
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
work_23ousutz7fbsxbqelau4jrov54Mathematical beauty is an abstract beauty, cold beauty, how to turn this cold beauty into hot thinking?
work_3hmjyh2idvdjhhu4yylbu2uwyeThe normalisation constant C was set to 2.3 mb GeV‘2 corresponding to a total single and u=2.8, b= O.7 GeV?.
work_6iwizcoxrzb6vchg4e3svtg2uqOr is it?
work_4qtuz5vj6bbidoxsb6ocl7g2paThe soul collision of the spiritual world caused by these visual feelings, is it not the beauty of the imagery of paintings?
work_72owoddvhzghjgq5owfllh7qkyWhat greater vote of confidence could the scheme possibly hope for?
work_5azotc7yn5hm3oftjj5rryeqpq( London: Warne,[ n. d., 1872?
work_4cp6tn4vzjg6hl5llmpwvokyraThe particles forming it are( Σ++c, Σ+ c, Σ 0 c, Ξ,+ c, Ξ,0?
work_4u5ifj5cdbaqfm53dlrqlbzv6a& Huang, L. In Vivo Gene Delivery by Nonviral Vectors: Overcoming Hurdles?
work_5vu2ans45reafh533e2ndlivkiInput Image … … … … 256x256 x3 256x256 x64 128x128 x128 64x64 x256 1x1x1024?
work_7fxopbh6j5dpdiye3py73zvs5qMarkowitz K. Pretty painful: why does tooth bleaching hurt?
work_3cd7isgcbveoxeecnwfikqsg4yСПОСОБНОСТЬ ИЛИ МУДРОСТЬ?
work_3js3vu4s6jeazh2jetdps7gff4; Zwahlen, R.A. Are Neoclassical Canons Valid for Southern Chinese Faces?
work_3js3vu4s6jeazh2jetdps7gff4Borelli, C.; Berneburg, M. “ Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder ”?
work_7spvnpvrmjgmbkvuaszdqrfqlmSpecifically, how might aesthetics enhance their quantitative, functional and scientific dimensions?
work_67b3mfawyfemdgg2i6wdehfrumCan facial cosmetics affect the matching accuracy of face recognition systems?
work_67b3mfawyfemdgg2i6wdehfrumLanglois, J.; Rubenstein, A.; Larson, A.; Hallam, M.; Smoot, M. Maxim or Myths of Beauty?
work_6kqp36pl2fczdgov7r3bktimgiAnd who could blame them?
work_6kqp36pl2fczdgov7r3bktimgiOr do you?
work_4fnqcubqirfmrir73ujw47kvnaCalcium antagonists and sympathetic nerve activation: are there differences between classes?
work_7hluyfcedrah3kntjpg3whgo6mTo what beliefs could she assign such probabilities?
work_7hluyfcedrah3kntjpg3whgo6mTo what beliefs, at b0, can the observer assign a probability of 1/2?
work_46pqossf2fh6dkaxni6jxz34qiDoes this reflect sexism, the disbelief that beauty is compatible with intelligence?
work_46pqossf2fh6dkaxni6jxz34qiWould we be less surprised if her on- screen persona had been less erotic and more like Katharine Hepburn ’s?
work_4bpdg4qg3befxbrvaxzdwgsul4Electrophysiological indices of pro- cessing aesthetics: Spontaneous or intentional processes?
work_4bpdg4qg3befxbrvaxzdwgsul4Why should a mate- detecting system respond in the same way to both extreme values on the attractive- ness scale?
work_5lmoxo7wvredfggnvh6h3qzskyLevel‐k auctions: Can a nonequilibrium model of strategic thinking explain the winner''s curse and overbidding in private‐value auctions?.
work_5lmoxo7wvredfggnvh6h3qzskyLevel‐k auctions: Can a nonequilibrium model of strategic thinking explain the winner''s curse and overbidding in private‐value auctions?.
work_67oxs32mkrbvnl7amocefxwote Vous avez des questions?
work_6yb62cpf5bfxjeeukxbricmvdqConference on Can Decentralization Help Rebuild Indonesia?
work_6yb62cpf5bfxjeeukxbricmvdq[ 10] Musgrave, R.( 1993) Who should tax, Where and What?
work_27v75ffltbc6vmt6dsstcvnrquHeights and locations of artificial structures in viewshed calculation: How close is close enough?
work_27v75ffltbc6vmt6dsstcvnrquLandscape and the philosophy of aesthetics: Is landscape quality inherent in the landscape or in the eye of the beholder?
work_27v75ffltbc6vmt6dsstcvnrquWhither scenic beauty?
work_35j5z6ijxnhcrpzdjxgomve4uuRelationships between transposable elements based upon the integrase- transposase domains: is there a common ancestor?
work_35j5z6ijxnhcrpzdjxgomve4uuWhat frequency of transposition is required for optimal mutagenesis?
work_35j5z6ijxnhcrpzdjxgomve4uuWhat restricts the activity of mariner- like transposable elements?
work_7ltcmk75kncfdfv6no75ldeakiBut can mathematics be playful?
work_7ltcmk75kncfdfv6no75ldeakiCan it be fun?
work_46wmz2hmybd3bp23vpzkxqofpiGoetzmann, W. “ How costly is the fall from fashion?
work_46wmz2hmybd3bp23vpzkxqofpi“ Follow your heart?
work_5j37lhj7bjdfld4awogjmwpmpePhilos Sci 4:556–578 Arendt J, Reznick D( 2007) Convergence and parallelism reconsidered: what have we learned about the genetics of adaptation?
work_5j37lhj7bjdfld4awogjmwpmpePrecisely what degree of repeatability are we contemplating?
work_5xlpcnvc65dfxmutp5ohplpb5mSo what justifies it?
work_6zpldo2gyjf7tkjsyzflrc47lqHow does this large asymmetry come about?
work_6zpldo2gyjf7tkjsyzflrc47lqO r a re th ere d irect C P v io la tin g e � ects?
work_6pe7h7t2yna4zkbpqdniql33raWhy had she missed them?
work_6pe7h7t2yna4zkbpqdniql33ra“ Because Willy needs me. ” “ Willy? ” I inquired.
work_6pe7h7t2yna4zkbpqdniql33ra“ What happened? ” I asked fearfully.
work_7k6pyklfvzc2piuytk3kf26nheKogej, T.; Gostinčar, C.; Volkmann, M.; Gorbushina, A.A.; Gunde- Cimerman, N. Mycosporines in extremophilic fungi- Novel complementary osmolytes?
work_7k6pyklfvzc2piuytk3kf26nheMycosporines: Are they nature ’s sunscreens?
work_7k6pyklfvzc2piuytk3kf26nheOren, A.; Gunde- Cimerman, N. Mycosporines and mycosporine- like amino acids: UV protectants or multipurpose secondary metabolites?
work_2jgshgsavjhu3d3ytlxhlz7ucuIn A Treasure Trove: Friend of the Photoplay – Visionary – Spy?
work_2jgshgsavjhu3d3ytlxhlz7ucuQuo Vadis?
work_2jgshgsavjhu3d3ytlxhlz7ucu[ Albert?].
work_b627r5wyvjddjhzfdqxuzhyp5iVLC_46_3- 4_BookReviews 583.. 587 Beauty LUCY HARTLEY WHAT does it mean to be interested in beauty?
work_7ok54wjsxzdpvkwp7jwkstoebmWhat is the secret to the department ’s success?
work_brwo4s6s7za2xinjugi5ulofkmLogin nowDon''t have an account?
work_daexjs6ujfdhfg363av7wvogkuWhat Is Discrimination?
work_55boeahxirbujotuwa4weyhao4How should we represent this?
work_55boeahxirbujotuwa4weyhao4Is that good enough?
work_55boeahxirbujotuwa4weyhao4“ Can We Do Without Pragmatic Encroachment? ” Philosophical Perspectives 19: 417- 443, doi:10.1111/ j.1520- 8583.2005.00068.x.
work_55fw4mc2dvgwzickvmsurbomlm4 Josefsson EC, Hartwig JH, Hoffmeister KM: Platelet storage temperature – how low can we go?
work_55fw4mc2dvgwzickvmsurbomlmSo why not simply keep the temper- ature at the level it is inside the organism?
work_55fw4mc2dvgwzickvmsurbomlm[ 8] in this issue to diversify into a ‘ biobank ’?
work_db2w53ybtvatjj5s2vcqqxdtdqTheir gro''?
work_4o7krgz3j5fqvdjt5gj3ltc5auWhat makes a polygon pleasing?
work_5i5h25gtw5avrbkkyvhr32iqziLandscape and the philosophy of aesthetics: Is landscape quality inherent in the landscape or in the eye of the beholder?
work_5i5h25gtw5avrbkkyvhr32iqziSoliva, R.; Hunziker, M. How do biodiversity and conservation values relate to landscape preferences?
work_5i5h25gtw5avrbkkyvhr32iqziWhither scenic beauty?
work_dcovsdmpzfdbtk4bw5deczanouSome strains in search of a genus- Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Nocardia or what?
work_dhty3k673nf67d35ezc3jr5bbaKeep young and beautiful: evidence for an “ anti‐aging ” product?
work_ckvvh6adireabjr2kse77gmxwyDo Mynahs prefer peacock feathers of more regular pattern?
work_ckvvh6adireabjr2kse77gmxwySex- typicality and attractiveness: are supermale and superfemale faces super- attractive?
work_cmb5a3ntvzalhowblcxqo6o7xyPostma DS, Steenhuis EJ, van der Weele LT, Sluiter HJ: Severe chronic airflow obstruction: can corticosteroids slow down progression?
work_cmb5a3ntvzalhowblcxqo6o7xypublished in this issue of the journal[ 13] add to the literature?
work_b3s77bogfngp5j4wn2bdbvwiwiBody dissatisfaction: Can a short media literacy message reduce negative media exposure effects amongst adolescent girls?
work_b3s77bogfngp5j4wn2bdbvwiwiBut do such strategies work in reducing the idealisation of the images, and thus the negative effects on our self- perceptions?
work_b3s77bogfngp5j4wn2bdbvwiwiWhat works in secondary schools?
work_24xuicllazfvzedfjmrosip6muWhy does feminine beauty have such a strong, persistent and universal appeal?
work_24xuicllazfvzedfjmrosip6muYu, D.& Shepard, G. H. 1998 Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_2enwtteijncatitowg4yvyroky8 John Baines, ‘ What is Art? ’, in Hartwig( ed.
work_2enwtteijncatitowg4yvyrokyPage 14 of 22 red ’ – maroon and pink, in contemporary English?
work_27j75zbdvbduhd2fxzmr2pewhyCould the Keynesian- beauty- contest effect justify the withdrawal of some noisy public information?
work_27j75zbdvbduhd2fxzmr2pewhyGiven the presence of the Keynesian- beauty- contest effect, how could we improve market effi- ciency through accounting disclosure?
work_27j75zbdvbduhd2fxzmr2pewhyHow does the quality of public information affect market efficiency?
work_27j75zbdvbduhd2fxzmr2pewhyHow is the intensity of the dual role of public information related to its quality?
work_27j75zbdvbduhd2fxzmr2pewhyIn this case, does the withdrawal of public information drive stock prices closer to the fundamental value?
work_dl6dc7hea5fubi344vdpgi2lxuThings of beauty nature physics| VOL 6| MARCH 2010| 147 editorial What is the most beautiful concept in physics?
work_7k7caouvh5efzjp7ikemnmn54uAfter all, how should theory be judged?
work_7k7caouvh5efzjp7ikemnmn54uHow does a protein fold?
work_7k7caouvh5efzjp7ikemnmn54uIs burst hydrophobic collapse necessary for rapid folding?
work_7k7caouvh5efzjp7ikemnmn54uIs this factor crucial?
work_5dtauvudfrcuxhro7lvgn4c7da? I:0 systematic mass effects were uncov- ered with these checks.
work_5dtauvudfrcuxhro7lvgn4c7daALEPH- 1.21+~:;~*0.04 DELPHf-~,~g+0.21+ 0.07-0.18- 0.08 OPAL_ c_ 1.14 ’;:?
work_5dtauvudfrcuxhro7lvgn4c7daBigi, et al., ‘* Son-1eptonic Decays of Beauty Hadrons,?
work_5dtauvudfrcuxhro7lvgn4c7daThat difference is mhb- mg0= 340 k S(stut) h l(sys)? deV/ c2.
work_ai7wayyrn5gkzot3f7z3thvimqThe letter from a mother donating her child ’s brain?
work_ai7wayyrn5gkzot3f7z3thvimqThe video of the top of a head being put back on?
work_ai7wayyrn5gkzot3f7z3thvimqWas it the photo of the kid awaiting brain surgery?
work_ai7wayyrn5gkzot3f7z3thvimqWas it the photographer ’s picture of herself in the head brace with the nee- dle going in?
work_5n4fl45ylnge7jb3tgr75kreweAt the beginning of her Monday awakening, what credence does Beauty assign to the hypothesis HEADS that the result of the coin toss is heads?
work_5n4fl45ylnge7jb3tgr75kreweWhat credence does she assign to the hypothesis TAILS that it ’s tails?
work_5n4fl45ylnge7jb3tgr75kreweWhat more can be said?
work_5n4fl45ylnge7jb3tgr75kreweWhat should we do?
work_5n4fl45ylnge7jb3tgr75kreweWhere did Elga get it?
work_7dm2orpntjeunmzdazeqfmrzwm( p. 94) Educational Theory of Education?
work_7dm2orpntjeunmzdazeqfmrzwmDoes he doubt whether genuine educational way of thinking is actually possible?
work_7dm2orpntjeunmzdazeqfmrzwmIs philosophy of education a historical mistake?
work_dhgyfpsitbgkrevhj3pf5srwy4E R R A T U M Erratum to: Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty?
work_3ce7upgi6beibd6j53hz6mt75uSo, following Sible?
work_3ce7upgi6beibd6j53hz6mt75uT h e core thought is that what we take delight in is itself delightful, in terms of unit?
work_3ce7upgi6beibd6j53hz6mt75uT h e standard move is to use the same form of explanation, where beauty mas taken as the paradigmatic aes- t h e t~ c qualit?
work_3ij2pren5fbwfisqc7oadmkt3i1 HALFERS AND THIRDERS Let ’s begin with question Q1: what should be the value of P1(HEADS)?
work_3ij2pren5fbwfisqc7oadmkt3i: 0 0 1/4 1/2 0 0 1/4 0 Now the question is: how should the agent handle the infor- mation I2?
work_3ij2pren5fbwfisqc7oadmkt3iThe question that has drawn so much attention since( Elga 2000) is the following: what should be Sleep- ing Beauty ’s degree of belief that HEADS?
work_3ij2pren5fbwfisqc7oadmkt3iWhat lesson can we draw from this example?
work_3ij2pren5fbwfisqc7oadmkt3iof partial belief change?
work_bfzrmoyubbamrgjprslcy4r7f4( 2006): “ Friend or Foe?
work_bfzrmoyubbamrgjprslcy4r7f4Langlois, J. H., L. Klakanis, A. J. Rubenstein, A. Larson, M. Hallam, and M. Smoot( 2000): “ Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_bfzrmoyubbamrgjprslcy4r7f4Ruffle, B. J., and Z. Shtudiner( 2010): “ Are Good- Looking People More Employ- able?, ” Working Paper.
work_bfzrmoyubbamrgjprslcy4r7f4Vanberg, C.( 2008): “ Why Do People Keep Their Promises?
work_dlihjrrvavaorf4r4g2icz65cqPluripotency and the endogenous retrovirus HERVH: conflict or serendipity?
work_dlihjrrvavaorf4r4g2icz65cqThe sleeping beauty transposon vector system for treatment of rare genetic diseases: an unrealized hope?
work_3lro625lnvaspo6fptw7ynfv3iWHAT REMAINS FOR B PHYSICS?
work_3lro625lnvaspo6fptw7ynfv3iWill e+e− machines reach to even higher luminosities[ 2], with a “ Super Flavour Factory ” to complete the picture?
work_3lro625lnvaspo6fptw7ynfv3iWith the LHC start up becoming tan- talizingly close, does this mark the beginning of a new era for flavour physics?
work_aka7hqh7ejh5fgeq6ywgrf4e3y( 2003), Better late than never?
work_aka7hqh7ejh5fgeq6ywgrf4e3y( 2012), Why and how can “ sleeping beauties ” be awakened?
work_aka7hqh7ejh5fgeq6ywgrf4e3y( 2016), Sleeping beauties in genius work: When were they awakened?
work_aka7hqh7ejh5fgeq6ywgrf4e3yFigures 1, 2, and 3 about here So why were such papers dormant and then ‘ awakened ’ from their sleep?
work_aka7hqh7ejh5fgeq6ywgrf4e3yGarfield, E.( 1980), Premature discovery or delayed recognition: Why?
work_byj7t27bkjd7nd6sotkcwfabje( 2010), “ Are good- looking people more employable? ” Monaster center for economic research and ben- gurion University on the Negev.
work_byj7t27bkjd7nd6sotkcwfabjeBertrand M. and Mullainathan S.( 2004), “ Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal?
work_byj7t27bkjd7nd6sotkcwfabjeIs such discrimination a novelty in Italian labor market?
work_dbak66z4hvfwhjfen66ad5k56mSmall is beautiful?
work_dbak66z4hvfwhjfen66ad5k56mSmall is beautiful?
work_dbak66z4hvfwhjfen66ad5k56mSmall is beautiful?
work_amckfrycyfentmouadvgrsrswqAre only emotional strengths emotional?
work_amckfrycyfentmouadvgrsrswqAre there multiple channels through which we connect with beauty and excellence?
work_amckfrycyfentmouadvgrsrswqDo positive psychology exercises work?
work_amckfrycyfentmouadvgrsrswqProcessing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver''s processing experience?
work_eczkxhofmnavvdgdf2ara7557qIt was learned from her history that she was anesthetized with 2.5- 3 vials( 1000- 1200 mg?)
work_6jbzr4d47nelnbaoovqhvgbj7yDo asset prices reflect aver- age opinion, and average opinion about average opinion, in the manner that Keynes suggests?
work_6jbzr4d47nelnbaoovqhvgbj7yHow quickly does the price adjust to the shift in fundamentals at date 1?
work_6jbzr4d47nelnbaoovqhvgbj7yIs there any systematic difference between the price pt and the consensus value of the fundamentals given by Etð � Þ?
work_daw7ybimvfcolpkoiqs3nvsk4uFor example, what is meant by the term customer?
work_daw7ybimvfcolpkoiqs3nvsk4uIs it an individual, the household or a corporate client?
work_daw7ybimvfcolpkoiqs3nvsk4uIs the customer really willing to pay a significant higher price for this?
work_dq3utuxdzvg2vggaq3i6prkx3eSee also Hew Strachan, ‘ Clausewitz en anglais: la césure de 1976 ’, in Laure Bardiès and Martin Motte( eds), École pratique De la guerre?
work_dq3utuxdzvg2vggaq3i6prkx3eWhat did Clausewitz mean by the phrase ‘ the most beautiful of wars ’?
work_ef4gxi75zbfc7j3frhvu4e46eqDo the odd origins of Kekulé ’s hypothesis make the structure any less plausible?
work_2kz53sm24zgxpitbwq6okpt6nuShown in Figure 4 is the B meson 2 cross section where the meson was detected from the decays B+ J/11,+ I?
work_2kz53sm24zgxpitbwq6okpt6nuThe relationship between the CP asymmetry uncertainty and the dilution is 6A2 ‘ Y~/NED ’?.
work_2kz53sm24zgxpitbwq6okpt6nuThis rate is based on the partial rate of the decay B-+ D''+? r which has similar phase space and form factors.
work_7tkfbu5ytfh47jchcn6zcoctcmDid you find yourself looking at some people more than others, and are there some people in particular you could now pick out of a line up?
work_7tkfbu5ytfh47jchcn6zcoctcmThe commitment calibration hypothesis: When do people de- value attractive alternatives?
work_7tkfbu5ytfh47jchcn6zcoctcmToo many women?
work_7tkfbu5ytfh47jchcn6zcoctcmWhat might account for this slippage between attention and frequency estimation?
work_eokswfrl6rfepjmstwpzzmelqyWells, How can a heavy Higgs boson be consistent with the precision electroweak measurements?, Phys.
work_es7hhnorl5esbg47jla7zsnvf4Form follows function?
work_bd45gvr6wrdx7fr5vrfvlyuriuIn your professional opinion, what are the most critical treatment areas for women aged[ 18–30/31–40/41–55/[55] years?
work_bd45gvr6wrdx7fr5vrfvlyuriuJayaratne YS, Deutsch CK, McGrath CP, Zwahlen RA( 2012) Are neoclassical canons valid for southern Chinese faces?
work_bd45gvr6wrdx7fr5vrfvlyuriuRawlings AV( 2006) Ethnic skin types: are there differences in skin structure and function?
work_bd45gvr6wrdx7fr5vrfvlyuriuTzou CH, Giovanoli P, Ploner M, Frey M( 2005) Are there ethnic differences of facial movements between Europeans and Asians?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiBut is beauty really judged differently by different individuals?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiIs it merely ‘ in the eye of the beholder ’?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiIs this a result of familiarity?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiOf safety?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiOr is it an inherent difference in the sexes?
work_3rca3tx2krhujfrkvhx4cmepsiShould beauty have a place in determining environmental policy?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccy23 Thornhill R, Grammer K. The body and face of woman: one ornament that signals quality?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccy25 Anderson JL, Crawford CB, Nadeau J, Lindberg T. Was the Duchess of Windsor right?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccy28 Voracek M, Fisher M. Shapely centrefolds?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccyHow does an attractive female really look?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccyIs beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_3i7jhc3xhzh5hnu4qnoeljbccyIs beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_dogtc3jyxjgibi74glrufigv3mSo what justifies it?
work_e5jkf5df2jcyrfytekgtizh4zqANNIE DILLARD, THE MAYTREES 38( 2008)( quoting Keats: “ Who shall say/ between Man and Woman/ which is the …[ more] delighted? ”).
work_e5pkfzjhgzhpjlo4dwnu26kzy4But does their study provide the final word on the evolution of modern avian cranial disparity?
work_e5pkfzjhgzhpjlo4dwnu26kzy4But what underlies this regional variation in evolvability?
work_d6pvgx47xnfz3memkakaihlypu@article{Habeck2011IntrinsicFN, title={Intrinsic Functional- Connectivity Networks for Diagnosis: Just Beautiful Pictures?
work_d6pvgx47xnfz3memkakaihlypuDOI:10.1089/ brain.2011.0021 Corpus ID: 15465533Intrinsic Functional- Connectivity Networks for Diagnosis: Just Beautiful Pictures?
work_d6pvgx47xnfz3memkakaihlypuPDF] Intrinsic Functional- Connectivity Networks for Diagnosis: Just Beautiful Pictures?
work_3ynl2l6auzhhjgfbjnn6u6ch7eAnd, why did they choose low oxygen when high oxygen conditions were still available?
work_3ynl2l6auzhhjgfbjnn6u6ch7eBut, did you know that some frogs also undergo a form of hibernation?
work_3ynl2l6auzhhjgfbjnn6u6ch7eBut, how were they able to stay in low oxygen conditions for so long?
work_3ynl2l6auzhhjgfbjnn6u6ch7eDownloaded from on: Apr 06, 2021 Sleeping beauties — how do frogs stay alive without oxygen?
work_3ynl2l6auzhhjgfbjnn6u6ch7eSleeping beauties — how do frogs stay alive without oxygen?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjym12 What is the economic significance of our results compared to inferences of competence based on facial traits in other settings?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjymAre competent looking CEOs actually more competent?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjymHence the next question that arises is whether competent looking CEOs are actually more competent?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjymReading Faces: Window to the Soul?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjymWhat about the economic impact?
work_462aw7gl2bb2hjroekjciumjymWhat leads to assessments of competence based on facial attributes?
work_ah3gw6euerb67dny63jfnnmage( 1993) Isolated profundaplasty in critical limb ischemia – still of any use?
work_ah3gw6euerb67dny63jfnnmage( 2004) Does deep femoral artery revascularization as an isolated procedure play a role in chronic critical limb ischemia?
work_ah3gw6euerb67dny63jfnnmageDoes it have any role at all in vascular sur- gery, or should it simply become part of medical history?
work_ah3gw6euerb67dny63jfnnmageThe inevitable question today is: Does surgical profundaplasty have any role in the modern management of peripheral vascular disease?
work_ah3gw6euerb67dny63jfnnmageThe question is: Can profundaplasty alone still be useful?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbai10 Cookson W. A new gene for asthma: would you ADAM and Eve it?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbaiIs big beautiful?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbaiIs late diagnosis of lung cancer inevitable?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbaiNOD2/ CARD15, TLR4 and CD14 mutations in Scottish and Irish Crohn ’s disease patients: evidence for genetic heterogeneity within Europe?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbaiPulmonary function in interstitial lung disease: what role do they have?
work_3we4ha4nvbbuthxyxlv43dkbaiWhat is the risk?
work_bzfkampsizbhvgyo3d2wqovrriAnd importantly, how have feminists conceptualized these tendencies?
work_bzfkampsizbhvgyo3d2wqovrriGrotesque bodies?
work_bzfkampsizbhvgyo3d2wqovrriReclaiming( fake) beauty?
work_bzfkampsizbhvgyo3d2wqovrriWhat, though, are we to make of the more recent trend towards women who actively ‘ enhance ’ their breasts, buttocks and lips through surgery?
work_axyplgnub5bmdo7liopelq4jwyBut could it track prey accurately?
work_axyplgnub5bmdo7liopelq4jwyBut why did the treated bees die?
work_axyplgnub5bmdo7liopelq4jwySo, what information does the brain send to the nerve clusters controlling locomotion in order to produce these precise movements?
work_cmlq4gqrxnbhtimvmcydnu3b3qDo cosmetics enhance female Caucasian facial attractiveness?
work_cmlq4gqrxnbhtimvmcydnu3b3qDo cosmetics increase attractiveness?
work_cmlq4gqrxnbhtimvmcydnu3b3qIs “ what has been cared for ” necessarily good?
work_cmlq4gqrxnbhtimvmcydnu3b3qWhat factors of attractiveness do cosmetics alter to achieve this?
work_cmlq4gqrxnbhtimvmcydnu3b3qWhy might this be?
work_7nolq64cvrhgbf24uylmmns4xu01 Cli I still find it hard to imagine how you 02 actually do it?
work_7nolq64cvrhgbf24uylmmns4xuAnalysing a recorded instance of salon interaction, we ask: what does it take to do that which sociologists have theorized as emotional labour?
work_7nolq64cvrhgbf24uylmmns4xuMcHoul, A. and M. Rapley( 2000) ‘ Still on Holidays Hank?
work_7nolq64cvrhgbf24uylmmns4xu{ BTh ’s R hand extends towards Cli ’s R shoulder 29 BTh[ Mm] hm 30 BTh{ Suza:: nne?
work_7nolq64cvrhgbf24uylmmns4xu{ BTh ’s gaze shifts{ BTh turns right hand so facing palm- down over Cli ’s body 31 Cli Yea:[: h?
work_ezzabxylqbfc3a7ojfribxuthiK. Coomaraswamy, in: Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought?
work_ezzabxylqbfc3a7ojfribxuthiK. Coomaraswamy, in: Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought?, World Wisdom, Bloomington, Indiana.
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uDoes human facial attractiveness honestly advertise health?
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uFacial adiposity: A cue to health?
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uFooled by first impressions?
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uIs diabetes associated with cognitive impairment and cognitive decline among older women?
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uLanglois JH, Kalakanis L, Rubenstein AJ, Larson A, Hallam M, Smoot M. Maxims or myths of beauty?
work_7ztzv7jw4zf7hbeokw4vhfcd2uMoutafi J, Furnham A, Paltiel L. Why is conscientiousness negatively correlated with intelligence?
work_bju5xiqhvrfelhdtlywijhmfciAnd, connected to those questions, how did the Uni- verse, and with it space- time and matter, come into being at the moment of the Big Bang?
work_bju5xiqhvrfelhdtlywijhmfciAside from pure mathematics, what is the wider significance of this achievement?
work_bju5xiqhvrfelhdtlywijhmfciFor instance, what sets the pattern of elementary particles found in nature apart from other possible such patterns?
work_bju5xiqhvrfelhdtlywijhmfciWhy is this so striking?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwa1991 What determines the capacity of autoassociative memories in the brain?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwa1992 Could information theory provide an ecological theory of sensory processing?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwa1997 Sparse coding with an overcomplete basis set: a strategy employed by V1?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwaCould the original association be free of any utilitarian strings and thus match the Darwinian, aesthetic view of mate choice?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwaDoes the initiating mechanism continue to influence mate choice in conjunction with other mechanisms?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwaEfficient coding influences attractiveness Beyond this correlational relationship, what is the effective influence of sparseness on attractiveness?
work_5tepnlhakbaobhkcun7emmiwwaReber R, Schwarz N, Winkielman P. 2004 Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: is beauty in the perceiver ’s processing experience?
work_g63bu3xytvadrh2ji6wdr6nu5uIs Blade Runner 2049 sexist – or a fair depiction of a dystopian future?
work_g76zxbuwqzgircof3ki27nulne[ 8] M. Cacciari and P. Nason, ” Is There a Significant Excess in Bottom Hadroproduction at the Tevatron? ”, Phys.
