
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
mdp.3901501326485123 1.00 Peaches, »?
mdp.39015027523649“ SEAS AND LANDS"?
mdp.39015039369502How can a piece of paper be worth anything?
mdp.39015031637997In view of all this the inquiry naturally suggests itself, why is the Commissioner kept in Seoul?
mdp.39015080000691( 2) Japan or Java?
mdp.39015070409076Tsing( 1644?
mdp.39015004863265'Would you not yield,'the Marquis said,'if your Emperor com- manded you?'
mdp.39015004863265Where was their leader, the man who had urged them all to resist to the death?
mdp.39015059641327Ce fameux sceau que la Chine remettait au chef de chaque nouvelle dynastie, quel usage en faisait le sou- verain annamite?
mdp.390150084468283,981,600 66 106 Millet H 87?
mdp.39015008446828Durock, Pellisier, Schwartz, and the rest — what echo do we find of them, their fates, and subsequent careers?
mdp.39015008446828OOO 2?
uc1.b4519580Who shall gainsay this in the light of to- day?
mdp.39015066066351How many passed in the aggregate, who shall say?
mdp.39015066066351If not, how is it that Germans so signally fail to rule foreign peoples?
mdp.39015066066351Who can tell?
mdp.39015066066351Şz Chinese Ry?
mdp.39015066066351“ Do you know, sir, who I am?
mdp.39015027765067! ! !! ! ! L= — • • • • • •ſae?
mdp.39015027765067OLD SHANGHAI Having secured the services of “ a guide, philosopher, and friend(?
mdp.39015027765067Stare, did I say?
mdp.39015027765067••••••••- ••---- ·/im87 w 1ņuo/ V ºggsl ſsl ſieň?
mdp.39015056059143Confucius said, Not being able to serve men, how can we serve spirits? mdp.39015056059143 70? mdp.39015056059143 He then inquired how long I had been in China, what amount of time I had devoted to Chinese studies, and what parts of the coast I had visited? mdp.39015056059143 How then( I asked) could the heart be made good? mdp.39015056059143 The injuries sustained in the western portion of the suburbs from the British ship? mdp.39015056059143 This is denomi- nated 5C 5? mdp.39015043512642 35 36 ° Y a t'il une syntaxe ou non? mdp.39015043512642 37 ° S'il y en a une, peut on en donner des règles ou non? mdp.39015043512642 38 ° Y a t'il quelque marque particulière dans les noms, pour distinguer les genres et les nombres? mdp.39015043512642 39 ° L'ordre de la phrase est- il de suite ou inverse? mdp.39015043512642 4o ° Les phrases sont elles ordinairement distinguées par des virgules du non? mdp.39015043512642 ? mdp.39015043512642 dans les pronoms de même? mdp.39015043512642 et dans les verbes pour distinguer les tems et les modes? mdp.39015043512642 l1y4z7èa xeeev Aaa? ez a , ca, 4e.
mdp.39015034629322166 165 121(?)
mdp.39015034629322Hsiao- yang ch'ien- p'iao(< J » f$ WL 3?
mdp.39015034629322In the southern and south- eastern parts of the province tieh- tzii( ffi"?
mdp.39015034629322£ 1,456 £ 2,306 £ 2,395(?)
mdp.39015031459251; chickens about 9c?.
mdp.39015031459251Or did they think by their example they might possibly convert a"heathen Chinee"by their proximity?
mdp.39015031459251The first thing said to a stranger on arriving at a settler's house always appears to be —"Have you folks had anything to eat?"
mdp.39015031459251The regret wiT only be for the time which will have to be chosen, and to?
mdp.39015031459251only in the ag
mdp.39015031459251to 40?.
wu.89097245716Any mosqui- toes?
wu.89097245716'e9e0datid ip?
wu.89097245716- x x r. r. y. x x r. as X'iXXXX X xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 a<- 2 c J a.2 CX- c3?> P> 0 Si A3; S* m 5--j 5 £"3 © Li^ fc.
wu.89097245716And now the question is, what is to be done about it?
wu.89097245716Do they now admit of any further reduction consist- ently with the idea of giving our missionaries"a comfortable and economical support?"
wu.89097245716Lll- Qf CO O t X-H f 31 IS?}
wu.89097245716They answer,"No, our ancestors for thousands of years have dispensed with such things, and shall we set ourselves up as wiser and better than they?"
wu.89097245716wilt not thou deign bestow?
uc1.b4506684What more is wanted?
uc1.b4506684===== cJCstjo,^ a a a ia o ci c, s i= 4^s,* ■* » e. a a 2 d i5oooo „ o O^ O m m o?.
uc1.b4506684A junk has to have eyes to see its proper course; why not a railway engine?
uc1.b4506684Then came the problem, what was to be done with the deposed pedagogue?
uc1.b4506684There is the place, and there is the mountain: what more do they want?"
uc1.b4506684What good can it do?
uc1.b4506684What wonder then that amongst the labouring classes they become wrinkled and haglike at an early age?
yale.39002060892339/ „ yochd 370 374 10 TRANSLITERATION OP RUSSIAN CHARACTERS A a a 3?
yale.390020608923391 From1-31- 9 32- 0 63- 9?
yale.39002060892339Franz Josef Land — 11- 5 36- 1 47- 6 1?
yale.39002060892339Kyakhta-1S-4 67- 1 85- 5 7- 5 10- 0 Olekminsk-33- 3 66- 0 99- 3 7- 5 11- 0 Yakutsk-46- 0 66- 2 112- 2 6- 5 12-.0 Verkhoyansk-60- 7 59- 7 120- 4?
yale.39002060892339Tomsk-3- 3 65- 6 68- 9 10- 0 200 Kurgan-1-fi 68- 7 70- 2 1; Yeniseisk-10- 1 66- 9 77- 0 6- 5 17- 0 Krasnoyarsk-3- 6 66- 7 70- 3?
yale.39002060892339° F. Bogoslovski-2- 2 62- 6 64- 8 8- 0 16- 5 Tobolsk-2- 2 66- 4 68- 6 9- 5 18- 0 Ish'im-3- 8 66- 0 69- 8 9- 0 17- 5 Narim-7- 4 67- 4 74- 8?
yale.39002060892339— They were expelled from the?
mdp.39015055854320While he was so engaged, a sergeant of the 44th came up and administered the fol- lowing rebuke to him: —"What are you a- doing of? mdp.39015055854320 But it may be asked, why we wish to punish persons who have traded under the licence of the Tycoon? mdp.39015055854320 Ca n't you leave the poor dead alone? mdp.39015055854320 Colonel Neale heard the ordinary chal- lengeWho goes there?"
mdp.39015055854320Does it not surprise you?
mdp.39015055854320I asked him if San- ko- lin- sin was in the forts opposite?
mdp.39015055854320Tsung- how, on hearing of Prussia, said,"Pollucia qua"( Prussia country), where is that?"
mdp.39015055854320which was followed by the words"What is that you say?"
mdp.39015065779269REYNOT SON 行在美國生約其 ​辦共機器人缺等物并為代 ​交易凡欲取用新法皆可代為照 ​四期顯請知照​?.
mdp.39015027798795; the questionYenguezi?"
mdp.39015027798795Are foreigners so clever and the Chinese so stupid?
mdp.39015027798795( English?)
mdp.39015027798795How much out of the fulness of your heart will you give me?"
mdp.39015027798795One official was sent to ascertain what was the foreign fashion of receiving — shaking hands, or how?
mdp.39015027798795One or two were willing to talk, but their remarks were phrases such as"How old are you?"
mdp.39015027798795Or for the non- use of milk, which almost all other countries value, and which the Mongol and Tibetan tribes on the Chinese frontier use largely?
mdp.39015027798795Teacher, how much does a cartridge cost?
mdp.39015027798795The common salutation seemed to be"Whence and whither going?
mdp.39015027798795We put up at the Club, where we^^ ■ 891 nro w^^^ 11'• w?
mdp.39015027337032( 2) How did they propose to transmit money to the exporters?
mdp.39015027337032( 3) How would they go about re- starting their businesses?
mdp.39015027337032( 4) How was the allocation of shipping space to be arranged?
mdp.39015027337032( 5) What suggestions did they have( presumably on any subject)?
mdp.39015027337032* ni ° h the Chinese read as Chiao-£\& S?
mdp.39015027337032** Spread by the Japanese?
mdp.39015027337032*** The subsequent further devaluation of the Hong* or Section: the name in Japanese being-*y v.£n w!l?
mdp.39015027337032CHAN Pok Member of the staff( editor?)
mdp.39015027337032What languages are used?
mdp.39015027337032and( 6) What arrangements were they prepared to make anent the release of stocks in godowns?
uc1.b2795688- ¿ Qué haces aquí?
uc1.b2795688--- ¿ Tienes armas?
uc1.b2795688Está por todos admitida la feracidad prodigiosa del suelo paraguayo; y bien, ¿ no son acaso iguales las selvas de una y otra margen del gran río?
uc1.b2795688¿ Contra quién?
uc1.b2795688¿ Coronaba con sus laureles la victoria las armas de la patria?
uc1.b2795688¿ Cuál era la causa de la imprevista quemazón?
uc1.b2795688¿ Habrían alcanzado los rigores de la gue- rra á herir á Lucía y á su generoso padre?
uc1.b2795688¿ La habéis visto atravesar nadando el río?
uc1.b2795688¿ La habéis visto subir enroscándose al árbol, á lo alto de la copa?
uc1.b2795688¿ Luce acaso en sus alas la mariposa más vivos y variados colores que en sus anillos la serpiente?
uc1.b2795688¿ Podía haber una aspiración más legítima?
uc1.b2795688¿ Quién había prendido fuego al desierto campo?
uc1.b2795688¿ Se acer- caba el momento en que pudieran salir de la inacción en que estaban?
uc1.b2795688¿ no crecen en los bosques formosinos tan lozanos y vigorosos como en los bosques paraguayos el urunday, el guayacán, el laurel y el lapacho?
njp.321010668037171879, July? T.
njp.32101066803717A. Godwin........ 3 W.1862, Maya? T.
njp.32101066803717Are influences at work in the West likely to drive capital from its old to new centres?
njp.32101066803717Chin King- son.. Bell# Chow Kwok Tsün?
njp.32101066803717Is capital required in China?
njp.32101066803717Is capital secure in China?
njp.32101066803717I| T. 1876, Oct.)?
njp.32101066803717T. 1877, July 3 Š W.1877, Aug. N'chwang? T.
njp.32101066803717The survival of the fittest is the law of Nature, and why should these Likin people be exempt from it?
njp.32101066803717Writers:- 319 Fx 40 5i?
mdp.39015002684788Can this be China?
mdp.39015002684788Does not the commercial strength of the Chinese lie just in this pertinacious struggling against the smallest losses?"
mdp.39015002684788His Lordship — And you, Mr. White- Cooper, have an under- taking that any costs you may be put to will be paid by the plaintiffs?
mdp.39015002684788His Lordship — Won't this case have to be fought out in another Court?
mdp.39015002684788Is she to'take her fundamental coin, the cash, with a present- day value of the ten- thousandth part of a pound sterling, and build upon it?
mdp.39015002684788This preponderance* The English and Dutch obtained their first tea at Amoy, and consequently called the leaf tea( rhyming with obey), the nam?
mdp.39015002684788Under the new treaties the foreign*"Is this all?"
mdp.39015002684788What will happen, and what can we do?
mdp.39015002684788Where shall she begin?
mdp.39015002684788and What is silver?
mdp.39015067916927Was I a Government official or a merchant?
mdp.39015067916927What was I going to do with them? mdp.39015067916927 Where could I have found such a number of these things?
mdp.39015067916927He sagely concludes thai?
mdp.39015067916927How should they, indeed, on such a spot, and for so exalted a personage?
mdp.39015067916927I was then asked to what nation I belonged — was I English, French, or American?
mdp.39015067916927Was I going to eat them?"
mdp.39015067916927What was then to be done?
mdp.39015067916927Who were the loonins, and who or what had induced them to attempt the commission of such a fearful crime?
mdp.39015067916927Why then was the party at- tacked, and why this brutal murder?
mdp.39015067916927of Tien- tsin — I noticed a poor man of seventy years of age in a very excited state, crying out'What day is this?'
wu.89088308556Add to the above that most of the ironing is done at night, and what more antipodal to our own methods can be imagined?
wu.89088308556I then said, “ Suppose I should offer to lend you that amount? ” To this his reply was,* See chapter on language and literature.
wu.89088308556Is Korea an independent State, or a vassal State subject to China?
wu.89088308556The question, therefore, naturally arises, If the case, diplo- matically considered, is so clear, what need is there to discuss it again?
wu.89088308556The three most in use are, “ Are you well? ” used generally to inferiors; “ Have you been free from sickness?"
wu.89088308556The three most in use are, “ Are you well? ” used generally to inferiors; “ Have you been free from sickness?"
wu.89088308556shall they turn them away unsatisfied?
mdp.3901502672082422-azzº …? …- 2... e.-4 24.7 ° 4′×~~~~~~~~2:2 22..., 2^-224-e- T zºº~% 22, 2,2, …, 2.2×2 Z.
mdp.39015026720824:% ſ ( ); !* ſ , ſ.º º Teae ºs , , ſy ºp, sørøop ºnºſºzaº nºong! rºwdſ iraeºrge ºff “ , „ … ( ¿?
mdp.39015026720824Have you any immediate prospect of seeing the old country?
mdp.39015026720824He agreed with me that the system is a wrong one, but, said he, “ Que voulez- vous?
mdp.39015026720824What could have happened to her?
mdp.39015026720824“ Nisnaia 2"( Who can tell?)
mdp.39015069550773? 75, 30; Ca.
mdp.39015069550773? 79, 88; Cg.
mdp.39015069550773Cardamoms, Superior........ Piculs Inferior..... L?
mdp.39015069550773Dozens Betel- nuts...................... Piculs Birds'Nests, ist Quality... 2nd, 3rd, Braid,"Llama.........?
mdp.39015069550773Dozens, Yarn, English......... Piculs, Bombay.........?
mdp.39015069550773In February the German steamer Iduna, of 297 tons register, chartered by a former comprador of the China Merchants?
mdp.39015069550773Pieces Cotton............?
mdp.39015069550773Pieces Piculs 79 9961 » Silk 002.?
mdp.39015069550773武黄 ​H Wu- ch'ang........ Huang- chou...... 17.84 11,790 16.60 TE r FUKIEN.....*****?
mdp.39015057192877E. F. 1?
mdp.39015057192877Is not this a striking instance in the American character of Yankee in- vention and perseverance in enterprise?
mdp.39015057192877Larus eburneus?
mdp.39015057192877Phalacrocorax graculus, Shaw, Sterna hirun- do,(?)
mdp.39015057192877The enemy now hailed thus:-“What ship is that? ” The answer NAVAL BATTLE.
inu.30000093880601And what a scene?
inu.30000093880601But Japan?
inu.30000093880601But how are we to describe the scene?
inu.30000093880601But how must the Emperor of Ja- pan look upon these men and their dominions?
inu.30000093880601But will the nation ratify his deeds now?
inu.30000093880601Can they imagine that this was a fit way to render that power popular?
inu.30000093880601He was born in the province Hizen( Goto?
inu.30000093880601How can the military ardour be restrained?
inu.30000093880601IN THE BRITish Constar Court on the 25th instant, Captain Duggan of the clipper ship Am?
inu.30000093880601Mer- chants may come among us and sell their Silk and Tea and buy our Imports, but what does all that amount to?
inu.30000093880601Oh, when will all the stuff we have brought down for it be safely stowed on native junks to bear them across to it?
inu.30000093880601Or, we might put in practice a Scotch idiosyncrasy, and answer one question by asking another — What is not?
inu.30000093880601Ten years ago, what would have been the reply of a Japanese gentleman, invited to take such a trip in the interests of commerce?
inu.30000093880601Whether it was so or not who can say?
inu.30000093880601Who can give to Germany the guarantees she re- quires?
inu.30000093880601Would our readers know what is thus conveyed?
mdp.39015002985698425 Trade in Salt on the Yang- tz?.
mdp.39015002985698539 Towii of Yingb?
mdp.39015002985698A small river runs into it issuing from a gorge, at the head of which, some 13 miles distant, lies the city of Hanka or Jj^pj?
mdp.39015002985698I S J a?
mdp.39015002985698Kiu- Lung or Kow- Loong on the main- land, the- extreme south- ern point of which is called by the native Chinese^1^J?
mdp.39015002985698Lindsay,( H. H.) Is the War with China a just one?
mdp.39015002985698Message,~ie « Imperials?
mdp.39015002985698Of these the principal is the Min(}?.T.
mdp.39015002985698Sha Chung^J?
mdp.39015002985698The C side is a row situated the d- mercantile c ° lish, Prussian?
mdp.39015002985698The city of Ting- Hai^j?
mdp.39015002985698The former sage, named Omrah, died in the 3rd year of the Emperor Chingkwan of the Tang dynasty( A. d. 629) in the year called Keh- li- fa( Caliphate?
mdp.39015002985698The hills ris?
mdp.39015002985698The municipal committee ha?
mdp.39015002985698The seed?
mdp.39015002985698Their erect posture, piercing glance, and superior size — who that has once seen can ever mistake the Peregrine?
mdp.39015002985698What are they?
mdp.39015002985698What are we to drink?
mdp.39015002985698with a shudder, Can animal life be there?
uc1.b4506628- Quelles en sont les causes?
uc1.b4506628- Quels en sont les motifs?
uc1.b4506628..... 526 Serait- il utile au commerce français dans l'état actuel de choses de reprendre cet établissement?
uc1.b45066281778....... Payé au S?.
uc1.b4506628492 L'occupation de l'établissement au Pégou serait- eile au- jourd'hui avantageuse à la France?
uc1.b4506628508 La reprise du commerce avec Siam et des établissements dans ce pays seraient- ils aujourd'hui avantageux à la France?
uc1.b4506628556 Par quelles nations ce commerce avait- il été exploité?.
uc1.b4506628Ce traité, que les Anglais ont à plusieurs reprises violé dans un temps de paix, l'observeraient- ils dans celui où cette paix serait rompue?
uc1.b4506628D'abord, vous dirons- nous, quelle authenticité des lettres particulières peuvent- elles avoir en justice?
uc1.b4506628D'ailleurs qu'a- t- il besoin d'examiner la validité du transport ou de l'ordre?
uc1.b4506628L'Occupation de l'ancien établissement du Pégou serait- elle aujourd'hui utile à la France?
uc1.b4506628Lequel croire?
uc1.b4506628Niez- vous que la dé- charge surabondante qui vous est offerte ne soit pour vous un titre de garantie contre le sieur Bourgogne?
uc1.b4506628On demandera peut- être de quel droit?
uc1.b4506628On demandera peut- être de quel droit?
uc1.b4506628On demandera peut- être de quel droit?
uc1.b4506628Une adminis- tration telle qu'elle existe au Bengale est- elle nécessaire pour protéger le commerce?
uc1.b4506628et Cie pour de Stockar[?]
uc1.b4506628— Quelles en sont les causes?......
mdp.39015058522825Have you had your rice? mdp.39015058522825 What is your honourable age?
mdp.39015058522825*> sr- j This aoniaj ssn v. ut » wi as told that » ick cat jjecun* so that they as* reM?
mdp.39015058522825And their super- stitions, if foolish, are they not comparatively inno- cent and harmless?
mdp.39015058522825And'what,'says Dr. Edkins,'has the result been on the Chinese of the Confucian morality?
mdp.39015058522825Are not the Chinese a well- educated people?
mdp.39015058522825Had our society head- AN INTERVIEW WITH LI- HUNG- CHANG 163 • quarters in London?
mdp.39015058522825Had the English Government anything to do with us, or we with it?
mdp.39015058522825He said,'You have been in Shansi, where opium is very largely consumed; what do you think of the effects of it, so far as you have observed them?'
mdp.39015058522825How far are Christian missions touching the life of the nation, effecting any real change, con- ferring any real benefit?
mdp.39015058522825How were they appointed?
mdp.39015058522825In a word, how far are they able to justify their existence by pointing to tangible, visible, appreciable results?
mdp.39015058522825May we not hope that, on the necessities of the case becoming more widely known, there will be no lack of men or women or money?
mdp.39015058522825Some o narrow straits through which we passed rem me of the Kyles of Bute, and for hundreds of\ND TIES- TZrS-- aV.- Ik iua:; K but?'
mdp.39015058522825The hymns that afternoon were,'Just as I am,''My faith looks up to Thee,''Art thou weary?'
mdp.39015058522825They have got on fairly well without you for 4000 years; why push yourselves in where your presence is not wished for or needed?'
mdp.39015058522825They say to us,'Have not the Chinese a splendid system of morality?
mdp.39015058522825Were we subsidized by the Government or by any public fund?
mdp.39015058522825Who were the directors?
mdp.39015058522825Why should our purer Gospel be unable to secure the consecration of those who are manliest and godliest in our Churches to: day?
uc1.b4112556And if not, what?
uc1.b4112556Are they even so necessary as we commonly suppose?
uc1.b4112556But are these conceptions in reality so fundamental?
uc1.b4112556But then arose a more difficult problem, not unknown in more advanced literary compositions, — How should he get it before the public?
uc1.b4112556But what was I to do now?
uc1.b4112556Could they not, would they not, tell her of the wanderer too?
uc1.b4112556He could, of course, launch it with his own sanction, but would it be taken up?
uc1.b4112556How are these officials appointed?
uc1.b4112556Is such appointment entirely arbitrary, or is it subjected to any law?
uc1.b4112556Like him, too, will not the vision all crumble away to dust on contact with the air of the outer world?
uc1.b4112556Were we to arrive that night or not?
uc1.b4112556What is it, then, that is wanting?
uc1.b4112556What is matter?
uc1.b4112556What is mind?
uc1.b4112556Who has not felt the same intense aversion to having his littered room put in order for him?
uc1.b4112556please to a stern sense of veracity?
uc1.b4112556— in our scientific zeal, we had almost said identical with it?
uc1.b4112556“ What can it mean? ” is a question you instinctively ask of yourself and then of others.
uc1.b4112556“ What on earth, ” said I to my attendant Kim, “ can that Babel be? ” But it turned out to be only a Korean school.
mdp.39015027795585719- 721: “ O pater, anne aliquas ad caelum hinc ire putandumst Sublimes animas iterumque ad tarda reverti Corpora?
mdp.39015027795585As for its people, who will venture to say how much or how little they have changed?
mdp.39015027795585Buddhism refrains from denying, rather than distinctly affirms, 416 NOTES is a very ancient and wonderful revolving( circular?)
mdp.39015027795585But as these tribes are certainly not Chinese, what are we to call them if Tibetan is, strictly speaking, a misnomer?
mdp.39015027795585Have they not too often acted as bullies, too often taken advan- tage of their brute strength?
mdp.39015027795585If he does so, what will be the attitude of the Government?
mdp.39015027795585Is England always to lag behind France in matters of this kind?
mdp.39015027795585Where did they come from?
mdp.39015027795585ka- ngo-?
mdp.39015027795585“ All you ask? ” cried the messenger of the gods.
mdp.39015027795585“ Call that a dog? ” I heard a village patriarch remark rebukingly.
mdp.39015027795585“ Know you not that what you demand is the highest happiness of the beings that dwell in heaven?
mdp.39015027795585“ What have you Hindus done? ” said an English girl, full of the pride of race.
mdp.39015027795585“ Will no one tell me what she sings?
mdp.39015002199274Do you mean to tell me I've been drinking Communist water?
mdp.39015002199274But what were the rights of real and pseudo- concubines?
mdp.39015002199274Could they and their children be discarded without support?
mdp.39015002199274Did he have any money?
mdp.39015002199274If a defendant were asked,"Do you plead guilty?"
mdp.39015002199274If he builds all the reservoirs the colony needs, who will pay for them?
mdp.39015002199274If he does n't, how can the fast- grow- ing population of the colony survive?
mdp.39015002199274If the reservoirs displace more farmers, who will raise the food?
mdp.39015002199274If their next- door neighbors ca n't change them, what reason is there to believe that the tourists of Hong Kong can do so?
mdp.39015002199274Just how wicked and criminal is today's Hong Kong?
mdp.39015002199274The English did n't want that, did they?
mdp.39015002199274To what extent might they challenge the rights of the real wife?
mdp.39015002199274What are the good buys in Hong Kong?
mdp.39015002199274What are the prospects for Hong Kong industry and trade?
mdp.39015002199274What could these cubs of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution contribute to a civilization of such time- tested wisdom?
mdp.39015002199274What was Gus's farming experi- ence?
mdp.39015002199274Where do the narcotics come from?
mdp.39015002199274Why did Gus think he could grow anything on that island?
mdp.39015002199274Why did the Red Chinese permit the transborder flight of May, 1962?
mdp.39015002199274Why not convert these foods into noodles?
mdp.39015002199274the question was rendered in colloquial Cantonese as"You yes or no not guilty?"
mdp.39015002199274— British House of Lords( circa i Hong Kong has furnished the Sino- British answer to a uni- versal question: What's in it for me?
mdp.39015021581171from what port?
mdp.3901502158117133 duct thus?"
mdp.39015021581171How many, and which of them have gone on the long voyage of eternity?
mdp.39015021581171How will be found our near and dear relatives and friends?
mdp.39015021581171Upon my de- clining, he observed, “ Your business, Mr. Fan- ning, I perceive to be the Portland's men; are they all Americans?"
mdp.39015021581171We now hove to, and were soon accosted with the usual interrogations, on such occasions, as"whence come you?"
mdp.39015021581171Well, if that have Josh, who are the two on each side meant for?
mdp.39015021581171Who does this great figure represent?
mdp.39015021581171Who have been consigned to the tomb?
mdp.39015021581171Who still remain Who still remain among the living?
mdp.39015021581171a very wild race; they are also said to be very large and strong; now how can you expect to catch one of them?"
mdp.39015021581171and in reply to the demand of the officer, then in charge, of"where away?"
mdp.39015021581171and what shall we find the situation of our beloved coun- try to be?
mdp.39015021581171how do they catch bears?"
mdp.39015021581171pray, Mr. Fanning, let me ask, are you a relative of General Edmund Fanning, the Lieutenant Go- vernor of Prince Edward's Island?"
mdp.39015021581171they otherwise be?-as never to be erased.
mdp.39015021581171where bound to?"
mdp.39015021581171“ It no have China cus- tom; how can strange woman come on shore in Chinese country?
mdp.39015005603314Burnt what?
mdp.39015005603314But will the boatman consent to go now?
mdp.39015005603314Could you not go there to- morrow?
mdp.39015005603314Did not the water rise perpendicularly in them, and to any height he pleased?
mdp.39015005603314Do you know,said he,"that there is a mandarin in this boat?
mdp.39015005603314How can we make tea without tea- leaves?
mdp.39015005603314How is that f said the officer;had you no priest with you to charm the tigers?"
mdp.39015005603314I under- stand that part of the business,said I;"but what is the substance which you put into the bottles along with the seeds?"
mdp.39015005603314Is that the boat that you have engaged?
mdp.39015005603314Now, do vou see that?
mdp.39015005603314Oh, yes,said he,"his name is Ye- au, is it not?"
mdp.39015005603314Then whom do you worship?
mdp.39015005603314There,said he to the other,"will you pass now?"
mdp.39015005603314To whom does this cloth belong?
mdp.39015005603314What could it be? mdp.39015005603314 What is the meaning of this proceeding?"
mdp.39015005603314What is the use of your asking that question?
mdp.39015005603314Which tem- ple do you wish to go to?
mdp.39015005603314''•Have you any money in your pocket?"
mdp.39015005603314Can workmen be procured for this small sum either in the United States or in Australia?
mdp.39015005603314Thus far everything went on well, but where were the tea- leaves to be procured?
mdp.39015005603314Was it a reality or a dream, or was I in some fairy- land?
mdp.39015005603314What could it be?
mdp.39015005603314was it new, or did we already possess it in England?"
mdp.39015005603314what do you want?"
mdp.39015018638331Are you in debt?
mdp.39015018638331Are you married?
mdp.39015018638331Have I not, in three years'time, extended my conquests three months'journey on every side, without the help of your cannon or muskets?
mdp.39015018638331Here the proud conqueror exclaimed, What madman wrote that?
mdp.39015018638331How are we possibly to occupy all the regions that we have already annexed?
mdp.39015018638331On one of the witnesses being asked, what advantages the Burmans expected from a war with the English?
mdp.39015018638331Some gastronome or other has observed, that every country affords at least one good dish. ” Is stewed sturgeon the one good dish of China?
mdp.39015018638331The superior asks, What has been your conduct in the world?
mdp.39015018638331Was it the governor's wife or her attendants, gratifying curiosity by peeping at them through the cur- tain?
mdp.39015018638331What did the curtain conceal?
mdp.39015018638331What manner of guests occupied that end of the dining- room?
mdp.39015018638331What was to be done?
mdp.39015018638331Who had the lamps?
mdp.39015018638331“ What are you doing there, good mother"? ” said he.
mdp.39015026709637And now, what is my feeling in this matter? mdp.39015026709637 My Very Dear Wife,—What can I say, or what can I do for your comfort?
mdp.39015026709637Then,'To what part of the heathen world shall we go?' mdp.39015026709637 To learn and constantly to practise, is it not pleasant?"
mdp.39015026709637'Do you feel the Lord to be with you now?'
mdp.39015026709637'What is the matter?'
mdp.39015026709637Are n't you afraid?"
mdp.39015026709637At our gate a Sikh soldier shook his lance in our faces and cried,'Friend or foe?'
mdp.39015026709637Can our readers imagine the difference between hsin and shin?
mdp.39015026709637Could any better testimony be given that the work itself is worth the doing?
mdp.39015026709637Did ever any other grandmother do the like either before or since?
mdp.39015026709637Do we need any stronger testimony than the following that John Innocent's grandmother was no ordinary woman?
mdp.39015026709637Does any such prin- ciple obtain in regard to the choice of a Missionary?
mdp.39015026709637G.TCandlin r JOHN INNOCENT a rc-?
mdp.39015026709637Had England especially not been so anxious, as she again was in Boxer days, to uphold the power of the Man- chus?
mdp.39015026709637Had Gordon, the"Christian Soldier,"but have chosen the Christian side?
mdp.39015026709637Had the Powers but remained aloof from this great strife — a civil war in which the Imperialists were more ruthless than the Revolutionaries?
mdp.39015026709637How had he acquired this knowledge, seeing the foreigners had only just come to the place?
mdp.39015026709637If now we raise the question, How did the Chinese language come to possess so excessive a number of homophones — by what process did they grow up?
mdp.39015026709637Is it not, then, true that, 33 John Innocent religiously considered, China is the most important mis- sion field of the world?
mdp.39015026709637Is training in the English ministry previous to coming out an important requisite?
mdp.39015026709637Need I say more than that, if it is God's will, I thankfully give my daughter to His service, and ask the Com- mittee to give her an appointment?"
mdp.39015026709637Shall I buy one to send to Lizzie for next winter?
mdp.39015026709637Snohow During this period the momentous question,"Where shall our Mission be founded?"
mdp.39015026709637The only protection has been a passport, and what would a mob like that at Tientsin care for a passport?
mdp.39015026709637The question on all sides will be, How shall we do without him?
mdp.39015026709637They had to decide what dialect among the several dialects spoken in the country they should 48 Where to Commence Work?
mdp.39015026709637We can imagine no task more calculated to invoke the involuntary exclamation,"Who is sufficient for these things?"
mdp.39015026709637We trow not: shin we know, but what is hsin?
mdp.39015026709637What was to be done?
mdp.39015026709637Which of us does not love romance?
mdp.39015026709637Who shall decide how far fond affection shall be in- dulged?
mdp.39015026709637Why did I not go as well?
mdp.39015004044536Are you well?
mdp.39015004044536Burnt what?
mdp.39015004044536But will the boatman consent to go now?
mdp.39015004044536Could you not go there to- morrow?
mdp.39015004044536Do you know,said he,"that there is a mandarin in this boat?
mdp.39015004044536Do you not worship Buddha in your country?
mdp.39015004044536Have you any money in your pocket?
mdp.39015004044536How can we make tea without tea- leaves?
mdp.39015004044536How did the plants get home?
mdp.39015004044536How is that,said the officer;"had you no priest with you to charm the tigers?"
mdp.39015004044536I gave you a dollar,said he,"and you said that was bad; I changed it, and gave you copper cash, and you return them; pray what do you want?"
mdp.39015004044536I understand that part of the business,said I;"but what is the substance which you put into the bottles along with the seeds?"
mdp.39015004044536Is that the boat that you have engaged?
mdp.39015004044536Now, do you see that?
mdp.39015004044536Oh, yes,said he,"his name is Ye- su, is it not?"
mdp.39015004044536Then whom do you worship?
mdp.39015004044536There,said he to the other,"will you pass now?"
mdp.39015004044536To whom does this cloth belong?
mdp.39015004044536Well,said I to him,"how is this?
mdp.39015004044536Were they much admired in England?
mdp.39015004044536What could it be? mdp.39015004044536 What is the meaning of this proceeding?"
mdp.39015004044536What is the use of your asking that question?
mdp.39015004044536Which temple do you wish to go to?
mdp.39015004044536And why should one of the most delightful plants of China be so neglected?
mdp.39015004044536Hooker thus writes of it: —"A palm, Ckamtrrop » excelsa,(?)
mdp.39015004044536I also observed some young plants of the interest- ing palm- tree( Chamoerops(?)
mdp.39015004044536Need I say it was the beautiful Wistaria?
mdp.39015004044536The question"Why do soldiers suffer more than other men?"
mdp.39015004044536Thus far everything went on well, but where were the tea- leaves to be procured?
mdp.39015004044536Was it a reality or a dream, or was I in some fairy land?
mdp.39015004044536What could it be?
mdp.39015004044536What could it be?
mdp.39015004044536have you anything in your country to be compared with it?"
mdp.39015004044536or could young plants be procured to send home?
mdp.39015004044536was it new, or did we already possess it in England?"
mdp.39015004044536was it new?
mdp.39015004044536what do you want?"
mdp.39015004044536would it produce perfect seeds?
mdp.39015004044536you were smoking opium last night; have you not seen the edict?"
inu.32000006732996A friend once remonstrated with me: “ What an extravagant fellow you are?
inu.32000006732996A raucous voice shouted: “ What about them chairs?
inu.32000006732996But how to do it?
inu.32000006732996Circulars are full of warnings and even threats to such misguided people, and yet without them, what?
inu.32000006732996Could I pass?
inu.32000006732996Did he get the fruits of his labours even in the complimentary sense of recognition of those services at the hands of his Chief?
inu.32000006732996Did he think he could hit the foreign ship and sink her?
inu.32000006732996Did not the Armada sailors make a similar impression in days gone by on the coasts of Norfolk and elsewhere in the British Isles?
inu.32000006732996He had a cannon; could he load it and would it go off all right as far as the men behind were concerned?
inu.32000006732996He looked over my way and said: “ And pray, how do you invest your money?"
inu.32000006732996He said: “ Are there any such men in the Service?"
inu.32000006732996His Excellency asked Li: “ Do you think Prince Ch'ing will be in power long? ” Answer: “ No, he will not."
inu.32000006732996His Excellency asked: “ Who will succeed him? ” Answer: “ That for the moment I can not tell you.
inu.32000006732996His Excellency: “ Have you seen Li Hung- chang, our old friend, on the other side?"
inu.32000006732996How to maintain the imperium in imperio without “ loss of face ” on either side?
inu.32000006732996I remember a very highly placed Chinese official saying to me at the time: “ Why did he resign?
inu.32000006732996I wonder if this is a record?
inu.32000006732996If slant- eyed babies were a feature later on, what of it?
inu.32000006732996In a curious Palace of Truth sort of style, he said, “ Why do you thank me?
inu.32000006732996Is there anything he would like to ask me?"
inu.32000006732996On one occasion an Anglican preached on “ Whether God suffered when Christ was crucified?"
inu.32000006732996On parting he said: “ By the way, I do n't seem to know your name? ” I said: “ Oh yes, you do — that brutal fellow King.
inu.32000006732996One day he ventured to remonstrate on the subject of preserved(?)
inu.32000006732996The British flotilla functioned for something under two months and was then withdrawn, the British 200"ARE NOT PIRATES MEN?"
inu.32000006732996The sea was rather rough, and as we were going over the side he inquired with a sarcastic smile, “ Can you swim?"
inu.32000006732996Were those bonds also to be disavowed?
inu.32000006732996What could have happened?
inu.32000006732996What happened?
inu.32000006732996What on earth had become of the several wan of dead and mutilated citizens?
inu.32000006732996Why are not English boys trained to know and love Nature?
inu.32000006732996“ Are not pirates men? ” he would ask, and rap his stick on the floor while the whole Staff sat up in terror.
inu.32000006732996“ How is it that the I.G., even when he seems to want to please people, always does something to displease them?"
inu.32000006732996“ Well, if they are men, where do they sleep?
inu.32000006732996“ Were materials possibly useful to the Munitions Department,"or to the Stationery, or Heaven knows what authority, “ concealed within it ”?
inu.32000006732996“ Where were they made? ” The interrupter swung the chair round his head with small regard to his neighbours.
mdp.39015041175152As the door closed upon him I turned to the others and I said very sternly: “ Will you please tell me what you mean by your strange conduct?
mdp.39015041175152But what value are railways and telegraphs when a whole nation rises in arms, determined to have its will obeyed?
mdp.39015041175152Do you know that you are suffering from a disease that at any moment may prove fatal to you?
mdp.39015041175152He comes to the point and says “ Have you eaten? ” You say, “ Yes, have you? ” He nods a “ Yes."
mdp.39015041175152He comes to the point and says “ Have you eaten? ” You say, “ Yes, have you? ” He nods a “ Yes."
mdp.39015041175152How could they be otherwise?
mdp.39015041175152How in 288 MEN AND MANNERS OF MODERN CHINA the name of fortune is it to surmount this obstacle that lies like a barrier right across the way?
mdp.39015041175152How will the boys turn out?
mdp.39015041175152How, indeed, could it be other- wise?
mdp.39015041175152Now how has this been accomplished?
mdp.39015041175152The criminal, they say, has wronged society; why, then, should society be still further punished by having to keep the evildoer in comparative luxury?
mdp.39015041175152The question now arises, where is it to come from?
mdp.39015041175152The question was, What right had he to sink a ship belong- ing to his Majesty?
mdp.39015041175152The wonder, indeed, is, how- ever are they to be accommodated?
mdp.39015041175152Was she alive?
mdp.39015041175152What is the meaning of this farce?"
mdp.39015041175152What is the meaning of this? ” “ Ohi ” exclaims the Celestial in pidgin English, “ I makee changee more better.
mdp.39015041175152What other nation in the world could have accom- plished what the people of China have done in so short a period of time?
mdp.39015041175152When the Chinese wishes to say “ How do you do? ” he does not use the vague expressions we are content with.
mdp.39015041175152Why should he allow passion or temper to prevent this?
mdp.39015041175152Why should he be so?
mdp.39015041175152Will he be severe or will he be kind?
mdp.39015041175152Will not the goddess exercise her great power and give her back the strength she has lost?
mdp.39015041175152Will their husbands be good and true men, or will they be opium- smokers and gamblers and make life a misery to them?
mdp.39015041175152Will their mothers- in- law oppress them?
mdp.39015041175152Will their new homes be happy ones?
mdp.39015041175152Will they fall into evil ways and weave wrinkles into the faces of their parents and fill their hearts with sighs?
mdp.39015041175152Would you resist that?
mdp.39015041175152Your land will be taken from you, and you will be cast into prison, and what will become of your wife and your little ones then?
mdp.39015041175152and, if so, would she receive him kindly after the neglect of years?
mdp.39015041175152my heart, my love, my life, where are you gone?
mdp.39015041175152where are they to sit when they are not at work?
mdp.39015041175152where will they eat, and, most important of all, where are they to sleep?
mdp.39015041175152why did you leave me with a broken heart?"
mdp.39015041175152why, why have you left me?
mdp.39015041175152“ And have you informed against any one?"
mdp.39015041175152“ Are they not precisely the same in their actions?"
mdp.39015041175152“ But how could I?"
mdp.39015041175152“ But why do you consent to carry so heavy a burden?
mdp.39015041175152“ Do n't you con- sider it your duty to tell me who the thief is, seeing that the money was practically entrusted to your care?"
mdp.39015041175152“ No importance,"the official cries in a loud voice, “ that you should refuse to pay the Emperor his tax?
mdp.39015041175152“ Noble, do you call her?"
mdp.39015041175152“ What is the weight of your load? ” I ask him.
mdp.39015041175152“ What possible connection can there be between the health of a city and its bad smells?"
mdp.39015041175152“ Where did you get these from? ” I asked the doctor, pointing to the heap, which, however, I was careful not to touch.
mdp.39015016902838'., Jodi Lil;"?!?!?"
mdp.39015016902838'., Jodi Lil;"?!?!?"
mdp.39015016902838'., Jodi Lil;"?!?!?"
mdp.39015016902838'n jarine?!?!
mdp.39015016902838'n jarine?!?!
mdp.39015016902838And if you wrong us, shall we not be revenged?
mdp.39015016902838And when Autumn's hand shall scatter Leaves upon my floor, what matter, Since I have the wind for broom?
mdp.39015016902838And who can wonder?
mdp.39015016902838But the question may be asked, To what extent is fiction read in Korea as compared with other literary productions?
mdp.39015016902838But why should spirits torment people in this way?
mdp.39015016902838Canst tell me where red wine is sold?
mdp.39015016902838Did not every circumstance in the case warrant his fear of sudden death?
mdp.39015016902838Do its strings accord?
mdp.39015016902838Do they make them all them- selves?
mdp.39015016902838Dost thou now, Like trembling hare, peep forth from out yon covert's shade?
mdp.39015016902838Hath not a Korean eyes?
mdp.39015016902838Hath not a Korean hands, organs, dimen- sions, senses, affections, passions?
mdp.39015016902838If you poison us, do we not die?
mdp.39015016902838If you prick us, do we not bleed?
mdp.39015016902838If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
mdp.39015016902838Is there any radical difference between this and the novel?
mdp.39015016902838It saves time and trouble; and, after all, what does it matter?
mdp.39015016902838May this not be said of Far Eastern art in general?
mdp.39015016902838Must winter linger in my soul, Tho'April's buds are bursting?
mdp.39015016902838Nay, just beyond yon peach- tree?
mdp.39015016902838Now, how will you explain it?
mdp.39015016902838Oh, who could better Nature's self incarcerate?
mdp.39015016902838What else was there for them to do?
mdp.39015016902838What would have become of Buddhism and the monasteries if it had not been for the queens of the present dynasty?
mdp.39015016902838When a Korean says to you,"Is not the great man's stomach empty?
mdp.39015016902838Which, think you, is the proper way to go about the rehabilitation of the East?
mdp.39015016902838Who can doubt that she knew that by this bold stroke she could retire on a fat pension and become the envy of all future widows?
mdp.39015016902838Why had he not thought of this contingency?
mdp.39015016902838Why is it that most people look upon the Korean as little better than contemptible?
mdp.39015016902838Why should the central government interfere in the man's behalf?
mdp.39015016902838Why should they be beaten for nothing?
mdp.39015016902838fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons?
mdp.39015016902838healed with the same means?
mdp.39015016902838subject to the same diseases?
mdp.39015016902838warmed and cooled by the same summer and winter as the Westerner is?
mdp.39015030722667What about the prospects of the conversion of the heathen?
mdp.390150307226678. Who was Imad- ud- Din?
mdp.3901503072266780 CHAPTER II THE SOCIAL EVILS OF ISLAM Why Missions to Moslems?
mdp.39015030722667An interesting feature of the policy of the The King's Kin?
mdp.39015030722667And what is the result?
mdp.39015030722667Are not these interesting facts in themselves a loud call to send the Gospel to North Africa?
mdp.39015030722667Can a religion of immorality, or moral inferiority, meet the needs of struggling men?"
mdp.39015030722667Can any Northern man think without shame of the"carpet- bag"days which followed the Civil War in the South?
mdp.39015030722667Can we reasonably expect the non- Christian Japanese to do better by the Koreans than Christian nations have done by their conquered peoples?
mdp.39015030722667Did He not find thee poor, yet riches around thee spread?
mdp.39015030722667Has any land under Moslem rule a public- school system or public libraries?
mdp.39015030722667How and where are our women to get pure air?
mdp.39015030722667How and where are they to get healthy exercise?
mdp.39015030722667How are faith and works related in the Moslem system?
mdp.39015030722667How are these possible if the present system of purdah is main- tained?
mdp.39015030722667How can Mohammed's heart a falsehood state?
mdp.39015030722667How do the requirements of prayer and fasting prove that Islam can not be a universal religion?
mdp.39015030722667How do we know that the conversion was genuine?
mdp.39015030722667ISLAM 19 When thy feet went astray, were they not to the right path led?
mdp.39015030722667In what languages is the Bible found at the Bible depot in Bangkok?
mdp.39015030722667In what sense were the Crusades a missionary movement?
mdp.39015030722667Is it possible that I, the poor Moslem, have entered into the Kingdom of Heaven before you, the learned citizen of a Christian nation?
mdp.39015030722667Its work, begun in 1875, is small, there la ° d 5?ssion i- i I-?
mdp.39015030722667Judson Meantime, Judson and Price had been arrested imprisoned ftt Aya?
mdp.39015030722667June g?
mdp.39015030722667Korean The limit of Japanese patience was reached Diplomacy when, in the spring 0f 1907?
mdp.39015030722667Mention the chief difficulties in work for Moslems'under Turkish rule?
mdp.39015030722667Mirza Ibrahim?
mdp.39015030722667One word she uttered, or was it a moan of inarticulate grief?
mdp.39015030722667Shall not that very fact fire us, as it fired those Japanese heroes?
mdp.39015030722667Shall we not fling ourselves up the glacis Win?
mdp.39015030722667The foreigner is kind and pays my honest wages; why should I forsake him?"
mdp.39015030722667The inva- riable salutation was a smiling inquiry:"Have you come in peace?"
mdp.39015030722667Un- Can Islam be a Bless- ing?
mdp.39015030722667Under British rule in Egypt?
mdp.39015030722667Was Islam a blessing to pagan Africa?
mdp.39015030722667Was Mohammed a kind husband?
mdp.39015030722667Was it to shame the Church that a lonely, aged man was permitted to raise the King's banner in response to Mac- kay's plea, and to die in doing it?
mdp.39015030722667What Bible promises are there for the final and complete success of missions in Moslem lands?
mdp.39015030722667What are the chief amusements forbidden by the Moslem religion?
mdp.39015030722667What are the opportunities for medical missions in Afghanistan, Bokhara, Turkestan, western Arabia?
mdp.39015030722667What are the opportunities for medical work in Turkey?
mdp.39015030722667What commercial products are exported to Europe and America?
mdp.39015030722667What effect has gambling, the characteristic vice oE Siam, had upon the character of the people?
mdp.39015030722667What have I done, thought I, to merit all this scorn?
mdp.39015030722667What influence has Robert College exerted on Turkish Mohammedanism?
mdp.39015030722667What is the area and population of Siam as com- pared with New England?
mdp.39015030722667What is the present commercial condition of Morocco?
mdp.39015030722667What is the relation between the national move- ment in Egypt and Pan- Islamism?
mdp.39015030722667What is the total Moslem population of Siam?
mdp.39015030722667What is the total area of the Moslem lands still wholly unoccupied by missions?
mdp.39015030722667What opportunities are there for literary work on behalf of the Mohammedans of China?
mdp.39015030722667What opportunities are there for women as medi- cal missionaries in the following cities: Hyderabad, Kabul, Bagdad, Sanaa, Fez, Timbuktu, Muscat?
mdp.39015030722667What religions did Islam meet in its early con- quests?
mdp.39015030722667What were the causes for its rapid spread and wide conquest?
mdp.39015030722667Where are the chief mission printing- presses for the Mohammedan World located?
mdp.39015030722667Which articles of the Apostle's Creed would be ac- cepted by a Moslem?
mdp.39015030722667Which large denominations in America have no missionary work whatever among Moslems?
mdp.39015030722667Why did Islam not enter Japan?
mdp.39015030722667Why do you with him on his vision debate?
mdp.39015030722667Will Government let me go away for three years before the time of my furlough arrives?
mdp.39015030722667are we blind enough not to see the prodigies of your progress?
mdp.39015012290295A mania of destruction?
mdp.39015012290295Again, however, the same decisive but as yet unanswered questions return: Can the Court be purified?
mdp.39015012290295And, finally, can the great multitude, the Korean populace, be made more intelligent, law- abiding, and morally sound?
mdp.39015012290295And, under such circumstances, what could any magistrate do who understood only one of the two languages?
mdp.39015012290295But how about the Koreans themselves; had we won, even to the beginnings of real and constant friendly feeling, any among their number?
mdp.39015012290295But if Your Majesty's generosity should at last induce you to yield, what shall be done then?
mdp.39015012290295But what is history?
mdp.39015012290295But, then, in what part of America, or country of Europe, is such a prophet now to be found?
mdp.39015012290295By the first of the Protocols?
mdp.39015012290295Can an honest and efficient Korean official class be secured, trained, and supported by the nation?
mdp.39015012290295Can her rulers be made to rule at least in some semblance of righteousness, as preparatory to its more perfect and substantial form?
mdp.39015012290295Further: no foreign nation, least of all my own, whose constitution and traditional practice forbade such a thing,?
mdp.39015012290295I asked myself, and was unable to answer: Are the Christian agencies at work in Korea furnishing that voice, in a manner and measure to meet the need?
mdp.39015012290295In Korea* The Far East( London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1901), p. 337 1.?
mdp.39015012290295Is she to sit down and watch the Russian flood descending on her fields without attempting to set up a barrier?
mdp.39015012290295It was proof to?
mdp.39015012290295It was proposed to send a second envoy to remonstrate(?)
mdp.39015012290295Its reception was followed by the “ sincere(?)
mdp.39015012290295Not a week passes but you come in personal contact with cases of injustice and bru- tality that would mean a riot in any civilized country. ”?
mdp.39015012290295Or what culpability in the land and soil of Korea?
mdp.39015012290295Or — as involving sub- ordinate questions of great importance- upon what founda- tion of principles should the task be undertaken?
mdp.39015012290295RULERS AND PEOPLE 297 order, to obey law, and to respect human rights?
mdp.39015012290295The Convention of February, however, was no sooner concluded than His* Manchuria and Korea, p. 119.?
mdp.39015012290295The Marquis asked what he meant by “ ordered ”; did he mean an Imperial order?
mdp.39015012290295The market rate varies according to the condition of supply?
mdp.39015012290295The whole transaction was reported by the Korean Daily News of Seoul with its cus- tomary felicitous(?)
mdp.39015012290295Therefore we ate more and worked less; for what could we do with the surplus but eat it?
mdp.39015012290295Through what organ, then, could a stranger help the Resident- General in his be- nevolent plans for the welfare of the people of Korea?
mdp.39015012290295What could be done by others for a country where the men who should be leaders behaved habitually in a so unmanly way?
mdp.39015012290295What impres- sions, then, seemed warranted by my observations as to the soundness and efficacy of these two forces?
mdp.39015012290295Where is he going?
mdp.39015012290295who know nothing about the affair?
mdp.39015012290295“ Where did this remarkable pronunciamento come from? ” was, of course, my first inquiry.
uc1.b3883200* H: heart t sinful and wicked, an thār- you- cannot be justified in the presence of a holy and righteous God?
uc1.b3883200- “ What is Budhism in China at the present moment?
uc1.b3883200-S ra 3* r. •e la y?
uc1.b388320024. tya or tcha,-or between t and to?.
uc1.b3883200After all, what advantage would it be, placed as it is at the extremity of China?
uc1.b3883200And is there no literary society, either in Europe or America, which has anything to spare for the Chinese?
uc1.b3883200And what did all this pa- geantry and talent achieve?
uc1.b3883200And why, all this array of men and means?
uc1.b3883200As a mali of leårning he had few equals, and who amongst us can compare with him in fervent zeal?
uc1.b3883200But is such an undertaking possible 1 is it possible to reach those remote regions and open there a highway for the nations?
uc1.b3883200But what sys- tem of religion, in its principles and effects, is com- parable to Christianity?
uc1.b3883200But where is the wisdom of multiplying im- practicable laws?
uc1.b3883200But'alas, what does all'this avail to the dead?
uc1.b3883200Does he complain, and is the robber caught?
uc1.b3883200Does it enrich its inhabitants Clothe the naked 1 Feed the hungry Instruct the ignorant?
uc1.b3883200Does the emperor of China claim divine honors? ” See Morrison's Memoir, p. 142.
uc1.b3883200Has not his immolation up to this day, remained unavenged?
uc1.b3883200Has not the Chinese commerce of Great Britain been purchased with the blood of the gunner of the Lady Haghes?
uc1.b3883200Have not the Russians penetrated to the utmost confines of the frozen regions of Siberia?
uc1.b3883200Have we not been told by the Chinese, that blood for blood is the law of their empire, and have we not submissively subscribed to it?
uc1.b3883200He again?
uc1.b3883200Heal the sick?
uc1.b3883200How is this to be explained?
uc1.b3883200I have seen rough sailors, whose sensibility is not very remarkable, stand astonished and ask themselves, what strange faith and idolatry is this?
uc1.b3883200In conversing with the head priest, I ask- ed him in what state those who went to Nigban( commonly translated an- nihilation) existed?
uc1.b3883200In what a position then would an authority be placed?
uc1.b3883200Is it her numbers?
uc1.b3883200Is it her position?
uc1.b3883200Men, educated men, and thought fit to be governors over millions, thus petitioning for honors to be conferred on — what?
uc1.b3883200Shall their films be bounded by that narrow limit?
uc1.b3883200This slug,( Onchidium?)
uc1.b3883200To be deprived of every social enjoyment, of every domestic comfort, and pent up in a space to which the King's Bench is a domain?
uc1.b3883200To what useful end is it devoted 1 Does it adorn the city?
uc1.b3883200What aid will you call?
uc1.b3883200What is it which has given to that nation her high rank, and her commanding influ- ence?
uc1.b3883200What melioration of grievances did it effect?
uc1.b3883200When the Christian and heathen neigh- bors who came to visit them, saw this and expressed their surprise, the father said: ‘ Why should we mourn?
uc1.b3883200Whāt less than this does the two thousand years'monotheisun of the world, while yet no Bible was given, prove?'
uc1.b3883200Will any reasonable man maintain that there was not sufficient cause for insisting upon it, coute qui coute, or that the same causes do not now exist?
uc1.b3883200With eighty or a hundred ships then annually visiting this port, shall there be no medical aid provided for their sick?
uc1.b3883200ance to the Chinese nation?
uc1.b3883200come greater obstacles than now impede our progress into central Asia?
uc1.b3883200feelings ought a missionary to be impressed when he sees so great a nation under the abject control of disgusting idolatry?
uc1.b3883200of Budha. ” The teacher asked the priest, By what means can I influence mankind?
uc1.b3883200º n’råk y?
uc1.b3883200“ But, ” he inquired, “ is not Mo- hammed spoken of in your Scrip- tures 7 was he not the son of Abra- ham, and the last of all the prophets?
uc1.b3883200“ How is he, ” said the nakodak, “ who was the son of Mary, the son of God?
uc1.b3883200“ Ought we therefore to del spair in regard to the Javanese?
mdp.39015000690696-- has it, in any modified form, survived the introduction of other languages into the world?
mdp.3901500069069621 natives from the coast of China, at Singapore, Java, Bankok, and many other settlements in those seas?
mdp.39015000690696351 If this be the case, then, how is the art of poetry taught?
mdp.3901500069069671 subsist between five or six of its symbols and a proper name in another language?
mdp.39015000690696A voice from within asked who was there?
mdp.39015000690696Alas for the mass of the people; who shall relieve them from their calamities?'
mdp.39015000690696But it may be asked, what other means are in operation by which juster conceptions of the Creator of the universe might be diffused among the Chinese?
mdp.39015000690696But what is the basis of this boasted perfection of Chinese sages?
mdp.39015000690696But what, it may be asked, is the nature of the evidence adduced to favour the phonetic system?
mdp.39015000690696Does it neces- sarily resolve itself into distinct elements, known to us as letters, or were these the result of special revelation from God?
mdp.39015000690696How can the slain live again?
mdp.39015000690696If riches abound, persons can be employed to distribute them; why should trouble be anticipated?
mdp.39015000690696In reply he was required to state what present he proposed to make if the doors were opened?
mdp.39015000690696Is it probable these important affairs were in dis- order until the time of the five emperors?
mdp.39015000690696Is not such a theory in direct opposition to all reason?
mdp.39015000690696Is not this a strong circumstance in favour of the opinion that they are the aborigines?
mdp.39015000690696Let chariots and official garments be in constant use, and then who will dare to refuse submission?
mdp.39015000690696Much matter for interesting debate might be supplied by raising points on the inquiry- what is sound?
mdp.39015000690696Now do not the Egyptian hieroglyphics require a very similar process of illustration?
mdp.39015000690696The questions then are, what agreement subsists between the principles on which the two languages are based?
mdp.39015000690696What method, then, would seem to be the most obvious and rational?
mdp.39015000690696What, then, are the notions entertained of this important personage?
mdp.39015000690696What, then, it will be asked, is the notion attached to heaven?
mdp.39015000690696When ability, intelligence, and goodness pre- side over a flourishing community, from what source can trouble arise?
mdp.39015000690696Where there are many sons, situations will be provided; what need is there of fear?
mdp.39015000690696Who can give back the people taken captive?
mdp.39015000690696Who can ima- gine that a person is appointed, on the part of heaven, to judge crimes, and determine their punishment?
mdp.39015000690696Whom will the multitude respect if they do not venerate their sovereign?
mdp.39015000690696Why abdicate the throne for the sake of the Meaou?
mdp.39015000690696Why does Ming cherish resentment against me alone?
mdp.39015000690696Why fear deceitful words, a specious countenance, and a fair exterior?
mdp.39015000690696Yu worshipped, and said,- May it please your majesty, how can I speak?
mdp.39015000690696and how can a prince de- fend his territories except in conjunction with his people?
