SmMY /W/ilSu 1. Rotol Variable Pitch Airscrew. 2. Rolls-Royce Merlin II Motor. 3. Bullet-proof glass panel. 4. Pilot’s cockpit. 5. Oxygen bottle. 6. Radio. 7. Machine Guns. 8. Retractable undercarriage. 9. Rudder. 10. Tail planes and elevators. *• \ ***** •• • + V / / t / t >','/*• * # :. ^ t * s I HE continual progress of aircraft design i necessitates a vast amount of theoretical research. The designer may have on his drawing board a “ fighter ” intended to fly at a speed far higher than any yet achieved. But before the plane can be built, he must know just how it will behave in practice. Models offer a solution. A miniature plane can be constructed and then placed in a “ wind-tunnel ” which will reproduce exactly flying conditions at this increased speed. Super-sensitive instruments will chart the behaviour of the model, and from their readings can be established whether the design is sound or faulty. Picture (i) shows one of the “ wind-tunnels ”—a giant affair where not merely models, but full-sized aeroplanes, can be tested. Behind the dwarfed workmen is a huge fan which causes the “ wind,” the speed of which can be regulated from a gentle zephyr to a howling gale. Picture (2) shows the sort of model which is used in preliminary tests. Note the exquisite care taken to see that it reproduces exactly the lines of its grown-up brother. In (3) the model is in the wind-tunnel undergoing test. Pictures (4), (5) and (6) show the same principle as applied to ships. In (4) a miniature “ Queen Mary ” is being subjected to wind and wave effects. The length of the wave can be varied at will in this testing tank, so that the designer can soon find out exactly how the great liner will react to the Atlantic rollers. Picture (5) shows how efficiency of hull form is established. The huge gantry moves the model through the water, while th£ man on the gantry observes the effects of the water on the hull by means of a battery of instruments. Picture (6) illustrates the testing of ships’ propellers. Again, many instruments come into play before one type of propeller can be proved scientifically to be better than another. In these ways Britain’s weapons of war are planned and tested. Is it any wonder that they are the best in the world ?Tradition + Experience HEN the Supermarine Aviation Works, Ltd., produced the Supermarine S4 (picture 1), the line of brilliantly successful high-speed machines which led up to the Spitfire had begun. This machine, which achieved a speed of 226 m.p.h. on 700 h.p., was the first fast aeroplane to be built with no external bracing whatever. Further development led to the S5 (picture 2) which, flown at Venice by the R.A.F., won the Schneider Trophy at an average speed of 281 m.p.h. But R. J. Mitchell, designer of these wonderful aircraft, was not satisfied. He wanted to build a land plane, for that would be of more use to his country. So in 1934 he brought out the F7/30 (4). It was a good plane, so good that the Nazis copied it almost slavishly in their Junkers 87. But it was not good enough for Britain ! Mitchell forged ahead, and in 1936 created the prototype of the modern 400 m.p.h.-plus cannon-firing “ Spitfire ” (7). His work completed, tragedy overtook him, and he died of a painful and lingering disease before seeing his creation sweep the Messer- schmitts and Junkers out of the sky. But Mitchell’s first Spitfire is essentially the same as the latest model. Picture (5) shows the cockpit of the 1941 version. (6) illustrates how Spitfires were armed before cannon made them even deadlier. Eight machine-guns were focused at 250 yards range, so that their 9,600 bullets a minute hacked their way through Nazi aircraft like a circular saw. The am- munition belts were fed into the wings from below (8). It is not too much to say that had Britain not possessed the Spitfire, she might not have won the Battle of Britain. Instead, thanks to the inspiration and vision of Mitchell, Britain won one of the most impor- tant battles of all time.Britain adds a third EFORE this war, naval battles were two- dimensional, fought out in sea space alone. Britain had always ruled this sea space, but so that she could do so even more effectively she exploited a third dimension—air space. These pictures show how it is done. (1) shows a spotting plane being catapulted off the deck of a cruiser. That plane will sweep hundreds of square miles of sky, looking for an enemy far beneath. Then, when the enemy is discovered, the reconnaissance plane signals his position to the aircraft carrier. (2) From the vast deck of the carrier swarm up torpedo- carrying planes which sweep in formation far beyond the horizon to attack the enemy. Now comes the important, the crucial part, of a modern naval action. The torpedo planes close in ! They sweep down to 50 feet above sea-level and release their deadly “ tin fish.” And if the enemy ship is not sunk it is crippled and unable to manoeuvre. Then come the mighty ships of the British Fleet to administer the coup de grace. The moment for fleet action has arrived. On the flagship’s bridge (3) men sweep the horizon ceaselessly. In the engine-room (4) expert engineers carefully control the speed of the great turbines. Then the enemy is sighted ! The gunlayer (5) sets the range for the colossal cannon in their armoured turrets (6). At the word of command the guns roar, tons of explosive- filled steel howl across great distances. Now the enemy receives a final battering. Smashed, listing dangerously, and helpless, and finally holed by torpedoes from a British destroyer, down