si mm ^ .. 1111:11 Si 1 : ■■■ 1: 1 lliill IlliillllilSI 1111 . Ill 1; ", ■Illlllllll ■ ' . li; ■■"■'liii 1; S,1<:1'1:' 1 Mo ■ ' lH:.o 1 ■' 1:1 '-.,:'11'1 I'll "■ ■' . :. MM Ml .. ;■,r;V:i rl'l ill :.:;:'lll.l-::l" ' 1: ■ lllll'' ' 1MM"! Ivlilll "1 I "■■"i:'i'i. ■"'.,i '-',i iiiiii'ipi ' : : ■ - '1 11 \ ' ' ; 1 ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ . • ' '•. j,. • ' -' ' - . , • . - • . ., • ■ . -'• : ' M-M- ,. ■: 1 1 Mi. . s V ». 1 •■ • Ml '• •?'•'•-> i- . (- r1'< 1 > M M >'lK ■ ■ • • • , • ' ■ ■ ' v ... . . : V'?>< 1. /V 0"\'.,V'l ?•* V-.. *.•< - - ■ , \ 1 ' ■ '• 1 ■■ 4 . . ■ 1 •. ■ 1 : ■ i- . 1 ■ • ' • ; «. • ■, 1 * x , > * - - . r v , • 1 • •' 1 • ^ 1 • •. ; • ''-1; ..1:' \ 1 • . , * 1• * * v ' \ - • > * ;* •'fc ' 1 - \ ' , , - .. • il: v •■■.... • ' ' • ' v ' • • . . ' •. o'Oo-: - ' v I'l'•■'■■■' 1 1 . ,v ol Iv' -1' •; 1111 111 l, -.v 1 1 11%.- 11" ■■. o 1 1V-' ■■ -; : -; ■',- -v. '■ 1 , ■ ' .1 ' ' v . ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 • •- ' . M '■ V-t : • • ■ '1 . • •• •• • " , 1 • . ; . ifc M «■ ■ fi> «• • •»- *«• i i ii|^ I»N »*■ ••"'t' fflJfri* j >• ;-4' ', •fi'ifa, 11^4% EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS OE THE ROYAL BURGH OF STIRLING. A.D. 1519-166«. EXTRACTS FROM THE BECOEDS OF THE ROYAL BURGH OF STIRLING. A.D. 1519-1666. WITH APPENDIX, A.D. 1295-1666. GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE GLASGOW STIRLINGSHIRE AND M)NS OF THE ROCK SOCIETY. MDCCCLXXXVII. PREFACE. The Glasgow Stirlingshire and Sons of the Rock Society was constituted for several purposes, one of them being the investigation and publication of matter illustrative of local history. The Society, however, has hitherto done no work of this kind, but the recent issue by the Town Council of their volume of Charters,1 has afforded it an opportunity of supplementing that publication by a volume containing selections from the earlier records of the Burgh. That there might be no diversion of funds from charitable purposes, a special subscription list was organized, and other requisite arrangements made, by Sir Michael Connal and Mr. J. Guthrie Smith, for having the work proceeded with, and the present volume is thus published without cost or risk to the Societ}r. When the Charters were published it was not known that the Council Records, with the exception of a few detatched portions in loose leaves, had been preserved of a date anterior to 1597. Happily, however, Mr. Galbraith, Town-Clerk, who has readily undertaken much trouble in looking out and supplying such books and papers as were required and could be found, was able to produce no fewer than four complete records of an earlier date. The first of these, which commences in 1519, has been deprived of its cover and a few leaves, and throughout the volumes portions are occasionally indecipherable on account of mutilation or the action of damp, but as a general rule they are in excellent preservation and perfectly legible. Gratifying as the possession of these four volumes is, it is not altogether hopeless to expect that more of the rich series which was in existence in 15522 may yet be secured. If the six missing volumes, embracing the periods 1 " Charters and other Documents relating to the Burgh of Stirling, a.d. 11"24-170.">." Printed for the Provost, Magistrates, and Council, of Stirling, 1SS4. 2 See list of " commoun bukis " delivered up by the clerk on 5th July, 1552; p. GO. 11 PREFACE. 1444-1519 and 1537-44, have not been destroyed (and looking to the anxious care which the Town Council seems always to have manifested for the proper preservation of their records,1 there is reason to suppose that the books have only been mislaid), they are probably in as good condition and as legible as the other two volumes from which they have parted company. Such of the books as are now known to exist are properly arranged on the shelves of the Record Room; but, till every receptacle in the town's archives is systematically searched, and all books and papers there, embracing the accumulations of at least four centuries, are examined, the ultimate recovery of the lost records need not be despaired of. The four volumes just alluded to had previously escaped observation, simply on account of their having been misplaced or incorrectly labelled. With the limited space at command, and having in view the desirability of covering as extended a period as possible, the selections could not be made to exhaust everything of interest and local significance contained in the originals. Many of the extracts are rather suggestive of further research, not only in the Council Registers themselves, but also elsewhere.2 Subject, however, to such necessary curtailment, an attempt has been made to allow nothing of special importance to be passed without some notice, and what is given will, at least, serve as a key to anything else in the record bearing on the subject. Subsequent to the year 1666, when this volume closes, the records are continuous, and appear to be well worth the consideration of those who study the history of Stirling. 1 See pp. 15, GO, 153-5, 1SS, 190-3. 2 The acts of the Scottish Parliament, the Records of the Convention of Royal Burghs, which are printed down to the year 1738, the publications of state records and documents issued from the General Register House, and other well-known works, are now easily accessible to the public, and will not be neglected by investigators of local history. A knowledge of ancient penmanship is required of those consulting the original records, but it may be mentioned that the Town-Clerk has in his custody two volumes of modern transcripts, 1597-1615, made by his depute, the late Mr. R. M. Walker. PREFACE. iii A few fragments of old protocol books, which were also recently discovered, have been examined, and abstracts of some of the contents bearing principally on family history, are given in Appendix No. I. In Nos. IV., V., and VI., the tabulated form has been adopted as the most convenient way of giving a mass of statistical information in regard to the town's revenues, and the prices of provisions and produce. As in the publications of the Burgh Records Society, the abbreviations, which abound in ancient writings, have been avoided, and all words printed in full; and, still further to facilitate the perusal of the book, the letter "u" has been substituted for " v," "i" for "j," and vice versa, in cases where the change is required in pronunciation. Thus the written word " vse " is printed "use," "giue" is printed "give," " Maiestie" is printed "Majestic," and " tliaj " "thai." The final letter in such words as "burght," "furtht," &c., has also been usually omitted. But, apart from such deviations, the original spelling, which, it will be observed, especially in the earlier extracts, is extremely variable, has been carefully adhered to. Parts of the record indecipherable, and omissions, have been supplied by words placed within square brackets, a form of distinction also adopted where, for the sake of brevity, the substance, and not the ipsissima verba, of the original is given. Even those moderately well acquainted with modern Scottish phraseology will occasionally be puzzled by the occurrence in the book of words now obsolete, or disguised in antique orthography. With the view of meeting such difficulties a glossary, containing short interpretations of the more unusual expressions, lias been appended. Although compressed as much as possible, considerable space has been taken up with the Table of Contents and Index. These, it is hoped, will prove both reliable and serviceable lo all who have occasion to consult the volume. R. REN WICK. (!lascu\v, 17^/' January, 1ss7. TABLE OF CONTENTS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Note.—Except when otherwise stated in the Table, the extracts are taken from the follow¬ ing sources:— I.—Burgh Court Books, containing proceedings both of the court and town council :—• (1) From December 1519 to 4th April 1530. (2) ,, 0th December 1544 to 26th February 1549-50. (3) ,, 24th July 1554 to 18th June 1557. (4) ,, 1st April 1560 to 28tli January 1565-6. II. — Council Records:— (1) From October 1597 to 19th April 1619. (2) ,, 3rd May 1619 to 13th December 1658. (3) ,, 3rd January 1659 to 18th September 1703. page 1519—Dec. 5.—Burgh court held; offer for piece of land, 1 1519-20—Jan. 16.—Price of wheat and malt; common seal granted to a chaplain in a process; privileges of tailor craft; water of Forth set: swine not to be at large, 1 Jan. 20.-—Admission of burgesses, - -------- 2 Jan. 24.—Appraisement of gear, --------- 2 Feb. 13.—Admission to freedom of the guild; parish clerk and keeper of clock; freedom of burgesry and guild, -------- 2 Feb. 26.—Countess of Cassillis curator to James Gryme; hucksters buying fish, 3 Mar. 12.—Privileges of smith craft, -------- 3 1520—April 16.—Head court held; price of wheat; a leper; hucksters buying fisli, capons, corn, hay, Ac.; time of selling in market; forfeiture of house for an annual, --------- 3 July 16.—Price of ale ; contract of marriage, - ------ 4 Sept. 3.—Revenues of fair set; service in the choir, ----- 4 Oct. 1.—Head court held; provost, baillies, and office-bearers elected; thieves, resetters, and flyters ; diseased horse ; lepers ; statutes ratified, - - 5 Nov. 5.—Let of booths; offers for burgh mail and other common good; house to be inspected; making of a chalice ; annuals of Rood altar, - - 6 Nov. 9.—Customs, maills, and other common good set; burgess admitted, - 6 Nov. 12.—Water of Forth set; breaking of an orchard, - 7 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1520. PAGE 1520—Nov. 26.—Reg-rater fined; a widow free of stallage dues; admission to guild, 7 1520-1—Jan. 14.—-Annuals payable to Friars Preachers, - - - - 7 Jan. 17.—Keeping of the clock ; annual to abbey of Cambuskenneth; service in parish kirk, ----------- 8 Feb. 28.—Household gear belonging to Duncan Lyntoun's children, - - 8 1521—April 8.—Freight of boat to Leitli; question as to a pot; swine to be kept in band ; building of yard dikes, ------ 9 April 12.—Division of goods and gear, -------- 9 April 21.—Fish not to be bought by hucksters till twelve noon, 9 May 6. — Tenement renounced to a servant of Queen; action by vicar and parish clerk, - - - - - - - - - - - 10 July 20.—Persons fined for disturbances; lawburrows, - - - - - 10 July 29.—Burgh court held ; question as to pair of clogs, - - - - 11 Aug. 9.-—Keeping of clock of Rood kirk, - - - - - - 11 Aug. 10.-—Obligation for payment of grain rent and kain cheese, - - - 11 Sept. 30.—Protests by Black Friars and by chaplains ; a bailie's fee ; proclama¬ tion as to selling ale ; new council and deacons, - - - - - 12 Oct. 4.—Dean of guild and treasurer chosen ; valuation of gear, - - - 12 Oct. 14.—Suffrage done for souls of lord Elpliinston and his father, - - 13 1521-2—Feb. 3.—Priests meat and weekly penny payable by smiths, - - 13 Feb. 14.—Annuals payable to Holy blood fraternity; apprentice to skinner craft, 13 Feb. 17.—Hammermen and sheet makers; proof as to a lair, - - - - 14 Mar. 3.—Mails of Justinflet lands since Field of Flodden; craft of hammermen, 14 Mar. 17.—Maltmen ; uphold of divine service at St. Matthew's altar, - - 15 1522—April 28.-—Regulations as to fleshers, - - - - - -15 May 5. — Craftsmen; keeping of town's evidents; tax of £93 paid out of fore-mail of burgh lands, - - - - - - - - - 15 June 17.—Masses to be said before patron saint of the websters, - - - 16 June 30.—Bailies not trying cases of slander, - - - - - - 16 Oct. 6. —Land burgesses unlawed; questions referred to sub-dean of chapel royal, 16 Oct. 10.—Laird of Keir's boat, - - - - - - - . - 16 Oct. 27.—Prices of candle and flesh ; spoiled flesh ; killing places ; clothes not to be washed at town burn, - - - - - - . - 17 Nov. 17.—A cow and sow common fence breakers, - - - - - 17 Dec. 19.-—Cobles at the "bailies" or jetties on water of Forth, - - - 17 1522-3—Feb. 23.— Master of grammar school to be supported in a plea, - 17 Mar. 16.—Delivery of heirship goods. - - - - - . . - 17 1523.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix PACE 1523—April 27.—Timber supplied for the choir of the church, - - - 18 July 6.—Unfulfilled condition in sale of a sow, ------ 18 1523-d—Feb. 15.—-Disturbance of neighbours; dikes between neighbours'pro¬ perties, - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 1524—April 4.—A chaplain admitted burgess and guild; annuals of St. Laurence's altar, - - - - - - - - - - 18 April 18—Land granted to the Grey Friars, - - - - - -19 May 2.—A tailor fined for infringing on the furrier craft, - - - -19 May 7.—Chaplains of the Holy Blood and Rood altars, - - - - - 19 Sept. 5.—Staigs and revenues of the fair, - - - - - - - 19 Oct. 23.—Regulations as to dean of guild, ------- 20 Oct. 31.—Fines for disturbance and assault, ------- 20 Nov. 21.—Grindstone to be supplied ; proof as to a sword, - - - - 20 1524-5—Jan. 21.—Acquittal for slaying a sow, - - - - - - 21 Mar. 3.—Chaplain appointed to St. Ninian's altar; grant of next vacant altarage, 21 1525—Mar. 31.—Violent language to a chaplain, ------ 21 April 12.—Agreement as to building of a house and gavil, - - - - 21 April 24.—Conviction for horse stealing; cake bakers, - - - - - 22 May 8.—Proclamation as to forfeiture of a tenement, - - - - - 22 May 11.—Chaplain appointed to St. Ninian's altar, - - - - - 23 July 3.—Tailor craftsmen not to use freedom of guildry,- - - - - 23 Oct. 2.—Signet of gold ; pensions to chaplains, ------ 23 Oct. G.—Council to advise anent St. Katlierine's altar, - - - - - 23 Oct. 16.—Justiciary court held ; sentence of beheading passed, - - - 24 Oct. 21.—Thieves sentenced to be hanged, ------- 24 Oct. 23.—Prices of oats and hay; hucksters buying oats, - - - -24 Nov. 3.—Names of cake bakers; prices, - - - - - - - 25 Nov. 21.-—Swine at the Borowman meadow, ------- 25 1525-6—Jan. 29.—A sow claimed, -------- 25 Feb. 8—Sow produced in court; proof of ownership, - - - - - 25 Mar. 5.—Dues for breaking salmon ; delivery of a belt and ring, - - - 25 1526—April 9.—Trial for slaughter, - - - - - - - - 26 April 13.—Punishment for impertinent language; breaking statutes anent ale, 26 April 23.—Bakers to be punished for town wanting bread, - - - - 26 May 28.—Trees cut in a yard, . .. - - - - - - - 26 July 16.—Prices of wheat and malt; statutes as to selling flesh and fish, - 27 July 30.—Promise of a payment to maltmen and their altar, - - - - 27 b X TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1526. PAGE Aug. 27.—Son, in elder brother's absence, entering to father's freedom; altar of St. Michael, ----------- 27 Oct. 1.—Hucksters not to buy goods coming to burgh; merchants not to buy calf skins, ------------28 Oct. 15.—Statutes as to baxters, maltmen, and candlemakers, - - - - 28 Nov. 19.—Craftsmen of baxters to obey deacon; protest by a minor against prejudice, ------------ 28 1526-7—Jan. 14.—Bread to be weighed by a bailie and the deacon, - - 29 Jan. 28. — Stent for expenses connected with expedition to England, - - 29 Mar. 1.—Burgess admitted with permission of non-residence, - - - - 29 1527—June 3—Deathbed statement of Gilbert Johensoun, - - - - 29 July 15.—Dispute as to buying sheep ; accusation of slander, - - - - 30 July 23.—Robert Dowgal put in the stocks, ------- 30 Oct. 6.—Statutes as to markets, meal, flesh, salmon, and hides, - - - 30 Nov. 8.—Grass niaill to be paid for occupation of more than two soumes, - 31 Dec. 9—Inquiry as to cause of David Wilson's death, - - - - - 31 1527-8.—Feb. 3.— Conviction for theft and breaking into booths, - - - 31 Mar. 30.—Court to be held by Queen's bailie; notary in transfers of burgh lands, ------------ 32 1528—July 27.—Purchase of a horse, - - - - - - - - 32 Aug. 7.—Croft belonging to St. Laurence's altar; arrestment of corns thereon, 32 Oct. 5.—Lepers; measures to be tested ; flesh to be sold in Backraw; statutes for fleshers, - - - - - - - - - - - 33 Oct. 19.—Robyne Cunyngham appointed common clerk, - - - - - 33 Nov. 13.—Sir William Litstar, chaplain, appointed common clerk ; sentence of banishment, - - - - - - - - - - - 33 1528-9—Jan. 18.—Lepers; danger of fire, ------- 34 Feb. 25.—Treasurer's accounts presented; King's writing to be put to execution, 34 1529—Aprils.—Two priests found to be lepers, ------ 34 April 13.—Conviction for slaughter, -------- 34 June 21.—Sureties for hucksters keeping the statutes; regulations for hucksters, 34 Aug. 26.—Agreement between the town and John Kowtis, mason, - - - 35 Sept. 3.—Fleshers allowed to bait a bull on St. Cuthbert's day, - - - 37 Oct. 4.—Lepers ; land fleshers to sell in Backraw ; spoiled flesh not to be sold ; middings to be removed; payment by a burgess for using merchandise ; place of wheat market, - - - - - ■ - . - 37 Oct. 8.-—Place of wheat market; keeping of the bridge, - - - . - 38 1520.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE Oct. 21.—Master mason and common clerk admitted burgesses; services to Rood work, ----------- 33 1529-30—Jan. 17.—-Earl of Argyle admitted burgess ; three lepers, - - 38 Feb. 21.—Act as to parish clerkship, - - - - - - - 39 1530—April 9.—Altarage of the Trinity given to canon of King's chapel, - 39 1544—5—Jan. 19.—Leper to be kept solitary, ------- 39 Feb. 16.—A woman punished for slander, ------- 39 Feb. 25. — Supply of bread to the Queen, ------- 39 1545—April 14.—Regulations as to poor in time of pest; breaking the Craigs, 40 April 17.—Punishment for assault and slander, ------ 40 June 19.—Punishment for assault; thief banished and his ears nailed to trone, 40 July 30.—Punishment for slander, -------- 40 Aug. 5.—Five persons banished for leaving town contrary to proclamation, - 41 Oct. 5.—Swine not to be at large ; setting out lights, - - - - - 41 Oct. 16. — Four craftsmen to be 011 council : one made fourth bailie; tines for absence from council meetings, - - - - - - - - 41 Nov. 3—Contribution for support of the Borders against the English, - - 42 1546—May 28.—Sale of a lair in the kirk, ------- 42 July 12.—Bread furnished to the Queen ; thief threatened with drowning, - 42 July 30.—Justiciary court; conviction for murder, - - - - - 42 Aug. 13.—Punishment of female slanderers ; " claspis and calvill," - - - 43 Sept. 2.—Persons allowed to pass to Renfrew for herring, - - - - 43 Sept. 15.— Coals furnished to the Queen, ------- 44 Sept. 24.—Causes concerning common weal not to be disposed of without councils consent, - - - - - - - - - - 44 Oct. 13.—Thirteen members of council chosen ; their duties, - - - 44 Oct. 29.—A person accused of bringing infection to the town, - - - 44 Dec. 2.—Persons suspected of bringing infection from Leith and Edinburgh, - 45 Dec. 17.—A thief to be scourged and banished and his ear nailed to the tron, - 45 1546-7—Jan. 8.—Renewal and repair of clock, horolege, Ac., - - - - 45 Jan. 24.—Complaint against collector of custom ; custom 011 victual, - - 46 Feb. 21.— Coals to be furnished to Queen dowager, - - - - - 46 Feb. 28.—Debts owing by Queen or noblemen; silver challenged by Queen and ambassador's servants, - - - - - - - - - 47 Mar 17.—Prices of wines, ---------- 47 Mar. 21.—Agreement between skinners and bonnetmakers, - - - - 47 1547—April 1.—Woman lined for disturbance and assault, - - - 47 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1547. PAGE April 18.—Slander; seizure of unfreemen's tools; thief banished and cheek burned, ------------47 April 28.—Slanderers and disturbers punished; hanging in a "creile;" the bell, 48 June 6.—An unfreeman to desist from using tailor craft, - - - - 48 June 10.—Queen dowager's hat held in pledge, ------ 48 Aug. 26.—Proclamation for assembly of army at Fala Muir, - - - - 49 Oct. 26.—Stengthening and building town walls, - - - 50 Nov. 7.—Shoeing horses in a narrow passage to be discontinued, - - - 50 1547-8—Feb. 21.—Justiciary court; indictment of an Englishman, - 50 Feb. 24.—Strengthening town for defence against the English,' - - - 51 Feb. 28.—Payment for wheat supplied to support the town's labourers when constructing works for resisting the English, - - - - - 51 Mar. 19.—Privileges of websters ; condition of a tenement and workhouse, - 51 1548—April 7.—Consent to contribute towards price of artillery, - - - 52 April 13.—Offer to build a wind mill, -------- 52 April 24.—Payment for work performed by clockmaker, - - - - 52 May 22.—Agreement with a flesher to supply an ambassador, - - - 52 Aug. 31.—Horse stealer to be hanged; pestilence; deserters to return to town, 53 Nov. 3.—Danger of spreading infection, ------- 53 Nov. 9.—Slaying the Queen's deer, -------- 53 Dec. 3.—Keeping of the clock ; compensation for loss of customs, - - - 53 Dec. 30.—Statute as to selling ale, -------- 54 1548-9—-Feb. 18.—Fishings in the Forth claimed by the Blackfriars, - - 54 Mar. 8.—Weekly pennies payable by maltmen, ------ 54 1549—April 1.—Payment for goods supplied to Queen Margaret, - - - 54 April 12.—Freedom of skinner craft; punishments for disturbance, threats, and assault, - -- -.-------55 April 29.—-Buildings adjoining property of Greyfriars, - - - - - 55 May 9.-—Two Dutchmen accused of breaking the peace, - - - - - 56 May 14.—Forehouse of tolbooth set; uphold of kirk windows, - - - 56 July 5.—Weekly pennies payable by websters, - - - - - - 56 July 12.—Passage through close to Lady Ker's lodging, - - - - - 56 Oct. 17.—Precautions against spreading infection, ------ 56 Nov. 6.—Valuation of wearing gear, - - - - - - - - 57 Nov. 14.—Silver chandeliers of Lord Argyle held in pledge, - - - - 57 Dec. 2.—Statutes as to buying skins, - - - - - - - - 57 1549-50—Jan 22.—Valuation of household goods, ------ 57 1549-50.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii PAGE Jan. 24.—Statutes as to fleshers, - - - - - - - - - 58 Jan. 26.—Sale of a smith's tools for support of widow and son, - - 58 Feb. 4.—Sale of a gold chain which lay in pledge, ------ 58 1544-50—Division of town in four quarters, ------- 59 1552—July 5.—Common books or records delivered by the clerk to the provost, 60 1554—Dec. 3.—Iron study belonging to chaplain of Trinity altar, - - - 60 Dec. 19.—Intromissions of treasurer with contributions for defence of town, and other purposes, - - - - - - - - - - 61 1554-5—Jan. 14.-—Extortions in taking of gait dichtings, - - - - 61 Jan. 16.—Legal proceedings as to ownership of Spittal lands, - - - - 62 Jan. 18.—-Annuals payable to chaplain of our Lady altar, - - - - 62 1555—May 30.—Settlement of questions as to lands of Spittall and Bridgehaugli, 62 Sept. 9.—Horse stealer to be hanged; thieves' ears cut off; cheek burned, - 63 Oct. 14.—Leper; diseased horses, --------- 64 Oct. 21.—Craftsmen not present at choosing dean of guild, - - - - 64 Nov. .—A woman admitted to freedom of burgesry and guild, - - - 64 Nov. 9.—Letter from magistrates of. Perth as to questions with craftsmen [From original], ---------- 64 Dec. 2.—Gait dichtings set; decease of John Coutis, master mason, - - 65 Dec. 9.—Complaint against John Craigingelt for menacing two burgesses, - 65 Dec. 18.—Attendance at council meetings ; uptaking and laying lairs ; commis¬ sioners sent to Linlithgow, - - - - - - - - - 66 1555-6—Jan. 20.—Visitors substituted for deacons of crafts, - - - - 66 Feb. 10.—Sacks with victuals not to be opened till ten hours, - - - 66 Mar. 2.—Poindings and execution of decreets by officers, - - - - 67 Mar. 10.—A woman of evil conditions ; no one to deal with her, - - - 67 Mar. 13.—John Graham banished from court for handling a Frenchman's bag, -------------67 1556—July 7.—-The woman of evil conditions convicted and banished, - - 67 Sept. 7.—Collecting donations with the Rood board, - - - - - 68 Sept. 17.—Letter from Queen-regent as to election of provost. [From original, stitched in Record], ---------- 68 Sept. 25.—Chaplain of St. Katherine's altar; protests by merchants and craftsmen as to election of provost, - - - - - - - 69 Oct. 5.—Provost elected ; protest by Robert Bruce of Auchinbowy, - - 69 Oct. 9.—Attendance at council meetings; proceedings to be kept secret; reformation of a tax, ---------- 69 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1556. PAGE Oct. 12.—Annuals of Holy Blood altar; chaplains appointed to that altar and to Rood altar; chaplains collecting thair annuals, - - - - - 70 1556-7—Jan. 11.—Flesh-house to be erected, ------- 70 Jan. 29.—A webster sued for a pound of wax, - - - - - 70 Mar. 15.—Authority by Queen-regent to hold a justice court; horse stealer convicted, - - - - - - - - - - - - 71 1557—April 9.—Agreement between master of grammar school and a teacher, 71 April 19.—Fines for breaking the statutes ; wine sellers, - - - - 71 1560—April 1.—Breaking of salmon, -------- 71 April 28.—Heirship goods and gear belonging to John Smart, - - - 72 May 20, 31.—What bestial to be put on Brighaucb, - - - - - 72 June 28.—Sir William Myrton to keep out of George Gardiner's way, - - 72 July 8.—Protest as to claim by the heir of a chaplain ; recanting old traditions, 73 Aug. 23.—Teind sheaves of the kirk, - - - - - - - - 73 Oct. 11.—Protest on offer of payment in English money, - - - - 73 Oct. 12.—Geir in James Reddoclit's house, - - - - - - - 73 Oct. 14.—Reader of common prayers ; list of heirship goods and geir, - - 74 Oct. 21.—A sister entering to her brother's freedom of burgess and guild ; heirs served, - - - - - - - - - - - -75 Oct. 31.—Lodging and house assigned to minister, - - - - - - 75 Nov. 11.—Stones and timber not to be taken without council's consent, - - 76 Nov. 22.—Roup of a book and goods at the cross, - - - - - - 76 Dec. 2.—Forfeited property gifted by King and Queen to Nycoll Robesone, - 76 Dec. 16.—Commissioners to convention of burghs, - - - - - - 77 1560-1—Jan. 2.—Slandering magistrates and elders, - - - - - 77 Feb. 7.—Duke of Argyle and his brother admitted burgesses, - - - - 77 Feb. 16.—Maills of the Rude Croft received, - - - - - - 77 Feb. 18.—Yard next Greyfriars feued ; setting of booth in flesh-house, - - 77 Feb. 24.—Defence of burgh mills and lands; fee of procurator fiscal, - - 78 Mar. 7.—Assault and slander, - - - - - - - - - 78 1561—April 10.—Chalices to be sold and proceeds applied for mending causeway, 78 April 16.—Butts for archery in Gray friar yaird to be re-formed, - - - 78 May 12.—Brazen pot to be delivered after departure of Frenchmen, - - 78 May 17.—Madman apprehended; certain victual not liable for gait dichting, - 79 July 4.—Disputed ownership of a gold ring, - ' - - - - - - 79 Nov. 4.—Chain of gold pledged by the countess of Argyle, - - - - 79 Nov. 7.—Treasurer and master of work chosen, - 79 1561-2.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xv PAGE 1561-2—Mar. 16.—Raising lairs in the kirk and burying persons, - - - 80 1562— Sept. 1.—-An adulterer apprehended; two women blamed with witchcraft, 80 1563'—May 21.—Thief banished and threatened with drowning ; obligation by resetter, ------------ 80 July 23.—Pledge by persons against troubling each other; fines to hospital, - 81 Oct. 13.—Agreement for removal of a house on the high-gait, - - - - 81 Oct. 27.—Prices to be observed by cordiners, - - - - - - 81 Oct. 31.—Property of a minor authorized to be sold, - - - - - 81 Nov. 24.—Claim of a friar to be served heir, - - 82 1565—July .-—Complaint of John "Williamson for slander. [From original], 83 Dec. 17.—Acts against regraters to be observed, ------ 83 1589—May 6.—Letter from King for appointment of commissioner to parlia- ment. [From original], --------- 84 1592—April 1.—South bray belonging to hospital feued to James Monteithe, - 84 May 3.—Letter from King for appointment of commissioner to parliament. [From original]. ---------- 85 1597—Sept. 16.—Letter from King requiring a witch to be sent to him, - - 86 Nov. 10.—Water of Forth set, - - - - - - - - - 86 Dec. 26.—Adjustment of pecks with firlots ; repair of tolbootli steeple, grammar school, etc., ----------- 86 1597-8—Feb. 6.—Collection of a stent or taxation, - - 87 Feb 27.—Burgess and guild brother admitted, ------ 87 April 18.—Silver bell to be produced, - 87 May 1.—Production of town's rights; minister to be paid, - - - - 87 May 29.—Andro Buchannane appointed clerk of the burgh, - - - - 87 Sept. 4.—Commissioner to Edinburgh; acts of parliament purchased; punish¬ ment for troubling a bailie ; stipend payable out of teinds, - - - 87 Oct. 9.—Disputed election of dean of guild, ------- 88 Oct. 13.—Depute clerk appointed; inquest appointed for making statutes and fixing prices; prices of malt, ale, wheat, bread, tallow candle, oats, straw, etc.; statute as to hucksters and cake baxters, maltmen, coopers, and forestallers, ----------- 89 Oct. 19.—Firlot and peck to be adjusted with Linlithgow measure, - - - 90 1598-9—Jan. 1.—Market of Airth ; repair of causeway leading to haven, - 91 Jan. 12.—New custom for repairing bridge and causeway, - - - - 91 Mar. 5.—Buildings not to be erected without consent of council, - - - 91 1599-June 11.—Money to be borrowed for minister's stipend, - - 92 TABLE OF CONTENTS. t1599- PAGE July 23.—Commissioner to Falkland as to taking order with West Borders, - 92 July 30.—Weaponshawing to be held, - - - - - - - - 92 Oct. 8.—Pulpit cloth to be renewed, -------- 92 0 9 Oct. 19.—Payments to minister ; making of stoup measures, - - " Oct. 24.—Books of acts of parliament to be bought, - - - " - 93 Nov. 5.—Collection of minister's stipend, - - - - - * - 93 Dec. 7.—Disobedience to magistrates and kirk ordinances, - - - - 93 1G00—Feb. 20.—Winschelhaugh used by hsliers for drying nets, - - - 94 Feb. 29.—Entry money of two burgesses given to minister, - - - - 94 July 21.—Gift by Robert Forester to hospital; rights granted to Airth and Falkirk, ------- - - - - 94 Aug. 20.—Unlaw for not rendering accounts to exchequer, - - - - 95 Sept. 15.—John Williamson elected common clerk, - - - - - 95 Sept. 24.—Proceedings for annulling rights granted to Falkirk and Airth, - 95 Dec. 3.—Earl of Gowrie's leg and arm set up on tolbooth ; Robert Seytoun admitted burgess for trouble in repairing Falkirk bridge, - - - 96 Dec. 20, 25.—King David's charter borrowed from Perth for production against Falkirk and Airth, - - - - - - - - - 96, 97 1601—Jan. 28.—Proceedings between town and Falkirk and Airth; proposal for acquiring mills, - - - - - - - - - - 97 April 28.—March stones to be of new set up in Winschelhaugh, - - - 98 May 1.—Lawburrows and summons anent Winschelhaugh, - - - 98 May 5.—Doctor of grammar school to be provided, - - - - - 99 Sept. 16.—Dispute betwixt baxters and maltmen. - - - - - - 99 Dec. 18.—Report as to plague of pestilence in Glasgow, ----- 100 Dec. 21.—Precautions against visitation of pestilence, - - - - - 100 1602—Jan. 11.—Council to convene at appointed hour, under penalties, - - 100 Jan. 13.—Stent to be raised for town's affairs, - - - - - - 101 May 10.—Stent raised by burghs to bring strangers for cloth making, - - 101 July 9.—Unlaws bestowed on work at pier; wool provided for Flemings; houses for them, - - - - - - - - - - 101 Aug. 20.—Two doctors to be placed in grammar school; as to teaching, - 101 Oct. 4.—Commissary of Dunblane renouncing his burgesship, - - . - 102 Nov. 15.—Maills purchased from abbot of Cambuskenneth for hospital; doctor of grammar school appointed, - - - - - - - - 102 1603—Jan. 30.—A teacher not to usurp grammar schoolmaster's calling • collection of fees, - - - - - - - - - - 103 1603.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xvii PAGE 1603—Mar. 31.—The King's removal to England to accept the crown, - - 103 April 19.—Shore maill ancf anchorage dues, ------- 104 June 27.—Regulations as to fishing in the Forth, - - - - - - 104 July 18.—Taxation for making pier and bulwark, - - - - - - 105 July 19.—Consent of James Gairdner to be taxed for public purposes, - - 106 Sept. 9.—Stranger poor to be excluded from town ; bridge port locked, - - 106 Sept. 19.—Ports, etc., watched to prevent entry of strangers, - - - - 106 Oct. 9.—Extra councillors appointed ; persons placed in hospital, - - - 106 Oct. 24.—Lighter boat to be provided ; custom on timber cut in Murray's wood, 107 Nov. 18.—Male children to be sent to grammar school, ----- 107 1604—Mar. 12.—Alterations on galleries in kirk; bestowal of Colonel Edmond's gift, ------------- 108 Mar. 19.—Lighter boat to be provided, - - - - - - - - 109 April 16.—Dividing of armour amongst inhabitants, ----- 109 May 2.—Precautions against pest; a cook banished for striking an officer, - 110 June 1.—Plague in Glasgow ; ford at the abbey to be cleared, - - - - 110 June 4.—Quarter masters to assist bailies in time of pest, - - - - 111 June 18.—Controversy with provost and bailies of Edinburgh, - - - 111 July 16.—Inhabitants not to travel to places suspected of pest; commissioners to England to treat of the Union, - - - - - - - 111 Dec. 17.—Two old bailies and two of omnigaddrum to be on council, - - 112 1605—Jan. 21.—Charges for the lighter boat, 112 Feb. 4.—Shore maill and anchorage to be leased ; material for almshouse, - 112 April 22.—Entry money for burgesses and guild brethren, - - - - 113 May 3.—Ports to be watched for preservation from pest, - - - - 113 May 27.—Anent burial in the kirk; banished persons; against retailing timber, victual, etc., - - - - - - - - -113 Oct. 21.—Payment to precentor, - - - - - - - - -114 1606—April 4.—Master of work at the shore, - - - - - - 114 June 23.—Inhabitants to send servants to work at shore, - - - - 114 Aug. 4.—Roofing of kirk at Patersones aisle; work of almshouse, - - - 114 Oct. 16.—Lodges for diseased and sick persons at Brighauch, - - - - 114 1607—Jan. 30.—Order of affairs treated in council, - - - - - 115 Jan. 30, Feb. 9.—Roll of persons who died and who recovered of the pest, - 115 Feb. 14.—Cleansers to be sent home; clerk sworn and his proceedings ratified, 115 Feb. 13.—Reduction of tacksmen's customs and rents in respect of pest, - - 115 Feb. 20.—Entry money of burgesses, - - - - - - - - 116 c xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1607- PAGE 1607—March 9.—Baxters accused of mocking at burials, - - ~ - 116 March 20.—Punishment of baxters; abusing and assaulting a bailie, - - 116 March 23.—Keeping keys of tolbooth, - - - - - - ~ -117 April 6.—Second minister to be procured ; officers discharged for injuring a minister, - - - - - - - - - - ~ -117 May 1.—Taxation of inhabitants for expenses caused by pest, - - - 11/ July 20.—Clothing of drummer and piper, - - - - - - - 118 Sept. 25.—Leave of absence applied for by master of grammar school, - - 118 1608—Eeb. 1.—James Finlason banished for infirmity and disease, - - 119 April 18.—Charges to be taken by carters and sledmen, - - - - - 119 May 30.—Raid towards the Isles, - - - - - - - - -119 June 6.—-Dean of guild to bear town's standard at weaponshawing, - - 119 June 27.—Against drinking, playing, or walking on streets at night; notary slandering a bailie. - - - - - - - - - -119 July 25.—Bridge to be repaired; breaking statutes anent ale and calumniating magistrates; muck to be removed ; fleshers of Edinburgh, - - - 120 Sept. 3.—Fair discharged to avoid danger of pest, - - - - - - 120 Nov. 28.—Anent banquets at marriages, - - - - - - - 121 Dec. 5.—Collections for repair of kirk ; lighter boat set, - - - - 121 Dec. 19.—Beidmen of hospital to reside in house, - - - - - - 122 1609—Feb. 20.—A surgeon not to practice till his skill tested, - - - 122 March 13.—Teacher of a writing school discharged, - - - - - 122 April 2.—John Scott unlawed for " ryving up" burgh muir ; ditches and dykes there; inquiry as to grammar school, - - - - - - - 122 July 24, Sept. 5.—Slandering bailies, - - - - - - - - 123 1610—Feb. 5.—Master of work and craftsmen for new almshouse, - - 123 Feb. 16.—Deacon of cordiners slandering a bailie, - - - - - - 123 Feb. 26.—Commendation of a minister, - - - - - - - - 123 March 12.—Feud between Donaldsones and the dean of guild, - - - 124 April 16.—Provisions against escape of a prisoner out of tolbooth, - - - 124 April 30.—Clothes not to be washed in town's burn, - - - - - 124 May 7.—Window in wardliouse to be built up, - - - - - - 124 June 13.—Inhabitants to send man to repair ford, - - - - - - 124 July 30.—Slater to be hired for roofing kirk and almshouse, - - - - 125 Sept. 28.—Act concerning election of magistrates and council, - - - 125 1611—Jan. 7.—Donations for help of the ministry, ----- 126 Feb. 11.—Entry money of heirs and purchasers to town's lands; nightly watch, 127 1611.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xix PACK 1611—Feb. 15.—Proceedings against town concerning prisons and ward bouses, 127 Mar. 18, April 7.—Visitation of town's marches, gaits and passages, - - 127 May 27.—Entry money of burgesses ; clothing for drummer, - - - - 128 June 5.—Maltmen not to have deacon or visitor, or be reputed a craft, - - 128 July 1.—Maltmakers to be licensed by town council, - - - - - 128 Aug. 30.—Fairs or markets not to be held on Sabbath days, - - - - 129 Dec. 23.—A slanderous and offensive person banished, ----- 129 1612—Feb. 10.—Fee to bell ringer; bequest by Captain Thomas Erskine for the ministry, - - - - - - - - - - - 129 April 20.—Application for new charter to the town, - - - - - 130 April 27.—Muck and fuilyie to be sold only to neighbours, - - - - 130 June 20.—Archbishop of St. Andrews, and servants, admitted burgesses, - 130 June 22.—Arbitration between town and master of grammar school, - - 130 July 1.—Town's charters produced at convention of burghs; grammar school, - 130 Sept. 14.—Privileges of maltmen, - - - - - - - - - 131 Sept. 25.—Terms on which master of grammar school to be engaged, - - 131 Nov. 5.—Custom for uphold of the biidge and causeways, - - - - 132 Nov. 9.—Fees to be taken by teachers of female children, - - - - 132 Nov. 16, 23,—Doctors of grammar school appointed, - 132 Nov. 23.-—Muck and fuilyie to be removed, - - - - - - - 133 1613—Jan. 25.—Punishment for assaulting the provost; act against injuring magistrates, - - - - - - - - - - -133 Feb. 8.—Act for prevention of thefts by servants, - - - - - 134 March 8.—Night watch to be kept, - - - - - - - - 134 March 11.—Decree of privy council as to duty of the ladle, - - - - 134 April 26.—Act of town council as to custom duty, - - - - - 134 Oct. 18.—Entry money of burgesses, - - - - - - - - 134 Dec. 6.—Conviction for behaving unreverently to the provost, - - - 135 1614—March 28.—Taxation for marriage of Lady Elizabeth and pursuit of Stercovius, - - - - - - - - - - - -135 May 30.—Repairing of street; act against building in narrow passages, - - 135 June 6.—Garment for the drummer, - - - - - - - -136 June 15.—Omnigadrum not to hold meetings, - - - - - - 136 July 1.—Case and lid to be put on stone bowett at council board, - - - 136 Aug. 8.—Minstrel and piper appointed, - - - - - - - -136 Nov. 29.—An ex-doctor bound not to traduce master of grammar school, - 136 Dec. 14.—Deacons refusing to accept office as councillors, - - - - 137 xx TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1 015- page 1615—Jan. 2.—Act against setting houses to unfreemen, - 137 Jan. 14.—A person, not a notary, banished for subscribing bonds for others, - 138 April 3.—Supplication by craftsmen as to their privileges, - - - - 1 38 Aug. 28.—Curing wounds of a bailie got when executing office, - - - 140 Sept. 6.—Watching tolbooth to prevent escape of prisoner, - - - - 140 Dec. 18.—Craftsmen decline to pay part of minister's stipend, - - - 140 1616—Aug. 23.—Deacons judging betwixt craftsmen, ----- 141 Oct. 21.—Act in favor of baxters of Dunfermline, - - - - - - 141 Nov. 4.—Articles of agreement betwixt merchants and craftsmen, - - - 141 Dec. 16.—Removal of middings ; repairing causeways and gutters, - - - 145 1617—Jan. 6.—Gift by Mrs. Murray to hospital; books given by Sir Robert Douglas to library, - - - - - - - - - -146 May 12.—Preparations for King's visit; barresyet to be heightened; royal arms at cross and tolbooth to be gilt; repair of bridge, - - - 146 May 26.—Money to be borrowed for preparations; speech at King's entry, - 147 June 2.—Repair of tolbooth, - - - - - - - - - 147 July 15.—More money to be borrowed for outlay at King's visit, - - - 147 July 15, 17, 19.—Members of King's retinue admitted burgesses and guild brethren, - - - - - - - - - - - 147, 148 Oct. 20.—Banquet to Englishmen ; renunciation of shore duty by omnigadrum, 148 Dec. 1.—Ground annual granted to a reader, - - - - - - - 148 1618—Jan. 17.—Jug measure produced before commissioners of parliament, - 148 Feb. 23.—Donation by Mrs. Murray for support of poor, - 149 March 2.—Three salmon to be sent to Edinburgh, ------ 149 March 30.—Kiln to be removed to avoid danger of fire, - - - - 149 May 4.—Warrant to be got for dispersing jug through burghs, - - - 149 May 27.—Fee for uptaking psalms, - - - - - - . - 150 June 8.—Firlot to be made conform to Linlithgow measure, - - - - 150 July 14.—Commissioners to travel for selecting a minister, - - - - 150 Aug. 17.—Commissioners to general assembly as to minister, - - - - 150 Oct. 12.—Prisoners to be secured in tolbooth, - - - - - - 151 Oct. 26.—Donation to Musselburgh for support of harbour, - - - - 151 Dec. 14.—Proposal for purchasing mills, - - - - - . - 15] Dec. 21.—Fleshers not to "blaw" or "brod" flesh, - 152 "1619—April 19.—Commissioners to assembly as to minister, - - - - 151 July 18.—Collection of obits and annuals formerly belonging to chaplains, - 152 1620—Feb. 7.—Payment for help in the ministry, - - 159 1620.J TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxi pace 1620—Feb. 23.—Mr. Joseph Low rye cliosen minister, - - - - - 152 April 20.—Protocol books to be got from lord clerk register, - - - - 153 May 20.—William Row appointed doctor of school, music teacher and precentor, 153 July 9.—Order of election of magistrates and council, - - - - - 153 Oct. 2.—Payment for cutting for the stone, - - - - - - - 154 Nov. 17.—Protocols to be paid for and received from Edinburgh, - - - 154 Dec. 4.—Act anent the new measures, - - - - - - - - 154 Dec. 6.—David Murray appointed teacher of reading, writing, and music, - 155 Dec. 18.—Protocols and scrolls produced, ------- 155 1622—Feb. 20.—Alexander Stevinsoun banished for transgresssions with Margaret Donaldsone, - - - - - - - - - 155 June 2.—Garments for officers, drummer, and piper, - - - - - 156 June 24.—New ensign to be provided, - - - - - - - - 156 July 15.—Payment for new ensign or King's standard, - - - - - 156 Aug. 1.—Boats, before unloading, to be entered in clerk's books, - - - 156 Aug. 12.—Earl of Linlithgow admitted burgess, - - - - - - 156 Aug. 28.—Books given into custody of minister, - - - - - - 156 Sept. 16.—Jugs sold and dispersed amongst burghs, - - - - - 157 Sept. 30.—Summoning of council; commissioners to deal for mills, - - - 157 1623—Feb. 10.—Payment to officers for expelling outland poor, - - - 157 June 9.—Clothes not to be washed in part of town's burn, - - - - 158 June 16.—Meeting of noblemen and others as to manufactures, miseries of the poor, Ac., ------ ------ 158 Aug. 18.—Proposal for free school or college in burgh, - - - - - 158 Dec. 8.—Anent selling of wine, - - - - - - - - -158 Dec. 29.—Proceedings against possessors of town's lands and fishings, - - 159 1624—Jan. 26.—Summons against persons for damaging salmon fishings, - 159 Feb. 6.—Persons unlawed for damaging fishings, - - - - - - 159 June 14.—Resignation by Mr. Harye Levingstoun, minister at St. Ninianes kirk, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 159 1625—March 7.—Roof to be put on Bowyes aisle, ------ 159 April 25.—Disobedience of a baxter to the provost, - - - - - 160 Aug. 16.—Sir Archibald Neaper of Mercliestoun and others admitted burgesses, 160 1626—Aug. 22.—David Will appointed master of grammar school, - - 160 Aug. 28.—Patrick Bell appointed reader, session clerk, music teacher, and precentor, - - - - - - - - - - - - 160 Oct. 30.—Commissioner to convention to consult as to war ships, - - - 161 xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1626. TAOE 1626—April 23.—Commissioner to convention as to trade, taking skips by Dunkirkers, etc.,- - - - - - - - - - -161 Dec. 7.—Donation by cripple Jonet to the poor, - - - - - - 161 1628—Feb. 4.—Legacy to hospital left by conservator; renunciation of the skinner craft by a burgess, - - - - - - - - -162 1629—May 8.—A creilman and others convicted as vagabonds and thieves. [From Court Book, 2 October 1627 to 9 August 1633], - 162 May 26.—Burgesses not to be admitted till they produce armour, - - - 163 Sept. 21.—Contravention of acts as to buildings, - - - - - - 163 Nov. 16.—Statute as to baxters selling mainschotts, - - - - - 163 Dec. 28.—Dues payable for burials in the hospital's aisle, - - - - 164 1030—May 3.—A burgess admitted to hospital; minister to be procured, belt- maker to enter with hammermen and not cordiner craft, - - - 164 1031—Eeb. 7.—Summons raised as to the vicarage, manse, and glebe, - - 165 March 7.—Causeway at Barresyet and town wall at Dirtraw to be repaired, - 165 March 21.—Donation by Charles Scherar for ministry and poor; application by crafts of fines and entry money, - - - - - - - 165 April 12.—Bells won at the race between Bannockburn and Stirling. [From Court Book, 1627-33]. - - - - - - - - - 166 June 13.—Summons by John Williamsone, late clerk, against council, - - 166 July 11.—Purchase of bell for kirk, - - - - - - - - 167 July 25.—Repair of Bannockburn bridge, - - - - - - - 167 Nov. 7.—Money to be applied for repair of kirk and for poor, - - - 167 1032—Mar. 5.—Copy of Edinburgh's infeftment delivered, - - - - 168 April 23.—Proposal to have Ilenry Guthrie as pastor, - - - - - 168 April 30.—Commissioner to treat with archbishop as to minister, - - - 168 Oct. 8.—Grant of 300 merks for building of Glasgow college, - - - - 168 1633—Feb. 11.—Repair of kirk and grammar school damaged by tempest, - 169 April 8.—Money borrowed from hospital and poor's box for these repairs, - 169 May 13.—Silver cup to be presented to the King at his visit, - - - - 170 May 20.—Executioner appointed, - - - - - - - - - 170 June 18.—Taking order anent King's carriage. [From Court Book, 1627-33],- 170 July 4.—Sundry of the King's servants admitted burgesses and guild brethren, 170 July 8.—Bishop of London and others admitted burgesses and guild brethren, 170 July 26.—John Williamsone restored to office of clerk, - - - - - 171 Aug. 14.—Report of resolution of convention anent monopolies, schools, unfree- men, Arc., - - - - - - - - - - - - 171 1633.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxiii PAGE 1633—Aug. 15.—Delivery of books, protocols and warrants; John Williamson e restored to clerkship, - - - - - - - - - -171 1634—Jan. 6.—Payment of taxation granted to his Majesty, - - - - 172 June 16.—belief to prisoners in Algiers, - - - - - - - 172 Sept. 1.—Allowance to John Kobesone for service in time of King's visit, - 172 Sept. 29.—Anent John Cowane's legacies for erecting an hospital, and for schoolmaster and minister, - - - - - - - - - 172 1635—June 1.—Collection for distressed families of Orkney and Shetland, - 174 Aug. 31.—Payment for setting up sun dial, - - - - - - - 174 1636—May 30.—Acts of privy council and town council in 1613 as to ladle duty confirmed, - - - - - - - - - - - -174 1637—Feb. 20.—Legacy of John Cowane for hospital and other purposes fulfilled; preceptor of Cowane's Hospital appointed, - - - - 177 Sept. 25.—Supplication to privy council against book of common prayer, - - 177 Oct. 2.—Bridgeliaugh to be tilled and sown, - - - - - - - 178 Oct. 13.—Supplication to privy council anent service book, - - - - 178 Dec. 1.—Commissioner to attend on King in support of petitions against service book and other innovations, - - - - - - - - 178 1638—Feb. 12.—Statutes to be observed by fleshers, - - - - - 179 Mar. 12.—Against neighbours selling oat cakes; baxters to sell at certain prices, - - - - - - - - - - - -179 May 28.—Commissioners to convene with nobility and others to consider King's resolution, - - - - - - - - - - - -180 June 18.—No ferry boat or fishing coble to cross water with persons or commo¬ dities, ------------ 180 June 21.—Two books lent to a student of divinity, ----- 180 July 16.—Grass market changed from High-gait to Back Raw, - - - 181 Oct. 1.—Anent precedency of bailies, -------- 181 Oct. 8.—Commissioner appointed to general assembly at Glasgow, - - - 181 1639—Feb. 18.—Weekly horse market to be held in the valley, - - - 182 April 29.—Commissioner to parliament appointed, - - - - - - 182 July 23.—Commissioner to general assembly called for repressing disorders, - 182 1640—April 4.—General Alexander Leslie and others admitted burgesses and guild brethren, - - - - - - - - - - -182 Nov. 30.-—Proportion of tax for arms and ammunition agreed to, - - - 182 1641—Jan. 7.—Contribution for buying clothes to soldiers, - 183 Oct. 11.—High-gait damaged and to be repaired, - - - - - -183 XXIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1641. PAGE 1641—Oct. 18.—Signature for new infeftment of liberties, lands, customs, &c., 183 1642—Jan. 31.—Drummer in the army admitted burgess for good service, - 183 Nov. 28.—Appointment of town drummer, - - - - - - - 183 1643—Mar. 20.—David Forrester elected clerk; covenant renewed and subscribed by inhabitants, - - - - - - - - - 184 Sept. 15.—Lord Campbell of Lome and others admitted burgesses, - - - 184 Oct. 9.-—Grammar school to be visited ; second minister to be appointed, - 184 1644—Aug. 19.—David Williamson appointed clerk of the burgh, - - - 186 Dec. 9.—Reader of the kirk and teacher of music school appointed, - - - 186 1645—Jan. 6.—Scheme for quartering soldiers on inhabitants proportionally, - 186 April 7.—John Allan proposed for second minister, - - - - - 186 July 28.—Visitation of pest; lodges for the sick ; burials ; cleansing; visitation and maintenance of closed persons, - -.----187 Sept. 22.—Meetings of council held in the park, on the gait, and in Cowane's Oct. 6.—Ordinances anent cleansing and ruling town; delivery of books, Oct. 13.—Cleansing of town; keeping ports and gates; poor to get coals; money to be distributed, - - - - - - - - - -188 Nov. 21.—Tax raised for cleansing moneys, ------- 188 1646—Jan. 2.—Charges made for cleansing clothes, - 188 Jan. 12.—Houses not to be set to unfreemen; petition to parliament for ex¬ emption from monthly maintenance, for allowance for quartering soldiers, and for licence to those returned from England remaining at home, - 189 March 2.—Act anent new entering burgesses and maltmen, - - - - 189 March 9.—Minutes and writs to be inventoried; surgeon admitted burgess, - 190 March 16.—Clockmaker admitted burgess for good service to be done, - - 190 March 25.—Acts and scrolls to be examined, - - - - - - - 190 April 3.—Fees to be taken for extracts from protocols, - - - - - 190 April 13.—Meeting of people at brydals discharged; Holland gudlings, - - 190 April 20.—Losses by tacksmen of customs in respect of plague, - - - 191 April 27.—Modification of duties payable by tacksmen, - - - - - 191 May 4, 6.—Supplications to committee of estates anent new levy and runaways, 191 June 1.—Town's signet delivered to clerk, - - - - - - -191 July 20.—Collection of excise duty ; tobacco; writs and protocols to be inven¬ toried and put in new kist, - - - - - - - . -191 Aug. 12.—Roll of those buried in Chapel-croft in tyme of plague, - - - 192 Hospital, - 187 protocols and registers, - 188 1646.] TABLE OF CONTENTS XXV -PAGE 1646—Sept. 14.—-Inhabitants summoned to return and attend to watching, - 192 Oct. 12.—Inhabitants not to repair to certain towns; against receiving strangers, 192 Oct. 21.—Complaint of wrongs done by governor of Stirling and others, - - 192 Nov. 30.—Delivery of protocols, act book, and writs, - - - - - 192 1647—Jan. 25.—Fleshers unlawed and bound to conform in future, - - 193 June 21.—Books and papers to be inventoried; acts anent hospital's money, - 193 July 19.—Order to be taken with unfreemen and women, - - - - 193 July 26.—Against leaving town or receiving strangers without license, - - 193 1648—Jan. 17.—Acts anent websters and litsters, - - - - - 194 Jan. 24.—Reel hung at cross for trial of wrong reels, - - - - - 194 Feb. 21.—Saturday's market changed to Friday ; roll anent muskets, - - 194 Feb. 27, Mar. 13.—Change of court day for better observance of Sabbath, - 194 May 18.—Choosing of soldiers for levy, - - - - - - - - 194 May 31. — Soldiers admitted to freedom of burgh, - - - - - - 195 Aug. 21.—Expeding of town's signature, - - - - - - - 195 Oct. 9.—Dean of guild and bailie suspended for giving oaths at committees of shire, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 195 Oct. 30.—Court day for civil actions changed, - - - - - - 195 Nov. 28.—Town's proceedings reported to committee of estates, - - - 195 1649—Jan. 1, 29.—Roll of town's obits and collection of same, - - - 196 May 2.—Revenues of new fair not set, - - - - - - - - 196 June 30.—Demolished houses to be repaired, - - - - - - - 196 July 19.—-Revenues of second fair; accounts sent to exchequer, - - - 196 Sept. 24.—James Guthrie chosen minister ; schoolmaster elected, - - - 196 Oct. 9.—Candlemakers not to melt tallow, Arc., in body of town, - - - 197 Oct. 30. Time of continuance of magistrates in office, - - - - - 197 1650—May 13.—David Bennet chosen minister, - - - - - - 197 July 9.—Order by committee of estates as to lodging for persons attending the King. \_From original], - - - - - - - - 197 1651—May 16.—Customs of first fair rouped, but not set, - 198 June 12.—-Money borrowed for the King's use, - - - - - - 198 July 24.—Iron furnished to governor of castle. [From original order], - - 198 July 29.—Money paid to master of the King's household. [From original order], 198 Aug. 1.—Necessaries provided for use of the castle; money borrowed for the King, 199 Oct. 1 5.—Letter from committee of estates as to meeting of parliament. [From original], - - - - - - - - - ~ " -199 Nov. 26.—Letter from burghs of Fife convening meeting. [From original], - 199 d TABLE OF CONTENTS. [165! PAGE 1652—Feb. 14.—Letter from tlie town's commissioners to Dalkeith. [From original], - - - - - - - - - - ■ - 200 March 20.—Hospital's lands to be laboured; hospital book to be revised; report of commission to Dalkeith, - - - - - - - - -201 April 6.—Commissioners sent to Dalkeith; relief of distressed merchants and craftsmen, ------------ 201 April 19.—Report of commission to Dalkeith, ------ 202 April 21.—Election of magistrates, Ac., by warrant of commissioners of Com¬ monwealth, ----------- 202 April 26.—Neighbours and burgesses deserting the town, - 202 May 3.—-Commissioners to Dalkeith as to commissariat, ----- 202 May 19.—-Letter from Edinburgh summoning convention of burghs. [From original], - -- -- -- -- -- - 203 July 17. —Call to Harie Guthrie to be minister, ------ 204 Aug. 24.—Repair of tolbooth ; report of convention meeting, - 204 Aug. 25.—Report anent buying mills and land, ------ 204 Sept. 17.—Letter from Glasgow referring to great lire and asking contribution. [From original], ----------- 204 Sept. 27.—English judges and others admitted burgesses, - 205 Oct. 2.—John Galbreathe elected schoolmaster, ------ 205 Oct. 4.—Executioner borrowed from Culross, ------- 205 Oct. 11.— Building of bridge mill, --------- 206 Nov. 9.—Collection of second minister's stipend, ------ 206 Dec. 1.—Keeping beggars out of town; commissioners to Edinburgh as to Earl of Mar's affairs, ----------- 206 1653—Feb. 19.—Ladders and buckets to be provided, ----- 206 Feb. 28.—Marches to be perambulated yearly, ------ 206 March 7.—Complaint of laying fuilyie on causeway ; distribution of money amongst poor, ----------- 207 March 11.—Petition to General Monk. [From copy], ----- 207 April 5.—Quartering of soldiers ; collection for poor, ----- 208 April 19.—William Henderson deprived of burgess-ship and afterwards reponed, 208 May 2.—Ordinance as to grammar school, ------- 208 July 12.—Commissioners sent to Commander-in-chief, ----- 208 July 18.—Report of commissioners, -------- 209 July 27.—Letter from Lord Cardross as to Earl of Mar's creditors. [From original], ------------ 209 1653.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxvii PAGE 1653—Aug. 27.—Col. Lilburne and others admitted burgesses, - - - 209 Aug. 29.—Charges for a bridal "lawing," ------- 210 Nov. 5.—Commissioners sent to commander-in-chief anent grievances, - - 210 1654—Jan. 18.—Candlemakers to melt tallow in outhouses, - 210 March 25.-—Money payable by guildry for weigh-house, - - - - - 210 March 27.—Inhabitants thirled to the town's mills; supply of distressed persons, 211 May 13.—General Monk and others admitted burgesses, - 212 June 7.—Money borrowed from Spittal's hospital, ------ 213 June 28.— Horses or cattle not to pasture in kirk yard, - - - - - 213 Aug. 30.—-Weigh-house to be built, - - - - - - - - 214 Aug. 31.—Election of commissioner to parliament, - - - - - - 214 Sept. 12.—Commissioners sent to General Monk, - - - - - - 215 Sept. 29.—Letter from provost of Linlithgow as to continuance of magistrates in office, &c. [From original], - - - - - - - -215 Nov. 13.—Valuation of neighbours' plenishing in the castle; oath of secrecy given by council, - - - - - - - - - -215 Dec. 2.—Act anent the litsters, - - - - - - - - -216 Dec. 23, Jan. 29.—Communications with James Guthrie, minister,as to ministry, 216 1655—Feb. 19.—Commissioners sent to Edinburgh and Glasgow to consult as to minister, - - - - - - - - - - - -217 June 29.-—Former acts in favor of conjunct ministers annulled, - - - 217 Sep. 24.—Intelligence of power given by Lord Protector for election of council; order from General Monk as to rebuilding demolished houses, - - 217 Sep. 27.—Leet given up by baxters for election of deacon, - - - - 218 Oct. 1.-—Election of new council by authority of Lord Protector, - - - 218 Oct. 5.—Commissioners sent to take excise of burgh in farm ; Tucker's descrip¬ tion of Stirling, - - - - - - - - - - -219 Oct. 13.—Keport that excise taken ; ministers of Edinburgh asked for supply of preachers, - - - - - - - - - - -219 Oct. 22.—Order for uplifting of the excise, ------- 220 Oct. 27.—Proposed call to Matthias Sympsone, minister, - 220 Nov. 3.—Report anent agreement with minister, ------ 221 Nov. 21.—Commissioners sent to council of estate as to minister, - - - 221 1656—Feb. 2.—Report that excise had been retaken, ----- 221 April 21. — Commissioners sent to Edinburgh as to church, - - - - 222 May 12.—Appointment of constables and visitors, - - - - - - 222 May 26.—Supplication to council of estate for liberty of church to preach in; master of grammar school appointed, - - - - - - - 222 xxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1656. PAGE 1656—-Aug. 16-25.—Commissioner to parliament appointed, - 223 Sep. 1.—Partition to be built up in church, ------- 224 Sep. 8.—Agreement between town and Matthias Symsone, minister, - - 224 Oct. 20.—Commissioners appointed to join with other burghs in matters with coalmasters south of Forth, - - - - - - - - - 225 Nov. 23.—Letter from General Monk with supplication from Robert Rule as to stipend. [From original], -------- 226 Oct. 27.—Arbitration with coalmasters north of Forth, ----- 227 1657—Mar. 7.—Letter from burgh of Pittenweem asking assistance. [From original], ------------ 227 July 4-11.—Agreement for building a horse mill, - - - - - - 228 Aug. 29.-—Church bell to be cast, --------- 228 Nov. 10.—Set of the mills, ---------- 229 1658—Jan. 20.—Allowance to necessitous inhabitants, ----- 229 Mar. 20.—Obits and ground annuals to be collected, ----- 229 1659—Jan. 3.—Purchase of council record; commissioner to parliament to be chosen ; borebrieve given to John Graham of Meiklewood, - - 229-230 Sep. 26.—The three bailies kept in place this year, - ----- 230 Oct. 22.—Against transporters of tach and tallow, - - - - - - 231 1 660—June 16-30.—Debate as to exacting causeway mails ; deacon of cordiners discharged of the council, - - - - - - - - -231 Aug. 18.—Proclamation of the King as to meeting of committee of estates, - 232 Sep. 22.—Lord Chancellor's letter and act of convention as to election of council, 232 Oct. 20.—Main guard in Lligli Street to be demolished, ----- 232 Oct. 29.—Foot mantle to be borrowed or bought, ------ 233 Nov. 5.—Timber of main guard to be delivered to governor of castle, - - 233 Nov. 24.—Provost appointed commissioner to parliament; custom of bestial passing at Drip coble, --------- 233 Dec. 17.—Town's prerogative and antiquity before burgh of Glasgow to be upheld, ------------ 233 Dec. 22.—Threatened usurpation by Glasgow of town's place in riding parlia¬ ment ; burgesses to possess stand of arms before admission, - - - 234 1661 — Jan. 16.—Printing of sermon preached on Thanksgiving day for King's restoration, - - - - - - - - - - -234 March 23.—Commissioners to solicit Harie Guthrie's return to be minister, - 234 April 9.—Letter received from him declining, ------ 235 April 13, 18.—Renewed invitation to him and final declinature, - - - 235 1661.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxix PAGE 1661—April IS.—Levelling Hospital yard and making walking green; minister's glebe to be set, 235 May 6.—Horses and cattle not to trespass on otlier men's ground, - - - 236 May 27-30.—Presentation of Matliias Simpsone to be minister, - - . 236 July 27.—Oath of allegiance administered by council, - 237 Aug. 10.—Council's consent to minister going to London, - 237 Sep. 28. —Protestation by provost, -------- 237 Nov. 2.—Causeway mail for timber, &c., to be rouped with fish shambles, - 237 Dec. 9.—Anent furnishings for company removing to the castle, - - - 237 1662—Jan. 15.—Demission of James Edmonstone, schoolmaster, - - - 238 1662—Feb. 22.—Thomas Ronnald appointed master of grammar school, - - 238 June 23.—Removal of staple port to Rotterdam, ------ 238 July 12. — Proposed minister not approved of by bishop, - - 239 Aug. 18.—Act anent the playds to be made within burgh, - 239 Sept. 8.—Inhabitants to provide arms, -------- 210 Nov. 20.—Precentor's place declared vacant; subscription of declaration anent the covenants, ----------- 240 Nov. 22.—Report as to precentor; appointment of new precentor, session clerk, &o., - - - - - - - 241 Dec. 17.—Proposal to call Andrew Ivynnier, minister, ----- 241 1663—Jan. 10.—Report that he has accepted, and the bishop promised collation, - -- -- -- -- -- - 242 May 23.—Repair of piers, drc.; bell to be sent to Holland and recast, - - 242 June 15.—Vacation granted to scholars of grammar school, - 242 Aug. 17.—Fair to be ridden in old manner; halberts to be procured, - - 242 Sept. 10.—Report anent receipt of King's money, ------ 243 Sept. 21.—Collection for repair of Tullibody bridge, ----- 243 Nov. 9.—Fishing of water not to be rouped ; charter to be Englished, - - 244 Dec. 19.—Anent vessels and goods coming from Holland, where pestilence is raging, - -- -- -- -- -- - 244 1664—July 11.—Contribution for repair of Burntisland harbour; donations to the piper and to a traveller, - - - - - - - - 244 July 23.—Partition betwixt hospital and earl of Argyle's lodging, - - - 245 July 25.—Bishops asked not to sanction translation of minister from Stirling, - 245 Aug. 6.—Report of commissioners sent to bishops and earl of Argyle, - - 246 Sept. 7.—Claim by earl of Callander for sheriff's gloves; donation to minister's widow, - -- -- -- -- -- - 246 XXX TABLE OF CONTENTS. [1664. PAGE 1664—Oct. 1.—Tobacco pipe maker to reside in burgli, ----- 247 Nov. 5.—Inhabitants to provide themselves with arms, ----- 247 Dec. 5.—Archbishop to be applied to as to presentation of minister; Raploch coble not to fish in Winchells, -------- 247 1665—.Tan. 30.—Breaker of flesh to be appointed, ------ 247 Feb. 11.—James Forsyth recommended to archbishop for minister - - - 248 Feb. 23.—Silver cup to be made for race, ------- 248 March 13.-—Fishing cobles; illness of doctor of grammar school; unfree traders in Doune and Dunblane, --------- 248 May 8.—Plenishing and books in manse, - 248 June 5, 19.—"Weekly intelligence of public news to be procured, - - - 249 June 19.—-Bridges at Carron ford and Tullibody, ------ 249 July 25.—Plague in London ; watching of ports, ------ 249 Aug. 12.—Watch at ports for suspected persons, ------ 250 Sept. 11.—Agreement betwixt earl of Argyll and hospital; bishop of Edin¬ burgh and others admitted burgesses, ------- 450 Nov. 6.—Declinature of minister to come to Stirling; allowance to minister's widow, - -- -- -- -- -- - 250 16G6—March 26.—Sir John Drummond fishing in town's water, - - - 251 April 25.—Baxters discharged of power of restraining all to bake at once, and from taking money from widows for liberty to bake, - - - - 251 May 29.—Admission of gratis burgesses, ------- 252 July 21.—Post appointed for carrying intelligence from Edinburgh, - - 252 Nov. 24.—Town to be put in a posture of defence, ------ 252 APPENDIX. I.—Abstracts op some of the Documents recorded in fragments of Protocol Books :— 1. Holding of the lands of Aucliintole. 1470-1, - 255 2. Gift by canon of Glasgow cathedral of vessels and goods for use of abbot of Dunfermline in lodging in Stirling. 8th January, 1470-1, 255 3. Resignation by Malcolm of Kynbuk to Alexander Bruce of lands of Easter and Wester Glassingal. 4th February, 1470-1, - - 255 1475.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxi I'AGE 4. Sasine given by relict of William Murray of Tulchaclam to Thomas Name and spouse of part of Chapeltoun. 9th November, 1475, - 255 5, 6. Marriage of Duncan Aquhonam and Agnes Makcalpyn. 14th, 15th November, 1475, -------- 256 7. Charter by John Menzies of Weym to Duncan Makcawis and spouse of Blarekeregane and others. 18 th November, 1475, - - -256 8. Ratification by spouse of John Haldane of Ruskv of grant to Lord Avandale of part of earldom of Lennox. 26th January, 1475-6, - 256 9. Sale of stock and goods in lands of Kepan Davy. 23rd March, 1475-6, 257 10. Assedation to vicar of Fossochquhy, in Dunblane diocese, of lands of Tliomcarne. 8th May, 1476, - - - - - - - 257 11. Charter to Robert Drummond of lands of Erthbeg. 10th May, 1476, . . . 257 12. 13, 14. Charter to Alexander Cunyngham of lands of Crannok, and protest thereanent. 15th May, 1476, - - - - - - 257 15. Excambion between Malcolm Forester of Tor wood and Elizabeth Erth. 18th May, 1476, -------- 257 16. Ratification by spouse of Alexander Cunyngham of Aucliinbowy of lease of Erthbeg, etc. 16th May, 1476, ----- 253 17. Sasine to chaplain of altar of St. Salvator. 22nd May, 1476, - 258 18. Breaking of sasine of lands of Tulchill, Arc. 14th June, 1476, - 258 19. Breaking of sasine of lands of Smiths Quarter, etc. 15th June, 1476, - 258 20. 21. Breaking of sasine of lands of Erthbeg, and protest thereanent. 27th June, 1476, - - 258 22. Deathbed statement of Alexander Cosour. 18th July, 1476, - 259 23. Presentation by bishop of Dunblane of a chaplain to the canonry and prebend of Cummery. 4th August, 1476, - 259 24. Protest against encroachment 011 lands of the King in Stirlingshire. 13th August, 1476, --------- 259 25. Proceedings by Lord Darnley against Agnes Menteth in consistorial court of Dunblane. 26th August, 1476, ----- 260 26. Archdeacon of St. Andrews dispensing with Gilbert Home pos¬ sessing a benefice. 16th October, 1476, ----- 260 27. Annual rent, &c., payable from tenements in Stirling. 17th October, 1476, - 260 xxxii TABLE OE CONTENTS. [U7G- TAGE 28. Gifts by earl to countess of Monteitli and to bis son. 23rd October, 1476, ------------ 260 29. Consent by spouse of John Haldane of Glennegas to sale of lands of Kypdory, Carbetli, Arc. 11th January, 1476-7, - 261 30. Surrender of church of Tullibody to convent of Cambuskenneth. 18th January, 1476-7, - - - - - - - - 261 31. Charter by earl of Douglas to Marc of Halyburtoun of lands of Glengennet, Arc. 1st March, 1476-7, ------ 261 32. Gift to Andrew Craggorth of altar of Holy Rood. 3rd March, 1476-7, ----------- 261 33. Maills of a tenement payable to William Mane, keeper of the guard. 5th May, 1477, - - - 262 34. Counsellors appointed for William lord le Grame. 16th May, 1477, 262 35. Custom of wood and timber going out of port. 9th June, 1477, - 262 36. Protest on behalf of King as to lands in earldom of Lennox. 20th June, 1477, ----- 262 37. Perambulation of marches between lands of the King and Lord Abbyrnetliy. 30 th July, 1477, - - - - - - -263 38. Trial for slaughter of Gillaspy Makclery. 31st July, 1477, - - 263 39. Marriage of Lord Montgumre and Elen Campbel, daughter of earl of Argyle. 21st April, 1478, ------- 263 40. Lands in earldom of Lennox claimed by King and also by Agnes Menteth, spouse of John Haldyn of Glennegas. 8th June, 1478, - 264 41. Altar of Holy Rood given to Sir James Darow. 1st July, 1478, - 264 42. Payment to priory of Inchmahome for lease of teind sheaves of Leuchers parish. 29th April, 1479, ------ 264 43 Court of the barony of Lenzie held. 9th July, 1479, - - - 264 44. Sasine to Gilbert Brady of Dow Well Croft, A:c. 25tli September, 1479, - 265 45. Marriage of William lord le Grahame and Annabella Drummond, 265 46. Institution of Robert Erskine to priory of Inchmahome. 15tli March, 1529, - 265 47. Annual rent given to altar of Holy Rood. 3rd July, 1530, - - 266 48. Excommunication of Sir Robert Wemys, vicar in parish church. 18th May, 1531, - - - - 266 49. Ejectment of tenants from lands of Bochaldy, and reposition of them. 31st May, 1531, -------- 266 1531.J TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxiii l'ac.e 50. Investiture of Sir Adam Sym as archdeacon of Lesmore. 30th July, 1531,- ---------- 207 51. Plea between abbot of Cambuskenneth and vicar of Stirling anent teinds of salmon of water of Forth. 23rd October, 1531, . - 207 52. Resignation of lands of Walastoun and Ardochmore. 7th January, 1531-2, - - - - - - - - - " - 207 53. Defence of the Borders against England. 5th April, 1533, - - 208 51. Master of Mentetli and spouse vest in Myltoun of Aberfoyle, etc. lGth and 17th July, 1533, -------- 208 55. Investiture of Robert Admowty in vicarage of parish church. 19th February, 1517-8, --------- 208 50. Protest by prior and convent of monastery of Cambuskenneth. 12th July, 1519, - - - 208 57. Resignation by lord Elphinston to himself and spouse of lands of Corgarf, Arc. 20th July. 1550, ------- 209 58. Sasine of Lady Mar in lordship of Brechin, etc. 9th October, 1593, 209 59. Sasine to Christopher Lamb, master cook to his Majesty, of a chamber built on the Castlehill. 23rd May, 1595, - - - 209 60. Redemption by earl of Mar of lands of Meiklewood of Oargunnock. 29th May, 1590, - - - - - - - - - - 270 II.—List of Provosts, Bailies, and other office-bearers and officers of the Burgh, 270 III.—Rental of the common Lands pertaining to the Burgh, - - - - 290 IY.—Table shewing Revenue derived from let of dues leviable from Fairs and staigs, ------------ 301 V.—Table shewing Revenue derived from let of Customs, Duties, Arc., leviable by the Town Council, ---------- 305 YI.—Table shewing Prices fixed by, or on the instructions of, the Provost, Bailies, and Council, ---------- 309 Glossary, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 315 Index, -------------- :J23 CORRECTIONS. Pago 9, last word, for " ewine" read "nowne." ,, 12, 1. 4,/or " Freir Wynssent, litstar," read "Freir Wynssent Litstar." ,, 40, margin, delete " fleschonris." ,, 1)1, foot note, 1. 5, for " import" read " impost." ,, 19(5, last line,/or " Wall " read "Will." ,, 197, 1. 17, for "lies borne" read "lies [noclit] borne." ,, 229, margin, delete "brig and." ,, ,, 1. 3 from foot, for "£14 7 s." read "£14 8 s." See pp. 299-300. ,, 243, 1. 2 from foot, for " Xoire" read " Rorie." ., 2GG, 1. G,for "silver clialice, gilt missal, book," and p. 2G7, 1. 16, for "silver chalice, gilt missal book," read "silver chalice gilt, missal book," EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS OF THE ROYAL BURGH OF STIRLING. EXT RACTS FROM THE RECORDS OE THE BURGH OE STIRLING. 5 December 1519. Curia burgi de Striveling, tentta et affirmata in pretorio dicti burgi per Curia burgi. prepositum et ballivos eiusdem. Ane Gilbart M'Lellan hais byddin, in presens of the saidis provest and M'Lellan, bailies, vij s. for ane pece of land contenand xxxij paice of lynclit and the i:>ece ° ai ' breid as it was sene be the balyeis of befoir, and the said vij s. to be pait as ws of uder anualis ar pait within the said burgh. 16 January 1519-20. Quhiet was funding saild for xviij s. the boll; malt was funding for xx s. Quhit, malt, the boll. The provest, bailies, counssal and communite, hais granttit thar common Domino seill to Sir Johen Patoun, cheplan, to be appendit and to hungin to ane proces patonsmm, of ane land liand in the Mary Wynd the quhilk pertenit to wmquhill Males cheplan. William sou n. The dekin of the talyouris gave in ane suplicacion to the provest and G'0 sissoribus. balyeis desyrand to have sic prevelagis as thar craft hais in uder bowrowis for Taj ris" the agmentacion to be doune be tham and causit to be doune in haly kirk; and the saidis provest and bailies commandit tham to get the prevalegis granttit to thar said craft in Sanct Jonis toune and tha sauld awis with the counssale, and thaireftir as tha thocht maist expedient to gif tliam ansour. 2 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1519-20. Watter of Forcht. Syen [swine]. Buchane, nebour. Die. burges. Burges and gild. The watter of Forcht was set to Alexander Murra for this instant yeir for xv merkis, to be pait as ws and wonnt. Plegis for the payment hus hand and gudis. It was fundin be the inquist that na persoun nor persounis within the said burgh sail haild ony syen wtwith bald or housses, under the pane of tilsall of the syen and viij s. of unlaw. 20 January 1519-20. The commoun seill was granttit to be appendit to ane testimoniall that Thomas Buchane was nebour. Wille Die enterit to the fredoum of burgesry, under the aicht aucht and wount, and sail pay xiiij s.; plegis, George Johensoun. Robert the Brus of Arclit was interit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild be rasoun of hus fader, and sal] pay xxvj d. ob., ij li. walx, and the wyne. Pleeis Robert the Brus of Carnok. Gair prisit. Pro fratribns gilde. Johen Bully, par oclit dark- scliip, knok. Burges and gild. 21 January 1519-20. Allexander Murra, James Merschal, Johen Monucht, and William Monuclit, prisit this gair, syoern, wnderwrittin:—Ane blak goune linit with blak skennis, to vj merkis; v ellin of tanny, v Francli crounnis; ane doublat of gray sathing, xx s.; ij pair of hois of skerllat, xl s.; ane blankat, vj s. viij d. 13 February 1519-20. Gilbert M'Lellan protestit in the nyme and behaw of the bredir of the gild that na man enter to the fredoum of the gild hot he that sail pay v li., the walx and the wyne, excep tham that enteris be airschip that is payit of befoir. Johen Bully present, in presance of the provest and bailies, ane instrument of Sir Allexander Fresall hand, the quliilk proportit and bour in tbe selfe the donacioun and gift of the parocht clarkschip and the keipin of the knok for all the dais of hus lyeftyme, as he allegit. The provest and bailies hais assignit Frida that nixt cummis to Waltir Grame to enter him to the fredoum of burgesry and gild, on this condicioun, that he sail fynd souerte for hus finis and be oblist and syoern that he sail nocht [exercise any] punt pertenyng the fredoum of the gild on to [the tyme] 1519-20.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. o O that he pay v li., the walx and the wyne, to the gud toune, eftir the forme Burges and and tenor of the act maid thar apon be the pro vest, balyeis, counsale and gilcl" communite, the quhilk is new ratifeit yeirly. 26 February 1519-20. James Gryme, soune and air to wmquhill Malcum Gryme, comperit in Gryme; the said fenssit court, in presens of the saidis provest and bailies, and thar he CassiUis^6 chesit Mergret cuntas of Cassillis to be bus curatour and maid facht that lie was nocht compellit, sedoussit nor coacit thar to, and maid facht that he sould nevir cum in the contrar befoir najuge nor jugis speretual na temperal. It was statut and ordinit that na houkstar sail by ony manir of fycht na Communite, uder stoufe to tap agane apon nebouris quhill eftir xj houris, under the pane fNcllt CtlsR]- of eschetin of the stoufe that is coft. 12 March 1519-20. The provest and bailies, counssal and communite, hais granttit to thar Smythis. nebouris the craftismen of the smythis this privelage, that is to say, that ilkc persoun or persounis that bringis ony stufe pertenyng to thair craft to sell within this said burgh sail pay a penny on the mercat day for help of Goddis service to be doune in the said parocht kirk, in honor of God, the blissit Virgin, Sanct Loye, and all Sanctis. 16 April 1520. Curia capitali burgi de Striveling, tentta et affirmata in pretorio dicti Curia capitali burgi per prepositum et ballivos eiusdem. burgi. Quhite was fundin saild for xvij s. the boll. Quliiet. Johen Akman was fundin lipir. Lipir. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, bailies, counssal and communite, Pro com- that na houkstar, nor uder persoun douelland within this said burgh, by ony j^yS"pCor fysch or caponis quhill xij houris at noune to tap agane apon thar nebouris, caponis under the pane of viij s. to the Rud wark, onforgifin. And eliekwis it is statut and ordinit that na houkstar, nor uder persoun Corn, hay or doulland within this burgh, by ony corn or hay or foder that cummis to this foclei- gud toun to sell to tap agane on to the hour of tuelfe at noune; and the said efter stufe that cummis to sell efter noun on to sex houris at ewyne, under the pane foirsaid. 4 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1520. Meill, malt, etc. Forfeiture of house for annual. Price, aiell. Contract of mareage. Stag, ravenues of the fair. It is statut and ordinit that na meill, malt, baier nor quhit, that cummis to the marcat of this said burgh, be saild quhill xij houris at noune, under the pane of viij s. Johen Williamsoun passit, at the command of the saidis provest and balyeis, to the tolbouit wyndo, and proclemit opynly gife thair was ony persoun or personis that had ony enteris to ane lious with the pertinentis pertenyng to wmquliill Johen Aysoun, liand betuex the land of James Langis on the norcht part and the land of wmquliill Thorn of Cragingelt on the soucht part, to cum within xl dais and pay the said chaplan [Sir John Aysoun] the by runnyn annalis with the expensis and tlia sail liaue lull ingres to the said hois with the pertinentis, and faling heirof tha will cais heritable seissing to be giffin to the said Sir Johen Aysoun to be bruikit and josit be him and hus successouris inperpetuum. 16 July 1520. It is statut and ordinit be the balyeis na persoun nor personis sell aiell derrar nor xvj d. the gallon, under the pane of vij s. to the Rud wark onforgifin. It was appoyntit and contractit betuix honorable personis, Thomas Besat of the Quarell on the ta part and George Crechtoun on the tothir parte, in this maner folowand, that is to say that Alexander Besat sal complete mareage with Jonet Crechtoun, dochter to the said George; for the quhilk mareage the said George sail content and pay to the said Alexander the soum of achtscore of merkis, and the said Thomas sail tharfor infefft the said Alexander and Jonet in coniunct fefftment in the souchhalf of the landis of the Bissat land, togidder with al and hale his landis of xxx akaris efter the tenour of tliar appoyntment and contractis thareupone. [Robert Brus of Erch, Robert Brus of Auchinbowy, and William Mouch, burgesses, bind them¬ selves for payment of the eight score merks; and George Crechtoun, provost, and Robert Brus of Auchinbowy, bind themselves to relieve Mouch of his obligation.] 3 September 1520. The stag and the ravenues of the fair was set to Duncan Smart for xv merkis iij s. iiij d. to be pait on the morne eftir the Rud day. Plegis for the payment, Johen Wallace. 1520.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 5 It is ordinet be the provest, bailies, and counssale, than present, that Pro com- munite, vice in queir. Johen Bully sail mak service in the queaier at Mes, Mathemes and Ewinsang, mumte> &el" with surples on him, as he did in wmquhill James of Mentecht tyme and efter the forme and statutis of the syenye. 1 October 1520. Curia capitali burgi de Striveling, tentta et affirmata in pretorio dicti Curia capi- burgi per prepositum et ballivos ejusdem. tall< David Crag, Johen of Cragingelt, George Thomsoun, Inquisicio. William Striveling, Johen Offeris, Johen Cousland, George Symsoun, Nycol Duncansoun, Thomas Watsoun, Gilbart M'Lellan, Allexander Stiensoun, Patrick Portar, William Cosour, Nycoll Cristesoun, Symon Broun. Allexander Forester was chosin provest for this instant yeir, under the Provest. aiclit aucht and wont. Johen Ackyne, Ritschart Naerne, and Allexander Crag, was chosin Bailies, balyeis for this instant yeir, undir the aicht aucht and wount. Quhit was fundin saild for xiij s. iiij d.; malt was fund in saild for xiij s. Quhit, malt, iiij d. Jenne Murra was fundin ane commoun rasettar of pykry. Fargus Pycaris and M'Cummy wyfe was fundin a pykar. Wille M'Lellan allies Parqueir and rasettans- lius wyfe was fundin common pycaris. Marion Cant was fundin a common flyttar. Besse Crawfourd was Flyttaris. fundin siclyk. It was fundin that Johen Blair had ane scabit hors. Scab. Johen Akman and Ritsche Criste [and] Johen in Courntoun, war delatit Lipir. of lipyr. Thorn Smyth, James Lam, and Thorn Morisoun, war chosin seriandis Seriandis. quhill tha be dischargit, under the aicht aucht and wount. Johen Broun was chosin dene of the gild for this instant yeir, undir the Deyen of the aicht aucht and wount. gild* David Crag was chosin thesaurar for this instant yeir, undir the aicht Thesaurar. aucht and wount. 6 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1520. Master of wark. Statutis ratifeit. The tolbouit. Blair, com- plant, hous. Burgh mail, etc. Gait syeppyn. Hevin siluer. Johensoun, cliaellis. Rud alter. Make. Robert Arnot was chosin master of wark for this instant yeir, undir the aicht aucht and wount. The ackis and statutis for the commoun weill of gud tovne, maid of befoir, war newly ratifeit. 5 November 1520. The tua bouis that Johen Bully had in assedacion of this gud toune was set to the said Johen for ane yeir for twa merkis. Plegis for the payment hus hand and hus gudis. [Booth also set to Jhon Morisoun for 13 s. 4 d.; one to Johen Moffet for 13 s. 4 d., and one to Will Davison for 16 s.] Johen Blair gave hus complant to the provest and baillies beseikand tham to caus ane offisar to pas to ane hous that he had in assedacion of Esabell Erskyn to avis and se gife it was ane sufficient hous to doull in or not. Duncan Smart liais byddin for the brugis maile, girs maill and stallance, xij merkis vj s. viij d. Gilbert Johensoun liais biddin for the gait syeppyn xvij merkis vj s. viij d. The said Gilbart hais biddin for the hevin siluer xiiij s. Gilbart Johensoun hais deliverit ane croune of worclit of xviij s. to the provest and bailies for the spons that was left be wmquhill Sir James Darow to the makin of ane chaellis to the Rud loft, and thair the saidis provest and balyeis lies dischargit the said Gilbart in all tyme to cum of the said spoune. Sir Johen Patonsoun, cheplan of Rud alter within the Rud loft, hais maid Johen Make factour and inbringar of all anualis pertenyn to him be rasoune of the said altar for this instant yeir. The small custummis. The kingis maill, girs maill, etc. The gait syeppyn. 