fg p New Jersey Descendants THOMAS CANFIELD and of MATTHEW CAM FIELD "/give thefe Books for the founding of n College in this Colony' BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE PERKINS FUND 1902- iAr^ s« ?v1 ~£ Yu^rC^V*5^ ISRAEL CANFIELD. 1759-1841. A HISTORY of THOMAS CANFIELD and of MATTHEW CAMFIELD with a of t$t\x Stescmbante in NEW JERSEY compiled by FREDERICK A. CANFIELD Dover, N. J. 1897 Copyright 1897 by Frederick A. Canfield. THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE A TAYLOR PRESS, NEW HAVEN, CONN. INTRODUCTION. This book is the outgrowth of a boy's attempt—many years ago—to learn something about his ancestors. In tracing his own line back to Sergeant Thomas Canfield, the Puritan, there was developed a desire, to learn something of the kinship that existed between the many family groups that were found in New Jersey. It soon became evident, that some of the groups, although living side by side, and in some instances in the same house, were related in only a very remote degree. As all were not descendants of Sergeant Thomas, it was necessary to examine, and to partly arrange, the genealogy of the line of Mr. Matthew Camfield, the traditional brother of Sergeant Thomas. Having gone thus far, it seemed a pity to let such data be wasted, for want of a little more exertion ; and so this work has grown, from what was orig¬ inally intended to be a small chart, to its present form and size. This task was not commenced a minute too soon, as the last traces of tradition, necessary in several instances to enable the compiler to classify and fasten the many isolated names on the proper branches of the family tree, were memories in the posses¬ sion of elderly people, nearly all of whom have passed away. In some families the lack of records and tradition, as to events and dates, at one time formed a cloud so dense, that it seemed to be impenetrable, but gradually as one fact after another was placed in its proper position, the atmosphere became clear and the task easier. It is a pleasure to record that, while a few individuals were indifferent, there was but one family that displayed a positive objection to this genealogy. Fortunately this family could not withhold the records of its ancestors, who formed a distinguished and honorable line of descent for seven generations. It is usual in compiling genealogies or family trees to pay but little attention to the descendants of the daughters. This saves labor, but it is hardly just. Their children have the blood of their ancestors, in an equal degree with those of the male line, even if 4 the family name has been changed. In the present work an attempt has been made to give all the descendants down to, and including, the eighth generation. That this has not been done in every case, is due to the lack of the necessary data ; a few families in the fifth generation have been dropped for this reason. In describing the individual members, care has been taken to avoid all allusions or statements that would cause pain to any living relative or connection. Nothing has been said about their religious convictions, their political faith, their private life, or of the causes of their death,—excepting accidents,—because the only persons who have a right to know of these facts possess the best sources of information. It may be said generally that prior to 1800 they were Presbyterians or Congregationalists ; that prior to 1775 they were loyal to the crown of Great Britain ; but after that date they were patriots in the full sense of the word, as many proved by their deeds. Short descriptions of the outsiders who have married into the family are given, in order that they may be more completely identified by their descendants. It has been calculated that, during the period 1620-1640, upwards of 22,000 Puritans and Independents (the figures have been placed as high as 50,000, showing that no exact record was kept) came to New England from English and Dutch ports. Those from the latter being Independents who had previously fled from England to Holland, to escape religious persecution. It is obvious that it would be futile to attempt to locate the homes from which this throng started. In comparatively few cases the record or tradition has been preserved, but with a vast majority of these pilgrims, it is impossible to ascertain even the names of the counties from which they came. Judging from the names they gave to their towns in New England, they came from all the counties in England. We have no knowledge of the hab¬ itat of our ancestors, beyond the fact that they were English. Tradition says they were brothers. It has been claimed that they came from Yorkshire, because the family name (Canfield) was found in that county, but it also existed in Hertfordshire and—as the name of a place—in Essex County, and—as Camfield—in Hertfordshire, Lancaster, Norfolk and Middlesex, and for all we know in other counties. There is a tradition that our ancestors, Thomas and Matthew, with their brother Nathaniel, landed at Plymouth, Mass., and then made their way overland to Connecticut. The American 5 family has descended from these three brothers. But little is known about Nathaniel, who was in Norwalk in 1670, where he had a home lot of five acres, and as his line is not represented in New Jersey, nothing more need be said about him. Matthew Camfield1 was probably in New Haven as early as 1639. He lived there until 1652, when he went to Norwalk. He removed from Norwalk to Newark, New Jersey, in 1666 with the colony that founded that place, and died there in 1673. His four sons, Ebenezer2, Samuel2, Matthew2 and Jonathan2 were with him in Newark. Samuel2 returned to Norwalk about 1669. Jonathan2 died without issue. Thomas Canfield1 is probably the man whose signature to the " Oath of Fidelity" to the New Haven Colony in 1639, is recorded as "Tho. Coefield." He was granted a house lot in Milford—10 miles from New Haven—in 1646, and died there in 1688 or 89. His son Thomas2 died in Milford, at the age of 35, leaving several children, one of whom was Israel3, who, disposing of his interest in his father's estate to his brother Thomas in 1713, left soon after for Newark, N. J., where his name is said to have been found on a jury list dated 1715. After giving as full a description as possible of Matthew Camfield1 and Thomas Canfield1, and of their descend¬ ants to the third generation, this genealogy will be confined to the descendants of Israel Canfield3 and to those of Ebenezer2 and Matthew2 Camfield, as it is intended to include only the New Jersey stock, not the entire family in America. THE NAME. I. IN ENGLAND. It would be a waste of time to attempt to ascertain the origin of our names by an analysis of their present meanings. Their numerous forms lead us into a maze of interpretations, each of which will satisfy the various spellings. It is easy to say that " Campfield " means the " field of the camp," " Camfield " means the " field on the river Cam," and "Canfield" the " field on the river Can." This line of investigation is pleasing and easy, but it is worse than useless, it breeds error. We shall see that in America, the name " Canfield " has been derived from both Campfield and Camfield. We shall also see that the name Camp- field has been derived from Camfield. The meaning of a name that has been modified has no significance, unless its original 6 form can be ascertained. We must go back to the oldest form attainable and interpret it in the language of the period in which we find it. Our ancestors were English, so to England we must go to trace our names. The task of tracing an English family name to its places of origin—for there may be several—is exceedingly difficult in England, and almost impossible in America. All that can be done is to furnish the few items of interest that may be gleaned from the published copies of the baptismal, marriage and burial records, from the genealogies of other families, and from the histories of the towns, parishes, and counties in England. Surnames were not used in England prior to the year 1050 and they did not get into general use until 1300. Almost all English surnames have been derived from some condition that was peculiar to the man who first acquired them ; as of race, nationality, rank, place, trade, color, personal character or physical condition, etc. The second syllable of our name—field, feild or field—however modified in spelling—indicates that it is one of place, and shows, in the forms given below, meanings that are easily understood. Camp grounds were common in England. A man named Thomas, living on the site of one of these places, would become identified with it, as " Thomas of the camp " or " camp-field," which would soon be shortened to "Tom Campfield." Unfortunately the earlier forms of our name do not sustain this easy interpretation. The form " Campfield " has not been found by the compiler in any old English book nor upon any English map. The only evidence that it is of English origin is based upon the following facts. 1st. It is now used in England. 2d. Upon the roots of the family tree, designed and executed by the late Averill B. Can- field, of South Britain, Conn.—a monument to his memory, patience and zeal—are the following statements. "James De Philo a French Hugenot & citizen of Normandy, France, in the 14th Century. In reward for meritorious services to the Crown of England, received honorable mention and a new cognomen, and a grant of land on the River 'Cam,' county of Yorkshire, England. (See English Encyclopedia.)" Also— "James De Philo of Normandy, France became a loyal subject of the Crown in the 14th century. He received cognomen of Cam to De Philo in dis¬ tinction of land grant. Changes of Nomen, England 14th Century, ' Cam-philo ' later ' Camphilo,' at New Haven, Ct. 1639 ' Campfield,' later, Milford, Ct. 7 1680, ' Camfield,' later, Milford, Ct. 1720 ' Canfield.' (See English Encyclo¬ pedia, New Haven & Milford, Church & Town records ; New Haven Probate records.) " This account of the settlement of the Huguenot James de Philo, on the River " Cam " in Yorkshire, has frequently been brought to the attention of the compiler by proud descendants (?), and by professors of heraldry in search of a commission, but when their attention was called to the fact that there is no River " Cam " in Yorkshire, and to the fact that there were no Huguenots until two hundred years after the grant of land was made to James de Philo, the subject was dropped. Assuming that there was a mistake in the dates, but that James de Philo was a Huguenot, he must have lived as late as 1550. If he lived on the real River " Cam " and modified his cognomen as stated, his descendants soon changed it, because it is on record that one Richard Canfeild of Hertfordshire, in 1588, contributed ^25 to the defence of his country. If James de Philo was a true Huguenot he should have staid in France until his sect was conquered in 1628. It was dishonorable for him to desert his cause and take service under a foreign king. The compiler has been unable to find the Encyclopaedia that con¬ tains this story. In none of the books on early English history, that have been examined in this research, has any name been found that bears the slightest resemblance to "de Philo," or to " Camphilo." The following extracts from local English histories have a special interest, as they tend to show how two of the forms of our name have been developed independently : and even if it is impossible, at the present time, to locate the English homes of our ancestors, and thus make use of this information, the time may come when some clue will lead us to the right spot. All obtain¬ able data that pertain to the family, and that are older than the migration of the Puritans, will be given below. The Parish of Tunstall* comprehends the townships of Tunstall,—Cantsfield—Leck—Nether Burrow, and Overburrow. Cantsfield.—Thurland Castle, the foundation of sir Thomas Tunstall, who obtained permission from Henry IV., to fortify and kernell it, then newly erected, stands in Cantsfield, on a slightly elevated site, which rises from a monotonary flat, bounded on the south by the Greta and on the north * History of The County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, by Edward Baines, Esq. M. P. London, 1836, vol. iv, page 613. 8 by the Cant. It encloses an irregular angular court, which is approached through a gateway, on the west. The wings, towers, and battlements, sur¬ rounded by a deep circular moat, give it a fortress-like aspect. The defences enabled it to sustain a long and obstinate siege, which left it a ruin, during the civil wars. The account of this siege as given by Colonel Rigby in his despatch to the speaker of the house of commons dated from Preston, on the 17th October, 1643, is curious and characteristic. The name of this castle and manor of which the descent has been already described, occurs as Thurgoland, Thorsland, Thursland, and Fryrreland, for Tyrreland by Leland, who designates it "An ancient castle or manor-place of stone of the Tonstalls." It is evidently the land of Thor, or Tor, a Saxon proprietor. The erection of the modern buildings, about the castle, in a style corresponding with that edifice, was commenced about twenty-three years ago, and the south wing was built about 1826-7. Cantsfield with Farlton was held by Hugh de Morwyc, of William de Lancaster; and Adam de Montebegon gave to Geoffrey de Valons 6 caru- cates in these townships, to be held by knight service. Cantsfield had, therefore, been alienated at that time from the fee of Lancaster, and annexed to Hornby, where it is named among the places granted, in 11 Henry III., to Hugh de Burgh, the chief justice. It gave name to an ayicient family, whose heiress, married one of the Harringtons of Aldingham ; and was in possession of the Tunstalls in the reign of Edward III. The act of resumption, passed 7 and 8 Edward IV., confirmed letters patent granted to John Tunstall, apparently uncle of sir Richard, " of the manor of Lek, with th' appurtenauncez in the Counte of Lancastr, xvj Mess', cclx Acres of Lande and Medowe jjJj Acres of Pasture, More and Turbarie, and a Watermylne, with th' appurtenauncez in Lek aforesaid and halfendele of the Manere of Cauncefeld, with th' appurtenauncez, in the Counte aforesaid, and xn Mes', c and Acres of Lande Mede, cc Acres of More, with y'appurtenauncez, in Cauncefeld aforesaid," "which were Richard Tunstall knyght and came to oure hands by the forfaiture of the same Richard Tunstall." A younger branch of the Cantsfields, who were also of Robert Hall, in Tatham, inhabited, in the 17th century, the hall of Cantsfield, now a farm-house belonging to sir John Gerard, bart.; one of the Catholic gentlemen who solic¬ ited Charles I., when at York, to avoid civil strife, was John Cansfield, Esq. Mary, the daughter and heiress of sir J. Cansfield, married sir William Gerard, bart., father of the knight of the same name, who was born in 1697. Of Cants¬ field, Mr. Holland Watson says, that it " probably had its name from some remarkable battle fought there, and from being most likely the place where Canutus vanquished Uhtred, count or tane of Northumberland. We are told by Cressey, in his Church History, b. 38, c. 31, that Canutus was met by this earl (though he mentions not the place) in order to stop, if possible, his further progress into the north. What makes this opinion more probable is, that there is a large place, adjoining to the town, called the Barrows, where tradition says abundance of men were buried after a battle." From the statement of the Saxon Annalist, it does not appear that Uhtred ever engaged with Canute in Northumberland unless the solitary expression, J beahpg. Sir Michael le Fleming. = . . . William =... leFlem- ing, Of Alding- ham, son and heir. 1 Richard,2d Daniel, Anselm Jordan Goditha, son, from a priest, deFur- deFur- had three namd. in ness, ness. carucates SirMich- living of land, ael's ist 13 Joh. from her charter father, in to Fur- Adgarley. ness. whom pro¬ ceed the present fa¬ mily of Rvdal, co. Westm. Sir Michael le Fleming,=. . . . de Furness. I William le Fleming,=. . . . son and heir. I Thomas de Haverington, = . . temp. Hen. III. Michael de Harrington.=. . Sir Michael le Fleming, drowned in Leven Water, 1269. s. p. Alicia, succeeded=: Richard de her brother. Cancefield. John de Cancefield, living 1256, ob. s.p. William de Cancefield, heir to his brother, ob. s.p. Agnes, heiress to her=Sir Robert de Harrington, brother William. I lord of Aldingham in right of his wife, temp. Edw. I. Juliana, dau. of Richard =John de Harrington, of Aldingham, &c. by gift of his= Johanna, living Berlingham. mother; knighted 34 Edw. I.; baron in parliament, 15 Edw. III. by summons, from 18 Edw. II. to his death, 21 Edw. III. _ . ( Sir Robert Harrington, = . ... Sir John Harrington, = Katherine, dau. of Sir Thomas Harrington. died before his father. I of Farlton, 2d son, I Robert Sherburne. ob. 33 Edw. III. I Sir John Harring-—Johanna, dau. of ton, of Alding¬ ham, Lord Har¬ rington, eldest s., died 37 Edw. III. Walter Berming- ham, living 11 Edw. III. and 24 Edw. III. _ ! Robert Harring- Simon, ancestor ton, ancestor of the Lords Har¬ rington of Exton, co. Rutland. of Harring¬ tons of Bish- ton. I I [ Thomas Har- Sir Nici-iolas=Isabella, rington, of Harrington, dau. &h. Farlton, ob. of Farlton, 2d of Sir 35 Edw. III. son, a knt. 49 William Ed. III., iiv- English, ivg 15 Ric. II. Sir Robert: Harring¬ ton, Lord Harring¬ ton, ob. 7 Hen. IV. Isabell, d. Elizabeth, Sir Wm. = Margaret, Margaret, • Nicholas, Margaret, Eleanor. and coh. of married Sir Harring- Sir Nich. John Stan- ton, of ley, K.G. Hornby of Lathom. Loring, K.G. castle, Farlton, &c., stand¬ ard-bearer at the bat¬ tle of Agin- court, ob. 29 Hen. VI. dau. of Sir w. of Rich. Robert Huddles- Neville, of ton, of Mil- Hornby lum. castle. ancestor 3d dau. & of Harring- coheir of fT § S'g" ton of g c Heyton- .*'0 hey. Thos. La¬ thom. Mary. Agnes. Sir John, William=Kather- Lord Har- Harring- rington, ton, of mar. Eliza- Alding- beth ham, Ld. &d. 5 Hen. Harring- V. ton, d. 15 Hen :3vi. ine, eldest Harrington, dau. of of Hornby cas- Hugh tie, slain, with Court- his son John, ney, Earl at the battle of of Devon. Wakefield, 1460. Sir Thomas= Elizabeth, Kather- dau.& coh. of Thos. de Dacre, ob. 8 April, 2 Ric. III. ine, w. of Sir Ric. Molineux, of Sefton. Agnes, w. of Alex. RadclifFe, of Ordsall. John Har-= Isabell, rington, of Doncas- ter. dau. & h. of Rich. Sewer, of Doncaster. Elizabeth, — William, only child, and heir expectant, died in her father's lifetime. Ld. Bon- ville, of Chuton, co. Som- ers. II II I g; Joan, w. of Anne. > Sir John Kathe- o Savile, of rine. > Thornhill, Agnes. w co. York. SirJOHN=matil- =Ed- H. slain at Wake¬ field. Sir James=Joan, d. Sir Robert = Isabel- da, dau. of Thom¬ as, Ld. Clif¬ ford. mund Dud¬ ley, 2nd husb. H. of Brierly, co. York, attainted 1 Hen. VII., died in poverty. h. of John Nevile, of Ov- ersly, co. Warw. H. of Buddes- worth, co. York, at¬ tainted i Hen. VII. la, d. & coh. of Wm. Balder- ston, of Balder- ston. William=Katherine, Bonville, Lord Har¬ rington ; d. 1 Edw. IV. d. of Rich. Nevile, Earl of Salisbury. John Stan-= Elizabeth,==Richard ley, of younger Beaumont, dau.&coh. of Whitley d. 7 Hen. Beaumont, VII. ; 2nd 2nd husb.; w. to both Dec. 1540. husbands. Melling, nat. son ot Jas. S., bp.of Ely. Anne, dau. John Har- James, rec- Jane Harring- coh.,_ist ringtoNj tor of Bad- ton, sister and desworth, and dean of York, d. 1512,s.p. wife of Ed¬ ward Stan¬ ley, Lord Monteagle, Issue. j poisoned at the Temple, 2 Hen. VIII. s. p. heir, married Edmund Tal¬ bot, of Bashall, living 13 Hen. VII. Cecilia, dau. and heir.=THOMAS Grey, Marquis of Dorset. ["homas Grey, Marquis of Dorset, died 22 Hen. VIII. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Robert Wotton. Henry Grey, created Duke of Suffolk by Edward VI, beheaded 23 Feb., 2 Mariae, 1554, on account of his daughter, Lady Jane Grey. 12 The following extracts are taken from descriptions of Essex County, England : * Formerly there were twelve castles, or fortified buildings in this county ; [Essex] four of which have been denominated Royal Castles, as built for national security. These are Colchester, Hadleigh, Languard Fort, and Tilbury Fort. The other eight were Castellated mansions; but formed for great strength and security. These were, Candfield and Iledingham, belonging to the De Veres, Earls of Oxford. &c. f GREAT CAN FIELD, or Canfield ad Castrum, as it is sometimes called, attained its latter appellation from a Castle belonging to the De Veres, Earls of Oxford, by one of whom it is generally supposed to have been built : the mount, or keep, still remains, and is planted with trees ; the area in which it stands is surrounded by a deep moat, encompassing about two acres. This place, from the similitude of its name, and from its situation being at no great distance from the little river Can, has been thought the ancient Canonium; but apparently on insufficient grounds. The Can river joins the Chelmer at Chelmsford. \ DUNMOW HUNDRED, Canefield. South of Little Easton, and west- south-west of Great Dunmow, lie the two parishes of Great and Little Canefield : The meaning Catie and field is obvious enough. The name is otherwise written in records, Canfeild, Canedfeld, Kaneveles. A foot note says— This name might be occasioned by the quantity of Canes or Reeds, growing in the river Rodon, which runs through these two parishes. Hughde Vere, Earl of Oxford, who dyed 16 Decemb. 1263, held this maner of Kaneveles of the King in Capite. &c. In Domesday book, fol. 35. a. Tit. 21, it is given Canefeldam tenet Albericus de Verde Comite, quod tenuit Eddeva, T. R. E. pro i hida & xxx acris. &c. In the neighborhood of Great Canfield and Little Canfield are found "Great Canfeild Park," "Canfeild Hall," "Canfeild Marsh farm." About four miles west of Great Canfield is the border of Hert¬ fordshire, within which county many Camfields and Canfields have lived for centuries. There are good reasons for believing * The Beauties of England and Wales, by Edward Wedlake Brayley & John Burton. London, 1810, vol. v, page 244. f Ibid, page 415. % The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, by Philip Morant, M.A. London, 1768, vol. ii, page 460. 13 that this is the county whence our forefathers came. The follow¬ ing extracts are of interest : * CAMFIELD PLACE, or Wild Hall, in Essenden Parish [Hertford] was sodd by the Priestley family, its former owners, to Thomas Brown, Esq. In a list of old deeds of the Manor of Annables, otherwise Kings- bourne Hall, is given the following— f Harpenden. (March 1279) Agnes, widow of Thomas de Canvyle, grants to Roger de Kynnesburne all her lands in Whathamsted, now in the occupation of the said Roger. &c. The spelling "Canvyle" is as near Canfield as Kynnesburne is to Kingsbourne, both being phonetic spellings. % The Names of the Nobility, Gentry and others of the County of Hertford, who contributed to the defense of this Country at the time of the Spanish Inva¬ sion, in 1588. Among 68 other subscriptions is this : Richard Canfeild, sexto de Maii^25. § Hundred of Broadwater, Codicote. Pedigree of the Family of Penne. Thomas Penne, Esq., bur at Codicote 15 July 1602 aet. 70. m. 2 ux. Agnes Camfield, 20 Nov. 1600. || St. Albans. A description of a St. Albans Token (farthing) Ob. Edward Camfield in center E. E. C. ; Rev. In Saint Albons ; in center, 1656. There was another token issued at that time by Jacobus Cam- feild of London. Among a list of Assistants of the "Burrough of St. Albans" in 1686, is the name Thomas Camfield. In the record of marriage licenses issued by the Bishop of London are the following entries. 1" 27 April 1579, John Leder of Rickmansworth, Co. Herts, & Agnes Cam- field, Spinster of same ; at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf. Also : T[ 16 Nov. 1612, Thomas Buckle of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, Cooper; & Mary Cansfield, widow of Marmaduke Cansfield. Felt maker: at St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf. * The Beauties of England and Wales, &c. vol. vii, page 280. f History of Hertfordshire, by John Edwin Cussans. London, 1879-1881, vol. iii, page 354. % The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, &c. by Robert Clut- terbuck, Esq. F. S. A. London, 1815, vol. i, page xxxvi. § Ibid, vol. ii, page 306. || Hist, of Hertfordshire, by John Edwin Cussans, vol. iii, p. 310. T[ The Publications of The Harleian Society, vol. xxv. 14 II. IN AMERICA. The correct spelling of this surname has long been in contro¬ versy among the different branches of the family in America. Thomas Canfield, Senior, of Milford, Conn., is generally referred to in local histories as Sergeant Thomas Campfield. As none of his autographs can be found, the next best evidence as to the way he spelled his name is the official record of his signature. Many documents are recorded in Milford, and in New Haven, to which he attached his signature, but a careful examination failed to show a single instance where he spelled his name Campfield. The record of his will indicates that he signed that instrument "Thomas Can- pheild, Sen'r," which is a phonetic spelling of Canfield.* One record of his signature gives it as " Camfield." With these two exceptions the records give all his signatures as "Canfield." It makes no difference how other people wrote the name, as he would not be affected by their ignorance. According to the land records in Milford, the public until 1660 wrote the name as he did, after which date his name is spelled "Camfield," 15 times," "Campfield," 17 times, " Campphield," 3 times, and "Canfield" only once. In the Probate Office in New Haven the record of his signature to various legal documents is given nine times. Eight of these are spelled "Canfield." The other, attached to his will, is as given above. In the will of Phebe, widow of Thomas Canfield, Senior, the name is always spelled "Canfield." His son Jeremiah2 used the same spelling when signing a deed in 1701. No case has been found where any descendant of Thomas Can- field, Senior, has spelled his name Camfield or Campfield. Matthew, the traditional brother of Thomas Canfield, Senior, wrote his name Camfield, Camfeild and Camfel. In the Probate Office in New Haven there are two inventories on record, one dated 1648, and the other 1649, both of which are signed " Mathew Camfeild." It is so spelled in the list of signers of the Plantation Covenant, the document which contained the terms of agreement made by the Colonists who located and founded the City of Newark, N. J. The signature to his will is mutilated, but the copy in the ancient official record gives it as Mathew Camfeild.f His son Ebenezer2 signed the same covenant with similar spell¬ ing. On a bond dated 5 Jan. 1689 he spelled his name Camfeild.f * In some of the early records the word " profane " is spelled " prophane." f A facsimile of his signature is given with his biography. i5 His will tells us nothing, as he signed with his mark, when he was doubtless too weak to write. All the names in this will are written "Canfield," but his brother Matthew2, as one of the wit¬ nesses to the signature, signs himself " Mathew Camfeild." * Jonathan5, another brother of Ebenezer2, made his will in 1685, but signed with his mark ; all the names in it are written " Can- field." Ebenezer's2 son, Deacon Joseph®, signed his will with his mark, when he too, was in extremis j and all the names in the will are spelled Canfield, but when the Surrogate probated the will, he wrote the name several times, and always " Camfield." On the monument that once stood in the " Old Burying Ground" on Broad Street, Newark, N. J. was inscribed "Here lyes Interr'd ye Body of Deacon Joseph Camfield who departed this Life Decem¬ ber ye 14th A. D. 1733 in ye 52d year of his Age." Benjamin4, the son of Deacon Joseph, signed his will " Benj : Camfield," * and the inscription on his tombstone gave the same name. His brother Abiel4 spelled his name in the same manner, as do all of Abiel Camfield's4 descendants. So far we have traced the name of Camfield for four genera¬ tions, covering a period of more than a century, and have found no deviation in the spelling used by Matthew1 the Puritan. At about this time (1750) there seems to have been a confusion of names, or a dissatisfaction with the old way of spelling. Perhaps it was caused by Deacon Joseph's3 son Ebenezer4, who changed to "Canfield,"* while his nephew (Dr. Jabez5, son of Benjamin4) became a " Campfield." * Be this as it may, the facts as to the line of Deacon Joseph3 are, that the descendants of his son Benja¬ min4 spell the name " Campfield," those of his son Abiel4 retain " Camfield," while the progeny of his son Ebenezer4 use, without exception, " Canfield," to this day. Going back to Matthew1 the Puritan, we find that his son Matthew2 spelled the name " Cam¬ feild," as stated above, and his name attached to a number of deeds and other documents is spelled the same way (except when he spells it Canfeild and Canfield). His son John3 spelled his name as his father did (sometimes Camfeild or Camfeild),* but John's children, one hundred years after their ancestor Matthew Cam- field1 landed in this country, changed their names to " Campfield," which spelling has been followed by their descendants to the * A facsimile of his signature is given with his biography. 16 i present time, with but few exceptions,—all modern—where the name has been changed to "Canfield." With the exception of one family, the head of which was born in New Jersey and is still living, there appears to have been no Campfields nor Camfields living in Connecticut for more than two centuries, and to-day it is safe to say that, whenever these names are found, their owners can trace their ancestry to the New Jersey families. In view of all these facts it is amusing to read letters, begging the compiler to remember that " Campfield " is the correct name, and that "Canfield should be rejected as it is Irish," which if true, would not be a good reason. It is easy to see why such an opinion is held. There are people of Irish descent by the name of Canfield, but as far as is known it is a corruption of some good old Irish name, having a similar sound when spoken, or a close resemblance when written. The writer knew a man who went by the name of Patrick Canfield, when living in the vicinity of peo¬ ple of that name, but when he changed his place of residence his name was Patrick Cantwell. Another case was found by the writer ; in the directory of a large city the addresses of Bernard Canfield, and Bernard Caufield, were given at the same house : the latter name was the correct one. The bearers of the names Caufield and Caulfield are often called Canfield, much to their indignation. In this book there is no attempt made to force the members of the family to adopt a uniform mode of spelling, but each name is given exactly as its owner used it or tried to use it. The pride with which the owners of the longest name proclaim their possession of the " only original " spelling, would be harm¬ less, if it were not for the fact that the variations of the name tend to weaken the bond of kinship. Probably but few changes will be made in the future. The compiler will feel repaid for his labor, if by publishing this book, he helps to perpetuate and impress the fact that we are all of one family. The following list includes all the different spellings of the name that have been found in the records and histories. The dates indicate the age of the earliest instance that is known to the compiler. The asterisk marks the spellings that are given in the original or in the recorded copies of autographs ; these are not always as old as the dates. 