she goes—just as the “ Bismarck ” (7) a new ship, pride of the German navy, was sunk in her last engagement. The Battle of Taranto, of Matapan, the sinking of the “ Graf Spee ” and the mighty “Bismarck”—all these triumphs prove that British naval strategists are realists—men who know every trick of sea warfare.hh dimension to naval warfareThese three pictures allow you to work out the diverse and innumerable signals that have to be made during an operation involving land, sea and air forces. Not only do tanks, ships and planes have to be ordered into action, but supply ships have to be informed where they can take their cargoes, as soon as new ports have been occupied. Added to all this, a swift advance—such as the British advance in Libya—means that operational headquarters (indicated by a black rectangle) have to be moved forward day by day as the battle develops.Radio network i HE fog of war appears almost impenetrable to the lay observer, but for the officer commanding an operation by land, sea or air that so-called fog is pierced by an amazing network of radio transmitting and receiving sets, which allow him to get up-to-the-minute details of the battle, and to transmit orders in a matter of minutes. The large picture (top left) shows an airman at his radio set. He will use it when he has finished his bombing to inform his aerodrome that he has accomplished his mission. Then comes “ radio silence ” until he is near home, when he will use his directional apparatus to pick up ground signals and correct his navigation. The two pictures (bottom right) show a sailor standing by for orders ; and soldiers setting up a portable transmitter in a field. The function of radio at sea is well known ; but less is understood of the elaborate network of stations utilised by an army while in action. There are several sorts of sets in operation—static stations at the base, mobile sets in lorries, and even smaller outfits which can be carried and operated"by one man. Yet even modern science may fail men in battle. That is why the homing or “ carrier ” pigeon is still widely used, as you can see from the picture (top right). It really is surprising how these birds manage to dodge shells and bullets and get home safely, and their morale is excellent. One of them laid an egg in a bomber on the way to Germany. One interesting fact emerges from the study of communica- tions in war. They work at their highest pressure after the battle. For then a mass of administrative orders have to be carried, supplies have to be organised, the return of prisoners and wounded to the rear has to be arranged./ Every bombing raid a SPITFIRE BLENHEIM BOSTON WHITLEY HAMPDEN WELLINGTON LIBERATOR STIRLING RANGE Jill mini uiiiiiiii muni UIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Oproblem in applied logic UT yourself in the position of Britain’s Air Chief of Staff. How would you plan the devastating raids which are made on Germany? Some of the available types of British planes, their range and their bomb loads, are in the diagram on the top of the left-hand page. There is your data. Make your own decision ! Here is a concrete problem for you—organise a raid on Berlin! First, shall it be by night or by day ? By night, since bombers flying by day over enemy territory would have to be escorted by fighters, and no fighter has the requisite range—1,200 miles there and back. What bombers shall we use ? Blenheims ? No, the bomb load is too small. Blenheims, being fast and manoeuvrable, are the very planes to use for a sudden short-range daylight sortie. But they are no good for this Berlin trip. ... Well then, what about the Whitley—or the Wellington ? These are the machines for long-range, devastating work. Suppose they are intercepted by night fighters ? Who cares ? Whitleys and Wellingtons are heavily armed, they will cope with the night fighters well enough. Or perhaps the new giant bombers—Stirlings, Halifaxes, Manchesters—might be used. “ Bombed up ” with heavy high-explosive bombs, the squadrons take the air. Berlin is going to get a taste of British bombs. And there in Picture (3) you see those bombs, carried to their targets inside the fuselage of the bomber, and released through the open trap-doors at the correct moment. On the left (2) you see the torpedoes that Britain’s Beauforts of the Coastal Command launch at enemy shipping. Below that is a study in tactics. (4) shows a map of the objective : railways, gasworks, factories, and a bridge ; (5) the pilots and their observers pore over this map, and what they decide is shown in (6). A stick of bombs dropped in a diagonal run will dispose of three objectives. The other four must be dealt with by another couple of sticks dropped at the correct points in a wide circular sweep. The men who fly have to be as logical as the men who command. The large picture on this page shows a Blenheim bomber. Of its constituent parts (1) is the aft gun turret; (2) is the pilot’s cockpit (the photograph shows the now modified nose, accommodating the bomb-aimer’s position) ; (3) the retractable undercarriage (the wheels tuck up neatly into the engine nacelles); and (4) is the engine with its “ variable-pitch propeller ”—a device by which increased speed of the aircraft is obtained without increasing the engine revolutions beyond a certain maximum./ Radiolocation-how an echo ^ Pr°t>leni in British scientific research tj » i has been more intensively studied than that of the detection and location of enemy aircraft. Long before a plane arrives within the range of even the most powerful