This is a table of type pronoun and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.
pronoun | frequency |
he | 264451 |
his | 227406 |
it | 205271 |
they | 162247 |
i | 159949 |
him | 149471 |
them | 125201 |
you | 113086 |
their | 97329 |
we | 95086 |
my | 77597 |
me | 68813 |
our | 57022 |
us | 53638 |
thy | 47580 |
your | 46664 |
her | 41586 |
its | 31510 |
thee | 29211 |
she | 23252 |
himself | 20736 |
themselves | 10579 |
itself | 5405 |
ye | 4043 |
ourselves | 3963 |
myself | 2749 |
thyself | 2679 |
one | 2123 |
mine | 1782 |
herself | 1393 |
yourself | 1128 |
ours | 827 |
yourselves | 524 |
yours | 491 |
theirs | 461 |
thou | 168 |
elias | 134 |
''s | 130 |
whosoever | 110 |
ii | 109 |
oneself | 95 |
vp | 41 |
hers | 41 |
iv | 37 |
o | 29 |
whereof | 22 |
ay | 22 |
trodden | 21 |
013:004 | 18 |
xi | 18 |
004:004 | 12 |
ib | 10 |
6)then | 10 |
| | 9 |
7)then | 9 |
008:004 | 9 |
unto| | 8 |
ne | 8 |
022:011 | 8 |
29)then | 7 |
015:004 | 7 |
022:005 | 6 |
009:012 | 6 |
018:014 | 6 |
vnto | 6 |
em | 6 |
there | 6 |
Þe | 5 |
whence | 5 |
008:045 | 5 |
6)if | 4 |
009:006 | 4 |
022:010 | 4 |
023:004 | 4 |
032:026 | 4 |
044:026 | 4 |
41)they | 4 |
eateth | 4 |
he| | 4 |
him,-- | 4 |
th | 4 |
u | 4 |
yah | 4 |
60:005:004 | 3 |
04:033:052 | 3 |
10:018:007 | 3 |
18:012:004 | 3 |
44:005:029 | 3 |
60:003:004 | 3 |
24)then | 3 |
62:002:012 | 3 |
ourself | 3 |
p | 3 |
pelf | 3 |
us''d | 3 |
|13 | 3 |
66:006:004 | 3 |
035:014 | 2 |
029:002 | 2 |
030:004 | 2 |
030:034 | 2 |
035:013 | 2 |
042:030 | 2 |
040:030 | 2 |
042:002 | 2 |
015:017 | 2 |
045:002 | 2 |
059:002 | 2 |
024:004 | 2 |
011:030 | 2 |
014:014 | 2 |
013:006 | 2 |
010:003 | 2 |
008:039 | 2 |
007:017 | 2 |
007:006 | 2 |
006:030 | 2 |
005:012 | 2 |
004:017 | 2 |
--they | 2 |
077:004 | 2 |
062:004 | 2 |
come| | 2 |
089:004 | 2 |
hel | 2 |
22)is | 2 |
you.--but | 2 |
ye''--''i | 2 |
wil | 2 |
unstain''d | 2 |
tassles | 2 |
some| | 2 |
so''--that | 2 |
rose,--the | 2 |
join''d | 2 |
holy''--that | 2 |
us:-- | 2 |
dy''d | 2 |
6)that | 2 |
34)they | 2 |
|35 | 2 |
39)they | 2 |
5)they | 2 |
5)or | 2 |
6)we | 2 |
7)philip | 2 |
abba{abba | 2 |
another,--the | 2 |
follow.--what | 1 |
give,--his | 1 |
foretold?--gen | 1 |
fruit''--he | 1 |
generations,--the | 1 |
gentiles[5]--they | 1 |
girded''--they | 1 |
gold.=--in | 1 |
god!--who | 1 |
god''--which | 1 |
god,--"they | 1 |
god.=--on | 1 |
grace''--that | 1 |
greeting[1 | 1 |
grouse,--the | 1 |
