nax ton D"nn nwx nmy nrrn tsd 3H3D TID by hintr mpa rrcmp man m^rt puta own p'p p'tb D^rm rw-pb MD'H iMba mm n» b'vr nbnb-D mn V-imnm i'*n bwiuu' D-snon rrnaORDER OF CEREMONIES AND LAWS OF THE SOCIETY "MIKYEH ISRAEL," OR INSTITUTION FOR PREPARING FOR INTERMENT THE DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE JEWS' CONGREGATION, LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A.M. 5483 — 1723. PRESENTED BY ISAAC JALFON, ESQ., PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY S. MELDOLA, 18, ST. MART AXE. 5605.—1845.CONTENTS. Preface.................4 Introduction................ 6 Confession................7 Shemang, yaw...............8 Order of removing the Misva from bed.......14 Order of washing the Misva...........14 Prayers on washing the Misva..........15 Order of dressing the Misva...........16 Closing of the coffin.............16 Order of washing in particular cases........18 Prayer on particular cases...........18 Order of dressing in particular cases ........ 24 Prayers on dressing particular cases........24 Closing of coffin in particular cases........28 Prayers on conveying Misva out of the house in particular cases................30 Rending the garments............32 Prayer on rending the garments.........32 Verses before circuits.............32 Circuits.................34 Prayer on entering the burial ground.......38 Siduk adin................40ii Kadish for mourners. . . ...........42 Ascaba for men..............44 Ascaba for women..... ........48 Bilang.................50 Meal for mourners.......•.....52 Blessing after meal for mourners.........54 Psalm for the house of mourners.........56 Acrostic to be composed of verses in the Alpha Beta ... 58 Alpha Beta................60 Light in room of the late deceased........82 Exhortation of the dead............84 Ten observances for the dead .........88 Concluding verses..............88 Laws of the Society . ...........90 List of brethren..............99 Index..................101PREFACE. The want of a regular printed form of the solemn duties performed as the last service rendered to a brother of the house of Israel, has been long felt and regretted by those benevolent members who devote themselves to this mournful occupation, especially by the junior members, whose want of experience, in administering these sacred duties, renders them almost useless in the absence of the senior brethren. This consideration induced the brethren of the society known by the name of " Mikve Israelin London, to appoint a committee of its members to arrange and draw up in a regular form the mode in which the sacred duties are discharged,y with a view not only to remedy the defect complained of, but also in the hope that such arranged form may be useful to their beloved brethren and fellow-labourers in this pious work all over the world, where the dispersed tribes of Judah and Israel dwell. The Committee thus appointed, have after several meetings and assiduous attention to the subject confined to their charge, presented to the general meeting the following produce of their labours, accompanied by a fervent prayer to the Lord of Israel that He may be speedily pleased to congregate us, His people, in the land of our fathers, that we may participate in the joy of the reign of the descendant of David our king, the happy period that will precede the mighty day of the resurrection, when life will be eternal. : ds33 bsr. nym 'n nnoiim • WMI Dtwifi mbip nSinn n^i rwy minn 1S Dnaia niaf? ntMi nW ^ tnn pp D*nno trnoton SD jn pp kth t^n PI&BW Sin IKH-I pjiyw tfnan W? nx pn nr rrrmro ^ D^naiN inS -o^1? ^ m ™ itnn Sk pw prn trn dto nS rmm ina mnn min ^ rmno nnm n? naeai 1nai mm nai minbn S^i nnK rpdiv n*/? rmoi awn ton c^yS pbn ^ bm :DniT nnjn : mn p D^ni DW pmaINTRODUCTION. We have it by tradition from our pious and holy men, that on observing a patient in the last stage of life, to induce him (if in a state sufficiently collected to do so), to make his confession ; as it is written, n-nnm dwk' -d nm Leviticus, chap, v., verse 5, "when he shall be guilty, he shall confess that he hath sinned;" and v. 10, same chapter ib rbDDi "and it shall be forgiven him," from whence our sages infer that confession is necessary before death ; but to avoid oppressing the patient, they shall introduce the advice to him in as kind a manner as possible, or in words to this effect: "have courage, our friend, do not be alarmed at confessing, for many individuals have lived long after their confession, whilst others have died without making the confession. It is possible that by confessing before our blessed God, he may be pleased to prolong your life; however, all those who confess before death, have a right to expect a share in the bliss of the world to come, as it is written: DmT nnjn rmoi ' he that confesses and reforms shall be treated with mercy.' " It is best to have pao, or ten men, at the time that the patient reads the confession. They shall order the women and children out of the room, and the patient shall say :—jno ITI ♦ nirrSipn by* ♦ tf&S'ipn |i!n ♦ TfQis « fWfS nail ♦niito{? YW TH^T. nSy^ r« ♦ ^agt W oink ^ 4 ♦ niirbt? njj® ♦ nx tos^ss So. ♦ ^TO ™n ♦ ^ins avtja ♦ Eton nySCONFESSION ON THE DEATH BED. Sovereign of the universe I Lord of forgiveness and mercy! may it be acceptable in thy prescence, O Lord, my God! and the God of my fathers, to suffer my memorial to ascend before the throne of thy glory, for good. O behold my affliction, for there is no soundness in my flesh, because of thine anger; nor rest in my bones because of my sin. And now, therefore, O God of forgiveness, incline thy tender mercy towards me, and enter not into judgment with thy servant. And if the time of my visitation to death should be near, grant that I may acknowledge thy unity with my last breath; as it is written in thy law, " Hear, O Israel! the Lord, our8 -to Tpnst : nna « wnSx " Snfe* . i T tv t; •• v; t; •• x ; • bx ♦ 'nns ^n'^ \\ sp^1? ♦ -ta-S:^ nimn ^Sk • T ; S T T T J X " v; ♦ vr. ♦ yyz TiQ'W ♦ T|Tt3 ng nyijj ♦ inibqs rv^n rhgrp mriBn-W? mea wft xnn ♦ roaf? wipa — - T ; XT- • T » ; T T | ; ♦ ♦ ywz-bib) ♦ tito S^Si IT T v ST; T ; - -; T ; jn] 4 wn ♦ ^l1? ^y^WI4 fisjti atari DSI^ ♦ na P? T^O nirw 4 nix ♦ tfpW? : ypw vimr nmb nian nVmnuo On perceiving symptoms of dissolution, the following prayer, (called the Shemah yow) shall be read by those at the bed side : Sap : rnnv nwi ♦ ^ rhr§ ito ♦ TQJ to: kiv uinb ♦ ^ nri wri9 our God, is one Lord !" Blessed be the name of the glory of his kingdom for ever and ever. I acknowledge before thee, O Lord, my God! and the God of my fathers! O God! God of hte spirits of all flesh ! that both my cure and death are in thy power: may it be acceptable in thy prescence to heal me with a perfect cure: and may my memorial and prayer ascend into thy prescence, and prove acceptable as the prayer of Hezekiah in his sickness. But if the time of my visitation to death be near, O let my death be an expiation for all my sins, iniquities, and transgressions, wherein I have sinned, offended, and transgressed against thee, from the day of my existence: and let my portion be in the paradise of Eden, and purify me to enjoy the future state, reserved for the righteous: " O shew me the path of everlasting life: for in thy prescence is the plentitude of joy, and at thy right hand everlasting pleasures." Blessed art thou, O Lord! who hearest prayer. O Lord! we beseech thee to loosen, with the greatness of thy powerful right hand, those who are bound in captivity. Accept the cry of thy people; exalt and purify us, O thou who art tremendous! O most powerful God! we beseech thee to preserve, as the apple of the eye, those who seek thy unity. Bless them, purify them, and continually requite them according to thy merciful righteousness10 ♦ Dnqip D513 : DW rms ♦ ^pruT ♦ Bhnjj ppn : tbty n^ri ♦ ^njrp vprn Tj^ ♦ niO *rrp: Tjnny. Sm ♦ ana : niftS^n HI*4 ^rpx : viap WT njj 13 n&x : piSir. hj? ♦ p*1?^ rnsr ^ : is n^K ♦ mwfci : rtn wd ♦ nso ntt • PIDI$I vpj? now 4 i? irrp^a ♦ rbb nnsD arm sb : in&x mniDi j •• •• x ;it — — • t • • -; t" ; w; : •sjl?pj! bmz w : DDV spy; ♦ ^zyjb PDyvi ♦ fy Sifi^ : Dnrrc ne^ ♦ tD^n pi : ^ T^ w11 righteousness. Thou, who art most mighty and holy, guide thy congregate people with thy abundant goodness. Thou, who art an unity, and most excellent, regard thy people who continually make mention of thy holiness. O Omniscient! accept our prayers, and hearken to our cries. And may the beauty of the Lord, our God, be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say unto thee, the Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God! in whom I trust He will surely deliver thee from the fowler's snare, and from the destructive pestilence. He will cover thee with his pinion, and under his wings shalt thou take refuge; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow which flieth by day; nor of the pestilence which stalketh in darkness; nor of the destruction that wasteth at noon day. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh unto thee. Thou shalt only behold it with thine eyes, and see the retribution of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, thy strong hold. "And12 uhrb wjbm D - T • " ' 'IT TT ' ; • • : tfrtaf nxi**} set rw nxnxj my ma rwa : byr\r\ m D^a vWi MWI D-I nds by x ■• - • •• : T ; T .; T ■• • m D^ip m b bym mwy nDy: D^^ni ns nso* nnx1? D-sip i] tfnjj ss>npt ^np pit bx nj : mna pan ^ nm* : I ••■ t T T ; T ; : nrik « wrbx » T v T; •• v; T; •• T ; • ' — ; : d^Skpi wn « D\ibxn tfin " v; r T; V; T T; t TJft D^iy^ Tjl^ ^fc V: x: :» mp ^y^1? : nag \\ tux jyns ypsa ivn nbinnv ny b3 nrax iy "ww yoifo nnnm The last seven verses to be repeated till life is extinct,13 " And it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw the vision of God." " In the year in which Uzziah, the king died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lofty; and the skirts of his robe filled the temple. Seraphim stood above it: each of them had six wings: with twain he covered his face, with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said," Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts! the whole earth is full of his glory." " Hear, O Israel! the Lord, our God, is one Lord." " The Lord he is God, the Lord he is God." The Lord reigneth: the Lord hath reigned: he Lord shall reign for ever and ever. Moses is true: and his law is true. " I wait for thy salvation, O Lord!" " Rejoice the soul of thy servant; for unto thee, O Lord! do I elevate my soul." " Into thy hand do I commit my spirit: for thou, O God of truth ! hast redeemed me."14 extinct, when a relative, or those that read the prayer, shall close the eyes and cover with the sheet the body of the deceased. Notice to be sent immediately to the "Lavadores" who will attend, without delay, and at the expiration of six hours (but not sooner), they shall remove the misva from the bed, and lay it on the bare ground, covering it with a black cloth, placing a wax light at the head," and another at the feet, which are to continue burning till the removal of the misva from the house. After lighting the candles, the Lavadores shall leave the misva in charge of two men as watchers who shall not allow any person to uncover the misva. ASSEMBLING OF THE LAVADORES. On the assembling of the Lavadores to prepare for interment. They shall proceed in the following manner:— A board assigned for the purpose shall be placed in the centre of the room; each member shall put on an apron provided by the society. The misva to be raised from the ground and placed covered on the mentioned board, a pail of cold water shall be thrown over it as (nb-nta) ablution. The senior member in age shall place himself at the head, the Parnas to have the privilege of standing at his right hand, who shall commence the duties by throwing three jugs of warm water on the head, after which the rest of the Lavadores shall go on washing well the whole body, taking particular15 care that it is not exposed to view during the process : also the members are enjoined to observe the utmost silence and decorum during the solemn performance. After the body is well cleaned, the sheet over it to be removed, and a clean one substituted in its place. The members to wash their hands. A pail appropriated for the purpose, or a new one full of cold water shall be brought in, and its contents poured over the body; to do which, the sheet that covers it shall be elevated sufficiently above the misva; and after the water is poured over, the following prayer to be read :— hip Dflintfrt Dnintp nybyr Then will I sprinkle clean waters upon you and ye shall be clean, from all your filthiness will I cleanse you. bsp Dpnx "inp1? njn on : nnpn^pb D^nxbn For on this day he shall grant forgiveness unto you, to cleanse you from all your sins that ye may be clean before the Lord. After the prayer, the misva to be well dried, and it will be ready for dressing. The coffin to be brought into the room containing some saw-dust.16 The brother, at the head, shall place a linen cap on the head of the misva, and bind it round the jaws with a linen band, the rest of the brethren shall go on dressing: first a shirt, next trousers, sowed up at the feet, and a cloak ; the whole fastened by a waist-band by the president of the society. The misva then is ready for the coffin, which shall be raised on two chairs or stools; a sheet (called the winding sheet) shall be placed inside, a sash in the centre, and a talet at the head. Three pillows filled with saw-dust from, the coffin, shall be placed under the head of the misva, in a manner best calculated to keep it steady, and preventing it from shaking. The misva is then deposited in the coffin, and raised on the trussels. The member at the head shall be provided with some Terra Santa. The Parnas, or in his absence, the oldest member, shall hold one of the lights at the head, and the junior member holding another at the feet. Word to be sent to the family if they wish to kiss the hand of the misva; immediate relatives and friends only to be admitted, who shall be allowed to kiss the hand, and then put Terra Santa on the eyes. When the family leave the room, the Lavadores, in turn, shall put Terra Santa on the eyes of the misva, and proceed to screw on the lid, after which the coffin to be covered with a black cloth, placing the lights on it, one at the head, and the other at the feet, the duties of the Lavadores are then at an end.17 In case that the deceased left instruction of his wish to be buried without a coffin, the Lavadores shall proceed to the Beth Ahaim, when" two of the Brethren shall descend to the grave, and unscrewing the lid, remove the body and lay it (on its back) on the earth, and place the coffin over it. The above regulations are for the generality of misvots. But in the following cases : Haham of Kaal, Bethdin, Hazanim, Members of the Mahamad, or Brethren of this Institution. The additional solemnities prescribed in the following pages are to be observed. ctdh nton nrm After riming the board, on raising the misva to it for washing, they shaJl read:— otry$ ribx) f^W psvtt spsm pny? DH^X ^n^ n-jn mi rrnzp yiz • tfpnso eg nuni ft?? : D^n rvaM D\n£n They then shall pour luke-warm water over the misva, after which proceed to wash it seven times with seven different vessels. Beginning with the head, first with water only; secondly and thirdly with soap, repeating these prayers:— ^fc&o nWi ^Eton : tf&ma niDK • T : T X Snto miaro nann Sniin ^xnrm •ana •• T - : - - t- ■• T T; T - J X bvr^r ^ ^nip nwh) D^^pS nSiDi : D^qns On the fourth and fifth time, they shall wash it with pure water; on the sixth time, to add (if possible), myrtle-leaved water, and during the process they shall pray : simp Tras i] p^H • Observe.—That in all instances during the process of washing when W occurs in the prayers, it is to be pronounced Dirn ashem.PROCESS OF WASHING THE DECEASED MENTIONED IN THE PROCEEDING PAGE. TP May it be acceptable in thy presence O Lord, my God ! and the God of my fathers, to grant mercy unto this deceased, who is a son of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, thy servants; and be pleased to allot to his soul rest with the righteous. Blessed be he who has the power to give life to the dead, and also can take away life from the living. ^jE^tO Thine head upon thee is like carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple, a King held in bonds. Blessed art thou, God, Lord, great, mighty, and Omnipotent, who forgivest and lookest over the sins and wrong-doings of the deceased of thy people Israel, upon humble supplication. TP May it be acceptable in thy presence, O Lord, my God, and the God of my fathers, to cause angels of mercy to surround this deceased, who is thy servant, son of thy hand-maid. And20 15 winp njn n&n ^ D^rn wnistf ^nSwSi nm) ^np^ nnBi nyn Di^ rm bib vitAa b^ bx T • ■ T • TT T • ". T ~ byi) n^n \\ nm ♦ n^m by : DWTi On the seventh time, they shall wash the head with cold water, and pray : : vrtoeto Sy rm DiS^ Kh* t : : ■ - t r t vniyS mim vbw n^iy r\m ynz : top After this they shall wash the beard three times out of three different vessels, and pray, on the first time say :— : rai^hfti ^njnrn DTK HD » On the second timely:— . , On the third time, say : — : sb ttK&n ^ nin^Dni D^mn wrbtt "b T T ■ • ; - ; • - t ••■••: r; - After thi9 they shall wash the heart, stomach, and shoulders out of two vessels ; then the right arm first, and the left afterwards out of two other vessels; then the right arm at the top and the left at the bottom, and pray: nny™ wgo Stnpv -tea rriten ^na : DWB They21 And thou, 0 Lord! our God, and the God of our fathers, who considerest the helpless, save him from all trouble, and from the evil day, and from the sentence of Gehinam, Blessed art thou, O Lord! great in counsel, and Lord of Mercy. fcO^ He shall come in peace, he shall rest on his pillows. Blessed art thou, O Lord! who makest peace in his highest heavens unto his servants, and unto those who fear his name. " Lord! what is man that thou takest knowledge of him, or the son of man that thou makest account of him. intm For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Unto the Lord our God belongs mercy and forgiveness, although we have sinned against him. "jl^i Blessed is he who mercifully delivers Israel his people from all kinds of chastisement. May22 They shall then wash the thighs and calves oat of one vessel, and afterwards the private parts, in front and behind out of another vessel, with soap, and pray: TOTW TDK. 