sicily 83. St. Bsnedict II., Rome 84. John V. , Antiocn 85. Conon, Thracia 86. St. Sergius I. , Siculiana 87. John VI., Greece 88. John VII,, Greece 89. SisinniuSj Syria 90. Constantine, Syria gr. St. Gregory II., Rome 92. St. Gregory III , Syria 93. St. Zachanas. Greece 94, Stephen II Rome 95. Stephen HI,, Rome A.D. 384 "399 4024*7 418423 432 440 461468483 492496 4S3 5=352653°532 53553* 533 555560'57i 578 59°604. 607608615 619 62564a 640642649 655657672 67667s 682£84685 6866877017°5708708715731741752752 A.D, 398402 417418 423 432 440 461 468483 4924964985'452352653° 53253«538555 560573' 57859° 604606 C07615 619625 638640642649 655656672 6766 78 682 6836856866877017°5707708715 731741752 752 757 6 IS 8 18 11 24 10 19 4 10 12 ri 4 1 11 2 13 6 5 1° 12 11 18 2628 H 7 '4 5 29 2 5 2 10 6 14 10 ii 17 20 15 14 3 29 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. NAME. Date of Acces sion. Date of Death. Duration of Pontificate. 96. St. Paul I., Rome gy. Stephen IV. , Syracuse 98 Adrian I., Rome 99. St Leo III. , Rome 100. Stephen V., Rome 101. St Paschal I.. Rome 102 Eugenius JI.. Rome 103. Valentine. Rome to.). Gregory IV., Rome 105. Sergius II., Rome 106. St. Leo IV , Rome 107, Benedict III., Rome io3. St. Nicholas I (the Great), Rome. 109. Adrian II., Rome no. John VIII., -Rome in. Marinus L, Gallicia 112. Adrian III., Rome 113. Stephen VI., Rome 114. Formosus, Ostia 115. Boniface VI , 116. Stephen VII., Rome 117. Romanus, Gallese 118. Theodorus II., Rome 119. John IX., Tivoli 120. Benedict IV. , Rome 121. Leo V., Ardea 1 22. Christo phorus, Rome 123. Sergiu. Ill , Rome 124. Anastasius III., Rome 125 Landui, Sabina 126 John X,, Ravenna 127. Leo VI., Rome 128. Stephen VIII., Rome 129. John XI., Rome 130. Leo VII., Rome , Stephen IX., Rome Marinus II., Rome ; Agapitus II. , Rome John XII.. Rome Benedict V., Rome i5§ John XIII., Rome 137. Benedict VI., Rome 138. Domnus II , Rome 139 Benedict VII.. Rome 140. John XIV , Pavia 141. Boniface VII., France 142. John XV., Rome i4i. John XVI 144. Gregory V., Germany 145 lohn XVII 146. Sylvester II., France 147. John XVIII.. Rome 148. John XIX., Rome *49. Sergiui IV., Rome 150. Benedict VIII., Rome 151. John XX., Rome 131. 132.'33-'34, 135- A.D. 757768771 795816817824 827 827 844847855858867872 885 897 9009°39°39049" 9i3 915 928929 936939943946 956 964965972 973975984985 996 996 999 999 100310031009 10121024 A.D. 767771 79S816817 824 827 827844847 855858 86787: P 896 9009°39039=4 9119'3914 928929 93 * 93s 939942946956 9649«5 972973 9739S4985983 99°996999 999 100310031009 10121024 3 23 64 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion NAME. 152. Benedict IX., Rome 153. Gregory VI. , Rome (abdicated in 1046) . 154. Clement II., Saxony 155. Damasus II.. Bavaria 156. St. Leo IX , Germany 157. Victor IL.bvevia 158. Stephen X., Germany 159. Benedict X 160. Nicholas II., France 161. Alexander II.. Milan 162. St. Gregory VII., Soana 163. Victor III., Benevento 164. Urban II., Reims 165. Paschal II., Tuscany 166. Gelasius II , Gaeta 167. Calixtus II., Burgundy , 168. Honorius II., Bologna 169. Innocent II. , Rome 170. Celestine II., Citta di Castello 171. Lucius II , Bologna 172. B. Eugenius III. , Montemagno 173. Anastasius IV., Rome 174. Adrian IV , England 175. Alexander III., Siena 176. Lucius III., Lucca 177. Urban III , Milan 178. Gregory VIII., Benevento 179 Clement III., Rome 180 Celestine III., Rome 181. Innocent III., Anagni 182. Honorius HI., Rome 183. Gregory IX , Anagni 184. Celestine IV., Milan 185. Innocent IV., Genoa 186. Alexander IV. , Anagni 187. Urban IV., Troyes 188. Clement IV .. France 189. H. Gregory X., Piacenza 190. Innocent V., Savoy 19 1. Adrian V., Genoa 192. John XXI., Lisbon 193. Nicholas IIL, Rome 194. Martin IV., France 195. Honorius IV. , Rome 196. Nicholas IV. , Ascoli 197. St. Celestine V., Lavoro (resigned) 198. Boniface VIII., Anagni 199. rl. Benedict XL, Treviso 200. Clement V., Fr. (removed to Avignon).. . 201. John XXII., France 202. Benedict XII ., France 203. Clement VI., France 204. Innocent VI., France 205. B. Urban V. , France 206. Gregory XI.. Fr. (restored See to Rome). 207. Urban VI., Naples Date of Acces sion. A.D. 1033 1044 1046104S 1049i°55 i°5710581059 106 1 107310871088 109911181119 1124113011431 144 1145 "5311541159 118111S5 1187118711911198 12161227 12411243125412611265 1271 12761276 12761277.12S1 1285 128812941294 1303i3°5131613341342 13521362 137° 1378 Date Duration of of Death. ! Pontificate. A.D.1044 10471048 105410571058 10611073 10851087 1099 111811 19 1124 113011431144"45"53 "54 "59 11811 185 118711871191119812161227 12411241I25 + I26l I264I269I276 I27612;6 12771280 128512871292 I3°3 !3°4 '3141334'342 1352 1362 '37° 13781389 36 1810 14 1523 7 15 27 21 1 3 4 -.6 4 18 S 7 o 4 10 12 1 25 8 9 5 13 zi 14 o 4 10 I 4 24 4 8 29 21 xx 22 J7 '4 95 29 71 H 8 18 28 6 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. (>$ NAME. 20S. Boniface IX., Naples 209. Innocent VII., Sulmona.. .# 210. Gregory XII., Venice (resigned — )... 211. Alexander V., Bologna 212. John XXIII., Naples (resigned 1415). 213. Martin V., Rome 214. Eugenius IV., Venice 215. Nicholas V.,Sarzana 216. Calixtus III., Spain 217. Pius II , Siena 218. Paul II., Venice 219. Sixtus IV., Savona 220. Innocent VIII., Genoa 221 . Alexander y I. , Spain 222. Pius III., Siena 223. Julius II., Savona 224. Leo X,, Florence 225. Adrian VI. , Utrecht 226. Clement VII., Florence Paul III., Rome Julius III., Tuscany. ... ._ Marcellus II., Montepulciano Paul IV., Naples Pius IV., Milan St Pius V , Bosco Gregory XIII., Bologna Sixtus V. , Ancona Urban VII., Rome Gregory XIV., Cremona Innocent IX , Bologna Clement VIII., Florence Leo XL, Florence PaulV., Rome Gregory XV., Bologna Urban VIII., Florence Innocent X. , Rome Alexander VII., Siena Clement IX., Pistoia Clement X., Rome Innocent XI. , Como Alexander VIII., Venice Innocent XII., Naples Clement XL, Urbino Innocent XIII., Rome Benedict XIII., Rome Clement XII., Florence Benedict XIV., Bologna Clement XIII., Venice Clement XIV., S. Angelo in Vado Pius VI. , Cesena Pius VII., Cesena Leo XII., Spoleto Pius VIII.. Cingoli Gregory XVI. , Belluno Pius IX. , Sinigaglia Leo XIII.,gloriosamente regnante.... 227.228229. 230. 231.232. 233. 234-235- 23 x 237- 233. 239.240.241. 242. 243 244. 245.246.247. 248.249250. 251.252.253- 254.255. 256. 257- 258, 259, Date of Acces sion. A.D. 1389 1404 I406I409 I4IO I417M3iM471455 I45«1464 1471 14841492'503I5=>315131522 1523 '534 I55<>1555 1555 T5591566157215851590159015911592 1605160516211623 16441655 1667 16701676 168916911700 17211724173017401758 1769 17751800182318291S31 18461878 Date of Death. A.D. 1404 1406 Duration cf Pontificate. 1431 13 3 J 1447 15 11 : J455 8 0 s 1458 3 3 : 1464 5 11 1 1471 6 xo : 1484 13 0 1492 7 10 : 1503 XI 0 X5°3* 0 0 : X5I3 9 3 : 1521 8 8 : 1523 1 8 1534 10 1 1549 X5 0 1 X555 5 1 i 1555 0 0 : 1559 4 2 15^5 5 11 1 1^72 6 3 ¦• 1585 12 10 ; 1590 5 4 1590 0 0 1 1391 0 10 1 1391 0 2 1605 !3 1 1605 0 0 2 1621 15 8 1 16=3 2 5 1644 20 11 2 1655 IO 3 2 1667 12 1 1 1669 2 5 1 1676 6 2 L 1689 12 IO Z 1691 1 3 2 1700 9 2 I 1721 20 3 2 1724 2 9 2 1730 5 1740 9 1758 17 8 1 1769 10 a 2 1774 5 4 1799 24 1823 23 5 1829 S 4 * J 830 1 8 1846 X5 3 2 1878 31 7 2< 66 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. EXPLANATION OF THE LIST. The foregoing list of the Popes is taken from the series of portraits, painted in medallions, on the nave walls of the Basilica of St. Paul, on the Ostian Way, near Rome. This magnificent church was built over the tomb of the great Apostle, under the reign of Constantine the Great, by Pope St. Sylvester, 1 about the year a.d. 320. The portrait of that Pope, and of Marcus, his suc cessor, and of the thirty-three Popes who had preceded them, were all painted apparently by the same hand. The portraits of the succeeding Popes were generally added, one by one, by different hands, probably soon after death, and by the care of their successors. This, however, seems to have been omitted in some instances, possibly on account of the troublous times ; for we find that the series has been continued by medallions of two or three Popes evidently executed by the same artist. The most considerable interruption of such a character was in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, when seven medallion* seem to have been painted during the reign of Martin V. This is the largest and most interesting series of historical portraits in ex istence. Artists are able to read, as it were, and recognize the work of a painter as easily and as surely as ordinary mortals read and recognize the vary ing handwriting of individuals. Even in the case of the earlier Popes before St. Sylvester, they see evidences that the artist was in possession of such knowledge as enabled him to give to each face the marked individuality of a portrait. For the subsequent Popes down to the present time th?re is no diffi culty. However imperfect the workmanship, even in the medieval centuries, and although the fading colors may have been retouched by equally unskilful hands, it is always evident that the painter originally presented the features of a real face>-not an ideal or fancy sketch. The Basilica of St. Paul was destroyed by fire in 1823 and this series of por traits unfortunately perished in the flames. But half a century before all these portraits had been carefully engraved on copperplate and published. From these engravings Pope Pius IX. has caused the portraits to be lepro- duced in imperishable mosaics, and they again decorate the nave of the splendid Basilica of St. Paul, which has been rebuilt, and which he consecrated a few years ago. From the copperplates other copies have been made in cop perplate, steel, lithograph, and photograph, of various sizes, and may be easily obtained. Under each medallion in the Church was an inscription giving the name of the Pontiff, and the length cf his pontificate. Ordinarily, in the case of contemporary Popes, this is testimony of the highest character. Where, as in the case of the earlier Popes, the inscription could only give the judgment of the painter as to dates long past, it obviously cannot claim the same high value. It might be, and in some cases has been, held to be uncertain, and in others erroneous. Some Popes, also, have been inserted in this list, doubtless in deference to the claims urged at the time by their adherents, and perhaps for the sake of peace. A more critical and impartial spirit has doubted or denied their right to such honor, and classed them as Antipopes. In these two points we find the explanation of the difference between this list of Popes and those found elsewhere. We give the list as published in the Gerarckia Cattolica^ Rome, 1875, with a few corrections, which were evidently typographical errors. A FULL CATECHISM THE CATHOLIC RELIGION. INTEODUCTIOlir. On the End of Man. 1. For what end are we in this world ? We are in this world that we may know God, love Him, and serve Him, and thereby attain Heaven. 2. What is Heaven ? Heaven is a place of eternal and perfect happiness. 3. Are not, then, the things of this world intended to make us happy ? No ; the things of this world cannot possibly make us happy. 4. Why cannot the things of this world make us happy ? 1. Because all earthly things are vain and perish able; and 2. Because man is made for God and for everlasting happiness in Heaven. 1. 'I heaped together for myself silver and gold, and the wealth of kings and provinces. And whatsoever my eyes de sired, I refused them not, and I withheld hot my heart from enjoying every pleasure. But I saw in all things vanity and vexation of mind, and that nothing was lasting under the sun.' Thus spoke Solomon, the happiest of kings (Eccles. ii. 8-11). ' What is your life ? It is a vapor which appeareth for a Mttle while, and afterwards shall vanish away' (James iv. 15). 2. * For Thyself, O God, Thou hast made us ; therefore our heart will be restless »ntil it rests in Thee ' (St. Augustii-^X 67 68 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 5. For what end, then, were the things of this world principally given to us ? That we may use them for the purpose of knowing and serving God. ' All men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God, and who by these good things that are seen could not un derstand Him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the Workman' (Wisd. xiii. 1). ' Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God '(1 Cor. x. 31). 6. Why does God require us to know Him, love Him, and serve Him ? God requires ns, 1. To know Him, because he is the Eternal Truth ; 2. To love Him, because He is the most bountiful and most amiable Good ; and 3. To serve Him, because He is the Sovereign Lord. 7. What will become of those who will not know, love, and serve Him ? God will cast them from Him for ever. ' The unprofitable servant cast ye out into the exterior dark ness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth' (Matt. xxv. 30). 8. What is, then, most necessary in this life ? In this life the most necessary thing is, that we should know, love, and serve God, and thereby obtain eternal happiness. 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His justice' (Matt. vi. 33). ' For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul ? ' (Matt xvi. 26). 9. What must we do, if we would know and serve God, and be eternally happy ? 1. We must believe all that God has revealed ; 2. We must keep all the Commandments which God has ordered to be kept ; and 3. We must use the means of grace which God has ordained for our salvation. Or in other words : We must have Religion ; for Religion (from religare) is the lively union of man with God, which springs from faith, charity, and grace, and is confirmed by the faithful observance of the Divine Commandments. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 69 10. Why must we, in order to be saved, believe, keep the Commandments, and make use of the means of grace ? We must, in order to be saved, 1. Believe, because it is only by faith that we get a right knowledge of God ; 2. We must keep the Commandments, because by keeping the Commandments we serve God ; and 3. We must also use the means of grace, because by them we obtain the help necessary to salvation. 11. Where do we get a right knowledge of the truths of Divine faith, of the Commandments, and of the means of grace ? In the Christian Doctrine. 12. What do you call the book which briefly con tains the Christian Doctrine in question and answer ? The Catechism. 13. What, then, does the Catechism treat of ? 