9 November 1520. The small custummis was set to William Cossour, Johen Williamsoun and Patrick Duncan, for xlviij merkis, to be payit as ws and wount. The kingis maill, girsmaile and stallangis, was set to Johen Allan and Patrick Portar for xiij merkis, to be pait betuix this day and Youll day that nixt cummis. The gait syeppyn was set to Robert Arnot for xviij merkis, to be payit at thir termes, Candilmes, Beltan, Lammes and Allhallomes. 1520.] OF THE BURGH OF STIFLING. The havyn sillier was set to Gilbart Johensomi for xvj s., to be payit at Hevin siluer. Witsounday and Mertimes. James Patonsoun enterit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild, under the Burges and aicht aucht and wount, and sail pay xxvj d. ob., the walx and the wyne; and gllcl' hais promisit to cum and doull within the said burgh within yeir and day and faling tharof to be denudit of hus fredoum. 12 November 1520. The wattir of Forcht was set to Allexander Murra and Johen Offeris for Aqua de xvj merkis and vj s. viij d., and to pay as ws and wount. Forth. It is appounttit betuex Sir James Crag and Jenot Balrochton the tapart, Pro Crag and Agnes Lang and Ritschart Naern on the touder part, tuechin the brekin of j^charcl] the brig orschat and takin away the frut and brekin of the young treis and the bararis, [that they shall abide by the deliverance of persons named by them]. 26 November 1520. Johen the schirra was in amerciament for the ragrathing of the Kingis Amerciament, burgis in byin of mertis, mutton, talk and skennis, in the sherefdoume cumand to the mercat. It was fundin be the provest and balyeis, counssal and communite, beand Mariota present for the tyme, that wmquhill William Moffot, spous to Marion Paton- lat011S0Un- soun, was nebour within this gud toune, and tharfor it was ordinit that the said Marion ma wirk and ws her occupacioun and pay na stallangis sa lang as scho keippis hyr fra the makin of a band with ane unfre man. The provest and bailies hais granttit to enter Robe Patonsoun to the Patonsoun, fredoume of the gild gife his fader be in the gild roullis or ony of hus gllcl' gudschiris. 14 January 1520-1. Freir Wynsant Litstar, prior of the Freris Predicatoris of the said burgh, Pro fratribus. protestit na proces leid na to be leid of ony land pertenyng to thair place, or awin tham ony anualis, sould hourt tham na thair place, bot that [thai] mycht have full ingres to tham in all tymis to cum. The said prior maid, constitut and ordinit, Duncan Patonsoun, Ritschart Procuratores pro fratribus. 8 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1520-1. Procuratores Naerne and Archibald Dausoun, hus lauchfull procnratoris for him and hus pro fiatubus. conyent jn aq actionis consernyng tham that pertenis to thair place. Bully, keipin of knok. Pro com- munite. Duncano Patonsoun, abbay. George Esok. Pro com- munite, ser¬ vice in kirk. Household geir. 17 January 1520-1. Johen Bully protestit that the provest, bailies nor counssal of this said burgh, sould nocht be displesit at him quliowbeit he callit tham and perseuit tham befoir ane uder juge for the wrangus haldin of hus fee for the keipin of the knok. as he allegit, na that it sould nocht hourt him na hus fredoum be na waye. The saidis provest, bailies and counssal, beand present for the tyme, requirit the said Johen Bully to scliaw ane attenttice document of the gift of the keipin of thar knok and quliat he sould have tharfor and he sould be ansourt. Duncan Patonsoun produsit and scliew ane a.ttentict document, of wmquliill Sir James Darow hand writ, of the dait of fyfty yeris or mair, the quhilk maid mentioun that hus land and tenement the quhilk he ocupiis this foirsaid day aucht bot viij d. of anuale to the abbay of Cambusschennocht. Compcrit in the said fenssit court dene George Esok, subprior of Cambuss¬ chennocht, and dene Johen Arnot, sakar of the said place, and thar requirit the said Duncan Patonsoun to pay tham ane stane of talk or of xvj d., eftir the forme and tenor of thar chartour, becais thar chartour was befoir hus avidence xxx yeris or mair, as tha allegit, and gifin undir the commoun seill of the said burgh. Sir Thomas Coling denyit to mak service in the parocht kirk of the said burgh eftir the tenor and forme of hus awin hand writ, the quhilk was pro¬ dusit and schawin to him in the said fenssit court in presens the haill com- munite beand present for the tyme. 28 February 1520-1. George Thomsoun grantit that he had vj poder plattis, vj dissches, iij sawsaris, ij trenscheris contenand xxv li., price of the li. xviij d., j quart, j choppyn, j chandelar, twa pottis, the cost of a pot xx d., j pair of schettis, j bed, j buffat stoull, j pair of boullis, j brodclayth, j touall, j small standand compter; the quhilk gair pertenit to the barnis of wmquliill Duncan Lyntoun and deliverit to him be Johen of Cragingelt and Thorn Smytht. 1521.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 9 8 April 1521. Johen Sym, soune to Andro Sym, was in amerciament for the not keipin Amerciament, of hus condicion to James Merscliall tuechin the fraichtingis of hus boit out of fraichtof boit- the port of Striveling callit Blyis Hoill to the havin of Leicht, becais it was previt sufficiently befoir the said inquist that the saidis James fraichit the said boit to the said havin siclik as Duncan Patonsoune, nebour of the said burgh, did of befoir now at hus last waagh, and the said James to pay na rnair fracht this ladin na the said Duncan did of befoir to the said Johen. The saidis balyeis comandit and chargit George Symsoun, nebour of the Levinston, said burgh, to bring ane pot to tham on Friday nixt to cum, the quhilk is the ane pot' xij day of the said monecht, the quhilk pot was recoverit be David Scumervaill of the Plane apon wmquhill Duncan, as the ackis rasit tharupone proportis, and falin that he bring nocht the said pot the said day that tha will pas to hus hous and tak als gud a pot be thair estimacion and deliver to the creditour on to the tyme that tha get thar awin, becais the said pot audit bot sex s., the quhilk was deliverit in the balyeis handis in this present court. It was fundin be the inquist na man nor woman douelland within the Syene. said burgh hald ony syene without band, under the pane of slain of the syene, quhasumevir aucht thame, and tha to have na radres na payment of the persoun that slais tham. It is fundin be the inquist that ilke nebour keip nebourhed in the begin Pro ortis. of thar yaird dikis to uderis, and qulia that falis to pay the unlaw of viij s. to the Rud wark, and the bailies to constrene and compel thame to big the sammy n. 12 April 1521. Charllis Kanydi the saidis bailies to mak devisioun and part the Gryme, guddis and gair pertenyng to wmquhill Malcum Gryme and to deliver Jenot geir" Gryme, douchter to wmquhill the said Malcum, hir porcion and part of the sammyn, the quhilkis the saidis baillies refusit and said tha walcl nocht intromet with nane of that gair becais it was testit. 21 April 1521. It was statut and ordinit be the provest, bailies, counssal and communite, Pro com- ^ beand present for the tyme, that na houkstar by ony salmound na yit na fycht m(nmcl' to tap agane apon nebouris on to xij houris at ewine. n 10 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1521. Pro Roberto Spettale. Dauid Crag; viccar and parroolit clerk. Amercia- mentis. Lam. (1 May 1521. James of Schaw of Salky, knycht, granttit, in presens of the saidis provest and bailies, that he ranunsit and gaife our all rycht or titill of rycht that he had, hais or mycht have in ony tyme to cum, to ane land and tenement pertenyn to wmquhill Thomas Young, band within the said burgh, betuex the land and tenemenjt of wmquhill Robart Duncan on the est part and the land of wmquhill Sir James Darow on the wast part and the Kingis hiegait on the norcht part and the gait callit the Bakraw on the soucht part, to Robert Spettale, servand to the Quenis grace, excep allanerly the payment of x s. of anuale be yeir; and the said James oblist him fachtfully nevir to cum in the contrar befoir na juge na jugis, speretuall nor temporall, in ony tyme to cum, under the pane of maensyeiring, defamacion and inhabilite. David Crag, thesaurar of the said burgh for the tyme, requirit at the provest, bailies, counsall and communite, beand present for the tyme, gife tha tliocht expedient to sustene the pleis of tliar rychtis tuechin the soumondis maid apon thame be master William Hammiltoun, viccar of the said burgh, and Job en Bully, parocht clerk, anent four akeris of land of the Boroumannis Medow of the commoun of the said burgh clemit be the said viccar to pertein to him and lius successouris, and anent a sertane mony clemit be the said Johen to be uptane yeirlie of the commoun gudis for the keip of the knok as he allegis, the quhilk is dependand the law befoir the offisiall of Loudean; and the said provest, bailies and counssal, beand than present, beand avisit, all in [ane] woce concludit that tha wald sustene the plee and defend the said acciounis becaus tha undirstand that thar acciounis perseuit be the saidis viccar and klark war on juste and that tha had na just titill to the saidis akeris nor mony, 20 July 1521. Jame Moffat, tailyour, was in amerciament of bloud and trublance of Sande Duncan, tailyour; plegis for the unlaw (blank) Moffat, pigmakar. The said Sande Duncan was in amerciament for the trublance committit and doune apone Jame Moffat ; plegis his hand and gudis. Sande Duncan was in amerciament for the desobaissance of James Lam, seriand. Jolien Bully, in presens of the saidis bailies, in a fenssit court, said that he sould mak Jame Lam onable to bruk ane office. 1521.] OF THE BUEOH OF STIRLING. 11 Duncan Smart and Johen Allan, talyour, Avar laAvborgh that Jame Moft'et Lawborgh. sould be harmles and skaitles of Thome Allan, talyour. 29 July 1521. Curia burgi de Strivelyng, tenta et affirmata in pretorio dicti burgi per Curia burgi. prepositum, Alexandrum Forester, et ballivos. Duncanus Patersoun, Robertus Arnot, Adam Mukcart, Johannes Craw- Nomina furd, David Greg, David Bankis, Johannes Forestar, Willelmus Cossour, assisie- Johannes CoAvane, Jacobus Marschell, Walterus Grahame, Willelmus DaAvsoun, Willelmus Robysoun, Johannes Mychell, Alexander Murray, Johannes Allane, Willelmus Halden. Andro Borell of Logy Aves in ane amerchyment of this court for the Robert Avrangwis Avitlithalding of ane pair of blak clokis fra Robert Tenent, thaggar, AndroBorell and his Avif, borroAvit fra tham, and is ordand to restoir the samyn be ane assis to the saidis Robert and his spous. Jonet Clerk, vmquhill servand to Robert Tenent, grantit in jugisment that sclio ressavit ane pair of blak clokis fra Andro Borell and his Avif and laid tham in apon Roben Tenentis langsadill end Avithin his lious, and Aves chargeit to reman in the tolbutht for the samyn. 9 August 1521. Johen Bully, of his aAvin fre motife Avill, in presance of the saidis provcst Pro commun- and bailies in the said fenssit court, hais ranunssit frely and gifin our the ite'knok- keipin of the knok of the Rud Kirk and nevir to clem ony richt to the sammyn, and the guid toun to disspon apon the sammyn as tha think maist expedient. 10 August 1521. Allexander Murray, burges in the burgh of Striveling, of hus aAvin fre Agreement, Avill, has bundin and oblist him, hus airis, executouris and assignais, to content gchawf'ky. and pay to Mergret SchaAV, the relict of Avmquhill George of Crichetoun of Breder toune, tuenti four bollis of meill gud and sufficient stoufe and markat Avair, to be pait to the said Mergret or hir factouris yeirly betuex the feist of the Nativete of our Lord and the feist of the purificatioun of our Lady; and the halding of ten ky, and to pay tharfor kane cheis extending to fyfti stane, and of the said 1 stane to be fyfe stane to the tynd; and gife the said Mergret falis in the deliverin of the ky samekle cheis to be defakit, and the said ky to 12 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1521. Agreement, Murray, Selnuv, ky. Protestatio pro f rat rib us Protestatio, feft chaplains. Patonsoun, balyie, fee. Pro com- munite. The new counsall. Dekinnis. The clene of gild. Thesaurar. be prisit and to be deliverit to liir als guid at the wsscha of the termis of thre yeris. 30 September 1521. Freir Wynssent, litstar, prior of the Freris Predicatoris of this said burgh, protestit solemmtly, in presens of the saidis bailies and in the vesiagh of the haill court, that na proces leid nor to be leid within the said burgh sould hourt tham na thair place of thar anualis awin thame bot that tha mycht have ramaid of law. Sir James Akman, chaplane, collector and balye to the left chaplanis of the parocht kirk of the said burgh, protestit solemply that na proces leid nor to be leid sould hourt the saidis feft chaplanis of thar obit silver nor anualis in tyme cumin bot that tha mycht have rameid of law. Duncan Patonsoun allegit, in presens of the saidis bailies, that he wanttit litis fee the last tyme he was balye and protestit that he sould nocht bruk na office on to the tyme that he war joait of litis said fee. The saidis provest and balyeis passit to the mercat cros of the said burgh and causit to proclame that na broustar within the said burgh sell ony aiell derrar na xij d. the galloune, undir the pane of the frist fait viij s. unforgifin, the nixt fait xvj s., the third fait the dingin fourcht of the calderun bodim, brekin of the breuin loumes and expellin of the persoun or persouns commit- teris and brekaris of this statut breuin for ane yeir. The aild provest and bailies:—Allexander Forester, Johen Ackyn, Ilitschart Name, Allexander Crag; Schir Walter Forester, Pobart the Brus, Allexander Drummound, Robert Calentar, James Reducht. The new provest and bailies:—Schir Duncan Forester, Walter Grame, Robart Arnot, Allexander Watsoun; Allexander Levinstoun, Robart Ferny, James Spettal, William Dausoun, Johen Bully, Henry Abhircrummy, Allexander Murra. Thir are the nyernis ol the dekinnis:—Thorn Smytht, Johen Allexander, Thorn Mitschal, Allexander Robisoun, Johen Allane, Allexander Benne, Patric Litiljohen and Thorn Foullar. 4 October 1521. Duncan Patonsoun was chosin dene of the gild for this instant yeir. David Crag was chosin thesawrar for this instant yeir. 1521.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 13 Robart Arnot, ane of the bailies of the burgh of Striveling, passit to the Clair prisit. hous and lugin of James Tennand and causit a certane gair pertenyn to wmquhill Johen Elphinstoun to be prisit be famus men and causit to be syoern to pris liellely and treuly this gair that eftir folowis; and thir ar the nyemis of the saidis prisaris,—William Cosour, Johen Williamsoun, Johen Allan and Allexander Smyth:— Item, in the first, ane hors prisit to xxvj s.; item, ane sadill, bridill and hors hous, vj. s.; item, ane syourd, buklar and syourd belt, vj s.; item, ane pair of buttis and ane pair of schoun, ij s. vj d.; item, ane gaubart of russat xx s.; item, ane hogtoune of rayit clayth, xviij d.; item, ane clouk iiij s.; item, ane jak, viij s.; item, twa pair of hois, 5 s.; item, ane dowblat, iij s.; item, ane gray bonat, ane nicht courchre and hus sark, gifin to the woman that keipit him; item, aw in be Hammiltoun to the said wmquhill Johen, 5 s. 14 October 1521. Sir James Akman, cheplane, and balye and collectour to the feft chaplanis Procapel- of the parocht kirk of the said burgh, produsit and shew ane attentic chartour lams" and seissin of twa markis of obit silver to be upliftit and tane to the feft chaplanis yeirly for sufferagh to be doun for the saullis of wmquhill Allex¬ ander lord Elphinstoun and Sir Johen Elphinstoun, his fader, of ane land and tenement liand in the Bakraw. •3 February 1521-2. Thorn Smyth, dekin of the smycliis, was in amerciament for the wrangus Amercia- fundin of ane borgh apon George Smyth, allegand that the said George was awin xxij s. iiij d. for thair prestis met and ane wkly penny, the quhilk was fundin be the assis that the said George aucht na mair to the said craft bot in sa fer as he occupiit within the fredoum of the said burgh. 14 February 1521-2. James Lang, burges within the said burgh, and Males Lang, hus oye and Pro le Haly- aire, hais granttit thame to have analeit and saild ane anuale rent of ix s. to ljloucl" be tane and upliftit be the brother and fraternite of the Halybloud or thar factouris yeirly [and another annual of 6 s.;] the quhilk mony that was gottin for the saidis sex shilling of anual ane pairt tharof was gifin to Thorn 11 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1521-2. Fowlar to lyeir the said Males the skennar craft as ane prentes audit to be lyerit. Males Lang is bunden prentes to Thom Fowlar, skennar, for the spece of four yeiris; the said Thomas hais promittit to lieir the said Males and do hus delegens to lieir him the said craft eftir hus pouar, and to do to him in meit, drynk and beddiu, as a maister audit to do hus prentes. And atour it is condicionit gif the said Males passis fra the said Thomas hus master within the saidis termes of iiij yeiris in hus defalt, without ocasion of the said Thomas, and byidis and absentis him fra him fourti dais, the said Thomas sail nocht rasaife him agane to hus prenteschip nor lieir him the said craft in tyme thaireftir. And gife the said Males ramanis with hus said master to the wssclia of hus foirsaid termes he oblisis him to mak service for ane yeir to the said Thomas, for meit and fee, befoir ony uderis. 17 February 1521-2. The hammir- The baillies hais assiguit this day xv days to the dekin and craftismen of men' the hammirmen to prefe gife sclieit makaris scottis and lottis with thar craft in uder borouis, that is to say in Edinburgh, Dunde, Glasgow, Sanctjohentoun, or in Abirdene. Tennand,lair. It was assiguit to the balyeis this day xv dais to James Tennand to prefe that the lair that George Symsouii erddit hus wyfe in was hus lair and granttit to him be the dyen of gild that was for the tyme and that hus barnis and wyfe was erddit in the said lair and that he had maid cost for the pay¬ ment of it with stanis. 3 March 1521-2. Mentecht. The bayleis hais assignit this day xv dais to Wille Gillaspy to bring the lard of Kars acquittance of all fermes and malis that he has deliverit to the said lard, or to ony of hus factouris, of the landis of the Justinflet per- tenyn to Patric Mentecht, the quhilk he hais in assedacion of this gud toun, [Feild of sen the feild of Floudoune, the quhilkis sail be weill allouit to the said FloudouneJ. Wmiam< ProWatsoun, Thorn Watsoun allegit that he aucht nocht apon rasoun to scot nor lot hammirmen. craftismen 0f the hammirmen becaus he occupies na warklomis that per- tenis to thair said craft nor samekle as a hammir. Pro le Haly- blond. Pro Thoma F oullar, skennar, prentes. 1521-2.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 15 17 March 1521-2. Johen Hendersoun hais promisit to gife four schilling yeirly, at tvva Maltmen, terraes Whitsownday and Mertimes be evinly porciounis, to the dekin of the Hendersoun. maltmen that beis for the tyme to the vphald of dvvyne seruice to be doun at the altar of Sanct Mathow fundit and situat within the parocht kirk of the said burgh. 28 April 1522. It was fundin be the inquist that ony flechour that slais ony falty flecht Fleshers. within burgh, or brekis ony fawin flecht to tap amangis nebouris, that he sail be expellit fra flecht slain within burgh for ane yeir, and ane vnlaw wnfor- gifin. It is ordinit that the dekin of the flescheris that beis for the tyme cum to the offisaris that beis the said tyme and schaw tham ony of the said craft that byis ony fawin flecht or ony falty flecht to tap apon nebouris, and falin heirof that he sail pay xl s. to the kirk wark. Item, that na flescheir hald na servand bot he that he will risspond and an sour for him. Item, that na martis, syen nor muttoun, be slane on the hegait be na fleschour na thair servandis bot in the Bakraw and in bouis, under the pane of the unlaw als aft as tha fait. 5 May 1522. The saidis bailies, counsall and communite, beand present for the tyme, pro decanis, hais granttit that the dekinis and craftismen of the said burgh sail have ane commoun .... ... kist. kee of the lok of the commoun kist in keipin quhar all the avidentis of this gud toune and the commoun seill ar in keipin. All the dekinis of craftismen of the said burgh for this said instant yeir, Commoun all in a voce, protestit solemply that thar sould nocht be na takis of the lanf1, common land of the said burgh set in ony tyme to cum langar takis na fife yeiris eftir that the viij yeris takis be runin, the quhilkis ar granttit this said day to the tenentis that occupyis the said comoun landis for ane gratitud doune be tham in the payin of ane takist of four schor of pundis and xiij li. or thar by of thair foir malis of the comoun land of the Borowmuir and the Soucht akeris that tha have in assedacion of the provest, bailies, counssal and communite of the said burgh. 16 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1522. 17 June 1522. In presens of the provest and balyeis, Allexander Benne, dekin of the wobstaris, and hus haill craft, with consent and assent of all the dekinis and craftismen of the said burgh, the quhilk nyemis of the saidis dekinis folowis : in the first, Patric Lausoun, Thom Smyth, Johen Allexander, Johen Allan, Thom Mitschal, Andro Lokart and Allexander Robisoun, liais condusit and feit Sir Hub art Broun, chaplan, curat for the tyme, for dyvin seruice to be doune at the altar of Sane Luck, situat within the parocht kirk of the said burgh, that is to say the said Sir Robart sail, God willin, say twa messis in the wouke at the altar befoir Sane Severine, patrone to the saidis craftismen of wobstaris, for the quhilkis the saidis dekin and craftismen of wobstaris that happynis to be for the tyme sail thankfully content and paye to the said Sir Robart xxvj s. viij d. in the yeir, be evinly porcionis at twa usit termis Wit- sounday and Mertimes in wyliter. 30 June 1522. ProM'Lellan, William M'Lellane protestit that it sould nocht hourt hus fredoume sclilander. quhobeit he soummound Marion Cant befoir the official, considering he complenit to the balyeis and tlia wald nocht sit on sic materis becaus the mater was iniurius langagh and schlander. G October 1522, All the land burges war unlauit for thair absence fra the heicl court, excepand Nycol Cristesoun and Ritsche Cristesoun. Agnes Lang and Walter Ewinsoun, hir soune, submittit tham syorne to abid, stand and underly, the sentance and deliverance of master Dave Abir- crummy, subden of our Soverane Lordis chapell riall, Sir James Wilsoun, persoun of Glendovane, Malcum Drummound of Kilbrid, Walter Grame and James, of all accionis and debaittis betuix tham and specialy anent the landis of the Glen and the gudis and gair of airschip pertenyng to the said Walter. 10 October 1522. Lard of Keir, Allexander Patonsoun promisit to bring the lard of Keiris bolt wp the watter and deliver hir quhar scho lay and to do the sammyn within xv dais. Pro domino Roberto Broun, wobstaris. Amercia- mentis, land burges. Lang and Ewinsoun, debaittis submittit. 1522.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 17 27 October 1522. It is statut and ordinit that candill be saild [na] derrar na iiij d. ob. Candill. the li. and that tha be four penny candill in the pund and ane halfpenny candill and ix halfpenny candill in the li., and that tha be gud and sufficient stoufe, under the pane of the unlaw escheiting of the candill. It is statut and ordinit that all fleclit that cumis to this mercat to sell be Flecht prisit be ane balye and ane certan of fleschouris and uderis nebouris that sail i be chargit be ane balye, and that na mauschit na spoulyeit to cum to this said mercat to sell under the pane of escheting of the said flecht. It is statut and ordinit that na fleschor within this burgh sla na caus to be slane ony flecht hot on the Baksyid or in thar bonis, undir the pane of viij s. the frist fait, xx d. the nixt fait, and tynssall of the flecht the thrid fait. It is statut and ordinit that na persoun nor personis woucht ony maner [Washing of clais at the toune bouirn within the Barrasyet or aboun, for fyling of the clothesd bourn, undir the pain of viij s. vnforgevin and brekin of the weschal that tha wo us with. 17 November 1522. Jame Males put him in will for the haldin of ane kow and ane sowe In voluntate, that war commoun dik brekaris. gOWCi 19 December 1522. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, bailies, counssal and communite, Water of beand present for the tyme, that na nebour doulland within the said burgh co°^j^js' tak ane cobill of the watter of Forclit bot at the bailies maid be tham, under the pane of tinssal of hus fredoum, 23 February 1522-3. The provest, bailies, counsall and communite, beand present for the tyme, Grammer hais granttit to suple and suport Sir Robart Cristisoun, chaplan of Sane scho11- James Chapel, master of thar grammer scholl, in the plei in defens of the said chapel and the rychtis tharof. 16 March 1522-3. It was fundin be the assis that Jolien Cousland sail deliver to Arche Airscliip Duncansoun ane certan gudis pertenyn to him in airschip be the dissase of °U( lfe' c 18 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1522-3. Airscliip gudis. Queir of kirk. Amercia¬ ment, sellin of ane sowe. Amercia- mentis. Pro communite, nebourheid. Burgess and gild. St. Laurance altar. wmquhill Jolien Duncansoun, hus fader, that is to say, ane bed, ane chandlar, ane reid coverin, ane pouder diclit, ane yetlyn, ane gangand quheil, ane tyne pynt, ane mask fat, ane stand and ane gyeil fat, gife the said Johen hais nocht deliverit the saidis gudis to the said Arche and prefe the deliverance of the samin. 21 April 1523. All the nebouris beand present for the tyme war content and granttit that David Crag, thesaurar, and Robart Arnot, master of the kirkwark, sould deliver to Marthing, servand to Ewin Allasoun, the soume of xl pundis in part of payment of ane mair soume for temyr to the queir of the kirk of the said burgh. G July 1523. It was fundin be the assis that Wille Forsyiclit falit in hus condicion to Gilbart Patonsoun tuechin the sellin of ane sowe to the said Gilbart, that condicionit that scho was with gryissis the tyme of the sellin of hir, and scho was not. 15 February 1523-4. Jenne Murra and Johen Murra war ilk ane of tham in amerciament for trubling of thair nebouris, undir silence of the nycht, throw thair flything and haldin of thair nebouris walkand all the nycht. It is statut and ordinit that ilke nebour big hus dikis and keip nebour¬ heid to uderis, and quha that falis and douis in the contrar quhat sckait that ony nebour takin in hus yaird, in defalt of keipin of nebourheid, in sa far as he ma prefe the skait, the nebour nocht keipand him nebourheid sail recom- pance him at the syicht of nebouris in sa far as he is skait. 4 April 1524. Sir Dave Cristisoun, chaplane, enterit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild be rasoun of wmquhill Nycol Cristesoun,' hus fader, and sail pay xxvj d. ob., ij li. walx and the wyne. The saidis provest, bailies, counssal and communite, hais granttit to affixit thair commoun seile to ane new chartour to be transumptit and maid of all anualis pertenyn to Sane Laurance altar fundit and situat within the parocht kirk of the said burgh, and the said charter to be put in the common kist, and the said Sir William to have copy of all the saidis anualis, and the 1524.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 19 saidis provest and bailies sail caus him to be ansorit and obayit of the sammyn St. Laurance as law will. altar- 18 April 1524. The provest, bailies, counsall and communite, hais grantit and lyessance Gra freris. to the Gra freris of the said burgh ane pece of thair common land lyand at the soucht part of thair yaird equali gangand doune the bred of thair yaird to the Rud croft. 2 May 1524. Johen Allan, talyour, was in amerciament for the occupyin of the fur- Amercia- ruris in furring of ane goune with new stoufe, and it is ordinit and commandit ™aft'furrur be the provest and bailies, that na talyour within the said burgh occupy the said furrur craft, wndir the pane of xl s. to the Rud wark als aft as tha fait. 7 May 1524. The provest [and] bailies, with consent and assent of the hail bredir of the Haly blond Haly bloud, hais granttit to content and pay Sir Johen Lambart, chaplane of alter' thair said altar, xxv merkis yeirly, gud and wsual mony of the realme, for hus gud and thankfull service doune and to be doune at thair said altar of the Halybloud, with all uder service, that is to say Ladymes, Hiemes, Hevin- sang and Mathingis, and how and quhen the tyme occurris. The provest, bailies, counssal and communite, all with ane consent and Pro Spottis- assent, na discrepance, hais granttit and gevin the service of the Rud alter aiter in the Rud loft, fundit and situat within the parocht kirk of the said burgh, to ane discret man, Sir Johen Spottiswoud, chaplane, for hus gud and thankfull service to be doune at the said alter, with all and syndry anualis, croftis, landis, oblacionis, and generall all and syndry acsedant pertenyn to the said alter; and als the saidis provest, bailies, counssal and communite, hais granttit ane yeirly pencion of vj merkis to the said Sir Johen, and gife the said Sir Johen makis gud and thankfull service, efter the forme and tenor of hus donacion gifin to him under the common seill of the said burgh, the saidis provest, bailies, counssal and communite, sail conseder at the yeris end and eke hus pencioun efter thair consiance and discression eftir hus gud service makin. 5 September 1524. Wille Aysoun hais tane the stagis and the ravenues of the fair for xvij Stagis, fair. 20 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1524. Stagis, fair. Den of the Old. Amercia¬ ment. Amercia¬ ment. Pro Scot, gryndstane. Previs, ane syord [sword.] merkis and x s. [And] the said provest and bailies hais promisit to deliver and draw the best stagis that cumin in the stond to Wille Aysoun and warrand him the sam that na man sail have challance or cleme of rycht to him, bot to be brukit be the said William, and he to disspon on him as he thinkis maist "Pedant. 2S October 1524, Thir ar the thingis that ar granttit be the provest and bailies to Duncan Patonsoun, dene of the gild for the tyrne :— Item, in the frist, the provest and bailies sail tak bus afald part and defend him in ony maner of thing belangand hus office in the exarcision or execussion of hus office, baytli with tharn selfe and thair servandis, quhenevir he chargis tliam or ony ane tharto. Elyekwis, gif the said Duncan makis expens within the kirk or queir in ony necessar or nyeidfull thingis or reformacion of Goddis service, for the honor of God and the weill of the toune, that tha sail mak the said expens tharof and caus the samyn to be thankfully payt to him qulien he gifis the sammyn in writ to tharn, or ony wder expens he makis out with for the weill of the toune and the gildbrethir. And, elyekwys, that nowder provest nor bailies liessent nor gife lyefe to na chaplane, beand within the kirk that tha ar patronis to, to pas na harandis bot gife he have lyefe of the said Duncan, and gife hus harandis he gret and nyeidfull to be doun to ramane at the maist bot viij dais fra his service. Item, it is granttit that the said Duncan sail nocht intromet with the fillin of the lamppis na lychtin of the candillis. 31 October 1524. Jame Murra was in amerciament for the wrangus blasflemyn, trubbeling and houcterin of Robe Salter. Johen Johensoun was in amerciament for the wrangus castin of ane muttoun buke of Johen Lamis undir hus feit 011 the cassay and fylin of it. 21 November 1524. Johen Ackyne, balye, is souerte that Fyndelo Donaldsoun sail deliver ane gud and sufficient gryndstane of four fut, and thre fyngir breid, to Rob Scot. Thir ar the previs of the awnyng of ane syourd . . . Rob Merschal, frist witnes, of xl yeris of aige, or tharby, syorne, deponit that weill he wis 1524.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 21 and sekirly knew that the syourd thair present, clemit be Johen Benne, was Previs, ane the said Johen awin syourd and coft be him fra (blank) Gray, and that he ] had wanttit the syourd cum xv dais befoir Youll ane yeir . . . 21 January 1524-5. David Greg was maid [quit] be ane assise of the slachter of ane syene Syene. that he slow to Marion Broun becaus syene Avar fundin unlachfull gudis. 3 March 1524-5. The provest, bailies, counssalc and communite, beand present for the Sane Ninianes tyme, hais granttit the altar of Sane Ninianes altar and the service tharof to altar- Sir Thomas Jarva, he makand service at the samyn eftir the forme of hus condicion undir hus aAvin subscripcioun of hus hand. The provest, bailies, counssale and communite, beand present for the [Next vacant tyme, nane discrepance, all in ane Avoce, liaif granttit the nixt wakand alteragh altaraoe-l that Avakis Avithin thar parocht kirk of the said burgh to Robart Ferny, soune to Robart Ferny, burges of the said burgh, he beand habill tharto, and gifc Sane Ninianis altar be Avakand the said altar to be gife him the service of the sammyn, and falin tharof to gife him the service of ane wder als gud als soune as it Avakis, he beand abill tharfor as said, and to mak service eftir the tenor and forme of the ac maid of befoir. 31 March 1525. Wille Fidlar, allies Ednom, Avas in amerciament for the Avrangus trublance Amercia- of Sir James Crag, chaplane, be hus violent and impertinat langagh Avithout {fiance of fait maid to him be the said Sir James or ony Avderis in hus bchaAV, tharfor a chaplain, it is statut and ordinit be the saidis provest and bailies that the said Wille sail nocht fait to the said Sir James in ony tyme to cum, and gife he doAvis in the contrar that he sail pay xl s. to the Rud Avark on forgifin. 12 April 1525. The boAvroAv court of Striveling haldin and affirmit be the provest and Bigin of new balyeis of the sammyn; comperit befoir tliam Robart Spettal, factor and actor for Cristane Ra, servitrice to the Quenis grace and hienes, on the ta part, and Sir Allexander Buchan, chaplan, for himselfe and all Avderis haveand entres, 22 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1525. Bigin of new and submittit tham fauchfully, be the wphaldin of tbair rycbt handis, the gavill'. deliverance of thir personis eftir folowand, that is to say, Duncan Patonsoun, dene of the gild, Robert Arnot, Johen Ackyn, Ritschart Name, bailies, Alex¬ ander Watsoun [and six others,] tuechin the bigin of ane new hous and gawill be the said Cristan Ra and hir said factor to the gawill of the land of the said Sir Allexander Buchane, in the Castal Wynd; the quhilkis personis beand syoern, mowvit of court, ryiply avisit, incom agane in jugment, and deliverit all in a woce that the said Cristan Ra and hir factor sail tousk, bowale and ragall, the gawill of the saidis Cristan new hous to the gavill of the said Sir Allexander hous, and the said Cristan and Robart in hir neme till have all the haile stoufe and stanes of the said Sir Allexander part of his aild gavill, and the saidis Cristan and Robart hir factour to big thar said gawill as tha pleis and as tha think maist expedient, and the said Sir Allexander and hus airis and successouris to be excludit in tyme to cum fra ony flittin or makin of ony asiamenttis of the said gavill tliarthrow becaus the said Sir Allexander makis na expens nor cost of the bigin of the haill gawill. 24 April 1525. Ciiria justici- Ritschart Broun was convictit and filit for the thyftuis steilling of twa ane burgi. mar[s out 0f the landis of Corntoun, and thareftir that the doume was gifin Hors stealing. _ \ , ° on him to be hangit quliill he war deid, he granttit, of his awin fre will, that he staw ane mair fra Robe Lam and ane blak hors out of the Cobiltoun. Act aganes The provest, bailies, counsall and communite, hais statut and ordinit that kaikbaxtens. thair be na kaik bakstaris within the fredoum of the said burgh fundand selland ony kaikes bot samony as sail be chosin be tham, the quhilkis sail be bot vj in nowmyr; and ordinis that James Lam, Johen Youle and Dave Ritsclie, offisaris, pas and warne all kaik bakstaris doulland within the fre¬ doum of the said burgh to dissist and seise fra the said occupacion, and to warne tham all to the nixt court that tha ma be sex chosin for the said occupacioun and all the laife dischargit. 8 May 1525. James Lam, seriand, passit at the command of the said balyie to the tol- bouit wyndo and proclamit opynly gife thair was ony persoun or persones that had ony entres till ane land and tenement pertenyn to wmquhill Johen [Proclama¬ tion, forfeit¬ ure of a tenement. ] 1525.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 23 Stewart, liand within the fredoum of the said burgli betuex the land of [Proclama- wmquhill Johen Aysoun, on the est part, and the land of William Cosour, on uve'of the wast part, to cum within xl dais and pay the runnyn anwalis to Sir James tenement.] Murra, chaplane, with the expens, and falin tharof thar will be heritable stait, seissin and possessioun, gife to the said Sir James, to be brukit and josit be him and hus successouris imperpetuum. 11 May 1525. The service of Sane Ninianes altar fundit and situat within the parocht SaucNinianes kirk of the said burgh was gifin to Sir Thomas Duncansoun, with all anualis, altar' landis, oblacionis and all wder doweteis, he makand service tharfor eftir the forme and tenor of the ackis maid of befoir. 3 July lo2o. It is ordinit be the saidis provest and bailies that na craftisman of the Taylour craft, talyour craft occupy na ws ony punt pertenyn to the fredoum of the gild, under the panes that ocuris to tyne apon law. Allexander Duncan protestit, in the name and behaw of the haill craftis- men of the talyouris, that quhat war doun in this present court tuechin thar privelagis sould nocht hourt tham na tourne tbam to preiudice bot that tha mycht have remeid of law befoir ony juge or jugis competante quhen and quhar it efferit. 2 October 1525. Robart Arnot hais offerit ane signet of gould to Johen Allan, in the nerne Pro Arnot, and behaw of Walter Cousland, he payand the mony that the said signet is g^id. °f a win to the said Walter. It was fundin be the inquist that thar sail nocht be na pencioun gifin to Cliaplanis. na chaplane in agmentacioun to ane alteragh for ane yeir. 6 October 1525. The provest, bailyeis and counssal, haif assignit Monunday that nixt Altar of Sane cummis to the haile counssal to convene in the lujene of Sir Duncan Forester Katerin* of Garden, knycht, to avies on the gift of the altar of Sane Katerin fundit and situat within thar parocht kirk, and ordinis that the hail counssal be warnit to convene in the said lujene betuix ane and twa houris eftir noune. 21 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1525. Curia justici- are. Assisa. 16 October 1525. Curia justiciare burgi do Striveling, tentta in pretorio dicti burgi per Allexander Forester, vicecomitatum dicti burgi. Sir Walter Forester of the Torwod, knycht, Allexander Levinstoun of Dunypece, Patric Buclrquhanan of Lany, Thomas Semervaile of the Plane, James Spetal of Blairlogy, David Crag, Walter Ewinsoun, Allexander Crag, Johen Watsoun, James Lawder, James Tennand, Johen Wallace, Allexander Murra, Duncan Darow and Duncan Bow. Robart Menteclit was convicit be the said assis and doume gifin on him be beheaded]. to be had tQ the Heiddin Hill and the lied to be strakin fra the body, and the said cloume was gevin be Wille Forsycht, dempstar for the tyme. Mentetht [to Curia justici- arie. Assisa. Murra, Muir- heid, [to be hanged]. Curia burgi. Stabelaris, aittis, hay. 21 October 1525. Curia justiciarie burgi de Striveling, tentta in pretorio dicti burgi per Allexander Forester, justiciarium dicti burgi. George of Dowglas of Bonkul, Walter Scot of Buchklouk, Patric Buch- quannan of Lany, Sir Walter Forester of the Torword, knycht, Allexander Drummound of Armoir, James Spettal of Blairlogy, Johen of Mentecht, William Cunyngham, David Kynkaid, Walter Grame, Johen Ackyn, Allex¬ ander Levinstoun, Johen the Brus and Walter Ewinsoun. It was fundin be the said assis that Robe Murra and Jame Mur had thiftusly stouin ane gryne clok, ij syourds, ane sertane of sarkis, courcheis and colaris, vij pair of schoun, ane pair of hois, ane buklar; that tharfor the saidis Robart and James sould be tane to the Gallious and hangit quhill tha war deid; and doum was gifin tharupon be the rnoucht of Wille Forsyicht, dempstar for the tyme. 23 October 1525. Curia burgi de Striveling, tentta in pretorio dicti burgi per prepositum et ballivos eiusdem. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, bailies and counssal, that na stabelar within this said burgh sell ony aittis derrar na v d. the pec of the best aittis, and that nane of tham by aittis in the mercat quhill strangeris and the toune be servit; and that secundar aittis be saild for iiij d. the pec, and smallar aittis be saild na derrar na iij d. the pec, and tha that ar nocht wourcht iij d. to be saild bettir chaip. The stane of haye, iiij d. 1525.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 25 Alssya, it is statut and ordinit that na houkstar by aittis within this Houkstaris, burgh to tap bot gife scho hais ane stabil and hors meit to furnes, and falin aittls* heirintill the aittis to be chettit. 3 November 1525. Thir ar the nemis of the kaikbakstaris to be admittit and ordinit to Kaik- bak kakis, and that tha be sufficient stoufe and bald the woucht, and quhen bakstaris- the pec of meil is coft for vj d. that the penny kake be ane pund woucht, and sya afferand the woucht of the kake as the meil is saild:—Agnes Thomsoun, Agnes Beltmakar, or ane of hir douchteris, Marion Wod, Cristan Akman, Mergret Kirk, Jenne Symun, Mergret Drummound and Johen Hutching wyfe. 21 November 1525. It was previt sufficiently be Robyne Ewin and Johen Ewin, and the gret Syene. aicht syorne, that Johen Talyour passit our the Watter of Fourcht at the Borowunan medow with the nowmyr of vxx of syene or tharby. 29 January 1525-6. Allexander Crag is souerte that Edward Rowane sail bring the sow clemit Sow clemit. be Andro Legat to be hus propir gnd on Monunday the xij day of Fabruar nixt to cum, and to enter the said syen in presens of the saidis provest and bailies. „. 8 February 1525-6. James Pattoun, first witnes, syoerne, deponit that be the aicht that he Sow in court, maid, safer as he wnderstoud, that the sow clemit be Andro Legat, thair pre¬ sent, was Dave Bellis sow and now Edward Rouanis and saild be him to wmquhill the said Dave Bell, quhowbeit that hir lug was cuttit, and on cuttit the tyme that he saild hir to the said Dave. 5 March 1525-6. It is ordinit be the provest and bailies that na persoun within burgh tak Salmound. mair for the brekin of ane salmound bot ane penny, wnder the pane of deber- ing of the persoun that dois in the contrar fra brekin of fycht for yeir and day at the will of the saidis offisaris. Allexander Srnytht hais grantit to deliver to Rob Willesoun ane silver Belt and ring, belt and ane ring betuex this day and Peax nixt to cum, and falin tharof to deliver the waill of the samyn. D 26 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1526. Robesoun, accusit of slakter. Impertinat langagli. Brekin statutis anent aiel. Dekin of bax- sters; breid. Treis cuttit. 9 April 1526. Johen Robesoun, fleschour, was accusit, in presens of the saidis provest and bailyeis, for the slaktir of Sande Patonsoun, allegand that the said Johen strak the said Allexander, thro the quhilk strakis the said Allexander deit; the said Johen deny it that evir he strak him na did him hourt or harme and tuk him to God and ane gud assis; the assis ramovand and passand fourcht ryiply avisit and be examacion of witnes in com agane, and deliverit all in a voce that the said Johen innocent of the deid of the said Allexander becaus it was sufficiently previt befoir tham be famus witnes that the said Johen did him nowder hourt na harme the tyrne that it was allegit that he strak him. 13 April 1526. Thomas M'Calpy was fundin be the said assise that he faltit to the bailye, Ritschart Name, be impertinat langagh, and it was ordaned be the said assise that Allexander Forester, provest, Walter Grame and Allexander Watsoun, bailies, sould modife amendis be thar discretioun to the said Ritschart, balye, be thar discrecioun. Thomas M'Calpy hais offerit him rady to mak ane emendis to Ritschart Name at the ordinance of the provest and the towder twa bailyeis as tha command him. Thome M'Calpy allegit that the provest and the bailyeis set and pynist for impertinat langagh and wald nocht gife him rameid nor amendis of impertinat langagh. It was fundin be the foirsaid assis that Marion Nortoun and Marion Brus war ilkane of tham in amerciament for the brekin of the statutis of the said burgh in sellin of xvj d. aiel contrar the statutis; and it is ordinit that quhat tyme quhow soune ony of the saidis personis brekis the statutis in tyme to cum that the balyeis sail tak of the faltour xl s. or ellis ding out the fat bodim and deil the brewin at the cors. 23 April 1526. Duncan Darow was fundin in ane fait becaus the gud toune wanttit bred, and he to be punist tharfor or ellis fyncl ane faltour. 28 May 1526. Micschal Donaldsoun, taylour, granttit, in presens of the saidis provest and bailies, that he cuttit partis of treis in Duncan Forsycht yaird extending to ix pece of bulisteris, chereis and ploumis. 1526.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 27 16 July 1526. Quheit was fundit saild samekle as the bakstaris of the said burgh couft Quheit, malt, in Leicht at this last waiaigh for xv s. the boll, and all wder quhit that tha coft for xvj s. the boll. Malt was fundin for xvj s. the boll. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, bailies, counssal and communite, Flesh, that na indoullar within the fredoum of the said burgh sla ony flecht to sell bot ane freman. Alssya na nyeiris na nyeircres be tane out of the scheip, nowder to burgh nor land, that cummis to sell or saild within the said burgh, quhill Michalmes, under the pane of viij s. unforgifin. Alssya, that na muttoun that ar saild within the said burgh be blawin, under the pane of viij s. unforgifin, nowder with punt of knyefe na uderwais. Item, that na houkstar by ony fecht to tap apon nebouris on to xj howris, Fycht. under the pane of viij s. Item, that na houkstar ocupy na ws na byin na tappyn of fycht bot on the mercat day, undir the pane of viij s. Item, that na houkstar occupy the mercat in sellin of fycht bot to remane at thair awin dourris excep the mercat day, undir the pane of viij s. Item, that ragratouris na couparis pas to the watter of Forch to by ony fycht unto the tyme it [is] presentit the mercat, under the pane of viij s. 30 July 1526. Allexander Crag hais tane apon him to prefe sufficiently that Thorn Maltmen, M'Calpy promisit xx s. to the maltmen and to thair alter of Sane Mathow, and alter" to prefe the sam this day xv dais. 27 August 1526. Johen Thorn, allies Cristisoun, soune to wmquhill William Thorn, allies Burges and Cristison, enterit to the said William fredoume, undir the aicht aucht and gllcl' wount, and sail pay xxvj d. ob., ij li. walx and the wyne. Plegis Sir Dave Cristisoun, stewart to the Queenis grace. And gife it happy nit that the said Johen eldast broder beis levand and cummis in Scotland and desyris to entir to his faderis fredoume, the said Johen sail renunce and gife our the said fre¬ doume and the occupacioun of the sammyn for the entres of his said broder. The alter of Sane Michal, the lialy arkangel, was granttit and gevin to Alter of Sane Sir Archibald Watsoun, soune to Allexander Watsoun. Michal. 28 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1526. Houkstaris. Calfe skennis. Baxteris. M altmen. Candill. Act, craftis, bakstaris. 1 October 1526. It was statut that na houkstar nor wder persoun sould pas to the toune end, na till ony wder partis of the toune, to by butter, egis, foullis, na uder stoufe cumand to the said burgh to sell, and quha that did in the contrar it sould be lesum to ony nebour that could apprehend ony of tha ragratouris to tak the stoufe fra the saidis ragratouris, and to be the takaris ascheat. It was statut and ordinit that na merchand sail by ony calfe skennis under the pane of the wnlaw. 15 October 1526. The saidis provest and bailies hais granttit to Wille Die, dekin of the bakstaris, that he sail have ane offisar rady to pas with him to pund ony of the said craft that falis and keipis nocht the command of the said dekin tuechin the kipin of vj s. wourcht of bred on the marcat day eftir noune for furnessing of the nebouris in samony personis as he commandis and chargis to keip the sammyn. Wille Dik, dekin of the bakstaris, hais promisit to the provest and bailies to caus the saidis craftismen to mak the twa penny laife xx unce gud and sufficient stoufe and weill bakin, and falin heirof to schaw the faltouris to the saidis provest and bailies that tha ma punys the said faltouris. Micschal Stensoun, dekin to the maltmen, has promisit to the provest and bailies that na maltman within this burgh sail sell malt na derrar na xvj s. the boll, and atour that tha sail tak bot twa s. mair for the boll of malt na the bair is coft quhill Youll nixt to cum, and fra that furcht bot xij d. betuex bollis. It is statut and ordinit that na candilmakar sell ony candill derrar na four penneis and ane halfe penny the pund, and the half penny candill and the penny candill efferand tharto, undir the pane of daillin of thair candill and ane wnlaw, onforgevin. 19 November 1526. It was grantit be the saidis provest, bailyeis, counssal and communite, that gif ony craftisman of the bakstaris doulland within the fredoume of the said burgh desobayit the dekin and wald nocht ansour and obay the said dekin and craft, that tliar sould ane of the seriandis pas with the said dekin and craft and pund and distrene the persoun or persounis that disobayis, and 1526.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 29 the wnlaw to be disponit on walx to be brynt befoir Sane Howbart in honor Act, craftis, of God and halykirk. bakstaris. Thomas Nortoun, soune and air to wmquhill Andro Nortoun, nebour of Protest by a the said burgh, with consent of lius curatouris, protestit, in presens of the mmor- saidis provest, bailyeis, counsall and communite, beand present for the tyme, that the seissin gevin be him of ane anwalrent of xx s. be yeir to Marion Nortoun, hus fader sister, sould be on nane awail na tourne him to na preiudice becaus he was within youitheid and of mynor aige, and for wder diueris causis that he liais to schaw. 14 January 1526-7. It was ordinit be the saidis provest and baillies that na baicht be tane Bread, out of the bakhows on to the tyme that ane of the baillies and the dekin weye the said baicht, and ilke bailye to keip the sammyn thar houk about. 28 January 1526-7. The provest and baillies assignit Ritschart Narne, Robart Arnot and Pro com- Allexander "VVatsoun, to mak compt and rakenyn of the stent silver of the Governou^1^' caragh hors silver the tyme the Governour passit to the houst to Ingland, and to mak the said compt within xv dais. 1 March 1526-7. Robart Law enterit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild, under the aicht Burges and aucht and wount, and sail pay vli. of mony, ij li. of walx and the wyne; plegis gild" Anro Kar. And the said Robart bais granttit, gife thar happynis ony stenttis, to stent with the nebowris of the said burgh efferand to hus substance of hus gaier, and sail scot and lot with the saidis nebowris quhen ony siclik cummis. And als the provest, baillies, counssal and communite, beand present for the tyme, liais dispensit with the said Robart and liessant him to ramane and indoull without the said burgh or within, att hus plesour, he stcntand with the saidis nebouris as said is. 3 June 1527. Robart Spettal allegit and offerit to prefe with the spous of wmquhill Pro Spittal, Gilbart Johensoun and Jenot, hus douchter, that [he] com to the said Gilbart, statement, he beand liand on hus deid bed and said to him in this maner:—Gudman, it is said that ye murmur me, sayand that I have doune yow gret wrangis in the 30 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1527, Pro Spittal, deid bed statement. Amercia¬ ment. Pro Yair, slander. bigin apon your ground; and that the said Gilbart ansorit and said:—I sa na thing tha of hot ye ar ane gud nebour. 15 July 1527. Johen Lara, youngar, was in amerciament for the wrangus byin of v scheip out of Johen of Yair hand eftir that the said Johen servand had coft tham and gevin ane plak of arlling. Johen of Yair gave to the aiclit of Johen of Lam, eldir, in the said fenssit court, gife he callit him staik theife and commoun theife, and the said Johen Lam rafusit and wald noclit mak facht of the sammyn; and than the said Johen of Yair protestit that it sould nocht hourt him na hus fredoume to call the said Johen Lam befoir ane speretual juge or jugis. 23 July 1527. Prodominode The lard of Lany enterit Robart Dowgal to the said provest and bailies Lany, stokis. &nQ fcnss^ court and the said Robart was put in the stokis. G October 1527. Pro com- It was statut and ordinit be the provest, baillies, counssal and communite, munite, meil. ^hat ua persoun na personis, nowder to broucht na land, by ony meil in the mercat in gret to gife in for thar ferine or tend to ony gyrnnal on to the tyme that all nebowris and indoullaris within the said burgh be servit, undir the pane of asschetin of samekle as is coft and the profet tharof to be gevin to the Rud wark. Mercat, meil. It is statut and ordinit that ane offisar keip the mercat on the mercat day that na sek with meil be opynnit on to xj houris. Item, that na persoun bringand meil to the mercat to selland hus meil, met na misour the said meil bot with the met loumis of the custumaris, baytli pece and fourllat. Flescbouris. Item, that na fleschour sail have bot four penneis for brekin of ane mairt and ij d. for ane young beist, Item, that all flecht that cummis to the mercat to sell that is spoilyeit or mauchit be prisit be ane pairt of fieschouris and wder nebowris indoullaris within the said burgh. Salmond. Item, that na persoun brekand fecht tak mair for the brekin of ane salmond bot j d. 1527.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 31 It is statut and ordinit that na marchand that ocupiis stapell gudis by Skennis. ony calfe skennis, kid skennis, na skalding skennis, under the pane of ane wnlaw onforgevin. And elyekwys, it is statut and ordinit that na skennar within the fre- doum of the said burgh by ony woll skennis, wnder the pane of viij s. als oft as tha can be apprehendit. Item, it is ordinit that na cordinaris that is na gild brother by ony hidis, that is to say sukin kow and drawin ox, to bark, or to dispon ony wder way, undir the pane of viij s. als oft as tha fait. 8 November 1527. The provest, baillies and communite, hais gran tit, gife tliar be ony per- Pro com- soun within the fredoume of the said burgh that hais ony ma soumes na twa, munite> c -J ' soumes. that tha sail pay thar girs mail for samony ma as tha have na the saidis twa soumis to the persoun or persounis havand assedacioun of the guid toune of the samyn. 9 December 1527. It was fundin be the inquist, nane discrepand, that wmquhill David Pro Margar- Wilsoun was nocht the cans of hus awin deid and that he slew nocht him soun.teVen" selfe, and that he was wesyit with siknes, and ane aild waik man, and passand to do his nedis and fell befoir hus awin dour and could nocht recower na help him selfe for waiknes, and thar haistely weseit with God. 3 February 1527-8. Assisa: Robart Arnot, Gilbart M'Llellan, [and nineteen others]. Assisa. Robe Patonsoun was convict be the foirsaid assis for the brekin of Agnes Breaking of Langis bouit, and for the brekin of Allexander Watson bouit, and the brekin of William Wyeissis bouit, and the brekin of Thorn Jarva bouit, and the brekin Thorn M'Calpyis bouit, and the brekin of William Cossour sellar, and for the brekin of divers and syndry sellaris and baernis, and for the thiftuis steillin of diveris and syndry merchandice and wder stoufe, that is to say, blak clayth, quhit clayth, lynnyn claytli, holand clayth, hardin, sewin silk, pepper, saferin, bartane cammes, woull, yarne, walx, quhit bred, aiell, flour, bair, benis, salt salmond, salt byeif, and diveris and syndry uder gair; the quhilk he maid opyn confessioun of, opynly in the said fenssit court, in presens of the saidis 32 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1527-8. Breaking of provest, baillies, counssall and communite, beand present for the tyme; the st0eaUngand quhilk the said Robart broucht the instrumentis and war present the tyme that he was forjuget, that is to say, ane coultyr of ane ploucht, ane kee of ane pyp lok, ane ke of ane tliroucht lok and thre croukit irnis. The said Robart grantit, in presens, that ane woman callit Esabell Gray, doulland in Lynlythqw, tuk fra him of Agnes Lang gair, the nycht efter that he brak the said Agnes bouit, thre ellis of holand clayth, viij ellis of hardin and ane bourd of ane belt, and that he tuk never penne na penny wourcht for the said gair fra the said Esabell; the quhilk he tuk on his sauil opynly befoir all man thair beand present; [that he sold four ells to "ane honest man callit Stene of Carinbe dowlland in Lowdeane " for 28 s.; and] that he saild all the remanent of the said Agnes gair that he staw owt of hir bouit opynly in Edinburgh on the mercat day, the quhilk he tuk on his sawill. 30 March 1528. ProLyeisman, James Watsoun is souerte that Andro Lyeisman sail have justice of Queims court, yyqpam QiUaSpy on the (blank) day of Aprile in the Queinis grace court of Strivelingshire to be bald in in the tolbouit of Striveling be hir bailye or factouris. Pro Litstar. It is ordinit and statut be the saidis provest and baillies that na bailye rasaife ane resignation of ony land or landis within the fredoum of the said burgh bot that Sir William Litstar be notar to the sammyn, gife he be in the said burgh or may be apprehendit. 27 July 1528. Hors coft. It was sufficiently provit be Johen of Schaw, bakstar, and Thomas Symontoun that Andro Legat coft ane hors fra Andro Davesoun for xxx s. and ane quart of aiell, without ony condicioun or restriccioun, and the said Andro Legat in amerciament efter the forme of the borgh. 7 August 1528. Pro Symsoun, Master Robart Galbracht, prolocutour for Sir William* Symsoun, chap- alter aWranCe ^ane Sane Lawrens altar fundit and situat within the parocht kirk of the said burgh, producit and schew ane fundacioun of the said altar, makand mentioun quhar Sane Lawrance Croft was gevin to the said altar and to the chaplane tharof for the tyme. 1528.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 33 The provest and baillies commandit James Lam, seriand, to pas to twa St. Lawrance rigis lyand on the norch est part of the croft of Sane Lawrance callit Sane croft* James rigis, and arrest all the cornes now growand on tham to the instance of Sir William Symsoun, chaplane of Sane Lawrance altar, becaus the said Sir William allegit that the saidis twa rigis pertenis to Sane Lawrance altar, eftir the forme and tenor of has fundacioun. 5 October 1528. It was fundin be the said inquist that Sir Johen Hountter is lipyr and Lipyr. hais byne delatit in thre or four heid courtis of befoir, and that he sould be put to ane desert without the burgh, as lypir men lies wsit to be demanit in tymis bypast, for danger that ma incur eftirwart. Sir James Lokart was delatit be the said inquist that he was lipyr. Lipyr. It is ordinit be the said inquist that the baillies sail caus all metloumis, Themetloum- pyntis, quhartis and chopynnis, to cum to the tolbouit and met and misour mis- the sammyn, and quhar tha ar faltius to refourme tham as efferis. Item, it is statut and ordinit be the foirsaid inquist, and proclamit opynly Martis, mut- at the mercat cors of the said burgh, that all martis young and aild, all muttoun toun' syen* and syen, sail be had to the Bakraw to be saild and nocht to ramane nor stand on the hee mercat gait, and that the offisaris cans the sam to be keipit. Item, it is statut and ordinit that na flechour nor wderis tak mail* nor Flechouris. iiij d. for the brekin of ane mart and twa d. for brekin of ane young best. Item, it is opynly proclemit at the mercat cros that ony fleschour bring- Muttoun. and muttoun to the mercat to sell that he bring the heid with the sammyn, under the pane of asschetin of the muttoun. 19 October 1528. The saidis baillies and counssal beand present for the tyme hais gevin Common the office of common clarkschip of the said burgh to Robyne Cunnyngham for clark* lius gud and sufficient serves to be doune be him and as requiris to sic a burgh, and he to fynd sufficient causion for the sammyn. 13 November 1528. The provest, baillies, counssal and communite, beand for the tyme, hais Pro domino • • • W T j! jisfifl,!* grantit and gevin the commoun clarkschip of the said burgh to Sir William coinmoun E clark. 34 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1528-9. Pro domino W. Litstar, commoun clark. Banyst. Lypyr. For fyeir. Pro Paton- soun, coump- tir. Pro Clark, writtin of King. Lipyr. Convict of slakter. Hukstaris. Litstar, chaplane, for ane yeir and forthir induring thar will, and Archibald Dansoun to be substitut in the tyme. Peter Diksoun and Wille Talyour, allies Klafling, war banyst this forsaid toun and syorne nevir to cum within the fredoum of the samyn, and hais grantit gife tha can be apprehendit * within the saidis bundis to be t&ne and hangit without doum or law. 18 January 1528-9. It was fundi n be the said inquist that Sir Johen Hunttar, chaplane, is liper and Sir James Lokart. It was statut and ordinit that na persoun nor personis set out ony chemnayis with fyeir to kendill on the hee gait for danger to cum tharof,, under the pane of viij s. and the brekin of the cliemnay. 25 February 1528-9. Duncan Patonsoun offerit the compt of wmquhill David Crag, thesawrar to this gud toune, and the buk tharof, to Johen Ackyne and Allexander Wat- soun to be in thar keipin on to the tyme that the saidis coumptis war futtit befoir the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, of the said burgh. Patric Clark, servand to our Soverane Lord the King, presentit ane writtin of the Kingis grace to the provest and baillies of the said burgh and requirit tham to put the sammyn to execussioun. 5 April 1529. Sir Johen Hounttar, chaplane, was fundin liper be the said inquist and nocht sponsible to ramane with haill pepill. Sir James Lokart was fundin lypyr. 13 April 1529. Pate Fyndelosoun was convicit be ane conding assis for the creuall slakter of Johen Hammiltoun, soune and air to the lard of Perdowy. 21 June 1529. Thir ar the nyemis of the hukstaris that ar ragratouris, as is allegit, and tha have fundin souerte for tyme to cum to keip the statutis:—James Lam souerte for Cristan Hendersouu; Cristan Hendersoun for hir moder; [here follow sureties for other twenty-five women]. 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 35 Item, it is statut and ordinit that nane of thir fornemmit hukstaris, na Hukstaris. nane uderis within the fredoume of the said burgh, by ony fycht quhiil xj howris befoir noun, na fra xij howris quhiil sex at ewin. Alssya, that nane of tham by butter, cheis, egis, foullis, corne, haye, foder, to tap agane apon nebowris, wnder the pane of the wnlaw of viij s. onforgevin. 26 August 1529. Copia litere conducionis Johannis Kowtis, lathomi, sequitur, et est talis, Agree- manu sua super pennam ductu, subscripta. A 1 1 1 PfN • T ! • John Kowtis, At the burch of tttnvelmg, the xxvj day of the monetli of August, the yer mason. of God jm v° tuenty and ix yeris, it is fullely concordyt, apoyntit and fynally endyt, betuix honorable and prowident personis, that is to say, the prowest, balyeis, counssall and communite, of the said brugh off Strivelyn, on that ane part, and Jhon Kowtis, masoun, on that other part, in maner eftyr folowyng, that is to say, that the said Jhon Kowtis, masone, of his fre will and motiwe, uncompellit or unconstrenyeit be ony personis tharto, has conducit and fey it hym self with the saidis prowest, bailyeis, counsall, communyte and brugh, enduryng h is lyftyme, and to rem ane with thame and thare successouris at thare said burgh to wirk and laubour his craft of masonry and gemetry, in all maner pertening tharto concernyng his facultie, at thair commone werk, in with or owtwith thare said brugh, at all his uttyr power and possibilite at all tymes, be the awise and counsall of the mastyr of werk of the said brugh chosyn for the tyme, according to his occupacioun, and obey and ansuer him tharapoun as efferis, the said Jhon kepand and observand dewlye thir dyetis and tymes eftyr following of his enteryng dayly to his werk and laubour and departyng tharfra, that is to say, till entyr ilk day in the morwyng at fiwe houris quhen he shall hawe day licht to wirk with, laif at alewyn houris at none and sewyn houris at ewyn, the said Jhon haiffand ilk werk day ane half hour afor nyne houris afor none to his disjone and ane othir half hour afor four houris eftyr none to his nunschankis. All the remanent of the yeir, quhen the day is schort till entyr to his werk at day lycht in the morwyng, laif at half hour to twelf at none, and nycht at ewyn. And sa till contynew idandlie at his werk all yeris and dayis enduryng his lyftyme, according to the perfyte ryte and gud consuetude [of] werkmen; na halyday to be observit be hym, clamyt nor allegit, hot commandit of the law. Ilk day till entyr at the 36 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1529. Agree- _ houre of pryme eftyr none. Payand, yerlie, the saidis prowest, bailyeis, John Kowtis, counsall and communite of the said brugh, and thar successouris, to the said mason. Jhon Kowtis, masone, for his awyn labour and werkmanschip the sowme of fyfty markis gud and usuall money of the realm off Scotland as for his yerly fee quartarlie at thir four termys in the yer, that is to say, twelf markis and ane half mark at his first term of entray in and to his said werk, quhilk salbe at the day of the makyng of thir presentis as for the first quartar payment of the yer aforhand; at the fest of All Sanctis callit Allhallowmes nyxt thaireftyr twelf markis and ane half mark; and at the fest of the purificatioun of our Lady callit Kandilmes nyxt immediat thaireftyr following twelf markis and ane half mark; and at the fest of the Inventioun of the Cros callit Beltane the lattyr twelf markis and ane half mark, in compleit payment of the saidis fyfty markis; and sa till contynew yerlye, termlye, the payment of the saidis fyfty markis be yere enduryng the said Jhonnis lyftyme; togyddyr with ane yerlie bowntaith of fourty schillingis money forsaid, or the awale tharof, for his idand and contynuall gud serwice yerly to be done at his gud lie power at the sycht of the mastyr of werk for the tyme, and gif he beis indiscrete and unresson- able than at the sycht of the saidis prowest, bailyeis, counsall and communite. With power to the said J hone and his servandis of his causyng tyll intromett, rays and lay, and nane otheris, all layaris and thrucliis within the paroch kirk of thare said brugh and quere tharof insafer as pertenys to thaim, haffand for ilk throwch raysyng and laying saxtene pennyis and ilk layar twelf pennyis, to be done by thar dew tyme of labour above expremyt; and gif ony of thaim beis brokyn or spylt in thar defalt tha sail reform and upset the sammyne agane to the party quhilk sail mak the payment of the said wage. And gif it sail happyn the said prowest, bailyeis, counsall and communyte of the said brugh, till licentt the said J hone till ony otliir werk than thar commone werk the said Jhone sail hawe his dayly wage efferand to his saidis yeris fee; prowidyng alwayis that it salbe unlefull to the saidis prowest, bailyeis, counsall and communite, now present or thar successouris, till hawe power till consent or lycent the said Jhone to ony othir werk than thar awyn commone wark saiffand the Kingis grace allegiance alanerlye owttane, and gif ony of thaim attempis in the contrare the attempar thairof and consentar sail pay his yeris fee. And the quhilkis thai bynd and oblys thame and thair successouris straitlie be the faith in thair bodyis to be observit and kepit at all tymes to 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 37 cum. And for the securyte of payment of the saidis Jhonis yerlye fee endur- Agree- yng his lyftyme in maner forsaid to be maid, the saidis prowest, balyeis, Kowtis counsall and communite, and thare successouris, byndis and oblisis thame and mason, constrenyeis the commone gud of thare said brugh to the sammyne be this thare letteres, all fraud and gyle secludit and away put. In witnes of the quhilk thing, the commone sele of the said brugh is appensit to thir presentis, til remane with the said Jhone enduryng his lyftyme, day, yere and place abone expremyt, befor thir witnes: Williame Gillaspe, Patrik Symontoun, Jhon Makferlan, Jhone Makke, Archibald Dawsoun and Schir Williame Litstar, chaplane and notar publict, with utheris divers. Johne Couttis, mason, with my hand at the pen. 3 September 1529. The provest and baillies hais liessent and lycessit the dekin and craftis- Pro carnifici- men of the fleschouris to bait ane bull of Sanccubartis day or on the Sounday bullbait- nixt thareftir. 4 October 1529. Sir Jolien Hunttar and Sir James Lokart war fundin lypyr. Lypyr. It is ordinit that the baillies sail pas with ane certane of nebouris with For lypyr. tham and wesy Jenne Millar, the spous of Allexander Adamsoun, and Cristan Huntaris douchter and Luke Strivelingis wyife gif tha be infecit with lypyr, becaus it is suspecit be the said inquist that tha ar infecit of the sammyn seknes. It is thocht expedient and is ordinit that all land fleschouris sail stand The land with tliar flecht in the Bakraw betuex the almushous gavill and doune throw flescbouns- to the fleschouris of the said burgh quhar tha slay and brekis thar flecht, and in ony waist pairt maist convenient betuex the hee passagh to the Grayfreris and the said almushous gawill. It is statut and ordinit that na flescher within burgh, na within the Forspoulyeof schier, that bringis ony flecht to the said burgh to sell that beis spoulyeit or flecbt< mausschit, the persoun that committis and dowis the sam sail pay for the first fait ane wnlaw of viij s. onforgevin, and the nixt fait the flecht to be eschet and delt to Goddis foulkis, and him selfe to be dischargit fra flecht sellin in the mercat of the said burgh for yeir and day. It is ordinit be the provest, baillies and counssall, that all persoun or per- The mid- dingis. 38 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1529. The mid- sonis that hais ony middingis in the Bakraw, or on the heegait of the said dmgis. burgh, to tak tham away within xxiiij howris efter tha be chargit, wnder the pane of viij s.; and the mydding to be fre to ony persoun or persouns that will leid it away and to incur na danger tharfoir. Surges and Archibald Spettall enterit to the fredoume of burgesry and gild and sail glld' pay xxvj d. ob., ij li walx, and the wyne; and gif it liappynit the said Archi¬ bald to occupy or ws marchandrece, as wders marchandis dowis in byin or sellin of stapill gudis, he oblissis him to pay to the gud toune the soume of fyfe pundis wsuall mony of the realrne. Bakstaris, It is ordinit be the provest, baillies and counsall, that the dekin and quhit mercat. crapjsmen 0f bakstaris sail convene and meit and avyes quhat part or place it is maist convenient and gariand that the quhit mercat be haldin in, and to cum on Friday the ix day of October nixt to cum and schaw tham and tha sail caus it to be haldin in the sam place. 8 October 1529. Pro pistori- It is ordinit that the quhit that cummis to this mercat to sell sail stand mer'cat^11^ apon the hee gait aboun the meil mercat, and nane of it to be coft quhill efter x howris. The brig yeit. Wille Aysoun is feit to the keipin of the brig yet for viij dais and sail have ilke day xij d. 21 October 1529. Master Johen Couttis, master masoun of the said burgh, enterit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild, under the aicht aucht and wount, and hus fynis ramittit and forgevin him for hus gud and thankfull service to be doun be him to the Rud wark of the said burgh in the parocht kirk of the sammyn. Common Johen Grame, common dark of the said burgh, enterit to the fredoume clark . of the sammyn, under the aicht aucht and wount. 17 January 1529-80. Erl of Ergile. Ane nobill and mychty lorde, Colin erle of Ergile, etc., enterit to the fredom of the said burgh as air to wmquhill Colin erle of Ergile, under the aich aucht and wont. Lipir. Schir Johne Huntair, Schir James Lokkart and Lucas Strivelingis wiff, wer fundin lipir. 1529-30.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 39 21 February 1529-30. The provest, bailies, consall and communite present for the tyro, oblisit Perocheclerk- tharoe and thair successouris to dispone thair perroche clerkschip in all tymes sclliP- earning, quhat tyro or quhowsone it sail happin to vak or quhow oft, to the maist cunning chaiplane that can be had to syng in the choir of the said kirk and to na secular in all tymes cuming, and thair handis uphaldin that they sail nevir cum in the contrair, without preiudice to Jhone Bully, possessour for the tym. Jhone Bully, possessour of the said clerkschip, disassentit to the said act maid apone the perroch clerkschip bot gif the samyn war disponit to Schir Thomas Bully, his sone, eftir his deces. 4 April 1530. The said baiiye, with consent and avis of the consall and communite Trinite altar, present for the tym, at the command of our Souerane Lorde, disponit, pre- sentit and assignit thair altarage of the Trinite situat within the perroch kirk of the said burgh, being at thair dispositioun as undowtit patronis thairof, to maister Alexander Kid, chanoun of our Soveran Lordis chapell, and grantit thair commoun sele tharupoun. [.Records aivcinting from ith April, 1530, to 6th December, 1544.] 19 January 1544-5. The inquist ordanis Cristian Huntair to be considerit be men of undir- Lipir. standing gif scho be lipir or noclit, and gif sa beis fundin to put hir solitair, and in the mentyme to forbid the merket. 1G February 1544-5. The assis hes convictit Jonet Blakadir for trubling of Jonet Bell, calland Bell, Blak- hir notable theiff and huir and that scho stoill thre platis quhilk fell furth ader,amercia- merit. betuix hir lyning and the kirtill and that hir husband tuke up ane of tham, and tharfoir that scho stand in irnis at the will of the provest and baillies and pas to the place quliair scho said the saide ewill wordis and set doun on hir kneis and ask the said Jonet forgifnes and say: Tong scho leid; and gif scho faillies siclik in tyme cuming to be banist to the toun. 25 February 1544-5. The provest and baillies hes grantit to the baxstaris that thai sail nocht For the bak- staris. 40 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1544-5. For the bak- be haldin to sell ony breid to AVat Scot, bot gif it pleis tham self, bot to kaip staris. thair breid to serve the touin, and the said Waltir to baik hym self to serve the Quenis grace as pertenis to his office to do. Regula pauperum. Robene fleschouris. Mukkart, Jak; assault, slander. Streking and bluid draw¬ ing. Pikrie. Grahame [penance]. 14 April 1545. The inquist ordanis the baillies to call all the puir folkis of this touin, and becaus of the contagius seiknes of the pest remove all strangears, and gif our awin puir ane takin quhairby thai may be knawin, and remove all otheris. The inquist ordanis that Jonet Robene, the relict of wmquhill, salbe tholit to have seruand to brek the Cragis to be said to puir bodijs, becaus thai undirstand that hir husband and Johne Findlasoun usit siclik of befoir, and als that the samyn is the commoun wele for the puir folkis. 17 April 1545. The inquist findis the borcht persewit be Elspeth Mukkart aganis Katherine Jak of avale for trubling and streking of the said Elspet, servand at hir awin brewhous, rihng of hir hair and casting of hir at the erde, and for molesting and trubling of the said Elspet be hir ewill langage, calland hir commoun huir and tlieiff that hes lyin this nyne yeir in the devillis armis with ane other wiffis husband baith be nycht and day; and thairfoir ordanis the said Katherine Jak to pas to the merket croce this nixt Settirday at x houris and ane quhite wand in hir hand and ask Elspet Mukkart forgifnes. 19 June 1545. Johne Murray, fleschour, amerciat for streking and bluid drawing of Mathe Robesoun, ordanis for reformacioun to pay the harbour and ane crouin of wecht to the pairty, and for his commoun tuilye to leiff the touin or remane in warde in the tolboitht for yeir and day, at the will of provest, baillies and counsall. William Brouin [and] James Duncansoun, apprehendit with pikrie, ordanit to be banist the toun and thair lugis nalit to the trone. 30 July 1545. The assis decernis Agnes Hendersoun to pas apon Sonday nixtocum befoir the processioun, sark alane, and ane walx candill in hir hand, and offer the samyn to the Rude lycht and say to tong: You leid that said Annapill 1545.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 41 Graheme wes ane freris get and freris yawde and ger the moder cum to me Grahame and I sail tell hir how scho brynt hir faggald; and thaireftir ask thaim forgifnes. lPenancel 5 August 1545. It wes knawin to the bailyie that Richart Mereleis, [and five others,] con- Procommimi- tempnandlie, contrair the proclamatioun that na man suld depart furth of andUiauFst^ the touin without licence, undir the pane of deid, departit at iij houris in the morning our the yarde heidis without licence of the touin and contrair the will of the wache, manisand and boistand thaim; for the quhilk the bailye, with avis of the counsall, decernis the saidis personis to have tynt the fredome of the touin, and nevir to be ressavit tharin in tyme tocum, and that na man resset, luge nor consele thaim, or ony ane of thaim, at thair returning, undir the pane of deid. 5 October 1545. Ordanis that na swyne be fundin on the hie gait, nor in na mannis Swyne. skaith, sic as yardis or cornis, and gif thai be fund in ony of thai it salbe lesum to ony man to sla thaim. Ordanis lychtis and bowettis to be set out at places convenient in the Lychtis. nycht, for geving of lyclit to the pepill to se, as the provest and baillies thinkis eXpedient 16 October 1545. The provest, baillies and counsall, hes grantit to the craftismen to have For the four personis of the wisest of thaim yeirlie on the counsale. [fourthbailie.] And als hes grantit to thaim that craftismen in tyme cuming, ane or ma, sail bruike office of balyerie, thai being fundin be the counsall able and quali- feit thairto, and hes admittit, at thair desiris, Archbald Spittale to be adjonit to be ferde bailyie for this instant yeir. It was concludit be the counsall, of thair awin consentis, that quhilk of For the com- thaim absentis thair selffis fra the counsall quhen thai are chargit sail pay to mounw r the werk of the touin x s., being jugit tharin be the counsall. 3 November 1545. Marie, be the grace of God, Quene of Scottis. . . . Forsamekill as Letters^in it is devisit be our derrest cosing and tutour, James erle of Arrane, etc., pro- Queen> bot. tectour and governour of our realme, and lordis of our counsall, that the soum douris taxt. 42 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1545. Letters in of xvjm li. be rasit and upliftit for support of the bordouris aganis our aid Queen. Bor- innymys of Ingland, and that ane half thairof to have bene payit at the fest douris. 0f Alhallowmes last bipast and that other half tharof to be payit at new yeir nixtocum, and tharfoir our utheris letteres wer direct chargeing the provest and baillies of the burgh of Edinburgh to convene thair nychtbouris as uis is and taxt thaim selffis and all otheris our borowis lik as thai have done in tymes bigane, insafer as extendis to thar part of the said soum.1 . . . [Ordains officers to charge the burgh of Stirling to pay their share, and] the inhabitantis of our said burgh to mak payment of the said taxt ilk man for his awin part, insafer as he is taxt to, to the said provest and baillies. . . . Gevin under our signet, at Linlithqw, the thrid day of November and our regnne the thrid yeir. 28 May 1546. Adam Andirsoun alias Mukart disponit and said ane lair in the kirk to Johne Nelesoun and his aris, lyand befoir the powpeit, and hes ressavit pay¬ ment tharof, and sail warrand the samyn to hym and his aris for evir. Lair, Nele¬ soun. * 12 July 1546. Isabell Brouin, as souerte for umquhill Walter Scot, to pay iij li. to Johne furaisfc Lbreid Maknaktis becaus scho grantit the samyn, and that for breid fwrnist to the Quenis grace be the said Isbell, in name, behalf and command, of the said Waltyr. Mario an Lamb, being takin reid hand with ane Spanyie cloik of David Nochell, of hir awin fre will oblist hir, and evir scho war fundin faltand in thift, scho salbe drownit without other dome or law. Maknaktis, furaisfc to Queen. Lamb, theft. Curia justici- arie. Duncanson convict pro murthero. 30 July 1546. Curia justiciarie supreme domine nostre Regine, tenta in pretorio burgi de Striveling per prepositum et balliuos eiusdem, justiciaros in hac parte, conjunc- tim et divisim, specialiter constitutes. Donald Duncanson being accusit for the cruell slachter and murthir, undir 1 The proportion of the tax of £16,000 Scots, allocated on the burghs, amounted to £'2,666 13s. 4d., of which the share payable by Stirling was £67 Records, vol. i., p. 518. 7s. 6d.—Convention 1546.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 43 nycht, of wmquhill Johne Lanorok, his raaister, hawand trest and credite Duncanson of hym to sleip and waik in his werkhous, the durris thairof being fast stekit, and of his liff and deid, gudis, geir and substance, apon the xxj day of Julij last bipast the said Donald awatand apon his said maister and seand hym at ane hevy sleip and rest as natour gevis, cruellie awakit and tuke up in his handis ane gret hevy stane and fellit his said maister in his foirheid and thair- efter cuttit his throte, and spoilleit his body of his clething, purs and mony, and thairefter brak his chalmer and thiftuislie stoill that plesit him of redy mony and gudis; and being persewit be Jonet Mentetht, the said wmquhill Johnis spous, and Bessie Lanerok, his sister,—convict, ex proprio consensu. 