
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A36389s.n.,[ London?
A80764Is this Christianity to your Brethren, to leave them sick and wounded, with my Judgments?
A76695If thy conscience accuse thee, what peace canst thou have?
A64256O Revolted and Back- sliden Nation; whither art thou gone already?
A64256What do you think by dishonouring Me, to honour your King?
A64256and whither wilt thou run, if thou be suffered to go on?
A64256who shall hinder us from filling our selves with all manner of delights?
A91831How often have you perverted the right way of the Lord?
A91831how have you caused his servants and messengers to be shamefully intreated for declaring unto you his truth in most parts of the Nation?
A91831what will you do when the Lord requires his flock at your hands?
A91831ye seed of evil- doers; How can you escape the damnation of Hell?
A36273whom seekest thou?
A36273you Priests, Rulers and Persecutors, that are risen up against the People of God in these times, how have you appeared against the Law and the Gospel?
A42011How is Justice fallen in the Streets, and Equity hath no place?
A42011did ever a Nation Sin against the Lord as this Nation?
A42011for you turn your backs on the Temple of the Lord, and you Worship the Sun towards the East; will not the Lord be avenged on such a People?
A42011or hath the like Mercies been bestowed upon any People, as the People of this Land?
A42011the Indignation of the Lord is kindled, and by your Abominations he is highly provoked( for, is not in thee O Nation found the greatest Abominations?)
A42011would you limit the Lord, or his good Spirit in his People, that they should not be led thereby?
A28348do not you remember when you were like to dye, and what you promised then?
A28348where shall we go?
A45380And knowst thou, O man, what ere thou be, how soone the Lord may take thy wealth from thée, or thée from it?
A45380May not the Lord say so to our Nation?
A45380Was sin ever at a greater height then it is now at this time in our Land?
A45380What fashiō ● is there invented every day, to fulfil ye pride of this nation?
A45380did you ever sée or hear, that pride was ever grown to ye height in Town& City, as''t is now?
A45380what Nation under ye sun doth more abound in iniquity thē we do,& especially now of late times?
A77422And why should we be offended at warres amongst men, when there are daily and continual Conflicts between the Elements themselves?
A77422But what shall be said to the Captain of the Nations, or to the Angell destroying Edom and Babylon?
A77422For why?
A77422Hast thou not heard of the valiant Angles, of barbarous Neustria, of yonder terrible Picts thy perfidious enemies?
A77422Knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the end?
A77422Laugh''st thou, O King?
A77422O thou sower of discord, and Captain of iniquity, how long wilt thou delight to murther, spoil and pursue the distressed?
A77422Or what people shall be parts and members thereof?
A77422Rides, O Rex?
A77422Who then must be Lord of this Monarchy?
A77422what black seas of darknesse, and rivers of bloud pursue after it?
A666837. Who are thou, O great Mountain, before Zerubbahel?
A66683And the Angel said to Zechariah, Knowest thou not what these be?
A66683And therefore Stephen told the Jewes, That though they had received the Law by the hand of Angels, yet they had not kept it: and why?
A66683And what is this Heaven?
A66683And what''s the reason?
A66683But how are the Witnesses slain?
A66683But whom do they slay?
A66683Therefore when the question was asked by one Angel in Daniels Vision: How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
A66683Thirdly, consider, how doe these Angels slay, the third part of men?
A66683thou shalt become plain; that is, who art thou, O great wisdome and powers of the flesh, and darknesse before Christ my Sonne?
A66683who is able to make warre with him?
A17001And now they comment best vpon this place: asking where was our Church; before M. Lutheres tyme?
A17001And the Angell said to mee: why doest thou marueile?
A17001And what would al that war, now 40. yeares yeeld in blood of Papistes: going withall to eternall destruction?
A17001And, what an infinite masse of money; and millions of men hath Netherland consumed to him?
A17001Before the consecration he was King; after, Emperor: whence then hath he his Empire, but from the Pope?
A17001For, Gods worke must needes bee perfect: and who can adde to that which he hath done?
A17001How died Popes?
A17001I will aske where was it not?