1. Of Faith; 2. Of the Commandments j and 3. Of the Means of Grace, namely, the Sacraments and Prayer. Application. Never neglect going to the instruc tions on Christian Doctrine ; and when there, be al ways attentive, that you may learn to know and love God properly, and thus attain your last end, which is eternal happiness in Heaven. 'Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom' (i.e., the knowledge and love of God). ' She is more precious than all riches ; and all the things that are desired are not to be compared with her. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold on her ; and he that shall retain her is blessed' (Prov. iii. 13-18). PART L ON FAITH. § 1. Acceptation, Object, and Rule of Faith. 1 .What is Faith as possessed by a Catholic Christian ? Faith is a virtue infused by God into our souls, by which we believe, without doubting, all those things which God has revealed, and proposes by His Church to our belief. ' To believe ' means, in general, to hold to be true what an other says, and for this reason, because he says it. To believe God means, therefore, to hold firmly and without doubting what God has revealed, and because He has revealed it, al though we can neither see nor comprehend it ; for faith is founded, not on our seeing or comprehending, but on the word of God. ' Faith is the evidence of things that appear not ' (Hebr. xi. 1). 2. Why do we say that faith is infused by God into our souls ? Because it is a gift of God, and an effect of His grace,_which enlightens our understanding and moves our will to believe, without doubting, all those things which God has revealed. ' For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves : for it is the gift of God ' (Eph. ii. 8). 3. Why must grace not only enlighten our under. standing, but also move our will ? Because a good will also belongs to faith ; for no one can believe but he who is willing to believe. Therefore faith is also rewarded by God, and infidelity pun ished. ' He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved ; but he that believeth not shall be condemned ' (Mark xvi. 16). 4. Why must we believe all that God has revealed? Because God is the eternal and infallible truth. 70 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 71 5. What means, 'all that God has revealed ' ? It means all that God has made known for our sal vation by the Patriarchs and Prophets, and at last by His Son Jesus Christ and the Apostles. ' God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the Prophets, last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by His Son ' (Hebr. i. 1, 2). 6. Was it necessary that God should have revealed to us the truths of salvation, in order that we might know them ? Yes, because without Divine Eevelation we should have known some of them only with great difficulty, and very imperfectly ; and most of them would have remained entirely unknown to us. 'And hardly do we guess aright at things that are upon earth : and with labor do we find the things that are before us. But the things that are in Heaven, who shall search out ? And who shall know Thy thought, except Thou give wisdom, and send Thy Holy Spirit from above ?' (Wisd. ix. 16, 17). 7. How did Divine Eevelation come down to us ? Divine Eevelation came down to us partly by writ ing — that is, by the Holy Scripture or the Bible ; partly by word of mouth — that is, by Tradition. 8. What is the Holy Scripture ? The Holy Scripture is a collection of books which were written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and acknowledged by the Church as the Word of God. ' Prophecy came not by the will of man at any time ; but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost ' (2 Pet. i. 21). 9. How is the Holy Scripture divided ? The Holy Scripture is divided into the books of the Old and New Testament, or of the Old and new Law. 10. What Eevelations does the Old Testament contain ? The Old Testament contains the Divine Eevela tions which were made to man before the coming of Christ. 72 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 11. Of what books does the Old Testament consist? The Old Testament consists, 1. Of Twenty-one His torical Books, which relate the Creation of the world, the lives of the Patriarchs, and the History of the Jewish nation ; 2. Of Seven Moral Books, which are collections of Psalms, of holy maxims, and of rules of life ; and 3. Of Seventeen Prophetical Books, which mostly contain prophecies. The Historical Books are : The Pentateuch, or five Books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy ¦ ) ; the Book of Josue ; the Book of Judges ; the Book of Ruth ; the four Books of Kings ; the two Books of Chronicles or of Para- lipomenon ; the Book of Esdras ; the Book of Nehemias, which is also called the Second of Esdras ; the Book of Tobias ; the Book of Judith ; the Book of Esther ; and the two Books of the IVl 3i g\\ fih p p s The Moral Boohs are : The Book of Job ; the Psalms ; the Proverbs ; Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher ; the Canticle of Canti cles ; the Book of Wisdom ; and Ecelesiasticus, or Jesus, the Son of Sirach. The Prophetical Boohs : Isaias ; Jeremias ; Barueh ; Eze- chiel ; Daniel ; Osee ; Joel ; Amos ; Abdias ; Jonas ; Micheas ; Nahum ; Habacuc ; Sophonias ; Aggeus ; Zacharias ; and Ma- lachias. 12. What Eevelations does the New Testament contain ? The New Testament contains the Eevelations which we have received through Jesus Christ and the Apos tles. 13. Of what books does the New Testament con sist ? The New Testament consists, 1. Of the four Gos pels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, which relate the history of Jesus ; 2. Of the Acts of the Apostles, by St. Luke ; 3. Of four teen Epistle* of St. Paul, and seven by other Apostles, which contain dogmatical and moral instructions ; and i. Of the Apocalypse, or the Eevelation of St. John, which foretells the combats and victories of .the Church. The Epistles of St. Paul are : One to the Romans ; two to A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 73 the Corinthians ; one to the Galatians ; one to the Ephesians one to the Philippians ; one to the Colossians ; two to the Thes- salonians ; two to Timothy ; one to Titus ; one to Philemon and one to the Hebrews. The other Epistles are : One of St. James ; two of St. Peter " three of St. John ; and one of St. Jude, surnamed Thaddeus. 14. Is it enough to believe only those doctrines which are contained in the Holy Scripture ? No; we must also believe Tradition — i.e., those re vealed truths which the Apostles preached, but did not commit to writing. St. Paul, therefore, exhorts the first Christians by saying : ' Therefore, brethren, stand fast : and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word or by our Epistle ' (2 Thess. ii. 14). ' • 15. Have not, then, the Apostles written all that Jesus Christ has taught ? No ; the Apostles have not even written all that Jesus has done, far less all that He has taught ; for Christ did not commission them to write, but to preach His doctrine (Mark xvi. 15 ; Matt, xxviii. 19). ' Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight of His disciples, which are not written in this book ' (John xx. 30). The Bible, therefore, does not contain the entire Revelation of God. The Bible nowhere tells us how many Divine books there are, and which they are ; if we did not know this for certain from Tradition, we should not even have a Bible. — The Bible does not, in doubtful passages, decide upon the true mean ing of its words ; therefore, all sects have always appealed to the Bible, in order to prove their contradictory doctrines, and each one of them pretended to have hit on its true meaning. — If we would consult the Bible only, without Tradition, we ought, for instance, still to keep holy the Saturday with the Jews, instead of Sunday, and to ref rain ourselves from things strangled, and from blood (Acts xv. 20); moreover, we ought, with the Ana baptists, to let little children, who are incapable of being in structed, die without Baptism ; since, according to the mere words of the text, Christ has commanded, first to teach, and then to baptize (Matt, xxviii. 19). 16. Why is the unwritten doctrine of the Apostles called ' Tradition ' ? It is called Tradition — that is, a handing down — because, since the times of the Apostles, it has, with- 74 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. out interruption, been handed down in the Catholic Church from generation to generation. ' And the things which thou hast heard of me by many wit nesses, the same commend to faithful men, who shall be fit to teach others also ' (2 Tim. ii. 2). . 17. How has Tradition been handed down to us ? In the beginning it was handed down by word of mouth, and by the rites of the Church. Since then it has also been declared in writing, as occasion required, in the decrees and definitions of the Church, and in the writings of the Holy Fathers. 18. What is to be thought of the writings or of the doctrine of the Holy Fathers ? The uniform doctrine of the Holy Fathers is the doctrine of Jesus Christ, which they have received from the Apostles or their successors ; therefore, we are never to deviate from it. 19. But why must we believe Tradition, as well as what is contained in the Holy Scripture ? Because Catholic Tradition was revealed by God, as well as that which is contained in the Holy Scripture. 20. What, then, must the Catholic Christian in general believe ? He must believe all that God has revealed and the Catholic Church proposes to his belief, whether it be contained in the Holy Scripture or not. The Church is considered to propose a truth to our belief when she recognizes it to be revealed by God, and commands us to believe it. 21. Why is it necessary that the Catholic Church should propose the revealed truths to our belief ? Because it is only from the Catholic Church that we can infallibly know what God has revealed. 22. Why can we infallibly know from the Catholic Church alone what God has revealed ? 1. Because it is only from the Catholic Church that we have the Scripture and Tradition, which con tain the Divine Eevelations; and 2. Because it ia A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 75 through her alone that we infallibly know the true meaning of the Scripture and of Tradition. 23. Why do we say that it is only from the Catho lic Church that we have the Holy Scripture and Tradition ? 1. Because the Catholic Church alone has received the Scripture and Tradition from the Apostles, and has always, with the special assistance of the Holy Ghost, preserved them uneorrupted ; and 2. Because it is she alone who gives us incontestable security for their Divine origin. It is from his Church alone that the Catholic receives with full confidence the Books of the Holy Scripture. He is not only sure, 1. Of their authenticity and credibility, becAse this has been so frequently and undeniably proved that it is impossible to question it without rejecting all historical truth (see Short History of Religion, Concluding Remarks, §§ 3 and 4) ; and 2. Of their integrity or incorruptness, because the Holy Scripture has always been revered by the Church as the Word. of God, and, consequently, most scrupulously preserved from any corruption whatever ; but he is also sure, 3. Of their Divine origin, because this is known with certainty only by the testimony of the Catholic Church, which was established by Christ to teach us the truth, and has been manifestly proved and confirmed through all ages as a Divine and infallible institution (Short History of Religion, Concluding Remarks, §§ 5, 6, 7, and 8). 24. And why do we say that through the Catholic Church alone we infallibly know the true meaning of the Scripture and of tradition ? Because the Catholic Church alone is 'the pillar and ground of the truth' (1 Tim. iii. 15), and, there fore, cannot err in the interpretation of the Word of God. 25. May no one, then, presume to explain the Scripture and Tradition contrary to the interpreta tion of the Catholic Church ? No ; for this would be as if he understood the Scrip ture and Tradition better than the Holy Ghost, who inspires the Church with the true meaning of it. 26. But is the meaning of the Holy Scripture not clear in itself, and easy to be understood by every one ? 76 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. No ; for the Holy Scripture is a Divine and mys terious book, ' in which,' as St. Peter says, speaking of the Epistles of St. Paul, ' are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest to their own destruction' (2 Peter iii. 16). ' What else gives rise to so many heresies, save that the Scrip ture, which is good in itself, is ill understood f ' (St. Augustine). 27. Is it not, then, true that the Bible alone is the only Eule of Faith ? Or, in other words: Is not every private individual to search the Bible, and nothing but the Bible, until he finds out what he has to believe ? No ; for not the Bible alone, but the Bible and Tra dition, both infallibly interpreted by the Church, are the right Eule of Faith. 1. If it was the will of our Saviour that we should arrive at the knowledge of the truths of salvation simply by reading and searching the Scripture, why is it written : ' Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the [preaching of the] Word of Christ ' ? (Rom. x. 17). And why, then, did not Christ Himself write J Why did He not commission His Apostles to write ? Why did they write only after the lapse of a long space of time, and only upon special occasions ? Why did they not all write ? Why did. He Himself 'give some Apostles, and some Prophets, and other some Evangelists, ana other some Pastors and Doctors ' $ (1 Cor. xii., Eph. iv.) Why did He not command that every one, or at least every Christian, should learn to read ? Why did God allow printing to be invented so late? etc. 2. The Christian Religion had been spread, and flourished, before the Books of the New Testament were written ; and even after they had been written, there were many Christian nations, as St. Irenseus testifies, who did not so much as possess thj Holy Scriptures. 28. What has the Church decreed with regard to the reading of the Bible in the vulgar tongue ? 1. That we should have the learning and piety re quisite for it ; and 2. That the translation should be accompanied with explanations, and that both should be approved of by the Church. By this wise provision the Church by no means intends to withhold the Word of God from the faithful, since she desires A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 77 nothing more than that all should know it and meditate upon it ; she merely wishes to guard them against corrupted Bibles, which are often designedly offered to ignorant people, and against erroneous interpretations, sects, and schisms. Application. In matters of faith never trust your own judgment, but always humbly submit to the de cisions of Holy Church ; for when you believe what the Church teaches, you believe the Word of God. §2. Necessity of Faith. 