August 03, 2021

Life of a Librarian

Searching Project Gutenberg at the Distant Reader

flowersThe venerable Project Gutenberg is a collection of about 60,000 transcribed editions of classic literature in the public domain, mostly from the Western cannon. A subset of about 30,000 Project Gutenberg items has been cached locally, indexed, and made available through a website called the Distant Reader. The index is freely for anybody and anywhere to use. This blog posting describes how to query the index.

The index is rooted in a technology called Solr, a very popular indexing tool. The index supports simple searching, phrase searching, wildcard searches, fielded searching, Boolean logic, and nested queries. Each of these techniques are described below:

  • simple searches – Enter any words you desire, and you will most likely get results. In this regard, it is difficult to break the search engine.
  • phrase searches – Enclose query terms in double-quote marks to search the query as a phrase. Examples include: "tom sawyer", "little country schoolhouse", and "medieval europe".
  • wildcard searches – Append an asterisk (*) to any non-phrase query to perform a stemming operation on the given query. For example, the query potato* will return results including the words potato and potatoes.
  • fielded searches – The index has many different fields. The most important include: author, title, subject, and classification. To limit a query to a specific field, prefix the query with the name of the field and a colon (:). Examples include: title:mississippi, author:plato, or subject:knowledge.
  • Boolean logic – Queries can be combined with three Boolean operators: 1) AND, 2) OR, or 3) NOT. The use of AND creates the intersection of two queries. The use of OR creates the union of two queries. The use of NOT creates the negation of the second query. The Boolean operators are case-sensitive. Examples include: love AND author:plato, love OR affection, and love NOT war.
  • nested queries – Boolean logic queries can be nested to return more sophisticated sets of items; nesting allows you to override the way rudimentary Boolean operations get combined. Use matching parentheses (()) to create nested queries. An example includes (love NOT war) AND (justice AND honor) AND (classification:BX OR subject:"spiritual life"). Of all the different types of queries, nested queries will probably give you the most grief.

Becase this index is a full text index on a wide variety of topics, you will probably need to exploit the query language to create truly meaningful results.

by Eric Lease Morgan at August 03, 2021 06:06 PM

July 26, 2021

Life of a Librarian

Searching CORD-19 at the Distant Reader

This blog posting documents the query syntax for an index of scientific journal articles called CORD-19.

flowerCORD-19 is a data set of scientific journal articles on the topic of COVID-19. As of this writing, it includes more than 750,000 items. This data set has been harvested, pre-processed, indexed, and made available as a part of the Distant Reader. Access to the index is freely available to anybody and everybody.

The index is rooted in a technology called Solr, a very popular indexing tool. The index supports simple searching, phrase searching, wildcard searches, fielded searching, Boolean logic, and nested queries. Each of these techniques are described below:

  • simple searches – Enter any words you desire, and you will most likely get results. In this regard, it is difficult to break the search engine.
  • phrase searches – Enclose query terms in double-quote marks to search the query as a phrase. Examples include: "waste water", "circulating disease", and "acute respiratory syndrome".
  • wildcard searches – Append an asterisk (*) to any non-phrase query to perform a stemming operation on the given query. For example, the query virus* will return results including the words virus and viruses.
  • fielded searches – The index has many different fields. The most important include: authors, title, year, journal, abstract, and keywords. To limit a query to a specific field, prefix the query with the name of the field and a colon (:). Examples include: title:disease, abstract:"cardiovascular disease", or year:2020. Of special note is the keywords field. Keywords are sets of statistically significant and computer-selected terms akin to traditional library subject headings. The use of the keywords field is a very efficient way to create a small set of very relevant articles. Examples include: keywords:mrna, keywords:ribosome, or keywords:China.
  • Boolean logic – Queries can be combined with three Boolean operators: 1) AND, 2) OR, or 3) NOT. The use of AND creates the intersection of two queries. The use of OR creates the union of two queries. The use of NOT creates the negation of the second query. The Boolean operators are case-sensitive. Examples include: covid AND title:SARS, abstract:cat* OR abstract:dog*, and abstract:cat* NOT abstract:dog*
  • nested queries – Boolean logic queries can be nested to return more sophisticated sets of articles; nesting allows you to override the way rudimentary Boolean operations get combined. Use matching parentheses (()) to create nested queries. An example includes ((covid AND title:SARS) OR abstract:cat* OR abstract:dog*) NOT year:2020. Of all the different types of queries, nested queries will probably give you the most grief.

by Eric Lease Morgan at July 26, 2021 06:03 PM

July 08, 2021

Life of a Librarian

Distant Reader Workshop Hands-On Activities

This is a small set of hands-on activities presented for the Keystone Digital Humanities 2021 annual meeting. The intent of the activities is to familiarize participants with the use and creation of Distant Reader study carrels. This page is also available as PDF file designed for printing.


The Distant Reader is a tool for reading. Given an almost arbitrary amount of unstructured data (text), the Reader creates a corpus, applies text mining against the corpus, and returns a structured data set amenable to analysis (“reading”) by students, researchers, scholars, and computers.