17 ENGLISH. Cancefeld (1290) Cancefield Cauncefeld Caunsfield Cawncefeld Cantesfelt Cantsfield (1227) Cansfeld Cansfield (1612) Canefeldam (1086) Canefield Canedfeld Canfeyld (1639) Canfeild (1588) Canfield (1665) Canvyle (1279) Camfeild Camfield (1579) Camefelde (1528) Campfield Camfyld Kaneveles (1263) *Canfield (1646) Canfieald *Canfeild (1646) Canfeilde (1680) Canphield (1687) *Canpheild (1687) Canphile Canfild (1705) Canfeilld Canffeild (1673) Candfield (1677) Cranfield (1746) Cornfield (1746) AMERICAN. *Camfield (1650) *Camfeild (1648) Camphilld (1708) Camphile (1654) Camphield (1758) *Camfel (1644) *Camfelld (1689) *Camfeilld (1695) Camfild (1705) Camfeid (1705) Camfile Camfill (1654) Camefeild (1659) "Campfield (1654) Campfeild (1663) Camppheild (1667) Campphield (1671) THE ARMS. It is customary in compiling the genealogy of an American family to say something about the arms and crests that have been borne by its ancestors. It is evident that any English arms, granted since the departure of the Puritans, can have no interest for their descendants. Probably no set of men, of their intelligence, has ever lived, who thought less of such honors than they did. Their principal anxiety seemed to be to get as far away as possible from all emblems of rank and worldly pride, resting content with the certain reward, at the end of a hard, life-long struggle to avoid attaining it too soon. As the English family connections of Thomas Canfield1, and of Matthew Camfield1, are not known, it is impossible to say whether they were entitled to bear arms. There is a possibility that they 2 i8 I. Sa. a fret engr. and in the dexter 2. Ar. a fret eng. sa. on a canton chief corner a cinquefoil. of the last a lure of the first. 3. Argent, a fret engrailed, sable. Crest, Out of a tower a demi lady ppr. 19 may have had the right, as it is certain that others of their names had such a privilege. Some one in the future may be fortunate enough to solve this question. It is therefore thought best to show what the English arms are. The illustrations have been carefully prepared from designs and descriptions found in the standard works on Heraldry. Every conceit that could be found is shown. Nothing is known as to the age of these designs, and but little about their English homes. Design No. i is attributed to the Yorkshire family, while design No. 3 is said to belong to the Norfolk family. The others have not been located. It will be noticed that all but one of the designs include the principal device—the fret—that is borne on the arms of the Flem¬ ing and Harrington families (see page 11), showing plainly that the Herald's College considered the right of the Canfields or Camfields to bear arms was due to the position that was held by the Cance- field family, as a connecting link between the Fleming and the Harrington families. No motto is shown on any of the English designs. The motto " Per crucem ad coronam" given by the late Averill B. Canfield on his Family Tree was adopted by him, at the suggestion of a member of the family, who is now living near Philadelphia, Pa. THE SYSTEM. As far as can be learned, the system used in this book is new, and it is hoped that it will be found convenient and satisfactory. The annoyance that a reader encounters, when trying to find a description of some individual, in a genealogy that is written on, the commoner systems, is very great, if the name sought for happens to be a popular one. It may be necessary to refer from the index to the text a dozen times before the right description is found. This difficulty is avoided in the present system, as the descriptions of persons of the same name are so grouped together, that it is easy to find the one desired. To do this it is necessary to destroy the family groups, but as these are supplied by the charts no loss is sustained. The descriptions of persons in this book are divided into two groups. The first group contains those who bear the family name and is arranged according to the alphabetical order of the 20 Christian names, which are again arranged according to the num¬ ber of their generation in America. The second group includes the names of those who have married into the family, together with the descendants of the daughters who have lost the family name by marriage. These are arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname. Each descendant, before the ninth generation, is referred to the charts. The small figures that are attached to many of the names, indi¬ cate the number of the generation in America to which the descendant belongs, as for example " Thomas Canfield1" and " Matthew Camfield1 " shows that they belong to the first genera¬ tion. The charts show the family groups. The generations are placed in vertical columns, and are developed from left to right. Chart i shows the first five generations in America, in the line of Thomas Canfield1. Such members of the fifth generation as had children and grand-children have separate charts upon which their descendants are extended to the eighth generation. When the number of the descendants is too great to be extended on one page, the remainder of the family will be found on the succeeding chart. This is done to avoid large folding charts. The line of Matthew Camfield1 begins on Chart 14. The names of the children of a family are only given in the biography of the father. When a name in the alphabetical lists is referred to another name, it indicates that but little is known about the person, or that a child died young, or belongs to a late generation. This book is not intended as a substitute for the family tree that was compiled by the late Averill B. Canfield. It covers several branches of the family, that he was unable to trace. Of the 1199 names given on the tree, but 41 are duplicated by this book, which includes the names of 941 descendants in the male lines, and 1153 descendants in the female lines, together with more than 450 different and distinct family names with which they are allied. As it is impossible in a work of this kind to avoid errors and omissions, the compiler will esteem it a favor to receive correc¬ tions and additions, so that, if their importance and number should warrant it, a page of errata may be prepared, and distrib¬ uted among the subscribers. BIOGRAPHIES. PART I. CANFIELD, CAMFIELD, CAMPFIELD. EXPLANATORY. To find a name on a chart ; first find the number of the chart given at the end of the description of the individual, in the alpha¬ betical lists ; then notice the number of the generation as shown by the small figure that is attached to the name. The name will be found on the chart, in the column that includes the other mem¬ bers of that generation. For example "Aaron Canfield6" is referred to Chart 4. His name is in the column that is devoted to the sixth generation on that chart. ABBREVIATIONS. a or aet. b. B or bap. aged, born. dau. d. y. daughter of. died young, married, never married, son of. about. Ch. ch. d. Baptised. Church. child or children, died. m. n. m. s. ± BIOGRAPHY. Aaron Canfield6, s. David & Sarah (Collard) Canfield. b. 20 Dec. 1792. d. 8 Sept. 1821, in Newark, m. Catharine Ward, 8 Feb. 1816. 1 ch. Jane Ward7 (b. 29 Sept. 1819. d. 26 May 1831). He lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 4. Aaron Campfield6, s. Samuel & Mary (Aber) Campfield. bap. 30 Nov. 1800 (as an adult) in Hanover, N. J. m. Sally Min- thorn, 20 Sept. 1806 in Madison, N. J. Chart 20. Aaron Canfield7. see William Canfield6. Chart 4. Aaron Campfield7. see Matthew Campfield6. Chart 25. Aaron Campfield8. see Henry Brown Campfield7. Chart 25. Aaron Ball Campfield6, s. Robert Bond & Phebe (Ball) Camp¬ field. b. 5 May 1807. d. 21 March 1871 in Morristown, N. J. m. Henrietta Robertson of Morristown, 13 Nov. 1838. no ch. He is buried in the yard of St. Peter's Ch., Morristown. Chart 28. Aaron Barzillai Campfield8, s. Alfred W. & Elvina (Miller) Campfield. b. 24 April 1849. m. Catharine Edwards, 16 Nov. 1870. 1 ch. Laura E.9 (d. aet. 3 yrs.) He is a mason. He lives at Vailsburg, N. J. Chart 22. Aaron G. Campfield7, s. Matthew & Fanny M. (Genung) Camp¬ field. b. 1 June 1834. m. Caroline E. S. C. Ross, 8 May 1859. 4 ch. Bertha M8. Aaron G.8 (b. 28 Aug. 1872. d. 20 Feb. 1873). Alta G8. Arabelle8. He is a contracting builder. He lives in Richmond, Ind. Chart 21. Aaron G. Campfield8. see Aaron G. Campfield.7 Chart 21. Aaron Johnson Campfield7. see Jabez Camfield6. Chart 16. Aaron Shepard Canfijeld7. see Thomas Canfield6. Chart 2. Abbot D. Canfield8, s. Thomas Collard & Lucinda E. (Kelsey) Canfield. b. 19 Nov. 1854. m. 1 Henrietta Arzelia Canfield8, 6 July 1876. 3 ch. Florence Louise9. Thomas Collard9. Lucinda Elizabeth9, m. 2 Mrs. Ellen Sawyer (Avidow). He is a mason by trade and a musician by profession. Chart 4. Abby Campfield6. see Robert Bond Campfield5. Chart 28. Abby Ann Campfield8. see Robert Bond Campfield5. Chart 28. Abby Hayes Canfield8. see Moses Canfield7. Chart 2. 24 Abiel Camfield4, s. Deacon Joseph & Rachel (Dalglish) Cam- field. b. . d. about Jan. 1745/6. m. Joanna Johnson. 1 ch. Abiel5. He lived in Newark, N. J. His will was dated 2 Dec. 1745, and proven 14 Feb. 1745/6. Buried in the Old Burying Ground on Broad St. Newark, N. J. Chart 14. Abiel Camfield5, s. Abiel & Joanna (Johnson) Camfield. b. 30 Aug. 1744. d. 7 Aug. 1805. m. Mary . 10 ch. Lydia6. Jabez6. Joseph6 (b. 1 May 1772. d. 17 July 1773). Joanna6. David6. Mary6. Eliza6. Abiel6. Joseph6 (b. 24 Aug. 1786. d. 10 Nov. 1789). Sarah6. He was elected to the following offices in Newark, N. J. 1784 Collector. 1785-1797 Chosen Freeholder. 1794-1805 Overseer of the Poor. 1801-1805 Pound Master. He was one of the committee in charge of the construc¬ tion of the present 1st Presbyterian Church building in Newark, N. J. He contributed ^40, to the building fund. He, and his wife (she b. 10 Aug. 1744. d. 6 April 1811) are buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Charts 14-16-17. Abiel Camfield6, s. Abiel & Mary ( ) Camfield. b. 5 Dec. 1784. d. 11 April 1828 in Augusta, Ga. m. Rebecca Longstreet 10 Oct. 1809. 9 ch. Hannah Margaret7. William Augustus7. Elizabeth Jones7. Mary Eliza7. Rebecca Longstreet7. John Howard7 (b. 4 July 1820. d. 30 Aug. 1841). Lydia Harrison7. Octavia Philura7. Sarah Ann Milledge7. He was in business in New York City. While still a young man he moved to Augusta, Ga., where he married, and became a prosperous merchant. Chart 17. Abigail Canfield2, dau. Thomas & Phebe (Crane) Canfield. bap. 3 Dec. 1665 in Milford, Conn. In 1687 her father wills her " three acres of land in the Old planes on ye heither side." In 1690 her mother wills her " Staples, one payre of sheets, & one shirt, & a shift and a little piece of druggett." Nothing more is known about her. Chart 1. Abigail Canfield4, dau. Israel & Sarah (Johnson) Canfield. m Beach. Lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 1. Abigail Canfield5, dau. Thomas & Elizabeth (Baldwin) Can- field. b. 23 Aug. 1754. d. 26 Oct. 1848 ast 94 y. 2 m. 3 d. m. John Johnson. 7 ch. She is buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Chart 1. Abigail Canfield6, dau. David & Sarah (Collard) Canfield. b. 17 Oct. 1790. d. 27 Jan. 1852. m. John Bedell 30 June 1810. 8 ch. Chart 4. Abigail Canfield6, dau. Samuel & Mary (Shaw) Campfield. b. 25 Nov. 1797. d. 3 Jan. 1842. m. Elias Genung, 24 Dec. 1816. 8 ch. Chart 21. AUGUSTUS CANFIELD. 1801 -1854. 25 Abiram Canfield3, s. Thomas & Rebecca (Adkinson) Canfield. bap. 5 Jan. 1689. d. 1772. m. Ruth Washburn, 12 Sept. 1717. 8 ch. David4. Abiel4. Josiah4. Samuel4. William4. John4. Josiah4. Joseph4. In a deed on record in Milford, Conn, dated 3 March 1712, he is mentioned as " Abiram or as commonly called Abiel Canfield." The church record at Milford, says he was born after his father's death. He removed early from Milford and settled at Derby, Conn. His descendants will not be followed in this book. Chart 1. Abner Canfield5, s. Abraham & Sarah (Sealy) Canfield. bap. 19 March 1769. d. 2 Dec. 1798. n. m. Buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Morristown, N.J. In a letter written 9 July 1793, to his half brother Dr. Peter Turner, Dr. Jabez Campfield says " I expect this letter will be handed to you by Mr. Abner Canfield the fifth son of Mr. Abraham Canfield. He is a worthy young gentleman and my particular friend. His health is greatly im¬ paired. Wishing it may be mended by the voyage, he is about setting out for Rhode Island, and will possibly call upon you at your house. Should that be the case I recommend him to your attention, and whatever civilities he may receive from you I shall esteem as paid to myself," &c. Chart 1. Abner Harris Canfield6, s. Abraham & Elizabeth (Hunt) Can- field. b. about 1797. d. 29 Oct. 1823. n. m. He was taken ill on a boat on the Ohio River, and died at the house of Garrett VanHorn DeWitt, in Cincinnati, O. He lived in Morristown, and at Hunts Mills, Hunterdon Co., N. J. Chart 11. Abraham Canfield4, s. Israel & Sarah (Johnson) Canfield. b. 1732, in Newark, N. J., d. 29 July 1789 set. 57. m. 1 st Sarah Sealy. 12 ch. Mary5. Sarah6. Israel6 Hannah6. Isaac6. Jacob6 Abraham6. Abner6. Phebe6. Anna6. David Sealy6. child (b. 1 Sept. 1775. d. y.). m. 2. Sarah * whom he mentions in his will, dated 15 May 1789. He wills her "^25, proclamation money and all the goods and chattels she was possessed of at time of marriage, in lieu of dower and not otherwise." She died in Newark, N. J. 28 Dec. 1795, set. 64. Her will dated 30 Nov. 1795, was proven 30 Dec. 1795. She was buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Abraham Canfield * There is a tradition that he married Sarah Hedden, of Newark, N. J. 26 removed from Newark to Morristown, N. J. He settled at New Vernon, N. J., where he built a forge, and made iron from ore brought in saddle bags, from the Dickerson mine, a distance of thirteen miles. He had a store and a large tract of land. He was an express rider (Light horse) in the American army of the Rev¬ olution. He died at the house of his friend and physician Dr. Jabez Campfield, in Morristown, N. J. Chart i. Abraham Canfield5, s. Abraham & Sarah (Sealy) Canfield. bap. 21 June 1767 in Morristown, N. J. d. 28 Aug. 1811, at Squire's Point, Sussex (now Warren) Co. N. J. m. Elizabeth Hunt of Hunts Mills (now Clinton), Hunterdon Co., N. J. 3 ch. Catharine Mary6. William Hunt6. Abner Harris8. He was born near Morristown, N. J. Studied medicine with Dr. Jabez Campfield, and was licensed to practice in 1788. He was skilful in the treat¬ ment of typhus fever, and paid special attention to the sanitary surroundings of his patients. He was an incorporator of the New Jersey Medical Society, in 1790. He was one of the original proprietors of the Morris Aqueduct Company in Morristown, N. J. Buried at Lebanon, N. J. Charts 1-11. Abraham Campfield,6 s. Robert Bond & Phebe (Ball) Camp¬ field. b. 9 Aug. 1797. d. 25 Aug. 1846. m. Charlotte M. Camp. 15 Feb. 1827, in Newark, N. J. 3 ch. Robert Ball7. Joseph Alfred7. Anne Elizabeth7. He was a practicing physician in Newark, N. J., where he lived and died. He was treasurer of the Newark Bible Society in 1829. Buried in Mt. Pleasant Cem. Newark, N. J. Chart 28. Abraham Canfield7. see Henry Canfield6. Abraham Browning Canfield9. see Isaac Augustus Canfield8. Abraham C. Canfield6, s. Jacob & Eunice (Munson) Canfield. b. 15 Sept. 1787. d. 5 Dec. 1841, in Morristown, N. J. m. Sarah C. Waynman 6 May 1818. 1 ch. Mary Waynman7. He was a mer¬ chant in Morristown, N. J. Was a member of the firm of Can- field & Mulford (Levi) until Jan. 1812 ; and was a member of the firm of Canfield & Wetmore (Wm. H.) until 18 April 1820. In 1816 he subscribed $25.00 to the fund of $1600.00, raised to pay for land to be added to the Morristown Green (a park). In 1841, he was appointed Justice of the Peace. Chart 9. Abram Canfield7, s. Jacob & Prussia (Edwards) Canfield. b. 5 March 1833, in Newark, N. J. m. Eunice R. Johnson 20 March 1867 at Hackettstown, N. J. 1 ch. Harriet Amelia8 (b. 20 March 1870). He is a carpenter in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. 27 Absalom J. Campfield7, s. Joel & Elizabeth (Lacy) Campfield. b. 26 May 1819. m. Helen Eliza Hemphill 9 July 1848. 9 ch. Sarah Ann8. George A.8 (b. 19 Aug. 1852). John Martin8. William Alexander8. Amanda Alice8. Chloe Elizabeth8 (b. 21 April 1863. d. 27 Oct. 1865). Frank Lemuel8 (b. 13 Sept. 1866. d. 22 March 1891. n. m.). Charles Jasper8. Cora May8 (b. 18 Nov. 1873, d. 6 July 1880). He is a blacksmith; lives at Ridott, 111. Chart 20. Ada Campfield9. see William Henry Campfield8. Ada Campfield10. see George Alexander Campfield9. Adaline Florence Canfield8, dau. Charles I. & Margaret (Pren¬ tiss) Canfield. b. 28 May 1862. She lives in Washington, D. C. Chart 19. Adeline Canfield8. see Isaac Canfield7. Chart 19. Albert B. Canfield8. see Albert O. Canfield7. Chart 8. Albert Emmons Canfield8. see Moses Horace Canfield7. Chart 4. Albert Harvey Campfield8. see Theodore A. Campfield7. Chart 24. Albert O. Canfield7, s. Josiah Flint & Abigail R. (Clark) Can- field. b. 4 Nov. 1857. m. Elizabeth Bewsher, 18 Dec. 1889. 2 ch. Elizabeth V.8 (b. 10 April 1891). Albert B.8 (b. 25 March 1893). He is a farmer at Curran, Sangamon Co., 111. Chart 8. Albert Ogden Campfield7;, s. George & Catharine (Claussen) Campfield. b. 20 May 1833, at Whitesboro, N. Y. d. 7 Jan. 1864, at Fort Ethan Allen, n. m. He was a volunteer in the 4th N. Y. Artillery. Chart 24. Albert Warren Canfield7, s. James & Elizabeth (Bigelow) Can- field. b. 9 Feb. 1815. d. 12 April 1879, in New York City. m. Elizabeth Irene Bage 12 Jan. 1842. 4 ch. Ann Sidney8. Albert Warren8. Robert Bage8. George Folger8. He had a large shoe factory in Newark, N. J. Chart 4. Albert Warren Canfield8, s. Albert Warren & Elizabeth Irene (Bage) Canfield. b. 7 March 1853. m. . Lives in Santa Barbara, Cal. Chart 4. Alexander Campfield7, s. Calvin & Rachel (Smith) Campfield. b. 31 Aug. 1818. m. 1 Effie Donington, 10 Sept. 1848. 2 ch. Emma Adelaide8. Frederick A.8 (b. 28 Dec. 1854. d. 31 Jan. 1857). m. 2 Margaretta C. Favor, 19 Nov. 1856. 1 ch. Edward Everett8. He was a manufacturer of agricultural implements, and trunk hardware ; was a merchant in Newark, N. J. and later in New York City. Lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 24. 28 Alexander Campfield8, s. Charles Henry & Elizabeth A. (Shell- mann) Campfield. b. 20 Nov. 1846, in Savannah, Ga. m. Mary A. Donavan 15 July 1884. 2 ch. Chester D.9 Elizabeth S.9 He lives in Columbus, Ga. Chart 15. Alfred L. Campfield8, s. Alfred Williams & Elvina (Miller) Campfield. b. 25 Aug. 1842. m. Helen Grubb, 3 May 1871. 4 ch. George Alfred9 (b. Dec. 9, 1873. d. 4 Jan. 1874). May Elvina9. Maud Juliet3. Rosabell9. He enlisted as private for three years, 24 June 1861, in Co. C. First Long Island Volunteers (afterwards called 67th New York Volunteers). Discharged as Corporal. 4 July 1864, enlisted as Sergeant, Oct. 1864, in Co. C. 39th New Jersey Volunteers. Discharged as Sergeant 19 June 1865. He has a printing establishment in Chicago, 111. Chart 22. Alfred Washington Canfield6, s. Israel & Rachel Ogden (Wet- more) Canfield. b. 22 Dec. 1804. d. 15 Oct. 1871. m. Charlotte C. Johnes 13 Nov. 1849. no ch. He lived and died in Morristown, N. J. where he was a merchant for many years. Buried in Ever¬ green Cemetery. Chart 6. Alfred Washington Canfield7, s. William Cumming & Eliza¬ beth (Cummings) Canfield. b. 6 Feb. 1839. d. 27 Jan. 1864, at Memphis, Tenn. m. Mary E. Holifield, 1 March 1859. 1 ch. Isaac N.8 He lived at Temple Hill, Pope Co., 111. Chart 6. Alfred Williams Campfield7, s. Barzillai & Electa (Cory) Campfield. b. 26. Aug. 1811. d. 29 Oct. 1878. m. Elvina Miller, 6 March 1837. 4 ch. Hannah Elizabeth8. Alfred L.8 Aaron Barzillai8. Frederick8 (b. 1 March i860, d. 22 April i860). He was a grocer in Newark, N. J. afterwards a plater, and later he was a bridle maker. Chart 22. Alice Camfield8, dau. Jabez Harrison & Catharine (Mclnerney) Camfield. b. 11 March 1863. d. . m. William Flynn. Chart 16. Alice Wynne Canfield8. see Henry D. Canfield7. Chart 8. Alta G. Campfield8. see Aaron G. CampfieldT. Chart 21. Alvan Campfield6, s. Matthew & Rachel (Bond) Campfield. b. 3 Nov. 1767. d. 27 Dec. 1816. m. Phebe Hathaway, 30 Nov. 1793. 8 ch. Nancy6 (b. 13 Aug. 1794. d. 20 April 1853, in Mor¬ ristown, N. J. n. m.). Nathaniel King6. Joseph Hathaway6. Rachel6 (b. 6 Feb. 1801. d. 12 July 1845, in Morristown, N. J. n. m.). William H.6 (b. 14 Jan. 1803. d. 26 June 1805). Sarah Lyon6 (b. 29 Oct. 1806. d. 5 April 1846. n. m.). William6. Moses Mansfield6. He joined the Hanover church 31 July 1808. He was a machinist. Chart 14-27. 29 Alvin Augustin Campfield7, s. Nathaniel King & Lydia (Trowbridge) Campfield. b. 10 May 1824. d. 24 Feb. 1891. n. m. He was a machinist. He lived at Morris Plains, N. J. Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Morristown, N. J. Chart 27. Amanda Campfield7, dau. Matthew & Fanny Maria (Genung) Campfield. b. 25 March 1836. d. 24 April 1880. m. John Flight, 12 Feb. 1857. 3 ch. Chart 21. Amanda Alice Campfield8, dau. Absalom J. & Helen Eliza (Hemphill) Campfield. b. 4 June 1861. d. 17 May 1881. m. David Emery Wing 5 July 1878. Chart 20. Ambrose Canfield8, s. Stephen E. & Amanda M. (Mulford) Canfield. He cannot be traced. Chart 3. Amelia Canfield7, dau. Jacob & Prussia (Edwards) Canfield. b. 31 March 1838, in Newark, N. J. m. Theodore Corby 1 Oct. 1870, in Newark. 1 ch. She lives at Verona, N. J. Chart 9. Amelia Napier Campfield7, dau. James A. & Rachel (Cory) Campfield. b. 14 May 1832. d. 23 Oct. 1891. n. m. Chart 26. Amos Harrison Campfield8, s. Felix & Jerusha (Meeker) Campfield. b. 24 April 1824, at Madison, N. J. d. 30 Dec. 1891, in Newark, N. J. m. x Martha A. Racey 16 Feb. 1845. 6 ch. George Foster9 (d. 11 May 1870, aet. 23 y. 5 m. o d. in Orange, N.J.). Selina" (dead). Ruth Ann9 (dead). Harry9. 2 d. y. m. 2 Jane Indell 24 April 1886. no ch. He was a shoemaker ; lived in Orange, N. J. Buried in Rosedale Cem. Orange, N. J. Chart 20. Andrew Jackson Campfield7, s. John & Elizabeth (Roberts) Campfield. b. June 1815. d. 11 May 1852. m. Pamelia Allen 25 April 1840. 6 ch. Wesleys. Henrietta8 (b. 20 Aug. 1844. d. 20 Feb. 1893. n. m.). Emily8. Frances8. Edwin8 (b. 1 April 1850. d. 8 March 1858). Ellen8 (b. 1 April 1850. d. Aug. 1857). Chart 20. Angie C. Campfield8, dau. Jonathan Francis & Abigail C. (Baldwin) Campfield. b. 2 Sept. 1869 at Milford, Conn. m. Ardon L. Judd 24 April 1895. Chart 24. Ann Canfield8, dau. Isaac Watts & Ann L. (Westervelt) Can- field. m. Henry H. Morgan 15 Oct. 1867, at Nyack, N. Y. She lives at Belleville, N. J. Chart 3. Ann Catharine Campfield7, dau. William & Eliza (Ogden) Campfield. b. 27 Dec. 1810 in Mentz, N. Y. m. 1 Amasa Kneeland Jeffries 14 Nov. 1830, in Mentz, N. Y. 1 ch. m. 2 Rev. Luke Colby 28 May, 1841, at Nunda, N. Y. no ch. She lives at Kewanee, 111. Chart 23. 30 Ann Clark Canfield7, dau. George Washington & Catharine A. (Clark) Canfield. b. 8 Jan. 1819. d. . m. Charles Reed. 6 ch. Chart 9. Ann Ferris Camfield7, dau. David & Phebe Roberts (Halsted) Camfield. b. 21 Sept. 1804. d. 10 Nov. 1841. m. Thomas McLure 20 Oct. 1825. 7 ch. Chart 16. Ann Maria Campfield7. see Nathaniel King Campfield6. Chart 27. Ann Norris Canfield8. see Francis D. Canfield7. Chart 7. Ann Rebecca Canfield8. see William Augustus Camfield7. Chart 17. Ann Sidney Canfield8, dau. Albert Warren & Elizabeth Irene (Bage) Canfield. b. 12 Oct. 1842. m. John W. Bird. 1 ch. Chart 4. Anna Canfield6, dau. Abraham & Sarah (Sealy) Canfield. b. 20 Jan. 1772. d. 9 April 1809. m. Jacob Losey Nov. 1792. 1 ch. Her name was sometimes written "Nancy." Chart 1-12. Anna Campfield7. see Matthew Campfield6. Chart 25. Anna Canfield8. see William Emmons Canfield7. Chart 4. Anna Amanda Campfield8, dau. Henry Brown & Amanda M. (Littell) Campfield. b. 14 Sept. 1861. m. James E. Connolly, 23 Dec. 1880 in Newark, N. J. 2 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 25. Anna Augusta Canfield8. see Isaac Newton Canfield7. Chart 18. Anna Charlotte Campfield8, dau. Robert Ball & Lucetta F. (Quimby) Campfield. b. 18 Oct. 1870. m. Henry W. Ferris, 28 July 1888. Chart 28. Anna E. Canfield8, dau. David Warren & Caroline (Shaw) Canfield. m. William C. Jessup, 27 Feb. 1861. 5 ch. Chart 3. Anna Elizabeth Canfield9. see George Miller Canfield8. Anna G. Canfield7, dau. Josiah Flint & Sarah (Campion) Can- field. b. 22 April 1836, at Swedesboro, N. J. m. Henry Dayton Canfield7. 29 April 1856. 10 ch. She lives in Ocean City, N. J. Chart 8. Anna Losey Canfield6, dau. Isaac & Margaret (Caldwell) Can- field. b. 19 Jan. 1798. d. 13 March 1839, at Springfield, 111. m. Joseph Thayer ix Jan. 1838, at Springfield, 111. 1 ch. Chart 8. Anna Maria Canfield7. see Ira Day Canfield6. Chart 10. Anna Virginia Canfield8, dau. Jackson B. & Catharine A. (Miller) Canfield. b. 23 March 1851. d. 17 June 1884. m. W. C. Jenkins. 3 ch. She lived in Edgefield, Tenn. Chart 2. 3i Anne Elizabeth Campfield8, dau. Abraham & Charlotte M. (Camp) Campfield. b. 26 June 1838. m. John Francis Hoppen, 15 May 1871. 1 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 28. Annie Canfield8, dau. Stephen E. & Amanda M. (Mulford) Canfield. b. about 1846. d. about 1873. m. Thomas Bainbridge of New York City about 1871. no ch. No definite information about her, could be obtained. Chart 3-23. Annie Campfield8, dau. George W. & Eunice (Cummings) Campfield. b. 1 Sept i860, m. C. Dean, 1879. Lives at Ran¬ dolph, N. Y. Chart 24. Annie Belle Campfield8. see David Barkley Campfield7. Chart 24. Annie Elizabeth Canfield8. see Moses Horace Canfield7. Chart 4. Antoinette Campfield7. see Calvin Campfield6. Chart 24. Arabelle Campfield8. see Aaron G. Campfield7. Chart 21. Archibald Canfield6, s. Jacob & Eunice (Munson) Canfield. b. 28 Jan. 1795. d. 3 May 1861. m. Sarah Goldsmith of Balti¬ more, Md. no ch. Chart 9. Arthur Campfield8. see Matthew Edwin Campfield7. Chart 21. Arthur Campion Canfield8. see Henry Dayton Canfield7. Chart 8. Arthur F. Campfield8, s. Theodore A. & Hyla H. (Genung) Campfield. b. 26 April 1853. m. Lizzie A. Taylor 7 May 1879. 7 ch. Glenn G.9 (b. 6 March 1880. d. 5 Sept. 1880). Edith L.9 Clair T.9 M. Hyla.9 Eugene P.9 Harry E.9 Edwin A.9 He lives at Seneca, Kansas. Chart 24. Ashbel Campfield6. see John Campfield5. Chart 24. Augusta Canfield7. see James Canfield6. Chart 4. Augusta Bibb Camfield8, dau. William Augustus & Peninah (Freeman) Canfield. b. 26 Feb. 1840. m. George Washington Holden 7 Dec. 1865, at Verona, Miss. 5 ch. She lives at Verona, Miss. Chart 17. Augusta Estelle Campfield7, dau. Jacob Turner & Sarah (Hopping) Campfield. b. 4 April 1844. m. Albert Theodore Tappen, 4 June 1864. 2 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 21. Augustus Canfield6, s. David Sealy & Mary (Dickerson) Can- field. b. 9 April 1801, at Morristown, N. J. d. 18 April 1854, in Detroit, Mich. m. Mary Sophia Cass 22 Oct. 1841, in London, Eng. 5 ch. Elizabeth C.7 (b. 15 Aug. 1844. d. 25 Oct. 1853). Edward7 (b. July 1846. d. Aug. 1846). Frederick D.7 (b. Aug. 32 1847. d. 23 Feb. 1849). Richard7. Augustus Cass7. He gradu¬ ated at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, in the class of 1822. He was a Captain of the Topographical Engineers at the time of his death. He was in the Florida war with Gen'l. Scott and afterwards was in charge of the construction of light houses on Lake Superior. He lived in Detroit, Mich. Buried in Elm- wood Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. Chart 13. Augustus Canfield7. see Mahlon D. Canfield6. Chart 13. Augustus Canfield7, s. Mahlon D. & Louisa C. (Seward) Can- field. b. 4 Dec. 1829, at Bargaintown, N. J. d. 25 Oct. 1867, at Foochow, China, n. m. He lived in Paterson, N. J. and at Suc- casunna, N. J. He was U. S. Consul at Candia, in the Island of Crete (1858-1861) and later (1866-7) Foochow, China, where he is buried. Chart 13. Augustus Cass Canfield7, s. Frederick & Julia A. (Halsey) Canfield. b. 4 May 1842, at Ferromonte, N. J. d. 5 May 1891, at Succasunna, N. J. n. m. He graduated at the College of New Jersey in the class of 1863. Studied law with Hon. Jacob Vanatta in Morristown, N. J. where he practiced for several years. He was elected member of the Legislature (Assembly) in 1870-1871 & 1872, and secured the passage of the General Railroad Law. He was elected State Senator for Morris Co., in 1877. He was one of the incorporators of the Morris County Savings Bank, and was a manager of it, until his death. He was for many years the Secre¬ tary and General Manager of The Dickerson Suckasunny Mining Company, and was the Secretary and Treasurer of the Ferromonte Railroad Company. As a pastime he compiled and published "A Table of Distances between Towns in Morris County, N. J. 1885," a task requiring more than two years' labor. He lived at Ferro¬ monte, N. J. Buried at Succasunna, N. J. Chart 13. Augustus Cass Canfield7. s.Augustus & Mary (Cass) Canfield. b. 29 Sept. 1853, in Detroit, Mich. m. Josephine Houghteling 18 April 1889, in San Francisco, Cal. 2 ch. Laura Houghteling8. Mary Cass8. He graduated at the College of New Jersey in the class of 1874, and at the School of Mines, Columbia College, in the class of 1877 as Engineer of Mines. He takes great interest in yachting, and has designed several fast boats. He was Commo¬ dore of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, and for several years has been Secretary of the International Cup Committee. He is a member of the University and the Knickerbocker Clubs of New York City. Member of the American Institute of Mining AUGUSTUS C. CANFIELD. 1842-1891. 33 Engineers. Life member of The New Jersey Historical Society. President of the Dickerson Suckasunny Mining Co. He lives in New York City. Chart 13. Barzillai Campfield9, s. Williams & Sarah (Squire) Campfield. b. 29 June 1781. d. 28 March 1863, at Afton, N. J. m. Electa Cory 13 July 1809. 