Mayor Dilkens Pushing for Windsor to Join Safety App


Windsor's mayor is in talks to try and make the city the first in Canada to use a new tool to improve public safety.

The U.S company Ring Inc. which makes home camera system has a 'neighbours app' that allows people to join the Ring Network which is connected to police.

If there is a crime in a certain neighbourhood, police can notify people with the cameras system that they require the footage.

"They would then identify the area, push a button and it pushes out a request to everyone who is on the system saying police are requesting camera footage on this date, between this time, do you authorize the release of the camera footage," says Mayor Drew Dilkens.

Speaking on AM800's the Lynn Martin Show, Mayor Dilkens says people can approve or reject the request.

Dilkens says it would save police time and resources instead of going door-to-door to get camera footage. 

"You can imagine how resource intensive it is for police to go business to business trying to get camera footage," he says. 

Dilkens emphasizes the talks are in the preliminary stages, but he believes it is a tool worth exploring.