The data sets created by the Reader are called “study carrels”. They contain a cache of the original input, plain text versions of the same, many different tab-delimited files enumerating textual features, a relational database file, and a number of narrative reports summarizing the whole. Given this set of information, it is easy to answer all sorts of questions that would have previously been very time consuming to address. Many of these questions are akin to newspaper reporter questions: who, what, when, where, how, and how many.

Using more sophisticated techniques, the Reader can help you elucidate on a corpus’s aboutness, plot themes over authors and time, create maps, create timelines, or even answer sublime questions such as, “What are some definitions of love, and how did the writings of St. Augustine and Jean-Jacques Rousseau compare to those definitions?”

The Distant Reader and its library of study carrels are located at:

Activity #1: Compare & contrast two study carrels

These tasks introduce you to the nature of study carrels:

  1. From the library, identify two study carrels of interest, and call them Carrel A and Carrel B. Don’t think too hard about your selections.
  2. Read Carrel A, and answer the following three questions: 1) how many items are in the carrel, 2) if you were to describe the content of the carrel in one sentence, then what might that sentence be, and 3) what are some of the carrel’s bigrams that you find interesting and why.
  3. Read Carrel B, and answer the same three questions.
  4. Answer the question, “How are Carrels A and B similar and different?”

Activity #2: Become familiar with the content of a study carrel

These tasks stress the structured and consistent nature of study carrels:

  1. Download and uncompress both Carrel A and Carrel B.
  2. Count the number of items (files and directories) at the root of Carrel A. Count the number of items (files and directories) at the root of Carrel B. Answer the question, “What is the difference between the two counts?”. What can you infer from the answer?
  3. Open any of the items in the directory/folder named “cache”, and all of the files there ought to be exact duplicates of the original inputs, even if they are HTML documents. In this way, the Reader implements aspects of preservation. A la LOCKSS, “Lots of copies keep stuff safe.”
  4. From the cache directory, identify an item of interest; pick any document-like file, and don’t think too hard about your selection.
  5. Given the name of the file from the previous step, open the file with the similar name but located in the folder/directory named “txt”, and you ought to see a plain text version of the original file. The Reader uses these plain text files as input for its text mining processes.
  6. Given the name of the file from the previous step, use your favorite spreadsheet program to open the similarly named file but located in the folder/directory named “pos”. All files in the pos directory are tab-delimited files, and they can be opened in your spreadsheet program. I promise. Once opened, you ought to see a list of each and every token (“word”) found in the original document as well as the tokens’ lemma and part-of-speech values. Given this type of information, what sorts of questions do you think you can answer?
  7. Open the file named “MANIFEST.htm” found at the root of the study carrel, and once opened you will see an enumeration and description of all the folders/files in any given carrel. What types of files exist in a carrel, and what sorts of questions can you address if given such files?

Activity #3: Create study carrels

Anybody can create study carrels, there are many ways to do so, and here are two:

  1. Go to, and you may need to go through ORCID authentication along the way.
  2. Give your carrel a one-word name.
  3. Enter a URL of your choosing. Your home page, your institutional home page, or the home page of a Wikipedia article are good candidates.
  4. Click the Create button, and the Reader will begin to do its work.
  5. Create an empty folder/directory on your computer.
  6. Identify three or four PDF files on your computer, and copy them to the newly created directory. Compress (zip) the directory.
  7. Go to, and you may need to go through ORCID authentication along the way.
  8. Give your carrel a different one-word name.
  9. Select the .zip file you just created.
  10. Click the Create button, and the Reader will begin to do its work.
  11. Wait patiently, and along the way the Reader will inform you of its progress. Depending on many factors, your carrels will be completed in as little as two minutes or as long as an hour.
  12. Finally, repeat Activities #1 and #2 with your newly created study carrels.

Extra credit activities

The following activities outline how to use a number of cross-platform desktop/GUI applications to read study carrels:

  • Print any document found in the cache directory and use the traditional reading process to… read it. Consider using an active reading process by annotating passages with your pen or pencil.
  • Download Wordle from the Wayback Machine, a fine visualization tool. Open any document found in the txt directory, and copy all of its content to the clipboard. Open Wordle, paste in the text, and create a tag cloud.
  • Download AntConc, a cross-platform concordance application. Use AntConc to open one more more files found in the txt directory, and then use AntConc to find snippets of text containing the bigrams identified in Activity #1. To increase precision, configure AntConc to use the stopword list found in any carrel at etc/stopwords.txt.
  • Download OpenRefine, a robust data cleaning and analysis program. Use OpenRefine to open one or more of the files in the folder/directory named “ent”. (These files enumerate named-entities found in your carrel.) Use OpenRefine to first clean the entities, and then use it to count & tabulate things like the people, places, and organizations identified in the carrel. Repeat this process for any of the files found in the directories named “adr”, “pos”, “wrd”, or “urls”.