A17001Say not in thine heart, who can goe vp into heauē, for to bring Christ downe: or, who can goe to the deepe to bring Christ from the dead?
A17001So here it is sayd, who can warre with the beast?
A17001The father saith, what wilt thou make man?
A17001Vnde igitur habet imperium, nisi a Papa?
A17001When the Pope contemneth a thousand times better learned then himselfe: how can hee looke to escape the wrath of God?
A17001Who can warre with him?
A28133What is all the World before him, who is Judge of Judges, and King of Kings?
A28133and are you not all brethren, and all under the Government of one King?
A28133and did he not compass him about with Strength and Power, and gave him Favour in the sight of the People?
A28133and is he not the same God still?
A28133call to mind the years past, how pretious and fresh was the Love of the Lord in your hearts, when he first visited you in this City?
A28133can we forget or refuse such glorious Benefits, which we have received from the God of our Life, in our Meetings together?
A28133could you not have laid down your Lives for his Truth?
A28133did not he cause Abraham to leave the Land of his Nativity, and go into a strange Land?
A28133did you think any thing to dear for him?
A28133do you think that the Lord is such a one as your selves?
A28133do you think to overcome us or make us yeeld by keeping them in Prison, which you think are our Teachers, and Ring- leaders?
A28133dost thou think to obtain Mercy from the Lord?
A28133have I not cloathed the Earth with Grasse, and the dew to descend upon it, and the softly Showers of Rain?
A28133have not I caused to distill upon thy Flowers and Vines that they might give a Fragrant Smell unto thee?
A28133have you the command of Death, or can you stay its stroke?
A28133how have thy Streets and houses been dressed with the glory of them?
A28133is not that God amongst us, who created Adam in Innocency, and Eve of the Dust of the Earth?
A28133the sins of the old world is found in thee; art thou guilty or not guilty?
A28133were you not glad when you were robbed of your Glory, and bereaved of your choicest Jewels even for the Lords sake?
A39271( thou dost it now, but canst thou help thy self?)
A392718. Who is this that cometh up from the Wildernesse leaning upon her Beloved?
A39271Alas for you, you blind guids, how doe you travaile up and downe in sorrow, and yet more is your portion still?
A39271Are they not as a great Army?
A39271Are you brought into a Wilderness, not in temporall, but spirituall things?
A39271But remember, how many yeares is it since Israels troubles were?
A39271But, who are you, O great mountaines, before the breakings forth of the Lord Jesus?
A39271Do not you see how they are increased already?
A39271Doe you see men like trees?
A39271Does the light appeare to you to be neither cleare nor darke?
A39271Give as much to a poore Prodigall, or more, than to you that have continued in your Fathers house?
A39271He makes haste, but who may abide his comming?
A39271Hearken still: You wait for a day to Reigne as you have done: You''l pay these Preachers their wags then, will you not?
A39271How did you help them forward?
A39271How did you rejoice in their afflictions?
A39271How hath thy King, O Zion, cast down thine enemies in this Kingdome?
A39271How will you like it wordlings?
A39271How will you live?
A39271London, is there no healing for you, are your wounds incurable?
A39271May not he doe with his owne what he will?
A39271O Israel, consider, is here another Gospel?
A39271O London, consider what plagues, what unseasonable weather, what want of bread hath been in thee in former years?
A39271O London, what vexatiousnesse of spirit hast thou?
A39271O sad soule consider, Is any thing too hard for God?
A39271Or, is here not a tast of the promises, prophesies, and words of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Ghrist?
A39271Returne, come, its night, and Watchmen, what thinke you of it?
A39271The Aposties did so, the people wereas cruell to them, as these can be to you, yet they lived in the world, should not you?
A39271The words will seem to thee as Tales, thou beleevest them not; yet say not, how can this thing be?
A39271This Kingdome, to whom you ought to be as Fathers, how many Stormes has past through it, and been upon it?
A39271VVAtchmen, where are you?
A39271Watchmen, come, are you for Peace?
A39271Well, Watchmen, what doe you see?
A39271What do these feeble Jews?
A39271What if you should Preach the Gospel, and trust God for a living?