mdp.39015000690696and on what errand the visitor had come?
mdp.39015000690696and whither, in his earthly migrations, is he constantly tend- ing?
mdp.39015000690696but to be understood in speaking would require both more numerous and more familiar characters, as IT IT AS REZEyou to what place proceed go?
mdp.39015000690696how is he treated?
mdp.39015000690696is sufficiently expressed, when written, by the phrase to be in what place and go?
mdp.39015000690696tion, where are you going to?
mdp.39015000690696who will presume at any time to dis- obey your majesty?
mdp.39015000690696“ In what manner?
mdp.39015000690696“ Who, then, disposed of it? ” “ Heaven."
inu.30000108255914But,rejoined Artabaoea,"who shall I tell him you are?
inu.30000108255914Have you dined?
inu.30000108255914Is it not clearer than daysays the deep- thinking Pascal,"that we see and feel within ourselves indelible characters of excellence?
inu.30000108255914It is asked — why write this stanza( Gatha)? inu.30000108255914 What ideas are to be discoursed upon?
inu.30000108255914What says my doctrine? inu.30000108255914 ( Blyth?) inu.30000108255914 (?) inu.30000108255914 * T.oo o p c 1 1 it K W?
inu.30000108255914*?, A U.
inu.3000010825591400 S5 Si Jo~ S3 to © o_ o « — 95 S3! C 95 « a O O O 3 3 3 2* « S|2H M H W H o s o ► J § 2 « o b Si i 5 Si S 1$ S 95 9?
inu.300001082559141. a. D. 200?
inu.300001082559141. a. d. 200?
inu.30000108255914113 J » 5^ 5 CliuDg wing Li, a faithful and just[ commander] of the metropolitan troop* and of the nocturnal guarde; i£ fH?
inu.30000108255914301 The inquiry naturally suggests itself, why has the Amoor not been used for a penal settlement — since 1852?
inu.30000108255914:"»"We have heard that the superior man* when calamity comes is not grieved, and when happiness comes is not glad, why then are you so pleased?"
inu.30000108255914A fortified(?)
inu.30000108255914And now, having once reached this pass, what have yon of good in possession or in prospect?
inu.30000108255914And why?
inu.30000108255914But if man is radically good and perfect, what is the source of sinful actions?
inu.30000108255914But if men's nature is radically and wholly vicious, whence came justice and propriety, or the moral code?
inu.30000108255914But what were the thoughts of this sage respecting Heaven, and the Great Ruler of heaven,—for the phrases mean in Chinese the same being?
inu.30000108255914Can you, will yon, any longer quietly and patiently endure these things?
inu.30000108255914He replied,"Should this be done?"
inu.30000108255914How have the inhabitants of this great empire been so long bound together and kept within the limits of Eastern Asia?
inu.30000108255914How is it that men are continually doing that which is evil?
inu.30000108255914If so, and the law of the present, conies from causes, why in this case, should not the law of the future come from causes also?
inu.30000108255914If you say that men's nature is good, then what honour do you confer upon the sage?
inu.30000108255914In Sanscrit these names are read Surtaban, Sagardagam, Anagama(?
inu.30000108255914In both kind?
inu.30000108255914In the question, Where are you going to- day?
inu.30000108255914In what Sutra has Buddha, the world's honoured one, taught such a doctrine?
inu.30000108255914In which of the Sutras are there such words as these?
inu.30000108255914JOURNAL tfoyl ASM/'* 3o"et> ° f* « f«rf«-^vW* y^1 ehf'/vf try* Vol), SHANGHAI LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY.
inu.30000108255914Of this nature, he asks, how can there be three grades?
inu.30000108255914Rather, ought it not, and must it not combine both of these?
inu.30000108255914Since the immaterial principle in man is good, whence the evil?
inu.30000108255914Such then being its magnitude, what, in conclusion, shall I say in regard to ways and means and incentives for its prosecution?
inu.30000108255914Suddenly the hurricane again commenced with a blast from the S.S.J?., veering gradually round to the eastward as it moderated.
inu.30000108255914The banks consisted of a mixture of mud and sand, on which a vast number of T\ger- beetle*( Cicindela?)
inu.30000108255914The latitude of Hankow is 30 ° 3?
inu.30000108255914The non- permanent, what is it?
inu.30000108255914This question being answered, the next was,"Then you have heard people speak of it?"
inu.30000108255914To what is the difference to be ascribed?
inu.30000108255914Was he not then, they ask, wiser than Yau and Shun?
inu.30000108255914What honors can be more lasting.than these?
inu.30000108255914What is its meaning?
inu.30000108255914What man's opinions is it intended to overthrow?
inu.30000108255914What meaning is there in that which you now say?
inu.30000108255914What was the use of a close attention to external show in mourning, if the heart did not feel grieved?
inu.30000108255914Whence all the tribes of men in Eastern Asia, and on the isles of the wide North and South Pacific?
inu.30000108255914Who will be able to carry out my doctrines?"
inu.30000108255914Who will search out their origin and rehearse to us the narratives of the first adventurers in these half- unexplored regions?
inu.30000108255914Why not at once give SB your adhesion?
inu.30000108255914Why now has it been thus with the Chinese?
inu.30000108255914Why oppose our Heavenly Dynasty?
inu.30000108255914Why so?
inu.30000108255914Why then any longer, with shame and infamy, continue to he their slaves and menials?
inu.30000108255914Why then does not every sage, whose business it is to explain how the world ought to be governed, adopt this principle and exhort men to mutual love?
inu.30000108255914With the fate of Kiying before them, who can wonder?
inu.30000108255914\X t^^A'-^.w?,.*-?
inu.30000108255914_ £.,A 3L 2* A yssj^A jn?
inu.30000108255914and is it not fully as clear, that we experience every moment the effects of deplorable baseness?
inu.30000108255914nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, that thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, and steep my senses in forgetfulness?"
inu.30000108255914no shallows appear to exist after passing Footsz- kow, until approach- in?
inu.30000108255914ptS i3^'JiV?
inu.30000108255914virtuous men?
wu.89077021293'Have you anything left for breakfast?'
wu.89077021293'How did you get the bread?'
wu.89077021293'What did you have for dinner to- day?'
wu.89077021293'What did you have for supper last night?'
wu.8907702129317 I 30?
wu.89077021293All for what?
wu.89077021293As it was once my privilege(?)
wu.89077021293At the close of the meeting she said: “ Wo n't you please let me come every Sunday night?
wu.89077021293But one might ask, Has Dr. Hall forgotten his calling to the foreign field?
wu.89077021293But this chicken you brought to sell to the market, did you not? ” “ Yes, sir,"said they.
wu.89077021293Can a man have no house?
wu.89077021293Cho.—"Must I go and empty- handed,'Must I meet my Saviour so?
wu.89077021293Do you know how my heart feel?
wu.89077021293Do you not think that it is more than probable that your dear husband and my dear wife are glorifying God more now than ever before?
wu.89077021293Does medical missionary work pay in Pyong Yang?
wu.89077021293Has anyone heard anything from Malcolm?
wu.89077021293How could you buy it? ” asked her husband.
wu.89077021293How did he become so?
wu.89077021293How did you come to lose them? ” “ Why a Japanese soldier, whom I had the misfortune to meet on the street, told me to give them to him.
wu.89077021293How is that?"
wu.89077021293How much do you owe?'
wu.89077021293I mean what I say, that I sympathize with you most sincerely, but how can I comfort you?
wu.89077021293I said,'Katie, how are you getting on?'
wu.89077021293Is there any other way whereby we could gain a greater influence over these people?
wu.89077021293Is there any plan in which I can help you or your little one?
wu.89077021293Just beyond the “ Peking Pass"music(?)
wu.89077021293MY DEAR FRIEND: What can I write you at such a time as this?
wu.89077021293MY VERY DEAR MRS. HALL: How are you, dear doctor, and is your baby very well?
wu.89077021293Must I empty- handed go?
wu.89077021293Not one soul with which to greet Him?
wu.89077021293One day I asked him why he let the children bother him so much, and he turned to me and said: “ Brother, what makes you so cold and hard?
wu.89077021293One of his efforts was the procuring of an organ for the Sunday school; who else would have had courage to canvass a neighborhood so sparsely settled?
wu.89077021293She asked, “ What is it?"
wu.89077021293Sometimes the people would laugh and mock, and the owner of the inn would ask, “ Why do you kneel down and pray before you eat?"
wu.89077021293The first day I went among them, one who spoke a little English came up to me and said: “ You a good man?
wu.89077021293The magistrate said, “ These two men each said he is owner, how can I find out?
wu.89077021293The next question, “ How old are you? ” if asked of a child, literally means, How many years have you eaten?
wu.89077021293The next question, “ How old are you? ” if asked of a child, literally means, How many years have you eaten?
wu.89077021293The night of our arrival it was too late to have tents pitched, etc., so we slept(?)
wu.89077021293The question has often arisen, Is the Korean cooly 165 an arrant COW oward, or is he the bravest man alive since Jack the Giant Killer?
wu.89077021293The woman cried and said, “ Is not it an egg of a don- 211 key?
wu.89077021293WHOSE CHICKEN?
wu.89077021293What are your plans now?
wu.89077021293What good man is not?
wu.89077021293What had I better do? ” “ Why, take your own part, Jim, and give him a right good thrashing, as he deserves, his uncle replied.
wu.89077021293What happened?
wu.89077021293What is the matter with him?
wu.89077021293What, think you, was his first step?
wu.89077021293Where was his power?
wu.89077021293Who can?
wu.89077021293Who gives more to men that are unworthy than God does?
wu.89077021293Who is Dr. Hall?
wu.89077021293Why did you not wait a little longer? ” The man then also believed it was really an egg of a donkey.
wu.89077021293Why should our tears in sorrow flow When God recalls his own, And bids them leave a world of woe, For an immortal crown?
wu.89077021293Why should she know any- thing beyond cooking and sewing?
wu.89077021293Why should this man succeed where others failed?
wu.89077021293Will you go on with your missionary work?
wu.89077021293Wo n't you please let me come every Sunday?
wu.89077021293“ And now that those times are forever at an end, what have been the results of it all?
wu.89077021293“ How can a donkey have eggs?
wu.89077021293“ How much did you pay for it? ” he said.
wu.89077021293“ My very precious sister, how are you to- day, and my dear brother, Dr. Hall, is he quite well?
wu.89077021293“ Then what did you feed the chicken at your houses when you left your houses in the morn- ing?"
wu.89077021293“ Will He come first?
umn.31951t00248565l( 2) Will it be necessary to make special provisions in the new agreement for an air attack?
umn.31951t00248565l( 3) Should the new agreement contain provisions for arbitration and conciliation, as does the Treaty of Locarno?
umn.31951t00248565l( 3) This practice applies to practically all items on the prohibited list and individual exceptions for special reasons[ appear?]
umn.31951t00248565l( c) Where should negotiations be held?
umn.31951t00248565l2) If so, is the threat of collective force against Germany the most auspicious method of approach?
umn.31951t00248565l322 FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1936, VOLUME I With reference to the proposed meeting at Brussels the Foreign Office observed that Turkish[ Italian?']
umn.31951t00248565l348 FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1936, VOLUME I ment?
umn.31951t00248565lA[ statement by?]
umn.31951t00248565lAccording to information I have recently telegraphed, German rearmament up to the size declared on March 17[ 16?]
umn.31951t00248565lAfter consulting with the President, the Chairman of the Commission, and Mr. Hoover?
umn.31951t00248565lAm I authorized to sign and in that case when may I ex- pect to receive my full power?
umn.31951t00248565lAmerican firms have been practically shut out of the trade in egg and petroleum products Comission?]
umn.31951t00248565lAs regards the Russian naval negotiations Craigie3 stated Soviets were[ at?]
umn.31951t00248565lAt that same time the French would[ order?]
umn.31951t00248565lChatfield told us that the British want the 14-inch gun because they can not build both a[ fast?]
umn.31951t00248565lDid I believe that it might be possible to reach such an understanding?
umn.31951t00248565lDo you desire an American to participate and, if so, which of the three methods outlined above do you prefer?
umn.31951t00248565lDo you wish me to send it by the direct wire or bring it with me on the Queen Mary?
umn.31951t00248565lDoes not De- partment agree that, in view of Premier Colijn's repeated assurances and the fact that[ after?]
umn.31951t00248565lHas there been any discussion on the question of the scrapping called for under the present treaties?
umn.31951t00248565lHave you any opinion on this or alternative suggestions?
umn.31951t00248565lHe expected to continue the same pro- Polish[ policy?]
umn.31951t00248565lHe finally said:"You mean that you think we should make no offer whatsoever?"
umn.31951t00248565lHe then said:"It is a horrible absurdity that at a[ time?]
umn.31951t00248565lHull 500.C1112/41: Telegram The Consul at Geneva( Gilbert) to the Secretary of State Geneva, October 2[.?
umn.31951t00248565lHull's remarks on October 8 to Ambassador Horinouchi?
umn.31951t00248565lI am sure it will lend[ lead?]
umn.31951t00248565lI then inquired whether the British statesmen had any alternative in mind for this unthinkable military possibility UNITED KINGDOM 689 ahead?
umn.31951t00248565lIf not included, is it the intention to retain 10,000-ton 6.1-inch cruisers in a separate category?
umn.31951t00248565lIf so what steps did I consider advisable?
umn.31951t00248565lIn his recent conversa- tion with Ambassador Phipps, Hitler, in effect, put[ aside?]
umn.31951t00248565lIn the circum- stances I venture to suggest that a copy of the memorandum be given to the British Ambassador at Washington since these[ this?]
umn.31951t00248565lIn view of foregoing does the Department wish me to take any action before the meeting of the Rubber Committee?
umn.31951t00248565lIndeed could such a mobiliza- tion take place in the present temper of the French people?
umn.31951t00248565lIt is perfectly proper and legitimate for the new Government in China which are endeavouring to solidify their foundation[ to?]
umn.31951t00248565lMight not civil war ensue?
umn.31951t00248565lOn the other hand it may well develop that[ if?]
umn.31951t00248565lOn the other hand, the Belgian Government does not see now[ how?]
umn.31951t00248565lRemoval of all such ob- stacles it[ is?]
umn.31951t00248565lSuch practice, the Japanese official con- tended, was “ dangerous ”.?.
umn.31951t00248565lThe Australian Government's intention[ is?]
umn.31951t00248565lThe British are ap- parently ready to[ agree to?]
umn.31951t00248565lThe first of[ these?]
umn.31951t00248565lUnder these circumstances, what value do any future agreements which the present Government of Germany enters into have?
umn.31951t00248565lWas that not my impression?
umn.31951t00248565lWe do not want dinars or crowns so why should we seek gold reciprocity from those countries?
umn.31951t00248565lWhat could the possible advantages be?
umn.31951t00248565lWhat is the reason for all this?
umn.31951t00248565lWhat was now needed[ was?]
umn.31951t00248565lWhere shall we find them?
umn.31951t00248565lWho knows whether one of these days we shall not see at the White House some German- American?
umn.31951t00248565lWhy should we restrict the use of gold in settling balances between our own and other countries?
umn.31951t00248565lWould French soldiers have to be mobilized to save the existence of the Bolshevik regime?
umn.31951t00248565lWould it not enable us to send our guns out to the Philippines?
umn.31951t00248565lWould not the loyalty of the Reichswehr be doubtful?
umn.31951t00248565lWould not the population, mindful of the horrors and privations of the last war and of Hitler's frequent pledges of peace, rise up in revolt?
umn.31951t00248565lWould this not serve as at least one important preparatory step facilitating the composition of polit- ical difficulties?
umn.31951t00248565lXXXIV, p. 32.?
umn.31951t00248565lYour Majesty is of the same opinion now?"
umn.31951t00248565lpresent[ ready?]
mdp.39015047746063----------- Who is to be made responsible?
mdp.390150477460632 Ti- kg w8-dg lù- la kān- chi- s?
mdp.390150477460639 Chin- kwāng tsiiſ- shi kiáng- hid shi- kiai chat?
mdp.39015047746063Am I not your wife?
mdp.39015047746063And what more shall I tell you?
mdp.39015047746063But if the Chinese Government puts down the rebellion, can it at the same time survive the help it expects or has received from Europe?
mdp.39015047746063But the servant- girl exclaimed, “ What is the use of your thus bewailing over his inanimate body?
mdp.39015047746063Can I covet honours and sacrifice my daughter? ’ ‘ Your views,'replied San- e- sang, “ are quite wrong.
mdp.39015047746063Does it not surprise you?
mdp.39015047746063Does it originate in the intercourse of so many nations in ancient times, who were reared in the same cradle?
mdp.39015047746063Does it proceed from a like tendency of the human mind?
mdp.39015047746063Does it, with reference to a sister art, make no difference in music whether two or three notes be struck in the same measured time — or only one?
mdp.39015047746063Given, the sum of the altitude and hypothenuse, and the base; to find the altitude:- b+c- a?
mdp.39015047746063Has God no more compassion?
mdp.39015047746063How could they refrain from swallowing their complaints, and drinking their tears?
mdp.39015047746063How in the pursuit of wealth by commerce shall we avoid complications with the native governments?
mdp.39015047746063How then can you suspect me of wishing to compass your destruction?
mdp.39015047746063How then did you dare to call me a fiend?
mdp.39015047746063Hung- Siu- tshuen now thought with himself, “ If we, because of the true doctrine, suffer such persecution, what may be the design of God in this?"
mdp.39015047746063Hung- jin merely replied, “ Am I not the teacher?
mdp.39015047746063If we are to use the Roman alphabet, why not avail ourselves of every typographical help?
mdp.39015047746063Kan yon than kö, hi lut won tshyi sz sz tº ham tatt ka?
mdp.39015047746063Kan yon was yu tshak nyin tshut Šē, loi tsā yu thai nyin ka?
mdp.39015047746063Like some who lean on their tables, and grow unprofitably old, Who exert not their strength in the proper time?
mdp.39015047746063Must she not dread the ambition of England and Russia?
mdp.39015047746063Ngô sén kii- kā tīk- ts?, Yé- sii Ki- tiik, haſ ngã- ti- kā chii.
mdp.39015047746063Or must we recognize in what we call fables a portion of history itself, though more or less changed?
mdp.39015047746063The Dragon expands his claws, as if the road in the clouds were too narrow; And when he ascends, why should he fear the bent of the milky- way?
mdp.39015047746063The magistrate then demanded of Le whence he had obtained the money, and where was the thief?
mdp.39015047746063The servant asked her what was the matter?
mdp.39015047746063Wei, Ni Tsz- kia ſij,#+{{?
mdp.39015047746063What day shall we triumphantly ascend?
mdp.39015047746063What is a spirit? ” He answered, “ A man without a shadow. ” He enquired, “ See if I have a shadow"And he had none.
mdp.39015047746063What shall be done with China?
mdp.39015047746063What then shall be done at the present juncture?
mdp.39015047746063What wrong then could there be in giving the Dayaks an un- mistakable proof of the folly of their superstitious notions?
mdp.39015047746063When find again true sympathy and virtue, And joyful tones mingle without restraint?
mdp.39015047746063Where shall I procure funds for the maintenance of the force, pending the orders of Her Majesty's Government?
mdp.39015047746063Where shall the wave of our commercial activity be stayed Where the influence of our civilization and our religion begin?
mdp.39015047746063While writing a work upon the non- existence of terrestrial spirits, a man appeared, and said, “ How do you know there are none?
mdp.39015047746063Who will go?'
mdp.39015047746063Why haunt we then, the sylvan's mossy shrine — Why ask what harvest shall our toils attend?
mdp.39015047746063Why should not the usual accents, which were used by the Jesuit missionaries, suffice?
mdp.39015047746063Why then should man, in whose power so much of his own weal or woe is placed, refuse to follow these teachings?
mdp.39015047746063Woji tshyū ham tshe tso tsi sz kai, lau să yu laſt thai, yi khip ts?
mdp.39015047746063[ June 3, 1864. cried, “ And have you again followed me, O spawn of the Devil?
mdp.39015047746063are you going to do nothing but abuse me?
mdp.39015047746063dost thou not know that these are the jewels of the great Prince Liang which thou hast stolen?
mdp.39015047746063from all the quarters of the earth What men shall stand by me?
mdp.39015047746063ki tsak yu tshoi lem kai nyin loi mun min phak, mak kai si thu ka?
mdp.39015047746063min tsun thuk su nyin, kan yon mun ki: ki tuk ton tshai mak ka?
mdp.39015047746063won; ki tshoi lai tsak than li f iai tshoi tui pen khon tatt kya sin syuk; so yi thit s?
mdp.39015047746063— In what language was Marco Polo's work first written?
mdp.39015047746063“ How is this? ” said the examiner, “ you know nothing at all! ” “ Yes sir, I know Chinese. ” “ What!
mdp.39015047746063“ The affairs of the world are all hurry and trouble — without end; Why, then, with bitter anxiety — waste the heart's springs?
mdp.39015047746063“ Well, ” said the Patih, “ what do you want of me?
yale.39002006042122About 6 miles from this point the high land begins to rise towards the North? yale.39002006042122 Saw also about 5 hours after noon straight ahead to the N. a glimpse of a very high mountain which shone much with the snow?
yale.39002006042122Someivhat later in the day again got soundings in 50 fathoms, and cast anchor in 47 fathoms coarse sand bottom, let go our bower- anchor? yale.39002006042122 to the E?
yale.39002006042122( Ka- mui- iroka?)
yale.39002006042122): a Buprestis, Sino kane haram( Ai?w), KinKwako?
yale.39002006042122- Canis?
yale.390020060421222 miles from us?
yale.3900200604212243 ° 16'N., and is very clearly described:"gave that cape the name of Cape de Manshooft, because it appears like a head?
yale.3900200604212243 ° 25', to the N. W. by N. at a distance of at least 20 miles, is the volcano Tsjatsja noburi, to which Vries gave the name of"Pieck Antony?
yale.3900200604212248 ° 26'N. to be 7 ° 30'E. and"de compassen op 9 ° oostering gelegt?
yale.3900200604212249 and the place that Hhese inhabitants named Takolekan and Rackokan, and which they pointed out as lying N. E. by N?
yale.3900200604212273 was a stream running here, but on account of the stiff gale could remark but little ofhoio it ran?
yale.39002006042122? 165.
yale.39002006042122? Enydris marina.
yale.39002006042122Ai- undo nitida, K.& b.?
yale.39002006042122Another such cross stood at the commencement of the forest?
yale.39002006042122As far as to nearly 38 ° N.Lat., Vries often complains of"fearfully dark mist?
yale.39002006042122Bambusa sive Arundinaria, Take J., Top?
yale.39002006042122Before leaving this coast however and sailing into the"great Bay of Eso?
yale.39002006042122But did Vries really make such an error of 52'in the latitude?
yale.39002006042122Cape Patientie therefore received the second name of"Caep Keer JFeer?
yale.39002006042122Cynoglossum spec, Hama murusaki?
yale.39002006042122Einzelne Brandungen konnte man nach Osten zu, so iveit das Auge reichte wahrnehmen?
yale.39002006042122Erianthus spec, Kaja?
yale.39002006042122Filix, Pteris?, Warabi J., Toha, edible.
yale.39002006042122Fossen island lay about 3% miles W. from the rugged mountain of the Staelerilant, so that this Canal is about 3 miles wide?
yale.39002006042122Fragaria indica, And.?
yale.39002006042122G. Inki, A., Onikaja?
yale.39002006042122Gedaene Ontdeckinghe?
yale.39002006042122I merely remark this because it is said in the Log:"Further up the coast has many bays, but no anchorage where one can be protected against the sea?
yale.39002006042122Imolsilsi, A., Jama nasi?
yale.39002006042122In the upper part of the valley of the Pym, one every where sees the fir- tree( Abies je- zoensis?)
yale.39002006042122Is all well at home?
yale.39002006042122Is it as you say?
yale.39002006042122JF., heard continually the land- sea and great rushing of water and much scream-* n9 ° f cliff- mews?
yale.39002006042122JFe gave it the name of Robben( Seal) island?
yale.39002006042122JFe learned that the stream here runs backwards and fonvards along the shore?
yale.39002006042122Jama iora nowo-?
yale.39002006042122Keannak'hauM an koratsi an?
yale.39002006042122Lat.,) on sounding were found to have black sandground, at a depth of from 40 lo 36 fathoms?
yale.39002006042122Lepus brachyurus F. J.?
yale.39002006042122Loligo brevis?
yale.39002006042122Meilen ausmacht?
yale.39002006042122Nepu karukuse jaibasjare?
yale.39002006042122Off this island they endeavoured to examine"the capabi lities of this canal?
yale.39002006042122On the 5th of June Vries was off this place and saw"many seals and much drift?
yale.39002006042122On the map of Hhe Kuril Islands according to v. Krusenstern, v. Siebolda^f?
yale.39002006042122On the other hand the mate Coen, on the 20* Juue, believes that they were"drifted first to the N. W. and then to the N?
yale.39002006042122Otis tarda?
yale.39002006042122Phyllostachys?, Sasa?
yale.39002006042122Phyllostachys?, Sasa?
yale.39002006042122Primula cortusoides, L.?
yale.39002006042122Rosa spec, lwara?
yale.39002006042122Rubus molucanu3, L?
yale.39002006042122S. spec, Hadaka hodsuki?
yale.39002006042122Solanum caroliniense, L.?
yale.39002006042122Some Aino dialogues may serve for an example of the construction and idiom: Ikoro kotan siri monosiri anna?
yale.39002006042122THE ISLAND OF It I S I It 1 DESCRIBED, 75 a chain of continually active volcanoes?
yale.39002006042122Tan ithuikari bajasi aiine nekona kotan ana?
yale.39002006042122That of Onnebels on the N. coast is probably the"bay where one is safe from all winds?
yale.39002006042122The high mountain where earth was found"which seemed very mineral and to contain silver?
yale.39002006042122The mate Coen says:"The water rises a fathom here( Salmbay) on and off, several times a day?
yale.39002006042122The soundings taken on the 13tn of June at the la titude of 44 ° 20'N. confirm the position of Peak An tony opposite the"rugged mountain?
yale.39002006042122The"recognizable mountain with a notch at the top?
yale.39002006042122This lake which receives its supply of fresh water from the"high interior mostly covered with snow on the summits?
yale.39002006042122This point following, to what place comes one?
yale.39002006042122This reef was broken, in some places the cliffs lying above water; there was a rapid stream to the East?
yale.39002006042122V. sihirica, L.?
yale.39002006042122Vaecinium Chamissonis, bong.?
yale.39002006042122Vz E. 6 or 7 miles from us( Gout- sioer), where a river seemed to run as far as we could see; we also saio land B. by N?
yale.39002006042122Why make you quarrel?
yale.39002006042122a Corone?
yale.39002006042122b. N. we saw some mountains, on which were summits like flat topped steeples?
yale.39002006042122by account 45 ° 41'N,"a glimpse of land io W. and W. N. W. and then again it was covered loith mist?
yale.39002006042122digitat., Kizi musiro?
yale.39002006042122for as far as we could follow it with our eyes?
yale.39002006042122lain, on which lo the W. end stood a mountain in shape like a farmers barn,( Boerenschuer), and is also the highest of that chain?
yale.39002006042122latitude 41 ° 31'N. and 140 ° 50'F. of Greenwich?
yale.39002006042122p. J.?
yale.39002006042122point or lower point ofthe Tepelberch?
yale.39002006042122tus orieutalis?
yale.39002006042122was full of mews, was so steep that il was not pos sible to climb it; this cliff was full a musketshot high?
yale.39002006042122» »?
mdp.39015000584972'I there,she shouted,"hy'nt ya speakin'no more?"
mdp.39015000584972And did he bring many of these little white pamphlets with him?
mdp.39015000584972And have you anything to say to the court?
mdp.39015000584972And then?
mdp.39015000584972And what happened to him?
mdp.39015000584972And what,I asked,"if Tokyo is bombed?"
mdp.39015000584972Are n't you Russian?
mdp.39015000584972Are you English or Americans?
mdp.39015000584972Bak Hon?
mdp.39015000584972But I think it would be better if"Listen, you Limey bastard, do you shut up or do I mash in your face?
mdp.39015000584972But ca n't you realize there's an old man and old wom- an in there alone with that Jap?
mdp.39015000584972But how could you find a place alone in that crowd?
mdp.39015000584972But how many?
mdp.39015000584972But what could happen to you, Nat? mdp.39015000584972 But where is the other?"
mdp.39015000584972But where?
mdp.39015000584972Can you drive a lorry?
mdp.39015000584972Can you shoot a rifle?
mdp.39015000584972Did he tell you that sweeping changes must be made?
mdp.39015000584972Did n't I tell you what a dirty little swine you popped, Kate?
mdp.39015000584972Did n't you see those men down there on the street?
mdp.39015000584972Did not one single man get through that ring of bayo- nets?
mdp.39015000584972Did you ever hear your father speak against the Soviet Union?
mdp.39015000584972Do n't you know this building was ordered deserted two hours ago? mdp.39015000584972 Do you not believe these things?"
mdp.39015000584972Do you really want to know the name?
mdp.39015000584972Do you see anyone waving a red cloth?
mdp.39015000584972Even in repatriation?
mdp.39015000584972Forgotten it? mdp.39015000584972 Good God, Nick, what are you doing?"
mdp.39015000584972Hey, put a little water in it, will you? mdp.39015000584972 How many have you got?"
mdp.39015000584972Just one?
mdp.39015000584972Life is wonderful, is it not, Professor? mdp.39015000584972 Mistuh Brown, would n't you like some honey?"
mdp.39015000584972Now, Mistuh Brown, ai n't you got some money?
mdp.39015000584972Patricia, did they do anything to you?
mdp.39015000584972Please, wo n't you give me just a little of the hot water to wash out this boy's wounds?
mdp.39015000584972That is your only one?
mdp.39015000584972Vy you did n't tell me how you live?
mdp.39015000584972Was Professor Orshenko a frequent caller at your house?
mdp.39015000584972Well, what can we do?
mdp.39015000584972Well, what did I lie about this time?
mdp.39015000584972What can you do?
mdp.39015000584972What do they say? mdp.39015000584972 What the bloody hell are you doing here?"
mdp.39015000584972Whatsa matter with you, Doc? mdp.39015000584972 Where da hell you been?"
mdp.39015000584972Where's the key?
mdp.39015000584972Who are you? mdp.39015000584972 Who are you?
mdp.39015000584972Why did Mommy strike me?
mdp.39015000584972Why did n't he answer? mdp.39015000584972 Why do you give to others when you know I need so badly?"
mdp.39015000584972Why does not America surrender while there is still time?
mdp.39015000584972Why no can open can?
mdp.39015000584972Why no can opener?
mdp.39015000584972Why not?
mdp.39015000584972Why you have back turned?
mdp.39015000584972Why you have hands in pocket?
mdp.39015000584972Why you have hat on head?
mdp.39015000584972Why you no bow to Nipponese soldier?
mdp.39015000584972Why you no see me?
mdp.39015000584972Why you no see?
mdp.39015000584972Why you no stand in presence of Japanese officer?
mdp.39015000584972Why, Mommy, what could they do?
mdp.39015000584972Yes, why?
mdp.39015000584972Yes? mdp.39015000584972 Are you a newcomer to the colony?
mdp.39015000584972As he talked on he became quite excited and the main thread of his conversation was:"Why does America fight us?
mdp.39015000584972But here — here — well, who knows?"
mdp.39015000584972Ca n't we have that now?"
mdp.39015000584972Could we have been victims of our imaginations?
mdp.39015000584972Did this mean arrest?
mdp.39015000584972Do n't you see?"
mdp.39015000584972HONG KONG AFTERMATH 33"No can what?"
mdp.39015000584972HONG KONG AFTERMATH 91 Mrs. Malley looked at me fearfully and asked,"What shall we do?"
mdp.39015000584972Have they no pride?"
mdp.39015000584972He walked away with a sad and dejected look as though saying,"What are the fruits of victory, anyway?"
mdp.39015000584972Hey, whatsa matter with ya?
mdp.39015000584972How can they hope to win?
mdp.39015000584972How many have you got?"
mdp.39015000584972Huh, Bud, will yuh?"
mdp.39015000584972Is something wrong?"
mdp.39015000584972McAndrew shouted,"Why did you pretend to speak Russian?"
mdp.39015000584972Mrs. Malley said hesitatingly,"Professor Brown, wo n't you just say — something?"
mdp.39015000584972My father was a fool and you're one, but do you think — do you think — that my father would mind, if I took back his name?"
mdp.39015000584972Or was it a Jap soldier?
mdp.39015000584972Shall I get ricksha?"
mdp.39015000584972She looked at us bewil- dered, and repeated,"Why did Mommy strike me?
mdp.39015000584972She would creep up to one very softly and whisper,"You like buy nice cigalettes?
mdp.39015000584972Softly we debated between ourselves as to what we should do — was it a marauder from our own camp trying to break into the supplies?
mdp.39015000584972The room rocked with our 156 HONG KONG AFTERMATH"Will you call me Lulu If I call you Jake?
mdp.39015000584972Then Dugojbovsky leaned over and asked,"You will have glass of vodka with us?"
mdp.39015000584972Vat more could ve ask?"
mdp.39015000584972Was I American?
mdp.39015000584972Was I British?
mdp.39015000584972Was I a soldier?
mdp.39015000584972Was one sitting or standing?
mdp.39015000584972Wha — what is it you ask?
mdp.39015000584972What are they doing, Brown, what can they be doing?
mdp.39015000584972What are you doing here?"
mdp.39015000584972What difference does it make if you cut off the sea lanes?
mdp.39015000584972What do they say?"
mdp.39015000584972What else could I do?
mdp.39015000584972What else could I do?
mdp.39015000584972What if after a long and bitter struggle, Japan offers a negotiated peace?
mdp.39015000584972What is the name?"
mdp.39015000584972What more can we ask?"
mdp.39015000584972What's happened out there?"
mdp.39015000584972What's happening?
mdp.39015000584972What's he want to kick an old beggar for?"
mdp.39015000584972Where have you lived?"
mdp.39015000584972Where should we do it?
mdp.39015000584972Where's everybody?"
mdp.39015000584972Where, I asked, did he get the story?
mdp.39015000584972Who are you?"
mdp.39015000584972Who are you?"
mdp.39015000584972Whom did he kill?"
mdp.39015000584972Why was I not a soldier?
mdp.39015000584972Will we then sell our ideals — the principles of democracy — to avoid further losses?
mdp.39015000584972You know there is a war?"
mdp.39015000584972You sure you ai n't got no money?"
mdp.39015000584972•"And how,"asked Hewlett, just before he left me,"can the Japanese win against a people like that?"
mdp.39015027068850& 3 āķi ģ<>naenºo ■ ■-~~-?
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.39015027068850---- do mae c do mae mae mae∞ √≠ ≤ ∞ √∞ √∞.|- • • c • … t- c--~~~~~~~~ :~ ); (???????:??
mdp.3901502706885023 § 3;??;?
mdp.3901502706885023 § 3;??;?
mdp.3901502706885023 § 3;??;?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.3901502706885023: ſ , ſº??!?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850: º 3.;;; ):: re3::: C:: į „.5# ºg$';;;?
mdp.39015027068850: „ ,?
mdp.39015027068850:$$$$$ 2Ëī£5$$$$ 333333;?
mdp.39015027068850::: ğ Ģ ģ Ķ ķ ,;:?
mdp.39015027068850::::;;;;;; † × ±5;: !?
mdp.39015027068850? § ( 3 § 23 § 3º----- ■ cu:3~~|- § 5maeſcae|- … ±3o3§c<> 3 §.
mdp.39015027068850?--r- do ſº:=:####|- ·::: :--%#+'3 →## E-: :-5'ſ ,-5- , ſā.
mdp.39015027068850And if such things are done under our own eyes, is it unreasonable to conclude that the same system of evasion is successfully practised elsewhere?
mdp.39015027068850And is it surprising that they should continue inimical to a system which threatens their ruin?
mdp.39015027068850And were they not old and dear friends, or had they not the[ 48] right to be styled as such?
mdp.39015027068850And what has China done to justify this consideration?
mdp.39015027068850Can he or will he grant the prayer of their petition, or will he refuse and so compel them to refer the matter to Peking?
mdp.39015027068850Had he been so careless as to omit giving instructions to his subordinates?
mdp.39015027068850How has it fared with the native traders in Piece Goods during 1877?
mdp.39015027068850Let us take first the Inland Transit system?
mdp.39015027068850Who were the instigators?
mdp.39015027068850[ 42] are to become liable io both the moment they are landed?
mdp.39015027068850c c- c c c do o mae c c^ c^^c.hae • • • ſº s::::::::::::::= s • c • • • • •--------------<>------- § 3; (?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850c c- c c c do o mae c c^ c^^c.hae • • • ſº s::::::::::::::= s • c • • • • •--------------<>------- § 3; (?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850c c- c c c do o mae c c^ c^^c.hae • • • ſº s::::::::::::::= s • c • • • • •--------------<>------- § 3; (?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850c c- c c c do o mae c c^ c^^c.hae • • • ſº s::::::::::::::= s • c • • • • •--------------<>------- § 3; (?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850c c- c c c do o mae c c^ c^^c.hae • • • ſº s::::::::::::::= s • c • • • • •--------------<>------- § 3; (?!?!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850c mae c … • • • R??????????????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850e — • • • • • • º £ º ſº f_º$_$$$$$_ º_º_º_º_º_º_º$_$ º< c maenae · º £??????
mdp.39015027068850or had he given secret instructions to repel the threatened intrusion, by force if necessary?
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|- ¿???????
mdp.39015027068850|| 540,000~~o cae|-* … o c.§ © ® 3 ± √2.<> ŹŹ ź33<> ¡ ¿$ ¢ £ ſ?? �??
mdp.39015027068850|| 540,000~~o cae|-* … o c.§ © ® 3 ± √2.<> ŹŹ ź33<> ¡ ¿$ ¢ £ ſ?? �??
mdp.39015027068850|| 540,000~~o cae|-* … o c.§ © ® 3 ± √2.<> ŹŹ ź33<> ¡ ¿$ ¢ £ ſ?? �??
mdp.39015027068850|| 540,000~~o cae|-* … o c.§ © ® 3 ± √2.<> ŹŹ ź33<> ¡ ¿$ ¢ £ ſ?? �??
mdp.39015027068850§ 33$$$$$$$£§§§ 33233 § 3 ſº • • • • •~~ Rºs № co ſºS?
mdp.39015027068850± 33???:???
mdp.39015027068850± 33???:???
mdp.39015027068850± 33???:???
mdp.39015027068850± 33???:???
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mdp.39015027068850È ĚĶĒĢĒĻ"#--~~~~ !# ∞|ºĒĒĒĒĒĒ ! 3 3±taetº:$$?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850ž § § § §;&=???!?!?!?
mdp.39015027068850№ ºr- , º#### 㺠į##%%*# 5&#### uataeon:* · § · ſ−3• ğ Ģ ģ Ķ Ķ ĶĒģğ ģĘ Ė Ė# 5######### †?
mdp.39015027068850№:::-- į šp$ č ē Ģ:;.E: „ Sº №:? o; E º 5 ).į.zi și 23*? ,?
mdp.39015027068850№:::-- į šp$ č ē Ģ:;.E: „ Sº №:? o; E º 5 ).į.zi și 23*? ,?
mdp.39015027068850№:::-- į šp$ č ē Ģ:;.E: „ Sº №:? o; E º 5 ).į.zi și 23*? ,?
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850) ğ% unun to: · · · · ·: 5 £, º ŹŹ Ś Ś Ź Ź Ź Ź Ś „ É „ ÉÉ$$$$$$ ºſ º----nae--------::::- GE??????
mdp.39015027068850, , ğ № 2:: • •:+?
mdp.39015080059747( 21 69 75 30:00 NASEcldy, with times1stpt
mdp.39015080059747- “ Qu'est ce qu'ils reulent?
mdp.39015080059747Above all, why in 1835 should an order be given stricter than any that have been in force for twenty years past?
mdp.39015080059747And firstly, how have we amplified his ac- cusations against the E. I. co ’s agents?
mdp.39015080059747And in this case why is it so courted?
mdp.39015080059747And on what hope is the desperate courage, if courage I can call it, founded?
mdp.39015080059747And to whom?
mdp.39015080059747And what is meant by the expression—“what I left plain, though not personal".-Is not this a most unworthy subterfuge?
mdp.39015080059747And who and what are these men who “ play these tricks before high heaven?
mdp.39015080059747Are they men so unpopular, so incapable, so insufficient, that you will not bear with them, even for a moment?
mdp.39015080059747Are they therefore, without the confidence of the house of commons?
mdp.39015080059747Are you bound to no party?
mdp.39015080059747But, let me ask this advocate of the company, if no such tea as this same calumniated Woping was known to the company's Agents?
mdp.39015080059747Can any sway be more indisputable?
mdp.39015080059747Can they be faithful to their indication to their commercial constituents?
mdp.39015080059747Do you mean to say that?
mdp.39015080059747Had they any?
mdp.39015080059747Have they not done it?
mdp.39015080059747He makes no distinction as to the places of assembling+( houses of call?)
mdp.39015080059747He wished to know whether this was done advisedly or not?
mdp.39015080059747How is it that these base and immoral acts are tolerated?
mdp.39015080059747Is it for this, therefore, that the house of commons thus instantly condemn him?
mdp.39015080059747Is it in the approbation that has followed me, so generally expressed by my countrymen since I left England?
mdp.39015080059747Is it in the expressions of regret and attachment which I have met with in every step of my way to this lace?
mdp.39015080059747Is it on account of his fair fame and unexampled reputation that I am desired to withdraw my confidence from such a person as this?
mdp.39015080059747Is not this most wonderful?
mdp.39015080059747Is such a system to be longer permitted?
mdp.39015080059747Is the minister who devotes himself to the house of commons particularly, so unpo- pular and so incapable?
mdp.39015080059747Is there any English law prohibiting me from ridd- ing myself and my ship of a troublesome fellow in any foreign port that I may touch at?
mdp.39015080059747It is said in the official notice that this is contrary to law — pray, Sir, to what law is it contrary?
mdp.39015080059747May I, you, or any one, having Cargo to Ship, lying ready in one of the Hongs, get the 3 advance on application and approval of the value put on them?
mdp.39015080059747Of what order of great and important affairs is this( interment?
mdp.39015080059747Proceed, John Nicholson& Co. in your useful( profitable?)
mdp.39015080059747Quae caret ora cruore nostro?
mdp.39015080059747Sir, is it therefore for their incapa- city and insufficiency that yon overthrow them?
mdp.39015080059747The chief question of interest, now in relation to this subject is, What is to be done?
mdp.39015080059747The lady, say they?.
mdp.39015080059747The “ free traders ” may reasonably complain against the government on this very account:—“Call you that backing of your friends"?
mdp.39015080059747What are these bells ringing every day?
mdp.39015080059747What can you say to a man who at the head of a gallant army asks, what he should do?
mdp.39015080059747What could he do against such repulsive treatment?
mdp.39015080059747What is Cape Cod but a heap of sand?
mdp.39015080059747What means this crowd of ships lying behind the mole with nothing to do?
mdp.39015080059747What steps should the Expected strength FROM ENGLAND TAKE?
mdp.39015080059747What woman in the city do Iname, When that Isay, the city- woman bears The cost of princes on unworthy shoulders?
mdp.39015080059747What, I repeat can the chinese think?.
mdp.39015080059747What, reader, should I say of the ancient reputation which France enjoyed for politeness?...
mdp.39015080059747What, then, would a “ citizen of the world ” have?
mdp.39015080059747Whether any indivi- dual in office still held the seals of office?
mdp.39015080059747Who can come in and say, that I inean her, When such a one as she, such is her neighbour?
mdp.39015080059747Who can see any symptom of such a state of things?
mdp.39015080059747Why, does not this defence of the company's China agency at once sink them to mere Pawnbrokers?
mdp.39015080059747Why| 127 should men be allowed to starve in one division of the empire, and not in another?
mdp.39015080059747Will not posterity wonder that we so long acquiesced in this system?
mdp.39015080059747Would it not be far more profitable to both parties, if the green teas and raw silk were exported from Ning- po, Hang- choo and Shang- hae?
mdp.39015080059747Would there be as many ships at Lintin, if the duties were not so high, or would smuggling be carried on to such extent?
mdp.39015080059747and, lastly, whether auy one had been called on by his Majesty to from an administration?
mdp.39015080059747been since 1822?
mdp.39015080059747is it against the laws?
mdp.39015080059747is this another ins- tance of his knowledge of the English tongue, and of his'fitness to pronounce ex- cathedrá on the writings of others?
mdp.39015080059747mº º foreign readers will naturally enough ask—“What thingtaikee that city- gate pigeon--‘‘What is all this trouble and noise about?
mdp.39015080059747peal to the British nation at large, if, even upon the face of this instance alone of their policy, the company are the fit rulers of India?
mdp.39015080059747sheep, and the cruelty of the hyaena from the glorious: 1, I'dle empire?
mdp.39015080059747tance!–India must remit to Great Britain, but why must the government conduct the operation?
mdp.39015080059747ted?—what is it they have so soon perpetrated?
mdp.39015080059747— “ Eaſt t'ºr f':erº is the ºpiº. ” ſci: it. ”—“Coº?, Hº;"—"T tºo ºrct. ”——“Rere it in.
mdp.39015080059747— “ sworn to no Master of no sect am I"is the rule of guidance to a free and independent press — but is this your case?
mdp.39015080059747“ By G – d, there's a country for you! ” said he; “ can property be safe for a momeut in such a country?
mdp.39015080059747“ What's this I see? ” says the King.
mdp.39015080059747“ Where are your overseers of “ he high- ways — your school commit- tees — your select men?—What idle fellows are these in the streets?
mdp.39015051372723And how did the Chinamen take it all? mdp.39015051372723 Are you going to Thibet?"
mdp.39015051372723Are you not afraid of being stabbed?
mdp.39015051372723But what shall I do?
mdp.39015051372723But what?
mdp.39015051372723But when the trans- Siberian railway is finished, Excellency?
mdp.39015051372723Going to Vladivostok? mdp.39015051372723 He wants his third star, and what does he care if it costs him five hundred men?
mdp.39015051372723How old are you?
mdp.39015051372723Is not this a very dangerous elephant?
mdp.39015051372723Qu'est ce que tu fais, toi?
mdp.39015051372723Then I suppose,I said,"that no European squadron need be afraid of the Pei- yang Squadron yet?"
mdp.39015051372723Then you have been dredging, after all?
mdp.39015051372723Then,said I,"why are you here?"
mdp.39015051372723What does he say?
mdp.39015051372723What is it?
mdp.39015051372723What is that?
mdp.39015051372723What is your yearly income from writing for newspapers?
mdp.39015051372723What on earth is the matter?
mdp.39015051372723Where have you been?
mdp.39015051372723Why is it,asked the Daily Press,"that so large a number of officials can claim leave all at once?
mdp.39015051372723Yes,he said, finally,"anything I can do for you, of course, but what on earth do you want to see at Vladivostok?"
mdp.39015051372723You have made a long journey — have you no companion?
mdp.39015051372723'Vous avez peur?'
mdp.39015051372723293 plenty of better houses?"
mdp.39015051372723And Japan?"
mdp.39015051372723And if not, then Siam will come under either British or French protection, and the only question is, which shall it be?
mdp.39015051372723And is there not a special caste of tiger- hunters, the very men who once gave such a thrashing to a foreign landing- party?
mdp.39015051372723And what, in a word, is this Customs Service?
mdp.39015051372723AsIA FOR THE ASIATICS?
mdp.39015051372723Asia for the Asiatics?
mdp.39015051372723But how is the Western-ftorld to know what the Celestial Empire really is unless people are willing to see and hear of its innumerable horrors?
mdp.39015051372723But if anybody should put out his hand for another's money?
mdp.39015051372723But suppose that you walk steadily and imperturbably on?
mdp.39015051372723But what is the summer climate on the second storey of Hongkong which forces people to flee from it at so much trouble and cost?
mdp.39015051372723But with whom?
mdp.39015051372723But would even these conditions wholly satisfy the people of Japan?
mdp.39015051372723Could it defy a hostile fleet?
mdp.39015051372723Did not the bamboo flower this year?
mdp.39015051372723Do the Siamese have no part in all this scene of activity and com- merce?
mdp.39015051372723Does France not know what is done in her name?
mdp.39015051372723Does anybody seriously believe that the solid foundations of future prosperity can ever be laid in this shifting quicksand?
mdp.39015051372723Does he learn of an old friend or schoolmate fallen upon evil times?"
mdp.39015051372723Does it, as its name declares, confer upon those who hold it"the posses- sion of the East"?
mdp.39015051372723Does the experience of thirty- five years lead him to cherish this hope of ultimate Chinese honesty and efficiency?
mdp.39015051372723Finally, what would be the position of Great Britain under this arrangement?
mdp.39015051372723Having been thoroughly beaten, the Chinese have decided to"reform"the organisation of their army, and how have they set about it?
mdp.39015051372723He hesitated, and I added:"Would they not probably discharge all their torpedoes at once and then run away?"
mdp.39015051372723He therefore telegraphed,"Must I keep it?"
mdp.39015051372723Herein, I am convinced, lie the germs of the most 394 ASIA FOK THE ASIATICS?
mdp.39015051372723How did the Siamese meet this new development?
mdp.39015051372723How is it administered?
mdp.39015051372723I called up a native of the locality and asked him,"Adah boya disini?"
mdp.39015051372723I have told how it refuses privileges, and when it does give them, what are they, too often?
mdp.39015051372723In favour of private persons?
mdp.39015051372723In the centre, upon a sort of stone table, standf?
mdp.39015051372723Instead of speculating as to whether ASIA FOR THE ASIATICS?
mdp.39015051372723Is it a great stronghold?
mdp.39015051372723Is it not an established fact that all Englishmen can see the hidden treasures in the earth?
mdp.39015051372723Is it provided with the necessaries of an efficient naval base?
mdp.39015051372723Is it to be wondered at that Japan should brush aside diplomacy conducted with such puerile craft?
mdp.39015051372723Is it too much to say that a nation which deliberately does this has still to learn one of the first principles of civilisation?
mdp.39015051372723Is not this proof positive?
mdp.39015051372723Is there, then, any hope for Korea'?
mdp.39015051372723It has a Colonial Council: elected by whom?
mdp.39015051372723It is the merest farce of supervision, and what wonder that the colonist sinks deeper year by year in disgust and despair?
mdp.39015051372723It was the vision of Omar Khayyam: —"The palace that to heaven its column?
mdp.39015051372723La France a- t- elle quelque droit sur le Laos?
mdp.39015051372723More than this, have not the Japanese opened a way to the perfection of a discovery in which foreigners have not succeeded even after years of labour?
mdp.39015051372723Moreover, during the years when millions of francs were spent on public works in Cochin- China, what was there actually done to show for it?"
mdp.39015051372723Now whose fault is this?
mdp.39015051372723On arriving at the Merchants'Wharf or the Hotel Quay, or when looking up one's acquaintances in the busy town, one's first question is, Where is Siam?
mdp.39015051372723One day I was riding with a member of the Russian Legation, and he said,"By the way, would n't you like to see the Imperial Chinese War Office?"
mdp.39015051372723So I turned back, and conspicuously asked one of the Malays standing by, what was the Towkay's name?
mdp.39015051372723Such a port is absolutely essential to Russia, and who shall blame her for trying to secure it?
mdp.39015051372723Supposing now that these precautions were all carried out to- day, could a fairly powerful fleet reduce the place?
mdp.39015051372723The first Malay Raja we met asked me,"Where are your soldiers?"
mdp.39015051372723The interesting question therefore is, in what direction?
mdp.39015051372723The only question with him is, how long can it be resisted?
mdp.39015051372723The question then recurs, what does Japan want?
mdp.39015051372723The question, What shall that place be?
mdp.39015051372723The"You savvy"of Pidgin is"Toi connaitre?"
mdp.39015051372723Then will it be convenient to you to tiffin at twelve sharp?
mdp.39015051372723There is no boat coming to stop me, and if there were, what of it?
mdp.39015051372723Therefore who is fit to be their proper successors if not ourselves?
mdp.39015051372723They carried no weapons but a long staff, and they appeared amused when I asked where, since they were soldiers, were their guns?
mdp.39015051372723This, he would say, is not a British Colony, it is not a native king- dom: what is it?
mdp.39015051372723Until a few years ago, what were the defences of Vladivostok?
mdp.39015051372723Was not the sun eclipsed?
mdp.39015051372723Was not the tiger a sort of national emblem of the Hermit Kingdom?
mdp.39015051372723Were not the Chinese warned of the coming evil?
mdp.39015051372723What are the alternatives to this union of interests?
mdp.39015051372723What are your relations with the people you meet?
mdp.39015051372723What in the meantime was England doing?
mdp.39015051372723What is Pahang now?
mdp.39015051372723What is Perak now?
mdp.39015051372723What is his attitude towards the personal Governor- General?
mdp.39015051372723What is the alternative in their eyes?
mdp.39015051372723What is the explanation of this sudden enormous multiplication of its population?
mdp.39015051372723What is the net result?
mdp.39015051372723What is the position of Saigon now?
mdp.39015051372723What nation except Germany, France, Russia, Austria, and Italy can put 200,000 men into the field inside of a month?
mdp.39015051372723What, however, about the"sights"of Peking?
mdp.39015051372723Which would I take?
mdp.39015051372723While you are still upon the question of Tongking will you be good enough to say a word to us about the exemptions from the customs duties?
mdp.39015051372723Why go after dark with lanterns, scheming to capture the harmless and useful things?
mdp.39015051372723Why not?
mdp.39015051372723Would I tray his sword?
mdp.39015051372723Yet is there the faintest shadow of a coming change?
mdp.39015051372723and"Where are you going?"
mdp.39015051372723exclaimed Bozzolo,"do you mean to tell me that you have never known this elephant to be jehat?"
mdp.39015051372723how long can it be evaded?"
mdp.39015051372723in Pahang, then it is they, and not the Resident of Pahang, who control the latter State; and why keep up the fiction of separate control?
mdp.39015051372723in her interests, an anti- foreign spirit grew up and manifested itself in offensive ways?
mdp.39015051372723or is she not ashamed, remembering'89, to adopt such an attitude to- day before the world?
mdp.39015051372723practice take up a fixed number of"cash"according to the sums staked upon the table?
mdp.39015051372723where are the Siamese?
mdp.39015006936127( Stem prostrate?)
mdp.39015006936127(= P. acaulia?
mdp.390150069361271 „ Lycopodiacea?.
mdp.390150069361271. c. 287?
mdp.3901500693612713 Page 266 26?
mdp.39015006936127178, t. 94?
mdp.39015006936127308 Crncifera?
mdp.39015006936127308, and Linn.?
mdp.39015006936127333 Aristolochiacea?
mdp.3901500693612735, t. 1, 2?
mdp.39015006936127411 Orchidea?
mdp.39015006936127?, Benth.
mdp.39015006936127?, Benth.
mdp.39015006936127A considerable genii?, dispersed over tropical Asia and Africa.
mdp.39015006936127A gla- brous shrub( or tree?).
mdp.39015006936127A glabrous erect much- branched perennial, 1 to 2 ft.( or more?)
mdp.39015006936127A much- branched glabrous annual( or sometimes perennial?
mdp.39015006936127A shrub( or tree?
mdp.39015006936127A shrub?, the sitlc- shoots occasionally converted into or ending in a thorn; the branches slender, angular, and slightly tomcntose.
mdp.39015006936127A tree?, glabrous like the last; the flowering branches short and stout.
mdp.39015006936127Abundant iu a ravine of Victoria Peak, spreading over the rocks, Champion; one( tree?)
mdp.39015006936127Achencs very strongly ribbed, almost winged, and quite smooth; the beak usually short, but variable.—Youngia?
mdp.39015006936127An erect or ascending glabrous annu;il( or sometimes perennial?)
mdp.39015006936127An erect( or slightly climbing?)
mdp.39015006936127Berry ovoid- oblong, about?
mdp.39015006936127Branches( climbing or prostrate?)
mdp.39015006936127C. chinenae, Benth., n.* p. A shrub?
mdp.39015006936127C. horridum, Blume?
mdp.39015006936127C. indica, Linn.?
mdp.39015006936127Calyx free, 5-( or 4-?)
mdp.39015006936127Calyx- tube very short, lobes lanceolate 1.2?.
mdp.39015006936127Cap- sule about as long as the calyx.—Dipleracanthus?
mdp.39015006936127Common ill m\ itirs of Mount Victoria, Champion; in a ravine of Mount Gongh, Wilford; also Hanc?
mdp.39015006936127Corolla deeply 5-( or 4-?)
mdp.39015006936127Corolla near 2 inches long( pale pink?
mdp.39015006936127Corolla purple( or yellow?)
mdp.39015006936127Corolla with 5 spreading lobes, convolute in the bud, and 5 small scales or appendages( or sterile stamens?)
mdp.39015006936127Corolla( white?)
mdp.39015006936127Female flowers: Ovary 2-celled( very rarely 3- celled?
mdp.39015006936127Figs small( not yet full- grown?
mdp.39015006936127Filices Exotica?
mdp.39015006936127Flower- clusters in racemes, forming terminal panicles 1.7?.
mdp.39015006936127Flowers blue( or purple?
mdp.39015006936127Flowers light- blue?
mdp.39015006936127Flowers mostly( or all?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers small, purple( or blue?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers small,( white, with a yellow labellum?).
mdp.39015006936127Flowers sweet- scented, usually pink, but varying to nearly white( or yellow- ish?