29. Is faith necessary to salvation ? Faith is absolutely necessary to salvation ; for ' vnth- out faith it is impossible to please God ',• (Hebr. xi. 6). ' He that doth not believe is already judged ' ( Jctm iii. 18). ' He that believeth not shall be condemned ' (Mark xvi. 16). 30. Will any faith save us ? No ; only the true faith, which Christ our Lord has taught, will save us. ' He that believeth in the Son hath life everlasting : but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life ; but the wrath of God abideth on him ' (John iii. 36). 31. Why will that faith only which Christ has taught save us ? Because by this faith alone, and by no other, we are made partakers of Christ, and without Christ there is no salvation. 'For there is no other name under Heaven given to men whereby we must be saved ' (Acts iv. 12). 32. Is it, then, a sin to say that it does not matter what faith we profess ? Yes, it is a grievous sin to say so, or even only to think so ; for we despise God by it, Avho has given us the one true faith, aud, therefore, has sent his Only Begotten Son into the world (Short Hist, of Religion, Concl. Eem.§l). If it did not matter what we believe, it would not have been necessary for God to reveal a religion, and our ancestors might all have remained heathens or Jews. But ' this is the} idgment, says Jesus Christ : ' became the light is come into the world, and 78 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. men love darhness rather than the light ' (John iii. 19) ; i.e., because many were obstinate in their unbelief, although they saw the truth, or could have seen it, provided they had been sincere. 33. But is it not written : ' He that feareth God, andworketh justice, is acceptable to Him ' ? (Acts x. 35). Yes ; but' he who fears God does also believe all that He has revealed, as Cornelius did (Acts x.) He, on the contrary, who does not believe all that God has revealed does not fear Him either, but rejects His Word, and denies His veracity. 'He that believeth not the Son, maketh Him a liar' (1 John v. 10). 34 Which Church has the true faith taught by Christ ? The Catholic Church alone has the true faith taught by Christ. 35. Why is it the Catholic Church alone that has the true faith taught by Christ ? Because the Catholic Church alone has received from Christ Himself, through His Apostles, this faith as a heavenly gift committed to her trust, and has always preserved it uncorrupted (1 Tim. vi. 20). 36. Have not the Protestant sects also received their doctrine from Christ Himself, and preserved it uncorrupted ? No ; for, 1. It is impossible that they should have received it from Christ Himself, since they did not begin to exist till long after Christ ; and 2. It is equally impossible that they should always have pre served uncorrupted whatever portion of the doctrine of Christ and His Apostles may be held among them, because they teach at different times different princi ples, whereas Christ and the Apostles always taught the same. ' Our preaching, which was to you, was not, It is, and It is not. For the Son of God, Jems Christ, who was preached among you by us, was not, It is, and It is not ; but, It is, was in Him (2 Cor. i. 18, 19). 37. H, then, the true faith is essentially necessary A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 79 to salvation, and the Catholic faith is the only true one, is it not a great grace to be a Catholic Christian ? To be a Catholic Christian is an invaluable grace, for which we cannot thank God enough, and which we ought most earnestly to turn to our advantage. Application. Eejoice, and often thank God that you are a child of the Catholic Church ; for 'there is,' as St. Augustine says, ' no. greater wealth, no greater treasure, than the Catholic faith,' provided we live as our faith teaches us. The truth of this is especially felt by Catholics at the hour of death. § 3. Qualities of Faith. ^ 38. What must be the qualities of our faith ? Our faith must be, 1. Universal j 2. Firm; 3. Live ly ; and 4. Constant. 39. When is our faith universal ? Our faith is universal when we believe not only some but all the truths which the Catholic Church proposes to our belief. 40. Is, then, no one at liberty to admit and believe only some points of the Christian faith ? No; for, 1. Christ says without exception : 'Preach the Gospel to every creature; he that believeth not shall be condemned ' (Mark xvi. 15, 16). And again : ' Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you' (Matt, xxviii. 20). And St. John says : ' Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God' (2 John i. 9). And 2. He who believes of the doctrine of Christ only what he pleases has no faith at all ; for such a one does not believe God, but his own judgment. 41. When is our faith firm, ? Our faith is firm when we believe without the least doubt. Examples. Abraham, rewarded for his firm faith : ' In the promise of God he staggered not by distrust, but was strength ened in faith ; and therefore it was reputed to him unto justice ' 80 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. (Rom. iv. 20, 22). Moses and Aaron, punished on account of a doubt (Numbers xx. 12;. 42. When is our faith lively ? Our faith is lively when we live up to it ; that is, when we avoid evil, and do good in the manner our faith prescribes. ' As the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead ' (James ii. 26). 43. Will a dead faith also save us ? No; our faith must prove itself active by charity, or else it is not sufficient for obtaining eternal salvation. ' In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision ; but faith, that worketh by charity ' (Gal. v. 6). ' And if I should have all faith, so that I could remove moun tains, and have not charity, I am nothing ' (1 Cor. xiii. 2). 44. When is our faith constant ? Our faith is constant when we are ready to lose all, even our life, rather than fall away from it. ' Take heed, brethren, lest perhaps there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, to depart from the living God ' (Hebr. iii. 12). Example of the holy Martyrs. 45 What leads people to fall away from their faith ? 1. Pride and subtile reasoning on the mysteries of our religion ; 2. Neglect of prayer and of the other re ligious duties ; 3. Worldliness and a wicked life ; and 4. Eeading irreligious .books, intercourse with scoffers at religion, and such matrimonial or other connections as endanger the true faith. 1. 'I confess to Thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and'hast revealed them to little ones' (Matt. xi. 25). 2. ' The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof ' (Matt. xxi. 43). 3. ' Having faith and a good conscience, which some rejecting have made shipwreck concerning the faith ' (1 Tim. i. 19) 4. ' Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but in wardly they are ravening wolves ' (Matt. vii. 15). 'A little leaven corrupteth the whole lump ' (Gal. v. 9). A Catechism of the Catholic Religion.' 81 46. How do we especially show that our faith is firm and constant ? By never denying it, not even in appearance, but by candidly professing it on every occasion by word and deed. 'Every one that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in Heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in Heaven' (Matt. x. 32, 33). 'With the heart, we believe unto justice : but, with the mouth, confession is madeunto salvation' (Rom. x. 10). — Example of Eleazar. 47. Is there also a particular sign by which Ca tholics profess their faith ? Yes, the Sign of the Cross. % 48. Why do we use the sign of the cross in order to profess our faith ? Because it expresses the two principal mysteries of our religion — namely, the mystery of the Most Blessed . Trinity, and the mystery of our Eedemption by Christ on the cross. 49. Whence comes the custom of making the sign of the cross ? This custom is very old, and descends from the apostolic times. 50. When should we make the sign of the cross ? It is good and wholesome to make it frequently, as the first Christians did ; especially when we rise and when we go to bed, before and after prayers, before every important occupation, and in all temptations and dangers. 51. Why is it wholesome frequently to make the sign of the cross ? Because, by devoutly making the sign of the cross, we arm ourselves against the snares of the devil, and draw down the blessings of Heaven upon us. 52. Why do we usually make the sign of the cross on our forehead, mouth, and heart, at the reading of the Gospel ? 82 'A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. That God, through the merits of Christ Crucified, may give us grace to comprehend the Gospel with our mind, to profess it with our mouth, and to love it with our heart. Application. Never be ashamed of the Catholic faith, or of the sign of the cross ; let this be your motto : ' God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ' (Gal. vi. 14). Shun most carefully all intercourse with irreligious and wicked persons, and especially beware of such books as might stagger you in the true faith, or lead you astray from the path of virtue. ON THE APOSTLES' CEEED. 1. Where are the chief things which we must above all know and believe, briefly contained ? In the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed. 2. Why is it called the ' Apostles' Creed ' ? Because it has come down to us from the Apostles. The First Article. ' I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.' § 1. On God. ' I believe in God.' 3. Who is God ? God is an infinitely perfect Spirit, the Lord of Hea ven and earth, and the Author of all good. 4. Why do we call God a 'Spirit ' ? We call God a Spirit because He has understanding and free will, but no body (John iv. 24). 5, And why do we say that 'God is initnitelii per fect'? J F Because God is not like created beings, good only A Catechism of, the Catholic Religion. 83 in some measure, but because He unites in Himself all good perfections without measure, or bounds, or number. 6. Which are the principal Attributes or Perfec tions of God ? These : God is eternal and unchangeable, omnipre^ sent, omniscient or all-knowing, all- wise, all-powerful ; He is infinitely holy and just ; infinitely good, merci ful, and long-suffering ; infinitely true and faithful. 7. What means 'God is eternal ' ? God is eternal means that He is always, without be ginning and without end. ' Before the mountains were made, or the earth and the world was formed ; from eternity to eternity Thou art God ' (Ps. Ixxxix. 2). 8. What means ' God is unchangeable ' ? God is unchangeable means that He remains eter nally the same, without any change either in Himself or in His decrees. 'With whom [God] there is no change, nor shadow of altera tion ' (James i. 17). ' My counsel shall stand, and all my will shall be done ' (Isai. xlvi. 10). 9. What ought we to do, since God is eternal and unchangeable ? We ought to serve and love Him for ever and ever. ' Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my por tion for ever ' (Ps. lxxii. 26). 10. What means 'God is omnipresent ' f God is omnipresent means that He is everywhere : in Heaven, on earth, and in all places. 'Do not I fill Heaven and earth ? saith the Lord' (Jer. xxiii. 24). ' God is not far from every one of us ; for in Him we live, and move, and are ' (Acts xvii. 27, 28). Although God fills all space, nevertheless He is everywhere entire and perfect, and en compassed by no space ; for He is immense. 11. What means 'God is omniscient'? God is omniscient means that He knows all things perfectly and from all eternity ; He knows all things 84 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. past, present, and to come, even our most secret thoughts. ' The eyes of the Lord are far brighter than the sun, behold ing round about all the ways of men, and the bottom of the deep, and looking into the hearts of men, into the most hidden parts ; for all things were known to the Lord God before they were created : so also after they were perfected he beholdeth all things ' (Ecclus. xxiii. 28, 29). See the whole Psalm cxxxviii. — Examples : Predictions of Christ and of the Prophets. 12. What benefit do we derive from the frequent remembrance of God's omnipresence and omniscience? 1. It keeps us everywhere, even in secret, from evil, and incites us to good ; and 2. It gives us courage and consolation in all difficulties and troubles. 1. 'It is better for me to fall into your hands without doing it, than to sin in the sight of the Lord ' (Dan. xiii. 23). ' That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee ' (Matt. vi. 4). 2. ' Though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for Thou art with me ' (Ps. xxii. 4). ' Behold my witness is in Heaven, and He that knoweth my conscience is on high' (Job xvi. 20). 13. What means ' God is all-wise ' ? God is all-wise means that He knows how to dis pose all things in the best manner, in order to attain His end. ' How great are Thy works, 0 Lord ! Thou hast made all things in wisdom ' (Ps. chi 24). — Examples : The child Moses saved ; Joseph exalted ; Aman disgraced. 14. What means ' God is all-powerful or almighty ' ? God is all-powerful means that He can do anything, and has only to will, and the thing is done. 'Whatsoever the Lord pleased He hath done, in Heaven, in earth, in the sea, and in all the deeps' (Ps. cxxxiv. 6). 'Be cause no word shall be impossible with God' (Luke i. 37).— Examples : The Creation ; the wonders in Egypt and in the desert. 15. To what should our belief in God's infinite power and infinite wisdom incite us ? It should incite us, 1. To place all our confidence in God ; and 2. To be always resigned to His dispen sations. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 85 1. 'Put not your trust in the children of men, in whom there is no salvation. Blessed is he whose hope is in the Lord his God.' (Ps. exlv. 3, 5).— Ex. : Gedeon. 2. ' Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will do it' (Ps. xxxvi. 5).— Ex.: Job. 16. What means 'God is holy' ? God is holy means that He loves and wills only what is good — i.e., what is agreeable to His perfections • — and that he abhors all that is evil. ' Thou hast loved justice, and hatedst iniquity ' (Ps. xliv. 8), —Ex. : The giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. 