
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-268492-0rbmqarxa report from China Coronaviruses in cats and other companion animals: where does SARS- CoV-2/ COVID-19 fit?
cord-266155-hf3retapSecond, we have found that an intensive four day course stopped virus shedding while cats being treated for FIP have higher virus loads( Kipar et al., 2006) and require a longer course of treatment, up to 12 weeks( Pedersen et al., 2019), which surely is more likely to allow resistant virus strains to develop?
cord-021452-9rukc80yan inappropriate standard of care Is the role of steroids in acute spinal cord injury now resolved?
cord-023121-hewbl5yusigns and clinical diagnosis Peritonite infettiva dei gatti: contributo anatomopatologico ed ultrastrutturale Feline coronaviruses: which are really pathogenic?
cord-323805-9n63ms3cwhat's in the genes?
cord-270414-gh9agf4xWhat's new?
cord-273424-iz1vat9pDoes the modification of the glycan moiety alter the binding of pathological AGP to monocytes, thus increasing or decreasing the activation capability of these cells?
cord-273424-iz1vat9pIs the desialylation of AGP connected with a reduction of the half- life of AGP itself and, therefore, with a reduction of its immunomodulatory properties?
cord-295491-zlah6u5sninth report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses Comparison of realtime reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, serum and cell- free body cavity effusion for the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis Sensitivity and specificity of a real- time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction detecting feline coronavirus mutations in effusion and serum/ plasma of cats to diagnose feline infectious peritonitis Comparison of different tests to diagnose feline infectious peritonitis Clinical symptoms and diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis Development and evaluation of a novel loop- mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Feline infectious peritonitis: still an enigma?
cord-322317-wsagoy52The molecular dynamics of feline coronaviruses Feline Infectious Peritonitis: Still an Enigma?
cord-304616-k92fa15lSpecies differences in drug plasma protein binding Selective plasma protein binding of antimalarial drugs to α1-acid glycoprotein Plasma protein binding and blood- free concentrations: which studies are needed to develop a drug?
cord-304616-k92fa15lWhat is the true clinical significance of plasma protein binding displacement interactions?
cord-302161-ytr7ds8ireverse genetics Genomic RNA sequence of feline coronavirus strain FCoV C1Je Feline Coronavirus 3c Protein: A Candidate for a Virulence Marker?
cord-351955-9l4786lbHowever, what are the alternatives?
cord-336730-hqgwj8vsYoung cats are especially prone: 54% of all FIP cases affected cats younger than 12 months of age and 70% cats younger than 4 year?.
cord-336639-jaue41mvA study of naturally occurring feline coronavirus infections in kittens Using direct immunofluorescence to detect coronavirus in peritoneal and pleural effusions Sequence analysis of the 3-end of the feline coronavirus FIPV 79- 1146 genome: comparison with the genome of porcine coronavirus TGEV reveals large insertions FIP, easy to diagnose?
cord-014527-nvzfpntuThis laboratory offered the"combined RT- nPCR and sequencing approach WHICH SAMPLES ARE THE MOST RELEVANT FOR ANALYSIS?
cord-313439-cadyykksA review of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection: 1963- 2008 Feline infectious peritonitis: Still an enigma?
cord-313439-cadyykksDifferences in cytokine patterns in association with the outcome of infection Amino acid changes in the spike protein of feline coronavirus correlate with systemic spread of virus from the intestine and not with feline infectious peritonitis Detection of subgenomic mrna of feline coronavirus by real- time polymerase chain reaction based on primer- probe energy transfer( p- sg- qpcr) Sequencing of 3c and spike genes in feline infectious peritonitis: Which samples are the most relevant for analysis?
cord-276617-chgjpg0vIn contrast, the ratio of sIg?
cord-276617-chgjpg0vThe ratio of sIg?
cord-276617-chgjpg0vWe reported previously that when the FIPV antigen was detected by the fluorescent antibody method, 10- 20% of cells were positive when SPF cat- derived alveolar macrophages were inoculated with FIPV?
cord-331045-i33nr27jBut, unlike Duthie, they examined a group of FCoVexposed cats and asked what was the difference between them and the cats with FIP?
cord-331045-i33nr27jDr. Giordano and her colleagues address the down- to- earth questions:''How do I diagnose this disease in the living cat?''
cord-331045-i33nr27jIn GiordanoÕs paper, four surviving cats had a transient rise in SAA and the authors ask the interesting question as to whether this increase and the decrease in AGP seen in these cats had some protective role?
cord-331045-i33nr27jIs it possible that development of FIP has got little to do with the virus after all and everything to do with the AGP response of the cat?
cord-331045-i33nr27jand''How do I distinguish the FCoV infected cat from the cat with FIP?''
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAbdominal palpation should be performed to assess pain( where?), any masses( foreign bodies, lymph nodes, or even focally thickened intestines, such as with neoplasia), or turgid intestines.
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAcute pancreatitis in cats with hepatic lipidosis Pancreatic atrophy and fibrosis associated with Eurytrema procyonis in a domestic cat Comparisons between cats with normal and increased fPLI concentrations in cats diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease Pancreatolithiasis and pancreatic pseudobladder associated with pancreatitis in a cat Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas in a cat Laparotomy for gastro- intestinal biopsies Enteric bacteria: friend or foe?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAppearance of diarrhea Quantity and quality of the stool( color, consistency, character, presence of blood or mucus)?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAre any medications required?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAre lilies present in the house?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAre such patients best treated for inflammatory bowel disease, Helicobacter infection, or both?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAre there any dietary changes or indiscretion?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsAre there any medications unaccounted for( e.g., a dropped aspirin tablet)?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsDescription of defecation process Tenesmus( straining) and dyschezia( painful defecation)?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsHas the cat been seen playing with an insect, mouse, or other prey?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsImportant questions to ask concern frequency of defecation( and how this compares with the normal state), tenesmus( straining usually indicates large bowel diarrhea, since an irritated colon leads to urgency), volume of feces( smaller volumes are typical of large bowel diarrhea; larger volumes are more typical of small Onset and duration of diarrhea Acute versus chronic?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsIs supportive care necessary?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsIs the cat well or unwell?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsIs there primary or secondary gastrointestinal disease?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsIs there small or large bowel diarrhea?
cord-022555-a7ie82fsThe practitioner must ask the following important questions: • Are ancillary tests appropriate?
cord-022555-a7ie82fs• Is there an acute onset or a chronic time course?