first,"[7 | 1 |
flinty | 1 |
eget_"--"the | 1 |
few,"--its | 1 |
familiar-- | 1 |
dreams,--his | 1 |
dynasty--"the | 1 |
e]ve | 1 |
ears,--they | 1 |
earth,--the | 1 |
harm?| | 1 |
enter,--the | 1 |
estrang''d | 1 |
ever''--that | 1 |
exceptus | 1 |
executioners._--at | 1 |
explicit,--the | 1 |
faith.+--the | 1 |
faithfulness | 1 |
fall,--she | 1 |
haply | 1 |
hic | 1 |
harps"--"green | 1 |
him?--the | 1 |
himself,-- | 1 |
himself,--for | 1 |
himself--''i | 1 |
himself[1:3 | 1 |
hindered"[33]--we | 1 |
hitherto | 1 |
homage,--the | 1 |
hope[1:3 | 1 |
however,--"with | 1 |
human,--the | 1 |
humanity,--the | 1 |
hunger?--he | 1 |
hên | 1 |
i''--myself | 1 |
divergent,''--the | 1 |
him_--thine | 1 |
him?--how | 1 |
he''--he | 1 |
him?--by | 1 |
he- | 1 |
he--''this | 1 |
headdress | 1 |
headship.--this | 1 |
heaven:-- | 1 |
hell,--they | 1 |
hellenists,--that | 1 |
herds,--the | 1 |
he´brews | 1 |
high,--the | 1 |
him''--apart | 1 |
him,--this | 1 |
him--"waiting | 1 |
him--''thou | 1 |
him.--death | 1 |
document--"the | 1 |
''em | 1 |
disbelieveth| | 1 |
6:23 | 1 |
5:31]him | 1 |
6)on | 1 |
6)or | 1 |
6)ye | 1 |
60)and | 1 |
64)ye | 1 |
6:17]for | 1 |
6:55]and | 1 |
di | 1 |
6]she | 1 |
7)but | 1 |
7)what | 1 |
9:2]for | 1 |
above--''the | 1 |
again,-- | 1 |
aleph]blt^{b | 1 |
59)they | 1 |
59)then | 1 |
54)then | 1 |
4:3]you | 1 |
''--luke | 1 |
i.122 | 1 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 |
--but | 1 |
006:004 | 1 |
015:013 | 1 |
11:29]when | 1 |
15)for | 1 |
192nd.--they | 1 |
2)hereby | 1 |
21:21]then | 1 |
25)they | 1 |
31:22 | 1 |
31:6 | 1 |
34.--they | 1 |
alone,--paul | 1 |
andrews | 1 |
answer;--they | 1 |
cast| | 1 |
chal´dee | 1 |
chastisement--"they | 1 |
christ''--that | 1 |
christ:-- | 1 |
comments:-- | 1 |
composition--6 | 1 |
consider-- | 1 |
contents,--the | 1 |
converse--''this | 1 |
crucified,--the | 1 |
days,--the | 1 |
death,--his | 1 |
deception,''--what | 1 |
described:-- | 1 |
devotion,--the | 1 |
ca´naan | 1 |
came| | 1 |
apart--"myself | 1 |
camels._"--isaiah | 1 |
asherim,''--that | 1 |
attention,--"what | 1 |
away.--_mark | 1 |
b,--they | 1 |
be_--''they | 1 |
belongs | 1 |
benevolent | 1 |
bread,''--that | 1 |
break | 1 |
brethren''--that | 1 |
britain,--the | 1 |
brother_,--your | 1 |
bs | 1 |
busybodies_.--now | 1 |
caesar-- | 1 |
i''m | 1 |
prophecy:--"they | 1 |
i.346 | 1 |
thee?| | 1 |
them.--their | 1 |
them?--they | 1 |
these--''he | 1 |
