This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
1923 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Poisoned Pen | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
5054 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Dream Doctor | nan | 96548.0 | 6667.0 | nan | ./cache/5054.txt | ./txt/5054.txt |
5270 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Film Mystery | nan | 80054.0 | 6267.0 | nan | ./cache/5270.txt | ./txt/5270.txt |
5073 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The War Terror | nan | 97961.0 | 7110.0 | nan | ./cache/5073.txt | ./txt/5073.txt |
5007 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Poisoned Pen | nan | 104932.0 | 7147.0 | nan | ./cache/5007.txt | ./txt/5007.txt |
5087 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Treasure-Train | nan | 88308.0 | 6817.0 | nan | ./cache/5087.txt | ./txt/5087.txt |
5094 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine" | nan | 88091.0 | 7077.0 | nan | ./cache/5094.txt | ./txt/5094.txt |
5150 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Ear in the Wall | nan | 81790.0 | 5705.0 | nan | ./cache/5150.txt | ./txt/5150.txt |
5151 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Exploits of Elaine | nan | 75227.0 | 6424.0 | nan | ./cache/5151.txt | ./txt/5151.txt |
5149 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | Gold of the Gods | nan | 68992.0 | 5374.0 | nan | ./cache/5149.txt | ./txt/5149.txt |
33466 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Social Gangster | nan | 87437.0 | 6208.0 | nan | ./cache/33466.txt | ./txt/33466.txt |
56902 | Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) | The Soul Scar: A Craig Kennedy Scientific Mystery Novel | nan | 70779.0 | 6017.0 | nan | ./cache/56902.txt | ./txt/56902.txt |