
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
43691Now Jemmy Catnach''s gone to prison, And what''s he gone to prison for? 43691 What hast here?
43691Yes; but how about to- morrow?
43691_ Non mi recordo._What countryman are you-- a foreigner or an Englishman?
43691A cloud fell upon Seven Dials; dread and terror chilled her many minstrels: and why-- and wherefore?
43691And says,''So you are still selling songs, eh?''
43691BUTCHER.--Well, Mr. Mackerel, pray let me ask you how you come to show your impudent face among those who do n''t want to see you or any of your crew?
43691Burned the stars clearly, tranquilly in heaven,--or shot they madly across Primrose- hill, the Middlesex Parnassus?
43691Did no friendly god give warning to the native son of song?
43691How do I live then?
43691How long have I been at it?
43691How many do I sell in a day?
43691How old am I now?
43691I always paid for what I had, and did not say much to him, or he to me-- Writing the life of him, are you indeed?
43691I''m a tough true- hearted sailor, Careless and all that, d''ye see, Never at the times a railer-- What is time or tide to me?
43691Not old enough?
43691Pussy- cat, pussy- cat, what did you there?
43691Says E, I''ll eat it fast, who will?
43691Then it was Mr. John Morgan suddenly recollected that he could not pass his old friend Short-- who was Short?
43691Thurtell laid to him,"Do you think, Mr Wilson, I have got enough fall?"
43691To our question of"Have you got any real old''cocks''by you?"
43691What''s the poor to me?
43691Where is the gentleman?
43691Where was the gentleman who wrote him the letter?
43691Who before ever saw a dog smoking tobacco?
43691Who caught his blood?
43691Who made his shroud?
43691Who pulled her out?
43691Who put her in?
43691Who saw him die?
43691Who will carry the link?
43691Who''ll be the Parson?
43691Who''ll be the clerk?
43691Who''ll carry the coffin?
43691[ Illustration:"The gallows does well: But how does it well?
43691[ Illustration] I''m going to my_ grandmamma''s_, She is not very well, With cake and pot of butter; Says_ Wolf_ where does she dwell?
43691[ Illustration] Pussy- Cat, pussy- cat, where have you been?
43691[ Illustration] See- saw, sacradown, Which is the way to London town?
43691[ Illustration] Who are you?
43691[ Illustration] Who kill''d Cock Robin?
43691dear no-- He''s never got any change but he''s always got an old account, do you see?
43691descend and say, did no omen tell the coming of the fall?
43691my poor dog, she cried, oh, what shall I do?
43691what will avail then?
43691where dost thou hide?