field glasses, its position must be known if measures for its destruction are to be successful. When raiding planes approach under cover of night, or screened by cloud, the problem becomes increasingly difficult, and detection by vision has to be abandoned in favour of other methods. For many years past, unceasing efforts have been made to increase the sensitivity of detecting apparatus to a point where accurate knowledge of the approaching aircraft is obtained over the widest possible range. The early types of sound locators (2), while proving invaluable when enemy planes were near but invisible, relied entirely on sounds made by engine exhaust and air- screw. Even the later types, developed to an astonishing degree of sensitivity, were limited in range. Furthermore, some method had to be devised for the detection of aircraft “ gliding ” in, the pilot having shut off his engines at a great height so that he could approach in silence from a con- siderable distance away. Means other than sound have also been successfully applied to this problem, and great advances have been made in many types of apparatus, but the untiring efforts of a number of British scientists resulted in one of the greatest achievements of all time— “ radiolocation.” Radiolocation was born as long ago as 1935. One morning in that year, in a motor van in Kent (3), certain observations were made by Mr. G. Watson Watt (1), who later collected about him the most outstanding electrical engineers of to-day, and developed to a very high degree of efficiency what has proved to be the most effective weapon against the frenzied, indiscriminate Nazi bombing of Britain. Ether waves, filling the sky and entirely unaffected by atmospheric conditions, are echoed back by any solid object in their path (4). In this way the enemy aircraft cannot avoid betraying its presence and its position. Radiolocation is effective and accurate over far greater distances than any previous system. Naturally, a large and complicated system of auxiliary apparatus (5, 6, 7 and 8) is needed to supplement the radiolocator itself, and thousands of thoroughly trained experts, many of them women, maintain day and night this powerful weapon in the defence of the Nazi bombers lb jit #.Killing-and curing iii (1) These scientists are engaged in the study and analysis of soil from various parts of Britain. In wartime it is clearly of the utmost importance that the best use should be made of the resources of the land. But this side of Britain’s scientific war effort is the reverse of destruction. Efforts are continually being made to improve the quality of Britain’s agricultural produce. The men in this picture may make a discovery about soil and its properties from which everyone will derive great benefit once the Nazis have been crushed and peace-time economy re-established. (2) Hundreds of thousands of men and women “ donors ” cheerfully give their blood for the succour of soldiers wounded in battle, or civilians injured in air raids. Great advances have recently been made in solving the problems of storage. Two years ago, blood could not be stored for long periods without deterioration. Now a significant development has taken place. The blood is converted into “ plasma.” In this picture of the “ Sterile Room ” at the Headquarters of the Army Blood Transfusion Service, bottles of plasma are being assembled for storage. In this form blood can be sent abroad over long distances and stored for long periods. In this form, too, it is ready for use at any instant to save life. The fine work done by British scientists and doctors for the ultimate good of humanity goes on unceasingly. Blood storage will no doubt play a great part in medical science after the war. (3) The grimmer side of science in war. In these test tubes new experimental explosives are being prepared. The men watch them intently, know- ing the danger of even the slightest slip. It was in laboratories like this that the new deadly explosive used in Britain’s latest bombs was developed, and newer, more powerful ones are continually being developed by the best brains in British science. Men like these are directly responsible for the havoc in Nazi centres of industry. But remember, the destruction they cause is the destruction of the bad, the evil; when that is done all science will co-operate to build a better world. (4) A secret process. Who knows what is going on in this formidable array of pipes, valves and retorts ? But you may be sure that somewhere in that complicated apparatus is an unpleasant shock for Hitler. (5) A new industrial lamp is being subjected to a final test in the laboratories where it was devised. British scientists have perfected a tubular fluores- cent “ daylight ” lamp which gives an almost shadowless light, and will save war workers from eye strain. Thus their efficiency will be increased and their health and spirits will be improved.