4 ch. Alfred Williams7. Edward7. Eliza Pierson7. Jonathan Cory7. He was a farmer, and lived at Afton, N. J. He was a grocer in Newark, N. J. 1841-1845. Chart 22. Benjamin Camfield4, s. Deacon Joseph & Rachel (Dalglish) Camfield. b. about 1710. d. 15 Oct. 1738, in his 28th year. m. Mehetabel Foster. 1 ch. Jabez5. He was Assessor in Newark, N. J. 1734—1735—1736-1737. He was buried in the Old Burying Ground on Broad St., Newark, N. J. see page 15. Chart 14. Benjamin Canfield5, s. Ebenezer & Deborah ( ) Can- field ? It is not certain that he belongs to this family, but there is evidence that he lived at Orange, N. J. He was a private in Cap¬ tain M'Mire's Company. First Battalion. First Establishment. Continental Army. Jemima Cundit says in her diary : " Sept. 1776. We have news from our army at trentingue [Trenton] and sev¬ eral of them we hear is dead since there departure, Benjamin Canfield and Stevan Morriss." Chart 14. Benjamin Campfield6, s. Samuel & Mary (Aber) Campfield. m. Rebecca . But little is known of these persons, " Rebecca wife of Benjamin Canfield from Moorfield, Ohio," joined the Hanover church 27 March 1814. They signed a deed 29 April 1814, which stated that they lived in Chatham, N. J. Chart 20. Benjamin Canfield6, s. Ebenezer & Rhoda (Baldwin) Canfield. b. 18 Sept. 1799, at Orange, N. J. d. 4 May 1865. m. Sarah Riker 2 Jan. 1822, at Caldwell, N. J. 6 ch. Catharine7 (b. 4 Dec. 1822. d. 11 Dec. 1822). Isaac7. Caroline7. John7. William B.7. Louisa7 (9 Sept. 1840. d. 20 May 1848). He was a farmer. He lived and died at Cedar Grove, Essex Co., N. J. Chart 19. Benjamin Canfield8. see John Canfield7. Chart 19. Benjamin F. Sanford Canfield8, s. Moses & Sarah A. (Massie) Canfield. b. 2 Oct. 1841. m. Rose A. Gallagher 14 June 18—. * Signature to his will 14 October 1738. 3 34 i ch. Mary Elizabeth G.g He is a blacksmith. He lived in Newark, N. J. 1889-1890. Chart 2. Benjamin Ogden Canfield6, s. Israel & Rachel Ogden (Wet- more) Canfield. b. 23 March 1810. d. 26 Nov. 1884. m. Louisa Dodd 29 June 1842, at Bloomfield, N. J. 1 ch. John Dodd7. He lived and died in Morristown, N. J. where he was a merchant for many years. Member of the Common Council of Morristown, 1870-1871. Elected a member of the 1st Board of Trustees of the South Street Presbyterian Church, 17 May 1841. Appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Morris County in 1873. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Morristown, N. J. Chart 6. Benjamin Ogden Canfield8, s. Marsena C. & Maria E. (Con- dit) Canfield. b. 27 March 1875. Lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Benjamin Rivers Canfield8. see Isaac Washington Canfield7. Chart 8. Bertha M. Campfield8. see Aaron Genung Campfield7. Chart 21. Bessie Armstrong Campfield8, dau. Geo. W. H. & Susan (Armstrong) Campfield. b. 22 Jan. 1867. m. John F. Bigelow 5 June 1889. 2 ch. Chart 26. Bethial Campfield6. see Samuel Campfield5. Chart 21. Bethya Camfield4, dau. Deacon Joseph & Rachel (Dalglish) Camfield. d. ix Aug. 17—, aet. 45. m. Nathaniel Wheeler between Dec. 1733 and Dec. 1745. 6. ch. She lived in Newark and in Morristown, N. J. Buried in the Old Burying Ground in Newark. Chart 14. Burton Camfield8. see William B. Camfield7. Chart 19. Caleb Halsted Camfield8, s. Joseph Stockton & Emily (Flour- ney) Camfield. b. 15 July 1834. m. 1, Sarah Harvey Tolbott 13 Dec. 1855. 2 ch. John Tolbott" (b. x Jan. 1857. d. May or June 1863). Emily Irene9, m. 2, Julia Frances Spicer, 8 Aug. 1886. no ch. He lives in Albany, Ga. Chart 16. Calvin Campfield", s. John & Mary (Dixon) Campfield. b. 6 Feb. 1794. d. 3. Dec. 1879, at Hammonton, N. J. m. Rachel Smith (widow of Demas Ford) 30 March 1817. 7 ch. Alexander'. Theodore Augustus7. Harriet Elizabeth7. Henrietta Matilda7. John Bergen7. Frances R.7 Antoinette7 (b. 21 April 1833. d. 22 April 1833. He was a farmer ; lived for many years at Monroe, near Morristown, N. J. Buried in Bloomfield, N. J. Chart 24. Caroline Canfield6, dau. David Sealy & Mary (Dickerson) Can- field. b. 3 Oct. 1804. d. 6 Feb. 1830, in Cincinnati, O. m. Jacob 35 Wyckoff Piatt, of Cincinnati, O. 27 Sept. 1826. 2 ch. Buried at Succasunna, N. J. Chart 13. Caroline Canfield7, dau. Joseph & Bethany (Eddy) Canfield. m. John B. Acker. Chart 18. Caroline Canfield7, dau. Benjamin & Sarah (Riker) Canfield. b. 1 March 1829. d. 5 Feb. 1890. m. Andrew Leather 1 March 1848. Chart 19. Caroline Campfield8. see Theodore A. Campfield7. Chart 24. Caroline Canfield8, dau. Cyrus & Elizabeth (Courter) Canfield. m. John H. Francisco 14 Nov. 1877. Chart 18. Caroline Amelia Canfield7, dau. James & Elizabeth (Bigelow) Canfield. b. 2 June 1830. m. Lewis L. Kelsey 25 June 1850. 3 ch. Chart 4. Caroline Cornelia Canfield7, dau. Mahlon D. & Louisa Cor¬ nelia (Seward) Canfield. b. 25 July 1834. m. 1, John Lawrence Schoolcraft of Albany, N. Y. 6 Aug. 1853. 3 ch. m. 2, Dr. Joseph Gilmore Beattie, 4 Feb. 1862. 7 ch. She lives in Rich¬ mond, Va., and at Succasunna, N. J. Chart 13. Caroline E. Canfield8. see David E. Canfield7. Chart 4. Caroline Georgianna Campfield7, dau. George & Catharine (Claussen) Campfield. b. 26 July 1828. d. 22 June 1859. m. James R. Toll 1848. 2 ch. Chart 24. Caroline Kelsey Canfield8, dau. Moses Horace & Ella (Odell) Canfield. b. 10 June 1854. m. George W. Case 30 March 1875. Chart 4. Caroline Louisa Camfield8, dau. David James & Catharine (Mead) Camfield. b. 10 July 1852. Lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 16. Caroline May Canfield". see Charles Canfield7. Chart 9. Catharine Campfield", dau. John & Mary (Dixon) Campfield. b. 30 Jan. 1786. d. 13 March 1834. m. William Mulford (of Han¬ over Neck, N. J.) 30 Jan. 1806. 14 ch. Buried in Hanover, Morris Co., N. J. Chart 23. Catharine Canfield0, dau. David & Sarah (Collard) Canfield. b. 10 Oct. 1795. d. 27 Feb. 1868, at Bloomfield, N. J. m. Isaac Dodd, 12 Nov. 1818. 2 ch. Chart 4. Catharine Canfield7. see Benjamin Canfield6. Chart 19. Catharine Campfield8, dau. Charles H. & Elizabeth A. (Shell- mann) Campfield. b. 1844. m. William Samuel Rockwell Dec. 1864. 2 ch. She has the sword that General Lafayette presented to her great grandfather, Dr. Jabez Campfield6, of Morristown, N. J. She lives in Savannah, Ga. Chart 15. 36 Catharine Campfield', dau. Dr. William A. & Lucy A. (Brews¬ ter) Campfield. m. Henry Leonard. 7 ch. Chart 15. Catharine A. Campfield7, dau. William & Hannah (Tuthill) Campfield. b. 6 Feb. 1805. d. 30 Dec. 1888, in Augusta, Ga. m. Dr. Lewis Dunham, Jr. 14 Oct. 1822. no ch. She lived in New Brunswick, N. J. Chart 15. Catharine Ann Eliza Campfield7, dau. George & Catharine (Claussen) Campfield. b. 2 Sept. 1836, at Whitesboro, N. J. m. James Goodale Caw, 1 Jan. 1857. 4 ch. She lives in Schenectady, N. Y. Chart 24. Catharine Mary Canfield8, dau. Abraham & Elizabeth (Hunt) Canfield. b. 8 Oct. 1792. d. 8 Sept. 1878, in Versailles, Ken. m. William Stewart Hunter 13 Nov. 1816. 9 ch. She went from Morristown, N. J. to Versailles, Ken. in 1808 or 1809. Chart n. Catharine Mary Canfield7, dau. George Washington & Cath¬ arine A. (Clark) Canfield. b. 19 March 1826. d. 20 Sept. 1892, in Stamford, Conn. m. Nathan Blickensderfer. , 1844. 7 ch. Chart 9. Charles Canfield6, s. Jacob & Eunice (Munson) Canfield. b. 13 May 1789. d. about 1834 in Cuba. m. Mary Ann Benjamin. 1 ch. William7 (d. . n. m.). Chart 9. Charles Canfield7, s. Jacob & Prussia (Edwards) Canfield. b. 16 July 1840, in Newark, N. J. m. Maria Parkinson 20 Feb. 1870 in Cincinnati, O. 4 ch. Dayton I.8 Caroline May8 (b. 31 March 1874). Charles Oakley8 (b. 18 Sept. 1877) Theodore Anson8 (b. 2 Oct. 1879. d. 12 Dec. 1894). He is a metal worker in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Charles Canfield8. see Ira Day Canfield7. Chart 10. Charles Ailing Camfield8, s. David James & Catharine (Mead) Camfield. b. 17 Aug. 1844. m. Mary English 12 Nov. 1868. 2 ch. Charles Frederick9 (b. 22 June 1870. d. 20 Aug. 1870). John Howard9 (b. 22 Oct. 1871). He was for many years a member of the Newark (N. J.) Fire Department, now a member of the Salvage Corps in that city. Chart 16 Charles B. Canfield7. see Moses Baldwin Canfield'. Chart 19. Charles B. Canfield8. see Isaac Canfield7. Chart 19. Charles C. Canfield8, s. Thomas Collard & Lucinda (Kelsey) Canfield. b. 5 July 1851. He is in the marble and granite busi¬ ness in Middletown, Conn. Chart 4. Charles Doremus Canfield8, s. John & Susan (Doremus) Can- field. b. 9 Jan. 1869. m. Anna Dustan 21 Aug. 1895. Chart 19. 3 7 Charles Frederick Camfield9. see Charles Ailing Camfield8. Charles H. Campfield8, s. Charles Henry & Elizabeth A. (Shellmann) Campfield. b. 23 June 1836. m. Josephine Jersey Campfield' 18 Aug. 1856. 3 ch. George Alexander9. Ralph Edward9 (b. 5 Oct. 1859). Clara Gihon9. He is in the insurance business in St. Louis, Mo. Chart 15. Charles Halsey Canfield7, s. Ira & Louise E. (Waldron) Can- field. b. 18 Dec. 1841. d. 16 May 1871. m. Lottie Hedden 7 May 1868. no ch. Buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Newark, N. J. Chart 19. Charles Henry Campfield7, s. William & Hannah (Tuthill) Campfield. b. 24 March 1799, in Morristown, N. J. d. 11 April 1891, in Savannah, Ga. m. Elizabeth Augusta Shellmann, 1832 8 ch. John Shellmann8 (b. 1833. d. 1837). Charles H.8 Clarissa Montfort8. John Shellmann8 (b. 1840. d. 1867. n. m.). Louis Dunham8 (b. 1842. d. 1867). Catharine8. Alexander8. Eliza¬ beth8. He was a merchant in Savannah, for many years. Chief Appraiser in the U. S. Custom House in Savannah for a long time. Chart 15 • Charles Henry Campfield7. see Jacob Turner Campfield6. Chart 21. Charles Henry Canfield8. see Moses Canfield7. Chart 2. Charles Hunt Campfield8, s. John Bergen & Mary Ann (Hunt) Campfield. b. 9 June 1856. d. 18 July 1887. m. Mary Neth, 1 May 1882. Chart 24. Charles I. Canfield7, s. Isaac & Mary Ann Salome (Korn) Canfield. b. 9 Aug. 1821. d. 25 May 1891, in Washington, D. C. m. 1, Margaret J. Prentiss 10 Oct. 1844. 10 ch. William H.8 (b. 10 Aug. 1846. d. an infant). Mary Anna8. Rosa Eunice8. Charles Prentiss8 (b. 10 Oct. 1852). Edward8. Ira Baldwin8 (b. 9 Dec. 1857. d. an infant). Ellen Dyer8 (b. 5 Sept. 1859. d. an infant). Adaline Florence8. Webster Wiley8. Sarah Lucetta8. m. 2, Eunice A. Prentiss 2 Aug. 1880. no ch. He was a printer. Lived most of his life in Washington, D. C. He lived in Newark, N. J. from 1875 till 1879. Chart 19. Charles Jasper Campfield8, s. Absalom J. & Helen Eliza (Hemphill) Campfield. b. 11 Oct. 1869. m. Laura Bell 27 July 1893. no ch. Chart 20. Charles Oakley Canfield8. see Charles Canfield7. Chart 9. Charles Orton Campfield7, s. Matthew & Fanny Maria (Genung) Campfield. b. 5 July 1830, at Afton, N. J. d. 29 April 33 1888 in Florida, m. Louisa Denman 23 Dec. 1858, in Newark, N. J. 3 ch. Frederick8. Ida8. Geo. Washington8. He was a carpenter. Chart 21. Charles Prentiss Canfield8. see Charles I. Canfield7. Chart 19. Charles Thomas Campfield8. see David Barkley Campfield7. Chart 24. Charles W. Canfield7, s. Isaac W. & Deborah (Wood) Can- field. b. 1835. d. 9 June 1863. n. m. He was 2d Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Killed in action at Beverly Ford, Va. Buried in yard of St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Charles W. Campfield7. see Elijah Campfield8. Chart 22. Charles W. Campfield8. see Samuel L. Campfield7. Chart 20. Charles Wayne Canfield7, s. Robert Finley & Ruth Halsey (Walton) Canfield. b. 22 Feb. 1826. m. Mary Ann Murdock. 9 ch. Jane8. Walter8. Andrew8. John8. William8. Robert8. Fanny8. Mark8. Wade8. He is a farmer near Springfield, 111. Chart 8. Charlotte Campfield7, dau. Joel & Elizabeth (Lacy) Campfield. m. Alfred Egbert 13 Aug. 1843. Chart 20. Charlotte M. Campfield8. see Joseph Alfred Campfield7. Chart 28. Charlotte M. A. Campfield8. see Joseph Alfred Campfield7. Chart 28. Chester D. Campfield3. see Alexander Campfield8. Chloe Elizabeth Campfield8. see Absalom J. Campfield7. Chart 20. Clair T. Campfield9. see Arthur F. Campfield8. Clara Ann Canfield8, dau. George Wood & Elizabeth (Wil¬ liams) Canfield. b. 17 Sept. 1844. m. Addison Marsh. She lives in New Philadelphia, O. Chart 9. Clara Gihon Campfield9, dau. Charles H. & Josephine J. (Campfield) Campfield. b. 3 Sept. 1861. m. W. J. Harrison, Jan. 1880. 3 ch. Clara Jane Campfield8. see William Henry Campfield7. Chart 21. Clarence Caldwell Canfield8. see Henry Dayton Canfield1. Chart 8. Clarence Ellis Canfield8, s. Marsena C. & Maria E. (Condict) Canfield. b. n Sept. 1868. He is a stage carpenter. Lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Clarence Leverne Campfield9. see John Martin Campfield6. 39 Clarence Weston Canfield". see Thomas McGhee Canfield7. Chart 10. Clarissa Montfort Campfield8, dau. Charles H. & Elizabeth A. (Shellmann) Campfield. b. 1837. m. Dr. A. L. Gihon, U.S.N. April i860. 3 ch. Chart 15. Clifford W. Canfield". see Marsena C. Canfield7. Chart 9. Clinton Gibson Campfield8. see Samuel Looker Campfield7. Chart 21. Cloyd Camfield9. see John Freeman Camfield8. Comfort Campfield5, dau. Matthew & Rachel (Bond) Camp¬ field. b. 26 June 1765. d. 4 Jan. 1835. m. Moses Chandler. 3 ch. She is buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Elizabeth, N. J. Chart 14. Cornelia Laura Canfield8, dau. Israel & Rachel O. (Wetmore) Canfield. b. 29 July 1812. d. 13 Sept. 1829. Lived in Morris- town, N. J. Chart 6. Cornelia Laura Canfield7, dau. William Cumming & Eliza¬ beth (Cummings) Canfield. b. 2 Feb. 1832, in Oldham Co., Ken. d. 9 Aug. 1845. Chart 6. Cornelia Laura Canfield7, dau. George W. & Rebecca McK. (Reckless) Canfield. b. 30 Dec. 1835 at Arneytown, N. J. m. Major E. Morrison Woodward, 27 Dec. 1866. 2 ch. She lives at Ellisdale, N. J. Chart 6. Cora Campfield9. see William Henry Campfield8. Cora May Campfield8. see Absalom J. Campfield7. Chart 20. Cynthia Elizabeth Canfield8, dau. Scott & Martha E. (Lacy) Canfield. b. 13 Sept. 1866. m. L. H. Stokes 15 May 1886. Chart 6. Cyrus Canfield7, s. Matthias & Elizabeth (Crane) Canfield. b. 17 June 1815. m. Elizabeth Courter 9 Dec. 1841. 2 ch. Milton Hanford8. Caroline8. Farmer. Lives in Caldwell, N. J. Chart 18. Dangerfield Dederick Canfield9. see George Miller Canfield8. Daniel Cory Campfield7, s. James A. & Rachel (Cory) Camp¬ field, b. 8 Oct. 1820. m. Margaret Fairchild 7 Dec. 1842. 1 ch. Jane Elizabeth8. It is not known whether he is still alive, as he disappeared many years ago. Chart 26. Daniel La Tourette Canfield', s. John Edwards & Susanne (La Tourette) Canfield. b. 29 Aug. 1838, in Springfield, 111. d. 6 May 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., while an officer in the Union Army, n. m. He was an expert accountant and bank clerk. Buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, 111. Chart 8. 40 David Canfield4, s. Israel & Sarah (Johnson) Canfield. d. 1756. m. . ch. Samuel6. Timothy6. He lived in New¬ ark, N. J. Chart 1. David Canfield6, s. Thomas & Elizabeth (Baldwin) Canfield. b. 9 March 1757. d. 9 March 1804, in Newark, N. J. m. Sarah Col- lard. 7 ch. Nancy6. Mary6. James6. William6. Abigail6. Aaron6. Catharine6. " He was a very worthy and respectable citizen. His death was occasioned by a wound he received in the revolutionary war [at the battle of Springfield, N. J.] which never was perfectly well. Detachments from the Cavalry, Artillery and Fusilier Companies in uniform attended his funeral, and buried him with Military honors " (Centinel of Freedom, 13 March 1804). He drew a pension from the State of New Jersey for six years. Buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Charts 1-4. David Canfield6, s. Timothy & Experience (Cady) Canfield. b. about 1779. d. about 1845. Nothing very definite is known about these events. He lived and died at the house of David Genung, between Rockaway and Franklin, N. J. n. m. Buried at Rockaway, N. J. David Campfield6, s. John & Mary (Dixon) Campfield. b. 28 May 1798. d. 19 May 1884, at Meadville, Pa. m. Mary Bate- man 16 Jan. 1823. 4 ch. Henrietta E.7 John Bateman Nickel7. Mary Dixon7. David Barkley7. He was a carpenter. Lived at Meadville, Pa. Chart 24. David Camfield6, s. Abiel & Mary ( ) Camfield. b. 10 Sept. 1777. d. May 1807 ?, in Sussex Co., N. J. m. Phebe Roberts Halsted 15 Sept. 1800. 4 ch. Mary H.7 (b. June 1801. d. 25 July 1801). Mary Halsted7. Ann Ferris7. Joseph Stock¬ ton7. He lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 16. David Canfield7. see Henry Canfield6. David Camfield7, s. Jabez & Elizabeth (Johnson) Camfield. b. 29 March 1797. d. 21 Oct. 1810. Buried in the yard of 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Chart 16. David Camfield". see Jabez Harrison Camfield7. Chart 16. David Arthur Campfield8. see David Barkley Campfield7. Chart 24. David B. Campfield8, s. Samuel L. & Sarah Ann (Smith) Campfield. b. 27 May 1826. m. 5 July 1847. Chart 20. David Brooks Campfield7, s. Matthew & Fanny Maria (Genung) Campfield. b. 3 Aug. 1842, at Afton, N. J. d. 18 May DAVID WARREN CANFIELD. 1808-1871 41 1878. m. Ella Hampson, 6 Feb. 1866, in Newark, N. J. 2 ch. Jennie Augusta8 (d. 5 May 1867). Milton Ercey8 (b. 10 Dec. 1871. d. 29 April 1875). He was a carriage trimmer. Buried in Fair- mount Cemetery, Newark, N. J. Chart 21. David Barkley Campfield7, s. David & Mary (Bateman) Camp- field. b. 19 April 1836. m. Frances J. Rosencrantz 23 Feb. 1868. 6 ch. David Arthur8 (b. 14 Nov. 1868). Annie Belle8 (b. 27 Oct. 1870. d. 20 March 1890). Frederick Davis" (b. 5 Jan. 1873). Lottie Lee8. Grace Maria8. Charles Thomas8 (b. 16 Sept. 1879. d. 23 March 1894). He lives in Meadville, Pa. Chart 24. David Edwin Canfield7, s. James & Elizabeth (Bigelow) Can- field. b. 19 Sept. 1812. d. 26 April 1873, in Newark, N. J. m. Harriet G. Whittemore 12 April 1837. 5 ch. David Edwin". Mary Annis8. Caroline E.8 (b. March 1845. d. 25 Feb. 1848). James Whittemore8. Frederick Hamilton8 (b. 19 Nov. 1852. d. 6 April 1853). He was a cabinet maker from 1838 to 1848, after which time he was a builder, and later a manufacturer of carpet bags in Newark, N. J. and in Rochester, N. Y. Buried in the yard of 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Chart 4. David Hdwin Canfield8, s. David E. & Harriet G. (Whitte¬ more) Canfield. b. 8 April 1839. d. 13 Dec. 1862. m. Margaret Loree July i860. 1 ch. Lucinda9. He was killed while convey¬ ing his wounded captain from the field at Fredericksburg, Va. He was 2nd Lieut. Co. B. 14 Conn. Vol. Buried in yard of 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Chart 4. David James Camfield7, s. Jabez & Elizabeth (Johnson) Cam- field. b. 14 Feb. 1814. d. 20 Jan. 1876, in Newark, N. J. m. Catharine Mead 12 Sept. 1840. 6 ch. William Henry8. Charles Ailing8. John Howard8. Caroline Louisa8. Sarah Elizabeth". Laura Anna8. He was in business for many years in Newark. Buried in Fairmount Cem. Newark, N. J. Chart 16. David M. Canfield7. see Jacob Canfield6. Chart 9. David Sealy Canfield6, s. Abraham & Sarah (Sealy) Canfield. b. 24 Feb. 1774. d. 13 June 1830, at Morris Plains, N. J. m. Mary Dickerson 2 Oct. 1796. 6 ch. Mahlon Dickerson". Augus¬ tus'. Mary D.6 (b. 26 May 1803. d. 14 Oct. 1803, in Elizabeth, N. J.) Caroline6. Silas Dickerson6. Frederick6. In 1795, he was junior member of the firm of Israel & David S. Canfield, merchants in Morristown. He was overseer of roads in Byram Township, Sus¬ sex Co., N. J. in 1798 ; lived in Elizabeth, N. J. in 1803 and 1804 ; afterwards in Stanhope, N. J. where he was interested with his 42 brother-in-law Silas Dickerson, in two forges, a grist mill and a saw mill ; he also had a hotel there. He left Stanhope in 1810. He helped his brother Israel in the iron works, in Dover, N. J. Buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Morristown, N. J. Chart 13. David Warren Canfield7, s. John & Anna (Morgan) Canfield. b. 10 Jan. 1808. d. 21 Sept. 1871. m. Caroline Shaw 13 Oct. 1834, at Stamford, Conn. 7 ch. Anne E.8 Helen8. Mary C.e Vir¬ ginia Q.8 William S." George O.8 Frances8. He was a physi¬ cian. In 1834 he was a merchant in New York City. He lived in Stamford, Conn., and was buried there. Chart 3. Davis Vail Canfield7, s. Dayton I. & Harriet (Vail) Canfield. b. 25 July 1822. d. 8 May 1849. n- m- He was a member of the firm of George Vail & Co., of Speedwell, N. J. Buried in the yard of St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Dayton Israel Canfield6, s. Isaac & Margaret (Caldwell) Can- field. b. 16 June 1794. d. 22 Oct. 1853, at Morris Plains, N. J. m. 1, Harriet Vail 19 Feb. 1821. 4 ch. Davis Vail7. Isaac Augustus7. Sarah Louisa7. Harriet VailT (b. 23 June 1828. d. 8 Sept. 1832). m. 2, Mrs. Charlotte Cornelia (Wetmore) Ebbetts 16 July 1833. 3 ch. Francis Dayton7. Joseph Lovell7. Hobart7. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees of St. Peter's Church in Morristown, N. J. and was Warden in 1830. He was in business in Morristown. Lived for many years at Morris Plains, N. J. Buried in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Dayton I. Canfield8, s. Charles & Maria (Parkinson) Canfield. b. 3 July 1872, in Sacramento, Cal. He has a brass foundry in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Duncan Eve Canfield9. see George Miller Canfield". Ebenezer Camfield2, s. Matthew & Sarah (Treat) Camfield. b. 1649. d. about 1 Dec. 1694. m. Bathia * . 2 ch. Joseph3. Rachel'. He with twenty-two other men of Branford, Conn, signed the Plantation Covenant on the 30 Oct. 1666, and early in 1667 they, with their families, joined the colony that founded the city of Newark, N. J. He was signer Number 13. His will dated 22 Nov. 1694, and proven 7 Dec. 1694, is in the office of the Secretary of State, in Trenton, N. J.. * Signature on bond of executor of Jonathan Camfield's estate, 5 Jan. 1689. 43 He sometimes spelled his name as given above, and sometimes he wrote it " Canfield." Chart 14. Ebenezer Canfield4, s. Deacon Joseph & Rachel (Dalglish) Camfield. b. about 17 12. d. 10 June 1785, in his 73d year. m. Deb¬ orah — . - ch. Benjamin5?. Joseph5. Sarah5. Ebenezer5. His will dated 15 May 1779, mentions all of these children except Benjamin, who was dead. He was a " member in communion " of the Mountain Society, prior to 1756. Tradition says he introduced the cultivation of red clover and timothy in the colony. He lived at Orange, N. J. where he owned a large tract of land. His widow Deborah, d. 9 Dec. 1791 in her 75th year. Both are buried in the old cemetery, Orange, N. J. see page 15. Chart 14. Ebenezer Canfield6, s. Ebenezer & Deborah ( ) Canfield. b. about 1761 in Orange, N. J. d. 8 Sept. 1831, in his 70th year, m. Rhoda Baldwin. 8 ch. Elizabeth6. Maria6. Harriet6. Fanny'. Isaac*. Benjamin*. Ira6. Moses Baldwin*. He was a private in Captain Josiah Pierson's Company, Second Regiment, Essex, State troops. He kept a hotel in Orange. He is buried in the old ceme¬ tery, Orange, N. J. Charts 14-19. Hdith Campfield8. see Matthew Edwin Campfield7. Chart 21. Edith Cornelia Canfield8. see Joseph Lovell Canfield7. Chart 7. Edith L. Campfield". see Arthur F. Campfield8. Edmund Canfield7, s. Frederick & Julia A. (Halsey) Canfield. b. 15 Dec. 1844. d. 26 Dec. 1884. n. m. He prepared for college at William Rankin's School in Chester, N.J. Graduated at the College of New Jersey, in the class of 1864. Took a special course in civil engineering at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti¬ tute, Troy, N. Y. He was a civil engineer. He worked on the first location of the Boonton Branch of the Morris & Essex Rail- * Signature to his renunciation of the executorship of the estate of Abiel Cam- field, 13 Feb. 1742. f Signature to his will, 15 May 1779. 44 road, and on the extension of the Morris & Essex Railroad from Hackettstown, N. J. to Easton, Pa. He located a railroad line from Andover, N. J. to Warwick, N. Y. in 1866, also a line for a railroad from Port Oram, N. J. to Hampton Junction, N. J., in 1868. He was actively engaged in mining iron ore, and in the manufacture of iron in New Jersey, from 1867 to 1873. He organ¬ ized the Longwood Valley Railroad Co. In 1874 he located and commenced the construction of the railroad which runs from Port Oram to German Valley, N. J. as a branch of the Long- wood Valley Railroad, but now a part of the High Bridge Branch of the Central R. R. of N. J. He was born, and lived and died, at Ferromonte, N. J. Buried at Succasunna, N. J. Chart 13. Edna Canfield8. see Thomas McGhee Canfield7. Chart 10. Edna Estelle Campfield9. see Edward Everett Campfield8. Edward Campfield7, s. William & Hannah (Tuthill) Camp¬ field. b. 21 Feb. 1794, in Morristown, N. J. d. 2 July 1871, in Augusta, Ga. m. Margaretta R. Conover. He removed to Augusta, Ga. about 1825. He had several children. Chart 15. Edward Campfield7, s. Barzillai & Electa (Cory) Campfield. b. 15 March 1813. d. 25 Aug. 1859, in Newark, N. J. m. Esther Ann Baldwin 27 Aug. 1835. 4 ch. Matilda8. Eliza8. Edward Orlando8. Laura'. He was a printer. Buried in the new ceme¬ tery at Afton, N. J. Chart 22. Edward Canfield7. see Augustus Canfield6. Chart 13. Edward Canfield8, s. Charles I. & Margaret (Prentiss) Canfield. b. 12 Jan. 1855. m. Elizabeth Crocker 31 July 1885. no ch. He was Secretary of the Trenton Potteries Company. Chart 19. Edward E. Campfield8, s. Robert Ball & Lucetta F. (Quimby) Campfield. b. 16 July 1873. Lives at Buffalo, Kan. Chart 28. Edward Everett Campfield8, s. Alexander & Margaretta C. (Favor) Campfield. b. 16 Dec. 1857. m. Mary L. Clark 9 Nov. 1886. 3 ch. Edna Estella9 (b. 28 Oct. 1887. d. 28 March 1892). Alexander Clark9 (b. 11 Nov. 1889. d. 2 April 1892). Margaretta Clark9 (b. 5 Oct. 1893). He lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 24. Edward Grandon Canfield8, s. Francis D. & Eliza Ann (Wurtz) Canfield. b. 28 Sept. 1868. Chart 7. Edward Orlando Campfield8, s. Edward & Esther Ann (Bald¬ win) Campfield. b. 2 July 1848. n. m. He is a printer. Was in Detroit, Mich, in 1889. Residence not known. Chart 22. Edward R. Campfield8, s. Samuel L. & Sarah Ann (Smith) Campfield. b. 30 Dec. 1841. m. , 15 April 1866. Chart 20. 45 Edwin Campfield8. see Andrew Jackson Campfield7. Chart 20. Edwin A. Campfield3. see Arthur F. Campfield8. Edwin Matthew Campfield8, s. William Henry & Henrietta (Watts) Campfield7. b. 14 Sept. 1864. He is a contractor and builder in Findlay, Ohio. Chart 21. Egbert Enloes Canfield9. see George Miller Canfield8. Eleanor Lucinda Canfield8. see Marsena C. Canfield7. Chart 9. Electa Campfield", dau. Jonathan & Mary (Shaw) Campfield. b. 11 July 1788, at Hanover, N. J. d. 15 Sept. 1839. m- Patrick Caffry 25 Nov. 1806. 11 ch. Chart 26. Elias Elmer Canfield7, s. Thomas & Mary (Shepard) Canfield. b. 4 July 1816. d. 29 Dec. 1891, in Newark, N. J. m. 1, Olivia Ann LaFarge 16 Dec. 1841. no ch. m. 2, Amenia LaFarge 16 May 1847. no ch. m. 3, Mrs. Abbie E. (Shoner) Cardiff 8 April 1875. no ch. He was a painter from 1838 to i860, after¬ wards a farmer. He lived on the " Elizabethtown road," near the Alms House, Newark, N. J. Chart 2. Elijah Canfield'. see Ephraim Canfield4. Chart 1. Elijah Campfield6, s. Williams & Sarah (Squire) Campfield. m. Elizabeth F. Bethaw, 13 March 1815, at Chatham, N. J. ch. Charles W.7 (b. 2. Feb. 1820. d. 5 Oct. 1823). Sarah Ann7. He was a sergeant on Capt. Carter's roll of riflemen who were in the service of the U. S. Gov't, from Sept. 1st to Dec. 2d 1814. He removed with his family to Ohio. Carriage maker. Chart 22. Eliza Camfield", dau. Abiel & Mary ( ) Camfield. b. 24 July 1782, at Newark, N. J. d. 4 May 1853, at Font Hill, Ga. n. m. Chart 16. Eliza Canfield7, dau. Matthias & Elizabeth (Crane) Canfield. b. 12 May 1813. d. 20 March 1889, at Caldwell, N. J. m. Jared Beach 14 Nov. 1833. 9 ch. She is buried in the new cemetery, Caldwell, N. J. Chart 18. Eliza Campfield", dau. Edward & Esther Ann (Baldwin) Camp¬ field. b. 18 Jan. 1843. She lives in Boston, Mass. Chart 22. Eliza Dehart Canfield6, dau. Isaac & Margaret (Caldwell) Canfield. b. 22 March, 1791. d. 3 Feb. 1866. m. Francis Dore- mus 5 Feb. 1815, at Squire's Point, N. J. 5 ch. Chart 7. Eliza Fontaine Camfield", dau. Wm. Augustus & Peninah (Freeman) Camfield. b. 4 June 1846. m. Marshall M. Garmon 20 Nov. 1865. 5 ch. She lives at Fort Smith, Ark. Chart 17. 46 Eliza Johnson Camfield7, dau. Jabez & Elizabeth (Johnson) Camfield. b. 15 March 1807. d. 17 Nov. 1854. m. Dr. William W. Day, 25 Jan. 1828. 3 ch. She lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 16. Eliza Ogden Campfield8, dau. William Ogden & Henrietta (Sanford) Campfield. b. 28 April 1840, at Nunda, N. Y. d. 24 Dec. 1869, at West Union, la. m. David W. Twitchell 9 Oct. 1867. 1 ch. (d. y.). Chart 23. Eliza Pierson Campfield*, dau. Barzillai & Electa (Cory) Campfield. b. 14 April 1815. d. 30 Nov. 1888. m. Aaron D. Hopping 20 Dec. 1837. 3 ch. Chart 22. Eliza W. Canfield7, dau. Isaac W. & Deborah (Wood) Can- field. b. 16 Feb. 1830. m. Capt. William M. Gamble, U. S. N., 8 June 1859. 4 ch. She lives in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Elizabeth Canfield2, dau. Thomas & Phebe (Crane) Canfield. b. 14 Feb. 1659/60. d. 1733. m. Theophilus Baldwin 8 Feb. 1682/3. 10 ch. Chart 1. Elizabeth Campfield4, dau. John & Deborah Campfield. n. m. This is traditional, there is no record of her. Chart 14. Elizabeth Canfield6, dau. Thomas & Elizabeth (Baldwin) Can- field. b. about 1760. d. 15 March 1829, aet. 69 years, m. Josiah Conger, ch. She lived in Newark, N. J. where probably some of her descendants still live. She is buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Newark, N. J. Chart 1. Elizabeth Canfield6, dau. Nathaniel & Jemima (Woodruff) Canfield. b. 26 Nov. 1781. d. . m. Abner Dodd, 26 Jan. 1800, in Bloomfield, N. J. 4 ch. Chart 3. Elizabeth Canfield6, dau. Ebenezer & Rhoda (Baldwin) Can- field. b. 15 Sept. 1789. d. 16 Sept. 1815. n. m. Buried in the old cemetery, Orange, N. J. Chart 19. Elizabeth Campfield6, dau. Samuel & Mary (Shaw) Campfield. b. about 1809. d. Aug. 1864. n. m. Chart 21. Elizabeth Canfield7, dau. Nathaniel & Elizabeth (Reeve) Can- field. b. 29 June 1819. m. John E. Post 26 Sept. 1839, in Newark, N. J. 4 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 3. Elizabeth Campfield8, dau. Samuel L. & Sarah Ann (Smith) Campfield. b. 8 Aug. 1822. m. George Roney 12 July 1840. Chart 20. Elizabeth Campfield", dau. Charles Henry & Elizabeth A. (Shellmann) Campfield. b. Dec. 1853. m. E. A. Cooper, no ch. Chart 15. 47 Elizabeth Canfield8, dau. John & Susan (Doremus) Canfield. b. 15 April 1859. m. James A. Speer 18 Oct. 1877. Chart 19. Elizabeth C. Canfield7. see Augustus Canfield6. Chart 13. Elizabeth E. Canfield9. see George W. CanfieldK. Elizabeth Jones Camfield7, dau. Abiel & Rebecca (Long- street) Camfield. b. 10 Jan. 1814, in Augusta, Ga. d. 1 Feb. 1886. m. Dr. Joseph Milligan, 6 Sept. 1842. 7 ch. She lived in Augusta, Ga. Chart 17. Elizabeth Morton Canfield". see Isaac Washington Can- field7. Chart 8. Elizabeth Ross Canfield7, dau. William & Louisa (Crane) Canfield. b. 19 July 1816. d. 7 Oct. 1880. m. John Ogden Tuttle 31 Aug. 1842. 5 ch. She lived at Hanover Neck, N. J. Chart 4. Elizabeth S. Campfield'. see Alexander Campfield8. Elizabeth Upham Campfield7, dau. Robert B. & Harriette S. (Perkins) Campfield. b. 29 July 1830. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 28. Elizabeth V. Canfield8. see Albert O. Canfield7. Chart 8. Ella Ann Campfield". see William Ogden Campfield7. Chart 23. Ella Antes Canfield8. see Thomas McGhee Canfield7. Chart 10. Ella Stewart Canfield8. see John Caldwell Canfield7. Chart 8. Ellen Canfield7, dau. Isaac W. & Deborah (Wood) Canfield. b. 4 Jan. 1832. She lives in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Ellen Campfield8. see Andrew Jackson Campfield7. Chart 20. Ellen Dyer Canfield8. see Charles I. Canfield7. Chart 19. Ellen Poinier Canfield8, dau. Isaac Aug. & Mary E. (Poinier) Canfield. b. 29 May 1852. m. Gilbert Jordan 18 Oct. 1876, in Morristown, N. J. 2 ch. She lives in Philadelphia, Pa. Chart 7. Ellis Campfield". see Theodore Augustus Campfield7. Chart 24. Ellis Campfield8. see George W. H. Campfield7. Chart 26. Elmer Raymond Campfield'"1. see John Martin Campfield8. Elwin Campfield8, s. Theodore A. & Hyla H. (Genung) Camp¬ field. b. 16 Nov. 1847. m. Bessie Graves 20 Sept. 1883. no ch. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. Chart 24. Emily Campfield8, dau. Andrew Jackson & Pamelia (Allen) Campfield. b. 26 Dec. 1845. m. Henry James, June 1863. 4 ch. Chart 20. Emily Adeline Campfield", dau. John & Mary (Dixon) Camp¬ field. b. 16 July 1806. d. 9 Feb. 1868. m. William Hotchkiss 15 Sept. 1827, at Monroe, Morris County, N. J. 3 ch. She is buried in Derby, Conn, where she lived for many years. Chart 24. 48 Emily Agnes Camfield8. see Joseph Stockton Camfield7. Emily Ellis Campfield8, dau. William Alex'r. & Maria (San¬ born) Campfield. m. Ancil B. Akin. 2 ch. Chart 15. Emily Frances Campfield", dau. Jonathan C. & Frances A. (Caffry) Campfield. b. 6 July 1843. m. Lewis M. McKirgan 25 Nov. 1868, at Afton, N. J. She lives at Summit, N. J. Chart 26. Emily G. Canfield7, dau. Josiah Flint & Abigail R. (Clark) Canfield. b. 8 Oct. 1850. m. Armistead M. Barry, June 1888. 2 ch. Chart 8. Emily Irene Camfield", dau. Caleb Halsted & Sarah H. (Tol- bott) Camfield. b. 22 Feb. 1859. m. Charles G. Eimer 8 June 1881. 7 ch. She lives at Belleville, 111. Emily Lovell Canfield". see Joseph Lovell Canfield7. Chart 7. Emma Canfield", dau. Joseph & Mrs. Elmira (Ballard nee Taylor) Canfield. b. 20 Oct. 1850. m. Edward Hotchkiss. no ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 2. Emma Adelaide Campfield8, dau. Alexander & Effie (Doning- ton) Campfield. b. 8 Aug. 1850. She was a teacher in the public schools in Newark from 1868 to 1887. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 24. Emma J. Canfield6. see Theodore Canfield7. Chart 3. Emma Lavenia Canfield8, dau. Moses H. & Ella (Odell) Can- field. b. 13 March 1852. m. William A. Dixon, 20 May 1874, in Newark, N. J. Chart 4. Emma Sophia Camfield'. see William Augustus Camfield7. Chart 17. Emma Youngs Canfield". see Jasper D. Canfield7. Chart 20. Enos B. Campfield7, s. Zopher W. & Nancy (Baldwin) Camp¬ field. b. 1819. d. 23 Feb. 1854, in Newark, N. J. aet. 35 years, in. Julia Costar Benjamin 13 Nov. 1842. He was a carpenter and a cabinet maker in Newark, from 1843 to J8S4. Buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Newark, N. J. Chart 22. Ephraim Canfield1, s. Israel & Sarah (Johnson) Canfield. d. about 1759. m- Sarah Medlis, "who administered his estate" &c. ch. Elijah5 (b. about 1749. d. 25 March 1766, and was buried in the Old Burying Ground in Newark, N. J.). Lydia5 (b. about 1752. d. 12 Dec. 1770, in her 18th year, and was buried in the Old Burying Ground, in Newark, N. J.). He was a soldier. His name (spelled Cranfield) is in a list of (43) names of persons who were indicted for riot, and for high treason, in Essex County, N. J. Superior Court, May term 1746. In another list of names DAYTON I. CANFIELD. 1794-1853. 49 (James Alexander papers, Rutherford Coll. Vol. x) he is called Ephraim Cornfield. Nothing more is known about him. Chart i. Ernest Canfield*. see William B. Canfield7. Chart 19. Esther Canfield0, dau. Joseph & Phebe (Freeman) Canfield. m. 1, Aaron Peck. 2 ch. m. 2, Rufus Baldwin. 1 ch. Nothing more could be learned about her. Chart 18. Esther Canfield7, dau. Matthias & Elizabeth (Crane) Canfield. b- 5 July i8o7. d. 31 May 1889. m. John J. Moore 1 Jan. 1833. 5 ch. She lived at Caldwell, N. J. Chart 18. Eugene P. Campfield0. see Arthur F. Campfield8. Eva M. Campfield8. see John Wesley Campfield7. Chart 20. Fanny Canfield0, dau. Ebenezer & Rhoda (Baldwin) Canfield. b. 1 Feb. 1795. d. 26 June 1869. m. William Peck7, 15 Feb. 1814. 8 ch. She lived in East Orange, N. J. Charts 18-19. Fanny Maria Genung Campfield7, dau. Matthew & Fanny M. (Genung) Campfield. b. 23 Dec. 1850, in Newark, N. J. m. Edwin Moore 15 Oct. 1873. 4 ch. She lives in East Orange,N. J. Chart 21. Felix Campfield7, s. John & Elizabeth (Roberts) Campfield. b. 1802. d. 7 June 1826, at Northfield, N. J. set. 24 yrs. m. Jerusha Meeker 24 June 1823, at Northfield, N. J. 1 ch. Amos Harrison". He was a farmer. Chart 20. Ferdinand M. Campfield7, s. Nathaniel K. & Lydia (Trow¬ bridge) Campfield. b. 26 Sept. 1832, in Savannah, Ga. d. 12 Feb. 1895. n. m. Fie was a private in Company H. 15 Reg. N. J. ; transferred to Company H. 2d Reg. N. J. 21 June 1865. He lived and died at Morris Plains, N. J. Chart 27. Flora Janette Campfield8, dau. William O. & Henrietta (San- ford) Campfield. b. 10 May 1851, at Rockford, 111. m. James M. Green 29 Nov. 1871. 4 ch. Eived at Rockford, 111. Chart 23. Florence A. Campfield8. see John B. N. Campfield7. Florence Louise Canfield'. see Abbott D. Canfield8. Frances Campfield8, dau. Andrew Jackson & Pamelia (Allen) Campfield. b. 2 July 1847. m. 1, Martin Glyshaw 17 March 1867. 7 ch. m. 2, Monteney. She lives in Memphis, Mich. Chart 20. Frances Canfield8, dau. David Warren & Caroline (Shaw) Canfield. She lives at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Chart 3. Frances Bowers Canfield8, dau. Robert W. & Frances A. (Bowers) Canfield. b. 10 July, 1847. d. 5 Aug. 1884. m. Arthur L. Graeme 20 May, 1876. 4 ch. Chart 8. 4 5° Frances Cornelia Canfield8. see Francis Dayton Canfield7. Chart 7. Frances Louisa Campfield7. see William Campfield8. Chart 15. Frances Rachel Campfield7, dau. Calvin & Rachel (Smith) Campfield. b. 12 Jan. 1828. m. 1, William Walker it July 1850. no ch. m. 2, Abraham Jones 4 July 1855. no ch. m. 3, Thompson Price 29 May 1877. no ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 24. Francis Allyn Canfield7, s. Mahlon & Louisa Cornelia (Sew¬ ard) Canfield. b. 20 Feb. 1832, at Bargaintown, N. J. d. 14 Jan. 1876, at Succasunna, N. J. n. m. Graduated at the College of New Jersey in the class of 1852. He was in the engineering department in the U. S. Navy. He studied law with Silas D. Canfield6, and was admitted to the New Jersey bar. He practiced in Paterson, N. J. where he lived for many years. He lived at Succa¬ sunna, N. J. from 1867 to 1876. Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Morristown, N. J. Chart 13. Francis Dayton Canfield7, s. Dayton I. & Cornelia Charlotte (Ebbetts) Canfield. b. 26 April 1834. m. Eliza Ann Wurtz 4 Jan. 1859, at Kingston, N. Y. 8 ch. Henry Wurtz8. Frances Cor¬ nelia8. Francis Dayton8. Hobart8. Ann Norris8. Edward Gran- don8. Lewis Clark8. John Miller8. He graduated at Burlington College (Burlington, N. J.) with the degree of A.M. He is also a graduate of the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He was ordained a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church by Bishop Doane in 1856. He has had charges at Dover, N. J., and at Boonton, N. J. (for ten years); was first assistant at St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, Pa. for ten years;—for two years, was Rector of St. James Church at Muncy, Pa.;—for two years, was temporarily in charge of the Church of the Ascension at Gloucester, N. J. and of St. Paul's Church in Camden, N. J. He is assistant at St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Lives at Germantown, Pa. Chart 7. Francis Dayton Canfield8, s. Francis D. & Eliza Ann (Wurtz) Canfield. b. 25 April 1863. Superintendent of a sugar factory at Yonkers, N. Y. Chart 7. Francis Irwin Canfield8. see Henry D. Canfield7. Chart 8. Frank Canfield8, s. Jasper D. & Catharine (Ritter) Canfield. He lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 20. Frank Davis Campfield8. see John Bergen Campfield7. Chart 24. 5i Frank Hoyt Canfield8, s. Isaac Watts & Ann L. (Westervelt) Canfield. He lives at Nyack, N. Y. Chart 3. Frank J. Campfield8. see George W. Campfield7. Chart 24. Frank Lemuel Campfield8. see Absalom J. Campfield7. Chart 20. Frank W. Campfield8, s. John Wesley & Mary Ann (Robert¬ son) Campfield. b. 15 April 1839. d. 27 March 1868. m. Abbie M. Doughty, 2 Aug. i860. 2 ch. William F.9 Nellie9 (m. Charles E. Beckwith, 27 May 1880. 1 ch. Juanita10). Chart 20. Franklin Matthew Campfield8. see Williams Campfield7. Chart 20. Frederick Canfield6, s. David Sealy & Mary (Dickerson) Can- field. b. 15 May 1810, at Morristown, N. J. d. 31 Jan. 1867. m. Julia A. Halsey 31 May 1838, at Sparta, N. J. 5 ch. Louisa Hal- sey7. Mahlon Dickerson7 (b. 19 Nov. 1840. d. 1 Sept. 1841). Augustus Cass7. Edmund7. Frederick Alexander7. While yet a boy he removed from Morristown to Ferromonte, N. J. where he had the charge of the Dickerson mine for thirty-nine years. His fondness for natural history led him to collect insects, birds and minerals, and although his opportunities for grat¬ ifying this recreation were restricted by the location and by the demands of his business, yet the number and the quality of his specimens attest the perseverance, industry, and rare good judg¬ ment with which he prosecuted his collecting. He died at his home at Ferromonte, and was buried at Succasunna, N. J. Chart 13. Frederick Campfield8. see Alfred Williams Campfield7. Chart 22. Frederick Campfield8, s. Charles Orton & Louisa (Denman) Campfield. He lives in Toledo, O. Chart 21. Frederick Alexander Canfield7, s. Frederick & Julia A. (Hal¬ sey) Canfield. b. 7 April 1849, at Ferromonte, N. J. He grad¬ uated at Rutgers College in June 1870 and at the School of Mines, Columbia College, New York City, in June 1873, as Engineer of Mines, since which time he has practiced his profession in North and South America. He compiled the "List of Minerals of New Jersey" published in Vol. II, Part 2, of the Final Report of the State Geologist, 1889. In 1886 he discovered the fossil plants which determined the geological age of the famous mountain of silver, the Cerro de Potosi, in Bolivia—one species was named " Passiflora Canfieldi," * it being new to science ; a new and rare * By Dr. N. L. Britton. 52 mineral has been named " Canfieldite "* in his honor. He is a member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey ; a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ; of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, and a life mem¬ ber of the New Jersey Historical Society. He is a corresponding member of the Brooklyn Institute. In 1892 Governor Abbett appointed him a member of the New Jersey Commission, World's Columbian Exposition. Secretary and Treasurer of the Ferro- monte Railroad Company. Secretary and General Manager of the Dickerson Suckasunny Mining Company. He is a collector of minerals and coins, also of data concerning the Canfield family. His home is at Ferromonte, N. J. P. O. Dovei", N. J. Chart 13. Frederick Antes Canfield7, s. Ira Day & Susannah (Antes) Canfield. b. 28 Dec. 1830. He is a physician and surgeon in Necedah, Wis. Chart 10. Frederick D. Canfield7. see Augustus Canfield6. Chart 13. Frederick Davis Campfield8. see David B. Campfield7. Chart 24. Frederick Hamilton Canfield8. see David E. Canfield7. Charts Frederick Park Canfield8, s. Henry Dayton & Anna G. (Can- field) Canfield. b. 7 April i860, m. Elizabeth Brewer (of Ger- mantown, Pa.) 23 Sept. 1893. He was elected to the Council of the Borough of Ocean City, N. J. March 1892. He lives in Ocean City, N. J. Chart 8. Frederick William Canfield8, s. Moses Horace & Ella (Odell) Canfield. b. 2 Oct. 1858. He is a book-keeper in Newark, N. J. Chart 4. George Campfield6, s. John & Mary (Dixon) Campfield. b. 29 June 1801, in Morris County, N. J. d. 8 April 1876, in Schenectady, N. Y. m. 1, Catharine Claussen 29 Dec. 1824, at Rockaway, N. J. 4 ch. Caroline Georgianna7. George William7 (b. 16 Nov. 1830, at Whitesboro, N. Y. d. 15 March 1849, at Troy, N. Y.). Albert Ogden7. Catharine Ann Eliza7, m. 2, Rebecca Veile 16 Jan. 1844. no ch. He was a large dealer in broom corn, and invented most of the broom corn machinery now in use in this country. He was a resident of Scotia, N. Y. where he is buried. Chart 24. George Canfield7, s. Nathaniel & Elizabeth (Reeve) Canfield. b. 22 Aug. 1827, in Newark, N. J. d. 9 Jan. 1886, in Philadelphia, Pa. m. Susan Berger, in Philadelphia, Pa. no ch. He was a jeweler. Buried in Fernwood Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. Chart 3. * By Prof. S. L. Penfield. 53 George Canfield8. see William H. Canfield7. Chart 9. George Campfield8. see George W. Campfield7. Chart 24. George Canfield8, s. Jasper D. & Caroline (Rogers) Canfield. He was accidentally poisoned near Rockaway, N. J. about 1870. He enlisted in the Union Army. Chart 20. George Canfield8. see William B. Canfield7. Chart 19. George A. Campfield8. see Absalom J. Campfield7. Chart 20. George Alexander Campfield9, s. Charles H. & Josephine J • (Campfield) Campfield. b. 27 May 1857. m. Dora Hawthorn Nov. 1885. 2 ch. Ada10. Josephine J.10 George Alfred Campfield9. see Alfred L. Campfield8. George Armstrong Campfield8, s. George W. H. & Susan (Armstrong) Campfield. b. 28 Feb. 1863. m. Lilly Petty 28 Jan. 1886. 2 ch. Reginald Petty9. Gladys Petty0. Chart 26. George Clifford Campfield9. see George Kneelon Campfield8. George Folger Canfield8, s. Albert Warren & Elizabeth Irene H. (Bage) Canfield. b. 24 Aug. 1854, in New York City. m. Sarah Kittredge 24 Feb. 1884. 1 ch. George Dana9. He graduated at Harvard College in 1875. He is a lawyer in New York City. In October 1894, the trustees of the Columbia College Law School made him professor of the department of Evidence, Agency and New York Law in regard to Trusts, Powers, Perpetuities, &c. He lives in New York City. Chart 4. George Horace Canfield8, s. Moses Horace & Ella (Odell) Canfield. b. 29 June 1856. Chart 4. George Herbert Campfield8, s. Jonathan C. & Frances A. (Caffey) Campfield. b. 21 Nov. 1851. Clerk. Lives in Newark, N. J. Charts 22-26. George Kneelon Campfield8, s. William Ogden & Henrietta (Sanford) Campfield. b. 20 March 1847. m. Mary I. Rowley 24 Dec. 1874. 6 ch. Nettie Isabelle9. Mabel Perch9. George Clifford". Harry V.9 Neva9. Hazle Kirke9. He is a farmer. Chart 23. George Losey Canfield7. see Ira Day Canfield". Chart 10. George Miller Canfield8, s. Jackson B. & Catharine A. (Miller) Canfield. b. 15 Sept. (he says 1851). m. Louisa Disch 12 Oct. 1876. 9 ch. Anna Elizabeth9 (b. 22 June 1878). Jackson Bloom- field9 (b. 6 Sept. 1879). George Miller9 (b. 17 June 1880). Mar¬ garet Handley9 (b. 12 Aug. 1882). Egbert Enloes3 (b. 8 Oct. 1884 . Dangerfield Dederick9 (b. 21 July 1886). Louisa L.9 (b. 15 May 1890). Duncan Eve9 (b 15 May 1890). Thomas Joseph9 (b. 30 Aug. 1892). He lives in Edgefield, Tenn. Chart 2. 54 George Milton Melville Camfield9. see John Freeman Cam- field8. George Munson Canfield8, s. Samuel C. & Lydia (Bond) Can- field. Town Clerk for Caldwell Township, Essex Co. N. J. 1874-1875. He is a farmer. Lives near Caldwell, N. J. Chart 18. George Q. Canfield8, s. David Warren & Caroline (Shaw) Canfield. b. 8 Nov. 1851. d. 14 Sept. 1883. n. m. Chart 3. George W. Campfield7, s. Jonathan & Martha (Shawger) Campfield. b. 17 Oct. 1836. m. 1, Eunice Cummings. 7 ch. Helen S.8 (b. 21 March 1857. d. 11 Dec. 1872). George8 (b. 1 Sept. i860). Annie8. Frank J.8 (b. 19 Dec. 1862. d. 12 March 1884). Nettie E.8 (b. 15 June 1865). Lena8 (b. 27 April 1868). Jennie M.8 (b. 15 July 1870). m. 2, Mary Louisa Solomon. He is superin¬ tendent of a car manufacturing company. He lives at Keokuk, Iowa. Chart 24. George W. Canfield8, s. Samuel L. & Sarah Ann (Smith) Campfield. b. 21 Aug. 1837. m. Lucy A Rhodes 26 April 1864. 2 ch. Sherman D.9 Elizabeth E.9 He changed his name as indi¬ cated. He lives in Sheridan, Wy. Chart 20. George Washington Canfield8, s. Jacob & Eunice (Munson) Canfield. b. 7 Nov. 1793 in Morristown, N. J. d. 18 Oct. 1826. m. Catharine A. Clark 10 March 1818. 4 ch. Ann Clark7. George Wood7. Harriet Tomkins7. Catharine Mary7. He left home when young and settled in New Philadelphia, Ohio, where he became a successful business man. Chart 9. George Washington Hall Campfield7, s. James A. & Rachel (Cory) Campfield. b. 5 July 1828. m. Susan Armstrong 19 Nov. 1861, at Madison, N. J. 4 ch. George Armstrong8. Ellis8 (b. 21 Nov. 1865. d. 11 Dec. 1865). Bessie Armstrong8. Hattie Bertha8. He was in the fruit business in Jersey City, N. J. He lives in New York City. Chart 26. George Wetmore Canfield6, s. Israel & Rachel Ogden (Wet- more) Canfield. b. 24 Feb. 1806 in Morristown, N. J. d. 25 July 1881. m. 1, Rebecca McKnight Reckless 1 Nov. 1832. 3 ch. Joseph LovelT. George Wetmore7. Cornelia Laura7, m. 2, Mar¬ garet Smith Lawrie. no ch. He studied medicine in the Uni¬ versity of Pennsylvania and became a physician. He practiced in Monmouth, Burlington, and Ocean Counties, N. J. He lived and died near Ellisdale, N. J. ; buried at Crosswicks, Burlington Co. N. J. Chart 6. 55 George Wetmore Canfield7, s. George Wetmore & Rebecca McK. (Reckless) Canfield. b. 6 Sept. 1839, near Ellisdale, N. J. d. 7 Feb. 1865. n. m. He was a farmer. He lived and died near Ellisdale ; buried at Crosswicks, N. J. Chart 6. George William Campfield7. see George Campfield6. Chart 24. George William Campfield8, s. John Bergen & Margaret A. (Adair) Campfield. b. 29 July 1849. d. 1 Nov. 1888. m. Julia Bennet. Chart 24. George Williams Campfield8, s. Williams & Catharine S. (Ross) Campfield. b. 7 Nov. 1850. m. 1, Mary . 1 ch. George0 (d. y.). m. 2, Mary Emma Brown. 2 ch. Charles" (d. y.). Laura C.. 2 ch. Maria C.6 (n. m.). a son6 who married. They lived at Lyons Farms, N. J. Miller, Abraham, d. 29 Feb. 1844, set. 55. m. Mary Conger6. Miller, Catharine Ann. m. Jackson Bloomfield Canfield7 8 May 1850. 2 ch. Chart 2. Miller, Elvina, dau. Francis & Rachel ( ) Miller, b. 24 Dec. 1818, in Rockaway Valley, Morris Co., N. J. m. Alfred Williams Campfield7 6 March 1837. 4 ch. She lives in Vails- burg, Essex Co., N. J. Chart 22. Milligan, Elizabeth Camfield8, dau. Joseph & Elizabeth J. (Camfield) Milligan. b. 26 Oct. 1852. m. Iverson Sterling Paine 3 Aug. 1882, at Social Circle, Ga. 6 ch. Chart 17. Milligan, Emily M.8, dau. Joseph & Elizabeth J. (Camfield) Milligan. b. 6 June 1850. m. John Bell 13 Oct. 1875, in Augusta, Ga. 4 ch. Chart 17. Milligan, Henrietta D.8, dau. Joseph & Elizabeth J. (Cam- field) Milligan. b. 31 July 1848. m. Henry Lea Graves, 2 June 1869, in Augusta, Ga. 5 ch. Chart 17. 174 Milligan, Joseph, b. 29 Jan. 1800. d. 23 Aug. 1884. m. Elizabeth Jones Camfield7 6 Sept. 1842, in Augusta, Ga. 7 ch. Rebecca Camfield8 (b. 18 March 1844. d. 20 Feb. 1847). Lewis Ford8 (b. 4 Nov. 1845. d. 25 Nov. 1863). Henrietta Dawson8. Emily Margaret8. Elizabeth Camfield8. Marion Randolph8 (b. 17 Feb. 1855). Alice Octavia8 (b. 14 March 1857. d. 11 Nov. 1858). He was a physician in early life. Cashier of the Georgia Railroad & Banking Co., for twenty-five years. Chart 17. Milligan, Joseph A. S. m. Octavia Philura Camfield7 12 Jan. 1849. no ch. Chart 17. Mills, David H. m. Emily C. Leonard7 4 Nov. 1847. 4 ch. Mitchell, Sarah C. b. 28 May 1848. d. 17 Nov. 1890. m. Leo Hill Coats7. 6 ch. Chart 10. Moore, Edwin, s. Richard & Sophia ( ) Moore, b. 8 Feb. 1851. m. Fanny Maria G. Campfield7 15 Oct. 1873. 4 ch. Flora A.8 Martha W.8 Fannie L." Edson C.8 Moore, John J. b. Feb. 1809. d. 18 Oct. 1885, at Caldwell, N. J. m. Esther Canfield7 1 Jan. 1833, at Caldwell. 5 ch. Mary Elizabeth8. William Wallace8. Smith C.8 (b. 8 June 1840. n. m.). Maria Louisa8 (b. 2 May 1842. d. 1848). Myron J.8 (b. 3 Aug. 1846. n. m.). He was a farmer and a currier. Chart 18. Moore, Mary Elizabeth8, dau. John J. & Esther (Canfield) Moore, b. 5 Aug. 1836. m. Milton W. Pier 24 Jan. 1857. n ch. She lives in Kearney, N. J. Chart 18. Moore, Susan, dau. Joseph & Catharine (Hance) Moore, b. 1812. d. 6 June 1856, at Hackettstown, N. J. m. William Losey7 1 April 1834, at Hackettstown. 4 ch. She is buried in Locust Hill Cemetery, Dover, N. J. Chart 5. Moore, William Wallace8, s. John J. & Esther (Canfield) Moore, b. 31 Dec. 1838. m. Anna Malone of Caldwell, N. J. 5 ch. Chart 18. Morgan, Anna. b. 1774. d. 8 Nov. 1848, in New York City, m. John Canfield6. 3 ch. Buried in the yard of 1st Pres. Ch., Newark, N. J. Chart 3. Morris, Gouverneur. m. Anna Maria Jackson DeCamp7. 1 ch. Gouverneur W.8 Chart 5. Morris, John, s. Michael & Mary (Smyth) Morris, b. 6 Feb. 1824, in Lancaster Co., Pa. m. Caroline Canfield Piatt7 (widow of Thos. C. Jenkins) 20 April 1871. 1 ch. John Norfolk8 (b. 24 June 1872). He studied medicine at Washington Med. College, Balti¬ more, Md., and at Philadelphia Med. College. He is a graduate 175 of Bellevue Med. College, New York, and a Licentiate of the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ire. Member of the Legislature of Maryland in 1852-3. School Commissioner 1856-7. Postmaster of Baltimore 1857-1861. President of the State Board of Health of Maryland. President of State Board of Plumbing. President of State Board of Lunacy. Manager on the part of the State of Maryland and the City of Baltimore, of St. Mary's Industrial School : the home of Feeble Minded Children ; and of the Indus¬ trial Home for Colored Girls. He is a practising physician. He lives in Baltimore, Md. Chart 13. Morton, Selina Jane, dau. William Quin & Elizabeth McRob- erts (Venable) Morton, b. 20 May 1830, in Prince Edward Co., Va. d. 25 March 1874. m. Isaac Washington Canfield7 30 Oct. 1850. 8 ch. Chart 8. Mulford, Alexander Campfield7, s. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 21 Nov. 1809. m. Mary Harrison. 3 ch. Mary Augusta*. Harrison*. Elexena*. Chart 23. Mulford, Amanda Matilda7, dau. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 29 April 1819. d. 8 Feb. 1863, in New¬ ark, N. J. m. 1, Jesse Smith, of Huntington, L. I. 2 ch. m. 2, Stephen E. Canfield7 about 1846. 3 ch. 111. 3, Daniel Whaley 21 Oct. 1858. 1 ch. Charts 3-23. Mulford, Ann Eliza7, dau. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 13 March 1811. m. Ambrose Ward Kitchell 11 Nov. 1833, at Hanover Neck, N. J. 7 ch. She is the compiler of "The Genealogy of the Mulford Family," Brooklyn, N. Y. 1893. She lives in Brooklyn. Chart 23. Mulford, Arminda Caroline7, dau. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 23 Nov. 1824. m. 1, Daniel Sharrot of New York. 3 ch. m. 2, Garrett Naylor of Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 ch. Chart 23. Mulford, George O.7, s. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 13 March 1829. m. Nellie McElvain of New York. 4 ch. Belle8. Josephine8. Millie*. George*. Chart 23. Mulford, Minnie E. m. George M. Tuttle6 22 Nov. 1876. I ch. Mulford, Susan E.7, dau. William & Catharine (Campfield) Mulford. b. 24 July 1808. m. John Erwin (of Jersey City, N. J.) II Nov. 1833. 2 ch. Chart 23. Mulford, William, s. Christopher & Jane (Ross) Mulford. b. 1 Oct. 1781. d. 10 June 1867. m. Catharine Campfield" 30 Jan. 176 1806. 14 ch. Harriet7 (b. 14 April 1807. d. 12 Sept. 1809). Susan E.7 Alexander Campfield7. Ann Eliza7. Sarah7 (b. 15 Jan. 1813. d. 18 April 1815). Mary7 (b. & d. 27 Dec. 1814). Alburtis L.7 (b. 18 Feb. 1816. d. 1847). Harriet7 (b. 8 Sept. 1817. d. 22 July 1818). Amanda Matilda7. William7 (b. & d. 23 June 1821). Catharine7 (b. & d. 23 June 1821). Catharine Maria7 (b. 28 Sept. 1822). Arminda Caroline7. George O.7 He lived at Hanover Neck, N. J. Chart 23. Mulligan, William, s. William C. & Charlotte (Strong) Mulli¬ gan. b. 4 July 1817. m. 1, Ellen Wikoff 9 Sept. 1840. 5 ch. Annie Tharp. Julia Strong. Caroline Park. Ellen Wikoff. Charlotte Wetherill. m. 2, Caroline Elizabeth Doremus7 (widow of Charles F. Park) 20 April 1870. no ch. He lived at Palisades, .N. Y. Now living at Astoria, L. I. Munson, Eunice, dau. Moses & Martha ( ) Munson. b. 16 March 1766. d. 2 April 1810. m. Jacob Canfield5 31 Oct. 1786, in Morristown, N. J. 13 ch. The compiler of the "Genealogy of the Munson Family" calls her Emma. Charts 9-10. Naylor, Ella. m. Edwin F. Tuttfe8 20 Feb. 1884. 1 ch. Naylor, Garrett, m. Arminda C. Mulford7 (widow of Daniel Sharrot). 4 ch. Neely, Jane. m. Thomas McLure8 12 Nov. 1856. no ch. Neely, Louise, m. Edw. Conrad McLure8 27 Jan. 1859. 1 ch. Neth, Mary. m. Charles Hunt Campfield8 1 May 1882. She lived in Columbus, O. Newton, Sarah, m. Dr. Henry Ford Campfield8. 1 ch. Nichols, Abigail, d. 1811. m. Joseph Canfield6. 2 ch. Odell, Eliza • Adelaide, dau. John & Sarah Pain (Pruden) Odell. b. 17 Aug. 1827, at Hanover Neck, N. J. d. 28 Jan. 1881. m. Moses Horace Canfield7 3 July 1851, in Newark, N. J. 6 ch. She lived in Newark. Buried in Evergreen Cem. Chart 4. Ohl, John F. m. Virginia Q. Canfield8 25 Feb. 1873. 1 ch. Frederick9. Chart 3. Ogden, Eliza, dau. John & Phebe (Howard) Ogden. b. 22 May 1782. d. 4 Oct. 1837, at Sunbury, Delaware Co., O. m. William Campfield0 7 Oct. 1809. 2 ch. She is buried at Worth- ington, O. Chart 23. Olstrom, . m. Hannah Canfield6 (widow of James Peck). Osborn, Cynthia F., dau. Henry S. & Asenath Jane (Warren) Osborn. b. 27 Feb. 1835, at Warrensburg, N. Y. m. Leo Boisau- bin Hurd7 29 April 1856, in New York City. 2 ch. She lives in Lafayette, Sussex Co., N. J. Chart 5. ROBERT BOND CAMPFIELD. 1770-1861. 177 Osborn, David L. m. Mary Louisa Tuttle8 Sept. 1882. 2 ch. Frank9. Etta9. Chart 4. Packer, . m. Mary Ann Vader7. Chart 3. Paine, Iverson Sterling, s. James G. & Rebecca Frances (Graves) Paine, b. 29 Sept. 1855, in Newton Co., Ga. m. Eliza¬ beth C. Milligan8 3 Aug. 1882, at Social Circle, Ga. 6 ch. Frances Graves9. Marion Randolph9. James G.9 Elizabeth Milligan9. Henrietta D.9 Robert L.9 He is a farmer in Newton Co., Ga. Palmer, Edwin, m. Harriet Vail Canfield8 1 June 1876, in Morristown, N. J. 1 ch. Maria9. Secretary of the Philadel¬ phia Board of Charities. He was a captain in the Union army, and was wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. He lives in Philadelphia, Pa., and in Atlantic City, N. J. Chart 7. Palmer, Nancy J. m. George Washington Leonard7 8 April 1835. 2 ch. Pancoast, Mary. b. 1807. d. 23 April i860, m. Jasper D. Canfield7 19 March 1845. no ch- Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Newark, N. J. Park, Anna Canfield8, dau. Charles F. & Caroline Elizabeth (Doremus) Park. b. 15 Feb. 1840. m. Winthrop S. Gilman, Jr. 23 Oct. 1861. 3 ch. She lives at Palisades, N. Y. Chart 7. Park, Appleton. b. at Colchester, Conn. d. 5 Sept. 1850. m. Joanna Wiley7 5 Sept. 1849. no ch. He was a member of the Connecticut bar. He represented the town of Colchester, in the General Assembly in 1846. He lived and practised in Colchester. Park, Charles F., s. Rufus & Elizabeth (de la Vergne) Park, b. 2 Aug. 1816, at Binghampton, N. Y. d. 13 Aug. 1865. m. Car¬ oline Elizabeth Doremus7 30 April 1839. 2 ch. Anna Canfield8. Charles Francis8. He lived in New York City, where he was a wholesale merchant. Park, Charles F.8, s. Charles F. & Caroline Elizabeth (Dore¬ mus) Park. b. 11 Aug. 1848. m. 1, Catharine V. W. Swift 30 April 1874. (dIic d. 12 Dec. 1862.) 3 ch. Katharine VanWyck9. Elizabeth de la Vergne9. Charles Francis9, m. 2, Julia Cleveland Lyman 25 Oct. 1883. 3 ch. Julia Lyman9. Caroline Doremus9. Eleanor9. He lives at Englewood, N. J. Chart 7. Parkinson, Maria, b. 17 Aug. 1840, in Cincinnati, O. m. Charles Canfield7 20 Feb. 1870. 4 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. 12 178 Parrot, John D., s. Peter & Sarah (Crane) Parrot, b. i May 1832. m. Ruth Augusta Campfield7 2 Jan. 1873. no ch. He lived at Morris Plains, N. J. ; now living at Chatham, N. J. Parsons, Mary E. m. Dr. Ira Day Canfield7 17 June 1867. 3 ch. Peak, Ellen, m. James Canfield DeCamp7. 6 ch. Peck, Aaron, s. John Peck. b. 1771. d. 1793. m. Esther Canfield6. 2 ch. Peck, Abiel, s. David Peck. m. Phebe Canfield6. no ch. Peck, Harriet7, dau. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck. b. 4 Dec. 1831. m. Elias O. Doremus 17 Jan. 1855. 4 ch. Fanny8. Emily". Frederick". Edward8. Charts 18-19. Peck, Ira7, s. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck. b. 26 March 1822. m. Esther Collins 4 Nov. 1857. 6 ch. Milton E." Fred¬ erick". Joseph C.s Ira Halsey". G. Lewis8. Ira". Charts 18-19. Peck, James, s. David Peck. m. Hannah Canfield6. ch. William7. Aaron7. Phebe7. He was a farmer. Peck, James7, s. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck. b. 30 Jan. 1825. d. 30 Aug. 1893, at East Orange, N. J. m. Harriet M. Hedden 1 May 1851. 5 ch. Laura8. William8. Emeline8. Jes¬ sie O.8 Jennie G.s He was a Chosen Freeholder in Essex Co., N. J. for twenty-one years. He was president of the Half Dime Savings Bank of Orange, N. J. for twenty years, and was a director of the Orange National Bank, for fourteen years. He lived in East Orange, N. J. Charts 18-19. Peck, Margaret E.T, dau. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck, b. 26 Nov. 1819. m. Alfred Jones 7 Jan. 1841. 2 ch. Harriet8. William8. Charts 18-19. Peck, Mary Ann7, dau. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck, b. 20 May 1827. m. Asher Smith 20 May 1847. 1 ch. Byron8. Charts 18-19. Peck, Phebe E.7, dau. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck, b. 19 June 1814. m. John M. Crowell 5 Feb. 1834. 2 ch. Anna E.8 James E.8 Charts 18-19. Peck, Rhoda7, dau. William & Fanny (Canfield) Peck. b. 14 April 1816. m. Linus Pierson 9 May 1838 5 ch. William8. Randolph8. Frank8. Helen". Mary8. Charts 18-19. Peck, William7, s. James & Hannah (Canfield) Peck. b. 13 Sept. 1790. d. 20 Aug. 1836, in East Orange, N. J. m. Fanny Canfield6 15 Feb. 1814. 8 ch. Phebe Elizabeth7. Rhoda7. Mar¬ garet Emeline7. Ira7. James7. Mary Ann7. Harriet7. William7 179 (b. 26 March 1834. d. 4 May 1849). He lived in East Orange. He was a farmer. Charts 18-19. Perkins, Harriette Seymour, dau. Rev. Nathan Perkins, b. 1804, at West Hartford, Conn. d. 24 Jan. i860, m. Rev. Robert B. Campfield6 23 June 1829, at Amherst, Mass. 5 ch. She lived in Newark, N. J. Buried in Mount Pleasant Cem., Newark. Peters, Harriet D. m. James A. Hunter7 22 May 1849. 6 ch. Chart 11. Phillips, . m. Julia Campfield7. no ch. Phillips, Sophia, b. 5 May 1832. d. 5 Nov. 1883. m. George Gwinnup7 1849. 3 ch. Chart 5. Piatt, Caroline Canfield7, dau. Jacob Wykoff & Caroline (Canfield) Piatt, b. 4 July 1829, at Ferromonte, N. J. 111. 1, Thomas Courtney Jenkins 13 Nov. 1856. 3 ch. m. 2, Dr. John Morris 20 April 1871. 