• J[:Jr.T '1j!f V i«f 5 3 9002 07677 9868 | Trinity College Library. A list of Pamphlets,relating to The Bangorian Controversy. Hartford,1913. :-:n .n, J "1»W Vs* V,^r- ,v KV^H*" Xmtl 9J3 *ALt UH4VER3ITV VOLUME X AUG 19 111* NEW SERIES LIGRARV NUMBER 3 ®rittitg (EnUrgr lullrtin jr A List of Pamphlets in the Trinity College Library relating to the Bangorian Controversy Ijarlforii, CCnmwlirut July 1913 Trinity College Bulletin Issued quarterly by the College. Entered January 12, 1904, at Hartford, Connecticut, as second-class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. The Bulletin includes in its issues: the College Catalogue, Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian; Announcements and Circulars of In¬ formation. A iOist of PmtpljlrtH IN THE (Erinttg (Eollry? library RELATING TO THE Smtgartmt (Eotttrohrrsy HARTFORD Jlrttttrb for lljr OloUrgr 1913 X m 7 ( INTRODUCTORY NOTE In the Trinity College Library, there is a collection of pamphlets, bound in eight volumes, dealing with what is known as the Bangorian Controversy. The collection, there is good reason to believe, once belonged to the library of the Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, DD., first Bishop of New York. It seems worth while to print a list of so large a collection of pamphlets dealing with this now almost forgotten controversy; probably it is the most nearly complete possessed by any library in America. The question at issue, to put it most briefly and generally, is the relation of Church and State, and therefore the Controversy has a bearing on both the religious and political history of the period. The works of the chief figures in this battle of words— Hoadly, Law, Sherlock, Snape, etc.,—have been published in collected editions and should of course be consulted in any study of the matter. The best guide to the literature of the subject is a pamphlet entitled "An Account of all the considerable Pamphlets that have been published on the Present Controversy between the Bishop of Bangor and others to 1718, with a Con¬ tinuation to 1719, 8vo. 1719-1720." This is to be found also in Hoadly's works Vol. 2: 381-401, and Vol. 1: 689-701. The arrangement of titles of this "Account" has been followed so far as practicable in this list, and the number assigned in the "Account" to each pamphlet has been prefixed, thereby facilitat¬ ing reference to the "Account". Items not mentioned in the "Account" or the "Continuation" are marked with an asterisk. For a general discussion of the Bangorian Controversy, the reader is referred to Sir Leslie Stephen's "History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century" (2d ed. N. Y., 1881, vol. 2: pp. 152-166), and to Hallam's "Constitutional History of England". The articles in the "Dictionary of National Biog¬ raphy" on the lives of the principal pamphleteers will also be of service. The idea of publishing this list is due to the former Libra¬ rian of the Trinity College Library, William N. C. Carlton, A.M., now of the Newberry Library, who compiled the list of titles and made the collation. To him, therefore, is due all credit for what¬ ever usefulness may attach to this publication, while the editor alone is responsible for the errors and imperfections. Trinity College, July, 1913. ARTHUR ADAMS. A List of Pamphlets in the Trinity College Library relating to the Bangorian Controversy PAMPHLETS PRELIMINARY TO THE CONTROVERSY. 5—V. 5* The Layman's Letter To The Bishop of Bangor: Or, An Examination Of His Lordship's Preservative against the Nonjurors; Of the Vindication of the Realm and Church of England; Of the Nonjurors Seperation from Publick Assem¬ blies, examin'd, by Dr. Bennet; And of all other late Discourses, occasion'd by the Charge of Perjury, Rebellion and Schism, imputed to the Body of the People. London, Printed: And Sold by J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; J. Graves in St. James's Street; and A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar. MDCCXVI. 44 pp. 12° (F°). A-L in 2s; J out. 9—V. i. The Difference between the Kingdom of Christ, and the Kingdoms of This World. Set forth in a Sermon Preached at the Arch-Deacon's Visitation, in St. Michael's Church in Cam¬ bridge, December 13, 1716. By Arthur Ashley Sykes, M.A., Rector of Dry-Drayton, near Cambridge. London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCCXVII. Title, verso blank, 24, [2] pp. 120 (40). 10—V. 7. A Preservative Against the Principles and Practices Of The Nonjurors Both In Church and State. Or, An Appeal *These numbers refer to that volume of the collection in which the item is bound. 6 A List of Pamphlets To The Consciences and Common Sense Of The Christian Laity. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown: And Timothy Childe, at the White- Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1717. 