YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 390020534 250 wmmm M. f- *>..•"'. ; ■ ■■•."■• ^ -I National bank of commerce in Hew York. "mm The Virgin Islands 1917. .... : y. ■m mmx] lAThe Virgin Islands A Description of the Commercial Value of the Danish West Indies National Bank of Commerce in New York April, 1917fyHE material in this booklet may be used without restriction. It is requested that due credit be given to the National Bank of Commerce in New York.Fig. 4. Fig. 3—Coral Bay, St. John. Tortola Island (British) in background. The white buildings are the Moravian Missionary settlement of Emmaus. (Photo by Theodoor de Booy.) While Coral Bay, with its complete shelter from storms, its depth of water, and its numerous inlets, offers better facilities for a naval base than does St. Thomas harbor, its position with respect to the mountains of Tortola Island, upon which guns of heavy caliber could be mounted, would jeopardize the safety of a fleet. Fig. 4—St. Thomas harbor looking eastward from foot of Careen Hill. (Photo by Clarence Taylor.)JostVanlD (British)' L.Tobago I.O ^-[..HaiisLollikl. S&ftmsLollikL (caCoqkroachl. ....... ;•./' OuterBrass^"'°% WrstCafV . , ... ... . eA'arrows \EastErd \ CornJ ( ( Buck!. " h' K ■y^rarforceEst.'; XU B°-y Kn ^tfel1' » STJjOHNI 'Ram Head ST THOMAS Buckl. -ZQ-fa.th.Qms.- Fig. 5—Sketch map of the islands of St. Thomas and St. John. 1:420,000. GoliipnRock^S "Voltor&o'': )Frietfens6prg. La Grange 7,776 4,069 160 (a) 8,851 1,388 (a) 34,783 28,631 1,005 463 5,090 265 1,555. 441 a Not separately stated. Appendix G. Exports^ from St. Thomas and St. Croix to the United States for 1914 and 1915 are shown by the following table: * Articles. From St. Thomas. Bay. mm........ Cacao............ Hides and skins.. Metal, old..;.... Margarine....... Paper, straw...... Rum............ Sandalwood..... Sugar............ All other articles. Total. 1914 $125 6,723 375 900 167 500 1,380 1,978 12,148 1915 $146 107 6,641 663 70 212 7,839 Articles. From St. Croix. Hides................. Household effects..... Metal, old............ Rum____:............ Skins, goat and sheep. Sugar................. Tamarinds........... Total........ Grand total. 1914 $93 2,449 875 262,736 136 266,289 278,437 * (Department of Commerce Bulletin, Special Agents Series, No. 129). 32Appendix D. Sugar exports from St. Croix during the last sixteen years:* Year. Amount. Year. Amount. Year. Amount. 1900 ....... Danish Ibt. 26,387,779 18,785,396 26,455,591 34,709,480 23,331,274 27,712,849 1906 ................ Danish lbs. 12.561,930 24,381,682 23,335,600 8,036,618 22,021,004 21,328,418 Danish Us. 20,046,836 12,126,814 10,583,753 8,159,009 1901 1907 ................ 1902 1908................ 1903 1909................ 1904............. 1910................ 1905 .......... 1911................ ♦(Commerce Reports No. 185, Aug. 8, 1916). Appendix E. Arrival and departure of vessels at the port of St. Thomas during the year ended March 31, 1916: * 'Nationality. Steamers and motor boats. Sailing vessels. Number. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage. Danish........................................................ 28 124 22 16 3 7 33 2 1 2 3 43,876 241,854 25,577 24,121 5,494 10,796 97,293 310 2,857 5,074 5,053 48 54 4 7 5,361 2,263 332 9,843 British......................................................... Norwegian..................................................... Swedish........................................................ Dutch.......................................................... 28 36 1,549 7,562 American.................................................. Dominican..... Spanish........................................................ Mexican................................................ Brazilian....................................................... Russian........................................................ i 451 Total..................................................... 241 462,305 178 27,361 *(From Supplement to Commerce Reports, No. 37a, Sept. 5, 1916). Appendix F. SOURCES OP INFORMATION REGARDING THE DANISH WEST INDIES. Danish West Indies, by Consul Christopher H. Payne.—Supplement to Commerce Reports, No. 87a, September 5, 1916. Increased Sugar Crop of St. Croix, by Vice Consul Luther K. Zabriskie.—Commerce Reports, No. 185, August 8, 1916. The Danish West Indies, by H. G. Brock, Philip S. Smith, and W. A. Tucker.—Department of Commerce Bulletin, Special Agents Series, No. 129 (1917). Appropriation to Pay for the Danish West Indies.—Senate Document, No. 686, January 23, 1917- 33Cession of Danish West Indian Islands.—Statement of Brigadier General Frank Mclntyre, U.S.A., hearings before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Part 2, February 14, 1917. Purchase of Danish Islands.—House of Representatives Report, No. 2749, July 1, 1902. Cession of Danish West Indies.—House of Representatives Report, No. 1505, February 17, 1917. The Danish Treaty.—Congressional Record, Vol. 53, No. 199, August 10, 1916. Cession of Danish West Indian Islands.—Hearings before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, statement of Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, February 12, 1917. Danish West Indies.—National Geographic Society Bulletin, May 12, 1916. The Danish West Indies.—Their Strategic and Commercial Importance, Dun's Review, September, 1916. American Gibraltar: Notes on the Danish West Indies.—National Geographic Magazine, July, 1916. Buying More Islands.—Nation, August 3, 1916. Buying the Danish West Indies.—Independent, August 1, 1916. Crisis in Denmark.—By R. G. Usher, New Republic, September 2, 1916. Danish West Indies.—Outlook, August 9-16, 1916. Danish West Indies: Keys to the Caribbean.—By T. L. Stoddard, Review of Reviews, September, 1916. New Islands Under the Flag.—Literary Digest, August 5, 1916. Purchase by the United States.—New Republic, July 29, 1916. Story of the Danish Islands.—By W. F. Johnson, North American, September, 1916. Uncle Sam's New Eaglets.—Everybody's, October, 1916. Bureau Statistics, Treasury Department: Danish West Indies. 1621-1901; Commerce, Products, Population, Area, etc.—Government Printing Office, 1902. A. G. Keller; Notes on the Danish West Indies.—American Academy Political and Social Science Annals, July, 1903, Vol. 22. Monograph on the Danish West Indies.—Scientific American Supplement, March 29, 1902, Vol. 53. 34