
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
38775Jesus listened, stopped, called the man to him, and asked,_"What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
38775What think ye?
36891Where are you going so early this Sunday morning?
36891There were some in the assembly who, like the disciples at Galilee, said,"What can this little supply do among so many?"
36891What can Christ do with the gift of a little child?
36891What can the spirit of God do with the seed of an oak?
16581Has any one, however, doubted of the existence of Francis d''Assisi, and of the part played by him?
16581Is it more just to say that Jesus owes all to Judaism, and that his greatness is only that of the Jewish people?
16581Which of us, pigmies as we are, could do what the extravagant Francis d''Assisi, or the hysterical saint Theresa, has done?
16581Who would not prefer to be diseased like Pascal, rather than healthy like the common herd?
40929And what peculiar thing is it that the new creature, the Son of God intimates and teaches?
40929The Procidians 160 A.D.(?)
40929What is this?
40929[ 28] Circa 200(?).
13652To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 13652 Who shall declare his generation?"
13652[ 041]Is not this the Christ?
13652Any attempt to do so must be arrogant and misleading, for who"by searching can find out God"?
13652If the angels rejoice over the conversion of a sinner, are we to think that the spirits of just men made perfect are strangers to this joy?
13652What think ye?
13652Whence came matter if not from the creative word of God?
30219Are there two natures divine and human in Him?
30219HUMAN PERSONALITY AND HUMAN NATURE What is human personality?
30219If personality can synthesise parts of a nature, why should it not also synthesise natures?
30219If so, what did it unite?
30219Is each distinct from the other and from the person?
30219Is it a real union?
30219Is the distinction conceptual or actual?
30219It becomes a question of fact, namely,"Was Christ a real man?"
30219It supposes that concept actualised, and asks the question,"Of what nature must such a mediator be?"
30219One of the stock questions propounded by the catholics to the monophysites was,"Was the trinity incomplete when the Son of God was on earth?"
30219THE EXISTENCE OF MODERN MONOPHYSITISM Is there such a thing as modern monophysitism?
30219The fundamental question of religion for him was,"How can the closest union between divine and human be secured?"
30219The next step in the argument accordingly is to ask,"Why limit the synthetic power of personality?"
30219When the monophysite faced the question,"What change in Christ did the incarnation effect?"
40207Do you suppose that this end of the blessed poor man and the miserable rich man is only imaginary? 40207 37- 38),Why, what are ten thousand years to ages boundless and without end?
40207But what are we to think of the sudden conversion of a church that has taught falsity so long?
40207If false, what other"revealed"doctrine can be credited, since this is so devised for the benefit of those who trade in terrorism?
40207If it did not know the truth on this important point, how can it be credited with knowing it upon any other matter?
40207Is it strange that the ages when Christian barbarism overcame Pagan civilisation were known as the Dark Ages?
40207It may be said, why attack a superstition confessedly falling into decay?
40207Then why the name of Lazarus in this narrative, if the circumstance is not in[ the category of] a real occurrence?"
40207This Christian Father absolutely gloats over the prospect of witnessing these torments:--"Which sight gives me Joy?
40207Who go to hell?
11083Couldst thou not mercy show to him, As I did show to thee, Forgiving thee at once the debt, As thou desiredst me? 11083 I well remember father''s house, And brother too so kind; Why did I leave them, here to die, This poverty to find?
11083Till seven times?
11083A certain lawyer came to Christ, With mind and words of strife, And said,"Master, what shall I do, To have eternal life?"
11083And there he came unto himself, And thought upon his home,"I plenty had when I was there, To what am I now come?
11083Couldst not thou, Thy fellow''s debt relieve?
11083He to him said,"Thou wicked one, Did I not thee forgive Ten thousand talents?
11083His barns were small, and they were fill''d; He said,"What shall I do?"
11083How oft shall I, if he confess, His penitence receive?"
11083I will require of thee This very night thy soul; then say"Whose shall this plenty be?"
11083Now hear what the unjust judge saith; And will not God regard His children when to Him they cry, Depending on His word?
11083Once Peter said,"How oft shall I My brother''s sin forgive?
11083The Saviour asked him,"Which of these Was neighbour to the man Who fell among the thieves?"
15861A beaver may build a dam; but what beaver ever turned the heightened water on a wheel?
15861An insect may float with the current on a chip; but what one ever put a chip into the water?
15861And what becomes of the doctrine of the"forgiveness of sins"in this outlook for"the things which remain?"
15861But taking the worst and most iconoclastic as true, are we compelled even then to surrender our Christian faith?
15861But who expects a brute to do anything else but minister to his appetites?
15861Have you noticed how the Ritual puts it in the order of the Lord''s Supper?
15861Is His Sonship different from ours, or only an expansion of the fullness and perfection of our sonship?
15861The dog may lie in a sunny spot; but what dog ever created artificial heat or condensed by a lens the sun''s heat on a particular point?
15861These and other considerations lead me to ask what remains that we may and do believe?
15861What animal sows that he may reap?
15861[ Sidenote: What Remains?]
15412+"Ecquid verisimile est, ut tot ac tantae[ ecclesiae] in unam fidem erraverint?"
15412-- III THE SILENCE OF OTHER NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS What are the objections brought against all this evidence?
15412-- Or, because St. John omits all mention of the institution of the Holy Eucharist, are we to suppose that he knew nothing of that Sacrament?
15412--* Harnack, What is Christianity?
15412And if He is indeed sinless, the sinless Example, the sinless Sacrifice, how could He be otherwise born?
15412For what is the Catholic doctrine of Incarnation?
15412How can any serious student think that any but Jewish hands could have penned the first two chapters of St. Matthew''s Gospel?
15412To reply--( I) First, we may surely ask-- Why should they mention it?
15412What solid reason is there for not accepting it?
44531But how about the bright, happy, laughing, helpful child?
44531Can you think how glad you would be if you had no Christmas, and then one day all at once you had the first and best one of all?
44531Can you think where he was?
44531DO you like cold, dark, stormy days?
44531Did you ever go on a journey?
44531Did you ever see a sheep or a lamb?
44531Did you ever try to walk in a dark night where there were no lights to shine on the pathway?
44531Do you know that your mittens and jackets and nice warm dresses are made of the wool which the sheep have to spare for us?
44531Do you think Jesus was about his heavenly Father''s business when he obeyed Mary and Joseph and went home so lovingly with them?
44531Do you think she was careless to go off and leave him?
44531Do you think the dear little baby had a nice bed to lie in?
44531Do you wonder that Simeon''s heart was full of joy at seeing God''s greatest gift to man?
44531How came those children there?
44531How did you go?
44531How do you feel when you get up and find the sun shining in your window?
44531If your mamma was sick, what could you do to be a blessing to her?
44531Should not we praise him for it?
44531WHAT would you do if you had been one of those shepherds to whom the angels brought the good news of Jesus''birth?
44531Were you glad to go?
44531What brought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace and joy and love?
44531What do you think he made?
44531What tools did he use?
44531While you were walking in the darkness, did a great electric light suddenly shine out, making all light about you?
44531Who was he?
44531Why do you suppose God told Joseph to leave their home?
44531[ Illustration] Do you know someone who is twelve years old?
34855Again, my duties at home, in my profession, in the work I have undertaken?
34855Am I obliged to attend to my own needs and renounce the idea of sacrifice?
34855Are they as regularly kept to as my circumstances permit?
34855Are they on the whole punctually performed, accurately, with regard to details?
34855But here, and now, have I come to the limit of meekness?
34855Do I wonder now at the charm of early innocence, when a soul sits silently holding God as its centre?
34855Hence the words of the Apostle:"Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
34855How about my subject for meditation, how about my following of the Mass, my watchfulness in prayer, my days for confession and communion?
34855How can it be made strong by the Holy Spirit?
34855How is it if God is wholly everywhere that He can be more here than there?
34855How is this achieved?
34855I am a true son of God, and what else matters upon earth?
34855I am in a hurry or can not make up my mind-- shall I answer those who attack me, or shall I be silent?
34855Must I manifest my angry protests?
34855Need one wonder if all life is different to the soul in sin?
34855What are my times for prayer like?
34855What do we want?
34855What exactly happens to its mechanism to secure for it the power of endurance?
34855Wherein comes the difference?
34855Why should we suppose that this Divine Presence applies directly only to the Spirit of God?
34855Why, then, is it repeated so often that the Holy Ghost is to be sent into our hearts, is to be given to us, is to dwell in our midst?
26397And when the poet asks,--"Ah, what will our children be, The men of a hundred thousand, a million summers away?"
26397But how is miracle to be differentiated from other providential dealings of God?
26397But what does this mean, except that, when no miracles occur, God is not personally,_ i.e._ actively, in the chain of natural causes and effects?
26397Does it require acceptance of these, as well as of its teachings?
26397FOOTNOTES:[ 35]"The Church asks, and it is entitled to ask the critic: Do you believe in the Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus Christ?...
26397Is it, as they have been told, dependent for its attestation on signs and wonders occurring in the sphere of the senses?
26397Is not this less improbable than that the natural order of the universe should have been set aside?"
26397Or could it have been a material body suddenly becoming visible in a closed room, as narrated by Luke and John?
26397The boy Zerah Colburn in half a minute solved the problem,"How many seconds since the beginning of the Christian era?"
26397These alternatives are before us: Is the maximum or the minimum meaning to be assigned to the crucial word"dead"?
26397What, indeed, but a revised and true in place of a mistaken conception of the term_ Supernatural_?
26397Why may not the resuscitations in Christ''s time possibly have been similar cases?
26397Will it be replied to this that the critics can show for their hypothesis the admitted fact of the human proclivity to invent legends of miracle?
26397[ 22] Was Jesus aware that Lazarus was really not dead?
26397[ 33] How, then, is it consistent to affirm that no such marvels in ancient records are historical realities?
26397[ 46] Could it have been only an apparition?
18377''Canst thou by searching find out God?''
18377''Did the Son of God exist before his generation?''
18377Are we to worship the Father of our spirits or the Supreme of the philosophers?
18377But in that case, how can God and man form one person?
18377But now was he to sign or not?
18377But what was their grievance?
18377For how, explains Constantine-- how could we who are Christians possibly keep the same day as those wicked Jews?
18377Had they ceased to care for the Nicene alliance, or did they fancy the world had stood still since the Council of the Dedication?
18377How then could Arianism venture to renew the contest?
18377I lost an eye: how did you escape?''
18377If he cares for men, why does he let them perish?
18377Is He not the Lord of powers( hosts)?
18377Is it likely that their followers would straightway revise the creed the instant they got the upper hand in 381?
18377Is it not written, All things are of God?
18377Is not this a good confession?
18377Or to the women,''Were you a mother before you had a child?''
18377They are joined together in their inmost nature, and( may we say it?)
18377Was it Nicene or Arian?
18377Was that a time to say of Christ,''But as for this man, we know not whence he is''?
18377What mattered it to analyse the power of life they felt within them?
18377What more can we want?
18377What then was God to do?
18377Who then was this man who was dead, whom all the churches affirmed to be alive and worshipped as the Son of God?
18377Why should all this glorious language go for nothing?
18377Would it not have been every way better to rest satisfied with the great moral victory already gained?
18377Yet what escape was possible?
43373Do you see?
43373Is He not our best friend?
43373Is it joy?
43373_ Can not_ I make you see?
43373After a pause I said:"Suppose Christ should really come this Christmas and it should be authoritatively announced that He would be here to- morrow?"
43373Do we really believe what we hear in church?
43373Do you think I can rejoice?
43373He will, wo n''t He?"
43373Of what use will all these be to- morrow?"
43373The night, the long night of the world''s groping agony and blind desire?
43373There seemed to be nothing doing; and each person looked wistfully upon his neighbor as if to say, Have you heard?
43373To- night it''s mine; and to- morrow it will be all so much waste paper; and then what have I left?
43373Was it true?
43373What could be more powerful than such discourses?
43373What does He want of me?
43373Will these skies brighten and flash?
43373Will this really ever happen?
43373Will this solid, commonplace earth see it?
43373Yet, though I felt awe, I felt a sort of confiding love as I said:"Tell me, is it really true?
43373_ Is_ Christ coming?"
43373_ Is_ it almost over?
43373_ Is_ the day at hand?
43373and will upturned faces in this city be watching to see Him coming?
43373or is it a dream?"
43373said the woman, turning towards him a face pale and fervent, and clasping her hands,"how can you say so?"
43373to- morrow?"
43373will He take us?
46476And has not Huxley, with yet keener sarcasm, designated them the_ hetairæ_ of philosophy, so often have they led men astray?
46476Are we again to resuscitate the phantom Teleology, which we had supposed at last safely buried between cross- roads and pinned down with a stake?
46476But hold, cries the scientific inquirer, what in the world are you doing?
46476By what name, then, shall we call this animating principle of the universe, this eternal source of phenomena?
46476Can we regard it as in any wise"material,"or can we speak of its universal and ceaseless activity as in any wise the working of a"blind necessity"?
46476Do I know how the corn sprouts?
46476Does this belief answer to any outward reality?
46476For, as St. Paul reminds us,"who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor?"
46476I can not see the wind; but what is it?
46476Is not the belief in God perhaps a dream of the childhood of our race, like the belief in elves and bogarts which once was no less universal?
46476Is there, in the scheme of things, aught that justifies Man in claiming kinship of any sort with the God that is immanent in the world?
46476Of what, then, is it the symbol?
46476Our question, then, becomes, What is this infinite and eternal Power like?
46476The diviners certainly do not give us rain; for how could they do it?
46476Was not Bacon right in characterizing"final causes"as vestal virgins, so barren has their study proved?
46476What are these personified forces but little gods who are supposed to be invading the sacred domain of the ruler Zeus?
46476What kind of language shall we use in describing it?
46476Whence come they-- who sends them?
46476and is not modern science fast destroying the one as it has already destroyed the other?
46476and why do not I see them with my own eyes when they go up to heaven to fetch it?
46476who brings it, makes it blow and roar and terrify us?
27237Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
27237''Know ye not that we shall judge angels?''
272372, 3),''Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world?''
2723721), than his having so cruelly and unjustly suffered at the hands of sinful men?
272374), why should we not believe that the sufferings of those poor Africans, who are equally children of God, had like effect?
27237Are we to think that this transaction both begins and ends here?
27237But it will be asked, in what way?
27237But why did Christ say,"This_ is_ my body,""This_ is_ my blood"?
27237If, as we have argued, it is needful that even the elect should be judged, much rather must judgment overtake the unbelieving and the unrighteous?
27237Moreover, St. Paul writes to the Corinthians:"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?"
27237Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
27237The first question to consider is, Why is the tempting spirit called a_ serpent_?
27237Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee?
27237This inference might be accepted as abstractedly true; but then the question arises, What is meant by_ duration_ as signified by the word''eternal''?
27237What is the meaning of"testament"in these passages, and how is the testament related to the"blood"of Jesus Christ?
27237What then are we to understand by the assertion that"through the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners"?
27237What, it may be asked, is the reason for this?
27237When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
27237Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?
27237or naked, and clothed thee?
27237or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
52414And then there would be no more Redeemer; for, from whom or what could that Redeemer redeem us?
52414But then, who will look for logic in the dogmas of Christianity?
52414But whence this unanimity?
52414But why ask these questions?
52414But yit I say, Mary whoos childe is this?
52414Can any rational mind believe that these numerous, varied and even antagonistic petitions will be answered?
52414For what could be the offer of the kingdoms of this world to him who made the world, and was already in possession of it?"
52414His peasant blood rose to the surface and in his fear he cried,"Why hast thou forsaken me?"
52414I pry the telle me, and that anon?
52414If the prophecy referred to the Christ, how could it have any influence on Ahaz?
52414Is it not absurd of the church to preach the immutable justice of God, and at the same time declare that sinners may escape punishment by prayer?
52414Say me, Mary, this childys fadyr who is?
52414Such phrases as"Why callest thou me good?
52414Then whither did these adored beings ascend?
52414Very good, but how can educated Catholics of today reconcile such truths with their actual scientific knowledge?
52414xii, 9), and when at the time of the crucifixion, Jerusalem was in the hands of the Romans?
52414xiii, 11)?
52414xvii, 20; xxi, 21; Mark xi, 23; Luke xvii, 6)?
32830And our present consideration is, What, on that resurrection, is the next thing which shall befall them?
32830And that this is so held up, who that knows his Bible can for a moment doubt?
32830And why?
32830Are we likely to know much of it?
32830Besides, how then would the Lord''s promise to the thief be fulfilled?
32830But to the believer, who has died in the Lord, what is the judgment?
32830But to what end?
32830For who knows whither the departed spirit has betaken itself when it has left us here?
32830How can it be true that while others shall rise to a resurrection of judgment, he shall rise to a resurrection of life?
32830How could one endowed with them ever remain idle?
32830Now ask yourselves, what does the child at its play know of the employments of the man?
32830Now what is our present state with reference to Him whom all Christians love?
32830Of mankind in glory, thus perfected, what shall be the employ?
32830This sight of Christ, this calm of full unbroken assurance of His nearness and presence, what does it further imply?
32830Was it merely that they might be saved?
32830Well then, again, what do we know of this body of the resurrection?
32830Well, and what then?
32830Well, what then?
32830What a restless, ardent, many- handed thing is genius even here below?
32830What do we know of this body?
32830What do we know of time, except as calculated by earthly objects?
32830What does he say to his well- beloved Gaius?
32830What is, what will be, the Lord doing in that state of blessedness?
32830What more do we know of it?
32830What, then, are we to say respecting this apparent discrepancy in the statements of Holy Scripture concerning the dead in Christ?
32830What, then, was His resurrection body?
32830When shall it come to an end?
32830Will He be idle like the gods of Epicurus, sitting serene above all, and separate from all, created things?
32830for what purpose?
15563''Am I anywhere?
15563''Am I in the brain?
15563''Do I ever cease to think,''says the mind to itself,''even in sleep?
15563''Where do I exist?''
15563Am I in the whole body?
15563Am I nowhere?''
15563And after all, what else, in either case, could answer the purpose, if( as already said) this world be the school of training of man''s moral nature?
15563Are men wo nt thus quietly to admit miraculous pretensions, whether they be prejudiced votaries of another system or sceptics as to all?
15563Are the evidences, then, in behalf of Christianity less of a nature which man can appreciate?
15563How can he be sure that the truths he receives are established by evidence which, to all appearance, equally authenticates the falsehoods he rejects?
15563How else could the discipline of his faculties, the exercise of patience, humility, and fortitude, be secured?
15563How long will it be before the Swedenborgian, or the Mormonite, or any such pretenders, will have similar success?
15563Is it not fair to suppose that many apparent discrepancies of the same order may be eventually removed by similar evidence?
15563Is not my essence thought?''
15563Is not this, according to the old proverb to''take a hatchet to break an egg''?
15563Is there, therefore, none true?
15563None to question and detect, as the process went on, the utter baselessness of these legends?
15563Or why should we not fairly confess that, for aught we can tell, the whole is a fiction?
15563Very true; but what remedy?
15563Was all the world doting-- was even the persecuting world asleep?
15563Was there no Dr. Strauss in those days?
15563Were all mankind resolved on befooling themselves?
15563What proof is there of this?
15563What, then, is to harmonise these conflicting statements?
15563Who would not sooner be an old- fashioned infidel than such a doting and maundering rationalist?
15563Why were you so much more scrupulous in relation to ME?''
15563Why, who denies that there have been plenty of false miracles?
15563and therefore an automaton nine times out of ten, when I act at all?''
15563or can the difficulties involved in its reception be greater than in the preceding cases?
15563whatever my guide, Parson A. tells me?''
30876Good Master, what must I do to inherit Eternal Life?
30876An organism might remain true to its Environment, but what if the Environment played it false?
30876And what does the Life- science teach?
30876And why?
30876Breathing now an atmosphere of ineffable Purity, shall he miss becoming pure?
30876But what determines them?
30876But what if the Environment passed away altogether?
30876Can we go on in the teeth of so real an obstruction?
30876Communion with God-- can it be demonstrated in terms of Science that this is a correspondence which will never break?
30876Has not our own weapon turned against us, Science abolishing with authoritative hand the very truth we are asking it to define?
30876If then from this point there is to be any further Evolution, this surely must be the correspondence in which it shall take place?
30876In a word, Is the Christian conception of Eternal Life scientific?
30876In vital contact with Holiness, shall he not become holy?
30876Is Evolution to stop with the organic?
30876Is it not possible that these biological truths may carry with them the clue to a still profounder philosophy-- even that of Regeneration?
30876Is not this the precise quality in an Eternal correspondence which the analogies of Science would prepare us to look for?
30876Is religion to them unscientific in its doctrine of Regeneration?
30876Is the change from the earthly to the heavenly more mysterious than the change from the aquatic to the terrestrial mode of life?
30876Is there anything else to which they would attach it?
30876Might we not all confess with Ulysses,--"I am a part of all that I have met?"
30876Reaching out his eager and quickened faculties to the spiritual world around him, shall he not become spiritual?
30876Shall death, or life, or angels, or principalities, or powers, arrest or tamper with his eternal correspondences?
30876Shall these"changes in the physical state of the environment"which threaten death to the natural man destroy the spiritual?
30876Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"
30876This correspondence-- or this set of correspondences, for it is very complex-- is it not that to which men with one consent would attach Eternal Life?
30876To know God, to be linked with God, to be linked with Eternity-- if this is not the"eternal existence"of biology, what can more nearly approach it?
30876Walking with God from day to day, shall he fail to be taught of God?
30876What am I to believe?
30876What if the earth swept suddenly into the sun?
30876What is Religion?
30876What organizes them?
30876Why should not the musician''s life be an Eternal Life?
45952), which took place at the very end of the forty years''wandering?
45952Are there any traces of the influence of this idea at work in the religion of the Old Testament?
45952Are we to refuse to read it and to reverse the judgment that included it in the Canon?
45952But are these different points of view incompatible with a single author?
45952But how are we to decide what is compatible with inspiration?
45952But when did Israel embody such a conception?
45952Can we be certain, without examining the facts, to what lines the revelation of God is to be restricted?
45952Can we trace within this more limited circle a movement that shall in any way prepare us for the appearance of men of the type of Amos?
45952Could He not use the early legends which they believed, and through them bring the truth to men?
45952Could not God speak to man in his infancy, and with the growing understanding would there not be growing light?
45952Did Jesus ever read that Book, or were its ideas at all commonly known?
45952Do these reflect the conditions and development of his times?
45952Fall of Nineveh 607_ Chaldà ¦ an Period._ Jeremiah 626- 586 Deuteronomy discovered 621 Habakkuk 605- 600?
45952How came such a tender root out of such a dry ground?
45952Is any such antithesis necessary?
45952Is such a thing as its reception by the Hebrews credible on this account?
45952Is this not coming to the Bible with a theory which we have manufactured and which will surely distort the facts?
45952Israel had suffered for her sins of presumption and disobedience; but were the nations who punished her any more righteous?
45952Return under Sheshbazzar(?)
45952The question to be answered is: What was that"law of Moses"which Ezra brought to Jerusalem and read to the people?
45952Was it a stone image of Jehovah?
45952What are we to learn from this Book?
45952What fulfilment would it be if Cyrus was yet a figure of the unknown future?
45952What gave the name of David to that collection?
45952What is the cause of that difference?
45952What then is the significance of the expressions which seem to point to something more?
45952What was it that led the Prophet to write down the message which he had delivered?
45952What were the sources from which this code drew its material?
26643Who shall bring any accusation against God''s elect? 26643 A certain American statesman was once asked,Can you comprehend how Jesus Christ could be both God and Man?"
26643And how did He come forth from the grave?
26643And what do we possess who have believed on Him, own Him as our Saviour and our Substitute?
26643And what was the purpose of the incarnation?
26643And what will be His work then?
26643And why that agony in the garden?
26643Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?
26643Believest thou this?"
26643But are we truly living, walking and acting as such who have died, dead to sin and alive unto God?
26643But what has been accomplished in this blessed work?
26643But what is the standard of this judgment?
26643But what was it?
26643But when He took on that body, He likewise said:"Lo?
26643But who is able to speak worthily of this theme of all themes?
26643Have they been fulfilled since He entered the Father''s presence in Glory?
26643Have you noticed that in the xxii Psalm this cry of the sufferer on the cross stands first?
26643In view of this the Apostle wrote to the faithful Thessalonians:"For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?
26643Is He now exercising His kingly rule and authority?
26643Is the promised Kingdom of righteousness, of peace, of power and glory now on this earth?
26643It is God who justifies, who is he that condemns?
26643Martha did that when she was encumbered with much service and then said to Him,"Dost Thou not care?"
26643May not these heavenly hosts have been present as He ascended on high?
26643Or my health should fail?
26643Or, if I should lose her whom I love?
26643Perhaps my business and income stops, how could I ever stand it?
26643Romans viii:34:"Who is he that condemneth?
26643Was there ever such a message given to Gabriel before?
26643Were these predictions fulfilled since the Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the Cross?
26643What does that mean?
26643What is it?
26643What life is meant by which we are saved?
26643What may go on in this great world above, the world of unseen spirits, who can tell?
26643What mere human child could have ever said this truthfully?
26643What, if this favored child should be taken from me, how could I stand it?
26643Who can fathom the solemn yet blessed fact, the death of the Son of God on the cross?
26643Who can tell out His sorrow and deep affliction?
26643Who is this King of Glory?
26643Why should we worry or be anxious?
26643Why the repeated prayer,"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me?"
26643Why was His sweat as it were great drops of blood?
26643before God rolled away the stone?
29288And those books?
29288But do you not see that the powerful, and the rich, sow among the children of Israel a spirit of rebellion against the eternal power of Heaven?
29288But you, yourselves; do you not possess copies of the scrolls bearing upon the prophet Issa?
29288But,said the priests,"how could the people live according to your rules if they had no teachers?"
29288By whose command the angels compiled His Word in laws for the governance of His people, which were given to Zoroaster in Paradise? 29288 Can one raise against estrayed men, to whom darkness has hidden their road and their door?"
29288Did you enjoy our little festival?
29288Do all perform mysteries similar to that which I have just witnessed?
29288Does Cæsar possess a divine right?
29288How is Issa looked upon in Thibet? 29288 In what language are written the principal scrolls bearing upon the life of Issa?"
29288Is there not, among those books, some account of the prophet Issa?
29288Of what new God dost thou speak? 29288 Where can those writings be found, and who compiled them?"
29288Which Dalai- Lama of the Christians do you refer to?
29288Who, then, art thou, who darest to utter blasphemies against our God and sow doubt in the hearts of believers?
29288Who, then, has caused that this star lights the day, warms man at his work and vivifies the seeds sown in the ground?
29288Why dost not thou perform a miracle,replied the priests,"and let thy God confound ours, if He is greater than they?"
29288Would you commit a sin in reciting your copy of the life of Issa to a stranger?
29288--"And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me?
29288And now comes another question: Why should he, a prince, have attached himself to the Israelites?
29288But, how could this be?
29288Could you not tell me anything about him?"
29288Has he the repute of a saint?"
29288How did this legend take root?
29288How otherwise could his great legislative work, his broad views, his high administrative qualities be satisfactorily explained?
29288I showed my manuscript to a cardinal very near to the Holy Father, who answered me literally in these words:--"What good will it do to print this?
29288Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cæsar, or not?"
29288It makes one''s heart ache to see the pale and tired- looking figures of these carriers; but what is to be done?
29288Man; that thou incitest the populace against the authorities, with the purpose of thyself becoming King of Israel?"
29288Then the elders asked him:"Who art thou, and from what country hast thou come to us?
29288Thereupon the governor said to the judges:"Have you heard this?
29288Where, truly, in man, is the line that separates courage from cowardice?
29288Who is he?"
29288Will you kindly excuse me?"
29288_ Chapter XII__ § 1_--"Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou?
29288the spies asked him again;"and is he the best of mortals?"
29288wist ye not that I must be about my Father''s business?"
4323Are you willing that people should call you a''holiness crank''?
4323For what are you weeping, old man?
4323Is thy servant a dog, a ruthless town whelp, that he should do such things?
4323Supposing I should ask you to shout, would you?
4323The fellowship of His sufferings--what can it mean?
4323When can I be sanctified wholly? 4323 Will you give up all your plans and be a one- horse preacher of holiness if I want you to?"
4323And, if He is so charitable and patient with our faults, how ought we to be with others?
4323But the Lord put me through a series of questions:"Will you be my property henceforth?"
4323But what is"true prayer"?
4323But who teaches such fanaticism?
4323But why are there only one hundred and twenty?
4323Did He not teach and instruct and heal hundreds, if not thousands, in and about Jerusalem?
4323Did you ever stand by the cage of a lion and watch his restless pace and feel that you had something in you kindred to him?
4323Does not the reader see that a temptation to rest is very different from stopping and breaking an engagement and disappointing an audience?
4323How many preachers dare speak in clarion tones what religion and science concur in asserting concerning vice?
4323If God can make so beautiful a scene in the physical world, what can He not make in the spiritual?
4323If a fellow- preacher imputes selfish motives to your acts, how often do you go to him and pour your heart out to him?
4323If a neighbor doubts your character, how much of your heart do you let him see?
4323In the confusion of large altar services, and the crush of great congregations, who are the saved?
4323Is there anything in life sadder than the discovery that our own affairs are really only our own affairs?
4323O, when will He come?
4323Sad, cruel disappointment, and yet is it so rare that any one of us has not felt its sadness and cruelty?
4323Shall I halt and stammer because a top- heavy lad from a theological seminary, hopelessly in love with himself, scowls at the word"sanctification"?
4323Shall I tremble when an ecclesiastical Leo utters a roar?
4323The company is smaller, and of whom is it composed?
4323The language of the child of God is,"Does God want me sanctified?
4323The negro''s eyes fill and he says,"You know my Savior?"
4323The words that your mother used frequently-- are there any words quite the same to you?
4323Was He not lionized at times by an admiring public?
4323Was it not into Jerusalem that Christ entered riding over a cloak- carpeted way amid the deafening shouts of"Hosanna"?
4323We must ask with the thought,"What is the Father''s will?
4323What are they doing?
4323What does He consider best?"
4323What does holiness mean?"
4323When a man is awakened and says,"What is sanctification anyway?"
4323Where did He abuse anyone?
4323Who now will prove his love for Him by obeying His commands?
4323Why are we not as considerate and polite to those who are all the world to us as we are to strangers and neighbors?
4323Why this community of feeling between men of such diverse stations in life?
4323Why, how can the ministers say anything when they are the chaplains of these gilt- edged frauds called"lodges"?
4323Would he not be justified in telegraphing that he would not come until a day or so later than expected?
18558''Master,''they said,''where dwellest Thou?''
18558''So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field?
18558''The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?''
18558''What is truth?''
18558''Why,''said Pilate,''what has He done wrong?
18558( that means''where are you living?'')
18558And Andrew said,''There is a boy herewith five barley loaves and two fishes; but what are they among so many?''
18558And Jesus put out His hand and caught him, and said,''O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?''
18558And Jesus said to her,''Woman, why weepest thou?
18558And the Pharisees said,''How is it that you can see now?''
18558And the man said,''Who is He, Lord, that I might believe''on Him?''
18558And when they got there they said,''Where is He that is born King of the Jews?
18558And when they had heard him, some of them said to him,''What shall we do then?''
18558Are you not one of His disciples?''
18558As the women came along, they said one to the other,''Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?''
18558By and by it got late, and Jesus said to the disciples,''How many loaves have you?
18558Did Jesus say,''You are not brave, Nicodemus, I am ashamed of you; go away''?
18558Have you followed Him?
18558Have you heard Him calling you?
18558Have you nothing to say?''
18558How many disciples had Jesus now?
18558Jesus heard about that, and He came to the lonely man, and said,''Dost thou believe on the Son of God?''
18558Jesus said to His mother,''HOW IS IT THAT YE HAVE SOUGHT ME?
18558Jesus said to the men in the boat,''Children, have you anything to eat?''
18558One day a man shouted out--''What have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth?
18558Pilate took Jesus inside his splendid palace, away from the Jews, and asked Him,''Art thou a King then?''
18558Pilate wanted very much to let Jesus go, and he said,''What shall I do then with Jesus?''
18558Salome went to her mother, and said,''What shall I ask?''
18558So Pilate said to the crowd,''Shall I let Jesus go?''
18558That was the noise which Jesus heard, and he asked,''Why do you make this ado?
18558The people who met him began to ask him,''How were thine eyes opened?''
18558Then He turned to the woman, and said to Simon:''Seest thou this woman?
18558Then Jesus said gently to His disciples,''Where is your faith?''
18558Then a man who stood there said to Peter,''Are you not one of His disciples?''
18558Then the man said,''Who is my neighbor?''
18558They said to Judas,''What is that to us?
18558They said,''What thing is this?
18558Were not these things enough to make the Lord Jesus weep?
18558What kind of work does God do on Sunday, dear children?
18558When Jesus had finished that story, He said,''Which now of these three was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves?''
18558When Jesus saw how unhappy Mary and Martha were, He too felt very sad, and said,''Where have ye laid him?''
18558When they were going to Caesarea Philippi, Jesus talked quietly to His disciples, and said,''Whom do you say that I am?''
18558Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood?
18558Who was with God when He made the world?
18558Who were meant by''Us''?
18558Whom seekest thou?''
18558Why then do you ask me for water?''
18558from whence then hath it tares?
30573And why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
30573Why are ye troubled?
30573And what danger can the hereafter, if there be such a thing as the hereafter, hold for any one who is so obeying the laws of God?
30573And what would that mean if He should come to- night or to- morrow?
30573Are you willing to- night to put your faith and your heart into that old prayer and bid Him come?
30573But what evidence have we, what demonstration and proof that God will fulfill this postscript promise and plan?
30573But what of Israel?
30573But what of the nations that scattered them and made them to suffer?
30573But when?
30573Do you ever pray the last prayer recorded in Holy Scripture, the last prayer of the Holy Apostolic Church?
30573Do you feel ashamed or afraid to offer it in public?
30573Do you really want Him to come-- this long absent Redeemer and Lord?
30573Does it ever come to your lips?
30573Has God failed to keep His promise?
30573Has He been unable or unwilling to keep His promise?
30573Have you the faith and sincerity to do it?
30573Is this prayer in your heart?
30573O death, where is thy sting?
30573O grave, where is thy victory?"
30573Then he said:"Have ye here any meat?"
30573What are these fifteen millions of Jews but fifteen millions of proofs that the book we call the Bible is true, is inerrant, infallible?
30573What could be said but that she had wholly forgotten or proved totally false to the principles for which her husband had died?
30573What evidence have we from the bare statement of God that He will keep this promise?
30573What would it mean to you whose loved ones are lying in that cemetery or any other of the sleeping places of the dead?
30573When you try to offer it in private or public does unbelief smother it?
30573Where is Greece whose phalanxes swept through their fields and spoiled their vineyards?
30573Where is the difference between a thousand years''delay and one moment that can be fixed by any man?
30573Who is he who has it all fixed and polished and pumice stoned to the exact date?
30573Who is he who will have the hardihood to fix the hour when the Master has said no man knows?
30573Who is he who will put a thousand years between the Church and her returning Lord?
30573Why had he no need to write to them?
13274Which is the Eighth?
13274Which is the Fifth?
13274Which is the Fourth?
13274Which is the Third?
13274_ Are all the World saved by him?__ Answ._ NO.
13274_ Are you able to keep them of your self?__ Answ._ NO.
13274_ Are you bound to keep all these Commandments?__ Answ._ YES.
13274_ Are you bound to keep them in Thought, Word, and Deed?__ Answ._ YES.
13274_ Can you deliver your self from Hell?__ Answ._ NO.
13274_ Did Christ bear the Curse of God that was due to Sinners?__ Answ._ YES.
13274_ Do you sin daily?__ Answ._ YES.
13274_ From whence was that?__ Answ._ From_ Adam_''s Fall.
13274_ How are you bound to keep them?__ Answ._ By my Baptism and by the Word of God.
13274_ How did_ Adam_ fall_?
13274_ How long doth it last?__ Answ_.
13274_ How many Commandments be there?__ Answ._ Ten.
13274_ How must he be served?__ Answ._ In Spirit and in Truth.
13274_ How must you be delivered.__ Answ._ Only by Jesus Christ?
13274_ Is he not Man also?__ Answ._ YES.
13274_ Is it not a sad thing to lie under the Wrath of God for ever?
13274_ Multitudes are called and invited, why do they not come to Christ?__ Answ._ Because they are not Humble.
13274_ Name some Places?__ Answ._ John 3.
13274_ Quest._ Which is the Sixth?
13274_ Thou shalt have no other gods before me.__ Quest._ Which is the Second?
13274_ Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour.__ Quest._ Which is the Tenth?
13274_ Thou shalt not kill.__ Quest._ Which is the Seventh?
13274_ Thou shalt not steal.__ Quest._ Which is the Ninth?
13274_ What Death did he die?__ Answ._ The Death of the Cross.
13274_ What doth Sin deserve?__ Answ_.
13274_ What grounds of Encouragement have we to rest upon Christ for Salvation?__ Answ._ These six: 1.
13274_ What hath Christ done for Sinners?__ Answ._ He hath died for them.
13274_ What is Heaven?__ Answ._ An everlasting Enjoyment of God in glory.
13274_ What is Hell?__ Answ._ Darkness and Torments.
13274_ What is Sin?__ Answ._ The Breaking of God''s Law.
13274_ What is it to Believe on him?__ Answ._ To rest upon Him for Salvation.
13274_ What is it to serve God?__ Answ._ To keep his Commandements.
13274_ What must we do that we may see our sins and our sinfulnesses?__ Answ._ 1.
13274_ What must we do, that Christ may be ours?__ Answ._ Believe on him.
13274_ What will the Lord do for such a one that comes to him?__ Answ._ 1.
13274_ When is Christ offered?__ Answ._ In the Gospel.
13274_ When the Lord has done this for a poor Creature, what must he do for this good God of his?__ Answ._ He must be Humble and Thankful.
13274_ Wherefore did God make you?__ Answ._ To Serve him.
13274_ Who Redeemed you?__ Answ._ Jesus Christ.
13274_ Who Sanctifieth and preserves you?__ Answ._ The Holy Ghost.
13274_ Who is Jesus Christ?__ Answ_.
13274_ Who made you?__ Answer._ GOD.
13274_ Why are they not Humble?__ Answ._ Because they do not see their sins and sinfulness.
13274_ Why died he that Death?__ Answ._ Because it is written,_ Cursed is he that hangeth upon a Tree_.
13274_ Why so?__ Answ._ Because I was conceived and born in sin.
13274_ Why so?__ Answ._ Because he is not theirs.
13274to lie in devouring Flames for Ever?__ Answ._ YES.
51888But who( says Malachi,) may abide the day of His coming, or who shall stand when He appeareth? 51888 Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
51888A question, therefore, once more arises, what is meant by"the elements?"
51888And how were these predictions fulfilled?
51888And many of those who hear of it may be expected to deny it, according to his own words:"When the Son of Man cometh shall He find faith on the earth?"
51888And now we ask, Are the stars to be rolled away, or are they to fall upon the earth?
51888And over what is He thus to reign?
51888And the question then arises: What benefit can mankind derive from the destruction of this material world?
51888But does the change here supposed in the constitution of the world, require its dissolution?
51888But how can these melt, or be melted?--Can_ fire_ melt with fervent heat?
51888But how can_ one element_ be denominated_ the elements_?
51888But how is He to reign for ever over the kingdoms of the world, if the world and its kingdoms are to be destroyed?
51888But if this trumpet is not a_ material_ one, then let the defenders of the literal meaning tell us what is a spiritual trumpet?
51888But is it in these that the Lord is to descend?
51888Can air, then, melt?
51888Can water melt?
51888Did the events_ literally_ take place?
51888How, then, we again ask, are spiritual beings to descend in a_ material_ vapor?
51888Is another race of men to be created?
51888Is it, then, to be the habitation of the righteous of the present earth?
51888Is it_ material_, or is it_ not_?
51888Is six or eight miles above the surface of the globe, heaven?
51888Now the question is, to what authority or kingdom do these predictions refer?
51888On what authority, then, is the literal meaning of the first_ rejected_, while in the other it is retained and believed?
51888Or can bodies which seldom rise beyond this elevation, be properly called the clouds of heaven?
51888Or is this the glory with which the Lord is to be invested-- the vapors which rise from the material globe?
51888Since it is believed that the succession of man will cease with_ this_ earth, why should_ another_ earth be formed?
51888Since, then, it will not suit the departed righteous, and another race is not to be formed, why, we continue to ask, will this new earth be created?
51888The question again arises: What are we to understand by these?
51888We are, therefore, justified in asking, for what purpose is this new material system created?
51888We have seen that_ love_ was the cause of the world''s creation; but what motive, I ask, can lead to its destruction?
51888What gives to reason( the eye of the mind) its power of discerning spiritual things?
51888What then are we to make of the description before us,--of this_ trumpet_ with which the Lord is to descend?
51888What would result if they only came within a short distance of it?
51888Why are not both to be understood alike, since in both the descriptions are similar?
51888Why is the first to be resolved into figure, while the latter is considered as literally true?
51888Why, then, should not the change from evil to good, be effected in like manner as the change from good to evil?
51888_ Who was Swedenborg?_ By O. P. Hiller.
51888and invests the soul, naturally dark and lifeless, with spiritual life and glory?
51888and"what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the consummation of the age?
40458And the Governor said, Why, what evil hath He done? 40458 Hath not the Scripture said that Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?"
40458How often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not?
40458Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?
40458Is not this the carpenter''s son? 40458 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
40458Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
40458A little later it is said:"And none of the disciples durst ask Him, Who art Thou?
40458And His brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?"
40458And yet should not the ideal of the heavenly Father be higher than that of the earthly father?
40458And yet, why is it sung, except on that supposition?
40458But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the_ Son of Man_ with a kiss?"
40458But if He had appeared in His natural form, how could any of the apostles have doubted as to whether the apparition was He or some other person?
40458But if the good are to be confined to the weapon of moral suasion, how long will it be until the powers of evil are in full control?
40458But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?
40458Can it be supposed that the fulsome adulation with which it is filled can be pleasing to the God of the universe?
40458Hath not the Scripture said that Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?
40458How far has modern Christianity kept undefiled the pure religion of the Great Nazarene?
40458How many of our wars would have lacked advocates, if they had been obliged to plead their cause under the principles of the Sermon on the Mount?
40458If the"universal tradition of the church"is not to be believed on this point, of what value is it on any other?
40458If this be true, should we not look for the beam in our own eye, before we criticize Germany for starting the Great War?
40458In putting to Jesus the question:"Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cæsar or not?"
40458Is not His mother called Mary?
40458Jesus then"went forth and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
40458Matthew''s narrative covers seventeen verses, and John recognizes Jesus, for he says,"I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me?"
40458Nathaniel''s reply is:"Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
40458On the approach of the band, Jesus comes forth and says,"Whom seek ye?
40458Or was he a religious zealot, trying to force Jesus''hand?
40458Or, What shall we drink?
40458Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
40458Peter and John ask Him,"Who is it?"
40458Pilate asks Him,"Art Thou the King of the Jews?
40458Shall I give my first- born for my transgression,_ the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul_?
40458The chief priests tell him,"What is that to us?
40458The only charge here is,"Art Thou the Christ?"
40458They all ask,"Master, is it I?"
40458They ask her,"Why weepest thou?"
40458To the question,"Art Thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"
40458Was he simply a traitor, seeking to sell his Lord and Master for a price?
40458What motives can be substituted for those that will have the same compelling, driving force?
40458What promise has the future to prevent the recurrence of such evils?
40458Why did the mighty forces of Christianity fail to work with any practical effect at this, their supreme test-- the prevention of war?
40458Would it not be well for them to consider the beam in their own eye?
40458XI:2; Mark VI:17), he sent some of his disciples to inquire of Jesus,"Art Thou He that should come or do we look for another?"
40458[ 7] Apparently Mary, while"espoused"to Joseph, was not yet his"wife", since she asks the angel how she shall conceive,"seeing that I know not a man?"
4142117.----_I am_ Alpha_ and_ Omega,_ the beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty_?
41421And then, by whom, or how, shall this thing touching the evidence of the Divine Revelation be judged or decided?
41421For Example, For the_ Literal_ and_ Grammatical_ sense, what Text Plainer than[_ Hoc est corpus meum_]?
41421For if all the Scripture be obscure, how can you know the sense of these places?
41421I say, what more clear than these Texts, for shewing the_ true Deity_ of Christ?
41421If not, to what end did they hear them?
41421If some places of it be plain, why should I stay here?_----[11]_ If you ask, seeing I may possibly err, how can I be assured I do not?
41421If you ask me, how I can be sure, that I know the true meaning of these places?
41421Obscured text has been transcribed as follows: Conference 1 Section 8:"? her"transcribed as"Luther".
41421Of this matter, thus, Mr._ Whitby_[95]--_Whom did our Convocation ever damn for not internally receiving their decrees?
41421Or can our_ London_ Carrier have no certainty in the middle of the day, when he is sober, and in his wits, that he is in his way to_ London?
41421When a Future Council( then) is assembled, and hath heard your Plea, will you_ assent_ to it, and acquiesce in the Judgment thereof?
41421Whether must the_ Church''s judgment_ be taken, or every_ mans own judgment_?
41421_ Prot._ How so?
41421_ Prot._ What obedience when as you deny one of her chiefest, and most fundamental doctrins?
41421_ Soc._ And who then shall judge, whether the Reasons pretended are_ defective_, or rather the present Church_ negligent_ in considering them?
41421_ Soc._ Of what points?
41421_ We grant a necessity, or at least a convenience of a Tribunal to decide controversies, but how?
41421_ but that every man and every Church accepts the Councils as far as they please, and no further?
41421a Traveller may possibly mistake his way; must I therefore be doubtful whether I am in the right way from my Hall to my Chamber?
41421or, how shall I know, when a due industry is used?
41421why then should the Church be troubled to call it?
26691He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 26691 3:10 thatthere is none righteous, no, not one"?
26691Ah, dear reader, do you not see your inheritance in this?
26691Are you going to yield?
26691Brother and sister, have you had your Pentecost?
26691But did not Paul say of himself when under grace that he kept his body under and brought it into subjection?
26691But must I give up these treasures, these sacred things of my heart for thee?
26691But what of our treasures?
26691By J. W. BYERS Printed in 1902 by GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY CONTENTS What Is Sanctification?
26691CHAPTER IX Holiness= Holiness an attribute of God.="Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods?
26691Can a person be restored to this experience of sanctification if it should be lost?
26691Can a person lose the experience of sanctification?
26691Can not I have both them and thee?
26691Can we not say with deep, heartfelt reality,"Hallelujah for the cleansing; It has reached my inmost soul"?
26691Dear brother, are you at Kadesh Barnea today, and afraid of the giants?
26691Dear reader, have you attained it, or are you yet living beneath your blood- bought privilege?
26691Dear soul, can this be said of you?
26691Did not Paul say there was sin dwelling in him?
26691Do they not testify that the first work of grace is not deep enough?
26691Do we not grow into sanctification and therefore reach it gradually?
26691Does not the Bible say,"If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us"?
26691Does not the word of God say that"from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,"etc.?
26691Does not the word of God teach that"Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not"; and"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin"?
26691Does not this indicate that his body was yet sinful?
26691Does not this signify all that can possibly be comprehended in justification?
26691Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?"
26691Have you ceased from your own works?
26691Have you finished the work?
26691He asks the question,"Lovest thou me more than these?"
26691He gave himself for the church that he might sanctify and cleanse it; and now how can you withhold anything from him?
26691How about Solomon, who said,"There is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not"?
26691How can one keep free from evil thoughts?
26691How can we understand the seventh chapter of Romans to harmonize with the doctrine of holiness?
26691How may we keep sanctified?
26691How may we know definitely that we are sanctified?
26691If Jesus was not sanctified until his death, how can we be?
26691If in this case the old tree were a reasonable being that could co- operate with the gardener, what would the gardener''s language be to it?
26691In case a person shall unfortunately sustain such a loss, how long would it take to become restored?
26691In order to properly apply scripture it is very helpful to always consider: 1. Who wrote it?
26691Is every child at birth sinful by nature?
26691Is not every mistake a sin?
26691Now comes the searching and far- reaching question: Are you willing to make this consecration?
26691Now if we ask them if they believe in a second work of grace, what will they answer us?
26691Of whom or to whom was it written?
26691The question is simply left with us, Will we enter in or will we not?
26691To Whom Is This Promised?
26691Upon his first acquaintance with the brethren at Ephesus he asked them the question,"Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?"
26691What do we hear?
26691What is it?
26691When was it written?
26691Which will it be?
26691Who could consistently believe that God would dwell in a corrupt heart?
26691Why do we not get it all when we are justified?
26691Why then should any of us come short of entering into this blessed covenant of an entire consecration and receiving the fulfillment of the promise?
26691Will you have it, or will you not?
26691with my whole heart and die the death and gain the abundant life?
37699_ That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same?_( Ps.
37699And why?
37699Are we reasonable men in the nineteenth century in the United States of America and believe this?
37699But they say to us,"If you throw away the Bible what are we to depend on then?"
37699Can a God who would accept such a sacrifice be worthy of the worship of civilized men?
37699Can the believing husband in heaven look down upon the torments of the unbelieving wife in hell and then feel a thrill of joy?
37699Did it never occur to you what a contradiction it is to say that the devil will persecute his own friends?
37699Did you ever hear of a man going to hell who died in New York worth a million of dollars, or with an income of twenty- five thousand a year?
37699Did you ever hear of a man going to hell who rode in a carriage?
37699Did you ever hear the story of Jepthah''s daughter?
37699Do you know nobody would have had an idea of hell in this world if it had n''t been for volcanoes?
37699Do you wish further examples of a God of mercy?
37699Does any one believe that now?
37699Does it teach a man to resist oppression?
37699Does it teach a man to tear from the throne of tyranny the crowned thing and robber called a king?
37699Does it treat woman as she ought to be treated, or is it barbarian?
37699Does n''t the credit system in morals breed extravagance in sin?
37699Does the Bible give woman her rights?
37699Does the Bible teach mercy?
37699Does the Bible teach the existence of devils?
37699Does the Bible teach you freedom of religion?
37699Has he?
37699He wants all the recruits he can get; why then should he persecute his friends?
37699I read:"_ I will make mine arrows drunk with blood; and my sword shall devour flesh?_"( Deut.
37699If the religion of one hundred years ago, compared with the religion of to- day is so low, what will it be in one thousand years?
37699If these words are necessary why are they not written now everywhere in the world, on every tree, and every field, and on every blade of grass?
37699Is it the doctrine of the Bible?
37699Is there a burial- service mentioned in it in which a word of hope is spoken at the grave of the dead?
37699Is there in the history of the world a sadder story than that?
37699Is this Bible humane?
37699It is true I have devoured a few men, but for what other purpose were men made?"
37699Neither was the man created for the woman._"Well, what was he created for?
37699Now what does the New Testament teach?
37699Now, does this Bible teach political freedom, or does it teach political tyranny?
37699Now, what does the Bible teach?
37699She arose and asked"Who says that?"
37699Should not the merciful God practice what he preaches?
37699Suppose then that Smith should say to Brown,"You''re a liar,"and Brown should reply to Smith,"And you''re a liar,"what would you think?
37699The great, the rich, the powerful?
37699Then why torment him if it will not do him good?
37699They seem to say:"Aha, what did I tell you?"
37699This sacred book, this foundation of human liberty, of morality, does it teach concubinage and polygamy?
37699Various reasons are given for punishing the wicked?
37699What changed it?
37699What does this same book with its glad tidings of great joy for all people say of the rights of children?
37699What harm has it not done?
37699What is it?
37699What is that plan?
37699What sort of a law must it be that would be satisfied with the suffering of innocence?
37699What waste places has it not made?
37699Who go to hell?
37699Who''s afraid of punishment which is so far away?
37699Whom does the doctrine of hell stop?
37699Why should he say"Forgive your enemies"if he will not himself forgive?
37699Why should he say"Pray for those that despise and persecute you, but if they refuse to believe my doctrine I will burn them for ever?"
37699Would I have a right to torture it because I made it?
28401Are there no Marks of Pain besides those of crying aloud?
28401But if all Things are in themselves equally Good, where is the Use to_ appoint_, or the Sense of talking about it?
28401But what then, Is no Inference thence to be made?
28401But will the Doctor say, they have therefore no painful Sensations?
28401Consider Beasts, then, as God''s own Property; will that render it a whit more equitable?
28401Hath not God, by his own Decree of Damnation, set them an Example?
28401Hear now, O House of Israel, Is not my Way equal?
28401How can these Reasons operate as to a Part, and have no Influence as to the Remainder?
28401If having this Faith be no certain Mark, because a Man may depart from it, what Proof have they?
28401If not, and they sometimes suffer by Pain and Abuse, why may not Infants do the same?
28401If so, what is become of the infinite Being, that was to_ suffer_ for Sin; for does God make Satisfaction to himself?
28401My natural Strength of Body may be equal to four hundred Weight; but what can this avail, while I am continually pressed down by four thousand?
28401The Brute Creation undergo Pain and Affliction; is_ Adam''s_ Sin, therefore, imputed to them?
28401Was it then_ only_ the Person, or_ rational Soul_ of_ Jesus Christ_, that suffered, being upheld under it, by the infinite Being himself?
28401What would you think of a Man, who is a Villain to- day, and boasts much of his great Honesty tomorrow?
28401Where is the Use of_ Reason_, or_ Moral Agency_, in Man, if another be substituted to act in his Stead, and not he himself?
28401_ Have I any Pleasure at all that the Wicked should die?
28401_ What mean ye, that use this Proverb in Israel, The Fathers have eaten sour Grapes, and the Children Teeth are set on edge?_ Ver.
28401and thinking myself one of this happy Number, a Rule sufficient to abide by?
28401and where then is the Reason, for such very different Treatment of Infants and adult Persons?
28401are not your Ways unequal?_ Ver.
28401saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his Ways and live?_ Ver.
28401will he, under such Penalties, command Men to do thus, and not do so himself?"
6657Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
6657And how was it with the Jews?
6657And if this be true, how is it possible that such a heart in which Father, Son and Holy Ghost abide, should not be sanctified wholly?
6657And what is the perfection which is predicated of the essence of God?
6657And with this agree the words of the Psalmist,"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?
6657And, therefore, we ask again when is this indispensable gift to be obtained?
6657Are we not, then, in an absolutely hopeless condition?
6657But why sunder this verse from its appropriate connections?
6657Do we say that He can not perform it before death; then where is His omnipotence?
6657Do we say that He will not do it before death; then where is His own holiness?
6657Does not Habakkuk answer beautifully to this description?
6657For what purpose is this fiery baptism with the Holy Ghost?
6657He might have said where is my evidence that it will do any good to try?
6657Here is our title of nobility, beloved, and who of us would exchange it for an earldom, or a dukedom or a kingdom?
6657If this does not mean entire sanctification, what use is there in language as an expression of thought?
6657If this is not the true liberty and the true royalty, where shall we find them?
6657In the Twenty- fourth Psalm, David asks the question"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?
6657Is it not most reasonable and most fit that He should require all who are to dwell with Him forever in that holy place, to be holy also?
6657It inquires"What good thing shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
6657On one occasion we are told that a lawyer asked Jesus"What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
6657Or, rather, what is His essence itself?
6657The prophet Amos exclaims most pertinently,"Can two walk together unless they be agreed?"
6657Was ever more holiness crowded into a single verse?
6657What more natural than that those who are expecting to inherit a holy heaven, should themselves seek while here to become a holy people?
6657What, then, are the sacrifices which are to be offered by the Christian Priest?
6657or who shall stand in His holy place?"
6657or who shall stand in His holy place?"
41500But where?
41500But who do you say that I am?
41500Did I not tell thee,said the Master,"that if thou wouldst believe, thou shouldst see the glory of God?"
41500Do you ask that of yourself,said the persecuted but heroic prisoner,"or did others tell it of me?"
41500I have done many good works,He continued,"for which of those works do you stone me?"
41500If they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?
41500Then what is Truth?
41500What does He look like?
41500What is the charge against Him? 41500 What shall I ask of him?"
41500What shall we do?
41500When does He come, and from whence?
41500Where is He now?
41500Why do the people shout?
41500Why,--they stoned you and you had to fly just now,--will you risk going back?
41500Will He be welcomed or stoned?
41500Again:"If I do not care for my soul, who will do it for me?"
41500And what did He say to the people standing on the shore?
41500And who is this wonderful Hillel of whom Testament writers and teachers say almost nothing at all?
41500Believest thou this?
41500But were these things miracles?
41500By a miracle could He not have destroyed all His enemies at a single blow?
41500Could He not have prevented it?
41500Do we know what a Miracle is?
41500Do we know what a Miracle is?
41500Do we know what a miracle is?
41500Do you believe me?"
41500Does he dream that this youth in Galilee is possibly the child the shepherds told of that wonderful night?
41500Does he wonder if they are somewhere in hiding yet?
41500Does not this tradition and Pilate''s alarm add strength to the supposition that years of His life had passed in the secret of the desert?
41500Had His origin, His identity been kept a secret?
41500Hast thou faith?"
41500If He was not much in the desert in these unknown years, where then was He, that no one tells of Him?
41500In a tone of overwhelming sadness He asked His twelve apostles"if they too would leave Him"?
41500Is He again in His hermit cave now beyond the Jordan?
41500Is it doing it to- day?
41500Is it not altogether possible, almost certain, that these long absences were in the wilderness of the desert?
41500Is the Child''s escape at Bethlehem still a secret?
41500Is the Child''s escape at Bethlehem still a secret?
41500John has heard anew of the Master''s triumphs, and two friends are sent to Him to ask if He is indeed the Christ--"or, do we look for another?"
41500Now he is astounded, and alarmed, for where had Jesus been all these years?
41500One day walking on a country road He asked His disciples who the people really said He was?
41500Then He said something harder still,"If this about the flesh and blood startles you, what would you say to see me ascending up where I was?"
41500To- morrow this young carpenter, this village doctor, will again disappear in the wilderness of the desert; who knows how long?
41500Two of these men followed the mysterious stranger, saying,"Master, where dwellest Thou?"
41500Was it all a blank these long years?
41500Was there indeed nothing for Matthew, nor Mark, nor Luke, nor John, nor Josephus, nor anybody else to write about Him?
41500What care the great religious doctors at the Sacred City?
41500What has this man done?"
41500What shall they do?
41500Where was Jesus in these silent years?
41500Where was Jesus in these silent years?
41500Who ever heard of this Galilean carpenter anyway, or of His reforms?
41500Who knows?
41500Why not Jesus?
41500Why not?
41500Why should He not have been absent in some desert solitude, some wilderness, preparing for immortal deeds, immortal words?
41500Would not the day soon be at hand when God himself, through some vicegerent, would come to the world and rule in pity?
41500Would not the people rise, moved by His wonderful miracles, and at last put an end to all their religious pretenses?
5954Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth--but who amongst us really believes it?
5954Blessed are the pure in heart--and how many of us are that?
5954Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness''sake--is that_ your_ ambition, or mine?
5954Can ye drink of the Cup that I drink of?
5954Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? 5954 O ye of little faith, wherefore did ye doubt?"
5954An influence from on high?
5954And does His teaching about GOD fare any better?
5954And in that climax of a vision, which, if we are faithful, shall be prophecy, what is it that has happened?
5954And what is meant by preparing the way of the Lord?
5954But is such an ideal really practicable?
5954Do we really share Christ''s outlook upon GOD, or His hope for man?
5954GOD was to Jesus Christ the one Reality that mattered; is that in any serious sense true of us?
5954Had not the Lord said,"Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not"?
5954Have we never, like the crowds who joined in the hue- and- cry, followed a multitude to do evil?
5954If we ask,"Why does not GOD prevent war?
5954If we ask,"Why should the innocent suffer?"
5954Is it not just the question: What is the nature or character of the ultimate Power or Principle or Person upon which or upon whom the world depends?
5954Is not every religion, every imagined deity, in one sense an altar to the unknown GOD?
5954Is our view of life centred in GOD, as was His?
5954Meanwhile what of Jesus Himself-- this Christ, through their relationship to whom they had come by this new experience of the reality of GOD?
5954Might children be admitted to membership in infancy, or must they wait until they were adult?
5954Or do His words of reproach fit us, as they fitted S. Peter--"You think like a man, and not like GOD"?
5954The question is sometimes asked,"If GOD is omnipotent, why does He permit evil?"
5954To what purpose is this overlapping and conflict?
5954We are really raising a much more difficult question if we ask,"Why does GOD allow cancer?"
5954We who call ourselves Christians, do we seriously believe these things?
5954What did He mean?
5954What does it mean to confess the Deity of Christ?
5954What does it mean?
5954What in relation to these problems is the message of the Christian Church?
5954What is the real question, the most fundamental of questions, which arises when we seek to interpret the world we live in?
5954What is the will of GOD for humanity?
5954What was His relation to man, and to GOD?
5954Who or what was it?
5954Who was He?
5954Why can not they agree to sink their differences, and to unite upon the broad basis of a common loyalty to Christ?
5954Why does He permit murder and cruelty and rapine?"
5954Why should a child grow up in heathenism?
5954With S. Peter they find themselves saying to Christ,"Lord, to whom shall we go?
26003And what is that? 26003 Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
26003And if you now ask,"How will this revelation come?"
26003And now can not you trust Jesus; this presence, this keeping presence?
26003And now, what is the other side?
26003And was that vision of Christ worth so much?
26003And what does that mean?
26003And why are we not obedient?
26003And why?
26003Are you going to take Him and to keep Him there, to give Him glory and let Him have His way?
26003Are you ready to obey in all feebleness and weakness and fear?
26003Are you ready to take this as your motto now,"_ Wholly for God_"?
26003Are you willing to acknowledge that you are a fool for never having believed in Him?
26003But how can I know that He will be with me always?"
26003Can I always be thinking of Jesus?
26003Can you say,"Yes, Lord Jesus, I will obey?"
26003Christian, do you want peace and rest?
26003Did you ever hear of a man loving another and not longing to reveal himself?
26003Do let me try and impress this upon you: God has given you a loving, living Saviour, and how can He bless if you do not meet Him?
26003Do you know what Christ said about a man calling his brother a fool?
26003Do you know what another great mark of that stage is?
26003How can you trust God fully until you have met Him and known Him?
26003How comes it that it is so_ Difficult to be obedient_, and how comes it that I so often sin?
26003How comes it then that they are disobedient again?
26003How did the disciples get their burning hearts?
26003How did they begin the morning that day?
26003I ask my Master once again,"Lord Jesus, is that all?"
26003If you were to ask the Lord,"Oh, my blessed Lord Christ, what must I do, how can I enjoy Thy never- failing presence?"
26003Is not God enough?
26003Is not that the secret of peace and happiness?
26003Is there anything more I need to secure the enjoyment of Thine abiding presence?"
26003Now comes the question which I really wanted to put,--What are the conditions under which our blessed Lord reveals Himself?
26003Oh, why is it that our hearts often feel so cold and closed up, and so many of us say,"I do not feel called to Christ''s work"?
26003Or, put it this way,--To whom is it that Jesus will reveal Himself?
26003Tell me what is the character of the man to whom Christ will reveal Himself in this highest and fullest way?"
26003The question is asked so often:"What is the cause of the feeble life of so many Christians?"
26003There is a second answer that I think Christ would give if we come to Him believing, and say,"Is there anything more, my blessed Master?"
26003Thou hast told me to believe, and to obey, and to abide near to Thee: what wouldst Thou have more?"
26003We talk about holiness, but do you know what holiness is?
26003What is actually the want?
26003What is really the matter?
26003What is that?
26003What is that?
26003What is the answer?
26003What is the cause of all the trouble?
26003What is the difference between a dead Christ, whom the women went to anoint, and a living Christ?
26003When the Lord Jesus was here upon earth, what was it that distinguished His disciples from other people?
26003Where does the disobedience come from?
26003Where does the strength of so many come from?
26003Why are there two upon the Throne?
26003Why was my Lord Jesus taken up to heaven away from the life of earth?
26003Will He reveal Himself?
26003Yes; but how can that peace be kept?
26003You are marked with His blood, and he loves you; and can not you say,"My King, my King, He is with me all the days?"
26003You ask me, How can that be?
26003You ask,"Where ought I to begin?"
26003You say that?
26003You want the Lord Jesus to give you this full revelation of Himself?
26003_ Is that your language?_ Oh!
26003if I were to ask,"Is not this just what you and I want, and what many of us have been longing for?"
26003my dear friend, has this been the spirit in which we have looked upon the wonderful blessing that we have sometimes heard of?
26003sister, how will this revelation come?
41650Can man be free,sang Shelley,"if woman be a slave?"
41650--_Swinburne_ Is the Morality of Jesus Sound?
41650A great deal depends upon the answer to the question,"Is the moral teaching of Jesus sound?"
41650And because there is some good in all religions, shall we shut our eyes to the dangerous fallacies they contain?
41650And have you not read in St. Paul''s Epistles, says the preacher again, that they who are married neglect the things of the Lord?
41650And how did the deity come to let Caesar in as a partner?
41650And how do we give unto God the things that belong to God?
41650And must you refrain from passing any righteous judgments from fear of being misjudged or misunderstood by the world?
41650And shall we hold our tongues on the terrible injustice and oppression all around us simply because there is also goodness and virtue among men?
41650And upon what terms will the priest condescend to pilot us to our invisible and aerial mansions?
41650And we repeatedly come across the phrase,"heavenly Jerusalem"in the New Testament, as the name of the abode of the blessed?
41650And what are_ you_ doing?
41650And what do these religions offer in place of the home, the love, the world, which they take away from us?
41650And what do we offer in place of supernaturalism, whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Brahmanism, or any other"ism"?
41650And what was the use of trying to get acquainted with, or interested in, a world about to be abandoned?
41650And what will there be left for us after God and Caesar have had each his share?
41650And where will the charity come from, if all men were to follow the advice of Jesus and cultivate poverty?
41650And why did he say to his disciples that for the people who rejected them there awaited the awful fate of Sodom and Gomorrah?
41650And why,--why should any religion beg for charity?
41650And why?
41650And_ you_?
41650But did not Jesus pray for his murderers on the cross?
41650But did not Jesus say"Love one another,"and is not that enough?
41650But is that any reason why we should be content with what little justice or truth there is in the world, and not strive for more?
41650But one moment: Is a coin Caesar''s because his superscription is upon it?
41650But suppose the thief on the cross had said to Jesus when the latter invited him to paradise:"But, what about my victims, Lord?
41650But who shall save Jehovah?
41650But why should I?
41650But why should anything in the bible be meant to be thrown away?
41650Can anything be more arbitrary or fatalistic?
41650Can anything be more immoral?
41650Can we love the slanderer, the oppressor, the murderer?
41650Christ or no Christ,--can we still be kind and just and compassionate toward the weak and the unfortunate?
41650Could such an alarmist be a sane moral teacher?
41650Did Jesus love his enemies?
41650Do you have to judge another with the same prejudice, bigotry and malice with which he judges you?
41650Do you not know that it is written in the Word of God that,"Here we have no abiding City?"
41650Have you not heard that Jesus said:"Labor not for the meat that perisheth?"
41650How can I be happy in heaven, with my victims in hell-- to whom I gave no chance in the last hour to believe and be saved?
41650If God is a father, what mother can be on an equality with him?
41650If Jesus has this power-- why is Europe still armed to the teeth?
41650If a man has slandered you, must you slander him?
41650If everything is to be done for Jesus''sake, what will become of morality, civilization or humanity with Jesus dropped out?
41650If we give it to the priests, will it reach God-- and how much of it will reach him?
41650If you have been robbed, must you rob in return?
41650In the clouds?
41650In the ether?
41650In the stars?
41650Is it because she is stronger and can therefore endure more suffering than the man?
41650Is it not a perverse doctrine that associates beggary with moral perfection?
41650Is it not our duty as well as our privilege to labor for a more rational and a more ennobling faith?
41650Is it not rather the property of the man who has earned it by his labor?
41650Is it reasonable to go to a provincial of this description for_ universal_ ideals?
41650Is not this pernicious teaching?
41650Let us ask the priest: Where then_ is_ our home?
41650Moreover, if we are to tell the things that belong to Caesar by the stamp upon them, how are we to tell the things that belong to God?
41650Of what use is property in a world soon to be set on fire?
41650Pardon me if I use a stronger expression-- why should any part of the Word of God be destined for the garbage box?
41650Shall Caesar claim everything that he can put his stamp upon?
41650Simply because the human race keeps going as it is, shall we not endeavor to improve it?
41650Was his prayer answered?
41650Was not Jesus recommending the blind worship of force when he told them to respect Caesar''s name?
41650What became of the other?
41650What is the evidence?
41650What is the use of talking about divorce when marriage is forbidden?
41650What is there in poverty to entitle a man to eternal life?
41650What would become of this preacher''s interest in his fellowmen, should he ever lose his faith in Christ?
41650Who would care to accumulate wealth, who would care to marry, or rear children, on a sinking ship?
41650Why should she be struck a heavier and a more crushing blow?
41650Why then was not Judas saved?
41650You are also familiar with the story of the men who came to Jesus to ask him whether they should pay tribute to Caesar?
41650[ 4][ 4] Read the author''s_ The Truth About Jesus-- Is He a Myth?_ Let us recapitulate: Jesus taught a magical, not a scientific morality.
30119What was I to do? 30119 Who tells them that the Westminster Confession of Faith is a model of noble writing?"
30119Again:"Does any one ask what is the difference between_ bringing_ to pass, and_ permitting_ to come to pass?
30119And does he wonder whether God will, in addition to pardoning him, raise him to those high relationships to the Godhead to which he has raised others?
30119And does the inquiry arise in your mind whether the act to which you are tempted is according to the will of God?
30119And how can we avoid adopting as a legitimate conclusion, the licentious infidel maxim, that"WHATEVER IS, IS RIGHT"?
30119And what is the effect of the Calvinistic theory of predestination upon the doctrine of_ regeneration_?
30119And where is his_ benevolence_, when he freely chooses, prefers, ordains, and brings to pass all the sin and misery in the universe?
30119Are his decrees wrong?
30119Are they prepared to acknowledge that they have abandoned Calvinism and run into Arminianism?
30119Are you tempted to indulge in sensuality, or to defraud your neighbor, and even to assassinate him?
30119But do I not repeat an Arminian slander when I charge them with partially concealing or disguising the doctrine?
30119But for what shall they atone?
30119But of what use are precepts or prohibitions if every act of every individual is fixed beforehand by the Divine decrees?
30119But what says this doctrine?
30119But, view it in the light of the doctrine that God has decreed whatsoever comes to pass, and what does it amount to?
30119Do they mean to say that there is no difference between these systems on the point in question?
30119Does a sinner tremble at the word of God?
30119Does he ask her what objections she has to this doctrine and offer to refute them?
30119Does he directly and promptly deny that Calvinism teaches this doctrine?
30119Does he think it to be a wonderful stretch of condescension and mercy in God to forgive his innumerable and grievous offences?
30119For what is pardon offered?
30119For what shall we pray?
30119Has the man who is seeking with penitence and prayer the favor of God profoundly humbling views of himself?
30119He is commenting upon what he calls"the third solution"of the question,"For what reason has God permitted sin to enter the universe?"
30119He is infinitely_ benevolent_; will he not choose, then, that_ shall take place_ which he knows is FOR THE BEST?
30119He is infinitely_ powerful_; can he not, therefore, cause_ to take place_ what he_ chooses shall take place_?
30119He is made to feel the force of the inspired declaration that the way of transgressors is hard, and to ponder the advantages of reformation?
30119How can any man need pardon if this doctrine be true?
30119How did they come by the knowledge of God''s secret decree?
30119How then do they preserve the antagonism of the two creeds?
30119If all beings do as God has decreed, upon what ground can God punish any of them, then, in futurity?
30119Is it necessary to tell us, gravely, that God permits to come to pass that which from all eternity he freely ordained shall come to pass?
30119Is not a being the author of that which he originally designs and decrees, and subsequently brings into existence?
30119Need I add that, in view of the Calvinistic doctrine of decrees, the doctrine of atonement by the sufferings and death of Christ is absolute nonsense?
30119Nor that other question-- Is sin the necessary means of the greatest good?
30119Of sinning?
30119Of what shall we repent?
30119Or, if unable to revoke, or induce him to revoke his decrees, will they be able to defeat them by machinations or physical resistance?
30119Shall I be favored with those blessed intimacies-- those varied and manifold advantages of which that relation is the guaranty?
30119Shall we pray that God may accomplish them?
30119Should I wish to re- write-- to alter-- one?
30119That God would reverse his eternal decrees?
30119The question never came up among Methodist divines, whether God prefers, in any instance, sin to holiness?
30119The_ Larger Catechism_ says, in answer to the question,"What are the decrees of God?"
30119What course, then, does he take?
30119What is the Arminianism against which they are arrayed?
30119What right has a Calvinist to find fault with anything?
30119What, then, is the language of the_ Westminster Confession of Faith_, the established standard of orthodoxy in the American Presbyterian Churches?
30119When we find him ordaining measures for the promotion, and measures for the counteraction, of his own plans?
30119Where does Mr. Wesley, or any other Arminian writer, say this directly or indirectly?
30119Who, being his counsellor, hath taught him?
30119Why should I oppose Romanism, or Universalism, or Socinianism, or Puseyism, or Infidelity, when they are all decreed by Jehovah?
30119Why, then, do they never plead it when pledged to give their client the benefit of every available argument?
30119Will he constitute and call me his child?
30119Will he extend to me the grace of adoption?
30119Will they be able to do that?
30119and is it not maintained that he decreed from all eternity, and brings to pass whatever occurs?
45716When did he begin to get better?
45716Which of these three men do you think was neighbour to the man who fell among thieves?
45716A third time He asked Peter,"Do you love Me?"
45716Again He asked Peter,"Do you love Me?"
45716And He said to them,"How is it that you sought me?
45716And Jesus said to them,"Do you believe I can make you see?"
45716And Jesus said,"What is written in the law?"
45716And Jesus said,"Why do you ask Me concerning that which is good?
45716And Our Lord said,"Yes; have you never heard that out of the mouth of babes and little infants God has perfect praise?"
45716And the Jews said to Christ,"Is it right to make men well on the Sabbath day?"
45716And they were angry, and said,"What shall we do?
45716Are you greater than our father, Jacob, who gave us this well?"
45716At last they came to Jerusalem, and they asked the people,"Where is He that is born King of the Jews?
45716But she said,"How is it that you, who are a Jew, ask me, who am a Samaritan, for drink?
45716But the disciples said,"Master, the Jews of late tried to kill You; why will You go there again?"
45716But the lawyer, not yet satisfied, asked,"Who is my neighbour?"
45716But they soon got up, and when Our Lord said again,"Whom seek ye?"
45716Can men walk on the sea?
45716Did not Our Lord seem unkind?
45716Did you not know that I must do My Father''s business?"
45716Do you know where they are found?
45716Do you not know that I can crucify you, or let you go free?"
45716Do you not think it was very wrong of men to bring oxen, and lambs, and money to change into God''s House?
45716Has not the story of Our dear Lord made you love Him?
45716He came out and asked,"What has this Man done?"
45716He said,"Master, what shall I do to gain eternal life"--that is, life in Heaven?
45716He said,"Why do you weep?"
45716He turned and saw them, and said,"What seek ye?"
45716He went to this desert place to rest, but He did not care for rest or food, if He could do good, so He did not say,"Why did you come here?"
45716His mother, also, was amazed; but she said to Him,"Son, why have you done this?
45716How can you get living water?
45716How good it was of our Lord to be born a poor child for our sakes, was it not?
45716Is it easier to say to the sick man, Your sins are forgiven, or to say, Arise, take up your bed and walk?
45716It was wrong of this son to be jealous, was it not?
45716Jesus did not say at once,"I will give them some;"He said,"What have I to do with thee?
45716Jesus said,"Show me a penny;"and when they brought it He said,"Whose likeness is on it and what name?"
45716Nathanael said,"Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
45716Nathanael said,"How do You know me?"
45716Now, when the Pharisees saw the disciples eat the corn, they said,"Why do you do that which is not right on the Sabbath day?"
45716Pilate said,"Why do you not answer me?
45716The disciples were much afraid, and they woke him, saying,"Lord, do you not care that we perish?"
45716The wicked priests answered,"What is that to us?
45716The young man asked"Which?"
45716The young man said,"I have kept all these; what is wanting in me?"
45716Then Andrew said,"There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many?"
45716Then He said to the soldiers,"Whom seek ye?"
45716Then Jesus said to Philip,"Where shall we get bread that these may eat?"
45716Then Jesus said,"Where have you laid him?"
45716Then Martha thought her sister ought to help her, so she came, and said,"Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?
45716Then Peter and the rest said,"Master, all the people press on You; why do You ask''who touched Me?''"
45716Then Pilate said,"What, then, shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"
45716Then the disciples said to each other,"What kind of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"
45716Then, Pilate went back to the judgment hall and had Christ brought before him, and said,"Are You a King?"
45716There was a great mob of people at the time and they pressed up against Jesus, but He stopped, and said,"Who touched Me?"
45716These men came now, and said to Jesus,"How can You sit down to eat with publicans and sinners?"
45716They did not think the Lord could know their thoughts; but He did know them, and He said,"Why do you think this in your hearts?
45716They said at once to the man who was cured,"Why do you carry your bed on the Sabbath day?
45716They said to her,"Why do you weep?"
45716They said,"Master, where do You live?"
45716They went on into Jerusalem, and the people wondered, and said"Who is this?"
45716Was not Jesus good and kind to heal the man who came to take Him?
45716Was not this a very great miracle?
45716Was this true?
45716What did Our Lord mean by living water?
45716What did that mean?
45716What did they talk about?
45716When Pilate heard that, he was much afraid; he took Our Lord back into the hall, and asked Him,"Whence do you come?"
45716When they asked him,"What man was it who told you to do so?"
45716When they had dined, the Lord said to Peter,"Do you love Me more than these?"
45716Which of the two prayed best?
45716Who are Christ''s lambs?
45716Who can forgive sins but God only?"
45716Why did Our Lord wash His apostles''feet?
45716Why did our Lord do this wonderful thing?
45716Why do You come to me?"
45716You know what pearls are, do you not?
45716You know, do you not?
19613Quæritur quemadmodum emissi sunt reliqui æones? 19613 ye Gnostics with the philosophers"), cognoverunt veritatem aut non cognoverunt?
19613( 4) Tertullian owes his Christocentric theology, so far as he has such a thing, to Irenæus( and Melito?).]
196131):"Si autem subit vos huiusmodi sensus, ut dicatis: Quid igitur novi dominus attulit veniens?
1961310--"igitur non iterum sumpsit limum deus sed ex Maria operatus est plasmationem fieri?
1961312:"Quibus faciebat deus hominem similem?
196133;"quemadmodum igitur erit homo deus, qui nondum factus est homo?"
1961346:"Quid simile philosophus et Christianas?
196137:"Quid ergo Athenis et Hierosolymis?
196137:"Quis enim negabil, deum corpus esse, etsi deus spiritus est?
196137:"nonne et laici sacerdotes sumus?
19613:"Did the Alexandrian Church in Clement''s time possess a baptismal confession or not?
19613Ad quos verbum ait, suum munus gratiæ?
19613And, on the other hand, had the oldest Churches not the Old Testament and the[ Greek: diataxeis] of the Apostles?
19613But does the Christianity of Clement correspond to the Gospel?
19613But in what sense was the Christian religion set forth as a philosophy?
19613But is the Christian wisdom not of divine origin?
19613But the very question was: What is sound doctrine?
19613But was not that the ideal of Greek sages and philosophers?
19613But was the contradiction which it contains not felt?
19613But what writings were apostolic?
19613But who can guarantee that they were not already corrected?
19613Did Justin not really take it seriously?
19613Did he merely wish to suit himself to those whom he was addressing?
19613Et utrum eiusdem substantiæ exsistebant his qui se emiserunt, an ex altera quadam substantia substantiam habentes?
19613Et utrum in eodem emissi sunt, ut eiusdem temporis essent sibi?...
19613Et utrum simplices quidam et uniformes et undique sibi æquales et similes, quemadmodum spiritus et lumina emissa sunt, an compositi et differentes"?
19613For why is it necessary for the sponsors"( this is the first mention of"godparents")"also to be thrust into danger?...
19613Græciæ discipulus et coeli?"
19613How can it in that case be natural, and what connection can exist between it and the wisdom of the Greeks?
19613How did it stand therefore with the dry tree?
19613How did this union attain acceptance and permanence, whilst"Gnosticism"was at first rejected?
19613I., and Christological and theological teachings, so that the later confessions of the East with their dogmatic details are already to be found here?]
19613In the other passage he adopts the saying of an old presbyter( Papias?)
19613Is this formula compatible with the other, that he as the Logos himself assumed flesh from the Virgin etc.?
19613Of what further use then is the[ Greek: sperma logos emphuton]?
19613Of what importance is an anointing with the Spirit to him who is God?
19613Or should it not do so?
19613Quid academiæ et ecclesiæ?"
19613Quid festinat innocens ætas ad remissionem peccatorum?
19613Quid ingrati sumus, quid nobis invidemus, si veritas divinitatis nostri temporis ælate maturuit?"]
19613Supposing minds of a radical cast, to have existed at the close of the history of ancient civilisation, what would have been left to us?
19613The conflict with Gnosticism made it necessary to find some sort of solution to the question,"What is Christian?"
19613The content of revelation is to be rational; but does that which is rational require a revelation?
19613The older Catholicism never clearly put the question,"What is Christian?"
19613The preface to the Montanist Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas( was Tertullian the author?)
19613The problem arose and pressed for an answer: What should be the basis of Christian union?
19613This book is preserved( written?)
19613To what extent were his expositions new, to what extent were the standards he formulated already employed in the Churches, and in which of them?
19613Ut non alia plasmatio fieret neque alia, esset plasmatio quæ salvaietur, sed eadem ipsa recapitularetur, servata similitudine?"]
19613Ut( lege"ad") quid enim descendebat?"
19613Was the flesh of Christ a reality?
19613We do not know whether such lists were drawn up so early in the other churches of apostolic origin( Jerusalem?).
19613Were these no code of laws?
19613What further importance can philosophy have side by side with this, how can one think of calling this a philosophy?
19613What is the content of tradition?
19613What is the meaning of Christ being born by the power of the Holy Ghost?
19613What would be left of Christianity, if the practical aim, given by Clement to this religious philosophy, were lost?
19613Where was a beginning to be made?
19613Why does an age of innocence hasten to the remission of sins?
19613_ But this teacher was reason itself; it was visible in him, and indeed it appeared bodily in him._[358] Is this philosophy or is it myth?
19613i.e., how could newly created man be already perfect as he was not even man, inasmuch as he did not yet know how to distinguish good and evil?).
19613p. 416:[ Greek: ho Theos peponuen hupo dexias Israêlitidos]( p. 422):"Quidnam est hoc novum mysterium?
57330Can you prove God the Father to be in one place, in any greater degree and power, than he is in any and every, and every other place?
57330How could that be?
57330Then the Moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount_ Zion_ and in_ Jerusalem_--(why? 57330 Where away?"
57330( Does he remain in the same place?)
57330Admit that it was, has God ever pardoned that sin?
57330And does not the Ancient of days give it to him?
57330But how can it be that anything in heaven is polluted, or unclean?
57330But perhaps you do not believe that Esdras is a true prophet; well then, will you believe St. Paul?
57330But what was the miracle?
57330Can any proof be adduced that the earth is to be burned even, until after immortality is given to the saints?
57330Can the_ City_ go into the_ City_?
57330Can this testimony be credited?
57330Canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection?"
57330Did Jesus contradict the Patriarchs and Prophets?
57330Did he take it out of his own hand?
57330Did not"Abraham look for a city which had foundations?"
57330Do not the waters issue out from the throne?
57330Do they mean old Jerusalem?
57330Does he in either text say that the mountain is the sanctuary?
57330Does not the Seraphims which are continually crying, Holy, Holy, Holy, in the eighth verse, say so?
57330From what part of Heaven will this glorious_ City_ appear?
57330Hear him:"What agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
57330How can you believe then, what you are experiencing every day of your life, on the planet in which we live?
57330How could they cast down the earth to the earth?
57330How then is it, that the traveller and historian are entirely silent about it?
57330How was this accomplished?
57330If it can not be found, why violate still this sacred command of God and reject all the light that is thrown in your pathway?
57330If the city is the Saints, what is this that enters into and have right to the tree of life?
57330Is it any more so, than to believe the Apostle John''s testimony?
57330Is not the true in the eternal state?
57330Is not this after the city comes down?
57330Is there any proof to be found that this throne was on the Isle of Patmos, Rome, or any other city, or place in this globe?
57330Now did the Apostle''s ever teach such a doctrine, that Jesus had come_ in them_ the second time?
57330Now what place is this which the Lord has made to dwell in?
57330Now where?
57330Now will it still be said that the earth is the sanctuary?
57330One at a certain time said,"Canst thou by searching find out God?
57330See x: 14;"Now I am come( for what?)
57330The editor of the Day Star asks,"why we stand gazing up into heaven; can you( meaning, I suppose, any one) tell where this same Jesus is coming from?"
57330Then is not our high priest in the proper place to"cleanse the sanctuary?"
57330Think you that God will ever change the true to answer the pattern of Popery, that has been foremost in desolating the world?
57330Think you that this little speck of earth is the only thing that is defiled, among the millions and myriads of worlds which stud the diadem of space?
57330Was Stephen mistaken?
57330Was not the sanctuary on earth which the high priest cleansed the tenth day of the seventh month every year, a pattern of the true?
57330Well, says one, are you going to call this_ City_ the Sanctuary too?
57330What are these commandments to us?
57330What should we do then?
57330What was the Ark?
57330When the Savior ascended from Mount Olivet, his disciples saw him: the two shining ones said,"Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up_ into heaven_?
57330Where is he?
57330Where was the first sin that ever cursed this world committed?
57330Who are they?
57330Who did?
57330Who was found worthy to come and take the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon this throne?
57330Who, then?
57330Why all this costly array in"building the Tabernacle and afterwards the Temple?"
57330Why all this?
57330Why continue to pray"THY KINGDOM COME?"
57330Why follow in the footsteps of Popery to trammel the mind?
57330Why not as well require a rule to get money?
57330Why, there is not the least particle of proof that the righteous dead have yet been caught up?
57330Will it not be conceded by all Bible students, that the Lord God Almighty, the Father, is seated upon it?
57330Will you say then that the fourth commandment is abolished?
57330Would it not be absurd to say that he gave it to himself?
57330Yes; but was not Paradise polluted by this sin?
57330and is not the promise-- to him that overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God?
57330and is not the tree of life on either side of it?
19612Marcionitæ interrogati quid fiet peccatori cuique die illo? 19612 ( see the doctrines of Apelles and Hermogenes); what significance the appearance of Christ had for the heavenly and Satanic powers? 19612 1) put the question to their ecclesiastical opponents,Quid novi attulit dominus veniens?"
1961227], Apollonius of Tyana(?
196124) But how were the heretics to be surely known?]
1961242:"De verbi autem administratione quid dicam, cum hoc sit negotium illis, non ethnicos convertendi, sed nostros evertendi?
19612A witness to a naive Modalism is found also in the Acta Pionii 9:"Quem deum colis?
19612And had not Paul really separated Christianity as religion from Judaism and the Old Testament?
19612As to the first, the question has frequently been asked, Is the Gospel of Christ to be the authority or the Gospel concerning Christ?
19612But could it not place them on a greater and firmer foundation?
19612But were the earliest Neoplatonists really acquainted with the speculations of men like Philo, Justin, Valentinus and Basilides?
19612But what is the end of him who is thus rejected?
19612But where was the limit of the application?
19612But would they ever have arisen without the presupposition of a Christian community which recognised the Old Testament?]
19612But, and this is the last question which one is justified in raising here, why did not Neoplatonism create an independent religious community?
19612Conscious of being bound to tradition, it first definitely raised the question, what is Christianity?
19612De Christo ergo quid sentiunt?
19612Did Paul develop independently his own conception?
19612Dominum esse, aut illum omnino non esse?
19612En 180, le Nouveau Testament est clos: il ne s''y ajoutera plus un seul livre nouveau(?).
19612How old are our first three Gospels?
19612How old is the triad: Apostles, Prophets and Teachers?
19612In what way were views about the saving value of Christ''s death developed alongside of Paul''s system?
19612It is not surprising that the first man who clearly put and answered the question,"What is Christian?"
19612Just as it is still, in the same way naively inferred: if Christ rose bodily he must also have ascended bodily( visibly?)
19612Nimirum, inquiunt, grande opus et dignum deo mundus?"
19612Respondit: Christum Polemon( judex): Quid ergo?
19612The Romish correction must therefore have been subsequently taken over in the provinces( Africa?).
19612The answer to this question is at the same time the reply to another, viz., why did the Christian church supplant Neoplatonism?
19612The difference in the answers to the question, How far and by what means, Jesus procured salvation?
19612The doctrines of the Basilidians(?)
19612The number of sacred ceremonies, already considerable in the second century( how did they arise?
19612The treatise written in the days of Marcus Aurelius by a certain Musanus( where?)
19612We possess probably not a few writings which belong to that period; but how are we to prove this, how are they to be arranged?
19612What significance had it in the following period?
19612What was the original conception of baptism?
19612When and how did belief in the birth of Jesus from a Virgin gain acceptance in Christendom?
19612When and where did baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit arise, and how did it make its way in Christendom?
19612When did these formations begin?
19612When were Baptism and the Lord''s Supper grouped together?
19612Where else could we do that?
19612Who can decide what each of them acquired by its own exertions and what it obtained through interchange of opinions?
19612Who first distinguished Christendom, as[ Greek: ekklêsia tou theou], from Judaism, and how did the concept[ Greek: ekklêsia] become current?
19612Why not?
19612[ 397] But even Paul had been understood only by few( by none?).
19612and, if we must answer these questions in the affirmative, did they really learn from these sources?
19612iste alter est?
19612l. c.:"Quid dicam de Hebionitis, qui Christianos esse se simulant?
19612the description of the Christianity of the Corinthians: On what did the community base its Christian character?
19612were they familiar with the Oriental religions, especially with the Jewish and the Christian?
19612what meaning belongs to his sufferings, although there was no real suffering for the heavenly Christ, but only for Jesus?
15011And what agreement hath a temple of God with idols? 15011 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land?"
15011Can any hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him? 15011 Doth the spirit which he made to dwell in us long unto envying?"
15011Well,says one,"if we are born of the Spirit operating through the Word, must we not understand all the Word in order that we may be born again?"
15011Well,says one,"is that all the witness of the Spirit mentioned by the apostle?"
15011Well,says one,"what of the great numbers who pray for a''Pentecostal revival''?
15011Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? 15011 10:47. Who have received the Holy Spirit as well as we? 15011 3:2, Paul asks the Galatians:Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the_ hearing of the faith_?"
15011And yet, the Spirit was to convict men"of righteousness"; but whose righteousness?
15011Are these signs in existence to- day?
15011Are they all wrong?"
15011Are they competent to testify?
15011Are you_ conscious_ of any influence within you except a holy joy that comes from obedience to the will of God?
15011But can not such feeling be excited by other causes?
15011But how shall they_ hear_ without a preacher and how shall he_ preach_ except he be_ sent_?
15011But what is a man?
15011Did ye receive[ the] Holy Spirit when ye believed?...
15011Do not I fill heaven and earth?
15011Doth the_ Spirit_ which he made to dwell in us long unto envying?
15011For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, which is in him?
15011Give me also this power, together to try the Spirit of the that on whomsoever I lay my hands, Lord?
15011Hath done despite unto the_ Spirit_ of grace?
15011Having begun in[ the] works of the law, or by the_ Spirit_, are ye now hearing of faith?
15011How can any man sow to the Holy Spirit?
15011How can one man deny the claims of another whom he admits to be divinely guided into all truth?
15011How can the word of God accomplish the new birth?
15011How could Apollos"_ water the word_"?
15011How did he do this?
15011How do you know that the thief on the cross was saved?
15011How does Christ dwell in us?
15011How does the Spirit dwell in us?
15011How is this birth accomplished?
15011How, then, does the Father dwell in us?
15011If it is to be as universal as"remission of sins,"ought it not to have the same prominence in apostolic preaching?
15011If so, what kind of a power?
15011If the gift of the Spirit is to all baptized believers, why did not the Samaritans receive it?
15011If the manifestations of the Spirit have ceased, is it not reasonable that the"gift"has also ceased?
15011If they feel good, it is evidence to them of the Spirit''s testimony, but they frequently feel bad also; whose testimony is that?
15011If you are not, what evidence have you that the Spirit personally dwells in you?
15011If, in the judgment day, God should ask such people,"Have you obeyed me in the act of Christian baptism?"
15011In kindness, in[ the] Holy Spirit?
15011In the absence of clear testimony, what right has any one to attribute such feeling to the personal presence of the Holy Spirit?
15011Is it a burden and a duty to attend the house of God, or is it a pleasure gladly and joyfully anticipated?
15011Is the Holy Spirit a power in the present age?
15011Is there an intelligent jury in the land that would convict any one of the men of being the murderer?
15011Isaiah says( 63:10):"They rebelled and grieved his holy Spirit;"and again( 63:11) he asks:"Where is he that put his holy Spirit in the midst of them?"
15011May I not truly say that man really_ has no choice_ in the matter as to whether he will or will not have this divine influence upon his soul?
15011Now, how are persons made believers?
15011Now, is there in the Scripture any promise of a personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a_ result of obedience_?
15011Of what use, then, would a direct indwelling Spirit be?
15011Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?...
15011Says one,"Is not the Spirit actively at work in the world to- day?"
15011Signs of what?
15011Spirit_ to them that ask him?
15011Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid the water, that these should not be baptized, who have_ received the Holy Spirit_ as well as we?"
15011Was it not impertinence in Jude to say that the faith was"once for all delivered to the saints,"if there were deliverances being constantly made?
15011Was that not an impertinence in Paul if Timothy had the same divine leading as he?
15011What are the things that might be accomplished by a direct personal indwelling of the Spirit in us?
15011What is it that is born?
15011What is the feeling usually assigned for the presence of the Holy Spirit''s personal indwelling?
15011What is the instrument?
15011What is the nature of this promised one?
15011What is the normal state of the unregenerate heart?
15011What more can you desire?
15011What need for a New Testament if all men possess this Paraclete?
15011What need to preach the gospel to the heathen world if God is directly leading men into the truth?
15011What would the people think of him?
15011What would you think of a jury that would render such a verdict?
15011When the multitude were convicted by the apostle''s discourse, they"said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, Brethren, what shall we do?
15011When you rise on the Lord''s Day morning, do you say,"Must I go to church to- day?"
15011Why were they not converted?
15011With these forcible illustrations to guard the passage, can any one fail to understand what is meant by the baptism in fire?
15011perfected in the flesh?
15011the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
28507Art thou the King of the Jews?
28507Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?
28507The time we have lost,says Richard Baxter,"can not be recalled; should we not then redeem and improve the little that remains?
28507This cup which Thou, O God, givest me to drink, shall I not drink it?
28507This man receiveth sinners,and shall not_ we_?
28507Who am I,said Luther, when he witnessed the patience of a great sufferer;"who am I?
28507Wist ye not that I must be about my Father''s business?
28507And once the retrograde movement in the spiritual life begins, who can predict where it may end?
28507Are evils looming through the mists of the future?
28507Are there none such within your reach, to whom a trifling pittance would be as an angel of mercy?
28507Are we from this to think lightly of sin?
28507Are you bold in repelling him as your Master was?
28507Are you ready with the retort to every foul suggestion,"Get thee hence, Satan"?
28507Are you reposing in Him as your only Saviour, and following Him as your only pattern?
28507Are you tempted to indulge in hard suspicions, as to God''s faithfulness and love, in appointing some peculiar trial?
28507Are you"dying daily;"--dying to self as well as to sin?
28507Art thou suffering some unmerited wrong or unkindness, exposed to harsh and wounding accusations, hard for flesh and blood to bear?
28507Ask yourself, Would Jesus have done_ this_?
28507Can we sympathize in any respect with such exalted tears?
28507Did Jesus sanction or reciprocate her sectarianism?--did He leave her bigotry unrebuked?
28507Do I shrink from trials-- duties-- crosses-- because involving hardships and self- denial, or because frowned on by the world?
28507Do we grieve at sin in_ others_?
28507Do we mourn for sin, our_ own_ sin-- the deep insult which it inflicts on God-- the ruinous consequences it entails on ourselves?
28507Do you see the image of God in a professing believer?
28507Does Jesus punish his timidity by shutting His door against him, spurning him from His presence?
28507Does he resent it?
28507Has God enriched you with this world''s goods?
28507Have I remembered what grace_ has_ wrought, what grace_ can_ do?"
28507Have you already fled to Jesus?
28507Have you never felt the_ luxury_ of doing good?
28507Have you never felt, that in making_ others_ happy, you make_ your self_ so?
28507How can I mix with the potsherds of the earth?
28507How can we read the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians, and then think of our divisions?
28507If Christians would dip their arrows more in"the balm of Gilead,"would there not be fewer wounds in the body of Christ?
28507If He, the spotless Lamb of God,"murmured not,"how can_ you_ murmur?
28507If_ He_ gave utterance to not one murmuring word, canst_ thou_ complain?
28507Let this be a holy preservative in your every hour of temptation,"How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"
28507Let this ever be your preservative against temptation,"How would_ Jesus_ have acted here?
28507May not this well encourage in the absence of great outward results?
28507May we not, however, seek at least to approximate, though we can not adequately resemble?
28507May you not trace much of what you deplore to an unfrequented chamber?
28507Or hast thou been long tossed on some bed of sickness-- days of pain and nights of weariness appointed thee?
28507Shall we pronounce"crimson"and"scarlet"sins and sinners beyond the pale of mercy, when_ Jesus_ does not?
28507Was it a_ leper_,--that dreaded name which entailed a life- long exile from friendly looks and kindly words?
28507Was it some blind beggars on the Jericho highway, groping in darkness, pleading for help?
28507Was it the speechless pleadings of a widow''s tears at the gate of Nain, when she followed her earthly pride and prop to the grave?
28507What if the eleventh hour should strike after having been"all the day_ idle_"?
28507What is_ your_"contradiction"to_ His_?
28507What must it have been to confront the Arch- traitor?--to stand face to face with the foe of His throne, and His universe?
28507What was the result?
28507What was the secret of such tranquillity?
28507What will heaven be but this love perfected-- loving Christ, and beloved by those who love Him?
28507When He met Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, He found him clinging to an unreasonable prejudice--"Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
28507When did Jesus bear the cross?
28507When, on the night of his apprehension, He confronts the assassin band, in meek majesty He puts the question,"Whom seek ye?"
28507Who were the writers in the Bible?
28507Why are your friendships so often like the summer brook, soon dried?
28507Why be solicitous about the smiles of that which knew not( nay, which frowned on) its Lord?
28507Why covet tinsel honors and glories?
28507art thou now undergoing some bitter trial?
28507can you dread_ that_ which your Saviour has already vanquished?
28507do the compassionate words and deeds of a tender Saviour find any feeble echo and transcript in yours?
28507do you complain of your languid spirit, your drooping faith, your fitful affections, your lukewarm love?
28507do you know any thing of such active benevolence?
28507do you know any thing of this zeal, which"many waters could not quench"?
28507have you been sitting at the feet of Him who"pleased not Himself"?
28507if Christ had"pleased Himself,"where wouldst_ thou_ have_ been_ this day?
28507if we had more real communion with our Saviour, should we not have more real communion with one another?
28507is this mind also in_ you_?
28507or, by example and conduct, to palliate and overlook its enormity?
28507that, by a great law of your being, enunciated by the Divine Patron and Pattern of Benevolence,"it is more blessed to give than to receive"?
28507what wilt Thou have me to do?''"
28507will it be so with_ you_ at a dying hour?
28507will_ your_"work"be done?
28507would_ He_ not have recoiled, like the sensitive plant, from the remotest contact with sin?
40443For what purpose,says Sir John Herschel,"are we to suppose such magnificent bodies scattered through the abyss of space?
40443Who can set bounds to the Almighty?
40443_ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister unto those who shall be the heirs of salvation?_THE VAST NUMBER OF THE ANGELS.
40443***** Are any ready to ask why the"_ glory- light_"of that heavenly world, represented as"far above the brightness of the Sun"can not be seen?
40443Again, of His Spirit in a milder form:"Is not my_ word_ like fire, saith the Lord?"
40443And for what are all these exchanged?
40443Can we not know more of all this?
40443Comprehending this, the a same prophet inquires:"Who among us shall dwell with devouring fire?
40443Do they ever exhibit to, or instruct them in your Protestant Bible?
40443Do you ask, what is this element?
40443Grant all this; but why, and for what purpose?
40443Have you ever noticed how_ promptly_ your daughter has felt it her duty to obey this command, and return to that school?
40443Hear the Psalmist, on this subject:"Whither shall I go from thy_ Spirit_?
40443Hence, hear again the exclamation of the Psalmist:"Whither shall I go from thy_ Spirit_?
40443Here we have it; are you ready for a journey?
40443How dare we trifle with Him, and our own soul''s immortal interest?
40443How many of those worthy ancients suffered persecutions in various ways for their acts of piety?
40443I have noticed the Protestants are perpetually appealing to the primitive Church; but when I turn to the early ages of history, what do I see?
40443If heaven is still_ far out beyond_, what period or measure of Eternity may it requite for the spirit, or soul to reach it after leaving the body?
40443In the second book of the Kings it is written:"_ But will God indeed dwell on earth?
40443Is it not high time that Protestants of our own country, were waking up in regard to their present, and eternal interests?
40443Is it not that immortal spirit- life which God breathed into our first parents?
40443Is not here conclusive evidence that the two places-- heaven and hell-- are not in far distant regions from each other?
40443Is your mind expanding?
40443Job asks,"To whom hast Thou uttered words?
40443May not Moses, and Elijah, and the Prophets, and Martyrs be there?
40443May we not ask, from whence comes this intuition, that all feel that death to the body is not the end of existence?
40443May we not therefore, for a few moments, contemplate the eventful, and, to some, the pleasant, yet to others the startling scene?
40443May we not?
40443Now do we not see in all this, as in all things else, that the Sun-- its heat and light-- are God''s agencies in sustaining all things?
40443Now from whence cometh this fire when His wrath is thus revealed?
40443Now we appeal to the reason of every intelligent mind, can you expect to enjoy happiness in your eternal existence, amid devouring flames?
40443Now what are these revelations?
40443Now, what else than_ light_, and_ heat_, is thus manifest to us?
40443O grave, where is thy victory?"
40443O, who will not seek and strive for a_ home in heaven_?
40443Oh, grave where is thy victory?"
40443Reader, are you striving for that HAPPY HOME?
40443Then shall be repeated the saying which was written,"O death, where is thy sting?
40443Was it ever thus while she was attending a Protestant school?
40443We can not doubt the honesty and sincerity of these ministers, nor of their church members; yet may not many of them be"blind leaders of the blind?"
40443What is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou takest knowledge of him?"
40443What may you not lose by neglecting to do it?
40443When first smitten, hearing a voice that was not of Earth, he exclaimed,"Lord, who art thou?"
40443When we go to the founders and leaders of these different organizations, and ask, why all these conflicting elements?
40443Where else can we imagine its location, to be within range of-- even immortal-- vision from this earth?
40443Whither shall I flee from thy presence?
40443Who among_ us_ shall dwell in everlasting burnings?"
40443Who can doubt this star being a visible manifestation of the_ Spirit of God_?
40443Will it be any comfort or pleasure to you to know that others are, like yourself, doomed to suffer eternal torments?