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuAre different biodiversity metrics related to the same factors?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuDo biogeographie parameters matter?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuDoes size matter?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuHow can we make new ponds biodiverse?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuHowever, if ponds provide such fascination and utility for human beings then why do we neglect them more than other habitats?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuPond or lake: does it make any difference?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuVegetation ofMediterranean temporary pools: a fading jewel?
work_3pkhbuqb2jgrljf7k45vzlm3fuWarmer and richer?
work_fcdje4brrveaxkfsfr4xvbt7muJamilah, O., and Nur Syazwani, R.Whether Perception or Expert Paradigm?
work_fcdje4brrveaxkfsfr4xvbt7muWhither scenic beauty?
work_favbejgbcvbrhoeql66gejhk7q[ 12] C. Borelli and M. Berneburg, “ ‘ Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder ’?
work_favbejgbcvbrhoeql66gejhk7q[ 31] F. Torsello, L. Mirigliani, R. D’Alessio, and R. Deli, “ Do the neoclassical canons still describe the beauty of faces?
work_ajmt2kl7krcu5lhr4w6h35m57u), ‘ Millions Like Us ’?
work_ajmt2kl7krcu5lhr4w6h35m57uBut how exactly did the critics deal with this conspicuously opulent affair?
work_ajmt2kl7krcu5lhr4w6h35m57uFor example, see Nick Hayes, ‘ More Than ‘ ‘ Music- While- You- Eat ’ ’?
work_ajmt2kl7krcu5lhr4w6h35m57uOr are we to change our policy altogether and set to work to become the National Theatre and the National English Opera?
work_fkd47r3bfrfhrk7om2kply5xiyQuantifying landscape spatial pattern: what is the state of the art?
work_fkd47r3bfrfhrk7om2kply5xiyWhither scenic beauty?
work_fmoqsylyanhrvfdmmdk6f44ocmWhat Do We Study with Dynamical Modeling?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoom( 1987) Infant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomBaenninger, M.( 1994) The development of face recognition: Featural or configurational processing?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomBurton, A. M., Bruce, V.& Dench, N.( 1993) What''s the difference between men and women?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomCunningham, M. R., Barbee, A. P.,& Pi en want?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomIn B. Schölkopf, Jo the eye of the beholder?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomL what is not average about attractive faces?
work_bphzkrtkbrcmjiaeqq2byxsoomY formation in face perception Perception, 16, 747- 759. new orientations?
work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbqIf “ life ” is a machine that can be understood in strictly chemical/ physical terms, then how does it differ from Paley ’s stone?
work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbqWhere is the distinction among the sciences?
work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbqWhy in 2018 is a “# metoo ” campaign even nec- essary?
work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbqWhy is violence against women almost a norm of human cultures?
work_3qdzjsmiordmhh3ej2tpi7glbq“ What is it that you women want? ” is a famous grumpy male response to feminism.
work_gxwgkwtssjbzxhs7kcckcu5j7i1||296- 310| metabolites useful for medicinal chemistry?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupja( Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1936) Does short- termism breed informational price inefficiency?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupja49 Which equilibrium does the market coordinate on?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaCan information heterogeneity explain the exchange rate determination puzzle?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaHow well do adverse selection components measure adverse selection?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaIs information risk a deter- minant of asset returns?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaWhat happened to the quants in august 2007?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaWhat is the effect of a shock to parameter values on the market ’s equilib- rium?
work_3ehybzpqvbdsjlegtnkdycupjaWhy do security prices change?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674( 2015), Can we measure beauty?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674Are US coral reefs on the slippery slope to slime?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674Can we measure beauty?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674Can we measure beauty?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674Distributed under Creative Commons CC- BY 4.0 OPEN ACCESS Can we measure beauty?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674One fish two fish red fish blue fish: why are coral reefs so colorful?
work_3rogmsy4cfbxfkycytl4vov674Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: is beauty in the perceiver ’s processing experience?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaStudying transformative learning: What methodology?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaThus far, there has appeared little research that considers such questions as What else could be happening?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaWhat is this disorienting dilemma?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaWhat makes a concept good?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaWhat “ form ” transforms?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaWhy does it appear to work for one person and not another?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaWhy is it not replicable?
work_4qgqhlwgm5gtfdzm3am65y2ebaand What is it that is taking place here?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmAnd what exactly does it do with so many arms?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmBut what happens if a group is hierarchical, as is the case for animals such as hyenas, wolves and us?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmBut with so many possibilities, where and how does the octopus go?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmHow are conflicts between the wishes of the majority and those of the leadership resolved?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmHow do they make sure that they stay together?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmSo what do flatworms, cuttlefish, rays and knifefish all have in common?
work_a62tqu4v7zc3lihxxuvjtuidtmSo what ’s the secret to an effortless swim?
work_fl7zuqo5fbebpht2ywn3v43yzyHow does Hsp90 function in piRNA biogenesis and which of the two piRNA production pathways is it involved in?
work_fl7zuqo5fbebpht2ywn3v43yzyScience 2004, 305:1437- 1441. doi:10.1186/ gb-2010- 11- 3- 109 Cite this article as: Sato K, Siomi H: Is canalization more than just a beautiful idea?
work_fl7zuqo5fbebpht2ywn3v43yzy© 2010 BioMed Central Ltd Is canalization more than just a beautiful idea?
work_ftytn7lwibgq3imjrrftmq7tfa: 011 670 6134 Dove siamo/ Where are we?
work_ftytn7lwibgq3imjrrftmq7tfaBiblioteca di Economia e Management Attività formative Metodologie di ricerca più efficaci ed efficienti... Hai dei dubbi?
work_gpl3hff72ng7vl3i3vaxte6j6mUpon awakening on Monday, what should her degree of belief be that the coin landed Heads?
work_dxqiftp2sngrhocqkwqkm5etmuBut will it work?
work_dxqiftp2sngrhocqkwqkm5etmuIf that is the U.S. goal, what resources are then needed?
work_fxc4y6pflne3naur5uno53roqeJordan EJ, Iyer G. Targeted therapy in advanced bladder cancer: what have we learned?
work_aukmq2demfdptanieycdb6uiomHow, then, do fans engage this narrative, and bear the meanings of sub- alternity that are thrust upon them?
work_aukmq2demfdptanieycdb6uiomSuch discourses dichotomize kampungan and gedongan( trans: urban?)
work_aukmq2demfdptanieycdb6uiomSujana explained Dodhy ’s antics as a case of a ‘ kacang yang(?)
work_aukmq2demfdptanieycdb6uiomThis method of tracking consumption practices(?)
work_aukmq2demfdptanieycdb6uiomWhat does this instance of co- creative labour suggest of agency?
work_h4bu7oqdznahxnxnfm7i7ozobyWhy this difference?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqBut is it correct?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqIs it 1/2, since she could be interviewed on either day?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqOr 2/3, since two of the three possible interview situations( heads- Monday, tails- Monday, tails- Tuesday) involve Monday?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqOr 3/4, 7 reasoning that the probabilities of those three possible interview situations are respectively 1/2, 1/4, and 1/4, and 1/2+ 1/4= 3/4?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqSo, how could this simple conditional probability problem create such controversy?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqThe question is, what probability should she assign to this?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqUnder these circumstances, what probability should Peon assign, upon being interviewed, to the event that the nickel showed heads?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqWhat is the probability that the chosen box was Box# 3?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqWhat is the probability that you will win the car if you stick with your original choice?
work_44agm4md2jbsjl6vm65er2xgqqWhat probability should each of them assign, upon being interviewed, to the event that the nickel showed heads?
work_6apy4wsiwje3tkra4irkvjq7dqBehav Ecol Sociobiol 43:345–358 Møller AP, Pomiankowski A( 1993) Why have birds got multiple sexual ornaments?
work_6apy4wsiwje3tkra4irkvjq7dqBehav Ecol Sociobiol 67:913–918 Lifjeld JT, Kleven O, Jacobesen F, McGraw KJ, Safran RJ, Robertson RJ( 2011) Age before beauty?
work_6apy4wsiwje3tkra4irkvjq7dqCurr Zool 63:569–572 Møller AP, Jennions MD( 2001) How important are direct fitness benefits of sexual selection?
work_6apy4wsiwje3tkra4irkvjq7dqJ Evol Biol 29:2410–2421 Wong BBM, Candolin U( 2005) How is female mate choice af- fected by male competition?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4Mothers and infants?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4Did you know Mommy loves you?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4Dissanayake''s three books-- What Is Art For?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4Ellen Dissanayake, What Is Art For?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4First and foremost, Dissanayake establishes the need for a functional account of art in What Is Art For?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4How much power does art have to reintegrate our experience?
work_b2fkvaqnbjbxrhvl2ymnrzlvv4What are these rhythms and modes?
work_dpuuuotzifc43kwxeqk5ha2mpi( 2015): Is moral beauty different from facial beauty?
work_dpuuuotzifc43kwxeqk5ha2mpiFan Y, Duncan NW, de Greck M, Northoff G( 2011): Is there a core neural network in empathy?
work_dpuuuotzifc43kwxeqk5ha2mpiLeder H, Gerger G, Brieber D, Schwarz N( 2014): What makes an art expert?
work_dpuuuotzifc43kwxeqk5ha2mpiNummenmaa L, Hirvonen J, Parkkola R, Hietanen JK( 2008): Is emotional contagion special?
work_dpuuuotzifc43kwxeqk5ha2mpiRuby P, Decety J( 2004): How would you feel versus how do you think she would feel?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuHow dependent are we on the good quality of insurance data?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuHow much data on customers is gathered by insurers?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuIs it worth storing billions of Megabytes?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuShould actuaries still work under the premise that gender is a risk factor?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuSo, what are the next steps?
work_dexft7rz3rdetco63vwketkgzuWho takes care about data quality?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcby( Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1936) Does short- termism breed informational price inefficiency?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcby49 Which equilibrium does the market coordinate on?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyCan information heterogeneity explain the exchange rate determination puzzle?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyHow well do adverse selection components measure adverse selection?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyIs information risk a deter- minant of asset returns?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyWhat happened to the quants in august 2007?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyWhat is the effect of a shock to parameter values on the market ’s equilib- rium?
work_b3ftiyv34jhylmblxzqccxhcbyWhy do security prices change?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxe( Does a sleeping Sleeping Beauty 13 have a centered world?)
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxe5 How should Eternal Beauty convert beliefs about her world into beliefs about her location in her world?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeBut what if Ephemeral Beauty first updated her worldly beliefs before updating her locative beliefs?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeHow should she conceptualize this peculiar transformation of( T1 and T2) into( T1 or T2)?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeShould not the endosperm ’s relatedness to dad be the same as the embryo ’s relatedness to dad?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeWhat credence should a gene in endosperm have about its parental origin?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeWhat if you asked Eternal Beauty about her beliefs?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeWhat is the ‘ probability ’ that a gene in the endosperm comes from dad?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeWhat should be her waking credence that the coin landed heads?
work_3jshd4uxyvhdjftk7g4c6uflxeWhy should she have prior beliefs if nothing is at stake?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axi2005 Increasing walking: how important is distance to, attractiveness, and size of public open space?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axi2016 Are safer looking neighborhoods more lively?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axiBut what makes an outdoor space beautiful?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axiDoes a beautiful outdoor location differ from an outdoor location that is simply natural?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axiWhat about areas that are not primarily natural?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axiWhat environments in towns and cities might also be considered beautiful, and thus worthy of preservation?
work_dj5mnfkkk5dh3oloxxwch56axiYet, should we deem all natural areas worthy of protection?
work_isniuwdkcvb23gsp4zzuu35xvi( 2000) Maxims or myths of beauty?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupiFinancing patterns around the world: Are small firms different?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupiIs Small Beautiful?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupiSimilarly, are small or large financial institutions better in serving low- end customers?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupiWhich institutions are best suited to expand financial services to low- end customers, including small and medium- sized enterprises?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupiWorld Bank Document Policy Research Working Paper 5806 Is Small Beautiful?
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupi“ Bank- Based or Market- Based Financial Systems: Which Is Better? ” Journal of Financial Intermediation 11: 398- 428.
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupi“ Financial and Legal Constraints to Firm Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? ” Journal of Finance 60( 1): 137–77.
work_brvqx46h6jbh3igiruwwfvfupi“ Industry Growth and Capital Allocation: Does Having a Market- or Bank- Based System Matter? ” Journal of Financial Economics 64: 147- 180.
work_i4sapfxxqjggtntnl5ahun2msaTo what beliefs could she assign such probabilities?
work_i4sapfxxqjggtntnl5ahun2msaTo what beliefs, at b0, can the observer assign a probability of 1/2?
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4yCould we not find beauty, for example, in a science that includes the representations and practices of scientists?
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4yRationalist connections How could the perception of beauty give us access to reality?
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4ySee CJ, 5:351 ff., and the prize essay “ Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte …?, ” 20:279–280.
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4yWhy should it be impossible, as Kant seems to suggest, to answer the quest for truth in a way that has aesthetic merit?
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4yWhy, then, does he nevertheless maintain that there can be no beautiful science?
work_aamhv5gnsbg4jirl7ezi3eah4y“ Beauty, Genius, and Mathematics: Why Did Kant Change his Mind? ” History of Philosophy Quarterly 18( 2001): 415–432.
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaBut who, if not the city, possessed this praise?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaCONCLUSION: IDEOLOGY AND “ FUNERARY IDEOLOGY ” But was this funerary ideology?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaIn light of words such as homoioi and agathoi, was this the equality of democratic Athens or an aristocracy?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaWas burning the dead instead of burying them only a prophylactic measure?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaWas it simply about conserving their remains until the funeral ceremony at the combat season ’s end?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaWe might ask: did death erase differences?
work_a4vcwr26hncp5kygo47tfl3okaWhen it comes to funerary practice, were there, it can be asked, behaviours that escaped symbolism?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4BrJrSports Med 1996;30:5- 1O0 REVIEW ARTICLE The athlete''s heart: is big beautiful?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4D o w n lo a d e d fro m The athlete''s heart: is big beautiful?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4D o w n lo a d e d fro m The athlete''s heart: is big beautiful?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4Fact or fallacy?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4What is exertion- related sudden cardiac death?
work_e6bomlzpbngaxbeyxsh32lvvj4What is the longevity of the endurance athlete relative to that of the general population?
work_hetfk6bjwzamtmmm6ni64lvzwqC a n s o c i a l n e t w o r k s s a v e h u m a n r e l a t i o n s?
work_hetfk6bjwzamtmmm6ni64lvzwqI s t h e r e a c a s e o f b a d g e o g r a p h y?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbe12 This may seem self- evident: what reason might there be to invent philosophy other than to present ideologies of a particular sub- ject- location?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeBut what if ‘ beauty ’ need not be universal, or even visible, to be potent?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeHow can aesthetic theory be engaged in relation to African American dance practice?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeMore than this, how can African American dance participate on its own terms in a discourse of ‘ beauty ’?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeReferences Appiah, Anthony: 1996, ‘ African- American Philosophy? ’, in Pittman, 11–34.
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeWe can easily understand why: the concept seems at once extremely unstable – what are the terms for recognizing ‘ beauty ’?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeWhat sorts of aesthetic imperatives surround African American dance and how does black performance make sense of these imperatives?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeWho has access to it?).
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeWho names the quality of performance, or who determines that a performance may be accu- rately recognized as ‘ black ’?
work_5k7our5hfjejjangn5kqtbifbeand the access of black Americans to advanced training in white- operated academies and schools( how can it press toward distribution?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiAre some works of art “ objectively beautiful, ” or is beauty merely in the eye of the beholder, an entirely subjective affair?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiIs there any set of standards or criteria by means of which high aesthetic quality( and low) can be objectively recognized?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiIt is, however, possible to provide a clear and persuasive response to the question, Does morality have objective validity?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiMajor forms of human intelligence Cognitive intelligence Is human IQ an objectively determinable thing?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiThis appears to be manifestly circular, does it not?
work_57sazq7wevcebmwpuxvniad5iiWhat constitutes Beauty and how is it to be recognized?
work_f5d7ticdlfhdzmeu2mgkbg3kmm( 1996): “ Why bounded rationality? ” Journal of Economic Literature, 34, 669–700.
work_f5d7ticdlfhdzmeu2mgkbg3kmmE- mail: 1 1 Introduction To what extent does non- rational behavior by( some) individuals affect aggregate outcomes?
work_f5d7ticdlfhdzmeu2mgkbg3kmmIf so, how?
work_f5d7ticdlfhdzmeu2mgkbg3kmmThis criticism has led to our research questions: Does the strategic environment effect depend on population size?
work_f5d7ticdlfhdzmeu2mgkbg3kmm— — —( 1997): “ What makes markets allocationally efficient? ” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 603–630.
work_hspeaiyxnjhlfjvco3jm3hkcviCRAFT BEAUTIFUL EQUATIONS IN WORD WITH LATEX B Y D A V I D M A T T H E W S LaTeX or Word?
work_hspeaiyxnjhlfjvco3jm3hkcviSo is LaTeX worth mastering?
work_gyo5dtorxvgudfekl7dbo4ldqe3 Discussion 3.1 Are the Colours Real?
work_gyo5dtorxvgudfekl7dbo4ldqeHowever, our eyes are loga- rithmic detectors so is it more ‘ real ’ to process the CCD data to be logarithmic?
work_gyo5dtorxvgudfekl7dbo4ldqeIs it ‘ real ’ then to show a picture that mostly ignores a major physical component?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aBut what positively charged particle?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aBut what sort of equation is this?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aCould this be guaranteed in the new quantum mechanics formalism?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aIf the difference between XY and YX is not zero, what is it equal to?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aSo the mathematics is now meaningful; but what is the physics of these matrices and column vectors?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aWhere had he seen something like equation( 11) before?
work_bmv7zbuk4bg45ips4rzvdj5s4aω ω ω ω=+++ i t i t i t i tY t y e y e y e y e( 3) And what about X(t)Y(t)?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmOne might still be worried: does n’t betting at odds that are bad according to one ’s degrees of belief violate standard decision theory?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmShould each accept the bet?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmThe ques- tion now is: when she wakes up what should her degree of belief be that the outcome was heads?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmWhat about her degrees of belief upon waking up though?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmWhat is wrong with Elga ’s argument that SB should change her mind upon waking up?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmWhat is wrong with my argument that SB should not change her mind upon waking up?
work_bzfcyz7wjjc7feserggquayzbmWhat should SB( and DB) do?
work_floj5majrvchrcsk3et6fykvguIs that community trial going to go on forever?
work_floj5majrvchrcsk3et6fykvguWays should be sought to increase the power and research and public health policy?
work_floj5majrvchrcsk3et6fykvguWhat might be an appropriate representation of the major research disciplines on scientific and governing bodies?
work_floj5majrvchrcsk3et6fykvguWhere to?
work_ipl5qhdudrcujg7boyl2hcrzqyCould SSRIs also be viewed as attractive candidates for reducing myocardial damage in ischemic or post- MI heart?
work_ipl5qhdudrcujg7boyl2hcrzqyDo local increases in interstitial 5-HT contribute to ischemic heart damage or ischemia- reperfusion injury?
work_ipl5qhdudrcujg7boyl2hcrzqyFunctional consequence of serotonin/5-HT2B receptor signaling in heart: role of mitochondria in transition between hypertrophy and heart failure?
work_hfikjnwuobdzpdex7cwnrg4db4After branching and observing either Up or Down, what should Wombat ’s credence in ST be?
work_hfikjnwuobdzpdex7cwnrg4db4On waking and seeing a red piece of paper, what should Beauty ’s credence in Heads be?
work_hfikjnwuobdzpdex7cwnrg4db4½( so say halfers) or i( so say thirders)?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqFuture experimental designs that could determine causality( does beauty cause justice, or justice cause beauty?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqGeneral Discussion What is the difference between justice reasoning and the per- sonality trait of fairness?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqIs it necessary to avoid beauty to create a more just society?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqSexism, hostility toward women, and endorsement of beauty ideals and practices: Are beauty ideals associated with oppressive be- liefs?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqSo, was Scarry wrong?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqWhat is the quality of Scarry ’s arguments about the relationship between beauty and justice?
work_dw3ag6wcfvgbpnclnvltl5fgpqWhatever happened to beauty?
work_gp45c5osyfamvptbrqkyyjhfzeDi quale amore stiamo parlando?
work_gp45c5osyfamvptbrqkyyjhfzeDi quello tra una madre, seppure “ adottiva ”, e una figlia?
work_gp45c5osyfamvptbrqkyyjhfzeTrascende qualsiasi rapporto tra un uomo e una donna?
work_gp45c5osyfamvptbrqkyyjhfzeÈ questo il più vero?
work_ctnys55nwve5bm7mbh7nykg2re177–203 ISSN 0734–1512( print)/ISSN 1477–2620( online) © 2005 Taylor& Francis Group Ltd DOI: 10.1080/07341510500103735 Will Small be Beautiful?
work_ctnys55nwve5bm7mbh7nykg2re94[ 94] Johnson, ‘ The End of Pure Science? ’ while the term post- academic science ’ is itself from Ziman, Real Science.
work_ctnys55nwve5bm7mbh7nykg2reUC Santa Barbara Recent Work Title Will Small be Beautiful?
work_ctnys55nwve5bm7mbh7nykg2reWhat is required to create a successful new science initiative?
work_ctnys55nwve5bm7mbh7nykg2re‘ The End of Pure Science?
work_gsnrabshnvfexkkefl4bivc3vaAre n''t the participants doing work that should rightly be done by full time workers, union men?
work_gsnrabshnvfexkkefl4bivc3vaAre n''t these second class jobs?
work_gsnrabshnvfexkkefl4bivc3vaIs n''t this slave labour?
work_gsnrabshnvfexkkefl4bivc3vaWould n''t it make sense if some of the unemployed helped beautify our hospitals?
work_jqvn7k577bhcfgajq4ikwcptoyNicholls AJ, Catto GRD, Edward N, Engeset J, MacLeod M. Accelerated atherosclerosis in dialysis and renal transplant patients: fact or fiction?
work_jqvn7k577bhcfgajq4ikwcptoyRenalfailure- a priority in health?
work_kfb7o4lucjchdehnkstcvgcgwi( 21) and( 22)?
work_kf7a3qac75ac5j4coo2n2tltcmBut is it true?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfui53581, posted 10 Feb 2014 15:20 UTC 1 When are appearances deceiving?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiBelief elicitation in experiments: is there a hedging problem?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiChild stars vs. ugly ducklings: does adolescent attractiveness contribute to the beauty premium?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiDoes Learning about Performance Eliminate the Beauty Premium in the Second Round?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiDoes the Beauty Premium Vary by Gender?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiIs there a beauty premium in undergraduate education?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiMicrosoft Word- JEBO When are appearances deceiving.docx Munich Personal RePEc Archive When Are Appearances Deceiving?
work_e3ogtnreyrcwbco4mzfelbsfuiWhat does it mean to find the face of the franchise?
work_kkta46aprvda3kxuww62zfddua[ 43] G. Schäfer, M. Meyering- Vos, F- type or V- type?
work_jugp3uvyinewpny2xsjjkfbpcu[ 37] R. D. Matheus, S. Narison, M. Nielsen, and J. M. Richard, “ Can the X(3872) be a 1++ four- quark state? ” Physical Review D, vol.
work_h6aig2hhz5c7dlkjtdnov2veimMEDICINE AND SOCIETY Are Cosmetic Surgeons Complicit in Promoting Suspect Norms of Beauty?
work_h6aig2hhz5c7dlkjtdnov2veimMust physicians attend to the concerns of society as a whole as well as the needs of their patients?
work_h6aig2hhz5c7dlkjtdnov2veimOught physicians to serve as moral gatekeepers?
work_h6aig2hhz5c7dlkjtdnov2veimParens E. Is better always good?
work_h6aig2hhz5c7dlkjtdnov2veimWhat is the extent of physicians ’ responsibility to society at large versus that to individual patients?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryAnd how do we defend it against the surrounding culture?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryBut what do we learn from this?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryBut why is beauty a value?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryHow do we distinguish it from its fake versions?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryIs it a feature of the world, or a figment of the imagination?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryIs it telling us something real and true that requires just this experience to be recognized?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryOr is it merely a heightened moment of sensation, of no significance beyond the delight of the person who experiences it?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryWhat do we gain, in terms of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, or moral development?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryWhat do we make of this, and how do we find our way back to the thing so many people long for, which is the vision of beauty?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipryWhat exactly does this word imply?
work_aiy33lcomrehzjbq66xoeeipry— When does this experience occur, and what does it mean?
work_k2uyybplafcwvd6njzfwmhppkm“ Anadolu Sahasında İlk Bahr- ı Tavîl Ahmed Paşa‟nın mıdır? ”, Turkish Studies, Vol.
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmAnd why should those particular features be attractive?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmAre we trying too hard to see in the data what we want to find?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmBut what features make an attractive face?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmCould the estrogen- dependent female preference for higher testosterone men be a preference for more mature late- adolescent men?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmDo people agree on those features?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmInfant preferences for attractive faces: rudiments of a stereotype?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmMore than mere mimicry?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmOr French heart- throb Jean- Paul Belmondo, with his big mouth and prodigious Gallic nose?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmRobert Redford and Paul Newman I could understand, but Humphrey Bogart, with his weak chin and crooked smile?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmWhat is average and what is not average about attractive faces?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmWhy would a girl want to dote on what seemed to me quite unattractive faces?
work_46it6o3yvjatrktfw2iwliwhsmWould older, higher parity women show the same preference bias, or to the same degree?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujty2 The ancestral nest What did the ancestral ant nest look like, and how was it modified through evolution?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujty6 Does ant nest architecture offer wisdom for humans?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujtyAnd finally, if we view human group tasks as if they were being accomplished by ants, could we gain insight into how humans work?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujtyHow do these shifts affect the rate and efficiency of work?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujtyHow does the efficiency and proficiency of workers change with age and experience?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujtySubterranean ant nest architecture: Trace fossils past and future?
work_dsxdhokp75ckpl5ghuxy7fujtyWhat might ant nest architecture have to offer humans?
work_hi4b6qr3xbdwrih4hvn2rdfqneCan Internalization of Sociocultural Beauty Standards Predict Adolescents ’ Physical Activity?
work_hi4b6qr3xbdwrih4hvn2rdfqneDoes body satisfaction matter?
work_hi4b6qr3xbdwrih4hvn2rdfqneThin adolescents: Who are they?
work_hi4b6qr3xbdwrih4hvn2rdfqneWhat do they do?
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axq( 1991) Can one date a comet and its constituents?
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axqA N D BEGEMANN F.( 1985) Are all"martian"meteorites from Mars?
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axqA key question to then ask is how representative are microscopic samplcs of bodies that measure a few to many kilometers across?
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axqThe goal of the mission is to return powdered or chipped samples from the surface( regolith?)
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axqThe highest priority measurement is stated to be the solar wind 0-isotopic ratios, which will be measured to?
work_da6myl64vvhmhjjcw4nark2axqWhat new techniques are needed for the analysis of the organic cometary components?
work_hfrqjrperrgblehejzemvfs2kyIt would not be heavy, Maybe you want to become a Russian ’s wife?
work_hfrqjrperrgblehejzemvfs2kyWoven, embroidered chalma[ an Udmurt female headdress], Did you fi nd it heavy?
work_hfrqjrperrgblehejzemvfs2kyYyrad sekyt öy yötysal, Z̈uch kyshno luemed potïz- a?
work_jc72q34iyjflxboewdunyuntwm( £ WP)''OC; EOU j W h at can be concluded from tlus literary exclu''sion? work_jc72q34iyjflxboewdunyuntwm 1994 Watson D: Till''Cc)/Jl lll bin Book(? work_jc72q34iyjflxboewdunyuntwm w he re Knemo n says, H e is sIIIIburned, is I, e n[ an il e,.? work_krtysgmsljdlzl5omwenxca2ti Is this significant? work_jbztqovy55g5bceditdwd3gm54 Part IV begins with chapter 8, applying the network theory to real world aesthetic psychol- ogy; do we think and act as if this theory were true? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Are average facial configurations attractive only because of their symmetry? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Are average facial configurations attractive only because of their symmetry? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Are you always on my mind? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Are you always on my mind? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Can beauty be ignored? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Can beauty be ignored? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Infant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Infant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Is multiple object tracking carried out automatically by an early vision mechanism independent of higher- order cognition? work_djwh3ie6j5fqlc7igexbdk5jmi Is multiple object tracking carried out automatically by an early vision mechanism independent of higher- order cognition? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Can I be so objective myself? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Did you notice how long the service was? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Dogs are prohibited from the Serengeti National Park, so how did the lions contact them? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q For a moment, I wondered if Wildt and Bush really collected 50 different cheetahs? ” The results were that hard to believe. work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Maybe both? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Who are the people who are your best friends? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Who are the people you keep coming back to? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Who was correct? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Why is that important? work_aayck5zf6nbijjlev64fhl4u7q Why? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy Are you always on my mind? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy CAN BEAUTY BE IGNORED? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy Can beauty be ignored? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy Is the appraisal for beauty mandatory in such a way that attractive faces can compete automati- cally with an ongoing task for attentional resources? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy Maxims or myths of beauty? work_ezeoi5udlfeg7lj63i6bhmp5uy Psychonomic Bulletin& Review 2009, 16( 2), 276- 281 doi:10.3758/ PBR.16.2.276 J. Sui, CAN BEAUTY BE IGNORED? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu But what might that have been? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu Did n’t we already suspect that some people just do n’t ‘ get ’ music? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu How would such an abstract activity confer a reproductive or survival advantage, of the sort required for natural selection to operate? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu Is this a matter of volition, cognition or reward biology? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu Might typically musically hedonic individuals show ‘ musical satiety ’ with frequent exposure to their favourite music? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu More fundamentally, what are the wider implications for our understanding of other anhedonias? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu What are the limits of the phenomenon? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu What is its neuroanatomical basis? work_cuzle74nsbey5equilignacbnu What of the other end of the spectrum, individuals with ‘ musicophilia ’ who are hyper- hedonic for music? work_izpd6euhfnfb3j6adle5lmuciq How are these masks made? work_izpd6euhfnfb3j6adle5lmuciq How is COVID-19 affecting the Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2020? work_izpd6euhfnfb3j6adle5lmuciq How these masks are made? work_izpd6euhfnfb3j6adle5lmuciq Ritchie, H. The Carbon Footprint of Foods: Are Differences Explained by the Impacts of Methane? work_hd44iyvhsvcgbhl4cnivix2pjq Education for Sustainability Development Group( ESDG)( 1999) Scotland the sustainable? work_hd44iyvhsvcgbhl4cnivix2pjq Post-1999—a new parliament: a new direction? work_hd44iyvhsvcgbhl4cnivix2pjq References Advisory Group on Sustainable Development( AGSD)( 1999) Scotland the sustainable? work_hd44iyvhsvcgbhl4cnivix2pjq The documents, Scotland the sustainable and Scotland the sustain- able? work_glundc6uona5xmyydpins32iy4 Explaining potential antecedents of workplace social support: Reciprocity or attractiveness? work_glundc6uona5xmyydpins32iy4 Is there a double standard of aging? work_glundc6uona5xmyydpins32iy4 Maxims or myths of beauty? work_glundc6uona5xmyydpins32iy4 Tit for tat? work_glundc6uona5xmyydpins32iy4 When do opposites attract? work_jfvnujea25bp3h7ht7vgrhtm74 Can beautiful ideas drive science? work_jfvnujea25bp3h7ht7vgrhtm74 Only one real issue remains: at what energies must one smash particles together to seek supersymmetry ’s elusive sig- nature? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe ( Competence: the ability to do something successfully or efficiently) Trustworthiness What is your evaluation of the trustworthiness of this person? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe ( Likability: being pleasant, friendly and easy to like) Intelligence What is your evaluation of the intelligence of this person? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe ( Trustworthiness: the ability to be relied on as honest or truthful) Likability What is your evaluation of the likability of this person? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe Appearance dimension Question Beauty What is your evaluation of the physical appearance or attractiveness of this person? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe Competence What is your evaluation of the competence of this person? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe We then ask the question whether facial appearance matters equally for male and female corporate directors? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe “ Is beauty talent? work_aytyd4iigffotcauijw3lcmnwe “ Is voting skin- deep? work_lfta6n7q3vcixfzujl5hulbdkm Not all the animals are beautiful, but the infinite variety is so interesting —why rushed the discords in, but that harmony should be prized?"
work_lt4ogaqnrnhw5aneteymdwxayyProtein structure prediction: when is it useful?
work_jnta73r4szfdveu5inwwqprvue@article{Tuomilehto2010TallIB, title={Tall is beautiful and heart- healthy?
work_jnta73r4szfdveu5inwwqprvueDOI:10.1093/ eurheartj/ ehq183 Corpus ID: 7556830Tall is beautiful and heart- healthy?
work_jnta73r4szfdveu5inwwqprvuePDF] Tall is beautiful and heart- healthy?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24And How does their social, cultural and geographical environment influence children ’s aesthetic preferences?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24How does their social, cultural and geographical environment influence children ’s aesthetic preferences?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24The study explored two questions: How do children represent their perceptions of beauty?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24They are also the kinds of questions I set out to answer when I conceived my own study: How do children represent their perceptions of beauty?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24Why was this?