13 August 1546. Marion Ray convict for the trubling of William Cuninggame with hir Ra; Hender- trublus wordis, sayand of hym that scho lukit throe ane hole and saw hym swiff Henry Thomson wiff vj tymes. And als for trubling of Henry Thomson, merits for sayand to hym: Sclaverand Henry, wer you worthie to swiff thi wiff thi self slander^ you wald nocht lat otheris swiff hir. And als for trubling of Agnes Hendir- soun, calland hir commoun huir and that scho wist hir xx tymes swivitpand that scho [saw] Wille Cuninggame swiff her vj tymes. The said assis ordanis, for reformatioun, the said Marioun to sit doun on hir kneis and ask the said William and Agnes forgifines and say:—Toung you leid on thaim; and thaireftir remane in ward within the tolboitht quhill the claspis and calvill of irne devisit of befoir be maid and thaireftir to be put and lokit on hir for xxiiij houris, without ony relaxing. Agnes Hendirsoun convict for trubling of Marioun Ray, calland hir huir and brekair of spowsage, and ordanis, for reformacioun heirof, the said Agnes, eftir that the said Marioun hes fullfillit the pyne put to hir, to ask the said Marioun forgifnes and say:—Toung you leid on hir. 2 September 1546. John Hutoun [and six others] ar licient to pas to the touin of Renfrow Cagearis. sa lang as it is unsuspect of the pest, and to bring with thaim hering, and to tak na stuff furth with thaim bot alanerly thair viveris for thair awin sus- tentantioun; and gif ony thai failyeis or departis fra otheris, to tyne liff, landis and gudis; and to na other townis. 44 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1546. 15 September 1546. Sibbald, _ Alexander Sibbald, of bis awin confessioun oblist hym as souerte for yair to'the1" Dayid Sibbald, coilyair to the Quenis grace, to content and pay to Johne Queen. Smyth the sowm of fourty pundis usuall mony of Scotland awin to hym for colis furnist to the said David betuix the day of the dait heirof and the festof Sanct Martyne nixtocum. 24 September 1546. Statut, coun- It wes statut and ordanit be the counsall that the proveist nor baillies sail [nocht] do nor dispone apon ony aclames or caussis concerning the commoun wele of the touin without awis or consent of the counsall. 13 October 1546. Counsall. The quhilk day, ar suorne of the counsall for this instant yeir: Richert Name [and twelve others] to concluid, devis and ordane, apon all besynes concerning the commoun wele, and in speciale tueching the propirte and patrimony of the burgh and exspending of the frutis thairof, gude reule of all viveris, and sustentatioun of puris gif God sendis the infirmite of pest amangis thaim, and all otheris actiones and materis concerning the commoun wele, the quhilkis the saidis provest and baillies hes acceptit apon thaim to put to executioun and manteine all sic thingis as salbe devisit be thaim for the com¬ moun well. And the saidis counsall tobe in redines with all thair nychtbouris and collegis of the touin to serve the saidis provest and baillies in all actiones concerning the commoun wele and furthputting of thair auctorite. 29 October 1546. Acquit Clune, Andro Clune, being accusit for the bringing of full geir of the pest within pest' this burgh, sending the samyn to his wiff quha is deid of the said pest, quhairthrow the infectioun thairof is rissin within the said burgh, doand that wes in hym to have infeckit the hale pepill thairof, incurrand tharthrow, be strait proclamationis maid and defendit in our Soverane Ladijs name for keping of hir maist noble persoun, the pane of deid and tinsale of his landis and gudis gif ony ye have, quhilk ye can nocht deny, to the takin ye avansit you thairof sayand ye had put ane blok in Striveling of the pest that suld nevir gang furth of it, with mony otheris evill wordis to that effect, as the hale cuntray knawis. 1546.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 45 2 December 1546. Johne Gillane and Johne Johnsoun, being apprehendit cumand fra Leitht Pest, and Edinburgh with certane merchandis, and thairfor wer commandit that thai suld nocht entir within this burgh with the said geir becaus of suspicioun of the pest, and for licience to thaim to entir within this burgh foirsaid with thair said merchandis lies oblist thaim, of thair awin confessiones, and thair be ony fait thairof fund throw thaim or thair said merchandis, to thole the deid in thair personis and thair hale landis and gudis to be eschetit to the commoun werk. 17 December 1546. Johne Fischair, alias Blynk, confessit that he stoll furth of James johne M'Keson barne row, the v day of December instant within the nycht, of ane *lsclU]r . . . . convict. gray coit, ane pair of quhit hois, ane gray bonnet, quhilk he lies gottin with Agnes Thomson, and ane sark quhilk scho disponit, ane brekin cote, ane lyning sark sewit with silk, and ane doublat of small quhit, ane sark of round lyning, with other geir; and als grantit furth of Alexander Alschinder scellair of ane bakin hen thre quartaris cakis, and yeid in at the outour windo; and als stoll furth of Besse Smythis furth of Ochtertire of certane malt in ane crele, and xvj s. furth of Thomas Millaris purs furth of Menstre. And adjugit to be nalit his lug to the trone, and to be cuttit the hale lug, ane merk on his cheik, and to be skurgit throw the toun and banist furth of the touin and schir, undir the pain of deid. 8 January 1546-7. David Forester of Garden, provest of the burgh of Striveling, with awis Knok. of the baillies and counsall tharof, lies condusit and feit Williame Purves, knokmakair, to renew and repair the aid knok of the said burgh, mackand all maner of graitht thairof new forgit that is necessair to be maid new, and the remanent that is sufficient tobe reparit as efferis, suay that the said knok be als substantious, als just, kepand als gude cours, als permanent in reule and cours, as ony knok of hir quantite within this realme dois; and inlikmaner sail mak and repair of new graitht ane orlege and mone, with all necessaris tharof, kepand just cours fra xij houris to xij houris, alswele nycht as day, and just chainge of the mone yeirlie throucht as efferis, with ane burde of estland burde paintit with gold and uly colouris of v quartare breid and ane half, and 46 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1546-7. Knok. vj quartar lang, with all circumstancis and reparationis necessar, tobe compleit betuix the dait heirof and the fest of Witsonday nixtocum; for the quhilk the said provest sail content and pay to the said William the soum of xxxv li. money of this realme, thairof x li. at his first enteres to his labouris and other x pundis at the perfection of the said knok set up at all point and reparit, and the remanent xv li. at the completing of the said hale werk in maner abone expremit. ^ ^ Custum. The provest, baillies and counsall, avisand apon the complaint of the bax- staris and maltmen aganis David Graheme, custummair, for trubling of thaim in the wrangus and sair taking of thair custum, lies statut and ordanit that in all tymes tocum ilk laid of victuall grouand within the sherefdome of Snive¬ ling sail pay j d. of custum quha evir bring it in, freman or other, and gif ony freman of the touin lies ony stuff of thair awin growand and scellis the samyn thai sail pay tharfoir iiij d. of the chalder of mettege silveir, and gif ony freman byis ony victuall or other stuff in ony other burgh or without the said sheref¬ dome thai sail pay na custum tharfoir. 21 February 1546-7. Sibbald, It is appointit betuix David Sibbald, servitour to the Quenis grace yeartoQueen drowiare °f Scotland, on that ane part, and Johne Smyth, principale fermorair of the larde of Caldouris heucht, on that other part, in this maner, the saide Johne sail furnis the said David, as maister coilyear to the said Quenis grace, as many colis burges leidis as tua hors may leid, for ane yeir, for xvj d. the 28 February 1546-7. Act pro It wes statut and ordanit be the provest and baillies that na manir of noMibus5 personis duelling within this touin craiff nor ask thair dettis at the Quenis grace, nor nane otheris noble and gret men, for na maner of merchandris, breid, aile, hors mait, or other furnising quhatsumevir, quhill thai first mak ane bill apon the thing awing thaim and deliver the samyn to the provest and baillies, and gif thai fynd the way that thai ma have payment thai sail mak na blaisnyng nor craiffing tharof quhill the provest and baillies refuis to caus thaim be pait; and thareftir it salbe lesum to thaim to craiff as thai pleis; and quha dois in the contrair sail tyne thair fredome and liberte of the touin gif thai have ony, and gif thai have nane to be expellit of the touin. 1546-7.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 47 Robert Arnot, [and four others, became sureties] thatMichell Donaldsoun Souertie for sail compeir befoir the provest or baillies in the tolboitht of Striveling, apon Q^e^nd' xxiiij houris warning, to undirlie the law for all cry me that salbe imput to imbassitouris hym throu the apprehending in his handis of certane brokin silver challangit servandls- be the Quenis grace and imbassitouris servandis. 17 March 1546-7. The provest and baillies ordanis that na claret nor quhite wyne be said Wine, of derrer price nor xiiij d., nor Romany derrer nor xviij d. the point; and quha falyeis to pay xx li. 21 March 1546-7. In presens of Archbald Spittale and William Smart, baillies, it is ap- Skynnaris pointit betuix Alexander Gourlay, dekin of the skynnaris, and the hale makaris^" remanent of his craft, on that ane part, and Johne Maklellan and Waltir Stewart, bonnatmakaris, on that other part, in this manir, the saidis dekin and craftismen of skynnaris hes ressavit the saidis bonatmakaris to the brodirheid of thair craft and previlege tharof to be haldin in all tymes cuming of thair brodirheid, obeyand thair dekin and craft as thair sub- deanis, and payand upsettis, olklie pennys and otheris dewiteis respective, ilkane for thair awin part, as the craftismen of the said skynnar craft pais, with all other chargis, taxationes and dewiteis, lik as the laiff of the said craft dois; providing alwayis that the saidis personis and all thair eftir cumaris of the said craft entir to the fredome of the burgh and do tharfor as efferis. The quhilk appointment and conventioun above written the provest and baillies hes ratifijt and apprevit and for all tyme cuming confermit that all bonnetmakaris of this toun being enterit to the fredome of the toun sail pay upset, scot and lot, walk and warde, pay olklie pennys, and exerce and tak thair part effering to thair substance of all chairges tobe put in tym cuming to the said craft. „ , ,7 ^ 1 April lo47. Helene Huchoun amerciat for trubling of Besse Efflek, sayand to hir: Amercia- raistit huir and glengoir huir, and casting of stanis at hir. 18 April 1547. Decernis and findis that Jonet Bell has failyeit to Jonet Scharp, sayand Sharp, Bell. 48 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1547. Sharp, Bell. Flescliouris. Banist. Amercia¬ ment, Ray. Amercia¬ ment, Duchok. The bell. Tailyeouris. Quenis hat. that hir barne wes David Sibbaldis, and that he lay with hir, gevand sic occa- sioun that the said Jonet husband lies left hir; and ordanis for punitioun that scho gang, sark alane, befoir the processioun apon Sonday nixtocum and ask the said Jonet and hir gudman forgifnes and say:—Toung you leid on hir. Tueching the chopin kniff takin, findis use and consuetude of craftis to tak unfremennis werklumes. The assis findis Jonet Wrycht ane pikair and apprehendit with saip, lynt and ane scheit, etc., and ordanis to byrne hir cheik and banis hir the touin. 28 April 1547. Marioun Ray amerciat for trubling of Agnes Hendersoun, calland hir huir and theiff, landlowpair, brekair of spousage, and that scho suld lay the pynt stoup on hir cheftis; ordanis for penitioun that thair be maid ane standand gest furtli fra the lieid of the tolboitht, with ane pillie, ane tow and ane creile, and scho be put in the creile and hyng thair during the will of the provestand baillies. William Duchok amerciat for trubling of Merione Aikman, the spous of Thomas Carnis, calland hir blawid huir [etc.]; and ordanis for punitioun that he sit douin on his kneis in plane courtt and ask hir forgifnes and say to hym self:—Tong you leid on hir; and to drink wattir xxiiij liouris becaus he wes drunkin qulien he missaid hir; and gif he faillies in tyme cuming to hing xlviij houris in the said creile without dispensatioun. James Schaw amerciat for bluid drawing, [and two others for "trubling"]. For punisment, ordanis thair unlawis to be tane with rigour to the support of the bell. 6 Jane 1547. The assise findis that the dekyn and craftismen of the tailyeour craft hes done na wrang in the taking of James Modrellis scheris, becaus he wes fundin wirkand tharwitht and wes nothir fre with the toun nor the said craft, and ordanis the said James and Johne Stene to desist and cece fra all using of the said craft within this burgh quhill thai be maid fre with the toun and craft. 10 June 1547. In presens of Archbald Spittale, ane of the baillies of the burght of Striveling, Alexander Durame ressavit fra Marioun Bruce ane hat of velvus 1547.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 49 begareit all with chenyeis of gold, with ane draw and chenyie and ane knop, Quenis hat. quhilk scho had in plege of the Quenis grace drowriare of Scotland, for the quhilk the said Alexander dischargis Robert Forester of Kilyemuk of ane hundretht pnndis quhilk he debursit to hym of foirhand in hope to have bocht his hous quhilk Marioun Bruce now occupijs, and all contractis betuix thaim to this day, becaus he hes ressavit the said hate and tane hym to the Quenis grace payment. And the said Marion, quha hes agreit with the said Robert apon the said lugeing and hous, hes tane allowance in hir payment maid to the said Robert for the samyn hundretht li.; and the saidis Robert and Alexander oblis thaim, coniunctlie and severalie, to releiff the said Marioun of the said hat with the particular at the Quenis liandis and all otheris, and to deliver to the said Marion hir writing of the ressait of the said hat within xv dais, and sua the said Marion dischargis the hundreth pundis quhilk the said hat lay in plege for to hir. 26 August 1547. Marie, be the grace of God, Queue of Scottis: To our sheref of Strive- [Proclamation ling and his deputis, and to our lovittis Ormond, pursuvant, messingeris, our oTarmyat1DS shereffis in that part, coniunctlie and severalie, specialie constitut, greting: Fala Muir.] Forsamekill as eftir divers advertismentis maid to our derrest cousing and tutour and governour and lordis of our secreit counsale of the incuming of our aid innymys of Ingland, and last of all be Ilay, our herald, laitlie returnit furth of the Newcastell, quhair he left the Protectour of Ingland with his army on gaitwart to invaid our realme and entir in the bowndis tharof be land, the last day of this instant monetht of August: Om-e will is heirfoir, etc., that ye pas to the merket croces of our burrowis of Striveling and Falkirk, and utheris places neidfull, and thair, be oppin proclamation in our name and auctorite, command and charge all and sindrie our liegis, baitht to burgh and to land, regalite and rialte, aswele spirituall men as temporall men, yemen, commonis, gentill men, and utheris fensabill personis quhatsumevir, of quhat stait, degre or aige thai be off, that thai and ilkane of thaim, wele bodin in feir of weir, with armis and walpinnis, addres thaim tobe at Fawlay Muir the last day of August instant, with tuenty dais victuale nixt eftir thair cuming, and to pas fordwart with our said derrest cousing, tutour and governour, for defence of our realme and resisting of our aid innymys, eftir the forme and tenour of our utheris letters and proclamatiounes past tharupon of befoir, and undir the panis 50 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1547. [Proclamation contenit in the samyn nochtwithstanding ony licience gevin or tobe gevin in of^rmy1 atlmg the contrair; and that ye our said sheref and your deputis mak the fire cors Fala Muir.] t0 pe dung with all possible deligence throu all partis and boundis of your offices, and set up gebattis within every burgh of our realme for punischment of the persons remanand at hanie incontrair the tenour of this our charge, undir the pane of tinsale of your offices and punisment of your personis, landis and gudis, with all rigour, as ye will ansuer to us tharupoun. The quhilk to do we commit to you, coniunctlie and seueralie, our full powar, be thir our letteres, delivering tham be you dewlie execut and indorsat agane to the berar. Gevin undir our signet, at Edinburgh, the xxvj day of August and of our regne the fift veil-. ^ _ , 7 , „. 26 October 1547.1 Assedatio The provest, baillies and counsell, set the Watter of Forth to Johne Toun^waUis!1' Forestare, his airis and assignais, for all the dais and termes of thre yeiris nixt and immediat to be compleit eftir the dait of thir presentis, for auchtene pundis yeirlie, extending in the haill thre yeiris to the sowme of fifti four pundis money of this realme, pait be the said Johne in fore male and befoir- hand, in ane haill sowme and togeddir, to be expendit upone the strengthing and bigging of the wall is of the toun, at this present peralus tyme of neid, for resisting of oure auld innimeis of Ingland. Pro communi- tate, narrow Curia justici- arie. 7 November 1547. The provest and baillies, considerand the narrownes of the passage at the nuke and point passande to the touiu burne quhair William Malice usis schoing of hors, and the rouim is nocht convenient tharto becaus of stopping of passage, that nother hors men, futmen nor leid men, may gudlie pas by but cummir, and tharfoir lies dischargit the said AVilliam of all schoing of hors in the saide narrow passage fra this our furth, undir the pane of ane unlaw. 21 February 1547-8. Curia justiciarie supreme domine nostre Regine, tenta in pretorio eiusdem . . per Johannem Cragingelt de eodem, prepositum dicti burgi, justiciarium in liac parte de mandato domini Gubernatoris in verbo dato. 1 The usually regular work of the burgh court seems to have been interrupted " at this present peralus tyme," as there is scarcely anything written in the book between 30th August and 7th October. 1547-8.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 51 Nomine inquisitionis: William Alexander [and fourteen others.] John [Indictment Hwme, Inglisman, ye ar inditit for the cuming fra the Inglis army, now being man!]^^*1" at Brughty Crage, throw the cuntrey of Scotland quhill ye com to the town of Perth, without ony conduct or assurans of ony Scotisman, now in tyme of weir, for espying of the said town of Perth and udir partis within this realm, to that effect to have drawin the said army of Ingland for destructioun of our Soverane ladyis legis, bayth of thair bodeis and guidis, be fire and suord, quhilk ye can nocht deny, in takin ye war tane on the brig of the said toun of Perth. 24 February 1547-8. The provest, baillies and counsall, lies devisit and ordanit that all manir Strynthing of of induellaris within this burgh be redy with thair bodeis, servandis and toun' hors, to wirk and labour for strynthing of the touin in all sortis as salbe devisit and commandit; and inlikmanir that na manir of man depart of the touin nor leiff the samyn now in tyme of mistir, undir the pane of tinsale and escheting of thair landis and gudis, and thair selffis nevir nor thair airis nevir to have place, fredom nor duelling, within this touin efterwart. 28 February 1547-8. The provest and baillies and counsall commandit Robert Geichane and Resisting Thomas Carnis, baxstaris, to delivir to Alexander Watsoun, in the townis name, InSlismen- the soum of fourty pundis usuall mony of Scotland, awing be thaim to the executouris of wmquhill David Sibbald for certane quhite said to thaim be the saidis executouris to support and furnis the townis labouris for resisting of the Inglismen now in tyme of neid, and thairfoir the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, oblist thaim to warrand and keip skaithles the saidis Robert and Thomas and all otheris quhom it efferis at all handis, and tharupon the saidis Robert and Thomas askit actis. 19 March 1547-8. The provest and bailies hes grantit to the craftismen of wobstaris thair For the wob- auld privelege usit and wont. At the command of the provest and bailies, James Fairny, Jolme Cultis, Condition of a Andro Andersoun, James Hall and Johne Richertsoun, past and vesyit the weriThous?nd tenement and werk hous of umquhill George Speris, lyand bath contigue to the toun burn, his duelling hous on the west pairt tharof and his werkhous on 52 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1547-8. Condition oCa the eist part of the samyn; fand the foir pairt and hall of the said duelling werk hous. hous weill reparit, new thekit with thak, weill tymmerit and kaberit, and sylit abone the hall buird, the windokis weill glasynnit and tirlesit within and without as efferis, with portall slottis and closouris, and the remanent of the said tenement ewin to the yaird standand sufficiently in gret tymmer sic as scylle pan and first, and in kaboris, wattillis and stray, thak and devot, sobirly apperand watir ticht; and the yaird tharof with ane stane dyk at the west end of the sam; and the said werk hous with furnis, leid and fattis, weill wallit and tymmerit, sobirly waterticlit as said is; with the yaird tharof dykit with stane and mortar. . . ,7 7 April 1548. The provest, bailies, counsale and dekinnis, lies consentit to be taxt at Midsomer nixtocum gif neid beis, for the releiff of William Bell, for the artailyery and price tharof as efferis. 13 April 1548. William Bell, Johne Forester and Waltir Cousland, offerit for to big ane wynd myln to the touin for vij yeir tak fre and xx li. of male for the rest of xix yeir. 24 April la48. Williame Pruves, knokmakair, grantit hym to have ressavit be the handis of Alexander Watsoun, ane of the baillies of the burgh of Striveling, the soum of ten pundis in hale and compleit payment of all sowmes that he ma ask or craiff for his labouris of knok and mone macking and all otheris labouris to this hour, and quitclames and dischargis the toun and all otheris quhom it efferis for evir, and sail warrand his werk sufficient conforme to his contract befoir contenit in this buke. 22 May 1548. Irrewin, For- Maistir Johne Forneir, maistir houshald to the imbassatour, convenit n^inibasatoun Robert Irrewin, fleschour, in this manir,—to furnis hym muttoun, the hale bouke and intralis, except alanerlie the skyn, for x s. the pece; kiddis, except the skynnis, iiij s.; the yong vale, vj s.; ane doissoun of loingis, viij s.; ane vale of yeir aid or tharby, xxviij s. the iiij quartaris alanerlie; ane gret vale of thre yeir aid or tharby, the four quartaris, xxxiiij s.; and the iiij quartaris of the kow, five merk, with sum part of intralis, conforme to thair comoning. The For the com- moun wele; artailyery. Wynd myln. Pruves, com- munitate, knok and mone. 1548.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 53 said Robert hes ressavit tuenty five crownis of the sone debursit befoir hand, Irrewin, For- for the quhilk William Alexander is cumin souerte salang as the silveir lestis, toimbasatour! and siclik as the mony beis renewit and induring to Allhallowmes, mony allwayis being avansit aye befoir. 31 August 1548. Curia justiciarie supreme domine Regine, tenta . . . per Johannem Curia justici- Cragingelt de eodem, prepositum burgi predicti ac vicecomitem deputatum aue' vicecomitatus eiusdem. Nomina assise: Johne Forster, [and fourteen others]. Nycoll Harower, being accusit of the thifteous steling of ane blak hors Harower to and brekin of our Soverane Ladyis presoun, he confessit the steling of the said be hangit* hors fra Marioun Gowane in Hillbandrik and the breking of the said presoun, of the quhilk the said assis hes convickit him, and ordanis him tobe hangit quhill he be deid. The provest and bailies ordanis all nychtbouris quhilkis ar departit of Pro communi- the town for the pest that thay returne and cum agane to the samyn inconti- tate' pest' nent for the commone weill and guid of the town, undir the pane of tinsell of thair fredome, within thre dayis heireftir; and ordanis this act tobe proclamit at the croce for thar warning; and siclyk, that all baksteris, brousteris and flescheouris, uis thair occupationis and craftis, undir the pane forsaid.1 3 November 1548. Johne Cowan com in will to the provest and counsall for the furthputting in will, of Marioun Cowan, his dochter, to kirk and merket, without licience of the Cowan> Pest- provest or baillies, and gif ony danger cumis tharthrou, or ony of his hous, tobe at the said provest and counsalis will. 9 November 1548. Robert Gechane, being accusit for saying that Thomas Ramsay slew the Quenis deir. Quenis deir, he refusit the saying tharof and denyit. 3 December 1548. The provest and bailies ordanis xl s. tobe gevin to Wilyem Kerslaw for Knok. the keping of [the] knok in the yeir, of the commone guid. 1 There are no entries in the record between ceedings being doubtless occasioned, as was 31st August and the date of the elections in the case in many similar instances, by the October, the interruption of municipal pro- visitation of the pestilence. 54 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Customs, etc. The provest, bailies and counsall, ordanis the girs maill and stallange of this present yeir and the yeir last bipast tobe gadderit be William Smert and Andro Neilsoun, for the consideratioun of thair tinsell of the small custummis in the yeir last bipast, and thai to pay the haill sowm as the saidis custummis wes set, that is to say, xiij merk ix s., tobe payit to Johne Forster. 30 December 1548. Al11- The provest, bailies and counsall, lies statut and ordanit that every brouster sail, als sone as hir new aill is reddy tobe cunnit, charge the bailie of that quarter in the quhilk scho duellis to cum and bring suorne cunneris with him and set ane price upon the said aill and sell na derrar nor the said bailie ordanis it to be said; and attour, the saidis brousteris lies oblist thame selfis, of thair awne confessioun, to sell als gud aill to thame that fechchis it owt of the hous as within the samyn and of the sam price; and giff ony of thame falyeis in the premissis sail pay xl s. of unlaw. 18 February 1548-9. Procommuni- Freir Archbald Hynd, haveand power of the priour and convent of the predicatouris. freris predicatouris of Striveling, with consent and assent of the saidis priour and convent, comperit personalie in the tolboitli of Striveling befoir the provest and bailies of the burgh of Striveling, and thar the saidis provest and bailies dischargeit all personis within thar jurisdictioun to have ony intromis- sioun with the halff fisching of ane cobill upon the water of Forth, allegit to pertene to thame. unto the tyme thay be lauchfullie callit and ordourly put tharfra; and in that cais the said freir Archbald haveand the power forsaid submittit the saidis priour and convent to the jurisdictioun of the lordis of sessioun and renuncit thar awne jurisdictioun and all utlier privelegis in that cais. 8 March 1548-9. Maltmen. The provest and baillies lies grantit to the maltmen that all thaim that use thair occupatioun sail pay olkis pennys with thaim, alswele without the toun and within. 1 April 1549. Tennent, Decernis Malcum Kinros to content and pay to Jonet Tennent, the spous Quenef'Mar- J°hne Cowane, the sowme of tuenty sex li. for merchandris, Scottis blak, garet. Franche blak, and uthir geir contenit in the said Jonettis compt, deliverit to 1549.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 55 the said Malcum, and als contenit in ane precept subscrivit be umqnhill Tennent, . Kmros Margaret, Quene of Scotland, quhom God assolye, commanding the said Quene Mar- Malcum to mak payment tharof to the said Jonet, as hir officier and chalmer- Saret- lane of Striveling schire, becaus the said Malcum tuik to preiff that the said merchandris wes tane upon the said umquhill Quenis credit and succumbit in his probatioun; and ordanis preceptis to be direct heirapoun giff neid be. 12 April 1549. The provest and bailies inhibitis William Nor well and all utheris to visie and occupy the fredome of skinner craft in tymes cuming bot gif thai entir to the samin and scot and lot with thame. The assise find is William Norwell ammerciat for the trubling of William M'Clellane, saying he wes manesuorne and gif he gat him without the port he suld peirs his skin. The assise can nocht acquit Helene Thoir of the trubling and blud drawing of William Gillespy and trubling and casting to the yeird of his wiff, and ordanis for reformacioun that hir body sail byd in the tolbyth, at the provest will, and thareftir pas to the plaice quhair the fait was done and offir the stane in his hand that sclio kest at him and ask him forgevnes on hir kneis; and gif scho be fund doand siclyk till ony uthir to pay ten li. to the toun wirk. 29 April 1549. Robert Leirmonth, in name and behalf of the Quenis grace and wardane Wardane, and convent of the Freiris Minouris of Striveling, protestis that gif thay be ^eri^Min- hurt in thair rycht or possessioun, for rerneid and actioun of wilfull errour to ouris. the inqueist. And Johne Wallace for his part in lyk manir protestit. Anent the breve of lyning purchest be the bredir of the Freris Minoris of Gray freris, the burght of Striveling aganis Johne Wallace, and for the wrangus biging apon Wallace- thair dik of thair kirkyarde and putting furth of windois and asiamentis tharin, it is appointit in this manir, that is to say, the saidis brethir, movit of cheritie and nychtbour luiff, has tollerate the said Johne to big upon thair saide dik, and to breuke tua nedmest windois tharin, hevand the samyn wele stanchorit with irne and clois glasinnit in all tymes cuming; and anent the tua uvirmest lychtis, the saide Johne sail distroy the samyn and big thaim up plane wall with stane and lyme; and anent the closet bigit on the said Johne Wallace Wilsoun, Norwell, skinuar craft. Ammerciat. Amerciat. 56 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1549. Gray freris, Wallace. Duchemen. Tolboith, kirk. Wobisteris. Lady Kers lugeing. Hall, pest. awin side, upon that part of the said brederis wall and dik, thai have siclik tollerate hym to breuke the samyn salang as thair wall remanis skaithtles, unfuilyeit, that is to say, that it be nocht knawin apon thair side nor in thair kirk yarde that thair is ane closet in that part, othir be flevir, sicht, or coloring of the said wallis; and als the said Johne lievand the gavill of his bakstair apon the said dike cloce without sycht of the gavill tharof apon the said bretheris kirk yarde. ^ ,r 9 May lo49. Francis Forcane and James Croiff, Duche men, com in will to the provest of Shriveling for broking of our Soverane Ladijs pace and wonding and hurting of William Wryclit in perrell of his liff, undir silence of nyclit, and schoting of his pistolate within direge, in gret apering of the slachter of baitht men and wemen amang congregatioun tharof, etc. 14 May 1549. The forhous of the tolboith wes set to James Ros for xl s. maill for ane yeir, and to uphald the glasin windowis of the kirk for the samin yeir, and to reforme all the faltis of the saidis kirk windois, the provest findand him glas and uthir stuff needfull. T 7 o July 1549. The provest and baillies ordanis all wobisteris that wirkis the townis werk, quhair evir thay duel], to pay ane olkis penny to the dekin of the wobisteris, and the nychtbouris that puttis furtli thair wobbis to werk to ansuer tharfoir of the payment of the saidis wobbis. 12 July 1549. Archbald Spittell protestit for his lauchfull defenssis aganis Elisabeth Levingstoun, lady Kers, in the actioun persewit be hir aganis the said Arch- bald for passage throw his clos and yaird to hir lugeing beside the Blakfreris. 17 October 1549. Findis that James Hall hes failyeit in the furtht putting of clathis and divers stuff furtht of his hous, havand ane woman servand suspect and seik in the pest, and tharfoir decernis him to be punist in his jDerson, and all gudis and fredome to be eschete at the provestis will. And in tyme cuming, ordanis that qulia evir have ony persoun seik thai sail warne the provest and 1549.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 57 baillies incontinent and keip that persoun be thame selffis that ar seik quhill Hall> Pest- it be knawin the seiknes, and the remanent of the houshald tobe clois quhill the verite of the seiknes be knawin. 6 November 1549. George Gairdner, William Finlasoun, Donald Spitted, and Robert Geir apprisit. Lowdeane, being suorne, apprisit the geir undirwrittin pertening to umquhill Marioun Cragingelt, viz., ane gown of Franche brown begareit the bodeis and slevis with velvot and forbreist to the taill, price four li. x s.; ane gown of wareant champit worset, price four li. x s.; ane kirtill of lyllis worset begareit round about with velvot, price v li.; ane gown of Scottis pyle russet, price fourty tua s.; ane kirtill of Franche brown, price xx s. 14 November 1549. Johne Forester ressavit twa silver chandillairis of my lord of Argyllis, Pro domino weyand thre pund thre unce and lialff ane unce, as plege and souirte for de ^-rSyH- maister Johne Campbell, persone of the Ylis; and oblissis him to deliver the samyn agane to my lord or his servandis haveancl his command undir his lordshipis hand wryt and delivering fourty li. of money, betuix this and Yuill day nixtocum ; and giff the payment cumis nocht betuix this and Yuill the said erll of Argyll is content that the said Johne deliver the saidis chandillairs to the said maister Johne, ressaveand his writing of the ressait of the samyn. 2 December 1549. The provest, bailies and counsall, ordanis that na marchand by calff Skynneris. skynnis, gayt skynnis, scaldingis, kyd skynnis, nor wyld leddir, conform to the auld actis. Ordanis that na skynner by schorliugis, winter skynnis, nor May skynnis, Merchandis. conform to the auld actis, except thay be burgessis and gild broder. 22 January 1549-50. The gudis undirwrittin apprisit be Andro Ros, officier, quhilkis pertenit Apprising to to wmquhill Alexander Barry, to Alexander Ray and his spous for hous male Ra^c 1 awing be the said wmquhill Alexander Barry, viz., ane maskin fat, iiij standis, ane barrell, ane aid langsadill, ane aid ark, ane aid compter lid, ane part of ane pres and forme, and iiij ellis of lyningis, prisit all to xliij s.; quhilk he H 58 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1549-50. Apprising to Alexander Ray. Statntum pro mercatoribus. Protestatio. Fleschouris. Statut, skem- millis. Striveling, Yong, Ham- miltoun, warklumes. offerit to ony party that wald ressave the samyn, and becaus nane comperit he assignit thaim to the said Alexander in payment of his hous male. 24 January 1549-50. Ordanis that quhat merchand avans ony rnony to any fleschour sail pay v li. to the touin and v li. to the Haly Bluid, alswele landwart fleschouris as borrowis. William Niddisdale protestit that the fleschouris ma have place to sell thair penny worthis quhair thay best ma. Ordanis all fleschouris, baitht burght and land, to present skyn and taucht to the rnerket as thay do the flesche or thay sell the samyn. Anent the complaint of the dekin of fleschouris and brethir of craft for stopping of thaim to brek fischis apon the skemlis of the foirgate set to Thomas Norwell to the commoun wele, ordanis in tyme cuming all fleschouris and the takismen of the skemlis tobe fre to brek fischis apon the commoun skemlis, takand for ilk fische brelcing ane d. tobe pait be the sellair and the go wry of the fische; and ilk fleschour that sail happin to brek ane fische sail pay to the takisman of the skemlis ane half penny for the skemlis. 26 January 1549-50. Margaret Hammiltoun, the relict of wmquhill Richart Yong, said and assignit thir warklumes undirwritten, that is to say, thre gret stedijs, thre lingnettis of irne, item the gret scheris, ane taingis, ane vice turkes, the stule and graitht perteinyn tliairto, hand halmeris and small hammeris, filis and borrache, fat starnpis,the litill stedijs, with all other small warklumes,—to Hary Striveling, his aris and assignais, for the soum of ellevin pundis usuall mony of Scotland, quhilk scho instantly ressavit and quitclamit and dischargit the said Harry tliarof for now and evir; and oblist hir and hir aris, executouris and assignais, to warrand the said warklumes to the said Hary, his aris and assignais, at the handis of Andro Yong, hir son, and all otheris quhom it effaris, for evir, and declarit that neid and mister compellit hir to sell the saidis Avarklumes to sustene hir and hir said sone. 4 February 1549-50. Corsour, etc. Hary Striveling and Johne Aickin, goldsmythtis, Johne Alexander, and 1549-50.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 59 George Schaw of Incumry, prisit ane chenyie of gold with sex gret knoppis of Corsour, gold, weyand thre unce and aneunicorne wecht, ilk unce to aucht pundis; and Spittale, siclik, tua merket dayis immediat preceding; qnhilk chenyie Johne Cragingelt, g^yie of of that ilk, laid in wad to Sir James Cosour, as he allegit, and Robert Forester, seriand, offerit the samyn to the said Johne Cragingelt and to Archbald Spittale, fra quhom he gat the samyn, for the saidis sowmes, and becaus thai refusit to tak the samyn as it wes prisit the said officiare said and assignit the samyn to the said Sir James in payment of tuenty crownis of wecht gevin tharupon to the said Johne, and ordanis the said Sir James to pay in the remanis, the prising being dedusit. The said Sir James, of his awin motive, grantit to keip the said chenyie to the saidis Johne and Archbald quhill Pasche nixtocum. 1544-50. The deviding of the touin betuix four baillies1:— Deviding of _ the touin. The Mary Wynd, Castall Wynd, north part of the Hie-gait:—[Names of 105 persons, of whom 24 are females. 19 names are deleted.] The hale Bakraw, southt side of the Hie-gait, beginning at Belgebrig, and ane part benetht on the northt side:—[Names of 98 persons, of whom 14 are females. The names include Lady Forester, hir son Jok, Lady Orrok, the nureis, Lady Cragortht.] The southt quarter fra Belgebrig douin:—[Names of 99 persons, of whom 22 are females. One name deleted.] The northt quartair fra benetht Belgebrig:—[Names of 103 persons, of whom 9 are females.] The land burges:—[Names of 19 persons. 5 names deleted.] The landwart burges:—[Names of 16 persons. 3 names deleted.] 1 This list, occupying 41 pages, is written at the end of volume 1544-50, the book being for that purpose turned up-side down. Beginning on the second-last leaf, it extends to the middle of the fifth page, and at the meeting-point the regular record stops, thus showing that the list was made up within the period embraced in the volume. The deletions are probably meant to indicate deaths or removals, while new names would be added from time to time. If this be the case, the numbers in the four divisions at the last revisal would be:—Mary Wynd, etc., SG; Bakraw, etc.,98; South quarter, 98; North quarter, 103. Total, 385. GO EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1552. [.Records awanting from 26th February, 1549-50, to 24th July, 1554.] 5 July 1552.1 Commoun Deliverit be Johene Graheme of Baldorrane, commoun clerk of the burght bukis. 0£ shriveling, to Johne Cragingelt of that ilk, provest of Striveling, thir com¬ moun bukis undir writin, and put be hym in the thesaure hous, in presens of Archbald Spittale, bailyie, Robert Cousland, maister of werk, Johne Haistie, dekin of tailyouris. In primis, ane buke beginnand of the dait jm iiijc xliiij yeris indurand to lv yeris. Item, ane othir buke beginnand in the yeir of God jm iiijc and fiftie viij yeris indurand to iiijxx xvj yeris. Item, the third buke beginnand the dait jm vc yeris and induris to vc and vj yeris. The fourt buke beginnand the sam dait and induris to vc and xij yeris. The fift buke beginnand in the yeir etc., vc and xiij yeris and induris to xix yeris. The sext buke beginnand in the sam dait and induris to vc and xxx yeris. The sevint buke beginnand, etc., vc xxxvij yeris and induris to vc xliiij yeris. The viij buke, this present buke, beginnand in the sam dait induris to vc xlix yeris. Item, ane buke callit the Reid Buke contenand sum comptis and settis. Item, I the said Johne Graheme, clerk foirsaid, lies the register buke of the few landis and sesingis of the townis in my awin handis nocht yitcompleit, for the quhilk I sail ansuer. Subscrivit with my hand, yeir, day, and place, forsaid. J. Graheme; John Cragingelt of that ilk, pro west. 3 December 1554. Mail of a ^aines Thomsone comperit and grantit that he lies ane study of irne per- study. tening to the chapellane of the Trinitie altar, and the saidis jugis decernit the 1 The statement here given as to delivery of books is written on what had been left a blank page at the end of volume 1544-50. Of the eight volumes of records then in existence, and continuing in an almost unbroken series from 1444 to 1550, only two volumes, those of 1519-30 and 1544-49/50, can now be found. The "Reid Buke" and "register buke of the few landis and sesingis" have also disappeared. 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 61 said James to content and pay to Sir Alexander Cristesone, as chapellane of Mail of a the said altar, x s. for the maill of the said study for all termes bigane, to be study- payit betuix and Candilmes nyxtocum. 19 December 1554. Anent the summondis persewit be James Watsoun, thesaurar of the Decretum burght of Striveling, aganis William Bell, thesaurar of the said burgh, begin- contra nand at the fest of Mertimes the yeir of God jm vc xl sex yeiris and ending in thesaurar. the yeir of God jm vc xl sevin yeiris, intromettar with the property and casuality pertening to the community of the said burgh in commounty of the samyn yeir, and siclyk intromettar with the contributionis grantit be the haill com¬ munity of the samyn burgh to thair commoun besines and for furth setting of thair commoun besines and woltht, and with all contributionis and soumes of money grantit and gevin be the Quenis grace deworiar of Scotland and uder noble lordis, spirituall and temporall, baronis and gentil- men in thair degreis, for beilding, strynthing and upmaking of the wallis of the said burgh, as is particularly contenit in the said William charge apone the fuit of his comptis and in ane buik subscrivit be the Quenis grace foirsaid, lordis, baronis and uder gentilmen as said is, ilk ane for thair a win pairt, as the samyn in the self beiris, extending in the haill to tua thousand audit libris fyf schillingis fyf d., the said William comptis being maid and hard be certane auditouris, comburgessis of the said burgh, chosin and admittit tharto, he restis awing apone the fute of his saidis comptis to the community foirsaid the sowme of thre hundretli lix li. xix s. x d., as at mair lynth is contenit in the said summondis ... the saidis pro vest and bailleis decernis, decretis and ordanis, the said William to content and pay to the said James Watsone, thesaurar forsaid, the said soum . . . 14 January 1554-5. It is fund be the inqueist that thair is greit extorsiounis in the takin of Procommuni- the gait dychtingis, quhairthrow thair cumis littill stuff to the gait to sell, and dLhtmgis. the mwrmour is greit amang the pepill herof, quharfor thai decernis and ordinis the provest, bailyeis and counsall, to put ane ordour to all gait dycht¬ ingis, and ane mesour for ilk stufe be the self, that it be kepit in tymes cuming, and the failyearis to be pwnist be rigour. 62 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS (1554-5. Pro com- munitate; de Spittale. 16 January 1554-5. Con wen it in the counsallhous of the brucht of Striveling, Henry Leving- stoun of Falkyrk, provest of Striveling, [bailies, council, and deacons of crafts,] and concludit and decernit, all in ane voce, that the provest and baillies sail persew the letteres rasit at thair instance aganis William Bell for productioun off his infeftment of the landis of Spittall befor the lordis of consall, and forthar for the ground rycht tharof and proffitis of the samyn safar as may pertene to the town justlie, ay and quhill the triakle of the treutht tharof may be had, bayth for the commoun wele of the town and the said Williamis singlar wele, in sic maner that gif he haif just rycht thairto, and swa being funding, that he may bruik the samyn peceablie without pley, and gyf the town lies the just rycht thairof and recoweris the samyn that thai may inlikmaner use the samyn as thair awin peceablie according to justyce, and consentis that thair commoun gudis be dewlie and accordinly spendit thairon; and gyf the samyn happinnis to be superexpendit to support ressonablie be generall contri- butionis of thair awin gudis accordinly as thai sail happin to appont for the tyme gyf neid beis. In witnes off the quhilk thing, thai haif subscrivit thir presentis with thair handis that can subscryve, and the utheris with thair handis tueching the notaris pen. [Follow twenty-four subscriptions, nine of them by a notary.] „ 18 January loo4-o. Comperit Sir Johne Hamyltoun, chapellane of our Lady alter, de novo fundato, and desyrit his annuallis pertening to the saidis alter, and the annualleris desyrit to haif ane warrand, and the provest and baillies ansuerand thairto ratifijs and appreffis the gyft giffin to the said Sir Johne of befor of the said alter, and sail warrand the samyn to the said Sir Johne, and siclik sail warrand the saidis annuallaris insafar as thai delyver to the said Sir Johne, and thairfor ordinis the saidis annuallaris to pay the samyn to him. And siclik sail warrand Sir Alexander Fargy, collectour pertening to the said alter, insafer as he or thai delyveris to the said Sir Johne. 30 May 1555. [Settlement At Edinburght and Leitht, the pennult day of Maij the yeir of God jm with William yC anq pfyy fyfe yer[S) we, Henry Levingstone of Falkyrk, provest of Striveling, JDell cLS TO # Spittal, etc.] James Watsone, thesaurer of the brught of Striveling, twa of the abitratouns Hamiltoun, our Lady altar. 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 63 and amicable compositouris cliosin for tlie counsall and commonitie of the said [Settlement brucht, on thatane part, and Johne Cragingelt of that ilk and Robert Forester, Bell as t0 younger, ane of the baillies of the said brucht, twa of the arbitratouris and Spittal, etc.] amicable compositouris chosin for William Bell, on that utliir part, anent the said Williamis rycht and entres to the common landis of the said brucht callit the Spettall and anent iijc iijxx li. of the rest of the futt of the said Williamis comptis awing to the said counsall and communite, and anent all uthir debatis betuix the saidis parteis to this day, we being ryplie avisit, takand consultationes and avismentis fra the begynning, allegeances and rychtis of baith the saidis parteis being hard, thair writtis and defenssis producit, lies convenit and agreit as efter followis in this manir, that is to say, we the saidis personis chosin for the counsall and communite decretis and ordinis the said William Bell to resing purlie and semplie the Brighaucht, with the pertinentis, in the townis handis cid perpetuam remanentiam, saiffand to him his fermes of this crope now sawin on the ground alanerlie, and sail mak ane new infeftment of the remanent town and landis of Spittall haldin of the town of Striveling, with restrictionis conform to the remanent few landis of the said town, and sail pay yeirly thairfor the sowm of twenty merkis Scottis mony at twa termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Mertymes in wintir, with the double of the few at the entres of evirilk air, with service of brucht usit and wont allanerlie. And we the saidis persones chosin for the said William decretis and ordinis inlikmaner as abone writtin, except allanerlie that we ordane him to pay for the saidis landis yeirlie the sowme of ten li. And becaus we are all agreit [upon the other points, the amount of the yearly feu-duty was referred to the town council's decision]. And this being done discharges the said William of the said rest of the futt of his comptis and all utheris comptis and chargeis bygane . . . And anent his charge in his comptis of contributionis of gentill men that he allegis he hes nocht gottin, we ordane the samyn to pertene to the said William and the town to mak him thair powar to persew the samyn with all rycht [or] titill of rycht that thai haif tharto. [The provost, bailies and council, fixed the annual payment for the lands belonging to William Bell at £13 6s. 8d.] 9 September 1555. Johne Burn being indittit for the thiftuis steling and conseling of ane Curia justi- brown meir, pertening to Marioun Dik, furtht of Capildra within the sheref- ciane- 64 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Curia justi- ciarie, Suspensio, Burn. Banist. Lippir. Scab. Cowane, dene of gild. Jonet Mwrray, bur- ges and gild. Letter from magistrates of Perth; crafts - dom of Fyfe, on the vij day of September, to the takin he brocht the samyn to the fair of Striveling to sell and wes tane ryd hand thairwith and his gartane in hir heid, and wes put to schaw: The said assis convictit him of the samyn becaus he confessit the samyn, and thairfor he was adiugit to be tane to the gallous and hangit quhill he wer deid, and dome thairof giffin be Adam Cristison, dempstar. George Muncrifc, James Wilsoun, Bernard Bertan, Nicoll Ore, and Maddy Bathelem, thai and ilk ane of tham being inditit for the thyftuis steling and conseling of ane wob of cammes fra Johne Makdikim, on the viij day of September, and of commoun pykry, the said assis culd nocht acquyt tham of commoun pykry becaus thai wer all convenit in umquhill Robart Templitonis hous; and the saidis Bernard Bertane, Nicoll Ore and Maddy Bathelem, banist the town of befor, and than tane ryd hand with the said cammes, and thairfor it wes adiugit that ane lug salbe tane fra ilk ane of the men and the said Maddyis cheik brwnt with the burning irn, and dome thairof giffin be Adam Crystisoun, dempstar; and thairefterthe saidis personis banist the town and schyre of Striveling, onder the pane of hanging, in all tymis cuming. „ , _ 7 14 October looo. It is fund that Gillianis wyfe is lippir. It is fund that Thomas Bwy lies twa liors that hes stranglon that ar infeCCatife- 21 October 1555. Johne Cowane allegeit the dene of gild chosin by1 actis of parliament becaus the craftismen bredir of gild wes nocht at the chesing of the samyn. November 1555. Jonat Mwrray, eldar, and Jonat Mwrray, youngar, enterit aris to umquhill James Morray, thair fadir; and Jonat Mwrray, elder, enterit in hir faderis fredom of burges and gild, and payit xxvj d. ob., wax and wyne, and hes sworn. 9 November 1555. My lord prowest. Efter maist hertle commendatioun : Forsamekill pies that thair is nowation ryssin betuix ws and the craftismen of our town, as we trest ye knaw, and the Quenis grace is to be in our town this Thysday the 1 " Chosin by," i.e., not chosen conform to. 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. G5 xj day of November to pat reformatioune as hir grace pleissis thairin; quhair- Letter from for, sen it standis for ane commone weill, that it will pies yow to be here that PeTth^crafts? day for to fortife the lyberte of borrowis, as ye aucht and suld defend the men- samyn, conforme to the actkis maid amangis borrowis quhen ony burght is hurt in thair priwelege that the remanent sail concour and defend the samyn with thair body and gudis as law will1; thairfor prayand your lordship to be here, as we dowt nocht but ye will, for to mein and [ass] yst and debait the samyn, to ewaid that it sail nocht be ane preparatyf to yow and ws and all uthir borrowis in tymis cuming. Nocht elles bot God conserf your lordship. At Pertht, the ix day of November; be your [subscribed:] Baillyeis and consall off Pertht. [Addressed on back:—] The prouest, bailyeis and counsall of Striviline. 2 December 1555. The gait dychtingis, efter the deceis of Johne Coutis, master masoun, sett Gait dichtin- to David Tennend, for fourty four li. . . with provisioun that the usaris of Oouti^mas^ the samyn handile the samyn with discretioun conform to use and wont. ter masoun. 9 December 1555. Anent the supplicatioun giffin in be Johne Cragingelt of that ilk anent Complaint the complant maid be the Quenis grace upoun him, upoun the behalf of James CraS' Watsoun and William Noruell, burgessis of Striveling, that quhair, sen thai wer acquyt be ane assis of mutulatioun of the lard of Cragingelt, certane of the saidis lardis freindis and servandis had bostit and mannissit tham in sic mann¬ as thai dar nocht for feir of thair liffis cwm furtht of thair awin houssis to do thair leifull besynes within the town of Striveling forsaid, as at mair lentht is contenit in the said supplicatioun and Quenis grace writtin derect to my lord Erskin tharupoun, desyrand the baillies present for the tym to put him to the knawlege of ane inquist of nychtbouris or to ward [of] thair court gyf he or ony of his freindis or servandis hes offendit the complenaris in maner forsaid sen thai sufferit ane assis as said is; the saidis baillies, takand ward of court, declarit that thai hard na complant tharof to this present and knew na uthir; and thairefter the saidis baillies send for the saidis James Watsoun and 1 An act of the convention of royal burghs, putes between the town council and craftsmen dated 18th September, 1555, seems to be to which the letter from Perth refers, see foot- referred to here. In connection with the dis- note, p. 66. I 66 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Complaint against in gelt. Connsall. Makke, laris. Kyrk; appoyntment with lord Dunferme- ling. Baxter, dekynnis, visitouris. For the mercat. William Noruell, quhay comperand personalie declarit in jugement that thai had na cans of complant in deid sen the suffering of the said assis. 18 December 1555. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, baillies and connsall, that gyf ony of the counsall, being chargit or sumond personaly the nycht befor, compeiris nocht at the hour assignit to tham, that the persoun absent sail pay incon¬ tinent ij s. and pwndit thairfor without delay. William Makke admittit be the counsall in the uptaking and laying of laris in the kyrk in tymis cuming for xij d. the thrucht, and viij d. the pay¬ ment, with this restrictionis that incontinent quhen the graf is sattillit that incontinent the samyn laris be laid agane, and siclik that he brek nocht the stanis, and gif ony brek in his defalt that the samyn be mendit in his expens. It is ordinit be the counsall that Alexander Watsoun, thesaurer, and James Robesoun, baillie, pas to Lythqw, and admittit commisaris to compeir befor my lord off Sanctandrois to complene and obtene letteres as efferis upoun the erectioun of the kyrk and apointment betuix my lord Dunfermeling and the town, on the townis expens. 20 January 1555-6. Comperit Johne Allane, baxter, and protestit that he be nocht com- pellit to ansuer to ony dekynnis in tymes cuming bot allanerly to the provest and baillies. Comperit Alexander Brown, in name and behalf of the hale visi- tours of the bruclit of Striveling, and allegeit that Johen Allan submittit him at the s}-cht of the saidis visitouris and wes sworn tharto and offeris them to pref the samyn and that he suld byd tharat tueching the complant betuix him and William Dorrocht.1 10 February 1555-6. It is concludit be the counsall that na maner of sekis with ony maner of 1 By an act of parliament, passed in June, 1555, it was ordained that from thenceforth no deacons of crafts should be elected within burghs, but that in their stead visitors of crafts should be elected by town councils, and other restrictions were also imposed. The act caused much contention between merchants and tradesmen, and to allay the dissatisfac¬ tion, the Queen, by letters under her great seal, dated at Stirling, 16th April, 1556, restored the former privileges of craftsmen, including the right of electing deacons. 1555-6.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 67 victallis be oppin in tymis cuming quhill ten houris befor nwn, ondir the For the pane of confiscatione of the sek that be fund oppin befor the said hour. mercat. 2 March 1555-0. It is ordinit be the provest, baillies, counsall and communite, that the Act for the officiaris sail pwnd upone all decreitis, confessit dettis or actis, and rnak the officians- party payment of the sowm contenit in the samyn, within twenty day nixt efter the ressait of the said precept, act or decreit, ondir the pane of pay¬ ment of the samyn of thair awin geir. 10 March 1555-6. It is fund be the provest, baillies and counsall, that Jonat Donaldsone, Galloway; the spous of Alexander Galloway, is ane woman of evill conditionis and nocht wc™an of ... . . evill con- lauchfull to by nor sell with, nothir of hir husbandis geir nor nane utheris; ditionis. and thairfor thai inhibit, be tliir presentis, all and syndry thair nychtbouris and inhabitantes of the bruclit of Striveling that nane of tham tak upone hand to by, sell or tak in wod, ony manirof geir with hir, ondir the pane of escheiting of the geir bocht, sauld or laid in wod, and calling and perse wing of tham for the intrometting with the said geir unlauchfully. 13 March 1555-6. Johne Grahame, sone to Margret Muirheid, being apprehendit for the Graham, handling of ane Francheman bag, be command of the Quenis, is despescheit furtht of hir grace compering be the space of ane yeir without ane speciall licens of hir grace, or ellis with ane master quhay will ansuer for him, undir the pane of detht. . r _ , „ „ r 7 July loo6. It is fund be the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, that Jonat Donald- Woman of sone is ane woman of evill conditionis and lies committit syndry pykrijs sen tionis_ the date of hir acting, throw the quliilkis it may be ane caus to accuse hir said spous of his lyfe, he nocht knawing the committing of the samyn, the quhilkis the said Jonat confessit oppinly; and tharfor the said Jonat com- peirand personale, for reformatioun of the premisis, geif hir greit aitht, the evangellis tuechit, outwitht the presens of hir said spous, and of hir awin motife will uncompellit or coactit, become actitat and oblist in this manir;— that scho sail foirbeir and desist fra ony entres of hir said spoussis mercheand Francheman bag. 68 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Woman of evil condi- tionis. For the Rud brod. butht for tlie space of ane yeir and day and forthir during his will; secondly, gyf evir the said Jonat committis (as God forbid) ony crymes, sic as thyft or pykry, othir fra the said Alexander hir spous, or layis ony thing in wod, by his consent, or fra ony uthir persone or personis quhatsumevir, or brekis wilfully or fraudfully ony lokis within the said Alexanderis place, or ony uthir places, quliilk may redound to his schalieme and skaytli, the samyn or athir of thir crymes being kend and judicialy proffin, in that cace the said Jonat incontynent tliaireftir fyrst sail dispesche hir of the said Alexanderis hous and buthtis and all that he hes entres to and salbe contentit to be partit of bed and burd for all the dayis of thair lyftym, and sail at the samyn tym renunce all coniunct fe and sesingis and uthir titill scho hes of the said Alexanderis land or uthir geir quhatsumevir; and last of all, is contentit to be banist the town of Striveling for evir, the saidis crymes being kend and proffin as said is. . „ , 7 7 September looG. It is thocht expedient be the provest, baillies and counsall, that quhat¬ sumevir persone being charget to gaddir with the Rud brod, in the nycht preceding, that he that refusis and gadderis nocht that he sail pay of his awin purs als mykle as the samyn gyffis on Sonday nixt preceding or Sonday nixt following. 1/ September 155G. Bailyeis and counsale of the burgh of Striveling, Ave grete yoAv wele. as^o^Ecticm Forsamekle as it is noclit unknawin to yoAv quhow [be] the electing and chesing of provost. ] of OAvtlandis men to be your provest thair hes bene gret cummeres and truble thairthroAv in your said burgh, lyik as Aves be occasioun thairof betuix Henry LeAvingstoun and the lard of Cragingelt, and uoav as Ave ar informit thair is craftismen and certane utheris Avithin the said burgh quhilkis laAvboris to ha.if sum grete man to landAvarte electit and chosin provest at this feist of Michalmes approcheand, and thairthroAv to bring gretare trublis in the toun nor evir Aves of befoir; for escheAving of the quhilkis, it is our Avill and Ave charge yoAv that ye cheis ane of your aAvin honest nychtbouris conforme to the act of parliament, and that on na Aviss ye cheis ony of the partijs foirsaidis, nor nane utheris part takaris of the feid nor throw qubam ony occasioun of truble may cum, as ye Avill ansuer to avs thairupoun. Subscrivit Avith our hand, at Banf, the xvij day of September the year of God jm vc lvj yeiris. Marie, R. (Seal) [Letter from 1556.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 69 25 September 1556. Sir James Nicolsoun, chepellane of Sant Katherenis altar within the Chaplain of paroche kyrk of Striveling, hes resingnit, purly and semplie, be delyverance enis^lter1 " of buik, all and haill the said altarage with the pertinentis, in the said provestis handis, in favouris of Sir Andro Hagy, reservand to the said Sir James his lyfrent of the hous within the said brucht that he biggit him self, and the by run proffittis for the dayis of his lyf, the said Sir Andro doand thairfor conform to the fundatioun of the said alter in all punctis. In presens of provest, baillies and counsall, protestit Walter Cowsland, in Merchandis. name and behalf of the haill mercheandis, that na electioun of provestis be vottit this day without thai be als mony mercheandis as craftismen, conform to auld use and wont. The samyn day, protestit William Dorrocht, in name of the craftismen, Craftismen. that na mercheandis haif voitting in the chesing of the officiaris bot allanerly samony as wes admittit in the counsall chosin at Micliaelmes last wes. Duncan Forester comperit and producit ane wryttin of the Quenis grace, For chesing undir the sing and subscriptioun, anent the chesing of the the provest and p^yest bailies as is contenit thairin, upoun the productioun of the quhilk he askit act and instrument. . 7 7 o October loo6. Robertus Forester de Calyemwk electus est in prepepositum pro presenti Electio anno, et juravit more solito pro administratione justicie. prepositi. Protestit Robert Bruce of Auchinbowy that gyf he hes neglectit ony Bruce of thingis in tym of his office, and hes nocht intromettit with the thing that he Auchmbowy. suld intromettit with, that he may haif tym and place to uptak the samyn now, lik as he mycht done the samyn in tym of his office. 9 October 1556. It is statut and ordinit be the haill counsall that quhatsumevir of the Statutis, persone or personis of the counsall, being warn it to ane hour to compeir, he counci1- being personaly apprehendit, that gyf he failyeis the hour sett that in that cace he sail pay ij s. without ony forgiffance or evir he be hard to speik, without he purches leif. Item, it is statut and ordinit that all the personis off the said counsall heill and conseill the articulis or punctis specifyt in the counsall, and gif ony per- 70 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Statutis, council. soun failyeis and beis notit thairwith that in that cace thai sail be depryvit of the counsall in all tymis cuming and nevir be hard tharintill agane. Commissioner The counsall consentis that William Nor veil pas to Edinburgh as com- to Edinburgh. m^ssar £or reformatioun of the taxt, and sail haif vj s. viij d. ilk day. Haly blud alter, orna- mentis. Chaplain of Eud alter. Hallyblud alter. Chapellanis, annualis. For the fleshous. W obstaris, Wobstair sued for walx. 12 October 155G. It is concludit be the counsall that the annuallis of Witsonday and Mertymes of the Hally blud alter be gadderit be the dene of gild and put in ane purs togiddir, to be debursit at the sycht of the counsall for ornamentis to be maid. It is concludit be the counsall that Sir Johne Stoddart haif the Rude alter, be the dimissioun of Sir Alexander Aikin, last chapellane thairof, and William Smart souerty that the said Sir Johne sail study continualie quhill he be cunnand in prikat sang, and thairfor ordinis the said Sir Johne be pre- sentit to the samyn; and the said Sir Johne sail mak service conform to the fundatioun. It is concludit that Sir Alexander Aikin haif the Hallyblud alter now vakcand in the townis handis be deceis of Sir Johne Aikin, oblissand to serve conform to the fundatioun for dewiteis conform as Sir J ohne Aikin gat of befor. For the quhilkis, the provest and baillies and counsall sail fortife the saidis chapellanis in the ingetting of thair annualis contenit in thair fundatioun. 11 January 1556-7. The provest, baillies and counsall, hes tbocht expedient that the fleshous be begwn and foundit and that the thesaurer furnis the masteris of werk as may be sparit tlrairto; and thairfor commandis and ordinis the thesaurar to furnis thairto, quilk salbe allowit in his comptis. 29 January 1556-7. Anent the pound of walx persewit be the dekin of the wobstaris aganis Jolme Wobstair, comperit the said Jolme and grant the said act, with this conditioun, that he hes bene in use to mak his awin torche and byrn the samyn in the kyrk in the jukscheing in Ywle and thairefter to tak the samyn with him to his awin hous at his plesour quhen it misterit, and offeris him to preif the samyn, and the jugeis assignis thairto the fyft day of Februar. 1556-7.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 71 15 March 1556-7. We, be the tenour heirof, mackis and constitutis our lovittis. the provest [Authority by and baillies of Striveling, our justice in this pairt, alanerlie, for punising of ^gtfcecourt^ Gilbert Colterar, apprehendit reid hand with ane stollin meir, according to From the lawis of this realme, ane justice court to liald and ministeris thairof to on9ina^ creat, and generalie all and sindrie other thingis to do that thairto pertenis. Subscrivit with our hand, at Striveling Castell, the xv day of Merche, the yeir of God jm vc and lvj yeris.—Marie, R. Gilbert Colterar, being accusit for the thiftuis steling and conseling of ane Suspensio meir fra Johne Flyming, and xj silver spwnis fra Johne Sympsoun, the said Colterar- assis convictis him tharin, and he adiugit to be tane to gallows and hangit quhill he be deid. 9 April 1557. It is agreit betuix master William Gullein, master of the grammer scule, Master of on that ane part, and David Elles on that uthir part, in presens of the coun- scule- sail, that it sail nocht be leswm to the said David Elles to teche and leir ony barnis abon sax yeris witli[out] licens of the said master, except tham that leris to reid and wryt and lay compt. 19 April 1557. It is statut and ordinit be the provest, baillies and coun sail, that quhat- statut for evir persone within this brucht disobey ony charge giffin be ony ofificiar to wynsellaris- tham, or brek ony statutis maid and cominandit thame in the hous or without the hous, that the contempnar and dissobear sail pay for the fyrst fait fyfe li., thairof the twa part to be applyit to the provest and the remanent thrid part to the baillies, and for the secund fait thai sail tyn thair fredome; and in speciale anent the wyne sellaris. And siclyk, that na pryces be rasit upon wyne without speciall licens of the provest and baillies, onder the pane of xl s. [Records aw anting from 18 th June, 1557, to ls£ April, 1560.] 1 April 1560. It is statut and ordanit that all salmond be brokin throw uthir, cheyn and Pro commun- all togidder, and the sellar to pay ane penny allanerly, undir the pane of esclieting of the fische that beis apprehendit. 72 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1560. Arschip per- tening John Smart. For tlie Brig- hauch. Brighaucht. Myrton, Gardinar. 28 April 1560. Alexander Brown [obliged himself] that the arschip gudis and geir per- tening to Johne Smart, ondirwrittin, salbe furthcumand to the said Johne at his perfyt age, or failyeing of utliir geir to pay the samyn insafer as it reikis to the creditouris that thair be awing as after followis, that is to say, ane quhinger, ane purs, ane culvering, ane horn, ane suerd, ane buklar, ane jedward staf, ane knapska with the covering, ane pair of quhyt hois, ane blak dowblat, ane kensy coit, ane bonat, ane bonat cais, ane furrit gown, ane kense cloke, ane tangis, ane speit, ane elcrwk, ane pair of pot bwlis, ane mykle pot, ane les pot, ane tyn pynt, chopin, ane toicht, ane blak bonat, ane trunceor, ane luggit dische, ane saltfat, ane tryn quart, ane tryn pynt, ane maskin fait, ane gyle fat, ane wecht stand, ane aill barrell, ane boating clayth, ane lavand tub, ane berm pynt, ane meit burd, ane ferm, ane compter almery, ane chyre, ane kyst, ane stand bed, ane pair of scheitis, ane covering, ane cod, ane chandillar, ane spynning quheill, ane pair of cardis, ane quheill spindill, ane wesching tub, ane lagallon, ane flesche fat, ane breid almery, ane twn, ane burd clayth, ane bed, aire bowster, ane pewdir plait, ane pair of crelis, ane mwksled, ane hand towall, ane serviat, ane langsadill, ane pair of playdis, ane pair of treist feit. _ 20 May lo60. It is statut and ordinit be the counsall of the brucht that na maner of persoun within this brucht put ony bestiall or gudis within the Brighaucht bot thai that ar nychtbouris allanerly, and that na nychtbour put in ony sownis bot ane, quhilk salbe his awirr propir gudis allanerly, and gif ony puttis ony may gudis, or utheris persounis gudis upoun thair name, that the samyn be poindit and pay xij d. for ilk fute; and to this effect thair is namit Archi¬ bald Smytht, Alexander Robesoun, Andro Carnis and Johne Hill, pundlaris, quhay sail haif the gudis pundit to thair proffit for thair travel! 31 May 1560. It is statutit and ordainit that na nychtbour put ony sowin on to the Brighaucht ondir the pane of escheitting thairof. 28 Jane 1560. Ordinis Sir William Myrton to foirbeir George Gardineris gait and 1560.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 73 quhen he seis him on that ane syde of the gait to foirbeir that and pas to the Myrton, nthir syde, and alwayis to hald fra his gait. Gardmar. 8 July 1560. Protestit James Oswald that he may haif place to say aganis the breif Beth ok, etc., persewit be Johne Bethok insafer his cleme hurtis ony part of the fundatioun ® of Sant Mychellis fundatioun; and the said John Bethok allegit him to haif auld tradi- na place to protest insafer as he hes nocht as yit recantit his auld traditiounis. tl0unis" Johne Forester, thesaurer of the brucht of Striveling, protestit in name Protestatio and behalf of the said brucht that na service maid or to be maid this day anent ^anitaie the breif persewit be Johne Bethok as nerrest and lauchfull air to umquhill Sir Robert Bethok, his fadir brodir, prejuge the town nor the rycht thairof, bot protestis that the baillies se quhair the said umquhill Sir Robert was burges of this burgh. _ . 23 August lo60. James Robertsoun, burges of Striveling, allegiand hym to haiff ane titill Pro commim- of the vicare of Striveling to intromet with the teind schaves of the kirk of ltate' kirk' Striveling, hes oblist hym, of his awin confessioun, to keip the saidis teind schaves in his awin hand quhill the prowest, bailies and consall, conclude quhow the samyn salbe usit and disponit; and thairfoir the bailies ordanis the said James to be ansuerit of the saide schaves be the occupiaris of the landis pertenyng to the said kirk. r J & 11 October lo60. Robert Cowsland comperit in jugement, in presens of the pro vest and Cowsland, baillies, and thair offerit payment to Alexander Hog for payment of certane ^^ynglis meill bocht be him fra the said Alexander, and to that effect producit ane leddorone wallat with gold, silver tua s. peces, plakis, babeis, hardheidis, and sic uthir usuall money, and the said Alexander refusit to resaif ony Inglis money, and thairfor the said Robert protestit that he be nocht compellit to ansuer ony uthir money nor he gat for the said meill becaus the said money is nocht dischargit. ^ This is the geir in James Reddochtis hous the tym of William Norrvellis Geir. intromissioun tharwith in presens of Johne Lecheman, baillie :—Item, in primis, in the hall, ane compter burd, ane form, ane meit almery, ane dressing stule; item, in the myd chalmer, ane standard beid, ane pres; item, in the 74 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1560. Geir. Reiding of commouii prayeris. Heirship gudis and geir. foir clialmer, thre standand beddis, ane kist, ane form, ane littill irn chimnay; item, in the over clialmer, tlire standand beddis, and tua of tliame but b0ddwmeS' 14 October1560. The counsall lies concludit that Thomas Duncansone be payitt of the sowme of fowrtye merkis moneye in the yeir, quartarly, for the reiding of the com- niouii prayeris, and that aye and quhill ordour be put thairto be the lordis, and for the service bygane sen the fest of Peaxe last bypast; provyding that the said Thomas saye and reid the prayeris ilk wark day anes in the day, and twys on the Saboath, and oftir gif he be requyrit, and thairfore ordanis the thesawrar to paye the samyn quartarly as said is. We, William Darrocht and Thomas Kar, burgessis of Striveling, ourmen left in the testament maid be umquhill Duncan Kar, burges of the said brucht, in and to the gudis and geir pertening to Johne Kar, sone and air of the said umquhill Duncan, and James Kar and Jonat Kar, barnis gottin betuix him and Jonat Galloway, his fyrst spous, grantis us to liaif resawit fra Barbara Narn, relict of the said umquhill Duncan, the sowmes of money, gold, arschip gudis and geir, pertening to the said Jolme as air to his said umquhill fadir, that is to say, ane rosnoble, ane coit, ane pair of blew hois, ane bonat, ane quhinger, ane clok, ane dowblat, ane suerd, ane sadill, ane feddir bed, ane bowster, ane pair of scheitis, ane cod, ane pair of dowble blancattis, ane greit pot, ane les pote, ane pan, ane plait, ane pewdir dische, ane chandillar, ane trencheour, ane salt fat, ane quart, ane pynt of tyn, ane compter, ane almery, ane chimnay with raxis, ane tangis, ane speit, ane langsadill, ane ferm, ane chyre, ane spynning quheill, ane pair of camis, ane pair of cardis, ane ladill, ane pair of pot bowlis, ane hart horn, ane silver spone weyand (blank), ane kyst, ane tub, ane flesche fat, ane barrel, ane standand bed, ane weschell bynk, ane silver bell weyand (blank), ane breuing caldron, ane burdclayth, ane schreyn, ane wair almery, ane pair of saip ballandis with ane half pund wecht, ane quarter pund wecht and ij unce wecht of bras, being in the buitlit. And als we grant us to haif resavit fra the said Barbara the sowmes of money, gold, gudis and geir, as eftir followis, pertening to the said James and Jonat Karis be ressoun of thair said umquhill faderis deceis, viz., thair awin part, and the deidis part, quhilk extendis to the ane half throw all the hous, that is to say, thretty tua crownis of the sone, sax pistolat crownis, 1560.J OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 75 thre crownis of the rois, thre abay crownis, thre crosay dukcatis, thre angel- Heirship nobelis in quhyt silver, comptand fourty s. for ilk pece, tuenty sevin testanis, and thretty dowglas grottis, nyne barrit grottis, four unce and half unce of xij and xiiij d. grottis, and of quhyt silver thre li. xj s.; and for the half of the skynnis contenand tuenty score and ten skynnis, the sowm of xlvij li.; and for the ane half of sax daker and sevin hydis, the sowm of tuenty four li. xv s.; and for thair half of the wobbis, the sowm of thretty ane li, iij s. vj d.; and for thair half of xiiijxx sowssis the sowm of thre li. x s.; and for thair half of fyfe unces thre quartaris ane grot wecht of brokin silver, the sowm of fifty tua s. vij d. ob.; togidder with four plaittis, tua compter saittis, tua luggit dischis, tua threncheouris of tyn, ane chandillar, tua pottis, ane pan, ane feddir bed, ane bowster, thre coddis, thre pair of scheitis, tua coveringis, ane silver spone weyand (blank), ane standand bed, ane schryne but the lid, and xvj s. of silver for thair part of the compter in the chalmer, and als for thair pairt of the geir being in the buitht, the sowm of fowrty nyne li. and x s.; and for thair part of the last pak that come furtht of Danskin the sowm of fyfe li. vij s. iij d., for half schip pund irn, half barrell irn, and tua Scottis stanis lynt. The quhilkis sowmis of money, gold, silver, arschip gudis and geir, inspreclit and utheris abon writtin, we oblis us conjunctlie and severalie, our airis, executouris and assignais, to put to proffit to the saidis barnis, ilk ane efferand to thair awin part, with all expeditioun; and that the samin, or the avale tharof as thay salbe rowpit or prysit, togidder with the profit tharof, to redound to the saidis barnis. . . . 21 October 15 GO. Elen Maknellen enterit to the fredoum of Johen Maknellen, hir broder, ElenMak- burges and gild, and sail pay xxvj d. ob.; plege, Robert Cowsland. And siclik, and^Vld.1"868 it was fund be ward of court that the said Elen and Kathrene Maknellen salbe cognoscit to all and syndry the landis and anuall rentis in the quhilkis thair umquhill brodir deit last vestit and sesit within this brucht. 31 October 1560. The provest, baillies and counsell, lies assignit, and be thir presentis For the assingis, to Johne Duncansone, mynister, that luggion and liouss quliilk per- mimster- tenis to this bruicht and wes occupijt befor be master Alexander Chalmer, to 76 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1560. For the minister. Pro com- munitate. Rouping at mercat croce. [Forfeited property gifted by King and Queen.] be bruikit, joisit, occupijt and usit, be the said Johne Duncansone for using his service, yeirly and ilk yeir during the townis will. 11 November 1560. It is statut and ordanit that na stanis nor tymmer pertening to the touin [be taken] without advis of the counsall, and giff ony dois in the contrair the samyn salbe reput and haldin as spoilyie. 22 November 1560. Eftir the rowping and apprising, at the mercat croce, thre mercat dayis preceiding, of ane buik callit Explicatio Ccithesismi rowpit to viij s., ane sweird to xiiij s., ane dowblet of quheit canves stikit with blak silk, viiij s. iiij d., ane coit of Frensche gray to vj s. iiij d., allegit to pertene to James Lyndesay in Danskyn and allegit be Johne Strachy, merscheand in Striviling, in quhais possessioun the samin remanis now, to have bene deliverit to him in plege of ane crowne of the sowne and foure grossis; and eftir be oppin pro- clamatioun of the samin be the said thre mercat dayis thair wes na mair biddin for the said geir, the samin being present at the croce, except onlie the pricis abonewrittin, quhairupon the said Johne Strachy tuke witnes of the provest and baillies of the burgh of Striviling and actis and instrumentis of me notar undirwrittir and clerk of the burgh foirsaid. 2 December 1560. Maister Nycoll Robesone producit ane instrument of seising of ane pece yaird with the pertinentis lyand within the burght of Striviling, betuix the said maister Nycollis yaird on the eist pairtt and the auld Grayfreris yaird on the west pairt, the commone wall of the town on the south pairt; quhilk pece yaird pertenit to umquhile Robert Makcleiry, and come in our Soverane Loird and Ladeis liandis be his tressonable passing in Ingland in tyme of weir and thair remanand aganis the lawis and statutis of parliament, etc.; gevin be James Norvell, baillie in that part, speciallie constitut be our said Souerane Loird and Ladeis precept, undir thair secreit sele, of the dait, at Edinburgh, the xxtj day of Junij the yeir of God jm vc and fifty nyne yeiris and of our said Soveranis regnis the first and xviij yeiris; be vertu of the quhilk precept the said James gaif sesing heritable of the said pece yaird to maister Nicholl Robesoun . . . 1560.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 77 16 December 1560. The counsale, being convenit in the tolbuyth, ordanit James Watsone and Commission- Williame Darrocht to pas to Edinburgh to convene with uthir burrowis for ?rs Q Fdin- . x # burgh. sik besmes as occurns for the furthsetting of guid rewle and ordour, upone the townis expenssis, quhilk salbe allowit in the comptis. 2 January 1560-1. Comperit Johne Robesone, Andro Rae and Matho Robesone and Johne Slandering Finlasone, in presens of the elderis, and confessit thair abuis in sklandering magistrates and elders and talking of the magistrate and elderis of the town, and repetit the samin; and siklike, of the blaspheme of the name of God; and promeist to forbeir the samin in tyme curning, and geve thai be fundin failye tharin in tyme cuming thay ar content to underlie sic correctioun as sail pleis the minister and the elderis, but ony grace. _ „ , 7 February 1560-1. Quo die, nobilis et potens dominus Archibaldus comes Argadie, justiciarius Ergile. Scocie, intravit libertatem burgensi et gilde, et solvet vinum, etc. Quo die, Colinus Cambell, frater dicti nobilis comitis, intravit libertatem His brodir burgensi et gilde, et solvet similiter. burgen et gilde. 16 February 1560-1. Williame Norvell, thesaurar of the burght of Striviling, ressavit fra the Kinros, Nor- handis of Malcome Kinros, as thesaurer foirsaid, the sowme of four pundis vell> Rude Scottis money for the Witsonday and Mertimes maillis last bipast for the half of the landis callit the Rude Croft, lyand upone the south side of the craig undir the kirkyaird of Striviling, for the quhilk sowme the said William, as thesaurar foirsaid, and in name and behalf of the toun, oblissis him, his airis and assignais and successouris, to warrand the said Malcome at the hand is of Sir Johne Stodert and all utheris quhome it effeiris. 