'ribx\ -rjb$ » spjj/so pin [ins b tnp nna j vi^nffi pj^ij! flMto' nnsn r™ •spnj TPS. fijn ngci nbyp) iripn D^nis •spT* ^ im^qr) wn ninto bib nWu^ wribt* ^ nri^ n^n sp&tnf? J taws They shall then wash the knees, legs, and the soles of the feet with fresh water, and pray : onr. Dip? ^ rtMi r® P? wp^a 'bin T\m ^ : vrpq Nttn toy wpn rvotyS D^di : OWE Then proceed to wa9li the face, and say:— : am ny? 7. P3 : D^G? ^b obn TSK we M T I : •• T : I V, " TT T; They23 TV May it be acceptable in thy presence, O Lord my God, and God of my fathers, to remember the merit of the holy covenant we have upon our flesh, and let it stand unto him as a redeeming emancipation from the burning of gehinam,, and deliver him therefrom. Blessed be he who mercifully commanded the circumcision. D^Drni In mercy hide and conceal the transgressions of this deceased, thy servant, and from the flames of the fire deliver him, for he is in need of thy great mercies. And thou, OLord our God, good, and forgiving to all that call upon thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord! mercifully great in council and mighty in action. The feet of the just men in paradise tread, for it is the abode of the righteous; he protects the steps of his pious men. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who mercifully justifiest the just, and forgivest the transgressing sins of Israel his people. D^S Face to face the Lord talked with you on mount, from the midst of the fire. I stood between the Lord and you at that hour. " The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace." Mouth24 They wash the mouth, and pray : : niTW nxito^ ta T3n« n$ Stf ne They shall begin the fingers-ends, and pray: : SK \\ w rns w Tpgw ^ "Wish the eyes, and pray: : pso ppino ^ iS n'Stal NTI n$8 t 071*9 vys. : QW3 toy.T)^ » They shall wash the nostrils, and pray: M&n pun : p^n ^st* They shall turn round the misva and pouring a great quantity of water at once over it, they shall pray: arnnt^ onintp ^ripin Sja "re1? n&r rnjn dvs •• nntpn» D^nxtsn The misva is ready for dressing. DRESSING THE MISVA. Which shall be done in the following manner. First the under shirt, then the trousers and the over shirt, then the cloak, afterwards cover the head and face, and put on the talet, saying the following :— •MtaSn 'Btea ^n wm tit • T • : • • - •• ; - •• T TJ • T25 ns Mouth to mouth Twill speak with him manifest, and not by enigmas. ""jTi Into thine hand I commit my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O Lord the true God. NT'I And he looked for the first part of the land as his portion, because the share of the law giver was therein concealed. His eyes are as doves by streams of water. Blessed art thou, O Lord! who diffusest light on the deceased of Israel, his people, in the scale of mercy. ""J5X Thy nose is as the tower of Labanon. Blessed be he who grantest great mercy, through the multitude of his grace unto the dead of Israel his people. ^HplTI Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean. From all your filthi-ness will I cleanse you, for on this day he shall grant forgiveness unto you, to cleanse you from all your sins; that ye may be clean before the Lord. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of Salvation; he hath clothed26 py jnrjs ^tjy;. T77V S^p tpy w'Vl * nn^n rhm nfth nntsn iBfch Synra ttn^rrMn n^nr nno? " TO : dw b to n^nni npm nw r; jr; - T v v r • ; I T T ; - ■ ;- my NS yh nn p.? : wjs T They shall raise the misva from the board to the coffin, saying: inn p V; I'Sx xnp".! ^nStfn SN nSjj n^i Tan) spy: JVJ? ntoxn na ibsS Dsna K^KI tD^m by tana NBW v ; v • T T -T ; ; - v ; v T v T trnp fi?1?^ ^ vnn : : Siw Qnn^n nW na hkt1? nWn D^nn na rtpsfc ^SS? tfrna uwn1? D wi b y\^b wrbx » - . — ■ • x - T T ; ■■ •>•; r; nn27 clothed me with the Robes of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. And I said let them set a clean mantle on his head, so they set a clean mantle on his head, and clothed him with garments; and the angel of the Lord stood by. For as the earth bringeth forth her buds, and as the garden causes the seeds that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations. And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in draught, and thy bones he will strengthen, and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail not. n^Jbl And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the children of Israel. Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagle's wings, and brought you unto myself. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation; these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel28 Djb o\*n Q'pTin Pjag : ntn i : rr nspgl rrnx ^ n^ nS Then placing the misva into the coffin, say three times :— : in&j Khpn na yW? ni^l1? itfhj The member at the head shall be provided with some Terra Santa. The Parnas, or in his absence, the oldest member, shall hold one of the lights at the head, and the junior member holding another at the feet. Word to be sent to the family if they wish to kiss the hand of the misva; immediate relatives and friends only to be admitted, who shall be allowed to kiss the hand, and then put Terra Santa on the eyes. When the family leave the room, the Lavadores, in turn, shall put Terra Santa on the eyes of the misva, in commemoration of Ps. 102, v. 14, " for thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof," and Deut. c. 32, v. 42, " He shall forgive his earth and his people." Then proceed to screw on the lid, after which the coffin to be covered with a black cloth, placing the lights on it, one at the head and the other at the feet. After the coffin is covered, they shall pray: nS md Dmaa d w ♦ rtihthti ims nan T • T • • • : " V T • • "ithp TP D^S : Sxn&r. niaaD : ni^a nnaa in:n tra n^n^ : Tp^a vjs ^ : ^pfl) vr") vnip^v ^ itsbp ^ D^I ^ na » HTO nani : p^S ^ nn.i mn ms nnr29 Israel And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good, all the days, that he might preserve us alive as at this day. And ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive all of you this day. tfb I shall not die, but live and declare the work of the Lord. K^i But they shall not go in to see when the holy things are being covered, lest they die. J"On Behold his bed which is of Solomon, three score valiant men are about it of the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords expert in war, every man his sword upon his thigh, because of fear in the night. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon. I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, and a cover upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, seven and seven30 n^nnrn:! nysri fi&h rta nnr mh nipyia Sy.inxi rfen rv^DTM d^ j rbm? t ; The said prayers to be read by one of the Brethren, the senior in age, if possible, in a clear, distinct, and solemn impressive manner : In conducting the misva out of the house, the lights to precede it (carried by the Parnas and Senior Brother), headed by the Hazan of Hebra, reading the following prayer .* ntarai taffei inix nrfc tfDjni rijsn njni ovfe inix ja^an : rw x wm v. ntoip im*) fnxn yjo^ 1 S53 yyiwh ■s/? nj** vj^e ^ : tjian ^ : rip yjj) njh ^JK n^xn NS ; r; x t ; • • t; On the misva arriving at the door of the house the Lavadores shall place the coffin in the hearse.31 seven pipes to the lamps which are on its top, and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the cover, and one upon the left side thereon. yiD^l And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down, and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up, and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. W) And it came to pass when the ark set forward that Moses said "Rise, O Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered, and let men that hate thee flee before thee." Forhe shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to guard thee in all thy ways. Sy They shall bear thee on their hands, lest thou woundest with a stone thy foot tfS No evil shall befall thee, neither shall the plague approach thy dwelling. ^ The Lord is a chief of war; the Lord is his name. " The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.32 npnp nra The nynp should he executed for the following degrees of relationship, viz.:—Father, Mother, Child, Brother, Sister, Husband, and "Wife. Upon rending the garments the following blessing to he said by the parties themselves : : n&gn pn ntayn ^Jb wrtaf » r\m : ospiD2 '? ibx -imn mspnn D"np : iraBnni vm p • mynni ehn hd » : -miy nan SnnS dik- TJ& thy niD K^I jtit rntr -rap wx TI^ Dnx : PISD Siatr J *n&5P a1?} ^ rmi bty) ar : nin nnpfin ^ Dna pi unam ^ crux ptd : im&pn -nm tarn mhxb tyb imDnm33 PRAYER ON RENDING THE GARMENTS. Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, the true judge. It is customary in some countries before the circuits to say : " Lord! what is man that thou takest knowledge of him, Man is like to vanity, his days like a shadow that passeth away. What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave below ? Man that is born of a woman has but few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. What is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him. For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. D34 Arriving at the Beth Ahaim, the Lavadores shall receive the misva from the hearse, and place it on the bier in the centre of the hall, placing the two lights, one at the head, and the other at tho feet, the mspn ue then performed. mapn The cricuits round the corpse to be made immediately before interment. N osiy ^bi ♦ trn'^k bx vf&kj diti ^nrv. T&n\ ♦ tr?n nipo :D*WI teto nun} ♦ wm a wvp) ♦ vjijj. na varp ana pai? inpirf? nw) ♦ vys. o^n nuns? v;^ oj; Tom :D\*nn Snjn1? * to 'b rvir. nib jra jv|ni: wyn D^jgfe ♦ him mrh nyi* t - . -----. t;t • • ; t-; — Tom : d^nn ^nya i^di nuni35 CIRCUITS. 