
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-288558-rthnj6wdwhat are the clinical distinctions from secondary infection?
cord-254107-02bik024Are homology models of G- protein- coupled receptors suitable targets?
cord-278816-l92lkj69Acute oxygen therapy Does chest physical therapies work?
cord-274112-6t0wpiqyA pandemic warning?
cord-021116-rh0e4n2wWhen dealing with sickness and contagion( and how else to define suicidal mania that spreads like wildfire in fundamentalist cultures and in rigid communities of machine- like automatons?)
cord-020769-elzkwyz0Inexpensive labor is appealing but what if you can not find employees to complete an order( Jeter, 1999)?
cord-304899-vruq4r7zdigestifs que les anti- inflammatoires non stéroïdiens classiques?
cord-007923-j3jpqd7kWhat can we expect after the cat genome sequence becomes available?
cord-322529-3xn5v54sEvaluation of a latex agglutination kit( Virogen Rotatest) for detection of bovine rotavirus in fecal samples Rotavirus and other viruses of diarrhea Shedding of rotavirus in feces of sows before and after farrowing Comparison of a commercial enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay with electron microscopy, fluorescent antibody, and virus isolation for the detection of bovine and porcine rotavirus Periodate or glutaraldehyde for preparing peroxidase conjugates?
cord-308576-iw8oobbeIt also interacts with the N protein presumably to assemble the nucleocapsid at the surface of the mature virion ET?.
cord-326094-8id2oh1nsetting the context through undergraduate medical education Who will keep the public healthy?
cord-255201-shrmdkcoprudence, not panic ¿ Volverá el síndrome respiratorio agudo grave?
cord-259627-8stewshpphotoantimicrobials for blood product disinfection?
cord-273479-kira7mz6Behavioral effects of cytokines Cytokine- induced sickness behaviour: mechanisms and implications Cytokine- induced sickness behavior: where do we stand?
cord-273479-kira7mz6Do you have to work very intensively?'') were administered,
cord-273479-kira7mz6Eight items( e.g.,''Do you have enough money for the kind of clothing you and your family should have?'') were presented, with response options ranging from 1=
cord-008523-avkgldnpThe development of hind- limb paralysis in B 10.A(18R) mice, in the absence of mutations in either CTL epitope, suggests that a factor expressed on the C57BL/6 background( decreased production of antibody?) may contribute to the increased amount of virus replication observed in these mice.
cord-008523-avkgldnpWhat can be concluded from these studies about the role of CTL escape mutants in the pathogenesis of viral infections in the CNS?
cord-261287-l4649du3a randomised controlled trial of pegylatedinterferona-2b plus ribavirin vs interferona-2b plus ribavirin as primary treatment of chronic hepatitis C in HIV co- infected patients Is an'À la Carte'combination Interferon Alfa-2b plus ribavirin regimen possible for the first line treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C? COMMENTARY poliovirus vaccine production sites be effective for global certification?
cord-289332-hvakv08tIs traditional Chinese medicine useful in the treatment of SARS?
cord-289332-hvakv08tkey: cord-289332-hvakv08 t authors: Chen, Guoqian; Chen, Da- zhi; Li, Jianhua; Czura, Christopher J.; Tracey, Kevin J.; Sama, Andrew E.; Wang, Haichao title: Pathogenic role of HMGB1 in SARS?
cord-260238-2p209g2pAn influenza epicentre?
cord-260238-2p209g2pSevere acute respiratory syndrome- related coronavirus is inhibited by interferon- α The antiviral effect of interferon- β against SARS coronavirus is not mediated by MxA protein Old drugs as lead compounds for a new disease?
cord-260238-2p209g2pWhat does the peripheral blood tell you in SARS?
cord-286825-bu7j7kdrAn essential role in molting and morphogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans for ACN-1, a novel member of the angiotensin- converting enzyme family that lacks a metallopeptidase active site Antimicrobial peptides in insects; structure and function Sequencing and characterisation of trypsin modulating oostatic factor( TMOF) from the ovaries of the grey fleshfly b- Amyloid catabolism: Roles for neprilysin( NEP) and other metallopeptidases?
cord-286825-bu7j7kdrProhormone Processing?
cord-272467-8heg5iqlHow are these proteins confined to their appropriate destinations, rather than migrating onward to the plasma membrane?
