
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-007026-ejv0gidpShould New Antiviral Therapies and Vaccines Be Adopted?
cord-022473-l4jniccwI wondered"Am I going to be the next?"
cord-269939-8nvrt5y7Author query AQ1 Is the change to the text OK?
cord-267326-355q6k6kH7 carrying the Stx 2 gene in sewage from different countries Characterization of metagenomes in urban aquatic compartments reveals high prevalence of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes in wastewaters Variation of bacterial communities with water quality in an urban tropical catchment Unhealthy landscapes: policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence Disease emergence from global climate and land use change Agricultural intensification, priming for persistence and the emergence of Nipah virus: a lethal bat- borne zoonosis Gut DNA viromes of Malawian twins discordant for severe acute malnutrition Surveillance of enteric viruses and coliphages in a tropical urban catchment Obtaining genomes from uncultivated environmental microorganisms using FACS- based single- cell genomics Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments Occurrence of Pepper Mild Mottle Virus( PMMoV) in Groundwater from a Karst Aquifer System in the Yucatan Peninsula VirSorter: mining viral signal from microbial genomic data Evolution and diversity of the Microviridae viral family through a collection of 81 new complete genomes assembled from virome reads Metavir 2: new tools for viral metagenome comparison and assembled virome analysis Evaluating the efficacy of commercial kits for viral DNA/ RNA extraction Metagenomic characterisation of the viral community of lough neagh, the largest freshwater lake in Ireland Eukaryotic viruses in wastewater samples from the United States Relationship of microbiota and cyanobacterial secondary metabolites in planktothricoides- dominated bloom Viral metagenomics on animals as a tool for the detection of zoonoses prior to human infection?
cord-021673-vs4famsaThe Struggle Over Singapore's Soul Underestimated costs and overestimated benefits?
cord-021673-vs4famsaThe invention of heritage: Popular music in Singapore From urban entrepreneurialism to a'Revanchist City'?
cord-027047-xlz576hmIt's paternalistic but do you trust people to be prudent or stupid?
cord-027047-xlz576hmPractices of care must also be considered alongside its temporalities-how long will care- as- concern last, considering modes of attention based on 24-hour news cycles and the episodic nature of processing a pandemic?
cord-178791-cywjp5jhThe effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus( covid-19) outbreak Are the different layers of a social network conveying the same information?
cord-178791-cywjp5jha bustling train station in a central business district more or less susceptible and vulnerable as compared to teeming bus interchanges in the suburbs?
cord-254288-duukt2whAre we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-254288-duukt2whWhat does it mean?
cord-326852-gm98s8a3COVID-19-what should anaethesiologists and intensivists know about it?
cord-326185-gjte739i: clinical correlation is recommended COVID-19) outbreak: what the Department of radiology should know Outbreak of novel coronavirus( COVID-19): what is the role of radiologists?
cord-022234-jjaqlyo5Are there approaches you would use that would be different from those undertaken in the case studies?
cord-022234-jjaqlyo5If you were a destination marketer in SE Asia how would you have approached the management of SARS and the Bali bombing?
cord-022234-jjaqlyo5In what ways has media coverage impacted the perception of tourism destinations since the development of global media broadcasting through networks such as CNN Analyze and compare the effectiveness of the three campaigns examined in this chapter To what extent to you attribute the reconstitution of ASEAN Tourism Marketing as a reactive measure to tourism crisis or a proactive approach to recovery?
cord-290305-8u2zxsamArginine catabolic mobile element in methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus( MRSA) clonal group ST239-MRSA- III isolates in Singapore: implications for PCR- based screening tests Care bundles; the holy grail of infectious risk management in hospital?
cord-290305-8u2zxsamwhy transformational efforts fail Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus throat colonization among healthcare workers during an outbreak in Singapore General Hospital Routine hand hygiene audit by direct observation: has nemesis arrived?
cord-255511-nk3iyg07Identifying Epidemic Patterns Associated with Superspreading Events in Stochastic Models Are the different layers of a social network conveying the same information?
cord-255511-nk3iyg07Is a bustling train station in a central business district more or less susceptible and vulnerable as compared to teeming bus interchanges in the suburbs?
cord-300300-jqi4ylrxHow does TraceTogether work?
cord-300300-jqi4ylrxSituation report-27 Circuit breaker to minimise further spread of COVID-19 Containing COVID-19 spread at foreign worker dormitories Tackling transmissions in migrant worker clusters 22 Testing for SARS- CoV-2: can we stop at two?
cord-292767-xazsbhbwAn application to display phylogenetic trees on personal computers Detection and typing by molecular techniques of respiratory viruses in children hospitalised for acute respiratory High incidence of human bocavirus infection in children in Spain Identification of new human coronaviruses Human bocavirus infection, People's Republic of China Human bocavirus: Passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-292767-xazsbhbwDual infection of infants by human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus is strongly associated with severe bronchiolitis Evidence of human coronavirus HKU1 and human bocavirus in Australian children Emerging respiratory agents: New viruses for old diseases?
cord-339973-kj56zi59Specifically, we asked, could noninvasive bioaerosol sampling detect respiratory viruses in Singapore's MRT network?
