This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
cord-278413-vad80mg5 | ( Where Have All the Heart Attacks Gone? |
cord-289684-rvbofsmb | Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence? |
cord-289684-rvbofsmb | Parotitis- Like Symptoms Associated with COVID-19 Acute Parotitis: A Possible Precocious Clinical Manifestation of SARS- CoV-2 Infection? |
cord-255267-o8k5ep9y | a Solution for Protecting Healthcare Workers from Emerging Aerosol- Transmissible Diseases? |
cord-301623-uza6gu4r | Is the supine position always optimal? |
cord-301623-uza6gu4r | chez une patiente en ddcubitus ventral Successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation of two patients in the prone position using reversed precordial compression Venous Air Embolism During Lumbar Laminectomy in the Prone Position: Report of Three Cases Intraoperative death during lumbar discectomy Sitting or prone? |
cord-318188-baat9464 | title: Are loose- fitting powered air- purifying respirators safe during chest compression? |
cord-297671-3d3gcn6k | How fast does oral dexamethasone work in mild to moderately severe croup? |
cord-297671-3d3gcn6k | One or Two Doses of Dexamethasone for the Treatment of Croup? |
cord-256688-yy7abob9 | A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster Clinical characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms in Hubei, China: a descriptive, cross- sectional, multicenter study Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus( nCoV) infection is suspected COVID-19) Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Novel Coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) healthcare infection prevention and control FAQs for COVID-19 COVID-19: what is next for public health? |
cord-256688-yy7abob9 | How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu? |
cord-256688-yy7abob9 | What are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women? |
cord-256688-yy7abob9 | molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? |
cord-338863-0jlp9lb4 | Can exercise affect immune function to increase susceptibility to infection? |
cord-268049-7xqln70d | Why Did Outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Occur in Some Hospital Wards but Not in Others? |
cord-339864-rv5zw972 | A Trial of Lopinavir- Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? |
cord-263753-p3evgngz | Which specificities? |
cord-338814-r9ym1h3m | measur es during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in China Is traditional Chinese medicine useful in the treatment of COVID-19? |
cord-330704-4piesfxu | A nationwide study in China Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia in Wuhan, China Noninvasive ventilation for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure/ ARDS-is there a role? |
cord-334705-vclkuink | Accessed Advice for public Amazon's mechanical Turk: A new source of inexpensive, yet high- quality, data? |
cord-334705-vclkuink | authors: Sokas, Claire M.; Berrigan, Margaret T.; Fligor, Scott C.; Fleishman, Aaron J.; Raven, Kristin E.; Rodrigue, James R. title: Is social distancing keeping patients from the ED? |
cord-334705-vclkuink | r o o f ? |
cord-333872-shhugvx0 | what next? |
cord-336005-nm34bfsl | An updated analysis Pulmonary Embolism or Pulmonary Thrombosis in COVID-19? |
cord-336005-nm34bfsl | Justified? |
cord-354468-bew35s8q | what next? |
cord-268840-m3fp9q3p | Can Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pneumonia? |
cord-353698-gj8sx3zy | COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic Covid-19 and community mitigation strategies in a pandemic First case of 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy Outbreak investigation for COVID-19 in northern Vietnam COVID-19 and Italy: what next? |
cord-293535-9bj5ev1a | In addition, no statistically Which lessons shall we learn from the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak? |
cord-338855-1hfj8qj9 | cord-338855- 1hfj8qj9 authors: Dr Adylle Varon, L.; Varon, Daryelle S.; Varon, Joseph title: Traditional chinese medicine and COVID-19: should emergency practitioners use it? |
cord-333176-6v7ficfk | a report from China Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Endothelial dysfunction: a marker of atherosclerotic risk Interactions between the innate immune and blood coagulation systems Coagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patients with Covid-19 Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Patient with Covid-19 Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five cases Will Complement Inhibition Be the New Target in Treating COVID-19-Related Systemic Thrombosis? |
cord-322778-a411t2wg | The role of CT in case ascertainment and management of COVID-19 pneumonia in the UK: insights from highincidence regions Novel coronavirus infection during the 2019- 2020 epidemic: preparing intensive care units- the experience in Sichuan Province, China Detection of SARS- CoV-2 in Different Types of Clinical Specimens Nonpharmaceutical interventions implemented by US cities during the 1918- 1919 influenza pandemic COVID-19 epidemic in Switzerland: on the importance of testing, contact tracing and isolation A role for CT in COVID-19? |
cord-349561-4mkiwg9k | A SARS- CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19? |
cord-349561-4mkiwg9k | Fact or fiction? |
cord-349561-4mkiwg9k | The devil's in the dosing: severe druginduced liver injury in a hydroxychloroquine- naive patient with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and porphyria cutanea tarda Antimalarial myopathy: an underdiagnosed complication? |
cord-349561-4mkiwg9k | Toxicokinetics and Management Novel Therapies for Myocardial Irritability following Extreme Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS- CoV-2 infection in vitro Chloroquine analogues in drug discovery: new directions of uses, mechanisms of actions and toxic manifestations from malaria to multifarious diseases Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases? |