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24“ How Stable Are Human Aesthetic Preferences Across The Lifespan? ” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
work_hbh6yska2rennnq7r6i2mrqt24“ Why Throw The Negs Out With The Bathwater?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimHow sick am I?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimI wish you well?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimIs Obama too smart to be president?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimSurvive the droughts?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimWhat about the children of drug- addicted parents?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimWhatever the reason, the question is, do we allow these children to fall prey to bad influence simply because of circumstances of birth?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimWhy are women attracted to thugs?
work_3zoyiw4lmjeibjcctq5vog6vimWhy is it so difficult for Black men to be their full and authentic selves in the United States?
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74CIA NIFNu*? SUF i.
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74Is there an answer?
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74MITOCHONDRIA: HIGHLY RETAINED, BUT WHY?
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74What makes a chloroplast?
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74Why are mitochondria essential for life?
work_gfjn7ngtojauhn7kaf6bbbsq74v. v. SUF?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yBreast Surgery – A Problem of Beauty or Health?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yBreast surgery: A problem of beauty or health?.
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yHorlock N, Cole RP, Rossi AR: The selection of patients for breast reduction: Should health commissions have a say?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yHypertrophy of the breast: a problem of beauty or health?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yHypertrophy of the breast: a problem of beauty or health?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yHypertrophy of the breast: a problem of beauty or health?
work_cbxfevlg25fa7hilze5ecewh2yKlassen A, Fitzpatrick R, Jenkinson C, Goodacre T: Should breast reduction surgery be rationed?
work_kt7oicwaffdq5i2ejh6avylmluOvarian   cancer:   can   we   make   the   diagnosis   earlier?
work_kt7oicwaffdq5i2ejh6avylmluThe   critical   question   is,   Will   such   screening   affect   out- comes?
work_mj47vtfvgvew3pb6d57vqynwvmWhy sophisticated?
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmAile Hekimi, ‘ Çeki D€uzen Odası: Y€uz Nasıl Yıkanılır? ’, HMG, No.19( 16 Cemaziy€ulevvel 1313/4 November 1895), p.6.
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmAile Hekimi, ‘ Çeki D€uzen Odası: Y€uz Nasıl Yıkanılır? ’, p.6; Hikmet, Tuvalet ve Letafet- i Aza.
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmAile Hekimi, ‘ Çeki D€uzen Odası: Y€uz Nasıl Yıkanılır? ’, p.6; Hikmet, Tuvalet ve Letafet- i Aza.
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmBut was such a thing possible?
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmIf companionship rested upon pleasing the husband and pleasing the husband rested upon beauty, what did beauty rest upon in the Hamidian Era?
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmM. Asım, ‘ Nasıl G€uzelleşmeli?
work_dstg5yl7qzeu7gdpooplmlp4kmM. Asım, ‘ Nasıl G€uzelleşmeli?
work_dnu3ulj3hfgwdcnlhqasadutkqSee especially Stanley Cavell, “ Aesthetic Problems of Modern Philosophy, ” Must We Mean What We Say?
work_dnu3ulj3hfgwdcnlhqasadutkqThat is, what could it be that places this person in a position to issue such a demand?
work_dnu3ulj3hfgwdcnlhqasadutkqbetter judgment whispered: “ What difference can that make, since you wo n’t be distressed by it?
work_kc7gzixztfbfhjrsxhx7yxulhqHow Much Time is Needed to Make an Aesthetical Evaluation?
work_kc7gzixztfbfhjrsxhx7yxulhqHow Much Time is Needed to Make an Aesthetical Evaluation?
work_kc7gzixztfbfhjrsxhx7yxulhqViewing Time How much time people devote to looking at paintings?
work_kc7gzixztfbfhjrsxhx7yxulhqWhat Processes Contribute to Positive Aesthetical Evaluation?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuB., 1983: Why can the supernumerary bows be seen in a rain shower?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuB., 1983: Why can the supernumerary bows be seen in a rain shower?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuB., 1983: Why can the supernumerary bows be seen in a rain shower?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuB., 1983: Why can the supernumerary bows be seen in a rain shower?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuCrossref Laven, P., 2005b: How are glories formed?
work_gzim75pv2rdh5f7ej4rdz2pfeuCrossref Laven, P., 2005b: How are glories formed?
work_lg7uwni46nhjxg5pc3yrqf32wyWhy are different integration mechanisms observed with the co- injection and the double transgenic strategies?
work_kywlvvxt5vcrfohi2hci3bts4aBy what mechanisms did the liver cell incorporate this plasmid?
work_kywlvvxt5vcrfohi2hci3bts4aCould Sleeping Beauty have therapeutic utility in terms of introducing helpful transgenes[ 7]?
work_kywlvvxt5vcrfohi2hci3bts4aHow could these processes work and do we have evidence that they do?
work_6bbpoikkjzhkjofmhydmdqp2maPhysical Attractiveness and Sexuality: Is Hair Really Depoliticized?
work_6bbpoikkjzhkjofmhydmdqp2maTo what extent does the body come into being in and through the mark(s) of gender?
work_6bbpoikkjzhkjofmhydmdqp2maWhy should we feel that way?
work_6bbpoikkjzhkjofmhydmdqp2ma“ Do Racial Minorities Respond in the Same Way to Mainstream Beauty Standards?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eDo the lower con- cavities of the legs( ankles) extend cephalad in the same fashion medially as laterally?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eHow does one interpret the drawings of the great Leonardo da Vinci?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eHow many plastic sur- geons use the Golden Ratio in their daily practice?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eIs the medial and lateral convexity of the calves symmetric?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eThe same question applies for the calves: When enhancing or reducing the volume of the calves, should it be done in a symmetric fashion?
work_iibebsnhzfhoviayka6ra7gh5eThus, the volume is reduced medially and laterally without considering any aesthetic ideal: do ankles have the same concavity medially as laterally?
work_n3pn3wlelbc6bnnp2fm3n4edpyWhat about singular agreement in( 50b), then?
work_ktm3qhi2lbgiffl467lpvkaao4Is it an ugly object or an ugly work?
work_ktm3qhi2lbgiffl467lpvkaao4Or – who knows?
work_ktm3qhi2lbgiffl467lpvkaao4What, aesthetically, was it instead?
work_n4bpax2mgjbqxhnar53qnias2aChance or ne- cessity?
work_kpvdzc3tgrawxdsied3oqcv3jeHow did she negotiate being a foreigner in the Unites States?
work_mc3bar5mejeinpmim2pqa46q7eIs this something inherent in these phenomena, or is it something within us?
work_mc3bar5mejeinpmim2pqa46q7eWhy is it that such things are so vivid to us when we are small children but tend to relative dullness as we mature?
work_me42cidnefbvri2vsz3bqyvz34Channel 4[ DVD]_____( 2005) Nathan Barley, Fucking with your head yeah?
work_lf44yhzrrrhxvmcgwrl2fngcpaUnless you ’re a weather geek, why else would you need to have an indoor outdoor thermometer?
work_nn3enyu5fffvbausngksuidplyBut what is the link to transfusion medicine?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qWhere''s the bunny?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2q...."What is rhyme?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2q1 Why is classification important?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2q2 On what kind of''evidence''are classification systems based?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qAll beauty may by a metaphor be called rhyme, may it not?".
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qHow does the animal — and the zoologist — proceed?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qIs it not an agreement of sound — with a slight disagreement?"....
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qJane Goodall had written"But what if a chimpanzee wept tears when he heard Bach thundering from a cathedral organ?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qTaking rhyme as the paradigm of beauty, let me turn at once to the fundamental question: Why do we like the relation which rhyme epitomises?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qThe beauty we find is from the comparison we make of the things with themselves, seeing their likeness and difference, is it not?".
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qWhat evidence is there that classification — the core of learning — is agreeable to men and to animals also?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qWhat is rhyme like?
work_bhtqns4thjdplahzpjuryydy2qWhat is the biological advantage of seeking out rhyming elements in the environment?
work_lrqyrvasnffldfozjhduuumad41631 What Makes Tourists Satisfied?
work_lrqyrvasnffldfozjhduuumad4Behavioral Intentions?
work_mtcjwiwhljeyzabdqnjhcpjpbqSurely unification could never we d these antipodal concepts, or could it?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aBut what common features make beauty identifiable across time and place?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aDoes every- thing radiant in Homer connote beauty?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aDoes that not smack of anachronism?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aHow does Homer express beauty?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aHow else does the poet express beauty without an explicit word for ‘ beauty ’ or ‘ beautiful ’?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aSee L. Tolstoy, What is Art?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aSo how do they compare and what can this tell us about Homeric and early Greek attitudes to beauty?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aWhat about their effects?
work_aahe7dtxdvasvcxnqk275rqg5aWhat words, if any, does he have for ‘ beauty ’ and ‘ beautiful ’?
work_n3bw4ncjifdnfczsjaf4nalnu4Which step of the transposition event is enhanced by het- erochromatic conformation?
work_n3bw4ncjifdnfczsjaf4nalnu4Why did the excision efficiency change in tTR- expressing clones in the pres- ence or absence of DOX?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xty239- 242] Did Galba Visit Britain in A. D. 43?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xty601- 4)?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xty8 7ravro[a aperw created by statesmen( 209d4-e3) is OVrE fvtEL OVT?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyAnd still further on to beautiful sciences?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyBut what is the content of his vision, or what does he apprehend of the beautiful itself?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyDoes it carry on to pass from beautiful souls to beautiful institutions?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyHow far does his''ascent in value''mount?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyHow is it acquired?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyThen how does this difference come about?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtycelle des connaissances; 4?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyla beaut6 morale; 3?
work_b2jgajqc4rayhimojx6sfc2xtyla beaut6 physique; 2?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4( 2014) Beyond the Control of God?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4ALSTON, W. P.( 1986) ‘ Does God have beliefs? ’, Religious Studies, 22, 287- 306.
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4And why is it that God alone is able to instantiate it?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4Can we do better?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4How, for example, could the fragile beauty of a snowflake qualify as a reflection of the beauty of an a se and eternal being?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4Or how could two incompatible kinds of beauty both be participations in the beauty of a single object?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4PLANTINGA, ALVIN( 1980) Does God have a nature?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4ROBSON, JON( 2012) ‘ Do possible worlds compromise God''s beauty?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4ROWE, WILLIAM L.( 2002) ‘ Can God Be Free? ’, Faith and Philosophy, 19, 405- 424.
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4So, why think that omni- beauty is theoretically significant?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4What, for example, is the nature of this set of beauties?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4Where to Now?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4Why should we believe that there is only one such set?
work_4r3cyv7ovjdebke5skpqcr5kz4ZANGWILL, NICK( 2002) ‘ Are There Counterexamples to Aesthetic Theories of Art? ’, The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism, 60, 111- 118.
work_k4v7gz2zlrd63lhnpyrtjjgepa( Baba qu nar?
work_k4v7gz2zlrd63lhnpyrtjjgepaIn consequence, family- oriented shows like Dad is Back( Baba huilai le 、 、 、 、 、) and Where Are We Going Dad?
work_k4v7gz2zlrd63lhnpyrtjjgepa“ China ’s Weibo: Is faster different? ” New Media& Society 16(1), 24–37.
work_k4v7gz2zlrd63lhnpyrtjjgepa“ Where are we going?
work_k4v7gz2zlrd63lhnpyrtjjgepa、 、 、 、 、?)
work_o3xnkbru3fbxjigf4qwlglv66uThis raises an intriguing question: do dicots and monocots utilize dis- tinctive mechanisms in responding to gravitropic signals?
work_mnouutyod5ef7obd7ei6ny3fde여고생의 뷰티행동은 멀티기능 뷰티제품 관심3) 도와 유의미한 상관관계가 있는가?
work_mnouutyod5ef7obd7ei6ny3fde여고생의 뷰티행동은 뷰티관심도와 유의미한1) 상관관계가 있는가?
work_mnouutyod5ef7obd7ei6ny3fde여고생의 뷰티행동은 뷰티제품 관심도와 유의2) 미한 상관관계가 있는가?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeextremely attractive( 11), based upon an individual''s( sad?)
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpije( 3 to 1 scale) Homely QAL 1978 Same as QAL 1971 How satisfied are you with Same as QAL1978 your life as a whole?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpije( 4 to 1 scale) student?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeCarrell, Scott, and James West, “ Does Professor Quality Matter?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeEasterlin, Richard, “ Does Money Buy Happiness? ” The Public Interest, 30: 3- 10.
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeFrey, Bruno, and Alois Stutzer, “ What Can Economists Learn from Happiness Research? ” Journal of Economic Literature, 40( June 2002): 402- 435.
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeMicrosoft Word- HappinessBeauty1210.docx VERY PRELIMINARY December 2010 “ BEAUTY IS THE PROMISE OF HAPPINESS ”*?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijePlaut, Victoria, Glenn Adams and Stephanie Anderson, “ Does Attractiveness Buy Happiness?
work_baj27stxwzdpnohsq5qo3kpijeWhich best describes the how happy are you?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmDo portrayals of women in action convey another ideal that wom- en with little self- determination feel obligated to live up to?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmDo you see what I see?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmDoes a Female ’s Subsequent to Being Exposed to Images of the ‘ Ideal ’ Beauty through Advertising, are Females ’ Self- Image Affected?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmPark JK, John DR 2010.Got to get you into my life: Do brand personalities rub off on consumers?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmProfessional hazards?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmRESULTS AND DISCUSSION How Do Female Youth Consumers Perceive Beauty Product Brand Images?
work_ivdjyaekfndzlhs6bzrlycugjmWhy Y Women?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuve; those who thought he was a professor estimated him to be more than 6 ft. Why is this?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveAnd what facial features do we consider attractive?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveAssortative mating, or who marries whom?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveBut why should this be so?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveDoes human facial attractiveness honestly advertise health?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveInfant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveMaxims or myths of beauty?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveThe eye of the beholder: A neglected variable in the study of physical attractiveness?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveWhat is average and what is not average about attractive faces?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveWhy do people perceive higher- status persons to be taller than lower- status persons?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveWhy is physical attractiveness a diffused status character- istic and why does it produce the general and specific expectations of competence?
work_elrtbcrr5rh53itw7r7yrzwuveWhy should all humans consider some facial features more attractive than others?
work_oupoucqx2bhjrfhwhl5ki4xamm• User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of ‘ fair dealing ’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(?)
work_orttsdtm3vhqff5yo7twd733ciNext time, when encountering a bee or a caterpillar, what would you reminisce?
work_m5qvybmzcbgwpowylk3zyoqbdqZmierzch estetyki: Rzekomy czy autentyczny?
work_m5qvybmzcbgwpowylk3zyoqbdq[ The End of Aesthetics: Alleged or Au- thentic?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5y12 What is the economic significance of our results compared to inferences of competence based on facial traits in other settings?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5yAre competent looking CEOs actually more competent?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5yHence the next question that arises is whether competent looking CEOs are actually more competent?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5yReading Faces: Window to the Soul?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5yWhat about the economic impact?
work_k6swgqz54rhrph57nkatiu2l5yWhat leads to assessments of competence based on facial attributes?
work_ovepdfyr7jfwpmkkuzdojdxfsaUniversity of Nebraska – Lincoln: How is a soil monolith made?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyDepartment of Economics Working Paper Series Productivity or Discrimination?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyDiscussion: Why is better looking also smarter?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyGiam Pietro Cipriani, Angelo Zago WP Number: 18 December 2005 ISSN: 0000- 0000 Productivity or Discrimination?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyHowever, an important question remains unanswered: is the impact of beauty due to pure discrimination or productivity?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyIII.2 It ’s not discrimination, is it?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyMaxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyThe other variable related to performance that we employ is the exams average grade and thus we estimate the following:, i i i i g X bd i g?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyWe then estimate the following equation:, i i i i n X bd i g?
work_alm4rwegxbanbc4cd5y33i4rxyà Ô?
work_ovlmv7eidvcwrelrjdyjhcldqiChildren ’s temperament: How can teachers and classrooms be more responsive?
work_l6agma3qk5gfhmqmudkp5wups4But which kind of world do we want to leave to future generations?
work_l6agma3qk5gfhmqmudkp5wups4FOR AN ASSUMPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES What will trigger this assumption of responsibilities?
work_l6agma3qk5gfhmqmudkp5wups4What is however the coherence among the Biblical texts concerning the relationship between God, humankind and nature?
work_l6agma3qk5gfhmqmudkp5wups4so why should n’t the same be true in the face of the risks of survival of the planet?
work_k76mjnyyevf4bdiylujdh4vv54Langlois, Judith H., Lisa Kalakanis, Adam J. Rubenstein, Andrea Larson, Monica Hallam, and Monica Smoot( 2000), “ Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_o3xcyugdjzcpbhbxbfkubwhekeAnd How is Beethoven Like Darwin? ” The Observer, November 16.
work_o3xcyugdjzcpbhbxbfkubwheke“ What is the Common Ground Between Art and Science?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaIntroduction Characteristics of Japanese Art What Is Japanese Beauty?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhat Is Japanese Beauty?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhat is the essence of Japanese beauty?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhat produces this resemblance between the artworks and the form expressing Japanese beauty and natural/ physical phenomena?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhat produces this resemblance between the artworks and the form expressing Japanese beauty and natural/ physical phenomena?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhat produces this resemblance between the artworks and the form expressing Japanese beauty and natural/ physical phenomena?
work_kg4lcrv4nvev3pizbb6nyyryoaWhy do they feel Japanese beauty in the visualization of a natural/ physical phenomenon?
work_obtcm65jcngr3mh3ueduxa3zdiDo younger Sleeping Beauties prefer a technological prince?
work_obtcm65jcngr3mh3ueduxa3zdivan; Winnink, J.J.( 2017) Do younger Sleeping Beauties prefer a technological prince?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmBaenninger M( 1994) The development of face recognition: Featural or configurational processing?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmBut what makes a female or male figure attractive?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmDouglas WY, Glenn HS Jr( 1999) Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmHas the construct of beauty changed over time?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmIs our sense of beauty learned or innate?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmLanglois H, Roggman LA, Musselman L( 1994) What is average and what is not average about attractive faces?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmLanglois JH, Kalakanis L, Rubenstein AJ, et al( 2000) Maxims or myths of beauty?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmLarrabee W( 1997) Facial beauty: Myth or reality?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmWhat is beauty and why are some humans considered more beautiful than others?
work_gzkoqllnqzfl3i4tzxfj327zjmWhat is beauty, and can we quantify it?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqAnd does n’t symbolic mathematics then save us by allowing us to reason securely even when we can no longer see?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqAt a certain point, does n’t the visual and anthropomorphic fail just because we have gone beyond what we can visualize?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqMust we rely on analogies to that com- mon world?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqSo, are there spaces ut- terly alien to our intuition?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqSquash how?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqThis raises a hard question: How – if at all – can this living world of math- ematics become accessible?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqTo work out those simple queries( e.g., What is that number which when you double it and add one you get eleven?)
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqWhat about number theory, where there is no geo- metric, hence visual, ½eld, at least at ½rst glance?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqWhat could be more enticing?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqpp: Are there no spaces that are utterly alien to our intuition, only available through a kind of reasoning that is not accessible to our senses?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqpp: As you confronted this secret, how did it act on you, and especially on your imagination?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqpp: But what about considerations in- volving higher dimensions than the three of common spatial experience?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqpp: In your view, is there, then, any part of mathematics that is radically divorced from sensual intuition?
work_7gyy4v6ryvd2jovyltqplr3ydqpp: What is your earliest memory of mathematics?
work_nsjqc5hbkvgghh4viv26zdnwsiA natural question then arises: how will level- k models perform beyond the classical beauty contest setting?
work_nsjqc5hbkvgghh4viv26zdnwsiThe belief elicitation consisted of a single question: “ What was the AVERAGE of private signals observed by other members of your group? ”.
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpu53582, posted 11 Feb 2014 04:29 UTC 1 Does Beauty Matter in Undergraduate Education?
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpuIn other words, is there evidence that the beauty advantage develops during college?
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpuMunich Personal RePEc Archive Does Beauty Matter in Undergraduate Education?
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpuUgly Ducklings: Does Adolescent Attractiveness Contribute to the Beauty Premium? ” Working paper.
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpu“ Are Appearances Deceiving?
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpu“ Dress for success – does primping pay? ” Labour Economics, 9(3): 361- 373.
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpu“ Scholastic Assessment or G?
work_kaim5cbh5zhqvbpb62r73ourpu“ What Does it Mean to Find the Face of the Franchise?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbi0361- 6843/07 THE F WORD: IS FEMINISM INCOMPATIBLE WITH BEAUTY AND ROMANCE?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiAnother put- down of women?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiAre Attractive Women Unlikely to Be Feminists?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiAre Beauty and Romance Incompatible With Feminism?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiGender differences in automatic ingroup bias: Why do women like women more than men like men?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiImplicit romantic fantasies and women ’s interest in personal power: A glass slipper ef- fect?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiIs there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiNew wave or second stage?
work_igfe6tnws5b7foihhvg3vj7gbiWhat ’s so special about sex?
work_mi7444vyfncotkyiownnkaoqji( B- f) I''(B-- f)+ l?
work_mi7444vyfncotkyiownnkaoqji0 For B--fwithfa CP eigenstate, the asymmetry A depends only on sin@ A- sin 24, for B-+ K~, DDK,,+? T?T, DO, D O?
work_mi7444vyfncotkyiownnkaoqji0 For B--fwithfa CP eigenstate, the asymmetry A depends only on sin@ A- sin 24, for B-+ K~, DDK,,+? T?T, DO, D O?
work_mi7444vyfncotkyiownnkaoqjiA- sin 2$* for B-? T+?T-, p p,.
work_mi7444vyfncotkyiownnkaoqjiPREJUDICES ABOUT CP VIOLATION IN THE B- B SYSTEM 0 The best signal for CP violation is an asymmetry: r(B-- f)- l?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaDoes it express emotion?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaFor example, are sports events artistic performances by Dutton ’s criteria?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaHence they include features that come to anybody ’s mind when confronted with an artifact – Does it show skill?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaIf art is an adaptation, how can it be at the same time a costly display, which is strictly speaking non- adaptive?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaIs it pleasurable to look at or listen to?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaWhat explains this uniformity?
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaYet he does not suggest that some arts( literature?)
work_j3zfdlberbfhlps5avu4cm3icaare adaptations, while others( painting?)
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxme( 2004), “ Shopping for a better world?
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxme( 2015), “ Who decides to give a gift of fresh flowers?
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxme( 2017), “ When is it necessary to localize product packaging? ”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol.
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxmeDennis, J.H., Behe, B.K., Fernandez, T.R., Schutzki, R., Page, T.J. and Spreng, R.A.( 2005), “ Do plant guarantees matter?
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxmeYue, C. and Hall, C.( 2010), “ Traditional or specialty cut flowers?
work_loe4coaeebdxbdmvajqraprxmeand Anderson, N.( 2011), “ Do native and invasive labels affect consumer willingness to pay for plants?
work_powckasejzhtxdsv2ryfhnmu5qPersonality and Social managers less biased?
work_powckasejzhtxdsv2ryfhnmu5qfaces: rudiment of a stereotype?
work_ozmiigbmgjga7cjhra3woeof74Has she learnt anything new that should alter this judg- ment?
work_ozmiigbmgjga7cjhra3woeof74When she awakens on Monday, what should Beauty ’s credence be that the coin landed Heads?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2y15 What if the time of the toss itself is unknown: for example, if it will occur during the first 10 minutes of the Monday waking?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2y19 What if we pose different mathematical questions on each run of the experiment?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yDoes this lead to a problematic automatic confirmation for GGG?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yHow should thirders respond to this argument?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yIs there then any sense in asking what Beauty ’s credences ought to be?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yMany Worlds?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2ySaunders et al., Many Worlds?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2ySaunders et al., Many Worlds?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2ySaunders et al., Many Worlds?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2ySaunders et al., Many Worlds?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yShould he take this observation to support EQM over ST?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2ySince this situation genuinely is analogous to the Technicolour Beauty scenario, does an analogue of the thirder effect arise?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yThese are highly controversial conclusions; how does Bradley reach them?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yWhat if it is unknown in a self- centred way: if it will occur 10 minutes after the Monday waking, and there is no clock in Beauty ’s room?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yWhat is the probability of the new evidence acquired via our agents ’ observations, given the various hypotheses being tested?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yWhat should her credence be that the coin landed Heads, before and after seeing that the paper is Red?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yWhy does the sampling model help?
work_ajotrobhxbgpxcydpffybaye2yWhy is this connection epistemically relevant?
work_otjkv3b5n5ap7bhpegzqm6yzvuDoes the plasma volume and the renal protective effect of an infusion of albumin persist after 48 hours?
work_otjkv3b5n5ap7bhpegzqm6yzvuFor instance, when renal function deteriorates after paracentesis is the deterioration reversible, and if so how long does it take to recover?
work_otjkv3b5n5ap7bhpegzqm6yzvuThe effect of large volume paracentesis on plasma volume- a cause of hypovolaemia?
work_r2fkvnggpndhxdy4enlxzzkvu4Looking for a formerly published Socrates site?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qAre the good beautiful or the beautiful good?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4q3, 390- 423 0033- 2909/00/$5.00 DOI: 10.1037//0033- 2909.126.3.390 Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qAnother put- down of women?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qDo grades reflect treatment by a teacher and belong in designation o f academic ability?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qDoes human facial attractiveness honestly advertise health?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qDoes mate selection work in conjunction or compe- tition with differential parental solicitude or good genes?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qEmbarrassing age spots or just plain ugly?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qExperienced and inexperienced counselors''first impressions of clients and case outcomes: Are first impressions lasting?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qGender and attractiveness biases in hiring decisions: Are most experienced managers less biased?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qGuilty or not guilty?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qIf attractiveness is somewhat important for w o m e n choosing long- term mates, would this finding falsify the theory?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qInfant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qOr do they reflect attributes o f the individual such as intelligence/ performance and belong in behaviors/ traits?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qReading faces: Window to the soul?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qThe role of physical attractiveness in the observation of adult- child interactions: Eye of the beholder or behavioral reality?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qWhat do women want?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qWhat''s average and not average about attractive faces?
work_27pvkf7yjzdfddabjqdzoixl4qWhy does appearance affect social experience?
work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4Why worry about style? work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4 Are n''t the rules arbitrary anyway?
work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4But which programming style is best?
work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4Does n''t it take too much time to make it look pretty?
work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4One question that always generates a variety of responses is"how many spaces should I indent?"
work_mjy5ax6whfgsxmgowcuw7pv7d4Who cares what a program looks like if it works?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaAnd what kind of computer system would be needed in such a facility?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaAnd, seven years on, has this partner- ship been a success?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaBut could such a library actually work in reality?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaCould we peacefully coexist, offering complementary services and collections that would enhance each library ’s own?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaHow dependent or independent would the two libraries be?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaOr would the new partnership result in never- ending headaches for the managers and animosity between the two staffs?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaShould the collections use Library of Congress( LC) classifi cation or the Dewey Decimal System, or both?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaShould the two collections be integrated or separate?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaSo why did the City of Westminster and Front Range Community College undertake such a venture?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaWhat about parking, and the fact that the college and city are on different fi scal calendars?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaWould the two libraries merge to become one, or function more as next- door neighbors?
work_hvyrywdlnrgmtlnboce7snmdaaWould there be constant confl icts between user groups( for example, college students and preschoolers)?
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73ji( 2005) Aberrant retinal projections in congenitally deaf mice: How are phenotypic characteristics specified in development and evolution?
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73jiAssociated questions include these: How variable are features of brain orga- nization?
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73jiHirth F, Reichert H( 2007) Basic nervous system types: One or many?.
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73jiHow variable is gene expression and gene deployment during development within a population?