1 ch. She was one of the compilers of "A Memorial Biography of Benjamin M. Piatt and Elizabeth his Wife," Washington, D. C. 1887. She lives in Baltimore, Md. Chart 13. Piatt, Jacob Wykoff, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Barnett) Piatt, b. 29 March 1801. d. May 1857. m. 1, Caroline Canfield6 27 Sept. 1826, at Ferromonte, N. J. 2 ch. Juliet Eyre7. Caroline Canfield7. m. 2, Harriet Lanman, of Norwich, Conn. 1833. 1 ch. John H. m. 3, Martha E. de Valcourt, of Baltimore, Md. 1837. 9 ch. Laura E. Mary Arabella. Ben. Mahlon. Charles de Val¬ court. Margaret Theodora. Eugene. Louisa Adele. Jacob Wykoff. Edward Courtney. He was a lawyer. He practised in Cincinnati, O. He was a man of nervous, sanguine temperament, courageous, incorruptible and outspoken. Almost unaided, and at the risk of his life, he caused the establishment in Cincinnati of the first paid fire department in the world. Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Chart 13. Piatt, Juliet Kyre7, dau. Jacob Wykoff & Caroline (Canfield) Piatt, b. 11 Sept. 1827. d. 27 Sept. 1854, at her home in Jackson, Mich. m. Michael Shoemaker 18 July 1850. 1 ch. Chart 13. Pierson, Ebenezer Howell, s. Aaron & Mary (Howell) Pier- son. b. 10 Feb. 1771. d. 14 Oct. 1828, in Cincinnati, O. m. 1, Phebe Canfield5. ch. Mary Ann6. Nancy6. Sarah6, m. 2, Phebe Day 18 Sept. 1805. ch. He studied medicine with Dr. Jabez Campfield5, of Morristown, N. J. He practised his profes¬ sion in Morristown, and in Cincinnati. In 1806, he was pres¬ ident of the Union Turnpike Co. On the failure of the firm of i8o Davidson, Day & Pierson, of which he was a member, he removed with his family from Morristown to Cincinnati, in 1818. He is buried in Cincinnati. Chart 12. Pierson, Linus, see Rhoda Peck. Pierson, Mary Ann6, dau. Ebenezer H. & Phebe (Canfield) Pierson. b. about 1796. d. 13 July 1829, at Morris Plains, N. J. m. Garrett VanHorn Dewitt, of Cincinnati, O. Chart 12. Pierson, Nancy6, dau. Ebenezer H. & Phebe (Canfield) Pier¬ son. m. 1, Baymiller. m. 2, Benjamin M. Pike. Chart 12. Pierson, Stephen, Jr., s. Stephen & Mary (Tomlinson) Pier¬ son. d. 1744, in Derby, Conn. m. 1, Mehetabel Canfield2, of Derby, Conn. 12 Oct. 1697. 7 ch. Elizabeth3. Thomas3. John3. Job3. Phebe3. Abigail3. Jonathan3. For a continua¬ tion of his genealogy, see "The Descendants of Stephen Pierson," &c., by Frederick Lockwood Pierson, 1895. Pitman, John. m. Patty Ann Campfield7. 8 ch. Martha Ann8. Rachel". Lafayette®. George". James8. Washington8. Peter". Hester". He lived in Newark, N. J. Piatt, Josiah. m. Sarah Canfield2 2 Dec. 1669. ch. Josiah3. Sarah3. Mary3. John3. Josiah3. Richard3. He lived in Milford, Conn. Plum, Jacob, s. Isaac & Sarah (Van Wagenen) Plume, b. 31 July 1770. d. June 1831 at Franklin, Ohio. m. Mary Camfield6 28 Nov. 1801, in Newark, N. J. no ch. He was a merchant. Poinier, Mary Elizabeth, dau. John W. & Ellen M. (Keene) Poinier. b. 13 Oct. 1826. d. 13 June 1862. m. Isaac A. Canfield7 14 Oct. 1846. 8 ch. She lived in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Post, John E. m. Elizabeth Canfield7 26 Sept. 1839. 4 ch. Theodore C.8 William H.8 George B.8 Anna E.s He is a car¬ riage painter in Newark, N. J. Chart 3. Prentiss, Eunice A., dau. W. H. Prentiss, of Georgetown, D. C. b. 25 Sept. 1832. d. 13 Aug. 1892. m. Charles I. Canfield7 2 Aug. 1880, in Washington, D. C. no ch. Prentiss, Margaret J., dau. W. H. Prentiss, of Georgetown, D. C. b. 2 Feb. 1824. d. 8 July 1879. m. Charles I. Canfield7 10 Oct. 1844. 10 ch. She lived in Washington, D. C. Chart 19. Price, Thompson, s. Daniel & Phebe (Thompson) Price, b. 13 Jan. 1808. m. Frances R. (Campfield7) Jones (widow) 29 May 1877. no ch. He is in the varnish business in Newark, N. J. Pride, John Sitgreaves. m. Phebe Ann McLure8 14 Feb. i860. 1 ch. Frederick Jones9. He was a physician. 181 Quimby, Lucetta F., dau. Hiram & Lucetta F. (Braham) Quimby. b. 25 April 1851, at Lowell, Washington County, Ohio, in. Robert Ball Campfield7, M. D., 26 Dec. 1869. 5 ch. She lives in Buffalo, Kan. Chart 28. Quinby, William DeHart, s. Isaac & Sarah (DeHart) Quinby. b. 9 Feb. 1817. d. 29 Oct. 1877, at Morristown, N. J. m. Sarah Louisa Canfield7 13 Dec. 1853, in Morristown. 1 ch. Mary Wil¬ son8 (b. 8 Feb. 1865, in Morristown. m. Wilmot Castle 15 Sept. 1885. 3 ch.). For many years he was the leading physician in Morristown. Quine, Margaret, dau. William & Ann ( ) Quine. b. 3 March 1826. d. 25 Sept. 1865. m. James Emmons Canfield7 24 June 1847. 5 ch. Chart 4. Railey, Catharine Canfield8, dau. Randolph & Mary S. (Hunter) Railey. b. 21 June 1848. m. George M. Fishback 1 June 1869. Chart 11. Railey, Emma8, dau. Randolph & Mary S. (Hunter) Railey. b. 14 Aug. 1841. m. Alexander Henry 13 Nov. 1861. Chart 11. Railey, Isham8, s. Randolph &• Mary S. (Hunter) Railey. b. 2 April 1846. m. Ezza Sanders 26 May 1869. Chart 11. Railey, Randolph, m. Mary Stewart Hunter7 15 Nov. 1836. 5 ch. Randolph8. Emma8. Isham". Catharine Canfield8. Wil¬ liam Hunter8. Chart 11. Railey, Randolph8, s. Randolph & Mary S. (Hunter) Railey. b. 11 Oct. 1839. d. 5 May 1883. m. Sallie Thornton 13 Feb. 1868. Chart 11. Railey, William Hunter8, s. Randolph & Mary S. (Hunter) Railey. b. 2 April 1850. d. 7 Feb. 1890. m. Martha McConnell 6 Nov. 1871. Chart 11. Randolph, Charles F., s. Richard F. & Rebecca ( ) Randolph, m. 1, Mary Hurd 5 March 1812. 5 ch. Elizabeth. Sarah. Margaret. Edward. William. m. 2, Sarah Wood6 (widow John Puff Losey) 18 Feb. 1829, in Rockaway, N. J. no ch. He was in the iron business. Reckless, Rebecca McKnight, dau. John W. Reckless, b. 8 Sept. 1815, at Ellisdale, N. J. d. 21 May 1845, at Ellisdale. m. Dr. George Wetmore Canfields 1 Nov. 1832. 3 ch. She is buried at Crosswicks, Burlington Co., N. J. Chart 6. Reed, Charles, b. 18 June 1812. m. Ann Clark Canfield7. 6 ch. Charles James8 (b. 14 Aug. 1841. m. Adeline Hammond). Mary Harriet8 (b. 10 Oct. 1843. d. y.). George Canfield8 (b. 15 lS2 May 1848). Frederick Piatt8 (b. 10 July 1853). Francis Wells8 b. 8 Oct. 1856). Elmer Ellsworth8 (b. 1 Jan. 1862). He was a physician. Lives in Colorado. Chart 9. Reeve, Elizabeth, b. 23 Aug. 1792. d. 24 April 1881. m. Nathaniel Canfield6 4 Sept. 1813. 9 ch. She lived in Newark, N. J. Buried in Irvington, N. J. Chart 3. Revere, Rachel Ann. m. Joseph Alfred Campfield1 9 June 1852. 4 ch. Chart 28. Richards, Benjamin B. m. Ann Eliza Losey7 30 July 1850. 1 ch. J. Losey8. He lived in Milwaukee, Wis. Chart 12. Righter, William A., s. John & Rachel (Stiles) Righter. b. 1 Sept. 1826, at Parsippany, N. J. d. 18 Oct. 1896 in Newark, N. J. m. Emma Louise Shugard8 8 Oct. 1851. 8 ch. William S.9 Florence9. Thomas Addison9. Mary9. Emma A.9 Clara9. Edward9. Howard9. He graduated at Union College. Studied law with the Hon. Joseph C. Hornblower, and was admitted to the New Jersey bar in 1848, from which time until his death he practised in Newark. He was a member of the Board of Educa¬ tion of that city in 1851-3-4 and was a member of the Board of Health in 1884. He was a director in the Security Savings Institution. He resided in Newark. Buried in Mount Pleasant Cem. Chart 3. Riker, Sarah, dau. Isaac & Catalina (Berry) Riker. b. 10 Oct. 1804. d. 8 April 1852. m. Benjamin Canfield6 2 Jan. 1822, at Caldwell, N. J. 6 ch. She lived at Cedar Grove, Essex Co., N. J. Ritter, Catharine, m, Jasper D. Canfield7 14 Sept. 1862, in Newark, N. J. 3 ch. Chart 20. Roberts, Elizabeth, m. John Campfield6 before 1799. Roberts, John. m. Ruth Campfield6 6 Oct. 1798. He lived at Hanover, N. J. Robertson, Henrietta, dau. Colin Robertson, of Morristown, N. J. b. 19 May 1819. d. 30 Sept. 1839, at Morristown. m. Aaron Ball Campfield6 13 Nov. 1838. no ch. Robertson, Mary Ann. d. 30 Nov. 1852. m. John Wesley Campfield7 16 June 1835. 7 ch. Rockwell, William Samuel, m. Catharine Campfield8 Dec. 1864, in Savannah, Ga. 2 ch. William O'Driscoll9. Charles H.9 Roff, Aaron, m. Rebecca Longstreet Camfield7 18 May 1849. no ch. He lives in Calhoun, Ga. Rogers, Caroline. 111. Jasper D. Canfield7. 1 ch. She lived at Troy, N. J. Roney, George, m. Elizabeth Campfield8 12 July 1840. 183 Rosencrantz, Frances Jane, dau. John & Sarah J. (Myers) Rosencrantz. b. 3 July 1849. m. David Barclay Campfield7 23 Feb. 1868. 6 ch. Lives in Meadville, Pa. Ross, Caroline E. S. C., dau. Daniel & Catharine S. (Dicker- son) Ross. m. Aaron G. Campfield7 8 May 1859. 4 ch. Chart 21. Rowland, Andrew, m. Mary Eliza Camfield7 22 Dec. 1832. 1 ch. Samuel8 (d. 5 March 1875). Chart 17. Rowley, Mary I. m. George Kneelon Campfield" 24 Dec. 1874. 6 ch. Sanborn, Maria. m. Dr. William Alexander Campfield7. 3 ch. She lived at one time in Lebanon, N. H. Sanders, Edith. m. Abner C. Hunter7 20 April 1857 in Sac¬ ramento, Cal. 10 ch. Chart 11. Sanford, Henrietta, dau. David & Laura ( ) Sanford. b. 4 Dec. 1814, at Pawlet, Vt. d. 23 Jan. 1878, at Nunda, N. Y. m. William Ogden Campfield7 16 Nov. 1837. 6 ch. She lived at Rockford, 111. about 1851. Chart 23. Sayre, Charles Falls7, s. William & Mary (Campfield) Sayre. b. 25 Oct. 1812. d. 28 July 1863. m. Esther States (widow of Croasdale) 20 Nov. 1836. 4 ch. George M.8 William L.h Annie E.8 Mary Adelaide8. Chart 23. Sayre, Edwin Gordon, m. Sarah Ann Campfield7 19 Jan. 1836, at Hanover, N. J. Sayre, Emeline Vallara7, dau. William & Mary (Campfield) Sayre. b. 22 Nov. 1816. m. Ira Cook 7 Sept. 1841. 2 ch. She lives at Hammonton, N. J. Chart 23. Sayre, George William7, s. William & Mary (Campfield) Sayre. b. 16 Oct. 1818. d. 17 Jan. 1852. m. Elizabeth Baxter Meeker 6 April 1840. 2 ch. Laura8. Matilda8. Chart 23. Sayre, Jonathan, s. Caleb Sayre. b. 1737, in Newark, N. J. d. July 1815. m. 1, . m. 2, Hannah . m. 3, Sarah , (second wife of Nathaniel Canfield5) 12 Dec. 1808. Sayre, Joseph, b. about 1766. d. 5 July 1848. m. 1, Phebe Canfield6. m. 2, Rachel . He was a constable in Newark, N. J. for nearly fifty years, most of which time he was a court crier. Buried in the yard of 1st Pres. Ch., Newark. Sayre, Lynison7, s. William & Mary (Campfield) Sayre. b. 14 Feb. 1814. d. 25 March 1840. m. Ann Jane Marsh. Chart 23. Sayre, Samuel, s. Ebenezer & Lois (Potter) Sayre. b. 18 April 1785. d. 30 June 1863. m. Mary Ann Campfield7 16 May 1840. no ch. 184 Sayre, William, s. Joseph & Rebecca (Neely) Sayre. b. 18 Jan. 1782, at Redstone, Va. d. 5 Dec. 1820. m. Mary Campfield6 13 Nov. 1811. 4 ch. Charles Falls7. Lynison7. Emaline Val- lara7. George W.7 He came from Virginia, where his father (son of Ephraim Sayre of Elizabethtown, N. J.) settled many years ago. Millwright. He lived at Long Hill, N. J. Chart 23. Sayre, William L.8, s. Charles F. & Esther (States) Sayre. m. . 1 ch. Alfred9 (b. 2 June 1863. m. Ray Helen Walton 28 June 1895). He is principal of the Central Manual Training School, Philadelphia, Pa. Chart 23. Schoolcraft, John Lawrence, b. in Albany, N. Y. d. 7 June i860, at St. Catharines, Canada, m. Caroline Cornelia Canfield7 6 Aug. 1853. 3 ch. Oliver Johnson*. John Lawrence8. Marie Seward* (b. 29 June i860, d. 18 March 1865). He was a Repre¬ sentative in Congress from 1849 to 1853. He lived in Albany, N. Y., where he was a merchant. He was for many years the president of the Commercial Bank of Albany. Chart 13. Schoolcraft, John Lawrence8, s. John L. & Caroline C. (Can- field) Schoolcraft, b. 8 March 1857. m. 1, . m. 2, Flor¬ ence . 1 ch. He was a banker in Richmond, Va. for sev¬ eral years. He is now engaged in the real estate and insurance business. Chart 13. Schoolcraft, Oliver Johnson", s. John L. & Caroline C. (Can- field) Schoolcraft, b. 5 Aug. 1854. m 1, Mattie Ould, of Rich¬ mond, Va. m. 2, . m. 3, Lily Tupper, in England. 1 ch. He studied in Cambridge, Eng., and at Heidelberg, Germany. For several years he was engaged in literary work in New York City. He is now a clergyman of the Church of England. Chart 13. Scorso, George A. b. 1836. d. 20 Feb. 1878. m. Sarah Cadmus Campfield7 24 April 1867. 3 ch. Charles Frederick0 (b. 10 April 1868). George Walton8 (b. 2 April 1870). Robert Ryer8 (b. 6 Oct. 1872). He lived at Afton, N. J. Chart 26. Sealy, Sarah, b. 1733. buried 22 July 1783, in Morristown, N. J. m. Abraham Canfield4. 12 ch. She lived at New Vernon, and later at Morristown, N. J., where she is buried in the yard of the 1st Pres. Ch. Her ancestry cannot be traced, but as she named her youngest son David Sealy it is a fair inference that she was a daughter of David Sealy who was a land owner in Newark, N. J. in 1730. Chart 1. Searing, Albert, s. John D. & Amy Matilda (Arnold) Sear¬ ing. b. 10 Jan. 1840, in Newark, N. J. d. 12 Jan. 1886. m. i85 Matilda Campfield8 2 May 1858. 1 ch. Harry W. (b. 11 Sept. 1864. d. 24 July 1890). He was a musician in 9th N. J. Vols. After the war he was a bookkeeper. Sears, Frank, m. Ida Campfield9 28 Sept. 1891. 1 ch. Franklin C.10 (b. May 1894). Selover, E. C. m. Mary Perkins Campfield7 18 June 1S68. 5 ch. Harriet Seymour8. Elizabeth C.8 Mary8. Edward Camp¬ field8. Harold Seymour8. He lived in Auburn, N. Y. Chart 28. Seward, Louisa Cornelia, dau. Dr. Samuel S. & Mary (Jen¬ nings) Seward, b. 1805, at Florida, Orange Co., N. Y. d. 4 Jan. 1839, at Bargaintown, N. J. m. Dr. Mahlon D. Canfield" iS April 1827, at Florida, N. Y. 5 ch. She was a sister of the Hon. Wil¬ liam H. Seward. Chart 13. Shackleton, Richard, d. July 1868. m. Sarah Ann Gwin- nup7. 2 ch. Jane8. Laura8. He was a farmer. Chart 5. Sharriot, Daniel, m. Arminda C. Mulford7. 3 ch. Lydia8. Annie8. Albert8. Chart 23. Shaw, Caroline, dau. William & Clarissa (Hoyt) Shaw. b. 7 Feb. 1814. d. 7 April 1884. m. David Warren Canfield7 13 Oct. 1834. 7 ch. She lived in Stamford, Conn. Chart 2. Shaw, Mary. m. Jonathan Campfield6. 2 ch. Shaw, Mary. m. Samuel Campfield5. 9 ch. Shaw, William Aspinwall. see Gamble, Adelaide L.8 Shawger, Martha, dau. Charles & Shawger. d. 3 Feb. 1886, at Meadville, Pa. m. Jonathan Campfield0 29 Sept. 1832, at Morristown, N. J. 2 ch. Chart 24. Shay, William E., s. Jonathan Baily & Keturah (Bond) Shay, b. 8 Sept. 1824. m. Henrietta B. Canfield7 8 May 1848, in New York City. 2 ch. Edgar R.8 (b. 14 Feb. 1849). Charles Canfield8 (b. 28 Sept. 1851). He lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Shellmann, Elizabeth Augusta, dau. Col. John & Clarissa (Montfort) Schellmann. d. 1840. m. Charles Henry Campfield7 1832. 8 ch. She lived in Savannah, Ga. Chart 15. Shepard, Mary, dau. John & Sybil (Gardiner) Shepard. b. *5 July I79I- d. 9 Dec. 1854. m. Thomas Canfield6 20 Feb. 1813. 8 ch. Before her marriage she lived at Green Village, Morris Co., N. J. Chart 2. Shoemaker, Michael, m. 1, Juliet Eyre Piatt7 18 July 1850. 1 ch. Michael Canfield8 (b. 31 May 1851. d. 28 Feb. 1852). He was a Senator in the Legislature of Michigan in 1850. He lives in Jackson, Mich. Chart 13. 186 Shoemaker, Philip K. m. Rachel Augusta Campfield8 5 Sept. 1869. 9 ch. John11. George9. Iran H.9 V. Dwight9. Wayland S.9 Mary9, an infant9, d. y. Kirke L.9 Theodore9. Shoner, Abbie E., dau. Christian F. & Amanda M. (Hedden) Shoner. m. 1, Bethuel D. Cardiff, m. 2, Elias Elmer Canfield7 8 April 1875. no ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Shugard, Emma Louise8, dau. William & Joanna (Canfield) Shugard. b. 20 Jan. 1832. d. June 1891, in Newark, N. J. m. William A. Righter 8 Oct. 1851. 8 ch. She lived in Newark. Buried in Mount Pleasant Cem. Chart 3. Shugard, William, s. Bernard & Mary (Crafeley) Shugard. b. 20 May 1802, at Germantown, Pa. d. 16 June 1862, in Newark, N. J. m. Joanna Canfield7 3 Nov. 1829, in Newark. 1 ch. Emma Louise'. He was a merchant and manufacturer. He lived in Newark. Mrs. Joanna Shugard d. 26 May 1897, at her home in Newark. Chart 3. Shuman, Julia A. b. 16 July 1830. m. Chandler C. Coats7 20 July 1852. 7 ch. Chart 10. Singleton, Margaret, dau. R. J. & Winifred (Steadham) Sin¬ gleton. b. in Clarke Co., Ala. m. John Freeman Camfield8 28 June 1868. 13 ch. Chart 17. Sloan, Louisa, m. John A. Leonard7 31 Dec. 1835. 9 ch. Smith, Caleb Valentine, s. Jesse Smith, b. 12 Aug. 1848. m. Gertrude Russell Canfield8 6 Nov. 1872, in Morristown, N. J. 6 ch. Augustus Canfield9. Russell9. Percy9. Gertrude Russell9. Mae Poinier9. Howard Valentine9. He lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith, Hallam R., s. Isaac & Sarah ( ) Smith, b. 24 March 1811, in New London, Conn. d. 23 Sept. 1894. m. Sarah Ann Hurd7 8 Feb. 1838. 3 ch. William D.8 James H.8 Jerome D.8 For many years he was in the live stock commission busi¬ ness in Chicago. Chart 5. Smith, Jesse, of Huntington, L. I. m. Amanda Mulford7. 2 ch. Ellen8. Horace8. Chart 23. Smith, Sergeant John, s. John & Grace (Hawley) Smith, bap. 27 Aug. 1646, at Milford, Conn. d. 8 Jan. 1732/3, at Milford. m. Phebe Canfield2 23 Jan. 1672/3, at Milford. 8 ch. John3. Thomas3. Samuel3. Ebenezer3. Joseph3. Abiah9. Nathan3. Joseph3, see paper by Robert Atwater Smith, in N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register for July, 1891. Chart 1. Smith, Joshua J. m. Henrietta E. Campfield7 23 Nov. 1848. 4 ch. David A.6 George8. Harriet8. Leander J.8 Chart 24. 18; Smith, Rachel, b. 19 Dec. 1789. d. 27 Nov. 1872. m. 1, James D. Nichols, m. 2, Demas Ford. m. 3, Calvin Campfield8 30 March 1817. 7 ch. Chart 24. Smith, Wilbur F. m. Jessie E. Campfield8. 1 ch. Wilbur E.9 Solomon, Mary Louisa, m. George W. Campfield7. Chart 24. Speer, James A. m. Elizabeth Canfield8 18 Oct. 1877. Spencer, Mary Gibbons, dau. Dr. Oliver & Hannah (Dayton) Spencer, b. 2 April 1817. d. 7 Sept. 1892, at Elizabeth, N. J. m. William Nelson Wood7 22 Feb. 1837, at Elizabeth. 12 ch. She was a granddaughter of Gen. Elias Dayton, the first president of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey. Spicer, Julia Frances, m. Caleb Halsted Camfield8 8 Aug. 1886. Squire, Sarah, m. Williams Campfield5 27 April 1773. 10 ch. Stanley, Mary. m. Peter Allen Canfield8 6 Oct. 1886. States, Nancy Maria, b. 27 March 1837, at Lafayette, Sussex Co., N. J. m. Mark T. Coats7 1 Jan. 1855. 4 ch. Chart 10. Stiles, Jonathan, s. Isaac & Hannah ( ) Stiles, b. 10 March 1688/9. d. I5 Nov. 1758. m. 1, Rebecca Canfield3 before June 1707. 9 ch. Joseph4. John4. Thomas4. Hannah4. Phebe4. Rebecca4. Jonathan4. Thankful4. Ephraim4. m. 2, Elizabeth Taylor (widow of John Stiles). He removed from Stratford, Conn, to Morris County, N. J. probably about 1714. He did not marry the widow Rebecca Canfield as stated in the Genealogy of the Stiles Family, as she married Lieut. Samuel Camp. Stokes, L. H. m. Cynthia Elizabeth Canfield" 15 May 1886. Straw, John B. b. 10 June 1843. d. 5 Jan. 1892. m. Susan Elizabeth Canfield7 6 Dec. 1863, at Lock Haven, Pa. 9 ch. Charles Canfield8. Nellie8. Frank8. Maud8. Thomas8. Mamie E.8 Harry8. Blanche8. Hattie8. He was a railroad passenger conductor. Chart 10. Tappan, Albert Theodore, s. Albert & Salina (Butler) Tap- pan. b. 9 June 1838. m. Augusta Estelle Campfield7 4 June 1864. 2 ch. Albert8. Charles8. He lives in Newark, N. J. Taylor, Mrs. Elmira {nee Ballard), m. 1, Taylor, m. 2, Joseph Canfield7 9 Jan. 1850. 1 ch. Chart 2. Taylor, Thomas House, s. Rev. Thomas House & Ann (Man- igault) Taylor, b. 23 Dec. 1839, at No 1 Rector St., New York City. m. Margaret Helen Canfield7 1 June 1869. 2 ch. Thomas House8. Bessie Booraem8. He lives at Plainfield, N. J. Chart 8. 188 Teed, Andrew William, s. Andrew & Martha C. (Walker) Teed. b. 24 Aug. 1855. m. Sarah Elizabeth Camfield8 7 March 1877. 7 ch. Paul Ernest9. Leslie F.9 A. William9. Catharine Camfield9. Norman9. Leah9. Ralph9. Chart 16. Teese, Conrad, s. Frederick & Sarah (Fritz) Teese. b. 26 March 1796. d. 13 Aug. 1873. m. Mary Halsted Camfield7 27 Aug. 1822. 3 ch. Frederick Halsted8. Edward Conrad8 (b. 12 July 1832. d. 26 July 1832). Conrad McLure8. He lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 16. Teese, Conrad McLure", s. Conrad & Mary H. (Camfield) Teese. b. 26 Sept. 1838. He lives in Morristown, N. J. Chart 16. Teese, Frederick Halsted8, s. Conrad & Mary H. (Camfield) Teese. b. 21 Oct. 1823. d. 7 Jan. 1894, at the Hoffman House, New York City. m. Ann Caroline Darcy 12 June 1856. 2 ch. Mary Matilda9. Catharine McEowen9. He graduated at the Col¬ lege of New Jersey, in the class of 1843. Studied law with Hon. Asa Whitehead. Admitted as Attorney-at-Law, 1846, and as Counsellor, 1849. He practised in Newark, N. J. He was elected to the New Jersey State Assembly in 1859, and again in i860, during which term he was chosen Speaker of the House. In 1864, he was appointed resident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of Essex Co., N. J., for a term of five years, and was reappointed for another term of five years. He resigned this position in 1872, to become counsel for the Newark Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. In 1874, he was elected a Member of Congress ; he declined to be renominated. He was a director in the National State Bank of Newark. Chart 16. Thayer, Joseph, m. Anna Losey Canfield6 11 Jan. 1838. 1 ch. He was a merchant in Springfield, 111. Thompson, Jane. m. William Bradford Campfield8 10 Sept. 1879. 1 ch. Tiernan, John. m. Mary C. Caffry7 31 Jan. 1829. 9 ch. Electa8. John8. Electa8. Catharine8. Mary8. Adelaide8. George8. 2 d. y. Chart 26. Todd, Hlla, dau. Levi O. & Louisa A. (Searles) Todd. b. 27 Aug. 1847. d. 3 Sept. 1893 at Bristol, R. I. m. John Caldwell Canfield7 15 Feb. 1865. 2 ch. She was a niece of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Tolbott, Sarah Harvey, m. Caleb Halsted Camfield8 13 Dec. 1865. 2 ch. Toll, James R. m. Caroline Georgianna Campfield7 1848. 2 ch. 189 Tomkins, David, s. Peter & Sarah (Fairchild) Tomkins. b. 6 Nov. 1798. d. 16 Sept. 1869. m. Harriet Canfield8 19 Jan. 1820. 4 ch. George C.7 Israel Losey7. Sarah Ann7. Mary Caroline7 (b. 10 July 1826. d. 19 July 1890. n. m.). Chart 9. Tomkins, George C.7, s. David & Harriet (Canfield) Tomkins. b. 27 Oct. 1820. m. Maria Hageman 25 Jan. 1843. 3 ch. Har¬ riet" (b. 8 April 1845). David" (b. 8 April 1845. d. 3 Aug. 1848). John H.8 (b. 18 Jan. 1848). Chart 9. Tomkins, Israel Losey7, s. David & Harriet (Canfield) Tom¬ kins. b. 20 March 1822. m. Letitia S. Varian 22 Jan. 1846. 3 ch. William V.e (b. 19 Nov. 1846). Emma C. J.8 (b. 18 Aug. 1848). Mary Caroline8 (b. 30 Dec. 1850). Chart 9. Tomkins, Sarah Ann7, dau. David & Harriet (Canfield) Tom¬ kins. b. 26 March 1824. m. John Joseph King 4 June 1846. 3 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 9. Treat, Sarah, dau. Richard Treat, of Wethersfield, Conn. m. Matthew Camfield1, before 1643. 9 ch. She was living in June, 1673. In 1643 "Goody (Goodwife) Camfield," had assigned to her the seventh seat on the middle bench among the women, in the Congregational Church in New Haven. Chart 15. " At a Generall Court held the 10th of March 1646." " The names of people as they were seated in the Meeting house were read in Court & it was ordred they should be recorded wch was as followeth." &c. " Secondly for the Weomans seats." In the " 8 Seate " were " G. Camfild " and five others. Trowbridge, Lydia, dau. Augustin & Elizabeth (Freeman) Trowbridge, b. 31 May 1S01. d. 27 July 1870. m. Nathaniel King Campfield8 24 July 1823. 7 ch. Tucker, William, s. George & Anne (Arnold) Tucker, b. 25 Jan. 1785. d. 28 May 1871, at Plumville, Pa. m. Phebe Camp- field6 21 Jan. 1809. 9 ch. Harriet Ann7. William D.7 Mary Amanda7. Melvina Matilda7. Lucinda Maria7. Charles7. Ash- bel7. Adaline7. George7. Chart 23. Turner, Dr. William, b. 1714. d. 15 Feb. 1754. m. Mehet- abel Foster (widow of Benjamin Camfield4), after 1738. 3 ch. Dr. Peter. Daniel. Nathan. He married three times. He was the earliest Newark physician of whom there is a definite record. He studied medicine with Dr. N. F. Pigneron, of Newport, R. I. Tuthill, Hannah, dau. Dr. Samuel & Sarah (Ford, widow of John Kenny) Tuthill. bap. 10 July 1768. m. Dr. William Camp- field8 10 Nov. 1789. 9 ch. She lived in Morristown, N.J. 190 Tuttle, Edwin F.8, s. John O. & Elizabeth Ross (Canfield) Tuttle. b. 10 Sept. 1850. d. 2 Aug. 1891. m. Ella Naylor 20 Feb. 1884. 1 ch. Howard E.9 Chart 4. Tuttle, George M.8, s. John O. & Elizabeth Ross (Canfield) Tuttle. b. 29 Nov. 1843. m. Minnie E. Mulford 22 Nov. 1876. 1 ch. George M.9 He is a farmer at Hanover Neck, N. J. Chart 4. Tuttle, John. b. 19 March 1726. m. Joanna Johnson (widow of Abiel Camfield4), 3 July 1747, in Newark, N. J. He did business in Whippany, N. J. ; he removed to New York, and died there. Tuttle, John H.8, s. John O. & Elizabeth Ross (Canfield) Tuttle. b. 15 July 1845. m. 1, Etta I. King 26 May 1875. no ch. m. 2, Clara M. Horton 15 Jan. 1890. He is a manufacturer in Providence, R. I. Chart 4. Tuttle, John Ogden, s. Caleb & Jemima (Beach) Tuttle. b. 15 May 1803. d. 4 March 1882. m. 1, Eliza G. Burnet 15 Jan. 1824. 3 ch. Willis R. L. Emma C. Sarah E. m. 2, Elizabeth Ross Canfield7 31 Aug. 1842. 5 ch. George M.8 John H.8 Wil¬ liam C.8 Edwin F.B Mary Louisa*. He lived and died at Han¬ over Neck, N. J. Chart 4. Tuttle, Mary Louisa8, dau. John O. & Elizabeth R. (Canfield) Tuttle. b. 28 May 1856. m. David L. Osborn 27 Sept. 1882. 2 ch. Chart 4. Twitchell, David W. m. Eliza Ogden Campfield8 9 Oct. 1867. 1 ch. d. y. Chart 23. Ulrich, Katharine L. b. 2 Jan. 1817. d. 25 Nov. 1853. m. John Edwards Caldwell Doremus' 13 Aug. 1839. 6 ch. She lived at Glenham, N. Y. Chart 7. Uptegrove, Wm. J. L., s. Jonathan & Ann Hill (Thomas) Uptegrove. b. 5 Feb. 1839, at Peach Tree, S. C. d. 30 April 1888. m. Harriet T. WisnerT 18 April 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. no ch. He was a pilot ; owner and captain of pilot boat " Winyah" of Georgetown, S. C. Chart 10. Vader, Mary Ann7, dau. Nicholas & Phebe (Canfield) Vader. b. between 1804 and 11 April 1807. m. Packer. Chart 3. Vader, Nicholas, d. 17 Aug. 1820, at Camptown, N. J. m. 1, Phebe Canfield6 26 Dec. 1804, in Newark, N. J. 1 ch. Mary Ann7, m. 2, . He lived in Newark. Vail, Elizabeth, dau. Henry Vail. b. 7 Jan. 1794. d. 22 Feb. i860, in Newark, N. J. m. 1, James Caldwell Canfield6 20 Jan. 1812. 4 ch. m 2, Ebenezer Condit 4 March 1828. no ch. She lived for many years in Morristown, N. J. She went to Missouri, l9l in 1819, returning to Morristown, 1826. She spent the last years of her life in Newark. She is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Newark. She sometimes wrote her name "Eliza." Chart 7. Vail, Harriet, dau. Stephen & Bethiah (Youngs) Vail. b. 7 March 1802. d. 30 June 1828. m. Dayton I. Canfield0 19 Feb. 1821. 4 ch. She lived and died in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Van Emburg, Elizabeth, m. Matthias Smith Canfield7 13 Oct. 1852. no ch. She lived in Caldwell, N. J. Varian, Letitia S., dau. William Varian. b. 14 July 1822. d. 3 Dec. 1878. m. Israel Losey Tomldns7 22 Jan. 1846, in New York City. 3 ch. Chart 9. Veile, Rebecca, d. 21 May 1893. m. George Campfield6 16 Jan. 1844. no ch. Vermilye, John. m. Harriet Brown7. 5 ch. John G/ Helen L.H Sarah M.8 William H.8 Edna8. Vredenburgh, Peter, s. John S. & Ann (Doremus) Vreden- burgh. b. 7 Feb. 1837, in Sangamon Co., 111. m. Mary A. Can- field7 27 Dec. 1866. 10 ch. Abbie Canfield8. Frances Doremus8. John Schureman8. Anna Elizabeth8. Peter8. Thomas Doremus8. Robert Ogden8. La Rue8. Edward William8. Reynolds Wal¬ lace8. He is in the lumber business in Springfield, 111. Chart 8. Vreeland, J. Newkirk, s. Isaac C. & Charlotte (Anderson) Vreeland. b. 29 June 1859. m. Laura Anna Camfield8 14 Nov. 1882. 1 ch. Bertha Camfield9. Waldron, Louisa E., dau. Daniel & Catharine (Covenhoven) Waldron. b. 1805. d. 24 March 1869. m. Ira Canfield6 16 Oct. 1839. 2 ch. She lived in Orange, N. J. She is buried in the old cemetery in Orange. Chart 19. Walker, William, s. William & Rachel (Marshall) Walker, m. Frances R. Campfield7 11 July 1850. no ch. Chart 24. Wallen, Henry D., s. Elias & Jane (Davies) Wallen. b. 19 April 1819 at Savannah, Ga. d. 2 Dec. 1886 in New York City, m. Laura Louisa De Camp7 25 April 1844. 9 ch. Henry D.8 Samuel Grandin J.8 Anna Canfield8. Edmund8. Florida Wood*. Jessie Grant8. Maria deCamp8. George Sykes8. Laura Louisa8. He graduated at West Point Military Academy in 1840. He served as Lieutenant in the Seminole War, and in the Mexican War. During the Civil War he was sent to the frontier in Arizona to keep the Indians quiet. This he did with such rare skill and efficiency that he was brevetted Brigadier General U. S. Regulars, by an Act of Congress. Chart 5. 192 Walton, Ruth Halsey, dau. Mark & Ruth (Halsey) Walton, b. Aug. 1796. d. 7 Oct. 1852. m. Robert Finley Canfield6 25 Oct. 1817, in New Orleans. 6 ch. Chart 8. Ward, Catharine, dau. Johnson & Deborah ( ) Ward. m. 1, Aaron Canfield" 8 Feb. 1816, at Bloomfield, N. J. 1 ch. m. 2, John Riker 30 Nov. 1824. Chart 4. Ward, Josiah. d. about x Sept. 1746. m. Hannah Canfield4. ch. Elizabeth5. Samuel5. Sarah5, (perhaps others.) Chart 1. Ward, Sarah5, dau. Josiah & Hannah (Canfield) Ward. b. 1741. d. 23 Jan. 1806. m. Dr. Jabez Campfield5 28 April 1765. 1 ch. This marriage is not certain, but is a conjecture based upon the fact that Dr. Jabez Campfield5 married a Sarah Ward, who was a connection of General John H. Cumming, who mar¬ ried Sarah Hedden5, a cousin of this Sarah Ward6. Washburn, Ruth. m. Abiram Canfield3 12 Sept. 1717. 8 ch. Watts, Henrietta, m. William Henry Campfield7 2 Sept. 1863, in Newark, N. J. 4 ch. Chart 21. Waynman, Sarah C., dau. William & Hannah (James) Wayn- man. b. 18 March 1788. d. 23 Sept. 1854. m. Abraham C. Can- field6 6 May 1818. 1 ch. She lived in Salem, N. J. before her marriage, after which event she lived in Morristown. Chart 9. Westervelt, Ann Lavinia. m. Isaac Watts Canfield7. 4 ch. She lived at Nyack, N. Y. Westervelt, Sophronia. m. Isaac Watts Canfield7. no ch. She lived at Nyack, N. Y. Wetmore, Charlotte Cornelia, dau.George & Rachel (Ogden) Wetmore. b. 23 July 1797. d. 26 Feb. 1873, at Morristown, N. J. m. 1, Richard Ebbetts. m. 2, Dayton I. Canfield6 16 July 1833. 3 ch. She lived at Morris Plains, N. J. Chart 7. Wetmore, Rachel Ogden, dau. George & Rachel (Ogden) Wetmore. b. 1 Nov. 1778. d. 3 Nov. 1850, at Morristown, N. J. m. Israel Canfield5 19 Dec. 1803. 6 ch. Chart 6. Whaley, Daniel, m. Amanda M. Mulford7 (widow 1, Jesse Smith. 2, Stephen E. Canfield7) 21 Oct. 1858. 1 ch. Harriet8. Whaley, Henry A. m. Ida R. Canfield8 9 Nov. 1865, at Pine Brook, N. J. 1 ch. (d. y.) Wheeler, Arthur M. m. Rose Eunice Canfield8 8 Feb. 1872. 6 ch. Arthur M.9 Morris Canfield9. Rose Anna9. Creighton9. Graham Kraft9. Roger9. Chart 19. Wheeler, Charles Whitfield, s. Hiram & Joanna (Lillie) Wheeler, b. 4 June 1836, at Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ROBERT FINLEY CAN FIELD. 1796-1858. 193 m. Mary A. Ailing8 5 May 1869. 2 ch. Sarah Ailing9. Mary Louise9. He lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 16. Wheeler, Nathaniel, m. Bethya Camfield4 between 1733 and 1740. ch. Joseph5. Miriam5. Jemima5. Rachel5. Abiel5. Nathaniel5. He probably lived in Newark, and in Morristown, N. J. Chart 14. Whittemore, Harriet G., dau. James Whittemore. m. David E. Canfield7 12 April 1837. 5 ch. She lives in Newark, N. J. Chart 4. Wiley, Joanna7, dau. Thomas & Harriet (Canfield) Wiley, b. 15 Feb. 18x9. m. 1, Appleton R. Park 5 Sept. 1849. no ch. m. 2, Joseph Beers 1 Jan. 1855. no ch. She lives at New Vernon, N. J. Chart 19. Wiley, Thomas, b. 23 Jan. 1776. d. 23 Dec. 1867, in New York City. m. Harriet Canfield6 8 May 1812. 