-start in a test tube Mathematics takes A The “ Boche Buster B The 25-pounder C The 18-pounder D Anti-aircraft Gun E Mortar F Anti-tank Gun ✓ ✓ N these pages graphs come to life. Picture (1) shows the path traced by shells fired from various types of gun used in the British Army. Many anti-aircraft guns (D) can fire several miles high. (E) is a special weapon, the mortar, which fires a relatively large shell but has a very short range. It is very light and is a favourite infantry weapon. (F) , the anti-tank gun, is also really an infantry weapon. The speed of the projectile (the muzzle-velocity as it is called) is so great that its trajectory is almost a straight line. High muzzle- velocity is essential if anti-tank shells are to penetrate the tank’s armour plate. Picture (2) shows all the missiles in use from the tiny machine-gun bullet, capable of killing a man, to the colossal armour-piercing shell, capable of sink- ing a battleship. To pick out the position of a particular enemy gun amidst the din of heavy fire, the “ sound-ranging ” system is em- ployed. A number of microphones arranged along the front, pick up sound waves from the unseen gun and record them as lines on a film. The “ interval” between the arrival of sound wave “X” and sound wave “Y” as in the diagram below is applied to a simple geometrical principle. By means of a number of readings the “ sound-ranger ” thus determines the exact location of the enemy gun. The picture at the top of the right-hand page shows the use of bombs. The interesting thing here is that the higher the aeroplane flies the sooner it must release the bomb. Flying at 30,000 feet, for instance, the bomb must be released 2 miles before the objective is reached. But in every case the aeroplane is roughly over, or just past, its objective as the bomb bursts, as indicated by the white silhouettes. Britain’s precision bombing is able to cope with these complicated calculations. The Nazis pin their faith to crude dive- bombing (white dotted line); but dive- bombing can only be done by day. Picture (3) dissects a shell, (a) is the propellant charge—a slow-burning explosive which forces a shell out of a gun without shattering either. (b) is the charge in the shell itself, quick- burning, so as to detonate violently when the clockwork fuse, inside the nose of the shell (c), sets it off. The steel of the shell (d) is brittle, made to splinter easily—very unlike the gun-barrel which has to withstand terrific internal combustion without warping or cracking. SOUND WAVES SOUND WAVES \ \ l\z ol< Zip the offensive Variations in temperature play a big part in the calculation of British precision bombing. Hot air is much less resistant than cold air, and so in East Africa the R.A.F. had to release their bombs while still a considerable distance short of their objective. When bombing oil tanks in snowbound Norway the bomb must be released some seconds later. xuu ID 10,000 A BRITISH BOMB Note the ring (A) which welds the fins firmly to- gether, obviating flutter, and the fine streamlining indicated at (B) and (C). Compare this bomb with the drop of rain (shown top right) which as it falls is forced into that shape by air pressure. The British bomb is obviously designed for high-precision bombing. A GERMAN BOMB The fins (A), at the high speeds reached when bombs are dropped from a great height, tend to wobble or flutter, thus making the bombing inaccu- rate ; (B) and (C) illustrate the crude streamlining which makes precision bomb- ing impossible. ))> ' ► / )»....'fr Jt .../ / Creating ISE men do not use the word “impossible.” The imaginative visions of the future we reveal on these two pages may become concrete reality. Indeed, the curious boat (i) is of the present. It is one of the invasion barges used by British and Norwegian troops in their famous raid on the Lofoten Islands. The heavily armoured, square-cut “ nose ” of the barge is run up the beach and then falls forward on a hinge to allow the men and tanks inside to make an easy landing. Maybe the Nazis have barges like this, too. But the British have so far seen nothing of them. . . . The pictures beneath, (2) and (3), show two versions of an idea which would be of enormous value in warfare. (2) is a floating aerodrome, complete with hangars, barracks, and a slipway for flying boats. (3) is a floating fortress, which could be towed out to any position at sea, there to form either a defensive point d’appui against raiders, or an advance battery of heavy guns, with a secondary armament of anti-aircraft guns, which might act as a spear-head for Britain’s invasion of the Continent. It is known that experimental models of such “ floating platforms ” have actually been made and tested. How do we know that research in this direction has not already gone a long way ? Pictures (4) and (5) illustrate a new use for the submarine. Is it not possible that tiny submarines no more than a few metres long, and wireless controlled, should be sent ahead of a battle fleet, to blast a way through the enemy minefields ? Some of the “ submarines ” would be blown up, of course. But they would be inexpensive toys compared with the seven million-pound battleships whose path they were making safe. The streamlined battleship (6) is a perfectly feasible proposition. Compare it with the actual photograph of a modern high-speed torpedo boat—the difference is merely one of scale. (7) is a gigantic land fort—the logical development of the trend in tank design which makes for even bigger and bigger machines. This Leviathan has aeroplanes which can be catapulted from the roof, and carries inside batteries of guns which can be deployed through hinged doors. The four “ port holes ” in front are loudspeakers either for propaganda purposes or to create such a hideous din that the nerves of the opposing army will be shattered. For remember, noise is a very potent weapon, as the French learnt to their cost when the Nazi dive-bombers screamed down upon them. But one thing is certain. Whenever new devices appear in modern war you may be sure to find them being introduced by the British. The tank was a British invention. Britain’s scientists are working night and day to perfect a new and better means of beating the Nazis. Hitler will get some unpleasant surprises before this is over. . ^  iK^l .... M.V i Sm^** 1 Brains to Win ■ ’ ■ I k*Models to solve m\\\\ \ • *". • •.