17, What means 'God is just'? God is just means that He rewards and punishes men according to their deserts. • ' He will render to every one according to his works : . . . for there is no respect of persons with God' (Rom. ii. 6, 11). — Examples : The world punished by the deluge, and Sodom and Gomorrha destroyed by fire from heaven ; but Noe and Lot pre served. 18. When will perfect retribution be made ? Perfect retribution will not be made until the soul is in the other world j1 there is, however, even in this life, no true happiness for the wicked," and no true unhappiness for the just.3 ' Parable of the cockle and the wheat (Matt. xiii. 30) ; of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke xvi.) 2 'We wearied ourselves in the way of iniquity and destruction, and have walked through hard ways' (Wisd. v. 7). — Examples : Cain, Absalom, Achab, Antiochus. 3 'The souls of the just are in the hand of God' (Wisd. iii. 1).— Examples : Joseph, Tobias, Susanna, Daniel, St. Paul (2 Cor. vii. 4). 19. To what should the remembrance of God's holi ness and justness animate us ? It should animate us, 1. Carefully to avoid all evil, and to become more and more holy ; and 2. Not to pride ourselves in our pretended righteousness. 1. 'Fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear Him that can destroy both soul and body into hell ' (Matt. x. 28). ' I am the Lord your God : be holy, because I am holy ' (Levit. xi. 44). 2. ' I am not con- 86 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. scious to myself of anything, yet I am not hereby justified ; but He that judgeth me is the Lord' (1 Cor. iv. 4). 20. What means ' God is good'? God is good means that out of love He will do good to all creatures, and that He really bestows innumer able blessings upon us. 'Thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things which Thou hast made ' (Wisd. xi. 25). ' Thus saith the Lord : Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to have pity on the son of her womb ? And if she should forget, yet will not I forget thee ' (Isai. xlix. 15). 21. Which is the greatest proof of God's love and goodness ? That He delivered His own Son up to death for the salvation of us sinners. ' God is charity. By this hath the charity of God appeared towards us, because God hath sent His Only-begotten Son into the world, that we may live by Him ' (1 John iv. 8, 9). • 22. What means ' God is merciful' ? God is merciful means that He is disposed to avert all evil from His creatures, and therefore willingly pardons all truly penitent sinners. ' The mercy of God is upon all flesh' (Hicclus. xviii. 12. Comp. Jon. iv. 11). ' As I live, saith the Lord God, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way, and live ' (Bz. xxxiii. 11).— Ex. : The Ninivites ; Parable of the prodigal son (Luke xv.) 23. What means 'God is long-suffering'? . God is long-sioffering means that He often waits a long time before He punishes the sinner, in order to give him time for repentance. ' Thou overlookest the sins of men for the sake of repentance ' (Wisd. xi. 24).— Ex. : Manasses (2 Paral. xxxiii.) ; Jerusalem (Matt, xxiii. 37) ; Parable of the barren fig-tree (Luke xiii) 24. What should we do, since God is so good, so merciful, and so long-suffering ? We should, 1. Bs thankful to God, and love Him with all our heart ; 2. When we have sinned, we should .with confidence beg pardon of Him ; and 3. We should be good and merciful to our neighbors. A Catechisjn of the Catholic Religion. 87 1. ' Give glory to the Lord, for He is good ; for His mercy endureth for ever' (Ps. cvi. 1).— Ex. : Ingratitude of the Israel ites in the desert punished. 2. ' I will arise and will go to my father' (Luke xv. 18). 3. 'Be ye therefore merciful", as your Father also is mercifuJ ' (Luke vi. 36). Parable of the unmerci ful servant (Matt, xviii.) 25. What means ' God is true ' ? God is true means that He reveals nothing but truth, because He can neither err nor lie* ' It is impossible for God to lie ' (Hebr. vi. 18). 26. What means ' God is faithful'? God is faithful means that He surely keeps His promises, and executes what He threatens. ' And thou shaft know the Lord thy God, He is a*strong and faithful God, keeping His covenant and mercy to them that love Him, and repaying forthwith them that hate Him, so as to destroy them ' (Deut. vii. 9, 10). 27. What does the truth and faithfulness of God oblige us to do ? 1. To believe most firmly in the Word of God, and steadfastly to trust in His promise ; and 2. Always to speak the truth, and to keep the promise we have made. 1. 'Blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed' (John xx. 29). — Ex. : Abraham. 2. Punishment of Ananias and Saphira (Acts v.) 28. Can we also see God ? No ; we cannot see God with corporeal eyes, because He is a Spirit. 29. How, then, have we come to the knowledge of God and His perfections, since we cannot see Him ? God has made Himself known to man in a natural and especially in a supernatural manner. 30. How has God made Himself known to man in a natural manner ? 1. By the visible world, which He has created and continually governs ; for nobody can reasonably think that the world has made itself, or that the regular and perfect order in it originated and subsists by itself. 88 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. Only ' the fool hath said in his heart, There is no God ' (Ps. xiii. 1). Therefore St. Paul says of the Gentiles that they are inexcu sable, if they do not believe in God : ' For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made : His eternal power also, and Divinity ' (Rom. i. 20). ' Nevertheless He left not Himself without testimony, doing good from Heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, rilling our hearts with food and gladness' (Acts xiv. 16 ; comp. Wisdom 13). 2. By the voice of conscience, which admonishes us to dread an invisible avenger of sin, and to hope in a rewarder of virtue (Rom. ii. 15). Conscience has not been made by man. Its action is often so painful that man would prefer, if he could, to be without it. It exists in us by the will of God, who made it an essential part of our human nature, in order that we might be taught by its voice. 31. How has God made Himself known to man in a supernatural manner ? By the Revelation, which He has given us by the Prophets, and last of all by His Son. (See p. 71, q. 5.) ' No man hath seen God at any time ; the Only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him' (John i. 18). 32. Is there more than one God ? No, there is but one God. ' I am God, and there is no God beside, neither is there the like to me ' (Isai. xlvi. 9). 33. Why do we say, ' I believe in God,' and not only, ' I believe God ' ? Because we must not only believe that there is a God, and that all that He has said is true ; but we must likewise give ourselves up to God with love and confidence. Application. ' My son, give me thy heart ' (Prov. xxiii. 26). Oh ! give it to Him, the Eternal, the Infi nitely Perfect, Rich, Good, and Faithful God, with out delay, for ever and ever. God alone has a right A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 89 to possess it, and He alone has the power to render it happy through all eternity. § 2. On the Three Divine Persons. ' I believe in God the Father.' 34. Why do we say, ' I believe in God the Father ' ? 1. Because God is our invisible Father in Heaven ; and 2. Because in God there is more than one Person, the first of whom is called the Father. 35. .How many Persons are, then, in God ? There are three Persons in God : the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. ' Going therefore, teach ye all nations ; baptizing tnem in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ' (Matt, xxviii. 19). ' There are three who give testimony in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are One ' (1 John v. 7). 36. Is each one of the three Persons God ? Yes, the Father is true God, the Son is true God, and the Holy Ghost is true God. 37. Are they not, then, three Gods ? No, the three Persons are but one God. 38. Why are the three Persons but one God ? Because all three Persons have one and the same indivisible nature and substance. 39. Is any one of these Persons older, or more powerful, than .the others ? No ; all three Persons are from eternity ; all three are equally powerful, good, and perfect ; because all three are but one God. 40. Is there, then, no distinction at- all between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ? As to the Persons they are distinct ; but as to the substance they are one. 41. How are the three Divine Persons distinct from one another? By this : that the Father is begotten of no one, nor 90 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. proceeds from any one ; the Son is begotten of the Father ; and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son. 42. But if the Son is begotten of the Father, and the Holy Ghost proceeds from both, why, then, is none of the Divine Persons older than the others ? Because the Son is begotten from all eternity, and the Holy Ghost also proceeds from all eternity. 43. And if none of the Divine Persons is older or greater than the others, why, then, is the Father called the first, the Son the second, and the Holy Ghost the third Person ? They are so called, not to show any superiority, but the order in which the one proceeds from the other from all eternity. 44. What works are principally attributed to each of the three Divine Persons ? 1. To the Father are attributed the works of om nipotence, and particularly the Creation ; 2. To the Son, the works of wisdom, and particularly the Ee- demption ; and 3. To the Holy Ghost, the works of love, and particularly the Sanctification; although these works are common to all three Persons. The works of Omnipotence and Creation are particularly at tributed to the Father, because He is the principle to which the two other Persons owe their eternal origin. The works of Wisdom to the Son, because the Father begets the Son by the knowledge of Himself, wherefore the Son is also called the essential ' Image,' the eternal ' Word' of the Father. The works of Love are attributed to the Holy Ghost, because He proceeds from the mutual love of the Father and of the Son. 45. What do we call the mystery of one God in three Persons ? We call it the mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity. 46. Can we comprehend this mystery ? No ; it is impossible that our weak and limited intel lect, which cannot understand even created things ex- A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 91 cept imperfectly, should comprehend a mystery which is infinitely above all created things. ' Great art Thou in counsel, and incomprehensible in thought ' (Jer. xxxii. 19). ' For we know in part. We see now through a glass in a dark manner ' (1 Cor. xiii. 9, 12). However incom prehensible this mystery may be, yet it does not contradict any of the truths acknowledged by reason ; for we do not say that God has one nature and three natures, but that, though He has but one nature, yet there are three Persons in Him. The Unity refers to the nature, and the Trinity to the Persons. (Compari son with the soul, which has memory, will, and understanding.) 47. Is the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity also important to us ? Yes, it is most important ; for it is the principal and fundamental doctrine of Christianity, insomuch that to reject it would be to deny the Christian Faith. Application. That the grace of this saving Faith may not be withdrawn from you, never forget what thanks you owe to the Most Blessed Trinity for the inestimable benefits of your creation, redemption, and sanctification, and what you have solemnly promised to the same Trinity in the holy Sacrament of Baptism. (Feast of the Blessed Trinity.) § 3. On the Creation and Government of the World. ' Creator of Heaven and earth.' 48. Why is God called ' Creator of Heaven and earth'? Because God created — i.e., made out of nothing — the whole world, the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them. , 49. By what has God created the whole world ? By His almighty will. ' Thou hast created all things ; and for Thy will they were and h»ve been created ' (Apoc. iv. 11). 50. I^id God create the world because He need ed it'? No ; God is infinitely rich and happy in Himsslf, and needs nothing besides Himself. 92 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ' Thou art my God, for Thou hast no need of my goods ' (Ps xv. 2). 51. If God needs nothing besides Himself, why, then, did Ho create other beiugs ? He created them because He is infinitely good, and desired to impart His goodness also to other beings. ' We are, because God is good ' (St. Augustine). ' God was not impelled to create by any other cause than a desire to com municate to creatures the riches of His bounty' (Cat. of the Counc. of Tr.) 52. Did, then, God create the world for His crea tures ? No ; God created the world for Himself — that is, for His glory — but, nevertheless, for the good of His creatures. ' The Lord hath made all things for Himself ' (Pro v. lxxvi. 4). ' And every one that calleth upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him ' (Isai. xliii. 7). 53. What does God still do, that the world which He has created may not return into its original nothing ? He preserves and governs it. 54. How does God preserve the world ? By the same power of His will with which He created the world He causes it also to continue, in the manner He pleases, and as long as He pleases. 'How could anything endure, if Thou wouldst not ?' (Wisd. xi. 26.) 55. How does God govern the world ? He takes care of all things,1 orders all things, and, in His wisdom and goodness, directs all things to the end for which He lias created the world.2 1 ' God made the little and the great, and He hath equally care of all ' (Wisd. vi. 8). ' But the very hairs of your head are all numbered ' (Matt. x. 30). 2 ' She [the wisdom of God] reach- eth therefore from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly ' (Wisd. viii. 1).— Ex. : Deliverance of the Jews throueh Esther. A Catechis?n of the Catholic Religion. 93 56. What do we call this supreme care of God in preserving and governing the world ? His Divine Providence. 57. But if God orders and directs all things in the world, why, then, is there so much evil done ? Does He will it ? No, God wills not the evil ; but He permits it, 1. Because He has created man free ; and 2. Because He knows also how to turn evil into good — i.e., how to avail Himself of the evil in order to execute His eter nal decrees. Examples : The history of Joseph in Egypt : ' You thought evil against me ; but God turned it into good ' (Gen. 1. 