Documentation forPapertrail

Ruby on Rails

To send Ruby on Rails request logs, either:

  • use Papertrail's tiny remote_syslog2 daemon to read an existing log file (like production.log), or
  • change Rails' environment config to use the remote_syslog_logger gem.

We recommend remote_syslog2 because it works for other text files (like nginx and MySQL), has no impact on the Rails app, and is easy to set up.

Also see Controlling Verbosity.

Send log file with remote_syslog2

Install remote_syslog2

Download the current release. To extract it and copy the binary into a system path, run:

$ tar xzf ./remote_syslog*.tar.gz
$ cd remote_syslog
$ sudo cp ./remote_syslog /usr/local/bin

RPM and Debian packages are also available.


Paths to log file(s) can be specified on the command-line, or save log_files.yml.example as /etc/log_files.yml. Edit it to define:

  • path to your Rails log file (such as production.log) and any other log file(s) that remote_syslog2 should watch.
  • the destination host and port provided under log destinations. If no destination port was provided, set host to and remove the port config line to use the default port (514).

The remote_syslog2 README has complete documentation and more examples.


Start the daemon:

$ sudo remote_syslog

Logs should appear in Papertrail within a few seconds of being written to the on-disk log file. Problem? See Troubleshooting.

remote_syslog requires read permission on the log files it is monitoring.


remote_syslog2 can be automated to start at boot using init scripts (examples) or your preferred daemon invocation method, such as monit or god. See remote_syslog --help or the full README on GitHub.


See remote_syslog2 troubleshooting.

Send events with the remote_syslog_logger gem

Install Remote Syslog Logger

The easiest way to install remote_syslog_logger is with Bundler. Add remote_syslog_logger to your Gemfile.

If you are not using a Gemfile, run:

$ gem install remote_syslog_logger

Configure Rails environment

Change the environment configuration file to log via remote_syslog_logger. This is almost always in config/environment.rb (to affect all environments) or config/environments/<environment name>.rb, such as config/environments/production.rb (to affect only a specific environment). Add this line:

config.logger ='', XXXXX)

You can also specify a program name other than the default rails:

config.logger ='', XXXXX, :program => "rails-#{RAILS_ENV}")

where logsN and XXXXX are the name and port number shown under log destinations.

Alternatively, to point the logs to your local system, use localhost instead of, 514 for the port, and ensure that the system’s syslog daemon is bound to A basic rsyslog config would consist of the following lines in /etc/rsyslog.conf:

$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514

Verify configuration

To send a test message, start script/console in an environment which has the syslog config above (for example, RAILS_ENV=production script/console). Run:

RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Salutations!"

The message should appear on the system's message history within 1 minute.


For more information on improving the signal:noise ratio, see the dedicated help article here.


We recommend using lograge in lieu of Rails’ standard logging. Add lograge to your Gemfile and smile.

Log user ID, customer ID, and more

Use lograge to include other attributes in log messages, like a user ID or request ID. The README has more. Here’s a simple example which captures 3 attributes:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :append_info_to_payload
  def append_info_to_payload(payload)
    payload[:user_id] = current_user.try(:id)
    payload[:host] =
    payload[:source_ip] = request.remote_ip

The 3 attributes are logged in production.rb: with this block:

config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|

The payload hash populated during the request above is automatically available as event.payload. payload automatically contains the params hash as params.

Here's another production.rb example which only logs the request params:

config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
  params = event.payload[:params].reject do |k|
    ['controller', 'action'].include? k
  { "params" => params }


Colors and/or ANSI character codes appear in my log messages

By default, Rails generates colorized log messages for non-production environments and monochromatic logs in production. Papertrail renders any ANSI color codes it receives (see More colorful logging with ANSI color codes), so you can decide whether to enable this for any environment.

To enable or disable ANSI logging, change this option in your environment configuration file (such as config/environment.rb or config/environments/staging.rb). The example below disables colorized logging.

Rails >= 3.x:

config.colorize_logging = false

Rails 2.x:

config.active_record.colorize_logging = false


The scripts are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.