1. Dm Have mercy upon him now, O Lord^ living God, and King of the universe, for with thee is the fountain of life, "And continually may he walk in the grounds of the living, and may his soul rest in the bundle of life and eternity." jl^n May the gracious one, in the infinity of his nlercy, forgive his transgressions, and his pious works be before his presence, and with all his faithful receive him, and may he walk before him in the grounds of the living, " and continually," 3. • A good record may be of him in the presence of his Creator, to inherit of the wealth of his Maker, that his light may be bright, in affirmation of his prophesy, and the prophesy of his word, "for my covenant was with him the life and the peace," and may his soul rest in the bundle of life, " and continually," Che36 1 rnnn ♦ Kv&n d^ v v; v T ; • T ; ■ t ; • • - T •• . ifctfh ^njn pbi ♦ on^ ♦ nTOpi num. ^ nrw: ♦ ITO: TOT n p1? Dp^fi Dgn ♦ nS ^ ^ njC!9 raft 4 r-tafc? R2. pro ona ♦ rhyzhz : -rtoypi num pjjf? yb ♦ TOSEI Tom ' 1 ^na^ inpn. 'b^a nigs* w many, "8 ♦ Wi-ri nnxi ♦ may.1? roil ™ rn Dipa TDPI : -riayn] mn) ^37 4. The gates of heaven may he find opened, and the town of peace may he see, and the dwellings of confidence, and angels of peace to meet thee joyful be; and the High Priest to receive thee be waiting, and thou go thou thy way to the end, for thou shalt rest, " and cotinually," 5. May thy soul go to the cave Mach-pela, and from thence to the cherubim, may God guide it, and then may it receive admission to the road of Paradise, and there may it witness a pillar descending from above through which it may ascend to heaven and stop not without, and thou, go thou thy way to the end, and thou shalt rest and rise up, " and continually," fyc, 6. H^fc? The gates of the sanctuary may Michael open, and present thy spirit as an offering before God, and may with thee be associated the redeeming angel unto the gates of the empire, where Israel is ; in the beauty of this place may it be thy merit to stand, and thou go thou thy way unto the end and thou shalt rest and rise up, " and continually," §~c. May38 T -m^ tuy. ♦ D^nn tVue rrjrw bp mm VW 4 twoi • iwp) mn jny. ♦ D^tdhi Tom • mr\) p jsfe ^ nrM On entering the burial-ground the Hasan of Hebra, says : Dp^K til p® pa D^nx pn Drta napa yiy) pa I) ftps ■spri? : pa Q^pO^ tajijvqcfe : dtoh n*no In some countries it is customary while depositing the miwa to say: bx vm bz ^ Q^n jnx rmat nwn nnni pan Sn ^syri nren : nana IBW D^NH And upon covering the grave they say: wr n^yDi •wfy WHSK pjra w nratt wr njrpfii ♦wSy raaia39 7. \-in May thy soul he bound in the bundle of life, with the heads of the studies, and the heads of the captivities; with Israelites, Priests, Levites, and with seven classes of just and pious men; and in Paradise thou shalt rest, and rise up: and thou, go thou unto the end, and thou shalt rest and rise, " and continually" fyc. "^"D Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, king of the universe, who created you in justice, and gave you breath in justice, and maintained you ija justice, and knowest the number of all of you in justice, and he is prepared to resucitate and raise you up in justice. Blessed art thou O Lord, who will resucitate the dead. T)¥PI He is the rock, perfect is his work, for all his ways are just, a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. ♦m And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the works of our hands establish thou it. And40 After the interment say : mn^x? ss^rri rm » xwby nji p? W) T^P- TO103® ^ J&W ♦ tap; rbm fri^ni "nm ^ : nrr» ^ ^nx ipj?! Before re-entering the hall they shall wash their hands in pure water and say: : rf? wyyi nn D^n n« WT t •• v- t- t t : t -t On the retnrn from interment the Hazan of Hebra says: "bn » pnx i # 11 P^* PW^fljJT* : Tpni ♦ vyyi iS ^ • pt^ ^ W 4 vjp tarn : n^yp HD vrrrSa '3 ♦ i^a DWI -flan : nniN tt;t t;t • t - '--- t ; • * This prayer is also said immmediately after death, and followed by rending the garments, which should be performed by the parties standing.41 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in draught, and thy bones he will strengthen, and thou shalt be like a spring of water, whose water fail not. Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and I will •cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob, thy father, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it ")}T Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it. Thou O Lord, art righteous! and thy judgments are upright. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and beneficent in all his works. Thy righteousness is everlasting righteousness, and thy law is truth. The judgments of the Lord are true, and uniformly just The mandate of the Sovereign is accompanied by omnipotence : Who therefore dare say unto Him, What doest thou? Who can oppose the only God, who executeth what he desireth? He is the Rock whose work is perfect, for all his ways are just; the God of truth, in whom there is no iniquity; just and upright is he. He is the true Judge : and42 ♦ Kin p^ ♦Sj^t^nj^SK ♦n&KPi fi ynz ♦n&Nj py* t npx) pnv ^ " KADISH " SAID BY MOURNERS. xmn1? Tn^rn. ♦ G^prw xrnp pn^i ♦ KglNtfc xbh^ Njn^S np^ ♦ dS^-H n\vn JTTO1? wi ajn^s ximh) n^ Srt ^n^ pw^ ♦ nnpn : p$ ^W) nnpT pp\ xhip ^an^. ^vh ^bh fi'etf an* N^nil ^W] nsfl^A :*sp5r»! KpTifn wgp ♦bkw'i ♦ n^iTA ♦Ntrm? ♦ xmyi S3D ♦an ^n.3 pyifti ♦Kjffltt ♦ Kjnri :43 and judgeth with righteousness and truth-Blessed be the true Judge; for all his judgments are just and true. TTOIV Exalted and sanctified be his great name, who is prepared to renovate the world, and to resucitate the dead, and to repair the tabernacle, and to save the living, and to build the city of Jerusalem, and to eradicate the worship of idols from the earth, and to restore the precious worship of heavens to its beauty, splendour, and honour; may it be in your life time, and in your days, in the life time of the whole house of Israel. Speedily, and in a short time, - and say ye Amen. KJT May his great name be blessed for ever and ever. May it be blessed and praised. Glorified, exalted, magnified, honoured, and sublimely honoured. The name of the blessed holy one, he is above all blessings, hymns, praises, and expressions, that are repeated through the world, and say ye Amen. May there be an end to the sword, famine, death, and evil destinies. May44 ♦nsw p nqi x&w tstn? «pMsni ♦ xim ♦ xtim 4 njpiBh t ; t t •• ; t t v : t nb *rb$r\) i-ini 4 rnssi nri^ ♦PISWI vpn&a DIW t fax S^w MW "ASHCABA" FOR MEN. For a distinguished Rabbi begin here: : njra Dipa nmi: ♦ aran jw? npapcn w onw • njban trea DIK nata | ■ t t t ; t;t tt tt **; ~ : ptfDA t ; For a Parnass, or a Hazan begin here : * y^sh typ* ^JW nrn^ id* ™ : t=nK -m D^Din^ j tt - t t •• ; v v | t - •penThis page was missing from the original text at the time of digitization. - Yale University Library47 them abundantly with the richness of thy house: and causest them to drink of the stream of thy delight. iltO A good name is more fragrant than rich perfume: and the day of death better than the day of one's birth. The sum of the matter, after all hath been heard, is to fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Let the pious be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their couches. May it be granted that in the goodly part of the future state, be the portion and tranquil abode of the soul of the good person,-who according to the will of the Supreme Lord of heaven and earth hath departed from this world. May he enjoy the protection of the divinity in that celestial and blissful abode, where the holy and pure, after the dissolution of the material parts, expiation of trespasses, and removal of transgressions, shine forth with renewed strength, like the refulgent splendour of the firmament May the Supreme King of kings, lead him into the paradise of Eden. May he, through his infinite mercy, hide him under the shadow of his wings,48 Djfe mrpb ♦ISHK "inp^ vsi? bp mnp! ^nT^.p^ri ♦ byr13 l". ♦ inptfj D^nn 4 ynffi. 17$ m^i nnSm Kin " 4 innufc TQ:S v t • ; t - t; t ; r t ; rrrv Syi • mWn vSN t v ; • t • • • t — t •• * Dpoatfa my vfop j^hj ♦ awi? ^33 ^^ win ♦ into} jpN ntoxlj) fun pi ♦nirvSprn DWin " ASHCABA" FOE WOMEN. For married women begin here : cwpsb pirrji ♦ t>txp\ ^ Sri n^x : n-ttJb t : • For unmarried women begin here: :njb by. w) h\r\ r\m ni-n wn v. HEW wn bsni. jnn Tjjtf : bbnnn ony&a' n$?rn 4 rr-r n^b mb UJ^ ♦ wy.D kjwti49 wings, and in the secret place of his tabernacle; there to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to wait in his temple: May he raise him at the end of days: and cause him to drink of the stream of his delights. May he cause his soul to be "bound up in the bundle of life;" and his rest to be glorious. May the Lord be his inheritance! and grant him peace; and may his repose be in peace: as it is written, " He shall come in peace: they shall rest in their beds: every one walking in his uprightness." May he, and all his people of Israel, who lay in the dust, be included in mercy and forgiveness. Such be the divine will, and let us say, Amen. Who can find a virtuous woman ? her value far exceeds that of precious gems. HQ1! Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. un Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.50 pTi K&fpg ♦ a^Sy ^naivi* psjrj rtjnpn) ntopnx pr? rifi ♦ iTfiprn* anjyni Mna^ ♦ imijn rtyusn) rni^n n&wn 'ni&Hjj byzh rrp Here mention the name of the deceased. NtoS^p nigjaron ♦ pg p_3 rqrnn W : njtiki w ring KHSK rvisrp ♦ pin n^x nfpn ♦ ir^bwi Din; vprns ^S&n n^nna ♦ DiSp n\T rm^ft Sjn ♦ tibwn .... x ... . • T r • • T - : irrD) ^in ♦ Dira^ib Sy.iiw ♦ xh; fea ♦ n&y nmiB>n btrt" nm-^ x*r\ t l • "r ; — •• t; • ; t ; : w pi ♦ nin^ni D^rnn byn nym \\ nntti ♦ ran yh ♦parrS? toynrw ♦ n^-hs ♦ 'rbi) V- ^ pxi nhiK Sb ^ vpis? uni trxsn51 tOJbm O most Merciful! to whom mercy appertained; and by whose mandate the worlds were created: both this, and the future one; in which the souls of the righteous and pious women who performed his will are rewarded. May he, by his mandate, glory, and power, command into his presence the memorial of the worthy, modest, and virtuous woman-who hath departed from this world, according to the will of God, the Lord of heaven and earth. May the supreme King of kings, through his infinite mercy, lead her into the paradise of Eden: may he pity and compassionate her, and grant her peace: and may her repose be in peace ; as it is written, "He shall come in peace : they shall rest in their beds, every one walking in his uprightness." May she and all the daughters of Israel, who sleep in the dust with her, be included in mercy and forgiveness. Such be the divine will, and let us say Amen. ySi He shall utterly destroy death for ever; and the Lord God shall wipe away the tear from off all faces: and the reproach of his people shall he remove from off the whole earth: for the Lord hath52 ♦ |tyT ns>y: cnrn : S^ri wxpn -S? vyx i^n1? njTn : ni^ wvi ij^n •njptfn v. On returning to the house of mourners, they have a meal. Filling a glass of wine, the Hazan of Hebra, or he who officiates, shall say: kts D^iyn ^ wn'H* » r\m ip-i? r\m oSi^ri wribx » nm pi uyiw m)m feaitf d^dih van hi ^ ibya wm nan anaa TT. T T;T -T - T~ j win w p^x nj^x ^ Ds^to 2 rnrix ^ « nrix p^x t D^n bs Dm& They make Amotsi and eat hard eggs:53 hath spoken. Thy dead shall be resuscitated; the deceased of my people shall arise. Awake, and sing, ye that dwell in the dust; for thy dew is as the dew of fruitfulness: and the earth shall cast forth the dead. And he being merciful, forgiveth iniquity, and destroyeth not: yea, he frequently turneth away his anger, and awakeneth not all his wrath. Save us, O Lord! let the heavenly King answer us when we call." Blessed art thou, O Lord! our God, King of the universe, who createst the fruit of the vine. ^fli Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, judge of truth and mercy, who judges truly, and has decided our judgment according to truth, as it is written: "He is the rock, perfect in his work, for all his ways are just, a God of truth and without iniquity. Just and righteous is he. Just art thou, O Lord! and righteous are thy judgments. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! who comfortest all m ourners.54 wbitih p?a nam If three males have partaken of the meal, one of them shall say : The others shall answer: • T Then say the usual blessing after meals, till wa, and continue ^ ♦ ^ng na wnSx » Dm Sjnj D^Kfl&n d^kh nxi. 4 •■tiftKJ ♦ DHte^ ♦ ♦iljn : pat WM rnn^n Db^n;. ruini ♦ itbwwinninyn jtoni. ♦ (toty. rmn San • efctyri ^Sa ♦ ^n? ♦ttStfji ♦utjk O^ni 4 n&N ^ ♦ n^bten) nitsn ♦ ^n im55 GRACE AFTER MEAT FOR MOURNERS. '"J'-QJ We will bless him who comforteth the mourners. Blessed be he who comforteth the mourners; of whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose abundant goodness we live ! Dili Comfort, O Lord, our God! the mourners for Zion, and for Jerusalem: and those who mourn at this mourning. .0 comfort them in their mourning; and cause them to rejoice from their sorrow; as it is said, " As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you: and in Jerusalem shall ye be comforted." Blessed art thou, O Lord who comfortest the mourners, and buildest Jerusalem ! O may it be speedily in our days, Amen! May the city of Zion be built in our days, and the temple service established in Jerusalem. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the universe. O God! thou art our Father, King, Strength, and Redeemer; the Sanctifier of Jacob; the eternal living King, who is good and- beneficient: the God of truth, who judgeth with righteousness, in recalling the souls; he hath dominion over the universe, to execute56 uk San Ssi nniyi wm wn niyis ttu n^l?1?^ rinin1? rn^n toy.1® nxin npsn nx •SKI^-SJ ♦ why, tihw ♦ vtoqnj MW The following Psalm is read at the house of mourners after all prayers. Psalm xlix. -S? nxny^ : nip rfiffipf? ♦ja oa : ibn man ♦ own ... _ ... ,T .. . t • - • - r 15T. : {vnxi. wj; in* ♦ Da DIN otk S^ttS ntsx : ntoon rwn ♦ nton • ;t t t ; v— ; • • t • ;r ♦ jn ws n^ j vrm "to* rinsa T •• r IT • tit • T • ; - ; nvttf 4 ofyn by_ mt^n ♦ ^fw. flg nS * gtk rrjs* nisi : Disty ♦ a^i fna ^ : t^n'^ pr : nn^'n nanr ♦ nvj1? nijj-^n^ J cbiy1? ♦a57 execute his pleasure; and we are his people, and servants. And for all these things, we are bound to return thanks to Him, and to bless Him. May he who repaireth the breaches, repair this breach for us, and his people Israel with mercy. May he who maketh peace in his high heavens, through his infinite mercy, grant peace unto us, and all Israel. Amen. To the Chief Musician, a Psalm for the Sons of Korah—Hear this, all ye people! be attentive, all ye inhabitants of the earth! both low and high, rich and poor together. My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. I will incline mine ear to a parable: and disclose mine enigma upon the harp. Wherefore should I fear the evil days ? Can the punishment due to my oppressors encompass me ?— Of those who trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the immensity of their riches? The brother will not release his own brother, but refuses his ransom to the judges: nay, he would even abstain from redeeming himself, should it cost him much! As if he were to live for ever, and never to see the grave!—But does he not observe that wise men die; that the fool and the brutish person perish58 ♦ m^ nqi ♦ D^jq naq* ♦ ttynh * ttjgi onwn «np ♦ irn in1? oraaBto •• t : • ;||T T « x : : • err® cnnqifl. SDS cirn n? n&qj ♦ojrv. ♦ w bwvh trta WT. bwy mW? ♦ ifrDb D| rrp • 1 w ami : rta ■ ■ T • - TV • •• | T • T nja* imb} ^ : wa -rap n-n* ♦ TP! vra ^ : ffD3 nqx TT ^ ♦ vnns in KIIQ : qS ^ qqn - paj tnx : irc-wr. rrcj ng When prayers are said at the house of mourners, during the seven days of "Abel," all the verses of the following psalm that commence with the letters composing the name of the deceased, and that of his or her mother, to form an acrostic of such names, are read; adding between the respective names, those verses that begin with the letter " Beth," " Nun," in case of a deceased male, or verses beginning with the letter " Beth," " Tav," in case of a deceased female: Example—supposing the59 perish together, and must leave their power to others ? Their inward thought is, indeed, that their palaces shall continue for ever, and their dwelling to all generations; and that their name shall equally endure in the land. But man's enjoyment of honour endureth not; he is like the beasts that perish. Such is their way, fools to themselves! and yet their posterity ever applauds them! Like sheep in droves are they laid in the grave; Death drives them on, but the upright shall have dominion over them, on that morning ; for the grave cannot retain for ever the essence that must survive it. May the Lord but redeem my soul from the power of eternal corruption, when he shall take me, Selah! Be then not dismayed when a man is made rich; when the glory of his house is increased. For when he dieth, he shall carry nothing away; nor can his glory follow him. And though he doth here delight his soul, thou wilt be called happy hereafter ; while he follows the generation of his fathers, which shall never behold the glorious light. Man, not knowing the importance of his being, becometh like the beasts that perish.60 the name of the deceased was no Noha, and that of his mother rm Hannah, they shall read all verses in letters 3 Nun, n Heth ; 3 Beth, 3 Nun ; n Heth, d Nun, and n He, which will form the the acrostic " run p m." They then continue reading all verses under the following letters: p Koph, 1 Resh, y Ain; V Shin, ta Tet, and 3 Nun, and conclude by reading Psalm xlix. p. 56, and y^ap.50. The verses are said after the service. N nw : » nnna D^hn ♦ YTT W? tib : ♦ vnny. nrm nm : toSn ♦ rtay by* x « • t - x x t ~r ; • x -; x ♦ ^vi v'y bm t "fij^ m : ^jrpc ♦ lib : ftp b$ ♦ inm Tj^ : toth * ^rnK laa-nji* mja : ^niv^ 'WK bx ♦ Ytf^Ti 'ib-biz •spnj : ^ xbm tb ♦ ^rntox toux S^ ♦ : spjan TO1? 