20). Thus God, the Almighty, turned even the murder orour Savi our by the Jews to the salvation of the world, and the impeni tence of the same Jews to the conversion of the heathens. And thus He still avails Himself every day of the designs of the wicked in order to glorify His Church ; ' for there is no wisdom, there is no prudence, there is no counsel against the Lord' (Prov. xxi. 30). 58. And if God takes care of all things, why, then, are we subject to so many sufferings ? 1. That the sinner may acknowledge the chastise ment of God and mend his ways, and not perish for ever; and 2. That the just man may be more and more purified, and more abound in merits, and thus obtain a greater reward in Heaven. 1. Ex. ; The brothers of Joseph : 'We deserve to suffer these things, because we have sinned against our brother ' (Gen. xiii. 21). Manasses (2 Paral. xxxiii.) ; Jonas (Jonas ii.) 2. ' Gold and silver are tried in the fire, but acceptable men in the fur nace of humiliation ' (Ecclus. ii. 5). ' Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in Heaven ' (Matt. v. 11, 12). 59. But why does God often permit the wicked to prosper, whilst evil befalls the good ? 1. Because He will not only deter the sinner from- his evil ways by punishment, but will also win him by benefits; 2. Because He reserves to Himself to punish the wicked, and to reward the good, especially in eter- 94 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. nity ; and 3. Because He will not even leave the little good which the wicked may do entirely unrewarded, and, therefore, as He cannot reward it in the next world on account of their impenitence, He will reward it here below. 1. 'What is there that I ought to do more to my vineyard that I have not done to it ? Was it that I looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it hath brought forth wild grapes ?' (Isai. v. 4). 2. ' The Lord patiently expecteth, that when the day of judgment shall come, He maypunish them in the fulness of their sins ' (2 Maeh. vi. 14). 3. ' Woe to you that are rich ; for you have your consolation ' ; that is, your reward here in this world (Luke vi. 24). — Ex. : Achab : ' Because Achab hath humbled himself for my sake, I will not bring the evil in his days, (3 Kings xxi. 29). 60. How, then, ought we to receive the sufferings that come upon us ? We ought to receive them as graces of God ; for 'whom the Lord loveth He chastiseth }1 (Hebr. xii. 6) ; and ' before he be glorified, it [his heart] is hum bled' (Pro v. xviii. 12). 1 'For it is a token of great goodness when sinners are not suffered to go on in their ways for a long time, but are presently punished ' (2 Mach. vii. 13). Application. ' Cast all your care upon the Lord, for He hath care of you' (1 Pet. v. 7). 'Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns, and your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Consider the lilies of the field,' etc. (Matt. vi. 26-33). Take willingly everything that is disagreeable to you as coming from the hand of God : 'As it hath pleased the Lord, so is it done ; blessed be the name of the Lord ' (Job i. 21) ; and never be so rash as to complain of the dispensations of God. Whatever may come, ' To them that love God, all things work together unto good' (Eom. viii. 28). § 4. On the Angels. 61. Has God created nothing else but the visible world ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 95 God has also created an invisible world — namely, innumerable spirits called Angels (Dan. vii. 10). The Angels are divided into nine different Orders or Choirs— namely, Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim (Col. i. 16 ; Eph. i. 21 ; Ezech. x. ; Isai. vi. 2). 62. In what state were the Angels when God had created them ? They were all good and happy, and endowed with excellent gifts. 63. Did the Angels all remain good and happy ? No, many rebelled against God; therefore they were cast away from Him for ever, and hu#led into hell. ' God spared not the Angels that sinned, but delivered them, drawn down by infernal ropes to the lower hell, unto torments ' (2 Pet. ii. 4 ; comp. Jude vi.) 64. How has God rewarded the Angels that re mained faithful ? He has rewarded them with eternal happiness, which consists in seeing and possessing Him everlastingly. ' Their Angels in Heaven always see the faee of my Father who is in Heaven' (Matt, xviii. 10). 65. How are the good Angels affected towards us ? The good Angels love us; therefore they protect us in soul and body, pray for us, and exhort us to do good. ' He hath given His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways ' (Ps. xc. 11). — Ex. : Agar, Lot, Tobias, Judas, Machabeus (2 Mach. x. 29, 30) ; Peter in prison ; Cornelius the centurion. 66. How do we call those Angels who are particu larly given to man for his protection ? Guardian Angels. 67. What is our duty towards our Guardian Angels ? We must venerate them with great devotion, be thankful to them, and readily follow their admoni tions. ()6 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ' Behold I will send my Angel, who shall go before thee. Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and do not think him one to be contemned ' (Exod. xxiii. 20, 21). 68. How are the fallen or wicked Angels affected towards us ? The wicked Angels, through hatred and envy, lay snares for us, in order to injure us in soul and body, and, by enticing us to sin, to plunge us into eternal perdition. ' Tour adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour ' (1 Pet. v. 8). — Examples : Eve, Job, Sara, the demoniacs, Judas. See also Luke viii. 12, and Apoc. xii. # 69. Why does God permit the wicked Angels to lay snares for us ? He permits it because He knows how to make their snares serve unto His own honor and to the salvation of men. ' And they talked among themselves, saying : What word is this, for with authority and power He [Jesus] commandeth the unclean spirits, and they go out ? And the fame of Him was published into every place of the country ' (Luke iv. 36, 37). ' And the people with one accord were attentive to those things which were said by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For many of them had unclean spirits, who, cry ing with a loud voice, went out ' (Acts viii. 6, 7). 70. What must we do on our part, in order that the snares of the wicked Angels may serve to our sal vation ? We must fight against them full of faith and confi dence, making use at the same time of the arms of prayer, and availing ourselves of the blessings sanc tioned by the Church ; and we must firmly resist all temptations to evil. ' For our wrestling is not [only] against flesh and blood ; but against the spirits of wickedness in the high places,' i.e.. in the air (Eph. vi. 12). 'In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one ' (Eph. vi. 16). ' Resist the devil, and he will fly from you ' (James iv. 7). — Ex. : Tobias and Sara (Tob. vi. 16-19, and viii. 4-10). A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 97 Application. Beware of being like the evil spirits by sinning, or of being even their accomplice in seduc ing others to sin. Imitate the good Angels ; be inno cent, docile, pious, devout, and always ready to pro mote the welfare of your neighbor. Daily venerate your Guardian Angel, and recommend yourself to him in all dangers of soul and body. (Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.) § 5. On our First Parents and their Fall. (See Short Hist, of Religion, §§ 1, 2.) 71. How did God make the first man, Adam ? God formed a body of the slime of the earth, and breathed an immortal soul into it ; and tffe first man was made (Gen. ii. 7). 72. Of what did God form Eve ? God formed Eve of a rib of Adam whilst he was Bleeping (Gen. ii. 21). 73, Why did God make the woman of a bone of the man ? Because man and woman, as husband and wife, are to love one another as if they were one body and one soul. 74. How did God distinguish man at his creation from all other creatures ? By creating him to His own image (Gen. i. 27). 75. How was the first man the image of God ? By this : that he was endowed with natural and su pernatural gifts, which made him resemble God. 76. In what do the natural gifts consist ? Especially in this : that the human soul is an im mortal spirit, endowed with understanding and free will. 77. I11 what do the supernatural gifts consist ? Especially in this : 1. That the first man possessed sanctifying grace, and together with it the sonship of God, and -the right of inheriting the kingdom of 98 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. Heaven ; 2. That in him the senses never rebelled against reason ; and 3. That he was never to be sub jected to hardships and sufferings, nor to death. 78. Why are the latter called supernatural gifts ? They are called supernatural gifts because they are not, like the natural ones, essential attributes of our nature, but because they were an extraordinary and free gift of God. 79. Did our first parents receive this Divine free gift for themselves alone ? They received it also for all their descendants ; and therefore, according to God's dispensation, not only their natural but also their supernatural gifts were to devolve upon the whole human race. 80. Upon what condition did they receive these supernatural gifts for themselves and for their de scendants ? Upon condition that they should keep the command ment of God not to eat of the fruit of a certain tree (Gen. ii. 17). 81. Why did God give them this commandment? He gave it them that, by their obedience to it, they might merit that supernatural happiness for which they had received sanctifying grace. 82. Did Adam and Eve keep this commandment, which was so easy to be observed ? No ; they broke the commandment of God, and ate of the forbidden fruit (Gen. iii. 6). 83. Was this transgression a grievous sin ? Yes, it was a very grievous sin ; for though they were filled with the knowledge of God, yet they be- lieved the serpent (which is the devil, Apoc. xx. 2) more than God, rebelled against Him, and wanted to be like God (Gen. iii.) 84. What punishment came upon Adam and Eve ? 1. They forfeited all their supernatural gifts, and A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 99 at the same time were also weakened in the faculties of their souls ; 2. They were expelled from Paradise, in which God had placed them ; and 3. They became liable to eternal damnation. 85. Did our first parents lose these supernatural gifts for themselves only ? No ; as by their obedience they would have pre served them not only for themselves, but for all their descendants, so by their disobedience they lost them not only for themselves, but also for us all, and have thereby plunged the whole human race into the great est misery. 86. In what does the misery consist into which our first parents have plunged the whole humfh race ? In this : that sin, with its fatal consequences, has passed from Adam to all mankind, insomuch that we now all come into this world infected with sin. ' By one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death ; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned * (Rom. v. 12). ' Behold, I was conceived in iniquities ; and in sins did my mother conceive me ' (Ps. 1. 7). The Blessed Virgin Mary alone was, by a particular grace and privilege, perfectly preserved, through the merits of Jesus Christ, not only from all actual sin, but also from every stain of original sin. 87. What do we call this sin in which we are all bom ? We call it Original Sin, because we have not ac tually committed it, but have, as it were, inherited it from our first parents, who were the origin or source of all mankind. 88. Is original sin, though not actually committed by us, nevertheless truly sin ? Yes, it is the death of the soul — it is truly and properly sin (Oounc. of Tr., Sess. V.) Owing to the sin of Adam,' the entire human race lost its original sanctity and righteousness — i.e., sanctifying grace — and all the supernatural gifts which were intended for it. Man was thereby impaired in soul and body, by nature spiritually dead, fallen off and separated from God, and no longer capable of at taining his higher supernatural end. God saw then His gener- ioo A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ous and gracious design defeated, and could no longer look down with satisfaction upon degraded man. ' We all were by nature children of wrath,' because ' we were dead in sin ' (Eph. ii. 3). 89. What fatal consequences have, with original sin, passed to all men ? 1. Their disgrace with God, and at the same time their loss of the sonship of God, and of the right of inheriting the kingdom of Heaven ; 2. Ignorance, concupiscence, and proneness to evil ; and 3. All sorts of hardships, pains, calamities, and at last death. 1. See Eph. ii. 3. ' Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God' (John iii. 5). 2. ' I see another law in my members, fighting against the law of my mind ' (Rom. vh. 23). ' The imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil from his youth ' (Gen. viii. 21). 3. ' Great labor is created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the children of Adam, from the day of their birth until the day of their burial ' (Ecclus. xl. 1). ' God created man incorruptible ; but by the envy of the devil death came into the world ' (Wisd. ii. 23, 27). This doctrine of Divine reve lation is confirmed by experience, and by the sad history of mankind (comp. Rom. vii. 18-24). 90. Did the fatal consequences of sin fall upon man only ? The punishment of God was also inflicted upon the earth, which had been created for man. ' Cursed is the earth in thy work,' said God to Adam ; ' with labor and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thv life. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee ' (Gen. iii. 17, 18). 91. What would have become of man, if God had not shown him mercy ? No one could have received grace and been saved. 92. Why could no one have any more received grace ? Because the Divine justice demanded a satisfaction adequate to the sin ; and no creature, but least of all man, who had fallen so deeply, was able to give such satisfaction. 93. How did God show mercy to man ? He promised him a Saviour, who, by a full satisfac- A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 101 tion, should take sin away from him, and regain for him grace and the right of inheriting the kingdom of Heaven (Gen. iii. 15). ' Therefore, as by the offence of one [Adam] judgment came unto all men to condemnation ; so also by the justice of one [Christ] grace came unto all men to justification of life ; . . . that as sin hath reigned to death, so also grace might reign by justice unto life everlasting' (Rom. v. 18, 21). 