64 pp. 12° (4°). Stamped on the title page is the name "Sir Richard Betenson, Bart." Same in v. 8; 5 ed. L. 1719. 10 a—V. 8. A Preservative Against the Principles and Practices Of The Nonjurors Both In Church and State. Or, An Appeal To the Consciences and Common Sense Of The Christian Laity. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. The Fifth Edition. London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown: And Timothy Childe, at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1719. Title, verso blank, 1 1., 102 pp., il., 120 (4°). Vol. II., p. 399—V. 1. A Preservative Against the Bishop of Bangor's Sermon: Or, The Church of England Defended, In Opposition to the pernicious Doctrines and Designs lately ad¬ vanced against Her .... London: Printed for J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall. 1717. 32pp. 120 (4°). Pub. Monday, June 3. *—V. 5. A Modest Enquiry Into The Bishop of Bangor's Pre¬ servative Against the Nonjurors. Humbly offer'd to the Con¬ sideration of his Lordship. Wherein is prov'd, I. That some Principles by his Lordship advanced, seem destructive of all Re¬ vealed Religion. II. That Christ forgives Sin, as he is absolutely Supreme. III. That Abiathar was not High-Priest, nor deposed by Solomon: And IV. That Solomon had no Ecclesiastical Su¬ premacy. Together with A Defence of the Succession of the Church of England Clergy, against the Objections of the Papists, as recited by his Lordship. London: Printed for C. Rivington in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Sold by J. Morphew near Sta¬ tioners-Hall 1717, half title. Title, verso blank, 36 pp. 120 (4°). Another copy in v. 7. Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 7 13—V. 1. The Nature of the Kingdom, or Church, of Christ. A Sermon Preach'd before the King, At The Royal Chapel at St. James's, On Sunday March 31, 1717. By the Right Reverend Father in God Benjamin Lord Bishop of Bangor. Publish'd by His Majesty's Special Command. The Third Edition. Lon¬ don, Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown, and Timothy Childe, at the White Hart, in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCC- XVII. 31pp. 120 (40). Same. 13th ed. Lond., 1717. In v. 7. *—V. 7. A New Defence Of The Lord Bishop of Bangor's Sermon On John xviii. 36. Considered as it is the Performance of a Man of Letters. Containing An Examination of his Lord¬ ship's Argument against Church-Authority in Matters of Religion. A Defence of the Power of the Magistrate to enforce by Civil Sanctions, the Laws of God and Christ. A Vindication of the Council of Nice, and several other important Points. By an impartial Hand. . . . The Second Edition, Corrected. London: Printed for Jonah Bowyer at the Rose at the West End of St. Paul's. 1720.66pp. 120 (4°). Ms. note: "F. Hare, D.D." DR. SNAPE'S PART IN THE CONTROVERSY. I—V. 3. A Letter To The Bishop of Bangor, Occasion'd by his Lordship's Sermon Preach'd before the King at S. James, March -31st, 1717. By Andrew Snape, D.D. Chaplain in Ordi¬ nary to His Majesty. The Twelfth Edition. London: Printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-Street. 1717. 39 pp. 12° (4°). Same: 3 ed. Lond. 1717. In v. 7. Same: 17 ed. Lond. 1717. In v. 8. II.—V. j. An Answer To The Reverend Dr. Snape's Letter To The Bishop of Bangor. By The Right Reverend Father in God Benjamin Lord Bishop of Bangor. The Ninth Edition. London, 8 A List of Pamphlets Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown, and Timothy Childe, at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCCXVII. 47 pp. 12° (40). Another copy in v. 7. III. i—V. 4. Remarks Upon The Lord Bishop of Bangor's Treatment Of The Clergy And Convocation. By a Gentleman. . . . The Third Edition. London: Printed for E. Smith, in Cornhill. MDCCXVII. 48 pp. 120 (40). Ms. note on title page: "Tho. Sherlock." Another copy in v. 8. IV. 2—V. I. The Real Nature of the Church or Kingdom of Christ. A Sermon Preach'd at the Church of S. Martin in the Fields, May 19. And at That of St. Olave Old-Jewry, And St. Martin Ironmonger Lane June 2, 1717. In Answer to the Bishop of Bangor's Sermon upon the same Text. With a Postscript, in Answer to his Lordship's Letter to Dr. Snape; so far as it affects the said Sermon. By Joseph Trapp, M.A. Lecturer of those Parishes. The Second Edition. London, Printed for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in S. Paul's Churchyard 1717. 1,38 pp. 120 (4°). 1 st ed. in v. 7. Title, verso blank, A-F in 4s, except E which has 3 leaves. V. I—V. 3. A Second Letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, In Vindication Of The Former. By Andrew Snape, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The Second Edition. London: Printed for Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-street. 