This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
16833 | Mill, John Stuart | Auguste Comte and Positivism | nan | 53016 | 1788 | nan | ./cache/16833.txt | ./txt/16833.txt |
5123 | Mill, John Stuart | The Contest in America | nan | 7652 | 263 | nan | ./cache/5123.txt | ./txt/5123.txt |
5669 | Mill, John Stuart | Considerations on Representative Government | nan | 95683 | 2910 | nan | ./cache/5669.txt | ./txt/5669.txt |
10378 | Mill, John Stuart | Autobiography | nan | 75729 | 2283 | nan | ./cache/10378.txt | ./txt/10378.txt |
11224 | Mill, John Stuart | Utilitarianism | nan | 27761 | 828 | nan | ./cache/11224.txt | ./txt/11224.txt |
12004 | Mill, John Stuart | Essays on some unsettled Questions of Political Economy | nan | 50085 | 1659 | nan | ./cache/12004.txt | ./txt/12004.txt |
34901 | Mill, John Stuart | On Liberty | nan | 52430 | 1671 | nan | ./cache/34901.txt | ./txt/34901.txt |
38138 | Mill, John Stuart | Socialism | nan | 25892 | 875 | nan | ./cache/38138.txt | ./txt/38138.txt |