cord-023049-fio7cjj5Direct sequencing of the APTX gene revealed two variants, c.544- 2A> G, p?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9: can we stop at two?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9A New Beginning?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9PCR testing for COVID-19: where to swab?
cord-349073-66ulqu11Does SARS- CoV-2 has a longer incubation period than SARS and MERS?
cord-309080-1r8t8yxv: What's Next?
cord-309080-1r8t8yxvIs Medical Education Ready for Generation Z?
cord-321754-sy3ncwgwAre you worried or distressed about the pandemic?
cord-321754-sy3ncwgwHow long do you think the pandemic influenza infection will last?
cord-321754-sy3ncwgwSocial learning theory and the health belief model Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior Singapore Department of Statistics: Key indicators of resident households Which determinants should be targeted to increase influenza vaccination uptake among health care workers in nursing homes?
cord-270969-zb6ih5dlAIDS: where is the epidemic going?
cord-270969-zb6ih5dlEast Asian economic crisis on health and health care in Indonesia Was the economic crisis 1997- 1998 responsible for rising suicide rates in east/ southeast Asia?
cord-270969-zb6ih5dlThe second demographic transition in Asia?
cord-270969-zb6ih5dldo policies matter?
cord-031942-mfz313q0Research Question 2( RQ2): Do the direct and indirect effects of misinformation exposure on information seeking, avoidance, and processing differ between the United States and South Korea or Singapore?
cord-031942-mfz313q0The role of emotional response during an H1N1 influenza pandemic on a college campus Problem solving and communicative action: A situational theory of problem solving What makes people hot?
cord-031942-mfz313q0To examine these possibilities, we pose the following research question: What is the role of risk perception, affective response, and informational subjective norms in the relationship between misinformation exposure and information insufficiency?
cord-031942-mfz313q0What, me worry?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe Coming of the Post- Industrial Society Services and the new economy: elements of a research agenda The Service Economy: Export of Services in the Central Puget Sound Region Multimedia Utopia?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe Japanese technopolis programme: high- tech development strategy or industrial policy in disguise?
cord-272526-2fgtjouuThe role of office location in regional town centre planning and metropolitan multinucleation: the case of Vancouver Location, linkages and labor: the downtown complex of corporate activities in a medium size city The capital city development in Japan From collective economy to collective economy?
cord-272526-2fgtjouure: Dr Leilei Li's project on cultural industries in Shenzen Changing theoretical perspectives on urbanization in Asian developing countries China's industrialization with controlled urbanization: anti- urbanism or urban- biased?
cord-296226-ugeupo3uGiven the high- risk dengue outlook for 2020, NEA worked at the whole- of- government level to include vector control activities as an essential service to What continues to drive transmission in Singapore, where there is a well- resourced and effective dengue control programme?
cord-296226-ugeupo3uThe Singapore dengue control programme is one of the best in the world, but what makes it so successful, and how can the lessons learnt be applied to other vector control programmes?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekDo we isolate all patients who were in the same ward as patients with SARS, even if they did not have direct contact with the infected patients?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekDo we isolate these patients for the duration of their hospital stay in spite of normal chest radiographs and alternative explanations for their fevers?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekHow contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekWhat should be the patient management protocol?
cord-264924-ds6jv5eksevere acute respiratory syndrome- Singapore Laboratory- acquired severe acute respiratory syndrome Sealing the net: how effective was isolation of suspect SARS cases not fulfilling WHO criteria and can we afford it the next time around?
cord-326574-ke0iktlyCOVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-326574-ke0iktlyThe Need for Prevention and Early Intervention Covid-19: social distancing or social isolation?
cord-326574-ke0iktlyWhat Does n't Work?
cord-326574-ke0iktlywhat lessons have we learned?
cord-341389-1o0ey67lComparing military and civilian critical thinking and information processes in operational risk management: what are the lessons?
cord-341389-1o0ey67lHow the severe acute respiratory syndrome experience influenced a Singapore radiology department's response to the coronavirus disease( COVID-19) epidemic Planning and coordination of the radiological response to the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic: the Singapore experience Radiology preparedness in the ongoing battle against COVID-19: experience from large to small Singapore public hospitals Adapting to a new normal?
cord-341389-1o0ey67lLeading in a crisis, part 2: succeeding in battle Outbreak of novel coronavirus( COVID-19): what is the role of radiologists?
cord-341389-1o0ey67lWhat can European radiologists learn from the outbreak of COVID-19 in China?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkCan you make TraceTogether available to other countries?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkFacebook, 9 May Smart subjects for a smart nation?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkGoverning( smart)mentalities in Singapore Which workers can leave dorm for work?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkHow does TraceTogether measure distance and duration of contact?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkThe COVIDSafe application: privacy impact assessment Imagining the Internet: Communication, Innovation, and Governance How many people have downloaded the COVIDSafe app and how central has it been to Australia's coronavirus response?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkWhat is blue trace?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkWhat thresholds constitute close contact?