A39271What will you do even like your brethren in former times, will you not?
A39271What, asleep?
A39271Where''s your Flock?
A39271Why should this offend you?
A39271Would you hear of the Spirituall Glorie, and Excellencie of the Lord Jesus?
A39271Yee Merchants of Babylon, did you thinke it possible, so great judgments should have come upon you in so little time?
A39271You corrupted ones of what degree soever; how have you despis''d the poor Saints, and scornd the excellent of the Earth?
A39271another faith, or new prophesies?
A39271the Prophets, do they live for ever, but hath not the words of his servants taken hold on you?
A39271the breakings forth of another Spirit?
A39271what a trembling heart is in the midst of thee?
A39271what complaining in thy streets?
A39271what leading into captivity?
A39271will they fortifie themselves?
A39271will they make an end in a day?
A39271will they sacrifice?
A352742. saith the Apostle, Received you the Spirit by the workes of the Law, or by the hearing of faith?
A3527429. he saith, Are all Apostles?
A352743. to sit upon this Beast?
A352744. we finde that the Prophet doth ask the Angel, What these be?
A35274And O do you not stop your breath; what though you be in Babylon?
A35274And doth what you have received from grace, worke such an effect in you, as to make you grow cold in love toward your brethren?
A35274And hath it not been even thus?
A35274And hath it not been even thus?
A35274And hath not he made war with the Saints, which kept the Commandments of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ?
A35274And have you sent horses, and arms, and provisions to the Army?
A35274And have your servants or children, or your selves in person, been actually in that warre?
A35274And how did you groan in your spirits to be delivered?
A35274And how many frequent prayers did your souls breath out, and lift up to heaven against your enemies, and for deliverance, from their yoake of bondage?
A35274And how many plots of wicked men, wherein they endeavoured the ruine of this Kingdome, hath God blasted?
A35274And the Angel said unto me wherefore didst thou marvel?
A35274And what a burden was it?
A35274And what though a great Armie should be a preparing to overcome you, as there was in July, one thousand six hundred and fourty seven?
A35274And what though some are Presbyterians and some Independents, as they are commonly distinguished?
A35274And why?
A35274Are all Prophets?
A35274Are all Teachers?
A35274But here this query may be made; May there be Prophets, Evangelists, Apostles, and Teachers, that were never ordained by the laying on of hands?
A35274But how can Saints have experience of this, but by comparing his Word and works together?
A35274But how could all the Witnesses of Christ, be said to prophesie?
A35274But it may be objected, How doth it appear that seven thousand men, or persons were so converted, by the resurrection of the Witnesses?
A35274But saies our Saviour at the eighth verse, Neverthelesse, when the Sonne of man cometh, shall he finde faith on earth?
A35274But the Prophet at the 12 verse, is said again to ask the Angel, What the Olive- branches are?
A35274But thirdly, If the Question be, What the seven heads of the Beast are?
A35274But thirdly, Is it so, that it is a blessed thing to reade and hear the Word, so as to keep it?
A35274Doe you desire to presse forward toward perfection, that you may not be as children, carried about with every winde of doctrine?
A35274Doe you not know, that it is not for your merits that you have more then him, but it was from grace, from free favour that you have it?
A35274First, Is it so that when God setteth instruments about a work which he will have done, that they must, and shall effect it?
A35274Hath God delivered any of the chief actours of this unnaturall, bloudy warre into your hands?
A35274Hath he not said himself was the head of the Church, and that he could forgive sins, with many other blasphemies?
A35274Hath not the Beast, and all his adherents been as dry trees, and have they not continued to be so, without ever obtaining a drop of spirituall grace?
A35274Have not they been the only ones with whom he hath made war?
A35274Have they not been as the dry ground, obdurate and hardened in their hellish waies?
A35274Have you contributed to the maintenance of the warre in England and Ireland, by lending plate, and disbursing money?
A35274How shall they believe in him, of whom they have not heard?
A35274How would your spirits at the apprehension hereof, have been filled with joy?
A35274Must it not be some great and mighty Potentate?
A35274Now doe you desire to be edified?