Extra extra credit activities

As sets of structured data, the content of study carrels can be computed against. In other words, programs can be written in Python, R, Java, Bash, etc. which open up study carrel files, manipulate the content in ways of your own design, and output knowledge. For example, you could open up the named entity files, select the entities of type PERSON, look up those people in Wikidata, extract their birthdates and death dates, and finally create a timeline illustrating who was mentioned in a carrel and when they lived. The same thing could be done for entities of type GRE (place), and a map could be output. A fledgling set of Jupyter Notebooks and command-line tools have been created just for these sorts of purposes, and you can find them on GitHub:

Every study carrel includes an SQLite relational database file (etc/reader.db). The database file includes all the information from all tab-delimited files (named-entities, parts-of-speech, keywords, bibliographics, etc.). Given this database, a person can either query the database from the command-line, write a program to do so, or use GUI tools like DB Browser for SQLite or Datasette. The result of such queries can be elaborate if-then statement such as “Find all keywords from documents dated less than Y” or “Find all documents, and output them in a given citation style.” Take a gander at the SQL file named “etc/queries.sql” to learn how the database is structured. It will give you a head start.


Given an almost arbitrary set of unstructured data (text), the Distant Reader outputs sets of structured data known as “study carrels”. The content of study carrels can be consumed using the traditional reading process, through the use of any number of desktop/GUI applications, or programmatically. This document outlined each of these techniques.

Embrace information overload. Use the Distant Reader.

by Eric Lease Morgan at July 08, 2021 08:01 PM

May 06, 2021

Life of a Librarian

PTPBio and the Reader

reflections[The following missive was written via an email message to a former colleague, and it is a gentle introduction to Distant Reader “study carrels”. –ELM]

On another note, I see you help edit a journal (PTPBio), and I used it as a case-study for a thing I call the Distant Reader.

The Distant Reader takes an arbitrary amount of text as input, does text mining and natural language processing against it, saves the result as a set of structured data, writes a few reports, and packages the whole thing into a zip file. The zip file is really a data set, and Distant Reader data sets are affectionately called “study carrels”. I took the liberty of applying the Reader process to PTPBio, and the result has manifested itself in a number of ways. Let me enumerate them. First, there is the cache of the original content;

Next, there are plain text versions of the cached items. These files are used for text mining, etc.:

The Reader does many different things against the plain text. For example, the Reader enumerates and describes each and every token (“word”) in each and every document. The descriptions include the word, its lemma, is part-of-speech, and its location in the corpus. Each plain text file is really a tab-delimited file easily importable into your favorite spreadsheet or database program:

Similar sets of files are created for named entities, URLs, email addresses, and statistically significant keywords:

All of this data is distilled into a (SQLite) database file, and various reports are run against the database. For example, a very simple and rudimentary report as well as a more verbose HTML report:

All of this data is stored in a single directory:

Finally, the whole thing is zipped up and available for downloading. What is cool about the download is that it is 100% functional on your desktop as it is on the ‘Net. The study carrels does not require the ‘Net to be operational; study carrels are manifested as plain text files, are stand-alone items, and will endure the test of time:

“But wait. There’s more!”

It is not possible for me to create a Web-based interface empowering students, researchers, or scholars to answer any given research question. There are too many questions. On the other hand, since the study carrels are “structured”, one can write more sophisticated applications against the data. That is what the Reader Toolbox and Reader (Jupyter) Notebooks are for. Using the Toolbox and/or the Notebooks the student, researcher, or scholar can do all sorts of things:

  • download carrels from the Reader’s library
  • extract ngrams
  • do concordancing
  • do topic modeling
  • create a full text index
  • output all sentences containing a given word
  • find all people, use the ‘Net to get birth date and death dates, and create a timeline
  • find all places, use the ‘Net to get locations, and plot a map
  • articulate an “interesting” idea, and illustrate how that idea ebbed & flowed over time
  • play hangman, do a cross-word puzzle, or plat a hidden word search game

Finally, the Reader is by no means perfect. “Software is never done. If it were, then it would be called ‘hardware’.” Ironically though, the hard part about the Reader is not interpreting the result. The hard part is two other things. First, in order to use the Reader effectively, a person needs to have a (research) question in mind. The question can be as simple as “What are the characteristics of the given corpus?” Or, they can be as sublime as “How does St. Augustine define love, and how does his definition differ from Rousseau’s?”

Just as difficult it the creation of the corpus to begin with. For example, I needed to get just the PDF versions of your journal, but the website (understandably) is covered with about pages, navigation pages, etc. Listing the URLs of the PDF files was not difficult, but it was a bit tedious. Again, that is not your fault. In fact, your site was (relatively) easy. Some places seem to make it impossible to get to the content. (Sometimes I think the Internet is really one huge advertisement.)

Okay. That was plenty!

Your journal was a good use-case. Thank you for the fodder.

Oh, by the way, the Reader is located at, and it available for use by anybody in the world.

by Eric Lease Morgan at May 06, 2021 02:09 PM

Date created: 2000-05-19
Date updated: 2011-05-03