EVE little more than forty years ago the occupations open to women could be counted on the fingers. For centuries women have been housekeepers, dressmakers, milliners, governesses, secretaries, nurses, shop assistants, mill-girls and waitresses. The first woman lawyer, however, caused a great sensation; the first woman doctor and the first policewoman almost started a riot. But nowadays women are playing a part in many other spheres of life, and war-time exigencies have brought many women into jobs which were previously only performed by men. This phenomenon has provoked a veritable psychological and social revolution. Technical developments and improvements, by removing or con- siderably reducing all physical effort, have made it possible for 2A.T.S. are in the front line in Britain to-day, operating searchlights and gun-sights. This identification telescope picks up hostile aircraft, giving bearing and angle of sight. 3Two W.R.N.S. training to be Wireless Telegraphists at a Naval Establishment, where Morse is automatically written on tapes at 200 to 300 words a minute. women to enter any and every profession. It is even possible for them to take up occupations from which they were previously barred, because the work was too hard, too dangerous or too unhealthy. Now they are quite at their ease doing these jobs. For all the belligerents without exception, the problem of industrial labour has become infinitely more acute than that of military effectives. It is generally agreed that it requires seven workmen to feed, equip and transport one soldier. When the American troops landed in Northern Ireland, it was said that each combatant brought five tons of material with him. These figures give some idea of the extent of the effort made by the peoples of the United Nations. 4To judge by the effort being made in Great Britain, the people are prepared to make any sacrifices for victory. Women have not only entered factories by the million, but they are taking a direct and increasing share in actual defensive military operations. They are doing so either as volunteers or by compulsion as a result of the law which draws them into the service of the nation as conscripts. This surprising event took place in a country which knew nothing of military conscription, and where individual liberty had achieved a degree unknown in any other region of the world, and each time that the Government increased its compulsory measures, they were unanimously approved by public opinion. In the by-elections which have been held since the declaration of war, the Government has only been defeated by candidates who proposed to go even further as regards the total mobilisation of the energies of the nation; and most of these elections took place at a time when the Allies were suffering severe reverses. What work do these women do in the sea, land and air services ? First and foremost, they carry out jobs which do not necessarily Postwomen are a familiar sight to-day, clearing pillar boxes and delivering letters all over the country. 5require male collaboration. They act as orderlies, messengers, telephonists and secretaries. They work as cooks, bus-conductresses, and postwomen. They have naturally enough taken charge of canteens and shops. They are also playing an increasingly important role in transmission and liaison work. They have become extremely expert as signallers ; they make admirable meteorologists, and they fully appreciate the importance of secret messages. They repair the parachutes made by their comrades in the factories, they take photographs, they work as electricians and they make guns, and an ever-increasing number pilot aircraft from the factories to the airfields. Women have taken the men’s place in laboratories and it is they who handle the wireless sets. It is they, too, who test sparking plugs. And they naturally have an important place in ambulance work. Quite a few have been decorated for acts of exceptional bravery. Alary Begg, whose husband works in an aircraft factory, now sees the trains off at Euston Station. 6mr*9 mr I Irene Wragg is a twenty-one- year-old employee of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and her job is to load the delivery vans zvith supplies sent by rail. Mrs. Winzer and Mrs. Talbot work on a new job for women, cleaning tubes in the smoke box of a “Sandring- ham ” class locomotive, on the London and North Eastern Railway. Women are also trained in the fire services, the police and the organizations created to take care of air-raid victims. They do all these jobs with remarkable courage and professional conscientiousness. After the bombs have fallen during an air-raid, there are injuries to be treated, temporary lodgings to be found for those rendered homeless and who have to be moved and fed, and children to be evacuated. During the night of May 10th, 1941, London had a particularly severe raid. At the place where I was at the time there were 125 casualties. The majority of them were not a pleasing sight. It must have required a great deal of strength of character to approach those mutilated limbs, those gaping heads and torn bodies. The women who were looking after them did so quietly and methodically without any sound or agitation or flurry, and above all without any fuss. Some of them offered their services spontaneously, although 7Most of the London buses now carry women conductresses. Here is one of them checking over the day's schedule with her driver at the depot.This girl, checking an engine, is a