A35274Now how precious is light, to them that are continually in a sensible darknesse?
A35274Now therefore, you that were active in that quarrel of the Beast, how doth it concern you to renounce what you have done therein?
A35274Now would we know, what is here meant by water and flouds?
A35274Saints doe you desire to have flesh subdued?
A35274Secondly, Doth the Lord reveal his secrets unto his servants?
A35274Secondly, Is this book of the Revelation, the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ?
A35274The Lion hath roared, Who will not fear?
A35274The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesie?
A35274Thirdly, Is it so, That this Book of the Revelation is the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ?
A35274This passage gives a most clear answer to the question, What is it to prophesie?
A35274This was the primitive Saints confidence, and what Saint hath not this confidence now, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us?
A35274We see John cals it so, and why may not we?
A35274What a grief was it to you to see precious Saints cruelly, and ridgedly dealt with, by the enemies of Iesus Christ?
A35274What a weaknesse is this in you thus to doe?
A35274What cause have Saints now to admire, and extoll that rich Grace of God, that is extended to them herein?
A35274What is the man that James saith shall be blessed?
A35274Who is able to make war with him?
A35274Who is able to make warre with him?
A35274Who is the spouse, the bride that is adorned for her husband Jesus Christ, but his Saints?
A35274Who must doe thus?
A35274opened these mysteries, now the meaning of them is more apparent: So that, First, If it be queried, What is the Beast?
A5131115. v. 4. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name?
A513118. Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ?
A51311And indeed what Protestant writer before Grotius, ever expounded that Prophecy of any other than the Pope?
A51311And is not this a clipping of his Wings indeed, who was soaring before above the Clouds?
A51311And is not this a mouth speaking great things indeed?
A51311And where is it foretold, especially expresly, if not here?
A51311And who can say that the space of about four years is more than competent, or superfluous?
A51311But how can we help it in the Literal sense, if we will interpret with constancy and coherency?
A51311But is there nothing in Antichrist that answers this presumption in Antiochus his standing up against the Prince of Princes?
A51311But methinks I hear you say, if these be not sure Symptomes of it, what I beseech you are?
A51311But that this should be in the Church of God either Iew or Christian, whose hair would not stand on end at so horrid and detestable a spectacle?
A51311But you will say, how is this fulfilled in Antichrist or the Pope?
A51311Concerning the taking of it away, how long will that condition last?
A51311For how can they excuse themselves from treachery against the Kingdome of Christ by thus listing themselves amongst the slaves of Antichrist?
A51311For how can we be said to know what we are not assured of that it is true?
A51311For was this Roman Army any thing more suae spontis in, that they had not a Kingly Government at Rome?
A51311For where can we find it but amongst those many Horns in the Roman Kingdome or Empire?
A51311For who could endure that two carcases should lye stinking in the streets of the City suppose 1260 days or three years and an half?
A51311Has Sense?
A51311How can we return like a dog to his vomit?
A51311How easily then and naturally, or rather necessarily, does this Description of the Church of Laodicea fall upon the last Interval?
A51311How long O Lord Holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth?
A51311How long shall it be to the end of these wonders, that is, How long shall these wonderfull things that have been here foretold continue?
A51311If a person of his quality went so far in reproach to the God of Israel, what would others of less sagacity and morality blurt out?
A51311Into how deep a sopor therefore or lethargy is their wit and judgment cast whom twenty Arguments of like nature will not awake?
A51311Is not this great Babylon that I have built, by the might of my Power, and for the honour of my Majesty?
A51311Is the vote of Primitive antiquity of any value?
A51311May we take the Members of Christ and make them the members of an Harlot?
A51311The Hebrew has it 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, What the latter part of those?
A51311What Aegyptian darkness and blindness will Prejudice and Interest cast men into, that can entertain such impossible conceits as these?
A51311What Victories or Dominion did the Church in Thyatira in Asia get over the Nations more than other Churches?
A51311What can be more easy or plain?
A51311What can be more significant of Nebuchadnezzar''s Case than this?
A51311What greater or more Authentick testimony for this way of interpreting can be desired?