4:: r-iriK -Sj byj ♦ sptfns. TTl? : T^ : YO'n^ nb^Ni'i ♦ f^? * Pn : ^rr nim xb ♦ ywvnm ^wni61 (Aleph.) Happy are they whose conduct is upright; who walk in the law of the Lord. Happy are they who keep his testimonies, and seek him with their whole heart They do no iniquity that walk in his ways. Thou, O Lord! hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. O that my paths were directed to keep thy statutes; then shall I not be ashamed, while I have respect unto all thy commandments. I will praise thee with an upright heart, when I meditate in thy righteous judgments. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly. (Beth.) Wherewith shall a youth purify his way ? Surely, by observing thy decrees. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy precepts. I have treasured up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord! O teach me thy statutes. With my hps have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will speak of thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. In thy statutes will I delight myself; I will not forget thy word. Deal62 : Sa : ^prn ni&BW ♦ rmx Tppy. bhs ^ : ^iryinp I-TIN^M * n^axi npia : fnivp nripri Sx ♦ pxa ^ix niyj : ^towfo bx ♦ rnxn1? ^sj hyp Si : ymm ♦ cn^s oni tt^i a : f^nft ^ 4 ^J 1 wj : fJF.3 - ^ npn ^ : ♦ n^n^ ^ ♦ Trp5 pijjij&K •sfTJ i ^n spjin\ ♦ Sx 4 TOH^? : TW fb^fe yryp ^ ♦ jnx spOty® th :63 (Gimel.) Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live and keep thy word- Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold the wonders of thy law. I am a sojourner on the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. My soul breaketh for the longing it hath unto thy judgments at all times. Thou hast rebuked the proud who are accursed, who stray from thy commandments^ Remove reproach and contempt from me, for I have kept thy testimonies. Though princes did sit and speak against me: yet did thy servant meditate in thy statutes. Thy testimonies also are my delight, and my counsellors. (Daleth.) My soul cleaveth unto the dust: O revive me according to thy word. I have declared my ways, and thou hast answered me; teach me now thy statutes. Make me to understand the way of thy precepts; and I will talk of thy wondrous works. My soul fainteth from woe; O strengthen me according to thy word. Remove from me the path of falsehood; and grant me thy law graciously. The paths of truth have I chosen, I have set thy judgments before me. I have adhered to thy testimonies; O Lord-shame me not. I will run in the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Teach64 n ^rj : nfT^fi ♦ V/l " ton : wan 11 4 fOW WTp spwjfc tzpn : ^n * nwp Ti£nn w.n : ^myb ♦ TDM? ran : invito ^ j vw 5 ^ * TTp^ 1 n^N] J ■rjrmq ^^ 4 ^ ^npn ^y) bvn Wi j Tj'ms ^n&s ^ ♦ njji oSty1? ♦ Tan Tjirpn nwxi •rpmy.5 i wnn yjj^ ^ 4 nnnns ♦ TOW? * BfaK xb) vibp in ymb Sk ttm) ♦ TOS65 (He) Teach me, O Lord! the way of thy statutes, and I will keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law, and I will observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of thy commandments, for I delight therein. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. Avert mine eyes from beholding vanity; revive me by thy ways. Establish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear. Turn away my reproach which I apprehend, for thy judgments are good, I have longed for thy precepts; O revive me with thy righteousness. (Vait.) Let thy mercies also come unto me, O Lord! even thy salvation, according to thy word. Then shall I have wherewith to answer him who reproacheth me ; for I have trusted in thy word. O take not the word of truth entirely out of my mouth: for I have hoped in thy judgments. And I will keep thy law continually, yea, for ever and ever. I will also walk at large: for I seek thy precepts. And I will speak of thy testimonies in the presence of kings, and will not be ashamed. And I will delight mysel in thy commandments which I have loved. I will raise my hands towards thy commandments which I love, and meditate in thy statutes. f Remember66 ? nai : uri^fT by. * ^^ ^FCW chi : wn ^ift&tf ^ * 'flppj ^rra : wta xb ^n^in^ ♦ nxa ny wSq 'Mm nsy^T : i) tabiya TWP^ ♦ f £>n b vn niT&t: ^riin ^ty ♦ m™ ♦ rbb* ^rra : nuo j wtjj Tli^ ^' ^ ♦ n wn j ^tf nyp^ mpxnSf?mn ♦w^NSyniri ox inn J sjjrp ♦ ^ npir6 ypn ♦ 4 : ^pn ♦ pxn nx1?^ niD67 ( Zain) Remember the word unto thy servant, in which thou hast caused me to hope. This was my comfort in mine affliction; for thy word revives me. The proud hath derided me exceedingly ; yet have I not swerved from thy law. I remembered thy judgments which were of old, 0 Lord! and with them I comforted myself. Horror hath seized me, because of the wicked who forsake thy law. Thy statutes have been my song in the house ofjny pilgrimage. O Lord! I have remembered thy name in the night, and have kept thy law. This I had because 1 had kept thy precepts. (Cheth.) I have said my portion, O Lord! is to keep thy words. I have entreated thee with my whole heart; O be merciful unto me according to thy word. I considered my ways, and turned my feet back unto thy testimonies. I hasted and delayed not to keep thy commandments. The bands of the wicked have oppressed me, yet have I not forgotten thy law. At midnight will I rise to render thanks unto thee, for thy righteous judgments. I am a companion of all who fear thee, and keep thy precepts. The earth, O Lord! is full of thy mercy; O teach me thy statutes. Thou68 0 nib : fjnrtt « ♦ Tpftg ay. n'fcgj nib mt: : TjniDx nrijn * yw t Ypti ^nipb ♦ ybti) r\m ♦ ^^ ^ ^ ito ♦ -jn-yifl ♦ en1? ♦fa niin ^ siD : ClD^I SHT I V T T T T : ^ri^n^ ^jrf? ^ ♦ smapyi : ^n^y nyi&Kj ♦ pix ;; ^ah? : T^y1? ^jffj&K? 4 ^P^1? TP*69 (Teth.) Thou hast dealt kindly to thy servant 0 Lord ! according to thy word. Teach me good judgment and knowledge; for I have believed in thy commandments. Before I was afflicted, I went astray; but now I have kept thy word. Thou art good and beneficent; O teach me thy statutes. The proud have forged lies against me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. Their heart is gross as fat; but I delight in thy law. It is well for me that 1 have been afflicted: that I might learn thy statutes. The law of thy mouth is better to me, than thousands of gold and silver. (Jod.) Thy hands have made and fashioned me; O give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. They who fear thee will rejoice when they see me, because I have hoped in thy word. O Lord! I know that thy judgments are right, and that in faithfulness hast thou afflicted me. O let thy merciful kindness comfort me, according to thy word unto thy servant. Let thy tender mercy come unto me, that I may live; for thy law is my delight. Let the proud be ashamed, for they have dealt perversely and falsely with me; but I will meditate; in70 3 ta x *r6[r Tprrf? ♦ ^ Tjny^n1? nn^ : o&iijtf nbxS ♦ ^n^px1? 'TV.. t ^p® nS Yj^ * T^p? TOP wn ^ t^nnin^ KS ^ ♦jtiiw D^T ^ tsggz : ♦ mm ^mp fffo? J TJj^ WW ^ •pSVJ&f) wr® nw -)H1 "in1? : DW3 n^ ♦ etay1? : ntofti ptf Mia ♦ ^n^tot^ ^ ♦ yE1? ^ ^ * ovn npg TW?^? ^mm71 in thy precepts. Let those who fear thee and have known thy testimonies turn unto me. Let my heart be perfect in thy statutes, that I may not be ashamed. (Caph.) My soul longeth for thy salvation; in thy word do I hope. Mine eyes fail in watching for thy words, saying, When wilt thou comfort me ? For though I am like a leathern bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes. How many are the days of thy servant ? When wilt thou execute judgment on those who persecute me? The proud have digged pits for me; who do not act according to thy law. All thy commandments are faithful; they persecute me wrongfully; O help me; They had almost consumed me upon earth: yet I did not forsake thy precepts. Revive me according to thy loving-kindness, and I will keep the testimony of thy mouth. (Lamed.) Thy word, O Lord! is established in heaven for ever. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; thou hast established the earth, and it stands firm. Thus does it continue to this day according to thine ordinances; for every thing is subject to thee. Unless thy law had been72 , KS dS^ : 'jrpK rx Tjmn ^ : ^n^rt m 4 Tjn^s napg ffjBh rip ^ : WTI ^ 4 OT^i wn n^rr1^ : piam •spTTC 4 T!?*^ : ^mb nnni ♦ 0 iwt t^n DVH S3 ♦wffin • T • - X ) V T • : ~ T T ■Sjd j ^ * IP^OS B'JpfO : ^ no j ornin nm ^ 4 'flip ftps^ Y^p^D ♦^V^N '3D1? whty nj^ jg ♦ pi J t 'nyw1? -nxy ♦^ps-i WM : ^jrjv ib^? ♦ npyw.73 been my delight, I should have perished in my affliction. I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast revived me. I am thine, O save me; for I have sought thy precepts. The wicked have waited for me to destroy me; but I will consider thy testimonies. I have traced a limit to all human perfection ; but thy commandment is immeasurably extensive. (Mem.) O how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Thou hast made me wiser than mine enemies through thy commandments; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers; because thy testimonies are my meditation. I have more experience than the ancients; because I observe thy precepts. I have restrained my feet from every evil way; that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments, for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my palate ! yea, sweeter than honey to -my mouth. Through thy precepts I obtained understanding; I therefore hate every false way. (Nun.) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path. I have sworn, and I will74 to rnn mrp t^r-p wi ♦ ixb ♦ T2?n v?) : yy.h 4 - ^ nyaff : YtfW 4TO^'1? ypj* 'nyiw : oaqaq ♦ sprng : ^fjj) wr1?? • n tmri spiff? IT TOi : pjy Ttfty^? ^ • ^nn^x tfja* • nix rim : TW?^ It is customary to have an oil lamp burning in the room where the deceased expired, during the first month. It is also customary in'some countries to have an oil lamp burning on Friday Evenings and Sabbaths, during the Eleven months; after which, the same lamp is sent to the synagogue where it continues burning as long as the family supplies the oil.83 thy law do I love. Seven times in a day do I praise thee; because of thy righteous judgments. Abundant peace have those who love thy law, and none shall obstruct them. O Lord! I have hoped for thy salvation, and have performed thy commandments. My soul keeps thy testimonies, and loves them exceedingly. I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: for all my ways are before thee. (Tav.) Let my cry come near to thy presence, O Lord! give me understanding according to thy word. Let my supplication come before thee; O deliver me according to thy word. My lips shall utter praise: when thou hast taught me thy statutes. My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness. Let thy hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts. I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord! and thy law is my delight. Let my soul live, that it may praise thee: and let thy judgments assist me. I have strayed like a lost sheep; O seek thy servant, for I have not forgotten thy commandments.84 Dorian mnrn in^ ^n&rn) ♦ D^fn c^*? TO? iw^ Oftip^ft »ti nin^ pnn inn djwk! ♦ to nni i^in in ♦ Dirrro tzr^q ^nq Qn^nn ♦ inin Dnnqxi rir ♦ntfin ^rini mra nan Twrv) man t - " ; ~; v •• ~ t : t t : rnwn rnn ♦ nn: t)Sn ^nj • rnin Btesni nnir nagj ♦ ipj3 TRIE ^ nnstya ^n^xs nnxs oha ♦ rarraG prisma vjnaa t v; t t!'i— t; • - t ; — om npsn jnp^n nx lari1? Jinx JJWI t^i tr^n ngte ♦ » pa ri&w irni&i ^ TV85 EXHORTATION OF THE DEAD. Hear, O Kings! give ear O Princes! and wonder! be amazed, and not elated! for the day is short, the habitation narrow, the landlord presses to expel the living from their dwellings, to accomodate others in their place. One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, their first entrance is without form, and their last exit is void; their commencement is vanity of vanities, and their end is sadness and sorrow; the dead is the citizen and the living the sojourner, the first is over and gone, and the other is still in existence ; the sun ariseth and the sun goeth down, the sun appears, but the soul disappears, kings, travellers,strangers, citizens, rich, poor, young, old, servauts, masters, maids, mistresses, all alike, one and all, must return back the deposit that they Avere intrusted with from God. Happy is the man who gathereth and preserveth provision for his journey, for from all his worldly toil and fatigue, he can carry nothing away in his hand, nor can glory descend after86 D^IBH wvp DN HD5 V1HN tfnsto :irnna ova S^n rra SK npSS sits tn^jn oty? nj&n Sj cjio ibns rwp rva Sk nrkp o^n hkt ^ tiaS Sn tw »nro o-ian • X V : • • • V 1 •• • - - : T T T onnak ttjjri ratr uai H^pa -tit in^ nS by db> &tt nnx pivn : ofpn ngin pa D^pw npn pm wn njjfc wn : p^xn tpty •Jtfi rfi&N O^K rrcyn nxr : •Dtyn ^ rnt^n nxn pxn Sj w rrotMn vn TS* niKnx « TV*: T ; - T ; "T • I T ; T; ny\) D-n'^n nx y^m Ssn tpo J Dnxn ^ ht ^ Ttotf vnto T T T T V T I T ; •87 after him, except his good actions that accompany him in the day of his departure, a good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death better than the day of our birth. It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart; since it is seen that wise men die, the fool and the ignorant persons perish together, and leave their wealth to others, the righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart, and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away because of the evil. See now that I am he, and there is no God with me. I kill and make alive, I have wounded and I heal, and from my hand there is no one that can deliver." This is the council that is decreed upon the whole earth, and this the hand that is stretched over upon all the nations, for the Lord of Hosts has decreed, and who shall annul it ? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? The conclusion of the matter after all hath been heard, is to fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.88 p i^nt nab wjhp o-im miry by it rw spn nvop d^ri dhid n inik psfrfc * * ypn * : t^y tj^nprnn niajn tpnac® nspri * nib :rrc® n :njrrc t These verses are said on the termination of the seven days of mourning: j; ^ ♦ ^nri ♦ ^wqw niy ah; : w fob®) : oSiy "liN1? ^ : jrav^'vn89 OBSERVANCES FOR THE DEAD. The following ten observances are to be performed on the Dead: 1st To close the eyes as is written Gen. 46 4, " and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes." 2nd, to wash the whole body. 3rd, to dress him with the shroud. 4th, buriaL 5th, acknowledge the justice of God's decree. 6th, Kadish. 7th, distribute charity. 8th, fast. 9th, burning the light 10th, Hesped. ti'y Thy sun shall no more go down: neither shall thy moon wane : for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light: and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. And it is written, "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you: and in Jerusalem shall ye be comforted."LAWS. i. The number of brethren of the Society of " MikvS Israel" shall be limited to Twenty-five, for the purposes of washing the dead. They shall be divided into two classes, who in turn shall be summoned to prepare for interment all deceased males of the Spanish and Portuguese congregation, provided they are to be interred in the burial ground of the congregation of " Shaar Ashamaim." II. Should any brother of this society be refused at the house where the corpse lies, or in any way prevented performing his duty, no other brother shall attend the washing; any one so doing shall be expelled. III. No person can be admitted as a brother of this society, but at the annual meeting, or at the meeting to be held in the month of Iyar, and then by ballot, and91 on two thirds of the brethren present being in favor. The name of the person desirous of becoming a brother must be inserted in the summons by which such meeting is convened; he must be a congregator, or an officer of the congregation, and if unmarried, he must be twenty-five years of age. IV. Every person becoming a brother of this society, shall pay to the Samas an entrance fee of one guinea, and an annual subscription of ten shillings. V. Should the number of brethren be at any time reduced under twelve, those admitted, until there are twelve, shall be exempted from paying the entrance fee of one guinea to the Samas. VI. The brethren shall elect a Paxnas annually at the meeting held in Hanuca; the election to be by ballot and majority of votes. Any one so elected, and refusing to serve the office, shall, within eight days of his election, pay a fine of one guinea to the society: should the fine be not paid by that time, such brother92 cannot be permitted to assist at any washing until he has conformed to this law. A brother having been once elected Parnas, may not be again nominated until it shall become his turn. YII Any of the brethren quitting the country, or being absent for one year or more, cannot be re-admitted except by ballot, and on payment of five shillings to the society, except such brother has paid the annual subscription for all the time he has been absent. VIII. No corpse is to be removed from the bed until six hours after death, nor unless two members are present, except on urgent occasions. If a corpse is distant from the synagogue, the brethren are not obliged to attend to it between the hours of evening and morning services. IX. The washing and preparing for interment of any corpse is to be deferred, if one third of the brethren present are of opinion that the same is warm.93 X. The person who has been longest a brother of the class summoned to wash, or of the whole present, when both classes are summoned, shall, as a distinction, place himself at the head of the corpse. The greatest decency and decorum is to be observed, by the brethren during the performance of their duty; and should any one offend another, while in the performance of his duty, he shall be fined five shillings, on the decision of the majority of the brethren present,for the benefit of the society. XI. No washers of other congregations shall be permitted to interfere with the duties of this society, nor shall any one, except the brethren of " Mitv6 Israel" be present, unless the corpse is that of a Haham of the congregation, or one of the gentlemen of the Beth-din, in which case, the Haham or the gentlemen of the Beth-din of that or of any other congregation, may be present if they desire it.94 XII. The brethren forming the class whose turn it may be to wash shall duly attend, whether the corpse be in the city or more distant; and, except in urgent cases, the washing shall take place within thirty-six hours after death. XIII. That at any Misva where there should be less than Four Brethren present of the Class