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73jiIn addition, what factors contribute to this multilayered variability of the organism?
work_ll4mv7kpxzenjod7ldcfiy73jiWhat Factors Contribute to Phenotypic Variability?
work_qvnjf62bingg3olcis5m4misje@ � � 1 �= � � � � A& �? � � � � � 0"� A � � 1, �= � � � � � �=!
work_qvnjf62bingg3olcis5m4misjeWhy stem cells?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfi5:240).12This of course raises the issue: what is the relation between the act of judgingand the feeling of pleasure in a judgement of taste?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfiAn interesting incidental question is: what exactly does Kantmean by ‘ roses in general ’?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfiBut what is the content of that concept?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfiSo what is the act inquestion?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfiWhat then could it be?
work_kwamycsux5dwdbkcqqzrrsdsfiWhat, then, is the logical relation between the two judgements?
work_rzszopwpp5gtphppk4rwk2lhneWho Owns Outsider Art?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeBut which individuals remain longer in the workforce?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeDoes Predictability Matter?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeList Sally Sadoff Mathis Wagner So you want to run an experiment, now what?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeMoney Saved or Money Spent by the Trust Fund?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeN ° 50/06 Andrea Buffa Chiara Monticone Do European Pension Reforms Improve the Adequacy of Saving?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeN ° 71/07 Flavia Coda Moscarola Women participation and caring decisions: do different institutional frameworks matter?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeSENIORITY AND EARLY RETIREMENT Giovanni Mastrobuoni Filippo Taddei Age Before Beauty?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeWhy is there mandatory retirement?
work_dbrivs5tbzbqrfwdyratl5kzyeWorking Paper 120/11 AGE BEFORE BEAUTY?
work_ras7wc7ogra3rblvupciwqdzwiIs T- violated?
work_ras7wc7ogra3rblvupciwqdzwiWhat is the origin of the low mass peak?
work_o3d3beoccfh7rdbc7iky33kwniAssessing recreational and scenic quality: How does new forestry rate?
work_o3d3beoccfh7rdbc7iky33kwniThe aesthetics of forestry: What has empirical preference research taught us?
work_o3d3beoccfh7rdbc7iky33kwni“ Socially acceptable ” forestry: What does it imply for ecosystem man- agement?
work_s4gpwg5zxjhuzdgkf7hcpt3t5uSleeping beauty — a mouse model for all cancers?
work_nhs5bqarbzcbfbnmauzflhgaaqFra ser S., Agency Ma de Over?
work_nhs5bqarbzcbfbnmauzflhgaaqFra ser S., Agency Ma de Over?
work_nhs5bqarbzcbfbnmauzflhgaaqI šta je tu sra mo ta?
work_nhs5bqarbzcbfbnmauzflhgaaqKa ko ova sko ro ri tu al na for ma ob na vlja mit o le po ti?
work_qjpdv32frbbudphd3t5xfq5dkm( 2011) Beauty contested: how much of Keynes''remains in behavioural economics''beauty contests?
work_qjpdv32frbbudphd3t5xfq5dkmPoskitt, R.( 2011) Do liquidity or credit effects explain the behaviour of the LIBOR- OIS spread?
work_qjpdv32frbbudphd3t5xfq5dkmSnider C.& Youle, T.( 2010) Does the LIBOR Reflect Banks ’ Borrowing Costs?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyBieri, P. Wie wäre es, gebildet zu sein?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyBut do we really need to know that a bird ’s song is a territorial marker in order to hear it as a melody?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyCan you guess what these pictures represent?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyCan you tell what season it is in the various pictures?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyHow would this affect the quality of your life?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyHowever, what about the season in the last picture?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyIf landscapes are larger natural units, what constitutes their unity?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyIs not the “ dancing ” of light reflexes or the corrugation of waves on Lake Constance anthropomorphic and expressive, after all?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyIt is difficult to tell, is it not?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyLet me go back to the question I started with: How would a world devoid of landscape beauty affect your quality of life?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivySo, the question remains: How is it infused into landscape?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyWhich country?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyWhich year?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyWhy is it important to defend this view?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyWhy would you not share it?
work_dljuyqketrhv3f53saht3oqivyWould it affect it only marginally, or not at all, or fundamentally?
work_pmd2sqx2wjgvxbjkrsddhe4j6iHowever, what about the subject of the two issues?
work_pmd2sqx2wjgvxbjkrsddhe4j6iPlus the obvious subsequent question: how does this affect treatment with the present day drugs, and can new targets be discovered?
work_psxq27kmnneplh776wgfcqfgey“ Beyond Eurocentrism?
work_psxq27kmnneplh776wgfcqfgey“ Term Limits and Rotation of Chinese Governors: Do they Matter to Economic Growth? ” Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 13( 3): 274- 297.
work_psxq27kmnneplh776wgfcqfgey“ The Reproduction of Heritage in a Chinese Village: Whose Heritage, Whose Pasts? ” International Journal of Heritage Studies 22( 3): 228- 241.
work_psxq27kmnneplh776wgfcqfgey“ The end of alternatives?
work_nnwqvrvvtraqhadefvq6ovpevuFinally, having said something about those axiom systems, it is possible to also address briefly what ‘ logical reasoning ’ is?
work_nnwqvrvvtraqhadefvq6ovpevuFour or five areas of God ’s beautification?
work_nnwqvrvvtraqhadefvq6ovpevu Hersh, R., 1997, What is mathematics, really?, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcu), The legitimacy of medical treat- ment: What role for the medical exception?.
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuAnd if so, is this costly to the NHS?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuAs McHale has asked, will the ‘ cosmetically unenhanced become an effectively unemployable underclass? ’[ 21].
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuBut do these concerns translate into actual harm?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuBut having considered the risks we might ask when, if ever, is non therapeutic and potentially harmful surgery in a person ’s best interests?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuHanefeld, J., Horsfall, D., Lunt, N., Smith, R.( 2013) Medical tourism: A cost or benefit to the NHS?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuIf it ai n’t broke, do n’t fix it? ’: Scandals, ‘ Risk ’ ’, and cosmetic surgery regulation in the UK and France.
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuIs a global regulatory response possible?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuMcHale asks; ‘ would the adolescent and parent denied surgery in the UK simply hop on Eurostar or EasyJet and receive treatment elsewhere? ’[ 21].
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuReforming the Regulation of Cosmetic Surgery in the UK?
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuSee, ‘ Cosmetic surgery abroad: Is it worth the risk? ’ The Guardian, Matthew Jenkin, 4 August 2014.
work_e6o2k5i7n5ashioq2rovhwujcuThe medical exception and cosmetic surgery: Culpable doctors and harmful enhancement?
work_st5xlymqhrdk5oiwsn3nqada3qThey say a picture paints a thousand words but is it also true that a picture paints a thousand numbers?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuAlthough the movies may indeed project a stereotyped view of good- looking people, is the public influenced by these stereotyped portrayals?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuAre the Beautiful Good in Hollywood?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuAre the beautiful good in Hollywood?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuBut does this suggest that changes in media portrayals have produced changes in public attitudes?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuBut from where is it learned?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuBut what is the evidence that the popular media portray an unbalanced view of physically attractive people?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuDo the mass media encourage or reinforce the pervasive stereotypes that link beauty and positive traits?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuDoes it suggest that changes in public attitudes have produced changes in the programming choices of television executives?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuEmbarrassing age spots or just plain ugly?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuInfant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_jvoiblbbqna3hl3hxogu6cpekuOr does it suggest that other variables are responsible for both changes?
work_riy6wf7hwrco5ns2yycbiwhczqBeyond the Golden Section and normative aesthetics: Why do individuals differ so much in their aesthetic preferences for rectangles?
work_riy6wf7hwrco5ns2yycbiwhczqWhat is the allure of these patterns?
work_riy6wf7hwrco5ns2yycbiwhczqWhy have we been compelled to create and view them over the course of human history?
work_o2slg3mmyvazxexqfpirewk5sa( 1993) Isolated profundaplasty in critical limb ischemia – still of any use?
work_o2slg3mmyvazxexqfpirewk5sa( 2004) Does deep femoral artery revascularization as an isolated procedure play a role in chronic critical limb ischemia?
work_o2slg3mmyvazxexqfpirewk5saDoes it have any role at all in vascular sur- gery, or should it simply become part of medical history?
work_o2slg3mmyvazxexqfpirewk5saThe inevitable question today is: Does surgical profundaplasty have any role in the modern management of peripheral vascular disease?
work_o2slg3mmyvazxexqfpirewk5saThe question is: Can profundaplasty alone still be useful?
work_rwj6sjifszdancgeltwvlkvppqShould it be an incrementalistic approach or rather a brute force consideration of all the alternative combinations?
work_rwj6sjifszdancgeltwvlkvppqWhy stop there?
work_rwj6sjifszdancgeltwvlkvppqare all the cyclical components contemporaneous with the output gap?
work_so7dmjiw55fe5ou3i7n6yttceu2014 32 PDF Save Alert Research Feed Is beautiful really usable?
work_pni3amp3frdktmhdkzfnmlp7r414 Otázka zněla: Jak celkově hodnotíte svou fyzickou přitažlivost?
work_pni3amp3frdktmhdkzfnmlp7r415 Otázka zněla: Jak celkově hodnotíte respondentovu fyzickou přitažlivost?
work_pni3amp3frdktmhdkzfnmlp7r4„ Does It Pay to Be Smart, Attractive, or Confi dent( or All Three)?
work_pni3amp3frdktmhdkzfnmlp7r4„ Dress for Success – Does Primping Pay? “ Labour Economics 9( 3): 361–373,
work_pni3amp3frdktmhdkzfnmlp7r4„ Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_pefpu3kgevcz3ahyxsgfhv5au4“ Amazon ’s Mechanical Turk: A New Source of Inexpensive, Yet High- Quality, Data? ” Perspectives on Psychological Science.
work_pefpu3kgevcz3ahyxsgfhv5au4“ Do Pretty Women Inspire Men to Discount the Future? ” Biology Letters, 271: 177- 179.
work_pefpu3kgevcz3ahyxsgfhv5au4“ Is trust a risky decision? ” Journal of Economic Behavior& Organization, 55(4): 447- 465.
work_pefpu3kgevcz3ahyxsgfhv5au4“ What ’s Advertising Content Worth?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qq( What) do we want them to be?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qq12 In what ways might skin lightening be encouraged and attained?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qq24 Does that mean that selection for skin tone( a partly biological feature) is not as problematic as for race( a social category)?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qq258 Health Care Anal( 2018) 26:246–268 123 Fair Skin Selection for Beauty What about selection for fair skin for the purposes of beauty?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqAi n’t I a beauty queen?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqGender and race:( What) are they?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqHashmi and Whitaker: An unjustifiable and misguided dis- tinction?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqIs selection for beauty here discriminatory?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqORIGINAL ARTICLE Should We Genetically Select for the Beauty Norm of Fair Skin?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqRace, gender, and genetic technologies: A new reproductive dystopia?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqReturning to the variation above, despite my scepticism, what if we assume that the norm does change to darker skin?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqShould We Genetically Select for the Beauty Norm of Fair Skin?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqThat the former can be selected for purely physical reasons absent of racialised baggage?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqWho ’s for amniocentesis?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqWhose debt?
work_e2hma273izbpvbzd47xvoyy7qqWould pre- implantation selection for skin colour as a beauty norm follow suit?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blky+ −?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyCrite- rion knowledge: A moderator of using the recognition heuristic?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyCue 2?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyCue 3 −+?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyCue 4?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyCue 5?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyHow good are simple heuristics?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyObjects: A B C D Recognition+++ − Cues: Cue 1+ −?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blkyRecognition ROCs are curvilinear – or are they?
work_gvlhz4ixenfpdgx6m5dre4blky− −?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeOne might still be worried: does n’t betting at odds that are bad according to one ’s degrees of belief violate standard decision theory?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeShould each accept the bet?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeThe ques- tion now is: when she wakes up what should her degree of belief be that the outcome was heads?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeWhat about her degrees of belief upon waking up though?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeWhat is wrong with Elga ’s argument that SB should change her mind upon waking up?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeWhat is wrong with my argument that SB should not change her mind upon waking up?
work_lnhe3vhtwva23ntxzsm4s63pjeWhat should SB( and DB) do?
work_l3mudcgsejgffc25gp4bmewgdqDid Harvard educate DuBois, or was the Crisis making an impression among leading United States intellectuals?
work_l3mudcgsejgffc25gp4bmewgdqHad not James Weldon Johnson already written about beauty and racial consciousness only to end with a renunciation of aesthetics?
work_l3mudcgsejgffc25gp4bmewgdqOnly by using propaganda to cut a distinction between art and aesthetics can DuBois ask, what does art do to people, and what can people do with art?
work_l3mudcgsejgffc25gp4bmewgdqThis pronounce- ment seems muddled: how can “ all Art ” al- ready be propaganda while “ any art ” has the potential to be propaganda?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4( 1993) Der Westen hat gesiegt – hat der Westen gesiegt?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4( 2005) ‘ Sind fünfzig Jahre eine Ewigkeit?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Austria ’s Role as a Peacemaker During the Cold War Austrian Neutrality: Peacemaker by Choice or by Fate?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Citation for published version: Gebhard, C 2013,''Is Small Still Beautiful?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Der Spiegel( 1962) ‘ Österreich: Neutralität in Brüssel suspekt? ’, Der Spiegel No.
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Gehler, M.( 2000) ‘ Quo Vadis Neutralität? ’, in Gehler, M. and R. Steininger( eds) Die Neutralen und die europäische Integration 1945- 1995.
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Goetschel, L.( 1999) ‘ Neutrality, a Really Dead Concept? ’, Cooperation and Conflict 34: 2, 312- 333.
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Is Small Still Beautiful?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Microsoft Word- Gebhard 2013- FINAL AUTHOR VERSION.doc Edinburgh Research Explorer Is Small Still Beautiful?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Small State Austria: Smallness as Fate or Asset?
work_k2e2wvq4vzdx3mwc2mqf7w72t4Special Issue: Natural Born Peacemakers?
work_q5y72zyhlrgovjizds7fc7zamiHow have we come to this situation?
work_q5y72zyhlrgovjizds7fc7zamiIs this a bad or a good thing?
work_q5y72zyhlrgovjizds7fc7zamiPO W ER: WH A T''S I N A WO RD?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhu; That one facial hair scores you a 6 in the Ugly Meter?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhu; Your face ranks lower than your more attractive friend?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhu; Your reemerging facial spots undermined your latest high score in the Beauty Meter?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuBanet- Weiser, S.( 2014) Am I Pretty or Ugly?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuDosekun, S.( 2015) For Western Girls Only?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuHow, then, can we ‘ think together ’ these bodies of work in order to develop a critical understanding of rapidly proliferating appearance apps?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuOuellette, L( 2016) Dream Jobs?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuThen why not trying a microdermabrasion?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuWhat flavours or styles are added? ’( Rettberg, 2014:21) and what are ‘ the consequences of seeing ourselves as data bodies ’( ibid:61).
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuWhat is filtered out?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuYour eyebags rank your face as ugly?
work_ehbcjcxlsfajxi6cs6uhfzdnhuis it too ‘ wide ’, ‘ thin ’, ‘ round ’, ‘ square ’, is the nose too ‘ broad ’ or ‘ long ’?).
work_nfcstmqrtzajtm6qa3voczfusuWh at, h ast th ou din ed?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvu6, n.º 1, diciembre 2013, 139- 162/ cc by- nc- nd o´ReiLLy, Tim( 2005): What Is Web 2.0?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvu6, n.º 1, diciembre 2013, 139- 162/ cc by- nc- nd winneR( 1980): Do Artifacts Have Politics?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvuandeRson, Paul( 2007): What Is Web 2.0?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvuinneRaRity, Daniel and Ander guRRutxaga( 2009): ¿ Cómo Es Una Sociedad Inno- vadora?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvu¿ Construcción social o tecnología autónoma?
work_n7vo4ng5evgcnogo4v3ezwagvu¿ Construcción social o tecnología autónoma?
work_rphilxg7tzbltdjb3mmrnuxsgmAm J Gas- troenterol 104:2830–2836 4 Tech Coloproctol( 2017) 21:1–4 123 Irrigation, lavage, colonic hydrotherapy: from beauty center to clinic?
work_rphilxg7tzbltdjb3mmrnuxsgmDe Giorgio R, Volta U, Gibson PR( 2016) Sensitivity to wheat, gluten and FODMAPs in IBS: facts or fiction?
work_rphilxg7tzbltdjb3mmrnuxsgmE D I T O R I A L Irrigation, lavage, colonic hydrotherapy: from beauty center to clinic?
work_rphilxg7tzbltdjb3mmrnuxsgmIrrigation, lavage, colonic hydrotherapy: from beauty center to clinic?
work_p3j7x4375fcj5bqxgrq4k47g6a67 Claudia Brunner, ‘ Female Suicide Bombers – Male Suicide Bombing?
work_p3j7x4375fcj5bqxgrq4k47g6a94 Jennifer Heeg Maruska, ‘ When are states hypermasculine? ’, in Gender and International Security: Feminist Perspectives, by Laura Sjoberg( ed.
work_pkksflm3czb4bgdhxkginnnnguAutistic Aphorisms 2 December 2009 Blog Post Autism and talent: Why?
work_rmqhmm7ckvdetn72fh7isj6x54Actualists say that we should f when f- ing would be preferable to what we would do otherwise, whereas possibilists say that we should?
work_rmqhmm7ckvdetn72fh7isj6x54Published and Forthcoming From Teleosemantics to Normative EthicsThis paper attempts to answer the question"what kinds of action are morally wrong?"
work_rmqhmm7ckvdetn72fh7isj6x54by first asking the question"what kinds of action is it fitting for us to morally disapprove of?"
work_ugec6ybcivgq3lv767rmtkyt2yDisponível em:< titulo=''Plantas%20T%F3xicas>.
work_tsaqvgb55zb7jphbqe3wbf5ffaTrouble on the Horizon?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiudu6 I have discussed elsewhere the sexualized business culture and its consequences for professional women; see Jieyu Liu “ Sexualized Labour?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduAfter asking Xiao Zhang how her wedding preparations were going, Mr Wang asked ‘ why did you choose him?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduGayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “ Can the Subaltern Speak?, ”, in Colonial Discourse and Post- Colonial Theory: A Reader ed.
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduHave n’t you already been there?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduHow would this pressure be reduced for men?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduIt feels pleasant with women around, does n’t it?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduQ: How will this arrangement play in the workplace?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduQ: How?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduQ: What does a dry craving mean?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduQ: What is the most suitable proportion of women in a workplace?
work_jqo5nfubfbgjvooaexediaiuduWould re- eroticization of workplace culture bring pleasure or harassment in an organizational setting?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme42   » Können Sie mir sagen, was Schönheit sei?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Chater, N.( 1999) The search for simplicity: A fundamental cognitive principle?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Cognitive Science, 32, 36- 67 Chater, N.& Vitanyi, P.( 2003) Simplicity: A unifying principle in cognitive science?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Conclusions So what has been achieved with these musings about beauty?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Constructivist Instruction: Success or failure?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4How can we have both harmony and variety, and change as well?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4How is perfect form to be achieved?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Or must it remain inconceivable?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver''s processing experience?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4To quote a recent newspaper article: Is beauty dead?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What allows one person to experience beauty where another remains unmoved?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What are the properties of an object so that it can be perceived as beautiful?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What do these criteria imply for mental representations that are experienced as beautiful?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What is it that can make these objects and events beautiful?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What sort of models M can result in encodings that we experience as beautiful?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4What would a cognitive theory of aesthetics look like?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4When is complexity compression possible?
work_do5hsbkm7nhw5iptquhxxmdme4Why is it that we can read a great book many times and it becomes more interesting with each reading?
work_q5eqnww3jjddzh22dj4qsd336eDOI:10.1007/ s11019- 016- 9699- 0 Corpus ID: 33858610Borrowed beauty?
work_q5eqnww3jjddzh22dj4qsd336ePDF] Borrowed beauty?
work_q5eqnww3jjddzh22dj4qsd336eUnderstanding identity in Asian facial cosmetic surgery@article{Aquino2016BorrowedBU, title={Borrowed beauty?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweDepartment of Economics Working Paper Series Productivity or Discrimination?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweDiscussion: Why is better looking also smarter?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweGiam Pietro Cipriani, Angelo Zago WP Number: 18 December 2005 ISSN: 0000- 0000 Productivity or Discrimination?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweHowever, an important question remains unanswered: is the impact of beauty due to pure discrimination or productivity?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweIII.2 It ’s not discrimination, is it?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweMaxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweThe other variable related to performance that we employ is the exams average grade and thus we estimate the following:, i i i i g X bd i g?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweWe then estimate the following equation:, i i i i n X bd i g?
work_gniikk56ozfrdkymnqceabofweà Ô?
work_qe5cznrdqzfoxc636pqgklyrnmAre there any 100 year old cups around still in use?
work_qe5cznrdqzfoxc636pqgklyrnmIn short, is it possible to design a beautifully fragile, yet eminently desirable to use, cup?
work_qe5cznrdqzfoxc636pqgklyrnmWhat have been the''classic cups''to date?
work_qe5cznrdqzfoxc636pqgklyrnmWould not the former force the cup behind locked glass doors?
work_qe5cznrdqzfoxc636pqgklyrnm[ 23] How then to cultivate user participation in more sustainable product- lives?
work_utyh4ek3ljdlzjtixwavrsnhueLooking for a formerly published Socrates site?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyDo simple heuristics really freeload on the effort hidden in the computation of cue orders?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyFor example, could it be that at least one of the, say, three most valid cues is ordered correctly?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyHow Good Are People ’s Intuitions About Cue Directions?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyHow Well Do Heuristics Perform When Fed With People ’s Cue Directions?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyHow good are simple heuristics?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyIf cue order does not affect predictive accuracy much, then what does?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyIgnoring information in binary choice with continuous variables: When is less “ more ”?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyIn our second investi- gation, we ask: How good or bad are people ’s intuitions about cue directions?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyIndividual Learning From Minute Samples: How Good Could It Be?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyRe- visions of rationality?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuySimple heuris- tics from the adaptive toolbox: Can we perform the requisite learning?
work_jkchjl5dzja55ow4jiplc6mvuyWhy is it so?
work_sq6z55mxefhytgdmpdxd6g4icqDevelopmental constraints on or developmental structure in brain evolution?
work_sq6z55mxefhytgdmpdxd6g4icqWhat is a gene?
work_sq6z55mxefhytgdmpdxd6g4icqWhat is the goal of sensory coding?
work_sq6z55mxefhytgdmpdxd6g4icqWhy this conservation?
work_trptsagiwbcapmpmc2req7he4iShould we genetically select for the beauty norm of fair skin?
work_trptsagiwbcapmpmc2req7he4iThe third paper in the volume, “ Should We Genetically Select for the Beauty Norm of Fair Skin? ” is by Herjeet Marway.
work_l5jzoaiilzg3biaidrgp5fykxqAn Ideal Husband?
work_l5jzoaiilzg3biaidrgp5fykxqIs there a desirable Migrant?
work_l5jzoaiilzg3biaidrgp5fykxqThey are not immigration officers are they?
work_l5jzoaiilzg3biaidrgp5fykxqWhat should registrars be doing to tell?
work_l5jzoaiilzg3biaidrgp5fykxqWhere is the Border?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsne2) Do NHS- systems indeed spend less on health care as% of GDP and per capita and are they better in cost control over the same period in time?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsne3) Is, indeed, the population in SSH- systems more posi- tive about its health care system than in NHS- systems?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsne4) If differences exist, do they converge over time?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneDelnoij D, Brenner G: Importing budget systems from other countries: what can we learn from the German drug budget and the British GP fundholding?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneDelnoij D, Van Merode G, Paulus A, Groenewegen P: Does general practitioner gatekeeping curb health care expenditure?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneDid we use the right( outcome) indicators?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsnePolikowski M, Santos- Eggimann B: How comprehensive are the basic packages of health services?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneRos CC, Groenewegen PP, Delnoij DM: All rights reserved, or can we just copy?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneThe point is, however: what is equity and is it an unequivocal concept?
work_l5qhum563rfj3ep3glqcd5gsneVienonen MA, Wlodarczyk WC: Health care reforms on the European scene: evolution, revolution or seesaw?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurq20 What of someone who wanted to defend the beauty of mathematical the- orems and proofs, but rejected propositions?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurq5 Is this genuinely aesthetic?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqAre these the most beautiful?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqBut one can now ask a further question: is mathematics, like painting and literature, an art?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqCould a proof be elegant if it was invalid, or did not possess properties which tend to make proofs valid?.
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqHow might one argue for the thesis that some mathematics, of the pure sort which its practitioners say is pursued for aesthetic reasons, is an art?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqSuppose we colour each point of the complex plane according to which root it converges to — what do we get?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqThe third case is more difficult to pinpoint — perhaps it is a fact which is beautiful?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqWhat actual arguments can be adduced pro and con?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurqWhat else is it?
work_k7zbdnp5lrguxjwffvdgvtlurq[ Bôcher, 1904, p. 133] Why are numbers beautiful?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq08- 01 Oprea, R., Porter, D., Hibbert, C., Hanson, R. and Tila, D. Can Manipulators Mislead Prediction Market Observers?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq08- 06 Anctil, R., Dickhaut, J., Johnson, K., and Kanodia, C. Does Information Transparency Decrease Coordination Failure?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq10- 04 Lin, S. and Rassenti, S. Are Under- and Over- reaction the Same Matter?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq10- 05 Shields, T. Do Analysts Tell the Truth?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq10- 16 Deck, C. and Kimbrough, E. Can Markets Save Lives?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq10- 18 Deck, C. and Sheremeta, R. Fight or Flight?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq10- 19 Sheremeta, R. and Shields, T. Do Investors Trust or Simply Gamble?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq11 Economic   Science   Institute   Working   Papers   2011 11- 07 Grether, D., Porter, D., and Shum, M. Intimidation or Impatience?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfq11- 01 Corgnet, B., Kujal, P. and Porter, D. Reaction to Public Information in Markets: How Much Does Ambiguity Matter?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqAre Risk Aver- sion and Impatience Related to Cognitive Ability?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqBrown and J. M. Shapiro, 2006. Who is"Behav- ioral"?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqCan Groups Solve the Problem of Over- Bidding in Contests?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqDo Shareholders Listen?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqHow much does the ball cost?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqIf it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?
work_hg72fo4c7raqdbnbitjd5dlvfqPrice Increasing Competition?
work_ubqjdwldszfstjgjyjualh3miqWhat structural intricacies are at work which create the entrancing flash of colours exhibited by opals with such chromatic purity?
work_ubqjdwldszfstjgjyjualh3miqWhy do rubies display a dazzling red lumines- cence when illuminated with blue light?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemAre the good beautiful or the beautiful good?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgem3, 390- 423 0033- 2909/00/$5.00 DOI: 10.1037//0033- 2909.126.3.390 Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemAnother put- down of women?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemDo grades reflect treatment by a teacher and belong in designation o f academic ability?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemDoes human facial attractiveness honestly advertise health?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemDoes mate selection work in conjunction or compe- tition with differential parental solicitude or good genes?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemEmbarrassing age spots or just plain ugly?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemExperienced and inexperienced counselors''first impressions of clients and case outcomes: Are first impressions lasting?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemGender and attractiveness biases in hiring decisions: Are most experienced managers less biased?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemGuilty or not guilty?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemIf attractiveness is somewhat important for w o m e n choosing long- term mates, would this finding falsify the theory?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemInfant preferences for attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemOr do they reflect attributes o f the individual such as intelligence/ performance and belong in behaviors/ traits?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemReading faces: Window to the soul?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemThe role of physical attractiveness in the observation of adult- child interactions: Eye of the beholder or behavioral reality?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemWhat do women want?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemWhat''s average and not average about attractive faces?
work_dqh2gqckmfdhlcnniwmxlhsgemWhy does appearance affect social experience?
work_urs3yl5gbjhbfklueuww6nuzdmStructure 10, this issue, 1489–to the chaperone function in SurA, and if so, which parts 1498.of it actually form the binding surface?
work_urs3yl5gbjhbfklueuww6nuzdmUSA 94, 13093–13098.both?
work_s2yebj2c4ncb5jhudfewsxjaee7 Given that systematicity is an idea and not an empirical concept or a cate- gory of the understanding, how if at all can it be symbolized?
work_s2yebj2c4ncb5jhudfewsxjaeeDo we have any indication of whether such a mind is really possible?
work_s2yebj2c4ncb5jhudfewsxjaeeIs there any content to the idea at all?
work_s2yebj2c4ncb5jhudfewsxjaeeIs this a transcendental idea, rather than an empirical concept or an a priori category?
work_s2yebj2c4ncb5jhudfewsxjaee’ 10 For further discussion of the evidential role of certain kinds of symbolization see my ‘ Are Supersensibles Really Possible?
work_t2vkdbhx4jfyvpeeurbgkelltqКо од лу чу је ко ја мо да ће би ти про гла ше­ на гло бал ном ­ ући у ар хив?
work_u5qqyeobgfb3rg2g4npeuuyzh4Brisson, L. À quelles conditions peut- on parler de"matière"dans la Timeé de Platon?
work_u5qqyeobgfb3rg2g4npeuuyzh4Socrates:"And does not this line, reaching from corner to corner, bisect each of these spaces?"
work_u5qqyeobgfb3rg2g4npeuuyzh4Stewart, I.; Golubitsky, M. Fearful symmetry: is God a geometer?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e( 1993), � What is Coe¢ cient Alpha?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e29 Eckel, Catherine and Philip Grossman( 1998), � Are Women Less Sel � sh Than Men?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eBehavior of Attractive People Why do attractive men and women make more money?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eBehavior of Men and Women Are women more sel � sh than men?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eBut are there implications of the beauty and gender e¤ects 26 we found for the real world?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eCould this be punishment of behavior that does not meet expectations?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eCould this signi � cant increase in cooperation with information be explained by favoritism based on sex stereotypes?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eDoes Beauty Pay?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eDoes Gender Pay?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eFavoritism and Beauty Stereotypes Could the observed beauty premium be due to favoritism towards attractive peo- ple?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eGender Di¤erences in Beauty Stereotypes Does favoritism di¤er by gender?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eLanglois, Judith, Lisa Klakanis, Adam Rubenstein, Andrea Larson, Monica Hallam, and Monica Smoot( 2000), � Maxims or Myths of Beauty?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eThe Combined E¤ects of Beauty and Gender Dothee¤ectsof beautyandgenderholdwhenwecontrol for themtogether?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eWhy are these results important?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eWhy do men attain this information bene � t and women do not?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eWhy do nonattractive people reverse their behavior from one treatment to the next?
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3eZebrowitz, L.A.( 1997), Reading Faces: Window to the Soul?, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
work_eezzkhqqi5hhvbasttel5u7y3e� Good Examples � and Sex Stereotypes Are people more cooperative with men than with women?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemAre good- looking people more employable?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemDo Attractiveness- Based Biases Generalize to Between- Ethnicity Evaluations?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemDo Attractiveness- Based Social Evaluation Biases Generalize to Other Ethnic Groups?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemDo human females use indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemDoes being attractive always help?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemDoes self- threat promote social con- nection?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemIs actual simi- larity necessary for attraction?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemIs beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemIs love colorblind?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemIs there an own- race preference in attractiveness?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemMaxims or myths of beauty?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemOr, instead, might differences in their ethnicities change their social schema such that the applicant is no longer perceived as a threat?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemThe weirdest people in the world?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemWhat leads to romantic attraction: Simi- larity, reciprocity, security, or beauty?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemWhen does race matter?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemWould the candidate ’s attractiveness give him or her an advan- tage in the job selection process?
work_iasolepbgjcp3jmhohr47xhqemWould the manager still derogate the attractive same- sex applicant?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxi( How can what she learns on Monday be relevant to the coin flip?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxi( Would n’t Beauty wonder what day it is?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxi20 7.2 Does Beauty lose relevant evidence when she awakes?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxi7.1 Does Beauty gain relevant evidence when she awakes?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiAnd how can she lose relevant evidence?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiAt that point, should you then ignore your evidence that you are awake?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiBut consider a second question: when Beauty wakes up on Monday what should be her degree of belief that it is Monday?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiBut what, in the eyes of the optimist, is wrong with thirder arguments for( EQ)?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiDoes the case of Cal show that inertia is false?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiDoes the revised case show that, given inertia, Cal gains relevant evidence?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiIs it 1/3 as thirders claim?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiIs n’t one free to stipulate anything one likes?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiOr 1/2 as halfers say?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiShe does n’t forget anything or have a cognitive mishap — how can she lose relevant evidence in some other way?)
