ePADD is free and open source software developed by Stanford University's Special Collections & University Archives that supports the appraisal, processing, preservation, discovery, and delivery of historical email archives. ePADD incorporates techniques from computer science and computational linguistics, including machine learning, natural language processing, and named entity recognition to help users access and search email collections of historical and cultural value.

Attachment Browsing
Browsing Options
Correspondent Graph
Customizable Lexicon Search
Message Review
Entity Browsing

Initial work on ePADD began in 2010 and received funding from the National Historical Publications & Records Commission from 2012-2015 to develop the first full version of the software package. From 2015-2018, the project received funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to develop a further six versions of ePADD. The ePADD project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to continue development on the software from 2020-2021. In 2021, the ePADD project received funding from the Email Archiving : Building Capacity and Community grant program, administered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to integrate preservation functionality into ePADD. 

Visit the Discovery Module for Stanford University's Special Collections & University Archives to see ePADD in action.