maintenance worker in a London Passenger Transport Board garage. She helps to keep the London buses running, by replacing men mechanics who are called-up for military service. it was not part of their job. The following day I found them all back at their normal tasks. Their eyes looked tired and their faces were pale, but not one made any mention of the tragedy of the night before. This tranquil heroism is to be found wherever the women of Britain are calmly and quietly carrying out their civic duties. Discretion does not allow the mention of many figures, but a few are available which make it possible to judge the value of women’s contribution to the defence of endangered liberty. There are 700,000 women engaged on work organized by the Ministry of Health. This includes assisting in evacuation, nursing, maternity work, care of children under five, and of school-children in hostels, work at rest centres, etc. One hundred and twenty-five thousand women are now on the Post Office staff, 2,000 of whom are doing work previously only undertaken by qualified craftsmen. They are now entrusted with the laying of telephone wires, their adjustment, and other mechanical jobs. In the realm of transport there are even more surprising things to 9A volunteer “pick and shovel” gang trench-digging and laying a power cable at a Southern Railway depot. A real man's job—but two women got down to shovelling coal dust on to a railway truck. Mrs. Makins has two children at school and her colleague, Mrs. Morris, is the mother of five grown-up children. r - Women are now being trained to act as ground crews at Bomber and Fighter Stations, thus releasing men for other duties. At this Fighter Station, W.A.A.F.S. are shown refuelling a plane. be seen. There are, it need hardly be said, women station-masters and ticket collectors. The Greater London underground network has one woman for every eight members of the staff. On the railways they act as porters, deal with luggage, and even drive the electric trolleys. They are responsible for the signals and signal boxes, and they clean down the engines. And at the ports there are a number of women dockers to be found. Have you ever painted the underneath of a bridge as it stretches over a river ? I imagine not, but there are women doing it in Britain. All these women are not necessarily working for payment. There is the Women’s Voluntary Service with over a million members. They have all signed on for the duration of the war and their work is absolutely voluntary. The woman who drove me recently was a university woman who had specialized in ethnography. She was donating her time, her car, and her money to war work. 11BEA UTY and the blimps A captive balloon is not very war-like. First and foremost, it is a prisoner, and, to judge by its bad temper and impatience, it finds this very annoying. When on the ground it makes one think of an elephant sorrowfully flapping its ears and sadly meditating on its misfortunes. When in the air it resembles a rickety, anaemic, aero-dynamic archangel awaiting some message from the skies. It is a truly Walt Disney creation. But in spite of its laughable and ridiculous appearance, it is a very formidable defensive weapon. Its harmless and homesick mien is deceptive in the extreme. 12The one I saw was lodged in the middle of a square in a large town. In the midst of debris from a recent raid, children were playing “catch” round it. Its crew was composed entirely of women, all of whom were very young. Not very long ago their pretty hands must still have been playing with toy balloons. It cannot have been very long ago either since they were still engrossed with dolls. The balloon has increased in size, the toy has become this monstrous insect. The care of a captive balloon is not what the uninitiated may think. It is a greedy animal. When it is brought down from the skies, it has to be given its bottle. Tractors, driven by young girls, bring huge cylinders filled with gas. Then it has to be hoisted. The pull on its mooring ropes must be regulated in accordance with the velocity of the wind, the visi- bility and the hygrometric condition of the air. All this requires Britain’s Balloon Barrage defence is one of the toughest jobs that the W.A.A.F. have taken on. This airwoman, helping to bed down a balloon, wears the working aircrew suit ai d boots. 13a considerable amount of dexterity, method, co-ordination and physical strength. The girls carry out all this work with strict military discipline, and it is all done with perfect good humour. They were all radiantly healthy and warmly clad. At night, when it is windy and wet, the temperature falls rapidly, but they are snugly wrapped in waterproof uniforms. They themselves very much resemble miniature captive balloons. Yet feminine coquetry will never give up all its claims. Whether under a cap or a steel helmet, their hair—and this is generally very beautiful in England—is arranged to show the waves to the very best advantage. This W.A.A.F. trainee is learning how to inflate a barrage balloon correctly. 