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( always?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( blue?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( pale purple?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( pale yellow?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( pink?)
mdp.39015006936127Flowers( purple or whitish?)
mdp.39015006936127Fronds 1 to 2 ft. high, glabrous, firm, smooth, and often shining, twice to four times pinnate, the primary pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Fronds 1 to 3 ft. high, pinnate, the upper pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Fronds 1 to 3 ft. high, pubescent and simply pinnate, with semipinnatifid pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Fronds 2 ft. high or more, twice( or thrice?)
mdp.39015006936127Happy Valley woods, Wilford?
mdp.39015006936127In Sixteen Numbers( uniform with'Curtu?
mdp.39015006936127In moist ravines, ou the hills, Champion and others; also in Khasia( and in the Malayan Peninsula?).
mdp.39015006936127Indusium peltate, or rarely reniform.—Polyatichum vestitum?, Hook, in Kew Journ.
mdp.39015006936127Junwulare, Sin.?
mdp.39015006936127Leaflets 3, the stipella?
mdp.39015006936127Leaves alternate( or rarely opposite?
mdp.39015006936127Leaves of 4 to 6 or rarely to 8 pair of pinna?.
mdp.39015006936127Leaves oval- elliptical or oblong, obtuse or obtusely acuminate, 1^ to 2?
mdp.39015006936127Leaves pinnat?, of several pairs of leaflets, without any terminal one, the petiole end- ing in a short point.
mdp.39015006936127Lower primary pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Lowest pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Melodori ip.?
mdp.39015006936127Nearly allied to the last, but glabrous or nearly so; the pinna?
mdp.39015006936127Ovary 1-celled( or when very young 3-celled?
mdp.39015006936127Ovary superior, 2- or more celled, with one pendulous or erect ovule Sapotacea?.]
mdp.39015006936127Ovary superior, 2-lobed, 2-celled, with 1 pendulous( or laterally attached?)
mdp.39015006936127P. acaulis, Roxb.?
mdp.39015006936127Perianth of 2 lateral outer segments( bracts?)
mdp.39015006936127Perianth tubular, 3-angled or winged, the 3 inner lobes minute( or want- ing?).
mdp.39015006936127S. aryentea, Spring?
mdp.39015006936127Seeds marked( under the microscope) with longitudinal stria?, without trans- verse wrinkles.
mdp.39015006936127Sepals very tomentose, only slightly overlapping on the edges.—Hep- taca?
mdp.39015006936127Sepals white?, about 9 or 10 lines long and 3 lines broad, 7-nerved and hairy outside, glabrous within.
mdp.39015006936127Style reduced to a sessile disk- shaped stigma( or deciduous, having a disk- shaped persistent base?).
mdp.39015006936127Style short( 2-cleft?).
mdp.39015006936127Uungkuiig, Champion?
mdp.39015006936127Veins proceeding from a midrib, forking and anastomosing almost as in L. ensifolia, excepting in the shortened lower segments of the pinna?
mdp.39015006936127broad, twisted into a ring, the outer edge indented between the seeds.—Albizzia?
mdp.39015006936127glandular- setose, when the seta?
mdp.39015006936127glochidiate, when the seta?
mdp.39015006936127linear, when at least four times as long as thick; oblong, when from about two to about four times as long as thick, the terms having the same sens?
mdp.39015006936127loiif?, with numerous articulations.
mdp.39015006936127long, or the terminal one much longer; the sterile pinna?
mdp.39015006936127long. — Q. reversa, Liudl.?
mdp.39015006936127n. 842?
mdp.39015006936127of stamens; the appendix marked with reticulate furrows( indicating abortive stamens?
mdp.39015006936127outline, twice pinnate or the lower pinna?
mdp.39015006936127simplex, Willd.?
mdp.39015006936127v. 268?
mdp.39015006936127• 123 Passillorea?
mdp.39015006936127• Leaves twice pinnate, the common petiole above a foot long, with 9 to 12 pair of opposite rather short pinna?.
mdp.39015006936127♦ Daphniphyllum glaucescens, Blum?
mdp.39015021034544( How shall I explain it that your kiss smells after that of myrrh?)
mdp.39015021034544( Without shame you make show with bought teeth and hair; But what about the eyes, Lælia; can one buy this also?)
mdp.39015021034544198 THE CHINESE STUDENTS'MONTHLY To which of these three classes of people shall we Chinese students belong?
mdp.39015021034544Activities What does the Society do to realize its purposes?
mdp.39015021034544After all what is the end and aim of law but to expedite justice?
mdp.39015021034544And is there a man so base as to think of refusing this holy duty?
mdp.39015021034544And what shall we call it that started the violation of the neutrality of China and Greece?
mdp.39015021034544And, above all, what shall we do while we are in America?
mdp.39015021034544Are all of these various brands selling in equal proportion?
mdp.39015021034544Are we not more impressed with the need of greater unity among men?
mdp.39015021034544Assuming China's action was influenced by the offer of advantages, what are they?
mdp.39015021034544But are we absolutely sure that war does not profit mankind?
mdp.39015021034544But can this be done by mere severing of diplomatic relations with Germany?
mdp.39015021034544But had not the United States the advantages of her acquisition of the Philip- pine Islands and the peculiar good will of the Chinese people?
mdp.39015021034544But how can four hundre million people hitherto disunited cooperate for such gigantic task without leadership?
mdp.39015021034544But inter- nationally where can we find protection?
mdp.39015021034544But what constitutes our fitness and ability to shoulder that tast responsibility?
mdp.39015021034544But what if we as a race should also fail?
mdp.39015021034544Carlyle vehemently cries:"How out of a universe of knaves shall we get a common honesty?"
mdp.39015021034544China was once a nation of opium- smokers, but where is opium today after our people had once decided to part with the poison?
mdp.39015021034544Con- sidering what is expected of us, can we afford to put egoism be- fore patriotism?
mdp.39015021034544Could the descendants of our illustrious fathers sink to a more disgraceful level?
mdp.39015021034544Esse quid dicam, quod olent tua basia myrrham?
mdp.39015021034544First, are we going to live our lives primarily for ourselves or for our country?
mdp.39015021034544For are we not given better ideals and hopes for the future?
mdp.39015021034544From these statistics is there sufficient evidence to justify the breeding of more horses?
mdp.39015021034544How can the Mining Industry be promoted in China?
mdp.39015021034544How can we create them?
mdp.39015021034544How can we reconcile this with facts?
mdp.39015021034544How can we refuse it?
mdp.39015021034544How can we secure a sufficient number of well- trained teachers to meet the future demand?
mdp.39015021034544How can we train our teachers not simply to be able to teach, but to teach efficiently?
mdp.39015021034544How is it for example that there is not a single Chinese in Syracuse, the largest Forestry School in America?
mdp.39015021034544How is it that the Japanese have got control of our natural resources?
mdp.39015021034544How would the American “ hustler"accustom himself to that?
mdp.39015021034544If I do not belong to my fellow- men, to whom do I belong?"
mdp.39015021034544If learning and labor can be combined in America, why not in China?
mdp.39015021034544If the answer be affirmative, why can not China do the same?
mdp.39015021034544If those two THE CHINESE STUDENTS'MONTHLY 159 countries are doing the business why can not China do the same?
mdp.39015021034544If we, under such favorable conditions, shall not become the leaders, who will these be?
mdp.39015021034544Indeed who can forget their Red Cross work and the impos- ing march of the Amazon Corps?
mdp.39015021034544Is it a mind stored with a monstrous amount of knowledge from text- books and lectures?
mdp.39015021034544Is it because the land of China is so poor that it can not yield even the bare necessities for life for those who live on it?
mdp.39015021034544Is it then because we lack the technical skill?
mdp.39015021034544Is suffering its only result?
mdp.39015021034544Is there any wonder that their natural resources are unopened, their industries undeveloped, and their country impoverished?
mdp.39015021034544Is this not what the belligerents are really fighting to retain?
mdp.39015021034544It may now be asked, if China should enter the war what can she contribute?
mdp.39015021034544Now the question is, what shall be the future of this most worthy quarter of humanity?
mdp.39015021034544October 25, 1916 PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP My Dear Mr. Mok, Will you please publish the following note in the January Monthly?
mdp.39015021034544Or our experienced but short- sighted farmers?
mdp.39015021034544Or, as some ardent Christian students have suggested, the cultivation of certain religious virtues and standards?
mdp.39015021034544Or, as some physical educators have hinted, the development of our physiques so as to stand strain and endure hardships?
mdp.39015021034544Our corrupt and selfish officers and officials?
mdp.39015021034544Our out- of- date literati?
mdp.39015021034544Our shrewd but ignorant merchants?
mdp.39015021034544Our younger and less fortunate stu- dents at home?
mdp.39015021034544Secondly, what are the most urgent and fund- amental of the needs of China?
mdp.39015021034544Should we introduce certain dialect into the school curriculum as a national language?
mdp.39015021034544Should we yet fold our hands calmly and quietly, and look round as if nothing had ever happened?
mdp.39015021034544Should we yet not cooperate with all the strength and intelligence we possess in defending our fatherland, our families, and eventually ourselves?
mdp.39015021034544Show me another people who are more ignorant and yet who appreciate learning to a higher degree, more superstitious and yet more en- lightened?
mdp.39015021034544Some one may say,"What shall I do; I have no invitation to such a home?"
mdp.39015021034544THE CHINESE STUDENTS'MONTHLY 199 But are we sure that all of us will secure special training by studying here?
mdp.39015021034544THE CHINESE STUDENTS'MONTHLY 99 Does a Chinese enjoy the same privilege and immunity in the United States or elsewhere?
mdp.39015021034544The first sentence I taught them was'How do you do?'
mdp.39015021034544The question now arises, what grievances, if 314 THE CHINESE STUDENTS'MONTHLY there be any, has China against Germany?
mdp.39015021034544The subjects for the May competition are: Is Modern Education the Chief Factor in reforming China?
mdp.39015021034544Thirdly, have we chosen our life- work and therefore our studies in the light of the needs we consider most urgent and fundamental?
mdp.39015021034544This is a strong blow to Germany but can it be final?
mdp.39015021034544To add to the number of those who have no definite occupation and special training?
mdp.39015021034544What Englishman would return to the government prior to 1832?
mdp.39015021034544What German to the arbitrary rule of Frederick William IV.?
mdp.39015021034544What are some of the reasons that have made China decide to cast her lot with the Entente?
mdp.39015021034544What are the advantages and disadvantages for China if we adopt the alphabet system?
mdp.39015021034544What are the causes of the inefficiency?
mdp.39015021034544What can the Chinese Government do to promote trade?
mdp.39015021034544What can the Chinese Government do to promote trade?
mdp.39015021034544What can this war mean but the more rapid prevalence or even the final triumph of democracy?
mdp.39015021034544What catches the crowd?
mdp.39015021034544What has China to compare with the American public library system?
mdp.39015021034544What kind of professional or vocational training should be given in the public school?
mdp.39015021034544What makes them so?
mdp.39015021034544What praise or criticisms then, it may be asked, can be made of our states and local governments?
mdp.39015021034544What shall the school do to help the pupils for their life work?
mdp.39015021034544What shall the students do when they get through from the primary school?
mdp.39015021034544What shall we do?
mdp.39015021034544What should the Re- turned Students do when they go back?
mdp.39015021034544What then shall we do?
mdp.39015021034544Where are these nations to- day?
mdp.39015021034544Where are they to be found?
mdp.39015021034544Where is le territorial integrity of Korea which was guaranteed by some f the Powers now fighting on the side of Belgium?
mdp.39015021034544Who are, then, to be the leaders?
mdp.39015021034544Who can point out a single breach of the laws of nations in the history of our Re- volution?
mdp.39015021034544Who can trace a single element of mob rule from the declaration of independence to the abdication of the Manchu Dynasty?
mdp.39015021034544Why not hereafter make a better selection of men and let each man be held responsible for certain definite duty?
mdp.39015021034544Why should she fail in competition while others succeed?
mdp.39015021034544Will it not be through war itself that peace will finally rule the world?
mdp.39015021034544Wooster “ Who says that the Chinese students in America are home- less?
mdp.39015021034544Worth Considering, Is n't It?
mdp.39015021034544Would it not be feasible for energetic young journalists to seize this market and supply the need?
mdp.39015021034544Would we permit ourselves to be told that we have had the climax of our development in the past and that we are to write the last page of our history?
mdp.39015021034544Yet how often have we to remind both of them that progress is born of conflict, that a nation's improvement is born of suffering?
mdp.39015021034544from the middle school?
mdp.39015021034544or to create new profes- sions — to open new avenues, so to speak, to our brethren at home who have lost in the path of life?
mdp.39015021034544or to the Consulate and Empire?
mdp.39015021034544xn Sia, DECEMBER, 186 Pome?
mdp.39015019189268'Do you trust Jesus?' mdp.39015019189268 'What sewing have you been doing lately?'
mdp.39015019189268And what of her humbler sister, whose lot is not mitigated by material comfort? mdp.39015019189268 But where are we going to put you?"
mdp.39015019189268But you did not really think they could see a cross where you could not?
mdp.39015019189268But,some one asks,"'are the'medical needs Dr. Terry's of China so great?
mdp.39015019189268How is that? mdp.39015019189268 In what way?
mdp.39015019189268Oh, yes, I know what the words mean,he continued,"but what does it signify?"
mdp.39015019189268That is the'Ti Tze Kuei,'or Rules of Be- havior for Children, is it not?
mdp.39015019189268This is queer,he exclaimed,"why does n't it fall down?
mdp.39015019189268Tsen mo chi? mdp.39015019189268 What did you do?"
mdp.39015019189268What does it mean?
mdp.39015019189268Why do you think so?
mdp.39015019189268Will you explain what you mean by the making of books?
mdp.39015019189268Would it not be possible to open schools for the instruction of girls?
mdp.39015019189268Yes, but what are we going to live on?
mdp.39015019189268'.Trust Jesus?
mdp.39015019189268'Are you sure you trust Him?'
mdp.39015019189268'Did n't you know that Chinese girls often have pretty faces?'
mdp.39015019189268'For,'said he,'if she is allowed to live in this house you could not have the son you so desired, and who will be your heir when you die?'
mdp.39015019189268-w],at nap- I am not going to take exceptional and awful pens jn a cases, but simply give you facts as I found them Home?
mdp.3901501918926850 CHINA'S NEW DAT Are Women It is often said that the Chinese woman is an Oppressed?
mdp.3901501918926852 CHINA'S NEW DAT"But,"said I to the boy,"you do not have that kind of men in these days, do you?"
mdp.39015019189268After we had taught them in the Sunday school and day schools, when they saw us coming they would call out,"Teacher, when is the Sabbath day?"
mdp.39015019189268Also I knew that the lifting of his head meant spring; but the needle?
mdp.39015019189268Are the Chinese satisfied with what they have?
mdp.39015019189268Are the college women of America doing their share in promoting the higher education of Chinese women?
mdp.39015019189268Are the gifts for this necessarily the same as those needed for the usual type of missionary work?
mdp.39015019189268Are you awake to the opportunity that is now open to you?
mdp.39015019189268Aside from religious literature what do you think the greatest need in the way of reading matter on the part of Chinese Christians?
mdp.39015019189268Can we wonder?
mdp.39015019189268Did ever an infant church endure persecution with more steadfast faith?
mdp.39015019189268Did they do so?
mdp.39015019189268Did you expect your prayers to be answered, or were you only repeating a for- mula?
mdp.39015019189268Do Chinese families eat together?
mdp.39015019189268Do people lack the power to suffer because they lack social position or wealth?
mdp.39015019189268Do you ask why?
mdp.39015019189268Field Women in China Woman's Board of Missions THE CHINESE WOMAX 57"Then the women do not serve the men first and then eat what is left?"
mdp.39015019189268Have the Taoists been a success as scientists?
mdp.39015019189268Have we not provided for a Field, visitation of most of the people?"
mdp.39015019189268Have you heard the expression Kuei che ting teng?"
mdp.39015019189268How are we to work out the solution of this problem and to bring more women into the field of medicine?
mdp.39015019189268How do you ride it?"
mdp.39015019189268How many hospitals should we have in the United States if we were no better provided than China?
mdp.39015019189268How many more modern hospitals ought China to have if she were to be as well provided as the United States?
mdp.39015019189268Howdo medical missions strongly commend thegos- pel?
mdp.39015019189268Howdo they diffuse a knowledge of Christianity?
mdp.39015019189268If you could translate into Chinese, what ten books would you select first?
mdp.39015019189268If you could translate one brief tract containing a statement of Christian truth, what one would you select?
mdp.39015019189268If you had$ 500,000 to spend on education in China how and where would you spend it?
mdp.39015019189268In an inquiry of this kind we must know two things: First, what place do the Chinese give to woman?
mdp.39015019189268In the light of the record of the Chinese Chris- tians during the Boxer outbreak is it fair to doubt their sincerity?
mdp.39015019189268In the meantime must the people die,"or shall we put forth a little extra energy and send more men and women to the front?
mdp.39015019189268In what elements is the Chinese church pre- emi- nently strong?
mdp.39015019189268In what ways is it advantageous to train a Chinese woman in medicine in her own country?
mdp.39015019189268In your honorable country is the woman the head of the home or is the man the head of the home?"
mdp.39015019189268Is it not possible by prayer and perseverance to find in all America a woman doctor to do this work?
mdp.39015019189268Is n't it good Chinese?"
mdp.39015019189268Is that true?
mdp.39015019189268Is there any difference between the theoretical and the real position of the Chinese woman?
mdp.39015019189268Keen of Philadelphia took an interest slLlan?
mdp.39015019189268Now do such families as yours, when no guests are present, father, mother and children, all eat at the same table at the same time?"
mdp.39015019189268Now what really happens in a Chinese home?
mdp.39015019189268One day the eunuch saw my wife's bicycle standing on the veranda, and he asked,"Che shih shen mo che?
mdp.39015019189268PUBLISHED BY SfK Central Committer on ttje JHniteb ft rub?
mdp.39015019189268People often ask,"Do the Chinese like the Do tte foreigners?"
mdp.39015019189268Second, are they able to carry out their theories of a home?
mdp.39015019189268Shall we do so in China?
mdp.39015019189268Shall we heed the call?
mdp.39015019189268Shall we help her?
mdp.39015019189268So I turned to the table boy and said:"Ni ting chien kuei che ting teng liao, mciyu?
mdp.39015019189268Some time thereafter he met the official and during the conversation asked,"How did Your Excellency enjoy the books?"
mdp.39015019189268THE PRINTED PAGE 235"May I ask if you belong to the Catholic Church?"
mdp.39015019189268That evening Sarah said to him,"Mark, what are you going to do?"
mdp.39015019189268The women conserve the ancient religions and superstitions of their country; and what can a man do when the women of the household are against him?"
mdp.39015019189268Then came the question,'What do you know about the doctrine?'
mdp.39015019189268There is no one in our village to teach me?
mdp.39015019189268Three dependencies, four virtues, Let them all be perfect, then Who can say that mongst our women, There are no"superior men"?
mdp.39015019189268Was their educational system good enough for them?
mdp.39015019189268Was there ever a woman in this world who bored her ears to remind herself that she was not to listen to the idle gossip of the neighbors?
mdp.39015019189268Was this because the Christian women from England and America, with their Christian Chinese sisters, sent the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the palace?
mdp.39015019189268What are the Chinese practices of midwifery?
mdp.39015019189268What are the greatest tracts ever written?
mdp.39015019189268What are the strong and what the weak features of the educational work of your Board in China?
mdp.39015019189268What countries are the heaviest purchasers of the Bible?
mdp.39015019189268What deductions would you make in regard to the ability of Chinese women from the first Chinese women physicians?
mdp.39015019189268What do you consider the fundamental defects in China's old educational system?
mdp.39015019189268What do you consider the greatest educational opportunity in China?
mdp.39015019189268What do you think?"
mdp.39015019189268What does it indicate as to the new life?
mdp.39015019189268What does it mean to"eat vinegar"?
mdp.39015019189268What factors make outside help necessary to China if she is to successfully make the great transformation of her schools?
mdp.39015019189268What features in China's history make education of supreme importance?
mdp.39015019189268What has that to do with us and our hospital?
mdp.39015019189268What important meeting was held in Canton?
mdp.39015019189268What is the most pressing educational problem in China now before your denominational Board?
mdp.39015019189268What is the relation of the colporteur to other forms of missionary work?
mdp.39015019189268What is the relative importance of the education of girls in China?
mdp.39015019189268What is the supreme opportunity?
mdp.39015019189268What is there about that kind of Chinese Like treatment that was calculated to make them like Us?
mdp.39015019189268What kind of a Chinese church are you training?
mdp.39015019189268What kind of a cart is this?"
mdp.39015019189268What now has the gospel done during the century in which it has been preached in China?
mdp.39015019189268What now was the result?
mdp.39015019189268What of the influence of the church in that awaking?
mdp.39015019189268What part may the missionaries play in helping China to make the change to modern medicine?
mdp.39015019189268What problem in Chinese evangelism seems most pressing?
mdp.39015019189268What should be done?
mdp.39015019189268What will you do to help?
mdp.39015019189268What would it cost to supply a station with a hundred Chinese Bibles and Testaments?
mdp.39015019189268When asked about God he said,"I do not know man, how can I know God?"
mdp.39015019189268Where is the opportunity to teach in the homes the love of the Great Physician?
mdp.39015019189268Where is woman's realm?
mdp.39015019189268Which do you regard as most needed in China, general hospitals, or hospitals for women and children?
mdp.39015019189268Which seems to offer the greatest opportunity for fundamental helpfulness?
mdp.39015019189268Who is the most com- petent to decide that question?
mdp.39015019189268Why is the present moment critical?
mdp.39015019189268Why should I worship that?"
mdp.39015019189268Will it for these?
mdp.39015019189268Will those at home remember these inquirers in prayer that the grace of the Lord may abound unto them?"
mdp.39015019189268Will you go?
mdp.39015019189268of Another question that often arises is, Does a Chinese man treat his wife well?
mdp.39015019189268the greatest educational need?
mdp.39015012852557And leave my work?
mdp.39015012852557And you mean that this is the end of the whole affair?
mdp.39015012852557Are n't you going to do any- thing?
mdp.39015012852557Are we going anywhere in particular?
mdp.39015012852557Are you happy now?
mdp.39015012852557Are you hurt?
mdp.39015012852557Are you sure you care to hear all this?
mdp.39015012852557Because my skin is white, must my soul be white too?
mdp.39015012852557Did you do this?
mdp.39015012852557Do n't they mind it at all?
mdp.39015012852557Do n't you feel shivery about all those men in the kitchen since last night's murder?
mdp.39015012852557Do n't you know men like girls who hate them?
mdp.39015012852557Do you know the story of that house?
mdp.39015012852557Do you know where Ah- tsi has gone?
mdp.39015012852557Do you like it so much?
mdp.39015012852557Do you love me?
mdp.39015012852557Do you not know you can not receive men in this hospital?
mdp.39015012852557Do you remember it?
mdp.39015012852557Do you still want to see the pagoda?
mdp.39015012852557Do you want to go directly home?
mdp.39015012852557Do you want to go home?
mdp.39015012852557Does n't it make you shiver?
mdp.39015012852557Everything quiet?
mdp.39015012852557For me?
mdp.39015012852557From where has she such clear words?
mdp.39015012852557Has it got a story? mdp.39015012852557 How can you ask me to give up a work like this?"
mdp.39015012852557How did God save us?
mdp.39015012852557How did you happen to come to meet Miss Laurie?
mdp.39015012852557How do you know him?
mdp.39015012852557How do you like Shanghai?
mdp.39015012852557How many more inside?
mdp.39015012852557How many?
mdp.39015012852557How should I be happy?
mdp.39015012852557How should I know?
mdp.39015012852557I do n't know your name,I stammered,"but wo n't you call?"
mdp.39015012852557If you regret the past, why be a missionary?
mdp.39015012852557Is it cold in the grave?
mdp.39015012852557Is there a doctor in there?
mdp.39015012852557Life in general hurts, does n't it?
mdp.39015012852557Missey can do?
mdp.39015012852557Missey come too?
mdp.39015012852557Missey no come?
mdp.39015012852557Not her mother- in- law?
mdp.39015012852557Or do n't you know where you are going?
mdp.39015012852557See that wall along the inner side of the canal?
mdp.39015012852557Shall I bring you here on your honeymoon?
mdp.39015012852557Shall we hail a boat and float down instead of walking back?
mdp.39015012852557Suppose all the birds flew up in the air at once?
mdp.39015012852557Suppose the mother died? mdp.39015012852557 The what?"
mdp.39015012852557Then why?
mdp.39015012852557This house, call itself how?
mdp.39015012852557Was she a slave?
mdp.39015012852557Was she alone?
mdp.39015012852557Well, why do n't you?
mdp.39015012852557What did you accomplish?
mdp.39015012852557What do you know about him? mdp.39015012852557 What do you want?"
mdp.39015012852557What does he say?
mdp.39015012852557What is the love of a man?
mdp.39015012852557What is the matter with you, Wilhelmina?
mdp.39015012852557What is the meaning of the shiny balls hanging along the bed?
mdp.39015012852557What is the meaning?
mdp.39015012852557What man live this side?
mdp.39015012852557What thing can happen?
mdp.39015012852557What will become of the poor child Therese?
mdp.39015012852557What will happen to Ah- tsi?
mdp.39015012852557What's that?
mdp.39015012852557What's the matter, Wilhelmina?
mdp.39015012852557When will you be back?
mdp.39015012852557When will you be married?
mdp.39015012852557Where are the bride and groom?
mdp.39015012852557Where are you taking me?
mdp.39015012852557Where have you been?
mdp.39015012852557Where is the boy?
mdp.39015012852557Who is this man?
mdp.39015012852557Who is this man?
mdp.39015012852557Who lives in that big house?
mdp.39015012852557Why did she take it?
mdp.39015012852557Why did you excite yourself so, A- doo?
mdp.39015012852557Why not, if you like it so much?
mdp.39015012852557Why not?
mdp.39015012852557Will the foreign- born teacher honor us by eating of our humble food?
mdp.39015012852557Will you go? mdp.39015012852557 Wo n't the boat turn back?"
mdp.39015012852557Wo n't you come too?
mdp.39015012852557Would n't they carry the boat right out of the water?
mdp.39015012852557You do n't mean to say you think she would carry on a flirtation with one of them?
mdp.39015012852557You want to take the French girl with you to- night; is that it?
mdp.39015012852557'"Where is the father?'
mdp.3901501285255720 MY CHINESE DAYS"But what of the woman's feelings?"
mdp.39015012852557Ah- tsi's face, with its soft beauty, came to my mind, and her lustrous brown eyes questioned me:"Who are you that condemns?"
mdp.39015012852557All the sweet things he said — how much did he mean of them?
mdp.39015012852557Am I not head of my family?
mdp.39015012852557Am I not her elder broder?
mdp.39015012852557And did he interpret them as I did?
mdp.39015012852557And how could she have vanished without our knowledge?"
mdp.39015012852557And where?
mdp.39015012852557But suppose the THE SLAVE REFUGE AT KAUNG WAN 105 rebels did n't stop firing?
mdp.39015012852557But what have you come here for, but to teach us new customs that shall be proper for Chinese women as well as foreign women?
mdp.39015012852557Ca n't you just see him looting, cutting off the women's earrings, and grabbing their bracelets and rings?
mdp.39015012852557Did I think any one could be spared?
mdp.39015012852557Did she feel?
mdp.39015012852557Did she think I was a"foreign devil"with bold, forward manners, or did she think I was the fore- runner of a like liberty for the girls of China?
mdp.39015012852557Did she think?
mdp.39015012852557Did these silent, jogging men know where they were going, or had they become hypnotized by the regular a w H i THE WALLED CITY 117 motion?
mdp.39015012852557Did you see anybody return her salute?"
mdp.39015012852557Do you hear me?
mdp.39015012852557Do you not know that Mr. Li must first finish his course?
mdp.39015012852557Do you remember?"
mdp.39015012852557Do you want to go of your own freewill?"
mdp.39015012852557Does it not wear you out staying up so many nights?"
mdp.39015012852557FLYING STONES 27 1"How did you make the Chinamen turn tail so suddenly?"
mdp.39015012852557Had she an ancient Chinese individuality and a superimposed foreign- trained personality?
mdp.39015012852557Have you taken any quinine?"
mdp.39015012852557How could she leave but by the rising and falling box?
mdp.39015012852557How could we explain the difference, the danger, in the face of the scandalized nurses, to the bright, defiant eyes of Pretty?
mdp.39015012852557How did he know she would be good to his wife?
mdp.39015012852557How did she do it?
mdp.39015012852557How many inside?"
mdp.39015012852557I wondered did she envy my freedom, or did she shrink from it?
mdp.39015012852557I wondered had she two personalities?
mdp.39015012852557If we do not worship our fathers, what matters it what class of strangeness we do?
mdp.39015012852557In the name of thunder, why wo n't you marry me?
mdp.39015012852557In what frame of mind was the young girl waiting within?
mdp.39015012852557Is it not strange?
mdp.39015012852557Is n't it a hideous method?
mdp.39015012852557L'* ■#*? •'-'■.'
mdp.39015012852557May I beg you to come to see him?
mdp.39015012852557Merely as a formality, I asked,"Is the woman in the hospital?"
mdp.39015012852557Moreover, even if he meant them, could he keep his promises?
mdp.39015012852557Or was she concentrated in merely waiting?
mdp.39015012852557Shall I help you up?"
mdp.39015012852557Should I presently have to call out to a chance passer- by to rescue me?
mdp.39015012852557Should it be happiness and honor and favor, or dishonor and drudgery?
mdp.39015012852557Was it a girl, or was it a boy?
mdp.39015012852557Was it frightfully hot in the Red Sea?"
mdp.39015012852557Was it six or twenty or one hundred?
mdp.39015012852557Was she satisfied?
mdp.39015012852557Was this one of the incomprehensible cases of dissociation of the ego?
mdp.39015012852557What do you suppose she said?
mdp.39015012852557What if the child died?"
mdp.39015012852557What kind of a trip have you had?
mdp.39015012852557What would the young girl find to say to this man she had never seen before, she who had never spoken to a man alone in her whole life?
mdp.39015012852557Where did you meet him?"
mdp.39015012852557Why shall it not be proper Chinese custom?
mdp.39015012852557Why wo n't you understand?"
mdp.39015012852557Will the children go?"
mdp.39015012852557Will you go along?"
mdp.39015012852557Would I ever be able to foretell the Oriental point of view?
mdp.39015012852557Would she come back, or had she gone forever?
mdp.39015012852557You are not angry, are you?"
mdp.39015012852557You'll be down soon?
mdp.39015012852557You've seen him, have you?"
mdp.39015012852557a34 MY CHINESE DAYS"Her own mother?"
mdp.39015004134915'And your furniture?'
mdp.39015004134915'Do your Excellencies know how this confidence on our part has been met?
mdp.39015004134915'Have you not been long enough in Japan to know our habits are too simple for such useless and cumbrous appliances?
mdp.39015004134915'Is blindness very com- mon?'
mdp.39015004134915'What news is this?'
mdp.39015004134915'Whence is this?
mdp.39015004134915'Why, what does he mean?
mdp.39015004134915'Would the written declaration of the Chief Governor of Foreign Affairs answer the purpose?'
mdp.39015004134915'Yet had they not taken all the measures that could be con- ceived?
mdp.39015004134915And can this be dishonored, or flung to the winds, in any quarter of the globe, without prejudice to our commercial interests every where?
mdp.39015004134915And how much ill will and excuse for bad faith on the part of the Chinese Government may be due to this one cause?
mdp.39015004134915And what statesman or politician has ever seen in such a course a ground of protest, or of danger to Russia?
mdp.39015004134915And what was done?
mdp.39015004134915Are the home influences purifying or demoralizing?
mdp.39015004134915Are the relations of husband and wife, brother and sister, such as we know them in Europe?
mdp.39015004134915Are they all born with the same feelings, wants, and capaci- ties?
mdp.39015004134915Are those who advo- cate a laissez/aire policy, and abstinence from all protective measures, prepared for such a sacrifice of trade and revenue?
mdp.39015004134915As to the disinterestedness and liberality of the action, why should we take the ungracious office of contesting either the one or the other?
mdp.39015004134915But I must not take you over the lacker, and silk, and porcelain shops, or where should I stop?
mdp.39015004134915But are the things so dear?
mdp.39015004134915But in what way am I and my brother land- holders and speculators cdncerned in this?
mdp.39015004134915But of the higher classes, who has ever seen an interior?
mdp.39015004134915But what will not faith and energy, even a pa- gan's faith, accomplish?
mdp.39015004134915But, once grant the prayer of these patriotic Ministers, and assent to their propositions, how would it work?
mdp.39015004134915By what machinery was the change effected?
mdp.39015004134915Can both these objects be reconciled, or are they wholly and absolutely incompatible?
mdp.39015004134915Can no interpreter be found or spared?'
mdp.39015004134915Did I, then, give them no credit for the exertions made?'
mdp.39015004134915Does not the religion of the Gospel teach something very like it?"
mdp.39015004134915Has the universal experience of mankind left this lesson yet to be learned by any race or nation, East or West?
mdp.39015004134915Horses there were certainly in consider- able numbers, but how were we to ask the Japanese for the means of making war on their neighbor and ally?
mdp.39015004134915How came such a result about, both in the first and the second of these instances?
mdp.39015004134915How can a government sup- ply the unerring scales of graduation which trade, free and unrestricted, naturally furnishes by a self- adjusting process?
mdp.39015004134915How does Russia, one of the greatest European powers, con- duct its administration?
mdp.39015004134915How does the conscientious trader thrive in such circumstances?
mdp.39015004134915How shall I describe it?
mdp.39015004134915I do not hear that it was ever refused, until this re- cent affair of the treaties; why should it be?
mdp.39015004134915I doubt, how- ever, whether an English mob would be as susceptible of'the same mesmeric influence?
mdp.39015004134915I wonder whether any one ever reads their own jour- nals?
mdp.39015004134915If not,'qui veut la fin, veut les moyens?
mdp.39015004134915If the objection strikes you as singular or novel, it is explained that his shadow is an'ometsky?
mdp.39015004134915If we thus exhaust all our treasures, on what shall we live?'
mdp.39015004134915In Europe, are not official un- truths also told now and then?
mdp.39015004134915In a moderately short time I succeeded, with the assistance of'Copo?
mdp.39015004134915In the winding ascent over the rubble and scoria?
mdp.39015004134915Is it possible to conceive a less desirable destiny?
mdp.39015004134915Is not this the effect contemplated and desired?
mdp.39015004134915Is the loss only on one side?
mdp.39015004134915Is there no employment of foreign- ers?
mdp.39015004134915Is this a fair picture of a Japanese estab- lishment also?
mdp.39015004134915It was a great fete or'Matsuri?
mdp.39015004134915Japan from the rest of the world?
mdp.39015004134915Open a chasm to bury you in its depths?
mdp.39015004134915Or merely make you feel as though you, not the earth below, had been taken with an ague- fit?
mdp.39015004134915Perhaps custom and that'deformed thief,'fashion, may have brought him to like it; but if so, where is the pro- tection?
mdp.39015004134915Singularly enough, we seem to have some traces of this conception in our own vernacular, by the term'barefaced?
mdp.39015004134915The abbe, treating it rather as a jest, replied,'No, really — when, then?'
mdp.39015004134915The path, if such the zigzag may be called which our guides took, often led directly over fragments of out- jutting rocks, while the loose scoria?
mdp.39015004134915There is hope in this, but there is also danger; for when were ever changes so sudden and extreme made without danger and risk of reac- tion?
mdp.39015004134915To the end of the wet season?
mdp.39015004134915Was it, then, a mere highway robbery, with murder as an accompaniment, or was it an act of hatred and revenge?
mdp.39015004134915Was there any real intention of keeping faith?
mdp.39015004134915We see the land at last — a long sweep of coast with a bold outline; but where?
mdp.39015004134915Wealth brings troubles, cares, temptations'Quien tien criados tien cuidados?
mdp.39015004134915What European power has ever hesitated to employ foreigners when these could supply a special knowledge or a talent not to be found in the country?
mdp.39015004134915What are the ne- cessities and exigencies — with our will, or against it — which govern our action?
mdp.39015004134915What but murders and butcheries can possibly come of such a state of things?
mdp.39015004134915What can it matter to him, poor recluse, how they govern or misgovern an empire only in mockery called his?
mdp.39015004134915What condition can be happier?
mdp.39015004134915What could be done?
mdp.39015004134915What did it mean?
mdp.39015004134915What had been the progress made — the gain and the loss on the first twelve months of effort, dip- lomatic and commercial?
mdp.39015004134915What had happened in the inter- val?
mdp.39015004134915What have I to do with its truth or falsehood?
mdp.39015004134915What is the result?
mdp.39015004134915What is the secret of this sudden and enormous growth in population and in trading importance of a barren rock?
mdp.39015004134915What motives actuated those who at the time held the reins of power?
mdp.39015004134915What was the motive, and who were the perpetra- tors?
mdp.39015004134915What was to be done?
mdp.39015004134915What will not use reconcile us to in this life?
mdp.39015004134915When has it ever been otherwise in the treaties of the Western with the Eastern races?
mdp.39015004134915Whence the seemingly sudden and violent change in the policy of the Japanese?
mdp.39015004134915Where is this to end?
mdp.39015004134915Where was this to end?
mdp.39015004134915Who but the novice ever thinks of ducking his head or trying to dodge them?
mdp.39015004134915Who can tell?
mdp.39015004134915Who can want friends or constituents with such prizes in his hands?
mdp.39015004134915Who could say what new cause of delay might be discovered within that interval?
mdp.39015004134915Who is in a position to offer any thing more than a guess?
mdp.39015004134915Who knows any thing of the law of earthquakes?
mdp.39015004134915Who was the assassin, and what was the motive?
mdp.39015004134915Whoever sat down patiently to write either letter or book in such com- pany?
mdp.39015004134915Will it bring the house down over your head?
mdp.39015004134915Will it come down or not?
mdp.39015004134915With such prevailing feeling, how could these treaties have been made?
mdp.39015004134915You lessen it in the first case, and who shall devise a gauge by which the foreigner may know how far you may apply the pressure?
mdp.39015004134915all right; here it is, bright and fresh from the mint, two for the dollar; therefore two of them — what do they call them again?
mdp.39015004134915and exonerated him?'
mdp.39015004134915and'-HopfoJ and'-Howshing?
mdp.39015004134915at what point?
mdp.39015004134915get away; and what can it matter to me if all Shanghae dis- appear afterward in fire or flood?
mdp.39015004134915or will it ever admit of improvement?
mdp.39015004134915t And where was the remedy?
mdp.39015004134915that shape and mould the character of a nation,'and I be- lieve it; but, if so, what can we know of the homes of the Japanese?
mdp.39015004134915the rain?
mdp.39015004134915what were the miser- able profits upon transactions in the buying and selling of for- eign and Japanese produce compared to this?
mdp.39015004134766WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH IT?
mdp.39015004134766'But I suppose you can get it?'
mdp.39015004134766'Is there any remedy for this?
mdp.39015004134766'Shall I,'writes the Editor of the'Record,'in a leader which appeared but a few years ago,'shall I, therefore, fall in with this abominable delusion?
mdp.39015004134766'Then why affirm there were none without inquiry, when you knew nothing about it?'
mdp.39015004134766'This outside of the walls?'
mdp.39015004134766'Unsafe is it?
mdp.39015004134766'What have you brought us all this way to see?'
mdp.39015004134766'What, have they no insides?'
mdp.39015004134766'Where are the swords?
mdp.39015004134766'Where is the priest, then?
mdp.39015004134766'Who did?
mdp.39015004134766'Why do n't you say the Governor of Yeddo?
mdp.39015004134766'Why, what is the matter, Sana( flower, a common female ap- dellation)?
mdp.39015004134766'Y a- t- il eu attaque?
mdp.39015004134766127 able weariness at the end of each day?
mdp.39015004134766223 barize by developing the animal passions, and all the lower and grosser parts of their emotional nature?
mdp.39015004134766325 against sea- sickness?
mdp.39015004134766All honor, indeed, I say; but do we so understand civilization in Europe, its gifts or its duties?
mdp.39015004134766And far that very reason we did not allude to it when the Treaty was concluded?
mdp.39015004134766And was the Gov- ernment or Foreign Power willing to accept the alternative?
mdp.39015004134766And where was the remedy to be sought?
mdp.39015004134766But the question is, What kind of culture, and what are its tendencies and influ- ence?
mdp.39015004134766But what means had I at my disposal?
mdp.39015004134766But what, if drunk, with two deadly weapons at his belt, was he to be allowed to try his drunken strength on the limbs and bodies of foreigners?
mdp.39015004134766But who ever hears of a hue and cry against the arbi- trary tyranny and oppression of the magistrate?
mdp.39015004134766Can any one say that these were not, upon the whole, very rational views for the speaker, as the despotic head of a great Pagan empire, to take?
mdp.39015004134766Can these things, then, be lightly looked upon, even if the mis- demeanants be, upon the whole, respectable and well- conduct- ed?
mdp.39015004134766Did they expect to be at- tacked by the aggressive action of some Foreign Power?
mdp.39015004134766Dress of Japanese pilgrim?, 373.
mdp.39015004134766Est- ce homme franc?
mdp.39015004134766Est- ce un émissaire?
mdp.39015004134766Evil news, we knew, they must bring; what was it?
mdp.39015004134766Foiled and baffled in their first desperate attempt, would they return with recruited forces and in larger numbers?
mdp.39015004134766For what kind of existence did the Romans live, whose pastime was the whole- sale butcheries of the amphitheatre?
mdp.39015004134766Had he been expected to succeed, under pretext of framing a treaty, in deferring its conclusion indefinitely, and failed?
mdp.39015004134766Had the Government any information or suspicion of this, and hence their extraordinary precautions?
mdp.39015004134766He was engaged as one of the plenipotentiaries in negotiating the Prussian treaty on the point of being concluded — was it this?
mdp.39015004134766How does the account stand if we take stock of the social state under each, and note the degree of civilization attained?
mdp.39015004134766How is it to be dealt with?
mdp.39015004134766How long would the lives of foreigners be respected?
mdp.39015004134766How long?
mdp.39015004134766How was this to be accounted for?
mdp.39015004134766How would you receive them?
mdp.39015004134766I nev- er in my life could guess a conundrum or a rebus in plain English or French, how much less in'Japan- ese Mrakana?
mdp.39015004134766If it be asked,'What data exist for such sweeping conclu- sions?'
mdp.39015004134766If they apply the same rule to Foreign Powers( and who can doubt that they do?
mdp.39015004134766Ilex species(?).
mdp.39015004134766Immeasur- ably in advance as to intellectual culture, was he so by a hair's breadth as a religious, responsible, and moral being?
mdp.39015004134766In other words, What are the necessities and exigencies which govern its action, and the limits within which we may reasonably look for success?
mdp.39015004134766Into what disgrace had he fallen?
mdp.39015004134766Is it an error to assume that Romanism mili- tates against such rule?
mdp.39015004134766Is it only to be a change of form in Man and in States, not an essential change of nature or condition?
mdp.39015004134766Is moral evil or crime on the decrease?
mdp.39015004134766Is this the civilization we would so fain bestow on other races?
mdp.39015004134766It would be untrue to it- self, and self- contradictory, if it did not?
mdp.39015004134766Let him be sent for; we intend to see the swords''The priest?
mdp.39015004134766Of all forms of government, which is there that has not been tried under every possible combination of circumstances?
mdp.39015004134766Or to buy a length of cotton which answers to the measurement written upon it; or a bottle of wine or beer containing a statute pint or quart measure?
mdp.39015004134766Or were they conscious that their policy would before long bring one or more of the Treaty Powers upon them, in vindication of outraged rights?
mdp.39015004134766Or what is beauty of scenery when there is nothing dear in life?
mdp.39015004134766Ou toute cette histoire n'est- elle qu'une broderie?
mdp.39015004134766Shall I foster that damnable doc- trine that Socinianism and Calvinism are not every one of them mortal sins, like murder and adultery?
mdp.39015004134766Somebody has said, apropos to the mer de glace,'What is the picturesque when one is struggling for dear life?'
mdp.39015004134766Spartan simplicity of their habits, i., 268. their food and beverage?, i., 268. their notions of the causes of earth-] quakes, i., 290.
mdp.39015004134766THREE YEARS IN JAPAN ly what does this amount to?
mdp.39015004134766The Custom- house would not pass it, the ship could not take it back — What was to be done with the beautiful beast?'
mdp.39015004134766The question was no other than this, upon what principle of exchange should American coins be received in payment for goods and supplies?
mdp.39015004134766The question, therefore, still recurs, What do they do with themselves and their time?
mdp.39015004134766Titsingh says,'When the subjects or vassals of one Prince affront those of another, the latter would be dishonored if he did not avenge it?
mdp.39015004134766To what have they led among the inheritors of the Greek and Roman tri- umphs of art and intellectual conquests?
mdp.39015004134766To what useful end, then, would all this expense, trouble, and hu- miliation have been accepted?
mdp.39015004134766Toby,'death of the dog, i?
mdp.39015004134766Unguissu, the only bird in Japan which sing?, li.,124.
mdp.39015004134766Viewed in this light, what has art, taken in its most compre- hensive sense, done for the Japanese?
mdp.39015004134766WHAT IS CIVILIZATION?
mdp.39015004134766Was it to warn us of an- other gathering of Lenin's, and a plot to attack the settlement?
mdp.39015004134766Was this a mere act of overstrained courtesy on the part of the prince, or compulsory?
mdp.39015004134766Was this the fact?
mdp.39015004134766Were these the heads of any of the assassins who penetrated into the Legation on July 5?
mdp.39015004134766What are its fruits?
mdp.39015004134766What are the scenes passing around us in Europe at the pres- ent day?
mdp.39015004134766What is their fruit in this nineteenth century of the Christian era?
mdp.39015004134766What were their occupations and amusements?
mdp.39015004134766What, indeed?
mdp.39015004134766When the Japanese Custom- house and the Consul seemed to have come to a dead- lock, the question arose, What was to be done with the article?
mdp.39015004134766Whence came the blows of the assassin, in such a long and seemingly endless series of murders and butcheries?
mdp.39015004134766Where is it to stop, or must it be allowed to run its fatal course until all the lives are exhausted?
mdp.39015004134766Where was this to end?
mdp.39015004134766Who were the authors of this truly Oriental system, in which bad faith and assassination were the most prominent features?
mdp.39015004134766Whoever thinks his judge is right if the judgment is a con- demnation?
mdp.39015004134766Whose turn shall it be next?
mdp.39015004134766With what view were they so anxious to make costly augmentations of ready armed and equipped ships?
mdp.39015004134766XXXIII What should we be doing, then, by concession?
mdp.39015004134766You wish to make the Chinese Christians, and that is what your law demands, I know very well; but what, in that case, would become of us?
mdp.39015004134766and what had you to do with it?'
mdp.39015004134766and when will the measure of this iniquity be full?
mdp.39015004134766drawn to Yokohama without any sufficient cause, though di- rectly menaced with precisely such an attack?
mdp.39015004134766half way?
mdp.39015004134766not the very type and presentment of a'friar of orders gray,'such as we could have shown before Harry Tudor made the race scarce?
mdp.39015004134766or had any thing disastrous happened either to our American colleague in the capital, or any of the members of the Tycoon's Cabinet?
mdp.39015004134766or hold out hopes to the Protestant that I will not meddle with his creed?'
mdp.39015004134766permit] which, by their own showing, is not at all?
mdp.39015004134766the other, to alter the conditions of the currency?
mdp.39015004134766what has befallen you?'
mdp.39015004134766what swords?'
mdp.39015004134766where was it?
mdp.39015004134766would they not take some more effective means of securing our safety?
mdp.39015004134766yes, true; but they will not grow?
mdp.39015004134766• An order from whom?'
mdp.39015004134766• Is there any remedy for this?
mdp.39015009197982And did the spirit stay away?
mdp.39015009197982And your office?
mdp.39015009197982Are these, then, the gods you look to for protection — gods that are incapable of protecting their own eyes?
mdp.39015009197982But what have you to do with evil spirits?
mdp.39015009197982But will not your officers ob- ject?
mdp.39015009197982Do you know,I asked,"that he is now British minister in Peking?"
mdp.39015009197982Do you think I would yield to temptations like that?
mdp.39015009197982Do you think we could?
mdp.39015009197982Does it contain the'twenty- four sections'?
mdp.39015009197982Dr. W. Brethren did you say? mdp.39015009197982 For why should that kind of fish offer itself if there was not going to be a funeral?"
mdp.39015009197982Have n't I read the story of Joseph?
mdp.39015009197982Is that all?
mdp.39015009197982Is this,I mused,"the boasted civ- ilization of China?
mdp.39015009197982Piluchi,inter- posed the other —"is not that the same as Pilu[ Peru]?"
mdp.39015009197982Shall we drop anchor and take the chances of getting help from some passing steamer?
mdp.39015009197982Then why are you making altera- tions in our boat?
mdp.39015009197982Was the deceased a friend or relative of yours?
mdp.39015009197982We know not life; how can we know death?
mdp.39015009197982What do you mean?
mdp.39015009197982What do you wish me to do for you, my good dame?
mdp.39015009197982What is the meaning of this demonstration?
mdp.39015009197982What is the object of this procession?
mdp.39015009197982What is your honorable name?
mdp.39015009197982What then is the matter? mdp.39015009197982 What, for example,"I asked,"are Americans to think of those murderous attacks on foreigners of every nationality and occupation?"
mdp.39015009197982Which, for instance?
mdp.39015009197982Who are you,they asked,"that you have no goods?
mdp.39015009197982Whose is it,I asked,"and why is it here?"
mdp.39015009197982Why are all the wor- shipers women, and what are they praying for?
mdp.39015009197982Why do you foreigners not take the empire?
mdp.39015009197982Why do you live in such a place?
mdp.39015009197982Why have I scaled these misty heights? mdp.39015009197982 Why is the lady who presides in this legation like a young duck?"
mdp.39015009197982Why may not we send missionaries to your country as well as you to ours?
mdp.39015009197982Why so?
mdp.39015009197982Why, then, do you weep?
mdp.39015009197982Why,they asked,"do you wish to give up your post?
mdp.39015009197982'But can you sign a treaty without reference to Peking?'
mdp.39015009197982'But where,'asked Mr. Reed,'is the original document?'
mdp.39015009197982'Why, mama?'
mdp.39015009197982( Who says the Chinese are deficient in a sense of humor?)
mdp.39015009197982*"Are there among you any of the family of Israel?"
mdp.39015009197982298 A CYCLE OF CATHAY"Has any one offended you by a want of respect?"
mdp.39015009197982; why not open the gates of his capital to the envoys of the great nations of the West?
mdp.39015009197982After all, are there not clerks to keep the Yamen run- ning?
mdp.39015009197982An important question yet remains, viz., What measure of success has been attained by the missions in China?
mdp.39015009197982And not forget his earthly home, With all its cares and woes?
mdp.39015009197982And was not the disinheriting of an unworthy prince in Ta Yu's favor the converse of the same principle?
mdp.39015009197982Are not faith and patience essen- tial to salvation?
mdp.39015009197982Are these the people for whom I left my home?"
mdp.39015009197982As- you have no opium, you are not merchants; and as you have no firearms, you are not soldiers; who and what are you?"
mdp.39015009197982But did you not assure me it was at hand?
mdp.39015009197982But how could he be sure that they were not bent on exacting some other humiliating rite?
mdp.39015009197982But what about the ceremony?
mdp.39015009197982But what does it signify after all when the con- dition is appended that the terms agreed on"must be sub- mitted for our inspection"?
mdp.39015009197982But would they have opened if the artillery of Japan had not been thundering at the outer defenses of the empire?
mdp.39015009197982But, I reflected, if they were not heathen, why should I have come?
mdp.39015009197982Can you find me any congenial employment?'
mdp.39015009197982Clothed in shining vestments, she has gone up to the true life; and her benevolent countenance — where shall we look for it?"
mdp.39015009197982Did not European diplomacy, now so upright and downright, formerly require the same?
mdp.39015009197982Did she not take Burmah as an offset to Tonquin, without saying to China"by your leave"?
mdp.39015009197982Did the church which condemned the doctrines of Galileo discourage the use of his telescope?
mdp.39015009197982Does it not show that inland trade has been to them a more important factor than ocean commerce?
mdp.39015009197982Does not Daudet tell us something similar about a French marshal and his game of billiards?
mdp.39015009197982Does not the dot inside indicate that there are spots on the sun, a fact which the Chinese were among the first to observe?
mdp.39015009197982For are not Protestants easier to convert than pagans?
mdp.39015009197982For was it not Mencius who said that"the greatest sin against filial piety is to have no son"?
mdp.39015009197982Had he pigeons for sale?
mdp.39015009197982He had never heard of Mormonism, but his reasoning is that of the Mormon hymn:"In the heavens are parents single?
mdp.39015009197982He said to Mr. Burlingame:"Who is this man who is going to give the Chinese an insight into our European international law?
mdp.39015009197982His reasoning was sound, but was he a neutral?
mdp.39015009197982How can I object to your coming to be my neighbor?
mdp.39015009197982How could it be when the peace mission of Changyinhoan a month earlier was rejected for want of it?
mdp.39015009197982How happens it, it may be asked, that a large city like Can- ton is situated so far from the river's mouth?
mdp.39015009197982I might have an- swered,"Because water does not flow uphill,"but I refrained from wounding his feelings, and replied,"Why do n't you?
mdp.39015009197982If England withdrew from Peking after taking it in 1860, did not the rebel, Li Tzecheng, do the same in 1644?
mdp.39015009197982If I have no teeth, how can I see the emperor?"
mdp.39015009197982If he had been, is it not probable that the wheels of the new chariot would have been made to run in the old track?
mdp.39015009197982If the creator of a science bores an artesian well, does not the translator lay the pipes for irrigation?
mdp.39015009197982Ignorance made them cautious; know- ing nothing of foreign countries, what could they do but feel their way?
mdp.39015009197982In all your reading of Chinese history have you ever met with such a title?
mdp.39015009197982In fact, was he not suf- fering from life on shipboard?
mdp.39015009197982In speaking he was not at all proficient; how could he be when his teachers never dared to correct his mistakes?
mdp.39015009197982Is it a matter of dress, something like that of conformity to the costume of a European court as a condition for presentation?
mdp.39015009197982Is it not Cowper who says:"'Tis pitiful to court a grin When you should woo a soul"?
mdp.39015009197982Is it not curious that the form which the Chinese give to one of their most beneficent deities should be the sym- bol of Satan?
mdp.39015009197982Is it not true, as Commissioner Tan declared, that"the emperor is the only plenipotentiary"?
mdp.39015009197982Is it possible that they should be otherwise than feeble, when all they require is conformity to a lifeless ritual?
mdp.39015009197982Is it surprising that their thirst for revenge should smoulder in the ashes of Yuen Ming Yuen?
mdp.39015009197982Is it to be imagined that she needed our example to prompt her to secure by treaty what she had gained by imperial placet?
mdp.39015009197982Is it treating us like brethren to keep us standing outside of the door?
mdp.39015009197982Is not his enthusiasm natural when we remember that Chinese carriages have no springs and that mandarins never drive with Chinese women?
mdp.39015009197982Is not their hostility his best indorsement?
mdp.39015009197982Is the paper I sent you at hand?
mdp.39015009197982Is there a belligerent anywhere whose conduct surpasses this?
mdp.39015009197982Is there any peace In ever climbing up the climbing wave?"
mdp.39015009197982Is your pay insufficient?"
mdp.39015009197982It might delay, but might it not help, his political career?
mdp.39015009197982May it not be the reverse, for have not all his efforts been directed toward arming his country for war?
mdp.39015009197982No can see, how can sabby{ know the way)?
mdp.39015009197982No got eye, how can see?
mdp.39015009197982Noticing one day that instead of eyes they had only hollow cavities,"What has become of their eyes?"
mdp.39015009197982Now tell me the truth; have you not sent it to Peking?
mdp.39015009197982Observing me in my shirt- sleeves, the young leader pointed to Russell and asked if we were not"all the same"?
mdp.39015009197982Or were they placed at a distance from the sea- MUST GLIMPSES OF CHINA% 1 board to be out of the reach of pirates?
mdp.39015009197982Ought not that act, so prompt and generous, to be taken as an offset to the heartless selfishness with which the Chinese are so often charged?
mdp.39015009197982SCENES AND INCIDENTS 8?
mdp.39015009197982Seeing one of them leading a pretty child one day in the street, I inquired,"Is he your son?"
mdp.39015009197982That piecee boat, what for have got eye?
mdp.39015009197982The cordon of great powers drawn round the Celestial Em- pire looks ominous, but may it not prove to be a protection?
mdp.39015009197982The em- peror, too, may feel inclined to learn foreign languages; who knows but some of your students may be called to teach him?"
mdp.39015009197982The jealousy of the powers has kept the Ottoman in Europe; may it not keep the Tartar in China?
mdp.39015009197982The mild- eyed, melancholy Lotos- eaters came"?
mdp.39015009197982The neu- trals assured him of their sympathy( what could they do less?
mdp.39015009197982These terms sound whimsical, but do we not forget that our word"salary"means an"allowance for salt"?
mdp.39015009197982They count fish by the tail as we count cows by the head — did they count birds in the same way?
mdp.39015009197982Thus to make all the women of a city taboo to all the men, is not that exogamy run wild?
mdp.39015009197982To check an advance of Russia, did she not occupy Port Hamilton with quite as little ceremony?
mdp.39015009197982To my question,"Are you not lonely?"
mdp.39015009197982To their surprise he accepted the offer, and, by way of opening a useful conversation, inquired,"What is your noble profession?"
mdp.39015009197982Was he not compromised by the action of our commodore?
mdp.39015009197982Was he satisfied with this double heritage?
mdp.39015009197982Was it because he sought to curb their thirst for blood and plunder?
mdp.39015009197982Was it not possible too that a neutral might in consequence of this disaster secure the vantage- ground of a mediator?
mdp.39015009197982Was it owing to inveterate corruption in the insurgents, or to want of tact and breadth in Roberts, or to both?
mdp.39015009197982What better proof is there than the fact that he is beholden to missionaries for the translation of his works into the languages of Europe?"
mdp.39015009197982What could he mean?
mdp.39015009197982What headway could be expected with one pulling forward and the other backward?
mdp.39015009197982What is to be said for a man who so miscal- culates the tides and misunderstands the ground except that"he was brave"?
mdp.39015009197982What matters it to her if the finest views are wiped from the map of the capital?
mdp.39015009197982What pleasure can we have To war with evil?
mdp.39015009197982What then is this mysterious question?
mdp.39015009197982What will be the next?
mdp.39015009197982What will the Chinese do now?