40443Without a solution of these facts, is not the mind bewildered and_ lost_ in the hazy contemplation?
40443_ WILL ALL TAKE HEED?_****** Gentle reader, we are about to take our leave of you.
40443are your views enlarging, so as to enable you to comprehend its vast dimensions?
40443but on the other hand; are they not constantly trying to instruct, charm, and fascinate them with their own system of religious worship?
40443or whither shall I flee from thy presence?"
40443that which can never be quenched nor extinguished?
40443that_ spirit- fire_ which is eternal in its nature?
40443to witness their agonies, and hear their wailings in that pandemonium of the lost?
40443whose spirit came from Thee?"
27344Although he fall, yet shall he not be cast down utterly; and why? 27344 Simon, son of Jonas,_ lovest thou me_?"
27344The man,says Augustine,"who says''_ Enough_,''that man''s soul is lost?"
27344Why art thou then cast down, O my soul? 27344 Why tarry the wheels of Thy chariot?"
27344Wilt thou not revive us, O Lord?
27344Wilt thou not revive us, O Lord?
27344--The material sun, which wades through clouds and a troubled sky, sets often in a couch of lustrous gold?
27344Am I living as I should wish I had done when that last hour arrives?"
27344An interceding Saviour was at thy side, saying to every threatening wave,"Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther?"
27344And art thou to claim exemption from the same discipline?
27344And from whom could dying grace come so welcome, as from Thee, O blessed Jesus?
27344And has He not left me to perish?
27344And shall I then, indeed,"_ see God_?"
27344And what, after all, is the severest of thy chastisements in comparison with what thy sins have deserved?
27344And when shall it arrive?
27344Are thy heart''s idols, one by one abolished?
27344Art thou holy?
27344Art thou ready, if called this night to lie down on thy death- pillow, sweetly to fall asleep in Jesus?
27344Art thou to think it strange concerning these same fiery trials that may be trying thee?
27344Art thou wearied with these midnight tossings on life''s tumultuous sea?
27344But test it in the hour of sorrow; and what can it do for thee when most it is needed?
27344Dost thou murmur under a Father''s correcting love?
27344Has grace begun in thee?
27344Has thy God ever done so?
27344Hast thou closed with these His overtures?
27344Hast thou less conscious nearness to the mercy- seat,--diminished communion with thy Saviour?
27344Having this hope in thee, art thou purifying thyself, even as He is pure?
27344How and where is reviving grace to be found?
27344If the earnest be sweet, what must be the reality?
27344If the rest of thy pilgrimage- way be peaceful and unclouded, rests there a dark and portentous shadow over the terminating portals?
27344If the wilderness table contain such rich provision, what must be the glories of the eternal banqueting house?
27344In a few brief moments after that tear is shed, thy God will be wiping every vestige of it away?
27344Is it loss of health, or loss of wealth, or loss of beloved friends?
27344Is more of thy Saviour''s image impressed on thy character, and thy Saviour''s love more enthroned in thy heart?
27344Is sin crucifying?
27344Is the world less to thee, and eternity more to thee?
27344Is there now some"thorn in the flesh"sent to lacerate thee?
27344Is thy walk less with God, thy frame less heavenly?
27344Is"Salvation"to thee more"the one thing needful?"
27344It tells thee it is no longer a"fearful,"but a_ blessed_ thing to fall into His hands?
27344Leaving all thy false props and refuges, be this thy resolve:"In the Lord put I my trust: why say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?"
27344Like Him!--Hast thou caught up any faint resemblance to that all- glorious image?
27344Like Him!--My soul, art thou waiting this manifestation of the sons of God?
27344Marvel of marvels?
27344My soul, dost not thou love to dwell on that all- abounding grace?
27344My soul, where wouldst thou have been this day, hadst thou not been"_ kept_"by the power of God?
27344Not one stroke of the rod unheeded, or that might have been spared?
27344Not too curiously prying into the"_ Why_ it is?"
27344On the other hand, what though thou hast no other blessing on earth to call thine own?
27344The paths of the Lord?
27344The saddest and sorest of all bereavements, is when the sins which have separated thee from Him, evoke the anguish- cry,"Where is my God?"
27344Thou hast cast off thy God,--might He not oft have"cast out"thee?
27344Thou mayest think thy pilot hath left thee, and be ready continually to say,"Where is my God?"
27344Thy heavenly Father loves thee too much, and too tenderly, to bestow harsher correction than thy case requires?
27344To"walk with God,"--to ask in simple faith,"What wouldst thou have me to do?"
27344What is it?
27344What is the sting of death?
27344What would it have been to have stood the wrath of an unpropitiated Judge, and that, too,_ for ever_?
27344When sight says,"All these things are against me,"let faith rebuke the hasty conclusion, and say,"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
27344Why wound thy loving Saviour''s heart by these repeated declensions?
27344Will Jesus accept such a heart as mine?--this erring, treacherous, traitor heart?
27344Wilt thou not be among the number?
27344Wilt thou not trust Him, even though thou canst not trace the mystery of His dealings?
27344Wilt thou not, then, humbly and patiently endure"weeping for the night,"in the prospect of the"joy that cometh in the morning?"
27344Wouldst thou know the hour of thy betrothment?
27344and why art thou disquieted within me?
27344art thou among the number of those who"love His appearing?"
27344art thou at times afraid of this, thy last enemy?
27344art thou conscious of thy declining state?
27344has this mystic union been formed between thee and thy Lord?
27344held me up?"
27344is it night with thee here?
27344is it thine?
27344is not this one cause of thy deadness?
27344is the beggar to be"raised from the dunghill, set among princes, and made to inherit a throne of glory?"
27344is the good work begun in thee?
27344is this blessedness thine in prospect?
27344or"_ How_ it is?"
27344ponder that solemn question,"Am I ready to die?
27344shall I gaze on these inscrutable glories, and live?
27344what couldst thou wish more than this?
27344what is there in thee to merit such love as this?
27344what thinkest thou of this Heaven?
27344where is thy sting?
27344where is thy victory?
27344wouldst thou be a star shining high and bright in the firmament of glory?--wouldst thou receive the ten- talent recompense?
45540And if only it was able to give us an answer to the chief question: Who was Jesus?
45540We learn from him that a man(?) 45540 Who would have invented this story?"
45540( Why callest thou me good?
455401,"Have I not seen our Lord Jesus?"
4554018) he explains the horns of the"unicorn"( ox?)
4554018, 19) about Peter''s possession of the keys; how, then, should this not be the oldest?
4554024( My God, why has thou forsaken me?
45540And how then does the Logos bring about redemption?
45540And now, who is this Joseph, as son of whom the Messiah was to be a suffering and dying creature like any ordinary man?
45540Bousset, indeed, in his work,"Was wissen wir von Jesus?"
45540But how else could he have been born?
45540But is that distinction"grasped in all its purity"in Judaism with its ritualistic legality?
45540But perhaps those sayings and sermons of Jesus are of such a nature that they could only arise from the"historical Jesus"?
45540But what is now being done?
45540Do you then want to know why he is so grim?
45540Does any connection between the two exist?
45540Does this mean that they were directly"revealed"to him by the transfigured Jesus?
45540For what does Lessing say?
45540He shall see of the travail of his soul[?
45540How then does it fare with the new"bases"of Schmiedel?
45540If thou followest it and wilt be baptized, then undertake to purify thyself, for who can seize a burning fire with his hands?
45540In the Acts we read only of an apparition of light which Paul saw, and of a voice which called to him,"Saul, why persecutest thou me?"
45540Indeed, has it come to a really pure realisation even in Christianity, in which piety and attachment to the Church so often pass as identical ideas?
45540Is no other course open to us but a complete break with the Christian doctrine of redemption?
45540Is the supposition referred to necessary to account for the fact that Paul, the persecutor of Jesus, referred the voice and the vision to Jesus?
45540Is there not at the same time in this a concealed reference to Adonis?
45540Its followers called themselves Adonæi, after the name of its supposed founder, Ado(?
45540John''s question to Jesus,"Art thou he that cometh, or look we for another?"
45540May they not be based on events which are very far from being necessarily experiences of the liberal theology''s historical Jesus?
45540On what then does the opinion rest that the cross is the gibbet?
45540Or did Paul, as historical theology says, reveal more of Jesus in his sermons than he did in the epistles?
45540Or where else is a sect named after the birthplace of its founder?
45540R. H. Grützmacher:"Ist das liberale Christusbild modern?
45540What answer did he give to the questions: What matters in the eyes of God?
45540What does this prove?
45540What is the rightly constituted, good and high- minded soul, but a God living as a guest in a human body?
45540What then is proved by the letter of Pliny as to the historical nature of Jesus?
45540What then is this soul?
45540Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
45540Why may not also the founder of the new covenant as an historical person belong entirely to pious legend?
45540Will you not say that here is something too great and grand to be regarded as of the same nature as the trivial body in which it dwells?
45540[ 310] A. Kalthoff,"Was wissen wir von Jesus?
45540[ 31] Of what nature were the secret traditions upon which these sects rested?
45540[ 374] The objection will be raised: what about the Gospels?
45540[ 407] If v. Soden("Hat Jesus gelebt?"
45540[ 413] V. Soden proves the contrary in his work,"Hat Jesus gelebt?"
45540[ 468] Bousset agrees with this in his work"Was wissen wir von Jesus?"
45540also his work"Was wissen wir von Jesus?
45540and What is religion?
45540we read the words:"I came to cast fire upon the earth: and what will I, if it is already kindled?
33194Am I amending my life? 33194 So long as you are grieved at the temptation, there is nothing to fear, for why does it grieve you save because your will does not consent to it?
33194What is the use?
33194[ 10] Can the heart desiring to return to the allegiance of our God have any qualm of doubt in the face of such promises? 33194 [ 13] Whence then arose the inherent"principle of evil"that wrought their temptation?
33194[ 18]Why art thou so heavy, O my soul, and why art thou so disquieted within me?
33194[ 8] Imagine an army troubled, strained, distressed, confused; what possible chance would it have of victory against a powerful and confident foe? 33194 [ 8] Why should the Omnipotent One have spoken thus since none is able to hinder Him or bind His hands?
33194[ 9] Do these words leave room for anxious doubt that in every assault of the enemy He will be with us? 33194 A well- known spiritual guide says,But how are we to overcome temptations?
33194Again, in the second Adam, if He is indeed the God- man, the Incarnate Jehovah, whence came His temptation?
33194Am I keeping the channels open through which the life and strength of the Body flow into the members?
33194And is our heavenly Father less loving, less tender, of His children, than an earthly father?
33194And what relation have these two wills to the act of consent, which constitutes the sin?
33194But what will be the result?
33194Can we recall the particular point at which downfall{ 185} began?
33194Did we presumptuously run into occasion of perilous temptation?
33194Do we believe in a personal devil?
33194Do we pray to the Holy Ghost?
33194Do you think you would long continue your application to such an one?
33194Do you think you would stop to weigh calmly the arguments for and against his proposition?
33194Does then the increase of the Christ- character give added virulence and strength to the evil that is within?
33194Has there been a change in your life for the better?
33194Have we caught the true significance of the battle, the vision of its final issue?
33194Have we used it as did this servant of God?
33194Have you any assurance that your life is in the smallest degree better than it was a year ago?"
33194Have you ever really amended your life?"
33194How can I pray when a thousand distractions are thrust in so powerfully from every side?
33194How can evil itself be, strictly speaking, a principle?
33194How does God meet this spirit on the part of the penitent?
33194How is it to be distinguished from the higher will, which, while acknowledging the sense of pleasure, yet refuses to yield to it?
33194How long would you listen to him?
33194How long would you persist in your applications to him?
33194How then are we to obtain this so necessary virtue of humility?
33194If not, what occasion did the enemy seize upon for his attack?
33194If thou canst not make thyself what thou wouldest, how canst thou expect to have another to thy liking?
33194In the account given in Revelation of the war in heaven, St. Michael, whose name is simply a Hebrew word meaning"Who is like God?"
33194Is it not, furthermore, the common experience that Satan the more eagerly and readily pursues us under such circumstances?
33194Is it nothing to Him that such a soul be beaten down by the foe?
33194Is my soul a saintlier thing than it was a year ago?
33194Is not the like thing being constantly said of our Heavenly Father because of the sins of His children?
33194Is the occasion of that sin still there?
33194It stands sentinel to admit or repulse every thought that comes; and what is the nature of the thoughts admitted?
33194Let him hammer as he will at the door; do not you even say so much as, Who is there?...
33194Let us regard a little child just baptized-- it is an innocent child of God, but what is innocence?
33194O grave, where is thy victory?
33194One word of God the Eternal Son suffices,"And shall not God avenge His own elect which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them?
33194Or did we forget who our Leader was and grow panic- stricken?
33194Or what painful pressing on, inch by inch, forced him at last to fly the field?
33194Quick comes the whisper in the soul,--"Have you done even this?
33194So both prophet and apostle cry out in an ecstasy of triumph, as the Holy Spirit leads them to this conclusion,--"O death, where is thy sting?
33194Then swift as thought the voice of the tempter comes again:"What is the use?
33194Through it all, did we strive to keep our lines of communication with our headquarters and our base of supplies open by prayer?
33194Was there parleying with him?
33194We can hear him taunting the soul:"Is this all you have to depend on for your hope of salvation?
33194What are we doing all this time?
33194What can be more comforting than the many passages concerning the divine care and compassion with which the Scriptures teem?
33194What duties are to be performed which may occasion temptation?
33194What was his course of reasoning in devising it?
33194What would be thought of a soldier in the armies of an earthly kingdom who was afraid of the enemy?
33194When we openly complain of the force of his attacks, are we not advertising him of our weak points?
33194Where do I expect to go?
33194Whom shall I see?
33194Why should he be?
33194Would our hearts desire heaven on such a condition?
33194You will sin again; why not give it all up?"
33194[ 12]"What do they exactly mean by this imposing phrase?
33194[ 17] Where then have we warrant for discouragement?
33194[ 21] What is it under these conditions that God requires?
33194[ 28] Who has not been tempted at the holiest times and in the most sacred places?
33194[ 6] Are we wiser than Satan?
33194_ The Test of Common Sense_ What practical tests, therefore, can we bring to bear in order to know whether the will has consented?
33194{ 183} V._ How to Learn our Lessons_ How are we going to recognize all these lessons as they are presented by the Spirit?
33194{ 195} What more can the generous heart ask of God?
37696But I return to them, to demonstrate their injustice by what they have said: Say then, for what reason you destroyed that great temple? 37696 If also Christ wished to be concealed, why was a voice heard from heaven, proclaiming him to be the son of God?
37696Again: How can we think him to be a God, who, that I may omit other things, performed, as we learn, nothing that was promised?
37696And did not some of them consider themselves sacred to Mercury, but others to the Muses?
37696And do we not lament the ruins made by earthquakes?
37696And if it be hurtful likewise, why not much more?
37696And what advantage have they by this, when the profession only is the same with theirs, but a real agreement with them is wanting?
37696Are not the temples the possession of the Emperors as well as other things?
37696Are you alone ignorant that summer and winter are produced by him, and that all things are alone vivified and alone germinate from him?
37696Are you alone insensible of the splendour that flows from the sun?
37696Besides, what God that ever appeared to men, did not procure belief that he was a God, particularly when he appeared to those who expected his advent?
37696But he who does that which is not approved by the Emperor, does Wrong; does he not?
37696But if all this affair of sacrifices be a vain thing, why has not this vain thing been prohibited?
37696But what witness worthy of belief saw this spectre?
37696But what_ excellent_ general, who was the leader of many myriads of men, was ever betrayed by his soldiers?
37696But who was it that saw this?
37696But, from all these, nothing happens to the gods beyond what they already possess; for what accession can be made to a divine nature?
37696But, tell me, what advantage has accrued to your city from those who now introduce among you a new religion?
37696By what right do they make these incursions?
37696Can it be thought, that they who are not able to bear the sight of a collector s cloak, should despise the power of your government?
37696Do we think it a cruel thing to cut off a man''s hand, and a small matter to pluck out the eyes of cities?
37696Do you assent to this principle?
37696Do you not therefore call a sinner, an unjust man, a thief, a housebreaker, a wizard, one who is sacrilegious, and a robber of sepulchres?
37696Do you not, also, perceive the great advantages that accrue to your city from the moon, from him and by him the fabricator of all things?
37696Does not every one suppose him to be distracted, who throws his purse into the sea?
37696For have there not been many who have destroyed good men, such as Socrates and Dion, and the great Empedotimus?
37696For what account can be given of such mischiefs?
37696For why, employing his testimony, should we rather think those other workers of miracles to be more depraved than himself?
37696How can such return without cursing the author of these evils?
37696How do they destroy some things, and carry off others?
37696How do they not defeat your own care and providence and labours, O Emperor?
37696How do they not fight against your law by what they do?
37696How do they seize other men''s goods with the indignation of the countries?
37696How is it, then, that some under your government disturb others equally under your government, and permit them not to enjoy the common benefits of it?
37696How, then, are you not liable to punishment?
37696How, then, do we not consider as wood and stones those statues which are fashioned by the hands of men?
37696Is it because you would have them remain?
37696Is it the part of wise men to sink their own goods?
37696Is it therefore just or unjust for a man to be malific to him by whom he has been hurt?
37696Is it, therefore, reasonable that he should also be deprived of this?
37696Nevertheless, what is this but in time of peace to wage war with the husbandmen?
37696Or why was he not acknowledged by those, by whom he had been for a long time expected?
37696Or, condemning his own laws, did he alter his opinion, and send a messenger to mankind with mandates of a contrary nature?
37696Or, if he did not wish to be concealed, why did he suffer punishment, and why did, he[ ignominiously] die?"
37696Or, was the Father who sent Jesus forgetful of what he had formerly said to Moses?
37696Quid ad hæc audet Octavius homo Plautinæ Prosapiæ, ut Pistorum præcipuus ita postremus Philosophorum?
37696Tell me why this temple of Fortune is safe?
37696Were not Homer, Hesiod, Demosthenes, Herodotus, Thucydides, Isocrates, and Lysias, the leaders of all erudition?
37696What kind of ichör also or blood dropped from his crucified body?
37696What other persons would the crier nominate, who should call robbers together?
37696What reason is there for destroying that, the use of which may be changed?
37696What then did the Ptolemies, who succeeded your founder?
37696What then?
37696What then?
37696What thing of this kind did your God utter when{ 35} he was punished*?
37696What young or old person, what man, what woman?
37696Where then is the truth of this charge, when they accuse those men of sacrificing contrary to law?
37696Whether, therefore, does Moses or Jesus lie?
37696Who are they?
37696Who of their neighbours?
37696Who of those inhabiting the same country, and not agreeing with the sacrificers in the worship of the gods?
37696Who, however, would choose to be thus changed?
37696Why likewise do you begin from our sacred institutions, but afterwards in the progress[ of your iniquity] despise them?
37696Why then do you run mad against the temples?
37696Why, therefore, do not you Christians[ voluntarily] die with your master?"
37696Would it not be shameful for an army to fight against its own walls?
37696and for a general to excite them against what they have raised with great labour; the finishing of which was a festival for those who then reigned?
37696and the temple of Jupiter, and of Minerva, and of Bacchus?
37696and when there are no earthquakes, nor other accidents, shall we ourselves do what they are wo nt to effect?
37696and yet think it proper for a magistrate to deprive a city of such a part of it?
37696is it proper or not, O Crito, to be malific?
37696or how can you pretend that what you have done is right, when the sufferers have done no wrong?
37696was it,..... such as from the blest immortals flows?
37696{ 12} who had insulted both him and his father?
37696{ 31}"The Christians again will say, How can God be known unless he can be apprehended by sense?
37696{ 41} tormentors and castigators as these things are thought to be?
37696{ 6} husband, so as neither to be saved by her own credulity nor by divine power?
37696{ 96} How can these men reject their fellow- subjects, differing from them in this matter?
43205Now,he declares,"you are guilty anyhow; why not enjoy the benefits?"
43205Where, Lord?
43205Why did you go there?
43205Why would any sane person do such a thing?
4320532- 33._"O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?"
43205All who think are confronted with an ever- recurring question-- yea, exclamations: why do such things happen?
43205Are there any combinations and hidden laws of which he is unacquainted?
43205Are we to conclude that man''s free agency is responsible for this moral monstrosity?
43205As God''s method of saving the world is by the foolishness of preaching, what better agency of opposition could be launched than_ preaching_?
43205But are we not so commanded concerning the Sabbath day?
43205But what was the crime of Iago?
43205But why this book?
43205By what method does he gain access?
43205Do we ever cease to be free agents?
43205Does the loving, compassionate Father send these calamities?
43205Does this not indicate a gradual leavening of the"whole lump"?
43205Does this not look as if a diabolical schemer was manipulating the affair some way?
43205Enough stories have been written of the James Boys, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, and other border heroes(?
43205From what source could we expect such a vile deliverance?
43205How can he do this?
43205How can we reconcile this base passion in human character, as slander has no other avenue of expression?
43205How do we know we are religious?
43205How is it done?
43205How was it done?
43205If such is true on this plane of literature, what can be said of the publishing houses which produce nothing but books utterly vile and immoral?
43205If the pulpit is immune, why Paul''s exhortation?
43205If the victim is pious, and many, many are the most devout in the church, do they forfeit their salvation by the_ felo de se_?
43205Is he not superior and supernatural, possessed with unearthly powers?
43205Is it unreasonable?
43205Is the Devil a Myth?
43205Must we conclude that all these lapses, coming in direct conflict with human weal and happiness, are just"happen- sos"?
43205Now the question arises: what about the freedom of the will?
43205Now what are we reading?
43205Now, can there be found a rationale for this dreadful twist in human affairs-- this seeming unfathomable conundrum?
43205Reading between the lines, we can imagine a conversation like this:"You here?
43205Shall we deny the oft told story that Luther threw his inkstand at them( demons) when they actually appeared unto him in person?
43205Then what may be said of self- murder: suicide?
43205Then wherein is the"victory that overcometh the world"?
43205There was not a hitch in the scheme; the new friend(?)
43205These become easy victims to the charms(?)
43205Think of the insane, unreasonable, illogical risk in all manner of sin-- for what?
43205This world is full of beauty; and why should we not forever keep the ugly and distorted in the background?
43205We might ask with just as much reason:"Why does n''t God kill the Devil?"
43205What are evil days?
43205What are they?
43205What can check the materialistic trend of the times?
43205What can save the Church from reflex influences of modern materialism?
43205What connection do we find between Devil worship and modern Spiritualism?
43205What do you think of My servant Job?
43205What does it mean?
43205What does this mean?
43205What had happened?
43205What have you to say about him?"
43205What is the essence of this new righteousness?
43205What is the result?
43205What is the situation?
43205What meaneth these barbarities, ravages, cruelties?
43205What then may we conclude from the most mysterious tragedy on earth?
43205What was the condition named?
43205What will be done with his millions of cohorts?
43205What will be the inevitable fate of you and me, dear reader, whenever he selects us as his victims?
43205Whence came they?
43205Whence comes all this audacious, undermining insult to the whole sweep of God''s plan for saving the world?
43205Whence comes all this preaching about righteousness which places the crown on man, and robs the Cross of its glory?
43205Where is the Holy Ghost all this time?
43205Where is the author, the editor-- even religious editors-- who stand four- square for the Bible of our fathers and mothers?
43205Where, then, is the motive and victory of Satan?
43205Who but a chronic faultfinder could object to this upward move, so obvious now in all directions?
43205Who can be equal for such a mighty Prince?
43205Who has not met these insidious pulls on the conscience?
43205Who is equal to such an enemy?
43205Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?"
43205Who knows but that the drama enacted in the land of Uz has been repeated many, many times since Job sat on his ash pile?
43205Who would say that Judas was excluded from the Saviour''s dying prayer:"Father forgive them"?
43205Why and how are sane men and women overcome?
43205Why are the fighters failing and falling all around us?
43205Why could not our Civil War have been averted?
43205Why did God reject the one and accept the other?
43205Why did Judas sell his Lord?--He who had been so highly honoured: chosen, ordained, sent out?
43205Why did the Prodigal Son do such an insane, sinful act?
43205Why do men and women hurl themselves over the precipice of vice and deadly indulgences-- when even a novice might easily see the inevitable?
43205Why does God allow or permit his ravages?
43205Why does He keep back such privileges from you?"
43205Why does He not protect His identity?
43205Why have ten thousand prodigals since that day been guilty of the same insane conduct?
43205Why is it so?
43205Why is it the unchurched masses are continually drifting farther and farther from the Church and what it stands for?
43205Why is not the wrath of God poured out on the children of the Devil who have assumed place and power in His Church?
43205Why is there such an incessant effort to divert the minds of the best people from personal relationship of Jesus through faith in His blood?
43205Why is this the status of our book makers?
43205Why is true righteousness at such a discount?
43205Why so much domestic discord, ending in ruin-- so many suicides?
43205Would it not be a terrible indictment?
43205XII THE DOUBLE ACCUSER"Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?
43205XIII SATAN A SPY"And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou?
43205or,"Why did you do it?"
43205what does it do?
43328''Have you no recollection of me?'' 43328 ''I suppose you do n''t know me?''
43328''Is it possible,''said Mr. Colby, when the embarrassment of the first shock of recognition was past,''that you have come up here to see me? 43328 And will the portals open To me who roamed so long Filthy and vile and burdened With this great weight of wrong?
43328Colby put the question again,''When and where?''
43328Mr. Webster''s first salutation was--''This is Mr. Colby-- Mr. John Colby-- is it not?''
43328''Is it possible that this is the little black lad that used to ride the horse to water?
43328''Who are you?''
43328Am I wrong in believing that you need no argument here, that no conviction is more sorrowfully intense with you than this?
43328And in giving them up have you found something better and more sure to take their place?
43328And is it worth our while-- yours or mine-- to make it?
43328And is not this well for us?
43328And suppose I can not prove that there is a God?
43328And was your promise the folly of childhood?
43328And when are these manifestations to end and how are they to end?
43328And-- I put it to you in all candor-- is it all a lie?
43328Are Mr.----''s doubts and denials more to be relied on than the positive beliefs of as intelligent and good men as the world has ever seen?
43328Are you a Christian man?
43328Are you a Christian?
43328Are you a Christian?
43328But does it follow that a thing is not good and true because you do not see it?
43328But if I live as if there were no God and it should come to pass at last that there is, where am I?
43328But what shall be said of such ravings?
43328But, after all, is this decisive?
43328Can he be all he ought to be?
43328Can he be fairly answered?
43328Can he do all he ought to do?
43328Can he who is wrong make himself right?
43328Can that, or anything approaching it, be said of any form of atheism or infidelity or unbelief?
43328Can you make the future without error?
43328Can you set right all the wrong and all the failure of the past?
43328Daniel,''he added, with deep earnestness of voice,''Will you pray with me?''
43328Did she go out in final darkness?
43328Did the thought of his mother open the door of his aching heart to his mother''s God and his mother''s Christ?
43328Do you love Christ?
43328Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?
43328Does it not at once bring hope to you-- a hope as great as it is mysterious?
43328For what good would it do?
43328Has he delivered me from all fear for the future?
43328Has he made it well for me hereafter?
43328Has he saved me beyond question from"the serpent of eternal pain"?
43328Has life anything real?
43328Have we no anchor that will hold as the storm drives us on through the blinding mists and gloom to the eternal shore?
43328Have we no sure word of promise to which we can cling when everything else around us and under our feet is giving way?
43328Have you heard him?
43328How came we here?
43328How can that existence be made a safe and satisfying one?
43328I have had success, as the world goes, but what of it?
43328If there is no God, does that make it certain that there will be no future suffering for any man?
43328If they were wrong, of course you are right in parting with them; but is it certain they were wrong?
43328If we came without a God, who will prove that without a God we may not go elsewhere, and that suffering may not go with us?
43328In other words, are you willing to receive the kingdom of heaven as a little child-- to be saved, if saved you may be, in God''s own way?
43328Is anything certain?
43328Is it darkness for ever?
43328Is it so?
43328Is it worth living?
43328Is it worth while for any man to spend his life in persuading us to make this exchange of despair?
43328Is there a God?
43328Is there a future existence for us?
43328Is there a future state of existence?
43328Is there any way in which our immortality can be assured to us as an immortal good?
43328Is there no rift in this cloud?
43328Is this Daniel?
43328May I not know it to be real because I have felt its power?
43328May it not be a reality-- a supreme reality-- though you do not see it or feel it?
43328Must nations and men and the evening- moth alike go down and perish for ever under the crush of an inexorable fate?
43328Nay, what assurance can Mr.---- give us that"Nature"is not a power that may in some future frenzy cast us into a state_ far worse_ than the present?
43328Now, is it not possible that there may be something like this in religion?
43328That is the only question that is worth asking or answering?
43328The question still comes, Is the cause in the thing or in you?
43328Was it all a delusion?
43328What does it amount to?
43328What is to be the end of it all?
43328Which is the more reasonable?
43328Who knows?
43328Will you bear with me if I recall another and a later scene?
43328Will you go now a step farther?
43328You ask,"What_ is_''the way of settlement that the Bible opens to the great questions that press us?''"
43328You may be a_ great_ man: are you a_ good_ man?
43328You remember the Beethoven concert we once attended together in B----?
43328_ Is the Bible true?_ That is the simple but momentous question; it settles all other questions of most concern to men.
43328and how did suffering come here?
43328or is there the light of an eternal day?
43328said he;''pray, when and where?''
33341And He called them unto Him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? 33341 Did you ever preach about Noah?"
33341Did you ever study his character?
33341Many conversions here?
33341Many conversions?
33341Many what?
33341What makes you feel so joyful?
33341What makes you so full of joy?
33341You do n''t know?
33341And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?
33341And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out?
33341And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
33341And what right has a messenger who has been sent of God to change the message?
33341Are you in sorrow?
33341Are you in tribulation?
33341Are you in trouble?
33341As they passed over Jordan, Elijah said to Elisha,"Now, what do you want?"
33341But suppose a man comes to me and says,"Mr. Moody, do you know that such a man that I met to- day says that he thinks a great deal of you?"
33341Can you think of a man or woman whom God has used to build His kingdom who has lost hope?
33341Dear reader, search your heart and inquire, Have I done anything to grieve the Spirit of God?
33341Did you ever notice this, that no man or woman is ever used by God to build up His kingdom who has lost hope?
33341Did you?
33341Do n''t we want hope in our lives?
33341Do n''t we want it?
33341Do n''t we want liberty?
33341Do n''t we want to be hopeful?
33341Do n''t you think that Peter would have stood up there and beat against the air, while these Jews would have gnashed their teeth and mocked him?
33341Do you have to learn to love your mother?"
33341Do you know I fell in love with the birds?
33341Do you know what heaven''s measure is?
33341Do you know what the Word of God pronounces against that fearful sin?
33341Do you know why?
33341Do you remember the day you were converted?
33341Do you think that Peter and James and John and those apostles doubted it from that very hour?
33341Do you think you could have enticed Elisha from Elijah at that moment?
33341From whence its source?
33341Have I to read all the infidel books that are written, to hear both sides?
33341Have I to take up a book that is a slander on my Lord and Master, who has redeemed me with His blood?
33341Have we been toiling all night?
33341Have you this fullness?
33341He ate the words, and what was the result?
33341How are you going to do it without the Spirit?
33341How are you to do it without the power of God?
33341How ignorant of His grace, and love and presence we have been?
33341How long?"
33341How many are there in the church to- day, who have been members for fifteen or twenty years, but have never done a solitary thing for Jesus Christ?
33341I said to a man some time ago,"How are you getting on at your church?"
33341I said,"What did you preach about?"
33341I thought, what greater work could any man do than Christ had done?
33341I venture to say there are very many, who, if you were to ask them,"Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"
33341If it was a message from God, do you think you would have to go into a dark room and put out all the lights?
33341If some friend should say it is great, it might be very small; but when the Lord, the great and mighty God, says it is great, what must it be?
33341If we get our heart filled with the Word of God, how is Satan going to get in?
33341Is that an unmeaning metaphor, or an over- worded expression?
33341Jesus gives peace; and do you know there is a good deal of difference between His peace and our peace?
33341Need we hide in the darkness, consulting with mediums, who profess to call up the spirits of the dead?
33341Now the question comes up, have we the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, and are we holding the truth in love?
33341Or else how can one enter into a strong man''s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man?
33341Read 1st Corinthians iii, 16:"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
33341Shall I wait?
33341Some people say,"Is not conscience a safer guide than the Word and the Spirit?"
33341Teach them what?
33341That is pretty plain language, is n''t it?
33341The great question before us now is,_ Do_ we want it?
33341They came to Bethel, and the sons of the prophets came out and said to Elisha,"Do you know that your master is to be taken away?"
33341Think what Spirit dwells within thee; Think what Father''s smiles are thine; Think that Jesus died to win thee: Child of heaven, canst thou repine?
33341Was not your heart full of sweet peace and love?
33341Was the word not haste?"
33341We are told that the Comforter is sent into the world to"guide us into all truth,"and if He is sent for that purpose, do we need any other guide?
33341We are told that this is the sword of the Spirit; and what is an army good for that does not know how to use its weapons?
33341Well, why this difference?
33341What did He leave us for?
33341What is that but table- rapping, and cabinet- hiding?
33341What is the trouble?
33341What is this power needed?
33341What is this quickening and inspiration?
33341What then must be the crime of the professed teacher who speaks of himself, or some insipid theory, leaving out Christ and His Gospel?
33341What would you think of a man or woman who seemed very happy to- day and full of joy, and could n''t tell you what made them so?
33341When preaching in Chicago, Dr. Gibson remarked in the inquiry meeting,"Now, how can we find out who is thirsty?"
33341Why, have n''t you seen ministers in the pulpit just pumping, and pumping and pumping?
33341Would we not think such a person unreasonable?
33341You may be invited to a party, and it may be made up of church members, and what will be the conversation?
33341You may say:"Is there any danger of my loving my family too much?"
33341did we hear Thee aright, Lord?
33341for the living to the dead?"
33341is there not a perishing world, groaning for the''good news?''"
21881How long?
21881Pain,it may be asked,"in the Presence of Christ?"
21881And at death, who is pure?
21881And if it is never to be pacified, and never yields, what shall hinder it from going on up to and beyond the Day of Judgment?
21881And what instruction?
21881And what other reason can there be than that, during it, there is something to be done which can only be done then?
21881And what was it that was"commonly said"?
21881And what was the theme of their conversation?
21881And when we think of it, does it not seem to belong to GOD''S eternal justice that souls should not be condemned for that which they could not help?
21881And why should they not be ambassadors for Christ there, if Christ''s work has to be done there?
21881And will not this be so when the profoundest sleep of all falls upon the body?
21881And will there not be with the amazing surprise at these revelations a strange and unaccountable gladness?
21881And, in truth, is it not the case that the Bible over and over again speaks of death as a state of sleep or taking rest?
21881Are we to pray for those whom we dearly love up to the very last moment of their life, and then for ever to refrain?
21881At death to any?
21881But did He?
21881But does the Bible throw any light upon this mysterious subject?
21881But is it a time of mere waiting, and of unemployed quiescence?
21881But is prayer to be one sided?
21881But is this dread of death nothing else than the natural instinctive shrinking, which the warmth of life feels at the touch of its cold hand?
21881But then, during that time, is not the soul asleep?
21881But, if this be so, why, it may be asked, did not our Lord speak in plainer and more definite language?
21881But, no less, at the thought of the soul''s past blindness and persistence in ill- doing, will there not be an exquisite pain?
21881But, now, what are we to think?
21881Can they not do what Christ''s human spirit did?
21881Can we be surprised that it sternly condemned it?
21881Can we fully understand what is meant by the life of the spiritual part of our being when it is separated from the body?
21881Do they pray for us?
21881Do we not know almost nothing as to the limits of the powers of the spirit world?
21881Do we not know, even here on earth, how near to each other very often are joy and sorrow?
21881Does it begin with dying?
21881Does not our own Prayer Book sanction this view in her Service for the Burial of the Dead?
21881For of what is the soul still conscious?
21881How else could the thief have been in any true sense with Christ?
21881If not, what is the soul, and what is the spirit?"
21881In what condition were they present?
21881May we, then, pray for those who have passed on before us?
21881On the very threshold of this enquiry we are confronted with this question:"Is the soul the same thing as the spirit?
21881The Lord is the strength of our life: of whom then shall we be afraid?
21881Then is it not possible for such as those in all ages to receive the teaching in the Intermediate Life which they never received in this?
21881Thus S. John bent back upon our Lord''s breast at the Last Supper to ask Him,"Lord, who is it?"
21881Was Paradise then another name for heaven?
21881Was it not so to our Blessed Lord Himself?
21881Was it not to call him from life to death, rather than from death to life?
21881Was there no other way of consoling the living sisters, than by so great a loss to the vanished brother?
21881Was this the act of Him Who loved Lazarus?
21881What again does the great S. Paul say?
21881What are we to think of such as these?
21881What can they do for the souls of others?
21881What could more deepen penitence?
21881What did He proclaim?
21881What does S. John say?
21881What does this really imply,--to be"with Christ"?
21881What is dying?
21881What is it but the obtrusive hindrance of the body?
21881What is it which makes memory in this life so imperfect?
21881What is this work?
21881What says S. Peter?
21881What shall be said of these honest unbelievers, and, scarcely through their own fault, blind?
21881What shall we think?
21881What then entered Paradise?
21881What then follows from this?
21881What then is the belief that we have learned from this single passage?
21881What then is the spirit in man?
21881What then?
21881What, however, does the Thirty- first Article precisely mean by"Sacrifices of Masses"?
21881What, then, are the conditions on which we may rely as grounds for legitimate inferences?
21881What, then, can we learn from them?
21881What, then, follows from the soul''s consciousness in and through the passage of death?
21881What, then, follows from this?
21881When then does this purification begin?
21881When, then, shall this vision be granted?
21881Where then could they be, if not on earth, nor yet in heaven?
21881Where was this?
21881Wherein then lies the error of it?
21881Who is free from stain?
21881Who is perfect, that he should be fit to look upon GOD?
21881Who of us, the best of us, does not feel within him the bitterness of the lingering poison, which sin has deposited in his heart?
21881Whom then shall we fear?
21881Why should Christ preach to those and not to these?
21881Why should he, as it were, come away from heaven and rise from the dead, in order to be judged?
21881Why should it be so?
21881and how, in hell, shall any wretched soul receive in any truth the due rewards of good deeds done on earth?
21881{ 104} And is not the custom reasonable?
21881{ 15} What has the Bible then to say about this Intermediate State?
21881{ 8} But how shall any receive in heaven the due reward of evil deeds done on earth?
29557Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? 29557 That worthy Name"; who is He?
29557Whom have I in heaven but Thee? 29557 And do we not want more of it? 29557 And is it so-- I shall be like Thy Son? 29557 And then His eyes opened and in loving tenderness He said unto them,Why are ye so fearful, O ye of little faith?"
29557And what brought about Ephraim''s conversion?
29557And what do we behold about us?
29557And what else do we find here?
29557And what else?
29557And where is He dishonored?
29557And why?
29557Are days, weeks, perhaps months of wandering your past, days in which you grieved Him?
29557Are we more devoted to Him?
29557Are we willing to have it?
29557But has this changed His Love?
29557But how is He dishonored and robbed of His Glory?
29557But is it really so-- all the vain things that charm us most-- we''d sacrifice them to His blood?
29557But is it so,"and pour contempt on all our pride?"
29557But is it so?
29557But the day was to come when Ephraim would willingly forsake all idols and cry out,"What have I any more to do with idols?"
29557But what does this glorious vision mean to_ us?_ What does it teach us?
29557But what does this glorious vision mean to_ us?_ What does it teach us?
29557But what is this fulness of which we receive and receive so abundantly?
29557But who can begin to tell out what that is, grace upon grace?
29557But who can tell out what a pre- eminence, the pre- eminence of the Lord Jesus Christ is?
29557Can we do anything less than to give Him the first place in all things?
29557Can we truly say the Lord is more precious to our hearts and that we are living more in His presence than ever before?
29557Do we all enjoy this now in faith?
29557Do we live in the power of all this?
29557Do we not need it?
29557Do you appreciate Him more than ever before?
29557Do you give Him the pre- eminence to whom God has given the pre- eminence in all things?
29557Do you have a greater burning desire in your heart for Himself?
29557Do you live in the daily enjoyment of His love?
29557Do you often weep over your coldheartedness, your lack of real devotion to Him and communion with your Lord?
29557Do you sing this Glory song?
29557Does He, that worthy Name, become more and more day by day the absorbing object of your heart and life?
29557Does your faith lay hold of this?
29557Has He become the absorbing object of our hearts and lives?
29557Has He said the end is near?
29557Has our unfaithfulness, our waywardness, our failure and backsliding affected His Love?
29557Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?
29557Have you failed Him?
29557How can we honor the Beloved One if we have fellowship with that which dishonors Him?
29557I AM-- what?
29557If this is real how can we be conformed to this world?
29557In a day when He, who is worthy, is but little praised, do you praise Him thus?
29557Is it really so that you enter deeper and deeper into that love which passeth knowledge?
29557Is it so that the Lord Jesus Christ becomes daily more real and precious to us?
29557Is not thine a captured heart?
29557Is the Apostle''s longing cry"that I might know Him"coming also from your heart?
29557Is the warmth of His Love, the Love of Christ refreshing your soul?
29557Is this the grace which He for me has won?
29557Is your cry, dear reader, for more reality in this fellowship?
29557Is your heart increasingly attracted to that worthy Name?
29557Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
29557O, child of God, is not thy poor wandering heart beginning to be warmed?
29557Oh, Jesus, Lord, who loved me like to Thee?
29557Reader can you add your"Amen"--your,"be it so"to all this?
29557Shall we ever find out all which the written Word reveals of Himself and His worthiness?
29557Should we then turn back to it and enjoy its pleasures and ambitions?
29557The blessed One of God is rejected, can our hearts be satisfied with anything less than being rejected too?
29557There from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flowed mingled down; Did e''er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
29557They crown Him King on high; Shall we not crown Him here, The blessed Christ of Calvary, To ransomed sinners dear?
29557They worship Him above, Shall we not worship too, The Son of God, the Lord of love, To whom all praise is due?
29557Up there they see His Face, The Lamb who once was slain, And in a new song praise His Grace; Shall we not join the strain?
29557Was it a frown of displeasure which Peter saw in that beloved face?
29557Was it a look of reproach?
29557What could be more lamentable?
29557What happened?
29557What has stript the seeming beauty From the idols of the earth?
29557What have I to Do With idols?
29557What have I to do any more with idols?
29557What is to be our attitude?
29557What it all will mean?
29557What judgments will fall then upon a wicked world and be meted out upon the enemies of Christ?
29557What then is necessary?
29557What then is the doctrine of Christ?
29557What will it be when His Patience is ended?
29557What will it be when the kingdom and the Patience of Jesus Christ give way to the kingdom and Glory of Jesus Christ?
29557What will it mean when His Patience is ended?
29557Who can describe it?
29557Who can fathom these names?
29557Who can tell out His worth?
29557Who discards the garb of winter Till the summer has begun?
29557Who extinguishes their taper Till they hail the rising sun?
29557Who is Elias?
29557Who is Moses?
29557Who is this King of Glory?
29557Why are Christians half- hearted, conformed to this present evil age, given to covetousness, which is idolatry( Col. iii:5)?
29557Why are God''s people joined to idols?
29557Why do real Christians, who know the truth and even know and speak of His Second Coming go along with the world and delight in its ways?
29557Why should He repeat the same greeting?
29557Will it ever stop?
27349Are ye also deceived or led astray?
27349Art thou Elias? 27349 Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?"
27349Let her alone; why trouble ye her? 27349 Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"
27349Then it is nothing to thee? 27349 Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?"
27349Wilt thou, indeed?
27349--"Who art thou, then?"
27349... Art thou that prophet?"
27349And do thy kisses like the rest betray?
27349As himself?
27349Besides, may not night have been the best time for a public and prominent man to see Jesus?
27349But how about ourselves?
27349But if himself he come to thee, and stand*** And reach to thee himself the Holy Cup,*** Pallid and royal, saying,"Drink with me,"Wilt thou refuse?
27349But to take money as the price of betraying a friend-- could any sin be baser?
27349But what of the friendship of the dying son for his mother?
27349But what was the friendship to Jesus?
27349But who will say to- day that it was not worth while?
27349Can we doubt that in all these reiterations and warnings on the one subject, Judas was in the Master''s mind?
27349Christ or pleasure?
27349Christ or self?
27349Christ or sin?
27349Could any crime be blacker than that?
27349Did I yesterday Wash thy feet, my beloved, that they should run Quick to deny me''neath the morning sun?
27349Did a friend bring him?
27349Did he hear him speak one day, and find himself drawn to him by the power of his gracious words?
27349Did he learn of the new rabbi through the fame of him that went everywhere, and then come to him without solicitation?
27349Do we always give our best to Christ?
27349Do we not too often give him only what is left after we have served ourselves?
27349Does it dissolve the bonds which here have been so strong?
27349Does the great ocean need the little dewdrop that hides in the bosom of the rose?
27349For art not Thou The human shadow of the infinite Love That made and fills the endless universe?
27349God or mammon-- which?
27349Had not the time come for miracle- working?
27349How about ourselves?
27349How did Jesus love his disciples?
27349How does Jesus comfort his friends who are left?
27349How goes the battle in your soul?
27349How would John''s stern, rugged, unsocial nature have affected the gentle spirit of Jesus?
27349How, then, are our prayers answered?
27349I have a life in Christ to live, I have a death in Christ to die; And must I wait till science give All doubts a full reply?
27349In his own anguish does he notice her?
27349Is it his power as revealed in his miracles?
27349Is it his sinlessness?
27349Is it his wonderful teaching?
27349Is it the perfect beauty of his character?
27349It was a cry of deep disappointment which came from his lips,"Could ye not watch with me one hour?"
27349May we not conclude that it will be with us even as it was with Jesus?
27349Mrs. Browning asked Charles Kingsley,"What is the secret of your life?
27349Must it be always so With precious things?
27349Must they be bruised, and go With beaten wings?
27349My flesh, my Lord!--what name?
27349Or did Jesus seek him out in his home or at his work, and call him to be a follower?
27349Or do friendships go on through death, interrupted for a little time only, to be taken up again in the life beyond?
27349Peter asked him,"Lord, whither goest thou?"
27349The answer of Jesus startles us:"Woman, what have I to do with thee?
27349The issue was his money or Jesus-- which?
27349The much- enduring wisdom, sought By lonely prayer the haunted rocks among?
27349Then she asked, amid her tears,"But why did you never tell him these things while he was living?"
27349Then they ask,"Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?
27349Then, who can tell what blessings have gone out from that farewell into the whole Church of Christ through all the centuries?
27349There is a tone of reproach in her words,"Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us?
27349They asked,"Rabbi, where abidest thou?"
27349Thomas could not understand the Master''s meaning, and said,"Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"
27349Was it not a waste of force, of power, to send two to the same place?
27349Was it worth while to be born, and to go through years of severe training, only for such a fragment of living?
27349Was there no commandment before Jesus came and gave it that good men should love one another?
27349Was this rule of love altogether new with him?
27349What are the qualities of a true friend as illustrated in the life of Jesus?
27349What blessing or inspiration of love can any poor, marred, stained life give to the soul of the Christ?
27349What could be done?
27349What could he find in this world of imperfect, sinful beings to meet the cravings of his heart for fellowship?
27349What effect has dying on the human affections?
27349What impression would the brightness, sweetness, and affectionateness of Jesus have made on the temper and disposition of John?
27349What is friendship as interpreted by Jesus?
27349What is it that gives the gospel its resistless power?
27349What is its character?
27349What is this love which it is the one great lesson of life to learn?
27349What light can a dim candle give to the sun?
27349What place had the denial in the story of the training of Peter?
27349What satisfaction could his heart find in this world''s deepest and holiest love?
27349What sayest thou of thyself?"
27349What shall be the relations there of those who in the present life have been united in friendship?
27349When we think of him as the Son of God, the question arises, Did he really care for personal friendships with men and women of the human family?
27349Where faith?
27349Where grows the golden grain?
27349Where is the lore the Baptist taught, The soul unswerving and the fearless tongue?
27349Where sympathy?
27349Who counts it gain His light should wane, So the whole world to Jesus throng?
27349Who is winning on your field-- Christ or money?
27349Whom could he find among earth''s sinful creatures worthy of his friendship, or capable of being in any real sense his personal friend?
27349Why by two and two?
27349Why did he so discourage this earnest seeker?
27349Why was this called a new commandment?
27349Why were the broad invitations of the heart of Jesus so narrowed in their practical application?
27349With all the world to evangelize, would it not have been better if they had gone out one by one?
27349Yes, why not?
27349Yet, beautiful as was their deed that day, who will not say that it came too late for fullest honoring of the Master?
27349You say the man paid stiffly?
27349art thou then a common stone Which I at last must break my heart upon, For all God''s charge to his high angels may Guard my foot better?
18513And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
18513Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him:"Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"
18513And Jesus answered and said unto him,"What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?"
18513And Jesus answered and said unto them:"Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?
18513And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple:"How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?
18513And Jesus answering said unto him,"Seest thou these great buildings?
18513And Jesus answering said unto them,"Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?
18513And Jesus said unto him,"Why callest thou me good?
18513And Jesus said unto them:"Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
18513And Jesus said,"Let her alone; why trouble ye her?
18513And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said:"Who touched my clothes?"
18513And Pilate answered and said again unto them:"What will ye then that I shall do unto him who ye call the King of the Jews?"
18513And Pilate asked him again, saying,"Answerest thou nothing?
18513And Pilate asked him,"Art thou the King of the Jews?"
18513And are not his sisters here with us?"
18513And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying:"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
18513And certain of them that stood there said unto them,"What do ye, loosing the colt?"
18513And he answered and said unto them:"What did Moses command you?"
18513And he answered them, saying:"Who is my mother, or my brethren?"
18513And he asked his father,"How long is it ago since this came unto him?"
18513And he asked the scribes,"What question ye with them?"
18513And he asked them:"How many loaves have ye?"
18513And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables:"How can Satan cast out Satan?
18513And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them,"What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?"
18513And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter,"Simon, sleepest thou?
18513And he said unto them,"How is it that ye do not understand?"
18513And he said unto them,"What would ye that I should do for you?"
18513And he said unto them:"Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungered, he, and they that were with him?
18513And he said unto them:"Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed?
18513And he said unto them:"Know ye not this parable?
18513And he said unto them:"Why are ye so fearful?
18513And he said:"Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God?
18513And he saith unto them,"But whom say ye that I am?"
18513And he saith unto them,"Whose is this image and superscription?"
18513And he saith unto them:"Are ye so without understanding also?
18513And he saith unto them:"Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil?
18513And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith:"Why doth this generation seek after a sign?
18513And he taught, saying unto them:"Is it not written,''My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?''
18513And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow; and they awake him, and say unto him:"Master, carest thou not that we perish?"
18513And his disciples answered him:"From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?"
18513And his disciples said unto him:"Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou,''Who touched me?''"
18513And how then will ye know all parables?
18513And if any man say unto you,''Why do ye this?''
18513And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed[ Transcriber''s note: strewed?]
18513And she went forth, and said unto her mother,"What shall I ask?"
18513And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him,"Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?"
18513And the Pharisees said unto him:"Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?"
18513And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying:"Answerest thou nothing?
18513And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said,"Why was this waste of the ointment made?
18513And they asked him, saying,"Why say the scribes that Elias must first come?"
18513And they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one,"Is it I?"
18513And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another:"What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"
18513And they reasoned with themselves, saying,"If we shall say,''From heaven;''he will say,''Why then did ye not believe him?''
18513And they said among themselves:"Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?"
18513And they say unto him:"Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?"
18513And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying:"What thing is this?
18513And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves,"Who then can be saved?"
18513And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them:"Why reason ye, because ye have no bread?
18513And when he was come in, he saith unto them:"Why make ye this ado, and weep?
18513And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately:"Why could not we cast him out?"
18513Art thou come to destroy us?
18513But Jesus said unto them,"Ye know not what ye ask; can ye drink of the cup that I drink of, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?"
18513But Pilate answered them, saying:"Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?"
18513But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them:"Why tempt ye me?
18513But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts:"Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies?
18513Couldest not thou watch one hour?
18513David therefore himself calleth him''Lord''; and whence is he then his son?"
18513For he said unto him:"Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit,"And he asked him:"What is thy name?"
18513For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
18513Have ye your heart yet hardened?
18513Having eyes, see ye not, and having ears, hear ye not, and do ye not remember?
18513He answereth him, and saith,"O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?
18513He saith unto them:"How many loaves have ye?
18513How is it that ye have no faith?"
18513How long shall I suffer you?
18513In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them, for the seven had her to wife?"
18513Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?
18513Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
18513Perceive ye not yet, neither understand?
18513Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it?
18513Shall we give, or shall we not give?"
18513The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?
18513Then Pilate said unto them,"Why, what evil hath he done?"
18513Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him:"Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?"
18513Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith,"What need we any further witnesses?
18513What is it which these witness against thee?"
18513What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do?
18513When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?"
18513Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy,''Thy sins be forgiven thee;''or to say,''Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?''
18513Who can forgive sins but God only?"
18513Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?"
18513and another said,"Is it I?"
18513and not to be set on a candlestick?
18513or with what comparison shall we compare it?
18513to save life, or to kill?"
18513what new doctrine is this?
18513which is, being interpreted,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
40285After six daysfrom what time?
40285After six daysfrom what time?
40285And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? 40285 Do you understand me?"
40285Drink ye all of itis my father''s command; for who can tell whether the family circle shall remain unbroken until the Easter festival?
40285How is{ 253} the_ kummer_?
40285How think ye? 40285 Knowing what a treasure they possessed,"he observes,"how could they be so long without looking on it?
40285So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? 40285 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?"
40285The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 40285 What are your years?"
40285What children have you?
40285What is the precious name?
40285What men does your clan count?
40285What was Jesus thinking of,he would say,"when he{ 123} uttered these words?
40285Whence has your excellent presence[_ heth- retek_] come, and whither are you facing?
40285[ 1] A miracle? 40285 [ 1] Where in human literature can we find a passage to surpass in beauty and tenderness this introspective utterance?
40285[ 2] How would this great utterance sound if given in the nice, cautious language of anup- to- date"thinker?
40285[ 4] Is it not really worth while to fear and to suffer, if by so doing one is brought so close to God? 40285 ( what is its religion?) 40285 Again,If one is not good to those that are his kin, what must he be to strangers?"
40285And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee?
40285And I deem it essential at this point to ask,{ 46} Whither is the spirit of the present age leading us?
40285And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good?
40285And Jesus said, Who touched me?
40285And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?"
40285And he said, Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou without?
40285And who can estimate the debt which humanity owes to the Sufferer of Calvary?
40285Are we drifting away from the mount of vision?
40285But what formed such designs against you, love or hatred?
40285But why allow shallow curiosity to weaken one''s faith in the great spiritual principle which underlies all such beliefs?
40285Consequently as a_ divine_ being speaking to a_ human_ being, Jesus said to his earthly mother,"Woman, what is mine and what is thine?"
40285Could he not have opened the door?
40285Could there be anything more profoundly and accurately interpretative of the deepest hopes of the human soul than this picture?
40285Did Jesus{ 134} really mean that an offender should be forgiven four hundred and ninety times?
40285Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee?
40285Do we not have irreconcilable contradictions in these Scriptural passages?
40285Do you feel now the force of the allusion to the tares in the parable?
40285Do you now understand fully the meaning{ 210} of the passage in the fourteenth chapter of Luke''s Gospel?
40285Does not the Psalmist say,"Thou openest thine hand, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing"?
40285Does not this sound exactly like the one hundred and ninth Psalm?
40285For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and{ 113} lose his own soul?"
40285For, how can one who is a traitor at heart reach for the gift of true friendship without being transformed into the very spirit of treason?
40285His question,"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
40285In asking a shepherd about his flock we said,"How are the blessed ones?"
40285In inquiring about the nature of an object, he says,"_ Sho dinû_?"
40285In rebuking one who makes unreasonable demands upon him, a Syrian would be likely to stoop down and say,"Do n''t you want to ride on my back?"
40285In the eleventh chapter of St. Matthew''s Gospel, the sixteenth verse, he says,"But whereunto shall I liken this generation?
40285Is not love of enemies beyond the power of human nature?
40285Is not punishment which is guided by reason and sympathy, and whose end is corrective, really a great aid in character- building?
40285It expresses the Syrian''s noblest idea of the true wife and the real home- maker:-- Who can find a virtuous woman?
40285Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me?
40285O Ibrahim, did you care for my camel as you did for your camel?''
40285Shall we receive the gifts and forget the Giver?
40285So he spoke to his friend:''Ibrahim, by the life of God, what has happened to my camel?
40285So it was when the suspicious Saul asked his son,"Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday nor to- day?"
40285The fact that they were_ all_ eating with him is shown in the statement,"They began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him, Is it I?
40285Then one of his friends approached near to the injured man and said to him,''Asaad, my beloved friend, how is your condition[_ kief halak_]?''
40285To such the question,"How can I be a true disciple of Christ, if I do not obey what he commands?"
40285Was not this the very thing which the Master meant when he said,"This do in remembrance of me"?
40285Was the_ whole city_ at the door?
40285Well, what does it matter from what time?
40285Were_ all_ the sick in that large city brought into that house for Jesus to heal them?
40285What do we find here but evidences of a deep and sincere yearning for divine blessings to come upon the family and the home?
40285What enemies have you in your native town?"
40285Where else could our daily bread come from?
40285Where were the bowels and tender solicitude of the mother?
40285Which nutrition would you give your own soul and the souls of those who are near and dear to you, that of hatred, or that of love?
40285Why be so prosy, brief, and abstract?
40285Why did he do that?
40285Why then should one be burdened with more?
40285Will the heavenly Father do{ 138}_ likewise_?
40285With amazement he exclaims,"For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?"
40285and am I not grieved with those that rise against thee?
40285and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
40285and whence comest thou?
40285from whence then hath it tares?
40285means,"How do you stand financially?"
40285or a parent about his children,"How are the preserved ones?"
40285tell me, what hast thou in the house?
40285till seven times?
40285{ 70} Is it therefore to be wondered at that in speaking of Judas, the writer of St. John''s Gospel says,"And after the sop Satan entered into him"?
30561But what think ye? 30561 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,''Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee?
30561Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season? 30561 ***** And he said unto them,When I sent you forth without purse, and wallet, and shoes, lacked ye anything?"
30561Again therefore he asked them,"Whom seek ye?"
30561And Jesus saith unto them,"Yea: did ye never read,''Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise''?"
30561And Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said,"Is it I, Rabbi?"
30561And Pilate answered them, saying,"Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?"
30561And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
30561And certain of them that stood there said unto them,"What do ye, loosing the colt?"
30561And he said unto them a third time,"Why, what evil hath this man done?
30561And he said unto them,"What communications are these that ye have one with another, as ye walk?"
30561And he said unto them,"What things?"
30561And he said unto them,"Why are ye troubled?
30561And he saith unto them,"Whose is this image and superscription?"
30561And he taught, and said unto them,"Is it not written,''My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations''?
30561And if any one say unto you,''Why do ye this?''
30561And none of the disciples durst inquire of him,"Who art thou?"
30561And one of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying,"Art not thou the Christ?
30561And the high priest rent his clothes, and saith,"What further need have we of witnesses?
30561And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying,"Answerest thou nothing?
30561And they blindfolded him and smote him with the palms of their hands, saying,"Prophesy unto us, thou Christ: who is he that struck thee?"
30561And they reasoned with themselves, saying,"If we shall say,''From heaven''; he will say unto us,''Why did ye not believe him?''
30561And they said one to another,"Was not our heart burning within us, while he spake to us in the way, while he opened to us the scriptures?"
30561And they say unto her,"Woman, why weepest thou?"
30561And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began to say unto him every one,"Is it I, Lord?"
30561And they were saying among themselves,"Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the tomb?"
30561And to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?"
30561And when he had said this, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand, saying,"Answerest thou the high priest so?"
30561And when he rose up from his prayer, he came unto the disciples, and found them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto Peter,"Simon, sleepest thou?
30561And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying,"Who is this?"
30561And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
30561And when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?''
30561And when they that were about him saw what would follow, they said,"Lord, shall we smite with the sword?"
30561And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said unto them,"Have ye here anything to eat?"
30561Behooved it not the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into his glory?"
30561Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
30561But Jesus perceived their craftiness, and said,"Why make ye trial of me, ye hypocrites?
30561But Jesus said unto him,"Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"
30561But he answered and said unto them,"See ye not all these things?
30561But now I go unto him that sent me; and none of you asketh me,''Whither goest thou?''
30561But the governor answered and said unto them,"Which of the two will ye that I release unto you?"
30561But the other answered, and rebuking him said,"Dost thou not even fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
30561But they said,"What is that to us?
30561Couldest thou not watch one hour?
30561For if they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?"
30561For which is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth?
30561He leaning back, as he was, on Jesus''breast, saith unto him,"Lord, who is it?"
30561He saith unto him again a second time,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?"
30561He saith unto him the third time,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?"
30561He saith unto him,"Lord, dost thou wash my feet?"
30561He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; how sayest thou,''Show us the Father''?
30561How then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
30561If David then calleth him Lord, how is he his son?"
30561In the resurrection therefore whose wife of them shall she be?
30561Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cæsar, or not?"
30561Is not he that sitteth at meat?
30561Jesus answered him,"If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why smitest thou me?"
30561Jesus answered them,"Do ye now believe?
30561Jesus answered,"Sayest thou this of thyself, or did others tell it thee concerning me?"
30561Jesus saith unto her,"Woman, why weepest thou?
30561Jesus saith unto him,"Have I been so long time with you, and dost thou not know me, Philip?
30561Jesus saith unto him,"If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
30561Jesus therefore saith unto them,"Children, have ye aught to eat?"
30561Jesus, therefore, knowing all the things that were coming upon him, went forth, and saith unto them,"Whom seek ye?"
30561Judas( not Iscariot) saith unto him,"Lord, what is come to pass that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?"
30561Knowest thou not that I have power to release thee, and have power to crucify thee?"
30561Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say?
30561Now while the Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them a question, saying,"What think ye of the Christ?
30561Or thinkest thou that I can not beseech my Father and he shall even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?
30561Peter therefore seeing him saith to Jesus,"Lord, and what shall this man do?"
30561Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time,"Lovest thou me?"
30561Pilate answered,"Am I a Jew?
30561Pilate saith unto him,"What is truth?"
30561Pilate saith unto them,"Shall I crucify your King?"
30561Pilate saith unto them,"What then shall I do unto Jesus who is called Christ?"
30561Pilate therefore entered again into the Prætorium, and called Jesus, and said unto him,"Art thou the King of the Jews?"
30561Pilate therefore said unto him,"Art thou a king then?"
30561Pilate therefore saith unto him,"Speakest thou not unto me?
30561Pilate therefore went out unto them, and saith,"What accusation bring ye against this man?"
30561Simon Peter saith unto him,"Lord, whither goest thou?"
30561So when he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and sat down again, he said unto them,"Know ye what I have done to you?
30561So when they had broken their fast, Jesus saith to Simon Peter,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me more than these?"
30561Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou?
30561That he will not come to the feast?"
30561The baptism of John, whence was it?
30561The cup which the Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?"
30561The maid therefore that kept the door saith unto Peter,"Art thou also one of this man''s disciples?"
30561Then saith Pilate unto him,"Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?"
30561They said therefore,"What is this that he saith,''A little while''?
30561They sought therefore for Jesus, and spake one with another, as they stood in the temple,"What think ye?
30561Thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?"
30561Thomas saith unto him,"Lord, we know not whither thou goest; how know we the way?"
30561What is it which these witness against thee?"
30561When Pilate therefore heard this saying, he was the more afraid; and he entered into the Prætorium again, and saith unto Jesus,"Whence art thou?"
30561When therefore the lord of the vineyard shall come, what will he do unto those husbandmen?"
30561Where is my guest- chamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?''
30561Which of the two did the will of his father?"
30561Whom seekest thou?"
30561Why askest thou me?
30561Ye blind: for which is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?
30561Ye fools and blind: for which is greater, the gold, or the temple that hath sanctified the gold?
30561Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?"
30561Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?
30561and what shall be the sign when these things are all about to be accomplished?"
30561and wherefore do questionings arise in your heart?
30561from heaven or from men?"
30561or athirst, and gave thee drink?
30561or naked, and clothed thee?
30561or who is he that gave thee this authority?"
30561which is, being interpreted,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
30561who is this Son of man?"
30561whose son is he?"
12809Am I a_ Jew_?
12809Art_ Thou_ the King of the Jews?
12809Children of yesterday, Heirs of to- morrow, What are you weaving-- Labor and sorrow? 12809 Could I fear such a hand Stretched toward me?
12809Do you really want to know about Me, or are you merely repeating something you have heard?
12809Is the man a Galilean?
12809Now is my innermost being agitated, all shaken up; and what decisive word shall I speak? 12809 Shall I crucify your King?"
12809Simon, are you sleeping? 12809 Was there ever love, In earth or heaven, equal to this?
12809What things?
12809Which of the two will you choose?
12809Why? 12809 < u> Suffering the Birth- pains of a New Life. Why did Jesus die? 12809 < u> Whom Moses Saw. What did Jesus say about Himself? 12809 A veiled glory? 12809 A_ long_ while? 12809 Again there likely came a bit of softening and curious interest in Pilate''s face, as he asks,Art Thou really a_ King_ then?"
12809And they said to each other,"Did you ever hear such talking?"
12809Angered by the silence on the part of the man he had been moved to help, Pilate hotly says,"Speakest Thou not to_ Me_?
12809Because she was the weaker?
12809But sure?
12809Can it be, John asks, that there is to be another one coming to complete the picture?
12809Canst thou not hear these charges against Thee?"
12809Could it have been the same upper room where they had eaten_ with Him_ that never- to- be- forgotten night, and listened to His comforting words?
12809Could the word gallantry be used?
12809Could there be finer evidence of friendship than giving His friend John such a trust?
12809Could you not be watching with me_ one hour_?"
12809Did Jesus rise?
12809Did Jesus''wondrous, quiet calm nettle the tempter?
12809Did Satan doubt it?
12809Did he really think that possibly Jesus would actually worship him?
12809Did no temptation come those years to chafe a bit and fret and wonder and yearn after the great outside world?
12809Did you ever long to hear God speak?
12809Do you say it was for a short time only?
12809Doubt that He Meets me full in sympathy?
12809Eagerly they all blurt out,"Art Thou then the Son of God?"
12809Had some Jerusalem spy gotten in and begun his poisoning work already?
12809Had these Jerusalem men been working upon the fears of her mother heart for the safety of her Son?
12809He asks,"What is this that you are so concerned about?"
12809He would not abandon her?
12809How could he?
12809How much did he_ want_?
12809How_ can_ He be the promised Messiah?
12809How_ could_ Jesus accept such a rite for Himself?
12809How_ could_ it be?
12809In supposed righteous horror Caiaphas tore his garments, and cried,"What further need is there of witnesses?
12809Is all their sleepless planning to be disturbed by this Roman heathen?
12809Is he asking proof?
12809Is it surprising that His ear and eye and heart, perhaps fresh from a bit of quiet morning talk with His Father, were shocked?
12809Is it surprising that John''s Gospel has been pitched upon as the critics''chief battle- field of the New Testament?
12809Jesus dispels the deception at once with His question of reproach,"Betrayest thou with a_ kiss_?"
12809Jesus quietly replies,"If I have spoken something wrong tell me what it is, but if not, why do you strike Me?"
12809Just what does it mean that we men were made in God''s likeness?
12809Knowest Thou not I have the power to release or to crucify?"
12809Looking into that face again with strangely mingling emotions, he puts the question,"Whence art Thou?"
12809Misunderstand Or mistrust?
12809More from-- which?
12809Now, ca n''t we fix this thing up between us?
12809One of the underlings of the high priest-- struck-- Jesus-- in the face, saying,"Answerest thou the high priest so?"
12809Or, was He raised?
12809Peter stammers out an embarrassed, mixed up denial,"I do n''t know what you mean-- I do n''t understand-- what do you say?"
12809Quick as a flash of lightning the word shot from their lips and into his face,"_ Barabbas!_""What, then, shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?"
12809Quietly He asks,"Whom are you hunting for?"
12809Shall I say,''Father, save me from this experience''?
12809She would use her influence to save Him from possible danger threatening?
12809Suddenly the presiding officer stands up and dramatically cries out, as though astonished,"Answerest thou nothing?
12809The bitter obstinacy of the opposition?
12809The chief priests''plotting?
12809The disappointment in the kingdom plan?
12809The great sacrifices Jesus had been enduring?
12809The suffering and shame to be endured?
12809Then He said,"Have you something to eat?"
12809Then he speaks:"How much''ll you give if I get Jesus into your hands?"
12809Then one of them says,"Do you lodge by yourself in the city, and even then do not know the things that have been going on there?"
12809Then the hushed silence is broken by an agonizing cry from the lips of Jesus,"My God-- My God-- why-- didst-- Thou-- forsake-- Me?"
12809Then two men in white apparel are in their midst and speak to them:"Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heavens?
12809There''s a tender yearning in that question,"Will ye also go away?"
12809They are talking earnestly together, these three, about-- what?
12809They ask sharply,"Who do you pretend to be?
12809They say to her,"Why are you weeping?"
12809Was He ever keener and quieter?
12809Was He ever_ too_ tired-- over- tired-- like we get?
12809Was it not needful that the Christ should suffer these very things and to enter into His glory?"
12809Was it supposed friendship?
12809Was there ever such mulish obstinacy?
12809What can this mean?
12809What does it mean?
12809What evil has He done?
12809What hast Thou done?"
12809What is that?"
12809What verdict do you give?"
12809What was Jesus''motive or purpose in dying?
12809When John the Baptist came, they asked,"Art thou_ the_ prophet?"
12809Where would they begin where there was so much?
12809Who that knows such a life, and knows the tempter, thinks_ he_ missed those years, and their subtle opportunity?
12809Who thinks_ He_ missed_ that chance_ of fellowship with the great crowd of His race of brothers?
12809Who wants to try a suspicious egg?
12809Whom was she looking for?
12809Why ask Me?
12809Why did He?
12809Why did Jesus go to John for baptism?
12809Why did John say that?
12809Why this sudden desire by the one closest to Him by natural ties to break into His very speaking for a special interview?
12809Why was she weeping?
12809Why were they seeking a living One in a tomb?
12809Will we never get away from the clocks in telling time?
12809With a contemptuous curl of the lip instantly they come back with:"Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?"
12809With a weary, impatient contempt, he says,"_ Truth_?
28547Why do you ask me,said Simeon, on his deathbed,"what I_ like_?
28547--Are you fearful and agitated in_ the prospect of death_?
28547--Art thou a_ backslider_?
28547--Art thou beaten down with some heavy_ trial_?
28547--Is it some crushing trial, or overwhelming grief?
28547--does the thought ever present itself,"What can I do for this great Being who hath done so much for me?"
28547And can we wonder at such language?
28547And if the foretaste of this rest be precious, what must be the glorious consummation?
28547And shall I be afraid of a world already conquered?
28547And what, then, should your attitude be?
28547And who are those who can claim the blessedness spoken of under this wondrous imagery?
28547And who has ever repented of that joyful servitude?
28547And who is it that speaks these living"words,""What_ I_ do?"
28547And who is it that speaks this quieting word?
28547Are providences dark, or crosses heavy?
28547Are thy loins girded, and thy lights burning?
28547Are we to infer from this, that He winks at sin?
28547Are your legion sins standing as a barrier between you and a Saviour''s proffered mercy?
28547Art thou even now feeling the strength of thy corruptions, the weakness of thy graces, the presence of some outward or inward temptation?
28547Art thou ready, with Gideon, to say,"If the Lord be indeed with us, why has all this befallen us?"
28547Be not deceived or deluded with the mocker''s presumptuous challenge,"Where is the promise of His coming?"
28547Believer, art thou in trouble?
28547Believer, can you_ now_ say with some of the holy transport of the apostle,"Whom having not seen, we love?"
28547But is not this very conviction of your want an indication of a feeble longing after Christ?
28547But is there not, after all,_ one_ condition mentioned in this"word of Jesus?"
28547Can the same be said of Satan, or sin?
28547Canst thou say with a joyful heart,"O Lord, truly I am Thy servant?"
28547Didst thou once run well?
28547Do I look to the future?
28547Do dark providences and severe afflictions seem to belie the truth and reality of this gracious assurance?
28547Does the Christian''s path lie all the way through Beulah?
28547Does the word, the look, of a suffering child get the eye and the heart of an_ earthly_ father?
28547Dost thou know the blessedness of a vital and living union with a living, life- giving Saviour?
28547Gracious"word"of a gracious Saviour, on which the soul may confidingly repose, and be at peace for ever?
28547Has His word of promise ever proved false?
28547Has His yoke been too grievous?
28547Has bereavement severed earthly ties?
28547Has the grave made forced estrangements,--sundered the closest links of earthly affection?
28547Has thine own guilty apostacy alienated and estranged thee from that face which was once all love, and that service which was once all delight?
28547Have thy tears been unalleviated-- thy sorrows unsolaced-- thy temptations above that thou wert able to bear?
28547Have we"known and believed this love of God?"
28547He led the children of Israel of old out of Egypt to their promised kingdom,--how?
28547How different from other"sons of consolation?"
28547How does He quiet their fears and misgivings?
28547How much more tender is Jesus than the tenderest of earthly friends?
28547Is it a seducing world-- a wandering, wayward heart?
28547Is it"keeping( literally,''_ garrisoning_ as in a citadel'') your heart?"
28547Is it_ bereavement_?
28547Is it_ death_?
28547Is it_ sickness_?
28547Is the thought of thy sins-- the guilty past-- coming up in terrible memorial before thee, almost tempting thee to give way to hopeless despondency?
28547Is there much of uncertainty and mystery hanging over it?
28547Is this thine attitude--"_looking unto Jesus_?"
28547It is He who died for us?
28547Let this last"word"of thy Lord''s send thee to thy knees with the question,--"Am I indeed a servant of Christ?"
28547Long going about"seeking rest and finding none,"does this"word"sound like music in thine ears--"_Come unto Me_?"
28547My soul, is there aught that is disturbing thy peace?
28547On whom does He lavish this unutterable affection?
28547Reader, do you discredit the reality of this gracious offer?
28547Reader, do you know the blessedness of confiding your every want and every care-- your every sorrow and every cross-- into the ear of the Saviour?
28547Reader, do you realize your privilege-- living under the dispensation of the Spirit?
28547Reader, hast thou attained any of this heart- purity and heart- preparation?
28547Reader, hast thou found this blessed repose in the blood and work of Immanuel?
28547Reader, is_ Satan_ assailing thee with tormenting fears?
28547Shall we refuse to love Him more in return, who hath_ first_ loved, and so_ loved us_?
28547The lowly Jewish women feared not; why?
28547To- morrow, He is_ gone_; and the bereft spirit is led to interrogate itself in plaintive sorrow,--"Where is now thy God?"
28547Tried believer, has He ever failed thee?
28547What a heaping together of similar tender"words"with that which is here addressed to us?
28547What are they?
28547What peace is this?
28547Where can a child be safer or better than in a father''s hand?
28547Where can the believer be better than in the hands of his God?
28547Who can tell what muffled and disguised"needs be"there may lurk under these world- tribulations?
28547Why"no separation?"
28547Would Satan try to teach thee so?
28547_ It is the Spirit''s unfolding of Jesus_--glorifying_ Him_ in eyes that before saw in Him no beauty?
28547are you a fruit- bearer in your Lord''s vineyard?
28547are you ready to faint under your tribulations?
28547art thou solitary and desolate?
28547art thou troubled and tempted?
28547canst thou subscribe to these closing words of this gracious utterance?
28547do you know this peace which passeth understanding?
28547dost thou know this blessed servitude?
28547has wave after wave been rolling in upon thee?
28547hath the Lord forgotten to be gracious?
28547have thy fondest schemes been blown upon-- thy fairest blossoms been withered in the bud?
28547instead of thus being as weaned children, how apt are we to exercise ourselves in matters too high for us?
28547is this thine attitude, as the expectant of thy Lord''s appearing?
28547is thy life now"hid with Christ in God?"
28547rather canst thou not testify,"The word of the Lord is tried;"I cast my burden upon Him, and He"sustained me?"
53616If we deny all authenticity to Jesus''s teaching,we are asked,"what of Solon''s traditional lore?"
53616Scores of such tombs remain,cries the critic:"were they all Mithraic?"
53616What is there,he asks,"that can be compared with this in the religious literature of any other people?"
53616Among the Fathers?
53616Among the Popes?
53616Among the apostles?
53616Among the bishops?
53616And every apostle who cometh to you, let him be received as[ the] Lord; but he shall not remain[ except for?]
53616And if they were, was it in their power to effect this falsification with so great success?"
53616And why do other utterances of the doctrines not"warm the heart"?
53616Answerest thou nothing?
53616Apostles to teach-- what?
53616But Michael is a wholly post- exilic figure: was there no Hebrew prototype?
53616But do none of the admitted inventions[ 399] in the gospels stultify the position of the believers?
53616But when John is put as the Forerunner, acclaiming the Messiah, where is the subordination?
53616But why should invention take this peculiar form?
53616Disciples to learn-- what?
53616Do not foreigners[ 477] do the same?
53616Does he impute"wickedness"to the author of the fourth gospel, whom he represents as inventing discourses and episodes systematically?
53616Every apostle is to be received"as the Lord; but he shall not remain[ except for?]
53616For other purposes, he resorts( p. 16) to the test,"How do you know?"
53616Had not Peter, in the legend, denied his Lord with curses, and Paul persecuted the Church to the death?
53616How could the priests be more effectively impeached than by exhibiting them as producing plainly suborned evidence to convict Jesus?
53616How many Maries, then, were mothers of James and Joses?
53616How or when had the Nazaræans transcended that standpoint?
53616How then did the organization begin and grow?
53616If a strong impression of a personality be a certificate of historicity, what of Zeus and Hêrê, Athênê and Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor?
53616If it be claimed as a result of the teaching of Jesus, what becomes of the other teaching as to the love of enemies?
53616If it is not, upon what does the biographical theory found?
53616If so, is it further contended that there must have been a historical Jehovah, a Jove, a Cybelê, a Juno, a Venus?
53616If so, when did the change begin?
53616If that be so, what amount of profundity goes to the whole construction of the faith?
53616If the Father- Gods and Mother- Gods could be evolved by protracted mythopoeia, why not the Son- Gods?
53616If the one set of passages are borrowed, why not the other?
53616If the record admittedly invented utterances for the Teacher on the cross, why should not the whole be an invention?
53616If there really occurred such a manipulation of the death- scene of an adored Teacher, how could the narrators possibly fail to say as much?
53616If to quote"he is beside himself"is to prove historicity, why not quote the taunts to Jesus in the fourth gospel, nay, the crucifixion itself?
53616In a curious passage of the fourth gospel( viii, 48) the Jews say to Jesus,"Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a daimon?
53616In particular, why should not the trial before Pilate and the inscription on the cross be inventions?
53616In what respect, then, are we to suppose Jesuist monotheism to have been an innovation?
53616Is it claimed that there"must"have been a historical Herakles, or Dionysos, or Adonis?
53616Is it pretended that claims to be the Son of God were normal in later Jewry?
53616Is it then contended that a Sacred Book must represent the originative teaching of a real person and his disciples?
53616Is it then in respect of mutual love and the forgiveness of enemies?
53616Is it to be authenticated by the threat that it must go if we deny that the Sermon on the Mount is a sermon at all?
53616Is not this another echo from the obscure tragedy of the sacrificial victim, who was anointed for his doom?
53616Is not this the strict critical verdict, apart from any other issue?
53616Is the motive of the story nothing better than the desire to record that Jesus was richly buried?
53616M. Loisy, indeed, claims the pro- Samaritan passage as genuine: does he then admit the anti- Samaritan to be spurious?
53616On the other hand, who were"we"for"Isaiah"if not Israel itself?
53616The details of"mending their nets"and"in the boat with the hired servants"?
53616The fragments of Solon''s verse purport to have been written by him: have we anything purporting to have been written by Jesus?
53616The problem"What really happened?"
53616The question,"What do you put in its place?"
53616The scientific question is, Upon what grounds can he demur to the extension of a myth- theory to which he thus contributes?
53616Then, still more abruptly than in the synoptics, we have the completion( vi, 70):--"Did not I choose you the twelve, and one of you is a devil?"
53616Was it because of Christian goodness that the decline of Rome was accelerated instead of being checked?
53616Well, what of it?
53616Were they really men of such wickedness that they sought to bring the true humanity of Jesus into acceptance by falsifying the Gospels?
53616What doctrines then are meant, and what effects are posited?
53616What idea, what teaching, had Jesus left them?
53616Where is the difficulty?
53616Which species of teaching is supposed to have represented the"personality"?
53616Who or what then was Joshua?
53616Who then produced the literature?
53616XPS., DEI FILIUS= Dominus Noster Jesu(?)
53616[ 154] But what does the biographical theory make of such a conclusion?
53616[ 380] Is one realistic detail to pass for personal knowledge when the other is sheer typology?
53616[ 405] Why then should an allegory of casting out polytheism have been framed concerning Galilee?
53616[ 414] If the matter of the myth was ancient for Syria, why should not the names of the mother and the child be so?
53616[ 464] Why then does it not warm the heart of Professor Schmiedel equally with the doctrine of the gospels?
53616and are not his sisters with us?"
53616the Professor''s work on The Johannine Writings, p. 90, where the same query:"Who could have invented them?"
60669But must we not believe on him?
60669But you do not mean to say that you speak against praying, and reading good books, and so on?
60669Do you mean,says one,"that I am to believe if I once trust Christ I shall be saved whatever sin I may choose to commit?"
60669Are you not eager to be at once forgiven?
60669Are you saved?"
60669Are you still an unbeliever?
60669Are you willing to remain an awakened one, and nothing more?
60669But his soul- sufferings, which were the soul of his sufferings, who can even conceive, much less express, what they were?
60669But if for some reason I had a doubt about it, and yet wished to believe the news, how should I act?
60669Can any creature rival the Lord Jesus?
60669Can not I get my thirst quenched in my own way?"
60669Can that tree be saved?
60669Can these be patched on to the costly fabric of his divine righteousness?
60669Dear reader, will you have Christ now?
60669Did it not seem strange that, both hearing the same words, one should come out into clear light, and the other should remain in the gloom?
60669Did you ever notice how a fir- tree will get a hold among rocks which seem to afford it no soil?
60669Did you ever tell your father that you tried to believe him?"
60669Did you suggest that it would be a horrible thing if you were to trust in Jesus and yet perish?
60669Did you take my prescription?"
60669Do not his words do good to them that walk uprightly?
60669Do you believe in Jesus?
60669Do you blame him, or would you have had him stop in Newark with his block and his cleaver?
60669Do you enquire,"Is there anything for us to do, to remove the guilt of sin?"
60669Do you fear that you would not be saved if you followed it?
60669Do you not fear that the lighthouse, and all that is in it, will be carried away?
60669Do you think it very easy?
60669Do you think the way of salvation, as laid down in the text we have quoted, to be dubious?
60669Great mysteries are in the Book of God of necessity; for how can the infinite God so speak that all his thoughts can be grasped by finite man?
60669He fumbled over the Book, till his master called out,"Hans, why do you not read?"
60669He that is most loaded seems the most likely to pass in and begin the heavenward journey; but what ails the other men?
60669He would say to- morrow morning,"Where are the flint and steel?
60669How can light come through an invisible vapour?
60669How can that be, when God has pledged his own word for its certainty?
60669How can that fail which God prescribes, and concerning which he gives a promise?
60669I cried,"are you not a believer in the Lord Jesus?"
60669If I wish to believe anything, what shall I do?
60669If a man will not do the thing that is necessary to a certain end, how can he expect to gain that end?
60669If even to add to his words is to draw a curse upon ourselves, what must it be to pretend to add to himself?
60669If, then, I wish to believe, but for some reason or other find that I can not attain to faith, what shall I do?
60669In the name of God, I ask you, Which shall it be-- Christ and salvation, or the favourite sin and damnation?
60669Is it a human love, which is eating like a canker into the heart?
60669Is it any gross wrong- doing?
60669Is it love of the world, or fear of men, or longing for evil gains?
60669Is it not idolatry to allow any earthly thing to compare for one instant with the Lord God?
60669Is not that common sense?
60669Is the Spirit of the Lord straitened?
60669It comes to this, my friend, as it did with John Bunyan; a voice now speaks to you, and says-- WILT THOU KEEP THY SIN AND GO TO HELL?
60669It is written,"Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree;"but who knows what that curse means?
60669It may be that the reader is unsaved: what is the reason?
60669No language can ever tell his agony in prospect of his passion; how little then can we conceive the passion itself?
60669Now, if it be eternal, how can it die out?
60669O foolish tremblers, who has bewitched you?
60669O my hearer, wilt thou have Jesus Christ to be thy Substitute?
60669O reader, is there not common- sense in this matter?
60669One of the boys quickly asked of the teacher,"Is he to keep it?"
60669Reader, will your very fear of the wrath to come prevent your escaping from it?
60669Shall I stand like a cow staring at a new gate; or shall I, like an intelligent being, use the proper means?
60669Should I not feel mortified if my reader should know what faith is, and then get confused by my explanation?
60669Should we not astonish the old gentleman?
60669Standing there with no food, no fire, and the chopper gone, something seemed to say to me,''Will Richardson, can you trust God now?''
60669Such newly- enlightened souls often exclaim,"Why, sir, it is so plain; how is it I have not seen it before this?
60669Suppose you stand in the Slough of Despond for ever; what will be the good of that?
60669The door is there; but unless you enter by it, what is the use of it to you?
60669The sun take my portrait?
60669There is light to be had; light marvellous and heavenly; why lie in the gloom and die in anguish?
60669Thus would I urge the reader to seek faith; but if he be unwilling, what more can I do?
60669What best is there about any of us?
60669What can I ask the Lord Jesus to do for one who will not trust him?
60669What can be the use of inventing reasons why I should not hold my own house, or possess any other piece of property which is enjoyed by me?
60669What could we bring if he did need it?
60669What does he need of us?
60669What does his physician say when he enquires--"Did you follow my rule?"
60669What has HE done that you should talk of him in that way?
60669What have we to do with recondite questions while our souls are in peril?
60669What is the comfort of a plan of a house if you do not enter the house itself?
60669What is the good of a plan of clothing if you have not a rag to cover you?
60669What is there of ours that could be added to his blood and righteousness?
60669What, then, is your darling sin?
60669Where do you live?
60669Who but an idiot would do that?
60669Why should not the reader do so at once?
60669Why tarry in the darkness of the pit, wherein your feet sink in the miry clay?
60669Why will you perish through perversely preferring other ways to God''s own appointed plan of salvation?
60669Why, then, do you not attend to it?
60669Will not you also try their saving virtue?
60669Will we not at once come to him, and make him our sole trust?
60669Will you have it?"
60669Will you have it?"
60669Will you make him a liar now, or will you believe his word?"
60669Would he not want all his faith?
60669Would he sell the priceless blessings of his redemption?
60669Would you tell_ me_ that you would try to believe_ me_?
60669Would you then complain,"It is a hard thing that I should die because I do not believe in eating"?
60669You, too, must believe or die; why refuse to obey the command?
60669[ Illustration] But one moans,"What if I come to Christ, and he refuses me?"
60669[ Illustration] Do you see the tree in my picture?
26990''And how is this kind of incarnation effected, by which Christ Himself becomes our new self?
26990''Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of men ought ye to be in all_ holy_ living and godliness?''
26990''Seeing that these things are, then, all to be dissolved, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy living and godliness?''
26990''What manner of persons ought ye to be?''
26990''Wherein now shall it be known that I have found grace in Thy sight, I and Thy people?''
26990''Who is like unto Thee, glorious in_ holiness_,_ fearful_ in praises?''
26990A vessel not cleansed can not be used: is not this the reason that there are some workers God can not bless?
26990And for the Great Priest over the House of God, our Living Lord Jesus, with Whom and in Whom we appear before Thee?
26990And for the new and living way, through the rent veil of that flesh which had separated us from Thee, in which my flesh now too has been crucified?
26990And for the precious Blood, that brings us nigh?
26990And how can one who is longing to know Christ fully as his sanctification, come to live out what God means and has provided in this--''in Christ''?
26990And how can the crucifixion which leads to Holiness and to God be accomplished in us?
26990And how can this be obtained?
26990And how does this Presence reveal itself?
26990And how is this cleansing to be done?
26990And how is this to be attained?
26990And how is this to be done?
26990And how shall we know Him?
26990And how will the Spirit reveal this Christ in whom we are?
26990And is not just this the lesson that many earnest seekers after holiness need?
26990And is not the song that sings here of God as glorious in holiness, also the song of Moses who feared and hid his face?
26990And is not this in very deed the posture that becomes us as creatures and sinners?
26990And so the shout of Salvation rings ever deeper and truer and louder through our life,''Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods?
26990And so( as one of our Reformed Catechisms, the Heidelberg, has it, in answer to the question, Why art thou called a Christian?)
26990And was the veil of Christ''s holy flesh rent that the veil of our sinful flesh might be spared?
26990And what is to be the special mark of the new period that is now about to be inaugurated, and which is introduced by the word holy?
26990And what now are the lessons we have to learn here for the path of Holiness?
26990And what was the first thing He did with this purpose?
26990And when the song of Moses and of the Lamb is sung by the sea of glass, it will still be,''Who shall not fear, O Lord, and glorify Thy name?
26990And where shall we take our place?
26990And wherein did it consist?
26990And wherein has He proved this, and revealed the glory of His Holiness?
26990And which shall we now choose?
26990And who receives it?
26990And why was it holy ground?
26990Are not self- denial and the forsaking of all we have, the crucifixion with Christ and the dying daily, the path to holiness?
26990Are not suffering and sorrow among God''s chosen means of sanctification?
26990Are not the promises to the broken in heart, the poor in spirit, and the mourner?
26990As often as you worship the Thrice Holy One, hearken if no voice be heard: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
26990But I trust in Thee-- art Thou not Christ my sanctification?
26990But how about the sin that cleaves to the very sacrifice and religious service itself?
26990But is not this at variance with the teaching of Scripture and the experience of the saints?
26990But is such a question needed?
26990But what avails that we have seen in Jesus that a man can be holy?
26990Child of God, have you ever realized it, our Father is calling us to Himself, to be holy as He is holy?
26990Christ sacrificed Himself-- wherein did that sacrifice consist, and what was its aim?
26990Could God have devised anything more wonderful or beautiful for such sinful, impotent creatures?
26990Didst Thou not of old meet Thy servants, and show Thyself unto them until they fell upon their faces and feared?
26990Do all God''s children understand this?
26990Have we not here a most precious lesson, leading us a step farther on in the way of holiness?
26990Have you not seen this in the 15th of John, that abiding and bearing fruit are inseparable?
26990Have you understood the right of property God has in what He has redeemed?
26990He never, as so many do, asks Paul''s question,''Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?''
26990Here is God''s provision for our holiness, God''s response to our question, How to be holy?
26990How can we''walk after the Spirit''and follow His leading, if we know not Him and His voice and His way?
26990I am now living for Jesus, and I have only to ask, Lord, what wilt Thou have done now?
26990Is it not enough, has it no attraction, does it not move and draw you mightily, the hope of being with me, partakers of my Holiness?
26990Is not our great need to know this Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, of His Holiness and of ours?
26990Is not this then what I most need-- to live entirely under the influence of the Spirit?
26990Is not what separates, what distinguishes Jesus from all others, His self- sacrificing love?
26990Let me ask every reader to say to a Holy God, whether he has indeed given himself to Him to be made holy?
26990Might it not help us if we were to write down the answer, and say how holy we think we ought to be?
26990Must we not confess that happiness has been to us more than holiness, salvation than sanctification?
26990Oh, what can it be that, with such a Thrice Holy God, His Holiness does not more cover His Church and children?
26990Or shall we not at once and for ever give up our will as sinful to His,--to that Will which He has already written on our heart?
26990Shall we attempt to accept Christ as a Saviour without accepting His will?
26990Shall we be content to go on from day to day with the painful consciousness that our will is not in harmony with God''s will?
26990Shall we not seek to be such as the Father commands,''Holy, as He is holy''?
26990Shall we profess to be the Father''s children, and yet spend our life in debating how much of His will we shall perform?
26990There is nothing so attractive as joy: have believers understood it that this is the joy of the Lord-- to be holy?
26990There need be no exhausting effort or hopeless sighing,''Who shall ascend into heaven, that is, to bring Christ down from above?''
26990To die thus, to live thus in Christ, to be holy-- how can we attain it?
26990Was not the faith of Abraham the fruit of God''s drawing near and speaking to him, the impression God made on him?
26990What avails that the Holy One is said to come so nigh?
26990What does it mean that we adore the Thrice Holy One?
26990What is goodness?
26990What manner of men ought ye to be in all the holy living?
26990What more could you desire?
26990Whether he has accepted, and entered into, and is living in, the good and perfect will of God?
26990Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?''
26990Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness?''
26990Who is like unto Thee,_ glorious in holiness_, Fearful in praises, doing wonders?
26990Will you be one?
26990Will you give it Him?
26990Will you not fall down in the dust, that He may find in you the humble heart He loves to dwell in?
26990Will you not now believe that even in you, however low and broken you feel, He doth delight to make His dwelling?
26990With such a Sanctifier, how comes it that so many seekers after holiness fail so sadly, and know so little of the joy of a holy life?
26990Would you be holy, child of God?
26990Would you have the abiding anointing?
26990You have taken God to be your God; have you really taken His will to be your will?
26990[ 13]_ The right of access._ The thought comes up, and the question is asked: Is this not simply an ideal?
26990[ 8] And where is the place of death?
26990_ He gave Himself!_ Have you caught the force of that word?
26990_ The place of access._ Whither are we invited to draw nigh?
26990among the gods?
26990and is not all this more matter of sorrow and pain than of joy and gladness?
26990are you in earnest to be holy?
26990can it be a reality, an experience in daily life to those who know how sinful their nature is?
26990do you see what holiness is, and how it is to be found?
26990glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?
26990glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?''
26990how shall I know to be holy, unless I may see Thee, the Holy One?
26990how shall I praise Thee for the liberty to enter into the Holiest of all, and dwell there?
26990is this the holiness which you are seeking?
26990or shall I be equal?
26990said Moses:''is it not in_ that Thou goest with us_?
26990who hast called us to be holy, we have heard Thy voice asking, What manner of persons we ought to be in all holy living and godliness?
26990wholly possessed of God?
26990would you be holy?
51655What end would such a repetition serve? 51655 And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? 51655 And he answering saith unto him, Thou sayest.... And Pilate again asked him, saying, Answerest thou nothing? 51655 And how came it that Origen[ 147] knew of no Gospelcurrent in the churches"in which Jesus was described as a carpenter?
51655And how many cases for such healing would naturally be presented by one small hamlet?
51655And if prudence perforce abandons that course, why was the vaguer prophecy about Jerusalem sought to be salved at all?
51655And if repeated, why should not S. Mark or S. John have told us so?"
51655And if that goes, what is left?
51655And was the evangel of John only the old evangel, preached by Pharisees and others from the time of the Maccabees onwards?
51655Are we to suppose that the rule had been left to Confucius to invent?
51655Are we to take it that regeneration of the morally dead, deaf, blind, and leprous is to be effected wholesale by a little preaching?
51655Are we, then, to believe that the"Cyrus"prediction was made at the same time?
51655But even if we allow the probable existence of many floating leaves, where is the likelihood that their sayings all came from the same Teacher?
51655But how shall rational criticism be induced to take the whole mass of quasi- vaticination as the utterance of a wandering thaumaturg of the year 30?
51655But if we give up the story of the Denial, how shall we retain those which exalt and glorify the Judaizing apostle?
51655But is he otherwise?
51655But is it a historic proposition that the short time of solitude had worked a complete transformation?
51655But on that view what historical basis have we left?
51655But why then was nothing said of the wholly unbelieving Nazareth?
51655By what right does M. Loisy extract his certitude from the prior text?
51655Can Mr. Wright, holding by the central tradition of Jesus and the twelve, believe that John had heard none of the teachings which he does not repeat?
51655Can a historical student do so?
51655Can not M. Loisy see that he has only been miracle- mongering with a difference?
51655Can they conceive that a Samaritan could so act?
51655Carlyle and Buskin abound in them; who escapes them?
51655Could he conceivably have put it aside from a preposterous humility?
51655Did the Christian community then consist wholly or mainly of these?
51655Does he then see a supreme moral inspiration in the Montanists and other Christian sectaries who set their faces against the sexual instinct?
51655Does the narrative move with the freedom and variety of life, or does it fit into a conventional, symmetrical design?
51655Does the writer''s style and method arouse the suspicion of literary artifice?
51655Dr. T. J. Thorburn, Jesus the Christ: Historical or Mythical?, p. 231.
51655For us the first question is, What did he actually predict in history, and how and why did he predict it?
51655Had he never heard of the"Come unto me"allocution?
51655Had no nameless man or woman in Greece ever urged the beauty of non- retaliation before Plato?
51655Had the rabbis, then, no conscience?
51655Had"Luke"either before him?
51655Has he forgotten the text in Malachi( ii, 14- 16), vetoing a heartless divorce?
51655How can such propositions cohere?
51655How could the coward apostle figure primarily and continuously as a pillar of the Church described?
51655If any current"scrap of paper"concerning"Jesus"or"the Lord"could thus secure canonicity, what trust is to be put in the canon?
51655If the later Christians could invent the trial and the Resurrection, what was to prevent their inventing the crucifixion?
51655If yes, why can not they conceive that a Samaritan, or another Jew than one, could put forth such a doctrine?
51655If you profess to seek a strictly impersonal principle of selection, why not apply a strictly impersonal principle of inference from the result?
51655If, again, all the healings were spiritual, what are we left with beyond the truism that sinners who did not believe were unbelieving?
51655If, on the other hand, he admits wholesale suppression in John''s case, what becomes of the argument above cited?
51655In the case put, is it likely to have been?
51655Is he not simply evading his problem?
51655Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?
51655Is it pretended that Yahweh is not sublime?
51655Is the Book of Job pretended to be historical?
51655Is the moral originality of the Gospel teaching to be established by merely ignoring all previous teaching to the same effect?
51655Is the parable then assimilated by those who stress it?
51655Is there not ground for suspicion that it was interpolated post eventum, in the Latin report?
51655Is this the kind of personality that in an eastern village would be known merely as that of"the carpenter,"or the carpenter''s son?
51655Is this"convention"or"reality"?
51655Must one say of this or that story that its reality is the reality of life, or of an art which cunningly counterfeits life?
51655Nay, if we are to elide the miraculous, how are we to let the allocution stand?
51655Or have we good reason to mistrust it as much, or even more than we had before?
51655Or was it a conscious or unconscious feeling that they were unsuited to his readers?
51655Precisely, but was the evangel of Jesus then simply the evangel of John, which it was to supersede?
51655The Gospel ethic of reciprocity, we know, was put in a saner form by Hillel; did he get it from the Jesuists?
51655Thomas James Thorburn, D.D., LL.D., in his later work Jesus the Christ: Historical or Mythical?
51655To their accredited teachers?
51655To which verdict does the independent reader begin to incline?
51655Upon what other theory can the documents be explained?
51655Was Hillel but a mouth- piece of the law?
51655Was a quite normal or commonplace personality capable of such a transfiguration in a natural sense?
51655Was their ethic a mere tradition, even when they gave out or originated the maxims of the Sermon on the Mount?
51655What can it mean?
51655What had the Teacher preached as an evangel of"the Kingdom"?
51655What kind of credit is it that is to be saved by making him the faithful chronicler of a real prophecy?
51655What kind of narrators, then, were the men who passed it over?
51655What now becomes of the two presentments of James and John?
51655What pretensions can such a theory make to be in conformity with historical principles?
51655What room is there for Gentilism here?
51655What were the alleged mighty works done elsewhere save acts of healing the sick?
51655What word?
51655What, then, are the disciples supposed to have preached?
51655What, then, had they to convey?
51655Which came first?
51655Which then are the"great"sayings that could not be thus accounted for?
51655Who can say how many other such Jewish books may not have furnished items for the compilers of the Gospels?
51655Who will say that the stern Tyndale, had he ever been in power, would not have made martyrs in his turn?
51655Why does he not?
51655Why not?
51655Why should not Mark do what Matthew and John did in the terms of the case?
51655Why was not the miracle prediction included in the Savonarola argument?
51655Why was such an item introduced at all?
51655Why were there disciples at all?
51655Why, then, was he put to death?
51655Would he have been quick to surmise that the paradox might be truth?
51655Would it have deliberately specified two Maries, each the mother of a James and a Joses, without a word of differentiation?
51655[ 114] On the traditionalist view this at least must be tolerably late; what then does the"selection"argument gain from the recovered papyri?
51655[ 124] Would it?
51655[ 128] If that interpolation be admitted, what exactly is left to fight for?
51655[ 145] If the towns which would not receive the disciples were to be testified against, what should be the fate of the hostile birthplace?
51655[ 146] But how came it that"the carpenter"of Mark is only"the carpenter''s son"in Matthew?
51655[ 224] See the brochure of Prof. R. H. Grützmacher, Ist das liberale Jesusbild modern?
51655[ 24] What else is signified by Acts iii, 18; xvii, 3?
51655[ 29] Whatever it was, what is the meaning of the repeated Gospel declaration that the nature of the Kingdom must not be explained to the people?
51655[ 95] What then were the manner and the matter of the prophecy in Luke?
27500+ Christianity not dependent on a virgin birth.+--But why hesitate about the question?
27500+ Church only exists for the sake of the kingdom.+--But how far did Jesus foresee and intend this?
27500+ Divine satisfaction in Atonement.+--But in what sense is the death of Jesus a satisfaction to the Father?
27500+ Modern industrialism and the church.+--Judged by this standard where are the churches to- day?
27500+ Origin of the idea of the church.+--Where, then, did the idea of the church come from?
27500+ Salvation and penalty.+--But does this kind of salvation do away with the penal consequences of past sin?
27500+ The Jesus of traditional theology.+--But what has traditional Christian theology to say about Jesus?
27500+ The nature of sin.+--What, then, is sin?
27500+ The real judge.+--And who, pray, is the Judge?
27500+ The reason why there was no supernatural interference.+--But is this all that can be said about the matter?
27500+ The unity of truth.+--But, someone will remonstrate, What then are we to believe?
27500+ What does the universe mean?+--But why is there a universe at all?
27500+ What the church exists for to- day.+--But what does the church exist for, using the word in its primitive sense?
27500+ What the word"God"means.+--But what name are we to give to this higher- than- self whose presence is so unescapable?
27500+ Will religious faith regain its power?+--Will this happen again?
27500Again, why should God feel Himself so much aggrieved by Adam''s peccadillo?
27500And what is love?
27500And why should it be regarded as in any real sense a substitute for what is due from us or any equivalent for what we should otherwise have to bear?
27500Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
27500Besides, why should a trivial act of transgression have sent it all wrong?
27500But did Jesus really found a church of this kind?
27500But have the churches spiritual energy enough to recover their lost position?
27500But how do ordinary church- going Christians talk about God?
27500But if popular theology concerning the last things is untrue, or at least misleading and inadequate, what is the truth?
27500But is it?
27500But seeing that they were thinking of it in this way, how did the church arise and why?
27500But then, someone will say, what has the death of Jesus effected in the unseen so as to make it possible for God to forgive us?
27500But under this view what is the exact significance of the Judgment Day and the physical Resurrection?
