
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-000617-8m7spnxjThe Government Wet markets: a continuing source of severe acute respiratory syndrome and infl uenza?
cord-017080-erbftqghJust or just compact?
cord-258307-nsdhvc8wAvian influenza: a new pandemic threat?
cord-272759-dqkjofw2:"Were SARS superspreaders anomalies, or are super- spreaders characteristic of most infectious diseases?"
cord-023837-kenstpjaIn Water: At What Cost?
cord-019032-vdiaexbwIn Water: At What Cost?
cord-274112-6t0wpiqyA pandemic warning?
cord-297326-n0fpu8s3-I: An analysis of factors underlying seasonal patterns Quantitative investigations of different vaccination policies for the control of congenital rubella syndrome( CRS) in the United Kingdom Age- related changes in the rate of disease transmission: implications for the design of vaccination programmes Who mixes with whom?
cord-272207-jtvf257rDo moderators of the optimistic bias affect personal or target risk estimates?
cord-272207-jtvf257rGiven this, the question arises: should studies or assessments done early in the epidemic emphasize affect- based assessments of risk, whereas those performed later in the epidemic emphasize cognitive- based measures, in order to optimally predict behaviors?
cord-008841-r17qhfsjWhy did these two groups of studies give such different results?
cord-309268-sig0h723an inventory of strategies to reach target populations and optimise vaccination uptake seasonal influenza vaccination coverage rates in 10 countries in Africa Vaccination coverage rates in eleven European countries during two consecutive influenza seasons Influenza vaccination uptake and socioeconomic determinants in 11 European countries Patient's perceptions and information provided by the public health service are predictors for influenza vaccine uptake Factors influencing acceptance of influenza vaccination given in an ED Predictors of flu vaccination among urban Hispanic children and adults Influenza vaccination coverage against seasonal and pandemic influenza and their determinants in France: a cross- sectional survey Healthy young and middle age adults: what will it take to vaccinate them for influenza?
cord-020769-elzkwyz0Inexpensive labor is appealing but what if you can not find employees to complete an order( Jeter, 1999)?
cord-289908-7itwc8tmHow will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-034317-bhzctz87A survey of coverage and attitudes Medical students and professionalism-do the hidden curriculum and current role models fail our future doctors?
cord-034317-bhzctz87Must we remain blind to undergraduate medical ethics education in Africa?
cord-034317-bhzctz87What does it mean for a case to be"local"?
cord-262545-bs8p50igIncidence of type 1 diabetes in Norway among children aged 0- 14 years between 1989 and 2012: has the incidence stopped rising?
cord-262545-bs8p50igWhat did the researchers do and find?
cord-262545-bs8p50igWhy was this study done?
cord-003171-z22ekgtv2009 virus- where are we?
cord-003171-z22ekgtv: where do we go from here?
cord-003171-z22ekgtvInferring influenza infection attack rate from seroprevalence data Social contacts and mixing patterns relevant to the spread of infectious diseases Estimates of the reproduction number for seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza: a systematic review of the literature Original antigenic sin responses to influenza viruses Host versus flu: antibodies win a round?
cord-000280-zyaj90nh-how did their practices differ during the SARS epidemic?
cord-000280-zyaj90nhA missed opportunity to increase vaccination uptake in the general public?
cord-000280-zyaj90nhWidespread public misconception in the early phase of the H1N1 influenza epidemic Influenza vaccination among primary healthcare workers Which determinants should be targeted to increase influenza vaccination uptake among healthcare workers in nursing homes?
cord-000280-zyaj90nha cross- sectional study of Hong Kong community nurses?
cord-313900-tx3m4gu4The relationships between democratic experience, adult health, and cause- specific mortality in 170 countries between 1980 and 2016: an observational analysis Surgical mask partition reduces the risk of non- contact transmission in a golden Syrian hamster model for Coronavirus Disease Pour( Tear) Gas on Fire?
cord-313900-tx3m4gu4Why do people accept public policies they oppose?
cord-000266-xwfptmmvA framework for capturing the interactions between laypersons'understanding of disease, information gathering behaviors, and actions taken during an epidemic Communication of risk: choice, consent, and trust Toward a theory of situation awareness in dynamic systems Perception of risk Trust, emotion, sex, politics, and science: surveying the riskassessment battlefield Factors in vaccination intention against the pandemic influenza A/ H1N1 Avian influenza risk perception and live poultry purchase in Risk perception and their relation to risk behavior What causes H5N1 avian influenza?
cord-000266-xwfptmmvDo moderators of the optimistic bias affect personal or target risk estimates?
cord-000266-xwfptmmvPerceived control moderated the self- efficacy- enhancing effects of a chronic illness self- management intervention Self- efficacy, controllability and intention in the theory of planned behavior: Measurement redundancy or causal independence?
cord-000266-xwfptmmvPerceived difficulty in the theory of planned behaviour: perceived behavioural control or affective attitude?
