I / ■ worship in diverse ways, as they speak in divers
|	I tongues. It is natural for them to conceive of

X ▼	;M. God according to their own interpretation of

His will

The great monotheistic faiths of Islam and Christianity have
a common origin. They are rooted in an identical soil—that of
the desert. To this day, “ the Arabian creed ” is the accepted
name for the theological basis of the worship of One God.

The worship of God is an expression of man’s reverence for the
things of the spirit. In one sense, it is expressed in poetry, in
music, in design, in the virtues of loyalty, of righteousness, and
of devotion to an ideal. It is, in its essence, that which makes
for progress in the world, all that raises mankind from barbarism.
It receives its highest expression in Islam and Christianity.

Shall mankind lightly forsake the great uplifting force which
these mighty faiths have brought into the world ? Shall a
thousand years of adventurous spiri tual progress be swept aside ?

Islam is a mighty unifying force. It has preached great
virtues which teach men how to live and how to die. Its
inspirations have moved kings, established empires and uplifted
poets; they have given cunning to the hands of generations of
inimitable craftsmen ; they have set up traditions of freedom
and independence, wisdom and truth and beauty.

A fearful threat now rises to Islam, to all that Islam stands
for, to all that Islam has given to the world, as also to
Christianity and all that Christianity stands for! It is the
threat of Nazi domination. For it is these very things of thespirit, the changeless, important, intangible things, which Hitler
has set himself to denounce and destroy.

Hitler’s world would be a world built upon hatred and force,
upon conquest, slavery and exploitation. Force and hatred,
conquest and slavery are exalted in Germany, to-day. They
are exalted in as German attributes of superiority over every
other race on earth. “ The racial idea must dominate ” says
the Nazi philosopher Rosenberg,	religion, politics, law,

art, education, sociology must all serve this idea.” “ We do not
need priests we have become our own priests ” said Julius
Streicher, Nazi, editor, standing before an immense congregation
gathered upon a mountain which Hitler had declared “sacred.”

How has German ability ever been demonstrated ? Only,
alas, in its powers of destruction; war, rapine, and the
enslavement of weaker peoples. The German is still a barbarian
—a savage, armed with the terrifying powers which modern
science and progress have made available. Although the German
race has produced great men, their very memories are insulted
in the Germany of to-day. Music, poetry and literature written
by Germans in the past have been proscribed because a present-
day governing clique of madmen think to alter history itself
merely by obliterating its timeless records !

Islam stands firm against this madness of spiritual, moral
and religious bankruptcy. The nations nurtured on Islamic
teaching, peoples into the fabric of whose whole concept of
life, throughout the centuries, Islam has woven its golden
threads, are at one with the great Christian democracies in
their abhorrence of the new doctrines of the Nazis.Islam and Christianity, both, reject the godless world of
Hitler’s imagining. In that world, Adolf Hitler is elevated as
God on earth. These are the words of the official “ Letter of
Instruction ” for school teachers, Hitler Youth and Nazi Storm-
Troopers “Adolf Hitler, to thee alone we are bound we
believe in Adolf Hitler alone.” Against devout congregations
in his own land, as against worshippers in the countries his
hordes have ravaged, the Nazi bully has sought by outrage and
desecration to overturn the altars of the godly.

Muslim and Christian alike are committed to defend them-
selves against this spirit of evil unhappily let loose in the world
to-day. The overwhelming majority of the world of Islam is
to-day opposed to Hitlerism. Legions of the Faithful fight on
every front against the Nazi menace, in comradeship-of-arms
with their Christian allies.

This is the union of God-fearing peoples which will defeat
and destroy Hitlerism! This is the great uprising, of those
who know God against those who deny Him! Forward,
then, the armies of righteousness—let none doubt the triumph
of right over wrong, of freedom over slavery—let all men of
goodwill, of every faith and creed, join their prayers
with those of the embattled Allies fighting
for the liberation of the world.


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