27500But what became of their doctrine in the face of an urgent human need and the call for self- sacrifice to supply that need?
27500But what else can we do?
27500But what is pain?
27500But what is the punishment of sin, and who administers it?
27500But what is this divine holiness?
27500But what on earth have his words to do with the birth of Jesus?
27500But why ought they to be ignored?
27500But why should it be so?
27500By eternal the ordinary Christian usually means everlasting; why should punishment be everlasting?
27500Can it recover it?
27500Could anything be more grotesque than the suggestion that the mother of Jesus should need to plead with her son to be merciful with frail humanity?
27500Do not these facts of human nature and experience tell us something about God?
27500Do we want a different set of terms or not?
27500Does anyone think that this brings Jesus down to our level?
27500Does physical science, then, imply the doctrine of the Trinity?
27500Does the self- limitation of Jesus mean that the Deity was lessened in any way during the incarnation?
27500Does this throw any light upon the mysterious appearances and disappearances of the body of Jesus?
27500For what is the nature of God?
27500For, after all, what is our life but God''s?
27500Granted that it does apply only to Jesus, what then?
27500Have I anything new to say about it?
27500How can there be anything in the universe outside of God?
27500How could it fail to be of absorbing interest?
27500How does Salvation stand related to punishment and judgment?
27500How much can we really know about Him?
27500How shall we sing the Lord''s song in a strange land?
27500How would any of us have felt in the circumstances of Jesus?
27500If Salvation is first and foremost deliverance from this punishment, how is it that it does not take effect immediately?
27500If not, what is its relation to them?
27500If not, where was it?
27500If not, why not?
27500If you go and live over a sewer, you will be ill. Why?
27500Indeed without the limitation, the struggle, and the pain, how would this Christ spirit ever have known itself?
27500Indeed, how can they be ignored?
27500Now what is our relation to this process?
27500Now what is this subconscious mind whose importance is so great and of whose nature we know so little?
27500Precisely, but what are you except your thought?
27500Semitic Ideas of Atonement++ Atonement in history.+--What, then, has this death to do with the Atonement?
27500Should we be likely to forget that if we had ever formed part of such a procession of prisoners of war?
27500Some years ago a book was published which bore on the title- page the question,"What would Jesus do?"
27500Suppose the Christian church enjoined or permitted rape and murder, would the devout Catholic believe and obey?
27500Thus to the question, Why a finite universe?
27500Was it really so?
27500Was the full consciousness of the eternal Word present in the babe of Bethlehem, for instance?
27500Was the whole dreadful drama merely a programme to be gone through in all its appointed stages, ending with the cry of the victim,"It is finished"?
27500What are we to say about this?
27500What are we to think about ourselves?
27500What are we to understand by Heaven and Hell, and what is the bearing of either upon Salvation and Judgment?
27500What can it all mean, if indeed it has a meaning?
27500What did it matter?
27500What had Jesus to do with it originally?
27500What has Death to do with the matter?
27500What has the genealogy of Joseph got to do with the birth of Jesus if Jesus were not his own son?
27500What is it that is slowly winning the world from its selfishness to- day and lifting it gradually into the higher, purer atmosphere of universal love?
27500What is the Church?
27500What is the Judgment and when does it take effect?
27500What is the Kingdom of God, and how do the various Christian societies which call themselves churches stand in regard to it to- day?
27500What is the justification for all the vast number of Christian organisations which exist throughout the world?
27500What is the moral ideal but love?
27500What is the physical but the common denominator between one finite mind and another?
27500What kind of a universe would it be then?
27500What other kind of substance can there be?
27500What ought it to exist for to- day?
27500What sensible man really believes in these notions as popularly assumed and presented, and what have they to do with Christianity?
27500What value does He possess for the religious consciousness to- day?
27500What was the need for the long cosmic struggle, the ignorance and pain, the apparently prodigal waste of life and beauty?
27500When a heathen mother passed her child through the fire to Moloch, did the sacrifice cost her nothing?
27500Where did the idea spring from?
27500Where does God come in?
27500Where has it gone?
27500Where is the remedy to be found?
27500Where, then, someone will say, is the dividing line between our being and God''s?
27500Which will win in this encounter?
27500Who but yourself?
27500Who is offended and I burn not?"
27500Who or what are we?
27500Who or what was Jesus?
27500Why does a perfect form appear only to be shattered and superseded by another?
27500Why does the man of business spend so many hours in his office in the effort to make money?
27500Why has the memory of it actually become a religious dogma?
27500Why has the unlimited become limited?
27500Why in the world should God require such a sacrifice before feeling Himself free to forgive His erring children?
27500Why is this?
27500Why should the consequences continue through countless generations?
27500Why should we be afraid of trusting the human soul to recognise and respond to its own truth?
27500Why should we not apply it all the way round?
27500Why should we not speak in a similar way about any other human consciousness?
27500Why should we require to be saved from Him?
27500Why was a crime of this sort ever permitted?
27500Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
27500Will you tell me where to look for the focus and centre of that ideal?
27500With what God have we to do except the God who is eternally man?
27500Yes, but suppose it did, would he obey?
27500shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?
27500shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
10955( 2) Are they quotations from our Gospels?
10955( the fig- tree, as the Jewish people?
10955), but there still remains the coincidence in regard to[ Greek: exoteron](?)
10955***** At the outset the question will occur to us, On what principle is the enquiry to be conducted?
10955...[ 23] Quid est facilius dicere, Dimittuntur tibi peccata, an dicere, Surge et ambula?
1095511._ What then are the precepts in which we are instructed?
109552( Heb.?)
109552.21,|from memory?
1095531- 35( the prophet in Jerusalem), the prodigal son( perhaps?
109557,''Who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flaming fire''?
10955Again, if the Matthaean sections represent a substantive work, how are we to account for the strange intrusion of the triple synopsis into the double?
10955And his disciples asked him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?
10955And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?
10955Aphrones ouch ho poiaesas to exothen kai to esothen epoiaese?]
10955Are we able to reconstruct that Gospel from the materials available to us with any tolerable or sufficient approach to accuracy?
10955Are we, then, to think that our English critic has shown cause for reopening the discussion?
10955At this point Dr. Keim comes upon the scene, and he asks the question, Was Lucian''s friend really an Epicurean?
10955But also, on the other hand:--''Where''s The gain?
10955But by what standard does he judge?
10955But now we come to the question, was Tatian''s work really a Harmony of our four Gospels?
10955But the moment we begin to meet both parties half way, there comes in that crucial question: Why do you accept just so much and no more?
10955But to what date does this evidence of Irenaeus refer?
10955But what is this to the point?
10955But, if the matter common to Matthew and Luke consists of discourse, may it not be these very[ Greek: logia] that Papias speaks of?
10955Does his statement accord any better with the phenomena of the first Gospel?
10955Does it mean''be born_ over again_,''like Justin''s[ Greek: anagennaethaete]?
10955Does not this almost at once exclude the idea that they can be independent works?
10955Does this agree with the facts of the Gospel as it appears to us now?
10955Dogmengesch._ p. 74( p. 82_ S.R._?).
10955First cut the liquefaction, what comes last But Fichte''s clever cut at God himself?''
10955For if ye love, he says, them which love and lend to them which lend to you, what reward shall ye have?
10955For if ye shall love them which love you, what reward have ye?
10955Have St. Paul and Justin both a variant text of the LXX, or is Justin quoting mediately through St. Paul?
10955Himself; also the cry of despair,''My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?''
10955How do they come to be so like and yet so different as they are?
10955How do they come to be so strangely broken up?
10955If Justin''s version were correct, whence did the Clementines get the[ Greek: hudati zonti k.t.l.]?
10955If Ultramontanism is true, how is it that so many wise and good men openly avow Secularism?
10955In the Greek or Vossian version of the Epistle it is expanded,''How then was He manifested to the ages?
10955Is it likely that he would have cut down a document previously existing?
10955Is it to these that Papias alludes?
10955Is the Epistle which purports to have been written by Polycarp to the Philippians to be accepted as genuine?
10955Is this fragment of Apollinaris genuine?
10955It would have been a far more profitable enquiry if the author had asked himself, What is Revelation?
10955Luke v. 33- 35:[ 33] At illi dixerunt ad eum, Quare discipuli Johannis jejunant frequenter et obsecrationes faciunt,... tui autem edunt et bibunt?
10955Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old?
10955Now the question arises, What is the origin of this phenomenon of double resemblance?
10955Now what are we to say to these phenomena?
10955Now what is the bearing of the Epistle of Clement upon the question of the currency and authority of the Synoptic Gospels?
10955Of Justin''s readings in this verse[ Greek: hupagete] for[ Greek: poreuesthe] is found also in[ Hebrew:?]
10955Or, has he ever estimated its extent?
10955Or, is it not possible that the converse may be true, and that Marcion''s Gospel was the original and ours an interpolated version?
10955Still the author of''Supernatural Religion''is, no doubt, justified in raising the question, Did miracles really happen?
10955Supposing, for the moment, that the author has proved the points that he sets himself to prove, to what will this amount?
10955The main questions that arise in regard to Basilides are two:( 1) Are the quotations supposed to be made by him really his?
10955The next passage that appears to be quotation occurs in the account of the death of James the Just;''Why do ye ask me concerning Jesus the Son of Man?
10955The question is easy to ask and difficult to answer-- If our St. Mark does not represent the original form of the document, what does represent it?
10955The reference in the note to Bleek,_ Einl._ p. 637( and Ewald?
10955They do so in most things: why should they not in the highest matters of all?
10955Unde autem et Joannes venit in medium?...
10955Venit(=[ Greek: aelthen] for[ Greek: gegonen]), with D( Tregelles),[ also a, b, l, n(?
10955Was the change first introduced into the text of the New Testament?
10955We can all feel the self- evidential force of the Gospel story; but who shall present it adequately in words?
10955What evidence could be more sufficient?
10955What is the ground for this reasoning?
10955What sort of rule or standard are we to assume?
10955Whence, he says, came the light?
10955Why do you deny just so much and no more?
10955Yet what do we see after a lapse of a hundred and forty years?
10955[ 170:1] So Tregelles expressly(_ Introduction_, p. 240), after Wiseman; Scrivener(_ Introd._, p. 308) adds(?
10955[ 21] Et coeperunt cogitare Scribae et Pharisaei, dicentes, Quis est hic qui loquitur blasphemias?
10955[ 34] Quibus ipse ait, Numquid potestis filios sponsi dum cum illis est sponsus facere jejunare?
10955[ Greek: Hopos plaerothe to rhaethen dia[ Haesaiou?]
10955[ Greek: Tis ara estin ho pistos oikonomos kai phronimos, hon katastaesei ho kurios epi taes therapeias autou, tou didonai en kairo to sitometrion?
10955by a heavenly, divine, regeneration?
10955can he enter a second time into his mother''s womb, and be born?
10955how can we guard our unbelief?
10955i. p. 253), whose argument on this head is not indeed quite clear?]
10955if the Clementine, then whence did Justin get the misconception of Nicodemus?
10955or if such evidence is to be discarded, what evidence are we to accept?
10955or versions but in Justin( approximately), Clement of Alexandria, and several Latin Fathers?
10955or, have we reason for thinking that he would be scrupulous in keeping such a document intact?
10955quis potest dimittere peccata nisi solus deus?
10955| c.140?
10955| combination||| from memory?
10955|Nineteen pseudo-| c.160?
10955|different version?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|from memory?
10955|| III.11.8, John||| 1.1- 3(?).
10955||divergent from| 1- 7( Heb.?)
10955||from memory?
10955||| do the last 13(?).
10955||| similarly; from||| memory?
10955||| words belong||| to the||C| quotation?
10955||||Old Syriac| c.160?
10955|} Book?
10955|} Ezekiel?
10955|} from memory?
10955|} from memory?
10955|} from memory?
10955|} from memory?
10955|}from memory?
10955|}from memory?
10955|}from memory?
32006''Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?
32006''Do I not fill heaven and earth?
32006''He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?
32006''Is it not just possible that there is a mode of being as much transcending Intelligence and Will as these transcend mechanical motion?
32006''Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
32006''What do I see in all{ 78} Nature?''
32006''What if some did not believe?
32006''What if some do not believe?
32006''What think ye of Christ?
32006''When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou art mindful of him?
32006''Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?
32006''[ 12] What shall we say to these accusations?
32006''[ 13] Where these distinctions are lost, where this confusion exists, what logically must be the consequence?
32006''[ 15] But is this to admit that the hope of the world lies in renouncing Christianity?
32006''[ 9] What are the facts?
32006''_ What then have I gained in these nine foundation pillars_?
32006--GOLDWIN SMITH:_ Guesses at the Riddle of Existence_(''Is There Another Life?'').
32006And the Abyss shouts from her depth laid bare''Heaven, hast thou secrets?
32006And where else should God dwell than in the human heart?
32006Are we to believe, it is asked, that only the comparatively few to whom the knowledge of Jesus Christ has come can possibly be accepted of the Father?
32006Are we to_ worship_ the self- ideality?
32006Bousset, W.,_ Jesus; What is Religion?
32006But we can not help also asking,''Whence have you drawn those lofty ideas?
32006But what does this prove with regard to Christianity?
32006But what is meant by Personality?
32006But what is the All, or the Good, or the True, or the Beautiful?
32006But what is the superstructure which Dr. Stanton Coit proceeds to build upon this foundation?
32006But what is to prevent the withdrawal of the traditional sanction from producing its natural effect upon the morality of the mass of mankind?
32006Can there be any doubt, we are triumphantly asked, that of these two, the religious is inferior to the irreligious?
32006Could anything be more pathetic or, at the same time, more self- refuting?
32006Does it in the least degree indicate that the masses of the European nations have weighed Christianity in the balance and found it wanting?
32006Drawbridge, C. L.,_ Is Religion Undermined_?
32006For who hath{ 90} known the mind of the Lord?
32006Gladden, Washington,_ How Much is Left of the Old Doctrines_?
32006HUNT, B.D.,_ Good without God: Is it Possible_?
32006Harnack, Adolf,_ What is Christianity?
32006Have we not reason to confess that, if the commandment be not new, universal obedience to it would be new indeed?
32006How can I look up to myself as the higher that reproaches me?
32006How can any one meaning be affixed to the word so that one person can be said to use it properly and another to abuse it?
32006How can anything be greater than the Infinite, more enduring than the Eternal, better than the All- Pure and All- Perfect?
32006How can he in any way combine these people into a single object of thought?
32006How far are these semblances, these battles in the clouds, to carry their mimicry of reality?
32006IV In the face of such tremendous indictments, what is the duty incumbent on us who profess and call ourselves Christians?
32006If God be such, and our relations to God be such, as Theists describe, would not that Son of Man be the confirmation of their thoughts?
32006Is God not Infinite?
32006Is it not the fact that the whole realm of Nature is explored by him, is compelled to minister to his wants or to unfold its treasures of knowledge?
32006Leaving the name of our Lord out of the discussion, why should a prayer to Serenity have more moral influence than a prayer to the Sea?
32006Monod, Wilfrid,_ Aux Croyants et aux Athà © es; Peut- on rester Chrà © tien_?
32006Now it is Lord Tennyson: The sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the hills and the plains, Are not these, O Soul, the vision of Him Who reigns?
32006One in a certain place testified, saying,''What is man, that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou visitest him?
32006Sen, Keshub Chunder, India asks,_ Who is Christ_?
32006So we persist in asking, not"Is it true?
32006The comment is eminently just, but does it not apply with equal force to Miss Cobbe herself?
32006Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go?
32006They believe in God: why should it, on their own showing, be so hard to believe in Christ?
32006They have a pantheistic tinge: what is there to dread in Pantheism?
32006Warschauer, J.,_ The New Evangel; Jesus: Seven Questions; Anti- Nunquam; Jesus or Christ?_ Watkinson, W. L.,_ Influence of Scepticism on Character_.
32006Was Earth too small to be of God created?
32006What can any one definitely assert or deny about it?
32006What has human law to do with our hearts?
32006What is the explanation of the horrors which have been perpetrated in the Name of God?
32006What legislation can deal with''envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness,''unless they manifest themselves in outward acts?
32006When the sceptical physician, in Tennyson''s poem, murmured:''The good Lord Jesus has had his day,''{ 213} the believing nurse made the comment:''Had?
32006Whether of them twain did the will of his father?
32006Why is Christianity after all these centuries only beginning to be manifested?
32006Why should a prayer to the Stars be less efficacious than a prayer to Milton, whose soul was like a star and dwelt apart?
32006Why then too small to be redeemed?
32006Would He Himself not be the radiant illustration, the eagerly longed for proof of the truth for which they contend?
32006Would not His testimony be of infinite value on their side?
32006Yet where rather should the weak rest than on the strong, the creature of the day than on the Eternal, the imperfect than on the Centre of Perfection?
32006[ 15] Can it be doubted that the claim of Humanity to worship is less credible if we exclude the Perfect Man, Christ Jesus, from our view?
32006_ Do we Believe_?
32006_ Is Christianity True_?
32006and so through all the drama of moral conflict and enthusiasm between myself in a mask and myself in_ propria persona_?
32006and the son of man that Thou visitest him?
32006and they, too, seem to be infinite in their cravings: who but He can satisfy them?
32006ask forgiveness from myself for sins which myself has committed?
32006but,"What say the learned men, the influential men, the eloquent men?"
32006can only, with heartfelt conviction, give the answer,''Lord, to whom shall we go?
32006has it come?
32006issue commands to myself which I dare not disobey?
32006or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?''
32006or who hath been His counsellor?
32006or who hath first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed unto Him again?
32006or,"Has the Lord said it?"
32006shall their unbelief make the faith of God of none effect?
32006shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?''
32006surrender to myself with a martyr''s sacrifice?
32006that in confining ourselves to the seen and the temporal, we shall best elevate mankind?
32006to trust in sorrow a creature of thought which is but a phenomenon of sorrow?
32006to_ pray_ to an empty image in the air?
32006true to our souls?"
32006{ 230} APPENDIX X''Without prejudice, what would be the effect upon modern civilisation if the Divine Ideal should vanish from modern thought?
32006{ 262} Picard, L''Abbà ©,_ Christianity or Agnosticism?
32006{ 64} III THE RELIGION OF THE UNIVERSE''Whither shall I go from Thy spirit?
30882What do you do?
30882What is it all,we say,"but a trouble of ants in the gleam of a million million of suns?"
30882After all, is it a greater miracle that consciousness should exist_ de_tached from matter than that it should exist_ at_tached to matter?
30882And approbation?
30882And does not this lend a strange fascination to the adventure of life?
30882And how does he effect his purposes?
30882And now comes the question, What does God do?
30882And what are the grounds of that reconcilement?
30882And what if, for contents and malcontents alike, he had an uncovenanted bonus up his sleeve?
30882And what is this"racial adventure"?
30882And what of the great selflessnesses?
30882And what shall we say, for example, of the case of a young biologist who dies of blood- poisoning on the eve of a great and beneficent discovery?
30882And, even if this point could be granted, where is the organizing power?
30882Besides, when we come to think of it, why this prejudice against miracles?
30882But have we any use for a God who can teach us nothing?
30882But is Mr. Wells, on his side, quite courteous, or even quite fair, to the Veiled Being?
30882But is it not a phenomenon of a new and perhaps an epoch- marking order?
30882But is it really, to our Western sense, a misfortune to be a masterless man?
30882But is that any reason why an intelligent Power should be unable to devise a really helpful miracle?
30882But is the glamour of his name quite what it once was?
30882But seriously, is any conceivable sort of theocracy a desirable ideal?
30882But where are the men and women who feel the immortality of God, however we define or construct him, a rich compensation for their own mortality?
30882But why this irony?
30882But will they understand if you tell them that we triumph over the grave because God dies with us and yet never dies?
30882CONTENTS I The Great Adventurer 1 II A God Who"Growed"3 III New Myths for Old 8 IV The Apostle''s Creed 32 V When Is a God Not a God?
30882Can any thinking man say that the world is quite the same to him since the invention of wireless telegraphy?
30882Can it be that, hurried or tired out, The hand of the juggler shook?
30882Can it minister any substantial comfort or fortification to the normal man in the moment of peril or agony?
30882Can there be any doubt that the Bishop was either telling-- well, not the truth-- or shamelessly playing with words?
30882Can we beat into a ploughshare the sword of St. Bartholomew, and a thousand other deeds of horror?
30882Can we view his action with approval, even with gratitude?
30882Could the world have been appreciably worse off without it?
30882Did Buddha,''neath the bo- tree''s shade, Learn how the stars were poised and swayed?
30882Did Jesus still pain''s raging storm, And dower the world with chloroform?
30882Does Mr. Wells know his modern Englishmen or Anglo- Americans?
30882Does the healthy human spirit suffer from having no one to bow down to, no one to relieve it of the burden of choice, responsibility, self- control?
30882Does this seem a concession to obscurantism?
30882For is not Mr. Wells the great Adventurer of latter- day literature?
30882From what, then, are you saved?
30882Has he himself always kept to it?
30882Has revelation e''er revealed Aught from its age and hour concealed?
30882Has there been any voluntary"slaying of self"on so huge a scale since the world began?
30882Have we not in such an experience an irrefutable proof of the inefficacy of Mr. Britling''s God?
30882He is only concerned to disentangle it a little, to reduce the chaos of the world to some sort of seemliness and order"?
30882How can one worship an insoluble problem?
30882I am proud to think that Mr. Wells and I are soldiers in the same army; ought we not at all costs to maintain a united front?
30882I am simply asking:"Will they work?"
30882I asked,"with the stumps of the trees you fell?
30882I can not but think that the poet got nearer the heart of the matter who wrote:-- Was Moses upon Sinai taught How Sinai''s mighty ribs were wrought?
30882If it did exist, and made the world an appreciably better place to live in, why should we grudge it a few miracles?
30882If we accept this hypothesis, can we acquit the Artificer of wanton cruelty?
30882In that case the Scottish Catechism would be justified, which asks"What is the chief end of man?"
30882Is God only a luxury for the intellectually wealthy?
30882Is he a helpful or a detrimental"synthesis"?
30882Is he outside that causal plexus, self- begotten, self- existent?
30882Is it necessary to protest once more that this assurance of progress towards the good is not to be confounded with optimism?
30882Is it not Mr. Wells''s endeavour in this very book to claim our devotion for the all- embracing and ultimate ideal-- the human race?
30882Is it not as though a ventriloquist were to prostrate himself before his own puppet?
30882Is it possible thus to dissociate him from the Veiled Being, and proclaim him an independent, an agnostic God?
30882Is it possible to deodorize a word which comes to us redolent of"good, thick stupefying incense- smoke,"mingled with the reek of the auto- da- fé?
30882Is it wise or kind to seek to impose on the future an endless struggle with its sinister ambiguities?
30882Is not this a case in which the modern God might with advantage have swerved from his principles and( for once) played the part of Providence?
30882Is there any more substantial solace in it than in the"Oh, may I join the Choir Invisible"aspiration of mid- nineteenth- century positivism?
30882Is there any real escape from the fact that for each of us the one thing that actually exists is our individual consciousness?
30882Is this an optimistic statement?
30882It may be, for example, that the elimination of Pain would only leave a vacuum for Tedium to rush in; but how are we to decide this_ à priori_?
30882May it not be that the time has come to give the name of God a rest?
30882Nay, may it not be said that my criticism of_ God the Invisible King_ is a breach of discipline, like duelling in the face of the enemy?
30882Or Mahomet a jehad decree''Gainst microbe- harboring gnat and flea?
30882Or are we to regard God as the Viceroy of the Veiled Being, to whom, in that case, our ultimate allegiance is due?
30882Or can it be restored to its pristine potency?
30882Or miracle, since time began, Conferred a single boon on Man?
30882Or only the last of a thousand Dr. Cooks?
30882Or, for that matter, what has he been doing since July, 1870?
30882Or, to put the same question in more general terms, is it wise of Mr. Wells to make such play with the word"God"?
30882Ought one not rather to hold one''s peace than to afford the common enemy the encouragement of witnessing a squabble in the ranks?
30882Perhaps I am on the verge of extinction-- if so, what does it all matter?
30882Perhaps to ask"When?"
30882Short of this, however, is no other simplification possible?
30882The God who can work upon the human mind has the key to the situation in his hands-- why, then, does he make such scant use of it?
30882The champagne of the spiritual life?
30882The doctrines of"the modern religion"may give us a new motive for living; but how can they at the same time diminish our distaste for dying?
30882To what, now, does all this amount?
30882Was Mr. Wells to be the Peary of the great quest?
30882Was ever there such a sight in the world?
30882Were we on the brink of another and much more momentous discovery?
30882What about kneeling through the C Minor Symphony?
30882What does he aim at?
30882What if it should be given him to sign his name to the first truly- projected chart of the scheme of things?"
30882What of the ideal loyalties?
30882What was the Invisible King about when that catastrophe happened?
30882What, then, does he tell us of his God?
30882What, then, has the Invisible King made of his opportunities?
30882What, then, is"faith"in this context?
30882When all is said and done, is there not more hope, more solace, in an enigma than in a_ façon de parler_?
30882Where do you guess he learned the trick To hold us gaping here, Till our minds in the spell of his maze almost Have forgotten the time of year?
30882Where is the God( as Mr. Zangwill has pertinently enquired) who will give us a cure for cancer?
30882Where the passion of a battle if its issue were foreknown?
30882Where was the Invisible King in July, 1914?
30882Where would be the interest of a race if its result were a foregone conclusion?
30882Which of the other Gods who have announced themselves from time to time has found such a megaphone to reverberate his voice?
30882While you lurk obstinately behind that veil, how can I even know that your political views are sound?
30882Why are order, justice, courage, humanity good?
30882Why is England more than the mere rocks of which it is composed?
30882Why is Mr. Wells so sternly opposed to the bare idea of Providence?
30882Why is a regiment more than a mob?
30882Why is a temple more than a heap of stones?
30882Why is egoism evil?
30882Why seek to revive and rehabilitate a word of such a dismal connotation?
30882Why should we trouble about vastness-- mere extension in space?
30882Will Mr. Wells succeed any better?
30882Will an enigma die with me in a reeling aeroplane?
30882Would not this have been a good occasion for a similar exercise of urbanity?
30882Yet why he disposed to twit A fellow who does such wonderful things With the merest lack of wit?
30882or at any rate tempt the weaker brethren to do so?
30882who has to be taught by us before he can do anything worth mentioning?
19087Are n''t you going to speak to me?
19087Are you the One who was to come,they asked,"or must we look for somebody else?"
19087Ask him,said John,"''Are you or are you not the Messiah?''"
19087But do you know what happened? 19087 Do n''t you know that I can crucify you or let you go?"
19087How is it,they asked,"that your master eats and drinks with publicans and sinners?"
19087If any one of you owned a sheep, and it fell into a pit on the Sabbath, would n''t you lift it out? 19087 My brothers?"
19087My mother?
19087Shall I crucify your king?
19087The Messiah? 19087 Then these people will be surprised, and say,''Lord when did we ever do anything for you?''
19087What can it be?
19087What have I to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? 19087 What have I to do with you, Jesus?
19087What is it?
19087What is it?
19087What is there we can do?
19087What shall we do?
19087What things?
19087What will you give me,Judas said,"if I turn Jesus over to you?"
19087When will he come?
19087When will he come?
19087Where did Jesus get all that food?
19087Where did all this food come from?
19087Where did the angel say?
19087Where do they say the Messiah will be born?
19087Who does he think he is?
19087Who is this?
19087Who will roll the stone away?
19087Why are we waiting here? 19087 Why are you making all this fuss?"
19087Why did you do this?
19087Why should n''t they eat and feast and be merry?
19087Will he come in five years? 19087 Yes, Rabbi?"
19087A new king of the Jews?
19087And do n''t you think that a man is worth more than a sheep?
19087And while they stood there, not daring to believe that Jesus was alive, he said,"Have you anything here to eat?"
19087Are n''t you afraid to talk that way?
19087Are n''t you going to defend yourself?"
19087Are you not more important than birds?
19087As they looked, they heard voices saying:"You men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into the sky?
19087As they walked along the street, with people pressing in on them from every side, Jesus suddenly stopped and said,"Who touched my clothes?"
19087Barabbas the murderer or Jesus who is called the Christ?"
19087But always it turned out to be a mistake, and the Jews would be disappointed, and shake their heads, and say,"Will he ever come?"
19087But how far will that go among five thousand people?"
19087But the other thief spoke out of his pain:"Do n''t you fear God, seeing that we are all going to die?
19087But what use would it be to speak to someone who was dead?
19087But what was the best way to prove that he was the Messiah?
19087But which way would they go from there?
19087Caiaphas tore his own clothes in anger, and shouted:"Why do we need any more witnesses?
19087Could he mean that_ he_ was the Messiah?
19087Could n''t you stay with me for one short hour?
19087Did they never think of anything except their stomachs?
19087Do n''t you know that I must be looking after my Father''s business?"
19087Do n''t you see that the Messiah had to suffer this way in order to be King?"
19087Each one cried out:"Master, is it I?"
19087For whom are you looking?"
19087Had Jesus not once told them,"The dead hear my voice"?
19087Had he been wrong in thinking that Jesus was the Messiah?
19087Had n''t you better send them away to find something to eat in the towns near by?
19087Have you come to destroy me?
19087He came and kneeled before Jesus, and said,"Good Master, what should I do in order to have eternal life?"
19087He said to them:"Who do people say that I am?"
19087He said:"Who ever heard of anyone opening the eyes of the blind since the world began?
19087He said:"Why did you come to look for me?
19087He spoke again to the crowd,"Well, what shall I do to Jesus who is called the Christ?"
19087He spoke to her, and said:"Why are you crying?
19087He wanted an argument which would give him a chance to show how much he knew, so he came and asked Jesus,"What should I do to have eternal life?"
19087His name?
19087His voice broke in upon their sleep:"Are you still sleeping?
19087How can you escape the punishment which God is bringing upon you?"
19087How could anyone help hating those rough Roman soldiers, who often came along and made Jews carry their packs for them?
19087How could he be sure to find the right one?
19087How could he have made me see, if he had n''t come from God?"
19087How could he live without his money?
19087How did he know that God would look after him if he did not take care of himself?
19087How did the words go?
19087How is it that you still have n''t any faith in me?"
19087How should I begin?_ There was nothing to eat in the wilderness, and Jesus grew hungry.
19087How would they ever find one boy among all those thousands of people?
19087If God clothes the flowers of the field, which are here today and gone tomorrow, will he not clothe you?
19087It sounded to the lawyer as though Jesus were saying,"If you knew all along, why did you need to ask me in the first place?"
19087Jesus answered,"Well, friend-- what have you come to do?"
19087Jesus answered,"What does it say in the Law?"
19087Jesus answered:"Do you know what you are saying when you call me''Good Master''?
19087Jesus cried out,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
19087Jesus said to him,"What is your name?"
19087Jesus said to the twelve, who had been with him from the beginning:"Are you going to leave me too?"
19087Jesus said,"Whose picture is that?"
19087Jesus spoke to the disciples:"Why were you so frightened?
19087Judas spoke up and said,"Why was not this ointment sold, and the money given to the poor?"
19087Now tell me-- which of those two men will love the moneylender most?"
19087On the way home from the synagogue they asked each other,"What kind of preaching is this, which makes a madman well again?"
19087Once they came and asked,"Should we pay taxes to the Romans?"
19087One day Peter came to him and asked:"Lord, if somebody keeps on doing wrong to me, how many times should I forgive him?
19087Or could they hear him?
19087Or is he already on his way?"
19087Peter answered:"Lord, where would we go?
19087Pilate said to Jesus,"Well, are you the King of the Jews?"
19087Pilate spoke to Jesus again, and said:"Are n''t you going to say anything?
19087Seven times, perhaps?"
19087Should they go straight south through Samaria?
19087That very night God said to him,''You fool, you are going to die tonight; and what good are your crops and your money going to be to you then?''
19087That would prove that you were n''t the Messiah, would n''t it?_"Jesus shook his head, to get rid of the thought.
19087The Messiah was really here?
19087The Scripture had come true?
19087The high priest spoke again:"In the name of the living God I ask you: Are you the Christ-- the Messiah-- the Son of God?"
19087The lawyer thought that he would get the better of Jesus, so he replied,"Well, just who is the neighbor that I am supposed to love?"
19087The maid looked at Peter and said,"You were with Jesus, were n''t you?"
19087The next day some of the rulers came to Jesus and said:"What right have you to do these things?
19087The stranger said,"What is it that you are talking about?"
19087Then Jesus turned to the crowd of soldiers, and said:"Have you come to arrest me with swords and clubs, as though I were a robber?
19087Then the Wise Men asked:[ Illustration]"Where is the newborn King of the Jews?
19087They said to each other,"Did n''t you have a strange feeling, as he talked to us along the road and explained the Scriptures?"
19087They said to him:"Why, do n''t you see the crowd?
19087They said to one another:"What kind of man is this?
19087They said,"If there is n''t any hope even for rich people, is there any hope for_ anybody_?"
19087They said:"Do you mean that you want us to go and buy food for all these people?
19087They said:"Who is this who is talking as if he were God?
19087They shouted at him,"Master, does n''t it matter to you if we are all drowned?"
19087They will say:''Lord, when did we ever see you hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or in prison?
19087What could be better than to save somebody from an evil life?
19087What could have happened to Jesus?
19087What do you mean by asking,''Who touched my clothes?''"
19087What do you think about it?"
19087What have I to do with the Son of the most high God?
19087What is it that has happened?"
19087What is it that is wrong with me?"
19087What right has he to forgive anybody''s sins?"
19087What was good about having nothing?
19087What was it that the devil had said?
19087What was the use of following Jesus if they were all to be drowned?
19087What would become of him in Jerusalem?
19087What would the Roman governor say if he heard that there was someone in Jerusalem pretending to be King of the Jews?
19087When Jesus heard of this, he went and found the man who had been blind, and asked him,"Do you believe that I am the Son of God?"
19087When John the Baptist used to preach to you and baptize people, who gave him the right to do that?"
19087Where was Jesus?
19087Where would we get enough money for that?"
19087Which of them was a real neighbor to the man who was robbed?"
19087Which one shall I let go?
19087Which would you rather do-- sit down to a dinner and have your food brought to you, or bring the food for somebody else?
19087Who can forgive sins, except God himself?"
19087Who except the Messiah would dare to talk that way to Pharisees and Sadducees?
19087Who told you that you could act like this?"
19087Why am I staying here?''
19087Why do you think you ought to get any special favors from God?"
19087Why should there be any trouble about it?
19087Would he not leave the other ninety- nine, and go after the lost sheep until he found it?
19087Would n''t she light a candle and sweep the floor and look everywhere until she found it?
19087Would they actually let a man suffer one day more than was necessary?
19087Would they ever get there?
19087[ Illustration]"But who do_ you_ say that I am?"
19087_ What kind of man is this?_ they thought.
19087_ What kind of power does he have?_[ Illustration] They were so worried about what Jesus might do next that they asked him to leave the country.
19087next year?
50349Adam, where art thou?
50349Ah? 50349 And he cometh unto the disciples and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?"
50349Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? 50349 Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd?"
50349For what,say they,"hath man of all his labor, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath labored under the sun?
50349For who is a God, save the Lord? 50349 Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?
50349He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things?
50349How shall I give thee up?
50349How shall I put thee among the children?
50349I love to own, Lord Jesus, Thy claims o''er me and mine; Bought with thy blood most precious, Whose can I be but_ thine_?
50349If God be for us, who can be against us?
50349Lavish,did I say?
50349Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? 50349 No rock?"
50349Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth? 50349 Where is the promise of his coming?"
50349Wherefore doth a living man complain?
50349Who touched me?
50349Who will seek and save these wanderers?
50349Whom have I in heaven but thee? 50349 Yes,"we hear you saying,"this is comforting for Christians, but am I a Christian?
50349_ Only_ a prayer- meeting,do you say?
50349''Whereby shall I know that I shall inherit the land?''
50349And is he absorbed by this homage?
50349And what are these good things for which the Christian is willing to wait?
50349And what is implied in this willing heart and mind but full consecration?
50349And when we hear the voice of our Beloved, can we be indifferent to his love?
50349And why does he come?
50349Are the days dark?
50349Are there not many signs to prove to you that you are in Christ?
50349Are they not goodly stones?
50349Are we going into eternity?
50349Are we in trouble?
50349Are we in want of anything?
50349Are we seeking happiness?
50349Are we sick?
50349Are we sinners?
50349Are we soldiers?
50349Are you in danger from the darts of the adversary?
50349Are you in trouble?
50349Are you sick?
50349Are you weary?
50349As we meditate upon it we seem to hear the Saviour saying,"Lovest thou me?"
50349But do we not often forget the condition of this promise?
50349Can there be anything more simple and beautiful and perfect than this?
50349Can we be contented in sickness, in sorrow and in poverty?
50349Can you remain ignorant of so great a change wrought within by the Spirit?
50349Christ,"the first- fruits of them that slept,"is risen; then how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?
50349Could no hand restore what in one dark hour had been lost?
50349Did they watch?
50349Do friends forsake and foes oppress you?
50349Do we need strength?
50349Do we not make the promise void by our unworthy walking?
50349Do you not believe and know that a change has passed over all your feelings and affections?
50349Do you not find some pleasure in drawing near to God in prayer?
50349Do you not love all who bear the Saviour''s image?
50349Do you not love the things you once hated and hate the things you once loved?
50349Do you understand these words of the Master?
50349Does not this journey remind us of some of the days of our pilgrimage?
50349Does the desert sun beat hot upon your head and the desert sand scorch your pilgrim feet?
50349Have I then nothing to give?
50349Have you ever noticed the old grave stones in some English burial- garden?
50349Have you not sometimes been surprised by the blessed and abundant answer to prayer which you have received?
50349How can you account for this?
50349How can you bear the test?
50349How could he call all these afflictions light?
50349How could the just and holy God justify the sinner?
50349How did he walk?
50349How shall we solve this seeming contradiction?
50349If Paul could call his calamities"light,"surely we may; for what are our trials when compared with his?
50349If at one time it may be enjoyed, why not at all times?
50349If secret prayer was necessary for the Master, is it not more needful for you?
50349If the Lord has forgiven and forgotten them, why not rejoice in this wonderful token of his love toward you?
50349If this assurance is attainable by one, why not by all?
50349Is he not a perfect Redeemer?
50349Is it any wonder that his elder brother chided him and that Goliath disdained him?
50349Is it no uncommon thing for you to suffer hunger, cold and weariness?
50349Is it not a tried stone?
50349Is it not better to have our portion appointed by God?
50349Is not his"a more excellent way?"
50349Is not sin odious to you?
50349Is not the thought of continuing in sin painful to you?
50349Is poverty your portion?
50349Is there no friend whose sympathy is deep, ever abiding and ever accessible?
50349Is this your sad lament?
50349Looking up at the twelve silver statues in Yorkminster cathedral, Oliver Cromwell asked,"Who are those expensive fellows up there?"
50349Looking up, what does he see?
50349Nevertheless, who would not be"a carved stone"in the temple of our God?
50349No longer do we say,"Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth?"
50349O Grave, where is thy victory?"
50349Seeing these, is it any wonder if his heart melted with tenderness?
50349Shall we reject the promise because we can not understand it in the light of God''s providence?
50349Shall we therefore arraign the justice of God?
50349Shall we, then, never think of our past sins?
50349So he did; and why?
50349Surrounded by those"which came out of great tribulation,"can he for a moment forget those who are going through great tribulation?
50349Tell me, I ask, who shall wear these bright crowns?
50349Tell me, is it not perfect, sure and tried?
50349The strongest, bravest and oldest veteran in the army?
50349The work is great;"who is sufficient for these things?"
50349Then"why art thou cast down, O my soul?"
50349Think you that our God desires from us constant mourning over"sins that are past?"
50349Though some may cavil at this mystery and say sneeringly,"How are the dead raised up?
50349To sit like Mary at his feet, to lie like John upon his bosom-- was ever joy like this?
50349Upon the ear of the watchman who went about the streets soon fell our mournful cry,"Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth?"
50349What is justification?
50349What meaneth this shout of triumph that cometh up from the battle- field?
50349What more do you desire?
50349What shall I give my Lord?
50349What will you do?
50349What, then, are our duties to the poor and ignorant, the weary and feeble ones?
50349When brought to our Gethsemane, is not our experience something like our Master''s?
50349When shall we learn the secret of a happy life?
50349When this love is the dear, deep love of Jesus, who can estimate its life- giving power?
50349Where can we find sufficient inspiration for a life of devotion to others?
50349Who was he?
50349Who will assure me of my interest in Christ?"
50349Who will say that Peter and the two sons of Zebedee were not friends of the Lord Jesus?
50349Why is this?
50349Why may they not be enjoyed by all?
50349Why should not the promises become more precious as you prove them and find them all"yea and amen in Christ Jesus?"
50349Why should you not grow happier in your love to Christ as you learn to know him better?
50349Will you sit under the clouds, or struggle to get out into clear sunshine?
50349Will you then suffer them to hide the Saviour from your view?
50349Would we be guided by his eye?
50349Would you willingly grieve your Saviour?
50349You are ready to say,"Where are the blessed effects of sorrow?"
50349and who is a rock, save our God?
50349and will they not make a beautiful temple?
50349and with what body do they come?"
50349he said, calmly, with a smile--"no rock?
50349or what profit is there in the atonement of Christ?
50349was ever Jesus nearer?
50349what shall I bring to thy footstool?
50349who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"
50349who shall dwell in thy holy hill?"
38380And he, trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? 38380 ( 21) Who knoweth the spirit( or breath) of man that goeth upward, and the spirit( or breath) of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
38380( d.) John''s two angels asked Mary Magdalene,"Woman, why weepest thou?"
383801,"Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord?"
3838010,"Shall thy loving- kindness be declared in the grave"( kibr)?
3838025,"To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal?
3838044- 48--has already been shown to be false) at the end of the gospels be excepted?
3838049 and xxi v. 50 there was an interval of forty days, as asserted by the same writer in the Acts?
3838051, 52), seated within the tomb, would not their excited imaginations have transformed him into a messenger from heaven?
38380And against this general contemporaneous unbelief what is there to place?
38380And does not the Christian doctrine represent its deity as the author of a proceeding so utterly unjust?
38380And was there any good ground for this expectation of a future life?
38380And what became of the shepherds?
38380And what is to be said of a system founded either on self- delusion or imposition?
38380Are the angels, then, on the side of the persecutors?
38380Are unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to be eternally reprobate for not allowing that a man was other than the son of his reputed parents?
38380Art thou come to destroy us?
38380As they were gazing upwards, two men in white apparel appeared, who said,"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
38380Assuming, then, that the books of the New Testament were written by those whose names they bear, what is known of the narrators?
38380But he said,"Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?"
38380Can Mary, then, have forgotten the angel''s visit?
38380Can aught more utterly irreconcilable be imagined?
38380Can it, then, have been a dream of Peter, when with Jesus, James, and John in some lonely mountain in Galilee?
38380Could such an extraordinary breach of the peace have occurred in any country under a Roman governor, without summary justice on the offender?
38380Did he receive his directions from angels in dreams or otherwise?
38380Did she not tell Joseph of it?
38380Does he mention the wondrous incident on the way to Damascus?
38380Does the prophet refer to two children,"Immanuel"and"Maher- shalal- hash- baz"?
38380Excepting the Jesus of the New Testament, is there any other Jesus?
38380Has such a temper of mind never been known among men?
38380He disputed against the Grecians( Hellenised Jews?
38380How could the"servant upheld by Jehovah"fulfil the prophecy by shrinking from the Pharisees in the way Jesus is reported by Matthew to have done?
38380How far then, does John, the other eye- witness, bear out Matthew, Mark, and Luke?
38380How has the seed of the woman bruised the head of the serpent, if Jesus was the seed and the devil the serpent?
38380How many were there?
38380How, then, can the angel- visit to Mary be true, or the three angel- visits to the slumbering Joseph?
38380How, when they saw the star in the East, did they know that it indicated the birth of a King of the Jews?
38380If any such resemblance was necessary, should it not have been complete?
38380If not, where was there room for marvel at Simeon''s vaticination?
38380If then David in spirit called Christ Lord, how is he his son?
38380If these are the works of the devil, why has Jesus not destroyed them?
38380If, then, Jesus gave the particulars to Matthew, why did the best- loved disciple John not know of them?
38380In the mouth of two, or in the mouth of three witnesses, nay, even in the mouth of one witness, is any one of these incidents established?
38380In, the Galilean mount, according to Matthew, or at Jerusalem, according to Luke and John?
38380Is the existence of such a person, such a power, continuously and successfully working against God, consonant with Old Testament belief?
38380Is the testimony of the apostles and first Christians sufficient to establish the credibility of the facts which are recorded in the New Testament?
38380Is there anything here beyond natural fact more than in the case of the man or woman?
38380Is this disposition angelic or earthly?
38380Is this grand hope of the Christian, then, to prove as misleading as the Jewish anticipation of the everlasting throne of David?
38380Is this last verse an answer to any objection taken to what is stated in verse 19, that man and beast have all one spirit( breath)?
38380Jesus asked him,"What is thy name?"
38380Jesus in ascribing this quotation to John, or Luke in making Jesus so ascribe it?
38380Judas Iscariot grumbled at the waste:"Why,"he said,"was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor?"
38380Now, who sent John to baptize with water?
38380Of this mighty and malignant being, is there any trace in the Old Testament?
38380On the contrary, was not man, in his view, doomed to return to the dust whence he came?
38380Or if the information came from Mary, why are Matthew, Mark, and, above all, John silent?
38380Or was the prophetess"the virgin,"and these two names bestowed on her child?
38380Paul replied,"Who art thou, Lord?"
38380Some expressed fear of his power thus,"Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth?
38380The birth of an illustrious personage made manifest by a star,--Is that consistent with the attributes of the Jewish Jehovah?
38380The deity begetting a mortal child by a mortal woman, was this a Jewish or a Gentile idea?
38380The gospels are silent Cousin Elizabeth was of the daughters of Aaron, but was Mary of the daughters of Aaron or of the daughters of David?
38380The reply was,"How is it ye sought me?
38380Was not the pretence of the soul being immortal an assumption of an attribute of the eternal Jehovah?
38380Were the discourses of the risen Jesus not more important, were they less impressive than those uttered in his lifetime?
38380What came of them afterwards?
38380What can be said of Matthew''s application of it to an alleged massacre at Bethlehem in the country of Judah, six centuries after the captivity?
38380What child is the prophet referring to?--"Immanuel"of the seventh chapter, or"Maher- shalal- hash- baz"of the eighth chapter?
38380What faith can righteously rest on such testimony?
38380What is their defect?
38380What is there for a conscience- satisfying belief to rest upon?
38380What is this but the tale of Mary and Joseph in another form?
38380What reason is there for imagining that Esaias meant any other than his own report?
38380What special_ Jewish_ appearance did it present?
38380What then can be more fair to Christianity than to examine its claims by a rule of evidence held righteous by itself?
38380What, rather, is_ not_ left?
38380What, then, are the evidences of this so glorious an event?
38380What, then, becomes of the testimony of the devils to the claim of Jesus?
38380What, then, can be said of their silence?
38380What, then, have we here?
38380What, then, is the evidence?
38380What, then, is to be said?
38380When Jesus began his public ministry, where were they?
38380Whence then sprung his mother Mary?
38380Where did they come from?
38380Where is the throne of David?
38380Where those they informed?
38380Wherein did they differ from other weak women, that their testimony received at second hand should be held trustworthy?
38380Wherein do they fail?
38380Which is the original?
38380Who has made the mistake?
38380Who or what, then, is the Satan of the Old Testament?
38380Who was Luke that they should have left so important a duty to him?
38380Who were the go- betweens, the transmitters of the tale to Luke?
38380Who, then, came between Zacharias and Luke?
38380Who, then, sent John to baptize with water?
38380Whose report has Luke credited?
38380Why since his advent do they exist as before?
38380Why the silence of Matthew, Mark, and John, especially John, Mary''s custodian?
38380Why then does the devil still triumph on earth?
38380Why was he not informed of the congratulatory visit to Cousin Elizabeth, of her speech and John the Baptist''s joyous bound?
38380Will the passage then bear any such interpretation?
38380Wist ye not that I must be about my Father''s business?"
38380Wondering at these gracious words, they inquired,"Is not this Joseph''s son?"
38380Would a God of truth be on their side?
38380Would any earthly tribunal be accounted righteous which allowed a self- sacrificing mother to substitute herself for a son, a son for a father?
38380and what end was their heaven- directed visit to serve?
38380for what do such expressions as to the vocation of Judas imply?
38380is that an Old Testament prediction, an Old Testament belief?
38380or has Jesus actually risen from the dead?
38380to torment us before the time?
39052Art thou he that was to come, or look we for another?
39052But it is not sufficient that we should say it; it is you who are to answer: once more, are you the Christ? 39052 Could you not,"said he,"watch with me one hour?"
39052How( asks he) can these things be?
39052Is not this,said they to one another,"the carpenter, the son of Joseph the carpenter?
39052Think you so?
39052What shall we say( exclaims he) of the errors of transcribers, and of the impious temerity with which they have corrupted the text? 39052 Who,"said he to Jesus,"are your disciples, their number and names?"
39052You are then the Son of God?
39052--"Of what consequence is it to me,"returned Pilate,"that you pretend to be the king of the Jews?
39052Accordingly the high priest contented himself with asking what he had to answer?
39052And after all, what is your supper in comparison with that wonder?
39052And even at his ascension the only question his disciples asked, was,_ Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel_?
39052Are not his brethren and sisters with us?
39052Are you unable to comprehend any thing which God reveals to you there?
39052Art thou come to destroy us?
39052Become incapable of suffering, and re- established in his divine omnipotence, was he still afraid of the Jews?
39052Besides, if Jesus did not wish that the devil should discover him, why delay imposing silence on him until after he had spoken?
39052But has man the power of being spiritual or poor in spirit, reasonable or foolish, believing or unbelieving?
39052But how could the disciples of a man who was punished as an impostor, make themselves be listened to?
39052But how revoke an immutable decree?
39052But if there be no proportion between the workman and his work; if the latter has no right to say to the former,_ why have you fashioned me thus_?
39052But if this was the intention of providence, why preach to them?
39052But in what time did the parents of Jesus accomplish all that the law ordained?
39052But these apostles and these women, did they see distinctly?
39052But these bishops and priests, judges and parties in an affair wherein they were obviously interested, could they not be themselves deceived?
39052But to whom did he show himself?
39052But what is grace?
39052But why decide if the pleas of both parties are not investigated?
39052But why not make loaves and fishes drop down also?
39052But why suppose such conduct in this sovereign?
39052But why were speeches, thus publicly made in the temple of Jerusalem, in which city Herod resided, unknown to a prince so suspicious?
39052But would it have cost him more to perform a miracle in order to convert them, and thereby prevent their mischievous designs?
39052But would it not have been a short way to have made the people feel neither hunger nor thirst?
39052But, how reconcile faith in these new converts, in the wonders performed by Jesus, with the bad dispositions they were known to possess?
39052But, in a desert, whence came the baskets they made use of in gathering up the remains of the entertainment?
39052By again showing himself, had he not better reason to calculate on converting them than he derived from all his sermons and miracles?
39052By what fatality have writings revealed by God himself still need of commentaries?
39052By what law have Christians, dispensed with circumcision, and permit them selves to eat pork, bacon, pudding, hare,& c?
39052Can the fathers of the church guarantee the probity of all the depositaries of those writings, and the exactness of all the transcribers?
39052Could he dread being put to death a second time?
39052Could not enthusiasts and credulous fanatics imagine, that they had seen many things which never existed, and thus become the dupes of deception?
39052Could not men who are described as illiterate, and destitute of talents, be themselves deceived?
39052Did Jesus wish to save them?
39052Did Joseph and Mary, who came to Jerusalem for the presentation of Jesus, and purification of his mother, return to Bethlehem?
39052Did he wish to destroy them?
39052Did not their prepossessed imaginations make them see what did not exist?
39052Did the purification of the virgin, and the presentation of her son in the temple, take place before or after the death of that wicked prince?
39052Do not beggars find, agreeably to our divine precepts, wherewith to live at the expense of the simpletons who labor?
39052First, we see that it is impossible to determine the signification of the word_ Shiloh_, or to ascertain, whether it be the name of a man or a city?
39052Had not the authority of Constantine a chief share in the adoption of the decrees of that celebrated council?
39052Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world by causing the foolishness of the gospel to be preached?"
39052He proceeded to questions more serious:"Are you the Christ?"
39052Here Jesus, pushed to extremity, grew warm:--"Art thou( says he) a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?
39052Here we are surprised to find them asking of Jesus, What sign showest thou then that we may believe?
39052How can he associate with knaves, monopolizers, and men whom their extortions render odious to the nation?
39052How did the messiah answer this question?
39052How does it act on man?
39052How is it possible for men to withstand God?
39052How, and by what means does he work miracles?"
39052I conjure you by the living God tell us if you are his Son?"
39052If God is incorporeal, how does he act upon bodies?
39052If I have told you earthly things and ye believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things?
39052If he knew the state of mind of these witnesses of his miracles, why perform them with certain loss?
39052If he wished it, Jesus did wrong in opposing it: if he did not wish it, how was the devil able to act contrary to the divine will?
39052If martyrs demonstrate the truth of a religion or sect, where are we to look for the true one?
39052If we demand, where is the proof of this infallibility?
39052In that case why not convince the whole Sanhedrim of his power?
39052In that case why send them his Son?
39052In that case, why did he reject the Pharisees and doctors, whom he called_ whitened sepulchres_?
39052In the_ second_ place, were these witnesses_ disinterested_?
39052In the_ third_ place, are the witnesses of the resurrection unanimous in their evidence?
39052In this case, was it not the imperial power, rather than the spiritual authority, which decided the authenticity of the gospels?
39052Indeed, how could the apostles be assured of the reality of what they saw?
39052Is it absolutely certain that their master was dead before they laid him in the tomb?
39052Is it not astonishing, that what was intended as a_ guide_ to mankind, should be wholly above their comprehension?
39052Is it not cruel, that what is of most importance to them, should be least known?
39052Is it not to deny the Divine Omnipotence to pretend that man can oppose its will?
39052Is it not unjust to damn people of understanding?
39052Is it not very grievous, and even dangerous to live with a person who occasions continual suspicions?
39052Is it not very singular that Jesus should show himself in order not to be known again?
39052Is it so with the Bible?
39052Is not his mother called Mary?
39052Is not the holy stupidity of faith a gift which God grants only to whom he will?
39052Jesus continued his questions, and asked them, if when a sheep fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, they would not draw it out?
39052Jesus replied,"Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath day, or to do evil-- to save life, or to take it away?"
39052Jesus, divining their dispositions, addressed his discourse to them--"Why do you suffer wicked thoughts to enter into your hearts?
39052Jesus, who beheld him lying, asked him if he wanted to be cured?
39052Like a coward become desperate, he resolutely presented himself to the party:"_ whom seek ye?_"said he, with a firm tone:--"Jesus,"answered they.
39052Man, it is asserted, is free; but must not a God who knew every thing, have foreseen that the Jews would abuse their liberty by resisting his will?
39052Much more, are they consistent with themselves in their narratives?
39052My disciples and I, are a proof that without toil, one may avoid difficulties, and not perish by hunger?
39052Now what is there in all this that is any way marvellous?
39052On another occasion we shall also find John affecting not to know his cousin Jesus: he deputed some of his disciples to learn_ who he was_?
39052On which Jesus demanded of Pilate--"Say you this of yourself, or have others told it you?"
39052On which Simon Peter answered,"Lord, to whom shall we go?
39052Others have agitated the question,"Whether Jesus could have been incarnate in a cow?"
39052The Samaritan woman, who did not observe Jesus to have any vessel in his hand, asked whence he could draw the living water of which he spoke?
39052The doctors asked him,"Master, is it lawful to heal on this day?"
39052The great St. Thomas Aquinas has examined, whether Jesus could not have been an_ hermaphrodite_?
39052Then said Mary to the angel, How shall this be, for I know not a man?
39052Theologists have agitated the question, whether in the conception of Jesus, the Virgin Mary_ emiserit semen_?
39052They are apostles-- But who are these apostles?
39052They only conjectured that they knew him; and asked each other,"Is not this the son of Joseph?"
39052They will ask, how God, being a pure spirit, could_ overshadow a woman_, and excite in her the movements necessary to the production of a child?
39052They will ask, how the divine nature could unite with the nature of a woman?
39052To pretend that the views of providence were changed, is it not to attack the divine immutability?
39052Unable to persuade himself that the man he beheld could have conceived projects so ridiculous, he interrogated him:--"Are you the king of the Jews?"
39052Was it not acknowledging the falsehood of his mission, to refuse the sign by which he had solemnly promised to prove the truth of that mission?
39052Was it reasonable to require the Jews to believe, on the word of his disciples, a fact which he could have demonstrated before their own eyes?
39052Was it then so difficult to arrest thirteen men?
39052Was their decision unanimously accepted?
39052Were all who formed that assembly entirely of the same opinion?
39052Were these apostles_ enlightened_ men?
39052Were, there no disputes among these men inspired by the Holy Spirit?
39052What end does it propose?
39052What extraordinary thing do you perform for that purpose?
39052What is it that is agreeable to God?
39052What shall we say of the licence of those, who promiscuously interpolate or erase at their pleasure?"
39052Whence then has he so much skill?
39052Where are the scribes?
39052Wherefore doth not God give to all men the grace to do that which is agreeable in his eyes?
39052Why did he not burst his bonds?
39052Why did he not by a single word change their obstinate hearts?
39052Why did he not learn by the same means the flight of Jesus, of Joseph, and of his mother?
39052Why did he send missionaries whose dispositions were not sufficiently known to him?
39052Why does he have in his train women of bad lives, such as Susan and Jane, who accompany him continually?"
39052Why has sunday, or the day of the sun among Pagans been substituted for Sabbath or Saturday?
39052Why make him suffer to no purpose an infamous and cruel death?
39052Why not instantly precipitate them into hell?
39052Why not send him at once to creatures disposed to hear him, and render him homage?
39052Why not then strike them dead?
39052Why perform miracles before a whole people whilst a small number were only to profit by it?
39052You will perhaps instance the supper you gave us; but did not our fathers eat manna in the desert for forty years?
39052and could not the first christians, by a_ pious fraud_, afterwards add or retrench things essential to the works ascribed to the apostles?
39052and do its_ revealed_ truths occasion no disputes among divines?
39052and went they thence into Egypt in place of going to Nazareth?
39052and whether he could not have been of the_ feminine gender_?
39052and why do they demand additional lights from on high, before they can be believed or understood?
39052are you not yet satisfied?
39052if there be no analogy between them, how can they bear any relation to each other?
39052or how can these bodies disturb his repose, or excite in him emotions of anger?
39052replied they,--"shall we go and buy two hundred penny- worth of bread, and give them to eat?"
10866''And takest thou all these things upon thyself,''he exclaimed,''thou who art not unspotted thyself?''
10866''Are you not content?''
10866''But what am I to do with Jesus, who is called Christ?''
10866''But what evil has he done?''
10866''From whence hast thou thy power?
10866''How canst thou presume,''they exclaimed,''to appear before the Council in such a condition?
10866''Is it possible, Jesus of Nazareth,''he exclaimed,''that it is thou thyself that appearest before me as a criminal?
10866''Is it possible,''said he,''is it possible that thou art Jesus of Nazareth?
10866''Master,''he exclaimed,''what has befallen thee?''
10866''My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?''
10866''Shall I crucify your King?''
10866''Speakest thou not to me?''
10866''What accusation do you bring against this man?''
10866''What species of king art thou?
10866''Who art thou?''
10866''Who art thou?''
10866After praying fervently, she turned to John and said,''Shall I remain?
10866Annas and his adherents added mockery to insult, exclaiming at every pause in the accusations,''This is thy doctrine, then, is it?
10866Answer at once: speak out,--art thou dumb?
10866Are you still suffering on her account?''
10866Art thou a king?
10866Art thou dumb?''
10866Art thou he whose birth was foretold in such a wonderful manner?
10866Art thou prepared to satisfy for all these sins?''
10866Art thou the Son of God?
10866Art thou the king of the Jews?
10866Art thou the son of an obscure carpenter, or art thou Elias, who was carried up to heaven in a fiery chariot?
10866Art thou willing to bear its penalty?
10866At the words,''Whom seekest thou?''
10866At these words they all exclaimed,''What need we any further testimony?
10866Behold, now you have heard the blasphemy: what think you?''
10866But his accusers, whose anger continued to increase, cried out,''You find no cause in him?
10866But tell us, where must we go?''
10866But the soldiers pushed them on one side, struck them, obliged them to return to their houses, and exclaimed,''What farther proof is required?
10866Could you not watch one hour with me?''
10866Did he not deliver twenty- seven poor prisoners at Thirza, with the money derived from the sale of Magdalum?
10866Did she, like these holy women, attain the end?
10866Didst thou escape when so many children were massacred, and how was thy escape managed?
10866Didst thou not cut off my brother''s ear?''
10866Didst thou not eat the Paschal lamb in an unlawful manner, at an improper time, and in an improper place?
10866Does not the conduct of these persons show plainly that the Galilean incites rebellion?''
10866Dost thou not desire to introduce new doctrines?
10866Everyone proposed something different, and some questioned Judas, saying:''Shall we be able to take him?
10866For if in the green wood they do these things, what shall be done in the dry?''
10866Has he not armed men with him?''
10866Have you not been treated far more gently than was your adorable Spouse?
10866He felt surprised at this, and asked her,''What has happened to you?''
10866He fled as fast as possible, but where did he fly?
10866He glanced at the mangled and bleeding Form before him, and exclaimed inwardly:''Is it possible that he can be God?''
10866He leaned then on his breast and said:''Lord, who is it?''
10866He tried to persuade himself that he wished to pass a just sentence; but he deceived himself, for when he asked himself,''What is the truth?''
10866How is it that thou dost no longer possess it?
10866How then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that so it must be done?''
10866I have been ill quite a week, have I not?
10866In my ignorance, I thought that he was speaking of those brethren who are not in communion with us, but my guide added:"Who are our brethren?
10866Is it no crime to incite the people to revolt in all parts of the kingdom?--to spread his false doctrines, not only here, but in Galilee likewise?''
10866Is it not possible to refrain from thus tearing to pieces and beginning to execute your criminals even before they are judged?''
10866Is it true that thou hast restored sight to the blind, raised up Lazarus from the dead, and fed two or three thousand persons with a few loaves?
10866It is true that Scripture tells us he said,''Could you not watch one hour with me?''
10866It was towards three o''clock when he cried out in a loud voice,''Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabacthani?''
10866Jesus again asked,''Whom seek ye?''
10866Jesus made answer,''Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or have others told it thee of me?''
10866Jesus replied,''What, Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?''
10866Jesus walked up to the soldiers and said in a firm and clear voice,''Whom seek ye?''
10866John asked him how it was that he, who had hitherto always consoled them, would now be so dejected?
10866John said to him:''Master, what has befallen thee?
10866Judas wished to fly, but the Apostles would not allow it, they rushed at the soldiers and cried out,''Master, shall we strike with the sword?''
10866Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?''
10866Kings from the East came to my father to see a newly- born king of the Jews: is it true that thou wast that child?
10866Knowest thou not the words of the law,"He who sells a soul among his brethren, and receives the price of it, let him die the death"?
10866Mary approached him instantly, and said,''Simon, tell me, I entreat you, what is become of Jesus, my Son?''
10866Must I call the other disciples?
10866On this subject Overberg wrote her the following words:''What have you had to suffer personally of which you can complain?
10866Once, she asked suddenly in a scarcely audible voice,''What day is it?''
10866Ought I to go away?
10866Ought we to take to flight?''
10866Our beloved convent, too, what will be done with it in a short time?
10866Peter got up, intending to leave the room, when a brother of Malchus came up to him and said,''Did I not see thee in the garden with him?
10866Peter, when his turn came, endeavoured through humility to prevent Jesus from washing his feet:''Lord,''he exclaimed,''dost thou wash my feet?''
10866Pilate was offended that Jesus should think it possible for him to believe such a thing, and answered,''Am I a Jew?
10866Pilate was somewhat moved by these solemn words, and said to him in a more serious tone,''Art thou a king, then?''
10866Several times I heard him exclaim:''O my Father, can I possibly suffer for so ungrateful a race?
10866Shall I have strength to support such a sight?''
10866She would exclaim( as if repeating the words of others):''Why do you call out so?''
10866Should not one member call upon another, and suffer in order to cure and unite it once more to the body?
10866Someone asked her,''What is the matter with you?''
10866Speak, what are the tenets of thy religion?''
10866Tell me, without farther preamble, to what order of kings thou dost belong?
10866The Apostles were very much troubled, and each one of them exclaimed:''Lord, is it I?''
10866The Chief Priests took their seats likewise, and Pilate once more demanded:''Which of the two am I to deliver up to you?''
10866The High Priests looked at one another, and said to Jesus, with a disdainful laugh,''Art thou, then, the Son of God?''
10866The Roman governor has now sent thee to me to be judged; what answer canst thou give to all these accusations?
10866The mention of Galilee made Pilate pause: he reflected for a moment, and then asked,''Is this man a Galilean, and a subject of Herod''s?''
10866Then she again turned to the left, with menacing gestures, and exclaimed,''What meanest thou, O father of lies, with thy Magdalum contract?
10866Then the devil murmured in his ears,''Cain, where is thy brother Abel?
10866These words,''he made himself the Son of God,''revived the fears of Pilate; he took Jesus into another room, and asked him;''Whence art thou?''
10866They awoke, and raised him up, and he, in his desolation of spirit, said to them:''What?
10866Thinkest thou that I can not ask my Father, and he will give me presently more than twelve legions of angels?
10866Thou art silent?
10866Thy own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me as deserving of death: what hast thou done?''
10866What art thou come to do here?
10866What canst thou answer to this?
10866What disciples hast thou now?
10866What hast thou done with the money given unto thee by the widows, and other simpletons whom thou didst seduce by thy false doctrines?
10866What is happening to him?
10866What is truth?''
10866What words can, alas, express the deep grief of the Blessed Virgin?
10866When Jesus entered in triumph the demons dispersed, crying out at the same time,''What is there between thee and us?
10866When asked,''Who has spent money?
10866Where are they all gone?
10866Where are thy disciples, thy numerous followers?
10866Where didst thou study?
10866Where is Jesus?''
10866Where is thy kingdom?
10866Who art thou?
10866Who can describe the sharp, sharp sword of grief which then transfixed her tender soul?
10866Who can therefore be surprised at finding some omissions and confusion in her descriptions?
10866Who gave thee the right of preaching?
10866Who is being spoken to in that way?''
10866Who knows whether his death would not be a triumph to my gods?''
10866Who will assist, who will console us, who will cure our diseases?
10866Whom seekest thou?''
10866Why askest thou me?
10866Why dost thou not answer?
10866Why hast thou been for so many years unknown?
10866Why have you illtreated this prisoner so shamefully?
10866Wilt thou crucify us likewise?''
10866continued Annas, in a tone of cutting contempt;''by whom art thou sent?
10866is that my Son?
10866said Pilate;''knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and power to release thee?''
10866she replied;''that would be most unreasonable; but how can any person avoid suffering when even the end of this little finger is in pain?
11509''And are you not going to love him?'' 11509 ''Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine; Are they not enough for Thee?''
11509''Lord, whence are those blood- drops all the way That mark out the mountain''s track?'' 11509 ''Tell me, my friend,''I asked,''have you always felt as bright and cheerful as you seem to feel now?''
11509A little girl came to me one day,said a minister of the gospel, and said,"''Please sir, may I speak to you a minute?''
11509And do you understand what you read?
11509And is_ that_ why you love me?
11509And what are you thinking about?
11509And what is that kingdom?
11509And what is the first, and best?
11509And what is the third?
11509And when the chief priests and Pharisees said unto them-- Why have ye not brought him? 11509 Because,"said he,"I knew the lightning was only an arrow in my Heavenly Father''s hand, and why should I be afraid?"
11509But do you think he cares?
11509But how can I ax him, if I do n''t know where he lives? 11509 But, did you study hard, as well as pray over your lesson?"
11509But,asked the astonished pastor,"are you not known in this village as the ringleader in all evil doings?"
11509Can we Gethsemane forget? 11509 Can you read, my boy?"
11509Carrie, my dear,she said,"why do you look so sad to- day?"
11509Carrie, what did Jesus say about little children coming to him when he was on earth?
11509Certainly,said the mill;"what am I here for but to grind?
11509Charlie,said the teacher,"you have never been to London; how do you know there is such a city?"
11509Did n''t I tell you,he asked, in grateful gladness,"that the Lord will help?"
11509Did you, darling?
11509Do you, dear? 11509 Does it?"
11509Does n''t He Love to Save?
11509God loveth the cheerful giver, Though the gifts be poor and small; But what must he think of his children Who never give at all?
11509God will surely ask, Ere I enter heaven, Have I done the task Which to me was given?
11509Good friends,said his master,"why you''ve got ten; how many do you want?"
11509Grandma, are n''t we going to church this morning?
11509If you had a friend who loved you, and you were well, would you be afraid to go and stay with him, Willie?
11509Is that all?
11509Is the pain very bad to- day, Willie?
11509Is thy cruse of comfort wasting? 11509 Is thy heart a well left empty?
11509Maggie Blake, how can you study so hard, and be so provokingly good?
11509Mary,said her sister,"suppose we ask our Father in heaven to give us something to eat?
11509My little man,said the gentleman,"what are you doing to serve God?"
11509Now, boys, who has made the straightest track?
11509Oh, how can you know that, my dear? 11509 Pray tell me, sir, who has purchased your fine painting of the''Angel Uriel,''which won the prize at the exhibition of the Royal Academy?"
11509Standing at the foot, boys, Gazing at the sky, How can you get up, boys, If you never try? 11509 They do,"said his mother,"but what do you suppose is the reason that the birdies love your father?"
11509Was there ever gentlest shepherd Half so gentle, half so sweet, As the Saviour, who would have us Come and gather round his feet? 11509 What does Rabbi mean?"
11509What does that mean?
11509What does_ verily_ mean?
11509What is a_ miracle_?
11509What is the price of it?
11509What is the second?
11509What shall we do for dinner?
11509What''s to hinder it?
11509Where is it to be found?
11509Why, mamma, ca n''t you guess?
11509Will four hundred pounds be enough for it?
11509Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? 11509 Yes, mother: I''ve asked him to forgive me: and I believe him when he says he will; for_ does n''t he love to help and save children_?"
11509Yes, my child,she said,"it''s all settled with me; but have you settled it all with Jesus?"
11509You are-- are you?
11509''Lord, why are Thy hands so rent and torn?''
11509''Yet, my friend, God will hear you,''''"What shall I pray?"''
11509( The kneeling man in the background has apparently just performed this duty?)
11509After listening to her for awhile, he said:"But you have never been there, Miss D., and how do you know there really is any such place?"
11509And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
11509And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you?
11509And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed?
11509And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come?
11509And he answered and said unto them, I will also ask you one thing; and answer me: The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?
11509And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?
11509And how about the miser?
11509And if any one asks what is meant by humility?
11509And if we ask why did not the angels come to him now, as they did on other occasions?
11509And now the question is-- who are meant by"his own servants?"
11509And so, as soon as they were seated around him, on the Mount of Olives, they said,"Tell us, when shall these things be?
11509And spake unto him, saying, Tell us, by what authority doest thou these things?
11509And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?
11509And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing?
11509And then, looking to their successful companion, they said--"Tell us, Harry, how you managed to make so straight a track?"
11509And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then believed ye him not?
11509And this is the lesson that Jesus would have all his people learn when he says to each of them:--"Lovest thou me?
11509And what does Jesus say to us?
11509And what is the result of this glorious giving to Jesus himself?
11509And what kind of men did he choose?
11509And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?
11509And when we think of all that Jesus did and said to show his interest in children, we may well ask ourselves such questions as these,--Why was it so?
11509And who can tell what a comfort it is for a poor pardoned sinner to have Jesus-- the Lord of heaven and earth-- dwelling in his heart?
11509Are these the same dull clouds that we looked upon a few moments before?
11509Art thou stricken in life''s battle?
11509As he sat by his window, propped up in his chair, and saw the boys playing in the street, he would say to himself:"Why has God made me thus?
11509As she stooped down for the last kiss, he said--"Is it all settled, mother?"
11509At once she clapped her hands and exclaimed:"It''s not for you, teacher, is it?
11509But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
11509But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
11509Ca n''t you think of anything?"
11509Did He send an angel from heaven to bring us this bread?"
11509Did the promise fail which says,"Give, and it shall be given unto you?"
11509Do thy steps drag wearily?
11509Do you ask me if he succeeded?
11509Each of them suspected himself-- and asked sorrowfully--"Lord, is it I?"
11509Have you not heard that I have made him a partner with myself in the government of the empire?"
11509He said to the bishop,"Do you take no notice of my son?
11509He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
11509He seemed displeased at first; but after awhile he replied,''I sometimes go to church on Sunday; and then I suppose I pray, do n''t I?''
11509He then lying on Jesus''breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?
11509Here we see the truth of the lines which someone has written:"Numb and weary on the mountain Wouldst thou sleep amidst the snow?
11509How do you know but what he might come round to this hospital this very night?
11509I asked her what was the matter?
11509I lifted up my heart for God''s blessing on what I said; and presently, in a quiet way, I asked him this question:''Driver, do you ever pray?''
11509In speaking of this holy sacrament, the question is asked--"What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby?"
11509In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me?
11509Is the heart a living power?
11509Is there anything in the closet that we can get to eat?"
11509Is thy burden hard and heavy?
11509Jesus said to him, as if to remind him of his great sin,"Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?"
11509Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
11509Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
11509Mrs. Hartley felt sorry for her son''s perplexity, and quietly said,"Then, Ben, you do n''t believe in the Lord''s prayer?"
11509My question is_ this_: will you please tell me the_ secret_ of your success in business?"
11509Nathanael had a very poor opinion of the place, and he asked--"Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
11509One day Jane said,"Mary, how does it happen that you always say your lessons so well?"
11509Or there thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember thee?
11509Pray what do you mean?"
11509Tell me why?"
11509The chief priests and scribes were greatly displeased, when they heard it, and"said unto him, hearest thou what these say?
11509The elder child as they roused her, opened her eyes exclaiming,"Mamma, is it morning?"
11509The latter boy crept close up to his poor suffering companion and said:"Bobby, did you ever hear about Jesus?"
11509The speaker in the book of Job was thinking of this Great Teacher when he asked--"_Who teacheth like him_?"
11509The teacher asked--"Why do you wish to keep him from being flogged?"
11509Then Jesus asked the question,"Which now, of these three thinkest thou was neighbor to him that fell among thieves?
11509Then Peter whispered to John, who was leaning on the bosom of Jesus, to ask who it was that was to do this?
11509Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
11509Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses?
11509Then turning to Annie, she said:"Do n''t you know, my dear, that you are going to die?"
11509These are the words of the hymn which gave that dear child so much comfort on her dying bed:"I leave it all with Jesus, Then wherefore should I fear?
11509They said to him:--"Come on, let''s go; what''s the use of wasting your time on that good- for- nothing lump of stone?"
11509They say unto him,... Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
11509They would say to the children--"what do you want here?"
11509Thinkest thou that I can not now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?
11509To what may we compare this wonderful change?
11509We believe this because the Bible tells us so; but how do we know that he loves us children?"
11509What can you do with these?
11509What did he do it for?
11509What do you wish to say?''
11509What shall I do?"
11509What think ye?
11509What was I to do?
11509When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers?
11509When Jesus said to Peter,"Lovest thou me?
11509When St. Augustine, one of the celebrated fathers of the early Church, was asked-- What is the first important thing in the Christian religion?
11509When he came by where Mary was sitting, he stopped a moment, and said, in a good- natured way:"What book is that you are reading, my little maid?"
11509When the storm was over the teacher said:"Willie why were you not afraid like the other children?"
11509Who can tell the influence that children are exerting in the world?
11509Why did these distinguished persons, of the Old Testament history, come from heaven to visit him in place of the angels?
11509Why have I not limbs to run and jump with like other boys?"
11509and Jesus said unto them, yea: have ye never read, out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?"
11509and how could I get: there when both my legs is broke?"
11509and so long as I work, what does it signify to me what the work is?
11509and what shall be the sign, when all these things shall be fulfilled?"
11509asked Jennie in a soft, subdued voice,--"do you think he cares how we act?"
11509but where_ are_ the nine?
11509hath no man condemned thee?
11509or who is he that gave thee this authority?
11509what shall we do?"
11509what_ is it which_ these witness against thee?
21496I suppose so,he answers;"_ but it does not greatly matter._"The question is, Do we already possess the strength for which we ask?
21496What,asks Mr. Picton,"are we to say of bad men, the vile, the base, the liar, the murderer?
2149681, 84, 86, 89; for a concise treatment of this subject the reader may be referred to the present writer''s_ Jesus or Christ_?
21496And even if we can successfully annihilate them by denying their existence, whence did they come in the first place?
21496And have we not already referred to some of the ethical teachers themselves as men of high character and gracious personality?
21496And how can there be a higher Will without a Higher Personality, a God who impresses His law upon us and makes us aspire after the ideal good?
21496And if an embrocation may be used with good effects in the latter case, why may it not be used in the former?
21496And if such was the case once, may it not be the case still?
21496And if they will not, by what means do they propose to show that it is not a legitimate deduction from their own axiom, the unreality of evil?
21496And if we are not, what is this but to affirm our freedom and our responsibility alike in doing and forbearing?
21496And if we have thus found an answer to the question,"How, from the point of view of{ 32} Divine immanence, can there be anything but God?"
21496And this opens up the larger and more general question, Must we, in view of the facts of life, surrender the idea of the Divine benevolence?
21496And, furthermore, what is it that is transacted?
21496Are there not plenty of kindly, conscientious, well- conducted agnostics who might serve as models to some of{ 177} their Church- going neighbours?
21496Are they{ 49} also in God and of God?
21496Are we to regard the Creator''s work as like that of a child, who builds houses out of blocks, just for the pleasure of knocking them down?
21496Are we, then, to find Him in the sunshine and the rain, and to miss Him in our thought, our duty and our love?
21496But do we grant these premises-- do we grant Mrs. Eddy''s fundamental pantheistic assumption of"the allness of God"[ 3]?
21496But how are we to think of its enduring?
21496But if God is All in all, and All- good, what is that malicious animal magnetism which is somehow not God and not good?
21496But if omnipotence is limited-- which sounds, we admit, a contradiction in terms-- we ask once more, In what way and by whom?
21496But in what sense?
21496But is it legitimate, we ask, to identify God with"the Absolute,"or is not this merely a way of begging the question?
21496But ought we not to have shown first of all that He is conscious?
21496But what about this popular notion which identifies personality with materiality, and{ 77} therefore denies the former attribute to God?
21496But why, the questioner proceeds, have made sin even possible?
21496But why, we ask, should Mr. Wells feel this passionate desire, if all the failures and uglinesses of life are"necessary and important"?
21496But, we ask, what is this higher order, this note of command, but the expression of a higher Will?
21496Can we conceive of Him as doing something in answer to a human petition which He would not do apart from such a petition?
21496Could He not have made us incapable of feeling any but pleasant sensations?
21496Does, then, nature impress us as the outcome of chance?
21496From"malicious animal magnetism"?
21496Has all this work been done for nothing?
21496His will is either the absolutely best or it is not; if it is, why pray that He may modify it?
21496How could such a culminating assurance come to us?
21496How could these and their like possibly be granted by a just and merciful Creator?
21496How will this conception help us to{ 16} such an end?
21496How, we are{ 133} entitled to ask, would Christian Science deal with the teething- troubles which attend babyhood?
21496If God is all,_ then what are we_?
21496If He is All, how can there be aught beside Him?
21496If He is such as religion represents Him, how can He be present in these?
21496If creation does not please the Creator, why did He not make it better?
21496If it is not, is He not less than perfectly good, since His design admits of improvement?
21496If the proof to the contrary was so overpowering, why, as a matter of fact, has it_ not_ overpowered them?
21496If we are asked,"Is it conceivable that suns and stars shall pass away-- as they undoubtedly will-- and that man shall persist?"
21496If we are not other than He is, how can we act other than He wills?
21496Instead of"Was the gift good?"
21496Is God expressing Himself in the ferocity of the tiger, the poisonous malice of the cobra, the greed of every unclean carrion- bird?
21496Is it all ephemeral, all a bubble that bursts, a vision that fades?
21496Is it objected that ploughing and sowing, unlike prayer, are physical exertions made for the purpose of bringing about physical results?
21496Is prayer only a very noble form of auto- suggestion-- are its effects merely subjective, or are they also objective?
21496Is the application so far to seek?
21496Logical Pantheism rules out the possibility of sin against man or God--"for who withstandeth His will,"seeing that He is the only real Existence?
21496May we not ask-- Who, after all, would prefer the safety of automatism to the glory of this Divine adventure?
21496May we not surmise that nine times out of ten this is precisely what has happened when we hear the question asked,"But how_ can_ God be personal?"
21496On such a supposition, why pray-- for even were there One other than ourselves to pray to, what is there to pray for?
21496On the other hand, if a fretful baby is allowed to divert himself by hammering the piano keys, is the result ever remotely akin to a tune?
21496On which side shall we cast our verdict?
21496Or rather, Does not the very fact that we ask for it prove that we do not possess it, and that He from whom we ask it is not ourselves?
21496Or shall we be told that, whatever a man''s theoretical Determinism, in practice he will{ 50} always be conscious of his freedom?
21496Or, to quote the actual question of a believer in this kind of immanence, Why ask outside for a strength which we already possess?
21496Prayer is founded upon the belief that the Deity is at least interested in His worshipper-- or else, why speak to the Unheeding?
21496Says Cassius to Brutus:-- Have you not love enough to bear with me When that rash humour which my mother gave me Makes me forgetful?
21496Shall we be told that we can not think that God would grant a certain wish only on condition that we{ 209} expressed it to Him?
21496Shall we be told that"the question is not whether these opinions are dangerous, but whether they are true?"
21496Suppose we challenge it; what will He say in defence?
21496That being so, is not faith shown to be practically superfluous, and the autonomy and sufficiency of ethics a demonstrated fact?
21496The question is asked-- again, quite naturally and inevitably-- In what sense can we speak of God as immanent in the inorganic world?
21496Then where do you draw the line?
21496There can be no bay where there is no boundary, and where in this case could the boundary be found, for there can be nothing outside the infinite?"
21496This is what Mr. Picton calls"the peace of absorption in the Infinite"; would it not be simpler to call it annihilation, and have done with it?
21496This, no doubt, was what Turgenev meant when he asked,"Does not all prayer mean_ au fond_ a wish that in a given case two and two may not make four?"
21496Was that a good and beneficent object?
21496We ask ourselves, in encountering such cases,"Wanting is-- what?"
21496We should stop these things if we could; why does not He?
21496What of the millions of millions of suns that blaze in immeasurable space beyond our comparatively little solar sphere?
21496What,_ e.g._, can we think of a statement like the following, which we quote from the columns of a religious journal?
21496Wherein consists His right to punish us for our transgressions?
21496Why does He permit war, or vivisection, or poverty, or vice-- in fact any of"the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to"?
21496Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble?"
21496Why should the moral consciousness of the higher races accept the principle which places self- sacrifice above self- seeking?
21496Why, indeed?
21496Why, we repeat, this strange non- intervention of the Most High on behalf of His own cause?
21496Will Christian Scientists acquiesce in that inference?
21496Will Mr. Salter help us to determine its nature more clearly?
21496Will you alter it, gentlemen?
21496Would humanity be happier if chaos was substituted for order?
21496[ 1] To the question,"Of what nature is the limitation of His power?"
21496[ 3] Is there, then, or is there not, something"genuinely transacted"in the experience of prayer?
21496[ 5] But if God is omnipresent, His presence must be displayed in the disease; if He is omnipotent, how can there be a usurper on His throne?
21496[ 6] Indeed, how could the universe"love"one of{ 51} its mere passing phases?
21496we should more often ask,"Was the recipient wise?"
21496{ 110} But now we are confronted with a more fundamental question: Could not God have obviated the phenomenon of pain altogether?
21496{ 206} But can we go any further than this?
44119But who may abide the day of his coming? 44119 But why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
44119I pray thee, of whom did the Prophet speak these words?
44119Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? 44119 Many good works have I showed you from the Father; for which of those works do you stone me?
44119To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
4411913 Are we not told that the child born, the son given, is the mighty God?
44119After his resurrection we hear them saying,"Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"
44119Against fallen and rebellious man?
44119Against whom do the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together?"
44119And are not God and man united in the complex person of Jesus of Nazareth, Israel''s long promised and expected Messiah?
44119And are not all the other passages, of a similar kind, equally applicable to the Christ of God?
44119And did he not demand all men, to honour the Son, even as they honour the Father?
44119And is not the whole Psalm a striking description of his unparalleled sufferings, of his unprecedented degradation and humility?
44119And to Pilate''s question, whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you, Barabbas or Jesus?
44119And what relationship would there then have existed between Christ and his church?
44119And who is this mighty conqueror?
44119And why so soon after their transgression?
44119Are not the other triumphs of the Spirit worthy of regard, when five thousand are made willing cordially to embrace Christ crucified?
44119Are we not taught in the case of our first parents, the absolute necessity there is for our knowing and receiving Christ?
44119Are we not told that no man hath seen the Father, save the only begotten of the Father, who came down from heaven?
44119As he was openly put to shame on earth, is it not right that he should here also be publicly rewarded?
44119At one time, the Herodians are sent with the question,"Is it lawful to give tribute to CÃ ¦ sar, or not?"
44119Besides, what advantage could they hope to gain by such a scheme?
44119But against whom is it directed?
44119But are we, for that cause, to refuse our belief of its truth?
44119But do not the guilty sigh for pardon, the captives for liberty, the oppressed for a deliverer?
44119But do they not, in robbing him of Deity, destroy all his claim to our attention?
44119But even allowing the body to have been gone whilst they slept, how could they possibly know, that it was the disciples who had taken it?
44119But he mildly answered,"Yea, have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?"
44119But if, as the soldiers proclaimed, the disciples did steal him away, why are these handful of fishermen allowed to retain possession?
44119But where shall we find the man who can, by any means,"redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for his soul?"
44119But wherefore all this care and attention over the dead body of one crucified at Golgotha?
44119But who could have directed them to this obscure retreat, to find the infant King?
44119But why is the sword called upon to awake against him?
44119But why"do these heathens rage, and against whom do these kings of the earth set themselves,"and wherefore all this consultation and contrivance?
44119But, shall the unchangeable Jehovah alter his purposes or mould his plans, to meet the idle fancies or short- sighted schemes of the children of men?
44119But, were none found to espouse his cause?
44119Can this be the answer of the meek and lowly Jesus to a beloved follower, who only spoke with an intention to prevent his Lord from suffering?
44119Did Moses choose rather"to suffer affliction with the people of God, than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season?"
44119Did Moses esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt?
44119Did Moses plead for the rebellious Israelites?
44119Did he not also appear to Joshua, as Captain of the Lord''s hosts?
44119Did he not honour many of the patriarchs and prophets with a display of his person?
44119Did he not in vision appear in the same form to Ezekiel and Daniel, as he afterwards did to John, in the Isle of Patmos?
44119Did not the recipients of his bounty appear for his rescue?
44119Did not this glorious Mediator love to manifest himself in that character to the Church, from the earliest ages of the world?
44119Did not those eyes he had blessed with vision, with tears supplicate compassion for their benefactor?
44119Do they not, with the Jews, raise the cry of blasphemy against him?
44119Do we hear the Prophet inquire"Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth the wine- vat?"
44119Do we not find an opinion generally prevalent amongst the ancient Jews, that no man could see the face of God, and live?
44119Do we not hear Jesus saying-- I and my Father are one, the Father dwelleth in me, and I in him, he that hath seen me, hath seen the Father also?
44119Do we not here instantly recognise the language of the despised Nazarene?
44119Do ye now need to be reminded that the words are a true description of the man ye call Jesus of Nazareth?
44119Even Pilate marvelled at his silence, and exclaimed, hearest thou not how many things these witness against thee?
44119God is not"a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent:""hath he said, and shall he not do it?"
44119Has he not ever been the only visible image of the invisible God?
44119Has he not pronounced an awful curse on those who worship any but the true God?
44119Have they no claim to our gratitude?
44119Have ye not read of his life, of his acts, of his words, and ways; but above all, have ye not heard the oft told tale of his death?
44119He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?
44119He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?
44119In short who can discover or fully explain the mysterious link which unites mind to matter?
44119In what court of judicature shall we find such another instance?
44119In what light are we to view them, if not as descriptive of the person of the God- man, Christ Jesus?
44119Is Jerusalem yet the"joy of the whole earth?"
44119Is it not more than probable, that God, in the person of the Father, has ever been invisible to the inhabitants of earth?
44119Is it not the second person in the glorious Trinity, who has taken the human nature into union with his divine person?
44119Is it not to this, we must attribute the otherwise extraordinary silence Jesus manifested at the injustice of Pilate''s sentence?
44119Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
44119Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
44119Is it to secure a powerful tyrant, the scourge of an oppressed nation?
44119Is not God represented in his word, as highly jealous of his honour, and has he not solemnly declared, that he will not give his glory to another?
44119Is not Jesus proclaimed King of Zion; the Lord our Righteousness, and the Prince of Peace?
44119Is not the Son declared equal to the Father as touching his Godhead?
44119Is not the view of a suffering Redeemer calculated to raise the Christian''s confidence, even in seasons of the deepest affliction?
44119Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?
44119Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?
44119Is this the conduct of Roman warriors?
44119Is this the language of the man, who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, and when persecuted, he blessed?
44119Listen to their cry,"Men and brethren, what must we do?"
44119May we not join in happy chorus,"O death, where is thy sting?
44119Might not the sight of unclouded Deity destroy a body of flesh?
44119Must not he, who paid the full price of a soul, know its worth?
44119My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
44119My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
44119O grave, where is thy victory?
44119Or if his body had been formed of the dust, as was Adam''s, how could the promise given at the fall of man, have been fulfilled?
44119Perhaps it may be thought superstitious weakness, to imagine an eclipse portended some great event?
44119Should we not feel more disposed to pity and reclaim, that insult and oppress, this deluded people?
44119Surely these were none of the stout hearts who dared even to crucify the Lord of life and glory?
44119The Jews, where are they?
44119The Socinian may smile with contempt when the Deity of Jesus is attested, but is it not written?
44119The next interesting question which arises, is, Who is this Shepherd?
44119They dwell in every land, but have none they can call their own?
44119Thus did he give the most decided testimony to his Godhead, for who but God, strictly speaking, can claim a people as his own?
44119To what cause can we attribute this astonishing change in the minds of three thousand persons in the same instant of time?
44119To what cause must we attribute this act of forbearance, on the part of the by- standers as well as soldiers?
44119Was Moses a prophet?
44119Was Moses as king in Jeshurun?
44119Was it not a condescension in the second person of the glorious Trinity to assume the character and office of Mediator?
44119Was it not the Messiah, who appeared to the Old Testament saints?
44119Was not Satan the ringleader of those who crucified him, in whom his Judges declared, they could find no fault worthy of death?
44119Was not the same glorious personage the man with whom Jacob wrestled, when he is said to have had power with God and to have prevailed?
44119Was this priest of the most High God honoured with the title of King of Salem-- by interpretation, King of Righteousness, and King of Peace?
44119We eagerly inquire what powers could have had such influence over him, as to occasion so great anguish of spirit?
44119Were not those tongues whose powers of articulation Jesus had restored, heard to plead for mercy?
44119Were not those withered arms he had healed, upraised to shield from insult the giver of their strength?
44119What end was it designed to answer?
44119What lamb so patient under the hand of the destroyer?
44119What man can, by any means, redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for his soul?
44119What other nation has so long preserved a distinction?
44119What sword?
44119What was it which so soon relaxed the nerves, and damped the bravery of a soldiery, famed for their discipline and valour?
44119When he entered our world, was there not a proclamation of peace on earth, and good will to man?
44119When were converts to Christianity most numerous?
44119Whence this mark of respect, toward the object of their scorn and abhorrence?
44119Where are the Britons, Romans, Saxons, Normans, ancient inhabitants of our Isle?
44119Where shall we find a person who so closely resembles Moses, as Christ?
44119Who can discover or fully explain the nature, order, and beauteous economy, displayed in the animate and inanimate creation?
44119Who is this King of glory?
44119Who is this King of glory?
44119Who so oppressed and afflicted as he?
44119Who so patient under insult and tyrannical cruelty?
44119Who so silent under the voice of calumny?
44119Why are thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
44119Why did not the Chief Priest, at the head of the Jewish Sanhedrim, supported by the Roman authority, instantly compel them to surrender the body?
44119Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
44119Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
44119Would not the true majesty, and splendour of Godhead be more than man in his present state could bear?
44119Would you behold the justice of God?
44119Would you know the mercy of God, and see a display of his love to man?
44119Yet how is the method of man''s reconciliation with God slighted?
44119[ 38] We are told the word is derived from Natzar, which signifies a branch; and is not Jesus described as the man whose name is"the Branch?"
44119and bring him under the curse and punishment pronounced by the eternal and unchangeable Jehovah, against every blasphemer?
44119and did he not speak of the calamities that would befall the Jews?
44119and has he not declared, that it will profit us little"to gain the whole world and lose our own soul?"
44119and who shall stand when he appeareth?"
44119could ye not watch with me one hour?"
44119in fact do they not make him an impostor and deceiver?
44119is it I?"
44119or rather, where are they not?
44119or"hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"
14780And they that stood by said, Revilest thou God''s high priest? 14780 And when they had found him on the other side of the sea, they said unto him, Rabbi, when camest thou hither?
14780Are you come out as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me? 14780 Art not thou that Egyptian which, before these days, madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?"
14780Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 14780 Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed unto Caesar?
14780Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the traditions of the elders? 14780 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
14780Then the chief captain came, and said unto him( Paul), Tell me, Art thou a Roman? 14780 Were these powers claimed or exercised by the founders of the sects of the Waldenses and Albigenses?
14780Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? 14780 ) Who would not desire, who perceives not the value of an account delivered by a writer so well informed as this? 14780 58)? 14780 A little while and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while and ye shall see me: and, Because I go to the Father? 14780 A little while? 14780 An Otaheitean or an Esquimaux knows nothing of Christianity; does he know more of the principles of deism or morality? 14780 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? 14780 And after it was sold, was it not in thine own power?
14780And he answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?
14780And how did it succeed there?
14780And many of the people believed on him and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than those which this man hath done?"
14780And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be?
14780Are the calamities which at this day afflict it to be imputed to Christianity?
14780Are the nations of the world into which Christianity hath not found its way, or from which it hath been banished, free from contentions?
14780Are the truths of natural religion written in the skies, or in a language which every one reads?
14780Are their contentions less ruinous and sanguinary?
14780But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother; and who are my brethren?
14780But is this to do justice, either to themselves or to the religion?
14780But it will be said, if one religion could make its way without miracles, why might not another?
14780But lo, he speaketh boldly, and they say nothing to him: do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ?
14780But what are these consequences?
14780Could they expect it from the people,"whose acknowledged confidence in the public religion"they subverted from its foundation?
14780Could they hope to escape the dangers in which he had perished?
14780Did Huss or Jerome in Bohemia?
14780Did Luther in Germany, Zuinglius in Switzerland, Calvin in France, or any of the reformers advance this plea?"
14780Did Wickliffe in England pretend to it?
14780Did the applauded intercommunity of the pagan theology preserve the peace of the Roman world?
14780Do ye not understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
14780Does it check the inference which we draw from the confessed beneficence of the provision?
14780For what are we comparing?
14780From whence did these come?
14780Has it anything to do with it?
14780Has the necessity of this alternative been demonstrated?
14780Hath Poland fallen by a Christian crusade?
14780Hath any founder of a new sect amongst Christians pretended to miraculous powers, and succeeded by his pretensions?
14780Hath the overthrow in France of civil order and security been effected by the votaries of our religion, or by the foes?
14780He censured an overstrained scrupulousness, or perhaps an affectation of scrupulousness, about the Sabbath: but how did he censure it?
14780He was taken from prison and from judgment; and who shall declare his generation?
14780If bad men, what could have induced them to take such pains to promote virtue?
14780If it be said that this disposition is unattainable, I answer, so is all perfection: ought therefore a moralist to recommend imperfections?
14780If they would not inquire, how should they be convinced?
14780In these two latter instances the question proposed was,"What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
14780Is it a probability approaching to certainty?
14780Is it a probability of any great strength or force?
14780Is it for that they contain accounts of supernatural events?
14780Is it incredible that God should interpose for such a purpose?
14780Is it not sufficient for them, that we have sent down unto them the book of the Koran to be read unto them?"
14780Is it such as no evidence can encounter?
14780Lastly, where do we discern a stronger mark of candour, or less disposition to extol and magnify, than in the conclusion of the same history?
14780Many will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
14780Now how does this apply to the Christian history?
14780Now in what way can a revelation be made, but by miracles?
14780Now upon the subject of the truth of the Christian religion; with us there is but one question, viz., whether the miracles were actually wrought?
14780Now, how does the history of the age correspond with this account?
14780Now, how stands the proof of this point?
14780Or are our modern unbelievers in Christianity, for that reason, in danger of becoming Mahometans or Hindoos?
14780Or shall we say that some early Christians of taste and education composed these pieces and ascribed them to Christ?
14780Our Saviour, speaking to Peter of John, said,"If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?"''
14780Saint Paul addresses this person as a Jew:"King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets?
14780Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
14780Suppose him to design for mankind a future state; is it unlikely that he should acquaint him with it?
14780The next words to these,"who shall declare his generation?"
14780The only question which, in my opinion, can be raised upon the subject is, whether the prophecy was really delivered before the event?
14780The question concerning the woman who had been married to seven brothers,"Whose shall she be on the resurrection?"
14780The remaining letters of the apostles,( and what more original than their letters can we have?)
14780The works of Bede exhibit many wonderful relations: but who, for that reason, doubts that they were written by Bede?
14780Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest?"
14780Then said some of his disciples among themselves, What is this that he saith unto us?
14780Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he whom they seek to kill?
14780Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him aught to eat?
14780They are not disposed( and why should they?)
14780They said, therefore, What is this that he saith?
14780This happy peculiarity is a strong proof of the genuineness of these writings: for who should forge them?
14780This question is, in effect, no other than whether the story which Christians have now be the story which Christians had then?
14780This, without ascribing to him at the same time some proofs of his mission,( and what other but supernatural proofs could there be?)
14780Was any reader of English history ever sceptic enough to raise from hence a question whether the Marquis of Argyle was executed or not?
14780Was it bigotry that carried Alexander into the East, or brought Caesar into Gaul?
14780Was it the part of a writer who dealt in suppression and disguise to put down this anecdote?
14780Was our Saviour, in fact, a well instructed philosopher, whilst he is represented to us as an illiterate peasant?
14780What account can be given of the body, upon the supposition of enthusiasm?
14780What could the disciples of Christ expect for themselves when they saw their master put to death?
14780What had the apostles to assist them in propagating Christianity which the missionaries have not?
14780What knew they of grace, of redemption, of justification, of the blood of Christ shed for the sins of men, of reconcilement, of mediation?
14780What was Jesus in external appearance?
14780When was ever a change of religion patronized by infidels?
14780Whence had this man his wisdom?
14780Whereas, may it not be said that irresistible evidence would confound all characters and all dispositions?
14780Who hath believed our report?
14780Who is there that would not wish his son to be a Christian?
14780Who that has any charity?
14780Who was likely to record the travels, sufferings, labours, or successes of the apostles, but one of their own number, or of their followers?
14780Who were his coadjutors in the undertaking,--the persons into whose hands the religion came after his death?
14780Who would write a history of Christianity, but a Christian?
14780Why askest thou me?
14780Why should we question the genuineness of these books?
14780Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power?
14780and in thy name done many wonderful works?
14780and in thy name have cast out devils?
14780and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
14780and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?
14780are much cleared up in their meaning by the bishop''s version;"his manner of life who would declare?"
14780did it prevent oppressions, proscriptions, massacres, devastation?
14780i. e. who would stand forth in his defence?
14780or does it make us cease to admire the contrivance?
14780or is this the case with the most useful arts, or the most necessary sciences of human life?
14780who that is compassionate?
6135But how may I certainly know what God wants of me?
6135But will not people walk over us, if we do not stand up for our rights?
6135Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?
6135Have you done that this morning?
6135Have you received the Holy Ghost? 6135 Have you received the Holy Power?
6135How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?
6135How may I know the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
6135How then before Thee shall I dare To stand, or how Thine anger bear? 6135 Light obeyed increaseth light; Light resisted bringeth night; Who shall give me will to choose If the love of light I lose?
6135My soul, ask what thou wilt, Thou canst not be too bold; Since His own blood for thee He spilt, What else can He withhold?
6135Reader, have you made such a consecration as this? 6135 Shall I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit''s course in me restrain?
6135Should I be silent? 6135 What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?"
6135Where is the wise? 6135 Who hath made man''s mouth?"
6135Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? 6135 5)? 6135 And Washington and Lincoln? 6135 And are you conscious of His helpful, sympathising, loving presence with you? 6135 And did He not call Joan of Arc to her strange and wonderful mission? 6135 And if they knew Him, may not we? 6135 And if we know the words, may we not know the Teacher of the words? 6135 And is there not a science of salvation, of holiness, of eternal life, that requires the same absolute loyalty tothe Spirit of Truth"?
6135And then, were they not to be His Ministers of State and chief men in His Kingdom?
6135And what power is that?
6135And what was the standard of unity to which He would have us come?
6135And"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?"
6135Are they true?
6135Are you careful and have you victory in this matter, my comrade?
6135Are you ever cast down and depressed in spirit?
6135Are you filled with the Spirit?
6135Awed by a mortal''s frown, shall I Conceal the word of God most high?
6135Because the Bible tells us so?
6135Because the Church teaches it in her creed, and we have heard it from the catechism?
6135But already they were troubled, for what could this death and departure mean but the destruction of all their hopes, of all their cherished plans?
6135But how can this be in a world such as this?
6135But how can this be?
6135But how shall I know that I have met these conditions in a way to satisfy Him, and that I am myself saved?
6135But what can fit a man for such sacred work?
6135But what was the secret of David and Moses?
6135But, may we not?
6135But, then, consider well, Hugh, dost thou not know from whence thou comest?
6135Can these be reconciled?
6135Can you, my brother?
6135Charles Wesley expresses this in one of his matchless hymns:--"How can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven?
6135Do you ask,"How can I get such a blessing?"
6135Do you say,"I can not understand it"?
6135Do you think the temper is destroyed or sanctified?
6135Do you want the witness to abide?
6135Do you want this blessing, my brother, my sister?
6135Dr. Daniel Steele tells of a Jew who was asked,"Is it that you_ can not_, or that you_ will not_ believe?"
6135Has He called you into the work, my brother?
6135Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?"
6135Have you this power?
6135He asked the first one upon whom he called,"How is it with you this morning?"
6135He asks,"or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind?
6135He must be some august Divine Person, and not a mere influence or impersonal force, for how else could He take and fill the place of Jesus?
6135He said to Ananias,"Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost?"
6135He was ordered into the king''s presence, who, with a stern voice, asked:"How dared you thus offend me?"
6135How can fire dwell in a piece of iron until its very appearance is that of fire, and it becomes a fire- brand?
6135How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in Heaven?
6135How can one be always hopeful, always abounding in hope, in such a world?
6135How can the electric fluid fill and transform a dead wire into a live one, which you dare not touch?
6135How can they know when I have in my heart repented and believed, and when His righteous anger is turned away?