cord-000266-xwfptmmvSelf- efficacy, problem solving, and social- environmental support are associated with diabetes self- management behaviors Prevention of sexually transmitted HIV infection: A meta- analytic review of the behavioral outcome literature Sources of information and health beliefs related to SARS and avian influenza among Chinese communities in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands, compared to the general population in these countries Cognitive appraisal, negative affectivity and psychological well- being A review of health behaviour theories: how useful are these for developing interventions to promote long- term medication adherence for TB and HIV/ AIDS?
cord-321075-cvlq4i8cEvidence from hotels in Beijing Theoretical, empirical, and operational models in hotel location research La localisation de l'industrie touristique: application de l'analyse de Thunen- Weber What determines multinational hotel groups'locational investment choice in China?
cord-321075-cvlq4i8cHow do hotels choose their location?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srInfluenza pandemic planning: review of a collaborative state and national process Epidemic and pandemic'flu Ready for the next influenza pandemic?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srShould I stay or should I go?
cord-329124-yetjd5g5After decades of development, how have PH designs evolved against multiple challenges and kept abreast with the present era of sustainability, particularly in the aforementioned Asian economies that still rely considerably on PH to address housing inequity?
cord-329124-yetjd5g5For example, would the reemergence of the highly controversial pencil development be upgraded from merely being a quick fix to being applied as a means to renew old housing stock and satisfy the demands of the new PH population?
cord-301418-tj70iv4vHow do economic events affect real estate markets?
cord-301418-tj70iv4vThe 1985- 1994 global real estate cycle: are there lasting behavioral and regulatory lessons?
cord-323643-lu3ngt6rHow did general practitioners protect themselves, their family and staff during the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong?
cord-314734-ai0hz4uqCan we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
cord-314734-ai0hz4uqHow old is the average cruise passenger?
cord-293403-o1i999hyDoctors in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity?
cord-293403-o1i999hyHow will the Internet change our health system?
cord-293403-o1i999hyThe impact of cyberhealthcare on the physician- patient relationship E- health: transforming the physician/ patient relationship Health care web sites: are they reliable?
cord-306014-tjnt01ldShiller[ 4] challenged EMH and asked why an efficient stock market should be that volatile, when the actual price should have been the same as the optimal forecast?
cord-306014-tjnt01ldThe informational efficiency and the financial crashes Is the US stock market becoming weakly efficient over time?
cord-331835-nuhrd92z: what lessons have we learned?
cord-016551-5vwgg8e6What's Next?
cord-016551-5vwgg8e6What's Next?
cord-016551-5vwgg8e6What's Next?
cord-016551-5vwgg8e6What's Next?
cord-016551-5vwgg8e6What's Next?
cord-296573-4c9gch5bA outbreak in humans in Wales Serological analysis of serum samples from humans exposed to avian H7 infl uenza viruses in Italy between 1999 and Outbreak of low pathogenicity H7N3 avian infl uenza in UK, including associated case of human conjunctivitis Update on human cases of infl uenza at the human- animal interface Conjunctivitis in human beings caused by infl uenza A virus of seals Avian infl uenza virus isolated from a woman with conjunctivitis Pandemic infl uenza: a zoonosis?
cord-296573-4c9gch5bA virus proteins translated from PA mRNA Emergence of multiple genotypes of H5N1 avian infl uenza viruses in Hong Kong SAR Characterization of the infl uenza A virus gene pool in avian species in southern China: was H6N1 a derivative or a precursor of H5N1?
cord-296573-4c9gch5bTwo years after pandemic infl uenza A/2009/ H1N1: what have we learned?
cord-296573-4c9gch5bWhy does age profi le tilt older?
cord-296573-4c9gch5bconvalescent blood products for Spanish infl uenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-351225-dq0xu85cThe big question now: will it be back?
cord-350031-2c9x55hxHow much is explained by behavior?
cord-274306-cxvnv8dyH5N1 de Hong- Kong avait- il entraîné des infections d'une telle gravité chez l'homme?
cord-274306-cxvnv8dya mechanism for unusual severity of human disease?
cord-274306-cxvnv8dycul- de- sac épidémiologique ou prémices d'une nouvelle pandémie?
cord-274306-cxvnv8dyles changements climatiques sont- ils en cause?
cord-334612-lxqcvqcaDid children really need to face the wall while eating their snack?
cord-334612-lxqcvqcaDid preschool teachers really need to wear aprons with carry alcohol spray, tissues and gloves?
cord-334612-lxqcvqcaWas it necessary for children to wash hands 5 times within 3 hours?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5An influenza epicenter?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5Characterisation of H9 subtype influenza viruses from the ducks of southern china: a candidate for the next influenza pandemic in humans?