18 February 1560-1. The counsale ordanis the yaird contigue lyand to the Gray freiris to be Communitas, sett in few to Williame Darroche for xxvj s. viij d. of few maill allanerlie. yaud" Gawin Crawfuird offerit for ane buth of the fleschehous iij merkis and ane Crawfuird, half, and protestit and the toun sett it bettir chaipe that thay be accusit for fleschehous. hurt of the commone wele. 78 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1560-1. For the mylnis. Procuratour fiscale. Eduein, bluidwite. Pro communi- tate, chaleis of St. James alter, etc. Pro thesaurario, Grey freir yarde. Nor veil, Dik- soun, Franche men. 24 February 1560-1. The provest, baillies and counsall, lies condiscendit to spend thair com- moun glide apon the defens of the burro wmyllis and landis aganis Alexander Erskyn of Cangloir and otheris quhatsumevir personis that will persew the samyn; and in cace of inlaik of thair commoun gude, to spend of thair awin geir accordingly as tyme sail requyre, and to that effect to be taxt with avis of the counsall gif neid beis. The provest, baillies and counsall, lies grantit Alexander Paterson xl s. of fe to be procuratour fiscaile in the townis effairis. 7 March 1560-1. It wres fund be the baillies that Thomas Ednein trublit Thomas Kirkwod and straik at hym with ane goiff club and hurt Johne Allanis wiff wyth that straik, and thairefter drew ane kniff to hym and hurt his awin wiff thairwitht to the effusioun of hir bluid; and als that his wiffe dispersonit the said Thomas, calland hym theiff, that scho suld se his bluid cald on the calsay; and ordanis the said Thomas Eduein and his wiff to ask the said Thomas Kirkwod for- gifnes, and als ordanis the said Thomas Eduein to remane in warde quhil he fynd souerte for his unlaw and bluidwite. 10 April 1561. The counsale, being convenit in the counsalhous, ordanis the challeis of Sanct James alter and Sanct Peteris challeis to be sauld for xx s. the unce, and the money thairof to be applyit to the mending of the calsay, except foure pundis to be payit to Joline Lescheman, baillie, for the quhilk the said Sanct Peteris challeis lay to him in wod. 16 April 1561. The consall, present for the tyme, grantit that the thesaurair big and reform ane pair of buttis in the yarde sumtyme callit the Grayfreir yarde apone the townes expens. ^ __ r 12 May 1561. The baillies decernis Thomas Norwell to deliver to William Diksoun ane brasyn pot apprehendit in the said Thomas handis within his lious eftir the departing of the Franche men, and in consideratioun that the said Thomas debursit sum mony to the Franche men for the said pot, with consent of the said William Dikisoun ordanis hym to pay to the saide Thomas xvj s. 1561.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 79 17 May 1561. In presens of Gawin Drummond, baillie, Johne Cragingelt of that ilk, and Rynd; mad- Christall Murray, deputis of the sherefdome of Striveling, compeirit Henrie man' Rynd, burges of Ochterardour, in the tolbuyth of Striviling, and ressavit Johne Henderson, burges thairof, apprehendit within this burght with ane quheitnam pertening to William Graliem of Callendar, takin be him in his madnes, in maner of frannessy or desperatioun, havand na ansuer hot: Put me doun, put me doun, I set nocht by quhiddir I gang to God or the dewill. And thair- throw the said baillie, havand consideratioun of his madnes, ignorance, and appeirand desperatioun, licent and put the saicl Johne to libertie in the handis of the said Henrie Rynd, and ordanit him to sustene the said Jolmo upone the expenssis of his awin land, safar as it ma beir, quhill tyme wirk that God ma provid him be his grace to cum to his rycht wittis. The bailyie and his assessouris findis that girnalit victuall nor boit Gait dichting. victuall aucht na gait dychting, and thairfoir assoilyeis Johne Moreis thairof. 4 July 1561. The baillies decernis Jolme Johnesoun to produce the gold ring clemit be Gold ring. Archbald Galloway, in the baillies handis, quhill it be sene quha lies maist rycht thairto. 4 November 1561. Maister Patrik Graheme, persone of Culmoir, in name and behalf of Chenyieof master Jolme Carswele, persone of Kilmertyne, ressavit and redemit fra of ErgUe.nteS Thomas Wallace, tailyeour and burges of Striviling, ane chenyie of gold wey- and sexe unce and thre quartaris of ane unce, quhilk the Lady Caterene countes of Ergile deliverit him in wed of the sowme of ane hundreth and tuenty merkis, and becaus I have ressavit the said chenyie in maner foirsaid I oblis me to warrand, releif and keip skaythles, the said Thomas Wallace, his airis, executouris and assignais, at the saidis ladeis handis and all uthir quliome it effeiris of the said chenye, for now and evir. 7 November 1561. William Norwell is chosin thesaurair for this instant yeir and maister of Thesaurair werk, and quhen ony set or labour hapins to be set to tak advis of the dene of of werk. gild and dekyn of hemmermen. 80 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1561- Laris. Cameroun, adultarie. "Wichecraft. Duche baneist; drowning. 16 March 1561-2. The baillies dischargit James Thom of rasing of laris in the kirk, or erding of ony personis, quhill the counsall put ordour thairto. 1 September 1562. Johne Cameroun, in Kynnowll on my lord Sancliairis landis, apprehendit within this burghe of Striviling in adultarie with Jonnet Gourlaye, the spous of Hendyre Hendry, burges of burghe, he having the said Henryis sister dochtar to his aune spousit wyff, callit Jonnet Lamb, quhairthrow he hes com- mittit odius and abhominable doble adultary, hes promest heir in the presens of God and in presens of the saidis baillies and nychtbouris of this toun to turne frome his wickitnes and return and neir to his wyff and barnes and nevir to faill agane to hir in liftyme, undyr the paync of detlie; and als hes fayth- fully promest nevir to communicat nor beir companye in preve, in apart, nor be fund in suspect place with the said hairlott, Jonnet Gourlay, bot to flee and abhor hir companye lik as he wald do the accumpanye of the evill spreitt; and giff he beis fund doand in the contrar that it sail be lesum to the maiestraitis quhair he sail happin to be fundin in maner forsaid to tak him and justifie him to the maist schamfull deid with all regour Avithout mercye; quhairunto he hes oblest him heirto of his auin confessioun. Jonet Lyndesay being sumtyme duelland in Cambus, and Isabell Keir, hir dochter, being brutit Avith Avichecraft, and na man to perseAv thame thairfoir, oblist tharn of thair aAvin confessioun that thai sail nocht be fundin in this toun agane, undir the pane of deid. 21 May 1563. It is ordanit be the baillies foirsaidis that Jonet Duche, induellar of this burgh of Striviling, apprehendit with certane crymes of thift, and specialie of certane avoII stoAvin be hir, and ressait be Duncane Patersoun, baxtar, and Jonet Nelesoun, his spous; for the quhilk caus the foirsaidis baillies ordanis that the said Jonet salbe baneist the toun, and gif scho beis fundin tharin frathinefurth to be droAvnit Avithout forther accusatioun. And als that the saidis Duncane and his spous, for thair ressait in maner foirsaid, salbe actitat in thair buikis nevir to mak hewit clayth in tyme cumins. 1563.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 81 23 July 1563. The baillie and the hale assis hes ordanit Andro Nelesoun and Margret For the com- Maklellan, his spous, on that ane part, and Johne Gillaspy and Marjorie ™qh07pitale Robesoun, his spous, on the other part, sail nocht injur nor truble otheris, other be worde or deid, privatlie or oppinlie, in tyme cuming, undir the pane of five li. to be pait to the puir hospitale. 13 October 1564. It is appontit betuix the provest and baillies of Striveling, on that ane Appointment part, and Patrik M'Dicoun, on that other part, in this manir, the said Patrik hes oblist hym to tak away the foirhous now standing within the barresyet apon M'Dicoun, the west side of the hie gait passing to the said port and mak the grond clene Barresyet- to be fre passage in tyme cuming; for the quhilk caus the saidis provest, baillies and dene of gild, hes ressavit the said Patrik M'Dicoun to the fredome of bur- gesrie and gild, gratis. 27 October 1564. The prices gevin be the provest and baillies to the cordinaris to be observit Cordinaris, and kepit undir the pane of escheting of the stuff otherwes sauld; and that the PriCes- stuff be wele barkit and wele laborit, undir the said pane of escheting:—doubill solit butis lynit, xxij s.; singill solit butis, xvj or xviij s.; eftir, as thai ar of gudnes; singill solit mennis schone, the best can be maid, iij s.; other secundair schone for men, ij s., xxviij d., or xxx d.; eftir, as thay ar of gudnes; doubill solit schone for wemen, xxx d.; singill solit schone for wemen, xvj, xviij, or xx d.; eftir, as thair gudnes; gude barnis schone for xij or xiiij d.; eftir, thair gudnes. Thir statutis maid in respect the barkitt leddir is sauld for xxiiij s. or thairby. 31 October 1564. Anent the supplicatioun gevin in befoir the said baillie and his assessouris, Anderson, judiciallie, be Johne Andersone, with consent and auctorite of Archibald Smyth and Johne Esplene, burgessis of the said burgh, his curatouris, for thair entres, sold, menyng that quhair the said Johne Andersone, minor, is destitut of wardlie guidis or yeirlie proffeittis quhairby he mycht have ony sufficient life to put him to ane craft or schuillis, except onlie ane waist foir tenement of land with ane certane pece waist lyand contigue tharto, and foure bark puillis, conforme as the samin is boundit in the said compleneris evidentis, desiring thairfoir the L 82 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1564. said baillie to caus the said foir tenement of land, with the waist and puillis lyand contigue thairto, tobe rouppit and sauld to the said compleneris utilitie and proffeit quha wald gif maist thairfoir, to the effect that the availl thairof ma be applvit to the said minoris weill and proffeit for leiring and instructing of him of ane craft quhairby he may win his leving as God sail gif the grace during his lifetyme; quhilk desire the said baillie thocht ressonable andthair- fore [caused the property to be valued and sold, the price realised being £13 6s. 8d. Scots, or a yearly payment of £1 Scots], 24 November 1564. [Smyth, claim Comperit Archibald Smyth and allegit James Smyth, his broder, to have served^ieir ]6 na enteres to stand in jugment for persute of his clame [to be served heir of his father] becaus, apon the xv day of Maij, the yeir of God jm vc xxxiiij yeris, the said James, that tyme unprofessit, in presens of freir Andro Abircrommy, priour, and convent of the Blak Freris of Striveling, and als in presens of Thomas Smyth, his fader, . . . grantit hym self deid of this warld and leiffand the samyn and nevir to returne thairto agane, havand certane brethir germane wele belovit to hym, quhilkis he wald remane secularis in tymes cuming, renunsit, quitclamit and ourgaiff, all rycht, titill of richt, enteres, propirte and possessioun, that he hes, had, or ony wys ma haif, or ma pertene to hym in tyme cuming, be resson of deces of the said Thomas Smyth, his fadir, alswele landis, heretages, tenementis, as airschip gudis and gair, in speciall favouris of his saidis brederis. . . . Secuntlie, allegit he had na place to persew in jugment, in respect that he is ane conventual brother of the Blak Freris of Striveling, professit, and aucht nocht to persew without consent of the priour and convent, he being under obedience and as yit undischargit be act of parliament. [The judges having decided that these allegations should not stay the proceedings, Archibald Smyth] repetit all the allegeancis foirsaidis to inqueist, and protestit, gif the inqueist servit the said James conforme to his clame, for wilfull errourand remeid of law ; and forther allegit that the said James suld nocht be servit as air conforme to his clame, in respect of the act of parliament that ane native man boirne in Scotland, passand furth of the realme to uthir cuntreis, and speciallie to Ingland, and remanand thair furth of the realme be the space of vij yeris contenewalie without recours agane in Scotland, that in that caice it sail nocht be levesum 1564] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 83 to that persone to be servit as 11a air in generall nor in speciall in respect of the prescrivit tym be the lawis. . . . [July 1565 ?] Andro Campbell, David Robertsoun, David Murray and James Stewart, Complaint ofliciaris of the burght of Striviling. I, Johne Williamesone, affermes ane borcht wn^amesone of wrang in your handis apone Cristiane Aikman the spous of Johne Scott, tailyeour, that quhair upone Fryday the xj of Julij instant I wes passand doun the gait for doing of my lesum besines, beleving na ewill of ony persone bott to have levit undir Godis pace, etc.; nochttheless the said Cristiane wrangouslie injurit and dispersonit oppinlie, calland me theif, loun, scheip steillar, thou come furth of utheris pairtis for steilling of scheip, and alsua callit my wife theiff, hure ; in hie contemptioun of our Soverane Ladeis auctorite, provest and baillies of this burgh, and in ewill exampill of utheris to commit sic attemptatis gif the samin remane onpwneist; beseiking your wisdomes heirfoir of remeid and to pwneis the said Cristiane Aikman in hir persone and gudis with all rigour of the law in exampill of utheris, and als to compell hir to mak me and my said spous ane publict amendis sua that we may be restorit to oure fame. And ane borcht to follow this my borcht. Witnes: Walter Watsone, Archi¬ bald Watsoun, Thomas Geichane, James Johnesoun, Jonet Johnseun. 17 December 1565. Ordanis auld actis and statutis to be keipit and observit, and ordanis the Regrateris. officiaris to be diligent to challange the brekaris thairof, and the ane half of the regratit vivers for man or hors to be applyit to the chaulanger and the uthir half to the townis wse. [Records aivanting from 28th January, 1565-6, to October, 1597, with exceptions mentioned in foot-note.1 ] 1 Throughout the greater part of the period embraced in Court Book 1560-6 the practice, which latterly prevailed, of having the pro¬ ceedings of the burgh court and those of the town council recorded in separate books, was in operation to a certain extent. A few detached leaves of what appears to have been a record of town council transactions in the years 1561-3, along with similar leaves from a record in 1594-7, were discovered while the "Charters and Documents " were being pre¬ pared for publication, and extracts from them were given in an appendix to that volume. 84 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1589. 6 May 1589. Letter from To our traist freindis, the provest, baillies and counsell, of our burgh of the Kmg, Strivelino-. Traist freindis, we greit vow hertlie weill. The conventioun of our contention ot o ' ~ J estates. [From estaittis quhilk we appointed to haif bene in this burgh the xxiiij day of this original.] |ast Aprile being thortourit and deserted be the intervening of this lait insurrec- tioun in the North, and the occatiounis quhilk movit it at that time yit resting to be treated and resolvit upoun be the advise of our estaitis, we haif thairfoir appointed a new conventioun thairof in this said burgh upoun the xxj day of this said monetli; desyring you right eirnestly to haif your commissioner present with us the saidis day and place to concur with his advise in sic things as salbe oppynit and communicat unto him at his cuming, as ye will do us acceptable and thankfull service. Thus we commit you to God. From Edin¬ burgh, this sext of May, 1589.—James R. South bray, belonging to hospital, feued to James Mon- teitbe. 1 April 1592. It is contractit and finallie agreit betuix the honorable pairteis following, to wit, the bailleis and counsall of the burght of Striviling, takand the burding upoun thame for the pure of the hospitall of the said burght, heritable pro- prietares of the bray underwrettin, on the ane parte, and James Monteithe of Randifurde on the uther pairte, in maner, forme and effect as efter followes, that is to say, forsamekle as the said James lies presentlie at the making heirof payit and delyverit to the said bailleis and counsell, in name and behalf of the pure of the hospitall, the soume of aucht scoir merk usuall money of this realme; [therefore they, with consent of the bailies and council as superiors, bound themselves to grant a feu charter to James Monteithe] of the bray callit the South Bray of the said burght, presentlie possest be the maisteris of the said hospitall, lyand betuix the wall of the hanyng of Dame Annabell Murray, countes of Mar, on the west, the dyk of the kirk yarde, the bak tenement and yaird dyk of Robert Auchmoutie, Johne Bruce of Auchenbowie, Adame Spittell of Blairlogye, and sua furth as the commoun dyk of the said burght passis to the Grayfreir dyk, upoun the north, the dyk that passis fra the said Grayfreir dyk to James Watsones barne yaird on the eist, the dyk thatdevydis the said bray fra the Rude croft and the said James Watsones dyk on the south pairtes. Quhilk charter sail contene thir heidis and claussis following:— In the first, that it sail nocht be lesome to the said James to mak ony divi- 1592.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 85 sioun of the said bray, nether be setting of tak nor few thairof, bot that the South bray, samyn sail remane haill and togidder as it is presentlie; nor it sail nocht be hospital18 t0 lesorn to the said James to mak alienatioun of the said bray in haill nor in feued to pairte to na persone nor persones bot to the nychtbour burgessis and induel- teithe. laris of the said burgh, be the speciall advyse and consent of the said baillies and counsell for the tyme had thairto. Farder, it sail nocht be lesome to the said James nor na uther persone to quhome he sail mak dispositioun, be the advyse of the said bailleis and counsell, to mak ony planting of wod and treis thairin, bot onlie ane gang about the samyn as the marche passis about the said bray. And farder, it is agreit be the said is bailleis and counsell that na bak yett be maid nor yit haldin opin upoun the south wall of the said burgh, quhilk is the north merche of the said bray, within the boundis thairof, bot that the passage to the samyn salbe maid throw the kirk yairde of the said burght, entrand at the yet thairof, quhilk passage sail serve for laboring of the said bray at all seasones neidfull, and the said James and his foirsaidis to be infeft thairin as passage commoun to the said bray; as lykwayes, gif it sail please the baillies and counsell of the said burgh the samyn lykwayes to be passage to serve the said burgh and other thair nychtbouris for doing thair lesome bissines under the said bray at all tymes that thay sail have to do. Mairatour, the said few charter to contene the payment yeirlie to the pure of the said hospitall of the soume of fyve merk usuall money of this realme . . . with the doubling thairof at the entrie of ilk air or aires thairto. . . . 3 May 1594. To our traist freindis the provest, baillies, and counsale of our burgh of Letter from Striviling. Traist freindis, we greit yow hertlie weill. Haveing resolved the ^^inf a halding fordward of our parliament the xxvij day of this instant, for the mair commissioner substanteius ordour to be taikin thairin it is fund expedient that our estaittis conventioun be convenit the xxv day immediatlie preceiding, quhilk lies gevin ws occasione of estates, ernestlie to desire yow that ye faill nocht (all excussis set a pairt) to direct your commissioneris heir towardis ws the said day preceislie, quhen we luik assuritlie for thair presence instructit speciallie with thair best advise and opinioun anent the imployment of sum noble men and utheris for renewing and confermeing of the maist antient league sett down and inviolablie observit betuix our vmquhile predicessouris of worthey memorie and the Kingis of 86 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1594. Letter from the King as to a wiche. [From original. ] Letter from France, quhairof the perticuleris salbe oppynnit up to tham at meitting. Sa, requiring nocht doubting of ther preceisly keiping of that dyet, as ye will kith your commissioner zeall toward the effectuating of materis importing sa heichlie to religioun, the to be sent to . . 1 ° . . conventioun weill and suirtie of our awm persone and the haill estait, and will do ws of estates. thankfull plesour and seruice, we commit yow to Goddis protectioun. From Edinburgh, the third day of May, 1594.—James, R. 16 September 1597. Rex. Pro vest and baillies of the burght of Sterling: We greit you wele. It is our will and we command you that ye faill not (all excuses set apart) to send to ws to Linlythqw, upoun Tyisday nixt, . , prickat wiche, presentlie in your waird, that scho may be reddy thair that nyclit at evin attending our cuming for hir tryell in that depositioun scho lies maid aganis Capitane Herring and his wyffe and for our bettir resolutioun of the treuth tliairof: As ye will ansuerto us upoun your offices and obedience, keipand thir presentis for your warrand. Subscrivit with our hand, at Falkland, the xvj daye of September, 1597.—James R. 10 November 1597. The watter of Forthe sett to Gawane Carnis, baxster, for xxv li., with provi- tion that he observe the actis anent the inputting and owtputting of the nettis according to the former actis; and siclyik that na unfremane he receave as pertiner with him in that caus, under the pane of tinsale of his fredome, and payment of the soume of fourtie pundis by and attour the said tynsale of his fredome. 26 December 1597. The provest, bailleis and counsale, being in counsale hous convenit, the counsale ordanis John Miller, baillie, Jhone Hendersone, baxster, William Gillespy, maltman, Walter Cowane, dene of gild, and Robert Robertson alias Tennent, convener, to sie the peckis justit with the firlettis, and thame to be maid equale, and to convene to that effect betuix and this day aucht dayis. The counsale ordanis the thesaurer to tak ordour with the stipall of the tolbuyth quhair the knok is, and to repair the same accordinglie. And siclyck, to beit the grammer scule; and to tak sex honest nychtbouris with him and sie the end of the tofall betuix the kirk and Patersonis yaill, and to reforme the same as neid beis. The watter of Forthe. Anent peckis. Anent the knok stepall. Grammer scule; Pater¬ sonis yaill and tofall. 1597-8.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 87 6 February 1597-8. The counsall ordanis the deane of gild to conveine his brethereine, and the Anent the convener to conveine his deaconis, and to sett doun stenteris with all diligence for this present stent, stenting and collecting thairof within this brucht for the pairt of the samyne, viz., the soume of fywe hundrethe xliij pondis x s. ij d. monie, and that betuix and the xiij of this instant. 27 February 1597-8. In presens of the bailleis and counsall, Andro Hendersoun is enterit in Hendersoun, burges and gild, hes suorne, and sail pay tuentie pond becaus he hes mareit gi|^ges and ane gild brotheris dochter. ° 18 April 1598. James "Wallace band and obleist him, his airis, executouris and assigneis, Silver tell, to produce ane bell of fine silver wyand twa unce and ane half, and schaw the samin to the magistratis aucht dayis befoir Paix, quhilk bell salbe deliverit to ony of the magistratis on Paix Tysday, and failyeing of deliverance to pay twentie pundis to the magistrattis of the towne of Striviling. 1 May 1598. Walter Neische of Wester Dubbettis, baillie, is appointit commissioner Commission- for productioun of the tounes rychtis in Edinburgh the xv day of Maij instant, of^^toune18 befoire the commissioneris appointit to that effect, and ordanis Jhone Muschett to pas with him. The counsall hes ordanit the thesaurer to satisfie the ministeris thrie bolls Anent the maill restand as yit unpayit, and that of the first burges fyne. 29 May 1598. The bailleis and counsale hes electit, nominat and chosin, Andro Buchann- Andro ane, shiref clerk of Striviling, in clerk of this burght, during thair will, quhill adadtteTin Michaelmes, quha hes suorne more solito, and thairupon askit act. . . And clerk, the said Andro sail caus advise all questionable processis of the said burght, upon his awin expenssis, during the tyme of his service. 4 September 1598. Walter Cowan is nominat commissioner to pas to Edinburgh the vij of Commis- September, conform to the lettere direct thairanent, and for evacuing of the S10nei- unlaw continit thairintill, for directing ane commissioner to France. 88 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1598. Actis of par¬ liament. Trubling a bailie. Minister, parsonage teincls. Walter Cowane dene of gild. Anent the dene of gild. Walter Neische producit the actis of parliament, quhilkis coist aucht poind, and ordanit the thesaurer to repay the samin to him.1 James Mitchel, being adiugeit for trubling of Jolme Myller, bailye, con- forme to his complaint, is amerciate thairintill and decernit to pey fyve poindis presentlie, and to do his homage as the counsal lies decernit; and gif the said James be convict in the lyk, to be decernit to have tynt his fredome and liber- tie within brugh. As alswa his wyf, being with bairne, is oursein for hir sclanders, bot gif scho do the lyk, to be puneist with all rigour. The liaill counsall having considerations that forasmeikill as Archebauld Alexander, Walter Neische, Johne Miller, and James Schort, bailleis and con- burgessis in Striviling, cautioneris and souerteis for maister Patrik Sympsone, minister, ar becumin bundin and obleist for thame, thair airis, executouris and assigniis, coniunctlie and severallie, to redelyver and repaye to Alexander, maister of Elphingstoun, and to Alexander Elpliingstone, his eldest sone, the soume of thrie liundrethe poundis guid and usual monye of this realme, addebtit to the said maister Patrick out of the personadge of Striviling of the termes of Witsonday [1597 and 1598], and that in caice it sal happin the teind schavis of the said paroche kirk of Stirling to be evictit and fund lauchfullie redemit fra the saidis Alexander maister of Elphingstoune and his said soune of the termes foirsaidis be Johne erle of Mar, assignay lauchfullie constitute to the redemptione of the samyne; [therefore they, the town council, bound them¬ selves to relieve the obligatants of the consequences of their undertaking]. 9 October 1598. The provest, bailleis and counsale, presentlie convenit, findis and declaris the admissioun of Walter Cowane in dene of gild for this yeir to be lauchfull. The provest, bailleis and counsale, understandand and considderand the truble and inconvenient that is lyk to fall furth within this burght be the electioun of Normond Blakwod in dene of gild, quha usis and usurpis the office thairof, thairfoir, for eschewing of farder truble and commotioun, it is 1 Skene's edition of the acts of parliament 1424-1598 was published about this time. By an act, dated 29th June, 1598, the convention of estates remitted to the lords of session to enforce the purchase, by all subjects of suffi¬ cient "substance and habilitie," of the "actis of parliament imprentit be Mr. Johune Skene, clerk of register."—Acts of Parliament, 1598, c. 9, vol. iv., p. 165. 1598.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 89 statut and ordanit that, be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of this Aneut the burght, the said Normond and his fortefearis be inhibit and dischargit to dene of §lld" hald ony gild court or use the said office fra this furth unto the tyrne he be placit and estableshit dene of gild ordourlie, and that he and the remanent gildbrethir ansuer and obey Walter Cowane as dene of gild, quhome thay first electit, and quhais admissioun is fund lauchfull be the counsale heir present; and gif thay or ony of thame do in the contrair, to be punishit with all rigour. 13 October 1598. Johnn Adamsone, notar, wes creat clerk deput undir Androw Buchannan, John Adam- in his absens to serve the burgh of Striviling, quha being suorne maid fayth depute.01^ to use the same lelellie and treulie quhill he be dischargit. The provest and bailleis of the said burgh, for making of the statuttis Statuttis and and prycis of the victuellis, vivers and utheris particularlie eftir specifeit, this Hycis- present yeir, quhill fardir ordour be tane, hes electit, nominat, and choisin the personis of inqueist following for declaring of the samyn, thay ar to say:— Robert Allexander, merchand; Johnn Donaldson, merchand; Andro Lowrie, Nomina merchand; Duncan Patirson, merchand; Johnne Sinclaire; Robert Robieson, in(lmsltloms- peudrar; Johnn Merschell, litster; Johnn Henderson, baxster; William Edmen, baxster; Alexander Robiesone, fleschour; George Forrester in Schip- hauch; James Crystie in Corntoun; Andro Fergussone, cordinar; James Steinson, maltman; Duncan Murieson, maltman. Quhilkis personis of inqueist eompeirand personallie, being suorne and Malt, aill, admitit, all in ane woice declairit that ilk boll of malt may be sauld for vj li. quheit- money the boll; the pynt of aill for tuelff pennyis, guid and sufficient; and that thair be ane man of ilk quarter of the said burgh choisin to visie the said aill anent the sufficiencie thairoff, and in cais the sam be fund nocht wordie of the said xij d. ilk pynt thairof, ane barrell thairof to be delt to the puir and that ilk boll of quheit be sauld for nyn pundis the boll. And that the laiff of quheit breid, guid and sufficient stuff, being fourtein Breid. vnces of wecht, be sauld for xij d.; and in cais, heireftir, that the sam may be sauld bettir chaip or darrer nor the said xij d. ilk fourtein vncis of quheit breid, the said inqueist consentis that the counsall declair thairanent as thay think expedient. And ilk stane of sufficient tauch, being tron wecht, be sauld for threttie Tauch, m candill. 90 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1598. Tauch, candill. Aittis, stray, &c. Hukstaris, kaikbaxteris. Maltmen. Coparis, for- stallaris. Statutis ratified. Linlithgow furlott and peck. tua schillingis, and ilk pund of maid candill of trois vecht, sufficient coverit with tauche, be sauld for tua schillingis, and to be sichtit be the bailleis and magistrates of this burgh. And ilk boll of kars aittis be sauld for thrie pundis; and ilk boll of dry- feild aitis for fourtie schillingis. And ilk xxiiij houris hors stray, stabill fie, and candill, tua schillingis. And that na liukstarris nor kaikbaxsteris by ony maill befor allevin houris, and that ordour be tane with thame be the magistrattis how money thai may baik of everie pect of maill and of quhat quantitie and wecht thai may be. hi or that na hukstarris nor kaikbaxsteris by ony butter or cheis on the mercat day to sell agane befoir ten houris. And that 11a outtintounis maltmen by ony beir in the mercat in tym cuming befoir allevin houris befoir none, and that it sal be lesum to the maltman of this burgh to by beir at ten houris befoir none in the said mercat. And that na coparis nor forstallaris by ony kynd of vivors befoir ten houris on the mercat day. The said inqueist ordanis the bailyeis and magistrattis to tak ordour with the copparis and foirstallaris of hering and utheris fischis. Unto the quhilkis ordinancis and statuttis, maid be the said personis of inqueist in maner forsaid, the saidis provest and balyeis consentit thairto, and interponis thair auctoritie thairto, and ordanis the same to be obeyit, fulfillit and observit in all poyntis, with certificatione to thame and ather of thame that salhappin to contravein the premissis, or ony pairt tliairof, thai sail pay the sowm of fyff pundis usuell money of this realm toties quoties; and ordanis publicatione to be maid of the samyn at the mercat cros of this burgh as efferis, to the effect na person or personis pretend ignorans heiroff. 19 October 1598. Duncan Patirsone, merchand, and Robert Robiesone, convenar, wes electit, nominat and clioisin, be the provest, bailyeis, and counsell, to pas to Linlythgow on the xx day of October instant, and to tak with tham ane furlott and ane pect, thair to be met and mesourit be the bailyeis of the said burght of Lin¬ lythgow with thair just furlott and pect, and that conforme to our Soverane Lordis ordinance maid thairupoun, and to report bak agane fra the saidis bailyeis of Lynlythgow ane sufficient testimonial! thairwpoun. 1598-9.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 91 1 January 1598-9. The counsall statut and ordanit the bailyeis to tak ordour with the Anent Airth mercat of Airthe, and to direct the Kingis Majesties letteres and thair mercat- commission to Edinburgh to the provest to be advysit be him and men of law thair. The baillies and counsall ordanis the haill entressis of burgessis within Anent the this burgh that salhappin to be enterit befor Miclialmis nixtocum salbe upliftit calsay' and intromettit with be Walter Cowan, to be wairit and bestowit be him for the beitting and mending of the calsay that passis to the hewin of Sterling, except the sowm of tuenty pundis money, quhilk tliay consent be gewin to Archibald Alschunder as debursit be him of befoir. 12 January 1598-9. The new custoume grantit be the Kingis Maiestie to the provest and New cus- bailleis of this burght for beitting and reparing of the brig thairof and calsay adiacent thairto is set to Williame Soirlie, in the Quhynnis, and Williame Thomsone, thair, equalie betuix thame, quhill the terme of Mertymes nixt tocum, for payment to the thesaurar of this burght of the soume of fourtie pundis money.1 Provyding that thay sail not extors ony our Soverane Lordis liegis be taking of griter custoum of leidis or guidis nor is presentlie set doun be the baillies and salbe affixit upon the brig and port. 5 March 1598-9. It is statut and ordanit be the saidis bailleis and counsall that na person Buildings, or personis presunr or tak on hand to build, edifie or big, ony hous or work within this burght or territorie thairof, in ony tym cuming, without the adwyse and consent of the counsall of the said burgh haid thairto, undir the pan of tuenty pundis money to be payit be ony person or personis contravenand the samyn, toties quoties, to the commoun guid of the said burgh. 1By an act of the convention of royal burghs, that is to say, of ilk laid passand alangis the dated 4tli July, 1598, the burgh of Stirling said brig, unfremen four penneis, frexnen tua were authorised "to impetrat of our Souerane penneis; and of ilk kow, ox or hors cummand lord, for the space of thre yeiris nixt following to besauld tua penneis; and of ilk score schap the dait heirof, ane gift of the import for up- four penneis." The intended application seems halding and repairing of thair calsay and brig, to have succeeded.—Conv. Rec., vol. ii., p. 36. 92 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1599. Act anent c. li. to be borrowit to the minister. Johnn Scherar, commis- sionar. Anent the wapinschaw- ing. Anent the pulpet. Anent the minister. Anent the stoupis. 11 June 1599. The counsall ordanis and concludis that thair be borowit the sowin of ane hnndrethe pundis, for profeitt, till Mertimes nixtocum, quhair the sam maybe best gottin, to be gewin to thair minister for the Witsonday terme last bipast, as in pairt of payment of his stipend of the crop and yeir of God jm vc lxxx nyntein yeiris, quhill the teyndis of the paroche kirk of Striviling of the said crop pertening to the teynd parsonage be gottin in to pay the same. 23 July 1599. The counsall ordanis Johnn Scherar to pas to Falkland, as thair commis- sionar, agane the xxviij day of Julij instant, and thair to convein his Maiestie and remanent commissionaris of burrowis for intreitting of sic effairis as his Maiestie sail have to do, and specialie anent ordour taking with the West Bordouris, conforme to his Hienes lettre. 30 July 1599. Forsamekill as thair is ane generall wapinschawing appointit be the Kingis Maiestie to be haldin on the sext day of August nixtocum, in this haill realm, and for obeydiance the counsall hev ordanit ane wapinschawing to be haldin in this burght on the said day, and thairfoir ordanis the haill burgessis and inhabitantis within the samyn burgh to be in reddines in thair armour according to his Maiesties command, and that na person or personis invaid nor trubill wtheris be schottis or wtherwayis on the said day, undir the pane of deid quha contravenis the samyn. 8 October 1599. The haill counsall ordanis thair maistir of work to renew the grein clayth on the edge of the pulpet quhair the minister preichis, quhilk is worne, and to decoir the same as it wes of befoir, and ordanis the thesaurar to satisfie thairfoir. 19 October 1599. The counsall ordanis the thesaurar to pay to thair minister the sowm of xx li., and als ordanis him to pay for tua mairtis to the said minister. The counsall lies condiscendit and gewin expres command to Robert Robertsone, peudrar, being present at counsall, that all stoupis, sic as quartis, 1599.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 93 pyntis, chopines, to be maid be him heireftir, sal be agriabill in mesour to the Anent the jug and stampit with the townis stamp, and that the pluik be benethe the stouPls- mouth of ilk stoup as followis, to wit, of the quart stoup and pynt stoup ane inche, and of ilk chopein stoup half ane inch, and that he present the stamp to the counsall yeirlie. 24 October 1599. The counsall, being present, agreit that Archibald Alschunder, Walter Anent the Neische, William Edmond, and Johnn Hendersone, convenar, pas to Patrik actis of par - Innes, servitour to maister Johnn Skeyn, clerk of register, and to apoynt and agrie with him in bying of sua mony buikis of the actis of parliament, for the weill of the inhabitantis of the said burcht, as they may guidlie get don at his handis. 5 November 1599. The baillies and counsall, haifing detv regaird and consideratione of the Anent the estait of maister Patrick Simpson, thair minister, quha haiffing regraittit to mmister. thame quhat fachrie he hes haid in tyrnes bipast in craiffing of his stipend, and how the charge thairof hes bein ane occasion to withdraw him fra his O studie, thairfoir thai have, all in ane woice, appoyntit William Edmond, baillie, to mak him payment of his stipend for this present yeir to cum, extending to the sowm of fyff hundrethe merkis money, quarterlie, as he craiffit, at four severall tymes viz. Martimes, Candilmes, Witsonday and Lambes, beginnand the first quarter thairof at Mertimes nixtocum. And quhatsumeuer entres or lois the said William salhappin to incur in his behalff be advancing of money befoir the ordinar stipend appointit may be collectit, or vtherwayis, the haill baillies and counsall bindis and oblissis tham to warrand and releiff the said William thairof, and to repay the samyn to him, as alsua to concur and assist with him in execution of this guia caus tending to the weill of the haill town. 7 December 1599. The counsall concludit and ordanit James Hendirson, son of James Anent Hendirson, baxster, burges in Striviling, for dissobeydiance of the ordinance He1n tliay may of law. 31 March 1608. James Castellaw, Cuthbert Cunyngham, balyeis, and Johnne Williamson, His Majesteis dark, is ordenit to pas commissioneris, or ony of tham, coniunctlie and seueralie, pmoifing to to pas to Edinburgh to intrett, conclud, and consult upon the effairis of the estait of burrowis, becaus of his Maiesteis scliortlie remoifin^ to Inodand to ' O O accept the crown thairof, with the remanent commissioneris of burrowis pre- sentlie convenit in Edinburgh to that effect, conform to the missive lettre derect fra the counsall of Edinburgh to this burght. 104 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1603. Schoir maill and anchor age. Wattir of Forthe. 19 April 1603. The baillies and counsall, convenit, considering the grete decay of thair shoir and heavin upoun the watter of Forthe, and for preventing of the grite inconveniencis that be proces of tyme may arryse thairthrow to the weill of this burgh, thairfoir the saidis baillies and counsall, convenit, representing the haill coramunitie of this burgh, for thame and thair successouris, ordinis fra this furtli that ilk nychtbour and freman within this burgh pay for everie boll of victuall quhilk salhappin to be inbrocht be sey at the schoir and heavin of this burgh, tua penneis of schoir maill; and for ilk barrell of gudis that sal¬ happin to be inbrocht or out sent, tua penneis; ilk daiker of hydes, tua penneis; ilk hundreth shep skynnes, sex penneis; ilk tua hundreth gaitt skynnes, sex pennies; ilk tuentie tod skynnes, sex pennies; ilk thousand lamb skynnes, tuelf penneis; ilk fyve hundreth fute fellis, tuelf penneis; ilk double pak of clayth, tua schillingis; ilk single pak, tuelf penneis; ilk hundreth daillis, tuelf penneis; ilk hundreth single sparris, tuelf penneis; ilk hundreth double sparris, tua schillingis; ilk hundreth knapple, sex penneis; ilk pece of wainscott, ane penny; and ilk hors draucht of all uthir tymmer, ane penny; ilk tun of wyne, sextene penneis; ilk tuentie stane of tallon, sex penneis; ilk leid of bark, ae penny; ilk chalder of lyme, tuelf penneis. And this custome abonewrittin to be doublet upoun all unfremen; and to be upliftit be the collectouris that salhappin to be appointit thairto yeirlie, as followes, viz., tua for the custom and schoir maill of all victuall, tymber, and uther waires that is commoun for all men to by and sell, and uther tua for the custome of all staple gudes quhairwith na unfreman may traffique. And for the better uplifting of the said schoir maill, ordinis the merchandis of all creires and boittis, immediatelie efter thair arryving to the said schoir and heavin, and befoir thair loissing, to enter and gif up befoir ae baillie and the clerk ane trew inventer of the haill gudes that salhappin to be within the saidis schippis, creares, and boittis, to the effect that with the respondeof the said inventare, the collectourof the said schoir maill may the better mak compt and rakning of the said collectioun, under the pane of fyve pundis toties quoties; and tua schillingis to bepayed to the clerk for ilk entrie be the boitmaister. T 27 June 1603. Anent the supplicatione gevin be James Duncansoun, redare and vicare of Striviling, concerning the tyme of entrie and af leving of the salmond fisch- 1603.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 105 ingin the water of Forthe, and uptaking of maillis and unlawes at the fischeris Wattir of entrie thairto, and certane uther abuses in the said watter, as the supplicatione ^ortlie- beiris; the said James being personalie present, on the ane pairt, and William Edmond and Robert Robertsoun als Tennent, watter baillies of the said watter, siclyke personalie present, on the uther pairte, the prouest, baillies and counsall, convenit, being weill and ryplie advyset with the said supplica¬ tione, findis and declaires that the saidis watter baillies hes done wrang in nocht suffering the fischeares of the said watter frelie to liaif enterit to the said fisching this last yeir at the ordiner tyme prescrivit thairto be the act of parliament,1 viz., at Andersmes the last day of November last bipast, and thairfoir ordinis the saidis watter baillies, now present and tocum, to suffer and permit the saidis fischeares frelie to enter to the said salmond fisching in all tyme cuming yeirlie at the said day callit Andersmes day, but payment of ony maill or dewtie to the said watter baillies; and ordinis the saidis watter baillies present and tocum to discharg and stay all fischeares within the tounes fredome fra all furder fisching yeirlie with the fiftene day of August, callit of aid the Assumptioun of our Ladie, under the panes contenit in the actis of parliament; and ordinis the saidis watter baillies present and tocum to do thair exact diligence yeirlie in putting of oar Soverane lordis actis of parliament concerning the Settirdayis slope,2 and remanent actis quhat- sumever anent the libertie of the said fisching to dew executione, under the panes thairin contenit; and declaires that the jurisdictioun of the saidis watter baillies present and tocum owir the saidis fischares is nor salbe na farder extendit owir thame bot to caus thame keip count and plaint gif they be required thairto allanerlie. IS July 1603. Johne Murray of Touchadam, provest, [bailies and council], Duncan Pater- stent for the soun, Andro Cowane, merchandis, and Johnne Henrysoun, baxter, aid convenare, shou'- being convenit in the counsalhous of the said burgh, entreating upoun the common effaires thairof, all in ane voce, voited, concludit and ordinit, that with all possible and convenient diligence thair salbe ane taxatione and stent of the 1 1424, c. 12. Acts of Parliament, vol. ii., that na man thar sal talc fish fra the Saterday p. 7. at evyn quhil Mononday at the son he risyn." 2 1185, c. 10. "The watir aw to be fre sua —Ibid., vol. i., p. 874. O 106 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1603. Stent for the shoir. James Gardner, stents. Pure folkis. Brig porte. Counsall, [extra mem¬ bers.] soume of aucht hundrethe merkis money for making and biging of ane peir and bulwark to the schoir and lieavin of this burgh, upliftit of the haill in- habitantis thairof. ,, T 1 19 July 1603. James Gairdner, burges of the said burgh, for the love and favour quhilk he hes and beiris to the commoun weill of this burgh, [renounced the exemption purchased or granted to him and consented from thenceforth to be] stentit with the remanent nychtbouris of this burgh, according to his rank, qualitie and trade, . . . for making, beiting, mending and uphalding of the peir, bulwark, kirk, portes, wallis, brig, and commoun calsayis of this burgh, and for the help and intertenement of the ministrie, hospitell, and scules of this burgh. 9 September 1603. The baillies and counsall, convenit, ordinis the haill strainger pure pre- sentlie within this burgh to be removit furth thairof upoun Fryday nixtocum, and to be haldin furth of the toun induring the kirkis and counsallis will, and for this effect ordinis tua watchmen to be conducet and fiet, ane be the kirk and ane uther be the toun, for outkeping of the said pure during the said space. Ordinis the brig porte to be locket nychtlie at ten houris, and the keyes thairof to be brocht oulklie to ane bailyie. 19 September 1603. The baillies and counsall, convenit, ordinis fra this furthe the barres yett, burrow mylne, the plane treis, and Balnabrecht, to be daylie keipt and attendit on be the nychtbouris and inhabitantes of this burgh as followis, viz., tua at the barres yett, tua at the burrow mylne, ane at the plane treis, and ane at Balnabrecht; and that na straingeris be sufferit to liaif acces or entrie at the saidis passages, without sufficient testimonialles, and this ordour to be quarterlie kepit throuch the haill toun, begynnand at the first quarter. 9 October 1603. The provest, baillies and counsall of this burgh, at request of my lord provest, and haifing consideratione of the extraordiner grite and wechtie effaires that ar liklie to fall out and occur within this burgh this yeir tocum, hes thairfoir electit and chosin Umphra Cunyngham, vicare of Kilmacolme, and Anthone Bruce, portioner of Levelandis, in extraordinare persones of the 1603.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 107 counsall of this burgh for this yeir tocum, but prejudice of the tounes libertie Counsall, and custome of electioun in tyme cuming. Lykeas the saidis provest, baillies mem" and counsall, at desyre of the deacones of craftis of this burgh, hes grantit uther tua persones to be extraordinare counsallouris for this yeir tocum, quhome the saidis deacones sail nominat and present the nixt counsall day, but prejudice likewyis of thair libertie and custoume of electioun in tyme cuming. The provest, baillies and counsall, hes voted and ordinit Jolmne Ker, John Ker and tailyeour, Johnne Harte, Thomas Thomesoun, cordiner, Andro Richartsoun, the hospi-^ wricht, Mareon Graham,relict of umquhile Robert Scott, tailyeour,and Christian tell. Ker, dochter of umquhile Robert Ker, merchand, burges of this burgh, to be all placet in the hospitell of this burgh for thair lyftymes; and the saidis Christiane Ker and Mareon Graham, ilk ane of thame, to haif half levrey. 21 October 1G03. In presens of the provest, baillies and counsall, of this burgh, convenit Ane lichter for the tyme, it wes voited, concludit and ordinit, that with all possible dili- be gence, thair salbe ane lichter boitt provydit to the heavin and schoir of this burgh, and for that effect apointis James Schort to aggrie with ane wricht thair foir, and the toun to relieve him thairof. Sett to Williame Stanehope in SaltPrestoun and Johnne Stanehope, his Custome of brother, the custome new and auld, with the anchorage and schoir silver, of ayiS all tymber cuttit and to be cuttit be thame in Murrayes wode this yeir bigane and thir foure yeiris to cum, with the haill bark and beuche thairof, and farder salang as it salhappin the said wode to be in cutting and quliilk salhappin to be transportet and cariit be thame throw this burgh to the schoir thairof, for payment [of 100 merks]. 18 November 1603. The provest, baillies and counsall of this burgh, ordinis fra this furth na Grammer inhabitant within this burgh present tliair maill cheildrene, of quhatsoever scole• age they be of, to ony uther scole within this burgh uther nor to the grammer scole thairof, presentlie teachit be maister Alexander Yule, maister of the same, bot that all the saidis maill cheildrene be presentit fra this furth to the said maister Alexander Yule for the better florishing of the said grammer scole induring the counsallis will; and for the bettir executione of this act, James 108 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1603. Grammer Duncansoun and Nicoll Murdoch, now teacheris of the Ingles scolles, being personallie present, become actit and oblest of thair awin consentis fra this furth to ressave na kynd of rnaill childrene, nather tounes bairnes nor utheris, within thair scoles, ilk ane of thame under the pane of ten pundis to be unforgevin, and farder to haif thair scole durris staiket up. 12 March 1604. Schollares loft The pro vest, baillies and counsall, convenit, findis gude that the schollares laft in the kirk be reformed and inlarged at the sicht of the minister and sic eldares of the kirk as he craves to be adjoyned to him. Lofte in kirk. Findis gude and ordinis ane lofte to be maid betuix the laird of Gardenes lofte and my lord Cambuskennethes lofte; and, with consent of my lord Cam- buskenneth, ordines ane dur to be putt furth throw his loft to the said new lofte, provyding the expenssis thairof be defrayed be the provest and baillies of thair reddiest unlawes. Act for The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, hailing ressavit of befoir fra Edmond James Kinros of Kippenros, in name and behalf of the richt honorabill Sir William Edmond, colonell of the Scottis regiment in the law cuntreis the sourne of fyve hundreth pundis Scottis, deduceand thairof the soume of aucht pundis iij s. iiij d., and that in the spacies of gold and obligatiounis under- writtin, that is to say, [57 half nobles and "aucht haill Utrik nobles,"— £304 3s. 4d.; an obligation by Robert Edmond, merchant, burges of Stirling, £159; in the hands of Christopher Porterfeild, £28 13s. 4d.; making in all £491 16s. 8d.] Mair, ressavit fra him ane obligatione granted be Sir James Sandelandis of Slamannan, knycht, . . . ane hundreth and fiftie gudlingis, at tuentie stures the gudling. Quhilkis soumes of money j^articularlie abone specifiit the said Sir William Edmond haiffing dedicat to the pure of this burgh, lor the manifold merceis of God bestowit on him, it pleasit him laitlie, in the monetli of November last bipast, to direct and send tows with umquhile Johnne Portuous the foirnamit first soume of five hundreth pundis, with the said Sir James Sandelandis obligatione of ane hundreth and fiftie gudlingis foirsaid; and the said Johnne of quhat mynd weknaw nocht, hailing conceillit fra ws the foirnamit soume and obligatione, with the said Sir Williames missive lettre direct to ws thairanent, be the space of ane monetli and mair or thairbv eftir his arryving thairwith in this cuntrie, quhill thaireftir at the 1604.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 109 plesour of God he tuik seiknes and depairtit this lyff, but ony significatione Act for maid be him to ays thairof, sua that, be providence of God, gif James Kinros, Edmond elder of Kippenros, had nocht instantlie the tyme ol the said umquhile Johnnes deceis, or immediatlie thairefter, upoun sum informatione maid to him be thame that wer in cumpanie with the said umquhile Johnne the tyme of his hame cuming in presens of his awin brother and utheris quha wer present for the tyme, had nocht apprehendit under the said Johnes bedsyde ane purs with the haill gold abonespecifiit thairintill, and the tua obligationes foirsaidis, with the missive lettre direct to ws thairanent, as the said James Kinros lies declairit to ws upoun his honour, quhilk we notifie to the said Sir William and all utheris quhome it effeiris. . . . Lykeas Ave the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, being glaidlie movit Avith the said Sir Williamc Edmondis maist loving and cheritable dealing toAvard avs, quhome utherwyis be his valorous lyf he hes sa heichlie honorit and advancit, that of the lyke nor na uthir birthe few or nane heis heirtofoir preceidit, gevis thairfoirto him maist hairtlie thankis and Avishes that God Avald contineAv and multiplie his blessingis on him. Lykeas, Avith all convenient diligence, Ave faithfullie pro- mitt to bestoAv and Avair the foirnamit soumes of money upon the particulare use destinat and apointit thairto be the said Sir William conforme to his missive lettre direct to avs thairanent and informatione sent be him to Archibald Allane, thesaurare, for that effect. 19 March 1604. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, findis gude and concludes Act anent the that for the bettir biging of the schoir and peir of this burgh thair salbe ane lichter boitt. lichter boitt provydet and coft for careing of stanes and uther materiallis thairto, and committis the hying and provisioun of the said boitt to James Schorte, baillie, and Duncan Patersone, deane of gild, and assignis to thame for that effect [300 merks of fore maill to be paid for the grass of the Brighaucli for three years, with 112 merks to be paid for the anchorage and shore maill]. 16 April 1604. [The dean of guild on behalf of the guild brethern, and deacon convener on behalf of the craftismen, submitted themselves to the provost and bailies] anent the devyding and pairting of the tuentie tua stand of armour quhilkis ar to be sauld and dispersit amangis the inhabitantis of this burgh. Anent the corslattis and pikis. 110 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1604. Anent the Apointis Duncan Paterson and Archibald Smyth commissioneris for St. pikis?ttiS Johnestoun to ressave the threttie ane stand of armour quhilk the toun lies componit for with Johnne Jamesoun, factour to Sir Michaell Balfour of Burlie, knicht, and to do with him thairanent as they sail think expedient. Anent the Pest. Williame 2 May 1604. It is statut and ordenit that, becaus of the present infectioun of Edin¬ burgh in the pest and plaig, and for bettir keiping of this burgh, gif it pleis God, that the portis and wthir comoun placis of this burgh be keipit be the nychtbouris, and that na inhabitants of this burgh resaif in thair hous na persone nor personis, wagaboundis, nor na maner of persone quhill first thai cum to the bailye of the quarter, wnder the pane of deid; and that the drum gang throw the town and mak intimatioun lieirof; and that na inhabitant within this burgh pas fra this furtli to Edinburgh without licence, and that na persone within this burgh pres or presume to cum in to the said burgh att ony pairt thairof bott att the portis onlie; and also that all nychtbouris repair and mend thair yard heidis and bak yettis, to the effect that na persone cum ouir or in thairatt. William Huttoun, cuik, for streking of Johne Brown, officer, in presens tenist' CUik' William Ednem, bailye, is ordenit be the haill counsall to be banist this burgh, and gif he entir in the samin at ony tym heireftir without licence, for the first to be scurgitt, and thaireftir gif he entir agane eftir he be scurgit, to be hangitt; and dischargis all inhabitantis within the said burgh to resaif him in thair housis, or intertein him thairin att ony tym, under the pane of ten li.; and that intimatioun be made heirof be the drum ganging throw the town; and thai that hes nocht ten pundis to pey, or is nocht worth the said unlaw, to be scurgitt; to the quhilk he consentit be cumin in thair will. 1 June 1604. Commissioner The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, ordinis Archibald Allane, pestlaSgW' thesaurare, this same day to ryde toward Glasgw, and thair to try thair estaitt anent the plaigue, and to reporte the same the morne. Abbay furde The provest, baillies and counsall, findis gude and concludes that the wiflielak furde at the bak of the abbay and besyd the blak willy be red and clenget of the stanes that lyis thairintill and stopes the passage of the same, and this to 1604.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. Ill be done upoun the help of the haill nychtbouris and inhabitantis of this burgh; Abbay furde and apointes James Short and Duncane Patersoun to be seares of the wark and furnessouris of warklomes thairto upoun the tounes expenssis. 4 June 1G04. For bettir ordour to be keipit within this burgh during the tym of this Anent the present plaigue, it is ordinit that quarter maisteris [be] joyned to the baillies, pest" and for that effect hes chosin [four persons for each of the four quarters]; quhilkis persones abone writtin the counsall makes and constitutes baillies in that pairte for checking of the ordiner watches and causing of thame to attend on thair charges, and for ressaving of testimoniallis anu debarring of all sus¬ pect persones fra entres within this burgh, and for visiting the haill nycht¬ bouris in the tymeof seiknesor suspicione of seiknes; with power to thesaidis quarter maisteris to inclose and putt furtli at thair plesour, and to do all uther thingis requisite for ane gude and substantious ordour to be keipit and usit during the tym of this present plaigue. LS June 1604. Nominates and apointis Duncane Patersone, deane of gild, commissioner Duncan to pas to Edinburgh, with power to present to the provest [and] baillies thairof ^.^.7to6 the missive lettre to be penned anent the contraversie betuix the toun and Edinburgh, thame. 16 July 1604. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, statutes and ordines that fra Anent the this furth na inhabitant of this burghe tak upoun hand to resorte and travell pest> toward the burgh of Edinburgh, Cannogait, Leyth, Dalkeyth, nor na uther suspect place, but leve of the provest and baillies or ouy tua of thame, the provest being always ane, under the pane of tuentie pundis, and to be debarred fra all acces within the toun at thair returne; and that the portmen and kepares ressave nor admitt nane within thair portis cummand fra ony suspect place, under the said pane, unles the provest and baillies be first advertesett. James Schort, baillie, commissioner to the lait conventioun of burrowes, Stent, unioun. and Johnne Williamson, clerk, commissioner to the parliament, for report of the effares done in the said parliament and conventioun, that for the outreiking of commissioneris for the parte of burrowes to England, to the nomber 112 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1604. Stent,unioun. of sevin persones, for entreatting in the mater of the unioun, the burrowes hes voluntarlie consentit and aggreit to ane taxatioun of the soume of sextene thousand merkes, to be upliftit of the haill burrowes conform to the stent roll betwix this and the fift day of August nixtocum; for quhilk effect the pro vest, baillies and counsall, convenit, ordinis ane tax roll to be maid of that pairte of the said taxatione, extending to the soume of tua hundreth and thrie scoir pundis, tharof the merchandis the ane half, but prejudice of thair aid libertie, and the craftismen and omnigciddrum the uther half. 17 December 1604. Act anent the It is ordinit be the provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, that fra this Ommgadrum. -n aq tyrne cuming thair salbe joyned, yeirlie, to the counsall of this burgh, tua of the aid merchand bailleis, and tua of the omnigaddrum, as extraordiner persones of counsall, conforme to use and wount; and thairfoir, of the omnigadrum this yeir they liaif electit and chosin .Johne Cunynghame and Andro Kilbowie; and ordinis the deane of gild to present tua aid baillies the nixt counsall day. 21 January 1605. Anent the The counsall committis the charge and oursicht of the lichter to James lichter. Schorte for this yeir to cum, and modifeis the fraucht of hir to Alloway and Airth, be fremen to xlvj s. viij d., and be straingeris to iij li. vj s. viij d.; to the paittis, be fremen, xxvj s. viij d., and be straingeris xl s.; and that by the rnennis wages that sail labour and roll; to the bak of the abbay, be fremen xxvj s. viij d., and be straingeres xl s.; by the wark rnennis wages, to be payed be tliame that sail employ the lichter. 4 February 1605. Schoir maill The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, haifing consideratione of the age tcTbe^ett grite charges and expenssis that ar yit requisite to the perfyting of the for xxj yeiris. schoir and peir of this burgh, and how unable the toun is to sustene and do the same without supporte and help be tymouslie provydit tharto, thair¬ foir it is statute and ordinit that the schoir maill and anchorage of this burgh be sett for the space of tuentie ane yeiris for foil* maill to be payed thairfoir in hand, to be employed on the said schoir as the counsall sail apoint. 1605.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 113 Ordinis Archibald Allane, thesaurer, to lay to materiallis of stane, tymber, Anent the lyme and sand, to the alraoushous in the heid of the Bak Raw, quhilk salbe almoushous- allowit to him in the first end of his intromissioim with the silver destinat and apointit thairto be Colonell .Edmond. 22 April 1605. Ordanes that everie persone that enteris to the libertie and fredome of ane Act anent the burges and gild of this burgh fra this furth sail pay to the thesaurare the soume nychtbouris of lx li., and siclyk that everie persone that enteris to the libertie and fredome of ane nychtbour and burges, nocht being ane nychtbouris sone, sail pay the soume of viii li. ^ __ J 3 May 1605. The baillies, counsall and deacones of craft, convenit, ordinis fra thisfurthe Anent the the brig porte to be daylie keipit and watchet for the bettir preservatione of Pest- the toun fra this feirfull plaig of pest quhairwith sindrie pairtes of Fyff ar now, at the plesour of God, infectit, and that tua keipares be putt to the said porte quarterlie throw the liaill toun, to begin at the north eist quarter; and ordinis publicatione to be maid heirof be the drum or bell that nane be sufferit to haif entres at the said brig porte cuming fra Sanctandrois, Seres, Kirkaldy, Kinghorne, and Torryburne; and ordinis all strainger pure to be putt and haldin af the toun. . ,, 27 May 1605. The proveist, baillies and counsall, convenit, ratifies and appreves the act Anent the and ordinance of the sessioun of the kirk anent the brekinsr of the flure in the ]yu7a11111 tlle . . . kirk. eist end of the kirk for buriall of ony corpes thairintill, quhairby it is provydet that in cais ony persoun will presume obstinatlie to do in the contrair, they sail pay ad pios vsus, befoir the breking of the eirthe, the soume of fourtie pundis money; and ordinis the said act to be observit and keipit in all tyme cuming. It is statute and ordinit that, heireftir, na banisched persoun be resett nor Anent reponit to thair libertie agane within this burghe unto the tyme licence be had of pe^sones^ the provest, baillies and counsall thairto, gif the banischment be for a civill caus, and of the sessioun of the kirk gif it be for ony caus belangand to thair discipline. It is statute and ordinit that fra this furthe na inhabitant within this burgh Tapping tak upoun hand to by in grite and tap out in small ony tymber, victuell, viveres, or uther unstaple waires that salhappin to cum be sey upoun aventure seikand viveris, etc. mercatt to the schoir of this burgh, or to ony pairte abone the Rudder brig. p 114 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1605. Precentor's feall. Anent the schoir. 21 October 1605. Ordeanes Archibald Allane, thesaurare, to pay yeirlie to Moses Fergus- soun, in feall, for uptaking of the psalmes within the kirk of this burgh, the sou me of fourtie pundis yeirlie. 4 April 1606. The baillies and counsall, convenit, allowes and approves James Schorte, maister of wark to the slioir, in his discharge of the said wark sa far as yit is proceidit thairintill; and gif ony nychtbour traduce and sclander the said James of the neglect of ony point of the said wark in contrail- the tennour of this his approbatione thairof foirsaid, the persone, traducer and sclanderare of him, sail pay for the first fait fyve pundis, and for the secund fait ten pundis, and utherwyis wardit and punishit in thair persones at the will of the counsall; and ordinis publicatione to be maid heirof be bell or drum that nane pretend ignorance thairof. _ ^ & 23 June 1606. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, statutes and ordinis for the schoir*'t0 ^ bettir reparatione of the shoir, that thair be aucht serving men or wemane daylie and ilk day sent to the schoir be the inhabitantis of this burgh, as they salbe warnit be the baillie of thair quarter, for bering of red as the maister of wark sail direct to thame; and gif ony nychtbour refuis to send ane servand, being requirit, ordinis fyve shillingis to be poyndit that thairwith ane uther may be feit in thair places; andsiclike ordinis ane gildbrother and ane craftis- man to attend ilk ane of thame thair day about on the work of the shoir, under the pane of ten s. to be poyndit of the dean of gild and convener for the contravener. 4 August 1606. Nominates and apointes James Short [and five others] to visit the ile called Patersones ile, and to report thair advyse how the kirk foiranent the said ile salbe theikit, and to meitt this day and to reporte on Fryday nixtocum. Ordinis Archibald Allane, thesaurare, to borrow tua hundreth pundis on proffite, quhill Mertimes nixtocum, to sett fordwart the wark of the almoushous. Servandis to Anent the kirk. Almoushous. 16 October 1606. Pest, lugis. The saidis provest, balyeis and counsall, band and obleist tham and thair successouris to warrand, relief, and keip skaithles Archibald Allane, thair 1606.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 115 thesaurer, of the sowm of xlviij li. money for the price of jc daillis bocht att Pest, lugis. thair command fra Georg Norvell and Alexander Patersoun, tobe lugis to thair diseisit and seik personis in the Brighauch, in the present visitatioun. 30 January 1607. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, ordinis the haill effaires that Effaires salhappin fra this furth to be intreated in counsall to be inrollit and callit be counsaH^ m the roll ordourlie as it salbe left att, begynnand at the effaires of the kirk and Goddis service, thaireftir of the toun, and last at sic particulares as sail occur. Ordinis the baillie of ilk quarter agane the nixt counsall day to visite Pest, thair quarteris and to tak up ane cathologe of all the persones quhais houssis hes bene infectit of this visitatione of the pest, with the nomber of the per¬ sones deceissit and of thame quha hes mendit of that seiknes, that ordour may be tane thairwithe. 9 February 1607. In presens of the provest and baillies and counsall, convenit, thair is pro- Pest; roll of ducet be ilk baillie a roll of all persones deceissit in his awin quarter in this last visitatione of pest, to the number of sex hundreth [blank] persones in the haill, by and attour the number of [blank] persones quha amendit and con- valessit of the seiknes. 14 February 1607. Ordinis the haill clengeares, except James Broun, to be clenget and send Clengeares. hame, and ordinis the thesaurer to gif thame drink silver at the provest and baillies discretione. Johnne Williamsone is suorne in the office of clerkship for this yeir tocum, Clerk, as use is, and the counsall ratifies all thingis that he hes done sen the tym of his last admissioun. 13 February 1607. The baillies and counsall, convenit, liaifing consideratione of the grete Act anent the desolatione of this burghe this yeir bigane be resson of the pest, quhairthrow tounes rent- thair hes bene litell or na tred within the samyn during the tyme of the said seiknes, thairfoir defalkis and discharges to the takismen of the tounes cus- tomes and rentis underwrittin as eftir followis, [to the executouris of umquhile Janet Neilsoun, of the peckis sett for £45, £11, 9s. 2d.; to Archibald Smythe, for the gait dichtingis sett for 140 merks, 60 merks; to the executouris of 116 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1607. Actanentthe umquhile Jolme Young, for the fische skemmillis sett for £6, 30s.; to George tonnes rent. ^ikman and Johne Crawfurde, for the small customes sett for £120, £40]. . . Anent burges fynes. Laurence Thomsoun and otheris in will for troublance. Baxteris, punishment. William Donaldsones punishment. 20 February 1607. The baillies and counsall, convenit, statutes and ordinis that in tyme cuming the burges and fyne of extranear burgessis salbe sextene pundis, but ony downgeving; and burges bairnes to pay conforme to the last act, viz., foure pundis. 9 March 1607. Laurence Thomsoun, George Cairnes, David Wilsoun, Patrik Alexander, and William Robertsoun, baxteris, become in the counsallis will for inquieting the toun on Fryday last at nicht, be moking of the buriallis of thame quha deit of the pest, in hie contempt of God. 20 March 1607. The baillies and counsall, convenit, declaires thair will on Laurence Thom¬ soun, baxter, and his complices as followis, viz., that on ane mercatt day the said Laurence salbe cariet in ane sled throw the toun, beir futtit and beir heidit, with ane quhite sark on him and ane paper on his heid beiring the caus of his punishment, and the rest of his complices to gang beir futtit and beir heidit throw the toun, and thaireftir to be brocht and bund at the croce, to stand thair during the baillies will. William Donaldsoun confessit that on Mononday last, the sextene day of Marche instant, he dispersonit Johnne Scherare, baillie, in his office, saying gif he war out of his bailliarie he sould haif said mair to him; and being charget and committet to waird thairfoir, confessit that he brak waird and eshepit furth of the tolbuth, and thaireftir being commandit to wairde agane be Archibald Smyth, bailly, disobeyit and withstud him in his office, drew and myntet ane suord to him, and preissit to haif eshepit furth of his handis, and gaif him mony injurous wordis; for the quhilkis offences he becomes in the provest, baillies, and counsallis will; quha being advyset thairwith be thair will declaires and ordinis the said William Donaldsoun to be putt thairfoir in the irones, and thaireftir to be kepit in fast waird on breid and watter induring the provest and baillies will, and ay and quhill they find him penitent for his offences, and to pay to the commoun wark of the toun the soume of fourtie 1607.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 117 pundis, and at his releif out of wairde sail find caution never to committ William trublance agane within this burgh, under the pane of ane hundreth pundis for the first fait and the nixt fait, and for the nixt fait to be banishet the toun, and to seik the saidis tua bailleis forgivenes at the croce. 23 March 1607. The baillies and counsall convenit, ordinis fra this furth, ilk officiar his xv Keyes of the dayes about, to keip the keyes of the tolbuith, and to be ansuerable during that tolbulthe- space for the saidis keyes, and to suffer nane to haif acces to the wairderis but leve of the baillies, under the pane of deprivatione of the saidis officiares of thair offices. 6 April 1607. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, haifing consideratione of the Anent maister grite panes and travellis tane be maister Patrik Symsone in his office of ministrie in the kirk of God within this burgh thir [blank] yeiris bygane, and minister, that the said maister Patrik throw his extraordiner panes and travellis is now becum unable him allane to discharge the cure of his said ministrie, and the said provest, baillies and counsall, being weill pleaset and satisfyt with the literature, knawleg, and giftis of maister Robert Mure, thinkes him meitt and able to serve in the office of a secund minister of this burghe, desyres thairfoir the said maister Patrik Symsoun to travell and deale with the said maister Robert Mure, quhairby he may be inducet to accept on him the said ministrie, and for that effect to ofhr to him in the tounes name ane stipend of tua hundreth pundis yeirlie. Discharges Archibald Soirlie and Andro Fergussoun, officiares, of thair Officiares saidis offices, and of all farder using thairof in tyme cuming, and ordinis thame ^j^ter a to be putt in the irones to remane thairin dureing the provest and baillies willis, and that for the wrang and injurie done be thame to maister Johnne Aissoun, minister, in wairding of him but command or directioun of the magistrattis. 1 May 1607. The baillies, counsall and deacones of craftis of this burgh, being convenit Stent of in the tolbuith thairof to entreate upoun the commoun effaires of the same, and pest™611"8' considering that it being the gude will and plesour of God laitlie to visite this burgh with the feirfull seiknes and contagioun of pest, the cours quhairof began 118 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1607. Stent of sa violent that, for stanching the same, the provest, bail lies, and counsall of this ; burgh for the tyme, wer forcett to send for ane grite number of clengeares furth of the pairtes of Edinburgh, Linlythqw and Leyth, with quhome conditione and pactioun was maid that for thair travellis they sould haif had ane certane grite soume of money, quhairof as yit they haif gottin nor can get na payment; and thairwith considering the grite soumes of money quhairintill the thesaurare of this burgh is superexpendit of the commoun rent thairof in furnessing of ludges, elding to the caldrones, and uther materiallis necessar to the clengeing, besyde the grite expenssis disbursit be him in susteining ane grite number of pure, baithe within and without the toun in the hauche; and knavving na bettir nor uther meane how to releif and defray the saidis grite chargis and expenssis nor be uplifting ane stent of the soume of money underwrittin; thairfoir the saidis baillies, counsall, and deacones of craft of this burghe, representing the haill commounitie, all in ane voce, votes, concludis and ordinis for relief of the soumes of money abonespecefijt that thair salbe ane stent of the soume of tua thousand merkis usuall money of Scotland raised and uplifted of the haill in- habitantes of this burghe betuix the day and dait heirof and the first day of Junij nixtocum. 20 July 1607. Drummer and Ordinis the thesaurare to provyde and furnes George Crawfurde,drummare, pyper' and Jolmne Forbes, pyper, ilk ane of thame, with breikis and schankis of ryd stemmyng. 25 September 1607. Maister of Anent the supplicatione gevin in be maister Alexander Yule, maister of the grammer scole, makand mentioun that forsamekle as he lies barganit with Adame Abercrombie for the few of ane of his town landis in Ireland, the transsumpt of quhais richt and placing sum servandis thair and accomplish¬ ment of uther necesser turnes will craif his awin presens the space of nyne or ten oulkis thairby, the doctour and pedagoges during this tyme will hald the bairnes exercesit in leirning the lections of thair authouris he hes pairtlie alreddie teachet thame, and will farder follow furthe, desyres thair licence for the said spaice, or farder as his necessitie sail require, utherwyis it will redound to his grite hurt. The counsall continewis the ansuer of his supplicatione to the nixt counsall day. 1608.] OF THE BUROH OF STIRLING. 119 1 February 1608. James Finlasoun, of his awin consent, for infirmitie and disease of bodie, James Fynla- banishes and exyles him self this burgh; and gif he be fund within the same ment< agane to be scurgit for the first fait and hangit for the nixt fait, except he obtene the counsallis gude will and licence thairto. 18 April 1608. Statutes and ordinis that fra this furth the kairteris and sledmen of this Kairteris and burgh tak na mair for thair cariage fra the shoir nor efter followis, viz., for ane single dracht of tymber, stanes, and uthir waris, ten d.; for ane double dracht, tuentie d.; for ane punshoun of wyne, iiij s.; for ane pipe of sek, x s.; ane pak of mader, x s.; ane les pak vj s. viij d.; ane bun of beir, xvj d.; ane barrell of Osmond wine, xx d.; and ane leid of lyrne and victuall, viij d.; under the pane of five pund of unlaw, toties quoties. 30 May 1608. Apointes Christopher Alexander and Johne Williamson commissioneris Laid to the to pas to the counsall in Linlythqw, thair to intreate and deale with thame for Iles' sum ease and ordour to be tane anent the raid apointet towardis the lies. 6 June 1608. Apointis Duncan Patersone, den of gild, to beir the townis ansenyie or standart on the xiiij day of Junij instant, quhilk is the Avapinschawin day; and the nixt wapinschawin day, quhen it hapinis, the berer of the said ansenyie to be siclyk chosin be the counsall, in all yeiris cuming. 27 June 1608. The provest, baillies, and counsall of this burghe, haifing consideratioune Against that thair is sindrie persones, induellares of this burgh, quha sittis up, under p[ay^gS'&c cloude of nicht, drinking and playing in uther mennis houssis and disabusing thame selfis, to the offence of God and evill exemple of nychtbouris; thairfoir it is statut and ordinit that na person nor personis, induellaris Avithin this burgh, nor utheris resorting thairto, tak upoun hand fra this furthe to sit up drinking or playing or walking on the strettis eftir ten houris at evin. Nat her yet, in thair communicationes, that they tak upoun hand to calumniate, tra¬ duce or dispersone ony of the magistrates, or speake unreverentlie of thame, Beiring of the townis ansenyie. 120 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1608. Against drinking, playing, &c. Notary dis- personing a baillie. Act anent the brig. Margret Alex¬ ander breking statntis and calumniating magistrates. Muk or fuilyie. Custome, flesheouris of Edinburgh. under the pane of fourtie pundis toties quoties. And that na browstare, oystlare, nor ventare of wyne or meitt, sell atlier drink or meitt, nor ressait ony persone within thair houssis after the said hour, under the pane foirsaid. William Young, notare, become in will for dispersoning of Johnne Scherare, baillie, in calling him base borne swyngour; and thairfoir the provest, baillies and counsall, ordinnis him to remane in waird quhill Thures- day nixtocum efter the sermone, and thaireftir to cum to the croce on his kneis and seik the said baillies forgivenes; and gif evir he do the lyke to the magistrates of this burgh he salbe banishet this burgh for evir, of his awin consent. 25 July 1608. Ordinis George Norwall, thesaurare, betuix and the last day of July instant, to caus poynt the brig sufficientlie as becumes for preventing of farder dainger thairof, under the pane of tuentie pundis to be payed be him to the commoun warkes of this burgh incais of failyie, unforgevin. Margret Alexander confessit the breking of the tounes statutes in selling of aill derer nor xij d. the pynt, for the quliilk the baillies unlawes hir in the soume of fyve. pundis. The said Margret is publictlie admonishet, in counsall, gif at ony tyme heireftir she be fund calumniating or injuring the provest, bailleis, or ony uther office berare of this burgh, sho sail sit in the brankis during sic space and in sic place as the magistratis sail think expedient. Ordines publicatione to be maid, with sound of drum, that fra this furthe na nychtbour suffer ony muk or fuilyie to ly at thair yettis or durris on the hie streittis langer nor xlviij houris unremovit or takin away, under the pane of fyve pundis to be payed, toties quoties. For sundrie respectis, the counsall ordines fra this furthe, quhill the nixt conventioun of the burrowes, that na custome be tane at the brig nor porte fra the flesheouris of Edinburgh, and intimatioune to be maid heirof be the thesaurare to the customares. 3 September 1608. Pest. Haifing consideratione of the laitt greit and suddane infectioun of pest within the burghes of St. Johnnestoun, Bruntyland, and uther pairtes be northe the watter of Forthe, thairfoir discharges the fair approchand, callit the Latter 1608.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 121 Ladie day, to be kepit and haldin, and ordines publicatione to be maid heirof be Pest, drum at the croce and throw the toun, that nane pretend ignorance tliairof. 28 November 1608. The counsell, convenit, statutes and ordines that all and quhatsumever Act anent persones, duelland within this burgh or perochine thairof, quha salhappin to be bUthellls- proclamit for mariage contractit betuix thame, sal mak thair brythellis and banquetis within this burgh fra this furth; and gif they falyie, being proclamit within the peroche kirk of this burgh be the ministeris thairof, and mak thair brythellis outwith the said burgh, in that cais the pairtie or pairties that sal¬ happin to contravene sail pay to the toun the soume of tuentie pundis money; provyding alwayis that this act be onlie extendit aganes the men and women quha salhappin to be joyned in marriage baith duelland within this burgh or perochine thairof; and gif ony persone duelland within this burgh marie ane outland woman, in that cais it is statute and ordinite that it sail noclit be lesum to him to desyre any ma persones nychtbouris of the said burgh nor tuentie persones, and gif it be fund or tryed that he dois in the contrair, in that cais he sail pey to the toun the soume of ten pundis; and willis the kirk, befoir they grant testimoniall, to tak ane pand thairfoir. Lykeas, gif any outland man mary any woman duelland within this burgh, in that cais the brythell or banquet salbe maid within this burghe, and gif the woman contravene thairintill, in that cais sail pey uther xx pundis, and willis that befoir ony testimoniall be grantet be the minister or redder, or yit that mariage be solemnizite, that they tak ane pand for the said soume. 