94. If without the grace of the Eedeemer no one can be saved, how then could those who lived before the coming of Christ go to Heaven ? Those who lived before the coming of the Eedeemer of the world could not indeed enter Heaven before Him ; but with the grace which God gave them on ac count of the Eedeemer to come, they could merit the kingdom of Heaven, and then enter into it with Him. The whole of the Old Testament bears witness of the many eminent graces which God gave to the Israelites, and to the just who lived under the Patriarchal law (Short Hist, of Reh, §§ 6-19). 95. Did God give grace also to the pagans for the salvation of their souls ? Yes ; He manifested Himself also to the pagans, and in many ways exhorted them to repentance and amend ment: 1. By the voice of conscience and interior impulse ; 2. By natural benefits ; 3. By His judgments ; 4. By ex traordinary men whom He raised among them or sent to them ; 5. By the Israelites whom, with their holy books, He dispersed among them ; and 6. Sometimes . also by Angels, dreams, wonderful apparitions or events. 1. 'Who [the Gentiles] show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them' (Rom. ii. 15). 2. 'He left not Himself without testimony, doing good from Heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, ' etc. (Acts xiv. 16). 3. Deluge ; punishment of Sodom, of Egypt, of Chanaan, and of other places (compare Wisd. xii. and xvi.-xviii.) 4. Job, Balaam, Jonas, Daniel, etc. 5. 'He hath therefore scattered you [Israelites] among the Gentiles, who know not Him, that you may declare His wonderful works, and make them known that there is no other almighty 102 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. God besides Him ' (Tob. xiii. 4). 6. Cornelius, the centurion, was advised by an Angel (Acts x. 3) ; Nabuchodonosor, by- dreams (Dan. ii. 4) ; Baltassar, by a mysterious hand (Dan. v.) ; Balaam, by an ass (Num. xxii. 22, 28-30). 96. Why did the Eedeemer not come immediately after the fall of our first parents ? Because mankind had first to learn by experience into what great misery sin had plunged them, and that no one but God could save them. Application. My child, be a heautiful image of God and hate sin, which has brought all evils into the world. ' Sin maketh nations miserable ' (Prov. xiv. 34) . The Second Article. 'And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.' 1. Wha't does this Second Article of the Creed teach us ? It teaches us that the Eedeemer whom God prom ised and sent to us is the only Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Lord. 2. What does the name Jesus signify ? The name Jesus signifies Saviour or Redeemer. ' Thou shalt call His name Jesus ; for He shall save His peo ple from their sins ' (Matt. i. 21). 3. What does the word Christ signify ? The word Christ— in Hebrew Messias — signifies Anointed. 4. Why is Jesus called the Anointed ? Because in the Old Law the prophets, high-priests, and kings were anointed with oil, and Jesus is our greatest Prophet (Acts iii. 22), Priest (Hebr. iv. 14), and King (John xviii. 37). ' Jesus of Nazareth ; how God anointed Him wit.i the Koly Ghost, and with power ' (Acts x. 38). The anointing ci Josus is the plenitude of the Divinity that dwells in Him. 5. Why is Jesus called our Prophet, Priest, and King? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 103 Jesus is called, and is, 1. Our Prophet, because He revealed the mysteries of God to us, and taught us all that we are to believe, to hope, and to do iu order to be saved ; 2. Our Priest, because He offered Him self for us on the Cross, and offers himself daily on the altar, and is also our mediator and intercessor for ever in Heaven ; and 3. Our King, because He es tablished a spiritual kingdom (the Church), of which He is, aud will be through all eternity, tfie Head. 6 Why is Jesus Christ called the ' only Son of God'? Because Jesus Christ, as the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, is the only true and real Son of God — i.e., Son of God from eternity, of orfe nature aud substance with God the Father. ' To which of the Angels hath He said at any time : Thou art my Son, to-day [i.e., at present, from eternity] have I begotten thee- (Hebr. i. 5). The Catholic Church has, in the CEcumeni- cal Council of Nice, expressed this fundamental doctrine of the Christian Religion, ' respecting the one nature and substance of Jesus Christ with God the Father' in the following terms : ' I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages ; God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God ; begotten, not made ; consubstam- Hal to the Father, by whom all things were made. ' 7. Are we not, then, also children of God ? Yes, we are children of God, but not by nature and from all eternity ; we are only children adopted by grace. ' A.s many as received Him, He gave them power to be made the sons of God ' (John i 12). 8. Why is Jesus Christ called ' Our Lord'? Jesus Christ is called, and is, our Lord, 1. As God, because, being consubstantial with the Father, He is, like Him, Lord and Creator of Heaven and earth ; and 2. As Man, because, in the human nature, He has redeemed us, and therefore bought us, with His Blood, as His property ;' and because, in the same nature. He will be one day our Judge,' and our Head and King through all eternity.' 104 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 1 ' For you are bought with a great price ' (1 Cor. vi. 20). " ' It is He who was appointed by God, to be judge of the living and of the dead' (Acts x. 42). 3 'And He [God] hath subjected all things under His feet, and hath made Him Head over all this Church '(Eph. i. 22). Application. Constantly cherish the most ardent love aud devotion to Jesus, ' in whose name every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth ' (Philip, ii. 10). Often invoke, with the greatest veneration and confidence, this Holy Name, especially in times of temptation. Take a de light in using this beautiful form of salutation : ' Prais ed be Jesus Christ for evermore, Ames. ' 1 (Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.) ' This mode of saluting one another is quite common in Ger many and Switzerland. An indulgence of one hundred days has been granted by Sixtus V. in 1587, and by Benedict XIII. in 1728, to those who salute each other, the one saying, ' Praised be Jesus Christ,' and the other answering, 'Amen,' or ' For evermore, Amen.' To those who have generally used this form of salutation during their life a Plenary Indulgence is granted at the hour of death. The same indulgences are imparted to those who teach others this holy practice. — The Teassl. § 1. Jesus Christ the Promised Messias. 9. How do we know that Jesus Christ is the Mis- sins or Redeemer promised by God ? We know it because in Him has been fulfilled all that the prophets' have foretold of the Eedeemer, as may be seen in the life and sufferings of Christ. (On the" prophets see Short Hist, of Rel., § 17.) 10. What have the prophets foretold of the Mes sias ? 1. The time of His coming, the circumstances of His birth, of His life, Passion, and death ; 2. His Ee- snrrection and Ascension, and the sending down of the Holy Ghost; 3. The destruction of Jerusalem, which happened after His death ; the rejection of the Jews, and the conversion of the Gentiles ; and 4. The founding, spreading, and duration of His Church. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 105 11. How did they indicate the time of His coming ? The Prophet Daniel (ix. 24, etc.) foretold that not quite seventy weeks of years — i.e., 490 years — should elapse from the time when it was commanded that Je rusalem should be rebuilt, until the death of Christ ; 2. Jacob prophesied that at the time of the coming of the Messias the sceptre should have been taken away from Juda. Others again foretold that then the Temple of Jerusalem should still exist, and the world be in great expectation. And all this was exactly ful filled in Jesus (Short Hist, of Rel., §§ 8 and 18). 12. What did they prophesy of His birth ? That He should be born at Bethlehem of a Virgin, of the tribe of Juda and family of David, arid should be adored by kings from distant countries (Isai. vii. 14, xi. 1, and lx. 6; Mich. v. 2; Ps. lx;:i. 10). 13. What account do they give us of His life ? They give us an account of His public teaching, of His miraculous cures, of His forbearing charity and meekness, of His entering into Jerusalem upon an ass, etc. (Isai. Ixi. and xxxv. 3, etc. ; Zach. ix. 9). 14. What do they relate of His Passion and death ? They relate almost all, even the least circumstances ; for example, that they would sell Him for thirty pieces of silver, strike Him, pull out His hair, spit in His face, give Him gall and vinegar to drink, pierce His hands and feet, and cast lots for His garment; that those who see Him would mock Him, and wag their heads, saying : ' He hoped in the Lord, let Him de liver Him' (Zach. xi. 12, 13; Isai. 1. 6; Ps. xxi. 7, etc., and Ixviii. 22). The prophets did indeed promise a great King, but not a king of this world, as the Jews are still expecting ; otherwise they would not have described Him as 'a man of sorrows ' (Isai. liii. 3, 4), nor called him the ' reproach of men, and the outcast of the people ' (Ps. xxi. 7) ; but a King of a spiritual and super natural kingdom of God (the Church), which was indeed to be- g'n and spread on earth, but is to be consummated only in eaven, and to last for ever. 106 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 15. What do they say of His Resurrection and As cension, and of His sending down the Holy Ghost ? They say that His sepulchre shall be glorious, and that He shall not see corruption, but shall mount above the Heaven of heavens, and pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Ps. xv. 10, and lxvii. 19, 34; Isai. xi. 10 ; Joel ii. 2b, 29). 16- What did the prophets foretell of the destruc tion of Jerusalem and of the rejecting of the Jews ? 1. After the Messias shall have been slain, a people with their leader shall come, and destroy Jerusalem and the Temple, and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end ; 2. The Jews, blinded, rejected, dispersed among all nations, shall have no longer a sacrifice nor a temple; how ever, they shall not be extirpated by God, but the remnant may be saved at the end of the world (Dan. ix. 26, 27; Ps. Ixviii, 24-26 aud 108 ; Isai. x. 21, and lix. 20). ' (How this was accomplished, see Short. Hist, of Ret. § 31.) 17- What did they prophesy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and of the foundation, spreading, and duration of the Church ? All that we see already accomplished, or being ac complished. They prophesied, 1. That the Messias shall be the light of the Gentiles, and that all nations of the earth shall be blessed in Him (Gen. xxii. 18 ; Ps. lxxi.; Isai. xiii. 6, etc. ) ; and 2. That He shall estab lish a new sacrifice and a new priestiiood, and found a kingdom of God, that shall reach from sea to sea to- the end of the earth, and shall never be destroyed, but stand for ever (Mai. i. 11 ; Isai. Ixvi. 21 ; Jer. iii. 15 ; Zach. ix. 10 ; Dan. ii. 44, and vii. 14, etc.) 18- Did the prophets prophesy long before the coming of Christ? Malachias, the last of the prophets, prophesied four hundred and fifty years before Christ. 19- Were their prophecies also known long before Christ ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 107 'Yes ; they had already been written many centuries before Christ, ana were preserved and read by the Jews as Divine writings ; they were also translated into other languages, and spread among the pagan nations. 20- Did not also Christ and the Apostles appeal to the testimony of the prophets ? Yes ; Christ and the Apostles proved to the Jews from the writings of the prophets that the Messias was come, and that He Himself — Jesus of Nazareth — was the Messias. 'Search the Scriptures,' said Jesus to the Jews, 'and the same are they that give testimony of me' (John v. 39). He convinced also the unbelieving Disciples from th# prophets (Luke xxiv. 25-27, and xliv 47). St. Peter convinced by the Erophecies the three thousand and the five thousand who were aptized (Acts ii. and iii.) St. Paul protested before King Agrippa, saying : ' Being aided by the help of God, I stand unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying no ether thing than those which the prophets and «Moses did say should come to pass ' (Acts xxvi. 22). The Evangelists, in their narrative, always refer to the prophets. It is also said of Apollo : ' With much vigor he convinced the Jews openly, show ing by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ ' — i.e., the Promised . Messias (Acts xviii. 28). 21- Do we see nothing else fulfilled in Christ but the prophecies ? We see also in Him the fulfilment of all the Fig- ares by which the deeds and sufferings of the Mes sias were indicated many centuries before. 22- Which are the most remarkable Figures of the Messias ? 2. His Passion and Death were prefigured by Abel, I^aac, Joseph, David, the Paschal Lamb, the Propi tiatory Sacrifice, and the Brazen Serpent ; 2. His Priesthood chiefly by Melchisedech ; 3. His office of Prophet and Mediator by Moses ; 4. His Resurrection by Jonas in the whale's belly ; and 5. His Church and the Holy Sacraments by tho Ark, the Red Sea, the Manna, and the Temple" with its various appurtennn- ees and sacrifices (Hebr. ix.) io8 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. Application. How happy you are to know and possess the promised Saviour of the world, for whom the holy Patriarchs sighed so long and so ardently ! May He always find in your heart a dwelling agree- ble to Him ! Endeavor, therefore, at all times, and especially during the holy season of Advent, to pre pare it well for Him. § 2. Jesus Christ, true God. 23. Whence do we know that Jesus Christ is the Son of G od , and true God ? We know it, 1. From the prophecies ; 2. From the testimony of His Heavenly Father ; 3. From His own testimony ; 4. From the teaching of the Apostles ; and 5. From the doctrine of the Catholic Church. 24. What do the prophets say ? They call the promised Redeemer : 'God, God with us, the Saint of Saints, the Wonderful, the Father of the world to come ' (Isai. vii. 14, and ix. 6; Dan. ix. 24). Isaias (xxxv. 4) says of Him : ' God Himself will come and will save you ' ; and Jeremias (xxiii. 6) says : ' This is the name that they shall call Him, The Lord, Jehovah, our Just One.' 25. What is the testimony of His Heavenly Fa ther ? At the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, and at His Transfiguration on Mount Thabor, a voice from Heaven was heard, saying: ' This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased' (Matt. iii. 17, and xvii. 5). 