cord-331244-zaguyxm5influenza A viruses Pathogenicity and antigenicity of a new influenza A( H5N1) virus isolated from duck meat Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A H5N1 viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-290352-0pc5eji4Initial genetic characterization of the 1918"Spanish"influenza virus Pathology of fatal human infection associated with avian influenza A H5N1 virus Avian influenza A( H5N1) in 10 patients in Vietnam Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant hemagglutinin vaccine for H5 influenza in humans Human illness from avian influenza H7N3, British Columbia Influenza H5N1 replication sites in humans Probable person- to- person transmission of avian influenza A( H5N1) Responsiveness to a pandemic alert: use of reverse genetics for rapid development of influenza vaccines Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-290352-0pc5eji4The structure and receptor binding properties of the 1918 influenza hemagglutinin Cellular transcriptional profiling in influenza A virus- infected lung epithelial cells: the role of the nonstructural NS1 protein in the evasion of the host innate defense and its potential contribution to pandemic influenza Comparison of efficacies of RWJ-270201, zanamivir, and oseltamivir against H5N1, H9N2, and other avian influenza viruses Emergence of multiple genotypes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Hong Kong SAR H5N1 influenza: a protean pandemic threat Molecular characterization of H9N2 influenza viruses: were they the donors of the"internal"genes of H5N1 viruses in Hong Kong?
cord-290352-0pc5eji4a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-306910-qwaoe5duWhat hopes might Hong Kong's approach to infection control offer for New York and other cities in the United States?
cord-306910-qwaoe5duWhat is the relationship between freedom and health in an era of viral crisis?
cord-306910-qwaoe5duYou have n't been to China recently, have you?''
cord-316860-60mrbgwg60mrbgwg nan How can animals send signals of future threats to humans?
cord-316860-60mrbgwgAn influenza epicentre?
cord-316860-60mrbgwgBut this raises a new question: How, among all the flu viruses that can be found in animals, to bet on the right'candidate virus'that will actually cross the species barrier?
cord-316860-60mrbgwgIt could spread either through humans( although its inter- human transmission had not been proved), through migratory birds( but can sick birds fly?)
cord-020756-d9f5fd7xH5N1 Virus Attachment to Lower Respiratory Tract Importance of conserved amino acids at the cleavage site of the haemagglutinin of a virulent avian influenza A virus Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-020756-d9f5fd7xMolecular characterization of H9N2 influenza viruses: were they the donors of the"internal"genes of H5N1 viruses in Hong Kong?
cord-020756-d9f5fd7xNonhomologous recombination between the hemagglutinin gene and the nucleoprotein gene of an influenza virus Influenza A pandemics of the 20th century with special reference to 1918: virology, pathology and epidemiology Virus- neutralizing antibodies of immunoglobulin G( IgG) but not of IgM or IgA isotypes can cure influenza virus pneumonia in SCID mice Functional anatomy of human lacrimal duct epithelium Human infection with influenza H9N2 Cocirculation of avian H9N2 and contemporary"human"H3N2 influenza A viruses in pigs in southeastern China: potential for genetic reassortment?
cord-020756-d9f5fd7xRecent human influenza A( H1N1) viruses are closely related genetically to strains isolated in 1950 Human influenza virus hemagglutinin with high sensitivity to proteolytic activation Avian influenza and sialic acid receptors: more than meets the eye?
cord-020756-d9f5fd7xWill vaccines be available for the next influenza pandemic?
cord-260438-oezkz55mDo only fundamentals matter?
cord-260438-oezkz55mForecasting volatility and option prices of the s&p 500 index Any novelty in hippocampal formation and memory?
cord-260438-oezkz55mHow relevant is volatility forecasting for financial risk management?
cord-260438-oezkz55mThe tools that changed finance Recognition memory: What are the roles of the perirhinal cortex and hippocampus?
cord-323190-wisaamn7Do weather, day of the week, and address affect the rate of attempted suicide in Hong Kong?
cord-323190-wisaamn7The influence of seasonal change on suicidal behavior in Italy Decreasing tendency of seasonality in suicide may indicate lowering rate of depressive suicides in the population Are seasonalities in suicide dependent on suicide methods?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe Coming of the Post- Industrial Society Services and the new economy: elements of a research agenda The Service Economy: Export of Services in the Central Puget Sound Region Multimedia Utopia?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe Japanese technopolis programme: high- tech development strategy or industrial policy in disguise?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe role of office location in regional town centre planning and metropolitan multinucleation: the case of Vancouver Location, linkages and labor: the downtown complex of corporate activities in a medium size city The capital city development in Japan From collective economy to collective economy?
cord-272526-2fgtjouure: Dr Leilei Li's project on cultural industries in Shenzen Changing theoretical perspectives on urbanization in Asian developing countries China's industrialization with controlled urbanization: anti- urbanism or urban- biased?
cord-332563-oo8wler1How big is the physical activity intention- behaviour gap?
cord-332563-oo8wler1What measures of habit strength to use?
cord-294237-6hovffsoAnd, if it does, how should it be treated and can it be contained?
cord-294237-6hovffsoAt the present time, there are two key questions that relate to SARS: Will the disease reoccur?
cord-294237-6hovffso␣ protects type 1 pneumocytes against SARS coronavirus infection in macaques Antiviral treatment of SARS: can we draw any conclusions?
