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id author title date words sentences text
cord-270679-heg1h19lAhmad, MunirPerception-based influence factors of intention to adopt COVID-19 epidemic prevention in China2020-07-274644.0269.0view text
cord-211511-56q57zwcAiello, Luca MariaHow Epidemic Psychology Works on Social Media: Evolution of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic2020-07-268758.0469.0view text
cord-299846-yx18oyv6Amar, PatrickPandæsim: An Epidemic Spreading Stochastic Simulator2020-09-18nannanview text
cord-307945-wkz43axoBaud, GrégoryEndocrine surgery during and after the Covid-19 epidemic: Expert guidelines in France2020-04-302084.0138.0view text
cord-281437-cb3u1s7sBedford, JulietA new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response2019-11-066857.0283.0view text
cord-220618-segffkbnBonamassa, IvanGeometric characterization of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic events2020-07-208692.0452.0view text
cord-018761-vm86d4mjBradt, David A.Technical Annexes2017-11-0810430.0805.0view text
cord-020544-kc52thr8Bradt, David A.Technical Annexes2019-12-036170.0471.0view text
cord-289003-vov6o1jxBurdet, C.Need for integrative thinking to fight against emerging infectious diseases. Proceedings of the 5th seminar on emerging infectious diseases, March 22, 2016 – current trends and proposals2018-02-28nannanview text
cord-211611-c9w6235bCacciapaglia, GiacomoInterplay of social distancing and border restrictions for pandemics (COVID-19) via the epidemic Renormalisation Group framework2020-05-115657.0350.0view text
cord-048339-nzh87auxCaley, PeterThe Waiting Time for Inter-Country Spread of Pandemic Influenza2007-01-035739.0253.0view text
cord-272031-o2hx667iCarvajal, AnaPorcine epidemic diarrhoea: new insights into an old disease2015-09-294809.0220.0view text
cord-283793-ab1msb2mChanchan, LiModeling and analysis of epidemic spreading on community network with node's birth and death2016-10-31nannanview text
cord-024683-3v8i39rkChen, DengEpilepsy control during an epidemic: emerging approaches and a new management framework2020-05-125598.0298.0view text
cord-029245-ay15ybcmDavies, StephenPandemics and the consequences of COVID‐192020-06-293320.0151.0view text
cord-313991-u2rkn5uhDimaschko, J.Superspreading as a Regular Factor of the COVID-19 Pandemic: II. Quarantine Measures and the Second Wave2020-08-163614.0224.0view text
cord-298872-gbi74g0nFIORITI, V.Estimating the epidemic growth dynamics within the first week2020-08-163909.0215.0view text
cord-355419-8txtk0b3Feng, LiangEpidemic in networked population with recurrent mobility pattern2020-06-253357.0190.0view text
cord-238342-ecuex64mFong, Simon JamesComposite Monte Carlo Decision Making under High Uncertainty of Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Using Hybridized Deep Learning and Fuzzy Rule Induction2020-03-229520.0481.0view text
cord-317939-9x377kdvFu, You-LeiFuzzy Logic Programming and Adaptable Design of Medical Products for the COVID-19 Anti-epidemic Normalization2020-09-16nannanview text
cord-303030-8unrcb1fGaeta, GiuseppeSocial distancing versus early detection and contacts tracing in epidemic management2020-07-1611349.0518.0view text
cord-305327-hayhbs5uGonzalez, Jean-PaulGlobal Spread of Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses: Predicting Pandemics2017-09-19nannanview text
cord-027757-zb4wxt85Hardiman, DavidThe Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and the Adivasis of Western India2012-03-09nannanview text
cord-315885-iu5wg5ikHoang, HaiFull-Length Genome Sequence of a Plaque-Cloned Virulent Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Isolate (USA/Iowa/18984/2013) from a Midwestern U.S. Swine Herd2013-12-191149.069.0view text
cord-301463-jzke8fopHollingsworth, T. DéirdreMitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza A: Balancing Conflicting Policy Objectives2011-02-10nannanview text
cord-234552-0pbg0ldmHota, Ashish R.A Generalized SIS Epidemic Model on Temporal Networks with Asymptomatic Carriers and Comments on Decay Ratio2020-07-265247.0376.0view text
cord-331771-fhy98qt4Huang, HeModeling the competitive diffusions of rumor and knowledge and the impacts on epidemic spreading2021-01-01nannanview text
cord-345567-8d1076geIvanov, DmitryPredicting the impacts of epidemic outbreaks on global supply chains: A simulation-based analysis on the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) case2020-03-24nannanview text
cord-267030-khzivbzyJia, PengUnderstanding the Epidemic Course in Order to Improve Epidemic Forecasting2020-10-011924.084.0view text
cord-295534-bwa4wz94Jung, KwonilPorcine epidemic diarrhea virus infection: Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and immunoprophylaxis2015-02-267080.0346.0view text