summoned, those of the Class absent, shall be fined two shillings and sixpence for the benefit of the society, unless satisfactory excuse is sent to the Parnas. XIV. No brother shall receive any benefit for washing a corpse : and should the Parnas receive notice that any one has, he shall be obliged to call a meeting within eight days; and on its being proved, the said meeting shall be fully empowered to expel such person from the society, which must be done by ballot and majority of votes.95 XV. All propositions that may be made at the meetings, shall be entered on the minute books, and shall be decided by ballot and majority of votes; should they be equal, the Paxnas presiding to have the casting vote; seven brethren to form a quorum. XYI. The Parnas shall sign all summonses whether for meetings or washing deceased persons; he, as well as any other of the brethren may attend at all times, but only the brethren of the class whose turn it is Bhall be obliged to officiate, except it be the corpse of the Haham, one of the gentlemen of the Beth-din, one of the Hazanim of the congregation, or one of the brethren of this society, in which case, both classes shall be summoned. XVII. The verses chaunted at the time of washing, are only to be said for the Haham, Beth-din, or Hazanim of the congregation, or for any brother of this society of "Mikve Israel," or for any person dying Parnas or Gabay of this holy congregation of " Shaar Ashamaim," unless such persons have during life requested they should not be said for him, which request must be strictly attended to.96 XVIII. All meetings shall be convened by summonses signed by the Parnas, giving the brethren at least two days' previous notice thereof, unless in cases of extreme emergency. XIX. The Parnas shall be obliged to keep an account of the linen, and report the quantity and condition at the annual meeting. The linen shall not be lent to any one for any other purpose but for the use of the society. XX. The duty of the Samas, who shall be elected by the suffrages of the Brethren at large, shall be to deliver all summonses to attend the Brethren at all funerals, to have at his charge the linen in use, and that the same be always washed and in due order, free of any expense to the Society, and to perform all other duties of his office which may be required of him; his pay and emolument being the entrance fee of One Guinea and Ten Shillings, per annum, from each of the Brethren.97 XXI. None of these bye-laws shall be altered in the same meeting where such alteration is proposed, but it shall be ballotted for at the following meeting, of which notice shall be given in the summonses convening such meeting, with the number of the bye-laws proposed to be altered. XXII. At the annual meeting, Ascaba shall be said for any brother of this society, who may have died during the year. XXIII. The washing of all male children, of one year and upwards, shall be performed by the brethren of this Society, in lieu of allowing the same to be continued by the female washers as hitherto, and notice be Bent by the President to at least three of the brethren. It shall be incumbent on the President to attend himself. H98 XXIV. Washing to take place (when circumstances will allow) one hour previous to the time appointed for interment, but whenever it may be considered that the body is not in a state fit to admit of delay, the President is to summon the brethren without delay. On no occasion shall the brethren allow the coffin to be re-opened after it has been screwed down by them. XXV. Any member of the Society failing to pay the annual subscription to the Samas, shall not be considered any longer a member, until he pays or makes a sa-satisfactory excuse to the President. Note.—The following instruction should stand in page 38, after the circuits. " In cases of a misva of a brother of this society, the same to be carried from the hall to the grave, only by the brethren ; the Parnas and the senior brother, present, preceding the misva, carrying the two lights."LIST OF BRETHREN. Isaac Jajlfok, Esq., President. When admitted. Aaron Mendes Belisario, Esq..................5559—1799 David Abarbanel Lindo, Esq. ............5563—1803 Sir Moses Montefiore, F.R.S..................5568—1808 Abraham Benhamu, Esq......................5576—1816 Samuel Benrimo, Esq......................5581—1821 Ribi Isaac Costa ........................5582—1822 Joseph Levy, Esq..........................5582—1822 Moses H. Botibol, Esq......................5585—1825 Samson Genese, Esq......... 5589—1829 Joshua Depinna, Esq......................5590—1830 Solomon Andrade, Esq. ................5591—1831 Judah Azuelos, Esq. ' ....................5593—1833 Isaafc Lealtad, Esq. ....................5593—1833 Judah Pariente, Esq......................5598—1837 Isaac Ventura, Esq..........................5560—1840 Solomon Sequerra, Esq......................5660—1840 Isaac Abendana, Esq......................5660—1840 Michael Mendoza, Esq......................5602—1841 Isaac Jalfon, Esq. ....................5603—1842 Yomtob Azulay, Esq......................5603—1842 Elisha Dias, Samas.INDEX. Acrostic—how to be formed..........58 Alpha Betha...............60 Aprons for Lavadores .............14 Ascaba for men..............44 Ascaba for women..............4 Bilang ybn................50 Bed, time for removal of the deceased.......14 Blessing, on rending the garments........21 Blessing, on entering burial ground . .......38 Blessing, before meal for mourners . . •......52 Blessing, after meal for mourners.........54 Brethren of this Society, list of.........99 Brethren of this Society, privilege of......18, 38 Brother of this Society, senior, privilege of 14, 16, 28,30, 38 Brother of this Society, junior, privilege of . . . . 16,28 Candles, who are to hold..........16, 3 Cases, particular, which are .........17 Children to leave parent's room.........5 Circuits.................34 Circuits when made.............34 Coffin when introduced into the room.......15 Coffin, closing.............16, 28 Coffin, covering of........ .... 16,28 Confession ...............7102 Decorum in washing......................15 Dressing, instruction for, in general cases ...... 16 Dressing, instructions for, in particular cases.....24 Dressing, preparations for, in general cases.....15 Dressing, preparation for, in particular cases.....24 Exhortation of the dead...... . . 84 Eyes, closing of......... ... 14 Family, when called into the room.......16, 28 Garments, rending of . . . .......32 Garments, for whom rent...........32 Hazan, Ascaba for.............44 Hazan, privilege of.............30 Hazan, prayers read by....... . . . 30, 38, 62 Hands, washing of, the Lavadores........15 Hands, washing, of the people.........40 Introduction...............5 Instructions, in case of burial without coffin.....17 Instructions for conveying misva out of the house in particular cases . . ............30 Instructions for placing coffin in the hearse in particular cases................30 Instructions on returning to the house of mourners ... 52 Kadish for mourners............42 Lord, the name of the, how pronounced during washing . 18 Lavadores, assembling of,...........14 Lavadores to conduct the misva from the hall to the grave in particular cases............98 Lavadores to convey the misva from the house to the hearse in particular cases............30 Lavadores, proceedings of . . . .......14, 18 Lavadores to remove the misva at the hall in particular cases.....................34 Lamps, custom of,.............6 Verses after interment............40103 Laws .................90 Lights . . . ......... 16, 28, 14, 30, 34, 38 Meal for mourners................52 Minian.................5 Misva, care not to uncover...........15 Misva, to lay on the ground..........14 Misva left in chaige . . ...........14 Notice sent to Lavadores...............14 Observances...............88 Parnas, or Gabay of Kaal, ascaba for. ....... 44 Parnas of this society, privilege of ... . 14, 16, 30, 38 Preface ................2 Psalms, for the house of mourners........56 Prayers, manner of saying...........30 Pr^ers, by whom to be said..........30 Prayers on particular cases on washing the different parts of the body . . ....... 18, 20, 20, 22, 24 Prayers on dressing particular cases ........34 Prayers on raising misva to the coffin in particular cases . 26 Prayer on placing misva in coffin in particular cases . . 28 Prayers after covering the coffin in particular cases ... 28 Prayers on conveying the misva out of the house in particular cases.....................30 Prayers on washing, general cases.........15 Rabbi, distinguished ascaba for............44 Saw dust, use of ............15,16 Shemang. . . . ........ .... 8 Siduk adin.....»..........40 Siduk adin, when said. ... ........40 Terra santa, use of.............16, 28 Verses repeated till life is extinct.............12 Verses before the circuits...........32 Verses on depositing the misva in the grave.....38 Verses on covering up the grave........ . 38104 Verses on washing of hands 40 Verses to conclude 88 Women to leave patient's room 5 Water, myrtle leaved 18 Watchers 14 Washing, process of, in general cases 14, 15 Washing, process of, in particular cases 18, 20, 22, 24 Samuel Meldola, Printer, JS, St. Mary Axe, City,