
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
34029But there arose an obstacle of more serious moment: How, when, and for what time, was the inhalation to be made?
34029How was this to be effected?
13906Is not too frequent physical indulgence sometimes the cause?
13906May this not be an instance in which for some apparent gain in one direction, the woman pays the penalty?"
13906What is it that prematurely ages so many of these women of the slums-- is it child- bearing alone?
7129Are corsets necessary to health?
7129But how does the fetus assert its maturity?
7129First, at what time is the sex of the offspring determined?
7129How long will a nurse be needed after the child is born?
7129No inquiry is more often submitted to the physician by prospective mothers than this,"Can you tell me if my baby will be a boy or a girl?"
7129and, second, what accounts for the origin of a male in one instance and of a female in another?
7129but, What serves best as nourishment?
4986What is man, If his chief good, and market of his time, Be but to sleep and feed? 4986 Contraindications to Marriage; Do Reformed Profligates Make Good Husbands? 4986 Contraindications to Marriage; Do Reformed Profligates Make Good Husbands? 4986 Does the depressed state of the mind cause the indigestion, or is a torpid liver the real seat of the melancholia? 4986 For who so firm that can not be seduced?
4986Herbert Spencer''s Definition of Love; What Constitutes a Suitable Husband; Best Age for Marriage; Shall Cousins Marry?
4986If this conservative sentiment of the creature, the fear of death, does not stop her, what could be expected of laws?
4986Lastly, on what scientific basis does this"physilogic necessity"for sexual gratification on the part of the male rest?
4986Second, do they get into the uterocervical canal?
4986THE ETHICS OF MARRIED LIFE The Wedding Journey; the Ethics of Married Life; Shall Husband and Wife Occupy the Same Bed?
4986THE MARRIAGE QUESTION Herbert Spencer''s Definition of Love; What Constitutes a Suitable Husband; Best Age for Marriage; Shall Cousins Marry?
4986The Wedding Journey; the Ethics of Married Life; Shall Husband and Wife Occupy the Same Bed?
4986Third, do the secretions in the canal poison the spermatozoa?
4986Three conditions must, then, be determined: First, are there spermatozoa in the semen?
40654If, after the commencement of a flooding, we favour the formation of a coagulum by means of a plug, are we not aiding nature? 40654 Are not such fevers raised by absorption of acrid milk?
40654As we take such vast care to secure the navel string, you will naturally ask how brutes manage in this particular?
40654How many diseases are there in which the symptoms are inadequate guides?"
40654Is it not reasonable to suppose, that the_ puerperal fever_ which has been observed in hospitals, is owing to some cause peculiar to hospitals?
40654Was it, at that time, generally known that the attachment of the placenta to the os uteri was a frequent cause of hæmorrhage?
40654Was the practice in this country, at that time, at all influenced by Levret''s dissertation?
40654_ first_, what has been the duration of those cases of pregnancy where the moment of conception has been satisfactorily ascertained?
40654_ secondly_, what are the causes which determine the period at which labour usually comes on?
40654or has it even since been translated into the English language?
40654otherwise, would it not be equally frequent in other places?
40654what are the causes which determine the period at which labour usually comes on?
29612= Experience a Perfect Teacher.=--Do you know what it is to suffer pain?
29612= First Made on a Kitchen Stove.=--Could this be done?
29612= Man Can not Know Woman''s Suffering.=--What does a man know about the thousand and one aches and pains peculiar to a woman?
29612= Men Never See Your Letters.=--Do you want a strange man to hear all about your particular disease?
29612= The Testimonials Are True.=--Do you think there are hundreds of thousands of your own sex who would wilfully falsify?
29612= We Speak Strongly.=--Then am I not justified in speaking strongly to you?
29612Did a man ever have a backache like the dragging, pulling, tearing ache of a woman?
29612Do n''t you think we feel sure of our position?
29612Do you think it possible for a man to understand these things?
29612Do you think that any could be found who would deliberately do this, and without hope of gain or reward?
29612Even though he might be exceedingly learned in the medical profession, yet what more can he know aside from that which the books teach?
29612Granting that he may be the most learned man in the medical profession, how can he know anything about them only in a general way?
29612Have you ever experienced that indescribable agony which comes from overworked nerves?
29612Have you had your body racked and torn with intense suffering?
29612How can you doubt it?
29612The question now comes, When may the day of confinement be expected?
29612What are these young women worth to the home, to the State, to the nation, to the human race?
29612What confidence does one gain by consulting one who has occasionally met a case just like ours, but has had no great experience?
29612What medical man has ever lived who has prescribed for so many women?
29612What whole corps of physicians in any hospital or medical college has answered so many letters, or treated in any way so many patients?
29612Would you feel like sitting down by the side of a stranger and telling him all those sacred things which should be known only by women?
34436Who ever found the eagle dead upon her eyrie, or the she- wolf in her lair?
34436And the King of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men- children alive?
34436And what are we about in"moral England,"all this time?
34436And what was your answer?
34436But who-- immortal truth!--can justify The frightful means they locally apply?
34436But would the_ woman_ regard it in this philosophical light?
34436But, if there be no exposure of the person, and if the examination of the rectum be frequently made, is there, at first, no wounding of the feelings?
34436Do such conversations ever occur now?
34436Do these not shock the soul and blanch the cheek?
34436Do they superintend the perambulators, or are these hitched on to the professional broughams of their mammas?
34436Dr. Beach, in his work on Midwifery, has the following:--"Who shall officiate in parturition?
34436For what will trusting woman not believe And bear, when''scientific men''deceive?
34436If with the sex you seriously would vie, Why not the distaff and the spindle try?
34436Is it a part of the husband''s marital duty to manage the nursery-- in short, to attend to the domestic affairs generally?
34436Is it the same to_ her_ whether her tongue is pressed down with a spatula, or her vagina distended with a speculum?
34436Is not this groundless?
34436Roberton says, in his Apology--"But an objector will ask, can not a matron practise these expedients?
34436True, G----, cried Madame; what secret charms has the creature to inspire so great a passion?
34436Upon the force of civilization?
34436Upon what can we rely to counteract them?
34436We may in all justice reply, what is that to us?
34436What could it have to do when so many are acting for it?
34436What was that mistake?
34436What, said he, can your highness be in doubt?
34436Who doubts it?
34436Who would believe it?
34436[ 10] Shall it be said that two thousand years ago the Romans possessed a higher sense of moral feeling than we do now?
34436[ 78] What will the men- midwives, with all their precautionary humbug, say to this?
34436and if so, where is the use or propriety of such a class as men- midwives?
34436have you well considered this?
34436sur la Grossesse._[ 24] Has the doctor first informed the husband of the necessity for this_ vaginal examination_?
34436where is it that they have not introduced, especially of late, physics and mathematics?
34436where is thy blush?"
34436where is thy blush?"
34436why should she not with ease accomplish an operation for which she has foreseen, and well prepared everything?