
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
1722214.23][ Footnote 141: What is Christ''s Church?
172226.14][ Footnote 125: What is Christ''s Church?
17222And would he not have baptized his apostles in this way?
17222And, are they better observed under two sacraments than they are by the Quakers, and some other Christians who have none?
17222Angels said to his disciples: Why stand ye gazing up into Heaven?
17222Can any Christian doubt which baptism remains to us?
17222Did he not baptize those few with water for the same pacific purpose, or did he not at first receive full light upon this subject?
17222Does it not answer more nearly the description given of Mystery Babylon who was drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus?
17222Has it improved since that early day, or is the gall of bitterness less pungent, or has the sight of God become dimmed?
17222Is it not Jesus who was made a priest,"not after the law of a carnal commandment, but by the power of an endless life?
17222Is it not plainly because there was no such command?
17222On page 61,"brethern"was corrected to"world- wide brethern?"
17222Shall we keep the law of Moses, circumcise our children and baptize with water, because Jesus sanctioned it in Judea?
17222Shall we sell our lands, live in common, frequent Jewish temples and break bread daily from house to house?
17222Were not these dissenting martyrs a remnant or seed of the living church and their baptized enemies the real heretics?
17222What dispenser of water baptism could give such thanks in this day?
17222What is the testimony of observation in our day?
17222What shall we say?
17222When did man first presume to baptize with water, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
17222Which baptism had ended?
17222Which remains?
17222Who would not gladly forget a succession which claims to run back through such a church as this?
17222With such Jewish proclivities how could they at once abandon water baptism?
17222[ 127] Simon the Sorcerer was baptized presumably with water; was he born again?
17222[ 194] How could they abandon that time- honored law of Moses and their fathers and at once embrace Christianity in its fulness?
17222[ 229] Who-- we ask-- is this priest without the tonsure, who daily visits the world- wide brethern?
17222[ 37] When was Christ''s command first quoted as authority for water baptism?
17222[ 43] Is it not a mere evasion of the gospel truth here and elsewhere inculcated, that Christ gave no commission to baptize with water?
17222[ 88] If in these gospel days we were to have been baptized with water, would not Joel have prophesied of water as well as of Spirit?
17222[ 89] Would not our Saviour at some time have intimated that water baptism should be continued and have given some instructions about it?
36732Ai n''t nine old enough?
36732And then you''ll be a missionary wo n''t you?
36732Are you sure He''d forgive you?
36732Are you sure, Bessie, you realize what you''re doing?
36732Caoutchouc, is it, teacher?
36732Children, are you ready for Sunday school? 36732 Could I?"
36732Did n''t any body coax you to join the church?
36732Do you realize a change of heart?
36732Do you want to know, Charlie, how you can tell if you can be a missionary when you are a man?
36732Do your parents have family worship?
36732He does? 36732 How did you learn to give that for the reason?"
36732How do you know that you love Jesus?
36732How does it come you did not want to wait till you grew up, like many others do?
36732How does it seem?
36732How long did you want to join the church before last summer?
36732How often do you pray?
36732How old are you, Bessie?
36732How old must one be first?
36732I think so, do n''t you?
36732Must I do something bad before I can join the church?
36732Now, then, are you happy, Bessie?
36732Papa,she continued"why do you stay here with me?
36732Papa,she said"why do n''t you have the door open in Charlie''s room?
36732Poor little fellow, what do you think I had better tell him?
36732Suppose at school some of the other scholars tease you, then what?
36732Suppose sometime you should sin, then what?
36732Suppose the church should ask you to do something you did not want to do?
36732Then is it any use to study so hard to get a good education?
36732We can all do something, then, ca n''t we? 36732 Well, but, am I old enough?"
36732Well, mamma,he said,"I would like to be a Christian, ca n''t I?
36732Well, then why did n''t we send lots of missionaries fifty years ago? 36732 Well, why do n''t you tell me, Charlie?
36732Were there heathen fifty years ago?
36732What about, Bessie?
36732What are you going to do when you grow up?
36732What did you want to be baptized for?
36732What do you say about it, papa?
36732What does it mean to be under conviction?
36732What must I do?
36732What part do_ you_ take?
36732What part of the Bible do you like the best?
36732What things?
36732When were you baptized?
36732Who made you?
36732Why so, Earl?
36732Why, my dear boy,said his mamma,"you can enjoy it anyhow, ca n''t you?"
36732Yes, and then, papa, what wrong has he done?
36732A wagon going by, the man called out,"Charlie, what are you doing?"
36732After he had set the bucket of water on the table he said,"What do you think I was thinking about when I was hunting for that five cents?"
36732But I could, for Jesus helps, do n''t He?"
36732But what is to be done with the children?
36732Did Christ not die for them?
36732Does an education make a person good?"
36732Does it scare you?"
36732Does"all the world"exclude children?
36732Is the church not for them?
36732Mamma, why do n''t we have family worship, anyhow?"
36732On the way home one Sunday night Charlie broke the monotonous rumble of the carriage by asking,"Mamma, do you think I''d be saved if I''d die?"
36732Other members do, do n''t they?"
36732What does"come"mean, when the Savior says"Suffer the children to come unto me, and forbid them not"?
36732What does"in"signify, in"bringing up children in the Lord?"
36732What would your papa and I do?"
36732When did he say so?"
36732Which is stronger,--the chestnut tree or the little chestnut?"
36732While they were eating, Charlie said,"Do you think, mamma, I can get up head this afternoon?
36732Will He forgive me, mamma, and will you?"
36732Wo n''t you ask papa?
36732You know what development means?"
36732and what is the meaning of those last three words?