cord-254340-e1x0z3rhFrom this recent experience, did Hong Kong learn from the hard lessons of the past?
cord-254340-e1x0z3rhGovernment Printer The SARS epidemic in Hong Kong: what lessons have we learned?
cord-254340-e1x0z3rhHow Many Are at Risk?
cord-254340-e1x0z3rhOnline day care keeping elderly Hongkongers active during isolation Nursing homes in 10 nations: a comparison between countries and settings How big is the problem in care homes?
cord-254340-e1x0z3rhWhy did Singapore have more coronavirus cases than Hong Kong?
cord-311026-mpr3xb2aCan China return to normalcy while keeping the coronavirus in check?
cord-311026-mpr3xb2aWhat happened?
cord-311026-mpr3xb2aWhat is the"post peak period"?
cord-311026-mpr3xb2alessons from containment efforts in Singapore Are high- performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hA New Pandemic Threat?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hPandemic influenza: its origin and control Influenza type A in humans, mammals and birds: determinants of virus virulence, host- range and interspecies transmission Animal influenza virus surveillance Influenza: an emerging disease Wet markets- a continuing source of severe acute respiratory syndrome and influenza?
cord-327819-7p05jk1hThe structure and receptorbinding properties of the 1918 influenza hemagglutinin Pandemic threat posed by avian influenza A viruses Outbreaks of avian influenza A( H5N1) in Asia and interim recommendations for evaluation and reporting of suspected cases- United States Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-340993-qb9jlt9fA study among Jews and Palestinians Trajectories of resilience, resistance, and distress during ongoing terrorism: the case of Jews and Arabs in Israel Resilience in the year after cancer diagnosis: a crosslagged panel analysis of the reciprocity between psychological distress and well- being Does change in positive affect mediate and/or moderate the impact of symptom distress on psychological adjustment after cancer diagnosis?
cord-340993-qb9jlt9fSome norms and reliability data for the State- Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Zung Self- Rating Depression scale Risk perception and impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome( SARS) on work and personal lives of healthcare workers in Singapore: what can we learn?
cord-340993-qb9jlt9fThe psychology and philosophy of stress Conservation of resources and disaster in cultural context: the caravans and passageways for resources Resource conservation as a strategy for community psychology Are community studies of trauma's impact exaggerated?
cord-269612-pmzdovna-that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon principles deduced from it"?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaHow severe a test did SARS pose?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaIs this'core'up to the job?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWere we lucky?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons can we learn from SARS?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons can we learn from SARS?
cord-269612-pmzdovnaWhat lessons does SARS teach?
cord-337546-60xq8dpg,"Taiwan's Coronavirus Response Hits Obstacles Set by Chinese Government?,
cord-337546-60xq8dpgHow do great powers utilize economic and social instruments to coerce the other countries?
cord-337546-60xq8dpgWhat Is'Sharp Power'?
cord-351030-jqqxqjzfA Sparse Gaussian Network Model for Prediction the Growth Trend of COVID-19 Overseas Import Case: When can Hong Kong Lift the International Traffic Blockad?
cord-351030-jqqxqjzfThe Lancet Estimation of the transmission risk of the 2019-nCoV and its implication for public health interventions Gibbs and Markov properties of graphs Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso: a retrospective Asymptotics for lasso- type estimators Pattern recognition and machine learning A statistical view of some chemometrics regression tools Linear model selection by cross- validation Online passive- aggressive algorithms Global stability for the SEIR model in epidemiology Statistical inference in a stochastic epidemic SEIR model with control intervention: Ebola as a case study How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-351030-jqqxqjzfThe effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus( COVID-19) outbreak Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling study COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3Does influenza vaccination prevent asthma exacerbations in children?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3Is this a sign that I really did become a better doctor or is it a symptom of ageing?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3Learning from experience?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3Lethal H5N1 influenza viruses escape host anti- viral cytokine responses Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3The efficacy of influenza vaccine in elderly persons: a meta- analysis and review of the literature Relation between influenza vaccination and outpatient visits, hospitalization, and mortality in elderly persons with chronic lung disease Is immunizing all patients with chronic lung disease in the community against influenza cost- effective?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3Were my early errors more influential on my subsequent practice or are my current errors not recognised or not made known to me by sympathetic colleagues?
cord-269623-9pxdeva3were they the donors of the''internal''genes of H5N1 viruses in Hong Kong?
cord-325722-ixozph19For Whom are Permanent Jobs off Limits?
cord-325722-ixozph19Furthermore, without reducing the CSSA payment and restricting the eligibility, is there any better way to control the expenditure on CSSA?
cord-325722-ixozph19The failure of social security in alleviating poverty in Hong Kong Changes in social policy in Hong Kong since 1997: Old wine in new bottles?
cord-325722-ixozph19Which group of people and in what approach should the government intervene so that the number of recipients can be effectively reduced?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuHow does pneumococcal vaccine help to prevent pneumonia?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuHow often should the vaccination take place?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuWhat are the possible side- effects?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuWhat is already known about this topic?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuWhat is pneumococcal vaccine?