4 ch. Phebe7 (b. 7 Feb. 1813. d. 13 Dec. 1853. n. 111.). Thomas7. Maria7 (b. 2 Feb. 1817. d. 17 June 1839. n. m.). Joanna7. His mother held him in her arms as she listened to the first reading of the Declar¬ ation of Independence in the city of New York, by the messen¬ ger, who while bringing it from Philadelphia, was halted by the people near the corner of Broadway and Wall street, in front of the house where Thomas Wiley was born. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Chart 19. Wiley, Thomas7, s. Thomas & Harriet (Canfield) Wiley, b. 16 Nov. 1815. m. Elizabeth Maria Bowne 1842. 6 ch. Theo¬ dore8. Thomas8. John8. Emily8. Sarah8. Anna8. He lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Chart 19. Williams, Elizabeth, b. 17 Sept. 1823. m. George Wood Canfield7. 2 ch. Williams, Ruth. b. 10 April 1721. d. 18 April 1802. m. John Campfield4. ch. Buried in Hanover, N. J. Williams, William R. b. 16 Nov. 1845, in Paterson, N. J. m. Harriet S. Coulter8 10 Sept. 1867. 1 ch. Nellie9 (b. 4 Nov. 1871, in Walla Walla, Wash. d. 6 Feb. 1890, in San Francisco). He is a hardware salesman. He lives in Chico, Cal. Chart 21. Willoughby, Elizabeth, dau. Francis Willoughby. m. Sam¬ uel Camfield3. 5 ch. Chart 15. Wilson, Robert F. m. Charlotte A. Hoppen8 30 March 1893. Wilson, Sarah, dau. Thomas Wilson, m. Jabez Gwinnup7. 2 ch. Chart 5. 13 194 Wing, David Emery, m. Amanda Alice Campfield8 5 July 1878. Wisner, Benjamin, b. 10 Feb. 1797, in Orange Co., N. Y. d. 25 Aug. 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. m. Phebe Ann Pierson Canfield6 24 Sept. 1826, in Morristown, N. J. 8 ch. James R.7 (b. 23 Feb. 1828. d. 11 July 1828). Adeline7 (b. 16 Oct. 1829. d. 6 July 1830). Harriet T.7 Theodore B.7 (b. 27 Aug. 1834. d. 10 June 1850). Cornelia C.7 (b. 17 Nov. 1836. d. 29 Dec. 1838). Ira Augustus7 (b. 6 Feb. 1841. d. 6 Sept. 1842). Phebe Caroline7. Theodosia Emily7. Some of his children are buried in Morris- town. He was atrial Judge and lived in New York City. Chart 10. Wisner, Harriet Tomkins7, dau. Benjamin & Phebe Ann (Canfield) Wisner. b. 8 July 1831. m. William Uptegrove 18 April 1864. no ch. She lives in Georgetown, S. C. Chart 10. Wisner, Phebe Caroline7, dau. Benjamin & Phebe Ann (Can- field) Wisner. b. 29 Dec. 1843. d. 7 April 1876. m. George Yearicks Davis 25 Oct. 1866. 3 ch. Chart 10. Wisner, Theodosia Emily7, dau. Benjamin & Phebe Ann (Canfield) Wisner. b. 18 March 1846. d. 30 Oct. 1893. m. George William Betts 18 Jan. 1884, at Georgetown, S. C. 1 ch. Chart 10. Wood, Clement, s. Elnathan & (Topping) Wood. b. 1753. d. 11 April (or May) 1823. m. 1, Sarah Canfield5 10 Jan. 1776. 5 ch. James8. Hannah6. Sarah6. Nancy6. Elizabeth6. m. 2, Mary . He lived at one time at New Vernon, N. J. also in Morristown, N. J. and later in Philadelphia, Pa. He was Ensign in Capt. Nodiah Wade's Company from 17 Feb. 1777 to 26 Sept. 1780. It was the Third Company in the 4th Battalion, Second Establishment, Continental Army. Major Clement Wood signed an address to President John Adams in 1798. He was buried in the Friends' Burying Ground in Philadelphia. Charts 1-5. Wood, Deborah, dau. William Wood of Burlington, N. J. m. Dr. Isaac Washington Canfield6 16 Oct. 1828, in New York City. 4 ch. She lived in Morristown, N. J. Chart 7. Wood, Edward7, see James Wood. Chart 5. Wood, Elizabeth6, dau. Clement & Sarah (Canfield) Wood, b. 13 Sept. 1790. d. 6 Oct. 1845. m. James L. Hurd 12 April 1809. 8 ch. She lived at Morristown and at Woodport, N. J. Buried in Hurdtown, Morris Co., N. J. Chart 5. 195 Wood, Hannah6, dau. Clement & Sarah (Canfield) Wood, b. 13 Nov. 1780. d. 15 Oct. 1843. m. Dr. Jabez Gwinnup 25 June 1796. 13 ch. She lived at Morristown and at Knowlton, N. J. Chart 5. Wood, James6, s. Clement & Sarah (Canfield) Wood. b. 1779. d. 27 May 1849 in Morristown. m. Elizabeth Halsted Meeker 20 Feb. 1802. 6 ch. Sarah Ann7 (b. 14 Dec. 1802. d. 9 June i860, n. m.). William Nelson7. Edward7 (b. ix Feb. 1808. d. 21 Feb. 1831). Jane E.7 (b. 9 Aug. 1811. d. 19 April 1886. n. m.). Theodore Talbot7. Laura Louisa7. He lived in Morris¬ town, N. J. He became the junior member of the firm of Wet- more & Wood 19 April . He rebuilt the Morris Aqueduct in 1816. He subscribed $150.00 to the fund raised to purchase addi¬ tional land for the Morristown "Green" (a park). He was one of the committee of arrangements to welcome Lafayette to Mor¬ ristown, in 1825. He held the position of County Judge for Morris County (N. J.) in 1825-1830 and 1837. He was an incor¬ porator of the Morris County Bank in 1836 ; and became its first president. He represented Morris County in the Legislative Council (now the Senate) in 1840. Chart 5. Wood, Jane H.7 see James Wood6. Chart 5. Wood, Laura Louisa7, dau. James & Elizabeth H. (Meeker) Wood. b. 13 Aug. 1821. d. 29 April 1884. m. Admiral John DeCamp7, U. S. N., 14 July 1846. 3 ch. Chart 5. Wood, Margaret H. m. George Caffry7 31 Dec. 1835. Wood, Maria Berry, dau. William & Susannah (Berry) Wood. b. 4 Nov. 18x0. d. 14 Feb. 1863. m. John M. Losey7 7 Dec. 1831. 3 ch. Chart 5. Wood, Nancy6, dau. Clement & Sarah (Canfield) Wood. b. 30 Nov. 1787, at Baskinridge, N. J. d. 7 March 1855, at Saratoga, N. Y. m. Dr. Samuel Grandin Johnston DeCamp 20 Nov. 1S09, at Dover, N. J. 8 ch. Chart 5. Wood, Sarah6, dau. Clement & Sarah (Canfield) Wood. b. 27 June 1783. d. 28 April 1872, in Dover, N. J. m. 1, John Puff Losey 16 June 1804. 2 ch. m. 2, Charles Fitz Randolph 18 Feb. 1829, at Rockaway, N. J. no ch. She lived in Dover. Chart 5. Wood, Sarah Ann7, see James Wood6. Chart 5. Wood, Theodore Talbot7, s. James & Elizabeth H. (Meeker) Wood. b. 18 Feb. 1813. d. 30 Nov. 1864. m. Mary Ann Deslion Brandegee 5 Oct. 1843. 9 ch- John B.e Theodore F.8 Mary W.8 Augustus B.8 Walter B.8 William M.8 Clarence B.s Clement8. ig6 Sarah8. He was an incorporator of the Rockaway Manufacturing Company in 1855 and of the Morris Female Institute in i860, and of the Hibernia Mine Railroad Company in 1863. He was cashier of the Morris County Bank, of Morristown, N. J. He owned the "Upper Wood" and the " Lower Wood" iron mines at Hibernia, N. J. He lived in Morristown. Chart 5. Wood, William A., s. William & Susannah (Berry) Wood, b. 5 May 1818. d. 15 Jan. 1870. m. 1, Caroline Hurd7 6 Sept. 1843. 3 ch. Frances L.8 (b. 18 Aug. 1846. d. 2 Nov. 1856). Anna8 (m. Daniel McPherson). Caroline A.8 (b. 7 Feb. 1851. d. 12 Aug. 1851). m. 2, Phebe A. Hurd. no ch. He established the first store ever opened in Woodport, N. J. in 1831, and kept it until his death. He held several public offices in Jefferson Town¬ ship, Morris Co., N. J. He lived and died at Woodport. He is buried in Hurdtown, N. J. Chart 5. Wood, William Nelson7, s. James & Elizabeth H. (Meeker) Wood. b. 22 Dec. 1805. d. 25 July 1865. m. Mary Gibbons Spencer 22 Feb. 1837, at Elizabeth, N. J. 13 ch. Ella W." James". Anna S.8 Oliver Spencer8. J. Dayton8. William Nel¬ son". Edward M.8 Mary S.8 Eliza M.8 Eliza8. James8. 2 d. y. He was an incorporator of the Morris & Essex Railroad Company in 1835, and of the Morristown Gaslight Company in 1855. He was appointed Surrogate of Morris County, (N. J.) 1833-1838. He succeeded his father as president of the Morris County Bank. He lived in Morristown, N. J. Chart 5. Woodruff, James, m. Sarah Ann Campfield8 12 Dec. 1870. 11 ch. Henry'. Ernest0. Laura Belle9. Florence9. Minnie9. Jessie9. George9. Benjamin9. John9. Mary9. Julia9. Woodruff, Jemima, b. 11 April 1751. d. 30 Jan. 1793. m. Nathaniel Canfield5 1773. 11 ch. She lived in Newark, N. J. Chart 3. Woodruff, Thomas W. m. Lydia Tuttle Harrison7. 3 ch. Camfield8. Jessie8 (m. C. E. Adams). Thomas8. Chart 16. Woodward, E. Morrison, s. James S. & Rebecca Anna (De la Montaignie) Woodward, b. 11 March 1828 in Philadelphia, m. Cornelia Laura Canfield7 27 Dec. 1866. 2 ch. George Canfield8 (b. 15 Dec. 1867. d. 4 Nov. 1887). Reginald Heber8 (b. 12 Aug. 1869). He has written a number of books on local and on mili¬ tary history. He is the author of " The History of the Citizen Soldiers of Philadelphia 1723—1859," and " Our Campaigns." " History of Bordentown, N. J." " Old Families of Burlington i9/ County." ''The History of Burlington and Mercer Counties." " Bonaparte's Park and The Murats." "History of the Second Regiment Penn'a Reserves." " History of the Third Regiment Penn'a Reserves." " History of the Fourth Regiment Penn'a Reserves." " History of 198th Regiment Penn'a Volunteers." He lives at Ellisdale, N.J. He is a lawyer. Chart 6. Wurtz, Eliza Ann, dau. John Jacob & Anne Barbara (Norris) Wurtz. b. 29 July 1835. ' m. Rev. Francis Dayton Canfield7 4 Jan. 1859, at Kingston, N. Y. 8 ch. She lives at Germantown, Pa. Chart 7. Wylie, Jane. m. Edward Conrad McLure*, June 1873. ch. Wysong, Rutherford, s. John & Helen (Hebb) Wysong. b. 1834, in Shepherdstown, Jefferson Co., Va. d. 28 April 1875, at Baltimore, Md. m. Mary C. McLure8 (widow of Josiah Bedon) 27 Jan. 1871. 1 ch. Rutherford0. He studied medicine in the University of Virginia. He resided in Baltimore, Md. Chart 16. Young, George H. see Gamble, Mary L.8 Youngman, Josephine Elizabeth, dau. Elias Pontius & Amelia (Antes) Youngman. b. 24 June 1839, at Nippenose, Lycoming Co., Pa. m. Thomas McGhee Canfield7 4 Feb. 1869. 6 ch. She lived at Antes Tract, Jersey Shore, Pa. Chart 10. Zachos, John C., s. Nicholas & Euphrosyne ( ) Zachos, natives of Athens, Greece, b. 1820 in Constantinople, m. Har¬ riet Tomkins Canfield7 26 July 1849. 6 ch. Ainsworth Yeatman". Catharine Euphrosyne". Mary Helena8. Margaret Altona8. Elizabeth8. Robert Huntington". He came to the United States in 1828. He graduated from Kenyon College in 1S40. He was associated with Horace Mann as professor of Literature, and was Principal of the Academic Department in Antioch College in 1852. He was an Acting Surgeon in the United States Army in 1862-3. He has been the Curator of the Cooper Union, New York City, since 1870. He lives at West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Chart 9. APPENDIX. Unidentified Families. Ambrose Canfield joined the Presbyterian Church in Caldwell, N. J., 2 April, 1797. This is the first record of him that has been found. The names of his parents are not known, but the tradition in the family is that his father came from " Yankee land served in the American army, and was imprisoned by the British in New York. His mother was a sister of the wife of the Rev. Stephen Grover, of Tolland, Conn., who for many years was the pastor of the Caldwell church. She m. 2, Norris, (?) and removed to a place near Geneva, N. Y. Ambrose Canfield probably came from Connecticut. Carpenter. In 1809 he removed to Geneva, N. Y., and returned to Caldwell in 1812. In 1822, he re¬ moved to Columbus (?), Ohio, with two sons and four daughters, and died there. He visited Caldwell in 1835. Ambrose Canfield m. Mary, dau. John R. & Elizabeth (Crane) Crane, 21 Feb. 1799, in Caldwell. 7 ch. William Henry, Stephen Whelock, James, Eliza, Maria, Caroline, Sarah. William Henry, b. 5 May 1800. d. 20 April 1893. m. 1, Emily Force. 4 ch. George, Whelock, Angeline, a child d. y. George (b. 19 April 1821. m. Sarah E. Mead 28 Oct. 1845. 9 ch. Emmons Mead, William Henry, John Milton, Emily Augusta, Sarah Caroline, Louisa Estelle, George Allen, Charles H., Milton Mead. Cabinet maker. Lives in Caldwell). Whelock (b. 9 Feb. 1823. d. 25 April 1891. n. m. He was a blacksmith in Newark, N. J., from 1851 to 1858). Angeline (b. 17 Aug. 1825. d. 7 April 1885 in Newark, N. J. m. 1, John Godfrey, m. 2, Greaves). William Henry m. 2, Dorcas Stagg 16 Aug. 1828. 1 ch. Wesley (b. 1 May 1840. n. m. He enlisted in the Union army, went to Buffalo, N. Y., and to Australia). He was a fuller. Born and lived and died in Caldwell. Stephen Whelock, bap. 22 March 1802. m. near Pittsfield, Mass. Removed to Ohio with his father. James. Married in Ohio. Eliza, Caroline, Maria and Sarah went to Ohio. Israel Canfield was born near Elizabeth, N. J., 6th July 1776, and died at Ossian, N. Y., in 1854. His father, who was a recruiting officer in the American army, died so early that he never saw his child. He owned 300 acres of land near Elizabeth. Israel's mother m. 2, Miller, who persuaded her to sell her land and remove to Pittsford, N. Y., where her son married and had a large family. It is difficult to reconcile this tradition with the conditions that are known to have existed, but the probabilities are that Israel was the son of Benja¬ min Canfield5, of Orange. N. J., who died before Sept. 1776, at Trenton, as he was the only Canfield who is known to have died in the army at so early a date. Orange is only six miles from Elizabeth, and Benjamin's ancestors were the only Canfields that held large tracts of land in that region. Israel Canfield m. Lucy West, 17 May 1804. 11 ch. 1. Daniel West. b. 30 Jan. 1805. d. 29 May 1878. m. Porter. 3 ch. Minerva, Lucy, Portek. r99 2. William M. b. 13 Sept. 1806. d. 15 Jan. i8gt. m. Eliza J. Murphy. 6 ch. William (b 1834). John (b. 1836. m. Drayman. 3 ch. Alice, Leonard, John). Annette (b. May 1837. m. Samuel Sell, no ch.). Wesley (b. 20 July, 1840. m. Alice Warren. 5 ch. Elizabeth, Lucy, May Alice, William Wesley, Warren. He lives in Philadelphia, Pa.). Elizabeth (b. 1843. m. Lyman M. Willard). Lucy (b. 1845. m. James R. Stoddard. 1 ch. Helen). 3. Luther, b. 8 May 1808. m. Hopkins. 2 ch. Charles, Elizabeth. 4. Israel, b. 18 Eeb. 1S10. m. Anice Bisbee. 3 ch. Harriet, Rosalthea, Aurora. He removed to Ogden, Utah, and died there. 5. Lucy Ann. b. 9 Sept. 1S11. m. David Haines. 6. Charles, b. 12 Nov. 1S13. m. Smith. 4 ch. Sophronia, Anice, Sally, Charles. 7. Ira. b. 15 Jan. 1816. m. Consalus. 1 ch. Isaac, who lives in Boulder City, Col. 8. Augustus, b. 3 Dec. 1818. m. Smith. 1 ch. Lucy. 9. Calvin, b. 20 July 1821. d. y. 10. Elizabeth, b. 25 July 1822. m. Ara Sabin. 11. Sarah, b. 17 Jan. 1825. m. Brown. James Canfield, of Malapardis, N. J., d. about 1836, in Newark, N. J. m. Electa Mulford 13 March 1804, at Hanover, N. J., and had children, Jehiel Ross, James Wood, Jacob Vail, Christopher Mulford, Melancthon, Elizabeth D. He had a mill at Malapardis. He is said to have been a literary man, and to have lived in Newark for many years. He has been confounded with James Caldwell Canfield6, who was born 14 Jan. 1790. It is said that none of his sons married, but the James W. Canfield, who married Sarah Ann Lawrence, 15 Aug. 1839, in Newark, was probably a son. Jehiel Ross, bap. 5 Jan. 1809, at Hanover, n. m. He was well educated. He went to Mexico as a teacher. Supposed to have been killed there. James Wood, bap. 5 Jan. 1809, at Hanover. He was a grocer in Newark, from 1835 to 1846. He died in Newark. Jacob Vail and Christopher Mulford were bap. 2 Oct. 1814, at Hanover. Melancthon, died from the effects of a fall on the ice. Elizabeth D. b. 1820. m. Benjamin Coe 14 Sept. 1842. Both lived in Chat¬ ham, N. J., at that time. 1 ch. Clifford Coe, who is an Alderman in Buffalo, N. Y. She lived in Mendham, N. J., for many years, now living in Buffalo. John Canfield* was born in Connecticut. He came to Branchville, Sussex Co., N. J. in 1820, and died there at the age of 74. He m. Mary Haggerty. 2 ch. Alfred and Uzal. He was a fuller by trade. He went into the iron business and then into the live stock trade. Alfred 111. Emaline Stoll, 27 Nov. 1839. 5 ch. Abraham S., John, Ella, Mary, Kate. He was killed by the cars when about 45 years of age. He lived at Branchville. Uzal m. Mary Hunt. 5 ch. John, Albert, Alfred, Leamon, Uzal. He removed to Ohio and died there. Aged 35. John, Alfred and Leamon settled in Nebraska. Albert is a prosperous commission merchant in Newark, N. J. Uzal m. Caroline Eveland (widow DeWitt Ramsey). He became a merchant, and then a dealer in live stock. He was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Warren Co., N. J. He is a Gov't. Inspector of live stock. Lives in Port Murray, N. J. ♦According to the chart that was compiled by the late Averill B. Canfield, his line of ancestry runs John6, Nathaniel5, Thomas4, Thomas3, Jeremiah2, Thomas1. 200 Unidentified Individuals. Anne Canfield, dau. Benjamin Lyon, is named in her father's will 18 Feb. 1719. Chancev T. Canfield, m. Chloe Parsels 12 Oct. 1833, both of New Providence, N. J. According to Averill B. Canfield, he was a son of Ruammi, a descendant of Matthew1. Charles F. Canfield, s. Rufus & Polly (Northrup) Canfield of Ridgefield, Conn. b. 25 Dec. 1826. m. 1 Rachel E. Olmstead Feb. 1849. m. 2 Sarah A. Shotwell of Newark, N. J. 21 Dec. 1852. He was a tailor in Newark, in 1855. Chloe L. Canfield (dau. Chance)' T. ?) m. Charles W. Booth 29 Sept. 1852, Newark. David Camfield and Sarah his wife of Tewksbury, Hunterdon Co., N. J. conveyed 6 acres of land 1 Feb. 1825. (Flemington Records.) Elizabeth Cantfield m. John Prue 19 Nov. 1S52, Morris Co. Emeline Canfield, tailoress in Newark, 1849-1850. Emeline Canfield m. Stephen King 7 Aug. 1854, in Newark. Emeline T. Campfield m. George W. Tooker 22 Feb. 1870, Orange, N. J. Fanny C. Canfield, milliner in Newark 1866-1869. m- W. H. Mayer, Jr., U. S. N. 26 Aug. 1869. Godfrey Campfield, stone cutter in Newark 1S59-1860. George D. Canfield, stencil cutter in Newark, 1872-1888. Since 1888 in the real estate business in Kearney, N. J. Belongs to the Orange Co., N. Y. family. Hannah Campfield m. Joshua Wait 1 July 1815, both of Paterson, N. J. Harriet Canfield m. Henry Wilson 11 Sept. 1861, Newark. James W. Canfield m. Sarah Ann Dickerson 15 Aug. 1839, Newark, grocer and fruit dealer 1835-1846, probably a son of James & Electa (Mulford) Canfield. James W. Canfield, mason 1860-1861, Newark. Joel Canfield d. 29 July 1865, set. 70, at Bluffville, 111. John L. Canfield of Conn. m. Phebe R. Jackson of Elizabeth, N. J. 29 March 1852. John P. Canfield (son of Philemon) came from Connecticut to Newark in 1840. He is a moulder. Lives in Newark. His line of ancestry runs Philemon6, Thomas5, Thomas4, Thomas3, Thomas2, Thomas1. Keziah Canfield was a dau. of John Crane (d. 22 Feb. 1739 ; buried at Whip- pany, N. J.), who names her in his will. Martha Campfield m. Isaac T. Monroe 27 Oct. 1864, Newark. Mrs. Mary B. Canfield d. 22 Sept. 1857, set. 61, in Newark. Buried in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Oren K. Canfield. b. 6 April 1808, at New Marlborough, Mass. d. 7 May 1842 in Liberia, m. Charlotte A. Reed 29 Oct. 1840, in Burlington, N. J. Grad¬ uated at the College of New Jersey in 1835 ; studied theology and became a missionary. Thomas Thornton Campfield (son of Thomas) b. 23 May 1811 in Hagerstown, Md. d. 14 April 1885 in Washington, N. J. m. 1, Fannie A. Kemple of Hackettstown, N. J. 21 May 1856. no ch. m. 2, Maggie M. Cummins, no ch. He removed to Freehold, N. J. in 1819. He was an itinerant preacher in the M. E. Church, for many years. GENEALOGICAL CHARTS Descendants of Thomas Canfield, Charts i to 13. Descendants of Matthew Camfield, Charts 14 to 28. CHART I. ist 2d Thomas Canfield — b. —. d. about 1689. m. Phebe Crane. f Sarah bap. g Mar. 1656. d. . m. Josiah Piatt, 2 Dec. i66q. Phebe bap. 9 Mar. 1656. d. 3 May, 1730. m. John Smith, 23 Jan 1672-3. Mary b. 1 Jan. 1656-7. Elizabeth b. 14 Feb. 1659-60. d. , 1733. m. Theopnilus Baldwin, 8 Feb. 1682-3. Thomas b. 14 Oct. 1654. d. ± Aug. 1689. m. Rebecca Adkinson, 26 Feb. 1679. Jeremiah bap. 28 Sept. 1662. d. 18 Mar. 1739-40. in. Alice Hine. Abigail bap. 3 Dec. 1665. Hannah b. 20 Nov. 1667. d. . Mehetabel b. 2 July, 1671. m. Stephen Pierson, Jr. 12 Oct. 1697. 3^ f Thomas b. 5 Jan. 1680. d. 1 Dec. 1760. m. 1, Mary Camp, 3 Jan. 1705-6. m. 2, Margaret Brainerd, 26 Nov. 1740., 4th jth Generation in America. Rebecca V). 28 Jan. 1682. d. 22 Oct. 1731. m. Jonathan Stiles. Israel b. 24 March, 1684. d. 19 May, 1744. m. Sarah Johnson. f Phebe Phebe bap. 29 May, 1687. d. . m. John Camp, Jr. Abiram bap. 5 Jan. 1689. d. , 1772. m. Ruth Washburn, 12 Sept. 1717. b. ±1716. d. 2 Feb. 1792. m. Timothy Bruen. Thomas b. ± 1717. d. 27 Jjune, 1791. m. Elizabeth Baldwin. f Timothy Bruen. m. Lydia Crane. - David Bruen. j m. Elizabeth . 1 Jeremiah Bruen, b. ± 1743. d. 12 Jan. i8og. m. Jemima Baldwin. Elijah Bruen. L Sarah Bruen, b. March, 1746. d. 5 Aug. 1763. r Loes, b. 20 July, 1747. d. 13 March, 1752. Joseph, b. j; 1750. d. 12 Aug. 1829. m. Abigail Nichols. (See Chart 2.) Nathaniel, b. 24 Jan. 1752. d. 1 July, 1808. m. 1, Jemima Woodruff, m. 2, Sarah . (See Chart 3.) Abigail, b. 23 Aug. 1754. d. 26 Oct. 1848. m. John Johnson. David, b. 9 March, 1757. d. 9 March, 1804. m. Sarah Collard. (See Chart 4.) Elizabeth, b. i 1760. d. 15 March, 1829. m. Josiah Conger. Phebe, b. i 9 May, 1762. d. 24 Nov. 1822. m. Joseph Sayre. Hannah, b. . d. . I Sarah, b. ——. d. . Hannah b. 30 Sept. 1719. d. 3 April, 1760. m. Josiah Ward. David b. . d. , 1756. m. . Ephraim b. . d. ± 1759- m. Sarah Medlis. Israel b. Feb. 1728. d. 2 Aug. 1754. n. m. Abraham - b. ± 1732. d. 29 July, 1789. m. 1, Sarah Sealy. m. 2, Sarah . Abigail, b. . d. . m. Beach. f Elizabeth Ward. - Samuel " I Sarah " f Samuel, b. Timothy, b. . d. June, 1809. m. Experience Cady. f Elijah, b. J; 1749. d. 25 March, 1766. [ Lydia, b. zt 1752. d. 12 Dec. 1770. f Mary, b. —, 1755. d. ± 1824. n. m. Sarah, b. 26 July, 1757. d. 17 March, 1799. m. Clement Wood. (See Chart 5.) Israel, b. 3 July, 1759. d. 27 Aug. 1841. m. Rachel Ogden Wetmore. (Chart 6.) Hannah, bap. 5 July, 1761. d. 18 Sept. 1825. m. James Little. Isaac, bap. 17 July, 1763. d. 1 May, 1822. m. Margaret Caldwell. (Charts 7-8.) Jacob, b. 4 June, 1765. d. 20 Jan. 1838. m. Eunice Munson. (See Charts 9-10.) | Abraham, bap. 21 June, 1767. d. 28 Aug. 1811. m. Elizabeth Hunt. (See Chart 11.) Abner, bap. 19 March, 1769. d. 2 Dec. 1798. n.m. Phebe, b. 5 Jan. 1770. d. 25 Sept. 1804. m. Dr. Ebenezer H. Pierson. (Chart 12.) j Anna, b. 20 Jan. 1772. d. 9 April, 1809. m. Jacob Losey. (See Chart 12.) David Sealy, b. 24 Feb. 1774. d. 13 June, 1830. I m. Mary Dickerson. (See Chart 13.) I child, b. 1 Sept. 1775. d. y. Sarah b. —. d. . m.Joseph Hedden. f William Hedden. Moses " -| Israel James I Isaac I Sarah CHART 2. 5th 6th yth 8th Generation in America. f Sarah■ b. 6 Jan. 1783. d. 10 March, i860, m. David J. Hayes, 6 Nov. 1806. Abby Johnson Hayes b. 27 Sept. 1809. d. 16 July, 1840. n. m. Joseph Canfield b. ± 1750. d. 12 Aug. 1829. m. Abigail Nichols. Thomas b. 30 Oct. 1787. d. 8 Feb. 1861. m. 1, Mary Shepard 20 Feb. 1813. m. 2, Rachel B. Black, 31 Oct. i860. Moses - b. 10 May, 1814. m. Sarah A. Massie, 7 Nov. 1836. Elias Elmer b. 4 July, 1816. d. 29 Dec. 1891. no ch. m. 1, Olivia A. LaFarge. m. 2, Amenia LaFarge. m. 3, Mrs. Abbie E. (Shoner) Cardiff. Aaron Shepard b. 9 Nov. 1818. d. 7 July, 1822. Joseph b. 4 Nov. 1820. m. Mrs. Elmira (Ballard) Taylor, 9 Jan. 1850. Uzal Johnson b. 13 Sept. 1822. d. 25 March, 1890. n. m. Charles Henry, b. d. 9 Nov. 1841. Sarah Ann, b. 10 Feb. 1838. d. 13 July, 1876. m. Stephen B. Andrews. Joanna Crane, b. 9 Nov. 1839. m. George Doty. Benjamin F. S., b. 2 Oct. 1841. m. Rose Gallagher. Abby Hayes, b. 30 April, 1844. d. 8 Aug. 1845. Mary Elizabeth, b. 9 Sept. 1846. d. 16 Apr. 1871. m. John H. Egbert. . Julia Augusta, b. 20 Sept. 1848. d. 25 Oct. 1850. Emma, b. 20 Oct. 1850. m. Edward Hotchkiss. John Ward b. 12 Oct. 1824. n. m. Jackson Bloomfield b. 23 Aug. 1826. d. 24 July, 1892. m. Catharine A. Miller, 8 May, 1850. Anna Virginia, b. 23 Mar. 1851. d. 17 June, 18 m. W. C. Jenkins. George Miller, b. 15 Sept. . m. Louisa Disch. Mary Elizabeth b. 23 Dec. 1829. d. 29 Jan. 1896. n. m. CHART 3. 5th 6th yth 8th Generation in America. f john- Nathaniel Canfield b. 24 Jan. 1752. d. 1 July, 1808. m. i, Jemima Woodruff > 1773. m. 2, Sarah b. 6 Jan. 1780. d. 4 Feb. 1842. m. James Jones, 4 April, 1801. Stephen- b. 3 Feb. 1791. d. 13 Jan. 1814. Isaac b. 23 Jan. 1793. [ d. 14 June, 1814 b. 22 April, 1774. d. 7 July, 1852. m. Anna Morgan. Israel b. 8 April, 1776. d. 18 Nov. 1806. Mehetabel b. 5 Feb. 1778. d. 7 Aug. 1811. m. William M'Kensie, 18 Nov. 1798. Hannah Elizabeth b. 26 Nov. 1781. d. —-. m. Abner Dodd, 26 Jan. 1800. Phebe b. 26 Nov. 1783. d. 11 May, 1785. Joseph Woodruff b. 24 July, 1785. d. — Feb. 1816. Phebe b. 16 Aug. 1787. d. 11 Apiil, 1807. m. Nicholas Vader, 26 Dec. 1804. N ath aniel b. 8 July, 1789. d. 10 Aug. 1832. m. Elizabeth Reeve, 4 Sept. 1813. f Lucinda . b. 9 Dec. 1797. d. 26 Nov. 1853. * m. William Keene i 1820. David Warren b. 10 Jan. 1808. d. 21 Sept. 1871. m. Caroline Shaw, 13 Oct. 1834. Joanna b. 27 April, 1810. I m. William Shugard, 3 Nov. 1829. Abner D. Jones b. 15 May, 1802. d. 11 Aug. 1873. m. Eliza Honeywell, 15 Oct. 1834. Juliet Jones b. 5 July, 1803. d. 26 June, 1854. m. Garret Ketcham, 23 Nov. 1822. David J. Jones b. 3 May, 1805. d. 16 Nov. 1879. m. Elizabeth Kline. James Jones b. 29 March, 1807. d. 28 Aug. 1807. James M. Jones b. 4 July, 1808. d. 5 Feb. 1880. m. Electa M. Ward, 1 Feb. 1837. Alexander C. Jones b. 25 July, 1810. d. 5 May, 1873. m. Margaret Evergim, 13 Sept. 1832. Elizabeth B. Jones b. 5 Sept. 1812. d. 21 July, 1889. n. m. Isaac C. Jones b. 29 Nov. 1814. d. 30 March, 1815. George H. Jones b. 4 March, 1816. d. 9 Feb. 1879. m. Margaret Ann Waters, 22 Mar. 1840. Caroline A. Jones b. 13 May, 1818. d. 14 Dec. 1843. n. m. Sarah M. Jones b. 1 July, 1820. d. 1 Sept. 1838. n. m. Martha R. Jones b. 11 Sept. 1822. n. m. Henry M. Jones b. 20 March, 1825. d. 10 Feb. 1880. m. Ann E. Plumly, 22 Sept. 1852. Sylvester Keene. Anna Keene. Emma Louise Shugard. Anna E. Helen. Mary C. Virginia Q. William S. George Q. t Frances. Eliza Dodd b. , 1801. d. . m. John Harrington, 15 Dec. 1825. Abner Dodd b. 30 Oct. 1803. d. . m. Ann L. Harrison, 6 April, 1829. John M. Dodd b. , 1806. d. . m. 1, Sarah A. Conklin m. 2, Deborah J. Bennet — Ann Dodd b. , 1807. Mary Ann Vader b. . m. Packer. Isaac Watts b. 21 June, 1815. d. 16 Dec. 18: m. 1, Ann Lavinia Westervelt m. 2, Sophronia Westervelt Horace • Henrietta C.Dodd Mary C. Dodd. Abby E. Dodd. Julia A. Dodd. Charles E. Dodd. George W. Dodd. Anna C. Dodd. -f John M. Dodd. Mary C. Dodd. t Louis F. Dodd. J CarolineR. Dodd. Emily Dodd. I. Gertrude Dodd. Ann. Josephine. Frank Hoyt. Isaac. b. 10 Aug. 1817. m. Emeline Collins, 30 June, 1840. Elizabeth Louisa Dodd. Sarah Dodd. John C. Dodd. Elizabeth W. Dodd. Sarah A.M. Dodd. Helen M. Dodd. r Margaret. ] Harriet. Theodore. J William. Horace. b. 29 June, 1819. m. John E. Post, 26 Sept. 1839. Theodore Theodore C. Post, i Mosianna. William H. Post. George B. Post. [ Anna E. Post. b. 19 March, 1821. m. Emeline Menns, 23 March, 1848. Harriet b. 26 July, 1823. d. 18 Sept. 1826. Julia D. b. 18 Oct. 1825. d. 8 Sept. 1826. George b. 22 Aug. 1827. d. 9 Jan. 1886. m. Susan Berger. James b. 2 April, 1829. d. 21 April, 18^2. Harriet b. 3 Feb. 1832. d. 20 March, 1842. Stephen E. b. J; 1812. d. 22 Dec. 1852. m. 1, Sarah Ann Canfield, gApril, 183^— m. 2, Mrs. Amanda M. (Mulford) Smith- ' Washington B. Theodore. Emma J. Joseph Menns. Stephen Edwin. Sarah Ann. f Annie. Ida R. [ Ambrose. 5th 6th f Nancy b. 27 Jan. 1782. d. 24 Oct. 1817. m. Moses F reeman, 13 Nov. 1802. Mary b. 27 May, 1783. d. 23 Dec. 1847. m. Amos Dodd Jr. 13 Jan. 1801. James b. 3 Aug. 1786. d. 7 Oct. 1841. m. Elizabeth Bigelow, 8 May, 1812. David Canfield- b. 9 March, 1757. d. g March, 1804. m. Sarah Collard. William Abigail b. 17 Oct. 1790. d. 27 Jan. 1852 m. John Bedell, 30 June, 1810. Aaron b. 20 Dec. 1792. d. 8 Sept. 1821. m. Catharine Ward, 8 Feb. 1816. Catharine b. 10 Oct. 1795. d. 27 Feb. 1868. [ m. Isaac Dodd, 12 Nov, 1818. CHART 4. Jth Sth Generation in America. f Sally Freeman m. Robert Wheeler. Harriet Freeman m. Henry Thompson. f James C. Dodd — b. 8 March, 1801. d. 8 Dec. iS ( George C. Dodd. 1 David C. Dodd. j Mary E. Dodd. -| Harriet N. Dodd. t James Dodd. m. Elizabeth Harrison. David C. Dodd — b. 5 Sept. 1806. d. 21 April, 1891. m. Marv A. King. Harriet N. Dodd b. 9 Jan. 1815. m. James McCracken. f David Edwin f Mary V. McCracken. I Edwin D.McCracken. Chas. A. McCracken. Sarah E. McCracken. Harr'tE. McCracken. j James E. McCracken. I Addie C. McCracken. [ John F. McCracken. b. 19 Sept. 1812. d. 26 April, 1873. m. Harriet G. Whittemore. Albert Warren b. 9 Feb. 1815. d. 12 April, 1879. m. Elizabeth I. H. Bage. Thomas Collard b. 13 May, 1817. d. 29 Dec. 1889. m. Lucinda E. Kelsey. James Emmons f Ann Sidney. Robert Bage. "l Albert Warren. [ George Folger. b. 21 Dec. 1819. d. 28 April, 1867. m. Margaret Quine. Sarah E. f Ida Amelia. Harriet Ann. - William Albert. I Henrietta Arzelia. Robert Emmons. b. 25 March, 1822. m. Horace Dodd. Moses Horace b. 2c Oct. 1824. m. Ella A. Odell. Caroline Amelia b. 2 June, 1830. m. Lewis L. Kelsey. Augusta b. 28 July, 1834. d. — Sept. 1834. f Mary Ann f Emma Lavenia. Caroline Kelsey. George Horace. -1 Frederick William. I Annie Elizabeth. I Albert Emmons. Margaret S. Kelsey. Lewis F. Kelsey. James C. Kelsey. b. 16 March, 1788. d. 10 Aug. 1867. m. Louisa Crane, 7 Nov. 1811. b. 23 Nov. 1812. d. 4 Feb. 1878. in. Peter Courter. William Emmons b. 4 Oct. 1814. d. 19 Oct. 1885. m. Catharine Collard. Elizabeth Ross - b. 19 July, 1816. d. 7 Oct. 1880. m. John O. Tuttle. Sarah Ann■ f Margaret Louisa. William Emmons. I William C. - Anna. t James Henry Clay. f George M. Tuttle. - John H. Tuttle. William C. Tuttle. Edwin F. Tuttle. L Mary Louisa Tuttle. b. 22 March, 1818. d. 2 May, 1844. m. Stephen E. Canfield. ! Maria Louisa b. 16 March, 1822. d. 19 Aug. 1835. Aaron J b. 16 March, 1822. <- d. 18 July, 1822. f Abraham Bedell d. y. 1812. William Alfred Bedell b. 10 Dec. 1812. d. 18c j m. Elizabeth W. Owens. Mary D. Bedell b. . d. 26 Dec. 1831. } Catharine Bedell b. . d. 31 July, 1819. Sarah C. Bedell I b. —. m. Charles Squire. Elizabeth Bedell b. . d. 23 June, 1827. I Catharine L. Bedell b. . d. , 1892. m. J. Mason Brown. | Edwin Bedell I b. . d. 28 Oct. 1829. Jane Ward b. i 29 Sept. 1819. d. 26 May, 1831. f Horace Dodd b. 2 March, 1820. d. 15 Nov. 1896. m. 1, Ann M. Fairchild.— in. 2, Sarah E. Cantield. Edwin Dodd L b. 7 May, 1822. m. Matilda Baldwin. ■-{ Horace Dodd. -f Sarah E. Dodd. j Isaac Dodd. I Canfield Dodd. (_ Catharine Dodd. f Frederick C. Dodd. | Caroline V. Dodd. Pierson G. Dodd. Kate C. Dodd. John K. Dodd. Marianna Dodd. Julia I. Dodd. David E. Mary A. Caroline E. James W. Frederick H. Irene G. Charles C. Abbot D. C Caroline A. Dodd. Anna R. Dodd. - Mary E. Dodd. I Catharine C. Dodd. I Lewis K. Dodd. f Maria Louisa Courter. j Julia L. Courter. ! William C. Courter. j Charles Edwin Courter. | George W. Courter. Mary E. Courter. John C. Courter. Albert Crane Courter. Frank Judd Courter. Edward C. Courter. J Stephen Edwin. I Sarah Ann. John Sym Bedell. Frances A. Bedell. Wm. Alfred Bedell. Hiram Little Bedell. Geo. Canfield Bedell. Reginald H. Bedell. Edwin Bedell. Arthur G. Bedell. Elizabeth Bedell. Ella Lee Bedell. (* Caroline A. Dodd. Anna R. Dodd. Mary E. Dodd. Catharine C. Dodd. [ Lewis K. Dodd. CHART 5. 