cord-030529-2wkes9nkthe decline of Singapore exceptionalism What motivates people to download and continue to use the COVIDSafe app?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kAlso, looking ahead, as participants in the Canadian workshop endeavored to do, what lessons from SARS might increase the utility of modeling the next time that a new infectious disease emerges?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kBut could we have convinced health authorities to allocate more resources to encouraging peopleespecially those who might have been exposed to someone subsequently diagnosedto seek medical care upon experiencing symptoms that might herald SARS, and to aiding clinicians in diagnosing, and infection control personnel in isolating patients?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kBut do health policymakers?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kBut do the apparently beneficial effects of historical school closures reliably translate into similar contemporary effects, given secular changes in family and workforce structure?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kCould infected contacts have been identified more efficiently?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kCould modelers have demonstrated that timely isolationnot quarantinewas the key to controlling SARS early enough to have influenced the public health response to this crisis( especially in light of the Amoy Gardens event, which may have biased responsible officials towards more aggressive interventions)?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kIf not by contact management, how was SARS controlled?
cord-279861-gk8cow8kWhen is quarantine a useful control strategy for emerging infectious diseases?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wFor example, why did the individuals staying on the same hotel floor as the index case in Hotel M get infected but none of the staff?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wHow contagious are common respiratory infections?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wIs quarantine really necessary?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThe SARS outbreak: how many reminders do we need?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wThese include: what are the conditions required for the airborne transmission of the SARS coronavirus?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhat makes a super- spreading event?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we be sure that transmission does not occur?
cord-350328-wu1ygt6wWhen can we get a good rapid diagnostic test that is positive early in the course of the illness?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tAn influenza epicentre?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tCan we say that birdwatchers take the perspectives of threatened wild birds as virologists take the perspective of poultry infected with flu viruses?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tCultural Anthropology website Pourquoi la fiction?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHe asks: how do participants come to believe in a series of speeches and actions-the novice's death and the goat's consent to sacrifice-that are obviously false?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow do humans in charge of the protection of animals cope with the oppositions we have seen in reverse scenarios of pandemics?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow does preparedness transform relations between humans and birds?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tHow does the description of animals as victims of disasters transform them into actors of simulations( Keck& Ticktin 2015)?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tThe main question, according to Mr Wong, was:'If there are 200 casualties in one hospital, which resources do they need?'
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWhat does it mean for a simulation to be realistic?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWhat does it mean to include birds, and more generally animals, in exercises simulating coming disasters?
cord-253111-n5ywei4tWho thought of the blood- stained old woman with the birdcage?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uBelief in effective HIV/ AIDS prevention"Is there an effective way of protecting yourself from AIDS"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uI ascertained perceived severity of HIV/ AIDS in terms of the respondents'subjective perception of the likelihood of death using the close- ended question"When you think about AIDS, how serious do you feel it is?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uI include social constructs from the HBM and the SCT and some relevant contextual social factors, to explore the research question"What can we learn from the SARS experience about effective prevention of HIV/ AIDS"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uIn the case of epidemics, competence is typically found at the community level and this brings us to the question of governance: how does a government deal with the health crisis represented by an infectious disease epidemic?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uIn the study of SARS, perceived susceptibility was ascertained through the question"How likely do you think it is for you to contract SARS"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uMore specifically, why were the efforts to contain and prevent the spread of a new epidemic like SARS successful while it has taken 25 years so far to contain the spread of HIV/ AIDS and no effective solution is yet in sight?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uReferring the respondents to the measures implemented to prevent the spread of SARS, they were asked their level of agreement( strongly agree to strongly disagree) with these statements:"People should be willing to make some personal sacrifices";"People have mostly been socially responsible";"If you did not develop symptoms of SARS after having close contact with someone diagnosed with SARS, would you agree to be quarantined for 10 days?";"If you did not develop symptoms of SARS after having non- close contact with someone diagnosed with SARS, would you agree to be quarantined for 10 days"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uReferring the respondents to the measures implemented to prevent the spread of SARS, they were asked their level of agreement( strongly agree to strongly disagree) with these statements:"People should be willing to make some personal sacrifices";"People have mostly been socially responsible";"If you did not develop symptoms of SARS after having close contact with someone diagnosed with SARS, would you agree to be quarantined for 10 days?";"If you did not develop symptoms of SARS after having non- close contact with someone diagnosed with SARS, would you agree to be quarantined for 10 days"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uThe main research question is: what can we learn from the SARS experience about effective prevention of HIV/ AIDS?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uThe perceived severity of HIV/ AIDS was ascertained through the question"When you think about AIDS, how serious do you feel it is?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uThe perception of severity of SARS was measured by the question"If you have contracted SARS, what is the likelihood of survival"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uThe public image of HIV/ AIDS was ascertained through one open- ended question about persons living with HIV/ AIDS:"What kind of people do you think are most likely to get AIDS"?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uWHO global conference on severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS)-where do we go from here?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uWhat can we learn from the SARS experience about effective prevention of HIV/ AIDS?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uWhat kind of people do you think are most likely to get HIV/ AIDS?"
cord-329890-wg23sa1uWhen does the problem begin and when does it end and who is involved?
cord-329890-wg23sa1uWould people's sense of susceptibility to these diseases and their severity contribute to that difference?