mdp.39015009197982When the emperor rules over so many millions, what does he care for the few waifs that have drifted away to a foreign land?
mdp.39015009197982Which was right?
mdp.39015009197982Who but his Majesty was to decide on the"reasonable, advantageous, and detri- mental"?
mdp.39015009197982Who knows but the old academician might have been as thoroughly converted had he not refused to submit to the educating process?
mdp.39015009197982Why did not the prince throw open his palace and commence it by a state ball?
mdp.39015009197982Why do you ask to resign?"
mdp.39015009197982Why should he take the trouble to learn the business of any one office when he knows that each is only a stepping- stone to something be- yond?
mdp.39015009197982Why sought this mountain den?
mdp.39015009197982Will not the native church set- tle it some day by using all three of the disputed terms?
mdp.39015009197982Will they hold Tientsin and block the way to it by sinking junks in the narrow, tortuous river?
mdp.39015009197982Will they make a stand at some more defensible point beyond the reach of gunboats and heavy ordnance?
mdp.39015009197982Will you oblige me by sending for it?
mdp.39015009197982With such precepts and such examples, is it not strange that social regeneration is the last thing desifed by the Chinese?
mdp.39015009197982With this feeling, was it not natural to oppose to the push of the foreigner that vis inertia in which China so conspicuously excels?
mdp.39015009197982Woman ignorant has made China Bud- dhist; will not woman educated make her Christian?
mdp.39015009197982Would he have averted the fall of the Kung ministry, or precipitated a worse catastrophe?
mdp.39015009197982Would not a Frenchman have reason to blush in com- paring it with the treatment meted out to Germans in the war of 1870?
mdp.39015009197982Would they not take it, if for no other reason thar"o prevent its falling into the hands of other powers?
mdp.39015009197982You say you are our friends, but how do we know?
mdp.39015009197982and would he not be cured by life on land?
mdp.39015009197982he answered,"How can I be lonely when God[ Shangti] is with me?"
mdp.39015009197982say to his ambassadors,"If they lie to you, you must lie still more to them"?
mdp.39015009197982spose wanchee tail pidgin?"
mdp.39015009197982what for makee too muchee bobbery that side?
mdp.39015035959314How about the native services? ” I asked. mdp.39015035959314 How is ller Majesty, the Queen?"
mdp.39015035959314Is it to the Sos'un river? mdp.39015035959314 Thirteen years later the king of Păk- jé changed his capital to Han mountain( Seoul?)
mdp.39015035959314Well did you hear of the Uhsa being entertained by the gods last night? ” “ I did not ” said the man. mdp.39015035959314 What about the Grandson?"
mdp.39015035959314What does he mean by plum blossoms? mdp.39015035959314 Where are the mighty Mins?''
mdp.39015035959314You poor drivelling creaturewas the re- ply"he does not mean plum blossoms at all; he nieans,"did he see his wife as le passed by?
mdp.39015035959314# ܬ'L «;-iLl:':; ܐܐܙܙ 13 ܬܐ ܬܬ, I]&ܨ? f ܗܘܐ ܠܗ'I".;?
mdp.39015035959314# ܬ'L «;-iLl:':; ܐܐܙܙ 13 ܬܐ ܬܬ, I]&ܨ? f ܗܘܐ ܠܗ'I".;?
mdp.39015035959314'? 31; 118ܙ| ܠܐ.
mdp.39015035959314'YI IL Tun Mietflidere mensen met Shite, w winne PE- W221?
mdp.39015035959314( 21) How can one go beyond filial piety in virtue?
mdp.39015035959314( 8) But wlien you seek a wife seek not one of your own name,(?
mdp.39015035959314):.IIIܐܢ12:<> ܬܬ3 ܕ AVU UTO l-;[A,?
mdp.39015035959314* 11:?
mdp.39015035959314- Este"on: 972 Tbs BOCAIRN:,:: 1.2 Letis 1.?
mdp.39015035959314.. tion are some of the class pensei is taese ito?
mdp.39015035959314.ZIS 24 Pi 218 124 125...]?
mdp.390150359593141 erinomaises;.. Kä Isa 5* W 103!168', i tv,?
mdp.390150359593141, 4247 1.La tit*?
mdp.3901503595931411 ani ki?
mdp.390150359593141:1p potenties op 11110 17.7** continues inn i pris: 31 t.. nori in 1: nu?
mdp.3901503595931434 31 511 51 1* u*.5.4 ° 33?)
mdp.39015035959314463 “ How is that?"
mdp.39015035959314479 But what are we to understand by"Christian Literature?"
mdp.390150359593146 If Eum Kuang 7 hnd nut, regarded this truth and laugh- ed but a little while The pure clear wind 8 which is limitless to whom could it be intrusted?
mdp.390150359593147-k 11-m- ng before?
mdp.390150359593149= euï –?
mdp.39015035959314? linati11, if it can be found, if for to otber reason at least in order to suprant wrong siste is.
mdp.39015035959314A 1- 1?
mdp.39015035959314A church of such promises, may we not expect that her next ten years will bring forth that by which the Lord shall indeed astonish the nations?
mdp.39015035959314A ja viilen is much of obtaining all Sex?
mdp.39015035959314Ainugbe asked that a si I wt invundaan water bot led near tuer 1rwing planom 1111* Light be southed by the Bund of the rippling water?
mdp.39015035959314And how many wives did this glorious Soloran not have?
mdp.39015035959314Are the people to be ground down and de- stroyed?
mdp.39015035959314Are there not pure Korean equivalents for 반포​, 중언​부언​, 로 ​3, 5, 75), and 7?
mdp.39015035959314Are these only occasional words?
mdp.39015035959314Are these rice Christians?
mdp.39015035959314As we look back upon these summaries, what cause have we not to thank God for that which they indicate?
mdp.39015035959314At eacy of thes?
mdp.39015035959314At last, however, having quenched his thirst with considerable trouble he looked up angrily and sivid; “ What do you mean?
mdp.39015035959314Bi-.op N: ce, whose visit to Korea last winter was as ointment powed forth,"in an article in the li riiun citi viirie May 16 says"?
mdp.39015035959314But in the French the simple u has almost the sa ne sound so why take the more complicated ou when the u is sufficient?
mdp.39015035959314But suppose a man without asking leave of the guild, should undertake to open a shop for the sile of silk or rice, what would haj pen?
mdp.39015035959314But suppose a man without asking leave of the guld, should undertake to open a shop for the sile of silk or rice, what would hay pen?
mdp.39015035959314Can it truc?
mdp.39015035959314Can we endure these things much longer?
mdp.39015035959314Can you explain such strange conduct?"
mdp.39015035959314Certainly the tested state il of the dictiovaries is as well known or as easily acquired as any artileil sist?
mdp.39015035959314Come tell me all you know; Did just before the old home door The plum tree blossoms show?
mdp.39015035959314Did any other mission field ever record such results at its decennial term?
mdp.39015035959314Dil the Korean lavguage come from China?
mdp.39015035959314Do we not also see so nething of the finger of God in the s: niting of the first chill- conceived in adultery:- born to David of the wife of Crias?
mdp.39015035959314Does be put his note in the hands collection agency as we would at home?
mdp.39015035959314Does he put his note in the hands of a collection agency as we would at home?
mdp.39015035959314First, what do we in all honor owe to our constituents at home, and, second, wbat do we in all de- votion owe our people here?
mdp.39015035959314For a quarter of a mile it led us and then suildenly our search was rewarded and we found whai we had not expected to see, the terrible(?)
mdp.39015035959314How about the line between Seoul and Chemulpo?
mdp.39015035959314How about the war between Japan and China?"
mdp.39015035959314How dare humble descendant, even to hope that We are acceptable to the heart of Haven?
mdp.39015035959314I am a- ware that the idea is advanced that Korears came into th?
mdp.39015035959314I can imagine the eager piilologist returning rilly lalen front a rail ili ong the letters and note books of those who us?
mdp.39015035959314I wanit Botinu 11 Ny 10:"?
mdp.39015035959314ITT JC*** S. JI UTC Tan 4- Sve?
mdp.39015035959314If it be a fracture of-> 2 1 conut buncha lany?, 3396216 hlub 1971"'is hiyn 60 12,4 fi ft, limo s pel per la min THE KOREAN DOCTOR AND HIS METHODS.
mdp.39015035959314If there be none where does the Church get her authority for such action?
mdp.39015035959314In a mnjma'idai 140?!
mdp.39015035959314In the fourteen or fifteen animals that I enjoyed for the next three days I had a: excellent demonstration of the merits itu?
mdp.39015035959314In the nane of wonders, where did the first evil come fron, then?
mdp.39015035959314Is it I sh or ff Ch?
mdp.39015035959314Is it Ol Z 0 님군​, 어둔 ​or 어두​온​, 거듭 ​것읍​, 홀 ​가 ​or F1, YOĽ4 or VoIH, of or 하나​, 아들 ​OFE?
mdp.39015035959314Is it not worth while to bring Kore in criminals to justice, or is this silence due to the absence of power to enforce law against the guilty?
mdp.39015035959314Is not the use of 71 21< for off in John 12: 43 not only more accurate but more forcible?
mdp.39015035959314Is not this due to the civilization introduc- ed by Ki- ja?
mdp.39015035959314Is the government intending to buy the rice and grain to the extent of the taxes and then take the money back as payment for taxes?
mdp.39015035959314Is there no help for 118?
mdp.39015035959314It is neticeable that in
mdp.39015035959314It represents a ran who has spent his life in the merr acquisition of Chinese characters to the neglect of everything else. He las ile?
mdp.39015035959314I{{{)[ L1, 111. fi?
mdp.39015035959314Now in English how does the sound ka differ from that of ga both being guttural?
mdp.39015035959314Now where did the language of Southern Korea come from?
mdp.39015035959314On the Griddore Peak 5 where flowers are grasped and occult changes are known( If the floating wood is not met in time then how can the tortoise see?)
mdp.39015035959314On what account does the West wind blow shaking the grovis and plains?
mdp.39015035959314Or the Tongchung tell me whither?
mdp.39015035959314Owing to the baneful influence of the five- god( volcano?)
mdp.39015035959314Paper, “ Wherein do our methods of work differ from those of Christ and His Apostles?
mdp.39015035959314Puk ait het, a merit of the worin A porite NLB Wosiny sen w the ans dins , Imel til sitte ein me aterih 2?
mdp.39015035959314Pyön- jin- mi- ri- mi- long l| 2) 015 HEIR HE i Nan- mi- ri- mi- long 난​미리​동미 ​L陳 ​Prön- jin- ko- ja- mi- long!?
mdp.39015035959314Says he,"you remember the room where you found me?"
mdp.39015035959314Shall we not put forth strength and restore all th ngs and ilus add lustre to the merit of Our Ancestor?
mdp.39015035959314Shut out David because of his multitude of wives and concubines, and what becomes of the promised seel?
mdp.39015035959314Sone of our friends advocate the arbitrary us?
mdp.39015035959314Stroke added to 10- 9]=?.
mdp.39015035959314Such is the present in Korea, yet who so hopeless as to hold it will ever be thus?
mdp.39015035959314The Emperor So- chay( B. C. 86- 73) reduced these to Two Provinces, as follows: Pyöng- Na( Kön- pön?)
mdp.39015035959314The chief ftature of the kwan- möng is the han?
mdp.39015035959314The founder of Paik- chay was On- jo who established himself first at Ha- nam, calling himself Pu- yö?.
mdp.39015035959314The hig said she had no metal, but the min might take her boy, or more properly;"Shell I givè yon the bry? ” signifying con- sent by hrtone.
mdp.39015035959314The in- koirat happen"by sus tie tike in ti... pany's eyes and oniulud ibat the 11200 land"his wala, immediately in niyot isterrorting tople?
mdp.39015035959314The love an: l sympathy which a young wite of Christian countries finds in the companionship of her husb?
mdp.39015035959314The moves of thes?
mdp.39015035959314The question I would submit is- Was my administration correct in this case?.'
mdp.39015035959314The vocal orgaus?
mdp.39015035959314There is none, but should a natural water way be made the only condition for a port?
mdp.39015035959314They suspected hiir of being in league with the Japanes?
mdp.39015035959314They were not dislodger?
mdp.39015035959314Tip** ༼ ༣ ག༔ ལྕཅཝ – ལས ཀཱ ཨ: ཨ་ པ་ 3 ཡ Arren 2.0 V2 I. a garor, I Tr?
mdp.39015035959314Vust a widow sell herself for a time into slavery that the mouths of her children may be filled?
mdp.39015035959314Was it not the Church of God that was in the wilderness?
mdp.39015035959314We could see the servants and horses on the shore; but could we get to them?
mdp.39015035959314We have fully tried and now know you so what reason is there for you to feel disturbed or alarmed that you should resign your post?
mdp.39015035959314What advantage is there in the use of#* instead of 7 ç) in Matt 9: 37 or 블화 ​for 드​드고 ​in 10: 35?
mdp.39015035959314What do the peo- We givo in return for it?
mdp.39015035959314What do these adventurers care for law?
mdp.39015035959314What effect will the downfall and departure of Pak Yong Ho have on the cause of reforin?
mdp.39015035959314What has Confuciansi: n done for Korea?
mdp.39015035959314What is the justification for this difference?"
mdp.39015035959314What presbytery or conference in Christian lands can show such a ratio ot annual in- crease, or such a proportion of gifts to personal means?
mdp.39015035959314What systm shall be a loptel?
mdp.39015035959314What was the Object?
mdp.39015035959314When all was completel it is sail t?
mdp.39015035959314When once we leave the word of God to seek ground for the justification of an action in church polity, who can prophesy where we will land?
mdp.39015035959314When was the go overthrown?
mdp.39015035959314Who will lead off?
mdp.39015035959314Who will make a start?
mdp.39015035959314Why are you so rude to it trav, llei? ” “ I did thar for your own good ” she replied.
mdp.39015035959314Why not buy your goods in America?
mdp.39015035959314Why not finally and forever cut loose entirely from anything and everything that savors of dependency on China?
mdp.39015035959314Why should she know anythir.s kyond cooking and*****?
mdp.39015035959314Why should we use ai?
mdp.39015035959314Why then do you plead sickness?
mdp.39015035959314Will any one say that this did not occur within the Churcb of God?
mdp.39015035959314Would any cavalry man, going into a charge, have loaded himself down with such a burden?
mdp.39015035959314Yes, into three parts; what do we in all faithfulness owe our fellow workers by way of an example?
mdp.39015035959314Yoo- ri began to cry"when a person has no father how can he look the world in the face?
mdp.39015035959314\ is ki Tza a real character or does his reputed visit to Kreu interest to the legendary period?
mdp.39015035959314ar- zena trazt 28 men etter GE* 152-: مینیجر بنیا د پاره د تورم و بیای بیوم a. Kad Dr bare a casa in oc: Epiz* 1,5?
mdp.39015035959314as in “ note,"u as in"rule ” Let us see how this will work?
mdp.39015035959314everything you Why not buy your goods in America?
mdp.39015035959314gered runs thus:-( Absent husband inquiring of a fellow- townsman newly arrived) Have you seen my n tive land?
mdp.39015035959314ji 3?
mdp.39015035959314labics, so that it is read aloud as; I o- sip po ro so paik po cheuk há ye hani itko?
mdp.39015035959314liut the levi'?
mdp.39015035959314llace** to lice threr, For or fits barliamini ne?
mdp.39015035959314of i tik ani tie?!
mdp.39015035959314of the long and short signs for all the Korean vowels independently of the way thos?
mdp.39015035959314ruse, sure,'brute,'tube,""truce, cure, nude, ” “ runor,""stupid,"superior, ” “ tuber ” and a thousand others?
mdp.39015035959314the color of is coat to suit te win of tie girmum ut?
mdp.39015035959314the mail other sumu of t?
mdp.39015035959314u IL Lake T 7:27 IL INICS I IP Wa I 21.105:59 DIR?
mdp.39015035959314uf:1JPM LUM- I:"; Vierred trim or cardriss ties sewing?
mdp.39015035959314y not buy your goods in America?
mdp.39015035959314ܦ݁ܝܰ ܠ f 1"?
mdp.39015035959314ܬܢ ܙ'?
mdp.39015035959314“ Am I my brother's keeper? ” for we are our brother's keeper whether we will it or not.
mdp.39015035959314“ Do you ever go to see them?"
mdp.39015035959314“ Is he a Ja- panese or a Korean? ” No such question would have been possi- ble a year ago.
mdp.39015035959314“ Knowest not who speaketh unto thee?"
mdp.39015035959314“ Mother, who is my father anyhow and where has he gone?"
mdp.39015035959314“ What does all this racket inean? ” asked the braves from the north.
mdp.39015035959314“ Where is the Tai Won Koun?"
mdp.39015035959314“ Yes; father a nobleman and I a begger, have I not cause to be ashamed?'
mdp.39015028003591'What had they come for?
mdp.39015028003591* Do you think that missionaries are justified in refraining from all attacks upon ancestor worship?
mdp.39015028003591* How will Christianity remove the evil and supplement the good of Korean life?
mdp.39015028003591* How would you guard against the spread of false and superficial views by recent converts?
mdp.39015028003591* In what ways does ancestral worship affect the position of woman in society?
mdp.39015028003591* Should an effort be made to incorporate any of these points in Korean Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591* What advantages has the missionary as an evangelist over the native Korean P 4. ” What advantages has the native Korean over the missionary?
mdp.39015028003591* What are the advantages and what the dis- advantages of a society in which custom is all- powerful?
mdp.39015028003591* What are the advantages and what the disad- vantages of having it dangerous to profess Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591* What have been the different ideals of Korean and American education?
mdp.39015028003591* What new moral ideals would be needed in order to make these changes effective?
mdp.39015028003591* What principal needs of Korea in the way of institutional and social life will Christianity supply?
mdp.39015028003591* What sort of training should girls have?
mdp.39015028003591* What things has the Christian Church to offer that help to supply the loss of nationality?
mdp.39015028003591* What would be the special value to the Far East of having an entire nation in Asia accept Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591* Why has Christianity a better chance to ally itself with Korean than with Chinese or Jap- anese patriotism?
mdp.39015028003591- Which parts of the New Testament do you think it would be most difficult to translate into Korean, and why?
mdp.3901502800359113. ” What are the advantages to Christianity of having so promptly appropriated the Unmun script?
mdp.3901502800359114. ” What things in the physical features of Korea give you most hope for the future?
mdp.3901502800359115. ” How would you seek to develop initiative among the native leaders?
mdp.3901502800359115. ” If Korea were made over to you as a gift, what measures would you take to improve your property?
mdp.3901502800359116. ” What advantages has the missionary in Korea over the average African missionary in his evangelistic work?
mdp.3901502800359116. ” What sort of training do you think Korean boys should have to fit them for the chang- ing conditions?
mdp.3901502800359119. ” In what ways does this example illustrate the present position of Korea?
mdp.3901502800359119. ” at the meeting where there was a man with smallpox?
mdp.3901502800359125. ” What would be your counsel to a Korean patriot in the present distress?
mdp.39015028003591A great Church had been gathered, what was the matter with them that they were in such an agony of distress?
mdp.39015028003591About how long would it take you to go from Boston to Richmond, Virginia, on a pony, if the roads were bad?
mdp.39015028003591Aliens or Americans?
mdp.39015028003591And why are thou dis- quieted within me?
mdp.39015028003591Are they poor people or are they rich?
mdp.39015028003591Are you dead beat?
mdp.39015028003591Big devils as well and wicked?
mdp.39015028003591But new conditions and a new world have come crashing into his ancient domain, and where is he?
mdp.39015028003591Can Jesus really cast them out?
mdp.39015028003591Can he argue the point?
mdp.39015028003591Can he speak of it at all with any effect?
mdp.39015028003591Can it not be diagnosed by the doctors?
mdp.39015028003591Can poor humbled Korea count for anything in the lift- ing of China's millions?
mdp.39015028003591Could it be from the$ 72 spent on local evangelists during the year?
mdp.39015028003591Could this be the result of our small band of missionaries?
mdp.39015028003591Could you choose a more favorable geograph- ical position for such an object- lesson?
mdp.39015028003591Do you long for victory?
mdp.39015028003591Do you think that the Roman Catholic Church would succeed in Anglo- Saxon countries, if it never employed any but Italian priests?
mdp.39015028003591For what reasons do you think this land de- serves the sympathy of the Christian Church?
mdp.39015028003591Has God a purpose for the Far East with his hand upon her, and she between these two mighty questions of the world, China and Japan?
mdp.39015028003591Has he any right to surrender this work to others?
mdp.39015028003591Has the gospel anything to offer at such a time as this?
mdp.39015028003591He asks: “ Are you an aristocrat and a scholar?
mdp.39015028003591He says: “ Are you a low- caste man?
mdp.39015028003591His answer was: “ Who wants me?
mdp.39015028003591How can these ideals be secured?
mdp.39015028003591How completely has God answered the prayers that the doors of Korea might be opened?
mdp.39015028003591How does it contrast in area and population with the combined States of New York and Pennsylvania?
mdp.39015028003591How far do you think you would have traveled from home under such circumstances?
mdp.39015028003591How large would the States of New York and Pennsylvania seem to you if we had only the Korean means of intercommunication?
mdp.39015028003591How shall we express regret sufficient for the missionary who fails to hold the exalted place prepared for him and given by this people?
mdp.39015028003591How would it affect your own locality if such comity prevailed between Christian denomina- tions as in Korea?
mdp.39015028003591How would you secure coöperation and self- government among the laity?
mdp.39015028003591How would you translate, “ Behold the Lamb of God, ” for a people that had no sheep and no sacrifices?
mdp.39015028003591How would you utilize the Korean idea of Hananim in teaching Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591How would you, as a missionary, act if Chris- tianity became for a time very popular?
mdp.39015028003591I never loved her, but she made my clothes and cooked my food; what shall I do?
mdp.39015028003591I said to the old woman( not a Christian) dusting off the door- steps, “ It will rain to- day. ” Her reply was “ Rain?
mdp.39015028003591If God wishes us to evangelize the world, why do you think he has put so many obstacles in our way?
mdp.39015028003591If persecution is an advantage to the native Church, what substitute for it would your recommend in a time of peace?
mdp.39015028003591If so, how?
mdp.39015028003591If you were a missionary beginning work, what methods would you follow in order to win the confidence of the people?
mdp.39015028003591If you were a missionary, how would you try to secure the coöperation of your converts in evangelistic work?
mdp.39015028003591If you were a missionary, would you do any- thing to dispel the notion that Christianity was a religion mainly for the common people?
mdp.39015028003591If you were appointed to translate the Bible into Korean, what various kinds of preparation would you consider necessary?
mdp.39015028003591In just what way can he best dispel super- stition in treating a case?
mdp.39015028003591In view of the hardships mentioned in the chapter, what sort of training would you recommend for a prospective Korean mis- sionary?
mdp.39015028003591In what respect was the political position of the early Christian Church like that of Korea at present?
mdp.39015028003591In what way does this belief stand as an ob- stacle to science?
mdp.39015028003591In what ways is the present a greater oppor- tunity for education than either the past or the future?
mdp.39015028003591In what ways would it be more difficult to translate the Bible into Esquimo than into Korean?
mdp.39015028003591In which decade of missionary work should we expect the most rapid rate of increase, the first, second, or third?
mdp.39015028003591Invented in 1445 A. D., it has come quietly down the dusty ages, waiting for, who knew what?
mdp.39015028003591Io. ” What things that Korea lacks do you think she needs most to fit her to serve as an object- lesson of Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591Is it I or a Buddhist?
mdp.39015028003591Is it not the main business of the missionary to preach the gospel?
mdp.39015028003591Is it not the misunderstanding of an unenlightened age?
mdp.39015028003591Is there not a thought and a providence underlying the one- ness of these things with all the settings of the Scripture?
mdp.39015028003591Is this all true, and does he care for the possessed and the imprisoned?
mdp.39015028003591It was translated, but he resented it, “ Loved her?
mdp.39015028003591Love marriages?
mdp.39015028003591My mother?
mdp.39015028003591Not a Bud- dhist?
mdp.39015028003591Of what advantage has it been that the most representative foreigner has been the mis- sionary?
mdp.39015028003591On the basis of the figures of 1890, 1900, and the present, what may we expect to see in Korea in 1920?
mdp.39015028003591One day a Korean friend met him and said, “ Honorable sir from the great country, where is your cue? ” “ Cue?
mdp.39015028003591One day a Korean friend met him and said, “ Honorable sir from the great country, where is your cue? ” “ Cue?
mdp.39015028003591Out on you, man, ’ said I, ‘ Have you never noticed wild geese, how they fly, for ex- ample?
mdp.39015028003591She is to be free, but what will her freedom mean?
mdp.39015028003591The man is unconscious of it till he feels the top of his head and says, “ Hello, who is it?
mdp.39015028003591These are called the Oh- hang, and what is there that can not be ex- plained by them?
mdp.39015028003591To what extent are these changes inevitable in Korea?
mdp.39015028003591To what extent do you think the Korean principles of self- propagation could be profit- ably applied in this country?
mdp.39015028003591To what extent does the argument for a united Christian Church in Korea apply to Chris- tianity in this country?
mdp.39015028003591To what extent should reverence for the dead be allowed to interfere with business and travel, and to what extent not?
mdp.39015028003591To- day when we were out? ” “ No, no, not to- day.
mdp.39015028003591Was there ever a land more needy, and where was a message ever dreamed of so mirac- ulously suited to the need?
mdp.39015028003591Was there ever such a literature, and was there ever such a time as this?
mdp.39015028003591What advantages will Korea derive in the future from her comparatively compact area?
mdp.39015028003591What are its marks or features?
mdp.39015028003591What are the advantages of native self- gov- ernment?
mdp.39015028003591What are the dangers in placing so much re- sponsibility for self- government upon the native Church?
mdp.39015028003591What are the disadvantages of a progressive society for a man who is not trained for it?
mdp.39015028003591What are the relative advantages of a nation of extended latitude and extended longitude?
mdp.39015028003591What are the relative advantages of chapel preaching and personal interviews?
mdp.39015028003591What are the special dangers in the transition from the first to the second of these stand- points?
mdp.39015028003591What can he do?
mdp.39015028003591What can save China?
mdp.39015028003591What can the young and often callow missionary do to meet this?
mdp.39015028003591What classes profit most from a social order based on custom, the superior or the inferior?
mdp.39015028003591What could be the cause of it?
mdp.39015028003591What did he do?
mdp.39015028003591What did they want that they were in such unrest over?
mdp.39015028003591What do the comparative methods of smoking reveal to you of Korean and Western char- acter?
mdp.39015028003591What do you consider the most notable omis- sions in the list of Korean laws and virtues?
mdp.39015028003591What do you think would be the relative value of the scientific and religious method in com- bating the belief in spirits?
mdp.39015028003591What effect would it have upon plans for the future?
mdp.39015028003591What effect would it have upon real rever- ence for the dead to imagine that the position of a grave might bring disease to the living?
mdp.39015028003591What effect would the patriarchal ideas of the Koreans have upon self- government?
mdp.39015028003591What elements are most peculiar to each?
mdp.39015028003591What evils arise from attributing every mis- fortune to the arbitrary displeasure of some spirit?
mdp.39015028003591What has he done to call the country into public prominence?
mdp.39015028003591What has love to do with it?
mdp.39015028003591What have been the advantages and disad- vantages of giving the father of the family such absolute control?
mdp.39015028003591What ideals of American education are most needed in Korea?
mdp.39015028003591What ideals of personal character does Korea need most just now?
mdp.39015028003591What is its effect upon personal development?
mdp.39015028003591What is its effect upon public progress?
mdp.39015028003591What is that?
mdp.39015028003591What is the lesson to the Christian Church of these possibilities?
mdp.39015028003591What is the message of the Bible on the subject of race hatred?
mdp.39015028003591What lines of work do you think missionaries should especially emphasize at present?
mdp.39015028003591What obstacles would you expect to meet in persuading the average Korean to accept these changes?
mdp.39015028003591What possible defense would you have if evil spirits attacked you?
mdp.39015028003591What practical effect should the Korean re- spect for literature have upon the training and methods of missionaries?
mdp.39015028003591What practical recommendations would you make to the Church at home as to the support of educational institutions in Korea?
mdp.39015028003591What rate of future increase is indicated by the figures for 1902, 1905, and 1908?
mdp.39015028003591What recommendation or criticism have you for the relations of parents to children in Korea?
mdp.39015028003591What reference is here?
mdp.39015028003591What shall we say in commendation of Korea's form of Buddhism?
mdp.39015028003591What shall ſhe do for something that will take the place of all that he has lost?
mdp.39015028003591What should be the attitude of the mission- aries toward Korean patriotism?
mdp.39015028003591What sort of climate would you choose for a nation in order that its inhabitants might de- velop the strongest character?
mdp.39015028003591What were the hardships?
mdp.39015028003591What will be the effect on the Far East if the Christianity of Korea is of only a super- ficial type?
mdp.39015028003591What would be the disadvantages to a nation of knowing only the Roman numeral system?
mdp.39015028003591What would be the effect of Western civiliza- tion upon a primitive people without the con- straint of Christianity?
mdp.39015028003591What would be the probable effect upon an ignorant country boy without principles of being suddenly thrust into city life?
mdp.39015028003591What would you infer as to a system that made ceremony one of its five cardinal virtues?
mdp.39015028003591When you had succeeded, what work would you reserve for yourself?
mdp.39015028003591Where is freedom to be found, freedom from past bondage, from present bondage, from the bondage of self, from custom, from fear, from superstition?
mdp.39015028003591Where is hope to come from?
mdp.39015028003591Where were the Meth- odist Manual and the Presbyterian Rules for Worship?
mdp.39015028003591Where would you expect to find your greatest difficulty in using this idea?
mdp.39015028003591Which class do you be- long to?
mdp.39015028003591Which of the five laws seem to you most, and which least ideal as to relationships?
mdp.39015028003591Who are to be the colonists to make the New Englands and Virginias in this region of the intellect and soul?
mdp.39015028003591Who but he could so unveil the mysteries of the soul?
mdp.39015028003591Who but the Spirit of God was back of it?
mdp.39015028003591Who can make me forget my wrongs, and love the man I hated, and make him whom I have wronged love me?
mdp.39015028003591Who can make out of poor Galilee drift- wood a being like Peter, almost divine?
mdp.39015028003591Who can pour oil on the troubled waters?
mdp.39015028003591Who can say to prison doors, “ Swing back ”, and to all of Caesar's guards, “ Out of my way ”?
mdp.39015028003591Who can speak and be heard by ears long dead?
mdp.39015028003591Who can take zero and by multiplying it all down the ages make it spell infinity?
mdp.39015028003591Who can turn a land of sorrow into glad rejoicing?
mdp.39015028003591Who knows? ” “ But the morning paper says so under weather probabilities. ” “ Morning paper?
mdp.39015028003591Who knows? ” “ But the morning paper says so under weather probabilities. ” “ Morning paper?
mdp.39015028003591Who make these sordid, cankered races appreciative of the pure and beautiful?
mdp.39015028003591Whom do you refer to? ” Korea has had many names.
mdp.39015028003591Why are theological schools so important on the foreign field?
mdp.39015028003591Why are these ideals especially needed in the present crisis?
mdp.39015028003591Why does the size of Korea fit it for becom- ing a missionary object- lesson to the Far East?
mdp.39015028003591Why had they come so late?
mdp.39015028003591Why has reading been so effective with Koreans?
mdp.39015028003591Why is Korea more likely than any other nation to become such an object- lesson?
mdp.39015028003591Why is argument of so little use in missionary work?
mdp.39015028003591Why is it better not to begin by attacking superstition?
mdp.39015028003591Why is it so important for the missionary to have a thorough command of the ver- nacular?
mdp.39015028003591Why is this?
mdp.39015028003591Why must it inevitably remain in public prominence?
mdp.39015028003591Why not more order?
mdp.39015028003591Why should they pray?
mdp.39015028003591Why such confessions?
mdp.39015028003591Why was it thus and thus?
mdp.39015028003591Will not a tablet or a pill settle the matter?
mdp.39015028003591Will she awake some day, colossus of the world?
mdp.39015028003591Would this be such an obstacle to progress as having only the Chinese character for literary purposes?
mdp.39015028003591Z. Moore 190 VII THE RESPONSE OF KOREA Many years of testing by the question, “ Where did you first hear the gospel?'
mdp.39015028003591at church?
mdp.39015028003591at prayer- meeting?
mdp.39015028003591on the street?
mdp.39015028003591upon a man's resoluteness in confronting difficulties?
mdp.39015028003591“ But he has been dead for five thou- sand years. ” “ Has he? ” said he, taking a firmer grip.
mdp.39015028003591“ Dead? ” said The Crisis Keel, “ Oh you never experienced anything: like it, the whole place was just whing with nothingness.
mdp.39015028003591“ O God, what shall I do?
mdp.39015028003591“ Was there ever such a sinner as I?
mdp.39015028003591“ What rubbish is this you dare talk to us? ” said the irate father, but it only made the children all the more earnest in their prayers.
mdp.39015028003591“ Who is the most noted woman in Europe? ” asked the childless Madame de Stael of Na- poleon.
mdp.39015028003591“ Why all this fuss? ” He looked vacantly at us for a moment, and then resumed where he had left off.
mdp.39015028003591“ Why do you feed all these idle tramps, who come calling at your door, and you a poor man? ” I once asked of my host.
mdp.39015028003591“ Why do you hold your nose? ” was the question asked.
mdp.39015028003591“ Why do you write thus and thus?
inu.32000013016359! J'N IN^'N SJĘ+ NQİ № à[48]## K-)^ mr. Ç^%$§ĒS ÄRA(J-\J\^\J\J-^J:$ ĒĒĒN-) ſv& NQ( T4&#I S ĶĒĶķ ĻJ £ J)º{&#>{! J-{}?
inu.32000013016359! ° (\ ,\}\~#ĻĶIſſº ſ J.Q\!”K N N\^-- Qèſ , ſīĒ+< !?
inu.32000013016359! °^ “ SİŞ ( JĘ{+4}}},<è?!
inu.32000013016359! È,0#]*(?
inu.32000013016359! ! ſó Ajº , TË Sfă:)&-\{1,4})|{{ !! !?!!
inu.32000013016359! ! … •> • ÎN N+\ K S TĘ?
inu.32000013016359! ! ! !}{ S}{{#####4ç £^{3^ S ſº ſº ºººº III*?!
inu.32000013016359! ! : )-AJĘ : „ J S\ ,{ Q ( Qº ● șÁÐIIIèN S III+éſº($ III**<\!?
inu.32000013016359!$ 5 º 43,0 S ſº ſº ºº w J-^J-\J §}+\ſq- AJ:#KJ^{&# ā § §# 4&#Ēģ?!!?!!?!!0 !!??
inu.32000013016359!$ 5 º 43,0 S ſº ſº ºº w J-^J-\J §}+\ſq- AJ:#KJ^{&# ā § §# 4&#Ēģ?!!?!!?!!0 !!??
inu.32000013016359!&#--# S##+]{}}{ t^{*v\ , †{{±| 0{{ º. J.-Jºſſ 4Q4$~^ —)? “^^^#ÈķH+ )*(?
inu.32000013016359!&#--# S##+]{}}{ t^{*v\ , †{{±| 0{{ º. J.-Jºſſ 4Q4$~^ —)? “^^^#ÈķH+ )*(?
inu.32000013016359G#, Žo{ E^{:{,} ºf 27://Nºvº Hº), 2%k Lit? inu.32000013016359 # 7 ºv, M × 3+ ºr a+/v-# 7 ovir ºf 3:2 BHä 74E10}{31 H( October 31st, 1874){}{ 38 z- †r 76/77H## 0)}|,# f7)???? inu.32000013016359 # 7 ºv, M × 3+ ºr a+/v-# 7 ovir ºf 3:2 BHä 74E10}{31 H( October 31st, 1874){}{ 38 z- †r 76/77H## 0)}|,# f7)???? inu.32000013016359 # 7 ºv, M × 3+ ºr a+/v-# 7 ovir ºf 3:2 BHä 74E10}{31 H( October 31st, 1874){}{ 38 z- †r 76/77H## 0)}|,# f7)???? inu.32000013016359 # 7 ºv, M × 3+ ºr a+/v-# 7 ovir ºf 3:2 BHä 74E10}{31 H( October 31st, 1874){}{ 38 z- †r 76/77H## 0)}|,# f7)???? inu.32000013016359 ### H OFúš|E|{{###|{i}}{{#### E U CJH 4,&### E++, filišālā Āfājūī- G# 37: bjšºf:{c}Eß: Ljºto HºëZSł0)}{\lf[?] inu.32000013016359 &-2|$-) ſ-º ſº AJ • III+4 ſº S{ £ €*** AJ → AJAJ AJ SEIýv •^'^^^ S TEËE:JĘ NG AJAJ;$ ſº ºu ſº-º-º ( Jº AJ#\?. inu.32000013016359 ) , →? inu.32000013016359 *?&* )? N È##È N|| №+È= ĖJł%=vē#Ų 11 § § §@&N Ķ#ĘE- H##Ęģ{<#!
inu.32000013016359*?&* )? N È##È N|| №+"È= ĖJł%=vē#Ų 11 § § §@&N Ķ#ĘE- H##Ęģ{<#!
inu.32000013016359*?<\~& NQ$^'N IN^^$$$ 4&]ſ.
inu.32000013016359*?\}{\^ 4$ iGº{{ !!}}
inu.32000013016359*@ĘķHS##+ S}ğ{#¡I- AJ-)! !+ ºº și S șšķu gą,30 Q yQ<*$$= 4,\!2^4} (?
inu.32000013016359-- Th; are “ behind the curtains"; for is it not the place “ Of a spotless be uty?
inu.32000013016359-- ★ → AJ}\,\ ! º 4%-){! º †>}}:\J.^^\-??
inu.32000013016359-- ★ → AJ}\,\ ! º 4%-){! º †>}}:\J.^^\-??
inu.32000013016359--------------"… L.SVTCHI? ).IV".
inu.320000130163590) ºft###( Porcelain, for the Austrian Exhibition) 3 – Z R J 7#####, 0)?
inu.320000130163591 JAJ tº Tīģț¢ © ® ° ±± : J~~~~~) șá:$$$###{+}<\!-- (){} E}ÈSARJºJº-)\~~~E ,~ BE £ € © ĘĘ< tī£º^\J SE È;&#!?
inu.32000013016359101 Tonase, starting angrily to her feet, inter- rupted the wife of the Karo: — “ Unworthy of the name of samurai P- Of whom talk you?
inu.320000130163593 Floß4s?
inu.320000130163593- y Z's 7# H#( The Race Course) H+]ºff?
inu.320000130163594>}{{###ĘĚĖĘĘ N × × 11*#{-
inu.32000013016359: BHà- ju- C#EE|\{{k K# 7,# v?to t+\{i+2)## 000, 3 oe 22/23# jºkè( Blowing Bubbles)[ ÉBHöffew ºf, ºz ºr ºf v3:3:...?'
inu.32000013016359:# EEEE11H 4 H( 1854 4E12523H) of{b}}}&### 2);&#), 2 HL- C 3,, THErik LºC ſł; J}\, …?
inu.32000013016359?$ £ § § E& ā , ĶĒ*!#%ĘR.)
inu.32000013016359?${^^- TÈ!--{\J ſiſä- №}}J^ CPEXEIS( •)#!
inu.32000013016359?+) §-ſ 830)}{g}}{{{+<#-BROEË###SITZ4##‑Eſłłº{ 3 ,\!+&#ĒS 43 º №& №##### €$ £ § jiff !!
inu.32000013016359?++? IE#E4}+{##ĒJĘ&&'ș{{$4&#īſ ſē ‹ › ‹‹.
inu.32000013016359?++? IE#E4}+{##ĒJĘ&&'ș{{$4&#īſ ſē ‹ › ‹‹.
inu.32000013016359?>$^ £<;{{# ëſvº º J Qğ;H)\]$$ ș}{!
inu.32000013016359AJAJ S ºſº-) , „ offſ ºg tº Eſł####!!!??++?
inu.32000013016359Ah why, why, Miuki, did you learn the locality of his Kioto residence?
inu.32000013016359Ah, what joy was mine when I looked to welcome you at my father's house?
inu.32000013016359Ajº& § ¶ Ajº » J S 3H#%$##ĒJĒĶ##* ±! !?
inu.32000013016359Alas, under what evil destiny has she been born? ” Ishi's tears checked her further utterance.
inu.32000013016359And how did the thrice disappointed Asojiro bear this cruel stroke?
inu.32000013016359And yet what do we see to- day?
inu.32000013016359Are you satisfied? ” the angel asked.
inu.32000013016359Are'we to sell them to supply our needs?
inu.32000013016359As he met the poor but very polite country- people, coming Kana- gawa- wards, they now and then bowed to him and said “ O- hai- o?".
inu.32000013016359As to the talent, is it of a superior order?
inu.32000013016359At leugth Miuki, raising her face fondly to his, her melting eyes looking passionately into his, said tenderly:- “ Do you indeed remember me?
inu.32000013016359Aye, wo- man's nature — human nature — what have we said P Is it not now as ever?
inu.32000013016359But Akechi disliked Hideyoshi, do you not rebuke him? ” Hideyoshi retorted for he had always greater actions than he.
inu.32000013016359But Art why should we suppose that the old aphorism does not hold good hete as elsewhere?
inu.32000013016359But is it so?
inu.32000013016359But now, if this man renews his suit, as I doubt not he will, what can my father say?
inu.32000013016359But she would not hear of such a proposal — for how many maidens greater and fairer than I, that he would cast a thought on me?
inu.32000013016359But what can be that man's history?
inu.32000013016359But when this happens, at least the artist then gives rein to his imagination?
inu.32000013016359But why introduce them at all?
inu.32000013016359But — what — what would you say?
inu.32000013016359Can it be yours, O- Ishi Sama?
inu.32000013016359Can you not see ine, my sweet young lady?
inu.32000013016359Checking their joking with Musashi, Shimaura asked him respectfully:-"What is your native country?
inu.32000013016359Come down to me and you shall hear it. ” “ You have something to say to me?
inu.32000013016359Do you not love our son Yoshi- matzu P Will you divorce me, and allow a stepmother to nurse him? ” GIHEI.—“Iya!
inu.32000013016359GIHEI.—“So then would you cut off my wife's hair? ” YURANos'ke.—“Yes!
inu.32000013016359H^ 4J º T;$###Ų Słįį##}}]( ºn){$ 2] S HĒĶĘ# S#$$^ N?
inu.32000013016359Has Japan shewn no Art life in the past P Why should she not do so in the future?
inu.32000013016359He has fallen asleep! ” KITAHAchi-‘Asleep?
inu.32000013016359He was cut down and murdered, on the 29th of the 6th month. ” “ Murdered 2 my father? ” “ Aye, murdered.
inu.32000013016359HeryeMON.—“Are you sure that you read the letter correctly? ” KARU.-“Yes, the whole of it.
inu.32000013016359How shall I show my face to your father, and tell him you have been driven away?
inu.32000013016359How would you like that?
inu.32000013016359How, then, can Honzo fling it in your face that Sir Yura, compelled by misfortune to be- come a ronin, has nothing, while my husband has — what?
inu.32000013016359I could not meet with a better chance, could I? ” HeiveMox.—“Does he know you are be- trothed to Havano Kampei? ” KARt.
inu.32000013016359I could not meet with a better chance, could I? ” HeiveMox.—“Does he know you are be- trothed to Havano Kampei? ” KARt.
inu.32000013016359I say — this you must do, for my sake. ” “ And will you, can you thus drive me from you?
inu.32000013016359I'll no come ben; but please gie's a sma'bit o'bread or oatcake, and I'll be thankfu'for't. ” “ Gude sake"cricd Bell, “ wha are ye?
inu.32000013016359If not, why ca n't you tell yourname?
inu.32000013016359If this be not done what confidence can the, nation repose in them afterwards P how can the welfare of the state be maintained?
inu.32000013016359Is he really fond of you? ” KARU.-“No, I do n't think he is; he has only treated me several times during the last two or three days.
inu.32000013016359Is it the bush of the man in the moon?
inu.32000013016359Is my husband asleep?
inu.32000013016359Is there no other way?
inu.32000013016359Is’t yer mither ye say?
inu.32000013016359It was Love?
inu.32000013016359Iſ №.54357ŒIIII?
inu.32000013016359J-^J^ È Q<^ mr Rºt- S_{t~##º № zīĒ#8&ºš( HKĘ# 8 S#*>[^$ ğĒĶI SĘ{{>{ ° E}} , P(&#XS#{{###{{#: JĘ;{{{ſ{{!?
inu.32000013016359Just then the master cried out:—“Where is Igo?
inu.32000013016359K= K\ X+ J H è%-\ 5È Q įË- è?!&* )?!...]
inu.32000013016359K= K\ X+ J H è%-\ 5È Q įË- è?!&* )?!...]
inu.32000013016359Karu, coming softly up to him, exclaimed; “ What is it Yuranosuke P what is annoying you? ” “ YURA.—“O Karu!
inu.32000013016359Kiyomasa asked him:-“Why do you alone not want to be married?"
inu.32000013016359Love me?
inu.32000013016359Nº$ ° 4t- III ſº tºº : J S Ė- K4$ſuſțAJ ±±±84Q?
inu.32000013016359Oft& Ojºſ( Large Lantern, for the Austrian Exhibition)+ – 2, F]) 7 fºº}}ſſ J)?-?)
inu.32000013016359Oh, how can Irecount the joyousness of that night?
inu.32000013016359Otherwise how can the safety of the divine country be devised?
inu.32000013016359Q ±,±,±ú}}}}} AJĘ,4%-) gº ſły –) º III+4^ 3\;;\\w )* EI- AJ#E4ſ&2#{+ !?
inu.32000013016359Rikiya, what are you about?
inu.32000013016359S ĶĒĶĶvº| §?!
inu.32000013016359Sah, sah; what say you — yea or may?
inu.32000013016359Shall we make an end of him, as was our intention? ” YAZAMA, SENZAKI.-‘‘Yes, yes!
inu.32000013016359Sister, is that you? ” said the new conner.
inu.32000013016359Surely nothing that a maiden may not hear?
inu.32000013016359Sº ſº| Q ±± III+4 S${ IĄŚ NQ-<-Hț¢ £ © ®# 4:)?
inu.32000013016359The meilon is ‘ şasınhş olxihs as- I ahı IV ! ºſae-|- · · , ≤)• …** ! ſae<!-------- ºut, svrſtſ? ) vſ.
inu.32000013016359The only point is “ How are we to know this aright? ” There are various methods of ascertaining this.
inu.32000013016359The question was “ Who are you? ” The answer “ I am a native of Matsura."
inu.32000013016359This Jirozayemon?
inu.32000013016359U- Cliºſºcist, ovsk- e###||{~{ i}}/\{i\, ºr K fro?-?
inu.32000013016359Was it really but a dream P Had there been no damsel?
inu.32000013016359What are daimios?
inu.32000013016359What can this mean?
inu.32000013016359What could she do?
inu.32000013016359What did you see up there, tell me? ” KARU.-“See?
inu.32000013016359What did you see up there, tell me? ” KARU.-“See?
inu.32000013016359What do you mean by returning it to me? ” SoNo.—“When my father brought it to me he told me I was to go to a noble.
inu.32000013016359What have I to live for?
inu.32000013016359What his station?
inu.32000013016359What if he could gain renown, and win a great name — to lay it at her feet?
inu.32000013016359What is it that speaks to a lover?
inu.32000013016359Where would be the use of seeking vengeance if I could not live to enjoy it?
inu.32000013016359Whither do you go? ” Musashi replied: — “ I am a roaming samurai, and trained to the military art.
inu.32000013016359Who will now pay such prices for such articles?
inu.32000013016359Who will now pay such prices for such articles?
inu.32000013016359Why did you make the boar run up to me?
inu.32000013016359Why do you spend your great valour in such an unworthy manner?
inu.32000013016359Will you first cut my arms, or shoulders, or back?
inu.32000013016359Writ, k →-C#9;$,$ 21 2 3, 7&#viru º ż żº 9,####-2:#:), ZłkołH#C### ºu?
inu.32000013016359You're not a fraid, are you? ” “ No 1"replicd I; I'm not afraid. ” I never thought whether my aunt would be, or anything about her.
inu.32000013016359Your will is my law and you shall return with me as my wife to Kioto. ” “ Is it so indeed, my Asojiro P Shall I truly go with you?
inu.32000013016359Yuranosuke has pro- mised to take charge of you?
inu.32000013016359all asleep?
inu.32000013016359can it be your honour?
inu.32000013016359he too dead?
inu.32000013016359or how shall the foundation be laid to enable her to take her place among the nations of the world?
inu.32000013016359or the work of enlightenment proceed?
inu.32000013016359say yes! ” KARU.-“No, I will not. ” YURA.—“Why? ” KARU.-You are not in earnest; you were more in earnest before than you are now.
inu.32000013016359v § § § AJA{$$ ,? … 2 S! 2+**0.4% º.
inu.32000013016359who are the strangers?
inu.32000013016359why should n't I?
inu.32000013016359wife,"he continued, in a louder voice, “ where are you?
inu.32000013016359ye little Corinthian, is't sae ye'd play the midnight prowler?
inu.32000013016359you puir raggit wean, to be siccan a sinner| D'ye ken ye'll gang to the tolbooth P Whar's yer mither?
inu.32000013016359{ g^ ■ S →* S žR$-ºs º~2?,~ SÈ- RA&JË , 2, 33 °*= N* N-- Hºsſº N+ N* — • •* — º ſi º^ È S+2 S.,*},{*{&\,^RFSHF-)!
inu.32000013016359{ ļº# E4 « – N-- IN= № ſºvſ!?
inu.32000013016359{!-< x\J ſº-ºx0{{ №}{ R?
inu.32000013016359| Do you accuse me of making the weapons?
inu.32000013016359|#| S ſēIšſ ” tº § 43 ºśĖ{{!}}
inu.32000013016359|||| N. × × N?}}
inu.32000013016359}+<########{ „ o- Kʆ: № ſį “ , „ gº –)&-)"){*'+{ 4!?
inu.32000013016359}>{{ ſ+ S<: £##*(? āÈ № šķJĘS ĶĒÈſtº ūĒī£ ( J4$s\$ 4^{-{{m|{{{ſ{{!}}-2{!
inu.32000013016359}}|E|4}}##ĒJ{}^^+0,~(~p º\~&=\ ,-){,-40||?
inu.32000013016359£ ( Qº ¿ EſĒ- J-) ſº tº?
inu.32000013016359· ljuſquaev, I øsøuwdwr o nuo … I-------------------- · Nir mxoa- mxoH ” JLSVEĽ? ELTV7.
inu.32000013016359ºtsvaeſ? ) v „ E!
inu.32000013016359Ç`& R#ĘĘžš4&#ě º łº º$^: Jyº? ) 1 Q+< ș{{ņI QËHE- AJ!
inu.32000013016359ĢĒ S#### Ęſł&! )?)
inu.32000013016359ſ-º ș##Ę-)\~& NQº}}###### 4}{ISH-^ £ ®^{ E- HE^# �^ EH- ſt??
inu.32000013016359ſ-º ș##Ę-)\~& NQº}}###### 4}{ISH-^ £ ®^{ E- HE^# �^ EH- ſt??
inu.32000013016359ȚĘ;}?>{ v+2 kJ\}+JEHË.)
inu.32000013016359— • N –?
inu.32000013016359“ And lastly, what will our own people say when they hear the news?
inu.32000013016359“ Bring the saká pot; quick, quick. ” YAZAMA, disengaging himself:--"Yurano- suke, I am Yazama Jiutaro; do n't you know me?
inu.32000013016359“ But at least try; you see my eyes, my features: why not reproduce them? ” But he distorts his face the more.
inu.32000013016359“ I believe, ” said Tonase, “ this is the dwelling of Yuranosuke Sama?
inu.32000013016359“ Not true?
inu.32000013016359“ Not true? ” exclaims one caviller, in indignant surprise.
inu.32000013016359“ Now, who were the aggressors?
inu.32000013016359“ Oh, Mr. Alick, will you really lot me go ”?
inu.32000013016359“ Q ” ſi ſi%> k\}}{\J A-8 NQ#$$ZZ$${-{4}}{m}}{{#¡E NJËF • Ç te K?
inu.32000013016359“ Rikiya, you see yonder mass of snow I have been amusing myself in heaping up?
inu.32000013016359“ What do you think of all this, Bannai? ” cried Kudaiu, turning to his companion.
inu.32000013016359“ What? ” said he; “ Kill myself before I have killed Otagawa P Never!
inu.32000013016359“ Whose voice is that?
inu.32000013016359“ Why did they not tell me this before?
inu.32000013016359“ Why should n't I?
inu.32000013016359“ Yah, ” cried the soldier, “ that rascal Kudaiu?
inu.32000013016359„ º ſºº# ĒĶėZĘ#!--*\\+?
inu.32000013016359• N N ° N$ § ,|--ER{{II ſ J.Q\!?
inu.32000013016359№ X( Charles Wirgman, 1834? – 1891) § ī£§!--){&### QËĘ RĘ 404$ º 43 ° N – ‘ N\ X+ √ °[[$ 4<= ” tı Yºz-> •!!
inu.32000013016359№ zº-HÈ}{R}?
inu.32000013016359! ! 1 J-^J^ ĒĶĒS È{$$$$I? !!
inu.32000013016359( JĘ#è-) 43 ° 1 ,+< r<$#-\J ±±±##ļš- JIIII+.U Rºg TſiÈĖĒJ TĒĶĒĒJ# 2 ,# Hºw=( № È#{{ES TË •###|#|?!
inu.32000013016359, º\!++?
inu.32000013016359:)--Jºß § 40)}\~& Kºº) ” ± 4Q=\ ( J T44 ș{{ņIIII;#]]{{\J S ș{{ſēĒĻĒĶķ!ł!ł !]-) Q ( Q AJ º-º w J-\J-^ 4$?
mdp.390150540305832,ooo sapeks is the price I ask; but what will you give?
mdp.39015054030583Ah, you are Franba? mdp.39015054030583 Ah,"said he,"my misfortune is great, but what am I to do?
mdp.39015054030583Aka, do you know whence come the three great families that are be- neath the heaven?
mdp.39015054030583Akaye,asked we,"what is this strange noise?"
mdp.39015054030583And Ilu,1 what has become of him? mdp.39015054030583 And Lha- Ssa; where then is Lha- Ssa?"
mdp.39015054030583And our horses — can you give us any information about them? mdp.39015054030583 And the stranger?"
mdp.39015054030583And these, how much are they each?
mdp.39015054030583And what did the soldiers say?
mdp.39015054030583Are you from the kingdom of the Samba, or from that of the Poba?
mdp.39015054030583Are you married?
mdp.39015054030583Are your herds in fine condition?
mdp.39015054030583Are your mares productive?
mdp.39015054030583As they are not eaten, what are they used for?
mdp.39015054030583At the pawnbroker's? mdp.39015054030583 Brother,"said we,"are we not going to journey together to the Lamasery of Rache- Tchurin?"
mdp.39015054030583Brother,said we,"is this an inn?"
mdp.39015054030583Buddha put this question to a Charmana:'How long a time is fixed for the life of man?' mdp.39015054030583 But after all,"said he,"what matters it from what country we come, since we are all brothers?
mdp.39015054030583But could you not seek justice from the tribunals?
mdp.39015054030583But how is it you manage to make such good meals of the Tartars?
mdp.39015054030583But if the Chinese are so baneful to you, why did you let them penetrate into your country?
mdp.39015054030583But the Lamas themselves admit innumer- able Borhans?
mdp.39015054030583But why wear your hearts out thus for us mere strangers?
mdp.39015054030583But,asked Sam- dadchiemba, knitting his brows,"if the robbers come, what shall we do?
mdp.39015054030583But,cried we,"does the Regent, per- chance, also want to buy our old saddles?"
mdp.39015054030583But,said we,"why do n't you leave this detestable country?"
mdp.39015054030583By the by,asked we,"do you know why the Leang- Tai- Sue is called Sue- Mou- Tchou; the name seems to us somewhat ignoble?"
mdp.39015054030583Can we buy flour at the Chinese encampment?
mdp.39015054030583Can you write?
mdp.39015054030583Did not the spiritual father mention tea? mdp.39015054030583 Did you ever draw a horoscope?"
mdp.39015054030583Did you fight,asked Samdadchiemba;"did you see the enemy?"
mdp.39015054030583Did you travel in peace?
mdp.39015054030583Do n't you know that Kao- 306 TRAVELS IN TARTARY, Tan- Dze is constantly attacked by brigands?
mdp.39015054030583Do these trunks belong to me?
mdp.39015054030583Do you see now why I wished to talk to you in private?
mdp.39015054030583Do you see, to the right, that small Miao? mdp.39015054030583 Do you think,"asked he,"that we Dchiahours do n't know the rules of inns?
mdp.39015054030583Does tran- quillity prevail?
mdp.39015054030583Doubtless,said we,"some grand solemnity calls you together?"
mdp.39015054030583Elder brother,said we,"is White Enclosure still distant?"
mdp.39015054030583Fool, blockhead,said he to the man who had come to ask his advice,"why did you not come before?
mdp.39015054030583For what reason,asked we,"do you throw back so much fish?
mdp.39015054030583From Calcutta?
mdp.39015054030583Has peace accompanied your progress?
mdp.39015054030583Have I the right to open them? mdp.39015054030583 Have the rains been abun- dant?
mdp.39015054030583Have you fought with the Kolo? mdp.39015054030583 How could that be?
mdp.39015054030583How do you sell your fish?
mdp.39015054030583How do you send them to the travelers?
mdp.39015054030583How is that? mdp.39015054030583 How much do you want for them?"
mdp.39015054030583How much wages do they pay you?
mdp.39015054030583How should an ignorant man, as I am, know who is a foreigner, and who not? mdp.39015054030583 How, nothing to sell?"
mdp.39015054030583How, then, are we to go over?
mdp.39015054030583I,said he,"who am here to protect the Tal6-Lama, can I permit, at Lha- Ssa, men who propagate such formidable doctrines?