6135How can we do this?
6135How can we find truth and know it?
6135How could their poor hearts be otherwise than troubled?
6135How do we know Jesus Christ is divine?
6135How does God guide us?
6135How else could it be said that it was better to have Him than to have Jesus remaining in the flesh?
6135How much more when the friendship is heavenly?
6135How shall I know that I am accepted of God?--that I am saved or sanctified?
6135How then?
6135How, then, shall I know that I am justified or wholly sanctified?
6135How, then, shall we escape error and be"sound in doctrine"?
6135In Him was all their help, and what would they do, what could they do, without Him?
6135Is Jesus Christ divine?
6135Is Satan a personal being, and is there a Hell in which the wicked will be for ever punished?
6135Is it God''s will that the tides of the Atlantic and Pacific should sweep across the Isthmus of Panama?
6135Is man a fallen creature who can be saved only through the suffering and sacrifice of the Creator?
6135Is sin omnipotent?
6135Is the Bible an inspired Book?
6135Is there, then, confusion here?
6135Is this your spirit?
6135Leaving her he called immediately upon the other sister, and asked,"How are you to- day?"
6135My brother, my sister, what is your experience just now?
6135Now, what saved the child?
6135Or are they only fancies and falsehoods, or figures of speech and distortions of truth?
6135Or is the old man still warring against Him in your heart?
6135Reading his text, he commenced thus:''Hugh Latimer, dost thou know before whom thou art this day to speak?
6135Shall I, to soothe the unholy throng, Soften Thy truth, or smooth my tongue?
6135That men should run under the Alps?
6135That thoughts and words should be winged across the ocean without any visible or tangible medium?
6135The truth pierced them as a sword until they said,"What shall we do?"
6135Then"they asked of Him, saying, Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?"
6135Thoughts, desires, that enter there, Should they not be pure and fair?
6135To this Jesus replied with gracious kindness and searching logic:"How can Satan cast out Satan?
6135Upon whose message thou art sent?
6135WHO IS HE?
6135WHO IS HE?
6135What did Peter and James and John care for the great places in the kingdoms of this world after they were filled with the Holy Ghost?
6135What does Paul teach us here?
6135What is his secret?
6135What is it that cleanses or sanctifies, and how?
6135What is truth without love?
6135What kind of preaching is this?
6135What men have loved and laboured and sacrificed as these men?
6135What truth?
6135What was his secret?
6135What was the secret?
6135What was the secret?
6135What, then, was his secret?
6135When will the Lord''s dear children learn that the religion of Jesus is a lowly thing, and that it is the little foxes that spoil the vines?
6135Whence the superiority of these men?
6135Where is the disputer of this world?
6135Where is the scribe?
6135Who can explain_ how_ food sustains life; how light reveals material objects, how sound conveys ideas to our minds?
6135Who can understand it?
6135Who have been the mightiest and most faithful preachers of the gloom and terror and pain of a perpetual Hell?
6135Who is He?
6135Who is this other One-- this Comforter?
6135Why do men deny the divinity of Jesus Christ?
6135Why do men dispute the inspiration of the Scriptures?
6135Why do men doubt a Day of Judgment, and a state of everlasting doom?
6135Why do people seek for guidance and not find it?
6135Why should they be troubled?
6135Will there be a resurrection of the dead, and a day in which God will judge all the world by the Man Christ Jesus?
6135Would these men, who denounce us so, be willing to forgo their religious ecstasies and spend their lives in such lowly, unheralded service?"
6135Would they now admit His claim to be the Son of God, their promised and long- looked- for Messiah?
6135_ The Doctrine._--What is the teaching of God''s word about holiness?
6135and why art thou disquieted in me?
6135have not I the Lord?
6135or who shall stand in His holy place?
6135when the Friend is our Lord and Saviour, our Creator and Redeemer, our Governor and Judge, our Teacher, Guide, and God?
38965How shall this be done,and yet my vow be left intact?
38965How shall this be done?
38965How shall we sing in a strange land?
38965Whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?
38965Who is My Mother?
38965Who is She?
38965Who is She?
38965Who is she that cometh up from the desert?
38965Who is she?
38965Who is she?
38965Who is she?
38965Who is she?
38965Who is she?
38965Why hast Thou done so?
38965("_ How shall this be done?_") 23 7.
38965("_ Son, why hast Thou done so to us?_") 65 18.
38965(_ Introit for the Feast of the Assumption._) What were the causes of their joy?
38965All those to whom He appeared would take it for granted that His Mother had seen Him-- why write down a thing that everybody knew?
38965Am I in_ haste_ to perform acts of charity, especially when the request for them comes at inconvenient moments?
38965Am I prepared to ratify this offering that my Elder Brother made in my name?
38965Am I ready to give them up to Him to Whom they belong when He asks for them?
38965Am I ready to make my sacrifice-- even a blind one-- ready to say:_ Ecce adsum_--"Behold, here I am"--and to trust where I can not understand?
38965Am I, like Mary, absolutely faithful to any contract that I may have made with GOD?
38965And He answers:"Did you not know that I must be about My Father''s business?"
38965And do I regard it as something precious, consecrated and dedicated, GOD''S Temple, His own dwelling- place?
38965And during those long years-- according to some opinions fifteen, to others, twenty- three-- what was Mary''s strength?
38965And if Mary turned and said:"Yes, my child, what is it?"
38965And it is the same flame of love which now impels her to speak:"How shall this be done?"
38965And shall not I, too, take an interest in this wondrous Treasury?
38965And what about JESUS?
38965And what about Mary''s joy?
38965And what is such an effectual barrier to sympathy as the feeling that we are not understood?
38965And what was Mary''s part?
38965And what will be my position there?
38965Are my affections set on things above, where JESUS and Mary are?
38965Are not all such things as these a part of it?
38965Are these great things possible for me?
38965As soon as I know that whatever is being asked of me is the Holy Spirit''s doing, am I at rest?
38965Before I go on, let me ask myself to what extent I am copying my Mother in at once passing on to GOD all praise that may come to me?
38965But are we not making Mary almost equal with her Son?
38965But what is It to those who know?
38965Can I, sweet Mother of Sorrows, pour balm into that terrible wound?
38965Can it be that they do not believe that GOD did great things for her?
38965Can it be that they refuse to listen to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Who tells them that Mary is blessed among women?
38965Could any gulf be wider?
38965Could not her intercession for the Church have been even more effectual had she been close to her Son''s throne in Heaven?
38965Could she not have been the Mother of Good Counsel in Heaven for those who had to guide the Church in its infancy, as she has been ever since?
38965Did Mary receive the Last Sacraments?
38965Do I always take JESUS with me when I go to visit my friends?
38965Do I follow my Mother''s example in this?
38965Do I in my times of desolation turn instinctively to His House, where I know that He is hidden?
38965Do I love to hear about my own country?
38965Do I realise that this makes my body holy?
38965Do I say:"How can this be done?"
38965Do I tell my Mother of all the difficulties of the way and allow her to console me with stories of the Homeland?
38965Do those whom I visit feel that I create an atmosphere-- an atmosphere which makes them more ready to bless JESUS and Mary?
38965Does it almost weary me to have such perfection given me to copy?
38965Does it seem impossible?
38965Does my happiness, even in the midst of trial, make others understand what great things GOD_ can_ do for those who love Him?
38965Does not everything in the house speak of Him?
38965Does she sit still and mourn over the days that are gone?
38965Does the joy that is in my heart show itself in my countenance, in my manner, in my actions, and sometimes perhaps in my words?
38965Does the mother mind the sighs?
38965For the third time the Angels ask the question:"Who is she that cometh up from the desert flowing with delights, leaning upon her Beloved?"
38965GOD gave His reasons this time-- but when He does not, what then?
38965Have I any right to claim the privileges?
38965Have things of earth no attraction for me in comparison with heavenly things?
38965How can I be like JESUS, and a child of thine without it?
38965How can I do this or that_ here_?
38965How comes it that there is no sorrow with which the Heart of Mary can not sympathise?
38965How could Joseph bear to have suspicions of his wife, whom he considered to be purity itself, and whom he loved so tenderly?
38965How did Mary win the Victor''s crown?
38965How does Mary act?
38965How far am I like her?
38965How far am I like my Mother in this?
38965How far do I copy my Mother in this?
38965How is it that"never is it heard of that her children turn to her in vain"?
38965How is it with me?
38965How often I say it!--_Hail Mary!_ What do I mean by it?
38965How was Mary transformed?
38965How was the world transformed?
38965If I know that He is there, why need I trouble so much about the ups and downs?
38965If my salvation cost JESUS and Mary so much, ought it not to cost me something too?
38965Is it my first motive and object?
38965Is it not just because of this flame of communicating love?
38965Is it so?
38965Is it so?
38965Is my whole heart in Heaven because my treasure is there?
38965Is not this something like my_ Hail Maries_ carelessly and lightly said?
38965Is there any use in crying for re- admittance?
38965Is there anything in which I can copy her in her visit to her cousin Elizabeth?
38965It was certainly_ love_ that prompted the word, but in what sense was it a_ transforming_ love?
38965Let me answer my question by another:_ Could_ GOD do otherwise?
38965Mary had more reason to hope than many others, for was she not of the tribe of Judah, and of the House of David?
38965Mary''s Fifth Word"_ And His Mother said to Him: Son, why hast Thou done so to us?
38965Mary''s First Word"_ And Mary said to the Angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man?_"( St Luke i.
38965May not another reason have been in order that she might be the_ better able to sympathise_ with the exiled children of Eve(_ exules filii Evæ_)?
38965O Mother of fair love, why do the poor banished children of Eve so continually turn to thee?
38965Of what, then, did Mary die?
38965Or is she disappointed to find that her child''s thoughts are not really with her at all?
38965She knew that He would rise again-- but would she see Him?
38965She says straight out what she is feeling, with that holy familiarity to which her love gives her a right:"Son, why hast Thou done so to us?
38965That is: Who is she who is adorned with all possible graces and virtues?
38965This was Mary''s sacrifice-- but what is her part in the Sacrifice that her Son is offering to His Father for the world''s redemption?
38965To what extent have I taken this word seriously?
38965To what extent is this_ flamma amoris compatientis_ burning in me?
38965To whom, then, is it more natural for the poor banished children of Eve to turn than to the Mother whose one idea is to get them back?
38965Was it just before the War in Heaven, when He revealed His plans to the first creatures of His Hands?
38965Was it not just what they wanted?
38965Was it on the day of the Holy and Immaculate Conception?
38965Was it when He spoke to our first parents of"the seed of the woman"?
38965Was the birth of this little one so different from any other?
38965What about our sacrifice?
38965What did our Lord do with His interruption, which was a very real one, and far more disturbing than are many of ours of which we complain so readily?
38965What do I know of this flame of joyful love?
38965What does He do?
38965What does Mary''s death say to me?
38965What does it mean-- this word"_ Ave_,"_ Hail!_ with which Gabriel begins his message?
38965What does it mean?
38965What have I got to do, then, in the matter?
38965What have_ I_ got to do as an exile?
38965What is the secret, then, of suffering?
38965What is this ark sanctified by GOD but Mary''s body, of which the Son of GOD took flesh?
38965What is to decide whether I get it or not?
38965What made those Communions so intense?
38965What position shall I earn?
38965What was JESUS to Mary in the land of her exile?
38965What was it that gave her an almost superhuman courage?
38965What, then, must have been the measure with which Mary was"filled with the Holy Ghost,"for what was the Apostles''work compared with hers?
38965When did GOD begin to prepare His Tabernacle?
38965When she turns at my_ Hail!_ to ask me for something, does she always get it?
38965Where can I get it?
38965Who had a greater right to know it than Mary, through whose means the Incarnation took place?
38965Who is My mother?
38965Who is my Mother?
38965Who is this but the Queen of Heaven clothed with her glorious body of immortality?
38965Why are the Angels so full of interest?
38965Why is mine so precious?
38965Why was Abraham called the friend of GOD?
38965Why was Mary''s body so precious?
38965Why was her body not left in the tomb?
38965Why was it?
38965Why, then, has He done so?
38965Why, then, should Mary die?
38965Would He come to her?
38965Would it be better not to say it at all, than to risk any want of respect to that Mother whom I love so dearly?
38965Would it be fair if all were easy and smooth for me?
38965Would it be worthy of Himself if He were to give me anything less than a_ perfect_ copy?
38965Would not the Beatific Vision in Heaven have been better than her Communions on earth?
38965_ 1st Prelude._ The Angels asking three times:"Who is she?"
38965_ Colloquy_ with Mary, asking her to obtain for me the grace to say with her:"How shall this be done?"
38965_ Point I._--"WHO IS SHE?"
38965_ Point I._--THE ANGELS What does it all mean?
38965_ Point I._--THE PREPARATION OF THE TABERNACLE Why should Mary be called a Tabernacle?
38965_ Point II._--"WHO IS SHE?"
38965_ Point II._--FULL OF GRACE How is Mary full of grace?
38965_ Point II._--THE HOLY TABERNACLE What was it?
38965_ Point II._--THE REASON FOR MARY''S EXILE Why did her Son leave her behind to suffer so intensely, as He well knew she would, from the separation?
38965_ Point III._--"WHO IS SHE?"
38965_ Point III._--A LESSON ON RELATIONSHIPS To the interrupter He said:"Who is My mother?
38965_ Resolution._ To ask myself the question often to- day:"Who is she?"
38965_ Spiritual Bouquet._"How shall this be done?"
38965_ Spiritual Bouquet._"Why hast Thou done so to us?"
38965and who are My brethren?"
38965should I know?
38965that it was of me that He thought and to me that He spoke?
28103Beauty and kindness go togethersaith the poet; but is there any kindness in creating men for the purpose of making them miserable for ever?
28103Turn ye, turn ye, why will you die?
28103to choose?
28103to come?
28103to eat?
28103to hear?
28103to repent?
281031,"who hath believed our report?"
281033);"Hath not God chosen the poor in this world rich in faith?"
28103:--What is the character of the Being revealed in nature?
28103A man who has hitherto lived an ungodly life becomes converted, and the question arises--how are we to account for this moral phenomenon?
28103After detailing what had been done, the question is asked,"What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it?
28103And can anything be said against it?
28103And if Divine wisdom watches over the seeds of the vegetable kingdom, does it not stand to reason that it will do so in regard to truth?
28103And if God foreordained them, how can we esteem Him as wise and good?
28103And if God''s prophet intimated disaster-- which actually occurred-- where was there deception?
28103And if every one of our deeds is fixed, what better are men than mere automata?
28103And if not to our intelligence wise and good, how can we give Him our confidence and love?
28103And if so, why was it that Paul was so distressed about them, as he says, in the first part of the chapter, that he was?
28103And is not the life that is to come a continuance of the life that_ now is_?
28103And is not this just?
28103And is not this partiality?
28103And what answer could be given?
28103And what is done in the world?
28103And what is that evidence?
28103And what would this involve?
28103And what, then?
28103And where does this lead to?
28103And where the justice of condemning the man to be cast, in these circumstance, into outer darkness?
28103And will it bear looking at?
28103Are not men called upon"to look?"
28103Are they anthropophagi, or are they of a friendly disposition?
28103Are we to throw reason to the dogs when we speak on scriptural subjects?
28103Ask him how it came about?
28103Aye, why?
28103Because the blind beggar takes an alms, has he whereof to glory?
28103Because they resisted him, would it be right to say that they were physically stronger than God?
28103But does it prove it?
28103But had He a right to extend mercy as He saw fit?
28103But here the questions arise-- What is the nature of God''s predestination?
28103But how can these words prove universal foreordination?
28103But how could He exhort them to believe in the light, if He knew that the Divine Father had rendered their doing so an impossibility?
28103But how do men enter into this adopted family?
28103But how is it made?
28103But how stands the case?
28103But if everything has been fixed how can this be done?
28103But if they were elected by an infallible decree, how could they make it sure?
28103But is it not clear as day that the author of a decree is the author of the thing decreed?
28103But is this a good ground for rejecting it?
28103But may not this change in the man take place without this_ tertiam quid_, or third something?
28103But the primary question with an honest inquirer should not be, which view of a subject is the most agreeable?
28103But the question is simply this,--what was it that God had determined to be done?
28103But the question is-- What is His pleasure in regard to the production of virtue?
28103But what about the_ security_ of the believer?
28103But what are sinful actions?
28103But what does the other say?
28103But what is His will?
28103But what is wisdom?
28103But what more comfort could a man desiderate than is given by the Holy Spirit?
28103But why do some yield, and some not?
28103But why was the ground rejected, or reprobated?
28103But why were they rejected-- reprobated?
28103But why would he not?
28103Can any one give a reason for it that will stand scrutiny?
28103Can such declarations be justified if the transactions recorded were all foreordained?
28103Could we call a father a good father who foreordains that one- half of his offspring should be burned?
28103Do not the heretical opinions denounced by the Fathers bear a close resemblance to the"elect"and the"reprobate"of the Confession of Faith?
28103Does God determine the number of suicides?
28103Does it prove eternal election?
28103Does not fate say this?
28103Does the above passage prove this?
28103Does the patient who takes the medicine under the persuasion of a kind physician, and is cured, have whereof to boast?
28103Doubtless, health is a precious blessing; but is it given arbitrarily, like special grace?
28103Dr. W. Cooke remarks,"What is involved in necessity?
28103Had God a RIGHT to select the Jacobites as the Messianic people instead of the Edomites?
28103Had He a right to deal with the destinies of men as He judged right?
28103Had He a right to destroy Pharaoh when he refused to yield?
28103Had He expired during the sore agony in the garden, would not His death have been meritorious?
28103Has He not written His mind in the providence around us?
28103Has brain, nerve, habit, nothing to do with the case?
28103Have they not a ring of genuine sincerity about them?
28103Having observed footmarks upon the sand, and other tokens of man''s presence, another question would be, What is the character of the people?
28103He asks,"Why one is born rich, and another poor?
28103He extends mercy to those who believe in Jesus: PHARAOH.--_Inquirer_,--"But what do you make of Pharaoh?
28103How is it to be explained that two persons equal in talent and moral worth, obtain such unequal measure of success?
28103How stands the case?
28103If Christ has died only for a few, and the names of these are kept a profound secret, how can I believe that I am among that few?
28103If Christ was put before those unbelievers for the purpose of making them disobey, then would not this be to put a stumbling- block in their way?
28103If God used force in this matter, why reason with men and appeal to them as He does?
28103If he said that God did not wish them to keep His law, would not this have been to put the Holy One on a level with the great enemy of man?
28103If men sow nettle-seed or the seed of briers and thorns, is it not fair that they should reap the fruit?
28103If so, the matter may be easily settled thus:--Does God foresee that men will sin?
28103If twenty plans are presented to me, and I select one only, does not this imply the rejection of the others?
28103Is He beneficent, or like the fabled Chronus, who devoured his children?
28103Is he not, moreover, the maker of his own character?
28103Is it a forced or free thing?
28103Is it not the case that the author of a decree is not responsible for the sin of the decree?"
28103Is it possible to choose one of two things, excepting for reasons to be found in the things themselves?
28103Is man governed by the law of necessity as storms are, and as waters are?
28103Is not this favouritism?
28103Is there anything in the context to prove the reverse?
28103It is as follows:--"Shall the trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid?
28103It is this-- Are there_ immeritorious_ grounds of salvation, and are men required to be active in their moral regeneration?
28103It is true that the words"election"and"grace"occur in this passage; but the simple question is, what is their meaning?
28103It is very true that God is the source of all the good in the world, but does He bestow it arbitrarily?
28103It was this:--Whence comes insanity?
28103Its exhortations summed up are expressed thus--"Turn ye, turn ye, why will you die?"
28103Let us suppose this to be the meaning-- what then?
28103Look at the biographies of prominent men, and what do we find?
28103Look now at the unsaved man: why has he not believed?
28103MERCY ON WHOM HE WILL.--_Inquirer_,--"But did not God claim the right to extend mercy to whom He pleased, and to withhold it from whom He pleased?"
28103Mr. Robinson has put the case thus:"What is election?
28103Now, if the"whereunto"refers to the"disobedient,"how could they be charged with disobedience if they were just doing what they were appointed to do?
28103Now, if we take the passage in the Calvinistic sense, that it refers to salvation, what will follow?
28103Now, we do not question God''s right to do what He will with His own, but is this difference in mental calibre purely an arbitrary act?
28103Now, when I take up the Bible, what do I find?
28103On what, then, does the doctrine rest, if not upon the use of the word?
28103Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?"
28103Since, then, the truth believed is a sufficient reason for the change, why introduce the theory of irresistible grace?
28103Such being, we conceive, a correct representation of the terms, we have to inquire, where lies the alleged incompatibility of prescience and freedom?
28103Suppose that there was no robe for the man, would he or should he have been speechless?
28103Supposing this to be the case, can there be any choice, election?
28103THE POTTER AND THE CLAY.--_Inquirer_,--"But what of the potter and the clay, verse twenty- one?"
28103The Catechism asks the question,"Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?"
28103The apostle had asked, in the first verse,"Hath God cast off His people?"
28103The feeling of security is very agreeable; but how, if strict Calvinism is adhered to, is any man to get intelligently amongst the elect?
28103The question is asked,"Is God the cause or author of man''s salvation, or is man the author of his own salvation?"
28103The question is this-- what has God, in the exercise of His sovereignty, chosen to do?
28103The question then is, does this passage prove eternal and unconditional election?
28103The question, however, is not whether God has a plan, but what that plan comprehends?
28103The questions, then, which force themselves upon our attention are these: Do these inequalities originate with God, or with man?"
28103The result, if he did, was predicted; was this deception?
28103The simple question is this: does this passage prove unconditional election?
28103The simple question then is, Does this doctrine of Calvinistic election exhibit God as a respecter of persons?
28103Their language is,"Choose ye this day whom ye will serve;""Wilt thou not from this day say unto me, My father?"
28103Their value turns on this-- does God_ mean_ what He says?
28103These creatures do as God desires; is it so as regards man?
28103They entrench themselves behind such passages as,"Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated;""Hath not the potter power over the clay?"
28103They said,"Of what use are all doctrines and precepts?
28103To press for an answer to this question is just to press for an answer to another-- viz., why do men sin?
28103True, but what does this mean?
28103True, but will the followers of Calvin maintain that he knew more of divinity than Christ?
28103True; but did He foreordain them?
28103Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil way, for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"
28103WERE a number of shipwrecked mariners cast upon an island, one of their first inquiries would be, Is it inhabited?
28103Was he not a typical illustration of the unconditionally reprobated?"
28103Was there anything in the nature of the truth preached to them and believed by them fitted to do this?
28103We can not conceive that such a question would have been asked, viz.,"Why will ye die?"
28103We then asked,"Do you think that God wishes people to keep His law?"
28103Were I then to stand on the bank of the river and ask the sinking man, Why will you die?
28103Were we therefore asked whether we denied election?
28103What is freedom?
28103What is it to be a respecter of persons?
28103What is prescience?
28103What, then, are the objects which God has in view in evangelical election?
28103What, then, are we to understand by the doctrine of reprobation?
28103What, then, can be clearer than this opposition?
28103What, then, had God determined to be done?
28103When, then, Dr. Payne quotes the words,"He giveth none account of these things,"we ask, is it so?
28103Which will it be?
28103Who ordained these and a thousand such horrid deeds?
28103Why will not theologians look at things from a commonsense point of view?
28103Why, then, insist upon irresistibility when it is repudiated by Christian consciousness?
28103Why, then, insist upon it in religion?
28103Will he command him to go aloft when it is impossible for him to do it, and punish him as guilty of disobedience?
28103Will you be saved?
28103Would Nathan have understood this logic?
28103Would not any one reading these words naturally conclude that God really wished all the people to be saved?
28103Would not such a speech have been perfectly satisfactory?
28103Would the miller marvel that the mill did not go when he had ordained that the water should be shut off?
28103Would you ask a man to walk who had no legs?
28103Would you marvel that the fire had gone out when it was decreed not to give additional fuel?
28103and does it embrace all events?
28103and education?
28103and marriage?
28103and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?
28103but, what is the truth upon the point?
28103to look, if he had no eyes?
28103we should be quite entitled to ask, to what kind of election did our questioner refer?
28103what would be thought of me, or any man, who should act such a part?
28103wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?"
25974But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 25974 Have we not all one father?
25974Many will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? 25974 Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?"
25974Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 25974 The question is not, Do natural causes operate uniformly?
25974Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die?
25974Unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son?
25974_ If God is active out in space, who shall deny Him the right or the power to be active on this planet? 25974 15:3)? 25974 15:3)? 25974 22:3)? 25974 4:7), the question arises, why pray to Our Father in Heaven to be forgiven? 25974 8:28), if the ultimate purpose is simply salvation? 25974 9:12); that it has redeemed us from_ all_ iniquity( Titus 2:14), and that every one that believes is_ justified_ from_ all_ things( Acts 13:39)? 25974 9:24- 27:Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but only one receiveth the prize?
25974A Mohammedan, a Jew, a Christian Scientist, a Unitarian, a Universalist, confess their sins,--are they forgiven?
25974After his terrible sin, God sent word to him by the prophet Nathan,"Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight?
25974And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
25974And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good?
25974And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live?
25974And if active on this planet at all, then in the individual lives of His children?
25974And if any one says that this was morally impossible, may we not ask again, What is the alternative?
25974And is there knowledge in the Most High?
25974And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
25974And they say, How doth God know?
25974And who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgement, and taught him knowledge, and showed to him the way of understanding?
25974Are you really satisfied with Him and with what He has done?
25974Are you working in your own field?
25974Are you?
25974As to the first, ought sin to be punished?
25974At last he broke the silence,"Brother James, may I say something to you and you not get angry?"
25974Believest thou this?"
25974But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?"
25974But do not redeemed people, God''s children, sometimes become backsliders?
25974But does Paul teach that there are rewards for bodily sufferings and self- denials?
25974But does the Saviour mean all old men and women who become Christians in old age and begin working in the vineyard?
25974But he answered one of them and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst not thou agree with me for a penny?
25974But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast?
25974But the objector says,"Will God condemn a man when he has no light?"
25974But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
25974But the question arises, if being baptized the right way and living the right kind of a life are not conditions of salvation, why do these things?
25974But who are the"we"?
25974But why love Him?
25974But, reader, remember that_ God is just_; and if that is justice, what would injustice be?
25974But_ are natural causes the only causes that exist or operate_?
25974Can I bring him back again?
25974Can your faith give you something which Christ can not?
25974D. L. Moody, in"The Way Home,""But who may use this prayer,''Our Father which art in Heaven''?
25974Do n''t be angry with me, brother James, but what have you got up yonder?"
25974Do you remember that rich farm of a thousand acres you saw this afternoon?
25974Does not God, because He is God, deserve such earnest consideration from you, reader?
25974Does"the modern mind"absolutely know that God is now inactive and must remain inactive?
25974Finally the banker turned and said,"Brother John, may I say something to you and you not get angry?"
25974Following immediately He says, verse 26,"For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world and forfeit his life?
25974For what shall a man be profited if he shall gain the whole world and forfeit his life, or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?
25974Have n''t I hung my soul upon His"exceeding great and precious promise"?
25974Have you any right to expect anything from Him if you approach Him in a half- hearted, indifferent way?
25974Have you been adopted as a child of God?
25974Have you been redeemed from the curse of the law?
25974Hence, that awful cry,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
25974How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment?
25974How can God, because He is just, let the redeemed man, if he is redeemed_ from all iniquity_, be lost?
25974How can an earnest, honest man refuse to make an earnest, honest investigation?
25974How could David be thus sure?
25974How could the Saviour and Peter and Paul have left out these conditions if they are conditions of salvation?
25974How did they become disciples?
25974How then could the spiritual want be produced in the souls of men in order that they might love the spiritual benefactor?"...
25974I would like to ask him, what would he preach if he were the pastor of a people who have no character?"
25974If God is their Father and loves them, what can these severe trials and afflictions mean?
25974If I rob Smith and God forgives me, how does that help Smith?
25974If by an imperfect character, how imperfect may it be and the man yet be saved?
25974If he, with his character unexcelled among unredeemed men, was yet unsaved, how can any other unredeemed man hope for salvation by character?
25974If salvation is by character, by what kind of character, a perfect character, or an imperfect character?
25974If that was really the prayer of the publican, how_ could_ the Saviour have said,"This man went down to his house_ justified_"?
25974If the believing soul could be condemned, then why a sacrifice?
25974If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
25974If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
25974If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
25974If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
25974If, then, the new life is not_ eternal_ life,_ what life is it_?
25974In closing this chapter, reader, pause and consider:--are you yet under the law?
25974Is it not that the sinful should be left alone with their responsibility, doom, curse, and death?"
25974Is not satisfaction with Christ enough for you, or for every sinner?
25974Is not the very essence of real faith just your being satisfied with Christ?
25974Is the motive of your life love of Christ because He has redeemed you from all iniquities?
25974Is there a being called"Nature"who made these laws?
25974Nay, and is not this the truest kind of faith?
25974Now comes the all- important question, what do these parallel expressions,"believe on Christ"or"believe in[ into] Christ"mean?
25974On what condition does He justify the ungodly?
25974Or will Christ give you nothing till you can produce faith of a certain kind and quality, whose excellences will entitle you to blessing?
25974People are ever asking,"Will the heathen be lost without the gospel?"
25974Reader, which field are you working in?
25974Reader, will you be among the number who make this foolish, this fatal mistake?
25974Second, ought all sin to be punished, or only the coarser, grosser, more offensive sins?
25974Shall men be looked upon as sensible when they flee to safety for their bodies, and be scorned for fleeing to safety for their souls?
25974Tell me therefore which of them will love him most?"
25974Tell me, therefore, which of them will love him most?
25974Tell me, therefore, which of them will love him most?
25974That would have meant no moral laws; for why have moral laws, if there would be no penalty, no justice?
25974The high priest asked,"Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
25974The oft- quoted sentence,"What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul?
25974Then said his servants unto him, What thing is this that thou hast done?
25974They were different in light and in opportunity and in sins, and yet punished alike?
25974This leads to another question: How can God be_ just_ and_ not_ justify"him that hath faith in Jesus"?
25974This thing is wrong; God did this thing; therefore, God did wrong?
25974To any honest, candid man, which is the correct way to reason?
25974Two questions arise: first, ought sin to be punished?
25974Was Paul buffeting his body against having a wife lest he should be a castaway( or rejected) from salvation?
25974What can be surer or freer than that?"
25974What deeds?
25974What does"repent"or"repentance"mean?
25974What life, if not eternal life?
25974What more could you have?
25974What more, then, do you wish?
25974What right has any man living in sin and in open enmity with God, to lift up his voice and say, Our or My Father?
25974When the jailor came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said,"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
25974When the jailor fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said,"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
25974Where is man in the scale of being?
25974Where is the standard?
25974Where will you be?
25974Which shall it be in your case, reader?
25974Which shall it be in your case, reader?
25974Who did the sinning?
25974Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?
25974Who is able to so shape the circumstances of each life as to properly develop each character?
25974Who knows how to develop each character properly?
25974Who knows the defects, the weaknesses, of each character?
25974Who knows what each character ought to be?
25974Who revealed to"the modern mind"that these laws were immutable?
25974Why did not the Saviour and Peter and Paul express these conditions?
25974Why do ye not understand my speech?
25974Why is he saved?
25974Why is it necessary for this man of character to believe on Christ in order to be saved?
25974Why love Him?
25974Why not?
25974Why should others who stand with him in rejecting complete redemption through Christ?
25974Why the difference?
25974Why this similarity?
25974Why, then, serve God?
25974Why, then, should the one who has thus trusted Christ ever be baptized, or live a faithful, godly life?
25974Will a man be a castaway( or rejected) from salvation for enjoying comforts and privileges that are not sinful and to which he has a right?
25974Will you will, will you choose, to make an honest, persistent investigation?
25974With whom took he counsel?
25974_ But how many_ of our sins?
25974_ FOR FURTHER STUDY_: A brief list is here given of books that will be helpful to sceptical readers:"Why Is Christianity True?"
25974_ FOR FURTHER STUDY_: The fear of Abraham is the fear of the human race, Gen. 18:25,"Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?"
25974and in thy name done many wonderful works?
25974and in thy name done many wonderful works?
25974and in thy name have cast out demons?
25974and in thy name have cast out demons?
25974or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?"
25974or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
16307Ages ago, a lady there, At the farthest window facing the East Asked, Who rides by with the royal air?
16307And is the man that is to be still far in the distance?
16307And is there any absolute right?
16307And we may venture to ask also-- Who started this movement in which we are all involved?
16307And what more convincing evidence of the spiritual nature of man could be desired than that he asks such questions?
16307Are all ideas concerning spiritual ministry delusions?
16307Are all reverent, earnest, cheerful, optimistic?
16307Are not some born moral cripples as others are born with physical deformities?
16307Are not some spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind from birth?
16307Are not such persons conscientious?
16307Are temptation, sin, sorrow, and even death, angels of God sent forth to minister to the perfection of man?
16307Are the hindrances in the path of the soul without any ministry?
16307Are there any clearly defined paths by which this knowledge may be reached?
16307Are they perfecting souls which at last are to be laid away with the bodies which were fortunate enough to win an earlier death?
16307Are they taught as a duty in the Scriptures?
16307Are they two experiences?
16307Are we in the midst of a process of evolution?
16307Are we now thinking of immensities, eternities, and the cosmic process?
16307Are we thinking of Jehovah the God of Israel?
16307But has no clearer voice spoken?
16307But how do I know?
16307But how is it to be taught to appreciate that one voice only in all that confusion of strange sounds should be heeded, and all the rest disregarded?
16307But how shall it discern the morally excellent?
16307But what efficacy will prayers for the dead have?
16307But what then shall be said of heredity?
16307But when we have ascended to such a height what does the word Father mean?
16307But who ever bore the griefs of another before he himself had felt sadness?
16307But why did He appear at all after death?
16307By mother- love?
16307Can we be sure that no malign spiritual influences hinder and bewilder?
16307Did John Bunyan truly picture the ascent of the soul?
16307Do love and mutual helpfulness prevail?
16307Do the members of the family live as if God were a near and blessed reality, and right and duty were more sacred than life?
16307Does any light from Jesus penetrate the mystery of death?
16307Does its path, of necessity, lead through the Slough of Despond, through Vanity Fair, by Castle Dangerous, and into the realm of Giant Despair?
16307Does the death of the body do anything more than change the mode of the spirit''s existence?
16307Does this teaching seem mystical and fanciful?
16307Given the spiritual being, what are the stages through which he will pass on his way to the goal toward which he is surely pressing?
16307Has our idea expanded so as to include all the nations?
16307Has the horizon been lifted to take in heavenly heights?
16307Have they had a fair chance?
16307How can our systems of education be justified, if the soul is perfected only to be destroyed?
16307How can we say then that any are free?
16307How could it be otherwise, since its being is derived from Him?
16307How could it have been otherwise?
16307How does the soul become adjusted to the moral order?
16307How has this epoch in the ascent of the soul been treated in literature?
16307How may it be adjusted to this knowledge?
16307How may prayers for the dead be justified?
16307How may sorrow, suffering, and even moral evil be made ministers of an upward movement?
16307How shall the bitter injustice which is frequently found on the earth be explained?
16307How shall we explain the singular devotion of Monica to Augustine?
16307How, then, does it learn what truth and right are?
16307If His teaching is true, is it not as reasonable to try to serve those of our loved ones who are out of the body as those who are in the body?
16307If one asks for proof that the spirit persists, the only reply must be a Socratic one-- Can you prove that it is vitally connected with the body?
16307If prayer helps any one, why not those who have passed from our sight?
16307If that were true, how could we account for the enormous waste in discipline and culture, in education and affection?
16307If we are thus helped why should we presume that they may not also, by such sweet hours, be strengthened for their duties?
16307In other words, is not the fact that we are spirits all the proof that we need to have of the Father of Spirits?
16307In the meantime let us ask, What aid does the soul need in its passage through its life on the earth?
16307Indeed, may it not be assumed that physical differences are but expressions of still more clearly marked differences in spirits?
16307Is Jesus Christ the brightness of the Father''s glory?
16307Is Jesus the unique revelation of the divine?
16307Is evolution alone a sufficient guarantee that it will some time reach its goal?
16307Is he correct?
16307Is it an end or a beginning?
16307Is it difficult to select the one phrase of all human utterances which has exerted the largest influence in ameliorating the human condition?
16307Is it from man himself?
16307Is it necessary that any should fall in order that they may rise?
16307Is it possible to believe that the man was less enduring than his work?
16307Is not a single ray of light all the evidence which any one needs of the reality of the sun?
16307Is not the presence of one spiritual being a demonstration of a greater Spirit somewhere?
16307Is not truth a matter of education?
16307Is that ethereal something which we call soul simply the result of the organization of atoms?
16307Is the death of the body the end of the spirit?
16307Is the old doctrine of Guardian Angels true?
16307Is there no way by which a soul may be brought to the knowledge of God except by bitter trials?
16307Is this all?
16307Is this answer rejected as fanciful or superstitious?
16307Is this environment of evil necessary to the development of the soul?
16307Jesus has responded to the essential questions: For what have we been created?
16307Job''s question,"If a man die shall he live again?"
16307Just here we should ask, What do we mean by the soul?
16307May those who have realized this experience help others to attain to it so that the process may be hastened and made easier?
16307Must one pass through hell and purgatory before he may enjoy the"beatific vision?"
16307No freedom?
16307Of its enormity I have already spoken; but what about its origin, its uses, and its continuance?
16307Of what value, then, is conscience?
16307On what do we base our faith that the soul exists after death?
16307One individual may help another to acquire other knowledge,--must it make an exception of things spiritual?
16307Or is the body like a house in which a spiritual tenant dwells?
16307Or that they are moral failures?
16307Or, if we have not sufficient material for a positive statement, is there enough to make a strong affirmation of probability?
16307Other teachers have tried to answer the inquiry, Does God exist?
16307Shall it choose simply to exist?
16307Shall it yield to the limitations and solicitations of the body?
16307Should they be blamed or pitied?
16307So we stand before the future, and ask, Toward what goal are all this education, experience and discipline tending?
16307That many, or most, of these men have been essentially and totally bad?
16307The call of his destiny finds every man, and, when he hears it, he asks: How may I reach that goal?
16307The practical question, therefore, for all in this human world is not, are there spiritual laws?
16307Then how shall we account for the imagination which is capable of giving birth to such magnificent dreams?
16307Then what is conscience?
16307Then, suddenly and swiftly, come the questions, Although my friend is called dead is he any less alive than when he was in the body?
16307This answer only pushes the question one stage further back, and leaves us still inquiring, Where do the souls of men originally come from?
16307Thus hope is born, and he who one moment cries, Who shall deliver from this body of death?
16307VII_ THE PLACE OF JESUS CHRIST_ In the ascent of the soul do light and power come to its assistance from outside and from above?
16307Was it the study of Plato?
16307Well, then, whence does the soul come?
16307What are some of these hindrances?
16307What are the agencies which have most to do with promoting the ascent of the soul?
16307What are the causes of this re- awakening?
16307What are the qualities of the character of Christ?
16307What art thou then?
16307What awakens the soul?
16307What caused it?
16307What caused the revolution in the character of Augustine by which the sensualist became a saint?
16307What do such facts signify?
16307What has made the average of human life so much longer than it was formerly?
16307What has occurred?
16307What if it does?
16307What is death?
16307What is life?
16307What is meant by prayers for the dead?
16307What is our true home?
16307What is the difference between the awakening of the soul and its re- awakening?
16307What is the goal of personality?
16307What is the teaching of the New Testament concerning this subject?
16307What light does Jesus shed upon this mystery?
16307What purpose does it serve?
16307What shall be said of these facts which are so numerous and so evident as to make an effort at classification and explanation imperative?
16307What shall it now do for itself?
16307What shall one generation do for those which are to come after it?
16307What shall the soul do for itself in order that it may promote its own growth?
16307What shall we say of these confusing conditions?
16307What should be the attitude of the soul in view of the hindrances by which it is environed?
16307What will the re- awakened soul do?
16307Whence came the soul?
16307Whence did it come?
16307Whence does this eagerness come?
16307Whence is it?
16307Where did this conviction originate?
16307Which is the greater mystery, life or death?
16307Who can exaggerate the delight and benefit of such an exercise?
16307Who can govern the thinking of another?
16307Who has been able exhaustively to delineate the soul''s humiliation?
16307Who is not surprised every day at what he finds within himself?
16307Who shall answer our questions?
16307Who shall explore the contents of that great phrase?
16307Whom shall we admire?
16307Why are such ministries needed?
16307Why are they allowed?
16307Why are we so slow in learning that conscience, being divine, is authoritative and may be trusted?
16307Why could not the ascent of the spirit be along an easier pathway?
16307Why do men live in houses with scientific plumbing, fresh air, and have well- cooked food?
16307Why is it?
16307Why need sorrow, suffering, sin, and death invade the fair realm into which man has been born?
16307Why not follow its suggestions at once and press on toward that fair land of truth and beauty which so earnestly invites?
16307Why should it be necessary to write its history in tears and blood?
16307Why should we say that what we call death, alone of all the changes through which we pass, leads to that which is unchangeable?
16307Will not all that constituted his personality continue to grow in the future as in the past?
16307Will their children have?
16307Would a figure of clay ask whether it were the abode of a higher order of being?
16307Yet they perform acts which are in themselves wrong?
16307and what purpose do they serve?
16307but, may we choose for ourselves whether we will obey or disobey them?
16307or are they fiends which, in some foul way, have invaded the otherwise fair regions in which we dwell?
16307or different phases of the same experience?
16307or the prayers of Monica?
16307or the preaching of Ambrose?
16307or, shall it seek to prepare itself by discipline, and the cultivation of right choices, for the goal whose intimations it has heard?
16307why not?
21814Dost thou not fear God?
21814Lord, to whom can we go? 21814 Lord, when saw we Thee athirst and gave Thee drink?"
21814Speakest Thou not unto me?
21814What is truth?
21814What then,he asked,"shall I do with Jesus?"
21814What,he proceeded,"shall I crucify your King?"
21814Whom seek ye?
21814''But,''he said,''do you know what they have been doing all day?''
21814And Pilate broke in,"Art Thou a king then?"
21814And another[4] asks,"Did ever the new birth take place in so strange a cradle?"
21814And are they not devoted and true to Him still?
21814And do thy kisses, like the rest, betray?
21814And in such moments what can be so helpful as to pilgrim in spirit to the tomb of Him who said,"I am the resurrection and the life"?
21814And is that all passed of passing away?
21814And to these questions is there any answer but this;"Behold the Man"?
21814And to what will it trust-- cleverness or character?
21814And what was this power of which he boasted?
21814And why should it not?
21814Apart from the prophecies going before which had to be fulfilled, was it a matter of indifference what death He died?
21814Besides, did He not make St. John in a quite peculiar sense His own brother by substituting him in His own stead as the son of Mary?
21814But St. Luke''s may include theirs; because, if the centurion meant to state that the claims of Jesus were just, what were His claims?
21814But does experience lead us to believe this?
21814But in what way can we ascertain how it appeared to Him, as from His painful station He looked forth upon the scene?
21814But is it true, as He says here, that everyone who is of the truth heareth His voice?
21814But is this not enough?
21814But ought we not to believe that in all other cases, however obscure the victims, the spirit manifested by Pilate has been equally displeasing to God?
21814But was it not more?
21814But was there, at the same time, any outflashing against Him of the reverse side of the Divine nature-- the lightning of the Divine wrath?
21814But what are we to say of the second-- that He forbade to pay the imperial tribute?
21814But what did he mean when he made this acknowledgment?
21814But what impressions did it make on those who saw it at the time?
21814But what is to be said of Christ''s description of Himself as"sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven"?
21814But what mother''s sufferings were ever equal to Mary''s?
21814But where was he going?
21814But who does not see that the dead Christ is so interesting and wonderful because He is also the living Christ?
21814But who is worthy to look at this sight?
21814But with the angry answer,"Art thou also of Galilee?"
21814But, if a man has thus committed himself by an evil past, what is he to do?
21814But, instead of doing so, He shook Himself free from Judas and, coming forward at once into the moonlight, demanded,"Whom seek ye?"
21814But, then, it is asked, in what condition were they between their reanimation and their resurrection?
21814CALVARY Anyone writing on the life of our Lord must many a time pause in secret and exclaim to himself,"It is high as heaven, what canst thou do?
21814Can He who in words like these offered to quench the thirst of the world be the same who now whispers in mortal exhaustion,"I thirst"?
21814Can we advance a step farther into the mystery?
21814Child and lover of wisdom, do you know the King of Truth?
21814Could good by any possibility rise out of such an abyss of wrong?
21814Could it be said of them all that they knew not what they were doing?
21814Could there have been a more complete triumph over resentment and irritation?
21814Did He say,"Pray not to Me; I am a man like yourself, and I know as little of the unknown country into which we are both about to enter as you do"?
21814Did He so call it simply because His knowledge of the world informed Him of this as one of the greatest indignities of human life?
21814Did I yesterday Wash_ thy_ feet, My beloved, that they should run Quick to destroy me''neath the morning sun?
21814Did not Judas know?
21814Did the priests, scribes and nobles behave better than the mob?
21814Did they remember it now?
21814Does Christ speak no more?
21814Does anyone wish to get still nearer to Christ and hold the cup not only to Him in the person of His members but to His own very lips?
21814From Pilate''s lips there fell two words which the world will never forget-- the question,"What is truth?"
21814Had He been in an ecstasy of communion with His heavenly Father?
21814Had he ever heard Jesus preach?
21814Had he witnessed any of His miracles?
21814Had the angel been a deceiver, and God''s word a lie, and all the wonders of His childhood a dream?
21814Has it ever occurred to you to ask in which group you would have been had you been there?
21814Have we not here the rending of a third veil?
21814Have you actually clambered on Truth''s knees, and clung to her neck, and fed at her breast?
21814He asked only as a libertine might ask, What is virtue?
21814He weakly turned to Jesus Himself, asking,"Hearest Thou not what these witness against Thee?"
21814His own words supply the answer:"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
21814How and where?
21814How could He help feeling disdain for one who thought of Himself so basely and treated this great crisis so frivolously?
21814How much did he know of the nature of His Kingdom, of which he spoke?
21814How ought any trial to commence?
21814How then was He buried whom all now agree to call the Greatest, the Wisest and the Best?
21814If the salvation which a preacher has to offer is only a course of moral improvement, what can he have to say in such a place?
21814In so large a concourse there would at any rate be acquaintances to see and news to hear; and who could tell what excitement might turn up?
21814In what are we to seek salvation?
21814In what terms shall we express it?
21814Indeed, there was a further shame: how could he confess himself the disciple of the Master whom he had heard blasphemed without protest?
21814Is it not a parable-- a parable of what men and women can do for Him still?
21814Is it not a significant fact, proving that nothing happens by chance?
21814Is it not so still?
21814Is it not the internal whisper, Remember how you have failed before?
21814Is not the world at present full of men and women who are in search of truth, yet pass Christ by?
21814Is the second Salome, John''s mother?
21814Is this credible?
21814Is truth a magic word to you?
21814It has been asked, Was this prayer answered?
21814It is in entire accordance with this that the word with which he approached the Sanhedrim was,"How much will ye give me?"
21814It uttered itself in the word;"Father, forgive them"; and what did it tell?
21814It was in the name of religion they had acted and in the name of God; but which of them was thus impregnated through and through with religion?
21814It was inconsistent with His own purpose and His Father''s will:"The cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it?"
21814It was inconsistent with Scripture:"How then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?"
21814It was partly with this in view that He went so boldly out and concentrated attention on Himself by the challenge,"Whom seek ye?"
21814May we not add that part of the answer to this prayer has been its repetition age after age by the persecuted and wronged?
21814Now which will you have-- Jesus or Barabbas?
21814Now, however, the hour had come; and was this expectation fulfilled?
21814Of what nature had been the meditations of our Lord during the three hours of silence?
21814Ought He not to have appealed to his conscience and attempted to rouse him to a sense of his sin?
21814Perhaps all the great choices of life ultimately resolve themselves into this one-- Jesus or Barabbas?
21814Pilate asked Him,"Art Thou the King of the Jews?"
21814The Roman soldiers forced it on him; but was it force- work and nothing else?
21814The most momentous question which the dying can ask, or which the living can ask in the prospect of death, is,"If a man die, shall he live again?"
21814The reply of Jesus was cautious; it was another question:"Sayest thou this of thyself, or did others tell it thee of Me?"
21814Therefore-- what?
21814They were scattered, as He had predicted, and He was left alone; but was He not alone?
21814This greatness, this throne, this crown, this kingdom-- where were they?
21814This is the art of dying; but is it not also the art of living?
21814This was not the first time our Lord quoted Scripture on the cross: His great cry,"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
21814To what could this be due?
21814Unless they repent and seek pardon for themselves, how can God forgive them?
21814Was a more unjust proposal ever made?
21814Was it a temptation to Him, one wonders, when so often from every side the invitation was given Him to come down from the cross?
21814Was it not an unintentional condemnation of those who had affixed Him there?
21814Was it not the frustration of the purpose and the promise of God?
21814Was it not their duty, when anyone came forward with Messianic pretensions, to judge whether or not his claim was just?
21814Was it to the precipice over which Judas plunged not many hours afterwards?
21814Was there ever such sublime and unselfish clemency?
21814We seem to have killed and buried them; but do you not sometimes hear a knocking beneath the ground?
21814We wish, however, to see the scene enacted on Calvary in its true shape; and where shall we look?
21814What are we to admire?
21814What could it mean?
21814What do we really know of heaven, what do we wish to know, except that it is to be"with Christ"?
21814What end will it seek-- the kingdom of meat and drink, or the kingdom which is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost?
21814What if the soldiers had cut him down?
21814What is it which these witness against Thee?"
21814What is that?
21814What is the spirit?
21814What must it have been to Him, with His delicate bodily organism and sensitive mind, to be in the hands of those rude and ruthless men?
21814What must it have been to Jesus to look on it-- to have it thrust on His sight and into contact with His very person, so that He could not get away?
21814What ought Pilate to have done?
21814What ought to have followed?
21814What reason is there why your return to God should be further postponed?
21814What spirit will it adopt as its own-- that of violence or that of love?
21814What think ye?"
21814What was this work of Christ?
21814When Jeremiah says,"O Lord, Thou hast deceived me and I was deceived,"or when Job demands,"Why did I not from the womb?
21814When hands were laid on Jesus, one of the disciples cried,"Shall we smite with the sword?"
21814When the question,"What is truth?"
21814Where was he rushing to?
21814Which means will it employ-- those which work from without inwards, or those which work from within outwards?
21814Who could wish his spirit to be carried away to God in a more glorious vehicle?
21814Who is able to speak of it?
21814Who is he that smote Thee?"
21814Who shall say what was in that look of Christ?
21814Whom are we to follow?
21814Whom will it choose-- the revolutionist or the regenerator?
21814Why had they arrested Him if they had yet to learn what He had said and done?
21814Why is it that gigantic wrongs flourish from age to age, and practices utterly indefensible are continued with the overwhelming sanction of society?
21814Why is it that, when we think of the crown of thorns now, it is not only with horror and pity, but with an exultation which can not be repressed?
21814Why should He not let His glory blaze forth and confound them?
21814Why should he interrupt the flow of his narrative to add these words of assurance?
21814Why should he not betray in turn?
21814Why was Jesus silent at this point?
21814Why was this not what happened?
21814With cynical disdain they asked,"What is that to us?
21814Would it have served equally well if He had been hanged or beheaded or stoned?
21814Yet it was His work; and how did He do it?
21814You perhaps think they say so to conceal the sins of which they are conscious?
21814[ 1]"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
21814[ 3] In our generation teachers of every kind are appealing to Christ and putting Him in the centre of theology; but we must ask them, What Christ?
21814[ 3] Which day?
21814[ 6] And how did He respond?
21814and did they not honestly believe that Jesus was not what He professed to be?
21814and does he die forever?
21814and might not Jehovah, if He were injured, blast the man who wronged Him with a curse?
21814art thou a common stone Which I at last must break My heart upon, For all God''s charge to His high angels may Guard My feet better?
21814deeper than hell, what canst thou know?"
21814did not Herod know?
21814did not the high priests know?
21814do you not feel the dead thing turning in its coffin, and see the earth moving above its grave?
21814do you thirst for wisdom?
21814does he all die?
21814he asked, flushing;"knowest Thou not that I have power to crucify Thee and have power to release Thee?"
21814is put with deep earnestness, what does it mean but this?--Who will make God known to us?
21814or a tyrant, What is freedom?
21814or is it an apocryphal marvel, which has been interpolated in the text of St. Matthew?
21814or was it the foreknowledge that He Himself was to be one day in this position which coloured His language?
21814was the Father still with Him?
21814were the crucifiers of Jesus forgiven?
21814what have you ever done to render yourselves worthy of such a privilege?
21814which of them could pretend to a communion with God so close and habitual?
21814who will clear up the mystery of existence?
21814who will reveal to man his own destiny?
21814why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?"
5608And could the Jews, if they had manifestly discovered the cheat of the resurrection a little time before, have entertained such a suspicion?
5608And did Christ in fact meet with any other treatment from the Jews?
5608And for what purpose?
5608And how was it received?
5608And if they had any such just suspicion, why was it not mentioned at the trial of Christ?
5608And now, Sir, what advantage did Christ have of your common and necessary foundation?
5608And since I have mentioned this, that I may not be to return to it again, I would ask the Gentleman now, how he knows there ever were such books?
5608And since all men have an equal right in this case, Why may not the same demand be made for every country; nay, for every age?
5608And since they are lost, how does he know what was in them?
5608And since, if ever there were any, they are lost, how he knows what they contained?
5608And then the Gentleman may bring the question nearer home; and ask, Why Christ did not appear in England in King George''s reign?
5608And what could this be, but the secret conviction they were under, by his many miracles, of his extraordinary powers?
5608And what greater evidence of sincerity can man give or require?
5608And what was there in this conduct to complain of?
5608And why did Jesus vanish as soon as known; which has more of the air of an apparition, than of the appearance of a real man restored to life?
5608And why might not the same thing happen at Jerusalem, which happened but a few years ago in our own country?
5608And will you pretend these cases to be alike?
5608And yet when he found, as the Gentleman allows he did, that he must perish in this attempt, did he change his note?
5608And yet who sees not that it was very much in their purpose so to do?
5608Are the apostles guilty of giving false evidence in the case of the resurrection of Jesus, or not guilty?
5608Are you all agreed?
5608Be it so: I desire to know, whether the Gentleman thinks that the seal put God under covenant?
5608Besides, if prescription must be allowed in this case, how will you deal with it in others?
5608Besides, is it credible that God should raise a body imperfectly, with the very wounds in it of which it died?
5608But allowing the Gentleman all he demands, what is to us?
5608But did this one witness go alone, when he was attended with the powers of heaven?
5608But for the women what shall I say?
5608But how does he infer this?
5608But how?
5608But is there here anything said about Lazarus?
5608But now what is to be objected?
5608But tell us who went with Mahomet?
5608But were not your guards at the door when he came?
5608But were the means made use of at all probable to achieve the end?
5608But what are guards and sentinels against the power of God?
5608But what are these instances to the present purpose?
5608But what body was it they examined?
5608But what design, what real end was carrying on all this while?
5608But what reason had the Jews to suspect them?
5608But what will you call them?
5608But what would you suspect?
5608But when did it arise?
5608But why were these witnesses culled and chosen out?
5608But would you say, that it is incapable of being made plain by human testimony, that this or that man died a year ago?
5608Can any man now in his right senses think, that the disciples under these circumstances entered into this covenant with the Jews?
5608Can the Gentleman give any instances of persons who died willingly in attestation of a false fact?
5608Can you deny this fact?
5608Can you wonder that men believed the reality of those powers of which they were partakers, and became conscious to themselves?
5608Could anything be expected from it but hatred, contempt, and persecution?
5608Could the whole senate have followed this advice, had they believed the discovery of the cheat?
5608Deny it, Sir?
5608Did they expect to make a King of the dead body, if they could get it into their power?
5608Did they not all converse with the gods, and pretend to deliver oracles?
5608Do they not learn the common maxims of reason this way?
5608Does it not import some suspicion, raise some jealousy, that this case would not bear the publick light?
5608Does not every wise men chuse proper witnesses to his deed and to his will?
5608For what could move Pilate, and the Roman soldiers, to propagate such a cheat?
5608For what is there unnatural or uncommon in this account?
5608For what?
5608For whose sake was he contented to die?
5608For why is this foundation necessary?
5608Gentlemen of the jury, The question before you, is Whether the witnesses of the resurrection of Christ are guilty of giving false evidence, or no?
5608Had Christ any such advantages?
5608Have they not all pretended to inspiration?
5608Have you done, Sir?
5608He was rejected, his commission was determined, and with it the fate of the nation was determined also: what use then of more credentials?
5608Here then is the point, How did this fact gain credit in the world at first?
5608Here then you would question, whether the man had ever been dead?
5608How comes it about, that this evidence, this which is the proper evidence, is given up as insufficient, and a new improper evidence introduced?
5608How did they reckon the days?
5608How then can it be charged as the intention of the gospel to introduce it?
5608I blame not the Gentleman; for what but this can be imagined to give any account of these measures imputed to Christ?
5608I see no reason to enter into the learning about seals: let it be as the Gentleman has opened it; what then?
5608I wish the guards were in court, I would ask them, how they came to be so punctual in relating what happened when they were asleep?
5608I would ask more particularly, Why did not Jesus after his resurrection appear openly to the chief priests and rulers of the Jews?
5608If they appeared like men, upon what ground are we to take them for angels?
5608If this be the case, why does he require more evidence, since none can be sufficient?
5608If three credible man attest a will, which are as many as the law requires, would any body ask, why all the town were not called to set their hands?
5608If you ask him, Why?
5608Is it from these words Touch me not?
5608Is it here affirmed that Thomas did actually put his hand into his side, or so much as see his wounds fresh and bleeding?
5608Is it not surprising, that one great miracle should want an hundred more to prove it?
5608Is it so?
5608Is it your meaning, Sir, that the objections should be stated and argued all together, and that the answer should be to the whole at once?
5608Is there no way for a real body to disappear?
5608It was well, the Gentleman says, for those who had it; but what is that to us, who have it not?
5608Let me now ask, Whether, in this state of things, any farther credentials of Christ''s commission to the Jews could be demanded or expected?
5608Mr. B What say you to that?
5608Must all such pass for innocent sufferers, sincere men?
5608Now, what were the powers received by the apostles?
5608Or did they think, if they had it, they could raise it to life again?
5608Or if it could have done them any, what hope had they to succeed in their attempt?
5608Or, if the wounds were such as destroyed the body before, how could a natural body subsist with them afterwards?
5608Perhaps it is so; and what then?
5608Since his commission related to them in an especial manner, why were not his credentials laid before them?
5608Suppose you were told, that your friend sickened on Friday, was let blood on Saturday, and the third day he died; what day would you think he died on?
5608Tell us therefore upon what account you reject the evidence of their sense before the breaking of the bread, and insist on it afterwards?
5608That he was not alive when you heard him, saw him, felt him, and conversed with him?
5608That led to a debate, How the law finds in such cases?
5608The Jews had a plain law for punishing a false prophet; and what could be a stronger conviction, than such a cheat made manifest?
5608The question is, Whether this was rising the third day, according to the prediction?
5608This is in all such cases but a necessary care; you may place guards, and when you do all is in their power: Et quis custodes custodiat ipsos?
5608This was the first fear that moved him; must not therefore the second now suggested to him be of the same kind?
5608Upon this occasion, the Gentleman asks what sort of witnesses these are?
5608Upon what foot did Pythagoras, Numa, and others set up?
5608Upon what ground could you say this?
5608Very well: Why was he not King then?
5608Was it because they had plainly discovered him to be a cheat and an imposter?
5608Was it not to satisfy himself and his court, that no art had been used to preserve Daniel?
5608Was it so in this case?
5608Was not every blind man restored to sight, and every lame man to his feet, a new witness to the truth reported by the first?
5608Was not every man converted to this faith with the sword at his throat?
5608What could tempt them to it?
5608What does he do then?
5608What general truth is there, the merits of which all the world, or the one hundredth part has examined?
5608What good could the dead body do them?
5608What guard watched Mahomet in his going or returning?
5608What must we say, then?
5608What now do the chief priests do?
5608What now would any reasonable man expect from these circumstances?
5608What say you?
5608What seals and credentials had he?
5608What sufficient number of principles owned by the people did he build on?
5608What then could their hands or eyes inform them of in this case?
5608What will you say to the ancient Persians, and their fire- altars?
5608What''s this?
5608When he was asked afterwards, how he could hold out against all the tortures?
5608Where was the art and cunning then of taking this method?
5608Who shall speak for you?
5608Who were his witnesses?
5608Why else does he imagine these passages to be inconsistent with the reality of Christ''s body?
5608Why might it not be an enthusiasm in the master which occasioned the prediction, and fraud in the servants who put it in execution?
5608Why picking and culling of witnesses in this case more than in any other?
5608Why then was this advantage lost?
5608Why was not this opportunity laid hold on to seize the kingdom, or at least to secure himself from the ignominious death he expected?
5608Why were some witnesses culled and chosen out, and others excluded?
5608Why, what difference do you expect between truth and falsehood?
5608Would he despise such evidence?
5608and does not a good choice of witnesses give strength to every deed?
5608and what other satisfaction could you have had, supposing he had come a day later?
5608and, in general, whether the law ought at all to interpose in controversies of this kind?
5608but what have these words to do with the reality of his body?
5608did he come about, and drop any intimations agreeable to the notions of the people?
5608did they not see what happened?
5608eye- witnesses?
5608eye- witnesses?
5608for whose sake did he contrive this plot of his resurrection?
5608how many instances are there of men''s denying facts plainly proved, asserting facts plainly disproved, even with the rope around their necks?
5608or could prescribe to him a method for performing this great work?
5608or did he seek any such?
5608or whether he thinks the guards were placed to maintain the seal in opposition to the power of God?
5608or would you have the objections argued singly, and answered separately by themselves?
5608what induced them to believe that the body was stolen at all?
5608what punishment it inflicts?
5608what to raise any jealousy or suspicion?
5608what work has he made, what a building he has erected upon the foundation of this nursery- learning?
5608what, that it was stolen by the disciples; since by their own confession they were asleep and say nothing, saw no body?
5608why did he chuse to come after his time, when all witnesses, who had patiently expected the appointed hour, were withdrawn?
8191What is that?
8191Who is that-- what did you do?
8191Why did you kiss me? 8191 _ His death?_"Has not the thought more often before us been to conform to_ His life_?
8191_ His death?_Has not the thought more often before us been to conform to_ His life_?
8191_ My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?_Here is a great mystery.
8191A gentle reproach was certainly implied in the words,"Could ye not watch with Me one hour?"
8191A life of selfish ease, or a life of following the Son of Man?
8191Ah, Colonel, Captain, Sergeant, leaders all, whatever name you bear, do you want to lead and rule the people whom God has given you as a charge?
8191All the powers and qualities of your nature growing towards maturity,_ except the powers of your soul_?
8191Am I wrong when I say that JESUS IS THE COMING KING?
8191And did not both the former come out of the latter?
8191And is it not in this same fashion and for this same purpose that Christ is to be formed in us?
8191And is the Lord a man, that He should be behind us in loving with an everlasting love those who thus give up and deny their own loves for Him?
8191And we who know what it means to be loved of Him, what can we say?
8191And would it not transform many of the darkest stretches of our earthly journey into bright memorials of the infinite wisdom and goodness of our God?
8191Are they not buried with Him?
8191Are they not gone on before?
8191Are they not ours still?
8191Are we found asking the old question about sitting on the twelve thrones, judging those around us, and sharing in some way the royal glory of a King?
8191Are we not theirs as really as ever?
8191Are you a self- denying disciple?
8191Are you appointed to serve in what seems like a den of beasts?
8191Are you chained fast to some strange trial?
8191Are you labouring to be a king without the Divine anointing?
8191Are you made to feel helpless and useless without the support of those around you?
8191Are you seeking thus after reasons for making the wrong done to you appear pardonable?
8191Are you so journeying?
8191Are you striving to be a prophet without possessing the spirit of the prophets?
8191Are you trying to be a priest without the priestly baptism?
8191Are you under the compulsion of some injustice?
8191Are you"bound"in some way?
8191Are_ you_ in either of these classes?
8191At My girdle hang the keys of life and death; I, even I, was dead; yes, really, cruelly dead; but I am alive for evermore"?
8191But how, and in what, are we to grow?
8191But is there not also here a suggestion of something more?
8191But what is this sin, the consciousness of which is thus forced upon all-- this determined, persistent, active evil?
8191But what of His rule?
8191By what agency does He extend His_ authority_ until it becomes_ control_?
8191By what, then, does He rule?
8191Can they give peace when it is too late to undo what sin has done?
8191Can they silence the clamours of the night?
8191Can you ever be again content to remain little and narrow, with interests and affections that are little and narrow also?
8191Can you ever be again the same since you learned that He loved you?
8191Can you say He is thus dwelling in you, and working in you, to will and to do of His good pleasure?
8191Comrade, what are you?
8191Conscious of advance, but not of victory?
8191Dear comrade and friend, are you taking care that the Divine Life in you shall grow after this Christ- like fashion?
8191Dear friend, are you"becoming conformed unto His death"?
8191Did I say that sorrow was the commonest of all human experiences?
8191Did ever babe open eyes on such a topsy- turvy condition of affairs?
8191Did we think it would be otherwise?
8191Did we, do we, sometimes wonder why the road is so rough, and the burden so heavy, and the sky so dark?
8191Do I, then, discourage good works?
8191Do you ever pray?"
8191Do you know any of them?
8191Do you really believe it?
8191Do you think it has strength to hold_ them_?
8191Do you think, then, that He will leave them behind?
8191For what says the Apostle?
8191Has man no part to play in his own deliverance?
8191Has not that been the chief influence which has drawn men to Him, and held them in His service?
8191Has not your freedom in prayer, and your desire for it, wavered between this and that until you have not known what to think of yourself?
8191Has not your joy been often so quickly turned to sorrow that you have wondered how you yourself could be the same person?
8191Have I forgotten that"faith without works is dead"?
8191Have you come to this?
8191Have you, my friend, not had to mourn over some strange changes?
8191His exalted throne?
8191His majesty?
8191His royal lineage?
8191How do they meet remorse?
8191How do they treat with guilt?
8191How is it possible we should ever be conformed to such a wonder of love and power?
8191How much of gloom and shadow has come down on hearts and households I have known, from the persistency of that"Why?"
8191How shall he withstand temptation?
8191How, then, is it with you?
8191If Calvary and the Resurrection reveal His power, does not Bethlehem make manifest His love?
8191Indeed, might we not say of a great deal in us, which to- day is, that to- morrow it will be cast away for ever?
8191Is he, after all, only an animal-- the mere creature of circumstance and natural law?
8191Is it His divine purity, His kingly holiness, His might as the supreme Sovereign whose law is good?
8191Is it for any human thing we seek?
8191Is it not to something of the same kind we are called?
8191Is it ours?
8191Is not that the lesson of His burial for every one who sorrows for the loss of loved ones called up higher?
8191Is there no appeal to you to- day from that hill side, without the city wall?
8191Is there not a lesson here for us, my comrade?
8191Is there not a lesson in her example?
8191Is there not a point for us, also, at which we may pass over the line of uncertainty or reserve in our offering, saying for ever-- it is finished?
8191Is there not something here for us?
8191Is there not something that should answer to this in the lives of many of His disciples?
8191Living, so to speak, out of your element-- like a fish out of water?
8191May I offer one or two thoughts on the subject, which, though quite simple, have proved of blessing to my own heart?
8191Nay, what is it all but to tread in the very steps that the Master trod?
8191Now, when we are called upon to suffer in the same way, may we not be brought into very intimate fellowship with Jesus?
8191Of what use could it be to become an Officer, in order to seek the many, if God did not hearken to her cry for the few?
8191Oh, why should it be?
8191On what is His_ rule_ based?
8191Ought I not to have said_ temptation_?
8191Ought he to offer himself for Officership in The Army?
8191Shall we complain because the servant is not above his Lord?
8191The devotee of your own self?
8191The real question for us then is, Can our religion-- does our religion, when tried by the test of human experience-- afford any remedy for these?
8191The servant of a high ideal, but without_ liberty_?
8191To many, even among the chosen spirits of the household of faith, approaching death also starts the great"_ Why_?"
8191To what does He owe the influence He exercises in the minds and hearts of multitudes of these little ones?
8191To whom, then, did our Lord speak on the tree, and what spake He?
8191V. Are_ you_ dead?
8191Was it His dominion from sea to sea?
8191Was it His sovereign throne of power?
8191Was it even His victory over death and His kingly conquest of the grave?
8191Was it her affair?
8191Was it worth while, after all, troubling about sinners?
8191We are, I know, saved by faith; but how shall we believe unless we hear?
8191What about you?
8191What are they in their actual effect on the memories and consciences of men in relation to their sin?
8191What avail is it to contradict those who can answer,"Hereby we know that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit"?
8191What do we need?
8191What is it in Jesus Christ that calls the sorely- tempted one to Him?
8191What is the crying agony of our prayers?
8191What is the secret longing of our hearts?
8191What of the thing itself?
8191What special thoughts and beauties of His soul do His words reveal?
8191What was the secret of His influence over them?
8191What, then?
8191Who can think, even now, without a thrill of unmixed delight, of the reunions of those who for long weary years were separated here?
8191Why should she care?
8191Will not you?
8191Will they ever be quite the same?
8191Will they not have lost something?
8191Will you be one?
8191Will you come and join in our great world- mission of making His atonement known?
8191Will you learn of Him?
8191Will_ you_ not have His Cross?
8191With those blessed words of hope and peace in my ears, how can I ever fear that one could be so vile, so far away, so nearly lost, as to cry in vain?
8191Would not this add a whole world of joy to the glory which shall be revealed?
8191You see the lesson?
8191_ Is it not by His compassion_?
8191_ Is it not so_?
8191_ Is it yours_?
8191_ What, then, shall it be that is finished_?
8191and how shall we hear without a preacher?
8191and is there an echo of murmuring at these bonds and infirmities and drudgeries of daily duty and common sorrow?
8191depend upon it, the twentieth century will cry aloud,"_ What shall be done with our sin_?"
8191in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin"?
30657''I fast twice a week;''''I give tithes of all I possess;''I am a wonderfully good man, am I not, Lord?
30657Are you lost?
30657Did you not honor the draft?
30657Do you not know,replied the Emperor,"that he honors me and my kingdom by making a large draft?"
30657Do you not remember when Mr. Rainsford called to see you, you were very rude to him? 30657 Dost thou remember me,"said the Quaker,"how I had thee fined for swearing?"
30657For this cause it is of faith, that it may be according to grace?
30657Has not God answered your prayer?
30657How many do you want?
30657Indeed,I said,"how is that?"
30657My child,he said,"what are you crying about?"
30657Tell me,said he,"what did that man say to you?"
30657Well, but what do you suppose I would think?
30657Well, did it do thee any good?
30657Well,he says,"if you will give me$ 500, I will be careful about it; but how can I be careful in spending what I have not got?"
30657What do you do when the devil tempts you?
30657Whence to me this tranquil spirit-- Me all sinful as I am? 30657 Where are you, then, if you are neither saved nor lost?"
30657Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of His servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? 30657 Why do you say that?"
30657Why, I always thought that if I kept on trying, God would save me at some time; and now you tell me to stop trying: what, then, am I to do?
30657You can not do that: for my treasure is laid up on high, where you can not get at it?
30657And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
30657And what have we that we can offer to God in return for His free gift of salvation?
30657Are there any thirsty ones here?
30657Are you hungering to get rid of your sinful selves?
30657But you will ask, What is the law given for?
30657Can Christ save him all at once?
30657Can there be hope for me?"
30657Can you conceive of the loving Saviour sending away a poor troubled one who comes to Him?
30657Certainly the attempt to work our way up to heaven is"climbing up some other way,"is it not?
30657Dear friend, do you not need rest?
30657Dear friends, let me put this question to you: Are you full of grace?
30657Did He tell them to go and feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to visit the widow and the fatherless in their affliction?
30657Did the Lord ever say anything similar to what the hymn says?
30657Do we thirst for a deeper work of grace in our hearts?--for the anointing of the Spirit?
30657Do you say you are sinners?
30657Do you think Christ would have gone?
30657Do you think God is going to reason with a man whose hands are dripping with blood, and before he asks forgiveness and mercy?
30657Do you think the great God will do less than He commands us to do?
30657Does God intend to mock us, and make game of us?
30657For what?
30657God has given us Christ; and He has given us His Spirit, and His Word: what need is there to wait?
30657God invites you to come and take it: will you come?
30657Have they, ever done their very best?
30657He addressed them and said"Children, have ye any meat?"
30657Hear you now His loving voice?
30657How can we be emptied?
30657How can you work out what you do not possess?
30657How would the Queen feel, if I were to insult her in that way?
30657How would you deal with him?
30657I CAN imagine some one asking: What does that passage mean--"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling?"
30657I am afraid if some of us had been in her place we would have answered somewhat in this fashion:"You call me a Gentile dog, do you?
30657I can imagine they said to each other,"What good is that going to do?
30657I could in that case turn round and say:"Great God, why did you expect me to believe a promise that was not true for me?"
30657I said to a man one day,"Does the well never run dry?"
30657I said to him:"My friend, does the devil never tempt you to doubt God, and to think He is a hard master?"
30657I said to the mother:"How is it with your skepticism now?"
30657I want to ask you this question: If sin needs forgiveness-- and all sin is against God-- how can you work out your own forgiveness?
30657If He could set a table for His people in the wilderness, and feed three millions of Israelites for forty years, can He not give us our daily bread?
30657If I am going to live perhaps for fifteen or twenty years, what do I want with dying grace?
30657If I stole$ 100 from a friend, I could not forgive myself, could I?
30657If I told you, Mr. Moody, that I had found a hymn- book last night you would believe me, would you not?
30657Is He a liar?
30657Is it not a time of need now?
30657Is it the fault of the minister?
30657Is it thus descends the merit Of the sin- atoning Lamb?
30657Is not this our own comment and reflection on life''s retrospect?
30657Is there grace for me?"
30657Is there room for me?"
30657It has been a hard battle, has it not?
30657It is offered to all: who will have it?
30657MR. MOODY-- What is it to be a child of God?
30657Many of you have tried hard to save yourselves; but what has been the end of it all?
30657May I be saved by Him?"
30657Mr. M.--A good place to start in would be the kitchen, would it not?
30657Mr. M.--All the sinner has to do is to repose in the promises of God?
30657Mr. M.--Are there not many who give an intellectual assent to all these things; and who yet have no power, and no divine life?
30657Mr. M.--Believe what?
30657Mr. M.--Can a drunkard or a blasphemer be saved all at once?
30657Mr. M.--Can all these friends here believe the promises?
30657Mr. M.--Can he get that to- day if he repents?
30657Mr. M.--Do we get any help by believing that?
30657Mr. M.--Do you not think there are a good many here who believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world; and yet they are not saved?
30657Mr. M.--Does not the Scripture say that the devils believe?
30657Mr. M.--For whom, then, did Christ die?
30657Mr. M.--Has a man the power to believe these things, if he will?
30657Mr. M.--Have these friends the power to believe?
30657Mr. M.--How are they to begin?
30657Mr. M.--How are we"cleansed by_ the Blood?_"Mr. R.--"The blood is the life."
30657Mr. M.--How do you get faith?
30657Mr. M.--How do you get the Holy Ghost?
30657Mr. M.--How do you obtain that?
30657Mr. M.--How long does it take God to justify a sinner?
30657Mr. M.--How may a man know if he has eternal life?
30657Mr. M.--How much is there in Christ for us who believe?
30657Mr. M.--I understand, then, that if a man rejects Christ to- night, he passes judgment on himself as unworthy of eternal life?
30657Mr. M.--If a man is forgiven, will he go out and do the same thing to- morrow?
30657Mr. M.--If a man receives the word of God into his heart, what benefit is it to him, right here to- night?
30657Mr. M.--If any one here wants to please God to- night, how can he do it?
30657Mr. M.--If people say they are"going to try,"what would you say to them?
30657Mr. M.--If the friends here do not come and get this salvation, what will be the true reason?
30657Mr. M.--If they truly come, will they have the desire to do the things they used to do before?
30657Mr. M.--Is it available now?
30657Mr. M.--Is it not said that if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth,"there remaineth_ no more_ sacrifice for sins?"
30657Mr. M.--Is salvation within the reach of every man here tonight?
30657Mr. M.--Is the Word of God addressed to all here?
30657Mr. M.--Is unbelief a sin?
30657Mr. M.--Should a man not break off from some of his sins before he comes to God?
30657Mr. M.--Should not a man repent a good deal before he comes to Christ?
30657Mr. M.--Some say they have no power to overcome a besetting sin?
30657Mr. M.--Suppose a man say he is not"elected?"
30657Mr. M.--Suppose the people do"come,"and that they fall into sin tomorrow?
30657Mr. M.--To whom are we to confess our sins?
30657Mr. M.--Was the blood shed for us all?
30657Mr. M.--What about those people who say their hearts are so hard, and they have no love to Christ?
30657Mr. M.--What do you consider to be the great sin of sins?
30657Mr. M.--What do you mean by the New Birth?
30657Mr. M.--What do you mean by the Word of God?
30657Mr. M.--What do you mean by"coming"to Christ?
30657Mr. M.--What if any of them should fall into sin after they have come to Christ?
30657Mr. M.--What if he should fall into sin after he has believed in Christ?
30657Mr. M.--What is it to be born of the Spirit?
30657Mr. M.--What is it to believe God?
30657Mr. M.--What is it to believe on His name?
30657Mr. M.--What is it to"receive the Kingdom of God like a little child?"
30657Mr. M.--What is it to"trust?"
30657Mr. M.--What is meant when we are told that Christ saves"to the uttermost?"
30657Mr. M.--What is the Gospel?
30657Mr. M.--What is the best definition of Faith?
30657Mr. M.--What is the meaning of being"saved by the Blood?"
30657Mr. M.--What is the means by which the New Birth we were speaking of is effected?
30657Mr. M.--What is the salvation He comes to proclaim and to bestow?
30657Mr. M.--What is there between the sinner and Christ?
30657Mr. M.--What is your meetness for heaven?
30657Mr. M.--What is your title to heaven?
30657Mr. M.--What is"the gift of God?"
30657Mr. M.--What reason does the Scripture give tor the Gospel being hid to some?
30657Mr. M.--What would you advise your converts to do?
30657Mr. M.--What would you say to a man who says he has tried a good many times and failed; and who has become discouraged?
30657Mr. M.--What would you say to any one who thinks he has no power to believe?
30657Mr. M.--What, then, should they wait for?
30657Mr. M.--Who is it that judges a man to be unworthy of eternal life?
30657Mr. M.--Why is salvation obtained by faith?
30657Mr. M.--Will Christ crowd out the world if He comes in?
30657Mr. M.--Would you advise people to come to God as they are, with their unfeeling, treacherous, hard hearts-- with any kind of heart?
30657Mr. M.--Would you make a distinction between Christ''s work for us and the Spirit''s work in us?
30657Mr. M.--You mean it is just as powerful to- day as it was eighteen hundred years ago when He shed it?
30657Mr. M.--You would advise them, then, to trust in the Lord, whether they have the right kind of feeling or not?
30657Mr. R.--A gentleman asked me that in the inquiry- room;"What do you mean by the shed Blood?"
30657Mr. R.--Do you remember the story of the woman of Canaan?
30657Mr. R.--How long?
30657Mr. R.--They believe the truth, do they not?
30657My brother, my sister-- are you hungry?
30657No; what do I want with martyr''s grace?
30657Paul said, when he had that famous interview with Christ on the way to Damascus,"Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?"
30657Paul says to the Galatians:"Is the law then against the promises of God?
30657Rainsford, how can one make room in their heart for Christ?
30657Rainsford.--First, do we really want Christ to be in our hearts?
30657Say"Lord, I come to thee as a poor sinner; wilt Thou not save me and help me?"
30657She held up her hands and exclaimed,"Was that you?
30657Suppose he swears or has a bad temper, should he not get a little control over his temper, or stop swearing, before he comes to Christ?
30657Suppose you wish to get the air out of this tumbler; how can you do it?
30657Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?
30657That is plain language, is it not?
30657The cry of the world is,"Where can rest be found?"
30657The king said,"What are you going to do with such a fanatic as that?"
30657The last time I was in Chicago, I said to him,"Are you still lingering around Sinai?"
30657The law of works?
30657The little fellow said he would not,"Charlie, do you know what that word means?"
30657The question is: Will you let Christ come in and save you?
30657The rest of the class looked on in amazement; and one of them said:"Teacher, you do n''t mean that the watch is his?
30657The river of God''s grace flows on without ceasing; why should we not partake of it, and go on our way rejoicing?
30657Then they asked Him,"What shall we do that we may work the works of God?"
30657Therefore on the cross He cried out,"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
30657We have been fishing here all night, and have got nothing?
30657What did Jesus tell them to do?
30657What does this Gentile woman say?
30657What fills the places of amusement-- the dance houses, the music halls, and the theaters, night after night?
30657What had Paul ever done that could merit salvation?
30657What is God''s command?
30657What is it to be converted?
30657What is the best way to get full of grace?
30657What is the first step?
30657What is the trouble?
30657What kind of feeling should they have?
30657What says Christ?
30657What will become of me, think you?"
30657What would you say of a man dying of thirst on the banks of a beautiful river, with the stream flowing past his feet?
30657What would you say to such?
30657When a man gets to that point, do you tell me that God can not use him to build up His kingdom?
30657Who will accept it now?
30657Who will come and take it?
30657Who will come?
30657Who will open their hearts, and let the Saviour come in?
30657Who would not feel highly honored if they were invited to some fine residence, to the wedding of one of the members of the President''s family?
30657Why do we not believe Him?
30657Why do we not believe him?
30657Why may I not expect the same when pain and anguish are upon me?"
30657Why not a Demas or a Judas?
30657Why should we go on asking and beseeching God to have mercy upon us, when He has already given His Son, and given His Holy Spirit?
30657Why should we go reeling and staggering under the burdens and cares of life when we have such prospects before us?
30657Why, this woman and her boys have been carrying vessels into the house all day; what can be the matter?
30657Will God reason with a man living in rebellion against Him?
30657Will you let Him?
30657Will you let him do it?
30657Would not the same thing move the heart of any parent here?
30657Would you advise any one who wants to become a Christian to start right here by confessing Christ with the mouth?
30657Would you insult the Almighty by offering Him the fruits of this frail body to atone for sin?
30657Would you not show him the document signed in the name of the President?
30657Would you not take him to your bosom and forgive him?
30657Yet the moment he said,"Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?"
30657You do n''t mean that he has n''t to give it back to you?"
30657You say you are not fit to come?
30657are you not longing to see your children won to Christ?
30657granting that there_ might_ be a chance for them if they had, was there ever a time when they could not have done a little better?
30657has Abraham Lincoln pardoned me?
30657what did he mean?
30657why shouldst thou wander From such a loving Friend?
7786''What''s that?'' 7786 But if it should rain?"
7786How do you know?
7786How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
7786Is it dark without you, darker still within? 7786 What is it?
7786What is there then?
7786What meanest thou, O sleeper? 7786 11] What does an abundant entrance mean? 7786 1] The victory is sure, but whose victory? 7786 6] What will be the result of their preaching? 7786 A little girl named Molly said to her aunt who was teaching her about Jesus,How can I be sure that my sins are forgiven?"
7786A very long time ago the question was asked,"Canst thou by searching find out God?"
7786A young man whom I know described it as follows:"I heard the voice of God saying to me,''Who told thee that thou wast naked?''
7786And I fell to the ground and I heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
7786Are we preparing for it?
7786Are you asking, What must I do?
7786Are you constantly thinking to yourself, Can God?
7786Are you living in the reality of it?
7786Are you longing to find God?
7786Are you not surprised that none of these men ever thought of finding out the real value of that pearl?
7786Are you quite sure?"
7786Are you saying,"My soul thirsteth for God, for the Living God"?
7786But is it not stranger still that scarcely any one ever stops to inquire who Jesus Christ really is, and the meaning of His death on the Cross?
7786But what if God''s heart_ was_ broken?
7786But_ why_ did He show them the wounds in His hands and side?
7786By and by you will have to face another question,"What will He do with me?"
7786Can you reply,"This is my Beloved Saviour and He is everything to me"?
7786Can you say the same?
7786Can you say,"God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into my heart,"and now I can call Him my Father?
7786Can you say,"He is the Son of God"?
7786Can you say,"Thy Word hath quickened me"?
7786Can you say--"O GOD, THOU ART MY GOD"?
7786Can you think of any other as wonderful?
7786Did God fail him?
7786Did you ever hear about Moody''s torch?
7786Do the children speak of it as"Mother''s book"?
7786Do we make it a habit to be constantly referring to God about everything?
7786Do we not read in the 69th Psalm,"Reproach hath broken my heart?
7786Do you ask Where?
7786Do you believe in God?
7786Do you ever doubt God''s love?
7786Do you ever doubt His wisdom and think you might have been treated better?
7786Do you feel anxious to know whether you will have a share in the glory?
7786Do you feel that you are like a lost sheep?
7786Do you find your faith failing sometimes?
7786Do you judge things from His standpoint?
7786Do you keep your Bible where you can take it up whenever you have a few spare moments?
7786Do you know?
7786Do you offer Him your heart''s devotion and praise, or is it only lip- worship?
7786Do you turn to it for strength and comfort?
7786Do you value it?
7786Does it all seem too good to be true?
7786Does not this simple testimony teach us all a lesson?
7786Does the child need the mother''s constant, watchful care?
7786First, What think ye of Christ, whose Son is He?
7786First, where did He come from?
7786God is now willing; are you willing?
7786God is still saying,"Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?"
7786God knows just what you are and what you have been, and He Himself has asked the question,"How shall I put you among the children?"
7786Had you any idea that there are as many as five thousand precious promises for the believer in God''s Word?
7786Has your name been entered in the Book of Life?
7786Have we ever felt this need of drinking into that One Spirit?
7786Have we learnt to depend only on the Power of the Holy Ghost?
7786Have you claimed them?
7786Have you ever asked whether there has been a beginning of His life_ in your heart_?
7786Have you ever been conscious of the Presence of the living God?
7786Have you ever grasped that truth?
7786Have you ever put your weak hand into God''s strong loving Hand so as to let Him do the holding up?
7786Have you ever thanked Him for the unspeakable gift of His dear Son?
7786Have you ever tried to understand why the Church is called"the Body of Christ"?
7786Have you ever watched the battleships on a dark night, anchored a little way off from the coast?
7786Have you received Him?
7786Have you received them?
7786He spoke openly of His Kingdom to Pilate, for when Pilate asked Him,"Art Thou a King then?"
7786Holding it up in his fingers, he looked round and asked,"Will any one give me a penny for it?"
7786How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God?
7786How can you and I know what the Lord Jesus found in His Father''s love?
7786How did this love of God show itself?
7786How do we know this?
7786How does God commend His love?
7786How does God speak to us now?
7786How does He do it?
7786How does the Holy Spirit prepare our hearts?
7786How is it that you say your prayers and yet you do not expect to get an answer direct from God?
7786How many does it number now?
7786How was it done?
7786How was it started?
7786I said,''What do you want me for?''
7786If not, why not?
7786If not, why not?
7786If so, what for, and for how much?
7786Is Christianity a failure?
7786Is God''s presence so real to you that it makes you control your temper and keeps you from saying unkind things?
7786Is He real to you?
7786Is He so close to you that it is like speaking into His ear?
7786Is His compassion for sinners beaming in your eye?
7786Is His purity seen in your daily life?
7786Is it a_ living_ book to you?
7786Is it grace you need for some special trial?
7786Is it only what you read about, or is it a personal experience in your soul?
7786Is it precious to you?
7786Is it ready at hand so that you can read it before you go to bed at night?
7786Is it so with you?
7786Is it trusting God, or is it doubting God?
7786Is it victory over temptation you long for?
7786Is the link on?
7786Is there this link between you and God?
7786Is this searching necessary for every one?
7786Is this true of you?
7786Is this your happy portion?
7786Jesus said to Nathaniel,"Because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou?
7786Let me ask you one more question, Has God''s Voice ever stopped calling?
7786My heart fell broken at His feet, Who could such love withstand?
7786Now, therefore, why speak ye not a word of bringing the King back?
7786Only a touch-- is it not like the touch of faith?
7786Perhaps you ask me,"Who is God?"
7786Perhaps you ask, Will God really come and dwell in me for I am so unworthy?
7786Perhaps you ask,"How can I know?"
7786Perhaps you wonder, how can the death of One atone for the sin of the many?
7786Secondly, When did He come?
7786Still God is looking for His friend and calling him,"Where are you?"
7786THE SON OF GOD IS COME_ Where_ did He come from?
7786The LORD said,"Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?"
7786The fountain is still flowing-- has it cleansed you?
7786The great question for each one in life is, What is my relation to God?
7786The great question is, What is God to me?
7786The other question which you have to answer is,"What shall I do with Jesus?"
7786The question is sometimes asked, Has the Gospel lost its power?
7786The question was once asked at a meeting,"Can you point to any text in the Word of God which makes you sure you are saved and safe?"
7786The question was raised,"Who was to rule, Satan or God?"
7786The sheep knows the shepherd''s voice; the child is quick in recognizing its mother''s voice; why do we turn a deaf ear to God''s Voice?
7786Think of the cost of this great salvation, and then ask yourself, how much is it worth to me?
7786Thirdly, Why did He come?
7786Trusting or worrying?
7786Unbelief asks,"_ Can He?_"Faith says,"_ He can._"Dear friends, let me ask you to stop and ask yourself, Where do you put that little word"can"?
7786Unbelief asks,"_ Can He?_"Faith says,"_ He can._"Dear friends, let me ask you to stop and ask yourself, Where do you put that little word"can"?
7786Was Christ going into the cave?
7786Was it not wonderful that she was the first to tell the good news that He is"the Saviour of the world"?
7786We have heard how the sun shines over the whole world, but is it not wonderful that every little drop of water can reflect the whole of its light?
7786We limit God''s power to save, by asking,_ Can_ God?
7786We listen to the good news about peace and forgiveness, but are we willing to make Jesus King in our hearts?
7786We look on and on into the Eternity that is coming( and it is a wonderful outlook) and what do we find?
7786What answer will you give?
7786What did Jesus do?
7786What has been going on during all these years?
7786What is His Name?
7786What is faith?
7786What is friendship?
7786What is righteousness?
7786What is the Church?
7786What is the natural man?
7786What is this new experience, this seeking after God?
7786What is this personal experience of the life of Christ in the soul?
7786What shall we say?
7786What was it that changed this man?
7786What was the price to be paid?
7786What will be the final winding up of Earth''s suffering and struggles?
7786What will it all be like?
7786When Blondin came down he went up to the lad and said to him,"You saw me carry that big man across, do you believe I could take you?"
7786When did He come?
7786When did He come?
7786When did this special"_ calling out_"begin?
7786When was the beginning?
7786When you pray do you realise His Presence?
7786When you speak to God, is it an effort, or do you look up into His face with confidence and tell Him all?
7786When your child wants you to hold him up he slips his little hand in yours, does n''t he?
7786Where is the Bible?
7786Where were they wounded?
7786Which are you doing, dear friends?
7786Who can inspire them with faith and hope?
7786Who can point them to the Rock of Ages which can not be moved?
7786Who can speak a word of cheer and encouragement?
7786Who can tell how precious?
7786Who can tell the good news so well as these restored and converted ones?
7786Who is the Word?
7786Who is this Some One?
7786Who will be the preachers?
7786Why did He call to the crowds so earnestly to repent?
7786Why did He die?
7786Why did He show them the nail prints in His hands and the deep wound in His side?
7786Why did you give up listening?
7786Why does He invite the weary ones to come to Him?
7786Why has this Gospel been written?
7786Why is the Bible like no other book?
7786Why is there so much unrest, so much ungodliness, and lawlessness in our midst?
7786Why was His blood poured out?
7786Will you ask yourself, Have I received Him?
7786Will you say it now very solemnly in your heart to God?
7786Would you neglect getting these priceless gifts if you believed they were the real offers of a real Person?
7786Yea, they spake against God, they said,"Can God furnish a table in the wilderness; can God give bread also; can He provide flesh for His people?"
7786You first put the speaking tube to your mouth and then you say"Are you there?"
7786You have prayed many years perhaps for the conversion of some one near and dear to you, but are you limiting God because you doubt His power to do it?
7786_ When_ did He come?
7786_ Why_ did He come?
7786you say, but I am so far off, how can I find my way to Him?
11044Again, in what manner are they there, since I look for them a long while in vain?
11044And that of the hinder part of the head than that of the forehead?
11044And why do they build a whole system of philosophy upon the precarious foundation of a ridiculous fiction?
11044And, on the other hand, what is more firm and durable?
11044As, for instance, how harder is the skin of the feet than that of the face?
11044Ask him which of them he set a- going, and which way he begun to move them?
11044But have we a mind to confine it to a more moderate use?
11044But how comes it to pass it neither knows what she does, nor in what manner it performs it?
11044But how comes it to pass that a body can move another?
11044But how comes it to pass that, among so many bodies, it has that power over no more than one?
11044But how could the First Being make a creature who is himself the umpire of his own actions?
11044But how is he free?
11044But how is it possible for the course of the sun to be so regular?
11044But how is it possible he should be so wise and so infallible in some things?
11044But how many other objects are there in every object discovered by the microscope which the microscope itself can not discover?
11044But now, how comes it to pass that beings so unlike are so intimately united together in man?
11044But upon what authority do they suppose this declination of atoms, which comes so pat to bear up their system?
11044But what are the weak and puny designs of men, if compared to that of the creation and government of the universe?
11044But what comparison can be made between the best book and the brain of a learned man?
11044But what does that almost innumerable multitude of stars mean?
11044But what invisible power raises and lays so suddenly the storms of that great fluid body, of which those of the sea are only consequences?
11044But what must we infer from them?
11044But where are those laws of motion written and recorded?
11044But where is it we look for but within us?
11044But which way can I know any real unit?
11044But who can forbear admiring the nature of the bones?
11044But who is it that has laid up so many treasures in her bosom, upon condition that they should continually produce themselves anew?
11044But why should it appear less ridiculous to hear one say that the world made itself, as well as that fabulous house?
11044But, then, where lie objects half- forgotten?
11044Can I imagine that God gives me the lesser good, and that I give myself the greater without Him?
11044Can a stinted limited being imagine and invent the infinite, if there be no infinite at all?
11044Can any but a power superior both to bodies and spirits keep them together in this union with so absolute a sway?
11044Can one imagine measures better concerted to render all countries fertile and fruitful?
11044Can the proof of our religion be more evident and convincing?
11044Could he be induced to believe that the springs of that watch had formed, proportioned, ranged, and united themselves, by mere chance?
11044Did it give itself so sublime, and so pure an idea, which is itself a kind of infinite in imagery?
11044Do they find this perfection in the idea they have of every atom in particular?
11044Do we conclude that a piece of painting is made by chance when we see in it either shades, or even some careless touches?
11044Do you consider that excellent order and proportion of the limbs?
11044Do you see that fire that seems kindled in the stars, and spreads its light on all sides?
11044Do you see that flame which certain mountains vomit up, and which the earth feeds with sulphur within its entrails?
11044Do you see those clouds that fly, as it were, on the wings of the winds?
11044Do you see those vast forests that seem as old as the world?
11044Do you see what is called air?
11044Does it follow from thence that motion is essential to every particle of matter?
11044Does it not circulate about us on purpose to serve us?
11044Does it proceed from nothing?
11044For what can an instinct more just, exact, precise, and certain than reason itself mean but a more perfect reason?
11044For what is more supple for all various motions?
11044Has chance, by a concourse of atoms, hooked together the parts of the body with the mind?
11044Has he a mind to bow or turn his head?
11044Have they the assurance to bestow the name of philosophy upon a rash fiction which takes for granted what they never can make out?
11044How can the faithful images of all the objects of the universe, from the sun to an atom, range themselves distinctly in so small an organ?
11044How was I able to know beings that have by nature no relation with my thinking being?
11044I do not pretend to penetrate through the whole; who is able to do it?
11044I will only ask you now wherein that precise ranging and configuration of parts, which you speak of, consists?
11044If he does, will he be able either to understand what he means, or to make it understood by others?
11044If it be a solid vault, what architect built it?
11044If the mind and body are a whole made up of matter only, how comes it to pass that this matter, which yesterday did not, has this day begun to think?
11044In a word, who is it that has found all the combinations wherein matter thinks, and without the least of which matter must immediately cease to think?
11044Is it in the animal himself?
11044Is it not manifest that the clinamen can no more account for it than the straight line itself?
11044Is it not the very God I look for?
11044Is my brain a book, all the characters of which have ranged themselves of their own accord?
11044Is that stone free in its fall?
11044Is there no more to do than to suppose whatever one pleases in order to elude the most simple and most constant truths?
11044It is an incomprehensible mixture of low and great; of frailty in the matter, and of art in the maker?
11044Moreover, which way do I know whether this thinking soul is really one, or whether it has parts?
11044Must a man bear a heavy burden on his head?
11044Must we suppose, besides, that atoms have motion of themselves?
11044Now I would fain know whence comes that art, which is none of theirs?
11044Now how come I by that knowledge?
11044Now what being was able to stamp within us the image of the infinite, if the infinite never existed?
11044Now what skilful hand has laid up in that kind of dirt, which appears so shapeless, such precious images, ranged with such excellent and curious art?
11044Now who maintains so just a measure as never either to extinguish those different species, or never to suffer them to multiply too fast?
11044Now whose hand tied and subjected to the organs of this corporeal machine that incorporeal being which must necessarily be in me united to my body?
11044Now, I ask what mover gave motion to that first atom, and first set the great machine of the universe a- going?
11044Now, again, who makes it know bodies so different from it?
11044Now, do these images, more like their original than the masterpieces of the art of painting, imprint themselves in my head without any art?
11044Now, does not this division, which I find within myself, show and denote a kind of multiplicity and composition of parts?
11044Now, how came I by so incorporeal an idea of bodies themselves?
11044Now, once more, whence comes so great an image?
11044Now, shall we affirm that the decisive stroke that determines to the greater good either is not at all, or is less owing to Him?
11044Now, to whom shall we ascribe this infallible skill?
11044Now, what advantage will these philosophers draw from all I have granted them, contrary to all evidence?
11044Now, what authority have they to suppose, without proofs, that atoms have in themselves a perfect, eternal, and immutable being?
11044Now, what is it that keeps that flame, so restless and so impetuous, within the exact bounds of a perfect globe?
11044Now, whence comes that idea of the infinite in us?
11044Now, whence proceeds such an invincible averseness to that opinion in so many men of sense?
11044Now, whence proceeds this augmentation and improvement of myself?
11044Now, who is it that contrived such a suspension?
11044Now, who is it that determined which way the straight line should go?
11044Now, who is it that gave over one body the power it had over no other?
11044Now, who is it that has so well regulated the size of man to so just a standard?
11044Now, who is it that has united it to my body?
11044Now, who is it that knew how to pitch upon that precise degree of motion?
11044Now, who is it that pitched upon either of these two laws equally possible?
11044Now, who is it that put the idea of the infinite, that is to say of perfection, in a subject so stinted and so full of imperfection?
11044Now, who is it that united my will to this body, and gave it so much power over it?
11044Now, will anybody say that an essential and immutable law of the local motion of atoms explains and accounts for the true liberty of man?
11044Now, will anybody say that it is in so invisible, and so impenetrable, a thing that I clearly see what unity is?
11044O Fair Day, without either cloud or end, of which Thyself shalt be the sun, and wherein Thou shalt run through my soul like a torrent of delight?
11044Once more, how come I by so just a notion of numbers?
11044Once more, is it in the idea these philosophers have of each atom that they find this perfection?
11044One should show to such a reasoner all the parts of the house, and tell him for instance:--Do you see this great court- gate?
11044Or what is it we look for but ourselves?
11044Shall I ascribe it to my feeble mind, or rather to the power it has over my body, which is so vastly different from it?
11044Shall I believe that my will has that supreme command of its own nature, though in itself so weak and imperfect?
11044Shall I say that other spirits, much like or equal to mine, give it me?
11044Shall we say that animals are more rational than we?
11044Shall we suppose it out of gaiety to give an air of reality to a system more chimerical than the tales of the fairies?
11044Should I have it from nothing, which is all my own stock?
11044Should we maintain that the bow formed without art should be pushed by the wind to touch every string so variously, and with such nice justness?
11044Sure it must be somewhere, otherwise how could it imprint itself in our minds?
11044The blindness is man''s; but the power, whose is it?
11044Therefore, from whence shall we derive that distinct image which is unlike anything within us, and all we know here below, without us?
11044Therefore, how came I by so distinct an idea of numbers, which I never could either feel or imagine?
11044To the work, or its Artificer?
11044To whom shall we ascribe it, unless it be to Him who sees what man does not see, and performs in him what passes his understanding?
11044Upon this pleasing hope my bones shiver, and cry out:--"Who is like Thee, O Lord?
11044Was there ever a more absurd metamorphosis?
11044What a stupendous variety of admirable objects is here?
11044What authority have they to suppose that all bodies incessantly move, either sensibly or insensibly?
11044What becomes of them?
11044What bestows thought upon it, has it not itself, and how can it give what it has not?
11044What can they find in the clinamen that, with any colour, can account for the liberty of man?
11044What do I behold in all Nature?
11044What does the regular succession of day and night denote?
11044What finite being distinct from it was able to give it what bears no proportion with what is limited within any bounds?
11044What hand had the skill to unite and tie together these two extremes and opposites?
11044What hand leads that flame in so strait a way and never suffers it to slip one side or other?
11044What hand takes care never to let them fall but in moderate showers?
11044What hand was able to hang over our heads those great reservatories of waters?
11044What is more admirable than the multiplication of animals?
11044What is more noble than a machine which continually repairs and renews itself?
11044What is the reason that a ball which a man causes to roll on a smooth table( billiards, for the purpose) can not touch another without moving it?
11044What is the reason that a great body carries off a little one?
11044What must we infer from thence?
11044What pair of compasses, whose circumference encircles both heaven and earth, has fixed such just dimensions?
11044What power has built over our heads so vast and so magnificent an arch?
11044What rational man could seriously entertain a doubt whether a human hand touched such an instrument with so much harmony?
11044What should not we see if we could still subtilise and improve more and more the instruments that help out weak and dull sight?
11044What then is this dependent liberty?
11044What then must be a design so extensive, so coherent, so excellent, so beneficial?
11044What thoughts could a man entertain of such a fantastic philosopher, if he should persist seriously to assert that such a house displays no art?
11044What would a man think of a watch that should fly or slip away, turn, again, or defend itself, for its own preservation, if he went about to break it?
11044When I see a stone that appears motionless, how will they prove to me that there is no atom in that stone but what is actually in motion?
11044When will that time be, O Lord?
11044Whence comes it that certain motions of the body so suddenly and so infallibly raise certain thoughts in the soul?
11044Whence comes it that the thoughts of the soul, so suddenly and so infallibly, occasion certain motions in the body?
11044Whence comes this, as it were, arbitrary government of motion over all bodies?
11044Whence does it proceed?
11044Whence proceeds so regular a society, for seventy or fourscore years, without any interruption?
11044Whence proceeds the government of that universal machine which incessantly works for us without so much as our thinking upon it?
11044Where is it?
11044Where is that lively light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world?