cord-272467-8heg5iqlWhat features of each protein might be involved in determining its intracellular destination, and what are the mechanisms involved in each case?
cord-293403-o1i999hyDoctors in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity?
cord-293403-o1i999hyHow will the Internet change our health system?
cord-293403-o1i999hyThe impact of cyberhealthcare on the physician- patient relationship E- health: transforming the physician/ patient relationship Health care web sites: are they reliable?
cord-293865-0yp9wd0jIn this context, is the United States developing the best strategies for preventing bioterrorism, and for responding to and containing bioterror attacks?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5An influenza epicenter?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5Characterisation of H9 subtype influenza viruses from the ducks of southern china: a candidate for the next influenza pandemic in humans?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5influenza A viruses Pathogenicity and antigenicity of a new influenza A( H5N1) virus isolated from duck meat Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A H5N1 viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-295075-cqbayzatA new trick for an old drug Old drugs as lead compounds for a new disease?
cord-333405-ji58jbctThe origins of acquired immune deficiency viruses: where and when?
cord-336605-d4loia11authors: Zhang, Xue Wu; Yap, Yee Leng title: Old drugs as lead compounds for a new disease?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srInfluenza pandemic planning: review of a collaborative state and national process Epidemic and pandemic'flu Ready for the next influenza pandemic?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srShould I stay or should I go?
cord-022499-7d58f1k3The structure of the potassium channel: Molecular basis of K+ conduction and selectivity Molecular sorting of lipids by bacteriorhodopsin in dilauroylphophatidylcholine/ distearoylphosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers Is the protein/ lipid hydrophobic matching principle relevant to membrane organization and functions?
cord-291210-ghjseynlAn immediate question then arises: What affect does the unusual structure of SCoV E protein transmembrane domain have upon the lipid bilayer?
cord-291210-ghjseynlDo more complex organisms have a greater proportion of membrane proteins in their genomes?
cord-291210-ghjseynlWhat might the hairpin structure of SCoV E protein look like?
cord-291210-ghjseynlWith a structural model of SCoV E protein at hand, is it possible to rationalize the effects of the protein upon the lipid bilayer?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hA New Pandemic Threat?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hPandemic influenza: its origin and control Influenza type A in humans, mammals and birds: determinants of virus virulence, host- range and interspecies transmission Animal influenza virus surveillance Influenza: an emerging disease Wet markets- a continuing source of severe acute respiratory syndrome and influenza?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hThe structure and receptorbinding properties of the 1918 influenza hemagglutinin Pandemic threat posed by avian influenza A viruses Outbreaks of avian influenza A( H5N1) in Asia and interim recommendations for evaluation and reporting of suspected cases- United States Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-289605-gvc673ijOptical imaging devices, which allow the user to monitor gene expression[ AUTHOR: EDIT OKAY?]
cord-289605-gvc673ijWhat imaging modalities do they have?
cord-289605-gvc673ijWhat problems have they encountered, and how did they solve them?
cord-269612-pmzdovna-that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon principles deduced from it"?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaHow severe a test did SARS pose?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaIs this'core'up to the job?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWere we lucky?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons can we learn from SARS?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons can we learn from SARS?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons does SARS teach?
cord-339976-tg2jkss7The big question now: will it be back?
cord-006544-yr4u61qvThe role of infection in the pathogenesis of catastrophic antiphospholipid syndromemolecular mimicry?
cord-006544-yr4u61qvdo the benefits outweigh the risks?
cord-354209-g1zynbulStigma and Global Health: Developing a Research Agenda SARS: is global panic justified?
cord-294237-6hovffsoAnd, if it does, how should it be treated and can it be contained?
cord-294237-6hovffsoAt the present time, there are two key questions that relate to SARS: Will the disease reoccur?
cord-294237-6hovffso␣ protects type 1 pneumocytes against SARS coronavirus infection in macaques Antiviral treatment of SARS: can we draw any conclusions?
cord-298312-tvc39eg7Many questions remain unclear, such as''what are the shares of electricity consumption in rural areas?'',''how and where will these parameters change in rural China?'',''how much electricity will a rural household consume?'',''which part of China will incur the greatest rural electricity expansion by 2010?'', and''what is the priority order of investment in rural electricity markets?
cord-298312-tvc39eg7Many questions remain unclear, such as''what are the shares of electricity consumption in rural areas?'',''how and where will these parameters change in rural China?'',''how much electricity will a rural household consume?'',''which part of China will incur the greatest rural electricity expansion by 2010?'', and''what is the priority order of investment in rural electricity markets?