5 December 1608. Undirstanding the grit decay of the present estait of the kirk and emenent Kirk, danger and ruing thairof, for eschewing of the sarnin and that remeid may be tymouslie provydit, it is thocht meit that thair be ane sufficient honest man everie Sonday to stand att the kirk dure and thair to craif and seik, for uphald- ing and reparatioun of the said kirk, of the charitie and benevolence of the intrantis thairin and perochineris; and desyris the sessioun of the kirk to interpone thair auctoritie heirto. The lichter boit sett for this yeir to cum to Mertemes nixtocum to Duncan Lichter boit. Watsone, for the sowm of fiftie thrie pundis sax s. viiij d. to be payit quarterlie Q 122 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1608. Lichter boit. to the thesaurer; prowyding that he serve the town to the peir with tuelf lichter full of stanis to the schoir without ony payment; and that he sett nor ws nocht the lichter to na persone nor personis to putt stanis thairin; and that he sail redelyiver hir agane att the said terme in als gud estait and conditioun as he resaifis hir now. 19 December 1608. Almoushous. Discharges the maister of the hospitall to ansuer ony of the beidmen thairof of thair rentis and portiones fra this furth except they mak actuall residence within the hospitall hous. Alexander Sklaitter, chirurgiane. Writing schole. Johnne Scott unlawit. Anent tlie burrowmuir. Grammer scole. 20 February 1609. The baillies and counsall, advysit, suspendis and discharges Alexander Sklaitter of all farder using and exercesing the office and cure of ane chir- urgiane fra this furth quhill they be farder testify t of his knawledge and sufficiencie, under the pane of banishment. 13 March 1609. The pro vest, baillies and counsell, for sindrie gude caussis moving thame, discharges Johnne Mathesoun of all farder teaching and keping of ane writting schole within this burghe, quhilk discharge the said Johnne acceptit and pro- mesed to obey. 2 April 1609. Johnne Scott, tennent to Andro Lowrie, becumes in will for ryving up of the tounes commontie and the kingis hie gait in the burrow mure, for the quhilk he is unlawit in the soum of fyve pundis to be unforgevin. Ordinis the heritouris and possessouris of the aikeris on baithe sydes of the aid and new mure to cast thair seuches and dykes foment thair awinlandis betuix this and the last day of July nixtocum, ilk ane under the pane of fyve pundis, at the sicht of the birlamen. Apointes John Sherare, baillie, [and three others], commissioneris to deale with Mr. Alexander Yule for sum solide ordour to be tane for causing of the grammer schole of this burgh to flurishe in tyme cuming, and for that effect to try and heir the said Mr. Alexanderis greves with his awin advyse for remeid thairof, als lykewyis to propone to him the tounes greves with the said com¬ missioneris awin advys for the best remeid thairof that they can find thairanent. 1609.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 123 24 July 1609. James Wallace, merchand, being convenit befoir the bailleis and counsall Act, James for vilipending of Johne Scherare, baillie, in presens of the haill counsall, in pen(iing. saying he wald nocht gif ane slaffart for his kyndnes, comperit and confessit the same, and thairfoir cravit him and the haill counsall forgevnes, and obleist him that gif in ony tyme heireftir he vilipendit or misbehavit himself to the saidis baillies or ony of tham, ather in counsall or furth thairof, aither be word or deid, in that cais to pay to the thesaurare to the commoun warkis tuentie pundis toties quoties. 5 September 1609. Johnne M'William e confessit disobedience done be him to Christopher M'Williame Alexander, baillie, in the executioun of his office, be presenting to him ane dlsobedience- drawine quhinger, and becum in will thairfoir, and wes orainit to pas to the mercate croce, and thair on his kneis to crave God and the said Christopher forgevenes of the said offence, and of his awin consent actis himself gif heireftir he be fund giltie of the lyk cryme, he sail amitt and tyne his friedome and be banishit this burgh for ever. 5 February 1610. Nominates and electes Archibald Allane, younger, in maister of wark to Maister of the outredding and perfyting of the new almoushous; and ordines sum craftis- ^lmushous6 men to be joyned to him, quhome he sail chois. 16 February 1610. Andro Fergussoun, deacone of the cordineris, confessit ane fait in dis- Dispersoning personing and contemning of Walter Cowane, baillie, in doing of his office, a ^aillie- and become thairfoir in will of the counsall, be quhome he is sharplie reprovit and admonishet in cais he be fund in the like fait agane he salbe declared incapable of ony office bering within this burgh. 26 February 1610. Nominates and apointes Archibald Allane, younger, commissioner to pas Mr. Robert with maister Robert Mure, ane of the ministeris of this burghe, to his Maiesteis Mlu'e- commissioneris, and to the bischopes and the commissioneris of the general assemblie of the kirk in thair meeting at Edinburgh, the (blank) day of Marche nixtocum, and thair to testifie in the tounes name that they ar weill pleased 124 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1610. Mr. Robert Mure. Act anent Donaldsones. Tolbuith. Weshing in touns burne discharget. Wairdhous. Furde. with the said maister Robertes ministrie, baithe of doctrine and lyfe, and thair- foir to crave thair approbatione of the said maister Robertis ministrie, for his bettir encouragement to do his office in tyme cuming. 12 March 1610. Ordines Johnne, William, and James Donaldsones, to be inhibit and dis¬ charget at ony tyme heireftir during the inimitie and feid betuix thame and Duncane Patersone, deane of gild, ather to croce, pas, or repair throw the said Duncanes clos, or within ony uther the said Duncanes boundis, or yit to con¬ tend with him for the gait quhen they salhappin to meitt togidder, bot that they gif him the gaitt as becumes thame to do to ane magistrate, under the pane of ten pundis, toties quoties. 16 April 1610. James Short, provest, [and three bailies, obliged themselves] that gif it salhappin Daniell Bryce to eschaip furth of the tolbuith of this burghe, quhairinti.ll he w7es laitlie committet be Jolme Henrysoun, baillie, [to share with that bailie the loss and damage sustained thereby;] and for the better keping of the said Daniell Bryce within the said tolbuith, the counsall ordines ane wache of foure persones to be kepit nychtlie throw the haill toun. 30 April 1610. Prohibites the haill inhabitantis of this burghe, that nane of thame tak on hand fra this furth to weshe ony claithes or uther thingis quhatsumevir in the toun burne abone Robert Patersones wark hous, ather within the toun or outwith the same, under the tonnes brayes at the hospitall land occupeit be James Thomesoun, under the pane of v li. and breking of thair tubbes, toties quoties; and ordines publicatione to be maid be bell or drum or be the officiaris heiranent. . 7 May 1610. Ordanes James Robesone, thesaurer, to big up the window in the over wairdhous sufficientlie with stane and lyme, and to batt the same with yrone battis. 13 Jane 1610. Ordines the haill toun to be warnet be thair quarteris, how sone that the furde may be red, everie hous to send ane man thair day about to the furde 1610.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 125 and work tbairat as they salbe directet be the maisteris of wark during the Furde. tyme of the drouthe that the furde may be wrocht at, ilk hous under the pane of fyve pundis. 30 July 1610. The provest, bailyeis and counsall, ordanis James Robertsoun, thesaurer, Skletter. to pas to Glasgw and Dumbartane, and thair to conduce and transact with ane craftisman sklettir for theiking of the kirk and the almushous. 28 September 1610. The proveist, baillies, counsall, and deacones of craft of the burgh t of Act concern- Striviling, representing the haill commownitie thairof, . . . being convenit in the tolbuithe of Striviling to intreate upoun the commoun effaires thairof, magistrates, specialie to elect and cheis thair magistratis and counsall for this yeir to cum, compeirit ane noble and potent lord, Jolme erle of Mar lord Erskyne and Gareoche, etc., commissionare in that parte, be the lordis of his Majesteis secreit counsall to the effect undirwreitin speciallie constitute, quha producet and shew to the saidis proveist, baillies and counsall, ane commissioun grantit to him be the saidis lordis of secreit counsall, gevand him speciall directioun, warrand and commissioun, to be present at the said electioun and to command in his name that the said electioun sould proceid conforme to the act of par¬ liament, under certane greit panes at lenthe specifeit and contenit in the said commissioun. And, siclyke, compeirit James Winderhame, generall agent for the haill burrowis within this realme, quha producet and shew [an act of the general convention of burghs, dated 4th July last,1 ordaining the burgh to conform to the acts of parliament. The magistrates, council and deacons of crafts, being thereupon required to comply with these injunctions, resolved] that now and in all tyme cuming the magistratis and counsall of the said burgh sould be chosine conforme to the saidis actis of parliament and actis of burrowis abone writtin, that is to say, the aid counsall sail cheis the new counsall this day, and yeirlie heirefter upoun Mononday preceding the Fryday befoir the feist of Michelmes; and the aid and the new counsall togidder sail this day, and yeirlie herefter upoun Fryday preceding the said feist of Michelmes, cheis the proveist, baillies, deane of gild, thesaurare and uther officiares; and that 1 Convention Records, vol. ii., p. 290. 126 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1610. Act concern¬ ing the elec- tioun of magistrates. Act, Stn cle- man and Dicksoun for the ministrie. the counsall of the said burgh sail consist and stand this yeir and yeirlie heir- efter of thenomber, qualitie, and conditioun of the persones efterspecifeit, viz., of the nomber of tuentie ane persones, to wit, the proveist, the foure baillies, the deane of gild, and the thesaurare of the yeir preceding, tuelf merchandis and tua deacones of craftis adjoyned to thame, makand thairby in the haill the said nomber of tuentie ane persones of the qualitie foirsaid, to be chosine out of the leit of the persones following, viz., the tuelf merchandis of the aid counsall and uther tuelf merchandis to be joyned and put to thame be the aid counsall in leit for the merchandis, and the tua deacones of the craft of the aid counsall with the haill new deacones of craft to be joyned and put to thame in leit for the craftismen; and out of the saidis haill persones tuelf merchandis and tua craftismen to be chosine be the pluralitie of voitis out of the said aid and new counsall. And of the saidis tuelf merchandis and tua craftismen, with the aid proveist, baillies, deane of gild, and thesaurare of the yeir preceding, the new counsall of the said burgh sail consist and stand this yeir and yeirlie heirefter, to haif the full governament of all the effaires of the said burgh that yeir. And the said new counsall, being sua chosine be the said aid counsall as is befoir contenit, the said aid and new counsall, with the remanent haill deacones of craft of the said burgh, sail this day and yeirlie heirefter upoun the samyn day, being Friday preceding the said feist and terme of Michelmes, gang togidder in the counsalhous of the said tolbuith, and thair be pluralitie of voitis elect and cheis, out of the said new counsall of merchandis, the proveist, baillies, deane of gild, thesaurare, and uther officiares of the said burgh, quha being sua chosine sail than instantlie be sworne gif they be present, and failyeing thairof the nixt first day of thair meitting, that they sail leillie and trewlie exerce thair offices for that yeir to cum, as they sail ansuer to God and the Kingis majestie. 7 January 1611. The provest, baillies and counsall, grantis thame to haif ressavit fra Robert Studeman, servitour to the Quenes Majestie, and Elizabeth Erskine als Ferre- are, his spous, the soume of thrie hundreth merkis, and fra Johnne Dicksoun, sumtyme servitour to umquhile dame Annabell Murray comptes of Mar, the soume of ane hundreth merkis, usuall money of Scotland, to be imployed be the toun on rent to the help of the ministrie of this burghe; quhilk the saidis pro- vest, baillies and counsall, obleissis thame and their successouris sa to bestow and 1611.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 127 imploy upoun rent to the help and supporte of the ministrie of the said burghe Act, Stude- in all tyme cuming, and sail never imploy the same to ony uther use. Lyke SfcksOTin for as, they rander to the saidis persones maist hairtlie thankes for thair cheretable the ministrie. and godlie benevolences, and ordines sum publict notice of memoriall to be extendit thairupon. „ r 11 February 1611. Statutes and ordinis that, in all tymes cuming, the aires and new intrant Tounes landis. tennentis of all landis belangand to this burghe, alsweill aid patrimonie as kirklandis annexit thairto, halden of the toun in few, sail enter thame selfis to the saidis landis be preceptis of clare constat and be resignatioune in the counsallis handis or be confirmatioune, to the effect that the toun be nocht prejuget nather of the doublingis of aires nor yet of the compositiounes of the new tennentis, as the same salbe componit be the counsall; and nabaillie with the clerk gif sesing utherwyis, ilk baillie under the pane of fyve pundis and the clerk under the pane of thrie pundis. Ordinis ane watche of thrie men furthe of ilk quarter of the toun to be Act, watche. nychtlie kepit fra this furthe, for the space of aucht dayes nixtocum and langer induring the counsallis will, to be sett at Balnageich or quhair the baillie of the quarter sail apoint, fra nyne houris at evin quhill foure houris in the morning. 15 February 1611. Nominates and apointes James Shorte, pro vest, and Johnne Sherare, Commission- baillie, commissionares for the toun to compeir befoir the counsall the xxj day Edm" of Februare instant, to ansuer to the lettres raisit aganes the toun at the in¬ stance of my lord of Mar concerning prissones and wairdhoussis. 18 March 1611. Statutes and apointes ane visitatioune of the tounes merches to be yeirlie Visitatione of on the Mononday nixt and immediatlie following the electioun and admissioun tlie t?unes .„. ... merches. of the provest, baillies and counsall, and on the Mononday nixt eftir the feist of Peashe, yeirlie. 17 8 April 1611. Apointes ane new visitatione of the commoun gaittes and passages to the Commoun toun throw the tounes awin landis, and of the tounes commounteis, to be the §aittes an(i j . ... . . passages. xv day of Aprile instant, and ordines all pairteis haifand interes thairto to be warnet be drum to be present at the said visitatione; and ordines thethesaur- 128 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1611. are to prepair merch stanes and warkmen for that effect; and the merching of the saidis gaittis nocht to he hurtfull to the toun anent the mettage of the tounes landis. 27 May 1611. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, ratifies and appreves the act of counsell maid of befoir anent the compositioune of sextene pundis to be payed for the admissioun of burgessis, but ony diminutioun, in tyme curning. Ordinis the thesaurare to ansuer George Crawfurde, drummer, of ane garment of rid stemmying, with quhite pasmentis, as use is. 5 June 1611. Maltmen. The provest and bailleis, [being charged at the instance of Christopher Cairnes, baxter, to put to due execution the act of parliament, December 15671 against maltmen having a deacon, and also the act of convention 5 July 16022 against the maltmen of Stirling infringing the act,] discharges the deacoun of maltmen of this burghe and his brether of all usurpeing of the said office in tyme cumyng, and of all trubling and molesting the said Christopher Cairnes and utheris inhabitantes of this burghe, burgessis and friemen of the same, in useing and exerceing of the said tred of making of malt at thair pleasour, they keipand alwayes the lawes and statutes of this burghe; and declair that in all tyme cuming thair sould be na deacoun nor visitour of malt¬ men within this burghe, nor yet sail they be reput ane craft within this burghe at na tyme lieireftir, notwithstanding quhatsumevir act, licence or tollerance, grantit to tharne be the provest, bailleis, or counsall of the said burghe, at ony tyme of befoir. 1 July 1611. Act of malt- The provest, baillies, and counsell of this burghe, for the commoun weill makmg. anq profite thairof, statutes and ordinis that in all tyme cuming it sail nocht be lesum to na inhabitant within the same to exerce and use the trade of malt- making within the fredome and territorie of this burghe, without speciall licence of the provest, baillies and counsell, first socht and obtenit thairto, under the pane of ane hundreth pundis to be payed and imployed for the commoun use of the burghe; and being licentiate thairto sail pay thairfoir the Commoun gaittes and passages. fynes. Drummer. 1 Acts of Parliament, vol. iii., p. 33. 2 Convention Records, vol. ii., p. 129. 1611.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 129 soume of tuentie pundis to the commoun gude; and ordinis publicatione to be Acfcof malt- . n . 7 • making. niciid thairot. 30 August 1 Gil- Considering that the fair day now approching fallis this yeir on the Anentthe Sabothe day, thairfoir ordines the same to be proclamed agane the morne tbairefter, quhilk will be Mononday the ix day of September nixtocum, and that na mercat be balden on the Sabothe day preceding for eschewing the prophanatione thairof. 23 December 1611. Comperit Williame Tailyeffer, sone to Williame Tailyeffer in Kirkcud- Act,Tailyefer, brycht, and become actit of his awin confessioun to be perpetuallie exylet and banishet this burghe, as ane persone sclanderous and offensive to this burghe, and gif he be found heireftir within the same, he salbe scurget throw the toun, and brunt in the cheik with ane irone as ane notorious vagabund, but dome or law, of his awin consent. 10 February 1612. Grantes to Robert Cragingelt ane feall of foure pundis for ringing of the Bells, counsall and ten hour bell at nycht. The saidis provest, baillies and counsall, considdering that sex yeires sen Bequest by syne or thairby, Capitane Thomas Erskyne, sone to umquhile James Erskyne Thomas6 of Balgony, in rememberance of Godis manefald merccis and delyverances Erskine; bestowit on him fra monie danger quhairintill he is fallin fra tyme to tyme in the Law Cuntreis, did thairfoir dedicate, of his awin frie gift, furthe of that quhilk he had obtenit for his travellis in the saidis pairtes, the soume of fyve hundrethe merkis usuall money of Scotland, quhilk the said Capitane Thomas willit and ordenit to be imployet to sum profittable wark or use within this burgh, for a perpetuall memorie baithe of the said Capitane Thomas thank¬ fulness to his end and of his love and effectioun to this burghe, in the quhilk he had his educatioun the tyme of his yuthe; and the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall of this burgh, the tyme foirsaid, haifeing ressavet the said soume of five hundrethe merkis in thair handis, thinkis it now maist meit and ex¬ pedient that the said soume salbe imployit on yeirlie rent, as it lies bene thir sex yeiris bygane, for the help and supporte of the ministrie of Godis worde within this burgh in all tyme cumyng, for the quhilk the saidis provest. 130 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1612. Bequest by Capitane Thomas Erskine; ministrie. Commission- eris to Edin¬ burgh. Act of fuilyie and muck. Archbishope of Sanct- androis. Grammer scole. Tounes evidentis. Act, grammer scole. bailleis and counsall, randeris the said Capitane Thomas maist hairtlie thankis. 20 April 1612. Nominates and apointes Johnne Sherer and Johne Williamsoun commis- sioneris to pas to Edinburgh for advysing and forming of ane signatour of ane new infeftment to the toun. 27 April 1612. Statutes and ordines for the commoun weill of this burghe that na nychtbour sell ony muck or failyie to extranear and outlandis men, bot to nychtbouris, under the pane of fyve pundis unforgevin, toties quoties. 20 June 1612. Admittis the richt reverend father, George, be the mercie of God, arch¬ bishope of Sanctandrois, metrapolitane of Scotland, and ane of his Majesties moist honorable previe counsall, maister George Meriorybankis and Johne Wilsone, his servitouris, to the libertie and fredome of nychtbouris and bur- gessis of this burgh, quha and ilk ane of thame maid faithe as use is. 22 June 1612. Nominates and appointes [three] commissioneris to meitt in Edinburgh the xxv day of Junij instant, thair to informe the arbitrateres chosin betuix the toun and the maister of the grammer scole, and to attend upoun the said mater to the finall end thairof. 1 July 1612. Duncane Paterson, deane of gild, producet the tounes charter grantet be King Robert, of the libertie of the toun and fishing in the watter of Forthe, kingis maill and pettie custome; with the tounes charter grantet be King David for exemyng thame fra customes of cattell at all portis; togidder with the tounes charter grantet be King Alexander, and confirmet be King David, of the libertie of the gildrie; quhilkis thrie evidentis the said Duncan Pater¬ son ressavit fra Robert Fortoun in Edinburgh, and ar now deliverit to Johnne Sherer, baillie, to be shawin befoir the generall conventioun of burrowes in the conventioun at Abirbrothok. [The commissioners appointed on 22nd June reported that an obligation had been granted on behalf of the town] to pay to maister Alexander Yule, 1612.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 131 for owirgeving of the schole, the soume of fyve hundir and fiftie merkis at Act, grammer Martimes nixtocum. ~ schole. 14 September 1612. The pro vest, baillies and counsall, convenit, lies statute, ordinit, and per- Act,maltmen. mittet, that the maltmen of this burghe now present and tocum may, at thair plesour in all tyme cuming, brake, joyse, and posses thair wounted liberteis, privilages and immuniteis, grantet to thame be the lawes of this realme, actis and statutes of this burghe agreable thairto, anent the friedome of malt making within this burghe, siclike, als frelie and amplie in all respectis as the maltmen of ony other burgh within this realme lies uset and exercet or yet may exerce and use the said tred of maltmaking, but contradictioun or agane calling quhat- sumever; with power to the saidis maltmen to haif ane visitour amang thame for trying the insufficiency of thair malt and prices thairof, quha salbe haldin to present to the counsall of this burghe all intrant maltmen crevand the said tred to be admittet thairto be the counsall of the toun; and for thair entrie to the said tred they sail pay to the toun for augmentatione of thair commoun gude the soume of sextene pundis in name of entres, and to the visitour of the maltmen and friemen thairof the soume of audit pundis; and gif he be ane maltmannis eldest sone he sail pay to the toun [8 merks and to the maltmen 4 merks; a mailman's second, third, or fourth son, or one who marries a malt- man's wife or daughter, to pay to the toun £8 and to the maltmen £4; a merchant or craftsman, to the toun £8 17s. 4d. and to the maltmen £4 8s. 8d.] And in all taxationes or uther impositiones that salbe raised or imposet upouu this burghe, the merchandis and craftismen usand the said tred of maltmaking salbe stentit with the said maltmen according to thair chairge and handling tD O O in that tred. 25 September 1612. Nominates and appointes Jolinne Sherer and Jolinne Cunynghame, Anent the baillies, commissioners to pas and meitt with maister William Wallace in ^™mer Irwing, and to intreat and confer with him anent his plantatioune in the grammer scole of this burghe, and to mak offirris to him for that effect of ane feall of j° merkis of the toun, with his expectatioune of fiftie merkis of my lord of Mar, quhairof gif neid be the toun salbe bund to him, with ane duelling hous maill frie for thrie yeris tocum, and the expenssis of his transportatioune; with fourtie s. of scollage of ilk toun bairne to him and his doctouris. 132 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1612. Act, brig custome. Scolage of Iogles scoles. Doctour of the grammer schole. Doctour for the Ingles bairnes. 5 November 1612. The provest, baillies and counsall, convenit, for uphald of the brig and calseyes thairof, qnhilkis ar daylie decaying, statutes and ordines that in all tyme cuming the haill fremen and nychtbouris of this burghe passing langis the said brig with hors laidis, or sleddis, of merchand geir, victuell, or with ony gudes to or fra this burgh, sail pay the custome following, that is to say, ilk pak or hors leid of merchand geir, tua penneis; ilk punsheoun of wyne, tuelf penneis; ilk barrell of heir, aucht penneis; ilk laid of flowre and uther victuell, except the provisioun meill of mennis housses cuming langis the brig, tua penneis; ilk burding of ony geir, ane penny; ilk slauchter kow passing langis the brig or cuming be the Drip furde, tua penneis; and ilk fyve slauchter sheip cuming they wyes, tua penneis; to be payed to the customer, and to be rowpet and sett yeirlie with the rest of the commoun gude. 9 November 1612, Statutes and ordines that fra this furtlie James Duncanson, nor na uther teacher of femele cheldrene within this burghe, talc mair scliolage of ilk bairne nor sexs. in the quarter, and thair doctour tua s. in the quarter, under the pane of discharging thame of all teaching and halding of Ingles or writting scholes, and farder under the pane of fyve pundis als oft as they do in the contrair. 16 November 1612. Ressaves and admittis maister James Edmestoun to be ane doctour in the grammer scole, being presentet to thame be maister Patrik Syrnson in name of the maister, and grantis him in fie the soume of tuentie merkis yeirlie, with tua s. of scollage in the quarter of ilk tonnes bairne, and his libertie of land- wert bairnes, according to the discretioun and liberalitie of thair parentis. 23 November 1612. Ressaves and admittis Jolinne Thomesoun, son to Robert Thomesoun, belman, to be ane doctour in the grammer schole, under maister William Wallace, principall maister, for teaching of bairnes in reding of the Ingles toung; and grantis him in fie tbe soume of ten merkis yeirlie, with ij s. of scollage in the quarter of ilk tounes bairne, and his libertie of landwart bairnes according to the discretione and liberalitie of thair parentis. 1612.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 133 It is statute and ordinet that fra this furthe na inhabitant of this burgh Act, muk. gadder na muk nor failyie upoun the hie streitis of this burgh outwith thair durris and yettis, nor yet suffer the same to ly outwith thair durris and yettis attour the space of xlviij houris, under the pane of confiscatione of the said muk and warding of the persones of thame that contravenes, at the sicht of the magistrattis; and to begin this day aucht dayes; and ordines publicatione to be maid heirof be drum or bell that nane pretend ignorance thairanent. 25 January 1613. The counsall, convenit, having consideratioun of the great injurie and offence Act of Adame committet and done laitlie within this burgh be Adame Donaldsone, burges Donalclsone- of the same, to Duncane Patersone, provest of the said burgh, in dispersoning of him and minting to ane quhinger to have struckin him thairwith, als also with ane golf club, then being in the hand of Johnne Scherar, dene of gild of the said burgh, quhilk he brak becaus the said dene of gild wald nocht suffer the same to gang with him, and utherwayis injuring of the said Duncane Patersone the tyrne of his said provestrie, as the proces of convictioun sett doun in the commoun buikis of the said burgh beires, have thairfoir, all in ane voice with ane consent and assent, unlawit the said Adame Donaldsoun in the sourne of fourtie pundis for his said offence; and farder ordanes him to remane in waird during the counsallis will, and thaireftir to gang to the mercat croce quhair the said Adame Donaldsone sail thair oppinlie crave God, the Kingis Maiestie, the said provest and haill magistratis of this burgh, forgevi- ness for his offence foirsaid; and in cais it sail be fundin heirefter that he do the lyk, or be hard dispersoning ony magistrat of this burgh, sail pay to the thesaurer of the samyn the soume of ane lmndreth pundis money of this realme, and farder be baneischit this burgh and territorie thairof and amit and tyne his libertie of the samyn. And, siclyk, ordanes that publicatioun be maid heirof at the said mercat croce making intimatioun to all inhabitantis of the samyn, and utheris quhom it effeiris, of the premisses, with certiffca- tioun to thame gif ony persone be fund dispersoning, calumniating or injuring, ayther oppinlie or privalie, ony of the magistratis of this burgh heireftir, the contraveneris als oft as thai falyie sail pay the penalties foirsaidis, be imprisonat in thair persones, amitt and tyne thair libertie of the said burgh, and exylit the samyn and haill territorie thairof for evir, as is befoir contenit. 131 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1613. 8 February 1613. Servanclis. It is statute and ordinit that na servand man nor womane within this burghe keip or haif ony kistis or uther lokfast lomes outwith thair maisteris houssis, hot that they keip and haif thair kistis within thair awin maisteris houssis, and that thair kistis be at na tyme locket bot ay left oppin,for eshew- ing and preventing of the grite stewthe andpykrie that daylie incressis within this burghe, under the pane of banishing of the saiclis servandis this burghe and confiscatione of thair saidis kistis and thair haill geir within the same that salbe fund outwith thair maisteris houssis and loket and fast within thair maisteris houssis; and ordines publicatione to be maid heirof be the drum throw the toun. And the lyk punishment to be uset on thame that ressatis the said kistis fra ony mannis servandis, but ony favour. 8 March 1613. Act watching. The counsall ordanit ane watclie of four men out of the four quarteris of the toun, to watche throw the toun for suppressing and halding doun of all stouth and utheris enormities that may arise in this burgh in the nicht, ay and quhill thai be dischargit. ^ H ° 26 April 1613. The counsall findis, declaires, and ordines that, seing the custome dewtie of the ladill of this burghe is grittlie defraudit be the fremen and induellares of this burgh quha bringis in victuell baithe be sey and land within the same burgh and hurdes up the same in thair barnes, loftis, and girnellis, and tappis out the same to ane grit dearthe in that same kynd and qualitie that thay by the same and presentis nocht thair victuele to the mercatt, that thairfoir the saidis fremen and inhabitantis of this burgh sail pay the custome dewtie of the ladill siclike as gif the same wer presentit and sauld in the mercatt. Pro- vyding the same be nocht extendit to na victuele brocht in ather be sey or land, belangand to fremen for the exercese of thair awin tredd, as beir maid and sauld be maltmen in malt, qulieit maid and sauld be baxteris in flour and breid, and aittis, peis and benes, maid and sauld in meill, conforme to the meaning of the counsellis decreit datit the xj day of Marche last bipast. And this to be observit in all tyme cuming as ane law and statnt of this burgh. 18 October 1613. Burges fyne. Statutes and ordines that fra this furthe the entres and fyne of nycht- Custome deutie of the ladill. 1613.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 135 bouris and burgessis enterand within this burghe quba salbe burges bairnes, Burgesfyne. or quha sail marie burges wyffes and bairnes, is and salbe aucht pundis, bot of burges aires iiij s. vj d., conforme to use and wounte. 6 December 1613. Anent the complaint maid be Duncan Patersoun, provest, aganes Walter Convictioun, Keir, baxter, insafar as laitlie, the xv day of November last, the said Walter Walter Keu'- Keir being convenit befoir the counsall for selling of derrer malt nor is sett doun be the act maid thairanent, beliavit himself maist unreverentlie to the said provest, saying and affirming oftymes to him, quhill he was sitting in opin counsall, that he was alsfrie in the toun as the provest himself, and that he had better duell in Cambusbarroun or ony landwert toun nor duell in this burgh; and quhen the provest sayd it had bein guid for the toun he had left it sevin yeir syne, and gif he wald leive the toun the devill gang with him, the said Walter maist proudlie and bitterlie anserit agane and sayd: The devill he amang thame that I leave behind me then; besyd mony uther unreverent speches and gestures utterit be him. Bayth the pairteis present, the said Walter con- fessit his misbehaviour foirsaid to the said provest and become thairfoir in the said provestis awin will; quhairof he continewes his declaratione quhill he be farder advyset. 28 ^ ^ Anent our Soverane lordis lettres raisit aganes all and sindrie the in- Taxatioun; habitantis of the burgh of Sterling for electing and chesing of certane person es ™ady JEliza for stenting of thair nychtbouris for ingetting and payment making of the beth; pursuit said burgh thair pairt of the secund termes peyment of the taxatioun grantit German,^or to the mariage of our Soverane lordis darrest dochter the ladye Elizabeth; and sclandering anent the missive bill direct for satisfeing his Majesteis thesaurer of the said burgh thair pairt of the sex thowsand merkis offerit be the burrowis of this realme to his Majestie for the expenssis of Stercovius, . . . comperit and convenit the provest, baillies, counsall, deacones of craft, and certane utheris nychtbouris and inhabitantis of the said burgh, quha of commoun consent electit and cheisit [eight person es to stent the inhabitants in the sums payable by the burgh.] J ° J 30 May 1614. Ordanes, for mending of the kingis gaitt towardis the barresyett outwith Anent mend- the same, that all inhabitantis of the same quha lies reddie horssis leid ilk ane lllg of gaittls- 136 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1614. Anent mend- xx laidis of red and chinnell out of sic pairtis betuix and the park yett quhair mg of gaittis- may commodiouslie he had. To be done with all diligence as they sail be warnit, ilk persone under the pane of xl s. Statutis and ordanes that fra this furtli na inhabitant of this burgh extend nor build furtli thair biggingis nor sidwalis of thair houssis out upoun the kingis hie calseyis in ony strait pairtis of this burgh, and specialie fra the heid of the Marye wynd to the futt thairof, and fra the Bellis yett to the laird of Keris ludging, on baith the sydis of the gait, ilk persone under the pane of ane hundreth pundis. As lykwayis that na persone crave licence in contrair this act, under the pane foirsaid. Anent the narow passigis. Drummer claythis. Discharge omniga- drum. 6 June 1614. Ordanes the thesaurer to wair tuelf pundis upoun rid stemming to be ane garmount of claythis to George Craufurde, drummer, of the tounes leveray; and the drummer to weir the samyn ilk Sonday quhill they be done; and he to mak the rest of the expenssis himselff. 15 June 1614. Statutis and ordanes that fra this furtli thair be na conventioun nor meiting amangis the nychtbouris and inhabitantis of this burgh callit the omnigadrum, nather privatlie nor oppinlie, under the panes contenit in the actis of parliament, without the concurrance of ane of the magistratis of this burgh. , _ 7 1 July 1614. The counsell ordines the thesaurer, on the tounes expenssis, to put ane cais and lid on the stane bowett at the fute of the buird in the counselhous, with ane plait and tirles of irone and ane lok and key, as the provest sail direct to be done. ^ . 8 August 1614. Ressaves Harie Levingstoun, pyper, in menstrall and pyper of this burgh to serve quhill Mertimes 1615, and the counsall allowis to him sic ties and casualiteis as utheris lies had of befoir. Quha wes suorne move solito. 29 November 1614. Bradye.gram- Comperit personallie maister James Bradye, sumtyme doctour in the mer scole. grammer scole, and actit him self, of his awin confessioun, nevir to be heireftir Stane bowett. Pyper. 1614.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 137 fund calumniating, traducing, or making evill speichis of maister William Brayde,gram- Wallace, maister of the said scole, or conversing, banting, or reparing with mer scole" ony of his scoleris, thairby drawing thair myndis and affectiounis fra the maister, or yit to mak ony uther laufull caus of offence to the maister; quliilk gif he do, to be baneischit this burgh and libertie thairof and not to be repute thaireftir ane worthie to duell in the same; quhairunto the said maister James Bradye consentit. 14 December 1614. Alexander Huttoun, deacone of the skinneris, and Robert Henrysoun, Deacons re- deacone of the hammermen, being requiret yit, as divers tymes of befoir, be accept office the provest, baillies and counsell, to accept on thame the office of counsallouris as counsal- for this yeir to cum, eftir advyse and consultatioun takin be thame with thair craftis and remanent deacones, being now accompanyit with James Spittell als Waird, deacone convener, declaret and affirmet that they were expreslie commandit and discharget be the haill deacones and craftis nocht to accept the said office on thame this yeir, and thairfoir they refuisit altogider to tak thair offices on thame. Thaireftir the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, ordinit the saidis Alexander Huttoun and Robert Henrysone to be commandit to remane in waird within the tolbuitli ay and quhill they accept thair saidis offices on thame. And the saidis deacones offered thame selfis reddy to accept thair saidis offices provyding the counsall will observe the actis maid anent the nocht brniking of office within burgh langer nor tua yeiris, and that na viver- ares sail bruik office ather of magistracie or counsell within burghe. 2 January 1615. Statute and ordanit that seing thair is sindrie unlauchfull persones, un- fremen, vagabundis, and idyll levaris, that resortis fra landwart out of thair awin paroche to the frie burro wis, that ar not abill to beir burding of his Majesties service within burgh, and ar commoun hurderis of thiftis, pykries, adultereis and druckines, and ourleyis the burgh with thair wyffis and barnes, in contrair his Majesties lawis and aganis all good ordour; that thairfoir na freman and inhabitant of this burgh sail sett thair houssis within the samyn to ony sic persones, unfremen of the said burgh, except that first they cum to the magistratis and acquent them with the same and obtene licence of them thairto, and schaw testimoniall to them of the said unfremen fra quhat peroche s Act anent setteris of houssis to un¬ fremen. 138 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1615. they come and how they have behavit themselffis in lyff and conversatioun; ilk persone, setter of the saidis houssis, under the pane of fyve pundis, toties quoties, unforgevin, to be peyit to sum guid use of the burgh. And ordanes publicatioun and intimatioun to be maid heirof be bell or sound of drum as use is. 14 January 1615. David Aikin confest the abusing of nychtbouris be subscryving of bandis for pairteis that can nocht writ thaimselfis, nocht being ane publick noter, and thairfoir the counsell, of his awin consent, banishes him this toun, and certifies him gif he be fund heirintill agane, eftir the first day of Februar nixtocum, he salbe scourget throw the toun and never sufferit to cum within the same agane. 3 April 1615. Anent the _ Anent the supplicatioun gevin in . . . in name and behalff of the catioun^U^pli" saidis deacones and haill freman of craft of the [burgh,] makand mentioun that quhair, nochtwithstanding it pleasit his Majestie, fyve yeiris syne or thairby, to gif directioun that the haill burrowis of this realme sould elect and cheis thair magistrattis furtli of merchand trafficqueris and actuall burgessis, in- duelleris of thair awin burghis, quhilk wes onlie done to exclude sum nobill men fra bering office of provestrie in sum of the speciall burrowis, and that the counsall of the burgh sould be cliosin conforme to the act of parliament, quhilk wes done onlie for satling of ane quyet governament in sic tounes quhair questioun wes of the cheising of thair counsall and quhair the counsall of the toun consistit of gentlemen and not of actuall burgessis; yitt, in consideratioun of the great inquyetnes, hurt, and detriment, that micht aryse upoun the alteratioun and change of ony lovabill auld governament that hes bene in ony burgh, it wald have pleisit his Majestie rather to have dispensit with the preceis observatioun of his Majesteis lawis in that behalff nor by strait urging the observance of the same to have cassin louss the myndis and affectiounes of the induelleris of his hienes burrowis by imbraceing ony novatioun and change of thair auld and wounted formes of governament, quhilk with so lang peace and quyetnes to the weill of thair awin tounes they have injoyit; and the saidis craftis douttit not bot the provest, baillies, and counsall of this burgh, knawis weill aneuche quhat distractioun, baith of myndis and affectiounes, is amangis thame baith, and quhat hinder and latt the best workis of this burgh Act anent setteris of houssis to un- fremen. Banishment, David Aikin. 1615.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 139 did ressave by the change and alteratioun of thair auld forme of governament, Anent the quhilk gif they could seutablie agrie upoun amangis them selffis to reduce the catioun!UPPl1 same to thair auld wounted and lovable forme it wald nather displeas his Majestie nor his hienes commissionar the erle of Mar, quha wes deput for that effect to sie the said alteratioun maid, lyk as he lies declairit baitli to the saidis provest, baillies, and sindrie of the counsall of the toun, and to thair pastouris, that it sould content him gif they and the saidis craftismen sould agrie amangis them selffis upoun the change thairof. And, seing the saidis craftis ar of mynd, God willing, in tyme cuming, to neglect na thing that lyis in thame quhilk may tend to the advancement of the weill and quyetnes of this burgh, and to indevoir them selffis to the utermest of thair power to hald hand with the provest, baillies, and counsall of this toun thairto. Desyring, thairfoir, for the respectis abone writtin, that the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, wald repone the saidis craftis to thair wounted libertie and plaice in counsall and in magistracie agane quhilk thai had, befoir this lait novatioun, monye ages of befoir past all memorie of man,—to witt, that they may have thair haill deacones on the counsall, and ane of thair number to be ane baillie, quhairby thair may be ane greatter hermonye and conformitie amangis thame nor lies bene tliir four yeiris bygane. . . . [Members of the council and craftsmen having conferred in regard to the supplication, the council asked answers by the crafts to the following articles:]—A desysting, at leist for sum space of yeiris, fra the persute of the merchand gildrie except they renunce thair craft, conforme to the act of parliament. Secuudlie, a voluntar contributioun for purchessing of a new infeftment to the toun of thair auld liberties and landis as utheris burghes lies done in this Kingis tyme. Thirdlie, a consent to the ladill dewtie as the toun lies had of auld, and as utheris tounes lies, with ane impoist of viij d. of ilk browst for help of the commoun gude. And last, a consent to transact with my lord of Fentoun for a rycht of the tounes mylnes, and, being transactit with him thairfoir, a consent to tliirle the toun thairto, as utheris tounes ar that lies mylnes of thair awin. Quhilkis articles being first agreit to be the craftis, the counsall is content thaireftir to repone sa monye of thame baith to the place of the counsall and of the magistracie as for the peace and quyetnes of the toun sail seme expedient to the burrowis and to the erle of Mar, his Majesties commissionar appointet for sailing of that difference. . . . [In answer, the crafts declared that till first they] be reponit to thair 140 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1615. Anent the haill plaice of tlie counsall and magistracie, to witt, that the haill deacones be putt on the counsall foiranent als monye merchandis, and ane craftisman be a baillie, they will nawayis condiscend to the articles foirsaidis, nather yitt will thai submitt thame selffis thairanent. cvaftis suppli- cationn. Act for Johnne Cwn- ynghame, baillie, his cuir. Act, watch¬ ing. Ministeris ineill. 28 August 1615. Findis that the hurt and wound laitlie gevin be Aulay M'Aulay to Jolmne Cwnynghame, baillie, wes done to him in the executioun of his office, and thairfoir ordanes for his bettir cuiring of the said wound that Thomas Bachope, thesaurer, sail becum debtour to James Kynloche, chrurgian, for the soume of tua liundreth merkis money as the toun and he lies aggreit; and for the thesaureris releiff, the counsall dedicattis and assignis the ordinar fies this yeir dew to the provest, baillies, dene of gild, thesaurer and clerk, extending to xxxvj li.; and of the unlawis this yeir the provest and baillies assignis to the said thesaurer the sowme of xl pundis, quhairof they sail caus him be payit; and the sessioun of the kirk sail be delt with to gif out of thair box xl li.; and the dene of gild and his brethir sail be delt with out of thair box to gif according to thair guid plesour; and the toun themselffis, out of thair commoun guid, sail gif xl lib., with ane voluntar contributioun of nychtbouris, quhairof the thesaurer sail be comptabill to the toun of the superplus accord¬ ing to his intromissioun; and thair sail be allowit to him the intres and annuell of the said sowme of ijc merkis incais he be compellit to borrow the same, with all coistis, chargis, and expenssis the counsall sustene thairthrow. 6 September 1615. Ordanes ane wetch of four persones nichtlie, viz., four of ilk quarter about of the toun, to watche the wardhous and tolbuyth of this burgh and attend upoun Aulay M'Aulay during the counsallis will; and for thair bettir watching ordanes the thesaurer to furneis nyclitlie to the watcheris xii d. worth of candill to gif licht to thame in the nicht; and the officiaris to warn thair quarter nicht about, and the persones refusaris to watche to pay to the officiaris v s. for ilk persone, and the officiaris to supplie his place, and farder the perfones refusaris to watch to be wardit during the counsallis will. 18 December 1615. [Inquiry having been made of the craftsmen] quhither or nocht they wald 1615.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 141 satisfie maister Patrik Symsoun, minister, of the aucht bollis meill quhairof Ministeris the craftismen lies bene in use of payment to him as ane pairte of his stipend mei11, thir money yeiris bigane . . . declared and ansuered that the haill craftis had concludit and determined that they wald nocht ansuer nor satisfie the said maister Patrik of the foirsaidis aucht bollis meill of the yeiris abonewrittin [1614 and 1615] nor in tyme cuming. 23 August 1616. Findis and concludes that in all tyme cuming the deacone convenare, nor Deacones remanent deacones of craft of this burght, sail nocht juge nor decerne in na ietuixcraftis- mater of injurie, troublance or blude, betuix craftisman and craftisman, nor men. yit sail caus thair officeris poynd ony craftisman, be virtew of quhatsumever thair awin demeritis, without the same be first allowed of be the magistrattis and ane command gevin be thame to thair officeris to concur with the convenares officer; and gif the said convenair and deacones of craft do in the contrair heirof they salbe unlawed thairfoir toties quoties in the soume of xl li. And Robert Henrysoun, convenair of the saidis deacones, protestit in the contrair. 21 October 1616. The provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, ratifeis and appreves the act Act, baxteris. of the generall conventioun of burrowes maid in favour of the baxteris of Dunfermling, the sevint day of Julij the yeir of God jm vjc and tuelf yeiris,1 be the quhilk the toun of Sterling is ordinit to suffer the toun of Dumfermling to sell thair breid in the mercat at the mercat tyme of day, provyding thair xij d. leaf wey twa unces mair nor the xij d. leaf of Sterling, and to be als sufficient breid; with this additioun that the breid of Dunfermling be nocht presentet to the mercat of this burght befoir aucht houris in the morning, and byde na langer in the mercat nor tua houris efter none, under the pane of confiscatioun of the same to the tounes use. 4 November 1616. [Ordained the following agreement to be inserted in the council book:]— Articles of We, deacones of craft, craftismen, maltmen, and utheris of the burgh of aSriemenb ' _ mercnancus Sterling undersubscryvand, for ourselffis and our successouris, acknawledging and craftis. 1 Convention Records, vol. ii., p. 351. 142 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1616. Articles of ourselffis for the present to be in the reverence of our magistrates for certane merchandis oversychtis layed be tham to our charge, quliairof sum of ws ar alreddie and craftis. tryit and utheris under proces to be tryit befoir tbame; quhairanent we have submittit our selffis to tham, and in all dewtifull respectis promittis, be the sallis and treuth in our bodyes, in all tyme cuming to obey and follow our saidis magistratis in all thair lauchfull directiounes, tending to the peace, quyetnes, and weilfair of this burgh. And for thair bettir satisfactioun we grant and consentis to the articles and conditiounes particularlie underwrittin now sett doun be tham to ws, thay ar to say:—In the first, we ar content to exhibite and produce befoir our saidis magistratis of this burgh the haillbuikis of craftis, and speciallie of the baxter craft, sic as war writtin be umquhile Johnne Allan, John Leggett, and John Archibald, to be sene and considderit be thame quliat unlauchfull actis and statutis ar sett doun thairintill, to be reformed and corrected be the magistratis; and that Thomas Tailyeour, baxter, exhibite and delyver to thame the new ensenyie laitlie careit be him the last wapinschawing of this burgh, to be usit be tham at thair will and plesour; and that he gyf in the tounes evident quhilk he hes to the charter kist, quhairof ane autentik copie thairof may be gevin to the craftis under the subscriptioun manuall of thair commoun clerk. Item, we acknawledge all meittingis, gedderingis and conventiounes of the haill deacones of craftis with thair brether togidder upoun ane day, as hes bene accustomat, 011 the hillis of this burgh, to be altogidder unlauchfull, hurtfull and improfitabill, baith to our selffis and to the haill toun, and sail abstene thairfra in tyme cuming, ilk deacone present at the saidis meitingis under the pane of warding xxiiij houris and payment of ane unlaw of tuentie pundis; provyding this be not prejudiciall to everie deacone of craft to convene and meitt with four or sex maisteris of his awin craft to intreat upoun materis of thair awin craft allanerlie; and quhen ony mater of questioun or importance sail be proponit in the counsall of the toun, it sail be lesum to the haill deacones of that yeir to convene and meitt togidder befoir the nixt counsall day to advyse and consult amangis themselffis 011 the mater proponed, that ansuer may be maid and reporttit thairof agane to the counsall; and it sail be lesum to the saidis deacones to meitt amang thamselffis for ony mater of craft at uther tymes quhen they pleis, but ony gaddering of mae deacones or craftismen thairto be ony maner of way; and in the saidis meittingis thair 1616.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 143 sail be na jurisdictioun of the magistrattis usurpit be us, nor yit sail we judge Articles of ony mater of debt, blude, injurie, or trublance, bot sail onlie liandill materis merchandi's of our awin craft, undir the pane of ten pundis to be payit be the deacone, ancl- craftis. ane or mae, that sail liappin to usurp the said jurisdictioun. Item, we agrie that in all wapinchawingis thair sail be na baneris nor pinsallis brocht furth nor careit, bot onlie the Kingis standart to be careit be ane quhom the magistratis and counsall sail appoint, with the merchandis and craftis standart accompaneing the same, to be liftit in a quyet and decent maner as the magistratis sail direct, and na deacone nor uther craftisman sail clame to him selff in the saidis wapinschawingis, nor na uther publict meitt- ingis, ony commandiment or charge over craftismen, nor yit carie in thair handis as commanderis or ledaris ony quliytt stalfes, under the pane to be repute factious and dissobedient persones and puneischit thairfoir as accordis. Item, we agrie that thair be ane generall stent raisit aff the haill in- habitantis of this burgh for bigging of ane strong and sufficient wardhous, out of the quhilk presoneris may not escaip, and for purcliessing of ane new infeftment to the toun of thair awin liberties and commoun landis, provyding the said infeftment be equalie advysit alsweill for the craftis as for ony uther estait of the toun. Item, becaus maister Patrik Sympsone, minister, lies bene unpayit of the craftis pairt of the tuentie bollis meill quhilk he had of the toun, [for years 1613,1614 and 1615,] thairfoir we promeis to pay [for these years and] in tyme cuming for his lyftyme. Item, becaus the toun lies lytill commoun gude or meinis, ather to intertenye thair ministerie, thair kirk, tolbuyth, brig, schoir, calseyis, schole, or uther commoun warkis and effairis, quhilk can not be sustenit without the rents and commoditie of mylnes as utheris tounes lies, thairfoir how soone the toun may have occasioun to acquyre and gett mylnes able to serve the toun, we the saidis craftis, maltmen, and utheris vndersubscryvand, for our selffis and our successouris, sail consent and grant, with the remanent inhabitants of this burgh, to thirle ourselffis to the saidis mylnes for siclyik servyce and dewteis paying as the burrowis of Lynlithgow or Glasgow payis and gevis, but any gainstanding quhatsumever to be maid be ws in the contrair; provyding that sum of the craftis and maltmen be pairtneris in the undertaking to gett 144 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1616. Articles of and acquyre the saidis mylnes for the weill of the toun, gift thai sail imbrace mercbamlis the same as utheris sail offir and undertak to do thairfoir. And unto the and craftis. tyme that the saidis mylnes be acquyred and had we are content that thair sail be ane impost of viij d. liftit of ilk browst of aill or beir that sail be fra this furth browin within this burght, with tua schillingis of ilk fyve firlottis of landwart malt that sail be browin within the same and not presenttit to the mercatt, in contentatioun of the ladyll dewtie thairof quhilk is defraudit and preiudgit be not presenting of the same to the mercatt as it aucht to be, con- forme to the act of parliament. Item, we ar content, consentis and aggreis, that the deacones of craft be chosin yeirlie in tymes cuming efter this maner . . . [After prescribing the form of election it is provided that four deacons are to be on the council in addition to another craftsman who is to be chosen a bailie.] Item, for augmenting of the commoun guid of this burgh, the magistratis and counsall aggreis that, quhill the toun acquyre and gett mylnes abill to serve them selffis as is befoir contenit, thair sail be proffeit maid yeirlie to the toun of all weyabill merchand wairis, sic as lint, hemp, irn, woll, and utheris subject to great wecht, brocht and sauld within this burgh, according to the custome and ordour of the new weyhous of Edinburgh in all respectis. And, quhill ane weyhous and wechtis be had for that effect within this burgh, the gild brether and merchandis ar content to giff yeirlie to the toun for the help of thair commoun guid the sowrne of fourtie pundis. Item, it is aggreit that na craftisman by, top, nor sell ony merchand wairis, sic as silk, pasmentis, buttounes, fustianes, buckesie, bukrum, poldavye, foran clayth of all soirtis, baling, nor na uther stapill wairis quhatsumevir, in hurt and preiudyce of the merchand gildrie, under the pane of confiscatioun of the same to the tonnes use; reserving always to the saidis craftismen and thair successouris actioun to sute the previledge of the merchand gildrie as accordis of the law. Nathir yit that ony merchand by, to top or sell, ony handy work belanging to craftismen, sic as brydill bittis, brydillis, stirrep irnes, stirrep ledderis, maid girdis with buckillis, irn hors cambis, spurris, buittis, schone, pantenes, and pickedaillis, nor na utheris handye work maid within this burgh belanging to ony craftismen quhatsumever, in hurt and preiudyce of the saidis craftismen, under the pane foirsaid of confiscatioun of the same to the tounes use. 1616.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 145 Finallie, we ar content that sa monv of us the saidis craftis and maltmen Articles of . tl°T16H16nt as sail be tryed giltie, befoir our saidis magistrates, of the devysing, assisting merchant's and countenancing of the said new handsenyie careit be the said Thomas ancl craffcls- Tailyeour the last wapinschawing day, or of ony uther insolencie and dis- ordour committit be ony of us within this burgh at ony tyme bygane preced¬ ing the dait heiroff, eftir tryall and cognitioun of the same, sail cum thairfoir simpliciter in the saidis magistratis awin willis. Bot the saidis magistratis declairis that sa monye of us as hes or sail subscrvye thir present articles of aggrement befoir sett doun, sail be frie of all puneischment, baith in thair persone and guidis, sa far as the saidis magistratis may lay to our charge for the caussis foirsaidis. Lykas, thay promeis to indevoir thamselffis to the lordis of his Hienes previe counsall to procure the releiff of sa much of us as ar com¬ mittit to waird furth of our wairdis quhair we remane, to the utermest of thair credeit, except for the pairt of the said Thomas Tailyour, quha wes the princi- pall devysar and hame bringar of the handsenyie foirsaid and of the factious band maid thairanent. And to the effect that thir articles and conditiounes of aggriement abone- writtin, now concludit upoun betuix the magistrattis of the said burgh and ws the saidis craftismen, maltmen, and utheris undersubscryvaris of the same, may tak the bettir succes and effect, and the toun retenit under tliame in the greater peace, amitie and love, thay and we all in ane voice faithfullie pro- mittis, in all tymes cuming, to observe the kirk for heiring of Godis word with greater reverence and cair nor we have done in tymes bygane. 16 December 1616. Ordanes all the nychtbouris of this burgh to remove thair fuilyie aff the Anentremov- hie streittis, and nocht to lay the same thairupoun heireftir nor suffer the ^fd^jno.s same to ly langer norxxiiij houris eftir the same is brucht out of thair houssis and cloissis; and ordanes all the present middingis to be tane aff the streitis betuix this and the first day of Januar nixt. Statutis and ordanes that all nychtbouris and inhabitants of this burgh Anent the mend and repair the calseyis foiranent thair houssis, with all possibill dili- streittli3, gence, and uphald the same in all tyme heirefter conforme to the ordour of burgh, and to flag their gutteris quhair they sail be appointit be the magis¬ tratis, sufficientlie, at thair sycht and thair maister of work. T 146 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1617. Mrs. Mur- rayis favora- bill lettre. Ministrie, bookis. Barresyett. Gilting gold. Brig. 6 January 1617. Comperit maister Patrik Sympsone, minister of Chrystis evangel at the kirk of Sterling, and presentit, exhibite, and delyverit to the saidis pro vest, baillies and counsall, aire letter direct to hinr beiring that dame Elizabeth Schaw, Mres- Murray, had willit him to schaw to the counsall that for the good scho buir to the toun scho wes of mynd to bestow on the hospitall, to the support of the puir, ane hundreth pundis scottis yeirlie daring hir lyftyme, the payment to begin at Yule last; quhilk lettere abonewrittin is daittit 23 of November last, and is ordanit to be keipit be the counsall as a warrand to tham for the caus foirsaid; for the quhilk they gif the said Mres- Murray hairtlie thankis. The said maister Patrik Sympsone exponit and schew that it having plesit Sir Robert Douglas to advance the librarie of this burgh with certane bookis, viz., Zanchius worlds, in thre volumes, pryce xxxiiij li.; Historia Tuanj, in tua volumes, pryce xx li.; Plinij Historia, xij li.; extending in the haill, the pryce of the saidis bookis, to iijxx vj li.; quhilkis bookis war brocht hame to this burgh be Dougall Galloway, travelar, for the quhilk wes payitto him be the said maister Patrik Symsoun, xiij s. iiij d. The said maister Patrik Sympsone promittit that the saidis bookis sail be forthcummand to the toun and ministrie thairof eftir him, and they sail have rycht thairto eftir his deceis. 12 May 1617. Ordanes the heid of the barresyett to be hichtit, mendit and repairit, with stane and lyme, with all diligence, at the siclit of the magistratis and thair maister of wark; and ordanes the maister of wark to agrie with work¬ men for this effect. Lykas, the counsall hes aggreit with Duncane Patersoun for tua hundreth laid of stanes, and ma gif he may have thame, to be win be him out of the craig foiranent his barn dur in the Craigis, for v li. the hundreth laid, quhilk he promeissis to do and lay out, and to begin the winning thairof agane Mononday nixt. Ordanes the thesaurer to by sum leavis of gold to gild his Majesteis armes, the croce, and tolbuyth. Ordanes the thesaurer to repair the brig, and for that effect to caus cast feall to serve the turn out of the furris of the Brighauche. 1617.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 147 26 May 1617. Ordanes William Fothringham, thesaurare, to borrow, for the tounes Thesaurar; adoes anent his Majesteis preparatiounes, the soume of fyve hundreth merkis for annuell till Mertimes nixtocum. tiounes. Apointis maister Robert Murray to mak and deliver the speiche to the Kingis entrie. Kingis Majestie at his first entrie in the toun, conforme to the directioun of the counsallis lettre. 2 June 1617. Ordanes the thesaurer to mak a scaffald for reparatioun of the tolbuyth Tolbuyth. with laid thairupoun, and to prepair all materiallis thairfoir. 15 July 1617. Ordines William Fothringham, thesaurare, to borrow for proffet and Act, trea: annuell, quhill Witsonday nixtocum, the soume of ane hundreth pundis to entrie. Kmgls the tounes use and adoes, agane the tyme of his Majesteis cuming; for releif quhairof it is statut and ordinet that the liaill fynes and unlawes of courte that salhappin to fall and vaik. within this burghe fra this furth quhill Michaelmas [next, and longer if necessary, should be uplifted by the treasurer.] James Reid, ane of the groomes of his Maiesties slauchter hous, is ressavit Reid, groom and admittit to the libertie and friedome of ane nychtbour and burges of this °,f KY¥1S J o slauchter burghe, and that gratis. hous. Ressaves maister Myllingtoun, ane of the purviaresof his Majesties wynes Myllingtoun, in the wyne seller, to the libertie and fredome of ane nychtbour and burges. °.f J ' jo Kmgis wines. 17 July 1617. Ressaves and admittis [the following persons to the liberty and freedom Burgesses ad- of burgesses and guild brethren, gratis:]— mitted gratis. Sir Harie Ritche, gentilman of his Majesteis previe chalmer; Sir George Goring, levetennent of the gentilmen pensionaris; and Sir Thomas Cuning- hame, siclyk gentilman of his Majesties previe chalmer. Sir Eduard Vilares, Sir Thomas Mettyme, Sir Petir Saltersoun, Sir Robert Osburne, Sir Johnne Upslie and Sir Edward Goring, equiriaris to his Majestie. Sir Arthour Teringhame, Sir Tibol Gorge, Sir Edward Winsoir, and Alexander Auchamoutie, gentilmen pensionaris to his Majestie. 148 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1617. Burgesses ad- Mr. Mylmy, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Knychtlie and Mr. Ramsay, coupberaris to mitted gratis. • T» r • ,• 6 his Maiestie. Ressaves and admittis Mr. Feilden, Mr. Dickbie, Mr. Cottrall, Williame Ker, Sir Williame Blakstoun, David Young, serjant of the scullarie; Robert Cox, clerk of the chek of his Majesteis gward; David Murray, yeman of the butterie; and Mr. Thomas Synell. James Bowyie, serjant of his Majesteis selleris; and William Bowyie his servitour. .... T 7 19 July 1617. Burgesses ad- Ressaves and admittis [the following to the liberty and freedom of bur- mitted gratis. gesses and guild brethren, gratis:]—William Sydserff of Rouchlaw, maister of his Majesteis carreage; James Hopper of Boirhoussis, Patrik Cokburne of Chappelcleuche, Thomas Wode of Grange, Johnne Hepburn of Beinstoun, and Mr. Johnne Sydserff, sone to William Sydserff of Rouchlaw. Johnne Thomesoun, ane of his Majesteis gwardrop, and John Murray, maister of the thesaurie. Harie Gib, grome of his Majesties bed chalmer; [and several others,] 20 October 1617. Banquet to Modifeis to Donald Christesone, browdinster, the soume of ten merkis Inglishmen. £Qr piDg[ng 0f the laird of Randisfurdis hous the tyme of the tounes banquet to the Inglishmen. Omnigadrum, William Rynd, maissoun, Thomas Michell, flesher, William Thomesoun, shoir maill. ^ _ f01- tliame selfis and in name of the rest of the omnigadrum, renuncet and gaif our to the toun, for help of thair commoun gude, thair pairt of the tak of the shoir dewtie, with all proffit and commodity thairof, bayth of yeiris bigane and tocum. ., _ 7 ° 1 December 1617. James Remembering the lang and gude service done to the toun be James redare11S°n' Duncanson, redare, grantis to him and his aires, heretablie, the ground annuell of xl s. addettit yeirlie furth of his tenement of land foment the Erl of Ergyles hous to St. Thomas alter sumtyme situat in the paroche kirk of this burgh. 17 January 1618. Act anent the For obedience of the letter direct to thame be the lordis of his Majesteis •)ug' secereit counsell, desyring and commanding the stowp or jug to be send for 1618.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 149 informatioun to the commissioneris apointit be the parliament for reducing Act anent the the wechtis and measouris to ane conformitie, agane the nyntene day of this •,ug" instant, ordanes the said stowp or jug to be sent to Edinburgh with Dougall Galloway to Johne Sherare, baillie, being presentlie thair, to the effect he may produce the same befoir the saidis commissioneris; and ordanes the clerk to wret to him to ressave the same, and to desyre him to be cairfull of the keping of the same. 1 ° 23 February 1618. James Schort, pro vest, producit and deliverit to Andro Japhray, ane of the Mres- Murray maisteris of the hospitall, the soume of ane hundreth pundis Scottis, quhilk he pUre_ 0 e ressavit fra maistres Murray for the support of the pure according to hir pro- mis maid of befoir; and the toun geves hir hairtly thankis for the same. 2 March 1618. Ordines the thesaurare to caus baik thrie salmond to be sent to Edin- Salmond sent burgh, ane to Mr. Thomas Houpe, and ane to Mr. James Richart, and ane to toEflin^lusF James Winrhame. 30 March 1618. Anent the complaint maid be William Duncansoun, baxter, William Anent Johne Fergussoun, cordinare, Johnne Stevinsoun and Thomas Park, nixt adjacent ^1dersons nychtbouris to the new biggit kyll of Johnne Anderson, baxter, upoun the said Johnne, quha nochtwithstanding of the act maid of befoir ordinyng the said Johnnes kill to be removet and takin doun for eshewing of farder dainger and feir of fyre and burning within the toun, under the pane of disobedience, hes sensyne put and kendlit fyre in the said kill, and thairby hes putt the saidis nychtbouris in ane new feir of fyre and burnyng, as at mair lengthe is contenit in the said complaint; the said Johnne Andersoun being personallie present, the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, ordines the said Johnne Andersoun, yit as of befoir, to remove and tak away his said kill to ane uther place toward the fute of his yaird, conform to the said last act, and nocht to putt nor kendle fyre thairin again, under the pane of ane hundreth pundis to be payed to the thesaurare of the toun for sum commoun use thairof. 4 May 1618. Nominates and apointes Johnne Sherare, James Forester, baillies, and Act anent the Johnne Williamson, clerk, to ryde to Edinburgh agane the nixt counsell day Jug> 150 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1618. Act anent the to deale for ane warrand of the jug to be disperset tbrowche the haill burrowes, ]Ug' as Lynlythgow hes done for the firlott. 27 May 1618. Mr. Jolme Grantes and assignes to maister Johnne Row, doctour of the grammer hig^psalmes" sch°le> the soume of ten merkis in feall for uptaking of the psalmes, baith oulkday and Sabbothe dayes prechingis, thairof the half to be payed be the toun and the uther half be the sessioun of the kirk. 8 June 1618. New Apointit Duncane Watsoun, Johne Johnestoun, James Robesoun, and Andro Jalfray to conduce and agrie with the couperis for making of sufficient furlott, conform and proportionable to those new furlottis and remanent measouris gevin owt be the toun of Linlithgow. 14 July 1618. Commission- The pro vest, baillies and counsell, with ane grite nomber of the eldares ens, mimstei. deacones of the sessioun of the kirk thairof and of the communitie of the burgh, being convenit in the sessioun hous of the kirk to entreat and deter¬ mine upoun the nominatioune and planting of ane minister to this kirk in the place of umquhile maister Patrik Symsoun, nominates, electis, and cheses James Forester, Johnne Sherer, baillies, Johnne Cowan, merchand, Thomas Couper, convenare, and Johnne Williamson, clerk, or ony foure of thame, commissioneris to travell to Edinburgh, and to all the pairtes of Fyff and ellis quhair, as it sail pleis God to direct thame, and thair to deale with maister Alexander Henrysoun, minister at Lucheris, maister William Scott, minister at Couper, maister David Dalglesche, minister thair, maister Johnne Carmichaell, minister at [Kilconquhar], maister Johnne Dykes, minister at Kilrynny, and maister Johnne Gillespie, minister at Kirkaldy, or with ony utheris quhom the saidis ministeris or maist pairt of tham sail nominat and advyse tham to deale with, for thair transportation fra thair awin kirkis to this kirk, upoun sic conditiones as the saidis commissioneris and they sail agrie upoun. 1 17 August 1618. Commission- Nominates and apointes maister Robert Murray, Johnne Sherer, Johnne mhiister^6 Cowane and Johnne Williamson, commissioneris for the toun to pas to the 1618. J OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 151 generall assemblie, quhilk is to convene at the burgh of Perthe, the twentie Commission- fyve day of August instant, with power to thame to intreate and deale in the ^biister^6 said assemblie for the transportatioune of maister Alexander Henrysoun, minister at Lucheris, to the ministrie of this burghe. 12 October 1618. Abrogattis and annullis that auld custome quhilk hes bene usit in this Act, ward- burgh anent the warding of fremen and utheris in thair waird within the lllg' tolbuyth thairof in oppin and fre waird, the durris being oppin upoun thame; and ordanes, in all tyme cumming, all warderis to be committit in sure waird and the durris of the tolbuyth to be lockit and closit upoun thame, and they detenit tharin ay and quliill they obey the decreitis and ordinances gevin out aganis tham. _ , 7 ° 26 October 1618. Grantes to the toun of Mussilburgh, for support of the harborie thairof, the Act, Mussil- soume of fourtie pundis. ^ 7 burgh. 14 December 1618. Concludes and ordines that the barganes offerit be the lord Elphinstoun, Commission- the lairdis of Keir, Polmais, and maister Robert Name, of thair mylnes that eris forthe J mylnes. lyes about this toun, to the tounes use, salbe hard, considderit and followet furthe, provyding the toun be nocht thirllet to the saidis mylnes befoir they be als mony mylnes gottin and had be the toun as may be able to serve the haill toun, baithe somer and winter, nycht and day. 21 December 1618. Statutes and ordines that fra this furth na flescher, nather freman nor Blawin stranger, tak upoun thame to blaw ony flesche, ath'er be thair mouth or be flesche- thair ok stares, nor yit brod ony flesche for blawing of the same, under the pane of confiscatioune of all sic flesche as salbe fund sa blawin or broddettand dealing of the same to the pure, unforgevin. 19 April 1619. Apointes . . . commissioneris for the toun to my lord St. Androis, Commission- ares for c minister. at the aproching synodall assemblie in Edinburgh, to sute and deale for the ares for ane transportatioune of maister Henrie Fethie, or ony uther quha salbe thocht be the saidis commissioneris mair meitt to be plantet minister of this burghe. 152 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1619. 18 July 1619. Anent the The counsell ordines the obites and ground annuellis belangand of aid to the chaplenes of this burgh, and now to the toun, to be collectit and takin up of the yeris [1617 and 1618], and in all tyme cuming, and remittes the same of all utlier yeiris preceding, provyding that thankfull payment be maid of the saidis byrunnis but poynding; and sic as will nocht pay unpoyndet, ordines thame to be poyndet of all yeiris and termes sen thair last discharge. 7 February 1620. Ministrie, Ordines Williame Mureheid, thesaurare, to ansuer and pay to maister prechmg, &c. jjar-e ReviDgStoun for the help maid be him to the toun in his ministrie and preching and administratioune of baptisme and mareage,this lang tyme bigane, of the soume of ane hundreth merkis. 23 February 1620. Act, The saidis provest, baillies and counsell of this burghe, representing the LowReSephe haill communitie thairof, efter tryall and cognitione takin be thame of the minister. literature, lyf, and conversatione of maister Josephe Lowrye, minister at the kirk of Leuzie, and how apt and able he is to exerce the cure and functioun of ane minister of this burghe, hes conducet and apointet with him for his acceptatione of the said ministrie that he sail haif in stipend yeirlie the soume of fyve hundreth pundis money of this realme, quhilk, with the viccarage of this kirk reservit to James Duncanson, present possessour thairof, during his lytyme, is be the lordis commissioneris of the last parliament assignit to the minister serving or that salhappin to serve the cure of this kirk, to be payed be the erle of Mar, principall takisman of the teindschaves of the samin kirk. And in contentatioun of the foirsaid viccarage during the said James Duncan- O O sones lyftyme, the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, bindis and obleissis thame and thair successouris, and thair thesaurares in thair names, to content and pay yeirly to the said maister Josephe, during his remaining minister of this burgh, the soume of ane hundreth pundis, with tua mairtis yeirly at AlhalJow- mes, by and attour the mans and gleib, quhilk salbe the said maister Josephes haill provisioun for his ministrie of this burghe. . . . And he obleissis him to transport him self and his familie and to enter to the said ministrie betuix this and the first day of Junij nixtocum. And he sail nocht be haldin 1620.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 153 to preache ofter nor twyse on the Sabbothe day, or ellis anes on the Sabbothe Act, day and anes on the Twysday or Thuresday, oulklie. And the toun faithfullie LowrieSephe promessis to provyde and furnes to him ane helper how sone maister Harie minister. Levingstonn leaves af to preche on the Twysday as he hes bene in use to do thir twa yeiris bigane, quhilk helper salhaif ane chalmer or twa in the said mans gif he pleis for his studeing. And how sone the said viccarage sal- happin to vaik, be deceisof the said James Duncansoun or utherwyes, the said maister Josephe obleissis him to sett, lykas be thir presentis he settis the same to the saidis proveist, baillies and counsell, and thair successouris, during all the dayes of his lyftyme, at the leist salang as he remanes minister of this burghe, for the yeirlie payment to him of the said soume of ane hundreth pundis and of the saidis tua mairtes now acceptit be him in contentatioun of the said viccarage as is befoir contenit. , ° 20 April 1620. Findis and thinkis it meitt and expedient that the prothocoll buikis Anent the of umquhile Sir Williame Litstar, Johnne Grahame, Johnne Mushet, Andro colhs^10^0" Buchannane, James Oswald, Robert Ramsay, and Johnne Hog, salbe travellit and delt for with maister Alexander Hay, deput in that pairt to my lord clerk of register, to be had and inbrocht to the commoun kist of this burghe for the guid of the toun and nychtbouris thairof, and thairfoir geves commissioun to the provest [and three others] to deale and agrie with the said maister Alex¬ ander Hay for the saidis prothocoll buikes, and to offer and gif him for the same the soume of four scoir or ane hundreth pundis, with ane double angell to his servandis. ^ 22 May 1620. Maister Williame Row is ressavit and admittet to be principall doctour Mr. William of the grammer scole, teacher of musik, and uptaker of the psalrnes in the Row'doctour- kirk, for the space of ane yeir to cum, quha promesed faithfullie to discharge the saidis offices, for the quhilk the toun grantes him in feall as doctour tuentie rnerkis, and as teacher of the musik and uptaker of the psalrnes tuentie li., with aucht s. in the quarter betuix him and the utlier doctour, and sex s. viij d. in the quarter for teaching of the musik to ilk toun bairne in scollage and benevolence of strangeris. 9 July 1620. Ratifeis and appreves the lait act of the generall conventioun of burrowes Anent the 154 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1620. Anent the electioun of magistratis ancl counsell. Thesaurear, cutting for the stone. Prothogollis. Anent the new mesouris. maid anent the ordour and maner of the electioun of the magistrates and counsell of this burgh in all tyme cuming, quhilk is ordinit to consist and stand of the number of tuentie ane persones, to wit, of the provest, foure baillies, deane of gild, thesaurare, all merchandis and gild brother, uther sevin mercliandis and gild brether, and sevin deacones of craft, but prejudice of ony heid, article or conditioune, agreit upoun betuix the toun, merchandis, and craftismen, anent the comoune weill of this burgh of befoir. And the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, obleissis thame and thair successouris to observe and keip the said ordour of electioun prescrivit be the saidis burrowes1 in all tyme cuming. 2 October 1620. Ordines Williame Mureheid, thesaurare, to gif to Malcolme Forester the soume of ten merkis for his help to satisfie the cure of the cutting his sone of the stane. 17 November 1620. Ordanes William Muirheid, thair thesaurer, to pas to Edinburgh, with all dilegence, and satisfie maister Alexander Hay his hundreth pundis for the prothogollis, and to ressave the saidis prothogollis. 4 December 1620. Ordines fra this furth the haill furlottis, pekis, half pekis, and fourt pairt pekis, that salbe gevin furth of this burghe ather to nychtbouris or to out- landis men, salbe all jedgit, burnt, and merkit with the toun irne be the dene of gild and thesaurare; for the quhilk ilk nychtbour sail pay vj s. viij d. for marking of the firlott, iij s. iiij d. for marking of the pek, half pek, and fourt pairt pek; and ilk landwart man sail pay for marking of the firlott xiij s. iiij d., and for marking of the pek, half pek, and fourt pairt pek vj s. viij d. to the use of the toun. And ordines the saidis mesouris to be all maid agrieable to the act of parliament. And that na couper within this burghe gif out ony measouris befoir they be first markit and burnt with the tounes irone as is befoir contenit, under the pane of ten pundis; and gif ony firlote, pek, half pek, or fourt pairt pek, be fund within this burght unmarkit and burnt in maner foirsaid, the pairtie with quhome it salbe found salbe unlawit thairfoir in the soume of tuentie pundis and the mesour itself burnt and destroyet, and the 1 Convention Records, vol. iii., p. 110. 1620. J OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 155 stuff quliilk salbe fund sauld and deliverit thairwith to be confiscat and esheit Anent the , i , new mesouris. to the tounes use. 6 December 1620. The provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, hes conducet and agreit with David Mur- David Murray, musiciane, to be a doctour in the grammer schole of this doctour burgh e for teaching of the Ingleshe reding and writting, teacher of the musik and uptaker of the psalmes in the kirk, for the space of thrie yeir and ane half nixtocum, under the charge of maister James Edmestoun, principall maister of the said grammer schole; for the quhilk cure the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, grantis to the said David Murray in feall the soume of fiftie merkis money [yearly] ; togiderwith aucht s. in the quarter for schollage and buirde of ilk toun bairne that sail leirne to reid and write, and sex s. viij d. mair of ilk toun bairne that salbe teachit in the musik, and libertie to haif of outlandis bairnes according to the benevolence of parentis. 18 December 1620. Comperit Williame Sherer, merchand, and for obedience of the charge Anent the gevin to him for delivering of the prothogall buikes and scrollis of umquhile buikes- Johnne Muschet, producet and gaif in to Williame Mureheid, thesaurare, cer- tane buikes and scrollis of the said umquhile Johne and umquhile Johnne Grahame, his predecessour. 