11044Where is that oracle, which is never silent, and against which all the vain prejudices of men can not prevail?
11044Where is that perfect reason which is so near me, and yet so different from me?
11044Where is that reason which we have ever occasion to consult, and which prevents us to create in us the desire of hearing its voice?
11044Where is that reason, at once both common and superior to all limited and imperfect reasons of mankind?
11044Where is that supreme reason?
11044Where is that wisdom?
11044Where is the artificer that ties and unites natures so vastly different?
11044Whither is it going?
11044Who both made them and rendered them so inviolable?
11044Who can entertain such a thought?
11044Who can put in a looking- glass the image of a chimerical object which is not in being, and which was never placed against the glass?
11044Who gives it so great a command over a certain body; and who gives reciprocally to that body so great a command over the soul?
11044Who has made the experiment of it?
11044Who has taught it incessantly and so regularly to turn in a space where it is free and unconstrained?
11044Who is it that can enlarge and perfect my being by making me better, and, consequently, greater than I was?
11044Who is it that has bestowed upon it what it had not, and which is without comparison more noble than thoughtless matter?
11044Who is it that has discovered the line in which the parts ought to move?
11044Who is it that has fixed so many great luminous bodies to certain places of that arch and at certain distances?
11044Who is it that has fixed that of other animals and living creatures, with proportion to that of man?
11044Who is it that has regulated the outward form by which all those bodies are to be stinted?
11044Who is it that has so nicely purified that air we breathe?
11044Who is it that hung and poised this motionless globe of the earth?
11044Who is it that knew how to take such exact measures in immense bodies?
11044Who is it that knew how to unite them to natures so vastly different?
11044Who is it that knew so well how to keep a just medium between too much and too little?
11044Who is it that makes it withdraw, and then come back with so much regularity?
11044Who is it that makes that vault turn so regularly about us?
11044Who is it that so well chose the operations that ought to continue; and, with so just discernment, excluded all such as ought to be interrupted?
11044Who is it that, in an instant, imprints in my eye the heaven, the sea, and the earth, seated at almost an infinite distance?
11044Who laid its foundation?
11044Who were able to explain the niceness of the organs by which man discerns the numberless savours and odours of bodies?
11044Why was it not possible that motion should not ever communicate itself from one body to another?
11044Will a fluid body range in such constant and regular order bodies that swim circularly within its sphere?
11044Will any man be again so bold as to ascribe this to chance?
11044Will any man say it was chance?
11044Will he allow them to make use of reason in those motions, wherein it is certain man does not?
11044Will he say that they naturally understand the mathematics which men are ignorant of?
11044Will they ever impose upon me bare suppositions, without any semblance of truth, for decisive proofs?
11044Would he not admire the skill of the artificer?
11044Would he not cry out,"It is a masterly hand that plays upon it?"
11044how is it possible for a man to conceive a free- will, that is given by a First Being?
40967Art thou a King then?
40967Art thou the King of the Jews?
40967Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me? 40967 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew?
40967Was it Celestine, Diocletian, or Esau? 40967 What accusation bring ye against this man?"
40967What is truth?
40967[ 104] Maddened by the relentless importunity of the mob, Pilate replied scornfully and mockingly:Shall I crucify your king?"
40967[ 48] But why a crime? 40967 [ 99]"Barabbas, or Jesus which is called the Christ?"
40967''Is there any likelihood,''say they,''that Pilate should write such things to Tiberius concerning a man whom he had condemned to death?
40967A. Adeone me delirare censes, ut ista esse credam?
40967AUDITOR: Do you think I''m such a fool as to give credence to such things?
40967AUDITOR: Why?
40967Addressing Jesus, Pilate said:"Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee and have power to release thee?
40967Addressing the prisoner, Pilate asked:"Art thou the King of the Jews?"
40967Admitting that Jesus acknowledged the jurisdiction of Herod, was He compelled to answer irrelevant and impertinent questions?
40967Admitting that this is true, is anything proved by the fact?
40967Again, what Roman law was applicable to the charges made against Jesus to Pilate?
40967Again, what charges were brought against Jesus at the hearing before Pilate?
40967Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne, and myself founded great empires; but upon what did the creations of our genius depend?
40967And Annas and Caiaphas said: Why are you so much moved?
40967And Dysmas answering reproved him, saying: Dost thou not fear God, because thou art in the same condemnation?
40967And I said to him, Who art thou, my lord?
40967And Joseph said: Why have you called me?
40967And Nicodemus says to them: How have you come into the synagogue?
40967And Pilate says to the Jews: Do you not wonder how the tops of the standards were bent down and adored Jesus?
40967And Pilate says to them: For what reason do they wish to put him to death?
40967And Pilate sent for the Jews and said to them: Have you seen what has happened?
40967And Pilate went again into the Pretorium and spoke to Jesus privately, and said to him: Art thou the king of the Jews?
40967And Pilate, calling Annas and Caiaphas, says to them: What are proselytes?
40967And Pilate, having called the runner, says to him: Why hast thou done this, and spread out thy cloak upon the earth and made Jesus walk upon it?
40967And Pilate, having called them, says: Tell me how I, being a procurator, can try a king?
40967And Pilate, having summoned Jesus, says to him: What do these witness against thee?
40967And are we to imagine that they referred with such emphasis as they employed to the mere creations of their fancy?
40967And first they call Adas and say to him: How didst thou see Jesus taken up?
40967And if he had proposed it, who can make a doubt that the senate would not have immediately complied?
40967And likewise Joseph also stepped out and said to them: Why are you angry against me because I begged the body of Jesus?
40967And on the Sabbath our teachers and the priests and Levites sat questioning each other and saying: What is this wrath that has come upon us?
40967And the Jews answering, say unto Pilate: Did we not tell thee that he was a sorcerer?
40967And the Jews, noticing this and hearing it, say to Pilate: What more wilt thou hear of this blasphemy?
40967And the Jews, seeing what the runner had done, cried out against Pilate, saying: Why hast thou ordered him to come in by a runner, and not by a crier?
40967And the children of the prophets met him and said, O Elissæus, where is thy master Helias?
40967And the elders of the Jews answered, and said to Jesus: What shall we see?
40967And the procurator ordered the Jews to go outside of the Pretorium; and, summoning Jesus, he says to him: What shall I do to thee?
40967And the procurator trembled, and said to all the multitude of the Jews: Why do you wish to pour out innocent blood?
40967And the procurator, having called the standard bearers, says to them: Why have you done this?
40967And they again said to them: Why have you come?
40967And they asked him, and he said to them: Why have you not believed my son?
40967And they call Phinees, the priest, and ask him also, saying: How didst thou see Jesus taken up?
40967And they said to Elissæus, Has not a spirit seized him, and thrown him upon one of the mountains?
40967Are not all these more than sufficient to condemn Him in their eyes and prove Him worthy of death?
40967Are not these things sufficient to bring down upon him their condemnation?
40967Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
40967But others have appeared in it; would it not be possible to produce them also before history?
40967But there are no Cæsars, no Napoleons, no Shakespeares, no Aristotles among them, you say?
40967But they of two things chose the one; and who knows but that they chose the better?
40967But was Pilate alone guilty of the crime of the crucifixion?
40967But were they always a mere money- changing, money- getting, money- hoarding race?
40967But who was this Herod before whom Jesus now appeared in chains?
40967But why was Jesus sent to Herod?
40967CHAPTER III POWERS AND DUTIES OF PILATE What were the powers and duties of Pilate as procurator of Judea?
40967Can a more favorable verdict be expected of the members of the second chamber, composed as it was of men so conceited and arrogant?
40967Can we, then, be astonished at the murderous hatred which these false and ambitious men conceived for Christ?
40967Cocyti fremitus?
40967Could impartiality be expected of those proud and selfish men, whose lips delighted in nothing so much as sounding their own praises?
40967Could not Jesus, reasoned Pilate, be the son of the Hebrew Jehovah as Hercules was the son of Jupiter?
40967Did Pilate apply Hebrew or Roman law to the charges presented to him against the Christ?
40967Did Pilate apply these laws either in letter or in spirit?
40967Did he imitate this model?
40967Did he observe these rules and regulations?
40967Did not the reception of his miracles and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem indicate His popularity with the plain people?
40967Did the general laws of Roman provincial administration apply to this province?
40967For how, thought Pilate, can He pretend to have a Kingdom, unless He pretends to be a king?
40967For what else are your ensigns, flags, and standards, but crosses, gilt and beautiful?
40967From out the anguish of his soul, the voice of Justice sends to his quivering lips the thrice- repeated question:"Why, what evil hath he done?"
40967Has the emperor not appointed him to this place of dignity?
40967Having decided that there were two trials, we are now ready to consider the questions: Were the two trials separate and independent?
40967His first recorded words are:"What accusation bring ye against this man?"
40967How did it happen that a sacrifice to Apollo gave favorable, and one to Diana unfavorable signs?
40967If colossal forms of intellect and soul be invoked, does not the Jew still lead the universe?
40967If not legally, was Pilate politically justified in delivering Jesus to be crucified?
40967If not, is it rational to suppose that their innocent descendants have been the victims of this curse?
40967If not, was the second trial a mere review of the first, or was the first a mere preliminary to the second?
40967If not, was the second trial a mere review of the first, or was the first a mere preliminary to the second?
40967If so, why were there two trials instead of one?
40967In a cynical and sarcastic mood, Pilate turned to Jesus and asked:"What is truth?
40967In the first place, were there two distinct trials of Jesus?
40967Is anybody so keenly discerning as to see in Irish dispersion a divine or superhuman agency?
40967Is it any wonder that the tragedy of the Prætorium and Golgotha, aside from its sacred aspects, is the most notable event in history?
40967Is it not reasonably certain that a large majority of the countrymen of Jesus were his ardent well- wishers and sincerely regretted his untimely end?
40967Is it not true that the Jewish people, as a race, were not parties to the condemnation and execution of the Christ?
40967Is it possible to conceive that these friends and well- wishers were the inheritors of the curse of Heaven because of the crime of Golgotha?
40967Is this not an error on their part?
40967It may be analyzed thus: Confession: Inside the palace, Pilate asked Jesus the question:"Art thou the King of the Jews?"
40967Jesus answered Pilate: Dost thou say this of thyself, or have others said it to thee of me?
40967Levi says to them: Do you not know that from him I learned the law?
40967M. An tu hæc non credis?
40967Maybe so; but what of that?
40967Now, in the light of the facts and principles just stated, what was the exact political status of the Jews at the time of Christ?
40967Of what kind do you suppose are the meetings of these people?
40967Or were peculiar rights and privileges granted to the strange people who inhabited it?
40967Pilate answered Jesus: Am I also a Jew?
40967Pilate said to him: Art thou, then, a king?
40967Pilate said: Has God said that you are not to put to death, but that I am?
40967Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called the Christ?
40967Pilate says to Annas and Caiaphas: Have you nothing to answer to this?
40967Pilate says to him: What is truth?
40967Pilate says to the Jews: Why should he die?
40967Pilate says to them who said that the demons were subject to him: Why, then, were not your teachers also subject to him?
40967Pilate says to them: And what did they shout in Hebrew?
40967Pilate says to them: If you bear witness to the words spoken by the children, in what has the runner done wrong?
40967Pilate says to them: What evil practices?
40967Pilate says to them: Why do you gnash your teeth against him when you hear the truth?
40967Pilate says: And what are the things which he does, to show that he wishes to do away with it?
40967Pilate says: For a good work do they wish to put him to death?
40967Pilate says: How given?
40967Pilate says: Is truth not upon earth?
40967Pilate says: What temple?
40967Pilate says: What, then, shall we do to Jesus, who is called Christ?
40967Romans, can you think youths initiated, under such oaths as theirs, are fit to be made soldiers?
40967Sayest thou nothing?
40967Shall these, contaminated with their own foul debaucheries and those of others, be champions for the chastity of your wives and children?
40967Shall we not rather consider it as a matter of shame and remorse to ourselves?
40967Suppose that he should do it while acting as an administrator, would it be less an assassination?
40967Suppose that the Governor General should do this while sitting as a judge, would it not be judicial murder?
40967Suppose this should happen beneath the American flag, what would be the judgment of the American people as to the merits of the proceedings?
40967That arms should be intrusted with wretches brought out of that temple of obscenity?
40967The Jews cry out and say to the runner: The sons of the Hebrews shouted in Hebrew; whence, then, hast thou the Greek?
40967The Jews say to him: How hast thou come into the synagogue?
40967The Jews say to him:_ Hosanna membrome baruchamma adonai._ Pilate says to them: And this hosanna, etc., how is it interpreted?
40967The Jews say: And wherefore did you not lay hold of them?
40967The Jews say: At what time was this?
40967The Jews say: Is not this the very thing we said, that on a Sabbath he cures and casts out demons?
40967The Jews say: To what women did he speak?
40967The Jews say: What benefactors?
40967The Sanhedrin says to Rabbi Levi: Is the word that you have said true?
40967The elders and the priests and the Levites say to them: Have you come to give us this announcement, or to offer prayer to God?
40967The elders and the priests and the Levites say: If anyone speak evil against Cæsar, is he worthy of death or not?
40967The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?
40967The men of the guard say to the Jews: You have seen so great miracles in the case of this man, and have not believed; and how can you believe us?
40967The men of the guard say: We were like dead men from fear, not expecting to see the light of day, and how could we lay hold of them?
40967The question still arises: Who were the morally guilty parties?
40967The runner says to them: I asked one of the Jews, and said: What is it they are shouting in Hebrew?
40967Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you?
40967They say to Pilate: We are Greeks and temple slaves, and how could we adore him?
40967They say to the teacher Levi: How knowest thou these things?
40967Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: What hast thou done?"
40967This act brought down upon him the disdainful retort from the others,"Art thou also a Galilean?"
40967This challenge was boldly accepted by Mr. Stephen, who says:"Was Pilate right in crucifying Christ?
40967This raises the question: Who were the real crucifiers of the Christ, the Jews or the Romans?
40967Three times, in reply, Conscience sent to Pilate''s trembling lips the searching question:"Why, what evil hath he done?"
40967Triceps apud inferos Cerberus?
40967Upon what charge was He finally condemned and crucified?
40967Upon whom should the greater blame rest, if both were guilty?
40967Was any Roman or Punic god interested in this event?
40967Was any deity concerned about these things?
40967Was there an attempt by Pilate to attain substantial justice, either with or without the due observance of forms of law?
40967Were the Jews wholly blameless?
40967Were the two trials separate and independent?
40967Were these charges the same as those preferred against Him at the trial before the Sanhedrin?
40967Were we not justified in forming of them an unfavorable opinion?...
40967What could have rendered his condemnation surer than such manifestations of contempt for the pride and voluptuousness of these men?
40967What course would be taken towards him?
40967What did Pilate think of Jesus?
40967What forms of criminal procedure, if any, were employed by Pilate in conducting the Roman trial of Jesus?
40967What forms of criminal procedure, if any, were employed by him in conducting the Roman trial of Jesus?
40967What hast thou done?
40967What nation ever contended more manfully against overwhelming odds for its independence and religion?
40967What nation ever, in its last agonies, gave such signal proofs of what may be accomplished by a brave despair?
40967What passage of Scripture, it may be asked, justifies this parallel with the case of Jesus before Pilate?
40967What then was the law of Rome in relation to the crime of high treason?
40967What were these rules?
40967What, indeed, could have been the issue of a trial before the first chamber, composed as it was of demoralized, ambitious, and scheming priests?
40967When Pilate had mounted the_ bema_, and order had been restored, he asked:"What accusation bring ye against this man?"
40967Where is it anywhere stated, or by reasonable inference implied, that Pilate considered whether he ought not to become a disciple of Jesus?
40967Where shall created beings find rest if you suppose that shades in hell and souls in heaven continue to have any feeling?
40967Where were they, what thinking and why silent?
40967Which of them do you wish me to release to you?
40967Who were the directly responsible agents of the crucifixion, the Jews or the Romans?
40967Who, then, could think of excluding him from the people of Israel?
40967Why did Pilate do this?
40967Why did he not examine the prisoner in the presence of His accusers in the open air?
40967Why did he not release Him, and, if need be, protect Him with his cohort from the assaults of the Jews?
40967Why did the Etruscan, the Elan, the Egyptian, and the Punic inspectors of sacrifice interpret the entrails in an entirely different manner?
40967Why did they not do this?
40967Why did they seek the aid of Pilate and invoke the sanction of Roman authority?
40967Why do you weep?
40967Why not persecute all the Greeks of the earth, wherever found, because of the injustice of the Areopagus?
40967Why were there two trials of Jesus?
40967Would it not stamp with indelible shame the administration that should sanction or tolerate it?
40967Would the Governor General retain his office by such a course of conduct?
40967You do n''t believe in them?
40967You wish this man, then, to be a king, and not Cæsar?
40967[ 150] M. Dic, quæso, num te illa terrent?
40967[ 185] But we may ask, Why is this pompous name given to this chamber by the Evangelists?
40967[ 186] But how, then, can we account for the presence of several high priests at the same time in the Sanhedrin?
40967did you not know that Lucullus would dine with Lucullus?"
40967travectio Acherontis?
25826''Where wert thou, brother, those four days?'' 25826 Can this new religion,"he asked,"tell us of what happens after death?
25826Do not the secret things belong unto the Lord our God?
25826I suppose your Master when He failed to persuade the living had to try and persuade the dead?
25826Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
25826Shall we sleep between Death and the Judgment?
25826( See R. V.) Did St. Paul say,"He that doubteth( about eating certain meats) is damned if he eat"?
2582618); to unfurl His banner and set up His Cross in the great world of the departed?
25826Am"I"but like an Eolian harp, played on by the wind of sensations from without?
25826And are they helping me?
25826And can I do anything for them on my side in this"Communion of Saints"?
25826And how does it happen that I remember what I thought and did and said with the old vanished brains of twenty and thirty years ago?
25826And judging from what we know of God''s methods on earth, is it unreasonable to think that they will learn it from their brethren?
25826And may it not be much less of a"leap off"than we think-- only a closing of the eyes here and an opening of them there?
25826And now I close this book with the solemn question for us all: How shall we enter Heaven?
25826And what shall we say of God''s fatherhood?
25826And when we are told that God"willeth all men to be saved,"and that God can do everything, we are forced to ask, Can God do contradictory things?
25826And yet-- and yet-- what shall we say?
25826Are God''s elect in the Hereafter life still"_ elect for the service of others_"?
25826Are they praying for me to that dear Lord whom we both love-- in whose presence we both stand to- day?
25826Are you quite sure that in that spirit life a peaceful contentment like that of the cow who forgets her calf is the highest thing to be desired?
25826As George Macdonald somewhere pertinently asks,"Shall we be greater fools in Paradise than we are here?"
25826Ask yourself, each one, what do you mean by"I"?
25826But are we justified in hoping?
25826But immediately the question arises, Which brain?
25826But is it true?
25826But is that all?
25826But ought we to be so MUCH afraid of it?
25826But these are not dying?
25826But what do I mean by Myself?
25826But what of the souls who had gone out of earth from the beginning of the world without knowing Him?
25826CHAPTER IX GROWTH AND PURIFICATION What is the main purpose of the Intermediate Life?
25826Can God make a door to be open and shut at the same time?
25826Can God make a man''s will free to choose good or evil and yet secure that he shall certainly choose good at the last?
25826Can God make a thing to be and not to be at the same time?
25826Can He not hear me when for thee I pray?
25826Can He not reach thee with His tender care?
25826Can he help us?
25826Can not you imagine our wondering joy when our questionings are set at rest?
25826Can not you imagine the Lord in His tender reproach,"Oh, thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
25826Can the surgeon''s knife find any trace of it?
25826Can there be between us comradeship in any sense?
25826Can this new religion solve for us the mystery?
25826Can we doubt that somehow within the Veil they will learn more fully of His tender love?
25826Can we help him?
25826Can we know anything at all about his condition now?"
25826Can we not leave with God the"how"of recognition?
25826Can you imagine them never helping any one there, where growth in love is God''s highest aim for them?
25826Could the wildest flights of imagination go further?
25826Creation widened on man''s view Who could have thought such marvels lay concealed Behind thy beams, O Sun?
25826Did God implant that divine love in her only to disappoint it?
25826Did He say that those who had done evil should rise to the resurrection of damnation?
25826Did he say that a church widow should have damnation for marrying again?
25826Did it mean that he came back to them all in the life unseen when he was"gathered to his people"?
25826Did the old father and mother now in the Unseen ever thank God for the comfort you had been to them during their declining years?
25826Did you ever notice how a little child never says"I"till he is about three years old?
25826Did you ever think of the mystery of this authoritative utterance of the self within you:"_ I ought_"?
25826Did your wife ever tell you on earth how happy you had made her?
25826Do n''t you like that honest appeal of his"as was only fair"?
25826Do they know now of our life on earth?
25826Do they know or care about my love and sorrow to- day?
25826Do we believe that this is the right way to think of Heaven?
25826Do we not know?
25826Do you know Blanco White''s famous sonnet?
25826Do you know Whittier''s beautiful poem of the old monk who had spent his whole life in hard and menial work for the rescue and help of others?
25826Do you remember these wonderful words of our Lord,"No man hath ascended into Heaven, only the Son of Man who is in Heaven"?
25826Do you say that you do not know what is before your friend-- that it is a"leap off into the dark"?
25826Do you want further proof?
25826Does He not there suggest that He would take thought for those men of Tyre and Sidon in the Unseen Land?
25826Does any one need to ask that question?
25826Does any one really doubt it who believes in God at all?
25826Does he still know or care anything about the old home and about us who are left behind?
25826Does he still love?
25826Does he still remember?
25826Does it not give a vivid reality to that world that we think of so vaguely?
25826Does it not include also our fuller knowledge of one another?
25826Does it not suggest that in the spirit land they are watching our doings here?
25826Does it not, at least suggest, recognition in the Unseen Land?
25826Does it seem unreal, unnatural, to some of us?
25826Does not this unfinished life thus broken off, with its aim still far in the future, demand something further?
25826From the Bible, do you say?
25826From the teachings of Christ?
25826Have we not learned from Scripture already that it is much less of"dark"than come of us thought?
25826Have you ever thought of that"eternal pain"of God?
25826He does not know what is before him: Darkness-- unconsciousness-- nothingness-- what?
25826How can I cease to pray for thee?
25826How can any outsider intermeddle in the pain of a mother whose boy has just been killed?
25826How can you teach a blind, deaf man about this world of beautiful sights and sounds in which you are living?
25826How could God teach us definite details about a life which no experience of ours can help us to imagine?
25826How could I know what Shakespeare meant by a certain word?
25826How could he do so if he did not know them?
25826How could he say this if he thought He would not know them?
25826How many of us are ever even in sight of that goal when we die?
25826How shall we recognize each other without this accustomed bodily shape?
25826I am not laying down this as a statement of Scripture, but I think it is a fair conjecture, for how else could they have learned it?
25826II What have you learned?
25826If I am fully conscious what am I conscious of?
25826If I have made the best of myself what more should I desire to take?
25826If millions of those Hindoos who have died without the Gospel would have accepted it, do you think it is not being taught to any of them now?
25826If that spiritual vision apart from bodily shape plays so great a part in recognition here, may it not be all- sufficient there?
25826If there be joy in His presence over one sinner that repenteth must there not be pain in His presence over one that repenteth not?
25826If there be joy in His presence over one that repenteth must there not be pain over one that repenteth not?
25826If there be no growth or purification in the Waiting Life what hope is there ever for any one of us of fitness for the presence of the all holy God?
25826If we shall not know one another, why is there this undying memory of departed ones, the aching void that is never filled on earth?
25826If we shall not know one another, why then this undying memory of departed ones, this aching void that is never filled on earth?
25826In our sense of the word did our Lord say,"He that believeth not shall be damned"?
25826Instead of thinking"I_ have_ a soul,"should we not rather think"I_ am_ a soul"?
25826Is it a life of sleep and unconsciousness into which he has gone, or is he as fully alive and conscious as he was an hour ago?
25826Is it hard to believe that a man thus knowing Christ and wilfully rejecting Him should thereby risk the ruin of his soul?
25826Is it possible to destroy it?
25826Is it possible to get away from it?
25826Is it the spoiling and ruining of that self within you which Christ balances against the whole world?
25826Is not that a Gospel?
25826Is not that an incentive to stir one''s blood?
25826Is not that sufficient answer to many questions?
25826Is not that the chief delight of being young?
25826Is not this mysterious"I"behind the brain the being that God is especially concerned with?
25826Is that possible in the land of love?
25826Is the destiny and the condition of every soul fixed forever at death?
25826Is there further probation in that life?
25826Is there growth and progress?
25826Is there something to be done there which can not be fully done at any other time?
25826It is therefore natural to ask what happens in it?
25826It may be next week; but it may be 5,000 years hence, and meantime what of my life?
25826Jesus saith,"Woman, hath no man damned thee?"
25826May not the birth into that life be as simple as the birth into this?
25826May we not read it in that"au revoir,"not"good- bye,"to the thief beside Him,"To- day you shall be with Me in Paradise"?
25826May we speculate with faith on something we can not prove?
25826Must it not be so in that land also?
25826Must it not be so in that land too?
25826Nay, shall we not know each other there far more thoroughly than we do here?
25826Now do you see why the old apostle of Ephesus did not feel aged or elderly-- why he looked out like an eager boy into the adventure before him?
25826Oh, how can you help doing it if you love them and believe in prayer?
25826Or have we lost our beliefs?
25826Or who could find Whilst flower and leaf and insect stood revealed That to such countless orbs thou madest us blind?
25826People sometimes ask,"Why, then, is it new in our day?"
25826Rejected still He pursues each one:"My child, what more could thy God have done?
25826Shall not the loving Father do His best for all?
25826Shall we know one another?
25826Shall we say as some do that as Judge He must do cruel things which as Father He would shrink from?
25826Shall"I"be"I,"the same identical person through all the ages of eternity?
25826Should not that stir some hope at least that the Father may take similar care for us in our entry on the second stage at death?
25826Should not we adapt our thoughts to that tremendous fact?
25826Should not we be more likely to become acquainted with our own soul, to become impressed with its existence, to think about its character?
25826Sleep, unconsciousness, darkness?
25826That looks sensible, does it not?
25826Thus, then, we answer the first of our questions-- What is meant by Heaven?
25826Was Victor Hugo right?
25826Was the end of all things come already?
25826Was the old pagan philosopher right?
25826Was there ever before or since such a scene, such a preaching, such a preacher, such a congregation?
25826We have asked, What is meant by Heaven?
25826What about my hopes of entering Heaven?
25826What are they knowing now?"
25826What are they seeing?
25826What can be known about that life in Heaven?
25826What can be known of the details of life in Heaven?
25826What comes to men in the dark, dim unknown?"
25826What could it mean except they should know each other within?
25826What do you think of that mysterious fact about this Conscious Personality within you?
25826What do you think of the question?
25826What else can we learn?
25826What else do we certainly know?
25826What else?
25826What exactly had He in His mind when He used this word?
25826What follows?
25826What is he doing?
25826What is he knowing in that mysterious world into which he has gone?
25826What is he seeing?
25826What is he seeing?
25826What is the fault in all such?
25826What is the matter with us, Christian people?
25826What is the meaning of the phrase:"Between us and you there is a great gulf fixed"?
25826What is the use of it?
25826What is this I, this self?
25826What of all the old- world souls who could not have known Him here on earth?
25826What of their position in the Intermediate Life?
25826What of them?
25826What of them?"
25826What sort of Heaven would it be otherwise?
25826What sort of comfort would there be if we did not know one another?
25826What was the reply?
25826What would be the good of meeting if they should not know them?
25826When the dust shall return to the earth as it was, shall the spirit return to God who gave it?
25826Where did His spirit go?
25826Where did that conviction come from?
25826Where is he?
25826Where would be the comfort of it if they should not know them?
25826Where, then, did His Spirit go?
25826Where, then, did His spirit go?
25826Which of these brains is it that"I"am only a function of?
25826Who or what is this"I,"this"me"?
25826Who shall fix the limit?
25826Why are the boundless prospects opened beyond the grave?
25826Why do we then shun Death with anxious strife If Light can thus deceive, wherefore not Life?
25826Why does it assert so positively that it is impossible to doubt it;"I ought to do certain things, I ought not to do certain other things"?
25826Why is it so translated?
25826Why is the gift and energy of the Holy Spirit?
25826Why is the grace and power of the Sacraments in life?
25826Why is the perpetual intercession of Christ in Heaven?
25826Why not?
25826Why should you be afraid?
25826Why was the Incarnation and Death of the Everlasting Son of God?
25826Why was this world slowly built through thousands of ages?
25826Why, what should they do in Heaven?
25826Will God disappoint that tender love, that one supreme thing which is"the most like God within the soul"?
25826Will it survive everything?
25826Will it survive the final putting away of the whole body at death?
25826Will not much of that progress in the life beyond come through unselfish ministry to others?
25826Will our dear ones remember us?
25826Will they, in all the years of progress, have grown too good and great for fellowship with us?
25826You ask, How can I know what He meant?
25826You have often thought, in wondering doubt,"Why did Christ come so late in the world''s history?
25826or has imagination grown dulled by too frequent repetition of God''s good news?
25826what is the use of it?
25826§ 1 Do they pray for us or help us in any way?
25826§ 1 IS IT MY BODY?
25826§ 2 And may not this act of dying be much less lonely than we think?
25826§ 2 Do you see, then, the mistake that people have been making in discussing what is meant by Heaven?
25826§ 3 What else have you learned?
25826§ 5 Sometimes one vaguely wonders, How can there be spiritual recognition?
25826§ 8 Now, have I helped, even in a little way, to introduce you to yourself-- that"self"that is going out into the great adventure of the Hereafter?
12311My soul followeth hard after thee,said that holy man; but whence is all this life and vigour?
12311Shall we sin because we are not under grace, but under the law? 12311 wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail?"
123111,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
123111,"how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?"
1231114,"castest thou off my soul?
1231115,) what can support or comfort me then?
123111; v. 3; when they stir not up the grace of God which is in them, how can they be lively?
123112, what can trouble them?
1231125,) venteth himself, and little less than contradicteth his Master, saying, verse 5,"We know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way?"
123113,"How long wilt thou forsake me?"
1231133, 34,"Who shall lay anything to the charge of God''s elect?
123113; and will he not have compassion on the souls of his followers, when like to faint through spiritual discouragements?
123115, what can discourage them?
123119,"Is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"
12311; and if the Lord had not told him that his grace was sufficient for him, what would he have done?
12311And did he take on the office and function of a King?
12311And how do they hate such ministers as preach such doctrine as may serve to rouse them up, and set them a- work about their own salvation?
12311And how ready and prone are we to receive and entertain wrong apprehensions of all his ways and dealings with his church and people?
12311And if it can not act faith, how can it come to Christ and make use of him?
12311And is it not found oftentimes that they are too ready to lean to something beside Christ?
12311And is not this most reasonable?
12311And is not this rational and easy?
12311And is there any that in their own experience can witness the contrary?
12311And is there any thing in him which we have no need of?
12311And must God give thee as much as he giveth to another?
12311And no wonder, for he hath all; he can desire no more; he can seek no more; for what can the man want that is complete in him?
12311And should we comply with him in his designs?
12311And should we not bless the Lord, that hath provided such a complete and all- sufficient Mediator?
12311And should we not submit to his wise dispensations?
12311And what hath the laborious spirit then reaped of all the travail of his soul, when he hath lost it?
12311And what reason can plead for this double dealing?
12311And what stumbling- block is here?
12311And who can tell how many, and how dreadful errors they may drink in, who have once opened the door to a small error?
12311And who more ready to complain than such as have least cause?
12311And who seeth not what double dealing is here?
12311And why, I pray, may not God dispose of his soldiers as he will?
12311And, on the other hand, who can tell the misery of such as are strangers to Jesus?
12311Are our spots this day the spots of his children?
12311Are their fruits answerable to the Lord''s pains and labour about us, to be seen even amongst the greatest of professors?
12311Are there not some young strong men in Christ''s family, and some that are but babes?
12311Are we at a distance from the Father?
12311Are we blind and ignorant?
12311Are we dead?
12311Are we dead?
12311Are we jealous of them, as we ought to be?
12311Are we out of the way?
12311Are we wandered out of the way?
12311Art thou sure, that all thy pains shall be in vain?
12311But be it so, as it is alleged, what if the fault be their own?
12311But can any say the terms are hard, when all is offered freely?
12311But how?
12311But is there not even some of those who are most tender, that complain of their deadness and shortcomings?
12311But it will be asked, how can a soul act faith in such a case?
12311But it will be said, what if, after all this, we get no outgate, but he hideth his face still from us?
12311But know we the thoughts of the Lord; see we to the bottom of the deep contrivance of infinite wisdom?
12311But what can yield me any ground of peace while it is so, that I see no pardon or remission granted to me?
12311But what if, after all this, I find no intimation of pardon to my soul?
12311But what shall I do with the guilt of my weak repentance, and weak faith?
12311But what should a soul do in such a case?
12311But whence hath the soul all this light?
12311But who then, if not you?
12311But,_ thirdly_, some may say, How then are the promises of the covenant made good?
12311But_ lastly_, It will be inquired, what can support the believing soul in this case?
12311By the law of works?
12311By thy patient on- waiting, when thou art not wearying nor fainting, but saying, why should I not wait upon the great King''s leisure?
12311By what law?
12311Dare I set limits to the Holy One of Israel?
12311Did he take upon him the office of a priest?
12311Did he take upon him the office of a prophet?
12311Do we see and believe the atheism of our hearts?
12311Do we see and believe the hypocrisy of our hearts?
12311Had not the foolish virgins lamps?
12311Hath it not been found, that some have complained without cause?
12311Have not his sung in the very fires; and rejoiced in all their afflictions?
12311He is as high as heaven, what canst thou do?
12311He is dead legally and really: how can he then come home?
12311He offereth himself really to us, and shall we not be real in accepting of him?
12311He offers all freely; and did he ever reject any upon the want of a price in their hand?
12311Hence some of his cry out in their complaint, was there ever any so tempted, so assaulted with the devil, as I am?
12311How can he walk in the way, though it were pointed out to him?
12311How can this be answered in the day of accounts?
12311How can we then but be troubled, when we find not this promise made good?
12311How cometh it then, that the pointing forth of the way is so little hearkened unto?
12311How great enemies are they to such ordinances as serve to awaken sleeping consciences?
12311How many heathens, as to this, shall outstrip such as profess themselves Christians?
12311How much better is thy love than wine, and the smell of thine ointments than all spices?"
12311How rare is it to meet with persons that are not very well pleased and satisfied with themselves and their condition?
12311How ready are we to put other things in his place?
12311How ready are we to run either to the one extremity or the other in judging their persons and actions?
12311How ready to stifle challenges of conscience, or any common motion of the Spirit, which tendeth to alarm their soul?
12311How shall one make use of Christ as the Life, when wrestling with an angry God because of sin?
12311How shall their wants be made up?
12311How shall they answer challenges, accusations, temptations, doubts, fears, objections, and discouragements, cast up in their way?
12311How shall we enter into the right way?
12311How should we make use of Christ, in going to the Father, in prayer, and other acts of worship?
12311How then can his work miscarry; or who can hinder, that truth should flourish on the earth?
12311How then can such as do not eat become fat?
12311How then can they prosper?
12311How unwilling are they once to suspect their condition, or to suppose that it may be bad, and that they may be yet unconverted?
12311How unwilling are they, to sit down seriously to try and examine the matter, and to lay their case to the touch- stone of the word?
12311How, then, can they expect to be made clean?
12311If his truth thrive and prosper in some other place of the world, shall we not say, that his kingdom is coming?
12311If it be asked, what warrant have poor sinners to lay hold on Christ, and grip to him, as made of God righteousness?
12311If it be inquired, why the Lord dispenseth so with his own people?
12311If it were not so, why would Christ have said to believers, that he was life?
12311Is he not a complete mediator, thoroughly furnished with all necessaries?
12311Is he not free to come when he will?
12311Is he our Lord and master, and should we not own and avouch him?
12311Is it not reason that we take him as God hath made him for us?
12311Is it not thy duty the more that corruption stirs, to run with it the oftener to Christ, that he may subdue it and put it to silence?
12311Is it not too often seen, that they are the spiritual plague of formality, which stealeth them off their feet here?
12311Is not all to be found in Christ that their case calleth for?
12311Is not the riches of his fulness written on all his dispensations?
12311Is there any clause in all the gospel excluding great sinners?
12311Is there any mourning for this?
12311Is there any thing in him to be refused?
12311Is there not all the reason then in the world for this, that we take him wholly?
12311It hath been the usual and ordinary question of believers, How shall we make use of Christ for sanctification?
12311It is God that justifieth: Who is he that condemneth?
12311It was he, and not the grace of God in him; what is more contradictory to the gospel of the grace of God?
12311Know we the usefulness, yea, necessity of long winter nights, stormy blasts, rain, hail, snow, and frost?
12311May he not labour to create most trouble to the soul, when he seeth that he is like to be put from some of his strengths?
12311May it not come in a day, that hath not come in a year?
12311May not much of this flow from thy not laying the whole work so wholly off thyself, and upon Christ, as thou oughtest to do?
12311May not the devil rage most, when he thinks ere long to be ejected?
12311May not this satisfy thee, that God through grace accepteth thy labour and wrestling, as thy duty, and accounteth it service to him, and obedience?
12311May not thou improve this to thy advantage, by making many errands to him?
12311Nay, should not this be looked upon as a very great encouragement?
12311Now, if it be asked, How shall a believer make use of Christ, to the end this old man may be gotten crucified?
12311O how doth it love to lose itself in finding here what it can not fathom?
12311O how little is this believed now?
12311O what a fool have I been, in quarrelling at, and in not being fully satisfied with all that grace was doing with me?
12311Or shall we limit all his work and interest to one small part of the world?
12311Or thinkest thou that all his children have got victory alike soon over their lusts?
12311Ought we not to take him for all the ends and purposes for which God hath appointed him, and set him forth, and offered him to us?
12311Satan is more cunning now, than to drive men to Popery by rage and cruelty,( and yet what he may be permitted to do after this manner, who can tell?)
12311Sayeth not Christ, that not"every one that saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of God?"
12311Shall not the Truth be true?
12311Shall truth fail?
12311Should not this be seen, mourned for, and helped?
12311Should we be ashamed of him for any thing, that can befall us, upon that account?
12311There is an implicit repentance of sins that have not been distinctly seen and observed, as who can see and observe all their failings?
12311This is a very dead- like condition,--what can be the causes or occasions thereof?
12311This is clear and manifest, and proved to be truth by daily experience; yet how little is it believed, that it is so with us?
12311This is very discouraging; for it made Paul cry out,"Woe is me, miserable man, who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
12311Was he called the"Lord our Righteousness?"
12311Was he called the"Prince of Peace?"
12311Was he called the"everlasting Father?"
12311Was he called the"mighty God?"
12311Was he called"Counsellor?"
12311Were not the Jews much in duties and outward ordinances?
12311What a contradiction were that?
12311What an excellency lieth here, to recover that lost glory, holiness and the image of God?
12311What can be objected against this?
12311What can that soul do that is not sensible of this deadness and weakness?
12311What cause is there then to complain thus?
12311What course shall we take with secret sins?
12311What excuse can unbelievers now have?
12311What great sinner did he ever refuse that came to him, and was willing to be saved by him?
12311What if God see it for thy advantage, that thou be kept so in exercise for a time, to the end thou may be kept humble, watchful, and diligent?
12311What if thou could not make that use of it that others do, but wax proud thereby, and forget thyself?
12311What knowest thou, then, but they may be as much complaining on other accounts as thou dost on that?
12311What master would not take that ill at his servant''s hands?
12311What peace can all yield to a soul reflecting on posting away time, now near the last point, and looking forward to endless eternity?
12311What serious servant of God findeth not this, in his dealing with souls, whom he is labouring to bring into the way of the gospel?
12311What shall I do with my conscience, that still accuseth me of guilt, notwithstanding of my taking and following this course?
12311What shoutings, grace, grace unto it, will be there; when the head- stone shall be brought forth?
12311What then can any suppose to lie here which should scar a soul from laying hold upon him?
12311What will they think to be challenged for this in the great day?
12311What would souls, swimming in this ocean of pleasures and delights care for?
12311What, I pray, can be justly excepted against this?
12311Where is boasting then?
12311Where is that good old way, that we may walk in it?
12311Where is that to be heard,"Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?"
12311Wherefore( and who can think it strange, if it be so?)
12311Whether or not there be a principle of life within?
12311Who is able to recount all the errors and mistakes which our heart by nature is ready to admit and foster with complacency?
12311Who would not then be hereby alarmed, and upon their guard, when matters are at this pass?
12311Whose hair would not stand on end to hear this?)
12311Why spend we our money for that which is not bread, and our labour for that which will not profit us?
12311Why then should thou not be going on, leaning to Christ in the wilderness, even though thou want that comfortable sight?
12311Why then wilt thou not wait his leisure?
12311With what delight, satisfaction, and complacency will the glorified saint, upon this account, sing the redeemed and ransomed their song?
12311Yea, how unwilling are they to hear any thing that may tend to awaken them, or to discover unto them the deadness of their condition?
12311_ Fourthly,_ It may be said, but what can then, in the mean time, keep up the heart of a poor soul from sinking?
12311_ Quest._ But what if for all this I get no outgate, but my distress and darkness rather grow upon my hand?
12311_ Sixthly._ Should not this be a strong inducement to all of us, to lay hold on and grip to him, who is the truth, and only the truth?
12311after we, with much labour and toil, have attained to the yondmost pitch there, we are never one whit the nearer heaven and happiness?
12311and when they get this, what will they miss?
12311by searching find out God?
12311canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?
12311deeper than hell, what canst thou know?
12311or, how should a believer mortify this old man, and the lusts thereof, through Christ, or by the Spirit of Jesus?
12311or, what real discouragement can any gather from this?
12311that we are not more taken up in this study, which would be a compendious way for us to know all?
12311what can discourage the man that walketh here?
12311what can he fear?
12311what unsuitable, erroneous, false, ungodly, absurd, and abominable opinions do we with greediness drink in and foster; yea, feed upon with delight?
12311where is the faith of this natural condition?
12311where is the real conviction of it?
12311who shall deliver me from these dregs of Pelagianism, Arminianism, and Jesuitism, which I find yet within my soul?
12311who would not walk in this way?
12311why do we not carry as ingenious scholars, really desirous to learn?
12311why holdest thou thy face from me?"
42460''Who hath believed our report?
42460''and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?
42460), 67---- not by sinners(?
42460And does not the same principle apply in other cases?
42460And first as to their_ motives_, had they any interest in asserting that Christ rose from the dead unless they really believed it?
42460And how could such a story have been current within twenty years of the event, if nothing of the kind had occurred?
42460And if He knows everything, why should He not care about everything?
42460And if he had done so, would not his story have been instantly refuted?
42460And in one passage at least the word_ day_ is used in a similar sense; for we read"Hast thou eyes of flesh or seest thou as man seeth?
42460And is it likely that they would have had any sufficient motive to induce them to make the attempt?
42460And is the inference less clear, if it not only turned out a watch, but a watchmaker as well, and everything else that exists on this planet?
42460And lastly, as to his_ Reasoning_: did he draw the right conclusion?
42460And then, what became of Him afterwards?
42460And this being so, what shall we say of the millions of men who have lived, and are now living, on this earth?
42460And we may ask, how could any writer have asserted all this, even a century afterwards, if no such sign had occurred?
42460And we may ask, is it likely that such a vast scheme should end in failure, or at most in only a temporary success?
42460And we may ask, would an Omnipotent God, Who cared for man''s welfare, have ever designed all this?
42460And what reason have we for thinking that God would change His method now?
42460And what shall we say of Christ''s frequent commands to keep His miracles_ secret_?
42460And when we turn to the only other free being we know of, which is man himself, what do we find?
42460And who will assert that this is an unknown experience?
42460And why?
42460And, we may ask, is it likely that the God Who rules these millions of stars should take any interest in the beings on a small planet like our earth?
42460Are They, for instance, all three Persons?
42460Are thy days as the days of man, or thy years as man''s days?
42460But again we must ask how did the writer know that such creatures were ever plentiful enough, or important enough, to deserve this special mention?
42460But again we must ask, what was it that enabled the Christians alone in that age of vice and wickedness to lead pure lives?
42460But are they credible?
42460But can we imagine a late writer in Canaan using such a phrase without explaining it?
42460But could a mere human Teacher have had this more than human influence over thousands of converts, most of whom had never seen him?
42460But did they, and do we possess this record in the Pentateuch?
42460But for what is it matured?
42460But how could the writer have known it, unless it had been divinely revealed?
42460But how was it possible for the writer of Genesis to know all this?
42460But is there a life after death?
42460But is this improbability sufficient in all cases to make the event incredible, no matter what testimony there may be in its favour?
42460But it may be said, do not the Gospels themselves contradict one another in some places, and if so they can not all be correct?
42460But it may be said, has it not also done some_ harm_?
42460But it may be said, may not all these quotations be from some_ Lost Gospel_?
42460But it may be said, why ascribe this madness to an evil spirit?
42460But ought he to add that it was therefore incredible?
42460But to whom does the_ we_ refer, as she was apparently alone all the time?
42460But was this belief justified?
42460But we may ask, how did the writer of Genesis know all this?
42460But we may ask, would the Jews have adopted such an expedient had there been any possibility of denying that the miracles occurred?
42460But what becomes of the spirit?
42460But what gave them this intense zeal?
42460But what is the cause of this similarity?
42460But what is the cause of this?
42460But what shall we say when they were both made_ and_ fulfilled?
42460But what then?
42460But what then?
42460But what then?
42460But why not?
42460But( apart from Revelation) how could the writer have known it?
42460Can a jellyfish design?
42460Can both be true?
42460Can we dare to face it?
42460Can we imagine a writer of fiction_ accidentally_ arranging these details in different parts of his book, which fit together so perfectly?
42460Can we imagine anyone doing so at the present day?
42460Can we imagine the best man that ever lived saying, If you have seen me, you have seen God?
42460Can we imagine, for instance, a_ contemporary_ writer describing the Ten Plagues, or the Passage of the Red Sea, if nothing of the kind had occurred?
42460Does not, it is urged, this very fact of itself form a difficulty?
42460Eighthly, how are we to account for visionary_ conversations_?
42460Evolution would then have_ God_ for its Cause, and_ man_ for its purpose-- an undoubtedly adequate_ Cause_, but is it an adequate_ purpose_?
42460For are the wicked to be_ punished_ after death previous to their destruction?
42460For how can men be convinced of Christianity, or anything else, if they will not take the trouble to examine its claims?
42460For if He knows about it, why should He not care about it?
42460For is it conceivable that Irenà ¦ us would have ascribed it to St. John, unless his teacher Polycarp had done the same?
42460For what evidence could we expect to have?
42460For what was the origin of the Egyptian doctrine itself?
42460For when St. Paul found some disciples, who said they knew nothing about the Holy Ghost; he at once asked,''Into what then were ye_ baptized_?
42460Genesis then starts from the right starting- point, but again we must ask, how did the writer know this?
42460God we may be sure does not act without motives, and what adequate motive can be suggested for the Incarnation?
42460Have we not here a powerful argument in favour of Christianity?
42460His feeling forsaken by God, and using these actual words:''My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?''
42460His ideas are not like ours; for what adequate motive can we suggest for His creating man at all?
42460How can all this be reconciled?
42460How could a solitary God dwelling alone before the Creation of the world have been able to exercise either His Power or His Wisdom?
42460How do we know that but for the prayers it might not have continued for a month and killed a thousand?
42460How then did they let it escape?
42460How then would this theory suit the facts of the case?
42460How, then, could it have originated, except by some process other than natural,_ i.e._, supernatural?
42460How, then, did the variations in each organism first arise?
42460If He really did rise from the dead, and wished the world to believe it, why did He not settle the point by going publicly into Jerusalem?
42460If the Pentateuch is a contemporary document, probably written by Moses, can we reject the miracles which it records?
42460If we have to admit endless misery for these, why not for man?
42460In every age conquerors have loved to record their conquests, and why should the Jews alone have been an exception?
42460In other words, could not all_ sin_ have been excluded from the world?
42460In short, what is man''s destiny here and hereafter?
42460In short, why are not the evidences in favour of Christianity_ stronger_?
42460Is it a trustworthy, and, on the whole, accurate account of the events which it records?
42460Is it a_ contemporary_ document, written by, or in the time of, Moses?
42460Is it conceivable that such doctrines should be true, no matter what evidence they may have in their favour?
42460Is it likely that, if guilty of it, they would have been able to pass it off successfully on the whole nation?
42460Is not this equally hard on the other man?
42460Is then, this doctrine stated or implied in the New Testament?
42460Is there a judgment?
42460Is there any forgiveness for sin?
42460Is there any life beyond death?
42460Is this then incredible, or even improbable?
42460It reads like extracts from an old diary, and why should all these insignificant details be recorded?
42460Many may do this voluntarily, but what about the remainder?
42460May not the difficulties in both cases, but especially in regard to the latter, be due to our_ ignorance_ only?
42460Might not then God''s love induce Him to become man, so that He might the more easily win man''s love?
42460Neither the eye nor the brain sees, they are mere collections of molecules of matter, and how can a molecule see anything?
42460Next as to his_ Investigation_: did he avail himself of those means?
42460Next as to his_ Knowledge_: had he the means of knowing the truth?
42460Next as to their_ conduct_, did this show that they really believed what they preached?
42460No one will deny that further knowledge is desirable, both as to God, ourselves, and our future destiny, and is there no means of obtaining it?
42460Now all this may be admitted, but what then?
42460Now could any writer have described all this, even a century afterwards, if nothing of the kind had occurred?
42460Now is it conceivable that anyone would have ventured to make up such an account, even twenty years afterwards, if nothing of the kind had occurred?
42460Now what conclusion can be drawn from all this?
42460Now what effect has this on our present inquiry as to the truth of Christianity?
42460Now what follows from this?
42460Now what was the cause of this wonderful progress?
42460Now, have we any reason for thinking that God also combines, in their highest forms, these two attributes of mercy and justice?
42460One remaining objection, why are there so many difficulties, and no more obvious proof?
42460Or is it conceivable that Polycarp, who personally knew St. John, could have been mistaken in the matter?
42460Or would he have thought it worth repeating so often that they did not understand at the time the real significance of the events they took part in?
42460Or, to put the objection in other words, does not the existence of this evil show that God either could not or would not prevent it?
42460Shall we recognise those whom we have loved on earth?
42460So again when God says,''Whom shall_ I_ send, and who will go for_ us_?''
42460Still it may be said, this only lessens the difficulty; for why should animals suffer pain at all?
42460Still, it may be asked, is not the hope of future reward meant to influence men at all?
42460Still, it may be asked, why should some persons be given this faculty of faith, while others are not?
42460Taking, then, the Gospels as our guide, what is the character of Christ?
42460The two earlier Creeds speak of the life everlasting( for the good), but what is to become of the bad?
42460Then there is this further difficulty: what is to become of the evil angels?
42460There must have been some motive in all this, and what adequate motive can be suggested?
42460Therefore God can not force man to love Him, He can only induce him; and how can He do this better than by an Incarnation?
42460Therefore a revelation is certainly_ possible_; but is it at all_ probable_?
42460This is indeed one of our deepest, strongest, and most universal longings( who is there that has not felt it?
42460This is what occurs frequently at the present day, and why should it not have occurred then?
42460This seems only a trifle, but what does it mean?
42460This, as before said, is the chief cause of human misery, and might it not have been avoided?
42460Thus the Father implies the Son, for how can there be a Father, unless there is a Son( or at least a child)?
42460Was it the human prophet, or was it God Who inspired the prophet to write as he did?
42460We have, lastly, to inquire, is this Religion correctly summarised in the doctrines and statements of the_ Three Creeds_?
42460What about the religious wars and persecutions in the Middle Ages?
42460What chance was there then of persuading the world that He had risen from the dead, and why should they have embarked on such a hopeless scheme?
42460What chance would there be of any one of the prophecies( leave alone all three) coming true, and_ remaining true for two thousand years_?
42460What chance would they have of making a single convert?
42460What effect would this have on our former conclusions?
42460What evidence have we, then, that the first witnesses suffered for the truth of what they preached?
42460What is the meaning of death?
42460What is the meaning of sin?
42460What, then, is the value of the evidence they afford as to the history of the Jewish Religion having been confirmed by miracles?
42460When then would it be necessary to explain to the Israelites that these places, Shechem, etc., were in Canaan?
42460Where else indeed shall we find a personal being at all?
42460Where else shall we find a personal being with attributes superior to those of man?
42460Why are not the prophecies plainer?
42460Why does man exist at all?
42460Why has he got free will?
42460Why may not the wicked go on sinning for ever?
42460Why not, it is said, settle the question once for all by a test case?
42460Why should a universe of dead matter have ever produced life?
42460Why should not man be a partly supernatural being?
42460Why should there have been any evolution at all?
42460Why, it is asked, did He only appear to His own disciples?
42460Why, it is said, are there no miracles_ now_, when they could be properly tested?
42460Why, it is said, if these prophecies really refer to Christ, are they not plainer?
42460Why, then, should the fact of God being in His true nature unknowable prevent our having some real, though partial, knowledge of Him?
42460Would a late writer, for instance, have thought of inventing questions which the Apostles wanted to ask their Master, but were afraid to do so?
42460Would, for instance, wishing to see or trying to see, even if blind animals were capable of either, have ever given them eyes?
42460Yet if it is known, does it not constitute all the proof we could expect of the action of an evil spirit?
42460Yet is not this hard on the next competitor, who loses the scholarship in consequence?
42460[ 324] And how could a subjective vision of St. Paul have thus affected all his companions?
42460[ 426] And how, it is asked, could He have done so, if He had been both good and God?
42460[ 431] But since he says he was only appealing to what his_ hearers_ knew to be true(_ even as ye yourselves know_), how else could he have put it?
42460[ 477] But how are we to reconcile these with the far stronger ones before alluded to?
42460_ The modern Jewish interpretation._ Now, what can be said on the other side?
42460_ The supposed inhabitants of other planets._ But it may be said, what about other planets?
42460and if so, are They three Gods?
42460and what should we think of him if he did?
42460if so, are They all three Divine?
42460is there, that is, at least a slight chance that they would occur?
35839Are not cause and effect,says he,"opposite in their natures?
35839How does it appear to be a_ fact_,asks President Day,"that the will can not act when it is acted upon?"
35839I conceive liberty to be rightly defined in this manner,says he;"liberty is the absence of all the impediments to action,( motion?)
35839Is no_ activity_ given to the ball? 35839 According to this view, what does the self- determining power amount to? 35839 Admit that volition is an effect, and what can we say? 35839 All this is perfectly true, without the least reference to the question, how it came to exist, or how it will come to exist? 35839 And he illustrates the difference by saying,a man would prefer flying to walking, yet who can say he ever wills it?"
35839And is it without a cause?
35839And is not this enough?
35839And is not this perfectly self- evident?
35839And what does it amount to?
35839And why?
35839And why?
35839And yet he tells us, that he uses the term in this sense( in what sense?)
35839And, in truth, what does it amount to?
35839Any thing to shock the common sense and reason of mankind?
35839Are these two questions really distinct?
35839Are we out of danger?
35839Are we sunk in utter darkness?
35839But as the question, in the present controversy, is, whether a man is accountable for his internal acts, for the volitions of his mind?
35839But behind all this controversy, there is a question which has not been agitated; and that is, whether the will is determined at all?
35839But do the arguments prove the same thing?
35839But do you deny motive to be the cause of volition?
35839But how can we expect this from him?
35839But how does he show this?
35839But how is this?
35839But how shall this point be decided?
35839But if the meaning be, that the will simply acts, why not present the idea in this its true and unambiguous form?
35839But if the question be, Can an act arise and come into being, without a sufficient"ground and reason"of its existence?
35839But is it just?
35839But is it such an effect?
35839But is the indissoluble connexion, or necessity, established by this argument, at all inconsistent with human liberty?
35839But is the mind nothing?
35839But is there no activity given to the ball?
35839But is this so?
35839But is this so?
35839But no man, in his senses, ever puts forth a volition to make it rain-- and why?
35839But suppose the argument to be sound, what does it prove?
35839But what has this necessary connexion to do with the cause of its existence?
35839But who ever held such a doctrine?
35839But why dwell upon particular instances?
35839But why fight against the doctrine of those who have laboured in the same great cause with myself?
35839By the_ action_ of what is it produced?
35839Can any being act, without being caused to act?
35839Can some event, after all, begin to be without having a cause of its existence?
35839Can there be one cause of volition, and another cause of its particular direction?
35839Can we say, that the strongest motive may exist, and yet no volition may follow from it?
35839Dare you assert, in the face of such teaching, that motive is not the cause of volition?
35839Did any man, in his right mind, ever contend that"a volition could produce itself,"can arise out of nothing, and bring itself into existence?
35839Did he expect that we should prove the non- existence of a thing by the direct evidence of consciousness?
35839Did it not exist long before the effect then, which it produces in time?
35839Do you affirm the mind to be the cause of volition?
35839Does he ask himself whether it is the same in nature and in kind with a produced effect?
35839Does he tell us, that it arises solely from our mistaking a metaphorical for a literal mode of expression?
35839Does it not merely suffer?
35839Does it prove that they are necessary with a_ moral necessity?_ Does it prove that they are brought to pass by the influence of moral causes?
35839Does it prove that they are necessary with a_ moral necessity?_ Does it prove that they are brought to pass by the influence of moral causes?
35839Does it prove them to be necessary with a moral necessity?
35839Does it result from the prior action of mind, or of motive, or of any thing else?
35839Does it show them to be subject to that moral necessity, for which Edwards contends, and against which we protest?
35839Does not this expression include that which is the cause of volition in the real, in the only proper, sense of the word?
35839Does such an absurdity really flow from the self- determining power of the will?
35839Does the argument in question prove any more than the bare fact of the certainty of the events foreknown?
35839Does the book before us_ cause_ us to think?
35839Edwards frequently asks, if a volition is without a cause?
35839Foreknowledge, I admit, infers this kind of necessity; but is this any thing to the purpose?
35839Has any man ever ascertained the truth of this law by observation and experiment?
35839Has any man ever seen a body put in motion, and continue to move on in a right line forever?
35839Has he informed us that by_ cause_ he means_ occasion?_ He has done no such thing, and his language admits of no such construction.
35839Has it a"sufficient ground and reason"of its existence?
35839Has it become obsolete?
35839Has not this first link, this volition of the Deity, a cause?
35839Has volition an efficient cause?
35839Have we no platform left whereon to stand, and to behold the glory of God, our Creator and Preserver?
35839He finds himself possessed of a_ volition_; but does he look at this volition to see what it is?
35839Here the question arises, Is such a thing possible?
35839How are such illustrations intended to be applied to the phenomena of volition?
35839How can it conflict, then, with any scheme of free- agency that ever was dreamed of by man?
35839How can this be, if a causative act of the Almighty may exist, and yet, for millions of ages, its omnipotent energy produce no effect?
35839How could Edwards have been more particular?
35839How could language more clearly or precisely convey the meaning of an author?
35839How does Mr. Locke meet this difficulty?
35839How does it act, then?
35839How does this show, that action and passion are not confounded, in supposing that an act is caused?
35839How happened it, that so many ages rolled away, and this mighty causative act produced no effect?
35839How is it then?
35839If an effect is produced, is it not passive in relation to its cause?
35839If his system be false, why, it may be asked, has the Inquiry so often appeared to be unanswerable?
35839If it can be his virtue or his vice?
35839If it is endued with an active nature, and really puts forth an act, is not this act clearly different from the passive impression made upon it?
35839If our desires, affections,& c., operate to influence the will, how can it be free in putting forth volitions?
35839If so, I reply it is absurd to affirm, that volition, or an act, is passive in relation to any thing?
35839If such be the liberty of the will, what is it worth?
35839If the action or influence of any thing produces an effect upon the mind, is not that effect merely a passive impression?
35839If the choice be first, before the existence of a good disposition of heart, what is the character of that choice?
35839If the question were, is a man accountable for his external actions?
35839If they only seem to us to exist long before their effects, even from all eternity, how can this mere seeming make any real difference in the case?
35839If they really exist just before their effects in time, and not long before them, why do they not exist in time just as much as any other volitions?
35839If this be all that is meant, why not state the thing so that it may be acquiesced in by the necessitarian, instead of keeping up such a war of words?
35839If this be so, what is this common property of motives, which we call their strength?
35839If volition be not an effect, are there no effects in the universe?
35839If you offer a guinea and a penny to a man''s choice, asks President Day, which will he choose?
35839In other words; is it made to act?
35839In the first place, when we ask,"what determines the will?"
35839In view of such a case, how could the author have said, as he frequently does, that a cause necessarily implies its effect?
35839In what sense then, let us inquire, does the knowledge of a present event prove it to be necessary?
35839In what sense, then, does the above argument, supposing it to be sound, prove our actions to be necessary?
35839Indeed, if a body be put in motion, and meets with no resistance, it will move on in a right line forever-- and why?
35839Is a free, intelligent, designing cause nothing?
35839Is choice produced by choice?
35839Is choice_ not_ produced by choice?
35839Is he not a great reasoner, rather than a great thinker?
35839Is it active then in relation to any thing?
35839Is it any thing like the assertion, that an effect has no cause?
35839Is it brought into existence, like the motion of body, by the prior action of any thing else?
35839Is it brought to pass by the prior action of motive?
35839Is it in the power of motive?
35839Is it in the uncaused volition of Deity?
35839Is it in the will?
35839Is it meant, that not volition itself, but the will, is passive to that which acts upon it, while it is active in relation to its effect?
35839Is it meant, that volition itself is passive in relation to one thing, and active in relation to another?
35839Is it necessitated?
35839Is it produced in the mind, and is the mind passive as to its production?
35839Is it self- contradictory?
35839Is it supposed, that it is neither the volition nor the will, which is both active and passive at the same time; but that it is the mind?
35839Is it true, then, that any power or efficacy belongs to the sensitive or emotive part of our nature?
35839Is it true, then, that if the will causes its own volitions, it can cause them only by preceding volitions?
35839Is it, like the motion of a body, the passive result of the action of something else?
35839Is not all this true, on the supposition that the mind is the efficient cause of volition?
35839Is not an effect, which is wholly produced in one thing by the action or influence of another, wholly passive?
35839Is not the thing which, according to the supposition, is wholly passive to the influence acting upon it, wholly passive?
35839Is not the whirlwind active, when it tears up the forest?"
35839Is not the whirlwind_ active_, when it tears up the forest?"
35839Is not this distinction properly applied?
35839Is not this inference well drawn?
35839Is not this inference well drawn?
35839Is the mind nothing?
35839Is the motion of body, then, one and the same thing with the action of mind?
35839Is the will nothing?
35839Is there any thing very contradictory in all this?
35839Is there no activity in this?
35839Is this doctrine any the less certain, because it is a matter of inference?
35839Is this great principle given up?
35839Is this idea absurd?
35839Is this to consider it as merely an antecedent to volition, which exerts no influence?
35839Is this to make motive merely the condition on which the mind acts?
35839Is volition an effect, in the same sense that the motion of the body is an effect?
35839It has no reference whatever to the question, Is the mind free in the act of willing?
35839It is absurd, says the latter, to suppose that a weaker motive, or any thing else, can prevail over the stronger-- and why?
35839It is as perfect as any syllogism in Euclid_ but what does it prove?_ It proves that all human actions are necessary-- but in what sense?
35839It is as perfect as any syllogism in Euclid_ but what does it prove?_ It proves that all human actions are necessary-- but in what sense?
35839It is very necessary to separate the different questions included in the general one, Is not a volition caused?
35839It proves our actions to be necessary; but in what sense?
35839May we not with equal, nay, with infinitely greater propriety, contend that mind just exerts its own positive influence of itself?
35839Now does our idea of a volition correspond with this idea of an effect?
35839Now is this logic, or is it legerdemain?
35839Now is this so?
35839Now what has the connexion between any two or all the propositions in the universe, to do with the controversy about acts of the will?
35839Now who would deny this position of the learned president?
35839Now, does not every cause of volition include the efficient cause thereof?
35839Now, here is the distinction, but is it not without a difference?
35839Now, how can we conclude from hence, that the volitions of moral agents are, not only certain, but rendered certain by the influence of moral causes?
35839Now, if a volition is an effect, if it has an efficient cause, what is that cause?
35839Now, is a volition an effect in such a sense of the word?
35839Now, shall we fly from these mysteries?
35839Now, what is the real import of this testimony?
35839Now, what is this certainty in things themselves, or in human volitions, without which they are incapable of being foreknown?
35839Or what does it signify to tell us, that a body may be caused to move?
35839Our desires may be so strong as entirely to overcome us-- and what then?
35839Shall we assent to it, then?
35839Shall we conclude that there_ must_ be some cause to produce it?
35839Shall we deny it?
35839Shall we explain away the free- agency of man, or deny the foreknowledge of God?
35839Shall we set to work to reform our ideas?
35839Shall we strive to make the matter plain, in a single instance, by assigning an efficient cause to an act of the will?
35839Suppose this to be the case, with whom has he any controversy, or to what purpose has he argued?
35839The conclusion is inevitable; but what does it prove?
35839The great question, according to his work, is, what is this cause?
35839The philosophers of all ages have sought for the efficient cause of volition; but who has found it?
35839The question still remains to be settled, what is meant by determining the will?
35839This is all true; but is this indissoluble connexion, or necessity, at all inconsistent with the contingency of the event known?
35839This is the question: Is motive the efficient, or producing cause of volition?
35839To evade this, can it be pretended, that motive just exerts this influence of itself?
35839To make this matter clear, let us consider what is precisely meant by the term cause when it is thus used?
35839To this the necessitarian replies, what does it signify that a man has a perfect liberty in regard to the choice of"one of two peppercorns?"
35839True, it must be an effect, if you please; but in what sense of the word?
35839Truly, there is activity in this, in our"deep and earnest thinking"; but what is the cause of this activity?
35839Was it because he did not wish to march up, fairly and squarely, in the face of the enemy, and contend with them in their strongholds and fastnesses?
35839We deny that volition is an effect; and what then?
35839What do they prove?
35839What is the cause of an effect?--of the motion of the hand, for example?
35839What is then, really and properly speaking, the cause of the motion in question?
35839What is this but to inform us, that an act of volition is produced by that which produces it?
35839What says consciousness upon this point?
35839What shall we conclude then?
35839What shall we do then?
35839What shall we do, then, with this broad, this most ambiguous proposition?
35839What then is a volition just as it is revealed to us in the light of consciousness?
35839What then, is the precise doctrine of the Inquiry which I intend to oppose?
35839What then?
35839Whence, then, do we derive the ideas of cause and effect, and of the necessary connection between them?
35839Where shall we look for it?
35839Who can deny that a man always does what he pleases, when he does what he pleases?
35839Who has not felt, on such an occasion, that although the passions may storm, yet the will alone is power?
35839Who would say, that that which has the greatest influence has not the greatest influence?
35839Why did not Edwards, then, combat this idea?
35839Why should it be thought impossible to reconcile the free- agency of man with the foreknowledge of God?
35839Why should the failure of other times, resulting from such a course, inspire us with despair?
35839Why then did the world spring up and come into existence at one point of time rather than another?
35839Why, then, will the man be certain to choose the guinea, all other things being equal?
35839Will the one exert as great an influence over him as the other?
35839and why do they not as much require causes to account for their existence?
35839as"why its acts are thus and thus limited?"
35839does the volition of God come into existence without a cause of its existence?
35839for the movements of his body?
35839or has it not a cause?
35839or that it is a ground or reason, either in whole or in part, either by positive influence or not, why it is rather than not?
35839or that they could infer any thing from this, in favour of a causal necessity-- the only question in dispute?
35839without being an effect?
9103Believest thou this?
9103But what if this fate_ should_ depend on myself? 9103 By whom do your children cast them out?"
9103He asked him if he saw ought? 9103 How long is it ago since thus hath come unto him?"
9103Is not indifference more contemptible? 9103 Is this the limit of your patience?"
9103Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
9103Was it not the faith of the others too that had healed them?
9103What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
9103Where have ye laid him?
9103Whether is easier-- to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, Rise up and walk?
9103Whom seekest thou?
9103Why could not we cast him out?
9103Why do you think evil in your hearts?
9103Wilt thou be made whole?
9103Woman, what have I to do with thee? 9103 Woman, why weepest thou?"
9103Woman, why weepest thou?
9103_ If thou canst_?
9103--Why this mediating clay?
9103A man may say,"How can I have faith?"
9103Above all, is he content to go on with man and woman and child now, careless of whether the love is a perishable thing?
9103All knew that the Lord had risen indeed: what matter whether some of them saw one or two angels in the tomb?
9103Am I to be careless then?"
9103And at the worst, what was decay to him, who could recall the disuniting atoms under the restored law of imperial life?
9103And if more, why not altogether?
9103And of what did the glow of her face, the light in her eyes, and the tone with which she uttered the words,"They have no wine,"make Jesus think?
9103And what is the highest obedience?
9103And what shall he do to whom a son is given whom yet he can not keep?
9103And what wonder?
9103And who will mourn to find this out?
9103And yet-- and yet-- did he never love man or woman or child?
9103Any one of themselves who believed in God and the prophets, might have stood up and said--"Mourners, why make such ado?
9103Are not its forms stately and fair?
9103Are not the most powerful of the rays of light invisible to our vision?
9103As soon as the men who had gone backward and fallen to the ground, had risen and again advanced, he repeated the question--"Whom seek ye?"
9103But had it been as Martha feared, who so tender with feeble flesh as the Son of Man?
9103But if matter be the outcome of spirit, and body and soul be one man, then, if the soul be radiant of truth, what can the body do but shine?
9103But if this nobleman was a faithful man, whence our Lord''s word,"Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe"?
9103But once more the question recurs: Why say so often that this and that one''s faith had saved him?
9103But one may say: Why then did he not cure all the sick in Judà ¦ a?
9103But was not the other hand God''s too?--God''s as much as this?
9103But what did our Lord mean by those words--"The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth"?
9103But where, I pray them, lies any field so absolutely its region as the unknown which yet the heart yearns to know?
9103But who can tell what he may have done even for them without their recognizing it save in conscious well- being?
9103But who was he who had thus lifted her up?
9103But why, when occasion appeared, should it not have its place?
9103But why?
9103But, again, what was it in his mother''s look and tone that should work the change in our Lord''s mood?
9103Can it then be very hard to believe that he should alter by a thought any form or appearance of things about us?
9103Could anything be more consistently diabolic?
9103Did she mean to hint what she had not faith enough to ask?
9103Does God, then, make death look what it is not?
9103Experiment itself must follow in the track of sober conjecture; for if we know already, where is the good of experiment?
9103Had it been all a dream?
9103Had not the power of God been always present in that left hand, whose unwithered life had ministered to him all these years?
9103Had not the presence of Judas, then-- perhaps his kiss-- something to do with the discomfiture of these men?
9103Had she not been fit, therefore chosen, to bear him?
9103Have I faith?"
9103Have you never grudged the coming sleep, because you must cease for the time to_ be_ so much as you were before?
9103He who uses his vision only for the care of his body or the indulgence of his mind-- how should he understand the gift of God in its marvel?
9103How could he show it them?
9103How could they have borne such before He had come?
9103How long shall I suffer you?"
9103How shall I enter the temple of this wonder?
9103How shall faith be born but of the beholding of the faithful?
9103How should the intellect understand its own origin and nature?
9103How should you have faith?
9103I acknowledge a likeness: why might there not be some likeness between what God does and what man invents?
9103I answer,"How can you indeed, who do the thing you know you ought not to do, and have not begun to do the thing you know you ought to do?
9103I doubt if he told them anything?
9103I have thought it was the bystanders: but why they?
9103I repeat, all prayer is assuredly heard:--what evil matter is it that it should be answered only in the right time and right way?
9103I think the words should have a point of interrogation after them, to mean,"Is it thus far ye suffer?"
9103If Jesus was the son of the Father, is it hard to believe that he should give men bread and wine?
9103If a man say,"But might not the will of God make my will with the intent of over- riding and enslaving it?"
9103If it be annihilation, why quail before it?
9103If my supposed interlocutor answers,"What then is the good of praying, if it is not to go by what I want?"
9103If so-- and it seems to me probable-- how comes it that St John alone omits the kiss-- St John alone records the recoil?
9103In the honesty of his heart, lest he should be saying more than was true-- for how could he be certain that Jesus would cure his son?
9103Is he content that there should be no more of it?
9103Is it any wonder that this Mary should spend three hundred pence on an ointment for the feet of the Raiser of the Dead?
9103Is it he, to whom God has given such power, or is it John, of whom she has also heard?
9103Is it nothing to be told that it will pass away?
9103Is it possible they may have told their friends something which has filtered down to us in any shape?
9103Is it the young man, Jesus, of whom she has heard?
9103Is life not a good with all its pain?
9103Is not that what you would?
9103Is not the wall of partition henceforth destroyed?
9103Is the preference for the one over the other foolish then-- even to the meanest judgment?
9103It is a lovely story that follows, full of marvel, as how should it not be?
9103It is no wonder that when Jesus found him and asked him,"Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
9103It may be said,"Why all this?
9103It was true he should rise again; but what was that to the present consuming grief?
9103Law is truth: has it a soul of thought, or has it not?
9103Need I, to combat again the vulgar notion that the essence of the miracles lies in their power, dwell upon this miracle further?
9103O Death, where is thy sting?
9103O Grave, where is thy victory?"
9103Ought he not to cleave fast thereto?
9103Ought one to be willing to part with a good?
9103Shall God create that which shall fetter and limit and enslave himself?
9103She was about to grasp him with the eager hands of reverent love: why did he refuse the touch?
9103Should he be paralyzed because we are blind?
9103That look, was it not a look up to his own Father?
9103That one who has once thought should not care to go on to think?
9103That sigh, was it not the unarticulated prayer to the Father of the man who stood beside him?
9103That this glory should perish-- is it no grief?
9103The Lord who had made the Universe-- how_ should_ he show it but as the Healer did?
9103The door of prayer has been open since ever God made man in his own image: why are signs and wonders necessary to your faith?
9103There was no danger then of that diseased self- consciousness which nowadays is always asking,"Have I faith?
9103Thereupon the people questioned amongst themselves saying,"What thing is this?
9103They may have in them the very germ of life and truth; but what is that, if they destroy this Babylon that we have built?
9103To express in the best way my feeling concerning it, I would dare to imagine our Lord speaking in this fashion:--"Why did you not pray the Father?
9103To them, weeping and wailing greatly, after the Eastern fashion, he said when he entered,"Why make ye this ado, and weep?
9103To which of them did he say,"How long shall I be with you?
9103Was it not rather the other spirit, the spirit of life, which not the presence of a legion of the wicked ones could drive from him?
9103Was it not the life of God that inspired his whole frame?
9103Was it not the spirit of the Father in him which brought him, ignorant, fearing, yet vaguely hoping perhaps, to the feet of the Son?
9103Was it the devils, then, that urged the man into the presence of the Lord?
9103Was she not his mother?
9103What better sign of immortality than the raising of the dead could God give?
9103What can this nobleman do but seek the man of whom such wondrous rumours have reached his ears?
9103What did it mean?
9103What did that matter?
9103What does this answer imply?
9103What first of all_ was_ it?
9103What greater honour could he honour their faith withal than grant in their name, unasked, the one mighty boon?
9103What he did say was this--"Woman, what is there common to thee and me?
9103What if this light were the healing agent of the bodies of men, as the deeper other light from which it sprung is the healing agent of themselves?
9103What in this woman it was that made it right she should bear these bonds for eighteen years, who can tell?
9103What matters it that the dead come not back to us, if we go to them?
9103What matters it, so long as he works as the Father works, and lives as the Father wills?
9103What other word could Jesus address to such than,"Hold thy peace, and come out of him"?
9103What should his laws, as known to us, be but the active mode in which he embodies certain truths-- that mode also the outcome of his own nature?
9103What should make a man''s face shine, if not the presence of the Holy?
9103What then was this his glory?
9103What was it that made him glorious?
9103What was there in such a child to love?
9103What wonder then that one of the records should say of them all, that they saw two angels?
9103What works, then?
9103What, then, was in our Lord''s thoughts?
9103When did he ever quench the smoking flax?
9103Whence I came and whither I go are dark: how can I live in peace without the God who ordered it thus?
9103Whence more fittingly might food come than from the hands of such an elder brother?
9103Where, O disciples, are your children and your dogs now?
9103Where, then, is the healing of the Father?
9103Where, when, or how the inner spiritual light passes into or generates outward physical light, who can tell?
9103Which then of those present did he address thus?
9103Who but invalids need like miracles wrought in them?
9103Who less fastidious over the painful working of the laws of his own world?
9103Who so unready to impute the shame it could not help?
9103Why are we left in such ignorance?
9103Why do you want always to_ see_?
9103Why does not the Evangelist go on to give us some hint of what he said?
9103Why might not health from the fountain of health flow then into the empty channel of the woman''s weakness?
9103Why might not the Lord, consistently with his help and his healing, do that in one instance which his Father is doing every day?
9103Why not go on like a brave man to meet your fate, careless of what that fate may be?"
9103Why not let it appear what it is, and prevent us from forming false judgments of it?
9103Why not-- if only to keep us from petrifying an imperfect notion, and calling it an_ Idea_?
9103Why say it of me_?
9103Why should I not speculate in the only direction in which things to me worthy of speculation appear likely to lie?
9103Why should he not know where the fishes were?
9103Why should he send a sigh, like a David''s dove, to carry the thought of his heart to his Father?
9103Why should his perfect will be limited by our understanding of that will?
9103Why should it not show for itself and its kind that they were utterly his?
9103Why should not that will be potent as impulse in them?
9103Why was this miracle needful?
9103Why, then, this trouble in our Lord''s heart?
9103Without such a hope, how could they have endured the existence they had?
9103Would this man ever need further proof that there was indeed a God of men?
9103Yea,_ can_ there be statelier and fairer?
9103_ Did you ever say of them it was by Beelzebub?
9103_ Everything_: the human was there, else whence the torture of that which was not human?
9103_ No need_ did I say?
9103_ What matters it?_ said I!
9103alone-- where is his truth?
9103and so plunge his hands in his pockets and lay gold upon the bare table?
9103and what was in his mother''s thoughts to call forth his words?
9103he should reply,"Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?"
9103here are ten lepers cleansed: where are the nine?
9103if not communion with the Father of his spirit?
9103in what case would the generations of men find themselves?
9103or even make them come at his will?
9103was not their humanity common to them?
9103wast thou more favoured than other mothers?
9103whence came those their imaginations?
9103whence the pathos of those eyes, hardly up to the dog''s in intelligence, yet omnipotent over the father''s heart?
40482Ca n''t you?
40482Dreamer of dreams? 40482 Good morning,"said the friend,"and how is John Quincy Adams today?"
40482My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
40482Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say?
40482Oh, why,said a young professional man, whom Professor Coe quotes,"why did my parents try to equip me with a doctrinal system in childhood?
40482Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
40482What will_ you_ do it with?
40482Why was there ever anything at all?
40482[ 4] Is one of these answers more true than the other? 40482 ''How long were you looking into the water?'' 40482 15:13.== For in hope were we saved: but hope that is seen is not hope: for who hopeth for that which he seeth? 40482 5:8);If_ God_ is for us, who is against us?"
4048263:9);"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
40482= And what shall I more say?
40482= But what think ye?
40482= Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the bands of Orion?
40482= Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast it out?
40482= Wherewith shall I come before Jehovah, and bow myself before the high God?
40482="My brothers, what is the use of anyone declaring he has faith, if he has no deeds to show?
40482An outgrown custom of the early Church does not now seem so strange as it did a generation ago:= Is any among you suffering?
40482And his sisters, are they not all with us?
40482And if you say, Saved from Hell-- what is Hell but the final subjugation of the soul to such sins as you now are cherishing?
40482And the religious man answers: What world is this I am to bow before?
40482And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that even forgiveth sins?
40482And when one turns to the supreme Character, could the dark background be eliminated and still leave Him?
40482And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
40482And when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40482And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life?
40482And why are ye anxious concerning raiment?
40482Are not ye of much more value than they?
40482Are we asking for a perfectly happy world?
40482Ask_ now_ the question, What makes it rain?
40482Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat?
40482Browning''s bishop asks his friend:"Like you this Christianity or not?
40482But are we not also sure that it is wrong to lie and right to tell the truth?
40482But in much of the universe we do see meaning; and how can intelligence find sense where intelligence has not put sense?
40482But is Christian faith thus the child of man''s happy days?
40482But is belief in God always such a blessing as we have pictured?
40482But look at the innumerable schools of medicine-- shall one on their account decide that health is a fruitless study?
40482But prove it by the methods of a laboratory?
40482But so understanding the sea, shall the pool claim equality with it?
40482But supposing that the facts of science were all of reality and the laws of science all of truth, what sort of prayer could Carlyle have offered?
40482But who, considering our generation''s life as a whole, would call it diffident or desperate?
40482But will you understand, you senseless fellow, that faith without deeds is dead?
40482By what analogies?
40482By what other element in their experience could they interpret the greatness of their Lord?
40482Can any hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him?
40482Can his faith save him?
40482Can it be that this intelligible world, readable by mind, is itself essentially mindless?
40482Can one who has seen a home be happy in a hovel?
40482Can the same spring send forth sweet water and bitter?
40482Canst Thou not visit us again?__ We hush our thoughts to silence, we school our spirits in sincerity, and here we wait.
40482Canst thou establish the dominion thereof in the earth?
40482Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?
40482Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season?
40482Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover thee?
40482Canst thou send forth lightnings, that they may go, And say unto thee, Here we are?
40482Consider the infinite variety of taste in food-- shall we say that therefore hunger and its satisfaction is a futile question to discuss?
40482Couldst thou refrain the earth from quaking And rest thy heart on_ Me_?"
40482Cries Jeremiah from the Old Testament,"Am I a God at hand, saith Jehovah, and not a God afar off?
40482Deeper than Sheol; what canst thou know?"
40482Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
40482Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
40482For now when we face our universe of magnificent distances and regal laws has religion really suffered?
40482For what am I destined?
40482For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, which is in him?
40482For who hath known the mind of the Lord?
40482For who hath known the mind of the Lord?
40482From the time when Gideon, in a mood like that of multitudes today, cried,"Oh, my Lord, if Jehovah is with us, why then is all this befallen us?"
40482Get warm, get food,''without supplying their bodily needs, what use is that?
40482Has a flat and stationary earth proved essential to Christianity, as Protestants and Catholics alike declared?
40482Has it your vote to be so if it can?"
40482Hast thou not known?
40482He and his Hell were the nightmare of my childhood; I hated him while I still believed in him, and who could help but hate?
40482He has come appealing to our little insight with his own clear vision,"Why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?"
40482His God was compassionately concerned for Africa, spoke about black folk as Hosea heard him speak concerning Israel,"How can I give thee up?
40482How am I to give thee up?
40482How am I to let thee go, O Israel?
40482How can I let thee go?"
40482How did we come by this significant knowledge that the immoral system was dispensable?
40482How reasonable and how assured shall they be?
40482How shall a man be seriously in earnest about great causes in a world like that?
40482How shall they try otherwise to describe the universe?
40482How should they name this greatness in their Lord?
40482How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?
40482How then shall we turn back again and see with eyes that fear has filmed?
40482How was the world made?
40482I believe in all the Christian truths, says one; and the curious question rises, how did these beliefs of his come into his possession?
40482If the Psalmist, in an exultant mood, sang,"Jehovah is my shepherd,"he also cried,"Jehovah, why casteth thou off my soul?
40482If we turn to the prophets, we find Hosea, interpreting the beating of God''s heart:"How am I to give thee up, O Ephraim?
40482If we_ affirm_ God, then_ evil_ is a mystery, for why, we ask, should love create a world with so much pain and sin?
40482In what terms?
40482Is any among you sick?
40482Is any cheerful?
40482Is anyone in a position to deride that?
40482Is it not life at its sublimest elevation?
40482Is it not the universe which my mind knows and whose laws my intellect has grasped?
40482Is it not thou that didst cut Rahab in pieces, that didst pierce the monster?
40482Is it not thou that driedst up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that madest the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over?
40482Is man responsible for that?
40482Is not its solacing power a deceptive sleight of hand, by which our pleasing fancies and desires are made to look like truth?
40482Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment?
40482Is not this always the right missionary method?
40482Is not this the carpenter''s son?
40482Is one perplexed that God, who is invisible, should be pictured in the similitude of human persons?
40482Is the God of such a universe to be conceived in terms of a magnified man?
40482Is there any doubt, then, what we most believe in when we are at our best?
40482Is there not a thin veil laid over Thy Word, which is more rarified by reading, and at last wholly worn away?
40482It is high as heaven; what canst thou do?
40482It may be false, but will you wish it true?
40482Jehovah is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
40482Knowest thou the ordinances of the heavens?
40482Met with derision by a doubter, as though his experience were no proof at all, how shall he proceed?
40482Moses cries:"Lord, wherefore hast thou dealt ill with this people?
40482Music once had stirred the depths, but now our spirits tally with the scoffer''s jest,"What are you crying about with your Wagner and your Brahms?
40482O, what means this strange bewilderment, this never- ending war between our worse and better thoughts?
40482One need only read such books of his as"Can the Old Faith Live with the New?"
40482Or canst thou guide the Bear with her train?
40482Or who hath given understanding to the mind?
40482Out of what, then, did the Master make his apostles?
40482Plenty of folk of elevated character and admirable lives grant, sometimes impatiently, that the Christian faith is beautiful-- but is it_ so_?
40482Preachers delight to illustrate their thought of God with figures drawn from nature''s invisible energies--"Who has seen the wind?
40482Said the other, seeing how little this negation solved the problem,"Well, what_ is_ it that ai n''t?"
40482Saved from what?
40482Saved from_ what_?
40482Says Oliver Wendell Holmes,"Did you ever happen to see that most soft- spoken and velvet- handed steam- engine at the Mint?
40482Shall the practical unserviceableness of such an idea for the purpose of life, awaken no suspicion as to its truth?
40482Shall they quarrel because they do not all come alike?
40482Stevenson sings in"the saddest and the bravest song he ever wrote":"God, if this were faith?...
40482Such folk want to believe in God, but-- can they?
40482The curious"Why?"
40482The further our thought proceeds the more clear it becomes that the question is not, shall we have churches?
40482The question is rather-- By what faiths shall we live?
40482Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee?
40482There man enquires,"Canst thou by searching find out God?
40482They may not dare to say what James Thomson did, but they think it--"Who is most wretched in this dolorous place?
40482They might easily steady their hearts to endure and overcome, were only one question''s answer clear-- is there any_ sense_ in life''s suffering?
40482They said therefore unto him, What must we do, that we may work the works of God?
40482They stand rather like unconverted Gideon, facing backwards and lamenting,"Where are all his wondrous works which our fathers told us of?"
40482Third Week, Sixth Day= For when one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not men?
40482Thou art turned to be cruel to me; With the might of thy hand thou persecutest me....== Did not I weep for him that was in trouble?
40482To many such, were candor courteous, one would wish to say: Saved?
40482To one in perplexity about belief, this proper question therefore rises: What do we think about the Christlike character?
40482Was not my soul grieved for the needy?
40482Was such clemency an occasion for lax character?
40482Was this Thyself, and have we turned from Thee?
40482What could such a mind understand of modern science''s faith in the universal regularity of law?
40482What is a pebble?
40482What is a sunset?
40482What range and depth and quality shall they have?
40482What recourse is there in such a case?
40482What then is Apollos?
40482What unto me is the multitude of your sacrifices?
40482What wonder that inexpressible devotion has been felt for him by all his people?
40482What wonder that the physicist acknowledged to a friend that the retort nettled him, for he did not see just how to answer it?
40482Whatever, therefore, affects_ that_ is his concern, and what is there that does not affect it?
40482When has man ever found solid knowledge in this most important realm of human possibilities, without faith as the pioneer?
40482When our father Abraham offered his son Isaac on the altar, was he not justified by what he did?"
40482When we pray we say"Our Father"; when we seek our duty we ask,"What wilt thou have me to do?"
40482When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to trample my courts?
40482Whence then hath this man all these things?
40482Where does the restlessness in nature have its source?
40482Where, then, have the men of faith found the immovable center of their confidence?
40482Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?
40482Whether is all- God or occasional God the nobler theory?"
40482Which of the two did the will of his father?
40482Who can avoid seeing the patent contrast between the Father of Jesus and the Creator of such a world?
40482Who can number the clouds by wisdom?
40482Who does not sometimes fall into the Slough of Despond?
40482Who has seen the wind?
40482Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts?
40482Whom have I in heaven but thee?
40482Why hidest thou thy face from me?"
40482Why now, and no sooner, did I see it?
40482Why, therefore, should we wonder that his disciples at their best have called Jesus divine?
40482Wilt thou indeed be unto me as a deceitful brook, as waters that fail?"
40482With what accuracy his fingers travel the keys, who can tell?
40482Would not the sixteenth chapter of Romans have a similar effect on those who read it?
40482You believe in one God?
40482_ Are we to trust for our guidance the testimony of our worse or better hours?_ We have low moods; so, too, we have cellars in our houses.
40482_ But it does mean that to him reality must be fundamentally spiritual, not physical._ What other hypothesis possibly can fit the facts?
40482_ Is yours the only heart where God is to be found?
40482_ O Thou who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, canst Thou bear to look on us conscious of our great transgression?
40482and his brethren, James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
40482and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard?
40482and how shall they hear without a preacher?
40482and how shall they preach, except they be sent?
40482and what is Paul?
40482and where is the fury of the oppressor?
40482and wherein have I wearied thee?
40482and your labor for that which satisfieth not?
40482but if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it?"
40482but rather, since churches are inevitable, of what sort shall they be?
40482hast thou not heard?
40482is not his mother called Mary?
40482or athirst, and gave thee drink?
40482or naked, and clothed thee?
40482or who hath been his counsellor?
40482or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
40482or, What shall we drink?
40482or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
40482shall I come before him with burnt- offerings, with calves a year old?
40482when will the church to which I belong in heart rise into being?
40482will Jehovah be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
6038At home with the Lord--that is what"death"(?)
6038Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? 6038 Hath he said, and shall he not do it?"
6038He that spared not his own Son, but freely delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things?
6038Where is your Christ?
6038Who was this one, this remaining angel? 6038 Why_ reason_ ye these things in your hearts?"
6038''0, my Lord,''said Daniel to the angel,''what shall be the end of these things?''
6038( 1)''What is meant by statement that man was made"in the image of God"?
6038( 2) What is meant by the anthropomorphic expressions used of God?
6038( 2) Whence comes this universal belief in the existence of God?
6038( See Luke 1:34--"How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?")
603811) this shall be accomplished?
603812:8, 9--"And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, 0 my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
603813:55--"Is not his mother called Mary?"
60381:12--"Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine Holy One?"
60381:14--"Are they not all ministering spirits?"
60381:14--"Are they( angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
603823:23, 24-"Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?
603826: 61- 63)?
603833:20:"There shall no man see me and live"?
603849:15, 16--"Can a woman forget her sucking child?
60384:1- 11) and fail to realize both parties in the wilderness conflict were persons-- Christ, a person; Satan, a person?
60386:8-"Who will go for_ us_?"
60388:11--"And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?"
60388:34--"Who is he that condemneth?
6038A garden, and no gardener?
6038A serious question at once arises: Who is to decide what is and what is not inspired?
6038A star lit, and nobody to pour oil in to keep the wick burning?
6038A time- card and a train, and nobody to run it?
6038A watch with a main- spring broken, and no jeweler to fix it?
6038A watch, and no key for it?
6038A watch, and no repair shop?
6038Acts 1:11--"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
6038Also in Luke 11:11--"Will he_ for_ a fish give him a serpent?"
6038An act of faith denotes a manifestation of the intelligence:"How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?"
6038And if they were asleep( v. 13), how could they know what took place?
6038And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man''s mouth?
6038And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man''s mouth?
6038And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?
6038And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?
6038And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day?
6038Are angels interested in conversions?
6038Believest thou this?"
6038But did the sight of His suffering move the Jews to repentance?
6038But does such silence really exist?
6038But how was the world to be saved if not through the atonement?
6038But take away from Christianity the name and person of Jesus Christ and what have you left?
6038But what did the heavenly voice signify to Christ?
6038Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?
6038Can any statement allege deity more clearly?
6038Can he judge through the dark cloud?
6038Can it be said even of any of the sons of men?
6038Can such be said of an influence?
6038Can we explain these facts?
6038Can we imagine the effect of such words on the apostles?
6038Can you punish a stone or a house?
6038Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?"
6038Certain things, conditions, institutions exist in our midst today; they are effects of causes, or a cause; what is that cause?
6038Conditions, and no conditioner?"
6038Could He not have possessed them and yet not have used them?
6038Could Jesus say all this without having any consciousness of His unique relationship to all these things?
6038Could Job explain the wonders of the natural phenomena around him?
6038Could a mere influence do this?
6038Could he thus speak of baptism if it had been the means through which they had been begotten again?
6038Did God know of their trouble in Egypt?
6038Did He forget?
6038Did He not hunger and thirst, for example?
6038Did the false prophets think that they could hide their secret crimes from God?
6038Did they consume, or did they withstand the fire?
6038Do not I fill heaven and earth?
6038Do not the works of James, the faith of Paul, and the love of John appeal to us in their own peculiar way?
6038Do the departed loved ones know anything about it?
6038Do we believe_ with Him_, or_ on_ Him?
6038Do we carry these little characteristics into the other life?
6038Do we love holiness to the extent of sacrificing for it?
6038Do we really believe these words?
6038Does Christ still retain the prints of the nails?
6038Does God Repent?
6038Does he perish at death, or does he enter into another state of being; and under what conditions of happiness or woe does he exist there?
6038Does it move men today?
6038Does not a liberal faith mean a faith that believes_ much,_ not little-- as much, not as little, as possible?
6038Does not such a faith(?)
6038Does the Holy Spirit possess such properties?
6038Does the doctrine of repentance find such a prominent place in the preaching and teaching of today?
6038Even if these events are to precede the"rapture,"have they not all been fulfilled?
6038Flowers, and no florist?
6038For what reason, and on what ground was it changed?
6038From finite and imperfect beings like ourselves?
6038From whence this idea?
6038Further, is the Church the_ only_ witness?
6038Gen. 18:14--"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
6038Has God lessened or changed the terms of admission into His kingdom?
6038Has Jesus Christ still this body in the glory?
6038Has the need for repentance diminished?
6038Hath he spoken and shall he not make it good?"
6038He explained all the other figurative words, why not this one?
6038Here is an effect, a tremendous effect; what was its cause?
6038How are men sanctified?
6038How could He reward and punish otherwise?
6038How did that grave become empty?
6038How do we account for it?
6038How does the Word of God sanctify?
6038How shall we account for the absence of the body of Jesus from the tomb?
6038How then is man responsible for not having it?
6038How would it sound to say,"In the name of the Father"_ and of Moses?_ Would it not seem sacrilegious?
6038How would it sound to say,"In the name of the Father"_ and of Moses?_ Would it not seem sacrilegious?
6038How, then, can Israel say,"My way is hid from the Lord?"
6038How, then, can evil triumph?
6038How, then, do we account for the differences in style of the various writers, the preservation of their individualities, their idiosyncrasies?
6038If He needed to depend solely upon the Spirit can we afford to do less?
6038If a miraculous exit was granted to men like Elijah and Enoch, who were sinful men, why should we marvel if such was granted to Christ?
6038If all men were not capable of being saved, how then could we pray to that end?
6038If such is His power how shall Assyria withstand it?
6038If the first two names are personal, is not the third?
6038If without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, where is the shed blood?''
6038In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus no name is given to the godless rich man; why?
6038Is He not holy?
6038Is He still the Lamb as though it had been slain?
6038Is Jesus Christ a man of a much higher type of faith than ours, yet one with whom we believe in God?
6038Is any light thrown on the question by the incident of the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace?
6038Is it a definite place, or is it simply a figure of speech denoting a place of authority and power?
6038Is it a"sign"of His coming?
6038Is it not marvellous?
6038Is it not remarkable that the Baptist uses the word"unquenchable"''( Greek,"asbestos") when speaking of this fire?
6038Is it possible that anyone need be told the flat and sapless tautology that all divinely- inspired Scripture is_ also_ profitable?
6038Is it right that God should make the holiest man in all the ages the greatest sufferer, if that man were but a martyr?
6038Is it self- originating, or is the cause of its being outside of itself?
6038Is it too much to say that on that baptismal day Jesus was keenly conscious that these Old Testament predictions were fulfilled in Him?
6038Is its cause finite or infinite?
6038Is not Jesus here conscious of Himself as being the centre of the scene thus described in the Apocalypse?
6038Is not Jesus here repeating what had been done for Him at His baptism: conveying super- human power?
6038Is not one of the principal reasons for the writing of the Epistle to the Colossians to correct the gnostic theory of the worshipping of angels?
6038Is not this a sufficient number?
6038Is not this true also of the believer''s eternal security?
6038Is the present Christian consciousness borne out by the Gospel narratives?
6038Is the"fire"spoken of here_ literal_ fire?
6038Is there a purpose here to ignore the wicked?
6038Is there not here an indication of the consciousness on the part of Jesus of a unique relationship with His heavenly Father?
6038Is this a description of hell--absence of spiritual light; separation from the company of the saved; lamentation; impotent rage?
6038Is this cause within or without himself, finite or infinite?
6038It can not help raising the question of the whither, as well as of the what and the whence?
6038It is an effect, a glorious effect; what is its cause?
6038It is true that others raised the dead, but under what different conditions?
6038It is true that this term is used of men, e.g., Acts 16:30--"Sirs( Lords), what must I do to be saved?"
6038Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
6038Job 22:12- 14--"Is not God in the height of heaven?
6038John 21:21- 23--"Peter seeing him( John) saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
6038Know you of anything bolder than this?
6038Luke 11:13--"How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"
6038Mark 14:61, 62--"Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed"( Luke 22:70--"Art thou then the Son of God?
6038Meaning: The Samaritan woman''s question,"Where is God to be found?"
6038Micah 7:18,19--"Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage?
6038Or did He intend that His disciples should have the impression that He was speaking of literal fire?
6038Or is He, equally with God, the object of our faith?
6038Or that He could not pursue them into foreign countries?
6038Or that He knew what was transpiring in heaven only and not upon the earth, and even in its most distant corners?
6038Reference may here be made to the white stone( diamond?)
6038Reply: True, but was not this fulfilled when they saw Christ on the Transfiguration Mount?
6038Reply: What is meant by a"generation"?
6038Shall we know Him by the prints?]
6038Shall we know our loved ones by these things?]
6038Shall we read,"Anointed.. with_ power_ and power?"
6038Shall we read,"That ye may abound in hope, through the power of the_ power_"?
6038Shall we say,"It seemeth good to_ the wind_ and to us"?
6038She said:"Thy father"; Jesus replied in substance:"Did you say_ my_ father has been seeking me?"
6038Should not the exit of Christ from this world be as unique as His entrance into it?
6038Simon Magus was baptized( Acts 8), but was he saved?
6038So was it with the faith which Christ demanded in His miracles:"Believe ye that I am able to do this?"
6038Strictly speaking, it is not now so much of a_ sin_ question as it is a_ Son_ question; not, What shall be done with my sin?
6038That was an effect; what was its cause?
6038That word was used for other Christian deaths, why not for Christ''s?
6038The great question for the Christian to answer is not"What can I do?"
6038The prophet can not believe it possible, for has not God_ eternal_ purposes for Israel?
6038The question is not so much"How many talents have I received,"but"To what use am I putting them?"
6038The test which the church should apply to all questions of practice: Would I like to have Christ find me doing this when He comes?
6038They are not given to mock but to encourage us:"Hath he said and shall he not do it?
6038Thirdly, There is the descent of the Spirit, and the heavenly voice; what meaning did these things have to Jesus?
6038Trace our origin back, if you will, to our first parent, Adam; then you must ask, How did he come into being?
6038True, but we reply: Why do we need an incarnation for the manifestation of that purpose?
6038Was there any significance in the fact that Jesus did not explain the word"fire"?
6038Were the words dictated by the Holy Spirit, or were the writers left to choose their own words?
6038Were the_ thoughts_ or_ concepts_ alone inspired, or were the_ words_ also inspired?
6038Were there not men enough in existence?
6038What are God''s relations to the universe and to men?
6038What bearing has the testimony of Jesus upon the question of His deity?
6038What do we learn from these scriptures regarding the relation of God to this universe, to man, and to all God''s creatures?
6038What does all this mean?
6038What had they to gain by fraud?
6038What is glory?
6038What is meant by the terms_ image_ and_ likeness_?
6038What is meant by"the right hand of God"?
6038What is the end, the final aim of the great whole, that far- off divine event towards which the whole creation moves?
6038What is the end, the final destiny of the individual?
6038What means are used, and what agencies employed to make men holy and conform them into the likeness of Christ?
6038What motive could the apostles have had in perpetrating the story of Christ''s resurrection upon people?
6038What part is inspired, and what part is not?
6038What shall the Christian church say to these things, and what shall be her reply?
6038What takes place when we go to sleep?
6038What was the nature and likeness of Christ''s resurrection body which our resurrection body is to resemble?
6038What would this world be without it?
6038What, then, did these men see?
6038Where did this institution come from?
6038Where did we get this standard of right and wrong?
6038Where is its sacrifice?
6038Who are those"in the presence of the angels of God"?
6038Who can give this power that is strong enough to make even demons obey?
6038Who can tell?
6038Who dared change it?
6038Who has a right to command my life?
6038Who is this that dares to set Himself up as superior to Moses and the law of Moses, by saying,"But_ I_ say unto you"?
6038Who is to be the judge of so vital a question?
6038Who made is obligatory?
6038Who shall put it away?
6038Why can not both things be included?
6038Why create a new being for such a purpose?
6038Why did not the Master explain what he meant by the figurative word"fire"?
6038Why not make a guilty, and not an absolutely innocent and guileless man such an example of God''s displeasure upon sin?
6038Why should He be God- forsaken in that crucial hour?
6038Why stumble over the limitation of this attribute and not over the others?
6038Why then mention this eternal aspect of adoption?
6038Why then should such a comforting and helpful doctrine as this be spoken against?
6038Why then, if faith is the work of the Godhead, are we responsible for not having it?
6038Would not these passages rebel against such tautological and meaningless usage?
6038Would that sound right?
6038Would they have sacrificed their lives for what they themselves believed to be an imposture?
6038Zion or Gerizim?
6038[ NOTE: Does this throw any light on the matter of recognition in heaven?
6038_ In general:_ Job 11:7, 8--"Canst thou by searching find out God?
6038but"How much can I believe?"
6038but, What shall I do with Jesus, which is called Christ?
6038e) Individual Freedom in Choice of Words-- To What Extent?
6038have not I the Lord?
6038have not I the Lord?
6038label itself narrow rather than liberal by such a refusal of faith?
6038no God?
6038or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind?
6038or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind?
6038was I ever wo nt to do so unto thee?
55575Because Christians were not familiar with it? 55575 Is it,"to use his own words,"worth while to heap up the disproof of a thesis so manifestly idle?"
55575Joshua is apparently[ why this qualification?] 55575 Lord, dost Thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"
55575Why,he asks,"was this Jesus cult originally secret, and expressed in such guarded parabolic terms as made it unintelligible to the multitude?"
55575( Jesus) Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?"
55575( i.e., life in the kingdom to come)--the answer:"Why callest thou me good?
55575And as, according to Drews, he was so interested in fruitfulness and foreskins, why not suppose he was a Priapic god?