mdp.39015054030583If the Guison- Tamba,answered the Kian- Kan,"was not a living Buddha, why did he not rise in the pres- ence of the master of the universe?
mdp.39015054030583In what language — in Thibetian?
mdp.39015054030583In which of the illustri- ous kingdoms of Tartary dwell your Excellencies?
mdp.39015054030583Is Buddha visible?
mdp.39015054030583Is it possible?
mdp.39015054030583It's quite obvious,said he to us,"that you are people altogether of another world; why do n't you understand that your tent is at the pawnbroker's?"
mdp.39015054030583Let me see, how many are there of you? mdp.39015054030583 My spiritual fathers,"said he, one day,"how can people of your quality demean yourselves by rope- making?
mdp.39015054030583O divine Timour, will thy great soul soon revive? mdp.39015054030583 O divine Timour, will thy great soul soon revive?
mdp.39015054030583O divine Timour, will thy great soul soon revive? mdp.39015054030583 O divine Timour, will thy great soul soon revive?
mdp.39015054030583Oh, not at all,replied we, with a bow equally profound;"your souan- pan is excellent, but who ever heard of a calculator always exempt from error?
mdp.39015054030583Oneounce; is that too much?
mdp.39015054030583Peace and happiness unto you, Sirs Lamas; do you need the whole of your room, or can you accommodate me?
mdp.39015054030583Rascals, say you? mdp.39015054030583 Samdad- chiemba, what is the matter with you?
mdp.39015054030583Samdadchiemba,cried M. Huc,"wo n't you have some tea this morning?"
mdp.39015054030583Shall we have the oulah?
mdp.39015054030583Sirs La- mas,he said on his return,"I must depart; but will you not come and repose for a few days in my dwelling?
mdp.39015054030583Sirs Lamas, are not you going to cross the water in my boat?
mdp.39015054030583Sirs Lamas,said the fisherman,"do you eat fish?
mdp.39015054030583Sirs Lamas,said the little layman,"shall I bone the sheep?"
mdp.39015054030583Superintendent of the soupkettle,cried he, as he entered,"is there room for me in your tavern?"
mdp.39015054030583That is the sheep; is it not fine? mdp.39015054030583 Through what districts has your beneficial shadow passed?"
mdp.39015054030583We are delighted to hear this: doubtless, then, you are acquainted with our lan- guage?
mdp.39015054030583We are from the western heaven; and you, whence come you?
mdp.39015054030583We have passed the Chor- Kou- La, why should we not with equal success pass the Tanda?
mdp.39015054030583Well,exclaimed he, fiercely, trying with his thumb the edge of his sword,"where are the robbers?"
mdp.39015054030583Well,said he to the Chinese ambas- sador with a sneer,"what do you think of these men?
mdp.39015054030583Well,said he,"you have seen the ceremony of nocturnal pray- ers?"
mdp.39015054030583What are a few days, sooner or later, in a long journey? mdp.39015054030583 What are you going to do?"
mdp.39015054030583What are you laughing at? mdp.39015054030583 What are you talking about?
mdp.39015054030583What can you have to do now in the Three Valleys?
mdp.39015054030583What do you want with four months'meal?
mdp.39015054030583What have you got here?
mdp.39015054030583What have you got in your two trunks?
mdp.39015054030583What is the Chor- Kou- La to the Tanda? mdp.39015054030583 What is the good of this writing?
mdp.39015054030583What is your purpose in going every year to Peking?
mdp.39015054030583What makes you sup- pose so?
mdp.39015054030583What moon?
mdp.39015054030583What point?
mdp.39015054030583What words are these? mdp.39015054030583 Whence came you?
mdp.39015054030583Whence came your camels, that they ca n't get into people's boats?
mdp.39015054030583Where are the people of the hotel,cried they, with an immense air;"let them prepare a large apartment, a fine, clean apartment?
mdp.39015054030583Where have you been?
mdp.39015054030583Whither are you bound?
mdp.39015054030583Whither proceeds your caravan?
mdp.39015054030583Who are you that dare to demand our passports?
mdp.39015054030583Who comes? mdp.39015054030583 Why did you adopt the religion of the Lord of Heaven?
mdp.39015054030583Why do you not come on?
mdp.39015054030583Why not, if he makes a point every night of worshiping the Great Bear?
mdp.39015054030583Why not? mdp.39015054030583 Yes, I know the Christians are good people — does any one here know of this matter?"
mdp.39015054030583Yes, that is true; you speak the words of justice; but why did these Kitats go hence?
mdp.39015054030583You are not Mongols, apparently?
mdp.39015054030583You are, doubtless, Peling?
mdp.39015054030583You seem to speak quite in earnest; do you think that a toad can be deified and become a spirit?
mdp.39015054030583You speak the words of truth; but what is mutton compared with the fish of the Hoang- Ho?
mdp.39015054030583You tortoise- egg,cried he to our boatman,"what have these western men given you for the passage?
mdp.39015054030583You'll fight, then?
mdp.39015054030583—But were you not afraid you should die of hunger?
mdp.39015054030583—Sirs lamas,"asked the principal,"what do these characters mean?
mdp.39015054030583—Well, and how long did you remain in the brushwood?
mdp.39015054030583'If the strings were too tight, what happened then?'
mdp.39015054030583'Mother,'asked I,'why do you weep?
mdp.39015054030583'What can you do,'asked they,'against sea- monsters?
mdp.39015054030583'When the strings obtained the exact equilibrium between tension and flexibility, what happened then?'
mdp.39015054030583( How much a piece?)
mdp.39015054030583137 Chaberon of the Tartar and Thibetian Lamaseries gen- erally?"
mdp.39015054030583154 TRAVELS IN TARTARY, Why have you been burning incense?
mdp.39015054030583208 TRAVELS IN TARTARY, to say that a thing can not be at once white and black?
mdp.3901505403058321 mas,"said he,"under what quarter of the heavens were you bora?"
mdp.39015054030583255 But in China, there are ten thousand roads; which shall we take?
mdp.3901505403058345 more positive character?
mdp.390150540305836; to see any of these demons?"
mdp.3901505403058384 TRAVELS IN TARTARY, souls?"
mdp.39015054030583A little from the Miao, do you observe those wooden huts and those black nets hanging from long poles?
mdp.39015054030583After a long and somewhat animated conversation:"Who is that man?"
mdp.39015054030583After examining the goods with a certain degree of suspense, we asked the price:"Tchik- la, gatse resi?"
mdp.39015054030583After recognizing the principal points of Thibet, the Regent inquired whereabouts was Calcutta?
mdp.39015054030583All this was very well; but the question was, what we were to do afterwards: what was to become of us?
mdp.39015054030583And what is your country?"
mdp.39015054030583And what right hnst thou to address as thy brother a man who knows nothing about thee?"
mdp.39015054030583And why not?
mdp.39015054030583And you, brothers of Mongolia, whither do you travel in so large a troop, and in such magnificent apparel?"
mdp.39015054030583And you: are you at peace?
mdp.39015054030583Are not all men brothers?"
mdp.39015054030583Are their husbands also shut up in gardens?
mdp.39015054030583Are we always to be pestered with your notions of metempsychosis?
mdp.39015054030583Are you in such haste that you can not repose for a day and offer your adorations to our saint?"
mdp.39015054030583Are you not all soldiers of the empire?
mdp.39015054030583As soon as he got within earshot:"Holy personage,"cried he,"has your eye perceived the yellow goats?
mdp.39015054030583At last the boats were level with each other;"Sirs Lamas,"cried a voice,"is peace with you?"
mdp.39015054030583At what period did you enter China?"
mdp.39015054030583Brother, it seems to me that thy tongue has a peculiar accent: art thou not a man of our tribes?"
mdp.39015054030583Buddha said to him,'If the strings of the guitar became loose, what happened?'
mdp.39015054030583Buddha sent for this Charmana, and said to him,'When you were with your family, what used you to do?'
mdp.39015054030583But are the Mongols the same now that they were formerly?
mdp.39015054030583But do you know why the Kitat cele- brate it?"
mdp.39015054030583But how could we bring ourselves to think that an army, with all its train of artillery could be there in the desert, amid this profound solitude?
mdp.39015054030583But how is it that you, shep- herds of the plains, have also the courage of soldiers?
mdp.39015054030583But we need not even dig holes,"added Samdadchiemba, extending his right hand;"do you see that shepherd there and his flock?
mdp.39015054030583But where?
mdp.39015054030583But, after all, it matters not: we are all of the same family, are we not?"
mdp.39015054030583Can we make ourselves guilty of an actual and certain injustice, through an imagin- ary fear of some possible evil to come?"
mdp.39015054030583Can we, without good ground, deprive them of the liberty and protection which we extend here to all strangers, and particularly to men of prayer?
mdp.39015054030583Could I ever think of going to devour the little substance that remains to them?
mdp.39015054030583Did I dream I was going to have some tea?"
mdp.39015054030583Do n't you eat them?"
mdp.39015054030583Do n't you know that the laws forbid that?"
mdp.39015054030583Do n't you know that this is forbidden by the grand Emperor?"
mdp.39015054030583Do we know which is the best?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you clearly under- stand me?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you clearly understand what I say?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you clearly understand?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you clearly understand?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you know him?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you say so?
mdp.39015054030583Do you still think that men are trans- formed into beasts, and beasts into men?"
mdp.39015054030583Do you think that all of a sudden I've forgotten my souan- pan?
mdp.39015054030583Do you understand clearly?"
mdp.39015054030583Does it exist?
mdp.39015054030583Does it suit you?"
mdp.39015054030583Has he been put to death or banished?"
mdp.39015054030583Has it any peculiar attributes?
mdp.39015054030583Have we seen it?
mdp.39015054030583Have you any Leang- Tais of this kind in your country?"
mdp.39015054030583Have you in the kingdom of France any such usage? ” “ No, in France the women are in the gardens, and THIBET; AND CHINA.
mdp.39015054030583He then repeated, slowly moving his head to and fro,"What avails it to man to conquer the whole world if* he lose his own soul?"
mdp.39015054030583How can that be?
mdp.39015054030583How can the truth be prejudicial to men?
mdp.39015054030583How could I suppose that the grand Emperor proscribed a religion which orders man to do good and to avoid evil?"
mdp.39015054030583How did it happen, that the other day when the inundation took place, the Miao was flooded, and your Pou- sa was covered with mud?"
mdp.39015054030583How did you become attached to their service?"
mdp.39015054030583How do you explain all this?"
mdp.39015054030583How is it that our calculation does not agree with that which you have written down here?
mdp.39015054030583How many are there who practise day and night?
mdp.39015054030583How many are there who sleep with the bow in their arms?
mdp.39015054030583How many men, then, have you in your com- pany?"
mdp.39015054030583How many sapeks do you ask?"
mdp.39015054030583How was all this to end?
mdp.39015054030583How was it, he asked, that the robbers had stolen the butter, yet left the bag in which the butter was carried?
mdp.39015054030583How were we to get any sleep?
mdp.39015054030583How, with our modest means, were we to maintain ourselves and our five animals for so long a time in an inn?
mdp.39015054030583I accordingly placed myself in the way of the Lama whom I had offended:'Brother,'said I,'shall we go and drink a cup of tea to- gether?'
mdp.39015054030583I am, it seems, a wicked man, de- void of conscience; what occasion can you have for such a person?"
mdp.39015054030583I did not understand what you said?"
mdp.39015054030583I heard you say you intended to sell them — is it so?"
mdp.39015054030583I leave her a well- built house, and plenty of furniture almost new, and yet she is going to cry — is she not content?"
mdp.39015054030583I never saw any like them; and what is the meaning of that?"
mdp.39015054030583If anything should be missed afterwards, what would you say?"
mdp.39015054030583If he was a living Buddha, how was it he did not know I was going to kill him?"
mdp.39015054030583If you really wanted to let your boat, would you ask 2,ooo sapeks?"
mdp.39015054030583In my story was there any- thing to excite your tears?'
mdp.39015054030583In the Western Heaven, have you fruits of this kind?"
mdp.39015054030583In your country of France, do they not treat strangers well?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it because the quality is inferior?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it far hence?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it not so?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it not so?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it not the passions of man that pervert all the beings of the creation, and prevent them from attaining perfection?
mdp.39015054030583Is it not true that I am very ill- natured?"
mdp.39015054030583Is it so?
mdp.39015054030583Is not this traveling better than that on your way hither?
mdp.39015054030583Is that any reason why the intercourse between us should not be frank and honorable?
mdp.39015054030583Ki- Chan replied:"Do you imagine the Grand Emperor will thank you for your disinterestedness?
mdp.39015054030583Let us, then, examine both carefully and sincerely; if yours is right, we will adopt it; how could we refuse to do so?
mdp.39015054030583Look; do you see this little space beside that green line?
mdp.39015054030583May we ask what is the noble country whence you come?"
mdp.39015054030583May we fight them?
mdp.39015054030583May we kill them?
mdp.39015054030583Now that he has need of us can we hold back?
mdp.39015054030583Now, can it be said that these analogies are of the Christian origin?
mdp.39015054030583Of what use is that?"
mdp.39015054030583Of whom do you speak?"
mdp.39015054030583One of us took the paper on his knees, and wrote this sentence:"What avails it to man to conquer the whole world, if he lose his soul?"
mdp.39015054030583Shall we wait for him?"
mdp.39015054030583Should I not have committed a great crime, had I murdered a Lama who had done you no evil?
mdp.39015054030583Sirs Lamas, will you come and seat yourselves, for a while, in my poor abode?
mdp.39015054030583Soon two Mandarins, with the blue button, galloped towards us:"What are you stopping there for?"
mdp.39015054030583Tell me, Sirs Lamas, is it not well to live together like brothers?
mdp.39015054030583Tell me, master publican, how many sapeks are you going to charge us for the comedy we've just witnessed of the innkeeper and his wife?"
mdp.39015054030583The Emperor Tao- Kouang"Were all the banners of Tchakar called together for this southern war?"
mdp.39015054030583The Regent, turning to those who were standing behind him, said,"Do you understand this language?"
mdp.39015054030583The boatman hurled maledic- tions at his partner:"If you did not know the way, what did you come for?
mdp.39015054030583The matter was now beyond a doubt; the government was desirous of meddling with us — to what end?
mdp.39015054030583Then address- ing himself to a third Charmana, he put to him this ques- tion: “ How long a time is fixed for the life of man?'
mdp.39015054030583Then address- ing himself to a third Charmana, he put to him this ques- tion:'How long a time is fixed for the life of man?'
mdp.39015054030583Then addressing himself to another Charmana, he put this question:'How long a time is fixed for the life of man?'
mdp.39015054030583Then, after launching a malediction against the poor hunter, he asked us whether we should dare to eat that black flesh?
mdp.39015054030583Then, after launching a malediction against the poor hunter, he asked us whether we should dare to eat that black flesh?
mdp.39015054030583These men always showed kindness to me, always exhorted me to practise virtue; why was I not to follow them?"
mdp.39015054030583This answer seemed to surprise the Buddha; he looked at us closely for some time, and then said,"From what country come you, then?"
mdp.39015054030583This report, you say, is for your Emperor; is it not so?"
mdp.39015054030583To arrive, after a journey of only, eighteen months, in heaven, were not that a good journey?
mdp.39015054030583Towards what point of the earth do you direct your steps?"
mdp.39015054030583Travels in Tartary, Thibet and ChinaEvariste- Régis Huc, Joseph Gabet- OSBORN*-|GASIS/-**~*-..."Cº., Vſ ſ º// z'a L-~A tº^^2), dº(,/??.
mdp.39015054030583Travels in Tartary, Thibet and ChinaEvariste- Régis Huc, Joseph Gabet- OSBORN*-|GASIS/-**~*-..."Cº., Vſ ſ º// z'a L-~A tº^^2), dº(,/??.
mdp.39015054030583Was it to do us good or ill, to give us liberty, or to shackle us?
mdp.39015054030583Was not reason in our mouths, Sirs Lamas?
mdp.39015054030583We asked ourselves what all this meant?
mdp.39015054030583We no longer see them in the court?"
mdp.39015054030583We questioned the former as to when the city was built, by whom, when abandoned, and why?
mdp.39015054030583We were grieved to find that our presence had such unfortunate results; but what could we do?
mdp.39015054030583Well, you are a brave man, you say: tell us how many men did you kill when you were in the Three Val- leys?"
mdp.39015054030583What about its marvelous leaves?
mdp.39015054030583What are a few ounces of silver?
mdp.39015054030583What are you seated on that stone for?"
mdp.39015054030583What could be their object?
mdp.39015054030583What could these horsemen be doing in so barren a region?
mdp.39015054030583What could they want with us?
mdp.39015054030583What did he want with riches and the good things of this world?
mdp.39015054030583What do you mean?"
mdp.39015054030583What do you propose to do with that red robe and that yellow hat of yours?'
mdp.39015054030583What do you say, Samdadchiemba?"
mdp.39015054030583What good are these bare lands to you?
mdp.39015054030583What interest could the Thibetians have in forging such a tale?
mdp.39015054030583What is that?"
mdp.39015054030583What is the good of knowing the precise date of the occurrences?
mdp.39015054030583What is the price?"
mdp.39015054030583What is to be done?
mdp.39015054030583What must we do with them?
mdp.39015054030583What possible advantage could be their inducement?
mdp.39015054030583What shall I reply to the Grand Emperor, when he shall reproach me with my negligence and cowardice?
mdp.39015054030583What souan- pan is this?"
mdp.39015054030583What then can be the meaning of this dumb animal saluting me like a human being?'
mdp.39015054030583What then had we to fear?
mdp.39015054030583What think you of the'Tavern of Eternal Equity?'"
mdp.39015054030583What were we to do?
mdp.39015054030583What were we to do?
mdp.39015054030583What would become of the Tal6-Lama when he had no worshipers?
mdp.39015054030583What's your name?"
mdp.39015054030583When he saw our Breviary;"Are these,"asked he,"the all- powerful prayers to Jehovah, of which you spoke?"
mdp.39015054030583When she saw us, she saluted us with the ordinary form of raising both her hands:"Sirs Lamas,"she said,"is this place auspicious for an encampment?"
mdp.39015054030583When those doctrines have taken root, and it is no longer possible to extirpate them, who will be responsible for such a misfortune?
mdp.39015054030583When was it?
mdp.39015054030583When we had finished,"Holy men,"said he, again prostrating himself,"how can I make acknowledg- ments for your great benefits?
mdp.39015054030583Where are you going?"
mdp.39015054030583Where did you ever hear of making people pay for fastening their animals to a peg in the wall?
mdp.39015054030583Where did you meet with these two foreigners?
mdp.39015054030583Where is the chief who is to place himself at our head, and render us once more great warriors?
mdp.39015054030583Where is the tea?
mdp.39015054030583Where shall we find some water?"
mdp.39015054030583Which of us has reason on his side?
mdp.39015054030583Whither go you?"
mdp.39015054030583Who are reVd'v tne persons that have false bullion in their possession?"
mdp.39015054030583Who are you?"
mdp.39015054030583Who is committing a sin?"
mdp.39015054030583Who is the idol of i this place?"
mdp.39015054030583Why did you enter the service of these foreigners?
mdp.39015054030583Why do n't you saddle the camels?"
mdp.39015054030583Why do you not write?
mdp.39015054030583Why should I try to mislead you?
mdp.39015054030583Will Holy Church permit that?"
mdp.39015054030583Will you sell us a sheep?"
mdp.39015054030583Will you take me into your company?'
mdp.39015054030583Would it be troubling you too much to ask from you some explanation of the matter?"
mdp.39015054030583Would it not be better to cultivate your plains?
mdp.39015054030583Would it not be much more proper to buy what ropes you require, or to give the materials out to be made by persons in the trade?"
mdp.39015054030583Would not animals in the course of time become spirits if they did not breathe an air poisoned by the presence of man?"
mdp.39015054030583Would not fine crops of corn be preferable to mere grass?"
mdp.39015054030583Would they keep us in this prison?
mdp.39015054030583Would they say to us,"You are free; go wherever you please?"
mdp.39015054030583You must let them die in peace, before you open them: is it not a sin to kill a living creature?"
mdp.39015054030583You see that long, white line on the mountain yonder?
mdp.39015054030583a passport or money?
mdp.39015054030583are we not all brothers?
mdp.39015054030583are you not to tell all the truth to the Em-- peror?"
mdp.39015054030583asked the old man,"hast thou put him to death?"
mdp.39015054030583asked we;"are you going to buy up salt or cat- sup for some Chinese company?"
mdp.39015054030583cried Ly- Kouo- Ngan, with an important air,"what point?"
mdp.39015054030583cried he in a dry, angry voice;"who are those Tartars?
mdp.39015054030583cried he, striking his forehead;"shall we pass two days'journey from my house?
mdp.39015054030583do you suppose our camels and our baggage came to us from the Mongols?"
mdp.39015054030583exclaimed the Dchiahour,"where, then, is the camel I fastened to the stake?"
mdp.39015054030583exclaimed the young man, terror- struck,"wouldst thou have me com- mit a murder?
mdp.39015054030583exclaimed we,"has it not been determined that we are to encamp elsewhere this evening?
mdp.39015054030583for whom were all these demonstrations of honor and respect?
mdp.39015054030583have you seen animals of the kind?"
mdp.39015054030583how should we make a fire, when we have no argols?"
mdp.39015054030583inquired we;"shall we depart to- day?"
mdp.39015054030583is my country also written down here?"
mdp.39015054030583or would they strangle us?
mdp.39015054030583ounces; this, therefore, can not be the Mongol's youen^Sao> but now comes the question, whose is it?
mdp.39015054030583said he,"have I seen the Kitats who inhabited this defile?
mdp.39015054030583said the Regent, in a very affable tone,"what language is that you speak?
mdp.39015054030583that is the great point; where are your maps?"
mdp.39015054030583to let us live or to make us die?
mdp.39015054030583we in claiming our property, or you in not restoring it?
mdp.39015054030583were not that happiness?
mdp.39015054030583were you in that famous war of the South?
mdp.39015054030583what are those camels?
mdp.39015054030583what are you going to do with it?"
mdp.39015054030583why, what mischief could they do in this wretched ravine?"
mdp.39015054030583you, who are strangers, presume still to remain here?"
mdp.39015054030583“ Buddha put this question to a Charmana: “ How long a time is fixed for the life of man?'
mdp.39015054030583“ My spiritual fathers, ” said he, one day, “ how can people of your quality demean yourselves by rope- making?
mdp.39015063561438'* believe that “ All Israel has a portion in the world to come??? mdp.39015063561438 '* believe that “ All Israel has a portion in the world to come???
mdp.39015063561438'* believe that “ All Israel has a portion in the world to come??? mdp.39015063561438 * Add to all this, the constant bickerings and open enmities and quarrels( tantænæ animis cælestibus ire?)
mdp.39015063561438* It may be asked here, why we have not adopted the translation,Filial and fraternal duties are the foundation of humanity?"
mdp.39015063561438A word in season, how good it is?' mdp.39015063561438 If a sage like the great Yü did so,'says Tó Chu, how ought we cominon men, to lament the waste of a single hairbreadth of line?'
mdp.39015063561438In my intercourse with men, whom do I traduce or whom do I laud? mdp.39015063561438 Is nc: this far better than to fight for successive years, and fill the land with the bodies of the slain?'
mdp.39015063561438The Sun lake'is supplied through the sluice at the south gate, and'Moon lake? mdp.39015063561438 # 1 WIĘ, “ Why say that humanity is far off and hard to be exercised? mdp.39015063561438 # L, Why can not his decrees be now relied upon? mdp.39015063561438 # See Appendix F. li Is it possible that in this synagogue there is no service for the morning Dveyond reading the section of the law on the Sabbath? mdp.39015063561438 & c.,& c. Why does Mr. Dent not come?' mdp.39015063561438 'How,'said a Siamese to me,'could we know that our talapoins were gods, if they did not eat so much?' mdp.39015063561438 ), and Shanghái, for all citizens of the U. S. with their families and? mdp.39015063561438 ), “ For these things there is no atonement but by blood?
mdp.39015063561438* Should one ask, that seeing the great extreme is the immaterial principle, how can the immaterial principle have motion and rest?
mdp.39015063561438* When asked for the meaning they attached to the word?
mdp.39015063561438* Wu Chungtsiun, of Wú hien, Kiángsú; a hiohsz?
mdp.39015063561438+, — Yi —,'the sixth Ako.?'
mdp.390150635614381 11?
mdp.390150635614381 it hit Nánching, 4 H B Kwangcháng,?
mdp.390150635614381 ° W. to 7?
mdp.3901506356143810 l chau 19 chow chau tēw tíú?
mdp.3901506356143816, col. 1):-"Why do we go and pray on the graves?
mdp.39015063561438163 羅 ​lo 174 lo lò lô clò 164 m ló 175 lõ lók lók lók, 165 K lú 176 loo lú loē ló 166 E lü 166 leu lü lē lí?
mdp.390150635614381813 73 Important Instructions to Soldiers Now you think that a vegetable is worth but a few cash; why need a man fear to take it?
mdp.390150635614381842, 189 Last Ten Vrars, from 18:3?
mdp.39015063561438185 mie 193 mëě mút bëet biet, 186 Úmien 194 mëcn mín bëēn bien?
mdp.39015063561438205 hinau 230 now nau noē no?
mdp.39015063561438206 Ý ngái gnae gnái 207 08 ngán ngón gān gán?
mdp.39015063561438211 Thc Gicut Commiss201?
mdp.3901506356143824th Oct Luise Tre Brun from i$???
mdp.3901506356143824th Oct Luise Tre Brun from i$???
mdp.3901506356143824th Oct Luise Tre Brun from i$???
mdp.3901506356143828 HH choáng 98 chapamg chóng chong chóng 29 i fáh fát hwat hwát, 30/ fán fán hwān hwán?
mdp.3901506356143831 fan fan hwun hún 32 ti fáng fóng hong hóng 33 Efau fau hoé'hó 34 fi fi hwuy chúi 35 fó fók pók pók, 36 X fú 34 foo fú hoo hú?
mdp.3901506356143834 ° V., and luny+ 10 W üf כעורו laking ازه Voi Topogruphy of Shansa SI JO UBE 1 寧武 ​Ningwú, 3 1 9 Píenkwán,?
mdp.3901506356143836 °?!?!"
mdp.3901506356143836 °?!?!"
mdp.3901506356143836º q'1?"
mdp.3901506356143837 JH fu 37 fủh fat hwut hút, 38 風 ​fung fung hong chóng 39 6 Bái 50 hae hoi haē hái: 40 hán 51 han hón hãn hán?
mdp.3901506356143838 Nankeen and Cotton cloth, 2:33 12,7:56 12 2 Oil of Aniseed, 24?
mdp.3901506356143840,00) Chihlí, Shantung,?
mdp.3901506356143850, 0 Chekiáng, Kiangsí,?
mdp.3901506356143855 W hien 63 hệem ý bám hăm hám?
mdp.39015063561438574 734 2 731 the Clydle, Dublin& ng 2,995 7 2,995 Cork, Burnbay, 26 11,180 37 39,0:39 C3 11,219 2 503 27 22,639 29 23,148 Calculia, 2 1,012?
mdp.3901506356143869 ° 50'E. DR til Hu- lán ching( Tchoulgue hotun?)
mdp.390150635614389:22,) did not visit ports which if not in China, were at least frequented by the busy and trading Chinese?
mdp.39015063561438: — What office the said foreigner, Elliot, now holds from the said nation?
mdp.39015063561438:! ores lor 11. th:29?
mdp.39015063561438Again she says, “ Oh what is life?
mdp.39015063561438Again the female principle of nature must precede the male, influence non- actively, and motion rest; which then will be first and which last?
mdp.39015063561438Again, we trace a resemblance in the form of asking a question; the Siamese say ki- mong, for what time, the Chinese'ki- shi?
mdp.39015063561438All you English merchants-- what was there unequitable done to you?
mdp.39015063561438Almost reduced to starvation by hunger how could they be expected to clothe themselves?
mdp.39015063561438Am I improving it?
mdp.39015063561438Amputation was recommended, but his father said, how then can he feed himself with one hand gone?
mdp.39015063561438And do they on the eve of the Day of Atonement sacrifice a cock because its Hebrew name is the same with that of man?
mdp.39015063561438And here we might pause:-do I hear you inquire, what is all this to the opium question, or the taking of Canton?
mdp.39015063561438And how many do you think have been strangled at birth?
mdp.39015063561438And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?
mdp.39015063561438And how shall they preach, except ihey be sent?"
mdp.39015063561438And if so, why seek additional proofs?
mdp.39015063561438And if they had any proper country, what was its name, and where situated?
mdp.39015063561438And in what way, and by what incans, ought this opposition to be removed?
mdp.39015063561438And lastly, whether the dispatches which he states that he has received from home, are sent by the said nation's king or not?
mdp.39015063561438And now, it may be asked, what benefit may be expected to flow from this mode of pro- cedure?
mdp.39015063561438And small large Pre 71 非​酒​,惟 ​$(5)* being lost, also is not wine the sole fault?
mdp.39015063561438And the debts of the hong- merchants should be liquidated by themselves; how could the officers of government be called upon to pay them?
mdp.39015063561438And what is the general outline of their liturgical services?
mdp.39015063561438And what is the mission press at Batavia?
mdp.39015063561438And what is the number of individuals in his suite?
mdp.39015063561438And what, now, is the condition of this empire?
mdp.39015063561438And who then?
mdp.39015063561438And who will deny that such free and friendly intercourse ought to be allowed?
mdp.39015063561438And why do they not remain in one place?
mdp.39015063561438And why should it not be?
mdp.39015063561438And will Yishan fail to attempt to keep his promise with his master?
mdp.39015063561438And will you be enabled to make a repetition of such attempts?
mdp.39015063561438Any loss, Horrefort;, winch suche persons may suffer in consequence of the nurse cortadi?
mdp.39015063561438Are not the professorl believers in Christ, individually and collectively, in com- mission to carry the gospel to every creature on earth?
mdp.39015063561438Are our numbers thinned by disease?
mdp.39015063561438Are there aged?
mdp.39015063561438Are there sick?
mdp.39015063561438Are there the starved and cold?
mdp.39015063561438Are there widows?
mdp.39015063561438Are they not right?
mdp.39015063561438Are they then to continue always thus positively and universally to reject the gospel?
mdp.39015063561438Are we successful in war?
mdp.39015063561438Are you gentry and people of the whole province looking to see what sort of a man I the governor am?
mdp.39015063561438Are you in debt?
mdp.39015063561438Are you married?
mdp.39015063561438Are you rich?
mdp.39015063561438Art thou ready?
mdp.39015063561438As to the first proposition, that characters have a meaning without a sound, I beg leave to ask where such characters are to be found?
mdp.39015063561438As to their relation with gentiles, do they assign to the latter the seven precepts of Noah?
mdp.39015063561438As you you to inake any expression of gratitude for his mercy?
mdp.39015063561438Aug. 6. à?
mdp.39015063561438B. Compton R. Thorbui?
mdp.39015063561438Batavia: Printed at the Mission press, 1842. Who is Philosinensis?
mdp.39015063561438Before me there is an aged mother, after me there is neither son nor daughter, melancholy and solitary, who is there that will care for us?
mdp.39015063561438Between him and the small, the petty, how can there exist anything like'bonds of peace and good- will?'
mdp.39015063561438But how came he to have this place in the af- fections of men?
mdp.39015063561438But how is this change to be effected?
mdp.39015063561438But how shall the word be disposed of in the Chinese version?
mdp.39015063561438But if any trangress this law, the con- sul will inform the Chinese officers to expel( the monopolist?).
mdp.39015063561438But if they were to be disregarded in one sense, how was it to be expected they would be observed in another?
mdp.39015063561438But if you dare to shelter or protect the English, or clandestinely to convey them( or their property?)
mdp.39015063561438But is this the case?
mdp.39015063561438But it may be asked again, do any of these fruits yet appear?
mdp.39015063561438But let me ask him, does not knowledge seldom pay less than it costs?
mdp.39015063561438But not long after we were driven back a few miles from land, til?
mdp.39015063561438But shall we attempt to make books in the same language, though on different principles, so as to suit them to the ends we have in view?
mdp.39015063561438But the authors of their sufferings, and their cruel murderers — where are they?
mdp.39015063561438But the question now recurs, how came the Malays by the word Isá?
mdp.39015063561438But this way to felicity, what is it?
mdp.39015063561438But those who fear to die can not thus avoid death; suppose they shut themselves up within their own doors and die of disease; are they not then dead?
mdp.39015063561438But what matters the ingratitude of men?
mdp.39015063561438But when the heathen have been converted to Christ, will not the work of missions have been accomplished?
mdp.39015063561438But where again did the Arabs obtain it?
mdp.39015063561438But where is the evidence to prove that this zeal and devotion were such as God approves?
mdp.39015063561438By whom, and for what purpose they were sent?
mdp.39015063561438Can Elliot not have heard of this?
mdp.39015063561438Can a man so disgrace himself as to permit his wife to sit at table with him?"
mdp.39015063561438Can any pagan judge otherwise from the literal meaning of the word?
mdp.39015063561438Can any yet dare to be, as the habitual looker- on, unobscrvant, and still continue to linger about?
mdp.39015063561438Can he quote a single passage in which Shin, Tin, has the meaning, and is suited to the purpose, for which he contends?
mdp.39015063561438Can it be be- cause the sacred thought'compassionates my debility, and does not wish me to emulate the hard toil of the dog or horse?
mdp.39015063561438Can it be supposed that every individual in this land always fully practices the requirements of virtue?
mdp.39015063561438Can not then some other character be adopted?
mdp.39015063561438Can we find there fine buildings, or even simple houses built by men of ordinary talent?
mdp.39015063561438Can we find there ships, transporting articles from place to place?
mdp.39015063561438Can we have a seat in heaven by this sinful life?'
mdp.39015063561438Can we see among them a harvest, such as to gratify the speactator's eye and gladden the farmer's heart?
mdp.39015063561438Can you more statesman- like looking man, among our late ministry?
mdp.39015063561438Can you suppose, that if I'lípú had committed an offense in being too timid, he would now be quickly promoted to high official employment?
mdp.39015063561438Clubs and cliques nowhere to le found in the Chinese empire?
mdp.39015063561438Coation, 布疋​花​慢​類 ​帆布​, chih long, and i chih 7( sun 1o?
mdp.39015063561438Colonel Watson, the officers and privates were soon on the spot-- but for what?
mdp.39015063561438Could any man, but a misanthropist, situated as captain Cooper was, pass by those exiles, those shipwrecked mariners?
mdp.39015063561438Could anything he more emetical?
mdp.39015063561438Could not the astute Sú discover these defects in the historian?
mdp.39015063561438Could those, whose ashes sleep in yonder grave- yard, rise from the dead and come and speak to thee, wouldest thou heed their warnings?
mdp.39015063561438Dancing, with a Chinese lady's pettitoes, is out of the question; but, this apart, what fashionable recommendation does a Chinese belle lack?
mdp.39015063561438Did Jesus weep over Jerusalem?
mdp.39015063561438Did he improve the light he received, or did he die in his sins?
mdp.39015063561438Did the officers of government pay you or his mother any- thing?
mdp.39015063561438Did we ever hear of an instance, does history record an instance, of any part of the globe Christianized by lay preachers or"lay teachers?"
mdp.39015063561438Do I keep fully within actual facts or strong probabilities?
mdp.39015063561438Do I so write as will be apt to lead the public to expect more than can be realized?
mdp.39015063561438Do I write anything, which if made public would cause future self- reproach, or become an obstacle to my usefulness?
mdp.39015063561438Do I write, in regard to style, terms and address becoming my age, talents,& c.?
mdp.39015063561438Do not iinitate those isolated men( referring to Láulsz?)
mdp.39015063561438Do they retain the idea of Trinity in God's unity, as it is in Zohar?
mdp.39015063561438Do we not owe it to the instrumentality of the Christian ministry?
mdp.39015063561438Does a company of her sons, how- ever few in number, renounce idolatry and worship Jehovah?
mdp.39015063561438Does he look on the absence of any plural form as an advantage?
mdp.39015063561438Does i puh, a shoot when added to sin form pus, as it would have done among the Egyptians?
mdp.39015063561438Does it follow that they belong to him?
mdp.39015063561438Does it stand to reason, then, that we have treated foreigners with generosity and our own people with severity?
mdp.39015063561438During the JAN. calon wilis dili rxccllcncy, and it would have been hut court.cous m him to have place me on?
mdp.39015063561438E kê-lê, ki- lê', il chiú?
mdp.39015063561438E ti ter tú úz?
mdp.39015063561438ET Changchun ting, in Kirin( Yegue hotun?
mdp.39015063561438Ecc., p.? ti, et passim Eleven years he was 1844.
mdp.39015063561438Elliot having come as English superintendent into the territory of the celestial court, how ought he implicitly to obey the laws?
mdp.39015063561438Elliot's conduct being thus exactly the same as that of an artful schemer, can he yet be regarded fit for the office of superintendent?
mdp.39015063561438Finally, do they pretend to any traditional decision upon the law as transmitted from Mount Sinai?
mdp.39015063561438For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead? ”!
mdp.39015063561438For is it not as really injurious to the interests of a science, to conceal, as to exaggerate the difficulties it presents?
mdp.39015063561438Further also Yin's leaders( internal) good ministers and all great officers?
mdp.39015063561438G. T. Lay, who sets himself up, as a sweeping censor of Latin elo- quence?
mdp.39015063561438GEMMELI., W.& T.,& Co., Hongkong(.?.
mdp.39015063561438GENERAL ORDER:'fiy hus rxcellener lige...? ral.
mdp.39015063561438Granting that Isaiah knew nothing of China, by that or any other name, why may we not suppose him inspired to predict the success of the gospel there?
mdp.39015063561438Has he published any Philippic which revives the language of the age of Augustus?
mdp.39015063561438Has one been removed confessedly and beyond doubt unprepared to appear before his Maker?
mdp.39015063561438Has the death been sudden and unexpected?
mdp.39015063561438Hast thou a treasure laid up in heaven?
mdp.39015063561438Have the other arrangements been completed?
mdp.39015063561438Have they any notion of a media- tor between God and man, the Metatron, the Prince of thy coun- tenance?"
mdp.39015063561438Have they been brought to justice?
mdp.39015063561438Have they in their liturgy this thanksgivo ing?
mdp.39015063561438Have they still any of the Levite or Priestly families?
mdp.39015063561438Have they the ancient hymn, which welcomes the Sabbath- day as a bride?
mdp.39015063561438Have they the chapters of the Fathers?
mdp.39015063561438Have you any orders to give on account of the community?
mdp.39015063561438Have you evidence that satisfies your own mind that God has already given you the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ?
mdp.39015063561438Having said this they disappeared?
mdp.39015063561438He inquired if these were not of the twelve?
mdp.39015063561438He then demanded why we had taken and burnt one of the doors of our shed?
mdp.39015063561438He was then asked what punish- ment he deserved?
mdp.39015063561438Here the question occurs, by what means shall we communicate instruction to these minds?
mdp.39015063561438His action on that sub- 244 Journal of Occurrences, MAT, an ject is pretty well known; but what has become of him?
mdp.39015063561438His father's ancestral name is Pinj 7; he was a Suikung sz?
mdp.39015063561438How are the interests of other nations, and particularly of the United States, already, or likely to be hereafter, affected by it?
mdp.39015063561438How can converts so seldom visited be well instructed?
mdp.39015063561438How can he write?
mdp.39015063561438How can we think to contradict or to deny the requests of such men, who have come hither from so long a distance?"
mdp.39015063561438How could he previously let the said nation's chief and others know?
mdp.39015063561438How could they refrain from swal- lowing their complaints, and drinking their tears?
mdp.39015063561438How dissimilar their ideas of truth, of faith, of hope, of the soul,& C.,& c. And what now is to be donc?
mdp.39015063561438How does this differ from chang- ing the bright heavens of a clear day into one of cold winds and bitter rain?
mdp.39015063561438How does this differ from converting a broad and smooth high way into a thick and thorny mazé?
mdp.39015063561438How is it possible for us to refrain from forbidding our people to use it?
mdp.39015063561438How is it that on this occasion the ships of war have presumed to break into the port, throwing down the forts?
mdp.39015063561438How is it then that on this occasion, when surrendering the opium, there is no knowledge of this mode of operation?
mdp.39015063561438How many of them can afford these luxuries?
mdp.39015063561438How many times do you eat a day?
mdp.39015063561438How much more must the go- vernment of this empire punish the contumacious disobedience of barbarians?
mdp.39015063561438How much more 爾 ​事 ​ALE HIĘ 451 your servers, the instructers and workers?
mdp.39015063561438How much more( should you caution) those who serve you, the ministers of instruction, and the ministers of business?
mdp.39015063561438How shall I describe the poverty of our Christians?
mdp.39015063561438How shall I throw off the burden of my old disease?
mdp.39015063561438How then can we allow you to band toge- ther?
mdp.39015063561438How then could the withdrawal of them be omitted?
mdp.39015063561438How then ought there to be a general seizure for the purpose of effecting a prohibition?
mdp.39015063561438I Heh- lung kiáng or Tsitsihar, the third province or division o?
mdp.39015063561438I am Hlái# kí-16| chá sé e sé?
mdp.39015063561438I like to know what impression is made by a first ge- neral glance, and to ask myself, what is it that I prominently see?
mdp.39015063561438I not only could not bear to meet my sovereign or my father, but with what a face could I look at you scholars and people?
mdp.39015063561438I open an European dictionary at the first page; I ask one who can read, why all the paragraphs commence with the sign A?
mdp.39015063561438I say, with respect to its boundlessness, where will you get its boundlessness from?
mdp.39015063561438I would only ask, with respect to Chinlánkíhsz'( the foreign lea- der of this band) where is he now?
mdp.39015063561438I woulit ask what it is then that Elliot superintends?
mdp.39015063561438If an inferior officer be a sharper, how it is possible long to avert ruin?
mdp.39015063561438If he can willingly subject himself to reproach on account of these receiving- vessels, how will he be able to answer it to his king?
mdp.39015063561438If music is found to be so desirable in the schools of Christian countries, why should it not be even more so here?
mdp.39015063561438If one should ask me concerning the above facts saying, what is the reason that civil officers prosper so much?
mdp.39015063561438If the hour of my death should now come am I suitably employed?
mdp.39015063561438If the question should be asked, How much do they know of gram- mar?
mdp.39015063561438If the rulers of other states wish to imitate the English, with what can their demands be waived?
mdp.39015063561438If the thoughts be free from impurity, of what use is the peach- charm?
mdp.39015063561438If their grandfather is alive, they write tsúyen shi hiá Til?
mdp.39015063561438If we do not treat them( the foreigners) with sincerity and confidence, and if we do not show them indulgence and liberality, how can they bear it?
mdp.39015063561438If with one or two there be a fear of not properly sustaining the charge, how much more in case of some tens and hundreds?
mdp.39015063561438Ilad the said superintendent one glimpse of ght, how ought he to have been roused by gratitude speedily to act?
mdp.39015063561438Ilaving inade one sally( to give vent to your indignation), will you not now return to your duty?
mdp.39015063561438In amazement the desolate Jewish church exclaims, “ Behold I was left alone, these where had they been?"
mdp.39015063561438In the course of a few years, what do we witness?
mdp.39015063561438In the event of the death or removal of my- self from this place, who would take up the work where I leave it, and continue it?
mdp.39015063561438In their expectations do they look for a restoration to Jerusalem?
mdp.39015063561438In their limited walks, they are seldom or never comp?
mdp.39015063561438In theological doctrine, what is their interpretation of the Old Testament term, “ Holy Spirit?'
mdp.39015063561438In what age, by what sect, where, when, by whom, has religious truth been excluded from the education of youth?
mdp.39015063561438Instructions they certainly did receive, but of what kind?
mdp.39015063561438Is it a suitable return to deprive them of supplics of food, and to poison the water which they are accus- tomed to drink?
mdp.39015063561438Is it anticipating too much to hope that thus the literature and arts of western nations shall be transfused into the Chinese mind?
mdp.39015063561438Is not the love of God infinite?
mdp.39015063561438Is this the manner in which prisoners are ever treated?
mdp.39015063561438Is thy spirit sanctified, thy soul prepared to inect thy God?
mdp.39015063561438It con- tains?
mdp.39015063561438It contains one chau district( Siáng), and?
mdp.39015063561438It is a question of deep interest, what benefit resulted to China from all this?"
mdp.39015063561438It is thought right to add these particulars, which are with great respect reported? ” The imperial reply.
mdp.39015063561438It is true many of the Chinese con- verts return to their country, but what matters it?
mdp.39015063561438JPJ ne T When will it appear?
mdp.39015063561438Kibh kin Irán# The first two characters mean'feet and tendons?
mdp.39015063561438Kwangtung, Kwangsí, 30 52,000 Honán, Kiángnán,?
mdp.39015063561438Kí tsz?
mdp.39015063561438Last 7'en Yrars: from 183?
mdp.39015063561438Lately at Chipi, Kanfi( Gough?)
mdp.39015063561438Let not- another sit upon his throne, and let not strangers inherit hig glory any more?"
mdp.39015063561438M. ship Volage), having again dared to be the first to fire off his great guns, and further, having seized upon(?)
mdp.39015063561438MAY, The go- piness?"
mdp.39015063561438Macao stands near the southeast point of the mainland; and# 1) Hwángliáng tú sz?
mdp.39015063561438May not these be the countries intended?"
mdp.39015063561438May the Lord not be preparing this little com- pany for the reception of the truth?
mdp.39015063561438More- over, have you seen the western record of Hwangkiú?
mdp.39015063561438Naturalization of aliens in Hongkong and its dependencies(?)
mdp.39015063561438Nay but the guilt of opening the gates, and inviting the robbers to enter, how can a hundred lips excuse?
mdp.39015063561438Now as to him who does not love to rebel against his superiors, how is it possible for him to resist reason, and practise un- Jawful deeds?
mdp.39015063561438Now had God provided for us, so that we should have no labour lo perform, what would be the consequence?
mdp.39015063561438Now, of what use is it to endeavor to revive the inemory of men of whom no trace remains on the earth?
mdp.39015063561438One asks, is that which Líutsz'remarked of the due medium of heaven and earth, the same with what Chautsz'said of the great extreme?
mdp.39015063561438Or how to Us, the governor and lieutenant- governor?
mdp.39015063561438Or inust we also con- clude that every English foreigner scts at nought the principles of common sense and reason?
mdp.39015063561438Or shall we, intrusted with the defense and government of the frontier, be thought unable to follow such conduct with the rigor of the laws?
mdp.39015063561438Our officers must make most minute investigations and if there be 2"?
mdp.39015063561438P]# te?
mdp.39015063561438Pray sit down, says the host, and the guest"Ts'ing tsó?
mdp.39015063561438Puh- hái inquired?
mdp.39015063561438Review of 3:52:29?s incidental t:) B: ropaans in China, particularly in Hongkong and for the rear 134.1, exh.b ied..?
mdp.39015063561438Rut have they not been sent?
mdp.39015063561438Shall all be motionless, voiceless, lifeless?
mdp.39015063561438Shall he have the Yih King, or the Book of Changes next?
mdp.39015063561438Shall he take up the “ Five Classics? ” Give him then the Book of Odes, as expurgated and abridged by Confucius.
mdp.39015063561438Shall rebels then do this?
mdp.39015063561438Shall we resort to books?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, how is it that Nanhien has called the substance of the great extreme the essence of stillness?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, how is it that the immaterial principle existed before heaven and earth?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, is what you say about substance a forced appellation or not?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, was this producing and nourishing, caused by the immaterial principle or not?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, what connection the immaterial principle has with fate?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, what is your opinion of his saying, that the essence of stillness is spoken of with reference to it both before and after its display?
mdp.39015063561438Should any ask, whether the great extreme be the extreme princi- ple of the human heart?
mdp.39015063561438Should any one ask how it is that the primary matter stretches itself out and contracts alternate- ly?
mdp.39015063561438Should any one ask whether is would be right to carry it out thus or not?
mdp.39015063561438Should any one ask, what is the great extreme?
mdp.39015063561438Should any one ask, what is the great extreme?
mdp.39015063561438Should any one ask, whose observation is this?
mdp.39015063561438Should any unfortunate catastrophe take place, what would our position at Canton entail upon us but responsibility and jeopardy?
mdp.39015063561438Should it be so), how is it that the account has never bccu handed down to us?
mdp.39015063561438Should they again ask, as the immaterial principle is boundless, is the primary matter also bound- less?
mdp.39015063561438Since things are thus, what ought to be the conduct of those who are the most enlightened and the most free of all people?
mdp.39015063561438Some, after inquiring my age, have overwhelmed me with questions such as these, Are you a god?
mdp.39015063561438Such as display contumacy and contempt, how can they have aught but justice dealt out to them?
mdp.39015063561438Such being the the case, is this not inculcating reverence for the gods?
mdp.39015063561438Terning to a Mohammedan who stood by him, he asked, “ Do you understand those characters? ” The Mohammedan replied that he did not.
mdp.39015063561438That goes about with great heavi- ness and continual sorrow of heart,'oppressed and borne down by the weight of his woes?
mdp.39015063561438The Consul says that it was on the strength of the evidence before him that he inflicted the fire- now, my Lord, what is the evidence?
mdp.39015063561438The Grrut Commission., “ What if this be the last opportunity I shall ever have of doing good?
mdp.39015063561438The Jesuits did much for them in this way in the 16th century; and, shall we, Christians and foreigners, be backward or dilatory in this good cause?
mdp.39015063561438The ancients did the same and were successful, and why should not their illustrious posterity carry their point in a similar manner?
mdp.39015063561438The expedition was detained by bad weather and other circumstances at Wisung until the 6th of July, on which day it advanced up the Yángtsz?
mdp.39015063561438The first prominent point in this district is to A Súkung, between Lungkiáng and the river on which stands the city of Kiáhtsz F hii Kiáhtsz?
mdp.39015063561438The justice of the cause between the two parties:-which has the rightcous cause?
mdp.39015063561438The kings of Siam are obliged to send tribute to the emperor of China, and may they not have received their reli- gion from their ancient masters?
mdp.39015063561438The law adjudges the penalty of death for betraying the country, but how can even death atone for their crimes?
mdp.39015063561438The men have arms in their hands, and is it reasonable to suppose they will suffer themselves to be starved to death and poisoned?
mdp.39015063561438The next day, the 22d, brought them to the largest town they had yet seen( Kiá- í hien?)
mdp.39015063561438The nigno zodi clearly behislai: slo?
mdp.39015063561438The people asked whether she was bound to Macao?
mdp.39015063561438The shopkeepers only run after gain;-how can they then hoard it up, let the rice spoil, and suffer loss?
mdp.39015063561438The simple interrogation, What is that?
mdp.39015063561438The wit said,'Formerly there were these four Chinese characters: 09 si fáng shing jin, “ the sage of the west.?
mdp.39015063561438The? d regt.
mdp.39015063561438There is no lack of industry among us: have we remembered to give that industry its lawful repose on the first day of the week?
mdp.39015063561438There is no other place in Isaiah where it has this signification, and why should this be an exception?
mdp.39015063561438They were asked,'What business the Dutch had in China, and if they had forgotten that two years before they were interdicted the navigation of Canton?
mdp.39015063561438This gateway leads to the Yenchin sz?
mdp.39015063561438This is intelligible enough; but what harın can wood do?
mdp.39015063561438This requisition is indeed conformable to reason; wh difficulty is there in complying with it?
mdp.39015063561438Thus in the time of autumn and winter could you say that there was no flow- ing and moving?
mdp.39015063561438Thus when they hear you say, such a pic- ture or statue is a master- piece, they will reply in good humor, Very great, is it not?"
mdp.39015063561438Thus, “ Have you done such a thing?
mdp.39015063561438To his anxious inquiry,"what he must do to be saved?"
mdp.39015063561438To the inquiry, if the immaterial principle be contained within the primary matter, how then does it display itself?
mdp.39015063561438To the question, whether, when speaking of all things having a great extreme, this relates to the immaterial principle or to primary matter?
mdp.39015063561438Try to close your eyes and look inwardly at your heart: and will not the perspiration drop from your whole body?
mdp.39015063561438Two labial vibra-?
mdp.39015063561438Under such circum- stances one may ask, would this bear upon the business of mankind or not?
mdp.39015063561438Upon this Rashi explains, “ Where there are no Jewish graves; for the Gentiles can not ask mercy for themselves, how much less then for us?'
mdp.39015063561438Villages and neigh- bors enjoy peace and harmony; wives and children have joy and gladness; and will you not, then, dwell in delightful security?
mdp.39015063561438Was it not so in Jerusalem?
mdp.39015063561438Was that foreigner, on this occasion, guilty of a criminal act, either in a moral or legal sense?
mdp.39015063561438Was the spirit of the apostle when at Athens, stirred within him?
mdp.39015063561438We come then to rescue the youth of China from this destructive blight, and what do we find upon our hands at the outset?
mdp.39015063561438We have now a good number of public buildings in the island, and others are in progress: have we yet laid the foundations of a church?
mdp.39015063561438We shall then have the north, the west, and the land of Egypt, but where is all the vast population eastward and southward from the land of Canaan?
mdp.39015063561438What advantage or what point, again, have we ever lost, that was just and reasonable, by acting with promptitude and vigor?
mdp.39015063561438What apology can be offered for the rich?
mdp.39015063561438What are the dutice of the government and people of the United States resulting from it?
mdp.39015063561438What are the prospects of its progress and termination?
mdp.39015063561438What are twenty- four pupils to the mul- titudes that want education; and what are the labors of one man to those that are required?
mdp.39015063561438What could this signify, than that the Ketans were preparing for a new attack?
mdp.39015063561438What country do you belong to?
mdp.39015063561438What difficulty should we have in driving these vessels away with the utmost rigor?
mdp.39015063561438What do they know of the God they profess to worship?
mdp.39015063561438What do you mean by good and true?
mdp.39015063561438What has been followed and what avoided?"
mdp.39015063561438What have been our public acknowledgments to Him that “ fighteth for us?'
mdp.39015063561438What higher proof of friendship and desire to promote present and future happiness could be given?
mdp.39015063561438What if a French or an English admiral should anchor in the bay of Yédo, with a dozen sail, would a triple cordon be thrown around the squadron?
mdp.39015063561438What is obtained, and what lost?
mdp.39015063561438What is right- eousness?
mdp.39015063561438What is the reason of this difference?
mdp.39015063561438What is your honor- name?
mdp.39015063561438What kind of conduct is this?
mdp.39015063561438What office the said fo- reigner actually holds at present from the said nation?
mdp.39015063561438What then remains but the stoppage of the trade, or my retirement?
mdp.39015063561438What traces yet remain?
mdp.39015063561438What would become of our churches in Christian lands with only such opportunities?
mdp.39015063561438When an attempt was made on his life, “ As heaven has produced such a degree of virtue in me, what can Hwantúi do to me?"
mdp.39015063561438When he saw this inscription, he said in a fury, “ How do these Mohammedans dare to profane such a designation?"
mdp.39015063561438When in company consider that perhaps some present may be Tying under the wrath of God, should I not do something for such?
mdp.39015063561438When, then, will the war ships, which the other day broke in and came up to Whainpoa, set sail?
mdp.39015063561438When, too, Ningpo, Fuchau, Shinghái,& c., may be entered, why should Canton be solitary in this respect?
mdp.39015063561438Whence should so much anxiety arise lest funds should be meagre and means small?
mdp.39015063561438Whence this victory?
mdp.39015063561438Where did Christianity ever flourish in more vigor than along the shores of Northern Africa?
mdp.39015063561438Where in any case, has excess of duty been levied?
mdp.39015063561438Where now are Jupiter and the gods of Greece, and where the whole Pantheon of Rome?
mdp.39015063561438Where now is Diana of the Ephe- sians?
mdp.39015063561438Where then could ther obtain it, but from the Koran?
mdp.39015063561438Where then is the use of inaking such a buzz about this affair?
mdp.39015063561438Where then is truth?
mdp.39015063561438Wherein may we, as a Christian body, have been deficient in our allegiance to our supreme head and governor?
mdp.39015063561438Whether he has any ulterior aim?
mdp.39015063561438Whether he has really received written credentials from the said nation's king?
mdp.39015063561438Whether it is proper to distinguish any of the attributes of the true God by the word jin R.?
mdp.39015063561438Which of the two parties to the contest has the righteous cause?
mdp.39015063561438While the deity is not at rest, ran the thoughts of nen be tranquil?
mdp.39015063561438While they were kept outside, there were many traitors within; how much more, when they incroach even to our bedsides, will our troubles be augmented?
mdp.39015063561438Who can estimate the amount of good done by one who is the means or instrument of rescuing a single soul from hell?
mdp.39015063561438Who could tell?
mdp.39015063561438Who is there that makes the bur- den of a dying world his own?
mdp.39015063561438Who now asseverates, “ I could wish myself accursed from Christ for my brethren?"
mdp.39015063561438Who or what will oppose and impede you?
mdp.39015063561438Who prepares for his coming?
mdp.39015063561438Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
mdp.39015063561438Who then shall coin them?
mdp.39015063561438Who was their king, and what his age?
mdp.39015063561438Who will furnish the funds?
mdp.39015063561438Who would oppose him?
mdp.39015063561438Who would think, that a man who had to look after such various affairs, should have found time to study medicine?
mdp.39015063561438Whose are the cattle on a thousand hills?
mdp.39015063561438Whose is the sea?
mdp.39015063561438Whose the earth?
mdp.39015063561438Why a chief supracargo does not come from the said nation, in place of a foreign eye being sent?
mdp.39015063561438Why are the gentry and people of Canton so strongly opposed to the en- trance of foreigners into the provincial city?
mdp.39015063561438Why ask whether this or that prophecy has special reference to China, when already assured of her conversion?
mdp.39015063561438Why do these prefer Catho- lics to the Anglican, the Armenian, or the methodist church?
mdp.39015063561438Why do we, at this day, enjoy the lights and benefits of Christianity ourselves?
mdp.39015063561438Why has this country been so long closed against all intercourse with other nations?
mdp.39015063561438Why have all foreign superstitions gained ingress, and the pure Gospel alone been excluded?
mdp.39015063561438Why should it not be so?