these:-- | 1 |
thirsteth''--that | 1 |
this,--men | 1 |
this:-- | 1 |
this| | 1 |
time,"--never | 1 |
trespasseth | 1 |
trouble"--they | 1 |
trust,--the | 1 |
tê | 1 |
unexpected,--"in | 1 |
unloved--(hagar | 1 |
them.--but | 1 |
thee''--''they | 1 |
up:--the | 1 |
that:--sin | 1 |
remains;--they | 1 |
reputation,--not | 1 |
said| | 1 |
salvation--8 | 1 |
say--''i | 1 |
scripture,--whither | 1 |
seir | 1 |
show''d | 1 |
so;--they | 1 |
soldiers''--four | 1 |
somewhen | 1 |
sorrow,--"clouds | 1 |
sport | 1 |
sun--"the | 1 |
take| | 1 |
up,--if | 1 |
v.70 | 1 |
received,--the | 1 |
words?--"i | 1 |
xxi:15 | 1 |
xxvii.--st | 1 |
yee | 1 |
yellow_,--the | 1 |
you''--is | 1 |
you--_this | 1 |
you--_you | 1 |
you[6 | 1 |
you_"--this | 1 |
yt | 1 |
zion"[96]:-- | 1 |
|21 | 1 |
|33 | 1 |
|41 | 1 |
|one | 1 |
written,-- | 1 |
words:--''himself | 1 |
v.72 | 1 |
word"--this | 1 |
vain.--but | 1 |
version,--''the | 1 |
vision,--does | 1 |
visit._--_barnabas | 1 |
walked | 1 |
warriors?--_is | 1 |
we''--they | 1 |
weary''--whether | 1 |
went| | 1 |
when| | 1 |
which--"that | 1 |
wilderness:-- | 1 |
wine,''--the | 1 |
with,--for | 1 |
wonders_[72]--and | 1 |
received-- | 1 |
rebellion:--"they | 1 |
i.396 | 1 |
it:-- | 1 |
it?--judge | 1 |
ix | 1 |
je | 1 |
jerusalem,--this | 1 |
jesa''phat | 1 |
jesus,--they | 1 |
job | 1 |
job--14 | 1 |
josiah:-- | 1 |
judea,--they | 1 |
justice;--at | 1 |
kneeled| | 1 |
know"--zarah | 1 |
know._--they | 1 |
laid''--or | 1 |
it:--the | 1 |
it._"--isa | 1 |
lazarus"--this | 1 |
it.--the | 1 |
ian | 1 |
ii.284 | 1 |
ii:13 | 1 |
iii.--but | 1 |
iii.60ff | 1 |
indistinct | 1 |
instead,-- | 1 |
into| | 1 |
invariable._--we | 1 |
invasion:-- | 1 |
inworketh | 1 |
ish- | 1 |
issachar= | 1 |
it,| | 1 |
it--"_they | 1 |
laid| | 1 |
light;--we | 1 |
reasoning| | 1 |
ol | 1 |
others,--any | 1 |
out,-- | 1 |
over,--for | 1 |
pass,| | 1 |
paul,"--that | 1 |
pecunia_"--"the | 1 |
persecutor.--his | 1 |
philemon.--this | 1 |
pillars,''--that | 1 |
point--"they | 1 |
practice--''my | 1 |
praise,--the | 1 |
predicted?--ps | 1 |
prevail''--that | 1 |
quails._"--psalm | 1 |
on''t | 1 |
of:--the | 1 |
like,--they | 1 |
obey''d | 1 |
love.--now | 1 |
m.a.--"a | 1 |
means,--the | 1 |
men''"-they | 1 |
men,--"they | 1 |
monarchy,--himself | 1 |
monogenês].--iv | 1 |
moses:-- | 1 |
moses_--"that | 1 |
naught | 1 |
ninety | 1 |
not,--since | 1 |
not_:--they | 1 |
now,--their | 1 |
o''er | 1 |
'' | 1 |