55575And he said unto him, What things?
55575And he said unto him, Why askest thou me concerning that which is good?
55575And his sisters, are they not all with us?"
55575And what does it amount to?
55575And what has Jerusalem to do with Dodona?
55575And where did he discover that Jesus was represented as Fishes in Art and Lore?
55575And why should they eke out their plot with a thousand scraps of pagan mythology?
55575And, after all, were statues of Osiris so plentiful in Jerusalem, where the sight even of a Roman eagle aroused a riot?
55575Are they Israelites?
55575Are they all Mithraic?
55575Are they ministers of Christ?
55575Are they the seed of Abraham?
55575As he took the Israelites dryshod over the Jordan, why have they not made a River- god of him?
55575But as it is you have abandoned God and put your trust in man, so what further hope is left to you of salvation?
55575But how about the prostitute; and how about the entry into Erech?
55575But is it worth while to heap up the disproof of a thesis so manifestly idle?"
55575But what, we still ask, is the Gospel counterpart to the honours heaped by Gilgamesch on Eabani?
55575But where did the play come from?
55575But, if so, what Jew, we ask, ever heard of a God called Jeshua or Joshua?
55575By adding it before"thing"he creates additional nonsense; for how could any but a good action merit eternal life?
55575By what channels did it reach them?
55575CHAPTER II PAGAN MYSTERY PLAYS[ Is Mark''s Gospel a religious romance?]
55575Could texts be treated with greater levity?
55575Could they there have given themselves up to the study of pagan statuary, art, and ritual dramas?
55575Did Jesus in his physical body go up like a balloon before the eyes of the faithful, and disappear behind a cloud, or did he not?
55575Did all these people, we may ask, including his mother, stand in a merely spiritual relationship to Jesus?
55575Did they at the time, or afterwards, set any such interpretation on the story of his rising up from the ground like an airship or an exhalation?
55575Do we not here get a glimpse of an early stage of the story of Jesus before it was overlaid with miracles?
55575Does Mr. Robertson claim to know the reasons of their symbolism better than they did themselves?
55575Does he mean that the legend is no more than"a certain way of expressing moral ideas rooted in human thought"?
55575Does he, too, mean merely to"denote religious relation without the remotest hint of blood kinship"?
55575Does not this mean that a cult of Jesus already existed before this myth was added, and that the myth is absent in the earliest documents of the cult?
55575Even if the story of the Twelve be legendary, need we go outside Judaism for our explanation of its origin?
55575For example, what have the Zodiacal signs and the Apostles of Jesus in common except the number twelve?
55575Gardner and Carpenter] Dr. Gardner, who here lies under a special spell of absurdity?
55575Has the Latin wine- god a single trait in common with the Christian founder?
55575Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?"
55575How are these lacunæ of the Gospel story to be filled in?
55575How can it possibly be defended to- day on grounds of symbolism, or on any other?
55575How can writers who end their record of Jesus by telling us how in the moment of death he cried,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
55575How could he, inasmuch as he had stayed with them at Jerusalem?
55575How could so late a myth influence or form part of a tradition three centuries older than itself?
55575How could there be, seeing that the book was not penned( except on Van Manen''s hypothesis) until long after the Epistles had been written and sent?
55575How did these gentlemen get it into their heads that he was a Sun- god?
55575How do Mr. Robertson and his friends get round all this evidence?
55575How does Mr. Robertson get rid of their evidence?
55575How, indeed, could he be, seeing that Jesus is a Sun- god crucified upon the Milky Way?
55575If Jesus was only a myth, how could this writer have written, probably before A.D. 70, that he was of the tribe of Judah?
55575If he believes in such a miracle, why expatiate on the symbolism of all the acts of Jesus subsequent to his resurrection?
55575If he obviously believed it, then how did his error arise?
55575If he should seem to have made it without himself believing it, then we ask, Why did he wish to deceive his reader?
55575If the legend was part of the earliest tradition, why does it figure for the first time in the late Third Gospel and in a late addition to the first?
55575If the reading of Mark be not original, how came Luke to copy it from him?
55575If they had so excellent a legend of Bacchus on his asses crossing a marsh, why not be content with it?
55575If we deny all authenticity to Jesus''s teaching, what of Solon''s traditional lore?
55575If we found ourselves in such case, would we not think we were bewitched, and take to our heels?
55575In Matthew, however( xix, 16), we read as follows:"Behold, one came to him and said: Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
55575In a word, why should such connoisseurs of paganism have disguised themselves as monotheistic and messianic Jews?
55575In any case, may not Christian story have fixed the number of Apostles at twelve in view of the tribes being twelve?
55575In other words, Simson, or Samson, left a corpse behind him( who does not?
55575Is he not the spiritual guide of learned German orientalists like Winckler and Jensen?
55575Is he, too, afraid of being regarded as a"tell- tale"( p. 48)?
55575Is it credible in the face of such facts that the authors we are criticizing should turn this Joshua, too, into a solar god?
55575Is it not as clear as daylight that he was the survival of a pre- Platonic Apollo myth?
55575Is not Mr. Smith attributing his own feelings, as he sat in a Sunday school, to Jews and Gentiles of the first century?
55575Is not his mother called Mary?
55575Is not this enough?
55575Is that the way the sublimist of teachers would found the new and true religion?"
55575Lastly, what had Bacchus to do with Jesus?
55575Let Professor W. B. Smith speak:"What was the essence, the central idea and active principle, of the cult itself?"
55575Little girl:"Then how did you come to hear all about it?"
55575May we welcome his insistence on its moral symbolism as a prelude to his abandonment of the literal truth of the tale?
55575Might I suggest the addition of the god Thor to the collection of gospel aliases?
55575Might he not have reflected that then, as now, there was no other way of entering Jerusalem unless you went on foot?
55575Now what Christian writer ever made this rapprochement?
55575Now what had Speusippus to tell?
55575Now who had commissioned these three apostles, if not Jesus?
55575Of a Jesus that is God from the first it is perhaps natural to ask-- anyhow our authors have asked it of themselves-- which God was he?
55575Of what Patriarch?
55575Or are we to suppose that all these things were related in the Sun- god Joshua legend?
55575Or is it Pilatus who stabs Orion?
55575Secondly, what evidence is there that Pilatus could mean the"javelin- man"for the earliest generations of Roman Christians?
55575Since when, I would like to know, did we need such evidence against that legend?
55575Such references could be multiplied; are they all Osirian?
55575The Rock- Tomb] Why was Jesus buried in a rock- tomb?
55575Thirdly, what evidence is there that Pilatus could mean a javelin- man even to a Latin?
55575This apart, the Second and Third Gospels may be said to agree in reading,"Good master,"and,"Why callest thou me good?"
55575This being so, is it likely that any Jewish community would keep up even the simulacrum of such rites?
55575Unless he regards this later Joshua also as a divine figure, and no mere man of flesh and blood, why does he thus drag him into his argument?
55575Was Jordan, too, up in heaven?
55575Was ever such a god known of or worshipped in the tribe of Ephraim or in Israel at large?
55575Was it entirely appropriate for these mystic devotees to encourage the use of demonological terminology, when they meant something quite else?
55575Was it necessary to concoct human pedigrees for a solar myth, and to pretend that Jacob begat Joseph, and Joseph begat Jesus?
55575Was the deception necessary?
55575Was there ever an author so hopelessly uncritical in his methods?
55575We ask of Mr. Smith, why was so much mystification necessary?
55575We naturally ask, Were the twelve tribes of Israel equally representative of the Zodiac?
55575Were not other sources of recent Roman history available for Tacitus?
55575Were the Essenes there also?
55575Were the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Scribes, or the Sicarii or zealots, secret sects?
55575Were they likely to fashion a tale of a Messianic triumph out of Gentile myths?
55575Were they, too, mere"earnest Messianists, zealots of obedience"?
55575Were they, too, only spiritually related to him?
55575Were they, too,"earnest Messianists, zealots of obedience"?
55575What better proof could we have than this citation of the fact that they servilely adopted the traditions of Jesus recorded in the Gospels?
55575What clues has he?
55575What evidence that such a myth ever existed at all?
55575What has Bacchus''s choice of one ass to ride on in common with Matthew''s literary deformation, according to which Jesus rode on two asses at once?
55575What has Mr. Robertson to say about it?
55575What inspired it?
55575What is the meaning of these wheels within wheels, that hardly hunt together?
55575What its germ?
55575What on earth were the Nazarenes doing to publish a Gospel like this, and so let the cat out of the bag?
55575What right has he to argue as if he had the whole of it in the hollow of his hand?
55575What, again, do we know of secret societies in Jerusalem?
55575What, again, have the three Maries in common with the Greek Moirai except the number three and a delusive community of sound?
55575What, asks Professor Smith( Ecce Deus, p. 67), was the active principle of Christianity?
55575When Josephus, again, alludes to"James the Just who was brother of Jesus,"is he, an enemy of the Christian faith, adopting Christian slang?
55575Where could they see such statuary in or about Jerusalem?
55575Where is the proof that such a god was ever heard of in ancient Palestine, either early or late, or that such a cult ever existed?
55575Who ever heard before them of a Jewish cult of a Sun- God- Saviour Joshua?
55575Who ever in that age felt the name Jesus to be grand, comforting, uplifting?
55575Who had taught them about the Kingdom and sent them forth to proclaim it?
55575Who were the seven?
55575Why are no warnings against polytheism put into the mouth of Jesus?
55575Why carry coals to Newcastle on so huge a scale?
55575Why could not Dr. Jensen consult Dr. Drews"as to the real spiritual nature"of John the Baptist?
55575Why could they not have asked one of the priests of Osiris, who as a rule might be found in the neighbourhood of his statues, what the emblem meant?
55575Why could they not rest content with him as they found him in their ancient tradition?
55575Why did Peter deny Jesus?
55575Why did they do it?
55575Why does he shut his eyes to them, and gibe perpetually at the critical students who attach weight to them?
55575Why from the very first did the followers of Jesus entertain what Mr. Smith denounces as"an a priori concept of the Jesus"( p. 35)?
55575Why give up at the eleventh hour the astral explanation for an utterly different one?
55575Why has the fact of his unreality, as these writers argue it, left no trace of itself in Christian tradition and literature?
55575Why is he sure that the Nazarenes, and after them the earliest Christians, were a secret society with a secret cult?
55575Why is not a single precept of the Sermon on the Mount directed against idolatry?
55575Why not have both in the case of Jesus, to whose real life and subsequent deification the Augusti and the Pharaohs offer a remarkable parallel?
55575Why on the occasion in question did Jesus make a scourge of cords with which to drive the sheep and oxen out of the Temple?
55575Why should there be?
55575Why should worshippers of Serapis have been regarded as specially vicious by the Roman mob?
55575Why so, when they knew that from the first he was a God and up in heaven?
55575Why so?
55575Why trouble to utter these documents in which Jesus"reappears as a natural man,"long after the sect as a whole were committed to the miraculous birth?
55575Why was Jesus crucified?
55575Why were they at such pains to transform it into the story of a Galilean Messiah crucified by the Roman Governor of Judæa?
55575Why, in other words, were they convinced from the beginning that he was a man of flesh and blood, who had lived on earth among them?
55575Why, then, did they call their sublime deity by the name of Jesus?
55575Why, then, reject the view that Jesus chose twelve apostles because there were twelve tribes?
55575Why, then, should they have had their central myth of the crucifixion in a Latin form?
55575Why, therefore, go out of the way to attribute the tale to the influence of a legend of Bacchus, so multiplying empty hypotheses?
55575Would Mr. Smith on that account dispute their authenticity?
55575Would any sane person doubt that there was a substratum of fact and real history underlying them all?
55575Would it not be simpler, in the end, to tell people frankly that a legend is only a legend?
55575[ 10] Why necessarily from Josephus?
55575[ Contents of Mark] What, then, do we find in Mark''s narrative?
55575[ How could a Sun- god slain annually be slain by Pontius Pilate?]
55575[ If so, how could they devote themselves to pagan mystery plays?]
55575[ Inadequacy of the mythic theory] But, letting that pass, we ask what evidence is there that Orion ever had the epithet Pilatus in this sense?
55575[ Janus- Peter the bifrons] Who was Peter?
55575[ Joseph and his ass] Who was Joseph?
55575[ Mary and her homonyms] Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
55575[ Summary of Pauline evidence] What does it amount to?
55575[ The Lamb and Fish symbolism] Why is Jesus represented in art and lore by the Lamb and the Fishes?
55575[ The Pilate myth] Why was Jesus crucified by Pilate?
55575[ The Sermon on the Mount] Why did Jesus preach his sermon on the Mount?
55575[ The cleansing of the temple] Why did the solar God Joshua- Jesus scourge the money- changers out of the temple?
55575[ The date of birthday] Why was Jesus born at the winter- solstice?
55575[ The last Judgment] Why was it believed that Jesus was to judge men after death?
55575[ The twelve disciples] Why did Jesus surround himself with twelve disciples?
55575[ The two asses] Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem before his death on two asses?
55575[ Why make him the central figure of a monotheistic cult?]
55575[ Why should the robber chief Joshua have been selected as prototype of Jesus?]
55575and his brethren, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?
55575ix, 1, he writes in answer to those who pooh- poohed his mission:"Am I not an apostle?
55575of Matthew xxvii, 17:"Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you?
55575xi, 22, in the same vein:"Are they Hebrews?
55575xv, 6) that the greater part of the 500 brethren to whom Jesus appeared were still alive?
12624And when they saw Him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto Him, Son, why has thou thus dealt with us? 12624 Are there no limits to the demands of God upon us,"we sometimes despairingly ask?
12624Lulley,she said and sung also,"My own dear Son, why are Thou wo?
12624My sweete Son, Thou art me dear, Oh why have men hanged thee here? 12624 What,"it is asked,"is to be done?
12624Who is this Jesus of Nazareth Whom ye preach? 12624 Why not,"ask certain people who have not thought out the meaning of Catholic dogma,"why not go at once to our Lord; why go in this roundabout way?"
12624Alas, my dear Son, what means all this?"
12624And Mary, the Mother?
12624And as we go through our self- examination one of the most profitable questions we can ask is,"What do I love?"
12624And can not we get the same attitude toward life?
12624And can we for a moment think that the years of intercourse with our Lady meant nothing in the spiritual development of S. John?
12624And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me?
12624And how else than as Queen of the heavenly host should we expect her to be represented?
12624And how have we guarded this Presence?
12624And if it does not, what am I going to do about it?
12624And is not that just what we are constantly doing, and what constitutes the most pressing danger of the spiritual life?
12624And shall we find there on the Way of Sorrow the virtues that are the opposite of the Seven Sins?
12624And then came the demand for a review; that we look our practice squarely in the face and ask,"What is the ground of this?
12624And then the question arises: What is the bearing of all that on my personal practice?
12624And to his insolent question,"Why should I suffer in an intolerable situation?"
12624And we have seen there, or we may see, may we not?
12624And what about the last of the deadly sins, the sin of sloth?
12624And what are we to understand Him to mean?
12624And what can be the meaning of calling such a life useless to the world?
12624And what have we to counteract the depression which is the natural reaction from the spectacle of the world- rejection of Christ?
12624And what was S. Mary''s own attitude toward the announcement of the Angel?
12624And what was the result?
12624And when we ask,"What is the purpose of this?"
12624And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
12624Any sane person recognises that; but does the same person recognise the sane principle as applying in his own life?
12624Apart from the waste of time due to attempting the impossible, what would be gained?
12624Are there no limits to the methods by which business is to be pushed, except legal limits?
12624Are they in fact spiritual?
12624Are they those who deny the legitimacy of invocation, or those in whose religious practise it holds an important and vital place?
12624Are we devoted to the aim of manifesting the glory of God and finishing the work that He has given us to do?
12624Are we not bound to stand by the Lord''s day?
12624Are we not quite safe in the case of S. Mary in the deduction from the nature of her vocation of the spiritual perfection to attribute to her?
12624Are we to be made lax by silly talk about puritanism?
12624Are we to be taken in by talk of hard work during the week and consequent need of rest?
12624Are we to remain quiescent, or are we to make the attempt to generate moral force?
12624Are we to think of these stories as containing any grain of truth?
12624Are you not, in fact, neglecting your duty in not changing it?
12624But are we to think of the death of a child as a disaster?
12624But can we say that they have very wide or real acknowledgment?
12624But death?
12624But go back to the men and women whose sole interest is amusement-- how do they live?
12624But have we all learned to use these hours so that we may be ready to meet the hours of testing which shall surely come?
12624But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother?
12624But how can Christendom generate any more moral force?
12624But in our own Communion do we get any strong protest in favour of the sanctity of the day?
12624But is anything actually saved by this sort of compromise?
12624But is that the really horrifying thing about the Passion of our Lord?
12624But is this true, to keep to a specific example, of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
12624But just wherein does the dying of Christ become an example for us?
12624But we feel, do we not?
12624But what constitutes good will in a man?
12624But what does this exemption from the common lot of men actually mean?
12624But who, precisely, is to make the offering?
12624But why not think of it as consummation?
12624Can we imagine any more wonderful expression of the life of holiness to which we are called than that?
12624Can we think that when in answer to our invocation she presents our prayers in union with her own, that love will fail?
12624Did she remain there, or did she follow S. John, and at length come to live with him in Ephesus?
12624Did they think that He had mistaken the caravan and been carried off in some other direction and was lost to them forever?
12624Did they think that Jesus would be caught by the life of the Passover crowds that filled the streets of Jerusalem?
12624Did they think that it would be a child''s curiosity which would hold him fascinated with the glittering toys of the bazaars?
12624Do I see that it is quite possible that I may be wholly wrong, and that I am hindered by pride from reversing my attitude?"
12624Do they believe in immortality?
12624Do we give only when we are asked?
12624Do we not feel that in S. John the mother has been committed to our love and care?
12624Do we not feel that in S. John we have been recommended to the love and care of Mary who is our mother?
12624Do we not often feel that something must be true far in advance of our ability to prove it so?
12624Do we prefer to be anonymous?
12624Do we put the spiritual interests of humanity first?
12624Do we spend them in guarding the Presence?
12624Do we yield to spectacular appeals or only to those that we have examined and found good?
12624Do you not know that being busy is one of the most effective screens that you can put between your conscience and your obligation?
12624Do you think that it is wrong to do this or that?
12624Does it correspond with the teaching of Scripture and of the Catholic Church?
12624Does not God''s use of a person imply qualities in the person used?
12624Does she not represent us in one way and S. John represent us in another, in this supreme exchange of love?
12624For how should there be peace in any world on any other terms?
12624Had they so utterly misunderstood and misinterpreted Christ that this is the natural outcome of His movement?
12624Has any actual victory redounded to the Prince of Power of the Air?
12624Has humanity been permanently affected by the resumption of it by God in the resurrection?
12624Has the Anglican"sanity and reserve"in regard to the Blessed Virgin Mary saved the Anglican Church from the inroads of unitarianism and rationalism?
12624Has there anything been found in the way of evidence, we ask, which reflects upon the truth of the story in S. Luke?
12624Has there at any time been any official action of the Anglican Church to limit my acceptance of the historic Faith?
12624Has there never been any true spiritual discipline, but only a certain superficial conformity to a spiritual rule?
12624Have I not done as I should do?
12624Have I only a collection of prejudices there where I supposed that I had a collection of settled truths?
12624Have I settled a practice for myself to which I am subjecting the teaching of the Bible and the Church?
12624Have mothers no longer any sense of the value of purity?
12624Have they heard the message of the first Easter morning, the angelic announcement of the resurrection of Christ?
12624Have we been cold to her, and inappreciative of her love?
12624Have we felt that we have no need of her in the conduct of our lives?
12624Have we mastered the technique of the Christian life sufficiently to be single- eyed and pure- hearted in our pursuit of life''s ends?
12624Have we taken up the Cross to go after Him, or are we assuming that we can just as well drift along with the crowd of those who only look on?
12624How are_ we_ affected?
12624How can one love and serve a Jesus whom one has lost?
12624How can there be peace for those who are in rebellion against God?
12624How could he do this?
12624How escape?
12624How long did she live?
12624How many of you, for example, make your confessions and communions with the frequency and regularity that your theory about the sacraments implies?
12624How shall we attain it?
12624How should your flesh be reduced to dust and ashes who, by the Son born of you, have delivered the human race from the corruption of death?"
12624I have so often heard people say, when the practice of invocation of saints was urged: Why ask the saints?
12624I wonder if we force our meaning on the Bible or if we are trying to find therein new stimulus to action?
12624I wonder if we have got a religious practice which is settled or one that is continually expanding?
12624I wonder if we have wholly got beyond that point of view?
12624III Why should I any love, O Queen, but thee, If favor past a thankful love should breed?
12624If he be God and wills goodness, why does He not execute goodness, use power to accomplish it?"
12624If one asks:"What is likely to happen if one does not imitate this life, but prefers some more modern type of usefulness?"
12624If two people find that they have blundered, are they to go on indefinitely suffering from the result of their blunder?
12624If we ask:"Why hope?"
12624In our self examination, in our approach to the sacrament of penance, we are compelled to ask ourselves, Am I in fact sorry for my sins?
12624Is it a fact any more conceivable that the virgin Mother of God should be born in original sin than that she should be the victim of actual sin?
12624Is it in Churches where devotion to our Lady is suppressed?
12624Is it not possible for us to have our share in that pure insight of blessed Mary?
12624Is it not precisely in those circles where the very virginity of our Lady is denied that the divinity of our Lord is denied also?
12624Is it that He appears and disappears so strangely, not coming any longer to be with them in the old way, with the old familiar intercourse?
12624Is not that an illuminating phrase when we think of our relation to our Lord?
12624Is not the life that shuts out from itself the society of heaven pitifully impoverished?
12624Is sanctity then, or the possibility of it, shut within the narrow limits of a poor life?
12624Is there a right method?
12624Is there any appreciable amount of quiet spontaneous giving which is known to no one?
12624Is there any sense in which we can be said to be following our Lord on the Sorrowful Way?
12624Is there no falling away, no compromise, there?
12624Is there, in fact, some peculiar and limited form of Christianity to which I owe allegiance?"
12624It came to those primitive congregations, you remember, to which S. Peter was writing;"Where is the promise of his coming?
12624It is not at all surprising that in the end they drop religion altogether, as why should one keep on travelling a road that leads nowhere?
12624It is often so, is it not?
12624It is quite pointless in times of great social distress to ask passionately,"why does not God make a better world?"
12624It is true, is it not?
12624It is true, is it not?
12624Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee?
12624Know ye not that I must be in my Father''s house?
12624Know ye not that I must be in my Father''s house?"
12624Love is a passion consuming her being-- what can the attendant circumstances matter?
12624MARY: Ever I cried full piteously:"Lordings, what have ye i- brought?
12624MARY:"I ask thee, Maudeleyn, where is that place,-- In plain or valley or in hill?
12624Men look out on a world seething with unrest and filled with injustice, and they turn upon the Church and ask,"Why have you not changed all this?
12624Naturally, one can not carry on an unsuccessful business, but need it be success by all means and to all extents?
12624O my divine Son, is not this your opportunity, your"hour"?
12624Of what energy?
12624On the basis of our present effort can we, ought we, to have more than we have?
12624Once more: is it not true that after a period of honest labour I do find results?
12624One great trouble, is it not?
12624One is often tempted to ask as one hears people talking of death:"Are these Christians?
12624Or am I alert to see a contrast or a contradiction between my practice and the teaching of the Bible and the Church, if such exist?
12624Or have they simply abandoned all responsibility that normally goes with being a mother?
12624Our pressing question is, what difference has that made to us?
12624PART TWO CHAPTER XII THE TEMPLE And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me?
12624Perhaps not all that I would like but all that I am justified in expecting from the energy I have spent?
12624She would be with S. John as long as she lived, but can we think of her as living long?
12624Should I let Him hangen there Let my Son alone then be?
12624Should I see men mine own Son slay?
12624Suppose when some pious soul comes to me and asks me if I will not pray for a sick child, or a friend at sea, I were to reply:"Why come to me?
12624That gold and incense should be offered a King is clearly His royal right; but what has he to do with the bitterness of myrrh?
12624That which S. Elizabeth spoke under divine impulse,--"Whence is this that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"
12624The answer to our question is itself a perfectly simple one, as simple as would be the answer to the question:"Do you speak French?"
12624The only question which is at all to the point is,"why has God not made_ me_ better?"
12624The question which is becoming more urgent everywhere is, What are the women of the future to be,--the daughters of Eve, or the daughters of Mary?
12624The question,"Must I do this?"
12624Then why not give way now, to- night?
12624This final surrender to the Father of a will that had never been separate from the Father,--what can we derive from all that?
12624This is no doubt a unique vocation, but is it quite so far separated from ordinary Christian experience as we assume?
12624This is the common case of the young whether boy or girl to- day, and the practical question is, Can they endure the isolation?
12624Those few moments after the reception of our Incarnate Lord at the altar-- how do we habitually spend them?
12624Thy head is closed with a brier, O why have men so done to Thee?"
12624To the protest of parents that they are incompetent to conduct such training, the only possible reply is a blunt,"Whose fault is that?"
12624To whom would Mary look?
12624True, but is the adherence of the Church to its statements perfectly plain?
12624Was a new faith at any time introduced?
12624Was it at all likely that the Jewish authorities having disposed of the leader in a dangerous movement would be content to let the followers go free?
12624Was it then possible that she should be holden by death?
12624Was that a light thing: Was it indeed so much less than the vocation of S. Joseph?
12624We are back therefore where we started: What are our supreme ends?
12624We feel, do we not?
12624We know, do we not?
12624We place ourselves in the group that surrounds our Lord when the soldiers, led by Judas, come, and ask ourselves shall I too run away?
12624We tend, do we not?
12624What did it mean, this resurrection of Jesus?
12624What do you mean by this ceremony?
12624What does He mean?"
12624What does the Church teaching as to sanctity imply?
12624What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed?
12624What in fact is it that you mean by worship?"
12624What is the status of the priest?
12624What is the trouble?
12624What is there about her life that suggests weakness?
12624What is there to appeal on the other side?
12624What sort of a front is the church presenting to the world, what sort of moral influence is it exercising?
12624What sort of character- development has so far been going on?
12624What then do we mean by original sin?
12624What to do?
12624What voice can sing This mystery, or Cherub''s wing Lend from his golden stock a pen To write, how Heaven came down to men?
12624What was S. Joseph''s attitude?
12624What was to be done?
12624When in response to their preaching men asked the question:"Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
12624When one asks:"Why should I imitate this life which, however good in an abstract way, is not very harmonious with the ideals of society at present?"
12624When such things are pointed out from the pulpit the"practical man"says:"What would become of the Church were it not for the rich and the successful?"
12624When we ask what this congregation is, what is the answer?
12624When we ask, why is there such a feeling?
12624Where did she live?
12624Where to- day is the Deity of our Lord defended most ardently and devotion to Him most wide spread?
12624Who is shee that adorned with light, Makes the sunne her robe, At whose feete the queene of night Layes her changing globe?
12624Whoe is shee that assends so high Next the heavenlye Kinge, Round about whome angells flie And her prayses singe?
12624Why after Bethlehem, Egypt?
12624Why after Gabriel, Herod?
12624Why could they not talk about the Mission that has just been held, or the Quiet Day that is in prospect?
12624Why do you keep this day?
12624Why in this roundabout way ask me to pray?
12624Why is this?
12624Why not get a bigger notion of God than that of a mechanician running a machine, and think of Him as a Person dealing with persons?
12624Why not go directly to God?
12624Why not go directly to God?"
12624Why not in an humble spirit observe how God does act?
12624Why not pursue the same method in religion?
12624Why not think of it as setting the seal of God''s approval upon our accomplishment of His will and purpose for us?
12624Why not?
12624Why reject as incredible the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection?
12624Why start by saying,"Miracles do not happen?"
12624Why then should it not ensure spiritual bankruptcy?
12624Why was this?
12624With this conception of power in mind men are continually asking:"Why does not God do this or that?
12624Would not a great love draw her to another world and the presence of her triumphant Son?
12624Would they not rather seek to wipe out the last traces of the movement in blood?
12624and who are my brethren?
12624or why throw about the ceremony the suggestions of a sacrament?
12624that the coming of the child brought enrichment into the life of its parents?
17147''; v. 20:''Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?
17147''Now what contradiction would there be if Spinoza had died in Leyden?
17147''What, then, will become'', he adds,''of man''s free will?
17147(_ c_) Why should the dog ever be displeased_ spontaneously_?
171477:''For who maketh thee to differ from another?
17147ANT.--How does he know it, since I will do the opposite of what he shall have said, and I suppose that he will say what he thinks?
17147And can one be less a slave than to act by one''s own choice in accordance with the most perfect reason?
17147And choice in virtue of what?
17147And could not the Christian alliance be cemented by theological agreement?
17147And is it not most often necessary that a little evil render the good more discernible, that is to say, greater?
17147And is not an irrefutable argument a_ demonstration_?
17147And should we not be well pleased to exchange it for sinlessness, if that depended upon us?
17147And to cut the matter short, how comes it that he has prescribed laws for himself?
17147And what means shall one have thereafter of demonstrating the falsity, and even the absurdity, of any opinion?
17147And what shall be said of his justice?
17147Are salts, metals, plants, animals and a thousand other animate or inanimate bodies aware how that which they do is done, and need they be aware?
17147Are they any less enslaved by sensual pleasure, by ambition, by avarice?
17147Be it so, but does it follow that there is as much reality and force in each of the two?
17147But I ask you, what else is the permission of him who is entitled to forbid, or rather who has the thing in his own hands, but an act of will?''
17147But are they?
17147But can they any better conceive how the power of God is capable of stirring a straw?''
17147But could God himself( it will be said) then change nothing in the world?
17147But does physical good lie solely in pleasure?
17147But how is it possible for it to be said that there is no good or evil in the ideas before the operation of God''s will?
17147But if I am free to give these six degrees of goodness to the object, am I not permitted to give it more goodness?
17147But if so, why does Leibniz keep saying that the harmony is_ pre- established_, by special and infinitely elaborate divine decrees?
17147But if that is so, why shall we not give to the object all the goodness conceivable?
17147But in so applying the scheme of choice to God''s act, have we not invalidated its application to our own?
17147But in this case, would it be proper for God to grant it to all, that is, always to act miraculously in respect of all rational creatures?
17147But is it not better, notwithstanding, that health should be usual and sickness the exception?
17147But of what is the environment of each made up?
17147But should he?
17147But someone will say to me: why speak you to us of''permitting''?
17147But someone will say, why did not God refrain from producing things, rather than make imperfect things?
17147But then again, how can we take it seriously?
17147But this objection is exactly as if I were to ask why a father of a family does not give himself gold when he has need thereof?
17147But what sort of a theology?
17147But what then will Sextus say?
17147But whence came Leibniz''s more strictly metaphysical objections?
17147But whence comes this new election?
17147But who does not see that that only proves a hypothetical impossibility?
17147But( M. Bayle will say) God having power to avert innumerable evils by one small miracle, why did he not employ it?
17147Can I not come to be a good king?
17147Can he commit so many crimes?
17147Can he have so many evil tendencies?
17147Can one believe it?
17147Can one conclude from this that the State has no anxiety about this irregularity, or even that it desires it?
17147Can one form any falser notions of a universal providence?
17147Can one, then, leave it or give it to another?
17147Can supreme goodness produce an unhappy creature?
17147Can they also both exist?
17147Can we adapt our scheme of choice to the description of God''s creative decrees?
17147Certe Deus ipse numquid quia peccare non potest, ideo liberum arbitrium habere negandus est?''
17147Choice between what?
17147Could I have resisted his will?
17147Could Sextus reply: It is you who are the cause, O Apollo; you compel me to do it, by foreseeing it?
17147Could he not have established others of a kind not subject to any defects?
17147Could not the Christian princes sink their differences and unite against the infidel?
17147Do men relish health enough, or thank God enough for it, without having ever been sick?
17147Do not the Thomists say, that there are as many species as individuals in angelic nature?''
17147Do we not see that all these advantages or disadvantages spring from the idea of the thing, and that the contrary would imply contradiction?
17147Do we say then that these things are not because the common herd does not know of them?
17147Do you consider such a faculty, sir, to be the richest present God can have made to man, and the sole instrument of our happiness?
17147Does it also come from mere indifference?
17147Does our authority over our ideas more often fall short than our authority over our volitions?
17147Does the internal and active virtue communicated to the forms of bodies according to M. Leibniz know the train of actions which it is to produce?
17147Does the will of God form the ideas which are in his understanding?
17147For can I know and can I present infinities to you and compare them together?
17147For if the soul is perfectly indifferent in its choice how is it possible to foresee this choice?
17147For what foundation can God have for seeing what the people of Keilah would do?
17147For what other legitimate reason for rejecting an opinion can one find, if an invincible opposing argument is not such an one?
17147For what possibility is there of giving these six degrees of goodness to the object?
17147For who hath resisted his will?
17147For why should the law of justice, which states that reasonable promises must be kept, be more inviolable for him than any other laws?
17147Have they less bodily suffering?
17147Have they less tendency toward true or apparent goods, less fear of true or imaginary evils?
17147He adds fittingly in the same passage:''Qui potest provideri, quicquam futurum esse, quod neque causam habet ullam, neque notam cur futurum sit?''
17147How could he be a true Protestant who treated the differences with the Catholics as non- essentials?
17147How could he have touched pitch and taken no defilement?
17147How do we know that?
17147How does it do that?
17147How many of these rudimentary''minds''will there be in my body?
17147How many times do men permit evils which they could prevent if they turned all their efforts in that direction?
17147How then can it be the vehicle and instrument of my conscious soul?
17147How then explain the actual conformity of their mutual representation, without recourse to divine fore- ordaining?''
17147How then shall we overcome the obstinacy of a Stratonist?''
17147How, then, shall we understand that he wills to save all men and that he can not do so?
17147I am then not free?
17147If it were others, would there not be the same appearance of evil?
17147If not, where does it come from?
17147If the real universe is what you say it is, why do our minds represent it to us as they do?''
17147If there is a consciousness attached to human bodies, then why not to systems of clockwork?
17147If they say so, how can they own that Adam sinned?
17147Ignorance, error and malice follow one another naturally in animals made as we are: should this species, then, have been missing in the universe?
17147Is a bee no more essentially one than a swarm is?
17147Is it also something arbitrary, and would he have acted wisely and justly if he had resolved to condemn the innocent?
17147Is it not God that doeth the evil and that willeth it?
17147Is it not rather an obstacle to our felicity?
17147Is it possible, said M. Bayle, that there is no better plan than that one which God carried out?
17147Is it to be desired that God should not be bound to be perfect and happy?
17147Is it without remainder transubstantiated from sheep into dog?
17147Is it?
17147Is not Leibniz the victim of a familiar fallacy, that of incompletely stated alternatives?
17147Is not that recognizing that goodness is the object and the reason of his choice?
17147Is not that true?
17147Is not this much more incomprehensible than the navigation I spoke of in the foregoing paragraph?
17147Is our condition, which renders us liable to fail, worth envying?
17147Is the life of a living animal indistinguishable from the rhythm of a going watch, except in degree of complication and subtlety of contrivance?
17147Is the wholeness of a living thing the mere resultant of the orderly operations of its parts?
17147It is not in my power to follow virtue?
17147It is with regard to them that M. Bayle discusses this question: whether there is more physical evil than physical good in the world?
17147LAUR.--What would you have me do?
17147LAUR.--You innocent?
17147May they not be sufficiently acute to disturb the sage''s tranquillity?
17147Must God spoil his system, must there be less beauty, perfection and reason in the universe, because there are people who misuse reason?
17147Must a drop of oil or of fat understand geometry in order to become round on the surface of water?
17147Next the question is asked: Will God create such and such a thing, and wherefore?
17147On the example of the dog:(_ a_) How should it of itself change its sentiment, since everything left to itself continues in the state in which it is?
17147On the problem, how can the simple act otherwise than uniformly?
17147Or is it to be identified with the activity and fortunes of a single atomic constituent of my body, a single cog in the animal clockwork?
17147Or rather, would not these others be those known as We?
17147Out of the consideration of an infinity of ideas, how can God arrive at a choice?
17147Prudentius in his_ Hamartigenia_ presented the same difficulty:_ Si non vult Deus esse malum, cur non vetat?
17147SEXTUS-- Why must I renounce the hope of a crown?
17147Shall God not give the rain, because there are low- lying places which will be thereby incommoded?
17147Shall not supreme power, united to an infinite goodness, shower blessings upon its work, and shall it not banish all that might offend or grieve?''
17147Shall the sun not shine as much as it should for the world in general, because there are places which will be too much dried up in consequence?
17147Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus?''
17147Should we not find it more imperfect and more unhappy than if it had not this freedom of indifference?
17147Someone will say: so much the worse for them; if they know not how to enjoy the advantages of nature and fortune, is that the fault of either?
17147That we are conscious of it, I say, in such a way that we should for ever remain ignorant of the cause of our being if other knowledge did not aid us?
17147The first question will be: Will God create something or not, and wherefore?
17147The question is asked first of all, whence does evil come?
17147The wise mind wills only the good: is it then a servitude when the will acts in accordance with wisdom?
17147The young man will complain: I have brought you a royal gift, O Apollo, and you proclaim for me a lot so unhappy?
17147Then is my soul homeless?
17147Thus why should not one say, equally, that the Mysteries are against our feeble reason, and that they are above our feeble reason?''
17147To give to a hundred messengers as much money as is needed for a journey of two hundred leagues?
17147To imprison actually ninety- eight of these messengers on the moment of their return?
17147Very well; but does this consideration really drive us into theology?
17147Well, what constitutes the officer an officer?
17147What conclusions have been reached?
17147What happens to the mutton?
17147What is to choose?
17147What material does the finite mind supply for an analogical picture of the infinite mind making choices or decrees?
17147What necessity is there for one always to be aware how that which is done is done?
17147What then constitutes its superiority or dominance, and makes it a mind_ par excellence_?
17147What was Leibniz thinking of when the new principle flashed upon him?
17147What was he_ not_ thinking of?
17147What will become of the consideration of our globe and its inhabitants?
17147What would an intelligent creature do if there were no unintelligent things?
17147What would it think of, if there were neither movement, nor matter, nor sense?
17147What, then, is the relation of the assimilated materials to the dog- form which assimilates them?
17147What, then, shall we say of bodily sufferings?
17147What, then, was to be done?
17147Whence comes this distinction, someone will say, and wherefore does his goodness appear to be restricted?
17147Where had he learned that standard of metaphysical adequacy which showed up the inadequacy of the new metaphysicians?
17147Where is, then, his justice[ 60]( people will say), or at the least, where is his goodness?
17147Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?''
17147Who knows what the ultimate constituents really are?
17147Who shall then say, wherefore hast thou done so?''
17147Why does he not act without general laws, in accordance with all his power and all his goodness?
17147Why has God established laws that give rise to so many difficulties?
17147Why have you condemned me, O great God, to be wicked and unhappy?
17147Why not allow that there is two- way traffic-- by one relation the mind represents the members, by another the members represent the mind?
17147Why not reverse the relation, and make the members represent the mind as the mind represents the members?
17147Why not?
17147Why shall we not even go as far as twenty- four carats of goodness?
17147Why should he not, then, just as well be the evil principle of the Manichaeans as the single good principle of the orthodox?
17147Why should not a form of conscious life so interact with what would otherwise be dead matter as to''indwell''it?
17147Why should not one go as far as he?
17147Why should not we take this seriously?
17147Why then does he punish me?
17147Why then should one boast of a good action, or why should one be censured for an evil one, if the thanks or blame redounds to fortune or hazard?
17147Why, then, do men not give themselves this indifference( he says), if they are masters in their own house?
17147Will he not break forth into complaints against the Gods?
17147Will he not say?
17147Will it never disturb the correspondence of those changes with the changes of the soul?
17147Will it not be something incomparably less than a physical point, since our earth is as a point in comparison with the distance of some fixed stars?
17147Will there not have been necessity and fatality for Adam to sin?
17147Will you be doubtful whether the will of the latter is less complete than the will of the former?
17147With what regrets would one not be torn, in that case, if the determination made had an ill result?
17147Would Nature then have been less perfect, less wise, less powerful?''
17147Would it be possible that vice alone had offered him this means?
17147Yet could he have been unaware that there is no possibility of an insuperable objection against truth?
17147_ Dextrum Scylla latus, laevum implacata Charybdis__ Obsidet._ Everything comes back in the end to this: Did Adam sin freely?
17147_ Si Deus est, unde malum?
17147and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?''
17147and what sufficient reason will one be able to find for the knowledge of a[440] thing, if there is no reason for its existence?
17147less apprehensive?
17147less envious?
17147that in a plane six equal circles may touch a seventh?
17147that of all equal bodies, the sphere has the least surface?
17147that some are more fitted than others for forming battalions, composing polygons and other regular figures?
17147that the number six has the advantage of being the least of all the numbers that are called perfect?
17147that[ 429] certain lines are incommensurable, and consequently ill- adapted for harmony?
17147the God will say, do you mean then that I am a liar?
17147v. 4:''What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it?
17147why ants are not peacocks?
17147why has it not four?
17147why should not two have sufficed for it?
40966And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master, and kissed him and Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? 40966 And the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"
40966And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
40966Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?
40966Doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth?
40966Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it again in three days? 40966 Forty- and- six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it again in three days?"
40966Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me? 40966 Lord, how is it,"he asked,"that thou wilt manifest thyself to us and not to the world?"
40966Then asked he them again, whom seek ye? 40966 Then the high priest rent his clothes and saith, What need we any further witnesses?
40966Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, What need we any further witnesses? 40966 They said, therefore, What is this that he saith, A little while?
40966Whom seek ye?
40966Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye? 40966 [ 217] According to Luke, they said:"Who is this man which speaketh blasphemies?
40966[ 226] If the Forerunner of the Messiah did not know, are we justified in demanding perfect prescience and absolute infallibility of Caiaphas? 40966 [ 305] Instead of doing this should he not, under the law, have carefully concealed his opinion until the younger members of the court had voted?
40966[ 335]How long dost thou make us to doubt?
40966_ And when they had blindfolded him_, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, Who is it that smote thee? 40966 _ Why askest thou me?
40966( 2) Were they the legal developments of an age subsequent to that great event?
4096615- 20?
4096653- 65?
409665:"When Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come to him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?"
4096667, 68:"And others smote him with the palms of their hands, saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?"
40966A caviling criticism would demand: Why ask of the Christ to_ prophesy_ to those in His presence?
40966Accordingly, John whispered and asked the Savior:"Lord, who is it?"
40966Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
40966Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
40966Again, we pose the question: What was the motive of these men in thus acting, if they were dishonest and insincere?
40966And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves to take me?
40966And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?
40966And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing?
40966And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews?
40966And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews?
40966And first, what evidence could have been offered that Jesus was the Christ, that is, the Messiah?
40966And he said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done?
40966And if he so speaks of the suffering even of the guilty, what must he utter when the righteous is condemned?"
40966And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done?
40966And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing?
40966And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing?
40966And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing?
40966And the question may be asked: If Abraham could not recognize Jehovah, who could or can?
40966And they said, What is that to us?
40966And they said, What need we any further witness?
40966And they said, What need we any further witness?
40966And they said, What need we any further witness?
40966And what could be more precipitate than an instantaneous and unanimous verdict?
40966And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
40966Are the laws of nature invariably uniform?
40966Are these omissions to destroy the merits of all these writers and cause them to be suspected and rejected?
40966Are we not justified in supposing that Judas told the enemies of Jesus much more than this?
40966Are we to reject all three as unreliable historians because of this fact?
40966Are you acquainted with the penalty attached to the crime of perjury?
40966Are you aware that you will be submitted to a most searching examination?
40966At what hour?
40966At what hour?
40966Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
40966But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?
40966But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
40966But by what process, we may ask, was the mercenary disposition of Judas converted into hatred against Jesus?
40966But how did they convict under Hebrew law?
40966But is it any argument against the miracles of Jesus that similar ones are not seen to- day?
40966But is this good reasoning?
40966But is this really true?
40966But it may be asked: How do we know that the morning sacrifice was not offered?
40966But that always hitherto the thaumaturgus has chosen the subject of the experiment, chosen the spot, chosen the public?
40966But what about chickens with three legs and snakes with two heads, such as are frequently seen?
40966But what had they heard that constituted blasphemy?
40966But who does not see that no miracle ever took place under these conditions?
40966But who was the examiner-- Annas or Caiaphas?
40966But why ask Philip instead of one of the others?
40966But, instead, the judges, in their total disregard at law, turned to the accused and said:"Answerest thou nothing?
40966But, we may ask, was the performance of miracles by Jesus, if believed by the Sanhedrin, sufficient evidence of the divine origin of Jesus?
40966Can Vice be the mother of Virtue?
40966Can he show that the application of legal tests to their credibility will save them in the eyes of a critical and unbelieving world?
40966Can it not be seen at a glance that the judges voted_ en masse_?
40966Could Spinoza have explained such phenomena by his"natural understanding from the known principles of natural things"?
40966Did he not go to the chief priests to betray his Master unto them?
40966Did it have jurisdiction of the particular offense with which Jesus was charged?
40966Did it not result in the complete destruction of all clearness and certainty?
40966Did not this premature declaration of guilt on the part of the high priest rob the subordinate judges of freedom of suffrage?
40966Did the Great Sanhedrin exist at the time of Christ?
40966Did their bought and corrupted places not brand them with the anathema of the law?
40966Did they intend to tell the truth?
40966Did they not expect what they actually received-- bitter persecution, horrible torture, and cruel death?
40966Did they weigh the whole matter"in the sincerity of their conscience?"
40966Do the Law and the Prophets tell us unmistakably that Jehovah ever appeared upon the earth in human form and exhibited human attributes?
40966Do the facts and law meet and harmonize judicially?
40966Do the facts and law meet, harmonize, blend, according to the latest decision of the court of last resort?
40966Do they blend in legal unison according to the latest decision of the court of last resort?
40966Do they contain a promise from the Father that He would send His Son to the earth to be the Redeemer of men and the Regenerator of the world?
40966Do you identify this person?
40966Do you identify this person?
40966Does not Voltaire, the most brilliant and powerful skeptic that ever lived, corroborate in this particular the biographer of the Christ?
40966Even the betrayer himself joined with the others, and, with inconceivable heartlessness and effrontery, asked:"Lord, is it I?"
40966FULFILLMENT-- And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
40966For instance, who was St. Peter but Marshal Ney by anticipation?
40966Have things not been done in the past that will never be repeated?
40966He is constantly asking himself these questions: What are the facts of this case?
40966He is continually asking these questions: What are the facts of this case?
40966If I am not guilty of a crime, why am I thus maltreated?
40966If Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are to be repudiated on the ground of bias, why not repudiate Cæsar, Xenophon, and Boswell?
40966If Tissot, Schenck, and Voltaire are to be believed, why should we refuse to believe St. Luke?
40966If he did these things, was he not a"talebearer"within the meaning of the rule?
40966If it existed, was it still a legally constituted court, having jurisdiction to try capital offenses?
40966If the Evangelists were insincere and did not believe their own story, what motive prompted them to tell it, to preach it and to die for it?
40966If these things were not done, were the proceedings regular?
40966If they did, was it possible for the scribes to record the votes and make a note of the reasons assigned, as the law required?
40966If they knew that they were preaching a falsehood, what reward did they expect?
40966If they thus secured their places and prostituted them to selfish purposes, were their robes to be respected any more than the blanket of the ass?
40966If they were present, did they vote against Jesus?
40966If they were, were they legally qualified to be His judges?
40966In this connection, it has been frequently asked: Was the entire Sanhedrin present at the night trial of Jesus?
40966In what month?
40966In what month?
40966In what place?
40966In what place?
40966Is it not a matter of history that the opinion of the high priest was regarded as almost infallible authority among the ancient Hebrews?
40966Is it not clearly evident, from this passage, that the balloting was not done singly, the youngest voting first, as Hebrew law required?
40966Is it not reasonable to infer that the blood- money was paid to secure more evidence than that which would merely lead to the arrest of the Nazarene?
40966Is it possible to imagine a more pointed and pathetic appeal for justice and for the protection of the law against illegality and brutal treatment?
40966Is it possible to suppose that anything less than hatred could have induced Judas to betray the Christ?
40966Is it probable that such a character was painted and such truths proclaimed by dishonest and insincere men?
40966Is it probable, in the light of the record, that witnesses were called for the defendant?
40966It may be asked: What proofs could have been offered that Jesus was"the Christ, the Son of God,"if complete rights of defense had been accorded?
40966It was only necessary now that He repeat His confession, and hence this question is put directly to Him:"Art thou the Christ?
40966Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?
40966Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
40966Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
40966Judah is a lion''s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
40966Now are we justified in assuming that this was the method employed in counting votes at the trial of Jesus?
40966Now at this point we are led to ask: Were these rules applied in the trial of Jesus in any sense either for or against the accused?
40966Now what views, we may ask, did the Sadducees entertain of the possibility of God appearing to men in the flesh?
40966On what day of the month?
40966On what day of the month?
40966Out of this question, two others arise:( 1) Were the rules of criminal law, herein cited, obsolete at the time of the crucifixion?
40966Pilate answered, Am I a Jew?
40966Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?
40966Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?
40966Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
40966Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man?
40966Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then?
40966That is, did they tell the truth when they wrote and published these narratives to the world?
40966That is, did they themselves believe what they testified?
40966That is, has Jehovah ever begotten, or has He ever promised to beget, a Son of equal divinity with Himself?
40966That is, were they sincere?
40966The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?
40966The question already raised among the people was this: Has Jesus become God?
40966The question has been frequently asked: Why did the Sanhedrin meet at night in violation of law?
40966The reader may ask: Why did the Jews lead Jesus away to Pilate?
40966Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done?
40966Then St. Luke very explicitly explains the nature and manner of the verdict:"Then said they_ all_, Art thou then the Son of God?
40966Then did the Talmudists have a right to declare that the law might be changed or broken in the case of blasphemy?
40966Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
40966Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God?
40966Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God?
40966Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, What need we any further witnesses?
40966Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, What need we any further witnesses?
40966Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses?
40966Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken_ blasphemy_; what further need have we of witnesses?
40966Then we are led to ask: Was this the recompense which they sought?
40966Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you?
40966They were as follows: Was it during a year of jubilee?
40966Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?
40966This was equivalent to asking: Do you demand that I incriminate myself when our law forbids such a thing?
40966To His reply they only answer by asking,"Art thou then the Son of God?"
40966Was He guilty as charged?
40966Was He guilty as charged?
40966Was He guilty as charged?_ The questions preceding these were secondary, though important.
40966Was any reader of English history ever skeptic enough to raise from hence a question, whether the Marquis of Argyll was executed or not?
40966Was it an ordinary year?
40966Was it in an ordinary year?
40966Was it of an earthly or a heavenly kind?
40966Was nature moving in a fixed and changeless course when these things were created?
40966Was not Judas a talebearer among his people?
40966Was not a fundamental rule of Mosaic law violated?
40966Was this Son to be, or is He to be at any time identical with the Father?
40966Was this Son to be, or is He to be born of a woman; and to have, therefore, the form of a man and the attributes of a human being?
40966Was this done in the case of Jesus?
40966Was this rule observed in framing the accusation against Jesus at the night trial before the Sanhedrin?
40966Was this the process of promotion in the case of Caiaphas and his fellow- judges?
40966We learn this from Mark, who says:"Then the high priest rent his clothes and saith, What need we any further witnesses?
40966We may now ask: What was the purpose of this second trial?
40966Were Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea present?
40966Were forms of law duly observed in the trial of the accusation against Him?
40966Were the witnesses honest?
40966Were they legally qualified, then, under the ancient and honorable tests of Hebrew law, to be members of the highest court in the land?
40966Were they looking for heavenly reward?
40966Were they, then, legally qualified to act as His judges?
40966What answers, we may ask, would they have developed to these questions from the Sacred Books?
40966What could be more natural than that the younger man should outrun the older and arrive first at the sepulcher?
40966What facts, we may ask, could Jesus have shown to establish His claims to Messiahship and to Sonship of the Father?
40966What is the law applicable to the facts?
40966What is the law applicable to these facts?
40966What method of procedure should have been employed by the Sanhedrin in investigating His claims?
40966What more exact equality could be asked than the same words suggest?
40966What proofs has he to offer, independent of legal presumption, that the first biographers of the Master were truthful men?
40966What should the judges have done after hearing the witnesses against Him?
40966What stronger proof of plurality in the Godhead could be demanded?
40966What think ye?
40966What think ye?
40966What was the nature of the charge brought against the Christ?
40966What was the next legal step under Hebrew law?
40966When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou?
40966When they had condemned Him to death on the charge of blasphemy, why did they themselves not put Him to death?
40966When they which were about him saw what would follow, they said unto him, Lord, shall we smite with the sword?
40966Where, in the annals of the universe, do we find another such case of vengeance and grudge as this of Judas against Jesus?
40966Who can forgive sins but God alone?
40966Why askest thou me?
40966Why askest thou me?
40966Why call Edison"the magician"and"the wizard,"unless the public believes this?
40966Why did not the first trial suffice?
40966Why did they invoke Roman interference in the matter?
40966Why did they not stone Jesus to death, as Hebrew law required in the case of culprits convicted of blasphemy?
40966Why not call witnesses as the law requires?
40966Why was Jesus crucified instead of being put to death by stoning?
40966Will it be urged that the rule operated against Judas but not against the chief priests?
40966Would He not have proved to them that this angel of Jehovah had been at certain times in the past none other than Jehovah Himself?
40966Would He not then have appealed to the Prophets to show that Jehovah had spoken of a begotten Son who was none other than Almighty God Himself?
40966Would he have contented himself with calling them natural"accidents"or"freaks"?
40966Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?
40966Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
40966[ 225] Were comparative strangers to Him and His teachings expected to be more keenly discerning?
40966[ 247] Did this procedure tend to promote"certainty in the indictment"?
40966[ 279] When the Jews said to Him,"How long dost thou make us doubt?
40966[ 291] Did these friends of the Christ vote against Him?
40966[ 346] If then the second session of the Sanhedrin was in the nature of a regular trial, what were the facts of the proceedings?
40966[ 358] What was the difference between his case and that of Jesus?
40966_ What was the nature of the charge brought against Christ at the trial before the Sanhedrin?
40966what dost thou work?
40966what is it which these witness against thee?
40966what is it which these witness against thee?
40966what is it which these witness against thee?
40966what is it which these witness against thee?"
40966ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?
40966ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?
40966ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?
40966ye have heard the_ blasphemy_: what think ye?
18168Was it then love,he asks,"which impelled the Divine Will, and said to it unceasingly: Go and create?
18168Why, what are you doing there?
18168[ 114] What does the author understand by law? 18168 [ 156] What is there beneath these strange lines?
18168[ 158] And are these sublime_ pressentiments_ only dreams after all? 18168 [ 24] Does the man who speaks in this way appear to you to have wished to break the link which connects morality with religion?
18168[ 47] Why? 18168 A physiologist absorbed in the study of sensible phenomena says:Where is that soul they talk of?
18168A request is made, and for what?
18168Again, do the most learned chemists find in the study of the elements of matter a revelation of atheism?
18168Again, what shall we say to those philosophers, who do not wish for truth except when they have succeeded in educing it by themselves?
18168Allow me to reproduce some old questions: If a machine implies intelligence, does the universe imply none?
18168Am I not the dupe of an illusion?
18168And at what shall we have arrived at last?
18168And do the men who profess them believe them, taking the word''believe''in its real and deep meaning?
18168And do you not know the part which cowardice has played in history?
18168And how can deeds so hideous glare Beneath the beams of holy light, That on the lips of hapless wight Dies at their view the trembling prayer?
18168And if a religious man asks,"Are you falling then into atheism?"
18168And if there is intelligence in the universe, is this intelligence a chemical result of the combination of molecules?
18168And now where do we stand?
18168And of whom is happiness asked?
18168And since the thought is a beautiful one, it has adorned the strains of the poets: says Lamartine-- Dost thou happiness resign To another?
18168And what have we now before us?
18168And what is pestilence, or crime, Or death, O righteous God, to Thee?
18168And what is the answer?
18168And what is the consequence?
18168And what is the real account to give of all this?
18168And what next?
18168And what result do they attain?
18168And whence comes this idea?
18168And whence proceeds our spirit?
18168Any religious theory whatever is put aside as inadmissible, and with some such remarks as these:"How is it that real sciences are formed?
18168Are the beings which we call inferior only the cadets of the universe, and are they too in their turn to mount all the steps of the ladder?
18168Are truth, holiness, beauty considered separately from the real and infinite Spirit in which is found their reason for existing?
18168Are we in the domain of tradition, or in that of free inquiry?
18168Are we occupied about religion or philosophy?
18168Are we treading upon the ground of faith, or on the ground of reason?
18168At first sight what do we find in the opinions of that ancient world?
18168At what shall it stop?
18168But do I say the truth?
18168But do the affections of earth offer us sufficient guarantees?
18168But do these doctrines exercise any influence for the perversion of public morals?
18168But do we wish to rise above nature and humanity?
18168But how shall young Frenchmen be made to hear this with regard to that signal defeat of the armies of France?
18168But if reason does not rise to God, what will happen?
18168But is it a question of reality?
18168But is it not sad to see men of mind, men of heart too, perhaps, making themselves the theorists of baseness, and the philosophers of cowardice?
18168But let us go more directly to the root of the question: What do we gather from the universality of prayer?
18168But might we not, in looking at the work of God, discern in it the evidence of its design?
18168But of what love?
18168But on what altar shall we stretch this great victim?
18168But what conceivable interest can influence Him who is the plentitude of being?
18168But what is the soul of a monkey?
18168But whence should come the obligation for the Being who is in Himself the absolute law?
18168But will our mind be able to entertain together two directly opposite assertions?
18168But, without pausing at this consideration, let us ask what pure reason can do, if deprived of all objects of experience?
18168By what means?
18168Can God be demonstrated_ Ã   priori_ by syllogisms?
18168Can we enter into the counsels of God?
18168Can we in the same way, by looking at the universe, that grand work, succeed in discovering its end?
18168Come now, I said to myself, canst thou recognize them as thine ancestors?
18168Comment, sous la sainte lumière, Voit- on des actes si hideux, Qu''ils font expirer la prière Sur les lèvres du malheureux?
18168Could one demonstrate it by reasoning?
18168Creatures of a day, how should we understand the Eternal?
18168Did humanity begin with a coarse fetichism, and thence rise by slow degrees to higher conceptions?
18168Did reason perceive the nothingness of these national divinities?
18168Do not the United States bear in large characters upon their banner this inscription: LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE?
18168Do the atheistical consequences which it is desired to draw from this doctrine proceed logically from it?
18168Do the traces of a comparatively pure monotheism first show themselves in the most recent periods of idolatry?
18168Do these sciences suffice for resolving the universal enigma?
18168Do we desire progress by the ever wider diffusion of justice and love?
18168Do we wish to know the object which a man has in view in his labor?
18168Do you believe that the people will long consent to hear it said that they only live on errors, but that those errors are necessary for them?
18168Do you know the feeling of anxiety?
18168Do you not see that though we grant everything to the extreme pretensions of naturalists, the question comes up again whole and entire?
18168Do you not see?
18168Do you understand how an axiom undulates, and how the heavens and the earth are only the undulations of an axiom?
18168Does botany teach the human mind to dispense with God?
18168Does it mean that every soul bears witness to God, perhaps unconsciously to itself, either by a secret hope, or by a secret dread?
18168Does it never happen to you, by a sinister presentiment, to see features you love to gaze on convulsed with agony or pale in death?
18168Does it not in some sort triumph over itself?
18168Does it result from mere experience?
18168Does nature manifest the intervention of a directing mind, or do we see in it only a fortuitous aggregation of atoms?
18168Does non- existence become existence little by little?
18168Does the question concern the relations of man with his fellows?
18168Does this mean that the lips which deny God, always in some way contradict themselves?
18168Faith carries with it the remedy for fanaticism, but where shall be found the remedy for the fanaticism of doubt?
18168Had then the vast knowledge of Ritter turned him away from God?
18168Has an artist discovered in a mass of rubbish, under vulgar appearances, a product of the marvellous chisel of the Greeks?
18168Has it, at a later period, made any discoveries calculated to efface from the life of vegetables the marks of Divine intelligence?
18168Has reason nothing to tell us respecting the intentions of the Creator?
18168Has the religious liberty which Great Britain practises sprung from indifference?
18168Has the veil been lifted by reflection, that is to say by the labors of philosophers?
18168Have the elements of matter all the same age?
18168Have we not the right to conclude that he believed in God?
18168Have you no dear one in a distant land of whom you are expecting tidings?
18168Have you not remarked the surprising simplicity with which Jesus speaks of His work?
18168Have you received the hard lessons of death?
18168He will doubt even of the certainty of reason: what if the reason were a warped and broken instrument?
18168How comes the editor of the almanac to know that?
18168How does Descartes upraise himself?
18168How does the fact manifest itself?
18168How is it possible to approve, when we have no power to blame?
18168How is it then that atheism sometimes manifests itself in attempts at social reform?
18168How then does hypothesis come to be made light of?
18168How then is it to be judged?
18168I have told you whence liberty does not come; but whence comes it?
18168If a telescope implies intelligence in the optician, does the eye imply none in its author?
18168If imagination will cross the abyss, we shall come of necessity to say-- what?
18168If it is asked, What is the cause of the motion of the stars?
18168If our nature is ill constructed, what warrants to us our reason?
18168If perfection alone exists, how comes that imperfect mind to exist which deceives itself in believing in the reality of the world?
18168If so, why have some followed the law of progress, and others not?
18168If the distinction of good and evil do not exist for general facts, how should it exist for particular facts?
18168If we had arrived at the highest degree of virtue, what should we have done?
18168If you look for the meaning common to all these manifestations of man''s heart, what do you find?
18168In respect for the convictions of others?
18168In the claims of God?
18168In the name of what rule?
18168In your examination of the universe will you leave out of view Jesus Christ and His work?
18168Is God an object of experience?
18168Is Switzerland a land of indifference?
18168Is it also formed little by little in process of time?
18168Is it desired to employ them to prove the existence of God?
18168Is it in drawing- rooms with closed doors?
18168Is it love which we must thus regard as our first father?
18168Is it not, it will be said, the literary representatives of the spirit of doubt who have demanded and founded toleration?
18168Is it possible that the science of nature, rightly considered, should lead to atheism?
18168Is it that religious convictions are weaker in England than in Sweden?
18168Is it the case that the true cause of the intolerance of the Spanish people is a more lively and more general faith than that of the French?
18168Is it the cause of God which is at stake?
18168Is it true, in fact, that modern naturalists are generally irreligious?
18168Is it within the walls of Universities, or in scientific publications which are out of the reach of the masses?
18168Is it yours?
18168Is not this a thing to be said sadly, as the saddest thing in the world?
18168Is our feeling for beauty awakened?
18168Is science formed by pure reason?
18168Is the object in question to deny God''s existence?
18168Is there, or is there not, intelligence in the universe?
18168It is in vain that you give to material agents an unlimited time; what has time to do here?
18168Leaving ourselves to the guidance of the laws of our reason, let us ask what object we shall be able to attribute to the Creator in His work?
18168Matter is perfected and organized in process of time-- but whence comes matter itself?
18168May not conscience be a prejudice, the result of education and of habit?
18168Might not everything in the world be illusion?
18168Must I hope in God?
18168Must I reject all faith and all hope?
18168Need I tell you that the knowledge of God is a light of which the brightest ray is love to men?
18168Now what are these laws?
18168Now what is it that goes on in the minds of these savants?
18168Now what is our answer?
18168On what account?
18168On what ground do you rest this denial?
18168Or will creation be a duty?
18168Ought there not to arise a louder outcry around a theory which arrives by a fatal necessity at this consequence:"Evil is good"?
18168Our conscience speaks: have we come in a certain degree to realize what is right and good?
18168Our thought sets out on its course: have we solved one question?
18168Place men so disposed in positions of power; let them be the masters of society; what will follow?
18168Pourquoi, dans ton oeuvre cà © leste, Tant d''à © là © ments si peu d''accord?
18168Science does not proceed therefore either from pure experience or from pure reason; whence does it really come?
18168Science, then, has birth only from a meeting of experience with reason; how is this meeting effected?
18168Shall it be a she- goat-- Upstretched on fragrant cytisus to browse?
18168Shall we forget the joys of pure love?
18168Shall we sacrifice it to pure reason, to reason disengaged from all prejudice?
18168Take away from human society God as mediator, and the hopes founded in God as a source of consolation, and what would you have remaining?
18168That monkey, what shall we say of it?
18168The error is apparently a gross one; is it not likely that the argument has been misunderstood?
18168The incline is slippery, and what shall hold back the sceptic who is descending it?
18168The objection would have to be answered-- Why has good appeared in the world?
18168The optician makes our spectacles; who made the eye of the eagle, by directing the slow transformations which at length produced it?
18168The question is, what opinion we must form of his doctrine on principles of experimental science?
18168The questions which arise are such as these:--"This voice of duty-- whence comes it?
18168The sun rises every day; who is still surprised at its rising?
18168These pretended believers-- may they not be hypocrites?"
18168They have disturbed men''s minds, but what is their legitimate import?
18168This common, universal, eternal reason,--where and how does it exist?
18168This liberty-- whence does it come?
18168This petition rises to God: and when does it so rise?
18168Those we love-- in a month, in a week, where will they be?
18168To what then shall be directed that vague look, equally attracted to all points for want of any fixed rule?
18168To whom is all this addressed?
18168To whom shall we give our confidence?
18168Under what form does a discovery present itself to the mind of its author?
18168Was it a sceptic that taught the inhabitants of the New World to respect religious convictions?
18168Was not the comparative firmness of its citizens''convictions remarked during the conflicts of the last century?
18168We must admit-- what?
18168Well, sirs, when an artist is satisfied with the work of his hands, do you not know at once what to think of him?
18168What are the laws which govern the universe?
18168What are these conquests?
18168What are they doing-- these men without God, who wish to preserve a faith for the use of the people?
18168What are we about when we take up a Christian idea in order to defend it by reasoning?
18168What assures us that our axioms are good, and that our reasonings have any value?
18168What can still be wanting to our hearts?
18168What does experience teach us when quite alone?
18168What does it need more?
18168What happens if we compare the results of our activity with the results of the power manifested in the world?
18168What has taken place in the interval?
18168What have you to reply?"
18168What in their mind was the order of these two thoughts, the thought of greatness and that of goodness?
18168What is deism?
18168What is it to pray?
18168What is it which, in the universe regarded as a whole, will become the direct object of worship?
18168What is its historical origin?
18168What is pantheism, in the ordinary meaning of the word?
18168What is the cause of the universe?
18168What is the cause?
18168What is the cause?
18168What is the design of the creation?
18168What is the error of deism?
18168What is the intention which presided at the production of the phenomenon?
18168What is the most beautiful jewel( if we may venture to use such language) in the immortal crown of this King of glory?
18168What is the real effective power which produces the phenomenon?
18168What is the relation between these two currents?
18168What is the relation existing between these systematic views and the question of the Creator?
18168What is this humanity to which man owes himself?
18168What is this hypothesis which bears the names of Moses and Jesus Christ?
18168What is truth, beauty, good?
18168What measure shall we be able to apply to its thoughts?
18168What shall be our method?
18168What then is my inference?
18168What then is our reason, of which truth is the object?
18168What then passed in his mind?
18168What then shall be the infinite goodness?
18168What thoughts are these?
18168What was there at the beginning of things?
18168What will be wanting to a life regulated by duty, enlightened by truth, ennobled by art?
18168What will be wanting to such a life?
18168What will happen when man, sensible of the law of his nature, and conscious of this struggle, proceeds to encounter humanity?
18168What will remain eventually in their science of the system under discussion?
18168What will there be in the end?
18168What will these words mean, from the time there is no longer any rule of right?
18168What will those consequences be for the people themselves?
18168What would happen?
18168What, in like case, will happen to the conscience?
18168When a man of practical mind says with a smile,"Do you happen to believe in God?"
18168When our thoughts rise above nature and humanity to that invisible Being whom we speak of as God, what is it which passes in our souls?
18168Whence came the day?
18168Whence come then the negations of naturalists?
18168Whence comes it then?
18168Whence comes liberty?
18168Whence comes this aristocracy of nature?
18168Whence does science proceed?
18168Whence is it that we derive a large part of what knowledge we have of the ancient civilizations of India and Egypt?
18168Whence proceeds the dignity of that fragment of matter which calls itself man?
18168Whence proceeds the mind which is in ourselves?
18168Whence proceeds this illusion?
18168Where do we meet with the clear idea of the Creator?
18168Where is it that they say it, and print it?
18168Where shall we find the elements of its confirmation?
18168Which of them carried the day, Gentlemen?
18168Which then is the party accused?
18168Whither does it fall?
18168Whither then are we bound, under the guidance of modern science?
18168Who finally is the accuser?
18168Who has lifted the veil?
18168Who is He that, opening his creative hand, let fly the first swallow into the air?
18168Who is the advocate?
18168Who is the author of this brilliant mechanism?
18168Who was the conqueror and who the conquered at Waterloo?
18168Why do the many parts agree So scantly in thy work sublime?
18168Why does he say_ absolve_?
18168Why then are the apostles of matter nearly always assuming the loftiest tone, and uttering shouts of triumph?
18168Will God henceforward be a superfluous hypothesis?
18168Will contradiction no longer be the sign of error?
18168Will creation be the effect of a necessity?
18168Will creation, then, be the carrying out of a design of which the motive is interest?
18168Will not the spirit of doubt offer them such pretexts?
18168Will you, Sir, authorize me to make use of your name?"
18168With what assurance they seem to glide along the viewless path which they follow.--Shall I confess it?
18168Would we go further back than these monuments of stone?
18168Would you have a further proof of this?
18168[ 173] Pourquoi donc, O Maà ® tre suprême, As- tu crà © à © le mal si grand Que la raison, la vertu même S''à © pouvantent en le voyant?
18168[ 181] He is entering upon this question: What can have been the motive of the creation?
18168[ 182] We ask: What can have been the object of creation?
18168[ 37] Dors- tu content, Voltaire, et ton hideux sourire Voltige- t- il encor sur tes os dà © charnà © s?
18168[ 58]_ Qu''est- ce la religion?_ page 586 of the translation of Ewerbeck.
18168and myself--?
18168and what would it have?
18168and would you preserve it?
18168how could I help seeing it?
18168in order to prevent man from being wicked, must he needs be confined to instinct and made a mere brute?
18168is it a physical result of caloric or of electricity?
18168one may reply to him, smiling in turn,"Have I said that God is a real Being?"
18168pourquoi la mort?
18168since there is no rule: in the name of what law?
18168the domestic hearth?
18168to those theologians who, not content with despising Aristotle and Plato, think themselves obliged to vilify Socrates and calumniate Regulus?
18168what is the mode of its existence?
7977And wherefore knowest thou me?
7977Are these I hear Spirits, O Master?
7977But in that other prison?
7977Dost thou not see that Christ wishes to release thee from thy terrible abode?
7977For, what way is there,says this holy Doctor,"to verify so great a paradox, without sounding reason, and destroying the infinite mercy of God?
7977Have not the boldness to say:''I will go to confession and gain a plenary indulgence, and thus I shall be saved?'' 7977 If, in Thy sight, scarce e''en the perfect whiteness Of seraph- robe is pure, Shall mortals brave Thine eye''s eternal brightness?
7977Is it a long drive to the church?
7977Knowest thou well that thou now seest nothing with the eyes of the body?
7977On what days?
7977Seest thou him face to face?
7977Speak from whence ye stand,He cried;"What would ye?
7977Was it in a dream, or awake, that you saw and heard what struck you then?
7977What dost thou?
7977What is it?
7977Where is your body now?
7977Who is the man? 7977 Will you honor your dead?"
7977With what eyes, then, dost thou see me?
7977''And how?''
7977''But, sire'', answered the widow,''should you be killed in battle, who will then do me justice?''
7977''What association?''
7977***** Again, what devotion is more justly dear to Christians than the devotion to the Sacred Humanity of Jesus?
7977--''What to thee is others''good, If thou neglect thine own?''
7977--''Why, have you already rented your house?''
7977--''Will you allow me,''said I,''to give you a little advice?
7977... What purest mouth"Presses a new- made grave, and through the blades Of grass wind shaken, breathes her piteous prayer?
7977... Who will not refuse me comfort, when my own children, my very bowels, do their best to forget me?
7977A sudden and unaccountable feeling of terror came over her, and she cried out:"Jesus, Mary, what can it be?"
7977Ah, dost thou grudge thy poor mother a Mass, a slight alms, a sigh, or a tear?
7977And even as His Divine breast knew keenest sorrow, did not a sword of sorrow pierce her soul?
7977And how does any one know whether he will stay days, months, or years?
7977And she said,''What will it signify to you, great emperor, that any other than yourself should do me justice?
7977And she, as one Made hasty by her grief:''O, sire, if thou Dost not return?''
7977And upon what does all this rest, except on a simple, child- like trust in God''s fidelity, which is the supernatural motive of hope?
7977And what did not the Saints of God''s Church for them in those days?
7977And what will happen when we die?
7977And why?
7977And yet, who dare oppose St. Augustine, St. Thomas, St. Anselm, St. Gregory the Great?
7977Another night he likewise beheld in sleep the same young man, who said to him:"Knowest thou me?"
7977Are any plans abandoned?
7977Are you doing nothing for them?
7977As he was going away, the Pope demanded of him:"Whither goest thou, simple man?
7977But have you thought sufficiently about God?
7977But how long hast thou been here?"
7977But how was this to be done, when he had no revenue, often not means enough for necessary expenses?
7977But is it really true that the least pain in Purgatory exceeds the greatest here upon earth?
7977But is this a satisfactory method to treat a grave matter of faith, coming down to us from the olden times?
7977But let me ask you what is done for the_ poor living soul_?
7977But then, sir, their Masses for the dead?
7977But what then?
7977But what we call glory, has it any claims in Thy eyes?
7977But where is the word Trinity to be met with?
7977But why must this be?
7977Can the Sacred Humanity be honored more than by the Adorable Sacrifice of the Mass?
7977Can the holy souls in Purgatory assist us by their prayers?
7977Can you refrain from crying out, with the Prophet Isaias:"Who can dwell with such devouring fire, and unquenchable burnings?"
7977Comfort thyself: what comfort is in me?
7977Could he neglect her, if by the will of God she went to Purgatory?
7977Do we fully realize the meaning of that particular article of our faith?
7977Do you desire this assistance for your own soul?
7977Do you forget them all the day long?
7977Do you long for His glory?
7977Do you remember the promise Our Lord made to St. Gertrude?
7977Do you take God''s side?
7977Do you think, sir, it is wrong in a man who holds the doctrine of Purgatory to pray for the souls of his deceased friends?
7977Does the following passage throw any light upon it?
7977Does the machinery stagger?
7977Dost thou demand So strange and dread a promise from me?
7977For did not I know that in the grand business of saving my soul, I was to have trusted none but myself?
7977For is it not always a favor when God deems us worthy to do something for Him?
7977For what have we to do on earth but faithfully to exercise charity towards each other?
7977For who can sum up the infinite number of souls who have been freed out of Purgatory by this invention?
7977For, what to us, either in interest or importance, is the world we see, to the world we do not see?
7977God sees them; how can He, then, look on us as we desire He should?
7977Has a great and irreparable calamity fallen on the churches?
7977Has anything extraordinary happened to you?
7977Hast thou clothed the naked?
7977Hast thou consoled the orphan?
7977Have I not, sir?''
7977Have you forgotten them?
7977Have you forgotten them?
7977Have you no pity for them now, no natural piety, no spirit of love for them?
7977Have you put sin alongside of our dear Saviour''s Passion, and measured the one by the other?
7977Have you tried to realize His holiness and purity in assiduous meditation?
7977Have you wedded His interests?
7977He added:"And now, what advantages have you, who are seated on the shore of an ocean, over those who sit by a little rivulet?"
7977He gives me everything: how could I give Him everything?"
7977He is our helper: how can we help Him?
7977He replied:"What can I do more for one who has thus deprived herself of all things through charity, than to cover her immediately with charity?"
7977How devoted was their affection; and shall we now requite it by a cruel forgetfulness?
7977How does friendship serve others less public and less popular?
7977How has all that been done?
7977How long is it since I rented your house?''
7977How many have forsaken the shores of Europe, with the bright hope of a better future awaiting them in America?
7977How many now are there whom we have known in life?
7977How shall he meet that dreadful day?
7977How, then, could he have heard the bell?
7977How, then, stands the case with the souls in the suffering Church?
7977I cried,''could I not at least efface some of these images?''
7977I said to that ascending angel:"''Whither goest thou?''
7977I say, souls of our parents and dearest friends; souls that are predestinate to eternal glory, and extremely precious in the sight of God?
7977If a single hair of our head can not fall unless He will it, what have you to fear?
7977If one is enough, why two?
7977If such be the dispensation of God to His creatures in this world, why may it not be also after death?
7977In the wide world where can the ear of man catch such harmonies?
7977Is it not a greater service to place souls in heaven than to bury bodies in the earth?
7977Is it not better that you should do this good action yourself than leave another to do it?''
7977Is it not to feed the hungry, to aid in their deliverance by the means which faith suggests?
7977Is it not truly to clothe the naked, to procure for them a garment of light, a raiment of glory?
7977Is it not truly to ransom prisoners?
7977Is it not, he said, in some manner, to visit the sick, to obtain by our prayers the relief of the poor suffering souls in Purgatory?
7977Is it that he loves him less than when he lavished on him the tenderest caresses?
7977Is it the ivy as it creeps Against the gray church tower?
7977Is it the sound of the wandering breeze, Or the rustling of the grass, Or the stooping wing of the evening birds As home to their nests they pass?
7977Is it, indeed,"out of sight, out of mind"?
7977Is it, perhaps, to the mercy of God?
7977Is the policy affected?
7977Is there a real divorce between you and the world, which you know is God''s enemy?
7977Is there not in all this a semblance of belief in our doctrine of Purgatory?
7977It is said that it is in the time of affliction that we know our true friends; but what affliction could be compared to ours?
7977Like many others, however, he had seen bad days; and to the commonplace question,''How goes business?''
7977Must there not, in the very nature of Christ''s system, be a middle state, wherein souls can be purged from their lesser sins?
7977No more than this?
7977Now does this disappointment await the souls in Purgatory upon their deliverance?
7977Now, I ask, when could those Eastern sects have commenced to adopt the Catholic practice of praying for the dead?
7977Now, where is there more necessity, or more obligation, than to run to the fire, and to help those that lie there, and are not able to get out?
7977Outside the Church who believes in the Communion of Saints?--who rejoices in the glory of the glorified, or invokes their intercession with God?
7977Please tell me, then, what induces you to give so handsome a sum every year, without being asked?''
7977Saw you ever a Roman Pontiff lying in state?
7977Shall man its search endure?
7977Shall our eyes gaze on and on, and feast themselves on that sight for all eternity?
7977Shall we see it forever?
7977Shall you be obliged to change them before we get to our proposed stopping- place?''
7977She asks,"What has he done for God and for man?"
7977She kept asking herself,"How could I help God?
7977She replied:"How many are they?"
7977Should he return home?
7977Some say, like Lessing in his"Treatise on Theology,""What hinders us from admitting a Purgatory?
7977Such- a- one?''
7977Suppose, then, a man speak an idle word, and die suddenly, before he has time to repent and confess his sin, will he be lost everlastingly?
7977Tell me, if you please, what seems to cause you so much joy?''
7977The Angel replied:"How many years?
7977The Bishop said to him:"You make mementoes now and then, for friends of yours that are dead-- do you not?"
7977The day of wrath, that dreadful day, When heaven and earth shall pass away, What power shall be the sinner''s stay?
7977The doors were closed-- he was still and fair, What sound moved up the aisles?
7977The idolatry of the Mass?
7977The religious, though surprised and trembling, recognized distinctly the voice of Sister Teresa; she plucked up courage and asked her"Why?"
7977Then Gertrude said to Our Lord:"Is this soul now entirely freed from its sufferings?"
7977Thereupon the poor soul asked the angel:"How many years am I now here in these terrible flames?"
7977They were torn, mangled, dismembered, flayed alive, racked, broiled, burnt-- and tell me, was not this to live in a kind of hell?
7977Thy truth, thy trust, thy chivalry; As thine?
7977Till earliest morn Glimmered through sleet that twain wept on, prayed on:-- Was it the rising sun that lit at last The fair face upward lifted?
7977To whom is it they should have recourse?
7977Was ever contrast so wide or suggestive?
7977Was not Jesus the Man of Sorrows?
7977We all of us have often had in our hand Damian''s little piece of money, but have we known how to make a treasure of it?
7977We have inherited from them the same faith in all its integrity, and how does our_ practice_ correspond with it?
7977We see in Scripture that Dives still retained an anxious concern about his brethren?
7977What are they, those abodes that hold thee now?
7977What are we doing for that army of holy captives who can not leave their prison till the uttermost farthing be paid?
7977What assurance hast thou of that which thou hast obtained?"
7977What consolation does the poor suffering soul find in the superb coffin, in the splendid funeral?
7977What do you, think, sir, of Purgatory, as believed by the Roman Catholics?
7977What hand is that which our Lord wants us to lay upon His dead children?
7977What happens?
7977What has to be done?''
7977What if to fault of ours those pains be due, To ill example shown, or lack of counsel true?
7977What if we should behold the face of Divinest Majesty gaze upon us even for one moment in tenderness?
7977What if we should indeed be saved, we who have so trembled and feared, and known not whether we were worthy of love or hatred?
7977What is it?
7977What pleasure does the soul derive from the costly marble monument, from all the honors that are so freely lavished on the body?
7977What was it he held in his hand?"
7977When shall we learn?
7977When will they Learn its Secret?
7977Where are many other terms, held most sacred and important in the Christian religion?
7977Where can you find an object of more compassion, than where there is the greatest misery in the world?
7977Where can you have more merit, than to have a hand in raising up Saints and servants of God?
7977Where have you more assurance than where you are sure to lose nothing?
7977Where is the word_ Incarnation_ to be read in Scripture?
7977Where is there seen more of God''s glory, than to send new Saints into heaven to praise God eternally?
7977Where is your escort?
7977Where shall I hide my forehead and my eyes?
7977Where wilt thou lead me?
7977Whether it be better to pray for a few at once, or for many, or for all the souls together, and for what souls in particular?
7977Who believes in that state of probation whereby the earth- stains are washed from the souls of men?
7977Who can be in a poorer or more pitiful condition than those who are buried in fire?
7977Who can remember the kind faces which have gone out of our families and not shed tears at their absence?
7977Who can so minister to the inherent, perhaps barbaric remnant, love for display?
7977Who can tell, who can understand, who can even faintly guess, what will be the anguish of longing which shall consume our very being?
7977Who else can have such processions and vestments and music?
7977Who has compassion on"the spirits who are in prison?"
7977Who has not wavered in the darksome paths into which the straight road so often deviates?
7977Who must bury us with the wonted ceremonies of the Church when we are dead?
7977Who must give us absolution for our sins?
7977Who shall refund to Him that innocent blood He shed for us?
7977Who shall repay Him the price with which He bought us, that so he may take us away from Him?
7977Who will remember thee when thou art dead?
7977Who will watch o''er the dead young priest, People and priests and all?
7977Who would not bear thy load, Where every throb expels a stain, And draws us nearer GOD?
7977Why does love, infinite, tender love, inflict such intense pain?
7977Why does the parent turn away from his child, and forbid him his presence for a time?
7977Why had they only taught me,"Believe, and you shall be saved?"
7977Will St. Raphael, who was so faithful to Tobias, be less faithful to his clients there?
7977Will aggression cease?
7977Will you allow me to place this 500 francs at your disposal, and to recommend my intentions to your prayers?"
7977Will you say it is because the body is the medium of suffering in this life?
7977You think, then, that there are Protestants who admit Purgatory and others who deny it?
7977[ Footnote 1: Cod Diplom( double S?)
7977and did He not constitute Mary the Mother of suffering and sorrowing humanity?
7977and if two are sufficient, why three?...
7977and who will pray for thee?
7977and who will take care to pray for our souls?"
7977art thou far from me?
7977did I not know that with the sight of their friends, at their departure, men used to lose all the memory and friendship they had for them?....
7977did that person not come back, then?''
7977does not your heart tremble, when you hear that the poor souls in Purgatory are tormented with the same, or the like flames to those of the damned?
7977dost thou hear me?
7977how can we but remember The loved and lost?
7977how can you suffer such sharp and biting cold?"
7977if you leave us so, what will become of us?
7977is it really thou, dear son?
7977my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go?
7977or when the blessed Father Clavers''soul was for the first time moved by a casual mention, perhaps, of the sufferings of the negro race?
7977what sound is that which breaks The stillness of the hour?
7977your little share?
7977your own little share?''
40460''How much do you owe my master?'' 40460 ''My friend,''said the king to this man,''how was it that you came in here without a wedding robe?''
40460''Shall we go,''said the servants,''and pull up the weeds that are growing with the wheat?'' 40460 ''What shall I do,''he said to himself,''now that my master is taking away from me my place as steward?
40460And why should you be anxious about your clothing? 40460 Are there not twelve hours in the day?"
40460Are you Elijah the prophet come to earth again, as some people say you are?
40460Are you going to wash my feet?
40460Are you looking at these stones and buildings?
40460Are you too from Galilee, like all the followers of this man?
40460Are you trying to teach us?
40460Are you willing,asked Pilate"that I should free this man Jesus, the King of the Jews?"
40460At what time,said the nobleman,"did he begin to improve?"
40460Boys,called out this man,"have you caught anything?"
40460But where are the nine? 40460 But you, who do you say that I am?"
40460Can you drink of the cup that I am to drink? 40460 Can you tell me,"asked Herod,"in what place this great King, the Messiah or Christ, is to be born?"
40460Did I not choose you to be the Twelve?
40460Did I not tell you,said Jesus,"that if you will only believe in me you will see the glory of God?"
40460Do you come out to arrest me as if I were a robber, with swords and clubs? 40460 Do you hear,"they said to Jesus,"what these boys are shouting?
40460Do you not know that Christ was bound to suffer all these things before he could enter his glory as the Son of God?
40460Do you not know that all things can be done for the one who believes?
40460Do you see this woman? 40460 Do you take me for a Jew?"
40460Do you understand the meaning of what I have done to you?
40460Does a master thank his servant for doing what he has been told? 40460 Does not each one of you on the Sabbath day unloose his ox or his ass from its manger, and lead it out to drink?
40460For whom are you looking?
40460Have I been with you all this time, Philip,answered Jesus,"and yet you do not know me?
40460Have any of the leading men, or the Pharisees, believed in him? 40460 Have you never heard of him?
40460How can these wonderful words be true?
40460How did he open your eyes?
40460How is it then,asked Jesus again,"that David in one of the psalms calls him''Lord''?
40460How long has he been like this?
40460How many loaves have you?
40460I am deeply troubled, and have sorrow in my heart,said Jesus,"and what can I say?
40460If David calls this coming Christ''my Lord,''how can he be David''s son?
40460If we say,''John the Baptist spoke from God,''he will ask,''Then why did you not believe his words and obey him?'' 40460 In what way,"they asked him,"can we do the work that God would have us do?"
40460Is it because you have seen me that you have believed in me?
40460Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph? 40460 Is there a father among you, who if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
40460Is there no one,he said,"who looks like this man, so that I can see him and know something of the man''s face?"
40460Is this your son,they asked,"the son you say was born blind?
40460Judas,said Jesus,"do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
40460Lord, thou hast here thy ninety and nine; Are they not enough for thee?
40460Lord, whence are those blood drops all the way That mark out the mountain''s track?
40460Lord, whence are thy hands so rent and torn?
40460Lord,said Simon Peter,"where are you going?"
40460Master,said Thomas,"we do not know where you are going; and how then are we to know the way?"
40460Now, I will ask you,said Jesus,"when the owner of that vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine- dressers?"
40460Seven times?
40460So the servants of the farmer came to him and said:''Did you not, sir, sow good seed in your field?
40460The stone which the builders refused Has now become the chief and corner- stone; This is the work of the Lord, And it is wonderful in our sight?
40460Then how did you get your sight?
40460Then the good will answer,''When was it that we found you hungry and gave you food? 40460 Then their own people are free from being taxed, are they not?
40460Then to the next man he said,''And how much do you owe?'' 40460 Therefore do not be anxious, saying,''What shall we have to eat?''
40460Were there not ten men cured?
40460What did he do to you?
40460What difference is that to us?
40460What do you read there?
40460What do you think of this?
40460What is it that you want?
40460What is said in God''s law?
40460What right have you to come here,they said to Jesus,"and make trouble?
40460What shall we say?
40460What then?
40460What things do you mean?
40460What,said Pilate,"does this man come from Galilee?
40460Where can we,the disciples asked him,"in a lonely place like this, with no towns near, find bread for such a crowd as this?"
40460Where do you come from?
40460Where is this man going,said the Jews,"that we can not find him?
40460Where is this man who cured you?
40460Who is this?
40460Who of you,said Jesus,"when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, and see whether he has enough money to finish it?
40460Who was this man,said the Jews,"who told you to carry your bed on the Sabbath day?"
40460Why are you so startled?
40460Why can not I follow you now, Master?
40460Why do you call me''good''?
40460Why do you find fault with this woman?
40460Why should you give him that name?
40460Why, what commands do you mean?
40460Why, what wicked thing has he done?
40460Why,the Jews said,"you are not fifty years old, and do you say that Abraham saw you?"
40460Will you lay down your life for me?
40460Woman,said Jesus to her,"why are you weeping?
40460Woman,said he,"what have you to do with me in this matter?
40460Woman,said one of the angels,"why are you weeping?"
40460You, who were born a sinner?
40460''Why do you stand here doing nothing?''
40460''You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and that I take grain that I did not harvest?
40460A child born to be king of the Jews-- if there was such a child, what would become of Herod''s own throne and crown?
40460After Jesus had finished telling these parables to his disciples, he said to them,"Have you understood all these?"
40460Again, after a moment, he asked them:"For whom are you looking?"
40460And as to the resurrection, the rising from the dead, have you not read the words that God spoke to Moses at the burning bush?
40460And how could he understand that Jesus by a word could cure someone who he had not seen and who was twenty miles away?
40460And how much more is a man worth than a sheep?
40460And however anxious you may be, can you add one minute to your life?
40460And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, how can you expect to have anything forever as your own?
40460And if you can not do even this, why be anxious about other matters?
40460And if you speak only to your friends, wherein are you better than others?
40460And should we not wish to hear about him and to know all the tender story of his love?
40460And some began to say,"Why does he not do here some of the wonderful things that they say he has done in other places?
40460And you, O Capernaum, shall you be lifted up to heaven?
40460Are you going away, and then coming back again?
40460Are you jealous because I am generous?''
40460Are you not worth more than the birds?
40460Are you the Christ, the promised King?"
40460As the disciples were passing by this blind man, one of them said to Jesus:"Teacher, whose sin was it that caused this man to be born blind?
40460As they came near, they said to each other:"Who will roll away for us the great stone at the door of the tomb?"
40460As they drew near, Jesus turned and said to them:"Why do you follow me?
40460At once Simon Peter answered, for he was the one among the Twelve always ready to speak:[ Illustration:"But you, who do you say that I am?"
40460At the Feast the people were saying,"Where is he?
40460But Jesus answered him:"Man, who made me a judge or a settler of disputes over your affairs?"
40460But Jesus said to Peter:"If I choose that he shall wait until I come back to earth, what has that to do with you?
40460But he answered the man who told him,"Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?"
40460But how often, when the story is ended, the child looks up to the story- teller''s face and says,"Is it all true?"
40460But how shall I cause the people to know that I am their King?
40460But if it loses its saltiness and becomes tasteless, is there any way to make it good salt again?
40460But on the way they met other travelers and asked them:"Who is now the King in Judea, since Herod is dead?"
40460But some of them said:"Could not this man, who gave sight to a blind man, have kept this man from dying?"
40460But some others said,"How can a bad man do such wonderful works?
40460But the crucified man on the other side of Jesus rebuked him:"Have you no fear of a just God?"
40460But the scribe, wishing to make an excuse for himself, and thinking to puzzle Jesus, said,"But who is my neighbor?"
40460But when he went into the house, before he could speak, Jesus said to him,"Tell me, Simon, from whom do the kings of this world take taxes?
40460Can a man who is crazy open the eyes of a blind man?"
40460Can you receive the same baptism that is coming to me?"
40460Come, what_ did_ you go out to see?
40460Could you not watch with me for a single hour?
40460Did not Moses give you the law?
40460Did you go out to look at a man clothed in the robes of a prince, and eating delicate food?
40460Did you not agree with me to work for fifteen cents a day?
40460Did you not know that I would be in my Father''s house?"
40460Do n''t you know that it is in my power either to set you free, or to send you to the cross, just as I please?"
40460Do you believe that?"
40460Do you intend to be his disciples?"
40460Do you know what"Mediterranean"means?
40460Do you not believe that the Father and I are one, that I am in the Father and the Father in me?
40460Do you not know, that with a word I could call upon my Father, and even now he would send me twelve armies of angels to keep me safely?
40460Do you not remember the five loaves with which I fed the five thousand, and the twelve baskets full of pieces that you picked up afterward?
40460Do you remember in the Old Testament the story of Jonah, the prophet who tried to run away from God''s call to preach in the city of Nineveh?
40460Do you say that there are four months before the harvest time will come?
40460Do you see that road running across the plain?
40460Do you see that second mountain beyond Tabor?
40460Do you think that Jesus will come to the Feast?"
40460Does no man say that you are guilty?"
40460For how could he know that his son would be well, without any sign given him by Jesus?
40460For if you love only those who love you, what reward do you have?
40460For which of these works would you now stone me?"
40460From their sons, or from foreigners?"
40460Has he come up to the Feast?"
40460Have n''t I the right do so as I please with what belongs to me?
40460Have you come to destroy us?
40460Have you forgotten about the seven loaves among the four thousand, and the seven baskets full that you picked up?
40460Have you no answer to give?"
40460Have you so little faith in me?"
40460He began to ask himself,''What am I to do?
40460He came down, and sat upon his throne as a judge, and said:"What is the charge which you bring against this man?"
40460He looked at it closely and then asked:"Whose head is this that I find upon the coin?
40460He rose up and said:"Woman, where are those men?
40460He said to her:"Will you give me a drink of water from this well?"
40460He said to him:"Would you like to be made well?"
40460He said to him:"Would you like to be made well?"]
40460He said to the crowd:"What then shall I do with Jesus, the man whom they call Christ?"
40460He said to the spirit,"What is your name?"
40460He said to them:"Do you believe that I can do this which you desire?"
40460He said to them:"Have you here anything to eat?"
40460He said to them:"What is it that you are talking about, as you walk along?"
40460He said to them:"Why do you think wicked things in your hearts?
40460He said,"How is it that you know me?"
40460He said:"Or, if there is a woman who has ten silver coins, and loses one of them, what will she do?
40460He saw how well Jesus answered all the questions put to him, and coming up to him, said:"Teacher, what commandment stands first of all?"
40460He stood still, looked all around, and said,"Who touched my clothes?"
40460He went secretly to the chief priests and the rulers and said to them:"What will you pay me if I will give Jesus into your hands?"
40460His disciples were beside him, and Peter answered:"Why, Master, the crowd is all around, pressing close upon you, and yet you say,''Who touched me?''
40460How can I believe all this?"
40460How can he say,''I came down from heaven?''"
40460How can he teach us?"
40460How can we be made free?"
40460How comes it that it is full of weeds?''
40460How is it that now he can see?"
40460How is it that you do not see that I was not speaking to you about bread?
40460How long must I have patience with you?
40460How may we know when to look for you?"
40460How much more are you worth to God than are the birds?
40460I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"
40460If anyone asks you,''Why are you doing that?''
40460If he is asked for a fish, will he give his son a snake?
40460If this is what they do now in the beginning, what will they do then in the end?"
40460If you are, why do n''t you save yourself and save us with you?"
40460If you knew this, why then did you not put my money into the bank?
40460In the evening, as they sat together in the house, he said to them:"What was it that you were talking about today as we were walking on the road?"
40460Is he going among our people in foreign lands, to teach the foreigners?
40460Is it right for our people to pay taxes to the Roman rulers over the land?
40460Is it safe for you to go there again?"
40460Is not this man the Christ whom we are looking for?"
40460Is not this work of cure a sign that God is with him?"
40460Is there any way to have that list against us taken away, blotted out and forgotten?
40460It might be asked-- why did the woman need to light a lamp when searching for her lost coin?
40460It was this:"Master, how often should I forgive my brother when he has done me wrong?
40460Jesus answered him calmly,"If I have said anything that is not true, prove it; but if I have spoken the truth, why do you strike me?"
40460Jesus answered the governor,"Do you ask this of your own accord, or did others tell you that I am a king?"
40460Jesus answered,"Is it not written in your law,''I said, you are gods''?
40460Jesus heard that he had been put out of the church; he sought him out, and when he had found him, he asked:"Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
40460Jesus looked up at his mother''s face, with surprise, and said:"Why should you look for me?
40460Jesus noticed this, and he said:"Why are you talking to one another about your being short of bread?
40460Jesus said to his disciples,"How many loaves have you?
40460Jesus said to the Twelve,"Do you, too, wish to leave me?"
40460Jesus said to the people in the house,"Why do you make such a noise?
40460Jesus said to the people:"What was it that you went out to the desert to see?
40460Jesus said:"Do you believe because I said,''I saw you underneath the fig tree?''
40460Jesus spoke to Peter,"Simon, are you sleeping?
40460Jesus turned to Philip, one of his disciples, and asked him,"Philip, where shall we find bread that all these people may eat?"
40460Jesus was led up to the foot of the steps to Pilate''s judgment throne; and Pilate asked him,"Are you the King of the Jews?"
40460Mary hastily rushed up to Jesus, and said:"My son, why have you treated us so unkindly?
40460Nicodemus did not know what this meant, and he said,"How can a man be born again after he is grown up?"
40460Now tell me, what have you done?"
40460Now tell me, which of these two sons did as his father told him to do?"
40460Now that you have come, will you not help me?"
40460Now, Moses in the law commands that any person committing that crime shall be stoned to death; but what do you say should be done with her?"
40460On Thursday morning, Peter and John came to Jesus in Bethany and said:"Master, where shall we make ready the passover feast for you?"
40460One day, after he had been alone praying to his Father, he asked his disciples:"Tell me, who do the people say that I am?"
40460One said,"Why should this carpenter try to teach us?"
40460Or are we to look for another?"
40460Or did he speak his own words only, without authority or power from God?
40460Or thirsty and gave you drink?
40460Or was it his own fault?"
40460Or without clothes, and gave you clothing?
40460Or, if asked for an egg, will he give him a scorpion?
40460People said to each other,"How did this man get all his knowledge?
40460People were saying to each other,"Who is this great Prophet that is working all these wonders?"
40460Peter felt hurt that his third question was"Are you my friend?"
40460Pilate said to him:"You will not speak to me?
40460Shall I say,''Father, save me from the hour that is coming so soon?''
40460Shall it be as many as seven times?"
40460Shall we pay, or shall we refuse to pay?"
40460Shall we tell the people that they are to pay no more taxes?"
40460She came to Jesus and said:"Lord, do you think it right for my sister to leave all the work to me?
40460Should not you, also, have shown the same kindness to your fellow- servant that I showed to you?''
40460Should we not love him for this?
40460Simon Peter answered for them all,"Lord, to whom shall we go if we leave you?
40460So John leaned back on Jesus''shoulder and whispered:"Who is it, Master?"
40460So if you can not be trusted with the money of this world, who will trust you with the riches of God?
40460So the master sent for the steward and said:"''What is this that I hear about you?
40460Tell me now, Simon, which of those two men will love this man the most?"
40460The Jews gathered around him and asked:"How long are you going to keep our minds in uncertainty?
40460The angel paused and Mary found words to speak, tremblingly and with fear:"How can all this come to me?
40460The cup which my Father has given me, must I not drink it?"
40460The girl went to her mother and said to her,"What shall I ask?"
40460The high priest Caiaphas stood up, and said to Jesus in a very loud and fierce manner:"What have you to say of the things spoken by these witnesses?
40460The people asked each other:"Is this the same blind man that begged in the street?"
40460The people came to John and said to him:"What shall we do to make ready for the coming of this Great King?"
40460The priests went to Pilate in his palace and said to him:"Will you not change the writing upon the cross of that man?
40460The rulers said:"This Temple has taken forty- six years to build, and it is not finished yet; and will you raise it up in three days?"
40460The soldiers and policemen came to John and said,"And what shall we do?"
40460The spirit answered Jesus, crying out,"Jesus, son of the Most High God, what business have you with us?
40460The woman who kept the door looked sharply at Peter, and said:"Are you not one of this man''s disciples?"
40460Then Jesus spoke to his disciples, saying:"Why are you so fearful?
40460Then, a third time, Jesus asked him:"Simon, son of Jonas, are you my friend?"
40460There was a moment''s pause, and then Jesus a second time asked Peter:"Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?"
40460There was one more question to be met: he was to become the King of Israel, but what kind of a kingdom would he have?
40460There, after spitting upon the man''s eyes, he laid his hands upon him, and asked him:"Can you see anything?"
40460These angels said to the followers of Jesus:"Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up towards the heavens?
40460These men came and asked him:"Who are you?
40460These men said to Jesus:"Why do you not go to Judea and Jerusalem and let your disciples see there what you can do?
40460They asked the blind man again:"What do you say of this man who has opened your eyes?"
40460They began asking:"Master, shall we strike with the sword?"
40460They crossed a brook which fell into the river; and Joseph said,"Do you see this brook?
40460They found Jesus at the church in Capernaum, and said to him,"Rabbi, when did you come here?"
40460They looked at each other and said:"Can it be that someone has brought him something to eat?"
40460They pushed their way through the crowds up to Jesus, and said to him, with an air of lordship:"What right have you to come here and act as a ruler?
40460They said to Jesus,"How is it that the teachers of the law say that the prophet Elijah must come before the Messiah- King appears?"
40460They said to Judas:"How can we tell in the dark, under the trees, who is the one for us to take hold of as prisoner?"
40460They said to him,"Shall we go into the town and buy thirty dollars''worth of bread, so that each one of them may have a little?"
40460They said to him:"Lord, shall we call down fire from heaven, as the prophet Elijah did, and burn up that wicked village?"
40460They said to the disciples of Jesus:"Why does your Teacher eat with those publicans and sinners?"
40460They talked about it to one another, saying:"What does all this mean?
40460They threw a covering over his face, and after striking him, would say,"Are you a prophet?
40460They too were filled with sorrow, and began to say to him, all around the table,"Is it I, Lord?"
40460They were amazed at this, and said,"Then who can be saved?"
40460They were looking out for Jesus, and said to each other as they walked in the courts of the Temple:"What do you think?
40460They were untying them when the owner, who was standing by, said:"What are you doing, untying the ass?"
40460This scribe said to Jesus,"Teacher, what shall I do that I may have the life everlasting?"
40460Those at the table began to whisper to one another,"Who is this that claims the right to forgive sins?"
40460Was it a prophet, a man sent from God?
40460Was it a reed swayed to and fro by the wind?
40460Was it the fault of his parents?
40460Was there only one to turn back and give thanks to God, and that one a stranger?"
40460We have seen his star in the east, and we have come to do him honor?"
40460What are the words around the edge?"
40460What business have you with us?
40460What can I do to make them believe in me?"
40460What can we do to make this a better and a brighter world?
40460What do you mean by saying,''Let us see the Father''?
40460What do you mean to teach in this story about the man sowing seed?"