mdp.39015063561438Why should we shut our eyes to the whole history of Christianity?
mdp.39015063561438Why should you throw away your lives in assisting the tyranny of your masters to be out in pieces by us?
mdp.39015063561438Why then should rude barbarians be benefited by the merchandize carried from the stores of China?
mdp.39015063561438Why therefore should any one wait for my echoing praise of such a reputation?
mdp.39015063561438Will both these stipulations be kept?
mdp.39015063561438Will you accept its invitations?
mdp.39015063561438Will you follow its precepts?
mdp.39015063561438Will you now receive it?
mdp.39015063561438With cleronce in their livstination datest on the??
mdp.39015063561438With cleronce in their livstination datest on the??
mdp.39015063561438With him who drinks thus, what can be the value of the Christian revelation?
mdp.39015063561438Would all intercourse with the shore be denied?
mdp.39015063561438Would the foreigner, in that case, be satisfied?
mdp.39015063561438Would you believe the talapoins receive all these doctrines?
mdp.39015063561438Yet what is the advantage of gates, iſ when the robbers approach they are not closed?
mdp.39015063561438Yet where now are those churches?
mdp.39015063561438Yet who heeds his admonition?
mdp.39015063561438Yunakuni tt1# 13, Kuni 西​表​, Hatoma 鳩間​, Takitaho(?
mdp.39015063561438amount, and where is such a sum to come from to be given away?
mdp.39015063561438and 110 evening service wlite vrs?
mdp.39015063561438and do they pray, “ Bring us to Zion, thy city, with a song; lead us up with joy to our land; lead us securely to our land?"
mdp.39015063561438and if I intended to run away?
mdp.39015063561438and what are the names most conimon among them?
mdp.39015063561438and what is it that I particularly feel?
mdp.39015063561438and, gallantly driving the enemy from tb?
mdp.39015063561438are preach the gospel, and to tell them"in their own tongues, in which they were born,"the wonderful works of God?
mdp.39015063561438are you at home?"
mdp.39015063561438chants: and if he is not at all to transact commercial business?
mdp.39015063561438cius said?
mdp.39015063561438commander J. J. Hou?
mdp.39015063561438hit- se chit- bok 人​sting, 傷 ​put tar dij úi ”, tok'kong i hwán 1 chitose that schwa wa, hái?
mdp.39015063561438how can I, the commissioner, be willing in the least to oppress?
mdp.39015063561438ing said, “ This is only to try me; do you think I am going to change my usual habits for the dangerous attacks of these barbarians?
mdp.39015063561438intend the foreign merchants?
mdp.39015063561438it not because the virtuous dispositions of these two celebrated men differed, that their deaths were so dissimilar?
mdp.39015063561438j A. JT E T Will he ever finish?
mdp.39015063561438just llic following gentle?!!
mdp.39015063561438jú ‘ kong, tiò, I sk'im- siú it Li pt ká?
mdp.39015063561438led to put forth their strength and lake forcible possession of this place, that they may have a quiet spot to reside in?
mdp.39015063561438major Grattan, 18th Royal Irish,( commanding?)
mdp.39015063561438ment could make a prisoner of me?
mdp.39015063561438my regular salary, and being supported by the government it behoves me to attend to my country's claims; what have I to do with boun- ties?"
mdp.39015063561438nal duties find a place in it?
mdp.39015063561438obediunt to the dictates of Heaven, it is to be fuared that Heaven will visit us with punishment, and who will be able to endure this?
mdp.39015063561438of the idea of priority and subsequence?
mdp.39015063561438of the published Correspondence) the Judge enquired if all these documents could be verified on oath?
mdp.39015063561438on God without ceasing?
mdp.39015063561438or is it the purpose of heaven?
mdp.39015063561438or of the personal “ Word of the Lord, ” as the Targums have preserved the traditional expressions?
mdp.39015063561438or the Targums, or Zohar?
mdp.39015063561438or whence shall they be borrowed?
mdp.39015063561438p. 1?.
mdp.39015063561438penses of the army, why should China be called upon to pay them? — and these matters were discussed again and again.
mdp.39015063561438persons speaking Hebrew?
mdp.39015063561438principle, primary matter came into being, how was it then before the existence of man, where was this immaterial principle?
mdp.39015063561438shall God's work in this great dark valley remain unaccomplished?
mdp.39015063561438ská chái tin- toa N 03 láng, koh, « Ch'in- oká?
mdp.39015063561438sso ház?
mdp.39015063561438sures shall be withdrawn you may form some other scheme, who can not see through such artful devices?
mdp.39015063561438sé se Tú- cká ssim ssim ju chit- é ssdáng-* chin- sláu,< sáng chẠlá?.
mdp.39015063561438sí- skán kapa đm mí"h R chiú?
mdp.39015063561438t'hap tlab t'áp tái?
mdp.39015063561438tage, or what point did we ever gain by negociating or bumbling ourselves before this people, or rather before their government?
mdp.39015063561438that it should be kept from children?
mdp.39015063561438that it should be reserved as a communica- tion fit only for mature age?
mdp.39015063561438the Siamese say ki- minoi, for how many?
mdp.39015063561438things( heaven and earth); but Láu tsz?
mdp.39015063561438thwart their feelings, and improperly comply with the wishes of fo- reigners?
mdp.39015063561438ties of heaven and earth?
mdp.39015063561438to? l!.
mdp.39015063561438try and consider this affair; is it of man?
mdp.39015063561438what is life?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy sting?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy sting?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy sting?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy sting?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy stiny?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy victory?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy victory?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy victory?
mdp.39015063561438where is thy victory? ” The! eme of the apostle in this chapter is the gospel, which he had preached to the Corinthians and which they had believed.
mdp.39015063561438where is thy victory?''
mdp.39015063561438where then was thy sting?
mdp.39015063561438with requests to give a written document in return?
mdp.39015063561438your conduct in the world?
mdp.39015063561438« What could have induced hiin?"
mdp.39015063561438“ But does that article apply to the other great nations of the west?
mdp.39015063561438“ Do you never pray for the future hap- piness of your souls? ” “ No, we know nothing about the future state of our souls?"
mdp.39015063561438“ Do you never pray for the future hap- piness of your souls? ” “ No, we know nothing about the future state of our souls?"
mdp.39015063561438“ For what, ” says a late writer, “ what, in the language of Milton, is a virtuous and noble education?
mdp.39015063561438“ Have they stumbled, ” as Paul inquires"that they should fall?"
mdp.39015063561438“ Humanity is man's heart, and righteousness the road in which he walks.?
mdp.39015063561438“ I have heard peo- ple speak of the six liberal arts in China; may I ask what they are?
mdp.39015063561438“ If you persist in banding together and do not disperse, will you not render of none effect all our affection?
mdp.39015063561438“ Lord what is life?
mdp.39015063561438“ Was it from heaven or of men?"
mdp.39015063561438“ What have we next?
mdp.39015063561438“ What, ” say they, “ can a civilized nation tole- rate such an abuse?
mdp.39015063561438“ sincere Christians?''
mdp.39015063561438• What is your name?
mdp.39015063561438✓ Who can bring it to an end?
mdp.39015063561438尊​姓​呀 ​Isün sing'á?
mdp.39015063561438舖 ​'m?
mdp.39015063561438請坐 ​'Ts'ing tsó?
mdp.39015063561438鐵 ​Fin 、 p'bu'- W ch'ion?
mdp.39015025535918! •, «!>! r in protect thuir ancestral possessions with the produce of'I'eir lands, an<"< 1 «?.
mdp.39015025535918'Oil, some litty chowchow thing,'answered I. some ginger sweetmeat?' mdp.39015025535918 * Before time, I have see one small boy stay this shop; he have go country?'
mdp.39015025535918And for what purpose, let me now ask, has God conferred upon us the sovereignty of this great country? mdp.39015025535918 And shall not one,"said I then,"whose worth is but as nought,"Bear patiently, as heaven's gift, what it ordains?"
mdp.39015025535918Are the Chinese among the captives there? mdp.39015025535918 But here 1 anticipate the general outcry, What right have we to interfere with China, and force upon it a commercial treaty?
mdp.39015025535918But, what is implied in being a genuine adherent or follower of Christ? mdp.39015025535918 But,"he inquired,"is not Mo- hammed spoken of in your Scrip- tures?
mdp.39015025535918Do you consi.ler yourselves sinners, deserving of hell; and is your dependence for salvation placed on Christ? mdp.39015025535918 Do you entirely give up the worship of idols?
mdp.39015025535918Do you feel that sin is mixed with all you do? mdp.39015025535918 Do you give up your caste?
mdp.39015025535918Does not the Koran,said he,"agree with your Scriptures, and com- plete them?"
mdp.39015025535918During our captivity,SHys Mr. G.,"we lived three weeks on caterpillar?
mdp.39015025535918He"Have you believed?
mdp.39015025535918How is he,said the nakodah,"who was the son of Mary, the son of God?
mdp.39015025535918If a bod agreeable to his taste, why need he inties? mdp.39015025535918 If we, exiles, reach Europe, what shall await us there in the land which has cast us out of its bosom?
mdp.39015025535918Is it your desire to forsake all sin? mdp.39015025535918 Is it your desire to keep holy the Sabbath, by abstaining from secular employments, and spend, ing the day in the service of God?
mdp.39015025535918Is it your intention to offer up prayer to God daily, morning and evening? mdp.39015025535918 Is this book correct?"
mdp.39015025535918Is, then, the trade of China to be continued, and on terms consistent with the honor of the British nation? mdp.39015025535918 It is an important question, what can be done for the improve- ment of the circumstances of Chinese females in the present state of China Proper?
mdp.39015025535918More advantages might easily be enumerated: but are not these amply sufficient to prove the excellency of the present proposal? mdp.39015025535918 Ought we therefore to de- spair in regard to the Javanese?
mdp.39015025535918Should you meet with perse- cution for the name of Christ, ia it the determination of your heart, notwithstanding, to re- main stedfast?
mdp.39015025535918Some treat the gospel with the highest contempt; others say, what is the use of spending so much money in making books, dec., for our instruction? mdp.39015025535918 The viceroy of Canton,"he says,"being a gentleman, will not deal with such opprobrious and uncalled- for epithets as'bar- barians'and'devil?
mdp.39015025535918Under present circumstances, the Superintendent? mdp.39015025535918 Who are His followers and associates?
mdp.39015025535918You n follow the hook and trust in Jesus the only Savior bestow on them that believe?
mdp.39015025535918no previous license is demanded, no imprimatur is reqiiir- tio passport for a literary work;but, on the other hand, can be given?
mdp.39015025535918t Then it was that the Heung^iirks) poured into Kathay and held more or less of the country,? ht for it during several succeeding ages. mdp.39015025535918 — Or do we think, that our Savior is not the King of the whole earth, and that China is uot given to him for a possession?
mdp.39015025535918—But I inquired,"have you never read the books I gave you, which 124 Gutzluff's Journal; AUG. assure us that Jesus died for the world1?
mdp.39015025535918# «( s: dsi 24^ 1000 oo 40 X me ri li 25# i wi 41 3. mi 26 y HO 42 J^?
mdp.39015025535918& c., of what use will it be?
mdp.39015025535918', What then ought to be their feelings and their conduct towards one another?
mdp.39015025535918'How is that?'
mdp.39015025535918'If the account of these Chinese be true,'said Raja Siiran,'the land of China must be at an immense distance; when shall we cvor arrive at it?
mdp.39015025535918'Their faults themselves must bear?'
mdp.39015025535918'We have Confucius,'said the chefoo,'and his doctrines, which have sufficed for so many ages; why need we any further sage?'
mdp.39015025535918'What thing wantchee?'
mdp.39015025535918( Query, Hindostan?)
mdp.39015025535918(.Ihincse Kmjiirr../>?
mdp.39015025535918) ugh which we convey those which are designed to mitigate or love its evils?
mdp.39015025535918* It was reported that the acting governor ops with him to the scene of action,?
mdp.39015025535918* Sii it is slated in the gnvcrmiu?
mdp.39015025535918* They comprise the countries whence probably i d the Jauts,( Turks?)
mdp.39015025535918* This have what thing?'
mdp.39015025535918* What is drunkenness?
mdp.39015025535918* i?
mdp.39015025535918* •'yes, my hab hear; just now which si your partner have go?
mdp.39015025535918*'Iii tlit* mi'ht of llir* sp|-a< f|n
mdp.39015025535918*'Iii tlit* mi'ht of llir* sp|-a< f|n
mdp.39015025535918, is an improper thing;, T> utli, what will they do when old?
mdp.39015025535918,, cessive enunciations of the ng, as in, occur* both? eparate Mnson^nis> accord.
mdp.39015025535918.V>1 Of thr » pirtioulsr?
mdp.390150255359181 Education aninni> the, Chinese.:?
mdp.390150255359181 asked them to what god they were going to give thanks; to the god of the sea or to the god of the winds?
mdp.390150255359181 will; e."Having opened the box, and examined it, he? d the bud of deity.
mdp.390150255359181'Jlh, 1826. h i: iili, le"?
mdp.3901502553591811 Indochinese Gleaner, Aug. 1818. aner, Oct 1818. page 17.1. if tic fur the Chinese, 16?
mdp.39015025535918115? ep quietly.
mdp.39015025535918121 successor?
mdp.3901502553591813 n of so many islands scattered over such a vast extent of ocean?
mdp.39015025535918143 nt that the pleasures of the table and of the nuptial couch may e indulged in to the injury of health?
mdp.3901502553591817 17r dfc Fil, wrong, vicious, 170? r faise, not.
mdp.390150255359181830 t rijinrsc Ki- pcisikirv; vol'l.fwge 149 1830? Canton Kcgi'.tei.
mdp.39015025535918195 Volcano in Fuhkeen?
mdp.39015025535918197 r soberly to prove that China is not, as"hns often been regard- ne vast plain?
mdp.3901502553591822,931,372 21,257,25?
mdp.3901502553591823i> season Tor retirement in tlie country, rious Soo watched their opportunity, r official robes: who could compel them?
mdp.39015025535918269 Of all the brilliant exertions of this order, lauded as they have been,"fend indefatigable and sincere as they certainly were, what now remains?
mdp.3901502553591832 161 162 163 164 165 a?
mdp.39015025535918365 adapted to contend upon, than that, situated at the extremity of a great empire?
mdp.3901502553591840 GO x?
mdp.39015025535918401 scholars and common people, what ground will be found for any h partial prohibition to rest upon?
mdp.3901502553591846P Biography of Chinese, 107 Birth of three sons 208 Bishop of Cnloutta 28?
mdp.390150255359185 Transaction?
mdp.39015025535918541 nation/ What business have you hero?
mdp.39015025535918: ohong?
mdp.39015025535918:; almighty power, before a Savior, who has all authority in heaven above and earth beneath?
mdp.39015025535918; VI9?
mdp.39015025535918< SA
mdp.39015025535918? a*t disposition to be uncivil among the natives in any part of Egypt.
mdp.39015025535918? effi It is made by the Indian government; and if he did not bring it, lts& some one else would.
mdp.39015025535918? ing tsin wang-, controller of the imperial kindred.
mdp.39015025535918? le threads an inch is completed; by an> t is made; and inches and feet continually ieceis completed.
mdp.39015025535918?,)'UliO* Chinese Repository, vol •!, poye!!<-'.
mdp.39015025535918A taywah, who dwelt in that tree, ome and dig a hole to bury a box tinder it, thought"What is this, silver, gold, cloth, or what?
mdp.39015025535918AN adage, tl yet its irmniti indigenous ei When ami dence guide?
mdp.39015025535918APRIL, where Christianity has lung been known?
mdp.39015025535918After all, what advantage would it be, placed as it is at the extremity of China?
mdp.39015025535918After listening for a short time to Mr. M., they exclaimed with amazement,"these men speak our own language, where have they learned it?"
mdp.39015025535918Again, as respects the people of China: Are they leirned?
mdp.39015025535918Against laws pregnant with auoh evils, possess we not, ise we are foreigners, the right of remonstrance?
mdp.39015025535918All classes have con- tinued to avail themselves of the benefit?
mdp.39015025535918Also, who were their pilots?
mdp.39015025535918An old priest came suddenly in before him and said;"why do you, Sir, sit here alone and practice religion, without soaring on high?
mdp.39015025535918And I their respective such was the ii surpass it?
mdp.39015025535918And Jesus Christ, did he not complete what was left short, and so was greater than all that preceded him?"
mdp.39015025535918And are not the Chinese, a happy, thriving, and contented people without these articles?
mdp.39015025535918And by what means do they propose to accomplish their object?
mdp.39015025535918And by what means?
mdp.39015025535918And did not the Turks overrun Europe when the crusaders had ceas- ed to threaten Asia?
mdp.39015025535918And do friends and acquaintances recognize each other in the world of spirits?
mdp.39015025535918And do these charges lie at our doors?
mdp.39015025535918And how can Christians be healed without confessing their faults to each oilier and praying one for the other?
mdp.39015025535918And how can old men, fe, discharge the part of witnesses?
mdp.39015025535918And how have those lands, now so highly favored of heaven, been brought to their present enlightened nnd elevated state?
mdp.39015025535918And how know you certainly that there are none of the Triad Society among them?
mdp.39015025535918And how now stands this matter with the nations of Christendom?
mdp.39015025535918And how was he received T As a king's ofRce>?
mdp.39015025535918And if it be indeed so, what will be our condition?
mdp.39015025535918And if people come here from other countries, are they not bound to obey the laws?"
mdp.39015025535918And if so, however unintentionally, are not those the enemies of the people, who object to and oppose it?
mdp.39015025535918And if true, why shut their eyes?
mdp.39015025535918And is it not a me- ritorious act with him to slay as many unbelievers as possible?
mdp.39015025535918And is it only e weak and submissive inhabitants of the Southern Archipelago; prohibitions are to forbid our intercourse?
mdp.39015025535918And is there joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth?
mdp.39015025535918And is there no literary society, either in Europe or America, which has any thing to spare for the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535918And may not the charge retort with grater force against the system of powers with which he would propose to invest the chamber of commerce?
mdp.39015025535918And now, shall this enterprise be abandoned?
mdp.39015025535918And now, when old, shall love quick turn to hale, While but few days are left them yet to love?
mdp.39015025535918And shall wi nations, refuse to encc ment, or rather shall> vt afford the means of educ stations not only the s arts?
mdp.39015025535918And what are the effects of alcohol on the morals of mankind?
mdp.39015025535918And what did all this pa- geantry and talent achieve1?
mdp.39015025535918And what else is drunkenness?
mdp.39015025535918And what has been given in exchange?
mdp.39015025535918And what has it obtained?, Is it any thing ige by which to extend her exclusive system?
mdp.39015025535918And what has it obtained?, Is it any thing ige by which to extend her exclusive system?
mdp.39015025535918And what is man that he should"teach God knowledge?"
mdp.39015025535918And what shall they be?
mdp.39015025535918And what then 1 Is she all that she claims to be?
mdp.39015025535918And what was the cause of all these strange proceedings towards the representative of the King of Great Britain?
mdp.39015025535918And when any of the ministers of Christ are tempted to exclaim,"who is sufficient for these things?"
mdp.39015025535918And where are the instances in which mo- dern missionary societies have improperly obtruded on the world their reforming apostles?
mdp.39015025535918And where is the evidence to prove that human ingenuity has borrowed from the Bible the groundwork of more than four hundred sects?
mdp.39015025535918And where is the impropriety of this conduct?
mdp.39015025535918And where( ft i d how was there any occasion for any traitorous conduct?
mdp.39015025535918And wherever they went, were not the local authorities set at defiance?
mdp.39015025535918And which of the societies is it, that is guilty of this impropriety?
mdp.39015025535918And who now are these men?
mdp.39015025535918And why all these preparations for war?
mdp.39015025535918And why all this?
mdp.39015025535918And why are the Spaniards allow- ed advantages which are denied to other nations?
mdp.39015025535918And why did they come?
mdp.39015025535918And why disclaim,'for the American government,'any part in the affairs of Eastern Asia?
mdp.39015025535918And why is this?
mdp.39015025535918And why not ask: —"Have not ban- ditt, and pirates on high seas, a right to make their own laws?
mdp.39015025535918And why not introduce that mime by which he has revealed himself, and been known to his people in every age of the world?
mdp.39015025535918And why not introduce that, ntinm by which he has revealed himself, and been known to his people in every age of the world?
mdp.39015025535918And why not?
mdp.39015025535918And why suf- fered to maltreat and oppress as they do, the subjects of the celes- tial empire?
mdp.39015025535918And why, all this array of men and means?
mdp.39015025535918And with this- view before us, why should we despair of doing great good for China, even during the few years that we may be united in this work?
mdp.39015025535918And, if we except the English, how many are there in all the rest of the wide world that will respond to the above cited declarations of Douglas?
mdp.39015025535918And, what records are there, that will give informa- tion on this subject?
mdp.39015025535918And, what were they?
mdp.39015025535918Another began: eness of sins by reading this book?"
mdp.39015025535918Are not these more than sufficient to demonstrate, that it is fraught with the richest blessings to the people of Hindostan?
mdp.39015025535918Are riot such waters the highway of the nation!!?
mdp.39015025535918Are there here no miseries to be relieved?
mdp.39015025535918Are there no means of promoting among the Chinese such an increase of knowledge as shall turn the tide of influence1?
mdp.39015025535918Are they Budhists?
mdp.39015025535918Are they followers of Laou Keun?
mdp.39015025535918Are they, forsooth, eritab-[ in order that the laws may be twisted to serve their private hi- ts?
mdp.39015025535918Are we warranted to expect that the"energy"which emits the lava will by and by prompt to check it?
mdp.39015025535918Are you in the habit of ng the Lord's prayer, and of saying,"Lead us not into tempta- it deliver us from evil,"without meaning what you say?
mdp.39015025535918As a friend?
mdp.39015025535918As a man of learning he had few equals, and who amongst us can compare with him in fervent zeal?
mdp.39015025535918As if to end all controversy, the questions have been a thousand times re- iterated: —"Have not the Chinese a right to make their own laws?
mdp.39015025535918At half past seven, say mas?.
mdp.39015025535918At this news, Thammar&r, ed, how large the Pegnan army was?
mdp.39015025535918Barometer at M A «: A I~£> « • I £- j j p'5 S?
mdp.39015025535918Beaver, Musk- rat, Lynx, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Mink, Raccoon, Tails,( Raccoon?)
mdp.39015025535918Because the lunatic fancies himself a king, is he to be regarded as such?
mdp.39015025535918Besides the hundreds of thousands of people living on the sea- coast depend wholly on trade for their livelihood; and how are they( o 1* disposed of?
mdp.39015025535918Besides, I, the governor, treat most liberally all the merchants trading here; what need is there of protection?
mdp.39015025535918Besides, if it is in our power to prevent the exportation of dollars, why not also to prevent the importation of opi- um?
mdp.39015025535918Besides, if the people be at liberty to smoke opium, how shall the officers, the scholars, and the military be prevented?
mdp.39015025535918Breitkopf's Exeinplum typographic Sinica?,'•.run.-, charncterum e typis mobilibus compositum, w»s published at Leipsic in 1789.
mdp.39015025535918Bui how?
mdp.39015025535918But alas, what does all this avail to the dead?
mdp.39015025535918But alas, where is the man to do it?
mdp.39015025535918But are all christians- born therefore hypo- crites 1 Are all the ministers of religion a bad set?
mdp.39015025535918But by what right, or law of evidence, is the simple denial of the accused person assumed to be the truth'?
mdp.39015025535918But do the spirits of the departed take cognizance of what transpires among those whom they have left here to mourn their loss?
mdp.39015025535918But have rd for the spring whence the water flows, life to the true and its branches?
mdp.39015025535918But his ruling passion was a love for conquest and glory, to which he sacrificed?
mdp.39015025535918But how and why does he convert the imperial academy, the Hanlin yuen, into a literary tribunal or rather board?
mdp.39015025535918But how have those en- terprises been conducted?
mdp.39015025535918But how is it that no report has heen sent up?
mdp.39015025535918But how is truth to he disseminated among the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535918But how unlike the death of a true Christian must be that of those millions around us, who have never heard of a Savior's righteousness?
mdp.39015025535918But how will it be with the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535918But how, when once this prohibition of opium is withdrawn, all the interdict against the exportation of sycee silver be rendered ict?
mdp.39015025535918But is such an underiaking possible?
mdp.39015025535918But is this so ra- tional and excellent as to make"revealed religion"unnecessary?
mdp.39015025535918But now, is it not proper to expect that the claims of Christianity, when revealed to the many readers in China, will be appreciated by many?
mdp.39015025535918But shall the majority, in such a case, silence, and, to all practical pur- poses, annihilate the minority of obedient disciples'?
mdp.39015025535918But what are these> two, three, five, or ten — more or less, — among the thousands of Siam?
mdp.39015025535918But what do we find on perusing their accounts?
mdp.39015025535918But what does hinang mean?
mdp.39015025535918But what is the testimony of"intelligent natives"on this subject?
mdp.39015025535918But when did they fire on the forts?
mdp.39015025535918But whence came the inhabitants of Polynesia?
mdp.39015025535918But whence proceeds this increase of people in this"remote corner"of Asia1?
mdp.39015025535918But where have been the like exhibited in behalf of China?
mdp.39015025535918But where is the evidence that"a king of Siam"ever had any know- ledge of the true God?
mdp.39015025535918But where is the evil of being laughed at by laughing- stocks?
mdp.39015025535918But where is the wisdom of multiplying im- practicable laws?
mdp.39015025535918But where.was the disobedience in presenting it?
mdp.39015025535918But who can equal the peerless Confucius?
mdp.39015025535918But who now heeds the'thunders of the Vatican, or the anathemas of the false prophet?
mdp.39015025535918But who wuld ever m- iintain that the Chinese, have a right to mike laws requiring infanticide, or theft, or perjury?
mdp.39015025535918But why invite England'to take, for herself, the first fruits and the best fruits,'from the wide fields of eastern commerce?
mdp.39015025535918But why on that account do they stand at such an awful distance from her?
mdp.39015025535918But why were these men, in the present instance, suspected of traitorous con- duct and obliged to escape- for their lives?
mdp.39015025535918But why?
mdp.39015025535918But, are not the proofs of an awful degeneracy in doctrine and practice still too manifest?
mdp.39015025535918But, if we excepi the Chinese, who is there that will adopt the language of Te^n Kesheih?
mdp.39015025535918But, sup- pose Messrs. Lyman and Munson had turned back, what then would have been the consequence?
mdp.39015025535918But;"and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
mdp.39015025535918By what instrumentality are they at the present time urged on with such amazing velocity in the march of improve- ment?
mdp.39015025535918By what means?
mdp.39015025535918By what right are the millions of knowledge of Christianity?
mdp.39015025535918By whom iade?
mdp.39015025535918Byp'hatt- ashamed of your way of life?
mdp.39015025535918Can anything show more plainly the laxity of morals of the eastern nations, than the sensuality of jlhe Mohammedan religion?
mdp.39015025535918Can it then be supposed, that these sacred ones wished to deceive us?
mdp.39015025535918Can nothing be done to relieve these suf- ferers?
mdp.39015025535918Can nothing be effected by a direst communication with the court of Peking, or by establishing a regular intercourse on the basis of a formal treaty?
mdp.39015025535918Can nothing more be done, on the score of im- provement, thii- ir has already been accomplished?
mdp.39015025535918Can these aids be afforded?
mdp.39015025535918Can these improvements be introduced?
mdp.39015025535918Can this design be effected?
mdp.39015025535918Chalungah, who was resident at Kashgar at the time of the Antseyen invasion of 1830, was adjudged M afterw?
mdp.39015025535918Chinese Government, 1- 1?
mdp.39015025535918Chinese Pirate?.
mdp.39015025535918Chinese frontier of 340 Cohong, its origin-- 126 CoJburn's Intellectual Arithmetic 77 College for Chinese in Penan?
mdp.39015025535918Company, and their culpable blinding of the""'truth, to call it by no harsher name, few will now be found to dispute;!?!
mdp.39015025535918Considering the clauses in sections 141 •er Jan. 27th, 1829. t Canton Register, Feb. 15th, 1830?, July 2d 1829 •es of Modern China.
mdp.39015025535918Correspondence with the Chinese government; two letter.?
mdp.39015025535918Could there be an instance of more gross idolatry than this?
mdp.39015025535918D I'-WO?/ « «> « tii the present time.
mdp.39015025535918D.> the hon^-rnerchants represent, that the trade; foreigners needs tho parties'own particular attention?
mdp.39015025535918DEC. came up; the inquiry was made,"do you know any book tlmt will solve it?"
mdp.39015025535918DEC. to see poor merchants and foreigners mixed up with a great man- darin authority, the representative of his celestial majesty's equal?
mdp.39015025535918DEC. who are its most strenuous advocates?
mdp.39015025535918Dam up its course, and you may raise it to the hills; but is this the natural inclination of water?
mdp.39015025535918Did Luther and his compeers effect the glorious Reformation by avoiding disputation?
mdp.39015025535918Did he go about doing good?
mdp.39015025535918Did he hallow the Sab- bath- day, forgive his enemies, and even become poor that we through his poverty might become rich?
mdp.39015025535918Did he refuse to receive'orders'from the hong- merchants?
mdp.39015025535918Did he transgress the laws in addressing a letter to his excellency the governor of Canton?
mdp.39015025535918Did the Por- tuguese obtain a footing from the good- will of the government?
mdp.39015025535918Did the laws of the land forbid the governor to receive it?
mdp.39015025535918Did the social circle and the closet witness his devotions?
mdp.39015025535918Did they not conquer by the power of the Author and Finisher of our faith?
mdp.39015025535918Did this trouble spring out of the ground?
mdp.39015025535918Did you say no?
mdp.39015025535918Do they not honor him in the images as representations of his attributes?
mdp.39015025535918Do you find that his heart is ready to meet you with pleasure on this common ground?
mdp.39015025535918Does an unfortunate Indian scrape together, a few dollars to buy a buffalo, in which consists his whole riches?
mdp.39015025535918Does any one need motives to induce him to live a holy and a righteous life, to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteous- ness?
mdp.39015025535918Does any suggest a doubt, that to remove the existing prohibitions will detract from the dignify of government?
mdp.39015025535918Does he complain, and is the robber caught?
mdp.39015025535918Does it adorn the city I Does it enrich its inhabitants I Clothe the naked1?
mdp.39015025535918Does it rest on the students or the teachers?
mdp.39015025535918Does it, in short bring any consolation, or any real support to the poor and the afflicted?
mdp.39015025535918Does not every Mussulman virtually bind him- self to extend the conquests of the false prophet?
mdp.39015025535918Does not i d evil admonish us not to enter into tetnp- tter fee- lings check ux 1 Why then do we es to be defrauded?"
mdp.39015025535918Does not our own rience confirm it?
mdp.39015025535918Does not this favor the late De Guignes'supposition, that the Chinese were originally a colony from Egypt?"
mdp.39015025535918Does not this prove that a sense of reli- gion is innate in man, and is not wholly eradicated even from the bosoms of the most profligate and cruel?
mdp.39015025535918Does the emperor of China claim divine honors?"
mdp.39015025535918Does the history of nations teach us that education makes the peo- ple ungovernable and unsub- missive?
mdp.39015025535918Does this empire present no claims on heaven- born charity?
mdp.39015025535918Does'• manufacturing greedi- ness"sacrifice nobler victims than these?
mdp.39015025535918Even though the said barbarian eye were indeed an officer, why should he communicate to the merchants of the central, flowery[ nation] not a word?
mdp.39015025535918Every just and true principle originates from above; how can you otherwise exercise universal benevolence?
mdp.39015025535918Feed the hungry 1 Instruct the ignorant?
mdp.39015025535918Fifthly, we may ask, if the law and gospels are falsified, by whom was it done?
mdp.39015025535918For how shall a sufficient num-'preachers be secured for so large a field?
mdp.39015025535918For if a man be without food for one day he suffers hunger; and if agriculture be neglected, frbm whence is food to be procured?
mdp.39015025535918For purpose then are the several hongs for foreign trade established, if what use are the hong- merchi'.nts?
mdp.39015025535918For the fault of one man, Lord Napier, must the livelihood of the while nation be precipitately cut off?
mdp.39015025535918For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his coun- selor?"
mdp.39015025535918For whom do we cherish the same feeling of kindness and gratitude us towards those who have been the means of relieving our sufferings?
mdp.39015025535918Had indeed a preventive guard been kept with fidelity and vigor, how could the inner river have been broken into?
mdp.39015025535918Hare the nations sold or forfeited their birthright?
mdp.39015025535918Has any temptation overtaken him but what is common to man 7 Was there no providence in this?
mdp.39015025535918Has he, or has he not, been set at liberty?
mdp.39015025535918Has not his immolation up to this day, remained unavenged?
mdp.39015025535918Has not the Chinese commerce of Great Britain been purchased with the blood of the gunner of the Lady Haghes?
mdp.39015025535918Has not the lesson of the Dominican and Jesuit division been forgotten, and a rejec- tion almost asked by promising never, if refused, to ask again?
mdp.39015025535918Has not the nation been disgraced by its extreme humiliation in the face of insults of the grossest nature?
mdp.39015025535918Has not their purity been sullied by there- turn that has been made?
mdp.39015025535918Has the human mind reached its utmost limits?
mdp.39015025535918Has the marriage yet taken place?
mdp.39015025535918Has; en there, out of the midst of darkness itself?
mdp.39015025535918Have I a right to do evil because other men will?
mdp.39015025535918Have Ired?
mdp.39015025535918Have any of the Brahmins become Christians?
mdp.39015025535918Have not the natives, and the Dutch residents, always dissuaded persons from entering the interior?
mdp.39015025535918Have they not a right, if they please, to exclude foreigners from their country?
mdp.39015025535918Have they not themselves closed the doors; and yet now do they com- plain at the natural consequences of their own acts?
mdp.39015025535918Have we not been told by the Chinese, that blood for blood is the law of their empire, and have we not submissively subscribed to it?
mdp.39015025535918Having once suppressed the trade and driven them away, shall we now again call upon them and invite them to return?
mdp.39015025535918He ask- ed,'what is the use of distri- buting these books among the Malays?'
mdp.39015025535918He is a very good man, that we all know, but though he has been here more than two years, what good has he done us?
mdp.39015025535918He often invited us to come into his cabin, and one evening when WL> won?
mdp.39015025535918He recommended on the same occa- sion that th?
mdp.39015025535918He stroked and caressed the child, saying,'Dearly beloved daughter of your father, what have you brought to present him?'
mdp.39015025535918He was followed by a man carrying a dish, in which was a preparation or condiment, compos- ed of limes, chillie?, and salt, called sambul.
mdp.39015025535918Heal the sick?
mdp.39015025535918Here it may be asked, what right have the Chinese to enforce their system of excluding foreigners from their country?
mdp.39015025535918Here the ge- neral interposed with his gruff voice:'How do you come to China to exhort people to be wood?
mdp.39015025535918Hesaid,'what salva- tion?'
mdp.39015025535918His name was Apntouhalc( Abdallah?"
mdp.39015025535918His regard for those about him?
mdp.39015025535918His tender solicitude for those who come ar?
mdp.39015025535918How and when?
mdp.39015025535918How can I be willing to treat tyrannically the requests of men from fir?
mdp.39015025535918How can a child be happy while conscious of disobedience to a parent or of unkindness to a brother or sister?
mdp.39015025535918How can foreigners presume to hope for a patient or fair hearing, at Pe- king, so long as this charge can, with truth, be brought against them?
mdp.39015025535918How can it be otherwise, if the mind is unoccupied, and the hands not employed with any good work?
mdp.39015025535918How can it be supposed, therefore, that this money will liately spread itself into universal circulation?
mdp.39015025535918How can such a principle be admitted as to give back the duty because the article may be unsuitable for sale?
mdp.39015025535918How can we possibly contravene the regulations, and so render ourselves criminal?
mdp.39015025535918How comes it to pass that it is so generally considered me- ritorious, to be of the religion of one's father?
mdp.39015025535918How could they then view any foreign country favorably?
mdp.39015025535918How did the voyagers gain admittance to the lacunae's great hall of justice in the city of Shanghai-'} And what was the result of all this experience?
mdp.39015025535918How do you know He takes away our sins?"
mdp.39015025535918How far are metal types desirable, with respect to the printing of the Chinese Scrip- tures?
mdp.39015025535918How is it thai they understood not the fixed laws, but after repeated orders, indulge their own dispositions, deferring and delaying?
mdp.39015025535918How is this occasioned but by the unnoticed oozing out of silver?
mdp.39015025535918How is this to be accounted for?
mdp.39015025535918How is this to be explained?
mdp.39015025535918How is this with broadcloth, calicoes, col- lon, iron, and lead,&<;.,& c.?
mdp.39015025535918How long is a whole community of British mer- its to be content with earning the price of blood, because if they ot, others will in their stead?
mdp.39015025535918How long shall this vile system be endured?
mdp.39015025535918How many lives are put in jeopardy, and sacrificed too, in the pursuit of wealth and worldly aggrandizement?
mdp.39015025535918How often, it can be said of them, are these the persons who a moment ago were praying yonder?
mdp.39015025535918How then stands our house?
mdp.39015025535918How were they treated by the Esquimaux?
mdp.39015025535918I ask myself,—whether in sacrificial services I have been disrespectful?
mdp.39015025535918I at that time commanded the Kwangchow he?
mdp.39015025535918I have seen rough sailors, whose sensibility is not very remarkable, stand astonished and ask themselves, what strange faith and idolatry is this?
mdp.39015025535918I ma]?
mdp.39015025535918I will also give thee for a light to the gentiles, that thou mayest be my sal- vation to the end of the earth?
mdp.39015025535918I would only ask, lankeihsze( a foreign name according to the af this band, where is he now?
mdp.39015025535918I » whose hands, under Divine Providence, are now i destinies of Europe, or America, or of this Empire?
mdp.39015025535918I. Kwo Tingchang, with a thankful heart return to my village; when can I make a poor return for your goodness?
mdp.39015025535918If a public act of legalization by the emperor to,,'?
mdp.39015025535918If an inquiry after truth upon any subject is elicited, is there not a great point gain- ed?
mdp.39015025535918If any minister, r in the capital or in the provinces, is aware of these things, s to represent the case, where is his fidelity to his sovereign?
mdp.39015025535918If not, how shall they be repelled?
mdp.39015025535918If not, where ia he, and what is his condition?
mdp.39015025535918If observations were made, how could they be compared with previous; ones, and their relative import- ance ascertained?
mdp.39015025535918If preparations are reduced to such a state as this, what is it that the said commander- in- chief is daily attending to?
mdp.39015025535918If so, then where is the evidence of it?
mdp.39015025535918If such a e should reach the king's ear, what injury might he do to me,> re especially to the cause which I have espoused?
mdp.39015025535918If the facilities, were greater than they now are, where are the missionaries that could seize upon them and employ them for the Lord?
mdp.39015025535918If the power of foreign nations be really feared, why enforce the system BO obnoxious to them?
mdp.39015025535918If then, human ingenuity should borrow the groundwork often thousand sects from the Bible, would that prove the Bible untrue or unintelligible?
mdp.39015025535918If these stalements be correct, and they e very wide of the mark, what becomes of the immense paper which the Chinese are said to be able to collect?
mdp.39015025535918If they my failings carelessly reveal, Must I their faults as carefully conceal?
mdp.39015025535918If uot amply punished and repressed, how can the national dignity be rendered imposing and the barbarians be intimidated?
mdp.39015025535918If you may worship departed saints or worthies, or pray to either with the greater or lesser prayer, why may not the Chinese and pagan do the same?
mdp.39015025535918In Bengal chest?, a ball of Patna gives, one with another, 23 taels of th?
mdp.39015025535918In Bengal chest?, a ball of Patna gives, one with another, 23 taels of th?
mdp.39015025535918In Jan. 1831, an edict was published by the Governor of Canton, statin.?
mdp.39015025535918In behalf of tliese many thousands, we ask, is the charge true?
mdp.39015025535918In case of our adopting metal types generally, what is to become of our wooden blocks, already cut and lying ready for use?
mdp.39015025535918In conclusion, we might be asked,'How comes it to pass that the Chinese have lost the knowledge of the Sabbath?
mdp.39015025535918In conversing with the head pries!, I ask- ed him in what state those who went to NigtttiH( commonly translated an- nihilationj existed?
mdp.39015025535918In hastening improvements like these, who would not delight to participate?
mdp.39015025535918In like manner, in speaking to es, the Chinese avoid the use of the pro- ng,"Is your father well?"
mdp.39015025535918In one of them you must walk; nay, in one of them you are now tra- veling to eternity: is it the way which leads to life?
mdp.39015025535918In seeking condescendingly to yield to the dispositions of foreigners, what need is there to be over- strict and harsh?
mdp.39015025535918In the local authorities?
mdp.39015025535918In the whole province of Canton are there no extraordinary persons who can force the dragon to send rain?
mdp.39015025535918In this'extraordinary position'of affairs, the inquiry arises, what shall be done?
mdp.39015025535918In this, says the historian,"where is there any difference of rank or eminence?"
mdp.39015025535918In what a position then would an authority be placed?
mdp.39015025535918In what do the Chinese mythologists and philosophers consider the happiness of a future state to consist?
mdp.39015025535918In what other light can they claim to appear?
mdp.39015025535918In what was this not accordant with reason?
mdp.39015025535918In what way can apply to themselves'the constant toil — the ill- report'which is spoken of?
mdp.39015025535918In what way then is knowledge to be diffused?
mdp.39015025535918Is China an exception to this general rule?
mdp.39015025535918Is he delighted to dwell on it as a familiar spot, where his best affections love to linger, where his heart is at home?
mdp.39015025535918Is he not often called to denounce the secret associa- tions, and to oppose the organized force of rebellion?
mdp.39015025535918Is it expe- dient'I Is it practicable?
mdp.39015025535918Is it forgotten by these subjects, that he is the descendant of a foreigner?
mdp.39015025535918Is it likely that in this they have no evil design of spying out our real strength, or weakness?
mdp.39015025535918Is it neces- sary for them to export their own manufactures or the produce of their own soil?
mdp.39015025535918Is it not much td be feared, that the scepticism of the continental schools of philosophy has poisoned the sources of theo- logy at home?
mdp.39015025535918Is it not the same with people of all nations?
mdp.39015025535918Is it not then our duty to join in remonstrating against the imputed treachery?
mdp.39015025535918Is it not then true, that the rejection of Christianity is a retrograde march of intellect back to mere paganism?
mdp.39015025535918Is it possible to reach those remote regions and open there a highway for the nations?
mdp.39015025535918Is it proposed entirely to cut off the foreign trade, and thus to remove the root, to dam up the source, of the evil?
mdp.39015025535918Is it right for a'host'to starve his'guest,'and then call such conduct virtu- ous, indulgent, kind, compassionate, benevolent?
mdp.39015025535918Is it right?
mdp.39015025535918Is it that of the Church of England?
mdp.39015025535918Is it the proper duty of the British government to secure the ad- ministration of justice and afford protection, to its subjects in China?
mdp.39015025535918Is it wise to wait( ill quarrels of a nature spring wit of misunderstandings?
mdp.39015025535918Is not God love?
mdp.39015025535918Is not such a man a marked one, by his own coun- en and foreigners; and is he not looked down on, with pity or a, in consequence?
mdp.39015025535918Is not the general tie, which binds his provinces to his person and allegiance as undefinable and as brittle as the thread of human life?
mdp.39015025535918Is not the loose, demoralizing, and libertine tendency of infidel principles but too visible?
mdp.39015025535918Is not the whole trade to China virtually a forced trade?
mdp.39015025535918Is such the fact?
mdp.39015025535918Is that light ding abroad in every direction?
mdp.39015025535918Is the bring- article within the purview of her noble company of hong a grant to freedom?
mdp.39015025535918Is the effective power of the emperor at all commensurate with the extent of his dominions, or the numbers of his subjects?
mdp.39015025535918Is there a heart so hard that it has not seized the moment to aspire after grace and salvation?
mdp.39015025535918Is there any one who doubts the justice of these observations?
mdp.39015025535918Is there any such one in this assembly?
mdp.39015025535918Is there anything you would desire of me?
mdp.39015025535918Is there one that has not made the prayer?
mdp.39015025535918Is there then no breach's law in entering into temptation?
mdp.39015025535918Is this a correct principle of conduct?
mdp.39015025535918Is this measure called for?
mdp.39015025535918Is this rue?
mdp.39015025535918Is this the rule of heaven to direct the doings of man?
mdp.39015025535918It is therefore a impos- sible fcr them to do otherwise than carry foreign money with them, it bein?
mdp.39015025535918It is true, they have been tried unsuccessfully, but was there nothing wrong in the spirit and conduct of those missions?
mdp.39015025535918It sometime?)
mdp.39015025535918Its school?
mdp.39015025535918J. Taylor, 336 Judea, the ancient Ta- tsin?...
mdp.39015025535918J35 To convert the sterile Keuhfow to a pleasant residence, Who but Tan the lord of Chow possessed sufficient ability?
mdp.39015025535918JAN."'Maskee,'spose you no got lever, putee sileek, you please: my wantchee make finish one moon so, no mistake; you can do, true?'
mdp.39015025535918JAN.-,g, with acts of his countrymen, towards China, by the supply of this life- consuming drug?
mdp.39015025535918JLNE, When they advanced upon Tsetienchow, the chief yielded to the solicitations of his family and to the promise?
mdp.39015025535918Jinv?, be uniformly denoted by appropriate marks underneath.
mdp.39015025535918July I2th, 1828? r.
mdp.39015025535918Let him also say to himself, —"the age of mo- nopoly-has passed away, shall the monopoly of Christian liberty and happiness be maintained?"
mdp.39015025535918Let one of those men be asked in whose honor he would prefer confiding, a British barbarian, or one of his own countrymen?
mdp.39015025535918Let them one and all maturely consider and weigh this subject; and,?"
mdp.39015025535918Lindsay, would be impatient to cut at once with the sword the Gordian knot of his diplomacy?
mdp.39015025535918Lose no time; hie thee hence, nor cast behind one lingering look; but if thou hast not the strength, why tarry even here?
mdp.39015025535918MARCH, itself around your body?
mdp.39015025535918MARCH, si?
mdp.39015025535918Maulamein for Maulmem?
mdp.39015025535918May it not be expected that all this will be done without delay?
mdp.39015025535918May we not just as well call him to embrace ours, and worship our gods?"
mdp.39015025535918May we not look up with unshaken trust to such an Allwise and Al- mighty Being, aud confide to him solely our own lot and the fate of nations?
mdp.39015025535918Meanwhile, their brethren who had lipen fortunate in their contest with the Persian?
mdp.39015025535918Men, educated men, and thought fit to be governors over millions, thus petitioning for honors to be conferred on — what?
mdp.39015025535918Mencius replied;"Do you not thwart and twist the nature of the willow before you make the pei- keuen vessel?
mdp.39015025535918Mencius replied;"True, water prefers neither east nor west, but does it incline neither to run up nor down?
mdp.39015025535918Millions of revenue now annually flow from unerce into the British treasury: but where is the protection?
mdp.39015025535918Mr. Monton then asked wherefore all these people were assembled?
mdp.39015025535918Must I my faith in Jesus constant show, By doing good to all, both friend and foe?
mdp.39015025535918Must not the ground be first prepared, and the sower ready to enter the field?
mdp.39015025535918Must not the seed be sown before it spring up and grow?
mdp.39015025535918M«RCH, highly- favored country — is enveloped?
mdp.39015025535918N.. v. ir-.M ta JV.J:; t; i: i St.. Itlil thousand years agn?
mdp.39015025535918Namoh, bet?
mdp.39015025535918Near the compass, some tobacco, a pipe, and a biirnin?
mdp.39015025535918Neither the govern- ment, nor the moral saying?
mdp.39015025535918Newly come barbarians, not understanding »!,.!!?
mdp.39015025535918No dark and cruel superstitions to be chased away?
mdp.39015025535918Nov. natives hid acted tlie part of traitors?
mdp.39015025535918Nov. republicans of North America?
mdp.39015025535918Now arose the thought,'some untoward circumstance should occasion the death of the on whom I proposed to operate, while under the knife?
mdp.39015025535918Now is not this a proof that extensive learning will procure honors and emoluments'?"
mdp.39015025535918Now is there another man n Canton who believes this?
mdp.39015025535918Now is this strange?
mdp.39015025535918Now it may be asked, why is this innovation upon the long established customs of so many nations?
mdp.39015025535918Now, ic tones, or any thing like them, characterize the Hawaiian ge?
mdp.39015025535918O, may the an- gels of Christ take up the tidings to his throne that every sinner here is beginning to repent?
mdp.39015025535918O, remember it is not what I say — sayeth not God the same?
mdp.39015025535918OCT. of tin?
mdp.39015025535918October 19^ morning Wjtll a, romantic heighu cribed by our Dr found a broad one of the hill,,?!
mdp.39015025535918On this mountain lived two young women, one named Wan Arapu, th-3 other Wan Malin,( Chinese names?)
mdp.39015025535918On tlie 25 t minals capit districts of C in review be?
mdp.39015025535918On what principle then, or for what reason, are their ships, when they approach these shores, except at a given point, to be instantly driven away?
mdp.39015025535918On which side then; ain, on which the loss?
mdp.39015025535918One per- son hearing me read, said,'what is the purport of these books?'
mdp.39015025535918Or can such a principle as this be admitted?
mdp.39015025535918Or does it require some revelation, di- rect or indirect, to set it right?
mdp.39015025535918Or how does he seek ide for the people of his own country?
mdp.39015025535918Or if they were going to give thanks to the most high God, the Sovereign of heaven?
mdp.39015025535918Or is it that of the Moravians?
mdp.39015025535918Or is proceedings?
mdp.39015025535918Or rather, are not the means here radically defective, or wrongly employed, for intel- lectual and moral culture?
mdp.39015025535918Or shall we be dissenters in China?
mdp.39015025535918Or should we think that whilst petty nations come into remembrance before the Lord, the millions of China should never be mentioned?
mdp.39015025535918Or those of the Baptists, the Presbyterians, or the Congregationalists, in Europe or America?
mdp.39015025535918Or were they not rather viewed as a proscribed class?
mdp.39015025535918Or, do the records of modern missions afford a single instance where Christian in- struction has caused men to be rebellious?
mdp.39015025535918Or, if we are concions ly lint gnin a triumph over ourselves and our confession?
mdp.39015025535918Ot; Canton Register, H Canton Register,:
mdp.39015025535918Other men commit murder, have I a right to do it?
mdp.39015025535918Other men prey on unoffending Africa, and bear human sinews across the ocean to be sold, have I right to do it?
mdp.39015025535918Our authority for these name1?
mdp.39015025535918Peter Parker, M. D. asked repeatedly, how the hospital is supported?
mdp.39015025535918Poes the service of the world require any s;irh energy of mind, and self- control ns this?
mdp.39015025535918Reclaim the vicious?
mdp.39015025535918Religious men, however, mixing themselves up with civil governments, have often abandoned the simple and just princi- pl?
mdp.39015025535918Say, is it such as you approve?
mdp.39015025535918Secretary fy treasurer?
mdp.39015025535918See Repository, it a circumstance to be overlooked, and may be regarded leral practice of the Budhist?, who omit no opportunity of to the priesthood.
mdp.39015025535918Shall all other foreign seamen, then, be left destitute of medical care and relief?
mdp.39015025535918Shall not the Redeemer that died for thee claim and possess thy affection?
mdp.39015025535918Shall not the love of God be paid to thy heavenly Father, thy heavenly friend, thy divine benefactor?
mdp.39015025535918Shall not the sanctifying Spirit see thee praying for his grace?
mdp.39015025535918Shall such men be suf-; d to navigate the surrounding seas according to their own will?
mdp.39015025535918Shall the ships of Europe and America not he permitted to sail"within the inner seas"of China?
mdp.39015025535918Shall their aims be bounded by that narrow limit?
mdp.39015025535918Shall we obey the majority?
mdp.39015025535918Shall we see the Hindoo join in the rapid course of modern improvement, and at the same time regard the case of the Chinese as hope- less1?
mdp.39015025535918Shall we submit to the throne?
mdp.39015025535918Should Mordecai have trodden the robes under his feet that were brought him from the king, would it not have been severely re- venged?
mdp.39015025535918Should any such, or others who are about to embark in this trade, inquire"How may these evils be avoided?"
mdp.39015025535918Should the military fail to mak?
mdp.39015025535918Slif.ll they be sent) ur own country?
mdp.39015025535918So said his majesty: and what had this person done?
mdp.39015025535918Such at least will often be the result, when the great inquiry is not, what is the right way?
mdp.39015025535918TH the sick and the afflicted, to the naked and the hungry, and to the poor and the despised, did he administer comfort and support?
mdp.39015025535918THE island of Borneo is one of those terra?
mdp.39015025535918Taking into the ges and fluctuations to which all languages that a style of language which prevailed ild lie suited to modern times?
mdp.39015025535918Tell us now how an honest mind, we will not say can, but how can he not learn the first principle of religion — love to God?
mdp.39015025535918That P*?
mdp.39015025535918The Chinese in this document, and elsewhere, commonly rpeak contemptuously of their enemies, calling them tsih, ladronei or thieves, a?
mdp.39015025535918The Siamese king asked his nobles, what it was best to do?
mdp.39015025535918The best view of the pyramids is when standing with- in twenty yards of their base; their gigantic size is then most apparent, ai, i the?
mdp.39015025535918The crime is murder; and the Jod says,"Thou shall not kill?"
mdp.39015025535918The day after the Commission reached Canton, the letter waa sent 10 the gate?, in the hnnds of the secretary of H. M. superintendents.
mdp.39015025535918The discour?
mdp.39015025535918The earliest mention of the Thina?
mdp.39015025535918The following is a communication which received on the 16th instant from his excellency governor Tan?
mdp.39015025535918The language of the flowery people and the barbarians is not the same, and without linguists, by what means can anything be communicated?
mdp.39015025535918The magistrate inquired agnin,"Are you sure?
mdp.39015025535918The man then asked, What sort of person was the Saviour of the world?
mdp.39015025535918The new city wa?
mdp.39015025535918The number of different characters included under some of the radicals amounts to several hundreds; are all of these to have the same number?
mdp.39015025535918The only coin of the Chinese is called cash( or? e), which is made of 6 parts of copper and 4 of lead.
mdp.39015025535918The only rational objection is the dis- tance of place; but are not the eastern parts of India also distant?
mdp.39015025535918The opinions of commentators on many passages are found to differ widely, and the question,"What does the author really mean?"
mdp.39015025535918The phrase, shihfan, to eat rice, is the common designation for a meal: and shih kwofan, have you eaten rice?
mdp.39015025535918The political economist may ask, What will become of Chi- na if her population continues to increase at the present rate?
mdp.39015025535918The present king of Siam( 1836), gives one? j fourth of all his revenues to one old dingy creature, which is called w. the"glory of the land."
mdp.39015025535918The proverb says well,"In the family venerate father and mother; what ne- cessity is there to travel far to burn incense?
mdp.39015025535918The publication of what?
mdp.39015025535918The question is,'how s of this trade may be abolished or lessened?'
mdp.39015025535918The raja asked,"What is its:?"
mdp.39015025535918The remarks as to the'exemption of ship?
mdp.39015025535918The senate decides all important civil and criminal case?
mdp.39015025535918The teacher asked the priest, By what means can I influence mankind?
mdp.39015025535918The term implies a wish for every good, for what is life without peace?"
mdp.39015025535918The two former, however, accompanied by the young Marco Polo, reached the Chinese court, and pass- ed several year?
mdp.39015025535918The tyrant Lea?
mdp.39015025535918Their in"having; charge of the affairs of the metropolitan le purpose of extending good government to it?
mdp.39015025535918Then loudly did I ask, for what cause such pain I bore, — For transgressions in a former life unatoned for before?
mdp.39015025535918Then said ja of Burne,"Does the raja of Malaea send a humble salutation to the"China?"
mdp.39015025535918Then what laws; and when and where did he transgress them?
mdp.39015025535918There are some points?
mdp.39015025535918There each reeling idiot might take his neighbor by the hand, and say, 1 Brother, and what ailed thee to seek so dire a cure?'
mdp.39015025535918There is no evi- dence that he ever from choice embraced Christianity; and what is the use of a forced profession?
mdp.39015025535918There is not a greater barrier to the introduc- of the gospel into China by the hands of foreigners,( and who s to introduce it?)
mdp.39015025535918There may be wastes which are ab- solutely unproductive; but where are the meadows with their large herds of grazing cattle?
mdp.39015025535918There"Continued I mm[ tag?
mdp.39015025535918These are places which belong to England, ilung's reign, as well as previously, opium was inserted in?
mdp.39015025535918These few facts would, perhaps, induce him to inquire again, At what time, and in what way, did the Mohammedans enter China?
mdp.39015025535918They How do you get your livelihood?
mdp.39015025535918They are also enjoined these four things; vi/.. 1. using exertion to prevent demerit while as ye( 1834- Iturmah- 559 Ilic person ha?
mdp.39015025535918They can do much; but another and inore powerful instrumentality must be called to their assistance"And what is this instrumentality?
mdp.39015025535918They have at diffe- Stations here for short period?, but it can not be took possession of it.
mdp.39015025535918They have had churches in Mesopotamia, Arabia, Syria, Hindostan. Trans- oxiana, Mongolia,"and, if we may credit[ and why may we not?]
mdp.39015025535918They saw no danger; and had they desisted from their course, what report could they have made to their constituents?
mdp.39015025535918Think then THE MILLIONS who have already thus perished, and then ask your- how long is this to continue and no man in a Christian land ird it?
mdp.39015025535918This bridge leads to'the marble isle?
mdp.39015025535918This is indicated by ivhich has sometimes been rendered'epithet;'i> r 11 uiitli I'd Family Names,!;">?
mdp.39015025535918This slug,( Onchidium?)
mdp.39015025535918This, he said, arose from careless- ly writing his familiar, boyish nanv?, mixed with his priestly name.
mdp.39015025535918To act thus, what one version is there extant which would not be condemned?
mdp.39015025535918To be deprived of every social enjoyment, of every domestic comfort, and pent up in a space to which the King's Bench is a domain?