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiShould one conclude by inertia that Beauty gains relevant evidence?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiShould we respond to evil with indifference?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiThat is, what is P( M ON)?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWhat does she learn that is relevant to the coin flip?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWhat evidence does she lose and how does she lose it?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWhen Beauty wakes on Monday, what should be her degree of belief that the coin lands heads?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWhich reasoning should we accept, the optimist ’s or the thirder ’s?
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWould n’t she learn something if she is told that it is Monday?)
work_bmd6jl5ybzb4pa7sudq6vwnjxiWould n’t you doubt whether your memories are accurate?)
work_wkhrfigojncdbixbsdg6yjkhyyIs the Netherlands sustainable as a global- scale inner- city?
work_ut3g3sx2z5hyldadlfzbyhf2jmThe first question that should be asked, the first of those many decisions to make should be: Would your loved one have wanted to be a tissue donor?
work_ut3g3sx2z5hyldadlfzbyhf2jmWho has to be notified?
work_twseyqgrdbbh5avurodohjrxweWhat could be the way forward in further exploring the mechanism(s) by which pancreatic β- cells adapt to changes in the level of blood glucose?
work_twseyqgrdbbh5avurodohjrxweWhat would the islet do with the extra pancreatic β- cells when the individual is fasting or exposed to low glucose levels?
work_twseyqgrdbbh5avurodohjrxweWhat, then, is the driving force behind the secretion and effective insulin molecule?
work_twj3rsubsnhnniur3ii3xc66leDrafting ’s Improvement of 3000-m Running Performance in Elite Athletes: Is It a Placebo Effect?
work_twj3rsubsnhnniur3ii3xc66leHow could this be?
work_szo5qj2qpjha3mmd475q4krpby“ Amazon ’s Mechanical Turk: A New Source of Inexpensive, Yet High- Quality, Data? ” Perspectives on Psychological Science.
work_szo5qj2qpjha3mmd475q4krpby“ Do Pretty Women Inspire Men to Discount the Future? ” Biology Letters, 271: 177- 179.
work_szo5qj2qpjha3mmd475q4krpby“ Is trust a risky decision? ” Journal of Economic Behavior& Organization, 55(4): 447- 465.
work_szo5qj2qpjha3mmd475q4krpby“ What ’s Advertising Content Worth?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejq53582, posted 11 Feb 2014 04:29 UTC 1 Does Beauty Matter in Undergraduate Education?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejqIn other words, is there evidence that the beauty advantage develops during college?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejqMunich Personal RePEc Archive Does Beauty Matter in Undergraduate Education?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejqUgly Ducklings: Does Adolescent Attractiveness Contribute to the Beauty Premium? ” Working paper.
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejq“ Are Appearances Deceiving?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejq“ Dress for success – does primping pay? ” Labour Economics, 9(3): 361- 373.
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejq“ Scholastic Assessment or G?
work_pyqgbje5tjf6jbogsi7bkyoejq“ What Does it Mean to Find the Face of the Franchise?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu411 ‘ So much the worse for Reflection ’ or ‘ so much the worse for the putative counter- example ’?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4But now let us ask, how can the bookie arrange to sell the second bet to Beauty without violating this restriction?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4Can a Dutch Book be made against Mary?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4Does this strategy provide us with a rival Dutch Book argument, support- ing the answer 1/2?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4First, how does the bookie know to sell the bet on Monday?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4How did the halfer get into this mess?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4How narrow?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4Now what about Beauty ’s ‘ priors ’ of the form P( Mon)?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4That is, how can the bookie formulate an appropriate Dutch Strategy?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4Then what would her degrees of belief be in the propositions Sun, Mon, etc?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4Upon awakening on Monday,1 what should be her degree of belief in H, the proposition that the coin landed heads?
work_kpr6df5pwzgu7iii46iuvwruu4What should Beauty ’s degrees of belief over these centered propos- itions look like?
work_x2ddxaksnjbjxo44s5jg2i4jzmWhat can naturally occurring mutations tell us about the pathogenesis of COPD?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaBut why should this same reasoning not apply to the Heads run, as well?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaFor example, what credence should Beauty assign to the coin toss having come up Heads, if after waking up she were informed that it is day 1?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaHow can we explain this?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaHow does this observation affect the probability of H?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaIs there a correct or most plausible assignment of value to α?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaIs this enough to get standard Conditionalization off the hook?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaMoreover, does the value assigned to α match the value assigned to β, or do they differ?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaPt1( A)= Pt1( A|E)= Pt0( A|E) The question now is: Does Beauty update her credences via Conditionalization upon waking up on day 1?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaShould we respond to Evil with Indifference?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaThe first question( What is the probability of Heads, if today is day 1?)
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaTo answer the second question( what is the probability of H, if today is the last time you wake up?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaWhat can possibly have gone wrong?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaWhat is the probability that you are awake?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaWhat is the probability that you wake up?
work_h4rky7zd25b6niv565xeomvkjaWhy conditionalize?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe#$) 88%1#)2&3<% 1.&''%/-&#$-)8%)-+%#B&#$-)89%D-%&''/*%*(#,/5,%)$#)%&''#%,2*&.6#$%&.2,''%(./-&%.0%/-+/4#-.2*%?-. work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe #$/-4%&''#%7)8)3%)$,''/(#8)4.%)-+%/&*%$/,''%''/*&.$3%)-+%,28&2$#%'')"#%.0&#-%1##-%,8)/6#+%13%,.6(#&/-4%D-+.-#*/)-%1#)2&3%($.+2,&*%* 2,''%)*%72*&/?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe( 6#-&<%6)-)4#6#-&%)-+%6)$?#&/-49%V-8/?#%/&*%,.6(#&/&.$*<%&''#%,.6()-3%'')*%)8*.%1##-%1.8+%#-.24''%&.%8)2-,''%0.2$%+/00#$#-&%*()%(),?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe(.8/&)-% E..?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe(/-4%J,.-.6/#* Malaysia ­ A Notion of Beauty: Brown is Not Beautiful?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe) 9 E)$)?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe* 9^/)''<%G9%79<%WXXf9%Kitab Tib: Ilmu Perubatan Melayu9%F2)8)%g26(2$>%^#$(2*&)?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe*&%.&''#$%7)8)3*/)-%1#)2&3%1$)-+*<%])&)*3)%$# 8/#*%.-%/-A''.2*#%*(.?#*(#.
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe*&.->%G)$")$+%E2*/-#**%R,''.. 8%^$#**9 g/6<%g9<%WXXT9 Ingredients for Success<%SS%b2839% 7#$)-<%L9%E9<%WXXa9%C);)&)-%R()%2-&2?%F)-)?AF)-)?.
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe;+#+% 6)$?#&%)&%&''#%/-/&/)8%*&)4#<%12&%&''#%$)(/+%+/002*/.-%.0%&''#/$%($.+2,&*%&''$.24''%(218/,/&3<%6)$?#&/-4%)-+%+/*&$/12&/.-%-#&;.$?
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpe?#+% 0.$%)*%&''#%+#6)-+%/-%&''#%6)$?#&% 4$.
work_cwn5urx2yrbe7img6v7c7v2cpeL''6)+<%L9%R9<%WXXf9Warisan perubatan Melayu9%F2)8)%g26(2$>%I#;)-%E)'')*)%I)-%^2*&)?
work_qmktq5e3ufci3disdxgweyedty1977[ 43] Donohoe M., “ Beauty and Body Modification: What Is Beautiful?
work_qmktq5e3ufci3disdxgweyedty2 Beauty in human sciences and medicine 2.1 Research on attractiveness: a short history What is beauty?
work_qmktq5e3ufci3disdxgweyedty;"The Stability of Facial Attractiveness: Is It What You ’ve Got or What You Do with It?"
work_qmktq5e3ufci3disdxgweyedtyThis raises another problem: how many samples are required for an adequate sampling of the face space from the point of view of attractiveness?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaAlesina, A., La Ferrara, E., 2002. Who trusts others?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaCompetition to Default?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaDo Philanthropic Citizens Behave Like Governments?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaMaxims or myths of beauty?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaMicrofinance and gender: is there a glass ceiling in loan size?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaScreening in New Credit Markets: Can Individual Lenders Infer Borrower Creditworthiness in Peer- to- peer Lending?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaThe impact of group- based credit programs on poor households in Bangladesh: does the gender of participants matter?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaWhat determines giving to hurricane Katrina victims?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaWhat ’s in a picture?
work_mbynvna4rrglnbhsbfzweuopbaWhen choice is demotivating: can one desire too much of a good thing?
work_vwm4xtbzwzfmfm6ii6dxhlfqzqBEAUTIFUL CONJECTURES IN GRAPH THEORY Adrian Bondy What is a beautiful conjecture?
work_vwm4xtbzwzfmfm6ii6dxhlfqzqTutte 1956 What is a beautiful theorem?
work_vwm4xtbzwzfmfm6ii6dxhlfqzqWhat is a beautiful proof?
work_xkmnbfnt4rba7oiutrvnxwft4aPetitjean, M. Order, entropy and symmetry: An awkward relation?
work_xkmnbfnt4rba7oiutrvnxwft4aSchrödinger, E. What is Life?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyBut if what the young man loves in anne is her blond hair, will he also love this property when it is manifested in any other woman?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyBut which qualities and in which ways?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyCan one draw a neat line between rational and irrational( or at least, non- rational) motives for loving another, or for pursuing love?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyCan the love of a person ’s physical attributes be so strong as to eclipse love of the self “ alone ”?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyIs anne truly loved if she is loved simply for her beauti- ful hair, and not for herself?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyIs rorty ’s skepticism here justified?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyIs that not better, after all, than not being loved in the first place?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyIs the parent- child connection itself not reason enough for love?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyIs there anything general philosophical to be said here, or must we be satisfied with rorty ’s particularism?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyLove anne for her sweet disposition; for her ability always to say the right thing; for her kindness; but for her yellow hair?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyMust we believe the poet?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyPerhaps he tells anne that she is loved, concealing( out of propriety?)
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyWhat is love, if not love for concrete others?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyWhy do I claim that the poem ’s message is dark?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyWhy should it dismay anne if she is loved for the beauty of her hair?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyand what would it be to love anne for herself “ alone ”?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyare we to accept that beauty can be so alluring as to arouse love, in addition to desire?
work_fxgr5wc3pna7hg3vlfjiwhb7dyso why is the poet so confident that anne is truly loved?
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiBisbal, M.( 2007), “ Los medios en Venezuela,+ D � onde estamos? ”, Espacio Abierto Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociologı́a, Vol.
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiRedalyc. Miss Venezuela: more than just beauty?
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiWe congratulate our people, and the key questions are “ What are you planning to do?
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiWhat new projects are there?
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiWhat should I do?
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiWhy did n’t this work out? ” People were closely supervised, making for visible promotion decisions and improved pay.
work_rj3dty3ssrdjxglm73trvcmlsiand Gutiérrez, H.( 2010), “ La economı́a venezolana:+ Y si el milagro no llega? ”, Debates IESA, Vol.
work_yktm6ibcrbdyxe5wvms5lielbaCould electrical activity self- organizes at the mesoscopic level in brain organoids?
work_ucjre62ewvgyzj3uq3jymwpxjaAre there similar features that might make a male face stick in memory?
work_ucjre62ewvgyzj3uq3jymwpxjaBut are all locations retrieved with equal fluency?
work_ucjre62ewvgyzj3uq3jymwpxjaWho attains social status?
work_z4kldqlvenh7xdaqq345ohf3hyHow is a soil monolith made?
work_tvpopkdqbbhjrhm247n7vn5ae4BRIEF REPORT Is better beautiful or is beautiful better?
work_tvpopkdqbbhjrhm247n7vn5ae4Maxims or myths of beauty?
work_tvpopkdqbbhjrhm247n7vn5ae4Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver ’s processing experience?
work_tvpopkdqbbhjrhm247n7vn5ae4Psychon Bull Rev( 2013) 20:566–573 573 Is better beautiful or is beautiful better?
work_xz23rxqqk5cylbpk35ikgub6euCan quantum- mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?
work_xz23rxqqk5cylbpk35ikgub6euHow then can universities such as Waterloo capitalize on this uncommon research legacy?
work_vv5bzxuocnahxdgec3ftcj346qHow do we continue to replicate God ’s glory in time and space?
work_vv5bzxuocnahxdgec3ftcj346qWhat is the chief end of man and woman( and of all creation, for that matter)?
work_vv5bzxuocnahxdgec3ftcj346qWhat particular shape should it take in human speech and action?
work_z7tf2litqjf2jfhkd3jqr6uoh4Professor Stephens has a novel answer as to its attraction: ‘ Why rebuild dry stone walls?
work_ygsa72fnanabrndpm7fmk3vdo4Ten out of ten. ” “ Got it. ” “ Start with the nitros, right? ” “ Please. ” “ Already gave him three, ” he says.
work_ygsa72fnanabrndpm7fmk3vdo4“ Now what do you want me to do? ” Time to close the notebook.
work_v2klqbfyyfd27ewy2thg2xihaqDe Angeli A., Sutcliffe A.,& Hartmann J., Interaction, usability and aesthetics: what influences users''preferences?
work_v2klqbfyyfd27ewy2thg2xihaqHowever, when asked; “ would you still like it if it was green? ” the answer was an instant “ No! ”.
work_v2klqbfyyfd27ewy2thg2xihaqIf beauty really is so rare, how can people compare the beauty of individual items and what are they really thinking about when they do this?
work_v72mlveg5ffhfjxfnkyoyx6wcuAre Disability Images in Advertising Becoming Bold And Daring?
work_v72mlveg5ffhfjxfnkyoyx6wcuDove: Changing the Face of Beauty?
work_v72mlveg5ffhfjxfnkyoyx6wcuMissing in Action?
work_xfe7lfnzybecph64rnb3mz5bvqIs tractable reason- ing in extensions of the description logic EL useful in practice?
work_xfe7lfnzybecph64rnb3mz5bvqPolynomial time reasoning in a description logic with existential restrictions, GCI axioms, and — what else?
work_xfe7lfnzybecph64rnb3mz5bvqUsing an expressive description logic: FaCT or fic- tion?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3q( 1982) National Parks: Conservation or Cosmetics?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3q36 Blunden, J. and Curry, N.( 1990) A People ’s Charter?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qCan a fresh look at the psychology of perception and the philosophy of aesthetics contribute to the better management of forest landscapes?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qIs scenic beauty a proxy for acceptable management?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qJournal of Environmental Psychology 21, 249- 260. xxxiv Purcell, T., Peron, E. and Berto, R.( 2001) Why do preferences differ between scene types?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qLandscape and the philosophy of aesthetics: is landscape quality inherent in the landscape or in the eye of the beholder?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qPreference or preferences for landscape?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qThe Lancet, 372, 1655- 1660. xxx Harmon, D.( 2004) Intangible values of protected areas: What are they?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qWhy do preferences differ between scene types?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qWhy do they matter?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qand Van der Wulp, N.Y.( 2003) Environmental preference and restoration:( How) are they related?
work_olr2xcinerggtjylfcdldcxm3qand Van der Wulp, N.Y.( 2003) Environmental preference and restoration:( How) are they related?
work_xk4op2q5sveitgkr4nwpgnm76eAdorno or Messiaen?
work_xk4op2q5sveitgkr4nwpgnm76eIntroduction: The End of Aesthetics?
work_zlqi63h2czc3jbv473rxucb4suBeauty spot or blemish?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uBut what types of jobs do they create?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uIs Small Beautiful?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uKeywords: aid, small enterprise, employment, firm exit, Africa JEL classification: J23, O14, O17, O19 1 Is Small Beautiful?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uPage, J. and M. Söderbom( 2014) ‘ Are Small Firms Job Creators in Low Income Countries?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uWe draw on data from two sources to address the question: how good are the jobs created by small firms?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uWhat are the implications for aid policy?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uWhat do our results mean for aid?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uWhat do we know about small enterprises and job creation?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4uWhat do we know about small enterprises and job creation?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ Does Management Matter?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ Is Small Beautiful and Worthy of Subsidy?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ Is Small Beautiful?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ What Determines Productivity? ’ Journal of Economic Literature, 49(2): 326- 65.
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ Who Creates Jobs?
work_i22xspbae5dcvnm5rldekn6j4u‘ Why Do Firms in Developing Countries Have Low Productivity? ’ American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 100(2), 619- 23.
work_vrg6wmlzgfcy5lgbgfa34hgijeAm I jealous?
work_vrg6wmlzgfcy5lgbgfa34hgijeIrigaray, L.( 1993) ‘ How Can We Create Our Beauty? ’, pp.
work_vrg6wmlzgfcy5lgbgfa34hgijeLuce Irigaray ’s essay ‘ How Can We Create Our Beauty? ’ is a helpful starting point( Irigaray, 1993).
work_vrg6wmlzgfcy5lgbgfa34hgije‘ How did I first become conscious of what was always there – her astonishing beauty?
work_r3ayln4j4faezeldnnpiml3x6q+ C))- Y****''*''s observation amounts t o l t i l l c more than numerology, since the origins of these parameters are very different: c.± art?
work_r3ayln4j4faezeldnnpiml3x6q19 I, I a,''• I saturate the total scmt- leptonic width?
work_r3ayln4j4faezeldnnpiml3x6qBeauty physics on tin?
work_r3ayln4j4faezeldnnpiml3x6qIn all of litis we should k< vp iti mind that the apparent! ow- mMs might not In* a bona fide A resonance?
work_r3ayln4j4faezeldnnpiml3x6qThe problem is not that only half the Kx in aemiteptonic D decays come from a K* resonance- why not?
work_vwesfuinkbg6zmyckwhornmu24At the beginning of her Monday awakening, what credence does Beauty assign to the hypothesis HEADS that the result of the coin toss is heads?
work_vwesfuinkbg6zmyckwhornmu24What credence does she assign to the hypothesis TAILS that it ’s tails?
work_vwesfuinkbg6zmyckwhornmu24What more can be said?
work_vwesfuinkbg6zmyckwhornmu24What should we do?
work_vwesfuinkbg6zmyckwhornmu24Where did Elga get it?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c483- 112 83 Is the golden section a key for understanding beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Figura 51 Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Ma cosa intendeva Maxwell per interazione fra campo elettrico e campo magnetico?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Ma perché la bellezza, e quindi l’invarianza, risulta essere garante della verità di una teoria fisica?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Ma perché ricorrere a un esperimento ideale, e quale può essere la sua validità?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Ma qual era l’ideale estetico di questo geniale fisico inglese di origine francese?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Part III( La sezione aurea è una chiave per la comprensione del bello?)
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Qual è il suo scopo?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4Tra bellezza e coazione: le immagini nella pubblicità Spesso noi ci chiediamo: che cos’è la pubblicità?
work_4qcy6gxduvf5dhjbta2tukv3c4 Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_usdayvxotzfuxaomdqcy45soxa? i? i Fig.
work_usdayvxotzfuxaomdqcy45soxa? i? i Fig.
work_usdayvxotzfuxaomdqcy45soxaGraphics Forum 5(3), 203- 209( 1986); C. Pickover, What is chaos?
work_usdayvxotzfuxaomdqcy45soxaL. Kadanoff, Fractals: where''s the physics?
work_usdayvxotzfuxaomdqcy45soxa~ ° 2 2~;:~?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwq2019, 3, 64 18 of 32 What does the Mirror of Self test tell us about wholeness?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqDare we say then that urban planning is an oxymoron?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqEvocative Art or Mathematical Precision?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqFor example, even if we, say, devised simulations of wholeness or algorithms that approximate it, what would we learn?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqHowever, what of simplicity?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqOn the other hand, what about all that mathematical training at Cambridge?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqReber, R.; Schwarz, N.; Winkielman, P. Processing Fluency and Aesthetic Pleasure: Is Beauty in the Perceiver ’s Processing Experience?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqThe question is, can we be wrong in ways interesting enough to spur and inspire those who follow?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWhat did I do?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWhat did he not say?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWhere did he go wrong?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWhere is the gate?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWho is to make or implement any given decision?
work_gzwodddcpfgz3on4esbfjp3dwqWhy is this?
work_z5uxnneti5hwfmrzwzynyaidhiThe differ- ent possible wakings will be indistinguishable.1 When she wakes on Monday, what should her credence be that the coin landed Heads?
work_z5uxnneti5hwfmrzwzynyaidhiWhat follows?
work_uqy3akyrczaozkvw5rsij6u55uAnd what would the characteristics of moral beauty be?
work_uqy3akyrczaozkvw5rsij6u55uBut what are the characteristics that confer beauty on a more complex scene, such as a theatrical, operatic or cinematic one?
work_uqy3akyrczaozkvw5rsij6u55uCloutier J, Heatherton TF, Whalen PJ, Kelley WM( 2008) Are attractive people rewarding?
work_uzfwyf5gdjfo7liadf2aex2tzyBeauty or the beast?
work_uzfwyf5gdjfo7liadf2aex2tzyDo facial averageness and sym- metry signal health?
work_uzfwyf5gdjfo7liadf2aex2tzyIs there anything special, then, about the relationship between disease threats and preferences for physically attractive leaders?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w3451 If beauty is transcendental, if it can be predicated of all that ex- ists, how can the ugly even exist?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w3455 Who can find reason in such behavior?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34A youthful love or “ Baby ”?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34And while examining the beloved painting, who would not be curious about a new detail when they discover one?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34And, as regards beauty itself: why is the moon so beautiful?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34But what is beautiful about it?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34For, just as Moses could not bear to see the face of God, could we bear the excessive light of such a beauty?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34How many people popu- late our cities, oblivious to libraries full of splendid books and concert halls full of exceptional music?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34In Search of Beauty Where can we find beauty?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Or that beings exist?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Or within?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Outside us?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34The old friendships or “ Stupid Hoe ”?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34What was accomplished?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Who has ever professed one ’s love and failed to expe- rience the glory, when the beloved accepts it?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Who would not identify more with the disfigured spectrum of The Phantom of the Opera rather than the pretentious Raoul?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Who would not prefer the tender Beast over the bland Prince in The Beauty and the Beast?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Why are stars so pleasant?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34Why then sin, ugly actions, and the crimes against humanity?
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34“ Beauty in the Middle Ages: A Forgotten Transcendental? ” Medieval Philosophy& Theology 1( 1991): 68–97, DOI: 10.5840/ medievalpt199115.
work_ay2sb66gtbe7dc6sgqmpjb4w34“ ¿ Es lo bello un trascendental personal? ” Persona: revista iberoamericana de personalismo comunitario 11( 2009): 76–80.
work_vy5gr3uxynawvgcev5svsb4ow4Insel, T. R.& Bruce, N. C.( 2015) Brain disorders?
work_vy5gr3uxynawvgcev5svsb4ow4Is this a matter for doctors to consider?
work_vy5gr3uxynawvgcev5svsb4ow4doi: 10.1016/ j.brainresbull.2015.05.005 Mental illness and creativity – is there a link?
work_vy5gr3uxynawvgcev5svsb4ow4doi: 10.1038/ nn.4040 Stranded and drowned in the Mediterranean – who cares?
work_uz74k42qwvdf3liea6s72ow4ui!, 021 � 435%6!7%98;:23<= 35%>:?@%6+.
work_xijv5vckujfgxewvp6r5q6eedy( …) Ama âĢık hangisi, mâĢuk hangisi?
work_xijv5vckujfgxewvp6r5q6eedyBu noktada zihinlerde Ģu soru belirir: BaĢlangıç aĢaması ve son aĢama aynı olduğuna göre, “ devr”in amacı nedir?
work_zlwuanp7yzb5hj3pxcrnxxzlnaUpon awakening on Monday, what should her degree of belief be that the coin landed Heads?
work_rzfjggxqcvf7dfe3krileebcji3.1 Ratings results 3.1.1 Does attractiveness influence age ratings?
work_rzfjggxqcvf7dfe3krileebcji3.1.2 Does face age influence attractiveness ratings?
work_rzfjggxqcvf7dfe3krileebcji3.2.1 How often were different facial features fixated?
work_rzfjggxqcvf7dfe3krileebcji3.2.2 Does face age or attractiveness affect eye movements?
work_ueokwozk4zakhn55tt33suelkuParticipants performed evaluative aesthetic judgments( beautiful or not?)
work_ueokwozk4zakhn55tt33suelkuWhat may be the particular role of memory retrieval in aesthetic judgment as compared to symmetry judgment?
work_ueokwozk4zakhn55tt33suelkuWhy am I unsure?
work_ueokwozk4zakhn55tt33suelkuand descriptive symmetry judgments( symmetric or not?)
work_yumcnfzmmrh6ldri77okv6nxkiC a n s o c i a l n e t w o r k s s a v e h u m a n r e l a t i o n s?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3m( 2005),"Empowering participants or corroding learning?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3m( 2011),"Can a higher education institution''s marketing strategy improve the student- institution match?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3m( 2012),""The Best Education in the World": Reality, Repetition or Cliche?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3m( 2013), Are students customers in Finnish higher education?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3m( 2013),"Tuition fees for international students in Finland: where to go from here?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3mGibbs, P.( 2008),"Marketers and educationalists- two communities divided by time?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3mSvensson, G. and Wood, G.( 2007),"Are university students really customers?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3mSymes, C.( 1996), Selling Futures: A New Image for Australian Universities?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3mThe research question is: how do the programmes articulate market differentiation on their websites?
work_quctxdoejvgznfpfyi5uzlrn3mVauterin, J.J., Linnanen, L. and Marttila, E.( 2011),"Customer orientation in higher education: the missing link in international student recruitment?
work_kkkruq6q5bepfip3vesdujpzzqА где употребљавамо ту моћ?
work_kkkruq6q5bepfip3vesdujpzzqАли, шта је са осталим чулима укуса, мириса и љубавних наслада?
work_kkkruq6q5bepfip3vesdujpzzqЗашто онда Сократ одбацу- је и ову тезу?
work_kkkruq6q5bepfip3vesdujpzzqКоји би онда био циљ оваквог напорног дијалектичког процеса?
work_kkkruq6q5bepfip3vesdujpzzqНа какву се корист овде мисли?
work_yi5neo4upzfk3ire5ydjj4f3mi( p( S) T jclass) � PdE dx( dE dx; � dE dx jclass) � Pt(t; � tjclass) The P?
work_yi5neo4upzfk3ire5ydjj4f3miThe � t was performed 14 times with the P?
work_yi5neo4upzfk3ire5ydjj4f3miTo evaluate possible systematics related to the parameterization of the P?
work_zbltkny6cbgelnpgb2tvnddfqyCreativity in art and science: are there two cultures?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yDo we have to agree with those theologians who have speculated about the existence of a divine darkness?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yDoes this account work as an objection to my argument?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yHave we lost sight of the divine beauty amid the endless discussions about power and knowledge?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yHe might say, ‘ Do we want God to be ignorant of what is possible?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yHow can these kinds of story be made beautiful?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yI am always at a loss to understand how worlds are possible if it is absolutely impossible for the Ground of All Being to actualize them?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yIf, then, God hates the story of child rape and murder( which surely He does), is He hating a part of Himself?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yIn any case, exactly what form is God supposed to use?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yIn what sense are possible worlds possible, if they could never be actualized?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yIn what sense is something possible if it can not( possibly) ever be or ever have been?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yLeibniz says, ‘ where shall we find the source of evil?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yOn this see Hans Urs von Balthasar Dare We Hope ‘ That All Men Will Be Saved ’?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yWhat have I tried to convey in this parable?
work_kucidqm6tbh4zkvchxiq5ape7yYou ask her: ‘ Are these your thoughts, Beautiful One, or are they copied from elsewhere? ’.
work_o7ekrwinpva2jjfgqjei5fh2ay= � �-- � � � � � � � �$ �+$ � 1 4 � � 2 � � � � �+ � � � � �?
work_vfakqb6kozgavbl2xvctc6tr7ySo, ‘ ‘ how much soda do you have to drink so that the center of gravity reaches its lowest point? ’ ’ You may have noticed a few things here.
work_vfakqb6kozgavbl2xvctc6tr7ySome chapters focus on the challenges of parking your car: How can you model, mathematically, the act of parallel parking?
work_vfakqb6kozgavbl2xvctc6tr7yWhat is it?
work_vfakqb6kozgavbl2xvctc6tr7yWhat ’s the right position to enter a parking space?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeA could such a generalization apply in a consistent way to finite and infinite numbers?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeAnd how could you empirically observe a line, if it only has length but no width?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeAnd what about other kinds of infinite sets, with more challenging properties?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeBut, why someone interested in infinity would attempt to give rigorous foundations to finite numbers as well?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeCantor ’s next question was, are all infinite sets countable?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeCould such sets be put in one- to- one correspondence with the natural numbers?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeHe addressed questions such as: Are there more natural numbers than even numbers?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeHow could you possibly test a conjecture about Euclidean points by carrying out an experiment with real points if they do n’t have dimension?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeHow do you count them if they are infinitely many?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeIs then the set of rationals bigger than the naturals?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeJournal of Pragmatics 2 mathematics?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeSo what about say, rationa l numbers, which do n’t have this property?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhat are the major implicit cognitive steps he has gone through?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhat cognitive mechanisms make it possible?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhat did Weierstrass really define?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhat is special about Mathematics?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhere does then the infinite come from?
work_j3feyslghbalzktmg47mvskcjeWhy the various forms of infinities in mathematics have the exact conceptual structure they have?
work_wmk6xiy5kfe7dn7a3d7r523pgmFinally, could it be just a by- product that does not really have a defined function of its own?
work_wmk6xiy5kfe7dn7a3d7r523pgmNOTE ON THE COVER PHOTOGRAPH Unseen beauty of flowers – hidden signals or spectacular by- product?
work_wmk6xiy5kfe7dn7a3d7r523pgmUnseen beauty of flowers – hidden signals or spectacular by- product?
work_wmk6xiy5kfe7dn7a3d7r523pgm“ Is the Flower Fluorescence Relevant in Biocommunication? ” Naturwissenschaften 97: 915–924.