40460What do you say about John the Baptist-- did he speak the words of God as his messenger?
40460What does he mean by words like these?"
40460What does he mean by''a little while''?"
40460What good will it do to a man to gain the whole world if in gaining he loses his own life?
40460What is it that you wish?"
40460What is the work that you are doing?
40460What is truth?"
40460What more do I need?"
40460What new teaching is this?
40460What shall be done to a man who calls himself God?"
40460What shall we have in the kingdom for all this?"
40460What will a man give that is worth as much as his life?
40460When Jesus was alone with his disciples in the house, they asked him,"Why was it that we could not drive out the evil spirit from the boy?"
40460When Jesus was alone with his disciples, they said to him:"Why do you speak to the people in parables?
40460When did we see you a stranger, and took you into our homes?
40460When did we see you sick, or in prison, and went to visit you?''
40460When he came near, Jesus said to him:"What would you have me do for you?"
40460When the officers came back to the chief priests and leading men, they were asked,"Why did you not bring this man with you?"
40460Where can you get your living water?
40460Where had he slept on those two nights?
40460Which is the easier to say,''Your sins are forgiven,''or to say,''Rise up and walk''?
40460Who are you that you should undertake to rule in this place?
40460Who gave you the right to do what you did yesterday?"
40460Who had given him food during those three days?
40460Who is it that you are looking for?"
40460Who is trying to kill you?"
40460Who were these men, and what was the star that they had seen?
40460Whose son is he?"
40460Why did you doubt my word?"
40460Why do you ask me what I have said?
40460Why do you not tell them to be still?"
40460Why do you want to hear it again?
40460Why does everybody wish to have a Bible in his house?
40460Why give it to him?''
40460Why hast thou forsaken me?"
40460Why listen to him?"
40460Why should it take up room and rob the soil?''
40460Will you not also give us a prayer that we may use?"
40460Will you not please come and help her?"
40460Would you wish to go and see this child?
40460Yet when the Son of Man comes, will he find on earth those who are looking for him and who believe in him?"
40460You may ask, what was a writing table?
40460[ Illustration: Jesus was led to Pilate, who questioned him privately:"Are you the King of the Jews?"]
40460[ Illustration: Judas filled with remorse returns the thirty pieces of silver]"Are you the Christ,"he asked,"the Son of that Blessed One?"
40460[ Illustration: Pilate came down and sat upon his throne as a judge, and said:"What is the charge which you bring against this man?"]
40460[ Illustration: The chief priests angrily demanded of Jesus:"What right have you to come here and act as a ruler?"]
40460and not"Do you love me?"
40460do n''t you know this is the Sabbath day?
40460has this man led you astray, too?"
40460he said,"why do you try to catch me in a snare?
40460or''how can we get clothes to wear?''
40460or''what shall we have to drink?''
40460said Cleopas,"do you live all alone in Jerusalem, since you seem not to have heard of the things that have taken place there in the last few days?"
40460said Jesus to them,"and why do doubts come to you?
40460said Jesus,"how long must I be with you?
40460this very night your life is taken away; and who will have all that you have stored up?''
40460you would destroy the Temple and build it again in three days, would you?
16184And when the seven among the four thousand, how many basketfuls of broken pieces took ye up?
16184And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? 16184 Art thou the prophet?"
16184But what think ye? 16184 But whereunto shall I liken this generation?
16184Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?
16184Have ye understood all these things?
16184I came to cast fire upon the earth; and what do I desire, if it is already kindled? 16184 Or what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she find it?
16184Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,''Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee? 16184 Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season?
16184Whom seek ye?
16184Why doth this generation seek a sign? 16184 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?
16184***** And he said unto them,"When I sent you forth without purse, and wallet, and shoes, lacked ye anything?"
16184Again therefore he asked them,"Whom seek ye?"
16184And Jesus answered and said,"O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you?
16184And Jesus answered him, and said,"What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?"
16184And Jesus answering said,"Were not the ten cleansed?
16184And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying,"Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath, or not?"
16184And Jesus asked him,"What is thy name?"
16184And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her,"Woman, where are they?
16184And Jesus perceiving it saith unto them,"O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have no bread?
16184And Jesus said unto them,"Can ye make the sons of the bride- chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
16184And Jesus said unto them,"I ask you, Is it lawful on the sabbath to do good, or to do harm?
16184And Jesus saith unto her,"Woman, what have I to do with thee?
16184And Jesus saith unto them,"Yea: did ye never read,''Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise''?"
16184And Jesus turned, and beheld them following, and saith unto them,"What seek ye?"
16184And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to the Lord, saying,"Art thou he that cometh, or look we for another?"
16184And Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said,"Is it I, Rabbi?"
16184And Mary said unto the angel,"How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"
16184And Pilate answered them, saying,"Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?"
16184And Zacharias said unto the angel,"Whereby shall I know this?
16184And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing; and he saith unto them,''Why stand ye here all the day idle?''
16184And all bare him witness, and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth: and they said,"Whence hath this man these things?"
16184And all that heard them laid them up in their heart, saying,"What then shall this child be?"
16184And all the multitudes were amazed, and said,"Can this be the son of David?"
16184And amazement came upon all, and they spake together, one with another, saying,"What is this word?
16184And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
16184And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and made trial of him, saying,"Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
16184And calling to him each one of his lord''s debtors, he said to the first,''How much owest thou unto my lord?''
16184And certain of them that stood there said unto them,"What do ye, loosing the colt?"
16184And he answered and said unto them,"Think ye that these Galilæans were sinners above all the Galilæans, because they have suffered these things?
16184And he asked his father,"How long time is it since this hath come unto him?"
16184And he asked them,"How many loaves have ye?"
16184And he asked them,"What question ye with them?"
16184And he called him, and said unto him,''What is this that I hear of thee?
16184And he said unto her,"What wouldest thou?"
16184And he said unto him,"What is written in the law?
16184And he said unto him,"Why askest thou me concerning that which is good?
16184And he said unto them a third time,"Why, what evil hath this man done?
16184And he said unto them,"But who say ye that I am?"
16184And he said unto them,"How is it that ye do not perceive that I spake not to you concerning bread?
16184And he said unto them,"How is it that ye sought me?
16184And he said unto them,"What communications are these that ye have one with another, as ye walk?"
16184And he said unto them,"What things?"
16184And he said unto them,"Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a well, and will not straightway draw him up on a sabbath day?"
16184And he said unto them,"Why are ye fearful?
16184And he said unto them,"Why are ye troubled?
16184And he said,"How shall we liken the kingdom of God?
16184And he saith unto them,"Are ye also even yet without understanding?
16184And he saith unto them,"Know ye not this parable?
16184And he saith unto them,"Whose is this image and superscription?"
16184And he spake also a parable unto them,"Can the blind guide the blind?
16184And he taught, and said unto them,"Is it not written,''My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?''
16184And his disciples answered him,"Whence shall one be able to fill these men with bread here in a desert place?"
16184And his disciples asked him, saying,"Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?"
16184And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out?
16184And if any one say unto you,''Why do ye this?''
16184And if ye do good to them that do good to you, what thank have ye?
16184And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another''s, who will give you that which is your own?
16184And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye?
16184And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others?
16184And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and saith unto him,"O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
16184And it came to pass, as he was praying apart, the disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying,"Who do the multitudes say that I am?"
16184And many of them said,"He hath a demon, and is mad; why hear ye him?"
16184And none of the disciples durst inquire of him,"Who art thou?"
16184And one of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying,"Art not thou the Christ?
16184And one said unto him,"Lord, are they few that are saved?"
16184And shall not God avenge his elect, that cry to him day and night, and yet he is longsuffering over them?
16184And she went out, and said unto her mother,"What shall I ask?"
16184And soldiers also asked him, saying,"And we, what must we do?"
16184And straightway Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, saith unto them,"Why reason ye these things in your hearts?
16184And the high priest rent his clothes, and saith,"What further need have we of witnesses?
16184And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying,"Answerest thou nothing?
16184And the multitudes asked him, saying,"What then must we do?"
16184And the servants of the householder came and said unto him,''Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field?
16184And the servants say unto him,''Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?''
16184And there came also publicans to be baptized, and they said unto him,"Teacher, what must we do?"
16184And there came unto him Pharisees, trying him, and saying,"Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?"
16184And they asked him, saying,"How is it that the scribes say that Elijah must first come?"
16184And they asked him,"What then?
16184And they blindfolded him and smote him with the palms of their hands, saying,"Prophesy unto us, thou Christ: who is he that struck thee?"
16184And they came to Capernaum: and when he was in the house he asked them,"What were ye reasoning on the way?"
16184And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another,"Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"
16184And they reasoned with themselves, saying,"If we shall say,''From heaven''; he will say unto us,''Why did ye not believe him?''
16184And they said one to another,"Was not our heart burning within us, while he spake to us in the way, while he opened to us the scriptures?"
16184And they said unto him,"Rabbi"( which is to say, being interpreted, Teacher),"where abidest thou?"
16184And they said unto him,"Where is he?"
16184And they said,"Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?
16184And they say unto her,"Woman, why weepest thou?"
16184And they that received the half- shekel came to Peter, and said"Doth not your teacher pay the half- shekel?"
16184And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves,"Who is this that even forgiveth sins?"
16184And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began to say unto him every one,"Is it I, Lord?"
16184And they were saying among themselves,"Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the tomb?"
16184And this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent unto him from Jerusalem priests and Levites to ask him,"Who art thou?"
16184And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted unto heaven?
16184And to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?"
16184And turning to the woman, he said unto Simon,"Seest thou this woman?
16184And upon this came his disciples; and they marvelled that he was speaking with a woman; yet no man said,"What seekest thou?"
16184And when all denied, Peter said, and they that were with him,"Master, the multitudes press thee and crush thee, and sayest thou,''Who touched me?''"
16184And when he came into the house, Jesus spake first to him, saying,"What thinkest thou, Simon?
16184And when he had said this, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand, saying,"Answerest thou the high priest so?"
16184And when he rose up from his prayer, he came unto the disciples, and found them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto Peter,"Simon, sleepest thou?
16184And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve came, and said unto him,"Why speakest thou unto them in parables?"
16184And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying,"Who is this?"
16184And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately,"How is it that we could not cast it out?"
16184And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them,"Believe ye that I am able to do this?"
16184And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said,"Lord, wilt thou that we bid fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?"
16184And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
16184And when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?''
16184And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples,"Why eateth your Teacher with the publicans and sinners?"
16184And when the disciples heard it, they were astonished exceedingly, saying,"Who then can be saved?"
16184And when the men were come unto him, they said,"John the Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying,''Art thou he that cometh, or look we for another?''"
16184And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to say unto the multitudes concerning John,"What went ye out into the wilderness to behold?
16184And when they found him on the other side of the sea, they said unto him,"Rabbi, when camest thou hither?"
16184And when they saw him, they were astonished; and his mother said unto him,"Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us?
16184And when they that were about him saw what would follow, they said,"Lord, shall we smite with the sword?"
16184And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come unto me?
16184And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life?
16184And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said unto them,"Have ye here anything to eat?"
16184And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother''s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
16184Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
16184Are not ye of much more value than they?
16184Are ye able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?
16184Art thou Elijah?"
16184Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who died?
16184Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his sons, and his cattle?"
16184Be not therefore anxious, saying,''What shall we eat?''
16184Behooved it not the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into his glory?"
16184Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
16184Believest thou this?"
16184But God said unto him,''Thou foolish one, this night is thy soul required of thee: and the things which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be?''
16184But Jesus knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at this, said unto them,"Doth this cause you to stumble?
16184But Jesus perceived their craftiness, and said,"Why make ye trial of me, ye hypocrites?
16184But Jesus said unto him,"Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"
16184But John would have hindered him, saying,"I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?"
16184But Martha was cumbered about much serving; and she came up to him, and said,"Lord, dost thou not care that my sister did leave me to serve alone?
16184But he answered and said to one of them,''Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a shilling?
16184But he answered and said unto him that told him,"Who is my mother?
16184But he answered and said unto them,"See ye not all these things?
16184But he said unto him,"Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?"
16184But he, desiring to justify himself, said unto Jesus,"And who is my neighbor?"
16184But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
16184But now I go unto him that sent me; and none of you asketh me,''Whither goest thou?''
16184But of the multitude many believed on him; and they said,"When the Christ shall come, will he do more signs than those which this man hath done?"
16184But others said,"How can a man that is a sinner do such signs?"
16184But some of them said,"Could not this man, who has opened the eyes of him that was blind, have caused that this man also should not die?"
16184But some said,"What, doth the Christ come out of Galilee?
16184But the governor answered and said unto them,"Which of the two will ye that I release unto you?"
16184But the other answered, and rebuking him said,"Dost thou not even fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
16184But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,"Why doth this man thus speak?
16184But they said,"What is that to us?
16184But what went ye out to see?
16184But what went ye out to see?
16184Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?"
16184Can it be that the rulers indeed know that this is the Christ?
16184Couldest thou not watch one hour?
16184Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you doeth the law?
16184Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
16184Do ye not yet perceive, neither understand?
16184Doth he thank the servant because he did the things that were commanded?
16184For if they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?"
16184For if ye love them that love you, what reward have ye?
16184For what doth it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?
16184For what should a man give in exchange for his life?
16184For which is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth?
16184For which of you, desiring to build a tower, doth not first sit down and count the cost, whether he have wherewith to complete it?
16184Hath any of the rulers believed on him, or of the Pharisees?
16184Hath not the scripture said that the Christ cometh of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?"
16184Having eyes, see ye not?
16184He answered and said,"And who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him?"
16184He answered them,"I told you even now, and ye did not hear; wherefore would ye hear it again?
16184He leaning back, as he was, on Jesus''breast, saith unto him,"Lord, who is it?"
16184He saith unto him again a second time,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?"
16184He saith unto him the third time,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?"
16184He saith unto him,"Lord, dost thou wash my feet?"
16184He saith unto him,"Which?"
16184He that hath seen me hath seen the Father: how sayest thou,''Show us the Father?''
16184How can ye believe, who receive glory one of another, and the glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not?
16184How then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
16184How think ye?
16184If David then calleth him Lord, how is he his son?"
16184If I say truth, why do ye not believe me?
16184If I told you earthly things and ye believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you heavenly things?
16184If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
16184If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household?
16184In the resurrection therefore whose wife of them shall she be?
16184Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cæsar, or not?"
16184Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?
16184Is not he that sitteth at meat?
16184Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment?
16184Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon?
16184Jesus answered and said unto him,"Art thou the teacher of Israel, and understandest not these things?
16184Jesus answered and said unto him,"Because I said unto thee,''I saw thee underneath the fig tree,''believest thou?
16184Jesus answered him,"If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why smitest thou me?"
16184Jesus answered them,"Did not I choose you the twelve, and one of you is a devil?"
16184Jesus answered them,"Do ye now believe?
16184Jesus answered them,"Is it not written in your law,''I said, Ye are gods?''
16184Jesus answered them,"Many good works have I showed you from the Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?"
16184Jesus answered,"Are there not twelve hours in the day?
16184Jesus answered,"Sayest thou this of thyself, or did others tell it thee concerning me?"
16184Jesus heard that they had cast him out: and finding him, he said,"Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
16184Jesus said therefore unto the twelve,"Would ye also go away?"
16184Jesus saith unto her,"Said I not unto thee, that, if thou believedst, thou shouldest see the glory of God?"
16184Jesus saith unto her,"Woman, why weepest thou?
16184Jesus saith unto him,"Have I been so long time with you, and dost thou not know me, Philip?
16184Jesus saith unto him,"If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
16184Jesus saith unto them,"How many loaves have ye?
16184Jesus therefore saith unto them,"Children, have ye aught to eat?"
16184Judas( not Iscariot) saith unto him,"Lord, what is come to pass that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?"
16184Knowest thou not that I have power to release thee, and have power to crucify thee?"
16184Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said,"This is a hard saying; who can hear it?"
16184Nathanael saith unto him,"Whence knowest thou me?"
16184Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
16184Nicodemus answered and said unto him,"How can these things be?"
16184Nicodemus saith unto him,"How can a man be born when he is old?
16184Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her?"
16184Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say?
16184Now while the Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them a question, saying,"What think ye of the Christ?
16184Or have ye not read in the law, that on the sabbath day the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are guiltless?
16184Or thinkest thou that I can not beseech my Father and he shall even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?
16184Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them, think ye that they were offenders above all the men that dwell in Jerusalem?
16184Peter therefore seeing him saith to Jesus,"Lord, and what shall this man do?"
16184Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time,"Lovest thou me?"
16184Pilate answered,"Am I a Jew?
16184Pilate saith unto him,"What is truth?"
16184Pilate saith unto them,"Shall I crucify your King?"
16184Pilate saith unto them,"What then shall I do unto Jesus who is called Christ?"
16184Pilate therefore entered again into the Prætorium, and called Jesus, and said unto him,"Art thou the King of the Jews?"
16184Pilate therefore said unto him,"Art thou a king then?"
16184Pilate therefore saith unto him,"Speakest thou not unto me?
16184Pilate therefore went out unto them, and saith,"What accusation bring ye against this man?"
16184Salt is good; but if the salt have lost its saltness, wherewith will ye season it?
16184Salt therefore is good: but if even the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned?
16184Say not ye,''There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest''?
16184Simon Peter answered him,"Lord, to whom shall we go?
16184Simon Peter saith unto him,"Lord, whither goest thou?"
16184So when he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and sat down again, he said unto them,"Know ye what I have done to you?
16184So when they had broken their fast, Jesus saith to Simon Peter,"Simon, son of John, lovest thou me more than these?"
16184Some therefore of them of Jerusalem said,"Is not this he whom they seek to kill?
16184Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou?
16184That he will not come to the feast?"
16184The Jews answered and said unto him,"Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a demon?"
16184The Jews therefore answered and said unto him,"What sign showest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?"
16184The Jews therefore came round about him, and said unto him,"How long dost thou hold us in suspense?
16184The Jews therefore marvelled, saying,"How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?"
16184The Jews therefore said among themselves,"Whither will this man go that we shall not find him?
16184The Jews therefore said unto him,"Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?"
16184The Jews therefore said,"Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou raise it up in three days?"
16184The Jews therefore said,"Will he kill himself, that he saith,''Whither I go, ye can not come?''"
16184The Jews therefore sought him at the feast, and said,"Where is he?"
16184The Jews therefore strove one with another, saying,"How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"
16184The Pharisees therefore answered them,"Are ye also led astray?
16184The Samaritan woman therefore saith unto him,"How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, who am a Samaritan woman?"
16184The baptism of John, whence was it?
16184The chief priests therefore and the Pharisees gathered a council, and said,"What do we?
16184The cup which the Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?"
16184The disciples say unto him,"Rabbi, the Jews were but now seeking to stone thee: and goest thou thither again?"
16184The disciples therefore said one to another,"Hath any man brought him aught to eat?"
16184The maid therefore that kept the door saith unto Peter,"Art thou also one of this man''s disciples?"
16184The multitude answered,"Thou hast a demon: who seeketh to kill thee?"
16184The neighbors therefore, and they that saw him aforetime, that he was a beggar, said,"Is not this he that sat and begged?"
16184The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them,"Why did ye not bring him?"
16184The woman saith unto him,"Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; whence then hast thou that living water?
16184The young ruler saith unto him,"All these things have I observed from my youth up; what lack I yet?"
16184Then answered Peter and said unto him,"Lo, we have left all, and followed thee; what then shall we have?"
16184Then came Peter and said to him,"Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?
16184Then came the disciples, and said unto him,"Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, when they heard this saying?"
16184Then said he to another,''And how much owest thou?''
16184Then saith Pilate unto him,"Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?"
16184They answered and said unto him,"Art thou also of Galilee?
16184They answered and said unto him,"Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us?"
16184They answered unto him,"We are Abraham''s seed, and have never yet been in bondage to any man; how sayest thou,''Ye shall be made free''?"
16184They asked him,"Who is the man that said unto thee,''Take up thy bed, and walk''?"
16184They said therefore unto him,"How then were thine eyes opened?"
16184They said therefore unto him,"What did he to thee?
16184They said therefore unto him,"What must we do, that we may work the works of God?"
16184They said therefore unto him,"What then doest thou for a sign, that we may see, and believe thee?
16184They said therefore unto him,"Where is thy Father?"
16184They said therefore unto him,"Who art thou?
16184They said therefore unto him,"Who art thou?"
16184They said therefore,"What is this that he saith,''A little while''?
16184They say therefore unto the blind man again,"What sayest thou of him, in that he opened thine eyes?"
16184They say unto him,"Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorcement, and to put her away?"
16184They sought therefore for Jesus, and spake one with another, as they stood in the temple,"What think ye?
16184Thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?"
16184Thomas saith unto him,"Lord, we know not whither thou goest; how know we the way?"
16184Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and said unto him,"Are we also blind?"
16184Were there none found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger?"
16184What is it which these witness against thee?"
16184What is this word that he said,''Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me; and where I am, ye can not come''?"
16184What sayest thou of thyself?"
16184What then if ye should behold the Son of man ascending where he was before?
16184When I brake the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces took ye up?"
16184When Jesus saw him lying, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him,"Wouldest thou be made whole?"
16184When Pilate therefore heard this saying, he was the more afraid; and he entered into the Prætorium again, and saith unto Jesus,"Whence art thou?"
16184When therefore the lord of the vineyard shall come, what will he do unto those husbandmen?"
16184Where is my guest- chamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?''
16184Which is easier, to say to the sick of the palsy,''Thy sins are forgiven,''or to say,''Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?''
16184Which of the two did the will of his father?"
16184Which of them therefore will love him most?"
16184Which of these three, thinkest thou, proved neighbor unto him that fell among the robbers?"
16184Which of you convicteth me of sin?
16184While he yet spake, they come from the ruler of the synagogue''s house, saying,"Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Teacher any further?"
16184Whom seekest thou?"
16184Why askest thou me?
16184Why do ye not understand my speech?
16184Why seek ye to kill me?"
16184Ye blind: for which is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?
16184Ye foolish ones, did not he that made the outside make the inside also?
16184Ye fools and blind: for which is greater, the gold, or the temple that hath sanctified the gold?
16184Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye?"
16184Ye offspring of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?
16184Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?
16184a man clothed in soft raiment?
16184a prophet?
16184a reed shaken with the wind?
16184and are not his sisters here with us?"
16184and do ye not remember?
16184and having ears, hear ye not?
16184and how, shall ye know all the parables?
16184and the prophets died: whom makest thou thyself?"
16184and what shall be the sign when these things are all about to be accomplished?"
16184and wherefore do questionings arise in your heart?
16184and who are my brethren?"
16184and,"What is the wisdom that is given unto this man, and what mean such mighty works wrought by his hands?
16184art thou come to destroy us?
16184but where are the nine?
16184but ye have made it a den of robbers?"
16184can he enter a second time into his mother''s womb, and be born?"
16184did no man condemn thee?"
16184do not even the Gentiles the same?
16184do not even the publicans the same?
16184from heaven or from men?"
16184from their sons, or from strangers?"
16184have ye not yet faith?"
16184have ye your heart hardened?
16184he blasphemeth: who can forgive sins but one, even God?"
16184how doth he now say''I am come down out of heaven''?"
16184how long shall I bear with you?
16184how readest thou?"
16184how then doth he now see?"
16184knew ye not that I must be in my Father''s house?"
16184or athirst, and gave thee drink?
16184or in what parable shall we set it forth?
16184or is thine eye evil, because I am good?''
16184or naked, and clothed thee?
16184or to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?"
16184or who is he that gave thee this authority?"
16184or,"Why speakest thou with her?"
16184or,''What shall we drink?''
16184or,''Wherewithal shall we be clothed?''
16184shall they not both fall into a pit?
16184that we may give an answer to them that sent us?
16184the kings of the earth, from whom do they receive toll or tribute?
16184to save a life or to destroy it?
16184until seven times?"
16184what have we to do with thee, Jesus thou Nazarene?
16184what workest thou?
16184whence then hath it tares?''
16184who is this Son of man?"
16184whose son is he?"
16184will he go unto the Dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?
16184would ye also become his disciples?"
22735A friend,said Dathan;"has anything sad happened to thee?
22735And besides,said Dariabbas,"what does the governor care about the life of a single Galilean?
22735And thou canst still care for him after that?
22735Are also your eyes so heavy that you could not watch?
22735Are we really going forward again?
22735Art thou asleep?
22735Art thou not experienced in this branch of the business? 22735 But where,"said Caiaphas,"are these traders to be found?"
22735But, master, what will become of us if thou givest up thy life?
22735But,continued Caiaphas,"wilt thou not repent of it?
22735But,said Herod,"how can I be a judge in a foreign territory?
22735But,said Josue,"how shall we know him in the darkness so as not to arrest another in place of the one we desire?"
22735Come down,cried one of the witnesses,"Art thou not the Son of God?"
22735Did Pilate say that? 22735 Dost thou need anything else?"
22735Has it fallen?
22735Hast thou not heard,said the traders,"of the proclamation of the council?
22735Have not his pride and presumption deserted him even as he hangs helpless on the cross?
22735Have you condemned him?
22735He must,said the rabbi,"how could he resist it when the Sanhedrin and the whole people demand with one voice the death of this man?"
22735Hear that, Judas?
22735How could that be?
22735How did that happen?
22735I wonder,said Arphaxad,"whether his disciples will be sought after?"
22735Is it possible?
22735Is there such a one in the market?
22735Is this your will?
22735Let him come in; why does he stand out in the cold?
22735Lord,said Andrew,"one of us twelve?"
22735Not the temple?
22735Now who,said they,"can earn it easier than thou?"
22735Now, how have things gone?
22735Now, what shall we do?
22735Perhaps,said Baruch,"you desire to take the Passover with us?"
22735Shall I now,said Annas,"in my gray old age see the synagogue overthrown?
22735So I have been thinking,said Judas,"but how can I find a good opening?"
22735Then this man belongeth to my jurisdiction? 22735 Thou pitiable king of the Jews,"said one of the soldiers as they knelt and mockingly did homage to him,"what kind of a king can this be?
22735Welcome, strangers,said Mark,"how can I serve you?"
22735Well, of what evil deeds has he been guilty?
22735What accusation have you to bring against this man?
22735What desirest thou, my mother?
22735What do ye here, apostates?
22735What does this multitude want?
22735What has driven you crazy? 22735 What has led to this?"
22735What is it?
22735What is that uproar?
22735What need we any further witnesses?
22735What proclamation?
22735What sayest thou to that?
22735What terrible noise is that?
22735What, wilt thou not?
22735What,said Pilate,"shall I crucify your king?"
22735What,said the rabbi,"thou contemptible traitor, wilt thou dictate to the Sanhedrin?
22735Where is he?
22735Where is he?
22735Where,asked the rabbi,"are his disciples?
22735Where,said one of the hangmen,"shall we put them?"
22735Where? 22735 Who amongst us,"said James the elder,"will have the first place?"
22735Who can this man be?
22735Who,he asked,"has to watch over the purity of the law?
22735Why didst thou let thyself be made the tool for a transaction which thou didst not weigh beforehand?
22735Why do you ask me this so eagerly?
22735Why have you come here?
22735Why not?
22735Why troublest thou this people?
22735Will the trial soon come to an end?
22735Will ye not that I release unto you the king of the Jews?
22735You hear that?
22735****** Ah, see the king that''s crowned in scorn, What monarch such a crown has worn Or scepter borne, and he so great?
22735A rabbi said,"Could some one be sent from the council in order to give him timely information?"
22735A servant of Pilate opened it and said,"Welcome, rabbi, will you not come in?"
22735A shudder ran through the Sanhedrin, and all cried excitedly,"Art thou the Son of God?"
22735After awhile the soldiers, who were lying prostrate on the ground said to each other,"Brother, what has happened to us?"
22735Again Caiaphas turned to Jesus and said,"What has thou to say against this evidence?"
22735Agrippa held it up,"The mantle has made just four pieces; shall we rip up the coat also?
22735All that appears is a blank line followed by the single word:]"me?"
22735And Balbus, seeing that Jesus opened not his mouth, and was silent, shouted in his ear,"Dost thou hear?
22735And Dathan added,"Dost thou still remember what thou didst to us in the temple?"
22735And Judas, with staring eyes, as one demented, repeated,"Die?
22735And Mary said to John,"O beloved disciple, how will it have gone with Jesus since thou didst last see him in the house of Caiaphas?"
22735And Nathanael said,"And is this rebel still to remain unpunished, still to scatter abroad the seed of revolt?"
22735And after a pause, seeing that Jesus still spoke not, he said,"Hast thou nothing to say in reply?"
22735And are they bringing him a prisoner here to me?"
22735And as they marched away, driving Jesus before them the traders derided him, saying,"Doth Beelzebub, then, aid thee no longer?"
22735And the soldiers laughed as they said,"Thou hast often dreamed of this; is it not so?"
22735And then the traders, led by one Dathan, chimed in, in eager chorus:"Must there then be no more sacrifices?"
22735And what has kindled in their mind Of fury such a fiery flood?
22735And would thou sell thy master dear For base gain?
22735Andrew, giving expression to the general consternation, asked,"Wherefore shall the city have so sad a doom?"
22735Annas cried out to Joseph of Arimathea,"Dost thou still persist in thy headstrong obstinacy?
22735Annas exclaimed,"It is enough; what need have we of any further witnesses?"
22735Annas frowned,"Has the deceiver also bewitched thee?"
22735Are things not well with him?
22735Art thou not ashamed to do honor to the very corpse of an executed malefactor?"
22735As Selpha appeared bringing Jesus into the street the watch cried out loudly,"Ha, is this business already over?"
22735As he was speaking, Judas, looking haggard and distracted, rushed into the midst of the council, crying wildly,"Is it true?
22735As they were kneeling around him in scorn a messenger of Caiaphas entered saying,"How goes it now with the king?"
22735As they were talking Esdras came out from the house of Annas and asked,"What do you want at the palace at this time of night?"
22735At last Peter ventured to say,"Master, why grievest thou so sorely?"
22735Baruch looked around as he came to the door of his master''s house, and, seeing the disciples, said,"Will you come in with me, friends?
22735Betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss?"
22735But Jesus a second time asked,"Whom seek ye?"
22735But Jesus said:"How is my soul troubled, and what shall I say?
22735But Mary answered,"How can a mother leave her child in the last and bitterest need?"
22735But Mary said,"What may this noise signify?
22735But collecting himself he asked,"What did he order about the breaking of the bones?"
22735But how, then, would the Scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be?"
22735But tell me, when and where has he stirred up any commotion?"
22735But the other thief who was crucified on the right, answered and said,"Dost thou not fear God, seeing that thou art in the same condemnation?
22735But when and where shall we meet?"
22735But where is there any fire?"
22735But, oh, will he be saved by that?
22735Caiaphas asked him,"Art thou steadfastly resolved to do our will?"
22735Caiaphas exclaimed,"What does this mean?
22735Caiaphas indignantly asked, while the priests and Pharisees crowded around,"Did he give you no answer at all?"
22735Caiaphas, hearing him, asked,"What is written?"
22735Can I carry your message?"
22735Can he be John, risen from the dead?"
22735Can the reaper tarry in the shade while the ripe harvest awaits him?
22735Could they have taken him away again?"
22735Could you make a little room for this young man here?"
22735Do n''t you hear?
22735Do we all agree to this?"
22735Do you hear the crash of falling rocks?
22735Does a master care thus for his own?"
22735Does he not deserve the death punishment of high treason?"
22735Even Pilate himself''s touched with compassion now Foolish people and blinded, Have you no hearts to pity him?
22735Fearest thou not that the curse which the law denounces against the apostate will crush thee?
22735For after all, what was the passion?
22735For if they do these things in the green tree, what will be done in the dry?"
22735For thirty pieces of silver wouldst thou now sell that most loving friend and benefactor?
22735For whether is greatest he that sitteth at meat or he that serveth?
22735Hagar, who saw John standing in the entrance of the door, said,"John, comest thou also hither in the middle of the night?
22735Hardly had he gone, when John entered at the other end of the street, asking anxiously, looking on either side,"Where, then, can Peter have gone?
22735Has he not given himself out as a God, when he is nothing but a man?"
22735Hast thou nothing to answer?"
22735Hath he not also as a deceiver worked his pretended miracles by the aid of Beelzebub?
22735Have I not been appointed by the master to carry the bag?"
22735Have we not heard from the prophets that the Messiah shall live forever?
22735Have you brought forward your complaints before him?"
22735Have you condemned my Master to death?"
22735Have you not long ago deserved your fate?
22735He growled from his distant seat,"To what purpose is this waste?
22735Hearing Jesus speak, the thief who was crucified on his left said unto him,"Hearest thou?
22735How can he be without guilt who treads this very law beneath his feet?"
22735How can the strangers who come from the land of the Gentiles to worship God perform their devotions in this tumult of usury?
22735How canst thou forbid that which the council has allowed?"
22735How comes it if there were no dynamo at the other end of that long coil of centuries, that the light should still be shining at our end today?
22735How have I deserved that he should choose my house before all others that are in Jerusalem in which to celebrate the Passover?
22735How is it with the master?
22735I must see him, but where can I find him?
22735If he were really of higher origin?
22735Is he not a prophet?"
22735Is he then never going to leave the land of Judea again?"
22735Is it not known everywhere how he desecrated the Sabbath; how he has misled the people by his seditious speeches?
22735Is it not the holy Sanhedrin of the people of Israel?
22735Is it not true that thou hast never expected such an honor?
22735Is it only pity for the poor which moves thee so much?"
22735Is it possible that the same people this day call for death and destruction upon him?
22735Is not that to challenge the imperial authority?"
22735Is this a proceeding worthy of the fathers of the people of God?"
22735Is this the house of God, or is it a market- place?
22735Is what is done for me, thy master, waste?"
22735It was done, and Quintus came out, saying,"What does this crowd of people want here?"
22735James said,"Why does our dear master thus separate us from one another?"
22735Jesus answered them saying,"Do ye now believe?
22735Jesus answered,"Friend, wherefore art thou come?
22735Jesus answered,"If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if I have spoken well why smitest thou me?"
22735Jesus answered,"Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or only because others have told it to thee?"
22735Jesus said,"Could you not watch with me one hour?"
22735Jesus said,"Simon, dost thou sleep?"
22735Jesus, after a little while, noticing the muttering down the table, asked,"What are you saying to each other?
22735Joseph said,"What shall we do?
22735Judas complacently answered,"Did I not tell you that he would be in your power today?"
22735Judas retorted,"Who will take thought if I do not?
22735Judas said,"One of his disciples?"
22735Judas started as if a serpent had stung him and striking his head with his hand cried,"Who calls?"
22735Judas, alarmed, asked,"Who are these?
22735Judas, staring backward, exclaimed:"Thou art my friend, my brother?"
22735Judas, staring wildly, asked,"Who art thou?"
22735Judas, suspiciously eyeing them, asked,"Do you also perhaps wish to go after the master?"
22735Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee and to release thee?"
22735Mary asked him:"My son, where shall I see thee again?"
22735Nay, of what use has been even the excommunication pronounced on all who acknowledged him as the Messiah?
22735Nero called out to the thief,"Movest thou no more?
22735O Judas, art thou blinded quite By untamed greed of gold and gear?
22735O, Judas, Judas, what hast thou done?"
22735O, who can know the love that lives In this heart now laid bare, That kindness back for hatred gives And saves us from despair?
22735Oh, what has made them mad and blind?
22735One of the executioners said unto him,"Is the burden already too heavy?"
22735One of them awaking, cried,"Brothers, is not the night nearly over?"
22735One of these, Nicodemus, stood up and asked the Sanhedrin,"How can you conclude so godless a bargain?"
22735Or dost thou dare?"
22735Others came in and also struck him, saying,"Was it I?"
22735Over how many tribes and nations and kindreds of men?
22735Peter and John, who stood the one on the left and the other on the right, asked,"Where wilt thou, Lord, that we prepare the Passover?"
22735Peter and Philip asked Jesus, saying,"Lord, shall we smite with the sword?"
22735Peter passionately cried,"Why can I not follow thee now?
22735Peter replied,"What wilt thou, Lord?"
22735Peter started up from the fire over which he had been warming his hands and stammered out,"I?
22735Peter, hearing his voice, said,"What is it, master?"
22735Peter, starting backward in amazement, said,"Lord, dost thou wash my feet?"
22735Pilate answered,"Am I a Jew?
22735Pilate asked him,"What bringest thou from my dear spouse?"
22735Pilate asked,"Where have you proof of that?"
22735Pilate having looked upon him asked,"What accusations have you to bring against this man?"
22735Pilate pleaded,"Can not even this pitiful sight awake any compassion in your hearts?"
22735Ptolomaus, the priest, then turned to the watch and said,"Do you hear?
22735Quintus promised to announce them at once, and the rabbi turning to the members of the Sanhedrin, said,"Do you hear?
22735Repulsed on every side, Judas, striking his forehead with his hand, cried,"Woe is me; what have I done?
22735Said Simon,"I hear a tumult-- an outcry of a crowd-- what has happened in the city?
22735Say to him,''Write not the king of the Jews, but that he said, I am king of the Jews?''"
22735Say-- art thou the Messiah, the Son of the Most High?"
22735Several then asked together,"How much longer must we wait here?"
22735Shall I avoid the good fortune which is coming to meet me?
22735Shall I go in?
22735Shall I let it slip?"
22735Shall he die?
22735Shall my Father''s house be thus dishonored?
22735Shortly after he said unto them,"Children, why are ye so sad and why look ye on me so sorrowfully?
22735Shudders not thy soul in dire affright?
22735Simon replied with a puzzled air,"Why does he compare himself to a grain of corn?"
22735Simon replied,"Only not by force like this,"and then beholding Christ he said,"What is this I see?
22735Simon, sore troubled in speech as he heard these words, said unto him,"Then wilt thou really depart hence forever?"
22735Standing and listening, he said,"Surely, there is some one there?
22735Thaddeus said to Simon,"What does he mean by this speech?"
22735That which is hidden from the proud is revealed unto babes?"
22735That would be too terrible if my Master-- no!--and I-- guilty of it?
22735The Magdalene said,"Mother, wilt thou not rest a little here, while we prepare his resting place?"
22735The attention of the whole band being aroused, they all clustered around Peter, asking,"Art thou also one of the disciples?"
22735The cup which the Father hath given, shall I not drink it?
22735The disciples seeing his departure wondered among themselves, and Thomas said to Simon,"Why does Judas go away?"
22735The other apostles who had not heard this kept on asking,"Who can it be?"
22735The others shrugged their shoulders and said,"What does he care about us?"
22735The people answered mockingly:"Then, if so, why did you not arrest him?
22735The priests, shocked at their homage, were sorely displeased, and appealed to Jesus, saying:"Hearest thou what they say?
22735The servant said,"Is that so?
22735The third executioner, pushing them roughly away, said,"What use are your women''s tears?
22735The women answered,"Alas, how will it be in the future for us and our children?"
22735Then Annas exclaimed,"Wilt thou even now defy us, when thy life and death are in our power?
22735Then Caiaphas spake unto Jesus, saying,"Jesus of Nazareth, dost thou stand by the words which thou hast pronounced this night before thy judges?"
22735Then Caiaphas turned to Jesus and said,"What sayest thou unto this?"
22735Then Caiaphas, turning to Jesus, spoke to him with indignation:"So thou hast claimed to possess a superhuman divine power?
22735Then Jesus looked upon him with compassion and said,"Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?
22735Then Jesus looked upon them and said,"So long a time have I been amongst you and you are still entangled in earthly things?
22735Then John whispered to Jesus, saying,"Lord, who is it?"
22735Then Judas said unto him,"Canst thou keep silence?"
22735Then Martha asked,"Wilt thou Lord, grant me the happiness of serving thee?"
22735Then Mary cried as she looked on the scene,"Oh where is any sorrow like unto my sorrow?"
22735Then Nathanael arose, and standing on the right hand of Caiaphas, said:"Is it allowed; O, fathers, to say a word?"
22735Then Pilate said unto him with some surprise,"Dost thou not speak even unto me?
22735Then Thomas said,"Will each one of us have lordship over a separate land?"
22735Then after wildly looking around to see if anyone was near, he said:"Oh, where, where can I go to hide my shame, to escape the torments of conscience?
22735Then again said Caiaphas,"What does the law decree concerning him who profaneth the Sabbath?"
22735Then asked Caiaphas,"How does the law punish the blasphemer?"
22735Then asked Pilate in surprise,"Has he come out of Galilee?"
22735Then burst from their lips the despairing cry,"Alas, what affliction lies before us all?"
22735Then exclaimed all the disciples together,"Alas, Lord, is this then the last Passover?"
22735Then one of the band went up to him and shouted,"Hearest thou nothing?"
22735Then said Caiaphas to Judas,"Knowest thou the man whom the council seeks?"
22735Then said Caiaphas,"Art thou silent?
22735Then said Caiaphas,"What is thy name?"
22735Then said Caiaphas,"What shall we do with this money?
22735Then said Caiaphas:"Dost thou also speak in this wise?
22735Then said Herod,"What have you really against him?"
22735Then said Jesus unto them,"Do you know what I have done unto you?
22735Then said Jesus unto them,"When I sent you out without purse or scrip, or shoes, lacked ye anything?"
22735Then said John, when the dolorous procession had passed,"Mother, shall we not go back to Bethany?
22735Then said John,"Good Hagar, I have a companion with me; can he not also come in?"
22735Then said John,"Lord, tell us what shall this fate be?"
22735Then said Manasses to Jesus,"Why should you not display your wisdom here?
22735Then said Mary, the mother of Jesus,"Whither shall we go, O friends, oh, whither, that I may but once more see my beloved son?
22735Then said Nicodemus:"Is the sentence already pronounced upon this man before there has been an examination or hearing of the witnesses?
22735Then said Peter unto him,"Lord, whither goest thou?"
22735Then said Peter unto him,"Master, when this kingdom shall appear, how will the offices be portioned out?"
22735Then said Peter,"How will it fare here with our good master?
22735Then said Pilate,"Art thou a king then?"
22735Then said Pilate,"Why, what evil hath he done?
22735Then said Rabinth, seeing they had approached the place of Pilate,"How shall we bring our message to Pilate?
22735Then said he to the people,"What shall I do with the king of the Jews?"
22735Then said the centurion to Jesus,"Wilt thou not drink?
22735Then said the disciples one to another,"What is he going to do?"
22735Then said the rabbi unto him,"Why dost thou force thyself uncalled for in this assembly?
22735Then said the traders,"Has he gone to Jerusalem?"
22735Then stepping forward to meet the armed band, he faced them fearlessly and said,"Whom seek ye?"
22735Then stood up Nicodemus and said:"O, fathers, is it allowed to say one word?"
22735Then the soldiers thrust him forward, crying,"Shall we have to carry thee in our arms?
22735Then the soldiers turned to Jesus and said,"Hearest thou that, O king and prophet?"
22735Then they cried to Christ, as they went off to the palace of Herod,"One hour sooner or later, what matters it?
22735Then turning to Jesus he said,"Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom?"
22735Then turning to the Pharisees he said,"Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me?
22735Then while these words were on their lips, Judas, fearing lest his silence should be observed, started forward and asked furtively,"Lord, is it I?"
22735Then, Caiaphas, turning to Judas, said:"But, Judas, how will the band be able to distinguish the Master in the darkness?"
22735Then, speaking to Jesus he said,"Art thou the king of the Jews?"
22735They seated him on a stool with a bandage over his eyes, and surrounded him mockingly, saying,"Is not this throne too mean for thee, great king?
22735Thinkest thou I can not now pray to my Father, and he would presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?
22735Thomas and Simon, speaking together with the same thought and same words, asked,"Who can this faithless one be?"
22735Thou art so absorbed in thought?"
22735Thou wilt cleave to Moses and yet defendest thou that which the law condemns?
22735Thou wilt not be able to bear the sight?"
22735Thou wilt not, or thou canst not?
22735To us or to him who has proclaimed himself the expounder of a new law?"
22735To whom will you listen; to us or to him?
22735We dare not enter the house of the Gentile today, as in that case we should become unclean and could not eat the Passover?"
22735What am I going to do but let the Jews know where the master is to be found?
22735What answerest thou?"
22735What are we to understand by them?
22735What askest thou me?
22735What can I do for him, I, a miserable wretch who have delivered him into their hands?
22735What can it be?"
22735What can thine enemies do unto thee?
22735What can we do so long as he is not in our power?"
22735What comes there?
22735What do you think, my friends, of the complaint of the Jewish priests?"
22735What does this man matter to me?"
22735What ground is there for this?"
22735What has he done?"
22735What induced thee to take this step?"
22735What is this?"
22735What is to be done now?
22735What need have we of any further witnesses?
22735What new orders are required?
22735What now lacks for the destruction of all civil and ecclesiastical order?
22735What shall we do with this man when God has delivered him into our hands?"
22735What think ye?"
22735What will be the end of all this?"
22735What will you give me if I deliver him up to you?"
22735When Annas saw Jesus he said,"Have you brought him alone as prisoner?"
22735When Pilate heard this he said,"What is truth?"
22735When shall we come to Calvary?"
22735Whence art thou?"
22735Where is he, that he may experience our vengeance?"
22735Where is the trace of deity?
22735Wherein does it modify orthodox opinions?
22735Which will ye that I shall release unto you, Barabbas or Jesus, who is called the Christ?"
22735While they were busy Mary Magdalene went out to the centurion and said to him:"May we not even pay the last honors to our friend?"
22735Who is he?"
22735Who knows?
22735Why should your power vanish before the eyes of the king, even as a soap bubble?"
22735Why, then, should the death of one Jew have transformed the world, while the death of these uncounted thousands failed even to save the synagogue?
22735Why?--I keep asking why?
22735Wilt thou accuse the council of injustice?"
22735Wilt thou not wipe it off?"
22735Would you cease to be the chosen people?"
22735Ye see him decked with purple shreds, They laugh and jeer and shake their heads, Is this the royal robe of state?
22735Zadok exclaimed:"Dost thou know the holy law?
22735[ Illustration:"What accusations have you to bring against this man?"]
22735cried Martha,"thou art going; and comest thou back nevermore?"
22735doth it dismay thee that thou wilt not go forward?"
22735have they the famous man from Nazareth?
22735he asked, and then turning to Jesus said to him,"Say, by what power hast thou done this?"
22735not so brightly as could be wished, but to shine at all, is that in itself not miraculous?
22735said Dathan,"hast thou then forsaken him?
22735said Judas,"do you wish to become his followers?"
22735said the traders contemptuously,"and art still willing to remain with him?
22735said they,"for the last time?
22735where is there another man on whom such guilt of blood doth rest?
22735while the Magdalene timidly inquired,"Wilt thou despise a token of love and gratitude from me?"
13335And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith,` Why doth this generation seek after a sign? 13335 Are there few that be saved?"
13335Are ye also without understanding?
13335Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
13335How are you to escape the judgement of Gehenna?
13335How will this look in the Universe,he asks,"and before the Creator of Man?"
13335If the friend in the house to your knowledge has the loaves, you will knock until you get them; and has not God the gifts for you that you need? 13335 Is it possible,"he will ask himself,"that I am deluded?"
13335Is not this the carpenter?
13335My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
13335The Son of Fact,--do you think this a true epithet?
13335What could you do with signs? 13335 What went ye out into the wilderness for to see?
13335Why callest thou me good?
13335( Mark 6:3); Matthew adds a word that may or may not be significant"his sisters are they not all with us?"
13335), or to the interpretation of this teaching by scholars of the apocalyptic school?
1333512:11), or will he refrain from leading his ox to the water on the Sabbath( Luke 13:15)?
13335A dreamer, with the clouds of the visionaries and apocalyptists ever in his head?
13335A glance at pearls on a table-- this, and this, and this he will take the other, perhaps; he would look at that one-- the rest?
13335A man clothed in soft raiment?
13335A prophet?
13335A reed shaken with the wind?
13335A warning to those who do not heed another''s need of"inward sustenance,"of spiritual life, of God?
13335Again, when we read of his happy way in dealing with children, are we to draw no inference as to his face, and what it told the children?
13335And another thought rises up again and again,"Where will it take me?"
13335And even if they do not ask, because they do not know their need, will he not answer the prayers that others, who do know, make for them?
13335And how long, under various names, had Cybele, Mother of Gods, been worshipped in Asia?
13335And the Lord said to him,` How sayest thou,"The law I have kept and the prophets?"
13335And the son of man, that thou visitest him?
13335And there is another question: is this story going to be repeated?
13335And to whom did he say this?
13335And what the heart and nature, from which came this incredible power and reach of appeal?
13335And whom would he describe as"lost"?
13335And yet, where is that religion to- day?
13335Are his own desires finally out of the reckoning?
13335Are these pictures fanciful-- mere imagination?
13335Are we afraid that our picture will be too modern, too little Jewish?
13335Are we to think his face gave no sign of what he was doing?
13335Are we to think that all the tenderness of Jesus came to him by a miracle when he was thirty years of age?
13335Are you quite sure that there is any distinction in the other world between good and bad, between Jew and Gentile?
13335As he sat out in the wild under the open sky, did the stars never speak to him, as to Hebrew psalmist and Roman Virgil?
13335As we gradually realize what he has in mind, must we not feel that we have not grasped anything like the full grandeur of his thought?
13335At any rate, there they are in the Christian experience; and where does anything that matters flow from but from God?
13335But have they gone?
13335But have we left the text too far?
13335But how are they to go on?
13335But is it the detail or the central fact that matters?
13335But is that all?
13335But still our first question is unanswered; why should it have been the cross?
13335But was it not, perhaps, for far simpler and more natural reasons just because they were children, and little, and delightful?
13335But what do we mean by x and y?
13335But what evidence is there for that?
13335But why no sign?
13335But why should that involve the cross?
13335But why?
13335But, in fact, is it not true now that we really only know God through Jesus?
13335Can he matter?
13335Can not you trust your Father to control his wind and his sea?
13335Can sin be put away at all?
13335Can we penetrate to the analogy which he finds between the Jesus of the new experience and the old term which he uses?
13335Can we say that we have any real, sure, and intimate knowledge of his experience of God?
13335Can we, when we see what he has experienced, grasp the substance and build on that to the neglect of the term?
13335Could a man count on God and how far?
13335Could any one, on the other hand, forget it?
13335Could he rely on God supporting him, on God wishing to have him in this world and the next?
13335Could not the whole presentation of Christ be much simpler?
13335Did he speak quickly or slowly?
13335Did he, he asked, or was it"by the finger of God"( Luke 11:20)?
13335Did it differ from St Paul''s?
13335Did no one see the scene pictured with his own mind''s eye-- no one grasp the humour and the irony with delight?
13335Did no one smile as the story was told?
13335Do not men and women frankly enjoy the grappling of the little mind with big things?
13335Do not such words reveal nature?
13335Do not the diminutives mean something?
13335Do they not take us into the midst of a group where friendship is real?
13335Do we feel what he felt in the so- called trials-- or was he dull and numbed by the catastrophe?
13335Do we pray in order to change the will of God?
13335Do you agree that they are the principal ones?
13335Do you agree with the writer''s exposition?
13335Do you find this sort of antithesis in the Gospels?
13335Do you, he asks, pray with anything like their determination to be heard?
13335Does God care for people beyond the grave?
13335Does God make His message clear, does He properly authenticate Himself?
13335Does he choose God without reserve, and in a way that God, knowing his heart, will call a whole- hearted choice?
13335Does he mean to be God''s up to the cross and beyond?
13335Does he, in fact, deny-- negate-- himself( Mark 8:34)?
13335Does intercourse with Nature make communion with God more real?
13335Does our emphasis fall on the great features of that nature-- are they within our vision, and in our drawing?
13335Does our explanation of him really explain him, or leave him more a riddle?
13335Does the writer make Jesus too human?
13335Does the writer overdo the importance of history?
13335Does the writer underestimate the actual impress made on his age by Jesus?
13335Does this belittle him?
13335Does your reading of the Gospels incline you to agree with the writer?
13335Embarrassment rises on their faces-- is it a mistake?
13335First of all, how far does Jesus understand salvation to take a man?
13335For it is hard to believe in man--"What is man that thou shouldest magnify him?
13335For the insincere and the trivial there is no message from God, no truth of God-- how should there be?
13335Had Jesus a sense of humour?
13335Had he a method of teaching: if so, what was it?
13335Has forgiveness been, in fact, achieved-- or salvation from sin?
13335Has not this been the secret of the spread of the Gospel?
13335Have we given his meaning to his term-- force, value, emotion, and suggestion?
13335Have we realized the experience behind his thought?
13335He is too busy, we think; and yet, after all, if God is so great, why should he be so busy?
13335He smiled and said to his two troubled friends:"Is that all?
13335Heaven has been invoked-- and what is Heaven?
13335How and where did he begin himself?
13335How came he to achieve poem or picture, so profound and so true?
13335How can I forget you?
13335How can ordinary people"make sure of the experience behind the thought of Jesus?"
13335How can they be so light and yet have such power?
13335How can they?
13335How could they fail to?
13335How did he bear the beating of triumphant hatred upon a forsaken spirit?
13335How did he come to speak in this manner, to say this and that?
13335How did he know that Peter was there, and what led him to turn at that moment?
13335How did the Church do it?
13335How did they come?
13335How do they look at it?
13335How do you picture the life he lived with his disciples?
13335How does Jesus conceive of salvation?
13335How does a man come to think and feel as he does?
13335How does he face them?
13335How far are we prepared to go in sharing that experience?
13335How far will men commit themselves to God?
13335How has it come about?
13335How is it that Jesus comes into the wasted life and makes it new?
13335How is it that men can"reject the counsel of God,"refuse God''s plans and ideas( Luke 7:30)?
13335How is it that they forget God altogether?
13335How is it that to another man, with the same upbringing as ours, everything is different, everything means more?
13335How is it that, when John Wesley made the same discovery, and once more staked all on faith in Christ, again the Church felt the pulse of new life?
13335How many men to- day will say what they really think before a man in clerical dress, or a dignitary however trivial?
13335How many of the parables turn on energy?
13335How much is involved in the name"Father,"which Jesus so uniformly gives to God?
13335How much of a human father is available for his children?
13335How should a person, who does not care for men, understand the cross?
13335How was it done?
13335How would you introduce the Christian faith to one who believed and took part in the Eleusinian cult of Demeter?
13335How would you state to a non- Christian the three principal elements in Jesus''teaching about the character of God?
13335How_ can_ a man know that he has done his best?
13335How_ could_ it go?
13335If Jesus comes to them with a word from God, can he not prove its authenticity preferably with"a sign from the sky"( Mark 8:11)?
13335If Paul was wrong, how did he capture the Christian Church for his ideas?
13335If he is a real Father, why should not he be at leisure for his children?
13335If he speaks of prayer, must we not think he means that God wants it as much as his child can want it?
13335If it is the incarnation of God, what right have we not to be afraid?
13335If it is urged that such things are natural to man--"do not even the publicans the same?"
13335If the friend in the house to your knowledge has the loaves, you will knock till you get them; and has not God the gifts for you that you need?
13335Ignorance, as to germs or precipices or what not, leads to destruction"in pari materia"; in the moral sphere can it be otherwise?
13335In a word, what is a man''s fundamental attitude to God and God''s facts?
13335In his case, as in every other, the central and crucial question is, What is his experience of God?
13335In other words, What has he found in God?
13335In the meantime, if God was going to damn the Gentiles in the next world, why should not the Jews do it in this?
13335In what does he differ from other men, that he should do work so fundamental and so eternal?
13335In what way?
13335Is he short of the power to help, or is it the will to help that is wanting in God?
13335Is he short of the power to help, or is it the will to help that is wanting in God?"
13335Is it a great figure?
13335Is it a real fatherhood where such things do not appeal?
13335Is it in our picture?
13335Is it not fair to say that many of our current judgements upon Jesus Christ are no better founded?
13335Is it not so still in the East?
13335Is it not the same picture which Jesus draws of"joy in heaven in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth"?
13335Is it not the sternest and deepest feeling, after all, when a man will not"unpack his heart with words"?
13335Is it not true that we come nearer to him in that cry in the language strange to us, but his own?
13335Is it possible for those incapacitated by sin to regain, or to enjoy, relation with God?
13335Is it the same type of character which is exalted by Christian piety, stained- glass windows, and the calendars of Saints?
13335Is it too big a thing for the Giver of Life to give food-- which is the more difficult thing to give?
13335Is not one of the most real features of parenthood enjoyment of the child?
13335Is not that friendship?
13335Is not that very like the Christian religion?
13335Is there a warning in this picture of the people on the left hand that applies to deeper things than physical hunger?
13335Is there another teacher of those times who is at all so sure that God loves bird and flower?
13335Is there any truth in this charge as regards( a) the portrait in the Gospels, or( b) the presentation of Jesus in the teaching of the Church?
13335Is there in all his parables a blurred picture, the edges dim or the focus wrong?
13335Is there no evidence of God in restored sanity?
13335Is there not for Christians in every age a joy and an inspiration in knowing the very sounds his lips framed?
13335Is this leaving the real?
13335It is our experience that we repent and fall again; what else was the experience of the people whom John baptised?
13335It is unthinkable; God-- will God do less?
13335John taught prayer-- all sorts of people teach prayer; but what sort of prayer?
13335Look at the freedom, the growth, the power of the Christian life-- where do they all come from?
13335Might it not be said that God had discredited John the Baptist, now his head was taken off?
13335Moses is very well, but if God has higher ideas of marriage-- what then?
13335Must we not think it was all growing up in that house and in that shop?
13335No hint of dread that his work might indeed be undone?
13335Nor is it this sort of surrender to God that Jesus calls for-- no, the question is, how thoroughly is a man going to put himself into God''s hands?
13335Nothing else, he will say, seemed feasible; the thing was borne in on me, it came to me: reasons?
13335Of what character were the prayers that John taught his disciples?
13335On the famous occasion, when John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to Jesus with his striking message:"Art thou he that should come?
13335Once again, in the plainest language, are we prepared to follow, as the disciples followed, afraid as they were?
13335One of them speaks for the rest:"Lord, when saw we thee an hungered and fed thee?"
13335Or did he never tell a story-- he who tells them so charmingly-- till he wanted parables?
13335Or has the reading of this book made you feel his divinity more strongly just because he was so perfectly human?
13335Or has the writer too narrow a conception of the nature of Art?
13335So with us-- to decide the issue, how far are we prepared to go with Jesus?
13335Something less than the word carries in the case of a human father, or more?
13335That is saying a great deal, but when we look at Christian history, is it saying too much?
13335The Latin dramatist Terence pictures the young man looking at one of these paintings and saying to himself,"If Jupiter did it, why should not I?"
13335The Pharisee lied-- lying to oneself or lying to another, which is the worse?
13335The Sabbath-- is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?
13335The answer was, why should your father not come with the redeemed Israel?
13335The bird flying to her nest, the fox creeping to his hole( Luke 9:58)--did these break into the prayers of Jesus-- and with what effect?
13335The cup is clean enough without; it is septic and poisonous within-- and from which side of it do you drink, outside or inside?
13335The elements and the stars come over us, as they came over George Fox in the Vale of Beavor; what is man?
13335The moon and the stars which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
13335The more relevant question for us is: How came he to wait till he was at least about thirty years old before he began to teach in public?
13335The old problem returns upon us: Who and what is this Jesus Christ?
13335The price?
13335The question will rise, Have Christians overstated their experience, or even misunderstood it?
13335The real crux comes when the question rises in a man''s own heart,"Does God love me?"
13335The time would come when new clothes were needed; but why could not the old ones be patched, and passed down yet another stage?
13335Then finally the question comes, how to secure continuity?
13335There are gaps in the record-- for instance, how and why did the school of John survive as it did( Acts 18:25, 19:1- 7)?
13335There is an inherited element in them, but how much else?
13335There were men whom John had taught to pray; was it they who asked Jesus to teach them over again?
13335There yawns the chasm; with your driving, how do you think you can avoid disaster?
13335They are happy living things that come to his mind, as it were, of themselves, because, shall we say?
13335To any reader who has any feeling or imagination, what do these short sentences mean?
13335To turn again to passages already quoted, will a father give his son a serpent instead of the fish for which he asks, a stone for bread?
13335To what extent was the hardness of the world during the early Roman Empire due to current conceptions of God?
13335To what feeling or thought, to what attitude to life, is this or the other saying due?
13335Two questions arise: Is it possible to recover lost moral quality and faculty?
13335Very well then; does a man choose God?
13335Waiving the fact that he had not much evidence for this in the mythology, how was a man to distinguish god from daemon, to know which is which?
13335Was Jesus fond of life and Nature?
13335Was he justified?
13335Was he not probably more widely known?
13335Was it an arm of the sea, a vast bay, or was it a great river?
13335Was it continued in the Apostolic Church?
13335Was it in such hours that he learnt his deepest lessons from the birds and the lilies of the field?
13335Was there no smile?
13335We have, as we agreed, to ask ourselves, what is the experience which led him to think as he did?
13335We have, then, to ask ourselves, What is the experience that leads Jesus to speak as he does, to think as he does?
13335Well, if a man''s one sheep is in a pit on the Sabbath, what will he do?
13335What are the modern parallels to"the four outstanding classes whom Jesus warns of the danger of hell?"
13335What are the three ways of answering the question:"Who and what is this Jesus Christ?"
13335What becomes of ordinary simple people untrained in historical research, who are not experts and merely want help in living and dying?
13335What brought them?
13335What but unspeakable peril?
13335What can they mean, from the lips of a thinker so clear and so serious, and a friend so tender?
13335What characteristics of the mind of Jesus does this chapter emphasize as principal?
13335What could their minds be like?
13335What did God mean?
13335What did Jesus teach his disciples concerning prayer?
13335What did they expect?
13335What did they mean by their words?
13335What do we know of man apart from Jesus Christ?
13335What do we make of his originality?
13335What do you imagine Jesus looked like?
13335What do you think of the conventional figure of modern Art?)
13335What does Jesus mean by"lost"?
13335What does he expect of God?
13335What does it cost a man to do that?
13335What does it matter now, if God redeems his people, or if he does not?
13335What does it mean to them?
13335What does it mean?
13335What does the discovery of God mean?
13335What does this involve?
13335What does this mean?
13335What does"lost"mean?
13335What elements in the teaching of Jesus and the relation of God to the individual would be new to a Jew who knew his Old Testament?
13335What follows?
13335What had happened?
13335What has been his appeal?
13335What has influenced him?
13335What is God to him?
13335What is God''s mind, God''s conduct, toward those people whom men think they can afford to despise?
13335What is it that has led him to such a view?
13335What is it that makes the poem?
13335What is it?
13335What is our right to an opinion on Jesus Christ?
13335What is prayer?
13335What is that between you and me?"
13335What is the attitude of a father to his child?
13335What is the connection between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Cross in the teaching of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels?
13335What is the explanation of it?
13335What is the innermost thing in a father''s relation to his children?
13335What is the mind that can do such things?
13335What is the power that is to carry John''s disciples through the rest of their lives?
13335What is the value of the Agony in the Garden, of the cry,"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"( Mark 15:34)?
13335What is there about Shiva, Kali, or Shri Krishna that essentially differentiates them from the gods of Greece and Rome and Egypt?
13335What is to be the method?
13335What made them?
13335What pain must that have involved?
13335What parent ever analysed reasons for loving his children, or would tabulate them for you?
13335What takes men there?
13335What type of character does Jesus admire?
13335What was the secret of Jesus''attractiveness, and what kinds of men and women did he attract?
13335What was to keep them on the new level-- not only in the isolation of the desert, but in the ordinary routine of town and village?
13335What will be the result?
13335What will the evidence for this be?
13335What would he do next?
13335What would our evidence be for"spiritual religion"if we had not the record of actual history to check fancy and support the ventures of faith?
13335What, then, and how much, does he mean by"to save,"and how does he propose to do it?
13335What, then, did his choice involve?
13335What, we asked, did Jesus mean by"lost"?
13335When a man avows that he does not care for art or poetry, who would wish to show him poem or picture?
13335When someone in his old age challenged him with the question,"Who will be judge?"
13335When the question is asked,"Was Jesus the Messiah?"
13335When we survey the four groups, it comes to one central question at last: Has a man been in earnest with himself about God''s dealings with him?
13335When"the Lord turned and looked upon Peter"( Luke 22:61), what did it mean?
13335Whence came his consciousness of God, his gift for recognizing God?
13335Whence came the inherited element?
13335Where did our own thoughts of God begin?
13335Where does a man''s_ Will_ point him?
13335Where does anyone begin, who takes us any great distance?
13335Where does your theology come from?
13335Where does"revelation to babes"come in?
13335Where in all this is the artistic temperament?
13335Where is he going?
13335Where is he taking them?
13335Where is the old religion?
13335Wherein does Jesus''standard of sin differ from the standard of sin current to- day?
13335Who authorizes the living man to live?
13335Who can kill or rob another man, when he remembers whose hands were nailed to the Cross for that man?
13335Who did the thinking in that ancient world?
13335Who fasts at the wedding feast, in the hour of gladness?
13335Who gave him that authority?
13335Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"
13335Who was this Jesus that he should produce this result?
13335Whose children are you?
13335Whose sea is it?
13335Whose wind is it?
13335Why are they so still?
13335Why can you not think for yourselves?
13335Why did Jesus pray?
13335Why did they go?
13335Why did they go?
13335Why does he speak in this way?
13335Why had Christian churches to be so much larger than pagan temples?
13335Why has Jesus meant so much?
13335Why must people make up their minds about him?
13335Why not?
13335Why not?
13335Why should I not live in it?"
13335Why should all this be associated with him?
13335Why should it have been so?
13335Why should men do such things?
13335Why should not_ you_ believe?
13335Why should there be this correspondence between Jesus of Nazareth and human life?
13335Why, then, do the Evangelists, writing for Greek readers, keep the Aramaic sentences?
13335Will a father refuse his child bread; will God not give what is good?
13335Will a man take Jesus at his word, and commit himself to God?
13335Will it be in Jerusalem or in heaven?
13335Will the movement outlast his personal influence?
13335Will the whole Finance Ministers and Upholsterers and Confectioners of modern Europe undertake, in joint- stock company, to make one Shoeblack happy?"
13335With what aspects of the religion and life of the early Roman Empire, as outlined in the chapter, would the Church find itself in conflict?
13335With what voice could religion speak for morality in Corinth?
13335Would he have trusted even the best organized church as such?
13335Would not Virgil and Horace, it was asked, have taken notice of the massacre at Bethlehem, if it was historical?
13335Would not"spiritual religion"suffice without a"historical basis,"as some Indians and others suggest?
13335Would they not?
13335Would you admit this?
13335[ 18] But is this kingdom of the Messiah to be an earthly or a heavenly kingdom?
13335[ 30] How else can he, with his serious view of sin, say to a man,"Thy sins are forgiven thee"?
13335and are not his sisters here with us?"
13335and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him?"
13335break on his ears-- on his mind?
13335from God, or was it of men?
13335has the baptismal formula at the end of Matthew been adjusted to the creed of Nicaea?
13335or look we for another?"
13335or move his hand when he spoke?
13335or was it a delusion?
13335people at Nazareth asked,"the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joseph, and of Judah and Simon?
13335redemption) mean the Cross for Jesus?
13335the obvious reply is,"Which Messiah?"
13335was he right?
13335what is at the heart of it all?
13335what relations has he with God?
19566And after that?
19566And after that?
19566And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God? 19566 Can thunder from the thirty- two azimuths, repeated daily for centuries, make God''s laws more godlike to me?
19566Has not the French Academy pronounced against the use of quinine and vaccination, against lightning rods and steam engines? 19566 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall he not correct you?"
19566I ask, Whence came these properties? 19566 In the year of Christ-- what new Olympiad may be that?"
19566The United States of course means the States of the Achæn League, but on what shore of the Euxine may Mexico and California be found?
19566Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? 19566 What right,"says the Pantheist, the Fourierist, the Spiritualist, the Atheist,"what right have you to command me?
19566What, into a prayer- meeting? 19566 Where is the way where light dwelleth, And as for darkness, what is the place thereof?
19566Who is this that covereth up like a_ flood_, whose waters are moved like the rivers? 19566 Why should men throw away their common sense, and swallow everything as inspired?"
19566[ 120] But what do the toiling millions of earth care about beautiful poetic descriptions of a heaven and a hell that have no reality? 19566 [ 125] Now I demand to know whether this testimony of our Lord is not to be believed?
19566[ 349] The nature of light is however still as great a mystery as when Job demanded,Where is the way where light dwelleth?"
19566_ Do we then make void the law through faith? 19566 ''Well,''says I,''do you see me?'' 19566 ***** Reader, is this glorious heaven your inheritance? 19566 466 Must Faith Fade Before Science? 19566 A Christian? 19566 A blasphemer and liar an exemplar of every virtue? 19566 Again, then, whence this idea, and what is it? 19566 Also, can any understand the spreadings of the clouds, or the noise of his tabernacles? 19566 And from the inner Adyta-- the invisible shrine of what alone is and endures-- a voice is heard:Hast thou an arm like God?
19566And how did he know that the"I"thought?
19566And if a revelation comes from God, why have we not such evidence for it as mathematical demonstration?"
19566And if a snail, or a worm, can contrive to live now in an unimproved condition, why should its improving cousin die off?
19566And if he could, how many of my most important affairs can I submit to the multiplication table, or lay off in squares and triangles?
19566And if he will never return to inquire whether men obey or disobey his law, who will regard it?
19566And in a few days myself also cease to be?
19566And now[ 1864] who would venture to predict the time of the close of that sad war?
19566And thy own god- created soul, dost thou not call that a revelation?
19566And what is the fuel which feeds these unquenchable fires?
19566And whence are these?
19566And whether he does not directly claim to work miracles by the immediate power of God?
19566And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he saith unto them, Have ye here any meat?
19566And whither shall I flee from thy presence?
19566And why?
19566And your labor for that which satisfieth not?
19566Are Saturn''s rings solid, or liquid?
19566Are the atmospheres of the planets like ours?
19566Are the light and heat of the sun begotten of combustion?
19566Are they all eternal in their present combinations?
19566Are they built of the same material as our planet?
19566Are you looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God?
19566Are you perfectly satisfied of the truth of the New Testament, and willing to venture your eternal salvation upon the words of Christ contained in it?
19566Are you washed from your sins?
19566Are your likes and dislikes, your sentiments and sympathies, your understanding and your will, all brought into subjection to Christ?
19566Aye, and as much more as God is greater than man?
19566Because a gymnast can leap over two horses, can his son leap over three?
19566But do you ever hear any of them use such phrases as"earth rising,"and"earth setting?"
19566But how did man get this extraordinary development of brain, far beyond his necessities?
19566But how does our Infidel geologist set about his work of proving that the earth is any given age, say six thousand millions of years?
19566But how many volumes of this stone book have you perused personally?
19566But how much of it is experimental science_ to you_?
19566But if six generations could thus be born in Syria, or India, in a century, why not in Egypt?
19566But if so, what becomes of the rings of the nebular theory?
19566But it is worth while to inquire, Is science really so positive, and religion so uncertain, as these persons allege?
19566But then comes the great question, What is below the granite?
19566But then it is asked, Is God the Author of an imperfect law?
19566But we demand to know what standard of morals our objectors adopt?
19566But what, it has been asked, is a brief period of 3,000 years, when compared with the geologic ages?
19566But, however fully the atheist may know that matter is eternal, we do not know any such thing, and must be allowed to ask, How do_ you_ know?
19566But, my good sir, how am I to know what kind will suit me?
19566But_ the_ question-- which we marvel beyond measure that the bishop overlooks-- always was, Where did Cain get his wife?
19566By what process of philosophical induction is religion alone put beyond the sphere of faith and hope?
19566CHAPTER V. Who Wrote the New Testament?
19566Can We Believe Christ and His Apostles?
19566Can intelligences be compounded, or like bricks and mortar, piled upon each other?
19566Can you heartily love and adore a sin- hating, sin- avenging God?
19566Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, Or loose the bands of Orion?
19566Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, Or loosen the bands of Orion?
19566Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his seasons?
19566Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his seasons?
19566Canst thou guide Arcturus and his sons?
19566Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover thee?
19566Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go And say unto thee,''Here we are?''"
19566Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
19566Canst thou thunder with a voice like Him?
19566Canst_ thou_ set the dominion thereof in the earth?
19566Could God give a defective code of morals?
19566Could I prosecute the toils of study alone, without companion or friend to share my labors?
19566Could the New Testament be Corrupted?
19566Could you, or could any man, have permission to alter the original copy of Washington''s Farewell Address?
19566Did a mass of iron, becoming discontented with its gravity, suddenly metamorphose itself into a cloud of gas, or into a pail of water?
19566Did he know what he was about in making it?
19566Did it contain within itself all the principles of things, all the forces now found in the worlds which grew out of it?
19566Did it go to the sun, or to the moon, or to the pole star, or to this earth?
19566Did it kindle of its own accord?
19566Did its improvement kill it?
19566Did the Council of Nice Make the Bible?
19566Did the World Make Itself?
19566Did the loaves and fishes miraculously multiply in numbers, or increase in size?
19566Did the mist make itself?
19566Did the small potatoes beget the big ones?
19566Did these men tell the truth when they told the world that they did eat and drink with Jesus after he rose from the dead, or did they lie?
19566Did these secure them against the moral government of God?
19566Did this gospel of Christ actually produce any such reformation of their lives?
19566Did you ever study the employment of the saints there?
19566Do they not unanimously denounce geologists and astronomers as heretics, for asserting the vast antiquity of the earth?"
19566Do you ever hear astronomers, in common discourse, use any other language?
19566Do you know any science which has been prosecuted by one- hundredth part of this number of inquirers?
19566Do you know any?
19566Do you mean to say that these are not essential elements of the Old Testament religion?"
19566Do you suppose the world will be turned upside down, and reformed, by a little good advice?
19566Do you think anybody could forge a letter as from me, and impose it on them?
19566Does anybody go to Macaulay to look for the history of the Westminster Assembly, or to Bancroft for an account of the Great Revival in New England?
19566Does he care whether it answers any purpose or not?
19566Does he know what is going on in it?
19566Does it mean just twenty- four hours there?
19566Does not every one know that nothing marvelous ever happened, or, if it did, would any historian trouble himself to record a prodigy?
19566Does the gradation show that the little ones begot the big ones?
19566Does the grave hide forever all that I loved?
19566Every Other Book Inspired?
19566Fill it as full of electricity, magnetism and odyle as you please; do these afford any_ reason_ for its very extraordinary conduct?
19566For still the questions arise, Where did this almighty matter come from?
19566For the effecting of a creation out of nothing?
19566For what cause is the fortune of these countries so strikingly changed?
19566For who can better direct me when I hesitate, or instruct me when I am ignorant?
19566For, if not, of what use is it for you to trouble yourself about the Old Testament?
19566Had Seth a wife?
19566Had he any object in view in forming it?
19566Had it a mind, and a will, and a perception of propriety?
19566Has he forgotten the straws carried over all Ireland in one night, and the Chupatties of the Indian Mutiny?
19566Has he given me the principle of curiosity, without which such an endowment were useless?
19566Has not Reaumer suppressed Peysonnel''s''Essay on Corals,''because he thought it was madness to maintain their animal nature?
19566Has the Creator of the world common sense?
19566Has the moon an atmosphere?
19566Have We Any Need of the Bible?
19566Have they ceased to be?
19566Have we any testimony on the subject?
19566Have we fifty- seven eternal beings?
19566Have you not willingly remained in ignorance of the contents of the Bible, because you dislike its commands?
19566Have you, in fact, ever seen one in a thousand of these minerals and fossils_ in situ_?
19566He looked at it a moment, and then inquired:"H- h- how do you know it''s A?"
19566He puts forth his energy for what?
19566He that chastiseth the heathen, shall he be not correct?
19566He that formed the eye, shall he not see?
19566He that formed the eye, shall he not see?_ It does not say, he has an eye or an ear, but that he has the knowledge we acquire by those organs.
19566He that planted the ear, shall he not hear?
19566He that teacheth man knowledge, shall he not know?
19566Hear him._"What saith Christ, then, respecting the Old Testament?
19566How came the world to be under law without a lawgiver?
19566How can any one imagine a being composed of the sum of all the intelligences of the universe?
19566How can such contradictions be true?
19566How can we accept their code of morals if we refuse to believe them when they speak of matters of fact?
19566How could Noah and his three sons build a ship larger than the Great Eastern?
19566How could an eternal red heat cool down?
19566How could the chemical actions of dead matter infuse vitality into the first germ, or bud of a plant?
19566How did he know that there was an"I"to think?
19566How did he stumble over it without record of his misadventure?
19566How did they all get religion?
19566How did they come to do so?
19566How did they come to receive them in this manner?
19566How did they get it so suddenly?
19566How did they get so much of it?
19566How does he prove that mud was deposited at just the same rate then as now?
19566How does it happen that this singular people is dispersed over all the earth, and yet distinct and unamalgamated with any other?
19566How does the Infidel account for it?
19566How happens it then that the human race has of a sudden waked up to such a strange sense of the folly of idolatry and the value of religion?
19566How many of the nine hundred and forty- two substances treated of in Turner''s Chemistry have you analyzed?
19566How much of this fourth part have geologists been able to examine?
19566How now, from this word being used by Moses, could this learned bishop conclude that he necessarily meant to describe the globe?
19566How should they?--treating of different countries, and for the most part of different periods, and writing civil and not church history?
19566How would you like to have a fish for your forefather?
19566How, then, can philosophers ever learn the process of building worlds like our own in which many other powers are at work?
19566How, then, is the nerve to be protected, and yet the sight not obstructed?
19566I ask her whence I came?
19566I inquire what I am?
19566I says to him,''Look here, stranger, do you see that tavern there?''
19566If I am able, by my own reason, to construct a perfect standard of morals to judge the Bible by, what need have I for the Bible revelation?
19566If he possessed no divine authority, what right has he to control your inclination or mine?
19566If it had not, where did it get them?
19566If it is any one of them, where did the others come from?
19566If its top reaches not to heaven, can it make a ladder long enough to carry us there?
19566If man is the highest intelligence in the universe, to whom should he render an account of his conduct?
19566If not, how did attraction, and repulsion, vegetable life, animal life, intellect, and free will, work themselves into that cloud of homogeneous gas?
19566If so, how came they there?
19566If the soul of man is the highest intelligence in the universe, did the soul of man create, or does the soul of man govern it?
19566If they could, did these finite intelligences create themselves?
19566If they were not, where did they come from?
19566If they were, how did they escape being burnt to ashes?
19566If_ create_, and_ make_, and_ form_, have all the same meaning, why use them all in the same verse?
19566In short, how are we to make the chemical materials live?
19566In short, is it a genuine book, or merely a collection of myths with the apostles''names appended to them by some lying monks?
19566In the division of the property,_ what became of the mind_?
19566Is God Everybody, and Everybody God?
19566Is Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God, or a deceiver?"
19566Is Jesus the Messiah of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write?
19566Is a peach- tree just like a horse- chestnut, or a scrub- oak, or a honey- locust?
19566Is it a fact, or a forgery?
19566Is it a true history or a lying romance?
19566Is it because you perceive they lead to results which you dislike?
19566Is it credible that an impostor would direct his forgery to be publicly read?
19566Is it credible that they would allow them to be altered and corrupted?
19566Is it iron, or sulphur, or clay, or oxygen?
19566Is it possible he could make such a beast of himself in such a short time?"
19566Is it possible then that these converted heathens did really even approach this standard of morality?
19566Is it uniform, or like our atmosphere, ever varying?
19566Is it your daily prayer, Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly?
19566Is not the abundance of quack doctors conclusive proof of the existence of disease, and of the need of physicians?
19566Is that the Infidel''s notion of virtue?
19566Is the Gospel Fact or Fable?
19566Is the fire that heated it burning still, or is it exhausted for want of fuel?
19566Is the religious appetite the only one for which God has provided no supply?
19566Is this Book genuine or a forgery?
19566Is this unchangeable Jehovah your God?
19566Is your ignorance the measure of God''s wisdom?
19566Is your mind purified from your carnal notions?
19566It can not deviate from its fated course of proceeding; therefore, says the Pantheist, why should I pray?
19566It gives no answer to the questions, How did it get to be so hot, while all the space around it was so cold?
19566It is high, I can not attain unto it; Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?
19566It is not, Did Christ reveal more than Moses?
19566Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?
19566Let the unbeliever, then, be asked, Is there no truth in prophecy?--no reality in religion?"
19566Mankind, it seems, will have a Church and a Bible of some sort; why not go to work and make a Church and a Bible of their own?
19566Matthew Poole says:"Where was the need of overwhelming those regions of the earth in which there were no human beings?
19566May not the life of the nation be as liable to accidents and diseases as that of the individual?
19566Nay, is there a letter in your own, or in any other alphabet, that was not originally a picture of something?
19566Now if man can thus control and use the laws of nature for human purposes, why can not the God who made him so cunning do as much?
19566Now that is certainly a remarkable fact, and all the more remarkable if we inquire, How came it so?
19566Now what are the facts given to solve the problem of the earth''s age?
19566Now what is the cause of this remarkable conversion of prince, priests, and people?
19566Now, I demand to know whether they are aware that the earth''s rotation on its axis is the cause of day and night?
19566Now, if so, why winnow such chaff?
19566Now, if this was a falsehood, what motive had they to tell it?
19566Now, we are tempted to ask, Who are these wonderful prodigies, so incapable of receiving instruction from anybody?
19566Of what possible use would the Christian code of morals be without the authority of Christ, the lawgiver?
19566Of what, then, do they consist?
19566One- half?
19566One- tenth?
19566Or are they all eternal?
19566Or canst thou guide Arcturus, with his sons?
19566Or do they signify the orderly and regular sequence of cause and effect, which is so manifest in the course of all events?
19566Or do you shrink back in terror or dislike from God''s denunciations of wrath against the wicked?
19566Or how could any such argument be founded on a basis so little extended?
19566Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
19566Or is the veracity of Baillie, or Edwards suspected, because political history does not concern itself much about religion?
19566Or shall my soul exist under God''s frowns, or perish under his just sentence, even as my body perishes?
19566Or what does it signify to you or me, reader, that the Bible raises its head far above the other cedars of earthly literature?
19566Or who would have any right to call him to account?
19566Or, if some wiseacre did prepare such a book, would it be very useful to children?
19566Or, if variable, is the variation caused by the original difference of the projectile force of the different suns, stars, comets, etc.?
19566Our text ascribes for him perception and intelligence:_ He that planted the ear, shall he not hear?
19566Perhaps some one is ready to ask, What is the use of so many lenses in the eye?
19566Reason asks herself, Will God be always thus angry with me?
19566Science or Faith?
19566Shall I always feel these pangs of remorse for my sins?
19566Shall we adore his soul?
19566Shall we ever meet again?
19566Shall we then adore the souls of Kepler and Newton?
19566So that the question is not, Did God give as full and expanded instructions to the Church in her infancy as he has given in her maturity?
19566State the Question Sharply-- Why?
19566Strange questions you will say; yet we need to ask a stranger question: Had the world a Creator, or did it make itself?
19566Suppose we ask, Could God speak Hebrew-- a language so defective in philosophical terms?
19566Take away the moral sanction of law, and the sacredness of oaths, and what basis have you left for any government, save the point of the bayonet?
19566Take away the persons, and of what value are the things?
19566That of the ancient oriental world in which Israel lived?
19566The boy eyed the A for a moment and then asked:"H- h- how do you know but he l- l- lied?"
19566The grand question is: How does the protoplasm become alive?
19566The inner nature of the cannibal and of the Rationalist is the same-- whence comes the difference of character and conduct?
19566The other prophecy referred to by Von Hammer is as follows:"Have you heard of a city of which one side is land, the two others sea?
19566The question is whether reason can accept the fact, though science can not even imagine the process?
19566The question is, Can we believe them?
19566The question then is simply this, Was Jesus really the Divine Person he claimed to be, or was he a blasphemous impostor?
19566Then I demand of you,"What more could either God or man do to convince you of their truthfulness?"
19566Then how came they to get together at all, and particularly how did they put themselves in their present shapes?
19566Then why is it any cooler now?
19566These arguments from ignorance need no other answer than the questions, Do you know how the sun shines at all?
19566This is the book about which we make our present inquiry, Who wrote it?
19566Thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?"
19566Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery?
19566Unbeliever, are you prepared to meet him there, and prove him a perjured impostor?
19566Unpopular, pure, and penniless, if the gospel story were not true, how could it have had preachers?
19566Very well, what time was that?
19566Was Your Mother a Monkey?
19566Was it red hot enough from all eternity to melt granite?
19566Was it so from eternity?
19566We are not in search of the literary beauty or poetic inspiration of the Bible; but we inquire by what right does it command our obedience?
19566We can not avoid asking with as much gravity as we can command, Where did the mist come from?
19566We say to our would- be philosophers, When you tell us that matter is eternal, how does that account for the formation of this world?
19566We sell our property for bank- bills, but who dare say they will ever be paid in specie?
19566We want to know why they think so?
19566Well, how did they lose their hair?
19566Well, then, what science have we gained of the mysteries of our origin?
19566Well, then, your grandmother?
19566Were the germs of all the plants and animals in it while it was blazing at a white heat?
19566Were the order of nature such as Lamarck describes, how could any man logically infer the birth descent of each of its classes from the next below?
19566Were the peasantry of Europe improved by the wars of the French Revolution?
19566Were the survivors of the Irish famine of 1847, or those of the Persian, or Bengali famines improved by their struggle for life?
19566Were you ever within a thousand miles of the proper positions for making such observations?
19566What are these?
19566What conclusions are we to draw as to the comfort or habitability of a system depending for its supply of light and heat on such an uncertain source?
19566What concord hath Christ with Belial?
19566What could that be?
19566What has become of so many productions of the hand of man?
19566What has become of those ages of abundance and of life?
19566What information could Aristotle gather from the record that,"In 1857, the Transatlantic Telegraph was in operation?"
19566What is its nature, density, power of refraction and reflection of light, and resistance to motion?
19566What is its temperature?
19566What is the power by which they are started in directions which are not determined by their primitive nature?
19566What is the use of the aqueous humor and the vitreous humor?
19566What is this matter you speak of?
19566What melted it down into a fluid state, fit to be splashed about?
19566What origin can we ascribe to these sudden flashes and relapses?
19566What this attribute with which I endow material laws, and raise them into_ forces_?
19566What, then, does this philosophic inspector of entrails, and adorer of idols, call an excessive superstition and culpable obstinacy?
19566What, then, is this multiform universe?
19566What, then, must the lives of the vulgar have been?
19566What, then, must the state of the people of the vanquished countries have been?
19566When they give us their oracles as if they were known truths, we are compelled to ask, How do you know?
19566Where are the Christians of Sardis?
19566Where are they now?
19566Where did the angel get the flour to bake the cake for Elijah?
19566Where did the comet come from?
19566Where did the fire come from?
19566Where is there the least allusion here to any controlling influence of the stars?
19566Where will it go last of all?
19566Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?
19566Wherefore this difference?
19566Which has been confirmed by one- thousandth part of this number of experimenters?
19566Who can tell that ignorance, and wickedness, and wretchedness are not as tightly tied together in the world to come, as we see them here?
19566Who endowed it with these wonderful potencies?
19566Who heeds the waste abyss of possibility?
19566Who put the fire and mist together?
19566Who was his doctor?
19566Who was his nurse?
19566Who were his most constant visitors and sympathizers?
19566Why are so many cities destroyed?_ Why is not that ancient population reproduced and perpetuated?
19566Why are so many cities destroyed?_ Why is not that ancient population reproduced and perpetuated?
19566Why do ye not understand my speech?
19566Why may not men be as selfish, and filthy, and grasping, and murderous in the other world, as they are in this?
19566Why may not the course of nature be as fatal to the sinner''s prosperity there as it is here?
19566Why should religious predictions be attributed to a different power?
19566Why so?
19566Why, then, you ask, did they not all become Christians?
19566Will misery follow me forever, as I see and feel that it does here?
19566Would I study eternally with no object, and for no use; none to be benefited, none to be gratified by my discoveries?
19566Would not any school- boy laugh at the absurdity of attempting such a problem?
19566Would not the man who should attempt such sacrilege be torn in a thousand pieces?
19566Would such appeals have been suffered to pass uncontradicted had the statements of the apostles been false?
19566Would you profess yourself competent to take even the preliminary observation for fixing the instruments for such a reckoning?
19566Would your benevolence lead you to deal alike with the righteous and the wicked; and to abhor the thought of destroying them that destroy the earth?
19566You simply ask if this be a true copy of the laws passed by the legislature and signed by the governor?
19566[ 127] Does any one believe that the vegetable fiber and maple twigs have kept their shape one hundred thousand years?
19566[ 12] Cited by Hodge in"What is Darwinism?"
19566[ 2] Now, which of these is the eterna- matter you speak of?
19566[ 328] Who knows how many ships were run ashore by that error?
19566[ 343] Now what feeds these enormous fires?
19566[ 350] Is the velocity of light uniform?
19566_ Did the World Make Itself?_[ 226] Genesis, chap.
19566_ Understand, ye brutish among the people; And, ye fools, when will ye be wise?
19566an impostor a model man?
19566and can we in time breed a man who will leap to the moon?
19566and his son over five?
19566and his son over four?
19566and how small seems to be the area of stratification which they have explored?
19566and to the teeth of the very men who put him to death?
19566but, Did Christ contradict Moses?
19566but, Did he give instructions of a different character?
19566can we not believe our Lord''s testimony, that he cast out devils, and raised the dead, by the direct intervention of God?
19566from whence proceed such melancholy revolutions?
19566her grandmother?
19566in the temple, the most public place of resort of the Jews who saw him crucified?
19566or by the different media through which it passes?
19566or does it seem less offensive, or more likely to you to go back some thousands of years, and say your forefathers were apes?
19566or is it only the single elements that are eternal?
19566tell me,"cried the dying man,"where will it go last of all?"
19190Andrew,replied Jesus patiently,"do n''t you understand yet what I mean when I tell you that the Kingdom of God is at hand?"
19190Anyhow, did you hear that story Jesus told? 19190 Are we jealous of his power?
19190Are you Moses come back to us?
19190Are you a runaway slave?
19190Are you full of fears and worries? 19190 Are you going far?"
19190Are you his followers?
19190Are you saying that we should disobey this law?
19190Are you sure he intends to start a rebellion?
19190Are you sure it is not you?
19190Are you sure that John the Baptizer is still at Bethany?
19190Are you the Messiah of God?
19190Are you the One whom God has sent to judge the wicked and justify the faithful?
19190Are you unclean?
19190But do n''t you think we are likely to get into trouble if we speak out like this in public?
19190But does n''t it make any difference who has power in our Kingdom?
19190But he_ does_ say that you do not have to obey Moses, does n''t he?
19190But how shall we get this Kingdom? 19190 But if he was the Messiah, why did the priests hate him?"
19190But if you die?
19190But we shall rule the gentiles, sha n''t we?
19190But when we get to Jerusalem, Master, who is going to run the new government?
19190But you did heal the hunchbacked woman on the Sabbath, did n''t you?
19190But, Master, who is to rule in the new Kingdom when we get to Jerusalem?
19190But, Master,interrupted Andrew,"what good can dying do?
19190But, Rabbi,said the puzzled leader,"what shall we tell the Prophet?
19190But, Simon, who do you believe I am?
19190Ca n''t we send that man away? 19190 Can he really be right and all the Rabbis and Pharisees and scribes wrong?"
19190Can we start for Jerusalem soon?
19190Can you heal my son?
19190Can you tell me where I can find Jesus of Nazareth? 19190 Could you tell us, friend, where John the Prophet is baptizing?"
19190Did I not give bread to the hungry crowds? 19190 Did I not give life to the little child in Capernaum?"
19190Did n''t he say he came to bring conflict and not peace? 19190 Did they have a prisoner?"
19190Did you ask him?
19190Did you do any better than we did, Gideon?
19190Did you hear about the healing at the fisherman''s house the other day?
19190Did you hear that? 19190 Did you hear what he said?"
19190Did you hear what the Galilean said to John the Baptizer?
19190Did you say you have seen him?
19190Did you see that fisherman who used to follow the Galilean we killed?
19190Do n''t you see what I mean?
19190Do n''t you want to eat at Levi''s home at all?
19190Do n''t you want to hear what they say?
19190Do n''t you want to see him?
19190Do the bondslaves make much trouble here?
19190Do we have to go through there?
19190Do you believe this?
19190Do you betray me too, Peter?
19190Do you betray me with a kiss, Judas?
19190Do you cry out to me?
19190Do you dare attack the great Rabbis?
19190Do you know any people who live in Jerusalem?
19190Do you know anything about this?
19190Do you know what he is going to do? 19190 Do you know what you remind me of?"
19190Do you know why I have done this?
19190Do you mean that what the people are saying about him is true?
19190Do you not know that he could easily persuade the people to revolt against Herod?
19190Do you not think that these people are ready to make the Master their king?
19190Do you not understand the meaning of the things I do?
19190Do you not yet understand why I have come?
19190Do you now see how powerful his word is, Philip?
19190Do you realize that those two men are going to try to push us out when we get to Jerusalem? 19190 Do you really think he could be king of the Jews?"
19190Do you really think that Jesus is trying to keep people from believing in God and serving him?
19190Do you remember Judah the Galilean?
19190Do you remember if there is a bridge on the road across to Gadara?
19190Do you remember the story of the Sower, Andrew?
19190Do you remember the voice from the cloud?
19190Do you remember when James and I went to buy food today? 19190 Do you scold this woman for coming to be healed on the Sabbath?
19190Do you see the Prophet?
19190Do you see why I follow him?
19190Do you see why this was wrong? 19190 Do you see?"
19190Do you still not understand what is going to happen in Jerusalem?
19190Do you suppose this trip has made the others feel the way we do?
19190Do you think any of the others believed?
19190Do you think he has anything to do with this business?
19190Do you think he will really be killed?
19190Do you think he would dare to heal him?
19190Do you think of nothing but ruling others? 19190 Do you think others will be crucified on his cross, Cleopas?"
19190Do you think that Jesus is trying to destroy the faith of our nation?
19190Do you think that the Master''s power comes from Satan?
19190Do you think that we can convince his followers that their Rabbi is not to be trusted?
19190Do you think that we can find a place to wade through?
19190Do you think we could find him?
19190Do you understand now what I am telling you?
19190Do you want to offer a sacrifice to God which is not perfect?
19190Do you wonder the people think he goes to extremes?
19190Does Herod know about that?
19190Does n''t that take a good deal of time away from fishing?
19190Does that mean that our enemies will be destroyed soon, Rabbi?
19190Eh? 19190 Father, why is fishing so poor this year?"
19190Has Jesus of Nazareth passed this way?
19190Has John the Baptizer risen from the dead?
19190Has he forgotten how these people treated our messengers?
19190Have the rumors about us spread here too?
19190Have we not preached the gospel of the Kingdom here?
19190Have you any food?
19190Have you been getting along all right since you left your fishing? 19190 Have you come to destroy us?"
19190Have you ever gone hungry when you were with me?
19190Have you ever heard such an insolent lie? 19190 Have you no faith, even after being with me all this time?"
19190Have you not read in the Bible that David and his warriors took bread off the sacred table in the Tabernacle when they were hungry?
19190Have you seen Judas?
19190He just said to us:''Did n''t I tell you that I am not the Christ? 19190 How are you going to feed your wife and children?"
19190How can I get into this Kingdom you are telling us about, Rabbi?
19190How can a gentile be included in our Kingdom?
19190How can he do a thing like that?
19190How can he ever find his way?
19190How can he talk that way to Pharisees?
19190How can we ever establish the government of God if we never do anything practical?
19190How can you give men eternal life if you die?
19190How could a really great Rabbi come from Nazareth? 19190 How could he do that if he were not sent from God?"
19190How dare he talk like this to us?
19190How did this happen?
19190How do you dare say that? 19190 How do you dare talk this way?"
19190How do you expect to know the Messiah?
19190How does John the Baptizer think all this will happen?
19190How long has your son been like this?
19190How long will it take to condemn him?
19190How many loaves have we all together?
19190How many of you have ever lived in Jerusalem?
19190How much longer must we endure this?
19190How shall we live, Master? 19190 I ask you,"demanded Jesus,"is it right to help or to hurt on the Sabbath Day?
19190I needed to repent, but why should he? 19190 I think most of the people would be favorable, do n''t you?"
19190If you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor Moses, what right have you to baptize people?
19190If you are really a teacher sent from God, how can you mix with outcasts?
19190If you have an old coat with a hole in it, do you patch it with a brand- new piece of cloth?
19190If you love only people who love you, what does that amount to? 19190 Is he not the one who gives all good things?
19190Is he up there?
19190Is it I?
19190Is it true, what they are saying?
19190Is n''t that the same thing?
19190Is that all I mean to you?
19190Is there a single one of you that would leave a sheep in a ditch all day long if it fell in on Sabbath morning?
19190Is this Samaritan the only one to come back and thank me?
19190Is this your purpose in going about and preaching to the people of Galilee?
19190It is not I, is it, Rabbi?
19190It will not be long, will it, Master?
19190Master, how often shall someone sin against me and I go on forgiving him?
19190Master, how shall we ever be strong enough to be your missionaries?
19190Master, how shall we ever have strength to do it?
19190Master, what do you want us to do?
19190Master,burst out James enthusiastically,"are you going to drive out the Romans now and give the Kingdom back to us?"
19190Master,they said,"do n''t you think we had better send them away before it gets dark?"
19190May I come to your home?
19190My followers, what have you to worry about?
19190No, Master,the woman answered smiling,"but the dogs can wait patiently for the crumbs to fall from the children''s table, ca n''t they?"
19190O Master,he urged,"wo n''t you teach us to pray as John the Baptizer taught his disciples?"
19190One of us-- betray you?
19190Or should we look for someone else?
19190Philip,asked the Master simply,"will you follow me?"
19190Rabbi, why do the Pharisees and the followers of John the Baptizer fast while your disciples pay no attention to the fasting rule?
19190Seven times?
19190Shall it be Bar- Abbas or the king of the Jews?
19190Shall we too be able to drive out demons and raise the dead, Master?
19190Should we go back to our fishing, Andrew?
19190Should we tell the Master?
19190Simon, if your little son should ask you for a piece of bread, would you give him a rock to eat? 19190 Still resting?"
19190Suppose you were to go to a friend''s house late at night and say:''Friend, will you lend me three loaves of bread? 19190 Surely he wo n''t miss this opportunity?"
19190Tell me, Rabbi,asked the Pharisee,"is it right to pay taxes to the Romans or not?"
19190Tell me, Simon Peter, how can the Messiah of God die?
19190Tell me,he asked Simon and James privately,"does the Rabbi intend to set up the new kingdom now?"
19190Tell me,he asked,"do the friends of people who are getting married fast on the wedding day?"
19190That is n''t necessary, is it?
19190That reminds me-- did you bring enough food for this trip?
19190The Messiah will not come with an army of angels to destroy the enemies of his people?
19190The Messiah-- coming silently?... 19190 The verdict?"
19190Then John the Baptizer was wrong?
19190Then who are you? 19190 Then who are you?
19190Then you do believe that the scribes and Pharisees are right, Andrew?
19190Was it when you sold your farm that you became a fisherman, Gideon?
19190Was n''t your Rabbi in Tiberias a few days ago?
19190Well, is n''t a man worth more than a sheep?
19190Well, then, if you can do that much for your children, do you not think that God will do far more for those who trust him?
19190Well, what happened?
19190Were they not healed also?
19190What I want to know,he demanded,"is what right you have to call the Temple of God your Father''s house?
19190What about the witnesses?
19190What are they going to do?
19190What are you talking about?
19190What are you talking about?
19190What are you thinking of?
19190What brings you to us on the Sabbath, Philip?
19190What can he mean by that?
19190What can we do when every important person will say that we are wrong?
19190What can we do? 19190 What can we do?"
19190What did he do?
19190What difference does it make where he comes from?
19190What do they say about me?
19190What do you mean by that?
19190What do you mean?
19190What do you mean?
19190What do you mean?
19190What do you mean?
19190What do you suppose is going on?
19190What do you think of the crop, Gideon?
19190What do you want here?
19190What do you want me to do for you?
19190What else do people say about me?
19190What happened, Andrew? 19190 What has happened?"
19190What have you heard?
19190What if everyone leaves us, Simon?
19190What if no one will take us in?
19190What if the tyrant discovers that we are here?
19190What if these Jews are working for him?
19190What in the world are we going to eat?
19190What is all this you are talking about?
19190What is going to become of us?
19190What is he going to do?
19190What is he going to do?
19190What is it you need?
19190What is it, Teacher?
19190What is that?
19190What is the matter now?
19190What is the matter with your son?
19190What is the verdict?
19190What is written in the Law? 19190 What kind of nonsense is this?"
19190What made the king do it?
19190What made you come?
19190What made you do a thing like that?
19190What man in his right mind could believe such a fairy tale? 19190 What must I do?"
19190What must we do?
19190What shall I do with Jesus, called''the Christ''?
19190What shall we do, Philip?
19190What should I do, Jude?
19190What should we do?
19190What sort of man is he?
19190What was that?
19190What were you wrangling about on the road?
19190What will Herod do to him?
19190What will become of them?
19190What will happen to our religion if the people begin to think that they do n''t need to keep the Sabbath?
19190What will he do that you will recognize him?
19190What will his teachings ever amount to unless we put them in the place of the old laws?
19190What will the best people think of us? 19190 What will the owner of the vineyard do?"
19190What will your god do for you?
19190When do you think we could find him with some of his followers?
19190Where are the other nine?
19190Where are the people?
19190Where are you going?
19190Where are you going?
19190Where do your customs come from?
19190Where does the water come from that runs down here?
19190Where have they gone?
19190Where is Judas?
19190Where is he?
19190Where is the Healer?
19190Where is the Rabbi?
19190Where is your Master?
19190Where will we eat the Passover meal tonight?
19190Which of these three men was a true neighbor to the man who was beaten?
19190Who are the Zealots?
19190Who are you-- the Messiah?
19190Who is calling to me?
19190Who is he, if he is n''t John?
19190Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?
19190Who is that fellow?
19190Who is the angry one?
19190Who is this man?
19190Who touched me?
19190Who would have thought Joseph''s son would turn out so well?
19190Why all this wailing?
19190Why are you so discouraged?
19190Why are you terrified?
19190Why are you wondering about what I said? 19190 Why ca n''t we do something definite about it?"
19190Why did John send you to us?
19190Why did we follow him in the first place, brother?
19190Why did you touch me?
19190Why do you call me''good''?
19190Why do you come to arrest me with swords and clubs as though I were a robber? 19190 Why do you say,''If you can''?
19190Why do you tell us this?
19190Why do you try to trap me?
19190Why has he gone?
19190Why have you come out here?
19190Why in the world did you hire a gentile, father?
19190Why not go over and see?
19190Why not?
19190Why not?
19190Why should I give my money away?
19190Why should n''t he be stronger than the demons? 19190 Why should these worthless Samaritans be allowed to stand in the way of the Kingdom of God?"
19190Why should we repent?
19190Why was he angry?
19190Why were you wrangling on the road today?
19190Will John be raised from the dead?
19190Will he be back? 19190 Will you come to pray with me in the mountain?"
19190Will you give a little money to a lame man?
19190Will you help us arrest him secretly-- so that the people will not find out?
19190Will you push the boat out into deep water?
19190Will you stay for supper, Andrew?
19190Would Satan cast out his own helpers?
19190Would you tell the Rabbi that his mother and brothers want to see him outside?
19190Yes, where is your Master?
19190You do not understand why I fed the people, do you?
19190You have read the Prophets, have n''t you?
19190You mean you are n''t working with Andrew and James and John any more?
19190You would almost think he came down from heaven, would n''t you?
19190A Pharisee who kept all the Law-- what more could God require?
