
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
47028Bent, Arthur ClevelandLife Histories of North American Shore Birds, Part 1 (of 2)nan19762810119nan./cache/47028.txt./txt/47028.txt
13004Burgess, GelettMore Goops and How Not to Be Them: A Manual of Manners for Impolite Infantsnan3618597nan./cache/13004.txt./txt/13004.txt
40802Casteel, Dana BrackenridgeThe Behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen Collectionnan13045650nan./cache/40802.txt./txt/40802.txt
38959Douglas, Charles L.Comparative Ecology of Pinyon Mice and Deer Mice in Mesa Verde National Park, Coloradonan367872688nan./cache/38959.txt./txt/38959.txt
18350Fabre, Jean-HenriSocial Life in the Insect Worldnan921295164nan./cache/18350.txt./txt/18350.txt
19915Hoffmann, HeinrichSlovenly Betsynan2622334nan./cache/19915.txt./txt/19915.txt
12116Hoffmann, HeinrichStruwwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny Picturesnan2448289nan./cache/12116.txt./txt/12116.txt
42559Mills, Enos A.The Story of Scotchnan8515541nan./cache/42559.txt./txt/42559.txt
9648PansyTip Lewis and His Lampnan512533421nan./cache/9648.txt./txt/9648.txt
37595Ream, Robert R.Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesotanan301092500nan./cache/37595.txt./txt/37595.txt
45496Rennie, JamesInsect Architecturenan1368075769nan./cache/45496.txt./txt/45496.txt
32811Sinclair, CatherineHoliday House: A Series of Talesnan797453644nan./cache/32811.txt./txt/32811.txt