1717. Half Title, 69, [3] pp. 120 (40). Another copy in v. 7. Another copy in v. 8. VII.—V. 3. Remarks On the Reverend Dr. Snape's Second Letter To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor. With Some Reflections On Dr. Sherlock's Answer to a Letter, &c. Relating to the Bangorian Controversy. 9 . . . London: Printed for Timothy Childe, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1717. 32 pp. 12° (4°). Ms. note on title page: "By Mr. Newton." "i am informed that the ingenious Author of these Remarks was then a Tradesman, and has since taken orders." "Account." p. 384. Another copy in v. 6, with 111s. note on title page: "By Mr. Newton." VIII.—V. 6. Farther Remarks On the Reverend Dr. Snape's Second Letter To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Shewing That his Lordship's Sermon has advanc'd no new Doc¬ trine, particularly in relation to the proper Sanctions of Christ's Laws; but that the same has been before taught, by Mr. Mede, Mr. Hales, Dr. Barrow, Archbishop Tillotson, Bishop Blackall, Dr. Sydall, Dr. Sherlock, and other Eminent and learned Divines of the Church of England. To which is added, An Appendix. Being a full Answer to Mr. Law's Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor, so far as it relates to his Lordship's Preservative against the Principles and Practices of the Non¬ jurors. By the Author of the former Remarks. London: Printed for Timothy Childe, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1717. 46 pp. 120 (40). IX.—V6. An Answer To the Reverend Dr. Snape's Second Letter To The Lord Bishop of Bangor: With Occasional Ob¬ servations on Three other the most Celebrated Treatises against his Lordship; viz. Dr. Sherlock's, Mr. Law's and The Remarks. In a Letter to Dr. Snape. By Daniel Prat, M.A. . . . London: Printed for Tim. Childe, at the White Hart in St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1717. 48pp. 120 (4°). XII.—V. 7. A Collection Of Papers Scatter'd lately about the Town In The Daily-Courant, St. Jame's-Post, &c. With Some Remarks upon them. In a Letter from the Bishop of Carlile to the Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed for B. Barker and C. King, both in Westminster-Hall. 1717. 36pp. 12° (4°). Another copy in v. 8. 10 A List of Pamphlets XIV.—V. 3. A Compleat Collection Of all the Papers Which have pass'd between the Bishop of Bangor, Doctor Snape, And The Bishop of Carlisle, From Friday June 28, to Friday July 5. Relating to a Passage in Dr. Snape's Second Letter, Page 40. To which is added, An Exact Catalogue of all the Pamphlets that have been written Pro and Con, occasioned by the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and Sermon. London: Printed for J. Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. 1717. Title, verso blank, 1-23, 1-8. B-E in 4s. 120 (40). XV.—V. 3. An Answer To the Reverend Dr. Snape's Accusa¬ tion. By Francis De La Pillonniere, Formerly a Jesuit, now living with the Bishop of Bangor. Containing an Account Of His Behaviour, and Sufferings, amongst the Jesuits. Of His leaving their Society, and afterwards turning Protestant. Of His being forced to leave France, and His Conduct since that Time. Shew¬ ing likewise, That the Principles profess'd by Dr. Snape, are such as justify the Main Pretensions, and Cruelties, of the Church of Rome. To which is added, An Appendix Of Letters from Jesuits, and Others, Relating to the foregoing Account. With a Preface, by the Lord Bishop of Bangor. The Second Edition. London: Printed for James Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe at the White Hart, in St. Paul's Church-yard. Pp. xxiv, 71, 23. 120 (40). Preface dated Aug. 20, 1717. Another copy in v. 8. XVI.—V. 3. A Vindication Of a Passage in Dr. Snape's Second Letter To The Lord Bishop of Bangor, Relating to Mr. Pillon- iere. By Andrew Snape, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The Third Edition. London: Printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-street. 1717. Pp. [xii], 80. 120 (4°). Sigs. F. & G. interchanged. Text correct. Another copy in v. 7. 1st ed. Lond., 1717, in v. 8. Relating to the Bangorian Controversy ii XVIII.—V. 3. A Reply To Dr. Snape's Vindication Of a Passage in his Second Letter To The Bishop of Bangor, Relating to Mr. Pillonniere. Wherein A full Answer is also given to Mr. Mills, and all his other Evidences. By F. De La Pillonniere. To which is prefix'd A Letter to Dr. Snape, By the Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wilkins; for James Knapton, at the Crown, and Tim. Childe, at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. M.DCC.XVIII. Pp. lvi, 124. 120 (40). XXII.