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyAre the structure and course of appreciative experience similar among individuals and cultures?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyHow can we best conceptualise this understanding of aesthetic judgment?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyHow have they changed over time and from outside influences?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyHow varied are the standards within and among different cultures?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyWhat significance do the answers to these questions have to the cultures in which these standards arise?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyWhat similarities do they possess and how do they differ?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyWhat, then, can philosophy contribute here?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmycan we continue to maintain that beauty is something objective and universal, independent of empirical evidence?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmycan we identify the varied influence of biological commonalities and of the cultural appropriation of genetic predispositions?
work_rrogbduvyverjc65rh7ttcurmyon what other grounds can we retain the belief in the objectivity of beauty?
work_vzr3nhivrregpakcbcqxm7p63aIs money really that hard to manage?
work_vzr3nhivrregpakcbcqxm7p63aSo, what are some things that kids need to know about money?
work_vzr3nhivrregpakcbcqxm7p63aThat ’s something that has to change[ …] Insurance Cancer Cover Read More Does a Sudden Death in the Family Have to Lead to Financial Disaster?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaAndreoni, J. and A.A. Payne( 2009), Is Crowding Out Due Entirely to Fundraising?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHave you already donated this year to a charitable organization?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHave you ever received a donation receipt for your donation?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHave you made a donation to a charitable organization before?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHow can your marital status be described?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHow many children live in your household?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaHow many people, including you, live in your household?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaIf you answered question 16 with “ yes ”, how much have you donated this year altogether?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaIf you answered question 16 with “ yes ”, in which month have you donated last?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaSteinberg, R.( 1991), Does Government Spending Crowd Out Donations?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaTo which purpose have you to date donated most often?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat are the monthly net earnings of your household( how much money per month is available for your household altogether?)
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your ID- number?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your first language?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your highest educational achievement?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your original nationality?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your religious affiliation?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhat is your year of birth?
work_h5chkj7ybffqxpum5gobg4l7uaWhich party would you vote for if there were federal elections on the coming Sunday?
work_y54z4egsqnawtf5ezrqfrtllimAre Flt-1 and Nrp-1 not expressed by the endothelium in WAT?
work_y54z4egsqnawtf5ezrqfrtllimDoes VEGF- B affect FA uptake in other types of cells apart from vascular endothelial cells?
work_y54z4egsqnawtf5ezrqfrtllimOr, does FA uptake in WATs utilize dif- ferent molecules other than VEGF- B?
work_y54z4egsqnawtf5ezrqfrtllimVEGF- B: A survival, or an angiogenic factor?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eAnd what bid c will a firm make if she anticipates that others are going to bid b because they think others are going to bid a?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eAnd, if so, what are the determinants and the characteristics of this learning process?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eAre all managers created equal?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eDoes publicity affect competition?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eIn particular, do firms learn to think and bid strategically as they participate in more and more auctions?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eIs it because, though all firms are making their optimal decisions, the winners have some structural or informational advantage over the losers?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eLevel- k auctions: can a nonequilibrium model of strategic thinking explain the winner ’s curse and overbidding in private- value auctions?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eOr is it simply because the losers are making the wrong decisions, or, in game- theoretic language, they are not playing their equilibrium strategies?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eTo review or not to review?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6eWhy does this happen?
work_psvvxvlnrzc6jmojgzyhpirq6e[ 21] Goldfarb, A., Xiao, M., 2011. Who thinks about the competition?
work_zhxkoxap7rb5xeno6k5zziipcm300 ms Visible un � l response A B Visible un � l response Aesthe � c evalua � on: How much do you like this image?
work_zhxkoxap7rb5xeno6k5zziipcmColour evalua � on: How colourful is this image?
work_x45qhtuwfvbclovk4s7mw7jofe13 Moorlock G, Ives J, Draper H. Altruism in organ donation: an unnecessary requirement?
work_x45qhtuwfvbclovk4s7mw7jofe22 Saunders B. Altruism or solidarity?
work_x45qhtuwfvbclovk4s7mw7jofe7 Wright L, Campbell M. Ethical issues in dialysis: soliciting kidneys on web sites: is it fair?
work_x45qhtuwfvbclovk4s7mw7jofeuntitled Directed altruistic living donation: what is wrong with the beauty contest?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3u3 Past and Future Perfect?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uAnd is that in school or out of school?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uAnna: well yeah cos whenever you think you feel good, someone always puts you down Beckie: Really?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uBeauty and the future Beckie: do ever kind of imagine your body and yourself in the future at all?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uCan the inclination to beauty be captured completely with the concept of cruel optimism?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uCatherine: yeah, happier Beckie: what do you think?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uDid n’t I?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uFay: yeah sometimes, I just think what I ’ll be like when I grow up 13 Beckie: and what would that be like?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uJCR Hope Coleman&MorenoFigueroa FINAL 1 Journal for Cultural Research Special Issue on Hope and Feminist Theory Past and Future Perfect?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uSo I remember in the nursery I was happy and everything, but I was kind of shy because of how I looked, can you imagine?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uWhat can possibly have made me feel like that?
work_ef47kux6tbgedisi7tchyltz3uWhat is the ‘ unfulfilled actuality of the present ’ that might make this different future possible?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaAt which point can we no longer believe what we say?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaHow are these inscriptions obtained?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaHow did they color the different strands?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaHow do you show that?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaHow is the 3-D effect achieved?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaHow much can you de- fend to put into those interpretations?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaJS: How did you decide which variables and parameters to work with?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaJS: How do you establish that line?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaJS: OK, so it ’s the quality of the description that gets better?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaJS: So, it ’s becoming a code?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaJS: Then why did you choose red?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaThe next thing that comes to mind is: how much does it vary, is it very flat or does it go up and down?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaThere must be some boxes to put the results into?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaThey do not offer an easy way just to look at the bacteria represented; on the contrary, you are struck by questions such as How did they make this?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnaWhere do we stop?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnagrows on a surface, then how thick is it?
work_kn7jlvtabba3ngbamyngompmnahow much can you conclude from such a thing, and where is the line?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiy124 G. Monbiot,''Why are Britain''s Conservation Groups so Lacking in Ambition?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiy161 K. Sanders, ‘ Beyond Human Ownership?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiy56 M. Adams,''Beyond Yellowstone?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyBEAUTY: A VIABLE VALUE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LAW?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyBeauty: A Lingua Franca for Environmental Law?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyCan and should beauty be codified into functional legal standards?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyCan beauty contribute to a global language for environmental law?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyCan we reconcile beauty with non- aesthetic values in environmental governance?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyFirstly, what knowledge and values can beauty convey to environmental governance, such as for nature conservation or pollution control?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyIf a society values its aesthetic relationships with fauna, flora and landscapes, can it codify them into governance standards?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiySecondly, can, and should, beauty be codified into functional legal standards?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiySo, what would the foregoing mean for the incorporation of aesthetics with other factors in environmental regulation?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyThirdly, can beauty be reconciled with other non- aesthetic values in governance, such as scientific and economic values?
work_m7dpxarxpnbenkz3ienugxcxiyWhat knowledge and values can beauty convey to environmental governance?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmAre average facial configurations only attractive because of their symmetry?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmHow can these two conflicting sets of results be recon- ciled?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmIf facial symmetry is a standard of beauty set by nature rather than culture, then how might a preference for symmetry have evolved?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmInfant preferences for at- tractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmWhat is average and what is not average about attractive faces?
work_w5hly72zw5c3fdr7h35zc4v2nmas described above) and rated all four ver- sions of all 24 opposite- sex faces for mate appeal("How appealing is this person as a life partner?"
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomstates Υ OK; Υ′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomstates ψ OK; ψ′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomΥ, Υ′ OK; Υ′′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomΥ, Υ′ OK; Υ′′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomΥ, Υ′ OK; Υ′′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomψ OK; ψ′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomψ OK; ψ′?
work_wfkdhy4wsjhupb3rwrv2liseomψ OK; ψ′?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsya( 1986) Bayes or Bust?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsya47- 53 Strevens, M.( 2004) “ Bayesian confirmation theory: Inductive logic or mere inductive framework? ”, Synthese, forthcoming Van Fraassen, B.
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsya7 An Escape Route?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaFirst, what is it for a subject ’s credences in old and new alternatives to be ‘ appropriately continuous ’?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaGiven tails, what should your credence be that it ’s Monday versus Tuesday?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaGiven tails, what should your credence be that you ’re the duplicate?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaHow bad is this?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaHow many of these me- slices are in subjectively indis- tinguishable states?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaHow severe a constraint on our priors does a continuity principle impose?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaHow should we generalize conditionalization to de se beliefs?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaHow should your credences change if you then learn that it ’s Monday?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaI.e., when should an old and new alternative be continuous?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaIf you then learn that it ’s Monday, what should your credence in heads become?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaIs there an argument analogous to the many brains argument against compartmentalized conditionalization?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaSecond, what are the ‘ appropriate circumstances ’ in which a subject ’s credences in old and new alternatives should be continuous?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaSo how are credences assigned in cases where the number of alternatives at a world increases?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaSo how would Lewis address Elga ’s argument?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWell, what if we do assign a 0 credence to the relevant propositions, those that multiply our doxastic alternatives?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat about a belief change which just eliminates one alternative at a world and replaces it with two?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat about a belief change which just removes two alternatives at a world and re- places it with one?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat about the sadistic scientists argument?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat if at 9:01 am you learn that it ’s Monday?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat if we adopt compartmentalized conditionalization?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat if we reject Elga ’s Indifference Principle?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat if we reject the Principal Principle?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat if you then learn at 9:01 am that it ’s Monday?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat should the prisoner ’s credences be on centered and compartmentalized conditionalization?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhat should your credences in heads and tails be when you wake up on Monday?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhen she sees the clock register 6:01 pm, what should her credences in A6:01pm and B6:01pm be?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhen you wake up, what should your credence be that the coin came up heads?
work_4onivheppfbmtiwgdf42rqbsyaWhich of the two options should we choose?
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeFinally, should we just accept it as fact that no matter what we attempt, the results with DLI will end up being the same?
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeMaybe we should be giving relatively small(< 1 � 106 CD3þ cells/ kg) on a more frequent( weekly?)
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeOut of all the other options, what do you do?
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeRelative to content, should they specifi- cally be just CD3þ cells or subsets, natural killer cells, or some combination?
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeSo, as we step back and look across the dance floor, do we really find ourdate, DLI, attractive?
work_xsvwzurwvngfnj4ubi324mvljeSound familiar?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfu( 1996), “ Gender and attractiveness biases in hiring decisions: are more experienced managers less biased? ”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfu( 2004), “ Should I stay or should I go?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfu( 2006), “ Social and commercial entrepreneurship: same, different, or both ”? ”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol.
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfu( 2006), “ Work integration social enterprises: are they multiple- goal and multi- stakeholder organisations? ”, in Nyssens, M.
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfu( 2009), “ Does it pay to be smart, attractive, or confident( or all three)?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuDo they deserve cooperation?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuDoes the expectation of compliance with appearance norms reflect interpersonal treatment with respect and dignity?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuEM- JMHJ170018 37.. 56 The business of black beauty: social entrepreneurship or social injustice?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuHowever, are these seemingly expedient outcomes fair?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuShould conformity to these appearance norms be considered as part of the process to determine outcomes?
work_lwzrozmv4neclo5hgnpkac6mfuWill ceding to authority about appearance norms lead to better outcomes or exploitation?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7e6 profound perception of complexity?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7e[ 18] sauchelli, a., functional beauty, architecture, and morality: a beautiful konzentrazion- slager?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7eare n’t these chains manifestations of inner order, profoundly connected to the beauty of spatial arrangements?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7ecan we avoid calculating the importance of aesthetics of linking volumes in particular sets or chains to facilitate specific uses?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7eso is there a beauty of structure?
work_xpgrx46x4ve6pku7n6mi7xpp7ethere are simple questions illus- trating this unity – can we ignore aesthetic component in how function is distributed within architecture?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmDo you mean literally or figuratively? work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm Do you think we are walking four miles an hour?"
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmDo you wonder? work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm ( Are not gardenstempting"places?)
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmAnd when he has finally got her alone:"Do I astonish you?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmAre you not going to tell me so?"
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmCould he deserve more and yet remain Henry Crawford as the novel has defined him?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmIs it saucy and impeni- tent, or is the nearest she can come to a gesture of apology and regret?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmIs it, even, the neurotic''s desperate plea to be understood and forgiven despite all his resistances?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmIs there any thing in my present intreaty that you do not understand?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmMary inquires:"What gentleman among you am I to have the pleasure of making love to?"
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmWas it part of your last sermon?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmWhat must be his sense of it now, therefore?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmWhat should Sir Thomas want you for?
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmnineteen times out of twenty I am thinking how such a prayer ought to be read, and longing to have it to read myself- Did you speak?."
work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptmstepping eagerly to Fanny, and addressing her in a softened voice; and upon her saying,"No,"he added,"Are you sure you did not speak?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuAre Non- Pro � t Firms Simply For- Pro � ts in Disguise? work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inu Do Government Grants to Private Charities Crowd Out Giving or Fund- raising?"
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuDoes aid availability a¤ect e¤ectiveness in reducing poverty? work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inu How much is a seat on the Security Council worth?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuIs crowding out due entirely to fundraising? work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inu What do non- governmental organizations do?"
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuWho gives foreign aid to whom and why?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inu4 composition of the non- pro � t and for- pro � t sectors in terms agents � intrinsic motivation?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuLocalizing Development: Does Participation Work?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuNGOs and Civil Society: Democracy by Proxy?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuThis raises two questions: What is the e¤ect of partial public � nancing on the motivational composition and size of the non- pro � t sector?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuWhat are the implications of the external � nancing on the behavior of the non- pro � t sec- tor?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuWhat are the implications of this insight for public policies towards the non- pro � t sector?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuWhat happens when donations respond positively to a better perceived motivational composition of the non- pro � t sector?
work_nqrarbvmm5fpxg2dakfw7w3inuWhat types of policies can improve the motivational composition of the non- pro � t sector?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6ca( 2006), Friend or Foe?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6ca5.5 Insidious discrimination?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caAnd if they are aware, is this knowledge conscious or sub- conscious?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caAre they more cooperative or do they engender cooperation?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caAre they more likely to be chosen by their peers when a selection decision has to be made?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caAre third parties aware of the possibility of discriminatory behavior?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caAt the end, we asked subjects a qualitative question: what, in their opinion, are the most important factors determining the elimination decision?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caDo men care more about looks than women do?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caDo people care more about the looks of the opposite sex?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6caWe can ask: are attractive people more productive, and do they exhibit greater confidence?
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6ca[ 11] Eckel, C. and R. Wilson( 2004), Detecting Trustworthiness: Does Beauty Confound Intuition?, mimeo.
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6ca[ 6] Belot, M., V. Bhaskar and J. van de Ven( 2008), Can Observers Predict Trustworthiness?,
work_pwe2laue35bcpecqwkxrpjz6ca[ 9] Bertrand, M., and S. Mullainathan( 2004), Are Emily and Greg more Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqy@article{Webster2011MedicalDD, title={Medical data debates: Big is better?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqyDOI:10.1503/ cmaj.109- 3799 Corpus ID: 38712002Medical data debates: Big is better?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqyPDF] Medical data debates: Big is better?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqySmall is beautiful?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqySmall is beautiful?
work_zi52hktvcjcgbooayepnrglxqySmall is beautiful?
work_zxx6htnoxzfbvphjwm627sj534Could the Keynesian- beauty- contest effect justify the withdrawal of some noisy public information?
work_zxx6htnoxzfbvphjwm627sj534Given the presence of the Keynesian- beauty- contest effect, how could we improve market effi- ciency through accounting disclosure?
work_zxx6htnoxzfbvphjwm627sj534How does the quality of public information affect market efficiency?
work_zxx6htnoxzfbvphjwm627sj534How is the intensity of the dual role of public information related to its quality?
work_zxx6htnoxzfbvphjwm627sj534In this case, does the withdrawal of public information drive stock prices closer to the fundamental value?
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4What Makes a Great Teacher?
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4what happens with similar integrals?????
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4what happens with similar integrals?????
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4what happens with similar integrals?????
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4what happens with similar integrals?????
work_zfjtdwcxf5dsjb3rdljndbf7y4what happens with similar integrals?????
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qAbstracting away the fact that your awake on that day, what do you think the probability is of it being a Monday?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qBut if this is all correct, why ca n’t one make this calculation already on Sunday?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qFirst, is reference relevant for conditionalization in other cases or is it just a special feature of the sleeping beauty case?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qSecond, how do different reference protocols influence credences?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qWhat is the probability that Smith has two boys?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qWhat now is the probability that Smith has two boys?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qWhen you are first awakened, to what degree ought you believe that the outcome of the coin toss is Heads?
work_udkhooofsfhqzcute2dkby7k2qWould a reflection principle warrant a Sunday credence shift?
work_yin5brfbznfv7beaghrw2aasseBut the comment ‘ Hey, shall we eat soon, or what? ’ is what Martin presents as particularly important.
work_yin5brfbznfv7beaghrw2aasseIt is not very polite to ask, ‘ Hey, shall we eat soon, or what? ’ when one is a guest.
work_yin5brfbznfv7beaghrw2aasseReferences Album, D.( 1995) ‘ Hvordan går det med Goffman og Garfinkel?
work_yin5brfbznfv7beaghrw2aasseTeorier om samhandling ansikt til ansikt ’[ How is it Going with Goffman and Garfinkel?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeAre these carbohydrates me- tabolized for fuel?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeAre these or- ganelles important to quiescent cells?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeArf proteins: the membrane traffic police?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeHow does nutrient availability regulate the PKA pathway?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeHow is a quiescent cell poised to make such an enormous and coor- dinated response?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeIs inhibition of the TOR pathway important for the forma- tion of quiescent cells triggered by starvation?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeNeu- rofibrillary degeneration of the Alzheimer- type: an alternate pathway to neuronal apoptosis?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeRegulation of longevity and stress resistance: a molecular strategy conserved from yeast to humans?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeSensing Nutrients How does a quiescent cell sense the presence of nutrients?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeThe AMP- activated/ SNF1 protein kinase subfamily: metabolic sensors of the eukaryotic cell?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeThere is no answer at present to the obvious question: what are quiescent cells using as an energy source?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhat are the downstream targets of the PKA pathway?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhat is the role of Gcs1p during exit from quiescence?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhat is the role of Gcs1p in proliferating cells?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhat is the source of nucleoside triphosphates for this synthesis, and where are they stored?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhat makes neurons particularly vulnerable to protein dam- age and/or the loss of proteins that protect against such dam- age?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhich signaling pathways regulate each stage during entry and exit?
work_noarukcrlvftjjqmmjug7afrzeWhy, then, is Snz1p( and presum- ably Snz1p activity) induced in quiescence?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyHow can then we explore the realm beyond the anti-, to exercise the full force of courageous intelligence?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyHowever, what is useful knowledge for human beings?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyIn response to the question, “ What is useful knowledge? ” Democracy and Education is a book that gives us some practical wisdom.
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyThe challenging questions then posed to his own pragmatism are: How can we fully live in the obscure twilight of mind and body, of inner and outer?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyWhat does this principle signify?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyWhat kind of place should a university be if it is to be in service of democracy as a way of life?
work_zaindkkxofazta7qpkruey2rbyWhat might be the task of philosophy in service of life?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauAre attractive people rewarding?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauAre numbers special?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauAre numbers special?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauHow does the brain weigh someone ’s attractiveness in relation to a given standard and perform such subjective comparisons?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauIs beauty talent?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauMaxims or myths of beauty?
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauParticipants had to compare the height( Which woman � or dog � is taller?)
work_yaey6scj2ngc5lr24rvznowiauor beauty( Which woman � or dog � is more beautiful?)
work_ustwsoitlzhfdosaor3w2hmn2qBuden, “ A tko to Zagreb s# ini palankom? ” 24.
work_ustwsoitlzhfdosaor3w2hmn2qThe headline poses the question, “ Zašto nas ne vole? ”( Why Do n’t the Great Powers Love Us?).
work_ustwsoitlzhfdosaor3w2hmn2qThe headline poses the question, “ Zašto nas ne vole? ”( Why Do n’t the Great Powers Love Us?).
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuBut how should we understand the qualification made in( iii)?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuBut how, exactly, should we conceive of the character of beauty in mathematics?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuDoes this account help to answer the questions raised in the previous section about Kant''s third claim?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuHow, exactly, should we conceive of the character of such beauty?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuIn particular, should the admiration we may feel in the face of mathematical proofs really be characterised as an aesthetic response?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuIn what sense can mathematical demonstrations, but not the properties of mathematical objects, be regarded as beautiful?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuIn what sense can we meaningfully speak of the objects of mathematical investigation as appealing to us aesthetically?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuIs beauty a property of mathematical objects or statements, or is it a subjective response particular to the perspective of the mathematician?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuWenzel, H. C.( 2001), ‘ Beauty, Genius, and Mathematics: Why Did Kant Change his Mind? ’, History of Philosophy Quarterly, 18: 415- 432.
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuWhat, then, is it about the a priori synthetic nature of mathematical constructions and demonstrations that elicits such admiration?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuWhat, then, is the scope of Kant''s account of mathematical beauty within the wider context of his theory of mathematics?
work_oq6uisw5pnblvaum3hgtdbv3cuWhy should mathematical demonstrations but not mathematical properties be called beautiful?
work_zjpibsyhczda7jnunlnpzxvifuDo we see, then, similarities or differences between Beauty- contest experiments run in labs and in newspapers?
work_zjpibsyhczda7jnunlnpzxvifuHow did this value come up?
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutqCooperative   propagation   mimics  ( or   is?)
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutqHow   did   they   come   to   be?
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutqIs   the   seed   living?
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutqWhat   strange   array   of   chemicals   are   in   the   wine?
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutqWhat   about   the   virus?
work_vispiqc2zrfoleqby5m4gnoutq–   but   one   might   add   the   question:   what   about   life,   and   death!?
work_zq2n3l6cdfcgplunzdxaiyhakyAnd as far as ‘ aesthetic enjoyment ’ goes: Does Adorno expect these great poets to write bad poems?
work_zq2n3l6cdfcgplunzdxaiyhakyShould we view the poems of Celan or Miklós Radnóti as barbaric?
work_zq2n3l6cdfcgplunzdxaiyhakyWhether we like it or not, art always views life as a celebration. ’ — ‘ As a carnival or as a funeral? ’ — ‘ As a celebration. ’ 7.
work_zq2n3l6cdfcgplunzdxaiyhaky‘ Glorify? ’ answers Kertész.
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqy60,000 years ago?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyAppenzeller T( 1998) Art: Evolution or Revolution?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyBalter M( 2002) What made humans modern?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyChabris CF, Kosslyn SM( 1998) How do the cerebral hemispheres contribute to encoding spatial relations?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyFrith CD, Nias DKB( 1974) What determines aesthetic preferences?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyHow could the evolution of these differences be inter- preted in phylogenetic terms?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyIf such sex- related differences have evolved, the issue arises, how could they be detected?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqySommer IEC, Aleman A, Bouma A, Kahn RS( 2004) Do women really have more bilateral language representation than men?
work_xt2ghxyst5advmmnekazoosfqyWhen did the capacity to appreciate beauty evolve?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiAre current critiques of the theropod origin of birds science?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiBut why do human beings so often find these flow- ers and fruit beautiful?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiHow are a male ’s ornaments and performances adapted to grip her with a desire to mate with him?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiLearn more Ready to submit your research?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiMat- ing with an individual with different MHC genes yields healthier young, and odor allows these rodents( and human beings?)
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiSome males, however, may more closely match the female ’s criteria of being in her species, so they appear more attractive( beautiful?)
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiWhat does this tell us about the evolution of beauty?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiWhat has Prum done with Darwin ’s idea?
work_xeuti2cvubeuhgluyilkygf6fiWhat, in the end, has Prum accomplished?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4(%) Are you in favor of or against plastic surgery?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Cosmetic surgery: is it science or art?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Do racial minorities respond in the same way to mainstream beauty standards?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4If you are going to undergo aesthetic plastic surgery, what are the three most important factors to consider?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Likert How do you get information about aesthetic plastic surgery?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Select one People were then asked to answer the following questions: Who has the most attractive face?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Select one Which information do you regard as usually correct among the above information sources?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Where is most plastic surgery performed?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who do you think that most Chinese people like?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who do you think that most White people like?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has a beautiful skin condition?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most Westernized face?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most attractive cheeks?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most attractive eyes?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most attractive facial volume?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most attractive lips?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who has the most attractive nose?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Who is the most beautiful woman that has a traditional Korean face?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Whose chin is the most attractive?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Whose eyes are the most attractive?
work_ldfuyutgtjb5vo3x5ffphmypp4Whose face has a V- shaped jaw?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7i;( b) does value co- creation help in meeting the expectations of tourists for valuable CST?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7i;( c) does value co- creation exert any influence on CST- seeking tourists ’ behaviors?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iAre tourists with higher expectations more sensitive to service performance?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iBuying, bidding, playing or competing?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iDo brand competence and warmth always influence purchase intention?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iWant to make me emo- tional?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iWhat is known about the patient ’s experience of medical tourism?
work_yjz2xg2zezfhvpu2grrapo2h7iWhy do medical tourists travel to where they do?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa5 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa567–581, 2018 The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqaGoellner, S.( 2000) ‘ Pode a mulher praticar o futebol? ’ in P. C. R. Carrano( ed.)
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqaHegemonic masculinity, women and football in Brazil and Argentina This is a repository copy of The Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqaThe Beautiful Game?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqada Costa, L. M.( 2007) ‘ O que é uma torcedora?
work_u52da7u4orddlefy7hibslomqa¿ ter- ritorio conquistado o a conquistar? ’ in P. Alabarces( ed.)
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqBornmann L, Leydesdorff L, Wang J( 2013) Which percentile- based approach should be preferred for calculating normalized citation impact values?
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqGarfield E( 1980) Premature discovery or delayed recognition — why?
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqGlänzel W, Schlemmer B, Thijs B( 2003) Better late than never?
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqHow Rare Are SBs?
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqHow are SBs distributed among different( sub)disciplines?
work_wpg6uc3xunf77i7xfpttoxpqeqWhat Triggers the Awakening of an SB?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77be( 2011) Under- tapped?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77be( 2013) Value creation processes and value outcomes in marketing theory: Strangers or siblings?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77be2.6 Principles: Localisation and engagement What is the relationship, if any, between localisation, scale and sustainability( Wells, 2012)?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77beBerry, R.H. and Yeung, F.( 2013) Are Investors Willing to Sacrifice Cash for Morality?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77beBower, J. and Cox, H.( 2012) How Scottish& Newcastle became the U.K.''s largest brewer: A case of regulatory capture?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77beGittleson, K.( 2012) Can a company live forever?
work_zyqjor65gjhmlpkuhhqclw77beNelson, L.( 2009) Is this the brewery of the future?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyA Beauty Center?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyAt what spatial scale, and within what brain regions, do we find these correlations?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyBut can these tools advance our understanding of aesthetics beyond Fech- ner ’s insights[ 1]?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyCloutier J, Heatherton TF, Whalen PJ, Kelley WM( 2008) Are attractive people rewarding?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyHow can this be accomplished?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyLeaving aside meth- odological challenges[ 25,26], is such a correlation meaningful to understanding aesthetics?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyPoldrack RA( 2006) Can cognitive processes be inferred from neuroimaging data?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyShould we deny someone ’s experience of beauty if the mOFC is not activated?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdySo, what is neuroaesthetics supposed to study?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyWhat Questions Can Neuroaesthetics Answer?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyWhat functions do the brain regions implicated serve in other behaviors?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyWhat signals during development and experi- ence are responsible for wiring up these circuits?
work_uoa75hvy2vgahmm6shuafaifdyYu DW, Shepard GH Jr( 1998) Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaAre there any interesting differences between the two kinds of cases?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaDoes E confirm MWI?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaDoes E confirm Tails?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaEven if D. J. Bradley8 occurs?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaHow should we describe the evidence?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaMonday Tuesday Heads Awake Tails Awake Awake 30 When she is woken, what credence should she have that the coin landed Heads?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaNevertheless, can we give a positive argument that Beauty should assign 50% credence to ‘ this is a red paper day given Tails ’?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaSo we can see that when a centred proposition is learnt, we have to ask: is there a reason I am in one location rather than another?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaThat is, what is the 10 selection procedure by which I have observed one location rather than another?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaThis amounts to: is P(E|MWI)> P(E|ST)?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tuaThis amounts to: is P(E|Tails)> P(E|Heads)?
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tua[ 1965]: ‘ Puzzle or Paradox? ’, American Statistician, 19, pp.
work_ra5kgnly7nfsvjxbydufua4tua[ 2005]: ‘ Should We Respond to Evil with Indifference? ’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 70, pp.
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaAnd what role did photography play in this transformation?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaBut how ‘ civic ’ was this new masculine ideal?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaIf health was not commonly understood as a beautiful body ’s defining characteristic, then what was?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaNude, or Not Nude?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaWhat kinds of new notions of male beauty were emerging here?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowuaİdman Sütunları: Güzel Vücut Nedir?
work_pa7ijmonpbhvzpbtfzl3qfowua‘ what is a beautiful body? ’ 213 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 8( 2015) 192–214 Ersoy, Ahmet( 2012).