cord-330502-exmk6gmuWhat should be done in the post- vaccination period?
cord-326339-46imi33vIn the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?"
cord-326339-46imi33vPS1 was measured by six items, such as"In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?"
cord-326339-46imi33vThe Lancet Global Health Differences in the compliance with hospital infection control practices during the 2009 influenza H1N1 pandemic in three countries Avian influenza and South Jakarta primary healthcare workers: a controlled mixed- method study Primary care physicians in Hong Kong and Canada-how did their practices differ during the SARS epidemic?
cord-326339-46imi33vand"In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way?
cord-326339-46imi33vand"In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do?
cord-286705-biundkbvAssuming the police has used excessive force, is vandalism the best response( i.e.,"an eye for an eye")?
cord-286705-biundkbvUnderstanding the attitude of generation Z towards workplace Government of the Hong Kong SAR China's subsidies lifting rural villages out of poverty, but is Xi Jinping's plan sustainable?
cord-286705-biundkbvWhat are the"five demands"?
cord-286705-biundkbvWhat do protesters want?
cord-286705-biundkbvWhat is the"civilized"and"mature"form of public demonstration?
cord-286705-biundkbvWhy the Fire Broke out?
cord-286705-biundkbvc) How can we promote peaceful co- existence within diversity in political views?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8y( 2) How likely is it that you would survive if you were infected with SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8y( 3) How confident are you in your doctor's ability to diagnose SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8y( 5) Does the level of knowledge or beliefs about SARS affect the types of precautionary measures used by older adults?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8yThree questions aimed at determining the participants'beliefs about their likelihood of contracting SARS were developed:( 1) How likely is it that you will become infected SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8yWhat demographic variables influenced older adults'knowledge level, beliefs, and precautionary measures taken to prevent transmission of SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8yWhat precautionary measures were taken by older adults to prevent the transmission of SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8yWhat was the knowledge level of older adults about the transmission routes of SARS?
cord-276820-l7bd5y8yWhat were the beliefs of older adults about the possibility of becoming infected with SARS?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8n, within the last 10 days( that is, the incubation period for SARS), traveled internationally or visited an area where documented or suspected community transmission of SARS is occurring?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nAlso, will those exposed to the virus be carriers of the disease in the face of a new infection?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow good are hand- washing practices?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow many will be silent healthy carriers of the virus?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nWill an emergent strain or strains behave similarly to the older counterpart?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nhow contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou come into contact with a patient with SARS in the past 10 days?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou experienced a recent onset of a respiratory problem, such as a cough or difficulty breathing?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou have fever?
cord-314381-ltil9hwl, psychologist says To be paranoid is the standard?
cord-314381-ltil9hwlBecause SARS affected a number of regions, including people from both Asian and Western cultures, did individuals from different cultures perceive and cope with the crisis in distinct manners?
cord-314381-ltil9hwlCould the current knowledge yielded from coping research help in the understanding of people's attempts to handle the SARS outbreak?
cord-314381-ltil9hwlDid people attempt to handle the SARS epidemic in ways that were similar to those with which they attempt to handle stressful daily events?
cord-314381-ltil9hwlIs global panic justified?
cord-314381-ltil9hwlTo cope with the outbreak, why did some people engage in preventive health behavior while others ignore the use of preventive measures?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21A crucial question was how effective were these various measures at warding off the arrival of swine flu, verifying its severity and preventing or deterring its spread?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21But was the virus that was killing the cells the SARS virus, that is, was it the cause of the disease, or did it just happen to be present?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21Could you come over and visit us?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21How was Hong Kong able to keep H7N9 at bay?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21I know your work, Hedley said, could I persuade you to get interested in SARS?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21In reality, did the virus originate from the community or from hospitals?"
cord-016160-ugc7ce21Still, the question was, where did this new virus come from?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21This virus?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21Were domestic animals also responsible for SARS?
cord-016160-ugc7ce21animal- or animals- carried the virus that mutated and was able to infect people?
cord-350861-kxwgpymqA pandemic warning?
cord-350861-kxwgpymqPandemic influenza: a zoonosis?
cord-350861-kxwgpymqThe impact of a monthly rest day on avian influenza virus isolation rates in retail live poultry markets in Hong Kong Are ducks contributing to the endemicity of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in Asia?
cord-350861-kxwgpymqWere the highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses transferred within and between countries by persons, poultry, or fomites?
cord-299464-rrxgr909: developing best practice models Are our residential buildings healthy and safe?
cord-299464-rrxgr909A study of the decision criteria for urban regeneration projects Property owning democracies?
cord-299464-rrxgr909A survey in Hong Kong Engaging homeowners in building care in Hong Kong: drivers and barriers To rehabilitate or redevelop?
cord-299464-rrxgr909An investigation into home owner maintenance awareness, management and skill- knowledge enhancing attributes Why participate?