19190A few cried out,"Where is the Galilean?"
19190A murderer?
19190A woman who knew the sick man said:"Is this man paralyzed because he sinned?
19190After a long silence, Cleopas added:"Do you remember the centurion who was in charge of the soldiers?
19190After a while he asked,"Then you know this Rabbi well?"
19190After all, why should Judas be the chief person?
19190Again and again they heard Jesus say:"Do you understand why you have been healed?
19190Andrew asked a man beside him,"Did you hear what the Galilean said to the Prophet?"
19190Andrew burst out:"Have you heard what people are saying?
19190Are n''t you one of this Galilean''s followers?"
19190Are you sleeping?
19190Are you truly the Messiah?"
19190But what if the salt loses its taste?"
19190Could God have chosen this man to deliver His people?
19190Could it be true that the end of the world was coming soon?
19190Could n''t you stay awake and pray with me even one hour?"
19190Could this man who gave life to the dead be the Master they knew so well?
19190Did he believe Galilee had rejected him?
19190Did he not die on a cross?
19190Did he realize what would happen?
19190Did n''t I see you in the olive orchard?"
19190Did that not prove he had pleased God?
19190Did the guard know that Jesus was the man who had caused the riot yesterday?
19190Did the others see?
19190Did you hear what he did at the last festival?"
19190Do n''t you think I have earned eternal life?"
19190Do they help you enter the Kingdom?
19190Do we think always of our own reputation?"
19190Do you intend to cast out all the laws and rules?"
19190Do you not believe that I can heal this boy?
19190Do you not see the wounds of the cross?"
19190Do you not yet understand?"
19190Do you want the Sabbath forgotten?
19190Do you want to hear him?"
19190Finally James turned to him and asked,"Do you think Jesus would let himself be trapped by the officials?"
19190Finally Simon blurted out:"But, Master, if he can not be saved, who can?
19190Finally he asked,"When can I hear your Rabbi teach?"
19190From God in heaven, or was he given it by some man, perhaps a priest?"
19190Had Herod already discovered that he was back in Galilee?
19190Had he not always felt that someday he would be rejected by his own home town?
19190Had he not always prided himself on his good actions?
19190Had spies followed him here so that they could arrest him secretly?
19190Had they forgotten the Rabbi from Nazareth who had healed their sick?
19190Had they understood what he had told them?
19190Had this fellow seen him going into the priests''council chamber?
19190Has Satan risen up against himself and given me power to destroy his own power over men?"
19190Has n''t this woman the right to be healed?
19190Have you kept a close watch on him during the last few months?"
19190Have you obeyed them?
19190He held it up and asked the Pharisee,"Whose picture is stamped on this?"
19190He paused and then asked,"Now which of these two men would be more grateful?"
19190He turned to Jesus the instant they left and demanded,"How_ does_ the Messiah come?"
19190He was born this way, was n''t he?"
19190Hoping to escape embarrassment, he asked,"Just who is my neighbor, Master?"
19190How can we preach the good news to the people if we do?
19190How can you say that the Messiah will come without people even knowing he is among us?"
19190How could he ever face him?
19190How could he prove the scribe wrong?
19190How could he stand this bitter remorse?
19190How did he dare speak like this about the king?
19190How do you dare act as you do?"
19190How does John the Baptizer explain that, Andrew?"
19190How long must I teach you?
19190How much longer must I endure your cold hearts?"
19190Hurt and confused, Symeon heard a friend beside him whisper,"Did you hear him say that this woman''s sins are forgiven?"
19190If I am willing to wash your feet, should you not serve one another?
19190If that is n''t work, what is?"
19190If we leave him, to whom can we go?"
19190If you are killed, how can we ever save the Jews?"
19190In the bright morning the two men could hardly believe that here they had heard the death cry of their Master:"My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
19190Is it any wonder we have hardly enough left to feed ourselves?"
19190Is n''t she more important than any animal?"
19190Is not your Rabbi that One?
19190It is all right for them to pick wheat, is n''t it?"
19190James burst out,"Master, what can this mean?"
19190James summed up the thoughts of them all:"Rabbi, if a man as good as that ca n''t enter the Kingdom, how can anyone?"
19190Jesus looked at the man and said,"Will you come with me?"
19190Jesus said to her kindly,"Why did you do it?"
19190Jesus said,"If you try to add something new to the old, the new destroys the old, does n''t it?"
19190Jesus''voice rang out:"How can I do great deeds among you when you do not really believe God at all?"
19190John said:"Will you come with us to the synagogue?
19190Keeping his voice low, James said to the others:"What is going to happen to the rest of us when we get to Jerusalem?
19190No food?"
19190Now what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
19190Of what mighty destruction was he speaking?
19190On the way to Bethphage one of the men said,"Did you know the Master had planned to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?"
19190Or if he asked for a broiled fish, would you give him a poisonous snake instead?
19190Or if he asked for an egg, would you give him a scorpion with a deadly stinger?"
19190Or were they trying to persuade him to do what they wanted?
19190Others asked in wonder:"Who can this Rabbi be?
19190Peter raised his hands and cried out so all could hear:"Men of Israel, why are you so surprised at this?
19190Philip leaned over and whispered to Simon,"Do you think he will dare say anything about founding a new kingdom?"
19190See down there?"
19190Should one save a life?"
19190Simon laughed shortly and said:"What do you mean, Master?
19190Startled but glad to see someone, Peter asked,"Sir, have you seen soldiers and men with clubs passing this way?"
19190Tell me which is easier, to say to this man,''Your sins are forgiven,''or to say,''Rise, take up your pallet and walk''?"
19190Tell the owner that the Rabbi says,''Where is the room in which I am to eat the Passover with my disciples?''
19190The Prophet Elijah?"
19190The answer to his Master''s question was as clear as that sunny sky-- why had he not known it before?
19190The deliverer of Israel-- staying with a tax collector?
19190The disciples were suspicious; what new trick was this?
19190The first almost stammered as he asked,"What do you mean?"
19190The gentile jerked up his head and said,"Were you a slave?"
19190The high priest demanded,"Well, what do you want?"
19190The onlookers could hardly believe what they saw; who could this be, who dared clear this courtyard as though it were his own?
19190The priest looked at him curiously and exclaimed,"You were with the Galilean, were n''t you?"
19190The question was clear to every listener: Which was more important, the Sabbath rule or this man''s need?
19190The stranger smiled as though he agreed, and Andrew asked enthusiastically:"Do you believe him?
19190The younger man looked at Cleopas:"Shall I get it?"
19190Then he looked sharply at James and snapped:"Do the landlords pay religious taxes?
19190They murmured threats when another scribe spoke up,"Rabbi, what is the most important command in the Law?"
19190They smiled at each other as though to say,"A simple fellow, is n''t he?"
19190They study the Scriptures more than anyone else; do n''t these things count for anything?"
19190They were pressing in on Jesus so much that he turned to Simon and asked abruptly,"May I use your boat?"
19190Was he serious about giving up his plan to put Jesus in the power of the high priest?
19190Was it dangerous to answer frankly?
19190Was not this one of the elders of the synagogue?
19190Was someone else guiding the priests to the place where Jesus stayed?
19190Was this a ghost?
19190Were n''t you with that Galilean?"
19190Were they trying to convince him they were loyal in spite of the day''s dispute?
19190What business have you with me?"
19190What can I do?"
19190What could he be thinking of?
19190What could he mean by saying,"Give to the Romans what belongs to them"?
19190What could he mean by saying,"I will return"?
19190What could he say?
19190What did he intend to do?
19190What do you read there?"
19190What had happened?
19190What had they done to his Master?
19190What happened?"
19190What harm is there in working with them?"
19190What have you to say for yourself?"
19190What if he should lose sight of them?
19190What if this stranger were an enemy?
19190What is it?"
19190What is this I hear about you these days?"
19190What is your Master doing?
19190What kind of men were Jesus''disciples?
19190What more do you need?
19190What mysterious power had compelled him to follow this strange Rabbi?
19190What should we do without him?
19190What strange person had arrived in their midst?
19190What was happening in the priest''s dark palace?
19190What was it like to be with Jesus in Palestine?
19190What was it?"
19190What was this?
19190What will they do without you?"
19190What would he do without him?
19190What would you do?"
19190What''s going on?"
19190What''s that?"
19190When did you first find out about him?"
19190When you asked, I forgave you all that you owed me-- should you not have been merciful to your fellow servant, as I was merciful to you?''
19190When you make new wine, do you pour it right into a dry, stiff wineskin that has been used before?"
19190Where did John the Baptizer get his right to preach?
19190Where did he go?"
19190Where did he learn it all?"
19190Where had this food come from?
19190Where had this traveler come from?
19190Where shall we stay?"
19190Where was Jesus?
19190Where was Jesus?
19190Where were the people who had said that Jesus had changed their lives and given them new hope?
19190While they ate, James asked,"Father, who is in the other boat this morning?"
19190Who could he be-- that he had power to calm the storm?
19190Who could tell what might happen before this night was over?
19190Who did she think he was?
19190Who is going to go out among the people of our towns and let them know that God cares for them?
19190Who told you to flee from God''s day of judgment?
19190Who were the people who killed Jesus?
19190Why are you staring at us as though we had healed this man by our own strength?
19190Why ca n''t we get in that way?"
19190Why did Jesus not tell them plainly who he was?
19190Why did Pilate come here?
19190Why did some of the disciples find it so hard to understand Jesus?
19190Why did the Master talk about it so much?
19190Why did they do it?
19190Why do n''t you pull it up farther?"
19190Why do you come on the Sabbath?"
19190Why does he insist on mixing with such people?
19190Why had he ever let this person disturb him?
19190Why had these men followed him all the way out here to tell him this?
19190Why keep things that make us remember these days?"
19190Why should he be ashamed?"
19190Why should you ask me to get rid of things he himself has given me?"
19190Will all this be destroyed?"
19190Will he not give you what you ask?
19190Will you become great?
19190Without a moment''s hesitation Jesus retorted:"Have you forgotten that Moses also commanded you to honor your father and your mother?
19190Would he pay no attention to the warnings of the young man?
19190Would the Kingdom never come?
19190Would they go to the house of the high priest himself?
19190Would they lead the Master to Pilate?
19190Would they realize that they were thinking only of themselves?
19190You heard him say that they killed the son too, did n''t you?"
19190You say he wo n''t even break a twig?"
19190[ Illustration] 5. WHO IS THIS CARPENTER?
19190_ Does he realize that this is the Sabbath?_ Simon thought in alarm.
19190_ Does n''t this Nazarene know this is the Sabbath?_ wondered the minister.
19190_ Who can he be-- who can he be-- to give eternal life?_ Jesus turned to the parents of the child.
19190_ Who is he-- who is this One who raises the dead?_ The minds of the disciples raced, trying to grasp the meaning of what had happened.
19190he said,''you will not be hurt: Are n''t you the Messiah?
16866''Is it possible to overlook the singular character of the names which everywhere meet us? 16866 ''Tell me frankly,''says Socrates,''what do you think science is?''
16866All such matters are in very deed but''leather and prunella''?
16866And Christianity may be true by the very same reasoning, though the chances be only as one to a thousand?
16866And do not you?
16866And do you not think that miracles are impossible and absurd?
16866And do you think Mr. Macaulay as accurate as he is full of genius and eloquence?
16866And has your faith left you too, my gentle friend?
16866And have they completed it?
16866And he was right in rejecting the truth?
16866And how do you know, then, whether they ever uttered these simple''utterances''? 16866 And if the creature died, leaving no issue, would you continue to call it so?"
16866And in the name of common sense,I said,"what truth and duty are to stand in your way?
16866And is not that the true statement of the case?
16866And of any other truth-- as of historical truth-- you say such revelation is unnecessary?
16866And so if any such event were said to have occurred eighteen hundred years ago?
16866And what do you make of the infinitely varied and inimitable marks of simplicity and honesty in the writers?
16866And what is that to you or me? 16866 And what is the result?"
16866And what was the effect?
16866And who does not see the impossibility of getting up the miracles so as to impose upon a world of bitter and prejudiced enemies in open day?
16866And who,said I,"would represent our friend who has just left the room, and who has tried every thing?"
16866And your sect,retorted Fellowes, rather warmly,"if you come to that, is it not the smallest of all?
16866Are you sure,said I, laughing,"that he ever convinced you at all?
16866As a fact or doctrine?
16866Ay, but how do we know that these original Christians said that they had seen and done the things you refer to? 16866 But I do not see the use of discussing a question under circumstances which it is admitted never did nor ever can occur?"
16866But I expect you to answer a plain question?
16866But all this is mere vision?
16866But are you in a condition to give an opinion?
16866But did none attempt to remedy this defect of the unhappy speculator?
16866But do you not recollect,replied Fellowes, reason Mr. Newman gives for despising any such mitigation?
16866But further,said I,"what sort of truth is this, which involves duty, and yet is opposed to prudence?
16866But how do you manage in a controversy with an opponent as to those insoluble objections?
16866But how shall I know that these thing which I call real, are different from the phenomena of sleep which I call real?
16866But how would their testimony be liable to be vitiated? 16866 But is not the other doctrine as much authenticated by the miracles and so forth?
16866But may we not say, that the great epochs in the history of the universe are themselves but the manifestation of law?
16866But men, however, have somehow perversely believed it very possible, and that, in some shape or other, it has been given?
16866But perhaps you reject the idea of an''atonement,''though you admit it to be in the Book?
16866But still the Hottentot has all the''spiritual faculties''of which you speak so much?
16866But upon whom were the experiments to be made?
16866But what answer do you think they ought to give, my friend? 16866 But why might I not have had it?
16866But will the result not contradict your uniform experience, if your hopes be realized? 16866 But would not you also reject it, upon the same principle?"
16866Can you not?
16866Certainly: why should we hesitate so to apply it?
16866Could you always realize it, my friend?
16866Did I say, my friend, that it was to contain nothing but what is referred to your judgment? 16866 Do you mean such infidelity as that of Collins and Bolingbroke, Chubb and Tindal?"
16866Do you mean,said the other,"that you can give satisfactory answers to the objections which can be brought against various parts of it?"
16866Do you not remember how the two youths differ in their estimate of the beautiful in nature? 16866 Do you not?
16866Do you think so? 16866 Do you think that the happiness so derived and expected from day to day has any sinister influence on the spiritual life of him who feels it?"
16866Do you think the first man was like us in these respects?
16866First, however,said he,"what is the more notorious fallacy to which you allude?"
16866For that does not affect the principles we are agreed upon?
16866How can that be?
16866How can you talk so, when we make it a mark of a false revelation, that it contradicts any intuition of our moral nature?
16866How so?
16866How so?
16866How so?
16866How so?
16866I ask you to believe it?
16866I give up the reasoning on this point,said Fellowes,"but how, I should like to know, do you retort the argument upon him?"
16866I need hardly ask, I think, which you find the most pleasant reading?
16866I see not, then, how a revelation by any such means could be authenticated at all?
16866I shall be curious to know,said I, interrupting him,"what you will reply to that argument?"
16866If I were to ask you what were the essential attributes of a man, would you assign those which he had in common with a pig?
16866If that be the case,said I, joining in their talk,"there is no doubt a''gigantic lie''somewhere; but the question is, Who tells it?
16866Is that all?
16866It does look a little like it,said I;"and what next?"
16866It is equally impossible?
16866It is, then, conveyed to us as such?
16866May I ask why?
16866Moreover, as you and Mr. Newman affirm, the bulk of mankind are not competent to investigate the claims of such an historic revelation?
16866Nor Hebrew or Greek over English or German? 16866 Of what use is the discussion of such a particular case, when you know it is impossible that we should ever see it realized?"
16866Only that the weapons should be fair?
16866Only then?
16866Perhaps not; but then what does it matter, in that case, whether they can obtain certainty or not?
16866Safe do you call it? 16866 So that if you saw Peter or Paul to- morrow, you would tell him the same story?"
16866Still, what is it you want?
16866Suppose I were to answer, that at times I doubt whether I doubt it or not, would not that be a thorough sceptic''s answer?
16866Suppose the sacred writers affirm that every syllable they utter is infallibly true, being inspired?
16866Supposing it true, does it not seem to you the must delightful and stupendous of all spiritual truths?
16866The contrary, perhaps?
16866The question is, What is its value? 16866 Then what are the doctrines which, though common to every other religion, are characteristic of it?
16866Then why, in the name of wonder, do you retain your belief?
16866Then you allow his position to be more tenable and reasonable than yours?
16866Then,said I,"I must not say you reject Christianity, but only that you do not receive it?
16866They do; and is it not a beautiful illustration? 16866 They may go, then?"
16866This culture and education is a thing external?
16866To whom can I go, but unto Thee? 16866 Well, and what then?"
16866Well, in whatever difficulty the controversy may involve us, can we deny this conclusion?
16866Well, then, shall we say it is only necessary, but not a duty? 16866 Well, what do you guess?"
16866Well,he replied,"but then which religion is the true?"
16866Were the recorders of that fact liable to error in conveying it to us? 16866 What are they?"
16866What dilemma do you refer to?
16866What do I want? 16866 What do you mean,"said the younger of the two youths,"by affirming that we are compelled to receive the whole book, or to reject it all?"
16866What do you mean?
16866What does your scepticism promise you, if it be well founded? 16866 What is a miracle?
16866What is it,said Fellowes,"that you want?"
16866What is it?
16866What is that?
16866What was that paradox?
16866What was there inconsistent with scepticism in that?
16866Whatever the number or the splendor of his miracles?
16866Why not? 16866 Why, have you not sometimes said that you believe the Bible to be, in many respects, a most pernicious book?
16866Why, what have I said?
16866Will they not? 16866 Will you endeavor to show how it may probably be?"
16866Yes,he replied, smiling;"but is not the truth the truth, as Falstaff said?
16866You admit, probably, the doctrine of the soul''s immortality as a part of that revelation,--perhaps even the doctrine of a resurrection?
16866You are not, then, satisfied with Hume''s own solution?
16866You are of Bayle''s opinion, that there is in relation to the present life a probable prudent, and that it would be gross folly to neglect it?
16866You do not surely mean to compare the importance of a belief in the one case with the importance of a belief in the other?
16866You mean Father Newman, perhaps?
16866You will also admit, I think, that the process by which man comes to the use of these faculties, and powers, and so forth, is very gradual?
16866You would not allow that parchment, however ancient, has any advantage in this respect over paper, however modern?
16866that fathers and mothers ought to set an example to their children?
16866''Have you reversed your own plaid,''said Ranald,''according to the rule of the experienced seers in such cases?''
16866''Is it possible,''says Edwin,''you can thus turn from the cup of joy, sparkling and overflowing as it is?''
16866''Sir,''said the Doctor,''it is a brutal doctrine; a bull might as well say, I have this grass and this cow,--and what can a creature want more?''
16866''The Bible,''says Menzel,''and their Reason being incompatible, why do they not let them remain separate?
16866''What is truth?''
16866''What,''says he,''may we now expect from the true theologian when he attacks sin, and vice, and gross spirituality?''
16866''Why God not kill Debbil?''
16866--''Yes,''said Wollmar,''when one finds a spider in it; and why not?
16866--But as to you, what consistent position can you take, so long as you affirm and deny so capriciously?
16866--But once more, I think you do not hold Paul''s rhetoric to be always of the first excellence?"
16866After a pause, Harrington suddenly asked,--"Do you not think there is some difference between yourself and a Hottentot?"
16866Again, how does it minister to that of man, except he be more than the insect of the day, of which Mr. Newman''s theology leaves him in utter doubt?
16866Again, is it like the other religious products of human nature, in daring to aspire to universal dominion, and that too founded on moral power alone?
16866And can I go to the Supreme Judge, and tell Him that I deserve more happiness than He has granted me in this life?''
16866And if he be immortal, how does it operate beneficially except as an instrument of moral improvement?
16866And on such a theory, what but such a conviction could have justified him in the attempt for a moment?
16866And what more easy than in relation to miracles?
16866And what must we infer from Mr. Newman?
16866And whether it is not conceivable that, if Moses and Socrates and Paul could do so much for them, God could do a trifle more?
16866And who are the"poets of Germanic culture"who have risen to an equal ideal of the reciprocal duties and sentiments of wedded life?
16866Are we to understand by that, that the chief of the Papal States abhors as a Pope what he does as a sovereign?
16866Are you satisfied with this reasoning?
16866As Mr. Newman says, Human nature is often portrayed in superhuman dignity; Why not in superhuman goodness?
16866But are you wise, my dear uncle, in this taunt?
16866But can we make its reality a literary problem?
16866But does Gibbon offer them?
16866But how is it you were not tempted to become an atheist rather than a sceptic?"
16866But if the world is to perish in fifty years, or a century, what then?"
16866But is it possible that I can think of an utter failure, and not be more than troubled?
16866But is not the experience of every day and of all the world against it?
16866But is there any thing else?"
16866But now, by way of beginning in some way,--what, my dear friend, is a miracle?"
16866But tell me, is there any thing more serious that would follow from the literal and universal adoption of the ethics of the New Testament?"
16866But the truths, the truths, what are they, my friend?
16866But what is the theory of the universe propounded by these writers?
16866But what next?"
16866But what struck you next as unaccountable in Mr. Newman''s view of this subject of a future life?"
16866But when it comes to"moral evil,"which Mr. Newman acknowledges can not be so lightly disposed of, what then?
16866But who is to get my bank- notes back again?
16866But, as if wishing to effect a diversion,--"Have you ever read Gibbon''s celebrated chapter?"
16866But, first, how does suffering tend to the perfection of the whole lower creation?
16866Can any thing be more elevated or original than this view?"
16866Can it appeal to any thing stronger than senses, and have not our senses often beguiled us?"
16866Could it terminate otherwise?
16866Could such men attain this uniform elevation?
16866Could such men have invented those extraordinary fictions,--the miracles and the parables?
16866Do you believe a single shred of any of the supernatural narratives of the Old and New Testament?"
16866Do you believe in the Trinity, the Atonement, the Resurrection of Christ, in a general Resurrection, in the Day of Judgment?"
16866Do you not recollect this?--or has this sarcasm escaped you?"
16866Do you remember Schiller''s''Walk among the Linden- Trees''?"
16866Do you think that they can affirm a reasonable ground of belief in these things?"
16866Do you think that, if the miracles had been really wrought, there could have been any doubters of Christianity?"
16866Do you think, Signor, that in such acts the principles of your Church are complied with or violated?"
16866Does he not say, that it is a strange argument for a day of recompense, that man has unsatisfied claims upon God?
16866Does it necessarily follow that they must involve anguish and death?
16866Does not God( if you suppose it his doing) swallow up whole cities by earthquake, or overwhelm them with volcanic fires?
16866For to what, after all, have just notions on this most important subject been owing, except to this said Christianity?
16866For why can not an historical fact constitute part of a religion?"
16866Has there been any lack of historic controversy respecting a thousand facts which have transpired since the press was in full activity?
16866Has this level for the whole race been raised perceptibly within the memory of so- called history?
16866Have men in general been disposed to believe a book- revelation impossible?
16866Have they not even declared, that, as in dreams all seems to be real, so in their waking moments all may be no more than a dream?
16866Have we offended him?
16866Have you not heard?"
16866Have you nothing to say to that?"
16866He--""Ought you not to say it?"
16866How came so many in so many different countries to do this at once?
16866How came they to persist in regarding them as authoritative truth?
16866How can we be sure that we have seen it?
16866How can we help our principle( if we are to hold it at all) leading to some such conclusion?
16866How do you know it?"
16866How else can you gain any access to my supposed''spiritual faculties''?"
16866How else, in the name of common sense, did he get access to your soul at all?"
16866How is he to be worshipped?
16866How is it that none of them even transiently satisfied you?
16866How shall we discriminate them?"
16866How, then, stands the argument?
16866However, what is this instance of your kindness to my possible children?"
16866I ask how I shall know the intimation of the spiritual faculty, which renders all"external revelation"an impertinence?
16866I said, gayly,"Well, then, let me ask( as our old friend with the queer face might have said), Do you not grant there is such a thing as prudence?"
16866I want to know whether the principle is to be applied without limits at all, as your speculative theory demands?
16866I want to know whether you would believe this story, thus authenticated, or not?"
16866If a man gives us his gods, what more can he do?
16866If he have, but under such circumstances, is its utility so unquestionable that no space is left for the offices of an external revelation?
16866If it is to extend to such variations, what do we say but this,--that the order of nature is uniform and invariable, except where-- it is the reverse?
16866If man can do so much by his books, is it impossible that a book from God might do something more?
16866If there be none, then how far shall we adopt and carry out the principles of Strauss?
16866If they concede( as how can they help it?)
16866If we are to labor for posterity, will not our work remain, though we die?
16866If your theory be true, how can there be any doubt as to your''innate''sentiments?
16866In is his opinion, is it not, that men began by being polytheists and idolaters?"
16866In other words, if there were such things as miracles at all, might there be miracles in connection with mind as well as in connection with matter?
16866In other words, ought we not to adhere to the great principle we have already laid down, that a miracle is impossible?"
16866Is Saul among the prophets?
16866Is he not, like all other infidels, peculiarly scandalized, that God should have enjoined the extermination of the Canaanites?
16866Is he or it one or many?
16866Is he placable or not?
16866Is it not even possible, then, that this task should be performed by a book like the Bible?
16866Is it not rather a thing to be said with tears as the saddest thing in the world?"
16866Is it not then assimilated, by your own confession, to every other religion?
16866Is it not to assume the very point in debate?
16866Is it possible that these curious and varied coincidences can be the mere effect of chance?''
16866Is it possible to go further?
16866Is not that the account which Hume gives of the matter?"
16866Is not that what you mean?
16866Is not that your notion?"
16866Is not this taught us as plainly by our uniform experience as any thing else?
16866Is not your truth, that there is none?"
16866Is that likely to find favor in the eyes of mankind?"
16866Is there then not even a possibility left for an external revelation?
16866Is this like condemning women to be"elegant toys and voluptuous appendages"?
16866It is really very provoking; of what use is it to destroy the Bible so often, when it lives the next minute?
16866It is said that he was a Spaniard: but who so fit as a Spaniard to be represented as the agent of the Holy See?
16866It is this:--"''Can you tell me, child, who made you?''
16866It is true he has admitted( and indeed who can deny it?)
16866It is undoubtedly a subtile question for him to decide for you; namely, what is the condition of your own consciousness?
16866May it not have been imaginary?
16866Meantime an external revelation is impossible?"
16866Meantime, what becomes of the prodigy during the time in which it is uncertain whether any thing will come of it or not?
16866Much happiness?"
16866Must he be annihilated?
16866Must it be starved?
16866Must we not rather abide by that general induction from the evidence to which our ordinary experience points us?
16866Never was a question more senseless than that of the idolatrous fool,--"Ye have taken away my gods, and what else have I left?"
16866No; but is man all reason?
16866No; do not you with Strauss contend that a miracle is not to be believed at all, because it contradicts uniform experience?
16866Of what use is it, to argue upon such an hypothesis?"
16866Once more, I asked, could I believe Jews, Jews in the reign of Tiberius or Nero, equal to all these wonders?
16866Once more, then, I ask you whether, on supposition of such testimony, you would reject the supposed fact or not?"
16866One thing, I confess, has often puzzled me much; and that is,--what should we do, in what state of mind should we be, if we did see a miracle?"
16866Only may it not be again presumed here, that He who knows perfectly"what is in man"would be able to perform the work with correspondent perfection?
16866Ought you not in consistency to refuse to act at all in such deplorable deficiency of evidence?"
16866Pray, permit me to ask, did you always believe that a book- revelation was impossible?"
16866Pray, which is really the more benevolent?
16866Shall we call Mr. Newman the Professor of''Spiritual Insight''?
16866Should we not expect, at the very least, the hesitating, suspicious, self- betraying tone usual in all such cases?
16866Suffer me again to ask you what a miracle is?"
16866Tell me, do you not think Paul a''spiritual''man?"
16866That is, the soul speaks to itself, and says,''What have I said?''
16866That there may be acts of belief that terminate chiefly in the intellect, and may be wholly worthless, who denies?
16866This, then, is the normal condition of humanity?"
16866Was he as an orphan child thinking of his mother, the image of whose dying hours I had so recently called up before him?
16866Was he, by the magic of dream- land, transported back to childhood?
16866Was it possible that England, in the nineteenth century, could be brought to adopt the superstitions of the Middle Age?
16866We may well say, only with much more reason, what the Jews said of Mary''s box of ointment,--"Why was all this waste?"
16866Well, what then?
16866Were there none who attempted this task?"
16866What do you say to this,--yes or no?"
16866What is all this, but to acknowledge the unaccountable nature of the problem?
16866What is his will?
16866What is left that is essential or peculiar to Christianity, when you have denuded it of all that you reject?
16866What is the criterion of universal''spiritual truth,''if there be any?
16866What is the evidence of the uniform existence in man of any such definite faculty?
16866What is the residuum which you condescend to leave to your genuine Christianity?"
16866What more easy than to suppose people dead when they were not, and who were merely recovered from a swoon or trance?
16866What of God?
16866What proof have we that man has an original and universal fountain of spiritual illumination in himself?
16866What will they be able to say?
16866What would you say?"
16866What would you wish otherwise?"
16866What, then, am I to think of this all- sufficient revelation from within?
16866When we say, for example, that hunger and thirst are universal appetites, is it not because we find them universal?
16866When will you let me hear you?"
16866Where are your protests and efforts?
16866Where would have been the use of asking counsel of such an oracle?"
16866Who can believe that a Cardinal of the Romish Church, Wiseman or fool, would have been simple enough for such a step as this?
16866Who can believe that only one man was sacrificed, and he on the predominant side?
16866Who ever heard, indeed, of commotion such as this is pretended to have been, and its ending in vox et praeterea nihil?
16866Who''strain at the gnats''of the Bible, and''swallow the camels''of your Natural Religion?
16866Why insist on harmonizing things which do not, and never can harmonize?
16866Why perplex yourself to no purpose?"
16866Why should you perplex yourself, as you apparently do, about a thing so hopeless to be found out as truth?
16866Will the Transatlantic republicans approve despotism on the same authority?
16866Will you assist me in resolving them?--but not to- night; let us have a little more talk about old college days,--or what say you to a game at chess?"
16866Will you let me, on a future day, read to you a brief paper upon it?
16866Will you see with me whether there is any fair mode of escaping from them?
16866Would you not say,''Learned sir, we humbly thought this was the point you were engaged in making out?
16866Would you think, if you were turned into a Hottentot to- morrow, you had a religion worthy of the name, or not?"
16866You believe, then, in the force of evidence, which equally establishes truth and falsehood?"
16866You believe, you say, in the resurrection of Christ?"
16866You do not conclude that the man''s estimate of the future-- his philosophy of that-- is any the more questionable for this folly?
16866You do not deny, I suppose, that he does think the world needs enlightening?"
16866You do not despair of all this?"
16866You mean an external revelation?"
16866You must remember that he says so?"
16866You reject, then, the characteristic doctrines of Christianity?"
16866You say there can be faith without belief, and a true faith that is connected with any belief, however erroneous, do you not?"
16866You say, that, as far as regards every thing else, it is very possible that these''inspired''men might err to any amount?"
16866You will say, feeling is not argument?
16866You wish to hear a few of these experiments?"
16866and may not the advocate for miracles say that miracles are amongst them?
16866and should I not have had it, if it had been incumbent on me to believe it?"
16866and that you wish it were in your power to destroy it?"
16866he said,"you wish to get the Socratic weather- gage of me, do you?
16866nay, have not some said that it is impossible to tell which is the real and which the dreaming part of their existence?"
16866nothing but what you would know and approve just as well without it?
16866of goodness and mercy equal to his power, or not?
16866of infinite attributes or finite?
16866or even did I concede that you could have known and approved without it that which, when it is proposed, you do approve?
16866or how can you ascertain these men meant what you mean, when you thus vilely copy their language?"
16866or how can you separate the one from the other?
16866or whether they are not part of the corruptions?
16866p. 245)"How, then, can the state of the soul be tested by the conclusion to which the intellect is led?"
16866than to fancy the blaze of a flambeau to be a star, and to shape thunder into articulate speech, and so on?
16866than to imagine the blind, deaf, or dumb to be miraculously healed, when in fact they were cured by medical skill?
16866that I sought him in the lonely glens and mountains, but found him not?
16866that her child had wandered from the fold of the Good Shepherd, and had gone I knew not whither?
16866that in the one capacity he protests against what he allows in the other?
16866that many of the most obstinate and dangerous prejudices of mankind are principally due to it?
16866that the whole style of thought on this subject is so totally different in them all, by his own confession?
16866upon the supposition that there was any thing morally objectionable in his doctrine?"
16866you will say,"my brother; is not that old vein of bitterness yet exhausted?"
1908211Is not He who created man able to quicken the dead?
1908212The scoffers say,''Shall we be raised to life, and our forefathers too, after we have become dust and bones?
1908214What does Abraham to those circumcised who have sinned too much?
1908222 Does it not seem perfectly plain that John''s doctrine of the Christ is at bottom identical with Philo''s doctrine of the Logos? 19082 32 And again he writes,"If souls survive, how has ethereal space made room for them all from eternity?
1908234 Was Jesusfrom above,"while wicked men were"from beneath"?
190827 Origen also and who, after the apostles themselves, knew their thoughts and their use of language better than he? 19082 All things remain as they were: where is the promise of his appearing?"
19082But some one will say, How are the dead raised up? 19082 Can you cast a pair for me?"
19082Else why stand we in jeopardy every hour?
19082For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
19082Hath the news of the overwhelming day of judgment reached thee? 19082 If souls be substances corporeal, Be they as big just as the body is?
19082In this tabernacle we groan, being burdened,and,"Who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
19082Is the law against the promises of God? 19082 Jesus said not unto him,''He shall not die;''but,''If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?''"
19082Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?
19082O Charidas, what are the things below? 19082 O eternity, what art thou?
19082So, thou hast immortality in mind? 19082 That I can,"says the man:"will you have them large or small?"
19082Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall be those things thou hast gathered?
19082What aileth them, that they believe not the resurrection? 19082 What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before?"
19082What if some did not believe? 19082 When bodies are raised, will each soul spontaneously know its own and enter it?
19082Wherefore, if ye be dead with Christ, why are ye subject to worldly ordinances? 19082 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?"
19082Why is God here? 19082 Why,"complainingly sighed the afflicted patriarch,"why died I not at my birth?
19082Will all have one size and one sex?
19082Will all rise of the same age?
19082Will each one''s hairs and nails all be restored to him in the resurrection?
19082Will the deformities and scars of our present bodies be retained in the resurrection?
19082''Then why was this cross put over you?''
1908215. preservation of health because it can not be an everlasting possession?
1908222 The Resurrection of Spring, p. 26. just like them?
1908240 Tanslation by Dr. Stevenson, p. 23. the highest state of being?
190826, 2. circumstances, than it is for him to go to heaven to such an experience as the faithful follower of Christ supposes is there awaiting him?
190827 What debauched unbeliever ever inculcated a viler or a more fatal doctrine?
190828 In seasons of imminent danger as in a shipwreck it was customary for a man to ask his companion, Hast thou been initiated?
19082According to the Zoroastrian modes of thought, what would have been the fate of man had Ahriman not existed or not interfered?
19082Accordingly, the question next arises, What is death when considered in this its true aspect?
19082Admitting the truth of the common doctrine of the atonement, why did Christ die?
19082And Pluto?
19082And am I then revenged To take him in the purging of his soul, When he is fit and season''d for his passage?
19082And can it be that every soul in the universe is better than the Maker and Father of the universe?
19082And how will it be with us then?
19082And is a common man better than Christ?
19082And is it not an incredible blasphemy to deny to the deified Christ a magnanimity equal to that which any good man would exhibit?
19082And is it not equally obvious, that it can lay no sort of claim to logical validity?
19082And is man better than his Maker?
19082And is not this a desertion of the orthodox doctrine of the Church?
19082And is this blood, then, form''d but to be shed?
19082And lives there a man of unperverted soul who would not decidedly prefer to have no God rather than to have such a one?
19082And now, recalling the varied studies we have passed through, and seeking for the conclusion or root of the matter, what shall we say?
19082And we find the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews thus replying to the question, Why did Christ die?
19082And what do history and prophecy show more plainly than the tendency to a convergence of all humanity in every man?
19082And what is that but the very consciousness, or the subject as its own object?
19082And what method is there of crushing or evaporating these out of being?
19082And what period can we imagine to terminate the unimpeded spirit''s abilities to learn, to enjoy, to expand?
19082And what reception do the conclusions of those few meet at the hands of the public?
19082And what the returns to earth?
19082And whither do we go?
19082And why should not the two shades be conceived, if either?
19082And, however that Power be named, is it not God?
19082Are not the poetic process and its sophistry clear?
19082Are there not Those that fall down out of humanity Into the story where the four legg''d dwell?"
19082Are there not souls"To whom dishonor''s shadow is a substance More terrible than death here and hereafter"?
19082Are you a Gentile, an idolatrous member of the uncircumcision, or a scorner of the Levitic and Rabbinical customs?
19082Are you afflicted?
19082Are you blessed?
19082Are you in danger?
19082As long as you live, is it not glory and reward enough to have conquered the beasts at Ephesus?
19082Because in death thou dost not know that thou art, therefore fearest thou that thou shalt be no more?
19082Believing, as he certainly did, in a devil, the author and lord of darkness, falsehood, and death, would he not conceive a kingdom for him?
19082Besides, had there been no sin, could not man have been drowned if he fell into the water without knowing how to swim?
19082Besides, if they slept, how knew they what transpired in the mean time?
19082Besides, there is a parallel fact of deep significance in our unquestionable experience;"For is not our first year forgot?
19082But admitting the clauses apparently descriptive of the nature of this retribution to be metaphorical, yet what shall we think of its duration?
19082But how did the Gentiles enter into belief and participation of the glad tidings?
19082But how does such an antagonism arise?
19082But if an indefinite number of impressions were superimposed on the same paper, could the fumes of mercury restore any one called for at random?
19082But if such a world of fire, crowded with the writhing damned, ever existed at all, could it exist forever?
19082But if the doctrine be true, and he is on probation under it, is it fair that he should be left honestly in ignorance or doubt about it?
19082But if the souls live so long in heaven and hell without their flesh, why need they ever resume it?
19082But some one may say,"If I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me if the dead rise not?"
19082But that plausibility becomes an extreme probability nay, shall we not say certainty?
19082But what are good and evil?
19082But what else means the minute morbid anatomy of death beds, the prurient curiosity to know how the dying one bore himself in the solemn passage?
19082But what is the prophecy, and how is it to be fulfilled?
19082But what shall solace or end it if they know that hell''s borders are to be enlarged and to rage with avenging misery forever?
19082But what was to become of the righteous and redeemed?
19082But whence did we come?
19082But, waiving that, what would the legitimate correspondence to it be for man?
19082By what proofs is so tremendous a conclusion supported?
19082Callimachus wrote the following couplet as an epitaph on the celebrated misanthrope:"Timon, hat''st thou the world or Hades worse?
19082Can a breath move Mount Kaf?
19082Can a ganglion solve a problem in Euclid or understand the Theodicee of Leibnitz?
19082Can a mathematical number tell the difference between good and evil?
19082Can air feel?
19082Can air, earth, water, fire, live and we dead?
19082Can an action love and hate, choose and resolve, rejoice and grieve, remember, repent, and pray?
19082Can any defective technicality damn such a man?
19082Can blood see?
19082Can earth be jealous of a rival and loyal to a duty?
19082Can egotistic folly any further go?
19082Can every element our elements mar?
19082Can fire think?
19082Can human thought divine the answer?
19082Can it be left there forever?
19082Can it be that the roar of its furnace shall rage on, and the wail of the execrable anguish ascend, eternally?
19082Can the fearful anguish of bereavement be gratuitous?
19082Can water will?
19082Can we imagine that we are the creators of God?
19082Comes not death as a means to bear him thither?
19082Compare the following text:"The baptism of John, whence was it, from Heaven, or of men?"
19082Considering, then, that beatific experience of which heaven consists, under the metaphor of a city, what are its ways of entrance?
19082Could Christ be satisfied?
19082Could God suffer it?
19082Could any conventional arrangement, or accident of locality, save such a man, while his character remained unchanged?
19082Could the angels be contented when they contemplated the far off lurid orb and knew the agonies that fed its conscious conflagration?
19082Could the saved be happy and passive in heaven when the muffled shrieks of their brethren, faint from the distance, fell on their ears?
19082Could they have dreamed it?
19082Destroy his organization, and what follows?
19082Did Jesus perform miraculous works?
19082Did they except none from the remediless doom of Hades?
19082Do you belong to the chosen family of Abraham, and are you undefiled in relation to all the requirements of our code?
19082Does a surprising piece of good fortune accrue to any one, splendid riches, a commanding position, a peerless friendship?
19082Does it follow that at that time it was a common belief that the trees actually went forth occasionally to choose them a king?
19082Does it not betoken a preserved epitome of the long history of slowly rising existence?
19082Does justice heed the wrath of the offended, or the guilt of the offender?
19082Does not the record plainly show this to an impartial reader?
19082Does not the simple truth of love conquer and trample the world''s aggregated lie?
19082Does not the whole idea appear rather like a rhetorical image than like a sober theological doctrine?
19082Does the butterfly ever come back to put on the exuvia that have perished in the ground?
19082Does the engineer die when the fire goes out and the locomotive stops?
19082Dormant in the body, dead with the body, laid in the tomb?
19082Doth it not seem the impression of a seal Can be no larger than the wax?
19082Eliphaz the Temanite says,"Is not God in the height of heaven?
19082Exhausted with wanderings, sated with experiments, will he not pray for the exempted lot of a contented fruition in repose?
19082For a delegation was once sent to ask Jesus,"Art thou Elias?
19082For example: what direct proof is there that Christ, when he vanished from the disciples, went to the presence of God in heaven, to die no more?
19082For is it not one flexible instant of opportunity, and then an adamantine immortality of doom?
19082For what purpose, then, was it thought that Jesus went to the imprisoned souls of the under world?
19082For what were the most vivid of all the experiences men had among their fellows on earth?
19082Fourthly, after the notion of a great, epochal resurrection, as a reply to the inquiry, What is to become of the soul?
19082God asked Gabriel,"Whence comes that Amen?"
19082Had Jesus an inspiration and a knowledge not vouchsafed to the princes of this world?
19082Had it been all along credited in its literal sense, as a divine revelation, could this be so?
19082Had not Plato that idea?
19082Hast grounds that will not let thee doubt it?
19082Have we not eternity in our thought, infinitude in our view, and God for our guide?
19082He says, while answering the question, How are the dead raised up, and with what body do they come?
19082He took my father grossly full of bread, With all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May; And how his audit stands who knows save Heaven?
19082He waits passively for the resistless round of fate to bear him away, ah, whither?
19082Here we are, And there we go: but where?
19082His disciples once asked him,"What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"
19082How came the notions of punishment, fire, brimstone, and kindred imagery, to be connected with it?
19082How can it be remedied?
19082How can men be guilty of a sin committed thousands of years before they were born, and deserve to be sent to hopeless hell for it?
19082How can we demonstrate that it does not fall within the same class on the laws of evidence?"
19082How can we pass to its citizenship?
19082How does any one know that the mind of Jesus dialectically grasped the metaphysical notion of eternity and deliberately intended to express it?
19082How does it comport with the old traditions?
19082How does that event, admitted as a fact, rest in the average personal experience of Christians now?
19082How has the earth found room for all the bodies buried in it?
19082How have these horrors obtained such a seated hold in the world?
19082How is it possible for any one to doubt that the text under consideration teaches his subterranean mission during the period of his bodily burial?
19082How is this to be done?
19082How much of the current representations in relation to another life were held as strict verity?
19082How much, now, does this second fact imply?
19082How, then, can it be said that the doctrine of a future life for man is revealed by it or implicated in it?
19082I a lost soul?
19082I separated from hope and from peace forever?
19082If Nirwana be simply annihilation, why is it not so stated?
19082If a building tumbled upon him, would he not have been crushed?
19082If a man believe in no future life, is he thereby absolved from the moral law?
19082If by"the dead"was meant"the bodies,"why are we not told so?
19082If death be absolute, is it not an evil?
19082If light can thus deceive, wherefore not life?"
19082If man be not destined for perennial life, why is this dread of non existence woven into the soul''s inmost fibres?
19082If on the first day you should shatter it, and thus rob it of one day''s life, would you be guilty of murder?
19082If the souls of men are ideas of God, must they not be as enduring as his mind?
19082If there be no future for him, why is he tortured with the inspiring idea of the eternal pursuit of the still flying goal of perfection?
19082In a little while, as the ravaging reaper sweeps on his way, who will not have still more there, or be there himself?
19082In distinction, then, from the monstrous mass of mistakes denoted by it, what is the truth carried in the awful word, hell?
19082In reference to the question, Can ephemera have a moral law?
19082In reply to those who argue thus, it is obvious to ask, whence did they learn all this?
19082In that case, would not his mind have dwelt upon the wonderful anticipated phenomenon?
19082In the first place, what view of the Father himself, the absolute Deity, do these writings present?
19082In the resurrection, whose shall it be?
19082In what sense can the passing of Christ''s soul into heaven after death be said to have done away with sin?
19082Into the transparent sphere of perfect intelligence?
19082Into the vacant dark of nothingness?
19082Introduction to Study of Natural History, p. 57. of man?
19082Is a threat efficacious over men in proportion to its intrinsic terror, or in proportion as it is personally felt and feared by them?
19082Is he merely taunted with the starry sky, and mocked with an infinite illusion of progress, suddenly barred with endless night and oblivion?
19082Is he not in a competent hell?
19082Is it absolutely unending?
19082Is it not a gratuitous fiction of theologians?
19082Is it not a peurility to suppose that God has such documents?
19082Is it not an absurdity to affirm that nerves and blood, flesh and bones, are responsible, guilty, must be punished?
19082Is it not astonishing how these theologians find out so much?
19082Is it not fitter that he be welcomed by triumphant initiation into the family of the deathless Father?
19082Is it not so in the usage of John?
19082Is it not strictly true that the thought that even one should have endless woe"Would cast a shadow on the throne of God And darken heaven"?
19082Is it not the same law, still expressing the same meaning?
19082Is it possible that the hero and the martyr and the saint, whose experience is laden with painful sacrifices for humanity, are mistaken?
19082Is it worse to have nothing than it is to have infinite torture?
19082Is not an agent necessary for an action?
19082Is not the truth of ignorance better than the falsity of superstition?
19082Is not this notion of the judgment being delegated to Jesus plainly adopted from the political image of a deputy?
19082Is not this paragraph a disgusting combination of ignorance and arrogance?
19082Is the overthrow of a country foretold?
19082Is the sin measured by the dignity of the lawgiver, or by the responsibility of the law breaker?
19082Is there a contradiction, then, in Paul?
19082Is there any more real reason for believing this doctrine than there is for believing the other kindred schemes?
19082Is there leisure for sport and business, or room for science and literature, or mood for pleasures and amenities?
19082Is there no mind behind it and above it, making use of it as a servant?
19082Is there not just as much reason for holding to the literal accuracy and validity of the result in one case as in another?
19082Is there not truth in the poet''s picture of the meeting of child and parent in heaven?
19082Is this Christ''s Father?
19082Is this revelation, science, logic, or is it mythology?
19082It demands,"Who art thou, O, maiden, uglier and more detestable than I ever saw in the world?"
19082It has been asked,"If the incendiary be, like the fire he kindles, a result of material combinations, shall he not be treated in the same way?"
19082It is an arrant begging of the question; for the very problem is, Does not an invisible spiritual entity survive the visible material disintegration?
19082It is said that Araf seems hell to the blessed but paradise to the damned; for does not every thing depend on the point of view?
19082Jochanan was dying, his disciples asked him,''Light of Israel, main pillar of the right, thou strong hammer, why dost thou weep?''
19082Let one pass in absence from childhood to maturity, and who that had not seen him in the mean time could tell that it was he?
19082Life crowd a grain, from air''s vast realms effaced?
19082Meanwhile, shall we not be magnanimous to forgive and help, diligent to study and achieve, trustful and content to abide the invisible issue?
19082Milton asks,"For who would lose, Though full of pain, this intellectual being?"
19082Mohammed replied,"When day comes, where is night?"
19082Moreover, what had occurred to effect the alleged new belief?
19082Much is implied in this term and its accompaniments, and may be drawn out by answering the questions, What is heaven?
19082Must not that be to the right port?
19082Must not the pilgrim pine and tire for a goal of rest?
19082Now, as a solitary exception to this, are minds absolutely destroyed?
19082Now, does not the consciousness of infinity imply the infinity of consciousness?
19082Now, if there be in man no personal entity, what is it that with so much joy attains Nirwana?
19082Now, of what was it intended as the symbol?
19082O Death, thou last enemy, where is thy sting?
19082O Death, where is thy sting?
19082O Hades, thou gloomy prison, where is thy victory?''"
19082O Hades, where is thy victory?''"
19082O blessed wealth and wretched freedom, how shall we perfect and reconcile them?
19082O grave, where is thy victory?"
19082Oh, how shall I escape, and obtain eternal bliss?''"
19082Oh, when shall we learn that a loving pity, a filial faith, a patient modesty, best become us and fit our state?
19082On entering heaven, what magic shall work such a demoniacal change in him?
19082On what grounds are we to believe them?
19082On what principle is a part of the undivided apocalyptic portrayal rendered as emblem, the rest accepted as absolute verity?
19082Or are they a direct vision and audience of it?
19082Or shoot they out to the height ethereal?
19082Or who could find, Whilst fly and leaf and insect stood reveal''d, That to such countless orbs thou mad''st us blind?
19082Or, to go still further back, why did he not, foreseeing Adam''s fall, refrain from creating even him?
19082Orphal, Sind die Thiere blos sinnliche Geschopfe?
19082Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?"
19082Peter Lombard says,"What did the Redeemer do to the despot who had us in his bonds?
19082Plotinus said,"If God repents having made the world, why does he defer its destruction?
19082Regarding the Hebrew narrative as an indigenous growth, then, how shall we explain its origin, purport, and authority?
19082Schlegel has somewhere asked the question,"Is life in us, or are we in life?"
19082Secondly, if the resurrection did not take place, what became of the Savior''s body?
19082Secondly, when he exclaims,"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?"
19082Shall he deliver his spirit from the hand of Sheol?"
19082Shall heaven be held before man simply as a piece of meat before a hungry dog to make him jump well?
19082Shall not Heaven pluck and wear them on her bosom?
19082Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"
19082Shall"infants be not raised in the smallness of body in which they died, but increase by the wondrous and most swift work of God"?
19082Should we not take a case in which God''s will is so far plainly fulfilled, in order to trace that will farther and even to its finality?
19082Should you not think at least once a day of the fifty thousand who that day sink to the doom of the lost?"
19082Since we can not eat sweet and wholesome food forever, shall we therefore at once saturate our stomachs with nauseating poisons?
19082Studien and Kritiken, 1885, band i.,"Ist die Lehre von der Anferstehung des Leibes nicht ein alt Persische Lehre?"
19082That is to say, was it of human or of Divine origin and authority?
19082That is to say, whence originated the sentence of death upon man?
19082The Persian poet, Buzurgi, says on this theme,"What is the soul?
19082The Pharisee rejoins,"Can not God, then, who formed man of water,( gutta seminis humida,) much more re form him of clay?"
19082The consequence has been that while elsewhere the ultimate standard by which to try a doctrine is, What do the most competent judges say?
19082The deluge he certainly regarded as literal: was not, then, in his conception, the fire, too, literal?
19082The dirge like burden of their poetry was literally these words:"What man is he that liveth and shall not see death?
19082The essence of the controversy, then, is exactly this: Is the mind an entity?
19082The ghost of miserable Patroclus calve to him and said,"Sleepest thou and art forgetful of me, O Achilles?"
19082The ghost summoned from beneath by the witch of Endor said,"Why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up?"
19082The important question here is, What did the Fathers suppose the essence of Christ''s redemptive work to be?
19082The king accused them of theft; but they severally replied, the lame man, How could I reach it?
19082The leaf a world, the firmament a waste?"
19082The man that loves the Lord shall have length of days; the unjust, though for a moment he flourishes, yet the wind bloweth, and where is he?
19082The only question is, what meaning was it intended to convey?
19082The problem to be solved is, Does the man who is now a soul in a body remain a soul when the body dissolves?
19082The question is,"What difference should it make to us whether we admit or deny the fact of a future life?"
19082The question now arises, What did the Greeks think in relation to the ascent of human souls into heaven among the gods?
19082The reply to the question, What is that relation?
19082The second question that arises is, What was the significance of the funeral ceremonies celebrated by the Egyptians over their dead?
19082The termination of all the functions he knows, what else can it be but his virtual annihilation?
19082The theories in theological systems being but philosophy, why should they not be freely subjected to philosophical criticism?
19082The unsatisfied and longing soul has created the doctrine of a future life, has it?
19082The will is free now: what shall suddenly paralyze or annihilate that freedom when the soul leaves the body?
19082The world reflecting from every corner the lurid glare of hell, who can do any thing else but shudder and pray?
19082Then Jesus asked, But who think ye that I am?
19082Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,''Death is swallowed up in victory?"
19082Then the question arises, In what way is this done?
19082There are invitations and opportunities to change from evil to good here: why not hereafter?
19082Therefore does it not follow by all the necessities of logic?
19082They once asked Jesus,"Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
19082This believing instinct, so deeply seated in our consciousness, natural, innocent, universal, whence came it, and why was it given?
19082This, what is it but great Nature''s testimony, God''s silent avowal, that we are to meet in eternity?
19082Thus to ignore the only solemn and worthy standard of judging an abstract doctrine, namely, Is it a truth or a falsehood?
19082To be saved, and in paradise, what is it but to be a pure instrument to echo the music of divine things?
19082Upon the mist veiled ocean launching then, he will sail where?
19082Was Jesus sent among men with a special commission?
19082Was Jesus the Son of God?
19082Was Jesus the subject of a peculiar glory, bestowed upon him by the Father?
19082Was there no path for the wisest and best souls to climb starry Olympus?
19082We are met upon the threshold of our inquiry by the essential question, What, according to Paul, was the mission of Christ?
19082We, whose minds comprehend all things?
19082Well, is not the resurrection a pendant to the doctrine of Satan?
19082Well, then, how does God treat offenders now?
19082Were the angels who came down to the earth with Christ to the judgment never to return to their native seats?
19082Were they not honest?
19082Were they permanently to transfer their deathless citizenship from the sky to Judea?
19082What animal can there be superior to me?
19082What are presentiments but divine wings of the spirit fluttering toward our unseen goal?
19082What are the results or penalties of it?
19082What are they?
19082What can be plainer than that?
19082What can the everlasting deprivation of all good be called but an immense evil to its subject?
19082What caused the snake to crawl on his belly in the dust, while other creatures walk on feet or fly with wings?
19082What could be a more explicit declaration of this than the following?
19082What crucible shall burn up the ultimate of force?
19082What did he accomplish?
19082What did he really mean to teach by it?
19082What do they mean?
19082What does Strauss mean by"the nerve spirit"?
19082What does the great harmony of truth require?
19082What does unprejudiced reason dictate?
19082What fate has befallen him?
19082What force is there to compel them into nothing?
19082What good is there in the baseless conceit and gratuitous disgust of saying,"The next world is in the grave, betwixt the teeth of the worm"?
19082What hems us in when we think, feel, and imagine?
19082What in the hidden future portions of our destiny would be harmonic and complementary as related with the parts here experienced?
19082What is death?
19082What is it, expressed by the term"death,"which is found by the adherents of the devil distinctively?
19082What is that common ground and element but the presence of a percipient volitional force, whether manifested or unmanifested, still there?
19082What is the Brahmanic method of salvation, or secret of emancipation?
19082What is the complete doctrine to which fragmentary references are here made?
19082What is the real character of the retributions in the future state?
19082What justice, what justice, is here in this?
19082What material processes shall ever disintegrate the simplicity of spirit?
19082What moral conditions alter the case then?
19082What portions were regarded as fable or symbolism?
19082What profiteth it?
19082What profiteth it?
19082What proof is there that the symbol denotes this?
19082What shall, we add to man To bring him higher?"
19082What sort of a figure would the segments which we now see, compose, if they were completed?
19082What then?
19082What though Decay''s shapeless hand extinguish us?
19082What though the number of telescopic worlds were raised to the ten thousandth power, and each orb were as large as all of them combined would now be?
19082What tree is man the seed of?
19082What was the Jewish idea of salvation, or citizenship in the kingdom of God?
19082What was the condition of acceptance in the Pharisaic church?
19082What was the meaning of this ceremony?
19082What was the meaning or aim of his death and resurrection?
19082What, now, is the real meaning of these pregnant phrases?
19082What, then, do they mean?
19082What, then, does the phrase"redemption by the death of Christ"mean?
19082What, then, is the meaning of the fear, suffering and horror, which so often accompany or follow sin?
19082What, then, shall we say?
19082What, then, were the essence and method of Christ''s redemptive mission according to the Fathers?
19082When the engine madly plunges off the embankment or bridge of life, does the engineer perish in the ruin, or nimbly leap off and immortally escape?
19082When the fireman risks his life to save a child from the flames of a tumbling house, is the hope of heaven his motive?
19082When the soldier spurns an offered bribe and will not betray his comrades nor desert his post, is the fear of hell all that animates him?
19082Whence and how arose this heterogeneous mass of notions?
19082Where could man, scorched by the fires of the sun of this world, look for felicity, were it not for the shade afforded by the tree of emancipation?
19082Where, then, did he suppose the soul of his crucified Master had been during the interval between his death and his resurrection?
19082Whither has he gone?
19082Who among us can dwell in everlasting burnings?"
19082Who are citizens of, and who are aliens from, the kingdom of God?
19082Who but must feel the pathos and admire the charity of these eloquent words of Henry Giles?
19082Who can answer the question which rises to heaven from the abyss of the damned?
19082Who can believe it, knowing what it is that he believes?
19082Who can believe that it was for either of those purposes that they embalmed the multitudes of animals whose mummies the explorer is still turning up?
19082Who can count the confessors who have thought it bliss and glory to be martyrs for truth and God?
19082Who can linger there and listen, unmoved, to the sublime lament of things that die?
19082Who could consent to that?
19082Who has not endeared relatives, choice friends, freshly or long ago removed from this earth into the unknown clime?
19082Who will save me?"
19082Who would wish anything worse for him?
19082Why do we not live immortally as we are?
19082Why is he gifted with powers of reason and demands of love so far beyond his conditions?
19082Why is it so calmly assumed that God can not pardon, and that therefore sinners must be given over to endless pains?
19082Why may not pardon from unpurchased grace be vouchsafed as well after death as before?
19082Why may not that untraceable something which has gone still exist?
19082Why should recourse be had to a phrase partially descriptive of one feature, instead of comprehensively announcing or implying the whole case?
19082Why should the power of hope, and joy, and faith, change into inanity and oblivion?
19082Why should thy cruel arrow smite yon bird?
19082Why should we shudder or grieve?
19082Why then do we shun death with anxious strife?
19082Why, or how, then, would a similar feat prove the opposite doctrine?
19082Why, then, did he die?
19082Why, then, has that of Christ alone made such a change in the faith of the world?
19082Why, then, shall we select from the mass of metaphors a few of the most violent, and insist on rendering these as veritable statements of fact?
19082Why, then, was he not left in peaceful nonentity?
19082Why, then, we ask, is the faith in a future life for man suffering such a marked decay in the present generation of Christendom?
19082Will Daniel Lambert, the mammoth of men, appear weighing half a ton?
19082Will he do it?
19082Will not the unimpeded Spirit of Christ lead all free minds and loving hearts to one conclusion?
19082Will the King connive at this nefarious prowler and permit him to carry out his design?
19082Will the Siamese twins then be again joined by the living ligament of their congenital band?
19082Will the time ever come when that tortoise shall so rise up that its neck shall enter the hole of the yoke?
19082Will you accept the horizon of your mind as the limit of the universe?
19082Will you pass to meet them not having thought of them for years, having perhaps forgotten them?
19082With which shall he be raised?
19082World on world Are they forever heaping up, and still The mighty measure never, never full?"
19082Would a designing knave voluntarily reveal to a suspicious scrutiny actions and traits naturally subversive of confidence in him?
19082Would he not, then, in all probability, believe in a local hell?
19082Would it not, moreover, be most marvellous if they were such heated fanatics, all of them, so many men?
19082Would not his whole soul have been wrapped up in it, and his speech have been almost incessantly about it?
19082Would they have done this save from simple hearted truthfulness?
19082Yes; but if Paradise be above the heavens, and hell below the seventh earth, then how can Sirat be extended over hell for people to pass to Paradise?
19082Yes; but the inquiry is, what is the mind itself?
19082Yes; but what is it that presides over, takes up, and preserves this succession?
19082Yet are not the principles of science as much glimpses of the mind of God as any sentences in the Bible are?
19082Yet logically what separates it from the resurrection of Christ?
19082a doctrine, or a coming event?
19082a general truth to enlighten and guide uncertain men, or an approaching deliverance to console and encourage the desponding Jews?
19082and how, in their estimation, did he achieve that work?
19082and that the slattern and the voluptuary and the sluggard, whose course is one of base self indulgence, are correct?
19082and what details are connected with them?
19082and with what body do they come?"
19082are will, conscience, thought, and love annihilated?
19082art thou that prophet?"
19082art thou the Messiah?
19082blasphemy any further go?
19082but it is wherever God''s approving presence extends: and is that not wherever the pure in heart are found?
19082can the yearning prophecies of the smitten heart be all false?
19082eternal pain for me?
19082has old Adam snorted all this time Under some senselesse clod, with sleep ydead?"
19082he who once was rich but for our sakes became poor?
19082he who poured his blood on Judea''s awful summit, be satisfied?
19082he whose loving soul breathed itself forth in the tender words,"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"?
19082how can ye escape the condemnation of Gehenna?"
19082in glory?
19082in his life, and brought to a focus in his martyr death?
19082in temptation?
19082in theology it is, What do the committed priests say?
19082is it not enough to have borne the wretchedness of this life, that we must also endure another?"
19082must they not have considered him as a pledge that their sins were forgiven, their doom reversed, and heaven attainable?
19082not, what are its acts?
19082or is it a collection of functions?
19082or the capacity of the higher?
19082or the fifth?
19082or the last?
19082or will the power of God distribute them as they belong?"
19082or with all?
19082or, across that dark gulf, shall we be united again in purer bonds?
19082somewhere in the ample creation and in the boundless ages, join, with the old familiar love, our long parted, fondly cherished, never forgotten dead?"
19082that is, to bring Christ down; or,''Who shall descend into the under world?''
19082the blind man, How could I see it?
19082the genius of a Shakspeare, whose imagination exhausted worlds and then invented new?
19082the heart of a Borromeo, whose seraphic love expanded to the limits of sympathetic being?
19082the soul of a Wycliffe, whose undaunted will, in faithful consecration to duty, faced the fires of martyrdom and never blenched?
19082what difference would that make in the facts of human nature and destiny?
19082what hadst thou to do in hell When thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend In mortal paradise of such sweet flesh?"
19082what other definition and affirmation of salvation conceivable?
19082what shall I do?
19082will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?"
19082with the first?
46986And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 46986 Art thou loose from a wife?
46986Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?
46986But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? 46986 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also judged as a sinner?"
46986Friend, wherefore art thou come?
46986Have ye never read what David did?... 46986 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?"
46986How would such a theory affect the received chronology concerning Christ? 46986 Is Christ divided?
46986Is poverty of spirit a blessing? 46986 Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"
46986Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
46986Pilate then went out unto them[ the Jews], and said, What accusation bring ye against this man? 46986 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth?
46986Then Judas which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? 46986 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, saying, Master which is the great commandment in the law?
46986Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?
46986Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods?
46986Why callest thou me good? 46986 Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?"
46986Why eateth your master with publicans and sinners?
46986Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
46986''My son,''she is represented as having said,''why have you done this?
469861 When was Jesus born?
4698610 How many generations were there from Abraham to Jesus?
46986101 In what country were they when Peter was called?
46986102 Who did Jesus declare Peter to be?
46986104 When were James and John called?
46986105 Where was Jesus when he called Peter, James and John?
46986106 Was Andrew called when Peter was called?
46986107 Who was called from the receipt of custom?
46986108 Who was the mother of James the Less and Joses?
46986109 Who was their father?
4698611 Does Luke''s genealogy agree with the Old Testament?
46986110 Were Matthew and James the Less brothers?
46986111 To what city did John belong, and where was it located?
46986112 Who was the tenth apostle?
46986113 How many of the apostles bore the name of Judas?
46986116 Who was Jesus''favorite apostle?
46986117 Is the Apostle James mentioned in John?
46986118 What other disciples besides the Twelve did Jesus send out?
46986119 What charge did Jesus make to his disciples?
4698612 How many generations were there from Abraham to David?
46986120 Did Jesus have a habitation of his own?
46986121 His residence in Capernaum was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
46986122 Were Zebulon and Nephthali situated"beyond Jordan,"as stated?
46986123 Were Peter, Andrew, James and John with Jesus when he taught in the synagogue at Capernaum?
46986124 Did Jesus perform many miracles in Galilee at the beginning of his ministry?
46986125 Did he perform any miracles before he called his disciples?
46986126 When was the miraculous draught of fishes made?
46986127 What accident was caused by the enormous draught of fishes?
46986128 How long did the Jews say it took to build the temple?
4698613 How many generations were there from David to the Captivity?
46986130 Did he deliver his sermon sitting or standing?
46986134 When and where was the Lord''s Prayer delivered?
46986135 Was the Sermon on the Mount delivered before Matthew( Levi in Mark and Luke) was called from the receipt of custom?
46986136 When did Jesus cleanse the leper?
46986137 When did he cure Peter''s mother- in- law?
46986138 Was this before or after Peter was called to the ministry?
46986139 Were James and John with Jesus when he performed this cure?
46986140 When was the centurion''s servant healed?
46986141 Who came for Jesus?
46986142 Where was he when he performed this miracle?
46986143 When did he still the tempest?
46986144 When did he cast out the devils that entered into the herd of swine?
46986145 How many were possessed with devils?
46986146 When asked his name what did the demoniac answer?
46986147 How many swine were there?
46986148 Where did this occur?
46986149 Do the Evangelists all agree in regard to the expulsion of demons by Jesus?
4698615 How many generations were there from the Captivity to Christ?
46986150 What great miracle did Jesus perform at Nain?
46986151 In their accounts of his curing the paralytic what parenthetical clause is to be found in each of the Synoptics?
46986152 What effect had the teachings of Jesus upon the people?
46986153 What did he say to the people in regard to letting their light shine?
46986154 What did he say concerning the way that leads to life?
46986156 Where was John baptizing when Jesus and his disciples came into Judea?
46986157 What city of Samaria did Jesus visit?
46986158 What did his disciples say to him when about to leave Bethany?
46986159 Where was he when he dined with publicans and sinners?
46986160 What did the Pharisees say to his disciples, because they, with Jesus, dined with publicans and sinners?
46986161 Who inquired of Jesus the reason for his disciples not fasting?
46986162 What did he say when reproved for plucking the ears of corn on the Sabbath?
46986163 What did he claim regarding Moses?
46986165 Who of Christ''s disciples witnessed the raising of Jairus''daughter?
46986166 What did Jesus say when sending out his Twelve Apostles?
46986167 What command did he give them respecting the provision of staves?
46986168 When the Samaritans refused to receive him what was said?
46986169 What did Jesus say to the multitude concerning John the Baptist?
4698617 According to the accepted chronology, what was the average age of each generation from David to Jesus?
46986170 Whose rejection of him provoked the declaration,"A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country"?
46986171 When he came into his own country and taught in the synagogue what did the people say?
46986172 When Herod heard of his wonderful works, what did he say?
46986173 When and for what reason was John beheaded?
46986174 Who was Herodias?
46986175 What is said of the numbers baptized by Jesus and his disciples as compared with those baptized by John?
46986176 Who furnished the loaves and fishes with which the multitude in the desert was fed?
46986177 How many were fed?
46986178 Where did this miracle occur?
46986179 After feeding the five thousand what did Jesus do?
4698618 What was the average age from David to the Captivity?
46986180 For what purpose did he go to the mountain?
46986181 Were his disciples with him?
46986182 To what port did he command his disciples to sail?
46986184 What remarkable feat was attempted on the trip?
46986185 What did the Jews say to Jesus respecting his Messianic mission?
46986186 What notable incident occurred at Jerusalem?
46986187 In the miracle of restoring the sight of the man born blind, what did he tell the man to do?
46986188 What is the meaning of the word"Siloam"?
46986189 Who provoked the displeasure of the Pharisees by eating with unwashed hands?
4698619 What was the average age from the Captivity to Jesus?
46986190 Of what nationality was the woman who desired Jesus to cast the devil out of her daughter?
46986191 What did his disciples say when he expressed his intention of feeding the four thousand?
46986192 After feeding the four thousand where did he come?
46986193 Where does Mark say he came?
46986194 What did he say to the Pharisees who asked for a sign?
46986195 On the way to Caesarea Philippi what remarkable discovery was made by Peter?
46986197 When did the Transfiguration take place?
46986198 Was the countenance of Jesus changed?
46986199 When did Peter propose building the three tabernacles to Jesus, Moses and Elias?
469861:"Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
4698620 What was the average length of each generation from Abraham to David?
46986200 What did the voice from the clouds declare?
46986200, 201), says:"People wonder why so much of the old mythology, the daily talk, of the Aryans was solar: what else could it have been?
46986201 Who witnessed the Transfiguration?
46986203 What occurred immediately after the Transfiguration?
46986204 What ailed the man''s son whom Jesus cured after the Transfiguration?
46986205 When the authorities at Capernaum demanded tribute of Jesus what did he command Peter to do?
46986206 What was the nature of the tribute demanded?
46986207 After leaving Galilee where did Jesus go?
46986208 In going to Jerusalem to attend his last Passover, what route did he take?
46986209 What city did he pass through on his way to Jerusalem?
4698621 What was the average length of each generation from Adam to Abraham?
46986210 What miracle did he perform on the way?
46986211 Was it one or two blind men that sat by the wayside beseeching him to heal them?
46986212 What inquiry did the disciples make regarding the cause of the man''s blindness?
46986213 When did this occur?
46986214 What did Jesus say regarding divorce?
46986216 In his conversation with the rich man what commandments did he prescribe?
46986217 What great miracle did he perform at Bethany?
46986218 Who was it requested that James and John might sit, one on the right and the other on the left hand of Jesus in his kingdom?
46986219 Who occupies a seat at the left hand of Jesus?
4698622 How many generations were there from Adam to Abraham?
46986220 What did Jesus affirm in regard to the mustard seed?
46986221 With faith as large as a grain of mustard seed, what did he say his disciples could do?
46986222 In the parable of the Great Feast what was the character of the feast?
46986223 Whom did the giver of the feast send to invite the guests?
46986224 What befell the servants, or servant?
46986225 What did the giver of the feast declare respecting those who refused to attend?
46986227 In the parable of the Wicked Husbandmen did the owner of the vineyard send one servant, or more than one, each time to collect the rent?
46986228 What happened to the servants?
46986229 In the parable of the Talents how did the master apportion his money?
4698623 How many generations were there between Rachab, the mother of Booz, and David?
46986230 What was their gain?
46986231 What did the unprofitable servant do with the money entrusted to him?
46986232 What are the concluding words of Jesus in this parable?
46986233 In the lawyer''s interview with Jesus, who was it, the lawyer, or Jesus, that stated the two great commandments?
46986235 Did his controversy concerning David and Christ take place with the Pharisees, as stated by Matthew?
46986236 Where was Jesus on the day preceding his triumphal entry into Jerusalem?
46986237 Preparatory to his triumphal entry what command did he give his disciples?
46986238 Did he ride both animals?
46986239 The riding of two asses by Jesus was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
46986240 When did Jesus purge the temple?
46986241 When did he curse the fig tree?
46986242 When was the tree discovered by his disciples to be withered?
46986244 What did Jesus accuse the Jews of doing?
46986246 Who anointed Jesus?
46986247 Where did she put the ointment?
46986248 Where did this occur?
46986249 At whose house did it occur?
46986250 Who was Simon?
46986251 At what time during his ministry did this anointing occur?
46986252 Did it occur before or after his triumphal entry?
46986253 How many days before the Passover did it occur?
46986254 Who objected to this apparent waste of the ointment?
46986256 When did the Last Supper take place?
46986258 What ceremony was instituted at the Last Supper?
4698626 Who was Sala?
46986260 At the Last Supper did Jesus pass the cup once, or twice?
46986261 Where was Jesus when he uttered his last prayer?
46986262 What is said of his agony at Gethsemane?
46986263 How many times did Jesus visit Jerusalem during his ministry?
46986264 To what country was his ministry chiefly confined?
46986265 How long did his ministry last?
46986266 What is said regarding the extent of his works?
46986267 Can the alleged teachings of Jesus be accepted as authentic?
46986268 When did Jesus first foretell his passion?
46986269 When did he announce his betrayal?
4698627 Who begat Ozias?
46986270 Did Jesus say who should betray him?
46986271 How did he disclose his betrayer?
46986272 When did Satan enter into Judas?
46986273 How did Judas betray Jesus?
46986274 What did Jesus say to Judas when he betrayed him?
46986275 What was Judas, and what office did he hold?
46986276 What did Judas receive for betraying his master?
46986277 What did he do with the money?
46986278 The purchase of the potter''s field was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
46986279 What became of Judas?
4698628 Who was Josiah''s successor?
46986280 To whom did Peter deliver his speech describing the fate of Judas?
46986281 What did Peter say in regard to the name of the field?
46986282 Were there more than one of Jesus''disciples concerned in his betrayal?
46986283 When the Jewish council met to plan the arrest of Jesus, to what conclusion did they come?
46986284 Who arrested him?
46986285 Who does John say was sent to arrest him?
46986286 What is said regarding the multitude sent out to apprehend him?
46986287 How did they go out to capture him?
46986288 When the band sent to capture him first came up to him what did they do?
46986289 What did Peter do when Jesus was arrested?
4698629 Who was the father of Jechonias?
46986290 When was Jesus bound?
46986291 What did they do with Jesus when he was taken?
46986292 Did he have an examination before his trial?
46986293 Before whom did his preliminary examination take place?
46986296 What is said regarding the tenure of Caiaphas''office?
46986297 What had Caiaphas prophesied concerning Jesus?
46986298 Did Jesus have a trial before the Sanhedrim?
46986299 Where was his trial held?
469863 In what month and on what day of the month was he born?
4698630 When did Josias beget Jechonias?
46986300 What was the charge preferred against him?
46986301 What is said regarding witnesses?
46986302 What did the so- called false witnesses that appeared against him testify that he had said?
46986303 What had Jesus said?
46986304 Was he questioned by the Sanhedrim?
46986305 To the priest''s question,"Art thou the Christ?"
46986306 When did his trial before the Sanhedrim take place?
46986307 Could this trial have been held in the night as stated by Matthew and Mark?
46986308 During what religious festivities was his trial held?
46986309 On what day of the week was it held?
4698631 Did Jechonias have a son?
46986310 How long did this trial last?
46986311 Did he have a defender or counselor in the Sanhedrim?
46986312 Had Jesus been tried, convicted and executed by the Jews would he have been crucified?
46986313 What does Peter say in regard to the mode of punishment employed in his execution?
46986314 How was he treated by the Sanhedrim?
46986316 Did Peter deny him three times before the cock crew?
46986317 Where were they when Jesus foretold Peter''s denial?
46986318 What did Peter do when he entered the palace?
46986319 When was he first accused of being the friend of Jesus?
46986320 When was he accused the second time?
46986321 By whom was he accused the second time?
46986322 Who accused him the third time?
46986323 Was Jesus present when Peter denied him?
46986324 Where was Jesus next sent for trial?
46986325 What was the result of Pilate''s sending Jesus to Herod?
46986326 Did Jesus''s trial before Pilate take place in the presence of his accusers?
46986327 Did Pilate go out of the judgment hall to consult with those who were prosecuting Jesus?
46986328 What was the result of his trial before Pilate?
46986329 When Pilate could not prevail upon the Jews to allow him to release Jesus, what did he do?
4698633 Who was the father of Zorobabel?
46986330 What indignities were heaped upon Jesus during his trial before Pilate?
46986331 When was he scourged?
46986332 What custom is said to have been observed at the Passover?
46986334 By whom was Jesus clad in mockery?
46986335 What was the color of the robe they put on him?
46986336 When did this occur?
46986338 Who smote Jesus after his trial?
46986339 To whom did Pilate deliver him to be crucified?
4698634 Who was the son of Zorobabel?
46986340 Who was compelled to carry the cross?
46986341 Where was Simon when they compelled him to carry the cross?
46986345 Where was he crucified?
46986346 What was the inscription on the cross?
46986347 Did the name of Jesus appear on the cross?
46986348 Did the word"Nazareth"appear in the inscription?
46986349 What did they offer him to drink before crucifying him?
4698635 Who was the father of Joseph?
46986350 How was he fastened on the cross?
46986351 At what hour of the day was he crucified?
46986352 How did the soldiers divide the garments?
46986353 Who were crucified with Jesus?
46986354 His crucifixion between two thieves fulfilled what prophecy?
46986355 How long did Jesus survive after being placed upon the cross?
46986356 What were his last words?
46986357 In what language were his last words uttered?
46986358 Matthew interprets the Hebrew words quoted by him to mean,"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
46986359 What are the words given by Matthew and Mark?
46986360 What expression did his words,"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,"provoke?
46986361 Who was it bade them see whether Elias would come to his rescue?
46986362 Did the thieves between whom he was crucified both revile him?
46986363 What request did the penitent thief make of Jesus?
46986364 What did Jesus say to the thief?
46986365 What were the centurion''s words?
46986366 After Jesus expired what did one of the soldiers do?
46986367 What is said to have issued from the wound?
46986368 Was Christ''s suffering foretold by the prophets?
46986369 What marvelous events occurred at the time of the crucifixion?
46986370 How long did the darkness last?
46986371 Was the veil of the temple rent, as our Gospel of Matthew declares?
46986373 From what source was Matthew''s story regarding these marvelous events derived?
46986374 What request did the Jews make of Pilate concerning Jesus and the malefactors?
46986375 When the soldiers broke the legs of the thieves, why did they spare those of Jesus?
46986376 What demand was made by the Jews on the evening of the crucifixion?
46986377 What additional reason was there for having the bodies taken down?
46986378 What did Pilate do when Joseph solicited the body of Jesus?
46986379 Were the disciples present at the crucifixion?
46986380 What women followed Jesus and witnessed his execution?
46986381 Where were Mary Magdalene and her companions during the crucifixion?
46986382 Was Mary, the mother of Jesus, present?
46986383 Who stood by the cross with the mother of Jesus?
46986384 To whom was entrusted the care of Jesus''mother?
46986385 In whose sepulcher was the body of Jesus placed?
46986386 Was his body embalmed when it was laid in the sepulcher?
46986387 What is said in regard to wrapping the body of Jesus by Joseph?
46986388 What was the amount of the material used in embalming Jesus?
46986389 When did the women procure materials for embalming Jesus?
4698639 Did Jesus believe himself to be descended from David?
46986390 When did they go to embalm the body?
46986391 When was the sepulcher closed?
46986392 In what year was Jesus crucified?
46986393 On what day of the month was he crucified?
46986394 On what day of the week was he crucified?
46986395 On what day of the feast did the crucifixion occur?
46986396 What led to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus?
46986397 What did Christ say during his ministry concerning the cross?
46986399 How old was Jesus at the time of his death?
469864 What determined the selection of this date?
4698640 The miraculous conception was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
46986400 How long did Jesus say he would remain in the grave?
46986401 What occurred on the morning of the resurrection?
46986402 Who were the first to visit the tomb on the morning of the resurrection?
46986403 Who was Salome?
46986404 At what time in the morning did the women visit the tomb?
46986405 When does Matthew say they came?
46986406 Was the tomb open, or closed, when they came?
46986407 Whom did they meet at the tomb?
46986408 Were these men or angels in the sepulchre or outside of it?
46986409 Were they sitting or standing?
4698641 What name was to be given the child mentioned in Isaiah''s prophecy?
46986410 What were the first words they spoke to the women?
46986411 Did Mary Magdalene observe the divine messengers when she first came to the tomb?
46986412 Who became frightened at the messengers?
46986413 What did the women do when they became frightened?
46986414 Did the women see Jesus?
46986415 Did the women tell the disciples what they had seen?
46986416 How many disciples visited the tomb?
46986417 Who looked into the sepulchre and beheld the linen clothes?
46986418 Did Peter enter into the sepulchre?
4698642 To whom did the angel announcing the miraculous conception appear?
46986421 To whom did Jesus first appear?
46986422 Where was Mary Magdalene when Jesus first appeared to her?
46986423 Did Mary know Jesus when he first appeared to her?
46986424 Was she permitted to touch him?
46986425 Where did he appear to his disciples?
46986426 How far from Jerusalem was Emmaus, where Jesus made his first appearance?
46986427 How many disciples were present when he first appeared to them?
46986428 What effect had his presence when he first appeared to them?
46986429 How many of the disciples doubted the reality of his appearance?
4698643 For what purpose was the Annunciation made?
46986430 Were they all finally convinced of his resurrection?
46986431 When he appeared to them did they know that he must rise from the dead?
46986433 Did Paul''s companions see Jesus?
46986435 Was Jesus seen by woman after his resurrection?
46986436 From where did Jesus rise?
46986437 Was he readily recognized by his friends?
46986438 Did his appearances indicate a corporeal, or merely a spiritual existence?
46986439 If Jesus appeared in a material body, was he naked, or clothed?
4698644 Did the Annunciation take place before or after Mary''s conception?
46986440 What is said of the saints who arose on the day of the crucifixion?
46986441 When did the resurrection take place?
46986443 On what day did the Sanhedrim visit Pilate for the purpose of obtaining a guard?
46986444 When was the guard placed at the tomb?
46986445 What is said in regard to the opening of the tomb?
46986446 What did the guards do when they left the tomb?
46986447 What did the chief priests do?
46986448 What is said of the resurrection by Peter?
46986449 What did Paul teach regarding the resurrection of Christ?
4698645 Who was declared to be the father of Jesus?
46986450 What did Paul teach regarding the resurrection of the dead in general?
46986451 When did the disciples receive the Holy Ghost?
46986452 On what day of the week did it occur?
46986453 Did Thomas receive the Holy Ghost?
46986454 Who had Jesus said would send the Holy Ghost to his disciples?
46986455 What effect had the Holy Ghost upon them?
46986456 Who heard them speak in new tongues?
46986457 To the charge of drunkenness what reply did Peter make?
46986458 What inquiry did Paul make of John''s disciples?
46986459 When did Jesus''disciples begin to baptize?
4698646 What prediction did the angel Gabriel make to Mary concerning Jesus?
46986460 What form of baptism is Jesus said to have prescribed for the use of his apostles?
46986461 What was his final command to the apostles?
46986462 How long did Jesus remain on earth?
46986463 Where did the ascension take place?
46986465 What occurred at the ascension?
46986466 For what purpose did Jesus ascend to heaven?
46986467 Did Jesus ascend bodily into heaven?
46986468 Do all the Evangelists record the ascension?
46986469 Had any man ever ascended to heaven before Jesus?
4698647 When Mary visited Elizabeth what did she do?
46986470 Who was Jesus Christ?
46986471 Is God a visible Being?
46986472 How many Gods are there?
46986473 Is the doctrine of the Trinity taught in the New Testament?
46986474 Was Christ the only begotten Son of God?
46986475 By what agency and when was the Christ begotten?
46986476 Of what gender is the Holy Ghost?
46986479 Who did Mary say was the father of Jesus?
4698648 What decree is said to have been issued by Caesar Augustus immediately preceding the birth of Christ?
46986480 What did Jesus''neighbors say regarding his paternity?
46986481 Who did Peter declare him to be?
46986482 What testimony is ascribed to Paul?
46986487 Did Christ have a preexistence?
46986488 Was he infinite in wisdom?
46986489 Was he infinite in goodness?
46986490 Was he infinite in mercy?
46986496 When was Christ''s second coming and the end of terrestrial things to take place?
46986497 Did the Apostles believe that the second coming of Christ and the end of the world were at hand?
46986498 To what extent was the gospel to be preached before his second coming?
46986499 Did Jesus claim to be the Christ or Messiah from the first?
469865 What precludes the acceptance of this date?
4698650 Of what province was Joseph a resident?
46986500 Who where the first to recognize his divinity?
46986501 What is said of Jesus in Hebrews?
46986502 What did he say respecting his identity with God?
46986503 How did he attempt to establish his claims?
46986504 What did he say regarding the truthfulness of his testimony concerning himself?
46986505 Did Jesus''neighbors believe in his divinity?
46986506 What opinion did his friends entertain of him?
46986507 Did even his brothers believe in him?
46986509 What is said of the Apocryphal Gospels which appeared in the early ages of the church?
4698651 Why was Joseph with his wife obliged to leave Galilee and go to Bethlehem of Judea to be enrolled?
46986511 For whom did he say his blood was shed?
46986512 Was his blood really shed?
46986515 If the God was crucified does he suffer endless pain?
46986516 If God died, but subsequently rose from the dead, was there not an interregnum when the universe was without a ruler?
46986517 Are all mankind to be saved by Christ?
46986518 What does Paul affirm concerning the Atonement?
4698652 Was Jesus born in a house or in a stable?
46986520 In permitting the crucifixion of Jesus, who committed the greater sin, Pilate or God?
46986521 What was the character of his death?
46986522 What did Jesus teach respecting the resurrection of the dead and the doctrine of immortality?
46986524 Did Christ descend into hell?
46986525 What is taught regarding justification by faith and justification by works?
46986526 What does Christ teach regarding salvation?
46986527 Did Christ abrogate the Mosaic law?
46986528 What is taught regarding the forgiveness of sin?
46986529 What is taught regarding future rewards and punishments?
4698653 Why did Joseph and his wife take shelter in a stable?
46986530 Did he teach the doctrine of endless punishment?
46986531 Is it possible to fall from grace?
46986532 Is baptism essential to salvation?
46986533 What constitutes Christian baptism, immersion or sprinkling?
46986534 Did Christ command his disciples to repeat and perpetuate the observance of the Eucharist?
46986535 What did he teach in regard to the efficacy of prayer?
46986536 Where are we commanded to pray?
46986537 Did Christ assume for himself the power of answering petitions?
46986538 Does God know our wants?
46986539 What portion of their goods did he require the rich to give the poor to obtain salvation?
4698654 What celestial phenomenon attended Christ''s birth?
46986540 What did he teach respecting the publicity of good works?
46986541 What original rules of table observance did he teach his disciples?
46986542 What religious formula is to be found in the New Testament?
46986543 What is taught respecting the use of oaths?
46986544 What opposing rules of proselytism did Christ promulgate?
46986545 What is to befall him that hath nothing?
46986546 What did he say would be the fate of those who took up the sword?
46986547 What did he say regarding the fear of death?
46986548 What is to be the earthly reward of those that follow Christ?
46986549 What promise did Christ make to Paul at the commencement of his ministry?
4698655 Who visited him after his birth?
46986550 How are Christ''s true followers to be distinguished from those of the devil?
46986552 What were the early Christians?
46986553 What did he teach respecting poverty and wealth?
46986554 In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, what befell the representatives of vagrancy and respectability?
46986555 Why was Dives''request that his brothers be informed of their impending fate refused?
46986556 While at the temple with his disciples what act did he commend?
46986557 Did he practice the virtue of temperance?
46986558 What was his first miracle?
46986559 Did he oppose slavery?
4698656 From where did the wise men come?
46986560 What did the apostles teach?
46986561 Did he favor marriage?
46986562 What did he encourage women to do?
46986563 What did he say respecting children?
46986565 Did he not promote domestic strife?
46986566 What did he require of his disciples?
46986567 Did he not indulge in vituperation and abuse?
46986569 Do the Pharisees deserve the sweeping condemnation heaped upon them by Christ and his followers?
4698657 What announcement did the angel make to the shepherds?
46986570 What is said in regard to his purging the temple?
46986572 Did he not teach the doctrine of demoniacal possession and exorcism?
46986573 What became of the swine into which Jesus ordered the devils to go?
46986574 What did Jesus say to the strange Samaritan woman whom he met at the well?
46986575 Was he not an egotist and given to vulgar boasting?
46986576 Did he not practice dissimulation?
46986577 After performing one of his miraculous cures, what charge did he make to those who witnessed it?
46986578 On the approach of the Passover what did he say to his brethren?
46986579 Why did he teach in parables?
4698658 What effect had the announcement of Christ''s birth upon Herod and the people of Jerusalem?
46986580 What immoral lesson is inculcated in the parable of the Steward?
46986581 In the parable of the Laborers what unjust doctrine is taught?
46986582 What did he teach regarding submission to theft and robbery?
46986583 Why was the woman taken in adultery released without punishment?
46986584 Whom did he pronounce blessed?
46986585 Did he teach resistance to wrong?
46986588 What maxim does Paul attribute to Jesus?
4698659 What did his parents do with him?
46986590 What was the character of Christ''s male ancestors?
46986591 What female ancestors are named in his genealogy?
46986592 Who was his favorite female attendant?
46986593 Who were his apostles?
46986594 What power is Christ said to have bestowed on Peter?
46986595 When Peter discovered that Jesus was the Christ what did he do?
46986597 What did Peter say to Jesus in regard to compensation for his services?
46986598 What is said of John in the Gospel of John?
46986599 What is said regarding the conduct of his Apostles on the evening preceding the crucifixion?
469866 Where was Jesus born?
4698660 When unable to discover Jesus what did Herod do?
46986600 When the Jews came to arrest Jesus what did the disciples do?
46986601 What became of the Twelve Apostles?
46986602 What are Paul''s teachings regarding woman and marriage?
46986603 Did Paul encourage learning?
46986604 What admissions are made by Paul regarding his want of candor and honesty?
46986605 What is said of the persecutions of Paul?
46986606 What was Christ''s final command to his disciples?
46986608 What did Christ say respecting the intellectual character of his converts?
46986609 Whom did Christ declare to be among the first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
4698661 What was the real cause of Herod''s massacre?
46986610 What promise did he make to his followers?
4698662 In the massacre of the innocents what prophecy was fulfilled?
4698663 When Herod died what did the Lord command Joseph to do?
4698664 The sojourn of Joseph and Mary with Jesus in Egypt was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
4698666 Had Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth previous to the birth of Jesus?
4698667 How did the parents of Jesus receive the predictions of Simeon concerning him?
4698668 Does the name"Joseph"belong in the text quoted above?
4698669 What does Luke say regarding the infancy of John and Jesus?
469867 His reputed birth at Bethlehem was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
4698670 What custom did Jesus''s parents observe?
4698671 On one of these occasions where did they find him?
4698672 What was the medium of communication through which the will of Heaven was revealed to the participants in this drama?
4698673 When, and at what age, did Jesus begin his ministry?
4698675 The advent of John was in fulfillment of what prophecy?
4698676 What was predicted concerning John?
4698677 When the conception of John was announced what punishment was inflicted upon Zacharias for his doubt?
4698678 Where was John baptizing when he announced his mission to the Jews?
4698679 How old was Jesus when John began his ministry?
4698680 Were Jesus and John related?
4698681 When Jesus desired John to baptize him, what did the latter do?
4698682 What did John say regarding Jesus?
4698683 What other testimony did he bear concerning Jesus?
4698685 John heard this voice from heaven; did he believe it?
4698686 Do all the Evangelists record Jesus''baptism by John?
4698687 With what did John say Jesus would baptize?
4698688 How many were baptized by John?
4698689 Who held the office of high priest at the time Jesus began his ministry?
469869 How many generations were there from David to Jesus?
4698690 Who was tetrarch of Abilene at this time?
4698691 Where was Jesus three days after he began his ministry?
4698692 Was he led, or driven by the spirit into the wilderness?
4698693 When did the temptation take place?
4698695 What did the devil next do?
4698696 What did the devil propose?
4698697 Where did the devil take him first, to the temple, or to the mountain?
4698698 Had John been cast into prison when Jesus began his ministry?
46986After what?
46986Alluding, as is alleged, to the coming destruction of Jerusalem, what did he declare they would say?
46986Among the politer classes, when strangers meet, the question is asked:''To what sublime religion do you belong?''
46986An enrollment of Roman citizens for the purpose of taxation was made in Syria 7 A. D. 49 Of what king was Joseph a subject when Jesus was born?
46986And are we to approve in a God conduct that we regard as detestable in a man?
46986And he asked them, How many loaves have ye?
46986And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee?
46986And how could he have taught, unless he had reached the age of a master?
46986And if all of it was fulfilled, will not this account for the empty sepulchre?
46986And what of Joses, and Juda, and Simon, and her daughters who remained at home?
46986Are not Christians, then, in condemning these men, ungrateful to their greatest benefactors?
46986Are not these writings"full of pious frauds and fabulous wonders"?
46986Art thou Elias?
46986Besides, as it was at the full of the moon, what need had they of lanterns and torches?
46986But conceding, for the sake of argument, that he was crucified; does this make his resurrection probable, or even possible?
46986But did his so- called prophecy have reference to this event?
46986But have Protestant countries a purer record?
46986But if Joseph was not the father of Jesus, what is the use of giving his pedigree?
46986But if"I and my Father are one,"how does that fulfill the law?
46986But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?
46986But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?"
46986But what do we understand by the term myth?
46986But who can describe the grace and the soft languor of these daughters of Syria, their large black eyes, the warm bistre tints of their skin?
46986But why did Jesus, if omniscient, as claimed, select a thief for this office?
46986But why was this duty imposed upon John when the Apostle James( the Less) was a brother of Jesus and a son of Mary?
46986By reminding them that it was the express will of their Master?
46986Can one, who soothed us in the lesser troubles of our lives, look on while we are suffering the greatest agony of all and fail to comfort?
46986Can the belief of such men, in such an age, establish the reality of a phenomenon which is contradicted by universal experience?
46986Concerning this brutal act of Jesus, Helen Gardener says:"Do you think that was kind?
46986Could they have done otherwise?
46986Did Jesus go to Hell with the thief because the thief was unfit to go to Heaven with him?
46986Did Jesus miraculously create it?
46986Did Jesus recant on the cross?
46986Did he advocate industry and frugality?
46986Did he appear to her naked, or was he clothed?
46986Did he desire them to disregard his commands?
46986Did he do this himself?
46986Did he do this?
46986Did he raise himself from the dead?
46986Did he renounce the Kingdom of God when God deserted him?
46986Did he respect it himself?
46986Did representatives of all these nations really assemble to hear the disciples, or was this merely an imaginary gathering of the writer?
46986Do not these writings display"the greatest superstition and ignorance"?
46986Do such predictions exist?
46986Do the remaining books of the New Testament confirm it?
46986Do the writers of the New Testament claim to be inspired?
46986Do they prove that Christ was divine-- that he was a supernatural being, as claimed?
46986Do you think it was godlike?
46986Do you think that a man who could offer such an indignity to a sorrowing mother has a perfect character, is an ideal God?"
46986Do you think that, even if he were to cure the child then, he would have done a noble thing?
46986Does an analysis of his alleged history disclose the deification of a man, or merely the personification of an idea?
46986Does any one believe that he did?"
46986For how could he have had disciples if he did not teach?
46986For what purpose did Christ descend into hell and preach to its inhabitants?
46986For what purpose was his blood shed?
46986For what purpose was the voice sent?
46986Grant it; but is it necessary for him in order to exhibit his divine character to assume the manners of a brute?
46986Had they turned their mother out of doors?
46986Hath not the scriptures said, That Christ cometh out of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?"
46986Have not these writings been"imposed upon the world by fraudulent men, as the writings of the holy(?)
46986He said unto him, What is written in the law?
46986He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
46986He says:"Why then, it has been asked, does Josephus make no mention of so infamous an atrocity?
46986How could the council, many of whose members were Sadducees, receive this as credible?
46986How did they treat it?
46986How does he meet the accusation and justify his conduct?
46986How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar, the high priest, and did eat the shew bread?"
46986How long before the close of Herod''s reign was he born?
46986How long did he remain in the grave?
46986How long must an innocent people suffer for an alleged crime that was never committed?
46986How long must our mythology, with all its attendant evils, rule and curse the world?
46986How long ought we to continue in prayer?
46986How, then, could he have written that Jesus was the Christ?
46986I should call on that Infinite Love that has served us so well?
46986If Christ was the first to rise from the dead what becomes of the miracles of Lazarus, of the widow of Nain''s son, and of the daughter of Jairus?
46986If Christ, then, did not rise from the dead by his own volition, was his resurrection any proof of his divinity?
46986If God really wished to convince all the people why did he not show him to all the people?
46986If Jesus was the Christ, and Christ was God, as claimed, who owned"these things,"he or the devil?
46986If Joseph was not the father of Jesus how does proving that he was descended from David prove that Jesus was descended from David?
46986If a part of this prophecy was fulfilled, may not all of it have been fulfilled?
46986If man can not punish crime because not free from sin himself, is it just in God, the author of all sin, to punish man for his sins?
46986If only the man died can this be true?
46986If so, how did it come into existence?
46986If so, what relation did she bear to him?
46986If so, where did he procure his clothes?
46986If the Holy Ghost was the mother of Jesus did he have two mothers?
46986If the New Testament is not inspired and infallible, what follows?
46986If the disciples believed that Mary was deluded, is it unreasonable to believe that they were deluded also?
46986If the divine part was sacrificed does God cease to exist?
46986If, on the other hand, he would deliberately falsify in a matter of this importance, what is his testimony worth as to the origin of the four gospels?
46986In order for him to believe this what was necessary?
46986In the verse immediately following this prediction, his disciples say:"Tell us, when shall these things be?
46986Is Christ a historical or a philosophical myth?
46986Is God a mischievous urchin taunting his hungry dog with a morsel of bread, and shouting,"Beg, Tray, beg!"?
46986Is John the Baptist a historical character?
46986Is it evidence of a perfect character to accompany a service with an insult?
46986Is it not plain that each of them professes to trace the lineal descent of one and the same man, Joseph?"
46986Is it not reasonable to suppose that the alleged information conveyed in his speech was as familiar to the disciples whom he addressed as to himself?
46986Is it not strange that his enemies should be cognizant of this when his disciples"knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead?"
46986Is it probable that a man in the agonies of a terrible death would devote his expiring breath to a recital of Hebrew poetry?
46986Is the above less true of the books we are reviewing?
46986Is this confirmed by the Evangelists?
46986Is this correct?
46986Is this probable?
46986Is this the only miraculous conception claimed in the Bible?
46986Is this true?
46986Is this true?
46986Is this true?
46986James:"But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
46986Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?"
46986John:"And they asked him[ John], what then?
46986John:"They said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph?"
46986John:"Woman, why weepest thou?"
46986Judged by this standard what is the comparative strength of these sovereigns''subjects?
46986Luke: When he remained behind in Jerusalem, and they found him in the temple,"his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us?
46986Luke:"They said, Is not this Joseph''s son?"
46986Luke:"Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
46986Mark:"And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?
46986Mark:"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani, which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
46986Mark:"Is not this the carpenter?"
46986Matthew and Mark say:"Is not his mother called Mary?
46986Matthew: By an implied affirmative answer to Judas''question,"Is it I?"
46986Matthew: They said,"Is not this the carpenter''s[ Joseph''s] son?"
46986Matthew:"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
46986Matthew:"He[ Jesus] asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?
46986Matthew:"His disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
46986Matthew:"Is not this the carpenter''s son?"
46986Matthew:"Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?"
46986Most Christians condemn Communism; but was the Communism of nineteen hundred years ago better than the Communism of today?
46986Of what benefit was the voice when those who heard it were unable to distinguish it from thunder?
46986On what part of the temple did he set him?
46986Paul:"But some man will say, How are the dead raised up?
46986Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?
46986Pursuant to this command toward what place did they steer?
46986Regarding this the"Bible for Learners"says:"Was such a foolish report really circulated among the Jews?
46986Savage says:"They knew nothing about any sacraments; they had not been instituted"( What is Christianity?).
46986So he called every one of his lord''s debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord?
46986The words Mark attempts to give are"Elohi, Elohi, metul mah shabaktani?"
46986The words mean,"My God, my God, why hast thou sacrificed me?"
46986Then said he unto another, And how much owest thou?
46986Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?"
46986Then that story about Elijah is a fiction, is it?
46986Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do?
46986Then what is the use of prayer?
46986Through whom was this sacrifice secured?
46986To ten(?)
46986To whom is this rite to be administered, to both adults and infants, or to adults alone?
46986To whom were its words addressed?
46986Under these circumstances is it reasonable to suppose that the chief priests would send out a torchlight procession to apprehend him?
46986Was Christ omnipotent?
46986Was Christ omnipresent?
46986Was Christ omniscient?
46986Was Christ self- existent?
46986Was Mary descended from David?
46986Was Paul crucified for you?"
46986Was he a worthless ingrate, unable and unwilling to care for her?
46986Was he its author?
46986Was he unable to conduct his ministry without the aid of one?
46986Was it a lost coin?
46986Was it the human, or the divine part of him that suffered death?
46986Was she really dead?
46986Was such insolence of manners on the part of Jesus calculated to promote the interest of the cause he professed to hold so dear at heart?
46986Was the penitent thief baptized?
46986Were he and his disciples the only ones who performed miracles?
46986Were the disciples armed?
46986Were they greater than God?
46986What becomes of Matthew''s saints who rose from the dead on the day of the crucifixion, two days before Christ rose?
46986What did Jesus do in turn?
46986What did he say according to Matthew?
46986What did he teach?
46986What did his companions do when they saw the light which attended the appearance?
46986What did they say in reply?
46986What do the Evangelists themselves declare?
46986What had Jesus predicted concerning his denial?
46986What is such belief worth?
46986What meaning did he attach to the word Cephas?
46986What name was to be given Mary''s son?
46986What request was made by James and John?
46986What use have such men of witnesses?
46986What was required of man to secure salvation?
46986What was the burden he was required to carry?
46986What was the nature of his resurrection?
46986What was the need of this when the place had already been"prepared... from the foundation of the world"( Matthew xxv, 34)?
46986When did they come out of their graves?
46986When even the dying words of this Christ are borrowed, is it not evident that the whole story of his life is fabulous?
46986When every step thus far taken by the council had been illegal, why should it have been so particular in regard to the witnesses?
46986When restored does he show his gratitude by praising the drug and damning the doctor?
46986When was this?
46986Where did he overtake them?
46986Where did this bring them?
46986Where now is Isis the mother, with the child Horus in her lap?
46986Where was he when he uttered this lamentation?
46986Which one?
46986Who did Paul declare him to be?
46986Who does Luke declare him to be?
46986Who does the author of Acts state was high priest?
46986Who ruled Judea, Pilate or the Sanhedrim?
46986Who was Barrabas?
46986Who was John the Baptist?
46986Who was the other?
46986Who will be his successor?"
46986Who witnessed it?
46986Why blame the Jews or the Romans or any other mortals?
46986Why blame the instruments?
46986Why did the tree contain no fruit?
46986Why persecute the descendants?
46986Why should they marvel at the predictions of Simeon when long before they had been apprised of the same thing by the angel Gabriel?
46986Why was this done?
46986Would such insolent behavior have a tendency to gain for him the world''s esteem or aid the cause he represents?
46986Would you like him as a family physician?
46986and his brethren, James and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
46986and his sisters, are they not all with us?"
46986and is not such an omission rather indicative of a late Hellenistic author, who scarcely had heard the name of the brother so early martyred?"
46986and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"
46986and with what body do they come?
46986and with what body do they come?
46986how readest thou?
46986what answer did he give?