This is a table of type pronoun and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.
pronoun | frequency |
it | 16010 |
i | 9238 |
he | 7546 |
they | 7510 |
we | 5912 |
his | 5856 |
their | 5421 |
them | 4283 |
its | 3147 |
our | 3016 |
him | 2855 |
you | 2556 |
my | 2092 |
us | 1987 |
her | 1965 |
me | 1905 |
she | 1615 |
themselves | 1027 |
himself | 938 |
itself | 870 |
one | 702 |
your | 596 |
myself | 385 |
ourselves | 301 |
herself | 137 |
yourself | 55 |
ours | 48 |
theirs | 36 |
mine | 29 |
thy | 28 |
oneself | 25 |
thee | 24 |
''em | 16 |
yours | 15 |
''s | 11 |
hers | 8 |
thyself | 5 |
yourselves | 2 |
humanity,--the | 2 |
em | 2 |
ye | 2 |
circumstances,--by | 1 |
fraternity"--those | 1 |
dinginess,--the | 1 |
did,--the | 1 |
deluge,"--they | 1 |
come,-- | 1 |
billets,--the | 1 |
breathing,"--whether | 1 |
hisself | 1 |
bad"--those | 1 |
arms= | 1 |
americans,--they | 1 |
administrators,--some | 1 |
100_l | 1 |
here,--for | 1 |
like),--the | 1 |
hypocrisis,--the | 1 |
most,--the | 1 |
no:--she | 1 |
occur,--the | 1 |
plans,--the | 1 |
said,--"they | 1 |
science,--the | 1 |
tenements,"--that | 1 |
theme,--the | 1 |
trodden | 1 |
whence | 1 |
with,--the | 1 |
work,--you | 1 |
yer | 1 |
10-cent | 1 |