YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 11326 1292 VICTORY IS VITAL! GERMANS WOULD ROB WEST AFRICANS OF THEIR PRODUCE 3/aPARTNERS WITH BRITAIN You are honestly paid in money for the produce you sell. If you like, you can save some of your money in the Post Office Savings Bank. The Post Office pays you to save, for your own future. With the money you receive, you can buy cloth for yourself and your children, kerosene to give you light at night, food, a bicycle or a sewing machine, or anything else you like from the store. back goods for you When Britain has defeated Ger- many, more ships will be set free to carry your produce to many countries, and your trade will im- prove. In spite of the war, the British Government is paying you a fair price for your produce.SLAVES UNDER HITLER The Germans rob people when- ever they can and they never pay cash for what they take. So you would have no money to buy food or anything else that you wanted, for yourself or your children. You would be allowed only enough food to keep you working for Germany. You could not build your own house and you could not even have a small business. You could not have bicycles or sewing machines. You would be a slave, working always for the Germans, from child- hood to old age. The produce you bring to market would not be your property at all. You would receive no money and there would be no profit from your work. FOR GERMANS ONLY You would hove no money for buy where you wi. .0* Germans would take your produce and give you no goods in return n Ayr VI k ♦ \1 fW Y| r a(j V Britain is your friend and believes in progress for all Germany is your enemy and believes in slavery for all non-Germans