14An outsize ladder is used by the girls to attend to the fins as the balloon is being inflated. The number of members forming a balloon crew is considerable. There are thousands of stations in Great Britain of the same kind. There are 3,500 miles of coastline to be protected, apart from places of vital importance and industrial centres. A fair estimate of the number of men that have thus been freed for combatant jobs can easily be reckoned. I noticed a horse-shoe over the doorway of the main billet. Houses with gaping walls, heaps of rubble on the ground, twisted rails and broken stone pillars showed, however, that the German Air Force has not had very much respect for this innocent faith in the super- stition of a childish luck-bringer. Here we are at Z.S.13. Z.S.13 is the site of an anti-aircraft battery—somewhere in England. The sun is shining on the gentle slopes of the hills, a soft 15breeze is whispering among some of the loveliest trees in the world. The view stretches away to the distant horizon that inspired the brush of Turner. Quick-moving and alert-looking young women with frank and laughing eyes are busily occupied with complicated scientific instruments. They handle them with the ease and dexterity of an experienced optician. They identify enemy aircraft, determine their altitude, and calculate with startling precision their probable course. They pass on this information in clear, musical tones to the firing posts. They do all this very quickly, without the slightest trace of hesitation in their actions, which shows the very advanced degree of their training. W.A.A.F.S. not only have to look after their balloon, but they have to know how to make necessary repairs. mWith the balloons safely tucked away in their hangars for the night, these girl operators march off duty at the end of a day’s intensive training. They wear exactly the same uniform as their men comrades, when they are on duty, but as soon as they are off duty they hurry to change back to their own feminine skirts. One of them asked me, with feigned anxiety : “Don’t you think that we are becoming a little too mannish ?” She was very sure of the reply. She knew very well that there was no question of gallantry conflicting with truth, for she had magnifi- cent eyes, lovely hair and a delightful mouth, and, what was more, she was well aware of this, and was even more aware that no one could long resist her bewitching smile. But as I left them, I could not help wondering about the future of these young things, spending their time in the hubbub of camp life, sleeping in huts, living under the most complete community conditions, freed from all normal restraint. And I thought of my grandmother, a charming and tender wraith: “Where, oh where, grandmamma, are your jars of preserves and your press full of scented linen ?” 17PENELOPE mechanised the c A r is pushing through the country. We are crossing England —proud, placid, devout, morose England. The fog is as opaque as solid concrete. Suddenly, the proud outposts of apoplectic industry rise up : chimney stacks, overhead railways, bridges, docks, cranes and factory after factory. Aircraft are to be seen at every stage of the journey. They pass by, unassembled, on fast-moving lorries. They drone overhead or swoop slowly down on to the landing grounds. It is here that Great Britain, with the aid of the women, is forging her shield. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 18These girl drivers are expected to keep their vehicles in first-class running condition, so thorough training is given in maintenance as well as in driving. 19These women are milling the jacket of a gun, vast numbers of winch are being turned out at this factory. There is something desperate and tyrannical in this war of pro- duction. Men are in the grip of a sullen frenzy and wild passion. They are a prey to the craze for metal and fire. There is no place here for dreaming or fantasy or frivolity. Life is spent in a brutal kind of wild delirium. The manufacture of war material is the star to be culled from the sky. Incandescent ingots steer wild orbits through the spark-filled air. Implacable stamps clasp and smother them. Vats and ladles pour molten metal into moulds as they move by in quivering columns on endless belts. Compressed-air machines set up a shrill yelping. Acetylene blow- pipes spit forth blinding comets of light. Forges, like witches’ cauldrons, illumine the shop with weird lights. Pneumatic hammers stutter sharp moans. Steel and copper shavings cap the machine tools with permanent waves. . . . 20In the very midst of the dust and smoke and diabolical uproar thousands of women are working. Through a slit in the workshop window I suddenly caught sight of a horse standing in the sunshine peacefully cropping bright green grass. At the time of the “Enclosures” sheep were kept at the expense of men. Horse-power is now doing away with the live horse. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This factory, which is producing nothing but guns—and I saw thousands there—consists of nine large parallel shops. Each one is 665 yards long and there are 3,000 women employed. From their raised positions the travelling cranes join the hunt for breech-blocks, ingots, engines, and with punctual and precise Hundreds of thousands of women are working in Army clothing factories, either full-time or part-time, making battle dresses and other equipment for the troops. Armament workers in a big Munitions Factory3 handling lathes expertly.On the left : These aero factory girls are learn- ing to do technical work, previously done by skilled electricians. They are working on electrical wiring of fuselage. gestures, like so many great spiders, they seize on them as they pass and lay them down on the benches with courtly grace. Women are working these machines with careful precision, carrying out their tasks methodically, their faces betraying the strain and concentration. One of them has a few moments’ rest. She immediately begins to knit, to knit for the absent son or distant husband, away somewhere in the Middle East or at sea. Here is another. She is only eighteen years old. She is in sole charge of a machine tool worth £4,000. Her knowledge of machinery was previously limited no doubt to a bicycle or a sewing-machine. Not so long ago she was working in a cinema. And here is another. Her grinder is polishing very complicated- looking pieces of steel. Her head is surrounded by a halo of sparks. She is humming Schubert’s “Song of Love.” Penelope mechanised .... Aero factory girls learn how to dismantle damaged aircraft for salvage of parts. 