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mA Good Life in Old Age?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mA Good Life in Old Age?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mDo public nursing home care providers deliver higher quality than private providers?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mDoes person- centered care improve residents ’ satisfaction with nursing home quality?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mDoes size matter in aged care facilities?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mExplaining resident satisfaction in Swedish nursing home care RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Small is beautiful?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mIn: Vad tycker de äldre om äldreomsorgen?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mMoberg L, Blomqvist P, Winblad U. Professionalized through audit?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mMoberg L. Marketisation of Nordic eldercare – is the model still universal?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mNursing home profit status and quality of care: is there any evidence of an association?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mPrivatization of social care delivery – how can contracts be specified?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mSmall is beautiful?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mSpangler D. Data for: small is beautiful?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mVad tycker de äldre om äldreomsorgen?
work_ubvm5wdukbcllihrlpiw4a6w2mWhose quality of life is it anyway?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4ABC genes A class APETALA1( AP1) — MADS domain APETALA2( AP2)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4AP2 domain AINTEGUMENTA?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4AP2 domain LEUNIG( LUG)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4C class regulators WUSCHEL?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4EARLY BOLTING IN SHORT DAYS( EBS)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4EMBRYONIC FLOWER1( EMF1)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4EMBRYONIC FLOWER2( EMF2)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4FISTULATA( FIS)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Homeodomain General ABC repressors CURLY LEAF( CLF)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Plant- specific, nuclear?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Plant- specific, nuclear?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Plant- specific, nuclear?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Polycomb group( Enhancer of zeste) INCURVATA2( ICU2)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Polycomb group( Suppressor of zeste 12) General ABC activators POLYPETALA( POLY)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4RNA binding domain ABC cofactors SEPELLATA1- 3?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4STYLOSA( STY)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Tup1-like corepressor, WD40 repeats STERILE APETALA( SAP)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4YABBY domain SPATULA( SPT)?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4Zinc finger?
work_hdpnkwl33fby7kb25o7nbvsuc4bHLH domain HUA1?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6e( 2006), Friend or Foe?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6e5.5 Insidious discrimination?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eAnd if they are aware, is this knowledge conscious or sub- conscious?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eAre they more cooperative or do they engender cooperation?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eAre they more likely to be chosen by their peers when a selection decision has to be made?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eAre third parties aware of the possibility of discriminatory behavior?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eAt the end, we asked subjects a qualitative question: what, in their opinion, are the most important factors determining the elimination decision?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eDo men care more about looks than women do?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eDo people care more about the looks of the opposite sex?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6eWe can ask: are attractive people more productive, and do they exhibit greater confidence?
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6e[ 11] Eckel, C. and R. Wilson( 2004), Detecting Trustworthiness: Does Beauty Confound Intuition?, mimeo.
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6e[ 6] Belot, M., V. Bhaskar and J. van de Ven( 2008), Can Observers Predict Trustworthiness?,
work_vlrhp7rq75eo5nwwnbb4q3ho6e[ 9] Bertrand, M., and S. Mullainathan( 2004), Are Emily and Greg more Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za20 “ Quem quer ser artista do Fox?, ” Cinearte, August 25, 1926, 5.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za21 “ Quem quer ser artista do Fox? ” Cinearte, September 1, 1927, 5.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za39 Pedro Lima, “ Quem é Lia Torá?, ” Cinearte, July 20, 1927, 32.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za41 Lima, “ Quem é Lia Torá?, ” 5.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za43 “ Quem é Olympio Guilherme? ” Figure 7: “ Quem é Lia Torá?, ” Cinearte, July 20, 1927, 5.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5za43 “ Quem é Olympio Guilherme? ” Figure 7: “ Quem é Lia Torá?, ” Cinearte, July 20, 1927, 5.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaBeauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaBeauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaBeauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaDOI: HISTORY Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaFrom Rio de Janeiro?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaFrom São Paulo?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaFrom the states of the center, of the north, or the South?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaFrom where will they come?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaOne advertisement for the contest in Cinearte asked, “ Who will be the girl and boy that luck will take to the studios of Hollywood?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaSuk: Beauty in Black and White?
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaUnderneath their mutable identities, in their costumed 40 Lima, “ Quem é Lia Torá?, ” 32.
work_k3h4kiljafg5hnxx2vanuyo5zaWhich type of beauty would be Brazilians ’ tool to conquer Hollywood?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iA Variation on the 50:50 Lifeline in`` Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?''''
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iHow can Sleeping Beauty herself tell her own potential awakenings apart?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iHow can we tell Sleeping Beauty ’s potential awakenings apart?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iIn Bayesian terms, what is her posterior Pr(H| A)?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iQuestion# 2: What is the probability that an arbitrarily chosen awakening happens during a run in which the coin comes up heads?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iShould he stay with the door they initially picked?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iShould he switch?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iSleeping Beauty on Monty Hall Switch or Stay?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iSwitch or Stay?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iSwitch or Stay?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5iWhat should Sleeping Beauty ’s degree of belief be upon being awakened that the coin came up heads?
work_o3m5wlludnhblmfsc7ykumbg5i“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ” could thus get a new lease on life by borrowing some ideas from Sleeping Beauty and Monty Hall.
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e4P A J 2 91JLJ1 0fl12! 1JCIf11 qq40uj Cp9L9CSGU2IIC C0wb9L!u 4 G COGWCIGUS2 111 SJJG COIfIUJU() ojspc P0440W WPIG9II O1.I9PJG? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e ( oTo)( ooeo)( o22)( oo82) 2cqq oo28 — 00313 — OO btoppT]rç? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e 0 q?irnunc 20UU vuq rpc Lojc o Cfl21OwcL pcpvAIoL CC0L pvcq ou qicp pcvniA) vjc vgouJcA2) bLopvpA oj Uff!U!U vu cvq? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e 00014( o411)( o) V18o8)( 3ee1) ET''JTJJ rgç — 03Q 02 T3 818( 034)( o3)( T8)( 020) ETIJT2}J 2TOMT? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e : W6gIJ O83 OO3 003? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e COPOLi C 011 EUJ!u( 3L0MJJ: JçCCxuJ!ui0U OUPC AqCUCC ojcouow1c j( jô): ggj- oo QO0LC J, AIJCp%j O!PP iJq BGU4 H01W1LQU? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e LOL mp!cp i ta LcboI4cq ° w g11 cowbgl.12ou2 VLC! U couwIu( jog- g''t) LOL MIJOW 111C ILJW9J IJ9LA bLopJpj? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e MJIIJC SIILSCI!AC13C22 qq 1101 2IIIiLIC9UIJ? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e bLScIicc M92 wuiuj? work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7e bviwcl2plb LjC pcUGL- JooJcIu qrnu ipoc u ipc bnpjic 2CC1OLqip ipe qcicucc qu v2 0LJCCL oi.i vci.o iujbvcj o pcvn ou cvunu vwou jg) v''owc?
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7ec 3 JJJC& OMIUg LCIfIUJ2 SIC bLc2mnSpJ?
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7ecjcu qcuumJvic 01. pccn2c pcucL- JooJqu! AJIp pcvfllA jpc LC21J12 2cthbou v qJcoL?
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7eipc ccurp? cvz.
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7ej 12 uo 2iuiucur bo2!Ac GjJGC On 2flCCG22 uq 2rICCG22 IUCLGg2G2} JG bLoppJA o LG2bOU2 G JJJG IUCLGUCG iLl GL IT qoJJL bucc uqcx? i.
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7emq bøc!bur i r CAW1J LIJZ MTip 1C nuqcLj?4u 2fILACA2 JC JjO qJUI( AI EC1CLCIIJ ELVIJCC WWCUJJIJ v''q!w flCnOU qc im, u?
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7epcaniA WG92flLG pOMGAGI?
work_ej6ohqrnvvabfdntvna5xhyo7etu qc buAvc 2CC10L 1.c oipct w!u cdnvj vu qcc rpv tcIi CACU jLCL p?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzm( 1983) Men and women graduate students: who succeeds and why?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmBurton, L.( 1999a) Fables: the tortoise?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmBurton, L.( 1999b) The practices of mathematicians: what do they tell us about coming to know mathematics?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmCan I set up a time to meet you?''
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmHe said,` Can you come back in ten minutes?''
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmHerzig, A. H.( 2002) Where have all the students gone?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmI''ve very, very rarely had faculty members say,` So what are you working on?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmSo no particular mentor?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmSonnert, G.,& Holton, G.( 1995) Who succeeds in science?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmThe hare?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmThe mathematically underachieving male?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmWell, they could be more encouraging, right?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmWhat does this mean for women in mathematics?
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzm` How should I be proceeding about this, that, the other thing?''
work_sz3jdh2s4fdtdk4qefoml5frzmand he would n''t respond for ® ve days and then he''d say,` Why do n''t you come to my of ® ce hours?''
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7i( p. 107)18 What does this statement mean in practice?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iDuring KCF19 in Karlsruhe, 28 February–01 March 2019, we conducted a survey with the following two questions:( 1) what is beautiful about leading?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iGofeminin, 2014, Was ist eigentlich schön?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iHe raised the question: ‘ who leads the church? ’ With reference to John 16:3, Bohren( 1969:170) argues that the Holy Spirit leads the church.
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iHis research question was ‘ how has the theological aesthetics informed the way missional pastors lead? ’( Boren 2018:18).
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iHow can this statement( 4) become visible?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iResults on the question ‘ what is beautiful about leading? ’ We collected 116 index cards on the first question.
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iResults on the question ‘ what is not beautiful about leading? ’ We collected 47 index cards on this question.
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iThe aim of this article is to investigate two links between beauty and leadership: What is beautiful about spiritual leadership?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iThe research questions for this article are: what is beautiful about spiritual leadership, that is, why is it a beautiful task?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iWhy should spiritual leaders bother about beauty?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iWhy should spiritual leaders bother about beauty?
work_wimil4274bhtdopifrkn4kmq7iand( 2) what is not beautiful about leading?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeDUFFY, BROOKE ERIN( 2010) ‘ Empowerment through endorsement?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeHer image stands apart from the group, as she is separated Figure 1 “ wrinkled?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeLACHOVER, EINAT& BRANDES, SIGAL BARAK( 2009) ‘ A beautiful campaign?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeOne image( “ half empty?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeThe UK version says, “ fat?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeTheir images are accompanied by ballot boxes next to descriptive labels, posed as questions: “ wrinkled?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveefab? ” These sentiments are strikingly similar to the US version.
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveefit? ” and the Canadian version asks, “ fat?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveefit? ” and the Canadian version asks, “ fat?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeflawless? ” Copyright 2004 Ogilvy& Mather.
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveegorgeous? ”( Second Wave) and “ flawed?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveegorgeous? ”( Second Wave) and “ flawed?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveehalf full? ” Copyright 2004 Ogilvy& Mather.
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeit ’s why we started the campaign for real beauty. ” CFRB ’s texts connote a Figure 2 “ flawed?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveeoutstanding? ” Copyright 2004 Ogilvy& Mather.
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveewonderful? ” Copyright 2004 Ogilvy& Mather.
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveewonderful? ”( First Wave), “ gray?
work_gywb7uvekrh5voytksdmgzxveewonderful? ”( First Wave), “ gray?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqta( 2006), Friend or Foe?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqta5.5 Insidious discrimination?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaAnd if they are aware, is this knowledge conscious or sub- conscious?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaAre they more cooperative or do they engender cooperation?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaAre they more likely to be chosen by their peers when a selection decision has to be made?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaAre third parties aware of the possibility of discriminatory behavior?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaAt the end, we asked subjects a qualitative question: what, in their opinion, are the most important factors determining the elimination decision?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaDo men care more about looks than women do?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaDo people care more about the looks of the opposite sex?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqtaWe can ask: are attractive people more productive, and do they exhibit greater confidence?
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqta[ 11] Eckel, C. and R. Wilson( 2004), Detecting Trustworthiness: Does Beauty Confound Intuition?, mimeo.
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqta[ 6] Belot, M., V. Bhaskar and J. van de Ven( 2008), Can Observers Predict Trustworthiness?,
work_y3tminxc7zcrlbsee7bvcuqqta[ 9] Bertrand, M., and S. Mullainathan( 2004), Are Emily and Greg more Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24( circle your response) Yes No Alcohol?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24( circle your response) Yes No Desserts?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24( circle your response) Yes No Have any of your close friends or family ever been employed as a waiter or waitress?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24( circle your response) Yes No If you answered yes, what was the percent tip automatically added?______ 7.
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24( includes soups, salads)( circle your response) Yes No Entrees?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Are good- looking people more employable?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Did anyone whom you paid for, including yourself, have: Appetizers?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Do you regularly attend religious services?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Does beauty pay?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Dress for success – Does primping pay?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24For tax purposes, are you a dependent of your parents?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Have you ever been employed as a waiter or waitress?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24How did you pay for your bill?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24How many checks did your table have?________ 3.
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24How many people were at your table?________ 2.
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24How many people, including yourself, did you pay for?_____________ 4.
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Maxims or myths of beauty?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your attractiveness?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your server ’s attractiveness?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your server ’s weight?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24On a scale from 1 to 7, how would you rate the frequency with which you dine at this particular restaurant?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24On a scale from 1 to 7, how would you rate the service you received from your waiter/ waitress?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Was the tip automatically added to your bill?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What do you think the norm is regarding percent tip in a restaurant?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What is your age?________ 19.
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What is your marital status?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What is your sex?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What was your family ’s( all of the people in your household) approximate total income last year?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24What was your server ’s sex?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Which of the following categories best describes you?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Why does beauty pay?
work_7xjsdkkmsjfy5kfw37saaw3c24Why pay extra?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( 2006): “ Privately Held or Publicly Owned?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( a) Why do private signals contain more precise information than the professionally audited statements?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( b) Who is doing the aggregation?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( i) What is the data that constitutes “ private ” information?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( iv) If private signals are unobserved, how could common knowledge of the structure be attained?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaa( v) Why are private signals more informative than audited public signals?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut if the objective is an understanding 18 of the dynamics of asset prices, is such a detailed description necessary?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then one asks the simpler question: if these signals are not publically observed, how does the common knowledge come about?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then what is common knowledge among traders with diverse beliefs?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then, how different are these two theories of belief diversity?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then, how do traders update their beliefs when they observe?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then, how do we describe the individual and market beliefs?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaBut then, what does theW i t%1''S i t( Qt%1% μ) liquidation value reflect?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaDoes it make sense to postulate that audited statements are less reliable than the sum of all the fragmentary signals that individuals obtain?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaFor such a description do we really need to give a full, detailed, development of all the diverse theories of the traders?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaHence, Ψ i t%1 bt%1 bt his problem is how to go from to a prior of?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaHow does agent i know that his own signal takes the form and that is an unbiased estimate of θ?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaHow does trader i knows that the signal of k x i''Q% εi x i takes the form?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaHow is this equilibrated?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaIf he is a neutral agent with a duty not to exploit the public, why does he not simply announce Q?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaIn formulating an asset pricing theory should we provide a detailed description and motivate the subjective models of each trader in the model?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaSwanson, E.( 2006): “ Have Increases in Federal Reserve Transparency Improved Private Sector Forecasts of Short Term Interest Rates?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWhat are the differences between these two theories and do these differences matter?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWhat are the differences in their theoretical and empirical implications?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWhat are the incentives of this aggregating agent?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWhat does a trader learn in round 1?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWhen Should the Assumption of Asymmetric Information Be Avoided?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaaWith such complexity how do we describe an equilibrium?
work_i5jewootsnhvrcvfsugrmdljaastructure needed to arrive at an aggregation?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eAre any of men''s traits properly considered sexual ornaments( i.e., function primarily in mate attraction)?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eAre men more competitive than women?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eCroaks and tails or teeth and claws?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eDoes female choice drive male dominance competition?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eDoes female choice drive male dominance competition?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eDoes sexual selection explain human sex differences in aggression?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eDoes size matter?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eFor example, is a particular trait a weapon or an ornament, a dominance signal or a mate attraction display?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eHeritable true fitness and bright birds: A role for parasites?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eHuman hips, breasts and buttocks: Is fat deceptive?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eIs mate choice in humans MHC- dependent?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eSex- typicality and attractiveness: Are supermale and superfemale faces super- attractive?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eSexual dimorphism in Australopithecus afarensis revisited: How strong is the case for a human- like pattern of dimorphism?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eSexual ornaments in men?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eThe body and face of woman: One ornament that signals quality?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eThe dominance dilemma: Do women really prefer dominant mates?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eThe evolution of female orgasm: Adaptation or byproduct?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eThe orang- utan mating system and the unflanged male: A product of increased food stress during the late Miocene and Pliocene?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eThe scent of symmetry: A human sex pheromone that signals fitness?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eTo what extent did these possibilities apply to ancestral humans?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eWaist- hip ratio and cognitive ability: Is gluteofemoral fat a privileged store of neurodevelopmental resources?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eWhy do men hunt?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eWhy is muscularity sexy?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eWhy is sex fun?
work_myft2o5ionhehkgstitmfey47eWhy might women compete for mates?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4a80 Is there a distinctive Christian ethics? work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4a 410 THEOLOGICAL STUDIES alongside other beings? work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4a 420 THEOLOGICAL STUDIES motivation, perspective, or habitual moral stance?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aBut if this redefinition of moral action is so complete, what role do moral standards play?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aDid he expect moral discernment based on the new sense of beauty to guide the Christian?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aIn normative terms, if the great command- ment to love God and neighbor sums up the law and the prophets, what becomes of all the lesser commandments?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aIt can mean"Are there values and standards that morally oblige Christians which do not oblige others?"
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aOr did the cultural atmosphere and social sanctions of the godly common- wealth of Massachusetts provide sufficient guidelines for behavior al- ready?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aWere the converts content with the secondary beauty of a morality largely unconnected with the love of God?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aWhat disposition in the human subject can correlate with the goodness and reality of God as its object?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aWhat is distinctively Christian about reason reflecting on human nature?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aWhat role does Christ play in this Christian ethics?
work_ykipg5prjjddxhcw6pvzzwtg4aYet how does the simple existence of God provide an object of benevolent consent?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yA few naughty people who spoil things for the rest of us?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yBut when an organization – a corporation- claims responsibilities, what might that mean?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yHow do you propose to do that?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yIs Small Always Beautiful?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yIs it credible to imagine that he knew nothing about a widespread policy to evade emissions regulation in many countries?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yMight I persuade you to agree with me here?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yParker, M and Pearson, G( 2013) ‘ What Should Business Schools Teach Managers? ’ Business and Society Review 118/1:1- 22.
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yPearson, G and Parker M( 2008) ‘ Management or Organizing?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6ySo, are you prepared to acknowledge that ‘ culture ’ is( in part at least) a function of scale?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yThe Dialogue ‘ How then can we rightly order the distribution of the land?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yThe big question is ‘ why? ’ Asserting that it is because their organisations are so big is simply not a necessary or sufficient explanation.
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yThe real question is what gives rise to wilful blindness?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yWe should be asking what is it that is responsible for such corruption?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yWhat ’s wrong with that?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yWhy is that conclusion so unpalatable to you?
work_v2ompsptvzc43fhr5mqphspm6yWhy should growth be synonymous with success?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfna93--126 eISSN: 2282- 7765 93 Is the golden section a key for understanding beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_yttymbqcvncqfalgfxpfn6nfnaPart I( La sezione aurea è una chiave per la comprensione del bello?)
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyAfter all, are not many evil things superficially lovely and attractive and beautiful?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyAre possible worlds analogous to stories?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyAre possible worlds themselves made real, or are they complete models for the real?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyBut how can something so ugly be so beautiful?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyBut will Tom be satisfied with only a list?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyCan the saint in heaven avert her gaze from the contemplation of the Godhead?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyCan there be anything which would be neither beautiful nor ugly in the being of God?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyCould ugly parts be needed in God ’s beauty?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyDo the Dinka see a murder, which is then transformed into a sacrifice?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyDo the Dinka see aesthetically depraved parts mixed with some beauty and see that the ugliness helps to make the whole aesthetically better?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyDoes it show that some things really are more beautiful if there are some local aspects which are ugly?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyDoes n’t the resurrected Lord have scars in heaven?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyDoes this accommodation of the ugly with the beautiful tell against my account of God ’s complete, utter, and full beauty?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyFor example, in that bestseller of the late nineteenth century, Quo Vadis?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyGAINES, SIMON FRANCIS( ) Will There Be Free Will in Heaven?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyHow will God know what hue Adam ’s skin will possess if He does not have some kind of image?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyI ask this question: Can God be anything else but full of beauty?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyIf so, are n’t there ugly things in heaven?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyIf they are not, why do people feel such attraction for them?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyROBSON, JON( ) ‘ Do possible worlds compromise God ’s beauty?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyWhat is the alternative to possible worlds?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyWhat, then, could the beauty of God be like?
work_nl7hlfimebayppvw2brrsd5smyWill these scars somehow ruin the beauty of heaven?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45ka( H o w m a n y r e a d e r s did n o t reply for such reasons?)
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45ka( How do mathematicians t e n d to distinguish b e t w e e n beautiful a n d pretty?)
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaA r e a t h e o r e m a n d its d u a l e q u a l l y b e a u t i f u l?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre T h e s e the M o s t Beautiful?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre easy t h e o r e m s less beautiful?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre mathematicians similarly varied?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre t h e y?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre there no s y m p h o n i e s or epics in the world of beautiful proofs?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaAre these the most beautiful?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaBut w h a t h a p p e n s w h e n t h e novelty wears off?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaBut w h a t h a p p e n s w h e n the m y s t e r y is re- solved?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaC a n loss of d e p t h h a v e d e s t r o y e d t h e b e a u t y of( 24)?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaCan a n d do mathematicians deliberately u n d o such ef- fects b y placing themselves empathically in t h e posi- tion of the original discoverers?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaCan a small a n d"inessential"c h a n g e in a t h e o r e m c h a n g e its aesthetic value?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaEquivalent o r related?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w a b o u t H a r d y''s"inevitable?"
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w come o n e particular transformation of this iden- tity into triangle terms is t h o u g h t so beautiful?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w d o aesthetic j u d g e m e n t s c h a n g e a n d d e v e l o p, in q u a n t i t y a n d quality, during this temporal roller coaster?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w d o e s j u d g m e n t c h a n g e w i t h time?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w might"natural"b e interpreted in mathemat- ical terms?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w simple can a beautiful entity be?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w w o u l d i i= e-~''t2 have scored?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaH o w?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaI s n''t this difficult, d e e p, sur- prising, a n d s i m p l e relative to its s u b j e c t matter?!
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaIs it n o longer deep or diffi- cult?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaIs it partly a surprise factor, w h i c h the p e d e s t r i a n identity lacks?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaIs it t r u t h that is b o t h natural and beautiful?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaIs t h e b e a u t y t r a n s f o r m e d into a n o t h e r beauty, or m a y it evaporate?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaIs"rr, a n d a n y t h i n g to do w i t h it, coloured b y the feeling that-a"is unique, that there is n o other n u m b e r like it?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaLe Lionnais, u n f o r t u n a t e l y, d o e s n o t qualify"n o w s e e m s"b y asking,"''to w h o m?"
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaP. R. Halmos, Why is a congress?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaRoger P e n r o s e[ 10] a s k e d w h e t h e r a n u n a d o r n e d square grid was beautiful, or was it too simple?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaShould it be?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaShould readers h a v e been asked to r e s p o n d only to those t h e o r e m s w i t h w h i c h t h e y w e r e extremely fa- miliar?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaT h e m e 1: A r e T h e o r e m s B e a u t i f u l?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaTo w h a t extent w a s the g o o d score for( 4) a v o t e for the b e a u t y of the Platonic solids themselves?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaW h y?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaWas it outside the m a i n field of interest of most r e s p o n d e n t s, a n d rated d o w n for that reason?
work_dmitbbrb5zhxnmvr4frm6f45kaWhat m o r e d o y o u want?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbu... Do partnered women discriminate men''s faces less along the attractiveness dimension?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbu... Mirror, mirror on the wall, who''s the fairest one of all?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbu... To each its own?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuDoes dopamine mostly mediate the hedonic impact of reward(''liking'')?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuDoes dopamine mostly mediate the hedonic impact of reward(''liking'')?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuDoes it instead mediate learned predictions of future reward, prediction error teaching signals and stamp in associative links( learning)?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuDoes it instead mediate learned predictions of future reward, prediction error teaching signals and stamp in associative links( learning)?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuEmail · HintTip: Most researchers use their institutional email address as their ResearchGate login PasswordForgot password?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuHow deeply can it be processed?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuKeep me logged in Log in or Continue with LinkedIn Continue with Google No account?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuOr does dopamine motivate the pursuit of rewards by attributing incentive salience to reward- related stimuli(''wanting'')?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuOr does dopamine motivate the pursuit of rewards by attributing incentive salience to reward- related stimuli(''wanting'')?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuRead more Last Updated: 04 Dec 2020 Looking for the full- text?
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work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuResearchers of subliminal stimulation ask the following fundamental questions: What kind of subliminal information can be processed?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuTo what extent can it influence behavior?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuView Show abstract Is it possible to dissociate ‘ liking ’ and ‘ wanting ’ for foods in humans?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuView Show abstract What Does Sexual Orientation Orient?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuWhat are the determinants of its influence?
work_xwq24g6z75c63erw7ccnag7jbuWhat is attractiveness?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhm; Moi, “ What Can Literature Do? ”).
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmAnd if you do n’t keep quiet – then what?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmAnd what conclusions will people draw from the fact that you did give it to him?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmBut what is beauty without vine leaves?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmBut why does Hedda acquiesce in the idea that testifying in court must mean telling the truth about why she gave Løvborg the gun?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmBut why does Hedda prefer to die rather than explaining in court( or anywhere else) why she gave Løvborg the gun?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmBut why say such a thing to an unhinged alcoholic?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmCavell writes, “ How is acknowledgement expressed; that is, how do we put ourselves in another ’s presence? ”.
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmCould n’t you arrange that – that it ’s done beautifully?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmDo you recognize it?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmEverything now turns on her decision; as we watch, the tension[ spændingen] mounts: will Hedda speak or remain silent?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmHow can Hedda take the witness stand and explain that she gave Løvborg the pistol as a complex re- minder of her own incapacity to love?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmHow could Hedda, who feels radically estranged from everything in her world, bring herself to choose community?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmHow, then, are we to read Hedda Gabler philosophically?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmIn her universe, the very existence of confidants is ruled out: what ’s a confidant to someone who does n’t believe that her words carry meaning?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmIs her suicide a last, reckless act of freedom?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmIs it a final idealist masterpiece, doomed to remain unacknowledged by her mediocre surroundings?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmIs it because she does n’t want to make Løvborg out to be a thief?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmIs that the souvenir?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmLike the German schweigen, it often implies that something is deliberately withheld( “ kan du tie? ” means “ can you keep a secret? ”).
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmLike the German schweigen, it often implies that something is deliberately withheld( “ kan du tie? ” means “ can you keep a secret? ”).
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmMust We Mean What We Say?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmOr is Hedda simply succumbing to despair in a world that has no place for her?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmQue peut la littérature?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmShe is turning her friends( friends?)
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmSurely, Hedda still has the option of testifying that Løvborg must have stolen the pistol?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmThat she told Løvborg to shoot himself “ in beauty ”?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat are these “ si- lences ” I am about to investigate?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat could she say?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat is going on with Hedda here?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat is the connection between Hedda ’s silence and despair and our own cul- tural moment?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat kind of philosophy does not?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat kind of philosophy finds room for the illuminations of Hedda Gabler?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhat would happen?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWho would believe her?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWhy does Hedda kill herself?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWith vine leaves in my hair, as you used to dream in the old days?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmWould she say that her own suicide, a clean shot through the temple, was a deed done in beauty?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhm[ What can literature do?]
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmhedda Do you think they ’ll succeed?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmhedda When I did n’t dare shoot you – løvborg Yes?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhmløvborg Beautifully?
work_3cjvwqbf5vbevld7r4wrppdjhm“ What Can Literature Do?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqAndreoni, J. and A.A. Payne( 2009), Is Crowding Out Due Entirely to Fundraising?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHave you already donated this year to a charitable organization?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHave you ever received a donation receipt for your donation?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHave you made a donation to a charitable organization before?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHow can your marital status be described?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHow many children live in your household?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqHow many people, including you, live in your household?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqIf you answered question 16 with “ yes ”, how much have you donated this year altogether?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqIf you answered question 16 with “ yes ”, in which month have you donated last?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqSteinberg, R.( 1991), Does Government Spending Crowd Out Donations?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqTo which purpose have you to date donated most often?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat are the monthly net earnings of your household( how much money per month is available for your household altogether?)
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your ID- number?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your first language?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your highest educational achievement?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your original nationality?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your religious affiliation?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhat is your year of birth?
work_zqgnn6s2kfg3tduga7re5wokxqWhich party would you vote for if there were federal elections on the coming Sunday?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd412 4 Does Body Size matter above and beyond Beauty?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd43.2 How do Anthropometric Measures correlate with Beauty?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4No No Yes No Yes Interviewer × Interviewee interactions?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4No No Yes No Yes Interviewer × Interviewee interactions?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4No Yes No Yes Interviewer × Interviewee interactions?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4No Yes No Yes No Interviewer fixed effects?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4No Yes No Yes No Interviewer fixed effects?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes No Yes No Interviewer fixed effects?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer controls?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer controls?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer controls?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer × Interviewee interactions?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer × Interviewee interactions?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer controls?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interviewer controls?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Beauty is the promise of happiness? ” European Economic Review 64:351–368.
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Does Beauty Matter in Undergraduate Education? ” Economic Inquiry 53( 2):940–961.
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Does body weight affect wages?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Dress for success – does primping pay? ” Labour Economics 9( 3):361–373.
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Looks and Labor: Do Attractive People Work More? ” LABOUR 28( 3):269–287.
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Myth or Fact?
work_ybvmapar5fbunf6sncdsddcgd4“ Where Does the Wage Penalty Bite? ” In Economic Aspects of Obesity, edited by Michael Grossman and Naci Mocan.
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3qu129--176 eISSN: 2282- 7765 129 Is the golden section a key for understanding beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quIs the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quLe due radici di questa equazione di 2 ° grado, sono: Is the Golden Section a Key for Understanding Beauty?
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quNel XIV capitolo del Liber Abbaci Leonardo Pisano( 1170-?)
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3quPart II( La sezione aurea è una chiave per la comprensione del bello?)
work_tmbbyevr2vblxmewrsqigjt3qupropone al lettore un curioso problema la cui domanda finale è: « Quot paria cuniculorum ex uno pario in uno anno germinentur? ».
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraAnd what about today?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraAnd where are we?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraAssumption 4: statements on percep- tions are generated in our brain or elsewhere(?)
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraBeing as the lack of limos?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraBut does it make a difference, if you are, hate, cheat, kill, and chill, using words of the ancient Greek or Latin language?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraDo all models and concepts start out with a no, absence, and lack?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraDoes it all originate out of a lack logos absence of perception?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraFinally, who will survive the tide?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraHave we given up and cut off ourselves from the logos?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraMay a book be as good to replace a real face?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraMaybe change is a must driven out of the limos[ 6, 7]?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraMaybe sugar is as good to snow upon a real mountain top?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraMaybe the truth is as good to replace a decision?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraOr maybe it simply mirrors the present tide that is going to rush over the accident from the east?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraThe meaning of pause, the meaning of absence, deficit lack limos gap?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraThe question remains: who in this highly social sce- nario rescues whom from whom and what?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraThey put us into question, as we were the pause?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraThose living in the ark?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWell- being, what a being is that?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWell- powered, what mood is that?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWell- tuned, what tune is that?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhat type of tide is going to come up?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhere do the human beings stand with their outstand- ing and exclusive spider capacity of oral language- based communication?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWho fits the teeth for the bite?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWho opens the window of close?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy did Beethoven let his symphony start with a pause?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy do things appear to be in motion?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy do things move and groove?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy it flows and nourishes?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy should we worry about air if we are not at all understanding the essence of water?
work_rekuwlrqkfbrjgsx2hyfhy6hraWhy then bother with these issues?
work_le3albr3nfcbhlt4wtec3lsjlu( 18)(!?)