mdp.39015025535918To be spurned as barbarians and bearded with appellations, nothing short of ignominious?
mdp.39015025535918To those who object,"How can these things be?"
mdp.39015025535918To what shall it be attributed?
mdp.39015025535918To what useful end is it devoted?
mdp.39015025535918To what will ye liken me, saith Jehovah?
mdp.39015025535918True faith producing love to God arid man, — Say, Echo, is not this the Gospel plan?
mdp.39015025535918Truly, if, as here represented, all such illegalities are committed iilxmt the port, how comes it, then, that the instance?
mdp.39015025535918Tsang Tsan, rising from his seat, replied,"Destitute as I am of discernment, how can I understand the subject?"
mdp.39015025535918Tsun says, truly,?
mdp.39015025535918Two of the chief barriers against idolatry which must l> e passed before a man can forget his Maker, are the natural feeling of"obligation for favor?
mdp.39015025535918Under such n mere inconsiderate obedience to a parent's las filial duty?"
mdp.39015025535918Under this division of his work, the writer first reviews the"terms of tenure?
mdp.39015025535918VVenu we ought"to ti of opinion thai States of Ameri open a friendly duties among n?
mdp.39015025535918Vague and stic thoughts, contracted like the vision of one gazing at the is from the bottom of a well?
mdp.39015025535918Vdly few,'said he;'you have hear that gov'nor hab catchee die?
mdp.39015025535918Was he careful to observe and do all the things written in the book of the law?
mdp.39015025535918Was he holy and harm- less?
mdp.39015025535918Was he meek and gentle?
mdp.39015025535918Was he wo nt to join those who went joyfully up to the house of the Lord to worship in the public assembly?
mdp.39015025535918Was he, or was he not, a murderer?
mdp.39015025535918Was his a life of spotless purity and perfect blamelessness?
mdp.39015025535918Was it not, indeed, labor lost?
mdp.39015025535918Was it nothing to the king and people of Great Britain, that Lord Amherst was reported as a tribute bearer, at the court of Peking?
mdp.39015025535918Was it to prevent their eeing a"harmless luxury?
mdp.39015025535918Was it wrong to contradict those false reports, and to give that information which was desired even by the governor himself?
mdp.39015025535918Was the trade which once existed and flourished in different ports of the Chinese empire, lost through concession, or resistance?
mdp.39015025535918Was the zeal of the missionaries too great?
mdp.39015025535918Was there any tntmy in the land?
mdp.39015025535918We Iw special blessings variance in tliu| can the blessinu c in word, neither i Every one's tin practice?
mdp.39015025535918We are now returning home full of gratitude and thankfulness; but when can e hope to be able to recompense such goodness?
mdp.39015025535918We ask again, shall this enterprise be abandoned? — and meanwhile we wait,—looking with anxiety to see what further measures are to be adopted.
mdp.39015025535918We assure the author of the new version, that were he a son of Han, and should put hi?
mdp.39015025535918We may and do entertain more extensive views than concern our selfish interests, but what credit have we with this government for these?
mdp.39015025535918We were told, that upon a spot not exceeding twelve square mile?,( for this appears to be the extent of the island,) 2000 priests were living.
mdp.39015025535918We were told, that upon a spot not exceeding twelve square mile?,( for this appears to be the extent of the island,) 2000 priests were living.
mdp.39015025535918Were Conversions more sudden and frequent than when Paul and Peter preached?
mdp.39015025535918Were not the Lord Amherst and the Sylph well manned and armed?
mdp.39015025535918Were not your majesty's thoughts, as I have represented them?
mdp.39015025535918Were their advances too rapid?
mdp.39015025535918What agency then shall be employed to rescue this nation from its thralldom?
mdp.39015025535918What aid will you call?
mdp.39015025535918What car is that the cautious sailors seek, So silently to hoist upon the deck?
mdp.39015025535918What dark forebodings must they feel, when all the visions of this life are closed up around them?
mdp.39015025535918What difficulty will there be in immediately destroying and eradicating?
mdp.39015025535918What does he mean?
mdp.39015025535918What else repress violence and fraud?
mdp.39015025535918What else, could hrins; them by hundreds to our schools and our churches?
mdp.39015025535918What feeble form therein extended laid, By every eye so cautiously surveyed?
mdp.39015025535918What greater encou- jrters of this establishment expect, or have?
mdp.39015025535918What had the first missions in Hindustan and Africa to suffer?
mdp.39015025535918What has caused the abolition of suttees in British India?
mdp.39015025535918What impartial man, in his senses, will not with the ut- urgeut precaution steer in the middle to avoid the two extremes?
mdp.39015025535918What interference can match such assumption?
mdp.39015025535918What is Budhism in China at the present moment?
mdp.39015025535918What is it that occupies their minds?
mdp.39015025535918What is it which has given to that nation her high rank, and her commanding influ- ence?
mdp.39015025535918What is the strength of a bow bound with seven fold cords?
mdp.39015025535918What is the use of precepts and admonitions, when the pure and excellent nature of man, always bent on virtuous conduct, must be a sufficient guide?
mdp.39015025535918What less could they do?
mdp.39015025535918What less than this does the two thousand years monotheism of the world, while yet no Bible was given, prove?
mdp.39015025535918What needs it more, except to bo"Immanuel's land, the dwelling- place of righteousness?"
mdp.39015025535918What ning the execution of that instrument, which jlood of the eternal Son of God?
mdp.39015025535918What one of all these hare.stick lawyers, of whatever country, ever came to a natural, or prosperous end?"
mdp.39015025535918What reason existed, where this and other sanguinary laws were practiced upon us, that we should not have arranged our civil and commercial relations?
mdp.39015025535918What reception did the first heralds of the cross meet in the West Indies?
mdp.39015025535918What should we say, if we could look behind the scene, and examine the motives, the fears, and the hesitancy of the Canton authorities?
mdp.39015025535918What the heralds of salvation to endure in Greenland and Labrador?
mdp.39015025535918What then is to be done?
mdp.39015025535918What then must be the feeling when nations are born to God in a day?
mdp.39015025535918What use of calling us to embrace his reli- gion and to worship his God?
mdp.39015025535918What would evolent sober- minded Chinese think, were the sophistry of the tiers of this trade translated for him?
mdp.39015025535918What, then shall be done1?
mdp.39015025535918When Applied tc> filch a^ have become,'lavc?
mdp.39015025535918When a gern spoils in the case, who is to blarne but the keeper of ill If the pearl be fled to other regions, how is it to be propelled back again?
mdp.39015025535918When have any officers of the great Tsing^Iynasty had intercourse to and fro with barbarians?
mdp.39015025535918When men combine to hate and treat me ill, Must I return them good, and love them still?
mdp.39015025535918When the Christian and heathen neigh- bors who came to visit them, saw this and expressed their surprise, the father said:'Why should we mourn?
mdp.39015025535918When then must be the condu< on of.the irreligious and vicious?
mdp.39015025535918When things are so, how can pastors and missionaries expect to secure the blessings of God upon their own souls or upon their work?
mdp.39015025535918When were these arrangements made?
mdp.39015025535918Whence come wars and fightings?
mdp.39015025535918Where and in what way, then, is the British subject to obtain justice and protection?
mdp.39015025535918Where are igenions reasonings, and where is the, assumption?
mdp.39015025535918Where are the books to circulate, the men to distribute them, the preachers to explain them?
mdp.39015025535918Where are the preach- of the gospel, where is the spirit of common humanity fled, that i sin should till this moment exist unrebuked?
mdp.39015025535918Where but in Christianity shall we find a power that can regenerate the monster, and liberate the slave of these superstitions?
mdp.39015025535918Where can men be found more fierce and desperate than the Algerines?
mdp.39015025535918Where did you go?
mdp.39015025535918Where is the Christian conduct of those foreigners who tempt the natives to vice?
mdp.39015025535918Where is the disputer of this world?
mdp.39015025535918Where is the man who now advocates the use of ititoxi- I cs a eating liquors?
mdp.39015025535918Where is the man, so ignorant or audacious, as to say that he believes the same of opium?
mdp.39015025535918Where is the wise 1 Where is the scribe?
mdp.39015025535918Where shall we find the Eu- ropean gardens or orchards?
mdp.39015025535918Where the decree of heaven is, what human power is there that can oppose it? •'—After this speech the king treated him kindly.
mdp.39015025535918Where then is the remedy for these old and multiplied mise- ries?
mdp.39015025535918Where then was the defect?
mdp.39015025535918Where would he find the> rincipled and high minded inhabitant of the far off countries?
mdp.39015025535918Where, 3 there any cause to fear that these vessels will be captured iployed for piratical purposes?
mdp.39015025535918Wheth- er in raising mausoleums and laying out gardens, I have dis- tressed the people and wasted property?
mdp.39015025535918Whether I have uttered irreverent words, and have deserved reprehension?
mdp.39015025535918Whether by one man alone or by all together?
mdp.39015025535918Whether in persecuting heterodox sects, the innocent have not been involved?
mdp.39015025535918Whether or not pride and prodigality have had a place in my heart, springing up there unobserved?
mdp.39015025535918Whether or not the magistrates have insulted the people, and refused to listen to their affairs?
mdp.39015025535918Whether perfect equity has been at- tained in conferring rewards or inflicting'punishment?
mdp.39015025535918Whether punishments have been unjustly in- flicted or not?
mdp.39015025535918Whether the largesses be- stowed on the afflicted southern provinces were properly applied; or the people were left to die in the ditches?
mdp.39015025535918Whether the oppressed have found no means of appeal?
mdp.39015025535918Whether to ascribe them to the ignorant arrogance, or the jealous fears, of the govern- ment?
mdp.39015025535918Which of these two ways will you choose?
mdp.39015025535918Which will be gain, and which will be loss?
mdp.39015025535918Who are the people in Canton that hate and despise the foreign- ers?
mdp.39015025535918Who are those individuals?
mdp.39015025535918Who can stand before his cold?
mdp.39015025535918Who ever believed it to be one vast plain?
mdp.39015025535918Who has received his doctrines?
mdp.39015025535918Who is this Hulagu that dares to rise against them?
mdp.39015025535918Who opposed the enemy in time?
mdp.39015025535918Who was so worthy as the son of so great a lord?
mdp.39015025535918Who was there that could then resist the foe, When but a single female was found to insult his power?
mdp.39015025535918Who will enter it?
mdp.39015025535918Who would have in his house a servant who ies opium?
mdp.39015025535918Who would not have done- the same?'
mdp.39015025535918Who, then, would be willing to sell his ship?
mdp.39015025535918Why are we so slow to follow a system so nobly and so successfully begun?
mdp.39015025535918Why do the said foreigners again annoy with needless requests?
mdp.39015025535918Why do they now abruptly present this petition, and themselves produce a contradiction?
mdp.39015025535918Why do you not go?"
mdp.39015025535918Why has this obtained?
mdp.39015025535918Why have not England and Scotland relapsed?
mdp.39015025535918Why may not the ships of Europe and America visit the Chinese waters, sail along the coast, and enler the poru and rivers of this wide empire?
mdp.39015025535918Why should not the port of Canton have fol- lowed the fate of all other ports, but for the monopoly of the East India Company?
mdp.39015025535918Why should we hesitate, if duly calls us to do it, to offend a jealous government, and draw down upon us their vengeance?
mdp.39015025535918Why then is such liquor used?
mdp.39015025535918Why then should the^s be now suddenly broken up?"
mdp.39015025535918Will any reasonable man maintain that there was not sufficient cause for insisting upon it, coute qui coute, or that the same causes do not now exist?
mdp.39015025535918Will deism do this?
mdp.39015025535918Will it be said that the gallant commanders and officers, when understanding the character of their mission, are not equal to carry it into effect?
mdp.39015025535918Will not our be at the same time we are civilization?
mdp.39015025535918Will not this policy, then, be every way calculated to stir up strife?
mdp.39015025535918Will we consent to be brand- ed with marks like these?
mdp.39015025535918Will you advise Us to conform in the event of our filling an official station?
mdp.39015025535918Will you not?
mdp.39015025535918With eighty or a hundred ships then annually visiting this port, shall there be no medical aid provided for their sick?
mdp.39015025535918Wlial a prospect does it present in a religious point of view?
mdp.39015025535918Wo fid i ignorant natives declare that 1 had murdered him?
mdp.39015025535918Would it not be more suitable to be consoled with the hope of meeting them again in the life to come?
mdp.39015025535918Would it not rather prove the perversity of the human mind?
mdp.39015025535918Would it not then bo a want of due reverence for God to hear his name bins- phemed without feeling and expressing an indignant disappro- bation?"
mdp.39015025535918Would you in the same manner thwart and twist human nature to form it to justice and virtue?
mdp.39015025535918Yes, answers the voice of Christian philanthropy; and inquires, what shall be done?
mdp.39015025535918Yet we can not but ask, what are the positions of China and western nations, that the terms of their intercourse hitherto, should ever continue?
mdp.39015025535918Yet what are a few unprincipled men against hosts of enlightened indivi- duals?
mdp.39015025535918Your goodness i?
mdp.39015025535918Yu replied, suppose we who do not know the true Scriptures, do not keep the holy day of rest, do we act very wrong?
mdp.39015025535918\Vhat would life become, if we were constantly to bewail and to serve the dead?
mdp.39015025535918_. OL{ • J"*???
mdp.39015025535918_. OL{ • J"*???
mdp.39015025535918_. OL{ • J"*???
mdp.39015025535918after the confusion of tongues at Babel, are question?
mdp.39015025535918and upon cattle, and upon all their lahor; — what does the assiduity of the mer- chant or the husbandman amount to?
mdp.39015025535918appearances of the spring season?
mdp.39015025535918asked he,"'Maskee; you have alia sume; before time my have catchee one lacker- ware box, that boy haye sendee go my house, no have sendee one chop?'
mdp.39015025535918bL tic tlk_ re- A m m-fei mm ati: oF th cc- imi of th o?
mdp.39015025535918be conducted, by what means could trade be carried on?
mdp.39015025535918but what is far more general in this careless world, what is the custom?
mdp.39015025535918dence of foreign?
mdp.39015025535918e to his country?
mdp.39015025535918en are only educated in poetry and prose, lore for them can there be desired?
mdp.39015025535918exclaims Mr. Barrow in satire. — What is there laughable, in ra- tional men's managing their affairs by a general council?
mdp.39015025535918gain his object?
mdp.39015025535918go way alia this cover, putee nother piece,'lee lever, wnntchee sileek cofuh?'
mdp.39015025535918he asked, have got; you can do number one proper1?'
mdp.39015025535918how can they be esteemed men?
mdp.39015025535918i did they come?
mdp.39015025535918it protestant, whatever be his rank or office,> spend a few years in such moral wastes aa pling to do any thing for the illumination nil?
mdp.39015025535918kodah, do you not find your own heart to be sinful and wicked, and that you can not be justified in the presence of a holy and righteous God?
mdp.39015025535918law there is necessarily an infraction of that law?
mdp.39015025535918makee so much bobbery?'
mdp.39015025535918nese have lost the knowledge of God himself, and of creation, as well as of the Sabbath?
mdp.39015025535918nquired,'how fashion yon wanchee bindee?'
mdp.39015025535918o what cause is this to be ascribed?
mdp.39015025535918of the officers, the scholars, and the military, are there any that are born in civil or military situations, or that are born scholars, or soldiers?
mdp.39015025535918oj Occurrrttccf- 4?
mdp.39015025535918orthography which still need explanation: why, for example, is prakhang en for praklang, phraklang, or p'hraklang?
mdp.39015025535918passage o(?
mdp.39015025535918rl;—when all was joy, hope, promise; l)e a boy, a girl, again,!, to long for liberty, hat will never come to pass?
mdp.39015025535918said I,"'He cutchee chowehow; come one hour so: you wantchee sea he?'
mdp.39015025535918stowed very close?
mdp.39015025535918tVang Ynkin?
mdp.39015025535918tc t4cS*.ec o^ to^oo —"M(?
mdp.39015025535918the Hwa ta or'Adorned pagoda,'so called in contradistinction form the Kwang ta, or'Unadorned pagoda?
mdp.39015025535918the press?
mdp.39015025535918they prefer> red one well?"
mdp.39015025535918tint h- ve rmerly occurred of seizures have continually been within the pro- nets of the capital?
mdp.39015025535918v.? fo.
mdp.39015025535918virtually adore the great Giver of every pood gift?
mdp.39015025535918w 01 la of IN co follow of the ten yi ad van task o questii of oth< mod if* Th€ article value?
mdp.39015025535918was he not the son of Abra- ham, and the last of all the prophets?
mdp.39015025535918will you not go and see your sovereign, to whom you were so intimately related?"
mdp.39015025535918will you participate with the traffickers in human flesh upon your own principle?
mdp.39015025535918willing submission of their hearts, and obediently keep them?
mdp.39015025535918wounded by them was one of the soldiers who received?
mdp.39015025535918— his glory to graven images, and make no off: rt to prevent it?
mdp.39015025535926! ii;:?
mdp.39015025535926H 1 U0 CO o?
mdp.39015025535926* The ode says, Hring the embroidered silken palampore to cover the sons of Hung; Who knows who it was that sewed in its gay colors? mdp.39015025535926 And what can we understand by this testimony,'the Word was God,'but that he was possessed of the same Divine nature and perfections with the Father?"
mdp.39015025535926And why Rliould 1 not.?' mdp.39015025535926 But it may be asked, hare the Confucians no idea of a spirit, and do they riol pay divine honors to invisible beings?
mdp.39015025535926But what is this wonderful plan?
mdp.39015025535926But,rejoined Tsiii,"it is too un- even and rough; why should you choose such a spot?"
mdp.39015025535926Can it be true,thought he, «'that she possesses this wonderful art?
mdp.39015025535926Creator and creaturesare correlatives; are"God and creatures"the same idea in other words?
mdp.39015025535926From the time of Nii- wa( Eve?) mdp.39015025535926 Has peace accompanied you in your journey?"
mdp.39015025535926How asks Dr. Boone,that the term Ti( thus re- is the appellative name of God?"
mdp.39015025535926How can I avoid it?
mdp.39015025535926How is this,'said he,'that you salute me now, when you laughed.11 me so before?
mdp.39015025535926How many hairs are in your eyebrows'?
mdp.39015025535926How then can I pass my novitiate with you, if I am to enter the College at Rome in order to go to China?
mdp.39015025535926I have already told you,replied the gardener,"that I will not sell, and there- fore why do you repeat the question?"
mdp.39015025535926If asked,How was it in eras prior to the present order of the vi- sible universe, which arose less than ten thousand years ago"?
mdp.39015025535926If the opium trade is not proper,say these advocates,"why should there be laws to countenance it?"
mdp.39015025535926If the question be asked,are heaven and earth destructible or not?"
mdp.39015025535926If, instead of this, he capriciously cuts and mutilates them, how can they bear such treatment? mdp.39015025535926 Is it likely,"said he ironically,"that this old fellow has power to being down spirits at his call?
mdp.39015025535926Is it then so great a matter to cut a few flowers? mdp.39015025535926 Is such then,"said she,"the cause of your grief?
mdp.39015025535926Li neither wishes nor plans nor does, J|| 3jl£ fjfj jS? mdp.39015025535926 No epithet or attribute is more proper to God, than that ai'uvio?
mdp.39015025535926Now on the 25th day of the 7th month in the year kiahyun( 1674?) mdp.39015025535926 One day, when we were conversing together upon different things, I remarked,'I am desirous of learning the Tibetan language; is it very difficult?'
mdp.39015025535926Over what countries have your happy shadows passed?
mdp.39015025535926The baptism of John, was it from Heaven, or of men?
mdp.39015025535926They sleep ii How sweet their Kroin suffering I And freed flAnd now what, shall we say?
mdp.39015025535926This garden,he replied,"is the old Chinaman's life, and how then can he consent to sell it?"
mdp.39015025535926True copy, E. C. Beidoman, RtcordingStcrelary? mdp.39015025535926 Vo IV? M Trip to the Hills near Shanghai.
mdp.39015025535926Well,answered he,"and what matters it if it be true?
mdp.39015025535926What can people do?
mdp.39015025535926What great misfortune has befallen you,again asked the young girl,"that you are so unhappy?"
mdp.39015025535926What is the offense charged? mdp.39015025535926 What is the remedy now?"
mdp.39015025535926What man is that? mdp.39015025535926 What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim V — what shall I do unto thee, Lewchew?
mdp.39015025535926What,exclaimed they in surprise at this movement,"have you given up your design to get possession of the place?"
mdp.39015025535926When looking up you contemplate the all- creating Heaven, dare you with- hold your reverence and awe? mdp.39015025535926 Where do you come from?
mdp.39015025535926Which way could she have gone?
mdp.39015025535926Your siave has no thought of self or family; would he dare, dastardly, to hnng back? mdp.39015025535926 fl"Sao ap os: © aiSh ■ v"co"©""of O C. w 4-O lO to Sto n tc o# o o C?
mdp.39015025535926—Who are the wardens?
mdp.39015025535926# m}#* ±-SB 15# ■ 15 if?
mdp.39015025535926$ J ta kiun,'-jit j"sti hung kiun,^?
mdp.39015025535926$ f 1$-I?"
mdp.39015025535926&^ MS 1^'S?
mdp.39015025535926', t'u, Ki p|| jJEj J|J?
mdp.39015025535926'.»• i, righteousness of heaven and earth; if such be their|^ tih,"ting, what can the meaning of it be, but virtue?
mdp.39015025535926'7 3|J^|? S^5 Mo «^?
mdp.39015025535926'7 3|J^|? S^5 Mo «^?
mdp.39015025535926'Auda- cious old man,"said he,"how could you dare by magical arts to deceive your neighborhood?
mdp.39015025535926'Che Africans had many, were they not gods?
mdp.39015025535926'Do you burn incense, or light candles before him?
mdp.39015025535926'What have you to fear?
mdp.39015025535926'When you beg favors, or call him, does he come and appear to you?
mdp.39015025535926'When you pray to him, can you see him?'
mdp.39015025535926'You are not a Chinese,'he said to me;'you are a Manchu, as I infer from the fringe upon your cap;—what is your honorable country?
mdp.39015025535926'You are right,'he said,'it is late; speak only one word, aright and reasonable word; is it really so that you must certainly leave at sunrise?'
mdp.39015025535926( 1) In respect of essence and sub- stance; for the Word was God, a distinct Person or substance( subsistence?
mdp.39015025535926( Apart) I have not yet asked the consent of my parents; how can I then, without gre;iily wanting in propriety, adopt this young man as my brother?
mdp.39015025535926( Apart) May it not be that as i d luck as mine is in store for him?
mdp.39015025535926( He sees him) Where have you been that you have not got some provisions?
mdp.39015025535926( He sees him) Where have you been that you have not got some provisions?
mdp.39015025535926( He sings) If it were otherwise, how could the blossoms of the pear, petal after petal, fall as they do?
mdp.39015025535926( He sings) What does the god who presides on the mount Taishan care for the infant in your womb?
mdp.39015025535926( Tacitus, book i. section 11,)"Et e magnitudine imperii, sua modestia:'Solain tanta?
mdp.39015025535926( To Chau) Ask your daughter a question, my wife; where is she going, and what is this ball of jade of which she speaks so much?
mdp.39015025535926( To Chau) Wife, p- e is the pledge of our son?
mdp.39015025535926( To Chin HA) Tell me, my friend, how old are you?
mdp.39015025535926( To Lai) How did you kill this beast?
mdp.39015025535926( To Lai) What are you doing here?
mdp.39015025535926( i. e. no controlling mind so that things happen by chance?)
mdp.39015025535926( •., ■ ■ 1,799,37?
mdp.39015025535926), those who plant close do not use over ten oil cakes, nor more than ten skih of night soil[ on a man?
mdp.39015025535926* Is not the Chinese use of ti and shin the precise counterpart of these two words?
mdp.39015025535926*'Where is he?'
mdp.39015025535926**'• When the public first learned the object of tlu?
mdp.39015025535926,? 0 00 C^OO,, f- 8 g Ot. — 1(5 i —~ — M"rj> w O tT IT1 O~coao*rco.if--,.
mdp.39015025535926-- 1? ast,-- ljLoss of both eyes,-- 44 is,--~!Loss of one eye,--- 73? rus,--- 1 Loss of one from a wound,- I cle,-- 3!
mdp.39015025535926-- 1? ast,-- ljLoss of both eyes,-- 44 is,--~!Loss of one eye,--- 73? rus,--- 1 Loss of one from a wound,- I cle,-- 3!
mdp.39015025535926-tsai Tung Vien- chuh muh CAt, jp[^ 7^^j?
mdp.39015025535926-ytt, book fj, page 3, K'he- loo, another of the disciples asked about serving the Kwei Shins?
mdp.39015025535926/ritings of.31 Yang- tsze, we have the following: lired, how it was that in the Chaou country, there were any Shins( spirits) appearing?
mdp.390150255359260 be here asked is, to whom are these prayers d is, what are the blessings, to obtain which, 5red?
mdp.390150255359261 How are they to be instructed in history, in religion, in geography in short, in every branch of human knowledge?
mdp.390150255359261 IP?
mdp.390150255359261 S^ fho, 3 1^|1 Hamih ftq?
mdp.390150255359261 Superintendent 180 90 60 2 Presidents 180 90 60 4 Vice- presidents 155 77 £ 48 2?
mdp.390150255359261 ffi Liangtang, 4^$ Tsin- ngan, 2 tit Hwui Aiew, 6 fit? K Tsingshwui.
mdp.390150255359261 ft PJ Hwangkang, 5|a;$| Hwangmei, 2? fc Kishwui, 6$| ffl Lotien, 3# j fH Ki cAom, 7 g| i$ Maching, 4i|| KwatigtsJ, 8 ffr Hwangngan.
mdp.390150255359261 j)g fj5 Fungtsieh, 4 jg § f Wan Hen, 2&* L| Wushan, 5^ 5f?
mdp.390150255359261* 5j?
mdp.390150255359261-rl Vj?
mdp.3901502553592610 — 1 17 a 46 — 10 — 1 61 59 5 4 413 304 167 257 21 33 — 41 — 5 — 7 — 5 — 10 — 2 148 7 28 —?
mdp.3901502553592610, to the end of the chapter, and many other similar passages?
mdp.39015025535926106,760? 15,378,i;60 3:20 The Army of the Chinese Empire.
mdp.39015025535926118 ° 17'E.) in the province of Nganhwui, has had the exclusive manufacture of pock?
mdp.39015025535926120 f*H$ft A* ft sing- Tss'f/ ai, in twenty Sections, by an unknown No iZY ii Nd> i, in ten Sections, by OAii Kicangkta of th?
mdp.39015025535926127 because thou hast given a measure of land to Tain?
mdp.39015025535926131 71 56 H6 20?
mdp.39015025535926157? ing versicles in praise of, the error of idolatry vanished blessed St. Thomns, the Cninese; truth.
mdp.3901502553592616, published in the reports of the Academy of Scien- ces, An?.
mdp.390150255359261812); the Chung Ch'ft Ch'ing K'du p[l 4^ 7?'
mdp.390150255359261819 41?
mdp.39015025535926185 I*?
mdp.39015025535926191 y, were released to- day; and the hich the stone was thrown on mid,''also one in Shoe Lane(?)
mdp.39015025535926199 Term for Elohim and Thro?
mdp.390150255359261? t$ 1 Wan hien, 2$^ Ching hien.
mdp.390150255359261^ fho, 3 V$ HI Hamih ring- or Hami, 2? X KItai, 4 pif^^Tu- lu- nin^orTurfan.
mdp.390150255359261^ j£ Pingwu, 3|£ Dfl Changming, 2$ Kiangyu, 4 if?
mdp.390150255359261^|J£ Lingling, 5^ j|| Ningyuen,* M% Tungngan, 6} g fl<| TaU cAau, 3 f$ H Kiyang,? jx Kianghwa, 4|jf H Sintien, 8^ D$ Yungming.
mdp.390150255359262 Choh- lo- sz?
mdp.390150255359262 M Journal of Occurrence?.
mdp.390150255359262. s — ■^ o 2"S •: 3?
mdp.39015025535926205< produced by the first gard this Tien as an in-, earth, and all things?
mdp.3901502553592626, instead of Shin, he finds Aloho or Shdngti?
mdp.3901502553592627 Notices of Work?
mdp.39015025535926277 •e be such confusion as to cause> e adopted, there will be among dier no loss, and to the officer 6 people there will be no disorder?
mdp.39015025535926291 1?
mdp.390150255359262? R^£ Yungtsung, 5"JI ffij Hiakiang< iqg% 3 h ffi KinPing> VII.
mdp.390150255359263 La- lin ch'ing jfil Jjjj?, or Larin Ola.
mdp.390150255359263 Sii- U- muh eking^ ffi? K Sairim or Sairara.
mdp.3901502553592630, 32, we read,"Wherefore hast thou stolen my gods?
mdp.3901502553592635 ■ gnu 2*?& 4ir^ 5m^M 6 ft ff « 7W a 14** 0?
mdp.3901502553592635 ■ gnu 2*?& 4ir^ 5m^M 6 ft ff « 7W a 14** 0?
mdp.39015025535926429 Defense of an Essay,$? r.
mdp.390150255359265 page 34, all things are said to come originally from heaven, and man originates with hi?
mdp.390150255359265!M labor, what might they not accomplish?
mdp.3901502553592652 Protestant Mission?
mdp.3901502553592655* Dec Journal of Orciirrenrr?
mdp.3901502553592659? d hymns of Budha.
mdp.390150255359267 4 11 I II 13 13 2 1 I 67 Missionaries nun- absent? ■ 104 Journal of Otrurrairrs.
mdp.3901502553592670 as 7?
mdp.3901502553592677 is the second port opened to fo-?
mdp.390150255359268 Fracture of frontal bone?
mdp.390150255359268 o'clock a. m. Th?
mdp.390150255359269. lirty- three Sections, by I.o Yuen of the Sting nation of sound?
mdp.39015025535926; I spring from the same root as you, Why then would you have me boiled so qui, kly?
mdp.39015025535926> rers, having; gone through the t the weeds that had sprung up? cn seated under shade trees% f&- v away a part, so that each re- and expand.
mdp.39015025535926? 823.
mdp.39015025535926? I 00> r folio... 0 50 swear Afli'davit,.
mdp.39015025535926? ay, Registrar, h, Deputy Registrar.
mdp.39015025535926? ct.
mdp.39015025535926? ere provided with arms for their nt.
mdp.39015025535926? hdng.
mdp.39015025535926? j? f rt « t t v o » ft o- OS 5 B.
mdp.39015025535926? j? f rt « t t v o » ft o- OS 5 B.
mdp.39015025535926? • The Chinese Tien^, Heaven, the Supreme Ruler, tried by these characteristics as a test, is not God( proprie).
mdp.39015025535926?.ant those who are worshiped.
mdp.39015025535926A being that can know nothing but what comes to him through the medium of a man's own senses?
mdp.39015025535926A man behind him cried out, Why do you groan, great Sir, and not go to the help of the country?
mdp.39015025535926A man behind him cried out, Why do you groan, great Sir, and not go to the help of the country?
mdp.39015025535926A man behind him cried out, Why do you groan, great Sir, and not go to the help of the country?
mdp.39015025535926A mass of dark, swelling mountains, with jagged peaks la?
mdp.39015025535926A purer idolatry?
mdp.39015025535926About 1 o'clock in the afternoon, having received from the mandarin at Kweising 50 cash, again proceeded in the canal boat to Hwuichau(?
mdp.39015025535926About half past three in the morning, we started for Sau- t'au- tsih,^ to take our breakfast; after which we started for^"jC Jtjtjj?
mdp.39015025535926Address to foreign resident?
mdp.39015025535926After a journey of 33 miles, the party reached Thung- ung or Ting- ngan hien Jj?
mdp.39015025535926After all how are we to explain this?"
mdp.39015025535926After entering, you swear to wear mourning three years[ for a brother?
mdp.39015025535926After that we asked whether the Tiau- kin kiau, or Jews, were here?
mdp.39015025535926After visiting one of the vessels the next morning, and passing to the second, their boatmen inquired,"Have you got your money yet?"
mdp.39015025535926Again he asked,"What more is needful to make a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926Again he asked,"What more is needful to make a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926Again he asked,"What more is needful to make a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926Again, if the question were asked,"How was the first man of the human race produced?"
mdp.39015025535926Ah,? ii!
mdp.39015025535926All this magnificence in thee is lost: What are a thousand worlds compar'd to thee?
mdp.39015025535926Already they bad succeeded in? r windows, and in battering in the which combustibles were thrown, in lire.
mdp.39015025535926Am I not the daughter of a rich ldholder?
mdp.39015025535926Amenorrhea 1 5 Chlorosis 1 3 Closed vagina after birth of a child 1 Stricture urethra?
mdp.39015025535926Among this class of objects of worship, is there, in the mind of the worshipers, the idea of there being any divine Being?
mdp.39015025535926And arc you then in a position to protest against those who go a little fur- ther than you do, and discard it as a translation of Theos altogether?
mdp.39015025535926And are heaven and earth, in their esti- mation, their chief divinities?
mdp.39015025535926And for our infant sons, how much of; ised in selecting wives?
mdp.39015025535926And how are all these, both men and means, to be reclaimed to their rightful allegiance'?
mdp.39015025535926And how do these several parties arrive at their various conclusions?
mdp.39015025535926And i< jord and Governor of Heaven, should require vledge him only as Supreme?
mdp.39015025535926And if one is afterwards at a loss how to act, what advantage will one obtain?
mdp.39015025535926And if rain the consent of the proprietors, you he ground,—if this is not"unreason- » n what is it?
mdp.39015025535926And if she does not, what will she and her Cabinet propose to do?
mdp.39015025535926And that with such fine flowers in bloom, you hasten to the gate to tell me that all have faded?
mdp.39015025535926And then greatly- excited, they asked each other, gesticulating powerfully,'But how loes he do it?
mdp.39015025535926And what are the five elements which generate and compose all things?
mdp.39015025535926And what are the five elements which generate and compose all things?
mdp.39015025535926And what if we be quite ejected, by open force or starvation?
mdp.39015025535926And what is your famous city?
mdp.39015025535926And who could deny his right?
mdp.39015025535926And who is he whose example must be avoided?
mdp.39015025535926And who is he whose example must be avoided?
mdp.39015025535926And why?
mdp.39015025535926And why?
mdp.39015025535926And yet again, as to"the duration of the Chinese empire,"what does he mean?
mdp.39015025535926And, has this word ever been used to designate by way of eminence the chief one of the class: the highest being they have ever conceived of?
mdp.39015025535926Approaching the next day the Muru- ussu 7^ J^l J= j or"Tortuous Water,"one of the head- streams of the Kin- sha^> yjj?
mdp.39015025535926April, 5 fj » If Hioh hien, 12$ jj| Hanyang, 6 M M Chauchih, 13 £ ft Kir, gyang?
mdp.39015025535926April, him,"As thou art so clever, tell me when it will rain?"
mdp.39015025535926Are not the beings here spoken of precisely such as in the Scriptures are called foot and Elohim?
mdp.39015025535926Are not the depositions of the criminals sufficient to serve as documents, when rumors are still believed?
mdp.39015025535926Are not the tens of thousands in this city as able to quit them- selves like men as those of Canton?
mdp.39015025535926Are not these depositions of the real aggressor and of an accomplice, then, sufficient documents?
mdp.39015025535926Are not these essential attributes?
mdp.39015025535926Are the materials for such a foundation to be found in the Chinese tongue?
mdp.39015025535926Are these all to be looked upon as titles, or as names of the being referred to f Would it be at all congruous to call El, one of the titles of God?
mdp.39015025535926Are they"Supreme Ruleresses?"
mdp.39015025535926Are you sure of that, wife?
mdp.39015025535926Ars Grammaticae Japonic^ Lingua?.
mdp.39015025535926Art thou not ashamed of the humiliations through which thou hast passed, and hast yet to pass?
mdp.39015025535926As he came from his Maker's hand was man a polytheist?—Did man issue from the old world, wrecked by the flood, into the new, a polytheist?
mdp.39015025535926As its traffic is coutrubar, tutes of the empire, it too is to be deprec: contraband in China?
mdp.39015025535926As soon as some of the chests are packed by a number of kuleers or Chines?
mdp.39015025535926As their worship is all form and ceremony, almost the first question is, what ceremonies do you perform before him or his image?
mdp.39015025535926As these characters have been transmitted from father to son, how, say they, could they have been changed and altered?
mdp.39015025535926At length, having walked 32 milpB, we ived about half- past six, weary and fatigued, at the town of Ti- see( Chih- wui a/.'?
mdp.39015025535926At my village( Shanghai?
mdp.39015025535926At night, however, the academician appeared before the emperor, who inquired why he had not shown his fidelity by dying?
mdp.39015025535926At their third session for business, July 5th, the word © so?
mdp.39015025535926At this moment, the horsemen and guardsmen are ranged along the main street; have I not reason to be terrified?
mdp.39015025535926Aud ihen, is this definite, individual being, the true or a false God?
mdp.39015025535926B,,||(bego ancient eiiiperor"Tht'*»i»5„ftk succession lo,^'01 Hli t'hincst Sacriflrri 9?
mdp.39015025535926Both designate xa?
mdp.39015025535926Both th'?
mdp.39015025535926Bridgman, Devan, and Ball, the praying duo in which we took leave of each other: do you not remember it?
mdp.39015025535926But Chang Wei, in an insulting tone, answered,"What is it that you call a crime?
mdp.39015025535926But allow u* to ask, w hat would have beeu thought of the nglis.i translator who should use the word spirit to render Elohim into English?
mdp.39015025535926But are the words composing the term proposed to be used really so limited and defective in meaning?
mdp.39015025535926But are you sure it is he?
mdp.39015025535926But can the same be affirmed of Confucius, Láutsz ’, Budha and their followers?
mdp.39015025535926But did he make Moses from being a man to become actually of the nature of God?
mdp.39015025535926But have not the Chinese a term of definite application which will just cover the ground of deoi thus used?
mdp.39015025535926But have the Chinese, according to the letter or spirit of the late treaties, kept the peace?
mdp.39015025535926But how Americans confirms every y was an American state, le newspapers containing world and can not be con-'to conceal the truth by bbers?
mdp.39015025535926But how can the spirit be different?
mdp.39015025535926But how d you know her?
mdp.39015025535926But how shall nomenclatures be formed for China?
mdp.39015025535926But how should I be- gin to go to work?
mdp.39015025535926But if it could be, and was translated divine,& c, iu 1846, why not also in 1847?
mdp.39015025535926But if you bite my hand, how can I help suffering?
mdp.39015025535926But in sacrifices to Estrth, how tig( looking towards) be used?
mdp.39015025535926But is there not danger that the Chinese will confound the true God with their own idols, if we use ti?
mdp.39015025535926But is ti^ used as a generic term for Deity by the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926But it is a long time since your son left: have voit il nothing of him?
mdp.39015025535926But now, amid these often repeated disturbances, how can your goods go into circulation, or where yield any profit?
mdp.39015025535926But on what grounds?
mdp.39015025535926But ought an individual magistrate to be made liable by them, as this man was, contrary to his own wishes and without any advantage to himself?
mdp.39015025535926But since the affair of 1841, what article is there of your merchandise the value of which has not been depreciated?
mdp.39015025535926But still such persons seldom study new hooks, md the question comes up, how is the great mass of Chinese people to be taught?
mdp.39015025535926But supposing the proof adduced in this case to be conclusive, from what source is it derived?
mdp.39015025535926But surely ten le can be traversed in less than one hour — why should thret hours be required?
mdp.39015025535926But the question is, Is it right?
mdp.39015025535926But to sum up the matter, what is to pre- my carrying out my plans immediately?
mdp.39015025535926But turn your thoughts on yourself: where are your parents?
mdp.39015025535926But turn your thoughts on yourself: where are your parents?
mdp.39015025535926But what if the customary usage of language had been otherwise: does this writer imagine the dispute is only about a name?
mdp.39015025535926But what is it against which you protest?
mdp.39015025535926But what is there solid in all this?
mdp.39015025535926But what is there solid in all this?
mdp.39015025535926But what part of the country arc you from?
mdp.39015025535926But what was to be done with the offender?
mdp.39015025535926But where are we to look for the proofs that the shin possess these attributes?
mdp.39015025535926But where do we find sueh resemblance be- tween shin and 6eos, that the one should become the synonym of the other?
mdp.39015025535926But who are"the philosopher* rat have written in the same style?
mdp.39015025535926But who has had a thought about Tartary?
mdp.39015025535926But why do I insist on the con- victions and declarations of individuals?
mdp.39015025535926But why should a stranger have come here for such a purpose?
mdp.39015025535926But'now could you have done all this, had not the god of literature disclosed it it by a silent revelation?"
mdp.39015025535926But, added he,'what words are there in your hook sliara?
mdp.39015025535926By W. H. Medhurst Sen., ShSngh&i: printed at the[ the?]
mdp.39015025535926By a concubine he had also one son, called Mangpi^ J^£, and sometimes Pehpi"Jj^J Jfjf, and Pehni/£| J|?.
mdp.39015025535926By the word,"holy- ones,"IJ?
mdp.39015025535926By thus proceeding with the execution without loss ot time, can there still be any doubt on the point?
mdp.39015025535926By what act of creation was Moses constituted God?
mdp.39015025535926By what means do men bring upon themselves severe sickness terminating in death?
mdp.39015025535926By what name does he call this Being?
mdp.39015025535926By what word and by what character can the God of the Bible be most becomingly and most appropriately introduced to the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926CHe tings) Who would believe that in this world, there are beings so unfor- tunate that we should scarcely take them for men?
mdp.39015025535926CI 5 12 S co r5 00* 3 a?
mdp.39015025535926Can Shang- ti, he same Being as He, whom we are taught to worship in Scriptures under the name of Jehovah?
mdp.39015025535926Can We ever call to mind such meritorious devotion and cooperationwith out our heart being sensibly pained with the obligation?
mdp.39015025535926Can he say"Su- preme Ruler made the world?
mdp.39015025535926Can it be that the immortals have destroyed the flowers again?"
mdp.39015025535926Can it be that where planting is understood, the art of weaving fine clothe should not like- wise be known?
mdp.39015025535926Can it still be said that this individual was a supposititious criminal, and not the real aggressor?
mdp.39015025535926Can there be any harm in looking at his flowers?
mdp.39015025535926Can we not make our garments out of our own elegant silks and native cottons, and must we use the camlets and long ells from abroad?
mdp.39015025535926Can we say that the process was illogical?
mdp.39015025535926Can you make a plaintive cry?
mdp.39015025535926Can you remember all these names?
mdp.39015025535926Can you trust him 1 Will he deceive or mislead you?
mdp.39015025535926Chau, with a stupefied air, Where did you find it?
mdp.39015025535926Chen kwoh; Wu- ming sht JpJ?
mdp.39015025535926Chi Hwang tl j(£ J?
mdp.39015025535926Chin Hu, my son, ought you not to be careful of this man who hated his near rela- tives, and who had no resentment against his distant friends?
mdp.39015025535926Chin Hu, my son, ought you not to be careful of this man who hated his near rela- tives, and who had no resentment against his distant friends?
mdp.39015025535926Chinsifu § t|{? § JjSf or the Department of Chinsi or Barkoul, comprises four districts, viz., 2 ting and 2 hien.
mdp.39015025535926Chinstfu$||{? § JjSf or the Department of Chinsi or Barkoul, comprises four districts, viz., 2 ting and 2 hien.
mdp.39015025535926Cicero wrote"De Natura Dcorum;"would he have used the word"natura,"if writing De — Impcratorum?
mdp.39015025535926Cicero wrote"De Natura Deorum f would he have used the word"natura,"if writing De — Imperatorum?
mdp.39015025535926Compared with 244 Ilnhj War?
mdp.39015025535926Confine our view to nature only with its endless variations, anil what is there unnatural in admitting the whole hierarchy of Olympus?
mdp.39015025535926Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, she Scientia?
mdp.39015025535926Considering, therefore, how little[ could effect in; ation of Christianity, and how repeatedly 1 was exposed 39?
mdp.39015025535926Constructed and conceived, unknown?
mdp.39015025535926Contrast is the spice of life: and what should I see next?
mdp.39015025535926Corrections in the Syrian Monument, 653 Page 202,2d column, 16th character, for fff: read; and in the next column, 4th character, for$ SL read J?
mdp.39015025535926Could the demons have swallowed him?
mdp.39015025535926Could the whirlwind have carried him off?
mdp.39015025535926Could this author have supposed they regarded it as a mere spirit?
mdp.39015025535926Dates, black, HI; o Grapes, 420 Hazel nuts, if- f 84 Lotus seeds, «?- 140 Oranges, 26 to 120 Pears, 40 to 04 Russet pears, 50 Winter pears.
mdp.39015025535926Delà vient que plusieurs d'entreux admettens, outre la raison primitive, un génie( Shin?)
mdp.39015025535926Deus substantia?
mdp.39015025535926Did he convert the unity of his human existence into a trinity of Divine existences?
mdp.39015025535926Did he not also have many bills of exchange?
mdp.39015025535926Did he settle down with them?
mdp.39015025535926Did not China first possess it during the Sung and Yuen dynasties?
mdp.39015025535926Did the Apostle mean to assert this?
mdp.39015025535926Did the editor approve of the language employed?
mdp.39015025535926Did you get anything?
mdp.39015025535926Did you see the two old folks in the street Milling, ChSng and his wife?
mdp.39015025535926Did you tell him never to return, that I did not want to see him again?
mdp.39015025535926Do native dictionaries au- thorize this meaning?
mdp.39015025535926Do the Chinese of the present day call their gods, shin, or do they call them ti?
mdp.39015025535926Do the Chinese of the present day call their gods, skin, or do they call them ti?
mdp.39015025535926Do the Chinese therefore worship any one shin or any class of shin, because by themselves believed to be divine?
mdp.39015025535926Do the Chinese understand the phrase or term td ktodi to mean Heaven and Earth?
mdp.39015025535926Do they regard this being as a mere spirit?
mdp.39015025535926Do you know me?
mdp.39015025535926Do you meet many charitable people?
mdp.39015025535926Do you think that I want to eat them, that you tell me there are none here?"
mdp.39015025535926Do you think, my brothers, that heaven is going to produce another Yen- lo- wang like Pau to take your part?
mdp.39015025535926Does idea of such a being to their minds, and were we riting and speaking among them, should we be aning God by way of eminence?
mdp.39015025535926Does not that please you?"
mdp.39015025535926Does not the addition of the adjective supreme on the contrary, imply the existence of inferior gods?
mdp.39015025535926Does not the existence of such generic term depend, not on the nature of the case, but on the theogenical and mythological views of a people?
mdp.39015025535926Does the Emperor himself worship this one J^,^ Shdngti?
mdp.39015025535926Does the abstract word spirit in any western language thus vary its signification when used in the concrete?
mdp.39015025535926Does your slave venture on a comparison with the ancients?
mdp.39015025535926Does your slave venture on a comparison with the ancients?
mdp.39015025535926Donotuuerthenameo^the#|f^ ± 1?
mdp.39015025535926Dr. and Mrs. James were in their cabin at? r.
mdp.39015025535926During the past year, the number of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese has increased from ft?
mdp.39015025535926Estimate the feelings of How endure to take the prattler's infant breath cage of eternal hatred?
mdp.39015025535926Faith cometh by hearing, but how shall they hear, when thus driven beyond the reach of the joyful sound?
mdp.39015025535926For instance, the name Po- sz'yjj?
mdp.39015025535926For it is sweet and pleasant as the tsi^( Bursa pastoris?
mdp.39015025535926For what can a single naked hand do towards breaking up all this hard fallow- ground 1 What am I before this mountain?
mdp.39015025535926For what person?
mdp.39015025535926For whom did you wish o recite these expiatory prayers?
mdp.39015025535926For whom do you wish me to recite these prayers?
mdp.39015025535926For why?
mdp.39015025535926For, be it remembered, the great question now is reduced to this one point — what is the name by which the Chinese call their gods?
mdp.39015025535926From the reelers'veranda?, the material is consign- ed to those of the washers, and dyers, and bleachers, successively.
mdp.39015025535926From these materials how are heaven and earth made?
mdp.39015025535926Ft King jjtj?
mdp.39015025535926Further east, the Naming^ j~ J"ho and Manlu^j?
mdp.39015025535926Further, Te is said to be"universally acquainted with affairs, how much more with our reverence in worship?
mdp.39015025535926Further, in John 14: 17 15: 26, and 16: 13, the same writer has ren'dered the spirit of truth, til J5?
mdp.39015025535926G High degrees of sincerity move the gods( shin'), how much more these inhabitants of Miau?
mdp.39015025535926Had might have been prevented; but the shops of Chinese merchants ou!d the foreigners be expected to d and pillaged?
mdp.39015025535926Has your son come back?
mdp.39015025535926Have not Messrs. Stronach, Milne, and myself a right to assert what we think to be true?
mdp.39015025535926Have others also no duties, no rights, no liberties, in the matter of revising the Bible?
mdp.39015025535926Have we by treaty with China bound ourselves not to visit Cochinchina, or Siam, or Tibet, or Corea?
mdp.39015025535926Have you any thing to ask for, as water, firewood,& c,& c?
mdp.39015025535926Have you any wrecked Japanese on board?
mdp.39015025535926Have you ever heard anything similar?
mdp.39015025535926Have you had any news of him?
mdp.39015025535926Have you in your country liang- tai of that kind?"
mdp.39015025535926Have you in your country liáng- tái of that kind?"
mdp.39015025535926Have you never heard, then, my wife, sometimes the moum- y of mendicants seeking to excite compassion?
mdp.39015025535926He admits that ti means ruler, and that the whole case turns on the decision of the point, Are God and ruler both relative terms or not?
mdp.39015025535926He answered,"A man without a shadow 1"He inquired,"See if I have a shadow?"
mdp.39015025535926He answered,"A man without a shadow 1"He inquired,"See if I have a shadow?"
mdp.39015025535926He answered,"A man without a shadow?"
mdp.39015025535926He asked then,"How many houses are there in the world?"
mdp.39015025535926He asked what shall they be?
mdp.39015025535926He inquired of me,'What divinity or idol is that?'
mdp.39015025535926He inquired,"See if I have a shadow?"
mdp.39015025535926He obtained this office by bribing the high minis- ter of the kingChaufa Ekadwat Anurak Montri(?
mdp.39015025535926He renders the phrase, p. 126,"jjj§||| 1^ mwan shin hwang kwei, imponere spiritibus?"
mdp.39015025535926He responded again,"See if I have any?"
mdp.39015025535926He responded again,"See if I have any?"
mdp.39015025535926He says,"the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; does it not seem then that there are three Gods?
mdp.39015025535926He subsequently recurs to Washington, and exclaims,"Can any person in ancient or modern times among the people of the far West be compared with him?"
mdp.39015025535926He who is extremely harmonious and sincere, can influence the Shins, how much more these people of Miau?
mdp.39015025535926He wrote a work called Yum lih Pien^ J|j?
mdp.39015025535926Heaven, Earth,& c,&, c, shin, they mean to rank them as gods also, and not as mere spirits?
mdp.39015025535926Here the poor But a thief may plead in the nished?
mdp.39015025535926Hiauiju, Have you ealen any thing?
mdp.39015025535926Hii Chung= ff This is the author's son, already referred to, who presented a copy of his father's work to the emperor Ngan ti tJ?
mdp.39015025535926His Majesty, who been already admitted by the second, complimented the more strictly disciplined^.irrison at tin?
mdp.39015025535926His doctrine is:"Does Dr. Boone doubt that we shall remodel the literature of the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926His periodical had been the medium of circulating the"Questions,"and why did he not make it the means of giving equal publicity to the"Reply?"
mdp.39015025535926How are we to set this pantheist right?
mdp.39015025535926How best collect auditors, and preach to them the gospel?
mdp.39015025535926How can he pity the poor?
mdp.39015025535926How can he pity the poor?
mdp.39015025535926How can it be maintained that such a term is the appellative name of God?
mdp.39015025535926How can missionaries, coming into this field, best acquire the dialects of the people?
mdp.39015025535926How can that be allowed?'
mdp.39015025535926How can there be anything more wonderful than this?
mdp.39015025535926How can we forbid the people of other towns and dis- tricts from having a madame Hwang too?
mdp.39015025535926How could it be otherwise?
mdp.39015025535926How could the flowers of the willow fly about so in eddies?
mdp.39015025535926How could this scoundrel have been able to accomplish this thing?
mdp.39015025535926How do men come to be afflict- ed with grievous ulcers, which finally bring them to the grave?
mdp.39015025535926How do men come to be afflicted with many grievous calamities?
mdp.39015025535926How do people come to meet with severe judg- ments and untimely deaths?
mdp.39015025535926How do people throw themselves into the water, or strangle themselves?
mdp.39015025535926How does the shape of Kwangtung excel that all the other regions named Yueh; what hills join to form its five ridges?
mdp.39015025535926How does the shape of Kwnngtung excel that all the other regions named Yueh; what hill* join to form its five ridges?
mdp.39015025535926How have we to act if a foreigner should lose his life on a future occasion?
mdp.39015025535926How indeed should they have succeeded?
mdp.39015025535926How is it that men who have embraced a monastic profession do not fulfill the duties it imposes?
mdp.39015025535926How is it that people are prematurely cut off, and their prospects suddenly blasted?
mdp.39015025535926How is it that people become old, and are left without heirs?
mdp.39015025535926How is it that people feed upon swords, and drink daggers?
mdp.39015025535926How is it that people of full age are bereft of their children?
mdp.39015025535926How is> it that men unawares break the laws?
mdp.39015025535926How shall beauty be portrayed?
mdp.39015025535926How shall beauty be portrayed?
mdp.39015025535926How should the barbarians of Macao have been the wiser[ bad another been caused to suffer instead of the real criminal]?
mdp.39015025535926How then came this seal into the hands of the Persian ruler?
mdp.39015025535926How then should this word 6st61ne be understood?
mdp.39015025535926How then, can we be scheming for gain, and laying plans for enriching ourselves?
mdp.39015025535926How will they in such cases manage their bu- siness?
mdp.39015025535926How will they in such cases manage their bu- siness?
mdp.39015025535926How will they in such cases manage their bu- siness?
mdp.39015025535926How would it accord with the picture drawn of the Olympian deities by Homer and the other Greek poets, to regard them as a mere assembly of rulers?
mdp.39015025535926Hwang- yu Si Yih l'u Chi §^ M(? §^|lj^ Description ■ of the countries of the west, subject to China, with maps.
mdp.39015025535926I am in a great doubt: how can it be that there are men so small as that?
mdp.39015025535926I am in a great doubt: how can it be that there are men so small as that?
mdp.39015025535926I am in a great doubt: how can it be that there are men so small as that?
mdp.39015025535926I am now in the valley of Wakung.—Why do my eye-* s tremble?
mdp.39015025535926I ask you, would not this be preferable?
mdp.39015025535926I asked them again,'When is your li piii, or sabbath?'
mdp.39015025535926I have long wanted to go, but how can I take such a g journey without some funds?
mdp.39015025535926I have seen the two old people; they will be here erelong; but I have a question to put, mother; what is the relation between me and them?
mdp.39015025535926I hope, be irrelevant to offer the conjecture, that symptoms, too often referred to functional disorder of th?
mdp.39015025535926I immed satisfied thein ai"This fresh ii ciously countera scandal and dw China for the pro| Memoir?
mdp.39015025535926I now ask by whom was the confusion caus- ed?
mdp.39015025535926I presume from his words quoted above, that this is that of creation: is the word God then the same as creator?
mdp.39015025535926I was going to say I wanted nothing of you; why iuld I wish to reprimand you?
mdp.39015025535926I went off and found all quite( quiet?
mdp.39015025535926I will recompense; but those who oppose and rebel, I will correct; with whom will you take sides, with those who honor, or with those who despise?
mdp.39015025535926I!, w. vid cn A. i and family? haikaimiied.
mdp.39015025535926I,-s « sl ill •a • £'I is 1 h i?!
mdp.39015025535926I. J. c ■ tson, D. B. s •tson, F. 3 t, Antonio A. da h? ues, T. B. c s, Jacob C. c R. H. c J.
mdp.39015025535926II, 14 106 Men ami Thing?
mdp.39015025535926IIS Fun Ts'oh, in one Section, by/? « SAj/ Yi of the reigning Manchu dynasty.
mdp.39015025535926If Gisos when standing absolutely in Homer and Hesiod designates God( proprid), and not some particular god, either Ztu?
mdp.39015025535926If I beat my son, and cause him to have a sore head and flushed face, who will revenge his father's death?
mdp.39015025535926If I do not seize his carcase> re it lies in its coffin, who will revenj ° my father's death, and as- re my hate?
mdp.39015025535926If Shin be generic lor is Oeos was in Greek, how is it that such a differ- i the respective terms come to be applien to God ce?
mdp.39015025535926If asked,"Is heaven a material substance or not?"
mdp.39015025535926If flowers had the gift of speech, would they not show their anger al such treatment?"
mdp.39015025535926If he is himself unfilial, how can he expect his children to be filial?
mdp.39015025535926If it be said in or spiritual being; we ask, is it merely as a le performs these operations?
mdp.39015025535926If not, how came he to admit the letter into his periodical, without qualification or remark?
mdp.39015025535926If our hearts(?
mdp.39015025535926If our hearts(?
mdp.39015025535926If our hearts(?
mdp.39015025535926If so, does Shdngti translate that relation?
mdp.39015025535926If such was"the assembly of the gods,"what becomes of the sovereignty of Zeus?
mdp.39015025535926If the latter, what have our constituents to do with it, except to point out its falla- cy, if they can?
mdp.39015025535926If the most rigorous measures are?
mdp.39015025535926If the parly sustaining the relationship called God"could only be the Supreme Being,"was Moses changed into this Being?
mdp.39015025535926If then you do not fear punishment from the invisible, will you not fear it from the visible world?
mdp.39015025535926If we u have not been aau ourselves unintelligil We may indoctrintt new nomenclature,; are we to do for CI country?
mdp.39015025535926If you answer T di kih, then what is T'di kih?
mdp.39015025535926If you are not mendicants, what are you then?