*.* VAV-aV V.V*a‘X- **• *. •***$ ••wo it* # :*Wfc; ■•«!S m HE continual progress of aircraft design I necessitates a vast amount of theoretical research. The designer may have on his drawing board a “ fighter ” intended to fly at a speed far higher than any yet achieved. But before the plane can be built, he must know just how it will behave in practice. Models offer a solution. A miniature plane can be constructed and then placed in a “ wind-tunnel ” which will reproduce exactly flying conditions at this increased speed. Super-sensitive instruments will chart the behaviour of the model, and from their readings can be established whether the design is sound or faulty. Picture (i) shows one of the “ wind-tunnels ”—a giant affair where not merely models, but full-sized aeroplanes, can be tested. Behind the dwarfed workmen is a huge fan which causes the “ wind,” the speed of which can be regulated from a gentle zephyr to a howling gale. Picture (2) shows the sort of model which is used in preliminary tests. Note the exquisite care taken to see that it reproduces exactly the lines of its grown-up brother. In (3) the model is in the wind-tunnel undergoing test. Pictures (4), (5) and (6) show the same principle as applied to ships. In (4) a miniature “ Queen Mary ” is being subjected to wind and wave effects. The length of the wave can be varied at will in this testing tank, so that the designer can soon find out exactly how the great liner will react to the Atlantic rollers. Picture (5) shows how efficiency of hull form is established. The huge gantry moves the model through the water, while the man on the gantry observes the effects of the water on the hull by means of a battery of instruments. Picture (6) illustrates the testing of ships’ propellers. Again, many instruments come into play before one type of propeller can be proved scientifically to be better than another. In these ways Britain’s weapons of war are planned and tested. Is it any wonder that they are the best in the world ? the unknown "X"Tradition + Experience o = Spitfire! T|? HEN the Supermarine Aviation Works, Ltd., produced the Supermarine S4 (picture 1), the line of brilliantly successful high-speed machines which led up to the Spitfire had begun. This machine, which achieved a speed of 226 m.p.h. on 700 h.p., was the first fast aeroplane to be built with no external bracing whatever. Further development led to the S$ (picture 2) which, flown at Venice by the R.A.F., won the Schneider Trophy at an average speed of 281 m.p.h. But R. J. Mitchell, designer of these wonderful aircraft, was not satisfied. He wanted to build a land plane, for that would be of more use to his country. So in 1934 he brought out the F7/30 (4). It was a good plane, so good that the Nazis copied it almost slavishly in their Junkers 87. But it was not good enough for Britain ! Mitchell forged ahead, and in 1936 created the prototype of the modern 400 m.p.h.-plus cannon-firing “ Spitfire ” (7). His work completed, tragedy overtook him, and he died of a painful and lingering disease before seeing his creation sweep the Messer- schmitts and Junkers out of the sky. But Mitchell’s first Spitfire is essentially the same as the latest model. Picture (5) shows the cockpit of the 1941 version. (6) illustrates how Spitfires were armed before cannon made them even deadlier. Eight machine-guns were focused at 250 yards range, so that their 9,600 bullets a minute hacked their way through Nazi aircraft like a circular saw. The am- munition belts were fed into the wings from below (8). It is not too much to say that had Britain not possessed the Spitfire, she might not have won the Battle of Britain. Instead, thanks to the inspiration and vision of Mitchell, Britain won one of the most impor- tant battles of all time. oBritain adds a third EFORE this war, naval battles were two- dimensional, fought out in sea space alone. Britain had always ruled this sea space, but so that she could do so even more effectively she exploited a third dimension—air space. These pictures show how it is done. (1) shows a spotting plane being catapulted off the deck of a cruiser. That plane will sweep hundreds of square miles of sky, looking for an enemy far beneath. Then, when the enemy is discovered, the reconnaissance plane signals his position to the aircraft carrier. (2) From the vast deck of the carrier swarm up torpedo- carrying planes which sweep in formation far beyond the horizon to attack the enemy. Now comes the important, the crucial part, of a modern naval action. The torpedo planes close in ! They sweep down to 50 feet above sea-level and release their deadly “ tin fish.” And if the enemy ship is not sunk it is crippled and unable to manoeuvre. Then come the mighty ships of the British Fleet to administer the coup de grace. The moment for fleet action has arrived. On the flagship’s bridge (3) men sweep the horizon ceaselessly. In the engine-room (4) expert engineers carefully control the speed of the great turbines. Then the enemy is sighted ! The gunlayer (5) sets the range for the colossal cannon in their armoured turrets (6). At the word of command the guns roar, tons of explosive- filled steel howl across great distances. Now the enemy receives a final battering. Smashed, listing dangerously, and helpless, and finally holed by torpedoes from a British destroyer, down she goes—just as the “ Bismarck ” (7) a new ship, pride of the German navy, was sunk in her last engagement. The Battle of Taranto, of Matapan, the sinking of the “ Graf Spee ” and the mighty “Bismarck”—all these triumphs prove that British naval strategists are realists—men who know every trick of sea warfare. dimension to naval warfareThe invisible These three pictures allow you to work out the diverse and innumerable signals that have to be made during an operation involving land, sea and air forces. Not only do tanks, ships and planes have to be ordered into action, but supply ships have to be informed where they can take their cargoes, as soon as new ports have been occupied. Added to all this, a swift advance—such as the British advance in Libya—means that operational headquarters (indicated by a black rectangle) have to be moved forward day by day as the battle develops. Radio network ffiHI HE fog of war appears almost impenetrable to ^ the lay observer, but for the officer commanding an operation by land, sea or air that so-called fog is pierced by an amazing network of radio transmitting and receiving sets, which allow him to get up-to-the-minute details of the battle, and to transmit orders in a matter of minutes. The large picture (top left) shows an airman at his radio set. He will use it when he has finished his bombing to inform his aerodrome that he has accomplished his mission. Then comes “ radio silence ” until he is near home, when he will use his directional apparatus to pick up ground signals and correct his navigation. The two pictures (bottom right) show a sailor standing by for orders ; and soldiers setting up a portable transmitter in a field. The function of radio at sea is well known ; but less is understood of the elaborate network of stations utilised by an army while in action. There are several sorts of sets in operation—static stations at the base, mobile sets in lorries, and even smaller outfits which can be carried and operated^by one man. Yet even modern science may fail men in battle. That is why the homing or “ carrier ” pigeon is still widely used, as you can see from the picture (top right). It really is surprising how these birds manage to dodge shells and bullets and get home safely, and their morale is excellent. One of them laid an egg in a bomber on the way to Germany. One interesting fact emerges from the study of communica- tions in war. They work at their highest pressure after the battle. For then a mass of administrative orders have to be carried, supplies have to be organised, the return of prisoners and wounded to the rear has to be arranged. **: Every bombing raid a SPITFIRE BLENHEIM BOSTON WHITLEY HAMPDEN WELLINGTON LIBERATOR STIRLING RANGE un Mini llllllllll JWJIJJ .... llllllllll illinium ninnnninnn I problem in applied logic |PfcUT yourself in the position of Britain’s Air Chief of Staff. How would you plan the devastating raids which are made on Germany? Some of the available types of British planes, their range and their bomb loads, are in the diagram on the top of the left-hand page. There is your data. Make your own decision ! Here is a concrete problem for you—organise a raid on Berlin! Or perhaps the new giant bombers—Stirlings, Halifaxes, Manchesters—might be used. “ Bombed up” with heavy high-explosive bombs, the squadrons take the air. Berlin is going to get a taste of British bombs. And there in Picture (3) you see those bombs, carried to their targets inside the fuselage of the bomber, and released through the open trap-doors at the correct moment. On the left (2) you see the torpedoes that Britain’s Beauforts of the Coastal Command launch at enemy shipping. Below that is a study in tactics. First, shall it be by night or by day ? By night, since bombers flying by day over enemy territory would have to be escorted by fighters, and no fighter has the requisite range—1,200 miles there and back. What bombers shall we use ? Blenheims ? No, the bomb load is too small. Blenheims, being fast and manoeuvrable, are the very planes to use for a sudden short-range daylight sortie. But they are no good for this Berlin trip. . . . Well then, what about the Whitley—or the Wellington ? These are the machines for long-range, devastating work. Suppose they are intercepted by night fighters ? Who cares ? Whitleys and Wellingtons are heavily armed, they will cope with the night fighters well enough. (4) shows a map of the objective : railways, gasworks, factories, and a bridge ; (5) the pilots and their observers pore over this map, and what they decide is shown in (6). A stick of bombs dropped in a diagonal run will dispose of three objectives. The other four must be dealt with by another couple of sticks dropped at the correct points in a wide circular sweep. The men who fly have to be as logical as the men who command. The large picture on this page shows a Blenheim bomber. Of its constituent parts (1) is the aft gun turret; (2) is the pilot’s cockpit (the photograph shows the now modified nose, accommodating the bomb-aimer’s position) ; (3) the retractable undercarriage (the wheels tuck up neatly into the engine nacelles); and (4) is the engine with its “ variable-pitch propeller ”—a device by which increased speed of the aircraft is obtained without increasing the engine revolutions beyond a certain maximum.Radiolocation-how an echo TjkT O problem in British scientific research has been more intensively studied than that of the detection and location of enemy aircraft. Long before a plane arrives within the range of even the most powerful field glasses, its