cord-299464-rrxgr909Are there any solutions to the Olsonian paradox of participation or the collective action dilemma?
cord-299464-rrxgr909Housing Beyond SES: a resource of political participation Free riders or easy riders?
cord-299464-rrxgr909South China Morning Post Environmental activism as collective action Collective action, environmental activism, and air quality policy Collective action and citizen responses to global warming Megacities sweet dreams or environmental nightmares?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyHow long do Hong Kong adults spend washing their hands?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyHow many of the participants have received proper hand- hygiene information, and what are the common information resources?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyWhat are the differences between independent variables, common missed areas, and handwashing instances?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyWhat areas are most commonly missed in handwashing?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyWhat is the hand washing performance in foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyWhat is the relationship between independent variables, common missed areas, and handwashing instances?
cord-354832-lps2qbxyerefore, this study was designed to fill this gap, and the following research questions were developed:( 1) What are the most common instances of handwashing among Hong Kong adults?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tAn influenza epicentre?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tCan we say that birdwatchers take the perspectives of threatened wild birds as virologists take the perspective of poultry infected with flu viruses?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tCultural Anthropology website Pourquoi la fiction?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHe asks: how do participants come to believe in a series of speeches and actions-the novice's death and the goat's consent to sacrifice-that are obviously false?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow do humans in charge of the protection of animals cope with the oppositions we have seen in reverse scenarios of pandemics?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow does preparedness transform relations between humans and birds?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow does the description of animals as victims of disasters transform them into actors of simulations( Keck& Ticktin 2015)?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tThe main question, according to Mr Wong, was:'If there are 200 casualties in one hospital, which resources do they need?'
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWhat does it mean for a simulation to be realistic?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWhat does it mean to include birds, and more generally animals, in exercises simulating coming disasters?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWho thought of the blood- stained old woman with the birdcage?
cord-000336-57es391oAn examination of theory and applications Multicollinearity and measurement error in structural equation models: implications for theory testing The 2009- 2010 influenza pandemic: effects on pandemic and seasonal vaccine uptake and lessons learned for seasonal vaccination campaigns Addressing parents'concerns: do vaccines contain harmful preservatives, adjuvants, additives, or residuals?
cord-000336-57es391oAnd do the original TPB components and the additional components( extended social norms, anticipated regret and seasonal influenza vaccination history) contribute to peoples'decisions on vaccination uptake?
cord-000336-57es391oDoes vaccination planning mediate the relation between intention and future vaccination uptake?
cord-000336-57es391oIn this study, we aimed to answer the following research questions: How well does intention predict future uptake of pH1N1 vaccine?
cord-000336-57es391oThe impact of communications about swine flu( influenza A H1N1v) on public responses to the outbreak: results from 36 national telephone surveys in the UK Influenza vaccine coverage rates and perceptions on vaccination in South Korea Influenza vaccination coverage rates in five European countries- a population- based cross- sectional analysis of two consecutive influenza seasons What factors affect influenza vaccine uptake among community- dwelling older Chinese people in Hong Kong general outpatient clinics?
cord-000336-57es391oThe theory of planned behavior: a review of its applications to health- related behaviors Efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behaviour: a meta- analytic review Intention- behavior relations: a conceptual and empirical review Does changing behavioral intentions engender behavior change?
cord-000336-57es391oWhat Drives Pregnant Women's Decisions to Accept the H1N1 Vaccine?
cord-000336-57es391oWhat is coefficient alpha?
cord-000336-57es391oWhich factors are important in adults'uptake of a( pre)pandemic influenza vaccine?
cord-000336-57es391oWhy were Turks unwilling to accept the A/ H1N1 influenza- pandemic vaccination?
cord-000336-57es391olessons from current outbreaks Number of notifications for notifiable infectious diseases Human Swine Influenza Vaccination Programme Human Swine Influenza Vaccination Acceptability of A/ H1N1 vaccination during pandemic phase of influenza A/ H1N1 in Hong Kong: population based cross sectional survey Factors in association with acceptability of A/ H1N1 vaccination during the influenza A/ H1N1 pandemic phase in the Hong Kong general population Publicity Plan for Human Swine Influenza Vaccination Programme Statistics on human swine influenza vaccinations Press Releases Determinants of intention to get vaccinated against novel( pandemic) influenza A H1N1 among health- care workers in a nationwide survey Does receipt of seasonal influenza vaccine predict intention to receive novel H1N1 vaccine: evidence from a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults Factors in vaccination intention against the pandemic influenza A/ H1N1 Influenza vaccination and intention to receive the pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine among healthcare workers of British Columbia, Canada: a cross- sectional study Intent to receive pandemic influenza A( H1N1) vaccine, compliance with social distancing and sources of information in NC Low acceptability of A/ H1N1 pandemic vaccination in French adult population: did public health policy fuel public dissonance?
cord-000336-57es391oworry, regret, and influenza vaccination Risk perceptions: assessment and relationship to influenza vaccination Do people who intend to get a flu shot actually get one?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wFor example, why did the individuals staying on the same hotel floor as the index case in Hotel M get infected but none of the staff?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wHow contagious are common respiratory infections?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wIs quarantine really necessary?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThe SARS outbreak: how many reminders do we need?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThese include: what are the conditions required for the airborne transmission of the SARS coronavirus?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhat makes a super- spreading event?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we be sure that transmission does not occur?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we get a good rapid diagnostic test that is positive early in the course of the illness?
