
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-307995-8q7efrqk: what's the risk?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkCan the geographical patterns help locate an animal source?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkHospital outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection control: the missing piece?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkIs the virus adapting to humans?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkThe full genome sequences from MERS patients with known dates and locations can help answer these questions: How fast does the virus change?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkWhat are the transmission patterns?
cord-307995-8q7efrqkWhen did the virus begin circulating in its current form?
cord-330198-pwkxgbxksummary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Are children less susceptible to COVID-19?
cord-310331-29srzbuk2019 novel Coronavirus outbreak: a quiz or final exam?
cord-331228-wbd0s4fo-What antivirals and vaccines are to be used in humans?
cord-331228-wbd0s4fo-What infection control measures are needed in healthcare settings to prevent nosocomial outbreaks?
cord-331228-wbd0s4fo: a report of nosocomial transmission Is MERS another SARS?
cord-331228-wbd0s4foIn all, public health, veterinary health, and research efforts need to be consolidated in order to answer the following high priority questions:-What is the true extent of human infection with MERS- CoV?
cord-331228-wbd0s4foif so, how?
cord-331228-wbd0s4fomeasures need to be in place in order to prevent zoonotic infections from camels?
cord-331228-wbd0s4foother animal species involved in the MERS- CoV transmission cycle?