—V. 7. A Full Answer To Mr. Pillonniere's Reply to Dr. Snape and to the Bishop of Bangor's Preface, so far as it relates to Mr. Mills. In Which The Evidences given to Dr. Snape are justify'd; the Bishop of Bangor's Objections answer'd: Mr. Pillonniere's pretended Facts disprov'd; and base Forgery is detected. As Likewise The true Reasons of such malicious Dis¬ senters Proceedings against Mr. Mills. The whole supported by ample Testimonies of Gentlemen, Clergy, and many others. In a Letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor; By H. Mills, A.M. To which is prefix'd, A Letter to his Lordship. By Dr. Snape. Lon¬ don: Printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-street. 1718. Half-title, title, 1-46, 1-74, [2] pp. 120 (4°). *—V. 3. The Charter Of The Kingdom of Christ, Explain'd In Two Hundred Conclusions and Corollaries, from the Last Words of our Blessed Lord to his Disciples: Being An Appeal to the Consciences of all the Subjects of That Kingdom, And A Preservative against the Principles and Practices of the Bishop of Bangor and his Disciples. To which are added, The Senti¬ ments of the Present Oriental Church hereupon, extracted from their Synodical Confession. With A Postscript to Mr. Francis de la Pillonniere, formerly a Jesuit, now living with the said Bishop. Publish'd by John Sharp, D.D. London: Printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall. MDCCXVII. Pp. viii, 64. 120 (4°). Dated London, Sept. 5, 1717, at end. 12 A List of Pamphlets Cont. p. 690—V. 6. The Curate of Wilts His Second Letter To the Reverend Dr. Snape: Or, Reasons against the Bill now de¬ pending in the House of Commons. Being A Full Answer to the Bishop of Bangor's Late Book, Entitled, The Common Rights of Subjects defended. Wherein The Divine Authority of our Church Establishment, and the Necessity of Continuing Penalties on All Dissenters from it, are demonstratively prov'd. The Third Edition. London: Printed in the year MDCCXIX. 35pp. 120 (4°). Note: On p. 35 the text is signed "R. F." and dated "Jan. 3, 1718-9." At the foot of the page is the imprint, "London, Printed and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick- Lane." *—V. 7. Mr. Rouere's Sincerity In His Confession, And Re¬ cantation, Shewn From the Matter and Circumstances of his Oath, and from the Insufficiency of the Attempts that have been made to invalidate it. In a Letter to a Friend. . . . London: Printed for J. Bettenham, at the Crown in Pater-Noster-Row. MDCCXVIII. 22 pp. 120 (40). MR. LAW'S PART IN THE CONTROVERSY. I.—V. 7. The Bishop of Bangor's Late Sermon, And His Letter to Dr. Snape in Defence of it, Answer'd. And the Dangerous Nature of some Doctrines in his Preservative, Set forth in a Letter to his Lordship. By William Law, M.A. The Third Edition. London, Printed for W. Innys, at the Prince's Arms, in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1717. Title, verso blank. 38 pp. 12° (4°). I a—V. 8. Three Letters To The Bishop of Bangor. By Wil¬ liam Law, M.A. The Eighth Edition. London: Printed for W. and J. Innys, at the West End of St. Paul's Church. M.DCC. XXL This title page is followed by another which reads: The Bishop of Bangor's Late Sermon, And His Letter to Dr. Snape in Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 13 Defence of it, Answer'd. And the Dangerous Nature of some Doc¬ trines in his Preservative, Set forth in a Letter to his Lordship. By William Law, M.A. The Eighth Edition. London: Printed for W. and J. Innys, at the West End of St. Paul's Church. M.DCC.XXI. 40pp. 120 (40). IV.—V. 5. A Vindication Of The Lord Bishop of Bangor. Wherein is considered The true Notion of Religious Sincerity, as available to the Salvation of Men; and of Church Authority, with respect to the Distinctions between Real, Mere, and Abso¬ lute Authority. In Answer To The Exceptions of Mr. Law. In a Letter to a Member of the University of Cambridge. By Thomas Pyle, M.A. Lecturer of Lynn-Regis in Norfolk. Lon¬ don, Printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church¬ yard. MDCCXVIII. 56 pp. 12° (4°) • Cont. IV. 12—V. 4. A Reply To The Bishop of Bangor's Answer To The Representation of the Committee Of Convoca¬ tion. Humbly address'd to his Lordship. By William Law, M.A. London, Printed for William and John Innys at the Prince's Arms at .the West End of St. Paul's Church-yard. 1719. [iv.], 232 pp. 120 (40). Another copy in v. 7. 2nd ed., L. 1719, in v. 8. V.—V. 8. A Second Letter To The Bishop of Bangor; Wherein His Lordship's Notions Of Benediction, Absolution, and Church- Communion Are prov'd to be Destructive of every Institution of the Christian Religion. To which is Added, A Postscript, In Answer to the Objections that have been made against his former Letter. By William Law, M.A. The Third Edition. London, Printed for William and John Innys, at the Prince's Arms at the West End of St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1719. Title, 107 pp. I2° (4°). 