mdp.39015025535926If you die now, who will age the deatli of your father?
mdp.39015025535926If you had not told me, mother, how should I ever known this crime?
mdp.39015025535926If you honor the rich and despise the poor, then with whom will you be able to intrust the care of your wife and children?
mdp.39015025535926If, therefore, we are content, in English, with such uncertainty, may we not also bear with a little in Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926Ifnoti whence that aversion to mingling with virtuous society?
mdp.39015025535926In 171:5 the emperor completed the( 50th year of his age, and tlie?
mdp.39015025535926In 7 provinces they brandished their weapons; they exhausted all the funds of the realm, and what credit did they gain after all?
mdp.39015025535926In June 1848, it was definitely settled with Your Excellency that"the limits allowed citizen?
mdp.39015025535926In another place the Im- perial writer asks,"on whom are we to rely for the staff"of life but Te?"
mdp.39015025535926In former times there were no rhymes; how did they become general in composition?
mdp.39015025535926In former times there were no rhymes; how did they become general in composition?
mdp.39015025535926In like manner, jjjfj)?
mdp.39015025535926In one of these, the magistrate asks,"How is it that, while the houses are very many, the taxable deeds are very few?"
mdp.39015025535926In raising late cotton, sow the yellow flowered tiau jau^( a species of trefoil or yellow clover?)
mdp.39015025535926In the 37th section, the same person is called 3jf?
mdp.39015025535926In the Commentary on the Yih- king, it is asked,"If Heaven does not oppose, how can men, and how can the Kwei Shins?"
mdp.39015025535926In the afternoon 1 visited the barracks of the city, which appear sufficiently?
mdp.39015025535926In the evening when he came to visit us, we asked him,'What do you call your religion?'
mdp.39015025535926In the same section we read of Shang- te's granting repose;"which Morrison, in the same p;i2e, renders,"Does not the Supreme Sovereign grant repose?"
mdp.39015025535926In the sentence, fuh ki Men tien ti chi sin hii?
mdp.39015025535926In the south, the Tai- peh shin Jf^ J^J or Great White Mt., Chung- n&n shan r^j or South- Limit Mt., Tai- hwa shan^i^l and Shau- hwa/J?
mdp.39015025535926In the version of the and myself, in 1835, tl another term was select been objected to on the name © so?
mdp.39015025535926In whai impor- tant particulars do these definitions differ?
mdp.39015025535926In what impor- tant particulars do these definitions differ?
mdp.39015025535926In what region is your son?
mdp.39015025535926In what unknown spot could he be hidden?
mdp.39015025535926In whose eyes would it be contemptible?
mdp.39015025535926Indeed, no consi-? sents a right line, or an iut a poor specimen of enty feet, and in some it, though five feet were y, a little more than two ight.
mdp.39015025535926Is God now less a jealous God, less an enemy of idols, than he was of old?
mdp.39015025535926Is Lewchew too far for thein?
mdp.39015025535926Is Shingti an absolutely perfect Being, is he the Author of all, of hea- ven and earth?
mdp.39015025535926Is a term to be rejected because it has been abused in its applica- tion?
mdp.39015025535926Is a terra to be rejected because it has been abused in its applica- tion?
mdp.39015025535926Is it Skin or is it Ti?
mdp.39015025535926Is it all quite gone?
mdp.39015025535926Is it an appellative for a class of beings regarded divine, and not the name, merely of an individual?
mdp.39015025535926Is it not a fire which shines so?
mdp.39015025535926Is it not a pitiable case?
mdp.39015025535926Is it not because there is some essential leaning of the two terms?
mdp.39015025535926Is it not he all J|i fj?
mdp.39015025535926Is it not lime to in done?
mdp.39015025535926Is it outlaw- ed in God's creation?"
mdp.39015025535926Is it possible that he went off without even saying adieu?
mdp.39015025535926Is it so that the Chinese had not at first a Sabbath?
mdp.39015025535926Is it zeal for God's glory that agitates my whole frame?
mdp.39015025535926Is not Shangti one of the Elohi of China?
mdp.39015025535926Is not such a case quite supposable?
mdp.39015025535926Is shin the generic or absolute appellative name of the Chinese gods?
mdp.39015025535926Is the War with China a just one?
mdp.39015025535926Is the eternity of God one of the articles of Dr. Legge's creed?
mdp.39015025535926Is the first point correct?
mdp.39015025535926Is the word GWhere used as a relative term?
mdp.39015025535926Is there any man still so blind as not to perceive that it has had a most injurious effect upon our national reputation?
mdp.39015025535926Is this a being a man would wish to choose for his God?
mdp.39015025535926Is this his Gud?
mdp.39015025535926Is ti used by the Chinese for Deity by way of eminence; and as the distinguishing appellation for that being, or those beings who are regarded divine?
mdp.39015025535926Is ti used by the Chinese for Deity by way of eminence; and as the distinguishing appellation for that being, or those beings who are regarded divine?
mdp.39015025535926It alsu means the^)|?
mdp.39015025535926It dison's Cato, and runs as follows;"Why shrinks the soul on herself, and startles at destruction?
mdp.39015025535926It has been reported to Us that you, the various sultans of the Franks live in concord; and truly what could there be better than concord?
mdp.39015025535926It is a prognostic, but whether good or evil, I ca n't Who are these people behind running up to me so fast?
mdp.39015025535926It is evident, that the removing to a distance here, does not mean the treating of them with additional respect, else why should they hate one?
mdp.39015025535926It is in this ited acts of violence, in spite of formal need only refer your Lordship to Mr.? cts at Foo.chow.
mdp.39015025535926It is r estates and seek a b>«lipool elsewhere,: ly to he de3poiied of their picperty, and t any place to seek a living,—how can?
mdp.39015025535926It is situated within the bounds of the"Consular limits,"between the canal called the Yang- king Pan?
mdp.39015025535926It orthern districts ofCheh- een this and the city of?
mdp.39015025535926It verified our own proverb,'Do you believe there is poison in the bee's sting?'
mdp.39015025535926It was in consequence of the act of creation, that He began to sustain the relation which is signified by that term?"
mdp.39015025535926It was therefore more easy and expeditious to write, or cause to be written, as is now done, the text one 23?
mdp.39015025535926It will further be pation i?
mdp.39015025535926Its breadth is from five to six leagues.(?)
mdp.39015025535926J3 rt 4) K 00 J| 3&-*-*-o'/)4()btjed«2S Sr z a s. Gn'•?
mdp.39015025535926JAN. has ever used any word in Chinese to designate this Being; what do our friends do in such a case?
mdp.39015025535926Jan. term by which to render Elohim; and what conclusion could be more natural than the one he had drawn?
mdp.39015025535926Journal of Omirrenrt?.
mdp.39015025535926Just north of this part of its course lies the isolated lake of f- pang chl^J?
mdp.39015025535926Kan- lsang chum, to chase(?
mdp.39015025535926Keh-'rh- keh Chuh- sah- tu kdn p{, J$>|L jf§ EH? f ffl or t'ie Kalkas of the Dzassaktu klianatc.
mdp.39015025535926Keh-'rh- kehpu P§?
mdp.39015025535926Koh Po, commenting on this, says,"that the plant is small, like the chi|Jj§( Gardenia radicans?
mdp.39015025535926Koh-'rh- lo- sz?
mdp.39015025535926Kwan Ning, Wa Hin^ S3?
mdp.39015025535926L. d, John N. Alaop, c ■ s, Candido h? s, J. b*, Rev.
mdp.39015025535926Lamps of celestial ether burning bright?
mdp.39015025535926Legatio Batavica ad Magnum Tartarian Chamum Sungteium modernum Sina?
mdp.39015025535926Let me know then to which side reason inclines?
mdp.39015025535926Let the poor consider these things, and those who are straitened for room in this populous region, reflect; for what plan promises better than this?
mdp.39015025535926Lhin^ can be more obvious than the? r the conduct of our people as shall the chances of collision and disaster.
mdp.39015025535926Liau- si, Hiang Toh Jp|-Sip?
mdp.39015025535926Literary Notice?.
mdp.39015025535926Literary Notice?.
mdp.39015025535926Look there, where do those clouds of smoke and flames arise from?
mdp.39015025535926Ls in diverging directions, pur- nrpose of driving them beyond?
mdp.39015025535926M. C*MrBKi t, doling Chief Justus, ncil of Hongkong, March 2d, 184?.
mdp.39015025535926M. and L., from the effect inferring the cause?
mdp.39015025535926MARUZEN CO., LTD. TOKYO arary t j la.
mdp.39015025535926Many other questions were asked him, and among others if he believed there was a God in heaven?
mdp.39015025535926May I ask, Sir, what is your honorable name?
mdp.39015025535926May I presume to ask your excellency where thii half came from which was in your possession?
mdp.39015025535926May we not then take the fact that a be- ing is worshiped to prove that in the opinion of his votaries he is a god?
mdp.39015025535926Might not all these hands, with the same haste have been made to turn against, as they eventually were turned for us?
mdp.39015025535926Moreover, can the silly barbarian rebels but lose their courage when they hear the rumor thereof?
mdp.39015025535926Must not heathen Lewchew be convinced by this time, that the Hu- kwoh sz'had noth- ing to do with what it claimed respect and support for?
mdp.39015025535926My brother, why did you take these articles?
mdp.39015025535926My brother, why did you take these articles?
mdp.39015025535926My daughter, has Hiauyii any garment which he ars next his skin?
mdp.39015025535926My dear, where are the happy times of our youth?
mdp.39015025535926My friend, my son here wishes to acknowledge you for his younger brother; do you accept his proposal?
mdp.39015025535926My friend, what do you want of me?
mdp.39015025535926My good old man, do you think I look like your son?
mdp.39015025535926My good old man, what do you wish to say to me?
mdp.39015025535926My grandson, have you taken Chin Hu?
mdp.39015025535926My lord, what do you wish to reprimand me for?
mdp.39015025535926My son, how do I find you here?
mdp.39015025535926My son, you are a man of sagacity and sense; how can you lend an ear to such specious and insidious words?
mdp.39015025535926My wife, what do you say to Chin Hu?
mdp.39015025535926Nganluh fu||?
mdp.39015025535926Nil vi'3?
mdp.39015025535926Nov. or on the day to'.vliich their celebrations shall be attached by the hishop?.
mdp.39015025535926November,., December, 18 IS 3?
mdp.39015025535926Now it has been seen is have effected elsewhere> Vhy should not a society be tting this question, by con- notice of the public?
mdp.39015025535926Now it must not be supposed her nation to sustain a continued 9 to be done?
mdp.39015025535926Now then, did Jehovah make Moses and Pharaoh to stand to each other in the relation of Creator and creature?
mdp.39015025535926Now to desert and forsake the teaching of the high pontiff, is not this to falsify and pervert his instructions?
mdp.39015025535926Now what does Dr. M. produce from"the Chinese classics"to set aside this conclu- sion?
mdp.39015025535926Now, is not the long period of two months sufficient for the conclusion of these inquiries?
mdp.39015025535926Now, who caused them to do all this?
mdp.39015025535926Of these it The advantages of this work to students? e who are commencing the study of the leir own importance.
mdp.39015025535926Of these it The advantages of this work to students? e who are commencing the study of the leir own importance.
mdp.39015025535926Old relations; but are they near, or are they distant?
mdp.39015025535926On 11 is th « Ij niu/< joi Te ch*y i clie choo and Govor the body is the Shoo- In the- respeci/1 emperor i?
mdp.39015025535926On asking them again, how many days in a week they performed their service?
mdp.39015025535926On asking them,'How many people live here?
mdp.39015025535926On the 10th, he returned thanks for the acting appointment of Genera?
mdp.39015025535926On the 16th of the? tli moon, cakes, or a kind of small mince pies, are 92 Feb. Superstitions among the Chinese.
mdp.39015025535926On the 24th of the 8th month, the community holds a festival, called by them Ckuen- king tsieh jjjtlji jjjg?
mdp.39015025535926On the military map this is placed between the Lan- sun and the T'ien- ml, and like them is represented as very beautiful, C. Lu shdn, Jit?
mdp.39015025535926Once I had fields so vast that a crow could hardly fly over them: in what month, in what year, did all these misfortunes overwhelm me?
mdp.39015025535926Once we knew what wealth and ease were?
mdp.39015025535926One officer employed the Lui ku in were offered to spirits,* the Ling ku, in the? hi, and the Lu ku in those offered to Kwei.
mdp.39015025535926Or do you think that by taking such airs upon yourself you can frighten us away?"
mdp.39015025535926Or do you, by the General Committee, mean the missionaries who as- sembled at the original meeting at Hongkong, in 1843?
mdp.39015025535926Or how should We be other than ungrateful for the important charge committed to Us by his late Majesty?
mdp.39015025535926Or how should We he other than ungrateful for the important charge committed to Us by his late Majesty?
mdp.39015025535926Or perhaps the clerks in the offices rates carelessly strew?
mdp.39015025535926Or* the 8th page, Dr. Boone proposes- the question, What is the generic name for God in the Chinese language?
mdp.39015025535926Others however, of more liberal views, replied,"Why do you speak in a manner so opposed to all justice?
mdp.39015025535926Ought any nation to fail to swell this universal choir, worthy the enthroned Redeemer of a world?
mdp.39015025535926Our country is distinguished for pro riety of manners and rectitude of princi- ple, he rejoined — 1 How many men and gnnsare there in that fort?'
mdp.39015025535926Par M. de S***( Sacy?)
mdp.39015025535926Please to answer as distinctly, and as soon as possible, the following questions: What's the name of your vessle?
mdp.39015025535926Prepared both on land and water, why should we be anxious about any devilish injuries attempted?
mdp.39015025535926Protestant Mission?
mdp.39015025535926Pur le?
mdp.39015025535926Roma?, 1632.
mdp.39015025535926S 1 2 1 15 19 S 1 a-a S!?
mdp.39015025535926S'ming fu j55 If?
mdp.39015025535926Scriptura Phoneticum Scripturae Sinica?.
mdp.39015025535926Sd- ni- teh^ Jj?
mdp.39015025535926See the? 47.
mdp.39015025535926Seeing that the world has nothing private in it, why then are square holes ”( 1. e. copper cash) wanted in it?
mdp.39015025535926Seeing this, Chang Wei exclaimed,"Why do you not answer me, you old villain, and say whether you consent or not?"
mdp.39015025535926Shail man, then, alone destroy it?
mdp.39015025535926Shall 1 not go m about this matter?
mdp.39015025535926Shall Budhism again rear its own ruins?
mdp.39015025535926Shall man, then, act in conformity with heaven and show regard to the life of the beast?
mdp.39015025535926Shall ssive in His hand?
mdp.39015025535926Shall we conclude that be- cause the Chinese have never sunk so low in polytheism as the Greeks hud, therefore the Chinese term for Deity xa,?
mdp.39015025535926Shall we let Satan loose after chaining him a little?
mdp.39015025535926Shall we not, in behalf of our old friend, unite our efforts to punish them, and to purge away the stain of the insult which they have offered to him?
mdp.39015025535926Shall we restore a fort given up by the enemy?
mdp.39015025535926She asked, did we read, or rather re- peat the Kin< r~- the Sacred Book?
mdp.39015025535926She asked, had we many converts? — I said, very few.
mdp.39015025535926She brought him up, and called him Wan- yuh 3?, but the country people usually called him Lui Chung, or Thunder Boy.
mdp.39015025535926Shin does not mean God xa?
mdp.39015025535926Shin, however, is never used for God xa?
mdp.39015025535926Should all be done from interested motives, ought it to be tolerated?
mdp.39015025535926Should anything be neglected that will tend in future to obviate errors and ambiguities so mischievous?
mdp.39015025535926Should the fixed period and place of meeting not be attended to, and the troops march- ed uselessly about, would that be proper?
mdp.39015025535926Si Yih Ki-J^^?
mdp.39015025535926Since announcing this our pleasure, half a day has passed, and our spirits are gradually wasting away: is it not from heaven?
mdp.39015025535926Since my master has been scolding me, I have a good mind to go to this traveler, and turn him out of doors What's to hinder?
mdp.39015025535926Sining fu jSi If?
mdp.39015025535926Sirring fu jB| If?
mdp.39015025535926So also ir, winds, and rains suddenly occur, and as sud- nd lightning, how are these things effected?
mdp.39015025535926So cheap and easy an opening for diplomatic relations with Japan, who knows when it will offer again'?
mdp.39015025535926So, he is not my father! — where lie gone, mother?
mdp.39015025535926Society was almost disorganized through Journal of Occurrence?
mdp.39015025535926Some of those whom we represent, you say, believe shin to be the best word, all things considered, and what of that?
mdp.39015025535926Soon some clods of dust will cover the roads, and then you will say, How did this man live in the world?
mdp.39015025535926Soon some clods of dust will cover the roads, and then you will say, How did this man live in the world?
mdp.39015025535926Still if others deemed it best, he would have no objection to adopt^ ffc Pien M^ Ti: ft E£ Chin chu, or^ Chu alone.
mdp.39015025535926Still you repeat it; do you wish my eyes to be glass balls?
mdp.39015025535926Stop here, you robber, where are you going?
mdp.39015025535926Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams?
mdp.39015025535926Suspicions of hey asked themselves whether a despicable act of treachery?
mdp.39015025535926Sz’má Tsien wrote the History of Astronomy; were all the treatises on the he s venly bodies and diagrams in the possession of his family?
mdp.39015025535926T T:: cT: — v.o"—'— « o< » ri(D-
mdp.39015025535926Te who produc- ed all things be also the governor of all things, in what capacity does he exist?
mdp.39015025535926Teh- hwd chau 3i?
mdp.39015025535926Teh- hwd chau 5i?
mdp.39015025535926Tell ine what place you are from; what is your name and surname, and for what cause do you wear this cangue?
mdp.39015025535926Tell me whether you consider this to be proper conduct?"
mdp.39015025535926Tenth Report of the Morrifon EJunitiou Society 3?
mdp.39015025535926That as ti has been misapplied, because of supposed resemblance in dignity and office, to a mortal ruler, so also © so?
mdp.39015025535926That it ty- nine hundredths of the false worship now offered?
mdp.39015025535926That of De Guignes is one of the best accounts yet written regarding the Chinese, he havin?
mdp.39015025535926That the plan of having the existing translations of the Sacred Scrip- ture?
mdp.39015025535926That work which, among all the writings of their sages, is most esteemed 44 Remark?
mdp.39015025535926The 13th Section has this suffix: — mrrb wip sot*-p"pna in nmps i m*(?
mdp.39015025535926The 23d Section has this suffix: —: mmb tmp in bmnwn labfcn ows-on vn(? n»5iDn) rw$n •"paca in yovr*: mm'Trip inrnspb Holiness to Jehovah.
mdp.39015025535926The Book of Hwang- te says,"When the spirit; door, the bones return to their original place; what then us?"
mdp.39015025535926The Commentator on this passage says, that"speaking of his^?
mdp.39015025535926The First reads thus: —"Shin spake all these words, saying, I am the Divine Lord( Shin Chu jjjl)?
mdp.39015025535926The Goddesses, what are we to make of them?
mdp.39015025535926The It unfortunately blew and rained dur-?
mdp.39015025535926The Lord rejoice?
mdp.39015025535926The Lui K&u of Yfl Chingsieh, published in the year kweitsz'( 17J 3?).
mdp.39015025535926The Rabbi Akiba, the son of Aaron, the son of Ezra heard( collated?)
mdp.39015025535926The Tengkiri^ J|?
mdp.39015025535926The ancients more 1 study, the more unlikely 1 seem to be success- with fate?
mdp.39015025535926The arrrival at Hºlari 1?
mdp.39015025535926The brotherhood took the surname of Hung at this time( from Hung- wii, founder of the Ming?
mdp.39015025535926The corpse of our father still lies here unburied, and why do you defer longer?"
mdp.39015025535926The diagram Fuh in the the Book of Changes says, fan fuh ki tan, tsihjih Uiifuh,^J?
mdp.39015025535926The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof:"who can forbid man to visit any part of God's earth?
mdp.39015025535926The elder of these was born April 1636( 1736?
mdp.39015025535926The elder of these was born April 1636( 1736?
mdp.39015025535926The emperor Ching of the Chau dynasty had grounds of900 mau overseen by husbandmen; why was he obliged to use the men of five chariots[ to till them]?
mdp.39015025535926The enterprize when thus looked into, does not seem very noble,—but then what can people do?'
mdp.39015025535926The enterprize when thus looked into, does not seem very noble,—but then'what can people do?'
mdp.39015025535926The exceptionable sentiments were pointed out, and the desire ex- pressed to substitute for an answer to the question,"What man is that?
mdp.39015025535926The first point, however, » s to decide, Is the being the same?
mdp.39015025535926The first, the deed of sale itself( ki jj?)
mdp.39015025535926The following paper called Ta king Hwangti wei chau^ J^y JeL ill f?
mdp.39015025535926The general asked,"How?"
mdp.39015025535926The geomancers say there is a precious thing below it In the days of the Tang dynasty, a man from the Fii- nan kingdom( Annain?)
mdp.39015025535926The great question is, what sets this primary substance, lei, in mo- tion?
mdp.39015025535926The heights of Changki( Nagasaki?)
mdp.39015025535926The joy was most appropriate, for a man of such talents and worth, as Wan Wang and a woman of such beauty and virtue as the lady S?.
mdp.39015025535926The king of Siam rery year an embassy to that oration observed towards this •rings annually made there, de- 1 the possession of the pagans: i?
mdp.39015025535926The last edict of Taukwane?
mdp.39015025535926The learned Rabbi Phinehas, the son of Israel, the son of Joshua, the son of Benjamin, heard the reading( collated and examined it?).
mdp.39015025535926The lour other Boards, viz, Revenue, Ritex, Punishments, and of Public Wink?, are properly vol, xvtii no in 11 82 Feb. Hidory of Instruction in China.
mdp.39015025535926The men of ta- lents in the empire are very numerous; what need is there to employ such se- ditious, changeable, and unruly persons?
mdp.39015025535926The mind is however the same, and when sensation and perception are sometimes different, are we to account that the spirit is different?
mdp.39015025535926The more unlikely I am to be successful, itly will I study; what has fate to do with me?"
mdp.39015025535926The mountain is ex- ceedingly steep, and quite inaccessible, and has a cone( crater?)
mdp.39015025535926The names of the first five are as follows: I. Tsing Wan Ki Mung Jp|^£|jjf|p?
mdp.39015025535926The next place he calls Fui- ong, which is perhaps Sha- lang sz'J*J?
mdp.39015025535926The object of the silt, and of all similar passages inculcating the ex?
mdp.39015025535926The officers of the Gendarmery of the 4th grade should be 50, not 39: and of the 5th, 36?
mdp.39015025535926The old gar- dener did not know her, but stopping for a moment the flow of his tears, he asked in reply,"Who are you, and what brings you here?"
mdp.39015025535926The only rational impediment is the distance of place: but are not the eastern parts of India also distant?
mdp.39015025535926The other asked,"Where's his then?"
mdp.39015025535926The perfect yaw?
mdp.39015025535926The problem still remains then lo be solved, Is heaven a material substance or not?
mdp.39015025535926The provisions of the codo are explicit 3 who shall venture to act otherwise than in observance of it?
mdp.39015025535926The question is, How the Chinese re- gard the class of beings they call Shin; what are they to them — gods or mere spirits?
mdp.39015025535926The question now in the mouth*.of all is"What will be done on the sixth of April?"
mdp.39015025535926The question therefore comes up, Who then did write this remarkable prayer?
mdp.39015025535926The rumseller said,"You come in here constantly, and have never been able to talk; how is it you can speak to- day?"
mdp.39015025535926The shopmen paste, or put in their drawers, the word lucky or fortunate; and mechanic?
mdp.39015025535926The tea plant resembles the kwd lu^ JS?
mdp.39015025535926The term tsau, 1j=?
mdp.39015025535926The tribes dwelling in Cobdo are nine, scattered near and between Lakes Dzaisan?
mdp.39015025535926The two following kingdoms Suylin and Foonowei( Sweden and Norwei?
mdp.39015025535926The verse will mean, My spirit, My spirit, why are you leaving me?'
mdp.39015025535926The wax insects arc there stated to bo raised from three species of plants, these are Niv- tchini?
mdp.39015025535926The"literary friend,"who wished to palm off the work of L?
mdp.39015025535926The? ntrep8 t on it.
mdp.39015025535926Then I have one question to put, what do you call your son?
mdp.39015025535926Then, if no one has been prejudicing me against you, ly do you wish to quit the house?
mdp.39015025535926There are several fragments chii j^?
mdp.39015025535926There is no one of the human race who has rendered himself so eminent as to be styled in English the Man xa?
mdp.39015025535926There is no other term generic and used xa.?
mdp.39015025535926They all said that the Holiest had left orders that he wished the ku- lih p^j V&j] Koran?
mdp.39015025535926They all said that the Holiest had left orders that he wished the kú- lih Pe Koran?
mdp.39015025535926They began to laugh, and showed us their torn garments, exclaiming,'Do you think that such as we can drink tea?'
mdp.39015025535926They could not tell, but their sz'-/it, teacher, they said, knew all these things."—;?.
mdp.39015025535926They got out of this scrape by asking how marine monsters could be expected to live on the earth and travel on horseback?
mdp.39015025535926They got out of this scrape by asking how marine monsters could be expected to live on the earth and travel on horseback?
mdp.39015025535926They not only believe^ in one Ood, but produced many strong arguments for his unity; though the.?
mdp.39015025535926This Compton refused to do, and enjoining two Englishmen to keep guard, went himself into Pihchin's( Buxton's?)
mdp.39015025535926This Compton refused to do, and enjoining two Englishmen to keep guard, went himself into Pihchin's( Buxton's?)
mdp.39015025535926This Compton refused to do, and enjoining two Englishmen to keep guard, went himself into Pihchin's( Buxton's?)
mdp.39015025535926This being the case, how can the perpetrators be so speedily discovered'?
mdp.39015025535926This decision, which pre- vious letter?
mdp.39015025535926This drug laws of this realm, and should it dates of humanity and of that law jor as ourselves?
mdp.39015025535926This is a phrase which the advocates of shin have used, and to be consistent, must use in the sense of"my God;"but see how the Chinese employ it?
mdp.39015025535926This is a very simple reason; how then can guilt be brought home to these soldiers?
mdp.39015025535926This mountain is situated in the ineridian of Sikkim, between Bootan and Nipal, and between the Schama- lari( 3750?
mdp.39015025535926This mountain is situated in the meridian of Sikkim, between Bootan and Nipal, and between the Schama- lari( 3750?
mdp.39015025535926This part of the Sagalien is unknown to Europeans; it incloses many islands, and receives many confluents into its bosom, of which the Usuri 8k||?
mdp.39015025535926This region is famous for its soft sugar, and a peculiar sort of oil expressed from a nut( ground- nut?
mdp.39015025535926This sect would answer the question, what is meant by Tien?
mdp.39015025535926This surprised Chang, who said, ich sortof friends'"L( said,"You pick out all your friends, and leave only the empty handed what else can I do?"
mdp.39015025535926This town lies on the Pearl River, and is in the department of Sinchau, a larg?
mdp.39015025535926This view of Tien, as the proper name of this shin, and Sh'ingti as his distinctive title, is borne out by the case of the Wu Ti J£'ji?
mdp.39015025535926This was witnessed and heard by all — how can it then be said that the proper formalities were not observed?
mdp.39015025535926This whole nation is like a machine, the key to which is exclusively in the hands of the rulers?
mdp.39015025535926Those classics do speak of such a being: do they designate him Shin?
mdp.39015025535926Those on which the floating sand ha?
mdp.39015025535926Three unclean spirits( Shin) like frog?.
mdp.39015025535926Thus a large it officers are withdrawn from the attendance and il Surgeon, whose only information, regarding the? ir diseases, is deduced from rumour.
mdp.39015025535926Thus after th
mdp.39015025535926Thus jjj j£j £ j?
mdp.39015025535926Thus passing your days, can you live in peace?
mdp.39015025535926Thus, on page 70, he says,"Because the word Shin is not employed by Chinese writers for God, xa?
mdp.39015025535926Thy grace and favor have brought us to the threshold of our hertnitage; wilt thou bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth?
mdp.39015025535926Ti PjVn, in four Sections, the original work said? i d by Wh Kiwi.
mdp.39015025535926Tien- chu-J?
mdp.39015025535926Tiu, sui yuh- tau^jjj?
mdp.39015025535926To decide the point wc are con- tending about, we must inquire, Why, in either case, was this name given?
mdp.39015025535926To express this doctrine we say,"the: Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and?
mdp.39015025535926To the Editor of the Chinese Repository, Sir, May a Looker- on throw out a suggestion?
mdp.39015025535926To the question, What ignated by the word Heaven?
mdp.39015025535926To tl predicate c which they i same time, i upeaJcs of the other?
mdp.39015025535926Tou princes and high officers, v/ hy wait for our words?
mdp.39015025535926U& 1?& Feb. Mar.
mdp.39015025535926UG9 into hell before that time, and see the ten judges of Tartarus'?
mdp.39015025535926Ulay 23c?.
mdp.39015025535926Under such circumstances what was there to be gained by prolonging the dispute?
mdp.39015025535926Under these circumstances, it was inquir- ed, What is a translator to do?
mdp.39015025535926Unless the law were forthwith satisfied, how should the rules of duty be so had in respect as to preserve rec- titude in the hearts of men?
mdp.39015025535926Unless the law were forthwith satisfied, how should the rules of duty be so had in respect as to preserve rec- titude in the heatts of men?
mdp.39015025535926Upon receiving this answer, Chang Wei looked very angrily at the old gardener, exclaiming;"What does the old fellow mean?
mdp.39015025535926Upon this a commentator remarks,"ffl% 1fe%=?
mdp.39015025535926Upon whose shoulders will the responsibility of this fall?
mdp.39015025535926Use shin for God in the soul- agonizing cry of our Savior on the cross, and what idea does it convey?
mdp.39015025535926V. Wang Yuen- tseh chung Tien- chuh hing Ki] J « j£^ p|*^ 4 £ ft jU?
mdp.39015025535926Very well, do you know me?
mdp.39015025535926W ould not this be ex- pending money to no purpose on an excellent enterprise?
mdp.39015025535926Wa Kan won seki Sio- gen si Ko, jjjjj$|^|§j?
mdp.39015025535926Was it an industrious husbandmen that spake in this way?
mdp.39015025535926Was it driven from the throne by the unanimous wish of the nation?
mdp.39015025535926Was it not, only a little while since, that in the midst of a crowd of men and horses, I cast a compassionate look on Chin Hii?
mdp.39015025535926Was the argument badly constructed?
mdp.39015025535926Was the spirit in which it was drawn up blameworthy?
mdp.39015025535926Was this right?
mdp.39015025535926We asked again,'What is his mine?'
mdp.39015025535926We asked them again, where they lived and where was their sz'or temple?
mdp.39015025535926We asked them also, whether the professors here always said their prayers and sung praises, by day and night?
mdp.39015025535926We asked them,'Are there any who can read the Hebrew character?'
mdp.39015025535926We quote again from Premare, J{<|j » tL]^^p- jin sin ke shin e hoo, animus hominis ille annon est spiritus?
mdp.39015025535926We say that, although personally present in heaven, he is by his Divinity( divine influence or energy?)
mdp.39015025535926Well, my friend, where have you come from, that in this severe weather, we have found you stretched your length with your face in the snow?
mdp.39015025535926Well, my good fellow, what part of the country are you from'?
mdp.39015025535926Were it not so, would not the multitudes of the broad realms of China have quickly subdued your few thousands, travelling myriads of miles from afar?
mdp.39015025535926Were the word in every passage of our English bibles where God nld the reader think of it?
mdp.39015025535926What account do the men who leach this scheme of cosmogony give of the hman Jjjjj^ or human soul?
mdp.39015025535926What age was your son when he left you?
mdp.39015025535926What amount of labor shall be given to making a faithful version of the Scriptures in the language?
mdp.39015025535926What answer could be given?
mdp.39015025535926What are the attributes of that Goo whom we seek to make known?
mdp.39015025535926What are they?
mdp.39015025535926What are you talking about, my brother?
mdp.39015025535926What better can we expect of heathens?
mdp.39015025535926What causes you so much pleasure, wife?
mdp.39015025535926What changes are now to supervene?
mdp.39015025535926What do you mean?
mdp.39015025535926What do you want?
mdp.39015025535926What does that cry mean, husband?
mdp.39015025535926What good-there being no protective duty, the empire employed, which is throwing thousands of the Chi-; w tHriff came into operation?
mdp.39015025535926What great generosity was this?
mdp.39015025535926What grounds are there for doubting this account of the south- ern frozen ocean?
mdp.39015025535926What hast thou to do with them?"
mdp.39015025535926What is Eternal Reason?
mdp.39015025535926What is Eternal Reason?
mdp.39015025535926What is a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926What is a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926What is a spirit?"
mdp.39015025535926What is the antithe- sis between"a man and not God,"if the word God here only"implies dominion"—means"Supreme Ruler"as Dr L. contends it does?
mdp.39015025535926What is the matter, wife?
mdp.39015025535926What is the meaning of the last?
mdp.39015025535926What is the reason of this?
mdp.39015025535926What is the state of the Canaanites, Hivites,& c; of Sodom and Gomorrah?
mdp.39015025535926What is this ball of jade you mean to throw?
mdp.39015025535926What is this sacrifice called lui?
mdp.39015025535926What is to be its success?
mdp.39015025535926What is your family name?
mdp.39015025535926What is your illustrious name?'
mdp.39015025535926What is your name and surname?
mdp.39015025535926What is your name and surname?
mdp.39015025535926What is your name?
mdp.39015025535926What kind of animal?
mdp.39015025535926What kind of beings, spiritual or what?
mdp.39015025535926What kind of spiritual being?
mdp.39015025535926What kind of spiritual beings?
mdp.39015025535926What makes the distinction?
mdp.39015025535926What man is he, who, by his specious talk, has so wrought upon your credulity?
mdp.39015025535926What means is there of enforcing respect by a display of the dignity of war?
mdp.39015025535926What mission- ary settled in a town, would not simultaneously with his city mission, take a range in the villages around?
mdp.39015025535926What must be the enormities of the penal code that can secure such degrad- ing obedience?
mdp.39015025535926What must be their numbers in the so- called lamazaries?
mdp.39015025535926What must be their numbers in the so- called lamazaries?
mdp.39015025535926What noise is that which I hear?
mdp.39015025535926What now, and to whom were they offered?
mdp.39015025535926What plaintive tone?
mdp.39015025535926What pledge?
mdp.39015025535926What relation am I to these old people?
mdp.39015025535926What robbers 1( To Chin Pau) May I presume to ask your xellency a question, If we go with you, where do you mean to ke us?
mdp.39015025535926What satisfaction e?
mdp.39015025535926What say you, sisters?"
mdp.39015025535926What say you, yes or no?"
mdp.39015025535926What shall be done?
mdp.39015025535926What shall we call them?
mdp.39015025535926What spirit, or spiritual essence did His Excellency suppose existed in trees, birds, and beasts, when he called them s/ t/ n?
mdp.39015025535926What then are the objects of Chinese worship, according to their own estimation?
mdp.39015025535926What then do the Con- fucian ists call him?
mdp.39015025535926What then is the object definitely desig- nated by the word i'ten heaven, the highest of the objects worshiped in the national rites?
mdp.39015025535926What then is the object definitely desig_ n ated by the word t'itn heaven, the highest of the objects worship, ed in the national rites?
mdp.39015025535926What then, would the hearers understand from such an address?
mdp.39015025535926What then, would the hearers understand from such an address?
mdp.39015025535926What tli of widowhood; what though five childi a mother's care?
mdp.39015025535926What was formerly your occupation; did you have any ness?
mdp.39015025535926What word shall be used in giving this information?
mdp.39015025535926What word shall be used in giving this information?
mdp.39015025535926What would you think of such a proposition?
mdp.39015025535926What's her tonnage?
mdp.39015025535926What's the date of your departure?
mdp.39015025535926What's the number of her crew?
mdp.39015025535926What, is the difference between the phrase/ used and that of Cudworlh,"the pa.gan notion of the word god or gods?"
mdp.39015025535926What, that given above, can be demanded to prove ric name for God in Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926Whatadoor would this open for the future A nans and Socinians of the celestial empire?
mdp.39015025535926When I shall quote the code, I shall affix the title of the section and th
mdp.39015025535926When all this is done, on whom then shall men depend?
mdp.39015025535926When asked by his disciples, what is most essential in learning?
mdp.39015025535926When fifteen years old, the emperor Hungwfi, the first of the Ming dynasty, asked him what a functionary should do to prove his goodness?
mdp.39015025535926When one of his disciples asked him how he was to serve spiritual beings, he replied,'Not being able to serve men, how can you serve spirits?'
mdp.39015025535926When our plains are desolated by inundation, Ms, what is the cause of our calamities?
mdp.39015025535926When sea- going vessels began to resort to Canton in the Tang dynasty, Mohammed 2j?
mdp.39015025535926When shall I be well 1 What is to be my diet?
mdp.39015025535926When stating the doctrine of the Trinity, does rut Dr. L. say,"there are three Persons and one God?"
mdp.39015025535926When will he be able to requite one for the benefits which he has received?
mdp.39015025535926When will he be able to requite one for the benefits which he has received?
mdp.39015025535926Whence that dread of confronting respectable and refined females?
mdp.39015025535926Whence that fatal abandon- ment of all the restraints of education and conscience?
mdp.39015025535926Whence then this unexpected issue?
mdp.39015025535926Whence this necessity?
mdp.39015025535926Where are you going to live now?
mdp.39015025535926Where are you going, my daughter, with my son?
mdp.39015025535926Where are you going?
mdp.39015025535926Where could a cloud of 3800 square miles of fibres, alkali, and sand( for this it was by the specimens before us) come from?
mdp.39015025535926Where did he get such ferocity?
mdp.39015025535926Where do you come from, that I now see you in sad plight?
mdp.39015025535926Where do you come from?
mdp.39015025535926Where do you live?
mdp.39015025535926Where is your son now, and your daughter- in- law?
mdp.39015025535926Where shall we find any means of living now?
mdp.39015025535926Where would ground enough be found to meet the demand?
mdp.39015025535926Which of these will Dr. L. take?
mdp.39015025535926Which of these will Dr. L. take?
mdp.39015025535926Which of these will Dr. L. take?
mdp.39015025535926Which of you three, my daughters, is now willing to become his consort?
mdp.39015025535926While Homer employs it occasionally for some particular God, he more commonly employs it as a general? iamc for god, as the Latin numen.
mdp.39015025535926While amusing himself in a public square, he observed that a wii kung gj?
mdp.39015025535926While he was mourning in this manner, all at once he heard a voice be- hind him, saying,"Tsiii Sien, what is it that so troubles you?"
mdp.39015025535926While writing a work upon the non- existence of terrestrial spirits, a man appeared and said,"How do you know there are none?
mdp.39015025535926While writing a work upon the non- existence of terrestrial spirits, a man appeared and said,"How do you know there are none?
mdp.39015025535926While writing a work upon the non- existence of terrestrial spirits, a man appeared and said,"How do you know there are none?
mdp.39015025535926Who can this damsel be that you have seen?"
mdp.39015025535926Who could say to whom my communications went?
mdp.39015025535926Who has done this, who has so utterly wasted God's vineyard?
mdp.39015025535926Who has not heard about the famous Commissioner Lin?
mdp.39015025535926Who is he, my father, I ought to imitate?
mdp.39015025535926Who is he, my father, I ought to imitate?
mdp.39015025535926Who is right?
mdp.39015025535926Who is the father of your son, mother?
mdp.39015025535926Who is this Aloho?
mdp.39015025535926Who or what are these?
mdp.39015025535926Who ordered you to beg?
mdp.39015025535926Who strikes on the threshold?
mdp.39015025535926Who told you we were beggars'?
mdp.39015025535926Who will give us the desired information?
mdp.39015025535926Who will say he has not acted wisely?
mdp.39015025535926Who will supply these wants?
mdp.39015025535926Who would attempt to furnish books for the people of every district?
mdp.39015025535926Who would attempt to furnish books for the people of every district?
mdp.39015025535926Who would be able, at such a time, to meditate calmly when on his horse, as Ming Haujen did?
mdp.39015025535926Who would dare thus to sport with my credulity?
mdp.39015025535926Who would have thought that counter would have been followed by the capture of Chin Hu?
mdp.39015025535926Who would not call him a hero?"
mdp.39015025535926Whom shall they follow?
mdp.39015025535926Why did he not, if desirous that his readers should hear the other side, give it instant admission to this pages?
mdp.39015025535926Why did they not employ Saturn?
mdp.39015025535926Why did this prefect and magistrate act so, like statues as they were, unable to distinguish between black and white?
mdp.39015025535926Why did you not run? — thus betraying all the more plainly that it is they who teach the peo- ple to flee from us as before wild beasts."
mdp.39015025535926Why do you express yourself in such an ambiguous manner, mother?
mdp.39015025535926Why do you have any perplexity?
mdp.39015025535926Why do you not hasten to tes- tify your gratitude?"
mdp.39015025535926Why do you not stay at home in your house?
mdp.39015025535926Why do you not wish to have him die, my son?
mdp.39015025535926Why do you speak of suffering?
mdp.39015025535926Why does the Committee of the L. M. S. take exception at the Committee of Delegates not informing it of letters they write?
mdp.39015025535926Why does this woman look at me so sharply?
mdp.39015025535926Why has no answer been given about this?
mdp.39015025535926Why not follow their example?
mdp.39015025535926Why not stay a few days?
mdp.39015025535926Why now no marks of life, no sign of interest?
mdp.39015025535926Why should I laugh?
mdp.39015025535926Why shouldyou prefer the pearls, gems, gold and silver which you see some possess?
mdp.39015025535926Why so?
mdp.39015025535926Why the great change just then 1 Has that ancient Empire, that was so long the beacon of civilization lost her brightness?
mdp.39015025535926Why then are troops causelessly sent against US?
mdp.39015025535926Why then should I wish to retaliate?
mdp.39015025535926Why then should an English subject not be permitted to reside here?
mdp.39015025535926Why then should he be eaten?
mdp.39015025535926Why then should the Chinese Classics be elevated into a Christian man's standard of what is contemptible or otherwise?
mdp.39015025535926Why then should the Chinese Classics be elevated into a Christian man's standard of what is contemptible or otherwise?
mdp.39015025535926Why then would you bring them here again?"
mdp.39015025535926Why then, I pray you, do you call me your son?
mdp.39015025535926Why was he subjected to examination before three Courts successively?
mdp.39015025535926Wi I*?
mdp.39015025535926Will Dr Boone, or any other oppo- nent of^ descend into this arena?
mdp.39015025535926Will Dr. Legge tell us then, what that is without which Jehovah could not be God?
mdp.39015025535926Will it then do if they are totally unable to speak Manchu?
mdp.39015025535926Will it then do if they are totally unable to speak Manchu?
mdp.39015025535926Will it then do if they are totally unable to speak Manchu?
mdp.39015025535926Will the words"Three Persons and Supreme Ruler,"express the Athan- asian view of the Trinity?
mdp.39015025535926Will the"peace''concluded at Nanking, and in due course solemnly ratified, be"eternally preserved?"
mdp.39015025535926Will this word effect more in his mouth in China, than Aloho would have done from the lips of St. Paul at Ephesus?
mdp.39015025535926With respect to that which is called King kiau, its depending upon( being derived from?)
mdp.39015025535926With such a state of things, what hope can there be of certain victory?
mdp.39015025535926Wo asked him,'Are there any who can read Hebrew?'
mdp.39015025535926Would Dr. Medhurst venture to put up the sign i^j* over a Christian temple?
mdp.39015025535926Would his astonishment e at all diminished, by being told that spirits were jjects of worship, and that the highest God was in-, e class of spirits?
mdp.39015025535926Would it not be directing him to commit idolatry by the worship of a false god?
mdp.39015025535926Would not that ex- planation travel as far as the original article, and was it not enough to satisfy any reasonable man ofits intent?
mdp.39015025535926Would you like to see your flowers once more upon their stems?"
mdp.39015025535926X fu pung; fu near to, closing upon, and pung the mat awning of a vessel) according to- the teachers, pars pro toto(?)
mdp.39015025535926X. Tungchuenfu Jf?
mdp.39015025535926XVII, page 356, just as it was sent, without note or comment?
mdp.39015025535926XVIII, page 600):"How indeed should they( i. e. the parties who have written on both sides of this controversy) have succeeded?
mdp.39015025535926Xf, as you say you have heard it reported, the head was in Caza Branca, the magistrate of this( that?)
mdp.39015025535926Yet how is each particular to be so favorable?
mdp.39015025535926Yih Hioh M Mung J?
mdp.39015025535926You little wretch, where have you been hid so long?
mdp.39015025535926You must rigorously re-? ss the native bumlitti.
mdp.39015025535926You rascal, do you mean to cheat me still?
mdp.39015025535926You wish to possess this garden, which is to me as my life, and for what purpose?"
mdp.39015025535926You, who have crossed it so often, did you lose the way?
mdp.39015025535926Y£ng- kiang hien Pjjf^1 §!|| is the southwestern district of Chauking fu J||?
mdp.39015025535926^ K'hin cli'hae, the imperial envoy) of T'heen te; that he received the commands of jjjlf?
mdp.39015025535926^ or Oroumtsi Jf| jgl 7^ Kai- ngan ching^^ or Tsimusah jjflf?|c j|| Fauyuen ching f£ j|£ jjjfc or Ku- ching^jf^ Old city.
mdp.39015025535926__?> CP CP-- Tsai- yu.
mdp.39015025535926and how?
mdp.39015025535926and is it still necessary to have recourse to witnesses and inquiries from individuals unconnected with the question?
mdp.39015025535926and is the fjjjj jfj| sz'-fu or teacher, still alive?'
mdp.39015025535926and the souls of men?
mdp.39015025535926and was not Shin understood in the sense of spirit e Papal bull was issued?
mdp.39015025535926and whe- ther they washed their hands, face, and feet when eating and praying?
mdp.39015025535926and why, after having sacrificed to Shang- te, did the king offer a separate sacrifice to the five Tes?"
mdp.39015025535926and would not a Chinese classical scholar deem the work, in which such a term was used to designate such a being, contemptible?
mdp.39015025535926atVaid of their dying?
mdp.39015025535926bandman's life, nor exposing themselves to the inconveniences of the weather, they would get more money in the house than by working in the field?
mdp.39015025535926be a good one, will not all your grounds be full of king flowers?
mdp.39015025535926bows to them) My respectable parents, if you will command your daughter- in- law to come out and see her brother.... what say you?
mdp.39015025535926c'S- H o s'v* « H b,>< fx H oa H h b. is?
mdp.39015025535926c? e, Pestonjee a; h, H. S. b.
mdp.39015025535926can ye with the nies?
mdp.39015025535926cried out the old man,"I have given you no cause to hate me, why then do you persecute me in this way, seeking to take away my life?"
mdp.39015025535926degrees further north, and a colder region, if cotton be sowed by April 5th, the plants will live; what is the reason of this?"
mdp.39015025535926do n't you know the Man- titn- dze yet?
mdp.39015025535926do you pretend to say you are my father?
mdp.39015025535926do you recite prayers?'
mdp.39015025535926do you wish that I should go and beg in the streets; ve you lost all feeling of shame?
mdp.39015025535926e ir?
mdp.39015025535926e. copper cash) wanted in it?
mdp.39015025535926e. copper cash) wanted in it?
mdp.39015025535926e. copper cash) wanted in it?
mdp.39015025535926et vindicte relinquitur locus?"
mdp.39015025535926exclaimed they;"and when pray did the young girl go away?"
mdp.39015025535926f$ £.B)l s**n cA< tso6yev>;,|fj?
mdp.39015025535926fast- horse(?)
mdp.39015025535926for urination on the subject as will I think satisfy your mind, i the Chinese T'ien^ or SJidng- ti Jehovah, the I?
mdp.39015025535926form us what word he uses as the name of this Being, when discoursing of His attributes?
mdp.39015025535926from the kingdom of France?
mdp.39015025535926ft m x mw ss* i?
mdp.39015025535926ft# Sft*«*te***B «?
mdp.39015025535926f§*? FF'C* General of the Manchu troops.
mdp.39015025535926g oi 9 ¥ » A/8* 6 S 01 tu n « » 31 oi 81 ¥ » H/SI* 91 S 41 w 81 n?
mdp.39015025535926gard the stipulations and engagements I peace, we would like to ask, What is ect of framing such treaties?
mdp.39015025535926general question, before they proceed with us to the examination of the particular question-—What Chinese word shall be used to ren- der?
mdp.39015025535926has ever used any word in Chinese to designate this Being; what do our friends do in such a case?
mdp.39015025535926have you not found it out?
mdp.39015025535926how can any one believe that Ti is the general name by which the gods of China have always been known?
mdp.39015025535926how could this young man have contrived to hurry away his wife with him?
mdp.39015025535926how shall we get the cakes?
mdp.39015025535926hral.—If people have no money, who will ever give them a merry an- r?
mdp.39015025535926i a par differs not from this; by the 1; how can any one who applies If of the state, doubt of its success?
mdp.39015025535926i^r hwang hwang che Shang- te, the ajestic Shang- te?
mdp.39015025535926if flowers could but express their feelings, would they not shed tears of indignation?
mdp.39015025535926if flowers could but speak, would they not send forth sighs of grief?
mdp.39015025535926if it means creator?
mdp.39015025535926in Shantung Uncleaned „ 150,000 „ 100 f* To Nieuchwang, « fec, in Leaoutung, gulph| a\ of Pechelee Cleaned „ 76,000 „ 83|?
mdp.39015025535926in the year called Keh- li- fah l£f Jf* Caliphate?
mdp.39015025535926is devoted to a description of the countries and deserts of Africa, commencing with Egypt, jftj, Nubia,^ j£( JPf and Abyssinia, jjpj jJEj Jj?
mdp.39015025535926it Shadiavor, the son of Bethuel, the son of Moses read( examined?)
mdp.39015025535926ityled the fathers ami mothers of the people, they are ge-? pnted to be destitute of all regard, and often instead of I, feed upon, the people.
mdp.39015025535926leaf, with the under side covered with white down, but the tin g ma( sida tibia?
mdp.39015025535926make it, by our usage, designate, not any one of a class to be determined by the context, but the God xa?
mdp.39015025535926mperial Essays, section'24, page 7, the royal do we rely for the staff of life but Te?"
mdp.39015025535926my venerable brother, are we on the road to the valley of Mulberries?'
mdp.39015025535926name, to render its vindication to Jehovah, in the passages quoted by Dr. L., so inexplicable?
mdp.39015025535926nations havcj merciai intercourse, al)? o;oy quiet rej] be no cause for solicitude.
mdp.39015025535926nlready contributed their quota?
mdp.39015025535926no vt y?
mdp.39015025535926notable peaks for which that region is remarkable, they selected the central and highest one, called Nikiii J^j?
mdp.39015025535926note the God of the Christians, and which was abandoned generally by the Roman Catholic Christians only in obedience to the decree of the Pope?
mdp.39015025535926notice of that, why should they look alter you, who are only poor sailors i?
mdp.39015025535926o has killed your father?
mdp.39015025535926o « i.oo«oaoD uo h » o ■ ■ D 5> — T Si i — CI 00?> »~ rr ct- 7< — i « i —< to; — l": tt is c « 0) x w- « y J 2 T 3 K « 4_.
mdp.39015025535926of Deaths:?
mdp.39015025535926of Per- sons^1< £ l 61 Unknown 3 27 p Ct 21!i 160 i?
mdp.39015025535926of Prisoners 1?
mdp.39015025535926of the United States at the five ports, for exercise and recrea- tion, shall b?
mdp.39015025535926of the new discoveries?
mdp.39015025535926officers will look out one for them; why then wish so unreasonably to rent this particular one, whereby the citizens are all disturbed in this way?
mdp.39015025535926officers will look out one for them; why then wish so unreasonably to rent this particular one, whereby the citizens are all disturbed in this way?
mdp.39015025535926or 2d, Whether they had this name from their being regarded as merely sustaining a certain relation to some other beings or things?
mdp.39015025535926or Jtji j|?
mdp.39015025535926or is it merely, if we seek the origin( or cause) that according to the principle( law) of order(/() it is thus?
mdp.39015025535926or is it that Heaven has no mind?
mdp.39015025535926ought to belong to Jehovah;"and we must therefore use this title as his appellative name?
mdp.39015025535926p has been referred to with the same view: Isaiah a God besides me?
mdp.39015025535926p. 151. jlfc Jfc 3?, £ f&£ I& Tsze seen wang che keaou che shin yay, atque is erat priscorum regum docendi spiritualis.nodus; p. 154.
mdp.39015025535926passionate hearts hearing of your good deeds, will they not at once try to follow your example?
mdp.39015025535926plish an object, than to miss it through overhastiness, “ Your slave has no thought of self or family; would he dare, dastardly, to hang back?
mdp.39015025535926principal Imports into Canton in 184?
mdp.39015025535926quis tandem sciat?"
mdp.39015025535926r,63; n?
mdp.39015025535926r- M: c ■ such term or terms do not embrace all which we find attached to the idea or God, in Christian Theology?
mdp.39015025535926ration,—are no gods — bat idols and demons?
mdp.39015025535926replied,"the mountain never grows, but my will increase, without intermission; why then should you i that the mountain will be one day levelled?"
mdp.39015025535926rlerchant"as g, Blwaysun^eHwK 6 mus^n tak Have fixed uS a ok""?
mdp.39015025535926ry who has not again and again racts?
mdp.39015025535926s ss IU £?.
mdp.39015025535926s#* p*#^& ifc fB ft ifr S& t ft ffl m& m% x « £$$* ± z m n* Bf » ft « £ i* a m* IB* ffl 8 ft ft » tt A m a# ft J?
mdp.39015025535926said he,"do you really possess this miraculous skill?"
mdp.39015025535926she- yung and the te- paow, when they exhorted and enjoined him to deliver the man to the people of the guard- house?
mdp.39015025535926sked, whether the Kwei Shin was not the jjl^ k'he energy?
mdp.39015025535926son, that th< which is mentioned with approbation, and held up for imitation?
mdp.39015025535926spiritual, and not ili- age, one asked,"whether the Kwei Shins were nut he, spirits and Jjjjj fw hwan pill, souls?
mdp.39015025535926ss O oo w —> hS IS — Tu- shih k'au?
mdp.39015025535926superior to Jesus), and that there was no such thin?
mdp.39015025535926t- 55 to:: g „::: s c* ■ » » m; CTj.^.x_to to ev X* j — m( O; o fr » to OS*^i^Tr^- o( CO to Tf N^ TO O CO; r- to to^* r to « irt oo t> » f?
mdp.39015025535926t: n • f-^ 9 e »
mdp.39015025535926that any other word, in the language, thus s worshiped in the national rites of the Chinese?
mdp.39015025535926that the generic name for God must be used to render Elohim and dso?.
mdp.39015025535926the Brotherhood?
mdp.39015025535926the Brotherhood?
mdp.39015025535926the Brotherhood?
mdp.39015025535926the Chinese must immediately ask: Is he a man, or a shin, or a Fuh( Budha); or to what class of beings does he belong?
mdp.39015025535926the Suin- noin, 24, including 2 Eluth standards, in ii8 too ing companies; 3d, the Tsrts»n, 23 standards in 4 t »?.
mdp.39015025535926the whole of the Roman Catholic missionaries and writers; how then can the testimony be called uniform and entitled to great weight in consequence?
mdp.39015025535926their Lordships'particular attention to? mei.
mdp.39015025535926then on having them at once became poor?
mdp.39015025535926tn we answer, these prayers, we find from the e three classes of Beings called severally Kwei, are included in these general names?
mdp.39015025535926to the rank of spirits, or carry up the spirits so spoken of, to the rank of Jehovah, and if He be God, make them Gods too?
mdp.39015025535926use, and application, it is a term adapted to translate the 0«o£ of the New Testament?
mdp.39015025535926v< fl h h m x i~-*r< M! x; to w:- 2 S 2C, 10 V T> O* 30^ to © co •? » — sr. cr.
mdp.39015025535926we have our own matters to attend to?
mdp.39015025535926were you once rich, my good friends?
mdp.39015025535926what is this generation of elements?
mdp.39015025535926what is this generation of elements?
mdp.39015025535926what woman is this?
mdp.39015025535926where do you wish we should go and live?
mdp.39015025535926where i; tindersti person?
mdp.39015025535926which seems to be the effJtUr? r'"nc At last when the lUfKerdl?rease the country nennl!
mdp.39015025535926whose Shin for God?
mdp.39015025535926why hast thou forsaken me?"
mdp.39015025535926with his finger as they drew near,"there is something hanging from this cassia, and is it not our master's cap?"
mdp.39015025535926writings of fj|-f. Yaug- tsze, we have the following:] iiired, how it was that in the Chaou country, there were many Shins( spirits) appearing?
mdp.39015025535926x'«toco"« 3 f-4 rl CO g<* 3 3 r- 3 3 C> 01 I- 3 3- CI — 33 3* T — X 4.0 3 33 4.0 —'3:
mdp.39015025535926yti, book 6, page 3, K'he- loo, another of the disciples asked about serving the Kwei Shins?
mdp.39015025535926£ •?.
mdp.39015025535926¥ » 93/ 45* 83 S 68 w ot: «* 0 T A'83 83 08 5 £<; 9 4 8 6 01 IT 51 81 SI 91 41 81 61 05 15 SS S3 f-5 S5 95 43[ iu e/ I* 5 S 8 tu f n?
mdp.39015025535926« » m%i*nm Why are the changes of nature so hastened in spring?
mdp.39015025535926—'Are you not very tired?'
mdp.39015025535926“ What can people do?"
mdp.39015025535926• Err?
mdp.39015025535926• ■ ansia ba byo Dis*n mm mm ■ jb » nam-nypo ■< ns?a nnwa p*] »^5 io ■ na^td ran WJlo t* Ae thai is above all outgoings?
mdp.39015025535926■ w « — x 3= x?
mdp.39015025535926■ ■ ■<'■ ti'J:: i 11 n\i<: ■ The invisible power that move?