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3An information need or question stated that is about any topic related to control of the outbreak( e.g.,''Has the virus peaked?'').
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3Can you tell me how you learned about this?''
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3For example, did you buy a facemask, vitamins, or do something else?''''Why did you decide to[ repeat preparation given by respondent]?''
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3For example, did you buy a facemask, vitamins, or do something else?''''Why did you decide to[ repeat preparation given by respondent]?''
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3How does social pressure affect decisions?
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3I said, what is going on with the market?
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3Participants, notably the Toronto residents, expressed suspicion about a possible cover- up of outbreaks,( i.e.,''why did this occur in Toronto and not in the US?'').
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3We linked lay understanding to information sources using probes, for example,''How does SARS affect a personÕs body?''followed by''
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3What are laypersonsÕ decisions based on?
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3What motivates active searching of information?
cord-269213-tsm6zoe3and''How is[ repeat preparation given by respondent] going to help prevent SARS?''
cord-021375-lca26xum( Crawford 2007, 213) How do we live in harmony with the microbial world but still prevent infectious diseases from developing?
cord-021375-lca26xum: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins Human Endogenous Retroviruses( Hervs) and Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease: Is There a Link?
cord-021375-lca26xumAs the human can not be thought without the virus, and attempts to alter or eliminate it( in)directly also affect the human, how might we think differently about urban spaces and public health if we consider the human and the virus not as opposed but as fundamentally interrelated?
cord-021375-lca26xumConsidering recent advances in gene sequencing in microbiology, through which a"vast diversity of microbial life in, on and around the human body"( Lorimer 2017, 544) has been identified as residing in complex relationality with one another, how befitting is it to fight infectious diseases by indiscriminately eliminating microbes through the use of antimicrobials and practicing urban hygiene as in the case of Hong Kong?
cord-021375-lca26xumCreating the North American Landscape What Is a Pathogen?
cord-021375-lca26xumHow can a microbial approach to global health security protect life?
cord-021375-lca26xumHow can this emerging ontological and epistemological understanding of human life inform the governance of disease?
cord-021375-lca26xumHow do we move from a potentially destructive antimicrobial perspective such as is embodied in Hong Kong to a microbial perspective in which we take responsibility for our vital relation with the microbial world?
cord-021375-lca26xumHow then can human efforts be conceived to control pathogenic, while fostering benign, viral circulation?
cord-021375-lca26xumHuman Placental Morphogenesis Only Human?
cord-021375-lca26xumWhat are the implications of this understanding of the human body as mostly microbial to the way we fight infectious diseases in global cities and elsewhere?
cord-021375-lca26xumWhat happens when the enemy is not the virus or other microbes but us( Methot and Alizon 2014, 778)?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtAnd if there is, how should one make sense of it?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtBut how can one postulate reasonableness( public reason) from one's rational self- interests( private reason)?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtCan justice be ever served if a certain degree of arbitrariness in the space of reasons, 2 as will be illustrated below, seems to play a role in the stakeholders'dialectics and the government's final decision?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtIn short, is there land justice as such?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtIs there any way to settle the disputes among the stakeholders?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtOne might legitimately ask: How can a whole- hearted consensus on any political issue ever exist among all the stakeholders who basically have their interests in conflict( as represented by their incompatible comprehensive doctrines of philosophies and moral values)?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtSo we ask: What would a just democratic society be like under reasonably favourable but still possible historical conditions, conditions allowed by the laws and tendencies of the social world?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtThe Rawlsian model, discussed in the next section, is to examine the nature of this sort of question in terms of land justice: Is it justice to force people and business operations out from there for the purpose of land development when there are other options available for meeting the target of seeking extra land supply?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtThis public engagement, like others, faced a pressing question after the collection of the stakeholders'different opinions: that is, what follows?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWhat ideals and principles would such a society try to realize given the circumstances of justice in a democratic culture as we know them?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWhat is the function of this free- standing political conception of justice?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWhat is the justification for the application of Rawls'general theory of justice to the specific reality of Hong Kong?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWhy should the stakeholders'judgements be demanded to be reasonable in the first place if they are already rational?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWould n't this already put them in the position where they could have an overlapping consensus on how the land justice be served?
cord-029338-r8vf6pqtWould the problem not, then, be solved?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7( H1N1) 2009 viruses Pandemic A(H1N1)2009 influenza virus detection by real- time RT- PCR: is viral quantification useful?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7( iv) What are the epidemiologic and logistical factors that determine the demand- supply balance of passive immunotherapy?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7A quantitative risk assessment of exposure to adventitious agents in a cell culture- derived subunit influenza vaccine John's Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Design of an automated laboratory for high- throughput influenza surveillance Human influenza surveillance: the demand to expand Influenza: an emerging disease Avian- to- human transmission of the PB1 gene of influenza A viruses in the 1957 and 1968 pandemics Proinflammatory cytokine responses induced by influenza A( H5N1) viruses in primary human alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Consequently, the more important question is''why did children live?''