23MODERN dairymaid the agricultural problem in Great Britain is one of the most curious in Europe, and one of the most complicated. The population of the United Kingdom has increased by nearly seven million since the last war, while the area under cultivation has decreased by several million acres. This was due to the spreading of the towns and the construction of airfields which, more often than not, encroach on to the most fertile soil. Great Britain depended on her neighbours and the British Commonwealth of Nations for a considerable portion of her food supplies. The Axis’ military successes have not made the solution of this problem any easier. 24'kmwm> Joan Arden used to work in a Man- chester solicitor's office, but now she works as a land girl helping her father on his farm at Siointon,Democratic Britain did not shrink from facing these difficulties. Democratic methods in practical application have achieved success, for democracy has crossed the political frontier and entered into the economic sector. We have already seen what has been done in industry. The same kind of thing is being done in agriculture. The Government is elaborating the principles of its agricultural policy in agreement with the associations of landowners, farmers and agricultural labourers. Mixed committees, composed of an equal number of delegates from similar professional groups, are entrusted with the development of these ideas. The results are surprising. The area under cultivation has increased since the war by six million acres. The quantity of corn grown alone has risen by a third, potatoes by 60 per cent., and the whole of Britain’s domestic sugar ration is grown at home. At the present time four million tons of vegetables are produced, whereas in 1938 this figure was only two-and-a-half million tons. And there are three million small private gardens which supply between ten and fifteen million pounds’ worth of vegetables every year. Science has played a big part in these encouraging improvements. Agriculture in Great Britain is to-day the most mechanised in Europe. More tractors are used than in Germany, although a smaller area is under cultivation than in the Reich. Kathleen Leach was a Court dressmaker before the war, but now she handles an 80 h.p. Diesel Caterpillar Tractor at a farm in Hertfordshire. Girls are tackling men’s jobs on the land to-day and making a success of them too. 26Two members of the Women's Land Army at work in the barn of a Hertfordshire farm. No mistake, however, must be made about the importance and effect of the introduction into agriculture of scientific processes ; biological selection, cold and vacuum storage, artificial fertilisation, drainage and irrigation, the struggle to overcome the effects of hail, frost, pests and diseases—all these can, to a considerable degree, lessen the rigours of Nature. But in agriculture machinery does not play nearly as important a part as in industry. For the latter it helps enormously to increase the output of goods for the market. This is not the case with agriculture. A machine can carry out certain work better and more quickly than can be done by hand, but the laws of germination and growth are immutable. Man has not yet succeeded in speeding up the rhythm. The agricultural problem, therefore, still remains everywhere a problem of manual labour. No solution could have been reached here without the collaboration of women. It is to a large degree the fine army of land girls that has made it possible to win the battle of supplies in the British Isles. Farmers were at first a little afraid to employ land girls—many on account of their crops and no doubt a few on account of their hearts ! 27On the left : Two new recruits to the Women’s Land Army naking friends with young calves at the Institute of Agriculture, at Usk in Monmouthshire. This girl was a former art student and has been in the Land Army for 18 months. She has just started sheep shearing and here she is rounding up her flock ready for the shears. A member of the House of Commons tried, however, to convince them by recalling that after all, from the beginning Eve had shown a great interest in the cultivation of fruit. He did not emphasise, it is true, the regrettable consequences of this first experiment, regrettable for the male sex and for humanity as a whole. I have seen these women at work on the delightful farms of Kent, where the barns are thatched, romantic-looking barns, so cool in summer and so warm in winter. There are women of all types and ages among these land girls, though they are generally somewhere between 17 and 40, and all are volunteers. None of those to whom I have spoken had been connected in any way whatever with rural life before. They had previously been mannequins, manicurists, chorus girls, shop assistants, etc. I have never before been so struck by joy of living, suppleness of gait, vivacity and moral balance. They look gracefully gay in their riding breeches, and they are happy. The majority of them have only one desire : to continue their work on the farms after the war. Their health is excellent; their food is more varied and more abundant than in the towns. They have a variety of jobs to do, of far less monotonous character than in the factories—and out in the open air. Agricultural work has certainly very little of the mysterious about it, but it is work which demands a great deal of judgment and a great store of experience. The countryman must in turn be zoologist, botanist, biologist, chemist, meteorologist, and even a mechanic. He has no control over cold or rain, thunder or storms, or drought. 