14 A List of Pamphlets REPRESENTATION OF THE COMMITTEE. I.—V. 4. A Report Of The Committee Of The Lower House of Convocation, Appointed to draw up a Representation To be Laid before the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the Province of Canterbury; Concerning several Dangerous Positions and Doc¬ trines contained in the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and his Sermon preach'd March 31, 1717. Read in the Lower-House May 10, 1717, and Voted, Nemine Contradicente, to be Receiv'd and Entred upon the Books of the said House. Publish'd from the Original Report. The Fifth Edition. London: Printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall. 1717. 24pp. 120 (4°). Same. 4 ed., 1717, in v. 7. II.—V. 1. A Letter To the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, One of the Committee of Convocation, appointed to draw up a Representa¬ tion concerning the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative and Sermon. Comparing The dangerous Positions and Doctrines contained in the Doctor's Sermon, preached November 5th, 1712, with those charged upon the Bishop in the late Report of the Committee. . . London, Printed, and Sold by R. Burleigh, in Amen-Corner. 1717. 27pp. 120 (40). Signed A. V., May 29, 1717- III.—V. i. An Answer To A Letter Sent to the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, &c. Relating to his Sermon Preach'd before the Lord- Mayor, November the 5th 1712. To which are added, Some Observations upon the Account the Lord Bishop of Bangor has given of his intended Answer to the Representation. By Thomas Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: Printed for John Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet street. MDCCXVII. 62, [2], pp. 120 (4°). Another copy in v. 8, 62, pp. 12° (4°). IV.—V. 1. A Second Letter To the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Being a Reply To His Answer, &c. Proving the Doctrines main- Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 15 tain'd by the Doctor in his Sermon Nov. 5, 1712, to be the Same with those charged upon the Bishop of Bangor, as Pernicious, in the late Report of the Committee. With an Appendix relating to a Passage or Two in Dr. Snape's Second Letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. ... By Arthur Ashley Sykes, M.A., Rector of Dry-Drayton near Cambridge. To which is added, a Post¬ script To the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester. By the Right Reverend Father in God Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. London, Printed for James Knapton. Title, verso blank, 93 PP- 120 (40). Another copy in v. 8. V.—V. i. Some Considerations Occasioned by a Postscript From The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Bangor To The Dean of Chichester, Offered to his Lordship. By Thomas Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordi¬ nary to His Majesty. The Second Edition. London: Printed for John Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun against St. Dunstan's- Church in Fleet street. MDCCXVII. Title, verso blank, pp. 5- 76. 12° (4°). VI.—V. 1. A Third Letter To the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Being An Answer to his Considerations offered to the Bishop of Bangor. . . . With an Appendix, in Vindication of a Passage in the Former Letter against Dr. Snape. By Arthur Ashley Sykes, M.A. Rector of Dry-Drayton, near Cambridge. London, Printed for James Knapton. . . . 1717. Title, verso blank, pp. 3-111. 120 (40-). VII. 1—V. 6. Remarks Upon Dr. Sherlock's Answer To Mr. Sykes. . . . London: Printed and Sold by R. Burleigh in Amen- Corner. 1718. Title, verso blank, 62 pp. 120 (40). On title page autograph of "A. A. Sykes" and the note: "By Mr. Jabez Hughes." Ms. corrections of printer's errors in the text by (?) same hand. XI.—V. 4. The Report Vindicated from Misreports: Being a Defence of my Lords the Bishops, As well as the Clergy Of The Lower House of Convocation. In A Letter from a Member of i6 A List of Pamphlets That House to the Prolocutor, Concerning Their late Consulta¬ tions about the Bishop of Bangor's Writings. With a Postscript, containing some few Remarks upon the Letter to the Rev. Dr. Sherlock. London, Printed for John Morphew, near Stationers- Hall. 1717. 31 pp. 120 (4°). Ms. note on title page: "By Dr. Moss." June 8th. XII.—V. 4. An Answer To The Representation Drawn up by the Committee Of The Lower-House of Convocation Concern¬ ing Several Dangerous Positions and Doctrines contain'd in the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative and Sermon. By Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wilkins, for J. Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1718. XV, 342 pp. 120 (40). XIII.