SPECIMEN OF BRITISH WAR LITERATURE SUPPLIED FOR RECORD PURPOSES ONLY. THE ENEMY is ceaseless in attacking, throughout the world, the conception of life for which the British people and its Allies are fighting. It is important that familiar liberties should not, because of their very familiarity, go undefended. The accompanying brochure issued by the Ministry of Information as part of its presentation of the British case overseas outlines in simple form some of the ideals that animate us in our fight against Nazism. The suggestion has been made that a small quantity of the English edition should be available for use at home by those in a position to influence the ideas of others, particularly those of the young. It is hoped that it will prove useful in young people’s groups and in all circles where the aims and ideals of the coming generation are discussed and moulded. Your co-operation in putting it to such use will he warmly welcomed. 13ial5 'or (o(o ___________________________________________________________ w (382)23178 Wt 34677 20,350 12/40 E & SYALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 11326 1029 f ■: . Y.f U IVERS/^ ( JilL 3 ' M /