A51311What is this but to succeed in place of him, as the Heads of one and the same Empire?
A51311What palpable Hypocrisie is this, as if it were tempting the Lord to do as he commanded him?
A51311What peculiar thing then in this Church of Pergamus is there to require this Description?
A51311What shall be the end of these things?
A51311What then, is the Beast destroyed and the little Horn escape punishment?
A51311What think you of the Emperour?
A51311Where think you does Grotius take shelter now?
A51311Where to the Prophet asking, what are these my Lord?
A51311Which ordering of them who can be so stupid as not to acknowledg to be done by design?
A51311Why might not other Churches be attacqued by them, and also discover them, as well as the Church of Ephesus?
A51311Why should this be said to the Church of Philadelphia more than to any other of the Churches here specified?
A51311a vomit cast out as nauseous to all that is sound or sacred in the faculties of a man?
A51311be said to be written?
A51311common Reason?
A51311have such serious Testimonies any force with them?
A51311or the Times of the Reign of Antichrist?
A51311shall Tribulation, or Distress, or Persecution, or Famine, or Nakedness, or Peril, or Sword?
A51311the Rudiments of Logick?
A51311the Successours of Ptolemaeus Lagi and of Seleucus be Heads likewise of the Greek Empire?
A51311the sound Principles of Philosophy any weight with them?
A51311to a vomit cast out and lying so long time cold and sour in the dirt and mire?
A51311what reason in the Letter can be given of that?
A51311whether Times, or things transacted in those Times?
A74677And if these tokens do not prove Our fall draws on, unless we do amend?
A74677And shal my Soul turn coward, ● ear and flie?
A74677And shalt thou see?
A74677And that my soul i''th end shall sure exult, Although the way seem somewhat difficult?
A74677And therein dwel I in thee, thou in me?
A74677And what so scornfully, scoff ● ing Cham so bold?
A74677And what''s his price?
A74677And, why shouldst thou a sp''rit invisible, Be pleas''d with things both gross and visible?
A74677But Lord, it may be thou maist say to me, Alas, poor soul, wouldst thou my beauty see?
A74677But here this one objection may accrew, How it may come to pass, a pearl should shew And represent this Man- God Christ our King?
A74677But what am I, that me thou should''st believe?
A74677But what sayes Rome to this?
A74677Can height or depth, things present, things to come?
A74677Can kingly favours, wealth or dignity?
A74677Can worldly pleasures, pleasant unto some?
A74677Could any valiant Ioshua, think you, chuse But enter combat with the proudest Foe?
A74677For why?
A74677For, in what Hath any Church a pow''r, if not in that VVhich is indifferent?
A74677For, what ● s this world?
A74677Give me( O Lord) a voice angelicall, With Heart unfeigned on thee thus to call: How long( O Lord) how long wilt thou delay?
A74677How long, O Lord, how long wilt thou prolong, Thy wrath ● appeale and ease me, from among These d ● death- threatning dangers?
A74677How many dreadfull Meteors, have there been In this our Climate, lately heard and seen?
A74677How may the King and people take the same, I shall in the open streets defame So great a City?
A74677How oft hast thou been my souls meditation?
A74677How oft have I been ravisht with desire, That unto thee my soul might once aspire?
A74677How oft have I been scorn''d and vili- pended Earths most unpleasant pleasures quickly ended?
A74677How oft have I thee view''d with admiration?
A74677How oft, the touch, Of famine have we had?
A74677How often have we seen prodigious lights, O''respread the face of heav''n in moonless nights?
A74677How shall I then Be hopeful of reclaiming other men?
A74677How should my soul thy prayses due record?
A74677I Se the Storm a comming, whether shall I Seek Covert in the Mountain, or the Valley?
A74677If I shall, the Lord commanded me, Then, they perhaps will answer, What is he?
A74677In seeking what their knowledg doth exceed?
A74677In strains which man shall never apprehend?
A74677In strange Chymera''s, and fantastick notions, That neither stir us up to good devotions, Nor mend our manners?
A74677In what age, to fore did hear So many, who did Saints and Scars appear, Fall( as it were) from heav''n?
