
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
27101how is the gun to be sponged?"
19209Wherefore such a beak?
19209( When did a traveler enter a Portuguese town on any other than a feast day?)
19209Boussingault thinks it is owing to the lack of atmospheric air in the water; but why is it nearly confined to the women?
19209Can not you once forego your dinner, and feast your mind with the poetry of the landscape?"
19209Cotocachí( from_ cota_?
19209Step- mother, La máma, Táma quíra( máma?).
19209The query is, How came they there?
19209Was this a centre of creation, or were the fowls upheaved with the Andes?
19209Where else combined do we see such a series of towering mountains, such a volume of river- water, and such wide- spreading plains?
19209Where would one of the lower or higher classes in Europe have shown such feeling politeness to a poor and miserable object of a degraded race?"
19209Who has not heard of Gonzalo Pizarro and his fatal yet famous expedition into"the land of cinnamon?"
19209[ Footnote 183: Query: Is the name Yagua( blood) derived from the practice of coloring the body red?]
38774How could they get at them?
38774And her majesty, espying it, wrote underneath,--"If thy heart fail thee, wherefore climb at all?"
38774And where were they when all these difficulties overwhelmed them?
38774But how could they test this fact, when all weights would be increased alike,--the pound of feathers and the pound of lead?
38774But, when they are only a group among a thousand others, who will presume to say they all are the work of man?...
38774Could their situation be more deplorable?
38774Did he shudder at the magnitude and baseness of his crime?
38774He delivered to her there some few of the things which Joachim had left in his charge; but to the question,"What had become of the rest?"
38774If these were isolated, who would not say they were artificial?
38774Is there such a country?
38774What is meant by Eldorado?
38774and, if there be, where is it?
38774was the next question:"by land, or by water?"
21385All on board?
21385And how is Maono?
21385And what are those monkeys?
21385And what could make you wish to think of doing anything of the sort?
21385And why do you doubt that all will come right in the end?
21385And why would he not come to the camp?
21385Are my father, or mother, or sister ill?
21385Are you inclined to go on bore, gentlemen?
21385Arthur!--Arthur!--where are you?
21385But did you feel any pain from your wound?
21385But surely you are going with us to the camp?
21385But then, who is to look after Arthur? 21385 But what reasons have you for so thinking?"
21385But where are the hooks? 21385 But where are you?
21385But why should we be afraid of these little creatures? 21385 But would you not also be able to teach her about the God of the English?"
21385Can we help you, sir?
21385Can you join me?
21385Can you run?
21385Can you tell me, my friend,asked John,"if an English family are stopping anywhere on the banks down the river?"
21385Can you tell us where we can land with safety?
21385Could we not go back to help them?
21385Could we not try to come to terms with their enemies?
21385Do n''t you think if the gospel were taken to them it would have its never- failing effect? 21385 Do n''t you think it possible they got notice that they were about to be attacked, and made their escape in good time?"
21385Do n''t you think, Harry, that we could make the Indians understand what we want?
21385Do you not think we could leave a note, asking him to let us come and visit him before we go away altogether? 21385 Do you think he will attack us?"
21385Do you think they were attacked by natives, and driven away?
21385Do you think we shall persuade him to come with us?
21385How do you like it?
21385I say, Harry, do n''t you think we ought to save her from that?
21385I wish that the canoes were ready-- or could we not set off by land?
21385Is Houlston saved?
21385Is it Arthur Mallet he is speaking of?
21385Is it for tanning?
21385Is that where we are going?
21385It will be jolly, will it not, Arthur?
21385My cow good?
21385My friends,he exclaimed,"what is it you require?
21385Now, Harry, what do you say?
21385O Arthur will he come-- will he come?
21385O Harry, what has become of the other canoe?
21385O John, do you think he will recover?
21385Oh I what can it be?
21385Oh, what can that be?
21385Oh, you have a young chaplain with you,said the recluse;"and what pay does he receive?"
21385Shall I kill it for you, senora?
21385Surely my friends would not have wished me to remain, dishonoured or disgraced, or doomed to a felon''s death?
21385Then do you wish me to remain with you?
21385Then how comes he to be called Don Jose?
