David Hume (1711-1776)

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Pays : Grande-Bretagne
Langue : anglais
Sexe : masculin
Naissance : Edimbourg, Grande-Bretagne, 26-04-1711
Mort : Edimbourg, Grande-Bretagne, 25-08-1776
Note :
Philosophe, historien, économiste et essayiste
Autre forme du nom : Dawid Hume (1711-1776)
ISNI : ISNI 0000 0001 2131 8235

David Hume (1711-1776) : œuvres (205 ressources dans data.bnf.fr)

Documents sur David Hume (1711-1776) (379 ressources dans data.bnf.fr)

Livres (367)

The Humean mind
A guide to Kant's psychologism
The concealed influence of custom
The philosophical progress of Humeʹs essays
Reading David Hume's "Of the Standard of taste"
Calvinismus und Aufklärung
The testimony of sense
David Hume über den Glauben oder Idealismus und Realismus
Hume on art, emotion, and superstition
Hume's problem solved
Hume, passion, and action
Hume's moral philosophy and contemporary psychology
Adam Smith and the death of David Hume
David Hume
Hume's science of human nature
The imagination in Hume's philosophy
Essays on Hume, Smith and the Scottish englightenment
Le positivisme de David Hume
Righting epistemology
La ragione schiava delle passioni
The infidel and the professor
An age of risk
Gilles Deleuze's empiricism and subjectivity
How Hume and Kant reconstruct natural law
David Hume and the culture of scottish newtonianism
Une archéologie de l'interaction
Auguste Comte et la pensée de David Hume
David Hume's humanity
The everlasting check
The art of history
The Oxford handbook of Hume
Hume et la question du sujet de la connaissance
The political thought of Hume and his contemporaries
Reflecting subjects
The virtue ethics of Hume and Nietzsche
Ideas, evidence, and method
The virtue ethics of Hume and Nietzsche
Hume's sceptical enlightenment
Kant's inferentialism
Locke, Hume, and the treacherous logos of atomism
Hume's true scepticism
David Hume nach dreihundert Jahren
Humean moral pluralism
Hume et la philosophie contemporaine
Hume's critique of religion
Hume's critique of religion
Entre el interes y la benevolencia
Imagined causes
Aux sources de l'anthropologie positive
Imagined causes
Hume's radical scepticism and the fate of naturalized epistemology
David Hume
Mandeville and Hume
Hume et la religion
Hume and law
Starting with Hume
Die Kirche ist mir ein Greuel
Hume readings
Theory and practice in the philosophy of David Hume
The politics of eloquence
Ich und andere
David Hume
Hume's politics
David Hume
The pursuits of philosophy
David Hume
Hume and the Enlightenment
A companion to Hume
Hume, nuovi saggi
Philosophers past and present
The evident connexion
David Hume, l'écossais
Apprendre à philosopher avec Hume
David Hume
Empirisme et subjectivité
Hume on Is and Ought
Reflection and the stability of belief
Spectres of false divinity
Projection and realism in Hume's philosophy
Reflection and the stability of belief
The origins of David Hume's economics
Hume on motivation and virtue
Deleuze's Hume
Mirrors to one another
Exposé succint de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume & M. Rousseau
The philosophers' quarrel
Essays on David Hume, medical men and the Scottish enlightenment
David Hume and the problem of other minds
David Hume
Le vocabulaire de Hume
Vivre, c'est croire
The Cambridge companion to Hume
The logic of the heart
Custom and reason in Hume
God and the reach of reason
A companion to Hume
Knowledge, reason, and taste
L'io morale
Hume's morality
Hume's difficulty
Das Labor des Anthropologen
The external world and our knowledge of it
Body, mind and self in Hume's critical realism
David Hume
Hume's theory of causation
Comprendre Hume
New essays on David Hume
La régularité, l'ordre, et le sensualisme chez David Hume
Aesthetics and morals in the philosophy of David Hume
The new Hume debate
Rousseau's dog
Die anthropologische Differenz
Johann Georg Hamann und David Hume I
Secondary sources on the philosophy of David Hume
David Hume et le bon usage des passions
Johann Georg Hamann und David Hume II
Über das Verhältnis der Naturwissenschaft zur Philosophie
Impressions of Hume
Le principe de Pascal-Hume et le fondement des sciences physiques
Hume et les savoirs de l'histoire
Einführung in das Induktionsproblem
L'autorégulation chez Hume
David Hume and a Eighteenth-century America
The reception of David Hume in Europe
Hume and Machiavelli
The great infidel
Hume, probabilité et choix raisonnable
El empirismo
A defense of Hume on miracles
David Hume, der Aufklärer als Konservativer Ironiker
Early responses to Hume's life and reputation
David Hume
Hume's reception in early America
Falsi e cortesi
Hume's philosophy of the self
El sentimiento como racionalidad
Hume et le concept de société civile
Cette affaire infernale
Three deaths and Enlightenment thought
Le travail du scepticisme, Montaigne, Bayle, Hume
David Hume's critique of infinity
Religionskritik in der Neuzeit
Socrates, Lucretius, Camus
Hume's reflection on religion
Early responses to Hume's writings on religion
La philosophie empiriste de David Hume
Hume's aesthetic theory
Die Moralphilosophie des David Hume und ihre Aktualität in der Rechtsphilosophie
Early responses to Hume's metaphysical and epistemological writings
Hume e Hutcheson, Reid e la scuola del senso comune
The passion for happiness
Miscellaneous writings
Hume's abject failure
Toward a naturalistic political theory
Hume's problem
The new Hume debate
Feminist interpretations of David Hume
Hume on morality
Hume et la régulation morale
David Hume und die Dissertation von 1770
Dialettica hegeliana e fenomenismo nel primo Della Volpe
The foundation of Hume's philosophy
Hume et la fin de la philosophie
Early responses to Hume's moral, literary and political writings
Il buon uso delle passioni
A cultivated reason
Hume's reason
Religion and Hume's legacy
Abschied von der Anima mundi
The empiricists
Die biblische Urgeschichte in der Aufklärung
Passioni e artificio
Hume, holism, and miracles
Soggetto e norma
Le vocabulaire de Hume
L'art du législateur
Hume's religious naturalism
Philosophical melancholy and delirium
Hume e la nascita dell'etica contemporanea
Hume, je connais !
A sceptical theory of morality and law
Erfahrung und kategoriales Denken
Immaginazione e natura umana
Religion and faction in Hume's moral philosophy
Cognition and commitment in Hume's philosophy
L'empirisme anglais
Six secular philosophers
Groundless knowledge
Melancholy duty
Voir plus de livres sur David Hume (1711-1776)

Enregistrements (7)

Le défi logique de la question des miracles, Hume versus Port-Royal. - Claire Etchegaray, aut.. - [1]
La question idolâtre. - Xavier Papaïs, aut.. - [3]
Hume et Mérian. - Jean-Pierre Grima Morales, aut.. - [4]
Hume, l'ennemi, le précurseur. - Frédéric Brahami, aut.. - [5]
De la sympathie à l'imitation. - Céline Bonicco, aut.. - [6]
David Hume, penseur dogmatique. - Laurent Clauzade, aut.. - [7]
Conversations avec le "bon David", Hume's French conversation

Films, vidéos (2)

Hobbes, Leibniz, Montesquieu, Hume, Diderot
Hobbes, Leibniz, Montesquieu, Hume, Diderot

Images (2)

M. David Hume
M. David Hume // Historien Célèbre

Expositions virtuelles et ressources multimedia (1)

Voir aussi