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work_le3albr3nfcbhlt4wtec3lsjlu( siol)( s3oQ)(? 4) EWbI0A1JJCU 1000 QQ3 Q4 QQ3 3Q4 3033 bL{h!UJJDW} 143 340 33Q 3QX 00?
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work_le3albr3nfcbhlt4wtec3lsjluP!L&t jo! IJ bgu LOL uA bocucj bLopJcw tsci, uc oC9C iuquqqnj jjicA MGLC Vj20 oq o vcconu LOL bLcnJJA rnnpucuu bo2 ob W9UCL qIUGL i qcj?
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work_le3albr3nfcbhlt4wtec3lsjluj jpc ai8uqjcucc suq 21U opC C2WC2 ovn(Ic2)\g9cnt?
work_le3albr3nfcbhlt4wtec3lsjluro viicic flubnpj!2pcq bbCt WID ojyccon1uJu mg couounc( JOg?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Acaba her süje gerçekten hayatın anlamı noktasında kendisine özel bir yer ayırıyor mu?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Akla gelen bir soru da Ģu: Neden Ģair, rüyasını kendi yorumlamak istiyor?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Ama asıl önemli olan bu birlikli yapıyı yine süjenin fark etmesi değil midir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bilgisel tavırla esere yönelen biri estetik haz alamaz mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Birisini çok sevmek anlamında kullanılan “ sonsuza dek sevmek ” ifadesi “ ezelden beri sevmek ” ifadesinden farklı bir anlamda mıdır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bu anlamda süje için metin nedir, metin karĢısında süje nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bu durumda metnin ilk okunma zamanında yaĢanılanların hükmü nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bu neyin göstergesidir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bu Ģiirin ne amaçla kime yazıldığı konusunda elimizdeki bilgiler ne kadardır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bundan hareketle Ģair bu Ģiiri herhangi bir yere yazıp Ģah dediği kiĢiye doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak ulaĢtırmıĢtır diyemez miyiz?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Bunun kontrolü nasıl olacak?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Böyle bir rüyayı kim görmüĢtür?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Böyle düĢünmeyen süje acaba var mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Böylesi baĢlayan bir süreç hangi boyutlara kadar gider?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Dahası böyle bir kontrol olmak zorunda mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Edebî bir eserin süjece algılanmasından, özellikle haz boyutunda algılanmasından öte ne vardır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Edebî eserin ortaya çıktığı zaman ile bu eserin sonraki zamanlarda ilk okunması aynı anlamda mıdır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4En önemlisi bu hayal gücü kimin?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4En önemlisi metnin ilk okunması ve sonrası okumada süjede asıl olup biten, bu olup bitenin de niteliği ve niceliği nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Hayal gücünün göstergesi ise bunun oluĢmasına neden olan Ģey nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Hele metni ilk okuyan süjenin/ süjelerin yaĢadıklarının bir hük mü, bir önceliği var mıdır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Hem böylesi bir rüya yorumlanmak istenmez mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Hepsinin hayal gücünün kesiĢmesi midir, ayrıĢması mıdır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Kaç kiĢi görmüĢtür?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Kaç süje böyle düĢünüyor?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Metinle ilk karĢılaĢan süjeleri böyle bir durumda nereye koyacağız?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Metnin İlk Okunma Zamanı, Süjenin İlk Okuma Zamanı Süjenin zihninde canlanan bu düĢünceler süjeyle mi alakalı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Neden sadece “ Ģaha ” kelimesiyle seslenmiĢtir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Okumalar ve Hayal Gücü Bir önceki adımda bahsedilen tam anlamanın olmaması durumunda anlaĢılan Ģeyler hayal gücünün ürünü mü?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Onlar kendi varlıklarını nasıl görüyor ve anlamlandırıyor?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Ruhların sonsuza dek var olup birbirlerini sevme durumu söz konusuyken, birbirlerini ezelden beri sevme durumu neden söz konusu olmasın?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Rüyasını tabir etmek istemesi bundan mı kaynaklanmaktadır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Sevdiğine “ Ben seni ezelden beri seviyorum. ” demiĢ olamaz mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Son sınır nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Süje güzel düĢünüp varlığa bu nazarla bakmadığı sürece bu birlikli güzeli görebilir mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Süje varlığa bu nazarla bakmadığı sürece onu tam anlamıyla nasıl görecektir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Veya hayal gücünün okumalarda yeri olmalı mı, olmamalı mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yaratıcının insanla beraber olması gibi güzel bir Ģeyin öncelikli anlatılması gerekmez mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yaratıcıya yönelik dua, istek varsa ve bu da Ģiirde hakim olan duygu, düĢünce ise neden Ģair seslenme ünlemlerini çok kullanmamıĢtır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yaratıcıyı düĢte görmek mümkün müdür?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yine pratik noktalardan ele alınan eserden haz olarak bir Ģeyler duyulamaz mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yoksa bu yaĢananlar tamamen farklı bir Ģey mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Yoksa Ģair kimi gördüğünden emin değil mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Özellikle yukarıda bahsedilen ilk okumada süjenin yaĢadığı Ģey nedir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Ġki ifadenin de anlamı, vurgusu aynı değil mi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4Ġnsanlık tarihi güzele, güzelin özüne ulaĢmak gayretinden baĢka zaten neydi?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4ġair niçin sürece bırakmıĢtır?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4ġair sevdiği kiĢiyi ne kadar sevdiğini hem miktar hem zaman olarak belirtmek için bezm- i ezel kullanımı seçmiĢ olamaz mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4ġairin mi, eseri okuyanların mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4“ Ben seni benimile görüridim ” ne demektir?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4“ Ben seni severim ezel ezeli/ Bana cefa etme dünya güzeli( Karacaoğlan) ” 5 ifadesi gibi bir kullanımı tercih etmiĢ olamaz mı?
work_4r5lofjnijfozfso55yp7hzxk4… üstü okumayı ancak süjenin yapacağı gerçeği belirmez mi?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmA Bronze Age Battlefield?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmAn Historical Homeric Society?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmAre the visual appearance and bodily movements of the ancient warrior, sensu Treherne, at all present in the archaeology of warfare now blooming?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmArmeen in der Frühbronzezeit?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmBut what about the notion of ‘ beauty ’ specific to such warriors?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmConflicting Evidence?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmDid these physical attributes also have an influence on the appearance and status of the warrior as much as their dress and accou- trements?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmDoes Cranial Trauma Provide Evidence for Projectile Weaponry in Iron Age Dorset?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmFeared and symbolically dispatched enemy?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmGood Fences Make Good Neighbours?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmHousehold deity, toy, game- piece, warrior- god, mythic ancestor( Stead, 1988: 25)?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmHow might modifications to the body aim to meet the expectations of others rather than of self?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmHowever, what about the common fighter?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmIn an age before mirrors, did men groom themselves or was this done for them?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmIn the case of the latter, was identity, therefore, a co- cre- ation?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmIntimate surrogate, even, for a body lost in conflict, defiled and defamed?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmMale Symbols or Warrior Identities?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmThe Bronze Age warrior: epic hero or militant professional?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmThe Osteology of Conflict: What Does It All Mean?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmThe War to Begin All Wars?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmThe problem is, are we not becoming lazy if we simply go on accepting this article ’s inter- pretation as the norm?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmVenerated mnemonic of an hon- oured relative?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWar Without Warriors?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWere They All Men?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWere these men physically dis- tinctive?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWhat was their purpose?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWhat ’s Cooler: Wearing your Sword on your Back or at the Waist?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWhere did they come from, and to whom were they related?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wmWho ’s Come a Long Way, Baby?
work_zqydk6puy5gfrnsbw6txpdi4wm‘ Warrior Graves ’?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) 25 24 Yes No If yes, how often does this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how differently did it make you think about yourself?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how differently did you see the world?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how often did you think about what you learned?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how often do you learn something in science and then tell other people about it like Sarah did?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how often do you try to see examples of things you learned in science outside of class?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, how often does something like this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq( circle one) Yes No If yes, what science ideas or concepts were you studying at the time?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohq1) Have you ever had an experience in science class like Sarah?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqAnd"What kinds of things do I need to know more about to really re- see this?"
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqDo you see what they see?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever had a powerful learning experience in science like the one Sarah had( student in vignette)?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned about something in science and then seen the world differently because of it?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned about something in science class and then tried to learn more about it outside of class?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science and then seen the world differently because of it?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science and then thought about it all the time outside of class?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science and then told other people about it?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science class and then tried to see examples of it outside of class?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science class that really helped you to understand more about the world?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science that made you think differently about yourself?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHave you ever learned something in science that made you think differently about yourself?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHow can one teach in ways that foster aesthetic understanding?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqHow will students talk about their experiences learning science for aesthetic understanding?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how different did you see the world?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how differently did it make you feel?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how often do you learn something like this?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how often does something like this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how often does something like this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how often does this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how often does this happen to you?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf so, how similar was it?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqIf yes, how similar was your experience to Sarah''s?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqRe- seeing is also a disposition that causes us to ask questions of what we perceive such as,"What''s really going on here?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqStudents should ask more,"what if..."style questions such as,"What if this rock could talk?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqTypically, how similar is your learning like Sarah when she learned about friction?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqWhat story could it tell of its travels?"
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqWhat teacher has not cringed as students ask''When are we ever going to use this?''
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqWhere did it come from?
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqWhy do things look the way they do?"
work_qokr26ghebbihic6lsxg4a6ohqor''Why do we have to learn this?''
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBiotechnology to the Rescue? work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi What''s a citizen gon na do?"
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi12 see for example Who Will Tell the People?, by William Greider, and Who Rules America Now?, by G. William Domhoff.
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi12 see for example Who Will Tell the People?, by William Greider, and Who Rules America Now?, by G. William Domhoff.
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi126 155 Gil Friend,"Stranded Assets: Why Ca n''t You Ever Find a Capitalist Around When You Need One?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi25 Mary Crowley,"Do Kids Need Prozac?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi25"Is Bigger Better?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi26 Black wood, p.?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi28 Black wood, p.?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi3"Big Biz to Run Small Countries?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi30"Is Bigger Better?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi35 Clifford Cobb, Ted Halstead, and Jonathan Rowe,"If the GDP Is Up, Why Is America Down?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi37 Peter Montague,"Is Regulation Possible?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi41 Tim Lang and Hugh Raven,"Who Will Tame the Supermarkets?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvi56 Ronnie Cummins,"Whose Organic Standards?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBecause corporations will take away our jobs?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBecause it''s too late to learn to act as sovereign people?...
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBecause they will run away to another state, to another country?...
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBecause we do n''t know how to run our towns and cities and nations without global corporations?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBut what is small, and what is local?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviBut what of other''rules of the game'', like regulations with the avowed purpose of protecting human health and the environment?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviDo corporations have an inalienable right of access to the broadcast spectrum?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviDo cultures-- and individuals-- have the right to declare themselves offlimits to the commercial messages others wish to send them?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviHow can the communication tower be built without ruining the aesthetic appeal of the mountain?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviHow long shall we the people, the sovereign people, stand hat in hand outside corporate boardrooms waiting to be told our fate?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviHow, after all, can we stand in the way of''natural evolution''?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviOn one level this is certainly a small business; but if it has clients on four different continents, to what degree is it a''local''business?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviOr would it be the soft energy path brought to you by you and your neighbors?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviOur food?...
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviOur hospitals?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviShould they be allowed the unlimited right to position their communications satellites where they can reach everyone on earth?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviWhat little debate there is generally focuses on the margins: Whose backyard will the superhighway run through?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviWhat safeguards will be in place at the nuclear power plant?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviWhen the campaign contributions and lobbying arms of huge businesses determine public policy, is this really democracy?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviWould it be coal and oil brought to you by large, multinational corporations?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpviWould it be synthetic fuels subsidized and administered by the state?
work_syl2ox3mufhhnkukggcwq2tpvicit., p. 130; Black wood?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eAre these definitions correct?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eAre these definitions correct?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 10/ 32 What does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 11/ 32 What does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 12/ 32 How does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 13/ 32 How does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 15/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 19/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 21/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 21/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 21/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 23/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 24/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 24/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 24/ 32 Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 32/ 32 Differentiation What does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 5/ 32 Differentiation What ’s a derivative?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 7/ 32 Differentiation What is automatic differentiation?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eConal Elliott( LambdaPix) Beautiful differentiation 1 September, 2009 ICFP 9/ 32 Differentiation What is automatic differentiation — really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eCould they work for D?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eFor scalar domain: d:: Scalar s ⇒( s → s) →( s → s) d f x= lim ε→0 f( x+ ε) − f x ε What about non- scalar domains?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eFor scalar domain: d:: Scalar s ⇒( s → s) →( s → s) d f x= lim ε→0 f( x+ ε) − f x ε What about non- scalar domains?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a basis?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a derivative – really?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a linear map?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a linear map?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHigher- dimensional functions What ’s a linear map?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHow does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHow does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHow does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHow does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eHow does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eI How does a correct implementation arise?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eI What does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eI Where else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhat does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhat does AD mean?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhat is fmap?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhere else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhere else might these answers take us?
work_iciliril6bc6zmuxfcxilh7q6eWhere else might these answers take us?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughoze- 19- 19 The Last Laughs What do you think is the most “ serious ” complaint made by professors against their students?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeBut the second answer?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan one or even two papers answer all of them?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan the arguments be presented differently?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan the points be made more clearly?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan you garner your will power to sustain this process?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan you handle the disappointment or frustration when for three, four, five months you ca n’t show what you have wanted to show?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeCan you rewrite some of the sentences, or paragraphs to improve them?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeDo I seem like splitting hairs?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeDoes it sound like a skill in interpersonal relationship?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeExperience Now your ask, what is it that you can expect from your thesis advisor?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeFinally, what should you do if you feel that working with your supervisor has been a mistake?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHave n’t you read this sequence before in published papers?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHave you seen the movie?)
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow can they be standard?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow do you become a good scientific writer?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow does one come up with research ideas?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow does one do research?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow does one manage to say “ I can do this. ”?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow much mathematics should you learn for your Ph.D.?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow much tax burden?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeHow to Approach a Research Topic?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIf I spend six months “ proving ” the results I want to find, I expect to spend another six months “ writing them up. ” Why?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIf you do not make use of your supervisor ’s experience, what kind of an economist are you( or will you become)?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIf you keep THINKING about party and holiday, how do you THINK about research?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIs it really true that monotonicity and inversion are EXACTLY the same?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIs there a Tradeoff between Intelligence and Work Discipline?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIs this a 24/7 job?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeIt takes some courage, right?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeLog of wage?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeMathematics What about mathematics?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeNow what about the repertoire of mathematics that you should learn?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeOr how about “ Why We Grow Large, and then Grow Old: Economics, Biology and Mortality? ” a working paper written by a very senior economist.
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeRejection of a submission is common in our profession, so what ’s the big deal?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat Makes a Good Researcher?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat are the goals in your graduate study and research?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat do I mean by mathematical maturity?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat do you think movie directors and producers do when the shooting is done?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat do you think newspaper and magazine editors do when they have received all the scripts from authors or wire services?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat do you think trial lawyers do when the detectives, clerks or assistants have gotten them all the “ facts ” of the case?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat do you want to do when you feel like you have all the results?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat does this simple maximizing behavioral model buy you?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat is it that your mind has to learn?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat is the point of a convoluted way of stating your ideas?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat kind of actions?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat kind of asymmetric information?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat next?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat would happen if you found the wrong supervisor?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughozeWhat ’s the next step?
work_w7toe4ck25ccha2li3r3ughoze• Inattentive consumers • Big elephants in small ponds: Do large traders make financial markets more aggressive?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( Is it so?)
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( b) The High- Energy LHC?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( c) A 100-TeV pp Collider( FCC- hh)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( d) A 250-GeV ILC?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( e) A circular Higgs factory( FCC- ee or CEPC)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( f) A 380-GeV CLIC?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( g) A µ+µ− → H Higgs factory?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( h) LHeC/ FCC- eh?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( i) A muon- storage- ring neutrino factory?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( j) A multi- TeV muon collider?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( k) The instrument of your dreams?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e( or an electron – ion collider?)
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76e? ” need more info if JPC= 0++, ¿ X( 3915)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAny surprise sources of H(125)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre absolute couplings to W and Z as expected in the standard model?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre all production rates as expected?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre fermion couplings proportional to fermion masses?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre there additional electroweak gauge bosons, beyond W± and Z?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre there additional kinds of matter?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre there new species of quarks and leptons?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eAre there tt̄ resonances?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we establish or exclude decays to new particles?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we establish the HHH trilinear self- coupling?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we find evidence for charged- lepton flavor violation?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we find evidence of flavor- changing top decays t →( Z, γ)(c, u)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we find evidence of right- handed charged- current interactions?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eCan we find signs of new strong dynamics or( partial) compositeness?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eChris Quigg Beauty 2019 Opening Ljubljana · 30.09.2019 35/ 41 Have we found the “ periodic table ” of elementary particles?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDo flavor parameters mean anything at all?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDo loop- induced decays( gg, γγ, γZ) occur at standard- model rates?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDoes H(125) act as a portal to hidden sectors?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDoes H(125) fully account for electroweak symmetry breaking?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDoes it match standard- model branching fractions to gauge bosons?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eDoes the EW vacuum seem stable, or suggest a new physics scale?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eHow can we detect H → cc̄?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eHow free is t?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eHow well can we constrain the top- quark lifetime?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eHow well can we test the notion that H regulates Higgs – Goldstone scattering, i.e., tames the high- energy behavior of WW scattering?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eHow well can we test the standard- model correlation among B(K+ → π+νν̄), B(Bs → µ+µ−), and the quark- mixing matrix parameter γ?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIf flavor parameters have meaning( beyond engineering information), what is the meta- question?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs H(125) the only member of its clan?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs charged- current universality exact?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs the 3 × 3( CKM) quark- mixing matrix unitary?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs the Higgs field the only source of fermion masses?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs the electroweak phase transition first- order?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs there a family symmetry?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eIs there any link to a dark sector?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eLifetime: ∼ 1 3 ps??
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eLifetime: ∼ 1 3 ps??
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eMight there be others — charged or neutral — at higher or lower masses?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eMostly narrow, seen in hadronic transitions or decays What are they?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat about lepton- flavor universality?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat accounts for the immense range of fermion masses?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat do generations mean?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat does it mean?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat is the relationship of left- handed and right- handed fermions?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat role does the Higgs field play in generating neutrino masses?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhat will resolve the disparate values of|Vub| and|Vcb| measured in inclusive and exclusive decays?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhen can we measure ΓH?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhere are flavor- changing neutral currents in quark transitions?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhy are there three families of quarks and leptons?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhy is isospin a good symmetry?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWhy not?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eWill we establish and diagnose a break in the SM?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eexotic charges?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76epossible 23P2 ¿ ψ(4660)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76epossible 5S ψ(4230), ¿ ψ(4360)?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76epossible hybrids E J E ic h te n When can we find( bb̄) analogues?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eup to( QiQj)( QkQl)( QmQn): B= 2, but QpQqQr color structure?
work_uy7cheud2rglpi7auevs3ei76eµ+µ− soon?
work_6njrz573gzbuthspfobzkosyou! �"�# �@?
work_6njrz573gzbuthspfobzkosyou! �"�# �@?
work_6njrz573gzbuthspfobzkosyou; 1@ � � � � � � � � � � � �''?.
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work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qDoes your research concern the physical design of organizations? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ), 2) identity( which is ambiguous and subjective construct? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ), 3) authenticity( shows the concept of a natural and authentic impression? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ), 4) involve all the senses( be as many senses? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ), 5) problems( adjust all elements within the context of the theme? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ), 6) harmony( all variables are aligned?) work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q -- Accomplish- ment Which goals and learning goals have been achieved? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q -- Avoid NAEs Which product and services, company philosophy, goals/ strategy, mission and image are perceived as ugly? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q / How can we do beautiful things in a beautiful way? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q 5) Which two arguments do you have for starting or rejecting the idea of organizational aesthetics in your organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; 2) What do you experience as beautiful and ugly in your work and organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; 3) Which of the showed design principles for beautiful organizations will you apply in your organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; 4) Which actions or interventions will you apply in your organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; 6) What has been the effect of the workshop for you? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; Are you making meaningful distinctions? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; Does the UX continue the same concept? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q ; Have you made the distinction between personalization and customization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q A matter of feeling? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Act/ Adapt: Are we continuing doing beautiful things in a beautiful way? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Aesthetic principles and cognitive emotion appraisals: How much of the beauty lies in the eye of the beholder? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q All ye need to know? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q An essential question is: How many different methods are needed? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And can something in organizations be beautiful without being( a degree of) good? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And if so, in which stimuli and because of which properties do they experience aesthetic value? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And if so, which design principles can be applied to develop beautiful organizations? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And is aesthetic value in organizations equal to functional value? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And is an aesthetic judgment equal to a moral judgment? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And is organization design receptive for semantics, value and meaning, or even aesthetics like other design disciplines? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q And we say that it serves no purpose but itself, then whose purpose is that? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Apparently, a new director, a real person..... no transition, I worry.......... vision or urge retention? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Are beauty or aesthetic value recognized and common used terms in the organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Are employees continuously challenged and encouraged to discover aesthetic value? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Are interior/ exterior, house style/ internal communication perceived as beautiful? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Bridging the gap between the qualitative and quantitative worlds? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q But how to realize development opportunities? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q But ‘ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ’ is a well known phrase, so what is there more to say? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q But, what are the OAS? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Can aesthetic value contribute for example to economic value and to affective commitment? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Can we design and reform organizations by adapting design principles of other design disciplines? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Can we speak of''aesthetic experience''? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Check: Is it beautiful( enough)? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Coherence Do product and services, company philosophy, goals/ strategy, mission and image show coherence with each other? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Collaboration Contribute employees work attitude and their qualities to internal collaboration? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Collaboration Is good internal collaboration considered as a competitive advantage? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Commitment to organization versus commitment to profession: Conflict or compatibility? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Complexity Do employees demand challenges and task variety? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Contributesinterior of the organization to internal collaboration? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Controversy about aesthetic attitude: Does aesthetic attitude condition aesthetic experience? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Designing Aesthetic Concepts: Can It Be Done?. work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Development& Change e. Are interventions developed and implemented which induce positive aesthetic experiences? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Do employees experience alongside functional value in their work and organization also aesthetic value? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Do employees have a need for aesthetic experiences? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Do we choose to stay part of the ‘ machine organization ’ or the ‘ hedonistic treadmill ’ or do we embrace the aesthetic perspective? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Do: Are we doing beautiful things in a beautiful way? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does aesthetics affect the users ’ ‘ perceptions of VLEs? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does aesthetics of web page interface matters to mandarin learning? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does its look reflect what it is great at? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does management deliberately incorporate ambiguity, complexity and''unsettledness''in the organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does management know what employees perceive as ugly and beautiful in their work and organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does the feature allow users to express an element of themselves? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Does the field of aesthetics, examining art, prove the contrary? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Emotions at work: What do people feel and how should we measure it?. work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q En zoja, in welke stimuli en door welke eigenschappen van deze stimuli ervaren zij esthetische waarde? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q En zoja, met behulp van welke ontwerp- en veranderprincipes zijn organisaties mooier te maken? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Fit c. Is their an opinion that there is too much focus on business economic value and too little on affective value of the organization? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Guard mystery How are attitude qualities, collegiality, contacts with customers, development opportunities and internal cooperation kept exciting? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Guard mystery How are product and services, company philosophy, goals/ strategy, mission and image kept exciting? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q He also asked the question ‘ Can or may organizations also be beautiful? ’. work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How are interior/ exterior, house style/ internal communication kept exciting? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How are these aesthetic principles implemented? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How can aesthetic experiences be related to organization ’ outcomes such as employee commitment, satisfaction and performance? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How can aesthetic experiences be related to organization ’ outcomes such as employee commitment, satisfaction and performance? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How can aesthetic experiences be related to organization ’s outcomes such as employee commitment, satisfaction and performance? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How do they appreciate organizational aesthetic stimuli( OAS)? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How do they value their aesthetic experiences( aesthetic judgment and emotional impact)? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How do you achieve beauty in a design? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How durable are their aesthetic experiences? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q How will it continue? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q In which stimuli and through what qualities in these stimuli do people have aesthetic experiences? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is aesthetic appreciation a requirement for interior/ exterior, house style/ internal communication? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is it beautiful in a functional way? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is it necessary? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is management style supportive to employees and to their learning needs? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is management style supportive to internal collaboration? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Is what aspect show management style coherence? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Leidinggeven aan professionals? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative? work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q Many times they asked,do you mean the flowers at the reception office or our new interior? ”.
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qMogelijk moet dan een weg via uw PandO- afdeling worden bewandeld?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qNarrative thought?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qOr are they dependent of each other or just separated like Kant ’s distinction between free and dependent beauty?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qOr more specific and related to the PDCA- cycle: Plan: Do we plan beautiful things and goals?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qOrganizational Success and Worker Dignity: Complementary or Contradictory?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qPart 2| Literature study on Organizational Aesthetics| 2 Aesthetics 196 Designer What does beauty mean in your work?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qProcessing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver''s processing experience?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qProfessional and organizational commitment among engineers: Conflicting or complementing?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qRepresent interior/ exterior, house style/ internal communication the values of employees?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qSecond: What kind of sources, these data will provide?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qSecuring g. Is the role of aesthetic value embedded in daily routines such as PDCA- cycle, a quality system and HR- system?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qSo, what are aesthetic properties or qualities?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qStarting with organizational aesthetics?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThe arts and leadership: Now that we can do anything, what will we do?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThe essential question is: how many different methods are needed?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThe five- factor model of personality and organizational commitment: Is there any relationship?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThe nature of activation dimensions in self- reports of affect: Are energetic arousal and tense arousal mixtures of pleasure and activation?.
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qTherefore a ninth research question was added for the literature study: Which methods are suitable for examining aesthetic experiences in practice?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThese seven principles are: 1) theme( what''s the story?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qThus, seemingly beauty is a kind of good or functional, like Plato believed?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qTo what extent does the organization use aesthetics as a strategic starting point?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qTwo questions that precede are firs: What data is collected?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qUser requirements answer the question ‘ What do users like? ’.
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWat is voor jouw persoonlijk het effect geweest van deze workshop?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWelke 2 activiteiten adviseer je om morgen mee te starten om te komen tot een mooie(re) organisatie?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWelke 2 ontwerpprincipes zijn volgens jou momenteel het meest geschikt voor je organisatie?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWelke 3 aspecten in je werk en/ of organisatie ervaar je als lelijk?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWelke 3 aspecten in je werk en/ of organisatie ervaar je als mooi?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat approaches can be used to design, create or enhance and sustain organizational beauty?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat are the important"small things"seen often or by many?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat are the most important parameters of organization design, particularly of professional organizations?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat are the revenues of attention to aesthetics in the organization?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat are the revenues of attention to organizational aesthetics?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat characterizes an aesthetic experience?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat characterizes the aesthetic process?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat characterizes the aesthetic process?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat characterizes ‘ modern organizations ’ and to what extent does attention to organizational aesthetics fit within these organizations?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat characterizes ‘ modern organizations ’ and to what extent does attention to organizational aesthetics fit within these organizations?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat conditions are needed to create organizational beauty?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat defines organizational aesthetic experiences?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat good are positive emotions?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat is aesthetics anyway?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat is it that gives life to human organizing?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat is the relationship between aesthetic experiences and emotions in organizations?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat is the relationship between beauty of organizations and work processes and performance?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat is your UX great at?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat makes a experience aesthetic?.
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat makes an experience aesthetic?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat makes one organization more life affirming and sustaining than another?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat makes the object in an aesthetic experience an aesthetic object?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat passes as a rigourous case study?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat personal characteristics of the observer influence his aesthetic judgment?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhat personal characteristics of the observer influence his aesthetic judgment?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhen is everything correct?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich OAS in your organization do you experience ugliness and beauty?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich daily aesthetic experiences( PAEs and NAEs) do professionals have?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich daily aesthetic experiences( PAEs) do employees have?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich interior/ exterior, house style/ internal communication perceived as ugly?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich methods are suitable for examining aesthetic experiences in practice?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich non- aesthetic properties, according to this literature constitutes an organization?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich organizational aesthetic stimuli( OAS) do employees perceive?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich organizational aesthetic stimuli( OAS) do managers perceive?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich principles of organization design and organization development can be used to apply organizational aesthetics?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhich principles of organization design and organization development can be used to apply organizational aesthetics?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhy do they have attention for organizational aesthetics?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWhy does the aesthetic supervene on the non- aesthetic?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWil je de 3 onderstaande vragen beantwoorden en deze fysiek of elektronisch voor 6 april a.s. aan me sturen(
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qWill it work?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qand 7) memory( the organization is aware that these''memories makes?).
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qandemployee recognition and appreciation to accomplishment?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qc. Do personal characteristics influence their aesthetic appreciation?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qc. How durable are their aesthetic experiences?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qc. To what extent do personal characteristics influence the appreciation of OAS?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qc. What are the conditions for positive aesthetic experiences?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qd. Does management believe that beauty could contribute to good?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qd. Is the BEL- book a valid method for collecting aesthetic experiences?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qd. To what extent is this appreciation sustainable?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qd. What are the conditions for positive aesthetic experiences of professionals?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qd. Which organizational aesthetic stimuli( OAS) contribute to ‘ aesthetic value ’ and ‘ affective commitment ’?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qf. Are interventions developed and implemented which avoid negative aesthetic experiences?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qh. Is aesthetic appreciation of employees measured periodically?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qhave you introduced a new concept?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qmanagement style, decision making, management support, offered challenges, balance between organization and personal and attention to new ideas?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qvariety of tasks, autonomy, internal communication, alignment management with employees, goal achievement and task completion?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qx Co14 Proud culture and humor 3 5 x Co15 Freedom/ mental space( autonomy) 4 1 x Co16 Development opportunities 4 2?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2qx Co17 Management 4 3 x Co18 Cooperation 4 4?
work_agtkwdwninffpdyd3k7gpv7g2q‘ Can designers ’ ways of knowing, relating, and being expand our current models and theories of Appreciative Inquiry ’( Avital et al., 2008)?
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