20 February 1622. Compeirit Alexander Stevinsoun, nychtbour, and sumtyme burges of this Alexander burgh, and confessit that he had transgressit divers actis, baith of the kirk banished™3 and toun, maid anent his abstinance fra the cumpanie of Margaret Donaldsone with quhom he hes verie sclanderuslie behavit himselff, for the quhilk thay have bene baith laitlie cairtit throw this toun and utherwayis puneischit in thair persones and ordanit to abstene fra utheris, under the pane of baneisch- ment; and thairfoir the said Alexander Stevinsone grantis himselff, of his awin consent, baith to be exylit and baneischit this burgh, and to have amittit and tint his burgeschip and libertie of the same. It is alwayis grantit to him be the magistratis that nochtwithstanding of his baneischment abone- writtin, it sail be lesum to him yeirlie, at four severall tymes, viz., at Witsonday, Mertimes, and tua fairis in harvest, to cum to this toun for doing of his lesum effairis and bussiness for the space of ane day and tua nichtis at ilk tyme. 156 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1622. Officeris, drummer and pyperis claithes. Handsenyie. New ensenyie. Entressis of boittis. Erie of Lin- lythqw, burges and gild. Mr. Joseph Lawrie, buikis. 2 June 1622. The counsell ordines the thesaurare to by and furnes to the foure officiares and to the drummer and pyper, ilk ane of thame, ane garment of rid Ingleshe kaser, viz., coit, breikis, and shankes, with whyte knettingis, wrocht in gude fassoun. 24 June 1622. The counsell desyres Johnne Sherer, provest, to provyde and by ane handsenyie of talfitie, of the tounes cullouris, in place of the aid handsenyie quhilk is altogider worne. 15 July 1622. Ordines Thomas Bachope, thesaurare, to mak payment to Johnne Sherer, provest, of the soume of thrie scoir tua li. depurset be him, at the tounes com¬ mand, in Edinburgh, for ane new ensenyie or Kingis standart. 1 August 1622. Statutes and ordines that thair salbe ane collectioun maid be William Norie, takisman of the shoir rnaill, of the entressis of all boittis this yeiralthe shoir and gevin up be him to the clerk to be buiket be him; andfra this furth that na boitt, creare, nor uther veshell be sufferit to los at the shoir quhill first they be enterit in the clerkis buikes, for the quhilk they sail pay allanerlie tua s. to the clerk, under the pane of ten pundis ilk boitt or creare, unforgevin. 12 August 1622. The provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, frelie and lovinglie ressaves and admittis ane noble erle, Alexander erle of Linlythqw, to the libertie and fredome of ane burges and gild brother of this burghe. 28 August 1622. Comperit maister James Edmestoun, maister of the grammer schole, quha presentet they sex buikis, viz., Zanchius thrie volumes, Thuanus Historie in tua volumes, and Plinius Naturall Historie, quhilkis wer dedicat be Sir Robert Douglas to ane librarie within this burghe, and maister Josephe Lowrie, minister of this burghe, being present, ressavit the saidis buikis in custodie and keping and promessis to mak the same furthcumand to the toun quhen he salbe requyret. 1622.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 157 16 September 1622. In presens of the counsell, Johnne Sherer, provest, producet and gaif in Venting and ane compt writtin and subscrivit with his hand, quhairintill he charget him self with the ressett, in the tounes name, of the soume of aucht hundrethe and sex pundis usuall money of this realme for the prices of threttie foure jugis of bras ventet and dispersit be him amang the frie burrowes of this realme. . . . And for the grite cair, panes and travellis, takin be the said Johnne Sherer, baithe in causing mak the saidis juges and in venting and dispersing of the same amang the frie burrowes of this realme, quhilk the toun acknawlegis to be a verie glide and memorable service done be him to thame, they assigne to him the first vaiking gilbrotheris fyne that sail occur to thame. 30 September 1622. The counsell ratifeis all actis maid of befoir anent the cuming to the Anent the counsell immediatlie eftir the ringing of the bell, and modifeis the unlaw of ^fnsell°*the absens to xl d. to be instantly payed quhen they cum except they be lauch- fullie excusit be the provest; and the clerk to be send for with ane officer, seing he heires nocht the bell in his writing chalmer. And the counsell to meitt onlie everie xv dayes except sum extraordiner occasioun be offiret. The saidis provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, all in ane voce, eftir Commission- consultatioune the deane of gild with his gild brether and the convenare with for\h0edeale the haill craftis, nominates and apointes Johnne Sherer, provest, and [the clerk, mylnes. dean of guild, and convener,] commissioneris for the toun to deale, apoint and conclude, with the Erie of Kellie and the Lord Fentoun, for the heretable richt and dispositioun to be maid be thame to the toun of thair tua mylnes, with the croftis about the same, and the freir yaird and freir croft; provyding the saidis commissioneris exceicl nocht the soume of ten thousand merkis to be payed be the toun thairfoir; and als provyding that the acquyring of the saidis mylnes be the toun infer nocht ony thirlling of the toun thairto unto the tyme the toun acquyre ma mylnes, nor yit that thair be ony alteratioun or hichting of the quantitie of the multure or knaifshep that presentlie is payed. 10 February 1623. Ordines Robert Broun, thesaurare, to gif to the foure ordiner officiaris the Anent the soume of aucht pundis for thair panes and travellis to be takin in outputting Pnre- 158 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1623. Anent the and outhaiding of the unkow and outland pure of the streittis and calseyes of pure' this burgh e, and fra all menes yettis and durris, fra this furth quhill the feist and terme of Michaelmes nixtocum; and recommendis the saidis officiares to the sessioun of the kirk to liaif uther aucht pundis gevin be the kirk to thame for the said service. _ 9 June 1623. Washing in Ordenes publicatioun to be maid be bell or drum to the haill inhabitantis dischargit. within this burgh for discharging thame to washe thar cloathis in ony pairtof the tonne burne above Robert Patersones lithous, under the pane of fyve pundis, and ratifies all former actis mad thairanent. 16 June 1623. Commis- Nominates and apointes Johnne Sherer, provest, commissioner to ane facture of meting apointet be the counsell of a number of noblemen, barones, gentlemen, commodities, and burrowes, in the burgh of Edinburgh, the nynt day of Julij nixtocum, to concur with the rest of the meting by his best advyse and counsell how the manufacture of commodities necessar for the use of the cuntrie, and speciallye of the woll, may be undertakin and directit, and societies joyned and a stok maid for bringing of sa gude a wark to perfectioun; and als to advyse upoun sum overtures anent the universall miserie of the pure and the daylie grouthe of thair nomberis to be proponit to the said publict meting. 18 August 1623. Commission- Apointes Johnne Sherer, provest, and Johnne Williamsoun, clerk, com- o i-1 col lege1101 e missioneres to pas to Edinburgh with maister David Drummond to attend the counsell in the mater of the frie schole or college intendit be the Kingis o o majestie to be foundit in this burgh. 8 December 1623. Anent selling Ratifeis and apprevis the auld lovable actis maid of befoir, and to be keipit of wyne. put in executioun, anent the selling of wyne in this burgh, berand that all wyne to be said in this toun sould be onlye xij d. mair of the pynt nor in the principall heid burgh of Edinburgh, and ordanes the same ordour to be observit and keipit in this burgh in all tyme cuming; and seing it is now presentlie sauld in Edinburgh at x s. the pynt, the same to be sauld in this toun at xi s., and so proportionablie heirefter as wyne rysis and fallis. 1623.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 159 29 December 1623. Ordenes ane summondis of improbatione to be raiset at the instance of Anent the our Soverane lordis advocat and the toun aganes the aires of umquhile William an(f tounea Bell and remanent haill possessouris of the tounes landis. ... As also to ancl rise hi no* rais lettres aganes my lord Elphinstoun and his tennendis of Craigforthe for trubling the tounes fisching, or utherwyis to deill with my lord for redres of the said wrang. ^ ^ Nominates and apointes Johnne Sherare, provest, [and two others, to Commission- appear before the secret council and pursue the summons raised by the town] fishing, against Robert Ayssoun, in Craigorthe, James and Robert Ayssones, his brether sones, for incasting of stanes in the watter of Forthe to the destruc- tioun of the salmond fisching thairof. 6 February 1624. Comperit personallie Robert Ayssoun in Craigorthe, Johnne and James Act, Ayssones, his brether sones, thair, quha liumblie confessit thair fault in thair Ayssones- wilfull casting of fyftene grit stanes in that rak of the watter of Forthe nixt under the cruves of Craigorthe, laitlie in the monethe of Januar last bypast, to the grit hurt and prejudice of the tounes fishing; for the quhilk they becum in the tounes will, quha unlawet thame thairfoir in the soume of fourtie pundis, and ordinit thame, of thair awne consentis, to red and cleinge the said watter of the foirsaidis stanes betuix and the first day of Aprile nixtocum. 14 June 1624. Compeirit maister Harye Levingstoun, elder minister at Sanct Ninianes Overgevingbe kirk, and thair understanding himselff to be waik and infirme of bodye, and Levincrstoun that he hes bene hevelie diseasit this lang tyme bygane, and thairby unable minister, to discharge his ministerie as he hes done to this toun this lang tyme bygane maist dewtifullie and painfullie, the said maister Harye thairfoir hes frelie, with his blissing, renuncit and gevin over his charge and cure of the ministerie of this burgh in favouris of the toun, with all dewtie thairof in tyme cuming, so that thai may utherwyis dispose thairupoun at thair plesour. 7 March 1625. Ordines the maisteris of the almoushous to put ane ruif on the ile callit Ruif of Bowies ile. 160 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1625. Raif of Bowies ile. Keir, dissobedience, My Lord Merchestoun, thesaurer depute, etc., burgessis and gilbrether. Grammer schole. Mr. Patrick Bell, reader, etc. Bowyes ile of the kirk on the expenssis of the puir folkis silver, inrespect the commoditie of all buriallis within the said ile is destinat be the toun to the use of the pure. _ 1 2o April 162o. Anent the complaint gevin in be Johnne Sherer, provest, aganes Walter Keir, baxter, for dissobedience done be the said Walter to him in the execu- tione of his office laitlie, being commandit be the provest to gif out to him [a female prisoner who had fled to his house], the said Walter said: the devill a fut he wald lett or gif hir out to him, with mony uther disdainfull wordis. [He is ordained] to remane in waird ay and quhill he satisfie the provest for the said offence. _ , 10 August 162o. The provest, baillies and counsell, convenit, hes ressavit and admittet thair honorable and grit respectit freind Sir Archibald Neaper of Merchestoune, knycht, maister Robert Neaper of Baquhaple, and Alexander Neaper, his breither, and Mongo Neaper, servitour to the said Sir Archibald, to the libertie and freidome of burgessis and gildbreither of this burgh. 22 August 1625. Conduces and aggreis with maister David Will that, for the space of fyve yeiris nixt eftir the feast and terme of Mertimes nixtocum, the said maister David sail instruct and teache the haill youthe of this burgh, and utheris quha salhappin to be presentet to him within the grammer schole, in all the pairtes of grammer and authouris, bayth Greik and Latine, during the said space of fyve yeiris, as principall maister of the said grammer schole, and sal gif and employ himself haillilie to the teaching of the said grammer schole, and nocht withdraw himself thairfra at ony tyme during the said space but licence socht and obtenit thairto of the toun. . . . [The provest, bailies and council to pay him, yearly,] the soume of ane hundreth pundis usuall money of this realme in name of feale and stipend; and for ilk tounes bairne the said maister David salbe licenciat to tak in schollage ilk quarter of the yeir sex s. viij d., with libertie to tak of gentill mennes bairnes according to the discretioun of the gevares. 28 August 1626. The provest, baillies and counsell, hes conducet and agreit with maister Patrik Bell, sone to maister Williame Bell, indueller of Glasgw, that for the space 1626.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 161 of fyve yeiris nixt eftir the feast and terme of Mertimes nixtocum he sail serve Mr. Patrick the toun in the offices of ane reader in the kirk, clerk of the sessioun thairof, and reacler» teacher of the musike and uptaker of the psalmes, quhilkis offices he faithfullie promittis leallilie and trewlie to discharge according to his giftis,as he sail ansuer to God, during the space foirsaid. And for his service in the saidis offices the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, promittis to the said maister Patrik the haill frutes of the viccarage of the said kirk how sone it salhappin the samin to vaik, ather be deceis or dimissioun of James Duncansoun, present viccare and redare of the said kirk, togider with the haill alterages and chaplenreis of the samin kirk, quliairof the said James Duncansoun hes rycht and posses- sioun of the toun, how sone it salhappin the same to vaik as said is. And in the meyntyme, quhill the foirsaid viccarage and the saidis alterages sail happin to vaik, the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, obleissis tham, ather out of the sessioun of the said kirk or failyeing thairof furth of the commoun guid of the toun, to pay or caus be payed to the said maister Patrik Bell [200 merks yearly; with power to him] to tak scholage of tounes bairnes for teaching thame in the musik at his awin discretioun, and libertie alwyes to tak of out tounes bairnes as he and thair pairentes can agrie; and allowes to him for everie marage sex s. aucht d., and of everie baptisime tua s., and the ordiner commoditie of the registeres and of the clerkship of the kirk. 30 October 1626. Makis and constitutis Johnne Cowane, deane of gild, [commissioner to a Anent convention of burghs at Edinburgh] to consult, vote, and determine anent ane shiPPinS- sufficient number of shipis to be provydit with all warlyk furnitour to be sett out for saiftie of the countrye and preventing of the enemeis projectis and pUrp0Ssis' 23 April1627. Electis [the dean of guild commissioner to a convention of burghs] anent Commis- the mater of the restrictioune of the borrowes tred, and the taking of thair S10ner- shipis be the Dunkirkeris, the detenyng of thair men in bondage, the falling of thair commoun landis under the revocatioune, the granting of ane gift of the penall statutis, and utheris mentionat in the missive. 7 December 1627. David Stevinsone, baillie, and Thomas Coupar, tailyeour, keparis of the Anent cripple X Jonetis v° merkis. 162 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1627. Anent cripple pures box of the kirk of Sterling, granttit tham to have ressavit fra John merkis5 V° M'Nair, thesaurer, the soume of fyve hundreth merkis, quhilk wes ressavit of befoir fra crippill Jonet and destinat be hir to the use of the pure of the said kirk. 4 February 1628. ffiTbe the' Delyverit be Johnne Cowane, deane of gild, to Thomas Bachop, merchand, conservatour and James Spittell als Waird, baxter, maisteris of the almoushous or hospitall hooT almous" of Sterling, in name of the pure thairof, the soume of ane hundreth pundis money, quhilk wes left in legacie be umquhile Sir Robert Dennestoun, lait conservatour in the Law Countreis for the Scotis natioun, to the pure of the said hospitall of Sterling. Macolme Ressaves and admittis Macolme Sword, youngest sone of umquhile Sworcl, burges , . and gild Christopher Sword, merchand, burges of this burgh, to the libertie and fredome bretker. Q£ ane gjjq hrether and burges. . . . Lykas the said Macolme presentlie renunces his craft and calling of skinnercraft, and actis and obleissis him,"and thairupoun hes gevin his solemne athe, never to exerce nor use the said craft nor na uther craft within this burgh fra this furthe. 8 May, 1629. Court held by James Ramsay, creillman, son to John Ramsay, borne besyde Breichan, bailies^ a^ Marion Straittoun, his spows, Jeilles Leslie, borne in Steanhyve, and John creillman, and Lyndsay, hir sone, borne in Largs, ane bastard, being accuset be John victed. Adamsone, procuratour fiscall of this burgh, Jeillis Lennox, [and others,] for the thifteus and wrangous stealling, resetting, and intrometting with and awaye taking fra the saidis Geillis Lennox, [and others,] of certane of thair guids, geir, insicht and plenneissing, claithes, pleydes and wtheris, perteining to them, quhairof ane certaine pairt of the said gear was gotten againe fra sindrie hands as being sauld be the said creillman his wyffe, of his knawledge and command, to the saids persouns or layed in pledge to them, and wther pairt of the said gear was apprehendit and found with the said creillman and the said Geillis Leslie and hir sone at the tym of thair apprehensioun; and the said creilleman ganging throw the countrey lyk ane iydle vagabound with ane tumbe creill on his bak and nathing fund thairin to sell; and the said Geilles Leslie and hir sone haunting and resorting thair companye and ludging, eating and drinking with them, quha confessit the bying fra the said creillman 1629.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 163 and his wyffe tua cuttis and sume yeirne and tua single pleydes, quhilk Court held by apperantlie was all stollene gear; and everie ane of the saids persouns ar bathes; a" fund and tryet be thair awen confessiouns and thair depositiouns that they ar creillman, and / . others con- commone lieris and to varye everie ane of them fra utheris m thair deposi- victed. tiouns, for the quhilk they aucht to be punishit in thair persouns in exampbell of utheris. [Being tried by an assize of fifteen person s,] convictis the said James Ramsay and his spous as idle and sturdye vagaboundis and commoun pykeris and evill levaris, and the said Jeillis Leslie and John Lindsay, hir sone, as iydle vagaboundis and hanteris and resorteris in the saidis evill cumpanye and societie. And thairfoir the judges ordanis the said James Ramsay, creillman, to be scurgit throwgh the toune to the Barresyett and thair burnt on the shoulder; and the said creillmans wyffe and the uther tua persouns foirsaidis to be exiled and banishit this burgh and libertie thairof for ever ; and gif ever ony of the saids persouns be fund agane thairin to be hangit or drowned, but assyse or dome of law. 26 May 1628. The counsall ordanis na burgessis to be admittit heireftir quhill first thai Anent bur- produce thair armour sufficientlie in presens of the counsall. thai^armour 21 September 1629. Findis that Alexander Cunynghame, merchand, hes contravenit the acttis Novatioun of and ordinances of this burgh and gildrie thairof, in bigging and building with building, timber under the foirstair of umquhile James Stevinsones foirland foiranent the mercat croce of this burgh, quhairof baith the procuratour fischall and his nychtbouris hes complenit to the dene of gild and his bretherine and to the counsall. . . . Ordanes the said Alexander Cunynghame to demoleische and tak doun his said timber wark and mak all agane in als guid estait as it wes of befoir within xlviij houris eftir this present hour, under the pane of xl li. And discharges him and all utheris to do the lyk agane, or mak ony uther novatioun of building or bigging within this burgh, but licence had and obtenit of the counsall thairto, under the panes contenit in the former actis. 16 November 1629. Statutes and ordanes that fra this furthe that na baxteris within this Baxteris, burgh, thair wyfhs, barnes, servandis, nor na utheris, sell ony meaneschottis s^ottE-31" 164 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1629. JBaxteris, within the samyn, bott according to the paice and pryce of quhyt bread, con-" form to the statutis of this burgh. Bryce, buriallis in hospitallis iyle. Andro Kirk- wode ressavit in hospitall. Anentour ministerie. Hammermen contrar cor- dineris anent the beltmak- eris entrie. 28 December 1629. Statutis and ordanes that na persone quhatsumever fra this furthe be bureit in the hospitallis iyle, within the kirk of this burgh, quhill first thair be satisfeit thairfoir, be tham that craves the same, to the maisteris of the said hospitall, in name of the pure thairof, the pryces following, to witt, for ilk persone man or woman fourtie pundis, and everye bairne tuentie pundis, unforgevin; and ordanes this act to be sett doun in the kirk sessioun book, and to be dewlie observit in all tyme cuming; and discharges the maisteris of the said hospitall of taking ony les pryces nor is befoir set doun. 3 May 1630. For certane reasonabill caussis moving tham, furthe of thair pitie and compassioun, ressaves and admittis Andro Kirkwood, nychtbour and burgesof this burgh, to ane place in thair nether hospitall or almoushous, to be ressavit thairin be the maisteris thairof, and to have all dewis aperteining; provyding the ressaving of the said Andro thairto be nawayis prejudiciall to the tounes actis and ordinances maid heiranent of befoir, and that he remane and abyde in the said hospitall, and obey the directiounes of the saidis maisteris in all pointis, utherwayis he to be removit and secludit fra all benefeit thairof. Nominatis, appointis, and ordanes Thomas Bruce, provest, and John Cowane, thair deane of gild, commissionaris for tham, to ryd with maister Joseph Laurye, thair lait minister, to the archiebischop of Sanct Androis, and thair to confer with him anent the planting and satling of the ministrie, and to gif the said bischop ane ansuer of his last missive to the toun, and to sie how the said maister Joseph sail be provydit; and gif thei have occasioun to mak overtures of ony utheris ministeris name to cum heir, that thei propone maister Alexander Heurysone, minister of Leucheris befoir any uther. The provest, baillies and counsall, having at lenth hard, sene, and con- siderit the complent gevin in to tham of befoir be Robert Henrysoun, deacone of the hammermen of this burgh, for himselff and in name and behalff of his haill bretherene of craft, aganes James Houstoun, deacone of the cordineris thairof, and his hail] bretherene of craft, for boisting and dischairging of 1630.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 165 James Henrye, beltmaker in Dumblane, quha wes laitlie enterit and ressavit nychtbour and barges of this burgh, to enter with the said hammermen and thair craft to quhom thei afferme he properlie pertenis, as saidleris and uther beltmakeris in uther burrowis are in use to enter with, being a pairt and pendicle of thair calling; quhilk the cordineris affirmes in the contrair that the said beltmaker pertenis mair properlie to thame; quha being desyrit to giff in thair reasonis and ansueris of befoir to the said complent, the said deacone of the cordineris declairit he wald giff in nane for the present; and thairfoir the counsall patt the said mater in voitting to quhom the said belt- maker sould enter, quha be pluralitie of voittis fand that the said John Henrye, beltmaker, aucht properlie to enter with the hammermen and to thair craft and not to the cordiner craft for ony thing thai have yitt hard and sene, specialie in respect the said decone of the hammermen lies producit and gevin in sindrie actis and ordinances of the hammermen of Edinburgh quhilk makis in favouris of the hammermen of this burgh heir. 7 February 1631. Ordanes the haill summondis of reductioun and improbatioun, raisit and Tonnes persewit at the instance of the Kingis majesties advocat, and the provest, summondis- baillies, and counsell of the burgh of Sterling, the maisteris of the hospitall in name of the pure thairof, and at the instance of the minister of Stirling and his successouris, for the vicarage, mans, and gleib, to be presentlie tabulat and ane act of contenewatioun sett doun thairanent in the bookis of counsall and sessioun, to the effect the toun and utheris havand intres may prosequute and follow furthe the saidis actiounes at ony tyme heireftir at thair plesour. 7 March 1631. Ordanes Patrik Sword, thair thesaurer, to caus mend and repair agane Calsey and the calsey at the barresyett and toun wall at the Dirtraw, quhilk wes brokin tou^ wall, ^ _ ' a spait oi water. yisterday, being Sonday, be the great spait of water that brak out of the park loche. 21 March 1631. Charles Scherar, Scottisman, and now indueller in Dort in Holland, lies Charles instantlie at the dait heirof, out of the love and favour quhilk he hes and Sherar, minis- . . _ 1 trie and pure. beins to the said burgh of Stirling, and to the weill and standing thairof, Hammermen contrar cor¬ dineris anent the beltmak¬ eris entrie. 16G EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1631. Charles Sherar, minis- trie and pure. Craftis fynes gevin, payit, and delyverit to the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, and to thair thesaurer foirsaid in thair name, all and haill the soume of ane thousand merkis guid and usuall money foirsaid of this realme, to be bestowit and im- ployit be tham for the use of thair said kirk, ministerie or pure thairof, as thai sail think maist meit and expedient. Findis that thair hes bene ane great abuse amang the craftis of this and entressis. purg}1 tymes bygane for dealing amang tham of thair fynes and entressis quhen it wes gottin in, and not imploying the samyn to the use of thair pure decayit bretherine, wedowis, and thair bairnes, aganes all law, equitie and resoun, and to the great hurt of the craftis and in contrair the actis of burrowis; and thairfoir the counsall discharges the lyk abuse in tyme cuming, and be consent of the haill craftis deacones present, ordanes the saidis fynes and entressis to be imployit and keipit to the richt use foirsaid and to na uther use, under all hiest pane and chairge that eftir may follow. Act, silver bellis of the burgh. 12 April 1631. In presens of [the provost and bailies] compeirit personallie maister Thomas Rollok, younger, burges of the said burgh of Sterling, and become actit and obleist, of his awen confessioun, as cawtioner and souertie for John Drummond of Garnok, that he sail exhibit, present, and delyver to the proveist, or ony ane of the bailleis of the said burgh of Sterling, within the said burgh, upon the first day of Marche nixtocum, all and haill theis silver bellis, extending to the number of aucht bellis, weyand in the haill aucht unce and nyne drape weight, quhilk he wane this day, being Peace Tuesday, at the bell reace, to be rune againe the nixt Peace Tuesday betuix Bannok- burne and Sterling, and that under the paine of fyve hundreth merkes money of this realme to be payd to the thesaurer of this burgh to the tounes wse in caise of failyie. 13 June 1631. Act aganes The provest, baillies and counsall, all in ane voice, concludes and ordanes Williamsoun. in respect Johnne Williamsoun, sumtyme thair clerk, quha opinlie and voluntarlie in counsall, at Michaelmes 1627, had dimittit his office of clerk¬ ship of this burgh in favouris of the counsall, and now laitlie this day had causit summond the provest, baillies, and haill counsallouris, with thair clerk, thesaurer, and procuratour fischall, befoir the lordis for allegit ejecting of him 1631.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 167 at the said terme of Michaelmes 1627 fra his said office, quhilk the counsall Act aganes thinkis ane maist manifest abuse and wrang done to the haill toun; and williamsoun. thairfoir ordanes the said caus (being a commoun caus of the toun) to be defendit upoun the tounes expenssis; and farder ordanes and concludes that the tounes summondis and actioun aganes the said Johnne Williamsoun for thair prothogollis, bookis and warrandis, sail be prosequute and followit furthe with all expeditioun, lykwayis upoun the tounes charges. 11 July 1631. Andro Young, baillie, producit in counsall ane act of the sessioun of the Anent the kirk of Stirling, under the subscriptioun of maister Patrick Bell, thair reidar new ir e and clerk of the said kirk sessioun, of the dait the 7 day of Junij last, quhairby thaj had approvin and allowit the said baillie his procedingis in hying of ane bell to the kirk, fra my Lord Madertie, quhilk wes hung wp in the kirk steple, for the quhilk the said baillie had satisfeit and maid the rest of the expenssis in hinging the same, to be allowit be him, as maister of the kirk wark, in his comptis. Lykas, the saidis provest, baillies and counsall appreves and allowis the said Andro Young, baillie, his haill procedingis and doinges thairin, to the great creditt and decoratioun of the toun and kirk. 25 July 1631. Ordanes Patrick Sword, thair thesaurer, to pay and delyver to Johnne Bonnokburne Robene, thair clerk, fiftie merkis money for helping to repair Bonnokburne brig' brig. 7 November 1631. Ordanes that for the bettir reparatioun and uphalding of thair kirk in Reparatioun tyme cuming, and for the help and supplie of thair pure, that all the com- helpofthe* modities that sail happin to be gottin for the funerall and buriall places within Pure- the said kirk and passages to the iyles thairin, and for privat manages, to- gidder with the collectiounes for the pure, penalties and uther accidentis pertening to the kirk and sessioun, salbe collectit and ingadderit and put wp be the maisteris and collectouris thairof in ane box and purs; and quhat is necessar for the reparatioun of the said kirk the same to be first tane aff the same, and the rest to be delt and destributit to the pure as the magistratis and sessioun of the kirk sail think maist meit and expedient. 168 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1632. 5 March 1632. Copie signa- tour of Edin¬ burgh. Act anent our ministerie. Act anent ministerie and commis- sionares. Delyverit be Johnne Robene, in counsall, the copye of the toun of Edin- burghis great infeftment, daittit in anno 1603, to be putt in the counsall bowell, to the toun of Stirlingis use. 23 April 1632. The pro vest, baillies and counsall, all in ane voice, ar content with raaister Henrye Guthrye, minister at Guthrie kirk, his teiching and doctrine, quhilk thai hard twys yisterday and uther twa day is of befoir, and ar willing to have him tobethair pastor, and yit, for the peoples farder satysfactioun, desyris the approbatioun of the sessioun of the kirk, and a particular meiting of the dene of gild with his bretherine, and the convenar and the rest of the decones with thair bretherine of craft, and visitour of the maltmen with his bretherine, and to report thair willis and myndis heiranent this day audit dayis to the counsall of the toun. 30 April 1632. Being convenit for treating on the satling of thair ministerie and uther thair commoun affaires; eftir report maid this day in counsall be the dene of gild for himselff and his bretherine the merchandis, and the convenar for him selff and the liaill craftis (thair decones being present in counsall), and be sindrye utheris as sessionaris of the kirk, and uther nychtbouris of the toun, as wes desyrit the last counsall day, anent thair myndis and willis concerning maister Henrye Guthrye, minister at the kirk of Guthrie, and of his teiching and doctrine quhilk they had hard twys yisterday, being the Sabothe day, and uther tua severall dayis of befoir, declairit oppinlie that thai ar weill content and pleasit with him and his doctrine, and ar content and willing to have him to be thair pastor; quhairwith also the haill counsall of the toun war content. [Commissioners appointed to treat with the archbishop of St. Andrews and the minister for his settlement in the burgh.] 8 October 1632. Act anent the Having consideratioun of the petitioun of the commissionaris for the Glasgow toun c°Hedge °f Glasgow desyring support of this toun for the help of the edifeing and bigging of the said colledge, as utheris weill affectit bayth of the burrowis 1633.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 169 as nobilitie and gentrye hes offerit, the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, all Act anentthe in ane voice, out of the love and zaill thay have and bearis to the propagatioun Qlas^owtoun of the trew religioun and for the bettir tranyng and bringing wp of youthe at the said colledge, have frelye and voluntarlie granttit to pay for advancement of the said wark, sua weill intendit, the soume of thre hundreth merkis Scottis money, and ratefeis and approves the hand writt and subscriptioun of Thomas Bruce, our provest, putt to the saidis commissionaris book of voluntar contribu¬ tion n maid thairanent. 11 February 1633. The baillies and counsall, being convenit for treating on thair commoun Reparatioun effairis, and specialie for reparatioun of thair kirk quhilk wes greatumlie great harmit and skaythit throw the great tempest of windis on the 6 and 7 dayis of Februar instant, concludes and ordanes, for the better help and reparatioun of the said kirk for the present, that the maisteris of the nether hospitall or almoushous of this burgh presentlie ansuer and advance to the maisteris of wark of the said kirk the soume of ane thowsand merkis money of Scotland; as also that the maisteris of the kirkis box ansuer and advance furth of thair pures box for the help foirsaid the haill moneyis being thairin for the present. The counsall ordanes the tounes thesaurer to repair thair grammer scoole, Reparatioun, decayit throw the occasioun foirsaid, and putt on ane new ruiff thairon and fcoole161" theik the same with sclaitt, and putt workmen thairto with all diligence, on the tounes charges. 8 April 1633. Anent the reparatioun of the kirk quhilk wes greatumlie harmit and Act for the skaithit throw the great tempest of windis on the 6 and 7 dayis of Februar anentthe last bipast, quhairanent the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, [on 11th kirk. February authorised the masters of the hospital and of the kirk box to advance money for its reparation]; and seing thair is not so mutche reddye moneyis for the present in the said kirkis box as will help and repair the said kirk be the tent pairt, thairfoir the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, being maist willing that the pure of the said hospitall and thair maisteris thairof be nawayis frustrat, bot rather sufficientlie securit for the said soume of ane thousand merkis, [bound themselves to repay the same out of the readiest money to be collected for repair of the kirk or otherwise]. Y 170 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1633. Propyne for the King. Execution ar. Curia burgi. Anent the kings careage. Sindrye of the Kingis servandis burgessis and gild brether. The bischop of London and utheris burgessis and gild brethir. 13 May 1633. Concludis and agreis for a propyne aganes his Maiesties criming to this toun, viz., a silver coup to he maid in guid fassioun, heiche sett, with a cover onrgilt with gold, at the sicht of the magistratis, on the tonnes charges. 20 May 1633. Thomas Grant, borne in Glenalmond, under David Murray of Buchindye, ressavit and sworne servand and executionar to this toun of Stirling during his lyftyme, and sail not remove nor absent himselff aff the toun but licence of the magistratis, under the pane of daithe. 18 June 1633. Compeirit David Stevinsone and James Fothringhame, bailleis, for taking ordour anent the Kings Majesteis careage swa far as is imposit on this towne, the chairge quhairof wnder them is imposit on Walter Wallace, thair con¬ stable, sworne for that effect, and tlieis that lies horssis being warnit to this day againe nyne houris be John Forrester, official', and the compeirantes as is nottet on the roll being enjoy nit, ilk ane of them wnder the paine of xx li., and the rest absent ar unlawit ilk ane of them in x li. and ordanit to be wardit; quhairupon dome is given. ^ ^ ^ The provest, baillies, dene of guild, thesaurer, and sindrie utheris of the counsall of this burgh being convenit, the persones efternominat war ressavit and admittit frelie in burgessis and gild brethir of the said burgh, quhairof pairt being present war sworne, and utheris absent thair burges tickettis war gevin to utheris to giff to them,as followis:—Presentes, burgessis ressavit and sworne: Sir Harye Hungatt,gentilmanof his Majesties privie chalmer, Sir Richard Lechforde, gentilman pensionar to his Majestic; Sir Harye Mudie, baronet; [and 47 others, the last being] Johnne M'Beathe, servand at the Quenis Majesteis bakstairis. Burgessis absentis not sworne, quhais tickettis are delyverit to utheris to giff tham: Sir Richard Young, gentilman of his Majesties privie chalmer, [and five others]. , J 8 July 1633. The saidis provest, baillies and counsall, frelie ressavit and admittit the persones following to the libertie and fredome of burgessis and gild brether of the said burgh, quha maid faitlie as use is:—the reverend father in God, 1633.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 171 William lord bishop of London; the reverend father in God, William lord The bischop bishop elect of Helyforde; Johnue bishop of Ros; maister James Aynslie and utheris chaplane to my lord bischop of Ross, maister James Han nay, preicher at g^brethir^ Halyruidhous ; James Kirk, his servitour; [and fourteen others], 26 July 1633. Ordanes James Fothringhame, baillie, to ryd to Edinburgh, and efter AnentJohnne advyse of our tounes advocatis to requyre Johnne Williamsoun, sumtyme thair gounes'reposi- clerk, to cum to Sterling betuix and the xv day of August nixtocum, and to tioun. accept the place of clerkship thairof on him, conforme to the decreit of the lordis of sessioun. 14 August 1633. The provest, baillies and counsall, having hard the report of John Report anent Johnestoun, merchand, commissionar for this burgh to St. Androis, declairit the buriowis- that the burrowis lies concludit and ordanit that ilk burges, at the tyme of thair admissioun, fra that furthe sould giff thair aithes that thai procure no monopollis; and that all scoollis within burgh begin to teiche Wodderburnes grammer fra Michaelmes nixt, and to send to the agent of the burrowis for the bookis and pay for them; as also that na fremen sail bye nor take pairt in schipping with unfremen fra this furth, and thai that lies tane pairt alreddye sail quytt them selffis within yeir and day, under the pane of jc li. and tyning of thair libertie. 15 August 1633. Johne Robene, principall clerk, for obedience of the proveist, bailleis, and Delyverie of counsallis ordinance, this day, and of befoir at everie Michaelmes qulian he was sworne clerk, lies delyverit to Thomas Andersone, thesaurer of randis. this burgh, with consent of the cownsall, the haill buikis, prothogollis, and warrandis perteining to the towne, sen his admissioun at Michaelmes 1627. According to the decreit [of the lords of council and session] the proveist, Repositioun bailleis and counsall, willinglie reposessit and enterit John Williamsone to wnnamsoue the office of clerkshipe to be bruikit and joysit be him conforme to the said decreit and act of admissioune mentionat thairintill, be delyvering to him of ane of the buikis of caussis and commoune stampt or caschett of the said burgh. 172 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1634. Act of taxa- tiouu. Sailleris of Kirkaldie. Act, thesaurer, King's visit. Ringing of bell. Ancnt John Cowane's legacies, etc. 6 January 1634. Hailing consideratioun that Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest, Johnne Sherare, and Johnne Johnestoun, mere hand is, burgessis of the said burgh, be commissioun and poware gevin to thame from the baillies and counsall of the samyn burghe, had maid ane offir to pay to his Maiestie and to ane noble and potent marquise James marquise of Hamyltoun, collectour generall of the extentis, ordinal- and extraordinare, grantet to his hienes in the lait parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie aucht day of Junij last bipast, the soume of ten thousand merkis money of this realme for the extent of the tua of ten grantit furthe of the annuellis of the termes of Mertimes [1633, Whitsunday and Martinmas 1634, 1635, and 1636; also, £4,793 8s. Scots] for the ordinare taxatioun, and for the extraordinare taxatioun of the sextene pennye grantet furthe of the annuellis of the termes of Mertimes [1634, 1635, 1636,1637, 1638 and 1639, all to be paid together and in one sum at Whitsunday next; which offer having been accepted, the provest, bailies and council now bound themselves to pay the sums agreed upon.] 16 June 1634. Condiscendis that betuix thame and the sessioun of the kirk thair salbe gevin to the releif of the sailleris of Kirkaldie, prisoneris in Argeres, the soume of (blank). „ 7 1 7 1 September 1634. Remittis to Johnne Robesoun, travellour, the sextene pundis for his nychtbourheid and burgesship, in respect of the service done be him to the toun the tyme of his Majesteis being in Scotland, in hambringing and taking agane to Edinburgh the sport stafes and gownes. 29 September 1634. Robert Henrysoun obleist him as cautiouner for Patrick Christie, officer, that he sail attend and ring the ten hour bell nychtlie, and sail nocht leave af the ringing thairof, nor yit the ringing of the counsell bell, befoir the space of ane quarter of ane hour be first spendit. The provest, baillies, and counsell of the burghe of Sterling, being con- venit in the counsell hous within the tolbuitlie thairof, for treating upoun the commoun effaires of the same, comperit personallie Allexander Cowane, brother and air of umquhile Johnne Cowane, merchand, burges of the said 1634.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 173 burghe, and executour lauchfullie confirmet to him, and shew and declared that his said umquhile brother, on his deid bed, in his latter will and testa- legacies for ment, tuke the said Allexander sworne that he sould faithfullie performe that ^otpitan^or quhilk he wes to declair and will him to do eftir his deceis, to witt, that with decayed gild- all convenient diligence he sould provyde out of the reddiest of his guidis, ^ietllien> etc- geir and dettis, the soume of fourtie thousand merkis usuall money of this realme, quhilk the said umquhile Johnne, furthe of his zeale to the glorie of God and out of the love he had to this burghe, he had left, assignet, destinat, and apointet to be waired and bestowed upoun ane hospitall or almoushous to be buildit in sum commodious place within this burghe for sustenying thairintill the nomber of tuelf decayed gilbrother, burgessis and induellaris of the said burghe; and according to the foirsaid latter will the said Allexander Cowane, air and executour foirsaid of his said umquhile brother, being movit in conscience and dewtie to performe and fulfill his said umquhile brotheris latter will abonewrettin, producet and gaif in ane band and obligatioun subscrivit with his hand of the day and dait of tliir presentis, oblessing him to the payment of the foirnamit soume of fourtie thousand merkis for the use of the foirsaid hospitall, to be callit in all tyme cuming Cowanes Hospitall, at the termes and in maner mentionat in the foirsaid band; quhilk band and obligatioun the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, thankfullie ressavit and acceptit be the hand of Thomas Bruce, provest, and gaif God thankis quha movit the said umquhile Johnnes mynd to sa gude a worke, and they promest faithfullie to concur and assist to the perfyting of the foirsaid wark and latter will, and to sett doun ane mair ample commemoratioun thairof in all the buikis of this burghe in dew and competent forme as effeires. And farder, the said Allexander Cowane shew and declaired that his said umquhile brother had left for the use of the maister of the schole five hundreth merkis, and for the use of the secund minister uther fyve hundreth merkis, quhilkis soumes the said Allexander Cowane instantlie payed and deliverit to James Robertsoun, thesaurer, quhairof he grantis the ressait. Farder the said Allexander declared that it wes his brotheris desyre that the toun wald grant to the said Allexander and to Issobell Alexander, his mother, and to the posterite of thair bodies and of thair lyne ane buriall place within thair kirk on the north syde thairof betuix the pilleris quhair his umquhile father wes bureit, with power to set up ane convenient memoriall or monument on the 174 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1634. Anent John Cowane's legacies for erecting an hospitall for decayed gild- brethren, etc. Act, thesaurer and minister; Orkney and Shetland. Thesanrer, sone dyell. Act anent the laddell dewtie. face of the north syde wall of the said kirk, quhair thair wes ane dur of aid, neir to the Patersones ile, without closing up ony boundis of the kirk at all; quhilk desyre the saidis provest, baillies, and counsell .thocht ressonabill, and thairfoir grantis the same conforme to the desyre foirsaid. And desyres the minister, elderis, and deacones of the sessioun of the said kirk, lykewyes to condiscend thairto be act of thair sessioun buik in ample forme as effeires. 1 June 1635. Ordines James Robertsoun, thesaurer, to ressave and uplift fra maister Harie Guthrie, minister, the fyve hundrethe rnerkis quhilk wes laitlie collectit bot nocht bestowit for the support and help of the distrest and famished people of Orknay and Shetland, to be employed be the said thesaurer for sum of the tounes present neidfull adoes for the quhilk he salbe comptable to the toun; and ordines the said thesaurer to gif band to the said minister for making the lyke soume furthcumand ather to the use foirsaid of the said distrest and famished people, or to sum uther gude and pious use, as the saidis provest, baillies, and counsell, with the minister and sessioun of the kirk, sail deter¬ mine and think expedient. 31 August 1635. Ordines James Robesoun, thesaurer, to ansuer and mak payment to Johnne Service, maissoun, of the soume of tuentie merkis for his workmanship of the sone dyell sett up be him on the foirface of the clerkis lious foirnent the rnercat croce. 30 May 1636. [The council ordained the act dated 26th April, 1613,1 and decree of the privy council in fortification thereof to be registered here for confirmation of the same. The decreet is dated 11th March, 1613, and proceeds on letters raised by his Majesty's advocate and by the deacons of crafts] in name of the haill remanent craftismen, and utheris, handleris and treaderis with victuall within the said burgh of Sterling, makand mentioun that quhair thir clivers yeires bygane the maist pairt of the merclrandis of the said burgh (of quhilk sort and rank of peopell the haill counsell of the toun doethe consist, tua craftismen onlie haifing voice thairintill,) lies borne ane very great heatret and malice aganes the haill craftismen of the said toun (quhairof sum number ar 1Ante, p. 134. 1636.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 175 victuall handleris), and by all direct and indirect menes lies ever socht to draw Act anent thame to truble, faschrie, and extraordinarie great chargis and expenssis, ^^gde11 thairby to worke with thame tliair utter wrak and owerthraw; and not of long tyme syne the commissionaris who wer apointit be the lordis of his Majesties privie counsall to satle and tak away the elistis and differences standing betuix the merchandis and craftismen of the said burglie haifing, with no small panis, in some measour satled and pacefied thame in ane ressonahle good ordour and quyetnes, appyning that the saidis merchandis and thair associate suld haif na farder insist to have bereft the saidis complenaris of thair liberties and privilegis dew to thame within the said bnrgh, hot sould haif sufferit thame to have peaceablie injoyit thair saidis liberties and civilie and modestlie to haif levit besydis thame as being all memberis of ane bodie; notwithstanding, it is of treuthe that in the monethe of November or thairby last bypast the provest, baillies, and counsell of the said burgh, all of thame consisting of merchandis, except only tua craftismen as said is, assistit be some seditious and fractious persones within the said burgh, verie presumptuoslie and unlauchfullie be thame selfis, without the generall consent of the haill bodie of the said burght, (the saidis tua craftismen counselleris of the said burgh dissasentyng from thame) and without ony warrand from his Majestie or lordis of his hienes privie counsall, and als without the consent or allowance of the burrowes of this kingdome, lies statute and ordenit be act of the said counsall that the saidis complenaris, and all utheris friemen within the said burgh who sail liapin to bring ony sort of victuall within the same from ony pairt of the king¬ dom outwith the libertie of the said burgh, atber for thair awin propper use, or to be sauld be thame in smallis or in breid or drink within the said burgli for the commoun benefite of the toun, sail pay to the customair of the said burgh out of everye lead of the said victuall ane pretendit unlauchfull custome, impost, or custome callit be thame the laydell dewtie, as the said pretendit act maid thairanent at lentlie beiris, quliilk act they intend to cans be put to executioun againes the saidis complenaris. Lykas they haif alreadie, upoun the aucht day of Februar last, by opin violence and be way of bangastrie and oppressioun tane and apprehendit James Hendersoun and Walter Keir, bax- teris, burgessis and frie craftismen and nychtbouris of the said burgh, and committit thame to waird within the tolbuthe thairof for thair lauchfull re¬ fusing to inak payment of the said unlauchfull custome and as yit keipis and 176 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1636. Act anent detenis thame in prisoun and strait captivetie, they being his Maiesties frie dewtie. legis ansuerablc and obedient to his hienes la wis, and thair being no lauchfull sentence nor decreit standing againes thame. Albeit, it be of verety that nather in the said burgh of Sterling, nor in na uther burghe within this king- dome, wes thair ever ony suclie dewtie exactit or intendit to haif bene exactit be the magistratis of the burrowes fra ony frieman for victuall bocht be thame in the cuntrie and inbrocht in the saidis burrowes but the layddell dewtie of the said burgh of Sterling, and of all uther burro wis of this kingdome, uther- wyse callit the geat dychtyngis, gevin fra the beginyng to the burrowes for keiping of the geattis of the burghes cleine, is onlie extendit aganes unfremen who presentis thair victuall to the mercatis of the saidis burrowes allanerlie and na farder, as the uther small commodities presentit be the unfremen to mer¬ catis payis thair customes accordinglie; and gif this impost and custome be exactit and uptane from fremen and nychtbouris of the burgh they thairby ar in nobettercaice and conditioun nor ane unfreman,and lossis the libertie and prive- lege dew to thame within the said burgh quhairof they and thair predicessouris lies bene in peaceble possessioun sen the first erecting of the same burgh; and the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall of the said burgh, the saidis tua craftismen representing the saidis haill craftismen, and maist pairt of the bodie of the said toun dissasenting in this mater from the remanent of the said counsall, mycht noclit lauchfullie have maid the said act nor 11a suche uther statute or act as mycht haive bereft thame of thair ancient liberties and privilegis within the said burgh, and far les may they or audit they to put the said pretendit act to executioun againes the saidis complenaris or ony of the brethren of the saidis craftis, except the same had bene first authorized and apprevin be his Majestie and lordis of his privie counsall, or than that they haid had the consent of the burrowes to the making thairof, as they haif not. . . . The lordis of secreite counsall findis and declaris that the act foirsaid anent the custome of the laidill is lauchfullie maid for the weil of the said burgh, and ordenis the same to ressave executioun, with this interpretatioun, limitatioun and restric- tioun alwyse, that the said act salbe extendit onlie againes suche persones inhabitantis of the said burgh who buyes and bringis victuall to the said burgh and sellis the same ower againe in that kynd, space, and sort as it was bocht, [etc., to same effect as the act dated 26th April, 1613, antecc p. 134. The lords also freed Hendersoun and Keir from ward, and discharged the unlaw.] 1637.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 177 20 February 1637. Haifing consideratioun that Allexander Cowane of Wester Polmais hes Act, now performit the legacie of umquhile Johnne Cowane, merchand, burges of Cowane. the said burghe, maid be him of the soume of fourtie thousand merkis money of this realme left for edifeing of ane hospitall within this burghe to be callit Cowanes Hospitall in all tyme coming, in maner mentionat in the contract maid betuix the toun and the said Allexander thairanent, [the provest was instructed to deliver up his bond dated 29th September, 1634.] Nominates, electis, and cheses James Robesoun, younger, merchand, Preceptour in preceptour, thesaurer, and maister of wark of the new hospitell or Ho^pitell^ almoushous callit Cowanes Hospitell, quhill the feast and terme of Michelmes nixtocum, quha maid faithe as use is. 25 September 1637. Ratifeis and approves the supplicatioun underwrittin, gevin in be Johnne The tounes Johnnstoun, baillie, in name of the provest, baillies, and counsell of this burghe, to^heTom"11 for the haill commuuitie thairof, to the lordis of his Majesties secreit counsell sell, laitlie the [blank] day of September instant, quhairof the tenour folio wis:—My lordis of secreit counsell,—Unto your lordshipis humlie meanes and shawes we, his Majesteis maist humble and loyall subjectis, the provest, baillies, and counsell of Sterling, in name of the haill communitie thairof, that seing thair wes ane proclamatioun gevin furth upoun the tuentie day of December, 1636, for authorizing ane certane buik of commoun prayer to be the onlie forme of Godis worship within this kingdome, commanding all subjectis, baitlie ecclesi¬ astical! and civile, to conforme thameselfis thairto, and the contravenares to be condignlie censured and punishet; quhilk buike wantis nocht onlie all approbatioun of generall assembleis and ratificatioun by any act of parliament, the auctoritie quhairof hes hitherto bene fund necessar for establishing of materis of religioun and Godis worship, hot also is fund to contene a form of worship dangerouslie suerving frome the forme of religioun, worship and doctrine, quhilk we haif bene tacht and haif followit universallie hitherto sence our happie reformatioun from poprie, and according to the reule of Godis word and warrand of divers actis of parliament; and yit, notwithstanding ane warrand is gevin from your lordshipis in Julij last, 1637, to charge the 7, 178 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1637. The tounes ministeris with lettres of hornying to by at least, eche of thame, tua of the saidis to^heToim"1 buikes within fyftene dayes, for the use of the perochine, as the charge geves sell. "ws to understand, be virtew quhairof the ministeris ar begun to be pressed and the buik to be bocht and sua to draw nerar to be practised, quhairby we his Majesteis subjectis ar reddie to be brocht in straites atlier to conforme to the said forme of service and consent to snche a dangerous innovatioun of religioun, or ellis to be lyable to censures and punishmentis for nocht consent¬ ing; theirfoir it is our humble supplicatioun to your lordshipis that this our caice and difficultie may be favorablie representit to his Majestie, and your lordshipis supplicatioun joyned with ouris that we may be deliverit frome the feare of this and all farder innovationes of religioun and be incuraget to serve God and his Maiestie the mair cherefullie. And your lordships ansuer humlie we exspect. 2 October 1637. Actanentthe Ordines Johnne Russell, thesaurer, be advyse of the deane of gild and Brh'hauche'16 convenare, to caus teill and labour the Brighauche and saw the same this yeir, and for that effect to provyde seid for sawing and plewes for teilling, on the tounes expenssis. 13 October 1637. Commissioun Nominates and apointes Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest, David service buke. Stevinsoun, deane of gild, and Christopher Russell, convener, commissioneris for the toun, to petitioun and supplicat the lordis of his Maiesteis secret counsell that it wald please the Kingis majestie, yit as of befoir, to represent to his hienes the caice and difficultie of the embracing of the service buik, and that the saidis lordis wald joyne to thair supplicatioun the saidis lordis awin supplicatioun, quhairby this congregatioun may be deliverit from the feir of this and all farder innovatiounes of religioun and be incuragit to serve God and the Kingis majestie the mair cherefullie. 1 December 1637. Commissioun, Whairas thair wes gevin in to his Majesties counsall a nomber of peti- theService6"13 tiones frome the noble men, barrones, gentrie, burrowes and ministrie buke. throughout the severall pairtes of the kingdome aganes the service buke and buke of the cannones and constitutiones of the kirk and kirk governament, 1637.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 179 contenyng divers grevances to be represented to bis Majestie, and quhairas Commissioun, his Majestie hes nocht as yit declaret his gracious will and plesour anent the the^ervice6nt saidis petitiounes, and that it is thocht fitting be the lordis of his Majesteis buke. secreit counsall, for eschewing of neidles charges and uther inconvenientis, that surne commissioneris salbe nominat be everie shyre, presbiterie, and burghe, to attend his Majesties ansuer and to gif sic remonstrances as salbe fund requisite in name of those for quhome they ar commissioneris ; thairfoir the provest, baillies, and counsall of the said burghe, hes maid, constitute, and ordinet Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest, commissioner for the said burghe. 12 February 1638. Statutes and ordines that na flescheour within this burghe tak upoun hand Act, fra this furthe, at the breking of ony beif, veale, or uther flesche, to tak to thame flesclieouris- selfis ony collope of the same, bot onlie thair dewtie of tua s. viij d. the beast; so yit gif ony flescheour transgres quhatsumever statute that is sett doun and proclamit in the Bakraw yeirlie for gude ordour of the mercat, that Johnne Litlejohnne, present deacoun of the flescheouris, and his successouris deacones for the tyme, sail pay to the tounes thesaurer, or to thair procuratour fischal for the tounes use, fyve pundis, toties quoties, vnforgevin. 12 March 1638. Haifing consideratioun of the grit prejudice and harme quhilk the baxteris Act, baxteris. friemen of this burgh sustenes throw the grit abuse that hes laitlie cruppin in within the same, by sindrie nychtbouris, nocht frie to duell nor tred thair- intill, to baik, tap, and sell ait brede caikes, baitlie at ane lieiche price and ane law wecht or paise, statutes thairfoir and ordines that fra this furth in all tyme cuming na inhabitant nor indueller of this burgh tak upoun hand to baik, tap, or sell ony aitt breid caikis within the same, under the pane of confiscatioun thairof to the use of the pure and farder punishing of thame in thair person and gudis at the sicht of the magistrates, exceptand browstares that sail baik, tap, or sell aitt breid for the saill of thair aill within thair houssis, and nocht to sell the same without thair saidis lioussis. It is alwyes herewith provydet that the baxteris friemen of this burghe furnes the toun with aitt breid maid in leaves or bapes of the wecht or paise and price sett 180 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1638. Act, baxteris. doun in the table insert in this counsall buik,1 for the quhilk Christopher Russell, present deacone of the baxteris of this burghe, for him and his suc- cessouris, deacones of the said craft, salbe answerable to the toun yeirlie but fraud or gyle. _ __ 28 May 1638. Nominates and electis Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest, James Robert- soun, baillie, and Christopher Russell, convener, commissioneris to convene and meit with the nobilitie, gentrie, burrowes and ministrie of this realme, at Edinburgh, the secund day of Junij nixtocum, thair then to concur with thame be thair best advyse and assistance for resolutioun anent the Kingis Majesteis plesour, quhilk is to be declared at Dalkeyth the sext day of Junij foirsaid, for satling the commotiones of this kingdome, conforme to the missive bill direct to the toun be the commissioneris of Edinburgh thairanent. Commis¬ sioneris to meit with nobilitie, gentrie, etc. Act anent the fischer cobles. Act, Mr. William Jak. 18 June 1638. It is statute and ordinit that fra this furth in all tyme cuming na ferrie boit nor fischer coble sail pas be nycht nor day, nather hither nor yond the watter of Fortlie at the brig, nor under nor abone the same, within the tounes libertie of the watter, ather for transporting of people or uther wair or com- moditeis quhatsumever, under the pane of fyve pundis to be exactit and tane of the maister and awner of ilk boat and coble, unforgevin. 21 June 1638. I, maister William Jak, student in divinitie, grant me to haif ressavit fra James Fothringhame, ane of the baillies of the said burgh, in name of the 1 Table of aitt breid. Ait melc sauld xij penny baps sould x penny baps sould viii penny brede sould vi penny brede sould for wey wey wey wey 5 lib. 16 unce. 14 unce. 111 ance. 10 unce. 6 „ 14 ,, 12 „ 10 ,, 91 „ 7 „ Hi „ 91 „ 8 „ 71 „ 8 „ 9* „ 7 „ 71 „ 6 „ 9 „ 81 „ 6 „ 01 ?) 51 „ 10 „ 74 „ 51 „ Of ,, 42 „ 1638.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 181 provest, remanent baillies and counsall thairof, tua buikis perteining to the Act, Mr. said burgh, ane thairof callit Chemnitius on the Evangelistis, and the uther Wllliam Jclk- Cornelius Alexander on St. Paullis Epistoles; quhilk I obleissis me to redelyver bak agane to the saidis provest, baillies, and counsell, quhensoever they salbe requyrit. 16 July 1638. Ordines the gres mercat to be transportet and changet fra the hiegait to the Gres mercat bak raw foment James Couperis hous on the north syde and Thomas Allanes chanSet- hous on the southe syde. 1 October 1638. Ordines, for decencies caus and gude ordour to be observit amangis the Anent the A baillies of this burghe, that the aldest chosin baillie salhaif precedencie and of baillies16 place, baithe of sitting, ingoing, and voting, befoir ane laitter chosin baillie, but contraversie, in all tyme cuming. 8 October 1638. The provest, baillies, counsall, and kirk sessioun of the said burghe, Commis- haifing diligentlie considerit the manifald corruptiones, innovationes and ^semblie at disordouris, disturbing our peace and tending to the overthrow of the religioun Glasgow, and liberties of the reformit kirkis within this realme, quhilkis hes cum to pas especiallie throw want of the necessar remedie of generall assemblies, als weill ordiner as y>ro re nata, enjoyed by this kirk for mony yeiris and ratifeid by actis of parliament; and now seing, by the mercie of God, our Soverane Lord the Kingis Maiestie hes apointet ane frie generall assemblie to be haldin at the citie of Glasgw the tuentie ane day of November nixtocum ; thairfoir be thir presentis mominates and electes Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest of the said burgh, thair lauchfull commissioner, gevand and grantand to him thair full poware, commissioun, and expres charge to repair to the said assemblie at the day and place foirsaid, or to ony uther day or place quhair and quhen the samyn salhappin to sitt, and thair, with the rest quha salbe authorized with lauchfull commissioun, in the tounes name, to propone, treate, ressoun, vote and conclude, according to the word of God, in all ecclesiasticall materis that salhappin to be proponed, competent to ane frie generall assemblie and tending to the glorie of God and advancement of the kingdome of Christ and the gude of religioun, as they will ansuer to God and this kirk thairupoun. 182 EXTRACTS FROM THE EECOEDS [1639. Hors mercat. The provest commissioner to the parlia¬ ment. Thomas Bruce com¬ missioner to the generall assemblie. 18 February 1639. The counsell ordines that the oulklie hors mercat of this burgh, quhilk begyimes ordinerlie a litle befoir seid tyme and continewes quhill eftir that seid tyme be done, be keipit and haldin in the valey and in na uther place of this toun. 29 April 1639. Nominates and cheses Thomas Bruce of Weltoun, provest, commissioner for the toun to the parliament apointet to be haldin at the burghe of Edinburghe the fyftene day of Maij nixtocum, withe powar to him to convene, meit> ressoun, vote, and determyne in all thingis that sal liapin to be proponit and movit in the said parliament tending to the glorie of God, the weill of religioun, and gude of this kingdome. 23 July 1639. The provest, baillies, counsell, minister, and sessioun of the burgh, [appointed the provost their commissioner] to compeir in the generall assemblie of the kirk of this kingdome apointit and indicted be his Majestie out of his gracious favour for repressing the disordouris within this kirk and kingdome, to be and begyn at the burgh of Edinburgh the tuelf day of August nixtocum, with continuatioun of dayes, and thair in thair names to treate, ressoun, vote, and conclude in all materis that salbe proponit in the said assemblie concernyng the glorie of God, establishing of the religioun, and welfair of this kirk within this kingdome. 4 April 1640. Generall Lcs- Ressaves and admittis the richt honorable generall Allexander Leslie to lie, and others, the ljpertie and fredome of ane burges and gild brether of this burghe. [Also burgessis and . r . gild brether. levetennent coloneli Andro Bruce, levetennent colonell Patrick Leslie, capitane Thomas Dalzell, capitane James Ogilvie, Johne Tait servitour to General! Leslie, Johnne Sterling of Herbertshire, and Allexander Sampsoun servitour to Generall Leslie.] 30 November 1640. Warrand, Geves warrand to Thomas Bruce, provest, thair commissioner at the con- payment for ventioun of burrowes in Edinburgh, to undertak for this tounes proportionall armes, etc. # ° ... pairte of the soum of ane hundrethe and fiftie thousand gilderis quhilk is 1640.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 183 apointet be the committie of estaites of parliament to be payet be the haill Warrant burro wis of this realm e to be sent in money or commodities to the factouris in armes^etc?1" Campheir for the armes, munitioun, and uther provisioun sent heir be thame for defence of the cuntrie. 7 January 1641. Nominates and apointes Patrik Suorde and Robert Young, merchandis, Commission- commissioneris for bestowing and waring the voluntare contributioun of the clothes tothe toun, at least nyne hundrethe merkis thairof, quhilk is conceidit and put in s°j°nris- thair handis for that effect, to be comptable to the toun of thair wairing. 11 October 1641. The counsell unlawes Allexander Cunynghame, merchand, for breking and Cunynghame, spilling the Kingis hie gait at the nether entrie of the toun, betuix Benneis gait™8 hie croft and the Gallous mailling, quhilk he could nocht deny, in the soume of xx li.; and ordirxes the same to be payed to the thesaurare to be imployde for the use foirsaid of the repairing and mending of the said gait. 18 October 1641. Nominates and apointes James Fothringhame, deane of gild, James Commission- Robertsoun, baillie, and Christopher Russell, convener, commissioneris, con- ^rcrhfa^the junctlie, to assist the provest in going to Edinburgh for advysing ano signature tounes liber- of ane new infeftment of the tounes liberteis, landis, customes, and utheris teis' belangand to the toun. T & 31 January 1642. Ressaves and admittis Duncane Ewing, sone to Jolmne Ewing, wobster, Ewing ad- quha wes drummer baitlie to capitane Johnne Short and to capitane Thomas lTllt^e.d burges A 1 1 ior his gude Rollok in the publict service of the armye at Kelso, Newcastell, and Durhame, service, to the libertie and fredome of ane nychtbour and burges of the said burgh, and that for his gude service foirsaid. 28 November 1642. The baillies and counsell lies conducet and agreit with Duncan Ewing to be Act, Duncan ordiner drummer of this burghe during the tounes gude will and his habilitie trammer and gude behaviour, for the quhilk service the toun obleissis thame and thair thesaurare to pay to him [£60 yearly,] togidder with ane leverie of claithes as the toun officeris gettis yeirlie or ilk tua yeir, and also foure pundis, yeirlie, 184 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1642. Act, Duncan by and attour the said soume of thrie scoir pundis, and his Yule wages. And drummer. said Duncan Ewing, embracing the said service, maid faithe that he sail faithfullie exerce the said office, and sail touke his drum nychtlie at sevin houris and everye morning at foure houris, begynnyng at the Lady Yennell and tliairfra throw the haill toun. Of the quhilk thrie scoir foure pundis, the toun sail pay yeirlie [£4, the guild brethren £20, the crafts £20, the maltmen £10,] and the omnigadrum, viz., the wrichtis, maissones, coupares, litstares, Omnigadrum. glassinwrichtis, sklaitteris, gairdneris, the soume of ten pundis yeirlie. 20 March 1643. Commoun Electis and choses maister David Forrester, sheref clerk of Stirling, in clerk- commoun clerk of the said burgh in place of umquhile John Williamsone, his maister, last clerk and possessour of the said office, and that fra the dait heirof quhill the feist of Michaelmes nixtocum. Act for keip- Geves ordour and directioun to James Fothringhame, dean of gild, and covenant6 Christopher Russell, convenare, keipares of the keyes of the tounis charter kist, to lay up thairin the covenant renewed and subscrivit be thame and be the haill inhabitantes of the said burgh in the yeir of God jm vjc threttie and nyne yeiris, to the effect the same may be in sure custodie and keiping amongst uther of thair evidentis to the succeiding posteritie. 15 September 1643. Burgessis and Ressaves and admittis Archibald lord Campbell of Lome, lord Neill gild brother, Campbell, secund laufull sone to the Marques of Argyle, Sir Harie Yane, knycht, Sir Williame Airmene, knycht, commissioneris for the kingdome of Ingland, maister Stevin Mershell, preacher in Ingland, [and others to be burgesses and gild brethren, gratis.] 9 October 1643. Anent the The provest, baillies, and counsall, remembering the laudable custome the grammour observit be thame of befoir anent thair grammour schoole, lies actit and ordanit schoole. that thair salbe ane visitatioun of thair said grammour schoole be certane of thair number in all tym cuming, yeirlie, at ilk quarter of the yeir, quha salbe apoyntit and direct for that effect be the said counsall; and ordanes the first visitatioun thairof to be and begine the first day of November nixtocum, and 1643.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 185 sua furth continew thaireftir, at quhilk tyme they sail inquyre and trye anent Anent the ^ the goverment of the schoole be the maisteris and doctouris and of all uther thegrammour thingis competent to the said visitatioun. schoole. The provest, baillies and counsall, being convenit to treate of thair Second minis- commoun effaires and bussines, did remember and call to mynd that the appointed, worthie persones aftermentionate, out of thair zeall to the glorie of God and for the propagatioun of the trew reformit religioun presentlie professit in this land, have left, mortifeit, dottit and gevin, for the help and supplie of the provisioun of ane uther minister to be provydit to the kirk of Stirling, the sowmes of money underwretin, viz., [Sir Thomas Erskyne, knycht, 500 merks; maister Robert Murray of Levingland, commissar of Stirling, 525 merks; Andro Cowane, merchand, £100; Jonet Allexander, spouse of Walter Cowane, mercband, £100; Agnes Cowane, spouse of James Short, merchand, 100 merks; John Cowane, merchand, 500 merks; Issobell Allexander, relict of Andro Cowane, merchand, 500 merks; and Alexander Cowane of Wester Polmais, ane quarter of the landis of Southfeild . . . rowpit and sauld for 1000 merks; which sums together amount to £2,283 6 s. 8 d.;] for the quhilk sowmes sua mortefeit and dottit, the saidis present provest, baillies and counsall, doe heirby geve thankis heartilie to God, and for the better incourag- ment of utheris to do the lyk gud workes shall ever have ane respective remembrance of the saidis benefactouris and weillwilleris. And they being verie desyrous to prosequute and follow furth so happie and religious a work, haif thairfore thocht it necessar and expedient, both for Godis glorie and for the gude of the soules within the parochine of Stirling, that thair be ane uther actual! minister adjoyned to maister Harie Guthrie, present minister at the said kirk, speciallie seing the charge of the said parochine is so grite and wechtie that it can not be commodiouslie done and exercit onlye be ane minister, and heirby they, for thamselfis and thair successouris, actis and ordanes that thair salbe tua ministeris to serve the cure at the said kirk in all tyme cuming. And for the provisioun of that uther minister now apoyntit to be presentlie socht and adjoynit as said is, the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, representing the haill communitie of the said burgh, actis and obleissis thame and thair successoures to caus thair tounes thesaurer, present and to cum, mak gude and thankfull payment to him [of 1000 merks yearly; in relief whereof the treasurer is to receive the annualrent of the mortified money, 2 A 186 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1643. Second minis- £182 13 s. 4d.; out of the reddiest of the commoun gude, £217 6 s. 8d.; from the guildry, £100; crafts, £100; maltmen, 50 merks; "the haill omnigatherim of the said burgh amongst thame, £46 13 s. 4d., quhairof to be payit be the mechanikes amongst thame £20, and be the remanent of the said omni- gatherime £26 13 s. 4d."] 19 August 1644. The provest, baillies and counsell, being convened for electing of ane clerk of the said burghe in place of umquhile maister David Forrester, having sufficient assurance and experience of the qualificatioun of maister David Williamsoun, advocatt, sone to umquhile Johnne Williamsoun, slieref and toun clerk of Stirling, nominats and appoynts the said maister David Williamsone to be clerk of the said burghe. 9 December 1644. Receaves and admittis James Thomeson in the Cannogate, to be reider of the kirk of Stirling and teacher of ane musick scoole for the space of fyve yeiris nixt eftir the dait heirof. 6 January 1645. Quartering of Considdering the daylie greivances and complainttis givin in be the sogems. inhabitants of this burgh, alleadging sogerris to be quartered upoun thame wnequallie above thair just proportione, for preventing of the lyke com¬ plainttis in tymes cuming they have appoynted [one person for each of the four quarters] to concurr with the baillie of the severall quarterris and to sett doun ane proportionable way of quartering of sogeris wpon the inhabitants as equallie and justlie as they can, according to thair knawledge and conscience; and that the gentilmen inhabiting this burgh who have benefit of kirk and mercat beare thair proportionable burding for quartering of sogeris for the eas and releif of the poore neighbouris. 7 April 1645. Act, Mr. John Ordanes John Johnsoun, baillie, [and three others,] to go to maister John Allan, as commissionaris, to intimat and signifie to him that the tounes counsall all in ane voice ar weill pleasit to accept him for thair pastor conjunct with maister Henrye Guthrie, and to schaw him quhat is the mantenance appointit for him and to giff him thankis. ter to be appointed. Toun clerke. Reider and teacher of musick. 1645.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 187 28 July 1645. The counsall thinkis fitting for the present that sum ludges be maid, as Ludges for occasioun requyris, upoun that parcell of land callit Chirmerland, at the eist theseikfolkis syde of the lang calsey leidand fra the brig, and the toun sail satisfie the heritour for the loissis quhill farder cours be takin. And the buriall of these that dyes of the plaige to be at the chapell JBurialls. well. Ordanes James Dawis dochter to be sichted, and thaireftir gevis libertie to him to burye hir in his awin yaird. Memorandum, to spek with John Wilsoun, fischer, Robert Gourlay, Caryeing, cordinar, Alexander Airthe, skinner, Catherine Edmound, and Adame Mur- graved' rayis wyff, for caryeing and clenging and making of graves. Ordanes these persones quha war formarlie nominat to visite the quarteris Visitatioun of the toun, to attend ilk ane of tham thair awin quarteris allanerlie, and not auce^f closed promiscuouslie as wes befoir ordanit. And ordanes tham to advance menten- persones. ance to the closed persones in thair severall quarteris according to discretioun, and to keip accompt thairof quhilk sail be repayit to thame agane. Ordanes a lettre to be sent to Linlythgow for clengeris, desyring tham Clengeris. gif they have nane of thair awin to deall with Burrowstounes for sum, and a lettre to the baillie of the Nes also. Ordanes the baillies to visite John Adames wyff benethe the bray and sie gif it be convenient for the clengeris. Ordanes the thesaurer to caus big sum lodges for these that ar infected Lodges, houssis, with all diligence. 22 September 1645. At the Park of Stirling, the 22 day of September, being Mononday, Electioun; being the day of the electioun of the counsall of the burgh of Stirling for the ^th^park^ yeir to cum, convenit within the said park1 (in respect of the plaige of pestilence within the said burgh and thair boundis besyde) the persones fol¬ lowing :— ... 1 Meetings continued to be held at "the hie gait," while the following one, 12th park " down to 21st November inclusive. The January, and some others, were held "in the next recorded meeting, which did not take over hospitall of Stirling, callit Cowanes place till 2nd January, was held "on the Hospitall." 188 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1645. Clengeres and utheris. Registeres and bookes. Pest; atten- daris and quarter- maisteris. Keeping port and brig. Pure folkis, coillis. Destributioun of money. Stentaris for the clenging moneyis. Anent cleng¬ ing moneyis. 6 October 1645. Convenit tlie persones efternominat of the counsall, [six persons,] with certane uther nyclitbouris and inhabitantis of the said burgh, quha set doun sindrie actis and ordinances anent the clenging and rewling of the toun as thai bear. Ordanes the deane of gild to talc certane nychtbouris with him to umquhile maister David Williamsoun, thair last clerkis hous and chalmer, presentlie, and thair to ressave the tounes haill bookis, prothogollis and registeres, and to putt tham in the tolbuith and counsalhous for the tounes use, and the rest to be putt wp in cofferis. 13 October 1645. The counsall ordanit attend aris and quartermaisteris to be chosen for cleno-ino; of the toun as followis. And first thai chuisit attenderis and waiteris o o on the foull clengeris, [one for each quarter.] Attenderis clene clengeris, [one for each quarter.] Quartermaisteris chosin, and thai that ar foull to be clengit first, [two for each of the first and second, and one for each of the third and fourth quarters.] Ordanes Andro Andersone to attend and keip the port and barresyett and lock it all nicht, and John Wilsoun to do the lyk at the brig. Ordanes the quartermaisteris to ansuer the pure folkis of coillis according to the quartermaisteris discretioun. Item, Robert Watsoun, merchand, is apointit to ressave the vc merlcis borrowit be the toun fra John Lytlejohnis wyff to be destributit at the sicht of the deane of gild and quartermaisteris. 21 November 1645. Apointit the deane of gild [and four others] stentaris for the clenging moneyis throw the toun, and the deane of gild to be oursman; and that thai stent and sett doun upoun ilk persone and hows; ordanes the same to be payit befoir thai gett entres to thair howssis. 2 January 1646. Ordanes the collectouris of the clenging moneyis to ressave for clenging of everie pair of plaidis that sail be clengit, vj s. 8 d., and 8 d. for bread cleathe, and ilk elne of stuff, iiij d., and na farder to be tane, nor yit ony drink silver. 1646.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 189 12 January 1646. Ordanes that na howssis be sett fra this furthe be na nychtbouris Act aganes of the toun to unfremen without consent of the provest and baillies un^iemen- thairof, under the pane of tinsall and foirfalting of thair liberties of this burgh. The counsall ordanes a lettere to be writtin, subscrivit, and sent to Sanct Anent Androis to Thomas Bruce, oure tounes commissionar, for geving in a petitioun mantmance, to the estaitis of parliament, desyring exemptioun of the monethlie mantin- loissis^and ance imposit on our toun, in respect of the great deathe of the nychtbouris bairnes. and inhabitants thairof of the plaige, and in respect of the great loissis sustenit be the toun at this iyme, quhairby the toun are becum unabill to do ony thing in the lyk kynd; as also to supplicat the parliament for ordour taking with our toun for our formar advancit moneyis for quartering of the sogouris in this toun thir yeires bygane; and thirdlie, to crave a licence (gif it may be had) to our nychtbouris and nychtbouris bairnes of the toun that ar cummet bak out of Ingland to remane and abyde at hame in the toun for bettir planting and serving of the same inrespect of the deathe of thair parentis and utheris our nychtbouris of the toun. 2 March 1646. Statutes aud ordanes that na outland men that sail be ressavit and enterit Act anent heireftir to the libertie and fredome of ane nychtbour and burges of the said bew intFant, f ° burgessis and burgh, nor to the libertie of maltmaking within the same, be ressavit nor maltmen. admittit to the libertie nor fredome thairof quhill they be knawin to be honest and discreit men worth fyve hundreth merkis of thair awin frie gear, and that thai remane and duell within the said burgh for bearing burding with the rest of the nychtbouris thairof in stenting, watching, warding, and all uther burdingis, quhilk giff thay failyie and remove and duell aff the toun, thay sail foirfalt, amitt, and tyne thair said libertie and fredome, baith thamselffis and thair successioun. And farder, the said counsall, for cleiring quhat the saidis new intrantis sail pay heireftir for thair said fredome and libertie foirsaid (not being nychtbouris nor burgessis bairnes of befoir) sail pay fra this furthe for thair said entrie of nychtbour and burges to the thesaurer of this burgh for the tounes vse xxiiij li., and for thair entrie and libertie to the maltmaking 1 merkis. 