cord-298312-tvc39eg7Many questions remain unclear, such as''what are the shares of electricity consumption in rural areas?'',''how and where will these parameters change in rural China?'',''how much electricity will a rural household consume?'',''which part of China will incur the greatest rural electricity expansion by 2010?'', and''what is the priority order of investment in rural electricity markets?
cord-298312-tvc39eg7Many questions remain unclear, such as''what are the shares of electricity consumption in rural areas?'',''how and where will these parameters change in rural China?'',''how much electricity will a rural household consume?'',''which part of China will incur the greatest rural electricity expansion by 2010?'', and''what is the priority order of investment in rural electricity markets?
cord-298312-tvc39eg7Many questions remain unclear, such as''what are the shares of electricity consumption in rural areas?'',''how and where will these parameters change in rural China?'',''how much electricity will a rural household consume?'',''which part of China will incur the greatest rural electricity expansion by 2010?'', and''what is the priority order of investment in rural electricity markets?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziCognitive impairment and decline are associated with carotid artery disease in patients without clinically evident cerebrovascular disease Cognitive functioning in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and mild hypoxemia compared with patients with mild Alzheimer disease and normal controls Progressive neuropsychologic impairments and hypoxemia: relationship in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Postoperative hypoxia is a contributory factor to cognitive impairment after cardiac surgery Evaluation of tests of central nervous system performance after hypoxemia for a model of cognitive impairment Quality of life, emotional, and cognitive functioning following acute respiratory distress syndrome Neuropsychological sequelae in survivors of ARDS compared with critically ill control patients Acute respiratory distress syndrome and long term cognitive impairment: a case study Neuropsychological impairments following hanta virus pulmonary syndrome Clock- drawing: is it the ideal cognitive screening test?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment following ICU stay in hospitalized patients?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment following ICU stay in the outpatient clinic?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment in critically ill ICU patients?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziNeurocognitive impairment influences quality of life in HIV- infected patients receiving HAART Cognitive impairment in adults with good recovery after bacterial meningitis Factors associated with perceived quality of life many years after traumatic brain injury Instrumental activities of daily living: a stepping stone towards Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in subjects with mild cognitive impairment?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziShould the ICU team strive towards early identification of cognitive impairment?
cord-261011-bcyotwkf: perception vs observation Inequality reexamined Challenging inequities in health: from ethics to action Public health, ethics, and equity Why health equity?
cord-261011-bcyotwkfBut here we run into an apparent paradox: how can one use moral values as advocacy tools, when the moral schools are distinct, and when people argue passionately among them?
cord-261011-bcyotwkfFirst, he poses the question of"equity of what?"
cord-261011-bcyotwkfGeoffrey Bles, the Centenary press Human development and human rights: human development report Convention on the Rights of the Child Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action Informational analysis of moral principles Infections and inequalities: the modern plagueupdated edition with new preface Rockefeller medicine men: medicine and capitalism in America Plague of poverty?
cord-261011-bcyotwkfShould equity be evaluated with reference to health achievement or access to health care?
cord-321797-2xhusfthDo their ways of managing their fear of SARS affect their ability to engage in adaptive health behaviors?
cord-321797-2xhusfthInstructions to respondents for the coping items were'To what extent have you managed whatever concerns or fears you might have about SARS in each of the ways listed below?'
cord-321797-2xhusfthInstructions to respondents for the health behavior items were'To avoid getting SARS, I have personally …'and specifically for the Avoiding people subscale,'How likely are you to avoid the following people?'
cord-321797-2xhusfthThat is, how has the general public reacted psychologically, socially and behaviorally to news of the disease?
cord-321797-2xhusfthThe application and implications of information technologies in the home: Where are the data and what do they say?
cord-321797-2xhusfthTo what extent does the general public feel threatened by the possibility of the disease spreading, and how do they cope with these fears?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4Even if it can remain aerosolized and viable for a prolonged period of time, just how infectious is it by this route?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4If it can be aerosolized, for how long does it remain viable, and how far can it be carried?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4In vitro activity of potential anti- poxvirus agents Expression of mouse interleukin-4 by a recombinant ectromelia virus suppresses cytolytic lymphocyte responses and overcomes genetic resistance to mousepox Smallpox: anything to declare?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4Is the N95 respirator appropriate for occupational protection against SARS?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4The case for voluntary smallpox vaccination Smallpox and smallpox vaccination The 1972 smallpox outbreak in Khulna Municipality, Bangladesh Can postexposure vaccination against smallpox succeed?