A74677Is''t not most strong, invincible, durable?
A74677Leave, leave your wanton toyes, and let alone Apollo sporting at his Helicon: Let Vulcan deale with Venus, what''s to thee?
A74677Lord Jesus come, come quickly, do not stay; Make hast and tarry not, I thee intreat, And draw my soul from earth to heavenly seat, For why?
A74677O when shal I come and appear in sight Of thee, the S ● n of righteousness most bright?
A74677Of evill customes many are we see Insinuated, and so strict are we To keep them, that we sottishly deny To leave them, for what more would edifie?
A74677Oh then, my soul, what pleasure infinite?
A74677Oh what an Ocean of most sweet delight?
A74677Or unto what I tel, credit give?
A74677Or who hath heard Of greater eathquakes, than hath lately scar''d These quarters of the world?
A74677Or who should be The Judge what is indifferent, if not she?
A74677Or, in what I pray VVil men the Church authority obey, If not in such like things?
A74677Shal fear of death my Christian- courage quell, Since my sure ground than his, is much more firm, And death to me is but my sorrows term?
A74677Shal not my soul controle that enemy?
A74677Shal then his Pagan- courage mine excel?
A74677Shall Merchants venture both lives and goods, For wealth& pelf through th''Oceans dangrous floods?
A74677That day of gladness never to decay, That day of Jubile when all are glad, That day when all rejoyce, none can be sad?
A74677Treasure( sa ● d I?)
A74677VVhat impious athiest dares it untrue hold What fearfull, faultfull, or unfaithfull Cain, Doth dare this truth, deride, doubt or disdain?
A74677VVhat less, I pray, Are they then mad who fool their wits away In wheeling arguments which have no end?
A74677VVhen shall see thee in it, it in theee?
A74677What excellent rare thing are said of thee?
A74677What man is capable to comprehend, Even so great glory God wil then extend?
A74677What wilt thou say of this beatitude?
A74677When shal I leave this Wilderness of wo, Wherein my soul is tossed to and fro?
A74677When shal my soul by thine all- saving hand, Be led with joy from forth this Des ● rt Land?
A74677Who could with vile pusillanimity, So free a Conquest coward like deny?
A74677Who knoweth not that but a while ago A great Eclipse did threat, if not foreshow Gods Judgements?
A74677Who then( I say) what''s he would be so base, As not this proffer gladlie to imbrace?
A74677Why shouldst thou pin thy thoughts on mortal things Who art immortal from the King of Kings?
A74677Why then my soul, shouldst thou to the earth be thral, Which hast a heav''nly blest Original?
A74677Wilt thou a Princes Son, a heavenly Prince, Let Satans gilded apples thee convince?
A74677Wilt thou the Son of heav''ns all- sacred King, Offend thy father for so vile a thing?
A74677Would any David his Goliah flie?
A74677Would any Gideon such a fight refuse?
A74677Yea, shal the ship boy gladly undergo All hazards which or Sea or shore can show?
A74677Yea, what a most profound and pure abyss; Thus to behold the Lord of Lords, is this?
A74677are these That people which was Master of the Seas, And grew so mighty?
A74677how can it be?)
A74677how long shall it be said to me, Wait, wait, expect, and thou the time shalt see?
A74677must not then this City needs be stable?
A74677tel me, if thou can?
A74677when shal I see that day?
A85476Abner his skill in war?
A85476Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?
A85476And Christ saith, If any of you have a son shall ask bread, will he give him a stone?
A85476And Mahomet make cease?
A85476And do ye think that these actions before- rehearsed, will stand and bear weight in that day?
A85476And dost thou hope that now, These schisms at all shall cease; And the round world with light, As the full Moon increase, Without Elias aid?
A85476And he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
A85476And how canst thou plead thy self a Minister of the Gospel, and sue for treble Damages?
A85476And now, Souldiers, will you tell us you have regulated our Laws?
A85476And the Lord said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy Brother?
A85476And while they yet believed not, for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
A85476And why so?
A85476Are there no Prophets more?
A85476But Joash bold replies, Will ye for Idols fight?