190 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1646. Writtis and prothogollis. Chirurgian, nychtbour and burges. 9 March 1646. Ordanes maister David Williamsoun tliair last clerkis scrowis aud minutes, alsweill of burgessis entries as utheris counsall actis and writis, to be sicbtit and inventarit, and for that effect apointis the deane of gild and convenar. Ressaves and admittis Johnne Buchannan, chirurgian, to the libertie and fredome of ane nychtbour and burges of this burgh, and that gratis, quha maid faithe as use is; and he sail not mak malt nor use na uther tred nor handling within the said burgh and libertie thairof except his awin calling, but licence of the counsall; with libertie to him to tak a chalmer in the toun fra ony nychtbour and burges thairof for himself, his mother and sister, to to duell in, but ony using of ony chainge or uther libertie as said is. 16 March 1646. Knokmaker, George Wallace, knokmaker in Prestounpannis, ressavit and admittit to nychtbour ^he q|)eiqie anc[ fredome of ane nychtbour and burges of this burgh, and that and burges. J ° . gratis for guid servyce done and to be done to the guid toun, quha maid faithe as use is. 25 March 1646. Act anent the Ordanes the haill actis and scrowis that ar not buikit be maister David writtis.rkiS Williamsoun, last clerk, in the counsall book, to be sichtit and luikit out, and the same to be fillit up be Johnne Robene, thair present clerk. Transumptis. Act discharg¬ ing conven- tioun at brydellis. Guidlingis. 3 April 1646. Ordanes the thesaurer to tak for transsuming of everie seasing out of the defunct clerkis prothogollis of landis within this burgh and libertie thairof x merkis, and furder or les at the counsallis discretioun, and quhill then the thesaurer not to giff furthe the saidis prothogollis to be transsumet and that the counsall be first acquentit thairwith. 13 April 1646. The counsall discharges all conventioun and meiting of people at brydellis fra this furthe, except thre or four with ilk pairtie, and acquent the kirk sessioun to do the lyk. Ane act in favouris of the toun of Sterling anent the Holland gudlingis, delyverit be James Fothringham, deane of gild, to Thomas Bachop, thesaurer, to be put up be him in the tounes bowall in the counsal hous. 1646.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 191 20 April 1646. Appointis a committee of sindrie of the counsall to heir the haill Committe for petitiounes arid complentis of these that hes tane the tounes customes the last customes. yeir quliairof thay want mekle in respect of the plaige; and the meiting heiranent to be on Fryday nixt at 7 houris in the morning. 27 April 1646. The counsall, takand to thair consideratioun the petitiounes and supplica- Settis toun tiounes gevin in to thame of befoir be the tackismen of the tounes settis the in obedience to ane warrand and commissioun direct furthe be the sionares at commissionares of the parliament of the comoun weal the of Ingland for ordering and manadgeing the effaires in Scotland, autliorizeing and appoynting tham, according to thair former rules and customes, to nominat and choyse thair majestrates and officeris for the governament of the said burghe and liberties thairof till farder ordour, as the said warrand and commissioun of the dait the 14th of this instant monetlie of Appryle in itself at mair lenthe proportes,1 the quhilk warrand and commissioun the saidis nichtbouris and inhabitantes haveing at lenthe considerit, and being thairwithe ryplie advysit, they have nominat and electit the persones following to beare chairge as counsallouris of this burghe till Michaelmes nixt, withe poware to thame to make electioun of the majestrates and uther office bearers for the said space, and thaireftir fra tyme to tyme to proceid in thair electioun conforme to use and wont, till farder ordour, as is prescryvit be the said commissioun. 26 April 1652. Anent The provest, baillies, and counsall of the burgh of Sterling, have ordeanit unfremenan. 1477-8.—Duncan Forester, Provost. David Murray, Charles Rede, Robert Forsyth, Bailies. Ib. 1478-9.—Matthew Forester, Provost; John Crag, Charles Rede, Bailies. Ib. 1479-80.—Duncan Forestare, Provost; Thomas Cragingelt, Bailie. Ib. 1480-1.—Duncan Forester, Provost. Charles Rede, Thomas Cragingelt, John Aisone, Bailies. Charters and Documents relating to Stirling, p. 187. 1487-8.—Duncan Forestar, Provost. MS. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. 1489-90.—Duncan Forester, in name of the Bailies. Ib. 1489-90.—David Murray, John Crag, John Aysone, Bailies. Charters and Documents, p. 187. 1490-1.—Robert Lyelle, in name of the Bailies. MS. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. 1491-2.—Patrick Redheuch, Bailie. Ib. 1492-3.—James Spitall, Bailie. Ib. 1493-4.—Patrick Reidheuch, in name of the Bailies. Ib. 1494-5.—James Spittale, Bailie. Ib. 1495-6.—Patrick Redeuch, Bailie. Ib. 1496-7.—James Spittall, Bailie. Ib. 1497-8.—John Crag, Bailie. Ib. 1498-9.—James Spittale, Bailie. Ib. 1499-1500.—James Menteth, Provost. Ib. 1500-1.—James Spittale, Bailie. Ib. 1501-2.—James Spittale, Bailie. Charters and Documents, p. 1SS. 1502-3.—Thomas Cragingelt, Bailie. Ib. 1503-4.—Alexander Ewisone, Bailie. MS. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. 1505-6.—James Mentetht, in name of bailies. Ib. 1506-7.—David Crag, Bailie. Ib. 1507-8.—James Menteth, Provost. Ib. 1508-9.—Robert Bruce, Provost. Ib. 1509-10.—James Spetall, Bailie. 2 M 274 EXTRACTS FROM TEE RECORDS [Appendix IT. 1509-10.—Jolm Broune, Dean of Guild. Charters and Documents, p. 189. 1510-1.—John Bully, Bailie. Charters and Documents, p. 190. 1515-0.—John Bully, Bailie. Ib., p. 190. 1510-7.—Alexander Forester, Provost. MS. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. 1517-8.—Alexander Forrester, Provost. Ib. John Aitkin, Bailie. Charters and Documents, p. 191. 1518-9.—Richard Name, Bailie. Ib., p. 191. 1519-20.1—Provost: George of Crichtoun. Bailies: Alexander Watsoun, Richard Naerne, Robert Arnot. 1520-1.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies: John Ackyne, Richard Naerne, Allexander Crag. Dean of Guild: John Brown. Treasurer: David Crag. Master of Work: Robert Arnot. 1521-2.—Provost: Sir Duncan Forester. Bailies: Robert Arnot, Alexander Watson, Walter Grame. Dean of Guild: Duncan Patonsoun. Treasurer: David Crag. Council: Alexander Forester, John Ackyn, Ritschart Name, Alex¬ ander Crag, Sir Walter Forester, Robert the Brus, Alexander Drummond, Robert Calendar, James Reducht, Alexander Levin- stoun, Robert Ferny, James Spettal, William Dausoun, John Bully, Henry Abhircrummy, Alexander Murra. Deacons of Crafts: Thorn Smyth, John Alexander, Thom Mitschal, Alexander Robisoun, John Allane, Alexander Benne, Patric Litiljohen, Thom Foullar. 1522-3.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies: John Ackyne, Walter Grame, Alexander Crag. Dean of Guild: John Broun. Treasurer: David Crag. Master of Work: Robert Arnot. Council: Sir Duncan Forester, Robert Arnot, Alexander Watsoun, Walter Grame, Allan Steuart, Allexander Levinstoun, James Spettal, Robart Ferny, Ritschart Name, William Dausoun, David Crag, Duncan Patonsoun, John Broun, James Merschal, Gilbart 1From 1519, when the council records com- source unless the contrary is stated, mence, all the names are taken from that 1522-3.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 275 1522-3. M'Lellan, Allexander Murra, David Greg, George Symsoun, William Wyeis, John Offeris, Adam Adamsoun. Deacons of Crafts: George Thomsoun, Duncan Darow, William Duncansoun, Allexander Smyth, Johen of Yair, Patric Duncan, Symon Broun. John Moffat. 1523-1.—Provost: Alexander Forster. Bailies: Ritschart Name, Robert Arnot, Alexander Watsoun. Deacons of Crafts : Duncan Bow, Nycoll Duncansoun, John Offeris, Thorn Watsoun, Robe Grhame, Patric Duncan, Allexander Wricht, John Allan. 1524-5.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies: Richard Name, John Atkyn, Walter Grahame. Dean of Guild: Duncan Patonsoun. Treasurer: David Crag. Master of Kirk-ivork : David Crag. 1525-6.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies : Richard Name, Walter Grame, Alexander Watsoun. Dean of Guild: David Greig. Treasurer : David Crag. Master of Work: Robert Arnot. 1526-7.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies: John Ackyne, Robert Arnot, Alexander Crag. 1527-8.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies: Walter Grame, Walter Ewinsoun, John Forester. Dean of Guild : David Greg. Council: John Ackyne, Robert Arnot, Alexander Crag, Sir Walter Forester, Alexander Levinstoun, Robert the Brus, John Montecht, Patric Montecht, Robert Ferny, Robert Arnot, Gilbart M'Lellan, Alexander Murra, David Greg. James Spettal, Richard Name, Johen Bully, Walter Cousland, James Ferny, William Robisoun, William Cosour, William Brown, Andro Kar; "with the dekinis." 1528-9.—Provost: Alexander Forester. Bailies : Walter Grame, Walter Ewinsoun, John Forester. Dean of Guild : James Feme. Council: Schir James Forester of Garden knycht, Allexander Levin- ston of Dunypece, Robert the Brus of Carnok, Jolien of Mentecht, Robart Ferne, Allexander Watsoun, Johen Gryme, Ritschart Name, Allexander Crag, Gilbart Fergusoun, Walter Cousland, 276 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II 1528-9. Johen M'Nair, James Murra, Allexander Duncan, Henry Abhir- crummy, Robyn Hendersoun, Patric Lawsoun, William Mun- crefe, Thorn M'Calpy, Symon Broun, Robart Paule, Duncan Patonsoun, Johen Bully, William Robesoun, Andro Kar, David Greg, Johen Ackyn, Robart Arnot, George Symsoun, William Broun, Allexander Murra; "with the dekinis." Common clerk: Robyne Cunnyngham (9 October 1528). Sir William Litstar, chaplain (13 November, 1528). 1529-30.—Provost: Sir James Forester of Garden, Knight. Bailies: Alexander Watsoun, Robert Pawle, John Ackyne. Dean of Guild: Duncan Patonsoun. Treasurer : Robert Arnot. Master of Work : John Aickin. Council: Alexander Forester, Walter Grame, Walter Ewinsoun, John Forester, Allexander Levinstoun, Duncan Patonsoun, Ritschart Name, Robart Arnot, Dauid Greg, Gilbert M'Clellan, Alexander Murra. Deacons of Crafts : Thorn Andro for the maltmen, Thorn Ruderfourd, Jame Murra, Andro Lokart, Thome Litiljhon, Allexander Wricht. Common clerk: John Grame. 1531-2.—Bailie: Walter Cosland. Charters and Documents, p. 197. 1536-7.—Provost: Alexander Forestare. Bailies : Robert Arnot, John Forestare. Charters and Documents, p. 199. 1511-2.—Provost: John Cragingelt. MS. Exchequer Rolls. Bailie: John Forester. Charters and Documents, p. 199. 1544-5.—Treasurer: Walter Cousland. 1545-6.—Provost: John Cragingelt of that ilk. Bailies : William Bell, James Robesoun, James Duncansoun, Archi¬ bald Spittale.1 Dean of Guild: James Ferny. Council: John Gralieme, merchand, William Forester, "aid bailies;" Robert Cousland, "aid dene of gild." For the Craftis:—David 1 See as to fourth bailie, act of council 10 Oct. 1545, p. 41. 1545-6.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 277 1545-6. Graheme, dekin of smytkis; Thomas Lokert, dekin of skynneris; Andro Neleson dekin of baxsteris; Jolme Lawson dekin of cordenaris. "The remanent dekinnis chosin be the counsall, and haldin able to serve the touin, deprivand the ingnorantis chosin be the craftis thairto:—Alexander Benne, elder, for wobstaris, Robert Lowdean for tailyouris, Thomas Michell for maltmen, Bris Duncansoun for fleschouris." 1546-7. —Provost: David Forester of Garden. Bailies: Archibald Spittale, William Smart, Alexander Patersoun, James Duncansoun. Dean of Guild : Robert Cousland. Treasurer : John Forester. Council: Merchants, William Bell, James Robesoun, Archibald Spittale, Johne Graheme, Gilbert M'Lellane, James Ferny, Walter Cousland, Richard Naerne, James Watsoun; Craftsmen, David Graheme, Andro Nelesoun, Thom Michell, Robert Geichane. 1547-8.—Provost: John Cragingelt of that ilk. Bailies: William Bell, Archibald Spittale, William Smart, Alexander Watsone. Dean of Guild : James Fairny. 1548-9.—Provost: Robert Forester of Kilyemuk. Bailies: John Forester, James Watsoun, James Robesoun, Walter Cousland. 1549-50.— Provost: Robert Forester of Kilyemuck. Bailies: Archibald Spittale, William Smart, Alexander Watsoun, John Forester. Council: John Cragingelt, William Bell, Walter Cosland, James Watsoun, James Robesoun, Robert Arnot, Duncan Patersoun, Archibald Spittale, Alexander Christeson, James Farny, Thomas Mechell, Andro Neilsoun, Johne Cowan. Deacons of Crafts: Johne Cowan, hammerman; Andro Neleson, baxter; Thomas Ker, skynner; Andro Neleson, maltman; George Gardner, tailor; Walter Watsoun, cordiner; David Wrycht, webster ; Robert Irrewin, fiesker. 1551-2.—Provost: John Cragingelt of that ilk. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 1. 278 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1553-4.—Provost: Henry Levingston. Bailies : James Watsoun, Robert Forester, William Norvell, William Smart. 1554-5.—Provost: Henry Levingston. Bailies: Robert Forester, junior, William Smart, Alexander Watsoun, Alexander Aleschunder. Dean of Guild,: William Noruell. Treasurer: James Watsone. Council: Walter Cowsland, Jolme Cragingelt of that ilk, Robert Forester of Calyemuk, William Bell of Spittall, John Forester of Logy, Duncan Patersone, Duncan Dawsoun, William Lowry, James Robesoun, Alexander Patersoun, Gilbert Anderson, Alexander Galloway, James Farny, Alexander Ray. Deacons of Crafts: John Makalexander, smith; William Dorrocht, baxter; Andro Xylson, maltman; Robert Anderson, tailor ; Robert Schort, cordiner; Andro Kay, fie,slier; David Wrycht, webster ; Thomas Kar, skinner; Thomas Wallace. Cleric: John Gralieme. Depute: Robert Ramsay. 1555-6.—Provost: Robert Bruce of Auchinbowy. Bailies: James Robesoun, Alexander Aleschunder, William Smart. Dean of Guild: Walter Consland. Treasurer: Alexander Watsoun. Council: Robert Forester of Calyemuk, Robert Forester, younger, Jolme Forester of Logy, Duncan Patonsoun, Johne Schaw of Broicht, James Watsoun, William Norvell, Gilbart Andirsoun, William Dorrocht, Thomas Kar. Visitors of Crafts :x John Cowane, smith; William Dorrocht, baxter; William Striveling, cordiner; Johne Haste, talyour; William Niddisdall, Thomas Kar, skynnar; David Wrycht, wobstar; James Layng, maltman. Masters of the Kirk- work: William Dorrocht and Gilbert Andersoun. 1556-7.—Provost: Robert Forester of Calyemwk. Bailies: James Robesoun, Robert Forester, younger ,William Smart. Dean of Guild : James Watsoun. Council: Alexander Forester of Garden; Robert Bruce of Auchin¬ bowy, "auld provest;" John Cragingelt of that ilk, Johne Schaw of Broicht, Johne Foroster of Logy, Alexander Forestar, James Callendar, Kile Hog, Thomas Hart, William Lowry, Walter 1 See foot-note, p. 66, 1556-7.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 279 1556-7. Cousland, William Noruell, Alexander Galloway, Alexander Ray, Alexander Patersone, Gilbert Andirson, Alexander Watsoun. 1556-7.—Deacons of Crafts: John Makalexanxler, smith; William Dorrocht, baxter; Thomas Mychell, maltman; William Finlawson, tailor; Andro Ray, flesher; Alexander Gurlay, skinner; Walter Watsoun, cordiner; Alexander Brown, webster. 1559-60.—Provost: James Striveling of Keir. Bailies: Robert Forester, younger; John Lecheman, Alexander Watsoun, William Derrocht. Treasurer: John Forester. 1560-1.— Provost: James Striveling of the Keir. Bailies: John Leischeman, Gawin Drummond, Robert Forester, William Bell. Dean of Guild: Robert Alexander. Council: James Watsoun, William Norwell, William Lowry, Alex¬ ander Patersoun, Alexander Duncansoun, John Wallace, notary, Thorn Arnot, John Wallace, merchant, Alexander Scliort, Robert Forester of Boquhan, John Cragingelt of that ilk, Henry Livingston of Falkirk, William Mentetlit of Randefurde, Alex¬ ander Forester of Arnegibbon, John Forester of Logy, James Robertsoun, Alexander Watsoun, William Darrocht, Robert Ramsay. Deacons of Crafts: William Malice, hammerman; J ohn Allane, baxter; Archibald Smyth, maltman; John Haistie, tailor; Robert Schort, cordiner; John Thomson, flesher; Alexander Brouin, webster; John Benny, skinner. 1561-2.—Provost: James Striveling of Keir. Bailies: Gawin Drummond, Alexander Watsoun, William Derrocht. Council:1 1562-3.—Provost: Alexander Forester of Garden. Bailies: Robert Forester, younger, James Watsone, William Derrocht Dean of Guild\ John Lecheman. Treasurer: William Norwell. Council:1 1563-4.—Provost: James Striveling of Keir. Bailies: Robert Forester, Gawan Drummond, J ohn Leschman. Dean of Guild : Alexander Ray. 1 See names printed in Charters and Documents, p. 210. 280 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1563-4.—Council r Procurator-Fiscal: Alexander Pater son. 1564-5.—Provost: John Cragingelt of that ilk. Bailies: John Leschman, Duncan Forester of Arnegibbon, Gawin Drummoncl, Robert Forester. Dean of Guild : Andro Cowan. Council: James Striveling of Keir, Alexander Forester of Garden, Robert Forester of Boquhan, William Mentetht of Randefurd, William Derroche. Merchants: Alexander Ray, John Pater- son, Robert Alexander, James Watsoun, John Admowtie, William Xorwell, John Wallace. Deacons of Crafts: John M' Alexander, John Millar, baxter; Alex¬ ander Kincaid, maltman; John Benny, skinner; Robert Gun, cordiner. 1566-7.—Provost: John Cragingelt of that ilk. Bailie: William Forester. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 15. 1570 1.—William Xorvell. commissioner to convention (21 October, 1570). Robert Forester, younger, bailie, Robert Alexander, merchant, com¬ missioners (6 Jany., 1570). Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 16, 17. 1573-4.—John Williesoun, commissioner to convention (15 July, 1574). Convention Records, vol. i., p. 25. 1575-6.—Commissioners to convention: Robert Forester, provost; John Auclimowty ; William Xorowell, bailie ; Andrew Cowan. Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 37, 41, 46. 1576-7.—Commissioners to convention: Robert Forester, provost; William Xorwell. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 50. 1578-9.—Commissioners to convention : William Xorowell, Thomas Murray. Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 66, 79. 1579-80.—Commissioners to convention: Thomas Murray, bailie; Robert Alexander, dean of guild. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 80. 1580-1.—Commissioners to convention : William Xoruell, Duncan Leicheman. Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 110, 127. 1582-3.—Commissioner to convention : William Xorowell. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 146. 2 See names printed in Charters and Documents, p. 213. 1583-4.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 281 1583-4.—Commissioner to convention: William Norowell. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 182. 1585-6.—Commissioners to convention : Anthonye Bruce, John Muschett, William Norowell. Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 200, 207. 1587-8.—Commissioners to convention : William Norvell, Walter Cowane. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 244. 1588-9.—Commissioner to convention : Walter Cowane. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 294. 1589-90.—Commissioner to convention : Walter Cowan. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 310. 1590-1.—Commissioner to convention : Walter Cowan. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 352. 1591-2.—Commissioner to convention : Walter Cowan. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 369. 1592-3.—Commissioners to convention: Anthone Bruce, Walter Cowane. Convention Records, vol. i., pp. 392, 393. 1593-4.—Commissioners to convention : Anthone Bruce, David Forester. Convention Records, vol. i., p. 428. 1595-6.—Provost: John Murray of Toucliadame. Bailies: Archibald Alexschunder, Walter Cowane, James Schorte, John Miller. Dean of Guild: Duncane Paterson. Deacon convener: Robert Robertson alias Tennent. Council .-1 Clerk: John Muschett. 1596-7.—Provost: John Murray of Toucliadame. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Archibald Alexschunder, James Schorte, John Miller. Dean of guild: John Donaldsoun. Deacon convener: Robert Robert- sone. Treasurer : Duncan Patersone. Council:" 1597-8.—Provost: John Murray of Tuchadame. Bailies: Walter Neische of Dubbettis, Archibald Alexshunder, James Schorte, Jhon Miller. (Miller being " seiklie " Duncan Patersone to supply his place " the time of his infirmitie "). 1 See names printed in Charters and Documents, p. 217. 2 See names printed in Charters and Documents, p. 222. 2 N 282 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1597-8.—Council: Merchants—Walter Cowane, dean of guild; Robert Alexschunder, Andro Cowane, Jhone Donaldsone, Jhone Scherare, George Nor veil, Williame Aysoun, Normand Blakwood. Craftsmen—Robert Robertsonn, alias Tennant, convener ; Dun- cane Patei'sone, maltman; Andro Fergusoun, cor diner; Jhone Hendersone, baxster; Alexander Hutoun, skinner; Moreis Ewyn, webster; Jaixies Allane, flescher; Andro Thomsone, tailor. Clerk: John Muschet. 1598-9.—Provost: John Murray of Tuchadame. Bailies: Walter Neishe of Dubbettis, Archibald Alschunder, James Shoirt, Johne Millar. Council: Merchants—Walter Cowane, dean of guild; Robert Alex- shunder, Andro Cowane, Duncane Patersone, Johne Sherar, James Gardner, George Norwell, Williame Aissoun. Craftsmen —Robert Robeson, alias Tennant, convener; Andro Andirsoune, baxter; James Stevinsoun, maltman; Alexander Robesoun, flesh er; John Cuthbert, skinner; Robert Houston, cordiner; James M'Lellane, tailor; Moreis Ewing, webster. For the omne gadclerum: Johne Marshell, litster; Archibald Smithe, notar. Clerk: Andro Buchanane. 1599-1600.—Provost: "The richt honorabill Johne Murray of Touchadame." Bailies: Walter Neishe of Westir Dubheittis, John Patirsone, James Castellaw, William Edmond. Council: Merchants—Archibald Alschunder, dean of guild ; Walter Cowane, Duncan Paterson, George Noruall, John Donaldson, Williaxne Aisson, Archibald Allan, younger, Johne Gawie. Craftsmen—Johnn Hendirsone, convener; Alexander Robieson, flescher; Alexander Browne, webster; James M'Lellan, tailor ; Thomas Downy, smith; Henry Gourlay, skinner; Robert Houston, cordiner. Aid baillies: James Schort, Johnn Millar. Omne g ad drum: Johnn Merschell, litstar; Robert Forrestar of Boquhan, Thomas Mitscliell. Clerk: Andro Buchanan, who appointed Johne Adamson his depute. Treasurer: George Norvall. 1600-1.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 283 1600-1.—Provost: John Murray of Touchadame. Bailies : Walter Neische, Archibald Alschunder, Johnn Donaldson, William Edmond. Council: Merchants—-James Schort, dean of guild; Johnn Sinclair, Archibald Allan, yongar; William Broig, George Noruall, Arthoure Houstoun, Thomas Yong, Eduard Hall. Craftsmen— Johnn Hendirson, deacon convener; Thomas Reid, Thomas Downie, Andro Fergusson, Alexander Benny, David Airthe, James M'Lellane, James Stevinsoun, visitour for the malt- men. Clerk : John Williamson. Clerk depute : John Adamson. Treasurer: George Norwall. 1601-2.—Provost: " The rycht honorabill Johnne Murray of Touchadame." Bailies: Cuthbert Cunynghame, Archibald Alschunder, James Cas- tellaw, William Edmond. Council: Merchants—James Schort, dean of guild; Mr. Robert Murray, Johnne Sinclare, Walter Cowane, William Broge, Archibald Allane, notare, Johnne Gawie, Thomas Young. Craftsmen—Johnne Henryson, deacon of the baxters; Thomas Downy, deacon of the hammermen; Thomas Coupare, deacon of the tailors; Alexander Robertsoun, deacon of the fleshers; Johnne Cuthbert, deacon of the skinners; Johnne Hall, deacon of the cordiners ; Alexander Benny, deacon of the websters; Archibald Smith, visitour of the maltmen. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. Treasurer: Walter Cowane. Master of Works : James Shorte. 1602-3.—Provost: John Murray of Touchadame. Bailies: Cuthbert Cuninghame, Archibald Alschunder, James Cas- tellaw, Williame Edmond. Council: Merchants—James Schorte, dean of guild ; Walter Nesche of Wester Dubheidis; Mr. Robert Murray, commissar of Stirling; George Norwell, merchand; John Donaldsoun, mer- chand; Williame Broge, chirurgean; Archibald Allane, younger; Eduard Hall, merchand. Craftsmen—Robert Robertson alias Tennent, peuderar, convener; Christopher Carnes, baxter; Thomas Couper, tailor; Alexander Benny, webster; Johnne 284 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II 1602-3. Halle, corcliner ; James Gib, skinner, Thomas Reid, flesher ; Archibald Smyth, visitor of maltmen. Treasurer: Walter Cowane. 1603-4.— Provost: Adame, commendatare of the abbacie of Cambuskenneth. Bailies: Cnthbert Cunynglxame, James Schorte, James Castellaw, Williame Edmond. Council: Merchants—Duncan Paterson, dean of guild; Johnne Donaldson, Walter Cowane. George Nor well, Mr. Robert Murray, Walter Neslie, Archibald Allane, writer; Johnne Gay; [this name deleted, and "depairtit" written opposite], Robert Seytoun [added in same writing]. Craftsmen—Robert Robert- soun alias Tennent, convener and deacon of the hammermen; Christopher Carnes, baxter; Thomas Reid, flesher; Thomas Scott, tailor; Andro Fergussoun, cordiner; Johnne Cnthbert, skinner; Alexander Benny, wobster; Archibald Smith, visitour of the maltmen. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. Treasurer: Archibald Allane. 1604-5.—Provost: Johnne Murray of Toucliadame. Bailies: Cuthbert Cunynghame, James Schort, James Castellaw, Williame Edmond. Council: Merchants—Duncane Paterson, dean of guild; Archibald Alexander, Walter Cowane, Robert Seytoun, Mr. Robert Murray, Walter Neshe, George Norwell, Archibald Allane, elder. Craftsmen—John Cuthbert, convener ; Robert Robertson alias Tennant, smythe; Christopher Carrnes, baxter; Johnne Layng, under the porte, maltman; Thomas Reid, flesher; Andro Fergussoun, cordiner; Andro Thomeson, tailor; Walter Blaik- burne, webster. Omnigadrum : Johne Cunynghame, Andro Ivilbowie. Old Bailies : Andro Cowane, Johnne Donaldsoun.1 1605-6.—Provost: Johne Murray of Touchadame. Bailies: Cuthbert Cunynghame, James Castellaw, Walter Neische, Williame Edmond. Council: Merchants—Duncane Patersone, dean of guild; Robert Seytoun, Archibald Alschunder, Mr. Robert Murray, Walter 1 See Act of Council, 17 December 1604, p. 112. 1605-6.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 285 1605-6. Cowane, George Nor well, Joline Russell, Artliour Houstoun. Craftsmen—Jolme Cuthbert, convener; Jokne Layng, visitor of the maltmen; Alexander Broun, webster; Alexander Robesone, flesher; Robert Bruce, hammerman; Andro Andersone, baxter; Robert Houstoun, cordiner; Thomas Coupare, tailor. Old bailies : James Schoirte, Johne Donaldsoun. Omnigadrum: Johne Cunynghame, Andro Kilbowy. 1606-7.—Provost: John Murray of Touchadam. Bailies: James Schort, John Scherar, Johne Cunyngliam, Archibald Smyth. Council: Merchants—Duncan Patersoun, clean of guild; Walter Cowane, merchant; Mr. Robert Murray, George Norwell, merchant; Christopher Alexander, Archibald Allane, elder, Alexander Allane, merchant, Edward Hutton. Craftsmen—John Henryson, baxter, convener; Thomas Coupare, tailor; Thomas Downie, smith; Walter Blaikburne, webster; Alexander Hut- toun, skinner; William Burne, cordiner; Johne Layng, maltman; Alexander Robertson, flesher. Clerk depute : Johne Adam. 1607-8.—Provost: Johnne Murray of Touchadame. Bailies: Johnne Sherare, Archibald Smyth, Johnne Cunynghame, Christopher Alexander. Council: Merchants—Duncane Paterson, dean of guild; Robert Seytoun, Mr. Robert Murray, Walter Cowane, George Norwall, James Short, Alexander Bachope, James Robertsone. Crafts¬ men— John Henrysoun, convener; Alexander Robertsoun, flesher; Thomas Downie, smith; Williame Burne, cordiner; Williame Buntene, tailor; Alexander Udene, skinner; Alex¬ ander Benny, webster ; Alexander Thomsoun, maltman. Clerk: Johne Williamsoun. 1608-9.—Provost: John Murray of Touchadam. Bailies: Christopher Alexander, John Scherare, Archibald Smythe, John Cunynghame. Dean of guild: James Short. Council: Merchants—Duncane Patersoun, George Norwell, Alexander Bachope, James Robertsoun, Walter Cowane,Robert Erskine, Archi¬ bald Allane, younger. Crafts—James M'Clellane, tailor, convener; 286 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1608-9. AlexanderRobertsoun, flesher; Johne Andersone,baxter; William Burne, cordiner; John Bruce, hammerman; Alexander Benny, webster; George Drummond, skinner; George Fogo, maltman. Clerk: John Williamsone. 1609-10.—Provost: James Shorte, merchant. Bailies: Johnne Sherer, Johnne Cunynghame, Walter Cowane, Johnne Henrison. Council: Merchants—Duncane Patersoun, clean of guild ; Archibald Allane, younger; George Nor wall, James Robertsoun, Archibald Allane, elder; Alexander Allane, Johnne Johnestoun, Andro Sandis. Craftsmen — James M'Clellane, tailor, convener; Christopher Cairnes, baxter; Johne Bruce, saddler; George Drummond, skinner; Andro Fergussoun, cordiner; Johnne Hog, flesher; Walter Blakburne, webster; George Fogo, maltman. Treasurer: James Robertsoun, merchant. Clerk : Johne Williamsone. Clerk depute : Alexander Barclay. 1610-1.1 —Provost: James Shorte. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Johne Sherare, Christopher Alexander, Archibald Allane, younger. Dean of Guild: Duncan Patersone. Treasurer: George Crawfurde. Clerk: Johne Williamsoun. 1611-2.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Johne Sherer, Johnne Cuninghame, Johnne Cowane. Dean of Guild: Duncan Paterson. Treasurer: Archibald Allane, younger. 1612-3.—Provost: Duncan Patersone. Bailies: Christopher Alexander, Johne Cunynghame, Archibald Allane, younger, George Norwell. Dean of Guild : Johnne Sherer. Treasurer and Master of Work: Alexander Allane. Clerk: John Williamson. 1613-4.—Provost: Duncane Patersoun. Bailies: Christopher Alexander, Archibald Allane, Johnne Cuning¬ hame, Alexander Allan, 1 Subsequent to 1610 names of the " council" are omitted in this list. 1613-4.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 287 1613-4.—Dean of Guild: John Sherer. Treasurer: Thomas Bacliope. Clerk: Johnne Williamsone. 1614-5.—Provost: Duncane Patersone. Bailies: Christopher Alexander, Archibald Allane, Johnne Cunyng- hame, Alexander Allane. Dean of Guild: Johnne Sherare. Treasurer: Thomas Bachop. Clerk: Johne Williamsone. 1615-6.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: Johnne Sherer, Archibald Allane, Walter Cowane, James Robertsoun. Dean of Guild: Christopher Alexander. Treasurer: William Fothringhame. Clerk: Johne Williamsone. Clerk depute : Johnne Robein. 1616-7.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: Johnne Sherer, Christopher Alexander, James Forester, Alexander Allan. Dean of Guild: Walter Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Works : Williame Fothringhame. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. Clerk depute : Johnne Robene. 1617-8.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: John Sherer, James Forester, Johnne Johnnestoun, Duncan Watsoun. Dean of Guild: Walter Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work: Andro Sandis. Clerk: Johne Williamsone. Depute: John Robene. 1618-9.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: Johnne Sherer, James Forester, Johnne Johnnestoun, Duncan Watsoun. Dean of Guild: Walter Cowane. Treasurer : Andro Sandis. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. . 1619-20.—Provost: James Schorte. Baillies: Johnne Sherer, Christopher Alexander, Johnne Johnne¬ stoun, Duncane Watsoun. Dean of Guild: Walter Cowane. 288 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1619-20.—Treasurer: William Muirheid. Clerk: John Williamson. 1620-1.—Provost: Duncane Paterson. Bailies: Christopher Alexander, David Stevinsoun, James Robert- soun, Alexander Allaire. Dean of Guild: Johnne Sherer. Treasurer: Williame Mureheid. Clerk: Johnne Williamsone. Depute: Johnne Robeine. 1621-2.—Provost: Johnne Scherer. Bailies: Johnne Johnestoun, Andro Sandis, David Stevinsone, James Forester. Dean of Guild: Christopher Alexander. Treasurer: Thomas Bachope. 1622-3.—Provost: Johnne Scherare. Bailies : Johnne Johnestoun, David Stevinsoun, Andro Sandis, James Robertsoun. Dean of Guild : Christopher Alexander. Treasurer and- Master of Work: Robert Broun. Clerk: Johnne Williamsone. Depute: David Williamsone. 1623-4.—Provost: Johnne Sherar. Bailies: Johnne Johnnestoun, James Robertsoun, David Stevinsoun, Andro Sandis. Dean of Guild: Alexander Allane. Treasurer : Robert Broun. Clerk: Johnne Williamsone. Depute: Johnne Williamsone (his son). 1624-5.—Provost: John Sherar. Bailies: James Robesoun, Johnne Johnnestoun, David Stevinsoun, Andro Sandis. Dean of Guild and Master of Work: Johne Cowane. Treasurer : Andro Young. 1625-6.—Provost: Johnne Sherer. Bailies : James Robertsoun, Johnne Johnnestoun, David Stevinsoun, Andro Sandis. Dean of Guild : Johnne Cowane. Treasurer: Andro Young. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. 1626-7.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 289 1626-7.—Provost: James Short. Bailies: James Robiesoun, Thomas Bruce, John Squyer, Andro Sandis. Dean of Guild: Johnne Co wane. Treasurer and Master of Work : Johnne M'Nair. Clerk: Johnne Williamsoun. Depute: David Williamson. 1627-8.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: James Robesoun, Johnne Johnnesoun, David Stevinsoun, Johnne Squyre. Dean of Guild : Johnne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work: John M'Nair. Clerk: Johnne Robein. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson, notary. 1628-9.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, David Stevinsoun, Johnne Squyar, William Muirhead. Dean of Guild: Johnne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work: James Fothringhame. Clerk: Johnne Robein. 1629-30.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, David Stevinsoun, Johnne Squyar, Williame Muirhead. Dean of Guild: Johnne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work: James Fothringhame. Clerk: Johne Robene. 1630-1.—Provost: Johnne Sclierar. Bailies: James Robesoun, Walter Cowan, James Fotheringhame, Andro Young. Dean of Guild: David Stevinsoun. Treasurer and Master of Work: Patrick Sword, Clerk: Johnne Robene. 1631-2.—Provost: Johnne Scherar. Bailies: Dauid Stevinsoun, Johnne Johnstoun, James Fothring¬ hame, Andro Young. Dean of Guild: Johnne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work: Patrick Sword. Clerk: John Robene. Procurator - Fiscal: Johnne Adamson. 290 EXTRACTS PROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1632-3.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: David Stevinsone, Walter Cowane, James Fothringhame, Johnne Squyar. Dean of Guild: Jolinne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work : Thomas Andirsone. Clerk: Johnne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1633-4.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: David Stevinsone, Walter Cowane, Johnne Squyer, James Fothringhame. Dean of Guild: Johnne Cowane. Treasurer and Master of Work : Thomas Andersone. Clerk: Johnne Williamsone. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1634-5.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Andro Sandis, Johnne Johnnestoun, James Fothringhame. Dean of Guild: David Stevinson. Treasurer : James Robertsoun, younger. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1635-6.—Provost: Thomas Bruce. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Johnne Johnstoun, James Fothringhame, Johnne Squyer. Dean of Guild: David Stevinson. Treasurer and Master of Work: James Robertson. Clerk: John Williamson. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1636-7.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Johnne Johnnestoun, Johnne Squyar, James Fotheringhame, James Robertsoun, younger. Dean of Guild : David Stevinsoun. Treasurer: Johnne Russall. Clerk: Johnne Williamson. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1637-8.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, Johnne Squyar, James Fothringhame, James Robesoun. 1637-8.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 291 1637-8.—Dean of Guild: David Stevinsoun. Treasurer: Johnne Russell. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1638-9.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, Johnne Squyare, Walter Cowane, James Robertsoun. Dean of Guild : James Fothringhame. Treasurer and Master of Work: Williame Broun. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1639-40.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, Walter Cowane, Johnne Squyare, James Robertsoun. Dean of Guild: James Fotheringhame. Treasurer and Master of Work : Williame Browne. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1640-1.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Johnne Johnnstoun, Walter Cowane, Johnne Squyare, James Robertsoun. Dean of Guild: James Fothringhame. Treasurer: Johnne Stevinsoun. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1641-2.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Johnne Squyer, James Robertsoun, younger Johnne Russell. Dean of Guild: James Fothringhame. Treasurer: Johnne Stevinsoun. Procurator-Fiscal: John Adamson. 1642-3.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Weltoun. Bailies: Walter Cowane, James Robertsoun, Johnne Russell, William Broun. Dean of Guild: James Fothringham. Treasurer and Master of Work: Colene Lapslie. Procurator-Fiscal: John Gawie. 1643-4.—Provost: Thomas Bruce of Waltoun. Bailies: Walter Cowane, James Robertsone, Johnne Russell, Williame Broun. Dean of Guild: James Fothringhame. EXTRACTS EROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1G43-4.—Treasurer : Coline Lapslie. Clerk: Davicl Forrester. Procurator-Fiscal: Jolm Gawie. 1644-5.—Provost: Capitane Johnne Short. Bailies: Johnne Johnnsoun, Williame Broun, Johnne Stevinsone, Johnne Liddell. Dean of Guild : James Fothringhame. Treasurer and Master of Work: Thomas Bachope. Clerk: David Williamsoun. 1645-6.—Provost: Johnne Schort. Bailies: Walter Cowane, Johnne Russell, Duncane Nairne, Robert Young. Dean of Guild: James Fothringhame. Treasurer: Thomas Bachop. Clerk: Johnne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: James Keir. 1646-7.—Provost: Johnne Schort. Bailies: Johnne Cowan, Thomas Bachop, Duncan Nairne, Robert Young. Dean of Guild: James Fothringhame. Treasurer: Andro Baird. Clerk: Johnne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: James Keir. 1647-8.—Provost: Johnne Schort. Bailies: Duncan Nairne, Robert Young, Thomas Bachop, Christopher Russall. Dean of Guild: John Cowan. Treasurer: Andro Baird. Clerk : Jolmne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: James Keir. 1648-9.—Provost; Thomas Bruce. Bailies: Duncane Nairne, Thomas Bachop, Christopher Russall, Robert Stevinsoun. Dean of Guild: Johnne Cowan. Treasurer: Johnne Robertsone. Clerk: Johnne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: James Keir. 1649-50.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 293 1649-50.—Provost: Johnne Schort. Bailies: Duncane Nairne, Thomas Bachop, Robert Stevinsoun, Andro Baird. Dean of Guild: Robert Young. Treasurer: Johnne Robertsoun. Clerk: Johnne Robene. Procurator-Fiscal: James Keir. 1650-1.—Provost: Johnne Schort. Baillies : Robert Young, Thomas Bachop, Robert Stevinsoun, Johnne Crawfurde. Deem of Guild: Duncane Nairne. Treasurer: Alexander Fergussoun. Clerk: Johnne Robene. 1651-2 (30 September).—Provost: Johne Schort. Bailies : Robert Stevinsone, Androw Baird, Johne Robertsone, Alex¬ ander Burne. Dean of Guild : Duncane Nairne. Treasurer: Alexander Fergusone. (20 April).—Provost: Johne Schort. Bailies: Christopher Russall, Androw Baird, Jolme Robertsone, Alexander Burne. Dean of Guild: Thomas Bachop. Treasurer: Alexander Fergusone. " All which persones . . . were syorne be Lieutennant Colonell Pick, conforme to the tennour of his commissioun."1 1652-3.—Provost: Johne Schort. Bailies: Christopher Russell, Allexander Burne, James Stevinsone, Allexander Fergusone. Dean of Guild: Thomas Bachop. Treasurer: Johne M'Nair. Clerk: Williame Barclay. 1653-4.—Provost: David Forrester of Denovan. Bailies: Christopher Russall, Androw Baird, Johne Robertsone, Allexander Burne. Dean of Guild: Duncane Nairne. 1See also act of council 21 April 1652, p. 202. 294 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix II. 1653-4.—Treasurer : Johne M'Nair. Clerk: Williame Barclay. 1654-5.—No election. 1655-6.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: Alexander Burne, Johne Buchannan, Robert Burne, Johne M'Nair. Dean of Guild : Robert Young. Treasurer: Androw Bucliannan. Clerk: Williame Barclay. 1656-7.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: Allexander Burne, Johne Bucliannan, Robert Burne, Johne M'Nair. Dean of Guild : Robert Young. Treasurer: George Hendersone. Clerk: Williame Barclay. 1657-8.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: Robert Burne, Johne M'Nair, James Stevinsone, Androw Bucliannan. Dean of Guild: Duncan Nairne. Treasurer: George Henderson. Clerk : Williame Barclay. 1658-9.—Provost: Duncane Nairne. Bailies: John Buchanan, James Stevinsone, Androw Buchanan, Robert Russell. Dean of Guild: Robert Burne. Treasurer: Thomas Andersone. Clerk: James Norie. 1659-60.—Provost; Duncan Nairne. Bailies: John Buchannane, James Stevinsone, Andrew Buchannan, Robert Russell. Dean of Guild: Robert Burne. Treasurer: Thomas Andersone. Clerk: James Norie. 1660-1.—Provost: Duncan Nairne. Bailies: Robert Burne, John M'Nair, Robert Russall, Thomas Andersone. Dean of Guild: James Stevinsone. 1660-1.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 295 1660-1.—Treasurer: James Russell. Cleric: James None. 1661-2.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: Robert Burne, John M'Nair, Robert Russell, Thomas Anderson. Dean of Guild: James Stevinsone. Treasurer: James Russell. Cleric: James Norie. 1662-3.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: Robert Burne, John Macknair, Robert Russell, Thomas Anderson. Dean of Guild : James Stevinsone. Treasurer : Alexander Allane. Cleric: James Norie. 1663-4.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies : Robert Burne, Johne Macknair, Robert Russell. Dean of Guild : James Stevinsone. Treasurer: Alexander Allane. Clerk: James Norie. 1664-5.—Provost: Duncan Naime. Bailies: Robert Russell, James Russell, Robert Johnstone, John Duncane. Dean of Guild : James Stevinsone. Treasurer : Duncan Watson, eldar. Clerk : James Norie. 1665-6.—Provost: Duncane Nairn. Bailies: Robert Russell, Robert Johnstone, John Duncane. Dean of Guild : James Stevinsone. Treasurer: Duncan Watsone. Clerk: James Norie. 1666-7.—Provost: Robert Stevinsone. Bailies: John Macknair, James Stevinson, Thomas Anderson, James Keir. Dean of Guild: James Russell. Treasurer: James Brown. Clerk : James Norie. 296 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix iii. III.—Rentall of the commoun landis perteaning to the burgiie of Sterling, sett doune in may 1652. Auld Mure. The aires of umquhile Mr. Johne Cowane for ten aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of before to umquhile Walter Cowane, his father, and of auld to Johne Schaw of Broitche, - £5 0 0 Mair, the saidis aires of John Cowane for twa aikeris and ane half of land quhilk perteanit of before to Johne Adamesone, notare, 1 5 0 Johne Schort for aucht aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of auld to Robert Forrester, ------- 4 0 0 Mair, the said Johne Schort for tua aikeris and ane half of land quhilk perteanit of auld to Hendrie Milne, 1 5 10 Mair, the said Johne Schort for tua aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of auld to John Cowane, ------ 1 0 0 Francis Durehame of Duntarvie for thrie aikeris of land quhilk per¬ teanit of auld to Alexander Kinked, - 1 10 0 Mair, the said Francis Durhame for fyftene aikeris of land callit the Braikinhouse, 4 16 6 Thomas Nairne for tua aikeris and ane half of land, 1 5 0 Duncan Nairne for ane aiker of land, - 0 10 0 James Robertsone, cordinar, for foure aiker of land quhilk perteanit of before to James Robertsone, flesh our, - 2 0 0 The aires of James Millar for tua aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of before to William Graliame of Panhollis, - 1 1 0 The aires of Duncane Patersone for seavin aikeris of land, 3 10 0 The aires of Walter Neische for tua aikeris of land, 1 0 0 J ames Lawrie for thrie aikeris of land, - 1 10 0 Summa totalis yeirlie, £29 13 4 New Mure. The aires of Walter Neische for thrie aikeris of land, - £1 1 0 John Schort for aucht aikeris of land, - - - - 2 16 0 The aires of James Millar for aucht aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of before to Robert Graliame of Pankolles, - - - - 2 19 0 J ames Lawrie for seavin aikeris of land quhilk perteanit sumtyme to Androw Lawrie, merchand, - 2 9 0 1652.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 297 Duncan Muresone for ane aiker of land - £0 7 0 James Buchannan, father brother sone and aire to Robert Buchannan, litstar, for thrie aikeris of land quhilk perteanit of before to Thomas Bennie, -------- 1 10 0 The landis of Unelandis qu|iilk perteanit sumtyme to William Alex¬ ander and now to Allexander Schaw, - 3 0 0 Summa totalis yeirlie, £11 2 0 The Pcirlc Aikeris. The aires of Johne Allane wha was sone aire of Archibald All ane, merchand, for foure aikeris of land, - £2 0 0 The aires of Johne Stewart, merchand, for thrie aikeris and ane half of land with ane perte wast land quhilk perteanit of before to the laird of Auchinbowie, ------ 4 0 0 The over hospitall of Sterling, callit Cowanes hospitall, for tua aikeris of land, callit Justinflattes, perteaning of before to the laird of Auchinbowie, ------- 1 0 0 The aires of James Watsone, maltman, for thrie aikeris and ane half of land, ----- - . o 0 0 The Nether Hospitall of Sterling for seavin aikeris of land, 3 10 0 The aires of Johne Cowane for tua aikeris of land, 2 0 0 The aires of Patrik Justice for tua aikeris of land callit Justinflattes, - 2 0 0 Summa totalis yeirlie, £16 10 0 David Forrester of Denovane for the landis of Borrowmedow, - £10 0 0 The laird of Urquhill for the landis of Spittall, 13 6 s The aires of Patrik Justice for the landis of Spitall my re, 2 0 0 The over Hospitall, callit Cowanes hospitall, for the Ladye land and Ladye rig, 2 0 0 The said over Hospital for the croftis and uther landis disponit be umquhile Mr. David Forrester, ----- 10 5 0 The aires of William Lamb for the Rude Croft quhilk perteanit of auld to James Wallace, notare, - 8 4 4 Summa totalis yeirlie, £45 16 0 2 p 298 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix III. The annuelles of the rude altar, - £5 3 4 The hous and yaird perteaning to Robert Matisone, travellour,- 3 8 4 The lions nixt to the churche now perteaning to the Erie of Mar and of auld to Walter Geagie, ------ 4 0 0 The hous of umquhile Allexander Stevinsone at the head of the Freer Wynd, -------- 2 0 0 Foure voltis under the tolbuithe, - 32 0 0 Ane utlier volt under the tolbuithe presentlie possest be David Nicoll, 12 6 8 The voltis of the New Port, ------ 4 0 0 The hous at the en trie of Bellis Close 011 the nether syde thairof now perteaning to David Fergusone, fleshour in Touclie, 0 6 8 The hous in Bellis Close new perteaning to the aires of Jolme Murray, 5 0 0 The houssis in Bellis Close perteaning to Robert Young, merchand, 2 10 0 The foir hous perteaning to Christopher Russall, baxter, 1 13 4 The hous at the entrie of Bellis Close, 011 the upper syde thairof, per¬ teaning to Robert Young and of before to Allexander Huttoune, skinner, -------- 0 16 8 The hous callit Lawries turnepyk, now perteaning to Johne Hendrie, tailyeour, and of before to Androw Lawrie, merchand, 0 9 0 Summa totalis yeirlie, £73 14 0 St. Laivrance Altar. The aires of Patrik Justice for St. Lawrance croft, £4 2 0 The aires of Duncane Patersone for the nedmest buithe under the laird of Keires ludgeing, ------ 3 0 0 John Schort for the buithe sumtyme perteaning to Johne Co wane, lyand on the north syde of the entrie of Keire's ludgeing, 2 0 0 The said John Schort for ane utlier buithe under the said ludgeing, 1 16 0 The baxteris for the clos and houssis whair the baikhous standis, 0 5 0 The aires of Williame Esplene for the house nixt adjacent to Lawries turnepyk, -------- 0 5 0 The aires of James Hendersone, baxter, [for property] lying at the foot of the bakraw, ------- 0 5 0 Johne Schort for tua pieces of waistis in the Eister Craiges, - 0 3 0 James Easson for his hous and yaird in the Quhinnes, - 0 10 0 1652.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 299 The laird of Polmais for ane aiker of land perteaning of before to Christopher Cairnes, - - - - - - £0 10 0 St. Marnokes Chappell and yaird at the brig, - - - - 2 0 0 The aires of Androw Jalfray for the lions and yaird at the foote of the Freer Wynd, - - - - - - - 200 For ane aiker of land in Guscroft, pertenyng to Androw Steinson, maltman, - - - - - - - - 0100 Summa totalis yeirlie, - - £17 6 0 Roll of the grund annuelles of auld dew to St. James' and St. Thomas' altares within the kirk of sterling and now perteaning to the said burghe, yeirlie to be uplifted. Furthe of these landis at the brig of Sterling sumtyme perteaning to Williame Monteathe of Randiford, thairefter to Mr. Johne Rollo, commissar of Dumblane, - - - - - - £2 18 0 Furthe of that tenement of land lyand at the head of the Marie Wynd of the said burghe sumtyme perteaning to Duncane Forrester of Queinshaucli, - - - - - - - 0 5 6 Furthe of that tenement of land, bak and foir, with the yaird and pertinentis, lyand at Craiges Clos, sumtyme perteaning to the aires of Johne Russall and William Stevinsone, thairefter to Johne Williamsone, shereff and toune clerk of Sterling, and now to John Williamsone his oye, ane obeit or grund annuell of, - 114 0 Furthe of that bak tenement of land sumetyme perteaning to Androw Fergusone, - - - - - - 0 10 0 Furthe of that land doune from the Dall wall, sumtyme perteaning to the laird of Kippenros, - - - - - - 0 6 8 Furthe of that tenement of land sumtyme pertaining to Allexander Broune, - - - - - - - - 0 6 0 Furthe of that tenement of land sumtyme perteaning to David Grahame, - - - - - - - 0 10 0 Furthe of that tenement of land sumtyme perteaning to Duncane Mairschell, - - - - - - - 0 9 0 Furthe of that tenement of land sumtyme perteaning to Michell Donaldsone, - - - - - - - 0 5 0 300 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix n-l, Furtlie of that croft of land on the southe syde of the borrow mylne perteaning to umquhile Elizabethe Allexander, - - £0 1 Furthe of that uther croft of land lyand on the northe syde of the said borrow milne, - - - - - - - 010 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Androw Forsyth e, lorimer,- 0 13 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to umquhile Johne Gib alias Whyte Johne - - - - - - - 0 6 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Duncane Kirkwood, • 0 2 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Robert Gray, - - 0 2 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Robert Ritchardsone, - 0 8 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Patrik M'Dickone, - 0 8 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to William Esplene, cultellar, 0 5 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Thomas Lawsone, - - 0 16 Furthe of that land doune the Baxter Wynd sumtyme perteaning to James Henryesone, - - - - - - 014 Furthe of that land sumtyme perteaning to Allexander Patersone lyand at Brandiswell, - - - - - - 0 10 Furthe of that tenement of land sumtyme perteaning to J ohne Grahame, 2 6 Summa totalis yeirlie, - - £14 8 6 8 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1520-62.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 301 IV.—TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF DUES LEVIABLE FROM FAIRS AND STAIGS.1 Part I.—1520-62. Date. "Staigsand revenues of the fair." Date. " Staigs and revenues of the fair." £ s. d. £ s. d. 1520, September 3, 10 3 4 1528, September 4, 8 10 0 1521, „ 5, 10 10 0 1529, „ 7, 9 6 8 1522, „ 5, 7 13 4 1554, „ 7, 6 13 4 1523, „ 7, 8 13 4 1555, ,, 7, 6 13 4 1524, ,, 5, 11 16 8 1556, ,, 7, 10 0 0 1525, ,, 4, 11 0 0 1561, ,, 6, 9 6 8 1526, August 27,-- 9 0 0 1562.- 1527, September 6, 9 6 8 1 Stirling Fair for the sale of " staigs" or horses appears to have been of some repute from very early times. In the public record office, London, there is preserved a document dated 14 August, 1270, narrating that the King's (Edward I. of England) valet William fitz Glaye is sending his servants to the fair of Stirling, to buy horses and other animals for his use.—Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, vol. ii., No. 79. 2 7 Sept. 15G2.—The baillies and counsall lies condiscentlit that tua s. be gaderit of every staig, conforme to use and wont tliir xxty yeris bigan, to be deliverit to the thesaurare to male compt to the toun.—Charters and Documents, p. 209. 302 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [APPENDIX IV. TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF DUES LEVIABLE FROM FAIRS AND STAIGS. PART II.-1595-1648. Date. First Fair. Staigs. Date. Latter Fail. Staigs. £ s. d. £ s. i>. £ s. d. £ s. p. 1595, Sept. 0, 10 0 0 12 0 0 1595, Oct. 21, 9 0 0 1596, „ 7, 10 0 0 12 0 0 1596, ,, ,, 8 0 0 159S, „ „ 10 0 0 12 0 0 1598, „ „ 8 0 0 1599, ,, ,, 12 3 4 12 6 8 1599, ,, 20, 8 0 0 1600, „ 5, 11 0 0 12 0 0 1600, „ 21, 8 0 0 1001, „ 7, 8 0 0 12 0 0 1601, „ „ 6 13 4 1602, „ „ 8 0 0 12 0 0 1602, „ „ 5 6 8 1603, „ 9, 7 13 4 11 0 0 1603, „ ,, 6 0 0 1604, „ 7, 5 6 8 1604, „ 19, 5 6 8 1605, ,, ,, 5 6 8 8 0 0 1605, ,, 21, 6 13 4 1607, „ „ 5 0 0 6 0 0 1607, „ 22, 5 6 8 1609, „ 7, 5 6 8 8 0 0 1609, ,, 20, 6 13 4 1610, „ „ 6 13 4 8 0 0 1610, „ ,, 6 13 4 1611, „ 6, 6 13 4 8 0 0 1611, ,, 21, 5 13 4 1612, „ 7, 6 0 0 8 0 0 1612, „ „ 6 0 0 1613, „ ,, 6 13 4 8 13 4 1613, „ „ 6 0 0 1614, „ ,, 6 0 0 8 0 0 1614, „ „ 6 0 0 1615, ,, 6, 6 13 4 8 0 0 1615, ,, „ 6 13 4 1616, „ 7, 6 13 4 8 0 0 1616, „ „ 6 0 0 1617, ,, 5, 7 6 8 9 0 0 1617, „ „ 6 0 0 1618, ,, 7, 6 13 4 8 0 0 1618, ,, ,, 6 6 8 1619, „ „ 6 13 4 9 0 0 1619, ,, 20, 6 6 8 1620, „ „ 8 0 0 10 0 0 1620, „ „ 6 13 4 1621, „ „ 20 0 0 13 6 8 1621, ,, 19, 10 13 4 1622, „ „ 13 6 8 1622, ,, 21, 11 6 8 1623, ,, 6, 20 0 0 13 6 8 1623, „ „ 11 6 S 1624-1648.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 303 TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF DUES LEVIABLE FROM FAIRS AND STAIGS—Continued. Part II.—1624-1648. Date. First Fair. Staigs. Date. Latter Fair. Staigs. £ s. r>. £ S. T>. £ S. D. £ s. i>. 1624, „ 7, 20 0 0 13 6 8 1624, „ 21, 10 13 4 1625, 22 0 0 15 0 0 1625, ,, ,, 16 0 0 1626, ,, 4, 22 0 0 15 0 0 1626, „ 20, 16 0 0 1627, „ 7, 22 0 0 15 0 0 1627, „ „ 16 0 0 1628, ,, 5, 24 0 0 16 0 0 1628, ,, 21, 16 13 4 3 0 0 1629, „ 7, 24 0 0 16 0 0 1629, „ „ 16 13 4 3 0 0 1630, „ „ 16 0 0 1630, ,, ,, 33 0 0 3 6 8 1631, ,, ,, 25 0 0 19 0 0 1631, „ „ 25 0 0 3 6 8 1632, „ „ 26 0 0 19 0 0 1632, „ 19, 27 6 8 4 0 0 1633, ,, 6, 35 0 0 20 0 0 1633, „ 21, 26 6 8 3 0 0 1634, „ „ 35 0 0 20 0 0 1634, „ „ 29 0 0 4 0 0 1635, „ 7, 421 0 0 22 0 0 1635, ,, 12, 36 0 02 5 0 0 1636, ,, ,, 48 0 0 22 0 0 1636, ,, 21, 36 0 0 4 0 0 1637, ,, ,, 48 0 0 22 0 0 1637, ,, „ 36 0 0 3 0 0 1638, ,, ,, 52 0 0 24 0 0 1638, ,, 19, 38 0 0 3 6 8 1639, ,, 6, 46 0 0 22 0 0 1639, „ 21, 36 0 0 3 6 S 1640, „ 7, 32 0 0 18 0 0 1640, „ „ 36 0 0 3 6 8 1641, „ 6, 48 0 0 24 0 0 1641, „ „ 34 0 0 3 6 8 1642, „ 7, 48 0 0 24 0 0 1642, „ „ 39 0 0 4 0 0 1643, „ ... 40 0 0 24 0 0 1643, „ 20, 39 6 S 4 0 0 1644, 1644, „ 17, 28 0 0 4 0 0 1645, 1645, 1646, 1646, ,, 21, 14 0 0 2 0 0 1647, 1647, „ „ 24 0 0 3 6 8 1648, 1648, „ „ 28 0 0 9 0 0 i At Barresyet or port, £21; at bridge, £21. - At Barresyet or port. £10 ; at bridge, £20. 304 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [APPENDIX IV. TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF DUES LEVIABLE FROM FAIRS AND STAIGS. PART III.—1649-66. Date. New or First Fair. Date. Second Fair. Date. Third Fair, Staigs. Date. Latter Fair. Staigs. 1649, May o ~5 £ s. 1 D. 1649, July 19, £ a. i). 1649, Sept. 6, £ 48 s. 0 d. 0 £ 26 s. 13 d. 4 1649, Sept. 20, £ 40 s. 0 D. 0 £ 11 s. 0 D. 0 1650, ,, — w5 10 0 0 1650, 1650, 1650, 5 5 21, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 55 5 5 S3 0 0 2 13 4 1652, 1652, 1652, 31 6 8 13 6 8 1652, 5 5 36 0 0 6 13 4 1653, ,, 19, 11 10 0 1653, July 14, 13 13 4 1653, Sept. 7, 29 0 0 8 0 0 1653, 5 5 24, 48 0 0 6 13 4 1654, „ 3, 7 3 4 1654, „ 19, 12 18 0 1654, ,, 55 30 0 0 10 0 0 1654, 5 5 23, 80 0 0 14 0 0 1655, ,, 23, 16 13 4 1655, ,, 19, 22 0 0 1655, ,, 10, 56 13 4 29 0 0 1655, 5 5 22, 75 0 0 16 0 0 1656, 1656, „ 55 70 0 0 28 0 0 1656, 55 21, 8S 0 0 16 0 0 1657, „ 16, 10 13 4 1657, July 20, 16 0 0 1657, ,, 7, 56 0 0 20 0 0 1657, 55 55 78 0 0 12 0 0 1658, 1658, ,, 19, 22 0 0 1658, ,, 5 5 95 6 8 24 0 0 1658, 5 5 55 87 0 0 17 0 0 1659, May 11, 13 0 0 1659, ,, 19, 29 0 0 1659, „ 5 5 89 0 0 30 13 4 1659, 55 24, 86 0 0 12 0 0 1660, June 2, 14 12 10 1660, July 30, 27 0 0 1660, ,, 10, 92 0 0 30 0 0 1660, Oct. 22, 4109 19 8 12 0 0 1661, May 22, 16 6 8 1661, Aug. 10, 26 0 0 1661, ,, 9, 101 0 0 30 0 0 1661, 55 21, 119 0 0 12 0 0 1662, „ 7, 14 4 0 1662, July 21, 26 13 4 1662, „ 3, 118 13 4 40 0 0 1662, 5 5 5 5 123 0 0 16 0 0 1663, „ 27, 15 0 0 1663, „ 20, 22 15 0 1663, ,, 7, 104 0 0 26 13 4 1663, 5 5 5 5 107 0 0 16 0 0 1664, „ 18, 15 10 0 1664, „ 19, 1664, „ 55 118 0 0 30 13 4 1664, 5 5 24, 106 12 6 14 0 0 1665, „ 1665, ,, 19, 22 0 0 1665, ,, 55 85 0 0 30 0 0 1665, 55 23, 90 0 0 14 0 0 1666, ,, 23, 20 0 0 1666, ,, ! , 30 6 8 1666, ,, 10, 89 0 0 27 6 8 1666, 55 22, 90 0 0 14 0 0 iNot set this year. See 2 May 1649; p. 196. 2 Not set, but £17 ISs. Scl. collected. See 19 July, 1649; p. 196. 3 In 1635 and subsequent years the dues at the bridge and at the Barresyet or port are let separately. In this year, 1651, the dues at the latter only were let. * Dues of latter fair not let in 1660, but this sum collected, viz,, at bridge, £61 3s. 4d.; and at Barresyet or port, £48 16s. 4d. 1519-96.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 305 v.—TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF CUSTOMS, DUTIES, &c., LEVIABLE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL. Part I.—1519-96. Date. Small customs. The pecks and firlots. Gait sweep¬ ings or dichtings. Fishings in Water of Forth. Fish skem- mels or shambles. : Kings maill, [ grass mail!, and stallage. Haven silver. £ S. D. £ s. r>. £ s. i). £ s. D. £ s. d £ K. D. £ s. i>. 1519-20, January 16, 10 0 0 1520, November 32 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 8 13 4 0 16 0 1521, Nov. & Dec. 32 13 4 10 0 0 11 0 0 8 6 8 0 19 0 1522, October 10, 32 0 0 10 0 0 9 3 4 1 0 0 1523, Nov. & Jan. 36 13 4 12 0 0 12 10 0 10 0 0 1 2 0 1524, November 12, 32 0 0 10 0 0 13 3 4 S 0 0 1525, „ 3, 32 0 0 13 0 0 14 13 4 9 0 0 1 3 0 1526, „ 8, 32 0 0 13 0 0 14 13 4 9 0 0 0 15 0 1527, Nov. & Dec. 32 0 0 14 6 8 17 6 8 9 0S 1 1 0 1528, November 9, 32 0 0 13 6 8 15 6 8 9 6 8 1 0 0 1529, „ 5, 32 0 0 12 0 0 9 6 8 2 0 0 1546, ,, 9, 691 0 0 23 6 8 4 13 4 2 4 0 1547, October 26, 69 0 0 IS2 0 0 1548, November 2, 53 6 8 IS 0 0 1 16 0 1549, „ 10, 53 6 8 18 0 0 5 0 0 4 13 4 1 15 0 1554, 60 0 0 ... 26 0 0 4 0 0 5 10 0 1555, 60 0 0 6 13 4 44 0 0 26 13 4 3 6 8 4 13 4 1 2 0 1556, ,, 9, 80 0 0 8 0 0 50 0 0 24 0 0 3 13 4 4 13 4 0 16 0 1560, „ 11, 61 6 8 9 6 8 16 0 0 5 3 4 5 8 4 1 4 0 1561, „ 7, 67 0 0 16 0 0 30 13 4 16 13 4 8 10 0 5 0 0 1562, „ 10, 79 0 0 17 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 4 13 4 5 0 0 1563, 61 6 S 14 0 0 34 13 4 22 6 8 5 6 8 1564, ,, 3, 58 6 8 14 0 0 36 0 0 22 13 4 5 3 4 5 6 8 1 10 0 1595, „ 10, 84 0 0 29 6 8 109 6 8 32 0 0 4 3 4 8 10 0 1596, 46 13 4 33 6 8 140 0 0 22 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 1 Small customs set for five years for £G9 yearly. 2 Water of Forth set for 3 years at £18 yearly. 2 Q 306 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix Y. TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF CUSTOMS, DUTIES, &c., LEVIABLE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL. Part II.—1597-1619. Date. Small Customs. New customs for repairing tire bridge.a Pecks and Firlots. Gait dichtings. Water of Forth. Fisli skem- mils or shambles. Kings maill, grass maill, and stallage. New Impost of malt.i Shore maill and anchorage.2 £ s. n. £ S. D. £ S. T>. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ s. ». £ s. n. £ S. D £ S. D. 1597, Nov. 10, 93 6 S 33 6 S 133 6 8 25 0 0 4 0 0 7 6 8 159S-9, Jan. 12, 40 0 0 1599, Nov. 10, 100 13 4 53 6 8 40 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 4 13 4 6 13 4 1600, ,, 1, 103 13 4 73 6 8 40 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 8 6 8 6 13 4 1601, ,, 10, 86 13 4 63 6 8 36 13 4 53 6 8 27 6 8 6 13 4 5 6 8 1602, „ 10, 90 0 0 67 0 0 42 0 0 53 6 8 28 0 0 8 13 4 8 10 0 1603,3 ,, 10, 46 13 46 67 0 0 42 0 0 53 6 8 24 0 0 10 13 4 9 10 0 1604, ,, 9, 100 0 0 70 0 0 45 0 0 100 0 0 30 13 4 9 6 8 7 3 4 1605, „ 9, 120 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 93 6 S 26 13 4 6 0 0 7 10 0 h-'1 Ci O st4 h—i o 100 0 0 64 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 47 6 8 6 13 4 6 0 0 60 0 0 1608, ,, 10, 102 0 0 62 0 0 33 6 8 80 0 0 40 0 0 8 0 0 5 6 8 1609, ,, 10, 102 0 0 62 0 0 53 6 8 80 0 0 42 0 0 9 10 0 5 6 S 40 0 0 1610, ,, 9, 123 6 8 74 13 4 46 0 0 93 6 8 44 0 0 8 10 0 5 6 8 50 0 0 1611, ,, 8, 123 6 8 73 6 8 54 0 0 86 13 4 8 0 0 6 0 0 60 0 0 1612, ,, 10, 93 6 8 80 0 0 66 13 4 134 13 44 8 0 0 6 0 0 73 6 8 1613, ,, 10, 136 0 0 80 0 0 88 13 4 135 6 8 80 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 74 0 0 1614, „ 10, 137 6 8 80 0 0 94 0 0 133 6 8 90 0 0 6 13 4 6 0 0 66 13 4 1615, ,, 10, 138 0 0 80 13 4 96 0 0 134 0 0 56 0 0 6 0 0 60 0 0 1616, „ 11, 140 0 0 S2 13 4 114 13 4 146 13 4 56 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 146 13 4 40 0 0 1617, „ 10, 146 13 4 86 13 4 116 13 4 170 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 168 0 0 40 0 0 1618, ,, 10, 160 0 0 90 0 0 140 0 0 ISO 0 0 26 13 4 6 0 0 5 6 8 182 0 0 42 13 4 1619, ,, 9, 160 0 0 90 0 0 120 0 0 133 6 8 26 13 4 6 0 0 5 6 8 160 0 0 30 0 0 1 The impost of malt was levied in terms of agreement between the merchants and crafts, 4 November 101G. See pp. 143-4. 2 See acts as to shore maill and anchorage, 19 April 1603, p. 104, and 4 February 1605, p. 112. There is no record of the let proposed in the latter act having been made. 3 See acts as to the "lichter boit," 24 October 1603, p. 107; 19 March 1604, p. 109; 21 January 1605, p. 112; and 5 December 160S, p. 121. 13 December 1C07—" The lichter boit sett to Joline Layng for xl. li., and serving the toun at all quhen lie bcis requyrit." In 1608 the boat was set for £53 6s. 8d.; 1609, £GG 13s. 4d.; 1610, £S0; and in 1611 for £80. 4 In 1612 the " auld gait dichtings" are let for £88, and, in addition, what is apparently a new impost, "gait dichtings of outlands malt," for £46 13s. 4d. In subsequent years the dues let are described only as " gait dichtings," and latterly " gait dichtings and laidills." 5 As to custom or impost granted for beitting and repairing the brig, see p. 91. 6 1603.—Small customs, " exceptand the customes of the tymrner of Murrayis woid and the nyn pundis of Falkirk custome." See 24 October, 1603; p. 107. 1620-1644.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 307 TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF CUSTOMS, DUTIES, &c., LEVIABLE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL. Part III.—1620-1666. Date. New and auld customs at the Brig, with the custom corn benorth the Water of Forth. New and auld customs at the Port, with the custom corn besouth the Water of Forth. Pecks and firlots. Customs of the Tron. Cait dichtings and Ladle duty. Water of Forth. Fish skemmills or shambles. King's mail! and stallage. Impost of malt. Shore mail! and anchorage. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ p. d. £ s. d. £ s. v. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1620, Nov. 10, 95 0 0 95 0 0 120 0 0 120 0 0 93 0 0 33 6 8 6 0 0 5 6 8 160 0 0 20 0 0 1621, „ 9, 90 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 125 0 0 170 0 0 40 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 1622, „ 8, 93 6 8 93 6 8 93 6 S 140 0 0 180 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 40 0 0 1623, ,, 10, 102 0 0 102 0 0 93 6 8 140 0 0 190 0 0 33 6 8 5 0 0 3 6 8 80 0 0 42 0 0 1624, ,, ,, 120 0 0 104 0 0 100 0 0 166 0 0 160 0 0 50 0 0 5 13 4 3 6 8 92 0 0 33 6 8 1625, „ „ 160 0 0 93 6 8 100 0 0 192 0 0 122 0 0 53 6 8 7 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 1626, ,, ,, 160 0 0 93 6 8 106 13 4 214 0 0 110 13 4 40 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 106 13 4 31 0 0 1627, „ 9, 160 0 0 93 6 8 122 0 0 233 6 8 126 13 4 40 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 130 0 0 20 0 0 1628, „ 10, 140 0 0 93 6 8 120 0 0 204 0 0 116 13 4 54 13 4 4 0 0 4 0 0 120 0 0 20 0 0 1629, „ „ 136 13 4 95 6 8 120 0 0 184 0 0 184 0 0 41 6 8 4 0 0 4 0 0 100 0 0 26 13 4 1630, ,, ,, 136 13 4 100 0 0 120 0 0 186 0 0 221 6 8 46 13 4 4 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 1631, ,, ,, 136 13 4 100 0 0 120 0 0 211 0 0 200 0 0 46 13 4 4 0 0 124 0 0 40 0 0 1632, „ 9, 140 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 226 0 0 200 0 0 50 13 4 4 0 0 126 0 0 40 0 0 1633, „ 8, 145 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 13 4 4 0 0 110 0 0 30 0 0 1634, „ 10, 180 18 0 105 0 0 140 15 0 206 0 0 206 0 0 51 11 8 4 8 8 120 0 0 26 13 4 1635, ,, ,, 240 0 0 120 0 0 140 0 0 180 0 0 240 0 0 54 13 4 5 0 0 4 13 4 100 0 0 50 0 0 1636, „ ,, 266 13 4 133 6 8 165 0 0 160 0 0 302 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 110 0 0 60 0 0 1638, „ 9, 266 13 4 140 0 0 133 6 8 133 6 8 205 0 0 51 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 133 6 8 30 0 0 1639, ,, 11, 274 0 0 140 0 0 133 6 8 133 6 8 200 0 0 63 6 8 5 0 0 5 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 1640, „ 10, 213 0 0 106 13 4 100 0 0 200 0 0 133 6 8 60 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 165 0 0 20 0 0 1641, „ „ 240 0 0 120 0 0 134 13 4 200 0 0 164 0 0 66 13 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 133 6 8 34 0 0 1642, „ „ 240 0 0 126 13 4 100 0 0 160 0 0 273 6 8 82 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 0 160 0 0 53 6 8 1643, ,, ,, 220 0 0 153 6 8 166 13 4 166 13 4 220 0 0 81 6 8 4 0 0 8 0 0 166 13 4 33 6 8 1644, „ 29, 160 0 0 133 13 4 120 0 0 133 6 S 200 0 0 68 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 133 6 8 33 6 8 1 Modified to 100 0 0 86 13 4 80 0 0 80 0 0 133 G S GO 0 0 93 G 8 20 0 0 l See 27th April, 1646, p. 191. 308 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix V. TABLE SHEWING REVENUE DERIVED FROM LET OF CUSTOMS, DUTIES, &c., LEVIABLE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL. Part III.—1620-1666, Continued. Date. New and auld customs at the Brig, with the custom corn benorth the Water of Forth. New and auld customs at the Port, with the custom corn besouth tire Water of Forth. Pecks and firlots. * Customs of the Tron. Gait dichtings and Ladle duty. Water of Forth. Fisli skemmills or shambles. King's maill and stallage. Impost of malt. Shore maill and anchorage. £ s. r>. £ S. d. <£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. n. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1646, Feb. 2, S6 13 4 86 13 4 50 0 0 120 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 ,, Nov. 10, 186 13 4 133 6 8 60 0 0 80 0 0 146 13 4 SO 0 0 4 0 0 80 0 0 33 6 8 1647, „ „ 255 6 8 120 0 0 60 0 0 110 0 0 120 0 0 133 6 8 5 0 0 145 15 0 66 13 4 1648, ,, 9, 240 0 0 120 0 0 73 6 8 113 6 8 160 0 0 146 13 4 5 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 1649, ,, 10, 266 13 4 160 0 0 90 0 0 120 0 0 226 13 4 270 0 0 12 13 4 106 13 4 46 13 4 1650, ,, 9, 140 0 0 133 6 8 90 0 0 120 0 0 240 0 0 403 6 8 12 13 4 235 0 0 48 0 0 1651, ,, 21, 200 0 0 133 6 8 100 0 0 120 0 0 246 13 4 440 0 0 12 13 4 213 0 0 48 0 0 1652, „ 20, 401 18 10 166 13 4 166 13 4 100 0 0 413 6 8 510 0 0 901 0 0 12 13 4 165 1 2 SO 0 0 1653, ,, 10, 360 0 0 213 6 8 213 6 8 106 13 4 266 13 4 236 0 0 120 0 0 102 0 0 170 0 0 26 13 4 1654, „ 11, 400 0 0 253 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 240 0 0 340 0 0 80 0 0 10 0 0 266 13 4 33 6 8 1655, ,, 10, 400 0 0 280 0 0 106 13 4 133 6 8 320 0 0 333 6 8 SO 0 0 10 0 0 56 13 4 1656, ,, ,, 393 6 8 266 13 4 100 0 0 126 13 4 333 13 4 280 0 0 SO 0 0 10 0 0 166 13 4 50 0 0 1657,3 „ „ 543 6 8 343 6 8 100 0 0 130 0 0 303 6 8 73 6 8 8 0 0 55 0 0 1658, ,, ,, 606 13 4 410 0 0 176 13 4 130 0 0 266 13 4 266 13 4 60 0 0 S 0 0 213 6 8 56 0 0 1659, ,, ,, 600 0 0 460 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 250 13 4 340 0 0 53 6 S 8 0 0 140 0 0 60 0 0 1660, ,, 10, 700 0 0 466 13 4 140 0 0 133 6 8 253 6 8 433 6 8 90 0 0 8 0 0 100 0 0 33 6 8 1661, „ 9, 800 0 0 590 0 0 213 6 8 133 6 8 403 6 8 536 13 4 SO 0 0 8 0 0 73 6 8 SO 0 0 1662, ,, 10, 890 0 0 600 0 0 166 13 4 186 13 4 213 6 8 406 13 4 103 6 8 8 0 0 136 13 4 50 0 0 1663, ,, ,, 800 0 0 466 13 4 140 0 0 243 6 8 4 4 4 S 0 0 140 0 0 50 0 0 1664, „ „ 666 13 4 466 13 4 160 0 0 243 6 8 160 0 0 400 0 0 90 0 0 8 0 0 140 0 0 53 6 8 1665, ,, ,, 533 6 S 570 0 0 156 13 4 200 0 0 170 0 0 333 6 8 113 6 8 8 0 0 140 0 0 33 6 8 1666, „ „ 533 6 8 570 0 0 213 6 8 200 0 0 246 13 4 413 6 8 133 6 8 8 0 0 140 0 0 33 6 8 1 " The fisclie skenimellis, with the clues belongand tliairto." The custom of fish was reserved from let of " gait dichtingis " in 1652 and subsequent years. 2 In 1653 and subsequent years the designation " Rcik mailt and stallage" is substituted for '' King's maill and stallage." 3 " Brig and borrowmilnes, with the horsemilne, and tliirle belongand to them," set in 1657 for 4 bolls 3 firlots multure malt, weekly (see p. 229), in 1658 for 4 bolls 6 pecks, in 1659 for 4 bolls 1 firlot, in 1660 for 3 bolls 2 firlots; in 1661, for 3 years, for 4 bolls malt weekly; and in 1664, for 3 years, for 4 bolls 3 firlot malt weekly. 4 10th November, 1663.—The water of Forth, fish shambles, and gait dichtings not set, but a trusty person to be appointed to collect the same. 1519-67.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 309 VI.—TABLE SHEWING PRICES FIXED BY, OR ON THE INSTRUCTIONS OF, THE PROVOST, BAILIES, AND COUNCIL. Date. Malt, the boll. Ale, the gallon. Wheat, the boll. Weight of 2 d.bread. Fine wheat oats, the peck. Carseoats or corn, the peck. Dryfield oats or corn, the peck. Hay, the stone. Tallow, the stone. Candle, the lb. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. oz. s. d. s. i). s. n. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. 1519-20, January 16, 1 0 0 0 18 0 1520, April 16, 0 17 0 1520, July 16, 0 16 0 1 4 0 17 0 1520, October 1, 0 13 4 0 13 4 1520-1, January 14, 0 13 4 0 18 6 1521, April 8, 0 13 4 0 16 0 1521, September 30, 0 12 0 0 13 4 1522, October 27, 0 12 0 1 0 0 16 0 0 4 0 0 44 1523, „ 5, 1 4 0 IS 0 0 4 0 1524, „ 31, 1 0 0 1524-5, January 16, 0 16 0 1 0 0 1525, October1 1 0 0 14 0 0 5 0 4 1526, 0 16 0 0 16 0 20 0 44 1527, September 0 16 0 1 8 1 0 0 1528, October 5, 1 0 1 0 0 1529, „ 4, 0 14 4 0 18 0 1545, Oct. & Nov.,2 1 10 0 2 0 1 18 0 11 0 8 0 6 1545-6, January 18, 1 14 0 2 6 0 ... 1546, October 6, 1 10 0 1 12 0 1548,3 1 4 0 2 0 1 6 0 16 1549-50, January 20, 2 4 0 2 10 0 1554, October 1, 0 16 0 1 4 0 18 0 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 9 0 1554-5, January 14, 0 19 0 1 4 1 3 0 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 10 1555, October 14, 1 8 8 2 0 1 12 0 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 11 1556, „ 5, 1 16 0 2 8 1 16 0 0 8 0 6 0 6 0 7 1561-2, January 19, 2 0 0 2 8 1 0 0 9 1565-6, „ 4, 1 13 0 2 6 8 1 0 0 8 1 0 1567, April 26, 1 17 0 1 17 0 ... ... i Bear 10 s, the boll, 2 Bear 38 s. the boll. 3 Wine 1 s. the pint. 310 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [Appendix VI. TABLE SHEWING PRICES FIXED BY, OR ON THE INSTRUCTIONS OF, THE PROVOST, BAILIES, AND COUNCIL—Continued. Date. Malt, the boll. Ale, the pint. Wheat, the boll. Weight of 1 s. bread. Fine wheat oats, the peck. Carse oats or corn, the peck. Dryficld oats or corn, the peck. Straw and stable fee for 24 hours. Tallow, the stone. Candle, the lb. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. n. oz. s. n. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. i>. s. 1). 1599, October 19, 7 6 8 1 2 8 0 0 4 0 2 S 2 S 2 4 0 2 10 1600, ,, C, 6 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 3 4 2 0 2 8 2 0 0 2 8 1601, November 9, 6 3 4 1 0 7 0 0 15 3 0 2 0 2 6 1 13 4 2 6 1602, „ 22, 7 13 4 1 2 9 6 8 13 6 8 4 0 2 6 2 0 1 16 0 2 8 1603, October 8, 6 13 4 1 0 S 0 0 16 5 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 13 4 2 6 1601, December 3, 5 0 2 6 2 0 1 15 0 2 8 1605, November 18, 6 6 8 1 0 8 13 4 15 5 0 3 0 2 6 2 0 0 3 0 1607, February 28, 6 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 15 6 0 4 0 3 4 2 6 2 4 0 3 4 1607, October 9, 5 6 8 1 0 8 0 0 15 5 0 4 0 2 8 2 0 2 0 0 3 4 1608, November 21, 5 6 8 1 0 10 0 0 13 5 6 4 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 4 1609, October 16, 5 13 4 1 0 7 0 0 16 5 0 3 4 2 6 2 6 1 16 0 3 0 1610, November 5, 6 6 8 1 0 7 0 0 16 5 0 3 4 2 6 2 6 2 0 0 3 4 1611, October 21, 5 16 8 1 0 8 13 4 14 5 0 3 4 2 6 2 6 2 0 0 3 4 1613, ,, 4, 7 0 0 1 2 S 0 0 16 6 0 4 6 3 4 2 6 2 0 0 3 0 1614, ., 21, 6 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 15 6 0 4 6 2 6 2 6 2 0 0 3 0 1615, ,, ,, 7 0 0 1 2 9 6 8 13 6 8 4 0 3 4 2 6 2 0 0 3 4 1616, ,, 20, 6 0 0 1 0 9 6 8 121 6 0 4 6 3 0 2 6 2 0 0 3 0 1617, ,, 24, 6 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 14 6 0 5 0 3 4 2 8 2 6 8 3 4 1618, November 4, 6 10 0 1 2 8 10 0 13 6 0 5 0 3 4 2 8 2 2 0 3 4 1619, October 15, 5 13 4 1 0 8 6 8 13 5 0 4 0 2 0 2 6 2 0 0 3 4 1620, ,, 30, 4 10 0 0 10 6 0 0 16 4 0 2 8 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 3 4 1621, November 21, 7 6 8 1 4 9 0 0 13. 6 0 4 0 2 8 2 8 2 0 0 3 4 1622, October 25, 8 0 0 1 4 10 0 0 12 6 8 6 0 3 0 2 8 2 0 0 3 4 1623, December 19, 12 0 0 2 0 12 0 0 10 8 0 5 0 3 4 2 8 1 16 0 3 4 1624, October 20, 6 6 8 1 0 11 0 0 12 6 0 4 0 2 6 2 8 2 0 0 3 4 1625, ,, 28, 6 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 14 5 0 3 4 2 6 2 8 2 0 0 3 4 1626, November 3, 5 13 4 1 0 7 0 0 15 4 2 3 4 2 0 2 8 2 5 0 3 4 1628, November 19, 6 0 0 1 2 8 10 0 13 5 0 3 4 2 0 2 8 2 6 8 3 8 1629-64.] OF THE BURGH OF STIRLING. 311 TABLE SHEWING PRICES FIXED BY, OR ON THE INSTRUCTIONS OF, THE PROVOST, BAILIES, AND COUNCIL—Continued. Date. Malt, the holl. Ale, the pint. Wheat, the holl. Weight of 1 s. bread. Fine wheat or oats, the peck. Carse oats or corn, the peek, Dryfield oats or corn, the peck. Straw and stable fee foi¬ st hours. Tallow, the stone. Candle, the lb. £ s. D. s. r. £ s. i). oz. s. p. ,, D. s. p. s. p. £ s. D. g p. 1629, October 9, 8 0 0 1 4 10 0 0 12 6 8 5 0 2 6 2 8 2 6 8 3 8 1630, November 12, 9 0 0 1 4 10 13 4 11 8 0 6 0 3 0 3 4 2 0 0 3 4 1631, October 26, 6 0 0 1 0 9 6 8 12 6 0 4 0 2 8 2 8 2 0 0 3 4 1632, November 16, 6 13 4 1 o 10 0 0 11 —n 16 6 0 4 0 2 8 2 8 2 6 8 3 8 1633, J J 22, 7 0 0 1 2 9 6 8 12 6 8 4 2 2 8 2 8 2 6 8 3 8 1634, 5 5 26, 7 13 4 1 4 8 13 4 124 6 8 5 0 3 4 2 8 2 8 0 3 6 1636, > 5 4, 8 13 4 1 6 12 0 0 9 10 0 8 0 2 8 3 4 2 6 8 3 4 1637, 3 3 11, 8 0 0 1 4 10 13 4 10i 6 8 5 0 4 0 2 8 2 5 0 3 4 1638, 3 3 10, 6 6 8 1 0 8 13 4 13& 6 0 5 0 3 4 2 8 2 6 8 3 4 1639, 3 3 19, 5 13 4 1 0 8 0 0 14 5 4 4 0 o 8 2 8 2 3 4 3 4 1640, 33 25, 5 13 4 1 0 7 0 0 16 5 0 4 0 2 8 3 4 2 5 0 3 4 1641, 33 15, 8 10 0 1 4 9 6 8 12 8 0 6 0 3 4 4 0 2 14 0 4 0 1642, 33 4, 9 16 s 1 8 12 0 0 94 6 8 5 0 3 4 4 0 2 14 0 4 0 1643, 3 3 9, 7 G 8 1 2 9 6 8 U2 6 S 5 0 3 4 3 4 2 6 8 3 4 1644, 33 28, 6 6 8 1 0 8 13 4 121 6 8 5 0 3 4 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 1647, 3 3 19, 7 13 4 1 4 10 0 0 HA 7 6 6 3 4 0 3 6 4 0 0 5 6 1649, 33 29, 11 6 8 1 8 13 6 8 31 10 0 8 4 6 8 5 0 3 6 8 5 0 1653, 12 13 4 2 0 14 0 0 8 10 0 8 4 6 8 5 4 2 16 8 4 4 1663, December 31, 5 13 4 1 4 9 0 0 1Z1TT 4 7 3 0 1 10 3 0 2 3 4 4 4 1664, » 6, 4 13 4 1 0 8 0 0 14 4 o 3 4 1 10 3 0 3 0 0 4 6 GLOSSARY AND INDEX. GLOSSARY.1 ABAY CROWNIS (75), obit crowns, coins. ACCLAMIT (102), claimed. ACTITAT (67), acted. AICHT (2), AITH, oath. AI EL (26). ale. AILD (12), ALU, AULD, old. AKARIS (4), acres. ANCIENTE (19S), ensign. ARLLING (30), money given for confirming a bargain. ASSCHETIN (33), escheating, forfeiting. ASSEDAL'ION (6), lease. ASSES (209), assessment, cess. ASSIS (65), assize. ATTEMPTATIS (S3), attempts. ATTENTTICE (S), authentic. ATHORTE (101), athwart, across. AUCHT, ought, owing, possessed. AUCHT and WOUNT (2), appointed and customary. AY ALE (40), avail; " of avale," competent. AVIDENTLS (15), evidents, writs, title deeds. A WALE (36), value. AWIS (1), advise. BABEIS (73), half-pennies. BAIGHT (29), batch, quantity baked at one time. BAICHT, BAITH, both. BAIER (4), bear. BAIK (149), bake; "baik salmond," prepare or cure salmon. BALD (2), BAND (9), rope, tether; " wtwith bald," without tether, at large. BALING (144), packing, pack-cloth. BALLIES (17), landing-places"for boats. BANGASTRIE (175), violence, strength of hand. BAl'ES (179), rolls or soft biscuits. BARARIS (7), barriers, fences. BARBOUR (40), barber, surgeon. BARK (214), probably MS. error for BAUIv, beam. BARK PUILL1S (SI), tanners' pools. BARRESYET (SI), name of gate or port forming principal entrance to Stirling from the south. BARTAXE CAMMES (31), Brittany canvas. BEGAREIT (49), trimmed, decorated. BEIIAW (2), behalf. BEIDMEN (122), persons supported in, or from funds of, an hospital. BEIT (86), repair. BEUCHE (107), bulk, body. BIRLAMEN (122), ground officers. BLAISNYNG (46), proclaiming, making public. BLAWID (4S), famed, noted, public. BLOIv (44), scheme, contrivance. BLUE BIRSATT (216), a kind of dye. BLUIDWITE (7S), the fine for bloodshed. BODIM (26), bottom. BOISTAND (41), threatening. BOREBREIYE (230), a birth-breive, a formal certificate of descent. BORGH (13), a surety, pledge. BORRACHE (5S), a brace or drill stock. BOUIS (6), booths. 1 The definitions in this Glossary are necessarily brief. For fuller explanations, etymology ite., reference may be made to .Tamieson's Scottish Dictionary, ami to the Sup¬ plement about to be published by Mr. Gardner, Paisley. The figures within brackets refer to one of the page* in which the word glossed occurs. 816 GLOSSARY. BOWELL (167), recess, repository. BOWETT (41, 136), lamp, lantern. BOWNTAITH (36), bounty. BOWROWIS (1), burghs. BREIB (1), breadth. BREVE OF LYNING (55), warrant for building. BRIG (7), bridge. BROUSTAR (12), brewer. BROWDINSTER (148), embroiderer. BRUIK (10), BRUKE (131), enjoy, possess. BRUTIT (80), rumoured. BRYNT (41), burned. BRYTHELLIS (121), bridals, wedding feasts. BUFFAT STOUL (8), a square stool with sides. BUKE (20), body. BULISTER (26), a large sloe or wild plum. BUCKESIE (144), buckram. BUN (119), cask. BUTTIS (78), ground set apart for practising j archery. BY (64, 68), without, without regard to ; "by J his consent," without his consent. BYDDIN (1), bidden, offered. BYNK (74), bench. BYRUN (102), past due. (JALVILL (43), a rod or bar on which the " claspis " were fixed. CAMBIS (144), combs. CAMMES (64), canvas. CAPRUS GALLI8 (216), Cyprus gall-nuts. CASCHETT (171), seal. CHAELLIS (6), CHALLEIS (78), chalice. CHANDELAR (8), chandelier. CHEFTIiS (4S), jaws. CHESIT (3), chose. CHENYIE, CHENYELS (49), chain, chains. CHINNELL (136), channel, gravel. CLASPIS (43), scliackles. CLOKIS (11), clogs. CLOSOURIS (52), covers, cases. COACIT (3), forced, constrained. COALGRIVE8 (226), overseers at coal works. COD (72), pillow. COFT (3), bought. COILLIS (188), coals. COMMOUNE STAMPT (171), common stamp or seal. COMPERING (67), appearing. COMPTER ALMERY (72), drawer or recess in a counter. CONDING (34), condign. CONDUCED (106), hired. COUPARIS, coopers. COUPARIS (27), dealers. CRAKKINGIS (197), cracklings, refuse of tallow. CREILE (48), basket. CREIRES (104), a kind of boats. CROSAY DUKCATIS (75), cross-ducats, coins. CROWN OF THE SONE (53), a coin, 14s. value. CRUPPIN (179), crept. CUMMIR (50, 68)), hindrance, trouble, vexa¬ tion. CUNNERIS (54), testers, tasters. CUNNIT (54), tested, tasted. CUNTAS (3), countess. CURCIIRIE (13), covering for a woman's head. DAKER OF HYDES (75), a quantity of hides numbering ten or twelve. DECOIR (92), decorate. DEDUCEAND (103), deducting. DEFAKIT (11), defalcated, deducted, re¬ mitted. DEFALKLS (115), remits, deducts, abates. DEFAMACION (10), infamy. DEIL (26), deal, divide. DELATIT (5, 33), accused. DEMPSTAR (24), an officer of court. DESPESCHEIT (67), despatched, DEVOTS (1), turf. DEWORIAR (61),DRO WIARE (46),dowager. GLOSSARY• 317 DIK BREKARIS (17), fence breakers. DING (26), drive, smash. DIREGE (56), service for the dead. DISJONE (35), breakfast. DISOBAISSANCE (10), disobedience. DOTTIT (1S5), given. DOUELLAND (31), DOULLAND (3), dwel- ling. DOISSON (52), dozen. DOULL (6), dwell. DOUNE (1), done. DUNG (50), sent with despatch. EFFEIIIS (33), becomes, is fit. ELCRWK (72), toasting fork. ELDING (118), fuel. ELIEKWLS (3), likewise. ELISTIS (175), jealousies, rivalries. ENTRES (93), interest. EQUIE (196), a balanced account. ERDD1T (14), earthed, buried. ESTLAND (45), eastward; "estland burde," board of Baltic timber. EVACUING (S7), evading, avoiding. EWINSANG (5), evening song, vespers. EWYNE (3), evening. EXCRES (101), excess. EXEMYNG (130), exempting. EXPONIT (200), explained, characterised. EXPREA1YT (36), expressed. EXTORS (91), extort, oppress. FACET (3), faith. FACHRIE (93), trouble. FAGGALD (41), faggot. FALYIE (133), fail. FASSOUN (156), fashion, style. FAT (26, 52), a vat, cask, tub. FA WIN FLECHT (15), flesh of diseased animals. FEALL (114), fee, salary. FECHCHIS (54), fetches. FEID (68), feud, contention. FERDE (41), fourth. FERMORAIR (46), farmer. FEYIT (35), FIET (106), feed, hired. FIRE CORS (50), fiery cross. FLECHT (15), flesh. FLEVIR (56), flavour, smell. FLYTTAR (5), scolder. FOOT MANTLE (233), an ornamental horse- covering reaching nearly to the ground. FORSTALLAR (90), one who forstalls or purchases goods coming to the market. FORTEFEARIS (S9), foidifiers, supporters. FRAICHIT (9), freighted. FRAICHTINGIS (9), freightings. FRANNESSY (79), frenzy. FRATHINEFURTH (80), from thenceforth. FRAUCHT (112), freight. FUILL WADER (200), foul weather. FURNIS (52), furnace for a vat or boiler. FUTE FELLIS (104), a species of dressed skin. FUTTIT (34), " coumptis futtit" accounts examined and docqueted at foot. FUNDING (1), found. FYCHT (3), fish. GAIT (6), street, road. GAIT DYCHTINGIS (61, 176), certain dues payable to town. GAITWART (49), on the way. GANG (85), "ane gang of treis," one line of trees. G AN AND (3S), gainful, advantageous. GAUBURT OF RUSSAT (13), a cloak or mantle made of coarse cloth. GAYT SKINNIS (57), goat skins. GEMETRY (35), geometry, measurement. GEST (48), joist. GET (41), " freris get," friar's offspring. GIRS (6), grass. GLENGOIR (47), venereally diseased. GOWRY (58), stomach and entrails of fish. GRAF (66), grave. GREVES (122), grievances, complaints. GROSSIS (76), groats. GRYLSSIS (18), pigs. 318 GLOSSARY. GUDLING (108), a foreign gold coin. GUDSCHIRIS (7), grand fathers. GYEIL FAT (18), GYLE FAT (12), a wort vat, vessel in which ale was worked. HANYING (84), enclosed ground. HANDSENYIE (145), ensign, standard. 