26. What is the testimony of Christ ? Christ, 1. Testified that He is the Son of God, and true God, like His Father ; 2. He confirmed His tes timony by the holiness of His life, as well as by mira cles and prophecies; and 3. He sealed it with His death. ' I and the Father are one. Believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father' (John X.-8Q, 38). 'He that seeth me, seeth the Father also ' (John xiv. 9). ' All things whatsoever the Father hath, are mine ' (John xvi. 15). ' What things he A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 109 [the Father] doth, these the Son also doth in like manner. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth life, so the Son also giveth life to whom He will ; that all men may honor the Son, as they honor the Father' (John v. 19, 21, 23). •Amen, amen I say to you,,before Abraham was made, I am,' (John viii. 58, etc.) When Peter said to Jesus : ' Thou ait Christ, the Son of the living God' (Matt. xvi. 16); and Thomas said to Him : ' My Lord and my God ' (John xx. 28), our Sa viour confirmed the faith and the declaration of both the Apos tles. 27. What are miracles ? Miracles are such extraordinary works as cannot be done by natural" powers, and require for their per formance the Omnipotence of God. 28. Which are the principal miracles wrought by Christ ? • He changed water into wine ; with five loaves He filled several thousands ; with one word He calmed tlie winds and the waves, cured diseases of all sorts, cast out devils, and raised the dead to life. When He died, all nature mourned ; three days after His death, He rose again from the grave, and forty days later He ascended into Heaven in the sight of His Disciples. The miracles of Jesus were such that all Judea must have known whether they had been really wrought or not. Yet no one has denied or questioned them, not even His most bitter enemies. On the contrary, thousands, nay, millions of people have given up all they possessed, even their lives, in testimony of their belief in these miracles. 29. How do these miracles prove the Divinity of Christ ? They prove, 1. That when Christ said that He is the Son of God, He spoke the truth, since God cannot possibly confirm a lie by miracles ; and 2. That Christ possessed Divine power, since of Himself He wrought miracles. 1. ' If you will not believe me [my words], believe my works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father ' (John x. 38). 2. ' What things soever the Fa ther doth, these the Son also doth in like manner .... For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth life, so the Son also giveth life to whom He will' (John v. 19, 21). no A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 30. How did Jesus confirm the doctrine of His Divinity by prophecies ? By this : that He foretold many things which God alone could know; for instance, His betrayal by Judas, and His denial by Peter; the manner of His death ; His resurrection ; His ascension, etc. 31. Which prophecies of Christ do we still see be ing accomplished ? These, for instance : 1. That the Gospel shall be preached in the whole world (Matt. xxiv. 14) ; 2. That the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church (Matt. xvi. 18) ; and 3. That of the Temple of Jerusalem there shall not be left a stone upon a stone (Mark xiii. 2). With a view to falsify the prediction of our Lord and of the prophets, the Apostate Emperor Julian resolved, in 353, to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. Full of joy, the Jews came in great haste from all countries, set to work, and cleared away the rubbish of the old Temple, insomuch that not one stone was left upon another. But when they were going to commence the building, terrible flames flashed out of the ground, which part ly killed the workmen, and partly put them to flight. This occurred at each fresh attempt that was made, until they gave up their undertaking. This miracle is attested by contempo rary pagan as well as Cb ristian writers. 32. How did Jesus seal the doctrine of His Divin ity with His death ? Being adjured by the living God before the tri bunal of the High-Priest, He solemnly confessed that He was ' the Christ, the Son of God, and that they shall see Him sitting on the right hand of the power of God, and coming in the clouds of Heaven ' ; and, on account of this confession, He suffered death (Matt. xxvi. 63, 64 ; John xix. 7). As it would be the most grievous sin falsely to pretend to be God. so it is the greatest dishonor to Jesus Christ not to give credit to His declaration that He is God. 33. What do the Apostles teach of Jesus Christ ? The Apostles explicitly tench, 1. That Jesus Christ is true God ; 2. That He possesses all the fulness of A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. in the Godhead, and the infinite perfections of God; and 3. That all creatures should adore Him. 1. ' We know that the Son of God is come. This is the true God and life eternal' (1 John v. 20). ' Christ who is over all things, God blessed for ever. Amen ' (Rom. ix. 5). 2. ' In Hira [Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead corporally ' — i.e , substantially (Col ii. 9) Of Christ, the Son of God, St. John says : ' In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made ' (John i. 1-3). ' In Him [Christ] were all things created in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers : all things were created by Him and in Him ; and He is before all, and by Him all things consist ' (Col. i. 16, 17). ' By His Son God made the world, who, being the brightness of His glory and the figure of His.substance, upholds all things by the word of His power ' (Hebr. i. 2, 3). 3 'In the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth ; and eveiy tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father' (Phil. ii. 10, 11). ' Let all the angels of God adore Him ' (Hebr. i. 6). The Apostles also confirmed their doctrine of the Divinity of Jesus by innumerable miracles which they wrought in the name of Jesus, and by the most stupendous of all miracles, the con version of the world (Short Hist, of Rel. §§ 28, 29, etc.) 34. What does the Catholic Church teach of Jesus Christ ? The Catholic Church has ever believed and taught that Jesus Christ is true God, and of one substance with God the Father ; and in defence of this fun damental Christian doctrine, she composed, at the Council of Nice, a peculiar Creed, and excommuni cated those who taught the contrarv. (See Short Hist, of Rel. §36, page 103, quest. 6.)" The holy Martyrs also professed this belief, and suffered with joy indescribable torments, nay, death itself, for it ; and it often pleased God to confirm their profession by undeniable miracles. One of these is particularly remarkable. It took place in Africa in 484, and is attested by many unobjectionable eye-witnesses. For when Hunneric, King of the Arian Van dals, who most cruelly persecuted those who professed the Divin ity of Christ, had had the tongues of the orthodox Christians of the city of Tipisa torn out, they spoke without tongues as flu- 112 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. ¦ *£ ently and distinctly as before, and proclaimed everywhere that Jesus Christ is true God, and of one substance with the Father. About sixty of them fled to Constantinople, where all the town saw them, and heard them speak daily, and that for many years. Application. Wickedness dims the understanding. Be always pious and virtuous, and you will never have any doubts respecting the truth of your faith. ' If any man will do the will of Him that sent me, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God' (John vii. 16, 17). The Third Article. 'Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary.' (See Short Hist, of Rel. §§ 21, 22, 23.*) 1. What does the Third Article of the Creed prin cipally teach us ? It teaches us that the Son of God, through the operation of the Holy Ghost, became man — i.e., took to Himself a body and a soul like ours. 'The Word [the Only-begotten of the Father] was made flesh, and dwelt among us '(John i. 14). 2. What do we call this Mystery ? The Incarnation of the Son of God. 3. What is, then, our belief concerning Jesus Christ, when we believe the Mystery of the Incarnation ? We believe that Jesus Christ is both true God and true man, or that He is a God-Man : He is God from eternity, and became man in time. When Christ says, ' I and the Father are one.' He speaks of Himself as God ; and when He says. ' The Father is greater than I,' He speaks of Himself as Man. 4. How many natures, then, are there in Jesus Christ ? * The history of the Birth, Life, and Passion of Christ is to be learned from the Short History of Religion. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 113 There are two natures in Jesus Christ, the Divine and the human. 5. Are there also in Jesus Christ two wills distinct from one another ? Yes, hi Jesus Christ there is a Divine will and a human will, which, however, is always in perfect subjection to the Divine will. ' Father, not my will, but Thine be done ' (Luke xxii. 42). 6. Are there also two persons in Jesus Christ ? No, Jesus Christ is only one Divine Person ; for the two natures are inseparably united in the one Person of the Son of God. 7. Why is the Incarnation of the Son^f God at tributed to the operation of the Holy Ghost ? Because it is especially an effect of the Divine love and mercy towards man (comp. page 90, quest. 44). ' God so loved the world as to give His Only-begotten Son ' (John iii. 16). 8. From whom did the Son of God take His hu man nature ? From Mary, the purest of Virgins ; therefore she is also called 'Mother of God.' (Feast of the Annunci ation of B. V. Mary.) 9. Why is Mary called ' the purest of Virgins ' ? Because she always remained a Virgin incompara bly pure and entirely undefiled, not only before but also at aud after the birth of the Divine Child. 'Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and boar a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel,' that is, God with us (Isai. vii. 14). In the Holy Scriptures near relations are often called brethren ; as Lot and Abraham. In like manner the cousins of Jesus are called His brethren (Matt. xii. 46). 10. Why is Mary called 'Mother of God,' since Christ took only His human nature from her ? She is justly so called because Christ, who was born of her according to the flesh, is true God. ' The Holy which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son 114 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. of God' (Luke i. 35). The doctrine of Nestorius. that Mary is not to be called the Mother of God, was condemned as heretical by the General Council of Ephesus in 431. 11, Had Jesus Christ also a father ? As Man, Jesus Christ had no father ; for Joseph, the virgin-spouse of Mary, was only His foster father. ' Jesus being^as it was supposed] the Son of Joseph ' (Luke iii. 23). 12. Why did the Son of God become man ? 1. That He might be able to suffer and die for us ; for as God He could neither suffer nor die; and 2. That by the example of His life, as well as by His word, He might teach us virtue and holiness. 13. What virtues does Jesus teach us by His ex ample ? All virtues in the highest decree, especially zeal f oi the honor of God,1 and for the salvation of men;5 meekness,3 humility,4 patience.5 kindness and mercy towards everyone,6 even our greatest enemies;7 and obedience to His Heavenly Father unto death.8 1 Chastisement of the profaners of the Temple. 2 Jesus the good shepherd. 3 Reprimand of the Apostles who were going to call fire from Heaven. 4 Washing of the feet of the Apostles. 6 His Passion. " Jesus, the merciful Samaritan ; Jesus at the well of Jacob ; in the house of Zacheus, etc. 7 ' Friend, whereto art thou come ?' 'Father, forgive them.' * 'Father, not my will, but Thine be done.' 14. What example does Jesus give in particular to young people ? He teaches them, by His example, readily to obey, to take delight in prayer and instruction, to love to stay in the house of God, and to advance in wisdom and grace as they do in age. The Child Jesus in the Temple and at Nazareth. 15. Why did Jesus Christ make choice of a poor and humble life ? 1. That He might suffer for us from the very be ginning of His life ; and 2. To teach us that we ought not to love and seek the vain goods of this world. A Cdtechism of the Catholic Religion. 115 Application. Give thanks to God with your whole heart for having taken the form of a servant, and be come a poor child for the love of you; especially when you hear the Angohis-bell ring in the morning, at noon, and at night Resolve also to perform all your actions in the manner you know Jesus did His. If you do this* you will bo sure to please God, whether you be rich or poor. (Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, or Christmas day.) The Fourth Article. 'Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried.' « (See Short Hist, of Rel. §§ 25, 26.) * 1, What does the Fourth Article of the Creed teach us ? It teaches us that Jesus Christ suffered for us, died on the cross, and was laid in the grave. 2. Did Christ really die ? Yes ; His soul was truly separated from His body. 3. Was His Divinity also separated from it ? No; the Divine Person always remained insepara bly united with His body and with His soul. 4. Why did Christ will to be buried ? In order that His death might be the more unde niable, and His resurrection the more glorious and credible. 5. Did Christ suffer as God or as man ? Christ suffered as man — that is, acOording to His human nature. - 6. Was Christ compelled to suffer death ? No ; Christ suffered death of His own free will ; ' He was offered, because it was His own will ' (Isaias liii. 7). ' I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself for me ' (Gal. ii. 20 ; comp. John x. 17, 18, and xviii. 