29--'k ' ■ - H Here is a farm with 125,000 fruit trees. They have to be pruned. Which branch should be cut ? Or should it be split ? When should it be done ? How many times must the arms be lifted to pick the fruit ? Millions of times ! Nature does not reveal her secrets to impatient people. Here is another farm. There are 10,000 birds here. For us, the townspeople, one pullet looks much like another. Yet the awkward movements of this one disclose a hidden tumour ; another has a contagious disease which may well affect the whole poultry run. Fifty thousand tomato plants. To “nip” tomatoes appears to be the simplest operation in the world. Have you ever tried systematic- ally to correct the prodigality of Nature ? All this work, in which personal intuition plays such a big part, is done by the land girls. They manage it all, to the great astonish- ment of their employers, who received them at the beginning with a certain amount of scepticism. 30They do many other jobs too, and many harder ones. They thresh the corn by machine. They work the cutting and binding machines. They drive the tractors which draw heavy, five-pronged ploughs ; the furrows have to be straight, but great mounds of earth slyly turn the machine off its course. They carry heavy trusses of fodder in great armfuls. They saw up the trees and steep them in sulphate. They handle lead acetate and nicotine. They keep watch over the incubators, from which thousands of little chicks will swarm, and these will later supply the tables of the city dwellers who know nothing of the hard work of the fields. They make careful selection of the potatoes. With sure, unhesitating movements they place the aluminium identity discs between the wing bones of the little chicks without causing them a single squeak of pain. If, in this heroic isle, besieged now for over three years, we are not going hungry, this is due in no small part to these happy land girls. Twelve girls are employed on the London County Council Horton, Surrey, farm, and are making a great success of their work. Here are some of the girls giving a 2-weeks-old lamb a meal from a feeding bottle. 31WHEN tlie girl* come home what do these women think about as they tackle their jobs ? People who are not familiar with the average worker are too ready to imagine that the pay packet is their main thought. This is quite wrong. During the first three months of the war, employers in Great Britain carried out an inquiry among their staffs, covering tens of thousands of individuals. It was an endeavour to trace causes of worry or discontent among workpeople. The result was most surprising; the black-out was the most frequent cause of a some- what troubled state of mind. The question of pay, if my memory is correct, held sixth or seventh place among the reasons for anxiety. The food question, difficulties of transport, conditions of work, and also the reasons and causes of the war, and preparation for the 32A little Yorkshire village claims to be the only one to have an “ AU-Girls ” fire squad. Betty Banks, a 22-year-old railway clerk, started it and the squad call them- selves the Women's Voluntary Fire Service. The “Ack-Ack" girls who go into action against night raiders. Here are some of the girls in the London Area at work on their height-finder on a gun site. Theirs is dangerous and responsible work. 33In the Regional Control Room at a London Fire Station, Fireman Manuel is shown locating on the mobilization board, while W.N.F.S. keep in touch zoith sub-stations. future, came well before the question of remuneration, which is so often held to be the strongest motive-power for mankind. I have been able to prove by personal contact and questions how true are these observations, collated during the first three months of the war. As far as wages are concerned, exceptional cases are often cited which might lead people to believe that these were reaching astronomical figures. This, too, is quite wrong. It is true, however, that a number of women and young people who had not been earning money before, are doing so now. I happened one day, during an air-raid alert, to be in a factory canteen. Between six and seven hundred women had just finished 34their meal. A talkie apparatus was showing films of current events and cartoons on a screen decorated at the top with the flags of the United Nations. There was not the slightest trace of emotion. The audience was far more interested in Walt Disney’s animated figures than in the sirens. Only the spotters left the room to go up on the roofs in order to give the warning for the factory to be cleared should the danger become imminent—and this would take only two minutes to do. Such calm courage is clearly a special characteristic of the British race. But