—V. 4. The Prolocutor's Answer To A Letter From A Member Of The Lower House Of Convocation; Entitled, The Report vindicated from Misreports. London : Printed for Richard Sare; and sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall. 1718. 68 pp. 12° (4°). Ms. note on title page: "Dr. Stanhope." XVI.—V. 6. A Vindication Of The Proceedings Of The Lower House Of Convocation, With Regard to the King's Supremacy. On the 3d and 10th of May, 1717. And some Thoughts concern¬ ing Religion; With the Occasion of their being made Publick. And a Postscript to the Ld. Bishop of Bangor. By Robert Cannon, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Norfolk. London, Printed for Jos. Fox, B. Barker, and C. King, all in Westminster-Hall; And Sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall. 1717. 44 pp. 12° (4°). ' XX.—V. 6. The Occasional Paper. Vol. II., Numb. XII. An Essay On The Pride of Authors. . . . London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard; J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, J. Harrison, under the Royal Ex¬ change; and A. Dodd, without Temple Bar. MDCCXVIII. 28 pp. 120 (40). Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 17 XXI.—V. 1. A Vindication Of The Corporation and Test Acts. In Answer To The Bishop of Bangor's Reasons For the Repeal of Them. To which is added: A Second Part, Concerning the Religion of Oaths. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, and Master of the Temple. The Second Edition, Corrected. Lon¬ don : Printed for J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun, over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. 1718. Title, verso blank, [10pp.], 120 pp. 120 (40). Another copy in v. 8. XXI.—V. 7. A Vindication Of The Corporation And Test Acts. In Answer To The Bishop of Bangor's Reasons For the Repeal of them. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, and Mas¬ ter of the Temple. The Third Edition. London: Printed for J. Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet street. MDCCXVIII. x, 46 pp. 120 (40). XXII.—V. 1. An Answer To A Calumny Cast upon the Bishop of Bangor, By The Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, At the Conclusion of his New Book, Entitled, A Vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts, &c. By Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wilkins, for James Knapton. . . . 1718. Title, verso blank, 3-24 pp. 120 (4°). Another copy in v. 8. XXIII.—V. i. The Condition And Example Of Our Blessed Saviour Vindicated: In Answer To The Bishop of Bangor's Charge of Calumny Against the Dean of Chichester. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chicester, and Master of the Temple. London: Printed for J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun, over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. 1718. 63 pp. 120 (4°). Another copy in v. 8. XXIV.—V. 2. An Answer To A Late Book, Written by the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, Intitled, The Con¬ dition and Example of our Blessed Saviour Vindicated, &c. By i8 A List of Pamphlets Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wil- kins; for J. Knapton at the Crown and Tim. Childe at the White- Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCXVIII. 116 pp. 120 (4°). Another copy in v. 8. XXV.—V. 2. The Dean of Chichester's Conduct Considered, In His Remarks upon the Lord Bishop of Bangor's Treatment of the Clergy and Convocation: His Vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts: And, The Condition and Example of our Blessed Lord Vindicated. By A. A. Sykes, M.A. Rector of Dry Drayton near Cambridge. . . . London, Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown, and Tim. Childe, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1718. 39 pp. 120 (4°). XXVI.—V. 2. The Lord Bishop of Bangor's Defence Of His Assertion, viz. That the Example of our Lord is much more pecu¬ liarly fit to be urged to .Slaves than to Subjects, Consider'd. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, and Master of the Temple. London: Printed for J. Pemberton at the Golden Buck against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. 1718. 47 pp. 12° (4°). XXVII.—V. 2. A Fourth Letter To the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Being An Answer To his late Book, Entitled, The Lord Bishop of B's Defence of his Assertion consider'd. . . . By A. A. Sykes, Rector of Dry-Drayton, near Cambridge. London: Printed for J. Knapton, at the Crown: And T. Childe, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1718. 96pp. 120 (4°). XXXIII. 2—V. 5. Remarks Upon A Position Of The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor Concerning Religious Sin¬ cerity. Wherein The Consequences of this Position are fully stated, and his Lordship's pretended Demonstration is shewn to be inconclusive. By Henry Stebbing, M.A. Rector of Ricking-hall in Suffolk, and late Fellow of St. Catherines-Hall in Cambridge. Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 19 To which is prefix'd a Preface by the Reverend the Dean of Chichester. London, Printed for Henry Clements, at the Half- Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1718. Title, xiv., 28 pp. 120 (4°). XXXV.—V. 5. An Answer To Mr. Stebbing's Remarks Con¬ cerning Religious Sincerity, And Church Authority. Being a further Vindication Of The Lord Bishop of Bangor. With a Preface in Answer to that of the Reverend the Dean of Chiches¬ ter. By Thomas Pyle, M.A. Rector of Watlington, and Lecturer of Lyn-Regis in Norfolk. London: Printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1719. xxxi. pp. 12° (8°). XXXV.—V. 5. An Answer To Mr. Stebbing's Miscellaneous Observations Upon Some Passages in the Bishop of Bangor's Answer to the Representation. Being the Conclusion of the Vin¬ dication of His Lordship against the First Head of the Charge of the Committee. By Thomas Pyle, M.A. Rector of Watlington, and Lecturer of Lyn-Regis in Norfolk. . . . London: Printed for J. Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1719. 54, [2], pp. 120 (40). *—V. 5. A Farther Vindication Of The Lord Bishop of Bangor, With Respect to the Doctrine of Religious Sincerity, As Available to the Salvation of Men: In Answer To Mr. Stebbing's Remarks Upon His Lordship's Position concerning it. In a Third Letter to a Member of the University of Cambridge. By Thomas Pyle, M.A. Rector of Watlington, and Lecturer of Lyn-Regis in Nor¬ folk. 96 pp. 12° (8°). p. 41. Title page: A Farther Vindication . . . in a Fourth letter &c. Cont. II. 2—V. 5. A Letter From Edinburgh To Dr. Sherlock, Rectifying the Committee's Notions of Sincerity. Defending the Whole of the B. of Bangor's Doctrine. And Maintaining That Religion, not a Profession of it, is Religion; That The Gospel, not a Corruption of it, is the Gospel; That Christ, not the Church, 20 A List of Pamphlets is Christ. In which is An Apology for the English Dissenters. With A Word or two relating to Mr. Toland. By Gilbert Dal- rymple, D.D. The Fourth Edition with a Pref. & P.S. & Notes. London: Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, A. Dodd with¬ out Temple-Bar, and J. Fox in Westminster-Hall. MDCCXIX. 48 pp. 120 (40). XXXVI.—V.2. The Common Rights Of Subjects, Defended: And the Nature of the Sacramental Test, Consider'd. In Answer to the Dean of Chichester's Vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts. By Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wilkins, for J. Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1719. pp. viii, [4], 303. 120 (40). XXXVII.—V. 4. A Protestation made On the 14th Day of Feb¬ ruary, 1717-18, In Behalf of the King's Supremacy And The Protestant Doctrines Asserted and Maintain'd in the Lord Bishop of Bangor's Sermon, Preach'd before His Majesty, on March the 31st, 1717, and Publish'd by His Majesty's Special Command. Together With what was said in the Lower House of Convoca¬ tion, with relation to the said Protestation, and other Matters that are fit to be consider'd; and what would have been further said, had not the Prolocutor interrupted Dr. Tenison while he was speaking, by reading the Schedule of Prorogation. The Second Edition. . . . London: Printed for J. Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1718. 28pp. 120 (4°). Cont. III. 5—V. 2. An Answer To The Lord Bishop of Bangor's Late Book; entitled, The Common Rights of Subjects defended, &c. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Dean of Chichester, and Master of the Temple. London: Printed for John Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-street. 1719. pp. [18], 65. 120 (40). XXXVIII.—V. 6. A Letter From The Prolocutor To the Rev¬ erend Dr. Edward Tenison, Archdeacon of Carmarthen. London, Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 21 Printed for R. Sare, and sold by John Morphew near Stationer's Hall. 1718. 21 pp. 120 (40). Signed, page 21, "G. S. P." i. e., George Stanhope, Prolocutor. XL.—V. 4. A Letter To the Reverend Dr. Edward Tenison, Concerning Some Citations made from his Grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's Preliminary Discourse to the Apostolical Fathers, In a Paper lately published, intituled, A Letter to the Reverend the Prolocutor: Being an Answer to a Paper, &c. By the Author of that Letter. London: Printed for J. Roberts at the Oxford- Arms in Warwick-Lane. 1718. 22 pp. 120 (4°). XL. et Cont. IV. 14—V. 4. A Letter To the Reverend the Pro¬ locutor: Being An Answer To That Part of his Letter that re¬ lates to the King's .Supremacy. By Edward Tenison, D.D. Arch- Deacon of Carmarthen. . . . London: Printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1718. 43 pp. 120 (4°). OTHER PAMPHLETS AND SERMONS. 