4-9). n6 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 7. Why was it the will of Christ to suffer and die ? In order to satisfy the Divine Justice for our sins, and thereby to redeem aud save us (p. 100, q. 91-93). By His voluntary obedience unto the death of the cross Christ has given full, nay, superabundant satisfaction to the Divine Majesty for the manifold offences given to Him by our disobedience, and thus He has redeemed us» from the eternal punishment which we had deserved. Therefore St. Paul says (Rom. v. 19) : 'As by the disobedience of one man [Adam], many were made sinners ; so also by the obedience of One [Jesus Christ], many shall be' made just.' And St. Peter (1 Pet. ii. 22, 24) : ' Vv ho did no sin, who His ownself bore our sins in His body upon the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice ; by whose stripes you were healed.' And Isaias (liii. 4, 5) : ' Surely He hath borne our infirmities, and carried our sorrows But He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins.' * 8. For what sins has Christ given satisfaction ? ' For the sins of the whole world' (1 John ii. 2) — ¦ namely, for original sin aud all the other sins of man kind. 9. Why could no one but Christ make full repara tion for our sins ? Because the offence given to the infinite Majesty of God demanded a satisfaction of infinite value, which Christ alone was able to give. ' No brother can redeem, nor shall man redeem : he shall not five to God his ransom. Nor the price of the redemption of is soul : and shall labor for ever, and shall still live unto the end' (Ps. xlviii 8, 9). 10. Why is the satisfaction of Christ of infinite value ? It is of infinite value because a Divine Person made it; for the greater the dignity of the person who satisfies, the greater also is the value and merit of the satisfaction. 11. Was it necessary for a perfect satisfaction that Christ should suffer such indescribable torments? No ; for even the least suffering of a God-Man would in itself have been satisfactory, because each of His works is of infinite value. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 117 12. Why, then, would He suffer so much ? In order that we might be the more sensible of the greatness of His love, and of the punishment which sin deserves ; and also that we might bear our cross the mure patiently. 13. From what has Christ redeemed us by his suf ferings and death ? He has redeemed us, 1. From sin ; 2. From the slavery of the devil, who had subdued us by sin; and 3. From eternal damnation, which we have de served by sin. 1. 'He hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood' (Apoc. i 5). 2. ' He Himself hath been partaker of flesh and blood, that, through death, He might ctestroy him who had the empire of death — that is to say, the devil ' (Hebr. ii. 14). 3. ' God hath not appointed us unto wrath [damnation], but unto the purchasing of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us' (1 Thess. v. 9, 10). 14. What more has Christ gained for us through His sufferings and death ? He has, 1. Reconciled us with God ; 2. Reopened Heaven to us ; and 3. Merited abundant graces for us, in order to enable us to lead a holy life and to obtain eternal happiness. 1. ' When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son ' (Horn, v. 10). 2. ' Having therefore, brethren, a confidence in the entering into the Holies [Heaven] by the blood of Christ ; a new and living way which He hath dedicated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh ' (Hebr. x. 19, 20). 3. ' God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places [things] in Christ, . . . according to the riches of His grace, which hath superabounded in us' (Eph. i. 3,7, 8 ; comp. Rom. v. 15-21). 15. Has Christ merited grace and eternal salvation for those only who are really saved ? No ; He has merited it for all men without excep tion, as He died also for all without exception (2 Cor. v. 14, 15). ' Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a redemption for all ' (1 Tim. ii. 6). n8 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 16. If Christ has merited eternal salvation for all men, why, then, are not all saved ? Because not all do, on .their part, what is necessary for obtaining salvation ; that is, because they do not all believe, keep the Commandments, and use the moans of grace. 'He [Christ] became to all that obey Wan the cause of eternal salvation ' (Hebr. v. 9).— Example of St. Paul (Col. i. 24). ' He who made you without your concurrence, will not save you without it ' (St. Augustine;- Applicalion. Oh ! that you would never forget how much Jesus has loved you, and wha*". He has suffered for you. For out of mercy, and 'for His exceeding charity wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins' (Eph. ii. 4, 5), He has redeemed us through His most bitter Passion and death, and has placed us in the kingdom of His grace. Let this charity of Christ urge you to live unto Him who died for you, and rose again (2 Cor. v. 14, 15). (Devotion to the Sufferings of Christ; the Way of the Cross, or Stations; Visiting the Holy Sepulchre in Holy-week; Abstinence on Fridays, etc.) The Fifth Article. ' He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead.' (See Short Hist, of Rel. § 27.) 1. What means, 'He descended into hell' ? That the soul of Jesus Christ, after His death, de scended into 'Limbo'— i.e., to the place where the souls of the just who died before Christ were detain ed, and were waiting for the time of their redemption. ' He was put to death indeed in the flesh, but enlivened in the spirit ; in which also coming He preached to those spirits that were in prison'— that is, announced to them their redemption (1 Pet. iii. 18, 19). r 2. Why were the souls of the just detained in Limbo ? A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. iro Because Heaven was closed through sin, and was first to be opened by Christ (Hebr. ix. 6-8). 3. Why did Christ descend into Limbo ? 1. To comfort and set free the souls of the just ; and 2. To show forth His power and majesty even there in the lower regions (Phil. ii. 10). 4. What means, 'the third day He rose again from the dead ' ? That on the third day after His death Christ re united, by His own power, His soul to His body, as Ho had foretold, and rose again from the grave. (Easter day.) 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. But He spoke of the temple of His body' (John ii. 19, 21 ; comp. John x. 18). 5. How did Christ rise again ? He came forth glorious and immortal from the grave, secured as it was by a heavy stone, and guard ed by soldiers. 6. Did Christ no longer retain in His glorified body any mark of His sufferings ? He still retained, in His hands, feet, and side, the marks of His wounds ; therefore He said to Thomas: ' Put in thy finger hither [into the place of the nails], and see my hands ; and bring hither thy hand, and, put it into my side ' (John xx. 27). 7. Why has He still retained these marks ? 1. In testimony of His victory over hell; 2. As a proof that He rose again in the very same body in which He had suffered ; and 3. To show them on the day of judgment, for the consolation of the just and for the confusion of the wicked. 8. Whence do we know that Christ rose from the dead ? From the testimony of. His Apostles and His Dis ciples, who often saw Him after His resurrection, touched Him, ate, spoke, and conversed with Him ; 120 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. and who everywhere loudly proclaimed His resur rection, even before the chief council who had con demned Him to death, although by this conduct they drew upon themselves nothing but mortal hatred and persecution. It is true that the soldiers who guarded the grave, being bribed with a large sum of money, spread the report that, while they were asleep, the Disciples of Jesus came and stole His body. But 1. If they were asleep, how could they see, then, that His Disciples stole the body ? 2. Whence did the timid Disciples, who expected now nothing more from their deceased Master, get on a sudden such undaunted courage ? 3. How did it happen that not even one of the sleeping guards awoke at the rolling away of the heavy stone ? 4. Why were the guards not punished for the neglect of their duty ? (Comp. Acts xii. 19.) If the evidence of the Apostles and' the Disciples had not been so certain and quite unexceptionable, they would never have con vinced the world, in opposition to the most powerful and crafty enemies of Jesus, that He who, like a malefactor, had been publicly executed and buried, had on the third day risen again glorious from the dead. They have nevertheless so firmly con vinced the world of this truth that countless Christian converts endured the most painful martyrdom in-testimony of their firm belief in it. 9. What effect ought the doctrine of the resurrec tion of Christ to produce in us ? It ought 1. To strengthen our belief in His Divin ity, and our hope of our own future resurrection ; and 2. To incite us to rise from the death of sin to a new and holy life. 1. 'God raised Him up from th • dead, and hath given Him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God ' (1 Pet i. 21). 2. ' We are buried together with him by baptism into death ; that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glorv of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life ' (Rom. vi. 4). Application. He who is still deeply buried in the grave of sin— i.e., in evil habits or sinful desires — is not risen yet to a new life. All our thoughts, all our exertions, should tend towards Heaven. 'If you be risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 121 Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth' (Col. iii. 1, 2). The Sixth Article. ' He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.' (See Short Hist, of Religion, §27.) 1. What is meant by ' He ascended into Heaven ' ? That Jesus Christ, by His own power, with soul and body, went up into Heaven. (Feast of the As cension of our Lord.) 2. Did Christ ascend alone into Heaven*? No ; He took also with Him into Heaven the souls of the just whom He had liberated from Limbo. ' Ascending on high. He led captivity captive ' (Eph. iv. 8). 3. For what purpose did Christ ascend into Heaven ? 1. To take possession of His glory as conqueror of death and hell (Phil. ii. 8-11). 2, To be our Medi ator and Advocate with His Father (Hebr. ix. 24). 3. To send the Holy Ghost to His Disciples (John xvi. 7) ; and 4. To open Heaven, and to prepare a place for us also (John xiv. 2. ) 4. What means, ' Sitteth at the right hand of God ' ? It means that Christ, as man also, is exalted above all created things, and participates in the power and glory of the Divine Majesty. ' He hath raised Him up from the dead, and set Him on His right hand in the heavenly places, above all principality, and power, and virtue, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to oome. And He hath subjected all things under His feet, and hath made Him Head over all the Church' (Eph. i. 20-22). 5, Is Christ, then, not present in all places ? As God He is everywhere ; but as God-Man He is only in Heaven, and in the Holy Eucharist. Application. Consider frequently, especially in yom 122 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. troubles and temptations, that we 'are pilgrims and strangers on the earth,' and that our true country is Heaven, whither Christ has gone to prepare a place for you also. 'Be therefore not ivearied, fainting in your minds,' but ' look on Jesvs, tvho endured the cross, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God' (Hebr. xi. 13, and xii. 2, 3). The Seventh Article. ' From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.' 1. What does the Seventh Article of the Creed teach us ? That Jesus Christ at the end of the world shall come again with great power and glory to judge all men, both the good and the wicked (Acts i. 11). 2. What do you call this judgment ? The general judgment, the last judgment, or the judgment of the world. 3. When will the day of the judgment of the world come ? ' Of that day and hour no one knoweth, no, not the Angels of Heaven' (Matt. xxiv. 36). Nevertheless, Christ and His Apostles have foretold us many things which shall come to pass on the earth before the end of the world (Matt, xxiv., Mark xiii., and 2 Thess. ii.), that the faithful may be on their guard, and not be seduced to fall away. * For there will rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall show signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect' (Mark xiii. 22). 4. How shall we be judged ? We shall be judged according to all our thoughts, words, works, and omissions. 'I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment' (Matt. xii. 36). 5. How will the last judgment be held ? 1. Christ will come in the clouds of Heaven, and gather all nations together before His throne, placing A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 123 the good on His right hand, and the wicked on His left (Matt. xxiv. and xxv.) 2. He will then make manifest the good and the evil that every man has done, even his most secret thoughts, and also the graces which He has given to each one ; and finally He will pronounce judgment upon all (2 Cor. v. 10). ' And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the pre sence of the throne, and the books were opened ; and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works ' (Apoc. xx. 12). ' For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed ; nor hidden, that shall not be known ' (Luke xii. 2, and Mark iv. 22). ' The Lord will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts' (1 Cor. iv. 5). 6. What will be the sentence, and tfte end of the last judgment ? Christ will say to the good : ' Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' But to the wicked He will say : ' Depart from me, ye cursed, into ever lasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. And these shall go into everlasting punish ment: but the just into life everlasting' (Matt, xxv.) 7. Is there not, besides the general, another judg ment ? Yes, there is also the particular judgment, in which every man shall be judged immediately after his death. Therefore the Holy Scripture says : ' It is easy before God in the day of death to reward every one according to his ways ' (Ecclus. xi. 28). 8. WThy will there be a general judgment besides the particular ? For three principal reasons : 1. That God's wisdom and justice may be acknowledged by all men ; 2. That Jesus Christ may be glorified before the whole world ; and 3. That the good may receive the honor due to them, and the wicked the dishonor they have deserved. 1. ' And the heavens shall declare His justice ; for God is judge ' (Ps. xlix. 6). 2. ' They shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven, with much power and majesty ' (Matt. 124 A Catechism of the Catholic Religion. xxiv. 30). 3. 'Then shall those that have afflicted them be amazed at the suddenness of their unexpected salvation, saying within themselves, repenting, and groaning for anguish of spirit: These are they whom we had some time, in derision, and for a parable of reproach. We tools esteemed their life madness, and their end without honor. Behold how they are numbered among the children of God, ana their lot is among the Saints,' etc.