21385Then you agree with me in my notion?
21385Then you do think it is the raft?
21385Well, Harry,said Uncle James,"would you like to go back to school, or accompany John and Ellen to South America?
21385What I would you go with us?
21385What can have happened to him?
21385What do you say, Harry-- shall we go and hunt for them?
21385What induced you to do that?
21385What is it, Ellen?
21385What is it?
21385What is that?
21385What is the matter with him?
21385What is the matter?
21385What is the matter?
21385What is your name?
21385What must we do?
21385What shall we do?
21385What shall we tell her?
21385What will you like to be called, old fellow? 21385 What, my young friends,"he exclaimed,"brought you here?
21385What, then, do you mean to do, father?
21385Where can it come from?
21385Where has it gone?
21385Where is he then, Arthur?
21385Where is my boy?
21385Which way shall we turn-- up or down the stream?
21385Who are you?
21385Who goes there?
21385Who is for a race?
21385Why not take him to the recluse?
21385Why, what can that be?
21385Why, where is the raft?
21385Will he die? 21385 Will you become a good fellow and treat the little chaps properly, or will you spend the night out here?"
21385Will you promise?
21385Would it not be better to get our guns ready to fire?
21385Would it not be better to go ourselves?
21385You do not know what dangers they may be exposed to; and suppose we were surprised and killed by the enemy, what would become of them?
21385You hear that, Houlston?
21385You promise, on your word of honour,said Tony;"and you will not go and complain of us?
21385You will find poor Arthur? 21385 You will not go back, then, and live in the woods by yourself, my dear father?"
21385And what has happened to the poor Indian?
21385And your sister-- is she safe?"
21385At last we heard him say,"What is it you want?"
21385But how did you get back?"
21385But look there, master; what is that light on shore?
21385But what had become of them?
21385But what had become of them?
21385Could it proceed from Houlston?
21385Could you not manage to come down?"
21385Did I say my prayers?
21385Do not you think we had better wait till I get into your class, or rather higher still?"
21385Do you seek the blood of these white people?
21385Had the Indians been there-- or had Ellen and her attendants fled?
21385Had they been seized and carried off to Quito, or had they made their escape?
21385Has anything happened to him?"
21385Have you been attacked again by the Majeronas?"
21385Have you come off to me in the canoe?"
21385How can I describe it?
21385How had he not before been seen by us?
21385I am sure that he will promise what we ask-- won''t you, Houlston?"
21385I have got a prime one which beats all those of the fellows in my class; or will you go shares in a pair of leather reins?"
21385I say, Harry, do n''t you think that will be a capital name?"
21385If the Indians had come, where had they carried our sister, and what had they done with her?
21385Is there no way by which your friends can escape by the other end of the igarape?"
21385It was a human being; and if so, who else but Arthur?
21385Presently I heard a voice at no great distance exclaiming,"What is that?
21385Shall we ask him?"
21385Still, how could they escape alone?
21385The animals must take care of themselves.--Domingos, are you ready?"
21385The canoe had disappeared, and where was Arthur?
21385The point to be settled is, how are we to carry out that plan?"
21385Then what would become of poor dear Ellen?
21385True, pressing his head against me, looked up affectionately in my face, as much as to ask,"What are we to do next, master?"
21385Were we to wait for the return of the owner, or go back to our settlement?
21385What can have happened?"
21385What can man want more?
21385What can we do for him?"
21385What is your opinion, Harry?"
21385What were we to do?
21385What will that benefit you?
21385What would become of us during the long, dreary night?
21385Where have you come from?"
21385Who is there?"
21385Will he die?"
21385Will you have a hoop?
21385Would it not be wise to go there in the canoe; you and Duppo, for instance, and leave John and I to assist these people?"
21385Would you like to go and see them at once?"
21385Yet, how could he have escaped?
21385and where the bait?"
21385can it be them?"
21385cried Arthur,"what is the matter with my foot?
21385have you not brought back the canoe?
21385is it you?"
21385what has happened?"
21385what is that speck out there towards the other side?"
21385what is that?"
21385what, do you speak English?"
21385what, do you speak English?"
21385who can those be?"
21385why is Arthur not with you?