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Ever since, influenza virologists have sought to answer the question''why did young adults die?''by defining the molecular characteristics of the 1918 virus that were responsible for its virulence.
cord-001521-l36f1gp7H3N2 influenza A viruses in pigs in southeastern China: potential for genetic reassortment?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7H3N2 influenza A viruses in pigs in southeastern China: potential for genetic reassortment?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7H5N1 virus Evidence of a cross- protective immune response to influenza A in the cotton rat model Heterosubtypic immunity to influenza A virus: where do we stand?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7H9N2 influenza A viruses from poultry in Asia have human virus- like receptor specificity Characterization of H9 subtype influenza viruses from the ducks of southern China: a candidate for the next influenza pandemic in humans?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7H9N2 influenza A viruses from quail in southern China Characterization of the pathogenicity of members of the newly established H9N2 influenza virus lineages in Asia Sequence analysis of the hemagglutinin gene of H9N2 Korean avian influenza viruses and assessment of the pathogenic potential of isolate MS96 Molecular characterization of H9N2 influenza viruses: were they the donors of the''internal''genes of H5N1 viruses in Hong Kong?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7How does CS-8958 move from the cell membrane to ER ⁄ Golgi?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7How many severe cases can be offered passive immunotherapy?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7In the Control of Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza 12- 13 Characterization of an influenza A H5N2 reassortant as a candidate for live- attenuated and inactivated vaccines against highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses with pandemic potential Are there alternative avian influenza viruses for generation of stable attenuated avian- human influenza A reassortant viruses?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7In vitro and in vivo assay systems for study of influenza virus inhibitors New low- viscosity overlay medium for viral plaque assays Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Cistus incanus and C. monspeliensis leaf extracts Flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins from Cistus incanus Inhibition of the infectivity of influenza virus by tea polyphenols Attenuation of inducible respiratory immune responses by oseltamivir treatment in mice infected with influenza A virus Anti- inflammatory activity of macrolides: a new therapeutic potential?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Is laninamivir indeed trapped inside ER ⁄ Golgi, and does it make a complex with NA in mice?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7New technologies for meeting the global demand for pandemic vaccines Confronting the next influenza pandemic with inexpensive generic agents: can it be done?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Novel type II transmembrane serine proteases, MSPL and TMPRSS13, proteolytically activate membrane fusion activity of hemagglutinin of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses and induce their multicycle replication Is virulence of H5N2 influenza viruses in chickens associated with loss of carbohydrate from the hemagglutinin?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Prophylaxis or treatment?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Qué podemos decir ahora?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7RT- PCR technique for profiling human cytokines, based on external RNA standards, readily automatable for clinical use Role of hypercytokinemia in NF- kap- paB p50 deficient mice after H5N1 influenza A virus infection Developing new antiviral agents for influenza treatment: what does the future hold?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7The average daily passenger number is 2489 based on the 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Tourism, Tourism Bureau, Taiwan( relno=61).
cord-001521-l36f1gp7The protein- protein interaction map of Helicobacter pylori Development of a real- time RT- PCR for the detection of Swine- lineage Influenza A( H1N1) virus infections Long- term storage and recovery of buccal cell DNA from treated cards Pandemic A(H1N1)2009 influenza virus detection by real time RT- PCR: is viral quantification useful?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7The role of influenza virus gene constellation and viral morphology on cytokine induction, pathogenesis, and viral virulence Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7These observations raise the following question: could the host response be modified so patients with severe seasonal and pandemic influenza might have a better chance of surviving?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7WHO manual on animal influenza diagnosis and surveillance Antigenic characterization of influenza B virus with a new microneutralisation assay: comparison to haemagglutination and sequence analysis Seroprotection rate, meanfold increase, seroconversion rate: which parameter adequately expresses seroresponse to influenza vaccination?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7Was bacterial pneumonia the predominant cause of death in the 1918- 1919 influenza pandemic?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7What are the ratelimiting factors in the supply of passive immunotherapy?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7What is the optimal therapy for patients with H5N1 influenza Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7What percentage of convalescent individuals( donor percentage) is needed in order for the program to significantly reduce pandemic mortality?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7World Health Organization WHO outbreak communications guidelines, Geneva: World Health Organization Characterization of H9 subtype influenza viruses from the ducks of southern China: a candidate for the next influenza pandemic in humans?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7did the 2009'swine- origin'influenza A virus( H1N1) emerge?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7human to pig transmission in Norway?
cord-001521-l36f1gp7viruses due to substitution of aspartic acid 151 in the catalytic site-role in virus attachment?