This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
cord-002823-n55xvwkf | Alveolar macrophages prevent lethal influenza pneumonia by inhibiting infection of Type-1 alveolar epithelial cells Lethal influenza infection: is a macrophage to blame? |
cord-005748-2rpiv4d9 | Infection and sepsis, ventilator- associated pneumonia, ethics, haematology and haemostasis, ICU organization and scoring, brain injury Diagnosis and treatment of ventilator- associated pneumonia: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage is essential Invasive and noninvasive strategies for management of suspected ventilator- associated pneumonia Resolution of infectious parameters after antimicrobial therapy in patients with ventilator- associated pneumonia Short course empiric antibiotic therapy for pulmonary infiltrates in the intensive care unit: a proposed solution for indiscriminate antibiotic prescription Therapy of ventilator- associated pneumonia: what more can we do to use less antibiotics? |
cord-292772-xdic7rcy | : what does its natural history tell us? |
cord-016732-mdyu69ca | an evaluation of differences Bronchoalveolar lavage cell data in alveolar proteinosis Value of CD-1-positive cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid for the diagnosis of pulmonary histiocytosis X Accumulation of Langerhans'cells on the epithelial surface of the lower respiratory tract in normal subjects in association with cigarette smoking Diagnosis of pulmonary histiocytosis X by immunodetection of Langerhans cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid Predictive value of bronchoalveolar T cell subset for the course of pulmonary sarcoidosis Is the different T helper activity in sarcoidosis and extrinsic allergic alveolitis also reflected by the cellular bronchoalveolar lavage fluid profile? |
cord-281418-mvgp6qfv | : the respiratory viruses connection: myth or reality? |
cord-306346-rft22vo8 | Why might RV infection lead to increased expression of human neutrophil peptides? |
cord-306346-rft22vo8 | immune response by the human alpha defensin 1, HNP1 Chemokine receptors in airway disease: which receptors to target? |
cord-016936-cl3kezes | Is bronchoalveolar lavage obsolete in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease? |
cord-017123-g1m1y38x | La conta differenziale è essenziale per rispondere al quesito che è alla base dell'indicazione per l'esecuzione del BAL: esiste alveolite, ovvero infiammazione del parenchima polmonare, e se la risposta è affermativa, di quale tipo? |
cord-335359-4rcj75tc | Difficulties with molecular diagnostic tests for mould and yeast infections: where do we stand? |
cord-328918-nc0a77r6 | over Ready to submit your research? |
cord-291960-1is0rv6c | Consensus Group ECIL guidelines for the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in patients with haematological malignancies and stem cell transplant recipients Clinical manifestations of graft- versus- hostmdisease in human recipients of marrow from HL- A- matched sibling donors Are we there yet? |
cord-302403-kahi8cbc | Is this tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, or viral or bacterial infection? |
cord-353256-7nfklun9 | Bronchoscopic evaluation of pulmonary infiltrates following bone marrow transplantation Bronchoalveolar lavage( BAL) in immunocompromised children: 8 years single center experience Cytomegalovirus load in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: a clue to the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus pneumonia? |
cord-355623-tmr1ieg1 | Breathe Protracted bacterial bronchitis in children: natural history and risk factors for bronchiectasis Children with chronic wet or productive cough- Treatment and investigations Does failed chronic wet cough response to antibiotics predict bronchiectasis? |
cord-355623-tmr1ieg1 | Myth or maxim? |
cord-011159-k2kca8zl | recommendations of the endoscopy working group of the French Society of Pulmonary Medicine Surgical lung biopsy in adult respiratory distress syndrome: a meta- analysis Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates after bone marrow transplantation: the role of open lung biopsy Multiplex platforms for the identification of respiratory pathogens: are they useful in pediatric clinical practice? |
cord-337637-wehstffa | All that cough is not asthma State of art: cough, cough receptors and asthma in children Comparison of atopic cough with cough variant asthma: is atopy cough a precursor of asthma? |
cord-337637-wehstffa | Induced sputum: comparison of postinfections cough with allergic asthma in children Recurrent cough in childhood and its relation with asthma Persistent cough in children and the overuse of medication Cough in children Clinical significance of cough and wheeze in the diagnosis of asthma Persistent cough: is it asthma? |
cord-337637-wehstffa | Interlobar differences in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from children with cystic fibrosis Chronic cough as the sole presenting manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux Lipid laden macrophage index and inflammation in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids in children Bronchoalveolar lavage and esophageal pH monitoring data in children with difficult to treat respiratory symptoms Increased neutrophils and cytokines, TNF and IL8 in induced sputum of non- asthmatic patients with chronic dry cough Chronic cough as the sole presenting manifestation of asthma Cough variant asthma: a review of the clinical literature Cough- but is it asthma? |
cord-332298-ig1j5z07 | Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophilia is associated with the severity of pulmonary lesions during equine asthma exacerbations Persistent mucus accumulation: a consequence of delayed bronchial mucous cell apoptosis in RAO- affected horses? |
cord-332298-ig1j5z07 | Role of neutrophils in equine asthma Recurrent airway obstruction in horsesan allergic inflammation: a review Correlation between nuclear factor- κ B activity in bronchial brushing samples and lung dysfunction in an animal model of asthma Antioxidant and inflammatory responses of healthy horses and horses affected by recurrent airway obstruction to inhaled ozone Neutrophil extracellular traps in pulmonary diseases: too much of a good thing? |
cord-332298-ig1j5z07 | can equine heaves help us better understand human asthma immunopathology and its functional consequences? |