position must be known if measures for its destruction are to be successful. When raiding planes approach under cover of night, or screened by cloud, the problem becomes increasingly difficult, and detection by vision has to be abandoned in favour of other methods. For many years past, unceasing efforts have been made to increase the sensitivity of detecting apparatus to a point where accurate knowledge of the approaching aircraft is obtained over the widest possible range. The early types of sound locators (2), while proving invaluable when enemy planes were near but invisible, relied entirely on sounds made by engine exhaust and air- screw. Even the later types, developed to an astonishing degree of sensitivity, were limited in range. Furthermore, some method had to be devised for the detection of aircraft “ gliding ” in, the pilot having shut off his engines at a great height so that he could approach in silence from a con- siderable distance away. Means other than sound have also been successfully applied to this problem, and great advances have been made in many types of apparatus, but the untiring efforts of a number of British scientists resulted in one of the greatest achievements of all time— “ radiolocation.” Radiolocation was born as long ago as 1935. One morning in that year, in a motor van in Kent (3), certain observations were made by Mr. G. Watson Watt (1), who later collected about him the most outstanding electrical engineers of to-day, and developed to a very high degree of efficiency what has proved to be the most effective weapon against the frenzied, indiscriminate Nazi bombing of Britain. Ether waves, filling the sky and entirely unaffected by atmospheric conditions, are echoed back by any solid object in their path (4). In this way the enemy aircraft cannot avoid betraying its presence and its position. Radiolocation is effective and accurate over far greater distances than any previous system. Naturally, a large and complicated system of auxiliary apparatus (5, 6, 7 and 8) is needed to supplement the radiolocator itself, and thousands of thoroughly trained experts, many of them women, maintain day and night this powerful weapon in the defence of Britain. beats the Nazi bombersKilling-and curing (1) These scientists are engaged in the study and analysis of soil from various parts of Britain. In wartime it is clearly of the utmost importance that the best use should be made of the resources of the land. But this side of Britain’s scientific war effort is the reverse of destruction. Efforts are continually being made to improve the quality of Britain’s agricultural produce. The men in this picture may make a discovery about soil and its properties from which everyone will derive great benefit once the Nazis have been crushed and peace-time economy re-established. (2) Hundreds of thousands of men and women “ donors ” cheerfully give their blood for the succour of soldiers wounded in battle, or civilians injured in air raids. Great advances have recently been made in solving the problems of storage. Two years ago, blood could not be stored for long periods without deterioration. Now a significant development has taken place. The blood is converted into “ plasma.” In this picture of the “ Sterile Room ” at the Headquarters of the Army Blood Transfusion Service, bottles of plasma are being assembled for storage. In this form blood can be sent abroad over long distances and stored for long periods. In this form, too, it is ready for use at any instant to save life. The fine work done by British scientists and doctors for the ultimate good of humanity goes on unceasingly. Blood storage will no doubt play a great part in medical science after the war. (3) The grimmer side of science in war. In these test tubes new experimental explosives are being prepared. The men watch them intently, know- ing the danger of even the slightest slip. It was in laboratories like this that the new deadly explosive used in Britain’s latest bombs was developed, and newer, more powerful ones are continually being developed by the best brains in British science. Men like these are directly responsible for the havoc in Nazi centres of industry. But remember, the destruction they cause is the destruction of the bad, the evil; when that is done all science will co-operate to build a better world. (4) A secret process. Who knows what is going on in this formidable array of pipes, valves and retorts ? But you may be sure that somewhere in that complicated apparatus is an unpleasant shock for Hitler. (5) A new industrial lamp is being subjected to a final test in the laboratories where it was devised. British scientists have perfected a tubular fluores- cent “ daylight ” lamp which gives an almost shadowless light, and will save war workers from eye strain. Thus their efficiency will be increased and their health and spirits will be improved. t -start in a test tnbe Mathematics takes the offensive N these pages graphs come to life. Picture (i) shows the path traced by shells fired from various types of gun used in the British Army. Many anti-aircraft guns (D) can fire several miles high. (E) is a special weapon, the mortar, which fires a relatively large shell but has a very short range. It is very light and is a favourite infantry weapon. (F) , the anti-tank gun, is also really an infantry weapon. The speed of the projectile (the muzzle-velocity as it is called) is so great that its trajectory is almost a straight line. High muzzle- velocity is essential if anti-tank shells are to penetrate the