16—V. 6. The True Notion of Peace in the Kingdom or Church of Christ, Stated by the late Eminent and Learned Dr. Whitchoat, In A Sermon Preach'd by him upon The Malignity of Popery. Examined and Corrected from his Own Notes. By John Jeffery, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich; And now Republished, as being very usefully applicable to the Controversies of the Present Times. London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1717. 31 pp. 120 (4°). 21—V. 6. An Essay Upon The Nature of A Church, And The Extent Of Ecclesiastical Authority. By a Layman of the Church of England. York: Printed by Grace White for Thomas Ham¬ mond, jun. Bookseller, and Sold by A. Bettesworth in Pater- Noster-Row, and A. Dodd without Temple Bar, London. 1718. 23 PP- 12° (4°). Autograph of "Edward Tenison" on title page. 22 A List of Pamphlets 22.—V. 6. The Authority Of The Church In Matters of Re¬ ligion. London: Printed for Richard Sare, near Gray's-Inn-Gate in Holbourn. 1718. 36pp. 120 (4°). Ms. note on title page: "By Bp. Lynge." CONTINUATION. Cont. IV. 4—V. 5. Church Authority Vindicated, In a Sermon Preach'd At Putney, May 5, 1719. At a Visitation of the Pecu¬ liars of the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, before the Right Worshipful Dr. Bettesworth, Dean of the Arches, and Commissary of Those Peculiars. By Fr. Hare, D.D. Rector of Barnes, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The Third Edition Corrected. London: Printed, and Sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. 1719. X., 11-47 pp. 12° (4°). Cont. p. 695, 700—V. 5. An Answer To the Reverend Dr. Hare's Sermon, Intitui'd Church-Authority vindicated: In Which The Texts of Scripture relating to this Subject are examin'd; The Doctrine of Sincerity is explain'd and defended; And several other Important Points are consider'd. With a Postscript Occa- sion'd by the Lord Bishop of Oxford's late Charge to his Clergy. By Benjamin Lord Bishop of Bangor. London: Printed by W. Wilkins, for J. Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1720. viii, [4], 276 pp. 12° (8°). Cont. IV. 10—V. 5. The Bishop of Oxford's Charge To The Clergy Of His Diocese, At His Triennial Visitation In July 1719. London: Printed for George Mortlock, at the Phoenix, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1720. 39pp. 120 (4°). Cont. IV. 16—V. 6. The Duty Of Christians, With Respect to Human Interpretations, And Decisions, When Propos'd to be Believed and Submitted to by Them, as Necessary Parts of the Relating to the Bangorian Controversy 23 Christian Religion. By a Clergyman in the Country. . . . Lon¬ don, Printed for William Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater- Noster-Row. MDCCXVII. 39pp. 120 (40). Ms. note on title page: "Mr. Bold." *—V. 5. A Vindication Of The Innocency of Error, &c. From The Misrepresentations Of The Lord Bp. of Oxford, In his late Charge, And The Defence Of It. In a Letter to his Lordship. By Arthur Ashley Svkes, M.A. Rector of Rayleigh, in Essex. London, Printed for Tames Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1720. 38, [2], pp. 120 (40). *—V. 5. A Defence Of the Late Charge Deliver'd to the Clergy Of The Diocese of Oxford, July 1719. In a Letter to the said Clergy. By the Right Reverend Father in God John Lord Bishop of Oxford. London: Printed for George Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1720. 80pp. 120 (4°). *—V. 6. Some Thoughts Concerning Church Authority. Oc- casion'd By Reading several Books written against the late Lord Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, &c And His Sermon Preach'd before the King, March 31, 1717. In A Letter to a Friend. By Samuel Bolde, Rector of the United Parishes of Steeple cum Tyneham in the County of Dorset. London: Printed for J. Peele at Locke's Head in Pater-Noster-Row. 1724. v, 138 pp. 120 (4°). j. VVilberforce, convocation was revived; but Its constitution, sadly in need of1 reformation as had been that of parliament, has never been reformed. Bishop Benjamin Hoadly never vis¬ ited his first see of Bangor and perhaps not his second see of Hereford; but in • his later see he showed some interest. 1 . He was an extreme latitudinarian and ; Arian of the school of Samuel 1! Clarke. When he died, a considerable. | part of one of the pla-mm of the cen- ■ tral tower of Winchester Cathedral/ ' was cut away £o make room for his ' monument; and this gave occasion for ! the saying that while living he did 1 his best to destroy the church and, Swhen dead his grave would undermine 1 the cathedral. And now the records of his con- troversy are taken from the shelves r of a Connecticut library, dusted, and ! catalogued, and we are reminded that I for a few years his parents resided in I a town, then of the New Haven federa.- f, tion, now of this goodly state. S. H. Middletown, Aug. 8. ^m