cord-024746-ijlnefz3Koher, AndreasContact-Based Model for Epidemic Spreading on Temporal Networks2019-08-029838.0768.0view text
cord-016387-ju4130bqLast, JohnA Brief History of Advances Toward Health20055464.0252.0view text
cord-329256-7njgmdd1Leecaster, MollyModeling the variations in pediatric respiratory syncytial virus seasonal epidemics2011-04-21nannanview text
cord-131667-zl5txjqxLiu, JunhuaEPIC30M: An Epidemics Corpus Of Over 30 Million Relevant Tweets2020-06-094079.0251.0view text
cord-018151-5su98uanLynteris, ChristosIntroduction: Infectious Animals and Epidemic Blame2019-10-128567.0354.0view text
cord-292026-cj43pn0fMoirano, GiovenaleApproaches to Daily Monitoring of the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Northern Italy2020-05-222633.0121.0view text
cord-204796-zy1608lwNakamura, G.Confinement strategies in a simple SIR model2020-04-205468.0271.0view text
cord-006203-wwpd26bxNguyen, Vinh-KimWhen the world catches cold: Thinking with influenza2016-02-262273.087.0view text
cord-266898-f00628z4Nikitenkova, S.It''s the very time to learn a pandemic lesson: why have predictive techniques been ineffective when describing long-term events?2020-06-032820.0144.0view text
cord-103418-deogedacOchab, J. K.Shift of percolation thresholds for epidemic spread between static and dynamic small-world networks2010-11-123418.0182.0view text
cord-318004-r08k40obRaina MacIntyre, C.Converging and emerging threats to health security2017-11-27nannanview text
cord-028048-0oqv2jomRguig, AhmedEstablishing seasonal and alert influenza thresholds in Morocco2020-06-295801.0289.0view text
cord-222193-0b4o0ccpSaakian, David B.A simple statistical physics model for the epidemic with incubation period2020-04-132072.0139.0view text
cord-349421-qzgxe24cShang, YilunModeling epidemic spread with awareness and heterogeneous transmission rates in networks2013-05-03nannanview text
cord-309359-85xiqz2wSong, DaesubPorcine epidemic diarrhea: a review of current epidemiology and available vaccines2015-07-29nannanview text
cord-251581-8ubyveytSzymkowiak, AndrzejIn-store epidemic behavior: scale development and validation2020-05-04nannanview text
cord-015967-kqfyasmuTagore, SomnathEpidemic Models: Their Spread, Analysis and Invasions in Scale-Free Networks2015-03-207927.0412.0view text
cord-303651-fkdep6cpThompson, Robin N.Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies2020-08-12nannanview text
cord-020610-hsw7dk4dThys, SéverineContesting the (Super)Natural Origins of Ebola in Macenta, Guinea: Biomedical and Popular Approaches2019-10-129756.0460.0view text
cord-335886-m0d72ntgTomie, ToshihisaRelations of parameters for describing the epidemic of COVID―19 by the Kermack―McKendrick model2020-03-03nannanview text
cord-283485-xit6najqVan Damme, WimThe COVID-19 pandemic: diverse contexts; different epidemics—how and why?2020-07-27nannanview text
cord-288342-i37v602uWang, ZhenCoupled disease–behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review2015-07-0815810.0776.0view text
cord-348658-fz5nfdf9Weiner, Joseph A.Learning from the past: did experience with previous epidemics help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 among spine surgeons worldwide?2020-06-045268.0295.0view text
cord-304925-9gvx3swfXie, ZhixiangSpatial and temporal differentiation of COVID-19 epidemic spread in mainland China and its influencing factors2020-07-144772.0212.0view text
cord-307946-1olapsmvXu, ZhijiePrimary Care Practitioners’ Barriers to and Experience of COVID-19 Epidemic Control in China: a Qualitative Study2020-08-31nannanview text
cord-355291-fq0h895iYasir, AmmarModeling Impact of Word of Mouth and E-Government on Online Social Presence during COVID-19 Outbreak: A Multi-Mediation Approach2020-04-249022.0516.0view text
cord-341187-jqesw4e8Yu, XinhuaModeling Return of the Epidemic: Impact of Population Structure, Asymptomatic Infection, Case Importation and Personal Contacts2020-08-27nannanview text
cord-347349-caz5fwl1Yu, XinhuaDistinctive trajectories of COVID-19 epidemic by age and gender: a retrospective modeling of the epidemic in South Korea2020-07-02nannanview text
cord-019114-934xczf3Zhan, Xiu-XiuEpidemic dynamics on information-driven adaptive networks2018-02-16nannanview text
cord-272744-j4q7pcfaZhan, Xiu-XiuCoupling dynamics of epidemic spreading and information diffusion on complex networks2018-09-014738.0278.0view text
cord-332898-gi23un26Zhou, LingyunCIRD-F: Spread and Influence of COVID-19 in China2020-04-07nannanview text
cord-284220-55mckelvbatista, m.Estimation of a state of Corona 19 epidemic in August 2020 by multistage logistic model: a case of EU, USA, and World2020-09-022207.0148.0view text