This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
altman | nan | altman | nan | 6071 | 311 | nan | ./cache/altman.docx | ./txt/altman.txt |
hansen | nan | hansen | nan | 4321 | 235 | nan | ./cache/hansen.docx | ./txt/hansen.txt |
harper | nan | harper | nan | 5838 | 489 | nan | ./cache/harper.docx | ./txt/harper.txt |
hintze-schossau | nan | hintze-schossau | nan | 5083 | 336 | nan | ./cache/hintze-schossau.docx | ./txt/hintze-schossau.txt |
jiang | nan | jiang | nan | 3583 | 323 | nan | ./cache/jiang.docx | ./txt/jiang.txt |
lesk | nan | lesk | nan | 4868 | 364 | nan | ./cache/lesk.docx | ./txt/lesk.txt |
morgan | nan | morgan | nan | 5269 | 375 | nan | ./cache/morgan.docx | ./txt/morgan.txt |
prudhomme | nan | prudhomme | nan | 3690 | 245 | nan | ./cache/prudhomme.docx | ./txt/prudhomme.txt |
kim | Bohyun Kim | kim | nan | 6982 | 516 | nan | ./cache/kim.docx | ./txt/kim.txt |
cohen-nakazawa | Jason E. Cohen | cohen-nakazawa | nan | 7632 | 334 | nan | ./cache/cohen-nakazawa.docx | ./txt/cohen-nakazawa.txt |
lucic-shanahan | Microsoft Office User | lucic-shanahan | nan | 2981 | 180 | nan | ./cache/lucic-shanahan.docx | ./txt/lucic-shanahan.txt |
wiegand | Sue Wiegand | wiegand | nan | 6152 | 426 | nan | ./cache/wiegand.docx | ./txt/wiegand.txt |