5th 6th yth 8lh Generatioti in America. f James Wood b. , 1779. d. 27 May, 1849. m. Elizabeth Halsted Meeker, 20 Feb. 1802. f Sarah Ann Wood b. 14Dec. 1802. d. 9 June, i860, n. m. William Nelson Wood b. 22 Dec. 1805. d. 25 July, 1865. m. Mary G. Spencer. { Edward Wood b. 11 Feb. 1808. d. 21 Feb. 1831. n. m. - Jane E. Wood b. 9 Aug. 1811. d. 19 April, 1886. n. m. j Theodore Talbot Wood b. 18 Feb. 18^3. d. 30 Nov. 1864. m. Mary A. D. Brandegee. Laura Louisa Wood b. 13 Aug. 1821. d. 29 April, 1884 m. John DeCamp. (see below.) f John B. Wood. Theodore F. Wood. Mary W. Wood. Augustus B. Wood. Walter B. Wood. William M. Wood. Clarence B. Wood. Clement Wood. Sarah Wood. f Sarah Ann Gwinnup Sarah Canfield b. 26 July, 1757. d. 17 Mar. 1799. m. Clement Wood, 10 Jan. 1776. Hannah Wood b. 13 Nov. 1780. d. 15 Oct. 1843. m.Jabez Gwinnup, 25 June, 1796. Sarah Wood b. 27 June, 1783. d. 28 April, 1872. m. 1. John Puff Losey 16 June, 1804. m. 2, Charles Fitz Randolph, 18 Feb. 1829. b. 2 April, 1797 d. 25 March, 1887. m. Richard Shackleton. Caroline Gwinnup b. 9 Jan. 1801. d. 20 Oct. 1878. m. William Hartung. Eliza Gwinnup b. 17 July, 1803. d. in infancy. Rachel Gwinnup b. 3 Dec. 1805. d. 14 Oct. 1877. n. m. Alfred Gwinnup b. 15 June, 1808. d. 21 Aug. 1888. in. Rebecca Konkle. Mary Gwinnup Jane Shackleton. Laura Shackleton. b. 12 March, 1810. d. 7 May, 1842. m. Daniel Blair. Eliza Gwinnup b. 20 Jan. 1812. m. Charles Angle. Emma Gwinnup b. 9 Oct. 1813. d. , 1829. John Gwinnup b. 9 May, 1815. d. date unknown. Nancy Gwinnup b. 20 Sept. 1817. d. 15 Feb. 1865. m. Robert Blair. George Gwinnup f Laura Gwinnup. Emma Gwinnup. John Gwinnup. Alice R. Gwinnup. -1 Anna Gwinnup. L Alfred C. Gwinnup. -f Emma Blair. I John R. Blair. 1 Jabez G. Angle. Georgianna Blair. Fannie Blair. b. 23 Oct. 1819. d. 19 March, 1889. m. Sophia Phillips. Jabez Gwinnup b. 29 May, 1823. m. Sarah Wilson. Laura Gwinnup f Jabez Gwinnup, l_ Mary Gwinnup. b. 7 Sept. 1827. m. Hampton Ayres. f John Marshall Losey — b. 2 April, 1805. d. 22 Sept. 1857. 111. Maria B. Wood. William Losey f Edward M. Losey. -j Susan W. Losey. I Ella W. Losey. b. 10 Nov. 1807. d. 27 April, 1858. m. Susan Moore. Susan Johnston DeCamp b. 6 April, 1811. d. 11 Sept. 1824. John DeCamp b. s Oct. 1812. d. 24 June, 1875. m. 1, Mary Green ■ Nancy Wood b. 30 Nov. 1787. d. 7 March, 1855. m. Samuel Grandin Johnston DeCamp, 20 Nov. 1809. m. 2, Laura L. Wood Sarah Canfield DeCamp b. 25 April, 1814. d. 10 March, 1869. ill. John Brandegee. Anna Maria Jackson DeCamp b. 25 Nov. 1815. d. 6 May, 1864. m. Gouverneur Morris. James Canfield DeCamp Mary DeCamp. b. 23 June, 1820. d. 29 July, 1854. m. Ellen Peak. Anna Wood DeCamp b. 29 March, 1823. u. 10 May, 1824. Laura Louisa DeCamp b. 15 Aug. 1826. m. Henry D. Wallen. I Augustus Yancy DeCamp b. 9 April, 1828. d. 7 April, 1835. Margaret Amelia Hurd b. 2 Oct. 1810. d. 19 July, 1841. n. m. Sarah Ann Hurd Elizabeth Wood— b. 13 Sept. 1790. d. 6 Oct. 1845. m. James L. Hurd, 12 April, 1809. b. 12 July, 1812. d. 22 May, i£ m. Hallam Smith. Eliza Hurd William D. Smith. James H. Smith. Jerome D. Smith. b. 17 March, 1814. d. 3 Feb. 1845. m. John E. Hoagland. Caroline Hurd b. 12 April, 1816. d. 7 March, 185 m. William A. Wood. James Wood Hurd b. 23 May, 1818. d. 28 May, 1835. Nancy Hurd b. 19 July, 1820. d. 18 Dec. 1885. 11 Lf.o Boisaubin Hurd — b. 13 March, 1822. d. 12 July, 18c m. Cynthia F. Osborn. Jane Hurd Frances L. Wood. Anna M. Wood. Caroline A. Annie W. Hurd. Frank W. Hurd. b. 22 April, 1824. d. 17 March, iS 111. Samuel D. Lougheed. f Ella W. Wood. I James Wood. -j Anna S. Wood, j Oliver Spencer Wood. J. Dayton Wood. William Nelson Wood, j Edward M. Wood, j Mary S. Wood. Eliza M. Wood. Lliza Wood. James Wood. I 2 ch. d. y. Charlotte Hartung. Emma Hartung. Hannah Hartung. Jabez Hartung. Luther Goble Hartung. Henry Clay Hartung. Geo. Gwinnup Hartung. John Marshall Hartung. Mary Hartung. Caroline Hartung. Sarah E. Hartung. William Hartung. Emma Gwinnup. John Gwinnup. Jabez Gwinnup. Jabez Gwinnup Ayres. Geo. Gwinnup Ayres. Sarah Losey. William Losey. James Losey. John Marshall Losey. James DeCamp. Edwin DeCamp. | Maria DeCamp. { Gouverneur W. Morris. f Maria DeCamp. Anna DeCamp. James DeCamp. Cornelia DeCamp. Ellen DeCamp. Sarah DeCamp. f Henry D. Wallen, Jr. Samuel G. deC. Wallen. Anna Canfield Wallen. Edmund Wallen. j Florida Wood Wallen. -! Jessie Grant Wallen. Maria deC. Wallen. George Sylces Wallen. [ Laura Louisa Wallen. Whitfield Hurd Hoagland. Racilia Hoagland. f William D. Lougheed. John B. Lougheed. Andrew S. Lougheed. Bettie W. Lougheed. Josephine Lougheed. Samuel Lougheed. Eugene Lougheed. Gratz B. Lougheed. CHART 6. 5th 6th Alfred Washington b. 22 Dec. 1804. d. 15 Oct. 1871. m. Charlotte C. Johnes, 13 Nov. 1849. Jlh 8th Generation in America. f Joseph Lovell b. 6 Aug. 1833. d. 13 Sept. 1863. m. Gulielma Jefferson, March 1861. George Wetmore b. 24 Feb. 1806. d. 25 July, 1881. m. 1, Rebecca McK. Reckless- 1 Nov. 1832. m. 2, Margaret Smith Lawrie. Cornelia Laura b. 30 Dec. 1835. m. E. Morrison Woodward, 27 Dec. 1866. George Wetmore b. 6 Sept. 1839. d. 7 Feb. 1863. n. in. George Canfield Woodward, b. 15 Dec. 1867. d. 4 Nov. 1887. Reginald Heber Woodward, b. 12 Aug. 1869. Israel Canfield b. 3 July. 1759- d. 27 Aug. 1841. m. Rachel Ogden Wetmore, 19 Dec. 1803. William Cumming b. 24 June, 1807. disappeared 1847. m. Elizabeth Cummings, 4 April, 1830. Israel b. 27 Aug. 1808. d. 30 Nov. 1850. n. in. Benjamin Ogden b. 23 March, 1810. d. 26 Nov. 1884. m. Mrs. Louisa (Dodd) Pitt, 29 June, 1842. Cornelia Laura b. 29 July, 1812. d. 13 Sept. 1829. r Cornelia Laura b. 2 Feb. 1832. d. 9 Aug. 1845. Sophia Lovell b. 26 March, 1833. d. 2 Aug. 1834. Alfred Washington — b. 6 Feb. 1839. d. 27 Jan. 1864. m. Mary E. Holifield, 1 March, 1859. Scott b. 4 Feb. 1842. d. 22 Sept. 1877. m. Martha E. Lacy, 1 June, 1865. Mary Catharine b. 6 Jan. 1847. d. 11 Dec. 1867. m. James Bromdt, [ 17 Oct. i860. John Dodd b. 19 April, 1845. Isaac N. b. 19 Aug. 1861. f Cynthia Elizabeth. b. 13 Sept. 1866. J m. L. H. Stokes. William Henry, b. 6 Feb. 1871. Mary Almedia. b. 18 July, 1873. Nancy Alice. [ b. 29 Jan. 1877. CHART 7. 5th 6th yth 8th Generation in America. Isaac Canfield bap.i7j uly,1763. d. 1 May, 1822. ra. Margaret Caldwell. James Caldwell— b. 14 Jan. 1790. d. 14 Keb. 1827. m. Elizabeth Vail, 20 Jan. 1812. Child b. . d. 2 Nov. 1814. Henry C. b. . d. 21 May, 1879. n. m. Mary Anna b. 20 Aug. 1823. d. 1 Dec. 1861. m. Benjamin N. Jenkins. Warren bap. 4 Dec. 1824. d. i 1856. f John Edw. C. Doremus b. 15 Oct. 1816. d. 16 Nov. 18 m. 1, Katharine L. Ulrich Eliza Dehart—— b. 22 March, 1791. d. 3 Feb. 1866. m. Francis Doremus, 5 Aug. 1815. Isaac Washington b. 6 March, 1793. d. 3 Jan. i860, m. 1, Eliza N. Lawrie 14 Jan. 1824. m. 2, Deborah Wood 16 Oct. 1828. Dayton Israel b. 16 June, 1794. d. 22 Oct. 1853. m. 1, Harriet Vail 19 Feb. 1821. m. 2, Mrs. Char¬ lotte C. (Wetmore) Ebbetts 16 July, 1833. Robert Finley See Chart 8. Anna Losey See Chart S. Sarah Ogden See Chart 8. John Edwards See Chart 8. Hannah Maria See Chart 8. Josiah Flint See Chart 8. m. 2, Mary Allen m. 3, Bettie S. Berry Margaret C. Doremus b. 6 July, 1818. d. 21 Feb. 1844. m. Samuel Hotchkin. Caroline E. Doremus b. 23 Oct. 1820. d. 12 Feb. 1894. m. 1, Charles F. Park m. 2, William Mulligan. Frances M. Doremus b. 28 Oct. 1822. d. 5 April, 18 m. William T. Doubleday. | Sarah V. Doremus (_ b. 12 Oct. 1830. m. Samuel J. Jones. Marianna b. 22 Oct. 1824. d. 19 May, 1884. m. VanCleve Dalrymple. Ei.iza W.— b. 16 Feb. 1830. m. William M. Gamble. Ellen b. 4 Jan. 1832. Charles W. b. , 1835. d. William Wood b. 29 Sept. 1838. 3 June, 1863. n. m. d. 9 May, 1842. Davis Vail b. 25 July, 1822. d. 8 May, 1849. n Isaac Augustus b. 20 Oct. 1823. d. 12 June, 1888. m. 1, Mary E. Poinier m. 2, Mary E. McGoldrick. Sarah Louisa b. 26 July, 1826. d. 19 June, 1890. m. William Dell. Quunby. Harriet Vail b. 23 June, 18 Francis Dayton d. 8 Sept. 1832. b. 26 April, 1834. m. Eliza Ann Wurtz. Joseph Lovell b. 20 Dec. 1835. d. 22 July, 1894. m. Eliza II. Ford. Hobart b. 10 Jan. 18 (i. m. Emily H. Ford. f Sophia C. Jenkins, b. 23 Sept. 1847. d. n Feb. 1874. m. Charles W. Brown. 1 Annie V. Jenkins, b. 5 Sept. 1849. I m. 1, James Hall. m. 2, Irwin G. Hooper. Henrietta Doremus. b. 22 May, 1840. d. 19 Sept. 1840. Katharine Louisa Doremus. b. 3 Aug. 1841. d. Dec. 1855. Margaret Caldwell Doremus. b. 26 Feb. 1844. m. Thos. W. Dresser. Matilda Kendrick Doremus. b. 11 Sept. 18 Francis Doremus. b. 27 Feb. 1850. m. Ellen Estes. Mary Augusta Doremus. b. 17 Oct. 1852. m. Henry Gorham. f Elizabeth Doremus. b. , 1855. d. , _| Cornelius Doremus. b. 5 March, 1857. m. Emma I. Jackson. I William Allen Doremus. b. 28 Aug. 1859. -J Bettie Caldwell Doremus. b. 18 Sept. 1867. Caroline Caldwell Hotchkin. b. 28 Jan. 184. d. 12 May, 1892. m. Charles K. W. Strong f Anna Canfield Park. b. 15 Feb. 1840. m. Winthrop S. Gilman. | Charles Francis Park. b. 11 Aug. 1848 m. 1, Catharine V. W. Swift. [ m. 2, Julia C. Lyman. Susan Caldwell Doubleday. b. 25 May, 1845. d. 4 Oct. 1846. Frances Caroline Doubleday. b. 24 June, 18 Francis Doremus Jones, b. 20 Aug. i860. m. Ida Bridenthal. Albert Jones, b. 22 Sept. 1868. d. 15 Sept. 1870. Adelaide Lewis Gamble, b. 18 Feb. i860. m. William A. Shaw. Mary Lang Gamble, b. 16 Sept. 1864. m. George H. Young. Gertrude Totten Gamble, b. 9 Oct. 1866. m. William M. Black. L Percy R. P. Gamble, d. y. Woods Poinier. b. 15 Aug. 1847. Harriet Vail. b. 25 March, 1849. m. Edwin Palmer. Gertrude Russell, b. 9 Oct. 1850. m. Caleb V. Smith. Ellen Poinier. b. 29 May, 1852. m. Gilbert Jordan. Mary Vail. b. 9 Aug. 1854. m. Charles W. Higgins. Isaac A. Jr. b. 4 May, 1857. d. 21 Feb. 1883. m. Beulah Browning. Sarah Caldwell, b. 25 Mar. 1859. d. 24 Sept. 1861 William DeH. Q. b. 12 June, 1861. Mary Wilson Qui:nby. m. Wilmot Castle. b. — Feb. 1865. Henry Wurtz. b. 22 Oct. 1859. Frances Cornelia, b. 20 May, 1861. d. Francis Dayton, Jr. b. 25 April, 1863. Hobart. b. 13 May, 1865. Ann Norris. b, 15 March, 1867. Edward Grandon. b. 28 Sept. 1868. Lewis Clark, b. 22 June, 1871. . John Miller, b. 29 July, 1875. f Jane F. [ Louisa. I Edith Cornelia. I Emily Lovell. CHART 8. 5th 6th 7 th 8th Generation in America. f James Caldwell See Chart 7, Eliza Dbhart See Chart 7. Isaac Washington See Chart 7. Dayton Israel See Chart 7. Isaac Canfield bap.17july.1763 d. 1 May, 1822. m, Margaret Caldwell. Robert Finley b. 22 Feb. 1796. d. — Aug. 1858. m. Ruth H. Walton, 25 Oct. 1817. Anna Losey b. 19 Jan. 1798. d. 13 March, 1839. m. J oseph T hay er, 11 Jan. 1838. Sarah Ogden b. 7 Nov. 1799. d. 11 Aug. 1826. n. m. Margaret Helen b. 13 Sept. 1818. d. 28 Oct. 18 Robert Williams - b. 27 March, 1820. m. Frances A. Bowers. Henry Dayton b. 28 Jan. 1822. m. Anna G. Canfield. Isaac Washington — b. 27 Dec. 1823. m. Selina Jane Morton. John Edwards —— b. 12 Jan. 1802. d. 7 Jan. 1866. m. Susanne LaTourette, , 1834. Hannah Maria b. 1 Nov. 1803. d. 28 Feb. 1839. m. Rev. Robert C. Grundy, 11 Feb. 1836. Josiah Flint b. 22 March, 1808. d. 31 Dec. 1894. m. 1, Sarah Campion 30 March, 1835. m. 2, Sarah E. Jackson- Charles Wayne b. 22 Feb. 1826. m. . William Walton b. 5 Dec. 1827. d. 10 May, 1829. f John Edwards b. 1836. d. 1841. Daniel LaTourette b. 29 Aug. 1838. d. 6 May, 1863. n. m. Margaret Helen —— b. 8 Dec. 1840. m. Thomas House Taylor. John Caldwell b. 8 Oct. 1842. d. 9 Jan. 18 m. Ella Todd. James Finley — b. 4 Nov. 1844. 13 April, 1841. m. 3, Abigail R. Clark 3 Sept. 1845. m. Helen Vernon Gladding. Elizabeth Caldwell Grundy b. 24 Feb. 1839. d. 23 Feb. 1870. n. m. r Anna G. b. 22 April, 1836. m. Henry Dayton Canfield. (see above.) f Margaret W. [ b. 5 Jan. 1842. f Mary A. b. 5 July, 1845. m. Peter Vredenbergh. Helen Walton, b. 29 Nov. 1842. d. 16 April, 1851. Lucy Russell, b. 2 Oct. 1844. in. Robert H. Brotherton. Franees Bowers, b. 10 July, 1847. d. 5 Aug. 1884. m. A. L. Graeme. Margaret Duncan, b. 2 Dec. 1849. d. 16 March, 1863. Mary. b. 20 Aug. 1854. m. John E. Graeme. Samuel Russell, b. 21 March, 1856. Robert Caldwell, b. 15 Feb. 1858. d. 25 Nov. 1868. Julia Bowers, b. 22 April, 1860. William Walton, b. 20 Dec. 1861. m. Lillian I. Williams. Walton C. b. 22 Feb. 1857. d. 22 Feb. 1862. Ruth Helen, b. 31 July, 1858. Frederick Park. b. 7 April, i860, m. Elizabeth Brewer. Clarence Caldwell, b. 8 Jan. 1862. d. 8 Feb. 1862. Arthur Campion, b. 9 Oct. 1864. Alice Wynne, b. 23 Dec. 1865. Herbert Wallace, b. 5 Aug. 1868. d. 19 Sept. 1868. Paul Halsey. b. 29 April, 1870. d. 18 July, 1870. Henry Hall. b. 22 May, 1872. Francis Irwin, b. 27 Sept. 1875. d. 11 April, 1877. Helen Walton, b. 5 Sept. 1851. William Quin. b. 2 Feb. 1854. d. 1888. Elizabeth Morton, b. 29 May, 1856. Selina Jane. b. 14 Feb. 1858. Mary Agnes, b. 14 Sept. i860. Benjamin Rivers, b. 27 April, 1862. d. 6 Oct. 1864. James Caldwell, b. 1 Jan. 1866. d. 4 July, 1866. Joseph Anderson, b. 9 Jan. 1871. d. — June, 1871. ' Jane. Walter. Andrew. John. William. Robert. Fanny. Mark. L Wade. f Thomas House Taylor, Jr. I b. 2 May, 1875. J. Bessie Booraem Taylor. '■ b. 4 Jan. 1877. f Ella Stewart. J b. 6 Jan. 1867. d. 30 May, 1885. j Mae LaTourette. I b. 28 Dec. 1869. d. 21 July, 1887. J John Gladding, b. 21 July, 1886. | Margaret Caldwell. L b. 17 Nov. 1891. d. 20 Jan. 1893. Emily G. b. 8 Oct. 1850. m. Armistead M. Barry. Albert o. b. 4 Nov. 1857. I m. Elizabeth Bewsher. Abbie Canfield Vredenbergh. Frances Doremus Vredenbergh. John Schureman Vredenbergh. Anna Elizabeth Vredenbergh. Peter Vredenbergh. Thomas Doremus Vredenbergh. Robert Ogden Vredenbergh. LaRue Vredenbergh. Edward William Vredenbergh. „ Reynolds Wallace Vredenbergh. J Emily G. Barry. I Armistead M. Barry. Elizabeth V. b. 10 April, 1891. Albert B. b. 25 March, 1893. CHART 9. 5th 6th yth 8th Generation in America. Jacob Canfield b. 4 June, 1765. d. 20 Jan. 1838. m. Eunice Munson, 31 Oct. 1786. Abraham C. b. 15 Sept. 1787. d. 5 Dec. 1841. m. Sarah C. Waynman, 6 May, 1818. Charles b. 13 May, 1789. d. ± 1834. m. Mary Ann Benjamin. Jacob b. 18 Dec. 1790. d. 12 April, 1865. m. Prussia Edwards, 4 Dec. 1823. Mary Waynman b. 26 May, 1819. d. 8 April, 1886. m. Edward T. Lyon. William b. . Henrietta B. b. 4 Oct. 1824. d. 14 April, 1893. m. William E. Shay. David M. b. 17 Jan. 1826. d. 16 Sept. 1826. Lucretia b. 11 Sept. 1827. d. y. William H.- f Edward C. Lyon. b. 3 Nov. 1845. I Sarah W. Lyon. b. 2 July, 1848. I William W. Lyon. b. 8 May, 1850. Edgar R. Shay. b. 14 Feb. 1849. Charles C. Shay. b. 28 Sept. 1851. b. 27 Dec. 1828. m. Sarah Mclntire. Helen b. 10'March, 1831. m. Stephen Camm. abram r William. Jacob. -! Ida. I George. Theodore D. Camm. William Camm. Abraham Camm. Lucretia Camm. I Emma F. Camm. b. 5 March, 1833. m. Eunice R. Johnson. Theodore b. 1 Sept. 1834. Marsena C. d. y. b. 10 April, 1836. m. Maria E. Condit. Amelia Moses Munson b. 14 June, 1792. d. 1 Jan. 1816. n. m. George Washington b. 7 Nov. 1793. d. 18 Oct. 1826. m. Catharine A. Clark, 10 March, 1818. Archibald b. 28 Jan. 1795. d. 3 May, 1861. m. Sarah Goldsmith. no ch. b. 31 March, 1838. m. Theodore Corby. Charles b. 16 July, 1840. m. Maria Parkinson. Ann Clark■ b. 8 Jan. 1819. d. m. Charles Reed. George Wood b. 26 June, 1821. d. 16 Oct. 1850. m. Elizabeth Williams. Harriet Tomkins b. 15 Jan. 1824. d. 7 Jan. 1896. m. John C. Zachos. Catharine Marv b. 19 March, 1826. d. 20 Sept. 1892. I m. Nathan Blickensderfer. Harriet b. 11 May, 1797. d. 14 Sept. 1876. m. David Tomkins, 19 Jan. 1820. Gertrude b. 30 Oct. 1798. d. 30 Oct. 1798. See Chart 10 for James Losey Mary Ann Hannah Little Ira Day and „ Phebe Ann P. f George C. Tomkins b. 27 Oct. 1820. m. Maria Hageman. Israel L. Tomkins b. 20 March, 1822. m. Letitia S. Varian. Sarah A. Tomkins b. 29 March, 1824. m. John J. King. Harriet Amelia, b. 20 March, 1870. Marcus A. b. 26 Aug. 1866. Clarence Ellis, b. 11 Sept. 1868. Benjamin Ogden. b. 27 March, 1875. Eleanor Lucinda. b. 14 Jan. 1877. Clifford W. b. 12 Sept. 1882. Maria Louisa Corby, b. 19 July, 1871. d. 3 March, 1891. f Dayton I. b. 3 July, 1872. J Caroline May. b. 31 March, 1874. [ Charles Oakley, b. 18 Sept. 1877. ; Theodore Anson. 1. b. 2 Oct. 1879. d. 12 Dec. 1894. Charles James Reed. b. 14 Aug. 1841. Mary Harriet Reed. b. 10 Oct. 1843. d.y. George Canfield Reed. b. 15 May, 1848. Frederick Piatt Reed. b. 10 July, 1853. Francis Wells Reed. b. 8 Oct. 1856. Elmer Ellsworth Reed. b. 1 Jan. 1862. Clara Ann. b. 17 Sept. 1844. Martha McDowell, b. 5 Dec. 1845. f Ainsworth Y. Zachos. b. 20 May, 1850. Catharine E. Zachos. b. 1 Aug. 1853. I Mary Helena Zachos. b. 5 March, 1856. j MargaretAltonaZachos. b. 17Aug. 1859. I Elizabeth Zachos. b. 19 June, 1861. I Robert H. Zachos. b. 1 May, 1865. f Ulric Blickensderfer. b. 1 May, 1845. J James C. Blickensderfer. b. 5 Mar. 1847. GeorgeC. Blickensderfer. b.i30ct.i8so. William J. Blickensderfer. b. 5 July,1853. | MaryH. Blickensderfer. b.15 July, 1855. | Chas.E. Blickensderfer. b.2oNov. 1858. I SusanA. Blickensderfer. b.12 April,1864. f Harriet Tomkins. b. 8 April, 1845. i David Tomkins. b. 8 April, 1845. L John H. Tomkins. b. 18 Jan. 1848. j* William V. Tomkins. b. 19 Nov. 1846. H Emma C. J. Tomkins. b. 18 Aug. 1848. t Mary Caroline Tomkins. b. 30 Dec. 1850. f Harriet Ann King. b. 1 March, 1847. ~i Sarah Augusta King. b. 8 Nov. 1848. t Mary C. T. King. b. 14 June, i860. Mary C. Tomkins b. to July, 1826. d. 19 July, 1890. n. m. CHART IO. 5th 6th f See Chart 9 for Abraham C. Charles Jacob Moses Munson Geo. Washington Archibald Harriet and Gertrude. James Losey b. 30 Oct. 1799. d. 24 May, 1880. n. m. Mary Ann b. 26 Oct. 1801. d. 3 Oct. 1802. Hannah Little — b. 25 April, 1803. d. 13 Sept. 1877. m. Jacob Coats, 18 Jan. 1823. yth Jacob Canfield b. 4 June, 1765. d. 20 Jan. 1838. m. Eunice Munson, 31 Oct. 1786. Ira Day b. 1 Feb. 1806. d. 3 Sept. 1867. m. Susannah Antes, 26 Jan. 1830. Chandler Chauncey Coats b. s Dec. 1825. m. Julia A. Shuman. William Coats b. 16 Dec. 1827. d. 29 Oct. 18 Calvin Chandler Coats b. 9 Oct. 1830. m. Rachel Norcross Decker. Mark Thompson Coats b. 25 March, 1833. m. Nancy Maria States. Eunice Coats b. 17 March, 1835. d. 17 March, 1835. John Herrick Coats b. 16 April, 1837. d. 17 Dec. 1842. Leo Hill Coats , b. 18 Jan. 1846. d. 21 Dec. 18 I m. Sarah C. Mitchell. Frederick Antes b. 28 Dec. 1830. James Arthur b. 8 Sept. 1832. d. 24 May, 18 Thomas McGhee b. 20 Dec. 1833. m. Josephine E. Youngman. Ira Day, Jr.- b. 9 Aug. 1835. d. 27 Sept. 189 m. Mary E. Parsons. Harriet Jane b. 7 March, 1837. d. 7 Nov. 18 m. Perley M. Christie. Mary Isabella b. 3 May, 1838. d. 7 March, 18 Joseph Milliken b. 10 Nov. 1841. d. . m. Emma Brewbaker. Susan Elizabeth Phebe Ann P. b. 9 Oct. 1807. d. 8 Jan. 1849. m. Benjamin Wisner, 24 Sept. 1826. b. 23 Jan. 1843. m. John B. Straw. Phcebe Catharine b. 7 May, 1845. Anna Maria b. 13 May, 1847. d. 19 Sept. 1847. George Losey b. 9 Feb. 1850. d. 15 Feb. 1851. James R. Wisner b. 23 Feb. 1828. d. n July, 1828. Adeline Wisner b. 16 Oct. 1829. d. 6 July, 1830. Harriet Tomkins Wisner b. 8 July, 1831. m. William J. L. Uptegrove. Theodore B. Wisner b. 27 Aug. 1834. d. 10 June, 1850. Cornelia C. Wisner b. 17 Nov. 1836. d. 29 Dec. 1838. Ira Augustus Wisner b. 6 Feb. 1841. d. 6 Sept. 1842. Phebe Caroline Wisner b. 29 Dec. 1843. d. 7 April, 1876. m. George Y. Davis. 8th Generation in America. f Georgianna Coats. b. 14 Aug. 1856. m. Wm. C. Warner. Josephine Coats. b. 24 Nov. 1857. m- H. C. Rommel. Mark Ludlow Coats. b. 20 Nov. 1859. d. 7 Sept. 1866. William G. Coats, b. 12 Jan. 1863. m. Kathleen V. R. Kyle. Hannah Lillian Coats, b. n June, 1866. m. Eugene D. P. Collins. Harriet Shuman Coats, b. 23 Oct. 1868. John Franklin Coats, b. 18 May, 1853. Hannah Coats. b. 27 Sept. 1854. d. 7 Oct. 1854. Cornelia Ann Coats. b. 27 Nov. 1855. d. 2 Sept. 1857. Laura Lewis Coats. b. 20 March, 1857. d. 7 Aug. 1857. Ella Angeline Coats. b. 25 July, 1858. d. 30 March, 1863. Mary Helen Coats, b. 16 March, 1863. Sarah Frances Coats, b. 23 Aug. 1865. Kansas Jacob Mahlon Coats. b. 31 Aug. 1856. Ida Ann Coats, b. 12 Aug. 1858. m. x, Chas. L. Maltby. m. 2, Carl Geo. Hanson. Hetty Louisa Coats. b. 31 Oct. 1862. m. Chas. D. Hill. Schuyler Goodwin Coats. I b. 25 June, 1869. f Nevada Anna Coats, b, 21 Aug. 1866. Mark Ludlow Coats, b. 9 Aug. 1868. Leo Little Coats, b. 27 April, 1874. Edgar Flag Coats. b. 25 Dec. 1878. d. 13 Feb. 1880. Harry Mitchell Coats, b. 16 Sept. 1881. (. Edner C. Coats, b. 9 April, 1885. Ella Antes. Nettie. Clarence Weston. Mattie May. Harry Lee. Edna. Charles. Georgia Augusta. Ira Day. Charles C. Straw, b. 27 Nov. 1865. d. 12 July, 1866. Nellie Straw, b. . d. y. Frank Straw, b. . d. y. Maud Straw, b. . d. y. Thomas Straw, b. . <3. y. Mary E. Straw. b. 17 May, 1867. m. Paul Flato. Harry Straw, b. 13 April, 1872. Blanche Straw, b. 9 Dec. 1873. Hattie Straw, b. 8 Feb. 1875. I Montgomery Straw, b. 1 Jan. 1878 Theodosia Emily Wisner b. 18 March, 1846. d. 30 Oct. x£ m. George Wm. Betts. f Maria Theodosia Davis, b. xo Aug. 1873. I Martha Scott Davis. I Hattie Uptegrove Davis. George Wm. Wisner Betts. b. 17 July, 1888. CHART I I. 5th 6th yth Abraham Canfield - bap. 21 June, 1767. d. 28 Aug. 1811. m. Elizabeth Hunt. Catharine Mary b. 8 Oct. 1792. d. 8 Sept. 1878. m. William Stewart Hunter, 13 Nov. 1816. William Hunt b. ± 1795- d. 30 July, 1821. n. m. Abner Harris b- ± 1797- d. 29 Oct. 1823. I n. m. Mary Stewart Hunter b. 18 Oct. 1817. d. 16 June, 1884. m. Randolph Railey, 15 Nov. 1836. . William Stewart Hunter b. 24 July, 1819. m. Mary A. Brown, 15 Sept. 1840. Elizabeth Lucy Hunter b. 12 Oct. 1821. d. 8 March, 1846, m. John M. Brown, 10 Dec. 1844. James Abraham Hunter b. 23 July, 1824. m. Harriet D. Peters, 22 May, 1849. Abner Canfield Hunter - b. 4 May, 1826. d. 1 July, 1883. m. Edith Sanders, 20 April, 1857. Catharine C. Hunter b. 30 Jan. 1828. d. 29 April, 1834. 8th Generation in America. f Randolph Railey. b. 11 Oct. 1839. d. 5 May, 1883. m. Sallie Thornton, 13 Feb. 1868. Emma Railey. b. 14 Aug. 1841. m. Alexander Henry, 13 Nov. 1861. - Isham Railey. b. 2 April, 1846. m. Ezza Sanders, 26 May, 1869. Catharine Canfield Railey. b. 21 June, 1848. m. George M. Fishback, 1 June, 1869. William Hunter Railey. b. 2 April, 1850. d. 7 Feb. 1890. [ m. Martha McConnell, 6 Nov. 1871. j John Breckinridge Hunter. b. 28 Aug. 1841. d. 1 June, 1842. William Stewart Hunter. b. 13 March, 1843. d. 30 June, 1845. Mary Brown Hunter, b. 26 Jan. 1845. m. R. C. Keiley, 25 Sept. 1866. George Douglas Hunter, b. 19 Jan. 1847. d. 26 Feb. 1886. m. Eva Cardell, 3 Sept. 1882. Abner Canfield Hunter. b. 19 April, 1849. William Stewart Hunter, b. 18 Aug. 1851. m. Belbert Merryman, 19 June, 1879. John Burnap Hunter. b. 17 Feb. 1857. Catharine Canfield Hunter. I b. 4 March, i860, d. 21 Aug. i860. Mary Stewart Hunter, b. 1 July, 1853. d. 27 April, 1876. m. John M. Poorman, 22 Oct. 1875. William Alexander Hunter. b. 22 July, 1855. Margaret Elizabeth G. Hunter, b. 22 May, 1859. m. James P. McConnell, 27 Dec. 1883. Catharine Canfield Hunter, b. 14 Aug. 1861. m. C. B. Taylor, 31 Dec. 1884. Belle Hunter, b. 12 April, 1866. m. James V. McConnell, 24 Jan. 1889. Harriet P. Hunter, b. 7 June, 1868. Ann Hunter b. s March, 1830. d. 3 Jan. 1837. Sarah Bell Hunter b. 21 Dec. 1832. Catharine Canfield Hunter b. 28 Feb. 1835. m. Swift Darneal, Margaret Sanders Hunter, b. 4 Dec. 1858. m. Edward Cuthbert Piatt,4Dec. 18 Catharine Mary Hunter, b. 1 Oct. i860. m. John Werner Crenshaw, 24 June, 18 William Stewart Hunter. b. 27 June, 1862. d. . Lewis Sanders Hunter. b. 6 July, 1864. Jennie Haggin Hunter, b. 2 Dec. 1866. m. Henry Nuckols, 4 May, 1889. Abner Canfield Hunter, b. 7 July, 1868. m. Blanche Beatrice Ferguson, 28 Oct. 18 Lloyd Tevis Hunter. b. 1 Oct. 1870. Swift Darneal Hunter. b. 6 Jan. 1875. William Stewart Hunter. b. 8 April, 1877. Hugh Tevis Hunter. (_ b. 3 Feb. 1880. 8 Jan. 1856. CHART 12. 5th 6th yth 8th Generation in America. Phebe Canfield b. s Jan. 1770. d. 25 Sept. 1804. m.LbenezerH. Pierson. Mary Ann Pierson b. , 1796. d. 13 July, 1829. m. Garrett VanHorn DeWitt. Nancy Pierson b. . d. . m. 1, —— Baymiller. m. 2, Benjamin M. Pike. Sarah Pierson b. . d. . Anna Canfield b. 20 Jan. 1772. d. 9 April, 1809. m. Jacob Losey, Nov. 1792. f Israel Canfield Losey b. 8 Sept. 1802. d. 1 Jan. 1851. m. Eliza Halsey, 7 June, 1824. Ann Eliza Losey b. 30 Dec. 1824. d. 20 July, 1851. m. Benjamin B. Richards, 30 July, 1850. Matilda Foote Losey b. 8 Aug. 1826. d. 28 Aug. 1882. m. Cortland R. Baker, 6 March, 1856. Jacob Losey, Jr.- b. 10 May, 1828. m. Emma L. Burnett, 23 March, 1853. Rose Alling Losey b. 8 Dec. 1830. J. Losey Richards. (* Frederick Losey Baker. Matilda Foote Baker. A Lizzie R. Baker. I Fannie E. Baker. [ May L. Baker. Annie Matilda Losey. Louis B. Losey. Frank M. Losey. Frederick Canfield Losey b. 12 March, 1839. m. Rose P. Fair, 10 Oct. 1866. CHART 13. 5th 6th j th 8th Generation in America. David Sealy Canfield b. 24 Feb. 1774. d. 13 June, 1830. m. Mary Dickerson, 2 Oct. 1796. m. 2, Penelope Sever Lincoln, 24 May, 1843. b. 9 April, 1801. d. 18 April, 1854. m. Mary Sophia Cass. 22 Oct. 1841. Mary D. b. 26 May, 1803. d. 14 Oct. 1803. Caroline f Mahlon Dickerson b. 26 Nov. 1798. d. s Jan. 1865. m. 1, Louisa Cornelia Seward,— 18 April, 1827. b. 3 Oct. 1804. d. 6 Feb. 1830. m. Jacob WykofF Piatt, 27 Sept. 1826. Silas Dickerson b. 2 July, 1807. d. 25 March, 1861. n. Frederick b. 15 May, 1810. d. 31 Jan. 1867. m. Julia Ann Halsey, 31 May, 1838. d. 19 Feb. 1829. Augustus b. 12 Aug. 18 Augustus b. 4 Dec. 1829. d. 25 Oct. 1867. n. m. Francis Allyn b. 20 Feb. 1832. d. 14 Jan. 1876. n. m. Caroline Cornelia b. 25 July, 1834. m. 1, John Lawrence Schoolcraft, 6 Aug. 1853. m. 2, Joseph Gilmore Beattie, 4 Feb. 1862. Mary Seward I b. 15 Sept. 1837. d. 10 March, 1839. Penelope Winslow Sever. b. 30 Dec. 1845. f Elizabeth C. b. 15 Aug. 1844. d. 25 Oct. 1853. Edward b. July, 1846. d. Aug. 1846. Frederick D. b. Aug. 1847. d. 23 Feb. 1849. Richard b. 23 Feb. 1851. d. 25 June, 1874. Augustus Cass Oliver Johnson Schoolcraft. John Lawrence Schoolcraft. Marie Seward Schoolcraft. Hugh St. Clair Beattie. Harry Canfield Beattie. Robert McAllister Beattie. Joseph Gilmore Beattie. Alice Maud Beattie. Agnes Jennings Beattie. I Marian Dickerson Beattie. b. 29 Sept. 1853. m. Josephine Houghteling, I 18 April, 1889. Juliet Eyre Piatt Laura Houghteling. Mary Cass. b. 11 Sept. 1827. d. 27 Sept. 1854. m. Michael Shoemaker, 18 July, 1850. Caroline Canfield Piatt b. 4 July, 1829. m. 1, Thomas Courtney Jenkins, — 13 Nov. 1856. m. 2, John Morris,— 20 April, 1871. [ Louisa Halsey b. s Aug. 1839. d. 14 Feb. 1863. n. 111. j Mahlon Dickerson b. 19 Nov. 1840. d. 1 Sept. 1841. - Augustus Cass b. 4 May, 1842. d. 5 May, 1891. n. m. ! Edmund b. 15 Dec. 1844. d. 26 Dec. 1884. n. m. j Frederick Alexander b. 7 April, 1849. —{ Michael Canfield Shoemaker. Caroline Augusta Jenkins. Michael Courtney Jenkins. Thomas Canfield Jenkins. -j John Norfolk Morris. CHART 14. ist 2d 3* 4th f Samuel bap. 19 Oct. 1645. d. Oct. 1690. m. Elizabeth Willoughby. Sarah bap. 24 May, 1647. Matthew Camfield b. . d. June, 1673. in. Sarah Treat, before 1643. Mary Ebenezer— b. , 1649. d. fi Dec. 1 m. Bathia Hannah b. 21 June, 1651. Rachel b. 29 July, 1652. Jonathan b. . d. Sept. 1688. Ruth Matthew b. 9 May, 1650. d. ± 1705. ra. Deborah — f Ebenezer b. 14 Feb. 1670. Abigail b. April, 1673. Matthew Samuel b. May, 1679. d. Sept. 1712. m. 1, Abigail Austin, 1 Aug. 1709. m. 2, Abigail Dean, 9 May, 1711. f Benjamin b. i 1710. d. 15 Oct. 1738. m. Mehetabel Foster. Jedediah b. Aug. 1681. Joseph b. i 1682. d. 14 Dec. 1733. in. Rachel Dalglish. Rachel b. . d. . under age in 1694. Abiel b. . d. i Jan. 1746. m.Joanna Johnson. Ebenezer b. 1712. d. 10 June, 1785. m. Deborah —— Bethya■ b. d. m. Nathaniel Wheeler. Rachel b- ± 1723- d. before 1763. m. Uriah Cutler, 15 Dec. 1743. c John b. 19 April, 1722. d. 4 May, 1772. m. Ruth Williams. Elizabeth b. . d. . n. ra. Matthew f John b. zb i(577- d. 5 Aug. 1741. m. Deborah — _5'th Generation in America. f Jabez. b. 24 Dec. 1737. d. 20 May, 1821. [. m. Sarah Ward. (See Chart 15.) f Abiel. b. 30 Aug. 1744. d. 7 Aug. 1805. [ m. Mary . (See Charts 16-17•) Benjamin ? Joseph, b. . (See Chart IS.) m. 1, Phebe Baldwin, m. 2, Phebe Freeman. Sarah, bap. 24 April, 1757. Ebenezer. b. ± 1761. d. 8 Sept. 1831. I m. Rhoda Baldwin. (See Chart 19.) f Joseph Wheeler, bap. 11 Jan. 1745. j Miriam " bap. 11 Jan. 1745. J Jemima " bap. 11 Jan. 1745. Rachel " bap. 11 Jan. 1745. i Abiel " bap. 8 Dec. 1745. I Nathaniel " bap. 13 Sept. 1747. f Bathiah Cutler. bap. 18 Nov. 1744. m. David Moore, i Hannah Cutler. bap. 2 Feb. 1746. m. John Redman. Abijah Cutler. b. 29 Oct. 1747. m. Dinah Lee. Bathia Cutler. bap. 25 Feb. 1750. m. David Moore. Phebe Cutler, bap. 24 May, 1752. Phebe Cutler. bap. 19 June, 1755. m. Ephraim Youngs. Jesse Cutler. bap. 24 April, 1757. m. Elizabeth . David Cutler, d. y. Jonathan Cutler, d. y. f Samuel, b. -—, 1748. d. 28 July, 1812. m. 1, Mary Aber. in. 2, Mary Shaw. (See Charts 20-21.) Williams, b. 13 April, 1752. d. 28 Aug. 1824. m. Sarah Squire. (See Chart 22.) Sarah, b. 13 Aug. 1753. d. 22 Sept. 1845. John. b. 9 July, 1755. d. 25 Sept. 1845. m. 1, Mary Dixon, m. 2, Affa Cory. (See Charts 23-24.) u. , 1735. d. i 3 Sept. 1805. m. 1, Rachel Bond, 25 Oct. 1756. m. 2, Electa Shipman, 15 Dec. 1783. Ruth b. . d. . m. John Merrit, 8 May, 1748. Hannah b. . d. . m. Aaron Tomkins, 24 Jan. 1759. Mary. b. 3 June, 1757. d. . m. Moses Chandler? Nathaniel, b. 20 Oct. 1759. d. , 1824. m. Hannah Campbell (widow). (See Chart 25.) Jonathan, b. 22 Feb. 1762. d. 6 April, 1828. m. Mary Shaw. (See Chart 26.) Comfort, b. 26 June, 1765. d. 4 Jan. 1835. m. Moses Chandler. Alvan. b. 3 Nov. 1767. d. 27 Dec. 1816. m. Phebe Hathaway. (See Chart 27.) Robert Bond. b. 15 Feb. 1770. d. 18 Aug. 1861 m. Phebe Ball. (See Chart 28.) Rachel Crane, b. 27 Oct. 1774. d. . m. Caleb Dayton. Sarah, b. 12 Jan. 1778. d. . m. Miller. CHART 15. 5th 6th jth 8ih Generation in America. f William Alexander b. 14 April, 1792. d. 15 Aug. 1873. m. 1, Lucy A. Brewster, '1 28 Oct. 1822. f Henry Ford. b. 20 Nov. 1825. d. 29 April, 1896. m. 1, Mary T. Armstrong;, 22 June, 1853. m. 2, Sara Newton, 11 Sept. i860. Catharine, m. Henry Leonard. Mary Ann. m. Waldo Leonard. m. 2, Maria Sanborn,- f William Edward. -I b. . Edward b. 21 Feb. 1794. d. 2 July, 1871. m. Margaretta R. Conover. Emily Ellis, m. Ancil B. Akin. Josephine Jersey, b. 11 July, 1840. m. Charles H. Campfield, 18 Aug. 1856. Jabez Campfield b. 24 Dec. 1737. d. 20 May, 1821. m. Sarah Ward, 28 April, 1765. f William b. 12 Feb. 1766. d. 16 July, 1824. m. Hannah Tuthill, 1. 10 Nov. 1789. Sarah Elizabeth b. 27 Aug. 1796. d. 11 Dec. 1817. n. m. Charles Henry b. 24 March, 1799. d. 11 April, 1891. m. Elizabeth Augusta Shellmann, 1 1832. Mary Jane b. 12 June, 1801. d. . m. 1, Hughes, m. 2, Brown. William b. 31 May, 1803. d. 16 Oct. 1816. Catharine A. b. 6 Feb. 1805. d. 30 Dec. 1888. m. Lewis Dunham, Jr., 14 Oct. 1822. Frances Louisa b. 6 Feb. 1805. a. 3 Oct. 1810. Horace Theodore b. 29 Jan. 1808. d. ——, 1826 or 7. John Shellmann. b. , 1833. d. JB37. Charles H. b. 23 June, 1836. m. Josephine J. Campfield, 18 Aug. 1856. Clarissa Montfort. b. , 1837. m. A. L. Gihon, April, iE John Shellmann. b. , 1840. d. -, 1867. Louis Dunham, b. , 1842. d. , 1867. Catharine. b. , 1844. m. Wm. S. Rockwell, Dec. 1864. Alexander, b. 20 Nov. 1846. m. Mary A. Donavan, 15 July, 1884. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1853. I m. E. A. Cooper. CHART I 6. 5th 6th f Lydia b. io Aug. 1768. d. 3 Nov. 1831. m. 1, Benjamin Crane yth Abiel Camfield b. 30 Aug. 1744. d. 7 Aug. 1805. m. Mary . f Abial Camfield Crane [ b. 17 March, 1790. d. 23 Aug. 1790. f Polly Harrison b. n Dee. 1793. d. 2 Feb. 1796. Joanna Harrison b. 7 Feb. 1795. d. 16 Aug. 1795. Jabez Harrison b. 23 March, 1796. d. July, 1871. m. Mary Baldwin, 11 Jan. 1824. Uzal Harrison b. 13 Feb. 1798. d. 6 March, 1801. Mary Ann Harrison b. 7 Feb. 1800. d. 23 July, 1867. m. Isaac Mcllvaine, 12 May, 1829. Lydia Tuttle Harrison b. 6 April, 1802. d. 3 May, 1882. m. Thomas W. Woodruff. Warren Harrison b. 7 Sept. 1804. d. 2 Aug. 1805. Daniel Warren Harrison b. 25 June, 1806. d. 30 Sept. 1812. ( Aaron Johnson b. 28 Aug. 1791. d. 20 Feb. 1792. Aaron Johnson b. 18 Dec. 1792. d. 31 July, 1793. John Johnson b. 19 Dec. 1794. d. 23 March, 1821. David b. 29 March, 1797. d. 21 Oct. 1810. James Wheeler b. 17 Oct. 1799. d. 27 Aug. 1807. Joanna B. b. 25 Dec. 1803. d. 31 Dec. 1855. n. m. Eliza Johnson 8th Generation in America. f William Henry Harrison. Daniel Harrison. Henry Harrison. Charles Ailing Harrison. Augusta Harrison. f Mary V. Mcllvaine. Lydia Harrison Mcllvaine. John Mcllvaine. I Rebecca Mcllvaine. f Camfield Woodruff. I Jessie Woodruff, m. C. E. Adams. I Thomas VVoodruff. Jabez — b. 5 July, *77°- d. 2 July, 1822. m. Elizabeth Johnson. Joseph b. 1 May, 1772. d. 17 July, 1773. Joanna b. 18 May, 1774. d. 14 Oct. 1820. m. Adam Beach, 18 Oct. 1803. David b. 15 March, 1807. d. 17 Nov. 1854. m. William W. Day, 25 Jan. 1828. Sarah Rebecca b. 15 Nov. 1809. d. 21 Sept. 1857. m. Albert Ailing, 17 April, 1832. David James b. 14 Feb. _. r. d. 20 Jan. 1876. m. Catharine Mead, 12 Sept. 1S40. Jabez Harrison — b. 4 Feb. 1818. d. 5 Nov. 1879. m. Catharine Mclnerney. f Mary H. b. June, 1801. d. 25 July, 1801. b. 10 Sept. 1777. d. . m. Phebe Roberts Halsted, 15 Sept. 1800. Mary b. 10 Oct. 1779. d. 8 May, 1851. m. Jacob Plum, 28 Nov. 1801. Eliza b. 24 July, 1782. d. 4 May, 1853. Abiel See Chart 17. Joseph See Chart 17. I Sarah [ See Chart 17. Mary Halsted b. 21 Nov. 1802. d. 23 Oct. 1895 m. Conrad Teese, 27 Aug. 1822. Ann Ferris b. 21 Sept. 1804. d. 10 Nov. 1841. 111. Thomas McLure, 20 Oct. 1825. Joseph Stockton b. 15 July, 1807 d. 19 Sept. 1839. m. Emily Flournoy, 1830 or 31. Louisa Johnson Day. b. 13 Aug. 1829. d. 11 July, 1856. n. m. Hannah Ward Day. b. 31 July, 1831. Mary Elizabeth Day. b. 13 Aug. 1833. m. Theodore Evans, 28 Nov. 1855. Mary Louisa Ailing, d. y. WilliamHenryAiling, d.Jan. 1840,a.6y. Mary Louisa Ailing, b. 14 Jan. 1840. m. Charles W. Wheeler, 5 May, 1869. Frederic Augustus Ailing, b. 16 Aug. 1841. d. 6 April, 1884. m. Anna Colton, Oct. 1876. William Henry, b. 8 Jan. 1842. m. Anna J. Krumeick, 12 April, 1869. Charles Ailing, b. 17 Aug. 1844. m. Mary English, 12 Nov. 1868. John Howard. b. 30 April, 1846. d. 25 May, 1888. n.m. Caroline Louisa, b. 10 July, 1852. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 17 Nov. 1853. m. Andrew William Teed, 7 Mar. 1877. Laura Anna. b. 30 May, i860, m. J. Newkirk Vreeland, 14 Nov. 1882. f Robert F. b. 18 July, 1861. | m. Catharine Began. J David, b. . I Alice, b. nMar.1863. m. William Flynn. [ 3 ch. d. y. Frederick Halsted Teese. b. 21 Oct. 1823. d. 7 Jan. 1894. m. Ann Caroline Darcy, 12 June, 1856. Edward Conrad Teese. b. 12 July, 1832. d. 26 July, 1832. [ Conrad McLure Teese. b. 26 Sept. 1838. John Joseph McLure. b. 14 May, 1827. m. Elizabeth Mcintosh, 28 Nov. 1855. Phebe Ann McLure. b. 19 May, 1829. m. John Sitgreaves Pride, 14 Feb. i860. Thomas McLure. b. 10 Oct. 1831. d. 7 April, i860, in. Jane Neely, 12 Nov. 1856. Edward Conrad McLure. b. 19 Aug. 1834. d. 28 Feb. 1889. m. 1, Louise Neely, 27 Jan. 1859. m. 2, Jane Wylie, — June, 1873. William Halsted McLure. b. 2 Dec. 1836. d. April, 1865. n. m. Mary Camfield McLure. b. 2 Mar. 1839. m. 1, Josiah Bedon, 19 April, i860, m. 2, Rutherford Wysong, 27 Jan. 1871. Brainerd McLure. b. 6 July, 1841. L m. Mary Hinton, May, 1877. Julia Flourney. b. , 1832. d. 8 Feb. 1846. Caleb Halsted. b. 15 July, 1834. m. 1, Sarah H. Tolbott, 13 Dec. 1855. m. 2, Julia F. Spicer, 8 Aug. 1886. Emily Agnes. b. , 1836. d. , 1839 or 40. Joseph Stockton. [ b. Oct. 1839. d- 2 May, 1863. CHART 17. 5th 6th yth Abiel Carafield b. 30 Aug. 1744. d. 7 Aug, 1805. m. Mary . f Lydia See Chart 10. Jabez See Chart 10. Joseph See Chart 10. Joanna See Chart 10. David See Chart 10. Mary See Chart 10. Eliza See Chart 10. Abiel b. 5 Dec. 1784. d. ii April, 1828. m. Rebecca Longstreet, 10 Oct. 1809. f Hannah Margaret Joseph b. 24 Aug. 1786. d. 10 Nov. 1789. Sarah b. 23 Sept. 1789. d'. 18 March, 1859. n. in. b. 26 July, 1810. d. 31 May, 1886. m. Benjamin Baird, 10 March, 1832. William Augustus b. 18 April, 1812. d. 24 Aug. 1873. m. Peninah Freeman, 26 March, 1835. Elizabeth Jones - b. 10 Jan. 1814. d. 1 Feb. 1886. m. Joseph Milligan, 6 Sept. 1842. Mary Eliza b. 1 Feb. 1816. d. 13 Nov. 1837. m. Andrew Rowland, 22 Dec. 1832. 8th Generation in America. Ann M. Baird. b. 22 Dec. 1832. d. 24 Nov. 1891. n. m. Henrietta L. Baird. b. 2 Sept. 1835. Rebecca W. Baird. b. 8 July, 1837. m. James W. Jackson. Abiel C. Baird. d. 18 May, 1845. b. 25 Dec. 1841. Mary E. Baird. b. 30 Dec. 1844. Patrick N. Baird. m. Elizabeth O. Brown. Lydia C. Baird. b. 2 July, 1849. m. John W. Haley. m. Adrian S. Morris, b. 27 June, 1847. Ann Rebecca, b. 4 March, 1836. d. 19 July, 1846. John Freeman, b. 29 Dec. 1837. m. Margaret Singleton. Augusta Bibb. b. 26 Feb. 1840. m. Geo. Washington Holden. Julia Arabella, b. 20 Feb. 1842. d. 30 Sept. 1857. Mary Frances, b. 4 July, 1844. m. David Humphrey. Eliza Fontaine, b. 4 June, 1846. m. Marshall M. Garmon. Sarah Octavia. b. 30 Aug. 1848. m. William S. Brown. Virginia Lydia. b. 7 Feb. 1851. m. James H. Thomas. Emma Sophia, b. 26 May, 1853. d. 16 July, 1874. William Augustus, b. 23 March, 1855. f Rebecca C. Milligan. b. 18 March, 1844. d. 20 Feb. 1847. Lewis F. Milligan. b. 4 Nov. 1845. d. 25 Nov. 1863. Henrietta D. Milligan. b. 31 July, 1848. m. Henry Lea Graves. Emily M. Milligan. b. 6 June, 1850. m. John Bell. Elizabeth C. Milligan. b. 26 Oct. 1852. m. Iverson Sterling Paine. Marion R. Milligan. b. 17 Feb. 1855. Alice O. Milligan. b. 14 March, 1857. d. 11 Nov. 1858. -t Samuel Rowland, b. . d. 5 March, 1875. Rebecca Longstreet b. 3 Sept. 1818. d. 29 April, 18 m. Aaron Roff, 18 May, 1849. John Howard b. 4 July, 1820. d. 30 Aug. Lydia Harrison b. 12 June, 1822. d. 10 June, 1884. m. Valentine Boisclair, 20 Sept. 1839. Octavia Philuka b. 13 April, 1824. d. 8 March, 1868. m. Joseph A. S. Milligan, 12 Jan. 184 Sarah Ann Milledge b. 24 Oct. 1826. d. 6 Dec. 1882. n. in. CHART I 8. 5th 6th Joseph Canfield b.—. d.- m. i, Phebe Baldwin Matthias b. 31 March, 1775. d. 1 April, 1847. m. Elizabeth Crane, 8 March, 1802. Hannah b. . d. . m. 1, James Peck,- m. 2, Olstrom. m. 2, Phebe Freeman f Joseph b. d. m. Bethany Eddy. Mary yth 8th Generation in America. Samuel C.- b. 24 March, 1804. d. 5 Dec. 1882. m. Lydia Bond, 16 May, 1843. Esther —j George Munson. b. 5 July, 1807. d. 31 May, 1881 m. John J. Moore, 1 Jan. 1833. f Mary Elizabeth Moore. William W. Moore. - Maria Moore. Smith C. Moore. I Myron J. Moore. Mary b. 9 Feb. 1811. d. 19 Sept. 1872. n. m. b. 12 May, 1813. d. 20 March, 1889. m. Jared Beach, 14 Nov. 1833. Cyrus b. 17 June, 1815. m. Elizabeth Courter, 9 Dec. 1841. Matthias Smith b. 27 Oct. 1817. m. Elizabeth VanEmberg, 13 Oct. 1852. Aug. Ransom Beach. Judson Irving Beach. Matthias Owen Beach. Erastus Watson Beach. Cyrus Canfield Beach. Jane Eliza Beach. Joseph Edgar Beach. Phebe Emaline Beach. Flora Ella Beach. Milton Hanford. Caroline. Phebe Emaline b. s Nov. 1821. d. June, 1853. m. Nathaniel Baldwin, 23 Oct. 1846. Isaac N ewton b. 24 Aug. 1823. m. Hannah Caroline Condit, 17 April, 1861. f William Peck — b. 13 Sept. 1790. d. 20 Aug. 1836. m. Fanny Canfield, 15 Feb. 1814. See Chart 19. Aaron Peck. b. 2 March, 1798. ! Phebe Peck I b. 17 June, 1801. d. 29 March, 18 Martha Ann Baldwin. Edgar Baldwin. Anna Augusta. Mary Emma. Phebe Elizabeth Peck. Rhoda Peck. Margaret Emeline Peck. Ira Peck. James Peck. Mary Ann Peck. Harriet Peck. William Peck, Jr. f Sarah Ann m. Henry L. Dod, 26 Oct. 1826. Abby m. Samuel Fuller. Phebe m. William Becker. Caroline m. John B. Acker. 7 children d. y. George Canfield Dod. Cornelia Fuller Dod. Sarah Maria Dod. Henry Canfield Dod. Abby Matilda Dod. Abby Matilda Dod. Bethany Canfield Dod. Samuel Fuller Dod. Caroline Acker Dod. Susan Chase Dod. Emma Kate Dod. Esther b. . d. . m. 1, Aaron Peck -{ 2 SOns. m. 2, Rufus Baldwin -j James Baldwin Phebe b. . d. . m. Abiel Peck? ( / CHART 19. 5th 6th Jth 8th Generation in America. Ebenezer Canfield b. i 1761. d. 8 Sept. 1831, a. 69. m. Rhoda Baldwin. Elizabeth b. 15 Sept. 1789. d. 16 Sept. 1815. n. m. Maria b. 4 April, 1792. d. 13 Jan. 1859. m.Kelitah Brown, 4 Oct. 1812. Harriet b. May, 1793. d. 2 Aug. 1820. m. Thomas Wiley, 8 May, 1812. Fanny b. 1 Feb. 1795. d. 26 June, 1869. m. William Peck, 15 Feb. 1814. Isaac —-— b. . d. 2 May, 1822. m. Mary A. S. Korn. Benjamin - b. 18 Sept. 1799. d. 4 May, 1865. m. Sarah Riker, 2 Jan. 1822. Ira George Sarah Ann Brown Harriet Brown Charles Brown Amzi Brown Caroline John Brown Ira Brown Phebe Wiley b. 7 Feb. 1813. d. 13 Dec. 1853. n. m. Thomas Wiley b. 16 Nov. 1815. m. Elizabeth M. Bowne. Maria Wiley b. 2 Feb. 1817. d. 17 June, 1839. n- rn- Joanna Wiley b. 15 Feb. 1819. m. 1, Appleton R. Park, m. 2, Joseph Beers. f Theodore Wiley. Thomas Wiley. John Wiley. Emily Wiley. Sarah Wiley. Anna Wiley. f Anna E. Crowell. b. 19 June, 1814. «n. John M. Crowell. ! James E. Crowell. f Phebe E. Peck - Rhoda Peck b. 14 April, 1816. d. m. Linus Pierson. Margaret E. Peck b. 26 Nov. 1819. m. Alfred Jones. Ira Peck Harriet Jones. William Jones. b. 26 March, 1822. m. Esther Collins. James Peck b. 30 Jan. 1825. d. 30 Aug. 1893. m. Harriet M. Hedden. Mary Ann Peck — b. 20 May, 1827. m. Ashler Smith. Harriet Peck b. Dec. 1831. m. Elias O. Doremus. William Peck b. 26 March, 1834. d. 4 May, 1849. Charles I. b. 9 Aug. 1821. d. 25 May, 1891. m. 1, Margaret J. Prentiss m. 2, Eunice A. Prentiss. f Laura Peck. ! William Peck, j Emeline W. Peck. | Jesse O. Peck. [ Jennie G. Peck. f Fanny Doremus. Emily Doremus. j Frederick Doremus. [ Edward Doremus. f Catharine b. 4 Dec. 1822. Isaac d. 11 Dec. 1822. b. 11 Oct. 1825. d. 5 July, 1892. m. Caroline Cole. Caroline b. 1 March, 1829. d. 5 Feb. 1890 m. Andrew Leather. John • Charles B. Adeline. b. 1 Oct. 18 William B. m. Susan Doremus. m. Rachel Allen. b. 2 Oct. 1802. d. 26 Aug. 1880. m. Louisa E. Waldron, 16 Oct. 1839. Moses Baldwin b. 28 July, 1806. d. 30 Oct. 1879. m. Mary A. Baldwin. b. 9 Sept. 1840. Louisa b. 9 Sept. 1840. d. 20 May, 1848. f Charles Hai.sey b. 18 Dec. 1841. d. 16 May, 1871. -J m. Lottie Hedden. Mary Fanny — b. 18 Dec. 18 f William Pierson. Randolph Pierson. j Frank Pierson. -] Helen Pierson. t Mary Pierson. Milton E. Peck. Frederick Peck. Joseph C. Peck. Ira Halsey Peck. G. Lewis Peck. Ira Peck. ' Peter Allen. Burton. Margaret. George. Maurice. Ernest. Louise J. McConnell. Alexander C. McConnell. Byron Smith. William H. Mary Anna. Rosa Eunice. Charles Prentiss. Edward. Ira Baldwin. Ellen Dyer. Adaline Florence. Webster Wiley. Sarah Lucetta. f Wilber. Elizabeth. Henry. : Benjamin, t Charles D. m. Alexander A. McConnell. ' William Henry b. 12 April, 1829. d. 23 Jan. 1855. n. m. Hiram q. b. 8 July, 1831. d. 9 Feb. i860, n. m. Ira Jr. b. 9 June, 1834. m. Fanny Bacchus. Mary Lucetta b. 26 Sept. 1837. d. 31 Dec. 1889. n.m. Charles B. b. 11 Feb. 1840. d. 19 June, i860, n.m. Jane Eliza b. i Oct. 1843. d. 25 Mar. 1864. n.m. Wiley J. L b. 30 March, 1846. CHART 20. 5th 6th jth 8th Generation in America. John b. . d. -—. m. Elizabeth Roberts. Aakon b. . d. . m. Sally Minthorn, 20 Sept. 1806. Samuel Campfield b. —1748. d. 28 July, 1812. m. 1, Mary Aber 20 July, 1772. Benjamin b. . d. - m. Rebecca Samuel b. Williams b. . d. Mary or Kitty? b. -—. d. Samuel Livingston b. 7 Feb. 1799. d. 12 March, 1880. m. Sarah Ann Smith, 2 Dec. 1821. F elix b. 1802. d. 7 June, 1826. m. Jerusha Meeker, 24 June, 1823. John Wesley b. 2 April, 1810. d. 28 Oct. i£ m. 1, Mary Ann Robertson — 16 June, 1835. m. 2, Maria E. Johnstone 3 May, 1853. m. Baltis DeHart, 8 Feb. 1795. Joel b. - m. 2, Mary Shaw d. J; 1830. [ m. Elizabeth Lacy, I 12 Dec. 1814. f Mary See Chart 21. Abigail See Chart 21. Rachel See Chart 21. Israel See Chart 21. Jacob Turner See Chart 21. Matthew See Chart 21. Elizabeth See Chart 21. Bethial See Chart 21. Sylvester See Chart 21. Andrew Jackson b. June, 1815. d. 11 May, 1852. m. Pamelia Allen, 25 April, 1840. Julia b. . d. . m. 1, Spangenburg I m. 2, Phillips. Jasper D. b. i 1815. d. 11 Nov. i£ m. 1, Caroline Rogers m. 2, Mary Pancoast, 19 March, 1845. 111. 3, Catharine Ritter 14 Sept. 1862. Patty Ann b. i 1817. d. — m. John Pitman. Absalom J. b. 26 May, 1819. m. Helen Eliza Hemphill, 9 July, 1848. Williams — b. 14 Dec. 1826. m. Catharine S. Ross, 22 Jan. 18 Charlotte b. . d. . *- m. Alfred Egbert, 13 Aug. 1843. Elizabeth. David B. John W. Charles W. Henry Mary Ann. George W. Samuel S. Edward R. Louis J. I-ura. I James C. Amos Harrison. f John J. | Frank W. William W. ! Harlow. Mariette. i Louise E. [ Harlin J. Ella E. -{ Eva M. Wesley. Emily. Frances. Henrietta. Edwin. Ellen. Julia ? George. William. Emma. Frank. Sarah Ann. George A. John Martin. William Alexander Amanda Alice. Chloe Elizabeth. Frank Lemuel. Charles Jasper. Cora May. George Williams. Laura Augusta. Nelson Philip. Franklin Matthew. Xth 6th CHART 2 1. yth 8lh Generation in America. f Mary b. , 1793. d. 2 June, i8< Abigail b. 25 Nov. 1797. d. 3 Jan. 1842. m. Elias Genung 24 Dec. 1816. f Sylvester Monroe Genung Jeremiah Campfield Genung Samuel Smith Genung William Lindley Genung Rachel Genung Joseph Genung Mary Elizabeth Genung Phebe Ann Genung Samuel Campfield b. , 1748. d. 28 July, 1812. m. 1, Mary Aber, 20 July, 1772. (See Chart SO.) m. 2, Mary Shaw — Rachel b. , 1799. d. 21 Oct. 1825, a. 26. m. Jeremiah Genung, 25 June, 1818. Israel b. 22 Aug. 1801. d. 5 Sept. 1848. in. Sarah Lyon, 24 May, 1827. Jacob Turner b. is Jan. d. 16 March, 1888. m. Sarah Hopping, 16 March, 1827. Matthew b. 22 Dec. 1807. d. 5 Aug. 1856. m. Fanny Maria Genung, 23 April, 1828. Elizabeth b. — 1809. d. Aug. 1864. n. m. Bethial b. . d. y. Sylvester b. . d. y. Mary Genung m. John Condict. ' Mary Elizabeth b. 27 Dec. 1827. m. Jacob Coulter. Timothy Hopping b. 29 Aug. 1829. d. 2 July, 1848. n. m. Charles Henry b. 5 Nov. 1831. n. m. Susan Hopping b. 3 April, 1834. m. Menzies Y. Genung. Josephine Maria b. 9 Sept. 1836. m. Clinton C. Hopping. Samuel Looker b. 16 Feb. 1839. m. Eleanor Gibson. Sarah Jane b. 16 Sept. 1841. m. John McMurtry. Augusta Estelle b. 4 April, 1844. m. A. Theodore Tappan. John Young I b. 11 Dec. 1847. m. Margaret I. Elwood. r Samuel b. 8 Sept. 1828. Charles Orton d. 17 Sept. 1828. b. 5 July, 1830. d. 29 April, 18 m. Louisa Denman. Letitia Totten b. 21 Oct. 1832. m. Geo. R. DeForeest. Aaron Genung b. 1 June, 1834. in. Caroline E. S. C. Ross. Amanda b. 25 March, 1836. d. 24 April, 1880. m. John Flight. Matthew Edwin b. 24 Jan. 1838. d. 6 July, 1889. m. 1, Eliza J. Deshler William L. Coulter. Harriet Sophia Coulter. Sarah Augusta Coulter. -{ Elma Genung. f Grace Hopping, t. George Hopping. Mary. Sarah Adele. Clinton Gibson. Geo. Campfield McMurtry. Herbert John McMurtry. Charles Tappan. Albert Tappan. Sarah Jane. Grace. Frederick. Ida. George W. Aletta DeForeest. Hertha M. Aaron G. Alta G. Arabelle. William Flight. Henry Flight. Amanda Flight. Minerva. Lester L. Edith. Raymond. m. 2, Phebe Devore William Henry b. 20 Feb. 18 m. Henrietta Watts. David Brooks b. 3 Aug. 1842. d. 18 May, 1878. m. Ella Hampson. Sarah Frances b. 3 Sept. 1844. d. 1 Nov. 1845. Mary b. 3 Feb. 1847. d. 19 May, 1851. a daughter b. 24 July, 1849. d. 24 July, 1849. Fanny Maria Genung b. 23 Dec. 1850. m. Edwin Moore. H Arthur. Edwin Matthew. Clara Jane. Lillian Augusta. [ Stella Bell. f Jennie Augusta. [ Milton Ercey. Flora A. Moore. Martha W. Moore. Fannie L. Moore. Edson C. Moore. CHART 2 2. 5th Williams Campfield b. 13 April, 1752. d. 28 Aug. 1824. m. Sarah Squires, 27 April, 1773. Moses b. — Elijah 6th d. . 7 th 8th Generation in America. b. . d. . m. Elizabeth F. Bethaw, 13 March, 1815. Williams, Jr. b. . d. 3 Oct. 1814. Ruth b. . d. , m. John Roberts, 6 Oct. 1708. Charles W. b. 2 Feb. 1820. d. 5 Oct. 1823. Sarah Ann b. —. d. . m. Edwin G. Sayre, 19 Jan. 1836. Child d. 28 March, 1835. f Alfred Williams b. 26 Aug. 1811. d. 29 Oct. 1878. m. Elvina Miller, 6 March, 1837. Barzillai b. 29 June, 1781. d. 28 March, 1863 m. Electa Cory, 13 July, 1809. Nancy b. . d. — m. Jeremiah P. Glover, 6 March, 1810. Edward — b. 15 March, 1813. d. 25 Aug. 1859- m. Esther Ann Baldwin, 27 Aug. 1835. Eliza Pierson Hannah Elizabeth. Alfred L. Aaron Barzillai. Frederick. f Matilda. Eliza. I Edward Orlando. (. Laura. b. 14 April, 1815. d. 30 Nov. 1888. m. Aaron D. Hopping 20 Dec. 1837. Jonathan Cory b. 22 Jan. 1818. d. 9 June, 1866. m. Frances A. Caffry, 12 May, 1841. Edward C. Hopping. Augustus RandolphHopping. Wallace G. Hopping. Emily Frances. Ida Caroline. George Herbert. Jonathan Irving. b. ± 179°- d. 1 Sept. 1822. m. Horace Austin, 4 Nov. 1813. Mary Austin Harriet Austin Jemima Austin I Horace Austin Jemima b. , 1792. d. 16 Nov. 1816. Zopher W. b. , 1796. d. i 19 Oct. 1822. m. Nancy or Elizabeth Baldwin, 18 April, 1818. f Enos B. b. , 1819. d. 23 Feb. 1854. m. Julia Costar Benjamin, 13 Nov. 1842. Jane b. - -, a. 16. Sarah b. . d. . 5th John Campfield b. 9 July, 1755. d. 25 Sept. 1845. m. i, Mary Dixon 24 May, 1781. m. 2, Affa Cory, 12 April, 1834. 6th Harriet t b. 20 Jan. 1782. d. 4 Jan. 1823. m.John McDermott, 4 Aug. 1804. William b. 19 Feb. 1783. d. 16 March, 1813. m. Eliza Ogden, 7 Oct. 1809. Susannah b. 10 May, 1784. d. 23 Jan. 1850. m. James Leonard, 17 March, 1803. Catharine b. 30 Jan. 1786. d. 13 March, 1834. m. William Mulford, 30 Jan. 1806. Mary b. x May, 1788. d. 10 Dec. 1850. m. William Sayre, 13 Nov. 1811. 1'hebe CHART 23 yth 8th Generation in America. f Ann Catharine b. 27 Dec. 1810. m. 1, Amasa K. Jeffries m. 2, Luke Colby. William Ogden b. 28 June, 1813. d. 31 Jan. 1856. m. Henrietta Sanford. Stephen C. Leonard b. 25 Jan. 1804. d. 20 Dec. 1881. n. m. John A. Leonard b. 7 July, 1806. d. 23 March, 1873. m. Louisa Sloan. James M. Leonard b. 7 July, 1809. m. Catharine Donaldson. George W. Leonard b. 1 Oct. i8n. d. 27 Dec. 1841. m. Nancy J. Palmer. Mary A. Leonard b. 2 Aug. 1813. d. 9 Jan. 1852. n. m. Emily C. Leonard b. 8 Dec. 1821. d. 13 Feb. 1870. m. David H. Mills. Hannah M. Leonard b. 10 July, i8y. m. Edgar B. Elderton. f Harriet Mulford b. 14 April, 1807. d. 12 Sept. 1809. Susan E. Mulford b. 24 July, 1808^ m. John Erwin. Kneeland Amasa Jeffries. -f Eliza Ogden. Laura Sanford. i William Bradford. I George Kneelon. Flora Janette. t Ella Ann. John Erwin. Susan Erwin. Alexander C. Mulford b. 21 Nov. 1809. m. Mary Harrison. Ann Eliza Mulford b. 13 March, 1811. m. Ambrose Ward Kitchell. Sarah Mulford b. 15 Jan. 1813. d. 18 April, 1815. Mary Mulford b. 27 Dec. 1814. d. 27 Dec. 1814. Alburtis L. Mulford b. 18 Feb. 1816. d. , 1847. Harriet Mulford b. 8 Sept. 1817. d. 22 July, 1818. Amanda M. Mulford b. 29 April, 1819. m. 1, Jesse Smith William M. Kitchell. Susan E. Kitchell. Theodore W. Kitchell. Eugene I. Kitchell. Alfred F. Kitchell. Mary C. Kitchell. Clifford E. Kitchell. Ellen Smith. Horace Smith. Mary A. Mulford. Harrison Mulford. Elexena Mulford. m. 2, Stephen E. Canfield m. 3, Daniel Whaley William Mulford b. 23 June, 1821. d. 23 June, 1821. Catharine Mulford b. 23 June, 1821. d. 23 June, 1821. Catharine M. Mulford b. 28 Sept. 1822. Arminda C. Mulford b. 23 Nov. 1824. m. 1, Daniel Sharrot —— m. 2, Garrett Naylor — George O. Mulford b. 13 March, 1829. m. Nellie McElvain. Harriet Whaley. Annie Canfield. Ida R. Canfield. Ambrose Canfield. f Lydia Sharrot. | Annie Sharrot. - Albert Sharrot. b. 1 Jan. 1790. d. 14 Feb. 1868. m. William T ucker, 21 Jan. 1809. See Chart 24 for Hannah Dixon Ashbel Calvin Matilda Lucinda David Jonathan Henrietta M. George Alexander and Emily Adeline. r Charles F. Sayre b. 25 Oct. 1812. d. 28 July, 1863. m. Mrs. Esther Croasdale. Lynison Sayre b. 14 Feb. 1814. d. 25 March, 1840. m. Ann Jane Marsh. Emeline V. Sayre — — b. 22 Nov. 1816. m. Ira Cook. George W. Sayre b. 16 Oct. 1818. d. 17 Jan. 1852. m. Elizabeth Baxter Meeker. f Harriet A. Tucker b. 26 Oct. 1809. William D. Tucker b. 1 Feb. 1811. Mary A. Tucker b. 13 May, 1813. Melvina M. Tucker b. 19 Aug. 1816. Lucinda M. Tucker b. 3 Nov. 1818. Charles Tucker b. 16 July, 1821. Ashbel Tucker b. 16 July, 1823. Adaline Tucker b. 7 June, 1826. George Tucker b. 1 March, 1830. -f Belle Mulford. Josephine Mulford. Millie Mulford. i. George Mulford. Margaret Naylor. 3 sons. George M. Sayre. William L. Sayre. Annie E. Sayre. Mary A. Sayre. Samuel Cook. Annabel Cook. Laura Sayre. Matilda Savre. CHART 24. 5th 6th 'jih 8th Generation in America. John Campfield b. 9 July, 1755. d. 25 Sept. 1845. m. 1, Mary Dixon 24 May, 1781. m. 2, Affa Cory, 12 April, 1834. (* See Chart 33 for Harriet | William Susannah i Catharine Mary and Phebe Hannah Dixon b. 6 April, 1791. d. 8 July, 1819. m. J ohn McEwen, 5 Feb. 1818. Ashbel b. 22 July, 1792. d. 24 Oct. 1809. b. 6 Feb. 1794. d. 3 Dec. 1879. m. Mrs. Rachel Ford, 30 March, 1817. Matilda b. 29 March, 1795. d. 8 April, 1857. m. Samuel Howell, S Feb. 1818. Lucinda b. 27 June, 1796. d. 5 Aug. 1813. b. 28 Ma}', 1798. d. 19 May, 1884. in. Mary Bateman, 16 Jan. 1823. Jonathan b. 28 May, 1798. d. 9 Jan. 1837. m. Martha Shawger, 29 Sept. 1832. Henrietta Maria b. 24 Feb. 1800. d. 12 April, 1827. n. m. George b. 29 June, 1801. d. 8 April, 1876. m. 1, Catharine Claussen 29 Dec. 1824. m. 2, Rebecca Veile, 16 Jan. 1844. f Alexander b. 31 Aug. 1818. m. 1, Effie Donington m. 2, Margaretta C. Favor Theodore Augustus b. 2 July, 1820. d. 11 April, 1892. m. Hyla H. Genung. Harriet Elizabeth b. 15 April, 1822. d. 27 Oct. 1872. n. m. Henrietta Matilda b. 19 May, 1824. d. 15 Feb. 1886. m. Albert J. Davis. John Bergen b. 13 March, 1826. m. 1, Margaret A. Adair m. 2, Mary Ann Hunt Frances Rachel b. 12 Jan. 1828. m. 1, William Walker, m. 2, Abraham Jones, m. 3, Thompson Price. Antoinette b. 21 April, 1833. d. 22 April, 1833. Wm. Alburtus M. Howell ——I Edward Everett. Albert Campfield Davis. b. 2 Aug. 1823. d. 16 Feb. 1856. m. Harriet M. DeMott. Horton Howell b. 20 July, 1826. Catharine M. Howell b. 11 Sept. 1827. m. 1, Wm. R. Demorest m. 2, Stephen L. Baker. Leander J. Howell b. 28 June, 1830. d. 8 April, 1887 m. Anna M. Wilkinson. ~f Charles Hunt, j Frank Davis. [ Martha Belle. j" Ida Marion Howell. - Samuel J. Howell. L Mary M. Howell, Emma Adelaide. Frederick A. ~f Ellis. Elwin. Rachel Augusta. Arthur F. Caroline. Albert Harvey. Laura H. r George William. - John Adair. (, Margaret Ann. --j Mary W. Demorest. -J Leander J. Howell, Jr. Henrietta Elizabeth b. 14 Jan. 1824. d. 13 Aug. 16 m. Joshua J. Smith. John Bateman Nickel b. 17 May, 1826. d. 5 Jan. 18S m. 1, Mary Ann McFadden - m. 2, Martha Holton — Mary Dixon - f Sarah E. | Florence A. I Mary A. -1 Henry A. b. 9 Aug. 1828. m. Josiah H. Belknap. David Barkley - Mary H. Belknap. b. 19 April, 1836. m. Frances J. Rosencrantz. Jonathan Francis b. 15 Feb. 1835. m. Abigail C. Baldwin. George W. b. 17 Oct. 1836. m. 1, Eunice Cummings m. 2, Mary L. Solomon. J Jessie E. [ Angie C. f Helen S. i George. - Annie, j Frank J. j Nettie E. j Lena. [ Jennie M. f David A. Smith. George Smith. Harriet Smith. [ Leander J. Smith. f William H. (_ Gertrude M. f David Arthur. Annie Belle. Frederick Davis. Lottie Lee. Grace Maria. Charles Thomas. Alexander b. 15 Sept. 1803. d. 24 Aug. 1808. Emily Adeline —- b. 16 July, 1806. d. 9 Feb. 1868. m. William Hotchkiss, 15 Sept. 1827. Caroline Georgianna b. 26 July, 1828. d. 22 June, 1859. m. Tames R. Toll. George William b. 16 Nov. 1830. d. 15 March, 1849. Albert Ogden b. 20 May, 1833. d. 7 Jan. 1864. n. m. Catharine A. E.— b. 2 Sept. 1836. m. James G. Caw. Frances Augusta Hotchkiss b. . d. y. Mary D. Hotchkiss b. . m. C. L. Bassett. Lucinda M. Hotchkiss b. . d. y. f Mary F. Caw. Alberta Caw. 1 Ann C. Caw. t George C. Caw. CHART 25. 5th 6th 7th 8th Generation in America. f Aaron b. . d. y. f Matthew b. 27 July, 1789. d. 18 Sept. i860, m. Rachel Brown, 23 April, 1815. Anna b. — d. y. Henry Brown b. 8 April, 1816. d. 28 June, 1892. m. Amanda M. Littell, 9 June, 1850. Aaron. b. Feb. 1852. d. Sept. 1852. William Henry, b. 10 April, 1853. m. 1, Phebe L. Raynor, 26 Nov. 1873. m. 2, Catharine E. Auringer, 26 Feb. 1890. Theodore. b. Aug. 1853. d. Oct. 1856. Joseph Littell. b. 12 Oct. 1856. m. . Theodore Frelinghuysen. b. 3 Feb. 1859. Anna Amanda, b. 14 Sept. 1861. m. James E. Connolly, 23 Dec. 1880. James L. b. 4 Dec. 1865. d. 31 Dec. 1865. Mary Rachel b. 6 Feb. 1820. d. 12 June, 1891. m. Robert Y. Chedister, s March, 1848. John B. Chedister. b. 28 Jan. 1849. d. Aug. 18 m. Laura Demorest. Ransford W. Chedister. b. 15 April, 1851. Robert Y. Chedister. b. 5 July, 1855. m. Fanny B. Allen, 2 May, 1877. Mary F. Chedister. b. 28 July, 1866. Nathaniel Campfield b. 20 Oct. 1759. d. , 1824. m. Hannah, wid. of Campbell, 26 July, 1788. f James McCuli.y b. 4 June, 1815. d. 27 May, 1883. m. 1, Mary Cousins m. 2, Margaret Cousins 15 July. i858. James R. McCully. Emmett McCully. Thomas McCully. A Mary C. McCully. William McCully b. , 1818. d. . m. Electa Caffry, 31 Dec. 1845. William Robert McCully. Anna Electa McCully. Hannah b. 4 April, 1794. d. 4 March, 1844. m. Robert McCully, 8 June, 1814. Mary F. McCully b. . d. . n. m. George McCully - b. . d. . m. Eliza Ann Stewart. C Frederick McCully. I George McCully. I Frank K. McCully. I Josephine McCully. John Shaw McCully b. 10 Feb. 1824. m. Eveline Stewart, 4 Oct. 1863. Anna McCully ^ b. J; 1826. d. i 1828. CHART 26. 5th 6th 7th 8th Generation in America. f Electa b. 11 July, 1788. d. 15 Sept. 1839. m. Patrick Caffry, 25 Nov. 1806. Jonathan Campfield b. 22 Feb. 1762. d. 6 April, 1828. m. Mary Shaw. James Andress — b. ig Oct. 1790. d. 22 Dec. 1857. m. Rachel Cory, I 9 Nov. 1813. George W. Caffrv b. 31 Dec. 1807. m. Margaret H. Wood. Mary C. Caffry b. 23 May, 1810. d. 26 March, 1891. m. John Tiernan. Jambs C. Caffry b. 14 March, 1812. d. 5 June, 1812. Sarah C. Caffry b. 1 Sept. 1813. d. . John E. Caffry b. 7 Jan. 1816. m. Sarah Vanlderstein. Eliza Caffry b. 11 Sept. 1818. d. 8 March, 1895. m. Alfred Kershaw. Charles W. Caffry b. 16 Aug. 1821. d. 1888 m. Gertrude Jacobs. Frances A. Caffry b. 16 Aug. 1823. m. Jonathan C. Campfield. Electa Caffry b. 18 June, 1826. m. William McCully. Louisa Caffry b. 18 Oct 1829. d. 18 April, 1830. Amelia Caffry b. 15 Aug. 1832. d. 31 Aug. 1832. f Harriet Richards ■ b. 15 Sept. 1814. d. 21 Sept. f Emily Frances. | Ida Caroline. ~ George Herbert. I Jonathan Irving. m. Thomas E. Boswell. Mary Ann b. 9 Dec. 1817. d. 10 Jan. 1881. m. Samuel Sayre. Jane Elizabeth b. 25 Jan. 1819. d. 7 June, 1864. m. Thomas Jefferson Dennis. Daniel Cory Harriet Eliza Boswell. Ellen Boswell. Anna Shelby Boswell. Alice Fauntleroy Boswell. Edward Campfield Boswell. Lloyd Warfield Boswell. George Boswell. Theresa Gertrude Dennis. b. 8 Oct. 1820. m. Margaret Fairchild. Hannah Cory b. 4 Oct. 1822. d. 24 Aug. 1824. Robert Bond b. 15 Sept. 1824. d. 11 Nov. 1825. Hannah Cory b. 4 Sept. 1826. d. 11 July, 1833. George Washington h.^ b. s July, 1828. m. Susan Armstrong. James Francis G. b. 3 Oct. 1830. d. 11 July, 1833. Amelia Napier b. 14 May, 1832. d. 23 Oct. 1891. n. m. Saraii Cadmus Jane Elizabeth. f George Armstrong. ! Ellis. I Bessie Armstrong. I, Hattie Bertha. b. 16 May, 1835. m. George A. Scorso. f Charles Frederick Scorso. | George Walton Scorso. t, Robert Ryer Scorso. CHART 27. 5th 6th fth 8th Generation in America. Alvan Campfield b. 3 Nov. 1767. d. 27 Dec. 1816. m. Phebe Hathaway, 30 Nov. 1793. f Nancy b. 13 Aug. 1794. d. 20 April, 1853. Nathaniel King b. 1 Sept. 1796. d. 24 June, 1848. m. Lydia Trowbridge, 24 July, 1823. Joseph Hathaway b. 8 Aug. 1798. d. 16 Nov. 1884. m. Sarah Meeks, 11 July, 1839. Rachel b. 6 Feb. 1801. d. 12 July, 1845. n. m. William H. b. 14 Jan. 1803. d. 26 June, 1805. Sarah Lyon b. 29 Oct. 1806. d. s April, 1846. n. m. William b. 16 Jan. 1810. d. — m. Delia L. Bishop, 17 Oct. 1838. f Alvin Augustin b. 10 May, 1824. d. 24 Feb. 1891. n. in. Phebe Elizabeth b. 15 Dec. 1825. d. 17 July, 1894. n. m. Ann Maria b. 2 Nov. 1827. d. 22 May, 1829. Mary Ann b. 8 March, 1830. d. 9 July, 1858. n. m. Moses Mansfield b. 2 July, 1813. d. 7 March, 1876. m. Ann T. Disosway, 11 Oct. 1837. Ferdinand M. b. 26 Sept. 1832. d. 12 Feb. 1895. 11. m. Imma Jane b. 11 Oct. 1836. d. 16 March, 1864. n. m. Philura Maria b. 18 June, 1842. d. 29 Feb. 1876. n. m. Ruth Augusta b. 30 April, 1842. m. John D. Parrott, 2 Jan. 1873. Hampton Rufus b. 21 April, 1841. d. . m. James Henry b. . d. . n. m. Mary b. . m. — Ilurlbert. Nancy b. . m. William Chamberlain. Jane b. —. d. . m. Irving Brush. Sarah Eugenia b. 29 April, 1839. m. David Brady, 9 Oct. 1858. f William D. Brady. I Charles H. Brady. J. Lewis Brady. I Anna A. Brady. Edwin G. Brady. I Cyrus W. Brady. I Mark M. Brady. CHART 28. 5th 6th jth 8th Generation in America. f Abby b. 2 Sept. 1793. d. 25 July, 1803. Sarah Robert Bond Campfield b. 15 Feb. 1770. d. 18 Aug. 1861. m. Phebe Ball, 15 Dec. 1792. b. 29 May, 1795. d. 24 Sept. 1826. m. John C. Hedenberg, 15 Feb. 1816. Abraham - b. 9 Aug. 1797. d. 25 Aug. 1846. ra. Charlotte M. A. Camp, 15 Feb. 1827. Mahlon b. 23 Dec. 1799. d. 6 Nov. 1872. m. Mary E. Bailey, 20 Oct. 1853. Robert Bond b. 3 June, 1802. d. 21 March, 1886. in. Harriette S. Perkins, 23 June, 1829. Abby Ann b. 22 Dec. 1804. d. 22 Dec. 1867. 11. m. Aaron Ball b. 5 May, 1807. d. 21 March, 1871. m. Henrietta Robertson, 13 Nov. 1838. Elizabeth L. Hedenberg b. 14 Jan. 1818. m. Ezekiel M. Earl, 24 Oct. 1839. Jesse Charles Hedenberg b. 2 July, 1821. d. 14 Oct. 1856. Charles Henry Earl. Mahlon Campfield Earl. Ann Matilda Hedenberg b. Aug. 1823. d. y. ' Robert Ball b. 26 Nov. 1827. d. 3 Nov. 1889. m, Lucetta F. Quimby, 26 Dec. 1869. Joseph Alfred b. 12 Dec. 1829. m. Rachel Ann Revere, 9 June, 1852. Anne Elizabeth b. 26 June, 18 Anna Charlotte. Robert J. Edward E. Orpheus Oliver. Gertrude. Charlotte M. A. Isaac Revere. Theodore Abraham. „ Charlotte M. -j Charlotte A. Hoppen. m. John Francis Hoppen, 15 May, 1871. ' Elizabeth Upham b. 29 July, 1830. Robert McNeil b. 26 Nov. 1831. d. 20 March, 1852. Nathan Perkins b. 4 June, 1838. d. Sept. 1868. m. Jane Ivison, 24 Oct. 1865. Mary Perkins b. 17 May, 1841. m. E. C. Selover, 18 June, 1868. Harriette Seymour „ b. 14 Jan. 1845. f Harriet Seymour Selover. Elizabeth C. Selover. -| Mary Selover. j Edward Campfield Selover. t Harold Seymour Selover. IceJiPfl *\> YALE UNIVERSITY ,o^