I noticed another thing ; the woman who works is constantly on the defensive against any suggestion of an ant-like existence. While her men colleagues fit up a trailer pump, an N.F.S. girl picks her way through the debris. Women are now co- operating zuith the men in fire-fighting.She tries by every possible means to prevent her own personality becoming flattened by the compressor roller, shaping mass-production models in manufacture and in life. The women in the factories have well-cared-for hands and hair, and they wear, whenever possible, pretty shoes. They have not given up their necklaces, nor their bracelets, nor their lipsticks. Most of them wear the regimental badges of their husbands, sons, or fiances, on their overalls. Some of them even wear several . . . “Safety in numbers !” The ways of the feminine heart are so impenetrable. Moralists may rail against such coquetry. Personally, I am grateful to these women for such innocent and gallant retaliation to the ugliness of war. And when in a canteen for women making war-weapons I see a piano, a gramophone or a radio set, I am glad that these young music-lovers are not deprived of their sharps and flats. These are fortunately not as yet among the things which Lord Woolton has rationed. When questioned about the future, or about their personal plans, they show two strongly-opposed sets of ideas. Some, especially those subjected to the very strict military discipline of camp life, are homesick for their dishes, their mending and their cradles. Others, however, those in the factories—and they are by far the most numerous—wish to continue along the course they have chosen. Yet these young women are not only concerned with their own personal fate, which would be reasonable enough, but are also anxious about the future of their country and that of the world. If I had to summarize in a word the predominant state of mind among them, I should say: “Impatient confidence.” They know that we will win the war. They are the more certain of this because they are manufacturing the instruments of our victory, but they get impatient because it does not come quickly enough. And this impatience increases with the growing quantity of war material they are producing. All over the country members of the Civil Nursing Reserve are doing valuable work in shelters, rest centres, hospitals. 36The Officers’ Kit Replacement Society is kept busy supplying clothes of every description to officers who have lost their outfits through enemy action. A young New Zealander, attached to the Fleet Air Arm, receives tropical kit from Mrs. Matthews, of the W.V.S. Mrs. Mary Couchman is a 24-year-old warden in a small Kentish town. This picture was taken during an actual raid, when this brave woman crouched over three frightened children caught in the street, to protect them from bomb splinters with her own body. The feminine element, far more than the male, has undergone a far-reaching professional change in Great Britain. If the women wish to remain in the factories after the war, these factories will first have to transform their present production into one suited to peace- time. But that will not be enough. They will also have to find outlets for the stocks which will mount at an incredible rate, for the tools have reached gigantic proportions. In this connection I have found the industrialists far more optimistic than the workers. The manager of one of the firms which had previously been manufacturing the luxurious sleeper restaurant- cars that make people begin to dream as they see them glide lightly and rapidly over the rails of the continental network, told me that it had only taken him sixty days, from the production in the drawing- office of the plans to the completion in the factory of the tank engines 38which he is now making. I asked him how long it would take him to reverse the change-over. With the full agreement of the technical experts standing nearby, he told me—“Just one week.” This optimism is not an isolated case, it is general. It is clearly and generally understood that the world re- construction of to-morrow cannot be achieved without a profound economic and social transformation. Private interests, in countries such as England, are giving way more and more to those of the community. There is no longer room for privileges and class interests. The latter are certainly opposed to this tendency towards a form of society which must register the death certificate of its predecessor. There is, however, a growing movement towards production for the satisfaction of definite needs, and not only for profit. The workers, imbued with a longing and love for democracy, feel that the trade unions to which they belong are playing a decisive and historic role in this evolution. More and more in the future of Great Britain, women will play the role which they deserve, and they will play it well. Britain, defending her freedom, has contracted an immense debt of gratitude to the women. And so have we all. BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES An Agency of the British Government. New York Washington, D.C. Chicago San Francisco 30, Rockefeller Plaza 1,317, F. Street 360, North Michigan Avenue 260, California Street Circle 6-5100 Republic 5393 Andover 1733 Sutter 6634 39YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 326 1052 3 9002 A Women’s Royal Naval Service dispatch rider carries an urgent message to an Officer of a destroyer, ii'hich has just returned to port after patrol duties. E. O. 2. (Am.)