A85476But what is the reason that the Preachers of this world, so called by many, are so bitter against truth in the inward parts?
A85476But what saith it?
A85476Can not all men see that they are in darkness?
A85476Can you sans tryal know Who is not surely sent?
A85476Canst thou prove that Abraham did pay Tythes out of that?
A85476DId not Elias need When''twixt Jehove and The doubtful Jews did half?
A85476DId not King Ahab so, And with him that abus''d His Prince with tales, and false, Micaiah just accus''d?
A85476Did not Elias call Men from their crooked ways, And for the Lord prepare; Before himself appear''d His Gospel to declare?
A85476Do all else go amiss?
A85476Do not with Jehu''s friends, If in your sight appear( As will) a Prophet, ask, What makes this mad- man here?
A85476Do they think the Lord God, who hath an all- seeing eye, doth not know their hypocrisie, and will repay their deceit upon their own heads?
A85476Do you follow the Rule that Christ commandeth, To do unto all men, as you would that all men should do unto you?
A85476Dog Doegs villanies?
A85476Dost thou believe?
A85476IF men these Prophecies Judge as to sense they seem, How can they feasibly Such uncouth wonders deem?
A85476If after the manner of men( saith Paul) I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not?
A85476Is all the learning his?
A85476Is not the fruits of their hearers clean contrary?
A85476Is not this a grand Impudence?
A85476Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
A85476Know you not that Christ is in you, except you be Reprobates?
A85476LEt us this Jeremie How to supplant devise,( Said the rash Jews) for sure All that he tells are lies: Is no man wise but he?
A85476Michal shall be his friend, And so shall all the best; And above all his choice, VVhat cares he for the rest?
A85476Now doth not most Professors look back?
A85476Now let the Priests be tried, do they know the voice of the Lord?
A85476Now some may say, What is it for a man to live in the Kingdom of Hell, Devil, or Darkness?
A85476Now the soul being of so great worth, that Christ said, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and to loose his soul?
A85476O turn ye, turn ye: for why will ye die, ye house of Israel?
A85476Or art thou in doubt?
A85476Shall sacred Prophesies In Schools or Cells be pent?
A85476The Ziphims treachery?
A85476Then lend thy helping hand: Dar''st thou deny?
A85476Therefore turn ye, turn ye: for why will you die, O house of Israel?
A85476Thou vain man, what can deceive Antichrist?
A85476VVhat weighs he Nabals scorn?
A85476VVhen David offered His service to his King, VVhat a loud peal did then His eldest brother ring?
A85476VVilt thou the winds forbid To blow where they are sent?
A85476WHat hast thou to do to take the Name of the Lord in thy mouth, seeing thou hatest to be reformed?
A85476What do you mean by Divine Power?
A85476What is it for a man to live in the Kingdom of Heaven within you?
A85476What is the Kingdom of Heaven, or of Christ?
A85476Who shall restore our peace?
A85476Who shall the Jews convert?
A85476Who shall the Pope subvert?
A85476and can the light of the World, Christ Jesus, can he delude them?
A85476and doth not this cry for Vengeance against such a Generation as this is, that the Poor, the Fatherless, the Widow, hath little or no right done him?
A85476and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
A85476and what will become of them then?
A85476are not these led by the Prince of Darkness, that ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience?
A85476can any hide himself in secret places, that I shall not see him, saith the Lord?
A85476can you streight know What God in heaven hath meant?
A85476do not I fill heaven and earth, saith the Lord?
A85476do they do the works God, or are they not doing the works of the devil?
A85476do they not deny, and say, Revelation is ceased, and teach men can not be freed from sin while they live, and teach people to die in their sin?
A85476for Judgement is already begun at the house of God: And if the Righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear?
A85476for know you not that the Kingdom of heaven is within you?
A85476how long shall this be in the hearts of the Prophets that prophesie lies?
A85476or if he shall ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
A85476or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
A85476that is, to bring Christ down from above; or who shall ascend into the deep?
A85476what can deceive a Drunkard, a Whoremonger, an unclean Swearer, Lyer, Covetous man, who is an Idolater?
A85476what hath not ear heard?