tank’s armour plate. Picture (2) shows all the missiles in use from the tiny machine-gun bullet, capable of killing a man, to the colossal armour-piercing shell, capable of sink- ing a battleship. To pick out the position of a particular enemy gun amidst the din of heavy fire, the “ sound-ranging ” system is em- ployed. A number of microphones arranged along the front, pick up sound waves from the unseen gun and record them as lines on a film. The “ interval” between the arrival of sound wave “X” and sound wave “Y” as in the diagram below is applied to a simple geometrical principle. By means of a number of readings the “ sound-ranger ” thus determines the exact location of the enemy gun. The picture at the top of the right-hand page shows the use of bombs. The interesting thing here is that the higher the aeroplane flies the sooner it must release the bomb. Flying at 30,000 feet, for instance, the bomb must be released 2 miles before the objective is reached. But in every case the aeroplane is roughly over, or just past, its objective as the bomb bursts, as indicated by the white silhouettes. Britain’s precision bombing is able to cope with these complicated calculations. The Nazis pin their faith to crude dive- bombing (white dotted line); but dive- bombing can only be done by day. Picture (3) dissects a shell, (a) is the propellant charge—a slow-burning explosive which forces a shell out of a gun without shattering either. (b) is the charge in the shell itself, quick- burning, so as to detonate violently when the clockwork fuse, inside the nose of the shell (c), sets it off. The steel of the shell (d) is brittle, made to splinter easily—very unlike the gun-barrel which has to withstand terrific internal combustion without warping or cracking. SOUND WAVES / SOUNDWAVES A ! luj |!u olj * ,♦ a 1 %V * y B Variations in temperature play a big part in the calculation of British precision bombing. Hot air is much less resistant than cold air, and so in East Africa the R.A.F. had to release their bombs while still a considerable distance short of their objective. When bombing oil tanks in snowbound Norway the bomb must be released some seconds later. A A GERMAN BOMB The fins (A), at the high speeds reached when bombs are dropped from a great height, tend to wobble or flutter, thus making the bombing inaccu- rate ; (B) and (C) illustrate the crude streamlining which makes precision bomb- ing impossible. A BRITISH BOMB Note the ring (A) which welds the fins firmly to- gether, obviating flutter, and the fine streamlining indicated at (B) and (C). Compare this bomb with the drop of rain (shown top right) which as it falls is forced into that shape by air pressure. The British bomb is obviously designed for high-precision bombing. —► .w w m— w r 4 •*- yCreating ^IgFISE men do not use the word “ impossible.” The W imaginative visions of the future we reveal on these two pages may become concrete reality. Indeed, the curious boat (i) is of the present. It is one of the invasion barges used by British and Norwegian troops in their famous raid on the Lofoten Islands. The heavily armoured, square-cut “ nose ” of the barge is run up the beach and then falls forward on a hinge to allow the men and tanks inside to make an easy landing. Maybe the Nazis have barges like this, too. But the British have so far seen nothing of them. . . . The pictures beneath, (2) and (3), show two versions of an idea which would be of enormous value in warfare. (2) is a floating aerodrome, complete with hangars, barracks, and a slipway for flying Britain’s invasion of the Continent. It is known that experimental models of such “ floating platforms ” have actually been made and tested. How do we know that research in this direction has not already gone a long way ? Pictures (4) and (5) illustrate a new use for the submarine. Is it not possible that tiny submarines no more than a few metres long, and wireless controlled, should be sent ahead of a battle fleet, to blast a way through the enemy minefields ? Some of the “ submarines ” would be blown up, of course. But they would be inexpensive toys compared with the seven million-pound battleships whose path they were making safe. The streamlined battleship (6) is a perfectly feasible proposition. Compare it with the actual photograph of a modern high-speed torpedo boat—the difference is merely one of scale. (7) is a gigantic land fort—the logical development of the trend in tank design which makes for even bigger and bigger machines. This Leviathan has aeroplanes which can be catapulted from the roof, and carries inside batteries of guns which can be deployed through hinged doors. The four “ port holes ” in front are loudspeakers either for propaganda purposes or to create such a hideous din that the nerves of the opposing army will be shattered. For remember, noise is a very potent weapon, as the French learnt to their cost when the Nazi dive-bombers screamed down upon them. But one thing is certain. Whenever new devices appear in modern war you may be sure to find them being introduced by the British. The tank was a British invention. Britain’s scientists are working night and day to perfect a new and better means of beating the Nazis. Hitler will get some unpleasant surprises before this is over. boats. (3) is a floating fortress, which could be towed out to any position at sea, there to form either a defensive point d'appui against raiders, or an advance battery of heavy guns, with a secondary armament of anti-aircraft guns, which might act as a spear-head for 'i the future j BH