1TARANDI8 (20), errands. HARDHEID (73), a coin. HEATRIT (174), hatred. I1EAVIN (104), HEVIN (6), HEWIN (9), haven. HEILL (69), cover, conceal. HELL (211), whole. HEY (45), possibly contraction of liauin- having. HEUCHT (46), coal pit, HEVINSANG (19), evening song, vespers. HEWIT CLAYTH (80), coloured cloth. HICHTING (157), heightening. HIEMES (J9), high mass. HOGTOUNE (13), a leathern jacket. HOUCHERIN (20), jostling. HOUIv (29), week. HOUKSTAR (3), huckster, a dealer iu small articles. HOUST (29), host, army. HUIR (39), harlot. HURDERIS (137), hoarders; '' hurderis of theftis," resetters of thefts. I LAND (36), diligent. INHABILITIE (10), unfitness. INLAIK (78), lack, want, shortcoming. INSPRECHT (75), furniture of a house. INTEKIT (2), entered. IRN (144), iron. JOSIT (4), enjoyed, possessed. JOYSE (131), enjoy, possess. JUKSCHEING IN YULE, celebrations at Christmas. KABERIT (52), litted with rafters. KABORIS (52), rafters. KANE (11), rent payable in kind. KASER (156), KASMER, cashmere. KENSE, KENSY (72), a kind of flannel or Welsh cloth. KITH (86), show. KNAIFSHEP (157), dues in meal payable to under miller. KNAPPLE (104), oak for staves brought from Dantzic, &c. KNAPSCA (72), a head-piece of iron, a steel bonnet. KNOK (8), clock. KNOP (49), a knob. KYLL (149), kiln. LAGALLON (72), for LAID-GALLON, a vessel for holding liquids like a large &toup. LANGSADDILL (11), a long wooden seat. LAVAND TUB (72), washing tub. LAWBORGH (11), legal security against doing injury. LEAVES (179), loaves. LEDDORONE (73), leathern. LEID (52), an implement used in brewing. LEN (96), loan. LESUM (46), LEYESUM (82), lawful. LEVARIS (137), livers. LEVEN (252), leavened. LIAND (1), lying, situated. LIERIS (163), liars. LIFE (81), living, means of living. LIPIR (3), leper. LINGNETTIS (58), bars, rods. LITHOUS (158), dyeing-house. LITSTAR (12), a dyer. LOAF (201), leaf. LOINGIS (52), lungs. LORIMER (300), a maker of bits, spurs, nails, &c. LUGIS (115), LUDGES (187), lodges, temporary erections for lodging those seized ■ with pest, GLOSSARY. 319 LYEIR (14), learn, teach. LYCESSIT (37), licensed, permitted. LYNCHT (1), length. MAENSYEIRING (10), perjury. MAIRTIS (152), MERTIS (7), winter provision of salted meat. MANISAND (41), menacing. MANNISSIT (65,) menaced. MASK FAT (IS), a vat for brewing. MASKINE (211), brewing. MATHEMES (5), MATHINGIS (19), matins, morning service. MAUSCHIT (17), musty, beginning to be putrid. MEANESCHOTTLS (163), finest or best produce. MES (5), mass. METLOUMIS (33), MET LOUMIS (30), vessels or implements for measuring. METTEGE (46), measurement; "mettege silver," dues payable for measurement. MISTER (58), want, need. MONE (45), the moon ; works of clock showing changes of moon. MONECHT (9), month. MOYAN (234), help, assistance. MULTURE (157), MULTOUR (211), dues payable for grinding grain. MUTTOUN BUKE (20), body of a sheep. MWKSLED (72), dung-cart. MYNTIT (116), aimed, threatened to strike with. NAUGHTIE CULLOURIS (239), bad or unfit colours. NEBOUR (2), neighbour. NEDMEST (55), nethermost, lowest. NEID (51, 52), necessity, emergency. NIGHT COURCHRE (13), nightcap. NOWIN (200), NOWNft (9), (misprinted " ewine "), noon. NYCHT AT EWYN (35), stop work at night. NYEIRIS (27), kidneys. NYEIRCRES (27), the fat about the kidneys. NUNSCHANKIS (35), afternoon repast. OBIT SILVER (12), money payable for services for the dead. OLKLIE (47), OULKLIE (106), weekly; OULKIS (118), weeks. OMNIGADDRUM (112, 1S4), OMNEGATH- RUM (225), mechanics and others not be¬ longing to the class of merchants or in¬ corporated craftsmen. ON CUTTIT (25), uncut. ORLEGE (45), a clock, a dial. ORSCHAT (7), orchard. OURGAiFF (82), over-gave. : OURMEN (74), oversmen, arbiters. ! OURSEIN (SS), overlooked, passed over. OUTREIKIN (111), fitting out, equipping. OUTTINTOUNIS (90), outside burgh bounds. OWTTANE (36), taken out, excepted. OY^E (13), grandson or nephew. PAIGE (1), paces. RAISE (179), weight. PAND (121), pawn, pledge. PANTENES (144), slippers. PASMENTIS (128), lace. PASCHE (59), PEAX (25), Easter. PERALUS (50), perilous, dangerous, PEROCIIINE (121), parish. PEROCHINERIS (121), parishioners. PICKEDAILLIS (144), bands or ruffs for the I collar of a doublet. PIGMAKAR (10), maker of earthenware. PILLIE (48), pulley. PINSALLIS (143), small flags. PLOUMIS (26), plums. PLUIK (93), measure knob. PODER PLATTIS (S), peuter plates. POLDAVYE (144), a kind of canvas or sail¬ cloth. POWPEIT (42), pulpit. PREISSIT (116), attempted, tried. PREVE (80), private, secret, out of observa¬ tion. 320 GLOSSARY. PRICK AT WICHE (86), a witch tested by pricking., PRIKAT SANG (70), musical notation, music pricked or noted down. PRISIT (2), appraised, valued. PUNDLARIS (72), officers who execute poinds or distraints. PUNT (2), point, part. PURPRESTURE (259), encroachment on highways or commonties. PYCARIS, PYlvARIS (5), committers of petty theft. PYIvRY (5), petty theft. PYNE (43), penalty. PYPLOK (32), a lock requiring a piped or tubular key. QUEAIER (5), choir. QUHEITNAM (79), a whittle, a pocket knife. QUHIET (1), QUHIT (4), QUHITE (4), wheat. QUHINGER (123), a short sword. RAGRATHIN (7), regrating. (See Ragra- touris.) RAGRATOURIS (34), regraters; persons who buy goods coming to the market, or in the market to retail again. RAISTIT (47), wrinkled, shrivelled. RAYLVERSE (213), to overturn. RATIHABITIONE (99), confirmation. RAXIS (74), andirons. RAYIT CLAITH (13), striped cloth. RECOURS (82), return. RED (114), rubbish. REDACTIT (227), reduced. REIK (309), metaphorically a house or habita¬ tion; "reik maill," dues payable by pos¬ sessors of houses. REIKIS (72), reaches. REILL (194), instrument for winding yarn or thread. REMOIFING (103), removing. RINGE (221), reign. ROSNOBLE (74), an English gold coin, value about 36s. ROUIM (50), place. RYNAWAYIS (191), runaways, deserters. RUD WARK (3), rood work; work at the rood church or rood altar. RYD HAND (64), red hand, in the act. j SAIPBALLANDIS (74), scales for weighing soap. SAKAR (8), treasurer, purser. SALTFAT (72), a salt cellar. SATHING (2), satin. SAWSARIS (8), saucers. SCALDINGIS (57), a species of dressed skins. SCHAVES (73), sheaves. SCHANKIS (118), stockings. SCHAHEME (68), shame, disgrace. SCHIER (37), shire. ! SCHOIR ROWME (98), place at the shore. SCHORLINGIS (57), skins of shorn sheep. SCHRYNE (75), shrine, a small casket or cabinet. SCKAIT (18), skaith. SCLAYERAND (43), slavering, lubberly, SCOLLAGE (101), school fees. SCROWIS (190), scrolls. SCYLLE PAN (52), the piece of timber laid on top of wall to pan or tie the couples. SEARES (111), inspectors. SEDOUSSIT (3), seduced. SERES (113), St. Cyrus, a parish and village in Fyfe. SERIAND (10), sergeant, officer. SHIP-PUND (75), a weight containing 161 stones troy, j SIC (1), such. I SKERLLAT (2), scarlet. SKEMLIS (58), SKEMMILLIS (116), shambles; also the stands at which flesh and fish were sold. SLAFFART (123), slaver, spittle. SLAKTER (34), slaughter. SLOPE (105), slap, gap. GLOSSARY. SLOTTING (193), slitting or cutting animals for the purpose of bleeding them before they were killed. SLOTTIS (52), bars, bolts. SOBIRLY (52), moderately. SOWMES (31), pasturage for so many cows or sheep, sometimes one cow or five sheep for each sowme. SOWNIS (72), swine. SOWSSIS (75), sous ; French coins. SPONS (6), SPOUNE (6), spoons, spoon. SPORT STAFES (172), staves of light poles used in the game of quarter-staff. STAG (4), STAGIS (19), horse, horses. STAIK THEIFE (30), horse stealer. STALLANCE (6) stall dues. STEDIIS (58), anvils. STEMMYNG (118), taminy, a woollen stuff. STEWTHE (134), STOUTH (134), theft. STOND (20), a stand or stance. STOUFE (3), stuff, commodity. STRANGLON (64), a disease in horses. STRAY (52), straw. STUDY (60), an anvil, a smithy. STURES (44), stivers, small Dutch coins. SUFFERAGH (13), suffrage, service or prayer for the dead. SYA (25), so. SWESCHE (41), a drum, sound of drum. SWYNGOUR (48), a drone, a sluggard. SYEN (2), SYENE (9), swine. SYENYE (5), synod. SYEPPIN (6), sweeping. (See Gait dichting). SYLIT (20), provided with ceiling, SYrOERN (2), sworn. TAKIST (15), tax. TALFITIE (156), taffeta, a thin line silk. TALK (7), TACH (231), TAUCHT (58), tallow before being rendered. TALYOURIS (1), tailors. TANNY (2), a kind of dress-clotli. TAP (3), TOP (144), retail. TAY (217) tie, obligation. 2 TEILLING (94), tilling. TEMYR (18) timber. TESTANE (75) a Scottish silver coin. THAGGUR (11), thatcher. THACIv (52), thatch. THEIKIT (53), covered. THORTOWRIT (84) thwarted, prevented. THRUCHIS (36), flat gravestones. TILSAL (2), TINSALL (1S9), tinsel, loss deprivation. TIRLESIT (52), enclosed, laticed. TOFALL (86), building annexed to wall of a larger one. TOIC'HT (72), probably a touch-box, tinder- box. TOUDER (7), other. TOW (4S), rope. TRANSUMING (190), transcribing. TREIST FEIT (72), table feet. TRIAKLE (62), trial, test. TROIS YECHT (90), troy weight. TRYN (72), made of tree, wooden. TUECHIN (7), touching, concerning. TUILYE (40), brawl, fight. TYMMERIT (52), timbered. T1LND (11), teind, tenth part. UDER (1), other. ULYr (45), oil. UNCTINARIS (191), probably Vintinaris, venters, sellers. UNFUILY'EIT (55), unsoiled. UVERMEST (55), uppermost. VAIv (39), VAIK (147), become vacant, un¬ possessed. YELYUS (48), velvet. VESIAGH (12), sight, presence. VESYIT (51), visited, inspected. VICE TURKES (58), screw pincers. VIVERIS (43), provisions. WAAGH (9), voyage. WAILL (25), value. S 322 GLOSSARY. WALK (47), watch. WALK AND (18), waking, awake. W APINSCH A WIN G (92), weaponshowing, exhibition and practice of arms. WARKLOMIS (14), work implements. WATTILLIS (52), twigs. WDERIS (21), others. WED (79), WOD (78), pledge. WESCHAL (17), vessel. WESCHELL BYNK (74), bench or shelf for holding vessels. WESY (37), visit, examine. WIST (45), knew. WOBSTARIS (16), websters, weavers. WORCIIT (6), worth. WOUCHT, WOUS (17), wash. WOUKE (16), week. WOUNT (2), wont, "ws and wount" accord¬ ing to former practice. WS (2), use. (See Wount). WSSCHA (12), issue, termination. WTWITH (2), outwith, without. YAILL (86), aisle. YAWDE (41), jade. YEID (45), went. YETLYN (IS), a boiler. YOUITHEID (29), period of youth. INDEX.1 Abercromby (Abhircrummy), Adam, 118. Andrew, 82. David, 16. Henry, 12. Aberdeen, 14 ; canon of, 255 ; bishop of, 264. Aberfoyle (Aberfull), 268. Abernetby (Abyrnethy), Laurence, lord of, 264. William, lord of, 263. Abirbrothok (Arbroath), 130. Accounts, town's, 34, 61; rendering of, to exchequer, 95. Achtyrmony, mill of, 265. Acre (Akyr), lands called the, 261. Adam, John, 187. Adamson, Alexander, 37. John, 89, 162, 296. Admowty, Robert, 268. Adultery, punishment for, 80. Affleck (Effleck), Besse, 47. Aikman, Cristan, 25, 83; James, 12, 13. John, 3, 5. George, 116. Marion, 48. Ainslie (Aynslie), James, chaplain, 171. Airmene, Sir William, 184. Airth (Archt), 2, 4, 91, 95, 97, 112, 248. Airthe, Alexander, 187. Walter, 227. Aisson (Ayssoun), James, 159. John, 4, 23, 117, 159. Robert, 159. Wille, 19, 20, 38. Aitken (Ackyne, Aickin), Sir Alexander, 70. David, 138. John, 5, 12 20, 22, 24, 34, 58; Sir John, 70, 266. Aldcorne, John, 259 ; Sir Robert, 259. Ale, price of, 4, 12; statutes as to, 12, 1 The names in Appendix No. II., List of Pr< 26, 54, 120 ; table shewing prices of, 309-11. Alexander (Alschiuder), Alexander, 45. Archibald, 88, 91, 93, 95, 97, 103. Charles, 250. Christopher, 119, 123. Elizabeth, 300. Issobell, 173, 185. John, 12, 16, 58. Jonet, 185. • Margaret, 120. Patrick, 116. Robert, 89, 94, 98. William, 51, 53, 297. Alexander II., King. (See Kings.) Algiers (Argeres), relief of prisoners in, 172. Allan, Alexander, 242, 243. Archibald, 95, 98, 110, 113, 114, 123, 297. David, 250. Duncan, 213. John, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 23, 66, 78, 142, 186, 224, 297. Robert, 23. Thomas, 11, 181. Allasoun, Ewiu, 18. Allegiance, oath of, taken, 237. Allhallowmes (All Sanctis), feast of, 36, 42. Alloway, 112, lordship of, 269. Almhouse, beidmen of, 122; master of work to, 123; materials supplied to, 113 ; work of, 114, 123; slating of, 125. Altars, weekly pennies payable by crafts to, 13 ; gift of next vacancy in, 21. Altars in Parish Kirk : — of St. James, annuals payable to, 196, 229, 299 ; chalice of, to be sold, 78. of Holy Blood, annuals payable to, 13, 70, 266 ; chaplain appointed to, 70 ; orna- •osts, &c., are not embraced in this Index. 32+ INDEX. ments for, 70; service of chaplain at, 19; fines payable to, 58. Altar of Holy Rood, annuals payable to, 6, 70, 298 ; chaplain appointed to, 19, 70, 261, 264. of St. Katerine, as to chaplaincy of, 23, 69; appointment of chaplain to, 264. of our Lady, annuals payable to, 62. of St. Laurence, annuals pertaining to, 18 ; croft and land belonging to, 32, 33 ; rental of lands belonging to, 298. of St. Luke, service by chaplain at, 16. of St. Mathew, uphold of service at, 15. 27. of St. Michael, chaplain appointed to, 27 ; protest as to foundation of, 73. of St. Ninian, chaplain appointed to, 21, 23. of St. Peter, chalice of, to be sold, 78. of St. Thomas, annuals payable to, 148, 196, 229, 299. of the Trinity, chaplain appointed to, 39 ; study belonging to chaplain of, 60. Ambassador, agreement with fleslier to give supplies to, 52. Anchorage dues, 104. (See Haven Silver; Shore Maill). Anderson, Adam, 42. Andrew, 51, 99, 18S. John, 81, 149. Thomas, 171, 229, 230. William, 242. Angusson, Gilcrist, 256. Annuals. (See Property.) Aplebie, 252. Appraisement. (See Property.) Aquhonam, Duncan, 256. Archery. (See Butts.) Archibald, James, 99. John, 142. Ardequliylg, 256. Ardochmore, 267. Argyle (Ergile), Archibald, earl of, 77 ; Colin, earl of, 38, 263. Argyle, earl of (1549), chandeliers pledged by, 57; (1617), house of, 148; (1651), 199; marquis of (1643), 184; earl of (1664), partition between lodging of, and hospital, 245, 246 ; house bought by, from hospital, 250; marriage of daughter of (1478), 263. Lady Caterine, countess of, 79. Armoir, 24. Armour, supply of, 109, 110, 163. burgesses to be possessed of, before ad¬ mission, 163, 234; inhabitants to be supplied with, 240, 247, 252. Arms and ammunition, purchase of, 182; muskets to be got, 194. Army, assembling of, at Fala Muir, 49 ; stent for expenses of, in England, 29. (See Borders.) Arnot, John, 8. Robert, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, 29, 31, 47. Arran, James, earl of, 41, governor of Scot¬ land, 269. Artillery, tax for price of, 52. Assaults and disturbances, 10, 20, 40, 55, 56, 65, 72, 78, 81, 93, 110, 133, 140. Assembly. (See Kirk.) Assize, names of, 11, 24, 31. Auchinbowy, 4, 69, 84, 257, 25S, 270; laird of, 297. Auchintole, 255. Auchmowtie, Alexander, 147. Robert, 84. Auchterarder (Ochterardour), 79. Avendale, Andrew, lord, 256, 264 ; earl of, 261. Bacliope, Thomas, 140, 156, 162, 190, 191, 192, 194. Backraw, 10, 13, 15, 33, 37, 59, 113, 179, 24S, 266, 298. Badger, Nathaniel, 205. Bailie, fee claimed by a, 12; a craftsman appointed fourth, 41. INDEX. 325 Bailies, impertinent language given to, *26 ; offence offered by a notary to, 120 ; abusing and vilipending, 123 ; assaulting, 140; pre¬ cedency of, 181; to continue for two years only, 197; list of, 270. (See Elections.) Baillie, Mr. Bobert, minister, Glasgow, 217. Baird, Andrew, 192, 193, 194, 214, 216, Balcastel (Balcascale), 25S, 264. Baldorrane, 60, 256. Balfour, Sir Michael, of Burleigh, 110. Michael, 263. Balgony, 129. Ballewoul, 261. Balnabreclit, 106. Balnageich, 127. Balroclit, Janet, 7. Banff, 68. Banishment, sentences of, 34, 41, 48, 64, 67, 80, 129, 138, 155, 103; voluntary, 119. Banks, David, 11. Bannane, 261. Bannockburn, race between, and Stirling, 166. Bannockburn bridge, repair of, 167. Banquet to Englishmen, 148. Baquliapple, 160. Bar, Patrick, 265. , Wester, lands of, 265. Barclay, Andrew, 239 ; George, 250. William, 201, 202, 204, 209, 215. Barra, Dr. Samuel, 210. Barresyet, 17, 81, 163 ; heightening of, 146. Barry, Alexander, 57. Bathelem, Maddy, 64. Batlaw, 258. Baxter Wynd, 300. Baxters (see Cake baxters), complaint against, for want of bread, 26, 28 ; disobedience to deacon, 28; trouble betwixt, and maltmen, 99; privilege to, of Dunfermline, 141 ; mainshots sold by, 163; against selling bread cakes, 179; prices of oat bread, 180; leet in electing deacon of, 218 ; act discharg¬ ing certain practices of, 251. Bear, time for selling, 4; price of, 309. Beggars kept out of town, 206. Beheading, sentence of, 24. Beinstoun, 148. Belgebrig, 59. Bell, Dave, 25, Jonet, 39, 47. Patrick, 160, 167. William, 52, 61, 62, 63, 159, 160, 268. Bellenden, Lord, 243. Bellis Yett, 136. Bells, ringing of, 129, 172; purchasing of, 167 ; unlaws given for support of, 48 ; recasting of, 228, 242. Bells, silver, won at horse race, 87, 166. Bells close, 298. Belsches, A., 198. Belt and ring, obligation to deliver, 25. Beltane, feast of " Inventioun of the Cros," called, 36. Beltmaker, Agnes, 25. Beltmaker to enter with hammermen craft, 165. Bennett, David, 197, 216, 217, 224. George, 216. Mrs., 226. Bennie (Benne), Alexander, 12, 16, '212. —— John, 21. Thomas, 206, 297. Bennie's croft, 183. Berrau, Bernard, 64. Berrie, Col. James, 210. Betliok, John, 73. Sir Robert, 73. Bissatland, 4. Bisset, Alexander, 4, (Besat), Thomas, of the Quarell, 4. Blacadder (Blakadir), Jonet, 39. Blackburn, William, 245. Blackfriars, Lady Kerr's lodging beside, 56. (See Friars Preachers.) Blair, John, 5, 6. Mr. Hugh, minister, Glasgow, 217. Blairlogy, 24, 84. Blakstoun, Sir William, 148. 326 INDEX. Blakwood, Norman, 8S. Blarekeregane, 256. Blasphemy, 77. Blink, John Fischair, alias, 45. Blyis Hoill, 9. Boat, freight of, 9. Bofreslie, 268. Boirhousses, 148. Bonkul, 24. Bonnetmakers received into skinners' craft, 47. Book of common prayer, supplications against, 177, 178. Books, gift of, by Sir Robert Douglas, 146 ; custody of, 156; sale of book called Explicatio Cathesisimi, 76 ; two, lent to a student, 180. (See Records ; Accounts.) Booths, let of, 6 ; breaking into, 31. Boquhan, 94, 97, 269. Borders, tax for support of, against England, 41 ; communing as to, 92 ; defence of, 26S. Bordland, 256. Borebrieve, seal affixed to, 230. Borell, Andrew, 11. Boundaries. (See Neighbourhood.) Borrowstouness, 1S7, 219, 244. Bow, Duncan, 24. Bowy (Bwy), Thomas, 64. Bowyie, James, 148. William, 148. Bowyie's aisle, 160. Bradye, Gilbert, 265. James, 136. John, 265. Sir Richard, 261. Braikenhouse, 297. Brandiswell, 300. Brassie, Captain, 215. Bread, [see Baxters] price and weight of, 28, 29, 179 ; table shewing price of, 309-11; baking of, to serve Queen, 39, 42. Brechin (Breichan), 162, 269. Bridals, celebration of, 121, 190; price of la wings at, 210. Bridge, new custom and impost for repairing of, 91, 132 ; repair of, 120, 146 ; let of lands at, 299; table shewing revenue derived from custom for repairing, 306. Bridge gate, keeping of, 38. Bridgehaugh (Brighauch), 63, 115, 146; grazing of, 72; tilling of, 178. Bridge Mill. (See Mills.) Broitche, 296. Brotherton (Bredertoune), 11. Brown (Broun), Alexander, 52, 66, 255, 299. Friar John, 257. Isabel, 42. James, 115. John, 5, 96, 110. Marion, 21. Robert, 157; Sir Robert, 16. Richard, 22. • Simon, 5. William, 40, 266. Bruce (Brus, Broys), Alexander, 255, 270; lieutenant-col. Andrew, 182. Anthony, 106. John the, 24. John, 84, 258, 263, 264, 270. Marion, 26, 48, 49, 258. Robert, 2, 4, 12, 69. Thomas, 164, 172, 173, 178, 179, 180, 181, 1S2, 189, 201. Brughty Crage, 51. Bryce, Daniel, 124. Bucclench (Buchklouk), 24. Buchan, Alexander, 21. Earl of, 256. Sir Alexander, 21, 22. Thomas, 2. Buchanan (Buchqulianan), Andrew, 87, 89, 95, 153, 219, 230. James, 297. John, 190, 221, 222, 223, 230, 245. Patrick, 24. Robert, 297. Thomas, 261. Walter, 263. INDEX. 327 Buchindye, 170. Buckets and ladders provided, 206*. Buildings on streets, 81, 136, 163 ; erection of, to be sanctioned by council, 91. Bull baiting, 37. Bully, Adam, 260, 261. Duncan, 255. John, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 39. Sir Thomas, 39, 255. Buquhadrok, 255. Burgage property. (See Property.) Burgesses and guild brethren, admission of, and obligations by them, 2, 7, 18, 27, 29, 38, 64, 75, 77, 87, 162; qualifications of, 189. dues on admission of, 2, 87, 113, 116, 128, 189 ; overgiving of freedom of, 102 ; to be supplied with armour before admis¬ sion, 163, 234. admission of honorary, 130, 147, 148, 156, 160, 170, 182, 184, 205, 210, 212, 250, 252. admission of, for services, 183, 190. a deprived burgess restored, 208. land, unlaws of, for absence from head court, 16. Burgh mail, set of, 6. (See King's Maill, &c.) Burghmains (Borroumannis), meadow, 10, 25. Burgh meadow (Borrowmedow), 297. Burghnruir (Borowmuir), 15. (See Land.) Burgh Roods, 265. Burghs, royal, charters giving liberty to, 96, 97. Burials (see Kirk), provision for, of those dying of pest, 187, 192. Burleigh (Burlie), 110, 263. Burn, John, 63. Burne, Alexander, 196, 215. Robert, 209, 213, 230, 234, 236. William, 258. Burn, town's. (See Washing.) Burnbank, 251. Burning iron, punishment of marking by, 45, 48, 64, 129, 163. Burntisland, 120 ; repair of harbour of, 244. Buthkennar, 263. Butts for archery, repair of, in Greyfriars yard, 78. Cairnes (Carnis), Andrew, 72. Christopher, 99, 128, 299. Gavin, 86. George, 116. John, 266. Thomas, 48, 51, 266. Cake baxters, six, to be chosen, 22; choosing of, 25. Calder, rector of, 260. Caldouris lieucht, laird of, 46. Calf skins. (See Skins.) Callendar, 79 ; earl of, 240, 246. Callender (Calentar), Robert, 12, 268. Calyemuk, 69. Cambus, 80. Cambusbarron, 135. Cambuskenneth, Abbey of, S, 102, 266; annual payable to, 8. abbot of, 102, 258, 261, 267. —— lord, 108. protest by prior and convent of, against certain orders of secret council, 26S. Cameron, John, 80. Campbell, Andrew, 83. Colin, 77. John, 57. lord Neill, 184. Ewen, 263. Eleu, daughter of earl of Argyle, marriage of, 263. lord, of Lorn, 184; Campbell and Lome, lord, 263. Camphere, staple port at, 183, 203, 239, Camquhil, 256. Candle, 110, 156; price of, 17, 28; table shewing prices of, 309-11. Candlemakers not to melt tallow in town, 197, 210. Cangloir, 78. Cannogait, 96, 111, 186. Cant, Marion, 5, 16. 328 INDEX. Capildra, 63. Capital punishment, 22, 24, 53, 64, 71. Capons, time for buying, 3. Carbeth, 261. Cardross, lord, 198. Cargill, 262, 265. Carinbe, Stene of, 32. Carmicliael, John, 150. Thomas, 262. Carnok, 2. Carrick, earldom of, 261. Carron, new bridge over, 249. Carswell (Carswele), John, 79. Carters, dues payable to, 119. Cassilis, Margaret, eountess of, 3. Castellaw, James, 101, 103, Castle, provisions supplied to, 198, 199; to governor of, 237 ; plenishing in, 215; material of main guard delivered to governor of, 237. Stirling, 71, 198, 269; Queen's chamber in, 269. Castlehill, house on, 269. Castle Wynd, 22, 59, 268. Cattle and farm stock, arrestment of, 265. Causeway, repair of, 78, 91, 165. (See Streets.) Causeway mails, proposed exaction of, 231; to be rouped yearly, 237. Ceres (Seres), 113. Cess, applications for relief from, 209, 210. Chain of gold, 49, 59, 79. Chalice, making of, 6 ; chalice to be sold, 78. Chalmers, Alexander, 75. William, 265. Chamberlain eyre, held at Stirling, 256. Chandeleers, pledged by earl of Argyle, 57. Chapel Royal of Stirling, 16, 19, 266. Chapelcleuch, 148. Chapelcroft, burials at, 187, 192. Chapelton, 255. Chaplain, common seal given to a, in a pro¬ cess, 1 ; (see Property) refusal of, to do service, 8 ; impertinent language to, 21 ; no augmentation to any, for a year, 23; obits, &c., payable to chaplains, of old, 152. (See Kirk.) Charles, I. and II. Kings. (See Kings.) Charters or infeftments granted to burgh, 130. See Evidents. (See Stirling.) Cheek marking and burning of criminals, 45, 48, 64, 129, 163. Cheese, cane, payment of, 11. Chemnitius on the Evangelists, 181. Chirmerland, 187, 248. Choir, service in, 5. (See Kirk.) Christie (Criste), Richard, 5. James, 89. Patrick, 172. Christison (Cristesoun), Adam, 64. Sir Alexander, 61. Sir Dave, 18, 27. Donald, 148. James, 220. John, 27. Nicol, 5, 16, IS. —— Richard, 16. Sir Robert, 17. Church, Parish, refusal of chaplain to serve in, S ; protest by chaplains of, as to annuals, 12 ; obit silver payable to chaplains of, 13 ; erection of, 66; collections at, 68, 121 ; intromission with teind sheaves of, 73 ; lairs in, 36, 42, 113 ; marriage celebrated in, 256 ; reader and precentor in, 114, 155, 160, 186, 240, 241; timber for choir of, 18 ; uphold of windows of, 56; repair of, at Paterson's aisle, 114 ; repair of Bowie's aisle of, 159 ; lofts in, 10S ; slating of, 125 ; burials in Hospital aisle of, 164; collection for repair of, 167 ; repair of, 169 ; council of state asked for possession of, 222; division of, into two portions, 224; transgressing acts of, 155; appointment of vicar of, 268. (See Altar, Kirk, Pulpit, Readers, Ministers.) Civil war, dean of guild and a bailie deposed for giving oath in committee of shire (1648), 195; town's proceedings to be reported to INDEX. 329 committee of estates, 195. (See Soldiers; Commonwealth.) Clackmannan, laird of, 243, 249. Claret, price of, 47. Clerk (Clark), Sir John, 2C6. J onet, 11. Patrick, 34. William, 210. Clerk, common, appointment of, 33, 95, 115, 184, 186; admission of, to freedom, 3S; summons by late, 166 ; reinstatement of, 171; list of town-clerks, 270-95. depute of, 89. Clobcrrie, major John, 205. Clock, keeping of, 2, S, 10, 53, 86 ; resignation of keeper of, 11 ; renewing and repairing, 45, 52. Clockmaker, admission of, as burgess, 190. Clogs, theft of, 11. Clothing. (See Property, household and per¬ sonal.) Clothmaking, strangers engaged for, 101. Clune, Andrew, 44. Coals supplied to poor, 188; furnishing, to Queen Regent, 44, 46. Coal works on south side Forth, 225 ; on north side, 227. Cobiltoun, 22. Cochrane, lord, 198, 199. Cockburn (Cokburne, Kokburn), Patrick, 14S. J., 19S. Sir John, 260. Coling, Sir Thomas, 8. College, proposed founding of, 158. Colly, Robert, 259. Colquhoun, John of, 255, 260. Walter, 267. Colterar, Gilbert, 71. Committee of estates, provost to attend meet¬ ing of, 232. Common good, set of, 6, 7, 296-308; reduc¬ tion of revenue from, on account of pest, 115; rentals and tables of revenues from let of, 296-308. (See Booths; Land; Property.) Common Kist, keys of, 15. Commotions of kingdom, 180. Commonwealth, commissioners sent to officers of, on town's affairs, 200, 201, 202, 203, 209, 215. Constables and visitors, list for appointment of, 222. ! Convention, commissioners to, 77, 87, 161 ; letter from burghs of Fife calling meeting of, 199 ; letter from Edinburgh as to affairs of, 203 ; reports of commissioners to, 204 ; convention of estates, commissioners to, 84. Cordiners, against, buying skins, 31 ; prices chargeable by, 81. Corgarf, 269. Corn or oats, table shewing prices of, 309-11 ; time for buying, 3. Cornelius Alexander on St. Paul's Epistles, 181. Corntoun, 89 ; John in, 5 ; lands of, 22. Cosbie, Thomas, 252. Cosour, Alexander, 259, 260. Dugal, 259. Sir James, 59. -—- John, 259. Robert, 259. William, 5, 6, 11, 13, 23, 31, 259. Cottrall, Mr., 148. i Council (see Elections), extra members of, 106 ; craftsmen to be on, 41 ; penalty for 1 absence from meetings of, 41, 66, 69; provost and bailies to advise with, 44 ; statutes as to meetings of, 69, 157; order of business at meetings of, 115; number and manner of election of, 125, 153 ; oath of secrecy by, 215 ; deacon of cordiners discharged from, 232 ; list of, 270-95. Council house, bowit at board in, 136. j Couper, James, 181. Thomas, 150, 161. Court, Queen's, of Stirlingshire, person re- pledged to, 32. Court held by provost and bailies, 1, 3, 5, 11, 24,162; application of fines of, 147; burgesses 330 INDEX. unlawed for not attending, 16; change of days of, 194, 195. Court, justiciary, 22,24,42,50,53,63; authority by Queen Regent to hold, 71. Cousland, John, 5, 17. Walter, 23, 52, 69. -—- Robert, 60, 73, 75. Coutts (Kowtis), John, 35, 37, 38, 65. Covenant, subscription of, 184. Cowan, Agnes, 185. Andrew, 105, 185. Alexander, 172, 177, 185. Christopher, 99, 128, 299. John, 11, 53, 54, 64, 150, 161, 162, 164, 172, 174, 177, 185, 192, 195, 199, 223, 296, 297, 298 ; legacies by, for hospital, school, and ministry, 172. Marion, 53. Walter, 86, 87, 88, 91, 101, 123, 185, 205, 296, 299. Cowan's Hospital, 173, 1S7. (See Hospital.) Cows, keeping of, 11, 17. skins. (See Skins.) Cox, Robert, 14S. Crafts, deacons of, not to be elected, but visitors chosen, 66; refusal of deacons to accept office as councillors, 137; list of deacons of, 270-95. (See Elections.) Craftsmen, deacons and, to have a key of com¬ mon kist, 15. four, to be on council and one a bailie, 41; some, brethren of guild, 64; letter from Perth as to privileges of, 64; supplication of, as to privileges, 138; deacons of, not to judge in certain cases, 141 ; agreement be¬ tween merchants and, 141; bestowal of fines and entry money, 166 ; disputes between merchants and, 174. Craigingelt, John of, 5, 8, 50, 53, 59, 60, 63, 65, 68, 79. Marion, 57. Robert, 129. Thorn of, 4. Cragmad, 258. Craig (Crag), Alexander, 5, 12, 24, 25, 27. David, 5, 10, 12, 18, 24, 34. James, 7, 21. John, 260, 261, 265, 268. Craigorth (Cragortht, Craguorth), 159. Lady, 59. Andrew, 261, 264. Craigs, the, 40, 146; breaking of, 40. Craigs, Easter, 298. Craigs Close, 299. Crannock, 257, 258, 263, 269. Crawford, Besse. 5. Earl of, 195. John, 11, 116. —- Gavin, 77. George, 118, 128, 136. Crechton, George, 4, 11. Jonet, 4. Crichton (Crychton), James, 256. Creil, punishment of hanging in, 48. Cripple Jonet, gift by, to poor, 161. Croiff, James, 56. Cromwell (Lord Protector), 214, 218, 221. Cross, feast of Invention of the, 36. Cross, gilding of, 146. Culcreuch, 257. Culmoir, 79. Culross, 205, 214, 223, 227, 230. Cultis, John, 51. Cumbernauld (Cummyrnald), 264. Cunningham (Cuninggame), Alexander, 163, 183, 257, 258. Andrew, 198. Cristine, 255. Cuthbert, 103. James, 266. John, 112, 131, 140. Mariota, 257. Robyne, 33. Sir Thomas, 147. Umphra, 106, 260. William, 24, 43. Cup, silver, at horse race, 248. Cupar (Couper), 150, 200, 203. INDEX. 331 Curtastone, 262, 264. Customs, set of small, 6, 54; complaint against collector of, 46; loss by tacksman of, 54 ; charter for right of levying, 130; levying ladle duty or, 134, 174; reduction to tacks¬ man, for loss by pest, 191 ; bridge, 233 ; custom of timber at port, 262; table of revenue derived from, 305-8. new, for repairing of bridge, 91, 132. Cuthbertson, Mr. George, minister, Edin¬ burgh, 217. Daldres, 259, 263. Dalgleish, David, 150. Dalgynch, 260. Dalkeith, 111, 180, 200, 201, 202, 203, 209, 215, 226. Dall wall, 299. Dalzell, Captain Thomas, 182. Dantzic (Danskin), 75, 76. Darnley (Dernly), lord, 260. Darow (Darrocht, Dorrocht), Duncan, 24, 26. Sir James, 6, 8, 10, 264. William, 66, 69, 74, 77. Davesoun, Andrew, 32. William, 6. David II., King. (See Kings.) Davie, James, 210. Daw, James, 187. Dawson (Dawsoun, Davisoun), Alexander, 102. Andrew, 32. Archibald, 8, 34, 37. William, 6, 11, 12. Deacons. (See Crafts.) Dean of Guild. (See Guild.) Deans, major-general, 203. Death, enquiry as to a, 31. Deathbed statements, 29, 259. Defence of town against the English, 51, 52, 61; against Western rebels, 252. Dennestoun, Sir Robert, conservator in the Low Countries, gift by, to hospital, 162. Denovane, 297. Deserters of the town, 202. Dick, Marion, 63. Wille, 2, 28. Dickbie, Mr., 148. Dickson (Dicksoun), David, minister, Edin¬ burgh. John, 126. Peter, 34. William, 78. Dirtraw, 165. Disobedience to magistrates and officers, 10, 71, 116, 120, 123, 133, 135, 160. Disturbance of neighbours, 18. (See Assaults.) avoidance of, 124. Dollar, parish church of, 263. Donaldson, Adam, 133. Fyndelo, 20. James, 124. Margaret, ] 55. Michael, 26, 47, 299. John, 89, 124. Jonet, 67. William, 116, 124. Dort, in Holland, 165. Doune (Downe), unfree traders in, 248. Douglas, George of, 24. James, earl of, 261. Robert, of Lochleven, 263, 265. Mr. Robert, minister, Edinburgh, 217. Sir Robert, bequest of books by, for library, 146, 156. (See Books.) Dow Well Croft, 265. Dowgall, Robert, 30. Downie, Thomas, 207, 215, 231, 234. Drinking and playing, Act against. 119. Drip ford, 132, 233. Drowning, sentence of, 42, 80, 163. Drummer, clothing of, 118, 128, 136, 156; appointment of, 183. Drummond, Alexander, 12, 24. Annabella, marriage of, 265. Sir Andrew, 265. David, 158, 257, 258, 259, 263. Gavin, 79. Henry, 269. 332 INDEX. Drummond, John, 166, 259, 260, 262, 265. Sir John, 251. Jonet, 256. Malcolm, 16. Margaret, 25, 269. Maurice, 256. Robert, 257, 259, 265, 269. Walter, 265. Drummoncl, vicar of, 266. Dubbetties, Wester, 87. Duche, Jonet, SO. Duchok, William, 4S. Duguid, John, 198. Dumbarton, 125, 264. Dunblane, 102, 165, 248, 257, 260, 264; bishop of, 259, 265; chaplain appointed to stall in Cathedral church of, 259; dean of, 260; commissary of, 299; unfree traders in, 248. Duncan, Alexander (Sande), 10, 23. Patrick, 6. Robert, 10. Duncanson, Archibald, 17. Donald, 42. John, 18, 75. James, 40, 104, 108, 132, 148, 152, 161. Nicol, 5. • Sir Thomas, 23. Thomas, 74. William, 149. Dundas, J., 198. Dundee, 14, 212. Dunfermline, 141, 227, 264. abbot of, 255. lord, 66. privileges to baxters of, 141. Dunkirkers, taking of ships by, 161. Dunipace, 24. Duntarvie, 296. Duntreth, 260. Durante (Durehame) Alexander, 48. Francis, 296. Durham, 183. Mr. James, minister, Glasgow, 217. Durisale (Durysal), 258. Dutch, King of the, 249. Dutchmen, assault by, 56. Dwelling-houses, inspection of, 6, 51; agree¬ ment for building, 21. Dykes, John, 150. Ears, nailing of, to tron, 40, 45, 64. Easson, James, 29S. Edinburgh, 14, 32, 45, 50, 62, 77, 84, 87, 103, 110, 111, US, 123, 130, 149, 158, 164, 172, 191, 192, 195, 196, 200, 203, 206, 212, 215, 217, 218, 219, 222, 234, 235, 243, 249, 250, 251; bishop of, 239, 242, 246, 250 ; contra- versie with, 111; infeftment, copy of to be got, 168. Edmeston, James, 132, 155, 156. Edmond (Edmen), Catherine, 187. Robert, 108. Sir William, legacy dedicated by, to poor, 10S. William, 89, 93, 96, 97, 105. Edmonston, James, 222, 238. William, 260. Ednem, William, 110. Ednom, Wille Fidlar, alias, 21. Eduein, Thomas, 78. Edward I. of England, purchase of horses for, 301. Efflek, Besse, 47. Ejectment of tenants, 266. Elders, slandering, 77. Elections of provost, bailies, council, and office¬ bearers, 5, 12, 79, 218 ; order of, to be con¬ form to act of parliament, 125 ; meeting for, held at the Park, 187 ; warrant of parlia¬ ment of commonwealth for, 202 ; liberty by Lord Protector for, 219 ; letter from provost of Linlithgow as to, 215 ; Lord Chancellor's letter as to, 232 ,■ list of provosts, bailies, council, office-bearers, &c., 270-95. (See Council.) Elizabeth, Lady, marriage of, 135. Elles, David, 71. Elphinstoun (Elphingstone), Alexander, 88. INDEX. 333 Elphinstoun (Elphingstone), Alexander, master of, 88. John, 13 ; Sir John, 13. Margaret, 248. Michael, 198. William, 260. Lord, 13, 151, 159, 269 England, invasion by "our aid innymys" of, 49; treasonable passing to, in time of war, 76; commissioners for, 184; soldiers returning from, 189; commonwealth of, 200, 202, 203; plague in parts of, 249. Scotland, and Ireland, commonwealth of, 223. English, support of borders against, 41, 268; defence of town against, 51, 52, 61. Englishman, indictment of, for being a spy, 51. Englishmen, banquet to, 148. Ensign, town's. (See Weaponshawing.) Ermore, 257, 259, 265. Ernby, 264. Erskine (Erskyn), Alexander, 78, 262. Christian, 269 ; Elizabeth, 126. Isabella, 6. James, of Balgony, 129. Robert, rector of Gilbervy, 266. Thomas, 98; Captain Thomas, bequest by, for support of ministry, 98, 129. Thomas, lord le, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265. Sir Thomas, 185. Lord, 125, 269. Erth, Elizabeth, 257, 258. Erthbeg, 257, 258, 259. Esk, West, cruives on, 269. Esok, George, 8. Esplene, John, 81. William, 298, 300. Evangelists, Chemnitius on the, 181. Evidents, town's, safe keeping of, 15, 188, 190, 191, 192 ; charters to be sent to Edinburgh, 87, 234 ; produced before convention, 130 ; town's great charter to be Englished, 244. Evil conditions, woman of, 67. Ewing (Ewin), Duncan, 183. John, 25, 183. Robyne, 25. Thomas, 270. Ewinson, Walter, 16, 24. Excise, collector of, 191, 220 ; farming of, 219, 221. Executioner, appointment of, 170; hire of, from Culross, 205. Exchequer, accounts sent to, 196. Excommunication of a vicar, 266. Explicatio Cathesismi, book called, 76. Fairs, revenues of, 4, 19, 196, 198; table of revenues derived from, 301-4; time for hold¬ ing, 129; riding of, in old manner, 242; claim by earl of Callandar for a staig at, 246. Fala (Fawlay) Muir, 49. Falkirk, 49, 62, 95, 97, 241, 306. Falkland, 86, 92. Fargy, Sir Alexander, 62. Feilden, Mr., 148. Fentouu, lord, 157. Ferguson, Andrew, 89, 117, 123, 299. Alexander, 204. David, 298. John, 247. Moses, 114. —- William, 149, Ferny (Fairny), James, 51. Robert, 12, 21. Ferreare, Elizabeth, 126. Fetliie, Henry, minister, 151. Fidlar, Wille, 21. Fiery Cross, 50. Fife, 64, 113, 150, 200. Fin large, 199. Finlayson (Fyndelosoun), James, 119. John, 40, 77. Pate, 34. William, 57. Finnie, Archibald, 248, 334 INDEX. Finnielosk, 269. Fire, precautions against, 34, 149, 197, 206. Firlots. (See Measures; Pecks and Firlots.) Fish, acts as to hucksters and regraters buying, 3, 27, 35, 39. (See Salmon.) • shambles, breaking fish at, 58; causeway mails to be rouped with, 237; revenue derived from, 305-8. Fisher (Fischair), John, 45. Fishers, place for, drawing nets, 94; time for salmon, 104, 105. Fishings, claim of, by Friars preachers, 54; impediments of, 110; table of revenue de¬ rived from, 305-8. (See Forth.) Fleming (Flymiug), John, 71, 264. Robert, 265. Robert, lord le, 264. Flemings, introduction of, for making cloth, 101. Flesher, agreement with, to supply ambassa¬ dor, 52. Fleshers, statutes as to, 15, 17, 27, 30, 33, 37, 48, 58, 151, 179, 193, 247. Flesh house, building of, 70; offer of booth of, 77. Flodden (Floudoune), field of, 14. Flytters, 5, 18. Foirlie, William, 9S. Footmantle to be procured, 232. Forbes, John, 1 IS. George lord, 255. Forcane, Francis, 56. Ford, work at, 124. Fordale, 258. Forester (Forestare, Forster), Alexander, 5, 11, 12, 24, 26, 259. David, 45, 184, 186, 192, 25S, 269, 297. — Duncan, 69, 265, 299. Sir Duncan, 12, 23. George, 89. James, 149, 150. John, 11, 50, 52, 53, 54, 57, 73, 170. Jok, 59. Malcolm, 154, 257, 258, 263. Forester, Matthew, 265. Robert, 49, 59, 63, 69, 94, 97, 296. Walter, 12. Sir Walter, 24. Lady, 59. Forneir, John, 52. Forsyth (Foryicht), Andrew, 300. Duncan, 26. James, minister, 248, 249. William, 18, 24. Forth, Water of, 2, 7, 17, 25, 27, 50, 54, 86, 104, 105, 120, 159, 180, 219, 233, 244, 267; set of, 2, 7, 50, 86; charter for right of fish¬ ing in, 130; fishings in, to be set to fishers, 244; cobles on, 17; interruption of fishing of, 98, 159; ford of, 124; plea as teinds of salmon in, 267; ferry boats not to ply on, 180; against Raploch coble fishing in Win- shels, 247; permission granted for a year, 248; liberty to tenants of Chirmirland for a year, 248; Sir John Drummond's right of fishing to be investigated, 251; table show¬ ing revenue derived from, 305-S. (See Fishings.) Fossochquhy, 257. Fothringham, James, 170, 171, ISO, 183, 184, 190, 191. William, 147. Foullar, Thom, 12, 14. Fourtoun, Robert, 130. Fowler, William, 252. France, league with, 85, 87. Franch, Sir Nicholas, 256, 259, 262. Fraser (Frissall), Sir Alexander, 2. Frenchman's bag, 67; Frenchmen, departure of, 78. Fresare, John, 260. Friar, claim of, to he served heir, S2. Friar Wynd, 298, 299. Friars Minors. (See Greyfriars.) Friars Preachers, prior of, 257; protests by prior of, as to annuals, 7, 12; fishings claimed by convent of, 54; profession by brothers of, 82. (See Blackfriars.) INDEX. 335 Fullarton of Kinnaber, 266. Furrier Craft, tailors not to infringe on, 19. Fynnelosk, 269. Gairdner, George, 57, 72. James, 106. Gait sweepings or ditchings, set of, 6, 65 ; extortions in taking, 61 ; certain victual not liable for dues of, 79 ; otherwise called ladle duty, 176; table shewing revenue derived from, 305-8. Galbraith (Galbracht), Andrew, 257. John, 205. Robert, 32. Galloway, Alexander, 67. Archibald, 79. —— Dougal, 146, 149. Jonet, 74. Lord of, 261. Galhous, 24. Gallows, Mailing, 1S3. Garbrok, 258. Garden, 23, 45, 103, 108. Gargunnock, 263, 265, 270. Garioch, Lord, 125, 269. Garnok, 166. Garreoch, 264. Gartcabyr, 258, 261. Garten, 256, 263. Gawie, John, 94, 102. Geagie, Walter, 298. Gear. (See Property, household and personal.) Geichane, Robert, 51, 53. Thomas, 83. Gentilman, Robert, 266. Gib, John, 300. Harie, 148. Gilbervy, rector of, 265, 266. Gillane (Gullane, Gullein), John, 45. William, master of the grammar school, 71. Gillespy (Gillaspy), 215. John, 81, 150. — William, 14, 32, 37, 55, 86. Glasclune, 257. Glasgow, 14, 100, 110, 125, 143, 160, 192, 196, 212, 217, 234, 249 ; college of, contribution for building, 168 ; archbishop of, 246 ; bishop of, 264; cathedral church of, 255, 260 ; contributions to Glasgow for losses by fire, 204; cpiestion with, as to precedency in riding Parliament, 234. Glassingal, Easter and Wester, 255. Glaye, William fitz, 301. Glebe, action as to, 165 ; setting of, 236. Glen, 16. Glenalmond, 170. Glencairn, Earl of, 195. Glendovane, 16. Glengemiet, 261. Glengemok, 260. Glennegas, 261, 264. Goffe, Colonel, 210. Gogar, 98. Gold, signet of, 23; chain of, 49 ; ring of, 79 ; chain of, pledged by Countess of Argyle, 79; silver horn mounted with, 260. Gorge, Sir Tibol, 147. Goring, Sir Edward, 147. Sir George, 147. Gourlay, Alexander, 47. John, 265. , Jonet, SO. Robert, 187. Gowane, Marion, 53. Cowrie, earl of, 96 ; Gowrie traitors, 96. Graham (Grame, Gryme), Anapell, 41. David, 46, 263, 265, 299. Gilbert, 267. Harie, 270. James, 3. John, 38, 60, 67, 153, 155, 230, 261, 300. ■ Jonet, 9. Malcolm, 3, 9. Marion, 107. Patrick, 79. Robert, 265, 266, 297. Thomas, 265. 33C> INDEX Graham, Walter, 2, 11, 12, 16, 24, 26, 26S. William, 79, 296. William, lord le, 262, 267 ; marriage of, 265. Grammar school, master of, 17, 102, 103, 130, 131, 136, 160, 196, 205, 222, 238 ; agreement with, as to children above six, 71 ; repair of, 86, 169; doctors of, 99, 101, 102, 132, 136, 153, 248; regulations as to, 107; leave of absence craved by master of, 118 ; order for causing flourishing of, 122 ; arbitration with master of, 130 ; legacy by John Cowan for master of, 173; visitation of, 184; putting children to, 208; resignation of master of, 238; "vaccance" granted to scholars of, 242. (See School.) Grange, 148. Grant, Thomas, 170. Grass. (See Souuies.) Grass Maill. (See King's Maill, &c.) Grassmarket, place of, changed, 181. Gray, —, 21. Esabell, 32. Robert, 300. Greg, David, 11, 21. Grenane, 259. Greneyards, James, 264. Greyfriars, 37,84; yard near, 76,77; yard of, 78; piece of land granted to, 19; agreement by, with neighbouring proprietor as to buildings, 55 ; butts for archery iu yard of, 78. Grieve (Greif), Alexander, 103. Grindstone, obligation to deliver, 20. Guild brethren. (See Burgesses.) Guild, dean of, things granted by provost and bailies to, 20 ; alleged illegality in choosing, 64; list of deans of, 270-95. Guildry, charter of liberty of, 130. Guscroft, 299. Guthrie, Henry, minister, 168, 174, 185, 186, 204, 234, 235, 236. James, minister, 196, 216, 217, 224. Guthrie Kirk, 168. ! Hagy, Sir Andrew, 69. Haistie, John, 60. Halberts, to be procured, 242. Haldane (Halden), John, 256, 260, 261, 262, 264. William, 11. Hales, Captain, 233. Haliburton, Mark of, 261. Hall, James, 51, 56. John, 252. Hamilton, Arthur, 25S. Mr. James, minister, Edinburgh, 217. James, lord, 264. John, 34. Sir John, 62. ; Margaret, 58. William, 10. Marquis of, 172, 19S. Hammermen, question as to craftsmen belong¬ ing to, 14. Hanging, sentence of, 22, 24, 53, 64, 71. Hannay, James, preacher, 171. Harower, Nicol, 53. Hart, John, 107. Haven silver, set of, 6, 7 ; table shewing revenue derived from, 305-8. Hay, Alexander, 153, 154. Hay, time for hucksters buying, 3 ; price of, 24; table shewing prices of, 309-11. Heading Hill (Heiddin Hill), 24. Heartlie, William, 252. Heirs, service of, 73, 82. Heirship goods, lists of, 17, 72, 74. (See Property.) Helyforde, bishop elect of, 171. Henderson (Henrysoun), Agnes, 40, 43, 4S. Alexander, minister, 150, 151, 164. Andrew, 87. Cristan, 34. George, 228. James, 93, 175, 298, 300. John, 15, 79, 86, 89, 93, 95, 105, 124. Robert, 137, 141, 164, 172. William, 20S. INDEX 337 Hendry, Henry, 80. • James, 1G5. • John, 165, 298. William, 212. Hepburn, John, 148. Herbertshire, 182. Herring (Hering), Captain, 86. David, 257; James, 257. Herring, bringing, from Renfrew, 43. Hides. (See Skins.) High-gait, 10, 59, 255, 260. Hill (Hyl), John, 72; Sir Thomas, 258. Hillbandrik, 53. Hog, Alexander, 73, 193. John, 153, 193. Holburn, General-Major James, 19S. Patrick, 257. • Sir Thomas, 257. Holhous, 258. Holland, 165, 228, 242, 249. gudlings, 190. precautions against plague coming from, 244, 249, 250. Holy Blood. (See Altars.) Holy Rood, (See Altars.) Holyrood house, 171; monastery of Holy rood, 262. Home, Gilbert, 260. Hope (Houpe), Thomas, 149. Hopper, James, of Boirhouses, 148. Horse market to be held in valley, 182. Horse, purchase of a, 32. race, 87, 166, 248. Horses, scabbed, 5 ; two, have stranglon, 64 ; purchase of, for King Edward I. of England, 301. Horse-stealing, conviction for, 22, 64, 71. Hospital, fines to, 81; property belonging to, 84; donations to, 94, 146, 149, 162; persons placed in, 107; advance of money by master of, 169; money of, 193, 209. Hospital, Cowan's (or Over Hospital), legacy by John Cowan for founding, 172; payment of legacy, 177; preceptor of, appointed, 177; lands of, to be laboured, 201; revising book of, partly destroyed by English, 201; level¬ ling yard of, 235 ; master of, to repair and build piers, 242; lands let to, 297; meetings of council held in, 187. Hospital, Ketlier (Spittals), lands of, to be laboured, 201; masters of, to relieve dis¬ tressed merchants and craftsmen, 202, 212; money borrowed by town from, 213 ; relief to be given to necessitous persons, 229; par¬ tition between earl of Argyle's lodging and hospital, 245, 246; house sold to earl of Argyle, 250 ; lands let to, 297. Houses, against setting, to unfreemen, &c., 137, 189; demolished (1649), 196; repair of, demolished (in 1650-1), 218. Household gear and property. (See Property.) Houstoun (Howstone), James, 164, 231, 232. Hucksters, acts as to, 3, 9, 25, 27, 2S, 34, 35. Hume, John, 51. Hungatt, Sir Harye, 170. Hunter, Cristan, 37, 39. (Hountter), Sir John, 33, 34, 37, 38. Huntly, George lord, 263. Hutching (Huchoun), Helen, 47; John, 25. Hutoun, Alexander, 137, 29S. John, 43, 26S. William, 110. Hynd, Friar Archibald, 54. Hyrdman, Sir Alexander, 265. Impertinent language, 21, 26. Inch in, 268. Inchmaliome, prior of, 264; investiture in priory of, 265. Inchmacpihomok, monastery of, 268. Inchtolloch, 260. Incumry, 59. Ingleram, Sir William, 259. Innes, Patrick, 93. Inquest, appointment of, 5, 89. Inverness, 269. Ireland, 118. Irvine (Irwing), 131. 338 INDEX. Irvine (Irrewin), Robert, 52. Islay herald, 49. Isle of St. Colmoc, 264, 265. Isles, parson of the, 57; raid to the, 119. Italian Physician, 252. Jak, Katherine, 40. William, ISO. James, St. (See Altars.) James, King, III., V., and VI. (See Kings.) Jamieson (Jameson), George, 200. John, 110. Jarva, Sir Thomas, 21. Thorn, 31. Jeffrey (Japliray, Jalfray), Andrew, 149, 150, 299. John the schirra, 7. Johnston (Johnstoun, Johensonn), George, 2. Gilbert, 6, 7, 29. James, S3. John, 20, 45, 79, 150, 171, 172, 177, 1S6. Jonet, 29, S3. Jonet, cripple, bequest by, to poor, 162. Jug, production of, in Edinburgh, 148, 149 ; dispersing of, through burghs, 150, 157. Justice, Patrick, 297, 29S. commissioners for administration of, 226. Justiciary Court. (See Court.) Justinflat, 14, 297. Katrine, St. (See Altars.) Keir (Kars, Iveirs, Kere), laird of, 14, 16, 136, 151, 257, 29S ; lodging of laird of, 136. Isabell, SO. James, 206. Walter, 135, 160, 175. Kers, Lady, lodging of, 56. Kellie, earl of, 157. Kelso, 183. Kennedy (Kanydi), Charles, 9. Gilbert, lord, 261, 263. Kepaa Davy, 257. Ker (Kar), Andrew, 29. Ker, Christian, 107. Duncan, 74. James, 74. John, 74, 107. Jonet, 74. Robert, 107, 210. Thomas, 74. William, 148. Kers, West, 259, 263. Kerslaw, William, 53. Kid (Kyd), Alexander, 39, 266. skins. (See Skins.) Kidston, Robert, 192, 206, 234, 237- Kilbowie, Andrew, 112. Kilbride, 16. Kilconquhar, 150. Kildrummy, 269. Killearn (Killerne), 267. Kilmacolm, 106. Kilmerdonyng (Kylmerdonyng), 267. Kilmertyne, 79. Ivilrynny, 150, 204. Kilspindy, 235. Kilyemuk. 49. Kincaid (Kynkaid, Kinked), Alexander, 296. David, 24. Kincardine (Ivyncardyn), 255. Kinghorn, 113. King's maill, &c., set of, 6; table shewing revenue derived from, 305-8. Kings and Queens of Scotland— David II., charter by, to burghs, borrowed from Perth, 96, 97. Alexander II., Robert I., and David II., production of charters by, to convention at Aberbrothok, 130. James III., 255; inhibition by, against usurpation of his property in Stirling¬ shire, 259 ; lands in Lennox belonging to, 262; lands of Buthkennar belonging to, 263. James V., 267 ; writing of, presented to council, 34; letters by, as to defence of Borders, 268. INDEX. 339 King J allies VI., letter from, as to meeting of convention of estates, 84; letter from, as to a witch, 86; removal of, to England, 103; marriage of Lady Elizabeth, daughter of, 135; preparations for and celebrations on visit of, in 1617, 145-8. King Henry and Queen Mary, precept by, 76. King Charles I., propine to, on visit (in 1633), 170; celebration on occasion of visit,-170, 172 ; charter by, 231. King Charles II., lodging for persons attend¬ ing on (1650), 197; money advanced to, 198, 199 ; thanksgiving day for happy Restoration of, 234; repayment of money lent to, 243. (See Queen Margaret; Queen Regent.) Kinloch, Abigail, 251. James, surgeon, 140. Kinnaber, 266, Kinnear (Kymeir), Andrew, minister, 241, 242, 247, 250, 251. Kinnoul (Kynnowll), 80. Kinros, James, 108, 269. Malcolm, 54, 77. Kippenros, 108, 269 ; laird of. 299. Kirk, James, 171. Margaret, 25. Kirk box, advance of money from, 169. Kirk, general assembly of, at Glasgow, 181. . (See Church.) Kirkaldy, 113, 150, 172, 182. Kirkandrowes, 225. Kirkcudbright, 129. Kirkintilloch (Kyrkintulloch), church of, 265. Kirkton of Aberfoyle, 268. Kirkwood, Andrew, 164. Duncan, 300.. Thomas, 78. (Kyrkoud), John, 260. Kirkyard, against pasturing in, 213. Klafling, Wille Talyour, alias, 34. Knok. (See Clock.) Knokdolyane, 267. Knychtlie, Mr., 14S. Kowtis. (See Coutts.) Kynbuk, Malcolm of, 255. Ivyppan, 263. Kypdory, 261. Lachand, David, 252. Ladders and buckets provided, 206. Ladle duty, levying of, 134; decreet of privy council as to, 174; table showing revenue derived from, 307-8. (See Gait dichtings.) Lady altar. (See Altar.) Lady Vennel, 184. Lady land and Lady rig, 297. Lair, ownership of a, 14. Lairs in parish kirk, 36, 42, 66, SO. Lamb (Lam), Christopher, 269. James, 5, 10, 22, 33, 34. John, 20, 30. Jonet, 80. Marion, 42. Robe, 22. William, 297. Lambert, Sir John, 19. Lanark, earl of, 195. Lands, town's, sales and feus of, 1, 77 ; grant of, to Greyfriars, 19; possessors of, 122 ; dues payable by heirs and new entering teuants of, 127 ; rental of town's common, 296; visitation of marches of, 127, 206 ; proceedings against possessors of, 159. . (See Property.) Lang (Layng), Agnes, 7, 16, 31. James, 4, 13. John, 100, 306. Males, 13, 14. Lanorok, Besse, 43. (Lanerok), John, 43. Lany, 24, 30. Lapslie, George, 236. Largs, 162. Lauder (Lawder), James, 24. Lauder, 196. Lauderdale, earl of, 19S. Laurence, St. (See Altars; St. Lawrence.) 340 INDEX. Lautheroc (Lotherisk), 261. Law, Robert, 29. Law Quarter, 258. Lawburrows, finding of, 11. Lawrie (Lowrie, Lowrye, Lawrye), Andrew, 89, 122, 296, 29S. James, 296. Joseph, minister, 152, 156, 164. Lawrie's Turnpike, 298. Lawson (Lausoun), Patrick, 16. Thomas, 300. Lech ford, Sir Richard, 170. Lecrope, 236. Legat, Alexander, 259. Andrew, 25, 32. John, 142. Leirmonth, Robert, 55. Leishman (Lyeisman), Andrew, 32. John, 73, 7S. Leith (Leicht), 9, 27, 45, 62, 111, 118, 219. Lennox, Jeillis, 162. Lennox (Levenax), earldom of, 256, 262, 264. Lennox, Ludovic, duke of, 269. Lenzie, 152, 197 ; court of barony of, 264. Lepers, 3, 5, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39. Leslie, General Alexander, 1S2. Jeilles, 162. Lieut.-col. Patrick, 182. Lesmore, cathedral church of, investiture given to archdeacon of, 267. Leucliers (Luchris), 150, 164; parish church of, 264. Levelands (Levin gland, Levy lands), 106,185,252. Library. (See Rooks.) Lighter boat, 107, 109, 112, 121 ; revenue received from, 306. Lighting streets, 41. Lilburne, Colonel, 209, 210. Lindsay, James, 76. John, 162. Jonet, SO. Linlithgow, 32, 42, 66, 86, 90, 118, 119, 143, 150, 187, 214, 215, 223, 225, 230, 23S. earl of, 156, 199. Linlithgow firlot, 150. (See Measures.) Linton (Lyntouu), Duncan, 8. ■ Patrick, 12. Litstar, Sir Vincent, 7, 12. Sir William, 32, 34, 37, 153. Litsters, acts anent, to be put in court book, 194 ; complaints agaiust, 216. Littlejolm (Litiljohen), John, 179, 188. Livingston (Levinstoun), Alexander, 12, 24. Edward, 264. Elizabeth, 56. Henry (Harie), 62, 68, 136, 152, 159. John, 263. Sir John, 263. William, 257. Lochcon, 268. Loehleven, 263, 265. Logan, George, 228. Logy (Logie), 11, 269. Lokart, Andrew, 16. Sir James, 33, 34, 37, 38. London, 203, 204; bishop of, 171 ; plague in, 249. Lome, John, 210. lord, 184, 250, 263. Lothian (Loudean), 10, 32, 57 ; earl, 199. Loudon, chancellor, 199. Low Countries, 129; conservator in, 162. Lowdeane, Robert, 57. Luke, St. (See Altars.) Lugs. (See Ears.) Luss (Lus), 260. I.yle, Robert lord, 263, 264. Lyon, John, 262, 264. Madertie, Lord, 167. Madman, apprehension of, 79. Magistrates, slandering, 77 ; troubling or giving offence to, 88. (See Provost; Bailies.) Main guard in High Street, removal of, 232, 233. Make (Makke), John, 6, 37. William, 66. Males (Malice), James, 17. INDEX. 341 Males, William, 50. Malt, price of, 1, 5, 27, 2S; table shewing prices of, 309-11 ; time for selling, 4 ; table shewing revenue derived from custom of, 306-S. Maltmen, payment by, for service at altar, 15, 27 ; weekly pennies payable by, 54; trouble betwixt, and baxters, 99 ; acts as to visitor or deacon of, 128, 131 ; liberty of exercising trade of, 128, 131 ; qualification and dues on admission of, 1S9. Mane, William, 2G2. Manse, action as to, 165; plenishing and books in, 248. Manufactures, promotion of, 15S. Mar, countess of, 84, 126, 269; loan of foot- mantle asked from, 233. earl of, 88, 125, 127, 131, 139, 152, 206, 209, 247, 248, 255, 269, 270, 298; debts due by, to hospitals, &c., 206, 209. Marches, town's, visitation of, 127. Margaret, Queen. (See Queen Margaret.) Marjory banks, George, 130. Markets, time for buying and selling at, 3, 4, 67; regrating goods coming to, 7; selling meal at, 30. place of wheat, 38 ; change of day of, 194. Markhame, Col. Henry, 223. Marriage, contract of, 4 ; marriage of Duncan Auquhonam and Agnes Makcalpyn, 256 ; of lord Montgumrie and Elen Campbell, daughter of earl of Argyle, 263 ; of William lord le Graham and Anabella Drummond, 265. (See Bridals.) Mary Wynd, 59, 136, 299, land lying in, 1. Mason, John Coutts, agreement with, 35, 3S ; decease of, 65. Marshall (Merschal), Duncan, 299. James, 2, 9, 11. John, 89, 264. Rob, 20. Steven, 1S4. Mass, gift of things suitable for celebrating, 260. Masters of Work, list of, 270-95. (See Elec¬ tions.) Masterton, Sir Thomas, 261. Matesone (Mathesoun), John, 122. Robert, 298. Matthew, St. (See Altars.) Maxwell (Maxwale), Jonet, 258. May, Colin, 250. Maybole (Menybole), collegiate church of, 261. Meal, time for selling, 4; acts as to buying and selling, 30. Mean, Robert, postmaster, Edinburgh, 249. Measures, adjustment of and regulations as to, 33, 86, 90, 92, 14S, 149, 150, 154. Meiklejohn, William, 240, 241. Meiklewood, 230, 270. Menstre, 45. Menzies, John, 256. Merchants, disputes between, and craftsmen, (1613), 174; articles of agreement between them (1616), 141. Merchiston (Merches toune), 160. Mereleis, Richard, 41. Merjorybanks, George, 130. Mettyme, Sir Thomas, 147. Michael, St. (See Altars.) Middings, removal of, 37, 120, 130, 133, 145, 207. Mill, wind, offer to build, 52. Millar, Jenne, 37. James, 296. John, 86, 88. Thomas, 45. Mills, defence of, 78; acquiring of, 143, 151, 157, 204; thirlage to, 211; set of, 229, 30S; building of bridge mill, 206; building of horse mill, 228. Milne, Henry, 2G6. Milton of Aberfoyle, 268. Ministers, lodging and house for, 75; allow¬ ances, and donations to, 87, 88, 92, 94, 152; money to be borrowed for stipend of, 92; difficulty in collecting stipend of, 93; pro¬ vision for a second minister, 98, 117, 185, 342 INDEX. 224 ; collection of stipend of, 206 ; approba¬ tion of Robert Mure, 123 ; meal to, as part of stipend, 140, 143 ; acts to second minister annulled, 217 ; commissioners appointed to negotiate for obtaining, 150, 151, 164, 186, 217, 241 ; appointment of Joseph Lowyre, 152; Henry Gutlirie, 16S ; James Guthrie, 196; David Rennet, 197 ; Matthias Simpson, 220, 222; resignation of Harye Levingstoun, 159; call to Henry Guthrie, late minister, 204; communications with James Guthrie on disputed points, &c., 216; ministers of Edinburgh asked to supply preachers, 219 ; call to Matthias Simpson, 220; report of agreement with him, 22], 224; commis¬ sioners to council of estate as to want of minister, 221, 222; claim by Robert Rule for stipend, 226; Hary Guthrie asked to return, 234, 235; he declines, 235; presen¬ tation of Matthias Simpson. 236, 237 ; con¬ sent to minister visiting London, 237 ; appointment of a minister not sanctioned by Bishop, 239 ; appointment of Andrew Kynnier, 242 ; bishops asked not to sanction translation of Matthias Symson, 245 ; re¬ quest complied with, 246; donations to widow of Andrew Kynneir, 247, 250; ap¬ plication to archbishop as to vacancy, 247 ; declinature by Archibald Muschett to be minister, 250. (See Reader; Church; Kirk.) Ministry, money gifted for help of, 126, 129, 165, 173. Minor, protest by, 29 ; property of, 81. Mitchell (Mychill), James, SS, 99. John, 11. Robert, 220. Thomas, 12, 16, 14S. Modrell, James, 48. Moffat, James, 10, 11. John, 6. William, 7. Moisley, Edward, 205. Moncrieff (Muncrife), George, 64. Money, English, tender of, 73. Monk, General, 215, 218, supplication to, 207; commissioners sent to, 20S, 209 ; admission of, as a burgess, 212; letter from, as to stipend of minister, 226. Monopolies, burgesses to give oath against procuring, 171. Monro, Major George, 195; Alexander, com¬ missary, 250. Monteith (Mentecht), Agnes, 256, 260, 261, 262, 264. earl of, 260, 266, 268; gift by, to countess, 260. earldom of, 268. James, 5, 84. John of, 24. Jonet, 43. Patrick, 14. Robert, 24. William, 259, 263, 299. William, master of, 268. Montgomery (Montgumre), Hugh, lord of, 263. Montgrinan, 262, 263, 264. (Monthly maintenance, applications for modi¬ fications or exemptions from, 1S9. Montrose, earl of, 267. Monuclit, John, 2. William, 2. Moray, bishop, 264. Moreis, John, 79. Morison, James, 245. John, 6. Thorn, 5. Morphy, 263. Moucli, William, 4. Mowbray, Margaret, 268. Mudie, Sir Harye, 170. Muir (Mur, Mure), Jame, 24. John, 257. Robert, 117, 123. Muir, Old, rental of, 296. New, rental of, 296. Muirhead (Mureheid), William, 152, 154, 155. Margaret, 67. Mukcart. Adam, 11, 42. INDEX. 343 Mukcart, Elspeth, 40. Murder, conviction for, 42. (See Slaughter.) Murdoch, Nicol, 10S. Murieson, Duncan, 89, 297. Walter, 100. Murray (Murra), Adam, 187. Alexander, 2, 7, 11, 12, 24, 241. Christal, 79. David, 83, 148, 155, 170, 2G4. Dame, Anabell, 84, 126, 269. Dame Elizabeth Shaw, Mrs., bequest by, for help of poor, 146, 149. Herbert, 259. James, 20, 64; Sir James, 23. Jenne, 5, 18. John, 18, 40, 105, 248, 252, 298. Jonet, 64. Robert, 24, 103, 147, 150, 185. William, 255. Murray's wood, customs of timber of, 107, 306. Murreff, William, 255. Muschet, Archibald, 250. John, 87, 153, 155. Music, teacher of, 155, 160, 186. Muskets. (See Arms.) Musselburgh, donation for harbour of, 151. Muthyll, parish church of, 265. Myllington, Mr., 147. Mylmy, Mr., 148. Myrtoun, Sir William, 72. M'Alan, Gilfulan, 263. M'Aulay, Aulay, 140. M'Beathe, John, 170. M'Calpy, Thomas, 26, 27, 31. Makcalpyn, Agnes, 256. ■ Robert, 256. Makcaw, 267. Makcawys, Duncan, 256. M'Clery (Makeleiry), Gillaspy, 263. Malcolm, 256, 263. Sir Patrick, 263. Robert, 76. Simon, 264. M'Cummy, Fergus, 5. Makdikim (M'Dicoun), John, 64. Patrick, 81, 300. M'Farlane (Makfarlan), John, 37. Makfersane, Hugh, 255. Makhecardych, Dermit, 267. M'Keson, James, 45. M'Lellan (M'Clellaue), Gilbert, 1, 2, 5, 31. John, 47. Margaret, 81. William, 5, 16, 55. M'Naclit (Maknaktis), John, 42. M'Nair, John, 162, 214, 233. Maknellen, Elen, 75. John, 75. ■ Kathrene, 75. M'William, John, 123. Nairn (Naerne), Barbara, 74. Duncan, 191, 195, 201, 214, 225, 227, 232, 233, 235, 236, 243, 249, 251, 296. Richard, 5, 7, 8, 12, 22, 26, 29, 44. Robert, 151. Thomas, 256, 265, 296. Napier (Neaper), Alexander, 160. Sir Archibald, of Merchistoun, 160. Mongo, 160. Robert, of Baquhapple, 160. Walter, 229. Neighbourhood, or boundaries, keeping, 17, IS. Neilson, Andrew, 54, 81. David, 207. John, 42. Jonet, 80, 115. Neische, Walter, 87, 88, 93, 95, 296. Newcastle, 49, 183. Newmills, 245. New Port, vaults of, 29S. Nicoll, David, 298. Nicolsouu, Sir James, 69. Niddisdaill, William, 58. Ninian, St. (See Altar3.) Noblemen, against asking payment of debts from, 46. 344 INDEX. Nochell, David, 42. Xorric, James, 237, 240, 243, 244, 246, 249, 251. William, 156. Norton, Andrew, 29. Marion, 26, 29. Thomas, 29. Nor well (Norvell), James, 76 George, 97, 115, 120, 195, 246, 250. Thomas, 58, 78. William, 55, 65, 70, 73, 77, 79. Notary, resignation of burgess property to be made in presence of, 32; offence by, against a bailie, 120; a person not a, banished for acting as such, 138. Oat bread, sale of, 179, 180. Oats, price of, 24; table shewing prices of. 309-11 ; as to hucksters buying, 25. Obit silver, 13; collection of, 152, 196, 229; roll of, 299. Ocliertire, 45. Ochterardour, 79. Oclitirhouse, lord of, 256. Offeris, John, 5, 7. Office-bearers, list of, 270—95. Officers, appointment of, 5 ; disobedience to, 10; duties of, 67; discharge of, 117; clothing of, 156. Official of Lothian, actions before, 10, 16. Ogilby, James, of Ernby, 264. Ogilvie, Captain James, 182. O'Kic, commissioner to parliament for Linlith¬ gow, 215. Omnigadrum, 112, 14S; meetings of, pro¬ hibited, 136 ; contributions by, for second minister, 186, 225; contribution by, for drummer's salary, 184. Orchard, breaking an, 7. Orkney and Shetland, money collected for famished people of, 174. Ormond, pursuviant, proclamation made by, 49. Orr (Or, Ore), James, 205. Nicol, 64. Orrock, Lady, 59. Osburne, Sir Robert, 147. Osmond wine, 119. Oswald, James, 73, 153. Oven, Andrew, 205. Ox skins. (See Skins.) Panhollis, 296. Park acres, rental of, 297. Parish clerkship, gift of, 2, 39 ; claim of, for keeping knok, 8, 10. Parish Kirk. (See Church.) Park of Stirling, meetings of council held at, 187. Park, Thomas, 149. Parker (Parqueir), Wille, 5. Parkmilne, 229. Parliament, acts of, purchased, 88, 93 ; place of proposed meeting of, changed from Stirling to Finlarge, 199; commissioners to, 182, 214, £23, 229, 233; disputed pre¬ cedency of Glasgow and Stirling at riding of, 234. Pasturing on other men's ground prohibited, 236. Paterson, Alexander, 78, 115, 300. Duncan, 11, SO, 89, 90, 100, 105, 109, 110, 124, 133, 135, 146, 296, 298. John, 94. Robert, 124, 158. Paterson's aisle (Yaille), 86, 114, 174. " Patonson, Alexander, 16, 26, 115. Duncan, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 22, 34, 119, 130. Gilbert, 18. James, 7. John, 6, 255. Marion, 7. Robert, 7, 31, 158. Patoun, James, 25. Sir John, chaplain, 1. Pecks and Firlots, table shewing revenue derived from, 305-8. Peebles, 239. Peir, making of, 101, 105. INDEX. 345 Perdowy, 34. Perth, 51, 65, 96, 97, 151, 192, 212, 214, 223, 227, 230, 248; sheriffdom of, 255, 256, 261 ; letter from as to privileges of craftsmen, 64. (See St. Johnstoun.) Pest, acts as to visitations of, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 53, 56, 57, 100, 106, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 1S7, 188, 192, 193, 244; plague in London, 249, 250. (See Watch.) Peter, St. (See Altars.) Pettenweem, contribution asked by, 227. Pettincrefe, 256. Pikry. (See Theft.) Piper, clothing of, 118, 156; appointment of, 136 ; donation to, 245. Plaids, making of, 239. Plane, the, 9, 24; barony of; 257, lands of, 258. Pliny's Natural History, 146. (See Books.) Polmais, laird of, 151, 257, 266, 299. Wester, 177, 185. Polmais Cunningham, barony of, 266. Poor, tokens to, 40; removal of, 106, 157 ; gifts for behoof of, 108, 161, 166; collections for help of, 167, 208; coals supplied to, 188; distribution of money amongst, 207; dona¬ tion to a traveller, 245. (See Hospital.) Pope Clement VII., 266, 267. Port, barony of, 261. Porter (Portare), Christopher, 266. (Portar), Patrick, 5, 6. Porterfield, Christopher, 108. Ports, keeping of, 106. (See Watch ; Barres- yet.) Portuous, John, 108. Post, common, chosen. 252. Pot, dispute as to a, 9; money disbursed on, 78. Prayer. (See Book of Common Prayer.) Prayers. (See Beader.) Precentor. (See Kirk.) Prestonpans, 190. Prices fixed, 1, 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 27, 89; table of, 309-11. Print, acts of Parliament in, purchased, 88, 39. (See Books.) Printing sermon delivered on Thanksgiving- day, 234. Prisons. (See Wardhouses.) Procurator-fiscal, fee of, 78. Property, landed and house, forfeiture of, for non-payment of annuals, 1, 4, 22; resigna¬ tion of burgage, 32; renunciation of rights to, 10 ; gift by King and Queen of forfeited, 76; rental of common lands, 296-300. household and personal, valuation of, 2, 13, 57, 74, 75, 76; list of, 8, 17, 58, 72, 73, 74, 75. Protocols, town's, obtaining and preserving of, 153, 154, 155, 171 ; transuming sasines from, 190. (See Records.) Provost, letter from Queen Regent as to elec¬ tion of, 68, 69 ; protests by merchants and craftsmen as to elections of, 69 ; election of, 69; protest by Robert Bruce as to time he held office, 69 ; assaulting of, 133; diso¬ bedience to, 135 ; protest by Robert Stevin- son as to his election, 237 ; list of Provosts, &c., 270-95. (See Elections.) Pulpit, repair of, 92. (See Church.) Purves (Pruves), William, 45, 52. Pylossis grammar. 102. Quarantin, John Baptiste, 252. Quarrell, 241. Quarters, division of town into, 59. Queen Margaret (relict of James IV.), hat belonging to, pledged, 4S ; merchandise got on credit of, 55; servitor of, 266. Queen Regent (Mary of Guise), bread supplied to, 40, 42 ; coals supplied to, 44, 46 ; against asking payment of debts from, 46; broken silver challenged by servants of, 47; slaying deer belonging to, 53 ; John Graham put from presence of, 67 ; letter from, as to election of provost, 68; authority by, to hold justice court, 50, 71; proclamation by, for assem¬ bling army, 49. 346 INDEX. Queensferry, 214, 223, 226, 230. Queenshaugh, 299. Quilt Quarter, 257, 258. Ra (Ray), Andrew, 77. Alexander, 57. Cristene, 21, 22. Marion, 43, 48. Race horse, 87, 166, 248. Ramsay, Mr., 148. ■—- James, 162. John, 162. —- Robert, 153. Thomas, 53. Ramus Syntax, 102. Randifurd, 84, 148, 299. Raploch coble, 247, 248. Rath, Gavin, 261. Read, Col. Thomas, 214, 218. Reader of common prayers, appointment of, 74, 161; grant of ground annual to, 148. (See Church.) Rebellion in west, 252. Records or Registers, list of, 60; custody of, 188, 191, 192; inventorying of, 190, 193. (See Protocols.) Redhucht (Reddocht), James, 12, 73. Robert, 264. Reel, iron, for trial of wrong ones, 194. Reformation, recanting old traditions in time of, 73; reader of common prayers, 74; stones or timber not to be taken without council's consent, 76; slandering magistrates and elders, 77; chalices to be sold for mending of causeway, 78. Regraters, acts against, 7, 27, 28, 34, 83. Reid, James, 147. Reik maill, 308. Renfrew, 43. Rental of town's common lands, 296-300. Reset of theft, convictions for, 5, 80, 162. Restoration, King's happy, 234. Richardson (Richartson, Richertsoun), Andrew, 107. Richardson, John, 51. Robert, 300. Richart, James, 149. Richartoun, 269. Rid, Colonel, 209. Rind, James, 220. Ring. (See Belt and Ring.) Ritchie (Ritsche), Dave, 22. Sir Harie, 147. Robert I., King. (See Kings.) Robertson (Robeson, Robysoun), Alexander, 12, 16, 72, 89, 100. David, 83, 261. Gilbert, 250. James, 66,73, 77, 124, 125, 150, 174, 177, 183, 212, 296. John, 26, 77, 172, 212. Marjory, 81. Matlie, 40, 77. Nicol, 76. Robert, 86, 89, 90, 92, 105. William, 11, 116, 252. Robin (Robene), John, 40, 167, 168, 171, 191, 192. Rood "brod," collections on Sundays with, 68. Rood Croft, 19, 77, 84, 297 ; maills of, re¬ ceived, 77. Rood, Holy. (See Altars.) Rood Kirk, 11, 270. loft, making chalice to, 6. work, 3, 4, 9, 19, 30, 38. Rollo, John, 299. Rollock, Thomas, 166, 183. Romany wine, price of, 47. Rome, decision by court of, 267. Ronald, Thomas, 238. Ros, Andrew, 57. — James, 56. John, 259, 262, 263, 264. Ross, bishop of, 171. Rothesay, 199. Rothimaye, 263. Rotterdam, 239. LNDEX. 347 Rouchlan, 148. Row, John, 150. William, 153. Rowain, 256. Rowan, Edward, 25. Roxburgh, earl of, 199. Rudder Bridge, 113. Rule, Mr. Robert, 224, 226. Rusky, 256, 260, 262. Russell, Andrew, 233, 237. Christopher, 178, 180, 183, 184, 195, 196, 214, 216, 244, 29S. James, 234, 246, 249. John, 178, 299. Robert, 201, 208, 209, 214, 219, 221, 222, 233, 234, 235, 239, 243, 251. Ruth, Sir Alexander, prior of Inchmahome,264. Sir David, monk of Dunfermline, 264. John, vicar of Garreoch, 264. Rutherfurd (Rudderfurd), Jonet, 269. Rynd, Henry, 79. William, 148. Sabbath, better observance of, 194, 195. St. Andrews, 66, 113, 130, 171, 189. Archbishop of, 130, 151, 164, 168, 248. Archdeacon of, 260, 261. St. Colmoc. (See Inchmahome.) St. Cuthbert's day, bull baiting on, 37. St. Hubert (Howbart), unlaw for wax to be burned before, 29. St. James' Chapel, 17. St. James' Rigs, 33. St. Johnston, 1, 14, 110, 120. (See Perth.) St. Laurence Croft, 32, 33 ; let of, 298. St. Loye, service in honor of, 3. St. Marnock's Chapel, 299. St. Ninian's Kirk, 159, 222, 241. St. Paul's Epistles, book on, 181. St. Salvator, altar of, 258. St. Severine, patron of the Websters'craft, 16. Salmon, time for buying, 9; breaking of, 25, 30, 71; three, sent to Edinburgh, 149; plea as to teinds of, 267. (See Forth.) Salt Prestoun, 107. Salter, Robe, 20. Salterson, Sir Peter, 147. Sampsoun, Alexander, 182. Sanchair, lord, 80. Sandelands, Sir James, 108. Patrick, 260. Sauchie (Salky), 10, 255, 259, 260, 263. Scellater, 269. Scheves (Schevys), William, 260, 261. Schools, English or writing, regulations as to, 122, 132, 155. See Grammar School; College. Scott, John, 83, 122. Robert, 20, 107. Walter, 24, 40, 42. William, 150. Scourging, punishment of, 45, 129, 163. Seal, common, keeping of, 15; description of, 270 ; affixed to bore brieve, 230. Semple (Sympill), John, 204. Robert, 96, 286. Sir Robert, 263. William, sheriff of Renfrew, 264. Ser*es (Ceres), 113. Serjeants. (See Officers.) Servants, regulations as to, 134. Service, John, 174. Service Book. (See Book of Common Prayer.) Setoun (Seytoun), Alexander, 263. Sharp, Jonet, 47. Shaw (Schaw), Alexander, 297. Elizabeth, dame, 146. ■ George, 59. James, 10, 48, 255, 259, 260, 263. John, 296; John of, 32. Margaret, 11. Shearer, Charles, 165. Gilbert, 165. John, 92, 116, 120, 122, 123, 127, 130, 131, 133, 149, 150, 156-60, 172. Walter, 265. William, 155. Sheep, buying, 30. Sheetmakers, 14. 348 INDEX. Shetland, 174. (See Orkney and Shetland.) Shillbrae, 247. Shiphaugh, 87, 242. Ships, taking of, by Dunkirkers, 161. (See War Ships.) Shore, making of, 101; work at, 114 ; dues of carriage from, 119. Shore maill or silver, and anchorage, 104, 107, 112, 148, 156 ; table shewing revenue de¬ rived from, 306-8. Short, James, 88, 97, 100, 107, 111, 114, 127, 149, 185, 195. John, 183, 192, 195, 196, 199, 296, 296, 298. Sibbald, Alexander, 44. David, 44, 46, 48, 51. Signet of gold, 23. Signet, town's, 191. Silver articles, gift by lord to lady Monteith of, 260. Silver bells at horse race, 87, 166 ; silver cup, 248. Sim (Sym), Sir Adam, priest, 267. Andrew, 9. John, 9. Sir Robert, 267. Simon (Symun), Jenne, 25. Simson, (Symsoun) George, 5, 9, 14. John, 71. Matthias, minister, 220-2, 224-5, 234, 236, 237, 239, 241, 245, 246, 247-9. Patrick, minister, 88, 93, 94, 117, 132, 141, 143, 146, 150, Walter, 265. Sir William, chaplain, 32-33. Sinclair, John, 89, 102. Skaldings. (See Skins.) Skene, Sir John, edition of acts of parliament, by, 88, 93. Skinners' craft, apprentice to, 14; bonnet- makers received to privileges of, 47; against certain persons using freedom of, 55 ; re¬ nunciation of, on admission as guild brother, 162. Skins, acts as to buying and selling, 28, 31, 57. Sklaiter, Alexander, 122. Slamannan, 108. Slander, bailies decline to judge case of, 16; accusation of, 30 ; punishment for, 39, 40, 43, 47, 77, 83. Slater, hire of, 125. Slaughter, accusation of, 26; conviction for, 34, 42. Smale, John, 253, Smart, Duncan, 4, 6, 11. John, 72. William, 47, 54, 70. Smetoune, John, 216. Smith (Smyth), Alexander, 13, 25. Archibald, 72, 81, 82, 110, 115, 116. Besse, 45. Donald, 268. George, 13, 205. James, 82. John, 44, 46. Thorn, 5, 8, 12, 13, 16, 82. William, 205. Smith, sale of implements of a, 58. Smiths' craft, privileges of, 3; weekly penny payable by members of, 13. Smith's Quarter, 257, 258. Smithsone, Major George, 210. Soirlie, Archibald, 117. William, 91. Soldiers, buying clothes for, 183 ; quartering of, 186, 207, 208; levies of, 191, 194, 195; runaway, 191. Somerville (Scumervaill, Somervaile), David, 9. Thomas, 24, 258. William, 258. Sournes, persons having more than two, 31. South acres, 15. South Bray, 84. Southfield, 185. Spate of water, 165. Speir, Alexander, 256. Speirs (Speris), George, 51. INDEX. 319 Spencer, Mr., 148. Spittale, proceedings against William Bell as to lands of, 62 ; settlement with Bell, 62, 63. Spittall (Spettale), Adam, 84 ; Archibald, 38, 41, 47, 48, 56, 59, 60. Donald, 57. James, 12, 24, 137, 162. Kobert, 10, 21, 29. William, 205. Spittal's Hospital. (See Hospital, Nether.) Spittal Myre, 297. Spottiswood, Sir John, 19. Spy from the English army, 51. Stable fee, 310-11. Staigs, set of dues of, 4, 19; table of revenue derived from, 301-4. (See Fairs.) Stallage, set of dues of, 6 ; freedom from pay¬ ment of, 7 ; table of revenue received for dues of, 305-8. (See King's maill, &c.) Stanhope, John, 107. , William, 107. Stanhuis, 255, 263, 264. Staple port, removal of, from Camphire to Botterdam, 239. Starrat, William, 222. Statutes, ratification of, 6. Stene, James, 48. John, 48. Stent. (See Taxation.) Stercovius, pursuit of, 135. Stevenson (Steinsoun), Alexander, 5, 155, 298. Andrew, 299. David, 161, 170, 178, 228. James, 89, 100, 163, 222, 228, 230, 234, 235. John, 149. Michael, 28. Margaret, 31. Robert, 201, 206, 225, 235, 237, 238, 241-2, 245, 249, 251. William, 299. . Stewart, James, 83. John, 23, 297. John, lord Darnley, 260. Stewart, Lady Mary, 269. R., provost of Linlithgow, 215. Walter, 47, 263. William, 256. Stirling, rights relating to, to be produced, 87 ; application for new infeftment of liberties, lands, &c., 183, 195; protection of liberties of, 91, 95, 97 ; Tucker's description of, 219. Stirling (Striveling, Sterling), Hary, 58. James, 219, 221. John, 182. Luke, wife of, 37, 38. William, 5, 257. Stirlingshire, 32, 49, 79, 262, 263. sheriff of, 263, 264. Stocks, person put iu, 30. Stoddart, Sir John, 70, 77. Stone, cutting for, 154. Stonehaven (Steanhyve), 162. Stracliy, John, 76. Strathern, earldom of, 255. Straton (Straittoun), John, common post, 252. Marion, 162, Straw and stable fee, 310-11. Streets, cleaning, 120, 207 ; repair of, 135, 145, 183 ; encroachments on, 136, 163. (See Middings.) Strengthening of town for defence, 50, 51, 61. Studeman, Robert, 126. Suanleye, 255. Summervale, Thomas, 258. Sun dial set up, 174. Surgeon, qualifications of, 122; payment to, for curing a bailie's wounds, 140 ; admission of, as burgess, 190. Sutherland, James, rector of Killearn, 267. Swine, acts as to, 2, 9, 17, 18, 21, 25, 41. Sword, Christopher, 162. James, 205. Malcolm, 162. Patrick, 165, 167, 183. Sword, disputed ownership of, 20. Sydserf, John, 148. 350 INDEX. Sytlserf, William, 148. Symontoun, Patrick, 37. Thomas, 32. Synell, Thomas, 148. Tait, John, 182. Tallow or Tach, against exporting, 231; table shewing prices of tallow, 309-11. (See Candle; Candlemakers.) Tarbrok, 258. Tay, Loch, 199. Taylors, privileges of, 1, 23, 48. Tay lour, John, 25. Wille, 34. Thomas, 142, 145. Tax, commissioners to Edinburgh as to, 70. (See Cess.) Taxation, for national purposes (1597), 87 ; (1634), 172; for importing clothmakers, 101; for pier, &c., 106; for expenditure on visitation of pest, 117 ; for marriage of Lady Elizabeth, &c., 135. Telfer (Tailyeffer), Thomas, 257. William, 129. Tempest in February, 1633, 169. Tempelton, Robert, 64. Tennant (Tenent), David, 65. —— James, 13, 14, 24. Jonet, 54. Robert, 11, 86, 105. Teringhame, Sir Arthur, 147. Thanksgiving day, sermon on, 234. Theft, convictions for, 5, 22, 24, 31, 40, 42, 45, 48, 53, 63, 64, 67, 71, SO, 162. Thirlage to town's mills, 211. (See Mills.) Tlioir, Helen, 55. Tliom, James, 80. John, 27. William, 27. Thomas, St. (See Altars.) Thomcarne, 257. Tliomcroth, 256. Thomlinsone, Col. Matthew, 213. Thomson, Agnes, 25, 45. Thomson, Alexander, 100. Andrew, 193, 236, 237. ■ George, 5, 8. Henry, 43. James, 60, 100, 124, 186. John, 132, 148, 206, 220, 233. Laurence, 116. Robert, 132, 266. Thomas, 107. William, 91, 148, 203, 218. Timber, selling of, 113. Tobacco, excise of, 191. Tobacco pipes, liberty to maker of, to exercise calling, 247. Tolbooth, let of booths and vaults in, 6, 298; repair of steeple of, 86; keeping prisoners in, 117, 124, 140, 151 ; gilding the royal arms at, 146; repair of, 147, 204. (See Wardhouse.) Torryburn, 113. Torwood, 24, 257, 258, 263. Totterer, Colonel, 210. Touclie, 96, 298. Touchadam (Tulchadam), 105, 255. Town, dividing of. (See Quarters.) Traboyath, barony of, 261. Treason, property forfeited on account of, 76. (See Gowrie.) Treasurer, accounts of, produced, 34; sum¬ mons against, for intromissions, 61 ; settle¬ ment with, 62; list of treasurers, 270-95. (See Elections.) Treasurer, list of, 270-95. Trees, cutting of, 26; planting row of, in South Bray, 85; planting, in Hospital yard, 236. Trinity altars. (See Altars.) Tron, custom of, table shewing revenue de¬ rived from, 307-8. Trublance. (See Assaults and Disturbances.) Tuanj, Historia, 146. (See Books.) Tucker, Thomas, his description of Stirling, 219. Tulchil, 258. Tullibardine, earl of, 199. INDEX. 351 Tullibody, 263; repair of bridge of, 96, 243, 249; surrender of church of, to abbey of Cam- buskenneth, 261. Unelands, 297. Unfree traders in Donne and Dunblane, 248. Unfreemen, against setting houses to, 137, 189 : list of, to be made up, 193. Union -with England, negotiations as to, 111, 203. Upslie, Sir John, 147. Urquhill, 297. Utrik nobles, 108. Vagabonds, against setting houses to, 137 ; conviction of, 162. Valley, the, horse market to be held in, 182; council meeting in, 192. Vane, Sir Harie, 184. Vicar, land claimed by, 10 ; intromission of, with teind sheaves, 73. (See Church.) Vicarage, action as to, 165. Victual, time for selling, at market, 66. Vilares, Sir Edward, 147. Waird, James, 137, 162. Robert, 99. AVallace, George, 190. James, 87, 94, 123, 297- John, 4, 24, 55. Thomas, 79. Walter, 170. William, master of grammar school, 131, 132, 137. Wallastoun, 267. Walls, town, strengthening of, for resisting enemies, 50, 51, 61. Wan, Martin, 260. War-ships, providing, 161. Wardhouses, building of, 127, 143. (See Tolbooth.) Wardsley, Captain, 237. Washing clothes in town's burn forbidden, 17,124, 158. Watch, orders and regulations as to, 127, 134, 188, 192, 193, 249, 250. (See Pest.) Watsoun, Alexander, 12, 22, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 51, 52, 66, 267. Sir Archibald, chaplain, 27, 83. Duncan, 121, 150. James, 32, 61, 62, 65, 77, 84, 297. John, 24. Robert, 188, 192. Thomas, 5, 14. Walter, 83. Weaponshawing, general, ordered, 92, 252; bearing town's ensign at, 119, 156 ; carrying banners at, 143, 145. AVebster (Wobstair), John, 70. Websters, chaplain appointed by, 16; St, Severine patron saint of, 16; privileges of, 51; weekly penny payable by, 56; suit by deacon of, for wax to altar, 70; acts anent, to be put in court book, 194. Wedderburn's grammar to be taught in schools, 171. Weekly intelligence to be procured from Edinburgh, 249, 252. Weigh-liouse, proposal to build, 144; building of, 214 ; money payable by guildry for, 210. Weland, James, 102. Weitoun, 172, 178-82. Wemyss, earl of, 199. Sir Robert, 266, 267. West Borders, protection of, 92. West, rebellion in the, 252. Westminster (Westmaister), 214, 223, 230. Westmorland, 252. Weym, 256. Whaley, Henry, 205. Wheat, price of, 1, 3, 5, 27; table shewing prices of, 309-11; time for selling, 4; place of market for, 3S. Whinnes, 91, 206; let of yards in, 298. Whitelaw, Archibald, 264. Whyte, John, 300. Wigton, earl of, 199, 261. 352 INDEX. Will, David, master of grammar school, 160, 196, 205. Williamson, David, 186, 1SS, 190-2. John, 4, 6, 13, 83, 95, 103, 111, 115, 119, 130, 149, 150, 158, 166, 171, 184, 1S6, 192, 299. Males, 1. Wilson (Willesoun), David, 31, 116. Sir James, 16; James, 64. John, 130, 187, 188. Rob, 25. Windmill, offer to build, 52. Wine, price of, 47, 71, 15S, 309; excise of, 191. Winrahame (Winderhame), James, 125, 149. Winschelhauch, 94, 98. Winschells, 247, 248. Winsoir, Sir Edward, 147. Witch, trial of pricked, by King, 86. Witchcraft, persons accused of, 80. Women, admission of, as burgesses and mem¬ bers of guild, 64, 75; list of, to be made up, 193. Wood and timber, custom of, 262. Wood (Wod, Wode), Marion, 25. Thomas, of Grange, 148. Wool skins. (See Skins.) Workhouse, inspection of, 52. Wright (Wrycht), George, 233. Jonet, 4S. William, 56. Wyeis, William, 31. Yair, John of, 30. Yard dykes, building of, 9. Yester, George, 266. Yos, Andrew, 252. Young, Andrew, 58, 167. —— David, 148. Mr. George, minister, Glasgow, 217. John, 116. Richard, 58; Sir Richard, 170. Robert, 183, 195, 298. Thomas, 10. William, 120. Yule (Youle), Alexander, 103, 107, 118, 122, 130. ——- John, 22. Zanchius' works, 146. (See Books.)