cord-290133-4ou7ubb4The questions are these:( 1) Can smallpox virus be aerosolized?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8n, within the last 10 days( that is, the incubation period for SARS), traveled internationally or visited an area where documented or suspected community transmission of SARS is occurring?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nAlso, will those exposed to the virus be carriers of the disease in the face of a new infection?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow good are hand- washing practices?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow many will be silent healthy carriers of the virus?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nWill an emergent strain or strains behave similarly to the older counterpart?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nhow contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou come into contact with a patient with SARS in the past 10 days?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou experienced a recent onset of a respiratory problem, such as a cough or difficulty breathing?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou have fever?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wFor example, why did the individuals staying on the same hotel floor as the index case in Hotel M get infected but none of the staff?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wHow contagious are common respiratory infections?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wIs quarantine really necessary?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThe SARS outbreak: how many reminders do we need?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThese include: what are the conditions required for the airborne transmission of the SARS coronavirus?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhat makes a super- spreading event?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we be sure that transmission does not occur?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we get a good rapid diagnostic test that is positive early in the course of the illness?
cord-339062-tq0f6d012) apparently generated all epizootic IAB and IC strains responsible for major outbreaks?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01As equine populations decline in Latin America, and human and domestic animal populations increase, will the scale and frequency of VEE epizootics decrease?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Can epizootic VEEV strains persist in nature in the absence of efficient equine amplification and transmission?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Can humans or domestic animals such as cattle replace equines as amplification hosts?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Do slight differences in the gene and protein profiles of other enzootic VEEV lineages prevent adaptation to equine hosts and/or epizootic vectors by altering the effect of minor genetic mutations?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Is epizootic adaptation to equine and mosquito hosts species- specific, resulting in a loss of fitness for the sylvatic hosts that are required for permanent viral circulation?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Why do female Aedes aegypti( Diptera: Culicidae) feed preferentially and frequently on human blood?
cord-339062-tq0f6d01Why is genotype IV restricted to the Indonesian/ Malaysian region, whereas recent genotypes are geographically more widespread?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9: Is still useful in the diagnosis of peritubal pathology?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9A step forward in vascular diagnostic procedures?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Are efficient contrast agents available for use with ultra- high field MR imaging?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Are radiographers up to it?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Assesment of skeletal age with hand and wrist sonography: Could a standardised method replace radiography?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Can a mammogram dictate to you the diagnosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Can calcaneal spur help in the evaluation of a painful heel?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Diagnosis of aortic and supraaortic emergency with CT angiography: How does aortic morphology influence the choice of treatment?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does CT- perfusion imaging based on parametric deconvolution permit prediction of infarct volume in acute stroke?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does an interpolated high resolution matrix improve the detection of brain hyperintensities on FLAIR images in multiple sclerosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does case volume matter?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does clinical examination of polytrauma guide properly CT evaluation?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does high iodine concentration contrast agent improve arterial enhancement in MDCT angiography of the run off vessels?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Is an increased capsular width a reliable indirect indicator of temporomandibular joint effusion?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Is dual- phase spiral CT adequate for the confirmation of resectability and preoperative staging of pancreatic carcinoma?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Negative calcium scoring: Can it rule out severe stenosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Should a chest radiograph be requested in all cases of febrile neutropenia admissions?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Should such a finding on CT be considered as reactive hyperplasia or a pathological finding?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Sliding window reconstruction of interleaved- spiral acquisitions provides high temporal rates, but do functional parameter values depend on the temporal frame rate?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What is normal?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What is pathological?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What tips the balance?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Which temporal frame rate is necessary in quantitative dynamic ³He- MRI? C. Heussel 1, A. Dahmen 1, F. Lehmann 1, M. Salerno 2, K.K. Gast 1, H.-U. Kauczor 1, J.P.I. Mugler 2, E.E. de Lange 2, W. Schreiber 1; 1 Mainz/ DE, 2 Charlottesville, VA/ US Purpose:
cord-021087-n4epxwn9double contrast barium enema exams incidentally detect terminal ileum tumoral lesions?